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c ■:
Cairo en St. Louis Spoorweg
\\% D L t 0 N @> I §.
De Toestand, Vooruitzichten en Schuld.
Uitgifte van l»oII . 2,500,000.
(in goud)
Vrij van belasting der Yereenigde Staten.
New-York, Londen en Keulen.
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Deze spoorbaan, thans in aanleg, loopt van Oost St. Louis aan
den Mississippi in eene zuidelijke rigting naar Cairo, aan den za-
nienloop van de Ohio en Mississippi-riviereu. De geheele lengte
van den weg is 147 mijlen. De spoorwijdte is die bekend onder
den naam van drie-voets spoorwijdte. De weg doorsnijdt de graaf-
schappen St. Clair, Monroe, Randolph, Perry, Jackson, ITnion en
Alexander en verschaft aan de navolgende steden en dorpen
St Louis,
het noordelijke station van den weg, telt thans meer dan 312,000
inwoners en is een der voornaamste fabrieksteden van Amerika.
Het tegenwoordige nominale cijfer van productie harer fabrieken
wordt geschat op Dolk 45,000,000. Onder deze bekleedt het
ijzerfabriekaat de voornaamste plaats, maar de graan- en tabaks-
cultuur, alsook de loodproductie is hoogst aanzienlijk. Er bestaat
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hier een groote pletmolen waarvan de oprigting Dolk 750,000
heeft gekost, die 250 man bezig houdt, en 9 groote smeltovens
bezit, waarin het erts uit de ijzergroeven en andere mijnen
van Missouri tot staven wordt verwerkt.
Oost-St. Louis.
Eene stad van ongeveer 10,000 inwoners, regt tegenover St. Louis
gelegen, de hoofdstad van het Mississippidal. Hier bevinden zich
twee stoom-koreumoleus en uitgebreide machine-werkplaatsen.
Prairie au Pont
tegenover de uitgebreide en belangrijke ijzerfabrieken van Ca-
randolet, aau de overzijde van de rivier gelegen. Langs den Cairo
en St. Louis Spoorweg zal men de steenkolen naar deze fabrieken
zonder overlading kunnen vervoeren.
is de hoofdplaats van Monroe County en eene stad van onge-
veer 1500 inwoners. Zij is geheel door Duitschers gesticht en
bevat verscheidene brouwerijen.
een stadje van ongeveer denzelfden omvang als Waterloo,
heeft verscheidene stoomkorenmolens.
heeft een bevolking van ongeveer 2000 zielen en bezit ver-
scheidene stoomkorenmolens.
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\'                        Sparta,
eene zeer belangrijke en bloeijende stad met ongeveer 5000 in-
woners; zij ligt in het midden van Randolph-County. Hier
zijn 7 stoomkoremuolens, welke tusschen de 350,000 en 375,000
vaten meel jaarlijks maken. Dit meel moet thans 12 mijlen per as
worden vervoerd, om een spoorweg te bereiken. Aan den Cairo
en St. Louis spoorweg zal dit geheele vervoer te beurt vallen.
Eene bloeijende stad van ongeveer 3000 inwoners en de hoofd-
plaats van Jackson-County. De »Big Muddy"-steenkool, in de
onmiddellijke nabuurschap gegraven, wordt algemeen in het land
om hare zuiverheid en voortreffelijkheid geroemd.
is een klein dorp in het midden van het ooft-distrikt. Op
het station Cobden, aan den Illinois Centraal Spoorweg ge-
legen, ontving meu inde maand Juni 1871 alleen, voor D. 32,000
aan vracht, niettegenstaande de inladers hunne goederen van
5 tot 12 mijlen afstands, naar het station moesten vervoereu.
De Cairo en St. Louis spoorweg doorsnijdt thans dit dorp.
de hoofdplaats van Union-County, is eene stad van ongeveer
3500 inwoners en een der hoofdstations van den Illinois Centraal
Spoorweg. Zij is eene bloeijende plaats.
het zuidelijk eind-station van den weg, een stad met 17,000
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inwoners, is tevens een der eind-stations van den Illinois Cen-
traal Spoorweg. Het St. Louis Journal of Commerce zegt er het
volgende van:
»Als stad voor ijzerfabrieken biedt Cairo voordeelen aan, grooter
dan die van Pittsburg en overtreft deze stad in alle opzigten,
behalve in den prijs der steenkolen; doch na het voltooijen van
den Cairo en St. Louis spoorweg zal ook dit nadeel ophonden.
Dan zullen de groote kolenvelden van Zuid-Illinois, waaruit
St. Louis zulke groote hoeveelheden trekt en die slechts 60—70
mijlen ten noorden van Cairo liggen gemakkelijkerte bereiken
zijn en de prijs van dit artikel natuurlijk dalen."
Cairo is bovendien een stapelplaats van steenkolen voor al de
stoombooten van de Beneden-Ohio en de Mississippi. De opge-
worpen hoogten, welke thans de stad geheel omringen, hebben
meer dan 7 mijlen in omtrek. De sommen aan algemeene plaat-
selijke verbeteringen besteed, bedragen ongeveer Doll8.1,600,000.
Als tabaksmarkt heeft Cairo eene ongeëvenaard gunstige ligging,
daar te water gemeenschap bestaat met een groot gedeelte der
tabaksplanterijen van Amerika. Hier werd ook in den laatsten
tijd een aanzienlijken handel in zout en meel gedreven; van dit
laatste artikel wordt door ééne enkele voorname firma 50,000
bush. jaarlijks omgezet.
Akte van concessie der Maatschappij.
De Maatschappij is opgerigt onder de wetten, aangenomen
door de algemeene vergadering van den Staat Illinois, den
16 Februari 1865 en den 15 April 1869. De akte van concessie
en van de oprigtiug der Maatschappij zijn, na volledig onderzoek,
door bevoegde Amerikaansche regtsgeleerden als regelmatig en
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geldig erkend en goedgekeurd. De laatstgenoemde wet raag-
tigt de steden en graafschappen, langs of bij den spoorweg
gelegen, in te schrijven op het kapitaal van de Maatschappij
of wel haar met giften tot voltooijing van haren weg te on-
dersteunen. De geldigheid van zoodanige plaatselijke inschrij-
vingen is ten volle erkend, bij besluit van het opperste
geregtshof van den Staat Illinois in zijne September-bijeen-
komst van 1867.
Voordeelen van den weg.
Deze baan doorsnijdt de oudst gekoloniseerde en thans zeer digt
bevolkte graafschappen van den Staat Illinois, loopt door bloeijende
steden en dorpen, te midden van welige bouwlanden, tarwevel-
den en weergalooze oofttuinen, en verschaft vervoermiddelen aan
uitgebreide fabrieken. Ook het plaatselijk vervoer moet groot
worden op dezen weg. Bovendien is de weg geheel onafhankelijk;
hij heeft zijne eigene eindstations, zijnde twee aanzienlijke steden,
beide aan de Mississippi gelegen, is niet cijnsbaar aan andere wegen
voor goederen of passagiersvervoer, kan zijne spoorwijdte regelen
zooals hij verkiest, zijne treinen laten loopen als het best met
zijn belang overeenkomt en zijne eigene tarieven vaststellen;
behoeft ook niet de groote onkosten te maken om vervoer aan
zich te trekken, welke dikwerf onvermijdelijk zijn voor groote
hoofdlijnen. Ten zuiden van Oost St. Louis loopt de weg over
eene lengte van 85 mijlen door de rijke bouwlanden van de
Mississippi, zoo beroemd wegens hunne overheerlijke tarwe, ter-
wijl langs diezelfde uitgestrektheid groote stoomkorenmolens
jaarlijks meer dan 550,000 vaten meel leveren. Dit meel moet
tegenwoordig per as naar het naaste spoorwegstation of naar eene
stoomboot-aanlegplaats aan de rivier worden vervoerd, een afstand
van minstens 15—25 mijlen en vandaar naar Cairo of St. Louis
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worden verladen. De kosten van het vervoer per as tot het punt
van inlading staan gelijk
met die van het geheele vervoer per
spoor naar
eene marktplaats.
In Randolph-County vindt men onmetelijke groeven, wier
steen geschikt is tot bouwmateriaal en ook tot andere doelein-
den gebezigd kan worden; deze steen vindt eene gereede markt
te St. Louis. Professor Worthen zegt in zijn Gcological Survey
of\' Illinois
»Dit graafschap bezit een overvloedigen voorraad goeden bouw-
steen, niet alleen voldoende voor de plaatselijke behoeften, maar
ook genoeg om den geheelen Staat voor eeuwen er van te voor-
zien, indien slechts de middelen van vervoer aanwezig zijn."
Van Murfreesboro is in zuidelijke rigting de oppervlakte van
het land over eene uitgestrektheid van 35 mijlen zeer on-
effen en bergachtig, en zeer moeijelijk te evenen. Dit gedeelte
van het land is niet geschikt voor den korenbouw, maar rijk
aan kalk, ijzererts en andere delfstoffen, wier waarde geheel
afhangt van het bezit van een vervoermiddel, terwijl de opper-
vlakte bedekt is met heerlijke wouden. Men vindt er den witten
eik, den popidier en andere kostbare boomen, wier waarde ook
geheel afhangt van de middelen van vervoer.
De landen, welke dit zuidelijk gedeelte van den weg door-
loopt, zijn zeer boschrijk en behooren aan de Illinois Centraal
Spoorweg-Maatschappij. In een brief uit St. Louis van den
2 Jan. 1872 lezen wij:
»Wij zijn bezig schikkingen te treffen over den aankoop van
eenig boschland van de Illinois Centraal Spoorweg-Maatschappij.
Zij heeft ons berigt dat, indien wij onzen afgebakenden weg
door hare gronden willen laten loopen, zij ons het regt op
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den weg wil geven.. Men zegt dat deze Maatschappij den prijs
van al hare gronden met 50 pCt. zal verhoogen, zoodra onze
weg gereed zal zijn."
Deze streek is bovendien de vroege ooft- en moestuin van
Illinois, voor Chicago, St. Louis en het geheele noordwesten.
Van dit district zegt professor Worthen, in zijn bovengenoemd
werk, het volgende:
»Deze gronden worden tegenwoordig gemakkelijk voor D. 150
tot D. 200 per acre verkocht, en zijn in het bezit van - en be-
woond door - de meest intelligente en beschaafde landelijke be-
volking, welke men in het westen kan vinden. Deze streek is
ontegenzeggelijk het fraaiste ooftland van den Staat, en jaarlijks
worden vruchten van Cobden verladen, meer dan van eenig ander
station langs den weg; de jaarlijksche opbrengst der boom- en
wijngaarden van dit graafschap (Union-Connty) zal van jaar
tot jaar nog snel en gestadig toenemen."
Het passagiers-vervoer op den weg, tusschen plaatsen zoo be-
langrijk als Cairo en St. Louis, — door steden, dorpen en digt-
bevolkte streken zal evenzeer een belangrijke bron van inkomsten
worden. De gewone ontvangsten van het goederen- en personen-
vervoer zullen de kosten van aanleg van den weg ten volle
dekken, doch behalve deze inkomsten bezit de Maatschappij hare
grootste bron van welvaart, in den onmetelijken schat der steen-
koollagen van uitstekende kwaliteit, langs welke de weg over
een afstand van 60 mijlen loopt, en de onberekenbare voor-
deelen welke hij zal aanbieden, boven alle andere middelen van
vervoer om de groote markten St. Louis en Cairo te bereiken,
waarvoor deze weg de meest goedkoope, de veiligste en de gere-
geldste wijze van verzending zal aanbieden.
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Nergens bestaat betere gelegenheid de kolenmijnen op ekono-
mische wijze te exploiteren en de kolen gemakkelijk te laden,
terwijl de kwaliteit der brandstof, inzonderheid in de nabijheid
van Murfreesboro, onovertroffen is, vooral ten gebruike voor de
hoogovens; zij bevat geen zwavel en behoeft dus niet tot coke
gemaakt te worden. Professor Worthen zegt in het reeds meer-
malen door ons aangehaalde werk, van de onderste koolbed-
ding in Jackson County sprekende, waar Murfreesboro ligt:
»Men vindt er steenkolen van voortreffelijke kwaliteit en nagenoeg
vrij van het ijzersulphaat, geschikt om in ruwen toestand voor de
ijzersmelterijen te kunnen worden gebezigd: een eigenschap die de
waarde er van zeer verhoogt, ten gevolge der nabijheid van de
markt St. Louis en de onmetelijke ijzerbeddingen van Missouri."
Ten aanzien van de steenkolen in Randolph County zegt hij
verder: »Bitumineuse steenkolen vormen verreweg de rijkste en
gewigtigste delfstoffelijke laag in dit graafschap, en deze kolen-
schat kan niet uitblijven, binnen een betrekkelijk kort tijdsver-
loop, een zeer beslissenden gunstigen invloed op zijne stoffelijke
belangen uit te oefenen. Voor de spoedige ontwikkeling van dit
verbazende element van welvaart in dit graafschap, is het te
bejammeren, dat de kolenbedding zoo ver van alle toegankelijke
wegen ligt, zoodat de kosten van vervoer tot dus verre een
beletsel waren voor de exploitatie dezer mijnen, en alleen de
naastomliggende streken van kolen konden worden voorzien.
«Volgens de schatting van den mijningenieur levert een en-
kele kolenbedding een millioen tonnen per vierkante mijl, over
eiken voet zwaarte van de ader; bij gevolg moet de bovenbed-
ding ongeveer zes millioen tonnen steenkolen op iedere sectie
land, die er boven ligt, opleveren. De hoeveelheid van de andere
bedding zou dan ongeveer twee en een half millioen tonnen per
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vierkante mijl zijn, of te zamen acht en een half millioen ton-
nen steenkool per iedere sectie land."
Daar men berekent dat de sectiën, waaronder de twee bed-
dingen liggen, naar luid van hetzelfde verslag ten getale van
108 zijn, volgt er uit, dat Randolph County alleen 918,000,000
tonnen steenkolen bevat. De staat Missouri zal de kolen, welke
Illinois kan leveren, verbruiken, alleen om zijne bergen van
ijzererts in handelsartikelen te herscheppen. De ovens en piet-
molens van St. Louis verbruiken duizende tonnen steenkool
per dag, en nieuwe fabrieken zijn steeds in aanbouw. Aan de
Spoorweg-Maatschappij zijn reeds voorstellen gedaan tot het con-
tracteren voor het transport van 2000 ton dagelijks. Cairo levert
bijna, zoo niet geheel, een even groote markt voor steenkolen
als St. Louis op, daar het niet alleen zijne eigene bevolking
en vele fabrieken, van dit artikel moet voorzien, maar ook de
markt is voor de omliggende steden en dorpen en voor de
stoombooten op de Beneden-Ohio en Mississipi.
Het dagblad van St. Louis, in het algemeen van den Caïro-
en St. Louis Spoorweg sprekende, zegt dienaangaande het
»Deze onderneming zal eene onmisbare verbinding voor de lan-
den aan de Boven-Mississippi opleveren, vooral wanneer de rivieren
boven Cairo bevroren zijn of de vaart ten gevolge van laag
water gestremd is. Deze weg ontbrak om de rijke kolenbed-
dingen van Jackson-County, op niet meer dan ongeveer vijftig
mijlen (16 uren gaans) van Cairo gelegen, tot die volle ont-
wikkeling te brengen, waarvoor zij vatbaar zijn. Is deze weg
voltooid, dan wordt hij de kortste weg naar St. Louis en zal
een der voornaamste schakels vormen van het groote spoor-
wegnet, dat parallel met den Mississippi-vloed loopt, in de
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rigting van den Oceaan. De ligging van den weg is aller-
gunstigst en zijne voltooijing binnen korten tijd boven eenigen
twijfel verheven."
De werken aan den weg vorderen op voldoende wijze. In Augus-
tus 1871 werd de lijn door ingenieurs afgebakend. Den eersten
September werd de evening aan den kant van St. Louis begon-
nen en den eersten November van Caïro noordwaarts.
Naar luid der laatste berigten zijn 50 mijlen van de
baan geëvend en voor bet leggen der spoorstaven gereed; de
evening wordt steeds voortgezet en reeds zijn contracten voor
de levering der spoorstaven, verbindingen en het rollend mate-
riëel gesloten, zoodat de weg weldra zijn voltooijing te ge-
moet gaat.
Hulpbronnen der Maatschappij.
Het kapitaal   der Maatschappij bedraagt $ 5,000,000; van
dit bedrag zijn   inschrijvingen voor ongeveer $ 1,025,000 ver-
leend door de   steden en graafschappen langs de lijn gelegen
te weten door:
Stad Caïro.............    $ 100,000
Stad Jonesboro......., . . .     » 50,000
Alexander County..........    » 100,000
Jackson County...........    » 200,000
Randolph County...........     » 100,000
Union County............    » 100,000
Monroe County............    » 100,000
andere inschrijvingen.........    » 215,000
totaal ongeveer. . . $ 1,025,000
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Het feit alleen dezer plaatselijke inschrijvingen geeft een zeer
stoffólijken waarborg voor de behoorlijke voltooijing en exploitatie
van den weg. De Maatschappij heeft Eerste-Hypotheek Obliga-
tiën gecreëerd en uitgegeven, ten gezanienlijken bedrage van
$ 2,500,000 in goud, naar den maatstaf van $ 17,000 per
mijl weg en rollend materieel.
Kosten van den weg.
De totale kosten van den bouw en de uitrusting van den
spoorweg, zijn berekend op $ 2,780,000; in deze som is be-
grepen het volgende rollend materieel:
10 passagiers-locomotieven.......$ 65,000
10 vracht             dito             .......» 80,000
15 passagiers-waggons.........» 49,500
3 rook-waggons...........» 4,050
5 goederen- en vracht-wagens......» 4,000
400 overdekte goederen-wagens......» 140,000
600 kolen- en platte wagens.......» 150,000
$ 492,55Ö~
Wijders is met zeer soliede aannemers een kontrakt tot vol-
tooijing van den weg gesloten voor een som, die de middelen
der Maatschappij niet te boven gaat.
Deze obligatiën zijn groot $ 1000 of £ 200 dragen 7 pCt.
interest jaarlijks, betaalbaar ieder halfjaar (den l3ten April en
den ls""\' October). Hoofdsom en interesten te betalen in goud
der Vereenigde Staten of in ponden sterling tegen den koers
van 4 shilling per dollar, ter keuze van den houder; de cou-
pons zijn vrij van belasting der Vereenigde Staten.
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Deze obligatiën, den 2dw> October 1901 aflosbaar, genieten het
voordeel van een toenemend amortisatiefonds van een ten hon-
derd per jaar, beginnende met Mei 1873. Dit amortisatiefonds
is bestemd tot den aankoop en de vernietiging der obligatiën,
zoolang deze kunnen worden ingekocht tegen den koers van 110
pCt. Amerikaansche Currency en als de obligatiën tot dien prijs
niet kunnen worden verkregen, worden de gelden tijdelijk in
fondsen der Vereenigde Staten belegd. De obligatiën zijn verzekerd
door eene hypotheekacte gepasseerd met de Union Trust Com-
pany te New-York. Deze acte (waarvan copy hierachter volgt)
bevat al de bepalingen, noodig tot volle verzekering en bescher-
ming van de regten der houders, en is door uitstekende regts-
geleerden opgesteld.
De officiële Geological Survey of Illinois, door professor Wor-
then op gezag van de Wetgevende Magt van Illinois ver-
vaardigd, en hierboven door ons aangehaald, ligt ter inzage
ten kantore van den heer F. W. Oewel, Heerengracht bij den
Amstel te Amsterdam.
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Copy van de Hypotheek-Acte.
tJÈm fflllMi i trxCJec:
made the                    day of                    , in the year of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and seventy , between the Cairo
and St. Lotjis Rail-Road Compant, of the first part, and the
Union Trust Compant of the City of New-York, of the second part.
Whereas, the said party of the first part is a Corporation duly
formed and organized ander the laws of the State of Illinois, for
the purpose of constructing, operating and maintaining a certain
rail-road, to be constructed from East St. Louis to Cairo, in the
said State of Illinois:
And whereas, for the purpose of procuring the means necessary
to construct and equip the said rail-road, the said party of the
first part, in pursuance of the powers and authorities in it duty
vested, has resolved to issue, and to offer for sale and negotiation,
a series of two thousand five hundred bonds, of one thousand
dollars each, bearing date on the second day of October, A. D.
1871, and payable in thirty years from date, in gold coin of the
United States of America, at the City of New-York, or in British
pounds sterling, at the City of London, and bearing interest at
the rate of seven per centum per anniun, payable semi-annually,
in the like gold coin, at the City of New-York, or in British ster-
-ocr page 16-
ling money, at the City of London, in England; all of which bonds
are of like tenor, and in, substantially, the form following:
$ 1,000.                                     N°.                                        £ 200.
State of Illinois.
Fikst Mortgaoe Sinking Fund Bond.
Principal and Interest payable in U. S. Gold Coin, or in British pounds
sterling, at the option of the holder.
Know all men by these presents, that the Cairo and St.
Louis Rail-Road Company is indebted to the Union Trust Company
of the City of New-York, or bearer, in the sum of one thousand
dollars, gold coin of the United States of America, which sum the
said Company hereby promises to pay to the said Trust Company,
or to the bearer hereof, on the second day of October, in the
year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and one, in gold
coin of the United States of America aforesaid, at the office of
the said Trust Company, in the City of New-York, or in British
pounds sterling, at the rate of four British shillings per dollar,
at the agency of the said Rail-Road Company in the City of
London, England, at the option of the holder hereof, with interest
on the said principal sum, at the rate of seven per centum, per
annum, payable semi-annually, to wit, on the first days of April
and October in each year, at the office of said Trust Company in
the City of New-York, in the gold coin of the United States
aforesaid, or payable at the agency of said Rail-Road Company in
the City of London, England, in British pounds sterling, at the
rate of four British shillings per dollar, at the option of the holder,*
upon presentation and surrender of the annexed coupons, as they
severally become due; which payment of interest shall in all case
be made, without deduction or abatement on account of any incomo
or other tax, imposed or to be imposed by the Government of the
United States, or any law thereof, which the said Company lawfully
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might deduct from such interest to pay over to any officer of
said Government; it being understood, that such taxes are to be
paid by tbc said Company in addition to such interest.
And it is iiekeby expressly declaked and agkeeü, that if default
shall be made in the payment of any half yearly instalment of
interest on this bond, when such instalment of interest shall become
due and be demanded, and if such instalment of interest shall
remain due and in arrear for the poriod of six months, the prin-
cipal of this bond, as well as the principal of each of the bonds
of the series of which this bond is one, can and may be deelared
and made to boeome due and payable immediately, in the manner
and with the effect provided and deelared in the deed of trust or
mortgage hereinafter mentioned, notwithstanding that the time
hereinbefore limitcd for the payment thereof shall not then have
This bond is one of a series of two thousand five hundred bonds,
of like tenor and date, numbcred, consocutively, from 1 to 2,500,
inclusively, and amounting in the aggregate to two million five
hundred thousand dollars, and the payment whereof is secured by
a certain Deed of Trust or Mortgage, bearing even date herewith,
made by the said Cairo and St. Louis Rail-Road Company to the
said Union Trust Company of the City of New-York, as trustee,
and which conveys to the said Trust Company the Cairo and St.
Louis Rail-Eoad, extending, and to be constructed, from Cairo to
East St. Louis, in the State of Illinois, being a distance of 147
miles, more or less, together with the equipments and appurte-
nances of the said rail-road, and all other property, rights and
franchises held and to be acemired by said rail-road Company;
and which deed also provides a sinking fund for the redemption
of said bonds.
This bond shall pass by delivery, unless registered upon the
books of the said Company, in the name of the holder, hut after
a registration of the ownership hereof, and the cortification of such
registration hereon by the transfer officer or agent of said Company,
no transfer of this bond shall be valid, unless such transfer be
made upon the books of the said Company by the registered holder,
in person or by attorney; bat the bond may be transferred, on
said books, to bearer, and transferability by delivery thereby
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restored, and it shall continue capable of boing successively regis-
tered in tho name of the owner, and transferred to bearer, at the
option of each and every person who may become a holder thereof.
This bond shall not beeome valid or obligatory until the cer-
tificate authenticating the same, which is endorsed hereon, shall
have been duly signed by the President, or other duly authorized
officer, of the said Trust Company.
In witness whereof, the said rail-road Company has caused its
corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, and the same to be attested
by the signatures of its President and Secretary, and has likewise
caused the signature of its Secretary to be attaehed to the several
coupons hereunto annexed, this second day of October, A. D. 1871.
Secretary.                                     President.
And wheeeas, each of the said bonds has annexed thereto
coupons or interest warrants, representing the several semi-annual
instalments of interest to fall due thereon, which coupons bear the
lithographed signature of the Secretary of said Company, and are
all of similar tenor, exeept as to the dates of payment, and are,
omitting the date of payment, in, substantially, the following form:
The Caiko and St. Louis Eail-Koad Company.
Will pay the bearer thirty-five dollars, in United States gold
coin, at the office of the Union Trust Company of the City of
New-York, or seven pounds sterling at the agency of said rail-
road Company in London, England, at his option, on the flrst day
                    , being six months\' interest, due that day, on its
First Mortgage Sinking Fund Bond No.
D. HURD, Secretary.
Now, theeefobe, this Indentuee witnesseth, that the said party
of the first part, in order the bettcr to secure the payment of
said bonds, and for and in consideration of the premises, and of
the sum of one dollar to the said party of the first part duly
paid, by the said party of the second part, the recoipt whereof
is hereby acknowledged, hath granted, bargained and sold, and by
-ocr page 19-
these presents doth grant, bargain, sell, convey and transfer unto
the said party of the second part to these presents, and unto its
sueeessors and assigns, all and singular the rail-road of the said
party of the first part, or which the said party of the flrst part
is by law authorized to construct, and which is known, or to be
known, as tho Cairo and St. Louis Rail-Eoad, extending, and
to be constructed, froin the City of Cairo, in Alexander County,
Illinois, to the City of East St. Louis, in St. Clair County, in
said State, being a distance of one hundred and forty-seven (147)
miles, more or less; and also all rolling stock, equipment and
machinery, counected or to be connected with said rail-road, and
all property, rights and franchises now held or hereafter to be
acquired by the said party of the first part, its sueeessors or
assigns; including all the railways, ways and rights of way, and
all the depot grounds and other lands, and all the tracks, bridges,
viaducts, culverts, fences and other structures, and all the depots,
stations, station houses, engine houses, car houses, freight houses,
wood houses and other buildings, and all machine shops and other
shops held or acquired, and which shall be held or acquired, for
use in connection with the said rail-road, or in connection with
the business thereof; and including also all the locomotives, tenders,
passenger, baggage, freight and other cars, and all the rolling
stock and equipment, and all the machinery, tools, implements,
fuel and materials for constructing, operating, repairing, or replacing
the said rail-road, or the equipments or appurtenances of the said
rail-road, now held or hereafter to be acquired by the said party
of the first part; and including also all the franchises of the said
party of the first part connected with or relating to the said rail.
road, or to the construction, maintenance or use thereof; together
with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurte-
nances to the said rail-road and premises, or any part thereof,
belonging or in any wise appertaining, and the reversion and
reversions, remainder and remainders, tolls, incomes, rents, issues
and profits thereof; and also all the estate, right, title, interest,
property, possession, claim and demand whatsoever, as well in law
as in equity, of the said party of the first part, of, in and to the
same, and any and every part and parcel thereof, with the
appurtenances; and also all books of account and vouchers kept
-ocr page 20-
and to bc kept by the said party of the first part, and all othor
property, whatsoever, which the said party of the first part now
holde or shall hereafter acquirc:
ïo have and to hold the said rail-road, lands and premises, and
all the fianchises and property hereiubeforc deseribed, unto the
said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, for ever;
but in trust, nevertheless, for the uses and purposes, and with
and subject to the powers, agreements and conditions hereinafter
mentioned and set forth, that is to say :
Akticle Pibst. — Until default shall be made by the said
party of the first part, its successors or assigns, in the payment
of interest on said bonds, or iii the payment of the Sinking Fund
hereinafter created, or in the duc observance of the covenants and
agreements hereinafter contained on the part and behalf of the
said party of the first part, or in the payment of the principal
of said bonds, the said party of the first part, its successors and
assigns, shall bo suffered and pormitted to remain in the actual
possession of the said rail-road and preuüses, and to exercise the
franchises and rights relating thereto, and to collect, receive and
use the tolls, incomes, rents, revenues, issues and profits thereof,
in any manner which will not impair the lien created by these
And the said party of the first part hereby covenants, promises
and agrees, to and with the said party of the second part and its
successor in the trust hereby created, that the said party of the
first part shall and will diligently and faithfully use and apply
the net proceeds of the negotiation of said bonds, in and to the
construction of said rail-road, and that remaining in the possession
of the said rail-road and premises, it and they shall and will keep
the said rail-road in good order and safe-running eondition, and
shall and will, from time to time, pay and discharge all taxes,
assessments and governmental charges, lawfully iniposed upon the
said rail-road and premises, or upon any part thereof, the lien of
which might or could be held to be prior to.the lien of these
presents, so that the priority of these presents inay be duly
preserved; and that the said party of the first part shall not and
will not do or suffer any manner or thing, whatsoever, whereby
-ocr page 21-
the lien hereof might or could bc impaired, until the said bonds
and all interest thereon shall be fully paid and satisfied.
Abticxe Seconp. — In case default shall be made in the pay-
ment of any semi-annual instalment of interest, which may accrue
upon the said bonds or upon any of them, when such interest shall
become due and be demanded, and such interest, or any part
thercof, shall remain unpaid and in arrear for the period of three
raonths, or in case default shall be made in the payment of any
instalment of the moncys hereinafter provided to be paid to the
trustee as a sinking fund for the purchase or redemption of said
bónds, and such default shall continue for six months; or in case
default shall be made in the duo observance and performance of
the covenant of further assurance, hereinafter set forth; or in case
default shall be made in the payment of any taxes, assessments, or
other governmental charges, which may be lawfully levied or im-
posed upon the said rail-road and premises, or any part thereof,
and the lien whercof might or could be held prior to the lien of
these presents, and if either of said last mentioned defaults shall
continue for the period of one year; or in case default shall be
made in the payment of the prineipal of said bonds,"or of any ono
of them; then, and in any and every such case of default, it shall
be lawful for the said party of the second part, as such trustee,
by its duly authorized officer, attorney or agent, to enter into and
upon the rail-road and premises hereinbefore granted or conveyed,
and each and every part of the same, and fi-om thenceforth the
said rail-road and premises, and each and every part thereof, and
all and singular the rights and franchises hereinbefore granted, to
have, hold, posscss and enjoy, operating the said rail-road by such
superintendents, managers, receivers, assistants and servants, or
other attorneys, or agents, as the said trustee shall deern proper,
and making, from time to time, all such repairs and replacements,
and all such useful alterations, additions and improvements to the
said rail-road and premises, as the said trustee may deem expediënt
and judicious. And it shall likewise be lawful for the said trustee,
after any and every default, happening and continuing as aforesaid,
to collect and receive all tolls, fares, freights, rents, revenues, in-
comos, issues and profits of the said rail-road and premises, and of
-ocr page 22-
every part and parcel thereof, and after deducting therefrom all
the expenses lawfully incurred in making siich entry, or in other-
wise obtaining possession of said premises, including reasonable
attomey and counsel fees, as vvell as any and all expenses of holding,
operating and managing the said rail-road and premises, and con-
ducting the business thereof, including the cost and expense of all
such repairs, replacemcnts, alterations, additions and improvements
as may bo made by said trustee as aforesaid, and all payments
which may bc made or bc duo for taxes and assessments, or othor
charges or liens prior to the Hen of these presents, upon the said
rail-road and premises, or upon any part or parcel thereof, and
just compeusation for the trustee\'s own services, to apply the residue
of any and all tolls, incomos, rents, revenues, issues and profits of
the said rail-road and premises, which may be received by it as
aforesaid, as follows, to wit: First, to the payment of all overdue
interest on tho said bonds, with interest thereon, and, secondly,
to tho payment of all interest accruing during such possession of
said trustee; which payments of interest shall be made to the hol-
ders of the bonds and coupons, evidencing the right to the samo,
ratably, and without discrimination or preferenco between them.
And if in any six months of such possession of said trustee, after
payment of all interest on said bonds, a surplus of moncy, arising
from the said rail-road and premises \'as aforesaid, shall remain, the
samo shall be applied in and to the purposes of tho sinking fund
hereinafter created.
Article Third. — In case default shall be mado in the pay-
nient of interest on any of the said bonds, and such interest shall
remain unpaid and in arrcar for tho spare of three months as
aforesaid, or in case default shall be made in the payment of any
instalment which shall becomc payablo into, or for the purposes
of, the sinking fund hereinafter created, and such default shall
continue for six months, or in case default shall bo made in tho
payment of the principal of any of said bonds, it shall likewise
be lawful for the said party of the second part, being trustee under
these presents, after entry upon the said premises, as aforesaid, or
without any entiy thereon, to sell and dispose, by its duly autho-
rized attorney or agent, of all and singular tho rail-road and pro-
-ocr page 23-
perty, and the rights and franchises hereinbofore granted or con-
vcyed, which sliall then be or rcinain subject to the lien ov operation
of these presents, at public auction, in the City of New-York, or in
oither of the cities of Cairoor East St. Louis, or in any of the
coimties through which the same may run, which the trustee may,
in its discretion, designate, and at such time as it shall appoint.
But preparatory to such sale, the said trustee shall givo public
notico of the time and place when and where the same is to be
made, by advertisement thereof, published in two newspapers at
the City of New-York, and also in one newspaper in each of the
cities of Cairo and East St. Louis, at least three times a week,
for six successivc weeks; and it shall be lawful for said trustee
to mako and deliver to any purchaser or purchasers at such sale
a good and sufficiënt deed, or good and sufficiënt deeds in the law,
of and for the rail-road and property, which shall be sold, as
aforesaid, to such purchaser or purchasers. And it is hereby expressly
dcclared and agreed, that any sale, which shall be made as aforesaid,
shall be a perpetual bar, both in law and equity, against the said
party of the first part, its sucecssors and assigus, and against any
and all persons, whomsoever, claiming, or to claim the rail-road,
or other property, so sold, or any part or parcol thereof, by, from,
throngh or under the said party of the first part, its successors or
assigns. And after deducting from the proceeds of such sale, just
allowances for all expenses connected thorewith, including attorney
and counsel fees, as well as any and all advances, expenses and
liabilities which may have boen made or incurred by the said trusteo
in operating or maintaining the said rail-road, or in managing the
business thereof, while the same shall have been in the said trustee\'s
possession, or in arranging for and completing the sale aforesaid,
and also all payments which may havo been made by said trustee
for taxes and assessments, or other charges or liens, prior to the
lien of these presents, if any such there shall be, on the said rail-
road and premises, or on any part thereof, as well as just and
reasonable compensation for the said trustee\'s own services, the said
trustee shall apply the purchase money and proceeds of such sale
to the payment of the pnncipal of such of the said bonds as may
be at that time outstanding and unpaid, whether or not such prin-
cipal thereof shall have, by the terms of said bonds, previously
-ocr page 24-
become duo, and of the interest, which shall have aecrued upon
the said principal up to that time and be unpaid, with interest
thercon, if the sanie be overdue, without discrimination or prefe-
reuce as betwoen principal and interest, but ratably, to the aggregate
amount of such unpaid principal and aecrued and unpaid interest,—
it being understood, and hereby declared and agreed, that upon
any sale of said premises, which may be made as aforesaid, or
upon auy sale thereof which may bc made under or by virtue of
the judgment or doeree of any court of competent jurisdiction,
rendered in any suit or proceeding for the enforcement or foreclosure
of tho lien hereby created, the principal of all the bonds aforesaid
shall become and be immediately due and payable,—which payment
shall be made to the persons holding the bonds and coupons eviden-
cing the right to such principal and interest, without discrimination
or preference between them on account of tho time of the actual
issue of said bonds; and if, after payment in full of all tho said
bonds, principal and interest, including tho interest on overdue
coupons, a surplus of the said proceeds of sale shall remain, tho
said trustee shall pay over such surplus to the said party of the
first part hereto, its successors or assigns, or as any court of com-
petent jurisdiction shall lawfully direct.
And it is hereby declared and agreed, that the said trustee may
adjourn such sale, by announecment made at the time and place
appointed for such sale, and, if so adjourning such sale, may make
the same at the time and place to which the same shall be so
adjourned, and without further notice thereof. And it is further
declared and agreed, that the receipt of tho trustee shall be a
sufficiënt discharge to tho purchasers or purchaser of tho property
which shall be sold, as aforesaid, for his or their purchase inoney,
and that such purchaser or purchasers, his or their heirs, executors
or administrators, shall not, after paying such purchase money and
receiving such receipt, be liable to see to the application of such
purchase money upon or for the trusts or purposes of these presents,
or be in any manner whatsoever answerable for any loss, misap-
plication, or non-application of such purchase inoney, or of any
part thereof.
And it is hereby further declared and agreed, that in case of
default as aforesaid, the party of the first part shall waive, and
-ocr page 25-
it does hereby waive, the benefit of any and all extension, stay,
and appraisement laws, which now exist or shall hereafter be enacted.
Akticle FoliUTn. — It is hereby mutually agreed, that at any
public sale of the rail-road and property hereinbefore conveyed,
made by virtue of the power hereinbefore granted, or by judicial
authority, for the purpose of enforcing the lien of these presents,
the trustee under these present, for the time being, may, in the
discretion of such trustee, and not otherwise, bid for, and if tho same
be obtainable at the piïce hereinafter mentioned, purehase and
acquirc the property so offered for sale, in behalf of all the holders
of the bonds secured by this instrument, which shall then be
outstanding, in proportion to the amount of said bonds, and of the
over-due coupons thereunto belonging, by them, respectively, held.
Provided, Jiowever, that nothing herein contained shall authorize
the said trustee to bid, on behalf of the holders of said bonds, a
sum exceeding the whole amount of said bonds then outstanding,
with the interest accrued thereon, and the expenses of such sale,
for the entire property then held upon the trusts of this indenture,
or an amount, reasonably proportionate thereto for any part of
the said property.
And it is hereby further agreed, that the bonds and overdue
coupons, aforesaid, shall be received in payment of the purehase
money of any property sold as aforesaid, as equivalent to so much
of the said purehase money as would be distributable and payable
Article Fiftit. — In case default shall be made in the payment
of any semi-annual instalment of interest, to accrue on any of the
said bonds, when such interest shall become payable, and if such
interest shall remain unpaid and in arrear for the space of six
months, then and in each and every such case of the happening
and continuing of such default in the payment of interest, the
principal of each and all of the said bonds may be declared by
the trustee for the time being hereunder, or by a majority in
interest of the holders of all\' of said bonds then outstanding, at
its or their option, to be, and thoreupon tho same shall become
due and payable immediately, notwithstanding tha tthe time limit-
-ocr page 26-
ed therein for the payment thereof may not have elapsed; which
declaration shall he made by an instrument in writing, under seal,
duly served on the said party of the first part, or by a vote of
said bondholders at a meeting duly held; but if sueh option be
exercised by the said trustee, any declaration made by it may be
annulled or reversed by a majority in interest of the holders of
said bonds, by a vote of such majority in interest of said bond-
holders, given at a meeting of bondholders convened and held as
hereinafter provided, and attested by an instrument in writing,
under the hands and seals of the persons so voting, or of their
agents or attorneys thereunto lawfully authorized.
Provided always, that no act or omission of the said trustee, or
of the said bondholders, in respect to any default in the payment
of interest which may have happened, shall be held to exhaust or
impair the option hereby granted, or to extend to or affect any
subsequent default, or to impair the rights which would otherwise
arise thérefrom.
Abticxe Sixth. — The said party of the first part shall and
will, on or before the first day of May, in the year of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and scventy-three, pay over to the
trustee, for the time being, under this Indenture, the sum of twelve
thousand and flve hundred dollars, as and for the first instaluient
of a Sinking Fund for the redemption and cancellation of said bonds;
and the said party of the first part shall and will semi-annually
thereafter, namely, on or before the first days of May and Novem-
ber, in each year, until the said bonds shall become due and pay-
able, or have been all redeemed, pay over to the said trustee
the like sum of twelve thousand and five hundred dollars, and,
in addition thereto, a further sum equal to six months\' interest
upon the aggregate amount of bonds which, up to the time of such
payment, shall have been redeemed through the said Sinking Fund;
so that, although the bonds redeemed shall be cancelled, the said
Sinking Fund shall be semi-anually augmented by an amount equi-
valent to the interest which would be due therèon if the said bonds
had remained in force. The moneys so paid over to the said trustee,
as a Sinking Fund, shall be used and applied to and for that pur-
pose in the manner following:
-ocr page 27-
The said trustee shall, within a reasonable time after each such
payment, give public notice of the amount of moneys so paid, and
invito pioposals in writing to be sent for the sale to said trustee
of bonds secured to be paid hereby; which public notice shall be
given by advertisements, published, at least three times in each
week for three weeks, in two newspaper.s of good circulation in the
City of New-York, and one newspaper in the City of London; and
after the expiration of three weeks from the last publication of
such notice, the said trustee shall apply the money so paid for such
sinking fund in and to the purchase of said bonds, and shall ac-
cept and purchase the same from the parties offering at the lowest
rates, without discrimination or preference in favor of one as against
the other, provided that said bonds shall be so offered and can be
purchased at not exceeding a premium of ten per ceutum upon the
par value thereof, with the interest accrned thereon; and provided
further. that the said trustee may purchase said bonds, or any of
them, at the Stock Exchange in the City of New-York, or the
City of London, or at any public or private sale thereof, if such
bonds can be thereby obtained at cheaper rate than by purchase
from parties offering pursuant to such advertisement.
The expenses connected with the advertisement for and purchase
of bonds aforesaid shall and may be defrayed out of, and the same
shall be a charge upon, the said sinking fund.
In case the said bonds cannot be purchased at the premium of
ten per cent. aforesaid, the moneys applicable to the purchase
thereof shall be temporarily invested in bonds of the United States
Goverment, which shall be duly rcgistered in the name of the trustee
hereunder, and shall be held by such trustee, for the benefit of the
said sinking fund, until the same can be applied to the purchase
of said bonds at such rate.
The trustee shall keep a correct account of all moneys so paid
into said sinking fund, and of the disposition made of the same,
and also a registry of the numbers of the bonds secured to be paid
hereby, which shall be purchased with the moneys of the said sin-
king fund, and the prices paid for the same; which registry and
account shall, at all reasonable hours and times, be open to the
inspection of any holder of said bonds, as well as of the President
or Secretary, or other duly authorized officer or agent, of the said
-ocr page 28-
party of the first part; and the said trustee shall annually, to wit,
on or before the thirtyfirst day of December, in each year,
furnish a transcript of such registry and account to the said party
of the first part, which transcript the said party of the flrst part
shall publish in the anual reports to be made by it to its stockholders.
All bonds, and the payment whereof is hereby secured, which
may be purchased by the trustee hereunder as aforesaid, shall at
once be cancelled and be delivered up to the said party of the firstpart.
Abticle Seventh. — It is hereby expressly declared and agreed,
that in case default shall be made in the payment of interest upon
any of the said bonds, when such interest shall become payable
and be demanded, or in case default shall be made in the payment
of any of the sinking fund hereinbefore provided for, and if such
default shall continue for the space of six months, or in case de-
fault shall be made in the payment of the principal of any of the
said bonds, when the same shall become due, then in either and
evcry such case of default, it shall be the duty of the trustee,
for the time being, uuder these presents, to exercise the powers
of entry and sale hereinbefore granted, or to take appropriate legal
proceedings to enforce the rights of said bonds, upon a requisition
to that effect being made upon the said trustee, signed by bolders
of at least five hundrcd thousand dollars in amount of the said
bonds, and upon a proper indemnifieation to said trustee against
all costs and expenses to be by such trustee incurred in the premises.
Abticle Eighth. — The trustee shall at all times during the conti-
nuance of the trust hereby created, have f uil power and authority,
to be exercised in the said trustee\'s own discretion, and not other-
wise, to grant and convey to any party who may be designated,
in writing, by the said party of the first part, its successors or assigns
or to release from the lien and operation of these presents in such
other manner as said trustee may deern proper any portion of the
premises hereinbefore granted, which may be appurtenant to the
said rail-road, but which, in the judgment of the said trustee, shall
be unnecessary for use in connection therewith, and which have
been acquired or held for stations, depots, shops or other buildings,
or for supplying fuel, gravel, or other material; and also to convey
-ocr page 29-
or release as aforesakl, on liko request, any lunds, not occupiod by
the track, which may become disused by reason of a change in
the location of any station-house, depot, shop, or other building,
connected with tho said rail-road, and such lands, occupied by the
tracks and adjacont to such station-house, depot, shop or other buil-
ding, as tho said party of the first part, its successors or assigns,
may deern it expediënt to disuse or abandon by reason of such
change; and the said trustee may consent to any changes in the
location of any depot, shop or other building, which, in its judg-
nient, shall have become expediënt and make and delivcr the in-
struments necessary or proper to carry the same into effect; Pro-
vided always. that any and all lands and premises, which shall
bo acquired for permanent use in snbstitution for any so rcleased,
shall be convcyed to tho trustee upon the trusts of these presents.
And the said trustee shall have full power to allow the said party
of the first part, its successors or assigns, from time to time, to
dispose, according to its or their discretion, of such portion of the
equipineut, machincry, and implements, which shall be at any time
held or acquired for the use of the said rail-road, as shall have
become unfit for such use; but any and all new or other equip-
ment, maehinery, or implements, which may be acquired, in sub-
stitution for any so released, shall, by virtue and force hereof, be-
come and be, immediately upon the acquisition of the same, sub-
ject to the Hen and operation of these presents, without any new
conveyance or transfer, or other act or ceremony whatsoever.
Abticle Nintii. — The said party of the first part shall and wil],
before the first coupon annexed to said bonds shall become due, appoint
and designate an office or agency in the City of London, England,
for the payment of the interest on said bonds, in British money,
and for the registration and transfer of said bonds; and the said
party of the first part shall and will, from thenceforth, and at all
times, while the said bonds, or any of them, reniain outstanding,
maintain and keep an office or agency, for such purposes, at said city.
Abticle Tenth. — If the party of the first part shall well and
truly pay all interest upon the said bonds, when such interest shall
become due, and all instalments into, or for the purposes of, the
-ocr page 30-
sinking fond aforesaid, and shall also well and truly pay and dis-
charge the prnicipal of cach of the said bonds, when the same shall
become due, according tho the tenor of said bonds, and the true
intent and mcaning of these presents, then thereupon, that is to
say, upon tho payment of said bonds and of all interest thereon,
all the cstate, right, title and interest of tho said parties of the
second part, or of its successor in the trast hereby created, shall
cease, determino and become void, othcrwise the same ahall bc and
romain in full force and virtue.
Article Eleventii. — It is mutually agreed by and between the
parties hereto, that the word trustee, as usedin these presents, shall be
construcd to mean, and the said word is intended to dcsignate, the
party or parties who may, for the timo being, be chargod with the
execution or enforcement of the trust hereby created, whethcr such
party or parties be a body corporate or a natural person or natural
persons; and it is further agreed, that tho said trustee shall be
entitled to just and reasonable compensation for all services which
may hereafter be rendered by such trustee in this trust, to be paid
by the said Company, or out of the income of the property; that
the said trustee shall not be answerable for the default or miscon-
duct of any agent or attorney who may be appointed by it pur-
suant hereto, if such agent or attorney be selected with reasonable
care, or for any thing, whatsoever, in connection with this trust, excepfc
wilful misconduct or gross negligence; that the said trustee, or any
trustee hereafter appointed, may be removed by the voto of a ma-
jority in interest of the holders of said bonds. cast at a meeting
of said bond holders, duly convened and held, and attested by the
hands and seals of tho Chairman and Secretary of such meeting,
or by an instrument in writing, under the hands and seals of such
majority in interest of said bondholders, duly acknowledged. And
it is further mutually agreed, that the said trustee, or any trustee
hereafter appointed, may resign and be discharged of the trust
created by these presents, by giving notice. in writing, to tho said
party of the first part, at least three months before such resigna-
tion shall take effect, or such shorter notice as may be accepted
by the said Company, and upon the due execution of the conveyanco
hereinaftcr required.
-ocr page 31-
And it is hereby declared and agreed, that in case, at any time
hereafter, the said trustee shall resign, or bo removed, or become
incapable or unfit to act in the said trust, the holders of the bonds
secured hereby, acting by a majority in interest, shall be, and they
are hereby authorized and empowered, by an instrument or instru-
ments in writing, under their respective hands and seals, duly ack-
nowledged, as aforesaid, or by a vote attestod as aforesaid, at a meeting
of said bondholders duly convened, to appoint a successor or suc-
cessors to such trusteo; and such successor or successors, when so
appointed, shall, immediately upon its, his or their acceptance of
the trust become vested with all the powers, authorities and estatos
held or possessed by the trustee, to succeed whom it, he, or
they shall have been appointed, without any further assurance or
conveyance; and thcreupon all the powers and authorities hereunder,
and all the estate, right, title and interest in the said premises,
of such resigned or removed trustee, shall wholly cease and deter-
mine; but, nevertheless, the trustee resigning or being removed as
aforesaid, shall, upon the request, in writing, of the now trusteo
or trustees, execute and deliver to it, him, or them, all such con-
veyances and other instruments as shall be fit and expediënt, for
the purpose of assuring to such new trustee or trustees the legal
estate in the premises.
And it is hereby declared, and agreed, that in case the bond-
holders shall fail or omit to appoint a new trustee, in the manner
aforesaid, within ninety days after such resignation or removal of
any trustee, application may be made by any holder or holders of
said bonds to the aggregato amount of one hundred thousand dol-
lars, in the name and on the behalf of all the holders of said bonds
or otherwise, upon reasonable notice to the said party of the first
part, its successors or assigns, to any court of competent jurisdic-
tion, for the appointment of a new trustee.
And it is hereby further expressly declared and agreed, that
whenever, and as often as any contingency shall arise in which the
action of a majority in interest of the holders of said bonds shall
be necessary, or in which the said bondholders are herein declared
to have any discretionary voice or power, it shall be the duty of
the trustee hereunder, and such trustee is hereby authorized and
required, to call a meeting of all the holders of bonds secured
-ocr page 32-
hereby, to be held in the City of New-York, by advcrtisement (the
expense whereof shall be a liability of the said party of the first
part hereunder, and may be defrayed, if necessary, frora any trust
fuuds,) to be published, three tiraes in each week, for sis weeks,
in two newspapers of good circulation amongst the business commu-
nity in that city, one newspaper in the City of St. Louis, and one
newspaper in the City of London, England; and in default ofsuch
meeting being called by the said trustee within thirty days after
notification in writing to him by any bondholder of the necessity
therefor, it shall be competent for any holder or holders of said
bonds to the aggregate amount of one hundred thousand dollars,
to call said meeting in the marnier aforesaid: Provided alwnys, that
nothing hereinbefore contained shall be held to require the said
trustee to incur any personal liability in the calling or holding of
such meeting; and that, at any meeting called as aforesaid, a
majority in interest of the holders of said bonds may prescribe and
establish such rules as they may deern proper for the calling of
future siinilar meetings, and the regulation of the procecdings
thercof. And it is hereby declared and agreed, that at any meeting,
so convened, the holders of said bonds shall be competent to exer-
cise, in person or by proxy, all the powers and authorities conferred
upon them by these presents.
And tuis indknture fukthek witnesseth, that the said party of
the first part, for the consideration aforesaid, lias promised and
agreed, and does hereby covenant, promise and agree, to and with
the said party of the second part, and its successors and successor
in the trust hereby created, that the said party of the first part
its successors and assigns, shall and will well and truly pay or
cause to be paid, unto the holder or holders of said bonds, the
principal and interest thereof, as the same shall beeome payable
according to the tenor of said bonds and the terms of the couponss
thereto annexed; and shall and will do, observe, and perform any
and every act and thing mentioiied in, or required by, these presents,
to be by it, or them, done, observed and performed; and that the
said party of the first part, its successors and assigns. shall and
will, from time to time and at all times hereafter, and as often
as thcreunto requcsled by the trustee ander this indenture, execute,
-ocr page 33-
acknowledge and deliver all such furthor deeds, conveyances and
assurances in the law, for tlie bettor assuriiig unto the said party
of the socond part, and unto its successors and successor in said
trust, upon the trusts herein expressed, the rail-road, equipments,
appurtenanees, franchises, property and things hereinbefore mentio-
ned, and particularly any and all property, rights and franchises
whatsocvor, which shall or may, at any time hereafter while the
said bonds, or any of them, reraain unpaid, be acqmred by the said
party of the first part, its successors or assigns, as by the said
trustee, or by its counsel, learned in the law, shall be reasonably
advised, devised or required.
In Witness whkkeof, the said party of the first part bas caused
its corporate scal to be hcrounto affixed, and these presents to be
signed by its President and Secretary, and the said party of the
secoud part, in order to evidence its acceptance of the trust horeby
created, lias also caused its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed,
and tho sanio to be attested by the signaturos of its President and
Secretary, the day and year first above writtcn.
President of the, Cairo and St, Louis Rail-Rond Company.
Secretary of tlie Cairo and Sl.Lonis Rail-Rond Company.
President of tlie Union Trust Company of the City of New-York.
Secretary of the Union Trust Company of the City of Neio-Yortc.
Signed, sealed and delivered
in the presence of