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-ocr page 9-jlyATIN AND ^NGLO-jSAXON
M\'. J. Bapon d\'Aulnis de Bourouill, ^
Op Woensdag den 7 November 1888, des namiddags lo 1 uren,
J. L. 13E1JERS.
gedrukt ter univ. drukkerij te oxford.
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_/lAN mijnen yader
t^an frof. Pr. yj. J-L Pallèe.
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Dit Proefschrift verschijnt te gelijkertijd als een der uitgaven
voor 1888, van de ^^Early English Text Society" te Londen.
De conditio sine qua non oni voor dit genootschap te
tverken is dat de geschriften in H Engelsch zijn opgesteld.
Vandaar dat ik mij in H begin van dit jaar tot de Faculteit
der Letteren en Wijsbegeerte loendde met het verzoek dat
mij vergunning zou ivorden verleend van den regel af te
wijken., die voorschrijft dat een Doctorandus in de Neder-
landsche letterendie taal bezige voor zijne Dissertatie.
De eerste 2^Ucht, die op mij rust is U, M.H. Professoren
der Letterkundige Faculteit tc danken voor de tvelwillendheid,
welke Gij mij betoond heht door dit verzoek terstond toe tc
staan. Gij heht H daardoor mogelijk gemaakt., dat ik mijn
Proefschrift onder buitengewoon gunstige omstandigheden kon
afgedrukt krijgen.
U, Mijne Heeren Leden en Secretaris van het College van
Curatoren., ben ik grooten dank verschuldigd voor de wel-
willendheid., die U, gedurende den buitengewoon langen tijd
van zes jaren., onze Hooge Begeering deed voorstellen wij
het genot eener rijksbeurs te schenken.
Van de nieesten Uwer., M.H. Leden der Letterkundige
Faculteit, mocht ik gedurende mijne Academische loopbaan
in meerdere of mindere mate onderwijs genieten. Aan U
allen mijn dank voor Hvele dat ik van U leerde.
\'Hooggeleerde Galleé, Hooggeachte Promotor, dat uw naam
op het eerste blad mijner Dissertatie voorkomt, bewijst dat er
tusschen ons een inniger hand bestaat dan in den regel den
Student aan zijn Hoogleeraar, zelfs aan zijn Promotor bindt.
Veel zal ik hierover niet zeggen; alleen dit — dat ik geheel
bestaan van mijn studietijd, met al de heilzame gevolgen,
die ik daarvan hoop te ondervinden, aan U heb te danken.
. Als ik ooit mocht blijken te iveteti hoe men iverken moet,
dan heb ik dit van U geleerd. Hooggeleerde Bleek
ntve studie niet die te zijn, tvaarin ik voor mijne Dissertatie
verder wenschte door te dringen, Uu^e voordracht heeft er toe
medegeicerkt, mij met verlangen uit te doen zien naar den
tijd, waarop ik mij weder meer aan studie der Letterkunde
zal kunnen wijden.
Slechts één jaar. Hooggeleerde Brill, oud-hooglecraar te
Utrecht, mocht ik mij onder uwe leerlingen scharen. Een
II ■
\'I f
hartelijk gevoel van tvaardeering voor U, moge hier in een
enkel woord uiting vinden.
Buiten Utrecld vond ik in de Heeren Prof. Dr. A. S. Napier
tc Oxford, en Prof. Dr. P. J. Cosux te Leiden, vriendelijke
gidsen., ivien het nooit te veel loas mij in menige duistere
plaats voor te lichten. Prof. Dr. A. Schröer te Freiburg en
Dr. F. Holthausen te Göttingen, stonden mij weUmllend
een gedeelte van den tekst af, dat door den eersten afge-
schreven, en in H bezit van den anderen was overgegaan.
Aan den Directeur der „E. E. Text Societif\\ den Heer
Dr. Furnivall te Londen ben ik grooten dank verschuldigd,
niet alleen voor zijne vriendelijke bemoeiingen, boven reeds
aangeduid, maar ook voor den tijdroovenden arbeid, dien hij
zich getroost heeft om de Introductie van eenige ingeslopen taal-
fouten te zuiveren. Mijn broeder de Heer W. S. IjOQeman
te Rock Ferry heeft zich zeer aan mij verplicht door het
grootste gedeelte van den tekst lexicographiscU voor mij te
excerpeeren. Ten slotte een woord van dank aan allen die
mij verplicht hebben door H ter leen afstaan van boeken, die
onder hunne berusting of in hun bezit waren; vooral aan:
Dr. Tiele te Utrecht, Dr. du Rieu te Leiden, Dr. Campbell
in den Haag, de Hoogeerwaarde Heer Prenger, Praeses-
Bibliothecaris van het Seminarie te Warmond, en Dr. Tn.
Borret te Heilo.
■ _ Hc behoef hier nauwelijks de voordeelen te vermelden, die
ik getrokken heb van een herhaald verblijf in het British
Museum te Londen en de Bodleian Library te
Oxford. In de niet altijd even gemakkelijk te vinden schatten
van eerstgenoemde bibliotheek ums Mr. Portescue, Super-
intendent of the Reading Room, een beminnelijke Gids.
Hij die veel vriendschap ondervonden heeft is niet gemak-
kelijk uitgeput, waar het er op aankomt daarvan getuigenis
af te leggen. Hier echter slechts een kort woord van dank —
even oprecht als hartelijk gemeend — aan alle Vrienden
gericht, die ik mij te Utrecht zoo onder tijdgenooten als
anderen verworven heb. Mogen die banden gedurende ons
leven nooit verbroken ivorden!
Section I. Outlines of the History of Benedictinism in England until
Section II. Bibliography of the various treatises, found in the Cottonian
Section III. The Latin text. Nineteenth-century editions. Manner
Section IV. The English text. Manner of editing. The \'Paving
Section V. The Language of the text. Crude-forms. \' Merography \'
Evidence of the Latin text. English sounds. English in-
flections ..........xxxviii
The Pkologue. It contains a hortatory sermon, admonishing the monks
to pray to the Lord for perfection, to be up and doing, to fear
the Lord, to walk in His paths, and to bear in mind that, like
every beginning, the finding of the way to salvation is difficult i
Chapter I. There are four classes of monks. Coenobites, i. e. those who
fight the battle of life under a Rule or an Abbot. The ancho-
rites, who fight alone against the weaknesses of the flesh and
their sinful thoughts. The Sarabaites, a very bad class: they
follow the dictates of their desires; what they wish to do,
they call a holy act; what they do not like, they say is not
allowed. The Gyrovagi, who roam about the country, and who,
addicted to the pleasures of the stomach and the body, are even
worse than the S.arabaite3.......6
Chapter II. Tlie Abbot who is worthy to reign over the monastery
must always remember that he represents Christ. Ho must not
teach anything but the precepts of the Lord. He is responsible
for all that happens in his flock, and must set a good example in
everything. There should bo no distinction of persons in the
monastery, and, above all, one of noble birth should have no
privilege over a menial. The Abbot must always be aware of
the difficulty of his task, and bear in mind that the more im-
portant are tlie things entrusted to his care, the greater are his
responsibilities; .ind earthly cares and worldly considerations
should not distract him from his serious work . . . .11
\' Those showing the order or sequence of the A.-Saxon words in construing
the Latin.
\' Part of a word put for the whole of it, as ^Jra hi pravod.
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Chapter III. When anything of importance is to be dccided upon, all the
monks fehould be consulted; for sometimes God reveals the
truth unto the youngest of the brethren. In minor points the
advice of the elder brethren suffices. The monks should give
their advice in all humility to the Abbot, and not contend with
him. The decision rests in all cases with the latter . . • 17
Chapter IV. Good works are here enumerated. These precepts are
mostly couched in Scriptural language, and always pithily
expressed. The first is: to love God with all one\'s heart, all
one\'s soul, and all one\'s might, and one\'s neighbour as oneself.
The last, never to despair of God\'s mercy.....19
Chapter V urges unlimited obedience on all. Whatever a monk has on
hand, he is to leave that alone, be it finished or not, to obey the
voice of an elder brother. And this obedience will be especially
acceptable to God, if everything be done quickly and without a
Chapter VI urges silence on all, especially as regards scurrilous matter.
But for wholesome and edifying words the Rule is not so
stringent........... 25
Chapter VII urges humility, for all exultation is a kind of pride . . 27
The twelve degrees of humility are enumerated, of which the first is:
always to have tiie fear of the Lord before one\'s eyes . . 28
The second, to put the Lord\'s pleasure before one\'s own ... 31
The third, to submit to one\'s ehlers for the love of God ... 31
The fourth, to persevere notwithstanding all obstacles . . .32
The fifth, to confess evil deeds and bad thoughts • • • • 33
The sixth, to be content at the meanest labour being imposed upon
The seventh, not only to say, but to think, that one is inferior to all
The eighth, not to do anything but follow the ruling of the ciders . 34
The ninth, not to speak until one is addressed • • • • 35
The tenth, not to laugh at the slightest provocation, and at every-
The eleventh, to speak humbly, gravely, and not too much . . 35
The twelfth, to show one\'s humility, not only inwardly, but also by
one\'s ways and meek habits.......35
Chapter VIII. In winter, the monks must got up at a fixed time after
midnight, but so that they have had a good night\'s rest. In
summer, the matins, which must be said at daybreak, should
follow immediately on the vigils......37
Chapter IX. The psalms that mu.st be sung at the noctums, as yell as
the responsories and the lessons, are here enumerated. Both
the Old and New Testament should Le re.ad, as well as the
approved commentaries on them . . • • • • ?>7
CuArTER X. In summer lime, the above-mentioned lessons should not be
read, but one of the Old Testament should be said by heart
Chapter XI. On Sundays, the brethren should rise earlier for the
nocturna, in order to get through the special arrangement of
services for that day. The lessons, psalms, and versicles are
then specified..........4°
Chapter XII. The psalms, benedictions, lessons, canticles, etc., to be
said during matins on Sundays.......
Chapter XIII. Matins on week-days. A special psalm for each day.
Especial stress is laid on the Lord\'s prayer being said aloud by
the Prior, so that all may hear it......43
Chapter XIV. On Saints\' days, the vigils should be said as on Sundays;
and only the special psalms, antiphons, and lessons of the day are
to be said..........45
Chapter XV. When the Alleluia is to be said, depends on the time of
year. On Sundays, it should always be said .... 45
Chapter XVI. In accordance with the words of the prophet: \' Seven
times a day have I praised thee,\' we must observe this sacred
number, and we shall be doing so, if we keep the seven canonical
Chapter XVII. The psalms, hymns, lessons, etc., to be said at Prime,
Tierce, Sext, None, Vesper, and Compline .... 47
Chapter XVIII. The order and number of tho psalms to be said.
S. Benet allows every one to have another arrangement, if only
the whole Psalter be distributed over each week. In former
times, he adds, it used to be the [iractice of our Holy Fathers to
do all this in one day........48
Chapter XIX. As we believe in the omnipresence of God, and that
His eyes look alike on the good and the evil, let us take care
that, during the divine office, our mind finds utterance in our
words . . ... . . . . . . .52
Chapter XX. Our prayer should be short and reverent, and pure,
unless it should be prolonged by divine inspiration ... 53
Chapter XXI. Deans should be chosen solely from the larger congre-
gations. Only humble men should be elected, and, should they
become tno proud, they must be deposed, just like the Provost,
after being rebuked three times......53
Chapter XXII. Each monk is to sleep in a separate bed, but all, if
possible, ill one hall. If there are too many, let there bo ten or
twenty together under the supervision of an elder. A candle
must burn in the dormitory until morning . . . .54
Chapter XXIII. If any brother does not observe the precepts of the
Rule, he must bo rebuked if necessary twice, secretly, and after
that, publicly. If he do not then mend, he shall be excom-
municated, and lastly, be subjected to corporal punishment . 55
Chaptee XXIV. The degree of punishment is to be in accordance with
the gravity of the guilt. For instance, for very light offences
the culprit is deprived only of the right of sitting at table, etc.. 56
Chapteb XXV. The brother who is guilty of a graver fault, must be
excluded both from the table and from the oratory. No one
p-ossing him may ask a blessing on his head or on his food ". 56
Chapter XXVI. Those that presume to have any intercourse whatever
with an excommunicated brother, should suffer the same ex-
communication .........SJ\'
Chapter XXVII. The Abbot, whose duty it is more to look after
weak souls than to tyrannise over strong, should remember the
example of the Good Shepherd, and imitate it . . . ,57
Chapter XXVIII. When a brother has been rebuked repeatedly, when
he has suffered the penalty of excommunication and corporal
punishment, when the Abbot\'s and the brethren\'s prayers have
been of no avail, then, and not until then, let the Abbot act
upon the Apostle\'s precept \' Put away the evil one from among
yourselves,\' and expel him ...,,,. 59
Chapter XXIX. A brother who has been expelled the monastery, should
be allowed to return into the lowest place if he promises to mend,
and this for three times ; after that, however, no return should
be possible..........60
Chapter XXX. Young boys should be rebuked in a different manner,
for they do not see the gravity of the penalty of excommunica-
tion. Let them be punished by fasting, or the rod ... 60
Chapter XXXI. On the qualities of the Cellarer. He must be a wise,
temperate, and God-fearing man, and must, above .all, be
humblo. If a brother asks of him what he cannot give, let him
not laugh at the brother, but in all humility refuse it. If the
congregation be a large one, helpers should be given him . . 61
Chapter XXXII. The use of the property of the monastery is to be
entrusted by the Abbot to monks on whose qualities he can
depend. A register should be kept by the Abbot, in order to see
that he gets back all that he gives......63
Chapter XXXIII. The monks are not to give anything away, or get any
property, except with the consent of the Abbot. Even their
own will, or their own body, is not in their power. All things
must be common unto all........63
Chapter XXXIV. Every\'one must receive the necessities of life in
accordance with his wants. This is not meant to advocate
favouritism, but merely consideration for the infirmities of the
weak. On no account should complaints be heard ... 64
Cih^teb XXXV. Every brother is to serve in turn in the refectory for a
week. During his time of sei-vice let him take a slight meal an
hour before the others, so that he do not feel faint, and let him
serve his brethren without murmuring. All things are to be
washed and cleaned on Saturday before a brother makes place
for. his successor.........65
Chapter XXXVI. A cell should be set apart for the sick, and a
brother, careful, diligent, and God-fearing should be appointed to
serve them. Over and above this, they are specially entrusted
to the Abbot\'s care.........67
Chapter XXXVII. With regard to old men and children, the rule
should not needlessly be applied in all its severity, especially
as to matters of nourishment . . . . . , . 68
Chapter XXXVIII. A weekly reader must be appointed, who is to begin
on Sunday. Silence should prevail at meals. Only those are
to be elected to this office, whose singing and reading will
edify the others ......... 69
Chapter XXXIX. At meals there should always be two dishes to chooso
from. Under circumstances of hard work or the like, the
Abbot may order more food to be given ; but let .all be mindful
not to be overtaken by gluttony. No flesh of a quadruped is to
be eaten, except by the sick or the infirm.....70
Chapter XL. A hemina^ of wine is supposed to be sufficient each day
for every monk. Abstinence, however, is recommended. The
Prior of the monastery has it in his power to regulate this, in
accordance with the situation of the convent, and the work of
the inmates......... . /i
Chapter XLI. The time of meals is to be regulated according to the time
of year and the heat. All is to be arranged so as not to
necessitate the use of a lamp.......73
Chapter XLII. Before compline, speaking should be rare; after that,
silence is not to be broken, except there be guests, or by express
command of the Abbot ........ 74
Chapter XLIII. Whatever work they have on hand, when the bell
rings, either for divine office, or for meals, the brethren should
hasten to the proper place. He who does not come, or comes
too late, should be punished befittingly.....75
Chapter XLIV. Of the manner in which the excommunicated should
make satisfaction. He is to lie, prostrate on the ground, before
the door of the oratory, and at the feet of all who pass him.
The Abbot must decide how long this is to last ... 78
Chapter XLV. Those who make a mistake in reading psalms, etc., should
be severely punished, unless they humble themselves. The
younger brethren should bo whipped.....79
■ A Roman liquid measure.
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xu contp:nts.
Chapter XLVI. If any one trespasses in any way, he is to be chastised
severely, should his guilt be made known by another. He
need not make it known publicly, but must at least acquaint
the Abbot with it.........80
Chapter XLVII. The time for the divine offices is to be fixed by the
Abbot, or by those whom he names ...... 80
Chapter XLVIII. Division of the day, as regards manual labour : Work
in the morning, then reading: a little rest or reading after
dinner, then work again. This arrangement is somewhat
difFerent in winter-time. During Lent there is more reading
than usual, as also on Sundays. No excessive amount of work
should be laid on the shoulders of the delicate . ... 81
Chapter XLIX. During Lent, when we must wash away all sins of
other times, especial sanctity of behaviour is enjoined : Absti-
nence, special prayers, and offerings. But everything should
be done with the knowledge of the Abbot .... 84
Chapter L. Those brothers who are far away from the monastery should
keep the hours of divine offices, in the fear of God, and with
bended knees, as best they can ......85
Chapter LI. He who has been sent away fiom the monastery for ono
day only, should not presume to eat cn his way, unless bidden
by the Abbot to do so........86
Chapter LII. The oratory is to be used for no other purpose than that
Chapter LIII. Guests should always be received by the Prior .nnd the
brethren, for in them Christ is received. As a rule, fasts may be
broken on account of the guests. Their feet should be washed.
There must be a separate kitchen for guests, and some beds
* should always remain prepared for them ..... 87
Chapter LIV. A monk is not to receive any presents whatever, or
give them to any brother, unless the Abbot allow him to do so. 90
Chapter LV. On the clothing to be used by the monks. No general
rule is laid down ; all particulars are left to the Abbot, as too
much depends on the temperature in- each country to allow of
general regulations. The bedding is to be frequently looked
after by the Abbot.........91
Chapter LVI. If there are guests, they should sit at the Abbot\'s table,
which he is always at liberty to invite one or more of the
brethren to..........94
Chapter LVII. Artisans should work in their own branch of handicraft,
unless they pride themselves too much upon it. The price of
their articles, which must be sold without defrauding the
* monastery, should always be .1 little cheaper than in the
secular market.......... 94
-ocr page 23-CONTENTS. IX
Chapter LVIir. No easy entrance into the Order is to be granted to a
new comer. He must prove himself worthy of being received,
by very great patience and humility. He must be diligently
watched. The Kule must be read to him once, and then again,
.ind once more, after long intervals. If he still persevere, he
must make the promise of stability, moral conversion, and
obedience, orally and in writing. All his property is to be given
up to the monasterj", and he must exchange his garments for
the monastic dress.........95
Chapter LIX. Noblemen who offer their sons, should make a written
promise that they will never give them anything. They are
allowed, however, to make a gift to the monastery of whatever
they please. The poor simply offer their sons before witnesses 99
Chapter LX. If a priest should wish to dwell in the monastery, he
can do so, under condition that he submit to the Rule. No
preference is to be given to him over any of the brethren . .100
Chapter LXI. Pilgrims should be received for as long as they like.
If they find fault with any arrangement of the monastery,
let the Abbot weigh their words well. If they be of evil
manners, let them be asked to depart. The Abbot must not
receive an inmate from another monastery without his Abbot\'s
Chapter LXII. The monk who has been chosen by the Abbot to be
ordained a priest, should abstain from feeling pride, and except
when oflBciating at the altar, should keep in the ordinary place
which is his by order of entrance into the monastery . .103
Chapter LXIII. All must keep to the place appointed to them. Age is
here never a consideration, only order of entrance, special
merit, or the ruling of the Abbot, whose appointments should
be just, and give no cause for complaint. The brethren are to
call one another by the reverential names of Frater, Nonnus.
The younger brother nmst always ask a blessing of the elder . 104
Chapter LXIV. The Abbot should be elected unanimously, or by the
more wholesome counsel of part of the community. If it
comes to the knowledge of any one that a bad Abbot has been
chosen anywhere, let the Bishop appoint a worthy substitute.
In all points the Abbot must be a good man. He must remember
that he has one day to render account of his management, and
must bear in mind that his task is to benefit the monks rather
than to be their bead........106
Chapter LXV. Scandals, arising through the appointment of a Provost,
should be avoided. The Provost must not think that he is not
more subject to the Abbot, after he has been ordained by him.
The first four times the Provost is to be admonished, if refractory.
The fifth time he must be deposed......109
Chaptkb LXVI. a wise old man is to be appointed gatekeeper, and if
he wants help, he can have it from one of the young men. The
monastery must be so constituted that every requisite is
there, so that the monks need not go abroad, to the detriment of
their souls. The Rule should be read frequently to the brethren 112
Chapter LXVII. Prayers are to be said for all those that go on a
journey. No one is to speak to another of his adventures on
a journey; nor is any one to leave the monastery, be the
distance ever so small, without the consent of the Abbot . . 113
Chaptee LXVIII. All that a brother is enjoined to undertake, he must
try to do, even if it should seem to liim to be too muuh. Let
him trust to God and obey.......114
Chapter LXIX. No one is to defend another in the monastery, not
even if they are of near kindred . . . . . .114
Chapter LXX. No one is to strike another. Lads under fifteen years
of ago must be watched diligently, but if they are treated too
severely, let the offender suffer the penalty enacted by the Rule 115
Chapter LXXI. The brethren must be obedient, not only to the Abbot,
but to one another. A brother who refuses to do penance, and
remains refractory, should be expelled.....116
Chapter LXXII. Good zeal leads to God, and to life eternal. Let no
one do what he tiiinks is good for himself, but only what is
profitable to another. Let Christ be loved above all . .117
Chapter LXXIII. Epilogue. The Rule is not intended to be exhaustive
in its teaching. The reader is referred to the writings of the
Holy Fathers, the rule of S. Basil, etc.
To those that live up to this Rule, the Kingdom of Heaven is
always open..........117
-ocr page 25-I. Outlines of the History of Benedictinism in
England until the Reformation.
The Latin convent rule, known tinder the name of the
Rule of S. Benet, was written by that Saint about the year
516 a.b.^ Saint Benedict was not the first who found it
necessary to lay down rules for monks to live by. He wrote
only for those \'qui régulas nigris monachis ediderunt\' (i.e.
those that were afterwards called Black Friars, and Bene-
dictines). Dugdale, on the page cited below, enumerates some
six and more fathers who were the authors of Rules. Of
these we may especially mention S. Basilius, and refer the
reader to page 118^ infra, where Benedictus of Nursia
himself speaks of the Regula sanctis patris nostri Basilii,
as \'bene viventium et oboedientium monachorum instituta
According to the commonly accepted idea, Pope Gregory
the Great introduced Benedictinism, along with Christianity,
into England in the year 596, when Augustine, prior of the
Monastery of S. Andrew at Rome, came across with several
\' See Dugdale\'s Monasticon, ed. 1817 and 1846,1, p. xxiii. S. Benedictus pater
noster .... regulam monachorum edidit circa annum Christi 516.
" I here give the translation from the Durham MS., Bb. i. 6 (see
Wanley, p. 298), a collation of which was not given by Professor Schröer :
\' Eac swylce ])!Efa haligra faedera lif. 7 heora drohtnunga. 7 se regol ures halgan
faîder basilii hwœt is hit elles butan ge timbrunga haligra manna. 7 Ôœra
muneca ]> (read ])e) wel 7 rihte libba\'ö, 7 ge hersume synd.\' See A. Schröer,
Die Angelsächsischen Prosabearbeitungen der Benediktinerregel, Kassel,
i88!;-i888, p. 133. I may here thankfully mention the service rendered me
by the Eev. Canon D. Greenwell, Librarian to the Dean and Chapter of
Durham Cathedral, who, on my applying for the loan of the MS., volunteered
to transcribe the whole of the Ben. Ilule contained in it, and who, assisted
by the Rev. J. T. Fowler, Librarian to the University of Durham, did so
entirely as \' a labour of love.\' Let me here publicly thank the reverend
gentlemen for this extraordinary kindness.
other Benedictine monks ^ Hook adds that \'Before Dun-
stan\'s time we may doubt the existence anywhere in England
of the Benedictine Eule in its completeness.\' Lingard^
argues against this. According to this learned historian,
Benedictine writers have unsuccessfully tried to establish and
maintain that S. Gregory was a Benedictine himself. According
to him, it was not until Wilfrid\'s time (latter half of the seventh
century) that the monks of Britain got acquainted with the
Rule of S. Benedict. Be this as it may^, all are ag\'reed in
attributing a high character and a great authority to the
Rule in England when once introduced.
A few notes on the fate of the Benedictines in England
may -be convenient to the reader. Dugdale, in his great
collection of materials for the study of Monasticism in England,
\' Très autem apud nos célébrés fuerunt raonachismi vcteris reformationes. . . .
Altera sub Dunstano fuit, in consilio Wintoniensi anno 965 regnante Edgaro,
magnificeutissimo coenobiorum instauratore. Tunc prirnum monachis praescripta
fuit constitutio generalis tarn ex Benedicti Regula quam ex veteribus con-
suetudinibus contexta quae dicta est Eegularis Concordia Anglicae nationis
If this \' Regularis Concordia \' is not Dunstan\'s, it owes its
origin at least to his mind, which pervades the time in which
he lived. His was the age of the revival of monasticism.
It is Dunstan\'s mind that speaks through Eadg-ar\'s mouth
when the latter prompts Aethelwold to a translation of the
Benedictine Rule®. What Dunstan aimed at, was to lead
back monastic life to its original purity and severe discipline
in accordance with the Rule of S. Benet, and to infuse the
spirit of monasticism into the whole of the English Church.
When, after sundry vicissitudes, Dunstan came to power
shortly after Eadgar\'s accession, \'the reforms sadly wanted
• See Smith and Cheetham, Diet, of Christ. Antiquities ; and Hook, Church
Dictionary, in voce.
\' Alterthiimer der Angelsächsischen Kirche. Deutsch von Dr. F. H., in
Rom. Breslau, 1847. When writing, I had not the English ed. at my disposal.
\' This is not the place for further investigations of the matter. I refer
to Lingard, pp. 64, 70, and 72.
\'\' Monasticon Anglicanum, I, p. xiii.
^ See infra, Ch. II of this Introduction, sub I.
° See Schiöer, Die Prosabearbeitungon, pp. xiii-xviii ; infra, p. xxxiv.
were carried into effect. And his faithful friend Aethelwold
followed in his footsteps
The institution of several affiliated congregations, as those
of the Cistercian and Cluniac monks, shows on tho one
hand great interest in Benedict\'s Regulations ; on tho other
hand, however, the fact that this revival was deemed necessary,
clearly indicates that here and there the observance of the
llule had gradually become laxer. The same may be said
with regard to the Councils held every now and then at
London, and in other places. When we find one synod
revive an enactment that no meat shall be eaten, it is a
sure sign that for some time this precept had not been
observed About the year 1431 we find that degeneration
bad again set in, and that a reform was contemplated. At a
meeting\' in Westminster Abbey between King Henry V and
the Abbots and prelates of the Order of Black Monks, more
than 360 in number, a reform was decidcd upon
Coming a hundred years down, we now approach Henry the
Eighth\'s time, the age of the decline of monasticism, tho time
when monasteries were to be dissolved, along with the ties
that had bound Henry VIII to Rome. Tliat corruption, had
set in, is a fact rccog-nised alike by both Roman Catholic and
Protestant writers. \' It is not pretended that every single
community of the very numerous houses in Eng\'land,\' says
Weldon \'where the Rule of S. Benet was followed, was at the
time of its dispersion in the highest state of regular discipline,\'
and :—
^ I cannot but refer to B. ten Brink\'s words on this subject, which are
very characteristic (Engl. Litt. Geschichte, 1877, I, p. 129); to, Cockayne,
Leechdoms, III, p. 412 ; and Bishop Stubbs, Memorials of S. Dunstan, Intro-
duction, passim, but especially pp. cv and cviii.
" \' Sana de constitutione quam paulo ante concilium fecerant abbates ordinia
S.ancti Benedicti per Angliani constituti de camibus non comcdcndis sacro
approbante concilio his verbis diffinitum est.\' Luard, Annales Monastici, II,
318; Annales do Waverleia, Mccxxxvii. For other councils, see ib., IV,
" See Dom. Bennet Weldon, a Chronicle of the English Bened. Monks, etc.,
preface, p. vii, who quotes Thomas W.alsingham, Histona Anglicana, ed. 1864,
P- 337-
^ Ib., p. xii.
\' Liber Monasterii de Hyde, by E. Edwards. Preface, p. Ixiii.
-ocr page 28-xviii HISTOEY OF BENEDICTINISM. [r.
\' The complaints\'—against the inmates, as will be seen, of not a very serious
nature—\' relate for the most part to certain anticipations by some of the more
youthful monks of the teachings of what has lately been called muscular
Christianity, as shown in their addiction to the practice of long-bow archery in
the Hyde meadows, and to that of keeping late hours, sitting for long discussions,
sometimes to the hour of eight in the evening and even beyond it (and, it is
much to be feared, occasionally over a potation to freshen their talk), instead
of betaking themselves to bed immediately after supper, according to the good
wont of their predecessors.\' ^
And now a complaint on the part of the Roman Catholics,
which is at the same time a serious accusation :—
\' In estimating the case with which so many venerable monasteries were
overthrown, it must be borne in mind that for some years previous to their
final suppression, many steps had been taken by those in power to render that
suppression more easy. One of these, and perhaps the chief, was the appoint-
ment by the Court of compliant and suborned men, already apostates at heart,
to highest positions in the religious houses. No one was more prominent in
this disgraceful intrigue than the highest ecclesiastical authority in the
kingdom, the primate Cranmer.\'
As a proof of this, D. Weldon^ instances the case of a
man who Avas recommended for a vacancy, and who was—
in an introductory letter quoted—said to be \' very tractable,
and as ready to set forward his prince\'s causes as no man more
of his coat\' (1538). And the late Professor Brewer, a Protestant
historian of Henry VIII has an admission bearing- on this
subject, when He says: (Nothing) . . . . \' warrant(s) us in
believing that the era preceding the Reformation was more
corrupt than that which succeeded it.\'
We now understand tho preamble of the Act 27 Henry YIII,
intitlcd \' An act concerning\' the suppression or Dissolution of
certain Religious houses and gevcu to the Kings Highness
and to his Heirs for ever.
\' For as much as manifest sinne, vycyolis carnal and abominable living
ys daily used and comitted in such littell and small abbayes and priories
and other religious houses of monkes chanons and nonnes where the con-
gregation is under the number of xii\' etc.
How the new hope to which Mary\'s accession gave birth
^ Weldon, pref., p. xiii.
^ The Reign of Henry VIII, from his acct ssion to the death of Wolscy, by
the late J. S. Brewer, M.A., ed. by James Gairdner, of the Public Record
Office, I, 1884 ; see p. 600.
\' Monasticon Anglicanum, Appendix to Vol. VlII, p. 1654.
i I !
XXll THE MS. TIB. A. 3. [ll.
was cut short with the end of her brief reign, and the
succession of the Protestant Elizabeth, who undid all, and how
the Benedictines fared unto this very day, all this and more
the curious may pursue in the works I have cited in the
foot-notes. I may fitly close this section of the introduction
by two more passages from Professor Brewer\'s book, which
are worth quoting:—
\'The greater monasteries were necessarily modified by the circumstances
of the times, and their religious characters impaired. They admitted a
number of lay inmates, or, at least, kept open house for persons not connected
with their foundations\' (I, p. 50) and (ib., p. 51) :
\' That in so large a body of men, so widely dispersed, seated for so many
centuries in the richest and fairest estates of England, for which they were
mainly indebted to their own skill, perseverance, and industry, discreditable
members were to be found (and what literary chiffonier, raking in the
scandalous annals of any profession, cannot find filth and corruption) is
likely enough, but that the corruption was either so black or so general as
party spirit would make us believe, is contrary to all analogy, and ia un-
supported by impartial and contemporary evidence^.\'
11. BiDLIOGEArHY 01\' THE various treatises, FOUND in
tiie COTTONIAN MS., TiD. A. 3.
The manuscript from which the present copy of the
Benedictine Ilule is taken, is the Cotton MS., Tiberius A. 3.
It is described by "VVanley on pp. 193^-199 of his catalogue.
The MS. is slightly injured, but has been rebound and
beautifully pasted up. At p. 198, section LXI, Wanley records
the very gaps that I have noted below (on p. i, 11. i, 2, etc.),
so that these injuries must be anterior to him, and therefore
also to the fire of 173J.
The MS. is a miscellaneous one, containing a varied col-
Just now a notice reaches me of a book only recently published, \'Henry VIII
and the English Monasteries; an attempt to illustrate the History of their
Suppression.\' By Francis Aidan Gasquet. Vol. I. The book, which lays
blame on Protestants as well as on Roman Catholics, is characterised as being
most conscientiously fair.\' For a full statement of the case against the
monasteries, I refer the reader to Ch. V of R. W. Dixon\'s History of the
Church of England. Vol. I, 1878 (London: Smith, Elder, and Co.).
Wanley, by a misprint, 793.
b 3
-ocr page 30-XXll THE MS. TIB. A. 3. [ll.
lection of interlinear versions, prayers, confessions, and other
treatises. The authorities of the great public libraries are not,
so far as I know, keeping registers of the MSS. published or
transcribed. The work in arrear is of course enormous;
but an inverted Wanley to begin with,—to which the present
is a humble contribution — would be an invaluable boon to
students of the Oldest English, and would be a foundation
for librarians to work upon. I therefore proceed to give notes
of where tho various pieces in the MS. Tiberius A. 3 are
printed, if they have been edited at all; and I hope that all
who have ever turned over the leaves of MSS. to hunt for
unpublished matter, Avill be glad of my attempt; especially
those who have dihgently copied out page after page, only
to find that this had been already done by some one else.
Since Wanley\'s time the pagination of the MS. has been
slightly altered, and my . statements refer to this new
That some one will take this work up for all MSS. is
a consummation devoutly to be wished.
The greater part of the MS. was copied out by Junius
(see below, p. xxxii, on the value of these transcriptions),
and his copies are kept in the Bodleian Library, at Oxford.
It is to the various MSS. of this collection that the words
\' MS. .lunius\' (infra) refer.
Contents of the MS. Tiberius A.
No. I (fo. 3). Rcgularis Concordia Anglicae Nationis
Monaehorum Sanctimonialiumque.
MSS. Jun. 52.109 (now = No. 46). Wanley, pp. 92 and 99. VII.
Of this, the Latin text has been printed in full at least twice: (a) in R. P.
Clem. Reyneri Apostolatus Benedictinorum, and (h) in the later editions
of tho Monasticon Anglicanum, see edd. 1817, 1846, I, p. xxvii. The
Anglo-Saxon text has never been printed in full. Besides the smaller
quotations given from it by Wanley himself, other extracts have been put
in type several times. Selden printed the prologue and the greater part
of the epilogue in his notes to Eadmer. See his Works, ed. 1726, II
(tomus 2),pp. 1612-1621 (see MS. Junius, 18 ; Wanley, p!\'io3). Selden,
in accordance with the usage of his time, \' edits\'\' the MS., and though
^ he does not mention the MS. from which his text is taken, it is highly
probable that our MS. is the one. Th. Wright, in his Biographia Litt.
\' See Skeat, Preface to the Gospel of S. Matthew, p. viii.
XXll THE MS. TIB. A. 3. [ll.
Brit., Anglo-Saxon period (I), p. 459, prints the iith chapter by way of
specimen. Quite recently the prologue and part of the first chapter have
been published—critically edited, as the title page says—by Dr.
Edward Breck, \' Fragment of Aelfric\'s translation of Aethelwold\'s De
consuetudine Monachorum,\' etc., Leipsic. W. Drugulin\'s printing
office, 1887.
An edition of the whole text is preparing by Mr. W. S. Logeman. I may
here add that the work is generally supposed to be one of Dunstan\'s,
but it has been attributed also to Aelfric, whilst of late, independently
of each other, Professor A. Ebert (Allgemeine Gesoh. der Litt. des
Mittelalters III, p. 50(3), and the above-named Dr. Breck, have fathered
it upon Aethelwold, Abbot of Abingdon, and afterwards Bishop of
II-XVII, inclusive, are all of a nature that makes us turn to
Cockayne\'s Leechdoms (London, 1864-1866) to sec if any are
l)rinted in it. As a matter of fact, I find the following state
of affairs :—
No. II (fo. 27 b). Lkchdoras, III, 198.
MS. Jun. 43. Wanley, p. 88.
No. Ill (fo. 32 b). Leechdoms, III, 184 (without the
Latin text).
MS. Jun. 44. Wanley, p. 89 (imperfect? Wanley).
No. IV (fo. 35 b). Unprinted^ (biit copied by me for
MS. Jun. 43. Wanley, p. 88.
No. V (fo. 36). Unprinted.
No. VI (fo. 36 b). Unprinted.
No. VII (fo. 36 b). Leechdoms, III, 150.
MS, Jun. 44, Wanley, p, 89,
No. VIII (fo. 37). Unprinted, but copied for publication.
MS, Jun. 44. Wanley, p. 89, sub VIII,
No, IX (fo, 37 b). Leechdoms, III, 154 and 168.
MS, Jun. 43, W.anley, p, 88, sub II .ind V. There is, however, a dis-
crepancy in the two concluding pas.sages of the texts. Having at the
moment of writing no access to either MS., I am unable to solve the diffi-
culty, which was peril ap.s also felt by Wanley, At least, he says, very
prudently; \' Idem Codex, inquit, ch, Junius,\' etc.
No, X (fo, 39 b), Leechdoms, III, 176.
MS, Jun. 44. Wanley, p. 89, sub V,
\' I consulted Professor Napier on. this subject. He was so kind as to
put lus bibliographical knowledge at my disposal whenever I wished to draw
upon it.
XXll THE MS. TIB. A. 3. [ll.
No. XI (fo. 40). LeecMoms, III, 180.
MS. Jun. 44. Wanley, p. 89, sub IX.
No. XII (fo. 40 b). Leecbdoms, III, 180.
MS. Jun. 44. Wanley, p. 89, sub VII.
No. XIII (fo. 40 b). Leechdoms, III, 146.
MS. Jun. 41, sub II. Wanley, p. 87.
No. XIV (fo. 41). Leechdoms, III, 156.
No. XV (fo. 41 b). Unprinted (copied).
MS. Jun. 44. Wanley, pp. 89 and 90, sub XI.
No. XVI (fo. 42). Unprinted (copied).
No. XVII (fo. 42 b). Leechdoms, III, 144.
MS. Jun. 41. Wanley, p. 87.
Nos. XVIII-XX, and Nos. XXIII, XXIV incbisive, (If.
43-44), are small tracts, very short notes, in fact (\' Notulae\'
Wanley), on Adam, Noah, Fasting, the Virgin\'s Age, and on
Crime. They are shortly to appear in the Anglia XI.
MS. Jun. 44. Wanley, p. 90, sub XIV.
No. XXI is Latin (fo. 43 b).
No. XXII (fo. 44). Leechdoms, III, 228 (i)artly, only, and
from the MS. Caligula A. XV).
MS. Jun. 44. Wanley, p. 90, sub XIV.
No. XXV (IT. 44-57). A collection of confessions and prayers
as yet unprinted. They will shortly appear in the Anglia.
Only the latter part (Wanley, p. 196), beginning : \' Dait sceal
ge]>encan,\' also appearing in an Oxford MS. (Wanley, p. 51),
was used by Thorpe in Ancient Laws, II, 260.
MS. Jun. 63. Wanley, p. 93.
No. XXVI (ff. 57-60 b). \'Missa, cum rubrieis Saxonice.\'\'
I am not aware that it has been printed.
No. XXVII (fo. 60 b) has been published several times; see
Wiilker\'s Grundrisz, p. 476 (III, § 568).
MS. Jun. 66. Wanley, p. 95. Zupitza (Zeitschr. f. D. lU. 31. 28 ff.)
has recently treated of the relation of the two MSS. known to exist. I
, must here mention a note in the preface to W.mley\'s Catalogue.
Amongst some books that used to be in the library of Clirist Church,
Canterbury, he names (p, 8) a \' Locutio Latina glosata Anglice, ad
instruendos pueros (forte Aelfric Bata).\' I have no means of de-
n.] THE MS. TIB. k. 3. xxill
termining whether this is the identical copy that is now in the
Cottonian Library. It would seem not, from the fact that it is mentioned
as a separate book, whereas both the Oxford and the London copies are
part of a collection of treatises. The query rises, were they always
so 1 The Oxford MS. is to be published by Zupitza.
Nos. XXVIII-XXXI (fo. 65). Latin.
No. XXXII (fo. 65b). Leechdoms, III, 238 (hero, as in
some of the cases quoted before, only as \' variae lectiones \').
MS. Jun. 41. Wanley p. 87. See Wiilker\'s Grundrisz, III, § 571;
Anglia X, p. 457 ff.
The notae that Wanley mentions on p. 196 b of his catalogue (Nota de
Archa noe, de S. Petri Ecclesia, et de Templo Salomonis, Saxoiiice,
fo. 73 h) have not yet been printed, but I presume they are
shortly to ai)pear in the Anglia (xi). MS. Jun. 44. Wanley, p. 90,
sub XIV.
No. XXXIII (fo. 73 b). Cockayne\'s Narratiunculae, p. 39 ;
of. Wiilker\'s Grundrisz, § 602.
No. XXXIV (fo. 77 b). Aelfric\'s Homilies (ed. Thorpe),
II, 240.
No. XXXV (fo. 83). Is in Napier\'s ed. of Wulfstan\'s
MS. Jun. 69. Wanley, p. 95.
No. XXXVI (fo. 87). Kemble\'s Salomon and Satm-n, p. 84.
MS. J un. 69. Wanley, p. 96. It will be included in Professor Napier\'s
first volume of Homilies, to be edited for tlio Early English Text
Nos. XXXVII-XLVIII (fo. 88 b), inclusive, will all be
found in Professor Napier\'s Wulfstan.
No. XLIX(fo. 93 b). Latin.
No. L (fo. 94 b). I. Edited in Thorpe\'s Anc. Laws, II, 260.
Nos. 2-6 inclusive are also to be found there, but printed
from other MSS. See above, under No. 25.
MS. Jun. 59. Wanley, p. 93.
No. LI (fo. 97). Printed by Kluge, Internationale Zeit-
schrift für Vergl. Sprachforschung, cd. Techmer, II, 118.
MS. Jun. 52. Wauley, p. 92.
Nos. LH and LIII (fo. 101 b). So far as I know, un-
piinted. One would expect these to be included in Cockayne\'s
No. LIV (fo. 102). See Kluge, E. Stud., VIII, 472. It
contains a reminiscence of the A.-S. poem, the Seaforer.
XXll THE MS. TIB. A. 3. [ll.
No. LV (fo. 103). \'Que sunt instrumenta Bonorum,
Latins et eadem Saxonice. Sectio excerpta ex Regula
S. Benedicti,\' says Wanley. It is a copy of chapter four,
of the work which, as I have said above (p. xv) and below
(p. xxxi), has been edited, with some variae lectiones. by
Professor A. Schröer ; but he has not given a collation qf this
Tiberius MS.
Nos. LVI, LVII (fo. 105). These will probably be included
in Professor Napier\'s collection of Homilies.
MS. Jun. 48 (by a misprint in Wanley: 47). Wanley, p. 90 (for No.
No. LVIII (fo. 106). Leechdoms, III. p. 386. Sec
Wanley, p. no (C. C. C. C. L. 12).
No. LIX (fo. 106). See Wülker\'s Grundi-isz, §§ 564-566,
P- 475-
No. LX (fo. 107 b). \' Votiva Laus.\' Latin.
No. LXI (fo. 118). This is our Benedictine Rule. See
below, sections III and IV.
MS. Jun. 92. Wanley, p. 103. Junius copied only part of the gloss
into a printed text: \' Regula S. Benedicti Latine Duaci impressa, A. D.
1611, Saxonice per Junium glossata ex Cottoniano codice qui inscri-
bitur, Tiberius A. 3.\' When preparing my text for the press, I was not
in a position to compare Junius\'s copy.
No. LXII (fo. 163 b) Regulae S. Fulgentii Latine, cum
interlineata versione Saxonice.\'
MS. Jun. 52. Wanley, pp. 91, 92. Wanley, in bestowing this name on
this collection of monastic precepts, evidently followed Junius, who,
at the beginning of his copy, says: Benedicti regulam interlineatam,
quam habet Cottonianus codex qui insoribitur, Tiberius A. 3, mox
excipiunt S. Fulgentii regulae, similiter interlineatae.
The Precepts, as in the present MS., begin thus :—
\' Juxta\' regulam patrum vivere semper stude ; maxime autem secundum
sancti confessoris tui benedicti; Non declines ah ea in (luoquam: nec
illi addas quippiam, nec minuas; Totum enim quod suflicifc habet, et
nusquam minus habet; cujus verba atque imperia sectatores suos per-
ducunt ad celi palatia;\' and then follows immediately—
\' hora nona hoc faciunt,\' etc.
\'These words; \' A kalendis autem Octobris,\' etc., to the end of our
\' I leave out the interlinear gloss, and here tacitly correct the Latin. Theso
rules will be printed separately elsewhere.
XXll THE MS. TIB. A. 3. [ll.
so-called Eegulae S. Fulgentii, at fo. i68 b, form part of a treatise
l)rinted in Migne\'s Patrol. Cursus completus, Vol. 66, p. 938, where
it is headed : Ordo Monasticus S. P. Benedicto attributus. It is this
fact that makes it all but necessary for me to say a word on the
The reason why these Precepts liave been ascribed to S. Benet seems to
be this. A monk at S. Germain du Pré \' stated that they were found
in a \' vetus quoddam MS. Cassinense,\' which enjoys a high reputation
for genuineness.
This circumstance seems to have been sufficient reason for Arnoldus Wion
to print the Precepts with the edition of the Benedictine Rule in 1593
at Venice, and thus silently\'^ sanction S. Benet\'s authorship. The
argument is, however, a very shallow one, and so long as no other
proofs are adduced, \' hoc opusculum non pro vero fetu magni S. Benedicti
vendere praesumimus \' (Migne, Vol. 66, p. 938).
The words at the beginning: JuHa regulam to celi palatia, he.ided
by Dicebat vero sanctus Fulgentius, and especially the latter, must
have given rise to Junius\'s error.
Nos. LXIII and LXIV (fo. 168 b) are Latin monastic precepts
vvbich, variis lectionihis, also occur in MS. Titus A. 4, II\'. 107
and 117.
No. LXV (fo. 174). \' Actbelwoldus de consuetudine mona-
chorum Saxonice.\' It has been printed by A. Schröer,
Englischc Studicn, IX, 291. See E. Breck, as quoted supra,
MS. Jun. 52. Wanley, p. 91.
No. LXVI (fo. 177) is a Latin fragment, and, I think,
No. LXVII (fo. 178). This did not originally belong to
the MS. It most probably belonged to MS. Tib. A. 6. See
Wanley\'s note, and Prof. Earle\'s ed. of the two parallel
Chronicles, p. xxv (Oxford, 1865). See Wanley, p. 84 (MS.
Laud, G. 36, II).
MS. Jun. 66. Wanley, p. 95. It appears from Wanley\'s note that in
his time it belonged to MS. Tib. A. 3.
No. LXVIII (fo. 179). See Leechdoms, III, 218.
No. LXIX (fo. 179 b). Latin, and, so far as I know, not
\' R. P. Jacobus du Brevil monachus S. Germani a Pratis; see Migne,
Vol. 66, note at the end of the tre.itise there, p. 942.
I have not seen this edition, but presume that Wion does not expressly
attribute tho Precepts to S. Benet.
III. TfjE Latin Text. Nineteentii-centuky Editions.
Manner of Editing.
We have already seen (p. xv) that S. Benedict of Nursia
wrote his Rule about the year 516. No earlier writers have
yet been pointed out as his sources. It is quite probable that he
had none The Ride no doub t originated in the saint\'s desire
to provide his own followers with a code of laws to live by.
However much he venerated his foregengan, as the conditions
under which his monks lived differed from those of his
predecessors, he must have been mainly, if not quite, original in
the choice of his precepts. No doubt, his reading the works of
a S. Basil and others may have made him feel the desira-
bility of writing regulations of his owTi. But I should be
surprised to hear that after-search had established a definite
and direct relationship of matter between our Rule and any
one of the works whose key-note it has more or less struck^.
The number of commentaries that our Rule has called forth
would seem to be legion. This Introduction is hardly the
place for their enumeration. Neither can we allow ourselves
to copy out the encomia of which S. Benedict and his followers
can boast. Suffice it to refer for these to Migne, (see below)
volume 66, which contains the greater part of these encomia,
and references to more works on the subject.
Our Latin text has been edited several times. Apart from
the older editions, such as the one of 1593 (printed at Venice
by Fr. Arnoldus Wion), I here enumerate those nineteenth
century edd. that have come to my knowledge:—
(a) Migne. Patrologiae Cursus Completus, vol. 66, p. 21 j
(T., Regula S. Bencdicti cum commcntariis.
These commentaries make the edition a very useful one.
However, the work is very difficult to be got at, its enormous
bulk—over 200 volumes—makes few persons care to buy it.
^^gee Gudranger, as quoted infra,\' sanctus spiritus per beatum Bencdictum
. . . Kegulam Monachorum edidit\' (p. vi).
\' See however: Concordia Reguhirum, auctoro S. Benedicto, . . . auctore
Fr. Hugone Menardo . . . Parisiis, 1638.
(b) Oueranger. Encliiridion Benedictinum, complectens
Regulam vitam et Laudes sanctissimi occidentalium mona-
clioruin Patriarchae, accednnt Exercitia S. Gertradis Magnae et
Blosii speculum. Andegavi. Typis Cosnier et Lachese.
mdccclxit, contains page i, ff. Regula S. Patris Benedicti
Juxta exemplar Cassinense.
(c) Pax. Monastic Gleanings. No. i.
The Rule of Our most holy Eather S. Benedict, patriarch
of monks ; in Latin sind English. Translated by A Monk of
S. Augustine\'s Monastery, Ramsgate. London, Burns &
Gates, 1872.
{d) Regula Sancti Patris Benedicti juxta antiquissimos
codices recognita, a P(atre) Edmunde Schmidt. Cum Pcrmissu
Superiorum. mdcoclxxx. Ratisbonae, Neo Eboraci et
Cincinnati!. Sumptibus, Cliartis et Typis Eriderici Pristet,
S. Sedis Apostolicae Typographi.
This contains twenty-two pages of Prolegomena, in which tho
author treats of the relations of the MSS., and in which ho
wishes to establish that S. Benet prepared two drafts of his
Rule. The work appears to be printed privately. At my
request, however, the author kindly placed a copy at my
disposal, for which I hero beg to thank him most heartily.
(e) The Rule of our Most Holy Father S.aint Benedict.
Edited, with an English translation and Explanatory Notes
by A Monk of S. Benedict\'s Abbey, Fort-Augustus. Jussu
Superiorum. London, Burns & Oates, 1886.
{ƒ) \' Die Wintcney Version der Regula S. Benedicti,
lateinisch und englisch zum crstenmale herausgegeben\' has
just appeared at Halle (M. Niemeyer), with a most inter-
esting Preface. Before the work was published, the editor,
IIciT Dr. A. Schröer, professor at the Uiiivorsity of Freiburg,
presented mo with a copy of the advancc sheets of the text.
For this com-teous act I here express my sincere gratitude,
as well as for other kindnesses received at that gentleman\'s
The English work is a thirteenth century text, taken from
the MS, Cott. Claud. D. HI, whence the Latin text is abo
xxviii the latin text. [hi.
Herr Schmidt used fifteen Latin texts for his edition ;
Professor Schröer only those four of which he published the
Anglo-Saxon version As Herr Schmidt used a collation of
our codex (Schmidt = F) as well as one of the MS. Tib. A. IV
(= Schröer\'s T, Schmidt\'s G), the total number of Latin codices
to which I shall subsequently have occasion to refer"" to is
nineteen. I designate them as follows :—
A. Cod. Tegernseensis. Royal Libr., Munich (elm. 19408).
B. „ Mondseensis. R. and Imp. Libr., Vienna (2332).
C. „ Fuldensis. Bibl. Fuld. (D. 3).
D. „ Parisien.sis. Nat. Libr. (4208).
E. „ Frisingensis. Royal Libr., Munich (elm. 6255).
F. „ Londinensis L Cott. Libr., Tib. (A. 3).
G. „ Londinensis II. Cott. Libr., Tit. (A. 4).
H. „ Veronensis I. City Library.
I. „ Bruxellensis. Library of the Dukes of Burgundy (8305).
K. „ Romanus. Vatican Cod. Lat. 5949.
L. „ Einsidlensis, No. 236.
O. „ Oxoniensis. Bodl. Libr., Hatton MS.
P. „ Faucensis. Library of the Cathedral Chapter at Augsburg.
Q. „ Veronensis II. Library of the Cath. Ch. at Verona."
R. „ Sangallensis. Chapter Library, 916.
S. is Schröer\'s C Winteney Version. MS. Cott. Claud. D. IIL Cf. p. xxvii.
T. „ A. (MS. C.C.C.C. 178). Schröer, Prosa Bearb., p. xix
(Anglia, vi. 430).
U. „ 0. (MS. C. C. C. 0. 197). Schröer, ib., p. xxi.
W. ,, Wells fragment, belonging to the Dean and Chapter of Wells
Cathedral. Schröer, ib., p. xxv.
For further particulars about MSS. A-R, the few privileged
persons who possess the book may be referred to Schmidt\'s
Preface, pp. xii-xv, from which part of the above has been ab-
stracted. For G, see also Schröer», Die Prosabearbeitungon,
p. xxiii. For F, see supra, Ch. II. The collation of our text,
undertaken for Herr Schmidt by a friend, appears to be rather
It must not be supposed that there are no more Latin
texts than those enumerated. I have casually come across
others in the Library of Durham Cathedral, in the Lambeth
Pajacc Library, in the Phillips Library at Cheltenham, and
^ See A. Schröer, Die Pro.sabearbeitungen der B. R., p. xxvi, and now tho
above-mentioned preface, p. xi.
(of the fourth chapter only) in MS. Tib. A. 3, fo. 103 (see
above, p. xxiv).
In the MS. Tib. A. 3 (fo. 118, above, p. xxiv), our Latin text
occurs in an exceedingly corrupt state. \' Scatetque mendis,\'
justly observes Schmidt (p. xiii). Gueranger, Schmidt,
Migne, etc., have, in their editions, largely deviated from the
MS. readings. Lower down in this Introduction, in §§ 7 and 8
of No. V, some remarks will be found bearing on the edition
of the Latin text, to which I beg to refer the reader. It
will be seen from those, what my position is with regard
to hitherto prevalent modes of editing- Latin texts. The
principles there stated have led me to deviate as little
as possible from the MS. readings, nay, I have tried to
keep to them always, except in cases where their spelling
would make the text absolutely unintelligible to the ordinary
reader. No one will for a moment feel doubts as to the
meaning of clehead, prospiciad, /lalbatis, etc., but I deem it
possible that the spelling medicehtr, as lemma to he smeege
(96. a), might throw those off the track who did not at
the moment think of the phenomenon which will be found
discussed, infra. No. V, § 63. Hence, such spellings have
been banished from tho text, but I have been careful to mark
these divergencies in the foot-notes, whereas the spelling
ditlerences whose meaning was obvious, I have put in the
text itself.
I have adhered to the paragraphs of the MS., as well as to
its peculiar^ punctuation. Tho contractions have all been
expanded and to denote them, the letters not actually found
in the MS. are printed in Iloman typo, whereas the rest of
the Latin text is in italics.
In tho first few pages of this Rule, some gaps occur; see
the Text, p. i ff., passim. Tho Latin letters, so far as they
may be supposed to have disappeared, arc added in brackets.
The headings of the chapters are almost always majuscules in
• So peculiar that I afterwards, but too late, wished I had adopted a less
embarrassing plan.
\' I am unable to agree with E, Kolbing, E. Stud., Ill, 469 note, in so far as
he says that it is unnecess.ary to denote these contractions.
black ink, but mostly tinged with red. The first line, or part
of it, of the Latin text in each chapter is usually also in
capital black letters, no red ink being applied here. In this
edition they have been denoted by small capitals. The illumi-
nated capitals found in the MS. at the beginning of the
chai)ters are mostly of a red, green, or blue colour; once or
twice they have been forgotten. The glossator or glossators
has or have sometimes added Latin words in the line of the
gloss above the Latin Those additions are sometimes words
that also occur in other Latin texts, so that we may suppose
the then glossator to have copied these from another Latin
text. In this case the added word has been inserted in the
text, and in the Latin foot-notes attention has been drawn
to this by the words: added or supplied by glossator. Of a
different nature are the words that are scribbled over the
Latin text, without being at all found in the other texts.
They may be termed Latin glosses, and though comparatively
rare, are found, e.g. where the word dehere or dehemus (see text.
Cap. IV, passim) is added to explain the infinitive used as
an imperative. Of this nature is the gloss t plane to sane
(78. 17). These words, although Latin, are always put in
the line above, as partaking of the nature of glosses. They,
too, may be due to more than one scribe, but they are
now found in the MS. in the characteristic handwriting of
the Anglo-Saxon scribe. Attention has mostly been drawn to
these additions in the Anglo-Saxon foot-notes.
IV. The Anglo-Saxon Text. \' Manner of Editing.
The \'Paving Letters.\'
The prose paraphrases of the Rule of S. Benet in Anglo-
Saxon that have been edited by A. Schröer^ have no connection
\' Our MS. is ft copy; so that if more than one glossator has been at work—
which I have every reason to believe—the external traces of, their work
are effaced. The reader will see that the existence of more than one glossator
must be assumed, by referring to the work, and especially the notes (e. g. note
to 10. 7, p. 121 ; and 47. 3, etc.)
^ (a) Bibliothekder Angelsächsischen Prosa, vonC. W. M. Grein, fortgesetzt
von R. P. Wülker, Zweiter Band: Die Angelsächsischen Prosabearbeitungen
whatever with the present interlinear text. Of course, some
words are the same, both in the interlinear and paraphrastical
translations, but the greater number of them are different.
This constitutes the principal claim of our text to a separate
edition. It would be an interesting task to compare the
vocabulary of the two versions together. There is no doubt
that where the meaning of an Anglo-Saxon word can be
demonstrated from glosses, there is a chance of its being the
correct one. But still the glossator may have misunderstood
his Latin a fact of very frequent occurrence; and in some
cases, through lack of other instances, we may be unable to
control his rendering, which, of course, is not checked by any
context. But in the case of a running text, the translation,
even if corresponding word for word, is free, and we cannot
.ilways depend on the translated word being an exact equiva-
lent of the original. Where we have an interlinear transla-
tion—a sort of crib—as well as a paraphrase, we may be
certain that those words which occur in both translations are
accurate renderings.
So far as I am aware, the thirty-ninth chai)ter, which
Thomas Wright published in big \' Biographia Britannica
Literaria\' (I, p. 442, Latin and gloss), is the only part of tho
present Bcnedictine llule that has been edited, excepting, of
course, the few specimen lines that may bo found in Wanley\'s
and in other catalogues. But tho MS. appears to have been
extracted from for lexicographical purposes, and consequently
words and phraseological quotations from it are to be found in
tho various A.-S. dictionaries. Part of the glossing was eopicd
into a Latin printed text by the indefatigable Junius. His
texts, however useful they may be to the student of litera-
ture, should not bo used for linguistic purposes. Junius
•lur Benedictiner Regel. Herausgegeben von A. Schröer. Kassel, 1885-1888.
(i) Die Winteney-Versiou der Regula S. Benedicti, Lateinisch und Engli^i.
Mit Einleitung Anmerkungen, Glossar und einem Facsimile zum ersten Malu
herausgegeben von Dr. M. M. Arnold Schröer. Halle a.-S. Max Niemeyer,
1888. See supra, p. xxvii.
^ It seems like biting sarcasm when in the historical tract in MS. Faustina,
A. lo we read of the \' scearppanclan %vitan J)o . .. J)isse engliscan gefeodnesse
ne behofiun\' (Cockayne, Leechdoms, III, 440; i.e. the keen-witted sages
that... do not need this English translation.)
xxxii junius untrustworthy. [lv.
appears to enjoy the reputation of being a faithful copyist,
but when collating his copy of the so-called \' Regulae
S. Fulgentii\' (above, p. xxiv) with the MS., I observed that
this reputation was entirely unfounded He adds words not
in his MSS. He leaves out words found in his original,
or transposes them. He does not distinguish between \'S and
f, which he consequently uses indiscriminately He en-
tirely disregards the punctuation of the MS., and he adds
numbers of chapters after his own pleasm-e or notions of how
they ought to have been. Lastly, he corrects his text without
giving the reading of the MS.
The convent to which this MS. belonged is not known.
Nor is there any author on whom we have reason to father
our version. The likelihood indeed is that this interlinear
version gradually developed, so that it cannot be assigned to
any one person.
The object of this edition is to furnish the student with a
text as it is found in the manuscript, with all its gaps, im-
perfections, and absurdities. I am of opinion that however
stupidly a scribe may have mangled his original, the reading
of the MS. is still the only thing of which we are sure. I
have tampered so little with tho MS. that I have left
even the most palpable errors unchanged ; here, however,
I have followed the example set by former editors, and
starred the forms which without doubt arc merely clerical
errors. It need hardly, be said that I should not have
followed this plan, were this text destined for the use of
those desirous of learning the rudiments of Anglo-Saxon.
Moreover, if the present were the only version extant, I might
have taken into consideration the wants of those students who
wished to read this text for the \' realia,\' and I should thus
\' See H. Sweet, Introduction to Gregory\'s Pastor.il Care, p. xix, whose sole
blame is that Junius \' sometimes swerved from the path of literal accuracy in
a few unimportant particulars.\' See, on the contrary, Zupitza, Zeitschrift für
Deutsches Altertum, 31. 2 ; Brede, Fragment, etc. (supra, p. xxi), p. 5.
MucLean, Anglia, 6. 448.
^ It is gener.^lly assumed that the scribes themselves did not distinguish
between the Ö and p, and used them promiscuously. But if even any dis-
tinction is to be found, editors should take care not to obscure this find by not
adhering strictly to the writing of the MSS.
have been compelled to make a more or less readable text of
it. But for this there is, of course, no occasion. Those who
wish to read S. Benet\'s precepts for the sake of their contents
will find their wishes gratified in the present volume by-
looking up the Latin text; and if any one desires to read it in
Anglo-Saxon, the very handy editions of Professor Schröer are
now available. There can be no doubt, to my thinking, that
it must be the aim of an editor to give the text as the
manuscript records it. Of course he may then set to work
and, by dint of exterior and interior criticism, try to eliminate
some mistakes, but—in the case of an edition like tho present
—I am of opinion that this should be done in foot-notes.
Nothing can be gained by imprudently introducing one\'s own
—if I may so express it—one\'s own Anglo-Saxon amidst the
language—though a corrupted specimen of it—of our fore-
fathers. Indeed a great deal may be lost—unity.
Now, doubtless, it may be objected that when, e. g. the
word gchetrode is found in the MS. as geheorode, there can be no
doubt that this was not a mistake, but simply a hhmder, and
that therefore no purpose is served by retaining it in the text.
True, partly 1 But even here there is this consideration, that
to watch the mistakes of scribes is not without interest, for
the study of culture in a given period.
In accordance with the principles laid down, I have given
the text of this Eulo exactly as it is found in tho IMS. Only
the following must be observed. The which is in tho
MS. written undotted, has been printed with a dot over
it. Absolutely wrong forms are starred. Elucidations to
forms in any way remarkable, will be found in the foot-notes,
or in those at the end of the volume or, when tho matter is
one of phonological or grammatical interest,in the fifth division
of this Introduction. Italics denote tho expansions of tho
scribal contractions, when no foot-note is appended. Other-
\' In moat cases attention has been drawn to these by the words see note.
The editor is sorry to own that, owing to a want of foresight, no very definite, at
least no very scholarly, principle can be laid down as to what notes may be
found at the foot of the page, and what at tho end of the volume. As a rule,
palneographical notes are at tho bottom of tho page, and elucidations of
different nature on p. 119, etc. But various causes prevented this rule being
always adhered to.
wise, those letters are italicised to which attention has been
called in the foot-note. Thus \\(Bt means that the MS. has
the contraction \'f, as no foot-note is there. But the letters
nee in gemincQ (1.6) are italicised merely to call the attention
to the note. Whenever I have thought it necessary to
propose an emendation, it has been only when some reason
for the corruption could be adduced, either from a graphical
error, or a psychical process. But where these reasons were
more or less obscure, I have stated them in words.
Our Anglo-Saxon text is a copy, i.e. the glosses have not
been put over the Latin text only in our MS. Both have
been copied from another text or from other texts, most likely
at the same time, and possibly by the same scribe. The
chances are—indeed, there is every reason to believe—that our
MS. was copied often. That the last copyist had an interlinear
translation before him, is evident from the frequent occurrence
of wrong forms that can only be explained by influence of the
lemma on the gloss, or vice versa (see foot-notes, passim).
AVhen an original Latin text was first glossed, we may
a priori assume two possibilities. Either the glosses were
copied into our original Latin from a ready-made Anglo-
Saxon translation, or the glossators worked without a model
of any kind.
Let us consider the first assumption. If this were true, the
Anglo-Saxon text must have been supplied cither from the
text commonly attributed to Aethelwold^, or from some other
hitherto unknown text. We need, of course, not speak of the
latter possibility, as the establishment of this point, as well as
its rejection, are utterly beyond determination. As to the
text edited by Schröer, it is not likely to have been the
original, for, as we have already seen, the vocabulary of the
two is somewhat different.
We are therefore led to the theory of the gloss-origin.
And, indeed, even if we could have for a moment thought of
the other theory, the evidence in favour of th\'e former is
so overwhelming that there can be no doubt about it; and I
1 Thus Schröer, ib., p. xvii. I am not sure tliat lie has established his point.
-ocr page 45-OKiaiN OF ENGLISH TEXT, XXXV
liave but to refer to tbe appearance of the text, passim,
without entering- into particulars in any "way.
We find then that our version developed,—just like the glos-
saries that Hemy Sweet has so ably treated of in his Oldest
English Texts, p, 7—out of a few interlinear glosses, that have
multiplied gradually until, in our IMS,, the Latin is very nearly
fully-glossed, every copyist having contributed some more
glosses to those which he found in his original. The scribe of
our MS. has also acted as a glossator. His work can be traced,
e.g, in the words gesawen and viszm (as its lemma, 13. 3),
that he himself put instead of the ealra, omnium, which is
a misreading that does not belong to the text.
That we can still be positive about the fact that more than
one scribe has been at work is rather curious, considering that
through the last copy all external traces of former glossators
are lost. Yet a place like (13. l)
Icorn forebeon i. cnihtum
preesse disci^mlis
can hardly be otherwise explained than as the work of two
The \'Paving\' Letters,
Those who happen to have looked into tho text of our Rule
before reading this part of the Introduction will have been
struck at seeing numerous letters enclosed—in our print\'—
in square brackets spread all over the volume. In the notes
they will be found referred to as \'paving letters\' or \'gloss-
letters.\' The word, as well as the matter, I now proceed to
As to the letters themselves, they are found in our IMS.
Tib, A. 3, over most of the Latin words, both in our Benedictine
Rule, and in those tracts that Wanley styled the Regulae
S. IVjgentii (supra, p, xxiv), but, so far as I have been able
to find out, they do not occur anywhere else. No one I
could consult—I may thankfully and especially mention Dr,
E, IMaunde Thompson, now Chief Librarian of tho British
^ Not so iu the MS. See uext paragraph,
c a
Museum—knew of their existence in any other manuscript.
The only man who mentions them is that accurate worthy,
"VVanley, who, at p. 199 of his Catalogue, speaking of these
letters, says: \' N.B. Super voces Latinas, exaratas esse Literas
Saxonicas, quae, quo ordine construendae sunt, ostendunt.\'
Had Wanley written in English, his would have been the
task, which now devolves upon a foreigner, of bestowing an
Eng-lish name on these \' Literae.\'
He would, no doubt, have followed the ordinary school-crib
ordo, which gives the English construing\' order of a Latin
author, and would have called these unfortunate waifs \' order-
or sequence-lQit&TB.^ But when I talked to Dr. Thompson
on the subject, he said that the Rugby boys\' slang term for
this process was paving—paving smooth (I suppose) the
rough road of learning Latin. The term struck me as a
happy one, suiting Wanley\'s construendae, and so I adopted it,
though perhaps without due consideration of how it would
puzzle readers to whom \' paving-\' sugg-ests only laying- stones
on a carriage-road or a footpath.
That Wanley is right in saying that these \'paving\' or
sequence letters show the order of construing Latin into Anglo-
Saxon, is not so apparent at first sight as on closer investiga-
tion. The idea must have been, of course, to put the letters
o^er these words that wanted construing, in such a way
that they had but to be arranged in the alphabetical order
thus indicated, in order to yield an intelligible meaning ^
Now it is, e. g. not clear why the scribe at one time
begins with a and goes on to the end of the alphabet,
whereas at another time he proceeds only as far as g or or
almost any letter, and begins again at a. The Latin wanted
\' paving,\' not the gloss-tcxt. A friend suggested to me that
it must have been the Anglo-Saxon text whose syntactical
word-order was thus pointed out. \' In order to get an
Anglo-Saxon translation, not glosses\' — thus my friend
writes—\' some one put in those " paving-" letters to indicate
the word-order of the vernacular text. A later copyist, not
being able to read the text well, copied the paving letters,
\' See below, V, § 6.
-ocr page 47-IV.] PAVING OR SEQUENCE LETTERS. xxxvii
but omitted the glosses.\' I am inclined to think that this
view is not correct. It must be admitted that the several
blunders—see the starred forms—for which we must blame
one or more of the scribes, point to an imperfectly legible
text ^ at one time or another. But is it likely that the gloss
should have been unintelligible so wholesale, and the paving
letters quite clear? Must we not a priori accept the fact
that the Latin text stood in need of comment ? What could
have been the object of him who thus tried to transmute
the interlinear translation into a more or less paraphrastical
one ? I do not wish to lay undue stress on the fact that
the gloss-letters are in Latin characters, like the Latin
text, whereas the A.-S. text is naturally written in A.-S.
characters. I only say that, although it perhaps remains an
open question, the likeliest thing seems to be, that we must
look upon the gloss-letters as \' paving\' the Latin text.
At one time we find two gloss-letters over one Latin
^ord, not only where this is glossed by two Anglo-Saxon
ones, but also where only one A.-S. rendering is given. At
another, a few non-paved words may be seen intervening
between two sets of paved ones. Sometimes these non-paved
words must bo taken into account when construing the
sentence, whereas a little further on wo may find an instance
where they need not be taken into consideration. From this
it is clear that, whatever explanation we fall back upon to
solve the difficulty—and none other but the one propounded
h Wanley seems plausible, or even possible—we must not
strain it; we must rather be content to apply the key some-
what loosely; for there can bo no doubt that our \' paving\'
letters have suffered by the frequent transcribing which our
text has undergone. In consequence of this wo may expect:—
a- Letters to have been put over tho wrong words ;
A Letters not to have been transcribed ;
y. Letters to have been misunderstood as part of gloss-
words, which in reality are nothing but gloss-letters ;
\' To this cause the same gentleman also "attributes the phenomena I have
^wcussed below, V, § 4.
8. Parts of a word—initial letters, mostly—to have been
taken as \' paving\' letters, and written separately accordingly.
For the case of a, I refer the student to the text passim.
For j3, I would remind him of the fact that unless this
assumption be right, the frequent occurrence of a single gloss-
letter over a Latin word, amidst a number of non-paved
Latin words, cannot be explained. Of the cases under y an^ 8
some instances should be adduced:—asutol, esefor, clrenc, ada,
l(Bt, which must be read respectively as [a.] sutol, [e.] se for
(ma) [d.] renc (cf. note to 69. i^), -[a.] -Sa, etc., whereas in
Ji algena (sanctorum) the ease would seem to lie the other way
All this tends to make it tolerably certain that Wanley\'s
supposition is correct, however many difficulties we may find
in our way. In the MS. the gloss-letters are always found
over the Latin words, sometimes by the side of the A.-S.
gloss (either before or after it), sometimes under it, or even
over it. To print them in exactly the same place was not
feasible, as that would have taken up too much space. I have
therefore had to make shift, and to print them in the same
line with the A.-S. glosses : this was at once practical, and in
accordance with tho principle followed throughout in this
edition, that whatever must be held to belong originally to
the Latin text, whether written by the Latin scribe or by the
last glossator, is put in the line of the lemmata, whereas all
that partakes of the nature of the g-loss—whether A.-S., Latin,
or \' paving\' letters—has been put in the line assigned to the
glossarial renderings.
V. The Language op the Text. Crude Forms. \' Mero-
graphy.\' Evidence of the Latin Text. English
Sounds. English Inflections.
§ I. The language of the present text will be considered in
this chapter in its most striking peculiarities. In all essentials,
I think, we shall find it a document of the later periods of
Anglo-Saxon. External criticism cannot be called in to bear
out this statement, for, as we have seen, there is no person on
whom to father it, nor is there any external reason to attri-
bute it to an inmate or to inmates of any particular convent.
Considering\' that the only evidence we have—the palaeography
of the MS.—gives us the limit of about 1020-1030, and
further remembering that we have some reason to believe
that the MS. was copied more than once, we may perhaps
roughly assign it to the first years of the eleventh century.
§ 2. The text will not be treated exhaustively. Such
treatment had better be reserved for the works of a standard
author of the period. Now that we have a statistical grammar
of two representative works of King Alfred\'s, in Prof. Cosijn\'s
Altwestsachsische Grammatik, it is highly desirable that some
one should take up this labour and commence a similar work
for, say, Aelfric. A work which is fit for such treatment
should yield material not only for phonetic studies, but also
for the study of inflections, and also of syntax. Our text
lacks the former to a certain extent, and the latter altogether.
§ 3. For the want of inflections, to a certain extent, I
refer to what in a letter to the Academy (for July 21, 1888),
and borrowing a term from Sanskrit philology, I have
called \'crude forms.\' A glossator wishes to write down the
sense of the Latin word merely as an aid to his memory ; and
without regard to either number or case, he just jots down the
word—no more. It is not so much the nominative which he
selects, as\' the word\' in the abstract, which of course in Teutonic
philology always coincides in form with the nominative.
I shall here enumerate some cases of crude forms:—
siSfmt (itinera, 3. 12), twyfeald (dupplici, 13. 17), hjrde
(pastoris, 12. 8 ; 17. 5), leas (gewitnesse ; falsum testimonium,
19. 13), ImictenfcBsten (quadragesime, 45. 13, etc.), vers
(versuum, 50. 2), mid gewunelic Jjeaw (68. 5, 6 ; probably mid
was added afterwards to indicate the case; more solido),
geioordenum forecnyll (facto primo signo, 83. 11), %ora9 (iratum,
116. 13).
Here the crude form is always singular, as also where we
find limc, neuter plural, glossed by tho neuter singular (5. 3).
But once I found \' utentibus\' glossed by hruccndas (93. 6),
which looks very miach like a plural crude form. This may be
also the case with helochi (preceptis, 21. 17 ; 55. 13 ; and also
54 2).
Conversely we find a singular glossed by a plural \\xv gyraeleas-
tum, (42. 7), and a nominative by a genitive in ealra heardnesm
(96. 7), but these must surely be due to a mistake. A
similar occurrence is when verbal forms are glossed\' by
infinitives. "We cannot be astonished at this, if we think of
what a school-boy in the present time, who had to prepare
a piece of Latin for translation, would do. Suppose he found
the form taxavimus in his text; the ending would naturally
be clear to him, and he might ask, What is taxare, and having
remembered it, or having been told, he would perliap write
down toe write, if he took the ending into consideration, but it
is quite possible that he would jot down to lorite only. In the
same way we must bear in mind that it was quite as often
the aim of the glossators to aid their own memory, as to
further the use of the text by others. This is lost sight of,
I think, by those scholars, who look upon any gloss as a
mistake which does not in all particulars of tense, person, or
number, case, etc., correspond with the lemma. For instances,
see lean (fueris, 75. 4), underfon (subjaceat, 91. 8), and infaran
(96. 13 ; ingredere, which, however, may not be in point,
as the glossator was liable to the mistake of looking upon
wgredere as an infinitive). See note to (97. 2).
§ 4. A phenomenon akin in character to the above, is one
which, for want of a better name, I was forced to call \' mero-
graphy,\' because only part of the gloss was in these instances
written. It would seem as if the glossator, when writing
down only a few letters, thought: \'If I see but this part,
I shall remember the whole easily enough or, in cases whero
the ending is given only: \' I know the word well, it is only
the case which I am in doubt of.\' Hence, we find forms like
the following^:—
hecumsj\\ (5.17), aem tigad (5. 17), lear?e5 (10. 8),/oJ- ma (23.
5), eal dre (26. 11), /dajd dre^ (28. i), hired f/m«(28. 9), mon^ees,
\' The parts which I supply are printed in Roman characters.
\' The h is here, possibly, a corruption of a \' paving\' letter h.
-ocr page 51-v.] ABSENCE OP SYNTAX. xH
mon^5 es (39, lo), on œnde byrdnesse (41. 15), eatl modnesse
(53. 8), under fo (56. 13), ge msen mmunge (? 70. 5 ; of. 69. 6,
or must we read gesomnungel), lecimeii dum (? 75. "a),
sin gendra (77. 5), rsed ati (83. 17), anfeald lice (101. 16),
genan (probably a mistake for genam ian ; 105. 17),
wege dihta-S (110. 16, xj^jpra vost (111. 9), to wurpon. nesse
(113. 15).
Perhaps also in rihtwisnesse (injustitias 33. 11, but it may
more likely bave been understood by the glossator as: in
justifias), and in geunrotsadecl (62.18) which must be supposed
to stand for geunrotsad or geunrots^r/.
See, for another view of the origin of these glosses, IV,
p. xxxvii, note.
§ 5. As regards the lack of syntax, it is but natural that
syntax could not be expected in a collection of glossarial
renderings, constituting a text, like the present. Slight traces
of it may however be found, as when a gloss follows the
government of a preceding English word, instead of the
lemma, e.g. heardlices, as gloss to asperum (6. 4), being
^ genitive dependent on the words eenig fine, going before.
Cf. also the following :—on dam, referring to liiioe (mascu-
hiie, 14, 13), but gloss to in qua ; lareoivlicum hi fylian
^\'^Qole (magistram sequantur regulam, 18, 9); which may be
also owing to the tendency in Latin, of mixing up dative and
accusative forms.
In J)am gercBddtm (qua perlecta, 4L 13), the gloss is wrongly
put in the masculine ; the glossator evidently thinking of the
Oodspelle which goes before ; whereas in reality the qua refers to
§ I must remind the reader, at this point, of how
narrowly we have missed possessing a valuable contribution
to the study of English syntax in our document. If we had
W the original, instead of a much defiled third or fourth-hand
^opy, how the \' paving \' letters would repay tho trouble of an
investigation ! For there can bo little doubt that if wo could
re-arrange the Latin words in the alphabetical order of
t^e original position of these paving-letters, we should
^ind that the words were then put in the Anglo-Saxon word-
order, or nearly so. Why this is not now the case, may be
seen above, p. xxxvii.
§ 7. In making my choice as to what I should take up
and what reject, I have been guided by the principle of
noting only that which may be thought in any way to supple-
ment Sievers\'s Standard Gi-ammar. It is to his second edition
that my quotations of his sections refer, which, however, I
do not always cite. I also give what is characteristic of the
period to which the present text belongs.
In what follows, the evidence will be found to be based,
with one or two exceptions, on material drawn from our Old
English text. But, when lately investigating this matter,
I came to the conclusion that a careful analysis of a Latin
text may sometimes yield valuable matter for phonetic in-
vestigation too. In a letter to the Academy ^ for Sept. 22, 1888,
I tried, to lay down the general principles by which we
should be guided when working at a Latin text for this
purpose. What will be found there, may be summarised as
follows :—Where we know a Latin text to be written in the
country whose language we arc investigating—in our case,
English,—and where we know that the spelling-differences
presented by the text under consideration are deviations from
the ordinary Latin taught in the Middle Ages; that is, where
we have reason to suppose that the peculiar spellings in this
text are due to an English scribe, we may take those Latin
spellings into account to corroborate the evidence of the
spelling in our English text.
Now although our MS. dates from tho eleventh century,
i.e. about four centuries after the reported introduction of
Benedictinism into England, yet the ultimate source is a
Latin original. The fact, however, that tho other MSS.
appear not to present the peculiarities of this manuscript,
enables us to rely more on the following evidence, especially
in conjunction with that of the Anglo-Saxon. I have here
brought together the little evidence that our text yields.
But rny knowledge of Middle Latin is so slight that I am by
\' See also the subsequent numbers of that periodical.
-ocr page 53-v.] EVIDENCE OF THE LATIN TEXT, xliii
no means confident of having been at all consistent in distin-
guishing between what is general, and what is peculiar to the
English scribe, (See above, p, xxix,)
§ 8. That ae becomes e (passim) is, of course, quite general,
but perhaps the reverse process may be thought to illustrate
what will be found stated below in § 15, Cf, desidermnt (24,13),
itcBm (31. 13), occupcentur (82, 4,) The general levelling of
unstressed vowels may be perhaps exemplified by corda (19.
10), murmurantis (25. 10, 11), opore (35. 16), leganter (38. 15),
memoriter (39, 16), etc. As to what has been said of the
possible existence of nasal vowels, if any importance is to be
attached to the examples in §§ 41, 70, we may here instance
atiphona (43. 7), emendaverit ( = 59. 4), injugat (80. 16,
etc.). Do, perhaps, spellings such as complefori, subsellis,
vermm (40. 11, 46, 6, 50, a, for completoriis, etc,) prove that
our scribe was accustomed to indicate vowel-length by
doubling tho letter ?
As to § 42, cp. sowpno (2, 9, 28. 2), comtempnentes (28. 16,
where p is added below the line), amplicet—applicet (21. i), etc.
For the pronunciation of b = v, cf. in our text hahitavit
(3. 16, etc.), which, however, is of very frequent occurrence
(as in the 0,S. Heliand, e,g. bar=far). See Sweet, O.E.T,,
p. 185. If, as I have reason to suppose, this change obtains
only in this ending, -abit, -avit, I doubt whether it is any-
thing but a graphical, or a continually occurring, blunder.
As to § 50, see dehead (63. 12), prospiciad (68. 14), capud
(73. 15), hospidtm (75. 8), deliquid (79. 15), and compare jube
addare, which is, of course, jubeat dare (91. 5). Hence in
(64. 14) I put agad in the text, not agat, on account of the
deo following.
Medicetur (96. 2, J\'set he sma;ge, \'W^^-=meditetur, is equally
interesting, as the word secende=setende (below, § 63). Ad
§ 66, cf. 5?>;i^=sciens (97. 5).
As to § 72 compare habbatis (79. 8), coherceat (15. 12), in has
^ignato (75. 3 = in {y)assignato\\ as well as omnibus (MS., evi-
dently a corruption of ominibus=hominibus, 30. 6), ospitum
(61. 15), ospite (88. 12), abita^it (91.11), ortu{^) (112. 15), etc.;
nichihm (4, 8) is, I believe, quite common elsewhei\'e.
We shall now have to examine the Ang-lo-Saxon text.
§ 9. Sounds.—a. Stressed short a before nasals has passed
through the second o-stage (Sievers, § 65), and has again become
a. passim, e.g. underfangen (97. 4), langsummn (97. 7). Stressed
short a otherwise placed is stable; the only cases where it is
found as 0 are ut to foranne (65. 16; cf. § 20), and tipaJiofen-
nesse (22. 7).
Half-stressed and unstressed a passes into e and 0. Cf.
andsweras (3. l), andswore (112. 6, 112. 9), and for the latter
case eadmodren (14. 9), forhicgendm (15. 4), witen (72. 13),
and befrinonne (26. 12).
§ 10. o. Stressed short 0 is sometimes found as eo before
r, ƒ, and : feorwyrde (interitum, 57. 5), godes leaf (ambrosi-
anus, 38. 7, but /(/and lofsang, passim), to geleohgenne (92. 8).
I also find 0 represented by u, stmce (36. 10) and liicaS
(110. 12), which latter is possibly a mistake for lociad.
§11. Stressed long 0 is represented by, possibly its umlaut,
e in werigende {vagari, 112. 17), but 11 in du — do (103. 7).
§ 13. Unstressed 0 becomes a in abhade (116. a ; Latin
influence?). It is rendered by u, e.g. in furSur (26. 13), and
often by e in the case of the ending -cest of the superlatives
(e. g. leofedan, 3. 9, etc.). Cf. also nygeSa (37. 4), nigeda
(37. 11).
.§ 13. u. There is little to be said of the zi\'s in stressed
syllables : on a possible nasal u, see below, § 41.
M, in unstressed syllables, is represented by 0 in hoh/olnesse
(54. 1 and 57. 18), and by a in o^ravt (14. 9).
§ 14. E, M. Genetically speaking, e is either palatal or
guttural. Traces of this may be seen \'in the fact that g is
retained longer before guttural e\'s than before palatal ones,
where it soon runs into the palatal spirant (j). Thus we
find the prefix ge- (=ga) unswervingly represented in this
way. It is not until the end of the eleventh century that wo
find it represented by i (Vices and Vertues, ab 1200, passim,
icleped, idon, etc.).
§ 15: Short e, stressed, half-stressed, and unstressed, very
frequently becomes <e ; conversely in all three positions is
often written e. The natural inference is, that the two sounds
have run together, and are assimilated. In fact, three
originally different vowel values may be said to have dwindled
down into one. e=West Teutonic ie = a i, and e=a=.
W. S. a before non-nasals palatal vowels (Sievers, § 49;
Sweet, History of Engl. Sounds, second ed., § 413).
Cp. andehjrdnesse (14. 3), (slfrcemedne (20. 5), celles (28. 4),
UgcBnge (86. 3), Jjcence (104. 16).
w(pfyils (32. 14), monffces (39.10), hifande (68. 1), Jiei asjjenda
(98. 9), etc. In eelm\'^ssan (99. 16), and in h^ftem^t (76.5), the
non-italicised symbol may owe its sound to a confusion with
mcesse, -mcesf, due to and explained by popular etymology.
§ 16. —Both short and long ce are often found in our
text represented by a. parrihte (23. 16), sifajye (28. 13},
/near (36. i), mdau (72. 10), »lage (72. 15). They are also
written e: seigd (2. 18), stepe (31. 9), gemmlica (communis,
34. I a), geedhht (51. 17), eftcrfdige (54. 10), afQ.red (prostratus,
78. 11), and lastly, both short and long cb is expressed by the
symbol ee : geedleelde (51. 3), gejjeef 16).
§ 17. is m possibly in eall/jeodscipa (89. 5), if it is not
a mistake, influenced by call-, gehealdenne (61. a), which must
then be supposed to be wrong for gelealde (but cf. note, infra,
on p. 123), and perhaps in teaUic, = ifEUic (54. 7).
§ 18. is ^ in gptes (94. 5).
An i has developed after along 0 in the case of/<ci aspendce
(98. 9). It may be due to the analogy of the e in some cases,
e.g. aweig (1. 7), etc., where a g followed.
§ 19. E has developed into ea in f&ilaspreocala (35. 5; cf.
infra § 30) ; into eo in the same woiUfealasjircocala, as well as
in beotwnx (51. 8), and in neodbehtofe (69. 14, but regularly
lehefe, 81. 14, etc.).
§ 20. e becomes 0, modunga (fomenta, 59. 11), and possibly
in vt to foranue (65. 16), where, however, the 0 may equally
Well be the representative of a ; cf. § 9).
§ 21. e has become j/ in lid leii/ten (adquiritur, 65. 9), and
i in cetliwigan (92. i6).
§ 22. ^ in unstressed syllables is very frequently represented
by a ; thus in forosjorcec (1. 2), forsaglatolice (18. 7), forViheon
(11. 9, 24. 13), for&hradian (55. 4, formscawunga (73. 11);
in the following two verbal forms: he gemuna (meminerit,
16. 14), of acerfa (amputet, 108. 11); then in the gen. sing,
m. g. lareowas (10. 8, etc.), lehoclas (22. 2).
Conversely, the ending -as of the plural being written -es
occasioned the corruption asynilrodest (56. 9).
§ 23. This a for e is most probably phonetically correct in
the above-mentioned cases. Into smeageuda. (26. 11), Mceddra
(28. 7), it may be from the influence of the respective lemmata.
The lemma has probably also influenced the gloss in the case of
gexcrita (32. 5, scriptura).
§ 24. Syncope of e follows the rule as laid down by Sievers
(§§ 144, 293). Hence we find forms like regolicere [6S. 10),
regollicere (103. 15), by the side of regolicre (113. 16, 115.
16), etc.
§ 25. I, Y. Although of different origin, these two vowels
may, in the stage to which the language of the present Text
belongs, be safely considered together, as they are both levelled
under one sound, probably the i. That this should bo under
the former sound, is first of all made likely by such spellings
as forjjig (17. 16), ingehide=ingehygde (94. 12), in both of
which cases the ig, i rei)resonts the long z, and is secondly
borne out by the subsequent history of the letters, both of which
are diphthongised into the present I. Hence we find such
spellings as kiti (genus, 10. 6), cinehehn (31. 14), mycel having
again (cf. Sievers, § 31 note) become micel (72. 15, etc.).
§ 26, I, y are rendered by u, in wursan (11. 4), and in cwude
(24. 14), oferfull (71. 9), gtfxiUan (81. 4).
§ 27. efor i resp. y is found in the following instances:—
i), smeSe (officium, 23. \\),Jjen{g) (71. \']), tender (75. 17),
gement (decreverit, 78. 17), hegeme (intendat, 96.5), ^tc.
§ 28. For an apparently long » in Ulic, see § 42.
§ 29. EA, EO. That these were stressed on the second ele-
ment, in the period to which this text belongs, and that, con-
sequently, the first e had become a half-vowel is, to my think-
ing, beyond doubt. I adduce in support of it the following
forms:—iornfidlestan (1. 12), iarcie (16. 17), which may easily
be multiplied from the present and other texts, code is spelt
(58. 17) gode, and in conjunction with forms like gereordgenne
(74. a), hadgenne (107. 4), but especially gebisgode (82. 4,
which cannot be anything- but gebisiode, cf. also below, § 68/).
I have no hesitation in looking upon this gode as a ease in
point. See Sievers, § 21 a, anm. 2, and § 214, sub 7.
§ 30. ea and eo interchange. See neonoan (24. 8), and for
feola, feala, supra, § 19, Paul Beitrage 4. 345, 6. 55. The
former is found monophthongised in a great many cases in
full syllables, as well as in half, and unstressed ones. The
monophthong e thus bom, is sometimes found interchanged
with ee.
nextan (4. 6), ege (13. 13 hh), gejjehte (19. 7), hlehtregamene
Jjch (21. 17), seel (58. 8, 102. 8, etc.).
Jjrege (15. 9) and prmiungan, (59. 7) foreglmvUce (18. 7),
glxwnesse (58. 9, 59. 14).
gimh&lice (63. 9) and gimlcBslic (MS. gtinlaslic, 62. 2), as
against gemeleasan (15. 3) and passim.
§ 31. Tho spelling scame7t{76. 11) and gescad (109. 2), etc.,
is no monophthonging at all, because tho vowels never were
diphthongs, see § 66. Salmos (51. 9) is Latin influence.
§ 32. In aiuhoyrde (presentem, 30. 11) and bejjyrfendra
15)> probably through e, is represented by
§ 33. eo is e in ceriende (20. 15), and possibly in ataridd
(89. 10), but sec note. Ilcnce in ci/rigende (55. 12), eo
l^ecomes y.
^^forranc (29. 13) and forsig (64. 13) eo has become 0,
§ 34. U, in consonantal value, presents the usual contrac-
tions: noIdon{2. \'j),SHtol{9. \']\\gesuinlad (29.10 ; d.gesiciduM,
11), for which see Sievers, § 172 note, who does not men-
tion ucan (52. 7), iieujjena (66. 12), and sec note to moxican
(52. 4).
It is superfluous in hwiwrmlenne (107. 11), whilst dxyrnyssum
(32. 12)^ aidealde (91. 4, etc.), Jjea\\\\f(estnpse (100. 13), are
Mistakes due to tho misreading of r(jt), /(f) and A respectively
^"^awi/rtlian-^awyriicaUan (108. 7) a mistake, or the outcome
a phonetic process ?
§ 35- I, in consonantal value, need not be treated separately.
-ocr page 58-xlviii ANGLO-SAXOX CONSONANTS. [v.
as it has become identical in sound, as well as mostly in
symbol, with the spirant palatal g, for which see below, § 68.
Thus we find geornlice (23. 2), as well geoncl (11. 4);
iornfullestan (1. 12), as well as iond (50. i).
§ 36. R is omitted, whether phonetically or graphically it is
difficult to say, foahrcedigende (106. li), tohedde (109. 15,
injiati), Mcce (32. 9), b(sd (54. 7). B is inserted in mcesse-
preostrum (100. 10, see note, but preosta 101. 6), (stbredendrum
(32. 13), hefgran (65. 7, cf. 66. 9), and of course by mistake
in frynd (20. 11, inimicos).
§ 37. We may further note a case of svarabhakti in meri-
genlicum (66. 13), and merrigenlice (37. 14), as also two
instances of metathesis, heBrdlicor (24. 6), and wryUa (33. 16,
etc.). In the case of merrigenlice it is also possible that the
ig, resp. rig, represents only the vocalisation of the g. Cp. the
spelling meriendlice (44. 7, 45. 16, 46. 4).
§ 38. L has disappeared in cefioyrde (16. 6), and has been
doubled m welleornia]) (100. 4).
§ 39. M. Apart from the ending of the dative plural, where
an older -urn is usually supposed to have dwindled down into
-an, m is often found represented by n. Graphically speaking,
the difference is so slight that e. g. in a word like toyhie (fer-
vore, 9. 19) we must perhaps assume a scribal error; on the
other hand, forms such as ])an (40. 4, 99. 2) and medenlicum
may be phonetic.
A ease of assimilation may occur in belippendan-=lelim-
pendan {7B. 11, but see note). For lUic=lim{p)lic (21. 11),
see § 42.
§ 40. N. Not written in fndung (9. 19), windriicen (20. 13),
drihtelican (50. 1), gedihtere {^l. 4; nL gedihtenre bO. 17), cere
(semel, 54. 7), JjcarJlices (82. 3), si gejmda (injungatur, 84. 3),
wacmodes (84. 5)> etc.
Added in gejjeomlan (57. 14), and assimilated to d in edde-
byrdnesse (78. 17), doubled in inn code, which was misunder-
stood or mistranscribed and written m? neode (103. 18).
§ 41. Misreading a word so as to put an n where it was
not, or vice versa, is admittedly of very frequent occurrence,
owing to the fact that n is often denoted by a stroke over
the preceding letter. All our instances may he due to this.
But if Sievers is right in assuming the existence in early
Teutonic of nasalised vowels (ib. 45. 5), and if Zupitza\'s
account of Kent. Glosses 795 streak■= strengt, etc., is correct^—
that is, if we may lay down the principle that certain sound
values are thus symbolised in a preceding letter, it is just
possible that some of the cases above indicated owe their
origin to this principle, and that this aided the spreading of
the then only apparent loss of n. Cf. § 70.
§ 42. p. Omitted in cam dorn (abbreviated in the MS. as
cä do, 14. 6); i§l (jactantiam, 23. 7), gelimlic (96. 3) This
last word occurs also (21. 11) under the form Ulic, where
the sign of length ~ must be taken as indicating m.
§ 43. An epenthetical p obtains in hiftem-^re (dulcius, 3. 8).
No doubt under the influence of the lemma a js is retained
in psealmas (38. 7). The word reps = Latin responsorium is
perhaps another instance of metathesis, as to which see
Sievers, § 204. 3; otherwise the form may be explained as
representing ri\'(s)j!3(on)s(orium) and not 7-e5^(onsorium).
§ 44. B. Tho close relationship that exists between m and
its corresponding stoj) h explains at once forms like cmfaran
(83. 6), and perhaps also gemi/sgunge (occupationem, 89. 16),
and si forhamcd [^b^imcvtiuY, 71. 12), although in the latter
word a mixing up with hcemed is the more probable origin
of the extant form.
§ 45. b is misread as h in heode (56. 8), and hetelictm
( = betehtum, 31. 1).
§ 46. F, V. In the instances to be mentioned lower down,
both 1\' and v express the voiced labial spirant, and hence
they are here mentioned together—vers, verse (41. 7, 47. 13,
2, etc.), in each case as gloss to a Latin versus (or oblique
cases), the writing of v may be due to Latin influence. Not
so inpravoste (54. io),pravosium (104. 4),2}ravostscire15);
see also se sylva (12. 16), and iveoiiedes (62. i), and compare
Sievers\'s remark that this representation by v is characteristic
of the oldest English (§ 192. 2).
\' Daa n behielt natürlich in allen diesen fallen seine gutturale natur,
-ocr page 60-xlviii ANGLO-SAXOX CONSONANTS. [v.
§ 47. An original voiced ƒ (= Gothic h, or Latin ƒ) before
n admittedly often becomes m,\' especially in the later period\'
(Siev., § 193. 3, and see note). Bearing this in mind, we must
be struck to find stefne and efiium constantly, which forms
are indicative of an older period; and on the contrary, the.^
following English adaptations of the Latin word antiphona:
antiphonas (81. i), antipJionam (41. i) ; antemn (79. i), antemne
(38. 5); antemp (56. 10, 79, 12), and autempne (42, I2 ; 43. 4),
§ 48, Are any traces found of an interchange between
/and w ; and is this phonetic, or, as is certainly very possible,
merely graphical ? The constancy of the occurrence of the
gloss anfealde to potesiate in our text (which I have starred ;
91. 4, and passim) would almost make me inclined to think
that the change was phonetic. If so, we may look upon liw
(61. 13) as an analogue. Here, however, the w has been
changed into ƒ (contemporarily).
ƒ is dropped \\u fröre (solacio, 10. i), and has been added, no
doubt erroneously, in yfefle (31. 5).
§ 49. T. The resemblance in shape of this symbol to
c may often account for forms like the following: orsecleua
(9. 18}, uncrwnan (109. 6). Whether wice (poena, 25, 13),
secende (ponens, 28. 14) must not be viewed in a different
light, is a matter ^vhich will be found treated of below,
§ 50. Traces of the voicing of final t to d are numerous:—
gemed (modus 45. 8, 72. 14), gild (33. 10), tramod (118, 2),
Of this last word, Schröer\'s texts have on p, 133 of his edition,
tramet, which is also in the Durham MS, in the corresponding
passage on fo. 123 b. Schröer asks (glossary, in voce) if tho
word is masc. or neuter. The following references may give
an answer to this question. Gospel of S. Matthew, ed. Skeat,
p. 2,1. 10: trametas 1 woegas \\ stige •. tramites; and Prudentius
glosses, Germania 23, p. 398 b. trametas: paginas.
t, the outcome of the combination -te}», becomes voiced in
the following cases: si gehcd (emendaverit, 25. 13), anded
(confitebitur, 29, 14), agild (deliquerit, 80, 4), heed (91, 3)
and as the result of -de]; being contracted iu: asend (mittit,
36. 13), lad (ducit, 117. 3).
Observe the spelling geledt (impediatur, 87. 4).
§51. t is dropped very frequently. Finally in geJjeaJi
(17. 14), higeleas (75. 17). Cp. also sceornesse (39. 13),
crcejican (= craiftiean, 94. 10), swa (ƒ swa (94. 5), etc.
Inwardly in drihue (1. 8), tihende (suadentem, 4. 7), tearim
(61. I, probably a mistake for tear lum) influenced by the
thought oi tearum — \\s.c.vim\\s\', wccmas (82. 3).
Initially it is, with a following <?, misread for a: in ^\'telendne
{ — telendne, detractorem, 20. 15), and ^arlicor (= teartlicor,
§ 52. t is found added after s in geivist (38. 6), in cost
[certainly in (88. 3), and probably also (20. 7), if paccm may
be taken to mean jiacis osculmn\\, and through a mixing up
of forms in asyndrodest (=asyndrodas, privati, 56. 9). Owing
to influence of the lemma, it is added in pemant (serviant,
65. 15). See a very interesting article, Mod. Language
Notes I, 3, and ib. I, 97.
§ 53. t becomes d in si gesci/rd (53. 13), tourd mend (87. 15),
and also in swa liivccd szva (1. 11). This latter instance,
unlike the former which is isolative (Sweet, H. E. S., § 47),
is combinative, influenced by the following s. Other combi-
native changes of t, but through a preceding s, are found
in these words: apreht (78. 10, 98. 7), and prengeslan (1. 9).
Instead of becoming }), tho t of st is dropped in eet uyxaii
(2.7)- , .
§ 54. D. This sound is very frequently unvoiced. Myrrent
(stirpator, 62. 3), manifealt (113. 15). It is retained etymo-
logically in pemildsa (39. 7). The frequently occurring forms
abbot in the nominative as well as in the oblique cases (c. g.
79. 8, 80. 15, etc.) are not likely to be all due to the form
of the lemma ; they may on the contrary present examples in
point here.
llUiiclipol (35. 11) and stunitneelum (38. 10) may be
instanced as exemplifying the unvoicing of a d at the end
of a syllable, and tho following words as a specimen of the
same process inwardly, so far as they may be thought to
indicate phonetic and not merely graphical changes.
fotum (alimentis, 68. 15), wi\'S meten (mercedi, 85. 13,
d 2
-ocr page 62-xlviii ANGLO-SAXOX CONSONANTS. [v.
probably a blunder), atreogenlic (agenda, 37. la), to motgenne
(superbiendi, 110. 4, cp. § 69), stete (111. 15). For the ap-
parent change aid into g, see below, note to 5. 9 (p. 119).
§ 55. d is represented by 9 in the following cases : (eftvyrÏÏe
(16. 7), heon gesœid (22. 3), heladod (65. 6, 65. 13). See for
îoidscrijjel (10. 16, 17), where d is influenced by the fol-~
lowing s, § 53 above. Owing to the want of length-desig-
nation in our MS. it is difiicult to decide whether wiâ-
here represents tviâ or tcîâ. In the former case the change
would be combinative and internal ; in the latter isolative
and external (Sweet, H. E. S., § 46. ƒ).
§ 55. The close relationship existing between the d and n,
n being formed exactly in the place of the d but with free
breath-passage, throws more or less light on the following
instances, most of which, if not all, may represent truly pho-
netic changes. See also below, § 92.
ahlicenHum earum (2. 10), timdgan (3. 3), angdfullum (13.
3), gewitendilicuni (16. 11), menen^lice (44. 7, etc.), ion (per,
49. 2), etc. etc. See Sievers, § 198.
d is represented by n in gegearcou (exibetur, 25. 3), is doubled
in gejjreadd (104. 6), and assimilated to n in cxmenne, etc.
(95. 11).
§ 57. i», D. The sound symbolised by these letters is in our
text\'often found represented by d. Cp. nytwyrdnymm (19. 6,
65. 14), sodes (89. 7), laigd (98. 2), sede (115. 15). This d
by unvoicing becomes if in underfeld (16. i), det (108. 6, where
the possibility of Latin influence is not excluded). It is
assimilated to t in eettan (77. 16).
Jj, â, as sign of the 3 p. s. are often omitted ; cp. saig
(24. 9), etc.
Inwardly,^ has disappeared in sioyrian (59. 14), and possibly
in lareoio. So says Sweet, as regards this last word, in the
Anglia, III, p. 152. But is this derivation con-cct? Speak-
ing a prion, a }i is more likely to be added by analogy than to
disappear phonetically between r and a rowel \\ lateoiv from
ladjjeow is no fit analogue. Or must we presuppose, for a
transitional stage, *laJ)reow ? Even then our swy^rian is but
a meagre analogue, occurring as it does only once or so, as
against the constancy with which lareow obtains. On the
whole, Reimann (Die Sprache, etc., cp. § 64, p. 36),—who
assumes larjjeow to be a twelfth century neologism,—seems
to me most likely to have hit the mark.
Original dh is represented by dd in anddettan (21. 15),
]i is written ƒ in dcefnysse (55. 5), a very probable phonetic
§ 58. s. S is assimilated to t in Uettian (33. 3), and is
prothetic—if phonetic in this place, which is at least doubtful
—in stalu [ — talu, detractionis, 110. 7).
§ 59. c, K. Both these symbols express either a guttural or a
palatal voiceless stop. In our text the following words occur
with k by the side of forms with initial c. ofkyrfes (abscisionis,
60. 2), gekynd, (5. 14), kyS (69. 10), leon gekydde (29. 9),
ki/re (18. 4), kpi (9. 17), kin (10. 16), kapitol (47. 9), etc.
c is sometimes voiced: hegimd (76.4), drencg (potus, 78. i),
godgtindre (81. 10), gemhig (84. 4), siohigan (109. 3)\'.
c is represented by t in fcete (37. 13) and gcferlcetenn
(102. 13). For the reverse process, see § 49 above, and for
the explanation, § 63 below.
§ 60. As regards the pronunciation of this c, I have
already stated that it is either palatal or guttural. The
guttural pronunciation occurs of course before guttural vowels,
and possibly also in a few cases before ])urely palatal vowels,
but only when the c is there owing to a secondary develop-
ment. Thus, when we find re glossed by Jnnce (33. 9), it
is difficult to believe that the <?, which has grown out of g,
and is thus a purely guttural stop, can be palatal in the
oblique cases. Before guttural vowels a palatal pronunciation
is not likely to have obtained.
§ 61. What is the nature of this palatalisation? Sievers
expressly and distinctly states, in various sections of his
grammar, that the palatal c=isch (§ 196. 3), i.e. a \' pronuncia-
tion • resembling the present English ck^\' (§ 206, anm. 3).
\' Sievers does not restrict his statement to any later period. The following
may therefore he of interest. That this assibilation of the c cannot be
established for the older periods—I here refer to the Corpus Glossary—may
be seen from Dieter, § 43, who gives mcr(x (Wr. W., 32. 25) as representing
However strange it may be that the author of the \' Grund-
ziige der Phonetik\' must have here made the slip of con-
founding palatalisation with its consequence, assibilation,
the fact is proved by referring to p. 62 of the third edition
of the Grundziige, where a correct statement is given. But
the words quoted above still stand in the A.-S. grammar, and
the wrong notion there expressed, pervades the whole treat-
ment of the c.
§ 63. Let us examine the facts on which Sievers\'s theory
is based. They are :—
(1) The transition of ort-geanl into orceard, afterwards
orcerd, ordceard.
(2) Tho transition offetian into fecc{e)an.
Now the interchange of guttural c and t, i, e. of the voice-
less guttural and dental stops, is no matter of wonder; and
as such, the matter might be explained without more ado\';
but there is more which tends to explain the change. A
palatal c, as in A.-S. rice, before having attained the present
stage of pronunciation—assibilation to tsch in rich—must
have passed through the tj stage—i.e. exactly through the
place where the ig (i. e. t^) of origeard must have been formed.
No wonder then, that t palatal vowels, or rather t palatal
semi-vowels, should be confuscd in writing with c palatal
vowels, i.e. semi-vowels. Hence the transition of ortgeard
into* orceard. Hence possibly also the form fcccean by the
side of fetian, although the possibility of two distinct verbs
being apparently merged into one is not excluded^. Thus
then I believe with Sievers, that orceard proves a pronuncia-
tion oftjard, but no more. I shall no\\v examine the re-
maining grounds against this supposition. The c originally
sufficed because, as is very likely (Siev., § 206), palatalisa-
tion is an Anglo-Saxon phenomenon. But when the palatals
began to develope, k was sometimes used to denote the
guttural sound. This at least is very probably the meaning
the middle Latin mercem. If c had then been Ucli, the scribe would not have
had recourse to the unusual tz to express this sound, then so akin to that
of c. ^
^ See Mod. Language Notes II. 222, III, 126, 192.
^ Whence does Bosworth-ToIIer get his preterite,/cc/t^e ?
-ocr page 65-v.] PALATALISATION. Iv
of k (Sievers, § 207); but that the distinction was not always
kept up, that is, that the distinction was evidently too
delicate to be palpable to the untrained ear, is clear from the
list of words above, § 59, where the h occurs before vowels
originally palatal as well as those originally guttural. But
however rough and obtuse an ear may be, the distinction be-
tween k and tsj must be sure to be heard and to find expression
consistently. How then was it afterwards expressed? By
the adding of 1i to the palatal c; but this did not happen
until the beginning of the Middle English period (Koch,
§ 172 fF.). I do not believe that the cJi of the Northumbrian
documents represents Uj, but I wish to reserve my judgment
aintil the grammar of these texts, which may be expected from
the hands of Professor Cook, has placed before us the necessary
material on this subject.
§ 63. We may now safely conclude that the evidence in
Anglo-Saxon does not do more than prove that palatal c=ij
at tho utmost, not yet tsj. See also on this subject the
remarks of Professor March, Englische Studien, I. 315.
Hence it is that I have left the above-mentioned forms
foite, geferlcetenne, etc., unstarred, since they are just as likely
to represent the palatal c, as would be done by this symbol
itself, and it is probably owing to this confusion of c and t
that wc find such forms as loice, secende, cp. supra, § 49.
§ 64. A word must be said about tho c-epenthesis, although,
of this phenomenon proper, I havo not found an instance in
our text. Traces of it may, however, be perhaps discovered.
For instances of it, see Sievers^ § 210; Cosijn, Altwests,
gramm. I, § 131, i.e. Sweet, Pastoral Care, p. 482 f.;
Zcuner, Die Spracho\' des Kentischen Psalters, § 39; Dieter,
Spracho und Mundart der ältesten lünglischen Denkmäler,
§ 45. P- Ö3 ; Reimann, Die Spracho der Mittelken tischen
Evangelien, § 28, sub 3 ; Schröer, Die Winteney-Version der
R. S. B., p. xxvii, etc.
§ 65. What is the nature of this epenthesis, i.e. what is
hero the sound of 5c ? I think that c must bo supposed to
indicate the change of s (not only of so as Zeuner has it,
note 2 on J). 80) into the palatal sibilant, and I am hai)py
to find that the only writer who does speak of the nature of
the sound—Reimann, 1.1.—is of the same opinion. It is
curious that so far as my instances go, the older periods
present this insertion only between s and I, m or n, not before
p and t^, as in modern South German. Here stein and spalte
become ^ stein and ^palte; there it is only such words as snulen
which would become scnulen. Now in German this s from s
has run into the sound so, (etymologically) sch = sk. In modern
English an original sk has often also become \'sc?\' (i.e the
palatal sibilant), as in shadow from scadu. In. § 31, I have
stated that the spelling seamen^ etc., does not present a case
of monophthonging. This must be now further explained.
§ 66. If the above view of the c-epenthesis be accepted,
we need not be surprised to find this c written so com-
paratively rarely. Even in Anglo-Saxon times we may safely
assume pronunciation to have been in advance of spelling,
so that when the former began to change, the latter followed
only tentatively, and not always consistently. Suppose there-
fore, that the sound-change, under certain conditions, of s to
sc = s were pretty general, it is quite possible that in the
majority of cases it should yet be written s, especially since
the difference between the two is not so very great. Now the
sk before palatal vowels would easily become stj (cf. §§
60-63); and owing to the presence of the it would
further dwindle down to ^
If it be objected that I here give a pronunciation to the
c, which was denied it in the §§ cited, I must emphatically
state that this is owing to the influence of the That a
stop should be slun-ed over sooner hekoe^n two contimiants
than that at the beginning of a syllable (ri-ce) a tj should
develop a sibilant, no one will care to deny, I think. Another
possibility must here be disposed of. Could sk have developed
into i through the intermediate stage of (=« the un-
\' I now find ccesclra (castellum) in the Northumbrian Gospel of S. Mattliew,
21. 2.
\' By k in^the rest of this section I denote the guttural voiceless stop, and
by rf the palatal sibilant.
\' See Mod. Langu.igd Notes, as quoted in § 52.
-ocr page 67-v.] C-EPENTHESIS. IvÜ
voiced palatal spirant). It is possible, but not likely. Spellings
like scJiyldo (Mt. prologue 17. 12) and hischead (corr. from
higschad. Praef. Eusebii, 9. 13), as well as sgiire -monn (dis-
pensator, Luke 12. 42) in the Northumbrian Gospels, would
indeed seem to favour this view, but for a reason pointed
out above, I do not wish to lay too much stress on these
forms. For my own self, I am inclined to look on the above
forms as all indicating the pronunciation syldo (= sgyldo),
lisead, mremonn, etc. But there is more. Do spellings like
schammn occur ? i. e. sch before guttural vowels ?
As to sk before the guttural vowels, whatever may have
originally been the impetus that set sk changing into what
is now spelt see (Sievers, § 76), it did change in this direction,
and as soon as forms like sceamti, sceadu, had developed them-
selves, the way was open to change in tho same manner as the
sk before palatal vowels. Sievers, in reply to Kluge (Anglia,
V, anz. 83) has treated of these ea\'s, etc. in the Beiträge,
(Paul and Braune) 9. 305 f. His reasonings have not con-
vinced me, and I continue to hold with Kluge that the ea
in sccamu is no real diphthong. ■ Thus we find that ce in
sceop is the symbol for one sound (just as sk in shall is
the expression for only one sound), and tho 0 has not become
diphthongized by the palatal e, i. e. tho stress is on the 0.
Now when the palatal i, as developed out of s in the caso
of scniden, had come to bo expressed by sc, and when tho
sound thus symbolised was also expressed by sce^, we need
not be surprised to find that the j-sound originally expressed
by the e now got sufiiciently known to be inherent in tho
symbol sc ( = •<) and that consequently a return to the spelling
scame may gradually be observed. This is what I meant
above when saying that slight traces of the c-epenthesis
might perhaps be found in our text.
§ 67. I have said that wc must expect to find sc written
for s only rarely, whereas it may have been pronounced
so much oftener. We may now go further, and say that
■ This nearly always in conjunction with a and o, so that they can be
looked upon as the diphthongs ea and eo, which by this time had also the
stress on the d and 6.
a spelling mcennisiiesse (68. ii) need not be a mistake for
mcenniscnesse, as s ]:)robabIy had here the value of L See
vi\\.so fl(eslican\'^, Cui-a Past. 234. 14. (Cosijn, I, § 131.)
Cosijn (I, p. 133) instances menniseu, -escu from the Pastoral
Care (71. la), without sc making the preceding vowel long
through position. Was sc already palatal i ?
§ 68. G. The following selection of forms, which might
easily be multiplied, bears out the various statements of Sievers
in his Grammar on the pronunciation of this letter:—beiym
(47. 7), aiyldenne (19. 4), \'^-asmaidan (29. 11, read .asmaiand =
asmeagend), adli (morbida, 60. 4), scyldine (36. 3), sade (36. 6),
gesaiff (22. 3), secce (38. 12), crcpftlcan (94. forlncgende
(12. 14), miderfmnc (16. 12), Jnnce (33. 7), etc. etc. The com-
bination hg occurs twice: geleohgenne (92. 8), gelohgenlican
(63. 5). See also above, § 29. As regards the transition of
g to w, it is exemplified in our MS. e.g. in suwian (11. 5,
cf. Siev., §§ 214. 8, 416. 8), but the form forgcewa^ (107.
14) by the side oi foYgceian (75. 8) is rather curious. (Cf.
note to 86. 17.)
§ 69. To one statement of Sievers\'s (§ 216, 3) I must take
exception. He says: ^ dg has caused eg in micgern, fat (for
*midgern, O. H. G. mittigarni), which is extant in com-
paratively late texts only. This transition presupposes for
\' its time (tenth century) a pronunciation of eg as dz! I
must claim for this eg the pronunciation tj, and refer my
readers to § 63. O.H. G. mittigarni presupposes A.-S. \'^mid-
gern. This would readily become ^mitgern i. e. mitjern;
see above, § 62, where I have shown how this combination
could bo written micgern.
The pronunciation of eg as dz is therefore not proven.
1 Thia word lias lately been treated of by Osthoff (Beiträge, 13. 401 fT.;
Bee especially p. 407). I suppose that the Kentish word flwc, which Kluge
cites in his new ed. of his Etymol. Wörterbuch, is part of ßcnchaman in the
1 Kentish Psalm 143. Zupitza, Z.f.D.A. 21. 12, thinks that this is a mistake.
The suggestion may be hazarded that c { = f) should stand for sc, but I c^mot
support this spelling at present, except by the selfsame wordsßercce derccedum,
which Zupitza instances from the Kentish Glosses, and by the Northumbrian
oncceccen hid (denegabitur, Luke 12. 9). Cp. perhaps the spelling j^cJerfeteßasÖ^
\'=ßierfcteßcesa (71. 11), for the d presupposes an a, rather than ca.
\' Cf. motgennc^modgcnne (110. 4), and r/emodiffeline (114. 10).
§ 70. N, i.e. guttural n. This is usually, and in our MS.
also continually, expressed by the letters ng, no. While re-
ferring the student to § 41, I may here comment on the
possibility that there may be something more than mere
accident in the occurrence of the following iorms:—
forspennigiim (11. 3), geondsprecend ( = geondsprengend, 12.
i), ^gesjimd (i.e. geswin-S, 82. 5; cp. 80. 2), ghiran (106. ii),
etc. etc. In the first two instances g and c, in the last two
n, may denote what I have written n,—See Zeimer, Die
Spraclie des Kent. Psalters, § 33.
§ 71. limidbm (59. i) is not an adverbial dative, then u
is here denoted by m.
Note also ajiingede (84. ^) = ajligede, alinge (78. 10), alenge
(79. 4), and caniincas (41. 5) by tho side of the more usual
§ 72. II. We find an h added in some words, e.g. in Jiccfle-
mmst (76. 5), upahresred (94. 14).
On the other hand we find: efenlyitan (consortes, 6. T4),
nexode (molliti, 10. 9), ofreow (19. 8), wilce (26. 11), icanon
(30. 13), wcelreoiv (58. 13), rcegelhuse (98. 15), reor/(108. 8),
rcedlice (109. 13), lyst (auditus, 113. j 2), etc. Tliis dropping of
the h most likely denotes a voicing of the liw; this is also
expressed by the following spellings, aihvhejjcra (81. 11) and
wJieennc (103. 2).
h is misread as h in \'^hmd (promptus, 35. 6) and * hada (14. 7).
§ 73. Doubling ofconsonants, and conversely haplography^,
is exceedingly frequent in our text. I am not sure that in
each ease a phonetic corresponding process is thereby inti-
mated. I select the following instances:—
goddra (53. 17), fett (pedes, 66. 2), estmettas (20. i), be-
healdenne (29. 6), aworpones (34. 8), hederne (80. 2).
§ 74. Ini\'LECTIONS. I begin my notes on the inflections
by giving a couple of instances of the absolute cases. They
are of course imitations from the Latin, and although not
restricted to interlinear translations, they are very frequent
there, owing to influence of the lemmata.
\' The writing of one symbol instead of two.
aw{ec)cendutlie gewrite (3. 8), rihtwisnesse dihtendre (14. 2),
gedihtenre endebyrdnyssei^^. 17), etc. etc.
§ 75. Substantives. Nominative, intingu (occasio, 91. 6,
misreading ?). Twice I have noticed the use of an accusative
instead of a nominative case, neode (57. 19) ^xA forgimeleaste
(68. 8). See, however, (69. 16), where neod under the same
circumstances is used in the nominative case.
Genitive, crceftis (22. 11), biscojois (107. 8). This ending
-is may be owing either to influence of the respective lemmata,
or it may be the natural reflex of -ys, which is very common
in some texts. See Sievers, § 44, anm. 2. Is brewer (13. 12)
perhaps wrongly influenced by the preposition 07i ?
Dative and Instrumental, geheda (orationi, 21. gebeda
(oratione, 21. 14), eallra sawla (anima, 19. 11), dara (noxa,
56. 17), are instances of a dative form, which (only in the two
last words) may be due to Latin influence.
Accusative.—repse (Si quis dum pronunciat responsorium,
79. 11). "Whence this dative form? Is this (as well as the
accusatives instead of nominatives recorded above) to be
looked upon as a trace of the mixing up of forms, to which
Sievers, § i, anm. 2, has drawn attention?
§ 76. Nom. Acc. Plural.—hrodra (fi-atres, 57. 19), gebrodra
(73. 13), gehrodran (3. 9, 105. 3), hehoda (13. 4, 13. 6, etc.),
andstceras (3. l), kynna (9. 15), and other instances probably
exemplify this same principle.
§ 77. If we did not find the words geongra cildra (pueri
parvi, 106. 11), I should be inclined to look on cildra (pueris,
105. 14) as a misreading for cildru=.cildrum.
§ 78. The dative plural ends in -on, -an, -im, passim. There
is no need to give instances, lleofonum (28. 8, 36. 9) may be
a dual (Kluge, Beitr. 8).
§ 79. Of dative forms of the Adjectives we notice the
following, which are worth mentioning:—orsorgi (securi, 10.
3), Avhich i may be due to the Latin ending^, and forms
like ungehyrsumude (12. 8), gecwemlice (78. 5) as exemplifying
the form-mixing spoken of above.
§ 80. Of plural forms compare the following :—godu (13. 2),
I Another possibility is, that, with tlie ge following, the word may be orsorgige.
femm (35. id), fiurhtogenes (74. ii), sinderlices (85. i), in most
of which, cases the presence of the lemmata makes us doubt
whether the changes are not merely graphical blunders.
§ 8i. The dat. plur. ends in -an, -um.
§ 82. As regards the Numerals, a form sex, which, if ifc is
not caused by Latin influence, resembles the Northumbrian, is
found (reference missing).
§ 83. Of the Ordinals, I note the following forms which
are not found in Sievers, or of which he doubts the cor-
rectness :—
9. nygejjan, nigejmn (37. 4, ii).
30. pritteoga (43. 9).
40. feowerteogada (43. 10).
50. fifteogada (42. 13, 43. \\o), \\(f),jxftugedan
(43. 6).
60. syxteogada (42. 11, etc.).
70. seofonteoda (42. 14).
80. hundeahieoda (43. 13), hindealdoda (43, 13).
90, kundnigcnteoda (43. 14, 51. 3), liundnigentedSan (76.
100. hundteontiga 7 eahtateodan (48. 16), hundteonteodan
(49. 16, 17),
§ 84. Pronouns, In c, us, y, as possible pronominal gloss
to nobis, see below, notes to (27. 2). Inc may be a pronoun
(19. 5), but there is no coiTcsponding lemma. A peculiar
case of a declined \'genitive\' (see Sweet, A,-S, Reader\'^, p, lix)
is found (54, 3), abhodes heores (abbatis sui),
pis (a neutral singular) is gloss (5, 3) to the neuter ]}is.
Seo, as a masculine pronoun, occurs (43, 11) and (70, 4), and
possibly also (36. 13), It thus bears out tho statement of
Sievers, § 337, aum, 2. Conversely se would seem to be a
feminine pronoun in se romanisca ladung (aecclesia, romana,
44. 3).
§ 85, Verbs, Only a few verbal forms are interesting
enough to bo noted. Of these we find the following third
persons: beheald (respicit, 30, 16), stynt (97, i), and some
others where there is no suffix (see Cosijn, Altwestsaehsische
Grammatik, I, § 148, p, 200). stoeg (118. 5), sceig (30.6), etc.
§ 86. Of plural forms, the corrupt ^sed gat (22. 2) points to
stcgat, which antiquated form (Sievers, § 360) may itself
have been the cause of the corruption ; cf. secgat (17. 17).
§ 87. Of infinitival forms, we may notice hatian (jubere,
11. 17), which, however, is probably a mistake for hatau-,
geciaii (vocari, 17. 17), which, according to Sievers, § 408. 3,
is mostly found as eigan. The rarer forms in -on occur
pretty frequently. See, for instance, ahyrdon (2. 12), and
unwrigon (33. 7), as infinitival gloss to the imperative revela
(supra, § 9). Of infinitives in -a, I found lysta oStSe gehyra
(audire, 21. 12).
§ 88. Of the verb sculan, the text has the following notable
forms :—scel (debet, 26. 3, 102. 8), scell (69. 2), scyll (112. 7),
scealan (debent, 81. 9), and scealan as infinitive (32. 10).
§ 89. The \' participium necessitatis,\' which Sievers mentions
in § 350 as found in later texts, and as formed after the Latin,
occurs pretty frequently in om- text. For the form given by
him we may instance to campiende (5. 14), to specende (26. 7),
to smeagenda (a is owing to the lemma, requirenda, 26. ii), to
andedende (46. 10).
Ey the side of this we find even more frequently, however,
forms in -enne, e.g. to canqnenne (1. 9), etc.
§ 90. That this future participle should also be found
declined might be expected. Accordingly we have eardigendes
(5. 11), and he gegearnendum to rade gehroâra (de adhibendis ad
consilium fratribus, 17. 10). In this case to is, as a matter of
course, suppressed (31. 5, I find ^arceriende, for ariende or
œriende,—as gloss to parcendo : here to would also seem to be
§ 91. The same notion is sometimes expressed by adjectives
in -lie, e.g. ]ja sendlican (dirigendi, 113. 4), on donlicum
Jmgum (in faciendo, 23. 12), which same ending I have once
found glossing a present participle, hecumendlicum (87. 12).
Here supervenientes was possibly mistaken for snperveniendi.
§ 92. \' Formed on the pattern of the Latin : \' these words of
Sievers\'s convey the impression that Latin only is answerable
for the development of this d. I think that, viewed in the
light of § 56, d will probably prove to be of a purely phonetic
origin. When once the d began to develop phonetically,
its growth and spreading may have been aided by a more
or less conscious association with the Latin participle; but
I hold that analogy and phonetics both share the paternity
of the new form.
§ 93. I may here mention Leo7i gelogodre (reponantur,
98. 15). How the passive voice of a verb can be glossed by
what is apparently the dative feminine of a past participle, I
am unable to understand. W\'ith partial dittography the same
ending is probably found in hehi/d{dad)edre (100. i, a). See
however note on p. 124, Compare (26. 16) where the infini-
tive aperire, which may be construed in a passive sense, is
glossed by an apparently masculine dative [geopenodnm).
Equally strange datives occur (66. 15) pa iiigangcndum, (74.
la) Jja gehyrendnvi, and (87. 12) qfer hecumendlicum. But
they may perhaps exemplify the mixing up of datives and
accusatives, which is characteristic of the later Anglo-Saxon.
§ 94. To any one who has looked into the text, or into
the foregoing many Kenticisms must be apparent at a
glance. Thus we have the e=.(B [supra, § 15, etc.; Sievers,
§ 151, i); the e=y (§ 37, Siev. § 154); absence of diph-
thongisation of e into ea (§ 30, Siev. § 157. a), to mention
only tho most striking peculiarities. But it will also have
been seen that these do not appear throughout, and that
Wcst-Saxon influence is traceablc. Now has a Kentish text
been copied by a West-Saxon scribe or vice versa? I think
a case like hetehtim (31. i), which was misread as hetelicim, is
singularly instructive. Telendue, ( = ta;lendne) which was mis-
read as (Blendne (20. 15), tells tho same tale. An interchange—
graphical—of h and h, te and a, and of h, and It is quite
common. Was it not the strange forms hetehtim, telendue,
instead of letcchtum, tcelendne, which led to the confusion ?
If so, the Kentish text must have been the original, and
tho West-Saxon the copy.
r I r\' \' -■«.>».- ■ ■■■
i >
(fo. 118 a.) In nomine doiv/ni nostki lesu che/sn Incipit ee(gule) I
forasprœc fœderes Jjses haligan Jiœs eacligostan benedictes
hlyst cala bearii beboda larcowes 7 aliyld eare
Ausculta fili pkecepta magistri et inclura) aurem
heortan Jjiiire 7 myiicgiincge arfestes fœderes lustlice
cordis tui et ammoniti^onem) pii patris libenter
underfoh 7 frerafi gefyll pcet to liim Jjurh gehyrsum-
excipe et effica{citer) comple ut ad eum per oboedi- 5
nesse geswince geliwyrfe fcrj^am Jjurli iingehyrsumnesse asolcenesse
entie lahorem redeas a quo ■ per inoboedientie desidiam
pe Jju aweiggewite eoriiostlice nu min aprœc is asend
recesseras ; « Ad t[e) ergo nunc meus sermo dirigitur
swa wiS c\\vej)eude *aj)enum lustuni drihne cristo
quisquis alren{un)tians propriis voluptatibus donimo c/iristo
Jjamso^\'iin cînge to campieune geliyi-sumncsse J^a J^rcngestan
vero régi militaturus oboedienlie fortissijna
7 J)a jjurli beorli<an wœpna swa underfeiist calra œrest \\>œt
atqm precla{ra) arma assumis. In primis ut 10
Jju swa liwœS swa to donne );u on god fram liim beon
quicquid agendum. in[choas) lonum; ab eo per-
gefrenimed Jjam iornfullestan gebedo bid se })c us iallinga
ßci instantissima oratione dep{oscas). ut qui nos iam
bearua gemedemode on getele getellan ut \\>œt lie na sceole
in fdiorum dignatus est nume[ro) computare ; non debeat
5. fremßjSeQ note. 6. gestvince, nce not clcar. l^iat 8 oî asolcenesse not
at ail clear. 8. a/ienum, read awenum. 9. />am-, a inay be œ. iï of
soSan may be d. 10. heorhtan, tan is by no ineans clear. 11. After
on part of the MS. is torn away. 12. After iirf, part of the MS. toruaway.
13. xit, Latin in glossator\'s hand. It is in none of the other texts.
1. re not very clear. 3. Au-sculta in two Unes by way of illumination
by the side of In nomine—forasprœc—prologus—fili. 5, 6. ohoedientic,
\'ÛS:. oedientie inoboedientie, inoedientie. 7. / of not clear.
2] Exhortation to live up to the precepts of Holy Scripture.
sehwsenne be urum yfelum da beon £>-eunrotsode swa soSlice
aUquando de malis act{ibus) wostm contristari; Ita tnim
\\am on celcere tide be his on us is to earciemie 1
ei omni tempore de bon is) suis in nobis parendum
Iij\'rsumienne \\)oet he ne na \\>cet an swa swa yrre foder his
est; ut non solum ut irat{i(s) pater suos non
otSer hwile beam beerfwerdige ah swa swa egeful hlaford
aliquando Jilios exheredet, sed neo[v£) metue^us domiwus
swa geyrsod fram yfelum urum he swa swa J)a wyr
5 irritatus a malis nostris ut nequissiinos
Jjoowan to J^am ecan na betaece to wite we ]7e him fylian
servos perpetuam tradat ad poenam qui eum sequi
noldan to wuldre uton arisan set ijyxan set sumon cyrre
noluerint ad gloriam; ExMrgamus ergo tandem aliquando
aw . . cendum us gewrite 7 secgendum hit is us
excilante nos scriptura Ac dirente ho{ra) est jam nos
of slgepe uparisan geopenedum eagum un . .
dc sompno surgere. Et apcrtis oculis nost7\\is) {ad d)(iijl- ^
\' cundan leohte mid ablicendum earum 7 utan gehyran jjagod
10 cum lumen; attcnitis aurihus audiamus divina (co)-
awilice clipiende hwset us niyngie stefn to dseg
tidie damans quid nos ammoncat vox dicens. hodi[e si vpcem
gcgehyraS nelle ge ahyrdon eowre heortan eft
ejus audieritis nolite obdurare ccrda vestra. [et) iterum ;
se \'Se liaefS euran to geliyranne gehyre hwait
Qui\' hahet aures audiendi; audiat quid sjjiritus {dic)at
gelaSungu?» 7 la hwaet sajigtS cumatS la gebcam gehyraS
aecclesiis; Et quid dicit; Venite filii uudile me
, . . htnes ege 7 ic Itere eow yrnaS Hfes leoht j^a hwile Se
15 {tiiijiorem cZomim doctbo vos; Currite dum lumtn vite
ge habbaS Jjystru deatSes eow J^jet ne gegripan 7 secende
habetis {ne) tenebre mortis vos comprehendant; Et querens
nieniu folce he fias Sine clypaS his wi yhtau
domlnus {in) multitudine populi mi haec clamat 02)erarium
t seig(5 la hwylc is man se So wyle lif 7
mum {ite)rum dicit. Quis est homo qui vult vitam et
1. After dadim part of the MS. torn away. 4. One letter erased helween
offer and hwile. 5. After wyr pait of the JIS. torn away. 6. to?, very
indistinct. 8. In aic ... ccndum two letters indistinct, probably aiceccemlum.
9. u of geopcnedum reads like an f. Read urum. 11. Read dughivamlice.
l."). Read drihlnes. 18. t, last letter of e/t.
7. s of exsiirffatJitis add. afterw.ards. 8. dicente, see note.
-ocr page 77-Live uprightly, and peacefully, and the Lord\'s eyes shall [3
rest on thee.
gewilniiS ... on dagan gode \\)cet gef ]5a geliyrende andsweras
cupit {vi)dere dies bonos ; quod si tu audiens respondeas.
. . . gt5 pc gode gif Jju wilt habban ]pœt socSe lif 7 \\>œt
Ego {di)cit tibi deus ; Si vis habere veram et pev-
ece lif ... eond tundgan ]7ine fram yfele 7 f>iiie
petuam vitam {proh)ibe lingmim tuam a mala et labia
weleras 7 ]>cet bi na sprecan . . . n gecyr fram yfele 7 do
tua ne loquantViV {dol)um ; Veverle a mala et fac
god smea oîS\'Se sec sibbe . . . ylig liyre 7 ]>Qnne J^as
lonum. inquire pacem {et) sequere earn ; Et cum haec 5
\'J)incg gedotS eagau mine ofor 7 mine earan to eowrum
feceritis. oeidi mei super {v6)s et aures mee ad preces
benum 7 œr J^onne gcclypian nie ic sccge eow sefre ic her eom
îjestras. Et -antequam me in{to)cetis dicam volts. Ecce adsum;
est luftempre . . . ere stefne gelacSgendrc la go
Quid dulcius nobis {ah h)ac voce dommi invitantis nos
leofestan gebro\'Sra« efiie mid his iirfœstnesse geswutulaS
/ratres karissimi ; Ecce dcmonstrat
us lifes weg be^yrdum mid geleafan oSSe mid
nobis tZominus viam vite; Succinctis {e]rgo fide vel obser- lo
gehealdsimnesso goddra daeda lendenum . . . . u gebroht
vantiix honorum acluum lumhis (îi.)ostr?s peiducaium
bodung utan gau liis siSfcet \\œt wo gearuiau Line se IS0
cvangelii pergamus itinera ejus %it {^i^icreamur eum qui nos
geclipodo on his rice geseou . . 11 îfœs rices lioallo on inue gyf
vocavit. In regno suo videre; {In) cujus regnt tahcrnacido si
(Ij^g wo wyllaS buton midgodumdœdum yrneude nateshwon
\'\' volumus habitare. nisi illuc bonis actilus currendo minime
no bits becumen* abutan axau mid j^am witigan drihten
pervenitur; Sed interroyemus cum pxophcta Jominum. 15
secgendo him la hwa wuiiaS on ÎSinau inne oStSe
dicentes ei Domine quis hahitavit in tahemaculo tuo aut
la hwa gerestS on ÎSinro haligan dune œftcr J^yssore nx-
quis requiescet in monte sancto suoi Post hanc interro-
1. Itcad (jeseon. 2. lîead sœiffS or sœffÔ. 3. eond, see note. 4. Read
facn. 5. ylig, read fylig. 8. esi, ô in MS. ; Latin in glossator\'s hand.
In no other text. . . . ere, readpissere. 9. n oi gchroiSnin erased. 11. . . «,
read urum. gelroht, see note. 13. . . n, read on. 15. abidctn, read
1. aiidleris would seem to have been corrccted into audiens. 5. et (after
^«cem) pasted over. 11. a of otserrctM^ia corr. from e. 12. Erasure of one
letter after lergamvs. 17. e add. above line {requiescef).
IS 2
-ocr page 78-4J The blameless, the just, the honest, shall dwell with tlie Lord.
unge uton gehyran andswariende 7 gesutuliende
gationem fratres avdiamus domnum respondentem et oslendentem
his liealle oSSe innes 7 seccende se (Se ingœ))
nobis viam ipsius tabernacuU ac dicentem ; Qui ingreditur
butan smittan swylce wyrcS rihtwisnesse 7 se ÎSe sprye\'S sotS-
sine macula et operatur justitiam f Qui loquitur veri-
fœstnesse heortan on his 7 se ÎSe na dej? facn on his tungan
tatem in corde sua qui non egit dolum in lingua sua
se Se na dyde nextan his yfel se ÎSe hosp na underfencg
6 Qui nan fecit proximo suo malum, qui obprobrium nan accepit
agen his nextan se \'Se ]3onc awyridan deofol sum Sine
adversus proximum suum. Qui malignum diabolum aliqua
tihende him sylfan mid his sylfan tihtinge fram gesih\'Sum
suadentem sihi cum ipsa suasione a conspectibus cordis
forseonde se gewrohte his lytlan hwœdan gejjohtas
sui respuens deduxit ad nicldlum. et parvulos cogitatus ejus
7 heald betsehte non
tenuit et allisit ad c7jristu?rt ; Qui timentes doramnm de bona
hi sylfe j^ane detS upahafene fia sylfan on
Î0 ohservantia sua non se reddunt elatos sed ipsa in
hira sylfan goda na fram liim sjlfan niagon beon
se bona non a se posse sed a domino fieri
ahwenende 7 hi rnserslaîS
existimantes. et operantem in se doxsnnxxm magnificant. illud cum
na us
proplieta dicentes. non nobis dorame non nobis, sed nomini tuo
ah fortSan paulus se apostol be his bodunge
da gloriam. Sed nec paulus apo^iolus de predicatione sua
him sylfan ah fnr\'Sam ne tealde
\'5 sibi aliquid imputavit dicens; Gra.i\\a dei sum. id quod
se Se wuldraS . wuldrie ho
sum; Et iterum ipse dicit. Qui gloriatur in domino glorietur ;
Jjanon sseigtS" ssede
Unde et dominus in evangelio ait; Qui audit verba mea
]:as j)inc
ic *oiilocie hine wisum were
hœc et facit ea similabo eum viro sapienti. qui edificavit ^
9. hetmhte, first t not clear. 18. Above ea the gloss is partly cut away;
an h is recognisable, and part of a letter which looks like g, so h\\g ? Itead
8. pa)\'riiIoi>,MS.pa: vuliis. 13. «erf, MS. se. 18. a of ea partly cut away.
-ocr page 79-Those who serve the Lord shall inherit the Kingdom [6
of Heaven.
comon flodas bleowan
domum. suam supra petram. Venerunt flumina. flavermd venti
7 hi getspurnon on Sam huse 7 hit ne feoll for})am ]3e
et impegerunt in domum illam et noa cecidit; quia fun-
Kit wses gestaSelod ofor ]5am stane }?is gefyllende
data erat super petram; Ilcec complens cZominus/
anhidiaS mid daedmn
expectat nos cotidie. 7iis suis siwciis monitis faclis nos
we sculan foi J)i for bote
respondere dehere. Ideo nobis propter emendationem ma^orurn 5
j^ises lifes dagas to fyrstum sind to alsetenne
/lujus vite dies ad inducias relaxantur; dicente apoB\\.olo;
nyte g« la \\>mt ge godes ge]7yld eow
An nescis quia patientia dei vos ad penitmtiam te
Ifet f)a synfiillan
adducit; Nam pius cZominiis dicit; Nolo mortem peccatoris.
]5ce!< he gecyrre J^onwe we axiaS
scd ut convertatur ot vivat: Gum ergo interrogassemus
1)0 wunungum
cZominum fratres de hdbitatore tabemaculi ejus, audivimus ro
eardigendes behod ah gyf we gefylliiS wunigendes ]3enunge
habitandi preceptum. Sed si comjdeamus habitatoris officium.
we beoS sin to gereccanne
erimus heredes regni celorum; Ergo ^we^^arajicJa sunt
7 lichaman * luiHgre beboda gehirsumncsse
corda et corpora nostra sancte preceplorum obedientie
to campiende 7 \\>a:t hwonlic ]>a:t ]5e on us gekynd acumenlic
militanda et quod min\\xs hahet in nobis natura possibile.
ac uton biddan his gife \\)a!t he iarcie fultum
rogemus dommnm ut gratie sue jubeat nobis adjutoriiwi 15
jjeninn 7 gif fleonde helle wite life we wyllatS
ministrare; Et si fugientes gehenne poenas ad vitam volumus
becum to Sam ecan tigaS 7 j^a liwile ajt Insum
pQxvenire jmyetuain. dum adhuc vacat. et in hoc corpo-
lichanmn l^e we sin calle J^as Jjinc jjurh |>isne leohtes weg
re sumus: et ha:c omnia pe.v hanc lu^is viam
7. Second e of nylegela, being written too close upon tlie l, is not quite clear.
8./a, read/CCS. 17. Read Jecimo»». iigaS, oi wmligaiS.
7. ros, not in other texts ; te is crossed out. 10. habiiatore, MS. hcthita-
torum; see note. 16. Jubeaf, MS. habeat, a wrong transcription tor jubeat,
which all other texts have 1 The gloss /(ct he iarcie would lend support to
this view.
6] S. Benet\'s intention to gather together a number of men
who shall serve the Lord.
geffllâii ys to yrnaiine 7 is to donne nii
v[acat) imphre currendum ct agendum est modo. (120 a.)
pa;i hit on ecnesse framme is to settanne fram
quod in perpetuum nobis expediat; Constituenda est ergo a
us drihten]ices scole |?eowdomes on Sœre we hihtaS senig {sine
nchis dominiei seola servitii. in qua institutione, nihil
heardlices senig us to gesettanne we liopiaS 1 gif
aspevum nihilqwe grave nos constituturos speramus; Sed etsi
hwset litles for^step\'S sti\'Slicor dihtende rihtwisnesse gescad for
5 quid paululum restrietius dictan\'.e aequitatis ratione pvopter
bote oSSe drohtnunge so\'Öre lufe for\'SstypS
emendationem vitiorum. vel eonversationem caritatis pvccesserit
]?œrrihte ac ]:)u na forfleo hœle se tSe
non ilieo pavore pQxterritus réfugias viam salutis que
nis buton mid stige to onginnenne mid forSsteppinge
non est nisi anjusto initio ineiinenda ; Frocessu vero
drohtnunga heortan ouunasecgendlicere lufe
conversationis et fidei dilatato corde inenarrabili dilectionis
werednesse urnen beboda godcs fram big
10 dulcedine curritur via mandatorum dei. ut ab ipsius
œfre lareowdorac oS
nunquam magisterio discedentes. in ejus doctrina usque ad
deajî on minstre se f>urhwunigendc prowungum
mortem in monasterio j)erseverantes. passionibus chr\'isii
jpiirli gef>yld pcet we beon dnelnimende rices his
^jer patimtiam 2)artici2)emur. ut et regni ejus mereamnr
esse consortes. Amen. Explicit peologus eegule beati bene-
15 dicti abbatis. pateis monaciioeuji.
I. De generihus monachorum vel vita.
II. Qualis debeat esse abba.
III. De adJnbendis ad consilium fratrihus.
ƒ///. Que sint instrumenta honorum operum.
20 F. De oboedientia discipulorum qualis sit.
S .
5. fortSsteptS, probably copied here by mistake by scribe, who must have seen
it a line lower down. Cf. infra, note to 1. 3 {hihtatS). 7- Jxerrihtc, of or a
not clear; first r, but for context, might have been put down as/, the I of ilico
being blende^ with it.
6. eonversationem, MS. conservationem. 7. pavore, MS. pavorcm. 9 0
of dilatato corr. from a. 19. Q of Que wrongly rubricated in the MS. as T),
Latin List of Chapters. [7
(120 b.) 7Y. De tacitumüate. |
VII. De humilitate.
VIIL De officiis diuinis in noctibvs.
IX. ■ Quanti psalmi dicendi sunt noctumis horis.
Qualifer aestatis tempore agatur noctuma laus. 5
XI. Qualiter dominicis diebus vigiliae agantur.
XII. Qualiter matutinorum sollempnitas agatur.
XIII. Qualiter privatis ditlus matutini agantur.
XIIII. Qualiter in s&ncivrum nataliciis vigilie agantur.
XV. Quihus temporibus alleluia dicatur. 10
XVI. Qualiter divina opera per diem agantur.
XVII. Quanti psalmi per easdem horas dicendi sunt.
XVIII. Quo ordine ij)si psalmi dicendi sunt.
XIX. De disciplina psallendi.
XX. De reverentia orationis. 15
XXI. De decanis monasterii qualis deheant esse.
XXII. Quomodo dormiant monachi.
XXIII. De excommunicatiom culparum.
XXV. Qualis debeat {esse) modus excommunicationis.
XXVI. De graviorihus culpis. 20
XXVII. De his qui sine jussione ahhatis [junguniur) excom-
XX VIII. Qualiter debeat abba sollicitus esse circa excommunicatos.
(121 a.) XXIX. De his qui sepius correpti non emendaverint. |
A\'A\'A". Si deheant iterum recipi fratres exeumtes de monasterio.
XXXI. Pueri minori œtate qualiter corripiantur ; 25
XXXII. De cellarario monasterii qualis sit ;
XXXIII. De ferramentis vel rebus monasterii ;
XXXIIII. Si quid debeat monachus y^roprium habere ;
XXXV. Si omnes aequaliter debeant necessaria accipere ;
XXXVI. De septimanariis coquine; 3c
19. XXV. Tliis is a mistake for XXIV, and the mistake is continned
throughout in this list, so that ch. XLIIII given lower down (De his qui
etc.), ought to be ch. XLIII. esse not in the MS. 21. XXVII. A word
erased after al)bal!s, ftTohahly Junguntur, wliich is therefore added in brackets.
22. XXVIII. communicatos, o of os corr. in MS. from i by writing 0 over i.
24. Scc(md e oi deheant above line.
8] Latin List of Chapters, continued.
XXXVII. De injirmis fratribus.
XXXVIII. De senibus vel infantibus.
XXXVIIII. De ebdomedario lectore.
XL. De mensura ciborum.
5 XLI. De mensura potus.
XLII. Quibus horis oporteat /ratres rejlcere.
XLIII. Ut jyost completorium nemo loquatur. et post cenam
ad lectionem audiendam ab omnibus occurratur;
XLIIIl. De Ms qui ad opus dei vel ad mensam tarde
XLITII, De Ids qui excommunicantm quomodo satisfaciant.
10 XLV. De Ids gui fulluntur in monasterio.
XLVI. De his ^\'ui in lenibus rebus delinquuntm.
XLVII. De signijlcanda hora operis dei.
XL VIII. De opere manuum cotidiano.
XLV 11II. De observatiom quadragesime.
15 L. De fratribus qui longe ab oratorio laborant aut in
via sunt.
LI. De fratribus qui non longe satis projiciscuntur.
LII. De oratorio monasterii.
LIII. De hospitibus suscipiendis.
LI III. Ut non debeat monachus litteras vel eulogias suscipere.
20 LV. De vestiariis et caleiariis fratrum.
LVI. De mensa abbatis.
LVII. De artificibus monasterii.
LVIII. De disciplina mscipiendorum fratrum.
LVI III. De fdiis nobilium aut pauperum qui ojferuntur.
LX. De sacerdotibus qui voJuerint in monasteriishabitare.
LXI. De monachis peregrinis.
LXII. De sacerdotibus monasteni.
8. occiirrunt supplied here as the reading of all the MSS, used by Schröer.
Cf. A. Schröer, Die Winteney-Version der Regula S. Benedicti, p. Jo. "The
text of the Winteney Version (S = Schröer\'s C) has occurrerint, and our text
(fo. 146 b) has veni-unt. From XLIII down to tho closing of the bracket the
omission in flie MS. has been supplied from our text (corrected). 12.
XLVII. The heading for this chapter not being in our MS., it is supplied
from the readings of the other MS.; cf. Schröer, W. V., p. 96.
Four classes of monks: 1. Those who live under a rule; [9
2. Hermits;
LXIII. De ordine congregationis.
LXIIII. Be ordinando abbati.
LXV. De prepodt\'} monasterii.
LXVI. De ostiariis monasterii.
LXVII. De fratrihus in viam direetis. 5
LXVIII. Sifratri in2)ossibilia jubentur.)
[LX Villi.) ut in monasterio non présumât alter alterum defendere.
{LXX.) Ut non jx\'Gsumat 2>assim quisquam alium cedere.
{LXXI.) Ut ohoedientes sibi sint invicem fratres.
{LXXII.) De zelo bono quern dehent monaclii habere. lo
{LXXIII.) De eo quod non omnis justitie observatio in hac sit
régula constituta.
(121 b.) Expliciunt capitula. Tncipit liber Beaji Benedicti |
Abbatis. Pateis Eximi monaciioecrji/ Militum CiiE/sri.
De Genebibus. Eorum vel vita.
feower kynna [b.] [c.] beon [a.]sutol is
Monachorum quattuor genera esse manifestum est. 15
\\>œt forme mynstermainia -lœt is mynsterlic campieude [li.]
Primum coenohitarum hoc est monasteriale militans
nnder regule. oîSSe abbude. [b.] sySSan \\>œt oîSer kyn is
sub régula vel abbate-; Deinde secundum genus est
dan.* orsGclena ]><xt is wcstjjcnsetlena. [g.] })issera [li.] })aîSo na
anachoritarum id est heremitarum horum qui non
drohtnunge *wyhie mid niwum [p.] ac mid mynstres [o.]fadunge
conversationis fervore novitio ; sed monasterii pvobatione
[u.] *landsumere [h.] leornodon ongean ]7one deoful \' mrenigra
diutuma didicerunt contra diabolum muUorum 20
18. Before dan. erasure (see note). r/./>i$fcra added in margin, possibly by
the original glossator, 19. Read wyhnc. no midl c may liave been tliere,
but it has been made into first stroke of m, which now, by mistake, of course,
looks like m with four strokes, 20, Read lancsumere.
7. LXVIIII and following numbers are not in the MS,; nt in monasterio
etc., the title of ch. LXF////follows in our MS. directly after the ad mmsam
tarda of the title of ch. XLIIII, without a capital letter or rubric being used
for ut, so that it looks like one chapter. A page must have been skipped here,
12. Expi.iciunt, JIS. expljcit, 18, horum added in marg,, possibly by
glossator, 10. convcrsalionis, MS. conversionis.
10] 3. Sarabaites, who liv3 apart, following their own inclinations ;
[1.] mid fröre, eallunga gelserede [i.] winiian [q.] bene getyde
solacio jam docti jmgnare ; et bene instructi
of broSorlicere feerrEedene. to anfealdan gewinne westenes
fraterna ex aci\'e ad singularem imgnam heremi
georsorgi. ge buton frofre oSres mid anre [t.] hand
securi jam sine consolations alterius sola manu
[u.] oStSe [u.] earme agean leahtras flsesces [i.] oSSe gejjohta
vel hracldo contra mtia car-nis vel cogitatlonum,
gode gefultumiandum [v.] winnan [q.] y ni nihtsumiaS
5 deo auxiliante pugnare sufficiunt ;
pcet Jîridde [c.] [d.] pœt atelicost [b.] kiii [a.] sylfde-
Tertium vero monachorum teterrimum genus est. sarabai-
mera [a.] pa on senigum regole na afatidode uel oSSe afundennessa
tarum. qui nulla regula approbati experientia
lareowas [h.] [n.] [m.] ofenes. [n.] ahge . . des on gekynde
magistri sicut aurum fornacis; sed in plumbi natura
nexode [i.] J^a git. [r.] mid weorcum. healdende [o.] weorulde.
molliti adhuc operibùs servantes seculo
[p.] truwan. leogan. [b.] gode Jpurli scere [a.] sjnd acnawene
10 fidem. mentiri deo pev tonsuram noscuntur ;
]Da twyfealde J^reofealde oSSe soSes anlepie gangende ambulantes
Qui bini aut terni. aut certe singuli sine
butan hyrde hig on drihtenlicum heordum. ac lieora agenum
pastore, non dominicis sed suis
beclysde fore œ heom is gewilnunga. lust
inclusi ovilibus pvo lege eis est desideriorum voluptas.
ponn£ hi hwset wenaS tellaS oSSe geceosan pcet secgafj halig
cum quicquid putaverint vel elegerint. hoc dicunt sanctum
na beon alyfede. pcet
non licere. (^uar- (122 a.)
7 poet pc^t lii nella\'s peet 7 hi wenaS
15 ot quod noluerint. hoe putant
feorSe soSlice kin is [a.] pa:t is genemned witS
tum vero genus est monachornm quod nominatur gyro-
scrij)el J^a on eallon heora life geond misHce soiru j^rim
vagum. qui tota vita sua p&r diversas provincias. ternis
1. fröre, i. e. frofre, and see note on this word, bene, Latin copied into
gloss. 7. n in cenigum of irregular shi\\.pe. rel, Latin; see note.
11. gangende in the MS. is gloss to ambulantes, which has been put in by
glossator spontaneously. It is not found in the other texts. 17. Uncertain
whether scira or sciru.
2. Erasure after heremi ? 13. eis above the line. 16. est above the
line and erasure.
and, 4. The vagrant monks.—The Abbot is Christ\'s substitut3. [11
oSer feoweni dagum geond mistlicora Jpi\'nga hus cumliSiaS
aut quatemis diehus per diversorum cellas hospitantur
sefre worigende 7 nsefre staSolfaBste ageiium lustum
semper vagi et numqtiam stabiles, et pvopriis volup-
7 gyfernesse 7 forspenuigum J^eowgeiido geond ealle ]7inc
tatibus et gule illecehris servientes et per omnia
wursan Jjam sylfdenierum fiara enlra drolitnungc be Sajre
deteriores sarabaitis; De quorum omnium miserrima conver-
earmrestan betere bit is suwian jjonne sprecan. jjisum forlaitenum
satione melius est silere quam loqui; His ergo ommissis; 5
[c.] to [e.] mynstermanna [d.] "^at strengoste [d.] kyn
ad cenohiturum . fortissimum genus
[c.] gediliten [b.] fultuiniendmn [h.] [a.] uton cuman.
disponenium. adjuvante cZomiwo veniamus; Qvalis
debeat esse abbas. (CaP. IL)
se abbud seSe forabeon [d.] wyrSe is [e.] [f.] on mynstre [li.]
Abba qvi peeesse dignvs est monasterio. semper
gemunon [a.] sceal ])at he is gessed 7 naman o33fe [ni.]
meminisse dd>€t ^-uod cZicitur et nomen majoris 10
middajdum [m.] 7 gefyllan [k.] [e.] [b.] [li.] don
factis implere; Chr\'v&ii enim agere
[c.J spehniga [f.] [a.] he is *gely\'sfc t5a;nne his [i.]
vices in monasterio creditur. quando ipsius
he is geciged to forenaman secgendum [a.] [k.] [e.J go undcr-
vocatur pvonomine. dicentc apostolo; Acce-
fcngon gast gewyscednysse on tSam we cleopiatS
pisiis sjjiritum adoptionis ßliorum; in quo clamamua
arwurSa fa?der [a.] [a.] 7 forS [c.] naht [Ii.] butan [g.] bebode [g.]
abba pater; Ideóquc. abbas nihil extra preceptum 15
[g.] ]>a2t feorsi [h.] na sceall[h.] ocSSe lajran. [d.] [a.] oSSe
rfomiju quod absit debet aut docere. aut
gesettan [e.] oSSe [f.] hatian [f.] ahsi ha5s [b.] Iiis [b.] oSSe [c.]
constituere vel jubere. sed jussio ejus. vel
lar [c.] * hysn [0.] godcundro [e.] rilitwisncsse [e.] leornincg
doctrina. fermenturn divine justitiae in disci-
1. offer, read offffe ; feowerti, read12. Eead gchift. 18. lym,
read bijrma ( = beorma) ?
5. Er. of one letter (e ?) after evgo. 7. dum crossed oxit before -te of
adjuvante. 13. pro added afterward«.
12] The Abbot should teach only the precepts of the Lord, [Ch. II.
ctiihtas[g.] [dm.] [p.] ge|jancum geondsprecend niyudig fcig[a.]
pulorum meritibus conspergatur ; Memor sit
sefre [b.] pœt [u.] [e.] his lare [g.] [g.] oÖSe [h.] leorninc cnihta
semper, abbas quia doctrine sue vel discipvlorum
gehyrsumnesse [h.] œghwsetSera [k.] [k.] on Ö\'am egesfullan [l.j
oboedientiae. utrarumqvA rerum in tremendo
dome [1.] gode to donne he[e.] is he[e.] is[e.] o3âe [f.] 7 wite [a.]
judicio dei. facienda erit ] er\'it discusio. Sciatque (122 b.)
se abbod [b.] gyltes [d.] byrdes onsigan [c.] [f.] swa hwœt on
5 abba culpe pastoris incumbere quicquid in
sceapum [g.] se hiredes ealdor [g.] nytwyitSnesse hwonlicor swa
ovibus paterfamilias- utüitatis minus potuerit
mseg gemetan swa micel [d.] eft [d.] * srig [c.] he biS gif unstilre
invenire) \'Tantum iterum liber erit. si inquieto
otStSe ungebyrsumude [g.] hyrde [e.] eelc. [f.] geornfulnyssa
vel inohoedienti gregi pastoris fuerit omnis diligentia
biS forgifen 7 gif adiigum [c.] heora [c.] dtedum [c,] call [b.]
attributa. et morbidis earum actibus universa
by® [a.] [b.] gyraan gegearcod liyrde [e.] lieora [e.] on dome [g.]
\'o fuerit cura exhibita. pastor eorum in judicio
drihtnes tolysed [f.] ut *\\>œt *ece mid J)am witigan
doïor.ni absolutus dicat cum propheta dommo ;
[b.] J>ine rihtwisnysse [b.] ic ne be bydde on minre hecrtan
Justitiam tuam non abscondidi in corde meo.
J)iiie [e.] soSfsestnesse [e.] 7 halwendan [f.] [f.] Jjinre ic saede
veritatem tuam et salutare tuum dixi.
big [g.] forhicgende [h.] forsawon [g.] 7 [a.] }>onne [b.]
ipsi autem ccntempnentes spreverunt me. Et tunc
set nyxtan [e.] uugehyrsuman gymene [f.] bis [f.] sceapum to wito
\'5 demum inoboedientibus cure suae ovibus: pena
[a.] biS heoni swySrenda sesylva [c.] [c.] deaS [b.] poixne
sit eis prevalens ipsa mors; Ergo cum
œnig [g.] underfehS [f.] naman [i.] [h.] J^aîs abbodes. on twyfeald
aliquis suscipit nomen abbatis. ■ dupplici
I. dm stands above g, p under g, both to the right. See note on geond-
uprecend. 7. srig, read friij. ll. «< in line of gloss by hand of glossator,
/at ece, i. e./ ece, read secce ?
10. MS. earum, an 0 above the a, which does not seem to me to be
one of the \'paving\' letters, but a correction by glossator of earum into
-ocr page 87-by deeds rather than by words. [13
he sceal [a.] lare [e.] his [d.] leorn [e.] [c.] forebeoii i. ciiihtuiii
debet doctrina suis preesse discipulis.
\\>mt is ealle [b.] godu. [b.] 7 haiige middsedum [e.] swySor
id est omnia bona ct sancta /actis amplius
J^asnne [f.] [f.] mid -wordum he atiwlge angitfullum leorniccnihtum
quam verbis ostendat; ut capacibn^ discijndis
beboda [i.] mid wordum [k.] his foresette [g.] }>am heard
mandatöL cJomim verbis pixponat. duris vero
heortan [d.] bilehwitum mid his [c.] dseilum [c.] ]?a godcundan
corde et simplicioribus factis suis divina 5
beboda [b.] lie geswuteliatS ealle ]?inc. [b,] ]>e leorninccnihtum.
precepta demonstret; Omnia vero que discipulis
he lajrajcS beon [h.] wiSrsede on Iiis dsedum he gebicnige na
docuerit esse contraria in suis factis indicet non
to donne pat oSrum bodiende [in.] he sjlf [k.] wiSercora
agenda ne aliis predicans ipse reprobus
ne si gemett ]>a:t ahwenne him na secge fc.] syngendum
inveniatur nequando Uli dicat dms peccanti.
to livvi na Su oySst rilitwisnyssa mine 7 J)u underfoehst
Quare tu enarras justitias meas. et assumis 10
gewitnysse mine J>urh J)inne muS ^u hatodest steore
testammtum meum per os tuum Tu, vero odisti disciplinam
7 Su awurpe sprajca mine ^bestände 7 ])a ge on breSer J)ine3
) et projecisti sermones meos post te et qui in fraivis tui
ege mot gcsawe on Sinon ege beain ne gesawe b^i l^i
oculo festucam videbas. in tuo trabem non vidisti ;
[a.] Na si [c.] fram him [b.J had on mynstre [d.] [a.] asyndrod
A^on ab eo persona in monasterio discematur.
na si an swiSor gelufod mid goduni dsedum oSSe gehyrsum-
7ion unus plus amctar bonis actibus aut oboedi- 15
nesse *a;nne oSer butan ]3ane])e he met beteran ne si
entia quam alius nisi quem invenerit meliorem; Non
forasett se oaSelborenne ]3eowdome ge [c.] cyrrendum [e.] buton
preponatur ingenuus ex servitio convertenti. nisi
1. leorn, which belongs to cnihtum, has been put before foreheon. For
leorninccniht ? .12. tSu not quite clear, a stroke running through ff
and along the top of the «, making it look like a. lestande, read lejlan
Se. 16. W7ine, read Jxsnne.
12. weos, MS. 7npo. jiosi <e, MS. jiOff^e. 15. bonis,\'MS. acitoiiis ] clearly
jlhe scribe\'s eye was caught by the next word.
14] In Christ all are equal: the Abbot to have no partialities.
wenunga sum gesceadwislic [f.] intinga [e.] wunige Jjoei [a.]
forte aliqua mtionahilis causa existât ; Quod
gif biö rihtvvisnesEe dihteudre [c.] J)am [b.] abbude sewen ge. [a-]
si ita justitia dictante ahhati visum fuerit.
fg.] be sumere be sendebyrdnesse \\œt [b.] liedo elles
et de cujus libel ordine id faciat; Sin alias ;
agenre [a.] higehealdan [b.] stowa forSam SAva ]?eowa [g.] [b.] swa
propria teneant loca. quia sive servus sive
fiœc[h.] ealle [d.] on chris^e an. [e.] Ipe we sin[a.] 7 under ane
S liber ; omnes in chriaio unum sumus. et sub uno
dribtene gelicne [b.] J^eowdomes ca?n. dom [b.] 7 we aberat5 for\'Çam
(Zoinmo œqualem servitutis militiam hajulamus. quia
]3ü *]3e is mid gode *bada *anstangynnes [b.] an [b.]
non est apud drnm pdvsonarum acceptio ; Soliim modo
[a.] Sisum dœle [c.] mid him [d.] he tosyndni]? gif beteran
in hae parte apud ipsum discernimur. Si meliores
oSnnn [b.] [h.] on goduj?4 weoi-cum [b.] 7 eadraodren we beocS
cdiis in o^eribus bonis et humiliores inveni-
geinette gelic [b.J [a.] si fram him [g.] eallum [d.J [k.J soîSlul\'u
10 amur; Ergo equalis sit ab eo omnibus karilas ;
au sigegearcod on eallum Eefter[b.] gearnunge steor[f.]
Una prebeatur in omnibus sccundum mérita disciplina; In
lare [b.] witodlice on bis se abbod [e.] apostolice [a.] sceall
doctrina namqne sua abbas upostolicam debet
])œt he sefre [f.] biwe healdau on Sam he sseigS. [g.] ]3rea
illam semp\\iv for mam servare in qua dicit ; Anjuae.
balsa\' cid \\>œt\\tx.~\\ is [a.] maeiigcende tidum tida [c.]
obsecra. încrepa. id est miscens temporibus tempora
ogum. egesum. geswœsnyssa 7 rc\'Se [e.] lareowaa [b.] arfœst
terroribus blandiminta; Dirum magistri. pium
fsederea [c.] heatiwe [a.] lufe [b.] J)œ< is [f.] Jjce« ungejîeawfîestan [i.]
patris ostendat afectum, idem \' indisciplinatos
6. cam dom, cd (16 inMS. Me&nt for campdom. 7./e, read «c. lleadtoZa.
andangynnes, e cor. from other letter; read andfangynnes. 14. First
[a.] on erasure.
G. The glossator has once more written scrvilutis over the same word in
the text, and over that the gloss pcowdomes. 8. ipsum, sic in MS.
9. operibus, p has a line through the downstroke as a sign of contraction for er,
and yet er l>as been written.^ humiliores, MS. humilio. Of the other texts AC
have humiliores, the others humiles. 13. servare, rv on erasure. It is
possibly to be regarded as an unsuccessful attempt to correct the servire of tho
MS. into senate.
Ch. II.] The Abbot must treat every one\'s faults according [15
to their nature.
7 J)a ungedcfau. he sceall stiSlicor J)rean [h.] pa gehyi\'suman
et inquittos debet durius anjueie. obedientes
soSlice 7 J)a [d.] liSan [e.] 7 JjaSildigaii [e.] [r.JJjget hi [g.] beteron
et mitss et patientes. ut in melius
gecSeon debeve ahal.\'iian [b.] J)a gemeleasan [d.] 7 (Sa for-
pxoficiant obsecrare. Neglegentes autem et con-
hicgeriden [d.J pœt he Sraege 7 \\>œt he gestände [c.] [c.]
tempnentes. ut incTepet et corripiat
*J)e myngiaS ne he *benu\'Se hiwige synna agyldenc^ra ahhe
ammonemus ; Neque, dissimulet 2>Gccata delinquentium. aed 5
sona *^onne\\\\i onginnaîS upa^prungan grundlunga hig becfam J)e he
mox ut cepennt oriri radiùtus ea ut pre-
mœg ofadoceorfe .sit. frecednyssa sacerdes of silan 7 J^a
vakt amputet. memor peiiculi heli sacerdotis de silo; Et
arwurSan witodlice 7 J>a aiidgytfiüran mod mid Jjœre formau
honestiores quidem atque intellegibiles animas; prima
otS\'Se oJrasySan mynegnnge mid woixbiw [a.] 7 hegefirege
vel secunda ammonitione verbis corripiat
]5a Swyran 7 pa heardan 7 pamodigan oS\'So *ungchyr-
inprobos autem et duros ao suparbos vel inobedi- 10
sumantes mid swinglan oSSo lichaman o^^e oSSe J^reagunge
enies verberum vel corporis casfùjatione ;
on tSam sylfan angynne eynne he ]>reage witonde a\\vriteu
in ipso initio peccati coherceat sciens scri2)tum;
ge dysiga raid vvordum ya biS geSread 7 oft sieg. sieh.
Stultus verbis non corriyitar ; Et iterum; Percute
J^a beam f)ino midgyrdo 7 *)ja alyst sa wio his of deaSo
fdium tuum virya et libcrabis animam eius a morte ;
gemunan [a.] sceal œfre [a.] seabbod pœt ]5e hc is eweden 7
Meminisse debet semper abba quod dicitur ; et 15
witan pœt biS p&m (Se mara bitS befaest mare fram him
(123 b.) autem
scire quia oui committitur; plus ah eo exigit\\xv ;
2. pcct, p torn in two. 3. MS. det, which Latin addendum is in
hand of glossator. 5. /c, read we. benntSe, read bemide, and see note, d of
■di a above tho line. (i. ponne, sic in !MS. Readponne. 7. sit, Latin in
hand of glossator, nilan or silon. 10. ungehjrsumauteft, probably after
having written uvgehyrmman, which read, the scribe\'s eye was caught by
the -tes which must have been in the Latin original. 13. gvGi ead, wrongly
glossed by original glossator, who must have read corripitur in his text.
14. pa, read /«.
10. inprohos, MS. inprohus. inobedientes, MS. inobediendos. 16. cut, in
accordance witli other texts and with the gloss, MS. cujus.
16] Arduousness and responsibility of the Abbot\'s task.
[a.] 7 he wite [b.] hu [b.] be earfocSc [b.] he uiiderfeht 7 sticol
SciatqnQ quam dijfficihm rem et arduam
[b.] gewissian sawla 7 msenigra Jjcowan fieawum 7 sumne
suscepit regere animas, et multorum servire moribus et alium
witodlice mid geswœsnyssum oîSerne niid ]?rgeigum
quidem bïandimmtis alium vero increpationibus ; alium
mid larum 7 eefter ge œghwylces hwylcnysse o^e
suasionihus; Et secundum unius cujusque qualitatem vel
andgit .bine sylfne on eallon j^ingan 7 he gehiwige 7
5 intelligentiam. ita se omnibus conformet et
he gej)8esl8ece \\>œt he na ]>œt an ny\'Serunga. aefwyrSe heorde
apiet ut non solum detrimenta gregis
hims ylfan befœstre
sibi commissi
J^olige eac swylce on [g.] geeacnunge
non patiatur. verum in augmentatione (124 a.)
godre heorde he geblissige toforan eallaiijjingan beliiwiende
boni gregis gaudeat; Ante omnia non dissimulans
oîStSe for * forht taliendre hœle saule \\\\\\m sylfan. bi. fœstra
aut parvi pendens salutem animarum sibi commissarum.
switJor lie ne do hohfulnesse be j^ingum gewitendlicum 7
10 plus gerat sollicittidinem de rebus transitoriis. et
iordlicum 7 gewitendlicum ah lie J)ence pœt he
terrenis atqne caducis ; sed sem^iev cogitet quia
gaula underfsenc togewissianne be Sam 7 gescead ]5e he his
animas suscepit regendas. de quibus et rationem reddi-
to gyldenne [a.] 7 pœt he na cide be la3ssan fœrunga landare
turus est; Et ne causetur de minori forte substantia
he gémuna gewrit serœst [q.] secaS godes rice
meminerit scriptum ; Primum querite regnum dei et
rihtwisnesse 7 liis 7 ealle f)as j^inc beotS hihte 7 eft
15 justitiam ejus et haec omnia adicientur vobis; Et iterum;
naht wana nis oudrœdendum bine [a.] 7 he wite [Î5.] pœt lie
Nihil deest timentibus eum; SciafquQ quia
se \'Se undcrfelitS sawla to gewissianne iarcie hinc to gescead
qui suscipit animas regendas preparet se ad rationem
6. cefwyrSe, read (vficyrcUe\'i 7. g before geeacnunge: as there arc no
\'paving\' letters in this passage, g. may be an anticipation of geeacnunge.
9. furlii, 0 and h cor. from two other letters; see note. 10. nc; bnt for
context, )i might be read as tn. 13. na cide, a and cide possibly on erasure.
14. [q.] Is this one of the \' paving\' letters 1
7. augmentatione, MS. aumentatione.
-ocr page 91-Has to render account of souls. Advice from the brethren, [17
ageldenne [a.]/ swa micel undergymenne gebroSra hine
reddendam; Et quantum sub cura sua fratrum se
habban [a.] swa he wite [a.] getel he oncnawe to soSan pœt he
habere scierit numerum J agnoscat pro certo, quia
sylfra ealra Jiara sawla sceall agyldau
in die judicii ipsarum omnium animarum est redditurus
buton twyn to gehiht his agenne sawle
dommo rationem. sine dubio addita et sue animae ;
[a.J [d.] [e.] [f.] [g,] })a toweardan smeagunge [h.] hyrde
Et ita semper timens futuram discusionem pastoris 5
[i.] of befœstum sceapum mid œlfremedura sceadwisnyssum
de creditis ovibus ; cum de alienis ratiociniis
wœrnaS he si gewordan [c.] [b.] hohful [a.] Jjonne
cavet reddatur de suis sollicitus ; Et cum
he mynegungum be his bote oSrum [a.] J^ena\'S he si
ammonitionilus suis emendutionem aliis suhministrat, ipse.
geworden fram leahti\'um rihtlsec\'S
efficiatur a vitiis emendatus.
be gegearnendum to rœde gebroSra.
De Adhibendis ad consilium fkatiubus. (Cap. HI.) lo
swa oft swa sind [b.] œnige healice })inc [a.] to donne
Quotiens aliqua ruEciruA agenda
(124 b"> mynstre myustre [d.] gelangige [e.J se abbod
■^sunt in Mo ! nasterio; convocet abbas
[f.] ealle [f.] gegœderunge j he sylf secge [h.] hwanon
omnem congregationem. et dicat ipse unde
[h.] he boo astired [i.] [1.] gehyrendc [m.\'J gejjeah gebroSi-a
agitur ; et audiens consilium fratrum.
7 he smœge [k.] mid hi??i sylfan [n.] pœt [o.] is nytwyrS-
tractet apud se ; et quod (est) uti- 15
licor. [n.] 7 he deme forJ)ig callc to gejjcahto
lius judicaverit [faciat^ I deo autem omnes ad consilium
gecian we secgat for]?am oft pam gingran drihten pc unwryhö
vocari diximus ; quia sepe juniori cZominus révélât
10. ffebrodra, both context and lemma make one expect gelrotSrum.
14. astired, i of peculiar form below tho line.
_ 6. ratiociniis, MS. rationem. 7. sollicitus, MS. sollicittir. 15. est a
little erased. See note.
18] wliieli they must give humbly. The brethren to follow this Bule,
pœt betere is swa syllau gej^eaht mid ealre
quod melius est; Sic autem. dmt /ratres consilium cum omni
eadmodnesse. under]?eodnesse \\>œt na gedyrstlœcan gemablice.
humilitatis subjectione ut non présumant pxQcaciter
bewerian. \\œt hieom lieom gesawen bi(S ah furjjor
tendere quod eis visum fuerit. sed magis
on Jjses abbodes hit stände kyre be ]?am *hwonlicor o^e
in abbatis pendeat arbitrio eo çuocZ salubrius
gcsselicor J)e he demtS ealle gehyrsumian [a.] ah [e.] swa swa
5 judicaverit cuncti ohediant. Sed sicut
leorniccnihtum gedafenatS [f.] \\>œt gehyrsumian [g.] lareowe
discipulis convenit ohedire magistro.
[b.] 7 hi?n foraglaewlice 7 rihtlice gecZafenaS [d.] ealle Jiiuc
ita et ipsum provide et juste condecet cuncta
[c.] gedihtan [d.] on eallum ])ingum [b.] iornostlice ealle [c.]
dispmere ; In omnibus igitur omnes
[c.] lareowlicum [a.] hi fylian [e.] regole [f.J [h.] fram him
magistram sequantur regulam ; ne ah ea
[i.] Jiristelice [f.J na ua si gebogen fram œnigum [a.] na [b.] œnig
lo temere declinetur a quoquam ; Nullus
on minstre [a.] na fylige [e.] agenra heortan willan
in monasterio sequatur proprii cordis voluntatem.
[f.] ne ne gedyrstlœce [f.] [g.] œnig [n.] midhis abbude [n.]
neqm présumât quisquam pro ahbate suo
[1.] wurSlice [h.] wit5 innan [h.] o(5Se wiSutan [m.] on mynstre
proterve intus aut foris monasterium
[k.].flitan [a.] ^pœt gif gedyrstlœctS [b.] œnig [e.] regolicore
contendere ; Quod si presumpserit quisquam disciplinae
3 ealra along with its lemma omnium is found in the text, after heom,
see Latin note to 1. 4. 4. hivonlicor, see note. Sign for otSe above
line. 6. leorniccnihtum, read leornic, i.e. leorninc. 7- him, last stroke
of VI erased, by mistake, when the g of siffut was erased. gedafenatS, d
corrected from some other letter.
1. Before meVias the word faciat is erased ; it is found after judicaverit in
the other Latin texts, dent, e corrected from i. 3. omnium erased
before visum, visum in margin in glossator\'s hand, by way of correction
for the misreading omnium. i. pendeat, written by glossator over
gaudeat, which is erased. 5. siqut, corrected into sicut. 6. MB. dis-
cipulus. Some one, seeing that this word ought to be discipulis, began wrongly
to erase s, then stopped this, and indicated correction from u into i by putting
a dot over »econd stroke of u. 10. qaam (other texts que) erased after ne.
12. pro, other texts have cum. That this has been in original of our text
is probable, as the gloss has mid.
and not to oppose the Abbot. Of good works. [10
[e.] styre [c.] he underhuige [b.] sylf swa Seah. [b.] se abbod
regulari subjaceat ; Ipse tarnen abbas
[e.] mid godes ege [f.] 7 gehealdsumuesse régulés [t.] ealle Jsinc
cum timore dei et observatiom regule omnia
[a.] do. witende hine baton twyn be eallum his domum }pa rilit-
faciat. sciens se procul dubio de omnibus judiciis suis
wisestan deman gode geseead to aiyldenne gyf [e.] hwylce
equissimo judici deo rationem redditurunij Si qua
[b.] [f.] leesean Ipe inc syndon to done [g.] on
vero minora agenda sunt in 5
(125 a ) myn stres [g.] on nytwyrdnyssuîw ealdra [i.] pœt an
monasteni utilita | tibus seniorum tantum
[a.] he bruce [0.] gej^ehte swa swa hit awriten is eallo [1.]
utatur consilio sicut scriptum est; Omnia
[k.] do mid lœde [m.] 7 [n.] [0.] *œter dœdum 7 hit pQ ne ofreow
fac cum consilio. et post factmn non penitebis;
Invylce beon toi godera weorca.
Que Sint Instrumenta Bonobum Opeeum. (Cap. IIII.)
ealra œrsest drihten god lufian ealre heortan mid
In dominum deum diligere ex toto corde tota 10
eallra sawla mid ealre niihte sySSan nextan ealswa J)e sylfne
anima tota virtute ; Deinde 2iYoximum. tamquam se ipsum;
debemws ofslean uniihthœmaii na don ]:)cofœ
Deinde non occidere Non adulterare. non facere furtum.
ne gewihiian na leas gewitnesse sccgan arwurSian
non concujnscere. non falsum testimonium dicere; Honorare
debenms oalle men him sylfan œni beon pœt Î5œt noie
omnes homines et quod sibi guis fieri non v^ult.
(»Srum 7 pœt ne do wiSsacan. sic hine syl/ne himsylfum pœt
Alii ne faciat; Ahnegare semet ipsum sibi; ut 15
3. J>a, read pain. 7. [o.] perhaps o-=on. 8. cuter, read after.
12. debem\', in glossator\'s hand, not in other Latin texts; cf. 1. 15; p. 20,
1. 15, and passim, ptofw, p corr. from some other letter. 14. delem\\
cf. 1. 13. 15. First/tt>< added later on by glossator. (iyZ/zie, ƒ added
later ou by glossator, dc, stands by the side of ividsacan, not over se.
2. timore, MS. timorem. Ï). The words ant major (read majora]) are
found after aijeiula ; they are probably originally a marginal note copied
into our text, and not in the other texts. 6. seniorum to sicut inclusive,
together with gloss, left out by copyist, and put in top margin. 10. corde,
Ms, corda,
c 2
-ocr page 94-f
20] Of fasting, alms-giving, self-tjontrol, etc. [Ch. IV. |
he fylige crist licliamun Jirean estmettas befon
sequatur Christum. Corpus castigare; Delicias non amplecti
festen debemws lufian ]3earfan fedan nacodne et seredan i
Jejunium amare; Fauperes recreare; Nudum vestire. \\
untrurae 7 geneosian deadne bebyi\'gian on gedrefednesse j
Infirmum visitare. Mortuum sepelire. In trihulatione ;
gehelpan sargenne gefrefrian fram weorulde [a.] daadum
suhvenire. Dolentem- eonsolari. A seculi actibus
don Eelfrseniedne senijiincg cristes lufan na foresettan yrre
^sefacere alienum; Nihil amori o/tristi prepowre. Iram
non debemus gefremman yrsuiige timan na healdan facn
non perficere. Iracundie tempus non reservare; Dolum
on heortan na healdan lease sibbe cost na syllan Jia sotSe
in corde non tenere. Pacem falsum non dare. Kari- \\
lufan na na forlsetan na swerian J)e he hine forswerige i
tatem non derelinquere. Non jurare ne forte parjuret.
* soSfsesten deb€< of heortan 7 of mu\'Se forSbriugan. yfel for
Veritatern ex corde et ore proferre. Malum pro [
yfele debemws agildan tregan debemws gedonne dsede
lomalo non reddere. Injuriam non facere. sed et factam
gejpyldelice ah for]3yldian * frynd lufian J)a awyrigendan
patienter sufferre; Inimicos diligere; Maledicentes (
[c.] non debemMS agen wyrian ah swicSor bletsian [d.] ehnesse
se non remaledicere sed magis henedicere. Pevsecutionem
for rihtwisnesse Jjolian. beon Se modig na windrucen
pro justitia sustinere. Non esse supevbum. non vinolentum ;
na mycelsete na*sia na *sceac mur-^^sb)
non multum oedacem; non somnolentum; non pigrum ; non
nigende naceriende na * selendne hiht his gode
15 murmuriosum; non detractorem; debet spem suam deo
betsecan god ceni J^inc on him sylfan poime he gesyhjj
committere; Bonum aliquid in se , cum viderit:
2. debemus, in glossator\'s hand, not in other Latin texts, et seredan,
MS. <6 seredan\', did the scribe find ed-, cet seredan or 7 seredan in his
original ? 6. non debemus over gefremman. 9. sotSfa;stne, read
soSfwstnesse. 11. frynd, read fynd. 12. non dehemus in margin.
13. ffe, see note. 14. nasia, read slapofi seeac, read sleac. ailendne,
read telendue.
1. Delicias, MS. dulcras; it would seem that an attempt was made to
correct it. ^ 3. visitare, underlined in MS. repeated by mistake after
Mortuum, 10. factam, see note. 13. superhum, MS. desuperlum,
see note. 15. detractorem, o corr. from a.
-ocr page 95-The last Judgment. Further rules of conduct. [21
gcde nc betœce na liim sylfan yfel liim. sylfan aifre fiam
deo applicet non sihi; Malum vero semper a se
gedon he wite him sylfan 7 getelle domes dseig
factum, sciat ; et sihi rejmtei; Diem dehemus judicii
ondrsedan helle aforhtian ]>œt ece lif mid ealre gast-
timere; geliennam expavescare ; vitam œternam omni concu-
licere gewilnunge gewilnian [b.] deaS [e.J dœghwamlice
piscentia spiritali desiderare ; Mortem colidie
[e.jœtforan eagan [d.] gewenedne [a.] habban dceda lifes his
ante oculos suspectam habere; actus vitœ sue 5
on œlcere tide gehealdan on œlcere stowa gode hine besceawian
omni hora custodire; In omni loco deum se respicere
[a.J tosoSan [b.] witan ge]7ohtas }>a yfelan heortan his to becu-
^ro certo scire : Cogitationes malas cordi suo adveni-
meinie soua to chris^e * aslidan J^am gastlican ealdre
entes ; mox ad chrhiwn allidere ; et seniori spintali
7 gesutulian he his mucS fram yfele fram yfele oSSe jjwyrlice
])atefaccre. Dehet os suum a malo vel pravo elo-
sprsece gehealdan mycel swySe [b.] spraîcan na. [a.] lufian
qmo custodire ; Midlum loqui non amare. 10
idole word hlehtregamene. oSSe Hlic micelne leahtor oSSe
Verba vana aut risui apta non loqui; liisum multum aut
to sceacenno lufian halige rtedinge lustlice lysta. oîSSe
excussum non amare; Lectioncs sanctas libenter audire;
gehyra gebeda [o,] *fra>dlice 7 onsigan his forSgewitena yfela
orationi frequentér incumhere; Mala sua preterita
mid tearum oSSe geomorungo dœgliwandice on gebeda gode
cum lacrimis vel gemitu cotidie in oratione deo
anddettan of (Sam sylfan yfeluni J^airto eacan betan.
confiteri ; de ipsis malis de cetero emendare;
gcwiliiunga lichaman [d.] gefremman willan agenne
Desideria carnis non pevficere. voluntatem pvoprïam
[d.] hatian bebodu on eallnm J^eli sylf do
odire ; preceptis ahhatis in omnibus ohcdire ; Etiam si
1. «e, wrong gloss. 8. aslidan 1 Perhaps the scribe found as^ea» in his
text, and his eye was caught by tho allidere of tho Latin. 13. frmdlice,
seo note ; yfela, top part of ^ erased by erasure in audire (Latin notes on 1. 12).
15. anddettan, first d above line, and at the end of line, but probably belongs
to the word.
1. applied, MS. amplicct. 2-. for dehemus, see note to p. 20, 1. 15.
See infra, 1. 9. 0. Dchd, see note to 1. 2. 12. audire, erasure of .ibout
two letters between i and r. 16. proprium, i above line.
Moral and religious precepts.
he elles peet feor sig sylf do gemyiidige })ges drihtenlican
ipse dliter quod ahsit agat; memor ülius dommici
bebodas ]7a * sed gat do\'s J)a Sinc ]>& hi doj) don
precepti. Que dicunt facite; que autem faciunt faeere
nelle na nellan beon gesseiS halig £erSamJ)e hesig
nolite; Non veile dici sinctuTO antequam sit; sed
eer ah beon peet soSIicor poet peet he is gessed godes beboda
prius esse. quod verius | dicatur; Frecepta ^ ^
mid daeduTO dieihwamlice gefylhin claennesse lufian
5 dei factis cotidie adimplere; Castitatem amare;
nehne non aefest 7 andan habban geflit. oSSe ceaste
nullum adire; zelum et invidiam non habere; Contentionem non
upahofennesse idehie * iyl forfleon 7 J^a yldran
amare; elationem vel jactantiam fugere; Et seniores
arwurSian pa, iynran on cbrïsies * hifian for feondum
venerari; juniores diligere. in chrisii amore pro inimicis
gebiddan mid J)am ungefjwoerum oer nySersige. oSSe gango
orare; Cum discordantibus ante solis occasum
on sibbe gehwyrfan non be godes mildheortnesse debemMs najfre
10 in pace redire; et de (Zei misericordia numquam.
geortruwian efne J^as sind tol crseftis gastlices pat pomie
desperare; Ecce hec sunt instrumenta artis spiritalis que cum
beoS gefylde fram iig unablinnendlice da?gges 7 nihtes
fuerint a nobis die noctuqne. incessa-
unateoriendlice to gefyllamie on domes dtege 7 betsebto
liliter adimpleta; et in die jvdicii reconsignata.
seo med us fram drihtne biS agolden pQ he sylf bebet
illa merces nobis a dovamo reconpensabitur quam ipse promisit ;
eage pat Se ne geseah eare ne ne gehyrde ne ne on
i zQuod oeulus non vidit. nee auris audivit; nee in
heortan mannes astab pa, Sinc pe gearcode J^isum. Jja Sa
cor hominis ascendit; que preparavit cZeus his qui
2. sed gat, d of unclear shape in MS., but no c: read secgat. 6. non
Latin, over odirel cf. infra, 1. 10, perhaps to be taken to neh ne, and to bo
read mon. 7. iyl, read iyli). 8. lufian, read lufun. 12. unahlin-
nendlice, the fourth n corr. from some other letter, probably a. Read d. 7 n.
unahl. unateor. adimpleta, glossed as if ad implenda.
1. memor^ MS. memoris. 3. dici, MS. dice. 10. dei, MS. dim,, m
misread from sign of contr. above i, for e of dei. 11. «in cum corr. from
some other letter.
Of Obedience as though to divine command.
lufiaS hine [c.] smeSe [b.] * ijiferwc [i.] ealle J)as Sine
diliyunt denm; Officina vero uhi hcec omnia
[k.] geornlice [i.] wyrceau [d.] clysunga [a.] [e.] mynstres 7
diliyenter operemur.
staSolfaestnys [g.]
stahilitas m conyreyatione;
claustra sunt monasterii
Db Obediextia Discipulorw/ Qualis sit. (Cap. V.)
[e.]se for witodlice [f.] eadinodnes [e.] se forma stsepe ans [c.] gehyr-
sumnes [d.] butonyldincge [b.] fjasSinc [a.] gerist [c.] J^isoni [d.]
sine mora; Haec convenit his qui
nahfc [g.] himsylfum [h.] criste [f.J leofre [e.] 0enig})incg [d.] Jjadene-
nildl sibi chrhio carius aliquid exis-
wenaS [i.] forSam Jjeowdomc haligan [k.] );e hi [k.] beheton
timant: j)rojHer servitium sanctum qwod professi
[k.] [1.] oSSe [1.] for [1.] hogan belle [m.] [0.] o\'SSe [0.] forwuldre
sunt: seu propter metu\\\\\\ gehenne: vel gloriam
(126 b ^^^ fe»ig I\'inc [r.] ponne biSbe-
\'\' vite aeterne; Mox ut | aliqtdd impera- 10
boden [d.] fram eahlre [r.] [a.] acswilce [x.J godcundlicc [a.] hitsibe
turn a maiore fuerit: ac si divinitus im-
boden [c.] yldincge ct prowian hy niton on dojilicum pincguni
peretur. moram pati nesciunt in faciendo;
[a.] bo \'Sam [b.] [a.] sajigS for [c.] hlyste [d.J earan
De quibus dominns \' dicit: ob audita auris.
[a.] hc gehyrsnmcde [b.] 7 [a.] eft he scigS [a.] [b.] hireowuni
oboedivit mihi; Et iterum dicit doctoribus ;
[c.] se So [f.] cow [e.] gchyrS mo [c.] gchyrS pas oSSe pillice
Qui vos audit: me audit; Ergo hi tales 15
[f.] forlaïtcndc [g.] parrihte [h.] pc lieora [h.] 7 [k.] willan
relinqucntes statim que sua stmt; et voluntatcm
[k.Jagenne [i.] forlffitende [m.] sona [n.] gebysgodum [n.] handum
2)ropriam\' deserentes; mox ex occujmtis manibua
12. Above the 0 of moram
1. »/tiTifC, sic in MS.; probably t as \' paving\' letter, asgloss to «Ji, and
tve belonging to wyrcean. f>. for, read forma. The MS. has egefor.-an.i
over est, I cannot explain. 7. /adenetocnaS, i. e. /a Üe ne tcenad. 10. I\'y,
Latin ? the gloss above vl is illegible.
8. sanctum (scm), MS. se.".uudum (scfTni),
there is written a z.
24] Prompt obedience, acceptable to God.
7 pœt bi didon [p.] unfulfremed [i.] forlsetende [e.] mid [li.]
et qviod agébant inpexfectum relinqueMes : vici-
gchendum [g.] gehyrsumnesse [e.] fet bebeodendes [c.] stefne
no oboedienticB pede juhentis vocem
[d.] middsedum [a.] hi fyllian [a.] 7 swylce [d.] onanre [d.] hand-
factis sequuntur ; Et velut uno mo-
hwile [b.] seoforesteda h\\reowas [b.] hœs [e.] 7 fulfremed
mento predicta magistri jussio et perfecta
[f.] leornincciiihtas Aveorc [g.] onhrsednesse [h.] godes eges [h.]
5 discipuU opera in velocitate timoris dei \'
[k.] bute f>a [k,] Sine [1.] gemsenlice [m.] hœrdlicor 7 be ongefyl-
ambe res communiter citius explican-
lede ]7am [n.] to })am [a.] ecan life [q.] [p.] to gangenne
tur. Quibus ad vitam cetemam gradiendi
[o.] lufu [n.] onsigS for fjone neorwan weig hi gelettaS panon
amor incumbit. Ideo angustam viam arripiunt : unde
saeig se nearAva weig is se laed to life pcet heora
(iomrwus dicit angusta via est que ducit ad vitam : ut non
agenre kyre na libbende heora gewilnunguwi 7 lustum
10 suo arbitrio viventes : vel desideriis suis et voluptatibna
gehyrsumiende ac gangende on selfrfemedum dome 7 on
obedientes sed ambulantes alieno judicio et im-
anwealde on niynstrum drohgende abbod heo??i sylfuw fora
2)erio et in coendbiis degentes : abbatem sibi
beon hine gewilnian buton twyn J^as. swilce Jjone [a.] ge-
esse desiderant ; Sine dubio hi tales illam cZomini imi-
efenlaecean cwudo [c.] J^am ic na com don minne willan
tantur sententiamj qua dicit ; Non veni facere voluntatem
ac j^œs se Se äsende me [a.] ah [b.] J)eos sylfe [b.]
15 meam ; sed eju^ qui misit me : Sed hec ipsa
[b.] gehyrsumnesse [c.] jjonne [d.] anfenge [b.] biS gode 7 wynsum
oboedientia tune. | accejHabilis erit deo et dulcis (127 a.,)
mannum gif hwaît biS beboden forhtlice no lœtlico ne
hominibus ; si quod jubetur ; non trépidé; non tarde; non
2. second e above line. 3. the two/i\'s above the
Une. 5. hrmdnesse, h above line.
3. momenta, MS. monumenio, nn crossed out. 7- gradiendi, MS. gra-
dienti. 13. desiderant, MS. desiderant. IG. acceptahilis, MS.
-ocr page 99-Obedience is to be cheerful. Of silence. [25
erhlice oSSe mid ceorunge oWe oSSe mid andswere [e.]
tepide; aut cum murmurio. vel cum responso
nellendes biSgeworden. [a.] forSam f)e [b.] biS gehyrsumnes
nolentis efficiatur: Quia oboedientia
ealdran [d.] se Se biS iarcod [c.] gode [a.] gegearcou hcsylf
qv,e majorihus prebetur: deo exibetur. Ipse
S£Ede se Se eoAV j^egchyrS [b.] * m. [aJgehyrS [a.] 7 [d.] mid
enim dixit; Qui vos audit me audit: Et cum
godum mode [c.] fram * leornincchintum [b.] beon gegearcod
bono animo a discipulis preberi 5
[a.] bit gedafenaS [e.J forSam J^oneglaidan syllan [e.] jjelufaS
oportei. quia hilar em datorem diliyit
gode [a.] soSes na biS [g.] mid yfelum [g.] mode gif gcbyrsumaS
deus. Nam cum malo animo si ohedit
leorninccniht 7 na \\>cet an on muSe ac eac swylce on
discipulus: ct non solum ore. verum eiiam in
heortan gif he ceoraS 7 gif ho gefylle Iiïbso [c.]
corde si murmuraverit. et si impleat jxissionem; tamen
[b.] anfenge [a.] [a.] [d.] se Se heortan lu\'^ besceawaS ceori-
acceptum jam non erit deo; qui cor ejus respicit mur- 10
cndes 7 he for swylcere dajde ajnigne ne begitt Jjanc
murantis; Et pro tali f/icto nullam consequitur graiiam.
[b.] gif git swiSor [c.] wico [d.] ceorigendra [a.] onbecymS gif
Immo penam murmurantitmi incihrrit si
[e.J ho hit mid fulre dajdbote [e.] na gebed
non cum satisfact\'one emendaverit.
Db ïacituunitatk. (Cap. VI.)
utondon pat Se stede so witega ic 6®do ic gehealde wegas mine
FaciAMUS quod ait PiJOrilETA. dixi custodiam. vias mcas : 15
peel ic na gylto on minre tungan icsette muSe minon hcord-
ut non delinquam in linguxt mea; Posui ori meo cus-
ra:dno ic adumbede 7 ic com geeadnied 7 ic suwode
todiam : obmutui et humiliatus s m et silui
3. A letter (s?) erased before ffoile. 4. m, probably no \'paving\' letter,
but for me (m). 5. leoi\'ninachinium, read leormnccnihtum. 10. his, i
above line.
4. Qui ros, MS. Quos. 10. mnrmurantis, MS, murmoranlls, nullam,
MS. millam.
26] The teacher to speak, the disciple to be silent.
fram godum [a.] her geswutulaS [a.] [b.] gif [e.] fr&m godum
a bonis: Hic ostendit proiyheta; si a bonis
[e.] sprsecum oSerhwile intmluwi for [g.] * salnesse beou gesuwod
eloquiis propter tacitumitatem
[c.J seel beon gesuwod lahu micele swiSor fram yfelum
debet interdum tacere: quantomagis a malis
wordum for wite synne j^eah sig be godum 7
verbis propter penam peccati ; Ergo quamvis de bonis \\ et ^^^^
baligum et timbrunga [d.] sprsecum 7 fulfremedse [b.]
5 sanctis et aedijlcationum eloquiis et perfectis
leorningccnihtum. fore. [f.J stihiesse steeStSinesse * sylfsyne
discipulis propter taciturnitatis gravitcitem rara
to specende [a.] geunnen [e.] leaf forSam pe hit is awriten on
loquendi concedatur licentia; quia scriptum est; In
mauifealdre ])u ne forflihst synne on oSerstowe deaS 7
multiloquio non effugies peccatum, Et alibi: Mors et
lif on handura tungan soSes sprecau 7 laeran hu\'eowum
vita in manibus lingue; Nam loqui et doc&re magistrum
gedafenaS suwian 7 heorcnian leorniccnihtum gedafenaS
10 condecet; Tacere et audire discipulo conve-nit; Et
gif wilce ])iTicg sind to smeagenda fram dre mid ealre
ideo si qua requirenda sunt, a priore cum omni
eadmodnesse 7 underJ?eoduesse 7 beon gesmeade befrinonne pcet
humilitate et subjectione reverentie requirantur;
no si gesewen furSur spra;can \\>onne liit gefremige higlista
non videatur plus loqui quam expedit ScuriYxtates
•otSj^e idelword stirienda ecer clysunga
uero vel verba otiosa et risum moventia; aeterna clausura
on ealle stowuni we ne fordemaS to liwjlcere sj)roeco
15171 omnibus locis dampnamus; Et ad talia eloquia
Jeorninccnilit geopenodum mutJ 7 we ne \'SafiaS
discipulum apexire os non permittimus.
2. interdum in glossator\'s hand. nScrhwile, as gloss to interdum,
stands above it. salnesse, read stihiesse. et, MS, &, 6. cylfnyne, see
2. eloquiis, MS. eloquris. 3. quantomayis, n above line. \'malis,
I partially erased? 5. Second et aliove line, perfectis, MS. perfects,
but i written above «. 7. MS. liquendi, but changed into loquendi.
12. reverentie in margin. 13. Scarilitates, li above line in later
The proud shall be humbled; the humble shall bo exalted. [27
[b.J clypaS c. vs. y. gewritt [d.J pœt [d.J godeunda ealu [a.J
[e.] seccende [b.] œlc. [d.J se Se [c.J liiiie [c.J upahefS [a.J bic5 ge-
DlCENS. omiiù qui se exaltat humilia-
eadmet [e.J 7 biS [f.J se Se [f.J geeadmeS upahafeii poiuic
hitur et qui se humiliât exodtahitur : Cum
pas piiic [o.J sœigS geswutulaS [a.J us 7 œlce upiihafeniiesse
haec ergo dicit ; ostendit nobh omnem exaltationem. 5
cyii beon modinesse hiiie waniian se witiga pœt gebycniap
tjenus esse supevbie quod se cavere propheta indicut
la drilitm iiis upaliafen lieorte mine nana iipaliafoii
dicens ; Domine non est exaltatum cor meum neque elati
sind eagan mine ne ic na ferde on mserllcum pingujjt na
sunt oculi mei ; Neque anibulavi in magnis ; îiegue in
on wundorlicum ofor me ali la liwœt sasig lie gif ic 110 f/e-
(123 a.) mirahilibus super me. Sed quid sinon humiliter
eadmodlice pwœrlsehte ac ic upahof mine sawle swa swa is
sentie\'jam sed exaltavi animam memn sicut 10
pœt *openodum cild puer [a.J ofor Iiis meder pu foryyldst
ablactatus est super matrem suam ita rétribués
011 minre sawle [a.J wanon. [k.J gif healicere eadmod-
in animam meam ; Unde fraires si summe humili-
r.esse we wyllaS ge|5iiicSe [m.J hreppan [o.J ad illa?»
talis voîumus culmen adtingere et ad
[o.J [o.J [o.J [p.J to pa^ro purli andweardes lil\'es
exaltationem illam celestem ad quam per presentis vite
eadmodnesse [p.J biS ästigen Iirœdlicc becuman da^dum
humilitatem ascenditnr volumus velociter pervenire. actibus 15
2. C. vs. y, sic in MS.; see note. 3. scccende, second c changed into e.
9. geeadtnodlice, a letter between ff and c 1 11. openodum, read aioenode.
puer not in other texts, added by glossator, as the word to which ahlactatus
refers. 13. ad illam in glossator\'s hand-writing.
3. qui, dot under u, as if it were meant to be expunged. 5. ergo, MS.ff.
II. ablactatus, MS. ahlactatiim. rétribues ; of the other Latin texts (cf.
Schröer, W. V., p. 30, and see Schmidt, p. 17), S has retributio, T and TJ
have rétribués, and G has bues erased. Our AlS. had first retributio, then o
was erased, i lengthened into s, and t changed into e. With this newly-
fabrioated rétribués the gloss corresponds. 15. ascenditur, some other
ending changed into itur.
28] Have the fear of God continually before thine eyes.
urum upastigeiidum h dre [b.] seo blseSS. is up to arEeraime
TCOstris ascendentibus scala ilia erigenda est
[c.] seo [e.] on swefne [d.] J?eatiwde [c.] [f.] J^urhSage [g.] liim
que in sompnio iacob ajyparuit ; per quam ei
7 niSer astigeude [li.] 7 upastigende [f.] sutulodan
descendentes et ascendentes angeli monstrabantur ;
na LIS selles buton twyn se nySerstige se 7 upstige fram us
Non aliud sine dubio descensus ille et ascensus a nobis
iinderstandan buton mid upaliafennesse nySerastigan mid
5 intellegitur nisi cum exaltatione descendere ; et
eadmodnesse upastigan [c.] seo sylfe [h.J uparserede
humilitate ascendere ; Scala vero ipsa
lilaîddra ure [d.] is [a.] lif [d.] on [e.J worulde [f.] seo biS
erecta nostra est vita in SQcnlo ; Que
geeadmedre heortan [k.] [g.j uparserede to heofonum [c.] sidan
Immiliato corde a domino ; erigitur ad celum ; Latera
[b.] sint Jjsere [e.] dran [a.] we secgaS urne [g.] [f.] beon
enim ejus scale ; dicinius nostrum esse
[g.] lichaman 7 sawle. [g.] on Scere sidan [u.] gesœtt [d.] mistlice
J o corpus et animam ; in que latera diversos
[d.] stapas eadmodnesse oSSe [f.] lare gecigednyss [b.]
gradus humilitatis vel discipline : evocatio
[!).] seo godcund [c.] Jja upastigœndan a an
divina ascendendos inseruit ;
[b.] se forma [c.] [d.] eadmodnesse [b.] stape is [a.] [e.] godes
Pbimus itaque iivmilitatis geadus est : siti-
ege him sylfum [k.] aetforan [k.] eagan [i.] sefre [h.] secende
morem dei sibi ante oculos semper ponens
[g.] foregytelnysse [f.] eallunga [e.] gif ho flihS ho sig
\'5 oblivionem omnino fugiat ; et se7npQV sit
gemyndig ealraf)inga pmt bebead god [a.] [d.] ]3a forhic-
msmor omnium qu§ precepit dews; Qualiter conienip-
genden[d.] gode [h.] on helle forsynnum [a.] hi on ,«
nentes deum; \\ in gehennam pro peccatis inci-
1. hdre] hlœôS, probably both words are meant for hlœddre. 12. a an
over inseruit, see note. 14. secende, sic in MS. •
2. sompnjo, p corr. from n. 5. cum added in the margin ; exaltatione,
MS. exaltationem. 11. MS. gradis, marked in MS. to be changed into
gradus. 16. contempnentes, p below Hue.
for the Lord sees thee, and with all thy doings shall the [20
Angels make Him acquainted.
hefeollan [f.] 7 pœt ece lif pœt [k.] adrœdendura god [k.] is
dunt ; et vitam aetemam que timentibus denm pre-
gegearcod is [h]on his mode œfie [g.] [f.] 7 he wealce 7
2)arata est animo suo semper revolvat. Et
gehealdeude hine fram synnum 7 leahtruni ]>œt is
custodiens se omni hora a peccatis et vitiis id est
geJ)ohta tungan eagana handa fota oSSe agenes
cogitationum lingue; oculorum manuum pedum, vel volun-
willan ah gewilnunga lichaman ofadon he ofeste wene
tatis proprie ; sed et desideria camis amputare festinet ; Estimet^
man of heofonnm fram gode œfre beon behealdenne
se homo de celis ^ a deo semiyev respici
on aîlcere tida 7 his dœda on œlcere stowe fram gesyhtSo
omni hora ; et facta sua omni loco ah aspectu
godcundnysse 7 beon gesawen frm?! englum on œlcere
divinitatis videri ; et ab angclis deo omni
tide 7 beon gekyddo gesutulaS ns pœt witega on urum
hora renuntiari; Demonstrat nobis hoc prcpheta cum in
gej)ancum esse esse andweardne ponne he geswu-
cogitationibus wostris de\\xm semj)er presentem ostendit 10
lulatS asmaidan heortan 7 lendenu pod
dicens ; Scrutans corda et regies deus ; et item
can geJ)ohta3 manna idel 7
7^omi«us novit cogitationes hominum ^uoniam vane sunt ; Et
eft he sœig\'S understode mine geJ)ohtas forrane 7 ]>œt
item dicit Intellexf&ti cogitationes meas a longe; Et qw\'m
gej^anc mannes anded pe soSes pœt hohful eig
cogitatio haminis confitehitur tibi ; Nam ut sollicitus sit circa
sotSes otSSe secge so nydwyrSa
cogitationes suas perversas ; dicat semper utilis 15
broSor on his heortan j^onne ic beo *ungcwcnmicd toforan heoni
frater in corde suo ; Tunc ero inmaculatus coram eo ;
gif ic gehealde mo fram minre unrihtwisnesse willan
SI observavero me ah iniquitate mea; Voluntatem vero
11. asmaidan, see note. 15. sotSes oGde sccgr, see note. 10. unge-
wennned, read ungewemmed. foran, 0 crossed, as if corrected from e.
1. aetemnam. a« MS., e added later. 3. om«i/iora added by glossator.
17. observavero, second 0 in MS. ö. ine<t, MS. me.
SO] Do not follow thine own wishes, but the will of God.
agenre don we forbeodaS por.ne sseigS gewrit us
pvojpriani ita facere prohibemur cum dicit scriptura nobis
fi-am Jjinum wiUan 7 si (Su awend 7 eft 7 uton biddan god
Et a voluntatibus tuis avertere ; Et itevcTroge \\ mus dewm (129 a.)
on gebede 7 pœt gewyrSe his willa on us we beon
in oratione ut fiat illius voluntas in nobis; Docemur
gelserede rihtlice urne na don Avillan ponne we gewarniaS
ergo merito nostram non facere voluntatem cum cavemus
pat pœt sœig pœt halige gewrit synt wegas J^a beotS
illud quod dicit sancta scriptura ; Sunt vie que
gesawene fram mannum rihtlice ]?ara enda ocS dypan * helde
videntur ab ominibus recte quarum finis usque ad profundum
besent 7 eft pornie we gewerniaS pœt be J)am
infemi demergit ; Et cum item cavemus illud quod
gymeleasum pœt tSe is gcfœd geweramede synt 7 LiSe
de neglegentibus dictum est; corrupti sunt et abo-
oSSe aud£8ete 7 insiiit gewordeiie willum on beora on
minabiles facti sunt in voluntatibus suis; In
gewilnungiun sotSlice lichaman swa us god semper we lyfaS
10 desideriis vera camis. ita nobis deurn credamus
œfre beon andwyrde poime saeiS se witega œtforan ]3e is
semper esse presentem; cum dicit proplieta ; Ante te est
cal gewilnunc min is to wearnienne yfel gewilnunc
omne desiderium meum ; Cavendum est ergo ideo malum desiderium ;
deaS wis infereld gelustfullunc foiSam pe is gesœd wanon
quia mors secus introitum delectationis posita est ; Unde
geAyrit * behyt secgende œfter j^inum gewilnungum
scriptura precipit dicens; Post concupiscentias tuas
ne farSu gif besceawiaS
i^nmi eas ; Ergo si oculi dommi speculantur bonos et malos
7 he helical
et cîominus de caelo semper respicit super filios hominum.
pœt he * oseo gif he is to understandeniie oSSe secende god
ut videat si est intellegens aut requirtns deum;
5. scBtg, for gceigS. 6. helde, read helle. 7. hescnt, read hesenct.
9. indnt, see note. 10. semper added by glossator. 14. hehyt, read
lehyt. 17. he oseo, read he seo. See note.
1. prohibemur, MS. proMheUtr, marked by glossator to be changed into
prohilemuf. 4. cavemus, MS. cammas. C. ominibus (for hominibv»),
MS. omnibus. 11. est, MS. tos.
\' I have not come to do my will, but that of Him [31
who sent me."
7 gif fram englum *lietelicum dœgliwamlice daeges 7 nilites
et si ab angelis nobis deputatis cotidie die woctoyiie
drilitne urum scyppende ure weorc gif beoS gecySSe is to
fZomino factori nostro opera nosira enimtiantur : caven-
warnienne on selcere tide swa swa tajigcS on * Sa * seabno
dum est ergo omni hora /ratres. sicut dicit in psalm0
pœt us bugande to * yfefle 7 unnytwyrSe 7 ge-
ptropheta ne nos déclinantes in malum, et inutiles factos
(\'129 1 senigera tida pœt * ne * besceal 7 * arœriende us on
\'\' aliqua hora aspiciat dens et parcendo | nobis in e,
Sissere tide forSam pe is 7 he anbidaS us gecyrran to
hoc tempore quia pius est; et expectat nos converti in
beteran us on towearchun pas pine Su dydest
melius cotidie ne dicat nobis in futuro. Haec fecisti
7 ic suwude.
et tacui. II.
se oSer eadmodnesse stepe is gif œnig na
?iecundus humilitatis gradus est : si projrriam qtiis non
lufiende willan his gewilnunga no gif gelustfulaS gefyllan
amans voluntatem. desideria sua non delectetur impilere 10
pas stefne diihtnes mid dîeduîn ac he geefenlœce. secgendes.
sed vocem illam (Domini factis imitetar dicentis ;
ic na com œfl^r
Non veni facere voluntatem WJfani sed ejus qui me misit. Itœm
lufe hœiS wite 7 neodpearfnes 7 akenS
dicit scriptura. Volu2)tas \'habet penam et necessitas ^^«rîfî«
cinehebn eo Siiddo staspe is pœt under œni for
coronam. Tertius humilitatis gradus est: ut quis pro dei
godes lufan mid ealre gehyrsuinnessa hine sylfno peowde oaldro
amore omni obedientia se suhdat majori; 15
geefen L-ecende drlhtîi€S be Sam pe ho seiS se aposiolo wais
immitans cZomivuint de quo dicit apostolus;
he wass geworden gehyrsum oS deaS
Factum obediens usquo ad mortem; IIII.
1. hetelicum, read betditum. 3. tSa, read Sam. sealmo, with Ijvtin
ending, the scribe\'s eye being caught by tho almo in psalmo under it.
4. yfefle, read yfele. 5. ne besceal, read he be sceawie. arœricnde, read
ariende. 14. under, see note. 16. /c, p corr. from A ? apostolo, read
factori, M.^.facturi. cotidie.. Not in any other text. 9. Secundus,
MS. secundum, proprium, MS. jiropna. 12. Itaim, sic in MS. 16. apos-
toliis, MS. aposlolis.
32] Persevere in thy obedience, and thou shalt be saved.
se feorSa eadmodnessa stsepe is on Saere sylfra geliyrsumnessa
Quartus hurnilitatis gradus ebt; si in ipsa oboedientia
stiSum J>ingum. 7 wiSerweardum oSÖe eac swilce sumum
duris et contrariis rebwi; vel ciiam qmbudibet
on gebrolitim teonum mid stillum ingehyde gif he
inrogatis injuriis; tacita conscientia patientiam am-
befehS 7 for Jjyldigende oSSe aweig gewite
plectatur et sustinens non lacescat vel disced at:
secgendum gewiita setSe J^urhwunaS o\'S ainde J)ses
5 Dicente scriptura: qui pevseveraverit usqne in Jinem; hie
hsele biS oft he seiS dicit si ge strangod f)in heorte 7 forjjyldiga
salvus erit; Item confortelnr coriuum;et sustinet
drihten gesutuliende swa swa
dommum ; Et ostendens fidelem * pro * nos dms igne nos
J)u afandodes swa swa biS afandod seolfor J^u ongelseddest
examinasli, sicut examinatur argentum. Induxisti
us on grin J)u gesettest gedrefednessa on urum * hicce 7
nos in laqueum. trihvlationes in dorso iiostro; Et
]?cet getiwe under ealdre us scealan beoii he fylige /jj^ ^^ ^
10 ut ostendat sub 2>riore dehere nos esse, suhsequitur dicens;
f)u ongesettest men ofer urum heafdum ah ge bebod
Inposuisti homines SM^^er capita nostra. Sed et preceptum
drihtnes on *\'Sryrnyssum 7 on teonum J?urli ge])yld gcfyl-
dommi in adversis et injuriis jyev patientiam adim-
lende J)a pe synd geslegene hleor *hiercian 7 otSer rotbredendrum
. plentes. qui pexcussi in maxillam. prebent et aliam: Auferenti
7 forgifan 7 waefsels genydde twamilan hi gan
tonicam. dimittunt et pallium. Angarizati miliario. vadunt
6. dicit, in glossator\'s hand. 9. hicce, read hricce. 12. iSryrnyssnm,
read Vicyrnytsum. 13. Mercian, read hi iercian.
3. patientiam, MS. patientia. 4. tacescat, MS. lasescat. 6. con-
fortetur, MS. confitetur. 7. pro nos, a whole passage has been here
left out between pro and nos by the scribe, the Latin of which in S runs
as follows:—pro (Domino universa etiam contraria sustinero dehere dicit ex
persona sufTerentium: Propter te morte afiicimur tota die, estimati sumus
ut oves occisionis, et securi de spe retributionis divine subsecuntur gaudentes
et dicentes. Sed in his omnibus superamus propter eum <jui dile:jit nos ;
et item alio loco scriptura Probasti) nos. 10. nos, MS. non. 14. anga-
rizati. All other texts have angariati. But as our form occurs not only
here, buj also twice in \' Wright-Wiilker\'s Anglo-Saxon and Old English
Vocabularies \' (353. 30; and 479. 17), I dare not change it, to which Wülker
apparently sees no objection ; cp. ib. I, p. 479, note 19.
Reveal thy ways unto tho Lord, and trust in Him, for He is good. [33
f)a leasa gebroSra
2)ergere unum et duo Cuva paulo apostolo falsós /ratres
hi forSildian
sustinent. et parsecutionem. propter justitiam patiuntur et
7 ]7a awyrgedan hig 7 hig blettian.
maledicentes. se henedicunt. V.
[b.] [c._] [b.] [a.] [d.] ealle yfele gejjohtas [g.]
Quintus humilitatis gradus est si omnes cogitationes malas
[i.] [i.] [h.] cumende [k.] [k.] [m.] [1.] digellice
cordi suo advenientes vel mala a se absconse commissa 5
J?urh eadmode aiidetnesse abbote gif ne bedi/i gaS his tibt
humilem confessicnem abbati non celaverit suo hor-
[a.] [b.] be Sisum Jnnce gevvrit [d.] [e.] unwrigon drihtne
tatur nos de hac re scriptura dicens: revela cfomino
■weig jjine 7 hiht on higne 7 eft he seiS [a.] andetaS
viam tuam et spera in eum et item dicit conjitemini
drihtne [b.] forSam [c.] Jje is [d.] god forSam f>e is [g.] his
cZomi^io (yuoiiiam bonus, quoniam in seculam mise-
mildheortuesse [f.] [f.] [b.] gild mine [b,]
ricordia ejus Ut item propheta delictum meum 10
cytS [c.] ne tSo [d.] ic [a.] dyde 7 rihtwisnyssa mine
cognitum tibi feci. et injustitias meas non 02)erui :
Dixi: pronuntiabo adversum me injustitias meas rfomino. et tu
arleasnessa niinre heortan
(130 b.) remisisti im | 2>i(tatem cordis mei VI.
mid ealro wacnisse aiftergenc-
Sextus humilitatis gradus est. si omni "viliiate vel ex-
nysse. oSSe endemestnessc hylde gyf bi\'5 to calluwi
tremitate contentus sit monachus et ad 15
Jjingu??i himsylfan ))a Se beoS geSeoddc swylco yfel wryhta
omnia que sibi injunguntur velut operarium
C. .9aiJ, 7i corrected from other letter ; then erasure. jyaJ, lower down,
read heiUhligiaO. 11. Erasure before cyS.
1. The words \'pergere unum are not in the other text?, twamilan would
seem to be the gloss to el duo. 6, 7. hortatur \\ after this some letter only
faintly discernil)le. 14. humilitatis, MS. numililatis.
34] Say with, the prophet: \' I am but a worm, and not a man.\'
7 liedeme unwurSne to
malum se judicet et indignum dicens sibi cum prcpJieta Ad
nahte ic eoin agen gehwyrfsed 7 ic ne cuSe swa swa nyten
nichilum redactus sum et nescivi. ut jumentum
ic eom
factus mm apud te. et ego semp&v tecum. VII.
he eallum 7 lœssan
Septimus humilitatis geadus est. si omnibus se infcriorem et
wacran na pat an mid his tungan gif hit ahhe eac swylce
5 viltorem non solum sua lingua pronuntiet sed etiam
mid incundie gelyfe lufe geeadmetende hine sylfne
intimo cordis credat affectum humilians se et dicens
mid Jjam witegan ic eom * wursan 7 na man
cum pvophtta. ego autem sum vermis et non homo.
manna 7 aworpones folces sum upahafen 7 ic eom
obprcbrium hominum et ubjectio plebis Exaltatus autem et humi-
geeadmed gescynd god me pat ]3u geead-
lialus sum et confusus. et item, bonum mild quid liumi-
mettest pœt ic leornige fiine beboda
10 liasti me. ut discam mandata tua. VIII.
gif nadeîS nabt se munuc buton
Octavüs humilitatis gradus est. si nihil agat monachus nisi
pat pe se gemeulica rego mynstres oSSe ealdra tihtacS
quod communis monasterii régula %\'el majorum cohor-
oSSe lœratS bysna
tantur exempla. Villi.
2. ffehiryrfœd, r corr. from another letter, probably ƒ. 7- taiirsait, see
5. lingua, MS. livguet. 13. After the word exempla there follows in our
MS. the following passage in Latin, which has been put in the note, as it is
unglossed, and as it is not contained in any of the other Latin texts used by
Schröer or Schmidt:—Sicut scriptum est. humiliatus sum usquequaque domüie
vivifica me secundum verbum tuum. Et dominus dixit: Discite ame quia
mitis sum et \\ humilis corde et invenietis requiem animabus vesiris; Et (131 a.)
apo«<ol«s dixit petrus ; Humiliamini sub potenti manu dei. ut vos ejaltat in
tempore visitationis. omnem vestra»n sollicitudinem proicientes in eum :
qwontam ipsi cura est de vobts Sobrii estote et vigilate : quia adversarius
vester diabolus tamquam leo rugiens circuit querens quew devoret; Cui
resistite fortes infide, scientes eandewï passionem ei. que in mundo est ve«/re
fratemitati fieri;
Do not laugh, do not be clamorous; a wise man uses few words. [35
gif tuiigan to sprecanne gif
Nokus humilitatis gbadus est. si Knyucwi ad loquendum jn-o-
forbidde se munuc stiliiesse liabbeude * otSSe ax-
hibeai monachus et taciturnitatem habcns usque ad interro-
unge 7 lie ne spece swytelunge write pcet na on
gationem efc non loquatuv monttrante nobis scriptura quia in
rasenifealduwt sprsece byS forflogen sinn 7 pcet na bit5 se
multiloquio non effugetur peccatum et quia vir
fealaspreocala wer gerilitlaeh\'S
linguosus non dirigeiur super ttrram X. 5
gif na biS etSliylde 7 *6rsed.
Decimus humilitatis gbadus est si non sit pacilis ac prcmp-
caf. on lilelitre forSam pe hit is awriten se dysega
tus in risu. quia scriptum est : stultus in risu
upahefS his stefne
exaltat vocem suam. XI.
ponne hc sprece se inunuc
Ukdecimus humii itatis gbadus est. si. cum LOQttiiur monachus.
liSelice 7 butan hleahtre eadmodlice mid gedreoge otSSo feawa
Itniter et sine risu. humilitf.r cum gravitate vel pauca 10
word 7 gesceadwislice gif na sprycS 7 he na beo h^utclipol ou
verba et rationabilia loquatur Et non sit clamosus in
stefne swa swa hit awriten is se wisa wordum gesutuluS
(131 b.) xoce sicut scriptum est \\ sapiens verbis innotescit
mid feawum
paua\'s XII.
gif na \\>at an
Duodecimus gbadus humilitatis est si non solum corpore sed et
cn heortan se munuc * eadmodnyssum geseondujji cefre gif no
corde monachus humilitatcm vidntibus se sem^Jcr in- 15
gebicniaS poei is on weorce on gebedhuse on minstro on
dicet. id est: in opere. in oratorio, in monasterio. in
2. oSffe,read 06. 5. /ea/o-, first a above line. C. brad, h above line,
Tondhrwd. 11. Jdutclipol. The MS. has/t«<-; the Ha written over the«.
15. tadmodnymim under the combined influences of (humilitate)ni and ge-
3. monstrante, MS. monadrante. S. exaltat, MS. ejrpectat. 15. semper
in glossator\'s hand. 16. opere, MS. o/wre.
n 3
36] Say: I am not worthy, O Lord, to raise mine eyes to heaven.
oreerde on wege on œcere oSSe swa hwar swa he biS fuerit
orto. in via in agro vel uhiq-ae
sittende gangende oSSe standende ahyldum he syg œfre
sedens. ambulans vel stans inclinato sit semper
heafde gefœstnodum on eortSan gesyhSum scyldine hine on selcere
capite defixis in terram aspectibus. reum. se omni
tida be his synnuw wenende eallunga hine on Sam
hora de peccatis suis existlmans jam se tremendo
* gefullan dome beonge andwerded hewene secgende himsylfan on
5 judicio dei repxesenlari estimet. dicens sibi in
heortan œfre pcet peet he sœde publicanus ge godspellica
corde semper illud. qaod publicanus ille
manfulla gefœstnodum on eorSan gesyhSum sœde la Su
evangelicus fixis in terram oculis dixit : J)o-
drihten ic ne eom wurSe ic synfulla upahebban eagan mine to
mine non sum dignus ego peccator levare oculos meos ad
heofonum dicit mid jjam witegan ic eom gebyged 7
celum ; Et item cum proplieta : Incurvatus sum et
ic eom geeadmet œghware oSSe on œlcere stowe
io humiliatus sum usque quaque : Ergo
j^ingum eallum Sisum eadmodnysse so munuc
Ms omnibus Immilitatis gradibus ascensis monachus
sona to Sœre soSan lufan godes becymS to Sœre fulfremed
mox ad karitatem dei perveniet illam cjue perfecta
ut seo asend ege fiurh pcet he ealle f)inc œr
foras mittit timorem : per quam universa que prius
, . buton forhte pc he geheold buton œnigum geswince
non sine formidine observabat. absque ullo labore
swilce gekyndelice of gewunan anginne gehealde na
15 velut natur aliter ex consuetudine incipiet custodire non jam
mid ege helle ac mid cristes lufan 7 gewunan })a sylfan godu
timore gehenne. sed amore chriaii et consuetudine ipsa bona
7 gelustfullunge mihta on his wyrhtan
et delectatione virtutum. que (Zomiwus jwni | in oj^erario (132 a.)
1. fuerit in glossator\'s hand. 5. gefullan, read egefullan. 6. pub-
licanus, Latin repeated as gloss, whereas manfulla in 1. 7 is the English
gloss, ge, read se. 9. dicit, glossator\'s handwriting. 10. stowe or
stuwe 1
7. ßris, Mfi. fixus.
-ocr page 111-On the divine oflces, and the number of psalms during the night. [37
on middan earde fram leahtrum 7 synnum mid )jam haligan
suo mundo a vitiis et peccatis s^iritw eancto
Jja gemedemode geswutulian
dignahit demonstrare.
De officiis divinis in noctibus. (Cap. VIII.)
Wintres [k.J on tide [i.] [i.] fram clypunge [m.] J^œs nygeSan mon-
Hyemis tempore ib est a kalendis novem-
Ses [m.] [n.] oS eastran [n.] sefter forasceawunga [0.] [p.] [b.] fet
hris usque inpasca. juxta considerationem rationis. oc- 5
Ssere ehtera tida [b.] [c.] is to arisan [a.] [a.] [d.] set hwe lytie mare [e.]
tava Jiora noctis surgendum est. ut modice amplius
[a.] f)œre [f.] [f.] [d.] J^sefc hi gerestan [n.] [b.] [i.] hi
de media nocte pausentur etiam digesti sur-
ariFan [g.] [a.] "pœt to lafe [b.] is [a.] sefter uhtfange [c.] [f.]
gant Quod vero restât post vigilias a fratrihus
)pa pa sealmsanges [i.] oSSe rœdinge [k,] sum Sine beheofîatS [g.]
qui psalterii vel lectionum aliquid indigent.
gmeagunge [e.] si gepeowod [d.] fra?« [e.] eastran [f.] oSSa
meditationi inserviatur. A jmsca autem usque ad 10
forassedon. clypunga [f.] pees nigeSan moiipœs [f.] swa [b.]
supra dictas kalendas novemhris sic
si gemedemod [a.] [c.] tid uhtsanga [d.] seo atreogenlice [g.]
temperetur liora vigiliarum agenda, ut
betwux pawi lœstan [n.J fa?<e [n.] [o.] [f.] to neodbeheofc
parvissimo intervallo quo îratres ad necessaria
gecyndes oiuSam utgan [m.] gehealdenum sona merrigenlice
nature exeant custodito. mox matutini qui
lofsang. pa sint [i.] onginnendu?»!/ [1.] leohto [k.J\'todrcogenne
incipiente luce agendi sunt 15
\\>œl œftcj\' fylian
Quanti psalmi bicendi sunt noctuenis iioris. (Cap. IX.)
|"c.j tide foressedon ealra œrest mid ferse fultum [g.]
Uiemxs tempore preniisso in jmmis versu dcus in adjutorium
13. fcete, i. e. fœce. 14. onSam 1 indistinct.
4. Ilyemig, MS. hyemg. 5. in, MS. an. 6. surgendum, d corr. from t,
which is in tlie text, by writing a dot under it, and a d over it. 7. de media,
M^.dimidia. pausenlur,\'MS>.pascuntur. 13. g-ito, MS. g-we. 17. Jliemis,
MS. Aiems.
38] The brethren to read three lessons in turn.
mine [g.] begym oSer sidon J^riwa is to [a.] singanne [a.]
meum intende. in secunc/o ter dicendum est.
[k.] mine [m.] weleras [m.] jia [1.] geopena [n.] 7 [0.]
domme labia mea aperies et os
niin [o.] muS kyS [n.] Jjin lof [p.] J^am isto under-
meum adnuntiahit laudem tuam cui subjun-
Jjeoddenne se Sridde sealm seftei\' [c.] Jjison [c.] [c.]
gendus est tertius psalmus et gloria. Post hanc
se feower 7 bundnigon teocSa seahn mid antemne
5 nmagesimus j quartus cum antiphona aut (132 b.)
[b.] gewist [a.] is to singanne [a.] est \\>am cefter fylige godes
certe decantandus. Inde sequatur am-
leof sex *p&ealmas mid antiplionum ]>&m
hrosianus. Deinde sex psalmi cum antiphonis. Quihus
gesungenu?n [c.] gecwedenum [d.] [d.] [e.] [a.] gebletsige. [b.J
dictis ; dicto versu benedicat abbas.
[a.] [b.J [li.J [i.J 7 beon [a.J gerœdde
Et sedentibus omnibus in scamnis . legantur
stuntmselum [d.J [e.J ofor rsedinc scamol [f.J [g.J
10 vicissim a fratribus in codice super analogium tres
betwux [b.J }7am [1.J [I.J [I.J ceftfr [n.J
lectiones inter quas. tria responsoria canantur. Post
Ipssre [n.J ]?ridd;in [c.J rsedinge [n.J se Se singe be secce
tertiam vero lectionem qui cantat dicat gloriam.
[d.J [a.J "poune ongynS se sangere singan sona [f.J ealle of
Quam dum incipit cantor dicere. mox omnes de
bcora setlum hi arisan for wurSmynte 7 arwurSnesse figere
sed\'lihus suis surgant, ob honorem. et reverentiam sancte
lialgan Jjriunysse [c.J [b.J [a.J beon geredde œt ubtsangum
15 trinitatis. Codices autem legantur in vigiliis
godcundlices ealderdomes gcSœre ealdan gecySny.sse [f.J gej^fere
divine auctoritatis tam veteris testamenti quam
niwan [g.J ac eac swilce. forgesetnyssa heora J^a fram J)am
novi. sed expositiones earurn que a
6. est. Latin in glossator\'s hand. 7. psealmas, read sealmas.
16. cySnysse, second s above the line.
4. \'psalmiis,l>llS,.\'psalmi». 12. lectionem, "MS. leclionum. 14. sedilibus,
corr. in Ahe MS. from stdelihus by writing a dot under the e, and the i over it.
15. legantar, MS. leganier. 17. expositiones, MS. expositionis, changed
into expositiones.
But in the short summer nights these lessons not to be read. [30
iiamcuSestuii lareowum 7 rihtgelyfendum fajderum
noininatissiniis et ortliodoxis catholicisque patrihus
wjeron [k] gewordene [k.] sefter [a.] pisum [k.] tSrim [b.]
facte sunt; Post has vero
rsedingum [c.] [c.] [d.] mid heora repsum [d.] fylian [a.]
tres lectiones cum. responsoriis suis sequantur
oSre tex tealmas [e.] mid alleZwün [g.] to siiiganne [f.] sefter [b.]
reliqui sex psalmi cum alleluia canendi; Post
pysum [b.] rtedinc [c.] pses * apo5<olos [d.] tefter fylige [a.]
hos lectio apoatoli sequatav 5
butan [f.] bee to reccanne. to singaune [g.] [h.] 7 halsung
ex corde recitanda et venus et supplicatio
gebedu [k,] is drihten gemildsa us [m.] 7 swa beonge endode
letanie. id est kyricleison. et sic fmiantur
nihtlice [n.] uhtsangas [n.]
vigilie nocturne; (Cap. X.)
QuALITER estatis te.i/pore agatt/ä nocttt/jna laus.
[c.] [b,] otStSa [o.] clypunga pajs nigopan monSaes [d.] es
A pascha autem usque ad calendas novembris Jo
aïlc [e.] swa swa [a.] hit her bufan gesett seabnsangas [f.]
omnis ut supra. dictum est psalmodie
mycelnyss [e.] [a.] sigehealden utasyndreduin [h.] [k.] rajdinga
(133 a.) quantitas | teneatur excejito (pioci lectiones
[1.] on bee for seeorncsse [m.] nilita [n.] pat natesliwonne [i.]
in codice propter brevitatem noctium minime
beonge [i.] [a.] ah si fortSani sylfan Srim raïdingum anre [b.]
legantur. sed pro ipsis tribus lectionibus una
lectio [b.] of tSwre ealdan gecySnysse gemyndclice gera;d. oSSc
de veteri testamento memoriter dica-
sungcn scort [g.] [g.J * fers pani [f.] ajfterfylige [a.] 7
tur Quam breve responsorium subsequatar: Et
5. apostolos, read apostoles. 10. es, cf. Introd., Ch. V, 5 4.
11, gesett, va&dgesegil. 15. Zec^io added in glossator\'s hand. Id. fers,
read reps.
5. apostoli, corr. in the MS. from aposiolos by putting i over os.
7. finiatitur, MS. firinantur. 9. estatis, MS. elatis. 12. quod, qu
corr. from two other letters. 14. una, lilS. uno, 15. memoriter, MS.
mèmorihir, 16. responsorium, MS. rcsponsorum.
-ocr page 114-40] Vigils, how to be kept on Sundays.
oSre [b.] ealle Sa ealswa hit bufon is geseed beon [a.] gefyllede
reliqua omnia ■ ut dictum est impleantur :
[d.] [d.] [e.] pœt ne sig [e.] laes [g.] [g.] twelf sealma [h.]
id est ut numquam minus a duodecim psalmorum
[g.] to micelnysse [f.] to nihtlieum uhtsangum gesungenne utatyn
quantitate ad vigilias nocturnas dicantur ex-
dredum p&m Sriddan [i.] 7 ]3an feower 7 hand nigoteSan
cepto tertio et nonagesimo quarto
^psalmo ;
Qualiter dominicis diebus vigiliae agantur. (Cap. XI.)
on tSam drihtenlicuTO dtege [c.] [b.] gemetlicor [a.] si arisan [a.]
Dominioo die Tempeeius suegatur
to nihtsangum [d.] on Sam uhtsangum si gehealden [a.]
ad vigilias ; In quitms vigiliis teneatur
gemet [b.] pœt [d.] is ge tiymedum [f.] swa swa we bufan
mensura, id est modulatis. ut supra
gedihton [f.] [g.] syx pealmas [h.] 7 fers [k.] sittendum
10 disposuimus. sex psalmis. et versu. residentibus
[k.] eallum gedihte 7 [i.] be endebyrdnysse on sceamolum [c.]
cunctis dispos\'ite et per ordinem in subselUis
[i.] beon gersedde [m.] on bee swa swa we bufan [p.]
legantar in codice. ut supra
sœdon [p.] feower [q.] rœdinga [q.] mid repsum [r.] Jiœr [s.]
diœimus. quattuor lectiones cum responsoriis suis, uhi
pcet [t.] an [a.] on Sam feorSam repse [u.] gesungœn fram Sam
tantum in quarto responsorio dicatur a cantante
singenduTO J>ane [f.] panne [e.] onginS [e.] [b.] sona ealle [e.]
15 Gloria ; Quxim dum incipit. mox omnes
mid arwurSnesFa [a.] arison [b.] œft^r \'J^isum rœdingum [b.]
cum reverentia surgant : Post quas lectiones
fylian [c.] be endebyrdnesse [d.] oSre syx [e.] seabnas mid
sequantur exordine alii sex psalmi cum
3. First to, dittography in the wrong place. 10. fers, f corrected
from r.
3. quantitate, MS. quantitaiem. 11. disposite, dia- corrected in the
MS. from des- by writing t over the e. . suhselliis, MS. subHllis.
All to stand, whilst the abbot is reading. [41
antiplionam [f.] swa swa [g.] pa sereran [g.] 7 mid ferse [li.]
antiphonis sicut anteriores et verm.
sefter [c.] pam [c.] [b.] eft [a.] beon geredde oSre [d.] feower [d.]
Post quos iterum legantur alie qvMttuor
rsedinga [d.] [e.] mid repsum be endebyrdnesse swa swa we her
lectiones. cum responsoriis: ordine quo
bufon Esedon. sefter [b.] pysum beon [a.] gepry [c.J canticas be
(133 b.) supra; Post quas [ dicantur tri a cantica. de
Sam [d.] witegenduTO pe [e.] Se ge [e.] gesette [f.] pa * cantincas
prophetis. que instituerit abbas, que cantica 5
mid [ll.] [h.] beon [g.] gesungenne geewedenum [f.]
cum aZfeluja psallantnr. Dicto etiam
[f.] verse [a.] 7 bletsiendwm [g.] abbude [Ii.] pam beon [a.] ge-
versu et benedicente abbate legan-
rsedde [b.] [b.] [b.] of Sïere [c.] niwan gecySnysse [c.]
tur. alie quattuor lectiones de novo testamento.
be endebyrdnesse. swa swa we bufon saedon [e.] [e.]
ordine quo supra; Post quartum atttein
[e.] onginue [a.] [b.] lofsang [d.] [d.]
responsorium incipiat abbas ymnum. te dmm laudamus; 10
[a.] paw gesungenum [a.] ra;de [b.] [c.] [d.] of Sam god-
Quo dicto; legat abbas lectionem do evan-
ppellc [f.] raid wurSmynte [f.] [g.] 7 mid ege [h.]
gelio; cum honore et timore stantibus omnibtis;
paj?i geijeddum andswarian calle [c.] [d.] [a.] 7 pa«i ajfter
Qua porlecta respondeant omnes Amen. Et subse-
filigc [a.] [b.] so abbo(^ [d.] [e.] [e.] [e.] [f.] 7 for [f.] gifenre
quatur mox abbiia ymntm. Te decet laus. et data benedic-
bletsungo [g.] hi anginnan mergenlicelof pat [a.] [b.] onaende [aj.]
tione. incipiant matzitinos; Qui ordo 15
uhtsanga [c.] [d.] a3lceretide [d.] [e.] swa siuneres [e.] swa
vigiliarum omni tempore tam aestatis ^ttani
3. The top of the two b\'a partly erased. 4. After beon a piece of tho MS.
is away. 5. cantincas, read canticas. 6. The gloss to Allcluja is
erased; the h is probably a \'paving\' letter. 7. hlttsfendam, u corr.
from li. 15. />wt oncende, as gloss to qui ordo, I do not know how to explain
the/xct, unless here the contraction/\' stands for/e; onccnde, however, stands
for on andebyrducsse.
2. Erasure after alie. 3. quo, 0 corr. from it 5. instituerit, MS.
iniftetuerit. 11. de, e above line ; ad, which was in the MS., has been cor-
rected into de by underdotting tho a, and adding the e.
42] Matins on Sundays ; enumeration of psalms and canticles.
wyntres gelice [g.J [h.J on Sam drihtenlicum dœge sigeliealden [a.J
hiemis aequaliter in die dominico teneatur.
[i.J buton si [k.J pœt nsefre na gewyrSe Isetlicor [l.J arisan
nid forte. quod absit turdiu\'i surgatur.
sum Sinc of rjBdingum [p.J is to styrtanne [n.J oSSe of repsum
aliquit de lectionibus breviandum. est. aut responsoriis.
pœt [r.J sig pe ab hwœSere [s.J eallunga [t.J gewarnod [r.J pœt
Quod tamen omnino caveatur ne
hit ne [k.J belimpe [n.J pœt [a.J gif hit [a.J belimpS [a.J
6 pvoveniat ; Quodsi contigerit.
wyrSfullice J)anon [b.J he gebete [b.J gode [d.J on cyrcean [e.J
digne inde satisfaciat deo in oratorio
[f.J Jjurh J>ses gynieleastura J^e hit becymS.
pev cujus evenerit neglectum.
on mergenlicuï/i
Qualités matutinokum sollempnitas agatub. In matutinis
[d.J lofsanguTO [c.J on sunnan [c.J dœge eahe œrœst si gesungen se syx
10 dominico die inmiimis dicatur sex-
7 syxteogaSa seahn se syx 7 eyxtigoSa sealm [e.J buton
agesimus sextus psalmus sine
[f.J antempne foiS rihte [b.J ]3ar eeftcr Jjam tigesungen
antiphona in directum. Fost quem dicatur
se fîfteogaSa Fealm [e.J [e.J [b.J [b.J [a.J se hun-
quinquagesimus cum alleluja; Fost quem dicatur cen-
teôntigoSa sealm. 7 fe seofonteoSa sealm 7 [d.J se twa 7 tyx-
tesimus septimus \\ decimus et sexagesimus (134 a.)
teogaSa [d.J sealm [d.J J»anon bletsunga [b.J 7 [c.J lofu [c.J
15 secundus. inde betiedictiones et laudes.
of unwrigednesse [f.J 7 an [d.J buton bec [e.J 7 reps [g.J
lectio de apocalipsi una ex corde et responsorium.
[b.J 7 godes lof [h.J 7 fers [i.J [k.J lofsanc [i.J of J)am godspelle
et ambrosianus. versus. canticum de evangelio.
gebedu 7 hit biS [n.J geendod [n.J
letania. et completum est ;
14. The second word seahn, last stroke of m erased, hlelsunga, e very
3. de lectionibus, MS. dilectionihus. 12. antiphona, MS. antiphonam.
15. bénédiction^..^, the last e corr. from i in MS.
Matins on week-days; other psalms and canticles. [43
Qualitee privatis diebus matutini agaktue.
(Cap. XIII.)
[c.] [b.] [c.] on syndorlicuwi dagu/ii ssftersanga syniboluys
Dies cis autem privatis matutinorum sol-
[d.] si gedon [a.] pat [f.] is [g.] pent sig [h.] [h.]
Icmjmitas ita agatur. id est ut sexagesimus sextus
[h.] [g.] sungen [i.] buton antenipne [k.] teonde
psalmus dicatur sine antiphona. subtrahendo
£Bt liwega [1.] swa swa [m.] on Sam [m.] snnnan die dsege pcet [n.]
modice sicut dominica. ut 5
e.alle becuman [n.] [p.] toSan fiftugeSan sealme se slge
omnes occurrant ad psalmum quinquagesimum. qui cuva.
[r.] [q.] sungen seftcr [b.] pssm [b.] [c.] [c.] [c.]
antiphona dicatur; Post quern. alii duo psalmi
beon gesungenne [a.] refter [d.] [d.] [e.] on monan [f.] dtege
dicantur secundum consuetudinem id est secunda feria.
[f.] 7. se. y 7 prittcoga seabn 7 so fif pres * tides dagoes [a.]
quintus. et irigessimus quintus. tertia feria
se twa 7 feowerteogaSa seabn [b.] 7 so syx 7 fifteogaSa [c.]
quadragesimus secundus. et quinquagesimus sextus. 10
pa;s [a.] wodnes daïges [a.] seo pieo 7 tyxteogaSa sealm [b.]
Quarta feria. sexagesimus tertius
7 so feower 7 syxteogaSa sealm se fifta dïeig se seofon 7
et sexagesimus quartus. Quinta feria octogesimus
bundeahteoSa 7 sc nigoSa 7 hund ealitoSa sealm pros frian daiges
septimus. et octogesimus nonns. Sexta feria
se fif 7 syxteogaSa 7 scan 7 hund nigenteoSa
septuagesimus quintus. ct nonagesimus pirimus.
sceternesdaige 7 hund teontigoSa. 7 se twa 7 feower-
Subbato autem centesimus quadrage- 15
tigoSa ean. 7 cantic sc *deo todailed
simus secundus, et canticum deuteronomii qu,od dividatur
5. die, L.atin in glossator\'s hand. 9. y over first quintus • probably
originally which must also be understood over the second quintus.
tides, re&d tiwes. 16. san, pro salm or sanff 1 deo, read beo.
4. sine above the line. 7. antiphona, MS. atlphona. 12,13. octogesi-
miim and octojesiinus, MS. octuagesimus, -m. 14. primus is a correction
of the MS. from quintus, which was there first, and which is marked for
cxpunction by a line of dots over and under it; primus is then written
over it.
44] Matins on week-days {iontmued).
on twaTO glorian soSes [a.] [b.] [b.] an *cantinc
in duas Glorias; Nam ceteris diebus canticum
anum anum [d.] gehwylcum dsege [d.] he [e.] * sw
unumquodque die suo ex \\ prophetis. (134 b.)
[f.] singaS se romanisca lacSung si gesungen [a.] setter jjisum
psallit aecclesia romana dicatur; Post hec
filian [a.] lofu [c.] capitul gemimorlice
sequantur laudes: Deinde lectio una apo?,toU memoriter
to secanne
6 recitanda. responsorium. ambrosianus. versus, canticum de Evan-
gewistlice [b.] is to donne [a.]
gdio. letania et completum est; Plane agenda
meriendlice lofsang [c.] otSSe [d.] on sefen [d.] sane ne wite [e.]
matutina. vel vespertina non transeat
sehwsenne [f.] buton on Ssere ytemesta endebyrdnysse [k.]
aliquando. nisi in ultimo ordine
[h.] bed pcet drihtenHcge [h,] eallum gehyrendum si gesun-
oratio dominica omnibus audientibus dica-
gen [g.] fram ealdre [h.J for [i.] aswicunga [k.] f)ornum [i.]
10 tur a priore propter scandalorum spinas
]3am [L] upasprungen [1.] gewuniseS [n.] gecyrde [r.] })urh Sa sylfan
que oriri solent ut conversi per ipsius
gebedas behat [q.] on Sam [t.] ssegaS [e.]
orationis sponsionem qua dicunt. dimitte no6is sicut et nos
pcet [n.] hi gefeormian [a.] fram J^as [p.] gerse-
dimittimus purgent se ab liujus-
dnm [p.] leahtre [p.] [d.] oSrum [d.] timam [b.] [d.] donlicum
modi vilio. Coeteris vero agendis :
[e.J se ytemesta [c.] fjses gebedes [e.J sigesungen [a.] [f.] fra??i
15 ultima pars ejus orationis dicatxiv ut ab
eallum [g.] poet si [f.] geandswarod ah alys us fram
omnibus respondeatur. • sed libera nos a
1. cantinCjTt&ii eantic. 2. Erasure after sw, read «wa ; even «w is barely
visible. 8. ytemesta ; it is possible that the n we expect here should be out
away; lirst e is partly cut away. 14. timam in the MS.; m, however, is
underdotted, and a d written over it, and a seems to be changed into m,
yielding for the whole, tidum.
4. memoriter, MS. memoritur. 5. Tlie MS. reads evangelico, but the c
is expunged.
Vigils on Saints\' days. The times for singing the Hallelujah. [45
Qualiter in sanctorum natalitiis vigilie
agantür. (Cap. XIV.)
[c.] [d.] [b.] [c.] on freolsungum [m.] oSSe on eallum [e.]
In s^atcrorum vero pestivitatibus vel omnibus
symelnyssum [e.] swa swa [f.] we Fsedon [f.] on Sam di-ihten-
sdllempnitatihus. sicut diximus dominico
licum [g.] is to donne [a.] [e.] [i.] sigedon [k.] utasyndrodum.
die agendum. ita agatur excepto 5
]>a:t beon [i.] sealmas [ra.] [n.] oSSe antempnes [o.] raedinge [o.]
quod psalmi aut antiphone vel lectiones
to pam [q.] sylfum [q.] dsege [p.] gebyriende [L] suiigenno
ad ipsum diem pertinentes dicantur.
gemed [c.] [b.] pcet foresaede sige bealden
Modus autem su2)rascriptus teneatur
Quibus temporibus alleluia dicatur. (Cap. XV.)
fram pam halgan [f.] eastran [f.] to [g.] pentecosten [g.]
A s.4ivct0 pasc/7a usque pentecosten : jo
butan [e.] to forloeiennesse si gesungen [a.] [b.] geon [c.]
sine mtermissione dicatur alleluia. tam
sealmsange [c.] ge [d.] on repsum [d.] [c.] [b.]
(135 a.) in psalmis | quam in responsoriis : A pentecosten autem
oS [d.] angin [d.] laenctenfsesten [d.] eallum [e.] nihtum [e,]
iisqxxQ in caput quadragesime omnibus noctibus
mid sex [f.] aeftrum seahn [g.] poei an to ulitsangum sigesungen
cum sex posterioribus tantum ad noctumvdes c^/ca<ur:
Beloon [b.] sunnandaige [e.] [e.] butan lajnctene [d,] canticas\'
Omni vero dominico die extra quadragesimam. cantica. 15
meriendlice lofsangas. prim underiisanc [g.] middaiigsauc [i.J
matutini. prima. tertia. sexta.
nonsangc mid p.] beon sungenne [a.] (efterfanc [c.] [b.]
nonaque cum Alleluia dicantur; vespeva vero;
noefro ne sigesungen sang mid slleluio. butan fram eastran
numquam dicantur cum Alleluia, nisi a
oSSone fyfteoSa dseig
usque ad jyentecosten.
3. [d.] Top part erased. 11. ait mforlwlennesse not clear; t may be d,
and w probably corrected from a. 17. after sane, probably a mistake for
wfcn sane.
10. Pascha, h above Hue. 15. die, later addition, which is in no other te.\\:t.
-ocr page 120-The seven canonical hours.
Qualiter divixa overk per diem agantüb. (Cap. XVI.)
swa se witega sœde seofonsiSon on dœge lof [a.]
sanc [b.] Se pœt [a.] seofonfealde [a.] pœt halige [a.]
Dixi tibi; Qui septenarius sacratus
getel [a.] fram us [b.J [a.] syge fylled gif meriendlice
numerus a nobis sic impleatur. si matu-
lofsanges [i.] primsanges [li.] as [1.] as [m.] as efeusaiig
5 tini. primae tertie sexte none vespere
7 [o] nihtsanges [a.] on tide uies ]:)eowdomes [g.] J>enunga
completoriique tempore nobire servitutis ojicia
we gelœston forSam [p.] be fiisum [p.] tidum pe lie sœde [p.J
2)ersolvamus. quia de his oris dixit :
[t.] [a.] on dœge [s.] lof dixi .«sang Jje [x.] [a.] soSes
septies in die laudem tibi ; Nam de
benihtlicum [c.] [c.] uhtsangum se ilca [b.] se f-ylfe [b.] witega [b.]
noeturnis vigiliis idem ipse propbeta
[a.] sœde [b.] to midderenihte [b.] [a.] ic aras to andedeude [c.]
lo ait; media nocte surgebam ad confitendum
pe [d.] [b.] on J>isum [e.] tidum [e.] [a.] we gereccaS lofu [o.]
tibi; Ergo his temporibus referamus laudes
urum [d.] sceppende [d.] [f.] ofor domes [f.] [g.] bis ribt-
creatori nosiro sujyer judicia justi-
wisnesse [g.] [b.] pœt is gefter sangum primsang undenifanc
. tiae sue. id est matutino. prima. tertia.
iniddœgsang nonsanc œfenpanc nibtsang 7 on nihte 7 utan arisan
sexta. nona. vespera. completorio et nocte surgamus
to andedtenne him
15 ad conßtendwn ei.
2. Erasure after dcegel 4. bi = the glossator\'s correction of impleatur
into implehitur, which is in the other texts, is found over the a of impleatur.
as, ttiree times, merely the termination of word?, which are understood
to be known, showing that the Latin words are plural, eftnsang, or
tpfensang. 8. dixi, omitted in Latin text, and supplied by glossator.
10. andedende, i. e. amlettende ; the last d is corrected from n. 15. anded-
tenne, read andettenne. ,
4. see supra, note to 1.4. 6. conipleioriiqtie,\'MS.comijletorique.
9. ijue above line. 13. sue, MS. tue.
Tho number of psalms to be sung in these hours. [47
Quanti psalmi pee easdem horas dicendi sunt. (Cap. XVII.)
nu soSes be nihtlicum vigiliis uhtsangum o?S(Se meriendlice
Jam be noctuenis. vel matutinis
lofsangas eefter sanges endebyrdnesse [b.] [o.] seabnsanges [g.] [c.]
digessimus ordinem j^salmodie.
nu [g.] be sefterfyliendum tidura [li.] uton [f.] wearnian
(135 b.) nunc de aequentihus \\ horis videamus y
on paire [c.] formantide *becna preo sealmas [b.] sindorlipes [d.]
I\'rima hora dicantur psalmi tres singillatim. 5
7 na under anum glorian lofsang psere ylcan tide [g.] geftcr [li.]
et non sub una gloria, ymnus ejusdem hore post
verse [b.] 0 [i.] mine [I.] fylst [1.] beiym [k.] SBrSam [m.]
versum. deus in adjutorium meum intende; Antequam
[n.] sealmas [ni.] sefter gefyllednesse preora sealma [d.]
psalmi incipiantur: Post expletionem trium jysalmormn
[a.] si gereht [a.] kapitol [b.] [b.] an et 7 fers 7 drihten si mid us 7
recitetur lectio una versus, et Kyrieleison et
hit biS geendod [g.] undernsanges. soSliee. middsegrisanges 7 non-
missa . est: Tert-e vero. sexte. et 10
sanges on Ssero endebyrdnesse si gebremod [a.] gebed [b.] pat is
none eo ordine celebretur oratio. id est
[h.]fers lofsanges ]j0erailcan[k.] tidana[k.] preo sealmas capitol[m.]
versus. ymni earundem horarum temi psalmi. lectio.
7 vers [n.] 7 hit biS geendod gif [a.] mare [c.] gega-
et versiis. kypieaeicoy. et missa est; Si major con-
derunc [b.] blS [0.] mid antenipncs soSlice laïsse forSrilito beon
gregatio fuerit. cum antiphonis. si vero minor, in directum psal-
gesungene [c.] tefen [b.] [c.] tidsanc mid feower [d.] sealmas [d.]
lantur; Ffsj^ei i/na autem sinaxis. quattuor psalmis 15
2. vigiliis supplied by glossator. It is only in S. (Schröer\'s Winteney
Version). 3. The es over psalmodie stands much lower than sealmsang,
making it look as if es were written first by one who only wished to indicate
the ending. Then some ono else put in sealmsang. All this appe.ars to have
been carefully copied by our scribe. 5. becria, probably read leon a
(sangenne) or read hecwedent 7. 0 over deus, no \'i)aving\' letter, but
sign of vocative. 9. et after an by glossator. 10. middw^isangef,
g inserted by glossator himself, but probably in the wrong place, middaiiysanges
being the word which it was intended to produce, 14. antempnes, s corr.
from r or n.
2. Jam, wrongly rubricated in the MS. Nam. 3. psalmodie, MS.
psalmodiet. 12. terni, MS. tcrmi; the first stroke of m perhaps erased,
14. in directum, MS. in directu. 15. autem here and passim indicated iu
MS. by h^
4S] In what order the Psalms are to be said : 1. On Sundays ;
mid [e.] antempne [a.] si geendod seher [b.] J^isum [b.]
cum antiphonis terminetur : Post quos
sealmum [b.] capitul [c.] is to reccanne [a.] is [a.] Jianon [d.]
2)salmos lectio recitanda est. inde
reps [e.] godes lof [f.] [g.] [h.] lofsang of Sam godspelle
responsorium. ambrosianus. wrsus canticum de evangelio.
gebedu [k.] [1.] 7 pcet diihtmlic gebed [1.] [m.] heo beon geen-
letania et oratio dominica. et fiant.
dode [m.] [c.] nihtsanc socSlice J)reora [e.] sealma [e.] * foi-S-
6 misse ; Completorium autem trium ^JsaZînorum dic-
rihtes [b.] si geendod [a.] })a sealmas [a.] [a.] forSrihtes [b.]
tione terminetur; Qui directanei
butan antenme [c.] sint [a.] to singanne [a.] sefter [d.] J)isum [d.]
sine antipJionii dicendi sunt. Post cjuos
lofsang [e.] J)sere ylcan tide [f.] capitol [g.] an [g.] 7 vers [h.]
ymnus ejusdem hore. lectio una. versus.
[i.] 7 bletsung [k.] 7 hi gebeon geendode
kirieleison. benedictio et \' misse Jlant ;
10 Quo OKDINE IPSI psalml DICENDI SUNT. (CaP. XVIII.) | (136 a.)
ealra œrest [t.] œfre [b.] on dœghwamlicum [d.] tidum
[a.] sigesungen mine fultum beiym [d.] cala J)u
dicatue versus dcus in adjutorium meum intende. domine
driht«n to gehelpannc me efest 7 gloWa Jjanon lofsang
ad adjuvandum me festina. et ghria : inde ymnus
anrehwylcre œghwilcre tide sySSan on tSœre forman tida
unius cuiusque hore. deinde prima liora do-
on sunnan dœge die tosecgenne feower cwydas psalmi ]jœs
15 minica dicenda quattuor capitula centissimi
hundteontiga 7 ealitateoSan sealmas on oSrum soSlice tidum
octavi decimi ; Tteliquis vero horis
pœt is undernsang j^ry capitulas J^œs foran
id est ter lia. sexta nona. tema capitula supra
awritene sealmas beon gesungenne
scripti psalmi centissimi octavi decimi. dicantur ;
^.fordrihtes, evidently a mistake for a word that can be a gloss to dietione ;
for dihte ? 15. die inserted by glossator, psalmi added by glossator, to
which the sealmas in 1. 16 is the gloss.
11. diiirnis, MS. diurntts.
-ocr page 123-2. On week-days. [49
set primsange pses monan dteges beon gesungenne
Ad primam autexa. secunde ferie dicantur
preo seabnas pcet is se forma se oSer 7 se syxta 7 swa ion
tres psalmi. id est primus, secundus. et sextus. et ita ^^er
senlepige dseges set primsange oSSane drihtenlican dseg diem
singulos dies ad primam iisqViG ad dominicava.
beon geseonde be endebyrdnesse pry sealmas oSSone nigon
dicantur per c/rdinem temi psalmi. usque ad
teoSan sealm swa gewislice pcci se nigoSa sealm
nonum A&cimum j)salmum. ita sane; ut nonus psalmna 5
7 se seofonteoSa sealm beon todselede on twam gWian 7 swa
et seiitimus decimus dividantur in Unas glorias, et sic
hit beo pat si set uhtsangum on sunnan daege die sefre
fiat, ut ad vigilias \' dominico sempcv
fram pam twentigoSan sealme ongunnon to undernsange
a vigessimo. incipiatur. Ad tertiam vero;
pses monan dseges * niwe gencwidas pa pe
sextam. et nonam secunde ferie. novem capitula que
to lafe synt of pan hunteontigo\'San 7 eahtateopan sealme
residua sunt de centessimo octavo decimo 10
pa sylfa pry sealmas geond pa ylcan tida beon gesun-
psalmo ipsa tema per easdem horas ■ dican-
genne utasyndrodum [b.]
tur; Expenso ergo psalmo centessimo octavo decimo
on twam dagum pocf is asunnandsego 7 on monan dsejr
du^lms diebus. Id est dominico et secunda feria.
7 on tiwes dspg eallunga set undernsange set middoegsango
tertia feria. jam ad tertiam sextam
oSSe set nonsango boon gesungenne preo sealmas fram pam
u36 b.) nonam. | psallantur temi psalmi a cm-15
liundteondtigo\'San 7 nigontcoSan sealme *ot5\'So pone liundteon-
tessimo nono decimo usque ad centesi-
tecSan 7 seofon 7 twentigoSan seahno * niwe 7 pa
mum vigessimum septimum. psalmi novem: Quique
2. ion for iond. 3, diem added by glossator. 4. geseonde, corrected
in margine into gesungenn. 7. die added by glossator after dominico.
9. niwe, novem glossed, as if novum, cf. 1. 17- 16. otitSe, read oi)\'. 17. niwe,
cp. supra, note to 1. 9.
1. secunde,M.^. secundum. 2. trcs, MS. te cs. 5. rfeci7n«m,X°""" inJIS.,
mum in glossator\'s handwriting?
-ocr page 124-50] Psalms on week-days {continued). [Ch. XVIII.
sealmas oSSone drihtelican deeig iond j^a ylcan tida
psalmi sempev usque ad dominicam per easdem horas
eftsonas geedlehte lofsanga eac eacswilce rsedincga oSSe vers
itidem repetantur. ymnorum niJdlo minus, lectionum vel versuum
gesetnyssa anraedlice eallum dagum gehealden 7 swa gewislice
dispositions uniformiter cunctis diehus servata. et ita scilicet
œfre on Sam drihtelican dœge fram J)am hundteontigoSan 7
semper dominica a centesimo octavo
eahtateoSan sealme hit si agunnen œfensanc dœghwamlice
5 decimo incipiatur. Vespera autem cotidie
mid feower * sealmorum mid dreame si gesungen pa sealmas
quatluor psalmoi-wn. mbdulatione canatur. Qui psalmi
beon agunnenne fram p&m hundteontigoSan 7 nigoSan sealme
iwiipiantur a ceritessimo nono. usque ad
centessimum quadragesimum septimum. exceptis his qui in diversis
hnris ex eis sequestrantar. id est a centessimo septimo decimo.
10 usque centessimum vigesimum septimum et a centessimo triges-
calle J)a oSre
simo tertio, et centessimo quadragesimo secundo; lieliqui omnes
on œfen sind to singanne 7 forcSam lœs pe cumatS jjreo
in vespera, dicendi sunt. Et quia minus veniunt ires
sealmas forSi hig synd todœlenno pa. Jja getele on "Öam
psalmi. ideo dividendi sunt qui in numero supra-
\'foresœdan strengran beoS gemette
scripto fortiores inveniuntur. id est centesimus trige-
iS simus tertius et centesimus quadragesimus quartm. Centesimus
forSam lytcl ]?c ho is
vero sextus decimus. quia parvus\' est cum centesimo
si geJ)eod gedihtcnrc cndebyrdnysse
quinto decimo jungatur. \\ Digesto ergo ordine ( 37 a )
sealmsanga œfensanga oSre pœt is rœdinga repsas
psalmorxxvci vespertinorum rcliqua. id est lectiones. responsoria.
6. sealmorum, read sealma.
2. versuum, MS. versum. 13. dividendi, MS. videndi.
-ocr page 125-The whole Psalter to be sung through weekly. [51
* imnis versus [i.] oSSe canticas swa swa we bufan fcripsimus
ymni; vel cantica. sicut supra taxavi-
awriten beon gefyllede to nihtsange Jja ylcan sealmas
mus impleantur; Ad completorium vero. idem psalmi
beon geedleehte pcet is se feower 7 bundnigenteoSa sealm
repetantur. cotidie id est quartus. nonagesimus.
gedihtere [e.] [b.]
et centesimus et trigesimus tertius ; Disposito ergo
endebyrdnesse [e.J sealmsangas [e.] godcundlice [d.] ealle [f.]
ordine psalmodie divine. reliqui 5
Sa oSre [f.] sealmas [f.] ]7a ]3a [g.] tolafe synt [g.] gelice [h.]
omnes psalmi qui supoisunt aequaliter
beon *god8elede [a.] œtforan nihta [m.] uhtsangutn [1,] doelende [i.]
dividantur septem noctium vigiliis parciendo
gewistliee [k.] pa ]7a [n.] beotwux [p.] heom lœngran [o.J
scilicet qui inter eos prolixiores
synt [n.] *ealmos [q.] 7 twelf [r.] iond [s.] teghwilce [s.] 7 beon ge-
sunt. psalmi. et duodecim per unamquamqtie consti-
sette [q.] nihto pœt [b.J healicost [e.J myndigende [a.J pœt [d.J
tuantur noctem ; Hoc precipue commonentes. ut 10
gif [f.J wenunge [e.J [g.J ]5is todal [g.J sealma [b.J œnigum
si cui forte Iiaec distrihutio psalmorum displi-
mislicaS [f.J hegeendebyrde [d.] gif [l.J bett elles [k.J dcm [i.J
cuerit ordinet si melius aliter judicaverit.
ponne [m.J bid mid eallum [o.J gemettum [o.J ]>œt [n.J
dum ommhus, modis id
be iymS [m.J poet beon [p.] an œlcere [q.J wucan [q.J saltere [r.J
attendatur. ut omni ebdomada psalterium
of ansundan [f.J ge^elo [s.J hunteontig [t.J 7 fiftig [t.]
ex integro numero centum quinquaginta 15
sealma [t.J gesungenne [p.J 7 [u.J on sunnandœge [y.J [yj
psalmorum psallatur. et dominico die
œfre [x.J fram [z.J anginne [x.J si geedleht to uhtsangum et
sempav a capite repetatur ad vigilias.
1. imnis. Is the s of this Latin word perhaps a remnant of tho plural
ending -as which may have originally stood over ymni 1 See 54. a. vei\'sus
supplied by glossator, scripsimus in glossator\'s hand, the gloss to which,
as well as to taxavimus, is aim-iten in 1. a. 7. godmlede, read gedwlcdo
or todcelcde. 9. salmos, scribe\'s eye caught by Latin ending. See note to
Latin, 1. 9. 11. Erasure before /is. 13. hid or iiJ ? 15. getele, te
above line. 17. et added by glossator.
9. psalmi, MS. psalmos.
K 3
-ocr page 126-The presence of God to be remembered.
forSam [a.] swiSe [c.] crseftleasne * estfulnesses heora [d.] peowdom
quia nimis iners devotionis sue servitium
pe atiwacS [a.] munecas [b.] pa pa [e.] lœs [f.] sealmsanges [g.]
ostendunt monachi qui minus psalteria
[h.] mid lofsange [h.] mid gewunelicum [h,] iond [i.]
cum canticis consuetudinariis per
psere [k.] uwucan emrene [i.] singaS [I.] buton ponwe [1.]
septimane circulum psalluni. dum quando
wersedatS [1.] ure halige [m.] fsederas [n.] [m.] ou anum [q.]
6 legamus sanctos patres »ostros uno
deege pœt [o.] hrœdlice gefyllan [n.] pœt [r.] eala [r.] sleawe
die hoc strenue implevisse. guod nos tepidi.
ucan [t.] on ansundre [t.] laîstan [r.]
septimana intégra persolvamus.
De disciplina psallendi. (Cap. XIX.)
gif ge
(137 h.)
seighwsere [c.] we gelyfaS [a.] godcundlice [d.] beon andAveard-
ubique ceedimus divinam esse pee-
nysse [d.] [e.] eagan [f.] drihtnes [f.] on selcere [g.] stowe [g.] -
10 sENitaTO. et oculos domini in omni loco
besceawian [e.] pagodan 7 pa yfelan [d.] swySest [b.] peah-
speculari bonos et malos. Maxime tamen
hwseSere paet [c.] butan selcere [e.] twynung [e.] pa gelyfaS [a.]
hoc sine aliquot, dubitatione eredamus.
ponne [f.] set pam godcundlicum [g.] weorce [g.] we setstandaS
cu7n ad opus divinum. assistimus.
forSi [c.] 0efre[b.] [d.] gemyndige we beon [a.] peet ssede
Ideo semper memores simus; quod ait propheta;
peowiaS on aïge 7 eft singaS wislicc ["•] 7
15 Servite domino in timore ; Et itervxa. Psallite sapienter ; Et in
gesyhtSe engla 7 ic singa [a.] pe [b.] [b.] utan foresceawian
conspectu angdorum psallam tibi. Ergo consideremus
hu hit [c.] gedafenige [c.] [e.] on bis gesihSe [e.] godcundnesse [f.]
qualiter oporteat in conspectu. divinitatis
1. estfulnesses, see note to Latin, 1. I. 4. u before wucan underdotted,
probably to be regarded as the wrong beginning of ucan instead of toucan.
11. [e.] not quite clear.
1. devotionis, MS. devotioni. An s, which is wanting here, is superfluous
in the\'gloss estfulnesses. May we suppose that an s written above the line was
wrongly transcribed as belonging to the gloss instead of to the lemma?
7. septimana in MS. 8. De above line. rsALLENDT, i is cut away.
Prayer to be reverent, pure, and brief. [53
7 [g.] on œngla his [g.] beon [d.] 7 [h.] uton standan to
et angelor\\xra ejus esse et sic stemus ad
singanne pœt [k.] ure [1.] mod [1.] gepwserlice [k.] ure [m.j
psallendum. ~ ut mens nostra concordet voci
stefne [m.]
De beveeentia oeationis. (Cap. XX.)
gif mid rican mannan we wyllaS sum pine
Si cum hominibus potentibus volumus aliqua s
tihtan we na [a.] gedyrstlsecan [a.] buton mid eadmodnesse
suggerere. non presumimus nisi cum humilitate
7 arwurSnessa 7 bu micele smSor gode calra pingan
et reverentia. quantomagis domino deo universorum.
mid eah-e ead 7 clœnnesse mid estfulnesse is to balsi-
cum omni humilitate et puritatis devotione supplicandum
genne 7 na on mœnifealdre sprœce ac on clsennesse
est. Et non in multiloquio sed in jmritate cordis
7 on biyrdnesse teara we ne beon geliyrede witon 7 forSi
et conjmnctione lacrimarum. nos exaudivi sciamus. Et ideo 10
scort sceal 7 clœna gebed buton wenunge of hife
hrevis debet esse et jmra oratio. nisi forte ex affectu
epunge godcundlicere gife bit beo gelend on gegaderunge
\\ 38 a.) inspirationis divine gmiie \\ pvotendatur ; In conventu
eallunga * sescyrcS gebed 7 gewordenre tacne fniw
famen omnino hrevietur oratio s Et facto signo a
pam ealdran calle œtgœdere hi arisan.
priore. omnes paritev surgant.
De decanis monasteeii. (Cap. XXI.) 15
gif mare biS gegœderung boon gccoreno of Sam sylfan
Si major rueeit CONGEEGATIO eligantue de ipsis
gebroSran goddra gecySnesse 7 baligrc 7 * liredrobtnunge 7 beon
/ratribus boni testimonii. et sancte conversationis. et con-
7. swidor, w nearly effaced. 12. yelend for gelengd. 13. sescyrtS, read
si gescyrSI 17. 7 haligre 7 liredrohtminijc. I think lire must bo a
remnant of Qi,a)ligre, as gloss to sancte, and afterwards haligre has been
again put in.
6. siujgercrc, MS. suggère. 8. humilUate, an e over first i.
-ocr page 128-54] The deans of the monastery. Monks should sleep singly.
gesette liohfolnesse J)a don ofor heora wican
stituantur decani; qui soUicitudineia gerant super deca-
heora decanhades on eallum J)ingum efter godes bebodum godes
nias suas in omnibus secundum mandata dei
7 bebodu abbodes heores *J)u *decanis J)yllice beon gecorene
et precepta. abbatis sui. Qui decani tales eligantur
on Sam he todselS orsorh se abbod sioyrige hj\'s byrSena 7 hi na beon
in quibus securus abba partiat honera sua. Et non eli-
gecorene endebyrdnesse ac sefter earnungum lifes 7
5 gantur. per ordinem. sed secundum vite meritum et
wisdomes 7 lare pœt . senig of Sam on sumere fœrunga
sapientiae doctrinam. Quod si quisqae ex eis aliqua forte
to * bsed modignesse gif ge biS met teallic ge})reat œre
injlatus supirbia repextus fuerit reprehensibilis. correptu^ semel.
7 eft 7 l^riddan siSe gif he nele gebetan lie si ut-
et iterum. Atqne tertio. si non emendare voluerit dei-
adrœfed on his styde se Se is wyrSo
ciatur. et alter in loco eius qui dignus est
7 efterfilige beSam ut pravoste pœt ylce 7 we gesettaS
,10 succédât ; Et de preposito eadem constituimus.
Quomodo DORMIUNÏ MONAcni. (Cap. XXII.)
Geniepige geond œnlepige bedd hi slapan beddreaf
\' for gemede drohtnunge oefter gesetnesse. oSSe dihtinge abbodes
pro modo conversationis secundum dispositionem abbatis
heora under hig gif hit mœg ealle on anre stowe hi slapan
sui accipiant. si potest fieri, omnes in uno loco dormiant;
. gif meniu no ge]:iafeS tynfealdum oSSe twentifealdum
15/Si autem multitude non sinit deni aut viceni
mid ealdrum ]ja ofer hig hohfiille beon hi gerestan candcl
cMm ] senioribus qui super cos solliciti sint pausent ; Candela (138 b.)
œfre on Sam ylcan huse byrne oS merien gescridde
jugiter in eadem cella ardeat usque mane ; Vestiti
hi slapan 7 begyrde gyrdelsum oSSe strœngum 7 seax
dormiant. et cincti cingulis aut funibxis et cultellos
8. jiu, read /a. deeanis, see note to 51. i. 4. swyrige, see note.
7. tob(Bd,x&2A tohrmd. gif ge liS met, Toa.d gif biS ge met. 12. wnlepige
(twice) and in line 13. furg&nede ; in these tliree cases e seems to bo corrected
Admonitions and penalties for faults. [55
heoi-a Sät sidan 7 hi nahban Jjonne hi slapatS Jiurh
suos ad latus non habeant. dum dormiunt ne forte pGV
swefn ))eltes })e hi vvyrSan otStSe gewundode
somnium vulnerentur dormientes ; Et
ah pœt hi beon gewordenem tacne
ut parati sint monachi semper, et facto signo
buton yldinge 7 a hi arissende 7 hi efstœu heom betwyna fora-
absque mora surgentes. festinent se invicem pre-
hradian godes weorce mid ealre swa Seah * stsefnysse 7 mid
venire ad opus dei. Cum omni tamew gravitate et wio-5
metfœstnysse J)agiin-an gebroSia wyîS hi sylfe hi nabban
destia. Adolescentiores /ratres juxta se non habeant
bed ah gemengede mid ealdrum arisende soîSlice to godes
lecta. sed pcrmixti cum senioribus ; Surgentes vero ad opus
weorce gemedlice tihtan oSSe laran slac- 1
dei. invicem se moderate cohortent propter somnolen-
fulnin for beladunge ^
torum excusationes ;
De excommunicatione culpaküm. (Cap. XXIII.) iq
to ]7unden
Si quis mateß contumax aut inobediens. aut superlnis. aut
cyrigende oSSe on œnigan J>ingau wiSerweard [yJ wunigende
murmurans. vel in aliquo cmitrarius existens
]jam haligon rcgole 7 bebodu hcora ealdra forhicgend 7
sancte regule. et preceptis seiiiorum suorum contemptor et
gif biS gemed Jies œfter bebode
repertus fuerit. hie secmdmn dommi nosiri prece2}tum ■
sy gcmyuegod œne 7 oSersiSan dihlicc fram his ealdrum
ammoneatm semel et secundo secrete a senioribus suis; 15
gif he hit na gebet he si gejjread opcnlice toforan eallum
Si . non emeftiduverit. objurgetur. publice coram omnilnis ;
gif ho hit swa ho biS gej^rcad gyf he understent
Si vero neque sic se correxerit. si intelligit
i. otStie, seo note. 4. a, gloss to semper in 1, 3 ? 5. stwfni/8se,Tco,i
slœ/inysse. 12. [y.] not clear.
3. sint corrected in the MS. from sunt by underdotting the «, and writing an
i over it. 13. et not in other texts ; redundant.
56] Manner of monastic excommunication. Graver faults.
hwylc wite sig amansumunge he underhnige elles
qualîs jpeiia sit. eoccommunicationi subjaceat; \\ Sin aiftewi(139a.)
wiSercoren he is licha?nlicere wrace 7 he sig underpeod
impvobus est. vindicte corporali et suhdatuA-;
œfter geinete gyltas amansumunge oSSe lare. styre
5 Secundum modum. culpe. excommunicationis vel discipline
fceal beon apenod gemet pœt gylta
debet extendi menswra ; Qui culparum, modus in abbatis
bangige otJSe stände on dome peahhwseSere on
pendeat jvdicio ; si quis tamen frater in
leohtum gyltum gif biS *gemedemod fi-awi *heode dselnimunge
levioribus cvlpis invenitur. a mense participation
si gesyndrod * asyndrodest fra??i meosan oSSe fram geferse-
privetur ; Frivati auteva. a mense consortia, ista
dene pis beo geseead on cyrican sealm oSSe antemp
10 erit ratio, ut in oratorio psalmum aut antiplionam
pœt he na onginne na he na nureedinge recce oîSSe fulre dœd-
non imponat neque lectionem recitet. usque ad satisfac-
bode gereordunge setter gereordunge ana
tionem ; Eefectionem autem cibi post /ratrum refectionem solus
he under pœt swilce 7tic swacweSe hegereordige to middceges
accipiat ut. si verbi gr-àiia froXres reficiant sexta hora
se broSor to nonas he on œfen oîSSœt ho be mid
iUe frater nona, si froXres nona. ille vespera. usque dum
dfcdbote fulre pseslicere forgifennesse gite
\'S satisfactione congrua veniam consequatur ;
De GRAviOßiBus cuLPis. (Cap.) XXV.
se broker hefolices gyltes mid dara si
2. wiSercoren, second e above the line; probably to be read wiSercora.
8. gemedemod, Te?i,d gemetsee note. Aeo(Ze, read Jeorfe. 9. asyndrodest,
read asyndrodes. 11. nu, wrongly transcribed for na ? dcedbode, the third
d has been corrected either from or into t, probably the latter. 13. he
under, fill up -fo. hie for ic; the k has afterwards been underdotted.
2. ef,cf. p. 55,1.13 (note). 3. modus, MS. modum. excommunicationis,
MS. bxcommunicatione. 5. kxc0mmünicati0nis, MS. kxcommunicationes.
14. vespora, con-, into vespera.
No one, unbidden, to join the excommunicated. [57
framadon fram beode samod 7 fram cyrcean œnig liim gebroSra
pendatur a mensa, simul et ah oratorio; Nullus ei _/ratrum
on senigre na si gepeod geferrœdene ne on spraece ana
in ullo jungatur consortio neque in colloquio ; Solus
to weorce to betœhtum purhwunigende behreowsunge
sit ad opus sibi injunctum. psrsistens in poenitentie
on Leofunge witende pone egeslican cwide secgendes
luctu. sciens illam terribilem apostoli sententiam dicentis.
betœhtne pyllicne manna pam sceoccan on feorwyrde
(139 b.) tradi \\ tum hujusmodi hominem satané in interitum 5
lichaman pœt he halsie on drihtnes dœge nietes
camis. ut spiritus salvus sit in die dominiy Cibi
gereordung ana he underfo gemet oSÎSe on tida on
autem refeetionem solus pevcipiat. mensura vél hora, qua
Sœre pe forsceawiaS him feccan ne he ne sige fram
previderit àbba ei competere ; Nec a
senig«m farendum bletsod men na metc se pe bitS him
quoquam benedicatur transeunte. nec cib\\iä qui ei
geseald ,0
datur ;
De is qui sine iussione abbatis junguntur excommunicatis.
(Cap. XXVI.)
gif hwylc broker gedyrstlcecîS butan hcese abbotes pam
Si quis eiiater pbesumpserit sine jussione abbatis. fratri
amansumedan brecSer mid œnigum gemete gepeondan gelice
excommunieato quolibet modo se jüngere, similem
he gehleote amansumunge wrace
sortiatur excommunicationis vindictam. \'5
Qualiter debeat abba esse sollicitus et circa
excommunicationbs. (Oap. XXVII.)
eahe liohfolnesse gymene do abutan pa agiltendaii
Omni sollicitudine cukam gerat abbas circa delinquentes
brotSra forpam pe nis neode pam haluwi lœce ah pam
^ratres. quia non est opus sanis medicus, sed
2. sprxce, tc or a ? 5. feorwyrde, y of peculiar form 8, 9. na he sige
fram oenigum farendum bletsod men, understand na he si. f. as. f. men
gebletsod. 9. farendum, n indistinct. 14. gepeondan, i.e. gepeodan.
58] Pastoral care. The Good Shepherd\'s example.
uiitruman oSSe yfel habbendum 7 forjpi be bracan he sceal
male habentibus ; Et ideo uti debet
mid eallum gemete swa swa wis lœce onasœndan swilce
omni modo ut sapiens medicus, immittere quasi
dihle frofra ]?a ealdan swylce
occultos ; Senpectas. id est seniores sapientes frâtres. qui quasi
digelice Jia gefrefran gesewene broîSor 7 hi tihta
secrete consolentur /ratrem Jluctuantem. et provocent eum
to fuleadmodiiesso dœdbote 7 hi gefrefriaii hine mid
5 ad humilitatis satisfactionem, et consolentur eum ne
maran unrotnessa pœt he ne si fornumen ac swa swa
habundantiori tristitia absorbeatur. sed. sicut
£0ede si getrimed on him soS lufe 7 si gebeden
ait idem apostolus ; confirmetur in eo karitas ; et oretur
* fram heom fram eallum gebroSrum })earle swiSe seel
pro eo ab omnibus.- Magno \\ pere enim debet (lio a.)
mid hohfulnesse don se abbod 7 mid ealre glœwnesse mid
sollicitudinem gerere abbas. et omni sagacitate et
forwitolnesse 7 gelacnian œnig of befaestum sceapum hi??i
10 industria curare. ne aliquam de ovibus sibi creditis
sylfum pœt he na forlure he cunne * untruwa
perdat ; Noverit enim se injirmarum curam
underfon sawla na ofor J)a halau wselreow oSSe reSe
suscepisse animarum. non super sanas tirannidem ;
7 heondrœde egesunge Jjurh Jjone ho sœigS
Et metuat prophete comminationem per quem dicit
pœt pœt ge fœt sawon ge underfengon 7
cZeus ƒ \' Quod crassum videbatis assumebatis ; et
pœt wanbal wses 7 gewiSsocan 7 he geafœn godes hyrdas
iSyuocZ dsbih erat pmicebatis ; Et pastoris boni
œrfœste lœce bysene forlaetenum nygon 7 hundnigonti
pium imitetur exemplum qui relictis nonaginta
sceapum on dunum se Se gode pœt jie dwelede
novem in montibus abiit unam ovem que erraverat
r uti in glossator\'s hand. 4. gesewene, see note. 5. fuleadmodncsse
d(tdbote,ioT eadmodnesseful(re)dwdhote. 8./rawi, read/ore. 11. untruwa,
Tea.d untrumra. 15. ^ci^ccm belongs to toce inline 16. 16. Er/isure after
hundnigontil 17. gode for geode.
3. Senpectas, MS. senpecta. 7. oretur, MS. orietar. 9. gerere, MS.
gegere. MS. sagacizate. 17. Most of the other texts have novem ovibus,
which may have been in ours, as the gloss sceapum is there.
Only the Incorrigible to be cut off. [59
secan uiitrumnesse swa midlum He besargode oSSe msende
qioerere; Cujus infimiitate in tantum compassus est.
hit on his halguni eaxlura pait he gemedemode
ut earn in sacris humeris suis dignaretur
onasettan 7 segen briugan <0 heorde
imponere. et sic reportare ad gregem.
De is qui sepius correpti non emendaverint. : .
(Cap. XXVIII.)
forgehwilcuwi gilte
Si quis ebater frequenter correptus pro qualibet culpa, h
])eah pe he amansumad hit ne gebet teartere
etiam si excommunicatus non emendaverit acrior ei
genealsece j^rseiungan J»oc< is swincla . Avrace on him pcet
accedat correplio id est ut verberum vindicta in eum
forS stepS pcet gif he he swang biS gej)read oSSe
procedat; Quod si nec ita correxit aut
wenunge pa:t njefre ne gewyrSe on modinyssa otSÖ\'e upahafan
forte q\\xod absit in supsrhiam elatus
bewerian o??Sc gif he wile his weorc ponne swa swa
de/endere voluerit opera sua. tunc abba faciei quod \'o
wis IsBce gif he gegearcaS swoSuuga smyrunga oSSe
medicus; Si exhibuit fomenta. si ungmnta ad-
lara liccedomas gewrita godcundra oet nextan
hortationum. si medicamina scripturarum divinarum si ad ultimum
berned amansumungo otSSe wita girda
ustionem cxcommunicationis. vél plagas virgarum: etiam si
his * foran nahtswyrian gltewnesse he gearcie soSlicc
viderit nihil suam prevalere industriam. adhibeat etiam
pat mare is his gebed 7 ealra gebroSra for him
quod majus\' est suam ct omnium fratrum pro eo \' 6
se Se ealle J)inc maiig pcet wyrce
orationem: ut dominus qui mnwia potest, operetwr salutem
embe ]3onc untruman breSor pcet gif he na forSam mid Jjisum
circa infinnum fratrem; Quod si nec isto modo
Z. to •, t corr. from g. 14. foran nahtswyrian, naht, gloss to nihil \\
see note.
2. dignaretur, MS. digaretur. 4. emkndaveuint, MS. emendaverit.
10. defendere, MS. dtfende. voluerit, MS. volncrc.
60] Monks leaving the monastery. Youthful offenders.
gemete blS geliaeled povme eallunga se abboi bruce isene
sanatus fuerit, tunc jam abba utatur ferro
ofkyrfes eal swa ssede afyrsiaS pone yfelan fram
ahscisionis ut ait apostolus; Au/erte malum ex
eow 7 eft swa ungeleafulla gif he aweig aweg gewite
vobis; Et iterum, Inßddis si discedit discedat.
pœt na anadli sceap ealle heorde besmite
ne una ovis morbida, omnem gregem contaminet,
5 Si debeant iteeum eecepi featres exeuntes de monasteeio.
for agenum leahtrum qui seSe utgseîJ oS5e biS uta-
Fbatee qui peopeio vitio egeeditur aut peoici-
draefœd gecyrran gif he wile behate œr
tur de monasterio, si reverti voluerit. spondeat. prius
ealle bote forSam pe he utferde on Sœre
omnem emendationem vitii pro quo egressus est. et sic
ytemestan stsepe hi si underfangen Ipœt of pam his
10 in ultimo gradu recipiatur. ut ex hoc ejus
eadmodnysse si gefundod pœt gif he oSer siSan utfaertS otîSe
humilitas compvobetur ; Quod si denuo exierit. us-
priddan siSe he ei underfangen soSlice sySSan he wite Eelcne
que tertio ita recipiatur. Jam vero postea ; sciat omnem
him sylfum gecyrrednysse faeield beon forwyrned
sibi reversionis aditum denegari.
DÈ pueeis minoei aetate quomodo coeeipiantue. (Cap. XXX.)
œlc * yS andgit agenge met sceal habban
15 Omnis aetas vel intellectus jproprms debet habere mensuras:
forpig fcwa oft cildra oSSe ginran ylde oSSe pa pe
Ideoqno quoties pueri. vel adolescentiores aetate aut qui
Ises understandan swa magun humicel \\>œt wita is amansu-
minus intellegere possunt quanta pena sit excommuni-
munge pas pylice ponne Iii agiltaS oîSSe mid swiSIicum
ca I tionis. hi tales dum delinquunt. aut jejuniis (141a.)
2. hyrfes, r corrected from ƒ. 7. qui repeated by glossator. ^ 8. œr
indistinct, might be ier. 15. yS, read yld. agenge nearly erased. It
was probably the intention to erase gemet so as to put it over mensuram.
8. spondeat, MS. uponde. 11. humilitas, two letters erased between a
and s. denuo, o above line. 14. ruEBis, MS. rUEROS. quomodo, q in the
MS. 15. MS. mensaram.
Qualifications of th.e cellarer. [61
fsestenum hi beon geswencte ocSSe mid * tearum swinglum hi
nimiis affligantur aut acribus verberibus co-
beon gepreade pœt hi beon gehealdenne
erceantur ; ut sanentwx.
De cellaeaiao monasteeii qualis debeat esse. (Cap, XXXI.)
hordere si gecoren of gegsederunge wis
Cellaeius monasteeii eligatue de congeegatione. sapiens.
on geripedum * wea sifre na mycel sete na upahafen
maturis moribus. sobrius. non multum aedax: non elatus. 5
drefende teonful. sœne na cystig ac
non turbulentus non injuriosus. non tardus, non pvodigus sed
aiodroedenne so ealra gegaderunga si swa swa
timens deum : Qui omni congregationi sit sicut pater ;
gimene hedo be eallon pingan butan hsese naht
curam gerat de omnibus : Sine jussione abbatis nihil
he nado pa pine pe beoS bebodene he gehealde he na
faciat ; Que jubentur custodial ; /ratres non
diaefa gif hwile broSor fram him fœrunga œni ping
contristet ; Si quis frater ab eo forte aliqua 10
ongesceadwislice bitt forseonde hine he ne gedrefe
inrationabiliter postulat, non spemendo eum contristet.
gescendwif^lice niid eadmodnesse yfol biddendum ac he
sed rationabiliter cum humilitate male petenti def)ie-
forwyrno his Ii/ lie gehealde gemyndig œfre pœs apostolican
get ; Animam suam custodiat : memor sempev illius apostolici
bcbodes forî5ani seSe wel penaS stepe godne him sylfum
precepti quia qui bene ministraverit. gradum bonum sibi
he begit untruina cildra cumena 7 pearfena mid
adquirit ; Inßrmorum. infantium. ospitum. pauperumque cum 15
ealre hohfulnesse he do buton twyn pœt he
omni sollicitudine curam gerat, sciens sine dubio, quia pro
foreallum pisum sceall agyldan eallo
his omnibus in die judicii rationem redditurus est; Omnia
1. tearum, read teartum. 2. gehealdenne, see note. 5. icea, read
/>ea, for pcavoum. 7. atodrœdenne in the MS., but o looks like d.
This points to a gloss: god drœdenne, whicli the lemma would make us
suspect. 13. lif, •ƒ corrected from w, and indistinct.
1. acribus, MS. acris. 3. monasteuii, MS. monasterio. 6. MS.
juriosus. 13. npn.ttolici, MS. apostoli. 1.5. ospitum, MS. inospitum.
62] Bules for the cellarer {contmueU).
andluman 7 ealle sehte swylce weouedes
vasa monasterii. cunctamque substwntiam. ac si altaris
halige fatu he besceawige naht he ne getelle * gunlœslices ne
vasa sacrata conspiciat; Nihil ducat neglegendum. nec
gitsung he ne hogige na he na si cystig o\'SSe myrrent
avaritie studeat. neque prodigua sit; aut slirpator
eehte ac ealle J)inc gemetlice 7
suhstan \\ tie monasterii: sed omnia mensurate faciat: et(141b.)
efter htese setforan eallum
5 secunc?um jussionem abbatis ; Ilumilitatem ante omnia
* ]?inga he hsebbe Jiaer J^œr })am nenys seSe foregifen
habeat et cui substantia non est que trihuatur.
sprgec andsweras 7 si gereht god seo gode
sermo responsionis porrigatur bonus, vi scriptum est ; Sermo
spraece ofor Ipa selestan sylene ealle pine pe pe him betœht
bonus : super datum optimum ; Omnia que ei injunxerit
J^a sylfan he hœbbe under his gimena fram Jjam him
abbas ipsa habeat sub cura sua; A quibus eum
pe beoS heboden he ne gedyrstlœce foi\'asetne *bitleofan
10 proibuerit. non présumât; Fratribus constitutum annonam
buton eenigre * or hiunge o\'SSe yldinga he sylle pœt liine beon
sine aliquo typo vel mora ojferat ; ut non scan-
geaswicodo sit godcundre sprœce hwœt gegearnigo se pe
delizentur memor divini eloquii. quid mereatur qui
geaswicacS senne of tSisuTW lytlingum gif gaderung mare
scandalizaverit unum de pusillis. Si congregatio major
bits frofras him beon gesealde fram pam he sylf gefultumiatS
fuerit ; solacia ei dentur. a quibus adjutus et
mid efnum mode gefylle J?enunge him sylfan betsehte
15 ipse aequo animo impleat officium sibi commissum ; Iloris
ongedafenlicum tidum beon gesealde Jja Jîinc J^e sint to sillannc
competentibus dentur qu£ danda sunt
y beon gebedene pa, Jîinc j^e sin tobiddanne pœt nan ne sig
et petantur que petenda sunt. ut nemo
todraefd ne ne sig geunrotsaded on drihtnes huse
perturbetur. neque contristetur in domo domini.
2. gunl(salic(8, read ffimlceslices. 6. />wffa, read/lingum. 10. litlcofan,
read higleofan. 11. or, read on. 12. sit, Latin added by glossator.
4. mensurate, n corr. from m by erasure. 13. scandalizaverit, MS.
-ocr page 137-The abbot to register the goods and chattels of the monastery. [63
œhta oScSe reafum oSSo mid-
sumum Jemgum foresceawige be life J)ara 7
licet rebus prevideat abba /ratres de quorum vita et
J)eawuin orsorh he sig 7 heom senlepige be Sara nitwyrSlice pe .
moribus securus sit et eis singula ut utile, ju-
he demS betsece Jja gehealdennelicun 7 J)a gelohgeiilican of
dicaverit consignet custodienda atque recoUigenda ; Ex 5
)3am [b.] gewrit [a.] tohealde pcet [e.] sefter powne him
{HI a..) quibus ] abbas brevem teneat ut dum sibi
sylfan betahtum Jiingum [e.] stundmajlum fylian
in ipsa assignata fratres vicissim succedunt.
. [e.] he wite hwset he sylle 7 hwœt he underfo [b.] gyf hwylc
sciat quid dat. et quid recipit. Si quis
fullice [c.] oSSe gimleslice f)inc mynstres hrepaS si ge-
autem sordide aut neglegenter res monasterii tractaverit cor-
J^read gif hit [f.] na gebett steore regolicero he under-
ripiatur. si «.on emendaverit discipline regulari sub- 10
healicost pes leahter grundlungoB is of todonne is
Precipue hoc vitium radicitus amputandum est. de monas-
pcet ne gedyrstlœce œni pine syllan oSSe underfon buton
terio. ne quis présumât aliquid dare cmt accipere sine 15
hœse ptes abbotes no nabban sinderlice ne
jussione abbatis ; Neque aliqmd habere proprium; neque
nan pine ealles na hoc na weaxbredu ne grœf
nullam omnino rem; neque codicem. nequß tabulas, neque gravium
ah na pine witodlice forpam ne habban his agenne
sed nihil omnino; Quippe quibus nec corpiora sua
5. gehealdennelicun, read gehcaldenlican. 14. Not clear whether heali-
cost or healicost ; grundlungas, or grundlmga.
a. recoUigenda, lig above line, in glossator\'s hand ?
-ocr page 138-64] The monks to have no property. Consideration
for infirmities.
lichaman willan alyfed habban agenum anwealde ealle
nec voluntates. licet habere in propria voluntate ; Omnia vero
neodbehsefnyssa hihtan ne ne si seni J)inc
necessaria; a patre sper are monasterii; Nec quicquam
gelyfed habban \\œt pœt ne sealde oSSe ne gepafaS
liceat habere quod abbas non dederit aut non permis-
se ealle pine eallum beon gemsene swa swa hit is awriten
erit; Omniaqne omnibwa sint communia; ut scriptum est;
ne ne secge senig hia seni pine oS5e gedyrstlsece pœt
5 nec quisquam. suum aliquid dicat vel présumât; Quod
gif biS pisum wyrstan leabtre arasod boon gelust-
si quisquam huic nequissimo vitio deprehensus fuerit delec-
fullod fcy he gemynegod sene 7 eft gif hit na gebett
tari. ammonitus semel. et iterum ; Si non emendaverit ;
prseiunge he underr^îg\'e
correptioni suhjaceat;
Si omnes aequaliter debent necessaria accipere. I (142 b.)
wses todœled senlepigum paw pe wses
SiCTTT scriptum est dividebatur singulis prO Ut
gehwylcum neod po wses paîr we na secaS hada \\>œt
cuique opus erat ; Ubi non dicimus ut pevsonarum quod
forsig onfangennisse untrumnyssa ah forasceawung pser
\' absit acceptio sit. sed infirmitatum consideratio ; Ubi
hedo se Se Ises hofaS ho do 7 he na si geeadmod
qui minus indiget agad deo gratias et Twn contristetur ;
mare he si geadmet for untrumnesse 7
15 qui vero plus et non indiget. humilietur pro inßrmitate; et
he na si upahafen for mildheortnessa ealle liman 7 boon
non extollatur pro misericordia ; et ita omnia membra erunt
on sibbe setforan eallum pingum murcnuncge yfel for
in pace. Ante omnia ammonemtis ne murmurationis malum, pro
1. anwealde, see note. 8. underrhige, first r corrected from n,
second r corrected by erasure into n, the whole evidently meant for
underhnige, 14. na si, na above the line; r. before and a after the s.
7. MS. emendaverint. 6. correptioni, MS. correptionem. 14. agad,
MS. aga. 15. indiget, corr. from indigetus by underdotting the us.
Weekly kitolien service, obligatory upon all. [65
geliwylcum intingan on œnigum geliwilcum worde intingan
qualicumque causa in aliquo qualicumque
on senigum gehwilcum worde oSSe to getacnunge peet he
causa in aliquo qualicumque verho vel siynijïcatione ap-
na setiwe pœt gif biS arasod œnig hefelicor steore
pareat : Quod si deprehensus qui fuerit : districtiori
BtySlicor stire he si underpeod
discipline suhdatur.
De septimanaeiis coquine. (Cap. XXXV.) 5
heom betwynan penian pœt nan ne si belatSod fram
eicene penunge [b.] oSSe mettrumnesse oîStSe on intingan hefigran
coquine officio nisi aut egritudine aut in causa gravis
œnig buton he si gebisgod [b.] for panon
utilitatis quis occupatus fuerit, quia exinde major
niede 7 so\'Slufu pam pe biS beiyten pam wacniodum
merces. et caritas adquiritMv. Inhecillihus auteva.
*pe onforsceawunge helpas mid unrotnessa pœt
pi-ocurentur solacia ; ut non mm tristitia hoc 10
he nado ahhi habban ealle frofras œfter gemete gegœder-
faciant : sed habeant omnes solacia. secundum modum congre-
unge otîSe gesetnyssa stowo gif mare gegaderung biS
gationis aut positionem loci; Si major congregatio fuerit.
hordere si belaSod fram oîîSc gif hwylce swa swa
céllararius excusetur a coquina vel si qui ut
we sœdon mid marum nytwyrdnyssum byîS gebysgode oSro him
diximxxa majoribus utilitatibus occujyantur : ceteri
Bylfan undre sotSre lufe heom betwyiian * peniant se Se is ut to-
113 a.) sibi \\ sub karitate invicem serviant ; Egres- 15
foranne on Sœro ucan on sœternes dœg clœnsunga do
surus de septimana; sabbato munditias faciat;
1. tcorde, intingan, both iu very black ink. 10. onforsceawunge, unge
has been corrected into ode, by uuderdottinjj unge, and writing ode over it,
in the same hand, read heon forsceawode. 15. peniant, t owing to the
scribe\'s eye being caught by the ending of serviant.
1. causa in aliquo qualicumque, with its gloss, is repeated in the MS.
5. MS. skptimanaris.
66] Bules for those serving in the kitchen.
[b.] wseterclaS mkl [c.] pam pe heom sylfan [u.] handa
Linthea cum quibus sibi /ratres manus.
ocSSe fet * clipiaS [a.] he ]?\\vea [c.] fett soSlice ge se se Se
aut pedes tergunt. lavet ; Pedes vero tam ipse qui
utggeS ge se se pe is in tofarenne [e.] eallum
egreditur quam ille qui intraturus est y omnibus
hi J)wean fata J)enunge his clsena 7 hale [eb.] hordere he
lavent; Vasa ministerii sui munda et sana cellarario re-
betsece [a.] betsece se hordere eft into farenne dum he
5 consignet ; Qui cellararius iterum intranti con-
betsece pœt he wite hwaet he syl\'5 oSSe hwset he underfo [c.] jja
signet, ut sciat quid dat aut quid recipit ; sep-
wucan ]7egnas [b.] ser anre [d.] tide gereordunge * mman
timanarii autem ante unam horam refectionis. accipiant
[d.] forgesetne bileofan [d.] œnlepige [e.] drencas [e.] [f.]
super statutam annonam singulos biberes et panem ;
on tide gereordunge buton ge 7 hefigum geswince
ut hora refectionis sine murmuratione et gravi labore
[g.] pœt hi ]?enian heora gebroSrum on simbel swa J?eah
10 serviant fratribus suis; In diebus tamen
dagum *oSSe msessan hi J^olian. abidan [b.] }ja in-
solemnibus; usque ad missas sustineant ; In-
farendan [c.] 7 pa utfarendan [b.] ucuj^ena on gebedhuse
trantes autem et exeuntes ebdomodarii in oratorio
Jiarrihtes merigenlicum geendedum on sunnandœge betyridum
mox matutinis finitis darmnica provolutis
cneowum œtforan püm weofode [f.] [a.] biddan for hi boon
genibn^ coram altare ah omnibus postulent pro se
gebedene Jja utgangendum on pvere ucan sccgan J)is
15 orari ; Egredientes autem de septimana : dicant hune
fers gebletsod J>u eart eala }5U dribten god }:u fultumodest
^ versum; Benedictus es domine dens qui adjuvasti
7 |5u gefrefredest me })ara [c.] gecwedenum J)riddan siSan.
me; et consolatus es me; Quod dicto tertio.
2. cKpiad, read tvipiadf 4. pwean, there is possibly an i between w
and e, although this is probably part of the g of egreditur just above it.
5. ce of second hetœce indistinct, dum, Latin in glossator\'s hand. * 7. mman,
xeaAniman. IL read off.
3. quam, MS. quo. 4. lavent, MS. avet. 8. statutam, MS. s\'a-
The inflrin to be treated with especial care. [67
hi [a.] underfon [b.] bletsunge utgangende sefter fylian
accipiant benedictionem egredientes; Subsequantav autem
pa ingangende 7 hi secgan god mine fultum beiym
ingredientes et dicant ; Deus in adjutorium meum intende
eala pu drihtew to gehelpanne efest5 pcet sylf priddan siSe
(143 b.) domine ad adjuvandum me festina ; | Et hoc idem tertio
7 si geedleht fram eallum afangenre bletsunge 7 he
repetatur ab omnibus et acce2)ta lenedictione ingredi-
antur ;
De infirmis (Cap. XXXVI.)
[c,] untruma[b.] gimen[d.] setforan eallon pingan. 7 ofer ealle pine
InFIRJIOBUM cuba ante ojinia et super omnia
is to gearcienna soSlice swa pcet sigepenod
adhibenda est. ut sicut revera cZtristo ita ei serviatur.
forpam pe hesylf sœde untruman ic wses 7 gegeneosodan ~me
Quia ipse dixit; infirmus fui; et visitastis me;
pcet pœt gedydon anum me hit gcdydon
Et quod fecistis uni de is minimis meis mihi fecistis; xo
ah pa sylfan untrwman sceawien on wurSmente godes heo?«
Sed et ipsi infirmi considèrent in honorem dei
sylfum beon gepenod 7 mid hcora oferflowednesse 7 hine ge-
sibi serviri; et non sup)evjluitate sua contris-
drefan. hcora gebroîSra peowiendo hecm sylfan pa swa peah
tent /ratres suos; servientes sibi; Qui tamen
gepyldelice sind to cepanno forpa?» swylcum genihtsumero
patienter portandi sunt : qiùa de talibus copiosior
med [d.] he biS beiyten [b.] seo mœsta gimen * sit
merces adquiritur; Ergo cura maxima sit 15
pam abbode senigre gimeleaste pcet hi na polian pa untru-
abbati ; ne aliquam neglegentiam jmtiantur ; Quihus
man gebroSra sig bus. cyte ofer hi beta^ht 7 pen
^ratrîius infimi\\B sit cella supcv se deputata ; et servitor
11. untruman, first stroke of second u probably corr. from e. IG. sit, t
copied from Latin, read siff.
4. repetatur, MS. reperettir. benedictione, MS. benedictio. 7. Infie-
MonuM, I is forgotten by rubricator. super, MS. supe. _ 9. visitastis, MS.
visitatis. 11. Erasure before 14. yuta, i above line. 17. injirmis,
corr. from injirmus by erasure, sit, corr. from scit.
r 2
-ocr page 142-68j Eelaxations of rule for old men and for children.
adrœdende 7 lufiœnde ac he fulfremed baSa brice
timens cZeum. et diligens ac sollicitus. Balnearum usus;
pa untruman swa oft swa hit fremeS sigeboden pam halum 7
infirmis quoties expedit offeratur ; Sanis autem et
BwySest 7 geonclicuTO Isetlicor si geurmen [a.] flsesca
maxime juvenihus tardius concedatur ; Sed et camium
*b£et pam untruman eallunga pawi wanhalum forhsele ac si
esus infirmis, omnino dâilibusqne pvo reparatione con-
geseald *])œt onne hi beotS *gebeorode fram flaesclicum midgewune-
5 cedatuv : Ac uhi meliorati fuerint ; a carnihus more solido
lic peaw ealle 7 hi forhabban [c.] pa maesta [b.] gimene habbe
omnes abstineant ; Curam auttm maximum liaheat
se abbod fram pam horderum oSSe fram penum pœt 11e beo for-
ahhas ne a celïarariis aut a servitorihus neglegantur
gimeleaste pam untruman forpam to him pehitlocaS swa swa
infirmi \\ quia ad ipsum respicit. quic- (144 a.)
hwset fram leornincnihtum swa biS agyld.
quid a discipulis délinquitur.
10 De senibus vel infantibus. (Cap. XXXVII.)
peah pesig pa sylfe mœnnisnesse gecind [c.] [e.]
Licet ipsa ^humana natuka teaiiatur
[f.] to mildheortnesse on pisum yldum ealdra 7
ad MiSEncortZmm ; in is aetatihus senum videlicet et
. cildra peahhwœîSere [c.] régulés ealldordomlicnyss heom
infantum; tamen et regule auctoritas eis
besceawige si foresceawod œfre wacmodnyss natesliwôn
pvospiciad; Consideretur sempex inbecillitas. et nullatenus
heom stiSnis regoles 7 na si gehealdan on fotum ac sig
15 eis districtio regule teneatur in alimentis ; sed sit
on heom arfœst foresceawung 7 hi forahrœdian minsterlice
in eis pia consideratio : et preveniant horas
4. lœt, probably J is a \' paving \' letter. 6. MS. ß\'onne = ]>wt onne ; read
ponne. gebeorode, read gebetrode. 11. mœnnùnesse, cf. Introd., Ch. V,
§ 67. 15. fotum, cf. ib., § 54.
juvenibm,\'M^.invenibus. 4. inßrmis, cow. îtom—us. 12. actatibus,
MS. eatatibus. 15. teneatur, MS. teneat. 17. MS. canonicis.
Each in his turn to be the Header for a week. [69
De ebdomedario lectoee. (Cap. XXXVIII.)
meosan etenda * gebroSrum rsedinc wana beon na scell ne
Mensis feateum edentium lect;o deesse non debet; Tie
he on fserlicum gelimpe se Se gelsecS boe rsedan
fortuitu cam qui arripuerit codicem legere
negedyrstlsece pgera seSe rsedan sceall eah-a psera wucan on paw
audeat ihi. sed lecturus tota ebdomada dominico
drihtenlicandaïge ah inga se bidde ingangende sefter msessan
die ingrediatur; Qui ingrediens; post missas 5
7 gema3nsumuiige otSSe hiiselgange fram eallim for hi
et communionem petat db omnibus pro se
beon gebeden ]>cet awende fra him g modignisse 7
orari; ut avertat ab ipso deus s^iritrm elalionis; Et
sigessed pis fsers on cyrican priddan siSe fram eallum
dicatur hie verms in oratorio tertio ab omnibus.
him sylf swa peah fru??i nnginne mine lippan
ipso tamen incipiente. Domine labia mea
pu geopena 7 min mu(5 7 kyS lof pin [a.] [b.]
aperies: et os meum adnuntiabit laudem tuam Et sic 10
afangenre bletsunge 7 he inga to reedenne healic * smegen
accepta benedictione. ingrediatur ad legendum; SummumquQ
7 beo [b.] [c.] Hit meosan pait na oeniges * drenc
ßat silentitim ad mensam ut nullius musitatio
oSSe st«fn [h.] buton pros anes roederes pror si gehired.
(144 b.) vel vox: nisi solius legentis ibi audiatwr
[f.] pa pine [b.] neodbeheofc sind etendum 7 drincendum
Que vero necessaria mnt comedentibus et bibentibus;
heom sylf stundmajlum penian [c.] ajnig pcet ne behofigo
sic sibi vicissim ministrent /ratrea ut nullus indigeat 15
biddan cenig pine gif hwilc ncod beoS raid byenun^\'e
petere aliquid. Si quid tamen opus fuerit sonitu
Bunies tacnes swiSor sigebeden ponne mid stefne na he ne
cujuscumque signi otius petatnr quam voce: Nec pre-
2. gebroSrum, through influence of Latin ending for gelrotSra. 1. g^
god] 9. frum anginne, see note, first n of anginne above the line.
11. smegen, readswi^re». 12. cirenc, see note. 13. «^e/V», e corr. from some
other letter. 16. byminnge, g corr. from some other letter, c?
3. casu, MS. caum. 4. lecturus, MR. lecturis. 8. rersuê, MS. vers.
oratorio, MS. oratorii. 12. musitatio, corr. in MS. from musitaiione by
the underdotting of ne. 13. legentis, MS. legentes, the « of es being
changed in the MS. from f.
70] On the quantity of food, to be taken daily.
gedyrstlœce J>ara seuig be j^aere sylfan oSSe elles hwaiione
simat ibi aliquis de ipsa lectione aut aliunde
senig })ing smseigan pœt ne si geseald intingan buton wenunge
quicquam requirere : ne detur occasio ; nisi forte
se ealdor fore lare oSSe fram trimminge vvylle œnig J>ing
prior pvo aedificatione voluerit aliquid
seortlice secgau broSor seo wuca j^en nime snaedinge
breviter dicere; Frater autem ehdomedarius accipiat mixtum
œr ]3an pa he aginne rœdan for])am halgum gesumunge [f.]
6 priusquam incipiat legere, propter communionem sancta?«;
7 pœt na sig healic \\nm faesten forjjyldian tySSau
et ne forte grave sit ei jejunium sustinere ; Fostea
cicenen. mid j^am wucuj^enum 7 ]?enuni
autem cum coquine ebdomedariis ; et servitoribus.
hi gereordiaS [c.] na be endebyrdnesse rsedan oSSe
rejiciat ; i^ratres autem non per ordinem legant aut
singan ac pa, getrimman })a gehyrandan
cantent sed qui edijicent audientes ;
10 De m£;i\\^suea ciboeuü/-. (Cap. XXXVilli.)
genihtsumian we gelyfatS to daegj)erlicere reordunge [c.] gemid
dœges ge nones eallum moiiSum twa gesodene syflian
sexte quam none omnibus mensibus cocta duo
sanda [g.] for mistlicora untrumnessa wenunge
\'pulmentaria. propter diversorum infirmitates. ut forte qui
of anum seSe mœg etan of oSrum pœt he si gereord ponne
ex uno non potxxerit edere ex alio reficiatur ; Ergo
twa sanda [i.] [h.] [n.] genihtsumiaS 7 gif
15 duo pulmentaria cocta omnibus fratribus sufficiant. Et si
beoS ac hwanone œpla oîSSe acennedlicu ofetu [g.] asigegliS
fuerint unde poma aut nascentia leguminum adtlatuv
swilce pœt J^ridde. an pund awegen genihtsumigo on
et tertium ; Fanis libera una propensa sujiciat \\ m (145 a.)
dege swa hwœSer [g.] swa [f.] [f.] Su sig on gereordunge oSSo
die. sive una sit refectio. sive
4. seo wuca pen, see note. 16. asigeglid, I do not understand this gloss.
4. ehdomedarius, MS. ehdomedariis. 6. ei, sic in MS. ; in glossator s
handwriting. 14. potuerit, u above line. IG. poma, MS.
The monks to be oareful to avoid indigestion. [71
gereordunge 7 aefenpeiiunge pczt gif hi sceolan 011 Eefeu
prandii et cene; Quod si cenaturi
gereordian of pam tylfati puiide se pridda [c.] fram para hordere
sunt. de eadem libra tertia. pars a cellarario
si gehealden to agifenne on Befenpenungwm [f.] geswinc [f.]
reservetur. reddanda ctnaturis Quod si labor forte factus
[f.] [g.] mare oncyre [d.] de [e.] hitbeo gif hit fremaS
fuerit major, in arbitrio et potestate abbatis erit si expediat
[k.] yean asyndiode toforan eallum pingum oferlylle
aliquid auyere remota pre owjwihus crajw^a 5
pcet najfre ne undersmgege [m.] pam muuece oferajt forpam
ut numquam subripiat monacho indigeries. quia nihil
swa wiSerweard pen is swa swa oferfylle [s.]
sic contrarium est cntmi chr\'i&iiano quomodo crapula:
swa swa sajde ure drihten warniatS pat ne beon geheofogode
sicut ait dom\'.nMS «osttr. Videte ne yravcntur
[c.] [c.] on oforfull cildum [g.] onginran ylde [h.] seo ylce
corda vestra in crapula. I^ueris vero minore aetate. non eadem
ne si gehealdan micelness ah laisso ponne pam yldrum
servetur quantitas. sed minor quam. majoribus id
gehealdaura [m.] [1.] * fiSer * fetefhesS
servata in omnibus parcitate. Carnium vero quMdrupedum omnino
[e.] ei *forha3med butan wanhalum 7
ab omnibus abstineatm commestio. prcter omnino debilcs ot
pa * metrunian
aegrotos ;
De mensura potus. (Cap. XL.)
anra gehwylc [b.] tynderlice [a.] hjBlS sylene of godo sumo
Unus quisqub proprium iiabet /;onum ex mo alius 15
3. afen/enuDgum, corrected from cvfen/enuvge, jirobably not contemporary.
10. ne, the n has a stroke through it. 11. JiSer over caruitim, and fetcJlw^S
over quudrupedum, probably ought to be j)artially tranRjiosed. Itead Jiwsca
(instead of Jtccsd) over carnium, and fiHer fete over quadrupedum. 12. for-
hwined, read forhaibben. 13. />a metrunian, read metruman (for med\'
1. cenaturi, MS. cenatur. 5. remota, MS. premota. omnibus cra^
pula, thus era on erasure, MS. craputi. 15. Donum, a letter erased
between d and o; e ?
-ocr page 146-72] On the quantity of drink. \'Wine furthers apostaey.\'
soî51ice [a.] [n.] mid sunium ingehyda
summe sic alius vero sic. Et ideo cum aliqwa, scrupulositate.
fram us 7 gemett bigleofa o6ra 7 is gefett swa peah
a nobis mensura victus aliorum constituitur : Tamen
untrumera [g.] wacmodnesse wegelyfaS [d.] gemet
infirmorum contuentes imhecillitatem : credimus eminam
wines geonden senlepige genihtsumian geon dseg pam pe sylS
vini per singulos sußcere per diem; Quibus
[f.] gepyld [h.] forhsefednesse agene he
5 autem donat \\ dens tolerantiam abstinentie propriam se (145 b.)
sllfe mede hi witan pœt gif stowe neodpearfnesse
habituros mercedem sciant; Quod si aut loci necessitas
otSSe geswinc [h.] sumeres oîSSe swiSlic hsete pœt gif
aut labor aut ardor aestatis amplius popos-
bitt [d.] [b.] on dome ealdres oSSe hi wunige [i.] on
cerit in arbitrio prioris consistons. considerans in
eallum pingum na pœt undersmege oferfylle oSSe druncennesse
omnibus ne suhrepat satietas aut ebrietas licet
pe we radan eallunga *windred muneca beon getiht
10 legamus omnino vinum monaehorum persuaderi non
[a.] huru pinga huru pinga [g.] pœt [f.] pœt pena
potest : saltern vel hoc consentiamus. ut non usque
oS oferfylle drincan [k.] ac hwonlicor forpam *windrend
ad satietatem libamus sed parcius. quia vinum
wiSersacan pedeS pa witen par par neodpearfncfsa
. apostatare facit etiam sapientes. Ubi autem necessitas
Btowe bitt [d.] pœt forasœdegemed oSSe forawrltene beon
loci exposcit ut ne suprascripta mensura in-
gemett pœt fur Sonne mage ah micel [h.] mid eallo
15 veniri possit. sed multo minus : aut ex toto
naht bletsian god para cardial 7 hi na cyrian
nihil benedicant deum qui ibi habitant et non murmurarent ;
7. hwte is gloss to ardor. 10. windred, read wimlrenc, i. e. toindrec.
11. />ena, read we na, or more probably read pe as belonging to the pre-
ceding poit. 12. windrend, read windrenc.
2. victus, MS. victis. 6. MS. mercedam. MS. necessitate, corrected
into, necessitas. 7. MS. aestas. 9. aerietas in the MS. for ebrielas.
10. Before jjersuaderi, the words non esse, sed quia nostris lemporihus id
monachis, found in the other texts, are omitted. 13. MS. sapicnlis.
16. deum, MS. evidently by mistake has dominwm {dum, for din).
Tho times of meals to vary with the seasons. [73
]>œt minigende buton ceorunge pœt bi na
Hoe ante omnia ammonentes. ut absque mumiuratione
sint ;
Quibus hoeis eeficiunt featees. (Cap. XLI.)
fram psere haligan eastran [d.] [d.] to middœges
A SANGTO pascha usque ad pentecosten ad SKStam
hi gereordian to sefenne 7 hi gereordian fram pente-
rejiciant îiatres. et ad seram cenent ; A pente- 5
costen on eallum sumera geswinc felda gif hi nabbaîS
costen autem tota estate : si lahores agrorum non habent
munecas swiSlicnesse sumenas otSÎSe ne gedef^ on wodness [c.]
monachi. aut nimittas estatis non perturbât. quarta. et
[b.] dseg [a.] hi faîsten oS non on odrum dagum
(146 a.) sexta feria jejunent usque ad nonam : reliquis |
dagum to middsege hi gereordian pa gcreordunga to mid
diebus ad sextam prandeant ; Que prandii sexta :
weorcum on secerum gif hi habbaS sumercs switSlic hsete
si opera in agris haluerint. aut aestatis fervor 10
bits to *belippendan bitS pses abbotes hit si on fora-
nimius fuerit : continuanda erit. et in abbatis sit provi-
Ecawuiiga 7 he gemetige ealle pine and he gedihtc
dentia. Et sic temperet omnia atque disponat
saula \\>cet pœt [c.] hi doS [c.] gebroSra
qualiter et anime sahentur j Et quod faciunt /ratres.
butan [d.] [d.] selcere ceorunge 7 don fram anginnum [d.]
absque ulla murmuratione faciant ; Ab idibus
[c.] otS andgin fœstcnes [f.] to nonas
autem septembris usque ad capud quadragesime ad nonava. 15
[b.] hi gereordian on Isenctene fsesten [b.] oS eastran
semper reficiant. In quadragesima vero usque [in) pasca:
4. middw nearly quite er.ased. 7. ffedefO, ff very pale ink, read gedreftS,
11. lelippendan, seo note.
1. MS. murmurationis. fratres, fr erased, then added at the top,
where it is again partially erased. 7. nimietas, e add. later, in very pale
ink. 9. pmjfrfn, ti above lino, by way of corrcction to-eflin^. The MS. had
originally ^jrawcfea«^. 12. MS. ^cmjoertY; utquc\\ disponit. reficient
in AIS. Iliere is an erasure before pagca in the MS.; of in ?
-ocr page 148-74] Silence to be kept, especially after Complin.
on œfœn hi gereordian se sylfa sefen si gedoii
ad vespQi axii reficiant ; Ipsa autem vespera sic agatur :
leoht leohtfetes pœt hine behofian gereordgende mid leohte
ut lumen lucerne non indigeant rejicientes. sed luce
Jiagit dœges ealle Jjinc ah beon gefyllede ac on œlcere tide
adhuc diet omnia consummentur ; sed et omni tempore
swa œfen })enunge otSt5e on tide swa })us gemedemod [g.]
sive sit cene sive refectionis hora. sic temperatur. ut
mid dœg pœt gewyrdan ealle J)ing,
^ cum luce fiant omnia.
Ut post completobium nemo loquatub. (Cap. XLII.)
on œlcere tide swigcn sceolan healdan raunecas swySost
Omni tempore silentium debent studere monacld. maxime
J^ehhwœ\'Sere on nihtlicum tidum 7 foiSi on œlcere tide sit
tamen nocturnis lioris. Et ideo omni tempore sive
fœstenes sit gereordung g tima gif hit biS gereordunge sona
jejunii. sive prandii : si tempus fuerit prandii. mox
pœt hi arisaS fram œfen J)enunge 7 hi sittan ealle togœdere
10 ut surrexerint a cena. sedeant omnes in unum.
7 rœde an * J)urhtogenes race otSÎSe on ealdfœdera lifa ocStSo
et legat unus collationes. vel vitas patrum. aut
soSes sum Sinc pœt getiymme J^a gehyrendum
certe aliquid c^uod edificet audientes; Non autem epta-
forSam untrumum andgitum Jjena biS
\' ticum aut regum. \\ quia infirmis intellectibus non cn<(i46b.)
nytwyiSlic on Sœre tida Jjis gewrit gehyran on oSrum
utile ilia hora hanc scripturam audire. aliis vero
tidum [c.] beon gerœdde gif beoS fœstenes dagas [a.]
15 horis legantur; Si autem jejunii dies fuerint.
gesungenum œfensanga betwux lytlum fœce sona hi gan to
dicta vespera. parvo intervallo mox accédant ad
rœdinge race oSSe recednesse swa swa we bufon sœdon 7
lectionem. collationum ut diximus. et
8, 9. sU, sit, read sig t. sig] g tima, very slight traces of erasure between
g and tima ; read gifl 11. purhlogines, s owing to the influence of Latin
ending? read purliiogene.
12. autem, corr. from auvero by writing tern over vtro, and o { = iclem)
over au. 15. legantur, a corr. from «.
The brethren to come at once to divine service, [75
gerseddum feower ocSSe fif leafum [p.] [p.]
lectis quattuor. aut quinque foliis vel quantum hora
[q.] eallum becumen togsedere [q.] purh pas
peimittit; omnibus in unum occurrentibus per hano
yldinge rsedinc gif senig wenunge on Sam sylfum
moram lectionis; Si quis forte in assignato
betaibtum liim tylfum pingum beon senig biS gebisgod lie
sibi commisso fuerit occupatus oc-
becume Oiille togaedere gesette bi gefyllan 7 utgau-
currat; Omnes ergo in unum positi compleant; Èt ex- 5
gende fram nihtsangum ajnig 7 nasi leaf sySSan a;niguni
euntes a completoriis nulla sit licentia denuo cuiquum
spraecon ajnig ping p(c< gif byS geinett funden [a.] ojuig
loqui aliquid; Quod si inventus fuerit quisquam
pisne forgajian stilnesse mid pearfncsse cumena
hanc prevuricari tacitumitatis regulam, si necessiias hospidum
gif ofor becimS wenunga ainigum tenig pine oSSe bate
mpcxvcnerit: aut forte abba alicui aliquid jusseret
pait [a.] beon 7 swylce mid healicum gedreoge 7 gemetegunge
Quod tamen ct ipsum cum su7nma gravitate et moderatione 10
arwurSlicor pcet beo
honestissime fiat.
Dk his (jui ai) oi\'us dbi et admensam tarde
veniunt. (Cap. XLIII.)
to tide godcundro penungo sona ponne blS gebyred swa
Ad iioram divini oeiicii mox ut auditum puer;«
beoS tacen eallum forltetenum [li.] swa liwylco pine
signum: relictis omnibus que libet fuerint >5
on handum mid liajlicura ofoste [b.] si becumen mid
in manibus summa cum festinatione curratwv: cum
gedreogo peabliwseSerc pait ne ge bigeleas mete tender
gravitate tamen, ut non scurilitas inveniat fomitem;
2. hecumen, gloss to oceurraxtihus \\ read becumendum. 17. higelean,
probably the subst. higeleast was originally there.
3. lectionis, second i erased, in assignato, MS. in has signato.^ 8. regn-
lam, not in the MS.; sine cessitas in MS. Before these words a line {regulam
grai:ioi-ivindictesubjaceatcxcepto)]ia,sheeii\\e{tout. 9. aut forte, MS. aut-
fcrte iu one word, and t added above line iu the MS. 12. QUI not in the MS.
-ocr page 150-76] as soon as the bell is heard. Punishments for those.
naht godes weorce na si forasett pœt gif blS to
Ergo nihil opcri dei preponatur ; | Quod si quis acZ 47 j
nihtlicum uhtsangum [0.] [q.] [p.] pas feower and hund-
nocturnas vigilias post gloriam psalmi nonagesimi
nigenteo(5an sealmas pane forpi eallunga teonde
quart\'i quem propter hoc omnino protrahendo et
latlicë we wyllaS teon geseed begimtS na stände on sendebyrd-
moYOse volumus did occurrerit. non stet in ordine
nesse [b.] on choro ac hœftcmsest ealra stände otSSe on
6 suo in choro. sed ultimus omnium stet ; aut in
stowe pe pe swylcum gimelesum [k.] asundran geset
loco quem talihus neglegentihus seorsum con-
se abbod pœt he sigewarnod fiara him oSSe fram
stituerit abba. ut videatur ab ipso : vel ah
eallum oSSe [0.] gefylledum weorce mid fulre
omnibus usque dum compléta opere dei publica satis-
dœdbote he behreowsige for pi [b.] hi on t5am ytemestan stydo
/actione peniteat ; Ideo autem eos in ultimo aut
on sundran we demdon scylan standan pœt gesawene fram
10 seorsum judicavimus. dehere stare ut vi si ab
eallum oSSe for tSsere sylfan scame he beon gebette [a.]
omnibus, vel pro ipsa verecundia sua emendentur ; Nam
wiS utan on cyrican gif hi beoS lifatS byS fœrunga pylc
si /oris oratorio remaneant : erit forte talis qui
7 he slapo oSSe gewislice hi sette him sylfan
. se aut collocet et dormiat : aut certe sedeat sibi foris:
pœrute spellungum * geœnigtigatS 7 beon geseald intinga pam
vel fabulis vacet ; et detur occasio
awyridan deofle ah inga wiS innan pœt he forpam
15 maligna; Sed ingrediatxiv inWo. ut nec totum
ne forleose 7 be ÎSam otSrum hi \'si gebet on dœgtSerlicum
imdat et de reliquo emendetur ; Diumis
2. [o ] [q.] [p.] are partly pasted over, 3. ieande, eo quite indistinct.
4. lallice, sic in MS., but the stroke may be the remnant of a letter
erased after quarti. begimO, i. e. hecimtS. 6. gimelesum, le not quite
clear, probably gimemsum was in the MS. first, then t was added through
the CB, making it into gimelesum. 14. gecenigtigaiS or geceirrgtigatS; read
2\' vigiliis in MS. 3. i erased after quarti. 4. morose, r corr. from
another letter. 6. talibus, MS. alibus. 8. MS. ominihns. satis-,
MS. sitis: 11. sua, put in later. 15. intro, t added above line.
16. relinquo, ee { = esse) mendetur in the MS.
Ch. XLIII.] who come late to chapel or to meals. [77
tidum [o.] [d.] [c.]
autem horis qui ad opus dei post versum et gloriam
pœs forman sealmas pe biS gesungen se Se na
primi psalmi qui post versum dicitur non occur-
becymS [d.] on ss onSsere pe we bufan ssedon on
rerit. lege qua supra diximxxa in
Ssere ytemestan stowe he stände ne he negedyrstlœce beon
ultimo stet : nec présumât
gefserlseht sin oS fulre dsedbote buton
sociari clioro psallentium usque ad satisfactionem. nisi 5
leafe sylle be his pafunge [x.] [y.] [z.]
forte abbas licentiam dederit permissionem suam : ita tameii :
pœt he gebete scyldig J)anonforS
(147b.) satisfaciat reus ex hoc; Ad mensam autem qui ante
se de ne becymS pat he sette singan 7
versum non ocurrerit : ut simul omwes dicant versum et
hi gebiddan 7 hi under anum calle genealœcan to meosan purh
orent. et sub uno omnes accédant ad mensam : qui
his gymeleaste oSSe leahtor se Se ne becymS oS
_per neglegentiam suam aut vitium non occurrerit : usque 10
opre siSe [c.] for pisum leahtro he si gepread [a.] eft
ad secundum vicem pro hoc corripiatur; Si denuo
gif he liit na gebet [c.] gemenelicerd meosan
non emendaverit non pcrmittatur ad mense communis
to dœlniminge ac he geasindrod [h.] fram geferrœdene [k.]
participationem : sed sequestratus a consortio omnium
reordige ana œtbrodenum his daîlo [n.] of wine [p.]
reficiat solus : sublata ei portione sua de vino : usque ad
oS fulro dœdbote swa gelice [b.] ho polie se Sc na
satisfactionem et emendationem ; Similiter autem patiatur. qui 15
cettan ferso [d.] biS andwerd pœt biS œfter mete
ad ilium versum non fuerit presens : qui post cibum
gesungen no no gedyrst quam lœco pare forasetan tide
dicitur; Nec quis premmat ante statutam horam :
1. [d.] not quite clear. 16. mttan for cvt /am. 17. ne ne gedyrst quam
lace-, read ne ne gedyrstlwce\\ quam, though belonging to quis, is in the
hand of our glossator.
14. de vino, MS. divino. 16. ad, MS. et.
-ocr page 152-78] Atonement of faults by the excommunicated.
oSSe sefter sySSan senig Jjing metes ge saegde drencg underfon
aut postea quicquam cibi ait potus presumere ;
ahhe gif eniguTJi biS beSedum seni ])ing fram fiam ealdre
Sed si cui offertur aliquid a priore
7 underfon 7 he wiS ssecS on tide pœt on J)are J^e he gewilnaS
et accipere renuntierit. liora qua desideraverit.
[d.] pœt he pœt œfte pœt pœt he wiS eoc oîStSe eallunga
hoc quod prius recusavit. auX aliud omnino
naht na underfon set fulre dœdbote gecwemlice
5 nihil accipiat : usque ad emendationem congruam ;
df: his qui excommunicantcr/j quomodo satis faciant.
for healicum gylte fram gebedhuse 7 fram beode se pe byS
Qui peogiiavi culpa ab oeatobio et mema excom-
amansumad on tide on pœt godes weorc on cyrcean J)œr biS wurSod
municatur: hora qua, opus dei in oratorio psrcelebratur :
œtforaw dyran aj^reht alinge naht secgende buton pœt an
10 ante foras oratoriipvostratas jaceat nihil dicens: nisi tantum
aliyldum on eorSan heafde pro afered eadmod ealra of
posito in terram capite: Stratus pronMs omnium de
cyrcean utgangendre mid fotum 7 pœt swa lange do
oratorio exeuntium pedihus Et hoc tam diu faciat :
o(Sc5œt [s.] deme fullice gebed se J^onne
u^que dum abbas \\ judicaverit satisf actum esse; Qui dum (148 a.)
• he gehaten fram cymS abetyrne pa,m sylfan
jussvs ab abbate. venerit : volvat se ipsius abbatis
fotum tySSan ealba fotswajium broSia pœt hi gebiddiin
i t;;je(it6us. deinde omnium vestigiis fratrum : ut orent
for him 7 ponne gif hœt he si underfungen on chore
pro ipso: Kt tunc si jusserit abba ; \' recipiutur in choro
ot5cSe on eddebyrdnysse Jjar j^ar gement swa vel plane
vel in ordine : qu,o abba decreverit : ita sane
1. underfon, f corr. from r. 2. Ichcdum, ho above the line ; read
helodtn. 8./raw (second). The MS. has/ra. 10. œ//ora», raw seems
to be blotted, afreht, for astrelit. alinge, originally alincge, for alicge,
11. pro in glossator\'s hand. 14. abetyrne, a \' paving\'letter^
l.,cibi, MS. ubi. ait must be a very old mistake for aut, since a glossator,
meaningless, has provided it with the gloss saegde. 11. pronus added
by glossator, de corrected from two other letters. 13. sat i,if actum, t
corr. from another letter by erasure. 14. ai omitted in the MS. 16.si,i
corrected from e.
Penalty for mistakes in divine service. [70
sealm oîSSe antemn oSSe rsedinge o(5Se hweet œni ping
ut psalmum. ut antiplionam seu lectionem vel aliud quid
ne gedyrstlœce on gebedhuse aginnan Luton eft se abbod
non présumât in oratorio imponere : nisi iterum abba:
hate 7 on eallon tidum pœnne pe biîS gefylled godes -weorc
jubeat Et omnibus oris dum completur opus dei
niSer alenge hine sylfne on eorpan on stowe on pam Se
pvoiciat se in terram in loco quo
stynd 7 swaful gehete 7 *hihtt oSSœt him hate eft
Stat, et sic satisfaciat usque dum ei jubeat iterum^
pœt he geswice eallunga fulrcdœdbote fram pissere
abba ; ut quiescat jam ah hac satisfactione ; Qui
fram leohtum gyltum pa Se beoS amansumode pœt an fram
vero pro levibus culpis excommunicantur tantumi a
meosan on cyrican hit gebeta oShige hœse pset abbotes
mensa: in oratorio satisfaciant : usque ad jussionem habbatis
pœt fremman oSSe bletsige 7 he secge genohhit is.
Hoc perficiant usqnedum bénéficiât et dicat sufficit ;
De his qct falluntur in monasterio. (Cap. XLV.)
gif œnig ponne he aginS sealm repse oSSe an-
si quis dum pronuntiat psalmum responsorium. aut anti-
temp leogS rœdingo butan purh fulre dredboto
plionam. vel faWitur lectionem nisi per sat\'sfactionem
para toforan eallum geadmet lie beo mare wraco
ibi coram omnibus humiliatus fuerit : majori vindicte
he underhnige witodlice se Se nolde mid eadmodnesse preagiau
subjaceat : quippe qui noluit humilitate corrigere :
pœt pœt he agelte mid gimeleaste cildra
quod neglegentia deliquid ; Infantes autem ^ 5,
for swilcum gylta * beimheawugen.
jyro tali culpa vapulent ;
4. alenge, cf. 78. 10; originally alenege, for ale-ffe. 5. 7 Jdhtt, qnid ?
13. ge admet, erasure of one letter (e?) after go-. 16. he above line.
16. he imheswugen, or lean Icsieugen ? Indistinct. Understand : heon
9. Hoc, corrected from non in the MS. 10. sionastehio. All the
other texts have oratokio (cf. Schröer, W. V., p. 94 ; Schmidt, p. 49).
12. fallUur. Above ll tliere is the sign of contraction for ur. It liaa
been torn asunder by the stretching of tho MS. consequent upon and
necessitated by the MS. being pasted up after the fire.
80] Penalties for light faults. The Abbot to announce
De his qui in levibus eebus delinquuntct^ï. (Cap. XLVI.)
gif * spinS on senigum geswinoe innon cicena on hederne
Si quis dum ix laboee quovis in coquina in cellaeio. (148 b.)
on penunge on bsecerne on oreerde on senigum crsefte
in ministerio, in pistrino ; in orto in arte aliqua. dum
oStSe on swa hwilcere stowe œni ping he agild oSSe
laborat. vel in quocumquQ loco aliquid deliquerit ut aut
tobryt œnig pine oS5e forlys<S gif
bregerit quippiam. aut pevdiderit sive aliud quid excesserit
pœr ubi 7 hesylf cumende pœrrihte toforan pam abbode
ibi et non veniens continuo ante abbatem.
ocStSa to gegaderunge hit na sylf Mdlles gebete 7 he gefremmaS
vel congregationem ipse ultro satisfecerit et prodiderit
his gilt ponne he purh oSerne cuS hit bitS
delictum suum : dum per alium cognitum fuerit
maran bote underhnige saule [m.] synne
majori suhjaceat emendationi ; Si anime vero peccati
intinga gif beotJ lettinge pœt an pam abbude otSÎSe gastlicuni
10 causa fuerit latens. tantum abbati aut spiritalihis
ealdrum he geswutelige pa cunnan gelacnian heora
senioribus patefaciat. qui sciant curare sua:
œlfremeda wunda na abarian 7 gcswutelian
et aliéna vulnera non detegere aut puhlicare ;
(De significanda iioea opeeis dei.) (Cap. XLVII.)
godes dseges 7 nihtes sig caru pœs
abbotes oîSSe hesylf cySan oî5rum hohfullum breSer
15 abbatis : aut ipse nuntiare : aut, tali solicito fratri
otStSe betœce pas gimene pœt pœt ongedafcnlicum timan
injungat hanc curam : ut omnia horis competentibus
2. spind, read mini, for stvincS, and take it as gloss to laborat in 1. 4.
3. in orto in glossator\'s hand. 6. uhi written by glossator. 11. Erasure
after geswutelige.
2. COUINA in MS. 3. aliqua, MS. aliquo. 6. veniens, MS. invens.
7. prodiderit, MS. perdiderit. 10. MS. fuerint. tantum, tantem
in MS., but the correction is indicated by writing u over e. 12. After
aliéna, vulnera is written above the line, possibly by glossator. detegerw in
MS. et instead of aut. 13. Hie title of Chapter XLVII not being found
in our MS., it has been supplied from the other MSS. 16. injungat, MS.
the hours of prayer. [81
beon gefyllede sealmas soSlice cS5e antipbonas œfter pam abbode
CQ77i])leant\\xv ; Psalmos autem vel antiphowsxs post abbatem
be heora seiidebyrdiiesse pam pe blS gehaten hi aginnan singan
ordine mo quibm jnsmm fuerit inponant; Cantare
7 1 sedan ne ne gedyrstlsece buton se Se mseg pa sylfan
autem et legere non présumât : nisi qui potest ipsum
penunge welgefulian pœt beon getimbrode pa gehyiendum pœt
officium bene implere. ut aedificentur audientes ; Quod
7 mid ege beo 7 pam pe hœt.
cu7n humilitate: et gravitate: et tremore Jiat : cui jusserit 5
abbas ;
ideliies feond is sawle 7 forpi orgewissum tidum
l)eon gebisgode scealan on geswince handa onge-
(149 a.) occupari dehent /ratres in lahore manuum : | ccrtia
wissum eft tidum on godyundre lœdinge 7 forpi pissere
\\terum horis in lectione divina. Ideoque hac 10
we gelyVS œiwhepera tida beon geendebyrde
dispositione crcdimus utraque temj}ora ordinari. id est
oSclypunge pses nigepan monpas on œrne utgangcnde
a pascha usque ad kalendas octobris mane exeuntes
fram jirimtange oSSe fullan feor\'San tida hi swicau
a prima : usque ad horam pene quartam : lahorent
pœt pœt beo\'5 nydbehefe fraîJi tide paire feorSan
qzwd necessarium fuerit ; ab hora autem quarta
oSSa syxtan tide hi asmtian oefter pœre tyxtan
ïisque ad horum sextam lectimii vacent ; Post sextam 15
tida arisende hi geresten on heora beddum mid
autem surgenies a meusa pausent in Icctis mis c^im
eallum swige oSSe weimnga se Se wyle him Kylfan rœdan
07nni silentio : aut forte qui voluerit sibi legere.
swa rœde p<r< oSer he ne gedrefe sigedon gemetlicor
sic legat ut aliimi 7i07i inquietet; Agatur no7ia temperius
10. godgtindre, second g coït, from t. 13 fallan, gloss as if tlie lemma
were plene.
1. I\'salmiis in MS. 2. Jussum, jusstis in the MS., and the first ti
added later.
82] Manual labour to be done, at certain hours of the day.
midwengendum fiœre ehta tide pce( pcei eis towyrcaiiiie
mediante octava hara:etiterum quod faciendum
hi wyi\'can oSSe sefan [a.] [b.] neodbehefnes
eat operentur usque ad vesperum; Si autem necessitas
stowe oîSSe * ])earflices giforcrafaS wœsmas togecaderigeune
loci aut paupertas exegerit ut ad fru^es colligendas
Jjurh hi pœt hi beon gebisgode hi na beon gedrefede forj^am
per se occupentur non contristentur : quia
ponne soSan munecas |7urh *gespinS heora handa
5 tunc veri monacld sunt; si labore manuum suarum
gif hi libbaS swa swa ure fsederes
vivunt. sicut et patres nostri et apostoli ; Omnia tamen
gemetelice beon forfjam wac modum fram cZypunge
mensurate fiant : propter pusillanimes; A calendis autem
oS anginn lœnctenfœsten on J^a otSran fulran tide
octobrihus usque ad caput quadragesime : usqxxe in horam
1 œdinge hi œmtian se oSer tida on Ssere ucan s gedon
secundumplenam lectioni xacini ; Ilora secunda agatur
undern on heora weorc 7 hi geswican
10 tertia ; et usque ad nonam omnes in opus iuum laborent
pœt bits betœht gewordenum forecnyll J^œrc
quod eia injungitur ; Facto autem primo signo hore
nontide hi geSeodan fram heora weorce œnlepie 7 hi beou
none ; disjungant se ab opere suo slnguli. et sint
gcarwe poi.ne ]?one oîSerne cnyll cnylS aifter gereordunge
• parati: dum secuncZum signum \\ p,ulsaverit ; Fost re/ectionem (149 b.)
hi œmtian heora rœdingum oîJtSe on sealmum
autem vacent lectionibus suis aut psalmis ; In
lœncienes fœstenes on dagum fram œrne merien o\'S Sœre
15 quadragesime vero diebus a mane usque ad
Jjriddan tide emtian * heorœ\'diiigum ofeîSa
tertiam plenum vacent lectionilus sxds. et usque ad
1. midtcengendum] n may be r; perhaps read midligendum. eis, Latin,
or e \' paving letter \' ? 3. pearflices, i. e. pearflicnes. giforcrafalS, sec note.
5. gespinS, read gestoinS. 7. cli/punge, t above line. 8. on, n corr. from
other letter: <T? 11./orecnyi/, read probably/orme cny/L 12. heora, h
indistinct. 15. lasnctenes, lainc not quite clear. IG. htorcedingum, read
heora reeding urn.
1. \'iii.S. faciendum. 3. exierit in the MS. 4. MS. occupa ent ur.
5. labore, MS. lahores. 6. MS. viant. 9. secundam, MS. secundum.
IC. lectionibus, MS. lectiones.
Other hours to be given to study. [83
fullan teoSaii tida hi wyrcan pœt heom beoS befœht
decimam horam plenam operentur quod eis injungitur.
on pam dagum lajnctenfœsten * hiderfan ealle œnlepige
In quihus diehxxs qiiadragesime. accipiant omnes slngidos
hec of hoc cystan pa. hi be endebyrdnesse eall abutan
codices de hihliotheca quos pev ordiTiem ex integro
rœdan pa bee synd to syllanne on anginne feesten
legant ; Qui codices : in caput quadragesime dandi
toforan eallum pingan wislice si betseht an oSSe
sunt; Ante omnia autem sane deputetur unus aut 5
twegen ealdres pa emfaran mynster on tidum pam hi
duo seniores: qui cyrcumeant monasterium horis quih\\i^
geœmtian l œding 7 hi gewarnian pe Ices pe si gemet
vacant /ratres lectioni. et videant. ne forte inveniatur
asolcen se ge emtige idelnesse oScSe spellingum 7
/rater accidiosus : qui racet otioso aut fahulis et
he nis geoi\'nfull 7 he nis pœt an him unnyt wurSe
non est intentus lectioni : et 7i07i solum sihi inutilis est.
ac he oîSre upahefS pes pyllice pœt feorsi gif he biS
sed etiam alios extollit : hie talis si quod absit reper- 10
gemet si gepread œne 7 oc5re side pœt an gif he hit
tus fuerit. corripiatur semel et secundo; si non emen-
na gebett regollicere preaiunge be pam elles swa
duverit correptioni reyulari subjaceat : et taliter
pœt oSre pœt ondiœdaS ne ne to bre\'Ser
ut ceteri timeant ; Neqae /rater ad fratrem jungatuA" :
on ungedafenlicum tidum on para drilitelicum dœge rœdinge
horis incompetentibws: Domiriico die lectioni
hi emtian ealle asindrodum ])isum mislicura penungum
vacent omnes exceptis his qui variis officiis 15
pa pe synd betœhte gif œnig soSlico gimeleas oîSSe asolcen
deputati sunt : Si quis vero ita neglegens et desldiosus
biîS pœt nelo oSSe ne mage smœgan ot?5o an
fuerit : ut non relit ; aut non possit meditari aut legere.
2. hiderfan, read hi underfan. 9. pœt, p con-ected from or into (T.
H. on, indistinct. 17. an, merely ending of {rœd)an to denote infinitive.
1. injungitur, MS. ingmgitur. 3. quos, MS. quas. 4. Qui, MS. quia.
7. inveniatur, MS. invenial. 13. iimeant, MS. timcat. 15. vacent,
MS. veacent. 17. velit, US. fuet it.
0 a
-ocr page 158-84] On the observance of Lent.
si betseht hlin weorc pœi he do pœt he ne ge semtige
injungatur ei opus quod faciat : ut non vacet. \\ (150 a.),,
pa fc.] untrunian [b.] gebro\'Sran [c.] oSSe [d.] ettfulluin
Fratribus autem. injirmis. aut delicatis:
swylcum [c.] weorca oSSe . . . œft otSSe si gepeoda pœt [f.] hi
talis opera aut ars injungatur : ut nec
forSanne idele na hina mid stiSnessa geswing beon [i.] of-
otiosi sint. nec violentia laboris oppri-
sette pœt [f.] hi beon aflimgede para * wacmodes fram
•5 mantur : ut ^ugentur ; Quorum inbecillitas ab
pam abbote is to forsceawiende
abbate consideranda est;
De Quadeagesime obseevatione. (Cap. XLVIIII.)
[1.] peh pe on selcere [q.] lif [ni.] munecas lœuctenfœsteneg
Licet omni tempoee vita monachi quadeagesimb
sceale 7 gehealdsumnesse [p.] [0.] forpam pe is forpajn feawei a
debeat observationem habere. tamen quia paucorum
pe is peos miht [a.] we atihtaS on [b.] pisuni dagum lœncten-
•10 est ista virtus, ideo suademus istis diebus quadra-
fsestenes [c.] [f.] on telcere clsennesse heora lif [e.J
gesime. omni puritate vitam suam
[d.] [h.] 7 ealra heora gimeleasnesse [c.] [h.J
custodire : ct omnes pariter neglegentias suas
oîSra tida on pisum halgum dagum adlian pœt [a.]
aliorum tempormn his diebus sanctîs diluere ; Quod
[b.] wyrSlice biS [a.] gif fram eallum leahtium [e.] [d.]
tunc digne sit : si ab omnibus vitiis temperemus ;
7 gebede [d.] mid wopum [f.] 7 onbryrdncsse [g.] [h.]
15 Or-dtioni cum Jletibus lectioni ^et coDipunctioni cordis
7 [a.] forhajfajdnessc [g.] gimene uton [a.] f-j\'llan on pisum
■ atque abstinentie oj)erum danus ; Ergo his diebus
uton don sum pine\'[d.] gewui.elicne [c.] gafol
augeamus nobis aliquid ad solitum ptnsuin
3. . . . a?ft, nearly illegible, read cnvfl. 5. ajlingede, n under the line ;
cf. Introd., V. § 70. icucmodes, read wacmodnes. 9. forpampt, diltrgraphy.
11. [c.] or [i.] ? 17. [c.] not quite clear ; may be part of tZ (of <Tt?i-o2(7Mm).
5t efpugeutur, M.S. efjfugatur. 7. The title in the MS. is DE XL"
OBSEUVATIONE. 9. paucorum, MS. paieorum, 13. saitcds, possibly in
glossator\'s hand. diluere, MS. dejluere. 16. operam, MS. operant. his
<■ added by glossator. 17. augeamus in glossator\'s hand ; its gloss, uton don,
would make us think that the glossator h.is read agamus.
On such, brethren as are far away from the monastery. [85
ures f)eowdomes [f.J sinderlices gebedu [g.] [g.]
servitutis nos\\re. Orationes p\'cuHares.
inetta 7 drencas [h.] for liœfednesse [i.] 7 anra gelnvylc
ciborum et potus ahstiiuntiam ; Ut umcsqitisqua super
him sylfum on pam foresœdan gemette sum })inc
menmram, sibi indictam : aliquid
mid agenum [s.] willa [r.] mid gefean [0.] ]:0es lialgan gastes
propria voluntate cum gnudio sancti spiritus
ofrige gode he setbrede his lichaman of mette 7 of
offerat deo; id est suhtrahat corpori suo de cibo : de 5
drencu of slœpe 7 of sprœce 7 of higeleaste 7 [a.] he and [c.]
potu: de somno. de loquaeitate : de scurilitate : et cum
gastlicere gewilnunge mid gefean [c.] mid blisse baligum [b.]
spiritalis desid^iii gaudio sanctuwi
castran biJege [a.] [b.] ]>œt sylfe [b.] fjcahwœrc [c.] ]>œt [d.]
pascha exspectat ; Hoc ipsum tumen quod
anra [e.] beode his [f.] abbode [f.] he tihte 7 hit beo [g.]
unusquisque offert ; abhati s«o suggeret ; et cum
mid his gebede [g.] bene [g.] 7 [i.] [i.] forj^am ]iœt [m.]
(ICOb.) eius Jiat oratione et voluntate; quia \\ quod 10
buton [n.] willan [e.] buton gastlicc? fœderes J;e he biS [n.]
sine patris spiritalis fiat voluntate.
dyrstignesse ])0 bi)5 geteald 7 na ideles [p.] wuldres [q.] buton
presumtioni deputabitzir : et vane glorie non
wiS [p.] meten mid willan j œs abbodes ealle ^inc
mcrcedi ; Krgo cum voluntate abbatis omnia
sind to donne
agenda sunt ;
De FRATlUnUS qui longe ab ORATOKIO laborant aut 1-
in via sunt. (Cap. L.)
[b.] [i.] jm eallunga [k.] feor synd on geswince [m.] 7 hi na
Fbatres qui omnino longe sunt in labobe et non
magon ongenbecuman [p.] ongedafenlicere [q.] tide to [p.] mynstre
possunt occurrere hora competenti ad
6. he and, and belongs to the hidige of 1. 8, 8. lidige; see note to 1. 6.
di above the line. 13. metcn, a mistake for mede^
2. potus, MS. potius, bnt » nntlerclotteil. B. de ciho, MS. dccimo.
7. dmiderü, MS. drsiden\'o. l.*). MS. oonge, ai).
-ocr page 160-86] On those brethren who are away for one day only.
[r.] se abbod [s.] pœt [r.] andgit pœt pœt swa is
oratonum et abbas hoc perpendit quia ita est:
[a.] don pœrrihte godes [d.] Aveorc [d.] [e.] par par hi [n,]
agant ibidem opus dei ubi ope-
■wyrcan [e.] [f.] ege mid godcundum bigœnge [g.] [h.] * cwuwa
rantur cum tremore div\'no ßectentes genua;
[a.] swa gelice [b.] pa pa on [b.] gange [c.] synd [b.] äsende [b.]
Similiter qui in itinere sunt directi ;
* hid hi [e.] na for gimeleasian [p.] on gesettere tide [c.] ahhi [b.]
5 non eos pretereant hore constitute : sed
swa swa hi [k.] magon don [li.] heoT«. sylfum [1.] y [o.] peow-
ut possunt agant sibi et servi-
domes [o.] gafol [n.] hi na forgimeleasaS agyMan.
tutis pensum non neglegant reddere;
[b.] pa for œnigre andsware pa IjeoS afarenne
7 on pam sylfan dsege hi hihton gecyrran to mynstre
10 et ea die sperant reverti ad monasterium ;
hina gcdyrstlœcan wiS utan [d.] etan [c.] [e.] peah po
Non présumant foris manducare : etiam
[e.] beon fram ajnigum [f.] men gebedene buton hit sig beboden
si a quovis rogentur : nisi
\' wununga[i.] fram heora [k.] abbude [k.] boom [g.]
forte ab abbate suo eis precipiatur ;
pœt [l>.] gif hi elles doS [b.] hi ])con * amsumude.
Quod si aliter fecerint : excommunicentur :
gebed/ms [c.] [b.] pœt sig [a.] pœt hit is [d.] gecweden [d.] ne nc
Oratorium hoc sit quod dicitur : nec
pœr œnig pincg œllcs si go don [d.] oSSo [0] gelod
ibi quicquam aliud geratur aut condatur
3. higienge, see note, cwuwa, retvd cnuica. 5. hid, probably is a
paving letter and hi dittography. 14. ummmude, read amansumude.
16. geledhus, h above line. 17. egelod, see note.
6. agant, MS. agans, s being underdotted, and t \\vritten over it. 8. satis,
MS. statis. riioFiciscENTUB, MS. PROFiciscE. 10. MS. sperantur.
15. oratorio, MS. 0bat0bh. 16. Ortttorium, MS. Ooratorium.
-ocr page 161-The Oratory to be used for prayer only. On hospitality. [87
gefylledum weorce [c.] mid healicum [d.] swige [b.]
Expldo op ire dei : cum summo silentio
hi utgan 7 si gesungeu mid arwyr\'Snysse [f.] pset [g.] [b.]
exeant : et agatur reverentia deo ut frater
[1.] fœrunga heom sylfan [n.] synderlice [m.] se pe wile [m.]
{Ihl a,.) qui forte sibi peculialiter vult | orare:
[g.] na si gelec/< oSres mid onhrope [a.] 7 gif wile [a.]
non impediatur alterius inprobitate ; tSed et si aliter
him [g.] sylfum wenunga [k.] digelicor gehiddan [i.] andfealdlice
vult sibi forte secretins orare: simpliciter 5
ah he inga 7 he gebidde [b.] na mid hludre [d.] stefne [d.]
intret et oret. non in clamosa voce :
ac on tearum 7 onbryrdnesse [f.] heortan [g.] [b.J se pe
sed in lacrimis et intentione cordis ; Ergo qui
gelice weorc na dep lie na si gepafod gefylledum [f,] weorce [f.]
simile opus ncm facit : non permittatur explicito opere
baiftan belifan [e.] eallswa hit is gesajd oîSer
dei remorari in oratorio sicut dictum ed. nc alius
lettincge past ho na polige.
impedimentum patiatur ; 10
De nospiTiBus suscipiexdis. (Cap. LIII.)
[b] ealle ofer bccuniendlicum [b.] cuman [b.] swa swa crist [c.]
Omnes supekvenientes iiospites : tamquam
[c.] forpam [d.] pe his to cwetJenne [d.] [e.]
c/tristus suscipiantur. quia ipse dicturus est:
cuma [b.] ic wajs 7 geunderfangenno [c.] [d.] [a.] 7 eallum
hospes fui : et suscepistis me ; Et omnib\\x^
pœslic [b.] wuitS mciiS [b.] 7 si gegearcod [a.] swypest [c.]
congruus honor exibeatur : maxime 15
hiwcuSum [d.] geleafan 7 œlpeodigum [f.] [g.] ponne biS
domesticis fidei et \' peregrinis ; Ut ergo nun-
gecyged [g.] cnnia [h.] [a.] si becumen [b.] fram pam ealdre
tiatus fuerit Jtotpes : occurratur ei a priore
4. geledty d corr. from other letter, 0 ? onhrojie, e indistinct. 17. gecyged.
In the MS. ged is crossed out, and dd written over it.
7. lacrimis, MS. laerimo; but 0 underdotted, and it written over it.
13. tuicipiantur,MS. tutpicianiur. 14. hospes, MS.hosspes. suscepistis,
MS. suscepistist, but the latter t underdotted. 16. peregrinis, MS. pere-
88] Guests to be received as Christ Himself.
oSSe fram [d.] gebroSimm [d.] mid ealre [e.] penunga [e.] soSre
vel a fratribus : cu/m omni officio kari-
lufe [a.] 78erest[b.] hi gebidan [a.] eac samod[c.] 7 swa hi beon[d.]
tatis; Et primitus horent pariter: et sic sibi
gefserlsehte [d.] on sibbe past [a.] na sig geboden sibbe cost
socientur in pace; Quod pads osculum
[a.] buton pam foressedan gebeda for deoflum [f.]
non offeratur; nisi oratione premissa. propter
swicuncgum [f.] [f.] [c.] on (Ssere sylfan grctinge [c.]
5 illusiones diabolicas; In ipsa autem salutations:
selc [b.J si [a.] gegearcod ei him mseS eallum [e.] aweg
omnis exibeatur. humanitas; Omnibus
oSSe cumende [e.] [f.] gewitendum [f.] cuman sit [g.] ahyltum
venientibus sive discsdentibus hospitibus. inclinato
heafde [g.] [h.] [h.J eallum lichaman on eorSan [k.J
capite. vel prostrato omni corpore; in terram
[b.J crist on [c.J heom si gebeden [a.] se Se biS underfangen
cZ/ristus in eis adoretur: Qui et susdpitur;
underfangenum [b.J [i.J cuman [g.J beon [a.] gela;dde [c.J
10 Susceptia hospites ducantur ad
to gebede 7 siSSan [h.J 7 sitte [e.J ealdor [h.J
orationem. et postea sedeat cum eis prior aut cui
[h.] [h.J si geraed [a.J aetforan J)am cuman seo [c.J
jusserit ipse; | legatur coram ospite lex (151b.)
• godcunde luge [c.J pcet [d.J boon getrymcdc [e.J 7 refter pisan
divina ut edijicetur et post
aelc [f.J him gearcod niaïS[f.] [h.J faesten frawi ealdre
hec mnnis ei exhibeatur humanitas; jejunium a jrriore
si tobroden for [d.J cuman [d.J buton wenunga [f.J hcalic [g.J
15 frangatur propter hospitem: nisi forte preci-
dacg [e.J sig [g.J foestenes se na mage beon * gcwacnmcd [c.J
puus sit dies jejunii qui non possit violari; Fraires
[b.J [d.J gewunan fajstena [e.J fylian waeter [c.J
autem: consuetudinibus jejuniorum prosequantur; Aquam in
6. ei, Latin in glossator\'s hand, under him. mad, see note, \'aweg belongs
to geioitendum in 1. 7. 7. sit, Latin, or a misreading for sig, belonging
to\'si gebeclen {\\. g). 10. [c.] or [e.] ? 12. [c.] not clear. 14. [h.] ?
or [k.] ? or he = autem ? 16. gewa;nmed, read gewwmtned.
9. adontur, MS. adorietur. susdpitur, MS. smpicitur. 10. Snsceptis
in the MS. (read suscepti); a very old mistake, which has been glossed
accordingly. 14. jrjunium, MS.yunt\'tm. 15,16. precipuus, \'MH. precipius.
Especially the poor and pilgrims. [89
on liandum [d.j [b.] [a.] cumum sylle [a.] fete [g.] [f.]-
manibus abba /losjn\'tibus det ; Pedes vero
[b.] eallum cuman ge se abbod ge eall seo gsederunga [k.J
Jiosjntibus omnibus tam abba quam cuncta
[k.] Jiwea [e.] pum gejjwagenuwi [c.] ])is fers [b.]
congregatio lavet ; Quibus lotis : hum versum
Iii seccan we underfengan on mideweardan
dicant. suscepimus d&ws misericordiam tuam in medio
[f.] J)earfena 7 * eall J^eodscipa swySest underfangenra
templi tui ; Pauperum et pzrejrinorwm maxime susceptionum 5
giman [h.] bobfullice [a.] si gegearcod for\'Sam on iieom
cura sollicitate exhibeatur. qwa in ipsis
swiSor [k.] [g.] sodes [a.] biS [ii.]
magis chrhtns suscipitur ; Nam divitum terror:
[b.] liim sylfan [n.J [a.] wurSment cicena [b.] j^œs abbodes 7
ipse sibi exigit hœiorem ; coquina abbatis et
cuman [d.] ofer [e.] big [e.] sig [a.] 7 ongewissum tidum ofer
ospitum super se sit : ut incertis horis
[b.J bccumenlice [b.] [Ii.] J^am pe nsefre ne ateriaS [k.]
supervenientes hosjntes qui numqtiam desuntio
[].] minstre pœt bina gedrœfan gebro\'Sra on ]?a cicenan [c.]
monasterio : non inquietent fratres ; In quam
[c.] to eare [d.] ingan [a.] twcgen [b.] gebroSra
coquinam ad annum ingrediantur duo fratres :
])a [e.] sylfum penunge [g.] [g.] [f.] bene [e.]
qui ipsum officium bene impleant.
pi\\m [k.] i)eliofiir5 pœt bi bclpan [k.] beon [ii.] gej^cnode [I.]
quitus ut indigent solacia ministrentur. %it
buton rolcere [m.] ceorunge [m.] pœt hi [1.] Jjcowian. [n.] [o.]
absque munmiratione serviant ; et iterum j 5
)5onne hi liabbaS lœssan * gcmysgungc [t.] [t.] [s.]
quando occupationem minorem habent :
7 hi utgnn [n.] Jjar [p.] J^ar [q.] biS [p.] beboden on
exeant ubi eis imperatur in
5. eall /icodscipn — ccll/eodscipa, glossed as if tlic lemma wero peregrinn-
tionum. 7. Over anscipitur there is a \'paving\' letter, which is either
two/\'s above each other, or ƒ over a-. 10. ateriaS, a dot or a small c over
cr ; possibly an 0, making it into ateoriaS. 13. bene, copied from the Latin.
16. gemy»g\\cnge, read gcbysgunge.
7. suscipitur, MS. suspicilur. 9. Jioi-is, MS. horet, but ct underdottod,
and is written over it.
00] The monks to reoeive no letters or presents, Tvlthout leave.
■weorce 7 na p(e( an [c.] [c.] on heom [e.] ah on eallum [e.]
opera; Et non solium in ipsis: sed in omni-
J)enungum [e.] mynstres [b.] sig [a.] })eos foresceawunga [b.]
bus officiismona \\ sterii ista sit considérât-0. (152 a.)
pœt ponne hi behotiaS [i.] helpas beon befeeste
ut quando indigent : solacia accommodentur eis :
[k.] [1.] ponne hi [n.] eemtiacS [n.] 7 hi hirsumiaS bebo-
et iterum quando vacant obediant imper-
denum [c.] [d.] [e.] cumena [f.] habbe betœht bus [b.]
5 anti; Item et cdlam hospitum abeat asignatam frater.
pees sawle godes [h.] ege [h.] he geahnige p.ir beon
cuius anima timor dai possidet ; ubi sint
bedreaf genihtsumlice [m.] [n.] [n.] fram wissum mannum
lecti strati sufficienter. et domus dei a sapientibus
wislice 7 si gepenode [m.] cuman [b.] pam pe na biS
sapienter amministretur ; Ilospitibus autem cui non pre-
bebcden nateshwon na sigefœrlœht ne ne sig gesprecan
cipitur : nullatenus societur neque conloquatur.
7 gif he agen cymtS oîSSe he gesihS gegrettum [1.] swa
10 sed et si obviaverit aut viderit : salutatis humi-
Bwa hit [m.] is her bufan gesced [m.] gebedenra [k.]
liter quod dictum est : et petita
bletsunga [k.] ah he ga [i.] [n.] [p.] na beon alifœd
benedictione pertranseat dicens sibi »on licere
\' samod sprœcon mid cuman
conloqui cum hospite.
Vt non debeat monaciius littekas \\EL elogias
15 buscipeee. (Capi LIV.)
naht na si alifed pam nafram his magum
Nullatenus liceat monacho neque aparentibua suis:
nafrom œnigum mannan heom betweona
neque quoquam hominum : nec sibi invicem litteras. eulogias :
oSSe aenige lac underfon ocSSe syllan buton bebode
vel quelibet munuscula accipere aut dare sine precepto
3. accommodentur, MS. accommedentur, 6. anima, MS. animor.
sint, added by glossator. 8. sapienter, MS. sipienter. hospitilus, MS.
hospotibus. 10. obviaverit, ve above line. 15. suscipere, MS. tusdpe.
18. miinutcnla, MS. mwnusculpa.
Dress to be in accordance with the climate. [9V
pees abbodes pœt gif biS eac swylce fram his magum
ahhatis. Qaod si etiam a jparentihvLS suis
him feuig piuc geseiid he na gedj\'rstlœce underfon pœt
ei quicquam directum fuerit : non présumât suscipere illud. nisi
eerest buton hit beo geared pam abbode pœt gif he heed
prius indicatum fusrit ahhati ; Qaod si juserit
beon underfangen sig on 1 anfealde pam pe he pœt
suscijn. in ahhatis sit potestate. cui illud
heet syllan 7 he na si gedreefed pam pe hit biS
juhead dare: ct non contristetur frater cui forte 5
gesent pœt na si geseald intingu pam deofle se tSe ge-
directum fuerat ut non de tur occasio diabolo; Quia
dyrstleecS elles regolicere stire ho
(152 b.) autem aliter | prcsumserit discipline regulari sub-
jaceat ;
be hrregel penum 7 sceoh penum gebrotJra
De vestiakiis et calciakiis fkatkum. (Cap. LV.)
[b.] reaf [c.] [d.] oefter stowa [e.] gehwylcnysse [d.] peer
Vestimenta fratribus secundum locorum qudlitatem 10
peer hi eardiatS boon gesealde forSam on coaldum
uhi abitant. vel aerum tempericm dentur. quia in frigidis
eardum [1.] swytSor pc beliofaSon woermum [n.] lees [a.]
regionibus amjilius indigetur, in calidis vero minus; Ilaec
peos foresceawung [a.] mid pam abbudo is [a.] [b.]
ergo consideratio : penes abhatem est ; Nos tamen
on medenlieum stowum [e.] genihtsumian [c.] [c.] munecum
mediocribus locis sufjicerc credimus monachis
gcond œnlepige [f.] * culam 7 l,onicau * culam on wintre
per singulos cucullam et tonicam ; Cucullam in hieme 15
picce [h.J on sumere pinne [k.] otSSe ealdnesso 7
[ villosam. in estate puram. aut vetustatem : ct
scapularian for weorcum [0.] * fiandreaf [b.] fota
scapulare propter opera ; Indumenta pedum.
3. hœd, d or t. 4. anfealde, read anwealde. 13. foresccatvung,f
miglit bo r. 15. culam, read culan (twice). 17. fiandreaf, see note.
5. julead dare, MS. juhe ad dare. 9. LV. In the MS. this is found
before vestimenta. 9. Calciaiuis, MS. Calciaius. 11. temperie^n,
MS. temperium. 16. vetustatem, MS. vetasfaulem. The other texts
have vetuitam for which vetusta{n)tem is an old mistake, having been
glossed as though a substantive.
82] Old habits to be kept for the poor. -7 [Ch. LV.
soccas 7 liosau [e.] para pinga eallra he hleo
pedules et caligas ; De quarum rerwm omnino de colore
ne oSSe gretnysse [d.] na cidan [b.] ali swa swilce
aut grossitudine non causentur monachi. sed quales
swa magan beon gefundene [f.] on scira [h.] on pain pe hi
inveniri possunt in provincia qua habi-
wuniaS oSSe swa hwset swa waclicor [m.] beon wiSinetene mœg
tant aut quod vilius comparari potest ;
[c.] [h.] be gemete foresceawige pœt na beon [e.J
5 Ahhas autem de mensura prevideat ut n<n\\ sint
gescyrte pa sylfan reaf brucendas hi ah gemetlice
curta ipsa vestimenta utentibus. ea sed mensurata ;
nimende niwe pa ealdan [b.J hi agifan on andwerdum to_
Accipientes nova vetera semper reddant in presenti loco re-
geleohgenne on rsegel huse for pearfan genoh biS
ponenda in vestiario. propter pauperes ; Sufficit
[b.J munece twa tunican 7 twa cuflan habban
enim monacho duos tonicas. et duas cucullas habere
for nihtum 7 for pweale pœt pœ,t
lopropter noctes. et propter lavationem. Jam quod
to lafe bits beon ofadon [n.J 7 meon
supra fuerit superßuum est. amputare decet ; Et peduJ.es :
7 swa hwset swa his eald [b.J 7 hi agildan ponne
et quodcumque est vetustum : semper reddant
. hi underfoS ponne hi underfaS niwe . rcc pas pa ])a
dum 1 accipiunt novum; Femuralia hi qui /u(1.13a.)
[f.J boots asende on hrœgelhuse niman pa hi gccyrrendc
via diriguntur de vestiario accipiant qui revertentes
gcpwagenu para agenbringan [b.J cuflan [a.J 7 tonican [c.J
15 lota ibi restituant; ^ Guculle et tonice
beon oSerhwilen synd gewuncde sunt habban sethwigan beterau
sint aliquanto solito quas habent modice meliores ;
8. geleohgenne, h above line. 13. underfoS (a dittographical gloss to
accipiunt), o or al . rcc, one letter not clear, probably h ; this would make it
hrec. 15. gefwagenum, w corr. from r. ctijlan, see note. . 16. mint in
hand of glossator.
The Abbot to see that every one has what he requires. [93
*J)amman utgangende poune lii underfon of liraegelhuse
quas exeuntes in viam accipiant de vestiario,
7 gecyrrende 7 hi ageiibriugau b..\'dreaf [b.] bedda geniht-
et revertentes restituant ; Stramenta auteui lectorum : suf-
suniiaS [e.] 7 liwitel 7 wesliiie 7 heafudiœgel pa bed
flciant matta et sagum. lena et capitula. Que tamen lecta
ofer ixecllice [a.] sind to srneagenne for weorc
frequenter ab abbate scrutanda sunt : propter opm
siiidor pat hine si gemett 7 gif œniguin gett byîS
peculiare ne inveniatur ; Et si cui inventum fuerit S
fram J^am abbude he ne underfehS J>œre healicosta stire [b.]
quod ab abhate non accepàvit: gravissime discipline
he underJ)eodde 7 pat sig j^iisue leahtor sinderlices *grim)5ionge
tubjaceat ; et ut hoc vitium peculiare radicitus
ofadon beon gesealde [c.] [b.] ])a ])e s-ynd nydbehefe
amputetur ; Lentur ah abhate oinwia que sunt necessaria.
pat is cufle [g.] tanecan [h.] meon hosan earmslife sex
id est cuculla. tonica. pedules. calige. bracile. cultellus.
grœf [ra.] nœfZl [u.] niyshrœgel [p.] wexbreda [q.] pœt œlc [q.]
gravium. acus. mappula. talule. ut omnis 10
si gefyrsod ne]3earfnesse beladung [(p] from ]5am [c.] [c.]
auferatur necessitatis. excusatio ; A quo tamen ahbate
[b.] [a.] si foresccawod se cwydc dœda ]5iura a])ostohi
SQ7npsr consideretur illa sententia actuum apodolorum :
for ]5um po wajs * geald œnlepium beSam ])o gehwylcum [i.J
çuia dabutur singulis prout cuique
neod weorc 7 [a.J se [a.J forcsceawige untrum
opus erat; Ita et ahba consideret injirmitutes
bo])yrfendra na yfelne wylian ni\'Sfulra. andigendra
indigentium. non malam voluntatem invidentium ; 15
1. pamman, probably pa nhnan, as gloss to accipiant. 7. grimpiouge,
read grundlouge. !). tanecan, a corr. from 0 ? probably it was intended
to bo corrected into u. 11. nepearfncsse, for nedpearfncsse. 13. tjeald,
read geseald 14. se over et; I think it is meant for se {abbod) over abha.
untium for tinirumnessa.
94] The guests or some brethren to join the Abbot\'s table.
on eallum [b.] his domum [c.] godes edlean
In omnihua tamen jvdiciis suis ; dei retributionem
he pence
cogitet ;
De jiensa abbatis. (Cap. LVI.) | (153 b.)
. . nisan [c.] mid œlpeodigum 7 [e.] cuman * syS
Mensa abbatis cum pbeegeinis et hospitibus sit
simble swa of swa pealihwœSere lœs [i.] sint [g.] [h.] gystes
5 semper J Quoties tamen minus sint ho spites:
Sa pa he wile of gebroprum [b.] geclypian his sig
quos vult de fratrilus vocare in ipsius sit
on * anfealdre ealdres [b.] aenne oSSe twegen œfre mid
2)0testate ; Seniores tamen unum aut duos sem2)er cum
gebroSium to forlœtene for lare oSSe stire
jVatr/6üs dimittendum propter discipiUnam ;
De AETiriciBUS monasteeii. (Cap. LVII.)
* crsefican [b.J gif sind on niynstre mid ealre cadmod-
10 Aetifices si sunt in monastehio : cum omni humili-
nesse hi don pa sylfan craftas gif gepafaS se abbud
täte faciant ipsas artes. si psrmiserit abba ;
pœt [a.] gif biS œnig [a.] [b.] upaliafan [a.] for ingehide
Quod si aliquis ex eis extollitur pro scientia
his crœftes pcah pe he beogœfœwen sum pine purhteou
artis sue eo quod videatur aliquid conferre
on minstre pes swylco si upahrœred frarn pam sylfan crœfte
monasterio. hie talis erigatur ab ipsa arte
7 cSer siSan purh hine lie na fare buton wenunge gecad-
^Set denuo per eam non transeat. nisi forte hiimi-
mettum [p.] hatte gif hwœt fa.] [b.] of weorcum
liato ei iterum abba jubeat; Si quid vero ex operibus
4. Erasure before . . . nis:in, read misan. syS, read syg or hyi. 5. of,
for oft. 7. anfealdre, read anwealde. 10. Read craftican. 13. heo-
gaimiven, m under the rest, a contemporary addition.
The various artisans humbly to do their own work. [95
wyrlitena is to sillanne warnian hi sylfe purh
artificuxn. venundandum est ; videant ipsi per
Sara handa pe synd to syllanne pcet hina gedyrstlœcan
quorum manus transigenda sunt ne càiquam
œnig facen [k.] on gehringan hi gemunou œfre
fraudem présumant inferre. Memorentur semper
pœt hine [e.] [f.] pe hi on licliaman
annanie. et saphire ne forte tnortem quam Uli in corpore
polodan [f.] pas [h.] oSSe ealle œnig facen [1.] of
paitulerunt : hanc isti vel omnes qui aliquam fraudem de 5
pingum mynstres paSedop [d.] polian [c.] on
retus ; monasterii fecerint in anima patiantur ; In
pam sylfum [h.] sceattum ne underpmuge gitsun^o yfel
ipsis autem pretiis non subripiat avaritie malum.
ah eige œthwega waclieor seald ponne frnm oSium
sed semper aliquantu\'um villus detur quam ab aliis
woruldlicum pingum pœt sig eallum gewuldiod (/ode
(154a.) secularilms | ut in omnibus glorijicetur deus;
De disciplina suscipiendorum fhateum. (Cap. LVIII.) io
niwan [f.] cumenno œnig to gecyrrednesse ne si him eSelic [h.]
Noviteb veniens quis ad conversionej/. non ei facilis
forgifen in fœreld [c.] ac [i.] swa swa sœdo [i.] [k.JfandiaS
tribuatur ingressus. sed sicut ait: apostolus, piohate
gastes gif iii of godo sind [m.] [a.] cumendo gif ho pm-h-
^iritus si ex deo sunt. Ergo si veniens persevera-
wunaS cnuciende 7 gif lie on gehrohtum teonum 7 unfrodnyssa
verit pulsans et inlatas sibi injurias, et dißcultatem
inagan [I.] œfler feowerdagum [m.] [m.] 7 hicT
ingressus post quattuor aut quinque dies \'5
gesawen [n.] [d.] gepyldelice heran 7 purhwuniau his bene [t.]
Visus fuerit j^^tienttr portare, et pctitimi
[q.] [m.] si forgifen in agan in fœreld [r.] on hnse mid-
sm: annuatur ei ingressus: et sit in cella hos-
9. gode, g partly erased, instead of e, which was most likely intended to bo
1. ipst, added by glossator. 10. suscipiendobum fratrum, MS. ad s. f.,
which may also indicate that ad suscii\'iendos fuatres was in the original.
LVIII in the MS. before Noviter. 12. ait, MS. ut, 13. veniens, MS.
96] On the way of receiving Novices. [Oh. LVIII.
cumendre on feawum dagum sySSan [e.] [b.] sig on huse
yitum paucis diebus; Postea autem sit in cella
nicnmendra pœr he sinœge [g.] 7 he ete 7 he slœpe [i ] [a.]
novitiorum: ubi meditetviv et manducet et dormiat;
[u.] ealdor him [b.] swilc 7 si betœhte se sig [d.] gelimlic [e.]
Et senior ei talis dejmtetur : quia aptus .
[f.] to gestiynenne [f.] sauwla [g.] [h.] [i.J ofer [i.] him ne [1.]
sit ad lucrandas animas : qui super eum
eallunga [k.] geornlice si begeme 7 hohful [m.]
5 omnino curiose intendat; et sollicitus sit. revera di.um
[q.] [r.] to godes weorce to gehyrsumnesse [t.]
qverit si solicitus est ad opus dei : ad oboedientiam :
7 to hospa beon gebodenne ealra heardnesta [c.] [c.] 7
ad obj-robria; Predicentar ei omnia dura, et
sticSnissa [d,] purh ptc< he si gefaren to gode [a.] 7 gif he bel.œt
aspera per que itur ad d^um; Et si proniiserit
be his stapolfœstnessa [c.] [c.] aiirœdnefsa œfter twegra
de stabilitate sua persevertntiam ; du-
moncSuOT [d.] onbrine [a.] si gerœd [I).] him [c.] pes
IC orum mensium circulum legatur cui hec
regol be endebyrdnessa [d.] 7 si gefœd him efne her is
régula per ordinem : et dicatur ei ecce lex :
under pœre peowian pu wilt gif [c.] pu miht [i.] gehealdan [k.]
sub qua militare vis ; Si potes observare
infaran gif pu na miht [n.] [m.] [q.] frige [p] aweggewit
ingredere. si vero non potes. liber discede ;
glf(e.] pa git [f.] he stint ponne he si gelœd on pam fore-
Si adhuc steterit. tunc | Cucatur in supra- (lC4b.)
fœdan [c.] huse [c.] nicumenra 7 he si fandod [q.]
15 dictam cellam novitiorum:\' et iterum prcbetur
on eallum gepylde 7 œfter syx monSa [e.] embrine 7 si ofor-
m omni patientia ; Et post sex mensium circulum rele-
rœd him regol [c.] p<e< he wite to pan ingange [g.] 7 gif
gatur ei régula, ut sciat ad quod ingreditur ; Et si
5. si (Latin), i corr. from e. 10. on brine, rend embritie. *14. Second Ae
not clear. 15. fandod stands so close upon margin that something before
it may have been cut away.
2. meditetw, MS. medicetnr. 5. revera deum querit, MS. revercndum
quern. 8. per que itur, MS. persequentur. 13. disccde, MS. disscede.
14. ducalur, d cut away. 15. The contraction for pre, stands over pro
of probeiur in glossator\'s hand as if he wished to correct it thus.
The rule to be read three times to them at long intervals. [97
lie pa, git stynt eft si geraed him
adhuc Stat: post quatiuor menses iterum legatur ei
se ylca regol 7 gif * hahban * SretioSinge he be
eadem régula ; Bt si habita secum deliberatione pro-
hset bene ealle J^inc gehealdan 7 ealle bebeodenlice
miserit se omnia custodire : et cuncta sibi
]?inc 7 gehealdan 7 he si underfangen on gegsederunge
imperata servare ; tune suscipiatur in congregatione
witende under lage regolas *gescendne 7 pœt ne sig
sciens se sub lege regule constitutum ; et quod 5
gelyfed utgan of minstre nato swyran
ei ex ilia die non liceat egredi de monasterio nec collum
sceacan under geoce regoles pœt si under swa langsumum
excutere de sub jugo regule : quam sub tam morosa
fi-igedome gelifed wiS sacan oSSe underfon se underfonlica
deliberatione, licuit ei excusare : aut suscipere, Suscipiendus
[b.] on cyrican [a.] toforun ealluwi gebroSrum behate be his
autem in oratorio : coram omnib\\x\'& : pvomittat de
etaSolfœstnessa [f.] 7 drohtnunge heora peowa 7 gehyrsum-
stabilitate sua. et conversatione morum morum et oboedien-
nesso toforan gode 7 his halgum pœt gif he dejj œt
tia coram deo et sanctîs eius : ut si ali-
sumum cyrre elles [q.] [o.] hine sylfne fordemed
quando aliter fecerit : a deo se damnandum
[b.] he wite liwœne he gebysmrige be jjam his behate [c.] [c.]
sciat qv,em irridet ; De qua promissione sua
he do [a.] [b.] gewrit [d.] 7 naman halgena J)are lafe ])e sind
faciat petitimiem ad nomen sauctorîtni quorum re-
halidomas Jjara sind 7 ])a3s andweardes abbodes pœt gewrite
liquie ibi sunt: et abbatis presentis ; Quam petitionem
mid his agenre hand he awrite o\'SSe soSes gif ho na can
manu sua scribat ; aut certe si non scit
stafas oSer fram him [h.] gebeden [g.] write 7 se iiicnmena [b.]
litteras. alter ab eo rogatus scribat ; Et ille novitius
2. hahhan tSretiodinge, see note. 5. gcscendne, read geswtne ? 0. nato,
to is pivrt of gloss to excutere in 1. 7. 7. regoles, 0 corr. from u contemporarily.
8. frigedome, as if tho lemma wero liheratione ?
4. imperata, MS. imperate, 5. sciens, MS. siens. suh not found in the
MS., but necessitated by tho gloss. ö. illa, MS. Uli. 8. excusare, MS.
cxcusere, 10. MS. conversione. 12. se, MS. sed, 16. scit, omitted
by Latin scribe.
-ocr page 172-OS] All their property to be given up to the monastery.
mearce do 7 mid Iiis handa hit ofor pam weofode
signum facial : et manu sua eam super altare
he lecge pœt gewrit ponne he lœigd agenne se nicumena sona
ponat ; Quam dam posuerit. \\ incipiat ipse novitius mox (155 a.)
pis fers : [b.] [c.] [c.] oefter pinre [d.] spraece
hunc versum; Suscipe me, domine secundum eloquium
[d.] 7 ic libbe na gescynd pu me fram minre anbidunge
tuum et vivam : et ne confundas me ah expectatione
[h.] pœt fers eall seo gaederung priddan siSan
5 mea ; Quem versum omnis congregatio tertio respondeat
to gepeodenne mid [f.] [b.] se nicumena broSor [e.] si
adjungentes. gloria patri; Tunc ipse frater novitius proster-
apreht aenlepigra [d.] fotum pœt hi biddan for him [a.]
natur singulorum pedihus ut orent pro eo ; Etiam
of paere tide on gegaederunge he si geteld gif he hwylce
ex ilia hora in congregatione reputetur. lies si quas
pine haefS pœt heiaspendœ [c.] œr pearfum [d.] oîîSe geworden
habet : aut eroget prius pauperihus. aut facta
simbollice sylene he forgife minstre [k.] him sylfum
JO sólempniter donatione conférât monasterio. tiihil sibi
na healdende of eallum witodlice se Se of pam dœge [q.] neto
reservans ex omnibus, quippe qui ex illa die nec
* ontigenum lichaman * andfealde wite sana [b.] on cyrican
proprii corporis potestatem sciat; Mox . ergo in oratorio
lie si unscryd agenum pingan Mid pam pe wœlgescryd [e.] 7
exuatur rebus propriis quibxxs vestitus est: ct
he si gescrid mid pingum minstres p>a [b.] reaf [b.]
induatur rebus monasterii ; Illa autem vestimenta
mid pam pe he wœs unscrid bCon gelogodro on rœgelhuso
15 quihm exutus est reponantur in vestiario
to gehealdenna œt suman cyrre tihtendum dcofle gif ho pafo
conservanda : ut si aliquando suadente diabolo consen-
pafiiS pœt he utga of minstre unscryd
serit, ut egrediatur de monasterio quod ahsit : tune exutus
q/*, 0 crossed, perhaps corrected from C. 11. ne<o, see note. 12. onli-
genutn, see note, andfealde, read anwealde. 15. gelogodre, see note.
VI. gif hepafe/afaS, read gif he/afad.
8. quas, MS. quod. 13. exuatur rebus, MS. eacuaturebus. 14. Illa,
MS. Uli.
The children of the rich to bring no property with them. [99
pingum [r.] he si ut adreefed pat pehhwsepere
rebus monasterii proiciatur; Illam tamen
gewrit [c.] his pat he nam uppan [f.] pan weofode [f.] [g.]
petitionem eiv^s quam super . altari abbas
underfond he na underfo [h.] ac hit si gehealden
tulit non recipiat sed in monasterio reservetur:
gif hwa [d.] [b.] of jeSelborenum olfraS 1 dat his * earn
Si quis fobte de nobilibct^t offert filium suum
gode on minster gif he pat sylfe cild on iunre ylde
(155 b.) deo in monasterio: si ipse pmer | minori
is his magas don gewritt swa swa we bufan
aetate est. parentes eius faciant petitionem quam supra .
mid ofrunge pat gewrit hand
diximus. et cum oblatione ip)sam petitionem. et manum
cildes 7 he be fealde on weofodsceatan
pnieri involvant in palla altaris, ct sic eum lo
7 hi geofrian of heora sehtuwi oSSe on andweardum
offer ant; De rebuts aiUem suis: aut in presenti
gewrite hi behata\'S under aSsware pat hi najfro no purh
petitionem pvomittant sub jurejurando; quia numquam
hi sylfe no purh gewenedno had ne mid nanum
^r se : numquam per suffectam personam : nec quo-
gemet« liim ojt tenigon cirre aini pine syllan oSSo hi
libet modo ei aliquando aliquit dent. nec tri-
forgifan intingan to habhenno oStSo sopcs pat don
buant occasionem liabendi; Vel certe si hoc facere
gif lii nellaS 7 aïuigpincg offrian 7 hi wyllaS to tehnajssan
noluerint: et quid offerre voluerint in elemosina
on minstro for heora mede hi don of pingum pa pe hi
monasterio pro mercede sua: faciant ex rebm quas
willaS syllan mynsfro sylene gehealdenum
dare volunt monasterio donatio^iem. reservato
2, 3. navi, gloss to itilit (1. 3) ; underfond, originally marginal note to he
underfo^ 0. t dat in hand of glossator, earn, a letter blotted before it;
read fcearn. 13. see note. 14. ffemett or ffemetct
4. MS. offekunt de f. n. a. p. qui. 6. Si, erasuro between S and i.
nohilihns, second i corrected from u by erasure. 7. in omitted by Latin
scribe. 12. MS. promitlat. 13. ivffectam, see note. 18. donationem,
*n corrected from two other letters.
H 2
-ocr page 174-100] If a Mass-priest wishes to live in the monastery,
him sylfan swa gif hi willaS landare 7 beon * behyclda
sibi. si ita voluerint^ usufructuario; Atque ita
ealle pine * dedre pœt œnig to hopa na belife fiaw cilde
omnia obstruantxiv ut nulla suspicio remaneat puero
purh pa bepœhcS losian he mage pœt feor sig pœt mid afun-
pev quam. deceptus perire possit quod absit ; quod experi-
dennesse welleorniap swa gelice soîSlice swylce pa pearflicran
mento didicimus ; Similiter autem : et pauperiores
don gif mid ealle hi naht nabbatS anfealdlice
^faciant ; Si qui vero ex toto nihil habent : simpliciter
gewrit hidon mid ofrunge 7 hi ofriaS heora cildi-a œtforan
petitionem faciant. et oblationem offerant filium suum coram
De sacerdotibus qui voluebint in monasteriis iiabitare.
(Cap. LX.)
gif hwile be endebyrdnesse * mœssepreostrum on niinstre
10 Si quis de ordine sacerdotum in monasteri^im se
beon underfangen [e.] [a.] ne sig [b.] hrœdlice
suscipi rogaverit : non quidem ] ei citius (150 n.)
gepafod [b.] gif eallunga he purhwunacS [c.] on pisscre
assentiant ; Tamen si omnino perstiterit. in hac suppli-
\' halsunge he wite ealle lare régulés pca/tfœstnysso to healdenno
catione. sciat se omneva regule disciplinam servaturum ;
nene œnig pine si forgifen pœt hesig swa swa hit awriten
Nec aliquid ei relaxabitur ut sit sicut scriptum
is eala pu freond to hwajn comepu sy geunnen him
15 est ; Amice. ad quod venisti ; Concedatur ei tamen
œfter pam abbote standan 7 bletsian otSSo mœssen healden
post abbatem stare, et benedicere aut missas tenere.
gif [b.] hœt [g.] hi him * hellas [a.] nateshwon hc nege-
si tamen jusserit ei ahba ; Sin alias nullatenus pre-
1, 2. hehydda ealle/>inc dedre, heliydda and dedre probably belong together,
and read, hehyddedre, thus eliminating the consequences of a p.artial ditto-
graphy; see p. 98. 15. 4. welleornia/\', i.e. we leorniap. 10. mwsse-
preostrum, read mwssepreostra; see note. 13. pcahfwstnysse, read pcaw-
faitinysse, h corrected from other letter, possibly w. 17. hellas, read he
1. voluerint, n corr. from ti. 6. offerant, MS. offreat. 8. MS.
volebint. 11. ei citius, MS. excitius.
let him set the example of humility. [101
dyrstlsece senig ping [d.] hine regoh\'cere stire underpeodne
sumat aliqua sciens se discipline regulari suhditum :
7 swiSor eadmodnesse hysna eallum he sylle 7 gif wenunge
et magis humilitatis exempla omnibus det ; Et si forte
hades hadunge oîSSe œniges pinges intingan bi\'5 on
ordinationis aut alicujus rei causa fuerit in
minstre pa stowe psene styde 7 he begime on psere pe ho
monasterio. ilium locum attendat : quando
inferde [c.] [c.] on minstre [d.] ne psene se pe for
ingressus est in monasterium non ilium qui ei pro ^
arwyr\'Snesse preosthades pses geunnen is preosta gif
reverentia sacerdotii concessus est ; Clericorum autem si
hwylco pœre ylcan gewilnungo on minstre beon gefœrlœhte
qui eodem desiderio monasterio sociari
willa\'S on medomlicere stowe [a.] [c.] 7 hi [d.]
voluerint : loco mediocri collocentuT. " et ipsi
[f.] gif hi behataS behealdsumnesso regoles o\'SSo agenro
tamen si pvomittunt de observatione regule vel propria
stapolfœstnessa :
stabilitate ; 10
De monachis i\'ekegiunis. (Cap. LXI.)
gif senig of ajlpeodigum mannum of fyrlœnum sciruni
Si quis monachus peuegrinus de longinqi^/s
becimS gif forcuman he wile wunian on
pvovinciis supervenerit : si pro hospite voluerit habitare in
minstre 7 gepsef 7 ho bi\'S on gowunan [u.]
monasterio ct cordentus fuerit consuetudine loci quam
[u.J [q.] [0.] mid his oferflowodlicnysso [q.] [q.]
invenerit et non forte superfluitate sua
7 ho no gedrcftS minster ahh lice gcpecf is
(126 b.) perturbât monasterium. sed \\ simpliciter contentus est
pœt pœt pœt he gemot ho si underfangen on swa langre
quoil invenerit. susciptiatur quanto
9. behadad or hehatatS. 14. Ovor the words . . . tudine loci quam
invenerit et non forte, the gloss has probably been erased. 16. ahh . . , a
letter erased ? 17. Three times ])a;t, thus tho MS.
5. ei above line. 6. Clericorum, MS. clericum. 8. ^IS. collocetur. 9. de,
MS. drd. 11. PKKKouiNis, MS. rEUKGUiNio. 16. perturbât, MS>.perturbet,
with a written over e of ending.
102] Pilgrim monks to leave the monastery.
tide swa he gewilnaS gif he gewistlice gesceadwislice 7
tempore cupit ; Si qua sane rationahiliter et
raid eadmodnesse soSre lufe hwylce j^inc repatS oSSe geswutalatS
cum humilitate karitatis reprehendit aut ostendit.
smsege [b.] snotorlice pe lœs for})an sylfan Jjingan hine
tr&ctet abbas ^wWewier ne forte pro hoc ipso eum
[e.] ssende gif he wile sycSSan [0.] his staSolfsestnesse
dominus direxerit. Si vero postea volusrit stabilitatem
[d.] getrymman na si forwyrned swylc willa 7 swfSest
5 suara firmare. non renuatur talis voluntas, et maxime
forfjan cumliSnesse pe mihte his lif [h.] beon acnawan
quia tempore hospitalitatis potuit eius vita dignosci.
pœt gif biS gemet oferflowende oSSe leahterfull [g.] [g.]
Quod si superfluus aut vitiosus inventus fuerit
on tide fg.] [b.] pœt an [b.] hena seel beon gefœrlœht gefer-
tempore hospitalitatis : non solum non debet sociari cor-
reddene mynstres ac eac swylce si gesœd arwyrSlice pœt ho
pori monasterii. verum etiam. dicatur ei honeste ut
aweggewite [p.] mid [r.] his yrmSa [r.] c<5re [q.] [p.]
10 discedat : ne eius miseria etiam alii vitieritxxr.
pœt gif he na biS swylc geearnige beon ut adrœfœd
Quod si non fuerit talis qui mereatur proici
pœt an gif he bitt he si underfangen gegœderunge
wm solum si petierit suscipiatur congregationi
• to geferlœtenne ac eac swylce he si gelœred pœt he stände [p.]
sociandus verum etiam suadeatur ut stet ut
mid his bisne oSSre beon gelœrede 7 sig on œlcere stowe
eius exemplo alii erudiantur ; Et quia in omni loco
anum drihtne pœt ge]jeowod anum cinge 7 si gecampod
15 uni domino servitur; uni \'régi militatur ; Quem
gif [k.] Jjyline beon besceawiaS [h.] sigelifed him on
si etiam talem esse per82>exerit abba. liceat eum in
uferan œthwega [d.] gesettan stide [n.] [0.] [0.]
superiorcm aliquantulum constituer et. locum, non solum autem
10. yrmtSa, a of much larger size than the other characters.
4. direxerit, MS. dixerint. 6. MS. hospitatis. 9. monasterii, MS.
monasterio, but last o underdotted, and i written over it. 11. proici,
projiciunt. 15. servitur, MÈ. serviatur. 17. autem, "MS. aut.
unless they prove worthy of the hospitality. [103
[p.] ah [q.] of pam foresœdum gradum [s.]
monachum. sed etiam de superscrijAis gradibus sacerdotum.
oSSe preosta gestapolfaestan mteg [x.] on maran whœnne
(157 a.) vel clericorum stabilire potest abbas in | maiori quam.
ineode stede gif he hig hesceawad \\>œt lif [w.] wsernige
ingreditur loco si ejus talem pexspexerit vitam. esse. Caveat
[b.] [c.] pœt œhwœnne of oSrum euSum mynstre
autem abba ne aliquando de alio nolo monasterio
[e.] to wunigenne he ne underfo buton gepafunge
monachum ad habitandum suscijnat : sine consensu 5
abbotes his [i.] stafum otSSe gegretlicura forpam pe hit is
abbatis ejus aut litteris commendaciis ; Quia scrip-
awriten pœt pœt pe sylfan pu nilt beon ne du oSrum
turn est ; Quod tibi non vis fieri, alii ne
fcceris ;
gif œnig [b.] hi«i sylfan mœssepreost otiSe [1.] diacon
beon gehadod geornS of his geeeosc so wyrSe syg preosthade
Ordinari petierit ; de suis eligat qui dignus sit sacerdotio
brucan so gehadoda [h.J warnige upahafennesse 7 modig-
fungi ; Ordinatus autuni caveat elationetn. atque sujyer-
nesse ne ho no ge œnig ping dyrstlœce butan pœt pe him
biam ; Nec quicquam p)resumat : nisi quod ei
fram Jnun abbode biS heboden witende micele swySor styre
ab abbate precipittir : Scie^xs se multo magis discipline
regollicere underpeodno [a.] intingan preost no ho na for-
regulari subditum ; Nec occasions sacerdotii obltvisca- 15
gimeleasîM; rcgoles gehyrsumnesse 7 pcawfœstnesse ac swiSor
tur regule oboedientiam ct disciplinam : sed magis
7 swiSor on gode he gepeo stede pœnc [b.] [c.]
hac magis in deum proficiat ; Locum vero ilium semper
he begyme on pam po he in * neode [d.] on mynstre toforan
attendat quo ingressus est in monasterium; preter
3. hctceawad, a indistinct. 15, 16. forgimeleasne, read forgimcleasie.
18. in neode, read inn eode.
2. clericorum, MS. declericornm. 10. preshiiertm, MS. preshitei\'i.
14. ab ablate prccipiiur, MS. abba ttprecepitvr, and i written over second e
of precepitur. 17. rero, MS. vera. 18. monasterium, u corrected from a.
104] The Priest to abstain from pride.
J>eiiunge weofodes otSSe gif lüile gecorenes gœderunge 7
officium altaris ; Aut si forte electio congragationis ct
willa J>8es abbodes Hfes forgearnunge him wendan oÖcSe
voluntas abbatis pro vite merito eum promovere
stiran [a.] se [1.] regol fram decanuOT ocSSe fram
voluerit qui tamen regulam a decanis vel pre-
pravostum him sylfan gesetne gehealden [i.] wite pœt gif
positis sibi constitutam servare sciat ; Quod si
he elles gedyrstlœctS na sacerdos ac hwiSercora ac beo gcme-
5 aliter presumpserit : non sacerdos sed rebellio judice-
demod [a.] gelome geminegod gif he ne biS gepreadd [b.]
tur ; Et sepe ammonitus si non correxerit. etiam
[b.] si gegearcod [d.] on gewitnesse pœt [a.] gif he hit
episcopus I adhibeatur in testimonium; Quod si nec (157b.)
swa [a.] ne ge bett [a.] [d.] he si utadraefed
sic emendaverit : clarescentibus culpis proiciatur
[c.] gif hwile [h.]- bits his topundennessa [g] pœt
de monasterio : si tamen talis fuerit ejus contumacia ut
he beon underpeod oîStSe gehyrsumian pam regole nsle.
10 suidi aut obedire regule nolit ;
De okdine quo congeegatuh. (Cap. LXIII.)
heora endebyrdnesse [d.] swa hi gehealden swa swa
Ordines suos in monasterio ita conservent ut con-
gecyrrcdnesse tima [g.] earnungc swa swa asyndraS
versiones tempus et vite meritum. discemit.
7 swa swa se abbod hit gcsetto sene [a.] abbod [a.] ge-
utque abbas constituerit : Qui abbas non
drefe [a.] befœste him eylfum heorde ne swilcum freolicum
15 conturb&t gregem sibi commissam : nec quasi libera
brucenne * anfealde nnrihtlice ho ne gcdihte [e.] ac he pœncc
utens potestate injuste disponat aliquit sed cogitet
1. wile, w above lino, gecorcaes, i.e. gecorenness. 5. mcerdos. The
scribe wrote sacerdos by mistake; corrected o into h, put 0 over s, and de
under it; the whole is meant for sacerdhades. 5. beo, b corr. from g.
a, 6. gemedemod, probably gedemed is the original reading. 16. anfealde,
read anwealde. .
2. vite, MS. imite. 3. MS. propositis. 7. si nec, MS. sinet.
11. Quo not in the MS., nor in any other Latin texts. These read: De
ordine congregationis. 13. ct vite meritum, AIS. ut vi temeriium.
15. commissam, MS. commissim. 16. utens, MS. nt nos.
Wo one to call another by his name. [105
simle pcef he be eallum his *domumum 7 weorcum be his
semper quia de omnibus judiciis et operibus suis
is to gildanne [b.] [d.] [m.] œfter endebyrdnesse
redditurus est deo rationem. Ergo secundum ordines
[i.] pa pa he gesette o\'SSe pa pa habbaS pa sylfan gebrotSran
quos constituent. vel q%U)s habuerint ipsi fratres
hi ne genealsecan [b.] to huselgange to on sealmum
si accédant ad pacem. ad communionem. ad psalmum
ginnende on choro standende 7 [e.] [0.] eallunga
imponendum : in choro standum ; Et in omnibus omnino 5
[e,] yld na si gesindrod on endebyrdnesse ne he ne foredeme
locis etas non discernatur in ordine nec prejudicet.
forpam [g.] [h.] [h.] cnihtas preostas pe demdon [b.]
quia Samuel et daniel pueri presbiteros judicaverunt ; Ergo
pisum asindrodum pa pa ge swa swa we bufon sœdon mid
exceptis his quos ut diximus altiori
maran rœde [b.] reccS oSSe [1.] of gewissum
consilio abbas pretulerit. «el degradaverit certis
intingan calle pa oSre swa swa hi bcop gecyrde swa
ex causis. reliqui omnes ut convertuntur ita 10
beon swilce ic swa cwœSe sepc œt pœre oSran tide cymS to
sint. ut verbi gratia. qui secunda hora diei venerit in
minstre ginran hine becunno his beon sepc [x.] [y.]
monasterium juniorem se noverit illius esse qui prima
on pœro forman tide swa hwylcere ylde o\'SSe wurSscipo
(158 a.) hora venerit diei cujus \\ libet aetatis. aut dignitatis
hcsi cildra [b.] geond ealle ])ing fra??i eallum gebroSrum styr
sit. Fueris vero per omnia ah omnibus disciplina
si gehealdcn pa ginran iornostlice heora yldran arwurpian
teneatur ; Juniores igitur : priores suos honorent ; priores 15
lufian on pœrc sylfan clypungc namena
minores suos diligant. In ipsa autem apellatione nominum :
œnigum na si gclofed mid agenum naman gonan ac pa yldran
nulli won liceat alium pniro nomine apellare sed priores
1. domumum, read domum. 4, 5. on in 1. 4 belongs to ginnende in 1. 5.
5, clioro, Latin influence. 17. na in tho margin, genan, beginning of
6. A letter erased before ordine. In ordine, i has been corr. from
a or M. 10. reliqui, MS. relinqtii, but n nearly erased. 12. juniorem,
juniorum. venerit, M^.venirit. actatis,WA. cecitatig. dignitatus
iu MS. 16. minores not in MS.
108] The younger brethren to show respect for the elder.
lieora gini-an nemnan pa ginran fia yldran
juniores suos fratres nominent juniores autem priores suos
arwurSe hi gecian pœt bicS to understandenne mid fœdetlicere
nonnos vocent ; qwod intellegitur paterna
arwurSnesse [d.] for pam tSe pa spellunga is gelyfed
reverentia ; Abbas autem quia vices c/iristi creditur
don si genemned na mid his underfangennes
agere domlnns et abbas vocetur ; non sua assumtione.
ac on wurSraente 7 mid cÄn\'sfes lufan he sylf J^ence
5 set honore et amore chrhii. ipse autem cogitai et
hine 7 he gearcie weorSe pœt he si svvilcum wurtSmente
sic se exhibeat. ut dignus ut dignus sit. tali honore.
swa swa ongeancumaS se ginra fram j^am ealdi-e
Vbicumque autem sibi obviant fraires junior a priore bene-
bletsunge bidde se lœssa aris 7 he sylla
dictionem petal. Transeunte majore, minor surgat : et cZet ei
rymet to sittenne ne ne gedyrstlœce se ginra sittan buton
locum sedendi ; Nec présumai junior consedere nisi ei
hate his ealdor pœt beo on wurSmente
xoprecipiat senior suus ut fiat quod scriptum est honore
* foahrœdigcndo geongra cildra o(St5e ginran
invicem prevenientes. Pueri parvi vel adolescentes
oîSSe œt meosan mid })eawfœstnessa heora endebyrd-
in oratorio, vel ad mensas, cum disciplina ordines
nesse fylian wiSutau hi beon op pœt hi heordrœdene
suas consequantur foris autem vél uhicumque custodiam
hi habban 7 to lare oSSœt hi to andgitfullere ylde
habeant : et disciplinam usqMO ad intellegibilem etatem
i^perveniant :
De orbinando abbati. (Cap. LXIIII.)
})œs abbodes on hadungc pœt [b.] si forasceawod gescend
Fn abbatis ordinalione ilia semper consideretur | ratio. (158 b.)
her J:œt si gesœd jjouo pe him sylfum eal seo gesibsum
ut hic constitiMtur. quem sibi omnis
11. foahrœdùjende, read fordhraidigende.
5f christi, MS. (piscopi (the scribe read Hpi for Xpi). amore, MS, amor.
. ut dignus, repeated thus in MS. 0. présumât, MS. présumant.
The Abbot to think always of the duty imposed on him. [107
gegœderung [se.] sefter godes ege sit ocSÎSo
concors\' congregatio secundum \' timorem dei: sive
eac swylce peah pe he gehwsede dsel gegœderunga mid ge-
etiam pars quamvis parva congregationis saniori
wissum gepeahte gecysS be ianiunge 7 wisdomes
consilio elegerit ; Vite autem merito : et sapientiae
hire he si gecoren se pe is tohadgenne peah sefter
doctrina elegatur qui ordinandus est : etiam si ultimus
pe he beo 011 endebyrdnesse gegsederungc pcet
fuerit in ordine congregationis ; Qwod si etiam 5
for his leahtrum pœt feor * sit
omnis congregatio vitiis suis quod qu em absit
gepafienne had mid gelicnm gepeahte gif gecyscS 7
consentientem personam pari consilio elegerit : et
pa sylfan leahtras œthwega on cyîSe biseopis becnmon to
vitia ipsa aliquatenus in notitiam episcopi pervenerint ad
pœs scir pegena gebyracS seo stow otSSe to
cujus diocessim pertinet locus ipse vel ad
abbodduTw otSSe pa cristenan nyhgeburum geswuieliatS hi for-
abbatcs aut c7jrist?anos vicinos claruerint. pro- 10
iKJodan pwyrlicra swyprian gepafiunge ah * hwiwrœddenc
hibeant pravorum prevalere conscnsum sed domui dei
wurSe gesetton dihtneran witende for pi hi to under-
digmim constituant dispensatorem. scientes pro hoc se recep-
fonne módo [b.] godo gyf pœt elœnlice 7 mid ande don hi
turos 7nercedem bonam. si illud caste ct zelo dei faciant :
call swa pœr togenes synna gyf hi forgrewatS gehadod
sicut e contrario peccatum si neglegant ; Ordinatus
soîSlice he pence œfre hwilce byrcZena he underfeng 7
autem abba cogitet semper quale honus suscepit : et 15
hwam he is to agendenno gescad his gerefsciran 7 wito ho
cui redditurus est rationem villicationis su^ Sciatq\\XQ
him sylfan 0 gedafenian fremian swiSor ponne derian him gebyraS
sibi oportere lyrodesse : magis quam preesse ; Ojiortet
1. oGBe, o corr. from e. 6. sit, read siff. 0./cffena, i.e. pcgnunga^
10. geswnteliaS, t corrected from H \' 11. hwiwr(vdenne,rQ&A hitorwdenne.
12. underfonne, o corr. from « or «. 14. togenes, first e corr. into w.
forgwwai), seo note. 15. hyrdena, d corr. from some other letter?
17. gedafenian, a\'corr. from e. 1 cannot account for the 0.
2. pars, r above line, saniori, MS. samori, but m is dotted under tho
second stroke, so as to indicate the reading saniori. 8. notitiam, MS. notetiam.
peri eiterint,MS.perveniam. IQ. vicinos, "Ms. ricinis. 11. dct above line.
108] The Abbot to see that he be loved, not feared.
soSlice hine beon gelœred on godcundlicra se pœt he wite 7 he
ergo euro, esse doctum lege divina : ut sciat et sit
si hwanon he forS teo niwe 7 ealde cisene [n.] sefre
unde proférât nova et vetera ; Castum. sobrium.
mildheortnesse 7 œfre he upahebbe on
misericordem | et semper superexaltet misericordiam (159 a )
dome pœt he pœt ylce begyte hatige he lehtras
judicium ut idem ipse consequatur. Oderit vitia
lufige he gebroSra on J)are sylfre soSlice ]7reatinge snotorlice
5 diligat fratres; In ipsa autem correptione prudenter
he det 7 nan ping ofer swiSe pœt he na to swiSe ne gewilnige
agat. et ne quid nimis. ne dum nimis cupit
upawyrtlian rust oSSe om si tobrocen fœ< 7 his tydder-
eradere eruginem, frangatur vas : suamque fragi-
nysse œfre ge. em. hydi sy 7 gepence reod forprest
litatem semper suspectus sit. memineritque calamum quassatum
ne sy to bryd on pajn we ne secgaS pœt w beon for-
no» conterendum. In quibus non dicimus, ut permittat
lœtanne beon gefed leahtras ac snotorlice 7 mid pare sotSra
10 nutriri vitia sed prudenter et cum Tcaritate
lufa pa he of acerfa swa swa hem pyncc œnige gelettau
ea amputet. prout viderit cuique expedire.
ealswa we œr sœdon 7 hogie he swycSor beon gelufon prenne
sicut jam diximus ; Et studeat plus amari. quam
beon ondrœdod ne sy he adrefaS 7 * anc sam ne sy he
timeri ; Non sit turbulentus et ancxius ; non sit
^ swiSlic 7 andan wille ne ey he nyS full 7 swiSe wenende
nimius et obstinatus non sit zelotipus et nimis suspiciosus :
for py nœfre he ne geresteS on paw sylfan bcbodum
15 quia numquam requiescit ; In ipsis imperiis suis
forglcaw 7 forseone oîfSo œfter godo otStSe œfter
p^ovidus et consideratus : sive secunçium deum. sive secundum.
6. for rfe/; influence of Latin? 7. upawgrtlian, Beo note, fwt or fwd
in MS. ? 9. to leonforlwtanne beon gcfed. I think w is either a \' paving \'
letter or the beginning of we, a dittogi-aphy of the we going before, in which
case beon is attributable to the same cause, viz. to a dittography of beon,
in 1. 10. forlastenne is a mistake for/orZcc/e = permittat. 11. hem, e or o 1
It is crossed out in the MS. 13. anc sam, corr. from or into anx sum,
probably — from a palseographical point of view — the former; from an
etymological point of view, the latter, ancxius is glossed as if it were
angvstus. li. andan, i.e. anan.
14. obstinatus, MS. obstinandus. nimis, MS. in misu.
-ocr page 183-The Abbot to be strict in the maintenance of the Bule. [109
wurulde he sy j^a weorc }3e he ge })eod he gesyndrige 7
seculum sit ; Opera que injungit discernât et
gemetyge f>encende gescad fiœs halgan iacobes secgende
temperet, cogitans discretionera. sanctt jacob dicentis.
mine heorde swISor oSSe on gange gif ic do swingan
Si greges meos plus in ambulando fecero laborare :
hi swyltaS ealle on anum dœge J:as oîSre gecySnyssa gewitnessa
morientur cuncti una die; Hec ergo aliaque testimonia
smœiunge moder mihta nimende ealle f)inc gemetie at
(159 b.) discretionis matris virtutum sumens : sic omnia temperei \\ ut 5
he si Strang \\>cet pcet hi gewilniaS 7 Jja *uncruman hi na
et fortis sit quod cupiant : et infirmi non
forfleon 7 healicost pœt he andweardne regol on eallum
refugeant ; Et precipue, ut présentera, regulam in omni-
fiingum gehealde Jjonne he ]?enatS pœt he gehyro
bus conservet. ut dum bene ministraverit. audiat
pcet pe gehyrdo se goda J>eowa setSe asjiende
a domino quod servus bonus qui erogavit triticum
his efenJ)eowan on his tide soÏSlice ic secge eow sœde
conservis suis in tempore suo; Amen dico vobis ait. 10
ofor ealle his godu ho geset
super omnia bona sua constituet eum.
De pberosito monastekii. (Cap. LXV.)
oftrœdlico witodlice hit belimpcS pœt })urli hadunge prafostes
Sepius quidem contingit ut per ordinationein prepositi
hefinco œtswicunga on mynster Jjonno biS sume
scandala gravia in monasteriis oriantur. dum sint aliqui
mid J)am awyridan gasto modignesse * tobcddo 7 wenende
maligna spiritw superbie inßati. et estimaiUes
hine o\'Sro beon nimendo him gewin
se secundos esse. abbatis assumenies sibi tyrannidem.
œswicunga hi fedatS 7 twyrednysso on gegaderunga hi doS
scandala nutriunt. ct dissensiones in congregatione faciunt ;
7 swi\'Sost on )?am stowum j^œr fram J^am ylcan oSSo
Et maxime in Ulis locis. ubi ab eodem sacerdote. vel
5. Tlie m is indistinct in ffemetie. G. uncruman, read untruman.
14. kefilice, l corr. from s. tobcdde, read tohrœdde.
2. dicentis, MS. diccnles. 3. fecero, MS./ecerc. luhorare, MS. làborare.
4. cuncti, MS. cuncta. liée, MS. lier. 6. MS./or/e. fortis, for which
other MSS. have fortes, is poBtulated by gloas. 8. MS. conservent.
12. monastkrh, MS. monasterio. 14. sint, MS./«tï.
110] The Provost to be no higher than the Abbot. [Ch. LXV.
fram piam abbotum pa pa abbod badiaS 7
ab eis abbatibus qui abbatem ordinant. ab ipsis etiam et
se prafost pe œr biS gebadod pœt bi\'S bi fullice hit is
prepositus ordinatur ; Quod quam sit absurdum
epelice undergiten forpam pe byS fram paw sylfan anginne
facile adfertitur. quia ab ipso initio ordina-
hadunge ontimber geseald to motgenne ponne hit biS getiht
tionis : materia ei datur superbiendi. dum ei suggeritur
fram his gepohtum [m.] [m.]
5 a cogitationibus suis exutum eum esse a potestate
his abbotes forpawi pe he wses * gehœZe from pam
abbatis sui : quia ah ipsis est ordinatus. a quibus
se abbod heonen beoS astyrede and.an geflit * stalu
et abbas; Hinc \\ suscitantur invidie. rixe. detractionis(l<^Oa..)
efestes twyrsednesse unhadnnge 7 hweenne pwyrnes.sa
emulationes dissensiones. exordinationes. et dum contraria
heom betwynan 7 se prafost gepatiaS 7 heora ncod is
sibi invicem abbas prepositusqne sentiunt. et ij)sorum necesse
sawla under heom
io«s< suh hac disentione animas periclitari. et hi qui sub
pœnue bi lyfetaS dœlmselum fseraS uton forspillcd-
ipsis sunt, dum adulantur partibus eunt in perdi-
nesse pses frecednessa y^®\' heom * lucaS on anginne
tionem ; Cujus periculi malum, illis respicit in capite
[a.] Sa swilcum on hadunge doS ealdras forpi
qui talibus in ordinatione se fecerunt auctores ; Ideo nos
foresceawiaS fremman for sibbe 7 psere soSre lufe hyrdrœ-
previdimus expedire propter pacts karitatisqua custo-
deno pœs abboc?es standan on eyre hadunge minstres his
iSf/î\'am in abbatis pendere arbitrio ordinationem monasterii sui;
7 gif mœg beon lieora decanus si geendebyr swa swa * weg
Et si potest fieri ; pav decanos \' ordinetur sicut ante
bufon a?Ic nytwyrSnesse mynstres be pam pc
disposuimus omnis utilitas monasterii. prowf abba
G. gelixle, wle crossed out, and hadod (sic) has been substituted for it in
the margin. 12. lucatS, read lociad. 16. decanus, copied from Latin ?
weg, read ice ge; the verb is left out.
2. ahiurdum, MS. obsurdum. 7. A hole in parchment before rixe ; it
do^ not affect the text at all, having evidently been there before the MS.
was written on. 11. MS. perdilione. 12. illis, MS. illi. 13. fecerunt,
MS. yecM»/, and c corrected from r. 17. disposuimus, MS. disposimus.
Provisions as to deposition of the Provost.
dilit pœi pœnne magon Lit LyS Lefaest an ne
disposuerit. ut dum plurihus committitur. unus non
modie pœt gif oSÎSe stow gyrnS oSSe gegaderung
superhiat ; Quod si aut locus expetit, aut congregatio,
bit gescadwislice mid eadmodnesse [g.] se deniS
petierit rationabiliter CMm humilitate. et ahha judicaverit
gefremman swa Lwsenne swa geceost mid gepeahte
expedire qu^emcumque elegerit ahha cum consilio
ondrœdendra gode hadige hesylf prafost se
fratrum timewtium deyxm ordinet ipse sibi prepositum; Quis
se prafost mid arwurSnessa pa pe fram his
tamen 2>repositus ilia agat cum reverentia que ah
abbode lœhte LeoS naht ongen wyllan 7 had-
(IGO b,) ahbate suo ei injuncta fuerint nihil contra volun | tatem et ordina-
ung pœs donde forSam po oSrum
tionem abbati faciens quia quanto prelatv^s est ceteris, tanto cum
gedafenaS carfullicor healden beboda regoles se pra
oportei sollicitus observare precepta regule ; Qtd prepositus
gif he bi\'5 gemet Icahtres oStSe npahafennes beswicen
si repertus fuerit vitiosus aut elatimie deceptus jo
modignes forhicge pœs haligan byS fandod
superhie aut contemptor sancte regule fuerit apprdbatus
si geminegod mid Avordum o\'S feowersiSan gif he hit na
ammoneatur verbis usque quater ; Si non emenda-
gebet si gegearcod ])rœiung regolicero styre
verit adhibeatur ei correjitio disci2)line regularis ;
he si adrœfed of endebyrd-
Quod si neque sic correxerit; tunc deiciatwr de or-
nesse pravostscire seSe is steto his
dine prepositure. et alius qui dignus est in loco dus subro- 15
7 gehyrsum
gettir ; Quod si postea in congregatione quietus et ohoediens
9. pra, for prafost or pravost, 10. leahtrcs, should have been leahterful,
but cither the scribe\'s eye was caught by the s of Latin ending, or by the
ending of vpahafennes. 15. stete, i. e. stede.
3. petierit, MS. petiticrit. 4. qucmcumque, MS. qiiecumque, G. ai
omitted by Latin scribe. 7. ordinationm. Between r and d the same hole in
parchment obtains, as spoken of before (see note to p. 110. 7). 8. prelatus,
MS. relatui. 13. ci, MS. que. 15. alius, MS. aliter.
112] An old man to be the Doorkeeper.
he na byS of mynstre he si utadrsefed pence
non fuerit : etiam de monasterio expellatur ; Cogitei tamen
to iyldenne
abbas se de omnibus judicis suis deo redditurum rati&tiem : ne
andan sefestes lig forbœrnde sawla
forte zeli aut invidie jlamma urat animam;
De ostiaeiis monasteeii. (Cap. LXVI.)
set geate mynstres si geset eald wita se wite cunne
5 Ad portam monasterii ponatur senex sapiens qui sciat acci-
underfon andswore 7 agifan pœs gepungennes hine ne
pere responsum et reddere. cuius maturitas eum non
gepafige worian se geatweard bus scyll habban AvitS pcE<
sinat vagari; Qui porterius cellam debet habere juxta por-
geat pcet cumende andweardne gemeton from hwam
tam ut venientes semper presentem inveniant, a quo
andswore underfon 7 sona pœnne cnucaS oîSSe pearfa
responsum acipiant ; Et mox ut aliquis pulsaverit | aut pawper (161 a.)
clypaS goda pane he andsware oSSe bletsige 7 mid
10 clamaverit, deo gratias respondeat aut benedicat. et cum
ealre manpwsernesse godes eges hcagilde andsware ofstlice
omni mansustudine timoris dei reddat responsum festinanter :
mid wylme pœresoSre lufe se geatweard helpe
cum fervore^ karitatis; Qui portarius siindiget solacio :
ginran broSran underfo mynster sotSlice gif hit mœig
junior em fratrem accipiat, Monasterium autem. si possit
.beon sceall beon gesett pcet ealle neod behefness p\'œ« is
fieri ita debet constitui, ut omnia necessaria. id est
wseter myll orceard bœcern oS5e mistlice crœftes
15 aqua molendinum ortus pistrinum. vel artes diverse
wiSinnan minstre beon geganne pœt nesig neod
intra in monasterium exerceantun ut non sit nccessitas
munecum werigende wiSutan for pam
monachis vagandi foris quia omnino non expedit
heora sawlum pysne oft we wyllatS
animabus eorum ; IJanc autem regulam sepius volumus
11. manj>wcernesse, w corrected from another letter?
2. se rfe, MS. «ecZ. 4. monasteeii, MS. MONASTERiis. 7. ^wa-Za, MS.
juxtam. 11. timoris, MS. moris. 13. MS. accipiant. 14. fieri,
M^.Jlerii. id est, MS. idem. IZ. {h)orius,MS. ortu. 17./ona non-
conteinporary a has been put over the i in the MS.
On brethren, going on, and coming baok from, a journey. [113
beon gerœd œnig gebroSra be nytennjssa
in congregatione legi : ne quis fratrum se de ignorantia
\\>œt na belœdie
excusai ;
De fratribus in viam directis. (Cap. LXVI I.)
Jja seudlican gebroSra on wege ealra gebroSra [h.|
Dirigendi fr.4tües in viam. omnium fratrum vel I
b.] [e.] gebed befœstan 7 œfre œt J^am œftenie- ;
abbatis se oratîoni cwnmendent ; Et semper ad ora- 5
stan gebede godes weorces gemynd ealra and
tioneiH ultimam opcris dei. commemoratio omniu ni ab-
weardra 7 bco f)agencyrrendan gebrojjra of wege
sentium Jiat; lievcrtentes autem de via fratres;
on jjam dœge on Jjam J)o geliweorfacS geond ealle minsterlice
ipso die quo redeunt. pev (wtnes canonicas
tida f)onno bit5 gefylied godes Aveorc astrebS moldan
horas dmn expletur opus dei prostrati solo
oWSe eortSan fram eallum gebroSrum biddan gebed forgime-
oratorii : ah omnibus petant orationem propter 10
leaste pœt œnig pinc no undersmuge on wege gesybtSo otSSe ,
(161 b.)<»a;ccssMm ; ne quid forte | suhripuerit in via visus. aut j
lyst jjinces o\'&\'Sc idelre sprœce ne ne gedyrstlœce j
auditus maie rei aut otiosi sermonis ; Nec présumât
œnig otJrum gcrcccan swa Invylco })inc swa lie gesylitJ wiS-
quisquam aliis referre quecumque j
utau on mynstre oSSe be gebyra\'S forjjam j^e hit is j
foris monasterio vidtrit. aut audierit quia \'
niœnifealt towurpon [a.] rego-
2)hirima destructio est; Quod si qxm presumpserit vin- 15
licre waclicre oîSSe stiro ho undei])eodde swa gelice 7 se \'Se !
dicte regulari subjaceat : Similiter et qtù
7. pagencijrrendan, read J>a ayencyrrendan. 8. yehweorfutS, g corr. from
some other letter. 15. towurpon, for towurponnessel rcgolicre, r corr.
from a. 16. waclierel see note.
3. dibectis, MS. nirectus. 4. omnium fratrum, MS. omniamfralres,
but Ü above res, as if to indicate tho correction. 0. prostrati. Mis.
-ocr page 188-114] Obedience, in impossible things.
gedj-rstlsec\'S clysunga minstres utgan oSSe awyder faren oSSe
premmpserit claustra monasterii egredi : vel quoqxiQ ire vel
senig ping peh pe litel buton hœse pses abbotes
quippiam quamvis parvum sine jussione abbatis
facere ;
Si fratbi inpossibilia jubentue. (Cap. LXVIII.)
gif hwilcum brcSer senig befines ocSSe * unacumendalice
5 Si cri FEATEI ALIQUA forte gravia aut inpossibilia
beotS gepeodde he underfo witodlice bebeodendes bebod
injunguntur suscipiat quidem juhentis imperium
mid ealre manpwsernesse 7 gehirsumnesse pœt eallunga
cum omni mansuetudine. et ohedientia ; Quod si omnino
heora msegena gemet gif he gesyhS began
virium suarum mensuram viderit pondus oneris excedere
his unacumenlicnesse se pe gewis
inpossibilitatis sue causas ei qui sibi preest
7 gedafenlice na modigenne oSSc wiS-
10 patienter et oportune suggérât ; non superhiendo : aut resis-
Btandende sefter his tihtinge
tendo: vel contradicendo ; Quod si post suggestiomm suam
on his cwydo bebod pœt gif purhwuna\'S
in sua sententia prioris imperium. poiduraverit :
wite so gingra swa him selfan gefremman 7 of soSro Info
sciat junior ita sibi expedire : ct ex karitate
getruwigendc be godes fylsto gehyrsume
confidens de adjutorio dei ohediat : (102
l.s Ut in monasterio non presumat alter alteeum
defendeee. (Cap. LXVIII.)
mid senigum intingan no gedyrstlffice oSor
Frecavendum est ne quavis occasione présumât alius
oSorne bcworian oSSo swylco goscyldan
alium defendere monachum in monasterio. aut quasi lueri
5. unacumendalice, read unucumendlice ? 7. manpwœrntsse, œ or al
0. pe,p corrected from g.
2. parrum, MS. parvium, but t underdotted. 0. imperium {\'=iniprum),
MS. impium. 15, 16. Ilonding not in the MS.; supplied from the list of
No one to defend another. No brother to strike another. [115
J>eah pe liig mid senigre mseg sibbe blodeg sibbe beon ge
etiamsi qualibet consanguinitatis pvopinquitate jun-
peodde ne ne mid senigum gemete fram muneeum
gantm ; Nec qu^olibet modo id a monachis
si gedyrstlœcS forpam pe mseg panon seo hefegoste intinga
presumutyxv : quia exinde gravissima occasio
œswicunga unaspringon pœt gif for senig gemeleasaS
scandalorum oriri potest ; Quod si quis hec transgressas
*arlicor hi si gepread
fuerit : acrius coerceatur. g
Ut non phesümaï aliqüis ahum cedebk. (Cap. LXX.)
forboden œlc dyrstignysse intinga we gc-
Vetetur in monasterio omnis presumpriowts occasio; Or-
endebyrdaS 7 we gesettaîS aljfed ronigne heora
dinamus atque constituimus ut nulli liceat quemquam fratrum
gebroîJra amansumian oSSe slean buton para po mihte
suorum excommunicare. aut cedere. nisi cui potestas ab
bi\'5 geseald Sa syngendan setforan eallum gebro-
abbate data fusrit ; Peccatores autem coram omni- 10
Srum boon gepreade oSro ogan pœt habban cildum
btis arguantur : ut ceteri metum habeant ; Infantibus
oS pone fifteoSan gear ylde larc otSSo
vero usquo ad quintum decimum annum aetatis disci-
styre geornfulncssa si gegearcod liyrdrscdeno
plinc diligentia ab omnibus adhibeatur. et custodia sit.\'
ac cac swylce mid eallum gemete 7 gesceade soSes strangran
sed ct hoc cum omni mensura ot ratione ; Nam in fortiori
yldo BO dc gcdyrstlsDcS œthwega butan bebode pœs abbodes oSSo
aetate qui j^\'^sumpserit aliqtiatenus sineprecepto abbatis: vel \'5
on pam sylfan cildan butan smcgungo onstingS rcgolicro
21\'O in ipsis infantibus sine discrrtione exarscrit : \\ disci-
styro he underhnige po
pline regidari subjaceat : qida scriptum est ; Qiuxl tibi
sylfan pu nclt boon nc oSrum no do pu
non vis fieri : alii ne fcceris ;
3. mwg, gloss to potest, in 1. 4. 4. for (vnij gemelcasad, read œnig for-
gemcleasaS. 6. arlicor, read tearlicor.
2. id, supplied by glossator, a, MS. ad. 3. quia, MS. qui. 4. hec,
Ms. lie. 6. Heading not in tlie ÄIS.; supplied from tho list of chapters.
13. custodia sit, MS. rustodiat se.
I 2
-ocr page 190-116] The brethren to be obedient to one another.
Ut obedientes sibi sint invicem ee^tbes. (Cap. LXXI.)
gehyrsumnesse god na pœt an J?am abbade is togearcienne
Obedientiae bonum non solum. abbati -Exmhendum est
heom *betwynanan hi gehyrsumian
ah omnihus. sed etiam sihi invicem ita ohoediant
witende for pisne gehyrsumnesse weg him sylfne to
/ratres ; scientes pev hanc obedientiae viam : se
farenne to gode on tSam fore stedon prafosta
5 ituros ad deum; Premisso ergo abbatis atqixe prejpositorum
f)a pa fram him beon gesette bebode pam we ne gepafiaS
qui ab eo constituuntu/r imperio. cui non pevmittimus
asindrodum beboda beon foreset peer to eacan ealle pa gingran
privata imperia preponi : de cetero omnes juniores
heora yldrum on ealre soiSre lufe hohfulnesse
prioribus suis omni karitate. et sollicitudine
hi gehirsumian pœt gif œnig sacful fuerit byîS gemet
obediant ; Quod si quis contentiosus, repperitur :
he si gepread gif hwylc broSor for œnigum gehwœdum intinga
lo corripiatMT ; Si quis autem frater pro quavis minima causa
otSSe for gehwylcum caldre his beoS gepread
ab dbbate vel a quocumque priore suo corripitur
mid œnigum mete oîSSe gif he leohtlice undergit mod ealdres
qu^oUhüi modo : vel si leviter senserit animum prioris
ongen him wraîS oSSe astiredne peah pc
çujuscumque contra se iratum vel commotum quamvis
œthwega sona buton yldinge swa lange astreht on eor\'San
modice : mox sine mora tamdiu prostratus in terra
toforan bis fotum ac hc liege gebetendo otSSc pœt biS
15 ante pedes ejus jaceat satisfaciens : usque dum
bletsunge gehœled seo styrung gif ho forhogaS don
henedictione sanctur illa commotio ; Quod si contempserit facere :
o\'StSe he lichamlicere wrace pœt gif forsibiS ocîSo gif anmod
aut corporali vindicte subjaceat : aut si contumax
he biS of minstre he si utadrœfœd
fuerit de monasterio expellatar. [ (163 a.)
3. hetwynanan, read hettoynan. 7. asindrodum heloda, seo nolo. 9. fuerit,
added by glossator. 11. for, read from. 17. fxct (jifforsiM, I suggest
tha(, this was originally written in the margin as supplementary gloss to gif
he forhoijaS. It was then copicd into the text in the wrong place.
17. vindicte, MS. vindinctc.
-ocr page 191-On zeal. The rule is not exhaustive. [117
De zelo bono quem debent monachi habeee. (Cap. LXXII.)
swa is [h.] se yfela biternesse anda 7
Sicut est zelus amaritvdinis malus qui separat a deo et
lœd to helle is se goda anda se Se syndraS fra«i
durcit ad infemum ita est zelus bonus qui separat a
leahtre 7 lœt to gode Jjysne andan
vitio et ducit ad deum et ad vitam aeternam ; Hum ergo zelum
mid Jjsere wealdestan began mid
ferventissimo amore exerceant monachi id est ut j
wyrcSmente forhradian heora untrumnessa ocS(5e
honore se invicem preveniant ; Infirmitates mas sive
lichama oSSe jjeawa gejjyldelicost forpyldian gehirsumnesse
corporum sive morum patientissime tollerent obedientiam
him sylf geflitmœlum hi beodan na senig pœt pe he
sibi certatim impendant ; Nidlus quod sibi
nytwyrdlice deme folgie swiSor ocSrum pa soSe
utile judicat sequatur ; sed quod magis alio ; Carita-
lufe broSor rsedeno mid clasnre hi beodan lufe hi on
tern fraternitatis casto impendant amore; Dewm 10
droedan heora abbud mid sifre 7 cadmodre soSre *lare
timeant. abbatem suum sincera et hxmiili caritate
hi lufian cristes eallunga naht hi forasettan sego œtgœdere
diligant ; CAristo omnino nihil preponant. qui nos pariter
[g-] [g-] Gringo
ad vitam aetemam perducat ;
De hoc quod non omnis justitie obsebvatio in iiao sit
regula constituta. (Cap. LXXIII.) 15
pvsno regol wo awriton healdendo on
Jiegulam autem hanc discripsimus, ut hanc observantes in
minstre œthwega oîSSo arwurî5nesso peawa oîSSe anginn
monasteriis. aUquatenus vel honestatem morum aut initium
drohtnunge us * pe geswutelian habban o\'Sra haligra to ful-
conversationis nos demonstremus habere; Cetcrum ad per-
fremednessa drohtnunge synd larœ
fectionem conversatio7ii8 qui festinat. sunt doctrine sancton<7?t
11. lare, a misreading for Infe. 18. pe, read xce.
6. InßrmitatBK, MS. Infirmités. 14. quod, MS. quo. omnis, MS.
-ocr page 192-118] The Bale leaves scope for further precepts. [Ch. LXXIII.
fœdera Jîara gehealdsum gehealdsiim ne gelœd mannan to
j^atrum. quarum | observatio pevducit hominem ad (163 b.)
healdsumnessa fulfremednessa la hwylc tramod oSSe hwylc
celsitudinem pevfectionis ; Que enim pagina aut quis
sprœc godcundlice ealdordomes eal dre 7 niwe gecySnesse nis
sermo divine auetoritatis veteris ac novi testamenti non
se rihtoste bysen lifes inennisces o6Se la hwilc boc haligra
est rectissima norma vite humane : Aut quis liber sanciorum
rihte fœdera pœt na sweg mid rihtum rine
£ catholicorum patrum hoe non resonat ut recto cursu
we becnmende to urum scyppende eac swilce 7
perveniamus ad creatorem wostrum ; Nec non et
}5urhtogenessa 7 gesetnessa heora lifes ac eac
conlationes patrum et instituta vite eorum. sed et
swylce regol basilius hwœt elles sind
régula sancti patris nostvi hasilii : quid aliud sunt.
butan wel libbendra 7 gehirsumera muneca 7 gesetnessa
nisi bene viventium et obedientium monachorum instituta
milita us asolcenum 7 yfel lybbendum 7 gime-
^oyirtutum. nobis autem desidiosis et male viventibus atque neg-
leasum scame geacyndnysse swa bwilc
Icgentibus rubor confusionis est ; Quisquis ergo ad patriam
jju efast pysne pane lœstan *acunncdnosse regol awri-
celestem festinas. hanc minimam inchoationis regulam dis-
tenne fylstendum criste pu gefremme 7 pu œtnyxtan to
criptam adjuvante c/tristo pcrjicias : ct tunc demum ad
maran pe wiÏSufan we gemundon lare laro 7 milita
majora que supra commemoravimus doctrine virtutumque
gepinctSo godes scildendura bcciinîS wyrcendum pas pine
culmina deo protegente pervenies ; Facientibus hec regna
geopenatS pa ecan.
patebunt aeterna ;
Finit régula syia\'cn iîenedicti.
1, 2. geJiealdsumnma in 1. 2 is tho proper gloss to observatio in 1. i, and
the gehealdsum, gehealdsum in this line, I am unable to explain except as 11
double dittography. 2. -sumnessa, first stroke of m erased. 12. acunned-
nesse, read acennednesse. 14. lare was first put over the ending of com-
memoravimus, then erased and written again over doctrine.
!> quarum, MS. quorum. 2. Que enim, MS. originally Qu. fenim, from
which Que enim has been corrected. 7. patrum, third stroke of m erased.
10. desidiosis, MS. desidUisus. 11. rubor, MS. rohur. 12. festinas,
MS.festinans. regulam, MS. régula.
1. 5. fremfi. After this word there is a gap in the MS., so that
some letter or letters may have been tliere, which are now gone.
Read fremfulUce.
1. 8. voluptatibus. This reading, for which nearly all other codices
have roluntatihus, is supported not only by two of the Latin MSS.
(G. U.), but also by the gloss.
2. 8. Above dicente, a little to the right, ü is found in the MS. I
presume it is the ending of secgend, which gloss was filled out by a
copyist in its proper place, and thus written twice.
3. 3. -eond, as gloss to {proh)ibe. The other texts have forJiafa
(Schröer, Die Prosabearbeitungen, 2. 21), except S. (W. V. 5,15), which
gives heald. Neither of these suggests a reading for our text. Possibly
the e is a misreading for a t (which suggestion is favoured by the
palaiographical evidence), and the gloss -was forstond. I am happy to
acknowledge my indebtedness to Professor Cosyn, of Leiden, for this
and other suggestions.
3. II. gehroht, as gloss to perdncatinn, is in itself undoubtedly right.
Only per dncatmn was wrongly taken as one word; see context.
Similar cases where a misreading of the MS. produced a wrong gloss—
wrong so far as the context is concerned—are numerous. Seo e.g.
sa\'gde, as gloss to ait, which is wrong for aut (78. l).
3. 16. IIahitavit=hahitahit. See Sweet, O.E.T., p. 185.
5. 10. de hahitatore (MS. habitatoram), glossed by le wiinungum.
The other texts have \' le pcem lugendum his eardungstowe\' (Schröer,
Die Prosabearbeitungen, 4. 22). But the Winteney Version, which is
independent of our text, has \' be pam wuniunge his eardingstowe\' (7. 27).
That the original also had wumtngum is made (at least) likely by the
MS. reading halitatonnn for //aiiVa^ore, which may be owing to the -urn
of the gloss. But whence the form wunungum ? To read mmigendum
(see ib., 1. 11) is an easy way out of the difficulty, but scarccly tho
right one. Wo must have very good reasons indeed for assuming
that a commoner form made room for a rarer one. Considering that
the earliest examples given by Koch (P, p. 342, § 61), of participial
fonns in -ing are from the A-text of Layamon\'s Brut., i. e. about tho
year 1200 (see ib., p. 10), I should not dare to think that wo had
here an early instance of it, if this form stood alone in our text.
But we also find latens glossed by lettincg (80. 10). There would not
seem to be the shadow of a doubt concerning the ending -incg being
120 NOTES.
that of a participle; but I would again not lay too much stress on
this instance by itself, since I am not sure as to the meaning of the
gloss itself. But if we find monstmnte glossed by swytelunge (35. 3),
we may perhaps look upon the others too, as evidencing a participle
in -ing^.
I cannot leave the matter alone without going at some length
into detail as to the origin of the form in -ing. I may at once state
that I look upon it as a direct and phonetic representative of the A.-S.
form in -ende. Whatever be the origin, whether the above view will
prove to be the correct one, or whether we must continue to view it
with Prof. Max Müller (Lectures on the Science of Language, II) as a
\' corruption\' of a verbal substantive in the dative, we are alike struck
with the fact that for a long time, down to Gower and Chaucer, nay,
to early in the fifteenth centurythe forms -and, -end, -ing continue
to be found parallel in the same authors. Now, though a hundred
and eighty years more of parallelism may increase our wonder, they
need not materially alter our view of the case.
Lot us now turn to our text, and see what the frequent occurrence of
-enne by the side of -ende for the pres. part., as well as for the gcmnd
or participium necessitatis (Introd., V, § 89), gives us a right to conclude.
If we may lay down anything, it will be this, that the ending
-ende has dwindled down into a combination of a certain vowel (of
no definite phonetic value) -(- the nasal which occurs before dentals, and,
be it remembered, a voiced nasal before the voiced d. I denote this
voiced nasal by n. This n was sometimes continued, i.e. lengthened;
but sometimes the stop was undone with a jerk, occasioning the
explosion which is symbolised by d. Now the only difference between
this form ene and -inge is that the dental nasal is re])laced by the
guttural nasal, which I denote by n, surely in itself no very great
change, especially as analogues are by no means wanting. We must
"look to vulgar speech for some of these analogues. An otyhan becomes
an Offling (sometimes a horfling), etc. See 11. Baumann, Londinis-
mcn, Slang und Cant. (Berlin, 1887), Introduction, § 5, sub 3 (p. xci),
from which passage it must not, however, be supposed that this
pronunciation is peculiar to London. I may also instance tho
\'l)eculiar\' pronunciation of the French nasals in the mouths of badly
taught Germans, and—what is more interesting at this conjunction —
English children. I distinctly remember the contortions that some
untrained pupils of mine in an English school had to make their
mouths undergo, when they had to pronounce \'je demande, tu
1 Cf. Bosw. in v, tcellicung-, also Cant. Ps. 149. 4. (See the forthcoming
edition, by Mr. Fred. Ilarsley.) Reluctantly, I must draw attention to tho
ending, -e, which is not that of an A.-S. participle in the dative. Can tho
glossator have taken monstrmde as a gerund, = monsirando ?
" I\'was strengthened in my conviction by a correspondence on this sulijeot
with Mr. C. Stoffel, of Nymegen, the results of whoso extensive reading are
alw.ays so kindly jilaced at the disposal of his correspondents.
NOTES. 121
demandes,\' etc. The words invariably became je demangde, tu
demangdes, nous demangdons, etc., no doubt in all respects a fit
6. 3. we hihta^. Evidently a marginal gloss got in the wrong
place, instead of over speramus. See note to 1. 5 on page 6.
9.18. dan. orseclena,ü.s gloss to anachontamm. Read But
what does dan. mean ? I suspect that d is a paving or sequence
letter, and that an indicates that instead of onsetlena we may also
read ansetlena. Thus interpreted, -an would be another case
of merography, a part put for a whole (Introd., V, § 4).
9. 19. conversationis, MS. conversionis. The same corruption obtains
in six other MSS., but both context and gloss show conversationis to
have been the original reading.
10. I. fröre for frofre. The dropping of the ƒ (after it had become
voiced), i.e. the merging of it into the 0, may very well be a phonetic
process. See also Ellis, E. E. P., II, pp. 513, 514.
10. 7. vel odffe. 1 think that originally the gloss to experientia was
t afundennessa. (For this use of T = id est, see Skeat\'s ed. of Matthew
passim, and 1.1 on p. 25 where o^Se =i occurs after the word; see note
to 29. 15 ; 55. 2.) A second glossator, who did not see that t meant
the same as .i. (=id est), or as / (cf. 20,2; 20, 3 ; 84, 9, etc.), added tho
lemma vel. For other cases where part of the gloss was wrongly
translated into Latin, I refer to (92, i). Colore Avas here glossed by he
hleo; a second glossator adds de, as supposed lemma to he. Cf. also
(93. 3) ct sagum. where et may have a similar origin,
12. I. geondsprecend. If it means anything, ,9co«(/s/wccrtn = to address
or to make anyone hear, Avhich in this place has no meaning. Roail
geondsprccend=g€ondsprenccnd. See Introd,, V, § 70,
15, 5. henn^e stands over ne he, and no he over Neque. hcnnBe,
as gloss to neque is unintelligible ; read Z)c;wiye,and take it as gloss to
dissimulct. Cf. Corpus gl. 681, and Wright-Wülker, 388, 31, 32 (Dis-
simulare, bemi))an o^e yldan),
16, 9. for forht taliendre, as gloss to jmiri pendens, is corrupt; it
is very likely that forht Avas misread for imu-ht, Avhich is a not infre-
quently occurring form of nawiht.
17, 15, eM, a little erased. The fact is that faciat is found in other
MSS, in this place, but in our MS, lower doAvn (1,16) erased. Some-
one Avho did not understand the Avords et quod utiliiis judicaverit in
the context tried to restore sense by adding est.
18, 4. hwoulicor, as gloss to sahthriiis ? Ilcad hahrendlicor.
20, \\o. factum, faäiim. Of the other texts (Schmidt, p. 13),
none has factum (but the collation of our text is very imperfect, our
reading i.a. not being given ; see Schröer, Die Prosabearbeitungen, p,
xxvii): they read factum, factas, or facta. Originally, I suppose, our text
had factam, agreeing Avith hijuriam. Hence the gloss gedonne, agree-
ing Avith tregan. In this state our text must have been copied out,
and the copyist, by an absolute blunder, or mislead by the masc.
122 NOTES.
termination of the gloss, wroteAfter that, some one added
the gloss dœde to the new lemma factum.
20. 13. modig, as gloss to desuperbum, ^=debere, must have been
copied into the Latin as though it were part of superhum.
21. 13. frœdlice. Rœdlice (=hr8edlice) (cf. Wright-Wûlker, 243. i :
frequenter, celer) must have been there first, and ƒ added by the
influence of the Latin. Or we must take 0 to be no paving letter, and
read ofraedlice=oftrsBdlice.
26. 6. sylfsyne, as gloss to rara. seldsyne was probably there origi-
nally. The corruption is easy to understand if we suppose selpsyne
(cf. Introd., V, § 55) to have been there.
27. 2. c. us. y., as gloss to nobis. Do c, y perhaps form part of the
gloss to nobis ; and must we consequently look upon it as a misreading
for us. y. c., i.e. usicf It would be quite in accordance with the usual
practice if more or less uncommon forms were misunderstood, and
consequently mutilated. It is true that forms in -ic are found only in
the accusative, whilst a dative form is postulated by the lemma ; but
first, this rule holds good only for the classical periods of Anglo-
Saxon (cf. Sievers§ 81, Anm. 2), and secondly, the acc. may be
explained as dependent upon chjpaâ.
28. 12. a, an, over inseruit. a may of course be a gloss-letter, but
aw ? I have thought of the following explanation : that a, an, as indi-
cating the weak nom. and gen. ending (or acc. plural) were put over
ascendendos. Afterwards the full gloss was added. A case in point
may be adduced here from a Leiden MS., where we find lucubro glossed
by brasbrat. The explanation—see Goetz-Locwe, Glossae Nominum,
Leipzig, 1884, p. 161—is given by Vosshis as lucubrp, (lucu)bras,
(lucu)brat. The gloss to inseruit is gesœtt in 1. 10.
29. II. asniaidan. Is this a corruption of asMia)an(Z=as»!ea(jffn(Z?
29. 15. soâes oBâe secge, as gloss to dicat. sodes may he a mere
repetition of the soSes in 1. 14, and then oMe {secge) simply means the
same as the .i. or the 7 found over Latin words to introduce the gloss.
But there is also the possibility that in sodes we have a remnant of
the verb sed\'an, to affirm.
30. 9. insint ? Must we read 7 siiit gewprdene as gloss to facti sunt,
and in as gloss to (or repetition of?) Latin in\'i
30. 17. pœt he oseo. Bead, as pointed out in the foot-note,/œt he seo.
If the 0 is not a solitary paving letter—which, see above, p. xxxiii, is
not altogether a contradiction in terms—the only explanation to fall
back upon is, that an original had heo seo ; heo under the influence of
the following seo.
31. 14. under should stand over pœt\\ it is part of tho gloss to
subdat in 1. 15.
34. 7. wursan, gloss to vermis. How wurm can bo corrupted into
wursan I fail to understand. The unfortunate s makes it alike
impossible to assume either a mistake of the eye or of the ear.
54. 4. swyrigef The only way out of the difficulty I know is
-ocr page 197-NOTES. 123
to assume that swyrige is somehow or other misread for sajrige, and
that this should be gloss to partiat as well as todmW.
55, 2, jjelms pe hi wijrJan odde gewundode. The first glossator put t
geicundode over vulnerentur (cf. note to 10. 7). Another added the
auxiliary, and wrote o3$e for t.
56. 8. gemedemod, read gemet. Probably med (for met) was found
there first by a copyist, who, not understanding this, or not deeming
it sufficient, put gemed before it. This gemed med was copied out as
gemedemod = temperatur.
58. 4. gesetvene. I think we have a remnant here of the rare verb
geseon, for which see Grein, in voce. Also in v. sdon, and Bosworth,
ed. 1838, in v. seon,
59. 14. for belongs to sivyrian ( = swy¥rian, cf. Introd., V, § 57), and
an is possibly a wrongly transcribed dittograiihy for na of naht.
61. 2. gehealdenne, gloss to sanentur. Either a copyist found
gehealdegehcelde (Introd., V, § 17) or sanentur was glossed by sal-
ventur, and this by gehealdenne. Subsequently this middle gloss was
omitted. This kind of double glossing occurs very frequently, e.g.
in Bouterwek\'s Aldhelmglosses (H. Z. 9).
64. I. anwealde is gloss io potestate, and not to wluntate ; and in no
way can I suppose anwealde to be corrupted from any word meaning
potestas. And the Latin texts T. U. G., i. e. exactly those that agree
most in particulars with our own Latin text, also have voluntate,
whence it is likely that our text must have originally presented this
reading. Otherwise we might suppose our text to have been corrected
by another (which had voluntate), after the original potestate had been
glossed by anwealde. Cf. note to 88. 6.
61). 9. frum anginne, as gloss to incipiente. I cannot quite make
this out; we must expect a dative or a nominative (Introd.,
V, § 3) of the ijresent participle. Professor Cosyn suggests fruman
anginne, -whicli ia certainly tho beat 1 can think of, although it is not
entirely satisfactory.
G9. 12. drenc as gloss to musitatio? Several explanations suggest
themselves, d may be a paving letter, in which case rene may stand
for ri/ne=mystcrium, or better still rene—rijne. Cf. Grein in v. r^n.
Cf. Introd., V, § 27. If we take d to be part of the word we may
think oi drem=dream. Cf. Introd., V, § 30.
70. 4. seo wiica pen. If wo had not Sievers, § 337, Anm. 2, and supra,
§ 84, to refer to, whero other instances from tho above text arc given,
we might 250ssibly bo induced to look upon seo horo as a solitary proof
of a feminine origin of our text, which would then be in the same
plight as SchrOer\'s texts (cf. Die Prosabearbeitungen, p. xxix). But
by these references this phantom vanishes into thin air.
73. II. helippendan = continuanda. If we may suppose con<jHna)irfrt
to have been misread for coneernanda. helippendan would stand for
helimpendan (cf. Introd., V, § 39). But this explanation does not
seem entirely satisfactory.
124 NOTES.
82. 3. This word cannot be otherwise explained as gif forcrafad (cf.
Introd., V, § 70) ; gif as gloss to si, in 1. 2.
86. 3. I had thought higcenge to be a dittographical gloss to in
itinere, which had got into the wrong place. However, Professor Cosyn
suggests that m.g. bigcenge=xinder religious worship, should here be
understood. I suspect that we shall have to combine the two explana-
tions, because there is no lemma, which, taken by itself, could occasion
the gloss under religious icorshij) (unless it be cum tremore divino ?).
A copyist put hi gcenge in the margin, and another, misled by the fre-
quency of the occurrence of the expression, midgodcundum bigœnge,
put this over divino. It must, however, bo admitted that the train of
thought, the association of ideas, may very well have given rise to
the error of mistaking these two words (h. g.) for one.
86. 17. egelod, as gloss to condatur. This is the reading of the MS.,
but we may detach e as a \' paving letter \' from the body of the word,
and thus gelod remains to be explained. The lemma suggests a
connection with gelogian (cf. e.g. 98. 15), of which the past part,
would be gelogod. This might easily become gelowod (cf. Introd.,
V, § 68), and this could be contracted into gehd. But since I have
no other instances of such \'contractions\' I prefer to look upon it as
a mere scribal error.
88. 6. wtaî^=humilitas, which is in the other texts. Compare for
the probable origin the notes to 64, i ; 99, 13.
91. 17. fiand reafi Perhaps corrupted from fcereld reaf"} or from
fierdreafl But, writes Professor Cosyn, what would monks do with
those ? To add another possibility, I suggest that it is from foi reaf.
Cf. the reading of the other texts fotgewadum.
97. 2. liahhan ÏÏretioffinge, as gloss to habita .... deliheratione. We
may perhaps assume hahban to be an infinitival gloss (cf. Introd.,
V, § 3) to a verbal inflection, which would seem to be of rare
occurrence, and therefore liable to corruption, and then ffrctioâinge
would be a corruption of ymb^riodunge. This can be more easily
accounted for if we think of the phenomenon which I discussed in the
Introduction (V, § 4).
98. 15, and 100. i, 2. I have stated, Iptrod., V, § 93, that 1 fail
to understand these forms. The first 0 in gelogodre is indistinct ; for
the verb, cf. note to 86. 17. The only exi^lanation I can think of
is, that in each case the r was misread from an original n. This
would yield perfectly intelligible forms; and palœographically
speaking, the corruptions are very likely to occur. The puzzling
mœssepreostra for mœssepreostrum (see note to 100. 10) may be in tho
same plight.
99. 4. MS. \' OfFerunt de filiis nobilium aut pauperum qui.\' The
origiijal must have read,
Offebunt \'
De FiLns nobiliüm aut pauperum qui.
The copyist read qfferunt \' first, although it was meant for tho last
NOTES. 125
word, and not seeing the MS. sign for ur, he copied the word as
99. 13. suffectam would seem to be the right reading, although as
many as nine other texts have susjiectam (C. D. G. H. K. L. S. T. U).
At one time or another this must also have been in our text (cf. note
to 64. i), or suffectam must have been misread as suspectam. With
this word the gloss corresponds. How little suffectam was understood
is proved by the fact that our text would seem to be the only one that
had preserved it, since A. 0. P. Q. R. have suhjectam,
100. ID. mwssepreostrum. In § 36 of the Introd. (V) I have stated
that the r was inserted. Professor Gallee, of Utrecht, suggests that
the word *pyeostr may have existed, in which case 1 should have
to cancel the above statement, I can only add that, although 1 have
not found any traces of it, it is extremely likely, considering the
Greek origin, and the analogue of the Dutch and German form priestcr.
But see note to (98, 15),
108, 7, awyiilian, a legitimate form for awi/rtwalian ? The gloss
reads as if the lemma were eradicare.
113, 16, waclicre o33e styre. Cp, 115, 12, 17 ; and 110, 17, and read
rcgolicre wrace, lare od3e stf/re,
116, 7, asiudrodum heboda. As it is not likely that we can look
upon beboda as a crude form in the plural (cf. Introd., V, § 3), 1 sus-
pect that beboda was misread for bebodu = bebodum.
-J.-, .J ..//...\'Y-\'
\'-V \'r ■ . "
H .
■ t -,
-ocr page 201-Acthclwold is nict dc bewerker van dc bestaande Angel-
saksische vertaling der Regula S. Benedicti.
De zoogenaamde Regulao S. Fulgontii d. w. z. do klooster-
voorschriften met interlineaire vertaling in Ms. Tiborius A. 3.
(f. 163—168) dragen dien naam ton onrechte.
Voor het eerste Germaansche stadium na dc tenues dor
Indo-Gormaansche talen, moet een toonloozo aspiraat ge-
postuleerd worden, niet volgens do algemeen aangenomen
denkbeelden een toonlooze spirant.
\'Noordhumbrisch cholsiiug., eholsian, staat met got. ubils
in verband.
Ilet bestaan van ongewiss =■ ungewiss is door het eene
citaat in Eosworth Toller niet verzekerd.
Ilaupt\'s Zeitschrift 9. 503. b. vindt men stoicorum ge-
glosseerd door stœrUornera. Lees: stœfleornera.
Swa hwœt swa thu hsefst to mildheortnysse. Tlifct thin
mœgen gehelpe thearfan wœdlunge andgifhwa3no gelogodnc
on neadthearfe ongitst, and gif thu hwsene onwœdle * be
threafodne and gif thu hwœne on œnigum thigum (= thingum)
aidlodne acnœwst. and gif thu hwœne of thrihtene oththe go
eadmedne gesihst mid tham gehelpe ne forseoh thu * œnine,
ne forhoga aînine. \'
E. Studien VIII. 474.
Lees voor de van een ster voorziene vormen respccticvelijk :
be tlieardfodne andgitst; œ hine.
Wright-Wülker Vocabularies p. 100 regel 22, Deze
vorm behoeft niet met den uitgever in gœrs veranderd
te worden.
Ms. Sarum 38 f. 76 b, vindt men therisfro geglosseerd
door pœuelse. Lees : rœuelse.
Indicia monastcriatia 81, (Intern. Zeitschr. TechmerlT, 125):
ivicelre blêde tdcen is. Lees: micelre etc.
Uit een praktisch oogpunt is de term Angelsaksisch voor
al de Engelsche dialecten vóór de Normannische verovering
steeds aan te bevelen.
Het bestaan van dramatische voortbrengselen in het A. S.
is niet bewezen.
Do participia in ing in \'tEngelscli hebben hun vorm aan
eene rechtstreeksche phonetische ontwikkeling uit lietA. S.
to danken.
Eon zin kan uit een enkel element bestaan. (Zie daar-
tegen Paul Principien der Sprachgeschichte Cap. VI).
Do slechte gevolgen van de Nederlandsche Renaissance
zijn te zoeken in de omstandigheid dat de diepe nationale
beteekenis er van niet begrepen is.
Mot het aanwijzen voor zoogenaamde tendenz-stukken der
paralelplaatsen (waar de hekelende gedachte ook is uitgedrukt)
vervalt nog niet de mogelijkheid dat het in de gedachte
van den dichter werkelijk een tendenz-stuk zou zijn.
Het bestaan van iniddelnedorl. tooneelspelen waarop do
naam van processiespelen genetisch van toepassing zou zijn,
kan niet bewezen geacht worden.
Do Nederlandsche schrijvers der 17\' eeuw kunnen niet
meer populair worden.
Borchgravinno v. Vcrgi, ed. Muller, vs. 124:
Dat hom en roechte, wat hi dodo. — Lees: wat si dodo.
Ib. vs. 289.
Want mi miin niet en seido. —
Lees: Want miin wiif niet en seide.
-ocr page 204-4
Ligt met pe\'mse endo laet vare
Want valsche man en leeft te waren.
Lees: peise, valschere.
Reynardus Vulpes, vs. 1837, cd. Knorr, ia de lezing
potuit te behouden.
Do „first clown" in Hamlet (V. 1) cn Osrick zyn des
Euphuisten. .
De invoering van den vorm Gotic in het Engelsch ver-
dient aanbeveling.
De Girondisten hebben den eersten Coalitie-oorlog uitgelokt.
. Do volksverhuizing is vooral veroorzaakt door aandrang
der naastbijgelegon volkeren, niet zooals Dahn wil, door
Politieke redenen leidden Willem van Oranje bij zijn
eerst in 1573 gevolgdon openlijken overgang tot\'t Calvinisme.
Art. 9 der Unie van Utrecht heeft door zijne onduidelijke
redactie mede aanleiding gegeven tot den strijd tusschon
Willem II cn de Staten van Holland.
De eenige oplossing der lersche questie is de inwilliging
van den Home Rule eisch.
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