Title De optimo reip. statu, deque nova insula Utopia, libellus vere aureus, nec minus salutaris quam festiuus, Translate
Author More, Thomas, Translate
Type Book Translate
Imprint Basileae : Apud Io. Frobenium Translate
Place Basel Translate
Publisher Froben, Johann Translate
Year mense Martio an. M.D. XVIII. [1518] Translate
Technique illustrations Translate
Size 21 cm (4to) Translate
Note p.68 als p.66, p.69 als p.67 Translate
Annotation Publication statement from colophon. Imprint: Apud inclytam Basileam. Each of the three parts has its own colophon, that of the first part, the Utopia, being dated March, 1518. The Epigrammata of More and Erasmus also have special title pages. Title-page borders and the illustrations on page [12] and page [25] are from designs by Hans Holbein. Originally published 1516, with title: Libellus vere aureus de optimo reip. statu, deque nova insula Utopiae. Signatures: a-s⁴, t-u⁶, x-z⁴, A-I⁴, K⁶, L-T⁴, V⁶. Adams, H.M. Catalogue of books printed on the continent of Europe, 1501-1600, in Cambridge libraries, Verzeichnis der im deutschen Sprachbereich erschienenen Drucke des 16. Jahrhunderts (VD 16), Gibson, R.W. St. Thomas More, Bezzel, I. Erasmusdrucke des 16. Jahrhunderts, M 1756 M 6299 3 912 Translate
Location Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht Translate
Call number Y qu 49 (Rariora) dl 1 Translate
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