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geboren te veendam.

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Ik grijp gaarne de gelegenheid aan, die de uitgave van dit
proefschrift mij biedt, om, zooals het de oude mos wil, dank te
brengen aan hen, die mijn wetenschappelijke arbeid en vorming
aan deze hoogeschool hebben geleid, en aan hen wien ik anders
dank schuldig mocht zijn.

Zoo is het mij in de eerste plaats aangenaam, U, hooggeleerde
Pulle, hooggeachte promotor, te kunnen danken voor wat ik
in den . tijd, dat ik dit proefschrift bij U bewerkte, van U heb
mogen leeren. Ik dank U voor de gelegenheid, die gij mij
geschonken hebt, U op de hoogte te houden van de vorderingen
van \'t werk, en ben U in \'t bijzonder ook dankbaar voor wat
gij voor mij wildet doen in verband met de uitgave ervan, en
niet minder voor de moeite die gij U hebt willen getroosten
ten opzichte van mijn toekomstige positie in Ned.-Indië.

U, hooggeleerde Went, ben ik naast den dank voor uwe
voortreffelijke leiding op wetenschappelijk^ gebied in de eerste
jaren van mijn studie, zeer veel verschuldigd als mensch. Het
was, naar \'t mij voorkomt, voor een belangrijk deel uw wel-
willendheid en uw invloed — voor het overige heb ik U, hoog-
Pulle en Nierstrasz te danken — waardoor het
mogelijk was, dat de mobilisatie niet te zware lasten op mij
legde. Maar ver boven deze materieele gunsten stel ik die uwer
vriendschap, die mij menigmaal tot steun was. Ik kan U ver-
zekeren, dat het mij steeds een voorrecht zal blijven, in de
sfeer, die gij om U zelf en uw werk weet te scheppen, te
hebben mogen verkeeren. Ook wil ik U danken voor de
moeite die ook gij voor mij deedt, inzake mijn wenschen, die
uitgingen naar het jonge Oosten, dat op ons wacht, al wees
het lot dan tenslotte óok een anderen weg, dan wij oor-
spronkelijk meenden en hoopten.

Uw opvatting van de waarde der wetenschap en de wijze
waarop gij die zoo vrijmoedig voorstaat, hooggeleerde
hebben steeds een bijzondere aantrekkingskracht op mij uitge-

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oefend. Het wil mij toeschijnen, dat ik niet weinig van mijn
wetenschappelijke vorming te danken heb aan U. in wien ik
vaak de geringschatting voor de kennis van vele, kleine feiten,
zonder het in het oog houden van de groote lijnen, heb be-
wonderd. En ik gedenk met dankbaarheid de uren, waarin
gij mij toestondt, in persoonlijk gesprek U als wetenschappelijk
man beter te leeren kennen.

Welhaast niet minder heb ik U, hooggeleerde Jordan, dank
te zeggen, voor wat ik van U mocht leeren. Ik herinner, mij
met vreugde de dagen, dat ik samen met
U wetenschappelijken
arbeid mocht verrichten, en de oogenblikken, die mij de gretig
gegrepen gelegenheid gaven, een beter inzicht te verkrijgen in
uw streng wetenschappelijken geest.

Ook U, hooggeleerde Wichmann en Westerdijk zeg ik hier
gaarne dank voor uwe lessen.

Het Utrechtsch Studenten-Corps heeft mij in mijn Stu-
dententijd veel gegeven, wat ik zonder haar lidmaatschap
ongetwijfeld had moeten missen. Het wil mij echter wel voor-
komen, dat het zich minder aan tradities hechte, dan tot nu toe
\'t geval was, in \'t bijzonder wat betreft het interne leven. Dit
lijkt mij voor haar een eisch voor vooruitgang. Dat het blijve
bloeien, is mijn hartelijke wensch.

Dat het aan mijn vader niet gegeven is, dit einde van mijn
vooropleiding als wetenschappelijk man, waaraan zijn wijze
hand en wetenschappelijke geest een begin maakte, te beleven,
bedroeft mij zeer. Het is daarom, dat ik dit werkje aan zijn
nagedachtenis wijden wil, omdat zijn wetenschappelijke zin en
zijn werkkracht, zijn eerlijkheid en zijn trouw mij steeds tot
een voorbeeld zijn geweest. Zij zullen dat ook steeds blijven.

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The world is so full of a number of things-
I\'m sure we should all be as happy as kings.

(R. L. Stevenson, A Child\'s Garden
of Verses).


This enumeration of the Verbenaceae of the Malayan
Archipelago, together with those from Malacca, the
Philippines and the western parts of Melanesia and
Micronesia is based upon plant-materials from the Her-
barium of the universities of Utrecht, Leiden and Berlin,
and we avail ourself of the opportunity to tender our
best thanks to their keepers for their kindness in supplying
materials, necessary for the elaboration of this plant-family.
We are sorry to say that we could, in consequence of
the war, not obtain materials from the Kew- and Buiten-
zorg-herbaria. We chose the boundaries of these countries
in this way, partly for their unity in phytogeographical
respect (v.: „Phytogeographical Remarks", p. 350), partly
for the possibilities indicated by the materials extant.

About the arrangement and methods used we can say
the following:

In general, we followed the rules, laid down by the
Botanical Congress, Brussels 1910.

When specimina are mentioned by the number, under
which they ressort in the herbaria of Utrecht, Leiden
and Berlin, the latter are abbreviated respectively as H.
A. R.—T., H. L.—B., and H. Ber.

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H. B. or H. Bog. means: herbarium of the botanical
gardens of Buitenzorg.

The tabulae of determination are always arranged in
this way that, whenever there could be any doubt in
choosing one of two or more alternatives, the genus or
species in question is to be found in following both or all
the alternatives.

A bibliography on the subject is given, only containing
those works, which are not mentioned in the text (p. 356).

Under: „doubtful species" only those species are given,
which by no means could be mentioned in the tabulae of
determination. For we are in the opinion, that, if we
gather in these tabulae as much species as is possible
without hurting their security, this gives a greater chance
to find the species, or to discover new or synonymous ones.

For the subdivision of the family we used, generally
spoken, Engler\'s System (Nat. Pfl. fam. IV, 3a, 1897).

Dimensions of inflorescences are always given including
the length of the peduncles, if we did not indicate it

In the matter of varieties we started from the principle,
that they stand in reason to the species, as this does to
the genus. Thus we eventually subdivided the species
into var. y. (often typicus, -a, -um), var. ,3, etc.

Also plants imported into or cultivated in the regions
dealt with, are mentioned.

In: Hallier ƒ., Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37, 32,
the present publication by mistake is mentioned as edited
in Utrecht.

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tabulated statement of the genera and subdivision
of the family according to \'the affinity.

A Inflorescences spicate, botrytic, centripetal; ovules basal,
• anatropical (except in
Petro: an Citharexyle.t;); seeds
exalbuminous ...... Tribe I. VERBENOIDEyE.

a. inflorescence a spike.

fruits with four 1-seeded cells.

or pyrenes (cocci) Subtribe A. Euverbenevu.

1. Verbena.
/3. fruits with 2 (or by abortion 1)

1. pyrenes 1-celled, 1-seeded

Subtribe B. Lantane.i:.

I. fertile stamens 4.

-j*. fruits drupaceous with
fleshy exocarp and one
2-seeded (or two 1 -seeded)

pyrenes.....2. Lantana.

fruits dry, capsular, with
thin, dry exocarp and
splitting up into 2 cocci 3.

II. fertile stamens 2; fruits with

2 pyrenes......4. Stachytarpheta.

2. pyrenes 2-celled, 2-seeded

Subtribe C. Prive.u.

5. Priva.

b. inflorescences paniculate or axillary.

fruits with two 1-celled, 1-seeded
pyrenes .... Subtribe
D. Petr.uj;.

6. Petr^ea,

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/2. fruits with 2—4 two-celled two-

seeded pyrenes . Subtribe E. Citharexyleje.

7. Duranta.

B. Inflorescences cymose, centrifugal, often composed,
a. ovules laterally or nearly apically
attached, hemianatropic ; ovary per-
fectly or imperfectly 4— 10-celled.
a. fruits drupaceous, rarely an indé-
hiscent capsule; seeds exalbu-
minous ..... Tribe II. VITICOIDE^E.

1. flowers actinomorphous ; sta-
mens 4(-7), equal.

I. drupe with 4-oo pyrenes

Subtribe A. CallicarpEvE.
-J-. style terminal; stigma with
short, obtuse lobes.
O. flowers 5—7-merous,
or, if occasionnally 4-
merous, then always also
alternating leaves next
to the opposite ones 8.
(DO. flowers 4-merous, or,
if occasionnally 5-
merous, then always all
leaves opposite . . 9.
-f"{\\ style sunk down between
the only for l/2 of their
length connated cells of
the ovary, stigma with
subulate lobes .
. 10. Schizopremna.

II. Drupe with one 4-celled

pyrene . . . Subtribe B. Tbctonete.

11. Tectona.

2. flowers more or less zygo-
morphous; stamens 4—5, dis-
tinctly didynamous.

I. fruita 1-celled, 1-seeded, indé-
hiscent capsule. Subtribe
C. Teysmanniodendre.i:.

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■f. inflorescences composedly
cymose, terminal; flowers
very distinctly zygomor-
phous with rounded lobes ;

stamens 4 . . . . 12. Teysmanniodendron.
-f-f. inflorescences racemose,
terminal, often brachiate
near the base ; flowers little
zygomorphous, with nar-
row lobes; stamens
5 13. Xerocarpa.

II. fruit a drupe with one 4-

cçlled pyrene. Subtribe D. Vuice;e.
■f. corolla-tube short, cylin-

O. corolla 4-lobed.

□ • leaves simple.

A- Shrubs at least

7j, M. high 14. Premna.
A A- Undershrubs
reaching only

cM. in height. 15. Pygm^eopremna.

□ □. leaves digitately

composed . . 16. Viticipremna.
OO- Corolla 5-lobed 17. Vitex.
ff. Corolla-tube broadly
funnel-shaped, widened
towards the throat . 18.

III. fruit a drupe with 1—4
one-seeded pyrenes

Subtribe E. Clerodendre:i:.
-}-. calvx 2—3-lobed, when
adult; corolla 4-lobed.
O. corolla-lobes subequal;

pyrenes 3—4 . . 19. Faradaya.
OO. corolla 2-lipped with
3 obovate and 1 linea.
lobe; pyrenes 1—2

20. Hosea.

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ff. calyx (3-)5-toothed or
-lobed, or nearly entire;
corolla 5-lobed.
O- calyx 3 or 5-toothed
or lobed, narrow, not
spreading .
. . 21. Clerodendron.
OO. calyx indistinctly 5-
lobed or nearly entire,
widely spreading
22. Holmskjceldia.
/3. fruit a 4-valvate capsule


1. calyx unaltered in fruit; leaves
pinnately composed . . 23.

2. calyx with enlarged, membra-
nous lobes in fruit; leaves one
or two times digitately com-
posed .......24.

b. ovules apically attached, pendu-
lous, orthotropical.

ovary imperfectly 2-celled; fruits

dry, 1-seeded . . Tribe IV. SYMPHOREMOIDE>E.

1. involucral bracts 6.

I. flowers 6—18-merous . 25. Symphorema.

II. flowers 5-merous . . 26. Sphenodesme.

2. involucral bracts 3—4 . 27. Congea.
ovary imperfectly 4-celled; fruit

a 1-seeded, bivalvate capsule

28. Avicennia.

Tabula for determining the. genus.

1. a. Fertile stamens 2............2.

b. Fertile stamens 4, or if 5, then all leaves opposite 3.

c. Fertile stamens 5 or more, or, if 4, then always some
alternate leaves between the pairs of opposite ones 27.

2. a. Leaves simple.....4. Stachytarpheta p. 19.

b. Leaves pinnately composed, with winged rhachis

23. Peronema p. 321.

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3. a. Inflorescence capitate, spicate or racemose. ... 4.
b. Inflorescence cymose or flowers solitary in the axils of

the leaves..................10.

4. a. Inflorescence racemose, axillary . . 6. Petr^a p. 25.

b. Inflorescence spicate...........5.

c. Inflorescence capitate...........9.

5. a. Spikes dense, short............6.

b. Spikes more or less elongated........7.

6. a. Fruits drupaceous, with fleshy exocarp, and one 2-seeded

or two 1-seeded pyrenes . . . .2. Lantana p. 10.
b. Fruits capsular, with dry exocarp and splitting up into
2 one-seeded cocci........3. Lippia p. 15.

7. a. Fruits capsular, bivalvate. . . 28. Avicennia p. 339.

b. Fruits drupaceous; pyrenes 2-seeded......8.

c. Fruits splitting up into four 1-seeded cocci 1. Verbena p. 9.

8. a. Pyrenes 4.........7. Duranta p. 27.

b. Pyrenes 2...........5. Priva p. 23.

9. a. Heads with 3—4 involucral bracts 27. Congea p. 336.
b. Heads without involucral bracts 28. Avicennia p. 339.

10. a. Inflorescences terminal, simple or composed and often

panicled; the small inflorescences being sometimes attached
at rather wide intervals (Premna latifolia
Roxb.) . 11.
b. Inflorescences axillary, simple, or flowers solitary in the
axils of the leaves............22.

11. a. Flowers small, 0.5—1 cM. long; corolla-tube short,

relatively rather broad, cylindrical or nearly so .12.
b. Flowers larger, 1.5—12 cM. long; corolla-tube long,
relatively rather narrow, at least near the base, cylindrical
or infundibuliform and very wide near the throat . 20.

12. a. Leaves composed............13.

b. Leaves simple..............16.

13. a. Calyx not enlarged in fruit.........14.

b. Calyx with enlarged, membranous lobes in fruit

24. Petr/eovitex p. 323.

14. a. Corolla 4-merous .... 16. Viticipremna p. 162.
b. Corolla 5-merous............15.

15. a. Fruit capsular, indehiscent, 1-celled, 1-seeded

12. Teysmanniodendron p. 97.

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b. Fruit drupaceous with one 4-celled pyrene 17. Vitex p. 164.

16. a. Corolla 4-merous............17.

b. Corolla 5-merous............19.

17. a. Shrubs reaching at least V2 ML in height .... 18.
b. Undershrubs reaching 15 cM. at the utmost

15. Pygm/EOPremna p. 160.

18. a. Style terminal.......14. Premna p. 100.

b. Style sunk down between the only for 1/2 of their

length connated cells of ovary . 10. Schizopremna p. 92.

19. a. Calyx unaltered in fruit.....17. Vitex p. 164.

b. Calyx with enlarged, membranous lobes in fruit

Petraeovitex bambusetorum.

20. a. Calyx closed at first, 2—3-lobed afterwards

19. Faradaya p. 228.
b. Calyx 3—5-merous from the beginning.....21.

21. a. Corolla-tube relatively long; stamens indistinctly

didynamous, usually long exsert; fruit drupaceous with

4 pyrenes.......21. Clerodendron p. 238.

b. Corolla-tube funnel-shaped, very wide across the throat;
stamens very distinctly didynamous, little exserted or
included; fruit drupaceous with one 1—4-celled pyrene

18. Gmelina p. 214.

22. a. Inflorescences axillary...........23.

b. Flowers solitary in the axils of the leaves. Gmelina uniflora.

23. a. Calyx 2—3-lobed. when adult........24.

b. Calyx small, regularly 4-toothed, very rarely 5-toothed
(?) (Callicarpa Horsfieldii
Turcz) 9. Calucarpa p. 45.

c. Calyx indistinctly 5-lobed or undulate or nearly entire,
spreading, coloured. . . .22.
Holmskjceldia p. 321.

d. Calyx regularly or irregularly 5-toothed .... 25.

24. a. Corolla-lobes subequal; pyrenes 3—4 19. Faradaya p. 228.
b. Corolla-lobes unequal, 3 obovate, 1 linear; pyrenes 1—2

20. Hosea p. 236.

25. a. Calyx unaltered in fruit..........26.

b. Calyx with enlarged, membranous lobes in fruit

24. Petraeovitex p. 323.

26. a. Corolla-tube short, 0.3—1.0 cM.; limb 2-lipped

17. Vitex p. 164.

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b. Corolla-tube longer, cylindrical, slender, 0.5—12 cM.;
limb subregularly 5-lobed . 21.
Clerodendron p. 238.

27. a. Inflorescences capitate, with involucral bracts . . 28.
b. Inflorescences cymose or spicately racemose . . . 29.

28. a. Flowers 5-merous .... 26. Sphenodesme p. 331.
b. Flowers 6—18-merous. . . 25. Symphorema p. 329.

29. a. Inflorescences terminal, composed.......30.

b. Inflorescences axillary......8. Geunsia p. 28.

30. a. Inflorescences cymose, panicled . 11. Tectona p. 93.
b. Inflorescences racemose, subspicate, brachiate near the

base...........13. Xerocarpa p. 98.


Subtribe A. EuvERBENE/£.

I. VERBENA L. syst. veg. ed. I, (1737); R. Brown,
Prodr. 514; Benth. and v. Muell., Fl. Austr. V. 35;
Benth. and Hook., Gen. PI. II, II, 1146; Schaaer, DC.
Prodr. XI, 535; Engl. u. Prantl, Nat. Pfl. fam. IV, 3a,
Hook. {., Fl. Br. Ind., IV, 565; Miquel, Fl. Ind.
bat. II, 908;
Hasskarl. 2e Cat. \'s Lands PI. tuin Btzg.,
134 — Pubescent herbs or undershrubs;
leaves opposite
or ternately whorled, toothed or pinnatifid, simple;
inflorescences spicate, terminal, simple or corymbose;
flowers and bracts small;
calyx tubular, membranous,
shortly 5-toothed;
corolla with cylindric tube, sometimes
curved; limb ± oblique, sub-2-lipped, 5-lobed, throat and
insertion of stamens hairy;
stamens 4, included, didyna-
mous, inserted in the upper part of the corolla-tube;
anthers glandular;
style short; stigma unequally 2-fid, one
lobe papilliferous, the other glabrous, horn-shaped;
supported by a short annular gynophore, at first 1-, but soon
4-celled, 4-ovuled;
fruit capsular, with 4 one-seeded cocci.

Distribution: chieflly in tropical America, very few

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species in the old world, one cosmopolitical for tropical-
temperate regions.

I. V. officinalis L. Sp. pi. 29 (1753); R. Brown, Prodr.
Benth. and v. Muell, Fl. austr., V, 35; Schauer,
Prodr. XI, 547; Forbes and Hemsley, Fl. Sin. II,
Hook, f., Fl. Br. Ind., IV, 565; Miquel, Fl. Ind. bat.,
II, 908;
Backer, Ann. Jard. bot. Btzg., Suppl. 3, I, 419;
Miquel, Ann. Mus. bot. Lugd.—Bat. II, 97. — V.
F. v. Muell. Fragm. I, 60. — V.
Benth., PI. Hartw., 21 (1839-1857) -
V. spuria
L. sp. pi. 29 (1753). - A herb 30-60 cM.;
branchlets quadrangular, subglabrous, somewhat hirsute
on the ribs;
leaves oblong-lanceolate, base cuneate-attenuate,
pinnatifid or coarsely toothed, (sub)sessile, glabrous or
scabrid above, strigosely hairy beneath, especially on the
nerves and along the variously lobed margins; 5—10 cM.
spikes panicled, at first dense, ultimately interrupted
below; bracts ovate, acuminate; the spikes in fruit

25 cM.; calyx 0.15—0.2 cM., minutely 5-toothed; corolla
blue, 0.6 cM.

Distribution: cosmopolitical for tropical, subtropical and
temperate regions.

Subtribe B. LANTANE/E.

II. LANTANA L., Gen. pi. ed. I, 185 (1737); Benth. and
v. Muell., Fl. Austr. V, 34; Benth. and Hook. gen. PI.,
II, 1142; Schauer, DC., Prodr. XI, .594; Engl. u. Prantl,
Nat. Pfl. fam., IV, 3a, 150; Hook, f., Fl. Br. Ind. IV.
King and Gamble Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, LXXIV,
4, 795;
Hasskarl. 2e Cat. \'s Lands PI. tuin, Buitzg. 134;
Miquel, Fl. Ind. bat. II, 904; Roxb. Fl. ind, III 89. -
Shrubs or undershrubs; branches usually acutely 4-ribbed,
hirsute, sometimes spiny, glandular;
leaves simple, opposite
or ternate, rugose;
inflorescences axillary, spicate or

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capitate, peduncled, with ovate or lanceolate bracts; calyx
membranous, with short tube, more or less distinctly two-
lipped, 4—5-toothed, pubescent;
corolla with long cylin-
drical tube; limb spreading, 4—5-lobed, more or less
2-lipped, oblique;
stamens 4, didynamous, inserted in the
middle or the upper part of the corolla-tube, included,
with very short filaments;
style short, with capitate stigma;
ovary 2-celled, 2-ovuled; drupe with 1 two-celled, two-
seeded pyrene, or with 2 one-celled, one-seeded pyrenes,
exocarp fleshy; seeds without albumen.

Distribution: chiefly in tropical America, a few in Africa
and Asia.

1. a. Leaves ternate or opposite; branchlets without spines;

bracts with a long spiny acumen . 1. L. trifolia p. 11.
b. Leaves opposite; branchlets with or without spines; bracts
without spiny acumen...........2.

2. a. Branchlets often with spines; bracts as long as the half

of the corolla-tube; calyx 2-lipped, lips 2-toothed; corolla
golden-yellow, ultimately orange-coloured-red.

2. L. aculeata p. 12.
b. Branchlets without spines; bracts as long as the corolla-
tube; calyx 2-lipped, lips entire; corolla white with yellow

throat..........3. L. salvifolia p. 13.

Doubtful species:.....4. L. triplinervia p. 14.

1. L. trifolia L., sp. pi. 626, (1753); Backer, Ann.
J. bot. Buitzg. suppl. 3, I, 406;
Schauer, DC. Prod. XI,
Hook. [., Fl. Br. Ind. IV, 563; Bot. Mag. tab.
1022? or tab. 1449?!;
Hall, f., Meded. \'s Rijks Herb.
Leid. no. 37, 18;
Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. I, 504. —
L. albopurpurea
Desf. Cat. Hort. Par. ed. Ill, 392,
(1829). - L. achyranthifolia
Desf. I.e.; Hall. f.
I.e., 17. — L. annua
L. sp. pi. 627. — L. dubia Royle,
Illustr. Bot. Himal., 300, t. 73, (1839), pro parte. —
L. indica
Wall., cat. no. 1823, (1828). — L. pilosa
H. B. et K. Nov. Gen. et sp., II, 260, (1817). — L.
H. B. et K., Nov. Gen. et Spec. II, 259,

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(1817). — An undershrub; branchlets, peduncles and petioles,
leaves ternate or opposite, membranous,
ovate-lanceolate, both sides acute, base entire, margins
dentate-serrate, above rugose with stiff hairs on papils,
beneath rather densely hairy, glandular, hairs simple; 10
by 37s cM.; petioles 0.7—1 cM.;
inflorescences axillary;
spikes subcylindrical, l]/2—27s cM. long, 0.7—1 cM.
wide, peduncles 9—10 c.M.; bracts as long as or longer
than the corolla, 5-nerved, with a long, slender acumen,
0.4—0.8 cM., lower surface pubescent and glandular;
calyx irregularly and unequally 4-toothed, oblique, scar-
cely pubescent and glandular, 0.1 cM.;
corolla softly
hairy, glandular, 4-lobed, somewhat 2-lipped, lilac;

java: Denker nos. 222 and 8, Purbolinggo, flow, on
27—V— 1911
—Boerlage nos. 44 (Buitenzorg) and 459
(Tjiomas) —
Zollinger no. 1839 (L. achy ran thifolia).

Distribution: tropical America, imported into tropical
Asia (Ceylon, Brit. India, Java!, Sumatra).

2. L. aculeata L., sp. pi. 627, (1753); Bot. Mag. t.
King and Gamble Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, LXXIV,
4, 796;
Hall, f., Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37, 17 -
L. camara L. sp. pi. 627 (1753);
Benth. and v. Muell.,
Fl.- Austr., V, 34; Backer, Ann. Jard. bot. Buitzg. suppl.
3, I, 406;
Schauer, DC. Prodr. XI, 598; Elbert, Meded.
\'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 12, 15;
Forbes and Hemsley,
Fl. sin. II, 251; Koorders, Exk. fl. v. Java, III, 132;
Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. I, 503; Merrill., Bur. Gov. Lab.
no. 27, 67 and Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot. XI, 311;
FL Brasil. IX, 255; Merrill, Bur. Gov. Lab. no. 6, 35. -
L. mutabilis
Salisb., Prodr. 107, (1796) - L. polya-
Schau. DC. Prodr. XI, 597, (1847) - L. scabrida
Soland. in Ait. Hort. Kew ed. I, ii, 352, (1789) -
L. viburnoides
Blco., Fl. Filipp., ed. 11,345, (1845).
A shrub; branches tetragonous, with or without down-

-ocr page 25-

ward pointing spines on the ribs, hairy, as are petioles; leaves
membranous, variable in form, from wide-lanceolate, acute
both at the base and the apex, to ovate with subacute
or subcordate base and acute or obtuse apex and to
nearly rounded, with rounded apex and cordate base, the
latter abruptly decurrent; margins crenate, entire towards
the base; above rugose with stiff hairs on papils and
simple soft hairs; beneath pubescent with simple hairs,
glandular; pairs of nerves 5—7; 2V2—81/« by 1 Vs —4
cM.; petioles 0.4—2 cM.;
inflorescences peduncled, capitu-
late or subspicate, with globose or ovoid spikes, 1 — 11/2
cM. long, 11/2.—2 cM, wide, peduncles 1—7 cM. long,
as long as or longer than the leaves; bracts 0.4—0.5 cM.,
lanceolate or ovate-acuminate, pubescent;
calyx 0.2 cM.,
two-lipped, the lips acutely 2-toothed; whitish hairy,
corolla 1.2 cM., softly pubescent, tube 0.8 cM.,
limb spreading, more or less 2-lipped, upper lip entire or
somewhat 2-lobed, lower lip 3-lobed, the middle-lobe
somewhat larger, gold-yellow, ultimately orange-red;
0.4 cM.; ovary softly pubescent, somewhat glandular;
drupe fleshy with one 2-seeded or two 1-seeded pyrenes.

JAVA: Denker, no. 35, Purbolinggo — Boerlage, in H. L.-B.
sub nos. 908.353—393 (Buitenzorg) and 908.267—939
(Pelabuan Ratu) —
Elbert nos. 466 (Kendeng Trinil) and
339 (Mt. Lawu), both localities in Madiun, the latter
1200—1400 M. in alt.

Banka: in H. A. R.-T. sub no. 043916, in the garden

Saleyer -isl.: Docters van Leeuwen-Reijnvaan no. 1674,
20 M.
in alt., flow, on 20-V-1913; a shrub, 1 M. high.

Philippines: McGregor in H. L.-B. sub no. 911.142—376,
Luzon, Rizal, flow, in Nov. 1907.

Distribution: tropical America, imported into tropical Asia.

L. salvifoJia Jacquin, Hort. Schoenbr., Ill, 18, t. 285,
King and Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal. LXXIV,

-ocr page 26-

4, 796. — L. alba Mill, ex Link Enum. pi. hort. berol.,
II, 126, (1821), (or Gard. Diet. ed. VIII, no. 8, (1768) l)l);
Miquel, Fl. Ind. bat. II. 904; Schauer, DC. Prodr. XI,
606. — L. collina
Decne. in Jaquem. Voy. Bot., 136,
t. 141,(18..). — L. dubia
Royle. 111. Bot. Himal.. 300,
t. 73, 1839), - L. dubia
Wall, ex Walp. Rep., IV, 63,
(1842—8). — L. Gogchana
Buch.~Ham ex Voigt,
Hort. Suburb. Calc., 472, (1845). — L. indica Roxb.
Fl. ind., Ill, 89, (1832); Hook, f., Fl. Br. Ind. IV. 562; -
L. latifolia
Tausch, Flora XIX, 391, (1836) -
L. leucantha
Hort ex Schau., DC. Prodr. XI, 606,
(1847) - L. W-ightiana
Wall. cat. no. 2655 (1828). -
A shrub; branches without spines, tetragonous, hirsute;
leaves elliptical-subrotundate or -ovate, both sides acuminate
or base subcordate, coarsely dentate-serrate, strigosely
hispid above, greyish-tomentose beneath;
spicate or subcapitulate, peduncled, shorter or longer
than the leaves, bracts obovate-subrotundate or elliptical-
ovate-acuminate, rugose on the backside, ciliate, as long
as the corolla-tube;
calyx hirsutely hairy, 2-lipped, lips
entire, ciliate;
corolla subhirsutely villous, white with
yellow throat, tube 0.7 cM., limb 0.5 cM.;
drupe dark-

Distribution; chiefly in tropical America, less in tropical
and southern Africa, rather common in Burma, Ceylon,
India, Malayan Peninsula.

Doubtful Species:

4. L. triplinervia Turcz. in Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc.
II, 205, (1863). — A shrub; branchlets acutely
quadrangular, scabrid on the ribs, and sometimes with short
leaves petioled, ovate-lanceolate; base attenuate, apex

\') In this case L. alba Mill, should have the priority. Wc cannot
give a final decision in this matter, but think it is probable that the first
given work contains the true description of L. alba

-ocr page 27-

acuminate, margins crenate except near the base; base 3-nerved;
upper side with short hairs, each on a small papil, lower side
scabrid on the nerve-reticulation;
heads on long axillary pedun-
cles, which are hardly shorter than the leaves, spicate, with
two linear involucral bracts, afterwards elongated, oblong-
conical; bracts lanceolate, acuminate, greyish, as long as the
half or a third of the corolla-tube.

Distribution: Java.

We could not discover any mention of this plant in the
bibliography of the systematical botany about the regions dealt
with. Perhaps it is identical with L. aculeata.

III. LIPPIA L. Gen. pi. ed. I, 347 (1737); Blume, Bijdr.
Benth. and Hook. Gen. pi. II, II, 1142; R. Brown,
Prodr. 514; Benth. and v. Muell. Fl. Austr. V, 34;
Schauer, DC. Prodr. XI, 572; Engl. u. Prantl. Nat.
Pfl. fam. IV, 3a, 151;
Hook, f, Fl. Br. Ind. IV, 563;
King and Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, LXXIV, 4, 797;
Miquel, Fl. Ind. bat. II, 905; Hasskarl, 2c Cat. \'s L. PI. tuin
Buitzg., 134. — Shrubs, or undershrubs; branches tetrago-
nous, usually hairy;
leaves simple, opposite or verticillate,
rarely alternate;
inflorescences spicate or capitate, flowers
small, in the axils of bracts;
calyx membranous, tubular
2-lipped and more or less irregularly 4-lobed; coro//a-tube
cylindrical, somewhat funnel-shaped, limb spreading, obli-
que, 5-lobed, somewhat 2-lipped.;
stamens 4, didynamous,
included, with very short filaments, inserted in the upper
part of the corolla-tube;
style terminal, short; ovary
2-celled; cells 1-ovuled; fruit dry, splitting up into two
1-seeded cocci; albumen none.

Distribution: chiefly in tropical America; some species
in Africa and some in Asia, one cosmopolitical in the
tropics and subtropics.

-ocr page 28-

The genus resembles much the genus LANTANA; the most
striking difference is in its fruit, which has a dry (not a fleshy)
èxocarp, and splits up into two dry cocci.

1. a Peduncles shorter than the leaves.......2.

b. Peduncles longer than the leaves, 5—11 cM.; leaves

small, with rounded apex, subsessile, base attenuate,
reaching 4 by 2 cM.....1. L. nodiflora p. 16.

2. a. Leaves ovate; bracts ovate, long cuspidate-acuminate,

somewhat shorter than the corolla-tube; corolla pink.

2. L. geminata p. 18.
b. Leaves lanceolate; bracts rhomboid or nearly circular,
abrubtly acuminate or -apiculate, as long as the corolla-

tube; corolla white.....3. L. asperifolia p. 18.

Doubtful species:......4. L. javanica p. 19.

1. L. nodiflora Rich, (vel Michx. in Rich.?), Fl. Bor.
Am. II, 15, (1803);
Blume, Bijdr. 821; R. Brown, Prodr.
Benth. and v. Muell., Fl. Austr. V, 34; Williams,
Bull. Herb. Boiss. sér. II, T. V, 430; Schauer, DC.
Prodr. XI, 585; Forbes and Hemsley, Fl. Sin. II, 251;
Forbes, Wander. Nat. f. Mai. Arch. II, 226; Pulle in
Lorentz, Nova-Guinea, VIII, 2, 401; Hook, f., Fl. Br.
Ind., IV, 563;
King and Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. Beng.
LXXIV, 4, 797;
Koorders, Exk. fl. v. Java, III, 133;
Hook. Comp. Bot. Mag. I, 349; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI.,
-I, 508;
Miquel, Fl. Ind. bat. II. 905 and suppl. I, 244
and 570;
Merrill, Bur. Gov. Lab. no. 27, 67 and Phil.
Journ. Sci. Bot. XI, 310;
Martius, Fl. Brasil. IX, 238;
Merrill, Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot. Ill, 430; Hall. f. Med.
\'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37, 19;
Hasskarl. 2e Cat. \'s Lands
PI. tuin Buitzg., 134;
Schimper, Bot. Mitt. a. d. Tropen,
III, 129;
Valeton, Bull. Dépt. Agric. Ind. Néerl. no. X,
Zollinger u. Moritzi, Syst. Verz., 52. — Verbena
nodiflora L. Sp. pi. 20, (1753);
Burm. Fl. ind. 12. t. 6.
fig. 1;
Roxb., Hort. Beng. 4. — Blairia nodiflora
Gaertn. Fruct. I, 266, t. 56, (1788). — Zapania
Lam. 111. t. 17, (1793); Wall. cat. no. 1824. -

-ocr page 29-

Phyla chinensis Lour., Fl. Cochinch. 66, (1790). —
A creeping perennial herb or undershrub; branches tetra-
gonous, appressedly pubescent;
leaves chartaceous or
subcoriaceous, sessile or subsessile, obovate or obovate-
elongate with long-attenuate entire base and rounded
serrate apex, both sides appressedly pubescent with simple
hairs, pairs of nerves 2—6; \\1/2—5 cM. long; 0.3—2 cM.
wide across the middle or above it; spikes 0.5—1.5 cM.
long, 0.5—0.6 cM. wide, long-peduncled, solitary in the
axils of the leaves; peduncles 5—11 cM.; bracts as long
as the corolla-tube," ovate-rotundate with abrupt, subulate
apex, or nearly wide-triangular, deltoid, with straight
dentate apex, sometimes with a short acumen;
calyx 0.06
cM., pubescent, 2-lipped, somewhat irregularly 4-toothed;
corolla softly pubescent, 0.35 cM.; limb spreading, more
or less 2-lipped, 4—5 lobed;
stamens 4, didynamous, the
short filaments inserted near the throat of the corolla;
style very short, with capitate or subpeltate stigma,
ovary glabrous 2-celled, 2-ovuled: fruit dry, with two
1-seeded cocci.

Var. sarmentosa Schauer, DC. Prodr. XI, 585,
(1847). — Lantana sarmentosa
Spr. Syst. II, 752,
(1825—28). — Lippia sarmentosa
Spr. I.e. — Leaves
obovate, base entire to the middle, 3-472 by 172—2 cM.;
pairs of nerves 4—6; bracts ovate-rotundate with long-
acuminate, subulate apex, margins irregularly dentate, ciliate.

New-Guinea: Schlechter no. 18101, near Kenegia-river,
150 M., flow, on Aug. 16th, 1908.

New-Ireland (Neu-Mecklenburg); Peekel, without
no., Kawieng (Pakail), common, creeping, 50—150 cM.
long, 20—40 cM. high.; flowers bluish white, flow, and
fr. in Oct. 1911.

Var. (3. repens Schauer I.e. 586. — Lantana repens
Spr. l c. — Lippia repens Spr. I.e. — Leaves elongate-
obovate, base entire up to of the leave, 172—5 by


-ocr page 30-

0.3—1 cM.; pairs of nerves 2—3; bracts deltoid with
straight, dentate-ciliate apex, sometimes shortly, abruptly

Sumatra: in H. A. R.—T. sub no. 043912; P. Pontjang
Kitjil in the bay of Tapanuli; flow, in Oct.

New-Guinea: Versteeg no. 1845, flow, and fr. on
30—X-1907. - Branderhorst no. 58, fr. on 10—X—1907.

Distribution of the species: cosmopolitical in tropics
and subtropics, especially in the neighbourhood of the
sea-shore. (Sumatra!, Java!, Borneo!, Celebes!, Timor!,
New-Guinea!, Luzon, Malacca, New-Ireland!)

2. L. geminata Kunth. in H. B. et K. Nov. Gen. et Spec.
PI., II, 266, (1817);
Benth. and v. Muell., Fl. Austr. V, 34;
Schauer, DC. Prodr. XI, 582; Hook. f. Fl. Br. Ind., IV, 563;
? Martius Fl. Brasil. IX, 235. (L. gem. Rich.) — L. asperi-
Poepp. ex Cham, in Linnaea VII, 215, (1832 >. — L.
Willd. ex Cham. I.e., 214.

A shrub; branches subquadrangular, strigosely hispid; leaves
opposite or ternate, ovate or ovate-oblong, base cuneate, decur-
rent, apex acute, margins serrate, pairs of nerves 3; above
strigosely-hispid, beneath softly greyish hairy, 5—10 cM. long,
inflorescences capitulate, at first subglobose, 1.3
cM. long, ultimately subcylindrical, reaching 2.5 cM.; peduncles
short, hardly as long as the petioles, solitary or two of them
in the axils of the leaves; bracts ovate, cuspidate-acuminate,
greyish-villous, ciliate, somewhat shorter than the corolla-tube;
corolla violet.

Distribution: tropical America, imported into Bengal and

We make mention of this species, finding it rather probable
that it should occur in Malaya, since it is imported into Bengal
and Australia.

3. L. asperifolia Rich. Cat. Hort. Med. Par., 67, (year?);
Schauer, DC. Prodr. XI, 583; Koorders, Exk. fl. v. Java,
III, 133;
Miquel, Fl. Ind. bat. II, 906; Martius, Fl.
Brasil. IX, 236. - L. sea bra
Hochst. Flora XXVIII,

-ocr page 31-

68, (1845). — A shrub; branchlets hirsute, glandular;
leaves opposite or ternate, shortly petioled, lanceolate or
oblong-lanceolate, base attenuate, apex acute or obtuse,
margins serrate, entire near base, above strigosely-hirsute,
beneath, especially on the nerves greyish-pubescent;
capitulate, globose at first, ultimately cylindrical-
ovoid, peduncles slender, shorter than the leaves, one or
two of them in the axils of the leaves; bracts rhomboid-
subrotundate, abruptly acuminate or acute, strigosely
greyish-pubescent, as long as the corolla-tube.

Distribution: tropical America, South-Africa, Java.

Doubtful species:

4. L. javanica Spr. Syst. veg. II, 572 (or 752?), (1825-28);
Schauer, DC. Prodr. XI, 593; Miq. Fl. Ind. bat. II, 906
(sub L. asperifolia as a doubtful synonyme). — An erect
leaves oblong, subcrenulate; lower peduncles opposite,
upper ones whorled, longer than the leaves;
heads cylindric;
bracts acute.

Distribution: Java.

Probably this is the same as L. asperifolia.

IV. STACHYTARPHETA Vahl, Enum., 1,205,(1805);
Benth. and Hook. Gen. PI. II, II, 1145; Schauer, DC. Prodr.
XI, 561;
Engl. u. Prantl, IV, 3a, 154; Hook, f Fl. Br. Ind.
IV, 564;
King and Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. LXXIV,
4. 798;
Miquel, Fl. Ind. bat. II, 907. — Herbs or shrubs
with usually dichotomous branches;
leaves usually opposite,
simple, dentate or crenate, often rugose;
spicate, terminal, usually long and lax, the rhachis often
angular and excavated beneath the by a bract supported
flowers; flowers white, blue, red or pink;
calyx membranous,
narrowly cylindrical, 4—5-toothed, variously slit at a late
corolla with cylindrical, slender, often curved tube,
limb spreading, 5-lobed, throat more or less villous;

-ocr page 32-

stamens 2 fertile with anthers (the superior ones) and 2
sterile without anthers (the inferior ones), sometimes sta-
minodes none; filaments short, included, inserted in the
upper part of the corolla-tube, anther-cells vertically diva-
style long, exsert, stigma capitate; ovary supported
by a short annular disc, 2-celled, 2-ovuled;
fruit capsular,
separating into 2 one-seeded cocci; seeds exalbuminous.

Distribution: chiefly in tropical America, a few in
Africa, imported into tropical Asia and run wild there.

1. a. Plant densely hairy; leaves 7V2—12l/2 by 4—6l/2 cM.;

petioles 2—41/2 cM.; pairs of nerves 6—8; calyx 1 — 1.2
cM.; corolla 272 cM„ pink . . 1. S. mutabilis p. 20.
b. Plant subglabrous; leaves 3—10 by 1—5 cM.; petioles
V2—3l/2 cM.; calyx 0.6-0.75 cM.; corolla 0.7—1 cM.,
• blue...................2.

2. a. Crenatures of leaves mucronate; leaves 5—7l/2 cM. long.

2. S. bogoriensis p. 21.
b. Crenatures of leaves entire; leaves 3—10 by 1—5 cM. 3.

3. a. Calyx 0.75 cM,; corolla-tube 0.75 cM.; leaves with

acute or acuminate apex. . . 3. S. dichotoma p. 21.
b. Calyx 0.6 cM.; corolla-tube 0.7—1.2 cM.; leaves with
obtuse or subrounded, sometimes subacute apex.

4. S. jamaicensis p. 22.
1. S.
mutabilis (Jacq.) Vahl. Enum. I, 209, (1805); King
and Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. LXXIV, 4, 799;
Koorders, Exk. fl. v. Java III, 133; Bot. Mag. t. 976;
Miquel, Fl. Ind. bat., II, 907; Merrill, Phil. Journ. Sci.
Bot. XI, 309;
Backer, Ann. jard. bot. Buitzg. Suppl. 3,
I, 415;
Hall, f., Med.\'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37, 22 -
Verbena mutabilis
Jacq. Coll. II, 334. — A herb,
reaching 1 M.; branchlets quadrangular, with spikes and
petioles densely tawny-pubescent;
leaves opposite, ovate,
base rounded and decurrent, apex acute, the upper three-
fourths crenate, the crenatures mucronate, entire near the
base, sparsely villous and scabrid above, softly grey-
tomentose beneath, pairs of nerves 6—8, 71/2—12y2 by

-ocr page 33-

4—67s cM„ petioles 272—4 cM.; sprees stout, 15—45
cM. long, the flowers in excavations of the rhachis, bracts
ovate-lanceolate, cuspidate-acuminate, strigosely hairy,

0.6—1.2 cM. long; calyx 1 — 1.2 cM., with 4 acute teeth,
strigosely pubescent, the teeth on the outer side, the tube
cleft on the inner;
corolla pink, the tube curved, 27s CM.
long, limb spreading with 5 rounded lobes;
stamens with
villous filaments, anthers 0.12 cM.; staminodes subulate,
villous, 0.35—0.5 cM,;
fruit oblong, ovoid, or somewhat

Distribution: from tropical America imported into the
old world, and widely spread in Southern India, Java!,
Ambon; also in Central Africa.

2. S. bogoriensis Zoll. et Mor., Syst. Verz., 52, (1846). —
A perennial herb; branchlets glabrous;
leaves obovate,
obtuse, glabrous, base decurrent, margins serrate, the
teeth mucronulate, together with the petioles reaching 5—7 \'/a
cM. in length;
spikes 15—30 cM. long, bracts subulate
shorter than the flowers, which are immersed in the hollows
of the fleshy rhachis;
corolla pale blue.

Distribution: only mentioned from Bogor (Buitenzorg,
Java), Zollinger no. 849.

Perhaps it will appear that this species, which never, as far
as we know, has been discovered for a second time, is iden-
tical with one of the other species.

3. S. dichotoma Vahl, Enum., I, 207, (1805); Schauer,
Prodr., XI. 561; Koorders, Exk. fl. v. Java, III,
Backer, Ann. Jard. bot. Buitzg. suppl. 3, I, 415;
Martius, Fl. B-asil., IX, 199—? S. cayennensis Vahl

1.e. 208; Hall, f., Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37, 20. —
A herb?; branchlets dichotomous, quadrangular, sparsely
pubescent, densier on the nodes;
leaves ovate or ovate-
oblong, base decurrent, apex acute or acuminate, margins
coarsely dentate-serrate, strigosely hispid, glabrous on both
sides, or sparsely rugose, membranous, 5 — 10 cM. long,

-ocr page 34-

22 Stachytarpheta.


2—5 cM. wide; spikes 15—45 cM. long, bracts very
narrow, subulate aristate, striate, margins ciliate;
compressed, 4-ribbed, 4-toothed, 0.75 cM.; corolla blue,
tube as long as, or shorter than the calyx.

Distribution: from tropical America imported into Asia

4. S. jamaicensis Vahl. Enum. I, 206, (1805); Schauer,
Prodr., XI, 564; King and Gamble, Journ. As. Soc.
Beng. LXXIV, 4, 798;
Koorders, Exk. fl. v. Java, III,
133; Bot. Mag., t. 1860;
Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. I, 509;
Merrill, Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot. XI, 310; id. ibid. IX, 136;
Backer, Ann. Jard. bot. Buitzg., suppl. 3, I, 415. — S.
Kunze, Del. Sem. Hort. Lips. 9 in adnot. —
S. indica
Vahl, I.e.; Hall, f., Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid.
no. 37, 20;
Williams, Bull. Herb. Boiss. ser. II, T.
Schauer I.e.; Forbes and Hemsley, Fl. Sin. II, 251;
Hook. f. Fl. Br. Ind., IV, 564; Koorders, Meded. \'s Lands
PI. tuin no. XIX, 560;
Miquel, Fl. Ind. bat., II, 907 and
suppl. I, 244 and 570;
Backer, I.e.; Hall, f., Med. *s Rijks
Herb. Leid. no. 37, 20. — S. marginata
Vahl, I.e.
207. — S. pilosiuscula
H.B. et K., Nov. Gen. et Sp.
II, 279 (1817) - S. urticifolia
Dalz. et Gibs., Bomb. Fl.
Suppl. 68, (1861) — S. villosa
Turcz., Bull. Soc. Nat.
Mosc. XXXVI,
ii, 197, (1863). — An annual, erect herb;
branches dichotomous, obtusely quadrangular, the spikes
and petioles sparsely pubescent;
leaves opposite, thinly
chartaceous or membranous, ovate or obovate, base
decurrent, apex obtuse or subacute, margins coarsely serrate,
ciliate, upper side glabrous, beneath with some hairs and
scales or glabrate, pairs of nerves 4—6, 3—lOcM. long,
1—5 cM. broad, petioles V2—^/s CM. long, a narrow
line of hairs between the petioles of each pair of leaves;
spikes 10—30 cM. long, glabrescent, the flowers sessile
in the excavations of the rhachis, bracts subulate or lan-
ceolate-acuminate, 0.5 cM.;
calyx membranous, transparent,

-ocr page 35-

glabrous, somewhat flattened, with 4 acuminate teeth on
the outer side, cleft on the inner one, 5-ribbed, asymmetric,
0.6 cM. long, with some scales;
corolla slightly curved,
glabrous, tube 0.7—1.2 cM. long, limb spreading, 5-lobed,
blue, upper half of the tube hairy within;
stamens inserted
about 0.6 cM. from the base of the corolla-tube, staminodes
with capitate apex, often unequal in length;
style 0.6 cM.,
with capitate stigma;
ovary glabrous; fruit included in
the calyx, somewhat curved, elongate-pyriform, 0.45 cM.
long, shortly apiculate.

Caroline-Islands: Volkens no. 300., Yap, along the
roads, flow, on Jan. 4th, 1900, imported.

Java: Went in H. A. R—T. sub. no. 049898, Depok,
flow, on 26—IV—1890.

Banka: in H. A. R—T. sub no. 043920, flow, in
Sept. 1858.

Distribution: tropical America, Sandwich-isl., Samoa,
New-Caledonia, Marianne-isl., Luzon, Java!, Sumatra,
Malacca, Brit. India, Mauritius, Madagascar, tropical
Africa. (
Hallier, I.e.).

Subtribe C. Privet.

V. PRIVA Adans. fam. II, 505 (year?); Jussieu, Ann.
Mus. Par. VII, 75;
Benth. and Hook. Gen. PI. II, 2,
Schauer, DC. Prodr, XI, 532; Engler u. Prantl,
Nat. Pfl. fam. IV, 3a, 155; Hook, f., Fl. Br. Ind. IV,
565. — Erect herbs;
leaves opposite, membranous, petioled,
inflorescences spicate, terminal or axillary, long
and slender; flowers in the axils of small bracts; bracteoles
none or very small;
calyx nearly tubular at first, enlarged
in fruit, including it, with 5-teeth and 5 ribs;
with cylindric, straight or curved tube; limb spreading,
oblique, somewhat 2-lipped, 5-lobed;
stamens 4, didy-
namous, inserted in the middle of the corolla-tube, included;

-ocr page 36-

anthers with nearly parallel cells and fissures; ovary
4-celled, the cells 1-seeded, rising from two 2-celled carpels;
style with partly club-shaped, partly toothlike stigma;
fruit included, capsular, with two 2- (or by abortion 1-)
seeded and 2- (or l-)celled pyrenes.

Distribution: tropical America, some species in India
and Africa, often escaped.

Capsule obovate, quadrangular; ribs acute with short, straight
pricks, rugulose for the rest; commissures flat.

1. P, echinata p. 24.

Capsule obcordiform, with narrowed base, quadrangular; the
ribs obtuse, softley aculeate; rugose for the rest; commissures
excavated.........2. P. leptostachya p. 24.

1. P. echinata Juss., Ann. Mus. Par. VII, 70, (1806);
Miq. Fl. Ind. bat. II, 906; Schauer, DC. Prodr. XI,
534. — A herb; branchlets pubescent;
leaves cordate-
ovate, apex acute, base cordate with an abrupt triangle
narrowing into the petiole; margins coarsely serrate; both
sides strigosely rugose-pubescent; upper side shining, lower
calyx broadly ovate in fruit, coarctate at the apex,
shortly rostrate with hispid hooked hairs;
corolla reddish
or dark-blue;
capsule obovate, quadrangular, ribs acute
with short, straight pricks, rugulose for the rest; commis-
sures flat.

Distribution: tropical America and W.-India.

According to Miquel (I.e.) with soil from Dutch Guyana
imported into the botanical gardens of Buitenzorg and escaped
from there.
Blaauw [De tropische natuur, ed. II, p. 13, il916)]
saw reddish- and dark-blue-flowered
Privee along the roads of
W. Java. Probably it was this species.

2. P. leptostachya Juss., Ann. Mus. Par., VII, 70,
Schauer, DC. Prodr. XI, 533; Hook. f. Fl. Br.
Ind. IV, 565. — A herb with pubescent branchlets;
leaves ovate, with acute apex and subcordate base, which
is abruptly narrowed into the petiole with a deltoid nar-
rowing; margins coarsely crenate-serrate; both sides more

-ocr page 37-


or less softly rugose (according to Roxburgh ex Hook. f.
I.e. with stiff hooked hairs), lower side pale; cM.
long, 0.6 cM. wide; petioles 2V2 cM.;
spikes 15—30 cM.
calyx more or less globose in fruit, shortly contort
at apex, greyish pubescent, with hooked hairs; 0.6 cM. long;
0.2 cM. broad before or during flowering-time, 0.6 cM.
in fruit;
corolla white, 0.8 cM.; capsule obcordiform, with
narrowed base, quadrangular; the ribs obtuse, softly
aculeate; rugose for the rest, commissures excavated.

Distribution: Deccan Peninsula, Africa.

Though we. did not find any indication in the bibliography
about the occurring of the species in Malaya, it may occur in
this regions. As
Blaauw did not mention the species he saw in
Java (see under
P. echinata), it is possible it occurs there.

Subtribe D. petr/e/e.

VI. PETIM3A Jacq.. Select. Am., 180, t. 114, (1763) —
B. Juss. ex Juss. Gen. 108 (1789) [not Petrea,
a name given by
Linnaeus, Gen. pi. ed. I, 347 (1737)]
Benth. and Hook. Gen. PI. II, 2, 1149; Schauer, DC.
Prodr. XI, 616; Engl. u. Prantl, Nat. Pfl. fam. IV. 3a,
158. — Shrubs or little trees;
leaves simple, opposite,
inflorescences paniculate, axillary, lax, elon-
gated; flowers in the axils of caducous bracts, large;
calyx with short tube, 5—15-ribbed, limb with 5 mem-
branous, bread-linear, obtuse lobes, alternating with 5
deltoid inner teeth, the lobes enlarged in fruit;
with straight nearly cylindrical tube, limb spreading,
subequally 5-lobed, or somewhat obliquely 2-lipped; throat
stamens 4, subequal, filaments short, inserted in
the upper part of the corolla-tube, sometimes a rudiment
of a fifth stamen present;
style rathe, short, with increased
and oblique apex;
ovary on a solid disc, ± imperfectly
2-celled, 2-ovuled;
fruit included in the enlarged calyx-


-ocr page 38-

tube, a dry indehiscent capsule, 2- or by abortion 1-celled
and -seeded; seeds laterally attached, without albumen.

Distribution: tropical America, imported into Java! and
Luzon (Merrill).

1. P. volubilis L. sp. pi. 626, (1753) not of Jacquin
(1763); Schauer, DC. Prodr. XI, 618; Jacquin, Select.
Stirp. Am. Hist., 180, t. 114;
Koorders, Exk. fl. v. Java,
III, 133; Bot. Mag. t. 628;
Martius, Fl. Brasil. IX, 273;
Merrill, Bur. Gov. Lab. no. 6, 36; Hall f., Med. \'s Rijks
Herb. Leid. no. 37, 22. — A scandent shrub; branchlets,
inflorescences, and petioles minutely puberulous;
coriaceous, oblong-ovate or elliptical, base rounded, apex
subacute, margins entire, glabrous above, somewhat hirsute-
hairy on the midrib, glabrous beneath, eglandular; pairs
of nerves 8—12, subwingedly prominent beneath, each
nerve dichotomously branched before reaching the margin;
7—18 by 31/2-7V2 cM.; petioles 0.5—1 cM. long, 0,2
cM. thick;
panicles 11 — 17 cM. long; calyx-tube 0.25—0.3
cM. long, 0.15—0.2 cM. wide, pubescent and with some
glanduliferous hairs, rather solid ± 10-ribbed, the 5 deltoid
teeth ciliate, inner side glabrous; the 5 lobes in fruit
membranous, 1.5 — 2.1 by 0.3—0.4 cM., both sides pubes-
cent and glandular, with obtuse apex;
corolla with glabrous
tube, 10-lined, 0.4 cM.; throat villous; limb oblique, 5-lobed,
lobes subequal, both sides pubescent and with glanduliferous
hairs, 0.5 cM. long, 0.2 cM. broad;
stamens 4, subequal,
filaments 0.1 cM., anthers long-ellipsoid, 0.1 cM. with
parallel cells;
style 0.25 cM. with increased, papillose,
oblique stigma;
ovary glabrous, 0.17 cM. long, with
gynophore (disc);
fruit included in the calyx-tube, the
inner 5 teeth being closed above it.

Java: Ploem, Preanger, in H. L.—B. sub no. 909.27—4;
id. in H. L.—B. sub no. 908.337—73, near Buitenzorg,
native name: hampelaas aroi.

-ocr page 39-

Distribution: tropical America, imported into Java! and
Luzon (Merrill),

Subtribe E. cltharexyle/e.

VII. DURANTA L. Gen. PI. ed. I, 367 < 1737); Bentham
and Hooker, Gen. PI. II, 2, 1150; Schauer, DC. Prodr.
XI, 615;
Engler u. Prantl., Nat. Pfl. Fam, IV, 3a, 159. —
American shrubs, imported into Asia.
Leaves small, simple,
opposite or verticillate, entire or serrate-dentate;
spicate, axillary and terminal, forming a large
terminal panicle; flowers apart;
calyx regular, 5-ribbed,
5-toothed, persistent, including the fruit;
corolla 2-lipped,
upper lip 2-lobed, lower lip 3-lobed, middle-lobe longer;
stamens 4, with short filaments? inserted above the middle
of the cylindrical corolla-tube, ± didynamous;
style shorter
than or as long as the corolla tube with club-shaped, sub-
oblique stigma;
ovary 8-celled; cells 1-ovuled; fruit a
drupe with 4 pyrenes; pyrenes 2-seeded, 2-celled.

Distribution: tropical America, imported into and culti-
vated in tropical Asia, and there sometimes escaped.

1. D. Plumieri Jacquin, Select. Am., 186, t. 176, fig.
76, (1763);
Schauer, DC. Prodr. XI, 615; Elbert, Meded.
\'s Rijks Herb. Leiden, no. 12, 15;
Gaertner De Fruct. et
Sem. PI. I," 272;
Koorders, Exk. fl. v. Java, HI. 134;
Martius in Flora Brasil. IX, 271; Merrill, Bur. Gov. Lab.
no. 6, 35; Bot. Mag. tab. 1759. — A shrub; young parts
softly scarcely hairy, glabrescent;
leaves variable in form
and dimensions, ovate, base cuneate, apex subacute or
somewhat rounded, margins entire on more or less crenate
towards the apex, opposite or subverticillate, pairs of
nerves 4—5; upper side very sparsely hairy, lower side
somewhat less sparsely, glandular, 272 -5 by 0.8—2 cM.;
petioles 0.4—0.5 cM.; spikes lax, elongated, the lower
axillary, one terminal, composing together a large terminal

-ocr page 40-

inflorescence, 19 cM. long, 20 cM. wide; calyx with
nearly cylindrical tube, 5-ribbed, with 5 subulate, abrupt
teeth; softly hairy, glandular; tube 0.5 cM., teeth 0.1 cM.;
inner side glabrous;
corolla with cylindrical tube (0.7—0.8
cM.), 2-lipped; outer side softly hairy; lobes 0.35 cM.,
the larger 0.5 cM., lower side softly hairy, upper side
moreover with long glanduliferous hairs; inner side of
tube glabrous;
stamens 4, short, included, subdidynamous;
style shorter than the corolla-tube, with club-shaped
ovary glabrous.

Java: in H. L.-B. sub no. 908.265-1195. - Elbert
no. 338, Mount Lawu near Ploasan, Madiun, 800—1000
M.. flow, in Oct.—Nov. 1907.

Caroline-Islands: Schnee, Ponape, in H. Ber.
without nr.

Distribution: tropical America; imported into and cul-
tivated in tropical Asia, and sometimes escaped.


Subtribe A. callicarpe^e.

VIII. GEUNSIA Blume, Cat. Gew. Buitzg. 11. 48,
(1823) and Bijdr. 819 (1826);
Benth. and Hook., Genera
PI. II, 2, 1150;
Engl. u. Prantl, Nat. Pfl. fam. IV, 3a,
Hook. [. Fl. Br. Ind. IV, 566; Koorders en Valeton,
Bijdr. Booms. Java, no. 7, 172; King and Gamble, Journ.
As. Soc. Bengal, LXXIV, 4, 800;
Hasskarl, 2c Cat.
\'s Lands PI. tuin Btz„ 136;
Hall ƒ., Med. \'s Rijks Herb.
Leid. no. 37, 23. — Shrubs or small trees; tomentum stellate
or simple;
leaves simple, entire or nearly so, opposite, always
with alternate leaves between the often anisophyllous pairs

-ocr page 41-

or pseudo-whorls, sometimes pseudo-ternate or even -quater-
nate; petioled, the petioles being joined by a line of hairs;
cymes axillary, rather large, dichotomously branched; calyx
5—8-toothed, rarely 4-toothed; corolla 5—7-lobed, rarely
4-lobed: tube cylindrical or nearly so, glabrous within;
stamens 5—7, exserted, rarely 4, inserted in the lower part
of the tube; anthers generally glandular on both sides,
densier on the backside, rather large, cells with, in the upper
part widened, parallel fissures, by which its seems as if they
were opening by a hole only;
style elongated with capitate
or subpeltate .stigma, sometimes indistinctly lobed;
4—5-, sometimes 3-celled; cells more or less perfectly
2-locellated, 2-ovuled;
fruit drupaceous, with 6—12 (-14?)
one-seeded pyrenes.

Distribution: Malacca, Malaya, Philippine Islands, New-
Ireland (Neu-Mecklenburg).

This genus l) is closely allied to Callicarpa, and this is the
cause, that so many authors have confounded the species of
one genus with that of the other. Yet the two genera are,
examining them exactly, very easily separable, though there
are a number of features, which could confuse a superficial
examinator. We have tried to separate distinctly the two genera,
taking as a criterion the following characteristics, for

Geunsta. Callicarpa.

1. Besides the opposite leaves, 1. only opposite leaves are
there are always alternate present,
ones; this sometimes gives
rise to th? presence of
(pseudo-) ternate or -qua-
ternate leaves.

J) After we had written this explanation, Hallicr published the
part of his elaboration of the plants of Elbert\'s Sunda-expedition
in which is dealt with the Verbenaceac. As regards the matter of
Callicarpa and Geunsia he expressed, in general, the same opinion as
given by us.

-ocr page 42-

2. The petioles of the opposite 2. such a line is either absent,
leaves are always joined or not conspicuous.

by a characteristic interpe-
tiolar margin of hairs.

3. The anther-cells open by a 3. The anther-cells open by
typical widening of the a long fissure, from the
upper part of the parallel apex to the base,
fissures; (it is not a mere

apical hole, as many authors

4. The ovary is (3-)5-celled; 4. The ovary is 4-celled; the
the cells are 2 seeded. cells are 1-seeded.

This, and some other, less easily definable features; deter-
mine the general habit, which is typical for each genus, and
which enable us, to separate the two genera, even then, when,
as occurs, we meet with specimina, which are 4-merous and
5-merous, and have the same habit. The latter characteristic,
taken before as the criterion for separating the two genera,
is not sufficient for this purpose, since we discovered 4-merous
specimina, which without any doubt belong to
Geunsia, and
5-merous ones, which belong to
Callicacpa. Many species of
Geunsia show a close affinity with certain species of Calli-
This may indicate the phylogenetic relation between
them, and may give rise to the supposition that the
carpa-species are developing from the Geunsi\'a-species, which
•may just be in a period of active mutation \'). There are a
number of facts, which give an indication into this direction.
So may f. i.:

C. longifolia var. x be developed from G. pentandra or G.

C. longifolia var. p be developed from G. farinosa.
C. lanata
have the same origin as G. hexandra.
C. basilanensis
be developed from G. cumingiana var. p\\ etc.
The 6—7-merous Geunsia-species may be another branch
of phylogenetic development, arisen from an original 5-me-
rous form.

MfSee: „Systematical Notes".

-ocr page 43-

1. a. Anthers short and broad, the proportion of length and

breadth being ±2............2.

b. Anthers long and narrow, the proportion of length and
breadth being ± 4—5...........10.

2. a. Lower side of leaf adult subglabrous or sparsely pube-

rulous; reticulation of nerves often very conspicuous . 3.
b. Lower side of leaf adult densely yellow- or brown-

3. a. Leaf with a 4l/2—6l/2 cM. long, narrow acumen

1. G. acuminatissima p. 32.
b. Leaf with much shorter acumen.......4.

4. a. Leaf 9—11 nerved, base abruptly attenuate; corolla-lobes

glabrous or nearly so . . . 2. G. pentandra p. 33.
b. Leaf 7—9-nerved, base gradually attenuate; corolla-lobes
villous in the centre without. . . 3. G. Pullei p. 35.

5. a. Corolla-lobes and stamens 4—5........6.

b. Corolla-lobes and stamens 6—7.......7.

6. a. Leaves 14—18 by 5—7\'/a cM.; petioles 2l/s—4 cM.;

usually sparsely puberulous beneath; base attenuate;
corolla-lobes villous in the centre without

3. G. Pullei p. 35.

b. Leaves 16—28 by 7—14 cM.; petioles 1—3 cM.; lower
surface densely tomentose; base often ± cordate, corolla-
lobes not or minutely puberulous

4. G. Cumingiana p. 35.

7. a. Breadth of leaves 272 -5.2-772 cM......8.

b. Breadth of leaves 5—11 cM., length 11—24 cM.; calyx

0.3 cM.; corolla 0.7 cM., softly pubescent, 6—7-merous

5. G. hexandra p. 37.

8. a. Leaves i\'/v—cM, broad, base subrotundate; petioles

1V2—2 cM.: corolla 5—6-merous; filaments glandular
below; peduncles 272 cM. . 6. G. grandiflora p. 38.
b. Leaves 272—5 cM. broad, base ± obtuse or acute;
petioles 1V2—272 cM.; corolla 6—7-merous; filaments
glabrous, peduncles 3—5 cM.........9.

9. a. Corolla 6-merous; lobes densely pubescent and glandular,

except near the margin . . 7. G. epiphytica p. 38.
b. Corolla 7-merous; lobes glandular 8, G, flavida p. 39.

-ocr page 44-

10. a. Corolla 7-merous......8. G. flavida p. 39.

b. Corolla 5—6-merous...........11.

11. a. Corolla 5—6-merous, leaves subternate, rusty-pubescent

beneath, 11 — 17 by 472—772 cM.; petioles 172—2 cM.
long; corolla minutely rugose, hardly glandular, calyx
0.25 cM. ...... 6. G. grandiflora p. 38.

b. Corolla 5-merous, leaves yellow- or ferruginous-tomentose
beneath, 9—26 by 4—11 cM.; petioles 2—31 L, cM. long
(or if 1—2 cM. long, then leaves subquaternate) . 12.

12. a. Plant with a ferruginous tomentum; calyx 0.3 cM., corolla-

tube 0.4—0.5 cM., glandular 9. G. cinnamomea p. 40.
b. Plant with a yellow or yellowish brown tomentum,
calyx 0.15—0.2 cM............13.

13. a. Leaves subquaternate, 9—20 by 4—10l/2 cM., petioles

1 — 1.7 cM. . . . . . , 10. G. quaternifolia p. 41.
b. Leaves opposite, alternate, or subternate, 81/2—22 (—26)
by 4—8 (—42) cM., base narrower, more decurrent 14.

14. a. Corolla-tube 0.5—0.6 cM. long 11. G. farinosa p. 42.
b. Corolla-tube 0.3—0.35 cM. long.......15.

15. a. Leaves serrulate towards the apex; ovary glandular

12. G. serrulata p. 43.

b: Leaves entire; ovary glabrous

13. G. homoiophylla p. 44.
1. G. acuminatissima (
Teysm. et Binnendijk) H. J. Lam,
nov. comb. — Callicarpa acuminatissima T. et B.
Nat. Tijdschr. Ned. Ind. XXV, 409 (1863). — A shrub or
little tree; branchlets, nearly tetragonous, with cymes and
petioles stellate-floccose, glabrescent;
leaves membranous
or subchartaceous, oblong-ovate or elliptical, base wide,
abruptly decurrent, sometimes cuneate or unequal, apex
very long acuminated, narrow, nearly subulate; margins
entire; pairs of nerves 10—12; upper side, when young,
sparsely stellate-hairy, with some glands, adult glabrous
except on nerves, without glands; lower side sparsely
stellate-hairy, when young, adult glabrous except on nerves,
densely glandular, and with some scales; 20—277* by
7 72 —9 72 (—12) cM.; petioles 2.3—3.5 cM.; acumen

-ocr page 45-

4Va~67s cM.; cymes 9\'/2 cM. long, 4—5 cM, wide;
peduncle 3V2—6 cM.; pedicels 0.1—0.3 cM.; ca/yx 5—6
-toothed, teeth deltoid; more or less densely stellate-hairy,
glandular and with some scales, 0.1—0.15 cM.;
bright violet, glabrous, glandular on all parts of its outer
side, 0.4—0.5 cM., 5—6-lobed.
stamens 5—6, 1 cM. long;
anthers twice as long as wide, both sides, especially the
backside, glandular;
style 0.8 cM. with capitate stigma;
ovary conical, densely glandular, 4—5-celled; fruit red.

Amboyna: Teysmann and de Vriese, in H. L.—B. sub
908.267—626. — Teysmann, in H. A. R.—T. sub. no.
011532. — Forsten, in H. L.—B. sub nos. 908. 267—893
and 894.

Ceram: Teysmann in H. L.—B. sub no. 908.266—853.

New-Guinea: Gjellerup no. 917, Northern-Dutch-N.-
G., 5 M. in alt., with flowers and young fruits on Nov.
24th, i9ii.

King and Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal LXXIV, 4, 801.
are in the opinion, that
Callicarpa acuminatissima is identical
Geunsia farinosa. This is an error, as will be clear from
our detailed descriptions.

2. G. pentandra Merrill, Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot. XI,
309, (1906). —
G. Hookeri Merrill, Phil. Journ. Sci.
Bot. VII, 342, (1912). — Callicarpa pentandra
(pro parte), Fl. ind. I, 395, (1832); Schauer, DC. Prodr.
XI, 646;
Miquel, Fl. Ind. bat. II, 885 and suppl. I, 243
and 569;
Oliver, Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. XV, 100. —
C. apoensis
Elmer, Leafl. Phil. bot. Ill, 861,(1910).-
A tree; branchlets, cymes and petioles more or less farinose;
leaves elliptical-oblong, base subacute, apex rather long,
usually gradually narrowing, margins entire, pairs of
nerves 9—11: both sides, when young sparsely stellate-
hairy, adult upper side glabrous, glandular, lower side
glabrous or with very sparse stellate hairs, especially on
the nerves; in sicco there is a typical minute reticulation


-ocr page 46-

of little folds, on the lower side; 10—15 (—20) by 4—6
eM.; petioles 2—5 cM.; apex 1—3 cM.;
cymes 6—10
eM. long, 8 cM. wide; peduncle 0—6 cM.;
calyx hardly
5-toothed, glandular, somewhat hairy or nearly glabrous,
0.2 cM.;
corolla glabrous, glandular, 0.5 cM., 5-lobed;
stamens 5, 0.8 cM. long; anthers twice as long as wide,
glandular on both sides.;
style 0.6 cM., with capitate
ovary 5-ribbed, glandular, 5-celled, 10-seeded.

Java: Mount Salak; in H. L.-B. sub no. 908.266—905,
with flowers and young fruits in June; native (sund.) name:
hambirung (of the 2 specimina, 1 is G. farinosa and 1
G. pentandra); - in id. nos. 908.266—885, 884, 854, 856,
896, etc.; native (sund.) name: Kiku-ut, or Ki-hu-ut —
PL Junghuhnianae ined. no. 518.

Sumatra: Korthals, in H. L.—B. sub nos. 908.266—
844 and 894.

AMBOYNA: Teysmann and de Vriese, in H. L.—B. sub
no. 908.267-328.

Philippine Islands: Cuming no. 1773. — Elmer no.
11491, Todaya (Mount Apo), Davao, Mindanao, flowering
in Aug.
1909. — Com. d. 1. Fl. for. d. Fil. no. 1651,

The species has an affinity with G. acuminatissima from
which it differs by the much shorter apex of its leaves, which
have a glandular upper side, the typical reticulation of the
lower one, and by its non-scaled calyx.

From G. farinosa it is distinguishable by the glabrous leaves,
which are not abruptly, but gradually acuminate and its broad
anthers, which are twice as long as wide.

Schauer, I.e., meant, that Callicarpa pentandra and Geunsia
should be identical. This is certainly, perhaps partly,
not exact.
Merrill, I.e., in the opinion that Callicarpa pen-
is a Geunsia, described it, 1912, as G. Hookeri, which
name he altered, in
1916, into G. pentandra, a species, which
is undoubtedly quite different from
Blume\'s G. farinosa. As
Schauer, King and Gamble are in the opinion that Callicarpa

-ocr page 47-

pentandra and Geunsia farinosa are identical. The error of this
supposition will be clear from our definitions of the several

3. G. Pullei H. J. Lam, nov. spec. — Frutex, 3 M.
alta; innovationes cum cymis petiolisque albido-brunneo-
farinosae, glabrescentes;
folia oblongo-lanceolata, basi acuta,
longe decurrentia, apice longe acuminata, nova supra
stellato-puberula, subtus stellato-tomentosa, adulta supra
glabra vel, praecipue in nervis, singulis glandulis pilisque
stellatis suffulta, subtus glabriuscula vel subtomentosa,
eglandulosa reticulatione typica minute rugosiuscula; nervis
secundariis utrinque 7—9; 14—18 cM. longa, 5—7\'/a cM.
lata, petiolo 4 cM. longo;
cymi axillares, parvi,

2 72—472 cM. longi, 2—4 cM. diametro, pedunculo 2—2.7
cM. longo
calyx dense stellato-puberulus, 5-dentatus;
singulis glandulis squamisque vestitus, 0.2 cM. longus;
corolla rubro-lilacinea, 0.5—0.6 cM. longa, tubo angusto,
molliter pubescens, glandulis singulis aut nullis, lobis 5,
extus pilis longis vestitis;
stamina 5, longe exserta, 0.8
cM. longa; antheris ellipsoideis, sparse glandulosis, 0.1
cM. longis, 0.05 cM. latis;
stylus 0.9 cM. longus, stigmate
ovarium glabrum eglandulosum, 5-loculare; loculi
fructus ruber.

New-Guinea: Pulle no. 261, near Kloofbivak, flow, on
Oct. 31th, 1912. (Dutch

Our species has an affinity with G. pentandra with which it
is conform, among other things, in the minute reticulation of the
lower side of the leaves. Differences are the gradually, not ab-
ruptly decurrent uase of its leaves, its less numerous nerves,
its small cymes, its hairy corolla and its glabrous and eglan-
dular ovary.

4. G. Cumingiana (Schauer) Rolfe, Journ. Linn. Soc.,
XXI, 315 (1884);
Koorders, Meded. s Lands PI. tuin XIX,
Merrill, Phil. Journ. Sci. VII, 338 — Callicarpa
Schauer, DC. Prodr. XI. 644, (1847);

-ocr page 48-

Miquel, Fl. Ind. bat. II, 887. - A tree, 4-8 M. high,
sometimes a large shrub, 2—3 M. high; branchlets, cymes
and petioles densely floccose;
leaves wide-oblong or ovate,
entire or very minutely denticulated towards the apex, base
cuneate, rounded or somewhat cordate, abruptly decurrent,
apex subabruptly acuminate, pairs of nerves 7—9, upper
side hirsute with dense intermixed simple and stellate hairs,
with some scales and glands; nerves densely hairy, lower
side densely stellate-tomentose or floccose, somewhat glan-
dular, with some scales; 16—28 by 7—14 cM.; petioles
1—3 cM.; apex 1—3 cM.;
cymes 8—13 cM.; peduncles
4y2—6 cM.; bracts linear, 1 cM. long;
calyx A—5-toothed,
hairy and glandular and with some scales, 0.1—0.2 cM.;
corolla violet-blue, glabrous, as somewhat hairy on the
lobes, 0.4—0.6 cM., 4—5-lobed;
stamens 4—5, exserted,
0.9—1 cM., anthers twice as long as wide, glandular on
both sides, especially on the backside;
style 0.8—0.9 cM.
with 4—5-lobed stigma;
ovary conical, densely glandular;
fruits red.

Vat. pentamera H. J. Lam, nov. var. — flores

Philippine Islands; Com. d. 1. Fl. for. no. 844, Daraga.

New-Guinea; Gjellerup no. 416a, 416b, 416c, Hollandia,
20 M. in alt., with flowers and young fruits on Dec.
31th, 1910; (in the same inflorescence 4- and 5-merous
flowers: transition-form to var. /3) —
Nyman no. 52,
Stephansort, flow, in Dec. 1898. —
Weinland, A0 1891,
Kais.-Wilh.-land. in H. Ber. without nr.

Var. ft tetramera H. J. Lam, nov. var. — flores tetramera.

Philippine Islands; Cuming no. 1707. — Robinson,
in H. L.-B. sub. no. 913.300-92, Basilan — Elmer,
no. 13351, Cabadbaran (Mount Urdaneta), Agusan, Min-
danao, flow, in July

New-Guinea: Ledermann no. 12612a. Felsspitze, 1400M.,
flow, on Aug. 4th, 1913; id. no. 9490, Etappenberg, 850 M.,

-ocr page 49-

flow, on Oct. 24th, 1912. — Wiesenthal no. 12, Alexis-
hafen, flow, on July 11th, 1912 (a large shrub). —
Schlechter no. 16454, Kelel, 200 M. (a shrub). —
Gjellerup no. 67a—e, Hollandia, 10 M. in alt., flow, on
April 28th, 1910. —
Lauterbach no. 2027, Erima, flow,
on May 6th, 1896; id. no. 3 (herb), flow, on May 1st, 1890;
id. no. 972, Gogol-river, with flow, and young fruits in
Nov. 1890; id. no. 1417, Finschhafen, fr. in Jan. 1891.

There are many specimina which form a transition-form
between these two varieties, possessing 4- and 5-merous flowers
on the same plant, branch, or even inflorescence. Such species
among the
Geunsise as this, might be that, which are especially
in a period of active mutation, as mentioned on p. 30. As
Callicarpa pentandra and C. acuminatissima, King and Gamble,
Journ. As. Soc. Bengal LXXIV, 4, 801, suppose C. Cumingiana
and G. Cumingiana to be identical with G. farinosa. It is
evident that this is an error.

5. G. hexandra (Teysrnann et Binnendijk) Koorders,
Meded. \'s Lands PI. tuin XIX, 559 (1898); — Callicarpa
Teysrnann et Binnendijk, Ned. Tijdschr. Ned.
Ind. XXV, 410 (1863). — A little tree; branchlets, cymes
and petioles stellate-floccose, branchlets tetragonous;
oblong-ovate, base cuneate or obtuse-rotundate, very often
unequal; upper side, adult, glabrous except on the nerves,
lower side densely stellate-floccose-tomentose; subcharta-
ceous; pairs of nerves 7—9; 11—22—24 by 5—11 cM.;
petioles 1—3 cM.; apex 1—2 cM.;
cymes 51/» —10 cM.
long, 4—71/s cM. wide; peduncles 3—51/» cM.;
6—7-ribbed and -toothed; teeth abrupt, hairy and glandular;
0.3 cM.;
corolla 6—7 lobed, softly pubescent, glandular,
tube 0.6 cM., lobes 0.1 cM.;
stamens (5—)6(—7). 1 cM.;
anthers twice as long as wide, glandular on both sides,
especially on the backside, 0.3 cM. long;
style 1 cM.
with capitate stigma;
ovary glandular, 6-celled; cells
fruit with 12 or—by abortion—less pyrenes.

-ocr page 50-

celebes: Reinwardt no. 1528, Menado. — Forsten, in
H. L.—B. sub nos. 908.267—731 and 732, near Likupang,
flow, on Sept. 7th, 1840. —
Riedel no. 5686.

6. G. grandiflora, Hall f. in Med. \'s Rijks Herb.
Leid. no. 37, 24. (1918) — A tree?; branchlets isophyllous,
somewhat angular, with petioles and inflorescences densely
leaves alternate and subter-
nate; ovate-lanceolate, long and gradually acutely acuminate
at apex, base inequilateral, subrotundate, membranous;
when adult glabrous above except on the rusty-villous
midrib, minutely ferruginous-pubescent beneath, the in-
dumentum being little distinct;. 11 — 17 cM. long, 4V2
— 7l/2
cM. broad; petioles, rather stout, l1/« —2 cM.; cymes
dichotomous; peduncles 2V2 cM.; bracts (1 — 11/2 cM. long)
and bracteoles linear;
calyx very shortly pedicelled, cup-
shaped, 0.25 cM. long, with 5—6 small and acute teeth,
densely ferruginous-tomentose without;
corolla long-ovoid
in bud, greyish and very minutely densely puberulous
without, stellate-tomentose at tip, 0.5 cM.; lobes 5—6,
stamens 5—6, few exserted; filaments minutely
glandular below, anthers oblong, glandular on backside;
style clavate, stigma capitate, lobed.

Distribution: S.-O.-Celebes.

7. G. epiphytica (Elmer) H. J. Lam, nov. comb. —
Callicarpa epiphytica
Elmer1), Leafl. Phil. Bot. VIII,
2871 (1915) — A shrub?; branchlets, cymes and petioles
minutely brownish-stellate-tomentose; leaves oblong-lan-
ceolate, oblong or sublanceolate, base cuneate or subacute
sometimes truncate, apex acute or long-acuminate, char-

\') As some other, especially American and English authors use to
Elmer is, in our opinion disapprovedly accustomed to use the English
language for describing new species, instead of using Latin. According
to the definitions of the botanical Congress, Brussels 1910, that all
botanists should take for a rule, all thosp species, described in this way
after f912, properly should be declared not valid.

-ocr page 51-

taceous or subcoriaceous: pairs of nerves 5 —10; upper
surface adult glabrous except on the midrib; lower surface
densely minutely yellowish-brown-stellate-tomentose; 7 —
16Va by 21/,—5Vs cM.; petioles 1V8—2Vs cM; apex 0—31/,
cymes axillary, 7 cM. long, 5 cM. wide, peduncles
4—5 cM.;
calyx with 6—8 minute teeth, densely stellate-
tomentose, 0.3 cM. long and wide;
corolla 6-lobed; tube
0.3 cM., lower part glabrous, upper part with the middle
part of the lobes stellate-hairy and densely glandular;
margins of lobes glabrous, imbricate; lobes 0.3 cM.;
stamens 6, 0.9 cM. long; anthers twice as long as wide,
glandular on both sides, densier on the backside;
0.9 cM., with subpeltate stigma.; ovary narrowed towards
the apex, glandular;
fruit glandular.

Var. a typica H. J. Lam, nov. var., — folia oblonga, basi
acuta vel truncata, apice acuta vel breviter acuminata,
nervis secundariis utrinque 5—7; 7—13 cM. longa, 2Vs—5
cM. lata, petiolo l1/8r-21/s cM. longo, acumine 0—1 Vs
cM. longo.

Philippine Islands: Elmer no. 13822, Cabadbaran,
(Mount Urdaneta), Agusan, Mindanao, flow, in Sept.

Var. j3 apiculata H. J. Lam, nov. var. — folia lanceolata
vel lanceolato-oblonga, basi cuneata vel subtruncata, apice
longe acuminata; nervis secundariis utrinque 7—10; 778—
161/, cM. longa, 27s—4.8 cM. lata; petiolo 1.7-27» cM.
longo; acumine 2—372 cM. longo.

Philippine Islands: Elmer no. 13861, same locality
as var. a.

8. G. flavida (Elmer) H. J. Lam, nov. comb. — Calli-
carpa flavida
Elmer, Leafl. Phil. Bot. Ill, 863 (1910).
— A treelike shrub; branchlets somewhat tetragonous,
with cymes and petioles minutely ferruginous-tomentose;
leaves chartaceous or subcoriaceous, lanceolate-oblong, base
cuneate, apex rather long acuminate; upper side, when
young, stellate-hairy, adult glabrous except on the nerves,

-ocr page 52-

which are ferruginously pubescent; lower side minutely
ferruginous-tomentose; pairs of nerves 8—9; 8—H1^
by 3—5.2 cM.; petioles 1V2—2 eM.; acumen 1 Vs—31
cymes 57a—6 cM. long, 47a—51/« cM. wide,
peduncles 3—3V2 (—5) cM., bracts linear, 0.7 cM.;
pedicels 0.2 cM.;
calyx 0.25 cM., with 7 minute teeth,
stellate-hairy, glandular;
corolla blue, 0.5 cM., glandular,
stamens 7; style 0.7 cM. with capitate stigma;
oyary glandular, stellate-hairy;
fruit 0.5 cM. in diam.,
glandular, with some ferruginous, stellate hairs, red when
ripe, with
7(1) pyrenes.

Mindanao: Elmer no. 11851, Todaya (Mount Apo),
Davao, fr. in Sept. 1909.

9. G. cinnamomea Hall. f. Meded. \'s Rijks Herb. Leiden
no. 37, (1918). — A tree?; branchlets, petioles and cymes
densely cinnamomeously stellate-farinose;
leaves in aniso-
phyllous pairs and alternate, ovate or oblong-ovate,
chartaceous or subcoriaceous; base subtruncate, apex
usually abruptly acuminate, acumen narrow 1 —1.5—3 cM.
long; sometimes acute: margins entire; upper side brown
stellate hairy when young, glabrous and dark when adult;
lower side densely cinnamomeous or sometimes very dark-
brown tomentose; pairs of nerves 6—8; lOVs1—20 cM.
long, 478 —7 cM. broad; petioles 1—3 cM. long;
rather small, 4—5 cM. long, 37s—\'47s cM. in diam.;
peduncles stout, 2—27s—37s cM. long; bracts linear,
7s — 1 cM. long; pedicels very short;
calyx cup-shaped,
densely yellowish or yellowy-ferruginously stellate-hairy,
5-toothed, 5-ribbed in the upper half, 0.25—0.3 cM. long,
0.2—0.25 cM. broad; coro//a-tube 0.4—0.5 cM. long,
with the lobes glandular-dotted, especially towards their
ends, which usually bear some lax stellate hairs; lobes 5,
0.2 cM. long, 0,1 cM. wide;
stamens 5, with long and
narrow, 0.3 cM. long, on both sides glandular anthers,

the filaments little exsert; style 0.8 cM., with capitate

» ♦

-ocr page 53-

stigma; ovary glabrous, with 5 lines of yellowish-white

Distribution: S.-E.-Celebes (Kabaena-isl.)!

This species shows a close resemblance with G. flavida, from
which it is distinguishable by its 5-merous flowers and its glabrous
ovary; also with G.
farinosa, from which it differs by its dark
tomentum, its somewhat smaller flowers and its always densely
pubescent calyx.

10. G. quaternifolia Hall, ƒ., Meded. \'s Rijks Herb.
Leiden, no. 37, 24, (1918). — A tree; branches plagio-
tropic, anisophyllous, the leaves pseudo-4-wborled, 3 leaves
being equal and larger and 1 smaller; branchlets, cymes
and petioles, minutely ferruginous- or brownish-puberulous,
leaves membranous or chartaceous, broadly
ovate; base broad, minutely and abruptly attenuate, apex
shortly and abruptly acuminate; margins entire or minutely
denticulate; pairs of nerves 10; upper surface glabrous,
when adult, except on the nerves, lower one fulvous-
tomentose; 8—20 cM. long, 4—IOV2 cM. broad, petioles
1 — 1.7 cM.;
cymes 8—10 cM. in length. 7—77» cM. in
in diam.; peduncles stout, 5—6 cM. long; bracts linear
0.5 cM.; pedicels hardly 0.1 cM.;
calyx 5-denticulate,
densely fulvous-stellate-tomentose, 0.15—0.2 cM. long;
corolla-tube 0.4 cM. long, glabrous in the lower part,
softly cinereous-puberulous in the upper part with the 5
lobes, which reach 0.1—0.15 cM. in.length and in breadth;
stamens 5, the filaments little exsert, anthers 0.35 cM.
long, narrow, not glandular;
style, rather as long as the
stamens, 0.8 cM. with clavate stigma;
ovary densely
pubescent near the apex.

Distribution: E. —Borneo!

This species has an affinity with G. homoiophylla, but differs
from it by its broader leaves, its longer corolla-tube and its
shorter lobes; also by its pubescent ovary; points of conformity
are the softly pubescent corolla and the non-glandular anthers.

-ocr page 54-

11. G. farinosa Btume. Cat. Gew. Buitzg., 48. (1823);
id., Bijdr., 819;
Hooker, [., Fl. Br. Ind. IV, 566; Hasskarl,
2e Cat. \'s Lands PI. tuin Btz., 136; Koorders en Valeton,
Bijdr. Booms. Java no. 7, 173; iid., Atl. d. Baumart. Java
II, 6, tab. 279. —
King and Gamble, Journ. As. Soc.
Bengal, LXXIV, 4, 800. -
Koorders, Exk. fl. v. Java, III,
134; id, Plant. Jungh. ined., IV, Jungh. Gedenkb., 188;
Schumann u. Lauterbach, Fl. D. Schutzgeb. Sudsee, 521;
Schumann u. Hollrung, Fl. Kais.-Wilh.-land, 119; Stapf
Transact. Linn. Soc. Bot. 2n<J ser., IV, 215; Warburg,
Engl. Jahrb., XII, 426. — A tree; branchlets, cymes and
petioles brownish-stellate farinose;
leaves ovate-oblong or
oblong, often pseudo-ternate, especially towards the end
of the branches, base acute, apex acute or subabruptly
acuminate, chartaceous or subcoriaceous, margins entire
or very minutely denticulate towards the apex, upper
surface, when young, rather densely stellate-hairy, adult
glabrous, eglandular, sometimes somewhat hairy on the
nerves; lower surface densely and minutely brownish- or
silvery white-stellate-tomentose, densely glandular; 127o—22
by 6—11 cM., petioles
2—3l/2 cM.; pairs of nerves 9—12;
cymes 7—10 cM. long, 6—8 cM. wide, peduncles 272—6
cM. long;
calyx stellate-hairy, glandular, 5-toothed, 0.15 cM.;
corolla violet, 5-lobed, glandular, glabrous, tube 0.5—0.6
cM.; lobes narrow, 0.15 cM.;
stamens 5, 0.8 cM. long,
anthers long and narrow, their length being five times
their breadth, glandular on both sides, especially on the
backside, 0.3 cM. long;
style 1.1 cM., with capitate or
somewhat 5-lobed stigma;
ovary glandular, especially
towards the top;
fruit scarlet, somewhat glandular, with
10, or by abortion less, seeds.

Var. a typica H. J. Lam, nov. var. — G. subternata
Hall, f., Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leiden no. 37, 25, (1918). -
Callicarpa affinis
Elmer Leafl. Phil. Bot. Ill, 865
(1910) — Callicarpa pentandra.
Roxburgh, Fl. ind.

-ocr page 55-

I, 395 (1832) pro parte; litt. see under G. pentandra—
tomentum, foliorum subtus, ramulorum cymorumque luteo-

Sumatra: Forbes no. 2769. Tandjong Ning, 200 M.

Borneo: Winkler no. 2141. — Korthals, in H. L. —B.
Sub no. 908.267—655, 908.265—1121, 1122 and 1123, etc.,
G. Sakumbang, Martapuro. —
Amdjah no. 973, Sungei
Oikung, 17—50 M. in alt. (G. subternata
Hall ƒ.), with
fruits in Nov. 1912.

celebes: Forsten no. 12. — Elbert nos. 2690, Buton-
isl, Kambolosua, 0—100 M. in alt., flow, on 20-8-1909,
and 2760, same isl., Lipumangan, 250—320 M., with buds
on 22-8-1909; id. no. 3378, Kabaena-isl., Eempuhu, Balo,
0-200 M., flow, on 26-10-1909.

Philippine Islands: Elmer nos. 10856 and 11102 (C.
affinis), Todaya (Mount Apo), Davao, Mindanao.

New-Ireland (Neu-Mecklenburg): Peekel no. 682;
native name: tiptipinagut, flow, on Oct. 24th, 1910.

Var. ft albida H. J. Lam, nov. var. — tomentum foliorum
subtus, ramulorum cymorumque argenteo-albo-stellatum.

borneo: Haviland and Hose, no. 3553 E„ Sarawak
near Kuching, flow, in Nov. 1894.

Distribution of the species: Singapore, Malaya!, Philippine
Islands!, New-Ireland!

Wc discovered specimina, which arc a transition-form to G.
hexandra, by their greater leaves and their somewhat hairy
corolla." In connexion with our remarks on p. 30, it might be
supposed, that G.
hexandra is developing from G. farinosa.
There are indicat\'ons that 4-merous specimina occur, but wc
did not see such. They should form a
var. y pentamera.

12. G. serrulata Hall, Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leiden,
no. 37. 27, (1918). - G. anisophylla
Hall. f. I.e., 29. -
A small tree; branchlets, petioles and inflorescences minu-
tely yellowish farinose, glabrescent;
leaves opposite and
alternate, membranous or subchartaceous, ovate or ovate-

-ocr page 56-

lanceolate, usually anisophyllous; base acute, apex shortly
acuminate; margins entire in the basal part, usually irre-
gularly serrulate or serrate in the apical one; upper side
glabrous when adult, except on the nerves; lower one
minutely yellowish-white or yellowish-brown tomentose;
pairs of nerves 9—11; 9—16V2 by 4—9 cM.; petioles
2 — 272 cM. long;
cymes 6— 11 Vs cM- lon9- 4—10 cM.
in diam.; peduncles stout,
3l/z—6 cM. long; bracts small,
linear; pedicels short;
calyx obscurely 5-denticulate, always
densely pubescent without (as the other parts of the plant
with stellate hairs), • 0.13—0.15 cM. long, cupuliform,;
corolla pulverulently puberulous and glandular without;
tube 0.35 cM., lobes 5, 0.15 cM. long, 0.1 cM. broad;
stamens 5; anthers long and narrow, 0.3 cM., glandular
on both sides near the connective;
style somewhat longer
than the stamens, 0.8 cM.; stigma capitate;
ovary glan-

Distribution: W.-Borneo!

The species has an affinity with G. farinosa, but differs from
it by its more distinctly serrulate leaves, its shorter corolla-tube,
and its always densely pubescent calyx.

13. G. homoiophylla Hall ƒ., Med. \'s Rijks Herb.
Leiden, no. 37, 26, (1918). — A tree; branchlets, cymes
and petioles, minutely yellowish farinose;
leaves charta-
ceous, ovate or oblong-ovate; base broad, shortly and
abruptly attenuate, apex acute or somewhat acuminate;
margins entire; pairs of nerves 7—10; upper surface
, glabrous when adult, lower one rather laxly stellate-
tomentose, subglabrate afterwards (as in G.
Pullei); nerves
pubescent on both sides; 87s—20 cM. long, 4—8 cM.
broad; petioles 1 \'/2—3 cM. long;
cymes rather small,
3—5 cM. long, 4—5 (—9. cM. in diam.; peduncles 1 —
2Y2—6 cM.,
usually longer than the petioles; bracts linear,
0.3—1.7 cM. long; pedicels 0.1—0.15 cM.; calyx cup-
shaped, 0.15—0.2 cM. long. 0.15 cM. wide, obscurely

-ocr page 57-

4-toothed, densely pubescent; coro//a-tube 0.3—0.35 cM.
long, glabrous in the lower part, softly pubescent in the
upper one, especially on the midribs of the lobes; lobes
4, 0.2 cM. long, 0.1 cM. broad;
stamens 4, with the
long and narrow anthers (0.25—0.3 cM. long) 0.7—0.9
cM. long; anthers little or not glandular on their back-
style 0.9 cM. with capitate or clavate stigma; ovary

Distribution: W.-Borneo (Lombok—utan-isl.)!

It has a strong affinity with G. Pullei, from N.-Guinea, but
is different in .the shorter apex of the leaves, their abruptly atten-
uate (not acute) base, the 4-merous flowers, the shorter corolla-
tube, the less hairy lobes, the long and narrow (not short and
broad) anthers, which are 0.3 (not 0.1 cM.) long. It agrees with
Pullei in the tomentum of the leaves, the pubescent corolla,
and the glabrous ovary.

IX. CALLICARPA L. Gen. pi. n. 135(1737); Blume,
Bijdr. 817; R. Brown, Prodr. 513; Benth. and v. Muell.,
Fl. Austr. V, 56; Benth. and Hook., Gen. pi. II, 2, 1150;
Schauer, DC., Prodr. XI, 640; Engl. u. Prantl, Nat.
Pfl. fam. IV. 3a, 165;
Hook, Fl. Br. Ind. IV, 566;
Koord. and Val. Bijdr. Booms.-no. 7, 175; King and
Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. LXXIV, 4, 802; Miq.,
Fl. Ind. bat. II. 884; Maxim., Bull. Ac. Imp. Sci. St. Pet.,
XXXI, 74;
Roxb., Fl. ind. I, 390. — Trees or shrubs, with a
more or less dense stellate or simple tomentum; young parts
and leaves often glandular-dotted beneath the tomentum;
leaves opposite, never alternate, simple, petioled or subsessile,
margins usually crenate-serrate;
cymes axillary, di- or tricho-
tomous, shorter than the leaves; bracts small, linear; pedicels
very short; flowers small;
calyx campanulate, rarely tubular,
truncate or minutely 4-, rarely 5-toothed, unaltered in
corolla with short, nearly cylindrical tube, 4-, rarely

-ocr page 58-

5-lobed, regular, glabrous (very rarely villous) inside;
stamens 4, rarely 5, equal, inserted in the lower part of
the corolla-tube, inserted before the corolla-lobes; filaments
exsert; anthers usually glandular on both sides, densier
on backside, cells opening with parallel fissures;
elongate, with capitate or somewhat 2—5-lobed stigma;
ovary imperfectly 2-celled, cells 2-ovuled; fruit drupaceous,
globose, with 4 one-seeded pyrenes; seeds without albumen.

Distribution: tropical Asia, China, Japan, Malaya!,
Philippines!, Polynesia!, tropical Australia; some species
in tropical America.

1. a. Lamina of the leaves, when adult, with more or less

dense simple hairs above, sometimes intermixed with some

stellate hairs..............2.

b. Lamina of the leaves, when adult, glabrous above (the
nerves often hairy), when young usually with dense
stellate hairs, never with simple hairs.....13.

2. a. Corolla 0.5—0.8 cM. long.........3.

b. Corolla 0.1-0.3 (- 0.4) cM. long......4.

3. a. Corolla 0.5 cM.; plant densely ferruginous-hairy; cymes

in the axils of the leaves . . I. C. Havilandii p. 52.
b. Corolla 0.7—0.8 cM.; plant less densely and less darkly
ferruginous-hairy; cymes in the axils of fallen leaves

2. C. basilancnsis p. 52.

4. a. Base of leaves cordate, truncate or rounded ... 5
b. Base of leaves acute (< 180°) or attenuate ... 8.

5. a. Leaves subsessile; petioles 0.1—0.3 cM.; base distinctly

cordate, narrow; cymes globose, dense; calyx with simple
hairs, 4-ribbed; corolla softly pubescent, especially on

the lobes.........3. C. rubella p. 53.

b. Leaves distinctly petioled; petioles 0.5—2 cM. . . 6.

6. a. Greatest breadth of the leaves across or above the


b. Greatest breadth of the leaves near the base. 15—20 by
3—5 cM.; petioles 0.5—0.8 cM 4. C. lancifolia p. 54.

7. a. Leaves 7V2~ 17 by 3—6 cM.; petioles0.5—0.7 (— 1.4)cM.

5. C. pedunculate p. 55.

-ocr page 59-

b. Leaves 5l/2—8 by 2.2—4 cM.; petioles 0.5—1 cM.

6. C. Blancoi p. 58.

8. a. Proportion of length and breadth of the leaf = 2—3 : 1. 9.
b. Proportion of length and breadth of the leaf = 4—7 :1. 11.

9. a. Leaves longer than 15 cM. 28. C. lanata var /? p. 79.
b. Leaves shorter than 10 cM..........10.

10. a. Leaves 2.3—6.5 by 0.8-2 cM.; petioles 0.2—0.5 cM.,

more or less densely hairy above with simple hairs

7. C. micrantha p. 59.
b. Leaves 5l/2—9l/2by 2.2—4 cM.; petioles 0.7 —1 cM.; with
sparse simple hairs or glabrous above 6. C. Blancoi p. 58.

11. a. Leaves.8-16 by 1.8-4.5 cM.; corolla 0.15—0.2 cM. 12.
b. Leaves 15—30 by 2".,—7 cM.; corolla 0.25—0.30 cM.

29. C. dolichophylla p. 82.

12. a. Leaves 1.8—5 cM. broad; petioles 0.3—1.5 cM.

8. C. caudata p. 59.
b. Leaves 1—2 cM. broad; petioles 0.2—0.4 cM.

9. C. stcnophylla p. 61.

13. a. Base of leaves cordate, rounded or obtuse. . . .14.
b. Base of leaves acute, cuneate or attenuate . . . .21.

14. a. Corolla 0.5-0.6 cM............15.

b. Corolla 0.2-0.3 cM............16.

15. a. Leaves entire, chartaceous, 5—9-nerved, 8l/o—13l/2 by

4_5>/., cM.; petioles 2—2l/2 cM.; elliptic, more or less
long acuminate; corolla with simple hairs along 4 lines

10. C. subglandulosa p. 61.
b. Leaves denticulate, subchartaceous-membranous, 12—14-
nerved, 30 by 15—20 cM.; petioles 1—3l/2cM.; broad-
elliptic or rotundate; acumen short, abrupt; corolla
pubescent on its whole surface, with simple hairs

11. C. ramiflorn p. 62.

16. a. Margins of leaves entire or denticulate-serrulate or undu-

late towards the apex only; leaves minutely, densely,

stellately villous beneath, not floccose.....17.

b. Margins of leaves dentate-serrate, cxcept near the base;
leaves more or less densely stellately floccose beneath 18.

17. a. Corolla densely stellate-hairy without; lobes pubescent

within .........12. C. Maingayi p. 63.

-ocr page 60-

b. Corolla glabrous without, lobes glabrous within

13. C. subalbida p. 63.

18. a. Leaves 5—10 by 2.2—6 cM.; petioles 0.3-1 cM. . 19.
b. Leaves 10—23 by 5—9 cM.; petioles 1—21/2 cM. . 20.

19. a. ) U4. C. ovata p. 64.
b. S...........( 6. C. Blancoi p. 58.

20. a. Proportion of length and breadth of the leaves —

2l/2—3 : 1; leaves with 16—18 pairs of nerves

15. C. Reevesii p. 65.
b. Proportion of length and breadth of the leaves —
iy2—2 : 1; leaves with 5—6 pairs of nerves

16. C. denticulata p. 65.

21. a. Leaves tomentose beneath, not, or indistinctly, floccose 22.
b. Leaves glabrous or more or less floccose beneath 38.

22. a. Proportion of length and breadth of the leaves =

4-6 : 1................23.

b. Proportion of length and breadth of the leaves =
1V2-3 : 1...............24.

23. a. \\ / 17. C. angusta p. 66.
b. /......... 18. C. angustifolia p. 66.

• c. \' ^ 19. C. rivularis p. 67.

24. a. Corolla-lobes longer than the tube 20. C. laciniata p. 68.
b. Corolla-lobes as long as or shorter than the tube . 25.

25. a. Corolla densely puberulous without......26.

b. Corolla little puberulous or glabrous without . . .30.

26. h. Peduncles \'/2—1 cM............27.

b. Peduncles 2l/2—8 cM............28.

27. a. Leaves large, rotundatc, 30 by 15—20 cM.; petioles

1— 3l/2 cM.; pairs of nerves 12—14; corolla puberulous
on its whole surface . . . . 11. C. ramiflora p. 62.
b. Leaves lanceolate or broadly oblong, 6l/2~~\\&l/2 by
3—10 cM.; petioles 1—2l/2 cM.; pairs of nerves 8—10;
corolla with 4 lines of hairs

21. C. cana var p and var t p. 68.

28. a. Corolla 0.2-0.3 cM............29.

b. Corolla 0.6—0.7 cM.; leaves 12—16 by 5—6 cM.;

petioles 2—2l/2 cM.; flowers white

22. C. mcgalantha p. 75.

-ocr page 61-

29. a. Leaves entire, 5 — 10 by 2l/2—3.7 cM.; petioles 1.7—2.6

cM.; pairs of nerves 7—9; corolla with 4 lines of simple
hairs; lobes glabrous within 23. C. longipetiolata p. 75.
b. Leaves entire or undulate, 15—30 by 7\'/2—15 cM.;
petioles 4—5 cM.; pairs of nerves 10—12; corolla with
stellate hairs on its whole surface; lobes pubescent within

12. C. Maingayi p. 63.

30. a. Peduncles l/2—2 cM............31.

b. Peduncles 2-5l/2 cM............36.

31. a. Leaves 5-nerved, ovate or ovate-oblong, base and apex

acute; margins crenulate except near the base

24. C. paucinervia p. 76.
b. Leaves 7—10-nerved...........32.

32. a. Leaves entire or serrulate towards the apex, minutely

whitish tomentose beneath . 13. C. subalbida p. 63.
b. Leaves distinctly, sometimes coarsely dentate or serrate,
except near base.............33.

33. a. Leaves usually large, 9—26 by 31/2— 1 "4 cM.; petioles

1—3l/a cM.; coriaceous, usually more or less coarsely
crenate or serrate; the whole plant rugosely ferruginous-
woolly; leaves yellowy-brownish tomentose beneath

25. C. erioclona p. 76.
b. Leaves smaller, or if as large, then membranous, never
serrate, nor coarsely, but usually minutely denticulate-
serrulate; the plant less rugose, not ferruginous . . 34.

34. a. Peduncles l/2— 1 cM.; leaves rather large, 7l/2—19 by

2\'/2—11 cM,; petioles 0.3—1 cM.; the leaves never with
simple hairs above

21. C. cana var. a, var. y, var. 5 p. 68.
b. Peduncles 0.7—2 cM.; leaves smaller, 5\' —10 by 1.2—
6 cM.; pe\'ioles 0.3—1 cM.; sometimes with simple
hairs above...............35.

35. a. ) 14. C. ovata p. 64.
b. S...........I 6. C. Blancoi p. 58.

36. a. Calyx truncate; leaves entire, coriaceous, with attenuate

base.........26. C. palocnsis p. 78.

b. Calyx distinctly toothed; leaves denticulate, with acute
or cuneate base.............37.

-ocr page 62-

37. a. Plant ferruginously pubescent; leaves 10—15 by 4—7
cM.; petioles 1 cM.; leaves ferruginous, pubescent beneath

27. C. surigaensis p. 79.
b. Plant not ferruginously pubescent; leaves 16—34 by
6\'/2—19 cM.; petioles 3—5 cM. 28. C. lanata p. 79.

38. a. Peduncles 3—8 cM............39.

b. Peduncles lU—2 cM............42.

39. a. Corolla glabrous without..........40.

b. Corolla pubescent without.........41.

40. a. Leaves 18 by 6 cM.; petioles 2 cM.; pairs of nerves

9—11; plant hairy; calyx truncate, densely pubescent

26. Cf. paloensis p. 78.
b. Leaves 15—30 by 2V,.—7 cM.; petioles 1— 27a cM,;
pairs of nerves 13 — 16; plant subglabrous; calyx 4-toothed,
subglabrous.....29. C. dolichophylla p. 82.

41. a. Leaves with attenuate base, 12—16 by 5—6 cM.; petioles

2—2V2 cM.; colour of the lower side not determined

by glands......22. C. megalantha p. 75.

b. Leaves with more or less rounded base, 8V2—15 by
4—7 cM.; petioles 2—3 cM.; colour of the lower side
determined by numerous glands

10. C. subglandulosa p. 61.

42. a. Leaves entirely glabrous beneath.......43.

b. Leaves more or less pubescent beneath.....49.

43. a. Peduncles P/2—2 cM.; cymes dichotomous; leaves

1072—17 by 4 72— 8 cM.; petioles P/2 cM.

30. C. glabra p. 82.
b. Peduncles 0—172 cM.; cymes di- or trichotomous . 44.

44. a. Cymes sessile, cauliflorous; leaves 30—35 by 9—13 cM.,

petioles 1—2cM.; pairs of nerves 14 31. C. cauliflora p. 83.
b. Cymes peduncled, axillary; leaves reaching 18 cM. in

45. a. Proportion of length and breadth of leaves 4:1;

plant entirely glabrous; leaves 4—6-nerved. 4—14 by
1—472 cM.; petioles 0.3—1 cM.; corolla 4-lobed down

to the middle.......32. C. elcgans p. 83.

b. Proportion of length and breadth of leaves 2—3 : 1;
corolla 4-lobed down to the middle or less deeply 46.

-ocr page 63-

46. a. Leaves entire or rather coarsely crenate towards the

apex; plant tomentose; corolla with 4 lines of hairs

21. C. cana var. Z, forma b p. 74.
b. Leaves more or less coarsely dentate-serrate; plant scarcely
pubescent or glabrous; corolla subglabrous . . .47.

47. a. Proportion of length and breadth of leaves = 2:1;

leaves rhomboid, entire near base, rather coarsely serrate
for the rest, except along the abrupt apex; base rectangular;
cymes often trichotomously branched

33. C. japonica var. 0 p. 84.
b. Proportion of length and breadth of leaves = 3:1;
leaves lanceolate, with attenuate base.....48.

48. a. Leaves 3l/*~7ll2 by 1.2—3 cM.; petioles 0.2—0.6 cM.;

apex abrubt, entire; pairs of nerves 4—7; no scales on
the lower side of the leaves . 34. C. purpurea p. 85.
b. Leaves 7—18 by 2l/i—6V2 cM.; petioles 0.7—2 cM.;
apex acute; pairs of nerves 8—10; lower side of leaves
with characteristic peltate scales

35. C. longifolia var. a p. 86.

49. a. Calyx truncate or 4-toothed; ovary glabrous, often


b. Calyx 5-toothed; ovary pubescent near the top

36. C. Horsficldii p. 91.

50. a. Proportion of length and breadth of leaves — 3:1 51.
b. Proportion of length and breadth of leaves = 2:1 52.

51. a. Leaves 7\'/2—91/« by 3—3l/a cM.; petioles Vi cM.; pairs

of nerves 5—7: cymes 1.8 cM. long, 1.5 cM. in diam.;
peduncles 0.3—1.2 cM. . . 37. C. formosana p. 91.
b. Leaves 7—18 by 2l/j—6V2 cM.; petioles 0.7-2 cM.;
pairs of nerves 8 — 10; cymes 272-4 cM. long. 5—7
cM. in diam.; peduncles 0.3—1.2 35. C. longifolia p. 86.

52. a. Leaves rotundate or subrotundate; base more or less

abruptly attenuate 21. C. cana var. 8, var. e, var. £ p. 68.
b. Leaves acute or obtuse at base and at apex; base never
abruptly attenuate............53.

53. a, ) 14. C. ovata p. 64.
b. \\...........I 6. C. Blancoi p. 58.

Doubtful species:.....38 C. mollis p. 92.

-ocr page 64-

1. C. Havilandii (King et Gamble) H. J. Lam, nov.
comb. — A tree?, branchlets, cymes and petioles densely
leaves opposite, chartaceous,
ovate or ovate-oblong, base cuneate, entire, apex acuminate,
margins denticulate, pairs of nerves 8—11, upper side,
especially on the midrib densely rugose with simple hairs,
lower side ferruginous-stellate-hairy, glandular, 6—15 cM.
long, 4—6 cM.. wide, petioles 1.0—1.7 cM.;
cymes small,
few-flowered, subsessile, \\1/2\'—2 cM. long, 3 cM. in diam.,
peduncles 0.3—0.5 cM.;
calyx 4—5-toothed, teeth large,
deltoid, densely stellate-hairy, glandular, 0.2 cM.;
glabrous, glandular, 4 —5-lobed, 0.5 cM.; tube twice as
long as the lobes;
stamens 4-^5, exserted, 0.6 cM.;
anthers broad, on both sides, especially on the backside
style 0.8 cM., with capitate or ± 5-lobed
ovary densely glandular, 4—5-lobed, 4—5-seeded,
fruit with 4—5 one-seeded pyrenes.

Var. y. tetramera H.J. Lim, nov. var. — flores tetrameri.

borneo: Haviland and Hose no. 3549 E., Sarawak
near Kuching; with flow, and young fr. in Nov. 1894.

Var. /3 pentamera H. J. Lam, nov. var. — Geunsia
King et Gamble, Kew Bull. 1908, 105
and Journ. As. Soc. Bengal LXXIV, 4, 801 - ?G. bec-
Briq. nom. nud. in Engl. u. Prantl., Nat. Pfl.
fam. IV. 3a. 165 (1897);
King and Gamble, I.e. 802. _
flores pentameri

borneo: Haviland no. 3549 K. and L., same locality__

Beccari no. 3240. — Haviland no. 889, near Kuching.

Without any doubt King and Gamble\'s species is a Callicarpa
(only opposite leaves, leaves denticulate, cymes sessile, fruit
with 4—5 (not 7 — 12) pyrenes). As in some other species of
this genus there is a pentamerous form. (See observation at
Geunsia, p. 30).

2. C. basilanensis Merrill in Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot. III.
263. (1908). — A little tree, 6 M.; young parts with

-ocr page 65-

dense rust-coloured hairs; leaves opposite, oblong or ovate
or elliptical-oblong, subcoriaceous, 25 cM. long, 12 cM.
wide or less, petioles 1—2 cM., hairy, apex long caudate-
acuminate, base rounded or acute, margins entire; upper
side hirsute with simple hairs and papils, lower side rather
densely stellate-tomentose; nerves on either side of the
midrib 9—12;
cymes densely stellate-tomentose, fascicu-
late, in the axils of fallen leaves, 2—2l/2 cM. long;
flowers glabrous; calyx 0.3 cM. long, 0.25 cM. wide at
the top, 4-toothed;
corolla 0.7—0.8 cM. long with 4,
sometimes 5 rounded lobes, each 0.3 cM. long;
4, sometimes .5, filaments 0.5 cM., anthers 0.3—0.35 cM.;
stigma ± 4-lobed; fruit globose, 0.5 cM. in diam. with
4 pyrenes.

Distribution: Basilan (Philippines).

This plant is nearly related to Geunsia Cumingiana var. P,
e. g. by its sometimes 5-merous flowers.

3. C. rubella Lindley in Bot. Reg., t. 883, (1839)]);
Schau., DC., Prodr. XI, 645; Elbert, Meded. \'s Rijks-
Herb. Leiden no. 12;
Forbes et Hemsley, Fl. Sin. II,
Hook, f., Fl. Br. Ind. IV. 569; Kuntze Rev. Gen.
Plant. I. 503;
Mpxim. Bull. d. l\'Ac. Imp. d. Sc. de St.
Pet. XXXI. 75;
H. J. Lam in Hall, f., Med. *s Rijks
Herb. no. 37, 34. - C. sessilifolia
Wall. Cat. no.
1837 (1828). — C. tenuiflora
Champ, ex Benth. in
Hook. Kew Journ. V, 135 (1853). - ? C. violacea
Korth. see: Korthals. Verband over de Natuurl. Gesch.
der Ned. O. I. bezittingen 1839—\'42. Botanie; nomen
nudum? — An erect shrub or little tree; young parts and
inflorescences wi.h a thin woolly texturfc of stellate hairs;
leaves with rather deeply cordate base, subsessile, from

!) Wc could not find the reason why C. rubella Lindl. should have
the priority above C.
sessilifolia Wall., but retained the first name,
nevertheless, sincc wc found that all authors use it.

-ocr page 66-

the widest part near the base or, sometimes, near the
middle of the leave, gradually narrowing into the acuminate
apex; margins minutely denticulate or serrulate; upper
side hirsute with simple hairs, lower side stellate-tomentose;
nerves, more densely hairy than the lamina, 10—12 on
either side of the midrib; 67s —181bY 1 Vs—"
petioles 0.1—0.3 cM.;
cymes globose, fasciculate, many-
flowered, 1—3 cM. long and in diam.; peduncles
0.7—1.5 cM.;
calyx 4-ribbed, 4-toothed, with long,
simple hairs, glandular-dotted, 0.1 cM., pedicels 0.1 cM.;
corolla softly hairy, especially on the outer side of the
lobes, with little yellow glands, tube 0.2 cM., lobes 0.05
cM., rounded;
stamens 4, exserted, 0.5 cM., anthers on
both sides glandular;
style 0.5 cM.; stigma ± capitate;
ovary with some glands; fruit globose, glabrous, 0.25—
0.3 cM. in diam.

java: Elbert no. 337. Resid. Madiun: Mt. Lawu, Sido
Ramping, Gandang-Valley, 1300 M.; Nov. 1907 with
fruits —
Junghuhn, Ungarang, Medinie, north-slope, 1000—
1600 M., native Java-name: Suren or Angro; in H. L.—B.
sub nos. 908.267-1141; 908.267-1142; 908.267-1143.

Sumatra: Korthals no. 5816.

Buton-Isl. (Celebes): Elbert no. 2814, Passar Wadjo,
Coralreef, 0—100 M., 9 Nov. 1909 with fruits.

Distribution: British India, China.

Its affinity is, especially in regard with the flower, with C.
pedunculata, but its leaves are always cordate, subsessile and
narrower, whilst its cymes are smaller, fasciculate, not widely
dichotomous as in C.

4. C. lancifolia Merrill in Phil. Journ. Sc. Bot. X, 70.
(1915). — A shrub with stellate and sometimes plumose
hairs on cymes and young branchlets;
leaves lanceolate
or narrowly oblong-lanceolate, chartaceous, base somewhat
unequal, obtuse, apex long caudate-acuminate, 15—20 cM.
long, 3—5 cM. wide; petioles 0.5—0.8 cM. long; margins

-ocr page 67-

serrato-dentate with glands at the top of the teeth; upper
surface with dispersed simple hairs, lower surface scarcely
stellate-hairy, with some glands; pairs of nerves 10—11;
cymes 2—4 cM.; flowers lilac, bracteoles linear; calyx
with some simple hairs, hardly 4-toothed, 0.1 cM.; corolla
glabrous, tube 0.2 cM., lobes 0.1 cM.; stamens little
exserted, filaments 0.4 cM., anthers 0,05 cM.;
style 0.55
cM., with thickened stigma.

Distribution; Mindoro (Phil. Isl.)

Its affinity is with C. caudata, from which it differs, however,
by the obtuse base of the leaves, and in some other points.

5. C. pedunculata R. Brown, Prodr. 513, (1827);
Benth. et v. Muell. Fl. Austr. V, 57; Forbes, Wander,
eines Naturf. im Mal. Arch. II, 226;
Hook, f., Fl. Br.
Ind. IV. 569;
King and Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. Beng.
LXXIV, 4, 807;
Koorders, Exk. fl. von Java, III, 134;
K. Schum. et Lauterb. Fl. d. Deutsch. Schutzgeb. i. d.
Südsee, 522;
K. Schum. et Hollr. Fl. v. Kais. Wilh.-land,
Warb. Engl. Jhrb. XIII. 426; Hemsley, Challenger
Report. Botany. I. 110 and 176;
H. J. Lam. in Halt, f.,
Med. \'s Rijks Herb. no. 37, 33. - C. Ca na Wall. Cat.
no. 1834, (1828), pro parte — C. cuspidata
Roxb. Fl.
ind. I. 394, (1832);
Hassk. 2° Cat. Buitenzorg, 136. —
C. dentata
Roth. Nov. PI. sp. 81; (year?); Blume, Bijdr.
Hassk. I.e., 136 — C. dentata Wall. Cat. no.
6319 (1828) pro parte — C. tiliaefolia
Teysm. et
Binnend. ex Clarke in Hook f., Fl. Br. Ind. IV, 569,
nomen nudum. — C. lanata
Vahl. Symb. 3, 13.(1790—4);
Schauer, DC. Prodr. XI, 644; Miquel, Fl. Ind. Bat. II.
886 and suppl. 243. — Shrubby, or sometimes a small
tree. 2—6 M. high; innovations yellow-woolly with stel-
late hairs, as are cymes and petioles;
leaves oblong-obovate,
with rounded, truncate of somewhat cordate base and a
rather long tapering apex; margins minutely serrate
or somewhat crenate; membranous or subchartaceous;

-ocr page 68-

upper side more or less hirsute with simple hairs; lower
side more or less densely stellate-hairy, glandular-dotted;
nerves, on both sides densier hairy, ± 10 on each side
of the midrib; leaves 71/*—17 cM. long, 3—6 cM. wide
across the middle, petioles 0.5—0.7 (—1.4) cM. long, apex
2—2Y2 cM. long;
cymes on slender peduncles, sometimes
inserted a little above the leaf-axil, or 2 cymes in an axil;
4—5 cM. long, 3—6 cM. wide, peduncles 0.6—2.7 cM„
generally 0.9—1.2 cM. long; flowers nearly sessile, light-
calyx with ± dense prickly stellate hairs, and with
glands or glanduliferous hairs, 4-toothed, 0.1 cM. long;
corolla sparsely and softly hairy or almost glabrous, 0.2— *
0.25 cM.;
stamens exserted; filaments 0.4 cM.; anthers
glandular on both sides;
style with capitate stigma, 0.5
ovary glabrous, except at the top, where it is some-
what hairy and glandular;
fruit glabrous, 0.2—0.3 cM.
in diam., light-violet or white.

Java: ex Herb. Hassk. in H. L.—B. sub no. 908.265—
941, native name: Katumpang.

Var. a typica H. J. Lam, nov. var. — folia utrinque
dense hirsuta,
calyx dense pilis simplicibus tectus.

AMBOYNA: Karsten no. 3059, from Ambon imported into
Buitenzorg and cultivated there sub signo XI. G. 48. —
Forsten, in the woods, May ll*h, 1842, with flow, and
young fr., in H. L.—B. sub. nos. 908.266—1222 and 1223.

New-Guinea: Gjellerup no. 1232, North-Dutch-New-
Guinea, Arfak-mountains, Angimun, on deserted „ladang" \'),
on the shore of a lake, on stony soil, 1900 M., May 2nd,
1912 with flow, and young fr. —
Lauterbach no. 2449,
river A, camp II, 300 M., July 3rd,\' 1896, with flow, and
young fr. —
Rudolph no. 6. Simpsonhafen, at the border
of the woods; also in alang-alang-fields; native name: a

\') A „ladang" is a placc of primitive native cultivation.

-ocr page 69-

New-Britain (Neu-Pommern): Lauterbach no. 207,
Ralum; flow, in May — Dahl, Oct. 30th, 1896, flow.;
Nord-tochter- and Uatom-islands.

New-Ireland (Neu-Mecklenburg): Peekel no. 61,
Namatanai; native name: a tiptipinagut.

Var. ß glandulosa H. J. Lam, nov. var. — folia
angustiora, basi angustiori, latitudine majore supra medium,
dentibus marginis minutioribus;
calyx pilis longis glanduli-
feris vestitus.

celebes: Forsten, Tondano, May 1840, with buds,
flow, and young fr., in H. L.— B. sub nos. 908.266—1226
and 1227. .

New-Guinea: Hollrung no, 210, Sattel-mountain near
Finschhafen, July 1886, with flow, and young fr.

Var. 7 glabriuscula H. J. Lam, nov. var. — folia supra
pilis simplicibus sparsis, subtus pilis stellatis sparsis tecta,
glandulosa; nervis utrinque densius pilosis;
calyce minus
dense pubescente.

Java: Blume? in H. L.—B. sub. no. 908.265—1115.
Hallier, H. no. c. 121, from Key-Isl.
imported into Buitenzorg and cultivated there sub signo

XI. G. 49.

wetar: Elbert, no. 4503. Mangowe, near Saiwerang,
600—800 M.; Febr. 19th, 1910, with fruits.

This variety has an affinity with C. macrophylla, with which
some authors confound the species, by the form of its leaves,
especially in regard with the base.

Var. (J psilocalyx ~H. ]. Lam, nov. var. — calyx glaber
vel margine singulis pilis suffultus, eglandulosus.

New-Guinea Nyman no. 580. Saedel-Mountain
(= Sattel-Mountain?), 750 M. July 1899, flow, and young
fr. —
Schultze no. 194. (= C. novoguineensis Loes. ms.
Augusta-river, Jan. 1913, flow.; also near Sepik-riv.
Jan. 26th, 1910, flow. —
Schlechter no. 16731, Hami-

Mountains, in the woods, ± 800 M.; Oct. 27th, 1907, fr.


-ocr page 70-

Distribution of the species: P. Penang, Malay Archipelago
(Java!, Celebes!, Wetar!, Ambon!, Key-isl.!, Dutch-New-
Guinea!, Kais.-W.-land), Bismarck-archipelago!, tropical

Its affinities are with C. rubella, C. pilosissima Max. (from
Formosa), C.
caudata and C. macrophylla. The leaves, however,
never have a distinctly cordate base, as in C.
rubella, are never
as narrow at in C.
pilosissima have never an acute or cuneate
base as in C.
caudata, nor are as long and wide as the leaves
of C.
macrophylla, which are coarsely dentate and have their
greatest breadth near the base.

6. C. Blancoi Rolfe in Joum. Linn. Soc. XXI, 315,
Elmer, Leafl. Philipp. Bot. Ill, 864; Merrill, Bur.
of Gov. Lab. no. 27, 67 and Phil. Journ. Sc. Bot. I.
suppl. I. 121. — C. americana
Blco., Fl. Fil. ed. I,
517, (1837). - C. bicolor
F.-Vill. in Blanco, Fl. Filip.
ed. III. Nov. app. 158, (1845). — A shrub with tomentose
texture on innovations, cymes and petioles;
leaves opposite,
membranous, ovate or oblong-ovate, base acute or somewhat
rounded to truncate, margins more or less irregularly
crenato-dentate; nerves, not very distinct, 7—9 pairs;
5\'/„—9 cM. long, 2.2—5 cM. wide, petioles 0.5—1 cM.;
texture varying on upper side, from stellate-hairy in youth,
and glabrous when adult, to a covering with simple
hairs, which are densier on the midrib and on lower
side, from yellowy stellate-tomentose to almost glabrous;
cymes on short peduncles, 1.3—2.5 cM. long and wide;
peduncles 0.7—2 cM.;
calyx 4-toothed, more or less
stellate-hairy, glandular, 0.1 cM.;
corolla glabrous with 4
short, glabrous or somewhat hairy, lobes, and 4 lines of little
glands, 0.25—0.3 cM.;
stamens exserted, anthers glandular
on both sides, filaments 0.5 cM.;
style 0.6 cM.; ovary
glandular; fruits globose, 0.15—0.3 cM. in diam.. glabrous.

? Banda: Teysman, in H. L.-B. sub no. 908.265-307.
angusta det. Dr. Hasskarl).

-ocr page 71-

Luzon: Leonardo Lilies; no. 42, near Lamao, Bataan.
March, 1909, flow. —
C. B. Robinson, no. 9695, Laguna,
flow, just cast off on 2-II-1910.

Mindanao: Elmer no. 10985, Todaya (Mt. Apo),
Davao, June 1909, with fr. and flow.; id. no. 13441,
Cabadbaran, Agusan, Aug. 1912, with fr. and flow.

Distrib.: Philippine Islands!, Banda. ?

The species has an affinity with C. cana, but the simple
hairs sometimes present on the upper side of its leaves, and the
peduncles, which are generally longer than the petioles, form
differences, which, with the different form of the leaves, separate
it from that species.

7. C. micrantha Vid. Phan. Cum. Phil., 187, (year?). —
A shrub?; branchlets slender, round, with cymes and
inflorescences stellately farinose or tomentose;
leaves ovate-
lanceolate or lanceolate, chartaceous; base acute, apex
acutely acuminate, margins serrate, except close near the
base; upper side more or less densely pubescent with
simple hairs, lower one stellate-tomentose, glandular; pairs
of nerves 6—8; 6 cM. long, 2 cM. wide; petioles 0.4 cM.;
cytnes small, 2 cM. long; peduncles V2—1 cM.; calyx
somewhat stellate-pubescent, glandular; 0.1—0.15 cM.
long; with 4 subacute, deltoid teeth;
corolla with 4
lines of glands along the midrib of the lobes and on the
tube, sparsely pubescent, 0.3 cM. long; lobes 0.1—0.15
stamens exsert, 0.4—0.45 cM.; anthers densely
glandular on both sides, ellipsoid;
style 0.55 cM., with
capitate stigma;
ovary densely glandular on upper half,
the lower one glabrous.

? Timor: Teysmann, H. Bog. no. 8942, Tanini.

Philippines: Cuming in H. L.—B. sub no. 908.158—
383, Luzon — Com. d. 1. fl. for. d. Fil. no. 1641, Abra.

The doubtful specimen: Korihals in H. L. — B. sub. no.
908.265—958, gives no locality.

8. C. caudata Maximowicz., in Bull, de l\'Acad. des Sc.

-ocr page 72-

de St. Pet. XXXI, 76 (1887); Elmer. Leafl. Phil. Bot. Ill,
Merrill and Merritt, Phil. Journ. Sc. Bot. V. 380. —
A shrub with whity yellow floccose or tomentose texture
on its young parts, cymes and petioles;
leaves narrowly
lanceolate, at both ends gradually narrowing, with acute
base and a long tapering apex, membranous; margins
minutely denticulate; pairs of not distinct nerves 8—9;
872— 177s by 1.8—5 cM.; petioles 0.3—1.5 cM.; upper
surface with more or less dense simple hairs; lower surface
more or less densely stellate-hairy, sometimes with simple
hairs; on both sides many reddish yellow glands, the
hairs densier on the nerves; some little scales on the lower
cymes globose, many-flowered, fasciculate, 2— 5 cM.
long, 1.2—6 cM. in diam.; peduncles 0.5—1.5 cM.;
with long simple hairs, many glanduliferous hairs and
some large scales, sometimes glabrous; glandular-dotted,
4-toothed, 0.075 cM.;
corolla with some simple hairs and
some glands, 0.15 cM.;
stamens little exserted; ovary
with four broad lines of glands.

Var. a typica H. J. Lam, nov. var. — folia minora,
10 cM. longa, 1.8 cM. lata, petiolo 0.5 cM. longo; utrinque
dense puberula, subtus stellato-tomentosa;
cymi 1.2 cM.
diam., pedunculo 0.5 cM. longo;
calyx dense pilosus pilis
simplicibus, pilis glanduliferis, squamis singulis.

Distribution: Philippines {Max.)

Var. (3. magna H. J. Lam, nov. var. — folia cum eis
var. a conformia, sed dimensionibus differentia, 87s—16c M.
2l/s~47s cM. lata, petiolo 0.3—0.7 cM. longo; cymis
usque ad 3l/2 cM. longi, pedunculis 0.5—1.5 cM. longis.

Mindanao: Elmer no. 11333, TodayafMnt. Apo), Davao.
Aug. 1909, with fr.

Luzon: Elmer no. 8646, Baguio, Benguet, March 1907,
with buds. —
Curran, Merritt and Zschokke, no. 18127,
Mt. Pulog, Benguet, Jan. 1909 — Com. d. 1. Fl. for. d.
Fil. no. 1643, Benguet; id. no. 1644, Lepanto.


-ocr page 73-

Var. y. glabriuscula H. J. Lam, nov. var. — ramuli
glabriusculi; folia quam in var. /3 angustiora, 12—17 V3
cM. longa, 2.3—4(—5) cM. lata, petiolo V2—IV2 cM.
longo, supra interdum, subtus semper glabriuscula; utrin-
que glanduloso-punctata;
cymi majores 3l/a—5 cM. longi,
4—6V2 cM. diametro, pedunculo P/2 cM. longo;

Philippine Islands: Cuming no. 1330, Cagayan, Luzon.

Var. <5 simplicipuberula H. J. Lam, nov. var. ■— folia
vix denticulata, subtus pilis simplicibus vestita.

negros: Merrill no. 10375, Dumaguete (Cuernos
Mounts), Negros oriental, June 1908, with young fruits.

Distribution of the species: Philippine Islands!

9. C. stenophylla Merrill, Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot. V,
380, (1910). — A shrub, 3—4 M. high; branchlets, cymes
and petioles densely stellate-tomentose;
leaves narrow-
lanceolate, membranous or chartaceous, base acute, apex
gradually and long acuminate, margins denticulate; upper
side subglabrous or with sparse, simple hairs, lower one
densely stellate-hairy; pairs of nerves 9; 7—15 cM. long,
1—2 cM. broad; petioles 0.2—0.4 cM.;
cymes 2 cM.
long, 2—2\'/2 cM. in diam.; pedicels very short; bracts
subulate, 0.3 cM. long, bracteoles 0.1 cM.;
calyx sub-
glabrous, 0.1 cM., obscurely quadrangular, 4-toothed;
corolla 0.2 cM„ subequally 4-lobed; lobes rounded, 0.04
filaments 0.3 cM., exsert; anthers 0.03 cM.; drupe
■globose. 0.15 cM., pink.

Distribution: Luzon.

This spccies seeirfs to have — according to the description,
since we could n:>t examine any specimen of it — a close
affinity with our r-variety of C.
caudata, or even to be identical
with it. According to
Mcrril it has, however, less hairy and
narrower and longer leaves.

10. C. subglandulosa Elmer in Leafl. Phil. Bot. II.
513. (1908) — A tree, 6 M. high or more, with yellowy-

-ocr page 74-

brown farinose texture on branchlets, petioles and cymes,
leaves oblong or oblong-ovate, with subtrun-
cate or subcuneate base, and a rather long, somewhat
abruptly acuminate apex; margins entire; 8.5—13.5 cM.
by 4—5V2 cM.; petioles 2—2.5 cM.; apex 1.5 cM.;
lamina chartaceous, upper side glabrous, or, when young,
with some stellate hairs; with sparse glands, and stellate-
pubescent midrib; lower side with dense masses of yellow
glands, determining the colour of this side of the leaf;
moreover with some stellate hairs and some scales;
cymes large, 10—16(—20) cM. long. 7.5 —10(—12) cM.
wide, peduncles stout, 6—8 cM. long;
calyx 4-ribbed,
4-toothed, glandular-dotted, sparsely, the ribs densely
stellate-hairy with intermixed simple hairs, 0.15—0.2 cM.
long; coro//a-tube glabrous on lower part, upper one with
the lobes, glandular-dotted and with 4 narrow lines of
dense, simple hairs; tube 0.35—0.4, lobes 0.1 cM.;
exserted, filaments 0.8 cM., anthers glandular on both
style 1 cM. with capitate stigma; upper half of
ovary glandular.

NEGROS: Elmer no. 9739; Dumaguete (Cuernos Mounts),
Negros oriental; flow. April 1908.

After Elmer s description the calyx should have 0.3, the
corolla 0.6 cM. The latter should be glabrous, moreover. This
is, as we think, either a mistake or an inaccuracy or incompleteness.

11. C. ramiflora Merrill in Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot. Ill,
262, (1908) — A small tree, 5 M. high; branchlets, petiole^
and cymes ferruginous-floccose;
leaves broadly ovate or
rotundate, base rounded, apex somewhat abruptly acumi-
nate; margins, except near the base, crenate-denticulate;
pairs of nerves 12—14; lamina subchartaceous, upper side
adult glabrous, nerves hairy, lower side more or less
stellate-hairy; 30 cM. by 15—20 cM.; petioles 1—3Vs
cM., stout;
cymes small, fasciculate, in the axils of branchlets

or of fallen leaves, (pseudo-)cauliflorous, 1 — 1cM. long;


-ocr page 75-

peduncles 0.3 cM.; calyx somewhat tubular, densely simple-
hairy and glandular, and with some scales, 0.4 cM„ 4-
corolla white; tube glabrous in lower part, upper
part with lobes densely simple-hairy and glandular, 0.5 cM.;
stamens with glandular-dotted anthers; style 0.6 cM., with
distinctly 4-lobed stigma.

Leyte (Phil. Isl.): Ramos no. 15278, Dagana, flow, in

Distribution: Mindanao.

12. C. Maingayi King et Gamble in Kew Bull. 1908,
106; iid., Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, LXXIV, 4, 804. —
A tree; young branches and cymes with a gold-yellow
texture of little stellate hairs, obtusely quadrangular;
leaves coriaceous, elliptic or elliptical-obovate, base rounded
or subcuneate, unequal, apex rounded or shortly acuminate,
margins subentire or subundulate; 15 — 30 by
7l/z—\\5 cM.;
petioles 4.— 5 cM.; upper side glabrous except on the midrib;
lower side with little gold-yellow hairs; pairs of nerves
cymes globose, many-flowered, stout, 8—9 cM.
long by 15 cM. wide; peduncles 2.5—4 cM.\'; pedicels
0.1—0.25 cM.;
calyx hemispherical, 4-denticulate, stellate-
hairy; 0.1—0.15 cM.;
corolla-tube 0.1—0.15 cM., lobes
0.1 cM.; outer side very densely stellatc-tomentose, inner
side of lobes villous;
stamens with filaments 0.45 cM. long,
anthers glandular on backside;
style with capitate stigma;
ovary hairy; drupe black, 0.15 cM. in diam.

Distribution: Malay Peninsula.

13. C. subalbida Elmer in Leafl. Phil. Bot. I, 337,
(1908). — A shrub; branchlets, petioles and cymes minutely
leaves chartaceous, oblong or elliptical-
oblong or broader and then ovate, base cuneate or
somewhat rounded, apex long acuminate or acute, margins
entire or somewhat denticulate towards the top; upper
side glabrous, lower side with a silvery covering of minute,
stellate hairs; 11 — 16 (—20) cM. long and 4.3—6.7 cM.

-ocr page 76-

wide and then with 7—9 pairs of nerves, or 17—25 cM.
long and 8—12 cM. wide and with 13 pairs of nerves;
petioles 1 —1.7, in the larger leaves 3—4 cM.;
4 cM. long, 6 cM. in diam., in the axils of the upper
leaves; peduncles 1 cM.; flowers in little woolly clusters,

3—5 together, with a indumentum of small, unequal
calyx glandular-dotted, somewhat hairy, hardly

4-toothed, 0.1—0.2 cM.; corolla glabrous, tube only a
little longer than the calyx, 0.2 cM.; lobes 0.1 cM.; outer
side with little glands;
stamens little exserted, 0.35 cM.;
style 0.4 cM., with peltate stigma; ovary densely with
yellow glands in upper half, lower half glabrous;
glabrous, 0.2 cM. in diam.

luzon: Elmer no. 9184, Lucban, Tayabas; with flow,
and young fr. in May 1907.

polillo: McGregor no. 10269, with buds in Oct.—
Nov. 1909.

Distribution: Philippine Islands!

This species seems to have a close affinity with the r-repanda-
variety of C. er

14. C. ovata C. B. Robinson, Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot.
Ill, 215. (1908). — A shrub, 2 M. high; branchlets, cymes
and petioles densely ferruginous stellate-tomentose, gla-
leaves opposite, membranous, ovate-elliptic; base
subrotundate, apex acutely or obtusely acuminate; margins
serrate except near the base; upper side little, lower one
densier stellate-hairy; nerves 8—10; 5\'/2—10 cM. long,
3—6 cM. broad; petioles 0.3—0.5 cM.;
cM.; peduncles 0.5—1.1 cM.; pedicels 0.2—0.4 cM.;
bracts 0.7—0.8 cM.;
calyx with 4 somewhat unequal
lobes; 0.09-0.12 cM. long;
corqlla pink, 0.23-0.25 cM.;
tube 0.12—0.16 cM.; lobes 4, 0.1 cM. broad;
4, 0.27—0.3 cM. long; anthers 0.07 cM.; style 0.5—0.6
cM., with 4-lobed stigma;
ovary globose, 0.05 cM.; drupe
glabrous, 0.25 cM.


-ocr page 77-

Distribution: Mindanao.

We did not see any specimen of this species, but the des-
cription gives rise to the supposition that it may be identical
C. Blancoi.

15. C. Reevesii Wall., Cat. no. 1830, (1828); Hook,
Fl. Br. Ind. IV, 568; King and Gamble, Journ. As. Soc.
Bengal, LXXIV, 4, 805;
Maximowicz, Bull. Ac. St. Pet.
XXXI, 75;
Schauer, Dc., Prodr. XI, 641. - A shrub
with grey-floccose texture on branchlets, cymes and petioles;
leaves coriaceous (better chartaceous, in some cases even
subchartaceous), oblong-lanceolate, base narrow but rounded
or obtuse, entire, apex very long acuminate, margins of
the upper half of the leave minutely dentate-serrate;
lamina, upper side glabrous, dark, nerves white with hairs,
lower side yellow-white-hairy or stellate-tomentose; pairs
of nerves 16—18; 10—23 cM. by 4—7l/2 cM.; petioles
0.8—2.5 cM.;
cymes 7—13 cM. long, 6—7 cM. wide;
peduncles longer than the petioles, 4—7cM.;
calyx very short,
0.13 cM., glabrous, glandular-dotted, somewhat 4-ribbed,
hardly 4-toothed;
corolla glabrous, with glands, 0.25 cM.;
stamens long exserted, anthers with glandular-dotted connec-
ovary glandular; style very long, with peltate stigma.

singapore, cultivated. (King and Gamble).

Distribution: Tenerassim? and S.-China. (Hook ƒ.).

Its affinity is with C. pedunculata, with the var. p of which
its leaves are pretty much conform, but from which it is very
different in the covering of the upper side of the leaves, the
number of nerve-pairs, and other distinct points; also with C.
macrophylla, C. caudata and C. pilosissima, from which species,
however, it is distinctly different.

16. C. denticulata Merrill in Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot.
Ill, 430, (1909). — A shrub or small tree, 2—3 M. high;
branchlets and cymes densely stellate-hairy and plumose;
leaves submembranous, ovate or troadly elliptical; base
acute or rounded, sometimes somewhat cordate, apex


-ocr page 78-

shortly acuminate, margins dentate; upper side of lamina
adult glabrous or with some stellate-hairs on nerves,
lower side stellate-hairy, densely glandular-dotted; pairs
of nerves 5 — 6; 10—15 by 5—9 cM.; petioles densely
stellate-hairy, adult glabrescent, 1 — l1/. cM.;
cymes in the
axils of the upper leaves, 5 cM. long or less;
hardly 4-toothed, with some stellate hairs and glands,
0.15 cM.;
corolla sparsely hairy and glandular, 0.4 cM.,
stamens long exserted, 0.6 cM. with glandular
ovary somewhat depressed; style 1 cM.; fruit
globose, 0.3 cM. in diam.

Distribution: Batan, So Domingo de Basco, Camaguin.

Its habit reminds us that of a Premna.

17. C. angusta Schauer, DC., Prodr. XI, 642, (1847);
Miquel, Fl. Ind. Bat. II, 889; Merrill. Phil. Journ. Sci.
Bot., VII, 341. — A shrub?; branchlets. cymes and
petioles white-stellate-tomentose;
leaves membranous, lan-
ceolate, base and apex acuminate, margins minutely
denticulate; upper side, (when young?) somewhat farinose,
(adult glabrous?) lower side stellate-tomentose;
by 1.7—4 cM.; petioles 0.7—1.8 cM.; cymes lax, peduncles
as long as petioles;
calyx obscurely 4-toothed, 0.2 cM.;
corolla hairy, 0.4 cM.; stamens and style long exserted.

Var. a typica H. J. Lam, nov. var. — folia minora,
71/2—10 cM. longa. 1.8—2 cM. lata, petiolo 0.4—1
cM. longo.

? Luzon: Com. d. 1. Fl. for. d. Fil. no. 425.

Var. ft. longifolia H. J. Lam, nov. var. — folia majora,
9—18 cM. longa, 1.7—4 cM. lata, petiolo 0.8—1.8 cM.
longo, nervis utrinque multis, obscuris.

Palawan: Foxworthy, no. 660, with fr. in March 1906.

Distribution of the species: Philippines.

18. C. angustifolia King et Gamble in Kew. Bull.
1908, 106; 1 id., Journ. As. Soc. Bengal LXXIV, 4. 804. -
A shrub; branchlets, inflorescences and petioles with a

-ocr page 79-

greyish or ferruginous, appressed tomentum of stellate
hairs; branchlets obtusely quadrangular;
leaves subcoria-
ceous, lanceolate, base long attenuate, apex acute-attenuate;
upper side glabrous, lower one densely greyish tomentose;
margins entire or very obscurely denticulate; pairs of
nerves 9—15, irregular; 10—18 by 2—4 cM.; petioles
1.25—2 cM.;
cymes few-flowered, 1.3—2 cM. long, 2 cM.
in diam.; peduncles 0.6—0.8 cM., flowers bluish red;
calyx campanulate, 0.2 cM., mucronulate, densely stellate-
tomentose without;
corolla twice as long as the calyx,
densely stellate-tomentose without;
stamens hardly exserted;
filaments 0.4 cM.; anthers oblong, glandular-dotted on
both sides;
ovary villous; stigma capitate; drupe glabrous,
0.25 cM. in diam.

Distribution: Malay Peninsula.

The species has a close affinity with C. angusta var. P, and
perhaps it will appear that it is synonimous with it. But it
seems to differ from it by the pubescent corolla and the hardly
denticulate leaves.

19. C. rivularis Merr. Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot. VII, 340,
(1912). — A shrub; branchlets slender, with inflorescences
and petioles densely yellowy-white stellately tomentose;
leaves lanceolate, chartaceous, acute at base and at apex;
margins entire towards the base, serrate towards the top;
upper surface glabrous, lower one densely whitish-tomentose;
pairs of nerves 9; 10—18 cM. long,- l1/s—3l/o cM. broad;
petioles 1 cM.;
cymes axillary, 3 cM. in diam.; peduncles
as long as petioles;
calyx 0.2 cM„ 4-toothed, densely
• stellate-hairy without;
corolla white, 0.3 cM„ 4-lobed,
somewhat puberulous without;
anthers 0.13 cM., glandular
on the backside;
drupe glabrous, 0.3 cM.

Distribution: Palawan.

In the description we could not discover any point of diffe-
rence with our f2-variety of C.
angusta, to which species it is
related, according to
Merrill, but different in the tomentum of

-ocr page 80-

the lower surface of the leaves, the longer anthers, and the
larger leaves. But as we did not examine any specimen, we
could not give a final decision in the above-mentioned matter.

20. C. laciniata H. J. Lam, no v. spec. — Frutex?
ramuli cum cymis luteo-griseo-tomentosi; folia membranacea
vel subchartacea, ovata vel ovato-elliptica, basi abrupte
in petiolum descendentia, apice abrupte longeque acu-
minate, margine praeter basin grosse et irregulariter den-
tato-serrata, supra stellato-puberula, adulta praeter nervos
glabra, subtus griseo-tomentella, 11 — 12 cM. longa, 6—7
cM. lata, petiolo 1J/2—2 cM. longo;
cymi petiolum aequantes,
hemisphaerici, 2 cM. diametro, pedunculo 0.5 cM. longo;
calyx dense albo-tomentosus, distincte 4-dentatus, dentibus
deltoideis; 0.2 cM. longus;
corolla glabra, tubo brevi,
0.1 cM. longo, laciniis spathulatis, basi angustatis, 0.3
cM. longis;
genitalia exserta.

TIMOR: ex. herb. mus. Paris from Decaisne? in H. L.-B.
sub no. 908.265-1435.

This curious Callicarpa has in its habit a close affinity
with C.
cana, especially with the var. v latifolia of that
species. Its is, however, characterized by the exceptionnally
long corolla-lobes, which is a unicum in
Callicarpa. Perhaps
it is a aberrant form of C.
cana. We separate it from
this species, however, as long as there is no indication
thas it is an abnormal form of it.

21. C. cana L. Mant. II, 198 (1767); Bliime, Bijdr.
Benth. et v. Muell., Fl. Austr. V, 56; Williams,
Bull. Herb. Boiss. ser. II. V, 430; Schauer, DC., Prodr.
XI, 643;
Decne., Nouv. Ann. Mus. Par. Ill, 401; Elbert,
Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 12, 15; Forbes et Hemsley,
Fl. sin. II, 252; Forbes, Wand. Nat. f. Mai. Arch., II,
Hook, f., Fl. Br. Ind., IV, 568; King and Gamble,
Journ. As. Soc. Beng. LXXIV, 4, 806; Koorders, Exk. fl.
v. Java, III, 134; Bot. Mag. t. 2107 (certainly this is not
var. a; perhaps var. /3?; see
Benth. et v. Muell. I.e.);

-ocr page 81-

Hook., Comp. Bot. Mag. I. 349; Miquel, Fl. Ind. bat. II,
885 and suppl. I, 243 and 569";
H. J. Lam. in Hall, ƒ.,
Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37, 32;
Roxb. Fl. ind. I,
K. Schum. u. Lauterb., Fl. D. Sudsee, 522; Spanoghe,
Linnaea XV, 330; Warb., Engl. Jhrb. XIII, 426; Hassk.,
2e Cat. \'s Lands PI. tuin Buitenz., 136; Hemsley, Chall.
Report, Bot. I, 110 and 176. — C. adenanthera
R. Br.
Prodr., 513 (1827) — C. americana Lour. Fl. Cochinch.
70 (1790); Bot. Mag. t. 2107 — C. bicolor
Juss., Ann.
Mus. Par. VII, 77 (1806);
Schau. DC., Prodr. XI, 642;
Koord. Med. \'s Lands PI. tuin Btz. XIX. 558; Miq. Fl.
Ind. bat., II,\' 889;
Merrill, Phil. J. Sci. Bot. I, suppl. I,
121 - C. dentata
Roxb. ex Wall. cat. no. 1834 (1828) -
? C. macrocarpa Raensch., Nom. ed. Ill, 37 (1797) —
C. Rheedii Kostel. Allg. Med.-Pharm. Fl., Ill, 829
(1836) — C. sinensis
Hort. ex Steud. Nom. ed. II, I,
217 (1841) - C. tomentosa
Lam. Enc. I, 562 (1783) -
A shrub; young parts white-yellow-brownish tomentose;
leaves very variable in form, ovate-lanceolate or lanceo-
late or broadly oblong ovate-rotundate, often subsquarish,
base long decurrent, entire, apex shortly acuminate, some-
times rounded; margins (sometimes coarsely and irregularly)
serrate-dentate; when young, stellate-pubescent above,
adult glabrous except on the nerves, yellowish or whitish,
more or less densely stellate-tomentose (sometimes sub-
glabrous) beneath, glandular beneath the tomentum; pairs
of nerves 6—10; 7—19 by 2Va—11 cM.; petioles 0.6—
3 cM.;
cymes (as arc petioles) stellate-tomentose, globose,
2—3ys cM. lonn and in diam.; peduncles, always shorter
than the petioles, 0.5—1 cM.;
calyx with dense stellate
hairs and glands, more or less distinctly 4-, very rarely
5-toothed, 0.15 cM.;
corolla glabrous or lobes more or
less hairy, always glandular (in four narrow lines along
the lobes), 0.3 cM.; lobes 0.1 cM.;
stamens with glandular
anthers, 0.35—0.4 cM.;
style 0.4—0.5 cM. with funnel-

-ocr page 82-

shaped or shortly bifid stigma; ovary globose, glandular:
fruit globose, 0.2 cM. in diam., glabrous.

Var. x typica H. J. Lam, nov. var. — C. Heynii
Roth. Nov. PL sp. 82, (year?); Blume, Bijdr., 819:
Spanoghe, Linnaea XV, 330; Zollinger u. Moritzi, Syst.
Verz., 53 — C. latifolia
Zippel. partly (nomen nudum) —
folia membranacea vel subchartacea, late ovata vel ovato-
rotundata usque ad subtetragona, basi in petiolum decur-
rentia, apice breviter acuminata vel interdum obtusa,
adulta supra glabra, subtus dense albido-stellato-tomentosa,
basi integra, ceterum serrata, nervis secundariis utrinque
circiter 10; 7—14 cM. longo, 4 72 —8 cM. lata, petiolo
0.6—2.8 cM. longo.

java: Elbert no. 20467, Kendeng Trinil, Madiun —
Mousset no. 1055, Klanrang, 600 M. — Korthals no. 580,
Krawang. —
Ploem, Preanger in H. L.-B. sub. no.
909.25-329. -
Forbes no. 1252 - Zollinger no. 157 -
Junghuhn no. 108, Weltevreden — Waitz in H. L.-B.
sub. no. 908.266—1230: etc.

Native names: mamanirang (mal.), manieran (jav.), katum-

Nusa Kambangan: Junghuhn in H. L.-B. sub. no.
908.265—380 — de Vriese in H. L.—B. sub. no. 908.

Timor: Zippel, in H. L.-B. sub. no. 908. 265-1436.

Lombok: Elbert, no. 2409. Plambi, s.-w.-side, 200—400
M., in the woods, flow, on July 2nd, 1909.

Sumbawa, bima: Elbert, no. 3534. Donggo-country,
ML, flow, on Dec. 3rd, 1909: no. 3806, Rö-moun-
tains, in the woods, 650—750 M., flow, on Dec. 14th, 1909;
no. 3568, Kenanta, Donggo-country, 100—300 M., flow,
on Dec. 3rd, 1909; no. 3636, w.-side of Kolo-mountains,
200—375 M.; no. 3897, Doro-kedo near Bima, 10-150
M., with flow, and young fr. on Dec. 16th, 1909.

Sumbawa. DompU: Elbert, no. 3953, Dompu-plain.

-ocr page 83-

40—100 M., in the woods, with buds on Dec. 22nd, 1909.

Sumbawa, Sumbawa: Elbert, no. 4137, Olat Pussuk near
Lapi, 100-300 M., with fr. on Jan. 3rd, 1910.

CELEBES: Teysmann and de Vriese, in H. L.-B. sub.
nos. 908.267—1061 and 1062.

LUZON: Cuming no. 1283, Cagayan.

New-Ireland (Neu-Mlcklenburg : Peekei no. 734,
Namatanai, Rasirik, on the shore; flow, on Oct. 23rd,
1910, native name: tiptipinagut (cf. C.
erioclona var. y).

Var. 13. sumatrana H. J. Lam, nov. var. — C. albida
Bl. Bijdr. 818 (1826); Zollinger u. Moritzi, Syst. Verz.
53 — C. sumatrana
Miq., Fl. Ind. Bat. II, 886, (1856);
Forbes, Wander. Naturf. II, 226; Miquel, Fl. Ind. Bat.
suppl. I, 243 and 569 —
folia membranacea, vel sub-
chartacea, lanceolato-ovata, basi attenuata, integra, apice
acuminata, margine denticulata, adulta supra glabra, subtus
dense albido-tomentosa, nervis utrinque 8—10; ó1/« —
12(—18Va> cM. longa, 3-4V2(-10) cM. lata; petiolo 1 —2l/3
cM. longo;
corolla pilis densis in vittis 4 in lobis positis,

java: Junghuhn, Sunda-countries, 1000—2000 M., in
H. A. R.-T. sub. no. 049887 —
Zollinger nos. 35 and 157.

banka: in H. A. R.-T. sub. no. 049888.

Sumatra: Korthals, in H L.-B. sub. no. 908.265—
and 1100 — Padang, Apenberg. in H. L.-B. sub.
908.265—1426, in H. Bog. sub. no. 3084, native name:
tampa besi; in H. Bog. sub. no.
1159, Padang — Kort-
in H. L.-B. sub. no. 908.265—367 (C. albida
Bl.) —? a more glabrous form sub. no. 908.266—1268 in
H. L.-B. collected by
Korthals\'—Junghuhn, Padang, in
H. L.-B. sub. no.

P. PENANG: Delessert (C. tomentosa Lam.), in
H. L.-B. sub. no. 908.265-1424.

Malacca: Griffith, in H. L.-B. sub. no. 908.265-1440.

CELEBES: Elbert, no. 2538, Wandji-Wandji on Tukang-

-ocr page 84-

Besi-islands, in the underwood, 0.60 M., flow, on July
22th, 1909.

Perhaps there is a more glabrous form, belonging to this
variety; it seemed to us, however, not conspicuous enough, to
base upon it a new forma. There are transition-forms to var.
y and 3. It is distinguishable from
C. longifolia, with which it
is nearly conform in regard to the leaves by the always tomentose,
never laxely floccose texture of the lower side of the leaves,
and its hairy corolla.

Var. y. longifolia H. J. Lam, no v. var. — folia sub-
chartacea, lanceolata, utrinque acuta, adulta supra glabra,
subtus dense albido-stellato-tomentosa, saepe singulis glan-
dulis parvis, in sicco atris prope nervum primarium suffulta;
nervis secundariis utrinque 8; 7—15V2 cM. longa, 2]/2—5
cM. lata; petiolo 1.2—2.5 cM. longo;
corolla glabra.

Celebes: Gorontalo, in H. L.—B. sub. nos. 908.266—
1231 and 1232, flow, on Oct. 18th, 1911.

Luzon: Reillo, no. 19265, Rizal, flow, on Dec. 12th —
in Herb. Ins. Phil, in Acad. Lugd.—Bat. no. 492, Manila.

palau-islands: Raymundus no. 189, Korror; native
name: dub rschachel; the rubbed leaves are used for
poisoning fishes in order to catch them. —
no. 14126, Korror; native name: dub; in steppe-like
grasformation, 20—40 M. in alt.; flow, and young fr. on
Febr. 2nd, 1914.

As the var. (3, it is distinguishable from C. longifolia by the
always tomentose never floccose texture of the lower side of
the leaves.

Var. latifolia H. J. Lam, nov. var. — folia valde
membranacea, late ovata, nunquam tetragona, basi
attenuata, apice longiuscule acuminata, margine ut in var.
a, vel crenata, vel bidentata, adulta supra glabra, subtus
densiuscule stellato-tomentosa, nervis secundariis utrinque
8-10, 13—19 cM. longa, 6-11 cM. lata, petiolo 2-3
cM. longo.

forma a. typica H. J. Lam, nov. f. — floras tetra-

-ocr page 85-

meri. — C. latifolia Zippel ex Spanoghe, Linnaea XV,
330, nom. nud.

sumatra: Lampongs, Tiga nemin, in H. Bog. sub. no.
4381;? native name: resepo.

LOMBOK: Elbert, no. 736, N.-side ol Mount Rindjani,
Bajan, 150-200 M., flow, \'on April 27th, 1909; no. 1992,
S.-S.-E.-side of mount Rindjani, Swela near Pringabuja,
350—500 M., fr. on Febr. 8th, 1909.

Timor: Decaisne, in H. L—B. sub. no. 908.265—299,
near Cupang, — Zippel in H. L. —B. sub. nos. 908.265—
937, 938
and 947.

negros: Merrill no. 207, Cabancalan, flow, in April, 1910.
? Yap, Caroline-Islands:
Volkens no. 439, flow, in
1900; native name: gorruau (cf. C. elegans).

hermit-islands: Kraemer no. 51, Luf-isl. on the shore;?
native name: caboxoud.

forma b pentamera H.- J. Lam, nov. f. — //ores

2 specimina without name of collector or locality, in H.
L.-B. sub. nos. 908.265—1108 and 1445. determined as
C. cana (s. auct.) var. latifolia (s. auct.).

In some cases, like this, Callicarpa may be pentamerous, and
in this point, form a transaction into
Geunsia. The two genera
may be distinguished, however, by the distribution of the leaves,
which are in
Callicarpa always opposite, and in Geunsia always
and alternate.

As there are 5-merous Callicarpaso there are also 4-merous
Geunsisc. Yet there are no doubtful cases, in regard of habit
and distribution of the leaves.

Var. £ dentat. H. J. Lam, nov var. — C. runcinata
Zippel, nomen nudum. — folia membranacea vel sub-
chartacea, basi attenuata, acumine longiusculo, vel apice
subtruncata, adulta supra glabra, subtus laxiuscule stellato-
tomentosa, margine basi integra, ceterum grosse et irre-
gulariter serrato-dentata, nervis secundariis utrinque 7—8,

-ocr page 86-

7Vs —15 cM. longa, 3—7 cM. lata, petiolo 0.7—2 cM. longo.

1 specimen from Zippel, without locality (Timor?) in
H. L.-B. sub no. 908.266-13.

sumbawa: Elbert, no. 3505, Bima, Donggo-country,
250—500 M.. flow, on Dec. 3rd, 1909.

Var. ~ integrifolia H. J. Lam, nov. var. — folia mem-
branacea vel subchartacea vel chartacea, basi apiceque
attenuata, ovata vel obtuse subtetragona, margine integra,
apicem versus crenulata vel subundulata vel subintegra,
adulta supra glabra, opaca, subtus brunneo-luteo- vel
-flavido-tomentosa vel glabriuscula;
corolla pilis in vittis 4
in lobis positis vestita vel glabra.

forma a typica H.J. Lam, nov. f. — folia subtus
dense tomentosa;
corolla pilosa.

Caroline-Islands: Kraemer no. 36, Truk-isl., Uman,
on the shore; native name: drodol. —
Volkens no. 210,
Yap, Mount Bemeigsen, 250 M., flow, on Dec. 16th, 1899.

Marianne-Islands: Volkens no. 14, Saipon, Garapan,
on the shore in the brush-wood, flow, on Nov. 24th,
1899. —
Fritz, Saipon, Ao 1903, in H. Ber. without
nr. —
Schnee, Tinian, Ao. 1909, in H. Ber. without nr.;
native name: hamlatt (cf.
C. glabra).

Hermit-Islands: Kraemer no. 10. Luf-isl. Native name:
cebochoud (ceboxoud?) (cf. var. v.)

forma b glabriuscula H. J. Lam, nov. f. — folia
subtus glabriuscula; corolla glabra.

saleyer-islands: Weber, in H. L.-B. sub. no. 908.

Caroline-Islands: Ledermann, no. 14019, Truk-
archipelago, Eten I-Isl.; an undershrub on native culti-
vation-ground; flow, and young fr. on Jan. 23rd, 1914.

Marianne-Islands: Fritz, Saipon, A0. 1903, in H. Ber.
without nr.

Distribution of the species: Calcutta, Malacca!, Malaya
(Sumatra!, Banka!, Java!, Timor!, Saleyer-isl.!, Minahassa!),

-ocr page 87-

Philippines (Luzon!, Negros!), Bismarck-arch. (New-Ireland,
Hermit-isl.!), Palau-isl.!, Marianne-isl.!, Caroline-isl.!.

In our opinion, C. cana is a very polymorphous species, the
varieties of which show an often uninterrupted series of transi-
tory forms between each other. Though there are certain species,
the affinity of which with C.
cana is evident and even close,
their general habit makes them distinctly different from the
present species, the varieties of which are conform in habit,
the length of cymes and peduncles, and the size of the leaves.

22. C. megalantha Merrill, Phil. Journ. Sc. Bot. X,
71 (1915). rr A tree, 10 M. high; branchlets, cymes and
petioles, brown or grey stellate-hairy, densely glandular;
leaves oblong, or oblong-ovate, subcoriaceous, base acute,
attenuate, apex acuminate, margins entire, upper side
somewhat stellate-hairy when young, adult glabrous, lower
side stellately pubescent, glandular; nerves densier hairy,
9 on each side of the midrib; 12—16 cM. long, 5—6 cM.
wide, petioles 2—272 cM.;
cymes in the upper axils,
7—8 cM. in diam.; peduncles 8 cM.;
flowers white, bracts
oblanceolate or spathulate;
calyx 0.3 cM., 4-toothed;
corolla somewhat glandular, 0.6—0.7 cM., lobes 0.3—0.35
cM. with lines of stellate hairs;
stamens 0.7—0.8 cM.,
with glandular anthers;
ovary densely glandular.

Distribution: Luzon.

Its affinity is with C. subglandulosa; it has, however, leaves
with an attenuate base, whilst C.
subglandulosa has leaves with
a somewhat rounded base.

23. C. longipetiolata Merrill, Phil. Gov. Lab. Bur.
Bull. XXIX, A1 (1905). — A tree; branchlets subtetra-
gonous, with cymes and petioles ferruginous-tomentose
or -subtomentose;
leaves coriaceous or thickly char-
taceous, ovate or oblong-ovate, base somewhat rounded
or subacute, or acute, apex acute or acuminate, entire,
upper side, when young stellate-hairy, adult glabrous,
lower side densely yellow-brown tomentose; nerves 7—9

-ocr page 88-

on either side of the midrib, 5—10 eM. by 2Vs—^,7 cM.;
petioles 1.7—2.6 cM.;
cymes large, in the axils of the
upper leaves, 7—10 cM. long, 5V2 —10 wide; peduncles
4—53/2 cM.;
flowers subsessile; calyx 4-toothed, densely
stellate-hairy, glandular, 0.1 cM.;
corolla glandular, 0.3
cM., with four lines of dense, simple (?) hairs;
0.35—0.45 cM. with glandular anthers; ovary very small,
upper half glandular and villous;
style 0.4 cM., with
capitate stigma.

Distribution: Luzon.

24. C. paucinervia Merrill, Phil Journ. Sci. Bot. IX,
134, (1914). — A shrub?; branchlets with cymes and
petioles densely yellowish stellate-hairy, glabrescent;
ovate or oblong-ovate, chartaceous or subcoriaceous, base
abruptly attenuate, apex somewhat acuminate, margins
crenulate, entire near base, upper side glabrous when
adult, with stellate hairs on midrib, lower side densely
yellow-brown tomentose, glandular; pairs of nerves 5;
9-11 cM. by 4-5V 2 cM.; petioles 1 —12 cM.;
small, 2 by 2 cM„ peduncles 0.7 cM. or less, calyx
densely stellate-hairy, truncate or 4-toothed, 0.15 cM.;
corolla 0.3 cM., glabrous, lobes 0.13 cM.; stamens exserted,
with glandular anthers;
fruit 0.2 cM. in diam., glabrous.

Distribution; Guam (Marianne-Isl.).

This species has an affinity with C. erioclona, but the points
of difference are the number of nerve-pairs, and the stellate, never
plumose texture.

25. C. erioclona Schauer, DC., Prodr. XI, 643 (1847);
Elmer, Leafl. Phil. Bot. Ill, 866; Miquel, Fl. Ind. Bat.
II, 889;
Merrill, Phil. Journ. Sc. Bot. I, suppl. I, 121;
Scheffer, Ann. d. Jard. bot. Buitzg. I, 41. — Shrubby;
branchlets, cymes, and petioles very hirsute, ferruginous-
leaves membranous or subchartaceous, or charta-
ceous, lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, both sides acuminate;
or broader, broadly ovate or oblong-ovate, base cuneate

-ocr page 89-

or subrotundate, abruptly attenuate, usually entire, apex
subabruptly acuminate; margins more or less denticulate-
serrulate, upper side dark, stellate hairy when young,
glabrous when adult, lower side very densely white
stellate-tomentose; nerves brownish-plumose, 7—12 pairs;
7—26 by 37s—ll1cM-J petioles 0.7—3.2 cM ;
small, 27a —5 cM. long, 4—9 cM. wide, sometimes
greater, peduncles 0.7—2 cM.;
calyx 4-toothed, 0.13 cM.;
white stellate-tomentose and -plumose, glandular;
white, tube 0.16 cM., lobes 0.04 cM.; glabrous, lobes
with lines of yellow glands;
stamens 0.3 cM. with densely
glandular anthers;
style 0.4 cM. with somewhat increased
ovary villous, glandular.

Var. y-. typica H. J. Lam, nov. var. — C. fumata
Zippel, nomen nudum. — folia membranacea vel sub-
chartacea lanceolata vel late lanceolata, utrinque acuminata,
margine praeter basin, interdum irregulariter, denticulata;
nervis secundariis utrinque 7—12; 9—26 cM. longa,
37s—\'97» cM- lata; petiolo 1— 27s cM- longo;
272—4 cM. longi, 21/,—■4 cM. lati, pedunculo 0.7—1.5
cM. longo, interdum quam petiolo longiore.

Celebes: Forsten in H. L.—B. sub. no. 908.266—1221,
Amenrang, flow, and young fr. in Dec.

Philippines: Elmer no. 11190, Davao, Todaya (Mt.
Apo), Mindanao, fr. in July
1909 — Celestino no. 7337,
Cadiz, Negros, flow, in Febr.—March
1919 — Com. d.
1. fl. for. d. Fil. no. 843, Sipocot—Cuming no.

New-Guinea: Gjellerup no. 698, Northcrn-Dutch-
New-Guinea, Hollandia, 100 M., flowers
white. anthers
yellow-brown, fruit

New Britain (Neu-Pommern): Parfa\'nson no. 191, A0.1901.

3 specimina from Zippel, without locality, determined
as C.
fumata Zipp., and in H. L.—B. sub. nos. 908.265—
1103, 1109 and 1450.

Var.fi. latifolia H.J. Lam, nov. var. — C. inaequalis

-ocr page 90-

Teijsmann et Binnendijk, nomen nudum — folia char-
tacea, ovata vel oblongo-ovata, basi cuneata, plerumque
subrotundata, abrupte attenuata, apice acuminata, margine,
praeter basin, grosse dentata, dentibus sinubus profundis,
nervis utrinque 8, 7—17 cM. longa, 4y2 — 11V2 cM. lata,
petiolo 0.7—3.2 cM. longo.

java: Forbes no. 1355. — de Vriese, in H. L.—B. sub
nos. 908.267—1091 and 1092. — 3 specimina in Herb,
var. botan. in Acad. Lugd.-Bat., in H. L.—B. sub nos.
908.265-1104. 1110 and 1446 (C.
inaequalis T. et B.).

Var. 7 repanda H. J. Lam, nov. var. — C. repanda
K. Schumann et Warburg, Fl. Neu-Pomm. 144; K. Schum.
u. Lauterb., Fl. D. Schutzgeb. Siidsee, 522 — C. can a L.
var. repanda Warburg, Engl. Jhrb. XIII, 426. (1891) —
folia subchartacea, vel membranacea, late ovata, basi
apiceque subabrupte acuminata, margine denticulata, nervis
utrinque 10, 22—26 cM. longa, 12—14 cM. lata, petiolo
2—37s cM. longo, crasso (0.4 cM.);
cymi majores 5 cM.
longi, 9 cM. lati, pedunculo 1J/2—2 cM. longo.

New-Britain (Neu-Pommern): Dahl, in the beginning
of Aug., with fruits, Ralum; in H. ber. without nr.

New-Ireland (Neu-Mecklenburg): Peckel no. 63,
Namatanai, flowers white, branchlets brown or black tomen-
tose-plumose; native name: a-tiptipinagut (cf. C.
var. z).

Distribution of the species: Java!, Celebes!, Philippine
Islands!, New-Guinea!, New-Britain!, New-Ireland!

The species is well characterised by its often plumose tomentum,
and especially by the form of the leaves and the often denti-
culate or dentate margins. Its affinity is with C.
cana and

26. C. paloensis Elmer. Leafl. Phil. Bot. I, 336 (1908). -
A tree, 9 M. high; branchlets, petioles and cymes yellowy
leaves „scattered along the branchlets", coriaceous,
broadly lanceolate, base and apex gradually acuminate.

-ocr page 91-

margins entire, upper side when young, stellate-hairy,
adult glabrous, lower side densely stellate-hairy, pairs of
nerves 9—11; 18 by 6 cM.; petioles 2 cM.;
cymes "ter-
minal" (?) or
do terminal or in the axils of the upper
leaves, peduncles 3—5 cM.;
flowers subsessile, lilac; calyx
0.1 cM., densely stellate-pubescent, truncate; corolla gla-
brous, 0.25 cM., 4-lobed, lobes 0.075 cM.;
stamens 4,
inserted in the throat of the constriction, little exserted;
style little exerted; ovary somewhat hairy; fruit 4-celled,
4-seeded (one 4-seeded pyrene!), from 2 carpels, 0.2 cM.
in diam., lilac.

Distribution: Leyte (Palo).

We did not see any specimen of this species, but we think
it is a doubtful one; the leaves should be „scattered along the
branchlets"; if this means: alternate, then the species could be
a 4-merous
Geunsia. The indication: „cymes terminal of ±
terminal or in the axils of the upper leaves" is not clear. If
there are really true terminal inflorescences, it is evident, that
this can not be a
Callicarpa. So the terms: „stamens inserted
upon the throat of the constriction", and „fruit 4-celled, 4-seeded"
indicate the same. Perhaps it is even not a

27. C. surigacnsis Merrill, Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot. Ill,
262 (1908). — A tree, 8 M. high; branchlets, cymes and
petioles very hirsutely ferruginous-stellate-tomentose, or
leaves oblong-ovate or lanceolate-ovate, base
acute, apex long caudate-acuminate, margins denticulate;
subcoriaceous; upper side rather hirsute, especially on the
nerves, low^r side densely ferruginous-stellate-tomentose
with plumose hairs on nerves; pairs of nerves 7; 10—15
by 4—7 cM.; petioles 1 cM.;
cymes 4 cM. long; /lowers
red; calyx 0.3 cM., densely hairy, 4-toothed; corolla
glabrous, 0.5 cM„ 4-lobed, lobes 0.2 cM.; stamens 0.4
ovary glandular, style 0.7 with capitate stigma.

Distribution; Mindanao (Surigao).

28. C. lanata. L., Mant. II, 331 (1767); Hook. f.. Fl.

-ocr page 92-

Br. Ind. IV. 567; Roxburgh, Fl. ind. I, 391; Koorders
en Valeton, Bijdr. Booms. Java VII, 175. — C. arborea
Miquel ex C. B. Clarke in Hook. f. I.e., 567. — C. ar-
Roxburgh, Fl. ind. I, 390, (1832); Schauer, DC.
Prodr. XI, 642; Pulle in Lorentz, Nova-Guinea VIII, 4,
Hook f. I.e. 567; King and Gamble, Journ. As. Soc.
Bengal LXXIV, 4, 803;
K. Schum. u. Lauterb. Fl. D.
Schutzgeb. Südsee, 521;
K. Schum. u. Hollrung, Fl. Kais.-
Wilh.-land, 119; — C. can a
Dalz. et Gibs. Bomb. Fl.
200 (1861) — C. farinosa
Roxburgh (ms.) Clarke in
Hook ƒ., I.e. 567 — C. magna Schauer, DC., Prodr. XI,
641, (1847);
Miquel, Fl. Ind. bat. II, 889 — C. tecto-
Wallich, cat. no. 1827, (1828), — C. tomen-
Murray (Willdenow?), Syst. Veg. ed. XIII, 153,
Schauer DC., Prodr. XI, 647; Maximowicz, Bull.
Ac. Imp. Pet. XXXI, 75 — C. Tom ex
Poir. Encyc.
Suppl. II, 32, (1811) - C. villosa
Roxb. Hort. Beng.
[10] (1814) — C. Wallichiana
Miq., nomen nudum —
C. Wallichiana
Walpers, Rep. IV. 125, (1848); Schau.,
Prodr. XI, 641; Miquel, Fl. Ind. Bat. II, 889 and
suppl. I, 243 and 569; — Tomex tomentosa
L. sp. pi.
118, (1753).

A, sometimes rather large, tree, 6—12 M. high; branch-
lets, cymes and petioles, stellate-tomentose or -floccose;
leaves oblong-lanceolate or broadly lanceolate, base acute,
rarely subtruncate and abruptly attenuate, apex acute,
sometimes subobtuse, or rather long acuminate, margins
subentire or denticulate, entire near the base, chartaceous or
subcoriaceous, sometimes membranous; pairs of nerves 7— 11;
upper side with stellate hairs when young, adult glabrous
or with some simple hairs, lower side more or less densely
white-tomentose, nerves on both sides pubescent, lamina
somewhat glandular on both sides; 16—28(—34) by
61/, —14(—19) cM.; petioles 3—5 cM. long, 0.2—0.5 cM.
in diam.;
cymes large, 3Vs—8(—14) cM. long, 4— 10V9(— 14)

-ocr page 93-

cM. wide, peduncles stout, 1 Vs—51/2 cM. long; calyx
4-toothed, rarely subtruncate, teeth deltoid or minute;
0.1 cM., densely stellate-hairy, glandular or glabrous;
corolla rather large, 0.4 cM. long, 0.05 cM. wide, glabrous
or with some hairs, with 4 lines of glands along the lobes;
lobes 0.1 cM.;
stamens 0.65 cM., anthers glandular on
both sides, 0.1 cM.;
ovary hairy and glandular on upper
fruit glabrous or somewhat hairy and glandular;
style with capitate or subpeltate stigma.

Var. x typica H. J. Lam, nov. var. — folia subtus
dense tomentosa, chartacea vel subcoriacea;
calyx dense

Malacca: Maingay no. 1192. — Herb. Wight no.
2314. -
Griffith no. 6037.

Sumatra: Korthals in H. L.—B. sub. nos. 908.266—829
and 830. — Junghuhn, Tapanuli, 200—250 M. in H. L. — B.
sub. no.
908.266—804; Padang, id. 908.265-948; etc.

Java: in H. L.—B. sub. no. 908.265—933.

Timor: ?Decaisne, in H. L.—B. sub. no. 908.265—1435.

Celebes: Teysmann et de Vriese, in H. L.—B. sub.
nos. 908.266-802 and 908.265-360.

luzon: Elmer, no. 9125, Tayabas; Lucban, in H. L.—B.
sub. no. 908.146-1998.

Var. |3 psilocalyx H. J. Lam, nov. var. — folia mem-
branacea, subtus densiuscule tomentosa, vel subglabrata;
calyx glaber vel nonnullis pilis vestitus.

luzon: Ramos, nos. 395 and 15038, San Antonio,
Laguna, with fruits on Oct. 11th. —
Cuming no. 1266.

New-Guinea: (Kaiser-Wilh.-land) Schlechter no.
16454. —
Nyman no. 1053, Friedr. Willi.hafen. flow, on
Oct. 1st, 1899. —
Rodatz et Klank no. 185, flow, on July
1st, 1899. —
?Lauterbach no. 1241 (and 1200?), Constan-

Distribution of the species: British India, Malay Penin-
sula! and Archipelago! Philippines!

-ocr page 94-

In the bibliography about the subject we discover some indi-
cations, that some authors cannot find any difference between
arborea Roxb. and lanata (e.g. Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat.
Suppl. I, 243 and 569; also
Koocders en Valeton, Bijdr. Booms.
Java. VII, 175). We too, think so. So we have combined the
two species under the name
C. lanata finding no essential
difference of any importance, that could separate them distinctly.
Even if it should be shown that there are a treelike and a
shrubby form, it would not be exact to consider them as more
than two varieties of one single species. — It has a strong
affinity with
Geunsia farinosa, var. from which it is different,
however, by its opposite leaves, 4-merous flowers and fissury
opening of the anther-cells.

29. C. dolichophylla Merrill, Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot.
VII, 339, (1912). — A shrub?; branchlets and cymes a
little hairy (simple hairs);
leaves chartaceous, lanceolate, base
acute, apex acuminate, subentire or crenulate-denticulate;
when young with simple hairs on both sides, adult glabrous;
lower side densier hairy, and glandular, pairs of nerves
13—16; 15-30 by 272~7 CM.; petioles 1-2V2 cM.;
cymes lax, 6 cM. long and in diam.; peduncles longer
than petioles;
flowers reddish; calyx 4-denticulate, 0.1 —
0.15 cM.;
corolla 0.25—0.3 cM., glabrous.

Distribution; Luzon.

It has the habit of C. longifolia, but is essentially different
by its simple hairs.

30. C, glabra H. J. Lam, nov. spec. — Frutex glabra,
2- M. alta; ramuli, cymi, petioli glabri vel glabriusculi;
folia late lanceolata, basi integra, acuta, apice acuminata,
margine praeter basin crenulata, utrinque glabra subtus
glanduloso-punctata; nervis secundariis utrinque 4—5, subtus
singulis pilis stellatis vestitis; membranacea, 10\'/2—17 cM.
longa, 4Vs—8 cM. lata; petiolo 1\'/2 cM. longo;
dichotomi, laxiusculi, pauciflori, 2—3\'/2 cM. longi et lati;
pedunculo 1 Vs—2 cM. longo;
calyx 4-dentatus glanduloso-
punctatus, singulis pilis stellatis vestitus, 0.15 cM.; pedi-

-ocr page 95-

cellis 0.1—0.2 cM. longis; corolla coerulea, glabra, vittis
4 glanduloso-punctata, tubo 0.3 cM. longo, lobis 0.1 cM.;
stamina 0.6 cM., antheris glandulosis; stylus 0.8 cM.;
ovarium glanduloso-punctatum.

mariannli-islands: Hofer no. 4: Fanaganam, Saipon,
30—100 M.; native name: hamlag (cf. C.
cana var. K from
the same locality), flow, on Nov. 1912.

Our species has some affinity with C. japonica from which
it differs in its dichotomous, never trichotomous cymes, larger
leaves, longer petioles, etc.

31. C. cauliflora Merrill, Phil. Journ. Sc. Bot. VII,
338, (1912). — A shrub?; branchlets and cymes brownish-
floccose, glandular;
leaves chartaceous, oblong-elliptical,
base attenuate, apex acuminate, margins entire or somewhat
irregularly denticulate; upper side glabrous, lower side
with some stellate hairs, densier on midrib, glandular;
pairs of nerves 14; 30—35 by 9—13 cM.; petioles 1—2
cM .;
cymes sessile, cauliflorous, hemispherical, crowded, 2—3
cM. in diam.;
calyx 0.3 cM., 4-toothed; teeth 0.05 cM.;
corolla dark-red, 0.7 cM„ somewhat pubescent and glandular.

Distribution: Mindanao.

Its affinity is with C. ramiflora.

32. C. elegans Hayek in Fedde, Repert. Nov. Sp. II,
88 (1906);
Merrill, Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot., VII, 338 -
C. serrulata
Zippel, ms. — Shrubby, 1—3 M. high;
young parts with sparse stellate hairs, without glands;
leaves chartaceous, lanceolate, base and apex acuminate,
margins, except near base, serrulate, upper side glabrous,
with some glanos, lower side glabrous, glandular, with
some stellate hairs on the midrib, and some larger glands
near it; pairs of nerves 4—6; 4l/2—14 cM„ by 1 — 4J/s
cM.; petioles 0.3—1 cM.;
cymes lax, few-flowered, nearly
glabrous, 1—3 cM. long and wide; peduncles Va—1 Vs
calyx, truncate or hardly 4-denticulate, glabrous,
0.1—0.15 cM., somewhat glandular;
corolla blue or rose,

-ocr page 96-

glabrous, tube 0.15 eM., lobes 0.15 cM., somewhat glandular;
stamens 0.5 eM., anthers glandular on both sides, yellow;
ovary glandular; style 0.4 eM.; fruit glabrous, without
glands, 0.3 cM. in diam., globose, somewhat depressed.

Philippines: Elmer no. 12144, Sibuyan, Capiz, Magal-
lanes, Mt. Giting-Giting, with fruits in April 1910. —
Ramos in H. L.—B. sub no. 911.135—278, Luzon, Abra,
with fruits in Febr. 1909.

palau-islands: Ledermann no. 14201, Korror, 20—40
M. in alt., flow, in Febr. 1914; no. 14065, 10-100 M.;
the leaves are chewed together with betle; no. 14257a,
with flowers and young fruits in Febr. 1914. —
no. 129. — Ledermann no. 14358, Babelthaop,
200—300 M., flow, in Febr. 1914; native name: Haruei
Garuei, Gerucau, Gerrucou (cf. C.
cana var o, forma a).

Its affinity is with C. purpurea. Points of difference are the
acuminate apex of the leaves, which is never abrupt, and always
serrulate, upper side without any hairs and with some glands,
and corolla-lobes as long as the tube.

33. C. japonica Thunberg., Fl. jap. 60 (1760); Forbes
et Hemsley, Fl. sin. II, 253; Hasskarl, 2dc Catal. \'s Lands
PI. tuin Buitzg., 133;
Miquel, Ann. Mus. bot. Lugd.-bat.
II, 98;
Maximowicz, Bull. Ac. Imp. Sci. St. Pet. XXXI,
77 — A shrub?; branchlets glabrous or glabrescent;
leaves chartaceous, elliptical-lanceolate, or broadly elliptical,
base acute or subacute, apex acute or acuminate; some-
times rhomboid, of rather different form; pairs of nerves
6—9, their upper side with some stellate hairs; rather
coarsely dentate-serrate, base and apex entire; both sides
glabrous, glandular, lower side often with scales, 4—15
by 4V2—6Vo cM.; petioles 0.2—0.5 (—1.5) cM.;
di-, generally trichotomous, glandular, often with scales,
1.3—1.5 cM. long and wide, with slender peduncles;
4-ribbed, hardly 4-toothed, 0.38 cM.; corolla white, 0.33
cM., lobes 0.1 cM.; outer side papillose:
stamens exserted,

-ocr page 97-

anthers glandular; style with capitate stigma; fruit gla-
brous; red.

Var. a. typica H. J. Lam. nov. var. —> folia elliptica, acumine
brevi, 10—15 cM. longa, 4\'/2—61/-. cM. lata; petiolis 0.25—
0.5—(1.5) cM. longis; nervis secundariis utrinque 6.

Distribution: Japan.

Var. fi rhombifolia H. J. Lam, nov. var. — C. rhyn-
chophy 11a
Miquel, Fl. Ind. bat. II. 888.(1856). - folia
latiora, rhomboidea, basi late cuneata, margine usque ad
dimidium folii integra, ceterum praeter acumen grosse
serrato-dentata, apice abrupta acuminata, acumine
2 cM.
longo, integro, obtusiusculo; nervis secundariis utrinque
7—9; 4—9 cM. longa, 5l/s cM. lata; petiolo 0.2—0.3 cM.;
cymi trichotomi, pedunculo gracili,
0.7 cM. longo.

Borneo: Korthals, in H. L.—B. sub. no. 908.263—29;
in H. A. R.-T. sub. no. 049890.

Distribution of the species: Japan, Borneo!

In the opinion of Forbes and Hcmslcy, I.e., this species is
synonymous with C.
longifolia, var. Miquel, I.e. examined a
large number of specimina, and found a considerable number
of more or less important differences. We too, consider the
species as a well-founded one, with an affinity with C.
folia, var.
from which it differs by its smaller leaves, which
have an acumen, the often somewhat rhomboid form of its leaves,
its coarsely dentate margins, relatively longer corolla-lobes,
capitate stigma (in C.
longif. bifid), and its red fruits (in C.
longif. white). *

Probably the form with „wider leaves, less acute base, often
rhomboid, and with 9 nerves on each side of the midrib", is
identical with our \\ ar.
P, which is also Miquel\'s C. rhynchophijlla.

Its affinity is also with C. purpurea.

34. C. purpurea Jussieu, Ann. Mus. Par. VII, 67,
Schauer, DC. Prodr. XI, 645; Forbes and Hcmslcy.
Fl. sinensis II, 254; Miquel, Ann. Mus. bot. Lugd.—Bat.
98; Maximowicz, Bull. Ac. Imp. Sc. St. Pet. XXXI,
78; Roxburgh, Fl. ind. I, 395. — C. Sieboldii Zippel.
— A shrub?; branchlets, cymes, and petioles glabrous

-ocr page 98-

or with some stellate hairs; leaves small, lanceolate, or
lanceolate-obovate, base acuminate-attenuate, apex ab-
ruptly acuminate, subobtuse, margins crenate or crenulate,
except from base up to V3 or l/2 of the leaves, and at apex;
both sides glabrous, lower side glandular; pairs of nerves
4-7; 3V2—5—7\'/s cM. by 1.3-272 -3 cM.; petioles 0.2-

0.6 cM. (according to Miquel, I.e.: 1.3—4 cM.); cymes
lax, di- or trichotomous, slender, 1 —17» cM. long, few-
flowered; peduncles 0.4 cM. (according to
Miquel: 1.3 cM.);
calyx 4-toothed; teeth deltoid; glandular, glabrous or nearly
so, 0.15 cM.; pedicels 0.1—0.2 cM.;
corolla red, glabrous,
glandular, 0.35 cM.;
stamens little exserted, 0.4 cM.,
anthers glandular on both sides;
style 0.45 cM., with
capitate stigma;
ovary somewhat glandular, somewhat

3 specimina in H. L.—B.: Zippel sub. nos. 908.266—9
and 11;
Korlhals sub. no. 908.266—1; all of them without
locality, but probably from Malaya.

Distribution: Cochin China, China, Japan.
35. C. longifolia
Lamarck, Encyc. I, 563, (1783); Blume,
Bijdr. 817; Benth. and v. Muell., Fl. Austr. V, 57, Wil-
Bull.\' Herb. Boiss. Ser. II, T. V. 430; Schauer,
Prodr. XI, 645; Elbert, Meded. \'s Rijks-Herb. Leiden
no. 12, 15;
Forbes and Hemsley, Fl. sin. II, 253; Hook f.
Fl. Ind. IV, 570; Koorders en Valeton, Bijdr. Booms.
Java, no. 7, 176;
iid. atl. d. Baumarten, II. 6. t. 275;
King and Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, LXX1V, 4.
Koorders, Exk. fl. v. Java, III, 134; Kuntze, Rev.
Gen. PI. I, 503;
Miquel, Fl. Ind. bat. II, 887 and suppl.

1, 243 and 569; Maximowicz, Bull. Ac. Imp. Sci. St. Pet.
XXXI, 77;
Roxburgh, Fl. ind. I, 394; K. Schum. u. Lauterb.,
Fl. D. Siidsee, 522; K. Schum. u. Hollrung, Fl. Kais.-
Wilh.-land, 119;
Valeton, Bull. Dept. Agricult. Ind.
Neerl. no. X, 51;
H. J. Lam, in Hall. f. Med. \'s Rijks
Herb. Leid. no. 37, 33 — C. can a
Wallich, cat. no.

-ocr page 99-

1834 (1828), pro parte — C. dentata Wallich, cat.
no. 6319, pro parte —< C. virens
Reinwardt, rns.,
pro parte. — A shrub or little tree; branchlets, cymes
and petioles sparsely stellate-hairy, glabrescent; leaves,
membranous, lanceolate or broadly-lanceolate, both sides
acute, often the greatest breadth above the middle of
the leaves; margins, except in lower half, denticulate-serrulate,
sometimes subentire; nerves 8—10 on either side of the
midrib, with many shorter nerves not reaching the mar-
gins between them; upper side when young, stellate-hairy,
adult glabrous, glandular, nerves somewhat pubescent,
lower side from rather densely floccose to nearly glabrous,
densely glandular, with typical peltate scales (cf.
mca); 7—18 by 2l/t~6l/9 cM.; petioles 0.7—2 cM.;
cymes small, globose, resembling those of C. carta, 21/o—4
cM. long, 5—7 cM. wide; peduncles, shorter than petioles,
0.3—0.7—1.2 cM.;
calyx subtruncate or 4-denticulate,
somewhat 4-ribbed; sparsely stellate-hairy, with some
glands, 0.8—0.13 cM.; pedicels 0—0.1 cM.;
corolla white
or rose, generally somewhat pubescent, sometimes nearly
glabrous; sparsely glandular; lobes hemicircular, very short
in regard to the length of the tube; tube 0.17—0.2 cM.,
lobes 0.03—0.05 cM.;
stamens 0.3—0.4 cM.. anthers
glandular on both sides;
style 0.5 cM., with bifid (!) stigma;
vary densely glandular and hairy; fruit glabrous or
somewhat glandular, white.

Var. * subglabrata Schauer, DC. Prodr. XI, 645 (1847) -
C. attenuifolia
Elmer, Leafl. Phil. Bot. VIII, 2870,
(1915) — C. longifolia var. /3 uberior
Miquel, ms. —
C. Blumei Zollinger et Moritzi, Syst. Verz. 53, (1846);
Koorders, Exk. Fl. v. Java III, 134 — C. javanica
Zippel, ms. — C. lanceolaria Roxb. Fl. ind. I. 395
(1832). — ?C. longifolia
Lam. var. lanceolaria
Clarke in Hook. f. Fl. Br. Ind. IV, 570 (1885). - leaves
glabrous beneath or nearly so.

-ocr page 100-

sumbawa: Elbert no. 4199, northern slope of Batu-
Lantek-mountains, 1500—1700 M. with flow, and fr. on
20-I-\'10; id. no. 4183, same locality. 500—1400 M. with
fruits on 20-I-\'09.

java: Zippel no. 43 (C. javanica Zipp.) — Forbes no.
748. —
Zollinger no. 156 (C. Blutnei Z. et M.) — Waitz
no. 28 — Reinwardt (C. virens Rw.) in H. L.—B. sub
nos. 908.265-1490 and 1500 -
Pulle no. 3119, with
flow, and young fr. in June 1906, Preanger near Talun-
plantation, 1700 M. —
Smith et Rant no. 78, with fr. in
May, 1911. — PI. Junghuhnianae ined. no. 523;
no. 153, near Pangalengang, in the woods (Preanger),
1400 M.; native name: Katumpang (cf.
C. cana, var. a), etc.

lombok: Elbert no. 1864, s.-E.-side of mount Rindjani,
Sapit-valley, mount Pussuk, 600—700 M. with flow, and
fr. on 7-6-1909.

Sumatra: Elbert no. 430, Lampongs, with flow, and
young fr. in Febr.—March
1908; id., Tandjong Karong,
75-100 M. in H. L.-B. sub no. 908.308-406; id.,
Telok—Betong. Ranggal, 100—350 M. in H. L.-B. sub
908.308—431 and 908.306—381. — Diepenhorst,
Tampa barie, in H. bog. sub no. 1338, Priaman.

celebes: Forsten no. 93, Menado. — Elbert no. 3000,
Rumbia, Liano, 25—150 M. with fruits on Sept. 12th, 1909;
id. no. 3064. Rumbia, 50—300 M. with fruits on Sept.
15th 1909.

Borneo: ? Elbert no. 553, Bukit-Uluh-Sebukuh with
fruits an 8-9-1912;?
id. no. 619, Bukit-Tenampuk, 70 M.,
with fruits in Sept. 1912: ?
id. no. 639, Bukit-Sungei-Tulit,
100 M., flow, in Sept. 1912. —
Rutten no. 617,
Bulongan nr. Sadjan-river, 10 M. in alt.: a tree, 6 M.
high, flow. pink, on 25-X-1912, fr. white, anthers white;
id. no. 571, same locality, flow, on 16-VI-1912; id. no. 459.
westward of G. Runtu towards Bontang, fr. on 3/4-IX-1912:
id. no. 263, same locality, flow, and fr. on 7-VI-1911.

-ocr page 101-

Philippines: Elmer no. 13536 (C. attenuifolia Elm.),
Cabadbaran (Mt. Urdaneta), Agusan, Mindanao, with buds
in Aug. 1912.

New-Guinea: Ledermann no. 6597, Camp Malu near
Kais. Augusta-river, Bani-ravine with fruits on March,
13th, 1912;
id. no. 6836, Malu, 50-100 M., with flow,
and young fr. on March 30th, 1912; id. no. 11547a, Malu,
with flow, and young fr. on March 3rd, 1913;
id. no.
9226, Etappen-mount., 850 M., flow, on Oct. 12th, 1912.
— Schlechter no. 14303, Torricelli-mountains, with flow,
and young fr. in April 1903.

New-Ireland (Neu-Mecklenburg): Kraemer, Lama-
sang, A0 1909 in H. ber. without nr.; bloodstopping in
menses; native name: Avoravi.

Var. ß floccosa Schauer, DC. Prodr. XI, 645, (1847) —
C. acuminata
Roxburgh, Fl. ind. I, 394, (1832) —
C. attenuata
Wallich, Cat. no. 1835, (1828). —
C. longifolia
Roxb., Fl. ind. I. 394, (1832) -
C. oblongifolia
Hassk. Cat. Hort. Bog. alt., 136,
(1844). — C. Roxburghiana
Schult. Mant III, 54,
(1827). —
leaves more or less densely floccose.

Java: Elbert no. 525, Pandan, Madiun, 400—900 M. —
Korthals, in H. L.—B. sub no. 908.265—1491; id. Krawang
in H. L.-B. sub nos. 908.267-758 and 759 -
Kühl et
v. Hasselt, Tjikonde, flow, on Jan., 23th, in H. L.—B.
sub no. 908.267—1208 —
Junglwhn, Bantam, in H. L.—B.
sub no. 903.266—1259; native name: Katumpang. (cf.
var. « and C. cana var. a), or ki-katumpang, etc.

Sumatra: v. Daalen no. 394, Gajoe- and Ajas-countries.
— Elbert, Telok Betong. Ranggal, 100-350 M., in H.
L.-B. sub no. 908.308-432 -
Beccari no. 491, Padang,
360 M., etc.

BANKA: in H. A. R.-T. sub. no. 049889, Baturusak,
flow, and fr. in June 1858.

Timor: Forbes no. 3601.

-ocr page 102-

CELEBES: Junghuhn, near Sadeng; in H. L.—B. sub no.

borneo: Korthals, P. Sampe, in H. L.—B. sub nos. 908.
265-1466, 1467 and 1468. -
Winkler no. 2142. flow,
on May 23th, 1908, Hay up —
Hallier no. B. 309 (Hort.
Bog.), P. Lemukutan, in a ladang (see note on p. 56).
with fruits on Oct. 4th, 1893.

Ceraa\\: Teysmann et de Vriese, in H. L.—B. sub no.
908.265-350; in H. A. R.-T. sub no. 011538.

AmBOYNA : Zippel in H. L.—B. sub no. 908.265—1464.

Philippines: Merrill no. 8057; Zamboanga, Mindanao.

New-Guinea: Schlechter no. 16453., Kais.-Wilh.-land,
nr. Wobbe., 200 M., with fruits on Sept. 1st, 1907;
no. 13818. nr. Schumann-river, with flow, and young fr.
in Dec. 1901. —
Wichmann no. 44.

New-Ireland (Neu-Mecklenburg): Peekei no. 62,

var. */ areolata H. ]. Lam, nov. var. — folia in sicco
utrinque opaca (in
var. * et /3 viridiuscula), adulta subtus
glabrata eglanddlosa, areolata, sine squamis;
calyx subtrun-
stigma 4-lobatum.

KALAO ToA-lsland: Docters van Leeuwen—Reijnvaan
no. 1349, flow, on 5-V-1903.

Its leaves are somewhat larger than in the other varieties,
reaching 17 cM. in length, 7 in breadth, with a petiole of 2.7 cM.

Distribution of the species: Eastern Bengal, Khasiah- and
Chittagong-mountains, Malacca, Penang, Malaya (Sumatra!,
Banka!, Java!, Nusa Cambangan!, Timor!, Borneo!,
Celebes!, Sumbawa!, Ceram!, Amboyna!, Dutch-New-
Guinea!, Kais.-W.-land!), New-Ireland!, Mindanao!, Manila.

The species has an affinity with C. japonica (q.v.) and with
C. cana. From the latter it can be distinguished by considering
that this species never has leaves of lanceolate form together
with a floccose texture of the lower side of the leaves or with
glabrous leaves. Further the corolla-lobes form a point of difference.

-ocr page 103-

36. C. Horsfieldii Turczaninow, Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc.
XXXVI, II, 217. (1863);
Koorders, Exk. Fl. v. Java.
Ill, 134. — A shrub, branchlets, petioles and cymes densely
hairy; branchlets tetragonous;
leaves ovate-rhomboid, both
sides long attenuate, upper half coarsely serrate, sparsely
pubescent on both sides, glandular, densier on nerves;
cymes small, as long as or somewhat longer than petioles;
calyx 5-toothed; teeth deltoid, rather large; corolla-tube
twice as long as the teeth of the calyx;
stamens 4; ovary
hairy at the top.

Distribution: Java.

This very imperfectly described species, of which we did
not see any specimen, seems to be somewhat doubtful, as
regards the 5-toothed calyx, of which the teeth are large-

37. C. formosana Rolfe, Journ. Bot., XX, 358 (1882);
Forbes et Hemsley, Fl. Sin. II, 252; Maximowicz, Bull.
Ac. Imp. Sci. St. Pet. XXXI, 76;
Merrill, Phil. Journ.
Sci. Bot. I, Suppl. I, 121. — A shrub; branches glabres-
cent, but when young, as well as the lower side of the
leaves, the cymes, pedicels, and calyx covered with a
pale brown tomentum of stellate hairs;
leaves elliptical,
acute or shortly acuminate, serrulate or denticulate, base
rounded; 5—87» by 4—6 cM.; dark brown, sparingly
pubescent above, slightly scabrid with age; nerves alter-
nate, in about live pairs; petioles 0.8—1.2 cM.;
cymes 5
times branched, dense-flowered, 4—5 times longer than
the petioles; pedicels 0.4 cM.;
calyx campanulate, scarcely
0.12 cM. long; segments minute;
corolla 0.25 cM., lobes
rounded, shorter than the tube;
stamens exserted, 0.25
cM„ anthers elliptical, notched at each end;
style equalling
stamens; stigma capitate;
fruit globose, scarcely 0.25 cM.
in diam.

Distribution: Formosa, Philippines (Merrill, I.e., Lamao
Forest Reserve).

-ocr page 104-

There were no specimina of this species within our reach,
but from the descriptions we should say that it is identical
with C.

Doubtful species:

38. C. mollis Sieb. et Zucc., Fl. jap. fam. nat. 526 (1844);
Forbes and Hemsley, Fl. Sin. II, 254; Koord. Med. \'s Lands
PI. tuin Btz. XIX. 558;
Miq. Ann. Mus. bot. Lugd.—Bat. II,
Maximowicz, Bull. Ac. Imp. Sci. St. Pet. XXXVI, 75. —
A shrub?; branchlets glabrescent;
leaves ovate or lanceolate,
base cuneate, acute, subobtuse or sometimes somewhat cordate,
apex with an acute or obtuse acumen; margins rather coarsely
serrate, except near the base and the apex; teeth mucronulate;
pairs of nerves 5—6, soon branching; upper surface scabrid-
pubescent with simple hairs, lower one densely tomentose, both
sides glandular under the tomentum; 5—7 by 27a—972 cM„
petioles 0.4—1.2 cM., (sometimes smaller, 4V2 by 1V2 cM.,
petioles 0.2 cM., perhaps a variety);
cymes few-flowered, pubes-
cent; peduncles about twice as long as the petioles; bracteoles
linear, as long as the pedicels; flowers 4-, rarely 5-merous
(Miquel); calyx tubular, densely floccose and glandular, 0.25—
0.4 cM. long; segments lanceolate, about l/s of the total length
of the calyx; coro//a-tube shortly exsert, villous and glandular
along 4 lines, 0.3—0.45 cM., lobes obtuse, reflexed;
exsert, glandular on backside; drupe glandular at top.

Distribution: N.-Celebes? (Koorders), Japan.

X. SCHIZOPREMNA Baillon. Hist. d. PI. XI. 119,
Engl. u. Prantl, Nat. Pfl. fam. IV, 3a, 166. -
leaves opposite, simple; inflorescences cymose,
terminal, composed;
flowers 4-merous, somewhat zygo-
ovary 4-celled, 4-ovuled, formed from two
2-celled carpels;
style terminal, sunk down between the
only for Vs t\'ie\'r length connated cells of the ovary;
stigma bifid.

Distribution: Timor.

The genus differs from Premna only by the behaviour of the
style (and of the ovary ?)

-ocr page 105-

1. S. timorensis Baill. I.e. 120; Engl. u. Prantl, I.e. —
A tree?; branchlets glabrous;
leaves broadly obovate.
base attenuate;
cymes terminal, paniculately composed;
calyx coriaceous, 4-toothed, teeth subequal; corolla 4-lobed,
lobes subequal, imbricate in the bud;
stamens 4, short,
included, anthers as long as the filaments, with parallel
style with shortly bifid stigma; ovary 4-celled,
fruit unknown.

Distribution: Timor.

Subtribe B. tectone/e.

XI. TECTONA L. f. Suppl. 20, 151, (1781); Blume,
Bijdr. 820; Benth. and Hook.. Gen. pi. II, II, 1152; Schauer,
Prodr. XI, 629; Engl. u. Prantl. Nat. Pfl. fam. IV,
3a, 167;
Hook f., Fl. Br. lnd. IV, 570; Koorders en
Valeton, Bijdr. Booms. Java no. 7, 164; King and Gamble.
Journ. As. Soc. Beng. LXXIV, 4, 808; Miquel. Fl. Ind.
bat. II, 900;
Hasskarl, 2e Cat. \'s Lands PI. tuin Buitzg..
135. — Large trees with a greyish stellate tomentum;
large, simple, opposite or verticillate; panicles terminal,
usually large with many-flowered cymules;
calyx campanu-
late, 5—6-toothed, enlarged in fruit;
corolla small, white
or bluish with short tube; lobes 5—6, imbricate in bud,
subequal, spreading; throat sometimes villous;
5—6, inserted in the inferior part of the corolla-tube,
subequal. shortly exserted;
style slender with shortly and
acutely bifid stigma;
ovary 4-celled, the cells 1-ovuled:
fruit a drupe with 1 four-celled, four-seeded pyrene,
included in the accrescent or inflate calyx; seeds exal-

Distribution: British India, Malay Peninsula! and
Archipelago!, Philippines!

1. a. Leaves 23—55 by 12\'/;.—37 cM.; petioles 1.6—5 cM.;
tomentum floccose or ± none........2.

-ocr page 106-

b. Leaves 8—15 by 3—6 cM.; petioles 0.5—0.7 cM.;
tomentum minute .... 1. T. philippinensis p. 94.
2. a. Branchlets stellately floccose on all parts; leaves opposite,
23—55 by 22—37 cM.; petioles 21/,—5 cM.; panicles
40 cM. long, 35 cM. in diam.; calyx-teeth obtuse; throat
of corolla glabrous; corolla white 2. T. grandis p. 95.
b. Branchlets subglabrous, nodes with dense globose masses
of plumose or simple hairs; leaves 24 by 12\'/o cM.;
petioles 1.6 cM.; usually ternate; panicles 15—30 cM. long;
calyx-teeth acute; throat of corolla villous; corolla blue

3. T. Hamiltoniana p. 96.
1. T. philippinensis
Merrill Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot., V,
227, (1910) -
T. philippinensis Bth. et Hook., Gen. PI.
II, 1152, nom. nud. — A tree. 15 M. high; leaves
elliptical-ovate or ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, subcoriaceous,
margins entire or minutely denticulate or undulate, above
glabrous or densely white-verrucose, densely pale-stellate-
hairy beneath; pairs of nerves 5—7; 8—15 cM. long,
3—6 cM. broad; petioles 0.5—0.7 cM.:
panicles terminal,
densely hairy;
[lowers 0.8 cM. long, 1 cM. wide; calyx
densely pubescent, 0.5 cM. long, with 5 equal, deltoid,
0.2 cM. long teeth;
corolla 5-lobed: inferior part of tube
cylindric; 0.1—0.15 cM. long. 0.5 cM. wide, the upper
part suddenly widening; lobes 0.4 cM. long; throat villous;
stamens 5, somewhat exsert, filaments 0.8 cM.; fruit 1.3
cM. long, 0.5—0.6 cM. in diam., glabrous or nearly so.
LUZON: Cuming no. 1432. Batanges.
Schauer, DC. Prodr. XI, 629, determined Cuming no.
1432, as
T. Hamiltoniana. According to Merrill. I.e., this
is a mistake: the specimen should belong to
T. philip-
pinensis Bth.
et Hook., I.e., but as no description has been
Merrill gives one. Differences from T. Hamiltoniana
are in the dimensions the leaves and in the tomentum,
which in
T. Hamiltoniana is stellate-tomentose or-floccose,
and in
T. philippinensis minutely tomentose.

-ocr page 107-

2. T. grandis L. f. Suppl. 151. (1781); Blame, Bijdr.
Williams, Bull. Herb. Boiss. Ser. II. T. V. 430;
Schauer, DC. Prodr. XI, 629; Decaisne, Nouv. Ann.
Mus. Nat. Par., III. 402;
Elbert, Meded. \'s Rijks Herb.
Leiden, no. 12, 15;
Forbes, Wander. Nat. f. Mai. Arch.
II, 226;
Gaertner, De Fruct. I, 275; Hook. f. Fl. Br. Ind.,
IV, 570;
Koorders en Valeton, Bijdr. Booms. Java, no. 7,
iid., Atl. d. Baumart. II, 6, t. 255—272; King and
Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. LXXIV, IV, 809; Koorders,
Exk. fl. v. Java, III, 134; Hook. Comp. Bat. Mag. I,
Kuntze, -Rev. Gen. PI. I. 508; Miquel, Fl. Ind. bat.,
II, 901 and suppl. I, 244;
Hasskarl, 2e cat. \'s Lands PI.
tuin Buitzg., 135;
Merrill, Bur. Gov. Lab. no. 27, 67;
Spanoghe, Linnaea XV, 330; Zollinger u. Moritzi, Syst.
Verz., 53;
Hall, f., Med. *s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37, 34 —
T. Theca
Lour. Fl. Cochinch., 137 (1790) - A large
tree; branchlets obtusely quadrangular with inflorescences
and petioles yellowy-brownish-stellate-tomentose;
thickly chartaceous or coriaceous, ovate-elliptic or obovate,
sometimes subrotundate, base acute often decurrent, apex
acuminate, margins entire; upper surface glabrous when
adult, often densely verrucose, the midrib somewhat hairy;
lower surface densely yellowish stellate-tomentose; pairs
of nerves ± 18; 23—60 cM. long. 22—37 cM. broad,
petioles 272—5 cM. long, 0.5 cM. in diam.;
panicles large,
40 cM. long, 35 cM. wide, with opposite trichotomous
cymes; bracts lanceolate-acuminate, 0.5—1.1 cM. long;
flowers white; calyx 0.6 cM. wide campanulatc, tube 0.3
cM., teeth 5, subobtuse, 0.1 cM.; outer side densely
pubescent, teeth with dark-red glands;
corolla-tube shorter
than the calyx, glabrous within and without, lobes 5,
rounded, 0.1 cM. exsert from the calyx, pubescent and
\' with dark-red glands;
stamens 5, inserted in the lower
part of the corolla-tube, somewhat exserted;
style short
with shortly bifid stigma;
ovary densely villous, conical;

-ocr page 108-

drupe included in the enlarged, globose-urceolate, char-
taceous, somewhat pubescent,\' 272 cM. long and wide
calyx, with soft exocarp with dense felty stellate or
branched hairs, endocarp thick, bony; pyrene 1 with 4
cells and 4 seeds, and a central cavity; drupe 1.2 cM.
long, 1.2—1.5 cM. in diam.

Java: Elbert no. 470, Kendeng Trinil, Madiun — Boer-
in H. L—B. sub nos. 908.267-957 and 958,
Pelabuan Ratu.

sumatra: Heyne no. 273, Lubuk-alei, Udjung Gading,
Ajer Bangis; native name: Kaju mandung.

Philippines: Robinson et Ramos no. 11885, Tanay,
Rizal, Luzon, with fruits on Oct. 25th, 1910. — Com. d.
1. Fl. for. no. 502, Igbaras, the leaves subglabrate beneath!

Borneo: Korthals, Banjermassing, in H. L.—B. sub
no. 908.266-588.

Malacca: Griffith, in H. L.—B. sub. no. 908. 266-538.

MariannE-Isl.: Herb. Bur. of Sci. no. 253, Guam.

Distribution: British India, Malay Peninsula!, Burma,
Sumatra!, Java!, Borneo!, Philippines!, Marianne-isl.!, Sum-
bawa, Bali, Kangean, Celebes
{Koord. et Val.).

3. T. Hamiltoniana Wall. PI. As. Rar., Ill, 68, t. 294,
(1830-2), and cat. no. 773, (1828);
Schauer, DC. Prodr.
XI, 629;
Hook f., Fl. Br. Ind. IV. 571; Miquel, Fl. Ind.
bat., II, 902;
Merrill, Bur. Gov. Lab. no. 27, 68 - A
tree, 10—13 M. high; branchlets round, or 6—8-angular,
somewhat minutely hairy, the petioles and inflorescences
usually tomentose;
leaves ovate, base acute or rhomboid,
apex acuminate, margins entire, usually ternate, sometimes
opposite or quaternate, chartaceous, adult scabrid above,
densely stellate hairy when young; densely stellate-tomen-
tose beneath; pairs of nerves ± 7; 24 cM. long, 12\'/!!
cM. wide, petioles 1.6 cM.;
panicles terminal, stellate-
woolly, the base with a dense, globoid cluster of long,
branched hairs; 15—30 cM. long;
calyx, densely stellate-

-ocr page 109-

tomentose, glandular, 0.5 cM., tube 0.35 cM., teeth 5,
acute, deltoid;
corolla glabrous, 0.5—0.8 cM., tube 0.3—
0.5 cM„ lobes 5, 0.2—0.3 cM. long; throat densely villous;
stamens 5, inserted in the middle of the corolla-tube;
ovary pubescent; drupe 0.3—0.6 cM. in diam., 4-celled
without central cavity, glabrous or somewhat hairy.

Malay Peninsula : Griffith, in H. A. R.—T. sub no.049901.

Distribution: Burma, Ava, Malacca (Clarke in Hook. f).

Cuming\'s specimen no. 1432 (Schauer, I.e.), belongs to
T. philippinensis (q. v.).

Subtribe C. teysmanniodendrli/e.

bot. Buitzg., XIX. 19 (1904);
Engl. u. Prantl, Nat. Pfl. fam.
Ill, 307 — Trees; leaves opposite, digitately com-
posed ;
inflorescences paniculate, terminal, with trichotomous
cymes, bracts lanceolate, small;
calyx persistent, somewhat
enlarged in fruit, 5-toothed;
corolla with short subcylin-
drical tube; limb oblique, 2-lipped, upper lip 2-lobed,
sometimes subentire, lower lip 3-lobed, mid-lobe largest,
with the throat villous within;
stamens 4, distinctly didyna-
mous, exserted, inserted in the middle or lower part of
the corolla-tube; anthers glandular on the back-side;
terminal, slender, with shortly bifid stigma; ovary 2-car-
pelled, imperfectly 2-celled, cells 2-ovuled, imperfectly
2-locellated; ovules hemianatropical, attached laterally near
the apex;
fruit capsular, indehiscent, dry, by suppression
1-celled, 1-seeded; seeds pendulous, oblong, with mem-
branous testa, e ^albuminous.

Distribution: discovered growing in the botanical Gardens
of Buitenzorg; Borneo!

1. T. bogoriense Koorders, Ann. Jard. bot. Buitzg.
XIX, 19 (1904); Engl. u. Prantl. Nat. Pfl. fam. Nachtr.
Ill, 308, (illustrated); Hall, f, Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid.
no. 37, 55 — A tree, 16 M. high; branchlets obtusely


-ocr page 110-

quadrangular, with inflorescences and petioles somewhat
pubescent or subglabrous;
leaves 3-foliolate, sometimes
2- or 4-foliolate with characteristic silicated epiderm-cells;
leaflets lanceolate, acute at both ends, margins entire,
coriaceous or chartaceous, glabrous on both sides; pairs
of nerves 7—12; 10—29 by 4.7—9 cM., the terminal
one larger; petiolules 0.7—2.5 cM.; petioles stout, 1.8—3.5
panicles lax, foliose beneath, 18—30 cM. long,
16—20 cM. wide; cymes opposite;
calyx regular or some-
what 2-lipped, with 5 acute teeth; somewhat pubescent
without, especially near the margin, 0.18—0.2 cM. long,
0.27—0.35 cM. wide;
corolla-tube glabrous in the lower
part, upper part with lobes pubescent without; the 4
smaller lobes pubescent within, the larger one with the
throat (especially on the antical side), densely villous; tube
0.45—0.7 cM.; the smaller lobes 0.3—0.35 cM., the larger
one 0.5—1.05 by 0.35—0.55 cM.;
stamens 4, with stout,
hairy filaments and divergent anther-cells, inserted in the
middle of the corolla-tube, the longer ones 0.5 cM., the
smaller ones 0.35 cM., exsert;
style 0.4—0.5 cM. with acutely
bifid stigma;
ovary glabrous, apex densely hairy and glan-
capsule rather large, 4—5 cM. long, 3—4 cM. wide.

Distribution: discovered growing in the botanical Gardens
of Buitenzorg. (e. g. in H. L.-B. sub nos. 914.196-88, 89,
90 and 91), W.-Borneo!

XIII. XEROCARPA H. J. Lam, nov. gen. - Arbores;
folia digitatim composita, 3-foliolata, petiolata, opposita,
foliolis petiolulatis;
inflorescenlia terminalis, basi saepissime
brachiata; paniculae spicatae vel spicac laxissimae elongatae;
floribus brevissime pedicellatis, aut pedicellis nullis;
basi bracteolis 2 parvis sufFultus, hypocraterimorphus,
truncatus vel minute regulariterque 5-denticulatus;
subbilabiata, tubo brevi subcylindrico, lobis 5 angustis,

-ocr page 111-

antico majore, fauce villosa; stamina 5 aequalia vel sub-
aequalia, longiuscule exserta, lobis corollae alternantia,
antheris basi bilobis, dorsifixis;
stylus filiformis, exsertus,
stigmate breviter bifldo, lobis acutis horizontalibus;
2-loculare, ex carpellis 2 conformatum; loculi 2-ovulati;
ovula pendula, marginalia, hemianatropa, funiculis supra
medium aut prope apicem ovarii insertis;
fructus siccus,
capsularis, indehiscens, abortu 1-locularis, 1-spermus, ovo-
ideus; semen exalbuminosum.

Distribution: New-Guinea (Kais.-Wilh.-land).

Our genus is well characterized by its narrow corolla-lobes,
4 of which are nearly equal, its 5 stamens, and its typical lax
spikes. It has an affinity with
Teysmanniodendron by its cap-
sular fruit and is without any doubt the 2nd genus belonging
Koorders Teysmanniodendreee.

1. X. avicenniaifoliola H.J. Lam, nov. spec. — Arbor,
15—25 M. alta; ramuli tetragoni cum petiolis fulvo-tomentosi
vel subglabri, cortice brunneo;
folia petiolata, 3-foliolata, ,
chartacea vel coriacea, in sicco utrinque fulvo-brunnea;
foliola lanceolata utrinque acuta, integerrima, saepe cum
nervo primario albo vel luteo curvata, viridia, utrinque
glaberrima, eglandulosa, interdum singulis pilis glandulisque
vestita, nervis secundariis paulo prominentibus; S1/»""^
cM. longa, 1.1—6 cM. lata; petiolulo 0.5—2.3 cM., petiolo
cM. longo; spices vel paniculae molliter ferrugineo-
fulvo-pubescentes, 10—25 cM. longac, tomento, ut in
partibus novellis, variabiliusculae;
calyx truncatus vel regu-
lariter 5-denticulatus vel- dentatus, vel sinuato-undulatus,
extus dense incano-fulvo-pubescens, dein margine sub-
glabratus, fructifer auctus, basi 2 bracteolis lanceolatis
suffultus, 0.3—0.35 cM. longus, 0.25 cM. latus:
lutea v. luteo-coerulea v. griseo-lutea v. cairuleo-viridis,
tubo brevi, glabro, 0.15—0.2 cM. longo; subbilabiata,
labio superiore lobis 2 angustis, 0.5 cM. longis, 0.1 cM.
latis, labio inferiore lobis lateralibus 2 angustis, lobo medio

-ocr page 112-

majore late spathulato, saepe bilobo, 0.6 cM. longo, 0.15—
0.3 cM. lato; lobis extus dense ineano-fulvo-pubeseentibus
praeter lobi majoris marginem, intus glabris; fauce lon-
gissime villosa;
stamina 5, subaequalia, filamentis albis basi
villosis, in tubi medio insertis, cum lobis corollas alternan-
tibus, 0.4 cM. longis, antheris cceruleis basi bilobis, thecis
paulo divergentibus;
stylus filiformis, cum ovario articulatus,
glaber, stigmate brevifer acuteque bifidus, lobis horizon-
taliter divergentibus;
ovarium late pyriforme, breviter ros-
tratum, glabrum, 2-loculatum; loculis 2-ovulatis; ovulis
marginalibus pendulis prope apicem affixis;
Capsula nigra
v. coccineo-nigra, glandiformis, nitida, glabra, pericarpio
exocarpioque tenui, coriaceo, 2-vel saepissime abortu 1-
loculata, 1-sperma; 1 — 1.3 cM. longa, 0.5—0.7 cM. lata,
calyce aucto 0.5 cM. longo insidens; semina exalbuminosa,

New-Guinea: Ledermann no. 9510, Etappenberg, 850
M., with buds on 25-X-1912.; id. no. 9789, Camp 18,
near April-river, 200—400 M., in the forest, buds on
20-XI-1912; id. no. 9792, same locality, buds on 21-XI-
id. no. 10427, Camp Malu, 40-70 M., flowers
just cast off on
4-1-1913; id. no. 10828, same locality,
100—150 M., with fruits on 4-II-1913; id. no. 9667, near
April-river, with buds and flowers on

Subtribe D. VlTICE/E.

XIV. PREMNA L. Mant. II. 154 (1771); Blume, Bijdr.
R. Brown, Prodr. 512; Benth. and Hook. Gen. PI.

II, n, 1152; Blanco, Fl. d. Filip. ed. I.. 487; Engl. u.
Prant I, Nat. Pfl. fam., IV, 3a. 170; Hook. [., Fl. Br. Ind.
IV, 571;
Koorders en Valeton, Bijdr. Booms. Java, no.
7, 577;
King and Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. Beng., LXXIV,
IV, 810;
Miquel, Fl. Ind. bat. II, 890; Roxb., Fl. Ind.

III, 75; Hassk., 2c Cat. \'s Lands PI. tuin Btz., 134;
Schauer, DC., Prodr. XI, 630; Hall. f.. Med. \'s Rijks

-ocr page 113-

Herb. Leid. no. 37, 34. — Trees or shrubs, sometimes
leaves opposite, rarely whorled, simple, generally
petioled and entire;
inflorescences cymose, in terminal
panicles or corymbs, di- or trichotomously branched, bracts
small, narrow; bracteoles none;
calyx variously toothed,
or truncate, often more or less 2-lipped, one lip entire
or 2-toothed, the other entire or 3-toothed, small, cam-
panulate, persistent, not or little altered in fruit;
small; tube cylindrical, short; limb oblique, more or less
2-lipped, upper lip usually entire, rarely 2-lobed, lower
one 3-lobed, the middle lobe larger; sometimes the 4
corolla-lobes subequal; throat usually densely villous, with
curled or stiff hairs;
stamens 4, exsert or nearly included,
didynamous or subequal, inserted in the throat of the
corolla-tube, anthers ovoid or subspherical, the cells usually
divergent, often with a circular opening;
style somewhat
exsert, apex generally shortly bifid;
ovary perfectly or
imperfectly 4-celled; cells 1-ovuled; ovules laterally, almost
apically attached;
fruit a small drupe, with fleshy, often
thin exocarp, and one 4-, or by abortion 3—1-seeded
pyrene, and often a central cavity; seeds exalbuminous.

Distribution: in the warmer regions of the Old World.

1. a. Calyx regularly 4-toothed or subtruncate, more or less
2-lipped; the lips entire or more or less 2-toothed (Sect.

I G u m i r a Hassk.)............2.

b. Calyx more or less regularly 5-toothed, sometimes sub-



truncate, more or less 2-lipped (Sect. II Premnos


2. a. Calyx 2-lipped, both lips entire or nearly so . . . 3.
b. Calyx 2-lipped, 1 lip 2-toothed, the other entire or

nearly so,

c. Calyx subequally 4-toothed or subtruncate. . . .26.
3, a. Cymes in panicles of interrupted spikes; flowers sessile,
in glomerules; leaves subsessile, membranous

1. P. Dcrryana p. 110.

b. Cymes in corymbose panicles, leaves petioled. . . 4.

-ocr page 114-

4. a. Leaves small, 5 cM. long; petioles P/4 cM.

2. P. Mariannarum p. 111.
b. Leaves larger, 8—28 cM. long; petioles 1.2—12 cM. 5.

5. a. Corymbs small, 7lj2 cM. in diam.; calyx glabrous or

nearly so; corolla-tube 0.5 cM., sparsely villous within

3. P. cordifolia p. 111.
b. Corymbs larger, 5—27 cM. in diam.; calyx pubescent,
0.15—0.3 cM.; corolla-tube 0.3—0.45 cM., densely
villous within..............6.

6. a. Leaves chartaceous; calyx sometimes pseudo-4-toothed;

corolla-tube glabrous without; iobes subequal, pubescent
and glandular without ... 4. P. parasitica p. 112.
b. Leaves membranous............7.

7. a. Corolla-tube pubescent without, when adult; lobes une-

qual; corymbs reaching 23 cM. in length and 20 cM.

in diam........5. P. sterculifolia p. 113.

b. Corolla-tube glabrous without; lobes subequal; corymbs
reaching 13 cM. in length and 11 cM. in diam.

6. P. Ruttenii p. 114.

8. a. Leaves coarsely crenate along the whole margin, except

near the base; pubescent or subglabrate on both sides;
calyx usually deeply and acutely 3—5-toothed; corolla-
tube 0.45—0.55 cM. long. 0.1—0.15 cM. in diam.

34. P. angustiflora p. 134.
b. Leaves entire or somewhat crenate towards the apex
only; calyx with usually obtuse and short teeth, often
2 only................9.

9. a. Leaves subsessile; cymes im panicles of interrupted spikes

1. P. Derryana p. 110.
b. Leaves petioled; cymes in corymbose panicles. . .10.

10. a. Leaves with cinereous-white epidermis, glabrous, barbellate

in the axils of the nerves beneath . 7. P. alba p. 115.
b. Leaves not white; glabrous or pubescent . . . .11.

11. a. Lamina of leaves pubescent on one or on both sides 12.
b. Lamina of leaves glabrous on both sides, the nerves or

their axils beneath often pubescent......15.

12. a. Leaves entire; corymbs 10—23 cM. long. 9—25 cM.


-ocr page 115-

b. Leaves usually serrate towards the apex; corymbs 5
13 cM. long, 4—13 cM. wide........14.

13. a. Calyx 2-lipped, one lip entire or 2-toothed, the other

entire; corolla pubescent without; leaves membranous

5. P. sterculifolia p. 113.
b. Calyx 2-lipped, one lip entire or 3-toothed, the other 2-
toothed; leaves chartaceous . . 8. P. Peekelii p. 115.

14. a. Calyx 2-lipped, one lip 1-toothed, the other entire or

2-toothed; corolla-tube 0.2 cM. 9. P. Curranii p. 116.
b. Calyx 2-lipped, one lip sometimes with 2 acute, usually
with 2 obtuse teeth, the other sometimes entire, usually
with 3. obtuse teeth; corolla-tube 0.4—0.5 cM.

48. P. pubescens p. 152.

15. a. Leaves 21/2—12 by P/^—5.7 cM.; corymbs6—13cM.long,

2\'/,—(5—8)cM.indiam.; peduncles 0.2—2.5(-8) cM. 16.
b. Leaves 87,-22 by 4-81/, cM.; corymbs 10-15 cM.
long, 7—20 cM. in diam., peduncles (0—)27,—71/, cM. 22.

16. a. Leaves 3—4(—5) (in P. intcgrifolia sometimes more)

-nerved; base subcordate, rounded or obtuse, sometimes



b. Leaves 5—8-nerved, base cuneate, decu\'rrent. sometimes

17. a. Leaves usually barbellate in the axils of the nerves

beneath; pairs of nerves.4—6........18.

b. Leaves not barbellate in the axils of the nerves beneath;
pairs of nerves 3; corolla-lobes subequal

10. P. corymbosa p. 117.

18. a. Leaves entirely glabrous on both sides, also on nerves

and in their axils beneath; teeth of the lower lip of the
calyx small, close to. one another, somewhat elevated
above the rest of the calyx . 11. P. bornccnsis p. 117.
b. Leaves usually pubescent on the nerves, always barbel-
late in their axils beneath; teeth of the lower lip of the
calyx rather large and not close to one another. . 19.

19. a. Leaves 2l/2-5V2(—7) by 1.5—3.3(—4V2) cM., entire.

4—5-nerved; corolla distinctly 2-lipped; upper lip
sometimes 2-lobed .... 12. P. congesta p. 118.
b. Leaves usually larger, often crenate towards the rounded

-ocr page 116-

or shortly acuminate apex; corolla subequally 4-lobed

42. P. integrifolia p. 140.

20. a. Teeth of the calyx broad and short, indistinct; base of

the leaves decurrent; midlobe of the lower lip of the
corolla broader than the lateral lobes

13. P. angustifolia p. 118.
b. Teeth of the calyx always large.......21.

21. a. Base of the leaves subobtuse, narrow; midlobe of the

lower lip of the corolla narrower than the lateral lobes

14. P. timoriana p. 119.
b. Base of the leaves cordate, truncate or subacute, usually
broad; midlobe of the lower lip of the corolla broader
than the lateral lobes . . 42. P. integrifolia p. 140.

22. a. Leaves 4—5-nerved, broadiy elliptic, abruptly acuminate;

base rounded or subcordate, 7—15 by 5\'/2—9 cM.;

petioles 21 —5 cM.; glandular beneath, glabrous in the

, ^ 15. P. ceramensis p. 120.

axils of the nerves . . . . ,, „ . , ,

( 16. P. punctulata p. 121.

b. Leaves 5—6 nerved, narrower, not abruptly acuminate;

base acute or rounded; axils of the nerves usually

barbellate beneath............23.

23. a. Leaves membranous, when young, chartaceous afterwards,

elliptical or ovate, sometimes pubescent on both sides;
corolla-tube pubescent without 17. P. divaricata p. 121.
b. Leaves chartaceo-coriaceous; corolla-tube glabrous

24. a. Lower bracts leafy, upper ones lanceolate; nerves glabrous

18. P. perakensis p. 122.
b. All bracts linear; nerves generally pubescent . . .25.

25. a. Branchlets, etc. with longitudinal lines of hairs which

alternate at each node; corymbs often sympodiously
branched; corolla-tube 0.4—0.5 cM. long

19. P. subglabra p. 123.
b. Branchlets, etc. with a continuous tomentum on all parts,
orsubglabrous; corymbs dichotomously branched; corolla-
tube usually very short, 0.2 cM., sometimes reaching
0.3—0.4 cM......42. P. integrifolia p. 140.

26. a. Leaves coarsely crenate or serrate.......27.

-ocr page 117-

b. Leaves entire or somewhat crenate or serrate towards
the apex only..............28.

27. a. Teeth of the calyx acute, large, as long as or longer

than the tube; corolla villous within

34. P. angustiflora p. 134.
b. Calyx truncate or with 4 minute teeth; corolla glabrous
within.........20. P. cauliflora p. 124.

28. a. Calyx truncate or indistinctly 4-toothed.....29.

b. Calyx very distinctly 4-toothed.......31.

29. a. Leaves 8—25% by 6—14 cM.; petioles 1V2—3 cM.;

corymbs 8—26 cM. long, 11—24 cM. in diam . . 30.
b. Leaves 8—14 by 3—5 cM.; petioles 1— 2 cM.; areolate
beneath; corymbs reaching 10 cM. in length and in diam.

21. P. areolata p. 124.

30. a. Calyx truncate; stigma very shortly bifid

22. P. Kunstleri p. 125.
b. Calyx usually " irregularly undulate; stigma long bifid;
lobes capitate.....44. P. macrophylla p. 148.

31. a. Leaves glabrous on both sides, or pubescent only on the

nerves or in their axils beneath........32.

b. Leaves pubescent on one or both sides.....42.

32. a. Leaves 10—30 by 5-20 cM.; petioles 1—8 cM. . 33.
b. Leaves 3—10 by 272—5(—7) cM.; petioles 0.5—3 cM. 39.

33. a. Leaf-apex gradually acuminate, base broadly cordate or

rounded, widest beneath the middle; calyx membranous,
with 4 sharp teeth ... 23. P. adenosticta p. 126.
b. Leaf-apex abruptly acuminate or acute, (sometimes
gradually acuminate in P. integrifolia); widest across
the middle or above it; calyx usually coriaceous . 34.

34. a. Axils of the nerves usually barbellate beneath

42. P. integrifolia p. 140.
b. Axils of the nerves not barbellate beneath . . . .35.

35. a. Corolle-tube as long as the calyx, 0.1—0.15 cM.; leaves

obovate-oblong.....24. P. oblongata p. 127.

b. Corolla-tube longer than the calyx, 0.1 cM. or more

36. a. Leaves 10-30 by 10—15 cM.; petioles 27a—37a cM.;

calyx 2-lipped, the lips entire or 2-toothed; corolla-tube

-ocr page 118-

0.3 cM„ lobes pubescent and glandular, tube glabrous

without........4. P. parasitica p. 112.

b. Leaves 8—17 by 3—12 cM.; petioles 1—3 cM.; calyx
4-toothed or subtruncate..........37.

37. a. Calyx distinctly, acutely 4-toothed, not or indistinctly

4-ribbed, sparsely pubescent and glandular; leaves 10—
1772 by 5 — 15\'/» cM.; petioles 1.5—2.3 cM.; style with
shortly bifid stigma . . 25. P. thrichostoma p. 128.
b. Calyx often truncate or indistinctly 4-toothed, teeth obtuse;
subglabrous, 4-ribbed; leaves 8—14 by 3—5 cM.; petioles
1—3 cM.; stigma long bifid, lobes 0.1 cM. . . .38.

38. a. Leaves areolate beneath . . 21. P. areolata p. 124.
b. Leaves not areolate beneath 26. P. Williamsii p. 129.

39. a. Calyx hardly 4-toothed or subtruncate; stigmatic lobes

0.1 cM.................38.

b. Calyx with large teeth, which are */i or \'/a of the tube;
stigmatic lobes shorter...........41.

40. a. Calyx coriaceous, teeth 4, obtuse, ciliate

27. P. oblongifolia p. 129.
b. Teeth of the calyx acute, sometimes subobtuse, not
ciliate; one lip 2-toothed, the other 2-toothed or entire 41.

41. a. Calyx subquadrangular; leaves 4—7\'/2 by 2—4 cM.,

6—7-nerved; corymbs 4—12 cM. long; corolla with 4

subequal lobes...... 28. P. Ridlcyi p. 130.

b. Calyx not quadrangular; leaves 4—6-nerved and larger,
or, if as large, then 4-nerved; corolla 2-lipped . .21.

42. a. Leaves 4—10 by 2—4 cM.; petioles 1 — 21 /2 cM.; ovate,

base and apex acute. ... 29. P. rufidula p. 131.
b. Leaves 9 — 24 by 61/.,—14 cM.; petioles 2—9 cM. 43.

43. a. Lobes of the corolla subequal, tube 0.1—0.3 cM. . 44.
b. Corolla 2-lipped, tube 0.2 cM.; leaves long acuminate,

often serrate towards the apex 9. P. Curranii p. 116.

44. a. Corolla-tube as long as or shorter than the calyx, 0.1

cM.; leaves obovate-oblong . 24. P. oblongata p. 127.
b. Corolla-tube longer, 0.2 cM. or more; leaves broader 45.

45. a. Corolla-tube 0.2 cM.; calyx 0.1 cM.; stigmatic lobes

short, capitate; ovary pubescent and glandular at the top

30. P. rcgularis p. 131.

-ocr page 119-

b. Corolla-tube 0.25—0.3 cM.; calyx 0.1—0.15 cM.; stigmatic
lobes long, subulate............46.

46. a. Leaves membranous, 6V2—15 by 5—12 cM.; teeth of

the calyx subobtuse, often not alternating with the
corolla-lobes .... 31. P. membranacea p. 132.
b. Leaves chartaceous or coriaceous, 12—26 by 7—9 cM.;
teeth of the calyx acute, alternating with the corolla-
lobes ........ 32. P. rotundifolia p. 132.

47. a. Leaves glabrous beneath, or pubescent only on the

nerves or in their axils, or along the margin . . . 48.

b. Leaves pubescent beneath....... . . . 63.

48. a. Leaves crenate, serrate or undulate, except close near
the base................49.

b. Leaves entire or minutely denticulate, sometimes crenate,
serrate or dentate towards the apex......51.

49. a. Leaves membranous, coarsely undulate-dentate, sessile,

10—14 by 5-8 cM.; corymbs 2—3 cM. long, 1V2—2 cM.

in diam........ 33. P. sessilifolia p. 133.

b. Leaves chartaceous or coriaceous, petioled, corymbs
larger......\' . . .........50.

50. a. Base of leaves decurrent, margins coarsely crenate;

corolla-tube 0.45—0.55 cM. long, 0.1—0.15 cM. in diam.;
teeth of calyx large, acute 34. P. angustiflora p.
b. Base of leaves cordate or subcordate, margins dentate;
2—2V2 cM.(1?) ... 35. P. littoralis p. 135.

51. a. Leaves 3—10 by 21/»—5 cM.; petioles 1—4 cM. . 52.
b. Leaves 10—27 by 5—15 cM.; petioles l\'/j—8 cM. . 55.

52. a. Corolla 0.3-0.4 cM............53.

b. Corolla 0.6-0.7 cM............54.

53. a. Upper lip of corolla 2-lobed, lobes rounded; lower lip

3-lobed, midlobe rounded, lateral lobes subacute, deltoid

36. P. benguetensis p. 136.
b. Upper lip of corolla entire.........21.

54. a. Upper lip of corolla entire or somewhat 2-lobed; leaves

usually longer than 10 cM. 37. P. llavcscens p. 136.
b. Upper lip of corolla deeply 2-lobed; leaves usually
shorter than 10 cM.. . 38. P. mcmbranifolia p. 137.

55. a. Corymbs 5—8 cM. in diam.........56.

-ocr page 120-

b. Corymbs 10—24 cM. in diam.........59.

56. a. Corolla minutely pubescent without, 0.7 cM.; leaves

10—19 by 6—10 cM.; petioles 1.5—4 cM.; calyx 0.2 cM.

39. P. nervosa p. 138.
b. Corolla glabrous without, 0.5—0.6 cM.....57.

57. a. Throat of corolla glabrous or nearly so; leaves 10—18

by 6—12 cM.; petioles 3—8 cM.

40. P. paulobarbata p. 138.
b. Throat of corolla villous..........58.

58. a. Leaves membranous; upper lip of corolla 2-lobed

38. P. membranifola p. 137.
b. Leaves chartaceous; upper lip of corolla entire

42. P. integrifolia p. 140.

59. a. Calyx deeply 2-lipped and -toothed......60.

b. Calyx hardly 2-lipped, subtruncate......62.

60. a. Calyx deeply or distinctly 2-lipped......61.

b. Calyx with 5 subequal large teeth, one sometimes larger

43. P. flavida p. 147.

61. a. Lower bracts leafy; base of leaves attenuate

41. P. Wrayi p. 139.
b. All bracts linear; base of leaves broad, usually rounded
or cordate......42. P. integrifolia p. 140.

62. a.. Leaves 8 — 25 72 by 6-14\'2 cM.; petioles 1—2 cM.;

corymbs 8—26 cM. long, 11—24 cM. in diam.; peduncles
2\\2—11 cM.; stigmatic lobes capitate; drupe with large

central cavity.....44. P. macrophylla p. 148.

b. Leaves 7—15 by 41/,—6 cM.; petioles 1—4 cM.; corymbs
17V2 cM. in diam.; stigmatic lobes subulate

37. P. flavescens p 136.

63. a. Leaves 3—8 by 2—5 cM.; petioles l\'/i cM. . 64.
b. Leaves 10—35 by 7—20 cM.; petioles 3—10 cM. . 70.

64. a. Leaves entire..............65.

b. Leaves partly or totally crenate, serrate, or dentate . 69.

65. a. Petioles V»—\'17s cM............66.

b. Petioles 172—6 cM..........\\ . 68.

66. a. Leaves 3—6 by 2—3\'/2 cM., base cordate or rounded,
apex acute; calyx 0.3 cM.; corolla pubescent without

45. P. dcpauperata p. 149.

-ocr page 121-

b. Leaves 5—15 by 2.7—5 cM., base acute or sub-
rounded, apex obtusely acuminate or acute; calyx 0.1—
0.15 cM.; corolla-tube glabrous, lobes somewhat pubes-
cent without..............67.

67. a. Leaves 672—8 by 4—5 cM., relatively broad; corolla-

lobes somewhat pubescent without

46. P. leucostoma p. 149.
b. Leaves 5—15 by 2.7—5 cM., relatively narrow; corolla-
lobes glabrous without . 47. P. latifolia var. <5 p. 151.

68. a. Teeth of calyx acute, corolla glabrous without

37. P. flavescens p. 136.
b. Teeth of, calyx obtuse, corolla more or less pubescent
without........48. P. pubescens p. 152.

69. a. Teeth of calyx acute; margins of leaves coarsely crenate;

corolla-tube 0.45—0.55 cM. long, 0.1—0.15 cM. in diam.

34. P. angustiflora p. 134.
b. Teeth of calyx obtuse; margins of leaves serrate or
denticulate towards the apex only 48. P. pubcscens p. 152.

70. a. Tomentum of the leaves beneath principally simple 71.
b. Tomentum of the leaves beneath principally stellate 74.

71. a. Corolla-tube 0.4—0.55 cM., pubescent without; leaves

often crenate or serrate..........69.

b. Corolla-tube 0.15—0.3 cM., glabrous without; leaves

72. a. Base of leaves subobtuse, acute or attenuate; leaves

2.7—6 cM. broad; petioles Va— 1 l/a cM.

47. P. latifolia var. dp. 151.
b. Base of leaves rounded or cordate; leaves 47a—16 cM.
broad, petioles 1—6 cM..........73.

73. a. Teeth of calyx usually acute; one lip with 2 large, the

other with 3 smaller teeth. . 37. P. flavcsccns p. 136.
b. Teeth of calyx usually obtuse; one lip with 2 large
teeth, the other often subentire . 8. P. Pcckclii p. 115.

74. a. Teeth of calyx small, l/4 or l/n of the length of the


b. Teeth of calyx large, \'/a °f length of the calyx or

75. a. Corolla glabrous without; lobes pubescent within; leaves


-ocr page 122-

with petioles reaching 15 cM,; corymbs shorter than

the leaves.......49. P. Goeringii p. 154.

b. Corolla pubescent without; lobes glabrous within or
nearly so...............76.

76. a. Leaves abruptly acuminate, 4—6-nerved, 9—20 by 7—12

cM.; petioles 2l/2—6 cM. . . 50. P. stellata p. 154.
b. Leaves gradually acuminate, 6—10-nerved, 10—35 by
7—20 cM.; petioles 2\'/2—10 cM.......77.

77. a. Leaves eglandular above, 15—35 by 7l/2—20 cM., petioles

2V2—10 cM.; calyx very shortly and irregularly 5-toothed,
not or indistinctly 5-ribbed 51. P. pyramidata p. 155.
b. Leaves usually densely glandular above, 10—28 by 1
14 cM.; petioles 3—10 cM.; calyx distinctly 5-toothed,
2-lipped, distinctly 5-ribbed . 52. P. tomentosa p. 156.

78. a. Corolla glabrous without, lobes pubescent within; leaves

with petioles reaching 15 cM., corymbs shorter than the

leaves.........49. P. Goeringii p. 154.

b. Corolla pubescent without, lobes glabrous within; leaves
11-30 by 8-20 cM.; petioles P/a—8 cM. . . . 79.

79. a. Leaves gradually, subobtusely acuminate, often denticu-

late, sparsely pubescent or subglabrate beneath; calyx
with 4 equal teeth and 1 larger one, not or indistinctly

2-lipped, 0.2 cM......43. P. flavida p. 147.

b. Leaves more or less abruptly and acutely acuminate,
entire, stellate-tomentose beneath; calyx 2-lipped, 0.35 cM.

53. P. Cumingiana p. 157.
oubtiui. species:......54. P. Lcdertnanni p. 159.

55. P. nauseosa p. 159.

56. P. papuana p. 160.
57. P. populifolia p. 160.

Section I Gumira Hassk.

1. P. Derryana King et Gamble, Kew Bull., 107
iid. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. LXXIV, 4. 813 - A
climbing (?) shrub; branchlets smooth, with large lenticels;
leaves membranous when dry, subscssile; elliptic orobovate,
shortly and obtusely acuminate at apex, attenuate and

-ocr page 123-

obscurely auricled at base; both surfaces shining, glabrous;
margins entire; 121/«—20 cM. long, 9—10 cM. broad;
pairs of nerves 7—8;
cymes in terminal panicles of 3—4
spikes, each spike with many interrupted glomerules of
sessile flowers, the inflorescence 15 — 20 cM. long; main
peduncles 5—6, secondary ones 2—2ljs cM. long; bracts
lanceolate, 0.6 cM.;
calyx deeply bilabiate, the upper lip
entire as first, afterwards 2-lobed, 0.3 cM.; lower lip
entire, 0.25 cM.; tube golden-pubescent without;
rather longer than the calyx, glabrous without; throat
sparsely white-villous; lips 2, upper lip emarginate, lower
lip 3-lobed, the lobes obtuse, the midlobe longest;
4, long exsert; filaments puberulous, twisted; anthers reni-
form, the cells opening by oblong pores;
ovary glabrous,
style as long as the stamens; stigma with 2
slender horizontal lobes.

Distribution: Malay Peninsula.

2. P. Mariannarum Schauer, DC. Prodr. XI. 632, (1847);
Merrill, Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot., IX. 136 — A shrub?;
branchlets, inflorescences and petioles minutely, apressedly
leaves ovate or subrotundate, base rotundate
or slightly cordate, apex\' rounded and shortly acuminate,
or obtuse; margins entire, adult glabrous on both sides,
the nerves pubescent beneath; 5 cM. long; petioles 1.25
inflorescences corymbose, small; calyx 0.25 cM.,
2-lipped, upper lip shortly truncate, lower one entire;
corolla subequally 5-lobed; tube as long as the calyx;
throat villous;
stamens and style exserted.

Distribution: Marianne-Islands.

It has an affinity with P. integrifolia, but differs from it by
its entire calyx-lips and its 5-lobed corolla. The latter charac-
teristic, however, makes it rather doubtful, that the species
really belongs to

3. P. cordifolia Roxb., Fl. ind. Ill, /8, (1832); Schauer,
DC. Prodr. XI, 632, partly; Hook f., Fl. Br. Ind. IV,

-ocr page 124-

572; King arid Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. LXXIV. 4,
Miguel, Fl. Ind. bat. II, 895, partly; Hunter ex
Ridley, Journ. As. Soc. Straits, LIII, 102 — P. Doncaria
Buch.-Ham. ex Wall. Cat. no. 2147, (1828) - A shrub,
2l/24 M. high; branchlets, corymbs and upper side of
petioles tawny-pubescent;
leaves membranous; ovate or
ovate-cordate, base rounded or cordate, apex acuminate;
, margins entire; upper side glabrous except on the nerves,
bullate, lower side glabrous; 8—17 by 5—7V2cM.; petioles
1.2—2.5 cM.; pairs of nerves 5—6;
corymbs many-flowered,
dense, about 7Vs cM. long and wide; flowers subsessile,
calyx 0.25—0.35 cM., 2-lipped, both lips
entire or upper lip 2-lobed, glabrous or nearly so;
0.3—0.5 cM., 2-lipped, upper lip entire, lower lip
3-lobed; throat villous;
stamens nearly included, as is
the style; drupe obovoid.

Distribution: Malay Peninsula.

4. P. parasitica Bl. Bijdr. 816, (1826); Schauer, DC.
Prodr. XI, 633; Koord. en Val. Bijdr. Booms. Java, no.
7, 185;
iid. Atl. d. Baumart. v. Java II, 6, t. 282; Koord.
Meded. \'s Lands PI. tuin Btzg.. XIX, 560; id. Exk. fl. v.
Java, III, 135;
id. PI. Junghuhn, ined. Ged. boek Fr.
Jungh. 188;
Hooker. W. ƒ., Comp. Bot. Mag. I, 349;
Hall, f., Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37, 35; Miquel,
Fl. Ind. bat. II, 896; Hasskarl, 2e Cat. \'s Lands PI. tuin
Btzg., 135;
Spanoghe, Linnaea, XV, 330. — not P. thri-
Miq. ex Clarke in Hook ƒ., Fl. Br. Ind. IV,
575 (see annotation at P. th r ichostoma on p. 128) —
A climbing shrub; branchlets, corymbs and petioles some-
what pubescent;
leaves chartaceous, ovate or ovate-rotun-
date, sometimes obovate or obovate-oblong, base rounded
or somewhat cordate, apex abruptly and shortly acuminate,
sometimes acute; both surfaces glabrous or with some
sparse hairs; puberulous on nerves; pairs of nerves 5—7,
the lower pairs at a much greater angle with the midrib

-ocr page 125-

than the upper ones; 10—30 by 5.1— 20Vg cM., petioles
1.2—8.2 cM.;
corymbs 11-24 cM. long. 5-37 cM. wide;
peduncles 4 — 10 cM.; bracts caducous;
calyx membranous,
pubescent at first, glabrate afterwards, 2-lipped, each lip
entire or more or less deeply 2-toothed; tube 0.15 cM.;
lips 0.05 cM.;
corolla-tube 0.3-0.37 cM., glabrous without,
densely villous within nearly down to the base; lobes 4,
subequal, pubescent and glandular without, 0.05 cM. long,
stamens exsert, inserted in the throat; stigma
rather long bifid, style 0.4—0.45 cM.; ovary glabrous;
drupe oblong,- 0.6 cM. long.

Koord. PI. Jungh. ined. no. 519, with a large number
of fruits which are deformed by the sting of an insect,
having formed a curved, oblong, 2 cM. long gall-nut.

Sumbawa: Elbert no. 3815, Bima, Ro-Mts., 650—750
M. in alt., with fr. on 14-XII-1909; id. no. 3952, Dompu,
Dompu-plain, 40—100 M.. flow, on 22-XII-1909.

Distribution: Java!, Sumbawa!, Timor (Hooker, Spanoghe),
Celebes (Hallier).

5. P. sterculifolia King et Gamble, Kew Bull. 1908,
iid., Journ. As. Soc. Beng. LXXIV, 4, 819. — A
large climber; branchlets purple, scabridly puberulous;
leaves membranous; ovate, base truncate or cordate, apex
acuminate; upper side sparsely setulose and pubescent on
the nerves, lower slightly puberulous. glandular-dotted;
10-22»/a by 7V2-12l/„ cM., petioles 5-10 cM. long;
pairs of nerves 6, the 2 lowest pairs from close to the
base spreading;
cymes in large spreading, slightly pube-
rulous, many-flowered paniculate corymbs reaching 22 Va
cM. in length and 20 cM. in breadth; peduncles stout,
7—10 cM.; ultimate cymules crowded; flowers pale green;
calyx campanulate, obscurely 2-lipped; upper lip nearly
entire or 2-lobed, the lower entire or obscurely toothed;
tube 0.12 cM., glandular and puberulous, scaly without;
coro//a-tube puberulous, 0.3 cM., densely white-villous


-ocr page 126-

within except at the base; 2-lipped, 4-lobed, lobes reflexed,
obtuse, the -midlobe of the lower lip 0.18 cM.;
exsert, filaments twisted; style 0.6 cM., stigma bifid with
slender spreading lobes;
ovary glabrous, depressed.

Var. a typica H. J. Lam, nov. var. — foliorum basis
truncata vel subcordata;
calycis labium superius subintegrum.

Var. /3 cordata King and Gamble I.e. — base of leaves
more deeply cordate; branches of inflorescences more distant;
upper lip of calyx 2-lobed.

Distribution of the species: Perak (Malay Peninsula).

6. P. Ruttenii H. J. Lam, nov. spec. — Arbor parva;
ramuli, corymbi, petioli minutissime, sparse pubescentes;
ramuli cylindrici cortice griseo;
folia opposita, membranacea,
integra, late ovata, basi leviter cordata vel truncata, apice
subabrupte breviterque acute acuminata, adulta supra sparse
pilis simplicibus vestita, eglandulosa, nervis subglabratis,
haud prominentibus, utrinque 5; subtus glabra, glanduloso-
punctata, nervis minute puberulis; 10—12V2 cM. longo,
7—9.3 cM. lata, petiolo
4l/2—6 cM. longo; corymbi multi-
flori, 11 cM. longi, 13 cM. diametro; pedunculo 6 cM.
longo; bracteis minutis;
calyx bilabiatus, 0.3 cM. longus,
labio utroque breviter acuteque bidentato; minute pubescens;
margine ciliatus;
corolla viridi-alba, novella extus tubo
lobisque minute puberula, adulta tubo glabro, lobis pube-
rulis; tubo intus parte superiore densissime profundeque
villoso, 0.45 cM. longo; lobis 4, subaequalibus, 0.15 cM.
longis, 0.1 cM. latis, oblongo-rotundis;
stamina longe
exserta, 0.45 cM. longo;
stylus 0.9 cM. longus, stigmata
brevissime bifido ;
ovarium glabrum.

BORNEO; Rutten no. 621, E.-Borneo, Bulongan, near
Sadjan-river, 10 M. in alt., flow, on 25-X-1912.

This species shows a close relation to P. parasitica, but
differs from it by its membranous leaves, which are puberulous
above, its slender nerves, its smaller corymbs and larger flowers
and its very shortly bifid stigma. Its affinity is also with P.
sterculifolia and P. cordifolia.

-ocr page 127-

7. P. alba H. J. Lam, nov. spec. — Frutex? glaberrima,
epidermidi griseo-albo (non cera tecto);
folia coriaceo-
subchartacea, integra, late ovato vel ovato-rotundata, basi
leviter late cordata, apice subabrupte breviterque acute
acuminata, utrinque glaberrima, subtus in nervorum axillis
barbellata, cum petiolo tota griseo-alba (in sicco), non cera
tecta; nervis utrinque 6, 2 inferioribus imo a basi nas-
centibus; 10A/2—14 cM. longo, 8—11 cM. lata, petiolo
1 Ys^^Vs cM. longo;
corymbi multiflori, 7 cM. longi,
4 cM. lati, pedunculo 3 cM. longo; brunneo-griseo-albida;
bracteis minutis subulatis, 0.1—0.2 cM. longis; pedicellis
brevissimis, 0.05—0.1 cM. longis;
calyx cupuliformis, bila-
biatus, labio inleriore 2 dentibus magnis subacutis, superiore
integro vel irregulariter minuteque 3-denticulata, denti-
culis obtusis; 0.15 cM. longus, glaber, punctis albis stellati-
formibus suffultus;
corolla glabra, bilabiata, tubo 0.25—0.3
cM. longo, limbo obliquo, lobis 4, 0.1 cM. longis; tota
vittis longitudinalibus punctorum alborum stellatiformium
suffulta; fauce villosa, tubo 0.2 cM. diametro;
inclusa; filamentis vittis albis ut in stylo transversalibus
suffultis; thecis poris ellipticis subparallelis;
stylus brevis
inclusus, stigmate breviter bilobo;
ovarium glabrum.

PALAU-ISLANDS: Without collector, number and locality
in H. Ber.

Our species shows a close affinity with P. integrifolia in
several charasteristics, but differs from it by its typical white
colour and the white stellate spots on its flowers.

8. P. Peekelii H. J. Lam, nov. spec. — Arbor parva
6 M. alta; ramuli, inflorescentiae, petioli, minute molliterque
fol\'.a ampla. chartacea. late ovate vel rotun-
data, basi leviter cordata, apice breviter acuminata, inte-
gerrima, adulta supra sparsis pilis simplicibus vestita, subtus
densiuscule pubescentia; nervis utrinque densius puberula,
vel nervis subtus subglabra, dens;usque puberula prope
nervos; nervi utrinque 5—6; 9—22 cM. longa, 6—16 cM.

-ocr page 128-

lata, petiolo 1—6 cM. longo; inflorescentia corymbosa,
ampla, bracteis parvis caducis, 10—15 cM. longa, 9—25
cM. lata, pedunculo brevi, 0—3 cM. longo;
calyx 0.25
cM., pubescens, bilabiatus, labio inferiore 2 dentibus magnis
acutis obtusisve, superiore integro vel undulato vel 3
dentibus obtusis suffulto;
corolla glabra vel subglabra,
bilabiata, 4-lobata, 0.35 cM. longa, tubo 0.3 cM. longo;
stamina 4, inclusa, fauce villoso inserta; stylus stigmate
breviter bifidus;
ovarium glabrum vel apice subpuberulum;
drupa 0.4—0.6 cM. longa, globosa, glabra.

New-Britain (Neu-Pommern): Peekel no. 794, Vuna-
pope, 3 M. in alt.; native name: a kua; with flow, and
fr. on Aug. 1st, 1911.

9. P. Curranii H. J. Lam, nov. spec. — Frutex?; ramuli,
inflorescentia, petioli pubescentes;
folia oblonga vel ovata
vel subquadrangulariter rotunda, basi leviter cordata, apice
longe acuminata vel subabrupte vel abrupte acuminata,
integerrima vel interdum apicem versus denticulato-serrulata;
adulta utrinque molliter, in nervis densius, pubescentia; mem-
branacea vel subchartacea; 11 Vs—14 cM. longa, ö\'/s—lO
cM. lata; petiolo 3—5.2 cM. longo;
corymbus parvus,
5Vs cM. longus, 4 cM. latus, pedunculo 1 cM. longo;
calyx pubescens, sparse glandulosus, bilabiatus, 0.15 cM.;
labio inferiore bidentato, superiore integro vel plus minus
bidentato, dentibus obtusis;
corolla 0.4 cM. longa; tubo
extus puberulo 0.2 cM. longo, intus fauce dense barbato;
bilabiata, labium superius integrum, 0.15 cM. longum,
inferius 3-lobatum, 0.2 cM. longum, lobo medio majore.
0.1 cM. longo;
stamina 4, exserta, fauce inserta; stylus
0.4 cM., stigmate brevissime bifidus; ovarium glabrum;
drupam non videmus.

Manila: Curran no. 19022, flow, in May 1909.

Our species has an affinity with P. pubcsccns (as the specimen
was erroneously determined), but differs from it very distinctly
by its flowers.

-ocr page 129-

10. P. corymbosa Rottl. et Willd. in Ges. Nat.f. Freunde,
Neue Sehr. IV, 187, 188, (1803);
Forbes, Wand. Nat. f.
Mal. Arch. II, 226;
Hook, f., Fl. Br. Ind. IV. 573; Miq.,
Fl. Ind. bat., II, 894 and suppl. I, 243. - P. densiflora
Wall., cat. no. 1773, (1828) - P. cordifolia Wight
Ic. t. 1483, (1850) - P. truncata Turcz. in Bull. Soc.
Imp. Nat. Mose. (1863), II, 215. - A shrub?, often spi-
nous; branchlets, corymbs and petioles sparsely deciduously
pubescent with simple hairs;
leaves opposite, sometimes
whorled, ovate, base cordate or rounded, apex obtusely
acuminate or hardly apiculate, margins entire or somewhat
crenate or undulate towards the apex; adult glabrous on
both sides; coriaceous; pairs of nerves 3; 5—9 cM. long,
41/s\'"~5 cM. broad, petioles 27s eM.;
corymbs small, often
very dense, brachiate;
calyx 0.25 cM., 2-lipped, 1 lip
entire or subentire, the other 2-toothed;
corolla 0.5 cM.,
subequally 4-lobed, upper lip reflexed; throat villous;
obovoid, 0.5 cM.

Distribution: British India, China, Molucca-isl., Timor,
Java? (
Miquel), Sumatra? (Miquel).

11. P. borneensis H. J. Lam, nov. spec. — Arbor?
ramuli cylindrici, glabri;
folia coriacea, in sicco utrinque
fusca, ovata, basi subcordata, apice acuta, utrinque gla-
berrima, supra nitida, subtus reticulata, nervis utrinque 5;
67o-87o cM. longa, 4.2-5.7 cM. lata, petiolo 1.3-3 cM.
longo, glabro;
corymbi sparse minute pubescentes, 8—13
cM. longi, 7—8 cM. diametro; pedunculo 4 — 8 cM. longo;
bracteis subu\'.atis, caducis, 0.2—0.5 cM. longis;
calyx viridis,
cupuliformis, bilabiatus, labio superiore integro, inferiore
producto bifido elongato suffulto, 0.15 cM. longus, mein-
branaceus, utrinque glaber, extus glandulosus;
corolla alba,
extus glabra, tubo 0.3 cM. longo, intus fauce dense villoso,
limbo bilabiato, 4-lobato, lobis 3 labii inferioris subequa-
libus, 0.08 cM. longis, quarto labii superioris integri 0.11

-ocr page 130-

cM. longo; stamina 4, cum stylo apice bifido, 0.1 cM.
ovarium glabrum.

w.-borneo: Haviland and Hose no. 3394 E, Sarawak
nr. Kuching, flow, on Oct. 13th, 1894.

This species at first view, resembles very to P. oblongifolia
from the Philippines, but is distinctly distinguishable by
the longer petioles, the subcordate leaf-base and especially by
the form of the calyx.

12. P. congesta Merr., Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot. I, suppl.
232, (1906). — A shrub or little tree; branchlets, corymbs
and upper side of petioles sparsely pubescent;
leaves sub-
coriaceous, ovate or elliptical-ovate; margins entire or
somewhat crenate towards the apex; base rounded; apex
acute or obtuse; glabrous above, or somewhat pubescent
on the nerves, glabrous beneath, minutely glandular-dotted,
often barbellate in the axils of the nerves; pairs of nerves
4—5; 272 —7 by 1.5—41/« cM.; petioles 1 cM. long or less;
corymbs many-flowered, dense, 1.5—5 cM. in diam.; calyx
glabrous, somewhat glandular; 0.2 cM., 2-lipped; lower
lip 2-toothed, upper lip entire or minutely 2—3-denticulate;
corolla red, 0.4—0.5 cM„ more or less 2-lipped, 4-lobed,
1 lobe somewhat larger, 0.15 cM.. tube 0.25—0.3 cM.;
glabrous without; throat villous, upper lip sometimes
shortly 2-lobed;
stamens 4, didynamous; anthers 0.05
cM.; cells divergent, opening by an oblong or circular
style with shortly bifid stigma, 0.4 cM.; ovary

Paragua (Palawan): Com. d. 1. fl. for. no. 1639.

Distribution: Palawan!, Luzon (Phil. Isl.).

13. P. angustifolia H. J. Lam, nov. spec. — Arbor,
10—15 M. alta; ramuli, inflorescentiaeque laxe minute pubes-
centes, glabrqscentes, petioli glabri;
folia membranacea vel
subchartacea, ovata vel ovato-lanceolata. basi attcnuata,
apice acuminata, integra, utrinque glaberrima, nervis secun-
dariis paulo prominentibus, utrinque 6—8; 3—ll1/, cM-

-ocr page 131-

longa, 1.8—5 cM. lata; petiolo 0.8—1.5 cM. longo, gracili;
corymbus terminalis, 6—12 cM. longus, 4—5 cM. latus,
flores parvi, subsessiles;
calyx 0.15 cM. longus, glaber,
subbilabiatus vel subtruncatus, labio inferiore obtuse 2-den-
tato, labio superiore integro vel subundulato; dentibus
parvis, latis, obtusissimis vel subacutiusculis;
corolla extus
glabra, alba vel albo-viridis, 0.3 cM. longa, tubo 0.2 cM.
longo, subbilabiata, labio superiore lato integro, inferiore
profunde 3-lobo; fauce paulo angusteque villosa, ceteroquin
intus glabra;
stamina subinclusa, fauce inserta; stylus paulo
exsertus, apice brevissime 2-fidus, 0.25 cM. longus;
subcylindricum, depressum, glabrum; drupam non videmus.

NEW-GuiNEA: Ledermann, no. 13017, Felsspitze in the
mountain-woods, 1400—1500 M. in alt.; with flow, and
buds on Aug. 20th, 1913; id. no. 9493, Etappenberg, 850
M.; with buds on 24-X-1912.

Our species has an affinity with P. timoriana, but differs very
distinctly from it by the attenuate base of its entirely glabrous
leaves, its hardly toothed calyx, its smaller flowers, and the
broad midlobe of the lower lip of its corolla.

14. P. timoriana Decne. in Nouv. Ann. Mus. Par. Ill,
402, (1834);
Schauer, DC., Prodr. XI, 631; Forbes, Wand.
Nat. f. Mai. Arch. II, 226;
Miq., Fl. Ind. bat. II, 893;
Hall. ƒ., Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37, 35; Spatioghe,
Linnaea XV. 330; Schumann, Engl. Jhrb. IX. 220; Zoll.
u. Mor., Syst. Verz. 52 — P. t iliac folia Zipp. ex
Spanoghe I.e., ms. — P. syringaefolia Zipp ex Spa-
noghc I
.e., ms. — A shrub?; branchlets, inflorescences and
upper side of petioles minutely, sparsely pubescent, gla-
leaves ovate or ovate-lanceolate, base obtuse,
narrow, apex acute or subobtuse, or subacuminate, adult
glabrous above except on the midrib, glabrous beneath,
often somewhat barbellate in the axils of the nerves;
membranous; margins entire or coarsely dentate towards
the apex; pairs of nerves 5—7, little prominent; 3—9 by

-ocr page 132-

1.4—3.7 cM.; petioles 0.4—2.8 cM.; corymbs small, shorter
than the leaves, many-flowered, dense, 1.5—2.8 cM. long,
2.6—3.8 cM. wide; peduncles 0.2—0.3 cM.;
calyx some-
what pubescent at first, ultimately glabrous, 0.15—0.2 cM„
2-lipped, lower lip with 2 large, acute or obtuse teeth,
the upper one entire, subentire or more or less acutely
or obtusely 2—3-dentate;
corolla glabrous without, 0.4—
0.5 cM., 2-lipped, upper lip entire or somewhat 2-lobed,
0.15 cM., lower lip 3-lobed, the midlobe longer and nar-
rower than the lateral ones;
stamens exsert, inserted in
the villous throat;
style exsert, with bifid stigma; ovary

Philippines: Cuming no. 1451!

Distribution: Timor (Miq.), Philippines! (Luzon, Hallier.)
Gilberts-isl. {Schumann).

The species seems not to be identical with P. integrifolia,
as Valeton (PI. pap. 52) thinks.

15. P. ceramensis Miq., Fl. Ind. bat. II, 893,(1856). -
A shrub?; branchlets, corymbs and petioles yellowish
tomentose or velutinous;
leaves chartaceous or subcoria-
ceous, broad-ovate, or suboblong-ovate, base rounded or
somewhat cordate, apex shortly, subabruptly acuminate,
margins entire or somewhat dentate towards the apex,
glabrous on both sides, except on the nerves; lower side
glandular; pairs of nerves 4—5; 7—15 by 5\'/a—S\'/a cM.;
petioles 2\'/3—5 cM.;
corymbs with foliaceous bracts or
leaves below, many-flowered, 10 cM. long, 7 cM. in diam.;
peduncles 2\'/2 cM.;
calyx minutely pubescent, 0.15 cM.,
bilabiate, one lip obtusely 2-toothed, the other entire or
with 2 minute teeth;
corolla glabrous or subglabrous without.
4-lobed; lobes subequal, 2 somewhat larger and 2 smaller,
throat densely villous; tube 0.25—0.3 cM., subinfundibuli-
form, the larger lobes 0.15 cM.;
stamens 4. 0.1—0.15 cM.
exserted from the throat, inserted in the upper part of
the corolla-tube, at about 3/s from its base;
style 0.5 cM.,

-ocr page 133-

slender, with shortly bifid stigma; ovary sparsely glan-

Distribution: Little-Ceram.

See annotation under P. punctulata Clarke.

16. P. punctulata Clarke in Hook. [., Fl. Br. Ind. IV
575 (1885);
King and Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. Beng.
LXXIV, 4, 817. - A shrub or small tree; branchlets dark
leaves chartaceous, broadly elliptic, suddenly shortly
acuminate at apex, rounded or obtuse at base; margins
entire; glabrous on both sides, punctulate beneath; pubes-
cent on the nerves beneath; pairs of nerves 4—5; 10—15
cM. long, 5—7 72 broad; petioles 272 cM.; the lowest
pair of nerves very small, close to the base, the next pair
a little above, the rest more distant;
corymbs many-flowered,
pubescent, 10—1272 cM. in diam.; lower bracts 1.2 cM.,
linear-oblong; flowers sessile or shortly pedicelled;
0.15 cM„ minutely grey-pubescent and glandular, 2-lipped,
upper lip 2-toothed or subentire, lower one 2-toothed;
corolla 0.25 cM„ villous at throat within, lobes short,
stamens included; filaments inserted in the middle
of the corolla-tube, short; anthers reniform; cells slightly
ovary glabrous; style rather short; stigmatic
lobes slender, recurved; drupe not known.

Distribution: Malacca.

Perhaps this species beldngs to P. ceramensis Miq. or is it
a variety of it. Less important points of difference are the
somewhat cordate leafbase and the exserted stamens of the
latter species. We did not see any specimen and cannot give
a final decision in the matter.

17. P. divaricata Wall. cat. no. 1781 (1828); Schauer,
Prodr. XI, 631; Hook, f., Fl. Br. Ind. IV, 575;
King and Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. LXXIV, 4, 815. —
P. integrifolia
Willd. in Ges. Nat. f. Fr., Neue Schrift.
IV, 187 (1803);
Roxb. Fl. ind. Ill, 81. - P. lucidula
Kurz, For. Fl. Brit. Burma, II, 263, (1877). - A shrub, ,

-ocr page 134-

erect in the plains, climbing in the forest (Schauer);
branchlets and inflorescences subglabrous or slightly pubes-
leaves membranous when young, chartaceous when
older; ovate or elliptic, base rounded or subcordate, some-
times attenuate, apex briefly acute or bluntly acuminate,
both sides glabrous except on the nerves, sometimes some-
what pubescent, the lower one obscurely glandular-dotted,
and sometimes barbellate in the axils of the 5—6 pairs
of nerves; margins entire; 71/2—12V2 cM. long, 5—9 cM.
broad; petioles 2V2 cM.;
corymbs many-flowered, dense,
divaricate, 71/2—12Vs cM. in diam., peduncles
2l/25 cM.;
bracts 0.3 cM.; flowers subsessile;
calyx small, 0.1—0.15
cM., 2-lipped, upper lip entire or shortly 3-toothed, lower
one 2-toothed; teeth 0.07 cM., rounded or acute;
0.25—0.3 cM., puberulous without, subbilabiate, subequally
stamens inserted in the densely villous throat,
style as long exsert as the stamens; stigma very
shortly bifid;
drupe 0.5—0.6 cM. long and in diam.

Distribution: Malayan Peninsula, Java.

18. P. perakcnsis King et Gamble, Kew Bull. 107,
iid. Joum. As. Soc. Beng. LXX1V, 4, 816. - A
climbing shrub; branchlets and petioles glabrous, corymbs
leaves chartaceous or coriaceous; elliptic-
oblong or -lanceolate, sometimes -obovatc, base narrowed
or cuneate, apex shortly and bluntly acute, entirely glabrous
on both sides, slightly rugose; margins entire; pairs of
nerves 5—6; 71/«— 12V2 cM. long, 4—6 cM. broad; pe-
tioles 1.3—2 cM.; corymbs spreading, reaching 15 cM.
in length and in diam.; peduncles stout, 0—7\'/2 cM. long;
lower bracts leafy; flowers sessile, pale green with white
calyx obscurely quadrangular, pubescent, nerved,
the nerves prominent in fruiting, 0.15 cM.; 2-lipped; upper
lip entire or obscurely 2-lobed, lower one 2-lobed
(K. and

cf. Clcrodcndron incrmc.

-ocr page 135-

G.: „lower lip entire, upper one 2-lobed" is perhaps a
corolla-tube 0.3 cM., subequally 4-lobed, lobes
ciliate; throat densely white villous;
stamens long exsert,
inserted in the throat: filaments somewhat flattened, anther-
cells nearly globose, opening by circular pores; connectives
style long exsert, stigma bifid; ovary glabrous;
drupe pyriform, with only 1 fertile seed.

Distribution: Perak (Malay Peninsula).

The species has an affinity with P. thrichostoma Miq., but
differs from it in several important points, such as the narrower,
thicker leaves with glabrous nerves, the markedly nervose
fruiting calyx, the large bracts and the circular openings of the

19. P. subglabra Merrill, Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot. I,
suppl. 234, (1906);
id. ibid. Ill, 431. - A tree; branchlets
subquadrangular, with 4 longitudinal lines of hairs along
the ribs, alternating at each node; inflorescences and upper
side of petioles pubescent;
leaves opposite, sometimes
somewhat alternate, the leaves of the same pair being
attached at different height; chartaceous or subcoriaceous,
ovate or oblong-ovate, base rounded or subcordate, some-
times acute, apex shortly acuminate, margins entire, glabrous
on both sides, except on the nerves; beneath sometimes
barbellate in the axils of the nerves; pairs of nerves 5—7;
9Vs—13Vs by 572— 87s cM-= petioles 2—7 cM.;
many-flowered, brachiate, often in a sympodial manner,
9—14 cM. long. 10—20 cM. broad, peduncles 2 cM.;
bracts linear, 0.5—0.8 cM. long;
calyx somewhat pubescent
at first, glabrate afterwards, 0.2 cM. long, 2-lipped, lower
lip with 2 large obtuse or subacute teeth, upper one entire
or obscurely 3-denticulate or undulate;
corolla glabrous
without or nearly so, 0.5—0.6 cM. long, green, 2-lipped,
4-lobed; tube 0.4—0.5 cM., throat densely villous especially
before the midlobe of the" lower lip;
stamens 4, inserted
in the throat; filaments hairy at b^se, nearly included;

-ocr page 136-

style with shortly bifid stigma; ovary glabrous, globose;
drupe pink, 0.35 cM. in diam. and in length.

luzon: Curran no. 10678, Camarines, with flow, and
young fr. in June 1908.

Distribution: Luzon.

20. P. cauliflora Stapf, Trans. Linn. Soc. ser. II, IV,
215, (1894). — A small tree; branchlets quadrangular,
glabrous or nearly so; inflorescences appressedly stellate-
leaves broadly oblanceolate, apex acuminate, mar-
gins crenate-denticulate, chartaceous; pairs of -nerves
10—12; petioles 1.3 cM. long;
cymes sessile at branchlets
of the present or of the former year from the increased nodes,
1.3—2 cM. long; the upper leaves being fallen in the
flowering-time; pedicels 1.5 cM.;
calyx 0.25—0.3 cM.,
subtruncate or with 4 small teeth, somewhat stellate-hairy
near the base;
corolla white; tube 0.45—0.5 cM.; 4-lobed;
lobes subequal, glandular without; throat glabrous (!);
stamens 4, subequal; style somewhat longer than the sta-
mens, shortly bifid at apex;
ovary yellowy-glandular, 1
(? H. J. L.)-celled, 4-ovuled; ovules laterally attached; drupe
ovoid or globose, sometimes somewhat quadrangular, 0.5 cM.
long with 4 pyrenes (!?
H. J. L.), and a central cavity.

Distribution: Penokok (Borneo).

This species, of which we did not sec any specimen, is —
if it is really a
Prcmnu — a very curious one by its inflores-
cences, its very long pedicels, its glabrous corolla-throat. The
description seems to be a rather inaccurate and incomplete one;
the ,,4-pyrened" fruit probably is a mistake for a fruit with one
4-seeded pyrene. It may be, that it is related to

21. P. arcolata Merr., Phil. Joum. Sci. Bot. X, 73,
(1915). — A scandent shrub, 25—30 M. long; branchlets
round, with the petioles glabrous; inflorescences ferrugi-
leaves membranous or subchartaceous,
oblong, base rounded or acute, apex shortly and subab-
ruptly acuminate or acute; glabrous on both sides, even

-ocr page 137-

on the nerves; lower side areolate; areoles 0.1 eM. in
diam., each included by the reticulation of the smallest
nervules; pairs of nerves 5—-9, usually 6; by

3—5 cM.; petioles 1—2 cM.; corymbs many-flowered,
10—12 eM. long, 7—10 cM. broad, peduncles 3—5 cM.; ■
bracts narrow, 0.5 cM. or less;
calyx sessile, glabrous,
sparsely glandular, 0.2 cM.; 4-ribbed, quadrangular; trun-
cate or slightly 2- or 4-toothed; teeth wide;
corolla whi-
tish, glabrous without; tube 0.3 cM., subinfundibuliform;
lobes 4, subequal, the larger ones 0.15 cM.; throat densely
villous with long, white, stiff, up- and downward pointing
stamens 4, inserted in the throat, somewhat exser-
ted; filaments glabrous;
style longer than the stamens,
0.5 cM.; stigma divaricately bifid; lobes 0.075—0.1 cM.;
ovary quadrangular, obscurely glandular-dotted at apex.

Distribution: Basilan.

It has a close affinity with P. Williamsii. Perhaps it would
be better, to treat this species as a variety of the present one
(both being described in the same paper and the latter begin-
ning with an a).

22. P. Kunstleri King et Gamble. Kew Bull. 109,
iid., Journ. As. Soc. Beng. LXXIV, 4. 821. —
A large shrub or small tree, sometimes climbing; branch-
lets, petioles and corymbs glabrous or nearly so;
coriaceous, elliptic, sometimes elliptic-oblong or obovate,
base rounded or ^subcordate, apex obtuse with a short
blunt acumination; both surfaces glabrous; margins entire;
pairs of nerves 5—7, the lowest 2 pairs close to the base,
the rest more distant; 10—177« cM. long, 6—10 cM.
broad; petioles 1.8—3 cM. long;
corymbs spreading, long-
branched, 3-chotomous below, 2-chotomous above, reaching
177» cM. in length and 127a cM. in breadth; bracts
linear or linear-lanceolate, the lower ones leafy; flowers
calyx 0.2 cM., truncate or very obscurely
corolla pale greenish-wite, 0.25—0.3 cM„ the

-ocr page 138-

lower half glabrous, the upper shortly white-villous within;
limb 2-lobed, upper lip and the lateral lobes of the lower
lip equal, the midlobe larger;
stamens shortly exsert,
inserted just below the throat; pores of the anther-cells
style as long as the stamens; stigma very shortly
ovary glabrous, depressed; drupe obovoid, 0.6 cM.,

Distribution: Malayan Peninsula, Sumatra.

23. P. adenosticta Schauer, DC., Prodr. XI, 630, (1847);
Miq., Fl. Ind. bat. II, 892; Merrill, Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot.
I, suppl. I, 230. — A shrub?; branchlets, petioles and
inflorescences yellowy-tomentose or -farinose;
leaves mem-
branous, ovate, base rounded or acute, apex gradually
and long attenuate-acuminate, margins entire, stellate-hairy
when young, adult glabrous on both sides except on the
nerves; glandular beneath; pairs of nerves 7—8; 9—17
by 3]/2 —8Vs cM.: petioles 2—6 cM.;
corymbs 5—8 cM.
long, 6—12 cM. in diam., lax, many-flowered; peduncles
11/2■— 2 cM.; flowers polygamous
(Schauer): calyx mem-
branous, almost hyaline, pubescent on both sides, glandular
without; 0.15—0.2 cM.; with four large, acute, deltoid
teeth; one of them sometimes with a small teethlet at its
corolla-tube 0.25 cM., glabrous below, hyaline,
very thin, upper half with outer side of lobes pubescent
and glandular; sparsely villous within near the throat;
lobes 4, subequal, 0.15 cM.;
stamens 4, inserted in the
throat; filaments rather stout, glabrous, exsert, 0.2 cM.
long; anther-cells divaricate with elliptic pores;
style short,
subincluded. with very shortly bifid apex;
ovary glandular
in the upper half, smooth in the lower one;
fruit for the
lower half in the calyx, 0.3 cM. long. 0.25 cM. in diam.;
apex slightly glandular; usually 2 of the seeds fertile.

Luzon: Alvarez no. 22424, flow, in Febr. 1911, prov.
of Nueva Ecija. — Com. d. 1. fl. for. d. Fil. no.

Distribution: Luzon!

-ocr page 139-

24. P. oblongata Miquel, Fl. Ind. bat. II, 893, (1856);
Koocds. en Val., Bijdr. Booms. Java, no. 7, 183; iid. Atl.
d. Baumart. Java, II, 6, t. 285;
Koorders, Exk. fl. v. Java,
III. 135. - A shrub or a small tree; branchlets somewhat
quadrangular, with petioles and inflorescences slightly
leaves oblong, sometimes rotundate, often
broadest across 1/i from the apex; base rounded or sub-
cordate, apex abruptly short-acuminate; membranous,
sometimes chartaceo-coriaceous; margins entire or obscu-
rely denticulate; upper side sparsely pubescent or glabrous,
lower side sparsely brownish tomentose with simple hairs
or glabrous; pairs of nerves (4—)6; 87s—19 cM. long,
5—6(—9) cM. broad; petioles I1/,—2(—31/,) cM.;
terminal with peduncles, which are from defoliate axils;
calyx subglabrous or glabrous, somewhat glandular; mem-
branous, very thin, 4-ribbed, 4-toothed; teeth usually
large, obtuse or subacute; the whole calyx 0.1 cM., some-
times somewhat 2-lipped;
corolla 0.2 cM. glabrous or very
slightly pubescent; tube usually very short, as long as or
somewhat longer than the calyx, sometimes longer; lobes 4,
subequal; throat villous;
stamens exsert; 0.1—0.15 cM.,
inserted in the throat;
style reaching 0.35 cM., slender;
stigma horizontally bifid;
ovary obovoid; apex glandular;
fruit obovoid, glabrous, 0.3-0.4 cM. long, 0.15-0.2 cM.
in diam.

Var. * puberula H. ]. Lam, nov. var. — folia utrinque,
praesertim subtus, fulvo-subtomentosa, 87a —16 cM. longa,
5—6 cM. lata.

Luzon: Elmer no. 9388, Lucban, Tayabas, flow, in
May 1907; determined as Pr. odorata
Blco. and Pr.

Distribution; Java, Luzon!

Var. /3 subglabra H. J. Lam, nov. var. — folia utrinque
glabra, nervis subpuberula, 10—19 cM. longa. 47«—
9 cM. lata.

-ocr page 140-

forma a typica H. J. Lam, nov. f. — corollas tubus
calycem aequans; calycis dentes mediocres, obtusae.

Java: Tjiomas, in H. L.—B. sub. nos. 908.266—741
and 742. — Mount Salak. in H. L.—B. sub no. 908.266—

Borneo: Korthals in H. L.—B. sub no. 908.266-705,
G. Pamattan.

forma j3 longituba H. J. Lam, nov. f. — corollae
tubus calycem duplo superans, angustus; calycis dentes
longiores, obtusis, calyce bilabiato.

java: v. Hasselt no. 241, Mount Salak, flow, in Sept.

Distribution of the species; Java! Luzon! Borneo!

25. P. thricbostoma >) Miquel. Fl. Ind. bat. II, 892,
Koords. en Val., Bijdr. Booms. Java. no. 7, 184;
iid., Atl. d. Baumart. II, 6. t. 286; King and Gamble,
Journ. As. Soc. Beng. LXXIV, 4, 816; Koorders, Exk. fl.
v. Java, III, 135. — P. parasitica
Clarke in Hook, f.,
Fl. Br. Ind. IV. 574, (1885), not of Blume. - A large
climber, reaching a considerable height; branchlets with
inflorescences and petioles sparsely pubescent;
chartaceous at first, afterwards subcoriaceous, very variable;
ovate or obovate-elliptic or -oblong, sometimes rotundate,
base rounded or subcordate or cuneate, apex shortly
acuminate or acute; margins entire or somewhat undulate
at apex; glabrous on both sides except on the nerves;
pairs of nerves 5—6; 10— 171/«; cM. long, 5—121/» cM.
broad; petioles 11/2—21/2 cM.;
corymbs rather lax, reaching
10 cM. in length and 9—12 72 cM. in diam.; peduncles
0—272 CM.; flowers sessile;
calyx obscurely tetragonous,
0.1—0.17 cM., sparsely pubescent; 2-lipped, 1 lip 2-toothed,
the other sub^entire or 2-toothed; teeth acute;
cream-coloured; tube 0.25 cM., with the 4 subequal lobes

\') We think the exact orthography of this word is with a th in the
beginning, it being apparently derived from the Greek: SpiJ; hair,
ixto/ix = mouth.

-ocr page 141-

glabrous without; one lobe larger, 0.15 cM„ the other
ones 0.1 eM., rounded;
stamens inserted in the densely
villous throat; long exsert; anther-cells rounded or ovoid,
opening by elliptic pores;
style 0.5 cM., stigma divaricately
ovary glabrous, somewhat glandular; drupe pyriform,
containing only 1 fertile seed.

Distribution: Java, Malayan Peninsula, Borneo (King
and Gamble).

26. P. Williamsii Merrill, Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot. X,
74, (1915). — A climbing shrub, branchlets and petioles
glabrous; corymbs brownish-pubescent;
leaves chartaceous,
oblong; base acute, attenuate; apex acutely acuminate;
margins entire; both sides glabrous; pairs of nerves 5;
8—14 by 3—5 cM., petioles reaching 3 cM. in length;
corymbs many-flowered, reaching 8 cM. in length and
in diam.;
calyx subglabrous, somewhat 4-ribbed, subtrun-
cate or broadly 4-toothed, 0.22 cM. long;
corolla glabrous
without; tube 0.3 cM., densely villous within in the upper
part; lobes 4, subequal, 0.15 cM. long;
style 0.5 cM.
long; stigmatic lobes 0.1 cM.

Distribution: Mindanao.

Its affinity is with P. areolata, and except for the non-areolate
leaves, we should conclude from the description, that the 2
species are identical.
Merrill gives some other points of difference,
such as the „somewhat longer petioles" and „the somewhat
larger flowers" in P.
Williamsii. We cannot decide, not having
seen any specimen of the latter species, but the given differences
do not seem very important, since we found also that in P.
areolata the „areolae" not always arc very conspicuous.

27. P. oblongifolia Merr., Phil. Gov. Lab. Bur. Bull.,
XXIX, 118, (1905);
id.. Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot. I, suppl. I,
230. — A tree; branchlets and petioles glabrous; corymbs
somewhat pubescent:
leaves coriaceous, ovate or ovate-
oblong; base rounded or cordate; sometimes cuncate;
apex abruptly acuminate; margins entire; glabrous on both

-ocr page 142-

sides, even on the nerves; pairs of nerves 6; 5V2—10 cM.
long, 21/,—5(—7VS cM.) broad; petioles 1 — 1.7 cM.;
corymbs 7— 10V2 cM. in length and 5.8 cM. in diam.;
peduncles 2}/2~6 cM., bracts minute, subulate, 0.2 cM.
calyx0.15—0.2 cM. long, glabrous, sparsely glandular,
coriaceous, subequally 4-toothed, teeth rounded, ciliate;
corolla glabrous without; tube 0.2 cM., somewhat longer
than the calyx; upper part very densely villous within;
lobes 4, subequal, 0.2 cM. long, 0.1 cM. broad, reflexed;
stamens exserted, 0.25—0.35 cM. long; anther-cells rounded,
with shortly elliptical, slightly divaricate pores; filaments
style as long exsert as the stamens; stigma
shortly bifid;
ovary glabrous.

borneo: v. Heutsz no. 847; flow, on Febr. 22"d; native
name: Kakandosago.

Distribution: Luzon, Borneo!

28. P. Ridleyi King et Gamble, Kew Bull., 109 (1908);
iid. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. LXXIV, 4, 820. — A climbing
leaves chartaceous, opposite or sometimes one of
each pair rather higher than the other; ovate, ovate-oblong
or slightly obovate; base often unequally rounded or
attenuate, apex rounded or very shortly acuminate;
glabrous on both sides, margins entire; 4—7l/2 by
1.8—4 cM.; petioles slender, 0.6—1.3 cM.; pairs of
nerves 6—7;
corymbs many-flowered, tawny-pubescent,
4—12V2 cM. long, 5—10 cM. broad; peduncles 1.8—5 cM.;
bracts linear-lanceolate, flowers subsessile or sessile;
subquadrangular, 2-lipped, each lip 2-lobed, with minute
teeth; tube 0.12 cM., puberulous; coro//a-tube slender;
0.25 cM., puberulous in the lower half within, long
white-villous in the upper; lobes 4, equal, oblong, rounded
at tip, 0.12—0.17 cM. long;
stamens inserted, the 2 upper
in the throat, the 2 lower ones lower down; filaments
slightly flattened, long exsert; anther-cells round, somewhat
divaricate; connectives glandular;
ovary glabrous; style as

-ocr page 143-

long as the stamens, 0.5 cM.; stigma bifid, the lobes
0.06 cM. long, usually recurved.

Distribution: Malayan Peninsula.

29. P. rufidula Miq., Fl. Ind. bat. Ill, Suppl. I, 243
and 569, (1860). — A shrub?: branchlets, petioles and
corymbs slightly pubescent, glabrescent;
leaves opposite,
chartaceous, ovate, base subacute, apex acute or acuminate;
margins entire; both sides pubescent, especially on the
lower side and the nerves; pairs of nerves 4—6; 4—\'10
cM. long, 2—4-cM. broad; petioles 1—
2]/„ cM.; corymbs
trichotomously branched, 4—8 cM. long, 6—8 cM. in diam.;
calyx pubescent, small, 4-toothed; teeth subequal; in fruit
somewhat enlarged, nearly entire;
corolla, etc. unknown.

Sumatra:? in H. L.—B. sub no. 908.266—836, Lam-

Distribution: Sumatra (Lampongs)!

30. P. regularis H. J. Lam, nov. spec. — Frutex scan-
dens, 3 M. (
Gjellerup) alta; ramuli teretes, cum petiolis
corymbisque hirsuti;
folia opposita, membranacea, late
ovata vel subrotunda, basi cordata, apice truncata, breviter
acuteque acuminata; utrinque pubescentia, praesertim sub-
tus et in nervis pilis longiusculis; nervis secundariis
utrinque 5; basi 5—nervia; 9—15 cM. longa, 9—14
cM. lata; petiolo 2—9 cM. longo;
corymbi lati, multiflori,
13—15 cM. longi, 14 cM. lati; pedunculo 6—6V2 cM.
longo; bracteis linearibus, 0.2—0.8 cM. longis; floribus
calyx parvus, 0.1 cM. longus, 4-costatus,
4-dentatus, hirsute pubescens, praesertim in costis; dentibus
majusculis, aequalibus, acutis;
corolla albo-viridis glabra,
fauce villosa, lobis 4, aequalibus, recurvis; tubo 0.2 cM.
longo; lobis 0.1 cM. longis;
stamina paulo exserta, fila-
mentis gracilibus, fauce insertis, 0.1—0.15 cM. longis;
filiformis, 0.3 cM. longus, stigmate longiuscule bifido, lobis
divaricatis, apice subcapitatis;
ovarium subcylindricum, apice
glandulosum, villosum, depressum;
drupam non videmus.

-ocr page 144-

New-Guinea*. Gjellerup no. 637, Sawia, Dutch N.-G.,
100 M. in alt., with buds on Aug. 28th, 1911. —
Schlechter, no. 18468, in the forests at the foot of the
Bismarck-mountains, 150 M. in alt., flow, on Oct. 23rd,
id. no. 18335, near Kenegia-river, 150 M., with
buds on 5-X-1908.

31. P. membranacea Merr., Phil. Gov. Lab. Bur. Bull..
XXXV, 65, (1906);
id., Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot. I suppl.
230. — A shrub; branchlets, petioles and inflorescences
brownish pubescent;
leaves membranous, elliptic-ovate or
-rotundate, sometimes -obovate, base rounded or cordate,
apex shortly and abruptly acuminate; both sides pubes-
cent, especially on the lower side and on the nerves;
margins entire; pairs of nerves 5—7; base 5-nerved;
672—20 CM. long, 5—14 cM. wide; petioles 1.2—7 cM.;
corymbs 10—14 cM. long, (3—)6—14 cM. wide; bracts
subulate, 0.5 cM.;
calyx yellow, pubescent, glandular,
0.15—0.2 cM., with 4 more or less obtuse teeth; obtusely
corolla glabrous without; tube 0.3 cM.;
lobes 4, subequal, rounded, 0.15 cM. long, reflexed; upper
half of the tube with the throat very densely villous with
long, stiff, white hairs;
stamens 4, long exsert, subdidy-
namous", 0.3—0.4 cM„ often not alternating with the
corolla-lobes, but inserted before them in the throat;
0.4—0.5 cM., slender; stigma rather long bifid, lobes
subulate, 0.07 cM. long;
ovary glabrous.

Mindanao: Elmer no. 10578, Todaya (Mt. Apo), Davao,
flow, in May 1909.

Luzon: Elmer no. 8275, Lucban, Tayabas, flow, in
May 1907.

Distribution: Philippines!

32. P. rotundifolia Koord. et Val., Bijdr. Booms. Java,
no. 7. 182, (1910);
iid., Atl. d. Baumart. Java. II, 6, t.
Koorders, Exk. fl. v. Java, III, 135. — P. rotun-
Korthals, ms. — A shrub or a small tree, P/a M.

-ocr page 145-

high; petioles and corymbs hirsutely pubescent; leaves
opposite, sometimes one of each pair somewhat higher
than the other; large elliptical-ovate, sometimes -subrotun-
date or -obovate; base rounded or subcordate, sometimes
unequal; apex acute or cuneate, or very shortly, acutely
acuminate; chartaceous; margins entire; both sides sub-
hirsutely or hirsutely pubescent, especially beneath and
on the nerves; pairs of nerves (4 —-)5—7, the 2 lower
pairs close to the base; 12—2672 cM. long, 7—19 cM.
wide; petioles 2 — 5 72 cM.;
corymbs wide, with opposite
and alternate branchlets; 7 72—15 cM. long, 7—20 cM.
wide; peduncles 3—4cM.; flowers subsessile;
calyx sub-
equally 4-toothed, somewhat 2-lipped; 4-ribbed; very hir-
sutely pubescent, obscurely glandular; 0.1 cM.; teeth acute,
0.03 cM.; coro//a-tube slender, 0.25—0.35 cM., glabrous
without, throat densely villous within; lobes 4, subequal,
somewhat pubescent without, 0.1 cM. long;
stamens long
exserted; filaments slender, inserted in the throat;
slender; stigma long horizontally bifid; lobes subulate;
ovary glabrous, apex with some white glands; drupe oblong,
0.4—0.5 cM. long, 0.15—0.2 cM. broad; glabrous, obs-
curely glandular-dotted.

java: Zollinger no. 1503 (P. rotundifolia Korthals) —
in H. L.-B. sub nos. 908.266-845, 1385,
1387, 1397, 1398. (all of them P. rot.
Kths.)\\ also in

Distribution: Java!, Sumatra?

Section II Premnos Hassk.

33. P. sessilifolia H. J. Lam, nov. spec. — Frutex?;
innovationes glabrae vel subglabrae;
folia opposita, sessilia,
ramulorum apices versus conferta, ramulis crassiusculis;
superiora paulo quam inferiora minora vel aequalia; mem-
branacea, obovata, margine irregulariter remoto-sinuata,

-ocr page 146-

sinubus latis, denticulis acutis vel subobtusis, ciliata; utrinque
glaberrima; nervis secundariis, paulo vel non prominentibus,
utrinque 4—6; 107,-147, cM. longa, 57,-7.7 cM. lata;
corymbi parvi, terminales, subpubescentes; 2—3 cM. longi,
17,—2 cM. lati; pedunculo 0.7—1.2 cM. longo; flores
calyx bilabiatus, labio inferiore 2-, superiore 3-den-
ticulato; 0.1 cM. longus, 0.2 cM. latus; extus sparse pu-
bescens; margine ciliatus;
corolla tubo subinfundibuliforme,
0.15 cM. longo, extus glabro in parte inferiore, cum lobis
pubescente in parte superiore; bilabiata; lobis 4, majoribus
2, 0.15 cM. longis, minoribus 2, 0.1 cM. longis; fauce
stamina 4, aequalia, filamentis brevissimis, 0.05
cM. longis, inclusis; antheris 0.05 cM. longis;
stylus brevis,
0.07—0.1 cM. longus, stigmate minutissime bifido;
globosum, D.07—0.1 cM, longum, glabrum, apice glan-
duloso-punctatum; drupam non videmus.

NEW-GUINEA: Schlechter no. 18303, near Kenegia-river,
150 M. in alt., flow, on 29-IX-1908.

A very remarkable species, distinguished by its sessile, sinuate
leaves, which are entirely glabrous, its thin,
nerves, its small flowers and its very short, included stamens
and style.

34. *P. angustiflora H. J. Lam, nov. spec. — Frutex
parva, 0.3—0.4 M. alta (
Ledermann); ramuli, petioli,
corymbi hirsute pubescentes pilis simplicibus;
folia opposita.
chartacea vel subcoriacea, ovato-rotundata, basi breviter
attenuata, apice breviter acuminata, margine praeter basin
apicemque grosse crenata, interdum remoto-sinuata vel
subintegra; utrinque pubescentia, praecipue subtus et in
nervis; interdum subglabra, nervis pubescentia; nervis
secundariis utrinque 5—7; basi 3—7—nervia; omnino
variabilia forma tomentoque; 8—15 cM. longa, 4—11 cM.
lata; petiolo 1.2—57s cM. longo;
corymbi breves densi,
terminales, 6 cM. longi, 7 cM. lati, pedunculo 17s CM.
longo; bracteis deltoideis, 0.3 cM, longis;
calyx hirtellus,

-ocr page 147-

0.2—0.3 cM. longus, bilabiatus, variabilis, labio altero
bidentato, interdum 1-dentato, acuto, altero 3- vel 2-den-
tato; dentibus magnis, acutissimis, majoribus 0.1 cM. longis;
corolla alba, tubo angusto, 0.45—0.55 cM. longo, 0.1 —
0.15 cM. lato, extus puberulo; lobis 4 subaequalibus, 0.15
cM. longis, extus glabris; fauce villosa;
stamina exserta,
0.25 cM. longa, filamentis filiformibus, thecis ovoideis,
subdivaricatis, poris ellipticis;
stylus 0.7—0.8 cM. longus,
stigmate breviter bifidus;
ovarium glabrum; drupa ignota.

palau-islands: Ledermann no. 14494, Babelthaop,
50—100 M. in alt., with flow, and fr. on March 6th, 1914.

A well-marked species, distinguishable by its relatively long
and narrow corolla-tube, and its crenate leaves, the bases of
which are typically 3—7-nerved.

35. P. littoralis King et Gamble, Kew Bull., 107,
iid., Journ. As. Soc. Beng. LXXIV, 4, 811. —
A small tree; branchlets obscurely angled, with corymbs
and petioles tawny-pubescent;
leaves chartaceo-coriaceous,
ovate or ovate-deltoid, base cordate, apex acuminate; both
surfaces glabrous except on the nerves, which are pube-
rulous; margins acutely crenate-dentate except near the
base; pairs of nerves 7—9, the lowest 1—2 pairs starting
from the base; 10—15 cM. long, 5—7\'/« cM. broad;
petioles 2Va1—^
 corymbs spreading, trichotomous,

10 cM. long, 15 cM. wide; peduncles 1.8—2.5 cM.; bracts
linear, persistent, the lowest sometimes leaf-like; pedicels
very short with a pair of minute bracteoles below the
calyx 0.2 cM.—21/« cM. (mM.? H. J. L.), 2-lipped,
upper lip shortly 3-lobed, lower one longer. 2-lobed; lobes
rounded: tube pubescent without;
corolla very pale green,
2-lipped, half as long again as the calyx; upper lip broad,
bifid, lower one 3-lobed, the midlobc longest; all lobes
rounded; tube glabrous without, also within except a belt
. of thick villous hairs just below the mouth;
stamens (in
bud) included, filaments short, thick; anthers reniform,


-ocr page 148-

very shortly 1—2-mucronate; style thick, stigma very
shortly bifid;
ovary glabrous except for a few glandular
drupe glabrous.

Distribution: Perak, at the sea-coast.

The species — we did not see any specimen of it — seems
remarkable by its large calyx. Perhaps, however, this is based
upon a printing error, since we know of no other
Premna with
a calyx of this dimensions. The authors\' remark: „stamens (in
bud) included, style short" seems rather superfluous, as it is
very common that these parts grow rapidly after the opening
of the flower.

36. P. benguetensis C. B. Rob., Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot.
Ill, 215, (1908). — A shrub or small tree, 3.6 M. high;
branchlets and corymbs densely ferruginous-pubescent:
leaves opposite, elliptical-ovate, base rounded, apex acu-
tely or obtusely acuminate; margins entire; glabrous on
both sides, except on the nerves, which are, especially
beneath, ferruginous-pubescent; pairs of nerves 5—7; 5\'/« —
7 cM. long, 2.3—3.2 cM. wide; petioles pubescent or
subglabrous, 0.8—1.9 cM. long;
corymbs leafy below;
bracts 0.1 — 1 cM.;
calyx 0.2—0.25 cM., somewhat 2-lipped;
lower (upper:
C. B. Rob.) lip with 2 large obtuse lobes,
upper (lower:
C. B. Rob.) one with 3 smaller subacute
\'corolla greenish-white, 0.33 cM., 2-lipped down to
the middle; upper lip with 2 round lobes, lower one
3-lobed, midlobe rounded, lateral lobes subacute, deltoid;
glabrous without; throat villous;
stamens didynamous;
filaments 0.05—0.1 cM.; anthers 0.04 cM.;
style 0.4 cM.,
stigma very short, bifid;
ovary subglabrous or glabrous;
0.07 cM. in diam.;
drupe globose, 0.4 cM. long, 0.35
cM. in diam.; pyrene with 2—4 seeds.

Distribution: Luzon.

37. P. flavescens Ham. ex Wall. Cat. no. 2649, (1828);
Hook, f., Fl. Br. Ind. IV, 578; King and Gamble, Journ.
As. Soc. Beng. LXXIV, 4, 812. — A shrub or a small tree;

-ocr page 149-

branchlets, corymbs and petioles grey- or rusty-villous;
leaves chartaceous, ovate or ovate-oblong, sometimes
obovate, base obtuse or subcordate, sometimes subcuneate,
apex acuminate; upper surface sparsely setulose, especially
on the nerves, lower surface\'tawny-pubescent, or glabrate,
minutely glandular; margins entire, pairs of nerves (4—)6—7;
(7—)10— 15 cM. long, (47s-)5-67s cM. wide; petioles
Vj—4 cM.; corymbs 10—177, cM. in diam., pe-
duncles 2 \'/2—5 cM.; bracts small, linear, 0.6 cM.;
0.15—0.25(—0.3) cM., pubescent without, 2-lipped, upper
lip 3-, lower 2-toothed, teeth obtuse or subacute, 2
somewhat larger, or subequal, all teeth puberulous within;
corolla greenish, tube 0.3—0.5 cM., glabrous without,
throat densely villous; 2-lipped, upper lip entire or slightly
2-lobed, lower one 3-lobed, the midlobe larger, all lobes
reflexed, 0.2 cM ;
stamens exsert, inserted in the throat,
0.4 cM. long, subdidynamous;
style slender, as long as
the stamens; stigma with 2 horizontally spreading lobes;
ovary glabrous; drupe globose, 0.4—0.5 cM. in diam.,

Var. a typica H. ]. Lam, nov. var. — folia subtus
ferrugineo- vel fulvo-pubescentia. — E. Bengal.
in Hook, f.)

Var. |3 glabrior Clarke in Hook, ƒ., I.e. — leaves sparsely
pubescent or glabrate beneath. — Sikkim, Silhet
in Hook, f.)

Var. 7 rubens Clarke, I.e. — P. lucidula Miq. (fide
King and Gamble). Fl. Ind. bat. II, 898; Koord en Val.,
Bijdr. Booms. Java, no. 7, 188; Koord. Exk. fl. v. Java,
III, 135. —
leaves sparsely pubescent or glabrous beneath,
dry usually reddish. — Burma, Malacca. Sumatra, Java.
(King and Gamble).

Distribution of the species: E. Bengal, Sikkim, Silhet,
Malacca, Sumatra, Java.

38. P. membranifolia Merr., Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot.

-ocr page 150-

VIII, 388, (1913). — A climbing shrub; young parts
somewhat grey-pubescent, glabrescent;
leaves membranous,
very thin, oblong, base rounded, apex acutely acuminate,
both sides glabrous, pubescent on the nerves when young,
glabrate afterwards; pairs of nerves 6; 8—10 cM. long,
4—5 cM. broad, petioles 2l/s.—4 cM.;
corymbs small,
many-flowered, 6 cM. long and in diam.; pedicels rather
long, 0.1—0.3 cM.;
calyx puberulous, 2-lipped, upper lip
with 3, lower one with 2 teeth, the teeth of t;he lower
lip smallest;
corolla glabrous without, 2-lipped; tube 0.4
cM.; throat villous; upper lip 2-lobed, lower one 3-lobed,
the lobes of the upper lip and the midlobe of the lower
one 0.2 cM. long and broad; the lateral lobes of the
lower lip 0.15 cM.;
style 0.6 cM.

Distribution: Leyte (Philippines).

39. P. nervosa Koord. et Val., Bijdr. Booms. Java,
no. 7, 186, (1910);
Koord. Exk. fl. v. Java, III. 135. -
A climbing shrub;
leaves oblong-elliptic or ovate, base
obtuse, rarely cordate, apex acutely acuminate; margins
• entire or obscurely denticulate, membranous or subcoria-
ceous, glabrescent, subhirsutely pubescent on the nerves,
especially beneath; pairs of nerves 6; the lowest 1 or 2
pairs Very slender; 10—19 cM. long, 6.2—10 cM. wide;
petioles 1.5—4 cM.;
corymbs small, 5 cM. in diam., sub-
globose, shortly peduncled, somewhat pubescent, or glabrate;
pedicels 0.05—0.1 cM.;
calyx cup-shaped, 0.2 cM. long,
pubescent, 2-lipped, 5-toothed, the 2 teeth of the lower
lip largest, obtuse;
corolla 0.7 cM., minutely pubescent
stamens exsert; style slender with shortly bifid

Distribution: Java.

It has an affinity with P. flavescens, but differs from it in
several points, such as the different tomentum of the leaves,
which are less narrow, the smaller corymbs, and the somewhat
pubescent corolla.

-ocr page 151-

40. P. paulobarbata H. J. Lam, nov. spec. — Arbor;
ramuli quadrangulares, glabrescentes cum petiolis corym-
folia subchartacea, ovato-oblonga, basi subcordata,
apice longe acuminata, utrinque glabra, nervis interdum
subsetulosa; nervorum axillis subtus barbellata; margine
integra; nervis secundariis utrinque 6—7; 10—18cM. longa,
cM. lata, petiolo 3—8 cM. longo; corymbi
7—11 cM. longi, 7—8 cM. diametro, pedunculo 4—4V2
cM. longo; bracteis infra foliaceis, supra subulatis parvis,
0.3 cM. longis;
\'calyx subpuberulus, 0.2 cM. longus, non-
nullis glandulis vestitus, bilabiatus, labio inferiore 2-superiore
3-dentato, dentibus acutis;
corolla alba, bilabiata, labio
superiore integro vel plus minus bilobo, labio inferiore
3-lobo; tubo 0.3 cM. longo, cum lobis extus glabro; fauce
subglabra, labiorum basi subpuberula;
stamina 4, exserta,
fauce inserta, 0.2 cM. longa;
stylus 0.45 cM. longus,
stigmate breviter bifidus;
ovarium apice villoso, glanduloso;
drupa nigra.

Marianne-Islands: Hofer no. 27, Saipon; native name:
Agan; How. on Dec. 12th, 1903.

This species shows some affinity with P. integrifolia, especially •
in the leaves, but the flowers are very different.

41. P. Wrayi King et Gamble, Kew Bull. 109, (1908);
iid., Journ. As. Soc. Beng. LXXIV, 4, 819. - A climbing,
nearly glabrous shrub; branchlets obscurely quadrangular,
leaves coriaceous; elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate,
gradually acuminate at apex, attenuate at base, often
unequal; shining and glabrous on both surfaces; axils of
the nerves beneath barbellate; margins entire; pairs of
nerves 6—8; 10—16 cM. by 5—10 cM.; petioles 1.2—5
corymbs dense and compact, about 10—12\'/3 cM.
broad at top. glabrate or very minutely puberulous; lower
branches 3-, upper 2-chotomous; peduncles about 27s cM.,
stout; bracts very small, linear, the lower ones leafy,
pedicels 0.12 cM. long;
calyx deeply 2-lipped; the lower

-ocr page 152-

lip sharply 2-lobed, the upper 3-toothed; tube rugose;
corolla not seen; drupe obovoid, 0.6 eM. long and in
diam.; exocarp rugose, glandular-dotted; pyrene 4-celled
and -seeded.

Distribution; Perak (Malay Peninsula).
The species shows a resemblance to
P. Kunstleri. but differs
in the more compact corymbs and the deeply lobed calyx.

42. P. integrifolia L. Mant. II 252, s.a. (1771); Bi,
Bijdr. 815; Benth. and v. MuelL Fl. Austr. V, 59; Wil-
Bull. Herb. Boiss. sér. II, T. V, 431; Decaisne,
Nouv. Ann. Mus. Nat. Par. Ill, 402; Forbes and Hemsl.,
Fl. sin., II, 255; Pulle in Lorentz, Nov. Guin. VIII, 2, 401
and VIII, 4, 685;
Hook, f., Fl. Br. Ind. IV, 574; King and
Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. LXXIV, 4, 813; Koord.,
Meded. \'s Lands PI. tuin Btzg., XIX, 560; Hook., Comp.
Bot. Mag, I, 349;
Miquel, FI. Ind. bat. 11,894; Hall, f.,
Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37, 36; Hassk., 2c Cat.
\'s Lands PI. tuin Btz. 135;
Hemsl., Chall. Rep. Bot. I,
110 and 177;
Merrill, Phil. Journ. Sei. Bot. I. suppl. I,
v. Muell., Descr. not. on pap. pi. I, 12; Merrill, I.e.
. Ill, 431;
Schum. u. Lauterb., Fl. D. Schutzgeb. Südsee.
Schum. u. Hollrung, Fl. Kais.-Wilh.-land, 119;
Spanöghe, Linnaea XV, 330; Schimper. Ind.-Mal. Strandfl.,
Bot. Mitt. a. d. Tropen III, 129;
Valeton, PI. pap.. Bull.
Dépt. Agric. Ind. Néerl. X, 51;
Warb., Engl. Jahrb. XIII,
Zoll. u. Mor., Syst. Verz. 52. — P. abbreviata
Miq. Fl. Ind. bat. II, 892, (1856); Koord, en Val., Bijdr.
Booms. Java no. 7, 195;
iid., Atl. d. Baumart. II, 6, tab.
Koord., Exk. fl. v. Java III, 135. - P. cyclophylla
Miq., I.e., 899; Koord, en Val., I.e. (Bijdr.) 190; iid., I.e.
(Atl.) t. 288;
Koord., I.e. — P. feetida Reimv. ex Blume,
Bijdr. 816, (1826); Schau., DC., Prodr. XI, 630; Elbert.
Meded. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 12. 16; Hall, f., I.e.
Koord, en Val., I.e. (Bijdr.) 192; iid., I.e. (Atl.) t.
Koord., I.e. 136; King and Gamble, Journ. As.

-ocr page 153-

Soc. Beng. LXXIV, 4, 814; Hassk., 2c Cat. s Lands
Pl.tuin Btzg., 135;
Miq., Fl. Ind. bat. II, 891, and suppl.
I, 243. - P. Gaudichaudii
Schau., I.e. 631, (1847);
Merrill, Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot. IX, 136; Hall. [., I.e. 38. -
P. laevigata
Miq. I.e. 895 and suppl. I, 243. — P.
R.Br., Prodr. 512, (1827). - P. nitida K.
in Schum. u. Hollr., Fl. Kais.-Wilh.-land 120,
Merrill, Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot. I, suppl. I, 234;
Schum. u. Lauterb., Fl. D. Schutzgeb. Siidsee, 523. —
P. opulifolia
\'Miq. I.e. 898. — P. ovalifolia Wall.
cat. no. 1782, (1828). - P. ovata R.Br.. I.e. 512. —
P. sambucina
Wall. I.e. no. 1775; Schau. DC., Prodr.
XI, 631. — P. scandens
Boj.. Hort. Maurit. 257,(1837). ~
P. serratifolia
Blco., Fl. Fil., ed. II, 342, (1845) -
P. serratifolia
L. Mant. 253, (1771); Blume, Bijdr.
Schau. I.e. 632; Gaertn., Fruct. I, 269; Roxb., Fl.
ind. Ill, 77;
Hassle., 2c Cat. \'s Lands PI. tuin, Btzg. 134. —
P. spinosa
Roxb. I.e. (1832). — P. subcordata
Turcz. Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. XXXVI. II, 216, (1863). - P.
Zipp. ms. — P. lasioneura Zipp. ms. —
A tree or shrub, sometimes climbing; branchlets subqua-
drangular, with corymbs and petioles above somewhat
pubescent or subglabrate, glabrescent;
leaves, as most
other parts of the plant, very variable in form and size;
ovate or elliptic often rotundate-ovate, base subcordate
or truncate, rounded, rarely subacute, apex cither shortly
obtusely or acutely acuminate or rounded, or gradually
acuminate; margins entire sometimes crenate towards the
apex; pairs of nerves in the smaller leaves (see plate II)
4—5, in the larger ones
6—7; upper side glabrous,
often pubescent on the midrib; lower one glabrous, often
barbellate in the axils of the nerves; smaller, often
nearly circular leaves 4\'/s—7.2 by 5.5 cM.; petioles

0.7 cM., the largest ones (with long acumen) reaching 16\'/9
cM. in length, 11.5 cM. in breadth, with a petiole of

-ocr page 154-

2—6Y2 cM.; moreover all intermediate forms between
these 2 extremes, forming a uninterrupted series;
with minute bracts, 10—18 cM. long, 10—40 cM. in diam.,
on a peduncle of 2— 5 72 cM., being smaller (10—13 cM.
long, 10 — 15 in diam.) in the forms with smaller leaves; the
largest reaching 10—17 cM. long, 19—25—40 cM. in diam.;
calyx very variable, 2-lipped, one lip 2-toothed or sub-
truncate, the other 2- or 3-toothed or entire or undulate;
teeth obtuse or acute, sometimes subequal; 0.15—0.2 cM.,
usually sparsely pubescent and glandular;
corolla white
or greenish; tube either very short, as long as the calyx
or a little longer, or rather long, reaching 0.3 cM.; more
or less 2-lipped, 4-lobed; lobes sometimes subequal; some-
what minutely pubescent without, sometimes subglabrate;
stamens inserted in the villous throat, somewhat exsert;
anthers reniform; cells opening by elliptical pores;
as long" as the stamens; stigma shortly bifid; ovary gla-
brous, sometimes somewhat glandular;
fruits black.

Subspecies Truncatolabium H. J. Lam, nov. subsp. —
folia plerumque minora, rotundata sive ovato-rotundata
sive elliptica, basi rotundata vel subcordata, interdum
subaguta, apice rotundata vel abrupte acute obtuseve
acuminata vel subacuta, saepe crenata, ceteroquin integra,
472—67s—137s cM. longa, 37s-57s—117» cM. lata,
petiolo 0.7—1.7—4 cM. longo;
corymbi 10—13 cM. longi,
10—15 cM. diam.;
calyx plerumque 2-labiatus, labio supe-
riore integro, rare 2—3-dentato vel undulato, inferiore
2-dentato, dentibus obtusis acutisve; rare truncatus;
tubus plerumque calycem aequans, interdum superans (tab. II).

sumatra: Diepenhorst no. 2147 Hort. bog., Priaman,
(= P. laevigata
Miq. (partly)); Teysmann, Singkel, in
L.-B. sub no. 908.266-986.

Java: Blume, in H. L.—B. sub no. 908.266—168 and
252, (P. abbreviate Miq.) - Horsfield, in H. A. R—T.
sub no. 049894 (P. cyclophylla Miq.) — Blume, in

-ocr page 155-

H. L.-B. sub no. 908.266-971 (P. fcetida Reinw.
(partly); also no. 908.266—275. — Korthals, Santjang,
in H. L.—B. sub no. 908.266—1349. —
Junghuhn, in
H. L.-B. sub no. 908.266—1335. —
Pulle, in H. A.
R.—T. sub nos. 049892 and 049911, Verlaten-Isl., flow,
on 26—IV—1906.

Lombok: Elbert no. 2475. Mount Sapi, 0—300 M. in
alt. flow, on

KalaO-Toa-isL.: Docters van Leeuwen-Reijnvaan no.
1540, with flow, and young fr. on ll-V-1913.

CELEBES: Forsten, near Likupang, fr. on Sept. 9th, 1840,
in H. L.-B. sub no. -908.267-722.

BORNEO: Amdjah no. 35, in H. L.-B. sub no. 918.228—7,
N. Borneo, Pladjah, with. fr. on 30-V — 1912.

Amboyna: in H. L.-B. sub no. 908.266—992 (P. lasio-
Zippel ms. (partly)).

Little Ceram: Forsten, in H. L.-B. sub no. 908.267—
724, Piru.

Philippines: Elmer no. 13348, Cabadbaran (Mt. Urda-
nata\\ Agusan, Mindanao, with fr. in July 1912;
id. no.
12742, Puerto Princesa, Mt. Pulgar) Palawan, Ir. in March
1911. —
Fenix no. 15537, Palawan, flow, in July 1912.

New-Guinea: Branderhorst no. 32, S.-Dutch-N.-G., fr.
on 31-VI 11-1907. —
Versteeg no. 1129 and 1873 (tran-
sition-form to the ,,abbreviata"-type). —
Bamler no. 21.
Tami-isl. near Kais.-Wilh.-land, Kalimol. —
Hollrung no.
13, Hatzfeldthafen. —
Moszkowski no. 480, Dutch N.-G.,
Manokuari -(P. nitida Schum. (partly?)). — Gjellerup
no. 439, Kalo-Isl. W.-N.-G., with buds on 6-III-1911. -
Ledermann no. 6512, Madang, Scheringsspitze, with buds
on 20-11-1912. —
v. Römer no. 129. with flow, and fr.
on 7-IX-1909.

New-Britain (Neu-Pommern): Dahl, Ralum, Lowai,
with buds on 3-II-1897.

New-Ireland (Neu-Mecklenburg): Peekei no. 342

-ocr page 156-

(partly). Namatanai, Manmanbele, with buds on 25-11-
1910; native name: Kuoskuos.

Caroline-Isl.: Kraemer no. 83, Truk-islands.

Palau-Isl.: Raymundus no. 214, Korror; native name:

Subspecies ß Dentatolabium H. J. Lam, nov. subsp. —
folia plerumque majora, ovato-rotundata, basi cordata,
interdum obtusa, apice plerumque longiuscule acuminata,
interdum subacuta, integra, nunquam crenata vel serrata;
9V2—12—I6V2 cM. longa, 6—8—10 cM. lata, petiolo
3\'/2—4l/2—6yÓ cM. longo;
corymbi (9—>17—18 cM.
longi, (7—)19—40 cM. diam.;
calyx plerumque 2-labiatus,
labio superiore 2—3-dentato, rare subintegro, inferiore
2-dentato, dentibus plerumque acutis;
corollae tubus ple-
rumque calycem superans, interdum aequans (tab. II).

Java: Horsfield, in H. A. R.-T. sub no. 049891 -
Hasskarl in H. L.—B. sub nos. 908.266—1333 and 935,
and 908.345—208, W. Java: Tji-Lankakan; native name:
Kitai. —~
Junghuhn in H. L.—B. sub no. 908.267—591,
Pelabuan Ratu. —
Elbert no. 468, Madiun, Kendeng,
100—300 M. in alt.;
id. no. 467, same locality. — Boer-
in H. L.—B. sub no. 908.266-751, Leiden-isl. nr.
Batavia, flow, on 29-11-1888.

Timor: Spanoghe in H. L.—B. sub. no. 908.266—1321.

sumbawa: Elbert no. 3719, Bima, near Nanga Raba,
flow, on 1 l-XII-1909.

celebes: Elbert no. 2804, Buton-isl., Passar-Wadjp,
0-100 M. in alt., fr.\'on 9-XI-1909;
id. nos. 2884 and
2932, Muna-isl., Raha, 0-75 M. in alt., fr. on 3-VIII-1909
and 30-VII-1909;
id. no. 2725, Buton-isl., Lipumangan,
250-320 M. in alt., flow, on 22-VIII-1909;
id. no. 2624,
Buton-isl., Bon-bon, 0—75 M. in alt.

borneo: Haviland no. 3054, Kalong-Sibu, Rejang, flow,
in July 1893 —
Korthals, in H. L.—B. sub no. 908.266—
1348, Dussun;
id. sub no. 908.267—706, Banjermassing—

-ocr page 157-

Hallier f. no. B. 197, W.-Borneo, Suka Lanting on Ka-
puasriver, fr. on 29-IX-1893;
id. no. B. 273, Singkawan,
fr. on 3-X-1893.

ämboyna: de Vriese, in H. L.—B. sub no. 908.351 —
73. —
Zippel no. 235a (P. lasioneura Zp. ms. (partly).

BURU: de Vriese, in H. L.—B. sub no. 909.12—88.

Philippines: Elmer no. 12178. Magallanes (Mt. Giting—
Giting) Capiz, Sibuyan, flow, in April 1910;
id. no. 7808,
Lucban, Tayabas, Luzon, flow, in May 1907;
id. no. 13348,
Cabadbaran (Mt. Urdaneta). Agusan, Mindanao, fr. in
July 1912;
id. no. 11115, Todaya (Mt. Apo), Davao,
Mindanao, fr. in July 1909. — Com. d. 1. Fl. for. d. Fil.
no. 1638, Paragua;
id. no. 498, Catbalongan. — Alvarez
no. 22664, Camarines, Luzon, flow, in March 1912. —
Robinson no. 6871, Polillo, fr. in Aug. 1909.

New-Guinla: Nyman no. 32, Stephansort, with flow,
and young fr. on
22-XII-1898. — Hollrung no. 679 (P.
K. Schum.), Augusta-station I and II, with buds
in Aug.
1887. — Ramu-exp. no. 55, flow, on l-VI-1898. —
Schlechter no. 16512, Kelel, ± 200 M. in alt., flow, on
7-IX-1907. — Lanterbach no. 2010, near Erima, 10 M. in
alt., climbing, fr. on
6-V-1896; native name: Aga; id. no
385, Finschhafen, shrub, fr. on 6-VII-1890. — Ledermann
no. 6858, Malu-camp on Sepik-river, 20—40 M. in alt.,
treelike shrub
6-8 M.. fr. on 2-IV-1912; id. no. 6730,
same locality, climbing shrub, flow, and fr. on 22-111-
1912. — Koch, Merauke, in H. L.—B. sub. no. 908.266—
1331. —
VerSteeg nos. 1129 and 1873 (see. subsp. a.) —
Forbes no. 165, Sogeri-region.

New-IrüLANI) (Neu-Mecklenuurg); Peckel no. 342
partly, see subsp. a); id. no. 341, Namatanai, flow, on
1-III-1910, native name: Kuas.

CAROLINE-ISL.: Ledermann no. 13140, Ponape, near
Pailapilap, 10—20 M. in alt., large shrub, with flow, and
fr. on 23-X-1913;
id., no. 13232a, Ponape, Patapat, 100—


-ocr page 158-

200 M. in alt., flow, and fr. on l-X-1913. — K. Gibbon
no. 1197, Ponape, Pontopotop, 20 M. in alt., small tree,
flow, and fr. on 19-IX-1913; native name: Tupuk —
Charley Gibbons no. 1048, Ponape, Kamulait, 8 M. in
alt., tree, fr. on 4-IX-1911, native name: Tchupuk. — (?)
Ledermann no. 13546, Leperei? — Volkens no. 131, Yap,
flow, and fr. on 9-XII-1899; id. no. 2
76, tree 10—12 M.

marianne-isl.: Gaudichaud (P. Gaudichaudii
Schau). — Plants of Guam no. 449. — Fritz, without nr.,
Saipon. —
Haenke, without nr.

palaimsl.: Ledermann no. 14408, Ngarsul, Babelthaop,
tree, 10—300 M. in alt., flow, and fr. on 24-11-1914:
native name: Chosm. —
Raymundus no. 85; native
name: Choschem. —
Ledermann no. 14074. Korror, 10—
100 M. in alt., flow, on 6-II-1914, native name: Gobngakl.

Distribution of the species: Madagascar, Mauritius (Hal-
British India from Bombay to Malacca and Siam
(Hallier), Silhet, Ceylon, Andamans, Nicobars, Honkong
(Hall.), Malaya!, Philippines!, Polynesia!, usually near
the sea.

Schumann, Fl. Kais.-Wilh.-land, 120, observes already that
Schauer and other authors before him maintained or founded a
great number of species, which should really be combined \')
P. integrifolia, such as P. sambucina and P. Gaudichaudii.
We agree in this opinion and should wish to extend this
principle. For, examining a large number of specimina, we found,
that several other species were unseparably united with one
another by all possible intermediate forms and with P.
such as P. fcetida Reimv., P. laevigata Miq., P. nitida
Schum., P. cyclophylla Miq., P. abbreviata Miq., P. opulifolia
So we thought to be justified to combine these species
into one large and very polymorphous one, being called by
the name of the eldest.

Probably it will appear that some more species belong to

») cf. Hallier ƒ., Med. s Rijk, Herb. Lcid. no. 37. 38.

-ocr page 159-

this polymorphous species, such as P. obtusifolia R.Br., which
has already been mentioned by

P. Mariannarum Schau. and P. timoriana Dec. (see Valeton,
PI. pap. 52) are probably related, but not identical.

Though there are many transition-forms, we think we can
distinguish two more or less distinctly separable forms, an
opinion laid down in the founding of the two subspecies. These
are not distinctly separated (the former
P. Gaudichaudii Schau.
is a transition between them), and we may observe a certain
parallelism between the alteration of the leaves from nearly
circular and small, to long acuminate and large, and that of the
calyx from 2-lipped (1 lip 2-toothed, the other entire) to regu-
larly 5-toothcd, or somewhat 2-lipped. (see Plate II).

•In this matter, we sfee how impossible it is — as several
other authors did — to subdivide the species exclusively basing
upon the form of the calyx, which, as in some other species,
is often inconstant, and can give rise only to the keeping of
Hasskarl\'s Gumira and Premnos, subgenera, which also
are not distinctly separated.

This and some other polymorphous species in this family, as
Callicarpa cana and especially Avicennia officinalis, may show
once more, how wrong and unscientific it is to trie to discover
thruths of any worth for the systematical Botany by the old
method, by a mere examination of often individual morpho-
logical characteristics, and how necessary to apply the science
of Genetics to the systematical branch of Botany. In this way
we should found a new link between two branches of the
sciences of nature; for to arrive at the understanding, based
upon scientifically stipulated facts, that there is only one science
of the things of Nature, we may consider as one of the highest
ambitions of the man of science.

43. P. flavida Miq.. Fl. Ind. bat. suppl. I. 570 and
243, (1860). — A shrub?; branchlets round, with corymbs
and petioles stellate-tomentose, afterwards glabrescent;
leaves large, opposite, sometimes in the same pair unequal
in dimensions, the petioles also unequal; chartaceo-coria-
ceous, oblong-acuminate, from the middle gradually nar-

-ocr page 160-

rowing into a long, obtuse acumen; base subcordate or
rounded, sometimes cuneate; margins entire throughout
or very minutely denticulate from V3 from the base to
the apex; when young, stellate-hairy on both sides, espe-
cially beneath, adult glabrate on both sides, or somewhat
pubescent on the nerves, glandular; pairs of nerves
(5^)7^-9; 16—27 cM. long, 10—13 cM. wide; petioles
1.3—7V2 ;
corymbs 16 cM. long, 13 cM. in diam.;
calyx 0.2 cM. with 5 large, deltoid teeth, one of them
larger, pubescent and with white glands without, more
glabrous in fruit, 0.25 cM.;
corolla pubescent and with
white glands without, 2-lipped, upper lip entire, the lower
3-lobed, 0.3 cM. in bud; throat with a belt of curled
white hairs;
stamens inserted in the throat; style very
shortly bifid at apex;
ovary cubic, upper plane dotted
with white glands;
drupe glabrous, glandular.

sumatra: Diepenhorst, Priaman; H. bog. nos. 2107 and
2325; native name: Kayu Kunit. —
Teysmann, in H. L.-B.
sub no..908.266-1323.

44. P. macrophylla H. ]. Lam, nov. spec. — Frutex;
ramuli cylindrici, cum petiolis corymbisque minutissime
pubescentes; folia coriaceo-chartacea, forma variabilia,
plerumque lato-ovata, basi lato-attenuato-cordata, apice
abrupte breviterque acuminata; interdum oblonga vel
oblongo-sublanceolata, basi rotundata vel subcuneata vel
cordata, apice abrupte acuminata vel acuta vel subobtusa;
margine integra; utrinque glabra, costa primaria supra,
nervis subtus subpubescentia; nervis secundariis utrinque
5-8; 8-25% cM. longa, 6—H1/, cM. lata, petiolo 1-2
cM. longo;
corymbi ampli; 8—26 cM. longi, 11— 24 cM.
diametro, pedunculo crasso 2\'/a—H cM. longo;
calyx (in
alabastro) 0.05—0.07 cM. longus, puberulus, glandulosus,
subtruncatus vel undulatus vel subbilabiatus, labio inferiore
3-denticulato, superiore obscure 2-denticulato;
corolla extus
glabra basi tubi, marginibusque loborum; loborum basi.

-ocr page 161-

tubi superiore parte pubescens; fauce anguste villosa, setis
albis retrorsis; bilabiata, lobis 3 labii inferioris aequalibus,
labio superiore majore, subbilobo;
stamina fauce inserta;
stylus apice longiuscule bifidus, lobis apice incrassato-sub-
ovarium glabrum, subquadrangulare; drupa calyce
insidens, 0.7 cM. longa, 0.5 eM. diametro, obovata, obpy-
riformis, basi saepe poro transverso; 4-sperma; cavitate
eentrale ampla, quadrangulare, endocarpio duro, tenui.

Java: in H. L.-B. sub nos. 908.266—834 and 908.267—
(v. Hasselt, Buitenzorg).

Sumatra: Ko\'rthals no. 963, Padang.

BORNEO: Korthals, Dussun, in H. L.-B. sub no.

This species is conform with P. regularis in the characteristi-
cally capitate stigmatic lobes, and with P.
integrifolia in the
form of the fruits and the hole in their base.

45. P. depauperata Merrill, Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot. I,
suppl. 231, (1906); Hall, f., Med. s Rijks Herb. Leid.
no. 37, 39. — An undershrub; branchlets, petioles and
corymbs densely rusty-villous:
leaves coriaceous, oblong-
ovate or elliptic-ovate, entire, sparsely pubescent above,
villous beneath, glandular; base cordate or rotundate, apex
acute; pairs of nerves 4—5; 3—6 cM. long, 2—37« cM.
wide; petioles 0.5 cM. or less;
corymbs 4—5 cM. long
and in diam.;
calyx 0.3 cM. long, sparsely pubescent,
subequally 5-toothed or somewhat 2-lipped;
corolla 0.4
cM. long, pubescent without, subbilabiate; lobes 4, one
of them larger; throat villous;
stamens subincluded; style
0.35 cM. long; ovary glabrous; drupe glabrous. 0.4 cM. long.

Distribution: Culion (Philippines, Merrill), Tukan Besi-
and Kabaena-islands

46. P. leucostoma Miq., Fl. Ind. bat. II, 899. (1856);
Koord. en Val., Bijdr. Booms. Java no. 7, 193; iid„ Atl.
d. Baumart. II, 6, t. 290;
Koord., Exk. fl. v. Java, III,
136. — A tree, reaching 13 M. in height

-ocr page 162-

branchlets round or nearly so, with petioles and corymbs
greyish-tawny-pubescent, woolly;
leaves membranous, ovate
or subrotundate, base cuneate or subtruncate, apex obtu-
sely, shortly acuminate; margins entire; both sides pubes-
cent, especially beneath and on the nerves, sparsely glan-
dular; pairs of nerves 3—5;
corymbs dense, many-flowered,
4 cM. long, 6 cM. in diam.;
calyx 2-lipped, pubescent
and glandular, 0.1 cM. long; upper lip with 3 small,
acute or subobtuse, teeth, lower one larger, with 2 larger,
acute teeth; coro//a-tube short, glabrous without, 0.2 cM.
long; lobes somewhat pubescent without, 2 larger ones,
0.2 cM. long, and 2 smaller, 0.1 cM. long; all of them
with the throat more or less densely villous within;
inserted in the throat, connated with the tube and thus
reaching its base; 0.3 cM. long, exserted;
style 0.5 cM.
long; stigma shortly bifid;
ovary glabrous.

Distribution: Java.

This species has a close affinity with P. latifolia. var. 5, but
the latter has among other points of difference, not so charac-
teristically the barbate hairs on the inner side of the corolla-tube,
which gives the name to the species, and the flower is more
typically 2-lipped.

47. P. latifolia Roxb., Fl. ind. Ill, 76, (1832); Hook.

FL Br. Ind. IV, 577. — A small tree; young parts
hirsutely pubescent;
leaves ovate or ovate-rotundate, base
cordate and abruptly attenuate, or cuneate or rhomboid
or obtuse, apex shortly acuminate; margins entire, rarely
serrate, dusky pubescent, drying blackish above, cinereous
beneath, mature usually pubescent, at least on the nerves;
pairs of nerves 5—7; 5—10(-15) cM. long, 2.7—6(-7)
cM. wide, often smaller; petioles 0.5—1.4 cM.;
rather lax, terminal on main- and axillary branchlets, many-
5—772 cM. in diam.; bracts small, caducous;
sometimes ferruginous-pubescent;
calyx 0.15—0.2 cM.
long, strigose or patently pubescent, in fruit enlarged to

-ocr page 163-

0.3—0.6 cM. in diam.; somewhat 2-lipped; shortly 5-
toothed; teeth acute or subobtuse;
corolla 2-lipped, 0.3—
0.4 cM. long; tube short, 0.2 cM. long; glabrous without;
throat with the upper lip densely villous within, also the
midlobe of the lower one; upper lip entire, lower one
with one large and 2 small lobes;
stamens exsert, inserted
in the throat;
style with shortly bifid apex; ovary glabrous
except on the apex, which is sparsely pubescent and glan-
drupe glabrous, 0.4 cM. long and in diam., hardly,
sometimes distinctly, verrucose.

Var. a typica H. J. Lam, nov. var. — folia basi
cordata abrupte acuminata, pubescentia, 10 cM. longa, 6
cM. lata, vel minora;
calyx strigosus — Coromandel coast
and Bengal
{Hook. f).

Var. fi cuneata C. B. Clarke in Hook. f. I.e. (1885), -
leaf-base cuneate or rhomboid; calyx strigose. — Pegu,

Var. y mollsisima C. B. Clarke, I.e. — leaves small,
base obtuse or rhomboid;
corymbs 4 cM. in diam, —

Var. (J mucronata C. B. Clarke, I.e. — P. mucronata
Roxb., Fl. ind. Ill, 80, (1832); Schauer, DC., Prodr. XI,
635; Miq., Fl. Ind. bat. II, 897. — leaves cuneate at
both ends reaching 15 cM. in length, mature minutely
pubescent on the midrib beneath;
corymbs somewhat broad
calyx subpatently pubescent; drupes more
verrucose and larger.

Philippines: Cuming no. 1367 — Com. d. 1. fl. for. d. Fil.
1640, San Mateo —
Ramos no. 8088, Isabcla, Luzon,
flow, in May 1909;
id. no. 378, Antipolo, Rizal, Luzon,
fr. in June 1910.

Distribution: N. India, Bengal {Clarke), Philippines!

Var. - viburnoides C. B. Clarke I.e. — leaves ovate,
base rhomboid glabrate. drying green, surfaces concolo-
rous. — S. Deccan Peninsula

-ocr page 164-

Distribution of the species: British India (Clarke),

48. P. pubescens BL, Bijdr. 816 (1826) s.a.; Schauer,
DC., Prodr., XI, 634; Koord. en Val, Bijdr. Booms.
Java no. 7, 186;
iid. Atl. d. Baumart. v. Java II, 6, t.
Hall, f, Med. \'s Rijk Herb. Leid. no. 37, 38; Koor-
Exk. fl. v. Java. Ill, 135; Miquel, Fl. Ind. bat. II,
Zoll. und Mor., Syst. Verz., 52. — A climbing or
suberect shrub or small tree
(Coifs for var. a); branchlets,
petioles and corymbs densely rufous-pubescent; hairs simple;
leaves ovate or ovate-rotundate, sometimes ovate-lanceolate,
base rounded or subcordate, sometimes subcuneate, apex
cuspidate-acuminate or more or less shortly acuminate;
upper half usually dentate-serrate; membranous or sub-
chartaceous; both sides pubescent, especially beneath and
on the nerves; sometimes glabrate except on the nerves;
somewhat glandular beneath; all hairs simple; pairs of
nerves 3—6; often the lowest 2 pairs starting from the
base; 6V2 —16 cM. long, 4V2 —12 cM. broad, petioles

1—6 cM.; corymbs many-flowered; 5V2—13 cM. long,
4—13 cM. in diam.; peduncles 11/2—3 cM., bracts small,
linear; flowers pedicelled; pedicels 0.1—0.25 cM.;
rather variable; usually 2-lipped, upper lip with 3, lower
with 2, rather large, rounded lobes; sometimes lobes
subacute, rarely upper lip subentire or entire; densely
pubescent and glandular. 0.15—0.3 cM. long;

2-lipped, upper half of the tube and lobes somewhat
pubescent without, glandular; tube 0.25—0.4 cM. long,
0.25—0.35 cM. wide; upper lip entire, lower 3-lobed,
midlobe larger; the lips 0.2—0.25 cM. long; throat densely
villous with the upper half of the tube within;
long exsert, inserted in the throat, with the flower 0.6—0.8
cM. long; subdidynamous;
style as long exsert as the
stamens; stigma shortly bifid;
ovary glabrous, or with

-ocr page 165-

some scattered hairs and glands at the top; globose;
drupe glabrous, sometimes somewhat verrucose.

Var. a subglabra H. J. Lam, nov. var. — P. pubescens
Bl. I.e., s. s. — P. populifolia Zipp. ms. — folia
plerumque ovato-lanceolata, basi cuneata, apicem versus
serrata; utrinque subglabra, nervis pubescentia.

Java: Zollinger no. 645. — Boerlage no. 462. Tjiomas,
Gunung Wangon, several specimina, flow, on Sept. 28th.
1888, and on Oct. 30th, 1888, —
van Hall? no. 96.

Sumatra: Forbes no. 2621.

Timor: Zippel no. 55. (P. populifolia Zipp.), in H.
L.—B. sub nos. 908.266-1344, 1351, 1352, 1390 and 1399.

SUMBAWA: Coifs no.. 144, Kailou Kesi.

Doubtful specimen: Zollinger no. 3813 (P. cimicina
Zoll. et Mor. ms.).

Var. |3 odorata H. J. Lam, nov. var. — P. odorata
Blco., Fl. FiU ed. I, 489 (1837); Schauer, DC., Prodr.
XI. 638;
Miquel. Fl. Ind. bat. II, 900; Hall, f., Med.
\'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37, 39;
Merrill, Bur. Gov. Lab.
no. 27, 68;
id., Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot. I. Suppl. I. 232;
id., ibid. III. 431; id. and Merritt, ibid. V, 380 —
P. fcetida
F.-Vill. Nov. App. 159 (1877) — P. ser-
Blco., Fl. Fil. ed. II, 269 (1845) - P. tomen-
F.\'Vill. Nov. App. 159 — P. subscandens Merr.,
Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot. I. Suppl. I. 230(1906) — P. vestita
Schauer, DC., Prodr. XI. 631 (1847); Miq., Fl. Ind. bat.
II, 892. —
folia saepe ovato-rotundata, basi truncata vel
subcordata, interdum subcuneata, apicem versus serrata
vel integra; utrinque, pracsertim subtus et in nervis,
molliter pubescentia.

JAVA: Korthals, Santjang, in H. L.—B. sub no.

kabaena-island (S. E.-ward of Celebes): Elbert no.
3366, Balo, Eempuhu, 0—200 M. in alt., with buds on

-ocr page 166-

Tukang-Besi-Islands (S. E.-ward of Celebes): Elbert
no. 2511, Wandji—Wandji, 0.60 cM. in alt., fr. on

Philippines: Ramos no. 370 (P. subscandens Merr.),
Antipolo, Rizal, Luzon, flow, in June 1910; id. no. 2641,
Rizal, Luzon, flow, in May 1907 —
Elmer no. 9940,
Dumaguete (Cuernos Mounts), Negros, flow, in May 1908;
id. no. 8667, Baguio, Benguet, Luzon, flow, and fruiting
in March 1907 —
Vanoverbergh, no. 159, Bontoc, Luzon,
flow, on Febr. 1st., 1914 —
McGregor no. 11280,
Dupax, Nueva Vizcaya, Luzon, flow, in March—April
id. no. 14160, same locality and date (P. subscan-
dens) — C.
B. Robinson no. 11569, Cotabato, Mindanao,
flow, in June 1910 —
Merritt no. 11450, Mindanao, flow,
in April and May 1908. — Com. d. 1. flor. for. d. Fil.
nos. 1652, Manila; 846, Unisan (?= Unsang,Taui-Taui); 468,
Batoan (? = Bato, Catanduanes); 847, Guinayangan, Luzon.

Distribution of the species: Malacca, Burma, Andamans
(Hallier), western and central part of the Malayan Archi-
pelago!, Philippines!

49. P. Goeringii Turcz., Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. XXXVI,
II, 216 (1863). — A shrub? young parts tomentose;
large, base cordate, apex acuminate, glabrous above, except
on the nerves, densely stellate-hairy beneath; margins entire;
with petioles about 15 cM. long;
corymbs shorter than
the leaves;
calyx equally and obtusely 5-toothed; corolla
2—3 times the length of the calyx, glabrous without; tube
short; 2-lipped; upper lip entire, lower 3-lobed, both lips
densely pubescent within; throat villous,
stamens 4, didy-
namous, subincluded;
drupe globose.

Distribution: Java? (or Japan).

50. P. stellata Merr., Phil. Journ. Sci.\' Bot. XI, 203,
(1916). — A tree, 5—10 M. high; branchlets, petioles
and inflorescences densely tawny-stellate-hairy, glabrescent;
leaves chartaceous, ovate or oblong-ovate, base rotundate,

-ocr page 167-

not cordate; margins entire; apex abruptly acuminate,
acumen acute or obtuse. 1 cM. long; upper side shining,
glabrous or somewhat stellate-hairy on the nerves, lower
one sparsely stellate-hairy, densier on the nerves; pairs
of nerves 4—6; 9—20 cM. long; 7—12 cM. broad; peti-
oles 21/;, —6 cM.;
corymbs reaching 11 cM. in diam., lower
branchlets 4—6 cM. long; many-flowered; bracts small;
bracteoles minute, linear, 0.1—0.2 cM.; pedicels 0.1—0.2
calyx 0.3 cM. long, stellate-grey-tomentose without,
obscurely 2-lipped, subequally 5-toothed; teeth 0.05—0.08
corolla white, 0.5 cM. long, the upper part stellate-
hairy without, eglandular; 2-lipped, upper lip entire, roun-
ded, 0.2—0.25 cM. long, lower 3-lobed, the midlobe larger,
0.18 cM. long, elliptical-ovate;
stamens glabrous; ovary
hairy; drupe 0.4 cM. long, stellate-hairy when young,
glabrate afterwards.

Distribution: Samar (Philippines).

This species is characterized by the stellate tomentum, and
has an affinity with
P. tomentosa, from which it differs by its
smaller leaves which are abruptly acuminate and have a smaller
number of nerve-pairs; also related to P.

51. P. pyramidata Wall., cat. no. 1779 (1827); Schauer.
Prodr. XI, 633; Hook. ƒ.. Fl. Br. Ind. IV, 576;
King and Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. LXXIV, 4, 822;
Miquel, Fl. Ind. bat. II, 897. — A small or medium-sized
tree (a large tree,
Wallich), 13—17 M. high; branchlets
obscurely quadrangular, stellately tomentose with tawny
tomentum, on the petioles and the corymbs;
leaves char-
taceous large-ovate or oblong, often ovate-rotundate,
base rounded, subcordate or obtuse, sometimes attenuate,
apex shortly acuminate; margins entire; upper surface
glabrous except on the nerves, lower one stellate-tomen-
tose, glabrescent afterwards; pairs of nerves 7—10, the
lowest 2 pairs from near the base; 15—35 cM. long,
7\'/2—20 cM. wide; petioles, upper side channelled,

-ocr page 168-

10 cM. long; corymbs large, reaching 30 cM. in length
and 15—22 cM. in diam.; peduncles 2V2—8 cM.; bracts
linear, 0.5—1.3 cM.; pedicels very short; flowers crowded
at the ends of the branches;
calyx 0.2—0.35 cM. long,
stellately pubescent without, subequally 5-toothed, 3 teeth
somewhat larger, 0.06 cM. long;
corolla 2-lipped, 0.3—
0.5 cM. long, stellate-pubescent without; tube with a ring
of retrorse stiff hairs at the throat; upper lip entire, lower
stamens included: filaments stout; style thickened
with very shortly bifid stigma:
ovary glabrous, depressed;
drupe 0.5—0.6 cM. in diam., glabrous.

Distribution: India (Hook, ƒ.), Burma, Malay Peninsula,
Java, Timor
(K. and G.).

Its affinity is with P. tomentosa (see there).

52. P. tomentosa Willd., Spec. Ill, 314, (1797-1830);
Blume, Bijdr. 816; Schauer. DC., Prodr. XI, 634; Hook, ƒ.,
Fl. Br. Ind., IV, 576;
Koords. en Val., Bijdr. Booms.
Java. no. 7, 179;
iid. Atl. d. Baumart. Java, II, 6, t. 283;
Koords., Exk. fl. v. Java, III, 135; id. PI. Jungh. ined.
Gedenkb. Fr. Jungh. 188;
Hasskarl, 2c Cat. \'s Lands PI. tuin
Btzg. 134;
Miquel, Fl. Ind. bat. II, 896; Roxb. Fl. ind.
Ill, 76;
Hall, f., Med. s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37, 40. -
A tree, reaching 16 M. in height (
Koorders); branchlets
obscurely quadrangular, with petioles and corymbs densely
leaves ovate or ovate-rotundate sometimes
oblong, base cordate or subtruncate sometimes subcuneate,
usually abruptly attenuate, apex gradually, generally long
acuminate, chartaceous; margins entire; upper surface
glabrous, nerves, or midrib only, densely stellate pubescent;
usually very densely, sometimes sparsely, yellow-glandular;
lower surface more or less densely stellate tomentose,
glandular; pairs of nerves 6—10; 10—28 cM. long.
7—147» cM. broad; petioles 3—10 cM. long;
large, 9—22 cM. long, 8—16 cM. in diam.; peduncles
27 cM.;
calyx campanulate, obscurely 2-lipped. 5-ribbed,

-ocr page 169-

subequally 5-toothed; teeth subobtuse; 0.3 cM. long,
0.2 cM. wide; densely stellate hairy and glandular without;
corolla 0.4—0.45 cM. long; tube 0.35 cM„ lower part
glabrous, upper part with the lobes densely stellately
pubescent, and with white glands; upper lip entire, lower
one 3-lobed; throat villous, sometimes subglabrous before
the upper lip;
stamens included, inserted in the throat;
style very shortly bifid at apex; ovary densely glandular
at apex.

Java: PI. Jungh. ined. no. 517; native name: Ki-bom-
bulang. —
Korthals, Udjang Karang, in H. L.-B. sub no.
908.266—685; id. Krawang, in H. L.-B. sub. nos.

908.266-691 and 692.- - In H. L.-B. sub no. 907.42-15.
Lebak. —
Bocrlage, Tjiomas, in H. L.-B. sub nos.
908.339-302, 303, 304, flow, on 16-XI-1888;
id. Buiten-
zorg. in H. L.-B. sub no. 908.352—1442, flow, on 7-XII-
1888. —
Junghuhn, Wijnkoopsbaai, 600—1300 M. in alt.
in H. L. —B. sub. no. 908.266—1218. —
Zollinger no. 1010.

SUMATRA: Junghuhn, Padang, in H. L.-B. sub no.

908.267—1214 and Upper-Angkola, 300—1000 M. in alt.,
in H. L.-B. sub no. 908.267-1203.

Timor: Forbes nos. 3892 and 4088.

Distribution; Dcccan Peninsula, Ceylon (Clarkein Hookf.),
Sumatra!, Java!, Timor!

We saw one specimen with 5 stamens, having 2 stamens
inserted before the upper lip.

The species is very near P. pyramidata (cf. King and Gamble,
Journ. As. Soc. Beng., LXXIV, 4, 822), but the latter has not
the numerous glands on the upper surface of its somewhat
larger leaves, and its calyx is not 5-ribbed as in P.
Perhaps we had better treat them as varieties of the same species.

53. P. Cumingiana Schauer, DC., Prodr. XI, 634,
Koorders, Meded. \'s Lands PI. tuin Btzg. XIX,
Miquel, Fl. Ind. bat. II, 897; Hall. [., Med. \'s Rijks
Herb. Leid. no. 37, 40;
Merrill, Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot. I,

-ocr page 170-

suppl. I, 230. - P. cor data Blco., Fl. Fil., ed. I, 489,
(1837); Merr. Bur. Gov. Lab. no. 27, 68. — P. tomen-
Blco. I.e. ed. II, 342, (1845); ed. Ill, 269; F. Vill.
Nov. App. 159. — P. cardiophylla Schau. I.e. 638;
Miq., I.e. 900. — A tree?; branchlets somewhat quadran-
gular, with petioles and corymbs densely stellate-floccose,
leaves chartaceo-coriaceous, large-ovate, or
subrotundate, base cordate; apex acuminate; margins entire;
pairs of nerves 5—6, the lowest 2 pairs from near the
base; upper surface glabrous except on the nerves, lower
stellate-tomentose, densier on the nerves; IOV2—30 cM.
long, 8—20 cM. broad; petioles 3—8 cM. long;
reaching 10—17 cM. in length, 6—15 cM. in diam.;
peduncles 3—6 cM.; bracts rather long;
calyx 2-lipped,
0.35 cM., densely stellate-hairy and white-glandular without;
upper lip with 3, lower with 2 large, acute teeth, as long
as or longer than the tube;
corolla 2-lipped, 0.6—0.7 cM.
long; tube glabrous without, 0.4—0.5 cM.; upper lip entire,
lower one undeeply 3-lobed, lobes somewhat undulate,
larger than the upper lip; both lips softly pubescent and
white-glandular without; throat with a ring of stiff, white,
retrorse hairs;
stamens included, inserted in the throat;
style■ 0.6 cM. with shortly bifid apex; ovary pubescent
and glandular at apex;
drupe 0.5 cM. long and in diam.,
somewhat pubescent and glandular.

Philippines: Elmer no. 12604, Brooks Point (Addison
Peak), Palawan, fr. in Febr. 1911;
id. no. 10668, Todaya,
(Mount Apo), Mindanao, with buds in May 1909. —
Ramos no. 355, Antipolo, Rizal, Luzon, flow, in June
1910. - Com. d. 1. fl. for. d. Fil. nos. 1744. Bosoboso;


id. 845, Pampanga. — Miranda no. 18949. with flow,
and fr. in Sept. 1912, Basilan. —
Cuming, nos. 778 and

Distribution: Philippines! Celebes (Merrill, Phil Journ.l.c.).

-ocr page 171-

Doubtful species:

54. P. Ledermanni H. J. Lam, nov. spec. — Arbor, 10—12
M. alta; cortex griseus; ramuli graciles, glabri;
fb\'ia valde
membranacea, late ovata vel obovata, basi angulato-truncata,
minute abrupteque attenuata, apice acuminata, margine integra,
parte latiore supra medium, utrinque glaberrima, pilis nonnullis
in costa insidentibus exceptis, 9—16 cM. longa, 4.8—9.6 cM.
lata; petiolo glabro, apicem versus nonnullus pilis longis vestito,
compresso, 1-—5\'/o cM. longo; nervi utrinque 5—6, paullo
prominentes, inferiores 2—3 proximi;
corymbi terminales, minute
puberuli, bracteis bracteolisque subulatis, 0.1—0.3 cM. longis;
8—10 cM. longi, 6—8 cM. diametro, pedunculo
2x/2—6 cM.
longo: /fores minutissimi adsunt alabastrorum aetate.

New-Guinea: Ledermann no. 8661, April-river, Beach-camp,
40—100 M. in alt., with very young buds on 12—IX—1912.
Our specics is closely allied to P.
mzmbranacea Mcrr. from
the Philippines, but differs in its leaves, which are entirely
glabrous or have only some long hairs.

55. Pr. nauseosa Dlco.. Fl. Filip. cd. I, 489 (1837); Schauer,
Prodr. XI. 639; Miquel, Fl. Ind. bat. II, 900; Merrill,
Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot. I, suppl. I, 233; id., Bur. Gov. Lab. no.
27. 68. — P. intcgrifolia
Blco., I.e. cd. II, 342; Merrill.
Bur Gov. Lab. no. 27, 68. — P. leucostoma
Naves ex
F.-Vill. in Blco., I.e. ed. Ill, Nov. App. 159 — P. mucronata
F.-Vill. I.e. — A small tree, 4 M. high, dispersing a disagreeable
odor from leaves and flowers;
leaves hardly cordate, oblong,
or clongateoblong, entire, glabrous or often somewhat pubescent;
calyx 5-toothcd.

Distribution: Philippines.

If it is true that Cuming no. 1367, as Merrill, I.e., indicates,
belongs to this species, it should be a synonym of
P. mucronata
Roxb. P. latifolia Roxb. var. i.
Perhaps P. mucronata Roxb.
and its homonym P. mucronata F.-Vill. (not in Index kewensis)
arc confounded. We could find no belter description of P.
nauseosa and did not see any specimen of it; so we arc not
justified to decide in this matter, but we think, the supposition,
Cuming no. 1367 is P. nauseosa is a mistake, and this

-ocr page 172-

specimen probably belongs to P. mucronata Roxb. (not of
F.-Villar) only.

56. P. papuana Wernham, Trans. Linn. Soc. IX, I, 136
(1916). — A glabrous shrub;
leaves oblong, subcoriaceous,
base rotundate, apex acute, very shortly acuminate; pairs of
nerves 6—9; 5l/2~7 by 2—2.8 cM.; petioles 1 cM.;
rather lax, minutely rusty-hairy; 20 cM. long, 18 cM. wide;
flowers rather large, glabrous;
calyx subglobose, distantly den-
corolla 0.4—0.5 cM., subequally 4-lobed; lobes obtuse;
throat somewhat villous;
stamens included; ovary glabrous.

Distribution: Dutch New-Guinea.

57. P. populifolia Miquel, Fl. Ind. bat. suppl. I, 570 and 243,
(1860). — A shrub?; branchlets round, appressedly pubescent,
glabrescent, with interpetiolar margins of hairs;
leaves opposite,
in the same pair often unequal in dimensions and in length of
the petioles; chartaceous, oblong, or ovate-oblong, base rounded
or truncate, sometimes oblique, apex acuminate; margins sub-
irregularly serrate except near the base and the apex; upper
side glabrous, somewhat pubescent on the midrib; lower side
glabrous, somewhat barbellate in the axils of the nerves;
8V2—13 by 4—6\'/2 cM.; petioles 2—5 cM. long.

Distribution: Sumatra.

Doubtful specimen:

v. Heutsz, no. 813, Borneo; a shrub, 3 M. high; 6 stamens
(5! H. J. L.), flrs.
green; native name: badindi; extract of leaves
is a remedy for deseases of the skin.

XV. PYGM/EOPREMNA Merrill, Phil. Journ. Sci.
Bot. V, 225 (1910) -
Engl. u. Prantl. Nat. Pfl. fam.,
Nachtr. IV, 266. — Small undershrubs; branchlets some-
what hairy;
leaves opposite, simple; inflorescences cymose,
terminal, sometimes composed of axillary cymules; flowers
calyx very small, 5-toothed, in fruit somewhat
enlarged, 2-lipped;
corolla with short, straight tube, limb
2-lipped, upper lip entire, lower lip3-lobed; throat partly

-ocr page 173-

Pygjvl-eopremna. 161

villous; stamens 4. subequal, inserted in the lower part
of the corolla-tube, included, or nearly so;
style with
very shortly bifid apex;
ovary 2-celled, cells 2-ovuled;
drupe small, included in the calyx, obovoid, with fleshy
exocarp and thin, coriaceous endocarp, with 1 usually (by
suppression) 1-celled, 1-seeded, sometimes 2-celled, 2-seeded
pyrene; seeds oblong, compressed, exalbuminous.

Distribution: Luzon.

Without regard to characteristics of less consequence, the
genus differs from
Premna only by its extraordinarily small
size; therefore perhaps we had better combine it with that
genus, since in
Clerodendron we met with an analogue case
pumilum Ridl. = C. saraivakana (Ridl.) H. J. Lam).

1. P. humilis Merrill, Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot. V, 225,
Engl. u. Prantl. Nat. Pfl. fam., Nachtr. IV, 267. -
A small undershrub, reaching only 15 cM., with few. if
any branches; branchlets, cymes and petioles pubescent;
leaves membranous or subchartaceous, obovate-oblong,
apex acute or shortly acuminate, the widest part about
]/3 from the apex, and from this point gradually narrowing
to the acute base, margins entire, above glabrous with
some hairs upon the nerves and along the margins,
eglandular, beneath glabrous, sometimes somewhat pube-
rulous on the nerves, with or without some glands; pairs
of nerves 5—6; 3—12 by 1—5 cM.. petioles 0.2—0.4 cM.;
cymes 1—2 cM. long and wide, peduncles
0.2—1 cM„ pedicels 0.2 cM., with small bracteoles;
0.15—0.2 cM„ with 5 subequal teeth, in fruit somewhat
enlarged, 2-lippcd;
corolla white or greenish-white, glabrous
on the outer surface, 0.45 cM„ 2-lipped, upper lip 0.2 cM.
in diam., entire, lower lip 3-lobed, middle-lobe 0.16 cM. in
diam., the lateral ones 0.1 by 0.15 cM., reflexed; throat
scarcely villous;
stamens 0.1 cM., anthers 0.06 cM. with
parallel thecac;
style hardly 0.1 cM., very shortly bifid at
ovary glabrous; drupe 0.5 cM. long. 0.4 cM. in diam.

-ocr page 174-


LUZON: McGregor no. 11458, Dupax, Nueva Vizcaya,
flow, and young fr. in March—April 1912.

XVI. VlTICIPREMNA. H. J. Lam, nov. gen. Arbores
vel frutices; ramuli obtuse quadrangulares;
folia digitatim
inflorescentiee paniculatae, terminales, cymis
calyx hypocraterimorphus, truncatus vel obsolete
corolla subbilabiata, labium superius
integrum, interdum paulo bifidum, basi ± villosum, inferius
3-lobatum, lobis subaequalibus,
stamina 4, didynamia,
medio tubo inserta, paulo exserta;
stylus exsertus, filiformis,
stigmate breviter bifidus;
ovarium novellum imperfecte,
demum perfecte 4-loculatum, 4-ovulatum;
fructus drupaceus,
1-pyrenus; pyrena 4-loculatum, 4-spermum,

Distribution: Philippine Islands!, New-Guinea!, New-
Britain!, New-Ireland!

We based the present genus upon the 2-lobed corolla, which
is a characteristic of
Premna, and the digitate leaves, which
are a feature of
Vitex. Moreover, the throat of the corolla is
villous before the upper instead of before the midlobe of the
lower lip. Yet we conceive, that it may be a doubtful one,
since the possibility exists that it may be cither a hybrid of
a Premna -and a Vitex-species, or a variation of the latter

a. Leaflets with acute base; tomentum ferruginous

1. V. Turczaninowii p. 162.

b. Leaflets with obtuse or rounded base; tomentum greyish-
yellow .....2. V. Novae-Pommeraniac p. 163.

1. V. Turczaninowii (Merr.) H. J. Lam, nov. comb. —
Vitex Turczaninowii
Merrill, Phil. Gov. Lab. Bur.
Bull."XXXV, 77. (1905). - Premna philippinensis
Turcz., Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. XXXVI. II, 215, (1863). -
A shrub?; branchlets quadrangular, with inflorescences
and petioles minutely ferruginous—pubescent;
opposite, 3-foliate (5-fol., Merrill); leaflets chartaceous.


-ocr page 175-

lanceolate, base acute, apex obtusely acuminate, glabrous
above or with some hairs and little scales, beneath glabrous,
with reddish glands, sometimes somewhat hairy on the
nerves; pairs of nerves 8—12; 8 — 17 by 4—6 cM.,
petiolules 1 —2J/s cM.; petioles 7—97» (—11.
Merrill) cM.;
panicles large, leafed in the lower part, 18 cM. long,
24 cM. wide;
calyx 0.25 cM„ ferruginous-pubescent without,
subtruncate or hardly, indistinctly 5-denticulate;
yellow {Merrill), with cylindric tube, lower part glabrous,
upper part with lobes, except the margin of the larger
lobe, pubescent, glandular, 0.5 cM.; lobes 4, the smaller
ones 0.2 (lower lip), the larger one (upper lip) 0.25 cM.
long; glabrous within; tube villous within near the insertion
of the stamens;
stamens 4, didynamous, 0.45 and 0.4 cM.
long, inserted in the middle part of the corolla-tube,
filaments villous at the base;
style 0.6 cM., stigma shortly
ovary broadly pyriform, glabrous, 2-celled, cells,
when young imperfectly, ultimately perfectly 4-locelIated,

2-ovuled, without central cavity.

LUZON: Ramos no. 382. Antip\'olo, Rizal, flow, in June
1910. —
Cuming nos. 1172 and 1294 (Premna philip-
Turcz.), auth. spec.

2. V. Novce-Pommeraniai (Warb.) H. J. Lam, nov.
comb. — Vitex Novae-Pommeraniae
Warb. Engl.
Jhrb. XIII. 428 (1891) and XVIII, 208;
K. Schum. u.
Lauterb., Fl. D. Siidsee, 524. — A shrub {Hellwig) or
large tree (Da/i/); branchlets quadrangular, with petioles
and infloresccnces minutely greyish tomcntosc;

3-5-foliolate, very rarely 6-foliolatc; leaflets thinly charta-
ceous, ovate or obovate-oblong, margins entire, base often
unequal, obtuse or subtruncate, apey acuminate; pairs of
nerves 8—11; upper surface glabrous or with some hairs
on the midrib, with minute scales, lower glabrous, glandular,
on and near midrib pubescent; lowest leaflets, if present,
37a—8\'/s by 17,—■4 cM., petiolules 0.2-0.8 cM.; lateral

-ocr page 176-

ones 5—11J/2 by 2—5 cM„ petiolules 0.3—1.6 cM.;
terminal ones 7—15 by 4—6 cM., petiolules 0.5—2 eM.;
petioles 5 —10 eM.,
panicles terminal, 14—18 eM. long,
6—16 eM. in diam.; cymes di- or trichotomous; pedicels
short, 0.1—0.4 cM.,
calyx cup-shaped, truncate, softly
pubescent and glandular without, glabrous inside, 0.3 cM.
long and in diam.;
corolla softly fulvous-pubescent and
glandular without except on the lower part of the 0.4 cM.
long tube and near the margin of the upper lip; glabrous
within except at the insertion of the stamens and the base
of the upper lip; lower lip 3 lobed, lobes subequal 0.2—
0.3 cM. long, upper lip usually entire, sometimes more or
less 2-lobed, villous at its base, 0.3 cM.;
stamens didy-
namous, 0.6 cM., filaments glabrous, exserted, inserted in
the upper part of the corolla-tube:
style 1 cM., with
shortly bifid apex;
ovary glabrous; drupe 0.8 cM. long
and in diam., glabrous.

new-guinea: Hellwig ho. 390, Kais.-Wilh.-land, fr.
on 8-III-1889; id. no. 463, same country, near Dutaueng,
flow, on 19 III-1889, a shrub.

New-Britain (Neu-Pommern): Dahl without nr. in
H. Ber., Ralum, Lowoa, flow, on 2-11-1897; a large tree,
corolla green-yellow, lip violet-veined.

Nuw-Ireland (Neij-MeCKLENBURG): Peekel no. 311,
Namatanai, Buniah; native name?: burugamata; flow, yello-
wish-green on Jan. 10th.

XVII. VITEX. Tourn. ex L., syst. \'veg., ed. 1,(1735);
Blume, Bijdr., 812; Benth. and v. Muell., Fl. Austr., V,
Benth. and Hook., Gen. pi. II, 2, 1154; Blanco. Fl.
Fil.. ed. I. 513;
Schauer, DC.. Prodr. XI, 682; Engl.
u. Prantl., Nat. Pfl. fam. IV. 3a. 170; Hook. ƒ.. Fl. Brit.
Ind. IV, 583;
Koord. en Val., Bijdr. Booms. Java, no. 7,
King and Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. LXXIV,

-ocr page 177-

4. 841; Miquel, Fl. ind. bat. II, 858; Hassk., 2e Cat.
\'s Lands PI. tuin, 134. — Shrubs and trees;
haves digitately
composed, with 3—7 leaflets, rarely reduced to 2 or 1;
cymes axillary, sessile or peduncled, short and crowded
or larger and lax, sometimes subspicate often composed
to a large, terminal panicle; bracts small; flowers white,
blue, pink or yellowish;
calyx cupuliform, rarely subcylin-
drical, 5-lobed or toothed, sometimes truncate; coro//a-tube
cylindrical, short, sometimes somewhat curved, widened
towards the throat, often pubescent without, except the
lower part; limb spreading, oblique, subbilabiate; upper
lip 2-lobed, lower one 3-lobed, the middle lobe larger,
entire or undulate, with the throat often villous within;
stamens 4, didynamous, usually exsert; anthers with pa-
rallel or divergent fissures;
style with shortly bifid apex;
ovary 4-celled, 4-ovuled; ovules high-laterally attached;
fruit not included, drupaceous, with one 4-celled and
4-seeded pyrene.

Distribution: in the tropics of both the Old and the
New World, some species in the subtropics of Europe
and Asia.

1. a. Calyx regularly 5-toothed, sometimes subtruncate or

truncate (Section I A gnus-Cast us (Endl.) Briq.

(= Euagnus Schau.))..........2.

b. Calyx 2-lipped. 1 lip entire or with 2 small teeth, the
other 2-toothcd (Section II, Glossocalyx

34. V. gamoscpala p. 209.

2. a. Cymes in large terminal panicles (sect. I, subsection 1

Terminates Briq.)............3.

b. Cymes axillary, also in the axils of the lower leaves,
sometimes composed to a long, interrupted, leafed,
terminal panicle (sect. I, subsection 2
Axillares Briq.) 37.

3. a. Petioles winged.............4.

b. Petioles not winged...........5.

4. a.) \\ 1. V. ptcropoda p. 170.

..........(2. V. peralata p. 171.

-ocr page 178-

5. a. Leaves 1-, sometimes 2-foliolate.......6.

b. Leaves 3—5(—7—9) foliolate........13.

6. a. Leaflets 8-30 cM. long..........7.

b. Leaflets 1.7—6.5 cM. long, ovate or obovate, greyish

tomentose beneath . . 11. V. trifolia var. p 182.

7. a. Calyx truncate or indistinctly 2—5-toothed.

3. V. cofassus p. 172.
b. Calyx distinctly 5-toothed.........8.

8. a. Leaflets 3—4-nerved; 12—20 by 4—8 cM.; petioles

1—2 cM.; calyx sparsely glandular without and within.

4. V. smilacifolia p. 175.
b. Leaflets 6—20-nerved...........9.

9. a. Leaflets 6—10-nerved...........10.

b. Leaflets 10-20-nerved..........12.

10. a. Inflorescence a lax panicle. 5. V. sarawakana p. 175.
b. Inflorescence subspicate..........11.

11. a. Fruits 2—2.2 cM. in diam. . 6. V. holophylla p. 176.
b. Fruits 1.1 cM. in diam. . . 7. V. subspicata p. 177.

12. a. Midlobe of lower lip of corolla twice as long as the

lateral lobes, undulate . . 8. V. Clarkeana p. 178.
b. Midlobe of lower lip of corolla five times as long as the
lateral lobes, entire ... 9. V. Hollrungii p. 179.

13. a. Leaflets distinctly pubescent on one or both sides 14.
b. Leaflets glabrous on both sides, or pubescent only on

the midrib...............21.

14. a. .Terminal leaflet sessile..........15.

b. Terminal leaflet petioluled.........17.

15. a. Leaflets 3—5 (sometimes 7 or 9), lanceolate; panicles

interrupted, with subsessile. opposite, globose cymes;
midlobe of lower lip of corolla little longer than the

lateral lobes.....10. V. Agnus-castus p 180

b. Leaflets 1—3, or. if 5, then length only twice the breadth 16

16. a. Leaflets 1—3, terminal one 2.6—9.2 by 1—3.7 cM.

petioles 0.7—3 cM.; calyx 5-denticulate, 0.3—0.4 cM.

teeth 0.05 cM.....11. V. trifolia var. a p. 182

b. Leaflets 5, terminal one 8—15 by 3l/2—872 cM.; petioles
4-8 cM.; calyx 5-toothed, 0.6 cM.; teeth 0.2 cM.

12. V. pubesccns p. 183.

-ocr page 179-

17. a. Calyx 0.2—0.3 cM.; corolla (together with midlobe of

lower lip) 0.7—1.1 cM...........18.

b. Calyx 0.6 cM,; corolla (together with midlobe of lower
lip) 2 cM.......12. V. pubescens p. 183.

18. a. Corolla entirely glabrous within.......19.

b. Corolla more or less villous in the throat and near the

insertion of the stamens..........20.

19. a. Leaflets membranous, scabrid-punctate above, densely

velutinous beneath; terminal ones 10—22 by 4l/2—10
cM.; petiolules 1—2 cM. . . 13. V. velutina p. 185.
b. Leaflets chartaceous, glabrous above or nearly so, with
small white scales, sparsely pubescent and glandular
beneath; terminal one 9—14 by 4—7 cM.; petiolules
17.-2V. cM......14. V. sumatrana p. 186.

20. a. Leaflets not or little pubescent beneath, glandular, nerves

pubescent; calyx truncate or obscurely 5-toothed.

15. V. heterophylla var. /? p. 189.
b. Leaflets whitish tomentose beneath; calyx with 5 distinct
teeth, ± 5-ribbed .... 16. V. Ncgundo p. 189.

21. a. Leaves 3-foliolate............22.

b. Leaves 5-foliolate.............33.

22. a. Calyx truncate or obscurely toothed.....23.

b. Calyx distinctly 5-toothed.........24.

23. a. Upper lip and lateral lobes of lower lip of corolla

tawny-pubesce\'nt within; inflorescence leafed below,
3 flowers together; leaves sometimes 5-foliolate.

17. V. nitida p. 194.
b. Upper lip and lateral\' lobes of lower lip of corolla
glabrous within......
18.-V. littoralis p. 194.

24. a. Base of leaflets rounded, 6-l2l/2 by 1.8-4.3 cM..

petiolules 1 — 11/2 cM.; 12—24-nerved, coriaceous

19. V. siamica p. 197.
b. Base of leaflets acute...........25.

25. a. Proportion of length and breadth of terminal leaflet =


b. Proportion of length and breadth of terminal leaflet =
3-5................ . 29.

26. a. Inflorescence with 2 peduncles from each node. . 27.

-ocr page 180-

b. Inflorescence with 4—6 peduncles from each node

20. V. flabelliflora p. 198.

27. a. Calyx and corolla pubescent........28

b. Calyx and corolla glabrous. 21, V. secundiflora p. 198.

28. a. Leaflets extraordinarily densely glandular beneath, 3 or.5,

pairs of nerves 8—11; bracts minute.

22. V. luteo glandulosa p. 199.
b. Leaflets rather sparsely glandular beneath, 3, pairs of
nerves 6—8; bracts lanceolate, obtuse, 0.8—3.2 cM. long,
0.1-0.35 cM. broad . . .23. V. glandulosa p. 199.

29. a. Calyx-lobes 0.1 cM.; filaments stout, glandular and

villous; leaflets coriaceous . . 24. V. coriacea p. 200.
b. Calyx-lobes 0.05 cM. or less........30.

30. a. Leaflets subsessile; calyx and corolla glabrous

21. V. secundiflora p. 198.
b. Petiolules of terminal leaflet 1/2—»2l/2 cM.; calyx and

corolla pubescent............31.

31. a. Terminal leaflet 7— 171/, by 2.8—7 cM., petiolule V-,—

1.7 cM.; calyx truncate or obscurely denticulate

18. V. littoralis p. 194.
b. Terminal leaflet 15l/2—25 by 4.8—7 cM., petiolule
1-2.7 cM. . . . ...........32.

32. a. Calyx 0.1—0.15 cM., corolla-tube 0.3—0.4 cM.; leaflets

not acuminate.....25. V. lasiantha p. 201.

b. Calyx 0.2 cM.; corolla-tube 0.5—0.6 cM.; leaflets long
acuminate . . . v. . . . 26. V. longifolia p. 201.

33. a. Calyx truncate or very obscurely denticulate

17. V. nitida p. 194.
b. Calyx distinctly 5-toothed.............34.

34. a. Corolla-tube 0.4—0.5 cM., the 4 smaller lobes reaching

7«—\'V4 of its length............35.

b. Corolla-tube 0.8 cM., the 4 smaller lobes reaching \'/«
of this length; calyx denticulate 15. V. heterophylla p. 187.

35. a. Corolla villous within, as are filaments .... 36.
b. Corolla within, and filaments, glabrous, sometimes a little

villous on the base of the midlobe of the lower corolla-lip

14. V. sumatrana p. 186.

36. a. Leaflets eglandular beneath 21. V. secundiflora p. 198.

-ocr page 181-

b. Leaflets very densely glandular beneath

22. V, lutcoglandulosa p. 199.

37. a. Leaves 1-foliolate, cinereous, leaflets 12—18 by 2.7—4.7.

cM ; petioles 1—2 cM. . . 27. V. tetragona p. 202.
b. Leaves 3—5-foliolate, not cinereous.....38.

38. a. Corolla-tube 0.8—1.3 cM..........39.

b. Corolla-tube 0.3-0.6 cM..........41.

39. a. Calyx-lobes < 0.1 cM...........40.

b. Calyx-lobes 0.6—0.65 cM.; leaves 3-foliolate, petioles

5—15 cM.; leaflets 10—30 by 5—15 cM„ yellowish
pubescent beneath . . . 28. V. longisepala p. 202.

40. a. Leaflets \'glabrous beneath or nearly so, axils of nerves

barbellate, 3—5, terminal one 6—19—31 by 4—8 — 13
cM.; petiolule V*—2.3 cM.
29. V. glabrata p. 203.
b. Leaflets rather densely pubescent beneath, 3, terminal
one liy2-19 by 5-10 cM.; petiolule l1/,—6 cM.

30. V. vcstita p. 205.

41. a. Smaller corolla-lobes < corolla-tube.....42.

b. Smaller corolla-lobes > corolla-tube.....43.

42. a. Inflorescences with 1—2 peduncles in each axil; flowers,

petioles, petiolules and inflorescences sparsely and mi-
nutely pubescent; leaves 3-foliolate

31, V. Ahcrniana p. 206.
b. Inflorescences with 3 long peduncles in each axil; 1—3
flowers together; flowers, petioles, petiolules and inflo-
rescences velutinous; leaves 5-foliolate

32. V. Curranii p. 207.

43. a. Leaflets glabrous beneath . . 29. V. glabrata p. 203.
b. Leaflets pubescent beneath 33. V. Icucoxylon p. 208.

Imperfectly known ou doubtful species:

35. V. bantnmensis p. 211. 39. V. Mcrrillii . p. 212.

36. V. celcbica . . p. 211. 40. V. Minnhassa? p. 213.

37. V. geniculata . p. 211. 41. V. pndnngensis p. 213.

38. V. macrophylla p. 212. 42. V. parviflora . p. 213.

43. V. philippinensisp. 214.
xcluded species; 44. V. curtifrutesccns p. 214.

45, V. premnoïdes p. 214.

46. V. Nova:-Pommcraniœ p. 214.

-ocr page 182-

Section I Agnus-castus (Endl.) Briq.

Subsection 1, Terminates Briq.

1. V. pteropoda Miq., Fl. Ind. bat. II, Suppl. I. 567
King and Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal. LXXIV,
4, 851. — A tree, reaching 13—20 M. in height; branch-
lets stout, glabrous, many-ribbed;
leaves very large, 5—
7-foliolate; petioles broadly winged, the wings broadest
near the base, coriaceous, each 5—7 cM. broad, glabrous
on both sides, irregularly reticulated with some indistinct
nerves; leaflets oblong or oblong-ovate (-lanceolate,
and Gamble), base obtuse or acute, apex acuminate; cori-
aceous; pairs of nerves 10—13; glabrous on both sides,
eglandular, 27—43Vs by 12—19 cM.; petiolules 0—2 cM.;
petioles 14—25 cM.;
cymules in long, subspicate, terminal
panicles, glabrous, or minutely and sparsely pubescent,
few-flowered; bracts 0.4 cM., linear, somewhat pubescent;
length of panicle 17—30 cM.;
calyx cupuliform, coriace-
ous. slightly 2-lipped, 0.15—0.2 cM. long, 0.2—0.25 cM.
wide, upper lip with 3 small, acute teeth, lower one
subentire or ± 2-toothed and 2-angular; glabrous within,
glandular and sparsely pubescent (especially near base)
without; pedicels 0.05—0.3 cM., somewhat pubescent;
corolla blue, tube 0.6 cM., glabrous in the lower part,
both within and without, densely and softly pubescent for
the rest outside, villous inside; upper lip 2-lobed, lobes
oblong, 0.3 by 0.2 cM., lower one 3-lobed, lateral lobes
as those of upper lip, midlobe 0.6 by l\'/2 cM.;
exserted, 0.8 cM. long, inserted in the throat; filaments
villous; anthers reniform;
style 1 cM. long, apex shortly
ovary depressed, glabrous, except at apex, which is
densely villous and glandular;
drupe 1.8—27s cM. long, 1.2
cM. in diam., glabrous, seated on the much enlarged calyx.

Sumatra: in H. Bog, sub. no. 1070, Siboga — in H. A.

-ocr page 183-

R.—T. sub no. 044161. — Teysmann in H. L.—B. sub
nos. 899.123-553 and 554, Palembang.

Distribution: Malacca (Perak, Scortechini in King and

Except fox the form and especially the dimensions of the
leaflets we could not find any important point of difference
V. peralata, but since there were no specimina to be had,
we could not combine the two species.
King and Gamble too,
have expressed their doubt in this matter, but they saw of the
present species only one imperfect flower.

Miquel, in his original description, which is very imperfect,
does not mention the breadth of the leaflets;
King and Gamble
accept this dimension as the most important point of difference
between the two species, saying that the leaflets of
V. pleropoda
never should be broader than 7l/a cM.1), those of V. peralata,
however, should have a breadth of 7l/2—15 cM. All the above-
mentioned specimina reach a breadth of
12—19 cM. So perhaps
they rather belong to
V. peralata. We must leave this matter
to a later examinator, who may have within his reach the
authentical specimina of both species, but we find it rather
probable, that they should be identical.

2. V. peralata King, ms. in Herb. Calc., Kew. Bull.,
112 (1908). — A large tree, reaching 27 M. in height;
branchlets striate, angular, dark brown;
leaves 5-7-foliolate;
leaflets elliptic or elliptic-ovate, acute at apex, long-attenu-
ate at base; both surfaces glabrous; margins entire, re-
curved; terminal one 15—50 cM. long, 7V»—15 cM. in
diam., the rest smaller in proportion; pairs of nerves
10—14, prominently raised beneath, petioles 7\'/a—15 cM.
long, the wings broad below and almost cordate, the
breadth reaching 4—5 cM. on either side, curving upwards
rather abruptly or gradually to the top, and veined like
the leaflets; petiolules often 0, or scarcely reaching 0.6 cM.
panicles terminal or sometimes axillary to the upper-

It may be, that here V. ulatu Hcync is meant: leaflets 3, 15 by 6
cM.; petioles 7 cM., wings narrbwer at base.

-ocr page 184-

most leaves, sessile or peduncled, puberulous, reaching
60 cM. in length and about 30 cM. in diam.; rhachises
angular, channelled: peduncles up to 20 cM. long; second-
ary peduncles of branches in whorls of 4 around the main
rhachis: cymules many-flowered, 1.2 cM. long: bracts linear-
lanceolate, 0.25—0.5 cM„ persistent; pedicels 0 or very
short: flowers blue with brown markings;
calyx pink,
shortly urceolate, tawny-pubescent, 0.25—0.4 cM.; teeth
short, acute; coro//a-tube campanulate, 0.62 cM. long,
pubescent without, villous within around the point of ■
insertion of the stamens and up to the midlobe of the
lower lip; upper lip of 2 ovate, acute lobes, 0.25 cM.
long, lower lip of 3 lobes, side lobes rounded, 0.4 cM..
as the upper lip reflexed; midlobe 0.5 cM., obtuse, all
lobes puberulous without;
stamensexsert; filaments flattened
at base, villous hairy;
style slightly longer than the stamens;
stigma shortly 2-fid;
ovary rounded, depressed, glabrous
below, villous at top;
drupe ovoid-conoidal, smooth,
longitudinally ribbed; 4 cM. long, —3 cM. in diam.
Philippines: ? Cuming no. 1698.

Distribution: Malay Peninsula, ? Philippines.

3. V. cofassus Reinw. ex Bl., Bijdr. 8, 3(1826); Pulle
in Lorentz, Nova-Guinea VIII. 4, 685; Hall. ƒ.. Med.
\'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37, 47;
Miq. Fl. Ind. bat. II, 863. -
A large tree, reaching 12 — 30 M. in height; branchlets
quadrangular, with inflorescences and petioles minutely
and scarcely pubescent, ultimately subglabrous or glabrous;
leaves 1-foliolate; leaflets oblong-lanceolate, base acute or
subobtuse, apex long acuminate; margins entire; pairs of
white nerves 8—18; chartaceous-subcoriaceous, in sicco
usually greyish or greyish brown, (sub)sessile, with a
distinct articulation with the petiole; 8—22 by 31/«—9 cM.;
petiolules 0—0.3 cM.; petioles 2—6 cM., in sicco black;
upper side glabrous or with some hairs on the midrib or
sparsely pubescent, densier on the nerves, lower one

-ocr page 185-

.glabrous or pubescent and glandular; cymes opposite,
forming a terminal panicle, reaching 15 cM. in length;
calyx truncate or with 2—5 very small teeth, cup-shaped,
0.2—0.25 cM. long. 0.25—0.3 cM. in diam., with 2 small,
linear bracteoles at the base, sparsely pubescent and
glandular without, glabrous or with some hairs within;
corolla pale-blue within, reddish without or % whitish,
2-lipped, 5-lobed; tube pubescent and glandular without,
except in the lower part, glabrous within, except for the
villous throat; 0.3—0.4 cM. long: smaller 4 lobes ovate,
0.1—0.15 cM. \'long, papillose within, pubescent and gland-
ular without, the larger 5th 0.2—0.25 cM. long, villous
stamens little exserted, filaments stout, inserted in
the throat, anthers reniform, dark-violet, with divergent
fissures; style as long as the corolla 0.6 cM., apex shortly
ovary depressed; glabrous, sparsely glandular; fruit
seated on or half-enclosed in the slightly enlarged calyx,
glabrous, 0.6 cM. long. 0.5 cM. in diam., dark-violet.

Var. a typica H. ƒ. Lam nov. var. — V. monophylla
K. Schum. in K. Schum. u. Hollr.. Fl. Kais.-Wilh.-land,
\'121 (1889):
K. Schum. u. Lautcrb.. Fl. D. Siidsee, 524 —
V. punctata
Schau. DC. Prodr. XI, 687; Miq. Fl. Ind.
bat. II, 863;
Merrill. Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot. XI, 310 -
foliola utrinque glaberrima vel in costa supra nonnullis
pilis vestita.

Moi.UCCA-ISL.: in H. L.—B. sub no. 908.353-297,
Ternate; native name: govasa gabba gabba —
de Vriese
and Teysmann in H. L.—B. sub no. 908.267—273, Ceram —
H. A. R.—T. sub no. 011523, Halmaheira — Rein-
no. 1465, Saparua.

celebes: Elbert no. 2732, Buton-isl., Lipumangan,
250—320 M. in alt., fr. on 22-VIII-1909 —
Heyne no.
2821, Boni. —

New-Guinea: Weinland no. 155, Kais.-Wilh.-land,
Finschhafen; native name: matatakum, flow, in March.

-ocr page 186-

1890. — Gjellerup nos. 406a~c, Dutch N.-G., Hollandia,
10 M. in alt., flow, on 18-XII-1910; id. no. 35a (coll.
Boschwezen), Dutch N.-G., Eti-river and upperstream of
Tamoi-river, 85 M. in alt. —
Wiesenthal no. 44, Kais.-
Wilh.-land, Alexishafen, Admusin-isl., with flow, and fr.
on 8-1-1913. —
Schlechter no. 16042, Kais.-W.-land, near
Bulu, flow, in April 1908; id. no. 14566, Kais.-W.-land,
Torricelli-mts., 100 M. in alt., with buds in April 1902;
id. no. 13832, Kais.-W.-land, Schumann-river, buds in Jan.
1902. —
Nyman no. 83,-Kais.-W.-land, Stephansort, flow,
in Dec. 1898; id. no. 817, Kais.-Wilh.-land, Simbang. flow,
in Dec. 1899. — Ramu-exp. no. 136, Kais.-W.-land,
Ramu-river, fr. on 26-VII-1898. —
Ledermann no. 7261,
Kais.-W.-land, „Pionnier" camp, Sepik-river, fr. on 14-
V-1912; id. no. 10723a, Kais.-Wilh.-land, Mt. Schräder,
2070 M. in alt., flow, on 28-V-1913.

New-Ireland (Neu-Mecklenburg): Peekel no. 310,
Namatanai; native name: naräsa, flow, on 28-1-1910.

palau-isl.: Kraemer in H. Ber. without nr.; native
name: beokl or bars; flow, in May 1910. —
no. 98, Korror. — K. Gibbon no. 1213 (= 1112). Korror,
10 M. in alt., with white flowers on 3-1-1913.

Marianne- and CaroLINE-ISL.: Kersting no. 1213.

Var. ß puberula H. J. Lam nov. var. — foliola utrinque,
praesertim subtus, puberula.

New-Guinea: Ledermann no. 10421, Kais.-W.-land,
Malu-camp. Sepik-river,
30—40 M. in alt., flow, on 3-1-
id. no. 7147, same locality, flow, and fr. on 26-1V-
id. no. 6695, same locality, 60—80 M. in alt.,
flow, and fr. on
20-111-1912; id. no. 6911, „Schluchten"-
camp, „Peilung" mt.,
100—250 M. in alt., flow, on

Distribution of the species: eastern parts of Malay
Archipelago! and western parts of Polynesia!

We do not agree in Hallier\'s opinion, that the 3-foliate

-ocr page 187-

V. littoralis Decne. should be a variety of the present species.
Moreover its leaflets have far smaller dimensions.

4. V. smilacifolia H. H. W. Pearson, Kew. Bull. 59
(1907) — A shrub? branchlets, inflorescences and petioles
glabrous, nodes increased, bark yellow or greyish-white;
leaves 1-foliolate; leaflets sessile, elliptical-oblong, base
rotundate, apex acute, acuminate or caudate-acuminate,
coriaceous, entire, glabrous on both sides, with 3-4 nerves
on either side of the midrib; 12 — 20 by 4—8 cM.; petioles
stout, increased at both sides, 1—2 cM. long;
cymes few
flowered, opposite, in large, terminal panicles; panicles lax,
more or less leafed below, reaching 25—30 cM in length,
20—23 cM. in diam., bracts small; pedicels very short;
calyx campanulate, with 5 very small teeth, 0.15—0.2 cM.
long, 0.2 cM. in diam., glandular on both sides; teeth
ciliolated; fruiting calyx enlarged up to 0.6 cM;
0.4—0.6 cM., with peltate glands without, except in
the lower part, glabrous within except for the villous
throat; lobes glandular on both sides, the larger one
0.25—0.3 cM. broad;
stamens hardly exserted, inserted
below the middle of the corolla-tube; filaments villous at
style 0.6 cM.. bifid at apex; ovary globose, densely
glandular-dotted; drupe (ripe?) black, glandular, 0.4 cM.
long, 0.3 cM. in diam.

BORNEO: ?! Hallier f. no. B. 219, W.-Borneo, on Kapuas-
river, upstream Suka Lanting; flowers bright-blue.

Distribution: Sarawak (N.-W.-Borneo).

5. V. sarawakana H. H. W. Pearson, Kew Bull., 60
(1907). — A shrub?; branchlets quadrangular, with petioles
glabrous; nodes increased; bark cinereous, dissolved into
thin lamels;
leaves 1-foliolate; leaflets sessile, oblong or
oblong-lanceolate, base rotundate or subcuneate, apex sub-
acute or acuminate, thin-coriaceous, entire, bullate above,
glabrous on both sides, with 6—10 nerves on either side
of the midrib, 10—15 by 2—6 cM.; petioles increased

-ocr page 188-

at apex and at base, sulcate above, 1—2 eM. long;
panicles lax, glabrous or somewhat pubescent, terminal or
the upper ones axillary, nodes with rather large intervals;
pedicels short; cymes 3-flowered, with bracts, peduncled;
calyx campanulate, shortly 5-toothed, 0.2—0.25 cM., minu-
tely and appressedly pubescent without; teeth 0.05 cM.;
coro//a-tube l/2 cM., appressedly pubescent outside except
in the lower part, villous inside; midlobe of lower lip
flabelliform, 0.2 eM. broad, 0.25 cM. long, pubescent
without, villous at base within, the 4 other lobes smaller,
obtuse, pubescent;
stamens hardly exserted, inserted below
the middle of the corolla-tube, filaments villous;
0.7—0.8 cM. with bifid apex; ovary globose, densely and
minutely pubescent;
drupe obconical-obovoid, seated on
the somewhat enlarged calyx, 1 cM. long, 0.7 cM. in
diam., minutely pubescent.

Distribution: W.-Borneo (Sarawak).

The species is clearly very nearly allied to V. smilacifolia, but
differs considerably in the leaves, the ovary and the drupe.

6. V. holophylla Baker, Kew Bull., 25 (1896); King
and Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, LXXIV, 4, 844. -
A small tree; branches with yellowish-white bark; branch-
lets also yellowish, shining, obtusely quadrangular; inno-
vations tawny-tomentose;
leaves opposite, 1-foliolate,
coriaceous, ovate-lanceolate or ovate-oblong, acuminate
at apex, rounded at base; both surfaces glabrous, upper
olive-green, lower ferruginous; margins entire; 10—30 by
4—11J/2 cM.; midrib stout, prominent, keeled above;
main nerves 7—9 pairs at an angle of 70 with the midrib,
curving upwards to meet in an intramarginal looped nerve,
all slightly impressed above, raised beneath: secondary
nerves many, irregular; reticulations prominent, netted;
petioles 1.8—4 cM. long, puberulous when young, pro-
minently jointed at both ends;
cymes in terminal panicles
of rather long glomerulate spikes reaching 15—.77° cM.

-ocr page 189-

long and 7Y2 —10 cM. broad; densely tawny-tomentose
when young, afterwards glabrate; bracts lanceolate, or
elliptic-lanceolate, caducous, 0.25—V2 cM.; bracteoles 2,
much smaller, flowers in each glomerule about 3 on each
side, sessile;
calyx campanulate, tawny-pubescent and
glandular, 0.25 cM., with 5 equal, deltoid lobes; much
accrescent in fruit, cup-shaped, truncate, 1.2 cM. in diam.;
coro//a-tube funnel-shaped, pubescent and glandular with-
out, sparsely villous within; 2-lipped, upper lip shortly
2-lobed, the lobes rounded, reflexed, lower lip 3-lobed,
midlobe long, very villous within;
stamens exsert; filaments
slightly villous;
ovary rounded, villous at top; drupe
globose or obovoid, 1.8 cM. in diam. depressed at apex.

Distribution: Sohore (Malacca), Borneo.

7. V. subspicata Hall, ƒ., Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid.
no. 37, 52. — A small tree, 6—7 M. high; branchlets
stout, cylindric or obscurely quadrangular, pale-ochraceous;
leaves 1-foliolate; leaflets sessile, distinctly articulated with
the stout and glabrous, 1—3 cM. long petioles; ovate-
lanceolate, base subacute, rounded or narrowly subcordate,
apex caudate-acuminate; margins entire, recurved; chartace-
ous; pairs of nerves 7—10, at an angle of 70°—80° with
the midrib, meeting in a intramarginal nerve; glabrous
on both sides; 8—25 by 3—10 cM.;
panicles terminal,
rarely axillary to the upper leaves, decussately ramose,
subspicate, reaching 20—25 cM. in length; cymules sessile,
opposite, few-rlowered; bracts and bracteoles small, linear;
pedicels short;
calyx cyathimorphous, with 5 deltoid teeth,
much accrescent in fruit, glabrous; 0.15 cM. when young,
in fruit 0.7 cM. long, 1.7 cM. in diam.;
corolla ochraceously
pubescent without except in the lower part of the tube;
lobes puberulous on both sides, the midlobe of the lower
lip villous within; tube 0.4—0.45 cM., the larger lobe
0.2 cM. long;
stamens exsert (2 cM.), filaments villous;
style longer exsert than the stamens, bifid at apex; drupe


-ocr page 190-

globose, for 2/s included in the enlarged, cup-shaped
calyx, 1.3 —1.7 cM. long and in diam.

Distribution: Sumatra, Borneo. (W.- and S.-E.-)

The species is closely allied to V. Hollrungii, but according
Hallier, it can be distinguished by the more increased
articulation of its leaflets, the subbullate laminae and the sub-
spicate branchlets of the panicles.

8. V. Clarkeana King et Gamble, Journ. As. Soc.
Bengal. LXXIV, 4, 845 (1909). - V. simplicifolia
Clarke in Hook f.,FL Br. Ind. IV, 586 (1885). - A small,
shrubby tree, reaching about 5 M. in height; branchlets
pale brown, round, glabrous or puberulous;
leaves 1-folio-
late; leaflets sessile, coriaceous, lanceolate or oblong-lanceo-
late, acuminate at apex, rounded at base, both surfaces
glabrous, greyish when dry, the lower puncticulate; margins
entire, recurved; 15—30 by 5—71/2 cM.; midrib stout,
very prominently raised beneath; pairs of nerves 12—20.
slightly curving to near the margin, where they bend
sharply parallel to\' it, all but the few lowest joining in
an intramarginal looped nerve; petioles 1.2—1.8 cM.,
jointed at the base of the leaflet;
panicles terminal,
puberulous, 30—45 cM. long; peduncles 5—10cM.; main
branches usually 3, bearing distant, opposite, corymbose
cymes of rather large flowers; cymes 2\'/2, rarely 5 cM.
long; bracts small, caducous; bracteoles minute; pedicels
0.25 — 7s cM., much thickened in fruit;
calyx campanulate,
tawny-pubescent, 0.3—0.4 cM., much enlarged in fruit;
lobes 5, irregular, short, acute; coro//a-tube 0.6 cM.,
pubescent without and at the insertion of the stamens
within, 2-lipped; pale blue, the midlobe of the lower lip
darker, twice as long as the 4 recurved other lobes,
crenate, villous within;
stamens exsert; filaments villous at
base, thickened; style as long as the stamens; stigma
shortly 2-lobed;
ovary globose, depressed, tawny-pubescent;
drupe ovoid, tawny-pubescent, 0.8 , cM. in diam. or more.

Distribution: Malacca, Borneo.

-ocr page 191-

9. V. Hollrungii Wacb., Engl. Jhrb. XVIII. 208, (1894);
Pulle in Lorentz, Nova-Guinea. VIII, 2, 401 and VIII,
4, 685;
K. Schum. u. Lauterb., Fl. D. Siidsee, 523; Hall,
Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37, 51. — A small tree,
3V2 M. high (
Gjellerup); branchlets round, with inflores-
cences densely and appressedly tawny-pubescent, glabres-
leaves 1-foliolate; leaflets coriaceous, sessile, hardly
articulated with the stout, glabrous, with tranversal lamels
supplied petioles; oblong, oblong-elliptic or oblong-lance-
olate, base acute or cuneate, apex acuminate; margins
entire; in sicco upper surface greyish, lower light-brown;
both of them glabrous, the lower glandular; pairs of nerves
10—18; 11— 30 by4—13cM., sometimes narrow(20by 5cM.)
or broader (20 by 10 cM.); petioles 0.3 cM. indiam., 1.4—
2 \'/a cM. long;
panicles terminal or axillary to the upper leaves.
12 — 28 cM. long; ca/yxcampanulate, densely and appressedly
tawny-pubescent without, glandular; ± 2-lipped; 5-toothed,
4(—5)-ribbed; teeth deltoid; 0.3(—0.4) cM., enlarged in
corolla pubescent outside except in the lower part
of the tube; the 4 smaller lobes subglabrous within, 0.1 —
0.15 cM. long, the larger lobe densely villous within,
especially near the base, where there is a (honey-?) furrow,
0.5—0.8 cM. long, 0.2-0.4 cM. broad; tube 0.6 cM.
long, densely villous in throat and near insertion of stamens;
stamens exsert; filaments villous near their base; style
0.9 cM., bifid at apex; ovary densely pubescent and glan-
dular, densicr at apex;
drupe globose, minutely pubescent
at first, included in, ultimately seated on the accrescent
calyx, 1.2—2 cM. long, 1.1 —1.8 cM. in diam.; enlarged
calyx 0.6 0.8 cM. long.

BURU: Teysmann, no. 1831 H. Bog., Oki.

New-Guinea: Gjellerup, nos. 312«—rf, Dutch N.-G.,
Hollandia, flow, and fr. on 21-VI11 -1910; 10 M. in alt.;
corolla yellowish, with blue lip; stamens yellow, anthers
dark-brown, pollen yellowish white; stigma yellowish white;

-ocr page 192-

fruit (not entirely ripe) bluish green; leaves bright green. —
Riggenbach, no. 22, Kais.-Wilh-land, Teba, on Mam-
beramo-river, near the shore; native name: bundo; flow,
on 20-V-1910. —
Moszkowski nos. 22 and 142, same
locality (epiphytic!); flowers yellow, lip blue, with buds
and flow, on 19-V-1910.

Distribution: Borneo (Hall. f. I.e.). Buru!, New-Guinea!

10. V. Agnus-castus L., sp. pi. 890 (1753);
Schauer DC., Prodr. XI, 684; Backer, Ann. Jard. bot.
Btz. suppl. 3, dl. I, 393;
Koord, Exk. fl. v. Java, III,
136. — A shrub; tomentum appressed, whitish;
(3—)5(—7—9)-foliolate; leaflets lanceolate, acuminate at
both ends, subsessile or shortly petioluled, entire or some-
times serrate, the lateral ones usually sessile; 4 — 572 by
0.7—1 cM.; petioles 2—27° cM.;
panicles interrupted,
terminal or axillary to the upper leaves;
cymes globose,
crowded, the lower ones in the axils of leafy bracts, 1 —
P/2 cM. long and in diam.; peduncles 0.3—0.4 cM.,
long and in diam.; peduncles 0.3—0.4 cM., opposite or in
whorls along the rhachis; ca/i/.rcampanulate, acutely dentate,
pubescent without; 0.15—0.2 cM.; bracteole 1, lanceolate,
as long as the calyx; coro//a-tube glabrous; 0.45—0.5 cM.,
pink, villous in throat; limb spreading, oblique, glabrous;
lobes ovate, acute, the four smaller 0.15 cM., the larger
one 0.2 cM. long;
stamens and style exsert; stigma
shortly bifid.

Distribution: a native of the countries around the
Mediterranean sea; imported into W.-India and into Java
Backer, Koorders).

11. V. trifolia L. sp. pi. II, 638 (1753); Blume, Bijdr.
R. Brown, Prodr. 511; Benth. et v. Muell., Fl.
Austral., V, 66;
Blanco. Fl. d. Fil. ed. I, 513; Schauer, DC.,
Prodr. XI, 683; Hall, ƒ., Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37,40 -
Cham., Linnaea, VII, 107; Decne., Nouv. Ann. Mus. Par.
III. 400;
Elbert, Med. s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 12, 16;

-ocr page 193-

Forbes et Hemsley, Fl. sin. II, 258; Forbes, Wand. Nat.
f. Mai. II, 226;
Hook. [., Fl. Br. Ind. IV, 583; Koord.
en Val, Bijdr. Booms. Java no. 7, 200, and Atl. d. Bau-
mart., t. 292;
King and Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal,
LXXIV, 4, 842;
Koord., Exk. fl. v. Java, III, 136; Bot.
Mag. t. 2187;
Hook., Comp. bot. mag. I, 349; Kuntze,
Rev. gen., 510; Miq., Fl. Ind. bat., II, 859 and suppl. I,
Merrill, Bur. Gov. Lab. no. 27, \'68; Miq., Ann.
Mus. bot. L—B., II, 99;
Maximowicz, Bull. Ac. Imp.
St. Pet. XXXI, 82;
v. Muell. Descr. not. pap. pi. I, 11;
Merrill, Phil.- Journ. Sci. Bot. Ill, 432; Roxb., Fl. ind.
Ill, 69;
Schum. u. Lauterb., Fl. D. Sudsee, 524; Schum.
u. Hollr., Fl. Kais.-W.-land, 121; Spanoghe, Linnaea XV,
Schimper, Bot. Mitt. a. d. Trop. Ill, 129; Val, PI.
pap., 51;
Warb., Engl. Jhrb. XIII, 428; Merrill, Phil.
Journ. Sci., Bot., VIII, 136;
Hassk. 2e Cat. \'s Lands PI.
tuin, 134;
Hemsley, Chall. Report, 110 and 177 — V.
Wall, Cat. no. 1746 (1827), pro parte; Roxb.,
Fl. ind. Ill, 72 — V. indica Mill Gard. Diet. ed. VIII
(1768) — V. integerrima
Mill. I.e. — V. triphylla
Royle, 111. Bot. Him., 299 (1839) - V. variifolia Salisb.,
Prod. 107 (1790) - V. repens Blco., Fl. Fil. ed. I, 513
(1837) (= var.
ft?) - V. rotundifolia L. f. Suppl.,
294 — A shrub or small tree; branchlets obscurely qua-
drangular, minutely grey-tomentose;
leaves 1-2-3-foliolate,
petioled; leaflets ovate or obovate-spathulate, sessile, base
attenuately decurrent, apex acute-rounded; upper side
glabrous (especially in the var. a), usually pubescent on
the midrib, sometimes (in the var.
ft) minutely pubescent,
lower side always with an appressed, greyish tomentum;
pairs of very slight nerves in the lateral leaflets 6—7,
in the terminal ones 6—13, in the var.
ft 4—6; leaflets
lVs-9.2 by 0.7—3.7 cM.; petioles 0.15—3 cM., greyish
cymes opposite, 2—4 cM. long, in usually
small, terminal, below leafed panicles, with a grey appres-

-ocr page 194-

sed tomentum; panicles 4—13 cM. long, 2—5 cM. in
diam.; bracts small, linear;
calyx obscurely 2-lipped, with
5 small teeth, greyish tomentoseand white-glandular without,
glabrous within, 0.3—0.4 cM. long, 0.25—0.3 cM. wide, cup-
shaped; pedicels none or very short;
corolla blue or pink, tube
0.85 cM., nearly cylindrical, glabrous without in the lower,
appressedly pubescent in the upper part, glabrous within
except for the villous throat; lobes 5, pubescent without,
glabrous within, the larger midlobe of the lower lip
excepted, which has a somewhat villous base, and reaches
0.6 cM. in length and 0.35—0.4 cM. in breadth;
didynamous, inserted in the corolla-tube at about a half
of its length, villous near the base;
style 1 cM., shortly
bifid at apex;
ovary globose, depressed, glandular-dotted
in the upper, glabrous in the lower part;
drupe glandular,
0.6 cM. long and in diam., ruddy.

Var. ex. trifoliolata Schau. I.e. — var. 7. trifoliata
Cham., Linnsea VII, 107 (1832) \') — Leaves trifoliolate,
sometimes reduced to 2 or even 1 leaflet; lateral leaflets
1.7—6V2 cM. by 0.7—2.6 cM., 6—7-nerved, terminal
ones 2.6—9.2 by 1—3.7 cM., 10—13-nerved; always gla-
brous above; midrib often pubescent; ovate, base attenuate,
apex acute or subobtuse.

Java: Buijsman no. 252, Tengger near Nongki Djadjar,
1200 M. in alt., flow, on l-IX-1907.

saleyer-isl.: Docters van Leeuwen~-Reijnvaan no. 1710,
400 M. in alt. flow, on 21-V-1913.

New-Guinea: Neuhauss no. 2. Sialum near King Wil-
helm-Cape, flow, and fr. in Dec. 1909.

Var. /3 unifoliolata Schau., I.e. — var. /3 simplicifolia
Cham. I.e. ]). -V. ovata Thunb., Fl. Jap., 257; Merr. Bur.
Gov. Lab. no. 27, 68;
id. Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot. Ill, 432;

\') Properly speaking Chamisso\'s variaties have the priority, but we
retain those of
Schaucr, the names being the most exact.

-ocr page 195-

id Bur. Gov. Lab. no. 6, 17. — Leaves 1-foliolate, rarely
sub-2-foliolate, the leaflet being deeply 2-lobed; leaflets
sessile, obovate, base attenuate, apex rounded; upper sur-
face often pubescent,
1 Va—^/s by 0.9—37* cM.; petioles
0.15—0.2 cM.; pairs of nerves 4—6.

Java: Horspeld in H. A. R.-T. sub no. 049902.
Docters van Leeuwen~~Reijnvaan no. 1863,
partly an erect shrub, partly a characteristic, creeping
shore-plant; fruits on

Philippines: Elmer no. 12135, Magallanes, Mt. Giting-
giting, Capiz, Sibuyan, flow, in April

Bonin-ISL.: Ari Kotara in H. Ber. without nr., Chi-
chigunu, Okasawara.

Distribution of the species: Mauritius, Reunion, Brit.-
India, Ceylon
(Hallier), Malacca! Siam, Hainan, S.-China,
Korea, Andamans
(Hallier), Malay archip.! Philippines!,
Formosa, Liuchiu-isl., Japan. Polynesia.

12. V. pubescens Vahl, Symb. bot. Ill, 85 (1794):
Blume, Bijdr. 812; Schauer DC., Prodr. XI, 685; Decne.
Nouv. Ann. Mus. Nat. Par. III. 401; Elbert, Meded.-
\'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 12, 16;
Forbes, Wand. Nat. f.
Mai. Arch.. II, 226;
Hook. f. Fl. Br. Ind. IV. 585; Hall. f.
Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37, 44; Koord. en Val.,
Bijdr. Booms. Java, no. 7. 202 and Atl. d. Baumart. t.
294 and 295;
King and Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. Beng.
LXXIV, 4, 848;
Koord., Exk. fl. v. Java. III. 136 and
PI. Jungh. ined. IV, 188;
Miq., Fl. Ind. bat. II. 861 and
suppl. 242;
Merrill, Biir. Gov. Lab. Bull., no. 27. 68;
Spanoghe, Linnaea XV, 330; Schimper, Bot. Mitt. a. d.
Trop. III. 129;
Zoll. u. Mor., Syst. Vcrz. 53; Hassk. 2e
Cat. \'s Lands PI. tuin Btz., 134;
Hemsleij, Chall. Rep.
Bot. I. 110 and 178. — V. arborea
Roxb. Fl. ind. Ill,
73 (1832);
Jack, Descr. Mai. PI., Calc. Journ. Nat. Hist.
IV. no. XIII. 40. — V. articulata
Sleud. Norn., cd. II,
II, 777 (1841). —
V. bracteata Miq. I.e. II, 862 (1856). —

-ocr page 196-

V. digitata Wight ex Steud. I.e. — V. heterophylla
Bl. (not of Roxb.) ex Miq. I.e. II, 862. — V. inaequi-
Turcz., Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. XXXVI, II, 223
(1863). - V. latifolia
Blco., Fl. Fil. ed. I, 514 (1837). -
V. latifolia
Lam. Encycl. II, 613 (1786) *); Hall, ƒ.,
Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37, 44. — V. N eg undo
Noronha (not of £.), Verh. Bat. Gen. V, ed. I. art. IV,
86 (1790). — A large tree, 20 M. high or more; branehlets
acutely quadrangular, densely tawny-pubescent, as are peti-
oles and panicles;
leaves 3-5-foliolate; leaflets chartaceo-
coriaceous, rarely membranous, ovate, base broadly cuneate,
somewhat attenuate, apex obtuse, acutely or subobtusely
acuminate; pairs of nerves in the terminal leaflets 11 —13;
upper surface sparsely pubescent or subglabrous, pubescent
on the nerves; lower one pubescent, densier on the nerves;
lowest leaflets, if present, l1/«—5.2 by 0.7—2.3 cM., ses-
sile; lateral ones
5]/2 — \\5l/2 by 2\'/o—7 cM., petiolules
0—0.2 cM.; terminal ones 8—22\'/2 by 372—9.2 cM.;
petiolules 0—0.3 cM.; petioles 4—8 cM.;
panicles large,
the lower axillary to the upper leaves, the upper termi-
nal, with leafy bracts to its rhachises; 8—25 cM. long,
6—18 cM. in diam.; bracts many, ovate, 0.7—1.2 by
0.2—0.7 cM.;
calyx-tube campanulate, 0.4 cM., 0.7 cM.
in diam.; teeth deltoid, 0.2 cM. long; densely pubescent
without and on the teeth inside;
corolla-tube glabrous on
both sides in the lower part, pubescent without in the
upper, glandular; throat glabrous except near the somewhat
villous base of the midlobe of the lower lip and near
the insertion of the stamens; lobes pubescent without,
except near the margin of the lip, glabrous within; tube
1 cM.; smaller lobes 0.5 cM. long, 0.35 cM. broad; lip

\') Really Hallier is right in giving the priority to this name. Yet
we maintain the first given one, sincc all other authors use it. If wc
changed it, wc should cause confusion.

-ocr page 197-

1 by 0.5 cM.; stamens exsert, 1.1— 1.3 cM. long, inserted
about the middle of the corolla-tube, insertion densely
style as long exserted as the stamens, 1.5—1.8
cM., stigma bifid;
ovary glabrous; drupe seated on the
not enlarged calyx, 0.7 cM. long and in diam., glabrous.

Java: Horspeld hi H. A. R.—T. sub no. 049899.

Borneo: Rutten no. 406, Blukan, Sg. Berbar, near
Bontang, E.-Borneo; corolla bluish white; drupe black;
bark greyish; id. no. 38, Balikpapan-bay, P. Belang,
E.-Borneo, a shrub (!) in the mangrove-formation (!); 4
corolla-lobes white, lip light-blue; bark grey; flow, on
6-IV-1910; id. no. 742, Bungalun-river, E.-Borneo, flow,
on 23-XI-1912. —
v. Heutsz no. 832, flowers green, on
Febr. 22"d; native name: Alapan.

Philippines, Palawan: Elmer no. 12660, Brooks Point,
Addison peak, flow, in Febr. 1911; id. no. 13004, Puerto
Princesa (Mt. Pulgar). flow, in Febr. 1911. —
no. 762, flow in March—Apr. 1906.

Distribution: India, Burma, Malay Archipelago!, Malacca,
Palawan!, Indo-China.

13. V. velutina (Koord. et Val.) Koord. Atl. d. Baum-
art. II, 6, t. 297 (1914);
Koord. Exk. fl. v. Java III,
137. —V. heterophy 11a
Roxb., var. velutina Koord.
et Val., Bijdr. Booms. Java, no. 7, 207 (1910). — A tree;
branchlets quadrangular, with petioles and inflorescences
leaves 5-foliolate; leaflets elliptical-oblong, acute
at base, shortly acuminate at apex, the lateral ones being
twice as short as the terminal ones; membranous; scabrid-
punctate above, \\elutinous beneath; terminal leaflets 10—22
by 41/2\'—10 cM., petiolules 1—2 cM.;
panicles leafed
below; bracts linear;
calyx 0.3 cM., sparsely pubescent
corolla 1 cM. long, sparsely pubescent without,
entirely glabrous within; tube s-sbaped; limb 2-lipped,

Distribution: Java.

-ocr page 198-

19. V. sumatrana Miq., Fl. Ind. bat., suppl. I, 567
(1860). — A tree; branehlets quadrangular, somewhat
pubescent, glabrescent;
leaves 3-5-foliolate: leaflets charta-
ceous, obovate, acute or cuneate at base, abruptly acumi-
nate or subentire at apex; margins entire; pairs of nerves
6—10: upper surface glabrous or nearly so, with small
white scales (glands,
Clarke), pubescent on the nerves,
lower glabrous or sparsely pubescent, glandular; lowest
leaflets, if present, 7 by 3 cM., petiolules 0.5 cM.: lateral
ones 4x/2■—12 by 272 —6\'/2 cM., petiolules0.8—1 — 1.8cM.;
terminal ones by 4—7 cM„ petiolules (0.5)—

1 V2—3cM.; petioles glabrous, 5—8 cM.: panicles terminal,
or the lower ones axillary to the upper leaves, minutely
and sparsely ferruginous-pubescent, narrow, 8—12 cM.
long, l1/«—272 cM. wide:
calyx campanulate or urceolate,
pubescent and glandular without, glabrous within; teeth 5,
deltoid, small, more or less ribbed, often with a pimple
below each tooth; calyx 0.3—0.4 cM. long, 0.2—0.25 cM.
corolla pubescent and glandular without, except in
the lower part, entirely glabrous within or with some
hairs at the base of the lip only; tube 0.4—0.7 cM.;
lobes small, 0.1 cM., the lip 0.2 cM. long, all of them
glabrous within;
stamens little exserted, didynamous,
inserted in the upper half of the corolla-tube; filaments
stout, glabrous, red; anther-cells divaricate;
style as long
exsert as the stamens, with shortly bifid apex;
pyriform, glabrous or somewhat glandular at tip; fruit
globose, depressed, somewhat beaked at apex, glabrous.
1 — 1.2 cM. long, 0.9—1 cM. in diam. or more, seated on
the enlarged (up to 1.3 cM. in diam.) calyx.

Var. x typica H. J. Lam, nov. var. — folia 3—5-foliolata;
foliolorum acumina 0.9—1.2 cM. longa, sparse pubescentia
calyx campanulatus, 0.3 cM. longus, 0.25 cM.
diametro, dentibus basi bullatis:
corollae alabastrum re-
curvum, tubus 0.4 cM. longus; totac 0.7 cM. longae.


-ocr page 199-

Sumatra: Teysmann in H. L—B. sub no. 908.267—471.
Lampongs. — H. Bog. no. 4454. Natar, Lampongs, fr.
on Dec. 29th; and no. 4333 (= 4302). same locality.

Var. ,5 uvceolata King et Gamble, Journ. As. Soc.
Beng., LXXIV, 4. 849. — V. heterophylla
(not of Roxb.) (partly), DC., Prodr. XI, 686 (1847). -
V. Loureirii
Wight ex C. B. Clarke in Hook. [., Fl.
Br. Ind. IV, 585 (1885). - V. urceolata

I.e.; Forbes et Hemsley, Fl. sin. II, 259. — leaves 3-
foliolate; acumen of leaflets 0—0.3 cM„ lower surface
calyx urceolate, 0.4 cM. long, 0.2— 0.25 cM.
wide, teeth ribbed;
corolla 0.8—0.9 cM. long, tube 0.7
cM., not or little curved in bud.

Malayan Peninsula:] Griffith no. 6064. — Maingay
no. 1205.

Distribution of the species: Malayan Peninsula!. Sumatra!
15. V. heterophylla
doxb., Fl. Ind. Ill, 75 (1832):
Schauer, DC., Prodr. XI. 686; Forbes et Hemsley, Fl.
sin. II, 257;
Hook, f., Fl. Br. Ind. IV, 585; Koord. en
Val, Bijdr. Booms. Java, no. 7, 204 and Atl. d. Baumart.

II, 6, t. 296; Hall, f., Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37,
King and Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. LXXIV. 4.
Koord., Exk. fl. v. Java. Ill, 137; Miq., Fl. Ind.
bat. II, 862 and suppl. I, 242 and 567;
Zoll. u. Mor.,
Syst. Verz., 53;
Hall, f., Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no.
37, 45;
Williams, Bull. Herb. Boiss. ser. II, T. V. 431. -
V. Babula
Buch.-Ham. ex Wall., Cat. no. 1745(1827). -
V. quinata
Williams I.e. (1905). — V. undulata Wall.,
Cat. no. 1756 (1827). — A tree; branchlets obscurely
quadrangular, somewhat pubescent or subglabrous, gla-
leaves 3—5-foliolate; leaflets lanceolate, some-
times ovate or broadly ovate, chartaceous, acute or cune-
ate at base, acuminate (sometimes obtusely) at apex, mar-
gins entire or undulate, entirely glabrous on both sides
or pubescent on the nerves; pairs of nerves 4—7 in the

-ocr page 200-

lateral, 9—12 in the terminal leaflets; petioles glabrous
or puberulous, 37«—21 eM. long; lowest leaflets, if pre-
sent, 4—47° by 1 Va-—27s cM„ petiolules 0.2—78 eM.;
lateral ones 7—14 by 2.7—7 eM., petiolules 0.2—172 cM.;
terminal ones 9—187a by 37«—9 eM.; petiolules 0.8—
272 eM.; sometimes with small white scales above; with
red or yellow glands beneath;
panicles terminal, large,
minutely greyish tomentose; cymules 2—6-flowered;
cup-shaped, minutely greyish tomentose, nearly truncate,
with 5 minute teeth, 0.25 cM. long and wide, glandular;
with upwards pointing hairs within near the margin;
corolla densely pubescent without; glandular; lowest part
of tube glabrous; tube 0.8 cM. long, 0.25 cM. wide,
glabrous within, a few hairs at the insertion of the stamens
(halfway the tube) excepted; lobes glabrous within, 0.15
cM. long, subacute, deltoid, lip 0.25 cM. long;
included or nearly so; anther-cells little divaricate, sub-
parallel, with some glands on the backside; filaments 0.7
cM., sparsely pubescent for the basal part;
style 0.9 cM.,
with shortly bifid stigma;
ovary glabrous, somewhat glan-
fruit 0.6 cM. long and in diam.

Var. 2 typica H. ]. Lam, nov. var. — var. undulata
Clarke in Hook. f. I.e.; Hall. f. I.e. — foliolorum nervi
glaberrimi; ramuli glabri; foliola minora, lateralia 7—8 cM.
longa, 2.7—3 cM. lata, petioluli 0.7—0.9 cM. longi; ter-
minalia 9—10 cM. longa, 37« cM. lata, petioluli 1.3—1.7
cM. longi; petioli 3—10 cM. longi.

Sumatra; H. Bog. no. 3783, Muara Duwa, Palembang. —
Forbes no. 2612. — de Vriese no. 106, native name:
madang giering.

Java: Reinwardt in H. L.—B. sub no. 908.267—548,
Bantam. — Blume no. 2158. — Zollinger no. 603. —
Ploem in H. L.-B. sub no. 909.25-478, Preanger. -
Boerlage in H. L.-B. sub no. 908.352-1446, Buitenzorg,
flow, and fr. on
15-XII-1888. - Junghuhn in H. L.-B.

-ocr page 201-

sub no. 908.267—1136, Wijnkoops-bay; native name:
Ki-Kambara. —
de Vriese and Teysmann in H. L.—B.
sub no. 908.267-358.

Philippines: Elmer no. 11602, Todaya (Mt. Apo),
Davao, Mindanao, flow, in Sept.
1909. — Cuming nos.
1172 (Manilla) and 1294 (Luzon).

Var. (3. puberula (Miq.) H. J. Lam. — Branchlets
softly pubescent; leaves 3—5-foliolate: leaflets larger, the
lateral ones 7—14 by 2.8—7 cM., petiolules 0.2—l1cM-\'>
terminal ones 9—I8V2 by 37s—9 cM., petiolules 0.8 —
2l/„ cM.; petioles 5—21 cM., with midrib beneath, minutely

Sumatra: Korthals in H. L.-B. sub no. 908.267—448.

Java: Horsfield in H. A. R-T. sub no. 049904. —
Buijsman no. 250, Mt. Tengger, 400 M. in alt., flow, on

celebes: de Vriese and Teysman nos. 50, native name;
Sarauwet, and 28, native name: Sao.

Distribution of the species: India (King and Gamble),
Hongkong (Hallier), Formosa (Matsurnara and Hayala)
Malay Peninsula (K. and G.), Java!, Sumatra!, Celebes!,

16. V. Negundo L., sp. pi., 638 (1753); Williams,
Bull. Herb. Boiss. ser. II, T. V, 431; Schauer, DC,,
Prodr. XI, 684; Cham., Linnaea VII, 400; Forbes and
Hemsley, Fl. sin., II, 258; Forbes, Wand. Nat. f. Mai.
Arch. II, 226;
Hook f., Fl. Brit. Ind.. IV, 583; Koord.
et Val. Bijdr. Booms. Java no. 7, 201 and Atl. d. Baum-
art. II, 6, t. 293;
Koord. Med. \'s Lands PI. tuin XIX,
560 and Exk. fl. v. Java III, 136;
King and Gamble,
Journ. As. Soc. Beng. LXXIV, 4, 843; Hall, f, Med.
\'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37, 43; Bot. Mag., t. 364;
Comp. Bot. Mag. I. 349; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. I, 513; Miq.
Fl. Ind. bat. II, 860 and suppl. I, 242; Maximowicz,
Bull. Ac. Imp. Sci. Pet. XXXI, 82; Roxb., Fl. ind. Ill,

-ocr page 202-

70: Spanoghe, Linnaea XV, 329; Merrill, Phil. Journ.
Sci. Bot. IX, 136;
Hemsley, Chall. Rep., Bot. I, 110 and
Zoll. u. Mor., Syst. Verz., 53. — V. arb orea Desf.,
Cat. Hort. Par. ed. Ill, 391 (1829). — V. gracilis
Salisb.. Prodr. 107 (1796). - V. incisa Lam., Encycl. II,
612. (1786);
Schauer, I.e. 684; Maxim. I.e. 82; Hassk.,
2e Cat. \'s Lands PI. tuin Btz., 134; Schum. u. Lauterb.
FL D. Siidsee, 524. — V. laciniata Hort. ex. Schauer.
I.e., 684 (1847). — V. leucoxylon Blco., Fl. Fil. ed. I.
516 (1837). — V. paniculata
Lam. I.e., 612; Roxb.,
Fl. ind. Ill, 71. — A large shrub or small tree: branchlets
round, densely and minutely greyish or grey-brown tomen-
leaves 3-5-foliolate (when 2- or 1-foliolate probably
an hybrid with
V. trifolia] see note under), the terminal
leaflets always petioluled, the other sessile or subsessile:
leaflets ovate or ovate-lanceolate, thinly chartaceous;
margins entire, sometimes coarsely and obtusely serrate
in the middle of the leaflet; upper surface black in sicco,
glabrous, lower minutely but densely grey or grey-brown
tomentose; pairs of nerves 7—12—18, very indistinct;
lowest leaflets, if present, 0.7—4\'/2 by 0.4—2.2 cM.,
7—8-nerved; lateral ones l\'/o—10 by 0.7—3.3 cM..
petiolules 0—1 cM., nerves 8—10; terminal ones 2.3—
107s by 0.8—3\'/„ cM., petiolules l1/«—1.7 cM., pairs of
nerves 10—18;
panicles terminal or axillary to the upper
leaves, grey or grey-brown tomentose, lax with long
peduncled cymes or more crowded with sessile cymules;
4—24 cM. long, 3—13 cM. wide; bracts 0.2—0.6 cM.;
calyx grey or grey-brown tomentose, 5-toothed, 5-ribbed,
subbilabiate, 0.15—0.2 cM. long and wide: pedicelsO— \'/2 cM.;
corolla greyish pubescent without except in the lower part
of the tube, 0,25—0.5 cM . villous within from the throat
to the insertion of the stamens; 4 lobes subacute, deltoid,
glabrous within, 0.1—0.15 cM., lip villous within, 0.15—

0.3 cM.; the whole corolla 0.25—0.8 cM.; stamens 4,


-ocr page 203-

exsert, 0.4 cM.: style 0.5—0.7 cM. with shortly bifid
ovary globose, white glandular at apex; fruit gla-
brous, seated on the somewhat enlarged, still 5-ribbed
calyx, 0.4—0.6 cM. long, 0.5 cM. in diam.

Var. oc typica H. J. Lam, nov. var. — var. incisa
Clarke in Hook f. I.e. 584. — V. incisa Lam I.e.
sessiles, glomerati. pauciflori: corolla 0.25—0.5 cM.

JAVA: Boerlage no. 483, Buitenzorg. Suka Sari, flow, on
24-IX-1888 - in H. L.-B. sub no. 908.267-40, native
name: lagundi. —
Reinwardt in H. L.-B. sub no. 908.267—
265 and 59? —
Junghuhn no. 46.

BORNEO: Haviland et Hose no. 3552 E.. Sarawak near
Kuching, with flow, and fr. on Oct. 26th, 1894;
iid. no.
1645 E., same locality, flow, on 27-IV-1893.

Banda: Reinwardt in H. L.-B. sub no. 908.137—466.

Philippines: Com. d. 1. flor. for. d. Fil. no. 1648,
Campanga. —
Ramos no. 8292, Pangasinan, Luzon, flow,
in May 1909. —
Darling no. 16562. Abra, Luzon, buds
in Febr. 1909. —
McGregor no. 5259, Nueva Ecija, Luzon,
flow, in Sept. 1908. —
Merrill no. 3627, Concepcion,
Tarlac,\' Luzon, flow, in Nov. 1903.

Var. /3 bicolor H. J. Lam. nov. var. — V. bicolor
Willd., Enum. Hort. Berol., 606 (1809); Schauer, DC.,
Prodr. XI, 683; Miq. Fl. ind. bat. II. 860 and Suppl. I,
242 and 567;
Hall. Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid.
no. 37, 42 —
cymi pedunculati, laxi, multiflori; corolla
0.5-0.8 cM.

Malay Peninsula: Wight in H. A. R.-T. sub no. 049906.

Banka: in H. A. R.-T. sub nos. 044165 (nr. Mintok.
flow, and fr. on
2-X-1858) and 044163 (same locality
and time).

Java: Pulle. Edam-isl. in H. A. R.-T. sub no. 049907.-
Kuhl et p. Hasselt in H. L.-B. sub no. 918.210-52,
P. ajer, buds in April. — Junghuhn in H. L.-B. sub no.
918.210-53, Wijnkoops-bay - in H. L.-B. sub no.908.267-

-ocr page 204-

566. - Ploem in H. L.-B. sub. 909.27-151. - Blume in
H. L.-B. sub nos. 908.267-93 and 47. -
Waitz in H.L.-B.
sub no. 908.267—51, Djocjacarta —
de Vriese et Teysmann
in H. L.-B. sub no. 908.267-270 - Hrb. Hassk. in
H. L.-B. sub no. 908.267—81, native (mal.) name: lagondi
or daon lagondi.

SUMBAWA: Elbert no. 3729, Bima, 5—60 M. in alt.,
flow, and fr. on 10-XII-1909; id. no. 3927, Bima, Ui-ut,
near Waworada-bay, 0-200 M., fr. on 13-XII-1909; id. no.
4118, Maba, 250-400 M. in alt., flow, and fr. on 2-1-1910.

Timor: Zippel in H. L.-B. sub no. 908.267-464.

Flores: Weber in H. L.-B. sub no. 908.267-83,

Kalao-Toa: Docters van Leeuwen-Reijnvaan no. 1513
flow, pink on ll-V-1913.

Celebes: Riedel no. 5836, in H. A. R.-T. sub. no.
0 11558, Menado, native name: Kakawkaw. —
no. 2986, Rumbia, Liano, flow, on 12-IX-1909, 25-150 M.
in alt.; id. no. 2873, Muna-isl., Raka, 0—125 M. in alt.;
id. no. 3337, Kabaena-isl., Eempuhu, 0—200 M., flow,
and fr. on 26-X-1909. -
Forsten in H. L. B. sub nos.
908.267—718—720, Likupang; native name: Kaju labundeh,
flow, and fr. on Sept. 8th.

BORNEO: Rutten no. 61, E.-Borneo, on a ladang; corolla
pink; flow, and fr. on 5-V-1910.

Molucca-isl.: in H. L.-B. sub no. 908.267—474
(Banda). - Reinwardt in H. L.-B. sub. no. 908.267-863. -
Forsten in H. L.-B. sub. no. 908.266-1214 (Ambon).

New-Guinea: Nyman no. 210, Stephansort. — Lewan-
no. 48, same locality, flow, on 15-VIII-1899, with
one 1-foliolate leaf. —
Schlechter no. 14253, Constantins-
hafen. —
Hollrung no. 486, same locality.

philippines: Elmer no. 11999, Todaya (Mt. Apo), Davao,
Mindanao, flow, and fr. in Sept. 1909. —
Tarrosa no.
19553, Basilan, flow, and fr. on 7-VI-1911
. ~ Rosenbluth

-ocr page 205-

and Tamesis no. 12708, Laguna, Luzon, flow, in Sept. 1909.

New-Britain (Neu-Pommern): Lauterbach no. 166,
Ralum. —
Dahl no. 149, flow, and fr. in June 1896, Ralum.

palau-isl.: Kraemer in H. Ber. without nr., native
name: Klsegathui. —
Raymundus no. 178, Korror, native
name: Klschochodui. —
Ledermann no. 14122, Korror,
native name: Klesechedui, flow, and fr. on 9-II-1914.

CaR0LINE-ISL.: Kraemer in H. Ber. without nr. Truk-
isl. .—
Ledermann no. 13631, Nompomal, Ponape, a tree,
8-10 M. high, flow, on 6-XII-1913.

marianne-is^.: Herb. Hsenze in H. Ber. without nr. —
Hofer no. 25. Saipon. Ajuergan; native name Agalonte;
a shrub, 3—4
m. high, flow, and fr. on 16-XI-1912.

The specimen: Volkens no. 425 from Yap, Caroline-isl.,
flow, and fr. on 8-11-1900, we consider as an hybrid between
the /3-variety of
V. Negundo and the «-variety of V.
trifolia. It has the habit of V. trifolia, also in the form
of the often 1-foliolate leaves, but the terminal ones are
usually petioluled and the corolla reaches 0.8—0.9 cM.,
the calyx 0.2—0.25 cM. It is a very remarkable inter-
mediate form, and it may be said emphatically that it
seems to be fertile.

Distribution of the species: E.-Africa. N.-Madagascar,
Mauritius, Ceylon, India, Siam, S.-China, Hainan, Formosa,
Japan (
Hallier), Malay Peninsula! and Archipelago!, Phi-
lippines!, W.-Polynesia!

As there is still some confusion in distinguishing V. Negundo
and V. trifolia, we enumerate here several distinct differences:

V. Negundo. V. trifolia.

1. Leaves 3—5-foliolate. 1. Leaves 1—3 foliolate.

2. Leaflets ovate-lanceolate, 2. Leaflets ovate or broadly
often narrowly lanceolate; ovate, sometimes obovatc,
apex acuminate; margins apex subacute-rounded;
sometimes crenate about margins entire; upper side
the middle; upper side „ glabrous with pubescent


-ocr page 206-

entirely glabrous; terminal midrib, sometimes pubes-
leaflet distinctly petioluled, cent; all leaflets sessile,
the other also or sessile.

3. Panicles 4-24 by 3-13 cM. 3. Panicles 4-13 bij 2-5 cM.

4. Calyx 5-ribbed, 0.15-0.2 4. Calyx not ribbed, 0.3-0.4
cM. long. cM. long.

5. Corolla with lip 0.5—0.8 5. Corolla with lip 1.4 cM.;
cM.; tube 0.3-0.45 cM. tube 0.85 cM.

17. V. nitida Merrill Phil. Journ. Sci., Bot. VII, 343
(1912 . — A tree, 5 M. high; branchlets somewhat qua-
drangular, more or less fulvous-pubescent, glabrescent;
leaves 3—5-foliolate; leaflets elliptical-ovate, entire, acute
or acuminate at base, obtuse or shortly and broadly acu-
minate at apex, glabrous or nearly so, the terminal ones
10 by 7 cM„ the lateral ones 2—3l/2 cM. long, all of
them petioluled; petioles 5—7 cM.;
panicles terminal,
composed by cymes, axillary to the upper leaves, sub-
glabrous; peduncles 2—6 cM.; cymes dichotomous, rather
lax and few-flowered; 3 flowers together, the lateral ones
pedicelled, the terminal ones sessile, or nearly so; bracts
deltoid, 0.15 cM„ caducous;
calyx 0.25 cM., appressedly
pubescent, truncate or obscurely 5-toothed; coro//a-tube
0.6 cM., densely villous within, densely tawny-tomentose
without in the upper part; upper lip 2-lobed, lobes 0.35 —
0.4 cM., lower 3-lobed, the midlobe 0.5 cM. in diam.,
the lateral lobes 0.3 cM. long; all lobes densely tawny-
pubescent on both sides;
filaments densely villous below;
style 1 cM. long.

Distribution: Mindanao.

This specics belongs possibly to the subsection Axillares,
for it is not clear from Merrill\'s description whether there are
only axillary cymes forming together a terminal (pseudo-terminal)
panicle, or if also a real terminal panicle is present.

18. V. littoralis Decne., Nouv. Ann. Mus. Par. Ill,
401 (1834);
Merrill Bur. Gov. Lab. Bull. no. 27. 68;
Spanoghe. Linnaea XV, 330; Hallier ƒ., Med. \'s Rijks

-ocr page 207-

Herb. Leiden, no. 37, 47. — V. alt is si ma Naves ex
Vill. in Blco., Fl. Fil. ed. Ill, Nov. app. 130 (1877). -
V. glaberrima
Zipp. ex Span, in Linnaea XV, 330
(1841). - V. timoriensis
Walp., Rep. IV, 84 (1848):
Schauer, DC., Prodr. XI, 686; Forbes, Wand. Nat. f.
Mai. Arch. II, 226;
Miq.. Fl. Ind. bat. II, 863. - V.
co fas si
Reinw. var. timorensis Hall. f. I.e., 47. —
A tree; branchlets quadrangular, with petioles subglabrous
or glabrous;
leaves 3-foliolate, very rarely 2—1-foliolate,
leaflets articulated; leaflets oblong-lanceolate or lanceolate,
chartaceous, entire, in sicco dark-coloured, entirely glabrous
on both sides, base acute or cuneate, apex acuminate;
terminal leaflets 7V2—17\'/3 by 2.8-7 cM„ petiolules 0.5-
1.7 cM.; pairs of nerves rather variable, 7—9 or more
up to 17—20; lateral ones 6—14 by 1.8—5 cM., petiolules
0.3—1.5 cM., often unequal and rounded at base; petioles
5—11 cM.;
panicles terminal and axillary to the upper
leaves, minutely grey-pubescent, pyramidate, 8 — 19 cM.
long, 8—15 cM. wide;
calyx densely pubescent to sub-
glabrous, rather variable in tomentum and form, often
5-toothed in bud, the teeth bending together over the
corolla, ultimately subtruncate, or truncate from the be-
ginning, 0.1—0.15 cM. long, cup-shaped;
corolla infundi-
buliform, densely and appressedly pubescent without, glan-
dular with dense yellow glands; throat, insertion and base
of stamens, and lip within villous; tube 0.3 cM. (young?),
sometimes larger. 0.6 cM. (in
Decaisne\'s spccimina!);
4-lobes ovate, 0.1 cM. long and broad, or 0.3 cM. long
and 0.2 cM. bread (Decne.); the lip undulate, 0.2 cM.
long (young?) or 0.6 by 0.25 cM.
(Decne. ; the whole
corolla 0.5 cM. (young?) or 1.1 cM.
(Decne.); stamens
inserted in the lower part of the corolla-tube, which is
glabrous below their insertion;
styb., as stamens hardly
exsert, with shortly bifid stigma; o
vary glabrous, glandular
at tip and often also at base;
drupe half-included in the

-ocr page 208-

enlarged calyx, 0.3—0.6 cM. in diam., 0.4—0.5 cM. long,

Timor: Teysmann nos. 8941 (Kupang) and 8944, native
name: Kula or Daon Kula. —
de Vriese et Teysmann, in
H. L.-B. sub no.
908.267-936 to 938 (Kupang). - H.
L.-B. no.
908.267-7. - H. Bog. no. 5165. - Cun-
no. 526, flow, in Nov. 1819. — Zippel in H.
L.—B. sub no.
908.267—707 to 709. — Spanoghe in
H. L.-B. sub no.
908.267-31 (corolla 1 cM., tube 0.6
cM !) — Decaisne in H. L.—B. sub no. 908.267—21
(cor. as in prec.!).

KALAO-TOA: Docters van Leeuwen-Reijnvaan no. 1355,
a tree, flow, pink on 5-V-1913, drupe black; native name:

Kape-ADI: Docters van Leeuwen-Reijnvaan no. 1309,
a small tree, ± 5 M. high, flow, reddish; fr. on 3-V-1913.

celebes: Elbert no. 2732, Buton-isl., Lipumangan, 250—
320 M. in"alt., fr. on 22-VIII-1909.

AmBOYNA: in H. L.-B. sub no. 908.267-18.

Philippines: Elmer no. 13440, Cabadbaran (Mt. Ur-
daneta), Agusan, Mindanao, flow, and fr. in Aug. 1912;
id. no. 10995, Todaya (Mt. Apo), Davao, Mindanao, buds
in June
1909; id. no. 11031, same locality and time, flow.;
id. no 10995 (? is this nr. right), Magallanes (Mt. Giting-
giting), Capiz, Sibuyan, flow, in May
1910. — Whitfbrd
and Hutchinson no. 9213, Zamboanga, Mindanao, flow,
in Jan.
1908. — ? Rosenbluth no. 12165, Marinduque-isl.
(leaflets membranous). — Com. d. 1. fl. for. d. Fil. nos.
489 (Guinaras) and 849 (Unisan). — Cnrran and Merritt
no. 12398, Mt. Limax, Bataan, Luzon, flow, in Aug.
1908. — Reillo no. 16463, Sa Maria, Zamboanga, Min-
danao, flow, in Sept.—Oct.
1912. — Curran no. 17452,
Negros, flow, and fruits in Sept. 1909. — Cuming no.
1365 (cor. 1 cM., tube 0.6 cM., cf. Decaisne s specimen
from Timor).

-ocr page 209-

Distribution: Timor!, Philippines! and some islands be-
tween them!

We are not sure that this is a uniform species, but we find,
although it is rather polymorphous, no terms nor means to
subdivide it into 2 or more species or varieties. The form with
the larger corolla occurs in Timor (Decne.) as well as in the
Philippines (
Cuming no. 1365), and the localities in Kalao-Toa,
Kape-adi, Celebes and also in Amboyna, may indicate that the
plants from Timor are identical with those from the Philippines.
An examinator having within his reach a more complete material
than we had, will be able to give a final decision in this matter.

19. V. siamica F. N. Williams, Bull. Herb. Boiss.,
ser. II, T. V, 431 (1905);
King and Gamble, Journ. As.
Soc. Beng,, LXXIV, 4, 847.\' - A tree, reaching 10-13
M. in height; branchlets with petioles glabrous;
3-foliolate; leaflets coriaceous, glabrous, entire, ovate or
ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, often bluntly at apex, rounded
or cuneate at base, the lateral leaflets sometimes slightly
asymmetric, the terminal ones 6—127« cM. long, 1.8—4.3
cM. broad, petiolules (also to lateral leaflets) about 1.2
cM.; petioles
2i/i~5 cM.; the lateral leaflets usually about
7S smaller; pairs of nerves 12—24, only slightly curving
to the margin;
panicles terminal, with sometimes additional
branches from the axils of the upper leaves, minutely
puberulous, many-flowered, reaching sometimes 30 cM.
in length; bracts many, persistent, linear-lanceolate, 0.6—
1.8 cM.; bracteoles 2 to each pedicel; pedicels slender,
sometimes 0; flowers small, blue or white;
campanulate, pubescent and glandular without, 0.12 cM.;
teeth 5, acute. 0.05 cM.; in fruit much enlarged, cup-
corolla-tube 0.25 cM., pubescent on both sides
except at the base, and with many yellow glands; upper
lip with 2 short obtuse lobes; lower 3-lobed, the midlobe
longer and villous inside;
stamens included or nearly so:
filaments thickened, villous;
style rather thick, as long as
stamens, with shortly bifid stigma;
ovary depressed, spar-

-ocr page 210-

sely glandular; drupe globose 0.35 cM. in diam., glandular,
obscurely 4-lobed.

Distribution: Siam, Malay Peninsula.

20. V. flabelliflora Hall, ƒ., Med. s Rijks Herb. Leid.,
no. 37, 50 (1918). — A tree?; branchlets ochraceous-
cinereous, glabreseent, with interpetiolar margins (without
leaves 3-foliolate; leaflets broadly lanceolate, acute
at base, sometimes unequal, acuminate at apex, chartaceous,
glabrous on both sides; margins entire; pairs of nerves
7-9; 18—26 by 71/, —101/, cM., petiolules 1.4-2.3 cM.;
petioles glabrous, 2—^\'/e cM.;
panicles terminal, reaching
30 by 20 cM., minutely pubescent; panicles peduncled
(2—)4—6(—7) from a node, the nodes at rather large inter-
vals; cymules conspicuously peduncled, dense, subcapitate,
dichotomous; bracts spathulate;
calyx cyathimorphous,
acutely 5-toothed, pubescent without, 0.15 cM.;
0.7 cM„ pubescent without, shortly villous within; lip
villous within;
stamens and style little exsert.

Distribution: E.-Borneo!

21. V. secundiflora Hall Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid.
no. 37, 49 (1918). — A tree, 10 M. high; branchlets
quadrangular, with petioles glabrous; intrapetiolar margins
(without hairs) present;
leaves 3—5-foliolate; leafletsobovate,
base narrowly obtuse, apex, sometimes obtusely acuminate;
subsessile; margins entire; chartaceous; glabrous and reti-
culated on both sides; terminal leaflets 8—13 by 2\'/2 —5 cM.,
petiolules 0.1—0.2 cM.; petioles 3\'/s>— 10 cM., the upper
ones often winged, 0.5—0.6 cM. broad with the wings;
panicles terminal, very minutely pubescent, 14—20 cM.
long, 8—10 cM. in diam.; pedicels 0.1 cM.;
calyx cyathi-
morphous, 0.2 cM., 5-toothed, glabrous, with peltate
scales (glands,
Hallier) near the margin; teeth ciliate;
enlarged in fruit up to 0.3 cM. long and 0.5 cM. in diam.;
coro//a-tube glabrous with some scales (glands), 0.4—
0.5 cM., infundibuliform; 4 lobes 0.2 cM. long and broad,

-ocr page 211-

one 0.4—0.5 cM. long, 0.3 cM. broad, all lobes pubescent
near the margin, the lip densely villous within, as is the
stamens 0.4 cM. exserted. filaments villous at their
style 1 cM., with shortly bifid apex; ovary glabrous;
drupe (ripe?) 0.4 cM. long.

Distribution S.E.-Borneo!

22. V. luteoglandulosa H. J. Lam, nov. spec. — Arbor;
ramuli obscure quadrangulares. minute pubescentes et
glandulosi, glabrescentes. sicut panicula;
folia 3—5 folio-
lata; foliola ovata vel ovato-oblonga. chartacea; margine
intégra; supra, subglabra, minutissime papillosa, subtus
densissime glanduloso-punctata, nervis pubescentia; nervis
utrinque 5—11; foliola inferiora 1 —21/2 cM. longa, Ys""
1.3 cM. lata, basi apiceque cuneata, nervis utrinque 5—6,
petiolulo 0.1—0.2 cM. longo; lateralia 6—10Vs cM. longa,
V/o-5 cM. lata, ut terniinalia basi attenuata, apice acu-
minata, petiolulo 0.3—0.6 cM. longo, nervis utrinque
6—10; terminalia 4VS—13 cM. longa, 4—5.6 cM. lata,
nervis utrinque 8—11, petiolulo 1—2 cM. longo; petiolo
subglabro, 4—8 cM. longo;
paniculœ terminales, vel infe-
riores axillares, 14—20 cM. longa;, 11 — 12 cM. latae;
cupuliformis, obtuse 5-dentatus, sparse pubescens glandulo-
susque, 0.25 cM. longus et diam.;
corolla minute pube-
rula glandulosaque, parte tubi inferiore et lobi medii
inferioris labii margo exceptis; fauce dense villosa; lobis 4
intus glabris, lobo 1 majore intus villoso; tubo 0.4 cM.
longo, lobis minoribus 0.1 cM. longis. obtusis, lobo majore
0.3 cM. longo;
stamina inclusa, filamentis minute puberulis;
stylus brevis; apice truncatus?; ovarium glabrum.

New-Guinea: Schlechter no. 16593. Kais.-Wilh.-land,
near Wabbe,
250 M. in alt., on 29-IX-1907.

A species well characterised by the very densely glandular
lower surface of its leaflets.

23. V. glandulosa H. J. Lam, nov. spec. — Frutex?;
ramuli. petioli, inflorescentiac minute pubescentes. glabres-

-ocr page 212-

centes: folia 3-foliolata; foliola lateovata, chartacea, margine
integra, basi cuneata, apice subabrupte acuminata, supra
glabra, scabrido-papillosa, sparse glandulosa, nervis dense
pubescentia, subtus glabra, densiuscule glandulosa, nervis
dense pubescentia; 4 72 —7 cM. longa,
2*/s~3 cM. lata,
petiolulo 0.3—0.6 cM. longo; petiolo 12\'/2 cM. longo;
paniculae terminales, laxae, 25 cM. longae, 20 cM. latae,
bracteis lanceolatis obtusis, 0.8—3.2 cM. longis, 0.1 —0.35 cM.
; calyx cupuliformis, dense, praesertim subtus, pubescens,
glanduloso-punctatus, intus glaber, in alabastro 0.15 cM.
corollas alabastrum 0.3 cM. longum, dense pubescentis
glandulosaeque, parte inferiore tubi excepta; fauce, stami-
num insertione, lobi medii inferioris labii basi villosae;
stylus apice bifidus; ovarium, apice villosum et glandulosum.

luzon: Mangubat no. 1361, Mendez Nunez, Cavite,
buds in Aug. 1906.

This species is nearly allied to V. luteoglandulosa, but its leaves
are far less glandular beneath, and it has large, lanceolate bracts.

24. V. coriacea C. B. Clarke in Hook, f., Fl. Br. Ind.
IV, 586 (1885);
King and Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. Beng.
LXXIV, 4, 846. — A tree, reaching 20 M. or more in
height; branchlets round, minutely puberulous;
leaves 3-
foliolate; leaflets lanceolate or oblanceolate, coriaceous;
margins entire; base acute, apex obtuse or acute; glabrous
on both surfaces, glandular below; petioles and petiolules
minutely pubescent; pairs of nerves 6—7; 5—12\'/a by
2—4 cM„ petiolules 1 — 1.2 cM. in the terminal, 0.4—0.6
in the lateral leaflets; petioles 2\'/2—5 cM.;
panicles ter-
minal, minutely pubescent, 11—20 cM. long, 8—10 cM.
in diam., relatively few-flowered; bracts linear, 0.5 cM.;
flowers in small, often distant clusters, violet or blue:
calyx pubescent and glandular without, subinfundibuliform,
enlarged and cup-shaped in fruit; tube 0.2—0.25 cM.,
teeth deltoid, 0.1—0.12 cM., acute (obtuse
King and
Gamble); corolla pubescent and glandular within and

-ocr page 213-

without except on the inferior part of the tube; tube
0.4 cM.. 4 .lobes rounded, 0.2-0.3 cM. long, the lip
larger, 0.5 cM. long, with the throat densely villous within,
stamens exsert; filaments stout, glandular, villous
below; anthers reniform; insertion in the throat; 0.4 cM.
style 0.8 cM„ stigma shortly bifid; ovary depressed,
sparsely pubescent and glandular;
drupe glabrous, 1.3—
2 cM. in diam.

Distribution: Malay Peninsula!

25. V. lasiantha Hall, f.. Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid.
no. 37, 50 (1918). - A tree, 237« M. high; branchlets
cinereous, with petioles subglabrous;
leaves 3-foliolate,
lanceolate or lanceolate-obovate, base acute or subatten-
uate, apex cuneate or subobtuse; margins entire; coria-
ceous, entirely glabrous on both sides; pairs of nerves
8-9; 1572 — 20 by 4.8-7 cM., petiolules 1.2-2.7 cM.;
petioles 4 — 4 72 cM.;
panicles nearly as in V. flabelliflora,
but never more than 2 peduncles from each node; reaching
20 cM. in length; bracteoles caducous; all parts minutely
pubescent; cymules with peduncles 1 cM. long;
cup-shaped, densely tawny-pubescent, with 5 deltoid, rather
large teeth, 0.1—0.15 cM. long, pedicels 0.1—0.3 cM.;
corolla white, densely tawny-pubescent without except in
the lower part of the tube; tube 0.3—0.4 cM., villous
at throat; 4 lobes, 0.15 cM. long, pubescent on both sides,
lip 0.3 cM. long, villous within;
filaments 0.15 cM. exserted,
slender, pubescent;
style as long exsert as the stamens,
with shortly bifid apex;
ovary globose, glabrous, minutely
villous at tip.

Distribution: S.-W.-New-Guinea!

26. V. longifolia Merrill. Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot. V. 227
(1910). — A tree; branchlets and petioles glabrous;
3-foliolate; leaflets oblong-lanceolatc to broadly ovate-
lanceolate, subcoriaceous; margins entire, apex long acu-
minate; glabrous on both sides; pairs of nerves 10; terminal

-ocr page 214-

leaflets 20—25 by 5—7 cM.; petiolules 1— 2eM.; petioles
5—9 cM.;
panicles terminal, somewhat brownish-pubescent,
reaching 25 cM. long, often with 4 peduncles from each
node: main peduncle 15 cM.; flowers fasciculated; bracts
0.2 cM.;
calyx pubescent without, with 5 small teeth,
0.2 cM. long and wide;
corolla pink, pubescent within
and without; tube 0.5—0.6 cM.; limb 2-lipped, upper lip
2-lobed, 0.5—0.6 cM., lobes narrow; lower one 3-lobed,
lobes obtuse or acute, 0.3 cM.;
filaments sometimes
somewhat puberulous, didynamous, 0.6 and 0.8 cM.;
fruit unknown.

Distribution: Mindanao.

Subsection 2 Axillares Briq.

27. V. tetragona Hall f, Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid.
no. 37, 53 (1918). — A tree?; branchlets very acutely
leaves 1-foliolate; leaflets sessile, lanceolate,
caudate-acuminate, acute at base, margins entire, recurved;
chartaceous, distinctly articulated with the petioles, glabrous
on both sides, with branchlets and petioles distinctly
cinereous, especially beneath; pairs of nerves 8—12;
12—18 by 2.7—4.7 cM„ acumtn reaching 3 cM., petioles
1—.2 cM.;
panicles alternately axillary; cymes shortly
peduncled, 3—7-flowered; pubescent; pedicels short, 0.1 cM.;
panicles reaching 5 cM., cymes 1 cM.;
calyx cyathi-
morphous, acutely 5-toothed, minutely and appressedly
pubescent, 0.2 cM.;
corolla with lip 0.8 cM., densely
ochraceous-pubescent without, villous within as is the base
of the lip;
stamens and style exsert; drupe ellipsoid, for
b included in the cupuliform calyx, pubescent, 1 cM.
long, 0.7 cM. in diam.

Distribution: E.-Borneo!

28. V. longisepala King et Gamble, Kew Bull., 112
(1908) and Journ. As. Soc. Beng., LXXIV, 4, 853. - A

-ocr page 215-

small or moderate-sized tree; branchlets obscurely quadran-
gular, with petioles and inflorescences densely tawny
leaves 3-foliolate, membranous, the middle leaflet *
largest and petioluled, the side ones subsessile; ovate or
elliptic-ovate, abruptly caudate-acuminate at apex, the
terminal leaflets acuminate or cuneate at base, the lateral
ones cordate or rounded, or acute and unequal; upper
surface sparsely hispid and glandular, lower one tawny-
pubescent and glandular; margins entire; 10—30 by 5—
15 cM.; petiolule of the middle leaflet 0.6—2 cM.; petioles
5—15 cM.; pairs of nerves 8—15; cymes axillary, oppo-
site, 21/j_6.2 cM. long; main peduncles usually 2, vertically
arranged, 2\'/2—4 cM. long; branches 2- to 3-chotomous;
bracts narrowly lanceolate, 0.6—1.8 cM„ persistent;
pedicels about 2\'/2 cM.; flowers primrose-yellow;
golden brown villous, campanulate. 0.85 cM.; lobes 5,
oblong-lanceolate, 0.6 cM.;
corolla-tube slender, funnel-
shaped. 1 — 1.2 cM„ yellow-glandular; 2-lipped. with a
scanty ring of hairs within at the insertion of the stamens,
0.4 cM. above the base of; upper lip shortly 2-lobed,
lobes rounded; lower lip 3-lobed, side lobes reflexed,
middle lobe narrowed below, broadened above and fim-
briate, twice as long as the side lobes;
stamens exsert,
filaments glabrous, slender;
style with bifid stigma; ovary
conoidal, densely yellow-glandular at top; drupe ovoid,
black, smooth, glandular, 0.75 cM. long.

Distribution; Malay Peninsula.

29. V. glabrata R.Br., Prodr. 512, (1827); Benth. and
v. Muell., Fl. Austral., V, 31; Schauer, DC., Prodr XI.
Hook f., Fl. Br. Ind. IV, 588: Koord. en Vai,
Bijdr. Booms, no. 7, 208 and Atl. d. Baumart. II, 6,
t. 209;
King and Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. LXXIV, 4,
Koord. Exk. fl.. Ill, 137; K. Schum. u. Lauterb. Fl.
D. Sudsee, 523;
K. Schum. u. Hollrung, Fl. Kais.-Wilh-
land, 121;
Hall, ƒ., Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37, 54.—

-ocr page 216-

V. bombacifolia Wall, cat. no. 1749 (1828). - V.
Schau. DC., Prodr. XI, 691 (1847). -
V. helogiton
K. Schum. in K. Schum. u. Lauterb.,
Nachtr. Fl. D. Siidsee, 362 (1905). — V. leucoxylon
Schau. I.e. 692 (1847). (partly). - V. pallida Wall.,
cat. no. 1751 (1828). — V. pentaphylla Merr. Phil. Journ.
Sci. Bot. IV, 320 (1909);
Hall [., 1. c. 54. - A tree,
reaching 10—20 M.
(Merr.) or a large shrub; rather
variable in tomentum and some other features; branchlets
obtusely quadrangular, more or less fulvous-pubescent,
glabrescent; leaves 3—5-foliolate; leafllets chartaceous or
membranous, elliptical or elliptical-oblong or subobovate.
sometimes subrotundate, sometimes lanceolate, base cuneate,
sometimes broad, or long attenuate and narrow; apex
obtusely or acutely acuminate; in sicco brown to nearly
black; margins entire; pairs of nerves 6—15; upper side
glabrous, minutely pubescent on the midrib, the nerves
white-pubescent when young; lower one glabrous or very
sparsely pubescent, midrib glabrous or somewhat pubescent,
pubescent along it and ± barbellate in the axils of the
main nerves; lowest leaflets, if present, 2XI«~\\0 by 1 —
5V2 cM„ petiolules 0.2—0.3 cM„ pairs of nerves 6—8;
lateral ones 14—26 by 7—11 cM., petiolules 0.7—1.5 cM.,
pairs of nerves 10—12; terminal ones 15—31 by 8— 13\'/a
cM., petiolules 1—2 cM., pairs of nerves 12—17; petioles
glabrous or somewhat pubescent, 7—17 cM. long, slender;
cymes axillary, lax, slender, minutely pubescent, dichoto-
mous, few-flowered, 7—14—22 cM. long, 8—7 cM. in
diam., peduncles 2—7—10 cM., bracts small, caducous.
0.3 cM.; pedicels 0.1—0.3 cM., often with 2 minute often
opposite bracteoles;
calyx 0.15—0:4 cM. long, 0.25—
0.3 cM. in diam., cupuliform, with 5 small teeth; minutely
and appressedly pubescent; coro//a-tube, yellowish white,
pubescent over its whole length, 0.5—0.6 cM., glabrous

within in the lower part, densely villous within in the


-ocr page 217-

throat and up to the midlobe of the lower lip within;
the smaller lobes — as the lip — pubescent without.
0.2—0.25 by 0.15—0.2 cM.. the lip pink, reaching 0.5—0.8
by 0.25—0.4 cM., entire;
stamens exsert, 0.6—0.7 cM.,
filaments villous in the lower half, glandular in the upper
one, stout and broadened below;
style 0.7—0.9 cM.,
exsert. with shortly bifid apex;
ovary glabrous, minutely
villous at tip;
drupe obovoid, 0.8—1.3 cM. long.

Java: Kuhl et v. Hasselt in H. L.-B. sub no. 909.107-
54. - Korthals in H. L.-B. subno. 908.272-136, Krawang.-
Junghuhn in H. L.-B. sub no. 908.267-1210, Tjiletu,
native name: \' Ki bigchbul, a large tree and in H. L.-B.
sub no.
908.267-1220, native name Ki Katjapi.

Timor: Forbes no. 3784 (very little barbellate in the
axils of the nerves beneath).

New-Guinea: Hollrung no. 672, Kais.-W.-land, How.
in Aug. 1887. —
Ledermann no. 10474, Kais.-W.-land,
Camp Malu on Sepik-river, 30—40 M. in alt., a small
tree, 4—5 M. high; bark light-grey; fr. green-yellow on
4-1-1913. -
Hollrung no. 708, Kais.-Wilh.-land, 2"d
Augusta-station, flow, in Sept. 1887 (leaves membranous
or thin-chartaceous, 10—19 by 4—7 cM.).

Philippines: Merrill no. 9330, Taytay, Palawan, How.
in May 1913.

Distribution: India, Burma, Siam, Cochin China, Malay
Peninsula, Java!, Timor!, New-Guinea!, Palawan!, Min-
(Merrill), N.-Australia, Queensland (see Hallier, 1. c.).

30. V. vestita Wall., Cat. no. 1750 (1828); Schau.,
Prodr. XI, 692; Hook, f., Fl. Br. Ind. IV, 587;
King and Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. LXXIV. 4, 854;
Miquel, Fl. Ind. bat. II, 864 and suppl. I, 242 and 568;
Hall. [., Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37, 54. - V. Fin-
Wall., Cat. no. 6314 (1828). — A moderate-
sized tree; branchlets round, with petioles and cymes spftly
grey-tawny-pubescent; leaves 3-foliolate; leaflets charta-

-ocr page 218-

ceous, lanceolate, acuminate at both ends; margins entire;
sparsely puberulous above, densier on the nerves, tomen-
tose beneath and glandular; terminal leaflets 11 V2—19 by
5—10 eM., 8— 10-nerved, petiolules 1
l/s~6 eM.; lateral
ones 8—16 by 4—6l/s cM„ base often unequal, 5—7-
nerved, petiolules 1/2~l cM.; petioles 3V2 —101/2 cM.;
cymes axillary to the upper leaves, usually 2—4 vertically
arranged in the axil, dichotomous,
2i/s~6 cM. long and
in diam., peduncles 0.7—2\'/o cM.;
calyx subbilabiate, cupu-
liform or subcylindric, 0.3 cM. long, 0.2 cM. wide; teeth

5, small, deltoid; pubescent and glandular without, glabrous
within; coro//a-tube cylindric, slender, 0.8
cM. long, 0.1
cM. wide, except in the lower part densely glandular with
rather large, yellow glands or glanduliferous hairs, as are
the 5 subequal, 0.1—0.15 cM. long, ovate lobes, which
have sometimes some hairs without, and are glabrous
within as is the tube, except for a ring of stiff, upwards
pointing hairs, about 0.25 cM. from the base;
subequal, included, glabrous, inserted at about 0.5 cM.
from the base of the tube, 0.4 cM. long;
style slender,
1 cM., with very shortly bifid stigma;
ovary with glabrous,
subcylindrical base, abruptly narrowing into a glandular-
dotted beak;
drupe globose. 0.6 cM. long and in diam., for
the lower l/s part included in the somewhat enlarged calyx.

)ava; Ploem in H. L.-B. sub no. 909.27-27. -
? Blume in H. L.-B. sub no. 908.267-628.

Sumatra: Korthals in H. L.-B. sub nos. 908.266-786
and 787, Mt. Tambang; id. in H. L.-B. sub nos. 908.266-
Padang. — H. Bog. no. 1165, Lubuk-alung; id. no.
58, Lubuk sikaping; id. no 3671, Muara enim, Palcmbang.

Distribution: Burma. Malay Peninsula (and Penang),
Java!, Sumatra!, W.-Bornco (

31. V. Aherniana Merrill. Bur. Gov. Lab. Bull. no.

6, 18 (1903). — A tree; branchlets round, with petioles,
petiolules and cymes minutely pubescent;
leaves 3- (rarely

-ocr page 219-

4-) foliolate; leaflets oblong or ovate-oblong, cuneate at
base, acuminate at apex; chartaceous; margins entire:
glabrous on both surfaces, somewhat pubescent on and
near the nerves beneath; 10—24 by 6—10 cM., petiolules
in all leaflets equal, 1—3 cM.; petioles 61/2\'—8\'/ cM.,
incrassate at base and in the insertion of the petiolules;
pairs of nerves 12—15;
cymes axillary, peduncles 2 in the
axils, 3—6 cM.; 9—12 cM. long, few-flowered; flowers
relatively large;
calyx funnel-shaped, with 2 minute brac-
teoles close to its base, sparsely pubescent and glandular
without, glabrous within; obscurely 5-denticulate, 0.4 cM.
long and wide;
corolla-tube short, 0.35—0.4 cM., glabrous
below, pubescent for the rest, as are the lobes, except
for the margin of the large lip; throat and base of the
lip densely villous; 4 lobes narrow, longer than the tube,
0.6 cM. long, 0.2 cM. broad, glabrous within; lip large,
often somewhat 2-lobed, the lobes crenate- or sinuate-
serrate; 1 cM. long;
stamens little exsert, filaments villous
below, inserted in the lower part of the throat;
style as
long exsert as the stamens, stigma shortly bifid;
glabrous, globose, ± 4-furrowed.

Philippines: Curran no. 1143, Negros, flow, in April
1912; id. no. 10571, Albay, Luzon. - Escritor no. 20768,
Guinayangan, Tayabas, Luzon, flow, in March—April
1913. — Rosenbluth no. 12236, Lubang-isl. flow, in

32. V. Curranii H. J. Lam, nov. spec. — Arbor?;
ramuli obscure quadrangulares, cum petiolis petiolulisque
velutini, nodis incrassati;
folia 5-foliolata; foliola.elliptico-
oblonga vel oblonga, apice basique acuminata, basi saepe
decurrentia, chartacea, vel subcoriacea, margine integra,
longe petiolulata, 8-11-nervia, utrinque glabra, in costa
media pubescentia; inferiora 11 cM. longa. 5 cM. lata,
petiolulo 1.7 cM. longo; lateralia 17 cM. longa, 6 cM.
lata, petiolulo 3.3 cM. longo; terminalia 20 cM. longa,

-ocr page 220-

7 cM. lata, petiolulo 3.7 cM. longo; paniculae spicatae,
longae, axillares, pedunculis 3, verticaliter appositis; cymis
minutis, breviter pedunculatis, 1-3-floris; flos illo
V. Aher-
arete affinis; calyx cupuliformis, 0.4 cM. longus et
latus, obsolute 5-denticulatus, dense aureo-fulvo-tomentosus;
corollas tubus calyce brevior, cum lobis 4 angustis 0.5
cM. longis, quinto 0.7—0.8 cM. longo, bilobo (lobis inte-
gris), extus dense aureo-fulvo-pubescens, parte inferiore
excepta, intus dense villosus;
genitalia inclusa; ovarium

Philippines: Curran no. 17463, Negros, flow, in Oct.

This plant, in the specimen determined as V. Aherniana, is
quite different from it — though in certain features undoubtedly
related — by its 5-folioIate leaves, the densier indumentum of
petioles, petiolules and flowers, and the presence of 3 (instead
of 2) peduncles in the axils of the leaves.

33. V. leucoxylon L. [., Suppl. 293 (1781); Blume,
Bijdr. 813; Blanco, Fl. Fil. ed. I, 516; Schau., DC.. Prodr.
XI, 692;?
Hook. Comp. Bot. Mag. I, 349; Miquel, Fl.
Ind. bat. II, 864 and suppl. I. 242;
Merrill, Bur. Gov.
Lab. Bull. no. 27, 68;
Roxb. Fl. ind. Ill, 74. - A mode-
rate-sized tree; branchlets ± quadrangular, with petioles,
petiolules and cymes appressedly yellow- or brown-pubes-
leaves (3-)5-foliolate; leaflets long petioluled, oblong
or elliptical-oblong, base acute, more or less attenuate,
apex long acuminate; chartaceous; margins entire; glabrous
above, pubescent on the nerves, beneath densely pubes-
cent when young, sparsely when adult, densier near the
nerves, eglandular; pairs of nerves 9—11, at an angle of
almost 90° with the midrib; lowest leaflets, if present, as
the lateral ones with often unequal base, 2\'/»—5 by 1 !/s —
2\'/a cM., petiolules 0.6—0.9 cM.; lateral ones 51/«-91
by 3—4V2 cM., petiolules 1—2 cM.; terminal ones 7—
10 by 3—4\'/2 cM.. petiolules 1.4—2\'/2 cM.; petioles

-ocr page 221-

slender, 3—6 cM.; cymes axillary, lax, 12—17 cM. long
and in diam., up to 6 times di- or subtrichotomous; pedun-
cles 5.78—77« cM.; pedicels 0.05—0.2 cM.;
calyx cupuli-
form, appressedly and sparsely pubescent without, glabrous
within; teeth 5, equal, deltoid, 0.05 cM., the tube 0.2 cM.;
corolla glabrous for the lowest 0.1 cM„ appressedly pubes-
cent; tube 0.45 cM., from the insertion of the stamens
(about 0
.1 cM. from the base) up to the. throat and the
lip within, densely villous; upper lip with 2 acute, 0.25
cM. long lobes, glabrous within, lower one 3-lobed, side
lobes rounded, glabrous within, 0.25 cM., midlobe 0.35
cM„ with sintiate margin;
stamens little exsert; filaments
thickened and villous towards the base, glabrous above;
anther-cells divergent;
style somewhat longer exsert than the
stamens, with shortly bifid stigma;
ovary globose, glabrous.

Malay Peninsula: Griffith no. 6062.

Distribution: Ceylon, India, Malay Peninsula!, Java.

Section II. Glossocalyx Clarke.

34. V. gamosepala Griffith, Notul. IV, 178 (1851);
Hook, ƒ., Fl. Br. Ind. IV, 588; King and Gamble, Journ.
As. Soc. Beng. LXXIV, 4, 855. — A moderate-sized tree;
branchlets, petioles, petiolules and inflorescences minutely
pubescent and glandular; branchlets ± tetragonous;
3-foliolate; leaflets chartaceous, ovate or ovate-lanceolate,
base acute or attenuate, apex acuminate; margins entire;
pairs of nerves 5 — 7; both surfaces glabrous, the lower
one glandular, pubescent on the midrib; 5— 171/3 by
b cM.. petiolules 0.3—272 cM., all dimensions
smaller in the lateral leaflets; petioles 47a—10 cM.;
shortly peduncled, axillary, dichotomous, 1.3—4 cM. long
and in diam., peduncles 0.2—1 cM.;
calyx 2-lipped, upper
lip entire or 2-lobed, lower one 2-toothed, the upper one

14 \'

-ocr page 222-

longer; glabrous, more or less densely yellow-glandular;
corolla-tube slender, 0.8—1.2 eM., glabrous and more or
less glandular without, except for the lower 0.1 cM.;
glabrous within except for a ring of stiff, upwards poin-
ting hairs in the middle; upper lip entire or 2-lobed, lower
one 3-Iobed;
stamens inserted about the middle of- the
tube; anthers reniform;
ovary glandular and pubescent;
drupe 0.4 cM., glabrous.

Var. oc. typica H.J. Lam, nov. var. — foliola 9—17 72 cM.
longa, 4—672 cM. lata, petiolulo 0.3—272 cM. longo;
calycis tubus 0.25—0.3 cM. longus, labium superius inte-
grum, 0.4*cM. longum, inferius profunde bifidum, 0.2—0.25
cM. longum; calyx cum corolla densissime glanduloso-

Malay Peninsula: Griffith no. 6065. — Maingay
no. 1202.

Var. (i Scortechinii King et Gamble, Journ. As. Soc.
Beng. LXXIV, 4. 856 (1909) —
leaflets as in the var. a;
calyx 0.2 cM., upper lip 0.18 cM., lower one 0.065 cM.,
lobes acute; upper lip entire, lower one 2-toothed; with
corolla less densely glandular;
corolla somewhat pubescent.

Sumatra: Forbes no. 3060.

Distr.: Malay Peninsula.

Var. 7 Kunstleri King et Gamble, I.e. — leaflets 577b
(—13?) by 27s—4 cM., petiolules 1.3 cM. in the terminal,
0.6 in the lateral ones; petioles 27s—5 cM.;
1.3 cM. long and in diam., peduncles 0.2 cM.; calyx
0.25 cM., sparsely glandular, somewhat pubescent; upper
lip 0.18 cM., entire or 2-lobed, lower one 0.125 cM.,
2-fid; coro//a-tube densely glandular, 1.2 cM.; upper lip
shortly 2-lobed.

Sumatra: Forbes no. 2685, Batu-pantjeh. 100 M. in alt.,
a small tree, ± 4 M. high; flowers bright orange;
no. 2771, Tandjong Ning. 200 M. in alt., a large tree;
fruit brown, becoming black, flow, orange — PI.

-ocr page 223-

ined. no. 520, Upper-Ankola, Tobing. — Beccari no. 768,
Padang, Ajer mantjur, 120 M. in alt., fr. in Aug. 1878. —
Korthals in H. L.-B. sub. no. 908.266-750.

Borneo: Winkler no. 2433, S.-E.-Borneo, Hayup, flow,
on. 13

Distribution of the species: Malay Peninsula! Sumatra!

Imperfectly known or doubtful species:

35. V.? bantamensis Koord. et Val., Bull. Inst. Buitzg., II,
12 and Bijdr. Booms. Java no. 7, 210 (1910);
Koord., Exk. fl.
v. Jav. Ill, 137. — A tree; branchlets appressedly pubescent,
as are the cymes and the petioles;
leaves 1-foliolate; leaflets
obovate-elliptical, cuneate or acute at base, very shortly
rotundate-acuminate at apex; membranous, glandular, adult
subglabrous above, with dispersed hairs, nerves pubescent
beneath; pairs of nerves ± 8; 7.2—14l/a by 4.2—7.2 cM.;
petioles 11/2 cM.:
corymbs axillary, one third shorter than the
leaves, long peduncled;
flowers unknown; drupe globose, partly
puberulous, in the waxy calyx, which has 5 acute, deltoid,
subcarinate segments; pedicels 0.2 cM.. drupe (ripe?) 0.7 cM.;
pyrene sub-4-celled, 2-seeded.

Distribution: W.-Java.

36. V. celebica Koord., Med. s Lands PI. tuin XIX, 645
and 560 (1898 . — A large tree, 45 M. high; bark cinereous;
leaves 5-foliolate; leaflets elliptical-oblong, narrowed at base;
margins entire; densely glandufar beneath; inflorescence as in
V. heterophylla Roxb.; calyx truncate or subtruncate.

Distribution: N.-Celebes.

37. V. gcniculnta Blanco, Fl. Fil. ed. I. 514 (1837): Merrill,
Bur. Gov. Lab. Bull. no. 27, 68; Schau., DC., Prodr. XI, 696. —
A tree, 17 M. high;
leaves 3—5-foliolate; leaflets lanceolate,
somewhat pubescent at the margin and on the midrib;
verticillate; calyx small, campanulate, 3- or 4-toothed; corolla
2-lipped, campanulate; tube curved; upper lip 2-lobed, lower
one 3-lobed, the midlobe largest, villous in throat;
didynamous, villous below; anthers reniform or semilunatic;

-ocr page 224-

style as long exsert as the stamens, with bifid apex; drupe
small, globose, pyrene as in the other species.

Distribution: Philippines.

Schauer, 1. c.: an Vitex?

38. V, macrophylla H. f. Lam, prob. nov. spec. — Arbor
parva, 6—8 M. alta, cortice griseo; ramuli obtuse quadrangulares,
cum petiolis inflorescentiisque ferrugineo-pubescentes; internodia
folia 3-foliolata; foliola sessilia vel subsessilia,
chartacea, margine integra, oblongo-lanceolata, utrinque acuta;
densiuscula pubescentia in pagina superiore, densius in nervis.
pilis simplicibus nonnullis stellatis intermixtis, subtus tomentella,
subglandulosa; novella ferrugineo-puberula, lateralia 14—21 cM.
longa, 8—9 cM. lata, petiolulo 0.—0.5 cM. longo, 11 — 15
nervia; terminalia 16—23 cM. longa, 11 —12 cM. lata,
petiolulo 0—0.8 cM. longo, 15—18-nervia;
paniculse axillares,
angustissimse, subspicatae, in axillis foliorum solitaries;
non videmus.

New-Guinea: Ledermann no. 7972, Kais.-Wilh.land, camp
50—100 M. in alt., flowers greenish; leaflets greyish green
with white midrib; very young buds on

39. V. Merrillii H. J. Lam, prob. nov. spec. — V. euphle-
Merrill, ms.l — Arbor?; ramuli quadrangulares, glabri; folia
probabiliter 3-foliolata; foliola chartacea, integra, lanceolata vel
ovato-lanceolata, utrinque acuta, basi saepe attenuata, in sicco
supra grisea, subtus brunnea. utrinque glaberrima, cglandulosa;
7—10-nervia; 14—24 cM. longa, 8l/2—9\'/2 cM. lata, petiolulo
IV2—2 cM. longo; inflorescentia ignota;
calyx 4-costatus,
4-angularis, subbilabiatus, 5-denticulatus; extus minute pubescens;
0.2 cM. longus, 0.15—0.2 cM. diametro;
corolla: tubus glabcr in
parte inferiore, ceterum cum lobis 5 extus dense pubescens, intus
glaber, staminum insertione sparse villosa excepta; 0.4 cM.
longus; limbus bilabiatus; lobis 4, subaequalibus, 0.2 cM. longis,
acutis, quinto, 0.3 cM. longo, rotundato;
stamina tubi parte
inferiore inserta, inclusa, filamcntis totis villosis;
stylus minutissimc
ovarium depressum, abrupte minuteque apiculatum,
glabrum, apice villosum;
drupa calyce aucto dimidiatim inclusa,
globosa, minute apiculata, apice villosa, 0.6 cM. longa, 0.8
cM. diametro.

-ocr page 225-

Philippines: Fenix no. 15906, Bataan, Mindanao, flow, and
fr. in Aug. 1912.

40. V. Minahassae Koord., Med. \'s Lands PI. tuin Btz. XIX,
560 and 645 (1898). - A tree;
leaves 5-foliolate; leaflets 23-
27 cM. long, elliptical, glabrous and eglandular beneath; petioles
25 cM. long; inflorescences, flowers and fruits unknown.

Distribution: N.-Celebes.

41. V. padangensis Hall f., Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no.
37, 46 (1918). — A tree?; branchlets with inflorescences ferru-
ginous- or ochraceous-tomentose, glabrescent; branchlets qua-
leaves long petioled, 3—5-foliolate; leaflets lanceolate,
cuspidate-acuminate, acute at base, the lower ones shorter
petioluled and often unequal at base; coriaceo-membranous,
glabrous and glandular on both sides except on the puberulous
nerves, dark beneath and purple-violet, terminal ones 11 — 17 by
5—6 cM., petiolules 2—3 cM.; petioles 5—12 cM.;
terminal, thyrsoidal, with 2—6 decussate branches, 20—25 cM.
flowers unknown; drupe ellipsoid, apiculate, black, glabrous,
2 cM. long, 1 cM. in diam.; fruiting calyx patclliform, shortly
and irregularly 5-lobed, puberulous without, glabrous and violet
within, 1.1 cM. in diam.

Distribution: W.-Sumatra.

42. V. parviflora A. fuss.. Ann. Mus. Par. VII, 76 (1806);
Miquel, Fl. Ind. bat. II, 865. — A shrub; branchlets round,
very sparsely pubescent towards the top. glabrescent;
3-foliolate; leaflets chartaceous, lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate,
acute at apex, cuneate or subtruncate at base: margins entire;
both surfaces glabrous, the lower one sparsely glandular; terminal
ones 6—13 by 2\'/2—5 cM., petiolules 0.8—1 cM., pairs of
nerves 9—11; lateral ones 3—101/., by 1.4—4 cM., petiolules
0.6—0.7 cM„ pairs of nerves 5—7; petioles, glabrous as are
the petiolules, 2—8 cM. long;
panicles terminal, extremely densc-
and many-flowered (at least in the specimina extant), grey-
tomentose, 14—22 cM. long, 12—34 cM. in diam.;
flowers not
drupe subglabrous, black, seated on or partly included
in the persistent calyx, which is sparsely glandular and pubescent

Philippines: Elmer no. 14218, Mambajan, Camaguin-isl.,

-ocr page 226-

Mindanao, Nov. 1912 — Ramos no. 16, Rizal, Luzon, Dec.
1909 — Cenabre no. 15251, Cebu, Dec. 1910.

All this specimina show a particular sterility. The flowers
are not at all developed, but are replaced by great masses of
tomentose bracts and bracteoles. whilst in the rudimentum of
the minute buds we discovered small semilunatic,
objects, which, examined by means of the microscope, showed
light tips and a dark centre, these two being separated by
planes concave towards the tips. They might be the eggs of
any insect, by the sting of which the flowers were prevented
from developing.

43. V, philippinensis Merrill, Forest. Bur. Phil. Bull., I, 52.

This work was inaccessable to us.

Distribution: Philippines.

Excluded species:

44. V. premnoides Elmer, Leafl. Phil. Bot. VIII, 2874
Hall, ƒ., Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37, 54 =
Mastixia premnoides
Hall f. (Comaceae), fide Hallier.

45. V. curtifrutescens Elmer, Leafl. Phil. Bot. VIII, 2873
Hall, ƒ; Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37, 54 = ?
Euphorbiacearum spec., fide

46. V. Nqvaz-Pommeraniae Warb., Engl. Jhrb. XIII, 429
(1891) and XVIII, 208;
K. Schum. u. Lauterb., Fl. D. Siidsee,
524 = Viticipremna Nova:-Pommcrania: (
H. J. Lam.

Doubtful specimina:

1°. Palau-isl.: Krazmer in H. Ber. without nr., native
name: bevor.

2\'\\ Java: 1Horsfield in H. A. R. - T. sub no. 049900 (is
V. leucoxylon L.f.: leaves glabrous beneath).

XVIII. GMELINA L. Gen. PI. ed. II. 526, (1742)\');
Blume, Bijdr. 814; Bentham and v. Mueller, Fl. Austr.

\') Wc could not find the reason, why this name (given before 1753)
should be valid: wc retained it, nevertheless, since it is universally used.

-ocr page 227-

V, 64; Benth. and Hook., Gen. PI. II. 2. 1153; Blanco,
Fl. de Fil. 492; Schauer. DC.. Prodr. XI. 678; Engler
u. Prantl. Nat. Pfl. fam. IV. 3a. 173; Hook f.. Fl. Br.
Ind. IV. 581;
Koorders en Valeton, Bijdr. Booms. Java
no. 7. 196;
King and Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal
LXXIV, 4. 823;
Miquel, Fl. Ind. Bat. II. 865; Hasskarl,
2e Cat. \'s Lands Pl.tuin Btz. 135; Roxburgh, Fl. ind. Ill,
Hall. f. Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37. 55. -
Trees or shrubs; branchlets often spinous; leaves opposite,
rarely also alternate, simple, entire, usually with some
large glands (extrafloral nectaries) near the base;
sometimes solitary in the axils of the leaves, usually on
cymose inflorescences;
inflorescences composed, terminal,
paniculate; cymules short, decussate, few-flowered, axillary,
especially the lower ones, in the axils of leaves or bracts;
calyx persistent, truncate or 4—5-toothed, often somewhat
irregular or oblique, generally with large glands, enlarged
in fruit:
corolla zygomorphous, tube narrow at base,
funnel-shaped with wide throat, limb oblique, more or less
2-lipped; upper lip 2-lobed or entire, lower lip 3-lobed,
midlobe largest;
stamens 4, distinctly didynamous, inserted
in the lower part of the corolla-tube, usually included,
sometimes exserted; anthers with parallel fissures;
slender with unequally 2-lobed or subulate stigma; ovary
(2—)4-celled and -seeded often with a central cavity;
fruit with 1 four- or by abortion 3- or 2-seeded pyrene.

Distribution: Deccan Peninsula. Ceylon (Trimen), Malay
Peninsula! ana Archipelago!. S.-China
(Hallier). Philippines!.
[Benth. and v. Muell.), Palau-isl.!

l.,a. Flowers solitary in the axils of the leaves ... 2.
b. Flowers in cymose or racemose inflorescences . . 3.

2. a. Base of leaves acute; lower surface glandular, not

pubescent; calyx 2—2.2 cM. long 1. G. uniflora p. 217.
b. Base of leaves cordate or rounded, lower surface pubescent;
calyx 0.5 cM. long .... 3. G. arborca p. 219.

3. a. Leaves more or less densely pubescent beneath . 4.

-ocr page 228-

b. Leaves glabrous beneath or pubescent on the nerves

4. a. Leaves large, 10—25 by 4 — 18 cM.; petioles 3—7 cM. 5.
b. Leaves smaller, 3—9 by 2.5—5.5 cM.; petioles 0.5—1

cM.; pairs of nerves 4; corolla 4-lobed, 3\'/2 cM. long

2. G. villosa p. 217.

5. a. Apex of leaves acute; leaves pubescent beneath; corolla

2.3—4.5 cM. long, upper lip longer than the lower one

3. G. arborea p. 219.
b. Apex of leaves obtuse or rounded; leaves more or less
densely pubescent beneath; corolla 1.6—1.9 cM. long,
the upper lip shorter than the lower one

4. G. macrophylla p. 220.

6. a. Leaves with small, brown scales beneath, 8—10 by

4—6 cM., acute at base and at apex

5, G. lepidota p. 221.
b. Leaves without scales beneath.......7.

7. a. Leaves 3—7\'/2 by 1.9—4 cM.; petioles 0.8—2\'/2 cM.;

base acute........6. G. asiatica p. 221.

b. Leaves 8—30 by 41/,—23l/2 cM.; petioles 2-7 cM.:
base obtuse or cordate, sometimes acute .... 8.

8. a. Calyx glabrous or nearly so........9.

b. Calyx pubescent . . . .........10.

9. a. Base of leaf cordate-truncate 7. G. Dalrympleana p. 223.
b. Base of leaf acute, decurrent 8. G. palawcnsis p. 224.

10. a. Leaves\'14—30 by 10—23\'., cM.; filaments, style and

corolla within with glanduliferous hairs

9. G. glandulosa p. 225.
b. Leaves 8—19\'/2 by 8—14\'/2 cM.; no glanduliferous

11. a. Leaves ovate, margins curved; 8—14 by 4\'/2—9 cM.;

corolla 1.4 cM., ovary with stiff hairs at the top

10, G. Lcdermanni p. 226.
b. Leaves obovate-oblong, margins straight, 14\'/2—19\'/2 by
8—11\'/a cM.; corolla 2 cM.; ovaryglabrous

11. G. Schlcchtcri p. 226.

Doubtful species:......12. G. integrifolia p. 227.

Excluded species:.......13. G. indica p. 228.

-ocr page 229-

1. G. uniflora Stapf in Hook. Icon. PI. XXIV. t. 2391,
(1895). — A little tree; branchlets and petioles yellowy
hairy, glabrescent;
leaves opposite, membranous, broad-
elliptical or obovate-elliptical, base rounded or truncate,
apex obtuse or shortly acuminate, upper side glabrous,
lower side with dense white glands; pairs of nerves 4, a
pair of large \' glands beneath the lower pair; 10—15 by
71/8—10 cM.; petioles 2\'/o cM.; flowers solitary in the
axils of the upper leaves, pendulous; pedicels 1.3 cM. with
2 ovate bracteoles;
calyx for \'/8 5-lobed; segments large,
deltoid; hirsute-hairy, white-glandular, 2—2.2 cM.:
yellowy-white,\'softly hairy, white-glandular, tube 2Vs cM.
long; upper lip with two small semicircular lobes, lower
lip with 2 semicircular and 1 (the middle) enlarged lobe
(1.0 cM. long);
stamens included; style slender with
subulate apex;
ovary narrowed towards the top which is
covered with stiff hairs, 4-celled, 4-ovuled.

Borneo: ? Haviland no. 919. Sarawak, near Kuching,
with oblong leaves, often subcuneate at base.
20 — 27 cM.
10 cM. broad, petioles 2V2—3VS cM.; without flowers.

Distribution: Borneo.

2. G. villosa Roxb., Fl. ind. Ill, 86, (1832); Schauer,
Prodr. XI. 679; Elbert, Meded. *s Rijks Herb. Leid.
no. 12. 16;
Hook, ƒ., Fl. Br. Ind. IV, 582; Jack, Calc.
fourn. Nat. Hist. IV no. XIII, 42;
Koord. en Val., Bijdr.
Booms. Java no. 7, 197;
iid., Atl. Baumart. Java, II. 6, t.
Koorders, Meded. \'s Lands PI. tuin XIX, 559;
Hall. f.. Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37. 58; King and
Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, LXXIV, 4, 824; Koorders,
Exk. fl. v. Java, III, 137; Kuntze. Rev. Gen. PI. I, 507;
Miquel, Fl. Ind. bat. II, 867 and Suppl. I, 242; Merrill,
Bur. Gov. Lab. no. 27, 68; Zollinger u. Moritzi, Syst.
Verz., 52. — G. asiatica
Wall. Cat. no. 1818, (1828),
partly. — G. elliptica
Sm. in Rees, Cyclop. XVI
(year?). — G. inermis Blco., Fl. d. Filipp., ed. I, 493\'

-ocr page 230-

(1837). — An often spinous shrub or little tree, IV2—2 M.
high; branchlets with spines, inflorescences and petioles
yellowy pubescent; spines axillary, 0.5—2 cM. long;
opposite, small, ovate, base cuneate or subtruncate, apex
acute, sometimes (on the young shoots?) more or less
acutely 3-lobed, with all intermediate forms to the larger,
ovate leaves, chartaceous; pairs of nerves 4; without
glands at the base; upper side when young with simple
hairs; adult glabrous except on the nerves, eglandular,
lower side tomentose with simple hairs; 3—6—9.2 by
2.2—4—5.5 cM.; petioles 0.5—1 cM.;
inflorescences small,
with many foliaceous bracts, 2V2—5 cM. long; bracts
l1/«—2 by 0.4—0.8 cM., lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate,
calyx ± 4-toothed, with large glands, grey-
pubescent, 0.5 cM.;
corolla yellow membranous, softly
and sparsely hairy, upper lip entire, lower lip 3-lobed,
midlobe larger, the lobes broadly rounded; greatest length
of corolla 4 cM.;
stamens included, the shorter pair 1
cM., the longer one 1.6 cM.;
style slender, with subulate
apex, 2\'/2—3 cM. long, appressed against the middle lobe
of the lower lip;
ovary glabrous.

Sumatra: Elbert in H. L.—B. sub no. 908.308—433,
Tandjong Korang, 75—100 M. in alt. —
Forbes nos. 1576
and 2342. —
Buitendijk in H. L.-B. sub no. 914.324—
226, Pulu Weh.

JAVA: Zollinger nos. 565 and 696, near Rogodjampi. —
Junghuhn, pi. ined. no. 524. — Elbert nos. 465 and 464,
Kendeng Trinil, Madiun, 100—150 M. in alt.

LOMBOK: Elbert no. 750, mt. Rindjani, Sadjang, northern
slope. 500-750 M. in alt., flow, on 30-IV-1909.

SumBAWA: Elbert no. 3909, Bima, Ui-ut. S.-E.-slope
towards Waworada-bay, 0—200 M., with buds on 13-
id. no. 3676, Bima. Kolo-mounts, W.-slope.
200-375 M., fr. on 8-XII-1909. -
Coifs nos. 126 and
212. the latter with buds in Nov. 1879.

-ocr page 231-

Celebes: Elbert no. 3001, Rumbia, Liano, 25—150 M.,
fr. on Sept. 12th, 1909;
id. no. 2619; Buton. isl., Bau-
Bau, 0—75 M.;
id. no. 3038, Rumbia. Pu-ubi, 125—645
id. no. 3058, Rumbia, Lankawala-river, flow, on 17-
IX-1909. -
Forsten, in H. L.-B. sub no. 908.267-844,
with buds on 12-X-1841. —
Weber, in H. L.—B. sub
no. 898.112—522, Saleyer-isl.

Borneo: Winkler no. 2270, Hayup.

Amboyna: Forsten in H. L.—B. sub no. 908.267—889,
flow, on 13-V-1842.

Philippines: Whitford no. 11809, Cotabato, Mindanao,
flow, in March
1912. — Elmer no. 9646, Dumaguete
(Cuernos Mts.), Negros oriental, Negros, with buds in

palau-islands: Ledermann no. 14164a, Korror, 20—40
M. in alt.; native name: kalngebard; with buds on Febr.
11th. 1914. —
Raymundus no. 44, Korror; native name:

Distribution: Nicobars, Burma. Siam (King and Gamble),
Malay Peninsula and Archipelago!, Philippines!, Palau-

3. G. arborea Roxb., Fl. Ind. III. 84, (1832); Schauer,
Prod. XI, 680; Hall, f., Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no.
37, 58;
Hook, f., Fl. Br. Ind. IV. 581 - G. Rheedii HooJt.,
Bot. Mag. t. 4395. — Prem na arborea
Roth. Nov.
PI. Sp. 287. — P. tomentosa
Miq. ex C. B. Clarke
in Hook, f., Fl. Br. Ind. IV. 581 in PI. Hohenack. no.
554. — A tree; branchlets. inflorescences and petioles
leaves opposite, ovate, base cordate, abruptly
decurrent. apex acuminate, upper surface adult glabrous,
lower surface grey-hairy, near the base with 2—4 large
glands; 10—25 by 4—18 cM.; petioles 5—7 cM-:
composed, paniculate, 15 cM. long, cymules
few-flowered, sometimes reduced to 1 flower, decussate;
flowers large, pendulous;
calyx without glands, with 5

-ocr page 232-

acute teeth, 0.5 cM.; corolla yellow, 2.3 cM., sometimes
reaching 4.5 cM., softly pubescent; tube somewhat longer
than the calyx; the 2-lobed upper lip larger than the
3-lobed lower lip:
stamens 4, didynamous, the 2 longer
ones as long as the upper lip;
drupe ovoid, yellow.

Distribution: British India, Malaya, Philippine Islands

4. G. macrophylla Wall. Cat. no. 1819(1828); Schauer,
Prodr. XI. 680; Miquel, Fl. Ind., bat. II, 867;
Hall. f. Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37, 56. — Vitex
Bl, Bijdr. 813 (1826); Schauer, I.e. 695;
Miq. I.e., 865. — A tree; branchlets quadrangular, with
cymes and petioles densely ferruginous-tomentose;
opposite, coriaceous or chartaceous, broadly ovate or
subrotundate, base truncate or slightly cordate, apex obtuse
or rounded; both surfaces pubescent when young, the
lower one only when adult, the upper adult glabrous,
except on the nerves; pairs of nerves 8— 10(.—11); 2—4
large glands beldw the lowest pair; lamina with a distinct
reticulation beneath; 14—19—32 cM. long, 10—18\'/2—23
cM. wide; petioles 3—47a—6 cM.;
inflorescences pani-
culate, leafed below, terminal, pyramidate, many-flowered,
15—20 cM. long, 13—20 cM. wide;
calyx subtruncate
or with 5 rather large, deltoid, irregular teeth, densely
appressedly pubescent without and with some large glands,
0.6—0.9 cM.;
corolla 2.5—2.7 cM. long, yellow, limb
oblique, tube subcylindrical, 0.7—1.2 cM. long, 0.6 cM.
wide; lobes 5, subequal, subacute, 0.6—0.9 cM. long;
outer side densely golden-yellow pubescent, except for
the lower part of the tube; tube with some glanduliferous
hairs, lobes minutely puberulous within;
stamens 4, didy-
namous, 0.7 and 0.8 cM. long; filaments with some com-
mon and some glanduliferous hairs; connectives increased;
style stout, with glanduliferous hairs; 1.2 cM. long; stigma
unequally bifid;
ovary glabrous, 4-celled, 4-ovuled.

-ocr page 233-

New-Guinea: Schlechter no. 16441, near Wobbe, 200
M., flow, on Aug. 30th, 1907.

Distribution: Amboyna!, Molucca-isl.? (Hallier), New-

Of G. macrophylla Wall. (1828) and G. macrophylla Benth.
(1870) the first is to be retained. So the latter was to be changed
(see under G.
Dalrympleana). Its affinity is with G. Dalrympleana.
from which it is different, however, by the texture of the leaves
and young parts, the obtuse apex, the subequal corolla-lobes,
and the yellow (not blue) corolla.

5. G. lepidota Scheffer, Ann. Jard. bot. Buitzg. I, 41
(1876). — A somewhat climbing shrub; branchlets, cymules
and petioles ferruginous-pubescent; leaves ovate or ellip-
tical, both sides acute, or apex shortly acuminate, glabrous
above, shining, with minute dense brown scales beneath;
pairs of nerves 4 — 6; 8—10 by 4—6 cM.; petioles 27a
inflorescences paniculate, lax, pyramidate, terminal;
calyx with 5 short teeth, 0.5 cM.; outer side scaly, in
fruit enlarged to 0.8 cM.;
corolla large, pubescent without,
1.8 cM.; tube thrice the length of the smaller lobes; limb
2-lipped, upper lip 2-lobed, lower lip 3-lobed, midlobe
stamens 4, with hairy filaments; ovary 4-celled,
drupe 1 cM.long, with one 1—3(—4)-celledpyrene.

Distribution: New-Guinea (Faw-island).

Its affinity is with G. Leichhardtii F. v. Muell. from tropical
Australia. The latter species, however, is a tree and differs from
the present one in the texture, and in the dimensions of calyx
and corolla.

6. G. asialica L. sp. pi. cd. I, 873 (626?) (1753);
Blume. Bijdr. 814; Blanco. Fl. Fil. ed. I. 492; Schauer,
Prodr. XI, 679; Hook, f, Fl. Br. Ind. IV, 582;
Hall. f. Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37, 59; Hassk.
2C Cat. \'s L. PI. tuin Btz., 135; King and Gamble, Journ.
As. Soc. Bengal LXXIV, 4, 823;
Koord., PI. Jungh. ined.,
Jungh. gedenkb., 188;
Miq., Fl. Ind. bat. II, 866; Merrill,
Bur. Gov. Lab. no. 27, 68; Roxb., Fl. ind. Ill, 87;

-ocr page 234-

Zollinger u. Moritzi, Syst. Verz. 52. — G. bracteata
Burck, Ann. Jard. bot. Btz. X. 98, tab. VII, fig. 5-6,
(1891). — G. coromandeliana
Burman f., Fl. Ind. 132,
(1768). — G. Finlaysoniana
Wall., Cat. no. 6317,
(1828). — G. Hystrix
Schult. ex Kurz in Journ. As.
Soc. Bengal XXXIX, II, 81, (1870);
Hook, f, I.e. 582;
Hall, f., I.e. 58; Bot. Mag. tab. 7391; Williams, Bull.
Herb. Boiss., ser. II. T. V, 431. — G. lobata
Fruct. II, 268, (1788). — G. parviflora Roxb., PI.
Corom. II, 32. t. 162, (1795-1819);
Blame, I.e. 814;
Schauer, I.e., 679; Miq., I.e. 866. — G. philippinensis
Cham., Linnaea VII, 109, (1832). — Michelia spinosa
Amman. Act. Petrop., VIII, 218, t. 18. (1878). — A shrub;
branchlets, spinous or unarmed, with inflorescences and
petioles somewhat pubescent;
leaves opposite and sometimes
also alternate, coriaceous, dark and glabrous above,
glabrous and densely glandular beneath, nerves somewhat
pubescent; pairs of nerves 3—4; no glands at the base,
but some dispersed ones on the lower side; rotundate or
obovate, base decurrently attenuate, apex rounded or
shortly, obtusely acuminate; 3—5\'/2—8 by 1.9—3.7—4\'/2
cM.; petioles 0.5—1.6 cM.;
inflorescences 2—2\'/<>—5
cM. long, terminal; bracts leafy, ovate or ovate-lan-
ceolate, acuminate, softly pubescent on both sides, ulti-
mately subglabrate, 1.8—3.5 by 1—2 cM.;
calyx 0.4 cM.
long and wide, shortly and irregularly 4-toothed or sub-
truncate, tomentose, with 1—7 large glands on one side;
corolla 3—4 cM., yellow, softly pubescent without, some-
times with some large glands;
drupe glabrous, 1.8 cM.
long, 0.9 cM. in diam.

banka: Hallier no. c. 124 (G. bracteata).

Borneo: Korthals{l), in H. L.-B. sub. no. 908.266-880.

Luzon : Ramos no. 338, Antipolo, Rizal, fr. in July 1910. —
Lilies no. 13, Lamao, Bataan, flow, in March 1909. —

Elmer no. 8934, Baguio, Benguet, fr. in March 1907.


-ocr page 235-

Distribution: Mauritius (Hallier), Deccan Peninsula,
Ceylon, Bengal, Siam
(Hook, ƒ.), Philippine Islands!,
Borneo!, Banka!, Sumatra
(Hallier), Java (Miquel, Blume),
Malay Peninsula (King and Gamble); often (always?)

The species has an affinity with G. villosa, with which it is
confounded, but differs very distinctly from it, among other
things, by its glabrous leaves.

7. G. Dalrympleana (F. v. Muell.) H. J. Lam, nov.
nom. — G. macrophylla
Bentham, Fl. Austr. V, 65,
Pulle in Lorentz, Nova Guinea. VIII, 2, 402:
F. v. Mueller, Descr. notes on pap. pi. VIII, 46; Schumann
u. Lauterbach, Fl. D. Schutzgeb. Siidsee, 524; Schumann
u. Hollrung, Fl. Kais.-Wilh.-land 120. — Vitex macro-
R. Br., Prodr. 512 (1827); Schauer, DC.. Prodr.
XI, 695. — V. Dalrympleana
F. v. Muell.. Fragm.
IV, 128 (1858). — A large tree; branchlets, inflorescences
and petioles minutely hairy, glabrescent;
leaves broadly
ovate, base cordate or rotundate, apex subobtusely acumi-
nate, opposite, coriaceous; both surfaces glabrous, shining;
nerves somewhat hairy (simple hairs); pairs of nerves 7,
reticulation very indistinct, 0—10 large glands beneath and
above the first pair of nerves, concave on the lower,
convex on the upper surface (extrafloral nectaries), 10—27
by 7—16 cM.; petioles 2—3 cM.;
inflorescences long
15—21, 4—6 cM. in diam,; cymules in the axils of leaves
or more or less foliaceous bracts;
calyx 0.5 cM., glabrous,
truncate or somewhat sinuate, often irregularly cleft, with
several large glands;
corolla bright-blue, 1.8 cM., appres-
sedly pubescent without, except lower part of tube, glabrous
within, throat somewhat papillose: limb oblique, lobes 5
subacute, 0.6—0.8 cM. long, the middle one of the lower
lip longer;
stamens inserted in the lower part of the
corolla-tube; filaments flattened, glabnus; anthers 2-lobed,
connectives thickened;
style stout, with some glanduliferous

-ocr page 236-

hairs near the unequally bifid stigma; ovary glabrous;
drupe 1.3—1.8 eM. long; central cavity large.

New-Guinea: Branderhorst no. 23.

Distribution: tropical Australia (Benth. and v. Muell.),

Its affinity is with G. macrophylla: for difference see under
that species.

Schumann in Schum. u. Hollrung, I.e., speaks of ant-hollows
at the base of the leaves, which should have an opening, but
we take them for nothing else but extra-floral nectaries, finding
them convex in the upper, and concave in the lower surface of
the leaf. (cf.
Burck in Ann. d. Jard. bot. Btzg. X, 98). The
species as
Bentham describes it, seems not to possess the large
glands at the base of the leaves;
Schumann too, found the
leaves of australian specimina without glands. As, however,
their number is much varying in 1 plant, we described no
varieties, concerning the presence and absence of the nectaries.

8. G. palawensis H.J. Lam. nov. spec. — Arbor mediocra,
10—12 M. alta, ramulis cylindricis, cortice griseo-brunneis,
multis lenticellis;
folia membranacea vel subchartacea, late
ovata, basi plerumque decurrentia, interdum subrotundata,
apice acuminata, interdum obtusa; pagina superiore atro-
viridia, nitida, glabra, inferiore luteo-viridia, glabra, basi
nonnullis glandulis sub et supra nervis primis insidentibus
suffulta; nervis utrinque 4—7; 8—23 cM. longa, 6—11
cM. lata, petiolo glabro 2V«—8 cM. longo;
longae, racemiformes, infra foliatae, nodis puberulis exceptis
glabrae, 10—15 cM. longae, 3—4 cM. latae, pedunculo
172—572 cM. longo; bracteis foliaceis, 0.3—0.8 cM. longis,
0.1—0.3 cM. latis, glabris; pedicellis 0.3—1.2 cM. longis;
calyx glaber, integer, cupuliformis, glandulis magnis vestitus,
0,35—0.45 cM. longus;
corolla parte inferiore cxcepta.
extus dense aureo-fulve pubescens, jntus glaberrima, alba,
labio inferiore cceruleo, maculis sulfureo-luteis; lobis 5
subaequalibus, labii superioris bilobi 0.5 cM. longis, 0.25
cM. latis, labii inferioris trilobi lateralibus 0.65 by 0.3 cM.,

-ocr page 237-

mediano 0.8 by 0.35 cM. dimensionibus; tubo 1 — 1.3 cM.
stamina 4, inclusa, didynamia, filamentis crassis,
pilis simplicibus infra, glanduliferis supra, 0.7—0.9 cM. longis;
stylus glaber, crassus, ovario glabro, globoscr insidens,
stigmate valde inaequaliter bifido, lobo altero 0.2 cM.
longo, altero minuto, lobis subulatis.

PALAU-ISL.: Ledermann nos. 14420 (Babelthaop, Ngarsul,
200—300 M. in alt., flow, on 24-11-1914), and 14331 (same
locality, with buds on 21-11-1914; native name: blaheos). —
Raymundus nos. 114 and 310 (Korror; native name:

9. G. glandulosa Hallier ƒ. in Meded. \'s Rijks Herb.
Leid., no. 37, 57 (1918). — A tree?; branchlets round, some-
what quadrangular at the tips, with inflorescences sparsely
and minutely pubescent;
leaves large, thick-chartaceous,
ovate-oblong or ovate, often subtetragonous; margins
entire; base cordate; apex acuminate; upper side glabrous,
nerves channelled, somewhat pubescent; lower side glabrous,
nerves with the distinct reticulation, prominent and some-
what pubescent; eglandular; pairs of nerves 6—8; some
large glands beneath the lowest pair, rarely also above
it; 14—30 cM. long, 10—23V2 cM. broad; petioles
glabrous; 2—7 cM. long;
panicles large, ample, with
small, 0.4 cM. long, lanceolate bracts; flowers subsessile;
calyx campanulate or cupuliform, margin irregularly un-
dulate, densely and softly pubescent, with some (often
5—6) large glands on one side (the lower?); 0.5 cM. long,
0.4 cM. wide;
corolla (only seen in bud) densely, softly
pubescent, except the lower part of the tube, inner side
with filaments and style with glanduliferous hairs;
with bilobed anthers; style with unequally bifid stigma;
ovary glabrous.

BANDA: de Vriese en Teysmann, in H. L. —B. sub no.
(de Vriese: Java?, Amboyna?) — ? Reinwardt


-ocr page 238-

no. 1362, in H. L.-B, sub no. 909.109-410. - H. A. R.-T.
sub no. 044155. H. Bog. no. 5158.

Distribution: Banda!, (Java?? Amboyna?).

10. G. Ledermanni H. J. Lam, no v. spec. — Arbor,
25—30 M. alta; ramuli, inflorescentiae, petioli minute
pubeseentes, glabrescentes;
folia coriacea, opposita, late
ovata, vel ovato-rotundata; basi late rotundata vel leviter
cordata, apice rotundata, abrupte obtuseque acuminata,
adulta supra glabra, eglandulosa, subtus glabra, nervo
primario subpubescens, subglandulosa; nervis secundariis
utrinque 6—8, glandulis magnis 2, sub nervos infimos;
8—14 \'cM. longa, 4.5—9 cM. lata, petiolo 2—4 cM.
inflorescentiae paniculatae, pyramidales, 13 —25 cM.
longa, 2—4 cM. lata, terminales, cymulis in axillis bracte-
arum rotundarum, utrinque pubescentium;
calyx pu-
bescens, irregulariter 5-dentatus vel sinuatus vel subtrun-
catus, nonnullis glandulis magnis suffultus, 0.3 cM., post
anthesin auctus, 0.5 cM.;
corolla fulvo-lutea, 1.4 cM.
longa, extus appresse pubescens, tubo 0.7 cM. longo, limbo
obliquo, margine intus pubescente, bilabiato, labio superiore
parvo bilobo, inferiore majore trilobo, lobo medio majore;
stamina 4, paulo exserta; stylus filiformis, apice subulatus,
non bifidus;
ovarium glabrum, apic\'c pilis rigidis vestitum,
4-loculare, 4-ovulatum;
drupa 1-pyrena, 4-locularis, 4—1-
sperma, loculo centrali, ccerulea.

NEW-GUINEA: Ledermann, no. 6537, Malu near Sepik-
river, 60 M. in alt., common; flow, on March 3rd, 1912;
id. no. 10455a, same locality. — Schlechter, without nr.;
near Dschischugari, 800 M., with buds on May 25<h, 1909.

Our spccies has a close resemblance with G. Dalrympleana,
but differs from it by its smaller leaves which never have more
than 2 basal glands, its narrower inflorescence, its glabrous calyx,
and its yellow corolla.

11. G. Schlechteri H. ]. Lam, nov. spec. — Arbor
magna; ramuli, petioli glabriusculi, inflorescentia ferrugineo-

-ocr page 239-

pubescens; folia opposita, solide chartacea, oblonga, vel
obovato-oblonga, basi truncata vel late cuneata, apice
acuta vel breviter acuminata, adulta utrinque glabra, nervis
subpubescentibus, nervis secundariis utrinque 6—7(~8),
nonnullis glandulis majusculis sub nervos infimos;
terminates,, pyramidales, basi foliosae, cymulis in axillis
bractearum lanceolatarum foliacearum, 0.5—1 cM. longa-
calyx obsolete 5-dentatus vel truncatus dense adpresse
pubescens, interdum nonnullis glandulis majusculis suffultus,
0.4 cM. longus et diametro;
corolla, tubo 1.0—1.05 cM.
longo, parte inferiore glabro, ceteroquin cum lobis extus
adpresse pubescente, intus glabro; limbo obliquo bilabiato,
laciniis 4 subaequalibus 0.7 cM. longis, majore 1 cM.
longo, intus minute pubescente;
stamina inclusa, filamentis
glabris vel nonnullis pilis glanduliferis suffulta;
stylus flli-
formis, nonnullis pilis glanduliferis suffultus, stigmate
inaequaliter bifidus;
ovarium glabrum.

New-Guinea: Schlechter, no. 17042, in the woods of
the Kaui-mountains, 1000 M., flow, on Dec. 25th, 1908.

A species, well characterized by its obovate-oblong leaves,
its truncate, pubescent calyx, and its glabrous ovary.

Doubtful species:

12, G. integrifolia Hunter ex Ridl. in Journ. As. Soc. Straits,
LIII, 101 (Sept. 1909);
Hall. ƒ.. Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no.
37, 58 (sub G.
villosa). — A large shrub, with awl-shaped,
acute, horizontal spines;
leaves usually entire, opposite, petioled,
ovate, obtuse, roughish above, downy below;
racemes simple,
terminal, few-flowered; flowers large, yellow; structure as in the
generic character:
drupe rounded, smooth, of a greenish yellow;
pyrene obovate, 3-celled, smooth; one cell barren; seeds solitary,
obovate, concave without, flat within.

Distribution: Penang.

Hallier, I.e., thinks that it is identical with G. villosa, and
decides in this sense, apparently from the description only. It
is our opinion, that we are not justified to do so, not having
been able to examine an authentical specimen. It certainly is not

-ocr page 240-

the same as G. asiatica L., as Hunter himself seems to think.

Exclused species:

13. G. indica Burman f, Fl. ind., 132 (1768) = ? Flacourtia
spec, fide
Hall. f, Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37, 60.

Subtribe E. clerodendre/e.

XIX. FARADAYA F. v. Mueller, Fragm. V, 21.
Bentham and v. Mueller, Fl. Austr. V, 69; Ben-
and Hooker, Gen. pi. II, 2, 1154; Engler u. Prantl,
Nat. Pfl. fam. IV, 3a, 173. — Trees, sometimes shrubs,
erect or climbing; innovations glabrous or somewhat pubes-
cent, sometimes tomentose;
leaves simple, opposite or
verticillate, usually glabrous, chartaceous or coriaceous, entire;
inflorescences cymose, axillary or terminal often forming a
large terminal panicle;
calyx, closed when young with a more
or less long and subulate apex, adult cleaving up into 2
or 3 lobes, which may be each 2 or more-toothed;
rather large, tube long, widening towards the top, lobes
4, subequal, rarely 5;
stamens usually long, didynamous
(2 being inserted in the middle of the corolla-tube, and 2
upon its base) or subequal and then inserted cither in the
throat of the corolla or near its base; rarely 5; filaments
often hairy, especially at their basal parts;
style long,
glabrous; stigma subulate, shortly bifid or sometimes
ovary 4-celled, 4 ovuled; fruit large, drupa-
ceous, with 1 often 4 (or abortively lcss)-lobcd, 4-seeded
pyrene or 4 nearly free, 1 seeded pyrenes.

Distribution: New-Guinea!, tropical Australia.

1. a. Stamens distinctly didynamous.......2.

b Stamens not distinctly or not didynamous ... 4.

2. a. Flowers very large, calyx 2 a—5\' cM. long, corolla-

lobes 5 cM. long, 2-lobed down to the middle; stamens
14 cM. long or more ... 1. F. magniloba p. 229.
b. Flowers smaller, calyx reaching 2\'/2 cM„ corolla-lobes
2l/2 cM., stamens 7\'/2 cM. ..........3.

-ocr page 241-

3. a. Lower side of leaves with stellate scales

2. F. squamata p. 230.
b. Lower side of leaves without scales

3. F. Albertisii p. 230.

4. a. Flowers very large, calyx 2l/21-5l/2 corolla-lobes

5 cM., 2-lobed down to the middle; stamens 14 cM.

long or more......1. F. magniloba p. 229.

b. Flowers smaller, calyx reaching 2L/o cM., corolla-lobes
2\'/, cM................5.

5. a. Lower side of leaves with stellate scales

2. F. squamata p. 230.
b. Lower side of leaves without scales \'.....6.

6. a. Stamens inserted in the throat........7.

b. Stamens inserted near the base of the corolla-tube 9.

7. a. Base of leaves 3-nerved; the lowest pair of nerves

reaching the middle of the leaf; corolla-tube 1/2—1 cM.

4. F. parviflora p. 231.
b. Base of leaves not distinctly 3-nerved; the lowest pair

of nerves not reaching the middle of the leaf; corolla-
tube 1.5—1.7 cM.............8.

8. a. Leaves 12—15-nerved. without basal glands

5. F. nervosa p. 232.
b. Leaves 5—7-nerved, with basal glands

6. F. dimorpha p. 233.

9. a. Filaments stout, glabrous at the base; leaves golden-

yellowy tomentose beneath 7. F. chrysoclada p. 234.
b. Filaments slender, villous at the base; leaves glabrous

10. a. Leaves opposite; pedicels 0.3—1.4 cM.; corolla glabrous

8. F. splcndida 234.
b. Leaves ternate ; pedicels very short; corolla pubescent

9. F. tcrnifolia p. 236.
1. F. magniloba
Wcrnham in Ridley, Rep. o. t. Bot.

Woll. Exp. in Trans. Linn. Soc. IX, 1, Bot. 2nd Ser.,

136 (1906). — A shrub; branchlets striate, glabrous; leaves

opposite, solidly chartaceous, elliptical, base obtuse, apex

very shortly acuminate; pairs of nerves 6; 18 by 8 cM.;

-ocr page 242-

petioles, often twisted, 3—4 cM.; flowers large, white;
calyx 2-lobed almost down to the base; lobes 2—5 cM.,
very acutely acuminate;
corolla glabrous; tube cylindrical,
upper part funnel-shaped, folded, 3V2—4 cM.; lobes very
large, 5 cM. long, each 2-lobed down to the middle;
filaments very long, 14 cM. or more, hairy at the base;
anthers 0.4—0.5 cM„ the cells free at the base;
sparsely hairy.

Distribution: Dutch New-Guinea.

2. F. squamata H. J. Lam, prob. nov. spec. — Frutex
scandens; ramuli glabri vel glabrescentes;
folia ternato-
verticillata, coriacea, oblongo-elliptica, basi leviter vel
modice cordata, apice acuminata, supra glabra, nitida,
subtus glabra, glanduloso-punctata, multis squamis stellatis
vestita; nervis valde prominentibus utrinque 8, tomentellis;
24 cM. longa, 10 cM. lata, petiolo iys cM. longo, trans-
versaliter pliato-alato, 0.4 cM. diametro;
cymi pedunculati,
ramulorum apicem versus condensati, tomentelli, inflores-
centiam terminalem compositam subumbelliformem for-
calyx novellus longe subulate acuminatus, tomen-
tellus, 1 — 1.3 cM. longus, alabastri acumine 0.2—0.4 cM.
longo, pedicellis 0.5 cM. longis;
stamina 4, alba, fauce
inserta; flores albi; alabastra tantum videmus.

NfcW-GuiNEA: Ledermann no. 13117, Felsspitze, near
Kais.-Augusta-river, with buds on Sept. 24th, 1913.

Although the specimen was an incomplete one, we think to
be allowed to base upon its a new species being characterised
by its ternate leaves, the stellate scales on their lower side, and
its dense inflorescence.

3, F. Albertisii F. v. Mueller, Dcscr. notes on pap.
pi., VIII. 46 (1886);
Pulle in Lorentz, Nova Guinea, VIII.
2. 402 and VIII, 4, 686. — A climbing shrub, sometimes a
little tree?; young parts sparsely hairy, glabrescent;
oblong or ovately oblong, base slightly cordate, apex
shortly subabruptly acuminate, coriaceous, glabrous on

-ocr page 243-

both sides as are petioles, pairs of nerves 6—9(—10);
11 — 17—23 by 41/,,-10-13 cM.; petioles 1 Vi—372—5l/a
cM.; apex 1—2 cM.;
cymes axillary, shorter than the
leaves, reaching 31/, cM. without the flowers;
glabrous, adult cleft up to the -middle; lobes 2, acuminate;
2 — 2\'/a cM. long; pedicels 0.5—1 cM.;
corolla with long
slender tube, funnel-shaped towards the top, glabrous,
inner side with papillose hairs near the insertion of the
stamens; tube 3 — 372 cM., lobes broadly ovate, rounded,
2 cM. long, P/» cM. broad;
stamens didynamous, 2 being
inserted near the base of the corolla-tube and 2 in the
middle part of it; filaments of the longer pair 5—6, that
of the shorter one 47s\'~5 cM. long, hairy at the base
(hairs short and thick);
style slender, glabrous, with very
shortly bifid stigma, 6—67a cM.;
ovary 4-furrowed,
densely hairy.

NEW-GUINEA: Versteeg no. 1075, Dutch-N.-G., flow,
on May 12th, 1907 —
v. Rotner no. 284. Dutch-N.-G.
with buds on Sept. 15th, 1909.

Distribution: tropical Australia (v. Mueli), New-Guinea!

4. F. parviflora Warburg, in Engl. Jhrb. XVIII, 208,
Schumann u. Lauterbach, Fl. D. Schutzgeb. Siidsee,
524. — A climbing shrub; branchlets, cymes and petioles
sparsely minutely hairy, glabrescent. 3-ribbed towards the
top; leaves ternate, ovate, base cordate or cuncate, apex
obtusely acuminate or acute, chartaceous, pairs of nerves
4—6; base 3-nerved, the lower pair of nerves reaching
the middle of the leaf; some glands in the axils of and
beneath the lower pair of nerves; both sides glabrous, shining,
the nerves minutely pubescent beneath; 10—15 by 37s—8
cM.; petioles 2—3 cM.;
cymes axillary, forming a large
terminal inflorescence, with narrow, foliaceous, 2—4 cM.
long bracts; main peduncle 12—16 cM., smaller peduncles
(of cymes) 2—4 cM. long; pedicels 0.5 cM.;
calyx gla-
brous, 1 cM., for 7s or 7s 2—3 lobed, lobes obtuse;

-ocr page 244-

corolla white, tube 0.5—0.7 cM., glabrous, lobes \\l/2—2
eM. long with sometimes fimbriate margins; stamens white,
inserted in the throat, glabrous,
5i/i cM. long; style
slender, 5}/2 cM. long, with shortly bifid stigma; ovary
white-hairy, 4-furrowed.

Var. a typica H. }. Lam. nov. var. — folia basi cor-
data, apice obtuse acuminata, 10—14 cM. longa, 8 cM. lata.

Distribution: New-Guinea.

Var. ß angustifolia H. J. Lam, nov. var. — folia basi
cuneata, apice acuta, 12—15 cM. longa, 3]/2~6 cM. lata.

New-Guinea: Ledermann no. 13021 and 13022; Fels-
spitze near Kais.-Aug.-river, in the woods of the moun-
tains, 1400—1500 M„ flow, on Aug. 20th,

Distribution of the species: New-Guinea.

5. F. nervosa H. J. Lam, nov. spec. — Arbor magna,
30 M. alta;
folia elliptico-oblonga, coriacea, basi subacuta,
apice obtusiuscule acuminata, supra glabra, subtus glabra
praeter nervös (puberulos), nonnullis pilis crassis vestitos;
nervis utrinque 12—15; 13V2 — 19cM. longa, 61/,—8\'/„ cM.
lata, petiolo
V/s—2V2 cM. longo; inflorescentia ignota;
calycem per anthesin non videmus; corolla alba, glabra, tubo
brevi, 1.7 cM. longo, cylindrico, lobis lato-rotundatis, interdum
bilobis, 1 V2 — 2 cM. longis;
stamina 4, fauce inserta, fila-
mentis glabris, 4—5 cM. longis;
stylus filiformis, stigmate
ovarium non videmus; fructus maxim us, 4 vel
abortu 3— 1 pyrenis basi connatis, elongatis, monospermis.
glabris, nonnullis glandulis magnis tectis, 2—8 cM. longis,
0.6—2.5 cM. latis;
calyx fructifer usque ad basin bilobus,
lobis minute puberulis, acuminate bifidus, glandulis
magnis tectus.

NEW-GUINEA: Lauterbach no. 2822, Bismarck-plain, 150
M.; flowers (corollae) found on the soil on Sept. 9th, 1896.

Our species, though based upon an incomplete specimen, is
well distinguished by its many-nerved leaves, and shows an
affinity with
F. dimorpha, which, however, has only 5—7 pairs

-ocr page 245-

of nerves, and possesses glands in the axils of its lower nerves.
Moreover, it has very large fruits.

6. F. dimorpha Pulle, in Lorentz, Nova Guinea, VIII.
4, 686 (1912);
id. VIII, 2, 402. — A small tree (or climb-
ing shrub?); branchlets, etc. glabrous; leaves coriaceous,
ovate-oblong or oblong-lanceolate, base rounded, or slightly
cordate, apex abruptly or gradually acuminate; opposite or
ternate (not on the same plant?); glabrous on both sides;
pairs of nerves 4 — 7; 0—10 glands in the axils of the
lower pair; 9—14 by 2V2—7\'/2 cM.; petioles 0.4—2.2 cM.;
cymes axillqry on 3—6 cM. long peduncles, crowded,
forming a large terminal inflorescence, 9 cM. long, 14 cM.
wide, with large, foliaceous bracts, diminishing towards
the top;
calyx in bud subobtuse, for \'/a cleaving up into
two or three subobtuse lobes; 0.9—1 cM. long, glabrous,
with some large glands; pedicels 0.5—0.7 cM.;
glabrous, white (or red?), tube 1.4—1.5 cM., lobes 1 —
1.3 cM. long, outer side glabrous or with some long hairs;
stamens inserted in the throat, glabrous, 4—5 cM.; style
5—cM„ with somewhat increased stigma; ovary
tetragonous, 4-furrowed, densely hairy; fruit a deeply
4-lobed drupe or the 4 cells almost free; large, often
1—3 cells abortive; cells 1-seeded, sometimes slit up on
the inner side, woody, 4—5\'/a cM. long, sometimes
sparsely hairy.

New-Guinea; Versteeg no. 1045, Dutch-N.-G., with
buds on May 9th, 1907. —
v. Romer, no. 146, North-
river, flow, on Sept. 7th, 1909. —
? Moszkotvski no. 432,
Paraido, flow, in Dec. 1910. —
? Weinland nos. 180 and
183, near Bumf-river, flow, in May 1890. —

We are not sure about the fact, whether ternate and opposite
leaves occur on the same tree. If this should not be the matter
— which could not be affirmed bv the examination of the
specimina seen — this should be a legitimate reason for founding
2 varieties: a
var. * opposita and a var. (3 ternata. So Pulle\'s

-ocr page 246-

observation, that the leaves of the ternate form should, in shape
and in dimensions, be different from those of the opposite form,
should agree with this supposition.

7. F. chrysoclada^ K. Schumann in K. Schum. u. Lau-
Fl. D. Schutzgeb. Südsee, Nachtr. 370,(1905). —
A shrub; branchlets, cymes and petioles densely golden-
yellow tomentose; leaves opposite, coriaceous, obovate,
base cuneate, sometimes cordate, apex obtuse or subrotun-
date, upper side glabrous except on the nerves, lower
side with a dense golden-yellow texture; pairs of nerves
6—8; 13—18 cM. by 9-10 cM.; petioles l\'/2-272 cM.;
inflorescences terminal, cymes crowded towards the top
of the branchlets, the peduncles perpendicular to the
rhachis; rhachis 1 cM. in diam. or more; panicles 6 cM.
long, 10 cM. wide;
calyx for 1/i 3-lobed, glabrous or
with some hairs; inner side glandular; 1.3—1.5 cM.; the
1, 2 or 3 lobes often shortly 2-toothed;
corolla glabrous,
tube 1.7 cM.; lobes obovate, 1.3 cM. long, 1.1 cM. broad;
stamens 5—6 cM., filaments slender, thickened near the
base, inserted near the base of the corolla-tube, glabrous;
anthers, when ripe, with nearly free cells, which are often
divaricating at an angle of 180J or more;
style 6—67s
cM., with funnel-shaped stigma;
ovary glabrous.

Distribution: New-Guinea (Astrolabe Range).

8. F. splendida F. v. Mueller, Fragm. phyt. V, 21
Bentham and v. Mueller. Fl. Austr. V, 69; Bot.
Mag. t. 7187;
Schumann u. Lauterbach, Fl. D. Schutzgeb.
Südsee, 524;
Schumann u. Hollrung. Fl. Kais.-Wilh.-land,
Burck, Ann. J. bot. Btz. X, tab. VII, fig. 2. -
F. papuana
Scheffer, Ann. Jard. bof. Buitzg., I, 42;
Schumann u. Lauterb., Nachtrage zur Fl. D. Südsee, 370. —

A shrub or little tree; sometimes climbing (Schlcchter,
branchlets, inflorescences and petioles minu-
tely hairy, glabrescent;
leaves chartaceous or subcoriaceous,
opposite, oblong-elliptical or subrotundate, base rounded

-ocr page 247-

with all transitory forms to deeply cordate, apex acuminate
sometimes subobtuse; pairs of nerves 5 — 7; 1 —10 glands
in the axils of the lower pair or beneath it, upper side
glabrous; lower side glabrous except on the nerves, which
are minutely pubescent; sometimes some scattered glands
on either side; 11-20-25 cM. by 7-87»-1272 cM.;
petioles 1 \'/s—^—5 cM.;
cymes axillary, the upper ones
sometimes forming a large panicle; peduncles 27» — 6 cM.;
pedicels 0.3—1.4 cM.;
calyx for ]/2 2-lobed, minutely
puberulous, with some large glands, 1.5 — 2.5 cM.; lobes
corolla white or greenish, glabrous; tube slender,
fupnel-shaped; lobes 4, sometimes 5 (!), in some cases
somewhat 2-lobed; both sides with \'a line of soft hairs or
subglabrous; tube 2—4 cM.; lobes 2 cM.;
stamens 4,
sometimes 5 (!) inserted near the base of the corolla-tube;
base of filaments, as\'is insertion of the stamens, with long
hairs; filaments
6l/s cM.; style 67» cM.; with shortly bifid
ovary villous; fruit with 4, 1-seeded cells, connated
at the base, often 1—3 abortive; glabrous or minutely

New-Guinea: Lauterbach no. 1695, 100 M, near Ramu-
river, flow, on Aug. 26th, 1896;
id no. 2528, near River B.,
160 M.; a tree 5 M. high; flow, on July 19th. 1896;
id. no. 2238, Nuru-river.80 M., a tree — Hollrung no. 740, Ilnd
Augusta-station, flow, in Sept. 1887 —
Schlecliter. no. 16411,
in the woods of Kelel, 200 M.; a climbing shrub, flow, on
Aug. 27th, 1907. —
Gjellerup. no. 729, Tor-river, How.
on Oct. 10th, 1911, 20 M. in alt.; a climber. — Mosz-
kowski no. 117, Pamoi; a small shrub; id. no. 154, Mann-
river; a shrub, flow, on June 26th, 1910. —
no. 12283, Sepik-river, large climber; id. no. 7925, camp
Malu, 50-100 M.. a climbing shrub, fr. on July
15th, 1912.

Distribution: Queensland (Benth. and v. Muell.), New-
Guinea !

-ocr page 248-

Lauterbach, Nachträge I.e. gives only F. papuana. In his
Flora D. Südsee he expressed the opinion that
F. splendida
and F. papuana should be identical. Probably by mistake, the
author of
F. splendida was mentioned as K. Schumann. In that
case the
F. papuana should be the older one; and this is
probably the reason why
Lauterbach mentioned only F. papuana
in the Nachträge, in the supposition, that this was the older
species. As
F. splendida, however, is named by F. v. Mueller
in 1865, this name should be retained.

9. F. ternifolia F. v. Mueller, Descr. notes on pap.
plants, VIII, 46. (1886). — A climbing shrub;
ternate, sometimes subopposite, oblong-lanceolate, shortly
acuminate, subchartaceous, lower side with few or without
glands; petioles short;
inflorescences shorter than the
leaves, pedicels very short;
calyx small, in the bud pear-
shaped, shortly acuminate, 2-lobed;
corolla minutely
stamens inserted near the base of the corolla-
tube; filaments densely villous at their base;
4-furrowed, minutely pubescent.

Distribution: Southern New-Guinea.

Its affinity is with F. splendida and F. Albertisii, but its
leaves are not narrower above the middle than beneath it, and
its calyx is much shorter.

It has a general resemblance with F. Vitiensis, from the

XX. HOSEA Ridley in Journ. As. Soc. Straits 50.
124, (1908). — Climbing shrubs;
leaves opposite, petiolcd,
simple, the upper ones of each branchlet reddened;
long peduncled, axillary from the axils of the upper leaves,
spreading, dichotomously branched;
calyx campanulate,
spathaceous, bilobed, lobes ovate; coro//a-tube slender, long;
limb 4-lobed, 3 lobes obovate, 1 linear, oblong;
4, filaments far extruded, anthers rounded; style as long
as the stamens, stigma lanceolate;
ovary 4-lobed, 4-celled,

-ocr page 249-

with one ovule in each of the two cells; fruits 1 or 2 in
each flower, fusiform, narrowed at both ends, apex
acuminate; reaching 77s cM, in length and 1.2 cM. across
the middle; pericarp leathery, deep purple; seed solitary,

Distribution: Borneo (also P. Penang?).

We did not see any specimen of the genus, but from the
description its seems not to bold, to suppose that it might be
very closely allied to
Faradaya. But it seems distinguished by
its fusiform (and large) fruits.

1. H. Lobbii Ridley in Journ. As. Soc. Straits, 50, 125,
(1908). — Clerodendron Lobbii (not Lobbiana, as
Ridley thinks) Clarke in Hook. f. Fl. Br. Ind. IV, 590.
King and Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. LXX1V,
4. 841. — A tall, slender, woody climber; branchlets minu-
tely pubescent;
leaves elliptic-ovate, shining and glabrous
above, minutely pubescent beneath; base rounded, apex
obtuse; margins entire; 5 —77s cM. long. 4—6 cM. broad;
petioles 0.6—2.5 cM. long; the upper leaves of the branch-
lets reddened;
cymes minutely grey-pubescent, 12-Howered
(Clarke), axillary, long peduncled, numerous; bracts 0.3 cM.
long, linear; peduncles
7l/s —10 cM. long; pedicels 0.6—
1.2 cM.;
calyx campanulate, deeply 2-lobcd, obovate,
minutely grey-pubescent, with scattered round glands, 1.2
cM. long, yellowy-green; lobes 0.6 cM. long, ovate-deltoid,
valvate in bud;
corolla-tube slender, reaching almost 2]/s
cM., whitish, glabrate; lobes 4, 3 obovate, 1.2 cM. long
and 1 cM. broad, and 1 linear-oblong; all lobes orange-
stamens 4, filiform, 5 cM. exsertcd, crimson;
pollen orange-coloured;
style filiform, as long as the sta-
mens, stigmata very small, lanceolate, green;
ovary 4-lobed,
lobes rounded, elevated;
fruits 1 or 2, elongate, fusiform,
deep purple, reaching 77a cM. in length and 1.2 cM.
across the middle.

Distribution: Borneo (Sarawak nr. Kuching) (also Penang ?).

-ocr page 250-

According to Ridley this specics is partly described by Clarke
as Clerodendron Lobbii; he supposed it to have come from
Ridley thinks that it is certain, that Lobb collected
in Borneo.

XXI. CLERODENDRON L., Gen. pi. ed. I, 136
Blame, Bijdr. 807; R. Brown, Prodr. Fl. Nov.
Holl. 510;
Benth. et v. Muell., Fl. Austr., V. 31; Benth.
et Hook. Gen. pi. II. 2, 1155; Blanco. Fl. Fil. ed. I, 508;
Schauer, DC. Prodr. XI, 658; Engler u. Prantl, Nat.
Pfl. fam. IV, 3a, 174;
Koorders en Valeton, Bijdr. Booms.
Java no. 7. 211;
King and Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. Beng.
LXXIV, 4. 825;
Hasskarl, 2c Cat. \'s L. PI. tuin, 135;
Miquel, Fl. Ind. bat. II, 867; Roxb., Fl. ind. Ill, 57. -
Shrubs (sometimes climbing), or trees;
leaves simple,
opposite or ternate;
cymes usually lax, axillary, usually
united to a large terminal panicle, which sometimes is
very dense, umbelli- or thyrsiform; bracts often foliaceous;
flowers usually large, white, blue, pink or red, the calyx
often coloured as the corolla;
calyx infundibuliform or
cupuliform, sometimes very wide across the middle; 5-
toothed or 3- or 5-lobed, sometimes nearly truncate;
usually enlarged in fruit, spreading or including the fruit;
corolla with narrow, cylindric tube, often very long,
sometimes widened near the throat; limb spreading or
somewhat recurved, 5-lobed; lobes subequal;
stamens 4,
inserted in the throat or the upper part of the corolla-
tube, exserted, rolled up in bud; anther-cells with parallel
style with shortly bifid stigma; ovary imperfectly
4-celled; cells with 1 high-laterally attached ovule;
with 4 furrows or ± 4-lobed, ± drupaceous; endocarpium
smooth or rippled, hard, splitting up into 4 pyrenes.

Distribution: in the warmer regions of the old world:
some species in tropical America and Africa.

-ocr page 251-

1. a. Calyx 5-merous

b. Calyx 3-merous (section III, Tridens H. J. Lam) 100.

c. Calyx 2-lipped, one lip ovate, the other lanceolate

63. C. utakwense p. 305.

2. a. Corolla hypocraterimorphous; tube 4 cM. long or shorter

(for. C. mindorense vide sub b.) (section I, Euclero-

dendron Schauer i...........3.

b. Corolla infundibuliform; tube 41/.,— 10l/s CM. long
(in C.
mindorense 3 cM.) (section II, Siphonanthus L.) 84.

3. a. Cymes axillary or pseudo-terminal......4.

b. Cymes terminal.............5.

4. a. Cymes axillary, few-flowered, shorter than or as long as

the leaves, the upper ones sometimes forming a leafed
thyrse (sect. I, subsection 1,
Axilliflora Schauer) . 6.
b. Cymes axillary or pseudo-terminal, in crowded thyrsi
(sect. I, subsection 2,
Densiflora \') Schauer) ... 13.

5. a. Cymes in lax, leaf- and bractless, ± pendulous thyrsi;

fruiting calyx much enlarged (sect. I, subsection 3,

Penduliflora Schauer)...........21.

b. Cymes in erect, terminal, by bracts and bracteoles
interrupted, narrow thyrsi; fruiting calyx little enlarged
(sect. I, subsection 4,
Racemiflora Schauer)





21. C. scrratum p. 267.

c. Cymes in capituliform or umbelliform (in C. Friesii
subspicatc) thyrsi; leaves usually cordate, pubescent;
calyx enlarged in fruit (sect. I, subsection 5.

Schauer) .

d. Cymes in large, wide, leafless, terminal thyrsi; leaves
with scales beneath; branchlets with intcrpctiolar margins
of hairs (sect. I. subsection 6,
Squamata Schauer) 76.
a. Undcrshrubs, reaching 5 cM. in height, leaves present

1. C. sarawokana p. 248.

I). Shrubs or trees, larger
7. a. Calyx 0.3-0.6 cM. long
b. Calyx 0.6—1.2 cM. long

See also Paniculata 24.

-ocr page 252-

8. a. Corolla-tube 1.25 cM. long, puberulous; calyx acutely

5-toothed, rugose without, with large peltate glands

within.......2. C. lankawiense p. 249.

b. Corolla-tube 1.5—3.7 cM. long, glabrous .... 9.

9. a. Calyx deeply 5-lobed (for more than 1/2); leaves generally

membranous, 6—19 cM. long, 2l/2—6.2 cM. broad;

petioles 1—6 cM.....3. C. disparifolium p. 250.

b. Calyx usually truncate, sometimes irregularly toothed;
leaves usually coriaceous, 2—6—13 cM. long, 0.8—2l/2
8 cM. broad; petioles0.3—2.2 cM. long; cymes 3-flowered

4. C. inerme p. 251.

10. a. Base of leaf broad, truncate or subcordate . . . .11.
b. Base of leaf narrow, usually acute or attenuate . .12.

11. a. Base of leaf characteristically 3-nerved; calyx 1.8—2.7 cM.,

lobes broad, white; corolla-tube with glanduliferous hairs,
as long as the calyx, red . . 5. C. Thomsonac p. 255.
b. Base of leaf not distinctly 3-nerved; calyx 1 — 1.3 cM.;
corolla-tube 2\'/2—3 cM., minutely puberulous

6. C. phlomoides p. 256.

12. a. Leaf usually coarsely, irregularly serrate-dentate; calyx-

lobes linear, dark-red; calyx and corolla puberulous

7. C. calamitosum l) p. 256.
b. Leaf entire; calyx lobed for the half; lobes ovate-lanceo-
late; calyx and corolla glabrous 8. C. floribundum p. 258.

13. a. Leaf broadly ovate, base more or less cordate; chartaceous

or membranous.............14.

b. Leaf lanceolate-ovate or ovate, base rounded, narrow,
or subcuneate; chartaceous or coriaceous . . . .20.

14. a. Base of leaf with some large glands beneath . . .15.
b. Base of leaf without such glands.......16.

15. a. Leaves entire or abruptly denticulate

9. C. fragrans p. 259.
b. Leaves irregularly sinuate — dentate

10. C. macradenium p. 260.

16. a. Calyx 1.8—2 cM.; corolla glabrous, 1.8—2.5 cM.

11. C. Riedelii p. 261.

\') v. also 33. C. kinabalucnsc p. 279.

-ocr page 253-

b. Calyx 0.6—1.8 cM.; corolla at least 1.2 cM. longer

than the calyx. . . .
17. a. Calyx 0.6—0.9 cM. long
b. Calyx 1.2—1.8 cM. long

18. a. Calyx hardly 5-toothed; leaves • glabrous on both sides

12. C. elliptifolium p. 261.
b. Calyx deeply 5-toothed, leaves pubescent on both sides

13. C. condensatum p. 262.

19. a. Calyx 1.2 cM., corolla-tube 2l/2 cM. long

14. C. Cumingianium p. 262.
b. Calyx 1.6—1.8 cM., teeth 0.9 cM., corolla-tube 3 cM.
long.......15. C. macrostcgium p. 263.

20. a. Leaves 5—13l/2 by 4—6l/2 cM.; petioles 2—6 cM.;

pubescent on both sides, chartaceous

13. C. condensatum p. 262.

b. Leaves 18—23 bij 7—8 cM.; petioles 5—7l/2 cM.; upper
side glabrous, lower one pubescent; calyx 0.5 cM., teeth
0.25 cM.; corolla-tube 2 cM. long 16. C. deflcxum p. 263.

21. a. Herbs; calyx 0.2—0.25 cM. 17. C. macrostachyump. 264.
b. Shrubs; calyx 0.65—1.5 cM.........22.

22. a. Calyx 0.65-0.8 cM.; leaves 12-22 by 2l/a—10 cM.;

corolla ± pubescent, glandular 18. C. penduliflorum p. 265.
b. Calyx 1-1.5 cM., leaves 10-40 by 3.7-15 cM. . 23.

23. a. Leaves 20-40 by 5—15 cM.; petioles 2l/2—7»/2 cM.:

calyx 1.5 cM., lobes 0.6 cM. broad; cofolla-tubc

1-1.5 cM........19. C. umbrntile p. 265.

b. Leaves 10—26 by 3.7—10 cM.; petioles l/8— 1 cM.;
calyx 1 — 1.2 cM.; corolla-tube 1.6—1.8 cM.

20. C. kcvifolium p. 266.

24. a. Leaves (the nerves excepted) glabrous on both sides 25.
b. Leaves usually rather densely pubescent on one or both

sides .................42.

25. a. Corolla 3—5 cM. long, glabrous, white; calyx 2\'/a cM.,

pink, sparsely pubescent; leaves densely yellow-glandular

beneath . . . ......75. C. Prcslii p. 314.

b. Corolla 21/2 cM. long, or less........26.

26. a. Proportion of length and breadth of leaf = 1—2 . 27.
b. Proportion of length and breadth of leaf = 3 or more 37.



-ocr page 254-

27. a. Corolla-tube glabrous...........28.

b. Corolla-tube pubescent..........34.

28. a. Calyx 0.4-0.65 cM............29.

b. Calyx 1.0-1.8 cM............32.

29. a. Calyx hardly 5-toothed, corolla-tube 1.8 cM.

12. C. elliptifolium p. 261.
b. Calyx distinctly 5-toothed for l/2 of its length or more 30.

30. a. Petioles 2—2 \'/2 cM. ; inflorescences with much leafy bracts ;

corolla-tube 0.7 cM. . 22. C. multibracteatum p. 270.
b. Petioles 2l/a-20 cM............31.

31. a. Plant hirsutely hairy; inflorescences 7l/2—-10 cM. indiam.

27. C. tracyanum p. 274.
b. Plant rather glabrous ; inflorescences 30—60 cM. in diam.

23. C. Colebrookianum p. 271.

32. a. Calyx inflated, 1.3—1.7 cM.........33.

b. Calyx not inflated, 1.0 cM.; corolla-tube, 1.5—1.7 cM.

long........24. C. adenophysum p. 272.

33. a. Corolla-tube twice as long as calyx, 2.6 cM.; lower

leaves 3-lobed .... 25. C. trichotomum p. 273.
b. Corolla-tube as long as calyx or nearly so, 1.4—1.8 cM.:
all leaves entire.....
• 26. C. magnificum p. 273.

34. a. Calyx 0.5-0.65 cM............35.

b. Calyx 0.8-1.2 cM............36.

35. a. ) C. tracyanum p. 274.
b. ..........^28. C. buruamum p 274.

36. m. Corolla-tube 1.5—1.9 cM.; calyx 1 —1.2 cM.; leaves

long acuminate . . .29. C. brunfclsiiflorum p. 275.
b. Corolla-tube 2—2.3 cM.; calyx 0 8—1.2 cM.; leaves
shortly acuminate or acute
30. C. porphyrocalyx p. 276.

37. a. Calyx 0.3—0.4 cM.; leaves long acuminate at base and

at apex; calyx- and corolla lobes rounded; inflorescences

spike-shaped.......31. C. Fries» p. 278.

b. .Calyx 0.6-1.3 cM............38.

38. a. Leaves very abruptly acuminate; calyx 1.2 cM.

32. C. Diepenhorstii p. 279.
b. Leaves not abruptly acuminate........39.

39. a. Calyx 0.6—0.9 cM...........• : . 40.

-ocr page 255-


b. Calyx 1 — 1.3 cM„ pedicels 1 — 1.8 cM.

33. C. kinabalucnsc p. 279.

40. a. Plant myrmecophilous; branchlets and petioles fistular

34. C. myrmecophilum p. 280.
b Plant not myrmecophilous.........41.

41. a. Leaves largely and distantly dentate (2—6 lobe-like teeth

p. leaf); calyx minutely pubescent 35. C. Williams» p. 281.
b. Leaves entire; calyx glabrous 36. C. macrophyllum p. 282.
a. Corolla 3—5 cM., white, glabrous; calyx pink, 2l/2cM.,
scarcely pubescent; leaves densely glandular beneath

75. C. Preslii p. 314.
b. Corolla 2l/o cM. or less, or, if longer, then leaves
eglandular beneath and corolla pubescent .... 43.

43. a. Calyx toothed for 2/s or more of its length . . .44.
b. Calyx toothed for 1/„ or less of its length . . . .54.

44. a. Calyx in flower-time 0.3—0.5 cM.......45.

b. Calyx in flower-time 0.8—1.3 cM.......47.

45. a. Leaves glabrous above (nerves excepted)

37. C. barba fclis p. 282.
b. Leaves pubescent above..........46.

46. a. Leaves not deeply cordate . 38. C. papunnum p. 283.

b. Leaves deeply sinuate-cordate 39. C. pubcrulum p. 283.

47. a. Lower leaves 3-lobed, upper ones ovate; leaf-base 3-nerved,

lower side glandular; corolla-tube twice as "long as

calyx........25. C. trichotomum p. 273.

b. All leaves entire.............48.

48. a. Calyx with large glands or scales.......49.

b. Calyx without such glands or scalcs......50.

49. a. Calyx pubescent and scaled within and without; leaves

obovate, obtusely acuminate, glabrescent above, minutely
pubescent beneath ....
40. C. Curtisii p. 284.
b. Calyx glabrous within; leaves ovate-cordate, acuminatc,
sparsely tomentosc on both sides
41. C. infortunatum p. 285.

50. a. Plant myrmecophilous, branchlets and petioles fistular;

panicles > 30 cM. . . 34. C. myrmccophilum p. 280.
b. Plant not myrmecophilous, panicles < 20 . . . .51.

51. a. Leaves 9—15 by 4—10 cM.; petioles 2—6cM.; calyx

in flower-time 1 — 1.3 cM..........52.

-ocr page 256-

b. Leaves 12l/2—37 by 5-16 cM.; petioles 2\'%~9l/t cM.;
calyx in flower-time 0.8—0.9 cM........53.

52. a. Inflorescences reaching 10 cM. in length; leaves denti-

culate; calyx with scarlet hairs 42. C. Wenzelii p. 285.
b. Inflorescences 15 cM. long; leaves entire; calyx brown
43. C. Vanoverberghii p. 286.

53. a. Leaves oblanceolate or lanceolate, 15—25 by 5—6l/2

cM., glabrous beneath when adult, except near base

33. C. kinabaluense p. 279.
b. Leaves ovate-acuminate, 12l/2—37 by 5.3—1672 cM.,
softly pubescent beneath when adult

44. C. haematolasium p. 286.

54. a. Proportion of length of corolla-tube and calyx = 3—8 55.
b. Proportion of length of corolla-tube and calyx = 1 —2 59.

55. a. Proportion of length of corolla-tube and calyx = 3—4 56.
b. Proportion of length of corolla-tube and calyx = 5—8 58.

56. a. Corolla-tube 1.2—P/2 cM..........57.

b. Corolla-tube 2—2l/2 cM.; leaves deeply cordate, distantly

dentate........45. C. pulchrum p. 287.

57. a. Leaves deeply cordate, distantly dentate

39. C. puberulum p. 283.
b. Leaves ovate, base rounded or truncate; entire

46. C. albiflos p. 287.

58. a. Leaves not deeply cordate, 6—16 by 5—12 cM., shortly

acuminate; petioles 5—15 cM. 38. C. papuanum p. 283.
t>. Leaves deeply sinuate-cordate, 18—24 by 20—26 cM.,
apex obtuse; petioles 16—24cM.
59. C.Blumeanum p. 292.

59. a. Calyx with large glands without.......60.

b. Calyx without large glands without......63.

60. a. Corolla glabrous without, tube ll/2—1.7 cM.; calyx 1 cM.

24. C. adenophysum p. 272.
b. Corolla puberulous without.........61.

61. a. Corolla-tube 0.7—1.1 cM„ very densely villous without;

leaves usually entire...........62.

b. Corolla-tube 1.3—2 cM„ sparsely pubescent; leaves
irregularly serrate.....
47. C. Curranii p. 288.

62. a. Corolla-tube very densely pubescent; sinus of leaf-base

0—2 cM. deep......48. C. villosum p. 289.

-ocr page 257-

b. Corolla-tube sparsely pubescent; sinus of leaf-base none

49. C. confusum p. 290.

63. a. Corolla-tube 0.6—1 cM..........64.

b. Corolla-tube 1.2-3.3 cM..........65.

64. a. Calyx-lobes glabrous . . 50. C. brachyanthum p. 291.
b. Calyx-lobes pubescent; corolla-tube glabrous, -lobes

pubescent......51. C. Lindawianum p. 292.

65. a. Calyx 2l/2—3 cM., teeth 0.6—1 cM.; corolla-tube 3.3cM.

52. C. macrocalyx p. 293.
b. Calyx V2-IV2 cM............66.

66. a. Calyx V2—0.65 cM............67.

b. Calyx 0.8—1.3 cM............68.

67. a. ) S 27. C. tracyanum p. 274.
b. \\......* \' \' I 28. C. buruanum p. 274.

68. a. Lower leaves 3-lobed, upper ones ovate; calyx 1.3

cM.; corolla-tube glabrous, 2.6 cM.

25. C. trichotomum p. 273.
b. All leaves entire............69.

69. a. Leaves glabrous on both sides when adult, or pubescent

only on or near the nerves; sometimes somewhat pu-
bescent ................70.

b. Leaves rather to very densely pubescent on both sur-
faces .................74.

70. a. Calyx glabrous within..........71.

b. Calyx with glandulifcrous hairs within, as is outer side of

corolla-tube .... 30. C. porphyrocalyx p. 276.

71. a. Proportion of length and breadth of leaf = 4—5

33. C. kinabalucnsc p. 279.
b. Proportion of length and breadth of leaf = 1—2 . 72.

72. a. Corolla-lobes 0.7—0.8 cM. 43. C. Vanovcrbcrghii p. 286.
b. Corolla-lobes 045—\'/2 cM.........73.

73. a. Pedicels 0.3—1 cM.; corolla glabrous; calyx with large

glands.......24. C. ndenophysum p. 272.

b. Pedicels 0.8—2 cM.; corolla sparsely pubescent; calyx
without glands . . . 29. C. brunfclsiiflorum p. 275.

74. a, Leaves denticulate............75.

b. Leaves entire .... 43. C. Vanovcrbcrghii p. 286.

75. a. Corolla-tube 1 \'/2—1.8 cM. 53. C. lanuginosum p. 294.

-ocr page 258-

b. Corolla-tube 2—2.4 cM.; leaves rather coarsely dentate;
petioles 14 cM......62. C. Horsfieldii p. 304.

76. a. Inflorescence a very dense, club-shaped, many-bracted

thyrse, 10—20 cM. long, 7—9 cM. wide; bracts leafy;
corolla-tube 272 —3 cM. . 54. C. Rumphianum p. 294.
b. Inflorescence more or less lax,........77.

77. a. Corolla-tube 1 — ll/2 cM.............78.

b.- Corolla-tube 2—272 cM......." ... 81.

c. Corolla-tube 27,-3.6 cM..........83.

78. a. Leaves 5—7-lobed; lobes large 55. C. paniculatum p. 295.
b. Leaves not lobed............79.

79. a. Leaf-base deeply sinuate, the two lobes at the side of

the sinus covering each other; inflorescence and calyx

scarlet........56. C. coccineum p. 296.

b. Leaf-base ± cordate, the two lobes at the side of the
sinus not covering each other........80.

80. a. Leaves glabrous, with some thick hairs above; calyx

0.8—172 in flowering-time 0.6 cM. long, l/2 cM.

wide; leaves very minutely denticulate

57. C. Bethuneanum p. 297.
b. Leaves denticulate, teeth mucronulate; calyx in flower-
time 0.2—0.5 cM. long, 0.3 cM. wide, fruiting 0.6—0.8
cM. long......58. C. intermedium p. 298.

81. a. Calyx 0.25—72 cM„ pubescent; leaves usually coarsely

dentate or undulate, upper side with some large hairs
and few to many small ones, lower one tomentose.

59. C. Blumeanum p. 299.
b. Calyx (7a—00.8—1.2 cM..........82.

82. a. Leaves with sparse, thick hairs above.

60. C. squamatum p. 302.

b. Leaves entirely glabrous above. 61. C. illustre p. 303.

c. Leaves tomentose on both sides. 62. C. Horsfieldii p. 304.

83. a. Calyx 2-lipped, 1.6 cM.; stamens 7 cM. exsert; a gla-

brous shrub......63. C. utakwense p. 305.

b. Calyx regularly 5-toothed, 0.6—0.8 cM.; stamens 11/2 cM.
exsert; a pubescent shrub. 64. C. speciosissimum p. 305.

84. a. Proportion of length and breadth of leaf = 8 — 15 : 1.

65. C. Siphonanthus p. 306.

-ocr page 259-

b. Proportion of length and breadth of leaf =1—4:1 85.

85. a. Corolla-lobes 7,-13 cM..........86.

b. Corolla-lobes 1.3—21/« cM.........95.

86. a. Corolla-tube (3—)4—6 cM.........87.

b. Corolla-tube 7—10l/2 cM..........92.

87. a. Leaves (the nerves excepted) glabrous above . . 89.
b. Leaves pubescent above..........88.

88. a. Calyx 0.7 cM.; corolla-tube glabrous; leaves IOV2—18

by 5V2—9l/2 cM.; petioles 2—672 cM.

66. C. kalaotoense p. 307.
b. Calyx 0.8—1.3 cM.; corolla-tube pubescent; leaves
572—1272 by 3.2—8 cM.; petioles 1—3.2 cM.

67. C. ingratum p. 308.

89. a. Calyx 0.4—7i cM., teeth 0.15 cM.......90.

b. Calyx 0.7-1.1 cM., teeth 0.3—»/a cM.....92.

90. a. Corolla-tube 3 cM., pubescent below ; calyx sparsely

pubescent......68. C. mindorense p. 309.

b. Corolla:tube 6 cM., glabrous; calyx glabrous.

69. C. Klcmmci p. 309.

91. a. Leaves entirely glabrous on both sides or with some

short hairs beneath ... 70. C. longiflorum p. 310.
b. Leaves more or less pubescent on the lower side (with
rather long hairs) .
. . . 71. C. longituba p. 311.

92. a. Plants myrmecophilous; branchlcts hollow, fistulose, with

a hole on each side in the widened upper part of each

internode.......72. C. listulosum p. 311.

b. Plant not myrmecophilous.........93.

93. a. Calyx-lobes > tube, 1.3—1.8 cM.; leaves membranous,

18—20 by 2V2—77., cM.; petioles 27„—5 cM.; acumen

lVj—3 cM. . ......73. C. Ridleyi p. 312.

b. Calyx-lobe: < tube, 0.2—1/2 cM.; leaves chartaceous 94.

94. a. Corolla-tube glabrous; leaves 672—12 cM. broad.

70. C. longiilorum p. 310.
b. Corolla-tube pubescent; leaves 3—6.7 cM. broad

74. C. Navcsianum p. 313.

95. a. Plants myrmecophilous; branchlcts hollow, fistulose, with

2 holes on each side in the widened upper part of each
72. C. fistulosum p. 311.

-ocr page 260-

b. Plants not myrmecophilous.........96.

96. a. Calyx 0.7—0.9 cM. . . 74. C. Navcsianum p. 313.
b. Calyx 17,-27, cM............97.

97. a. Proportion of length and breadth of leaf = 3:1; leaves

long acuminate (acumen ly/2—3 cM.), membranous; calyx
1V2—2 cM.; corolla-lobes 1.2—1.3 cM.

73. C. Ridleyi p. 312.
b. Proportion of length and breadth of leaf =2:1 . 98.

98. a. Corolla-tube 3—5 cM., glabrous, -lobes 11/2 cM.

75. C. Preslii p. 314.
b. Corolla-tube 5—10.2 cM., -lobes P/,—2% cM. . 99.

99. a. Corolla-tube 87,—10.2 cM.; calyx l72-2l/2 cM.

76. C. Minahassae var. a p. 315.
b. Corolla-tube 5—6 (— 87,) cM.; calyx 2—3l/2 cM.

76. C. Minahassae var. /? p. 315,

100. a. Calyx 1.2—17,cM.; corolla-tube 1.8—2V, cM., -lobes

1.2 by 0.3 cM.......77. C. Elberti p. 316.

b. Calyx 1.8—272 cM.; corolla-tube 2.8—3.3 cM., -lobes

272 by 1.1 cM.......78. C. Hettse p. 316.

Imperfectly known or doubtful species: nrs. 79—88.
Species of which description not Obtainable: nrs. 89—93.
Species with unknown native country: nrs. 94—99.
Nomina nuda: nrs. 100—102.

Section I Euclerodendron Schauer.

Subsection 1 Axilliflora Schauer.

1. C. sarawakanum (Ridley) H.J. Lam, nov. comb. —
C. pumilum \')
Rid I. in Journ. As. Soc. Straits, I, 126
(1908). — A small undershrub; stem 5 cM. with whitish
longitudinally ribbed bark, pubescent above;
leaves 2 or
3, broadly ovate, acute, base rounded; margins undulate,
distantly denticulate, 10—15 by 5—77s cM.; petioles

\') We were obliged to alter this name, sincc it is already occupied
by C.
pumilum Spr., Syst. Vcg. II, 759; so was the name C. Ridleyi.

-ocr page 261-

1.2 cM.; both surfaces covered with pale unicellular hairs;
cymes in a pair, about 5 cM. long and in diam., many-
flowered; pedicels and peduncles (1.2 cM.) densely pubes-
calyx 5-lobed; segments lanceolate, acute, 0.5 cM.,
with red hairs;
corolla 1.8 cM.; tube cylindric, dilated at
base, curved above, pinkish, pubescent; upper part crimson;
lobes 5—6, obovate, rounded, creamy white, hairy on the
stamens glabrous, crimson; over 1.2 cM. longer
than the corolla-tube; anthers linear, deeply bifid, black;
style filiform, crimson, glabrous, long; stigmata 2, green,
ovary, subglobose, obscurely 4-lobed.

Distribution: W.— Borneo (Sarawak, Mt. Matang).

If this is really a Clerodendron (corolla-lobes 5—6! form of
tube!) it is a very remarkable one. In size it should be analo-
gous with
Pygmocopremna, which can be considered as a
dwarf-form of

2. C. lankawiense King et Gamble, Kew Bull., 110
(1908) and Journ. As. Soc. Beng. LXXIV, 4. 830. — A
shrub; branchlets scabrid-puberulous. obtusely quadrangular,
leaves chartaceous, oblong-lanceolate or oblan-
ceolate, acute at apex, attenuate at base; both surfaces
sparsely glabrous-hispid, pubescent on the nerves beneath;
margins entire; 7\'/2 —10 by 1.2—2.5 cM.; midrib stout;
main nerves 8—10 pairs, curving acutely upwards to and
along the margin; petioles 0.6 cM., scabrid-pubescent;
panicles leafy, terminal, pyramidal, thyrsoid, reaching 25
cM. in length and 10 cM. in diam., scabrid-pubescent;
cymes trichotomous, few-flowered; bracts leaf-like, lanceo-
late; bracteoles small, setaceous; pedicels slender. 0.5 cM.;
buds clavate up to 1.8 cM. long;
calyx campanulate.
scabrous-hispid without, glabrous and with large peltate
glands within, cleft about two-thirds down, prominently
nerved; lobes acute, ovate, 0.5—0.6 cM. long, 0.25 cM.
broad at base;
corolla-tube slender, pubescent, cylindric.
1.2 cM. long; lobes spreading, obovate, the midlobc of

-ocr page 262-

the lower lip longer than the rest; stamens long-exsert;
filaments very slender, glabrous; anthers oblong, 0.18 cM.
long; cells parallel;
ovary rounded, obtuse; style very
slender; stigmatic lobes very short;
fruit not seen.

Distribution: Langkawi-Island (Malay Peninsula).

3. C. disparifolium Blume, Bijdr. 809 (1826); Schauer,
Prodr. XI, 672; Hook. f. Fl. Br. Ind. IV. 589;
Hall. f. Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37. 73; Koord. en
Val. Bijdr. Booms. Java no. 7, 212 and Atl. d. Baumart.
II, 6, t. 277;
King and Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. Beng.
LXXIV, 4, 829;
Koord. Exk. fl. von Java III, 137; Kuntze
Rev. Gen. I. 505; Miq. Fl. Ind. bat. II, 871 and Suppl. I,
Zoll. u. Mor., Syst. Verz., 53. — C. acuminatum
Wall. cat. no. 1792 (1828); Schauer I.e. 662; Miq. I.e.
869. — C. Jackianum
Wall, in Hook., Bot. Misc. I
284 (1830) and Cat. no. 1794;
Schauer I.e. 664; Miq.
I.e. 872. — Callicarpa violacea Korthals ms.
partly. — A shrub or small tree; branchlets quadrangular,
glabrous or nearly so;
leaves ovate or ovate-oblong, some-
times oblong-lanceolate, usually membranous, sometimes
subchartaceous; base usually rounded, sometimes acute,
apex acuminate; margins entire or distantly denticulate
above the middle; both surfaces glabrous or with some
sparse hairs; pairs of nerves 5—7; 6 —19 by 2Ve—6.2 cM.;
petioles glabrous, 1—6 cM.;
panicles terminal, composed
of axillary cymes, glabrous or nearly so, leafy, with
foliaceous bracts, 81/2-—10 cM. long, 7—11 cM. in diam.;
calyx purple, with very slender, 1.2—2.2 cM. long pedicels,
which bear two very minute opposite and sometimes 1 or
2 alternate bracteoles, on the also very slender branchlets
of the cymes; 0.3—0.6 cM., usually deeply 5-lobed, lobes
lanceolate and acute or subovate and subobtuse, 0.1—0.5
cM.; glabrous; enlarged in fruit up to 0.8 cM.;
yellow or green; tube slender, 1.5—2.5 cM., glabrous;

lobes narrow, 0.6—0.9 by 0.1—0.15 cM., glabrous; stamens


-ocr page 263-

1.3 cM. exserted, inserted at ± 6/e of the length of the
tube from its base;
style longer exsert than the stamens;
stigma bifid;
ovary glabrous; drupe globose, 0.8 eM. long
and in diam., seated on the irregularly cleft calyx.

Malacca: Maingay no. 1186.

Sumatra: funghuhn in H. A. R.-T. sub no. 043909.
Upper Ankola. -
Korthals in H. L.-B. sub no. 908.266-
16 (Callicarpa violacea). —
Forbes no. 2782, Tand-
jong Ning; a large shrub; flow, yellow; fr. green, becoming
black when ripe; 200 M. in alt.

Java: v. Hall? no. 93 in H. L.-B. sub no. 909.110-
92. -
Kuhl en v. Hasselt in H. L.-B. sub nos. 908.266-
679, 677 and 1231. —
v. Hasselt in H. L.—B. sub nos.
908.267—294 (W.-Java) and 283 (betw. Sadjira and Lebak,
flow, in Aug.). - Blume? in H. L.—B. sub no. 908.263—
492. Salak, flow, in Sept. —
Boerlage no. 453, Buitenzorg,
flow, on 8-X-1888. —
Ploem in H. L.—B. sub nos.
909.27-95 and 99.

Borneo: Rutten no. 264, G. Runtu, E.-Borneo, flow,
on 9-VI-1911; a tree; flow, yellow; calyx and pedicels
id. no. 219.\'nr. Bontang, E.-Borneo, flow, green,
on 4-V-1911; 10 M. in alt. —
Korthals, G. Sakumbang,
in H. L.-B. sub no. 908.263-435;
id., P. Lampei in
H. L.-B. sub nos. 908.263-433 and 434. -
no. 2260, S.-E.-Borneo, Hayup, flow, on 31-V-1908.

Distribution: Malacca!, Sumatra!, W.-Java!, Borneo!

The axillary cymes, which are usually placed in a distinct
terminal, leafy panicle, could afford some doubt, whether this
species really belongs to the subsection

4. C. inerme (L.) Gaertn. Fruct. I, 271 (1788); Blume
Bijdr. 808; R. Brown, Prodr. 511; Benth. et v. Muell.,
Fl. Austr. V. 61; Blanco, Fl. Fil. cd. I, 511; Williams,
Bull. Herb. Boiss. sér. II, V, 431; Schauer, DC., Prodr.
XI, 660;
Decaisne, Nouv. Ann. Mus. Par. III. 399; Engl.,
Engl. Jhrb. VII, 477; Forbes et Hemsley, Fl. sin. II, 261;

-ocr page 264-

Forbes Wand. Nat. f. Mal. Arch. II, 226; Hall, f., Med.
\'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37, 61;-
Pulle in Lorentz, Nova-
Guinea VIII, 2, 402 and VIII, 4, 687;
Hook, f., Fl. Br. Ind.
IV, 589;
Koord., Med. \'s Lands PI. tuin XIX, 558 and
Exk. fl. v. Java, III, 138;
Hook., Comp. Bot. Mag. I,
Hassk., 2e Cat. \'s Lands PI. t., 135; Miq., Fl. Ind.
bat. II, 868;
Merrill, Bur. Gov. Lab. no. 27, 68; Miq.,
Ann. Mus. L.—B. III, 254; v. Muell., Descr. notes pap.
pi. I, 11;
Roxb., Fl. ind. III, 58; Rumphius, Herb. Amb.
VII, 86;
K. Schum. u. Lauterb., Fl. D. Südsee, 525;
K. Schum. u. Hollr., Fl. Kais.-W.-land, 122; Schimper,
Bot. Mitt. a. d. Tr. Ill, 129; Spanoghe, Linnaea XV. 329;
K. Schum., Engl. Jhrb. IX, 220; Val., Bull. Dépt. Agr.
I.-N. X. 51;
Warb., Engl. Jhrb. XIII, 427. - C. cap-
sular e
Blco. I.e. 509 (1837); Schau. I.e. 674; Miq. Fl.
Ind. bat. II, 881;
Merrill I.e. 68. — C. Commersonii
Spr. Syst. Veg. II, 758 (1825); Schau. I.e. 673; Miq. I.e.
Merrill, Phil. Journ. Sei. Bot. IX, 135. - C. in er me
R. Br. Prodr. 511 (1827); Cham., Linnaea VII, 105;
Hemsley Chall. Rep. Bot. I, 110 and 176. — C. nerei-
Wall. cat. no. 178, (1828); Schau. I.e. 660;
Hook. f. I.e. 589; King and Gamble, Journ. As. Soc.
Beng. LXXIV, 4, 827;
Miq. I.e. 869; Schimper. l.c 129. -
A straggling shrub often climbing, or a small tree;
branchlets ash-grey, round, glabrous or minutely appres-
sedly pubescent as are cymes and petioles;
leaves ovate,
or ovate-lanceolate, sometimes sublanceolate; base cuneate
or acute to rectangular, apex shortly and obtusely acumi-
nate or rounded, sometimes subacute; margins entire;
usually coriaceous, rarely membranous; pairs of nerves
5—8; glabrous on both surfaces; 2—13 by 0.8—8 cM.;
petioles 0.3—2.2 cM.;
cymes axillary, often in a terminal
more or less umbelliform panicle, branchlets 3-florous, the
3 pedicels equal in length or the lateral ones longer and
sometimes each of them bearing 1—3 flowers, rather

-ocr page 265-

variable; peduncles 2—3 cM.; pedicels 0.3—1 cM., without
calyx cup-shaped or funnel-shaped, truncate
or with 5 more or less distinct, sometimes irregular teeth,
often 5-ribbed, glabrous to rather densely pubescent,
sometimes glandular, 0.3—0.5 cM„ in fruit enlarged to
0.7 cM.;
corolla white, glabrous or sparsely pubescent,
glandular; tube slender, cylindric, 2—3.7 cM., lobes ovate,
obtuse, 0.5—0.8 by 0.2—0.3 cM.;
stamens slender, 2—3
cM. exsert, as is style; didynamous, inserted between, \'/s
and of the corolla-tube (from its base); filaments at
base and insertion somewhat hairy;
stigma bifid, style
4.4—6.7 cM.;
ovary glabrous, somewhat 4-lobed; fruit
obovate or subclavate, for the lower part included in the
enlarged calyx, glabrous, distinctly 4-Iobed, 1—2 cM.
long, 1 — 1.3 cM. in diam.

Malay Peninsula: Griffith no. 6057—1.

Java: Teysmann in H. A. R.—T. sub no. 043908; the
seeds are a salutary remedy against the dysentery, from
Macassar (nat. name: „rappac rappae"), imported into Java
(nat. name: gambir laut).

Kajuadi -isl. (southw. of Celebes); Docters van Leeuwcn-
no. 1311; a shrub; flow, white, on 3-V-1913.

Tana djampea-isl. (southw. of Celebes); Docters van
no. 1652, a climbing shrub in the
mangrove; flow, white, on 16-V-1913.

Philippines: Merrill no. 275, Manilla, Luzon.
New-Guinea: Versteeg no. 1840. Dutch-N.-G. nr.
Merauke; flow, and fr. on
30-X-1907. — Branderhorst
no. 153. North.-D.-N.-G.; flow, on 10-X-1907. - Gjel-
no. 292, Hollandia. North.-D.-N.-G, flow, on
5-VIII-1910; 2 M. in alt., on riverside; a somewhat
climbing shrub,
3 M. high; calyx green; corolla white
with light-violet spots; filaments light-violet, anthers brown;
stigma light-violet; fruit pyriform. grey-brown (if ripe?);
also flow, in Sept.
1910; id. no. 930, North.-D.-N.-G..

-ocr page 266-

Sasnie: climbing, 2V2 M. high; 5 M. in alt; flow, on
27-XI-1911. —
v. Romer no. 18, North.-D.-N.-G., flow,
on 3-IV-1909. —
Moszkowski no. 466, Dutch-N.-G.,
Manokuari, flow, on 11-1-1911; a small tree, 3 M. high,
firs, yellow.

New-Britain (Neu-Pommern): Weber no. 26, Rabaul,
flow, in April; corolla white, stamens red. —
no. 164, Ralum, on the shore: buds on 21-V-1890. —
Dahl no. 52, Ralum, on the shore, flow, in May-June
1896, a shrub.

New-Ireland (Neu-Mecklenburg): Peekel no. 571,
Namatanai, Nabuto-forest, 0 M. in alt., flow, white, on

palau-isl.: 1 Kraemer in H. Ber. without nr., Kapima-
nangi; a shrub; native name: Aihua —
Ledermann no.
14088, Korror, 20—40 M. in alt., climbing; firs, white,
on 6-II-1914, stamens dark-red; native name: gamwert. —
Raymundus no. 305, Korror; native name: chamvert.

marianne-isl.: Fritz in H. Ber. without nr., Saipon.

caroline-isl.: Kraemer no. 3, Uman Truk, Adilitiount,
250 (M.?) -
Volkens no. 132, Yap, flow, on 9-XII-1899;
native name: gowie; firs, white, filaments red;
id. no. 244,
flow, on 18-XII-1899; Yap; filaments purple. —
no. 13660, Ponape, Naponmal, 150 M. in alt., a
creeping shrub; firs, (on 8-XII-1913) white, filaments blue-
red, anthers dark-brown, leaves brightgreen, bark brown.

A specimen of Boerlage in H. L.-B. sub no. 908.265—
719, from Leiden-Isl. nr. Batavia shows a very charac-
teristical fasciation.

Distribution: Brit.-India, Ceylon, Deccan, Siam, Hon-
kong, Hainan, Kwantung, Formosa,
(Matsumara and
Hayata), Malacca!, Sumatra!, Java!, Kajuadi- and
T. Djampea-Isl.!, Timor, Lombok!, Buton-Isl.!, Tukan-
Besie-Isl.!, Celebes!, Buru!, Ceram!, Little-Ceram!, Borneo!,
Philippines (Luzon!, Polillo!, Panay!), New-Guinea!, New-

-ocr page 267-

Britain!, New-Ireland!, Palau-Isl!, Marianne-Isl.!, Caroline-
Isl.l. Aru-Isl., Queensland, N.-Australia, N.-S.-Wales,
New-Caledonia, Fitchi-, Samoa- and Tonga-Isl. (see
Hallier f., I.e.).

The species is a rather polymorphous one, being variable in
form of leaves, form and tomentum of calyx, and in the cymes.

5. C. Thomsonae Balf., Edinb. New Phil. lourn. N. 5,
XV. 233 (1862); Bot. Mag. t. 5313;
King and Gamble,
Journ. As. Soc. Beng. LXXIV, 4. 827; Merrill, Phil. lourn.
Sci. Bot. XI, 310;
Hall. f. Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no.
37, 72. — A, climbing shrub; branchlets quandrangular,
with cymes and petioles minutely pubescent;
leaves sub-
chartaceous, broadly ovate, base subcordate or truncate,
abruptly attenuate, apex acute; margins entire; upper sur-
face minutely and rather densely pubescent, lower one
glabrous, glandular, pubescent on the nerves; base charac-
teristically 3-nerved, the side-nerves curving along the
margins up to % of the length of the leaf from its base;
other nerves short, few, indistinct; 4—8 by 2—5V2 cM.;
petioles 0.7—1.5 cM.;
cymes axillary, 7—15 cM. long,
peduncles 4—6 cM.; pedicels \'/2-2 cM.; bracts foliaceous,
pubescent above, lanceolate;
calyx subinflate, wide, mem-
branous, white or greenish, 1.8—2.7 cM. long, 1—2.5
cM. wide, with 5 broadly lanceolate, acute segments;
glabrous or somewhat minutely pubescent near the mar-
corolla red, tube as long as the calyx, somewhat
widening towards the throat with minute hairs and some
glanduliferous hairs; lobes obovate. 0.3—0.5 cM. long:
stamens slender, 2.5 cM. exsert, inserted in the throat;
style 1.3 cM. exsert, with bifid stigma.

New-ireland (Neu-Mecklenburg): Peekel no. 526.
Namatanai, Kaselsel, flow, on 23-VII-1910. cultivated.

Caroline-Isl.: Ledermann no. 13855. Ponape, Paila-
palap, Government-garden, 40—50 M. in alt., cultiv., flow,
on 26—XII—1913—
Charley Gibbons no. 1006, same

-ocr page 268-

locality, 10 M. in alt.; a herb, ± 1/2 M. high, cultiv., flow,
on 12-V-1911.

Distribution: a native of tropical Africa, imported into
Asia and known from Penang, Singapore
(King and
Gamble), W.-Java! and the above mentioned islands as
a cultivated plant.

In the Dutch-East-Indies its name is „gebroken hartjes"
(broken hearts).

6. C. phlomoides L. [., suppl. 292 (1781); Schauer, DC.
Prodr. XI, 663; Koord. Exk. fl. v. Java III, 138; Miquel,
Fl. Ind. bat. II, 871; Roxb. Fl. ind. Ill, 57; Hook. f. Fl.
Br. Ind. IV, 590. — A large shrub; branchlets slender,
with cymes and petioles grey-tomentose;
leaves membra-
nous, ovate or ovate-rhomboid, base broadly cuneate or
subtruncate, apex acuminate; margins entire or crenate-
serrate in the middle; upper surface somewhat pubescent
or subglabrous, lower one pubescent; 21/2^—7\'/2 cM. long,
3—4 cM. broad; petioles 1—
3]/<, cM.; cymes axillary, in
a large, leafy, terminal panicle, 12-flowered, lax, tricho-
tomous; bracts 1.6 cM., lanceolate or obovate-lanceolate;
pedicels 0.4 — 1.2 cM.; peduncles 2\'/s cM.;
calyx somewhat
puberulous, 5-lobed, the segments subovate, very acute;
0.8—1.2 cM.; slightly enlarged in fruit;
corolla white,
puberulous, somewhat glandular on the 2\'/a*—cM. long
tube; lobes elliptic 0.8 cM.;
drupe obovoid, 0.8—1.2 cM.,
separating into 4 pyrenes, much as in
CI. inerme.

Distribution: Br. India. Java (Koord.).

1. C. calamitosum L. Mant. I. 90 (1767); Blurne Bijdr.
Schauer, DC., Prodr. XI, 663; Hook. [., Fl. Br. Ind.
IV, 591;
Koord. Med. \'s Lands PI. tuin no XIX, 558;
id. Exk. fl. Java III, 138; King and Gamble, Journ. As.
Soc. Beng. LXXIV, 4, 827; Bot. Mag. t. 5294;
Fl. Ind. bat. II, 870 and suppl. I. 242; id. Ann. Mus.
L.-B. Ill, 254;
Hassk., 2e Cat. \'s Lands PI. tuin, 136;
Hall. f. Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37, 74; Zoll. u.

-ocr page 269-

Mor. Syst. Verz. 53. — C. eriosiphon Schauer, DC.,
Prodr. XI, 662 (1847); Miq. Fl. Ind. bat. II, 869; Hall. f.
I.e. 73. — C. obtusidens Miq. I.e. 870 (1856) and suppl.
I, 242. — A shrub; branehlets quadrangular, minutely
pubescent, as are cymes and petioles;
leaves very variable
in most characters, membranous to coriaceous, lanceolate
to oblong, base usually acute, sometimes narrowly obtuse,
apex acute or shortly, acutely or obtusely acuminate;
margins entire or from distantly denticulate to coarsely
and more or less irregularly serrato-sinuate or undulate;
pairs of nerves 5—7, usually little prominent; upper
surface with all transitory forms from rugose to nearly
glabrous; lower one glabrous, pubescent on the nerves;
5\'/a—227« by 2—8 cM.; petioles 77 cM.;
cymes lax,
glabrous or ± pubescent, the upper ones in n terminal,
leafy panicle;
calyx on very slender. 0.7—1 cM. long
pedicel, 0.6—1.2 cM. long, 5-cleft almost down to base;
segments narrow, very acute, softly pubescent without;
in fruit enlarged and refused;
corolla softly pubescent
without; tube cylindric, slender, 2—3.1 cM.; lobes elliptical,
0.6—0.8 cM. long;
stamens 1 — 1.5 cM. exserted, as is
the very shortly bifid or subtruncate style; inserted in the
style 4—47» CM.; fruit globose, seated on the to
1.5 cM. enlarged calyx, the segments of which are

Sumatra: Miquel in H. A. R.—T. sub no. 049913
(C. obtusidens). —
Forbes no. 2113, Ranau, firs, yellowish
white. 600 M.;
id. no. 2033, Mt. Besagi, 1100 M„ a
large shrub, firs, white;
id. no. 2470.

Java: Horsfield in H. A. R.—T. sub nos. 049911 and
049912. —
Reinwardt in H. L —B. sub nos. 908.263-428
and 429. —
v. Hasselt in H. L.-B. sub nos. 908.266-628
and 908.267-625. -
Kuhl et v. Hasselt in H. L.-B.
sub no. 908.265—1166—?
Blume in H. L.—B. sub nos.
908.263—446 and 481, Salak; also no. —486, Seribu. —


-ocr page 270-

Korlhals in H. L.-B. sub no. 908.267-695. — Boerlage
in H. L.—B. sub. no. 908.265-656, Tjibodas.

Borneo: Korthals in H. L.—B. sub no. 908.266—1320,

Distribution: Malacca (King and Gamble, as garden
escape), Sumatra!, Java!, Borneo!, Basilan, Luzon

8. C. floribundum R. Br. Prodr. 511 (1827); Benth.
and v. Muell., Fl. Austr. V, 63; Schauer, DC., Prodr.
XI, 671;
K. Schum. u. Laulerb., Fl. D. Siidsee. 525;
K. Schum. u. Hollr., Fl. Kais.-W.-land, 122. - A large
shrub or small tree; leaves oblong-ovate, membranous or
subchartaceous; base and apex acute or somewhat atte-
nuate; margins entire; both surfaces glabrous or with some
hairs on the nerves; pairs of nerves 7; 12—16 by 5—6Vs
cM.; petioles 2—5 cM., minutely pubescent, as are the
branchlets and the cymes;
cymes axillary, the upper ones
often in a often subumbelliform panicle; uttermost branch-
lets 3-florous; peduncles 2\'/s—572 cM.; bracts foliaccous.
somewhat pubescent on both surfaces, 11/s—2]/2 by \'/s—1
cM., on a 0.2—0.3 cM. long petiole; bracteoles lanceolate,
as are bracts, sessile, 0.5 cM. long; pedicels slender, 0.3 —
0.5 cM., puberulous;
calyx 0.9 cM.. glabrous or nearly
so, "the 5 lanceolate, acute segments as long as the tube;
corolla glabrous; tube slender, 3.5 cM.; lobes ovate, 0.7
cM. long;
stamens 2.3 cM. exserted, inserted about s/s
of the length of the tube from its base;
style slender,
* 5.8 cM., the apex very shortly bifid or bidentate;

New-Guinea: Schlechtcr no. 18903, Kais.-W.-land. in
the forest near Sangueti-Etappe, 300 M. in alt., flow, on

Distribution: N.-Australia, Queensland, S.-Australia,
(Benth. and v. Muell.)

-ocr page 271-

Subsection 2 Densiflora J) Schau.

9. C. flagrans Vent. Jard. Malm, t 70 (1804); Schauer,
Prodr. XI. 666; Forbes et Hemsley, Fl. Sin. II. 260;
King and Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. LXXIV, 4, 826 (C.
fragr. R. Br.); Bot. Mag. t. 1834; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. I.
Miq., Fl. Ind. bat. II, 875; Hall ƒ., Med. \'s Rijks
Herb. Leid. no. 37. 71;
Maximowicz, Bull. Ac. Imp. Sci.
St. Pet. XXXI. 84;
Hassk., 2e Cat. \'s Lands Pl.tuin Btzg.,
136. — C. foetidum
Hort. Par. ex Planch, in Fl. d.
Serr., ser. I, IX. 17 (1853-54). - C. Lindleyi
ex Planch. I.e. — ? C. fragrans R.Br, in Ait. Kew. ed.
II, IV. 63 (1812) (see under: „Doubtful species"). — A
shrub; branchlets quadrangular, with cymes and petioles
minutely grey-brown pubescent;
leaves broadly ovate,
chartaceous; base subcuneate to somewhat cordate and
abruptly attenuate, with some large glands on the lower
side; apex acute or somewhat acuminate; margins entire
or denticulate above the middle, the teeth abrupt; pairs
of nerves ± 5; both surfaces softly pubescent, densier on
the nerves; 8—24 by 3\'/.,—21 cM.; petioles 1 Va— 11 cM.;
inflorescences terminal, very dense, with many large,
lanceolate, sessile, on both sides pubescent bracts, which
bear large glands on their lower side; 6-9 cM. long,
6—10 cM. in diam.; peduncles 1 cM.. bracts 2 cM. long;
calyx on 0.2 cM. long pedicel which gradually widens
into it, 1.6 cM. long, the 5 very narrow, almost subulate
segments as long as the tube; sparsely pubescent and with
some large glands;
corolla entirely glabrous, simple or
double; tube slender, 27s cM., lobes ovate, 1 cM. long.

\') This subscction docs not seem n uniform one, showing transitory
forms to the
Paniculata, of which it seems to be a particular branch,
whilst in the
Siphonunthus-scztion occur species, which too, show a
very dense inflorescence (see System, notes).

-ocr page 272-

0.7 cM. broad; stamens and style slender, 2.7 cM. exsert,
stigma shortly bifid;
ovary glabrous.

Var. a typicum H. ]. Lam, nov. var. — flores simplices.

Distribution: China, Japan, Formosa (Matsumara and
Hayata), Chittagong, Upper-Burma, Sumatra, E.-Borneo!,
Lombok!, Negros; Hawaii
(Hillebrand). A native of China,
imported into all tropical countries and cultivated there

Var. ft pleniflora Schauer, DC., Prodr. XI. 666 (1847) —
flowers double.

Distribution: Sumatra, Java, Oahu, Mexico, W.-India,
Dutch-Guyana, Bolivia

Hallier (I.e.) gives this species and G. macrostegium a place
among the
Paniculata, in the opinion that they have an affinity
with C.
villosum, C. infortunatum, C. Lindawianum, etc. Perhaps
this affinity is a fact, but this — as it seems to us — does not
justify its place among the
Paniculata, since its inflorescences are
typically densiflorous, and it is, moreover, connected with the
present subsection, by C.
macradenium, which shows, as well
as C.
fragrans the characteristic large glands on leaves and bracts.

10. C. macradenium Miq., Fl. Ind. bat. II, 874 (1856):
Koord. Exk. fl. v. Java III, 138. — A shrub?; branchlets
quadrangular, with petioles and inflorescences softly
leaves rotundate; base cordate or subcordate,
apex acuminate; margins irregularly sinuate-dentate;
chartaceous; pairs of nerves 3—5; base 3-nerved, the
lowest pair almost reaching the middle of the leaf; both
surfaces softly pubescent, densier on the nerves, the lower
with large glands near the base; 13 cM. long and broad;
petioles 2\'/2 — 10 cM.;
inflorescences terminal, very dense,
with lanceolate large-glandular and foliaceous bracts;
1.3 cM., pubescent; the 5 segments linear-lanceolate, very
acute, glandular at the base;
corolla glabrous; tube 2\'/a
stamens and style long exserted.

Java: Horsfield in H. A. R.—T. sub no. 049910.

-ocr page 273-

Perhaps this species is identical with the preceding one, but
as we saw only a leaf (which in its margins was different from
C. fragrans) we could not combine it with that species. As C.
fragrans it has an affinity with some Paniculata-species, as
C. fallax and C. Horsfieldii, but is well distinguished by its
dense inflorescences.

11. C. Ricdclii Oliv., Journ. Linn. Soc. XV, 100(1876);
Koord. Med. s Lands PI. tuin Btzg. XIX, 559. - An
(Koorders); branchlets pubescent; leaves ovate-
rotundate, base truncate or subcordate, subabruptly, cuneately
attenuate, apex acute, margins entire; rather hirsute; 15—20
by 15—20 cM.; petioles 5—6\'/a cM.;
inflorescences terminal,
dense, hemispherical, shorter than the leaves, 6\'/2 cM. in
diam.; bracts narrowly ovate, somewhat shorter than the
calyx partly puberulous, 1.8 cM., the 5 lobes
acuminate, as long as the tube;
corolla glabrous, somewhat
longer than the calyx; tube 1.8—2.5 cM.; lobes obovate-

Distribution: N.-Celebes.

This species seems very nearly allied to the 2 preceding ones,
but seems distinguishable by the little difference in length of
calyx and corolla, and by the entire leaves.

12. C. clliptifolium Merrill, Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot. VII,
341 (1912). — A shrub or small tree, 1 M. high; branchlets
somewhat tctragonous, glabrous;
leaves chartaceous or
submembranous, elliptical or elliptical-ovate; base rotundatc
or subcordate, apex acuminate; margins undulate, the
undulations 1 — 1 \'/„ cM. apart; upper surface glabrous,
shining, lower one glabrous, dull; pairs of nerves 5—6;
12—15 by 7—11 cM.; petioles 3—3\'/a cM.;
terminal, dense, subsessile, more or less puberulous, many-
flowered; 10 cM. in diam.; flowers white or nearly so;
calyx 0.6 cM., hardly 5-toothcd, somewhat puberulous
corolla glabrous, 1.8 cM. long, 1.2 cM. in diam.;
ovary glabrous.

Distribution: Mindanao.

-ocr page 274-

It seems, according to Merrill, allied to C. Klemmei, C. Nave-
and C. mindorense, all of them belonging to the section
Siphonanthus, but its corolla-tube is much shorter. Some species
of this • section too, possess a dense inflorescence, a beautiful
illustration of the fact, that all artificial subdivision of living
organisms is imperfect.

13. C. condensatum Miq. Fl. Ind. bat. II. 874 (1856)
and suppl. I, 242. — A shrub?; branchlets tetragonous,
with petioles and inflorescences densely tomentose;
oblong-ovate, base subcordate, truncate or subcuneate,
apex rather long acuminate; chartaceous; margins entire;
upper surface somewhat pubescent, glabrescent, lower one
densely tomentose, both sides densely glandular; pairs of
nerves 4—6; 5—13\'/o by 4—61/» cM.; petioles 2—6 cM.;
inflorescences very dense, subumbelliform, terminal; bracts
large, subinvolucral, as long as calyx;
calyx densely pu-
bescent, glandular, 0.6—0.9 cM.; segments linear-lanceolate,
0.45—0.7 cM. long, acute, ciliate;
corolla densely pubes-
cent, 1.8 — 2.2 cM. in bud; tube very slender; lobes narrow,
0.5 by 0.15-0.2 cM.

Sumatra: Miquel? in H. A. R.-T. sub no. 049917 (H.
Bog. no. 1167), nr. Alahan-Padjang. —
de Vriese in H.
L.—B. sub no. 908.266—618. —
Beccari no. 261, Mt.
Singalang, flow, in June—July 1878.

14. C. Cumingianum Schauer, DC., Prodr. XI, 666
Miq., Fl. Ind. bat. II. 875; Hall, f, Med. \'s Rijks
Herb. Leid. no. 37, 69. —A shrub?; branchlets quadran-
gular, woolly;
leaves membranous, subcordate-ovate, acu-
minate, margins entire or irregularly dentate; upper side
hirsute, lower one softly woolly, glandular beneath the
tomentum; 10—15 by 7—10 cM.; petioles pubescent,
2\'/j—4 cM.;
inflorescences terminal, dense, many-flowered;
calyx 1.2 cM.; the segments very acute; corolla with
puberulous, 2\'/a long tube; limb 0.6 cM.;
1.2 cM. long.

Distribution: Philippines (Cebu: Hallier, I.e.).

-ocr page 275-

Robinson no. 10000, Basilan and Elmer no. 13559, Mindanao
belong to
C. lanuginosum. Perhaps is will appear that the
present species is synonimous with it. At any rate this is another
case, from which we may conclude the close affinity (if not
identity) of the
Densiflora (or at least a certain part of them)
with the

15. C. macrostegium Schauer, DC., Prodr. XI. 666
Miq., Fl. Ind. bat. II, 875; Hall. f.. Med. \'s Rijks
Herb. Leid. no. 37, 71;
Merrill, Bur. Gov. Lab. Bull. no.
27, 68 and Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot. XI, 310;
Miq., Ann.
Mus. L.—B. Ill, 253. — A shrub?; branchlets quadran-
gular, with petioles and inflorescences hirsutely brownish
leaves subchartaceous, subrotundate, base trun-
cate or somewhat cordate, apex acute or subabruptly
acuminate; margins entire or irregularly denticulate; both
surfaces pubescent, the lower one and the (white) nerves
densier; upper side sparsely, lower densely glandular; pairs
of nerves 6—7; 13—21 by 91/«—161/« cM.; petioles 2—
12\'/j cM.;
inflorescences terminal, dense, branchlets 3-7-
flowered; bracts large, foliaceous, the lower ones rotundate,
the upper ones lanceolate. 2VS — 4 —5\'/2 by 0.4 — 1.2—4
cM., petioles 0—0.5—1 cM.; membranous, pubescent on
both sides;
calyx 1.6—1.8 cM., pubescent and glandular
without, on a 0.2—0.4 cM. long pedicel; segments linear,
0.8—0.9 cM.;
corolla-tube 3—3.1 cM„ slender, with lobes
puberulous; lobes 0.75 by 0.3 cM., obovate;
stamens and
shortly bifid style exsert.

Ceram: in H. A. R.—T. sub no. 011579 (H. Bog. no.
5075), corolla white.

Mindanao: Elmer no. 12161, Todaya (Mt. Apo). Davao,
buds in Sept. 1909.

Distribution: Saparua, Ceram!, Mindanao!, Luzon, Rom-
blon, Mindoro
(Hallier I.e.).

17. C. deflexum Wall. PI. As. Rar. Ill, 10, t. 215
Schau. DC., Prodr. XI, 665; Hook, ƒ., Fl. Br.

-ocr page 276-

Ind. IV, 593; King and Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. Beng.
LXXIV..4, 828;
Miq., Fl. Ind. bat. II, 875. - A shrub,
reaching 1.3—2 M. in height; branchlets somewhat qua-
drangular, sulcate, with petioles and inflorescences densely
leaves chartaceous, elliptical or elliptical-oblong,
base subtruncate, apex acute or acuminate, margins entire;
upper surface entirely glabrous, lower one somewhat pubes-
cent, densier on the nerves; pairs of nerves 6—8; 18—23
by 7—8 cM.; petioles 472 —772 cM.;
inflorescences many-
flowered axillary in the upper axils of the branches, dense,
subumbelliform, 5—8 cM. long, 7 cM. in diam.; peduncles
3 —4 72 cM.;
calyx gradually widening from the ± 0.5 cM.
long pedicel, 0.5 cM., teeth acute, lanceolate, as long as
the tube; minutely puberulous;
corolla minutely puberulous;
tube slender, 2 cM., lobes narrow, 0.4—0.5 cM. long;
stamens 1 —17a CM. exsert, inserted in the corolla-tube
at about */B of its length from the base;
style somewhat
longer exsert than the stamens; stigma shortly bifid,
ovary glabrous.

Malay Peninsula: Griffith no. 6049.

Distribution: Malay Peninsula!, Penang (King and

Subsection 3 Penduliflora Schauer.

17. C. macrostachyum Turcz. Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc.
XXXVI, II, 220 (1863);
Hook, f., Fl. Br. Ind. IV, 591. -
A herb; branchlets with petioles densely with glanduliferous
leaves very membranous, long petioled, deeply cor-
date, acute or subacute; margins coarsely dentate, upper
surface with papils which bear short hairs, lower one
glandular-dotted; nerves pubescent; lower leaves long
petioled, upper ones subsessile; 22 72 by 16 cM.; petioles
16 cM.;
inflorescences terminal, very long, somewhat pu-
bescent, glandular, 127«—30 cM. in length; cymes opposite.

-ocr page 277-

dichotomous, 2-flowered („ramulis oppositis prope basin
bipartitis bifloris"
Turcz); bracts linear-lanceolate or ovate
or oblong, 0.4 cM.; pedicels 1.2 cM.; flowers-blue;
glabrous or nearly so, cup-shaped, subtruncate, 0.2—0.25cM.,
red-glandular, ± unaltered in fruit;
corolla glabrous; tube
0.5 cM., lobes 0.5 cM., obovate;
stamens long exserted;
ovary and drupe with red glands, the latter 0.25 c.M. long.

Distribution: Khasia Mts., Moulmein, Singapore.

18. C. penduliflorum Wall. Cat. no. 1795 (1828);
Hook, f, Fl. Br. Ind. IV, 591; King and Gamble, Journ.
As. Soc. Beng. LXXIV, 4, 830;
Schauer. DC., Prodr.
XI, 664. — A shrub; branchlets tetragonous, farinose;
leaves opposite or ternate, membranous, oblong-lanceolate,
long attenuate (
Schauer) or cuneate and sometimes obtuse
(.Hooker ƒ.), long acuminate; margins crenulate or entire;
both surfaces glabrous; 12—22 by 2V2—10 cM.; petioles
very long;
inflorescences terminal, glabrous or nearly so,
very lax, pendulous; cymes shortly pcdunclcd, ± 3-flowered;
calyx 0.65-0 8 cM., very deeply 5-fid; segments pubescent,
acute, ultimately reflexed;
corolla very sparsely pubescent
and glandular; tube 1.25 cM.;
drupe 0.6—0.8 cM. in diam.

Distribution: Burma, Tenerassim, Tavoy, Nicobar-isl.,
Penang, Malay Peninsula
(K. and G.).

19. C. umbratilc King and Gamble, Kew Bull. 110
(1908) and Journ. As. Soc. Beng. LXXIV, 4, 831. - A
shrub or small tree, reaching 2.7—5 M. in height; branchlets
pale-brown, smooth, fistular;
leaves membranous, variable
in shape, usually oblong or obovate or oblanceolate, the
broadest part about two-thirds up or even higher, long
and rather suddenly acuminate at apex, usually rounded,
but sometimes attenuate at base; glabrous on both sides;
entire; 20—40 cM. long, 5—15 cM. broad; pairs of nerves
8—12; petioles 2\'/2—7l/s cM., long tlaccid;
panicles from
the uppermost axils, elongate, lax, somewhat curving,
glabrous, usually 10—15 cM. long and about 71/« cM.

-ocr page 278-

broad; peduncles slender, 10—171/« cM. long; branches
divaricate; cymules few-flowered; rhachis flattened and
slightly winged; bracts leafy, lanceolate, up to
2l/2 cM.
long, bracteoles many, linear-setaceous; pedicels slender,
puberulous, 0.25 —1.25 cM.; buds spathulate, curved, 2\'/2
cM. long; flowers white tinged with pink; the calyx white
or pale green turning red in fruit;
calyx large, slightly
puberulous, deeply divided nearly to the base; lobes ovate-
acuminate, cuspidate about 1.5 cM. long by 0.6 cM. broad,
enlarging in fruit to 4 cM. in diam., and then spreading;
coro//a-tube slender, cylindric, 1 — 11/2 cM. long; lobes
spathulate, rounded, as long as the tube;
stamens exsert;
style very slender, with shortly bifid stigma; ovary rounded,
drupe black, smooth, globose, 1.2 cM. in diam.

Distribution: Malay Peninsula, Sumatra (Lampongs).

20. C. laevifolium Blume, Bijdrage 808 (1825); Decne.
Nouv. Ann. Mus. Nat. Par. Ill, 399; Schauer, DC. Prodr.
XI. 674;
Miquel, Fl. Ind. bat. II, 872; Hassk. 2e Cat.
\'s Lands PI. tuin Btzg., 136;
Spanoghe, Linnaea XV, 329. —
C. nutans
Wall. Cat. n. 1793 (1828) and Bot. Mag. t.
Schauer, I.e. 663; Hook. Fl. Br. Ind. IV, 591;
Hall. [., Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37, 72. - A shrub,
2 M. high; branchlets somewhat tetragonous, glabrous;
leaves membranous or chartaceous. oblong-obovate or
oblanceolate, base attenuate, gradually widening to near
the abruptly acuminate apex; margins entire; pairs of
nerves 8—12; both surfaces entirely glabrous; 10—26 by
3.7—10 cM.; petioles Vs—1 cM.; acumen 0.8—2 cM.;
panicles terminal, long, lax, relatively narrow, leafed below;
cymules 3-florous; cymes 2- or 3-chotomous; the whole
panicle 18—28 cM. long, 7—14 cM. broad; peduncles
5Va—9 cM.; bracts leafy, lanceolate, 0.4—41/« cM. long,
0.1—0.8 cM. broad; bracteoles linear-setaceous, 0.2 cM.;
calyx glabrous, on a slender, 0.8—1.2 cM. long pedicel,
1 — 1.2 cM. long, lobes 0.8—1 cM. ovate-lanceolate, acute, red-

-ocr page 279-

purple within, in fruit much enlarged, up to 3l/2 cM.
in diam., and then coriaceous and spreading;
glabrous or very sparsely and minutely puberulous; tube
1.6—1.8 cM. (or more?) subinfundibuliform; lobes ovate,
rounded, 1.2—1.3 cM. long, 0.7—0.8 cM. broad;
and the very shortly bifid style 2—3 cM. exsert, inserted
in the corolla-tube at about ~/s of its length from the
ovary glabrous (according to the plate in Bot. Mag.
(t. 3049) with a yellow annular disc or gynophore; we
could not find the same);
drupe glabrous, black, seated
on the enlarged and spreading calyx, and much smaller
than it/

Java; Blume? in H. A. R.-T. sub no. 049909.
Distribution: Sikkim, Assam, Khasia Mts., Chittagong,
Ava, W.-Sumatra
(Hallier ƒ.), Java!

Subsection 4 Racemiflora Schaucr.

21. C. serratum Spr., syst. II, 578 (1825); Schaucr,
Prodr. XI. 664; Elbert, Med. "s Rijks Herb. Leid.
no. 12. 16;
Hook, ƒ"., Fl. Br. Ind. IV. 592; Koord. en
Val., Atl. d. Baumart. II. 6, t. 276; Koord, Exk. fi. Java
III, 138;
King and Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. Beng.
LXXIV, 4. 834;
Miquel, Fl. Ind. bat. II. 873 and suppl.

I. 242 and 568; Hassk., 2c Cat. \'s Lands PI. tuin. 136;
Hall. [., Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37, 72; Merrill,
Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot. XI. 310; Miquel, Ann. Mus. L.-B.
Ill, 254. — C. cuncatum
Turcz., Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc.
XXXVI, II. 221 (1863). -C. divaricatum1)
Jack, Mai.
Misc. I. 48 (1820);
Schauer I.e. 674; Miq. Fl. Ind. bat.

II. 882 and suppl. I. 243; Jack, Calc. Journ. Nat. Hist.
IV no. XIII, 38. — C. farinosum Wall. cat. no. 1810
(1828). - C. grandifolium J) Salisb. Prodr. 108

M This name is older than C. serratum, but the latter is used by
most authors. So we retained it.

-ocr page 280-

(1796). — C. javanicum Walp. Rep. IV, 113 (1844) —
C. macrophyllum
Sims, Bot. Mag. t. 2536 (1825). —
C. ornatum
Wall. Cat. no. 1811 (1828). - C. ser-
Bl. Bijdr. 810 (1825); Zo//. u. Mor. Syst. Verz.
53. - C. ternifolium D.
Don, Prodr. Fl. Nep. 103
(1825). — A shrub; branchlets tetragonous, with petioles
glabrous; leaves lanceolate or lanceolate-oblong or oblan-
ceolate or -oblong, apex shortly acuminate or acute, base
attenuately acuminate; margins entire or denticulate or
dentate except near the base, the teeth varying from
minute to nearly setaceous and long; membranous or
chartaceous; opposite or ternate; glabrous on both sides;
pairs of nerves 6—8; 12—30 by 5—12 cM.; petioles
0.8 — 2 cM.;
inflorescences long and narrow, minutely
pubescent, 17—20 cM. long, 6—7 cM. wide, with many
leafy bracts, the lower ones subrotundate, the upper ones
lanceolate, glabrous, 1—3 cM long; bracteoles linear,
pubescent, 0.7 cM., pedicels 0.5 cM.;
calyx cup-shaped,
0.4(—0.7) cM., margin variably shaped, from nearly trun-
cate to distinctly 5-toothed, the teeth deltoid; glabrous
or mere or less pubescent;
corolla glabrous; tube rather
wide, 0.8 cM. long; lobes broadly ovate, 0.8 cM. long;
stamens 21/2 cM. exsert, slender, inserted in the corolla-tube
at about 7s of its length from the base, didynamous; base of
filaments and the lines within the tube beneath them with
thick short hairs;
style very long, 3 cM. exsert, slender;
stigma unequally bifid;
ovary glabrous, 4-lobed; drupe gla-
brous, 0.7 cM. long; the lower third included in the some-
what enlarged calyx, distinctly 4-lobed, with a central cavity.

Var. * Wallichii C. B. Clarke in Hook f, Fl. Br. Ind.
IV, 592 (1885) —
leaves minutely denticulate, sometimes
dentate, the upper ones often entire;
calyx subtruncate or
with 5 very minute teeth.

forma a psilocalyx H. J. Lam, nov. f. — calyx glaber
vel subglaber.

-ocr page 281-

Upper-Burma: ƒ. C. Prager in H. A. R.—T. sub no.
049908, Hill s.s? of Kyati, flow, on lO-X-1890.

sumatra: Diepenhorst, H. Bog. no. 2363, -Priaman —
Elbert in H. L.-B. sub no. 908.308-458, Tandjong Korong,
75-100 M. in alt.; id. in H. L.-B. sub no. 908.308-382,
Telok Betong, Ranggal, 100-350 M.; id. no. 490, Lam-
pongs, flow, in Febr.—March —
Junghuhn in H. L—B.
sub no. 908.266—1009, Padang, Apenberg —
Korthals in
H. L.-B. sub no. 908.266-1132, Padang.

Java: in H. A. R.—T. sub no. 020911, Nusa Kambangan,
flow, on 6-VI-1909 —
Buijsman no. 179, Tengger Mt.,
400 M..in alt., flow, on 20-VIII-1907 -
Blume in H. L.-B.
sub no. 908.266-1101 -
Went in H. L.-B. sub nos.
908.266-1122 (Papandajan) and - 1137 (Tjipetir) -
in H. L.-B. sub nos. 908.266-1134 (Weltevreden)
and — 1107 (Ungarang) and — 682 and — 683 (Dieng) —
Waitz in H. L.-B. sub nos. 908.267—284, flow, in July —
Boerlage in H. L.-B. sub no. 908.266-1095 and 1096
(Pelabuan Ratu) and no. 454, Buitenzorg, flow, on
1 l-X-1888 -
de Vriese in H. L.-B. sub no. 908.266-1260,
Nusa Kambangan —
Elbert nos. 462 and 463 (Kendeng
Trinil, Madiun, 100-300 M.) and 527 (Pandan, Madiun,
400-900 M.) —
Zollinger no. 80 - Forbes no. 1251,

Lombok: Elbert no. 752, Sadjang, 500—750 M.

Flores: Elbert no. 4346, Endeh E., Roga, 1475-1500
M., flow, on 8-II-1910; id no. 4264, Endeh W., Mboa
Rado, 300-600 M., flow, and fr. on 3-II-1912.

forma b puberulumH./. Lam, nov. f. — calyxpuberulus.

Upper-Burma: Shaik-Mokim no. 58, Kachin Hills,
Metkina, firs, bluish in Sept.

Distribution of the variety: India, Malay Peninsula
(King and Gamble), Sumatra!, Java!, Lombok!, Flores!,
Celebes, Cambodia
(K. and G.)

Var. fi dentatum H. J. Lam, nov. var. — folia saepis-

-ocr page 282-

sime grosse dentata, dentibus. abruptis saepe subsetaceis,
0.3—0.5 cM. longis;
calyx distincte 5-dentatus, dentibus
deltoideis, subacutis; calyx usque ad 0.7 cM. longus.

forma a psilocalyx H. J. Lam, nov. f. — calyx glaber
vel subglaber.

Br.-India: in H. A. R.-T. sub. nos. 011580, Nilghiri-
and Kurg-Mts. — /.
D. Hooker in H. A. R.—T. sub. no.
011569, 1400-1700 M. in alt., Sikkim.

Java: in H L.-B. sub no. 908.357-388, G. Tjisalak,
native name: Singugu.

SUMBAWA: Elbert no. 4181, Batu-Lanteh Mts., N.,
800-1400 M., flow, on 20-1-1910.

forma b puberulum H. J. Lam, nov. f. — calyx

Br.-IndjA: J. D. Hooker in H. A. R.—T. sub. no.
011569, Sikkim, 1400-1700 M. in alt. - /.
D. H. and
T. T. in H. A. R.-T. sub no. 011570, Khasia Mts.,
300-400 M. in alt. — PI. Hohenack.
Miq. no. 147, nr.
Mangalor; native name: nirisa; the roots are a remedy
for snake-bites.

flores: Elbert no. 4211, Endeh W., Vanga Pandau,
0-250 M., buds on 6-11-1910; id. no. 4284, Endeh.
Mboa Rado, 400-600 M., flow, on 3-II-1910.

Java: Boerlage in H. L.-B. sub no. 908.267-940.

■ Sukabumi, Baros.

Distribution of the species: Ceylon (Clarke), India!,
Malay Peninsula
(King and Gamble), Sumatra!, Java!,
Lombok!, Flores!, Sumbawa!, Celebes, Cambodia
(K. and G.).

The distribution of the two varieties gives rise to the sup-
position either that the subdivision in varieties is not the right
one, or that the two variaties will be found in several places
more between the regions mentioned above.

Subsection 5 Paniculata Schauer.

22. C. multibracteatum Merrill Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot.
VII, 98 (1912). - A tree, 4-9 M. high; branchlets with

-ocr page 283-

petioles and inflorescences appressedly pubescent; leaves
oblong or oblong-ovate, subcoriaceous, base acute or
± rounded, apex acuminate, margins entire or\'with some
irregular teeth; both sides glabrous, pubescent on the
midrib, lower one glandular; pairs of nerves 6—8; 8—13
by 3l/s—^ cM.; petioles 0.2—27« cM.;
panicles terminal,
10—15 cM. long, 7 cM. in diam., with many membranous,
sessile, ovate or lanceolate bracts; the bracts sparsely
pubescent and glandular, 1 —2V2 long. 7s~~ 1

broad; white in flower, pink in fruit; calyx broad,
0.8—1 cM. long; lobes 5, broadly deltoid, acute; mem-
branous,* on a 0.2 cM. long pedicel which is somewhat
pubescent with the lower part of the calyx;
corolla white,
glabrous or nearly so; tube 0.7 cM. long, 0.2 cM. in
diam.; lobes narrow, obtuse or subacute, 0.3—0.6 cM.
long, 0.2—0.25 cM. broad; reflexed;
stamens 0.7 cM.
exsert, inserted near the throat; anthers 0.1—0.15 cM.;
filaments reflexed;
style 17s cM., 0.7 cM. exsert; stigma
shortly bifid;
drupe 0.6 cM. in diam.

Distribution: Luzon.

23. C. Colebrookianum Walp. Rep. IV, 114 (1844);
Schauer, DC., Prodr. XI, 672; Hook, ƒ., Fl. Br. Ind. IV,
King and Gamble. Journ. As. Beng. LXXIV, 4,
Hall, ƒ., Med. s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37, 78. -
C. glandulosum
Colebr. ex. Wall. Cat. no. 1806(1828);
Kuntze, Rev. Gen. I, 505. — A shrub or small tree:
branchlets glabrous or nearly so;
leaves membranous,
broadly ovate, apex acute, base cordate, margins entire
or sinuate; both surfaces glabrous or puberulous, except
on the nerves beneath; often some large glands near the
base beneath; pairs of nerves 8—10; 12V2—30 by 10—25
cM.; petioles smooth, 5—20 cM.;
panicles large, 30—60
cM. in diam. or smaller, pubescent; cymes close, many-
flowered; bracts lanceolate, caducous; bracteoles lanceo-
late; pedicels 0.25—0.5 cM., flowers white or rose-pur-

-ocr page 284-


pie; calyx pubescent, cleft halfway down, 0.4—0.6 cM.,
tube often with a large gland under each lobe; fruiting
scarcely enlarged;
corolla nearly glabrous; tube 1.8—2.5
cM„ lobes 0.6 cM.;
stamens long exsert; style with
shortly bifid stigma;
ovary glabrous; drupe glabrous, blue,
0.7—0.9 cM. in diam.

Var. x typicum H. J. Lam, nov. var. — ramuli foliaque
paniculae longae; folia calycesque glandulis magnis
corollae atro-lilacineae.

Distribution: Br. India, Singapore (Hook, f, K. and G.).

Var. /3 Forbesii King et Gamble I.e. 838. — Leaves
and branchlets puberulous; panicles reduced to a terminal
corymb of closely packed flowers, 10— 12V2 cM. long;
no glands on calyx or leaf; flowers dark scarlet.

Distribution: Sumatra (Lampongs).

Distribution of the species: India, Malay Peninsula,

24. C. adenophysum Hall, f., Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid.
no. 37, 66 (1918). — A small tree; branchlets round or
obtusely quadrangular, densely and appressedly ochraceous-
leaves subcordate-ovate. acuminate, entire, thinly
chartaceous; both sides glabrous (or upper one with some
hairs), pubescent on midrib; pairs of nerves 7—8; lower
side indistinctly glandular, with some large glands near the
• base; 12—25 by 8—15 cM.; petioles pubescent, 212
panicles terminal, pyramidate, large, 20 cM. long,
13 cM. wide, the peduncles of the lower cymes 3Vo—6
cM.; pedicels 0.3—0.8 cM.;
calyx cyathimorphous, 0.8—1
cM.; teeth 5, deltoid, 0.2 cM., acute; sparsely pubescent;
sometimes with some large glands;
corolla white, glabrous;
tube 1.2—1.7 cM.; lobes 0.7 cM., elliptical:
stamens and
the shortly bifid style 21/«—4 cM. exsert; filaments inserted
in the upper part of the corolla-tube, with some thick
hairs at the base;
ovary glabrous.

Distribution; S.-E.-Sumatra!, W.- and S.-E.-Borneo

-ocr page 285-

25. C. trichotomum Thunb. FJ. Japon. 256 (1784);
Schauer, DC., Prodr. XI, 668; Forbes and Hemsley, Fl.
Sin. II, 262; Bot. Mag. t. 6561;
Maxim. Bull. Ac. Imp.
Sc. St. Pet. XXXI, 85;
Merrill. Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot. Ill,
Miquel, Ann. Mus. L-B. II, 99; Hassk. 2e Cat.
\'s Lands PI. tuin Btzg., 136;
Hall. f. Med. \'s Rijks Herb.
Leid. no. 37, 69 — A shrub?; branchlets glabrous;
membranous, entire, pale beneath, upper ones ovate and
long acuminate, lower ones 3-lobed; base 3-nerved; both
sides glabrous, somewhat pubescent on the nerves, lower
side glandular; petioles long;
panicles terminal, very large;
cymes trichotomous, many-flowered, with small caducous
calyx membranous, attenuate at the base, 1.3
cM., on long pedicel, somewhat inflated and 5-angular;
segments 5, acute;
corolla-tube twice as long as the calyx,
stamens very long exsert; drupe seated on the
spreading and somewhat enlarged calyx.

Distribution: Japan, (Bot. Gardens of Buitenzorg, (Hal-
Formosa (Matsumara and Hayata), S.-China, Luzon,
Batan (Merrill)

26. C. magnificum Warb. Engl. Jhrb. XIII, 428 (1891);
Pulle in Lorentz, Nova-Guinea VIII, 2, 402 and VIII, 4,
K. Schum. u. Lauterb. Fl. D. Sudsee, 525. - A
shrub, 1—2 M. high, or a small tree
(v. Romer); branchlets
± quadrangular, with petioles and panicles glabrous;
membranous, broadly ovate, base cuneate or subtruncate.
apex shortly acuminate; margins entire; pairs of nerves
5—7; both surfaces glabrous, or the upper one with some
hairs; base sometimes subcordate, sometimes attenuate;
13—30 by 8—15 cM.; petioles glabrous, 6—12 cM.;
panicles terminal, pyramidate, 15—26 cM. long, 10—15
cM. in diam.;
calyx on 0.3—1 cM. long pedicel, very
wide, 1.3—1.7 cM. long, 1.5 cM. wide, 5-cleft more than
halfway down, the segments membranous, broadly ovate,
acute; glabrous;
corolla-tube subinfundibuliform, 1.4—1.8


-ocr page 286-

cM. long, glabrous; lobes broadly ovate, rounded, 1 — 1.5
cM. long, glabrous;
stamens with the shortly bifid style
7 cM. exsert, inserted in the throat;
ovary glabrous.

New-Guinea: Versteeg no. 1732, Dutch-N.-G., flow,
on 18-IX-1907. -
v. Romer nos. 501 (Dutch-N.-G., a
tree, flow, dark red, on 13-VIII-1909) and 593 (same loc.,
a shrub, flow, on 17-X-1909). —
Gjellerup no. 216. Dutch-
N.-G., Begowri-river, nr. a salt-spring, flow, on 25-VI-
1910; 170 M. in alt.; firs, bright red, anthers brown-red,
stigma pink, branehlets of inflorescences red-violet; bark
whitish; id. no. 819, N.-Dutch-N.-G , Gautier Mts., 300
M. in alt., flow, on 3-XI-1911. - Verz. J. no. 170,
Giriwori-river, flow, in July 1912. —
Kaernbach no. 69,
Kais.-W.-land, Nuselang-station on Sattel-Mt., road to
Sahang, 930 M. in alt., flow, on ll-XII-1893, firs, bright
red. —
Schlechter no. 16895, Kais.-W.-land, Djamu-river.
400 M. in alt., flow, on 26-IX-1907.

27. C. tracyanum F. v. Muell. in Benth. and v. Muell.
Fl. Aust. V, 62 (1870) and Descr. Not. pap. pi. V, 91. -
A shrub or small tree; branehlets ± hirsutely pubescent;
leaves broadly ovate, base rounded or broadly cordate,
apex shortly acuminate, pubescent when young: 10—20
cM. long or more; petioles
2}/.2—\\0 cM.; panicles terminal;
cymes trichotomous, 77« —10 cM, in diam. (in fruit); bracts

• small, caducous; pedicels short; calyx pubescent without,
glabrous within, 0.65 cM., 5-cleft halfway down, enlarged
in fruit up to 1 cM. in diam.; lobes acute;
drupe 0.7—1
cM. in diam.

Distribution: N.-Australia, New-Guinea.

In the description we could not find any difference with the
following species.

28. C. buruanum Miquel, Ann. Mus. L.—B. Ill, 252
(1867). — A shrub?; branehlets obtusely tetragonous, with
petioles and panicles greyish pubescent;
leaves oblong or
elliptical, base subcuneate, truncate or subcordate, some-

-ocr page 287-

times somewhat decurrent; apex acuminate; margins entire;
subchartaceous; pairs of nerves 6—8; upper surface sub-
glabrous, pubescent on the nerves, lower -one sparsely
pubescent, densier on the nerves; 13—21 by 5— 121/2 cM.;
petioles 21/2—10 cM.;
panicles lax, few-flowered, 5—10
cM. long; bracts leafy, bracteoles subulate; pedicels shorter
or longer than the calyx;
calyx 0.5 cM., grey-pubescent,
without, except on the tips of the segments; teeth deltoid,
acute, as long as a half of the tube;
corolla grey-pubescent
1.2 cM. long (1.5—2 cM.,
Miquel); lobes rounded,

0.4—1 cM. long, less pubescent than the tube; stamens
exsert;* style with shortly bifid stigma; ovary glabrous.

BURU: H. Bog. no- 5250 (Oki).

SUMATRA: H. Bog. no. 1160. Lubuk-alung; native name:
pangi pangi riembo (cf.
C. condensatum).

29. C. brunfelsiiflorum Hall, ƒ., Med. \'s Rijks Herb.
Leid. no. 37. 68 (1918). - C. catalpifolium
Hall. f.

1.e. 67. — A shrub?; branchlets round or obtusely
quadrangular, with petioles and panicles ochraceous- or
leaves ovate-lanceolate, base acute,
subrotundate or slightly subcordate, apex long acuminate;
margins entire; membranous or thinly chartaceous; both
sides with some hairs, the nerves pubescent; glandular and
with some sparse larger glands beneath; 8—20V2 by
4—12 cM.; petioles 2—6 cM.;
panicles terminal, pyra-
midate, 8—16 cM. long, 6—9 cM. in diam., main peduncles
72 cM.; bracts large, leafy; bracteoles 0.4 cM.,
subulate; pedicels 0.8—2 cM.;
calyx cyathimorphous,
sparsely pubescent, without and within, 1 — 1.2 cM. long,
teeth deltoid, acute, 0.3—0.4 cM.;
corolla sparsely pubes-
cent; tube slender. 1.5 —1.9 cM.; lobes 0.3—0.4 cM. long,
pubescent in the middle;
stamens 1.5 cM. exsert, inserted
in the throat;
ovary glabrous, obconoid, suddenly flattened
and somewhat beaked above.

BURU: H. Bog. no. 1874 (Kageli, Teysmann) — de

-ocr page 288-

Vriese et Teijsmann in H. L.—B. sub nos. 908.267—1093
and 1094 (C. catalpifolium).

30. C. porphyrocalyx Laut. et K. Schum. in Fl. D.,
Sudsee 526 (1900). — C. rhytidophyllum
K. Schum. in
K. Schum. u. Lauterb. Nachtr. Fl. D. Sudsee, 371 (1905). -
An undershrub, 0.8—1 M.
(Ledecmann), a climbing shrub
(Schlechter); a shrub, 1—2 M. (Moszkowski, Gjellerup,
a large tree (Moszkowski); branchlets qua-
drangular, with petioles and panicles ferruginous-pubescent;
leaves variable in shape, usually oblong or elliptical, some-
times subrotundate, oblong-lanceolate or lanceolate, base
usually truncate or rounded, sometimes subcordate or
obtuse or even cuneate, apex shortly acuminate; margins
entire or irregularly sinuate-dentate or scalloped; mem-
branous or chartaceous; pairs of nerves 5 —10; both sides
glabrous, pubescent on the midrib, sometimes with some
hairs above; glandular and sometimes with some peltate
scales beneath; upper side sometimes indistinctly glandular;
9—28 by 2.3—18V2 cM.; petioles 0.8— lO1/» cM.;
lax, few-flowered, with many caducous, below leafy
bracts, becoming linear towards the top of the panicle
and pubescent on both sides; 7—13 cM, long, 9—12 cM.
in diam.;
calyx on a 0.7—2 cM. long pedicel, campanu-
late, 5-fid halfway down, the segments acute, deltoid;
. densely pubescent and with sessile glands without, with
glanduliferous hairs within; tube 0.4—0.6 cM.; lobes 0.4—
0.6 cM , sometimes reflexed;
corolla softly pubescent, glan-
dular, the tube with some glanduliferous hairs as are in
the inner side of the calyx; tube 1.6—2—2.5 cM.; lobes
elliptical, 0.6—0.8 cM. long, sometimes narrow;
1.7—2Vs cM. exsert, inserted in the throat; anthers rather

\') Notwithstanding these quite different qualifications, we could not
by any means separate the variaties, as their many transitory forms did
not justify us to raise it to the specific rank.

-ocr page 289-

large, the lower half bifid, the cells narrowing and some-
what divaricate below;
style as long as or somewhat
shorter exsert than the stamens; stigma shortly bifid;
glabrous; fruit glabrous, globose, 1.1 cM. long and in
diam., seated on the up to 1.2 cM. (in length) enlarged calyx.

Var. x typicum H. J. Lam. nov. var. — folia oblonga
vel oblongo-elliptica, interdum late oblonga, basi rotundata
vel interdum subcordata; nervis utrinque 6—8; margine
integra; 14—
25 cM. longa, 8\'/s —18 cM. lata; petiolo
1—9 cM. longo;
calyx lobis non reflexis, pilis glanduli-
feris intus brevibus vestitus;
frutex, interdum scandens.

New-Guinea, Kais.-W.-land; Lauterbach no. 2256, at
180 M. in alt.\'; calyx fleshy, red; fruit dark-
blue, on
6-VI-1896. — Hollrung no. 631, between Babuk
and Wollembik, flow, in May
1887. — Schlechter no.
14136, Ramu, flow, in Jan. 1902; id. no. 16141, scandent,
in the forest of Albo,
180 M. in alt., flow, on 19-VI-1907.

Var. ß angustius (K. Schurn.) H. J. Lam, nov. var. —
C. rhytidophyllum var. fi angustior
K. Schum.,
.e. — folia lanceolata vel oblongo-lanceolata, basi acuta
vel obtusa, margine integra; 9—23 cM. longa, 2.3—7 cM.
lata; petiolo 0.8—6 cM. longo; ceteroquin ut in var. x.

New-Guinea, Kais.-W.-land; Rodatz et Klink no. 233,
Bismarck-Mts., flow, on 7-VII-1899. — Ledermann no.
7468, Camp 3 (Frieda) of the Kais.-Augusta-Fluss-exp.,
50—150 M. in alt., flow. on. 2-VI-1912, white, throat
blue or rose; lower side of leaf nearly white.

New-Guinea, N.-Dutch-N.-G.; Gjellerup no. 767,
Berkambor, Tor-river, 25 M. in alt., buds yellow-green,
persistent calyx („blijvende bloembladen") dark-red; fruit
dark-blue, thinly fleshy, bitter, juicy; fr. on 20-X-1911.

Var. reflexum H. ]. Lam, nov. var. — folia ut in
x, sed supra nonnullis pilis, subtus nonnullis squamis
peltatis prope.costam vestita, nervisque utrinque 10;
lobi manifeste reflexi, pilis glanduliferis intus longis; corollx

-ocr page 290-

lobi angusti; stamina 2V2, stylus 2 cM. exserta; arbor
vel frutex.

New-Guinea (Dutch-): Moszkowski no. 388, a large
tree, firs, yellow; Naumoni-station, v. Rees-Mts., 75—
M. in alt., flow, in Oct. 1910; id. no. 280, Tana-station;
a shrub with white flowers in July

Var. d dentata H. J. Lam, nov. var. — folia ut in
var. x, sed margine grosse irregulariterque sinuato-dentata;
corollas tubus 1.6—1.7 cM. longus; ceteroquin ut in var. a.

New-Guinea (N.-Dutch-): Gjellerup nos. 420a—fe,
Hollandia, 75 M. in alt.; a shrub, 1 M. high, calyx green,
corolla, stamens and stigma white, anthers brown, style
ruddish; lower surface of leaves white; branchlets and
petioles brown-red-pubescent, one specimen, . flow, on


Distribution of the species: New-Guinea! probably

The cause that .Schumann considered C. porphyrocalyx and
rhytidophyllum as being two separate species, is probably
the following that he saw of C.
porphyrocalyx only the fruiting
calyx and of C.
rhytidophyllum all but this. The 2 species are,
however, undoubtedly identical, and C.
porph. s.a. is a very
characteristical, polymorphous species, the varieties of which,
though clearly separate, often show transitory forms, and are
conform with each other in most important and typical points.

31. C. Friesii K. Schum. in K. Schum. u. Lauterb.
Nachtr. Fl. D. Sudsee, 372 (1905). - A small tree;
branchlets round, glabrous, with much pith;
leaves lan-
ceolate, subchartaceous, acuminate at base and at apex;
margins entire, pairs of nerves 8—11; both surfaces entirely
glabrous: 20-27 by 5y„~872 cM.; petioles 27,-4 cM.;
inflorescences 12 cM. long, 47, cM. wide, the cymes
few-flowered, opposite, small, sessile, thus forming a sub-
spicate raceme, bracts lanceolate, 2—57» cM. long, sessile;
pedicels 1.5 cM.;
calyx gradually narrowing into the pedicel,

-ocr page 291-


0.3—0.4 cM„ glabrous, 5-cle£t halfway down, the lobes
subrounded, with ciliate margins;
corolla clavate in bud,
2 cM. long, subglabrous, the tube subinfundibuliform, the
lobes rounded, with ciliate margins; yellow with orange-
coloured tips;
stamens inserted in the middle of the
style 4 cM., ovary glabrous, gradually
narrowing into the style.

NEW-GUINEA: Nyman no. 730, Kais.-W.-land, Sattel-
mt., 600 M. in alt., flow, in July 1899.

This species has in its inflorescense a close affinity with the
Racemiflora, to which somewhat doubtful group it
should be brought perhaps; it differs from it, however, in the
shape of the calyx, which is not at all cup-shaped, and may
form a transition-form between the above subsection and the 6
following species, (cf. also C.
macrophyllum Bl. and C. Wil-
liamsii Elm).

32. C. Diepenhorstii Miquel, Fl. Ind. bat., suppl. I, 568
(1860) and Ann. Mus. L.-B. Ill, 254;
Hall, ƒ., Med.
\'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37. 73. — A shrub?; branchlets
± round;
leaves oblong-oblanccolate, base cuneate, apex
abruptly and shortly acuminate, margins entire; subchar-
taceous; both sides entirely glabrous; pairs of nerves ±
9; 30—37 by 10—12 cM.; petioles 3V2—5 cM.;
(terminal?) densely pubescent, peduncles opposite, cymes
calyx 1.2 cM.. 5-partite, the lobes lanceo-
late. acuminate, pubescent;
ovary white-pubescent.

Sumatra: H. Bog. No. 2539.

The species is, in our opinion, not identical with C. macro-
phyllum Bl.
(C. phyllomega Steud.) as Miquel (Ann. Ill, 254)
supposes and
Hallicr I.e. thinks. It differs from that species in
its leaves, which have only 9 (not 7—15) pairs of nerves and
are abruptly acuminate, and in its larger calyx.

33. C. kinabaluensc Stapf, Trans. Linn. Soc. Ser. II,
IV. 216 (1894) — A shrub?; branchlets densely hirsute;
leaves oblanceolate or lanceolate-oblong, petioles sparsely
puberulous sometimes narrowed above the base and near

-ocr page 292-

the apex; leaves acuminate, margins serrulate, upper sur-
face minutely pubescent when young, ultimately glabrous
except near the base, lower one tawny-pubescent on the
nerves; pairs of nerves 11 —13; 15—25 by 5—6i/2 cM.;
2l/2—37« cM.; panicles terminal, reaching 20 cM.
in length, 10—13 cM. in diam., puberulous; cymes lax
2—5-flowered; bracts lanceolate to filiform; pedicels 1 —
1.8 cM.;
calyx 5-partite, lobes 1.0—1.3 cM., lanceolate,
acute, pubescent, enlarged in fruit; coro//a-tube slender,
\\l/2—2 cM. long, pubescent; lobes subequal, subspathu-
late, apiculate;
stamens and style 1.8 cM. exsert.

Distribution: Borneo (Penokok).

As Stapf mentions that this species is allied to C. dispari-
C. calamitosum and C. Griffithianum, it may be that
it had better be brought to the subsection
Axilliflora. But as
Stapf speaks only of a „terminal panicle" we provisorily placed
it among the

34. C. myrmecophilum Ridl., Journ. Bot. XXXIII, 42
(1895); Bot. Mag. t. 7887;
King and Gamble, Journ. As.
Soc. Beng. LXXIV, 4, 832. — An undershrub; branchlets
glabrous; internodes swollen, hollow, fistular; bark white:
leaves opposite or alternate, membranous, oblong-lanceolate,
base obtuse or acuminate, apex acuminate; 15—30 by
5—10 cM.; petioles fistular, 6—18 cM. long;
. terminal, pubescent, reaching more than 30 cM. in length
and 772—10 cM. in diam.; cymes rather few-flowered;
bracts linear, caducous, 0.6 cM.;
calyx with 5 linear teeth,
cleft down to the base, 0.8 cM., pubescent, in fruit
enlarged to 2l/2 cM. in diam., lobes red, reflexed;
puberulous, 2x/2 cM. (Ridley), 1.2 cM. (King et Gamble).
red; lobes pubescent, orange-coloured, as long as the tube
(King et Gamble)\', stamens 2l/2 cM. exsert, red; anthers
purple, oblong-reniform;
style as long as the" stamens
(K. et G.), or shorter (Ridley), red; stigmatic lobes seta-
ceous, slender;
ovary glabrous; drupe black, globose.

-ocr page 293-

0.6 cM. (R.), 1.2 cM. in diam. (K. et G.); lobes of
enlarged calyx 1.3 by 0.3 cM.

Distribution: Malay Peninsula. ^

The descriptions of Ridley and that of King and Gamble are
not always conform.

The fistular internodes and petioles are sometimes inhabited
by ants belonging to the genus

35. C. Williamsii Elm. Leafl. Phil. Bot. II, 684
(1910) — C. macrophyllum
Bl. var. sinuatolobata
Hall ƒ., Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37, 73. — An under-
shrub; branchlets and petioles glabrous;
leaves crowded
towards, the tips of the branchlets, lanceolate or oblan-
ceolate, base narrowly obtuse or acute, apex acute; margins
with 2—6 large sinuate lobes in the upper 2/.v which,
however, do not influence the general lanceolate form;
membranous; glabrous on both sides; 25 — 40 by 9— 15cM.,
broadest above the middle or across it; petioles 3—10 cM.;
panicles 40 cM. long, 20 cM. broad; pubescent; peduncles
10 cM„ bracts 0.5 cM.; pedicels sparsely pubescent,

0.4—1 cM., calyx 5- (4-, Elmer) partite, nearly to the
base, segments narrowly lanceolate, acuminate, 0.7—1 cM.,
minutely and sparsely pubescent; coro//a-tube slender,
2 cM., red, minutely pubescent, lobes oblong-elliptical,
1 —1.2 cM. long, 0.4—0.5 cM. broad, „saumon" coloured,
very minutely and sparsely puberulous;
stamens inserted
in the throat, 3 cM. exsert;
style 2 cM. exsert, sparsely
pubescent at base; stigma 2- fid;
ovary glabrous, globose.

Mindanao: Elmer no. 14236, Mambajao, Camaguin-isl.,
flow, in Nov. 1912.

Distribution: Mindanao, Camaguin!.

Since we did not see any distinct transitory form between
this species and C.
macrophyllum, we cannot agree with Hallicr,

1.e. in considering it as a var. sinuatolobatum (not -a, as Hall.
writes) of the last-mentioned species, from which it is, moreover
separated by its distribution.

-ocr page 294-


36. C. macrophyllum Bl. Bijdr. 809 (1825); Hall. f.
Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37, 73; Hook., Comp. Bot.
Mag. I, 349. — C. phyllomega
Steud. Nomencl. ed.
II, I, 383 (1841);
Schauer, DC., Prodr. XI, 674; Koord.
Exk. fl. v. Java III, 139; Miq., Fl. Ind. bat. II, 878;
? Scheffer, Ann. J. bot. Btz. I, 41. — A shrub, 2 M. high;
branchlets obtusely quadrangular, with petioles glabrous;
leaves oblanceolate, or oblong-oblanceolate, base narrowly
subobtuse, apex acute or shortly acuminate; sometimes
oblong, base rounded, apex acute; chartaceous; margins
entire; pairs of little prominent nerves 7-—15; glabrous on
both sides; 1672—39 by 6.2—12.6 cM.; petioles 2—77»
panicles 10—34 cM. long, 4—10 cM. broad, minutely
pubescent; peduncles 3—87° cM.; bracts narrowly lan-
ceolate, lower ones 3 cM. long, upper ones almost seta-
ceous, 0.6 cM.; bracteoles linear, 0.2 cM.; pedicels 0.5—
1.3 cM., slender, with 1 bracteole;
calyx 5-fid down to
the base; segments lanceolate, acuminate, glabrous, 0.6—0.8
corolla very sparsely, minutely puberulous; tube

2—2.3 cM.; lobes 0.9 by 0.2 cM„ narrow; stamens and
style 1.2 ? cM. exsert; stigma shortly bifid; ovary glabrous;
drupe seated on the coriaceous, enlarged, 2]/«~3x/2 cM.
in diam., spreading calyx.

Sumatra: v. Daalen no. 497, Batak-countries, fr. on

3-VII-1904. - Korthals in H.L.-B. sub nos. 908.266-
1201 to 1203.

Java: Ploem in H. L.-B. sub no. 909.63—249, W.-Java.

37. C. barba felis Hall [., Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid.
no. 37, 74. — An undershrub?; branchlets densely
leaves ovate or ovate-lanceolate, shortly
and rather acutely acuminate, base rounded or somewhat
cordate; membranous; upper surface glabrous, lower one
minutely pubescent, glandular; pairs of nerves 8; 10—25
by 4—10 cM.; petioles minutely puberulous, 2—47» cM.;

panicles terminal, 11 cM. long, 6 cM. wide; cymes tri-


-ocr page 295-

chotomous; bracts and bracteoles small, almost linear;
pedicels 0.3—0.5 cM.;
calyx deeply 5-partite; lobes lan-
ceolate; calyx with panicle with glanduliferous"hairs; 0.2
cM.; in fruit very enlarged, spreading, 1 cM. long, red
within; coro//a-tube 0.8 cM.; lobes 0.7 cM.;
stamens 2
cM. exsert.; drupe globose, black-purple (?), somewhat
pulverulent, 0.6—0.7 cM. in diam. (if ripe?).

Distribution: Borneo (Sarawak).

Characterized by its extremely short corolla-tube.

38. C. papuanum Scheff. Ann. J. bot. Btzg. I, 41
(1876). — A shrub?; branchlets with petioles and panicles
densely and softly pubescent;
leaves ovato-cordate, shortly
acuminate, margins coarsely dentate, mucronate-sinuate;
upper side hirsutely, appressedly pubescent, lower one
softly pubescent; 6—16 by 5—12 cM.; petioles 5—15
panicles terminal, erect, shorter than the leaves,
few-flowered; bracts and bracteoles caducous;
calyx small,
segments 5, ovate, acute; in fruit enlarged but twice as
short as the fruit;
corolla 5 times as long as the calyx,

Distribution: New-Guinea (Mansinama-isl.).

39. C. puberulum Merrill Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot. X, 72
(1915). — An undershrub; innovations puberulous;
ovate, broad, chartaceous, base sinuate-cordate, sinus deep;
margins dentate; upper side hirsute with sparse stiff hairs,
lower one softly pubescent, glandular; 10—20 by 9—17
cM.; petioles puberulous, reaching 15 cM. in length;
panicles terminal, narrowly pyramidate; 20 cM. long,
10—14 cM. in diam.; cymes 7 cM.; pubescent; bracts
1 — 1\'/a cM., narrow; flowers many, red; pedicels 1 — 11/3
calyx-lobes pubescent, oblong, obtuse, 0.3 cM., in
fruit enlarged to 0.5—0.6 cM.;
corolla-tube 1.2 cM. long,
0.1 cM. in diam., somewhat puberulous without; lobes
0.5—0.7 cM., obtuse;
stamens 2 cM. exsert; drupe 0.5
cM. long, 0.8 cM. in diam.

Distribution: Mindanao.

-ocr page 296-

CI. intermedium, with which it should be allied, belongs to
the subsection

40. C. Curtisii H. H. W. Pearson, Kew. Bull. 142
King and Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. LXXIV.
4, 833. — A small shrub; branchlets fistular, striate, minu-
tely puberulous as are petioles and inflorescences;
membranous, obovate, base rounded, apex obtusely acu-
minate, upper side glabrescent, lower one minutely pube-
rulous; margins entire; pairs of nerves 9—12; petioles

" stout, striate, 6—7]/2 cM.; 11—22 by 6—11 cM.; panicles
terminal, many-flowered, 12—15 cM. long, 6\'/o cM. in
diam.; bracts leafy below, the upper ones subulate, 0.25
cM.; pedicels pubescent; flowers orange-coloured;
campanulate, minutely pubescent within and without, and
with many scales on both sides; lube 0.25—0.35 cM.;
lobes lanceolate, acuminate, 3-nerved, ciliate at margins,
0.5—0.75 cM. long, 0.25—0.3 cM. broad: coro//a-tube
2—2Vs cM., on both sides pubescent and with clavate,
sessile glands; lobes unequal, obovate-elliptical, minutely
ciliate at margins, glabrous, 0.75 cM. long;
stamens long
ovary glabrous.

Distribution: Malay Peninsula.
The fistular stems contain ant-nests.

41. C. infortunatum L. Fl. Zeyl. 232 (1747) and Sp.
\' pi. ed. I, II, 637 (1753);
Blume. Bijdr. 811; Williams,

Bull. Herb. Boiss. ser. II, T. V, 432; Schauer, DC., Prodr.
XI, 667;
Gaertn., Fruct. I, 271; Hook, f., Fl. Br. Ind.
IV, 594;
King and Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. LXXIV.
4, 835;
Koord. Exk. fl. v. Java III, 138; Miq., Fl. Ind.
bat. II. 876;
Maxim. Bull. Ac. Sci. Imp. St. Pet. XXXI.
Zoll. u. Mor., Syst. Verz., 53; Hall. [., Med. \'s Rijks
Herb. Leid. no. 37. 64. — C. calycinum
Turcz., Bull.
Soc. Nat. Mosc. XXXVI, n, 222 (1863). - C. casta-
Klotzsch, Bot. Ergebn. Walden-Reise, 102

(year?) — C. cordatum D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nep. 103

-ocr page 297-

(1825). — C. depauperatum Wall, ex Steud. Nomencl.
ed. II, I. 382 (1841). — C. viscosum
Vent. Jgrd. Malm,
t. 25 (1804);
Hall. ƒ. I.e. 63. — A shrub, or small tree;
branchlets quadrangular, strigosely tomentose;
subrotundate or ovato-cordate, upper ones often ovate
with subacute or rounded base and entire or shortly
acuminate-dentate margins, the lower ones acuminate,
denticulate; both sides strigosely pubescent, lower one
with some large glands; 20—25 cM. long, 9—20 cM.
broad; petioles 2\'/a —10 cM.;
panicles terminal, wide,
densely t,awny-pubescent, sometimes leafed below; cymes
lax; bracts leafy, caducous, ovate-lanceolate, sometimes
coloured; 15—30 cM. long, 10—20 cM. wide; brac-
teoles lanceolate, deciduous; pedicels slender, 0.6—1.2 cM.;
flowers white, tinged with pink;
calyx coloured, deeply
5-lobed, almost down to the base, pubescent; segments
lanceolate acuminate, whith large glands without, 0.8—1.3
cM. long;
corolla strigosely pubescent and glandular;
tube 1.5—2 cM.; lobes oblong, 1 cM., long, 0.5 cM. broad,
stamens 2.2—2.8 cM. exsert, as is style; drupe
0.8 cM. in diam.

Distribution: India, Burma (K. and G.), Siam (Williams).
Ceylon, Java, Molucca-Isl, Penang (Miquel).

For affinity see C. Curranii.

42. C. Wenzelii Merrill. Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot. IX,
385 (1914). — A shrub; branchlets hirsute;
leaves char-
taceous or subcoriaceous, ovate or ± oblong-ovate, cor-
date at base, acutely acuminatc at apex; margins distantly
denticulate; upper side with sparse long hairs, hirsute and
glandular beneath; pairs of nerves 8; 9—15 by 5—9 cM.;
petioles hirsutely pubescent, 2—6 cM.;
panicles terminal,
few-flowered, reaching 10 cM. in length, dark-purple
pubescent; bracts and bracteole^ linear, the bracts reaching
1 cM. in length; flowers white;
calyx somewhat inflated,
oblong-ovoid, 1 cM. long, 0.8 cM. in diam; lobes lan-

-ocr page 298-

ceolate, acuminate, 0.8 cM.; with purple hairs; corolla-
2 cM. long, 0.2 cM. broad, lower part glabrous,
upper part with sparse hairs; lobes rounded-elliptical,
0.8—0.9 cM. long, sparsely pubescent without;
0.9 cM. exsert.

Distribution: Leyte (Philippines).

43. C. Vanoverberghii Merrill, Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot.
VII, 98 (1912). — A shrub; branchlets tetragonous, with
panicles softly tawny-pubescent;
leaves ovate, chartaceous,
base rounded or ± cordate, apex acutely acuminate,
margins entire; upper side sparsely, nerves and lower side
densier pubescent, lower side glandular; pairs of nerves 7;
10—14 cM. long, 10 cM. broad or less; petioles 4—5 cM.;
panicles terminal, 15 cM. long and in diam.; bracts
narrowly oblong, 0.5—-0.6 cM., pubescent; bracteoles smaller
with same shape; flowers white, red in throat
; calyx pubescent,
0.9 cM., lobes ovate, acute, 0.3—0.4 cM. long; coro//a-tube
1.8—2 cM. long, 0.2 cM. in diam., somewhat puberulous;
lobes oblong, obtuse or acute, 0.7—0.8 by 0.3 cM.;
1.8—2 cM. long; fruit globose, 0.5 cM. in diam.

Distribution: Luzon.

44. C. hsematolasium Hall, ƒ., Med. \'s Rijks Herb.
Leid. no. 37, 69 (1918). — A shrub; branchlets hirsutely
ferruginous-woolly, as are petioles and panicles;
ovate or oblong-ovate, base rounded or subcuneate and
subattenuate, apex long acuminate, margins serrulate, the
serrulations mucronulate; membranous; both sides rather
densely, softly tawny-tomentose; pairs of nerves 6—8;
ll1/2—37 by 5.3—17 cM.; petioles 2—
9l/s cM.; panicles
terminal, leafed below, bracts becoming smaller towards
the top and there linear, 1.3 cM.; few-flowered; 9—15
cM. long, 6—7 cM. wide; peduncles l/a—2Va cM.;
on a 0.4—1 cM. long pedicel, hirsutely tawny-pubescent,
wide, 1.2 cM.; lobes 5, lanceolate-acuminate, ribbed, 1.1
cM. long, 0.15—0.25 cM. broad; already enlarging before

-ocr page 299-

flowering-time from 0.2 cM. up to 1.5—2 cM. in fruit, and
then including the drupe, the segments 1 cM. long, 0.7
cM. broad;
corolla somewhat glandular in bud; ovary
glabrous, 4-lobed; style with shortly bifid stigma; drupe
globose, glabrous, black, 1.2—1.7 cM. in diam.

Distribution: W.-Borneo!

45. C. pulchrum Fawc. in Forbes, Nat. Wand. East-
Arch., 514 (year?) and (German edition) Wand. Nat. f.
Mai. Arch. II. 226 (1886). - A shrub?: branchlets ±
quadrangular, minutely brown-farinose;
leaves long petioled,
cordate-rotundate, sinus 4 — 572 cM. deep, membranous;
apex subacute or rectangular-subobtuse; margins serrate;
upper side very sparsely, lower one sparsely pubescent;
pairs of nerve\'s 6—7; 14—1972 cM. long (without the
sinus), 14—2P/2 cM. broad; petioles 7—17 cM. long, with
panicles brown-pubescent;
panicles terminal, 6 cM. long,
9 cM. in diam.; peduncles 3 cM.; flowers clustered at the
tops of the branchlets;
calyx 0.6—0.8 cM., brown-
pubescent, not altered in fruit; lobes 5, narrowly deltoid,
acute, 0.3—0.5 cM.;
corolla red, glabrous; tube 2—27,
cM., lobes 1.2—1.4 by 0.5 cM.. elliptical;
stamens and
the shortly bifid style 1 cM. exsert;
drupe globose,

Distribution: Timor.

46. C. albiflos H. /. Lam, nov. spec. — Arbor parva:
ramuli teretes. cum petiolis paniculisque dense fusco- vel
folia opposita, sacpe inacquimagna
et inacquipetiolata, oblonga vel ovato-oblonga, basi trun-
cata vel acuta, apice longe acuminata, margine integra;
membranacea vel subchartacea; supra molliter pubescentia,
ut in pagina inferiore, subtus singulis squamis pcltatis
vestita, vel supra sparse pubescentia, nervis puberulis, vel
subglabra, subtus sparse pubescentia; nervis utrinque 8—
10; 137,-337, cM. longa, 4.7-11.7 cM. lata, petiola
1—97s cM., in eodem pari scepe altero \\l/2, altero 9}/2

-ocr page 300-

cM. longo; panicula terminalis, 10—14 cM. longa, 8 cM.
lata, pedunculo 2Y2—5 cM. longo; bracteae parvae, folia-
ceae; cymi oppositi, di- vel trichotomi; pedicelli 0.4—0.6
cM. longi, bracteola una suffulti;
calyx cyathimorphus,
0.4 cM. longus, sparse pubescens; dentibus 5, deltoideis,
0.1 cM. longis;
corolla alba, glabra vel sparsissime pube-
rulus; tubus 1.2—1.5 cM, longus, cylindricus; lobi ovati,
stamina 1.5—1.8 cM. exserta, fauce inserta,
filamentis gracilibus, antheris ovoideis, 0.125 cM. longis,
thecis non divaricatis, connatis;
stylus 1.5—1.8 cM.
exsertus, stigmate bifido;
drupa glabra, atra, calyce aucto,
0.9—1.1 cM. diam., insidens.

Var. a puberulum H. J. Lam nov. var. — folia utrin-
que molliter pubescentia.

? New-Guinea; Zippel in H. L.—B. sub. no. 908.

Var. /3 glabrior (Gibbs) H. J. Lam, nov. var. — C.
Lauterb. var. glabrior Gibbs in Dutch.-
N.-W.-New-Guinea, 218 (July 1917) —
folia supra sub-
glabrata, nervis pubescentia, subtus sparse pubescentia.

New-Guinea (Dutch-): Gibbs no. 6264, Humboldt-
400 M. in alt., flow and fr. in Jan.

This plant is, though closely allied to C. Lindawianum,
distinctly different from it by its oblong or elliptical, never
cordate leaves, its glabrous corolla-lobes, and longer corolla-tube
(in C.
Lind. 0.6-1 cM.).

47. C. Curranii Elm., Leafl. Phil. Bot. V, 1847 (1913);
Hall, f, Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37, 66 — An erect
and slender shrub, sometimes tree-like; branchlets, petioles
and panicles densely yellowish tomentose;
leaves subcor-
date- or cordate-oblong, apex long acuminate, margins
usually irregularly serrate except near base and apex;
both sides pubescent, the nerves white with dense hairs;
pairs of nerves 4—5; subchartaceous; 6 \'/a— 17 V2 by 8—9
cM. (22 by 16 cM.,
Elmer); petioles 4-8 (Elmer 10) cM.

-ocr page 301-

lony; panicles pyramidate, terminal, 14 cM. long, 17 cM.
in diam.;
calyx campanulate, wide, 5-cleft halfway down,
1 — 1.5 cM. long, 0.9—1.3 cM. wide, pubescent and with
many large discoid glands; segments lanceolate-deltoid,
acute; pedicels 0.5—0.8 cM.;
corolla sparsely pubescent;
tube 1.3— 1.5(—2.5) cM., lobes narrow, obtuse, 0.5(—0.8)
by 0.25 (—0.35) cM.;
stamens and style 1 Vs cM. exsert;
stigma bifid;
ovary glabrous.

Distribution: Palawan.

Allied to C. infortunatum (calyx cleft down to base) and to
villosum (calyx 0.7—1.1 cM.; corolla 0.7—1 cM.), moreover
differing from both by its serrate leaves.

48. C. villosum Blurne, Bijdr. 811 (1825); Williams,
Bull. Herb. Boiss. ser. II, T. V, 432; Schauer, DC.,
Prodr., 667; Hook, ƒ., Fl. Br. Ind. IV, 595; King and
Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. LXXIV, 4, 836; Koord.,
Exk. fl. v. Java III, 138; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. I, 506;
Miq., Fl. Ind. bat. II, 877 and suppl. I, 243; Hassk.,
2e Cat. s Lands PI. tuin. 136; Hall, f., Med. "s Rijks
Herb. Leid. no. 37, 62;
Merrill, Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot. VII,
342 — C. ferrugineum
Turcz., Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc.
XXXVI, II, 221 (1863) — C. infortunatum
Schluess. Hort. Malab., 27 (1818) - C. mo He Jack,
Mai. Misc. I, I, 15 (1820) and Calc. Journ. Nat. Hist. IV,
no. XIII, 38 - C. velutinum
Wall., Cat. no. 1797
Zoll. u. Mor., Syst. Verz. 53 - C. villosum
Wall., Cat. no. 6315 B. - A shrub, 1-1.6 M. high, a
small tree 5—6.6 M. high (
Hooker, I.e.); branchlets qua-
drangular, with petioles and panicles densely tomentose;
leaves cordato-subrotundate, sinus 0—l1/«—2 cM. deep,
apex shortly or long acuminate, margins entire; charta-
ceous; base subtri- or 5-nerved; upper side rather densely
appressedly pubescent, sparrely glandular, lower one
densely whitish tomentose, and with some large glands;
nerves in about 5—7 pairs, white with hairs; 1272— 21

-ocr page 302-

290 Clerodendron.


by 9— I6V2 cM., petioles 4J/2— 11 cM.; panicles terminal,
18—30 cM. long, 14—20 cM. broad; bracts leafy,
pubescent, glandular and with some large glands, bracteo-
les subulate, caducous; cymes di- or trichotomous;
pedicels 0.2—0.8 cM.;
calyx 0.7—1.1 cM., 5-cleft halfway
down, densely tomentose and with large glands without;
lobes acute, ovate-lanceolate;.
corolla very densely whitish
tomentose, except sometimes near the margins of the
lobes; tube 0.7—1 cM., lobes obtuse, elliptical, 0.3 by
0.25 cM.;
stamens and the shortly bifid style 2—2.3
cM. exsert, stamens inserted in the throat;
glabrous; drupe white, depressed, 0.7 cM. long, 1 cM.
in diam.

Luzon: Curran no. 10973, Bontoc, Jan. 1909.

Distribution: Malay Peninsula!, Penang!, Burma (King
and Gamble), Sumatra, Java!, W.-Borneo!, Luzon!, Culion

For affinity see C. Curranii.

49. C. confusum Hall, f., Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no.
37, 65 (1918). — A shrub?; branchlets ± quadrangular,
with petioles and panicles minutely whitish puberulous;
leaves ovate-rotundate, base rounded or slightly cordate,
apex long acuminate, margins entire or somewhat, irregu-
larly serrulate; chartaceous; both sides sparsely and minutely
pubescent, densier on the nerves; pairs of nerves 6—7;
9—20 by 6—19 cM., petioles 2—19 cM.;
panicles terminal,
leafed, 11 — 17 cM. long, 5—8 cM. wide; peduncles 3V2 —
4 cM.; pedicels short. 0.2—0.3 cM.;
calyx 0.7—0.9 cM.,
densely whitish tomentose, with large glands, especially
on the acute, lanceolate-ovate lobes, which are usually
little shorter than the tube; enlarged in fruit to 1.2—1.8
cM. and including it;
corolla-tube and middle part of the
lobes sparsely pubescent; tube 0.9—1 cM., lobes 0.5 by
0.25 cM.;
stamens and the shortly bifid style slender, 2
cM. exsert; stamens inserted near the throat;
ovary gla-

-ocr page 303-

brous; fruit glabrous, shining, included in the subglabrous
calyx, 0.8—1.1 cM. in diam.

Distribution: W.-Java!, Karimun djawa-isl.!, in H. Bog.
from Sumatra?

It is allied to C. adenophysum (cor.-tube 1.5—1.7 cM.),
brunfelsiiflorum (calyx-teeth l/2 of tube, without glands,
cor.-tube 1.5—1.9 cM.) and C.
buruanum (calyx 0.5 cM., without
glands, cor.-tube 1.2—2 cM.).

50. C. brachyanthum Schauer, DC., Prodr. XI, 668
Miq., Fl. Ind. bat. II. 878; K. Schum u. Lauterb.
Nachtr.. Fl. D. Siidsee, 372. — A shrub?; branchlets
tetragonous, with petioles and panicles hirsutely tawny-
or fulvous-tomentose;
leaves ovate-rotundate, chartaceous,
rounded or slightly cordate at base, acute at apex; margins
entire; both sides densely and hirsutely pubescent; pairs
of nerves 8—10;, 9—33 by 6V2—22 cM„ petioles stout,
3—8 cM. long, 0.2—0.8 cM. in diam.;
panicles terminal,
rather lax, 9—12 cM. long, 11—20 cM. in diam., peduncles
0—37" cM.; bracts and bracteoles lanceolate, small; pedicels
calyx campanulate, pubescent except on the nearly
glabrous lobes, with some large glands, 0.6—0.8 cM.;
teeth deltoid. 0.1—0.2 cM.; enlarged in fruit to 0.8—1.1
cM., teeth 0.3—0.5 cM.. 0.8—1.2 cM. wide, including the
corolla glabrous or very sparsely pubescent in the
upper part; tube 0.8 cM., lobes 0.4 cM. long, 0.3 cM.
stamens inserted near the throat, 0.8 cM. exsert;
style twice as long exsert as the stamens

Philippines: Cuming no. 816. — Elmer nos. 13824
(Cabadbaran (Mt. Urdaneta), Agusan, Mindanao, flow, and
fr. in Sept. 1912). 9117 and 7486 (Lucban. Tayabas, Luzon,
flow, in May 1906). —
Merritt no. 18013, Benguct, Luzon,
fr. in Dec. 1908. - C.
B. Robinson no. 9271, Polillo-isl.

A species, closcly allied to C. Lindawianum, but distinctly
different by its glabrous calyx-lobes, its hirsute tomentum and
its less cordate leaves.

-ocr page 304-

51. C. Lindawianum Lauterb. in K. Schum. u. Lauterb.
Nachtr. Fl. D. Siidsee, 372 (1905);
Ridley, Transact. Linn.
Soc. IX. I, 2nd. Ser. Bot., 137;
Gibbs, Dutch N.W. New
Guinea, 218. — C. Versteegi
Pulle in Lorentz, Nova-
Guinea. VIII, 2, 403 (1910) and VIII, 4, 687;
Hall, f.,
Med. s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37. 67. — A shrub, 2—5
M. high, sometimes treelike (
Ledermann), a herb (Leder-
mountain-form? 2070 M.l); branchlets round, with
petioles and inflorescences appressedly tawny- or ful-
vous- tomentose;
leaves subcordato-ovate, base some-
times rounded, usually somewhat cordate, apex shortly,
acutely or obtusely acuminate, margins entire; membranous
or thinly chartaceous; both surfaces rather densely appres-
sedly pubescent, densier on the nerves, lower side glan-
dular; pairs of nerves 7—9; 14—22 by 7—16Vs cM.;
petioles 4—11V2 cM.;
panicles terminal, pyramidate,
10—21 cM. long, 7—16 cM. wide; peduncles 3—7l/2
cM.; bracts leafy; bracteoles lanceolate-linear, 0.5 cM.,
cymes di- or trichotomous; pedicels 0.3—0.5 cM.;
0.5—0.7 cM., lobes 5, 0.2—0.3 cM. long; pubescent,
often with peltate scales without, glandular within;
coro//a-tube 0.6—1 cM„ glabrous or nearly so, glandular;
lobes rounded, puberulous and glandular along the midrib,
0.4 cM. long;
stamens 1.5—2 cM. exsert, inserted in the
style somewhat shorter exsert; stigmatic lobes
slender, rather long;
ovary glabrous; drupe globose,
glabrous, usually seated on the somewhat enlarged calyx,
the lobes of which are spreading or reflexed.

New-Guinea: Nyman no. 831, Simbang (K.-W.-land),
firs, white in Aug.
1899. — Ledermann, Kais.-W.-land,
6615, Camp Malu, 40—60 M., fr. dark-green with
red calyx, on
14-111-1912; id. no. 8219, Hunstein-peak,
V, 200 M. in alt.; firs, white, bark greyish, flow,
10-VIIU912; id. no. 11889, Schrader-Mt„ 2070 M.,
herb, 1 M. high, calyx red with white tomentum, flow.

-ocr page 305-

on l-VI-1913; id. no. 10457a, firs, white, Camp Malu. —
Schlechter no. 14455, firs, rose in Apr. 1912, Torricelli-
Mts., 1000 M. in alt. -
v. Römer (Dutch-N.-G.) no. 61,
fr. on 5-IX-1909; id. no. 222. fr. on ll-IX-1909.

New-Ireland (Neu-Mecklenburg): Peekel no. 160,
firs, white; native name: a malmalu palpalana.

52. C. macrocalyx H. J. Lam, nov. spec. — Frutex?;
ramuli teretes, cum petiolis paniculisque dense hirtelleque
folia cordato- vel subcordato-ovata vel
-subrotundata, chartacea, apice acuminata, margine integra
vel interdum ± irregulariter undulata vel denticulata; basi
subtri- vel 5-nervia; utrinque, praesertim subtus pubescentia,
nervis dense lanata; eglandulosa; nervis utrinque 5—7;
13—19 cM. longa, 9VS—16 cM. lata, petiolo 31/S!-71/2
cM. longo;
panicula terminalis, 10—15 cM. longa, 8 cM.
lata, pauciflora; pedunculo 2Vu—5 cM. longo; pedicelli
0.3—1.2 cM. longi, bracteolis duobus, alternatis vel oppo-
sitis, setaceis, 0.2—0.3 cM. longis suffulti;
calyx magnus,
apice constrictus, basi subinllatus dense pubescens, eglan-
dulosus, 2\'/2—3 cM. longus, dentibus 5 angustis, lineareis,
acutissimis, 0.6—1 cM. longis; fructifer non vel paulo
auctus, fructum includens;
corolla paulo exserta, tubo
gracili, 3.3 cM. longo, parte superiore cum lobis sparse
villoso; lobi elliptici. 0.6 cM. longi, 0.35 cM. lati, obtusi;
stamina 1 cM. exserta, medio tubo vel ci parte superiore
stylus 0.7 cM. exsertus, stigmate breviter bifido;
ovarium glabrum; drupa inclusa, globosa, nitida.

Mindanao: Elmer no. 11338, Todaya (Mt. Apo), Davao,
flow, in July 1909;
id. fr. in Aug. 1909.

A plant, remarkable for its large calyx, in which it is nearly
conform with C.
Preslii; it differs from that species, however,
in several points, such as the broader leaves, the pubcrulous
corolla, the insertion of the stamens, the non-glandular calyx
and lower side of the leaves and their densier tomentum.
Further it is allied to C
Innuginosum in almost all characteristics,

-ocr page 306-

except for the extraordinarily large calyx (see Hallier f., Med.
\'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37, 68).

53. C. lanuginosum Blume, Bijdr. 810 (1825); Schauer,
Prodr. XI, 672; Miq., Fl. Ind. bat. II, 882 and Ann.
Mus. L.-B. Ill, 253;
Hall, f., Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid.
no. 37, 68. — A shrub?; branchlets obscurely quadran-
gular, with petioles and panicles woolly;
leaves sub-
cordate-ovate, apex acuminate, in sicco often curved;
margins denticulate; subchartaceous; pubescent on both
sides, glandular beneath; pairs of nerves 7—10; 10—25
by 87s —
17 cM.; petioles 2—11 cM.; panicles terminal;
cymes opposite, dichotomous, the lower ones in the axils
of small leaves; uttermost branchlets 3—7-florous; brac-
teoles linear, 0.8—1.2 cM.; pedicels in fruit 0.7—0.8 cM.;
calyx 1 —1.5 cM. long, densely pubescent, teeth acute,
narrowly deltoid, 0.4—0.7 cM., sometimes less pubescent
than the tube, but never glabrous; in fruit enlarged to
1.25—1.4 cM., the teeth 0.8 cM.;
corolla white, pubescent,
glandular; tube 1.5—1.8 cM., lobes 0.5—0.8 cM.;
globose, for the lower half included in the calyx, shining,
the calyx hirsutely pubescent; 1.5 cM. in diam.

Philippines: C. B. Robinson no. 10000, Basilan, buds
12-VI-1910. — Elmer no. 13559, Cabadbaran (M.
Urdaneta), Agusan, Mindanao, flow, in Aug.

Distribution: Philippines!, Banda-isl.!, Ternate!, Batjan-
isl.!, Ceram!

Subsection 6 Squamata Schauer.


54. C. Rumphianum de Vriese in Miq., Ann. Mus.
L.-B. Ill, 252;
Hall, f., Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37,
83. — A shrub; branchlets obtusely quadrangular, with 4
longitudinal furrows and large pith, or hollow, with petioles
and panicles glabrous; interpetiolar margins of hairs between
the petioles;
leaves cordate-rotundate, sinus 27«—7 cM.

-ocr page 307-

deep; apex shortly acuminate, margins more or less coarsely
dentate; membranous; upper side with some thick hairs,
lower one glabrous, with some scales; pairs of nerves
6—8, the lowest pair with strong transverse nerflets towards
the base; 13—40 by 15—35 cM.. petioles
3l/„~27 cM.,
panicles large, extraordinarily dense, club-shaped,
with numerous leafy ovate-lanceolate bracts, 10—20 cM.
long, 7—9 cM. in diam., peduncles 2—4Y2 cM.; pedicels 1.2
calyx glabrous, 2 cM. long, segments ovate-lanceolate,
acuminate, 1.4 cM.;
corolla-tube subinfundibuliform, gla-
brous, 2V2—3 cM., lobes rotundate, 0.6—0.8 cM. long;
stamens inserted near the throat; ovary glabrous, 4-lobed;
drupe glabrous, deeply 4-lobed, included in the calyx, 0.5
cM. long, 0.8 cM. in diam.

Amboyna: de Fretes in H. A. R.-T. sub no. 011572.

Ceram: in H. A. R.-T. sub no. 011571.

Distribution: Amboyna, Ceram!, Saparua! (Hallier), Buru

55. C. paniculatum L. Mant. I. 90 (1767); Blume,
Bijdr. 811; Williams, Bull. Herb. Boiss. ser. II. T. V.
Schauer, DC., Prodr. XI. 668; Forbes and Hemsley,
Fl. sin. II. 261; Hook. Fl. Br. Ind. IV. 593; King and
Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. LXXIV. 4, 838; Hall, f.,
Med. s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37, 81; Bot. Mag. t. 7141;
Miq., Fl. Ind. bat. II. 879 and suppl. I, 243 and 568;
Hassk. 2c Cat. \'s Lands PI. tuin Btz., 136; Koord., Exk.
fl. v. Java III. 138;
Maxim., Bull. Ac. Imp. Sci. St. Pet.
XXXI. 86;
Zoll. u. Mor., Syst. Verz. 53. - C. pyra-
in idale
Andr., Bot. Rep. t. 628 (1799-1881). - C.
Wall., Cat. no. 1803 (1828). — A shrub,
1.3—2 M. high (
King and Gamble)\', branchlets quadran-
gular, with petioles sulcate and glabrous or somewhat
puberulous, as are panicles;
leaves chartaceous, 5—7-lobcd,
lobes deltoid, subobtuse; base minutely cordate; margins
entire, or very minutely denticulate; both surfaces glabrous;

-ocr page 308-

glandular above, scaled beneath; 12—17 by 14—20 cM.;
petioles 1 V»\'—19 cM.;
panicles terminal, somewhat thyr-
soid, leafed below, upper leaves entire, 14—45 cM. long,
10—25 cM. wide; lower peduncles 6 cM. long; bracts
lanceolate to linear, 0.2—1.5 cM. long; bracteoles linear,
0.2 cM.; pedicels very slender, 0.3—0.8 cM.; flowers
peripherically arranged;
calyx minutely pubescent, 0.25—
0.3 cM., lobes obtuse, twice as long as the tube;
minutely pubescent; tube subinfundibuliform, 1.3—1.5 cM.
long, 0.1 cM. in diam. near the base; lobes rounded, 0.4
cM. long;
stamens inserted near the throat, with the
shortly bifid style 27s cM. exsert;
ovary glabrous, some-
what obconoid.

Java; in H. A. R.—T. sub no. 043900.

Distribution: Lower Burma, Malay Peninsula, Formosa
(Matsumara and Hayata), Hainan, Siam, Cochin China,
Sumatra, Java!, Ternate (

56. C. coccineum H. J. Lam. nov. spec.\' — Frutex?;
ramuli cum marginibus interpetiolaribus, paniculis totis,
innovationibus setis multicellularibus coccineis vestiti;
cordato-rotundata, apice breviter acuminata, marginibus
denticulata, lobis basalibus duobus partim aliis alios tegenti-
bus, rotundatis; basi sub-3-7-nervia; membranacea; utrinque
glabra, subtus dense squamata; nervis utrinque 10—12,
in nervum intramarginalem coarctatis; 12—18 cM. longa
(sinu incluso), IOV2— I6V2 cM. lata: petiolo 1 Vs—5 cM.
panicula terminalis, ampla. laxiuscula, pyramidata,
usque ad 27 cM. longa, 25 cM. lata; cymis oppositis, in
axillis foliorum superiorum bractearumque positis, inferio-
ribus longe pedunculatis, laxis, gracilibus, trichotomis,
bracteis linearibus sufFultis; paniculae bractea: subtus orbi-
culares, supra lanceolatae; pedicelli gracilissimi, 7s—3 cM.
calyx membranaceus, 1 —1.4 cM. longus, fere usque
ad basin 5-partitus, laciniis lanceolato-acuminatis, extus
setis coccineis, intus squamis peltatis vestitis;
corolla extus

-ocr page 309-


puberula, tubo 1.5 cM. longo, cylindrico, lobis oblongis,
0.7—0.9 cM. longis, obtusis;
stamina 1.4 cM. exserta,
fauce inserta, antheris dorso molliter puberulis, thecis in
parte superiore connatis, subtus subdivaricatis;
stylus 3 —
4 cM. exsertus, stigmate brevissime bifido;
ovarium gla-
brum, 4-lobum;
fructus non videmus.

Java: Buijsman no. 74, Tengger Mt., 1200 M. in alt.,
nr. Nongho Djadjar, flow, on

Japan: in H. A. R—T. sub no. 049914.

This must be a very beautiful and decorative plant, worth

57. C. Bethuneanum Lowe, Hist, of Borneo (Sarawak),
378 (year?);
Hook., Comp. Bot. mag. 30 (1848); Bot. Mag.
t. 4485 (1849). — A shrub or small tree; branchlets
tetragonous, with interpetiolar margins, with panicles very
minutely puberulous;
leaves cordato-rotundate, membranous,
apex acute or very shortly acuminate, margins subentirc
or minutely denticulate, upper side with sparse thick hairs,
lower one glabrous sparsely scaled; pairs of nerves 5—7,
the lowest pair with rather strong transverse nerflets
downward; 17—31 by 17—36 cM.; petioles stout, glabrous,
10—42 cM. long, 0.5—0.6 cM. in diam., with large pith
in transversal lamels, as have the branchlets, striate;
panicles terminal, pyramidate, 15—30 cM. long and wide;
peduncles 10—15 cM.: bracts lanceolate, J/a— 1 Va CM.
long, 0.05—0.1 cM. broad; pedicels slender. 0.2—1 cM.;
calyx membranous, glabrous, 0.5 cM. wide, 0.6 cM. long,
5-ribbed, 5-cleft halfway down; lobes deltoid, acute; enlarged
in fruit up to 0.8—1.5 cM.. thejobes 0.5—0.8 cM. broad,
including the drupe;
corolla glabrous, tube 1 — 1.4 cM. long,
very narrow in the lower, subinfundibuliform in the upper
part; lobes elliptical, 0.6—0.8 cM. long;
stamens inserted
in the throat, with the shortly bifid style 3J/a—57a CM.
ovary glabrous, 4-lobed; fruit deeply 4-lobed, gla-
brous, 0.5 cM. long. 0.8 cM. in diam., included in the calyx.

-ocr page 310-

philippines: Elmer no. 12649, Brooks Point (Addison
Peak), Palawan, fr. in Febr. 1911.;
id. no. 13641, Cabad-
baran (Mt. Urdaneta), Agusan, Mindanao flow, in Aug. 1912.

celebes: (S.-E.-): Elbert no. 2933, Muna-isl., Raha,
0—75 M. in alt.;
id. no. 2994, Rumbia, Liano, 25—150
M. in alt., buds on 12-IX-1909;
id. no. 2998?, same
locality and time, fr.

BORNEO: Rutten no. 126, upper-Pamaluan-riv., a shrub,
firs, red on May 10th—15th;
id. no. 242, Bontang, 5 M.
in alt., a small tree, inflorescences and firs red, 5-V-1911. —
Korthals in H.L.-B. sub no. 908.266—1216, Dussun. —
Haviland and Hose no. 3558E, Rejang, Kapit, flow, in
July 1893. -
Amdjah no. 421, Ulu Sebuku, flow, on

2-IX-1912, id. no. 374, G. Lobang, 200 M., flow, on

3-VIII-1912; id. no. 96, Pladju, 5 M. in alt., flow, on
3-II-1912. -
Hallier ƒ., no. B. 3090, Nanga Ruan; id.
no. B. 1539, Sungei Rekadjau.

java: ?Zollinger no. 2557 (cf. under C. squamatum).

58. C. intermedium Cham., Linnaea VII, 105 (1832);
Schauer, DC.. Prodr. XI, 669; Miq., Fl. Ind. bat. II,
Hall, ƒ"., Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37, 80; Merrill.
Bur. Gov. Lab. Bull. no. 27, 69 and Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot.
Ill, 431. — A shrub?; branchlets quadrangular, with
petioles and panicles glabrous or nearly so;
leaves cordato-
rotundate, apex acuminate, base with a 0.3—7 cM. deep
sinus, minutely attenuate; margins serrulate-denticulate
except on the basal lobes; denticulations mucronulate;
membranous; sparsely pubescent above, glabrous or with
some hairs beneath, and densely scaled on that side: pairs
of nerves ± 7; 11-27 by 12—26 cM.; petioles 3V2-40
cM., joined by an interpetiolar ring of hairs;
terminal, large, leafed below, with leafy bracts towards
the top, the uppermost ones nearly subulate and 0.4 cM. long;
11—34 cM. long, 7—22 cM. wide at the base; peduncles
2]/2—12 cM.; pedicels 0.3—1.7 cM., with a small, linear

-ocr page 311-

bracteole: calyx glabrous, 5-cleft nearly down to the base,
0.4—0.5 (—0.8) cM. long or shorter (
Schauer); segments
lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, acuminate; shape and dimen-
sions apparently rather variable;
corolla softly and spar-
sely, minutely puberulous; tube somewhat infundibuliform
in the upper half, (1.2 cM.
Schauer), 1.5—2.3 cM. long;
lobes rather narrow, obtuse, 0.8 cM. long (1.1 cM.
0.2 cM. broad; stamens and the shortly bifid style 2—3 cM.
exsert; stamens inserted in the throat; anthers 0.2 cM. long;
ovary glabrous; fruiting calyx enlarged to 0.8 cM.

Distribution: Sumatra!, Celebes! Mindanao!, Negros!,
Luzon!, Panay, Cebu, Sulu-isl.

A species, closely allied to C. Bethuneanum, C. Blumeanum
and C. squamatum, but distinguished by its calyx, which is
5-cleft nearly down to the base.

59. C. Blumeanum Schauer, DC. Prodr. XI, 669(1847);
Koord., Exk. fl. v. Java, III, 138; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. I,
Hall, f., Med. \'s Rijks Herb. no. 37, 78; Miq., Fl.
Ind. bat. II, 881;
Valeton, Bull. Dept. Agric. Ind. Neerl.
X, 52 — A shrub or undershrub. 1—4 M. high; branchlets
with rather indistinct interpetiolar margins, quadrangular,
with petioles and panicles softly pubescent; internodes
often clavate, with large pith often in transversal lamels;
leaves often crowded towards the tips of the branchlets,
cordate- or subcordate-ovate or -subrotundate, membra-
nous, apex acuminate, sometimes obtuse or even rounded;
margins sinuate or undulate, the undulations often
mucronulate; pairs of nerves 6—8, the 2 lowest pairs
often close to the base; upper side sparsely pubescent,
usually with some thick hairs, intermixed with many
minute ones; lower one softly and minutely pubescent and
with sparse scales; both sides sometimes glabrous or nearly
so; both sides somewhat glandular; margins usually fim-
briate; the nerves in sicco often undulate in consequence
of the contraction of the intervenium; 12—24 cM. long,

-ocr page 312-

8—26 cM. broad; petioles striate, 21/»—24 cM.; panicles
terminal, relatively small and dense, subumbelliform at first,
4—10 cM. long, 5—6 cM. wide, pyramidateafterwards and
then 10—20 cM. long, 6—lOcM. indiam.; peduncles 4\'/a—6
cM.; pedicels slender, 0.4—0.9 cM. long, often widening into
the calyx;
calyx somewhat cup-chaped, 0.25—0.5(—0.6) cM.,
pubescent with some scales and (or?) large glands, purple; lobes
5, usually ribbed, lanceolate, subobtuse or acute, shorter
than the tube;
corolla red or white, minutely puberulous
without; tube somewhat funnel-shaped,
2-21/2(~-31/„) cM.
long; lobes elliptic, 0.8—1 cM. long, 0.4—0.5 cM broad;
inserted in the throat, with the shortly bifid style 1.7—21
cM. exsert; anthers oblong, 0.2—0.3 cM. long, filaments
ovary glabrous, 4-lobed; fruits glabrous, deeply
; 4-lobed, 0.5—0.7 cM. long and in diam. seated on the

slightly enlarged calyx.

Var. y- typicum H. J. Lam, nov. var. — C. fallax
Lindl., Bot. Reg. t. 19 (1844); Schauer, I.e. 666; Engl.,
Engl. Jhrb. VII, 477; Miq. I.e., 876; K. Schum, u. Lauterb.,
Fl. D. Sudsee, 525; K. Schum. u. Hollr., Fl. Kais.-W.-
land, 122;
K. Schum., Engl. Jhrb. XIII, 428. - folia
utrinque pubescentia.

kalao toa-isl. (southw. of Celebes): Docters van
no. 1375, a shrub, 1 M. high. firs,
red, on 6-V-1913, fr. pink: 200 M. in alt.

Tanah-DjampeA-Isl. (southw. of Celebes): Docters van
no. 1630, 50 M. in alt., a small
shrub, 1 M. high. firs, red on 14-V-1913.

New-Guinea, Dutch-: Gjellerup no. 695, Hollandia,
100 M. in alt., flow, on 20-IX-1911; a shrub. 3 M. high,
firs, red, bluish black, bark greyish white, nerves and
inflorescences violetbrown or brown-red;
id. no. 422, same
20 M. in alt., a shrub, 1.5 M. high, flow, on
15-1-1911; calyx brown-red, corolla light-red. as are
filaments and stigma; style and anthers brown (also col-

-ocr page 313-

lected at Upper-Tani-river (Begowri-riv.) on July 10\'h).

New-Guinea (Kais.-W.-land): Weinland no. 60, Ste-
phansort, flow, in Nov.
1889. — Lauterbach no. 1193,
Constantinshafen, fr. on 25-X-1890. — Schlechter no.
14273, Constantinshafen, flow, in March 1912; id. no.
16402, forest of Jawer, 150 M. in alt., flow, red on
10-VIII-1907. — Ledermann no. 10808, Camp Malu on
20—40 M. in alt.; a herb, 1 — 1.5 M. high,
firs, red, as are pedicels and calyces; flow, on
id. no. .6938, same locality and altitude, 0.8—1.2 M. high,
firs, red on

New-Britain (Neu-Pommern): Dahl no. 117, Ralum.
10 M. in alt.\', flow, red in June 1896.

New-Ireland (Neu-Mecklenburg): Peekel no. 197,
Namatanai, flow, in Oct. 1909; native name: a malmalu
dardaran (cf. C. Lindawianum: a malmalu palpalana).

PALAU-IsL.: Raijrmindus no. 41, Korror; native name:
buticharchcir; the extract of leaves, ground to pieces, is to
be drunk in case of stomach-ache. —
Ledermann no. 14133,
Korror, 20—40 M. in alt., firs. red.on 9-II-1914; native
name: butegergar; a herb 1 — 1.5 M. high; very bitter,-
remedy as mentioned by Raymundus. —
R. (K.?) Gibbon
no. 1201, Arbuget, 40 M. in alt.; a shrub, reaching 4 M.
in height, firs, red on 5-VII-1913; extract of leaves ,,zum
abwaschcn bei allgem. Schwachegefiihl alter Leute."

Caroline-Isl.: Volkens no. 157, Tabinifi, Yap, a shrub
larger than a man, firs, red on 12-XII-1899;
id. no. 500,
Yap, native name: m0f!u; firs. white(!) on 3-1V-1900;
id. no. 130, Yap, firs, dark-red on 9-XII-1899; also cul-
tivated; common on all Marianne- and Caroline-islands.

Distribution of the variety (see Hallier, I.e.): Sumatra!,
Borneo!, Java!, Lombok! (only
Elbert nos. 591, 676 and
2095), Sumbawa! (all, except
Elbeit no. 3982), Buton-!,
Kalao Toa-!, Tanah Djampea-! and Tukan-besi-isl.!,
Ambon!, New-Guinea!. New-Britain!, New-Ireland!,

-ocr page 314-

Palau-! Caroline-! and Marianne-isl., Hawaii (Hillebrand,

Var. |3 glabrum H. J. Lam, nov. var. — folia adulta
utrinque glabra vel subglabra.

Distribution (see Hallier, I.e.): Lombok! (all, except
Elbert nos. 591, 676 and 2095), Sumbawa! (only Elbert
no. 3982), Wetar!, Banda!

Distribution of the species: Malay Arhipelago!, Bismarck-
Archipelago!, W.-Micronesia! and -Melanesia!

This species is rather variable in most features, but we are
— in our opinion — not justified in retaining C.
fallax in the
specific rank.

60. C. squamatum Vahl. Symb. bot. II, 74 (1794);
Schauer, DC., Prodr. XI, 669; Forbes and Hemsley, Fl.
Sin. II, 262;
Hook, f, FI. Br. Ind. IV, 593; Hall, f,
Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37, 81; King and Gamble,
Journ. As. Soc. Beng. LXXIV, 4, 827; Koord., Exk. fl.
v. Java III, 138;
Miq.; Fl. Ind. bat. II, 878; Hassk., 2c
Cat. \'s Lands PI. tuin, 136;
Maxim. Bull. Ac. Imp. Sc.
St. Pet. XXXI, 86;
Miq. Ann. Mus. L.-B. II, 99; Zoll.
u. Mor., Syst. Verz., 53. — C. coccineum D. Dietr.,
Syn. PI. Ill, 616 (1839-52). - C. dentatum Wall,
Cat. no. 1799 (1828). — C. Kaempferi Fisch. ex Morr..
Ann. Soc. Gaud. I. 17 (1845). - C. urticifolium Wall
Cat. no. 1801 (1828). — An erect shrub; branchlets more
or less quadrangular, with interpetiolar margins, glabrous
or nearly so;
leaves cordate-subrotundate, apex acuminate,
margins dentate, basal sinus rather deep; membranous or
chartaceous; pairs of nerves 5—7; upper side with some
thick hairs, lower one glabrous, more or less densely
scaled; 10—20 by 8—20 cM.; petioles minutely pubescent,
5—20 cM.;
panicles terminal, glabrous or nearly so, pyra-
midate with rounded top, 20—40 M. long, 6—25 cM.
wide; pedicels 0.5—1 cM.;
calyx glabrous or nearly so,
0.5—1 cM., lobes acute, narrow, 0.35—0.7 cM.;

-ocr page 315-

glabrous or nearly so, tube eylindric, 1.5—2.2 cM.; lobes
elliptical, obtuse;
stamens inserted at about the middle of
the corolla-tube, with the style 2 cM. exsert;
ovary gla-
drupe glabrous, in sicco irregularly reticulated,
partly included in the enlarged calyx (0.9—1.6 cM.), the
lobes of which are usually ribbed and not reflexed.

Var. x typicum H. J. Lam, nov. var. — flores pluri-
lateraliter ramulis affixi; cymi regulariter di- vel trichotomi.

Sumatra: H. Bog. no. 1163, Singalang. Miquel. —
v. Daalen
no. 487, Gaju-and Alas-countries.

celebes: H. Bog. nos. 5267 (Tanawangko, Menado,
cor. red) and 5301 (same locality) —
de Vriese et Teysmann
in H.L-B. sub nos. 908.267-665 and -666.

Var. /3 scopiferum H. J. Lam, nov. var. — C. scopi-
Miq., Fl. Ind. bat. II, 881 (1856) and suppl. I,
343, and Ann. Mus. L.-B. Ill, 253. - C. singalense
Miq., Fl. Ind. bat. Suppl. I, 243 and 568(1860) - flores
unilateraliter ramulis affixi, quapropter cymi bilaterales
paniculaeque scopaeformes.

SUMATRA: H. Bog. nos. 1162 (Singalang) and 2217
(Diepenhorst, Priaman).

Distribution of the species: India, China, Singapore
(King and Gamble), Japan (Miquel), Sumatra!, Andamans!,
(Elbertl nos. 2994 and 2998 in our opinion
belong to C.
Belhuneanum\', cf. Hallier, I.e.), Basilan,
Luzon (Hallier).

The specimen: Zollinger no. 2557, which Hallier mentions
as C.
squnnwtum occurs in our material in 3 specimina, res-
pectively belonging to (in our opinion): C.
1 C. Bethuneanum
and ? C. Hettcc. At any rate, C. squamatum
and many species allied to it can hardly be distinguished from
one another.

61. C. illustrc N. E. Brown, Gard. Chron. XXII, 424
(1884, Oct. 4th). — A shrub;
leaves cordate-rotundate, apex
acute, margins dentate; upper surface glabrous or with

-ocr page 316-

some minute and sparse hairs; lower one with small scales;
12-177,\' by 15—16 cM.; petioles 10—13 cM.;
large, branchlets red, minutely and sparsely pubescent;
bracts leafy below, lowest ones rotundate, upper ones
ovate and spathulate to linear: bracteoles linear; pedicels
1 — 1.2 cM.:
calyx violet-red, cupuliform, 0.8 cM. wide,

1 cM. long with 5 deltoid, acute teeth; corolla, bright-
pink, minutely and softly pubescent without; tube 2.2 cM.;
limb subregular, 2—2.2 cM. in diam., lobes ovate-spathulate;
stamens ± 27° cM. exserted, ultimately reflexed, filaments
red, anthers brown.

Distribution: Celebes.

As Brown mentions that it is very closely allied to C.
squamatum, but differs by its more glabrous leaves, of which
the margins are distinctly dentate, and its more regular corolla
(Brown only saw a picture of C. squamatum), it perhaps will
appear that this species is identical with C.
squamatum or with
one of his allies.

62. C. Horsfieldii Miq., Fl. Ind. bat. II, 880 (1856);
Koord., Exk. fl. v. Java III, 138. — An undershrub
(? Koorders), branchlets obtusely quadrangular, with petioles
and panicles .minutely pubescent;
leaves subchartaceous,
subcordate-rotundate, apex acute, base somewhat cordate,
margins dentate; pairs of nerves 3—4; upper side sparsely
pubescent, tomentose beneath; 10 by 12 cM., petioles 14
panicles terminal, long-peduncled; cymes 4—7-flo-
wered; pedicels 0.6 cM.;
calyx campanulate. often gradually
narrowing into the pedicel, 1 — 1.2 cM. long, in sicco
dark-red; lobes narrowly deltoid, acute. 0.4—0.5 cM.
long; minutely pubescent;
corolla-tube cylindrical, 2—2.4
cM.. with the lobes minutely puberulous without; lobes
broadly spathulate, 1.1—1.3 cM. long; stamens
in the throat, anthers rather long and narrow; filaments

2 cM. exsert; style with shortly bifid stigma, somewhat
longer exsert than the stamens;
ovary glabrous.

-ocr page 317-

java: Horsfield in H. A. R.-T. sub no. 049915.

Its affinity is with C. Blumeanum var. but its calyx is
much longer and the corolla-limb broader.

63. C. utakvvense Wernham, Rep. Bot. Woll. exp.
Transact. Linn. Soc. Bot. IX. I, 137 (1916). - A shrub:
branchlets more or less quadrangular, glabrous;
large, elliptical-ovate, base rotundate or somewhat cordate;
8—20 by 7—16 cM.; petioles 1 cM. in the upper to 14
cM. in the lower leaves;
panicles large, 20 cM. long and
calyx 2-lipped, 1.6 cM.; lower lip broadly ovate,
upper one lanceolate-acuminate;
corolla glabrous, dark-red,
tube very slender, 2 cM. longer than the calyx; lobes
unequal, viz. 2 with a length of 1.5 and a breadth of
0.7 cM., and 3 of a length of 1 and a breadth of 0.4 cM.;
stamens 7 cM. exsert or more.

Distribution: Dutch-New-Guinea.

We placed this curious Clerodendron — if it is one at all —
in the SquamaCa-subsection, since
Wernham informs us that it
has an affinity with C.
Bethuneanum. Its 2-lipped calyx, however,
may give rise to the founding of a new section; perhaps it
belongs to our section Tridens, of which in that case, the
diagnosis has to be extended. A final decision is only possible
by examining spccimina and these we had not to our disposition.

64. C. speciosissimum Paxt., Mag. Bot. Ill, 217 et
271 (1837);
Elbert, Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 12, 16;
Hall f. ibidem, no. 37, 80. — A shrub?; branchlets
obscurely tetragonous, hollow, with interpetiolar margins,
with petioles and panicles minutely and softly pubescent;
leaves cordito-rotundate, basal sinus \'/<>—2 cM. deep, apex
acute or shortly acuminate, margins rather distantly dentate,
sometimes coarsely, sometimes minutely; with some long
and many minute hairs above, minutely tomentose beneath
and with some scales; pairs of nerves 7—8; 12—22Va by
9\'/n—21 cM.; petioles 6—26 cM.;
panicles terminal. 17
cM. long, 8—12 cM. in diam., peduncles 0—2 cM.;


-ocr page 318-

usually without leaves or with 2 small leaves below;
bracts caducous, linear, 0.2 cM.; pedicels 0.5—0.7 cM.
with 2 minute, linear bracteoles;
calyx sparsely pubescent,
especially in the lower part, campanulate, 0.6—0.8 cM.,
5-cleft about halfway down, lobes narrowly deltoid, acute,
0.3—0.5 cM.;
corolla densely and minutely puberulous;
tube slender, 2V2—3x/s cM., lobes ovate, 1.3 by0.7cM.;
stamens and style 11/2 cM. exsert; stigma shortly bifid:
fruit glabrous, 1 cM. long, 1.2 cM. in diam., four-lobed;
fruiting calyx slightly enlarged.

Distribution: Java!, Madura!

C. Horspeldii is closely allied to it, but distinctly different
by its larger calyx and its shorter corolla-tube.

Section II. Siphonantus L.

65. C. Siphonantus R. Br. in Ait. Kew. ed. II, IV,
65 (1812);
Williams, Bull. Herb. Boiss. ser. II T. V, 432;
Schauer, DC., Prodr. XI, 670; Forbes and Hemsley, Fl.
sin. II. 262;
Hook, f, Fl. Br. Ind. IV, 595; King and
Gamble, Journ. As. Soc, Beng. LXXIV, 4, 839; Koord.
Exk. fl. v. Java III, 137; Miq. Fl. Ind. bat. II. 883 and
suppl. I, 243;
Hassk.. 2* Cat. \'s Lands PI. tuin, 136;
Maxim. Bull. Ac. Imp. Sci. St. Pet. XXXI, 83. - C.
verticillatum D.
Don, Prodr. Fl. Nep. 102 (1825). -
An erect shrub, 1.3—2.6 M. high; branchlets obtusely
quadrangular, glabrous;
leaves opposite or in whorles of
3—5 leaves; lanceolate, shortly petioled, acuminate at both
ends, margins entire or somewhat denticulate; recurved:
both surfaces glabrous; membranous; pairs of nerves 8,
the nerves straight, very short, at an angle of nearly 90°
with the prominent midrib, joining looped intramarginal
nerves which start from the base; 10—30 cM. long, 1—3
cM. broad, petioles 0.2—1 cM.;
panicles terminal, leafy,
reaching 20—45 cM. in length and 10—15 cM. in diam.;

-ocr page 319-

cymes verticillate, few-flowered, di- or trichotomous, small,
without the corollae 6—7 cM. long, 3—4 cM. in diam.,
peduncles 27,-37, cM.; bracts linear, 0.3—0.7 cM.;
pedicels 0.5—1.1 cM.;
calyx 0.8—1.2 cM., pubescent
without, glandular within; lobes 0.4—0.7 cM. long, 0.3—
0.4 cM. broad, acute;
corolla glabrous, sparsely glandular,
white; tube very slender, 71/2—9 cM. long; lobes 1 by
0.4 cM.;
stamens and style long exsert; stigma shortly
ovary glabrous; drupe 4-lobed, about 1.2 cM. in diam.

Suautra: Korthals in H. L.—B. sub no. 908.265—
702. —
Praetorius in H. L.—B. sub no. 908.267-721.

Java; in H. L.-B. sub nos. 908.265-761 and 908.266—
and —331. — Boerlage in H. L.—B. sub. no.
908.352-1440, Buitenzorg, flow, on 16-11-1889. - Junghuhn
H. L.-B. sub no. 908.265-731.

Celebes; in H. L.-B. sub no. 908.266-375.

Distribution: India, Burma, Siam (King and Gamble),
S.-China (Forbes and Hemsley), Sumatra!, Java!, Celebes!
often cultivated (e.g. in Hawaii,

66. C. kalaotoense H. J. Lam, nov. spec. — Frutex,
2 M. alta; ramuli subquadrangulares, cum petiolis pani-
culisque adpresse puberuli;
folia subchartacea, ovata,
apice acuta, basi attenuata; margine integra; nervis utrinque
6—7; utrinque, praesertim subtus et in nervis pubescentia;
107,-18 cM. longa, 57,-9\'/« cM. lata, petiolo 2-67,
cM. longo;
panicula terminalis, foliosa, 16—17 cM. longa,
12—20 cM. diamctro; pedunculo 0—27, cM. longo;
bracteola: minutae, lineares, 0.2 cM. longa:; pedicelli
0.7—1.2 cM. longi, graciles;
calyx extus dense adpresse
pubesccns, intus sparse pubcscens, 0.7 cM. longus, lobis
5 acutis lanceolatis, 0.4 cM. longis;
corollas tubus glaber,
gracilis, 4 cM. longus, cum limbo albus; lobi elliptici,
extus puberuli, 0.7 cM. longi. 0.35 cM. lati;
stylusque 2l/a
cM. exserta; stigma breviter bifidum;
ovarium glabrum; fructus non videmus.

-ocr page 320-

KalaO TOA-isl. (southw. of Celebes): Docters van
no. 1373, 150 M. in alt., flow, on

This species is closely allied to C. ingratum. It has, however,
much larger leaves and its calyx and corolla-lobes are smaller,
whilst the corolla-tube is glabrous without.

67. C. ingratum K. Schum. et Lauterb., Fl. D. Siidsee,
526 (1900). - C. Weinlandii
K. Schum. ms. - A
shrub, 2 M. high; branchlets round, with panicles and
petioles minutely puberulous;
leaves ovate, apex, often
obtusely, shortly acuminate, base attenuate and decurrent,
margins entire; membranous or subchartaceous; both sides
pubescent, especially beneath and on the nerves, sometimes
subglabrous above; pairs of nerves 5—6;
51/2—\\3,/2 by
3.2—8 cM.; petioles 1—3.2 cM.;
panicles terminal. 14—17
cM. in length, 16—20 cM. in diam.; cymes opposite,
without the corollae 9—10 cM. long, peduncles 5—7 cM.;
bracts lanceolate, V9— 11/2 cM. long or larger, leafy; the
cymes resembling those of
CI. inermis, the ultimate branch-
lets being 3-florous; pedicels 1 — 1\'/s cM.;
calyx 0.8—1.3
cM., ultimately red, divided three-fourth or two-thirds
down; lobes acute, ovate-lanceolate; densely pubescent
without, sparsely within;
corolla sparsely and appressedly
puberulous without, white, funnel-shaped in the upper
part; tube 4,/s\'-5 cM.; lobes ovate, 0.8—1.2 cM. long;
stamens didynamous, inserted in the corolla-tube about
two-thirds from its base, filaments slender, 3—4 cM. exsert;
style very slender, 7—8 cM. exsert; stigma very shortly
bifid; ovary glabrous.

New-Guinea (Kais.-W.-land): Lauterbach no. 810,
Finschhafen, flow, on 25-IX-1890. -
Weinland nos. 245
and 271 (C. Weinlandii
K. Schum. nom. nud.), flow,
in July 1890. Finschhafen. —
Nyman no. 818, firs, white
in Aug. 1899, Simbang.

Schumann and Lauterbach. in their description, mention the

-ocr page 321-

corolla as glabrous, but wc found it distinctly puberulous, also
in the authentical specimen.

68. C. mindorense Merrill, Gov. Lab. Bull. no. 35,
64 (1905) and Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot. VII, 342. - C. simile
Merrill, Gov. Lab. Bull. no. 35. 64 (1905). - A shrub,
branchlets glabrous;
leaves membranous, lanceolate or
ovate-lanceolate, shortly acuminate at apex, acute at base;
margins entire; base 3-nerved; both surfaces glabrous;
pairs of nerves 7; 13—20 by 3—8 cM.; petioles 2—8
panicles terminal, many-flowered, crowded, minutely
and sparsely pubescent, ultimate branchlets 3-flowered;
bracts and bracteoles subulate, 0.1—0.3 cM.;
calyx minu-
tely and sparsely puberulous, funnel-shaped, 0.5 cM.;
lobes deltoid, 0.15 cM.;
corolla 3 cM. long, the tube
puberulous below; lobes spreading, oblong, obtuse or
acute, 0.6 by 0.2 cM.;
stamens 0.6 cM. exsert; anthers
0.2 cM.;
ovary globose, glabrous.

Distribution: Mindoro, Semirara-isl.

Its affinity is with C. Navesianum but its corolla-tube is
much shorter.

69. C. Klcmmei Elmer, Leafl. Phil. Bot. II, 514 (1908). -
A tree; branchlets glabrous;
leaves lanceolate or oblong,
rather variable in shape, base acute, apex usually acu-
minate; submembranous; both sides glabrous, pairs of
nerves 5—7: 12 by 4 cM„ petioles glabrous, 1—3 cM.
panicles terminal, glabrous or nearly so; peduncles
4—7 cM.; bracts linear, 0.5 cM.; pedicels 0.5—0.8 cM.,
puberulous, usually with 2 bracteoles;
calyx 0.4 cM.,
glabrous; lobes acute, 0.15 cM.;
corolla glabrous; tube
6 cM.; lobes 0.5—0.7 by 0.3 cM.;
stamens 1 cM. exsert;
anthers 0 25 cM.;
stigma subclavate; ovary glabrous;
drupe 1.3 cM. long. 1 cM\' in diam.

Distribution: Luzon.

It is allied to C. mindorense, but the leaves are smaller, the
panicles larger, and the corolla-tube is twice as long.

-ocr page 322-

70. C. longiflorum Decne., Nouv. Ann. Mus. Par. Ill,
400 (1834);
Schauer, DC. Prodr. XI, 670; Forbes, Wand.
Nat. f. Mai. Arch. II, 226;
Miquel [CI. spec.), Fl. Ind.
bat. II, 884;
Pulle in Lorentz, Nova Guinea VIII, II, 402;
Hemsley, Chall. Rep. Bot. I, 110 and 176; Hall. f. Med.
\'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37, 76;
Miquel, Ann. Mus. L.—B.
Ill, 251;
Spanoghe, Linnaea XV. 329. - A shrub?;
branchlets obtusely quadrangular, minutely puberulous,
leaves chartaceous or somewhat membranous,
ovate, both ends attenuate; both sides entirely glabrous
or lower one with some short hairs; margins entire; pairs
of nerves 6—8; 7—21 by 47s—12 cM.; petioles glabrous,
1 Vs—6 cM.;
panicles terminal, subumbelliform, dense,
57a—13 cM. long, 10—13 cM. in diam.; branchlets stout,
sparsely puberulous or glabrous; bracts ovate-lanceolate,
leafy, caducous; pedicels 0.2—0.7 cM.;
calyx usually
membranous, (0.5—)0.7—1.1 cM., glabrous or nearly so,
5-cleft halfway down, lobes broadly ovate, acuminate;
corolla glabrous; tube rather stout, 7—10 cM.; lobes ovate,
somewhat pubescent without, 0.5—0.9 by 0.3—0.6 cM.;
stamens and the shortly bifid style 2 cM. exsert; stamens
inserted in the throat;
ovary glabrous; drupe black-purple,
seated on the spreading, glabrous, enlarged calyx, which
is dark-purple and has a diametre of 2.1—2.7 cM., the
lobes being coriaceous and broadly deltoid.

TimOR: Teysmann no. 8943, Kupang. — Decaisne? in
H. L.-B. sub no.
908.265-1154. - Zippel in H. L.-B.
sub nos.
908.265—1153 and 908.266-37. — Spanoghe
in H. L.-B. sub nos. 908.265-1158 and 7908.266—112

New-Guinea: Branderhorst no. 74. Dutch-N.-G. —
Zippel in H. L.-B. sub no. 908.266-648.

Distribution: Timor!, Luzon (Miquel), New-Guinea!

According to Merrill (Bur. Gov. Lab. Bull. no. 35, 63) this
species does not occur in the Philippines. In his opinion

-ocr page 323-

Gaudichaud\'s and Perrottet\'s specimina belong to C. Navesianum
(= C. quadriloculare).

71. C. longituba Valeton, Bull. Dépt. Agric. Ind. Néerl.
X. 52 (1907);
Hall. f. Med. *s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37,
76. — A shrub; branchlets stout, glabrous or nearly so;
leaves ovate, cuneate or attenuate at base, apex acute or
somewhat acuminate, margins entire; chartaceous; upper
surface glabrous, lower one more or less densely puberu-
lous with rather long hairs, glandular; pairs of nerves 7;
7—16 by 3—5 cM.; petioles 0.7—372
panicles ter-
minal. subumbelliform, dense, greyish pubescent, 8—10
cM. long, 15—16 cM. wide; bracts lanceolate, caducous;
pedicels 0.2—1.2 cM.;
calyx usually coriaceous, rather
densely puberulous, 5-cleft halfway down; lobes lanceo-
late, acute; 0.7—1 cM.;
corolla glabrous or nearly so;
tube slender, 47s—6 cM.; lobes 0.5—0.6 by 0.3 cM„
stamens and the shortly bifid style 27a cM. exsert.

Timor; Forbes no. 3762.

Lombok; Elbert no. 811, Rindjani Mt. N., Sadjang,
500—700 M. in alt., buds on 30-IV-1909.

New-Guinea (Dutch-); Koch nos. 720, 719 and 718,
Merauke (no. 719 with abnormally deformed, 2—3 ,cM.
long, 1 — 1.2 cM. broad corolla-tubes, inhabited by small

This species is very closely allied to the preceding one, but
we are in the opinion that is it not (as
Hallier thinks) identical
with it, though its distribution is nearly the same. The rather
constant differences arc in the dimensions of the leaves, which
in the present species have long hairs beneath, the smaller,
pubescent, and coriaceous calyx, and the shorter corolla-tube
and -lobes.

72. C. fistulosum Becc. Malesia II. 48 (1884), t. 4;
Hall. f. Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37, 76. - An
undershrub, myrmecophilous and with clavate internodes
which have a hole on each side of the increased upper

-ocr page 324-

part; branchlets rounded, glabrescent; leaves shortly
petioled, membranous, oblong-obovate or ovate-lanceolata,
base subtruncate or acute and attenuate, apex, sometimes
subabruptly, acuminate, margins entire; both surfaces very
minutely and sparsely puberulous, glandular below; 9]/2 — 30
by 37g- 10 cM.; petioles 0.3—0.9 cM.; pairs of nerves
panicles small, without the corolla 2 cM long and
3 cM. wide, terminal, dense, short and broad, few-flowered,
with bracts, the rhachis suddenly narrowed on the upper-
most clavate internode; pedicels 0.8—1 cM.;
calyx glabrous,
or very minutely puberulous, 5-cleft nearly down to the
base, 0.8 cM,, lobes lanceolate, acuminate, 0.7 cM. long;
corolla glabrous, or very minutely puberulous, white; tube
8—9 cM. long, lobes narrow or spathulate, 1.1 by 0.2
stamens 0.7 cM. exsert; style 0.9 cM. exsert, with
shortly bifid stigma.

Distribution: Borneo!

The hollow internodes are inhabited by ants (Colobopsis
Clerodendri Emery \\

73. C. Ridleyi King et Gamble. Kew Bull., Ill (1908)
and Journ, As. Soc. Beng. LXXIV, 4, 840. - A small
tree, 5 M. high; branchlets quadrangular, shining;
opposite, membranous, elliptic, elliptic-lanceolate or ovate,
caudate-acuminate at apex, rounded or cuneate at base,
margins entire; both surfaces glabrous, the lower one pale;
pairs of nerves 5—7; 77»—20 by 272—7 cM.; petioles
1.8—5 cM.; acumen 11/2—3 cM.;
panicles terminal, few-
flowered, with the peduncle at most 15 cM. long (corolla;
included) and 77» cM. in diam., peduncles l7s"w2 cM.;
bracts leafy, lanceolate, acuminate, glabrous; bracteoles
linear, 0.4 cM.; pedicels slender, 0.3—0.8 cM.; flowers
white or pale yellow;
calyx glabrous, divided nearly to
the base, 1.3—2 cM. long; segments narrowly lanceolate,
very long acuminate, often with peltate scales (glands,
K. et G.), in fruit enclosing the drupe, 4 cM. in diam..

-ocr page 325-

when opened out, deep red in colour; corolla glabrous;
tube 7Vs—9 cM.; lobes obovate, subequal, 1.2—1.3 by
0.3 cM., obtuse;
stamens long exsert (K. et G.), 0.8 cM.
style as long exsert as the stamens, flattened, the
stigma very shortly bifid or bidentate;
ovary glabrous,
drupe deep red, smooth, globose, 1.2 cM. in diam.

Borneo: Haviland no. 1841, Sarawak, nr. Kuching,
flow, on 2-X-1892; corolla pale. —
Haviland and Hose
no. 3554 E., same locality, flow, on ll-X-1894.

Distribution: Malay Peninsula, Borneo!

74. C. Navesianum Vidal, Cat. Prov. Manila, no. 398
Merrill, Bur. Gov. Lab. Bull. no. 27, 69. - C.
Villar in Blco. Fl. Fil. ed. Ill, Nov. app.
161 (1882);
Hall. f. Med. *s Rijks Herb. Leiden, no. 37,
75. — C. quadriloculare
Merrill, I.e. no. 35, 63 (1905)
(Ligustrum quadriloculare
Blco.). — A shrub?;
branchlets, petioles and panicles minutely pubescent;
membranous or chartaceous, ovate-lanceolate or oblong-
lanceolate, cuneate or subobtuse at base, acute or shortly
acuminate at apex; margins entire; both surfaces glabrous
or very minutely puberulous; pairs of nerves 5—7; 8—19
by 3Y2—6.7 cM.; petioles 2—7 cM.;
panicles terminal,
subumbelliform, dense, without the corolla: 6 cM. long
and in diam.; peduncles 2\'/« CM.; bracts leafy, lanceolate.
1 — 1.3 cM. long; pedicels 0.3 cM.;
calyx minutely pubes-
cent, campanulate, 0.7—0.9 cM.; lobes acute, narrowly
deltoid, 0.2—0.3 cM. long, glandular;
corolla white, sparsely
pubescent and glandular, especially towards the top; tube
8-9 cM. long; lobes oblong, 1.3—1.4 by 0.45 cM., obtuse;
stamens inserted near the throat, 1 — 1.3 cM. exsert;
anther-cells divaricate;
style 2.4 cM. exsert; stigma very
shortly, divaricately bifid;
ovary glabrous.

Luzon: Com. d. I. fl. for. d. Fil. no. 490 (C. Blan-
coanum), San Mateo.

-ocr page 326-

negros: Celestino no. 7350, Cadiz, flow, in Febr.—
March 1909.

Distribution: Panay (Hallier).

75. C. Preslii Elmer, Leafl. Phil. Bot. II, 515 (1908). -
A tree; branchlets, petioles and panicles ferruginously
leaves chartaceous or submembranous, base
rotundate, apex long acuminate, margins rather coarsely
or minutely dentate or entire; upper side glabrous or
sparsely puberulous, pubescent on the nerves, lower one
densely yellow-glandular, the nerves pubescent; pairs of
nerves 5—7; 9—15 by 5—77« cM.; petioles 2—10 cM.;
panicles terminal, with 2 small leaves at the base, few-
flowered, 8 cM. long and in diam.; pedicels 0.3 cM.;
bracts and bracteoles caducous;
calyx purple, sparsely
pubescent towards the base, 2.5 cM.; lobes acute, nearly
glabrous, 0.6 cM.;
corolla white, glabrous; tube 3—5 cM.
long; lobes l1/« cM. long;
stamens inserted in the throat,
1.5 cM. exsert; anthers 0.25 cM. long;
style 5 cM. exsert,
stigma 2-fid;
ovary glabrous.-

Distribution: Negros!

76. C. Minahassae Teysm. et Binnend., Tijdschr. Ned.
Ind. XXV, 409 (1863);
Koord., Med. \'s Lands PI. tuin
Btzg., XIX, 559 and Exk. fl. v. Java III, 137;
Ann. Mus. L.-B. Ill, 251; Hall, f., Med. \'s Rijks Herb.
Leid. no. 37. 76. — A shrub or a small tree; branchlets
quadrangular, with many large red lenticels; with petioles
and panicles glabrous;
leaves -oblong-ovate, rounded or
cuneate at base, acute or shortly acuminate at apex, mar-
gins entire; membranous; both sides glabrous and glandular;
pairs of nerves 8—10; 7—25 by 47«-—13 cM.; petioles
0.8 — 7 72 cM.;
panicles terminal, 10 cM. long, few-flowered,
cymes in 3—5 pairs, 1—3 flowered; pedicels 1.8—2.5 cM.;
calyx inflated, 1.5—3.5 cM., deep-red, glabrous or slightly
puberulous, lobes 5, small at first, longer afterwards,
0.3—1.6 cM., acute or acuminate; in fruit almost partite

-ocr page 327-

down to the base; corolla-tube yellowish white, 5—10.2 cM.
long; lobes narrow, obtuse, 2.5—4 cM. long, 0.4—0.7 cM.
broad; glabrous or pubescent on the lobes;
stamens inserted
in the corolla-tube, about 1 cM. from the throat, with
the bifid style 2—27« cM. exserted; stigma purple, as are
drupe blue-black, seated on the very much enlarged,
coriaceous calyx, the diametre of which is 4—67« cM.;
ovary glabrous, seated on a small annular disc.

Var. x typicum H. J. Lam, nov. var. — Calyx 1.5—2.5
cM. Jongus;
corollae tubus 87s—10.2 cM- longus.

Celebes: in H. A. R.-T. sub no. 043903, Menado. —
Teysmann et de Vriese in H. L.-B. sub no. 908.266—114,
Menado. —
Forsten in H.L.-B. sub no. 908.266—680
and 681, Gorontalo, flow, on Oct. 12th.

Var. fi brevitubulosum H. J. Lam, nov. var. — C.
Naves ex Villar in Blco., Fl. Fil. ed. Ill, Nov.
App. 116, (1882);
Merrill. Bur. Gov. Lab. Bull. no. 27, 68
and ibidem no. 35, 62. —
Calyx 2.5—3.5 cM. longus;
corollx tubus 5—6(—87«) cM. longus.

Celebes: Weber in H. L.-B. sub no. 908.266-115,
gulf of Boni. -
Zippel in H. L.-B. sub no. 908.266-69.
(C. calycinum Zipp. ms.). — Forsten no. 9, Tondano,
fr. in June. —
Teysmann et de Vriese in H. L.-B. sub.
nos. 908.267-337, -1065 (? or var. *) and -1066 (? var. *).

philippines: Merrill no. 332, San Juan del Monte,
Rizal, Luzon, flow, in June 1910. — Com. d.l. fl. for. d.
Fil. no. 491, Luzon. —
Ramos no. 14729, Camaguin de
Mindanas, flow, in March—April 1912. —
no. 11778. Port Banga, Zamboanga, Mindanas, How. on
5-VII-1910. -
Curran no. 17443, Negros, fr. in Sept.
1909. —
Topacio no. 20042, Bataan, Luzon, fr. in Oct.
1909. -
McGregor no. 10267, Polillo, fr. in Oct. -
Nov. 1909.

-ocr page 328-

Section III. Tridens H. J. Lam, nov. sect. —
Calyx tripartitus.

77. C. Elberti Hall. [., Med. s Rijks Herb. Leid. no.
37, 83 — A shrub?; branchlets fistular, round, with petioles
and panicles glabrous;
leaves subcordate-rotundate, base
slightly cordate or rotundate. apex acuminate; margins
entire: both sides entirely glabrous; chartaceous; pairs of
nerves 6—7; with small, caducous scales above; 6\'/o— 21
by 4V2 —H1/» cM.; petioles 2 —10 cM.;
panicles terminal,
reaching 20 cM. in length, 25 cM. in breadth; peduncles
4 cM., bracteoles small; pedicels 0.3—0.5 cM.;
membranous, wide, 3-partite three-fourths down, the seg-
ments acute, ovate, 0.8 cM. broad; 1.2—1.5 cM. long,
glabrous, irregularly veined, crimson;
corolla glabrous; tube
slender, somewhat funnel-shaped in the upper part, 1.8—2.5
cM. long, upper part glandular as are the lobes without;
lobes spathulate, obtuse, 1.2 by 0.3 cM.;
stamens inserted
in the throat, 4—5 cM. exsert, as is the shortly bifid
ovary glabrous, 4-lobed.

Distribution: Sumbawa!

78. C. Hettae Hall, f., Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no.
37, 82. — A shrub?; branchlets round, fistular, with
petioles and panicles glabrous;
leaves membranous, sub-
cordate-rotundate, base abruptly attenuate, apex acuminate,
margins entire; both sides glabrous; with some glands and
minutely punctulate beneath; pairs of nerves 7—8; 9—28
by 10—20 cM.; petioles 37\'2—30 CM., minutely striate;
panicles terminal; bracteoles 1 by 0.1—0.2 cM.; pedicels
0.2 — 0.8 cM.;
calyx glabrous, membranous or subchar-
taceous, irregularly veined, 1.8—2.5 cM. long, 1.2—1.7
cM. wide at the top; 3-partite about one-third down;
lobes ovate, unequal, sometimes minutely bidentate at
apex, acute;
corolla glabrous; tube cylindric and slender
in the lower, funnel-shaped in the upper part, 2.5—3.3

-ocr page 329-

cM. long; lobes rotundate 2—2.5 cM. long, 1 — 1.1 cM.
stamens inserted in the upper part of the corolla-
tube, with the very shortly bifid style 2.2—2.7 cM. exsert;
anthers oblong, divaricate in the lower fourth, 0.35 cM.
drupe glabrous, 4-lobed, included in the calyx, 0.6
cM. long, 0.7 cM. in diam.

Distribution: Lombok!

Imperfectly known or doubtful species:

79. C. crucntum Lindl., Gard. Chron. 456 (1860). — A shrub;
leaves oblong, reminding those of C. macrophyllum Bl„ 25 by
10 cM.;
panicles as in C. macrophyllum BL, terminal; pedicels
pubescent and glandular;
calyx small, narrow, crimson, with
5 very narrow lobes, eglandular;
corolla rich red; stamens
included (1 H. L.)

Distribution: tropical Asia (some part of).

Allied to C. macrophylln BL, but different in the shape and colour
of calyx and corolla.

80. C. fastigiatuin (Hunter) H. J. Lam, nov. comb. —
Volkamcria fastigiata
Hunter ex Ridley in Journ. As.
Soc. Straits LIII, 102 (Sept. 1909). — An herb or undershrub;
leaves ovate, decussate, petioled, unequally serrate, wrinkled,
above smooth, below slightly downy; petioles short, slender,
furrowed above, widely spreading;
panicles terminal, tricho-
tomous, suffastigiate; peduncles brachiate; three cleft pedicels
short, slender; flowers large, white, sweet scented;
calyx 5-cleft;
segments lanceolate, when the fruit ripens reflexcd;
long, straight; limb 5-clcft; segments obtuse, inclining to one
side; filaments filiform, as long as the corolla-tube, white;
anthers small, deep yellow;
drupe roundish, smooth.

Distribution: brought from Amboyna (into Malay Peninsula).

81. C. fortunatum L. sp. pi. ed. I. 889 (1753); Blume,
Bijdr. 807; Blco., Fl. Fil. ed. I, 508; Schauer, DC., Prodr. XI.
Forbes and Hemsley, Fl. sin. II, 260; Maxim., Bull. Ac.
Imp. Sci. St. P6t. XXXI, 84. — A shrub?; branchlets greyish;
leaves opposite, lanceolate, glabrous, entire; somewhat decurrent

-ocr page 330-

at base, 772 cM. long, 2l/2 cM. broad; inflorescences with
axillary peduncles; cymes dichotomous, few-flowered, shorter
than the leaves;
calyx with ovate, acute segments ; coro//a-tube
as long as calyx; lobes ovate, obtuse.

Distribution: India (Schauer), China, Hongkong (Forbes and
Hemsley), Java (Blume), Philippines (Blanco).

82. C. fragrans Willd., Enum. Hort. Berol., 659 (1809):
Blume, Bijdr. 811. — A shrub?; leaves subrotundate-ovate,
acute, dentate, base sometimes subcordate; glandular below,
pubescent on both sides;
panicles terminal, hemispherical.

Distribution: Java (Blume), tropical America (Ind. Kew.)

Perhaps identical with C. fragrans Vent. ?

83. C. fragrans R. Br. in Ait. Hort. Kew. ed. 2, IV, 63
Zoll. u. Mor., Syst. Verz. 53; King and Gamble, Journ.
As. Soc. Beng. LXXIV, 4, 826. — A double-flowered shrub,
with large leaves of unpleasant odour, the flowers white merging
into dark purple and flagrant.

Distribution: Singapore (K. et G.), Java {Z. et M.)

Perhaps this species is identical with C. fragrans Vcnt.l

84. C. grandiflorum Blanco, FI, Fil. ed. I, 512 (1837) -
A small tree, less than 3 M. high; bark white, branchlets
leaves opposite, broadly ovate, glabrous, entire, rugose;
petioles short, with a small gland near the base;
panicles subum-
belliform; bracts acuminate;
calyx 5-cleft nearly down to the
base; lobés lanceolate;
corolla twice as long as the calyx; limb
2-lipped, 5-lobed; lobes ovate;
stamens 4, didynamous, inserted
in the throat;
style filiform, with bifid apex; ovary semiglobose.
seated on a striate disc:
drupe depressed, 4-ribbed, 4-celled
and -seeded.

Distribution: Philippines.

85. C. javanicum Spr., Syst. veg. II, 759 (1825-28);
Schauer, DC., Prodr. XI, 673; Miq. Fl. Ind. bat. II, 882; Zoll.
u. Mor,, Syst. Verz., 53 — C. coriaceum Poir. Encycl. suppl.
IV, 353 (1816) — A shrub?;
leaves ovate-oblong, entire, coria-
ceous, glabrous;
panicles terminal, thyrsoid; ca/y.v-lobes ovate,

- acute.

Distribution: Java.

86. C. membranifolium H. J. Lam, prob. nov. spec. —

-ocr page 331-

Frutex?; ramuli graciles, appresse pubescentes; folia opposita,
valde membranacea, ovato-rotundata, basi rotundata, vel sub-
rotundata, apice acuminata, margine integra; utrinquc nervis
puberulis exceptis glabra, subtus glanduloso-punctata; nervis
utrinque 6—8; IOV2—20 cM. longa, 5—11 cM. lata; petiolo,
cum panicula terminalc appresse pubescente, 2—12 cM.
calyx pubescens; cetera non videmus.

Amboyna: Forsten in H. L.-B. sub no. 908.267—742, Luha.

87. C. obovatum Walp. Rep. IV, 112 (1844); Schauer DC.
Prodr. XI, 674; Miq. Fl. Ind. bat. II, 883. — A shrub?; leaves
obovate, entire, coriaceous, pubescent beneath; panicles terminal,
pubescent; cymes decussate, uttermost branchlets 2-florous;
obscurely 5-dentate.

Distribution: Molucca-isl.

Hallier (Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37, 40) supposes that
it is identical with
Vitex trifolia L. (far. P. unifoliolata Schau).

88. C. philippinum Schauer, DC. Prodr. XI, 667 (1847);
Miq. Fl. Ind. bat. II, 877. — A shrub?; branchlets obtusely
quadrangular, with petioles and inflorescences tomentose;
subrotundate or ovate-cordate, acuminate, entire or distantly
serrate, hirsute above, densely and softly tomentose beneath,
panicles terminal, large, woolly; cymes lax; calyx
1 cM„ lobes 5, ovate, narrowly acuminate; corolla more or
less puberulous and glandular above, 1.8 cM.; lobes 0.8 cM.

Distribution: Philippines (Cuming no. 1096).


89. C. amicorum Seem. Bonplandia X, 249 (1862).

Distribution: Paciflc-isl.

90. C. ixoricflorum Hassk., Retzia, 60 (year?).

Distribution: Singapore.

Hallier (Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37, 78) thinks that
it is identical with C.
Colebrookianum Walp. (ex descr.)

91. C. Powcllii Benth. and Hook. f. ex Drake del Castillo.
111. Fl. Ins. Mar. Pacif., 261 (1892).

Distribution: Paciflc-isl.

92. C. Rumphinnum Bull.. Cat. 9 (1887).

Distribution: Java.

-ocr page 332-

93. C. spicatum Thunb., Fl. javan. 22.

Distribution: Java.

Species with unknown native country:

94. C. buxifolium Spr.. Syst. Veg. II, 758 (1825-28).

95. C. elegans Manetti ex Lern. Jard. Fleur. IV, 47 (1854)
(= C. calamistratum Hort. Belg, ex ibidem).

96. C. grandiflorum Schauer, DC.. Prodr. XI. 659 (1847). —
A shrub?; branchlets round, glabrous;
leaves in whorls of 4 or
5, oblong-subovate, entire, base obtuse or subcordate, apex
acute; coriaceous; 7—10 cM. long;
panicles terminal, lax,
glabrous, many-flowered, with long peduncles;
calyx small,
minutely 5-toothed;
corolla yellow, puberulous, 6 times as
long as calyx.

(= Aegiphila grandiflora Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 4230.)

97. C. Manettii Vis. Sem. Hort. Patav., no. 2 (1848—49).

98. C. roseum Poit. in Rev. Hortic. 80 (1876).

99. C. violaceum Zeyh. Hort. Schwetz., 54; ex Link, Emern
Hort. Berol. II, 127 (1821-22).

Nomina nuda:

100. C. discolor Beccari, Nelle for. di Borneo, 203 (1902 .
According to
Hallier (ms.: Haviland no. 1841) this is a name
C. Ridleyi King et Gamble.

101. C. macrophyllum Hook., ms. ex King and Gamble,
Journ. As. Soc. Beng. LXXIV, 4, 834.

102. C. speciosum Teysm. et Binnend., Cat. Hort. Bog.
386 (1866) — A hybrid? (Ind. Kew.)

Doubtful specimen:

Haviland and Hose no. 3557 E, Rajang, Kapit, Borneo, flow,
in March 1893.

-ocr page 333-

XXII. HOLMSKJCELDIA Retz, Obs. VI, 31. (1791);
Schauer, DC., Prodr. XI, 696; Engl. u. Prantl, Nat. Pfl.
fam. IV, 3a, 176;
Hook f., Fl. Br. Ind. IV, 596; King
and Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, LXXIV, 4, 795. —
Shrubs; young parts glabrous or whitish-hairy;
opposite, simple; cymes short, axillary, often crowded at
the tips of the branches, with small bracts;
calyx with
very short tube, widely obconical, membranous, coloured,
subtruncate or indistinctly 5-lobed;
corolla with cylindric,
curved tube, oblique limb and 5 unequal lobes, one larger;
stamens 4, didynamous, inserted in the inferior half of the
corolla-tube ■ or about the middle of it, exserted; anthers
with parallel fissures;
style slender, with shortly bifid
ovary 4-celled, 4-ovuled; ovules laterally attached;
drupe with 4 (or by abortion 3—1) pyrenes.

Distribution: Himalaya, Africa, Madagascar.

1. H. sanguinea Retz, Obs. VI, 31 (1791); Schauer,
Prodr. XI, 696\'; Hook f., Fl. Br. Ind. IV, 596;
King and Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, LXXIV, 4,
Hall, f., Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37, 84. —
A shrub, 3—10 M. high;
leaves petioled, ovate, acuminate,
base obtuse; somewhat pubescent, entire or denticulate,
7\'/2 by 5 cM.; petioles 1.3 cM.;
cymes 21/,,-5 cM.,
puberulous, red, becoming scarlet in fruit;
calyx red, large,
corolla red, 2\'/a CM. long, 0.4 cM. wide;
stamens glabrous; style glabrous; ovary glandular; drupe
0.6—0.8 cM. in diam.

Distribution: subtropical Himalaya. 0—1330 M., Prome
Hills, Penang
(Curtis no. 2872). — Often cultivated, and
sometimes escaped.


XXIII. PERONEMA Jack, in Malay Misc.. II, no.
VII, 46. (1822);
Benth. and Hook., Gen. PI. II, 2, 1158;


-ocr page 334-

Schauer, DC., Prodr. XI. 626; Engl. u. Prantl.. Nat.
Pfl. fam. IV, 3a, 178;
Hook, f, Fl. Br. Ind. IV, 599;
Jack, Calc. Journ. Nat. Hist. IV, no. XIII, 41; Koorders
en Valeton, Bijdr. Booms. Java, no. 7, 213; King and
Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. LXXIV, 4, 857; Miquel,
Fl. Ind. bat. II, 908. — Small trees; branchlets, inflores-
cences and petioles minutely grey-tomentose:
leaves large,
opposite, imparipinnately composed;
inflorescences terminal,
large, composed of cymes; bracts subulate; flowers small;
calyx 5-toothed, somewhat 2-Iipped, unaltered in fruit;
corolla with short tube; limb oblique, 2-lipped, 5-lobed,
upper lip with 2 small, lower lip with 3 larger lobes, the
middle one larger;
stamens 2, exserted, inserted in the
ventral and basal part of the corolla-tube;
style slender,
with subulate stigma, sometimes bifid:
ovary 4-celled,
cells 1-ovuled;
fruit a 4-valvate capsule; placenta central,
winged, seeds pendulous, without albumen.

Distribution: Malay Peninsula! and western part of

1. P. canescens Jack, Malay Misc. II, no. VII, 46,
Schauer, DC., Prodr. XI. 627; Hook f, Fl. Br.
Ind. IV, 599;
Jack, Calc. Journ. Nat. Hist. IV, no. XIII,
Koorders en Valeton, Bijdr. Booms. Java no. 7,214;
iid., Atl. d. Baumart. II, 6, tab. 280 and 281; King and
Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. LXXIV, 4, 857; Koorders,
Exk. fl. v. Java. Ill, 139; Miquel, Fl. Ind. bat. II, 909
and suppl. I, 244 and 570. — P. heterophyllum
I.e. suppl. I, 570. — A small tree; branchlets, inflorescences
and petioles minutely and densely greyish-brownish-tomen-
leaves opposite, imparipinnate, rhachis often winged;
leaflets sessile, opposite, the smaller ones near the base
of the leaf, lanceolate, entire, acute at both ends, charta-
ceous, glabrous above, minutely fulvous-tomentose beneath,
pairs of nerves 20—30, 3—18\'/2 by 1—4V2 cM.; the
whole leaf reaching 25—30 by 10—15 cM.; petioles 3—

-ocr page 335-

5 cM.; inflorescences large, composed, terminal, 25— 35
cM. long, 18—27 cM. wide, bracts pubescent, 0.1 cM.;
calyx 0.1 cM., almost for 1/2 5-toothed,d ensely hairy,
glandular; teeth deltoid, reflexed in fruit;
corolla pubescent,
glandular, 0.2 cM., tube glabrate; 5-lobed, 2-lipped, limb
stamens exserted, recurved along the corolla;
style slender; ovary puberulous.

Malay Peninsula: Ridley no. 3993. Singapore, Bt.

java: Junghuhn, G. Kantjang, Lebak; native name;
tjisabrang or ki sabrang, in H. A. R.—T. sub no. 043928,
with buds; flow, and fr. in May.

SUMATRA: Forbes no. 2655. — Korthals no. 1360.

Distribution: Malay Peninsula!, Sumatra!, Java!, Borneo
[King and Gamble).

XXIV. PETR^EOVITEX \') Oliver in Hook., Ic. PI..
XV, 15. t. 1420 (1883);
Engl. u. Pranll., Nat. Pfl. fam.
IV. 3«. 179;
King and Gamble, Joum. As. Soc. Beng.
LXXIV, 4. 858;
Schumann u. Lauterb., Fl. D. Schutz-
geb. Siidsee. 527;
Pulle in Lorentz, Nova Guinea, VIII,
2. 403 and VIII. 4. 687;
Hall, f., Med. \'s Rijks Herb.
Leid. no.
37, 84. — Shrubs, usually climbing, sometimes
leaves opposite, usually ternate, sometimes biter-
nate. rarely simple;
infloresccnces either terminal, composed,
paniculate, pyramidal, or axillary, cymose or paniculate,
with subulate bracts; flowers small, subsessile;
calyx with
short tube, 5-toothed, regular; the lobes in fruit very
enlarged, membranous, oblanceolate. elongate;
oblique, more or less distinctly 2-lipped, lobes 5. subequal;
stamens 4. subequal. alternating with the lobes; style
slender with bifid stigma: ovary imperfectly 2-celled; cells

\') not: Pctrcovitcx (see under Petnca, p. 25).

-ocr page 336-

2-ovuled; ovules pendulous, attached at a central placenta;
fruit capsular with 2 (or by suppression 1) seeds; seeds

Distribution: Malay Peninsula! and Archipelago!, Philip-
pines!, Bismarck-Archipelago!

1. a. Cymules or cymes composing a terminal panicle; leaflets

glabrous, or pubescent on the main nerves or on the

lower side near the base only........2.

b. Cymules or cymes axillary; leaflets glabrous or pubescent 4.

2. a. Leaflets 2l/2-10 by 1.2-5 cM.........3.

b. Leaflets (7—)10—12 by (2V2—)6V2—7V2 cM., glabrous

beneath, except on the midrib; lobes of fruiting calyx
1.5—2 by 0.5—0.7 cM.....1. P. trifoliata p. 324.

3. a. Leaflets, with plumose hairs on their lower surface near

the base, 3—6V2 by 1.6—4.2 cM.; tomentum rusty-
coloured; lobes of calyx enlarged already before flowering;
in fruit 1.5—1.8 by 0.4—0.5 cM. 2. P. ternata p. 325.
b. Leaves 3—9-foliolate; leaflets 6—9-nerved, glabrous on
both sides; tomentum grey; inflorescences not leafed;
lobes of calyx in fruit 0.5—1 by 0.15—0.3 cM.

3. P. Riedelii p. 326.

4. a. Lower side of leaflets glabrous, or pubescent 011 the

nerves only; cymes 12 cM. long, 7l/2 cM. in diam.;
calyx-tube 0.6—0.9 cM., capsule not striate.

4. P. bambusctorum p. 328.
b. Leaflets pubescent beneath..........5.

5. a. Leaflets 6. usually coarsely serrate; inflorescences 20—30

cM. long; calyx-lobes in fruit 1 cM.

5, P. pubescens p. 328.
b. Leaflets 3, entire; inflorescences reaching 15 cM. in length;

calyx-lobes in fruit 1.9—2.5 cM. 6. P. Scortcchinii p. 329.
1. P. trifoliata
Merrill, Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot. II, 425
(1907) — A scandent shrub; branchlets and axis of inflo-
rescences quadrangular, with petioles and panicles minutely
puberulous, glabroscent;
leaves opposite, 3-foliolate; leaflets
subequal, chartaceous or subcoriaceous, ovate to oblong-
ovate, base rounded, often somewhat inequilateral, apex

-ocr page 337-

subobtusely acuminate, acumen broad, ± 2 cM. long; both
sides glabrous, or the lower one somewhat puberulous on
the midrib; pairs of nerves in the terminal leaflets 5—6,
in the lateral ones 3-4; 10-12 by 67,-77, cM. (7 by
27,-5 cM.,
Merrill)-, petiolules 1-1.3 cM. (0.4-1 cM„
Merrill)-, petioles 7 cM. (3—4 cM., Merrill)-, interpetiolar
margins present;
panicles large, terminal, 20—40 cM. long,
leafed below; flowers purple:
calyx puberulent within and
without, tube in anthesis 0.4 cM., lobes 0.4 cM., oblong-
lanceolate; in fruit tube 1 cM„ the lobes oblanceolate,
3-nerved, 1.5—2 by 0.5—0.7 cM.;
corolla equalling the
calyx; tube 0.5 cM., narrowly funnel-shaped, puberulous
without and slightly so at the throat inside; lobes oblong-
ovate, 0.3 cM., rounded;
stamens 4; filaments somewhat
puberulous, 0.4 cM.; anthers 0.1 cM.

Palawan: Merrill no. 12892, Puerto Princesa (Mt.

Distribution: Mindanao?

Merrill remarks that the same or a very closely allied species
has been discovered by
Hallier in 1904, S. Ramon, Mindanao.
This makes it possible that the species is identical with P.
ternata Hall. f. (q. v.)

2. P. ternata Hallier f., Meded. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid.
no. 37, 85, (1918). — A shrub, climbing by means of
the petioles; branchlets quadrangular, densely, rather
minutely ferruginous-pubescent, with interpetiolar margins;
leaves 3-toliolate, opposite; leaflets ovate, base rounded
or somewhat cordate, apex acuminate; margins entire;
chartaceous, when young with sparse simple hairs on both
sides, adult glabrous except for some plumose hairs on
the lower surface near the base, present in all stages of
age; pairs of nerves 4; 3—67s by 1.6—4.2 cM.; petiolules
0.3—0.8 cM.; petioles 1.7—5 cM.; petiolules, petioles
and inflorescences
ferruginous-pubescent; cymules or cymes
composing a large, leafed, terminal panicle, each of them

-ocr page 338-


2Vs-3Vs cM. long; bracts minute; calyx,densely stellately
pubescent and glandular without; lobes 5, somewhat
enlarged already before flowering-time, 0.5—0.7 cM.;
corolla smaller than the calyx, 2-lipped, upper lip 2-lobed
or entire, lower 3-lobed, softly pubescent without except
on the lower part of the tube; lobes with throat and
basal part of filaments sparsely and minutely villous;
stamens 4; ovary densely white-glandular in upper half,
glabrous in the lower one, villous at apex;
style with
unequally 2-lobed stigma;
fruit included in the calyx, the
tube of which is enlarged up to 0.6—0.7 cM., the lobes
up to 1.5—1.8 by 0.4—0.5 cM.; fruiting calyx sparsely
pubescent on all parts, especially on the ribbed tube and
the lower side of the 1-nerved, obovate-spathulate lobes.

Distribution: Borneo! (Winkler no. 2756, etc.), Mindanao
(San Ramon,
Hallier no. 4722, etc.).

3. P. Riedelii Oliver in Hook., Ic. PI. XV, 16, t. 1420
Forbes, Wander. Nat. f. Mai. Arch. II, 225;
Pulle in Lorentz, Nova Guinea VIII, 2, 403 and VIII,
4, 687;
Schum. u. Lauterb., Fl. D. Schutzgeb. Siidsee,
Schum. u. Hollr., Fl. Kais-Wilh. land, 122; Warburg,
\' Engl. Jahrb. XIII, 427; Hemsley, Chall. Rep. Bot. I, 110
and 178;
Hall, f., Med. \'s Rijks Herb. no. 37, 84-A
climbing shrub, 5 — 20 M. high; branchlets, somewhat
quadrangular, with petioles and inflorescences minutely
and sparsely pubescent, glabrescent; leaves opposite,
usually biternate, 9-foliolate, often with less leaflets, with
all transition-form from 9- to 3-foliolate, lateral leaflets
often inequilateral; leaflets chartaceous, ovate-lanceolate or
broadly ovate, base cuneate or subtruncate, apex obtusely
apiculate, margins entire, pairs of nerves 6—9; above
glabrous except nerves, beneath glabrous, somewhat glan-
dular, sometimes with some scales and simple hairs; nerves
t *

minutely pubescent; 2y2 —10 by 1.2—5 cM.; petiolules

0—1 \'/a CM., the lateral leaflets being shorter petioluled,


-ocr page 339-

sometimes sessile; the whole leaf reaching 11—25 by
7—17 cM.; main petioles 2V2—9 cM., the petioles of
each pair of leaves being joined by a narrow line of hairs;
inflorescences terminal, paniculate, pyramidal, lax, very
large, 15—50 cM. long and wide; flowers small, sub-
calyx white-tomentose, 0.1 cM., for ]/s or J/2
5-toothed, teeth deltoid; in fruit enlarged, tube 0.2 cM.,
lobes oblanceolate, obtuse, 0.5—1 by 0.15—0.3 cM.,
somewhat hairy, especially near the base, 3-nerved;
corolla greenish white, minutely pubescent, 0.2 cM., for
V;i 5-lobed, lobes subequal, a fissure almost down to the
base of the tube between two of them; throat villous;
stamens 4, inserted in the throat, exserted, 1.2 cM.;
anthers rather broad;
style slender with bifid stigma, 0.2
ovary glabrous, somewhat hairy at the top.

AMBOYNA: Forsten, Laha, in H. L.-B. sub. no.

New-Guinea: v. Romer no. 122, flow, on 7-IX-1909. —
Pulle no. 1218, Kloofbivak, a tree?, ± 20 M. high, flow,
on 24-111-1913. —
Versteeg no. 1026, N.-Dutch-N.-G.. flow,
on 8-V-1907. —
Schlechter no. 16944, climbing, near
Tanebo, 450 M., flow, on 3-XII-1907 -
Weinland no.
261, on the shore near the Bumi-estuary, near Finsch-
hafen, with fruits in May 1909;
id. no. 164*\' (or no. 46?),
on the shore near the Bossum-river, Finschhafen. flow,
in March 1890.

New-Ireland (Neu-Mecklenburg); Peekel no. 743,
Namatanai, Salsal, 10 M. in alt., with fruits on 28-XI-10;
id. no. 503, Namatanai, Salimun. flow, on 9-VII-1910,
and no. 536, same locality, flow, on 6-VIII-1910; native
name: harharalamas.

New-Britain (Neu-Pommern): Schlechter no. 13737,
near Masawa, with flow, and fr. in Nov. 1901.

Distribution: Buru (Oliver Forbes). Amboyna!, Saparua,
(Hall), New-Guinea!, New-Ireland!, New-Britain!

-ocr page 340-

4. P. bambusetorum King et Gamble, Kew Bull.,
113 (1908);
iid. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. LXXIV, 4, 859.-
A creeping shrub, 10—17 M. long; branchlets, inflores-
cences and petioles fulvous-hairy, glabrescent;
opposite, 1 —3-foliolate; leaflets chartaceous, ovate, base
rotundate-cuneate, apex acuminate, margins entire, glabrous
on both sides, pairs of nerves 8; 7—10 by 4—6 cM.;
petiolules 0.6—1.2 cM., petioles 272 — 5 cM.; the terminal
leaflet larger;
cymes in sessile or peduncled, axillary
panicles, reaching 10—12 cM. by 77s cM„ glabrate or
puberulous; bracts leafy, lanceolate;
calyx in bud ± 0.12 cM„
in fruit very enlarged, tube to 0.6—0.9 cM., lobes to 1 —
1.3 cM., 3-nerved;
corolla small; 2-lipped, 5-lobed, glabrous;
stamens 4, subequal with stout filaments; style short with
bifid stigma,
ovary rounded; capsule 0.7—0.8 cM. long,
not ribbed.

Distribution: Malay Peninsula, Borneo! (Haviland and
Hose no. 1913 E; corolla white; Sarawak, Mt. Sugla).

5. P. pubescens Warburg, Engl. Jahrb. XIII, 427,
(1891). — A climbing shrub; branchlets quadrangular, with
inflorescences and petioles pubescent;
leaves opposite,
biternate, leaflets ovate, base obtuse, rotundate or sub-
cordate; apex gradually narrowing, with obtuse acumen,
margins usually coarsely and irregularly dentate, sometimes
subentire, with sparse hairs or subglabrous above, pubes-
cent beneath, especially on the nerves, glandular, the
terminal leaflets larger, reaching 67s by 37
j cM.; petioles
\'3—5 cM., petiolules of 1st degree l—3i/s cM., petiolules
of 2nd degree 0.3—0.6 cM. in the lateral, and 0.6—1.2
cM. in the terminal leaflets;
inflorescences axillary, pani-
culate, pyramidal, 20—30 cM. long, 6—8 cM. broad, bracts
subulate, flowers subsessile;
calyx in fruit with narrow-
oblanceolate, 1 cM. long, 0.2 cM. broad, glabrous lobes,
tube pubescent.

Distribution: Little Key-Islands.

-ocr page 341-

6. P. Scortechinii King et Gamble, Kew Bull. 113
(1908); ire/., Journ. As. Soc. Beng. LXXIV, 4, 858. -
A shrub; branchlets angular, with inflorescences and petioles
leaves opposite, 3-foliolate, leaflets
membranous, pubescent on both sides; terminal leaflets
ovate, apex shortly and obtusely acuminate, base rotundate-
cuneate, margins entire, pairs of nerves 4, 5—8 by 2l/o—5
cM.; petiolules 1.2—1.9 cM.; lateral leaflets smaller, base
cordate often somewhat unequal, petiolules 0.6 cM.;
petioles 4—5 cM.;
panicles 2-or 3-chotomously branched,
axillary composed, reaching 15 cM. in length; bracts leafy,
rotundate, 1.3—1.9 cM.;
calyx fulvous-pubescent, deeply
4—5-lobed; tube 0.6 cM. long, lobes in fruit 1.9—2.5
cM., 3—5-nerved, reticulate;
corolla very small, 2-lipped;
stamens 4, exsert, the 2 lower ones being longer than the
two upper; filaments short;
style short with bifid stigma,
lobes spreading;
ovary cylindric, villous; capsule 0.6 cM.
long, ribbed.

Distribution: Malacca.

,,P. Riedelii F. v. Muell." in Index Kewcnsis is a mistake.
In the „Botanisches Centralblatt L, 1892, 195"
F. v. Mueller
mentions P. Riedelii (of Oliver) in his publication.


XXV. SYMPHOREMA Roxb., PI. Corom. II. 46. t.
186, (1798);
Bentham and Hooker, Gen. PI., II. II. 1159;
Engl. u. Prantl, Nat. Pfl. fam. IV, 3a, 179; Schauer,
Prodr. XI, 621. — Sczegleewia Turcz. in Bull.
Soc. Nat. Mosc. XXXVI, II, 212, (1863). - Climbing
leaves opposite, simple, entire or sinuate-dentate;
inflorescences composed, paniculate, terminal, large, with
opposite branches, bearing paired, peduncled, 7-flowered
heads with 6—8 involucral bracts, the terminal one of

-ocr page 342-

each three larger; calyx obovoid, shortly 3—4—8-toothed,
enlarged in fruit;
corolla with subcylindrical tube, as long
as, or somewhat longer than the calyx, limb spreading,
6—18-lobed, lobes narrow;
stamens 6—18, not always as
much as corolla-lobes, varying in number, filaments often
connated in pairs for the lower half, inserted in the throat,
style long, stigma shortly bifid; ovary imperfectly
2-celled, cells 2-ovuled, imperfectly locellated;
fruit dry,
capsular, indehiscent, 1-seeded (by suppression of the other
3), included in the calyx.

Distribution: 2 species in British India, 1 in the Philip-
[Engl. u. Prantl).

1. S. glabrum Hasskarl, Flora XLVIII, 402, (1835). -
?S. Cumingianum
Briq. nom. nud. (?) in Engl. u. Prantl.
Nat. Pfl. fam.. IV, 3a, 180, (1897). - S. luzonicum
F. Vill. in Blanco, Fl. d. Fil., ed. Ill, Nov. app. 162,
Merrill, Bur. Gov. Lab. no. 27, 69. — Scze-
gleewia lugonensis
Turcz. Bull. Nat. Mosc. XXXVI,
II, 212, (1863). — S. luzoniense
Vidal, Synops. t. 75,
fig. 7 (year ?). — A scandent shrub, sometimes suberect
or tree-like, reaching 3—3\'/o M.; branchlets more or less
quadrangular, with inflorescences and petioles grey-tomen-
tose, glabrescent,
leaves subcoriaceous or coriaceous, ovate
or ovate-oblong, base subtruncate. apex acute or obtusely
acuminate, margins entire, pairs of nerves 4, the lower
two often more prominent and very long; glabrous on
both sides or somewhat hairy on the midrib, 4\'/3—91
by 2—4 cM., petioles 0.5 cM.;
capitules opposite, rarely
two in the axil of the same bract, or supported by the
same peduncle; involucral bracts 2X3, each supporting
a flower, with one central terminal flower besides; the
bracts obovate, rounded, the terminal ones of each three
2.5—3.5 by 0.8—1.4 cM.; the lateral ones reaching 1.5—2.1
by 0.35—1 cM.; softly pubescent on both sides, with a
distinct midrib and some smaller nerves arising from it;


-ocr page 343-

peduncles 27g~4 cM.; calyx 0.7—0.8 cM., minutely
tomentose without; with long, silvery, upwards pointing
hairs within, with 5(—6) short, subequal teeth, sometimes
somewhat 2-lipped with 2 larger and 3 smaller teeth;
corolla-tube glabrous, 0.65—0.8 cM„ lobes glabrous within,
softly pubescent without, narrow, 0.35—0.5 cM. long,
0.15—0.2 cM. broad, variable in number, 6—8 — 12, throat
more or less villous;
stamens 8—16, inserted in the throat,
the lower part of the filaments often connated in pairs,
0.6 cM. exserted;
style 1.5 cM., exsert, slender, stigma
shortly bifid, the lobes flattened at their apex;
glabrous, supported by a short, narrow gynophore, imper-
fectly 4-celled and -seeded.

Luzon: Ramos no. 289, Antipolo, Rizal, flow, in Febr.
1910. - Com. d. 1. Fl. for. de Fil. nos. 501 and 848.
San Mateo.

XXVI. SPHENODESME Jack in Malay Misc. I. I.
19, (1820);
Bcnth. and Hook., Gen. PI. II, II. 1159;
Schaucr, DC., Prodr. XI. 622; Engl. u. Prantl., Nat.
Pfl. fam. IV. 3a. 180:
Hook.\'.f., Fl. Br. Ind. IV. 600; Jack,
Descr. Mai. PI.. Calc. Journ. Nat. Hist. IV, no. XIII, 43;
King and Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. LXXIV, 4, 860;
Miquel, Fl. Ind. bat. II. 909; Hall. f., Med. \'s Rijks Herb.
Leid. no. 37. 86. — Climbing shrubs, branchlets glabrate
or greyish- or ruddish-tomentose;
leaves opposite, simple,
inflorescences paniculate, terminal or axillary, com-
posed of opposite branchlets in the axils of leaves or
bracts, each bearing a number of paired, pcduncled, heads
with 2 deeply 3-lobed or 5—6 simple. leafy involucral
bracts, and 3 or 6—7 sessile flowers;
calyx 5-toothed.
sometimes with small recurved teeth in each sinus, inflate
in fruit; coro//a-tube as long as the calyx, lobes 5. subequal.
throat somewhat villous;
stamens 5, equal, inserted in

-ocr page 344-

the throat; ovary 2-celled, the cells 2-ovuled, ovary and
cells 1-loculated near the apex;
style filiform, short or
long, with bifid stigma;
capsule or capsular drupe included
in the calyx, indehiscent, with 1, rarely 2 seeds, without
albumen; exocarp coriaceous.

Distribution: British India, Malayan Peninsula! and
western part of Archipelago!

As there is always 1 terminal flower and each bract sup-
ports a flower, the number of the latter is always 1 more than
that of\'the bracts. So in S.
triflora there are 2 (3-lobed) bracts,
and 3 flowers; in the other species there are 6 simple bracts,
and 7 for in the head with 2 connated bracts 6) flowers.

1. a. Heads 3-flowered; leaves 4-nerved, 7—13 by 2.8—5 cM.;

petioles 1 cM.; adult glabrous on both sides

1. S. triflora p. 332.
b. Heads 6-7- flowered; leaves 4—10 by 1.8—5 cM.. 2.

2. a. Calyx 5-toothed, with a horn-like tooth recurved from

each sinus...............3.

b. Calyx 5-toothed, withouthorn-like teeth, 10-ribbcd, ferrugi-
nous-pubescent and glandular without, minutely pubescent
within, corolla-lobes pubescent without 2. S. barbata p. 333.

3. a. Calyx 5-ribbed; corolla-lobes glabrous without; throat

little villous.......3. S. Griffithiana 334.

b. Calyx 10-ribbed; teeth ciliate; throat of corolla very

densely villous......4. S. pentandra p. 335.

1. S. triflora Wight. Ic. t. 1478 (1850); Hook. [.. FI.
Br. ind. IV, 601;
King and Gamble, Journ. As. Soc.
Beng. LXXIV, 4, 861;
Miquel, Fl. Ind. bat., II, 910. -
A climbing, sometimes erect shrub; branchlets and petioles
minutely brownish-pubescent;
leaves chartaceous, lanceolate
or lanceolate-oblong, base cuneate or subtruncate, apex
acuminate, glabrous on both sides, pairs of nerves 4;
7—13 by 2.8—5 cM., petioles 1 cM.;
panicles very long,
grey-pubescent, the lower branches leafed with ordinary
leaves, the upper ones with gradually smaller leaves or
leafy bracts, supporting opposite, peduncled capitules;

-ocr page 345-

heads with 2 deeply 3-lobed bracts, which are petioled
and bear a flower, attached at its petiole; 1 flower
terminal, so that there are 3 flowers in each head; bracts
0.5-0.7 by 0.1 —0.15 cM.;
calyx 0.4-0.5 cM. long,
0.2—0.25 cM. wide, shortly 5-toothed, teeth deltoid;
outer side densely grey-pubescent, inner side with long
upwards pointing hairs;
corolla dark purple (bracts and
calyx dull red) with glabrous tube and puberulous lobes;
throat\' with a narrow ring of hairs within: lobes 5,
rounded; tube 0.6 cM.;
stamens 5, exserted, the slender
filaments being inserted in the throat;
style slender with
bifid stigma;
ovary glabrous; drupe capsular, included in
the enlarged, ribbed calyx, with leathery exocarp; the
bracts of the head with 3 nerves, reaching in fruit 1.2—1.8
by 0.35-0.75 cM.

Distribution: Malay Peninsula!, Sumatra [?? Forbes no.
3083, see
King and Gamble I.e.; perhaps only at Buiten-
zorg, Java, in the botanical Gardens?! (in H. L. — B. sub
no. 908.141—21)]. P. Penang
(K. and G.), Borneo?
(Clarke in Hook. ƒ.).

2. S. barbata Schauer, DC., Prodr. XI. 623, (1847);
Hook. [., FI. Br. Ind.. IV, 601; King and Gamble, Journ.
As. Soc. Beng. LXXIV, 4, 862;
Mtquel, FI. Ind. bat. II.
910 - S. fcrruginea
Wight. Ic. t. 1474, (1850) -
S. Winkleri
Hall, f., Med. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37,
86 (1918) - Conge a barbata
Wall., Cat. no. 1738
(1828) — A climbing shrub; branchlets, somewhat qua-
drangular, with petioles and inflorescences densely ferru-
ginous-pubescent with simple hairs;
leaves shortly petioled,
chartaceous, ovate, base cuneate, apex subobtusely acumi-
nate. above subglabrous with sparse long hairs, densier
on the nerves, beneath more or less densely ferruginous-
tomentose, densier on the nerves, glandular, pairs of larger
basal nerves 3, the upper pair branching from the middle
of the midrib, smaller, less prominent, apical pairs 2—4;

-ocr page 346-

4—7(—10) by 1.8—3.5(—5) cM.; petioles 0.3-0.5 cM.;
panicles large, terminal; peduncles 3.3 cM., slender, shorter
towards the tips of the branchlets; heads with 6, on both
sides, especially on the nerves and near the base pubes-
cent bracts with a prominent midrib, the middle one of
each three 1.9—2.2 by 0.8—0.9 cM., the lateral ones
1.5—1.7 by 0.4—0.5 cM., spathulate-obovoid, rounded;
flowers 7 in each head;
calyx 5-toothed, 10-ribbed, outer
side densely with long ferruginous hairs, glandular, inner
side minutely pubescent, 0.4 cM. long;
corolla-tube as
long as the calyx, glabrous; lobes 5, pubescent without,
glabrous within; throat with sparse, long hairs;
glabrous in the lower, glandular and villous in the upper-
style slender, as long as the stamens, with shortly
bifid stigma;
stamens 5, exsert, inserted in the throat of
the corolla-tube, glabrous;
drupe small, capsular, ferru-
ginous-villous, included in the enlarged calyx, with
crustaceous exocarp; seed 1.

Distribution: Malay Peninsula, P.-Penang. Borneo!
(Winkler no. 2314. Hayup, 5. Winkleri Hall. [.).

3. S. Griffithiana Wight. Ic. IV. Ill, 14, t. 1477(1850);
Hook. f.. Fl. Br. Ind. IV, 602. — A scandent shrub;
branchlets quadrangular, with inflorescences and petioles
somewhat pubescent, glabrescent;
leaves chartaceous or
subcoriaceous, ovate-lanceolate, base acute or subrotundate,
apex acute, glabrous on both sides, somewhat pubescent\'
on the lower side of the midrib, axils of the nerves bar-
bellate beneath, pairs of nerves 3—4, 673—8 by 2—3 cM.,
petioles 0.5—0.7 cM.;
panicles terminal, large, heads 7-flo-
wered with 2X3, on both sides, especially near the base,
pubescent involucral bracts, peduncles slender, 1.5 cM.;
the larger terminal bracts of each three reaching 1.7—2
by 0.4—0.5 cM., the smaller, lateral ones 1.4—1.6 by
0.3—0.35 cM., spathulate. obtuse, with a prominent midrib;
calyx 0.4 cM., 5-ribbed, 5-toothed, hirsutely hairy without,

-ocr page 347-

minutely pubescent within, the teeth deltoid, 0.1 cM., clo-
sely incurved, with a narrow horn-like tooth recurved
from each sinus;
corolla glabrous without, purple, 0.5 cM.,
with 5 ovate lobes and a slightly villous throat;
5, inserted in the throat; style short in the bud, with
shortly bifid stigma;
ovary densely villous, glandular; drupe
not seen.

Malay Peninsula: Griffith no. 6008.

Distribution: British India (Clarke in Hook, ƒ.), Malay

4. S. pentandra Jack in Malay Misc. I. I. 19, (1820);
Forbes and Hemsley, Fl. Sin., II, 265; Hook, f., Fl. Br.
Ind. IV, 602;
Jack, Calc. Journ. Nat. Hist., IV, no. XIII,
King and Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. Beng., LXXIV,

4. 863. - S. acuminata Wight, Ic. t. 1476, (1850). -

5. Jackiana Schau. DC., Prodr. XI, 622, (1847);
Williams. Bull. Herb. Boiss., ser. II, T. V, 432; Miquel,
Fl. Ind. bat. II, 909. - S. Wallichiana Schau. DC..
Prodr. XI, 622. — Congea azurea Wall., Cat. no.
1733 (1828). — C. Jackiana
Wall., Cat. no. 1735. —
C. pentandra
Wall., Cat. no. 1734. — Roscoea
Roxb. Fl. Ind. Ill, 54, (1832). — Symphorema
Kurz., For. Fl., II, 255, (1877). - A clim-
bing shrub; branchlets obtusely quadrangular, sparsely
hairy or subglabrate, densier near the nodes; petioles and
inflorescences scarcely hairy;
leaves chartaceous, lanceolate-
oblong, brise subrotundate, apex acute, sometimes somewhat
mucronate, glabrous on both sides, the midrib somewhat
hairy and the axils of the nerves barbellate beneath;
pairs of nerves 4; 61/* —8 cM. long, 3—3l/s cM. broad,
petioles 0.5 cM.;
panicles axillary and terminal, large,
heads on slender, 1.6—2.8 cM. long peduncles, 7-flowered,
with 2X3 lanceolate, obtuse-acuminate, sometimes minu-
tely acuminate, glabrate and near the base somewhat
pubescent bracts, the larger terminal ones of each three

-ocr page 348-

reaching 1.7—2 by 0.4—0.7 cM., in fruit enlarged to
2Vs—3 by 0.7—0.9 cM.; the smaller lateral bracts 1.5—1.7
by 0.3—0.4, in fruit 2.2—2.5 by 0.5—0.7 cM.;
10-ribbed, glandular, scarcely pubescent or subglabrate,
5-toothed, the teeth often ciliate, with often a variable and
irregular, horn-like, recurved tooth in each sinus, 0.4—0.6
cM. long;
corolla glabrous without, 5-lobed, throat very
densely villous; tube 0.5 cM.;
stamens 5, exsert, with
rather short filaments; inserted in the throat, the hairs of
which sometimes cover also the middle part of the corolla-
lobes within;
style 0.6 cM., with shortly bifid stigma;
ovary densely villous, glandular; drupe in the to 0.7—0.8
cM. enlarged calyx, 1-seeded.

Malay Peninsula: Griffith no. 6009; Maingay no. 1159.

Distribution: British India, Hainan (Forbes and Hemsley),
Siam (Williams), Malay Peninsula!, Borneo (King and

XXVII. CONGEA Roxburgh, PI. Corom,, III, 90, t.
293. (1819);
Bentham and Hooker, Gen. pi. II, 2, 1159;
Engler u. Prantl, Nat. Pfl. fam. IV, 3a, 181; Hook f.,
Fl. Br. IV, 602; King and Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal
LXXIV, 4, 864;
Miquel, Fl. Ind. bat. II, 911. - Climbing
shrubs, usually densely hairy;
leaves opposite, simple;
inflorescences of capitate, peduncled, 5—7-flowered cymes,
opposite in the axils of more or less small bracts, together
forming a large terminal panicle; capitules with 3-4 invo-
lucral bracts, which are connated at the base, supporting
6—9 flowers;
calyx in fruit unaltered, or slightly accrescent,
corolla bilabiate, oblique, with slender tube,
upper lip erect with two large lobes, lower lip shortly
3-lobed, throat usually villous;
stamens 4, didynamous,
inserted in or somewhat beneath the throat of the corolla-
tube, exsert, slender,
style as long as the stamens, slender

-ocr page 349-


with subulate or shortly bifid stigma; ovary imperfectly
2-celled; cells 2-ovuled;
fruit a dry drupe or indehiscent
capsule, containing one seed, which entirely fills up the
fruit, and the rests of 3 abortive seeds; seeds without

Distrib.: Burma, Malacca! Sumatra!

1. a. Calyx 0.7—1 cM. long, corolla 0.7—1.4 cM.; heads

3-4-flowered, with 4 bracteoles within the involucral
bracts; stigma subulate . . . . 1. C. Forbesii p. 337.
b. Calyx 0.6—0.7 cM. long, corolla 0.6—0.8 cM.; bracteoles
none; stigma shortly bifid..........2.

2. a. Leaves membranous, 7V2—18 cM. long; involucral bracts

often bilobed at apex, densely white tomentose, reaching
4 by 1.8 cM., 3-nerved . . . . 2. C. vestita p. 338.
b. Leaves coriaceous, 5—10 cM. long; involucral bracts
entire at apex or somewhat emarginate, pink, densely pubes-
cent, 1.8—3 cM. long, 0.7—1 cM. broad, 4-5-nerved; heads

7-flowered..........3. C. tomcntosa p. 338.

1. C. Forbesii King et Gamble, Kcw Bull. 114; (1908).
iid., Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, LXXIV, 4. 866. — A climbing
shrub; branchlets, inflorescences, and petioles tomentose;
leaves chartaceous, oblong or oblong-lanceolate, base
rounded or somewhat cordate, apex shortly and abruptly
acuminate, margins entire; upper side glabrous or with
sparse simple hairs, densier on the nerves, lower side
denselv simple-hairy, densier on the nerves, glandular; pairs
of nerves 5—7; 7—13 by 2.5—4 cM.; petioles 0.5 cM.,
heads shortly peduncled, opposite, in the axils of the
leaves or leafy bracts, with 4 involucral bracts and 3—4
flowers; heads forming together a large terminal panicle;
between bracts and flowers 4 linear bracteoles, 1.0 cM.
long; bracts spathulatc, obtuse, tomentose on both sides,
2.1—4 by 0.4—1 cM.; panicles 30 cM. long. 15 cM.
wide; peduncles of heads 0.5-0.7 cM.; pairs of capitules
27a—5 CM. apart:
calyx 10-ribbed. 0.7-0.8 cM., often
0.9—1.0 cM. long, 0.3—0.5 cM. wide. 5-toothed; teeth



-ocr page 350-

deltoid, 0.2—0.3 cM., outer side with a minute, dense
tomentum, inner side with many silvery white hairs,
pointing towards the margin of the calyx;
corolla bright-
lilac, both sides glabrous, except in the throat, which is
villous; with slender tube, 0.7—1.4 cM.;
stamens inserted
in the throat;
style slender, 0.8 cM., stigma subulate, not
ovary glabrous, glandular towards the top and the

Distribution: Sumatra.

2. C. vestita Griffith, Notul. IV, 174 and Ic. PI. As.
t. 458, fig. 21 (1854);
King and Gamble, Journ. As. Soc.
Bengal LXXIV, 4, 865;
Hook. f, Fl. Br. Ind. IV, 603. -
A climbing shrub; branchlets, petioles and inflorescences
hirsute-tomentose; leaves submembranous, ovate or ellip-
tical, base obtuse or somewhat cordate, apex acuminate,
upper side hirsute-hairy, nerves (5—6 pairs) ferruginously
puberulous, lower side grey-tomentose; 7Va—18 cM. by
3J/2—7\'/a cM.; petioles 0.6—1.3 cM.; heads in large
panicles, with four involucral bracts, without bracteoles;
bracts elliptical obovate, apex often bifid, densely white-
hairy, 3-nerved, reaching 4 by 1.8 cM.;
calyx ribbed,
0.6—0.7 cM., 5-toothed, both sides densely white-hairy;
corolla rose, glabrous except in the throat, which is villous,
with slender tube, 0.7—0.8 cM.;
ovary glabrous, somewhat
glandular towards the top.;
style with shortly bifid stigma.

Distribution: Malay Peninsula (K. and G.), Tenerassim
(Hook ƒ.).

3. C. tomentosa Roxburgh, Cor. pi. Ill, 90, t. 293,
Hook, f, Fl. Br. Ind. IV. 603; King and Gamble,
Journ. As. Soc. Bengal LXXIV. 4, 866; Miquel, Fl. Ind.
bat., II, 911;
Hall, f, Med. \'sRijks Herb. Leid. no. 37, 86.

A climbing shrub; branchlets, petioles and inflorescences
grey- or ± ferruginous-hairy; leaves coriaceous, oblong or
elliptical, base somewhat cordate, apex acute or acuminate,
pairs of nerves 4, sometimes 5—9, upper side glabrous

-ocr page 351-

except on the nerves, which are tomentose, lower side
tomentose; 5—10 by 21/»—61/» cM.; petioles 0.6 cM.;
heads 7-flowered, in large paniculate, terminal, trichotomous
thyrses, reaching a length of 15, and a width of 22 cM.;
peduncles, 1.3 cM. long; involucral bracts 4, lilac, ovate-
spathulate, somewhat emarginate, densely tomentose,

4—5-nerved, 1.8—3 by 0.7—1.0 cM.; calyx 0.6 cM.t

5-toothed, teeth 0.13—0.25 cM., deltoid; inner and outer
side hairy:
corolla glabrous except in the villous throat;
tube slender, 0.6 cM.;
stamens exserted; ovary glabrous,
glandular towards the top:
style with shortly bifid stigmd.

Distribution: India (Chittagong), Malay Peninsula (K.
and G.) Burma, Siam.
(Hook f.), often cultivated.


XXVIII. AVICENNIA L„ Syst. cd. I (1735): Blame,
Bijdr. 820; R. Brown. Prodr. 518; Benth. and Hook, Gen.
PI. II. 2, 1160;
Benth. and v. Muell., Fl. Austr. V, 69;
Blanco, Fl. Fil. ed. I, 504: Schauer, DC., Prodr. XI, 698;
Engl. u. Prantl, Nat. PH. Fam. IV, 3«, 181 and Nachtr.
H. 67;
Hook. f.. Fl. Br. Ind. IV, 604; Koord. en Val.,
Bijdr. Booms, no. 7, 215; Koord., Exk. fl. v. Java, III, 139:
King and Gamble, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal. LXXIV, 4,
Miq., Fl. Ind. bat. II, 911; Roxb., Fl. ind III, 88;
Schimper, Bot. Mitt, aus den Tropcn III, 97; Tnrczaninow,
Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Mosc. XXXVI, II, 226 - Shrubs
or small trees, the roots of which give out conical suckers;
leaves coriaceous, very variable in form and size, opposite,
simple; lower side usually tomentose;
inflorescences capitate
or spicate, few-flowered, the cymes axillary or united to
terminal trichotomous thyrsi or corymbs; flowers sessile;
bracts and bracteoles small;
calyx 5-partite. tube very
short or nearly none, lobes broad, imbricate, concave;
coro//a-tube short; lobes 4, subequal, imbricate;
stamens 4,

-ocr page 352-

inserted in the corolla-throat; filaments short; anthers
shortly exsert; anther-cells ellipsoid, parallel;
style short
and conical or longer, subfiliform, stigma cylindrical (or
ovary imperfectly 4-celled, with a 4-winged central
axis; ovules 4, pendulous between the axial wings;
a capsule, dehiscent by 2 leathery valves; seed solitary,
erect, albumen none.

Distribution: in estuaries and along the sea-coast of the
warmer regions of the Old World.

1. A. officinalis L. s.a., Sp. pi. 110 (1735); Benth. and
v. Muell., Fl. Austr. V, 69; Williams, Bull. Herb. Boiss.
ser. II, T. V, 432;
Schauer, DC., Prodr. XI, 700; Fox-
Distrib. Mangrove-swamps, Ann. J. bot. Btz.
suppl. 3, 324 and 337;
Forbes and Hemsley, Fl. Sin. II,
Pulle in Lorentz, Nova-Guinea, VIII, 2, 403; Hemsley,
Chall. Rep. Bot. I, 110 and 178; Hook, f., Fl. Br. Ind.
IV, 604;
Koord. en Val., Bijdr. Booms. Java no. 7, 217;
iid., Atl. d. Baum. II, 6, t. 273 and 274; Koord., Meded.
\'s L. PI. tuin XIX. 558;
King and Gamble, Journ. As.
Soc. Bengal. LXXIV, 4, 867;
Miq., Fl. Ind. bat. II, 912,
and suppl. 244;
Merrill, Bur. Gov. Lab. no. 27. 69;
Maximowicz, Bull. Ac. Imp. Sc. St.-Pet. XXXI, 88;
Schumann u. Lauterbach., Fl. D. Schutzgeb. Siidsee, 527;
Schimper, Bot. Mitt. a.d. Trop. III. 98 and 129; Scheffer,
Ann. Jard. bot. Btz. I. 43; Valeton, Bull. Dept. agric.
Ind. neerl. X, 53;
Warburg, Engl. Jhrb. XIII, 426. -
A. alba
Bl. Bijdr. 821 (1826); Wight, Icones t. 1482;
Koord. en Val., Bijdr. I.e. 221; iid. Atl. t. 273.;
King and Gamble, I.e. 868; Hook., Comp. Bot. Mag.
I. 349;
Miq., Fl. I.e. 913 and suppl. 244; Merrill, Phil.
Journ. Sei. Bot. XI. 311;
Hall f., Med. \'s Rijks Herb.
Leid. no. 37, 871);
Spanoghe, Linnaea XV, 330; Scheffer,

\') „A tomentosa (haud Jacq. ncc Willd., ncc R.Br. ncc Roxb. ctc.)
Bl.! Bijdr. 821" in Hallier f.. I.e. 88, must be a mistake of Hallicr;

-ocr page 353-

Ann. Jard. bot. Btz. 1,43; var. acuminatissima Merr.
I.e. 311. — A. eucalyptifolia
Zipp. ex Val. I.e. 53;
Hall I.e. — A. intermedia Griff., Trans. Linn.
Soc. XX. no. 6 (nomen nudum);
Schauer, I.e. 700; Turc-
Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Mosc. XXXVI. II, 226. -
A. (Sceura) marina
Vierh. in Denkschr. Ak. Wien,
Math-Nat. LXXI, 435, 1907. - A. mindanaense
Elmer, Leafl. Phil. bot. VIII. 2868, (1915). ex descr. -
A. Oep ata
Bitch-Ham., Trans. Linn. Soc. XVII,
Hall [., I.e. 89. - A. resinifera Forst. Herb.
Timor. 74;.
Spanoghe, I.e. 330. — A. Rumphiana
Hallier f., Meded. \'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 37, 89
(1918). - A. spicata
Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 502 (1891). -
A shrub or a small tree of the mangrove-swamps; branch-
lets round, with inflorescences and petioles minutely greyish
or yellowish farinose;
leaves leathery, very variable in
form, colour and size, from broadly ovate, to long-lance-
olate; base acute or decurrent, apex from round, obtuse,
acute, to caudate-acuminate; upper side glabrous, from
bright yellowish-green to dark brown when dry; lower
side farinose, greyish-yellow or -brown; pairs of nerves
5—13. little prominent; 3.5—13.7 cM. long, 1.2—6.2 cM.
broad (see plate III); petioles 0—1.7 cM.;
capitate or spicate, terminal; heads or spikes axillary,
opposite along the branchlets. few (1—27) -flowered; flo-
wers sessile, bracts small; the transition from capitate into
spicate inflorescences usually going parallel with that from
ovate and rounded leaves into lanceolate and acuminate
ones (pi. Ill);
calyx in the axil of an ovate, at its base
increased and pubescent or subglabrous bract, reaching

wc could find only the name A. tomcntosa L. in the „Bijdragen", 821.
Wc think that the error has risen from specimina. on the labels of
which we found
,,Bl." near or under the words ..A. tomcntosa" (without
author). Apparently
Hallier thought that ,,BI." was the author of the
species, whilst it was only the paraph of the collector.

-ocr page 354-

half the length of the calyx or somewhat more; bracteoles
calyx deeply 5-partite, 0.2—0.9 cM., lobes rounded,
imbricate, pubescent or subglabrous, margins often ciliate,
the base increased and more pubescent than the rest:
coro//a-tube very short, lobes 4, thick, with tube glabrous
or somewhat pubescent within, glabrous without or
pubescent except near the margins, ovate, acute or rounded,
subequal. white; the whole 1.1 — 1.6 cM. long and 0.5—
1.5 cM. in diam. reducing in size together with the shar-
pening of the leaves;
stamens 4, little exserted; anthers
rounded, the cells opening by a parallel fissure;
style vary-
ing from short conical to rather slender with cylindrical
(or bifid?) stigma;
ovary villous in the upper, glabrous in
the lower half, glandular, tapering into the style;
conical, beaked, 1.3—4 cM. long, greyish, reticulately
rippled; seed 1, filling the capsule, when germinating;
hypocotyledonous axis short, reaching half the length of
the inner cotyledon, pubescent zone short

Java; Bhime, in H. L.—B. sub no. 908.265—661 [A.
alba Bl.).

Timor; Zippel in H. L—B. sub no. 908.265-623
(A. eucalyptifolia Zipp.) — Dec.? Forstenl in H. L. —B.
sub. no. 908.265—698 (A. resinifera Forst.).

saleyhr-islands: Docters van Leeuwcn-Reijnvaan no.
1934, flow, on 29-V-1913, South-Saleyer.

Philippines; Elmer nos. 12006 and 11990, Todaya
(Mt. Apo), Davao, Mindanao —
Fenix no. 15596, Palawan,
with fruits in July 1912 —
Elmer no. 10451", Cagayan,
Misamis, Mindanao. — Com. d. 1. fl. for. de Fil. nos.
496 and 497, Bulacan. —
Curran no. 17337, Hoilo,
id. no. 19385, Negros, flow, in June 1910. —
Piper no. 174, Cagayan, Misamis, Mindanao, with buds
in Apr. —May 1911. —
Perrottet in H. L. —B. sub no.
908.265-636, Manilla
(A. Rumphiana Hall. f.).

New-Guinea: Versteeg no. 1893, Merauke, flow, on

-ocr page 355-

6-XI-1907, (A. off. vat. eucalypti folia Val.)i id. no. 1887. -
Moszkowski no. 177, Samberi, Geelvinck-bay („a large
tree, with white flowers"; with the habit of
A. alba Bl.
or A. spicata Ktze.) — Zippel no. 59*; id. no. 8Id (A.
eucalypti folia Zipp.). — Koch
no. E. 36, Merauke, fr. on
[A. off. var. eucalypti folia Val.). — Teysmann
no. 7459.

Borneo: Hallier f, no. B. 281, P. Lemukutan.

Caroline-Islands: Volkens no. 193, Yap., flow on
15-XII-l 899.

Distribution: in tidal creeks and along the sea-coast of
E.-Africa. Asia!, Australia, New-Zealand, Polynesia!, in
tropical and subtropical regions, forming an element in
the mangrove-formation (s.
Foxworthy, Ann. J. bot. Btz.,
suppl. 3, p. 324 and 337, with map).

There has always been confusion in the classification
of the several forms of
Avicennia and a large number of
..species" has been described. On the other hand there
were authors, who endeavoured to combine some or even
all of them, for the more materials they happened to
gather for their work, the more they found that the
species is a very polymorphous one. In relation to this
we may quote
Koorders and Valeton (Bijdr. I.e.), who
also are inclined to combine several of the described
..species", but who hesitate to include also
A. alba Bl.
More exact seems to us the opinion of Schimper (Ind.-
Mal. Str. fl. I.e.), who admits only one species, A
officinalis L.
for the Old World (eventually with some variaties, one of
which should be formed by
A. alba Bl.), and two for the
New World,
A. lornentosa J acq. and A. nitida Jacq. We
agree entirely with this view except in the matter of
varieties, finding no reason to separate any with sufficient
certainty, as it is often the matter in polymorphous species
Pretnna integrifolia L. s.a.). In plate III we delineate
the several forms of leaves and inflorescences we met

-ocr page 356-

with, together with the mention of the several synomimies
belonging to them.

Doubtful specimina of the family:

1. H. L.-B. sub no. 908.266-756, KuhUt v. Hasselt,
epiphytic, Java (Rhynchocarpus Gesneriacearum?); folia
subtus in nervorum axillis glanduloso-punctata.

2. Fritz in H. Ber. without nr., Bonin-isl., Chichijima,
July 4tH-19th, 1903.

3. Wiesenthal no. 66, Alexishafen, Kais.-W.-land, New-
Guinea; a shrub, flow, white (on 2-III-1913), umbella
5-partite, „Fruchthiille zahfaserig).

4. Nijman no. 245, Stephansort, New-Guinea.

5. Lauterbach no. 777 (= preceding), a tree, 20 M.
high, fr. red, on 27-VIII-1890, Bonga, New-Guinea.

-ocr page 357-


Abtmt the affinity of the several genera and species we have
already said something under those genera and species of which
the affinity had something peculiar or needed special explanation.
Therefore we need not add much. Yet stress might be laid on
the following where there may be some indication about questions,
which are not clear and should be examined afterwards.

Geunsia, a genus of which for a long time only one species:
farinosa, has been known, appears to be a rather large one,
now being composed of 13 species. We discussed in details its
close affinity with
Callicarpa, to which it is closely allied and
enumerated the distinctive features by which it is different from
that genus. We got the impression that
Geunsia is a variable
genus since we found e.g. and 5-merous flowers on the same
plant. It is apparently also a genus with primitive characteristics,
such as the alternate leaves and the often 5-merous and regular
flowers. We may consider the opposite leaves and the often

4-merous flowers as a transition to Callicarpa: and the fact that
there are on the same plant (or even inflorescence) 4- and

5-merous flowers and that the alternate leaves sometimes arc
nearly opposite whilst the general habit is that of a
may indicate that Geunsia is a genus in a mutation-period, and
that into two directions, giving in the one hand the pure
Calliearpa-foTm, on the other 6—7-merous forms which remain
Geunsia s, the original form being 5-merous and with alternate
leaves. Another differentiation within the genus is in the developing
o£ pseudo-whorls (of 3 or 4 leaves).

Callicarpa is also a genus with rather primitive features. Its
flowers arc entirely regular, and it is a rather uniform group of
plants, in which it is often very difficult to fix the limit of the
several species mutually, this being indistinct.

-ocr page 358-

We could propose a subdivision into species of which the
leaves possess a simple and those of which they have a stellate
texture and it would be a rather natural one. This would be
a subdivision which would also be fit for
Geunsia, in this way,
Callicarpa would have developed polyphyletically from
Geunsia; but this subdivision gives not the same results as the
one we used in our table of determination, where we started
from the two different forms of anthers, the long and narrow
ones, and the short and the broad ones.

Yet there are, according to the leaves (since the flowers are
very conform), some groupes more distinctly limited e. g.:

1°. the rubella-group which may contain C. rubella, C. pilo-
sissima, C. caudata,
and to which are related C. pedunculata,
C. mollis
and C. Havilandii, all probably derivable from Geunsia

2°. the longifolia-group with C. longifolia, C. glabra, C. pur-
purea, C. elegans
and C. japonica, perhaps derived from
Geunsia pentandra and in which C. longifolia var. ft forms a
transition to the:

3°. lanata-group, which contains C. lanata, C. longipetiolata,
C. ramiflora, C. micrantha, C. formosana, C. Blancoi. C. car.a
and as most differentiated form C. laciniata (with deeply divided
corolla). C.
cana, however, shows also a close relation to C.
pedunculata; C. subglandulosa and C. subalbida may be derived
from te
P-alba variety of Geunsia farinosa.

Schizoprcmna, though placed among te Cau.icaki\'K.i: for its
nearly regular flowers, had perhaps better be placed among
Vitice.k, near Premna with which it seems (according to
the description) to be so nearly related that we hesitated to
retain it as separate genus; for the same reason it seems not
impossible that it has never been found back since Baillon
discovered it in 1892, as the distinguishing characteristic (the
style) is hidden. Moreover it seems doubtful, whether the fruit
is exactly examined. The same may be said for Pygmajoprcmna,
which differs from
Premna only in its small size \'a phenomenon
which occurs also in
Clerodendron, viz.: C. sarawakanum).
Tectona may be considered as a 5-merous Callicarpa with
terminal inflorescence. Besides there arc some more differences.

-ocr page 359-

but they are of less importance. It may, as Callicarpa, be
derived from
Geunsia. The occurence of terminal inflorescences
is, for the rest, very common in the order, even within a
genus (e.g.
Vitex, Clerodendron). The difference between
axillary and terminal inflorescences is a mere gradual one,
since the axillary cymes may be united towards the tops of the
branches and lose their leaves.

In this genus too, there is the differentiation of whorled leaves
(Tectona Hamiltoniana). Features which raise it, moreover,
Callicarpa and Geunsia are its bifid stigma, which in C.
and G. is 2—5-lobed, and the one 4-celled pyrene.

More zygomorphous are the TEYSMANNiODtNDRii.i:, the
Viticeoe and the Clerodcndreae of which the last-mentioned have
the least zygomorphous flowers and the first, which are nearly
related to the
Viticesc, differs by their capsular fruit. Of the
Viticim:, Vitex and Gmelina are the most primitive genera in
the features of the 5-merous flowers, less primitive, however, in
the often digitally composed leaves and the pronounced

A remarkable analogon in the groups of the Viticeac and
Clerodendreae is to be considered the behaviour of Vitex
and Gmelina on the one hand, that of Clerodendron and
Faradaya on the other. For we may readily assort that
Gmelina is to Vitex, what Faradaya is to Clerodendron, viz.:
a form with funnel-shaped and wide, instead of narrow and
small corolla-tubcs.

The subdivision of Prcmnn in more than 2 groups seems
not possible, but the subdivision according to the shape of the
calyx seems a good one. As in
Callicarpa <C. cana) there is
a very polymorphous species, P.
integrifolia. Of its different
forms of leaves and calyces we gave several drawings on plate II.
The only possible way in which we could separate the several
raccs seems to be that of experimental Genctics, a scicncc which,
in our opinion, is to be combined with that of the systematical
Botany as a method of examination. \')

The subdivision of Vitex in specics with axillary and those

l) c. g. also in the matter of Culliciirpii carta and C. taciniata.

-ocr page 360-

with terminal inflorescences seems to be rather good but is not
sharp, since, as we observed before, the difference is only a
gradual one. The presence of species with (pseudo-) simple
leaves is a secondary feature in those species in which the
leaflet is articulated with the petiole. If this is not the case, it
may be a primitive one, if it is not so far differentiated, that
the articulation too, has disappeared. Clerodendron too, has
a subdivision which is not very exact, but we dare not give
another. Moreover the fact proves the unity of
as a natural group. So is e. g. the section Siphonanthus, distin-
guished by its long corolla-tube, probably nearly related (and
with transitory forms, e. g. C.
mindorense and C. Preslii) to
the subsection
Densiflora of the section Euclerodendron, the
inflorescences being often very dense. In this characteristic, which
is very gradual, the
Densiflora have transition-forms to the
Paniculata (C. Cumingianum and C. macrostegium), which, in
their turn, are allied to the
Axilliflora, from which they are
separated by the same gradual difference df the longer or
shorter intervals between the cymes (C.
disparifolia) and to the
Penduliflora, the inflorescences of which are more or less

The squamata are more distinctly circumscribed by the inter-
petiolar margins, the usually 4-lobed fruit and the scales on
the lower side of the leaves, but still have their transitory forms
to the
Paniculata (C. Blumcanum and C. Horsfieldii) which
form by far the largest group.

A curious and aberrant form seems to be C. uiahvcnse which
has a 2-lipped calyx.

Perhaps it would be better that the Racemiplora were given
up as a separate subsection since the feature „calyx cup-shaped"
is no more valid and
C. Friesii (Paniculata) has also narrow,
subspicate inflorescences.

Polymorphous species are C. calamitosum, C. inermc and
especially C.

Much differentiated are the Symphoremoide.*: with their in-
volucral bracts and the 5—18-merous flowers, and the
Caryopteridoidk.*: with their capsules, composed leaves and
often enlarged fruiting calyces.

-ocr page 361-

Avicennia officinalis is also a very polymorphous species;
above we discussed it in details.

The Verbenoide.t; are in some few genera and species im-
ported into the regions dealt with; so we cannot say anything
about their affinity.

For the rest, we may refer to the explanations, given in the
text, especially under
Geunsia (p. 29—30), Callicarpa cana
(p. 68—75), Premna integrifolia (p. 146), Vitex Negundo
(p. 193) and Viticipremna (p. 162).

-ocr page 362-


It is very dangerous to draw conclusions from the distribution
of one plant-family. Yet, we may say with some reservation
several things, worth mentioning.

The number of genera occurring in the regions dealt with, is
28, of which 2, that of the species 305, of which 31 are new
to Science.

Of these, 7 genera (nos. 1—7) with 17 species are no natives
of the regions but are imported into them from tropical America.

Of the rest, viz. 21 genera with 288 species, we can say the

The Philippines have 104 species of Verbenacea:, 1 of which
is doubtful and 65 (= 60 %) are apparently endemic1).

the Malay Peninsula these numbers arc resp. 73, 1 and 19 ( = 24%)

Java „

.. 62. 2

.. 10 (= 17%)

Borneo „

.. .. 58. 3

.. 17 (=28%)


.. 56, 1

., 26 (- 48%)


.. .. 55. 3

.. 6 (-11%)


.. .. 36, I

., 72)( = 20%)

Molucca-isl. .,

., .. 32, 1

., 8 or 9

(= 25-27%)

Little Sunda-isl.

30. 1

.. 53) (= 17%)

Micronesia „ ,

„ 18. 0

.. 7 (=42%)

the Bismarck-archipelago these numbers arc

respectively 16. 0

.. 1M- 6%)

The arrangement after the % of endemism is the following:
60 %, Philippines, flora with an affinity with that of Celebes,
Borneo, Java (China, Japan, Formosa).

\') Emphasis may be laid on the fact, that many „endemic\'\' species
are cither new, or doubtful ones.

2) 3 of which arc Geunsiec. :l) 3 of which in Timor. 4) new spccies.

-ocr page 363-

48 %, New-Guinea, flora with an affinity with that of Molucca-isl.

Celebes, Borneo, (Polynesia, Australia).
42 %, Micronesia, flora with an affinity with that of Polynesia,

N.-Guinea, Bism.-arch.
28 %, Borneo, flora with an affinity with that of Philippines, Mai.

Penins., Sumatra.

25—27 °/o, Molucca-isl., flora with an affinity with that of

N.-Guinea, Celebes.

24 °/r. Malay Peninsula, flora with an affinity with that of

Br.-India, Borneo, Sumatra.
20 °/0,,Celebes, flora with an affinity with that of Philippines,

L. Sunda-isl.

17 %, Little Sunda-isl., flora with an affinity with that of Celebes,

Philippines, N.-Guinea.
17 %, Java, flora with an affinity with that of Sumatra, Br.-India,
11 %, Sumatra, flora with an affinity with that of Mai. Penins.,

Java, Borneo.

6 %, Bismarck-arch, flora with an affinity with that of New-Guinea.

As is usual, it seems, also in this case, to be a rule that the
endemism is the greater the more the country is removed from
the continent. Exceptions arc the Malay Peninsula (recently
examined by
King and Gamble, and with many new species)
and the Bismarck-archipelago (apparently with a flora as concerns
Verbenaceee, nearly conform with that of New-Guinea.
Ofthe(39)not endemic species of the Philippines it appears that:


(or 56 %)

occur also in



(,. 53%)

ft M 19



(., 51 °/o)



(,. 47 %)




(.. 47%)

II II t,

Br. India.


(„ 44%)

M (1 fl

Mai. Penins.


(„ 41%)

t* ,, tl

L. Sunda-isl.


(,. 33%)

• 1 1» H

China, Japan or Formosa.


(,. 30%)




(„ 26%)

fl M II



(„ 26%)




U 20%)



5 (or 6)

(„ 13-16%)



-ocr page 364-

Of the (54) not endemic species of the Malay Peninsula:

or 56 %)
53 °
51-53 %)
45—48 %)

33-35 %)
27 %)
27 %)
21 %)
21 %)
18 %)

17 %)
15 %)
13-15 %•)


28 (or 29)
23 („ 25)

17 („ 18)


7 (.. 8)

occur also in Br. India.
„ „ Java.


Borneo (5 spec, only

known from Mai.
Penins. and Borneo),
the Philippines.
L. Sunda-isl.
China, Japan or


Of the (41) not endemic Bomean species:


or 62 %) occur

also in the Malay Peninsula.

22 (or 23)

„ 55-57 %)

„ „ Sumatra.



„ „ Java.


„ 45 %)

„ „ the Philippines.


„ 32 %)

„ „ Br. India.


„ 30 %)

„ „ Celebes.


„ 27 %)

f, Molucca-isl.


27 %)

„ „ New-Guinea.


22 %)

„ „ China. Japan or



20 %)

„ Bismarck-archipelago.


. 17 %)

„ „ Micronesia.


„ 10-12 %) „

„ Australia.


„ io%)

„ ,. Little Sunda-isl.

To treat in the same way the several other countries, would
take too much room. Besides, they teach us nearly the same.
So we chose only some of them, which seemed to be the most

It may also be of some importance that of the 30 species
from the Little Sunda-isl. (especially Timor, Sumbawa and Lom-

-ocr page 365-

bok , 16 occur also in the Philippines (but 6—10 of them are
more or less common throughout the whole archipelago). Many
of them have also been discovered in countries, situated between
the Sunda-isl. and the Philippines, viz. Celebes and the smaller
islands southward of it (cf.
Premna timoriensis, P. pubescens,
P. littoralis, V. glabrata, Clerodendron longiflorum).

In the case of Clerodendron longiflorum and C. longituba
(q. v.), there is also a distinct relation to New-Guinea.

Further there is a close relation between the Verbenacese of
the Philippines and those of Java, Sumatra and Celebes, etc.,
whilst the relations east- and north-ward are much less conspicuous.

It is also a remarkable fact that nearly as many species are
common to Borneo and the Malay Peninsula, as to the latter
and Sumatra, the distance between the former being 450—500
KM., that of the latter hardly 50 KM., these countries being,
moreover, joined by a chain of islands.

If it were not that we had to our disposition only the data
of one family we should be inclined to say that there is a
direction of plant-dispersal which is more distinct than the
direction perpendicular to it. viz. the N.-E.—S.-W.-direction.
It seems even, that the Philippines, which have by far the
largest number of
Verbcnacav-species, arc a centre, from which,
more or less radially \'), the plants are dispersed towards Malacca,
towards Sumatra, towards Java, towards the L. Sunda-isl., via
the countries between the last-mentioned and the Philippines and
that in this wise, that the more species are common to it and
to the Philippines, the more the radius is directed towards the
continent of British India. Indeed, we observe from the above-
given lists that there are relatively few species common to two
countries, situated on the circle, the centre of which is in the
Philippines, e.g. Borneo and Celebes.

As most species of the Verbenacciv possess drupaccous,
fleshy fruits of an often bright colour, wc could suppose a
dispersal by birds (cf.
Hallier f. Med. s Rijks Herb. Leid. no.

\') It is also possible that the direction is a mere N.-E.—S.-W. one,
Clerodendron longiflorum and C. longituba occur both In N.-Guinca
and in, respectively. Timor and Lombok.

-ocr page 366-

37, 83, who mentions under his Clerodendron Hettse: (specimen)
„mit Fruchtkelchen, aus denen die Steinfrüchte anscheinend schon
durch Vögel herausgepickt sind". So perhaps there is a migration
of birds in the apparent direction of dispersal, viz. N.-E.—S.-W.

For the plant-dispersal of this regions we may, for the rest,
refer to some works, given in the bibliography [espec. nos. 6,
7, 8, 10, 20, 21. 24, 25 (p. 95)].

Finally we might say some things about the distribution of
the several genera:

Geunsia is a Malayan and Philippine genus which has its
western limit in Singapore and Sumatra, and does not extend
to Br. India, China, Japan or countries east or south of N.-Guinea.
It is rather equally distributed over the archipelago.

Callicarpa too, is chiefly Malayan. In Br. India occur 12
(Clarke), in Ceylon 1 species (Trimen). Formosa has 3 (Mat-
and Hayata), Australia 3 species (Bentham and v.
whilst in the regions dealt with, are 38 species, of
which 26 occur in the Philippines (19 of them being endemic).
In each of the other islands or grbupes of islands as mentioned
above there are 3—7 species of

Premna is a large group, which has a wide extension in all
tropics of the Old World. In Br. India it is represented by
35 species
(Clarke), in our regions totally distributed as follows:
Philippines 19 (12 of them endemic), Malay Peninsula 14 (8 of
them endemic), Java 13—15 (with 2 endemic species) and Su-
matra 10 (2 being endemic).

Vitex is also widely spread throughout British India (18 spec.,
Clarke); Ceylon has 4 species, according to Trimen, Formosa 3
(M. and H.). all of them widely spread in tropical Asia,
4 (B. and v. M.). Within our regions the Philippines
15 or 16 species (9 endemic), the Malay Peninsula 16
or 4 end.), Borneo 14 (6 end.), Java 10 (3 end.), Sumatra 10
end.), N.-Guinea 9 \\3 end.) and Celebes 8 (2 end.).

Gmei.ina has its distribution in Br. India (4 spec., Clarke) and
Malaya (12 spec., of which 7 occur only in the Molucca-isl.,
N.-Guinea or the countries eastward of them, and 1 alsb in
Australia); Australia has 3 species (
B. and v. M.).

Faradaya is nearly endemic in N.-Guinea, except for 2 species

-ocr page 367-

(F. Albertisii and F. splendida), which occur also in Australia.

Clerodendron is widely spread in all tropical countries.
Br. India has 22 species
(Clarke), Ceylon 4 (Trimen), Formosa 6
Mats, and H.), Hawaii 4 [of which 3 cultivated and 1 widely
spread throughout the tropics of Asia (C.
inertne) Hillebrand],
whilst Australia has 8 species, and some occur in tropical Africa
and America
(Engler). In the regions dealt with, there are 88
species, 29 of which occur in the Philippines (with 15 endemics),
24 in Java (5 end. and 1 on Karimun-djawa-isl.J, 18—20 in
Sumatra (2 end.), 19 in the Malay Peninsula (4 end.), 14 in
Borneo (5 end.), 14 in N.-Guinea (7 end.) and 11 in Celebes
(2 end., 1 on Kalao-Toa-isl.).

Petr.tovitex is a genus from the eastern parts of the Malay
Archipelago; 2 species occur also in Borneo (1 in Borneo and
the Philippines and 1 in Borneo and the Malay Peninsula),
1 species is apparently endemic in the Malay Peninsula.


Dr. E. D. v. Oort, keeper of the „Rijks Museum van Natuurlijkc
Historic", Leiden, was so kind to inform us, that there arc indeed
several birds, which, hatching in the temperate regions of N.-E.-Asia,
China and Japan, migrate southward in winter and then may be observed
on the Sunda-isl., the Molucca-isl., New-Guinea and even Australia.
According to Dr. v. Oort distinct routes of migration seem to pass
Malacca and the Philippines, dircctcd southward, and among the migratory
birds there arc several drupe-eating ones (e.g. thrushes). The one and
the other seem to agree pretty much with our observations.

-ocr page 368-


List of works used, which are not or only sporadically
mentioned in the text.

1. Briquet, J., Règles internationales de la nomenclature
botanique. Jena 1912.

2. Burck, W., Beiträge zur Kenntnis der myrmecophilen
Pflanzen und der Bedeutung der extranuptialen Nektarien. Ann.
Jard. bot. Btz.
X, 98, t. VII, flg. 2, 5-6. (1891).

3. Cheesemann, F. F., Manual of the New-Zealand flora,
p. 564 — 1906.

4. de Clercq, F. S. A., Nieuw plantkundig Woordenboek
voor Nederlandsch-lndië — 1909.

5. Drake del Castillo, E., Flore de la Polynésie Française,
p. 150 - 1893.

6. Foxworthy, F. W., Distribution and utilization of the
mangrove-swamps of Malaya, Ann. Jard. bot. Btz. Suppl. Ill,
p. 319 - 1910.

7. Gibbs, L. S., Dutch N. W. N.-Guinea pp. 39 and 218.

8. Hallier, H., lieber frühere Landbruckcn, Pflanzen- und
Völkerwanderungen zwischen Australasien und Amerika. Med.
\'s Rijks Herb. Leid. no. 13 — 1912.

9. Hasskarl, J. K., Neuer Schlüssel zu Rumph\'s Herbarium
Amboinense, Abh. der Naturf. Ges. zu Halle, IX, 2. Heft, p.
145 - 1866.

10. Hiîmsi.EY, W. B., Report on the botany of Juan Fernandez,
the South-Eastern Molucca\'s and the Admiralty Islands. Report
on the scientific results of the Voyage of
H. M. S. Challenger,
Botany. I. pp. 101, 110 and 176 — 1885.

11. Hillebrand, Flora of the Hawaiian Islands — 1888.

12. Hooker, J. D., Handbook of the New-Zealand flora,
233 — 1867.

-ocr page 369-

13. Index Kewensis. 1893—1913.

14. Jackson, B. A., Guide to the Literature of Botany, 1881.

15. Jacquin, N. J., Selectorum Stirpium Americanarum His-
toria, p. 180, t. 114 — 1763.

16. Lauterbach, C., Neuere Ergebnisse der planzengeographi-
schen Forschung, Engl. Jhrb. XLV, Beibl. no. 3, p. 22 - 1911.

17. Martius, C. F. P., Flora Brasiliensis IX, p. 169 —

18. Matsu.mara, J. and Hayata, B., Enumeratio Plantarum in
insula Formosa . . . etc., p. 297 — 1906.

19.\' Merrill, E. D., A Dictionnary of plant names of the
Philippine Islands. Bur.\'of Gov. Lab. Bull. no.
8 — 1903.

20. id. The Malayan, Australasian and Polynesian elements
in the Philippine Flora. Ann. Jard. bot. Btz., suppl. Ill, part. I,
p. 277 - 1910.

21. id. The american elements in the Philippine Flora. Bur.
Gov. Lab. no. 6. p. 35 - 1903.

22. id. A Review of the identification of the species described
in Blanco\'s Flora de Filipinas — 1905.

23. Moll, J. W., Handboek der Plantbeschrijving — 1912.

24. Schimper, A. F. W„ Die Indo-Malayische Strandflora.
Botan. Mitt. a. d. Tropen III, pp. 97 and 129 — 1891.

25. Stapf, O., On the flora of the mount Kinabalu in North-
Borneo. Transact. Linn. Soc. Bot. 2nd Ser. IV, p. 215 —

26. Trimen, H., Handbook of the flora of Ceylon. Ill, p.
345 - 1895.

Plate I.

Xcrocarpa avicenniaîfolioln H, J. Lam.

A. = Habit.

B. = Leaflet.

C. = Part of inflorescence with young buds.

D. = Flower.

-ocr page 370-

E. = Ovary and part of the calyx.

F. = Lower (glabrous) part of corolla-tube.

G. = Fruit.

H. = Subglabrous part of inflorescence after flowering-time.

J. = Diagram of flower.

K. = Transverse section of ovary.

L. = One-fourth part of this section.

M. = Ovule.

A and B are about 2/3. C—H about 4—4l/2 times the
natural size.

Plate II.

Forms of leaves and calyces of Premna integrifolia L. s .a.

A. =• Nyman, no. 32. New-Guinea (former P. integri-
folia £,.).

B. = Gjellerup no. 439, New-Guinea (former P. integri-

C. = Korthals in H.L.-B. sub no. 908.266—1348, Borneo
(former P. fœtida
Riv., det. Hall ƒ.).

D. = Peekei no. 342, New-Ireland (former P. integri-

E. = Gaudichaud, Marianne-isl. (former P. Gaudichaudii

F. = Raymundus no. 85, Palau-isl. (former P. fœtida Riv.).

G. = Horsfield in H. A. R.-T. sub no. 049895. Java (former
P. opulifolia

H. = Versteeg no. 1873, New-Guinea (former P. inte-

J. = Raymundus no. 214, Palau-isl. (former P. integri-

K. = Horsfield in H. A. R.-T. sub no. 049849, Java
(former P. cyclophylla

L. = Peekei no. 341, New-Ireland (former P. fœtida Riv.).

M. = in H. A. R.-T. sub no. 049891, Java (former P.

N. = Elbert no. 467, Java (former P. fœtida Riv.).

O. = Forsten in H. L.-B. sub no. 908.267—724, Little Ceram
(former P. fœtida

-ocr page 371-

P. = Amdjah no. 35, Borneo (former P. fœtida Rw.).

Q. = Fénix no. 15537, Palawan (former P. integrifolia £.).

R. = in H. L.-B. sub no. 908.266—275 (former P. inte-
L. or fœtida Rw.).

S. = Elbert no. 2804, Buton-isl. (former P. fœtida Rw.).

The leaves are 72- the calyces about 21/2—3 times the
natural size.

Plate III.

Forms of leaves and inflorescences of Aviccnnia
officinalis L. s. a.

A. = Versteeg no. 1887, New-Guinea (former A. offici-
nalis L. ; with a long style).

B. = Hallier f. no. B.271, Borneo? (former A. Oepata

C. = in H. Bog. sub no. 1753, Madina (former A. Oepata
Buch.-Ham.); infl. X 1.

D. = Curran no. 17335, Panay-isl. (former A. officinalis
L.ji fr. X 72.

E = Forsten in H. L.-B. sub no. 908.267—690, Little Ceram
(former A. officinalis £,.). infl. X s/2, fr. X L

F. = Forsten in H. L.-B. sub no. 908.265—626, Gilolo
(former A. officinalis L.); infl. X L

G. = Com. d. 1. fl. for. d. Fil. no. 496, Bulacan (former A.
L.\\; infl. X 1.

H. = Fénix no. 15596, Palawan (former A. officinalis L.).

J. = Boerlage in H. L.-B. sub no. 908.191—865, Leiden-isl.

(former A. officinalis L.)\\ infl. X 3/2.

K. = Kuhl et i/. Hasselt in H. L.-B. sub no. 908.265-691,
Java (former A. officinalis
L.)\\ infl. X 1-

L. = Versteeg no. 1893, New-Guinea (former A. offici-
L. var. /3 eucalyptifolia Va/.); infl. X 1.

M. = Volkens no. 193, Yap (former A. spicata Ktze.)-,
infl. X 1.

N. = in H. A. R.-T. sub no. 022031, Nusa Kambangan
(former A. alba
Wight)-, infl. X a/2.

-ocr page 372-

O. = in H. A. R.-T. sub no. 043826 (former A. spicata
Ktze.); infl. X 1.

P. = Zippel no. 87d, New-Guinea (former A. e u c a 1 y p t i-
Zipp.); infl. X 1.

Q. = Spanoghe in H. L.-B. sub no. 908.265—613, Timor
(former A. alba
Bl. or A, e u c a 1 y p t i f o 1 i a Zipp.);
infl. X s/2.

R. = L.
S. = L.

T. = L.

U. = Zippel in H. L.-B. sub no. 908.265—623, Timor
(former A. eucalyptifolia
Zipp); fr. X

The leaves are 1/2 of natural size.

-ocr page 373-


(Acccpted names of genera are printed in Small Capital,
of species in italics; synonyms in Roman; an asterisk denotes
first publication).


av1cennia L......339

alba Bl. = officinalis . . 340

— cucalyptifolia Zipp. = of-
ficinalis . .\'.....341

— intermedia Griff. = offici-
nalis ........341

— marina Vicrh. = officinalis 341

— mindanaensc Elm. — offi-
cinalis ........341

— Ocpata Buch.-Ham. =- of-
ficinalis .......341

officinalis L......340

rcsinifcra Forst = offici-
nalis ..............341

Rumphiana Hall. f. =» of-
ficinalis .......341

— spicata Kuntzc — officinalis 341

callicarpa L......45

— acuminata Roxb. = longi-
folia var. 0......89

— ncuminatissima T. ct B. =
Geunsia ncuminatissima . ■ 32

— adenanthcra R.Br. ~ cana 69

— affinis Elm. = Geunsia fa-
rinosa vnr

— albida Bl. - cana var. p 71

— amcricana Blco. =- Blancoi 58

— amcricana Lour. = cana 69

— angusta Schau.....66

angustifolia K. ct G . . 66

— apoensis Elm. Geunsia

— arborca Miq. — lanata . 80

— arborca Roxb. lanata 80


— attenuata Wall. = longi-
folia var. <3 ......89

— attenuifolia Elm. = longi-
folia var. a......87

— basilanensis Mcrr. ... 52

— bicolor Juss. = cana . 69
bicolor F.-Vill. = Blancoi 58

— Blancoi Rolfc.....58

Blumci Z. ct M. = iongi-

folia var. .......87

— cana D. ct G. = lanata . 80

— cana L........68

— cana Wall. =» pcdunculata
partly...... .55

— cana Wall. =» longifolia

— caudata Max......59

r cauliflora Mcrr.....83

Cumingiana Schau. «*»

Geunsia Cumingiana ... 35

— cuspidata Roxb. — pcdun-
culata ........55

dentata Roth. = pcdunculata 55

dentata Roxb. «=» cana . . 69
dentata Wall. longifolia


dentata Wall — pcduncu-
lata partly......55

— dcnticulata Mcrr. ... 65

— dolicliophtjlla Mcrr. ... 82

— clcgans Hayek .... 83

— cpiphytlca Elm. ■= Geunsia

crioclona Schau.....76

— farinosa Roxb. « l.nata . 80

-ocr page 374-


flavida Elm. = Geunsia


formosana Rolfe . . . . 91
fumata Zipp. ms. = erio-

clona var. x ..... 77

*glabra H. ]. Lam ... 82
Havilandii (K. et G.) H. J.


hexandraT. etB. = Geunsia


Heynii Roth. = cana var. x 70

Horspeldii Turcz. ... 91
inaequalis T. et B. ms. =

erioclona var. /3 .... 77

japonica Thb......84

javanica Zipp. ms. = longi-

folia var. x......87

*laciniata H. J. Lam . . 68

lanata L.......79

lanata Vahl — pedunculata 55

lanata Zipp. ms. = ? . .371
Ianceolaria Roxb. = longi-

folia var. x......87

lancifoha Merr.....54

latifolia Zipp. ms. = cana

var. x partly.....70

= var. 5 partly .... 73

longifolia Lam.....86

longifolia Roxb. = longi-
folia var. 0......89

longipetiolata Merr. . . 75

macrocarpaRa:nsch =?cana 69

magna Schau. = lanata . 80

Maingayi K. et G. . . . 63

mcgalantha Merr. ... 75

micrantha Vid.....59

mollis S. et Z.....92

novoguinecnsis Locs. ms. =
pedunculata var. a ... 57
oblongifolia Hssk. = longi-
folia var. (3......89

ovata C. B. Rob. ... 64

paloensis Elm.....78

paucinervia Merr. ... 76

pedunculata R. Br. . . . 55
pentandraRoxb. = Geunsia

farinosa var. x partly . . 42

— Geunsia pcntandra partly 33

purpurea Juss.....85

ramifloru Merr.....62

Reeve si i Wall.....65


— repanda K. Sch. et W. =
erioclona var. y.....78

— Rheedii Kostel. = cana . 69

— rhynchophylla Miq. = ja-
ponica var. 13.....85

— rivularis Merr.....67

— Roxburghiana Schult. =
longifolia var. (3 .... 89

— rubella Lindl......53

— runcinata Zipp. ms. = cana
var. c........73

— serratulaZipp.ms" = elegans 83

— sessilifolia Wall. = rubella 53

— Sieboldii Zipp. ms. = pur-
purea ........85

— sinensis Hort. = cana . . 69

— stenophylla Merr. ... 61

— subalbida Elm.....64

— subglandulosa Elm. ... 61

— sumatrana Miq. = cana

— surigaertsis Merr. ... 79

— tcctonacfolia Wall. = lanata 80

— tenuiflora Champ. = rubella 53

— tiliaefolia T. et B. = pedun-
culata ........55 \'

— tomentosa Lam. =» cana . 69

— tomentosa Murr.(Willd.?)

— tomentosa Vahl = ? . .371

— Tomcx Poir. = lanata . . 80

— villosa Roxb. = lanata . 80

— villosa Vahl = ? ... 371

— violacca Korth. ms. «- ru-
bella? ........53

= Clcrodcndron disparifo-
lium partly......250

— virens Rw, =» longifolia . 87

— Wallichiana Miq. = lanata 80

— Wallichiana Walp.~lanata 80


— acuminatum Wall. •*» dis-
parifolium ...\'... 250

— adenophy sum Hall. f. . . 272

— •albiflos H. J. Lam . . . 287

— amicorum Seem.....319

— barba felis Hall. f. . . . 282

— Bethuneanum Lowe. . . 297

— Blancoanum Vill. in BIco. ■■

-ocr page 375-

Blancoi Naves = Mina-

hassae var. ß.....315

Blumcanum Schau. . . . 299
brachyanthum Schau. . .291
brunfelsiiflorum Hall. f. . 275
Buchaninii Walp. = Cary-
opteris grata

buruanum Miq.....274

buxifolium Spr.....320

calamitosum L.....256

calamistratum Hort. Belg,
ex Lern. = clegans . . . 320
calycinum Turcz. = infor-


calycjnum Zipp. ms. =
Minahassa: var.
ß . . .315
capsularc Blco. = inerme 252
castancifolium Klotzsch =

infortunatum •.....284

catalpifolium Hall. f. =


coccincum D. Dictz. =


*coccincum H. J. Lam . . 296
Colcbrookianum Walp. . 271
CommersoniiSpr. — inerme 252
condcnsatum Miq. . . . 262
confusum Hall. f. . . . 290
cordatum D. Don = infor-
tunatum .......284

coriaccum Poir. — javani-


cruentum Lindl.....317

Cumingianum Schau. . . 262
cuncatuni Turcz. = serra-


Curranii Elm.....288

Curtisii Pearson .... 284

deflexum Wall.....263

dentatum Wall. = squa-


depauperatum Wall, ex
Stcud. = infortunatum . . 285
Dicpcnliorstii Miq. . . . 279
discolor Bccc ms. • . . 320

disparifolium B1.....250

divaricatum Jack = serratum 267
divaricatum S. et Z. =
Caryoptcris divaricata

Elbcrti Hall, f.....316

clcgans Manctti .... 320

— ellipticum Zipp. ms. — lae-
vifolium ".......371

— clliptifolium Merr. . . .261

— criosiphon Schau. = cala-
mitosum .......257

— fallax Lindl. = Blumeanum
var. .........300

— farinosum Wall. = serratum 267

— fastigiatum (Hunter) H. ]

— ferrugineum Turcz. = vil-

— Iistulosum Becc.....311

— floribundum R. Br. . . . 258

— foetidum D. Don = Cary-
optcris grata.

— fcctidum Hort. Par. ex
Planch. = fragrans Vent. . 259

fortunatum L......317

fragrans R. Br. . . 259, 318

fragrans Vent.....259

— fragrans Willd.....318

— Fricsii K. Schum. . . . 278

— glandulosum Colcbr. = Co-
lcbrookianum .....271

— grandiporum Blco. . . .3,18

— grandiporum Schau. . . 320

— grandifolium Salisb. = ser-
ratum ........267

— gratum Wall. = Caryop-

tcris grata

— heematolasium Hall. f. . . 286
hclianthcmifoliuin Wall, ex

Stcud. — Caryoptcris Walli-

— Hcttrc Hall f......316

Horspcldii Miq.....304

— illustre N.-E. Br. ... 303
indicum Kuntzc = Slpho-


inerme RBr. = nereifolium 252

— Inerme Gacrtn.....251

— infortunatum L.....284

— infortunatum Dcnnst. =

— ingratum K. Schum. et

— intermedium Cham. . . . 298
ixorxporum Hassk.. . .319
Jackianum Wall. = dispari-
folium ........250

-ocr page 376-

javanicum Spr.....318

javanicum Walp. = serra-


Kaempferi Fisch. ex Morr.

= squamatum.....302

*kalaotoense H. J. Lam . 307
kinabaluense Stapf. . . . 279

Klemmei Elm.....309

laevifolium BI......266

lankawiense King et Gamble 249

lanuginosum Bl.....294

Leucosceptrum D. Don. =
Leucosceptrum canum
Lindawianum Lauterb. ■ . 292
Lindleyi Decne. = fragrans 259
Linnaei Thw. = Glossoca-
rya Linnaei

Lobbii C. B. Clarke = Ho-

sea Lobbii......237

longiflocum Decne. . . .310

longituba Val.....311

macradenium Miq. • . . 260
*macrocalyx H. J. Lam . 293
macrophyllum Bl. ... 282
macrophyllum Hook. ms. . 320
macrophyllum Sims = scr-


macrostachyum Turcz.. . 264
macrostcgium Schau. . . 263
magnipcum Warb. . . . 273
Manettii Vis. Sem. . . . 320
Minahassx Teysm. et Bin-


*membranifólium H. J. Lam 318
mindorcnsc Merr. . . . 309
molle Jack = villosum. . 289
moupinensc Franch. «=■ Mi-
crotacna moupinensc
multibraetcatum Merr. . . 270
murmecophilum Ridl. . . 280
Navcsianum Vid. . .313
ncreifolium Wall. =» incrmc 252
nutans Jack = Jackianum .
nutans Wall. - lacvifolium 266

obovatum Wall.....319

obtusidens Miq = calami-


odoratum D. Don. «= Cary-
opteris Wallichiana
ornatum Wall. = serratum 268
paniculatum L.....295

—• papuanum Scheff. . . . 283

— penduliflorum Wall. . . 265

— philippinum Schau. . . .319

— phlomoides Hort. Hal. =
Montanoa arborescens

— phlomoides L.....256

— phyllomega Steud = ma-
crophyllum ......282

— porphyrocalyx K. Schum.

et Lauterb.......276

— Powellii Bth. et Hook. f.. 319
Preslii Elm......314

— puberulum Merr.....283

— pulchrum Fawc.....287

— pumilum Ridl. = sarawa-

— pyramidale Andr. = pani-
culatum .......295

— quadrilocularc Merr. =

— rhytidophyllum K. Schum. =
porphyrocalyx var.
x . . 276

Ridleyi King et Gamble . 312

— Ricdclii Oliver . . . .261

— roseiim Poit......320

— Rumphianum Bull. • 319
I — Rumphianum dc Vricsc . 294

sarawakanum (Ridl.) H. J.

— scopiferum Miq. squa-
matum var. (3.....303

sericeum Wall. — Hiptagc

— serratum Bl. =» serratum 268

serratum Spr......267

Sieboldii Kuntze = Cary-

opteris divaricata
simile Merr. = mindorcnsc 309
singalensc Miq. — squama-
tum var. fi......303

Siphonanthus R.Br.. . . 306
—■\' spcciosissimum Paxt. • 305

— spcciosum Teysm. et Bin-
nend. ms.......320

— spicatum Thunb.....320

— spincsccns Glirkc = Cyclo-
ncma spinesccns

— splcndidum Wall. = pani-
culatum .......295

— abbreviata Miq! = intcgri-

. folia........140

-ocr page 377-


— squamatum Vahl . . . 302

— sylvaticum Briq. = Cyclo-
nema sylvaticum

— ternifolium D.Don = ser-

— Thomsonac Balf.....255

— tracyanum F. v. Muell. • 274

— trichotomum Thunb. . . 273

— umbratile King et Gamble 265

— urticifolium Wall. = squa-
matum ........302

— utakivcnsc Wernham . . 305
- Vanoverberghii Merr. . . 286

— velutinum Wall. = villo-

— Vcrstccgi Pulle = Linda-

— verticillatum D. Don =
Siphonanthus •.....306

— villosum B1......289

villosum Wall. = villosum 289
violaceum Zcyl. Hort.


— viscosum Vent. = infor-
tunatum .......285

— Wcnzclii Merr.....285

— Wcinlandii K. Schum.

ms. — ingratum.....308

— Williamsii Elm.....281

CONOEA Roxb......336

— azurca Wall- =» Sphcno-
desme pentandra .... 335

— barbata Wall. ■=» Sphcno-
desme barbata.....333

Forbcsii King et Gamble 337
Jackiana Wall. = Sphcno-

desme pentandra .... 335

— pentandra Wall. «= Sphc-
nodesme pentandra . . . 335

— tornentosa Roxb. . . . 338

— vestita Griff......338

DURANTA L.......27

— Plumicri Jacq......27

FARADAYA v. Mucll. . . .228

— Albcrtisii v. Mucll. . . .230

— amicorum Sccm. ■= Clcro-
dendron amicorum . . .319

— chrysoclada K. Schum. . 234

— dimorpha Pulle .... 233

— magniloba Wernh. . . . 229

— *nervosa H. J. Lam . . 232

— papuana SchefF. = splen-

— parviflora Warb. . . .231

— Powellii Seem. = Clcrodcn-
dron Powellii.....319

— splendida v. Muell.. . . 234

— *squamata H. J. Lam . . 230

— ternifolia v. Muell. . . . 236

GEUNSIA B1.......28

acuminatissima (T. et B.)

H. ]. Lam.....• . 32

anisophylla Hall. f. = ser-

— bcccariana Briq. ms. =

? Callicarpa Havilandii . . 52

cinnamomea Hall. f. . . 40

— Cumingiiina (Schau.) Rolfe 35

— cpiplujtica (Elm.) H. J. Lam 38

— farinosa B1......42

flavida (Elm.) H. J. Lam . 39

— grandipora Hall. f. . . . 38

— Havilandii K. et G. = Cal-
licarpa Havilandii.... 52
/ic.vnnc/ra(T.ctB.)Koordcrs 37

— homoiophylla Hall. f. . . 44

— Hookcri Merr. <=» pentandra 33

pentandra Merr.....33

*Piillci H. j. Lam ... 35
quaternifolia Hall. f. . . 41
subternata Hall. f. fari-
nosa var.

scrrulata Hall. f. . .. 43

GMEL1NA L.......214

— arborca Roxb.....219

asiatiea L.......221

— asiatiea Wall. ■» villosa

brnetenta Burck asiatiea 222

— coromandcliana Burm. —

— Dalrympleana (v. Mucll.)

H. J. Lam......223

— clliptica Sm. " villosa . .217

— Finlaysoniana Wall. ■■

-ocr page 378-


— glandulosa Hall. f. . . . 225

— Hystrix Schult. = asiatica 222

— indica Burm. = Flacourtia

- inermis Blco. = villosa . 217

— integcifolia Hunter . . . 227

— *Ledermanni H- J. Lam . 226

— lepidota SchefF.....221

— lobata Gaertn. = asiatica . 222

— macrophyllaBth.=Dalrym-
pleana . ........223

— macrophylla Wall. . . . 220\'

— *palawensis H. J. Lam. . 224

— parviflora Pers. = parvi-

— parvifolia Roxb. = asiatica 222

— philippinensis Cham. =

— Rheedii Hook. = arborea 219

— *Schlechteri H. J. Lam . 226












uniflora Stapf.
— villosa Roxb. .

sanguinca Retz. .

HOSEA Ridl. .
— Lobbii Ridl.


aculeata L......

— alba Mill. = indica Roxb

— albopurpurca Dcsf. = tri

— annua L. = trifolia . .

— camara L. = aculeata .
celtidifolia H. B. et K. =


— collina Decnc. =- indica

— dubia Royle alba partly

= trifolia partly

— dubia Wall. = indica Roxb

— Gogchana Buch-Ham. =

— indica Roxb. = salvifolia

— indica Wall. trifolia .
latifolia Tausch = indica


leucantha Hort. = indica


— mutabilis Salisb. = camara 12

— pilosa H. B. et K. = trifolia

— polyacantha Schau. =

— repens Spr. = Lippia nodi-
flora var. (2.....

— salvifolia Jack....

— sarmentosa Spr. = Lippia
nodiflora var. x ... .

— scabrida Soland. = camara

— trifolia L......

— triplinervia Turcz. . .

— viburnoidesBlco. = camara

— Wightiana Wall. = indica



— asperifolia Pocpp.

— asperifolia Rich. .

— citrata Willd. = geminata

— cuneifolia Zipp. ms. =
nodiflora var.

geminata Kunth

— javanica Spr. .

— nodiflora Rich.

— repens Spr. = nodiflora
var. ß. . . .

— sarmentosa spr. = nodiflora
var. a.......

— scabra Höchst. = aspcri

PERONEMA jack ....

— cancsccns Jack . . .

— hctcrophyllum Miq. = ca


PETR/HA L.......

— arborea (Kunth) Smith

Wills ms?.....

—\' volubilis L......

PETR/EOVITEX Oliv. . . .

— bambusetorum K. et G.

— pubescens Warb. . .

— Riedeln Oliv.....

— Seortechinii K. et G. .

— ternata Hall. f. . . .

— trifoliata Merr. ...

PREMNA L.......



-ocr page 379-


adenosticta Schau. . . .126
*alba H. J. Lam . . . .115
*aogustiflora H. ]. Lam . 134
*angustifolia H. j. Lam . 118
• arborea Roth = Gmelina


areolata Merr.....124

— benguetensis C. B. Rob. . 136

— *borneensis H. ]. Lam . 117

— cardiophylla Schau. = Cu-

— cauliflora Stapf . . . .124

— ceramensis Miq.....120

— cimicina Z. et M. ms. =

congesta Merr.....118

— cordata Blco. = cardio-

— cordifolia Robcb.....111

cordifolia Wight = corym-


corymbosa Rottl. . . .117
Cumingiana Schau. . . .157
*Curranii H. J. Lam . .116
cuspidata Zipp. ms. =


cyclophylla Miq. ~ intcgri-
folia ........140

dcpaupcrata Merr. . . .149
dcnsiflora Wall. corym-
bosa ........117

Dcrrtjana K. et G. . . .110

divaricata Wall.....121

Doncaria Buch. — Ham.=*


flavcsccns Ham.....136

flavida Miq......147

foctidn F.-Vill. - odorata 153
fcctiiia Rw. - intcgrifolia 140
Gaudichaudii Schau. in-
tcgrifolia .......141

Uocringii Turcz.....154

intcgrifolia Blco ■» nau-


intcgrifolia L......140

intcgrifolia Willd. ~ diva-
rieata ........128

Kunstlcri K. et G. . . .125
laivigataMiq. »■ foctidaRw. 141
lasioneura Zipp. ms. « in-
tcgrifolia .......141


— latifolia Roxb.....150

— *Ledermanni H. ]. Lam . 159

— leucostoma Miq.....149

— leucostoma Naves = nau-

— littoralis K. et G. . . .135

— lucidulaKurz = divaricata 121

— lucidula Miq. = flavesccns 137

— *macrophylla H. J. Lam . 148

— Mariannarum Schau. . .111
media R. Br. = intcgrifolia 141

— membranacca Merr. . .132

— membranifolia Merr. . .137

— mucronataRoxb. - latifolia
var. 3........151

mucr\'onata F.-Vill = nau-

— multiflora Zipp. ms. . .371

— nauseosa Blco.....159

— nervosa Ks. ct Val. . . 13S

— nitida K. Schum. = intcgri-
folia ........141

— oblongata Miq.....127

— oblongifolia Merr. . . .129

— odorata Blco = pubcscens
var. p........153

— opulifolin Miq. = intcgrifolia 141

— ovalifolia Wall. = intcgri-
folia ........141

— ovata R. Br. — intcgrifolia 141

— papuana Wcmh. . . .160

— parasitica B1......112

— parasitica Clarke ;= thri-

— *paulobarbata H. ]. Lam . 139
- *Peekelii H. J. Lam . .115

— perakensis K. ct G. . .122
philippincnsis Turcz.

Vitcx Turczaninowil. . .162

— populifolia Miq.....160

— populifolia Zipp. ms.
pubcsccns var. u . . . .153

— pubcsccns B1......152

— punctulata Clarke . . .121

— pyramidata Wall. . . .155

— \' rcgularis H. J Lam . .131

— Ridleyi K. ct G.....130

— rotundifolia Ks. ct Val. . 132

— rotundifolia Korth. ms. =

— rufidula Miq......131

-ocr page 380-

— *Ruttenii H. Lam . .114

— sambucina Wall. = inte-

gri folia.......141

— scandens Boj. = serrati-
folia L........141

— serratifolia Blco. (Fl. Fil.

ed. II, 269) = odorata . .153

— serratifolia Blco. (ibid. 342) =
foetida Rw.......141

— serratifolia L. — integrifolia 141

— *sessilifolia H. ]. Lam . .133

— spinosaRoxb — integrifolia 141

— stellata Merr......154

— sterculifolia K. et G. . .113

— subcordata Turcz. = inte-
grifolia .......141\'

— subglabra Merr.....123

— subscandens Merr. = pu-
bescens var.

— syringaefolia Zipp. ms. =

— thrichostoma Miq. . 112, 128

— tiliaefolia Zipp. ms. = timo-
riana ........119

— timoriana Decne. . . .119

— tomcntosa Blco. = cordata 158

— tomentosa F. —Vill. = odo-
rata ........153

— tomcntosa Miq. = Gmelina

— tomcntosa Willd. . . .156

— tracyana v. Muell. = Clc-
rodendron tracyanum . . 274

. — truncata Turcz. = corym-


— vestita Schau. pubesccns
cens var.

Williamsii Merr.....129

— Wratji K. et G.....139

PRIVA Adans.......23

— cchinata Juss......24

— Icptostachya Juss. ... 24

PVQM/hoi\'remna Merr.. . .160

— humilis Merr......161

schizopremna Bail). ... 92

— timorcnsis Baill.....93

sphenodesme Jack . . . .33!

— acuminata Wight = pen-

— barbata Schau.....333

— ferrugincaWight = barbata 333

— Grifpthiana Wight . . .334

— JackianaSchau.= pentandra 335

— pentandra Jack .... 335

— triflora Wight .... 332

— Wallichiana Schau. = pcn-

— Winkleri = barbata . . 333

stachytarpheta Vahl. . . 19

— bogoriensis Z. et M. . . 21

— ciliata Kunze = indica . 22

— dichotoma Vahl .... 21

— indica Vahl = jamaicensis 22

— jamaicensis Vahl ... 22

— marginata Vahl = indica. 22

— mutabilis ({acq.) Vahl . . 20

— pilosiuscula H. B. et K. =•

— urticifolia Dalz. et Gibs. =

— villosa Turcz. = indica . 22

symphorema Roxb. . . 329

— Cumingianum Briq. ms. =» ?

— glabrum Hassk.....330

— Jackianum =" Sphcnodesme

luzonicum F.-Vill. = gla-
brum ........

— luzonicnsc Vid. = luzoni-
cum ........

TECTONa l. f......93

— grandis l. f......95

— Hamiltoniana Wall. . . 96

— philippincnsis Bth. et Hook.

ms philippincnsis ... 94

— philippincnsis Merr.... 94

— Thcca Lour. «= grandis . 95

teysmanniodendron Ks.. . 97

— bogoricnsc Ks.....97

Verbena l.......9

— caudata Salisb. — Stachy-
tarphcta indica. .... 22

cuncata Willd. — Lippia

-ocr page 381-

— cllipticifolia Stokes = Sta-
chytarpheta indica ... 22

— globifera l\'Herit. = Lippia

— globulifera Spr. = Lippia

— indica L. = Stachytarpheta

javanica Burm. f. = Lippia

— lancifolia Stcud. = Stachy-

tarphcta indica.....22

lantanoidcs Willd. = Lippia

— macrostachya v. Mucll. =

— mcnthacfolia Bcnth. = offi-
cinalis .........10

— Ncgundo Roylc = Vitcx

— nodiflora L. = Lippia nodi-
flora ........16

— odorata Dcsf. = Lippia

— officinalis L. ...... 10

— sarmentosa Willd. -- Lippia
nodiflora var. a .... 17

— spuria L. = officinalis . . 10

VlTEX Tourn......16-1

— acuminata Korth. ms. —
gamoscpala var.
y • . .210

— Agnus-castus L.....180

Alicrniana Mcrr.....206

— altissima L. f.....371

altissima Naves littoralis 195

arborca Dcsf. Ncgundo 190

arborca Roxb. ■=> pubcsccns 183
artlculata Stcud. — pubes-


Babula Biich.-Ham. hc-


- ? bantumensis Koord. ct Val. 211

bicolor Willd. = Ncgundo
var. (3........191

— bombacifolia Wr>ll. ■■ gla-

bractcata Miq. => pubcsccns 184

— cclcbica Koord.....211

— Clarkeana King ct Gamble 178

— cofassus Rcinw.....172


— coriacca C. B. Clarke . . 200

— Cunninghamii Schau. =

— *Curranii H. ]. Lam . . 207

— curtifrutescens Elm. = non
Vcrbcnacea (? Euphorbiacca) 214

— DalrympleanaF.v.Muell.=
Gmelina Dalrympleana . . 223

— digitataWight = pubcsccns 184

— euphlcbia Merr. ms.



. 212

— Finlaysoniana Wall.



— flabclliflora Hall. f. . .

. 198

— gamoscpah Griff. . .

. 209

— gcniculata Blco. . . .

. 211

— glabcrrima Zipp. ms.



, 195

— glabrata R. Br. . . .

. 203

— *glandulosa H. ]. Lam. . 199
gracilis Salisb. = Ncgundo 190

— hclogiton K. Schum. =


hctcrophyila Bl. pubcsccns 184
hctccophylla Roxb. . . .187

— hctcrophyila Schau. = ur-
ccolata partly.....187

Hollrungii Warb. . . .179

— holophylla Baker. . . .176

— ina:quifolia Turcz. ■■ pu-
bcsccns .......184

— incisa Lain. =» Ncgundo . 190

— incisa Wall, trifolia partly 181

— indica Mill. = trifolia . .181
intcgcrrima Mill. = trifolia 181

— laciniata Hort. = Ncgundo 190

— lasiantha Hall. f. . . .201

— laiifolia Blco. — pubcsccns 184
- latifolia Lam. *= pubcsccns 184

latifo\'ia Wight <= altissima 371

— Icucoxylon Blco. Ncgundo 190

— Icucoxylon L. f.....208

— Icucoxylon Schau. gla-
brata partly......204

— Icucoxylon Span. =» litto-
ralis ........194

— littoralis Dccne.....194

— longifolia Mcrr.....201

longisepala King ct Gamble 202

— Lourcirii Wight — urccolata 187

— *lutcoglandulosa H. J. Lam 199

-ocr page 382-






— nitida Merr......194

— Novx-Pommeranix Warb. 214

— ovata Thunb. = trifolia
var. ß........182

— padangensis Hall. f. . .213

— pallida Wall. - glabrata . 204

— paniculata Lam. = Negundo 190

— parviflora A. Juss. . . .213

— pentaphylla Merr. = gla-

— peralata King.....171

— philippinensis Merr. . .214

— premnoides Elm. = Masti-

xia (Cornacea:) premnoides 214

— ptecopoda Miq.....170

— pubescens Heyne — altis-

.— pubesccns Vahl . . . .183

— punctata Schau. = cofassus

— quinata Williams - hetcro-

— repens Blco. trifolia

. 212

— * macrophylla H. J. Lam

— macrophylla R. Br. = Gme-
lina Dalrympleana . . .

— *Merrillii H. J. Lam . .

— Minahassx Koord. . . .

— moluccana Bl. = Gmelina

— monophylla K. Schum.
cofassus var. x . . . .

— Negundo L......

— Negundo Noronha = pubes-


— rotundifolia L. f. = trifolia
(var. /3?).......181

— sarawakana Pearson . .175

— secundiflora Hall. f. . . 198

— siamica Williams . . .197

— simplicifolia Clarke = Clar-
keana .......178

— smilacifolia Pearson . .175

— subspicata Hall. f. . . 177

— sumatrana Miq. . . .186

— tetragona Hall. f. . . . 202

— timoriensis Walp. = lit-

t oral is.......195

— tracyana F. v. Muell. =
Clerodendron tracyanum . 274

— trifolia L. f......180

— triphylla Roylc = trifolia 181

— Turczaninowii Merr. =
Viticipremna Turczaninowii 162

— undulata Wall. = hetero-
phylla.....v . . .187

— urccolata Clarke = suma-
trana var. fi......187

— variifolia Salisb. = trifolia 181

— vclutina (Koord. ct Val.)

— vestita Wall......205

♦Viticipremna H. J. Lam . 162

—Novx-Pommcranix (Warb )
H. J. Lam......163

— Turczaninowii (Merr.) H.

]. Lam.......162

*xerocarpa H. J. Lam . . 98

— *ai\'iccnnixfoliola H. J. Lam 99

-ocr page 383-


1. page 27, line 3, after the description of Petrsea volubilis add:

2. P. arborea (Kunth) Smith et Wills in Forbes, Wand.
Nat. f. Mai. Arch. II, 225.
Forbes mentions it as common
in Java as an escaped plant. Probably it is a ms.-name,
and synonimous with
P. volubilis.

2. page 92, after the descriptions of Callicarpa-species, add:


39. C. lanata Zipp. ms. in Spanoghe, Linnaea XV, 330
(1841), Timor.

40. C. tomentosa Vahl, Symb. III. 13 (1790—94) = ?
41\'. C. villosa
Vahl, Symb. Ill, 14 (1790-94) = ?

3. page 99, line 16, after: nov. spec, add: (Plate I)

4. page 122, line 32 and page 123, line 1, for: upper

lip ...(.. . mistake), read: lower lip entire, upper
one 2-lobed.

5. page 160, after the descriptions of Premna-species, add:

58 P. multiflora Zipp. ms. ex Spanoghe in Linnaca XV,
330 (1841), Timor.

6. page 195, line 8, before: A tree!, read: V. leucoxylon

Spanoghe ex Miq. in Fl. Ind. bat II, 863 (1856).

7. page 210, line 24, before: leaflets, read: V. acuminata

Korth. ms.

8. page 214, after the descriptions of V/fe.v-species, add:

47. V. altissima L. f., suppl. 294 (1781); Blco. Fl. Fil.
ed. I, 516;
Schau. DC. Prodr. XI, 685; Hook, ƒ., Fl.
Br. Ind. IV, 584;
Miq., Fl. Ind. bat. II, 861 ; Roxb.
Fl. ind., Ill, 71; Hall, f., Med. "s Rijks Herb. Leid.
no. 37, 44. — V. latifolia
Wight ex Steud. Norn
ed. II, II,
111 (1841). — V. pubescens Hei/ne ex
Wall., Cat. no. 1755 (1828).

According to Hallier this species does not occur in the
Philippines but only in Br.-India.

9. page 266, line 22, after: 72, read: — C. el lip tic urn

Zipp. ms. ex Span, in Linnaea XV, (1841), 329.

10. page 306, line 23, after: (1825), read: — C. indicum

Kuntze, Rev. Gen., 586, (1891).

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Forms of leaves and


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Het geslacht Calliearpa ontwikkelt zich polyphyletisch
uit het geslacht Geunsia.


In de verspreiding van de Verbenacea: van het behan-
delde gebied zijn bepaalde richtingen aan te wijzen die
duidelijk op den voorgrond treden ten opzichte van andere
richtingen; het zijn die. welke straalsgewijze van de
Philippijnen uitgaan naar het Z.-W., het Z. en het Z.-O.,
terwijl ook de richting van N.-Guinea naar het Z.-W.
in \'t oog valt.


Cocos nucifera wordt gemakkelijk door zeestroomen
verspreid (
Bcccari, Phil. Journ. Sc. Bot. XII. 27. 1917).


Een Aziatische of Polynesische oorsprong van Cocos nuci-
fera is waarschijnlijker dan een Amerikaansche
(Beccari, I.c.).

-ocr page 392-

Het is gewenscht eerst van een plant de verspreidings-
wijze na te gaan, voordat men conclusies op geologisch
gebied trekt uit haar verspreiding.


Het is noodzakelijk dat de internationale wetenschap
komt tot het oprichten van één centraal wereldherbarium,
waarin de authentieke exemplaren van alle soorten zouden
moeten worden bewaard.


Het is wenschelijk, dat het systematisch-botanisch onder-
zoek in de toekomst meer, en zoo mogelijk geheel, met
gebruik van levend materiaal geschiedt, waarbij het onder-
zoek naar de erfelijke eigenschappen der „soorten" een
leidende rol moet spelen.


Het denkbeeld, om de grenzen der eenheden als systema-
tisch begrip, daar te trekken waar de onderlinge vrucht-
baarheid der individuen ophoudt, verdient aanbeveling.


De phototropische verschijnselen moeten in de eerste
plaats worden beschouwd als een lichtgroeireactie, niet
als gevolg van een bepaalde „phototropische prikkel"
{Blaauiv, Licht und Wachstum III).

-ocr page 393-


De meening van Schimper, dat sommige planten der
Indo-Maleische Strandflora aan een verspreidingswijze
door middel van zeestroomen zijn aangepast, is onjuist.

(Indo-Malayische Strandflora).


Uitgroeiingen van cellen, zooals bijv. bij de conjugatie
van Spirogyra en Mesocarpus voorkomen, zijn het gevolg
van verkleinde oppervlaktespanning ter plaatse
On Growth and Form, p. 287).


Protannelis Meyeri heeft van alle Archianneliden en
Anneliden de meeste primitieve kenmerken.


De oorspronkelijke vorm van de molaren der Zoogdieren
is de plexodonte (
Osborn, Ev. Mamm. molar teeth, p. 201).


De Chatognathen zijn primitieve Mollusken. (Günther,
Q. J. M. Sei. 51. p. 357).


De vorm van de bijencel is \'t gevolg van de werking
van zuiver mechanische krachten en is geenszins terug te
voeren op eventueel „verstand" der dieren.
On Growth and Form).

-ocr page 394-


Er valt eenige overeenkomst op te merken tusschen
de wijze van voeding van infusoriën en die van de ver-
terende cellen van insectivore planten.


Het sediment wordt gevormd na het ontstaan van de
geosynklinaal, niet omgekeerd (
Stille, Tecton. Evol. u.
Revol. i. d. Erdrinde).


Vele onduidelijke punten in geologie en planten- en
dierengeographie kunnen ongedwongen worden verklaard
Wegener\'s verschuivingstheorie. (Die Entstehung der
Kontinente und Ozeane, Sammlung
Vieweg Hft. 23, 1915).

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