Title De asse et partibus eius libri quinq[ue]; Translate
Author Budé, Guillaume, Translate
Type Book Translate
Edition Nuper recognítí & ã[m]plíores factí. Translate
Region Rome (Empire) Translate
Imprint [Parisiis] : Venũ[n]dã[n]tur ín ædíbus Ascẽ[n]sianís Translate
Place Paris Translate
Publisher Badius, Josse Translate
Year M.D.XXXII. [1532] Translate
Size 32 cm Translate
Annotation Date of publication taken from colophon. Colophon (leaf CCI): Fínís librí quíntí & vltímí Gulíelmí Budæí Parísieñ[sis]. a Secretís Regíís de Asse & partíbus eíus, dílígẽ[n]ter cũ[m] relíquís & recognítí & auctí. In Typographía Ascensiana ad Calend. Apríl. ad calculum Romanum M.D. XXXII. Title in black and red within woodcut border; Badius' device on title page; initials. Reprint of the 1514 edition with additions first published in 1527. With an explanation of difficult words by Jodocus Badius (leaves CCI verso-CCII). Signatures: ã⁸, a⁸-z⁸, A⁸, B¹⁰. Adams, H.M. Catalogue of books printed on the continent of Europe, 1501-1600, in Cambridge libraries, Renouard, P. Bibliographie des impressions et des œuvres de Josse Badius Ascensius, imprimeur et humaniste, 1462-1535, Index Aureliensis, B 3105 2, 234-235 (C 5) 126.700 Translate
Location Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht Translate
Call number X fol 37 dl 3 Translate
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