TitleDe iudiciis natiuitatum Libri Tres. : scripti à Ioanne Schonero Carolostadio, professore publico Mathematum, in celebri Germaniae Norimberga. item praefatio D. Philippi Melanthonis, in hos de Iudicijs Natiuitatum Iannis Schoneri libros.Translate
AuthorSchöner, Johann,Translate
ImprintNorimbergae : in officina Ioannis Montani & Vlrici NeuberTranslate
PublisherNeuber, UlrichTranslate
YearAnno Domini M.D.XLV. [1545]Translate
Techniqueillustrations, astrological charts and diagrams, tables Translate
Size32 cm (folio) Translate
AnnotationTitle page ornaments, initials (some historiated), large device on final page. Running headers; foliated; multiple errors in foliation. Includes decorated initial "S" with portrait of author and armillary sphere at beginning of Dedicatoria, Liber I and Liber II ([alpha]2 recto, A1recto, T1 recto). Since Liber III's first word does not begin with "S", its decorated initial is different (with Nuremberg's coat of arms). Errata: leaf 152 recto. Signatures: [alpha]-beta⁴ A-Y⁴ Z⁶ a-n⁴ o⁶ (S4v, Z6v blank). With a dedicatory poem by Ioachim Heller. Verzeichnis der im deutschen Sprachbereich erschienenen Drucke des 16. Jahrhunderts (VD 16), Adams, H.M. Catalogue of books printed on the continent of Europe, 1501-1600, in Cambridge libraries, Short-title catalogue of books printed in the German-speaking countries and German books printed in other countries from 1455 to 1600 now in the British Museum, Houzeau, J.-C. Bibliographie générale de l’astronomie jusqu’en 1880, Thorndike, L. A history of magic and experimental science, S 3470 S 681 p. 792 4827 D:367-368 Text in Latin with extensive astrological symbols and numbers, as well as diagrams of medieval horoscopes; some German translations of terms are set in black letter type rather than roman. Translate
LocationUniversiteitsbibliotheek UtrechtTranslate
Call numberP fol 4 dl 1Translate
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