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TitelSpain, Portugal and Latin America : catalogue of a collection of works in the field of Ibero-American literature and works relating to the Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries published in Eastern Europe and the property of the Spanish, Portuguese and Ibero-American Institute, Utrecht University, published by the Library of Utrecht University in co-operation with the Spanish, Portuguese and Ibero-American Institute, Utrecht University Vertaal
AuteurTeensma, B.N.Vertaal
Gebied Spain.Vertaal
ImpressumUtrecht : Bibliotheek der RijksuniversiteitVertaal
Afmetingen25 cm. Vertaal
LocatieUniversiteitsbibliotheek UtrechtVertaal
SignatuurGBR 2194Vertaal
Volledige metadata als Marc21 XMLOpen Marc21 XML in nieuw venster Vertaal