Title | Divi Ioannis Chrysostomi de orando Deum, libri duo | Translate
Author | John Chrysostom, | Translate
Type | Book | Translate
Imprint | [Antwerp] : Michael Hillenius Excudebat. | Translate
Place | Antwerp | Translate
Year | An. M. D. XXV. [1525] | Translate
Size | 15 cm (8vo) | Translate
Annotation | Place of publication from Nijhoff. Signatures: a-g⁸. Title within decorated border. With initials and printed marginalia. Nijhoff, W. Nederlandsche bibliographie van 1500 tot 1540 (1923-61 edition), 562 | Translate
Location | Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht | Translate
Call number | E oct 109 dl 3 | Translate
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