Title Commentariorum Caesaris elenchus. : De bello Gallico libri VIII., De bello civili Pompeiano libri III., De bello Alexandrino liber I., De bello Africano liber I., De bello Hispaniensi liber I. : Pictura totius Galliae, diuisae in parteis treis, secundum C. Caesaris commentarios. Pictura Pontis in Rheno. Item Auarici. Alexiae. Vxelloduni. Massiliae. Ad haec, totius quoq[ue] Hispaniae. Nomina locorum, urbiumq[ue], & populoru[m] Galliae, ut olim dicebantur latine, & nunc dicuntur Gallice, secundum ordinem aphabeti. Translate
Author Caesar, Julius, Translate
Type Book Translate
Region Gaul Translate
Imprint Basileae : in aedibus Thomae Vuolffii Translate
Place Basel Translate
Publisher Wolff, Thomas Translate
Year Anno M. XXXI. Mense Augusto. Translate
Technique illustrations, maps Translate
Size 15 cm (8vo) Translate
Annotation Year of publication erroneously stated as M. XXXI [1031]. Should be read as: M.D.XXXI. [1531] The eighth book of De bello Gallico and possibly also Bellum Alexandrinum are by Aulus Hirtius. Preliminaries contain six woodcuts: four illustrations with explication by Joannes Jucundus and two maps. Includes index (leaves 291-[326]). Printer's device on last page. Signatures: A-B⁸ a-2s⁸. Verzeichnis der im deutschen Sprachbereich erschienenen Drucke des 16. Jahrhunderts (VD 16), Index Aureliensis, C 33 128.687 Translate
Location Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht Translate
Call number X oct 185 Translate
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