Imprint[Place of production not identified]Translate
Year[between 1200 and 1399].Translate
Size248 x 190 (152 x 135) mm Translate
AnnotationDating from: P.A.H. de Boer, 'Hebrew biblical manuscripts in the Netherlands'. According to P.A. Tiele, Catalogus codicum manu scriptorum Bibliothecae Universitatis Rheno-Trajectinae: 17th century. According to B. Kennicott, Vetus Testamentum Hebraicum cum variis lectionibus: late 13th century. Five scrolls arranged: Ruth, Song of Salomon, Lamentations, Esther, Ecclesiastes. No Masora's. The haftarot are mostly based on the Sephardic tradition, some with addition of verses that are not included in ordinary liturgical books. The haftarah on the parasha Haazinu is not found in this Codex. The haftaraj for the parasha Vayelech stands for that on the parasha Va'etchanan. The haftarah on the parasha Pekudei (Sephardic tradition) has an extra verse (1 Kings, VII:51), in which the word ha-melekh occurs twice, while the last four words of the verse are omitted.--Translated from P.A. Tiele, page 337. Fol. 1v-45r. Genesis -- fol. 45r-81r. Exodus -- fol. 81r-105v. Leviticus -- fol. 105v-141r. Numeri -- fol. 141r-173r. Deuteronomy -- fol. 173v-226v. Haftarot, according to the Sephardic rite -- fol. 226v-229r. Ruth -- fol. 229v-232r. Song of Salomon -- 232r-235v. Lamentations -- fol. 236r-242v. Esther -- fol. 242v-248v. Ecclesiastes. Cite as: Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht Hs. 1424 (Hs 1 C 28). Vocalized Hebrew; square regular script. 17th or 18th century blind-tooled parchment binding over pasteboards. P.A. Tiele, Catalogus codicum manu scriptorum Bibliothecae Universitatis Rheno-Trajectinae. I. Trajecti ad Rhenum / Hagae Comitis 1887. P. 337. P.A.H. de Boer, 'Hebrew biblical manuscripts in the Netherlands', in: In memoriam Paul Kahle, p. 44-52. p. 51 nr. 17. B. Kennicott, Vetus Testamentum Hebraicum cum variis lectionibus. I. Oxonii, 1776. P. 108, codex 644. Translate
LocationUniversiteitsbibliotheek UtrechtTranslate
Call numberHSS: Hs 1 C 28Translate
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