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Title | Cavalarice, or the English horseman : contayning all the art of horse-manship, as much as is necessary for any man to understand ... together, with the discovery of the subtil trade or mystery of hors-coursers ... | Translate |
Author | Markham, Gervase, | Translate |
Type | Book | Translate |
Edition | Newly imprinted, corr. & augm., with many worthy secrets not before knowne. | Translate |
Imprint | [London] : [printed by Edw. Allde for Edward White] | Translate |
Year | 1617. | Translate |
Technique | ill. | Translate |
Size | 19 cm. | Translate |
Annotation | Dl. 2-8 met eigen titelp. en paginering, maar met doorlopende katernsignering. Eerste regel titelp. dl. 1: 16 Cavalrice, 17. Imprint: 1617. (Dl. 2-6: London printed by Edw: Allde for Edward White, and are to be sold at his shop neere the little north doore of Saint Paules Church at the signe of the Gun. 1616-1617.). Illustrations: o.m. titelbordure in houtsnede (hoogdruk / letterpress). I. Zonder deeltitel. II. Cavalarice, or the arte and knowledge belonging to the horse-ryder: how horses are to be handled, ridden, or made perfect, either for service or pleasure. III. Cavalarice, or that part of arte wherein is contayned the choise, trayning, and dyeting of hunting horses, whetherit be for pleasure or for wager. IV. Cavalarice, or the traconer, contayning the art and secrets which belong to ambling horses, and how that pace is to betaught to any horse whatsoever. V. Cavalarice, or that part of art which containeth the office of the keeper, groome of the stable, or coach-man, how horses shal be ordered both when they rest and when they journey. VI. Cavalarice, or the currier : containing the art, knowledge, and dyet of the running horse, either in trayning up, or in any great match or wager. VII. Cavalarice, or that part of art wherin is contayned the knowlege or office of the horse-farryer, with the signs and demonstrations of all manner o[f] infirmities, and the most bst approved cure for the same. VIII. Cavalarice, or that part of horse-manship discovering the subtill trade of hors-coursers. ESTC S112112 | Translate |
Location | Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht | Translate |
Call number | ODA 6097 | Translate |
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