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TitleCommentarii in sextum Decretalium Translate
AuthorGiovanni da San Geminiano.Translate
Techniquedecorated initials Translate
Size397 x 287 and 268 x 204 mm. Translate
AnnotationPreliminary title. The text is very mutilated due to water damage. Cite as: Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht Hs. 618 (Hs. 5 A 3-4). According to a note in one of the volumes, they were bequeathed to the Chapter of St. Martin (Domkapittel), Utrecht, by the Canon Anthonius Pot. P.A. Tiele, Catalogus codicum manu scriptorum Bibliothecae Universitatis Rheno-Trajectinae. I. Trajecti ad Rhenum / Hagae Comitis 1887. P. 166. J.F. von Schulte, Die Geschichte der Quellen und Literatur des canonischen Rechts. 3 dln. Graz 1956. dl. 2, P. 295. Chr. van Wijnbergen & H. Zapp, Verzeichnis kanonistischer Handschriften in den Niederlanden). Würzburg 1988. (= Forschungen zur Kirchenrechtswissenschaft 3). P. 275. A.J. de Groot & E.C.C. Coppens, Manuscripta canonistica Latina. Elenchus codicum necnon diplomatum iuris canonici ante a. 1600 in bibliothecis ac archivis neerlandicis. Nijmegen 1989. (= Rechtshistorische reeks van het Gerard Noodt Instituut 14). P. 405-406. Translate
LocationUniversiteitsbibliotheek UtrechtTranslate
Call numberHSS: Hs 5 A 4 folTranslate
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