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Doctor of Philosophy, London; Doctor of Literature
and Philosophy, Utrecht; Professor of Sanskrit,
Sanatana Dharma College,

Published by


bibliotheek deß

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NO. 17

First edition, dOO copies

Printed by
K. R. Jain at the Manohar Electric Press,
Said Mitha Bazar, Lahore

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C. I. E., M. A., F. A. S. B.




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To many of the previous obligations Prof. Caland has
added one more by going through the VSraha-Grhya text and
introduction. His deep insight into the Sutra literature and
his critical acumen, backed by an immense knowledge of
Sanskrit literature, have not only helped in improving the
work, but have given me a new impetus to make Vedic studies
my life-long work. It is difficult to thank him sufficiently
either for his parental care, which he very lovingly bestowed
upon me during my residence in Utrecht in the severe winter
and bright summer of 1929, or for his friendly interest in all
my literary activities. It was also due to his appreciation of
my work that the Government University at Utrecht gladly
accepted the VarGr. as a dissertation for the doctor\'s degree.


80th March, 1930nbsp;Raghu Vira

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Gdh.nbsp;Gangadhara, the author of the

first VarGr. Paddhati


Sh.nbsp;R. Sama Sastry, or his edition

of the VarGr.
Vas.nbsp;Vasishtha, the author of the

second VarGf. Paddhati

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\'i. 1

^ n
^ n

v. 1
K. 1


V. «J

I\'J. 1

1VL. «J

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Appendix I

Manava-Grhya variants in Sastry\'s edition
Appendix II

Mantra Index
Appendix III

Word Index

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According to the Caranavyuha-parigishtasiitra the Vsra-
has are a branch of the MaitrSyanlyas, who themselves belong
to the Caraka-^akha of the Yajusha school. The only Var.
literature now available is the ^rauta, the Parigishtas, the
Grhya and two Paddhatis of the latter.

References to the Varahas in ritual and general litera-
ture are very few. One of the earliest quotations from the
Srautasutra is to be met with in the Kumarabhashya of the
Manava-Kalpasutraquot;: ^^^ ^nbsp;The

Tantravarttika\' simply enumerates among others the Var.
Kalpa :nbsp;Another similar re-

V ° ^^ ^^ ^^^ Haralata of Aniruddhabhatta^:

Narayana in his Prayogaratna^ cites from the Maitrayanlya-\'
Varahasutra :

This corresponds to VarPar. Akulapada kh. 3. gl. 3 :

Wr ^lif srd^ i

1.nbsp;The introduction which was presented to and approved by the Utrecht
University for the award of doctor\'s degree has been much curtailed here
Of special interest was the critical study of the text and mantras. It included
a detailed examination of the mantra tradition as handed down in the Grhya-
sutras and Mantra-path as. Phonetic and morphologic emendations were\' pro-
posed in numerous instances. It would now appear in an expanded form as
a separate volume quot;A critical study of the Grhya mantrasquot; covering about 300
pages in print.

2.nbsp;Goldstiicker\'s edit. fol. 75 a.

3.nbsp;I. 3. 10.

4.nbsp;Bib. Ind. edit. p. 8.

5.nbsp;See Cat. of Skt. mss. in Munich, 1909, p. 18.


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Hemâdri makes a sharp distinction between the Mâ-
nava-Maitrâyanîya and the Maitrâyanîyasûtra, and from the
latter he cites many passages, all of which are to be found
either in the Vârér. or its Pariâishtas :
(1) hfj^^^m^ g

^Tm^ ^ ^^rf^. érsddhakalpa p. 605 (identi-
cal with VârPar. Grhyapurusha kh. 9).

Vâr. ms. omits îTîïJ^

Ib. p. 1256 (identical with VârPar. ib.).

(3)nbsp;fîT^ (Var. ms. omits f^) fqgrTïT^iqquot;
af^Rrm^ ^rgf^ ^Tnbsp;Ib. p. 1295 ( identical
with VârPar. ib.).

(4)nbsp;^ àm^T^gr^W—f^nbsp;sTr^r-

Ib. p. 1299 (identical with VârPar. ib.).

ÏTÏ^T^CR^^^—^^T^ m^rWgtPTTq\' ( Var. ms.

^èf«nbsp;Ib. p. 1375 (identical with VârPar. ib.).

^^T à^T^WT^^—îï^FTnbsp;(Vâr.

ms.nbsp;^^^ ^ÎTtTvrnTrîn^\'^^f^^ (Var ms. O^)

Ib. p. 1395 (identical with VârPar. ib.).

Ib. p. 1491 (identical with VârPar. ib.).


îTîT f^^rïTÇTHrf^f^ fq^wfTTJT sff^mir^r^n^ STT^WÇ^ I

«sgtq-nbsp;ar^^nbsp;Ib. p. 1439 ( identical

with Vârér. Ishtisûtra II. 3, with the exception of clerical errors
and omissions).

(9)nbsp;^^TPïTîéïïTi: I cRg-nbsp;^^ÎÎT^ÎTWI^-
fq# ^ntr^ ^ RJTTft NcT?::

^T ^^ ^«rpTT^T m^^^m^ t^tnbsp;ib. p. 1449

(identical with VârSr. ib.)

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(10)nbsp;Rf^nbsp;^^ fTITt TT^T JT?^

f^r [ te cT^I ^^ i^T ^jTt ( Var. ms. omits JTJTT

..^«n fq^ 5UT1-) 5T«t fq^^:: I ^to?:; ^
.nbsp;q- ^ T^TO W^T^J^^ f^; ^ )Var. ms.

omitsnbsp;q ^ fq^d sfm ^

^^Tnbsp;Ib. p. 1460 (identical with Vsr^r. ib.).

(11)nbsp;g ^f^lr^Tnbsp;(Var.
ms. ) fq^?: Var. ms. ^^ = ^r

( Var. ms. tt: ) RcT^T S^m^xi Var. ms.nbsp;Ib. p. 1465

(identical with Var^r. ib.).

Ib. p. 1468 (identical with Var^r. ib.).

(13)nbsp;5T ^f^c^ras^ fq^^

( Var. ms. q^^ )nbsp;ST^^^jfrnbsp;I ^ ^TJT^T^^r

I ^^r ^m^r^ ^nbsp;snrRyg-:

irf^. Ib. p. 1474 (identical with Var^r. ib.).
Further on p. 1477 Hemadri adds to the foregoing: ^
( Var. ms.nbsp;MS. II. 13. 7 )

( identical with Var^r. ib. ).

^ (14) I^TR^jfrqqftf^—qjqqr ^ ^JT (? I) jthtt^^ ^TTO^
^Ritrfk^iir q^T?^ ^JT^crdTRq^q flr^nrnrq^r^T fs^rr-
^rSrJTT^nlrtT^JTipd\'bMitii^R^ ^urqisqicn ^^m^qrilr^^
ll^ri: I ^q^sqnbsp;siT^: ^iqnbsp;^^^cin^T

Kalanirnaya p. 816, In his note on samasta-homa in Z. d.
M. G. LI 11, p. 228 Prof. Caland cites a similar passage from
the Anugrahika-sutra of the Manavas, which suggests that
this passage was drawn from the lost Anugrahika Pari^ishta
of the Varahas.

(15)nbsp;^(^tTOTYT ( in Danakh. p. 112 o^r)

^^ (in D.nbsp;^r^mir) i ^ ^t^ (in D.

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^^ ) (in D. o^) I ^vn^nbsp;snrrRm: 1nbsp;TtC in

D. p. 140nbsp;in D. o^^f^f^rT^r )-

^^ninq; \\ cT^^ ( in D.nbsp;)nbsp;in D.

FT^, both to be corrected to RT^^

(in D. icn H\'-M\'t.^, both to be corrected to J^l^JTcpT?:^

Inbsp;( in D. o^,

prob. to be corrected tonbsp;cf. Var. ms. )

q?fT Vratakh. p. 42, Danakh, p. 112, 140. A cur-
sory search in the fragmentary VarPar. ms. has not proved of
much avail. Cf., however, Pradhanakh. 3, 2.

The use of the designation Maitrayanlya for Varaha is
in perfect accord with the beginning of the VarGr.:
nbsp;Nt^RT^^. This further leads us to the con-

clusion that the MaitrGr. Parigishta, quoted by Hemadri and
others,\' was different from the ManGr. Par., and was a supple-
mentary treatise to the VarGr.


The present edition of the VarGr. is based on six mss.
of the Sutra text and four mss. of the two Paddhatis. A
brief account of all these ten mss. is noted below:


A. B. D. These mss. were secured by Mr. R. A. Sastry,
the well-known mss.-collector, from Nasik gt;nd Nandurbar
where he had found them in the possession of Yajnesvara
Lakshmana Pauranika, Sankara Balvant Joshi and Tryam-
baka Ramcandra Joshi respectively. These were made use
of by Dr. R. Sama Sastry, and for all the information that I
possess about these, I am indebted to his introduction (p. iii)
which I quote here in full:

quot;Of these A. is complete and fair, but not free from
1. See Aufrecht, Cat. Cat.

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clerical errors. The other two are incomplete and differ from
A. in arrangement.\'

quot;B. contains only 16 khandas dealing with from Jatakarma
to Garbhadhana and omits Pumsavana, Simantonnayana at
the end, and Ratharoha and Grhaprave^a in the middle.
Nor are the Vaisvadevakhanda and Pakayajfiakhanda contain-
ed in it.

quot;D. contains only a very few khandas such as ^ravana-
karma, Cudakarma and Vratas.

quot;The order of rites both in A. and B. is as follows :

quot;(1) Rite to be performed at the conception of a child.
(2) Rite to secure the birth of a male child. (3) Parting
of the pregnant wife\'s hair. (4) Ceremony for the new-born
child. (5) Greeting the children after returning from jour-
ney. (6) The feeding of the child, (7) The tonsure of
the child\'s head and shaving. (8) The initiation of the
student. (9) The four vratas or duties of the student. (10)
The Upakarma and Utsarga. (11) Godana. (12) Mekhalon-
meka. (13) Marriage, (14) Election of a bride, (15) Seiz-
ng of the bride\'s hand. (16) The treading of the stone. (17)
Sacrifice of the fried grain. (18) The seven steps. (19) The
bride\'s journey to the new home. (20) Garbhadhana.quot;

In the list of rites quoted above Dr. Sama Sastry men-
tions two rites, one at the top and the other at the bottom
quot;rite to be performed at the conception of a childquot; and quot;Gar-
bhadhana.quot; The former explains in English what the latter
technically signifies in Sanskrit. Some other discrepancies
observable in Dr, Sastry\'s remarks have been discussed else-
where, In addition thereto it may be here noted that in spite
of the statement that mss. A, B. are complete upto the 16th
chapter, the Namakarana is missing from the list.

E. ( D. A, V, College, Lahore collection ) The ms. is

1, Unfortunately Dr. Sastry has nowhere mentioned what this diffe-
rence was.

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written in Devanagarl characters on 19 leaves, which contain
nine lines to a page on an average. It is about 150 years old.
Though incomplete and full of clerical mistakes, it serves
pretty well to corroborate the readings of ms. F., with which
it is closely related.

F.nbsp;( D. A. V. College, Lahore collection) The ms. is
written in Devanagarl script on 22 leaves, which contain nine
lines to a page on an average.

It is very nearly complete, only one leaf being missing
in the middle. It stops towards the end of the 16th chapter
and thus omits the Vai^vadevakhanda, which is found only in
ms. A. It is the best ms. in the whole lot, and the Paddhati
mss. testify to its having preserved the Varaha tradition more
faithfully than the others.

It begins with the enumeration of the Pariiishtas of the
Varaha^rauta and without ending the chapter it goes on with
the Pakayajnas. This chapter, though given at the end by
Sastry, has even in his edition, the very significant colophon:
ff^nbsp;ST!!!^:nbsp;-H ^^ij:. That it is called the first

chapter in both the mss. (i.e. A. and F.) in which it is found,
shows beyond doubt that Dr. Sastry was mistaken in placing it
at the end and designating the first part of it as the quot;Pari-

Towards the end of the 16th chapter the ms. stops ab-
ruptly. A line more would have finished the chapter. It
reads:nbsp;TT^^fkignbsp;iild^M f^cPTT ^quot;t^

This forms a part of the second and third lines
of the page. The rest of the page is totally blank except for the
scribbling of the owner\'s name by a late hand and with a differ-
ent ink: JTcT^T^T^ ^dlMMffT *Tt«fT % quot;fl^MQfi II

G.nbsp;It is not an independent ms. It forms a part of the
Vasishthi Paddhati, wherein it is transcribed after the Ciida-
karma ceremony covering foil. 54—69. It contains only a
few chapters, and starts abruptly with a line in the middle of

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the Jstakarma rite: f^T\'jIr^ ^ ^nbsp;g^JTT^ fsT^.

The beginning has been lost to us, for the leaves preceding it
are missing; still the colophon at the end of the Jstakarma
^ fICcfhT «^^riquot; stands in evidence that it began with
the first chapter as known to A.F.

In its arrangement of chapters it follows E., and occa-
sionally gives the rshi, chandas, devata and viniyoga of the
mantras, which curiously enough are transcribed on the margin
of ms. E. by a late hand.

It ends with Godana.
(b) mss. of the varahagrhyasutra-paddhati

The Paddhati mss. show beyond doubt that the quot;Varaha
text as represented by the group E.F.G. is the genuine one.
Though like Durga\'s commentary on the Nirukta the Pad-
dhatis of Gangadhara and Vasishtha do not always repeat every
word of the Grhya, they do nearly always give the mantras
besides supplying some very important variants.

CI (used by Sastry), C2 (Baroda ms. acc. no. 8088,
granthas 1900), C3 (D.A.V. College, Lahore collection). These
are complete though corrupt mss. of the Paddhati of Gdh,
with the exception of a few missing leaves. These show no
differences in their arrangement and division of chapters. They
all begin with Garbhadhana and end with Grhaprave§a.

C2 ends:nbsp;vj^ Kk^l si^jtr IjOT^jtt^


C3 ends: g^l^S^SR ^^ ^IMK^-^M^nbsp;II

Gangadhara cites by name a large number of authorities
who are enumerated below in the order in which they occur
for the first time;

(iloka), jth:^ (^1.), grsT^FPTOT,

(§1.), (^1.),nbsp;(il), q^rgn^u,

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ornbsp;(for #^tTTf%)^ vn^^

mm^ (^1.),nbsp;(^l.), «fk?? (prose),

(^1.), WPT^cTTcr, ^figr (prose),nbsp;( prose ),

(^1.), A^TFTTT (^1.),nbsp;(Pingala, §1.), ^^^

(Pan.),nbsp;(Yaska), (Pingala), ^irwj^if and

Besides, he quotes five grutis : (1) ttFcT^
(2) wiw I ^r^ »f^: (3)nbsp;^ STT^UTT^ ^

(4) ^rirr^rnbsp;(5)nbsp;^s^r^r fknbsp;t

C4 (Baroda Cent. Libr., acc. no. 8092). This is the
Vasishthi Paddhati and has already been referred to in con-
nection with ms. G. Out of II9 leaves 29 are missing. It
begins : ^«T ^rm^^^^Tnbsp;fllW. The

order of rites differs widely from the Paddhati of Gdh. In
explaining the siitras it often gives the very words of Gdh.
It begins with Punyaha, goes on with Vivahapaddhati, Upa-
nayana and Vratas and ends with Godana.


In the following few pages I shall briefly state my rea-
sons why I undertook a new edition of this small treatise. The
existing edition of Dr. Sama Sastry of the Artha^astra fame
has some very serious shortcomings, which, in the light of the
new mss. discovered, it was absolutely necessary to rectify.

(a) one fourth of sastry\'s text is from manava-grhya

The most striking of these is that five full chapters
(XIII—-XVII) and 3 quarters of the sixth (XVIII). are a verbal
reproduction of a Manava-Grhya ms. The editor failed to

1.nbsp;I have given the passage in my note on III. 1.

2.nbsp;It runs : ^T«!! jfhrrf^:—ql^T JTRRnbsp;At another place

the reading is ^fSH jfi^f^:—Inbsp;^f^. Cf. Ka^hGr.


3.nbsp;See ^atBr. I. 1. 3. 3.

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notice this, for while, in his introduction, he establishes the
similarity of the Varaha rites to those of the Äpastamba,
Baudhayana and HiranyakeSin, he omits to explicitly mention
the Manava. That for these five chapters and three-quarters
as well the Värahas had an independent text of their own and
did not depend on the Manavas is amply proved by the dis-
covery of E.F. Besides, Gangadhara the author of the Pad-
dhati comments upon the text supplied by E.F. and distin-
guishes the Varaha from the Manava.

(1)nbsp;^ ilrwc^vrFtnbsp;cnr STT^Tnbsp;^wjincf-

quot;f^TBSTRftrrPTnquot; ^ ^iH^ciTiHIri^. (ManGr. I. 10. 15; Sastry\'s
edit. ch. XIV. p. 16. 1. 22).

(2)nbsp;^^ si^J^r^ inbsp;i

I ^«TT ^ TTfTR^—iTtf^^^m*^^ srf^f^^ i
m^Ri^^T^ M- ( ManGr. I. 13. 19; Sastry\'s edit. ch. XVII.
p. 20.1. 12 ).

In these two passages Gangadhara first paraphrases and
explains the Varaha sütras (XIV. 13, XV. 14)

\'S^J\'snrr^^quot; respectively, and then draws upon the Manava,
which he mentions by name.


(1) The chapter entitled VivSha is only just the prelimi-
nary portion of Vivaha—the Kanyävarana. (2) The Pari^ish-
tam-chapter is, as the colophon ^RTE^ siw:

shows, in reality the first chapter and not an appendix.
(3) In other cases where a chapter deals with more than one
rite, only the first is put up as the heading, the others being
altogether ignored. Thus Agnivrata, ASvamedhiki Diksha,
Traividyakavrata, Samävartana, Alankarana, Garbhädhana
and Simantonnayana do not appear as headings.

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Out of numerous.instances I give here only a few:

(1)nbsp;i^^c^i qr^^g^ fk qrq»
^^MT^d (p. 23. 11. 9-10).

The punctuation mark preceding qr^q^ ought to pre-
cede ^ i.e. f^cqTcqiqrq^: I ^ fk qi^» ir-MMx^jd. Cf. ^rmi-
vSsadhvari\'s com. on JaimGr. (W. Caland\'s Lahore edit. p.
39):nbsp;^^rg^wym^v^ sdq ^^T^ qr^Fq^rr^T i

EI^qT\'amp;qT^s, Ashtavakra\'s com. on ManGr. (II. 4.1):
Ml^^rd^-t^-D^d, and Haradatta\'s com. on ApGr (1.2.9): qT^^a^tr
sS^q^^dT qsiiT T%q qr^ (VI1.20.15)

(2)nbsp;q^^gqflr \'^rft^^iTf^ i qq^ qq^ sim sr^r-
^ ( p. 17. 11. 7-8 ). quot;He takes (the bride ) round (the
fire ) four times reciting the verse ^
t^^nbsp;(And) for
each (complete) circle round (the fire) the Brahma priest
chants the Brahma-chant.quot;

This is altogether inconsistent with the tradition, for nei-
ther the versenbsp;is to be recited by the bride-
groom, nor is it different from the Brahma-chant that is to be
recited by the Brahma. Rightly punctuated the passage would
run thus: qR?jjqr% I ^frr^ qq^ qq^ ST^TT ST^-
3rq (ManGr. I. 10. 18, 19).

It is a well-known verse of the Rgveda (X. 85. 44).


q^TW: (p. 20. 11.3-4).

Here the plural ^iq: governs the singular ^tt^t^ and
the indeclinable ^f^ stands alone having no relation with
any word expressed or understood. Neither is there any
such known verse as begins with sifk

This very siitra occurs in the ManGr. (I. 13. 15), which
correctly reads : q^mTFTftcTsqinbsp;m«^

qcW ^JT: (TS. IV. 6. 2. 6).

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(5)nbsp;^...sniTviTt f^w^ s^» f^nn ^T^T

^TSITTrlT (Garbhadhana rite p. 21. 11. 7-14). quot;(The husband)
recites along with his sporting (?or gambling?) wife the (four)
verses r^...quot;

The correct reading is ^sqTT^o^r^H ^nrf^ (ManGr. 1.14.
16, and the com.: ^rVt^? I

(d) the same mantra occurring at two places
has differently corrupt readings

cTKHrnbsp;q\'ajTJJ^TT^sqTSfcn^lf^ I

^T^; II (Upanayana ch. ^^^T ^^
p. 4. 1. 24—p. 5. L 1).nbsp;g^f^ ^fbsr^^^TH II

Panigrahana ch. p. 15. 1
26—p. 16. 1. 2).

For a more correct reading see Manavagrhya (I. 10.8,22.
3; cf. AV. XIV. 1. 45). The\'third line of this verse occurring
in the Panigrahana chapter, although in perfect accord with
the one in the Upanayana chapter, presents a [strange discord
with the context in which it occurs—herein the bridegroom
is made to address his mate as ^ig^irq; instead of as

(e) sastry\'s text lays down irreligious and immodest
injunctions for a young man and woman

(1)nbsp;SFra^WTYI^HT^T^Ii^^ (p. 12. 1. 1).

quot;(The young man) ought to marry an asamsrshtS (girl)
in accordance with adharma.quot;

(2)nbsp;UT ^ ^ ^ Inbsp;( p. 21. 11. 2-3).
quot;Thou seest me and the sun. Engage thy mind in


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This verse is addressed by the bridegroom to his bride
on her first entering his house.

(f) a review of
dr. sastry\'s introduction

(1)nbsp;The order of the rites both in A. and B. is more
in accordance with Gangadhara\'s Paddhati than with Sastry\'s
printed text based upon A. and B.

The order of the three rites following quot;the initiation of
the studentquot; accords neither with Garigadhara nor with the
printed text.

In the enumeration of rites Pravadanakarma, Arghyads-
nam, Alankaranam and KanySdSnam have been omitted after
quot;election of a bride.quot;

GarbhadhSna at the end is surely a mistake for Grha-

(2)nbsp;quot;The VarShagrhya differs from other Grhyas in that
it contains a number of old gSthas not found elsewherequot;
(p. iv). The statement is totally wrong, for all the gathas on
page 16 of Sastry\'s text are taken over from the ManGr. and
have parallels in other Grhyasutras.

(3)nbsp;quot;A few old customs not found in other Grhyasutras
are also described here. The ascertainment of the suitability
of a bride by observing what particular mud-piece she selects
out of a number of pieces collected from various places, and
the making of marriage agreement by both the parties with
cowdung in their hands, are two interesting customs peculiar
to the Varaha form of marriagequot; (p. iv). Of these the first
custom is neither quot;not found in other Grhyasutrasquot; nor
quot;peculiar to the Varaha form of marriage.quot; The ASvalayana
(I. 5. 5, 6, and Haradatta\'s recension edited by Ganapati

tri p. 20), Apastamba (I. 13. 15), Manava (I. 7. 9, 10), Bha-
radvaja (I. 11) and other Grhyasutras describe this custom
in plain words and some even supply greater details.

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These instances will suffice to vindicate the uncritical
character of the edition quoted. Mistakes do occur and
blunders do creep in even in the most carefully edited works
(and 1 myself claim no finality for my edition), but this can
be no excuse for the complete neglect of the ordinary pre-
cautions of an editor. Consulting the various Samhitäsquot; and
Sütras and referring to the Vedic Concordance absorbs much
time and invokes a good deal of labour, but such work is
indispensable in the editing of a text of this kind.


(a) the mantras

As was to be expected, all the mantras and anuväkas
derived from the MS. are quoted by pratika, but the contrary,
that all the pratlkas should refer to the MS., does not hold
good, ^rw ^ ( III. 11 ), t^T ( XI. 24 ) and za ^r ^
( XIV. 6 ) are to be referred back to VarGr. itself ( II. 5, IV.
3, where they are given in full). Similarlynbsp;jrf^^Kf^ (V.

21 ) stands for a^^frnbsp;e m f^n^, just on the model

of STRURrnbsp;(ib. ) (See ManGr. I. 22. 6).

55T: tTr^Ji: (XVI. 9) is taken from RV. (X. 85. 39) and
is given sakalapathena in ManGr. I. 11. 12, though at a
subsequent place (I. 15. 1 ), which corresponds to the present
Var. sütra, it naturally refers to the mantra by pratika. It is
possible that the author of our work was unconsciously influ-
enced by the ManGr., with which he was already acquainted.

tt^T (I. 13) may also be a pratika. Cf. Man^r. I. 2.
3. 25. It is not derived from MS.

^ ^sf^f^ andnbsp;^^^^ (IV. 8), f^^rm

»sf^ ( IX. 14 ) and TT^^j^f^ ( XI. 6 ) could as well have been
intended by the author to stand as complete mantras by
themselves. For the fuller text ofnbsp;m^o ( and by ana-

logy ofnbsp;) see ManGr I. 21. 2, ApMp. II. ]. 1, for

TS. III. 5. 2. 2, KS. XVII. 7. KJ^^^ occurs in

-ocr page 28-

MânGr. I. 9. 9 as well without any one of the extensions of
ApMp.\'IL 9. 7-9.

(b) sandhi

The VarGr does not share with its SamhitS any of the
peculiarities of sandhi. In the mantras, however, quoted by
pratîkas, there is only one case where an occasion was affor-
ded to the SutrakSra of choosing between the Samhita and
his own usage. The corrupt mss. unaffected by the emenda-
tions of the learned scribes, have preserved the Samhita usage
unaltered : ^RTTnbsp;^T^. The Vârér. mss. have variably

now the one and now the other reading. The same confusion
is observable in MânGr. ( II. 17. 7 ), which, however, presents
a few more examples of this sandhi. See Knauer\'s Einleitung,
section 8.


All the schools of the Yajurveda developed a new mode
of pronouncing the anusvSra, when followed by one of the
sibilants or the aspirate h. This was represented in writing
by a different sign known now-a-days as the candrabindu.
Both the schools of the White YV. as well as the TS. regu-
larly changed the anusvârato a candrabindu even when follow-
ed by a r. The KS. shows only one instance of a candrabindu
before a r-
q^^fUn^^jj^^ ( VII. 14, VIII. 3, but XVIII. 4

e. when the acc. pi. ending -ms was changed to
-mr. Thus in these schools the annsvâra was retained only
before y, v and 1. In the Mait. school, however, the tendency
was further extended to the anusvâra preceding y and v.
Beginning with the MS. down to the prose of the Man. and
VarGr. anusvaras are only traceable before a 1. Curiously
enough, the Kapishthala-KatJia-Samhitâ also presents an
instance of a candrabindu before a y—^nr^îî^^^ ^TSHTR
(XLIV, 3), but this is not sufficient to prove that the Kap.

-ocr page 29-

usage was in conformity with that of the MaitrSyaniyas.



The present text of the VSrGr. is a later compilation
than the VarSr. and its Parigishtas. Hence, very naturally it
has frequently drawn upon them.. Upanishadarhah (VIII.
12-13) is taken over verbally from one of the Parigishtas, the
Antarkyakalpa. The Grhyapurusha, the first of the Par.,
forms the source of the majority of the sutras in the Vaiiva-
devakarma (ch. XVII), and still another Par., the Rahasya, has
supplied materials for Pravargya (VII. 17-20). This commu-
nity of relationship is extended further to common corrup-
tions and confusions between the right and wrong readings
of the mantras, e. g. ^iq^jft, (XIV. 13),

(IV. 4), etc.

A close examination of the few ^rauta extracts given in
our footnotes would show that points of difference are not al-
together lacking. In such a corrupt state of Var. mss. as we
have them, minor variations which could be accounted for as
clerical mistakes and later emendations, cannot be seriously
taken to have existed from the beginning, e. g.,nbsp;^ in

the ^r. for l^rjj^ in the Gr. (1.12). Still there is one instance
in which the Gr. has certainly deviated from the ^r. It reads:
oq ^-^Pcrr^RTT^flwf^^^f^ I ^tlf^; ri^ ^TT^Tfkrq^o
(XV. 1); while the ^r. agreeing in all essentials with TS. I.
7. 7. 2 reads: o jft ^^ ^rtt^W^nbsp;I ^tf^:

O. This could possibly be accounted for as due to the
influence of ManGr. I. 13. 4, which is identical with our Gr.;
with but two variants: ir^ andnbsp;in most of the mss.,

though ^T pointing to and \'^q^f^cT are also preserved
in some mss.

Very significant is the enumeration of the Par. in the
beginning of the VarGr. Firstly, it gives us the names of

-ocr page 30-

three lost PariSishtas, the Anugrahika, the Hautrka and the
^ulvika, and of two others whose colophons are missing, viz.,
the Rahasya and the Yamaka. These we could otherwise
hardly have known. Secondly, it bears evidence of an order
different from that of the present ^r. ms. Lastly the statement
that these Par. are twenty-two in number is worthy of consi-
deration, for if every one of the names enumerated be consi-
dered as the designation of one independent Par., the number
exceeds twenty-two by five. It would be a matter of possibly
fruitful investigation for the editor of the Varamp;. Par. to see
whether some of these form part of the others or are later
interpolations. The substitution of the Pitrmedha by Prati-
graha in the Gr. is another problem to be left for the future
editor of the Var^r. Par.



The Varahas and the Manavas belong to the same iakha,
the Maitrayaniya. Their ^rauta and Grhyasutras are hence
very closely related. Several sutras are verbally identical.
These have been noted in our footnotes, which also contain
reference to all parallel passages. The chapters specially
worthy of mention in this connection are: Cudakaranam,
Vratani, Vedavratani, Upakaranam, Utsarjanam, Samavarta-
nam, Madhuparkah, Vivahah, Ratharohanam and Garbha-
dhanam. Here the Var. and Man. texts run side by side,
though points of difference are not lacking.

Jatakarma of Varaha covers a more extensive ground,
while Dantodgamanam is altogether omitted in the Man. Pu-
trabhimantranam and Annapra§anam in the two Sutras have
little in common.


♦ ♦

Next to the Manavas, the Kathas bear the closest affini-
ties with the Varahas. In some chapters such as the Vratani,

-ocr page 31-

Upakaranam, Utsarjanam and Anadhyayah the three Grhya-
sutras —Man., Var., Kath.—have much the same tradition.
A detailed discussion of this common tradition lies outside the
scope of our introduction. Here we shall be content to sim-
ply indicate that in some respects the Varahas stand nearer
to the Kathas than to the Manavas, who belong to their own
iakha. Thus IV. 22 and VIII. 12 are identical with KathGr.
XL. 17, X. 1, 2 as against ManGr. I. 21. 12, 7. 1. Cf. also
JTmnq^T ^ JTTt^JTwrmrn { Var. III. 7 ) with Kath.
XXXVI. 13 TTTt ^ g ^^Ta-: (nbsp;to be supplied from the

preceding su., and Tirarf^RT^ to be understood as the subject
of WT^crt^:) and Man. I. 18. 7 ;
t jt^m^\'^ sit:^^
STTcT^ in Var. IV. 14 agrees with Kath. XL. 13 as against
Man. 1. 21. 8 sT^q^.

In a number of instances where the Man. and the other
Grhyasutras fail, the Kath. supplies the parallel, e. g., the
application of the mantra ^l^^M^ ^«lo for wetting the hair
(Var. IV. 8: Kath. XL. 10), and Pravadanakarma (Var. XIII.
4: Kath. XVII. 2). Similarly IV. 18-19 corresponds with Kath.
XL. 2-7, with but two differences—(i) Kath.
g^r^ ^trtj, while
the Var. prescribes for the Bhargavas hair on both sides of the
head; (ii) an interesting transposition of words: Var.

I ^f^ffl; »TfKath.nbsp;I Jlff^T^nbsp;s^. Cf.

also Var. VI. 11, 12 with Kath. I. 21-23.

For the performance of Annapra§anam the Var. does
not state the month, but simply says quot;When the teeth have
come outquot;. The Man, and other Grhyas in general specify
the sixth month. The Kath. takes an intermediate position:
^ -S^STTJJR m (XXXIX. 1).


When the Man. and Kath. fail, one or other of the
Grhyasutras supply parallels to the Var. A few examples are:

(1) A^V. 1.10. 23-25nbsp;T^rsi^l ^nbsp;\\

-ocr page 32-

TI ^^lHlîldtJ^^fWTj;. Identical with Vâr. L 34-36.

(2)nbsp;Ap. VI. 15. 8 ^ f^T m^, Vâr. III. 1
f^ Tnrar ^ ^^TFT ^IW ^\'^TT^ïï^. The Grhyas in general do
not mention TTTcTr.

(3)nbsp;The three Sûtras of the Sâmaveda—Khâd. II. 3. 29,
Gobh. II. 9. 21, Jaim. I. 11 - use the mantra sqrg^o for mûr-
dha-parigrahana in Cûdâkaranam, thus agreeing with Vâr. IV.
20 sqrg^o ^

(4)nbsp;Kaus. II. 1\'nbsp;Vâr. V. 8 zr^
r^T^mïît^s^mfÎT. The general reading is o ^grR^tr.

(5)nbsp;Baudh. II. 7®nbsp;is identical with Vâr. V.




any one of the known Grhyasûtras^, the Vâr.
starts with enumerating the VârSr. Pariéishtas, and after Pa-
kayajnâh it begins the samskâras with Jatakarma and ends
with Slmantonnayanam, adding at the end Vaiêvadevakarma.
Thus it deals with only about half the ritual. To the usual
samskâras it adds Dantodgamanam, and among the marriage
rites it devotes special attention to the sounding of quot;all musi-
cal instrumentsquot; which is elevated into a separate rite and
covers the entire thirteenth chapter.

1.nbsp;Prof. Caland\'s ms.

2.nbsp;Cf. also Samskararatnamala p, 189

3.nbsp;This refers to Prof. Caland\'s forthcoming edition.

4.nbsp;The following Grhyasutras have been consulted: A^v, (Bib. Ind.),
(Oldenberg), Kaus, (Prof. Caland\'s fragmentary ms,), Jaim, (Caland),

Gobh. (Knauer), Khad. (Mysore), Kau^ika (Bloomfield), Man. (Knauer), Kath.
(Caland), Bodh, (Mysore), Bhar. (Salomons), Ap. (Winternitz), Hir. (Kirste),
Vaikh. (Caland), Par. (Stenzler). Through Prof. Caland\'s good offices I had
obtained the Madras ms. (in Devanagari copy) of Yadhula-kalpa-vyakhya.
Towards the end there is a brief vyakhya of VadhGr., but on account of its
succintness I could make little use of it.

-ocr page 33-

In details several points of unique interest can be found
in almost every chapter. Some of them are given below:

I.nbsp;6. The ahitagni is required to sacrifice in the Dak-
shinagni fire.

II.nbsp;1, 2, 12 have no exact parallels. ^ sri^o is not
recorded in the Vedic Concordance.

II. 3 prohibits the mother from touching the child until
the mantras have been chanted.

II.nbsp;8. Gold is the principal ingredient in the food given
to the new-born child, and an optional prescription is made
for its continual use (after rubbing it in water) upto the twel-
fth year.

III.nbsp;3. The girl is to be given only one name.\'

III. 4. The mantra ^^m^ ^ ( MS. II. 6. 11 ) is
applied for abhimar^ana.

III.nbsp;12. prescribes the dirghas for annapraSana.

IV.nbsp;3-5 have no exact parallels.

IV. 8 has a new mantra: qi^ ^T^^^f^.

IV. 13 allows the option JTraT^?^ ^^f^W-

IV.nbsp;24, V. 4 have no parallels.

V.nbsp;28 lays down for the brahmacarin the use of a ka-
mandalu, and that of a different form for every one of the
three higher castes. The kamandalu appears again in IX. 15.

VI.nbsp;17 prohibits the begging of salt.

IX.nbsp;20, X. 2 have no exact parallels.

X.nbsp;14. The marriage agreement is made by both the
parties with cow-dung in their hands.

The vocabulary contains many words that would inte-
rest the lexicographer, e. g. cyavani, nicalkala,

Cf. Samskararatnamala p. 864 ^TT^ JTW.

-ocr page 34-


The VarGr. not only begins with enumerating the Pari-
sishtas\', but in sections such as the Upanishadarhah and the
major part of the Vai^vadevakarma it depends for its text en-
tirely upon them. The PariSishtas themselves are younger than
the Var^r. to which they are appended. A detailed description
of gunavidhi, codanavidhi, adeiavidhi and other technicalities
of the Mimamsa in the Par. gives us the upper limit for the
age of their composition. For the lower limit we are left free
to make surmises.

From the option made in the slaughter of the cow at the
Madhuparka, Dr. Sastry infers that the VarGr. was composed
in the first and second centuries A. D.

The sutras identical with Man., Kath., A§v. and other
Grhyas do not point unequivocally to the priority of the one
over the other. The same passage quoted in the Man. and the
Var. (VIII. 6) as a ^ruti is incorporated in the Kath. without
any indication of its being a citation. Similar is the Var.
treatment of some of the ^rutis of the Manavas. Our thorough
investigation into the matter has convinced us that this can
also form no sound basis to construct our chronology upon.
The passages allow of no definite identifications, ^nltfl:-
(XIV. 24) could probably refer to ManGr. I. H. 26/
The importance attached to the yajflopavlta in the Var.
may serve for some scholars as an additional indication of the
priority of the Man. But then the Bodh., which has hitherto
been considered as one of the oldest Sutras, and the accented
At. including the Upanayana-Brahmana would have
to be considered as younger productions.

1.nbsp;It is highly problematical whether this enumeration is not an inter-

2.nbsp;For other possible Man. influences see under quot;Relation •with the
Var^r. and the Par.quot;

-ocr page 35-

About one thing we are sure, namely, the VärGr. was
originally composed at a time when the Kathas were still living
in close proximity, for there is not an insignificant number of
sGtras, which agree with the KathGr. as against the Man.,
besides a number of sütras common to all the three.

We have not been able to trace any citations from the
VarGr. In our own days the Varahas have been absorbed
among the Manavas.

At the conclusion of my labours I have much pleasure
in expressing my thankfulness to the authorities of Lahore
and Baroda libraries for lending me their most valuable


-ocr page 36-

; ■

-ocr page 37-

II ^tq^ll
II snrtnbsp;II

ywrn^ii ? II

[ m ttot: ]

^ qi^qinfi^^ il r iinbsp;I p^^fttrt^

Sh.nbsp;7. In the ms. the Pari^ishta

2.nbsp;In the Varaha ^rauta (Baroda ms.nbsp;following ^^ is designated PHi^vi.
11234) the post-colophon of thenbsp;8. Sh.

concluding section of this Pari^ishtanbsp;Antarkya is the name of a sage to

substitutes fornbsp;whom obeisance is paid towards

3.nbsp;F. Sh. ^ ^m^i TO (omittednbsp;the end of the chapter: ^RT^R^-
by Sh.) But ^fi and SfHT:nbsp;«
are no Pari^ish^is.

4.nbsp;Sh. of^o, F, ^o.nbsp;For F. has

10. Before ^ F. inserts ^fr.
6. Sh.nbsp;F. ^^fiRjinbsp;Sh. m-

-ocr page 38-


^^N^^l H ^ 11 ^^T^ipmnTWm* TTWT^TOT^
s^ftM^j II II WT^RT^\' f^ Cmr: 11% II
Mwroiferri^: WTYrmrwfw: li ^ li Trm-
mnbsp;^Kl^^pM^q^^ ^HHH^^rnbsp;-

ftnbsp;Inbsp;^fw^terHt^ I

r \\ ^T jtt^: I

II IInbsp;II c II

^\'rMiRr: II a II ^i^T iyirf^q^:^^
II MUfI?:Tmf^ II UII ewmN^mi^ ^CT JTT^W^T

II IInbsp;f^f^

1.nbsp;Sh. oJPTI^o.nbsp;14. Var^r. ms. p. 28 has a similar

2.nbsp;The mss.nbsp;passage :nbsp;^ i ^T^Tf^-

3.nbsp;Cf. Var^r. ms. p. 2:nbsp;ar^^mn^fT

i. The sense is not clear.nbsp;Jf^T t^ ^

5.nbsp;Sh. m.

6.nbsp;MS. I. 1. 10.nbsp;1.5. Sh. o^rr:.

7.nbsp;Sh.nbsp;16. Sh. o|«gt;.

8.nbsp;Cf. Var^r. ms. p. 42: ^Tc^W^^ft^ 17. Sh. o^.

Inbsp;18. Sh. (probably an emen-

^f^ lnbsp;dation of a bad variant),

mrekr^lnbsp;Identical with Vari^r. ms. p. 41.

9.nbsp;AV. IX. 3. 16. Cf. MS. II. 8. 14.nbsp;Sh. WP^-, F. o^rmr, Gdh.

10.nbsp;MS. I. 2 3.nbsp;o^r^. Cf. Ks. 1.11 ^r^r^f^-

11.nbsp;Sh. E. G. put Tf^^ after T^qT.nbsp;f^^lF, etc.

12.nbsp;Sh.nbsp;20. Cf. KS. I. 10; Man^r. I. 2. 3. 25.

13.nbsp;MS. IV. 1. 6.

-ocr page 39-

I- 27. ]nbsp;^RTCW^^nbsp;[ \\

II II Tftnbsp;ft:nbsp;II ^cnRcTT

WTR IHM II tHtto^lTNfpSNT w-
II ^^ II TR^^PTft^^ II ?\\3||
^^ w^^fwe^ inc IInbsp;^n^ftroi^

^JSTMRT II u IInbsp;5rsmt tt^Ri^ii ^o n

^t^^ll II ^Tira^nbsp;5nbsp;II || ^

fWvR^rwf^ %rr ^r SR?^ jttjt^nbsp;ii \\\\

^F^rnl^rfe II

IRy II ^I ^TTi^R ^rlRr\'^ ^Flf^^ IR^ II 5r5TrT%:

1. MS. II. 7. 2. But Gdh.: ^ TT^ 10. The mss.

11. Fornbsp;Sh. reads: I ^

Cf. MS. I. 4. 5: gJTf^JT c^^^

irq ^^T: Inbsp;I

Cf. also KS. XXXI. 15 :

Tr(correctnbsp;I w^i^rf?^

7.nbsp;Sh. f^o. Cf. Gdh.:nbsp;I S^ ^ ^f^.

HlRimKI-cl: ^nbsp;I 12. Sh. F. fMto.

f^^^ «T^^f^r: 51^: ^ll^g II 1.3. Sh. go.

^ TTRm^lfrt: \\ ^ u. The mss. ^f^.

Siqqr itm I nnbsp;15. Before cW F. G. insert

8.nbsp;Sh. ^[^o.nbsp;gjj^ omits

9.nbsp;MS. I. 4. 5.nbsp;17, Sh. omits

^TJnrf^ ^^ (origin not traced).

2.nbsp;MS. IV. 1. 12.

3.nbsp;Sh. omits

4.nbsp;So also ManGr. II. 2. 11; but Sh.

5.nbsp;MS. I. 1. 11.

6.nbsp;Sh. o^o.

-ocr page 40-

« ]nbsp;^KTIW^Fï.nbsp;[ I. 38.

îinrEërt I f^îrf #nbsp;Il W ^îîr-

Il Il ^^ ÏÏTnbsp;I

^»t [ ffïï I ]nbsp;îTRÎ^Îf^^ Il ï^a IInbsp;I çr

TT^nbsp;I ^^rf^tjÇTïFïïl: i ^srrq ^jçnf^quot;quot;^ n ^o ||

^ i^n^^-^ôg^^Tx^TTR^ Il ^srr^ Ii
fmnbsp;Il IInbsp;ifïïT^

Il Il ^^ vS^f^^Tift ïïT^wnfir I ^ter^
^\'\'fli^n^llquot;^^ Ilnbsp;n\'ï^scr^if:

ll^ïillTi^RT^ïï^ï^ll II

1.nbsp;MS. I, 4. 14.nbsp;^^X ^I^mf^ have been

2.nbsp;MS. II. 7. 11,nbsp;corrected to ^r^T SI^RW ^Tf^^ïï

3.nbsp;MS. III. 16. 4.nbsp;and fl^Aü^jf^

4.nbsp;MS. III. 11. 10.nbsp;10. MS. II. 10. 1.

5.nbsp;Gdh. begins thenbsp;ïfRn^rltTïT with 11. MS. I. 3. 39.

»i: ^r^r.nbsp;12. Identical with MânGr II. 2. 25.

6.nbsp;MS. IV. 10. 4.nbsp;13. Gdh. ^îîHîf^ Î^ÏTIW ^^

7.nbsp;MS. I. 7.1.nbsp;\' ^f!^:.

8.nbsp;MS, I. 4.nbsp;, 14. Sh. omits

9.nbsp;Sh.nbsp;15. P. omits

In the Vârér. ms. p. 127 ^PTT 16. For ^^^nbsp;Sh. reads RT^T:

SPfrro^nbsp;and îT^ïïïï^X m^î îî^J^;.

-ocr page 41-

II- ö\' ]nbsp;[ iî

[ m ^jfiïïf ïï 3

^ îrtïT^^;nbsp;Il ni^ ^i^mm\'

Inbsp;Il Il 55r ïï

^ ^^r^ fïïRnbsp;mmrwîRx wrw

^ ir « Il

ff^ ir\' Il ïï^ ^

^fîr ï^q \'q^^îTRrteq^ I

1.nbsp;Sh. omits ÎTRÏ.nbsp;dgamana

2.nbsp;MS. m. 11. 6.nbsp;9. Cf. MânGr I. 17. 6.

3.nbsp;Sh.nbsp;10. Sh. o^. E. Gdh.

4.nbsp;Gdh. ^r açf^rfïrg^rnbsp;n. The mss. variously o^ïï.


l çrRR^lîT^f^nbsp;12. A. adds: I gwnr% ^ ^^

Inbsp;m^i (But not in Gdh).

^Rî^^ Cf. PârGr. 1. 16. 3.nbsp;13. Cf. MânGr I. 17. 5; 18. 6.

6.nbsp;Sh. ïT^-ïïîTT^, E. îT^ W.nbsp;14. Cf. PârGr 1. 16. 17: ^T

7.nbsp;Gdh. îTWT^Û ?]nbsp;^^ ^f^ ^^ ïïïTfÏTïT^^, HirGr.
^^ (qïinT ^lïïf^. Cf. Bhâr-nbsp;II. 3. 8: çiïï: ïïnîjl

Gr. I. 24 : ïT^^îT \'T^RTWWnbsp;TI^^T^. But Gdh. : % ^c^T^

^r^îi^ ^ïTi^f^o.nbsp;îîrfïi^^r,

8.nbsp;AU the Sûtra mss. except F. readnbsp;15. Sh. F.

^^rrw. Gdh. but in Danto-nbsp;16, Sh. G. Gdh. S^îlf f^, E.F. S^î^t


-ocr page 42-


# U ^ Ilnbsp;^irkîïïïïT^ HRW^^ÏÏRT-

w^ïïmT sïïTimfïï^^ ^rrîïïTf^\'îif^ i ^^-WÎ-

Rl^ss ST^^î: ir c II ^ Rî^ i ^

r^ra ^ [ ] mn^ i \'i^I^ïï^ïï ii\' a ii

în^mri^\'T^ ^^mrïïnbsp;il ?o u

^ïfr^ sf^^: I wrfwRîxfm: i ^Mf^rif^i^
Il l II ^fir^îî\' I l\'TFnbsp;im II

WKT^^ TSCcfhTnbsp;Il

Ms. F. the best of our lot, suppor-
ted by ms. E. suggests that the
reading as emended above is the
original one. Instead of ^
it reads ^ i. e. the aspira-
tion in ^ has been transferred to
which in its aspirated form §
was written down as the pro-
nunciation of ^ being identical
with ^ in Western India, to which
locality all these mss. belong. The
writer could conceive of no such
written word as In the other
mss. WT was further emended to



2.nbsp;Gdh. ^r^a^îTquot;.


4.nbsp;Cf. MânGr. I. 17. 4.

5.nbsp;Gdh. STîl^qnbsp;^
îf^T^ îï^r îT^ïrTïïiî; i f^-


6.nbsp;Cf. MânGr. I, 17. 7.


8.nbsp;Gdh. C^\'bNÎ^^UnfT f^

wife^ ïirïï: s^TFf î^fîrttîT

9.nbsp;Gdh.nbsp;(MS. II. 10. 4)

10.nbsp;MS. IV. 14. 7.

11.nbsp;E.nbsp;G. ET^.

12.nbsp;Sh.nbsp;5I«m: E. oRSW

m^j F. ^o, G.

-ocr page 43-

III. 7. ]

% ^^nbsp;H^\'^i^cid^-^mRt ^ ir ^ II fl:^

5 tohitj IR II Tn^cT ^^PTT:—

c^rnbsp;II « n

mquot;^ IInbsp;jtnbsp;nquot;v9 n


1.nbsp;Gdh. Ti^ici: ?TRTr| ^ ^Fc^f
^^^ I ^ ^r I rT^^ ^Rir-

2.nbsp;Sh. 0^0. So also Baudh. (II. 1.
26), Par. (I. 17. 2) and Hir. (II. 4.
10) Grhyasutras. But Saraskarara-
tnamala considers it to be a corrupt
reading: Wf^^BR- 5 RJTT^ra:
(Ananda^rama edit. p. 853-854).

3.nbsp;Gdh. f^ or ^fT:—f^^r

Baudh. (II. 1. 27) and other Grh-
yasutras cite a vijiiayate-passage :

4.nbsp;Sh. ^ifjf^r^fl^H;.

G. ^f^r f^TT^. So also Man-
or. I. 18. 2.

In mss. E. F. and others the use of
the ablative\'o^TwWTlL\' after
is analogous to the one in relation
with the synonymous or
With this passage may be compared

the f^g^r^^ of a very ancient
author quoted by Patafijali (Mbh.
I. 1. 1):nbsp;q^f^-^^n^-

^^^ gw ^r^T^ JTrJT^f^^-^rra:.. .

natha (Samskararatnamalft, Ana-
nda^rama edit. p. 855) explains it
thus: ^rw^flrg^r^ f^RTTTT^r^-

5.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 18. 1, 2.

6.nbsp;Sh. E.G.

7.nbsp;G. o^Tr[fir]\'gt;.

8.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 18. 1.

9.nbsp;E. G. 0%.

10.nbsp;MS. II. 6. 11.

11.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. II. 10. 8.

12.nbsp;Henceforth Sh. E. G. begin a
fresh chapter. The colophons for
this chapter are :

Sh. ^Rl^^lr W^:, E.

After JTRmw Gdh. introduces
two more rites, viz.
Re^JRET and

-ocr page 44-

^Kl^J^^HplHnbsp;[III. 14.

w q^^n ^ ii = ii f^mro? ^^

^^ ftrr^f^—ftlR^irTf^sTTflrf^ a 11
^ij^IT II U u

C ^ wrH^mf]


f^^ii II


2.nbsp;Sh. S7o. Cf.-ManGr IL 9. 11.

3.nbsp;Cf. ManGr I. 18. 6,

4.nbsp;Sh. o^r.

5.nbsp;MS. IV. 12. 4.


^^ nr^^^fW (^«ra
cTT ^r ^r
nbsp;^^ #


7.nbsp;Gdh. includes the 13th and the
14th sutra in the following cere-
mony, viz.

8.nbsp;Sh. G. Cf. ManGy. I. 21. 1.

9.nbsp;For WTRo Sh. G. read JlT^o.

here stands for »^j as Gdh.
explains it: ITri^^R^
^c^r. Cf.
ApGr. I. 2. 12:

^r^. Cf. also BaudhGf. I. 1. 18,
19: ^mnbsp;II gr^q^-

and BaudhGr. Pari-
bhashasutra I. 2. 13:nbsp;I

^^TftWt I d^d^^TRJTJll: I


I smr:nbsp;f^t ^

10. Sh. -gcfl^T:nbsp;E. G. qiTII»,


-ocr page 45-

IV. 5. J

^^R^\'T mi I q^T m f^i^j If I II ?rfïrp-

^nit^R^ II ^ IInbsp;^

^nbsp;I ^ ^^^nbsp;I

^ ïïtnbsp;^^^ ii^ I

^^qt^fir wg m n

• fsmr:\'\' vj ^ ^r^ ^ m ^ |

^nbsp;ïï: ^ n

^ ^r to: ^^^ ^ïïr: nj ^T^q^TT I

^ ^ fï^^fÏT^ ^ ^nbsp;II

Inbsp;Sll^j^ lU II

1.nbsp;Cf. ManGr, I. 21. 1.

2.nbsp;Sh. places q^^T before


Sh. E, G. ^o.
5, For ^nfRTïT^S^G. has V^Rm^Tit

6.nbsp;MS. II. 13. 1.

7.nbsp;MS. II. 7. 13.

8.nbsp;AV. I. 6. 4, KS. II. 1, ManÓr.
VI. 1. omit fiRl:.\'

9.nbsp;AV. (ib.), KS. (ib.) and Manér.
(ib.)read ^Rïï^«.

10, Sb. does not give these three ver-
ses sakalapathena, but gives only
the pratikas: ?fr % ^sfW^TSïf


[...f^: m-], ^ f^

11.nbsp;MS. I. 3. 31, Gdh. Vas. T^^TT, thus
c ollowing the MS. rule of sandhi,

12.nbsp;Sh. ^fïmt, E. adds

13.nbsp;MS. IV. 12. 4.
Ï4. E. Vas.

-ocr page 46-

^o]nbsp;^KT^Sir^^nbsp;[IV. 16.

^ lU nnbsp;II ^ II ^ïfrïï: II VS II

I ^^nbsp;m i^im: ïïtig^—

^ ir c IInbsp;fïï^^^ II II

^nr^Wnbsp;ir Ml ^r^^ rV.^iftr


fft ÏT^ if\' IInbsp;msf^SS^^

TT %nbsp;qcTrTSTT ^F ^«TT^ è I

\'R\'^HII-^^^^\'-^li^i II II W^] 3

1.nbsp;Gdh. Vas. cTtr

2,nbsp;The mss.

3. Thus the text mss., the Paddhatis
oïTT^f^o. The original was pro-
bably oïTR^o.

Sh. puts ^fW ^^ïï^g^ at
the end of the sütra.

5.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 21. 2, 3.

6.nbsp;Sh. omits

7.nbsp;MS. III.-9. 3.

8.nbsp;Sh. adds:

9.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 21, 4.

10.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 21. 5.

11.nbsp;E. Gdh. (v. 1.) Vas. G.^llquot;.

WTnflRg^r \'ï^tHf

13.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 21. 6.

14.nbsp;Sh.nbsp;^ïi», Sh, (v. 1.) E. G.
quot;■^ij^o. Cf. Gdh. Vas. ïifiT^-

15.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 21. 9,

16.nbsp;So also KathGr. XL. 13; and the
Paddhatis: ^clïï: ^^f^ïT^ïJ^
(Vas. o\'^ci:).

Sh. E. G.nbsp;So also the Man.

(L 21. 8) and Baudh. (II. 4. 14)
Gyhyas. Thus also Baudhér.
XVIII. 19.

17.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 21, 8, ,

-ocr page 47-


^ ^nbsp;fr^T^r^TR ^^ ii


^JT ^ ^Rmwnbsp;H

m^i ir II

^jmf^ kw^ i
fhifnbsp;jtitW?: II

# ^tfm ifnbsp;JPT^ ir II

Mr^Tnbsp;II ^mmnbsp;II

Iftnbsp;II Ro IInbsp;^nr^ ^ku^^nj^^l

^ ^^r^il^RW ^nbsp;I ^TRi? ^ I

1.nbsp;Sh. G. Vas. of^.nbsp;8. Fornbsp;( sutra 18 ) and

2.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 21. 6.nbsp;^o a. roads: RKMk^tjlH^f^.

3.nbsp;Except F. all the text and Paddha- 9. Cf. KathGr. XL 7 : JTW^m

and on it the Vivarana of Adi-

tyadariana: Sl^^\'^f TT^rfx^

Cf. also SamskSrakaustu-
bha p. 115b: ^ff^


11.nbsp;Sh. omits

12.nbsp;Sh. E. (sec. m. sup. Hn.) G. ^f^-»,
A. ^r^.

13.nbsp;Vas, i^^f^i^Tcffqrnbsp;i

ti mss. insert after This
insertion is not very appropriate
for the tonsure of a three years
old child; he has neither beard nor
moustaches. The ManGr. (I. 21. 14)
explicitly ordains that the word
be inserted in the verse under
question only when it is used for
the Godana.

i. Cf. ManGr. I. 21. 7.

5.Sh. o^.


7.nbsp;Gdh. ^^\'ir\'Jr^^ ICTF ^ ^f^^T.

-ocr page 48-

]nbsp;m^CT^W^i^nbsp;[ V. 6.

im II Rni ^ ^ ^ ir IInbsp;^

ïnrs^ ir ^^ IInbsp;ÏÏTÏÏT ÏÏT^RTO^I

ïTRïftïïT^ I ^^ ïifïïft^i; II IInbsp;II II

^ ^^w^T^^^rr^ II II ^sfi^ II II

ff^nbsp;^\'ir ^(T^ II

I ^ ^ ir ? II

^T^ wM, ïï^fsj^^^ II R II Rï^Wls:^ ^TW;

II \\ II wp^^^sm^ sr^^qïPR^ II V II ^
II Mll fiW vé\'^t

1.nbsp;Sh. oW.

2.nbsp;Sh.nbsp;(v. 1.)

E. Gdh.nbsp;G.

Vas. Sf^f

3.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 21. 10.

4.nbsp;Cf. ManGr I. 21. 12.



7.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 22. 1.

8.nbsp;Sh. ^rfê^, E. ^ ëirlt;».

9, Excepting G. other mss. ^F

10.nbsp;Sh. o^T».

11.nbsp;Sh. omits ^T

12.nbsp;G. STT».

13.nbsp;Sh. E. read JTfflW» and join it to

in the next sutra, but the
ceremony that follows is nowhere
ordained to pertain to a Brahmana
kumara alone.

14.nbsp;After ^TI one leaf is missing in
F. upto »Wf^ (sutra 17).

-ocr page 49-

V. 9. ]nbsp;^msqu^^n?:nbsp;[ \\\\

stom ^FRM^ fro\' ft:

ir ^ II

^^^TR^^ÏTRT STT^.^nbsp;^ïït I


^ ÏTT ^Tïï^ïïiT^q^rl: vij vrak?^ g^n ;TT f^^ ii

^ ^ ftw ft* ttWnbsp;I ^^f

ïïftT^f^ II c II

^rnbsp;sq-^F^?^ ^eiPF^rnbsp;I

\'Trarff t^r\'drTFTfïmr C?) ïïlW

1.nbsp;E. inserts fïïït beforenbsp;G. 10. After this verse E. G. add :
omits q^TcT^nbsp;JRIlf^: ^

2.nbsp;MS. I. 5, 1. Before the verse

insert: ^fwsijrrnbsp;^fiT-

JIRf^rf^f^^T:. These details are
neither completely supplied by
Gdh. nor by Vas.

3.nbsp;For flTR Sh. reads fJTTT

4.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 22. 3.

5.nbsp;Before this verse E. G. read :

Sft^rf^, [ quot;m^ ] \'Tf\'^ [ ]

6.nbsp;The mss. Wjj.

7.nbsp;Sh. cN^T^feft, E.nbsp;G. Gdh.
Vas. o\'Rlf^.

8.nbsp;Sh. o?!.

9.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 22. 7, 8, 10.

^»T^S cTST: (The last verse is not
given by Gdh,),

11.nbsp;E. G. omit W\'T^fi^TH.

12.nbsp;Sh, o\'^o.

13.nbsp;Other variants suggest oTT^f. .

14.nbsp;Sh. here and next pada

15.nbsp;The mss. suggest

16.nbsp;Only Sh. ^TI^, other mss. ^TI\'KTr.


After ^^f^crt Vas. adds:

In E,

the particulars beginning with
WIJ^^TT^ have been added on the
margin by a late hand,

18.nbsp;Sh. ^r^^f^ \'if^W.

-ocr page 50-

]nbsp;[ V. 19.


^ ^ ^\'rqnbsp;(J)

^^W^ eRTJTnbsp;TCI^^nbsp;qn^quot; vS^q; ||

ff^ t\'^^iNH f if\' 5. II ^^^^ smifom^

s\'TTimm II U\\\\ ^tnbsp;II iR II ^T^R^

^Rtf ^^TPT ^^Rf\'quot; TOftnbsp;^^ f^^^T^nrmW^-

^ ft^I^m II II vn^sqnur^ ^\'twrfi^
II ?«ll

I^TTT^^rTiqrm^ II IInbsp;Tii Fi^ ^^

lU ^11nbsp;^ ^ ^ ^FcfS^FRf^q^^ft IRvs 11

1.nbsp;Sh. omits ^ft; E. has «thfi^c^.

2.nbsp;Gdh. omits

3.nbsp;G. Vas.nbsp;Gdh.


5.nbsp;Vas. ^ =5r ^ft^te^

6.nbsp;E. ( margin sec. m.) G. supply the

and f^f^^r^ details first.

7.nbsp;Sh. o^®, and further omits

8.nbsp;Sh. ^^ (v. 1. f^), G. f^ro.

9.nbsp;All the mss. ^n®.\'


11.nbsp;For «n^ ^f^ Sh. reads ^^ffM.

12.nbsp;E. G. omit fl^mif^ though

they have

Gdh. Vas. omit f^T^^f ..

13.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 22. 3.

14.nbsp;Sh. mfjo.


16.nbsp;E. G, omit f^» ...l^\'^c^rr.

17.nbsp;MS. I. 1. 4,


19.nbsp;Sh. Gdh. # m-, Vas. omits ^

20.nbsp;Cf, ManGr, I. 22, 5.

21.nbsp;Sh. G. Vas.

-ocr page 51-

^n^r^ ^ TTTH^rrPr ^Mk i

ïï^ïïî^\'^-^^ II II ^ s^ MIR^^H^I^^

ïrrmRÎ ïTFSTu% é ïïr ^lïi^ | ^wt ÏT^«?-

TïîiRr ^^ 5rnïnT[%tnbsp;qîiW ^\'hïïgTifeïwini |

^TOT^ ^rnbsp;ii

^i^m^ n ^^^ ii w^c^iifW^

ïï^ m^^ Il Il ^nbsp;^rqfïï II Il

snt qnîftnbsp;SÏÏTP\'T: ÏÏTM

I ^^nbsp;Il iTPTsff

TOïîn\'T I ^it ^f^Inbsp;WT^TÏÏ I

ffir ^HI^pt IïïqfïïnRî II Il TRTO

^^ sTFOT^ jPT^f^nbsp;l^qpT I

1.nbsp;For ^ Sh. reads 9. Thus Gdh., other mss. o^o.
^ ^f^ (MS. I. L 2).nbsp;10. Cf. MânGr. I. 22. 6,

2.nbsp;Sh. oïiï^ ^^ïTf^ ^r ^îfrf^\', A. E.nbsp;11. G. adds : f^#Tr c^f I^f^ WRt.
quot;if^T^^^ G. Gdh. Vas.nbsp;12. Some mss. ^ ïTf^ for
»rf^rpTf^ ^ïiïf^ (Gdh. ^ïnïï).nbsp;13. Sh. sr^. So also RV. II. 23. 1.

3.nbsp;Cf. MânGr. I. 22. 5.nbsp;14. Sh ^o. So also RV. ib.

4.nbsp;E. (margin sec. m.) and Q. give thenbsp;15. Cf. MânGr. I. 22. 13.
^^r^ and r^l^rmnT details first,nbsp;16. MS. IV. 10. 3.

5.nbsp;Sh. E. G.nbsp;17_ Sh. E, G.

6.nbsp;Sh. E. G. o^îTqrfnbsp;jVIS. IV. 14. 6.

7.nbsp;Sh. ^f^.nbsp;19. MS. I. 2. 9.

8.nbsp;Sh. addsnbsp;20. G. adds T^^\'TTW.

-ocr page 52-

W ]nbsp;[ V. 31.

w ^ ^^nrm^^^nbsp;sS^t^^i ^rg^^TRTT ^ot f^rf^i^

qftnq^: wfInTFT,nbsp;I

# ïrf^ifmm m^ ^r^nbsp;f^ tCifir

w igfM\'^K^^iN^? I ïïra^ ir 115^ ft^ II II

^ wr ^nbsp;HT TTTïTTf^^MWÏ II

ir IInbsp;qfW^ Inbsp;^

1.nbsp;Sh. E.G.nbsp;Gr. 1.22. 21.

2.nbsp;G. snliwrf^nbsp;( Cf. 12. Sh. ogqr^.

ÏJ^W in the nextnbsp;13. Sh. addsnbsp;Cf. Vas. ïl^ïï-


3.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 22. 17.nbsp;14. After this verse Sh. adds: ^T^-

4.nbsp;Sh. o^^T^, B.

5.nbsp;E. (margin sec. m.) and G. give ^ TO: ^

the ^rf^ and f^T^T^TI^ details ^ \' ^^ ^nbsp;^^

firstnbsp;m I

6.nbsp;Sh.nbsp;E. F.nbsp;15. Sh. Tl ïfW.

7.nbsp;G, b^o. .nbsp;16. Sh. E. \'gt;w|( E. t
« ïp Sh. E. G. is precedednbsp;17. E. omits

\' ty V. \'nbsp;18. Cf. ManGr. I. 22. 11.

9 3b. e. O. o^.nbsp;19. MS. II. 7. 3.

10, Cf. Mamp;nGr. I. 22. 20;nbsp;20. MS. I. 3. 39.

Ih Vas. f^ f^r^/^. Cf. MSn-

-ocr page 53-

^it qfMîïï ir ^^ II

\'Tfïï çrqRîr çnrr

T^: ^^ ^r^ïïîj^ïFïïî ^wçr: u

^ ^Twqîf^rR^ f^nbsp;I


^^ Il îTT çm^HT ^^^ ;tt ^ttt^-

ïïîïTM ïïmrw ïï^ ir ^^ II
îficTT^Tf^^^iT ^^nbsp;mmm^\\r ^vs II mF^t

Il Il ^ ^irïUÏÏW ^ II II
«o ii^t^r^ii n 5:1^.

^ Sr^\'Hsr^ îr^ ^ 11 «R 11 ^^

ir II # ÏÏÏ

1.nbsp;Cf. MânGr. I. 1. 16.

2.nbsp;Sh. E. G. Vas. STI«».

3.nbsp;P. oT^o.

4.nbsp;MS. I. 3. 39.

5.nbsp;Identical with MânGr. I. 1. 17.

6.nbsp;Sh. omits ïï.

7.nbsp;Cf. MânGr. I. 1. 18.

8.nbsp;Sh. G. H^ïï^mr^o, E, F\' »î^ ^rgo.

9.nbsp;MS. I. 5. 2.

10.nbsp;Sh. E. G. add

11.nbsp;Identical with Vârér. ms. p. 52.

12.nbsp;MS. m. 12. 4.

13.nbsp;Sh. qJlî^:nbsp;f^o. Cf.
Vârér. ms. p. 52 : ^fM-

14.nbsp;MS. III. 4. 8.

15.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 1. 22, 23.

16.nbsp;With this sutra Vas[ begins a new
section ^^ ^ITf^^^^^ ^nd
explains it as

17.nbsp;Here E. G. conclude the khanda:

^Rlf^nbsp;In p. the

text runs continuously after ^f,
though on the margin it also has :


to the usual neuternbsp;).

18.nbsp;Sh. E. G, \'TT®.

19.nbsp;Sh. G. o%o.

20.nbsp;Some mss,

-ocr page 54-

[VI. 14.

fft:\' II n II

^TTPT^ft ^ 11^ ^ IInbsp;WW ^^T-

w^j II R II HTihror:,

^^Wrai^t, ^^ \\f III
^^ Inbsp;ir« II ^n^ J^^^i^iiH^

ir u II ^WTit^ ir ^ II ^T IIquot; II ^ ^^
IIquot; c II
7inbsp;If\' a II mm

ir ^ lu ^PTi^^r^ if\' ?? II ^t^w^T^
If\' nil 5T T^ II IInbsp;II II

1.nbsp;The Var^r. Par. Grhyaparusha
kh. 1. p. 185 and ManGr. II. 3. U
have respectively the variants
^^nbsp;and ^TfRT tj^



3.nbsp;Identical with ManGr. I, 1. 1.

4.nbsp;Sh. E. G.

5 p. o^r«gt;.

6.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. It 2.

7.nbsp;Identical with ManGr. I. 1. 3.

8.nbsp;Identical with ManGr. I. 1. 4,

9.nbsp;Identical with ManGr. I. 1. 6.

10.nbsp;Sh.nbsp;Gdh.nbsp;So also
ManGr. I. 1. 5.

11.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. (ib.).

12.nbsp;Identical with ManGr. I. 1. 9.

13.nbsp;Sh. So also ManGr. I. 1. 10.

14.nbsp;Thus E. G. Other mss.nbsp;Cf.
ManGr. (ib.)

15.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. (ib.).

16.nbsp;E. o^^o, F. oi^a^r«».

17.nbsp;Identical with ManGr I. 1. 11.

18.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 1. 13, 14, KathGr.
I. 21-23. Cf. Gdh. ^T ^r^Tf^ 1

-ocr page 55-

VI. 32 ]

mnbsp;iHü II ÏÏPT

Il Ilnbsp;m^^mî^, mjM

Il II w^ànbsp;H n if^^ ||

^x fm\' ^nbsp;rp^ ir il ^^ if^

^^r ^ Il RI IInbsp;^ ^^^^ n ^^ n ^

^ ^ Il ^^ Il ïï ^ wM II Il ^n^f^ Il II
f^Pmzt ïï^ ^ ^ Il ^TRîWTMîRîmf\' Il î^vs II

Il Il ^^ wr^Rk^ m^^ I

ïTl^quot; ^ II\'quot; II IT^^r^î ^R^ H ^ïî^\'\'
ir ^o II ^nbsp;^^


1.nbsp;Sh.nbsp;E. G.

2.nbsp;Sh. E. G. o^^îfr.

3.nbsp;E. G. add: m^P^^^irvfr (G. 1*51)^:.

4.nbsp;Cf. MânGr. I. 22. 21 : W^RÎ^T

5.nbsp;Sh. ^^irî^ïïîrawn. But compare
Gdh. ïï

6.nbsp;Cf. MânGr. I. 1. 12.

7.nbsp;Sh.nbsp;E. G. Gdh.


9.nbsp;Cf. MânGr. T. 1. 8.


11.nbsp;P. o\'^o.

12.nbsp;Cf. MânGr. I. 2. 6.

13.nbsp;Sh. ^ ^mf^ ^RT:.
U. Sh. ^
q^R I

15.nbsp;F. of^.

16.nbsp;Sh. im^ and
.17. Cf. MânGr. I. 2. 6.


WW, F. ïI^-v^TO: G. îR-

• •.^TîRî:nbsp;The reading as

emended above is from the Man.
( I. 2. 6 ) and the KâthGr. (II. 4).
The reading of F. stands by itself
and might be construed thus:

[ wf^ m^m ]


20.nbsp;E. omits

21.nbsp;Identical with MânGr. I. 2. 7.

-ocr page 56-

Ro]nbsp;^Xl^^i^^^Hnbsp;[VII. 10.

(?) II II ê II ^^ II ^tmrnbsp;l

^ ^ II\' ^^ \'Inbsp;Mnïï Inbsp;m

^ f^r^^ II II fè;: qft^l \'in^
lU^ II

1[T% ^RT^^ ^ II

mnbsp;^ ïï-^^Rïï^\\\\ \\ II ^nvjKimNNMwn

irrt: ir^ IIïï^nbsp;ot^toï^^^^ h\'quot;^ li

^nbsp;^T ir« II

^^^ïïliN\'Tt^li:^ ir^ II ^^ II ^ II ^^
^ fïï^ ^HT ^ ir = II ïïï^^l^ II II

1.nbsp;Thus Sh. Other mss.

2.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 2. 10.

3.nbsp;E.G. -t


5.nbsp;F. G. \'ï^ï« , Sh. \'sHT^:, E.

6.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 23. 1.


8.nbsp;Sh. E. G. omit

Cf. ManGr. I. 23. 2. In ManGr.

^F^ïï: is to be joined with

10.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 23. 3.

11.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 23. 5, 14.

12.nbsp;MS. II. 7. 7.

13.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 23. 6, 7.

14.nbsp;Identical with ManGr. I. 23. 8,

15.nbsp;Sh,nbsp;Tho cg of the mss. has
been wrongly read as

16.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 23, 9,

17.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 23. 10.

-ocr page 57-

VII. 22.]nbsp;^mw^ET^l^

^T \'ïf^^f^\'^ I ïTórrr^ ^r \'rft^r^\'^ ||nbsp;|| i^^^^Ä^T

w^î II II îR^ïïTi^nbsp;II

Ww^ Il Ilnbsp;ÏHF^: ir?V9|| ^

II Il mè^nbsp;W^l II II

^ II Ro II ïïfeî?nbsp;II ^^ Il ïï^^TT^rquot;
ïï^ II II

1.nbsp;Cf. MânGr. I. 23. 11.

2.nbsp;E. G.nbsp;Sh. of^^.

3.nbsp;F. oïffj^o, G. osff^ro.
Gdh, ^rî^T^îîI^r^nÎTr^

4.nbsp;Sh. qi^.

5.nbsp;Sh. E. G.nbsp;G. omits îl^PT^ï^

^r Tî^fîr.

6.nbsp;Cf. MânGr. I. 23. 15.

7.nbsp;Cf. MânGr. I. 23. 16.

8.nbsp;Sh. E. o^:.

9.nbsp;Cf. MânGr. I, 23. 21.

Cf. Vârér, Par. Rahasya pp.
270, 271 :nbsp;I

mwMiRt \'l\'TïiRîmit ^ïTR TI-
..nbsp;^rPï w^-sta^ I

^r BT: ÇTRlïi:nbsp;Tt:^-

^^ ïRf^ ^ îTïï^.

10.nbsp;Sh. omits

11.nbsp;Sh. E. G. «mm-, Gdh.

12.nbsp;F,nbsp;\'G. »^Rf^ï^o, Sh.
o^m E. o^ït

-ocr page 58-

[VIII. 5.

w^TTpmm I ^ ^ I mNW^ii\'^ii
^rtsrr ^nrn^nbsp;\'T^^ I

N^J \'Tft ^\'^T ^^ ^ Inbsp;^rsrf^ II^T^TII
^r ^ ^ JT^ii; I

f^i Tf^ ^ mj^ Inbsp;i^TSTR II

flT W\'RW I ^^nbsp;I I

IIInbsp;I ^I I

terr ^^nbsp;^ ii ^^ ^^r ii ^«T^^-

^nbsp;ifquot; II ^^ftf^ ^«nftrf^:

1.nbsp;Sh. w^^ir».


3.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 4. 1.

4.nbsp;Sh.nbsp;misread for ).

5.nbsp;Thus Sh. Othernbsp;(F. has
\'snW^, in the next verse also ). Cf.
ManGr. I. 4. 2, KathGr. IX. 2.

6.nbsp;Sh. B. G.-Gdh. omit ^


7.nbsp;Sh. omits

8.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. (ib.).

9.nbsp;Gdh. omits this and the three
subsequent formulas.

10.nbsp;Sh. omits

11.nbsp;Sh. cmf^ ^^ T^ ^ %


12.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. (ib.).

13.nbsp;Gdh. omits ^t^T, HT^.

14.nbsp;E. G.

15.nbsp;Gdh. and ManGr. I. 4. 4 omit

16.nbsp;F. omits cISajRT^c^^

17.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 4. 3-5.

18.nbsp;Sh. E. G. omit W.

19.nbsp;Sh. omits

20.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 4. 4, 5.

-ocr page 59-

[ m^w^\'^ ]



^ irv


II mii^^^m^ïf^x ii\'^n II

1.nbsp;Sh. E. G. Gdh. o^o.nbsp;8. Sh. adds

2.nbsp;Sh. ^^^r^f^lq;, E. G. 9. E.G, o^^.

10. Cf. MânGr. I. 4. 7-9.

3.nbsp;Por ^nbsp;Sh. 11. Sh. E. G. omit
reads fMTOTHT^cHf^f^^, whilo 12. Cf. MânGr. I. 4. 8, 9.
E. G. have 13. Sh. »f^.

Por ^ïf^tcflf^ f. has ^^lïïnbsp;14. p. ovjf^.

Sh. E. ogo. Cf MânGr. I. 4. 6nbsp;15. Cf. MânGr. I. 4. 10.

and its commentary.nbsp;16. Thus Sh. Other mss.

5.nbsp;Sh. E. G. omitnbsp;17. Sh. E. G. omit

6.nbsp;Identical with MânGr. I. 4. 6.nbsp;18. Cf. MânGr. I. 4. 11.

7.nbsp;Thus 8b, Other mss. quot;^f».

-ocr page 60-

^m]nbsp;[IX. 1.

* [ ]

f^ m T^TRf^^ IInbsp;k^i II


2.nbsp;Cf. MânGr. I. 7. 1.
3 F, ^fo.

4. Sh. E. G. add : ^^ W^If^î^I^^-
G. add further

mm- )• In F. this passage has
been noted on the margin, though

slightly changed : ^^^

îïl^ cft^n^fTW:. The
Vârér. Par. Antarkyakalpa ms.
p. 364 reads this and tho former
sutra thus: ^rrf^lWf: I ^H^^t

Cf. KathGr. X. 2.

5.nbsp;Identical with MânGr. I. 7. 2.

6.nbsp;F.nbsp;Sh. o^nW:nbsp;G.

7.nbsp;Gdh. explains the word thus:

I wfinrkr^^

Adityadar^ana comment-
ing on KathGr. XLIV. 1 proceeds
a step further:nbsp;^^T^ ^

8. The interpretation of this passage
as given in ManGr. commentary
I. 21. 13 is as follows : ^ g^f^T-

Cf. KathGr. XLIV. 1: ^ =fT
and on it the gloss of Adityadar-


Onnbsp;Prof.Caland gives

the note:nbsp;is apparently a

designation of the Agnicayana part
of the Yajurveda (Kath. XIX. 1
sqq). According to Ad. this part

ends with Kath. XXII. 14: 70. 19.
9. Sh. o\'TT^^r. Cf. ManGr. ib. ^r^T-
\'it^lf^ l (though the com. and
even some of the Gr. mss. read ^(^T-

-ocr page 61-

ll\' ^ IInbsp;W\'r II ^^

Tèrcff ^nrq-qf^rnbsp;I

^^nbsp;ïïï^rj: jnït^; n

^ II ^ IInbsp;II « II ÏTT II ïi II

[ m mmém. ]

^ Jm^W* m^ï^ II ^ II
^fi irv9 IInbsp;Ifc II ^r^ èfèquot;

1. Sb. reads ^r^T^flq-

Gdh. îl^lîi^

Cf. also MânGr. com. I. 21. 13:


I »tr^îr ^nbsp;ïîr^rïï-

2.nbsp;Cf. MânGr. ib.


4.nbsp;The VaikhDh. III. 15 assigns to

in the South,

5.nbsp;Sh. gives only the pratika: ^Tc^llT

6.nbsp;G. Gdh,


8.nbsp;ManGr. com. I. 2, 8 : SR^f if ^r^-
^^ I TgT^^ ^r ^ irf ff^
[ I. 9, 20 ]

Cf. KathGr. III. 1 and there-
on the Bhashya of Devapala, the
Paddhati of Brahraanabala and
the Vivarana of Adityadar.lt;ana,

9.nbsp;Identical with ManGr. I, 2, 8,

12.nbsp;MS, IT, 13. 1.

13.nbsp;Thus Gdh. Sh. «»«[^rf^, other mss.

14.nbsp;Sh. and ManGr. I. 2. 12nbsp;but
the Baroda edition of the ManGr,
agrees with the text given above.

the son born of ^n^S (born of f^S

and III. 12) father and ^l^qr 10. Cf. MânGr. I. 2. 9.
mother the duty of shaving the 11. MS. II, 7, 5,
body below the nave : [ ^H^lci;]

These ^iql^rf^Tcfs were different
from those who shaved the body
above the nave, and held a low
position in society. They still exist

-ocr page 62-

^^ ]nbsp;^m^SET^^q;nbsp;[ IX. 20.

ir II ^sTrnbsp;II

^ ïïï Trr ^^rRnR^rofl if\'?^ II f^^i ^çfTfir\'\'
^quot;^ïïfè^\' IIquot;?« II ^^nbsp;II II

[ ^^^^ïir: ]

fîRWFÏÏÎfû^îî II IInbsp;^^ I

ïïc W\'^h \'Ttg^rf^t^, mm^ m^x
^ïïïï^ïïTïTwïrmm l ^TR ir^a. ii mmxIÏ%: I

1.nbsp;Sh. Gdh. Vas. MânGr. I. 2. 12. W.nbsp;13. Cf. MânGr. ib., KâthGr. III. 8.

2.nbsp;Sh. MânGr. ib. ïTl.nbsp;14. TS. III. 5. 2. 2, KS. XVII. 7.

3.nbsp;E. G. Vas. addnbsp;15. Gdh. Vas.

4.nbsp;Sh. E. Vas. MânGr. ib. quot; o^ïnfîr ornbsp;16. Cf. MânGr. I. 2. 15.
«gt;^f^for«gt;^gt;îIR, F. G. Gdh.o^f^.nbsp;17. Before Gdh. and Vas. insert

5.nbsp;Cf. MânGr. I. 2. 11, 12.nbsp;^ îl^II^ if^nbsp;f^Pl^R:

6.nbsp;MS. I. 2. 11.nbsp;(cf. MânGr. I. 2. 13), and further

7.nbsp;Cf. MânGr. I. 2. 15.nbsp;on supply the verse missing in the

8.nbsp;Sh.nbsp;.nbsp;Grhya : ^fq:nbsp;. .J^Ti^

9.nbsp;F.nbsp;but Gdh. Vas. Çf^T^^r [ cf. VârGr. V. 27 ]
o^^WT ^^^IÎ\'Î^WWH; I ïïïï: ^RR:.

10.nbsp;MS. I. 1. 11.nbsp;18. Cf. MânGr. I. 2. 17.
Sh. omits from the text S^fîf^ 19. Sh. gÇW^«^.

and gives it in the footnote.nbsp;20. Cf. MânGr. I. 2. 18.

11.nbsp;Cf. MânGr. I. 2. 14.nbsp;. 21. A.nbsp;B. Gdh. ïïnjtrtquot;,
,12. Sh. MânGr. I. 2. 16 add: emended by Sh. to

ïfsi^.nbsp;22. Cf. MânGr. I. 2. 19.

-ocr page 63-

II ^io IInbsp;sqf^^^ n ^^ ii

[ ^^ ^i^iir^ ]


sfnlR^ IR II ^R^Tftt^RT^ ^^^ ir^ II


According to Kulluka (M. Smrti
X. 112)nbsp;.glean-

ing more than one ear of corn at a
time\' opposed to

Gdh.\'s explanation is,
however, different: ^
f^fc^TF ^

2,nbsp;For W^f Sh, reads ^W^^T.

3,nbsp;Sh. oSTF^i^f^^o.


Wf^tRff^ It gvf II
5. Thus Sh. Gdh., F.


points to \'^ll^r as the original read-

7.nbsp;Identical with ManGr, I. 7. 4.

8.nbsp;Gdh.nbsp;Thus also ManGr, I.
7. 5 and KathGr. XIV. 10. Gdh.
takes it to be a Vedic irregularity
for but Devapala on
KathGr. ib. explains it as the loca-
tive singular of ^quot;T^FJT — ^T^T^T: ^^F-

9.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. ib.

10. Cf. ManGr. I. 7. 6.

-ocr page 64-

^ I ïE^rwT^ I îTfm 3 ^nbsp;if ^ n


^ïT^^rr é vïTijnbsp;if

fmnbsp;II \\9 II ^P^T\'

^gr^ ir = IInbsp;fïïT^ I ^

1.nbsp;For ^ïïR Sh. reads ^ïRl:.

2.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 7, 7.

3.nbsp;Sh. ^Tl^.

4.nbsp;Gdh. takes each of the hemistichs
as one verse.

5.nbsp;The acarya (J) chants the mantra
while the groom\'s party proceeds
towards the bride\'s house to finally
settle the match.


7.nbsp;Gdh. WrrfM (?) mm ( v. 1.

Cf. ManGr. I, 7. 8 ïïl^ and
the com.: ^TI^RRTïïfs^mïréft^RTH I...

^ w ïri^ \'^^lï. I f^^r ^ral quot;^r
^rr ïïl^rg\'Pr^ i \'Twu^^^iisfïr
ii^i\'yy K^di ïi^rrt^ft ÏÏW-

But VaikhGr. VI. 12:

It would be interesting to note in
this connection the view of Sir
Thomas More as recorded in his
Utopia that before marriage a
staid and honest matron quot;showeth
the woman, be she maid or widow,
naked to the wooer...At this cus-
tom we laughed and disallowed it
as foolish. But they, on their part,
do gieatly wonder at the folly of
all other nations which, in buying
a colt...be so chary and circum-
spect that though he be almost all
bare, yet they will not buy him
unless the saddle and all the har-
ness be taken off, lest under these
coverings he hid some gall or sore.

And yet, in choosing a wife,......

they be so reckless that all the
residue of the woman\'s body being
covered with clothes, they estimate
her scarcely by one handsbreadth
(for they can see no more but her
face) and so join her to them.quot;
(Quoted by H. Ellis, Studies in the
Psychology of Sex Vol. VI. p. 102).

8.nbsp;Cf. MânGr. I. 7, 8.

9.nbsp;Cf. MânGr. T. 7. 9.

Cf. BhârGy. I. 11 : ^ 5 ^f^r


Dr. Salomons\' view that this quot;must
be a later addition from a light-
hearted copyistquot; is untenable, for

-ocr page 65-

^ilf^Rr ^r^ \\nbsp;^nrmtq^^i^il\' ll

^^T\'K^^^m^ mft^^ï^qT iru II

^ Inbsp;IH^ II ^q^fr

T^fT^r ^ ^^quot;^TJ ir\'?^ IInbsp;I

similar passages are quoted innbsp;red bullocks and carts\'. Our vari-

other ancient texts as well, e. g.nbsp;ant WTrf^«! stands very close to
-^pGr. I, 3. 20 and Vatsyayana\'s

Kamasütra ch. XVI : T^qfnbsp;9. Identical with ManGr. I. 7. 12.

^r^WïST^^JTPïf^^r ( Vatsyay.nbsp;10. Sh. Gdh. Sh. reads it along

»^Rro for o^fo of Ap.)nbsp;with JTrW^^T % i. e. \'both the par-
ties are to present a pair of cows\'.

Here Sh. forgets thatnbsp;is to

be given by one party alone. Cf.
Gdh. ^^ qtr

11.nbsp;Gdh. ïïcinbsp;ïTfwft^-

12.nbsp;Sh. puts a stop after ^f^ and reads
^TT (for our ^f:) along with

of the next sütra.

[ ÏT ] ^rm^Tl^^^MM^

Of these the first mantra
is to be chanted by the groom\'s

party and the second by the bri-
de\'s party,

U. Sh. E. Gdh. o^. After ^^ Sh,
adds sf^.

15.nbsp;Sh. E. Gdh.
Sh. E. add sf^m

16.nbsp;Sh. E.

1.nbsp;Sh. Gdh. TTho.

2.nbsp;Sh. E. Gdh.

3.nbsp;Cf. MânGr. I. 7. 10.

4.nbsp;Sh. o^o. Cf. MânGr. I. 7. 11.

5.nbsp;Sh. E.

6.nbsp;Gdh. yi^

7.nbsp;Cf. MânGr. ib.

8.nbsp;But F.nbsp;and Gdh.
f^^îTïn^—^^f^^IÎ^ I3 ^SÎT-
Mi ^^f ^[fi:. Prof. Caland
suggests \'a slow-going cha-
riot\' (Sâyana on TS. Calcutta ed. p.
1008). A more probable reading is

Cf. Viévarûpâcârya on
Yâjîiavalkya Smrti I. 80, where he
cites an ancient Brâhmana passage:
ïï^ïrr^nbsp;sfïTT«? m ^f^rfl?

The word wRiTST
goes back to Rgveda, and means
a cart-load. Sâyana would have
translated ^RTîTI^W by \'a hund-

-ocr page 66-

^KT^^ir^^nbsp;[XL 6.

II\' ^ M ^m^ïmmj w^xT^m^i^r^ i ^^ m^mH
f^^ ir RIIS^ îTRf^F^ ir ^ n
^ ir^llnbsp;^T^Tsmrlf

1.nbsp;Gdh.nbsp;I ^ï^rr-nbsp;sif^^\'T^nr^f^
sîr^^ïïr îTr^tlg: i u. E. ^î^O.

f^^ îïï^.

2.nbsp;Fornbsp;Sh. has ^Tîî îT.


4.nbsp;f.nbsp;Sh. o^^:nbsp;e.

5.nbsp;Gdh. 1°.

6.nbsp;Identical with MânGr, T. 9. 1.

7.nbsp;Sh. oïTr. Gdh. ar^rw ^f^r- 17. sh. ^I^îïïo.


8.nbsp;Cf. MânGr. I. 9. 2, 3.nbsp;ig. Qdh.nbsp;ïf^ïï^ ^

9.nbsp;Sh. E. o^^o.

10. Cf. MânGr. I. 9. 4 : ïï ^jflïïf?!^^ 20. Cf. MâuGr. I. 9. 6, 7.

12.nbsp;Sh. omits the sûtra.
Identical with MânGr. 1.9, 5_
Gdh. ^rfî)rçrr TOrt^rgçrf^ïjj


14.nbsp;Sh. adds:

15.nbsp;Sh. omits the second î^l^

16.nbsp;Sh. addsnbsp;while B. omits
even ITO^!.

-ocr page 67-

^Tj^t ^ mnbsp;ii

M^lrquot; ll\'c n ft^nbsp;ft: RT^ II ^

I ÏT ÏÏT ft^wV\' II ^i^^mr: JTW: ÏÏTÏÏ^

ll\'\'^^ IInbsp;ir n II m^ ïTWïïft

II\'quot;?^ II ir^« II ïï^:nbsp;II mf^ïïïï^T-

1.nbsp;Sh.nbsp;ïftarr jiw: ïif^q^^ w^^rroi^-

2.nbsp;Sh. omits

Qdh. \'CTSg^r^ ^^ fqstr ^r Inbsp;17. Cf. ManGr. I. 9. 12. Gdh. ^

3.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 9. 7, 8.


5.nbsp;A. ïïïïf^fïïïïrrir.

6.nbsp;Sh.nbsp;Gdh. ^ïfr^rf^o.

7.nbsp;A. \'TT ïTT
Gdh. srt

8.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 9. 8.

9.nbsp;Before this verse Sh. inserts : ^fS-


10.nbsp;Thus corrected. The mss.f^r^(A.

11.nbsp;Sh. TT^f^^g^o.

12.nbsp;Gdh. cmw^l^.

13.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 9. 10.


15.nbsp;Identical with ManGr. I. 9. 11.

16.nbsp;For ïT ïïï f^^

Sh. reads: »T I
ÏTnbsp;^ and puts down

in the footnote : ïf
^nbsp;TrftoRT ^ i

T^r^ ^Wrf^q: ( cf. ManGr.

i wr^^trnbsp;i


^ir^) VT inftqrnbsp;(?) gg-

^^ (?) i t^Ri
^ ^fcT:. Cf. also KathGr. XXIV.
9: ^^ ^ JTnbsp;and De-

vapala\'s com. thereon: ^r^tm\'hrr-
f^s^TNi^ ^

18.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 9. 6.

19.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 9. 15.

Sh. omits sutras 11 and 12.

20.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I, 9. 13.

21.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 9. 12.

22.nbsp;Sh. puts sutras 13-15 (tT^^ TT^...

in the footnote,
and substitutes for them the MS-

-ocr page 68-

3nbsp;^m^m^mnbsp;[ XI. 23.

minbsp;^r^ïïT^r ^nbsp;îTltgrïïT-

^ ïï^srRr II\'

tW ^t îTT^Tri^nbsp;ir?v9 II s=rT%énbsp;n

^r ^^r ^rc^rr ^RJJTT^ ^^nffc^^r^T^tr^^ |
5r 3 sfr^\'quot;\'
nbsp;mm ^rrnbsp;crf^rg n

nava sütras:nbsp;TI^ TT^ Gdh. reverses the order of siltras

(I. 9, 12, 13).nbsp;18, 19.

1.nbsp;MS. I. 1. 2. ^nbsp;13. Sh. Srr%«T[%o.

2.nbsp;Sh. omits ^Lnbsp;u. Gdh.nbsp;qt

3.nbsp;Sh. E. Gdh. sif^gitteH. ^f^ ,nbsp;^^rc^.

4.nbsp;E. Wl^ttl^^.nbsp;Cf. MânGr. I 9. 19

Iß-nbsp;15. Gdh. ^-r îr.ira nf îrrç i

6.nbsp;Cf. MânGr. I. 9. 13, 14.nbsp;qrïï^qj

7.nbsp;Before this verse Sh, inserts : 16 E Gdh ^f.

8.nbsp;F. omits î^:.nbsp;ïrf cWF...

9.nbsp;Sh. adds Wr^.nbsp;18. Cf. MânGr. I. 9. 20.

10.nbsp;Gdh.nbsp;Cf. MânGr. I. 9. 16. 19. Cf. MânGr. I. 9. 21, 22.

11.nbsp;Identical with MânGr. I, 9, 18. 20. E. 51 ^ïj qr^.

Gdh.nbsp;Inbsp;21. Sh. ^nbsp;^cS^. Gdh.

12.nbsp;Identical with MânGr. I. 9. 17. 22. Here Sh. and MânGr. I. 9. 2.\'î

-ocr page 69-

^^ TSÏÏMÏÏ?^\' ir II ^ to ^ qrilft\' JT^

[ ]

-^ré^iirTTf^ çR^ntnbsp;|f ^ || jrnirr-

ir^î II

conclude the Madhuparka section.nbsp;8. Sh. adds

1.nbsp;Sh. has at the end of the nextnbsp;9. Cf. MânGr. I. 9. 2i Gdh
^pter: qr^ %
mf^...^ ^^

^ ^f^ TITîfr ^^^ ^^r^ra^R- 10. Sh. omitsnbsp;^ ^^J

11. Sh. o:.!^.

2.nbsp;Cf. MânGr. I. 9. 23.nbsp;Sh. adds ^F^.

3.nbsp;E. ^^ ^nbsp;jg^ ^^^ ^^nbsp;^^ ^^

4.nbsp;Gdh.nbsp;^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^

5.nbsp;Sh. and MânGr. do not end thenbsp;^ , ^^
chapter with Madhuparka. but gonbsp;^ ^^ ^
on with

E. ^o, p.nbsp;^^ ^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^

6.nbsp;F. omits Gdh. ïïïï:nbsp;jnw^nbsp;^^

14. Cf. MânGr. I. 9. 25, 26.

7.nbsp;Sh, Gdh,nbsp;15^ Sh.nbsp;other mss.

-ocr page 70-

^TES^m^nbsp;[XIII. 2.


^ ft^ ^TTRqrnbsp;q^quot; TOlt

^ ftquot; ^TRTR éqrtnbsp;fir^r sr^irè VS^WT^Î^

fe^ IPT^ II ? IInbsp;Jff^^ ^^^^^

1.nbsp;Sh. ^ÎT.nbsp;these ceremonies it bears the colo-

2.nbsp;Sh. g^ ^HRqrwf^f^.nbsp;phon : ^RIR:.
Gdh. »^îta:.nbsp;7. Sh.

3.nbsp;Gdh. mygrrinWH.nbsp;8, Sh. oïTfïïTSïïfo.

4.nbsp;^n^f^ro ...W^ÎFîJRrr^^ isnbsp;9. E. F. add

put in Sh.\'s footnote, while hisnbsp;10. E. appends ^^ffr or ^o to every

text reads : ^RT: ÏÏR\'î^ q^Jïïï-nbsp;deity up to T^^^rnr.

^ qR]frnbsp;11. Sh. E. Gdh. q^ ( E. è ).

12, Sh.

5.nbsp;Cf, ManGr, I. 9. 27.nbsp;13. Gdh. mît Sll^t^^

6.nbsp;F. ^tfo, Sh. o^r^:nbsp;WcTO^.
One of Gdh.\'s mss. includes thenbsp;14. E.
Alankarana within the Madhu-nbsp;15, Sh.

parka, for at the conclusion of bothnbsp;. .

-ocr page 71-



fft IR II ^ftf

^ II ^ IInbsp;q^T srcTT^^—

^ ^rj srsfr st^ttc^ ^^ ^nbsp;u

fft II » II JT^T^nbsp;II ii II

ft^ II ^ II

1.nbsp;Perhaps the acarya of the bride. 8. Sh. ^ JRT.
Gdh. ^
tM:nbsp;Sh. ^[^yim:.

2.nbsp;Sh. ^o.nbsp;IQ^ jj. Gdh. omit

3.nbsp;E. Gdh. oiT^f^ro, F.nbsp;11^ Sh. omits JJ.

4.nbsp;Sh. E. omitnbsp;12. Gdh.

5.nbsp;Sh. ^STnbsp;13^ ^llo, Sh. E.

6.nbsp;Sh. adds m.nbsp;^IRT^.


-ocr page 72-

[ ^ïï f^^n^ ]

mt JHT^\' IIquot; l
^ ^r ïïirrfir ÏI^^ ^^ ^r^ é^ ^rr^mJi^ ll

^r^k^q^^\'^r I irfi xj^;nbsp;i

[XIV. 4.

1. Gdh. deals at length with some
very important preliminaries.
These I quote here in brief: cRT:

...[RV. X. 85. 47]

^ TT^rinbsp;I f^^c\'j^rfir-

g^r ^r si^^g^tr ir^ i
T^f^r^irr ^rce^\'^^ n...

qsrr ^RTRI

^^ Inbsp;^ ïi^r.

^Wf^ ^ira: I cT^ ^^ ^^ i


ManGr. 1. 8. 2-10 ).



4.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 8. 11.

5.nbsp;The mss. ^J^Nf.

6.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 11. 6.

c^rnbsp;^^cqr 7. Gdh. wé \'^kr ^^ q^ ^^

qrf^ sfïr I ^ïHïjftïrf^ I

ïir^^ïïr I ^rïTrïT
^to I.. ^ grri-
tlïl^ïirïïnbsp;(Cf. ManGr. I.


8.nbsp;F. o^r:.

9.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 10. 6.
10. E. adds ^ïï.

-ocr page 73-

^ TmfïïT^

li\' ^ II ^ ^TRTpTl pïïRTi
vfi^ çfwr^ II VS II ^^TFHXWRT-

^fw^ ^sf^^ ii c n ^(i^x

m iftfïï—

f^r? ^trï I
^fîîg ^^nbsp;H ^r^r ii

ir?o IInbsp;îRf^ïïriïïTI^\'TilïïT?^ Ilquot;

n 11 ^nbsp;^Ts^lf ^n\'^m ^Rr f fïïî I ^ï I

1.nbsp;E. adds

2.nbsp;E. of^I^îTÎ

3.nbsp;E. t^^o^ other mss,
Cf. Vârér.

Par. Grhyapurusha kh.

11: îjfîrîit^

4.nbsp;MS. II. 7. 13.

5.nbsp;MS. II. 13, 1.

6.nbsp;This sütra is missing in Gdh,

7.nbsp;E. ofïTfïTïïR.

8.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 10. 8.

9.nbsp;The mss. o^ïï.

10.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I, 10. 8, 10.

11.nbsp;MS. II. 13. 23.

12.nbsp;Identical with ManGr. I. 10. 10
(last line).

13.nbsp;The mss. »\'S^^o.

14.nbsp;This ^r seems to refer to the one
occurring in the following mantras.

15.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 10. 11:

Gdh. ^nbsp;^r-

fw: I STCT: ^ï^^rr^ïï ^r^ ^ïRRf

f^ïTRï^ Inbsp;(Cf. ManGr.

-ocr page 74-

]nbsp;^T^SimFi;nbsp;[ XIV. 13.

^ ^^^r Inbsp;^rcr i ^^r^ ç^r ^^^ i

çîçV ^ ^ I ^r^^ Inbsp;inbsp;\\nbsp;\\

^^ sinft ^ ir n IInbsp;srrtî ^FWR^M

^ ^ïïç^rnrnbsp;^^nbsp;i

^ ^rwnbsp;ç^îiTçqrïï ^î u

^ î^ra^ îïïTnTF^^r u
^^^^ ^^ ^îTÎt ^rr^fr^f^ i

Tîw TTR^rr^r ^ÏT ^^FI^TR ÏR: U

^T ^^ïï^Tnbsp;ÇïT I

w Tfmg^ ^ mnbsp;ii

^nbsp;^ 1
^^ (?)

corn, W ^rac I gffnbsp;7. The mss. «^^o. So also Vârér.

... Tîê^\'Ir^\'îrtRRT-nbsp;Par

tîïïr Sïï^^nbsp;8. So also Vârér. Par. Praya^citta

?r w: [w] TOI\'rKMfôdRmquot;^.nbsp;kh. 3. p. 213: ÇTRÏÏ q^f

1.nbsp;The mss. ^îf^^ ( E. P.nbsp;^W^HKVq- t^^l^îîl^-

2.nbsp;MS. II. 7.1.nbsp;îîiIïTftïï ^ î^^ntf sTïrr-

3.nbsp;MS. I. 4. 3. ^nbsp;5RT ^^n^ïft g\\fr g^rrïT ^

4.nbsp;Cf. MânGr. I. 10. 11.nbsp;^ w ^

5.nbsp;E.nbsp;E. üdh.nbsp;Cf. JaiaxGy, I. 20

6.nbsp;Gdh. omits this line,nbsp;5%

-ocr page 75-

23. ]nbsp;[ ^^

ffïï irn IInbsp;TR^ ir?« II wsiH^^\'ïTïï-

mij »rq- i

m^i ^^ II

IInbsp;^lïï^^ïïï ïR^ïï li\'?^ II

ïfR^ ^TRR\'ïfRrTnbsp;WmM. ir^VS II ÏÏRTÏÏ^-

^ TÏ^^T irrcnïlr ii

^r^ 3 ^^Wïf ^ I

^nbsp;^ïïi ^nbsp;II ^^ II

ir^c II ^^i^lqq^^f^rraftRr ^ II ii

gîTî Tr^^ 5ïRt ^ ^wm ^^ IInbsp;•

|f% tMïï qf^^ W\'Ro IInbsp;I ^^ïTT\'TÏÏSr^

^R^ I quot;ï?^ g I ^ 3 ^ftRT ftïït r ^^\'Tqf^f^
ÏÏÏÏTfRCir^^? II ^ fef^^T^Ï^ If-
\'TT^ II ^^ IInbsp;ïïïï R^ïPTfir—f^r^^t

ïiq^ I i: ^ I ^fïn ^^^HTT Inbsp;I 5r5rT¥q\': i

IÇTHnbsp;^Vf^t\'\' IIT^^ ^TP^ fefhïTl^^-

i ^ ïrq ïïnbsp;ïit ftqftrrquot;

1.nbsp;Cf. MânGr. I. 10. 15.nbsp;8. Cf. MânGr. I. 11. 12.

2.nbsp;Cf. MânGr. I 10. 16.nbsp;9. For \'ï^îîr 3nbsp;E. has

3.nbsp;Cf. MânGr. I. 11. i,nbsp;^ 3 H

4.nbsp;E. ^r.nbsp;10. Cf. MânGr. I. 11. 13.

5.nbsp;Cf. MânGr. I. 11. 11.nbsp;11. Fornbsp;E. reads m-


7.nbsp;The mss. «W«».nbsp;12. Gdh.nbsp;^IW ïTT

-ocr page 76-

[ XIV. 27.

ir ^^ II

^nbsp;wsï Tc^rr ii

^ Inbsp;II

Ifï^li IInbsp;5ÏÏTWÏÏÎ II II

(?) I ^ é^WpT^ ^ tmn I ïrrrnlpf^ wmt i
wïi ïwwr ÏÏT
Iïï ir^^vs II

1.nbsp;Cf. MânGr. T. 11. 18.


3.nbsp;MS. III. 11. 10.

4.nbsp;Cf. MânGr. I. 11. 20, 26.

5.nbsp;Gdh. îJÎTïï.

6.nbsp;Gdh. \'fSTPSf.

7.nbsp;Cf. MânGr. I. 12. 1.

8.nbsp;MS. II. 13. 23.

9.nbsp;Cf. MânGr. I. 11. 14.


Gdh. takes no notice of the last two
Bütraa, but simply goes on with
some practices left unnoticed by

the Sûtrakâra : [^^Tr] Plg;^ ^î^
^ftïFïï^f^ f^^qrnbsp;I...

ïï^ ^nbsp;3 ^Rc^it if

...(Cf. MânGr. I. 12. 2, 7:

10. E. »Wn^l^Rîtï ql^^f I ^ÏT

F. o^gj^îrîi

-ocr page 77-

[ ^^ ]

^l^ï T^T^rnbsp;^ sSïï\'Tj q-5rq-: m^r^ ii

fftnbsp;ll\'? II

^q- ^nbsp;IJ

^ ir ^ ii

m ^nr^^ïiï ^ ^ g^Rq^ I

II\' « II ïWtnbsp;3rqT% I ^ \'ÏTfèq^}

H II ^^ ^^nbsp;fr% I ^ w TfiiT^

nquot; ^ II ïïïï^ ^nrnbsp;^^nbsp;I ^ ^^rrïïïïïf^^nï

1.nbsp;Gdh. notes the following prelimi- 4. So also the Vârér. ms. (ib.). Cf.
naries : ^fe Wlt T^l MânGr. I. 13 4

5.nbsp;According to Gdh. it is either the

^^f^ q^r^ , ^nbsp;.dhvaryu or the yajamâna who

(MS. III. 12. 18) ^^r-nbsp;helps the bride to get into the

f^^ïï:. Cf. MânGr. 1.13.nbsp;chariot.

6.nbsp;Cf. MânGr. I. 13. 6.

2.nbsp;Vârâr. ms. (p. 131) ^-^fir.nbsp;7. Cf. MânGr. I. 13. 8.

3.nbsp;In Vârér. ms. (ib.) the red inknbsp;8. Cf. MânGr I. 13. 7.
corrections are : V^ ^rïïW-nbsp;9. MS. II. 9. 9.
»TS^^T^^t I ^f^nbsp;10. Cf. MânGr. I. 13. 11.

11, Identical with MânGr, I. 13, 13,

-ocr page 78-

]nbsp;^Kl^-\'l^H?!^nbsp;[ XV. 19.

fRr if V9 II ^ITV ^^ TT^? ff^ T^ I q ^-qp^ify
II c 11^ ^\'^^rfl\' ii\'a IInbsp;sTRfr^f^—

^TSST^nbsp;RT?\'^ ^ I

I^^T^S^nWHi^ li\'^o II TFrm^HWTRquot;^ ^f^\'

^g^r mmnbsp;1^^^mf^

^M H ftt TRl^ II\' II ^^Tftr^

f^W^: im IInbsp;\'

[ ^^ ]

^pnft IInbsp;iiquot;?^ II

^^MlRdlft\'^^I^T dftw

1.nbsp;Identical with ManGr. I. 13. 12.

2.nbsp;MS. II. 9. 9.

3.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 13. U.

4.nbsp;The mss.

5.nbsp;Cf. MS. II. 10. 6

6.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 13. 15.


8.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 13. 17.

9.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 14. I.

10.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. 1.14. 4, 5.

11.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 14. 5.

12.nbsp;Thus corrected. The verse occurs

in an incorrect form in all Grhya-
siitras. Our mss. read
^^^^(or ^f^), ^JTl^irr^, ^ff^JT.
The emended verse presents a fine
parallelism between the attributes
of ^r^i^andnbsp;^

itr^ I itl^^:, ^t ^Nl^fft I
l^g^TIWT^, ^ ITT

13.nbsp;Cf. ManGr I. 14. 6.

14.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I, 14. 7.

15.nbsp;Henceforth Sh. reverts to the Va-
raha text.

-ocr page 79-

^ ^kft^nbsp;II\'II

\'S\'n^\'WWm\'i îfl II^O II si^Eg^ px

^ft^r^^^rft^ ça: pr-^ferî mîmlr WW il

«fnbsp;^ mnbsp;flq^SîTi IIquot;

«rW ÎT-ÎSÏR ^ Il

smft^TCftrî II II mmit ^ s^

^Rt^ {^i.mmmr^\'î^ Il ^
Inbsp;^ Il II ïï

â-i^^Kif ftm^wr-v ^ Il ^c II

1. Cf. Mâ.Gr. I. u. 8.

2.Sh.nbsp;13.Cf.M5uGr I u 12

3.Cf.M.nGf.I.U.9.nbsp;u] Cf. Mànef! I H u.\'

« eunbsp;t^® following

^^-da. In their

and again p. 17nbsp;stead he reads three Mânava

6ûtras(I. 14.. 13-15).

6.nbsp;Sh. omits 5îTH:.nbsp;15.MS.II. 13. 23

7.nbsp;Cf. MânGr. I. 14. 9-12.nbsp;16. MS. I. 1. 2.

8.nbsp;Sh. ^^fÎTîrS..nbsp;17. p. omits

9.nbsp;Sh. adds ^l^ïïrf^r:.nbsp;18. Sh. does not end the khaçda here,



-ocr page 80-

«« ]nbsp;^T^^ÏU^îJ^nbsp;[ XVI. 4.

[ m ïï^éiï^ ]


wm ^r îRçrr ÇTT^ srié ÇTT^T sSw^q: i
^ îTin^fnbsp;^TSTPR^ sr^r^r s^m ii

wm ^r ïR^nbsp;^r^rf ^^ îïï^ïïFînq; i

Trrs^î g^^^qrc^TïrFî^l jtsptt S^I^FTT li
sTîfnïï çN \'îr i^^îT ^grnbsp;(?) i

q^îri fq^rfr^ ii

f^Snbsp;fwïTN (?) Il

IIquot;? II ^f^ ïïg^ïïi^ ir^ II

1.nbsp;For Garbhadhana (exceptingnbsp;^^fîw^\'T^T^Mnbsp;I T^Rff^

g^q;) Sh. givesnbsp;^ WW

the Mânava text (I. 14. 16-20, ex-nbsp;^qcMt: q^

cepting the second half of 16c, andnbsp;RF^T: I ^Tm» Spr^îW. • .ff^ q^

the whole of 16d).nbsp;qf^: I

2.nbsp;Cf. MânGr. I. 14. 16 ê ^fïnïï^T^r]:.

3.nbsp;Gdh. SIÎRro.nbsp;...if^qih^.

4.nbsp;The mss. ÏT^J^.nbsp;12. Cf. MânGr, I, 14. 16.

5.nbsp;F. og^r.nbsp;13. Gdh,...^r^ 5i«nT qî^: qîîîTr îpi

6.nbsp;F. STîîR îRR^.nbsp;The sense of is

7.nbsp;Sh. Gdh.nbsp;further brought out by BaudhGr,

8.nbsp;Sh. î^cï^:nbsp;Paddhati (Panjab University ms.

9.nbsp;Sh. Gdh. FIR, F. ^^fW:.nbsp;4326 p. 29b): WW \'Ttf^ f^^ïïTRT.

10.nbsp;F. oîïï^\'îl\':^«».nbsp;14- Cf. MânGr. I. 14. 17.

11.nbsp;Gdh. Ti^ îl^ S^qf^îl^nbsp;15. Gdh. W W^^f^fcl ^ ^^ ïT^-

é ^qcftnbsp;âsiïl. Cf. MânGr. I. 14. 18.

^rr^TTRRci: I Tra\'i ïii^ «ïïqtg-nbsp;16, Gdh. ^^ quot;^ïïr,

Tft ^ ^ Inbsp;f^fîRtT: I ^ iii^rïï qr^: i ^IÏÏ:

YRîmRIif^: IW^FH^ Çîfx^ïïT-nbsp;SÎ^flïï Cf. MânGr,

-ocr page 81-

XVI. 9. ]nbsp;^miiW^\'l,nbsp;[ «ic

^ II u II srm^T imm^—




mmit % ^^ m irW^nbsp;mi-

I w-

^nbsp;[ ^ ^J^ 11 c u

I. 14. 19.nbsp;9. Thus Gdh., other mss.

With Garbhadhana Sh.nbsp;concludes 10. Sh.

his 18th khanda.nbsp;11. Sh. F. If^ ^T^f^o, Gdh. icf


2.nbsp;Sh. oWK^o.nbsp;12. Sh. ^fJRW f^WTW.

3.nbsp;Sh. omitsnbsp;13. Cf. ManGr. I. 15. 1.

4.nbsp;MS. II. 7. 15.nbsp;14. Gdh. adds

5.nbsp;Sh.nbsp;15. Sh. Gdh. omit

6.nbsp;Sh. grngq«».nbsp;16. Gdh.

7.nbsp;Sh. ?rro.nbsp;I ^frf^.

8.nbsp;Sh. Gdh. f^o.

-ocr page 82-

^^ ] ^TRT^qH^q^nbsp;[ XVII. 3.

\'\'^ftf^\' wM^T \\\\\\\\\\nbsp;^ïï\'kn^T


q: \'ïf^sffqi^ mn^ li

im IIquot;Mlnbsp;iTf^

ï^ïïT^—ïfi^Tfï^ iOT ^ II t ? n

1.nbsp;F. «ïTliTq^. Sh. omits this verse.
RV. X. 85. 39. It is to be noted
that the mantra is not given sakala-

2.nbsp;P. omits

3.nbsp;Gdh. TêftiT^^rgV
(but cf. RV. ib.)

4.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 15. 1.


6.nbsp;Sh. adds TT^Wnbsp;P. adds


7.nbsp;Thus P., others »left.


II m ïïmmtJT^TO-

^ mtnbsp;IIRII

9. Sh. of^.

10.nbsp;P. f^o.

11.nbsp;Cf. ManGr. I. 15. 1. Gdh. ^

12.nbsp;With ^«IIW: P. stops.


14.nbsp;Sh. putsnbsp;before

15.nbsp;Cf. Varér. Par, Grhyapurusha kh.
1: ^iïWïïiïI^krïïftTtr^Tf^-

-ocr page 83-

XVII. 18. ]nbsp;[ «vs

^ ^ h^l ir^ II tTÏÏR JTSITT^

SÎT^ fe^nbsp;if « II m-

11% IInbsp;Wi

%m q^if, ^rwtr^î, ^iW-^f ^m\' i

i^ïï^ ll\'vs II ^TT^mTOfir^iît ifu n ^rt^ i
m ^T^ if\'^a II ^ lr^ II
^ w\'^u IInbsp;^«rf^^^in^ (?) ir^n II

f^^Rft ^ if\'^^ II 5n^ii II f^^-^î

if\'^V IIÏÎÏTnbsp;^ II ^^ II ^ m^T^i Frr^fnbsp;i

^nbsp;^Tf^ srqir ^ ^nbsp;I ^fm^iK i

^«^^rq: II ^ ^TiRTrr ^f^ ^j^i^N^^ II \\\\

1.nbsp;Vârér. Par. Grhyapurusha kh. 1:

fr^^TÇîInbsp;Cf. MânOr.

II. 12. 1.

2.nbsp;Identical with Vârér. Par. (ib.).
Cf. MânGr. IT. 12. 2.

3.nbsp;Vârér. Par. (ib. kh.

Cf. MânGr. II. 12, 3.

4.nbsp;Cf. MânGr. II. 12. 13.

5.nbsp;Cf. MânGr. II. 12. m.

6.nbsp;Cf. MânGr, II 12. 14.

7.nbsp;Vârér. Par. (ib.) ^WIW.

8.nbsp;Cf, MânGr. II, 12. 16.

9.nbsp;Identical with Vârér. Par. (ib.).

10.nbsp;Identical with Vârér. Par. (ib.).
Cf. MânGr. II. 12. 4.

11.nbsp;Vârér. Par. (ib.) îT^^îTlo.

12.nbsp;Cf. MânGr. II. 12. 5.

13.nbsp;It may be that ^îTI^T and

form one verse, the two i.e. Kama
and Grhapati being identified
with each other.

14.nbsp;Identical with Vârér. Par. (ib.).

15.nbsp;Identical with Vârér, Par. (ib.).
Cf. KathGr IV. 14, 5: ^sp-Rrf

16.nbsp;Identical with Vârér. Par. (ib.).

17.nbsp;Varér Par. (ib ) ^iT^^t^^JTr.

18.nbsp;Cf. MânGr. II. 12. 8.

19.nbsp;Cf. KathGr. IV. 14. 10: ^ft

20.nbsp;Vârér. Par. (ib.) ^f.

21.nbsp;Identical with Vârér. Par. (ib.).

22.nbsp;Vârér. Par. (ib.)

23.nbsp;Sh. f^r^, but cf. VarGr. IV. 26

24.nbsp;Sh. quot;f^.

-ocr page 84-

^\'CT^^^^ÏÎ:nbsp;[XVII. 22.

^mrRnRN^nbsp;il il ^î^toî

II ^o II T^wf îT^PTnbsp;mmi,
n RI II ftqM^sroè^ii Il

1. Sb. ol^f^: m^:.

-ocr page 85-

appendix i








In Sastry\'s edition of the Varsha-Grhyasotra the tert
mL\'c \' quot;nbsp;derived Ïro^a

ManGr. ms. ch. I. 8, 10-13 and the first 7 ( excecti^^n
6d) together w.th the last 8 aphorisms of ch. I. 14. Fofthe

LVuer-snbsp;ManGr. the variation ffomDr

linauer s edition are noted below:

Dr. Knauer\'s ManGr.nbsp;Sastry\'s variants

I. 8




-ocr page 86-

I. 10




5.nbsp;SJJTTJTq^: JOWT:





11. ^f^


15a. ^^TJJTW
b. ^nr^^

I ^ s^q^TTi; i



^fif^ mm^ ^^ ^^


snrrrfcRc^ RS\'ri^

-ocr page 87-

C. ^^JT^

e. ^^
16. WR\'^Vm^
7ab.nbsp;II ^rnWi

I. 11

[ ]









12.nbsp;cTT ^ri^^f^:






21. ^ ^

^T^ I

ffcT ^nbsp;^^ «RRT

-ocr page 88-



I. 12







I. 13



9. ^rrfcT





I. 14^


4.nbsp;^rcTcng^mim\' ^OTT^



-ocr page 89-





man. gr. variants

-ocr page 90-

appendix ii


Such of the mantras as are not to be found in the Vedic
Concordance or as show some variations therefrom are marked
with an asterisk.







* ^\'JcTTTT^ l^tWo IK. «n
gr^q^cTwrf^ It

* ^^^^TTJT^^q^onbsp;St.

\'i\' W^Wn ^^^iO ♦ ^O. Vi

-ocr page 91-

^vs. n
vs. X






* W^^f^^qrfTTo

^ qrgo


I. k.


* OT wnr: sTïmflro a.

^ ^ iJidlTbnbsp;Ï.




V * ïFÏÏRr^onbsp;K.

Kk. \\nbsp;KM.

8. *nbsp;Kk.

-ocr page 92-

mantra index
l. ^


TO\'ïr ^onbsp;5.

S^nrwïT:nbsp;^o. ivL

gïT: T^hrra;nbsp;i

gïTT\'^^T fïnrT^^onbsp;^

SïTRflrJ 5TTTR?^Jonbsp;^

aiMIlMcl^ r^Tnbsp;^S.

snftqcT^nbsp;K^. «iR

SrfcPïlTTÏinbsp;!(. Rp

^ï^^f^onbsp;q. VS


STRIRI^ ^ cfkr^onbsp;\\


tor: ^ ÏTnbsp;y. ^

* ^^imRf^: ^I^o in. ^^

k. u

1«. ^^

* ïïJ

WTIk. s

-ocr page 93-

ïTT ^ ^J^M^\'IT^,®

* [T^fïT^^fw]



KM. ^^

* TT











- [T m^Rrr]


* [T sii^iui]


0 K.

^ [T m^Rjr:] ST^RTT^


* T TriPïJT: STTS^Tï^o




FT sTTSnïïil gf^iiixtfr









TTTT Tmrf^






* ^^TT^ rTT



W TT ^fl:


cTq^ cT^TJonbsp;k,.

TT \'ST^pcR^onbsp;J(.

^T^mi^i M.nbsp;KM.nbsp;^



*nbsp;T\'^ït^: ST^WOnbsp;a.nbsp;^

* T^^f^nbsp;JTTnbsp;5.


5.. quot;Jv

c;. V, \\j

K. ^
KM- ^
tt. ^

Riwt sSfn

is %

-ocr page 94-

*nbsp;ïdtèïT^^I;^nbsp;ö. ^

*nbsp;^n^ ^TH^TOnbsp;1«. ^

^ ^ ^nbsp;K.

^ ^vqr tr^Tvq-:nbsp;^^


la. n

ïTmrf^nbsp;c;. \\


*nbsp;la. RVL


la. 1®




U. R
a. IT

ll. Rl
a. 5.. ^

-ocr page 95-

appendix iii


K. Rl


(adj. to BTfNt) K. ^



KK. n
la. V

(v. I. o^f^^:)















-ocr page 96-


wnm;nbsp;^ Rt:

K. KM. Rv

I. ^

a. rvl








K. \'\'.^f


5.. Ro

lo. R

I. V
n. Ro

i.. n


la. % K, R. V,nbsp;quot;i





R. V, !(.nbsp;n









-ocr page 97-

u. n

a. 5.


vj, q. \\\\i. ^vs.

^JJ^ k.nbsp;s u.

qrq^Jnbsp;y. «jt;



y. 1^, ^^

IR. ^
K. ^

a. 1
k. ^
k. \\%

I. 1



t 1








-ocr page 98-

fWiTcPTT (v. 1.) ,





vs. %






















































fed 1441


f^I^ti^: (v. 1. f^g^

-ocr page 99-

I. -i

5Crcr^(v.l.?r)f^(perhaps w.r.
for ZCT^JTf^)?^ lo. n


K. v^, t;. a. lt;iv9,


lo. R


lo. y

I. 1

la. «
a. R
IK. n

IvS. 5.

l^. -Jo

K. ^
a.. Ro
I. 1

lo. lo






lo. t


a. ^^








VS. lo

I?. h



lo. VL

lo. Ivi

I. 1

lo. t



-ocr page 100-


la. s

I. 1




lo. «

C. «iR

(v. 1.)






-ocr page 101-
-ocr page 102-

••nbsp;- Ha





\'. ;.......

. .,........... . ■ ^



S-f - :



-ocr page 103-


-ocr page 104-


•■\' \'i\'KfnrMJtt..\'Hiiitii,i,\'i*i.iLi\'i-