Title Cronike vanden Stichte van Utrecht ende van Hollant Translate
Author Beke, Johannes de, Translate
Type Manuscript Translate
Region Holland (Netherlands : Province) Translate
Imprint [Place of production not identified] Translate
Year [between 1600 and 1650] Translate
Size 185 x 150 (148 x 110) mm Translate
Annotation Translated from the Latin. With continuation until 1393. Dating: 1st half of 17th century. Dating is based on scripture and watermark: fleur de lys with underneath cross with letters WR in ligature. This combination of letters dates from the 17th century, according to prof. W. Hellinga and drs. S. Wartena. Leaves numbered: 1*-4*, 1-254. Folio 4* r-v is blank. Gatherings: II(4*), 5IV(40), III(46), 19(IV)198, IV-1(205) Title in on second flyleaf in modern hand, stating erroneously that content of manuscript continues until 1420. Fol. 1r-3v: Table of contents. Fol. 1r: "Dit syn die cronycken vanden stichte van Utrecht ende van Hollant. Eersame gheduchten vaderen edelen princen ende heeren haaren Johanne ..." Fol. 205v: There remain only 10 lines of the chapter on "Vrederick van Blanckenhem", 51st bishop of Utrecht, ending in this way "Want die hertoghe Willam van Ghelre hadde te wyve des hertogen Aelberts dochter van Hollant. Die hertoge Aelbert begeerde dat sy kiesen wouden here [lacuna in manuscript] frederick van blanckenhem." On inside of front cover coat of arms of the Coenen van 's Gravesloot family. On fol. 1r on top: "Van Suijlen (not in the hand of the manuscript). Underneath: "1488", perhaps written by a different hand over a different year. Cite as: Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht Hs 10 B 8. ?; Exchange 1972? The manuscript was possibly in possession of a member of the Van Zuylen family. On fol. 131r, within the phrase "Indien stryden bleve doot vrome vechters alse Steven ende frederick van Sulen", the words Steven through Sulen are underlined. Later on it was in possession of A. J. D. Coenen van 's-Gravesloot. On auction held on June 14th-16th, 2021 by R. W . P. de Vries in Amsterdam the manuscript was bought by Booktrade Kemink in Utrecht. See catalog of the auction: Veilingcatalogus, boeken van B. J. A. Bruijnesteyn ..., 14 tot 16 juni 1921, page 22, nr. 259. Acquired by Utrecht University Library by exchange. See correspondence Amsterdam, Vereniging ter Bevordering van de Belangen des Boekhandels, Sept. 18th, 1972. Pasteboard binding with parchment on back and corners. Johannes de Beke, Croniken van den Stichte van Utrecht ende van Hollant. Uitgeg. door H. Bruch. Den Haag 1982. (= Rijks Geschiedkundige Publicatiƫn, Gr. ser., 180). p. XLIV, passim ('K2'). M. Carasso-Kok, Repertorium van verhalende historische bronnen uit de middeleeuwen. Heiligenlevens, annalen, kronieken en andere in Nederland geschreven verhalende bronnen. 's-Gravenhage 1981. (= Bibliografische reeks van het Nederlands Historisch Genootschap 2). p. 319 nr. 298. J. de Beka, Croniken van den Stichte van Utrecht ende van Hollant. Uitg. door H. Bruch. 's-Gravenhage 1982. (= Rijks geschiedkundige publicatiƫn. G.S. 180). passim ('K2'). Translate
Location Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht Translate
Call number Hs 10 B 8 Translate
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