Title Loop, plaats, en distantie der planeten, uit den aardbol voor 't jaar 1732 Translate
Type Map Translate
Region Jupiter (Planet) Translate
Imprint [Leyden] : [Angelus Sylvius] Translate
Year [1732] Translate
Technique copper engraving Translate
Size 17 x 20 cm Translate
Annotation Geocentric representation of the course of the planets in 1732. Map shows the 'Sons weg' with Mars, Mercury and Venus, and the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn. Map also shows lunar eclipse of 1 December: "Maan Eclips 1.ste Decemb. 's Avonds, by Ons. ten etc." and: "Aardkloots Schaduw". Map also shows solar eclipse of 17 December in The Netherlands and the rest of Europe: "Son Eclips over Europa, 17. Decem[b]. Voor & na midd."; and: "dese Eclips in Holland, aldus". With motto: "Neminem Scientia Cruciat" ("Knowledge tortures no one"). Bar scale: 'Duisenden Aardkloots Middellynen'. Part of: Aurora en Vesper, dat is het lumieren des daags ... / Nicolaas Cruquius. - Haarlem, 1735? Translate
Location Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht Translate
Call number P oct 159 (Rariora) dl 12 Translate
All metadata as Marc21XML Open Marc21 XML in new window Translate