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TitleA philosophical and practical treatise on horses,Translate
AuthorLawrence, John,Translate
Edition3d ed., with large additions.Translate
ImprintLondon Sherwood, Neely, and JonesTranslate
AnnotationIndexes: v. 1, pages xiv-xix; v. 2 p. v-xi. Translate
CommentINDEX. Clark on the feet, &c. 26, 80. Cows, pest in, 444. In- fected hide, ibid. Milch cows and calves, 445 to 449. Suckling, and re- medies for calves, 452 to 453. College Veterinary, 7- Vul- gar prejudice against it,13. Cattle, horned, 437- Cud lost, 441. Coleman, Professor, 152, 329, 3.50, 429. Cline, Mr. 425. Charles I, anecdote of, 27. Catarrh, 92. Various ways of catching cold, to 108. Cure, 111. Epidemic, 122. Various forms in colds, 123. Chantilly Stables, 106. Consumption, H)6. Costiveness, 55. Crawford, Dr. 246. Corday, Charlotte, 273. Colic, 273. Masgal's easy cure, and the radical one of Citizen Marat. Canker in foot, 430. Coronet, hurts on, 358. Corns, 359. Collin, strains in, 401. Chafing with collar, &c. 427. Darwin, Dr. 43,81,99, 113, 145, 151, 172, 183, 256, 301, 310, 323, 334, 379. 383, 386, 444. Agriculture, Board of, S. Afterpieces, of various wri- ters, 9. Anatomy, 26 Alterants, 4.5. Forms, 62. Antfcor, 188. Appetite lost, 216. Crav- ing, 218. Austin, Dr. 264 Applications, drawing, 434. Bel, Saint, 40, 130, 276, 328, 333, 339, 373, 402. Bracken, 28, 262, 299, 377, 430, 434. Brisson of the French Na- tional Institute, 376. Balls, Cordial, 76. --------Strengthening, 245. Blame, 67, 110, 147, 152, 225, 247, 255, 268, 289, 324, 421, 673. Bleeding, 39, 46, 83, 89, 165. A ppearances of the Blood, 435. Bartlet, 9, 4.5, 109, 161. Beddoes, Dr. 92 to 99. Blind lady, anecdote of, 106. Beer, chalybeate, 146,251 Bladder, diseases, 261. Beer, London, 265. Burstenness or rupture, 287. Bites, venomous,'293. Bewitching, 314 Bones, distortions of, 355, ' 40J to 411. Baynton, Mr. Surgeon, 419. Bruises, 427. Brown, John, 97. Drugs, cautions concerning, 33,38. Cattle-doctors, 2. Anec- dote of a Dacian, 5, 18. Downing, cattle-doctor, 20, 23, 446, 449, 452, 453. Diuretics, 47, 62, 336. Drink to sweeten the blood, 243. Drink and ball,anodyne,280. Diabetes, or staling too much, 272. Dislocations, $06. Dropsy, 250. Embrocation, various, 412. Eclipse, anecdote of, 153. Epilepsy, 208. Crib-biting, 217. Economists, stable, 238. Eyes, diseases of, 299. The author's case, 301. Col- lyrkim for the human eye, 302. For horses, 304. Case of a brown mare, 306. Liniments, 309. Frog bruised, 13, 407- Fomentation, emollient and discutient, &c. 303, 412, 434. La Fosse, 346, 415. Foster's farriery, 150. Fever, 158. Contagious, 272. Epidemic, 173. In horned cattle, 444. Va- rious prescriptions, 474. Farcy, 241. Fundament, falling of, 288. Founder-foot, 369. See 402. Firing, 398. Fractured bones, 406. Fistula, 430. Flesh, in wounds, to promote the growth of, 433. Fumigation in contagion,435 Foul of the foot in cows,440. Gibson, 28,48,66,73, 131, 161, 211, 247,257, 301, 318, 354. Gout curable, and how, 42. Glysters, 71 to 76, 256. Glanders, 130. Infallible cure for, 144. Gall, its virtues, 197. Grease, Molten, 224, Gaspari, Dr. 253 Generation, equivocal, 253. Goulard's Extract, abuse of, 30O, 398. Gonorrhaea, or Gleet, 290. Grease, 333. Gravelling, 360. Grogginess, 369. Gelding, with the humbug in that matter, &c. 423. Gorged or hoven cows, 442. Home, Everard, 387. Hoofs, remedies for, 358. Loss of, 375. Horses, coach, 27- Hay, 436. Hamilton, Dr. 98. Harvey,William, anatomist, 246. Heart, palpitation of, 169. Head-ache, 203. Hide-bound, 233. Health, Society of, at Paris^ 246. Heels, narrow, 368. Hip, 504. Hock, strains in, 405. Hunter, John, 393. John the dipper, and his re- ligious cold bath, anec- dote of, 107. IND Infusion, tobacco, 239, 342. Pectoral, 117. Antiseptic, 179. Stomachic, 224. Ischury, or suppression of urine, 271. _ Jaw-set, 118,186, 211, 295. Inflammation, theory of, 415. Kidneys, diseases of, 261. l Knee-broken, 343. Guard, 345. Legs, swelled, bath for, Emollient and discutient, ibid. Diseases of, 333. Layard,Dr. 101,438. Liniments in cramp, 212. Lethargy, 214. Lay ton, an eminent farrier at Walham-green, 307. Lampas, 320. Loins or couplings, strains in, 404. Medicine, veterinary, 1. Ho- nourable, 6, 13. Medicines, ready made, con- cerning, 32. Quack, 34. Malt mash, 78. Mead, Dr. 171, 295. Mange, 237. Madness, canine, 294. Mouth, diseases of, 320. Mallenders and sallenders, 343. Mortification, or gangrene, 419, 433. Munro, Professor, 443. Nightmare, 215. Neck, swelled, from bleed- ing, 406. Opodeldoc, 412. Osmer, 161, 179, 377, 404. Ointments, 338.E X. vii Obstetrics, veterinary, 449 to 452. Ontyd.Dr. 394. Purgatives, 42, 49, 55, 6X Forms, &c. to 97. Purgation, 39, 45. Super, 71. Case of a 8ia*e, 64, 819. Powder, sneezing, 113.— Escharotic, 347. Pleurisy, 182. Pym, his disease, other in- stances of, 188. Palsy, 214. Plica Polomca, 249. Pricking and stubbing, 502. Pasterns, strained, 401. Poultices, various, 420. Poll-evil, 430. Cleansing mixture, &c. 432. Qu'rttor and false- quarter^ 364. Raymond, Capfc. 375. Ruini, 26. Rowelling, 78. Russians, a dangerous indul- gence amongst, 1-06. Rheumatism, 127, 130. Reins or loins, diseases o£ 261. Ringbone, 325. Rigby, 419- Rush", the late Mr. 328- --------Dr. 393. Solleysel, 40, 218. Stallions, training, 291. Soiling and turning to grass, . Winter's run, Caution, 411,436. Sheets, damp, 120. Shoeing of common smiths, methods to improve, 11viii INDEX. T eth, Tooth-powder, Asia- tic, 324. Tendons, the dispute con- cerning their elasticity, 387. Ruptured, 406. Tumours, 414. Vegetius, 147-Translate
LocationUniversiteitsbibliotheek UtrechtTranslate
Call numberODJ 7856Translate
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