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Title | Liber chronicarum. | Translate |
Author | Schedel, Hartmann, | Translate |
Type | Book | Translate |
Imprint | Neurenberg : Anton Koberger, voor Sebald Schreyer en Sebastian Kammermeister | Translate |
Year | 12 juli 1493 | Translate |
Technique | houtsneden. | Translate |
Size | in-2. | Translate |
Annotation | Colofon vermeldt: Ad intuitum autem & preces providorum civium Sebaldi Schreyer & Sebastiani Kamermaister hunc librum ... impressit ... Varianten staan in W.B. Todd, The Book Collector, 1964, pp. 497-498. Zie: A. Wilson, The making of the Nuremberg Chronicle, 1976. Met houtsneden van Wohlgemut, Pleydenwurff en Albrecht Dürer. 2 kaarten in houtsnede. Full-text Microfiche: Incunabula: The Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500, Unit 3 -Image of the World: Geography and Cosmology, GC 118. Full-text Microfiche: Incunabula: The Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500, Unit 5 -Chronicles and Historiography Part II, CH 80 (Research Publications (Primary Source Media) Reading, 1993, 1994). HC 14508*; Klebs 889.1; Schr 5203; Schramm XVII, GW 40784 p. 9; Polain(B) 3469; IDL 4060; IGI 8828; IBP 4941; Pell Ms 10351 = 10352; CIBN S-161; Hillard 1814; Girard 395; Sajó-Soltész 3039; IBE 5179; Coll(U) 1335; Coll(S) 964; Campbell(Maps) 219-220; Madsen 3632, 3633, 3634, T66, T67, T68, T69; Oates 1026, 1027, 1028, 1029; Sheppard 1520-1521; Rhodes(Oxford Colleges) 1595; Pr 2084; BMC II 437; Holtrop BRH II 575, RL; GW 40784 | Translate |
Location | Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht | Translate |
Call number | MAG: S fol 1 (Rariora) | Translate |
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