TitleHypomnēstikon biblion Iōsēppou.Translate
Size158 x 193 (110 x 180) mm Translate
AnnotationAuthor's name Josephus is possibly a result of a misunderstanding of the title, which probably means that the work is a summary of points taken form the works of the historian Flavius Josephus. Diathēkē tōn IB patriarchōn, mentioned on title page, is missing? Note on fol. 1r: Descr. Cantabrigae a. 1706 ex Codice membranaceo 4o Bibliothecae Publicae, qui olim fuit Theodori et postea Matthaei Parkeri Archiespicuporum Cantaniensium ... Transcription of: University Library Cambridge, Manuscript 1157 (Ff. I. 24.), fol. 104v-198v. See: A catalogue of the manuscripts preserved in the library of the University of Cambridge. Volume II. Cambridge, 1857. P. 313-315. Leōn ho basileus is possibly Leo VI. Cite as: Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht 17 (Hs 1 C 7). Parchment binding. P.A. Tiele, Catalogus codicum manu scriptorum Bibliothecae Universitatis Rheno-Trajectinae. I. Trajecti ad Rhenum / Hagae Comitis 1887. p. 4. J. Moreau, 'Observations sur l'Hypomnestikon bibliou Ioseppou' [laatste drie woorden in Grieks], in: Byzantion 25-27 (1955-1957), p. 241-276. p.? (cf. {Scriptorium} 13 (1959), p. 160 nr. 219). H. Omont, 'Catalogue des manuscrits grecs des bibliothèques publiques des Pays Bas (Leyde excepté)', in: Centralblatt für Bibliothekswesen 4 (1887), p. 205-211. p. 210 nr. 53. Translate
LocationUniversiteitsbibliotheek UtrechtTranslate
Call numberHSS: Hs 1 C 7Translate
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