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including the collections of voyages i3y de Bry, Hulsius, Hartgers, etc.
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The. indication of the size of the, maps and plates is given in centimeter, French measure, and relates to the copperplate, without the margins. — The abbreviations for the autographs are following: A. L. S., Autograph Letter Signed. — L. IS., Letter Signed, — D. S., Document Signed.
The prices arc in Dutch florins.
1 Aa (P. van dor) Do doorluchtige Scheepstochten der rortugysen na Oost-Indien, gelyk so door J. de Barros beschreven zyn. Uyt h. 1\'or-tug. vert. 2 vols. lol. {The famous voyages of the PoHuguese to East-India, as described iy J. de Barros. Trans!, from the Por tug.) - De gedenkwaardige Voyagien der Spanjaarden na West-Indien, gelyk zedoor A. de Herrera beschreven zyn. Uyt h. Spaansch vert, ii vols. II. (The memorable voyages of the Spaniards to West-India, as described ly A. de Herrera. Transl. from the Spanish). - De wydberoemde Voyagien na Oost- en \\V. Indien der Engelsen; alles onlangs uyt h. Kng. vort. 2 vols. lol. {The widely famous voyages of the English to East- and Irest-India; oil transl. recently from the English.) - Do aanmerkenswaardige Voyagien door Franc., Italianen,DeeneH,Hoogduitsclien en andere vreemde volkeren gedaan na Oost- en W. Indien, leder Keisbeschryv. uyt de oorspronkol. taal vert. 2 vols. lol. (The very interesting voyages by the French, Italians, Danes, Germans and other foreign nations to East- and West-India. Each voyage translated from the original language.) Together 8 vols. I\'ol. Many maps and plates. Leyden, V. v, d, Aa {ViQQ—1). — Complete collection. 25.— |
2 Aa (P. van dor), Same work. Large papor. I\'ol. Calf gilt, yenj fine copy. 45.—. Each work also to be liad separately. 3--Do aanmerkonswaardigste en alomberoeindo Zee- en Landreizen der Portugeezen, Spanjaarden, Engelsen en allerhande natiën, zoo van Fransen, Italiaanen, enz. Voornaanienlyk ondernomen tot ontdekking van de Oost- en West-Indien. Voormaais alleen ten deele verzameld ... door J. L. Gottfried. Maar onlangs uit de Por-tug., Spaansche ... taaien vermeerderd, en nu eerstlyk in het Nederduits overgezet, \'s Gravcnh. en Leyden, 1727. 8 vols. üutch vellum, fine copy. lol. 32.50 {The most remarkable and celebrated Voyages and travels of the Portuguese, Spaniards, English, and various other nations, as French, Italians, etc., undertaken principally for the discovery of the East- and If est-Indies Only partly previously collected\' by J. L. Gottfried; but now augmented from the Portug., Spanish etc., and for the first time translated into hutch.) 4 - Naauwkeurige versameling der gedenkwaardigste zee- en landreysen na Oost- en West-Indien, mitsgaders andere gewesten gedaan sedert 1240 tot op desen tijd. Leyden, P. v. d. Aa, 1707. 28 vols, calf or vellum. Many maps and plates. 8vo. Fine copy. 80.- - {Accurate collection of the most memorable voyages and travels to the East- and West-Indies, and |
io other countries, from the year 1240 down to this time.) same, 8». in 2\'J vols, sewed, this state. 45.— i\\os. are ull one and the same is the iirst folio edition of 17ÜC—7, wherein the voyages are arranged aeeording the nations of the navigators with special titles to each division of 2 vols. — No. 3 is a re-issne, made in 1727 of the unsold copies of that edition, with addition of a (rare) general title for the whole work and omission of the 4 national titles. No. 4 is the original bvo edition, as proposed in the beginning; this is the commeaoemoutofthe whole undertaking. The voyages are arranged in chronological order. G —— Cartes des itinéraires et voiages modernes, qui out csté fails tant par Mer que par Terre dans toutes les parties du Monde, et particulièrement dans l\'Asie, TAfrique et rAmérique, depuis 1240 a ICDO. Leide, _p. v. d. Aa. (1728). calf. squ. fol. Rare. 6.— Colleciion of 114 maps, puhlishcd originally iu the preceding collections of Voyages by v. d. Aa. Wormed in the broad exterior margin, but without any damage to the maps. 7 - Nouveau Theatre du Monde on la Géogra- pliie Koyale, avee description par Gueudeville et Ferrarius. Leide, 1713. calf, roy. fol. — Fine cop//. IS.— Contains 95 fine maps, amongst which 2 of the Globe, a general map of America, Canada, Florida, Mexico, lirasil. — The description of America, pp. 25—34, is by Ferrarius. — At the end of the work an extensive list, pp. 33—76, printed in 3 columns, giving the longitude and latitude of hundreds of places and islands; pp. 09—70 contain those of America. 8 Aan \'t Volk van Nederland, of bewijzen en consideration over de voordelen der Negotie met de Noord-Americanen. (1781.) 8vo. 10 pp. 1.50 (Address to the people of Nelherland, ur considerations on the profits of the commerce with the North-Americans.) 9 Aaumorkingen van eenen reiziger over IIol-landt, Duitschland ... Jirasilie, etc. Anisterd. 1729. 4to. uncul. 1.50 (Notes of a traveller on Holland, Germany ,.. Brazil, etc.) 10 Aanmerkingen over \'t verval van onze West-Ind. eoinuiercie-colouiën. No place (17U0?) 8vo. 1.— (Notes on the decline of our Wesl-lnd. commercial colonies.) 11 Abbing (C. A.), Geschiedenis der stad Heorn, gedur. de XVÜe en XVHIe eeuw, ... beginnende met 1030. Hoorn, 1841—42. 2 vols. Sit. pl. and portr. 8vo. (S.—) 3.50 (History of the city of Hoorn, during the llth and Xülh cenlurg, from 1G30). Contains a reproduction of the Patent granted by Jhc fjtates-Geuer. to John Keeps, for founding a colony ou the Western side of the Kio de las Amazones; with a description of the lands etc. 1089. Aa (P. v. d.) The uncul. Very rare in The 5 precudinj; work. — No. 1 |
12 Abbot (H. L.), Siege-Artillery in the Campaigns against Richmond, with notes on the 15-ineli gun, etc. New-Vork, 1808. 5 plates, cloth. Svo. (9.75) 2.50 Professional papers, Corps of Engineers N0. 14. 13 Abdy (E. S.), Journal of a residence and tour in the United States. Londen, 1835. 3 vols, cloth. 8vo. 3.50 quot;The republication of this work was comraenced in New-York, but suspended on account of its remarks ou Slavery.quot; Habin. 14 Accoord van Urasilien, mede van\'t Recif, Mau-rits-Stadt ende de omleggende Forten van lirasil. Arast. 1054. 4to. (Asher N0. 281.) 4.— (Agreement of Brazil, as also of the lieciffe, Maurils-Siadl, etc.) 15 Accoord tusschen de Geinagtigde van de Staaten van Zeeland en de Bewlndhebberen van de West-Ind. Compagnie wegens \'t overnemen van de Co-lonie van Suriname. (1083.) 4to. 3.— (Agreement between the Commissaries of the tSlales of Zealand and the Governors of the llrest-India t\'omp. about the transfer of the colony of Surinam.) 10 Account (An) of several late Voyages and Discoveries to the South and North, towards the Streights of Magellan, the South-Seas, Nova-Zem-bla, Greenland, Groynland or Engrondland... by J. Narborough, J. Tasman, J. Wood and Fred. Martens. London, 1094. 2 parts in 1 vol. calf, 8 plates. 8vo. 5.50 17 Acosta (Jos.,1, De natura Novi Orbis 11. II. Et de pronmlgatione Evaugclii apud Barbaros, sive de proeuranda Indorum salute 11. VI. Coloniae Agripp., 1590. calf. 8vo. 10.— 3d Edition, the lirst having been published at Salamanca 1589. — The work is especially valuable for the many details about the Indians of Peru, amongst whom the author lived for a series of 17 years. 18 - Historie Naturael ende Morael v. de Wes- terschc Indien. Nu eerstmael u. d. Spaensehen overges. door J. Huyghen v. Linsehoten. Ench. 1598. 8vo. vellum, — Hare. 18.— (Natural and moral History of the West-Indies.) Eirst Dutch edition. Translated on the 2d aud best edition of Sevilla, 1591. The exactness of Lin-schoten\'s version is guaranteed by his name. 19 - The same. Amst., 1024. 4to. vellum. 10.— 2d aud last Dutch edition, with numerous wood-engravings. 20 Act for increasing and encouraging of shipping and navigation (to Asia, America, etc.) Loud. 1739. fol. Uncut. 1.— 21 Acte van de Staten van Groeningen etc... Item een schriftelicke Contestatie van Groeningen tegens Hollandt wegens de Jfortugesche Tructaten. 1002. |
4to. (Asher No. 310.) 2.— {Act of the States of Groningen etc.,. With a written protest of Groningen against Holland regarding the Portuguese treaties). Against the pence with Portugal, and in favour of the West-India-Comp. 22 Acts passed at the 1st session of the 2d Congress of the United States of America, 1791. Phi-lad. (1792.) 175 and III pp. bds. 8vo. 4.50 23 Acts passed at the 2d session of the 3d Congress, 1794-. rhilad. 1795. 8vo. — No title. 4.50 24 Acts passed at the first session of the 4th Congress, 1795. Philad. 179G. sd. uncut. 8vo. 4.50 25 Acts and proceedings of tlic, general Synod of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church in N. America, convened in extra session, in Now-York. Oct. 20, 1841. N. York, 1842, 14G pp. 8vo. 1.50 20 Adair (Jam), The History of the American Indians, particularly those nations adjoining to the Mississippi, Florida, Georgia, Carolina and Virginia, etc. London, 1774. hf. calf, folding mav. 4to. 15.— quot;One of the best ami most instructive books of its kind.quot; Dibdin. —• The author was «Trader with the Indians and Kesident in their country for 40 years.quot; 27 - Geschichte der Amerikanischen Indianer, besonders am Mississippi, Florida, Georgien etc. Ans d. Engl. Breslau, 1782. ids. 8vo. 2.25 German translation uf the foregoing work. 28 Adams (Hanna), celebrated fmnale writer of Amer., author of Hist, of New England 1799, Hist, of the Jews 1812, cet., — A. L. S. to Rev. Jos. Emerson of Beverley, dat. Boston, Deo. 17, 180C. I p. closely written. 4n. fl.— Very lino letter: \' the greatest attachment I have to life is the affection I feel for a few particular friends; but ... it is out of my power to do them any good. 1 do not feel as if my death would be a veal loss to any one person. However 1 earnestly wish to be able to say, quot;What\'er the colour of my fate. My fate shall be my choice. Determin\'d am 1 while I breathe To praise and to rejoice.quot; 29 Adams (John), Geschied, van het geschil tus-schen Groot-Brittannien cn Amerika, sedert des-zelfs oorsprong in 1754. Amst., 1782. 104 pp. 8vo. With Portr. of J. Adams, bg It. Vinkeles. sd. Uncut. 2.50 (History of the dispute between Or. Brit, and America, from its origin in 1754.) Written in 1774 ; translation from the reproduction in 1775. 30 - Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States. London, C. Klly, 1787. 3 vols, calf gilt. 8vo. — Vol. I slightly different in binding. 15.— Presentation-copy of the author to the eminent Dutch publicist J. Lnzac. On the fly-leaf of the |
2d and 3d vol. the autooraph inscription: Mr. Luzac from his friend John Adams. Original edition. — The first volume, being published as a complete work, bears no indication of volume on the title. The 2 subsequent vols, were only written after the first was published. 31 Adams, J., Antwoord op bet werk van Thom. Paine: Rechten van den menscb. Uit bet Eng. Haarlem, 1793. sd. uncut. 8vo. 1.50 (Reply to Th. Paine\'s worii: llights of man.) 32 — Autograph signature. 2.50 Adams probably made use of this signature as a card of introduction to Mrs. Perez Morton, whoso name is inscribed ou the same paper in A\'s handwriting. 33 Adams (J. Quincy), The duplicate letters, the fisheries and the Mississippi Documents relating to transactions at the Negotiation of Ghent. Washington, 1822. bds. 8vo. 3.50 34 —- A. L. S. to Sam. Bell, Governor of N. Hampshire, dat. Washington March 1, 1322. 1 p. fol. 5.50 On the secret Journal of the Old Congress. — Fine Specimen, 35 Addresses and Messages of the Presidents of the United States (from Washington to Van Buren), together with the Declaration of Independence and Constitution ot the U. S. New York, 1839. portr. sheep. 8vo. 2.50 Presentation-copy with inscription from the Historian .f. Ilomeyn Hrodhead, to the Royal Librarian J. W. Holtrop, The Hague, 1840. 30 Aduard (O. A. Lewo v.), Do juris contro-versia Magnam Britanniam inter et eoloniasAmc-ricanas. Lugd. Bat. 1835. 8vo. Thick paper. 1.50 37 Advys op de Presentatie van Portugael. Het Eerste Doel. (No place.) 1048. 21 and 3 uunnmb. pp. 4to. Uncut. — Not in Asher\'s Essnii. 3.— (Advice on the Presentation of Portugal. The first Part.) The Second Part is only mentioned in Triimel\'s Hiblothèque Americaine (nquot;. Ill); a Third Part announced by the author in his scheme, seems not to be published. A Counter-Advice caused by this pamphlet, see Aöher n0. 230. 38 Advysen (Eenige) ende verklaringhen uyt Bra-silie, 19 May 1048, van \'t gepaseerde aldacr. (No place.) 1058. 4 pp. 4to. (Asher N0. 237.) Very rare. 3.-1 (Some advices and declarations from Brazil, on what has happened there, 12—19 May 1048.) 39 Aomilii (Ant.), Dissert, politica, ad Cap. V. Annal. II. Taciti, de maxi mis momentis rei marl-timae in nostra Rep. ad S. P. Q, Batavum. Traj. ad Rhen. 1049. bds. fol. 2.50 Latin discourse with a Greek and Latin poem, all on the victories of the United Provinces by the glorious exploits of the admiral Piet Heyn. |
40 Aon de Iloogh JFoog. Hoeren Staton-Qencraol. -4to. (1674.) 1G pp. 2.50 Request of the slmrcholders of the W. I. 0. for a subvention by the States Gen. — Interesting, as it contains an abriilged liistory of the Company. 41 - The same, amiexeel; an extract (4 pp.) from the resolutions of States Gen. of 1(549, relat. to the pecuniary assistance of the Comp. 3.— 42 Aon-Spracck acn den getrouwen Hollander nopende do Procoduron dor Portugeson in Brasill. \'s Grav., 1645. — Antwoort van den getrouwen Hollander... Ghedr. 1645. — 2 parts in 1. 4to. (Asher. 206 and 207.) 10. - (Address to the faithful Hollander on the pro-ceedimjs of the Fortuyuese in Brazil. - lleply of the faithful Hollander, etc.) Entirely uncut copy of these two rare pamphlets; both very interesting and written by violent adversaries, - - are so closely connected, that they ought always to be kept together. 43 AonwysingG, datnaon van de Oost- en Wost-Indischo Coinpagnien óón Compagnie dione te maken, etc. \'s Gravenh., 1644. 4to. fool uncut. (Asher No. 187.) 36 pp. 2.— {Proof that one Company ought to he formed out of the East- and Wcst lndia Companies.) 4 4--The same. 2do druck vermeerderd on verbetert. Ibid. 2614 (sic! instead of 1644.) 4to. Not mentioned by Asher. 3.— {The same, Id edition enlarged.) 45 Aikln (P. F.), Vergloiehomlo Darstellnng der Constitution Grosz-Britanniens und d. Vor. Staa-ten v. Amerika. Bearb. v. K. J. Clement. Leipz. 1844. hf. calf. 8vo. 1.50 46 Aitzema (L. van), Historie van Saken van Staet en Oorlogli, in ende omtrent do Vereen. Nederl. beginnende 1621 totl()68. \'sHage, 1657— 1671. 14 vols, in 15. vellum. 4to. 15.— {History of the affairs of Stale and War, of the United Netherlands, 1621 till 1668.) 4 7--The same, with the Supplement by L. Sylvius (1669—97.) s Huge, 1669—99. 11 vols. calf. fol. Best edition. 30,— The high importance of this work consists in its vast mass of original documents, instructions, treaties, memoirs of the ambassadors, resolutions of the States-General etc., which are nowhere else to be found together. The relations of the author with the highest functionaries of the State, enabled him to collect them, and it is a fact sufficiently known, that — where these did not suflice — he even had recourse to corruption and other means in order to get those authentic documents, which make his work one of the richest and most valuable sources existing. It contains numerous pieces concerning New-Ne-therland and the other parts of America, for inst. in vol. 1; The foundation of the West-India Company; Piet Heyn and the capture of the Spanish Silver-fleet; Capture of Oliudo. — Vol. 11; Usselinex and |
the Swedish South-Company. Prince John Maurice.— Vol. HI: Affairs in Brazil. — Vol. IV and V ; Negotiations of Downing and Disputes between the W.lnd. Comp. 48 Albany — Accounts of the annual festivals of the St. Nicholas Society at Albany (founded 1827), in commemoration of the relations with the Netherlands, as part of New Nethorland. 1828—42.— 14 Nos. of the Nederl. Staats-courant and Dagblad van \'s Graoenhage. — V. Veegens, Account of the New York Historical Society. Konst- en Letter-bode, 1845. 2 Nos. 8vo. — In all 17 pieces in Dutch ; bound in 1 vol. bds. 4to. 6.— 49 Albany Gazette, Tuesday, March 19, 1799. 1 sheet. 4to. 4.— Interesting specimen of an American News-Paper cont. tidings from Baltimore, New-York,Bassaterre, on the capture of the French frigate Insurgente, on an insurrection in Northampton County (Pennsylvania), etc. 50 Albertini9,Pr., Opusculuin demirabilibusNouae et Veteris vrbis Romae, editiun a Francisco do Albertinis, clerico Klorentino. liomae, per Jacobum Mazochium, 1510. cloth. 4to. 30.— On leaf 101, a passage referring to Vespuccius. — Harrisse, Bibliotli. Amer. Vetustiss. N0. 64 First, edition. 51 Album Amicorum of P. Scriverius, learned Dutch Historian, whoso many relations with the learned Europe of (ho 17th century have made his Album Amicorum the receptacle of the most illustrious names of his century in every region of Science. It contains no less than eighty-two autograph signed insoriptiona, mostly Greek and Latin poems, proverbs, maxims, aphorisms, etc. etc., by Dutch, German, French, Fuglish, Polish and Kussian scholars. Besides five superior drawings by famous Dutch artists. Item-braces a period of 38 years, from 1600 1638. Together 356 pp. in the original vellum binding. royal Squot;. 350.— To give an idea of the interesting contents of this Album a selection of the names is made, amongst which some deserve a prominent place in an American Collection : JosiiPuus Scaliger, Greek poem aud quotations in 5 Oriental languages. 1601. Herhkrstain, O. 11., V. S., and G. S., (Russian Traveller and family), their devices. 1609. J. liouEciiKR Banning, Dutch poem and Latin letter of 3 full pages, written on the Reoif ue Pernamuuco in Brazil, 30 July 1638. Greek poem. 17 lines, with Russian signature and arms, i). Heinsius, Latin poem of 56 lines. With snbscrip-tion : quot;scripsi Amstelreodamj in domo Austriaca.quot; J. C. Gevartius, of Antwerp, proverbs. 1615. I\'ll. CtiUVERlus, the Geographer, quotations. 1617. W. Bedwelujs, Angina llaslingburiousis, inscriptions in Oriental languages. 1612. P. v, K. (Palamedes v. Keulen, Pseudonym of the |
Dutch poet Joost v. Vondel), poem on the Armi-niau liogerbeeta. (See hi.? works edit, by J. van Lennep II, 322.) Hugo Gkotius, Latin poem of 24 lines. 1616. Is. Massa, Dutch Merchant in Russia, author of the very interesting pamphlet on the discoveries of Hudson, the early Voyages to the North-Pole, cet. : Russian inscription. 1627. — uniquk autograph. P. Clio art de Buzanval, French Minister to Holland, Lat. device. 1601. cet. cet. Of the 5 drawings, we mention: J. van de Velde, portrait of an old man, bust, with interwoven inscription: IVE. 1028. — Splendid drawing in red and black chalk. Exceedingly well preserved. J. van Bouchorst, a Haarlem-artist, whose works, engravings and drawings, are of the greatest rarity, 2 beautiful drawings. P. Saenredam, the famous painter, the Marketplace at Haarlem. — Very line drawing in India-ink and pencil, signed and dated 1629. 52 Alexander (G. W.), Letters on the slave-trade, slavery and emancipation. Lond. 1842. sm. 8vo. 1.— 53 Allen, Will., distinguished author. Pres. of Dartmouth Coll. 1817, of Bowdoin Coll. 1820— 39. — A. L. S. to Silas Durkee of Meredith, dat. Bowel. Coll. July 17, 1824. 1 p. 4°. 1.50 On the course of Lectures in the Medical School of Maine. 54 Allert (L,), Der Dollmetscher in Amerika. An-leitung, die engl. Sprache in kurzer Zeit zu ler-nen. Leipz. 1848. bc/s. 8vo. —.80 55 Almanach (Groote Schrijf-) op het jaer 1641. Ghecalculeert door D. Origanus. Amsterd., C. L. van der Plasse. 1641. set. 8vo. 10.— {The Great W riiing - Almanac gt;.. for 1641. Calculated by D. Origanus.) Perfectly clean copy. — This very rare Almanac contains an Appendix of 10 pp.: Een gedenckwaer-dige bedenckinghe van \'t vinden van de Nieuwe Wereld, dat niet laugher geleden is als omtrent 150 jaren . . . door dir. Columbus. {A memorable ac-count of the discovery of the Ncio World, not longer ago than 150 years ... ly Christ. Columbus.) This Appendix may be had separately for flor. 8.— 50 Almanach (De naauwkeurige Hollandsche) 1779. Amsterd., A. Meyer, (1778.) plates, bds. Ujiwo. 4.— {The accurate Dutch Almanac) Very rare and curious. — Besides a Description of the (14) British Colonies in North America, it contains 12 fine engraved satirical plates on the quot;mode of Head dress of both sexes, for every month in the year, and 2 folding plates representing 12 kinds of hair-dressing of ladies. 57 Almanac Américain, Asiatlque et Africain, ou êtat physique, polit., ecelésiast. et militaire des colonies d\'Kurope en Asia, en AtVique et en Amérique. |
Paris, 1786. 390 pp. hf. calf. 12mo. 2.— At tho tud : Kecueil diplomatique pendant 1785. 82 pp. 58 Almanak (Surinaamsche Staatkundige) voor 1705, door Cli. lirouwn. Paramaribo, (1795.) 8vo. — t\'ery rare, 2.— (Political Surinam Almanac for 1795.) 59 Aloo Americana. — Specimen of this plant in llir Uoyal Gardens of (Jopemck (near Berlin), tho fli\'ut which bore liowern in Europe, from 25 May till 28 Oct. 1712. In the distance the palace and the old-styled gardens. Fine and curious engrav. by J. G. Wolfgang, Berlin 1713. With Lat., Germ, and French inscription. 2 sheets. Very Ig. fol. — Together: 112 by CO centim. 8,— GO -- Another specimen, „dorens in Ilorto Vol- cameriano. Norimbergae. 1720.quot; German engrav., with addr. Number;/ beg J. G. Pusohuer. With German legend. Ig. tol. G9 by 45 centim 4.— G1 -- Another specimen, flowering at Leyden. 1757. Dutch engrav. by A. Delfos. Ig. fol. Coloured. O.\'t by 48 centim. — With separate explanation in Dutch. Hare. 4.— 62 - Tho same plant, differ, engrav. sm. 4°. Copy on satin. Verg curious. Unique. — For: The Dutch Mercury, 1757. 4.— 6 3--Another specimen, blossoming in the Imperial Gardens at Schönbrnmi, near Vienna, 1760. Dutch engrav. by A. Delfos. 1762. With Latin inscription. Ig. fol. 61 by 42 centim. 3.— 64 - Another specimen, flowering at Utrecht (Holland), in 1782. Dutch engrav., with Latin inscription, fol. 43 by 26 centim. 2.— 65 —— Another specimen. In full bloom, at the villa Westermeer, near Haarlem (Holland) in 1825. Lith. by Engelmann. With Dutch inscription. Ig. fol. 1.— This curious collection, Nquot;. 59—65, of plates on the vnrious specimens of the Aloe Americana, which llosscmect in Europe, interesting for the many particulars on its growth, etc., if laken together: fl. 20.— 6f) Alphen (D. P. van), De Novo lielgio colonla quondam nostratlum. Lugd. Bat. 1832. 8vo. 1.75 67 America. — The four parts of the World: Europe, Asia, Africa and America, represented by women in earacteristic attire: America as a naked female riding ou a fantastical animal, in perspective cannibals, light of the natives, etc. — Set of 4 emblematical plates (1—4), engrav. after M. de Vos, by A. Collaert, with address of (\'. J. Visscher. (about 1600). Ig. sq. 4°. — Mounted. Fine and rare. 15.— 68 - Same subject. America represented by a scene of native life. — Set of 4 emblematical plates (1—4 ), with address: C. J. Visscher de Jonge. (1650). sq. fol. 12.— 69 -- The four parts of the World. Emblematical plate; on one column the names of tho 13 Unit. States and of the other different countries |
in America, with flguves of the natives of these regions. Invented by J. G. Visser, engrav. by T. Koning, at Amsterdam 1708. Ig. sq. fol. — With engraved key. Ig. sq. 4°. 3.50 70 - Same subject. America represented by a young girl in native dress. — Set of 4 plates by Jiertrand, with address; Paris, Aumont (about 1800). 4°. 4.-- 71 - Same subject. Africa and America repres. by young girls. 2 lithogr. by Lemurcier. sm. fol. 1.50 72 America. — Maps. — Novissimaetaccuvatis-Hima totius Amcricae descriptio per iV, Visscher, (Amst. about 1670). fol. 54 by 44 cent. — Coloured. — Dedicated to C. J. Wit sen, Director of the Dutch W. I. Comp. 2.50 73 - - Same map, but much more correct, especially N. iVuicr,, and larger, by Danckerts. Amst. (about 1080). fol. 59 by 48. 2.50 74 - Recentissima Novi Orbis s. Amer. tabula, by C. Allard. (Amst., about 1095). sq. fol. 58 by 49. 2.50 In the lefl, hnml corner a small separate map of New-Zealand. 7 5--- Sfimo map, the interior of N. Amer., and the form of S. Amer., corrected by G. and L. Valk. (Amst., about 1740). fol. GO by 49. — Coloured. 2.50 The map of New-Zealand offaeod. 7G - Americae tam Sept. quam Mcrid. delineatio, opera A. V. /urneri. Amst., P. Schenk, (about 1700). fol. 58 by 50. — With engrav. represent. Columbus putting an egg on its point and inscription; quot;Nun kiinnen wirs nlle.quot; — Coloured. 2.50 7 7--Map of the Dominions of tho King of Great Britain in America, by Hekman Moll. (London) 1715. 2 sheets, fol. Together; 102 by 61. — Coloured. — Hart\'. 15.— Tnteretiing map, dedicated to Walter Oowglass, Governor of all the Leeward-Islanila in America, 1711. It has 4 special maps, viz; 1. «Improved part of Carolina with the Settlementsquot; and with the proprietors\' names. — 2. Plan of Charlestown. — 3. Louisiana. quot;With the Indian settlements and the. number of the fighting men according to the account of Capt. \'1\'. Nearn a. o.quot; — 4. General map. — Besides an engraving of the Niagara-fall with view of the industry of the beavers. — In tho upper corner an account of the post-regulations in America in 1715, in 21 lines. 78 - Map of the British Empire in America with the French, Spanish and Dutch Settlements, by II. Popple. Amst. J. Covens lt;)\'• C. Mortier, (about 1737). 4 sheets, \'g. fol. Together; 104 by 114. — Coloured. — Venj rare. 15.— Interesting map, on large scale. With approbating note by Edm. Ualletj, Prof, of Astronomy at Oxford. Each sheet forms a whole, having its own border and Frcnch title (in 3 lines): Nouvelle carle de |
VAmerique on sont ex act r ment marquees,quot; etc. — A complete copy rarely occurs. 79 - Grand theatre do la guerre en Amérique. Amst., It. $ J. Ottens. (about 1760). 6 sheets fol., each 53 by 40. — Coloured. 6.— With special plans of Mexico, St. Domingo, Aca-pulco, Vcra-Crnz, etc. 80 - Map of America. Amst., Is. Tirion. 1754. fol. 36 by 34. 1.— 81 —— Map of tho British and French dominions in North-America with tho roads, distances, limits and extent of the settlements, by J. Mitchell. (London) 1755. 8 sheets, fol. Together: 194 by 134. — Coloured. 15.— Very large lino map giving a variety of indications on the natives, their wars, their clestruetion by tho Frcnch and English, etc. — With approbation of the Lords Gommiss, for trade and plantations, signed by John Potvnall, Secretary. 82 - - Same map, but „ With improremetils,quot; and augmented with special plans of Halifax (Nova Scotia) with vicinity, of Quebec, and of Louis-burg and harbour. Amst., J. Covens and C. Mortier. (1760?). 194 by 134. — Coloured. On cloth. 10.— 83 - Map of the English and French possessions in N. America. Amst., Is. Tirion. 1755. sq. fol. 45 by 36. — Coloured. 1.50 84 - Carte des possessions Angloises et Francoises du Continent dc I\'Amer. Sept. Amst., li. et J. Ottens. 1755. sq. lol. 57 by 41. — Coloured. 2.— 85 - Grand Theatre de la Guerre en Amérique. Amst., R. et J. Ottens. (1700). (i sheets, fol. together 156 by 83. — With 8 separate maps of the Harbours of Acapulco, Vcra-Crnz, Havana, Car-thagena, etc. — Coloured. — Hare. 10.— 86 -- Now map of America. Amst., Tirion. (1765). fol. 33 by 28. — Coloured. 1.— 8 7--Map of America, by /\'\'. de Wit. Amst., R. and J. Ottens, (1765). fol. 60 by 49. — Co 2.— loured. 88 - Map of America, corrected by W. A. 11a- chiene, engrav. by J. t\'. Hagen. 1783. fol. 43 by 35. —.75 89 North America.quot;— „Der Groote Noord Zee wassende-gradc-pascaart nienwlycks beschreven door Jacoh Aertz Colom.quot; [Portulano of the large Northern Sea, latch/ described bijJ.A. (Amsterdam, about 1630). Largo sq. fol. 105 by 82. — Printed on Vellum. Coloured. — Okthk utmost rarity. 35.— Highly interesting and very correct portulano, delineating the whole coast of N. America, from Sir Thomas Smith Sound till Florida. — The names of the various places in Canada, Acadia, quot;Norem-hegaquot; are given in French, those of New-Nether-land (which name however not yet occurs) in Dutch, those of Virginia in English, of Floiiila in Spanish. |
Fukderik Mui,leu amp; C,,
\'JO North-America. — Amériquo Septontrionale, par Sanson. Paris, II. Jaillot. (1695). lol. G5 by 40. — Coloured. quot;i,— 91 - Amérique Septontrionale, par G. de I\'Isle. Amst., P. Schenk. 1708. sq. tol. 59 by 45. \'2.50 92 - Carte de la Nouvelle France ou so voit Ie cours ties Grandes Rivieres Mississippi et S. Laurens, etc. Amst., Gerard van Keuleh. 1120.2 sheets, fol. Together: 99 by 59. 6._ Interesting map of the coiuitries which nre now the United States, with a special map of the Months of the Mississippi and of the coast of Louisiana. Besides a large number of historical annotations f. i. on the fortilled places by the French, etc. 93 - Amérique Septentr., par U. Jaillot. Amst., li. et J. Otlens. {1755V). sq. fol. 57 by 40. — Coloured. 2.— After the map by Sanson, 1096, with but few corrections. 94 - Map of North-America belonging to the Dutch edition (1772) of iJ. Kalm\'s voyage. 1753. sq. fol. 75 by 50. — Coloured. 1.60 95 - America Septentrionalis a d\'Anville in Gallia edita. Noribergae, tlomaun. 1750. sq. lol. 51 by 40. — Coloured. 3.— Published on account of the war. Some historical observations relating to the English aud French claims occur on the map. 90 - Amérique Septentrionale. Amst., Covens ei Mortier. 1757. sq. fol. 02 by 40. — Coloured. 2.50 With separate map of the Northern parts ol\'America. 97 - Carte du theatre do la guerre entre les Anglais et les Amóricains, par Jirion de la Tour. Paris, Esnauts el Rajntly. 1777. High fol. 51 by 05. — Coloured. 5._ 98 - l\'Amérique Angloise, savoir le Canada, la Nouvelle iicosse ou Aeadie, les 13 Provinces Unies. Augsbourg, M. A. Loiter. (1780). fol. 49 by 00.— Coloured. 4..— 99 ---Carte générale des 13 Elats Unis. Amst., 6\'. Mortier el J, Covens et fits. (1783). sq. fol. 57 by 41. — Coloured. 4.— One of the lirst maps of the Independant United States. 10 0-Central-America. — Map compiled from materials furnished by the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate of the U. S., under direction of /A\'. F. Palmer. 1850. Very large map, folded aud bound in-8u. cloth. 1.25 101 -South-America.—Mar diAethiopia: the coasts of S. America.— From; Janssonius\'s Larye Alias. 1657. 2.50 102 - Amérique Méridionale, par Sanson. Paris, H, Jaillot. (1095). fol. 05 by 40. — (\'oloured. 3, — Forms with N0. 90 a very line map of the .New World in 2 sheets. 103 —— South-America, by G. de I\'hie. Amst.» P. Schenk. 1708. sq. fol. 59 by 45. — Coloured, 2.— |
104 - South-America, by d\'Anville. Paris, ehcz rAuteur. 1748. 3 sheets, fol. Together; 78 by 123. — Fine map. G.50 105 - South-America. Amst., Covens en Mortier. 1757. fol. 59 by 54. — Coloured. 2.— With topographical annotations on the map. 100 -— South-America, by if. Jaillot. Amst.,\'7J. et J. Ottens. (about 1700). fol. 00 by 48. — Coloured. _ 107 - South-America\'s Central and Southern part. 2 maps embracing the whole of Brazil, Peru, Chili, Paraguay, etc. No place nor date. (About 1845). Each 198 by 80. - Coloured, on cloth, with wooden rolls. 7.50 108 - Maps of the Rivers Amazon, Huallaga, Ucayalli, from the observations of W. Z. Ilerndon. (1851—2). 3 large maps folded and in 8°. cloth. 1.50 109 American Annual Register, or historical memoirs of the United States, for 1790. Philad., Miore/t amp; Madam, 1797. hf. lid. uncut.tH\\\'0. 288 pp. Contaius interesting anecdotes, historical, topograph, and other notices, etc. 110 American Archives: consisting of a Collection of Authenthick Records, State Papers, Debates and Letters, and other noticcs of Publiek Aflairs; the whole forming a Documentary History of the origin and progress of the North American Colonies; of the causes and accomplishment ot the American Revolution, etc. Published by M. St. Clair Clarke and Peter Force. Fourth Series, from March 7, 1774, to the Declaration of Independence. Washington, 1837—40. 0 vols. — Fifth Series, July 4, 1770 to Sept. 3, 1783. Ibid. 1848— 53. 3 vols. — lor/ether 9 vols, in 2 columns, half Russia, fol. 140.___ quot;This great storehouse of liritish Colonial and quot;American history was printed by order of the Uni-quot;ted States üoverntueut, only Jor distribution and quot;not for sale. It was the inteutiou to divide the -work into Six scries, from 1493 to 1789. The nine quot;Volumes described are ail that have appeared, and quot;the further progress of the work is suspensed. The «manuscript of the unpublished series is in the Li-quot;brary of Congress.quot; See; N. Am. Review. XLVI. 475. — Complete series as this are tw;/also in America. 111 American Ephemeris and nautical Almanac for the year 1850. Washington. 1853. sd. roy. 8vo. 600 pp. Publ. Jlor. 0.— 1.60 112 American idol.— Very rough but apparently a facsimile drawing of an American idol, with a Latin description in handwriting of the very lirst years of the 17th century, signed: A. IViijer. — 31 by 21 centim. 2.50 According to the description: — Idolum a K. P. Soc. Jesu ex Occidentali India MeJiolauum allatum meuse Aprilis Amio 1002, fere eaudem longitudiue\'u habuit quam haec ipsius vera efligics,quot; etc. |
113 American Journals etc. — A collcution of \'25 different numbers of various reviews, journals, etc. published at New-Vork, Washington, Philadelphia, Utica, Charleston, Boston, Buffalo, Cleveland, Richmond, etc. 1854:—56. 4.— 114 American pirates. — Bartholomew the Portuguese, Bock the Brasllian, Francois Lolonois, and John Morgan from Walles. — gt;Set of 4 busts, with represent, of their exploits against the Spaniards in America. Old Dutch cngrav. 4°. From: Exquemelin— Amer. pirates. Amsl. 1678. 4°. — Hare. 4.— 115 American Privateer takes an English paquet, 1777, engrav. by S. Fok/ce. sm. 4°. 1.— 116 Amerika, In alle zyne byzonderheden beschouwd, ter verkrijg, eener naauwkeur. kennis van dat thans üoo gerucht maakend land. Am-sterd., P. Meyer, 1780—82. 4 vols. 2 maps. hf. calf. 8vo. ■ 4.50 (America in all its particularities, for an exact knowledge of Has now so rumour-making country.) 117 Amerikaan (De), blyspel. Gevolgt naar het Fransch. 2e druk, verand. eu verbet. Amsteld. 1756. 80 pp. ttneut. 8vo. 1.50 (The American: comedy, translat. from the French. Id edit, changed and corrected.) 118 L\'Amóriquo dêlivrée; esquisso d\'un poëmo sur l\'lndépendance do rAmérique. Amsterd., 1783. 2 vols. sd. uncut. 8vo. 2.— quot;Au cpic jioem on the revolutionary war with copious historical notes, deJieatod to J. Adams.quot; Sabin. 119 - The same. ;! vols, ealj gilt, gill edges. \'thick paper. 4.50 120 L\'Amérique et 1\'Enrope en 1846, ou Congres de Panama. Par Mr. (J. L... Brux., 1826. 8vo. 121 Ames, Fisher, one of the most eloquent Members of Congress, 1789—97. A, L.S.toJohn Worthington of Springfield, dat. Dcdham, Oct. 10, 1796. 2 pp. 4,\'\'. 5.- On various subjects: quot;This week will produce the first Dedham news-paper, but our own news will scarcely find matter thu fill it. Like Peter Pindar\'s razors, it may do to sell.quot; 12 2--A. L. S. to the same, dat. April 3, 1799. 2}£ pp. 4I,. 2.50 Money-matters. 123 Ames i.W.), Wedcrlegginge van \'t bericht van II. Jung. Amsterd., voor den Autheur, 1662. 4to. 29 pp. 1.50 {Refutation of the report of II. Jung [against the Quakers\'].) 124 Amherst, Jeffrey, Governor of Virginia, Commander of the British forces in America 1758 — 64. — L. S. to Sir Will. Johnson, dat. N. Y. Dec. 20, 1761. 2 full pp. fol. 10.— |
Interesting letter on various transactions with Hie Cherokees, the Six Nations, the Iroquois, eet., probably to sconre their assistance in the war against the French. The Six Nations receice 4\' 1000, the Cherokees clothes, two Iroquois 40 Dollars each, a gun and clothing, eet. cet. 125 Ampzing (S.), West-IndischeTriumph-Basuyne van wegen de veroveringhe der Spaensche Sllver-vlote van Nova Hispania.,. door P. Pz. Ileyn en H. Kz. Lonk. Haerlem, 1629. 4to. With title-plate representing the capture of the Silver-fleet and 2 small portr. of Piet Heyn and Lonk. (AshcrllG.) [The West-Indian Triumphal Trumpet upon the capture of the Spanish Silver fleet.) 18.— Bound up with the Author\'s : Beschrijvinge en de lof der stad liaerlem .... Mitsgad. F. Scriverii Lanre Krauz voor Laurens Koster, (the inventor of printing.) etc. liaerlem, 1628. qilt. plates. 1 vol. calf. 4vo. (Amsterdam\'s Street- Talk, on something New and something Strange.) 127 - Idem, only the top cut. 3.— (Amsterdam\'s table-talk, on something good, something had, and something needful.) 129 - Idem, uncut, with some contempor. Mss. annotations. 4.— 130 Amsterdam\'s Vuur-praetje, etc. Amst. 1649. 4to. Uncut. (Asher N0. 261.) 4.— (A fire-side chat in Amsterdam.) These 3 pamphlets (Nn. 12C, 128, 180) written in the form of dialogues, contain most curious details regarding the West-India Conip., and its affairs in Brazil, somethnes in a very invectivc manner. 131 Amsterdamsche Veerman op Middelburgh. Vlissingen, 1650. 4to. (Asher 267.) 4.— (Amsterdam skipper to Middelburg,) On the Brazilian affairs of the West-India Comp. 132 Anania (Lor. d\'). L\'Umversalc Fabrica del nioudo, overo cosmografia. Venetia, J. 1\'idali, 1576. ital. caract. hf. vellum. 4to. 9.— 133 - Universale Fabrica del rnondo, overo cosmografia. Venetia, Muschio, 1596. vellum. 4to. Fine copy. 10.— Conlains a large description of America. 134 Anburey (.Th.), Voyages dans \'es parties inf\'crieures de l\'Amérique, pendant Ie cours de la dernière guerre, par un Officier de l\'Armée royale. Trad. de l\'Angl. (par Ie lias.) Paris, 1790. 2 vols. hf. calf. map. 8vo. 3.50 135 Anderson (Joh.1), Beschrijving van Ysland, Groenland en de straat Davis. Uit het lloogd. door J. D. J. Amsterd. 1750, map and plates, vellum. 4to, 2.50 Description of Iceland, Greenland and the Strait of Davis. Transl. from the German. |
Contains pp. 244—280 ; Danish, Dutch and Grcen-landish Vocabulary, Grammar and translations. 136 Anderson, The aamB. With the corrections by N. Hoirebow. Amst. 175G. 2 vols, in 1. map and pi. hf. bd. 4to. 3.— 137 Andree (K.), Nord-Amerika in goograph. u. geschichtlichen Umrissen, mit besond. Bortick-sichtigimg der Elngeborcncn u. der Indianischon Alterthiimer. Braunschweig, 1851. K. tó. roy. 8vo. 1.25 138 Andrews (J. D.), Report on the trade and commerce of the British North American Colonies and of the Great Lakes and Rivers. Washingt. 1853. With 4 (large) maps. 2 vols, cloth. 8vo. 900 pp. 5,— 139 Anecdotes secrètcs sur le 18e Pructidor, et nouv. mémoires des Déportós a la Guiane, ócrits par eux-niêrnes, etc. Paris, G\'ujuul, (1799). plate, sit. uncut, 8vo. 1.25 140 „l\'Angloisatoute extrómitez.\'\' — Dutch caricature. 1780: an Englishman in his bed, suffering from colic; a Frenchman wants to assist him but is prevented by an American, a Dutch farmer all the while looking forward to the Englishman\'s vomiting the Act of Navigation. — With French and Dutch explanation, sq. fol. — Very rare. 4.50 141 Annales (NouvoUes) des voyages, delagéo-graphie et de l\'histoiro, ou recueil de relations originates inédites frangaises et étrangéres, etc. Publ. p. J. li. Eyries ct Malte-Brun. Paris, 1819 — 28. 44 vols. 1—26. hf. calf, 27—44 sewed,mayty maps and plates. 8vo. lyantiny vol. 36 livr. 2—3. (or 2e série livr. 17. 18.) 26.— Cont. many pieces ou North- and South-America amongst which for instance, in the first 8 vols.; Alverez du Prado, lies Guaïconras ou cavaliers ludicns (Brazil) — i/etat dc la religion dans les Etats-Unis. — Details sur la Patagonio, — Voyage de liuenos-Ayres ii San-Jago. — Les Ottavas du Lac Huron, — Ziugaris au liresil. — Le Luxe aux Etats-Unis, — La terre australe an sud de 1\'Aiue-rique. Etat de la colonic de Demerary. — Indiens du fleuve Colombia. — Seorosby, Les courants et les airimalcules de la Mer du Groenland. — Les Ca-pitaneries de Para et de Solimoens au Bresil, etc. 142 Annales Hydrographiques, recueil d\'avis, instructions, documents et mé.noires relatifs a l\'hy-drographie et a la navigation. Paris. 1849—50. 4 torn, in parts. Maps. 8°. (20.—) 3.— 143 Annals of the Minnesota Historical Society, 1856, containing Materials tor the History of Minnesota. Prepared by Edw. 1). Neill. St. Paul, 1856. large 8v0. plates. 2.50 144 Anslijn Nz. (N.), Beschrihing der Washing-tons- en Sandwicheilanden, en van bet Pitcairn-eiland. Leyden, 1834. 6 col. plates, sd. 8vo. 1.— {Description of the llrashinytons-and Sandwich\' islands, and of the Piicairn-island.) |
145 Anson (ö)., Reize rondom de wereld gedaan in 1740—44. Opgesteld ui.\' de papieren van Lord Anson zeiven door R. Walter. Uit het Eng. vert. 3o druk. Leiden, 1765. hf. calf, maps and many flutes. 4to. 4.— {Voyage round the world in 1740—44, Composed from the papers of Lord Ahsux himself by R. IValter, Transl. from the Engl. 3d edit.) This is the translation of Anscns\'s original account, much more ample and trnstworthy, than the antc-rior relations of his voyage. (See followiug Nos.) 14 6--Vierjarige reistocht naar do Zuid-Zee of genoegzaam rondom de waereld, 1740—44. Uit het Eng. Delft, 1745. portr. 4to\' 2,50 (A four year\'s voyage to the South-Sea or almost round the world, Transl. from the Engl.) 147 - The same. 2d edit, augin. and corrected. Ibid. 1749, portr, and plates, 4to. 2.50 lu this edition we find au account of the shipwreck uf the IVai/er iu the South-Sea. This tract, although mentioned likewise un the title of the 1745 edition, is not in the above copy of that edition. 148 Antidotael-Memorio, betreff. dc prysen door de Engelsche oorlogschepen goinaekt op schepen komende uit de West-indien, \'s Grar., 1758. tol. 1.50 (Ani \'idotal memoir on the prizes ma ie hy the English men-of-war, of Dutch vessels coming from the JVest-Indies. In favour of the English.) 149 Antilles Francoises et Isles voisines, par G. de I\'Isle. Amst., J. Covens en (■\'. Mortier, (about 1740). ( oioured. map. fol. 45 by 59. 2.— 150 Antwoordt op sekeren brief Eulalii, verva-tende de redenen waerom dat men met den vyandt in geen conferentie behoort te treden. 1629. 4to. (Asher Nquot;, 126.) 2. — (Answer to a certain letter of Eulalius, contain, the reasons, why not advisable to enter into transactions wiih the enemy.) 151 - The same, other edition, with slight difference in the title. 4to. — Not cited by Asher. 2.50 152 Antwoord .,, op de memorie van conside-ratlen van Uewindhebberen der West-hul. Comp. Amst., 1791. 8vo. 52 pp. i.__ {Reply ... to the memorial of consideration of the Governors of the IV. I. Comp.) 153 Antwoort van den getrouwen Hollander op den „Acnspraeck van den Ik etgebaeckerden Hoi-„lander.quot; 1645. 4to. (Asber Nquot;. 207). 6.— {Reply of the faithful Hollander to the address of the hotheaded Hollander,) 154 Antwoordo van de Staten Gcnerael tegens tversoeck wegens den Koninck van Portugal... om restitutie van Conchin... met bet geenc verders omtrent quot;s Nederlants vrije navigatie oi) do Brasilien past. Schiedam, L. Lambertsen, 1664. 4to. II pp. 2.50 {Reply of the Stales Oen, to the King of Portugal\'s request for the restitution of Couchin ... |
Very rare, only 60 cofies being \'printed. Contains the very full bibliographical description (in French) of de Veer\'s Voyage to the North (in Dutch) 1598 and 1G05, and Houtman\'s Voyage to E.-India: in Dutch 1597, 1598 ; in Latin 1598; in Frcnch 1598. 180 Asmodóe New York. Revue critique des institutions polit. et civiles de rAmérique, vie publ. et privée, moeurs, eoutumes, anecdotes romanes-ques, etc. Paris, 1868. 503 pp. hdamp;. 8vo. 2.— 190 Asplund (John.), The Annual Register of the Baptist Denomination in North-America to the first of November 1790. {Bated:) Southampton-County, Virginia, July 14, 1791. ZTwcw/. 4to. 60 pp. the last two erroneously page/1 69 and 70. 10.— Very rare and curious. This is the first list of Baptists in America ever published, containing a detailed account of all the churches in the different Slates, counties, towns and Indian settle-meuts, their constitutions, dates of foundation, the ministers\' names, number of each congregation and also quot;remarks upon practical religion.quot; In the preface the author calls himself » Sweede.quot; — B. Benedict in his History of the Baptist Denomination says of him: quot;Thii Register cost the author about //7000 miles\' travel, chiefly on foot . .. The Baptist //churches of America have reason to respect the me-*niory of this diligent inquirer into their number, «origin, character, etc. His Register has been of pe-//culiar service in the preparation of this work.quot; 191 Association, or public virtue displayed in a contrasted view.quot; — 15 Febr., 1780. English caricature: a procession from York, London, etc., by J. S. Publ by J. Wilton, sq. fol. 1.50 192 Atlantis. Journal des Neuesten u. Wissens-würdigsten aus d. Nord-u. Süd-Amerikan. Reiche. Leipzig, 1*27. Vol. I. II. part 1. sd.Syo.pp.W— 104 of vol I. wanting. 2.50 Publisli id by E. F. Rivinui at Philadelphia. Contains a. o.: Topograph. Skiz/.e der Gegend um Ta-lahassee in Florida. — Zustand d. Malerei in Penn-sylvanien — Die Creek-Indianer in Georgien. — Die Universitat von Charlottesville, etc. etc. 193 Atlas. — Historical, Chronolog. and Geographical American Atlas, being a guide to the history of North and South America, and the West-Indies, exhibiting an accurate account of the discovery, settlement and progress of their various kingdoms, states, provinces, etc. According to the plan of Le Sage\'s Atlas. Philad., H. (■. Carry and J. Lea, 1822. 53 coloured maps, with text, hf.calf. large fol. 5.— 194 Atlas belonging to the prize-essay on the Dutch discoveries and the original Dutch names of the discov. islands, capes, etc. by Bennet and van Wijk. Dordr. 1829. 7 plain maps. fol. With the prize-essay. 8®. — Vncut. 4.50 A map of New-Netherland — of the Dutchquot; discoveries in the Polar regions — of their surveys of |
Greenland and Spitzbergen — Cape Horn, Strait Magellan and Le Mai re, etc. 195 Atlas tot opheldering der: Hedendaagsche Historie, verbeterd door W. A. Bachiene, gegrav. d. J. v. Hagen. Amst. 1785. 37 Plain maps, and a Supplement treating exclusively on America, with 32 plain maps. hf. hound. Uncut, fol. 12.— {Atlas elucidating to work: Recent history, revised by W. A. Bachiene, engrav. by J. v. Hagen.) Interesting for America as published just after the Revolution. It is one of the first Atlases with maps of the independent United States. 190 - Same Atlas. Only the Supplement on America. 25 maps. Vncut. 7.50 197 Atlas of the American States. W ei mar, Q en graph. Instilut. (1825). hf. bd. fol. 10.— Collection of 30 Amer. maps, each in a border formed by a German text, giving physical, political and historical particularities. No title. 198 Atlas of the U.States of N.America, by Prof. 11. Rogers and A. Keith Johnston. Loudon. 1857. hf. calf. fol. — 29 Maps. (27.50) 5.— 199 Atlas van omtrent honderd platte gronden der voornaamste vestingen, kasteden en steden van Europa, de Nederlanden en eenige Koloniën. Amst. (1790). 8°. half bound. 5.— {Atlas of about 100 plans of fortified places in Europe and some Colonies.) Among the 100 plans and maps, 14 of American places occur, (on 7 sheets) viz.: Carthagena, Lima, All Saints Bay, Brazil, St. Salvador, Cayenne, the Fortress of Cayenne, Surinam, Berbice, Paramaribo, Curafau, Demerary and Essequebo, New-Orleans, Mouth of the Mississippi. 200 Attlbert (Fr.), Vier jaren in Cayenne. Amst. 1863. roy. 8vo. (1.25) —.75 {Four years in Cayenne.) Translated from the journal of a French exile. 201 Aubéry, Louis Sr. Du Maurier, French Ambassador to the Dutch Unit. Provinces, Historian, d. 1687. — A. L. S. (in French) to Mr. de Péquzé, Counsellor of the Court of Parliament in Provence, dat. The Hague, Dec. 15, 1618. 2 closely written pp. fol. — With seal. —A copy in modern handwriting is appended. 20.— Highly interesting lettkii, giving the opinion of Maurice of Orange, Sladtholder of the Unit. Prov. on the voyages undertaken to find a passige to the East-Indies by the North; some information on the passage discovered by I. Le Maire, and the quarrels between W. C. Schouten and Le Maire, concerning the publication of Schouten\'s voyage: quot;qui est fort defectueuse Vayant mise an jour audevunt de Isaac le Mere avec lequel il a fait ce voiage, dequoi ledic le Mere est fort déplaisant et pour y remedier est rcsolu de faire imprimer la sienne tout au long en jlamand et en Latin, cet.quot; (See for both publications infra.) |
202 Auckland, the Capital of New Zealand, and the country adjacent: including some account of the gold discovery in New Zealand. Lond. 1853. map and plates, cloth, am. 8vo. (3.GO) 2.— 203 Auffenberg (J. v.), Dev Flibustier odcr die Eroberung von Panama. Komantisches Trauer-splel. Hamborg. 1819. hf. calf. Bvo. 1.— 204 d\'Aunet (L.), Voyage d\'une femme an Spitz-bcrg. 2e edit. Paris, 1855. hf. mor. gilt. 8vo. 1.90 205 Avanturen van de kleine Scipio, of Historie van de bereisde Kat. Zinnebeeld, en vermakelijke geschiedenis, getrokken uit een Amerikaansch Handschrift. In Holland (no place.) 1783. 93 pp. 8vo. 4.50 (Adventures of the little Scipio, or history of the travelling cat. Emblematical and pleasant tale, from an American Manuscript.) Curious and scarce pamphlet. — Scipio, taken on hoard of a Dutch man of war bound for England, tulls his adventures to Milady North, goes with Admiral Kodney, to America, meets General Arnold, Washington, etc. 200 Aysma (J.), Spiegel der Sibyllcn, van vier-derley vertooningen. Amst. 1085, 4 part. 938 pp. numerous fine engraved copperplates of religious cere-•taonies, a. o. in Florida, Mexico, etc 4°. 5.— (Mirror of the Sibyls, in four different representations.) This work treats of the different religions in the world and their ceremonies; the Sibyls and their prophecies ; all illustrated by many plates. 207 Aztecs (Histoire des). Paris. 1855. 24 pp. 12mo. Fery rare. 1.— 208 —— Mémoire illustré d\'une expedition remar-i|uable dans l\'Amórique centrale, la découverte de la ville d\'lximaya, et deux merveilleux Aztecs; (léerlte p. J. L. Stephens et d\'antres. Trad, do I\'EBpagn. de Velasquez. Amst. 1857. 44 w. woodcuts. 8vo. — durioHS, Rare. Printed at the occasion of the exhibition of two Aztecs at Amsterdam in 1867. 209 Baanman (Th.) — Ongelukkig of droevig verhaal v. h. schip de Gouden Hays, uitgevaaren ten dienste d. O. I. Comp. in 1093 onder \'1\'. liaanman, volgons de beëedigde verklar. v. D. Silleman en 1gt;. Thys, die alleen v. 190 zielen zyn overgebleven. Amsterd., Gysb. de Oroot en A. van Dam. (1718.) 4to. 2.50 (Unhappij and sad narrative of the ship called the Golden Pipe, which set sail in the service of the E. I. C. in 1694, under T. Jiaanman, according to the sworn declarations of 1). S. and L. T. who alone survived of 190 men.) 210 - The same. Amst., S. en IF. Koene, 1790. 4to. In vellum-wrapper. — Popular edition. 2.50 211 Backhouse (Sam.) A narrative of a visit to the Australian Colonies. London, 1843. cloth, maps, 15 etchings, several woodcuts. 8vo. 5.50 |
212 Baeck, (M.), De topasio caeruleo Brasiliensi. Aboae. 1818. 4to. —.70 213 Baers (Joh.), Olinda, gelegen int landt van Hrasil... met manneljjeke dapperheyt ...inghe-nomen .. door D. v. Weerdenburg. Amst. 1638. 4to. (Asher N0. 141.) 15.— (Olinda, situated in the land of Brazil... happily conquered with manly bravery ... ly D. van It-\'rerdenburg.) An excessively rare little pamphlet, containing a detailed account of the taking of Pernainbuco by tbo Dutch, the first place they retook after being expelled iu 1020. The author accompanied the expedition as minister, bis narration has therefore a special value. 214 Baird iH.), De la religion aux Etats-Uniu d\'Amii-riquo. Origine et,progrèa d.tóglisos Evangél., leurs rapports avec l\'État, etc. Trad, de l\'Angl. p. L. Barnier. Paris, 1844. 2 vols. hf. calf. 8vo. 2.50 216 - Kerkelijke geschied., statistiek en godsdienstig loven der Vereen. Staten. Schoonhoven, 1840—49. 2 vols. in 3. sd., map. 8vo. (8.—) 2.50 Dutch translation of the preceding. 210 - Geschied, der matigheidsgezelschappen in de Vereen. Staten. Utrecht, 1837. 8vo. (1.25) - .75 (History of the Temperance Societies in Ihe United Stales.) 217 Bancroft (E.), Essay on the natural history of Guiana in South America, with an account of the manners and customs of the Indian Inhabitants. Lond., 1709. calf, plate. 8vo. 2.50 21 8--Naturgesehichte von Guiana in Siid-Ame- rika. Aus d. ICngl. Frankf. u. Leipz. nw. vellum. 8vo. 1.25 210 - Natuurlijke geschied, van Guiana. Uit het Eng. Utrecht, 1782. bds. 8vo. 1.50 Dutch translation from the Engl,, of the preceding. 220 Bancroft (G-.), History of the United States from the discovery of the American continent. London, lioutledge, 1854—01. Vol. 1—G (till 1775.) cloth. 8vo, (10,50) 7.— 221 Bank of the U. St. - Report on the condition (and history) of the Bank of the United States. Philad. 1822. 8vo. fFith the documents. 2,— 222 Barclay (R.) Epistoia amatoria nee non con-sultoria ad legates Magnatum Europao, do pace Christianor. consultandi gratia, Noviomagi congresses. Rotterd., 1078. 4to. 2.— Written from his gaol in Aberdeen in Scotland to the l)cpnteelt; for the peace between Holland, Franco and England, assembled at Nymegen in ilnlland. 223 - Verantwoording van de ware christelyko godgeleerdheid, gelijk dezelve gepredikt word van het volk, spotsgewyze Quakers genaamd. Uit het Latyn vert, door J. II. Qlazemaker. 2do druk. Amst,, 1757. hf. calf. 4to. 2.— (l\'indicntion of the true Christian Theology, as preached by Ihe people, nicknamed Quakers. Translated by Glazenmaker.) The preface is dated 1675. |
224 Barclay (R.), \'J\'lie same. Vncut. 4to. 2.50 225 Bajeri (J. Q.), Synopscos et examlnis tlieolo-ginc Knlhusidstarum seu Quakeroruni, praecipiie li. Barclaü, disscrtationes VI. Jenae, 1701. calf. 4to. 2.50 226 - Collatio doctrinae Quakeronim et Protes- tantium, una cum barmonia orroruin Quakeronim et Heterodoxoruiu aliorum. Jenae, 1094. 4to. 2,— 227 Barbinais (L. G. de Lat, Nouveau voyage autour du monde. Paris, 1728. 3 vols, calf (jilt, ma/is anti views. 8vo. 2.— A large part of the 1st aud 3d vol. treats of South-America. 228 Barlaeus (C.), Rerum per Octo-ennimn in Brasilia et alibi nuper gestarum, sub praefectura Co-mitis J. Manritii Nassav... historia. Arast. J. J3laeu, 1647. calf or vellum, fol. 20.— With beautiful portrait of Prince John Maurice by T. Matham, large map and 50 very fine plates etched by the renowned painter I\'. Post, who ae-cuinpanied Prince Maurice in Brazil. A work uf historical value, almost the only and the best authority upon the events of that period. Not common, a quantity of copies having been consumed in 1072 by the fire, which destroyed the warehouses of the publisher. — A Chilian vocabulary will be fonud on pages 283—8\'J. 23 1--The same Work. Editio 2a. Clivis, 1660. hf. Id. portr., maps and plates. 8vo. 4. — This 2d edition is augmented with the natural history of the country, by G. Piso. The Chilian-Iiatin vocabulary fills p. 474—491. 232 - Brasilianisehe Qeschielite, bey achtjahriger in selbigen Landen gefiiliroter Regierung llerrn Johann Moritz zu Nassau. Cleve, Tol). Silberliny. 1659. vellum, portr., maps and plates. 8vo. 6.— First German edition, contain, the same plates as the Latin of 1600, and being much scarcer. 233 - Triuinpluis super eapta Olinda, Pernain- buci urbe, lacti (sic!) tlucibus Lonckio et Waar-denburgio. Lugd. Bat. Ex offic. G. Ilasson, 1030. sd. fol. 8 pp. — Rarissime. 10.— 234 Barlow (Joel), The Columbiad. A poem, with the last corrections of the author. Paris, 1813. plates and portraits, calf gilt, (jilt edges, large imper. 8vo. 5.50 Fine copy of a splendid edition on vellum paper, illustrated with portraits of Franklin and Washington, etc. 235 - Author of The Columbiad, 1807, Chaplain in the Revol. War 1778—83, Minister to France 1811. —A. L. S. to Sam. M. Hopkins of N. Y., dat. Washington, Jan. 17, 1800. 1 p. 4°. 5.— On the eucuurageinent to line aits in America, cet. 236 - Aut. Billet Signed, no address, nor dato. 1 p. 8°. 2.50 quot;Continue to boste and bang me when you can and try to get me more correct.quot; |
237 Barnard (Edw.) New, complete History of England, from the earliest period of authentic information, to the middle of the year 1783. Bond. 1782. 710 pp. maps and upwards of 100 portraits and plates, on copper, engraved bg the first artists for this work. calf. fol. — Perfect copg. 12.— With portraits and dresses, relating to the «present, verg important crisis \\ viz; Portr. of an Ame-rieau General and rifleman. General taken prisoner, American colonies declared independant. Surrender of Earl Cornwallls in N. Amer., Count de Grasse delivering his sword to Admiral Uodney, Engagement of Capt. Pearson with Paul Jones, Death of Mayor Andre, Attack on Bunkers Hill, etc, etc. 238 Barnard (J. Q-.), The Peninsular Campaign and its antecedents, as developed by the lieport of Maj.-Gen. G. B. Me del Ian, and other documents. N. York, 1864. cloth. 8vo. (3 50) 1.50 239 Barnes, Albert, Presb. Clergyman at Mor-ristown and at Philadelphia, 1825 -70, author of the popular Nftes on the N. Test., firm antagonist of slavery. — A.L.S. to Rev. Rob. Baird of Prin- cetown, dat. Morristown, Oct. 7, 1828. 1 p. 4°. jgt;t_ On an exploring tour in behalf of Sabbath schools. 240 Barriore (P.), Nouvelle relation de la France Equinoxiale, conten. la description des cotes de la Guiane; de I\'isle de Cayenne; ... les inoeurs et coutumes des peuples sauvages . .. Paris, 1743. 19 maps and plates, calf 8vo. 2.75 241 Barros (Giov. di), L\'Asia. Nuovam. U lingua Portoghese trad, de A. Ulloa. Vcneziu, V. ^al-grisio, 1561. 2 vols, in 1. vellum. 4to. 6.— This Italian edition has not been completed, it contains only Uteado T, II. — See for America: Vol. I. leaf 55—57. (Voyages of Columbus), leaf 85—88. (Discovery of Brazil by 1\'. Alvarez.) 242 Barrow (J.), Chronological History of Voyages into the Arctic Regions, chiefly for discovering a North-East, North-West, or Polar Passage, between the Atlantic and Pacific. Loud. 1818. map. Ids. 8vo. 3.-— 243 - Besuch auf d. Insel Islands, 1834. Stuttg. 1880. music and fig. sd. 8vo. 1.— 244 Barthema (L. di). Seer wonderiycke zee- en landt-reyse in de Morgenlanden, Syrien, Persien, Indien, Egypten, enz. Uyt hot Ital. vert. Utrecht, 1C54. 3 parts in 1 vol. Il\'il/i plates. 4to. 3.50 (ilronderf at voyages and travels through the Eastern countries, Syria, Persia, India, Egypt etc.) 245 Barton, Memoir on the American Alligator. Philad. 1812. 8vo. With plate. 20 pp. Printed fur the author. — Rare. 1.50 246 Bar tram (W.), Voyages dans les parties Sud de rAinérique Septentrion., les Carolines, la Gé-orgie, les Florides, les pays des Chérokées, des Creek et des Chactaws. Trad. p. P. V. Benoist. Paris, an vu (1799.) 2 vols. sd. uncut, large map and plates. 8vo. 3.— |
quot;A most interestinfc work to lovera of natural history, especially of Botany.quot; Lowndes. 217 Bartram (W.), Reizen door Noord- on Zuid-Carolina, Georgia, Oost- on West-Florida, onz. Haarlem, 171)4. 2 vols, in 1. hf. bet. uncut, map. 8vo. (5.—) 1.80 Dutch translation of the prtccdiug. 248 Battles in Brazil, fought by Colonel Arcis-zewsly. Commander of the Dutch W. I. Troops, against the Spanish General Don Luis da RocJias. 1036. Plan of the battleground with the position of the armies, sq. fol. 2.— 249 Battle of Bunkershill. Death of General tVarren. 1775. J. Trumbull px., engrav. by J. G. Muller. — Fine impress, but stained. )g. sq. fol. 4.— 250 - Same subject, same disposition. French litli. by Ostervald. With Spanish and French subscription. sq. fol. 2.— 251 Battle of Quebec. —Death of Ooncral Montgomery. 1770. J. Trumbull px., engrav. by J. J. Clemens. Publ. by A. C. de Poggi, March. 1798. Very Ig. sq. fol. 10.— With rare key in outlines and names of the persons represented. 252 Battlefields of the South, from Bull Run to Vredoricksburg; with sketches of Confederate Commanders and gossip of the camps, by an Kn-glish combattant. Lond. 1803. 2 vols. maps, cloth. 8vo. — One map wanting. (12.00) 4.— 253 Baudartius (Gul.), Memoryen ofte Cort ver-hacl der gedenckweerdichste so kerckl. als weroltl. gheschiedenissen van Nederland, Vranckryck, Hooghduytschland, Gr. Brit., Hispan. .. . 1603— 1024. 2d od. Arnh. en Zutpli. 1624—25. 2 vols. fine portr. of the author, and many other portraits, bds. uncut, fol. — little stained by water. — Scarce. 10.— (Memorials of the most remarkable ecdesiast. anil worldly occurrences in the Netherlands, France, Germany, Gr. lirit., Spain, etc. 1003—24. id ed. augment.) These chronicles by an highly esteemed author, contain an ample description of the armies and Ueets in Brazil, in 1024. Vol. 11, Book XVI, pp. 72—100 and elsewhere. 254 Baumann (L. A.), Abriss der Staatsverl\'assung dor vornehmsten Liinder in A\'.rika u. Amerika. Brandenb. 1V76—38. 2 vols. bds. uncut, 8vo. 2,50 255 Baumbach (L. v.). None Briefe aus d. Ver-ein. Staaten von N.-Amerika. Cassol, 1850. 8vo. (1.90) 1.25 256 Bayard (F. M.), Voyage dans I\'intérieur des E tats- Uil is, a Bath, Winchester, dans la vallée le Shenaiidoha, etc. en 1791. Paris, 1797. sd., uncut. 8vo. 1.80 257 Bayer (P. W.), Keize naar Peru, 1749 -70. Amst., 1782. sd. uncut. 8vo. 1.50 (Voyage to Peru, 1749—70.) Pages 157—59 treat of the Quichua-laugunge, with the Pater-Noster in yuichua. |
258 Beatson (AÏ.), Naval and Military memoirs of Great Britain, 1727-1762. Lond. 1790. 3 vols. bds. 8vo. 2.— 259 Beauoliamp (A. de), Histoire de Brêsil depuis sa dócouverte jusqu\'en 1810. Paris, 1815. 3 vols. hf. calf, map and 2 plates. 8vo. 3. — 200 Beaulieu (A. van) Rampspoedige scheepvaert naar Oost-Indien, niet veele aanmerk, bosehryvin-gen dor plaatsen, inwoondera, etc. lilt hot Fransch vert, door J. H. Glazemakcr. Amst., 1009. plates. 4to. 3.— (Unfortunate voyage to East-India, with descriptions of the places, inhabitants etc. 201 Beaumarchais (P. A. Caron de). Observations sur lo Ménioire justificatif de la Cour de Londres. A Lond., a Philad., et partout, 1779. 8vo. 1.25 quot;Apologie de la conduite de la France, relative-ment ii riusnrrection des colonies Anglalses.quot; 202 Beaumont (G. de), Marie on Tosclavago aux Etats-Unis. Bnix. 1825. 2 vols. hf. calf. 12mo. 1.50 263 [Beaumont (S. de)], Pertinente Boschryvinge van Guiana, gedegen aan de vaste kust van America. Hier is bygevoeght der Participanten pro-fyten ... als oock de Conditiën van de Staten van Ilollamlt voor die gene, die nae Guiana be-geeren te varen. Amst., ./. Claesz ten Jloorn, 1070. 4to. XII ami 55 pp. With a map and view of the coast of Guiana on the title, hf, vellum. Very fine copy. — Rare. 27.50 (Accurate description of Guiana, situated on the coast of America, IVith addition of the projds of the shareholders, and the Conditions for those, who wish to sail for Guiana.\') 204 Bechor (Joh. Joach.), Politischer Discurs von den oigcntlichen Ursachen doss Aull- u. Ab-nehmens der Stiidt, Lander u. Kepublicken. 2te Edition. Frank!\'. 1073. vellum. 8vo. about 1300 pp. Highly interesting for the documents relating to Guiana. — The whole 5th part (pp. 909—1272) treats of transmarine commerce, and the foundation of a German Kast- and West-India-Company, the plan of a Colony in Guiana. The author gives all the (locumeuts relating to this affair, and many others especially on the Dutch West-India Comp., the colony of Gerhier etc., for inst.; pp. 1052—79 Translation of I.a Barre\'s Relation de la Guyane.—■ pp. 1138—50 Privileges of the States General of Holland for founding a German colony in Guiana within the limits of the West.-lnd.-Comp. Translated from the Dutch, (Is the original Dutch ever priu-ted ?) — pp. 1213 —18 Translation of the Privileges granted to B. Gerhier, ctc. 205 - The same. 3d edition. Ibid. 1088. vellum. 8vo. 6.— 266 - The sauio. 4tli edit. Ibid. 1721. 8vo. 6.— 267 -Narrischo Weissheit u. weiso Narrheit. BARTRAM — ÜlieiIEK. |
224 Barclay (R ), The same. Uncut. 4to. 2.50 225 Bajeri (J. Q.), Sjaiopaeos et examlnia thoolo-giae Knthusiastarum sou Qiiakeroruin, praecipue K. Bnrclaii, dissertationes VI. Jenae, 1701. calf. 4to. 2.50 226 •—— Collatio doctrinae Quakerorum et Protes-tantium, una cum harmonia errorum Quakerorum et Heterodoxorum aliorum. Jenae, IGOi. 4to. 2.- 227 Barbinals (L. G. de Lal, Nouveau voyage auteur du monde. Paris, 1728. 3 vols, calf (jilt, mafs and views. 8vo. 2.— A largo part of the 1st ami 3d vol. treats of South-America. 228 Barlaeus (C.), Rerum per Octo-ennium in Brasilia et alilii nuper gestarum, sub praefectura Co-initis J. Mauritii Nassav... historia. Amst. J. Jilaeu, 1647. calf or vellum, fol. 20.— With beautiful portrait of Prince John .Maurice by T. Matham, large map and 50 very fine plates etched by the renowned paluter Post, who accompanied Prince Maurice in Brazil. A work of historical value, almost the only and the best authority upon the events of that period. Not common, a i|uaiitity of copies having been consumed in 1072 by the fire, which destroyed the wurchonaes of the publisher. — A Chilian vocabulary will be found on pages 283—81). 23 1--The same Work. Editio 2a. Clivis, 1600. hf. btl. portr., maps and plates. 8vo. 4. — This 2d edition is augmented with the natural history of the country, by G. Piso. Tho Chilian-Latin vocabulary fills p. 474--491. 232 - Brasilianische Geschiohte, bey aclitjiihrlgor in selbigen Landen gefiihreter Reglerung Herrn Johann lloritz zu Nassau. Cleve, Tub. tSilberliny. 1650. velltim, portr., maps and plates. 8vo. 6.— First German edition, contain, the same plates as the Latin of 1600, and being much scarcer. 233 - Trinm phus super capta Olinda, Pernam- buci urbe, I\'acti {sic!) dueibus Lonckio et Waar-deuburgio. Lugd. Bat. Ex o-ffic. G. ISassun, 1030. sd. lol. 8 pp. — Rarissime. 10.— 234 Barlow (Joel), The Columbiad. A poem, with the last corrections of the author. Paris, 1813. plates and portraits, calf gilt, gilt edges, large imper. 8vo. 5.50 Fine copy of a splendid edition on vellum paper, llustratud with portraits of Franklin and Washington, etc. 235 --Author of The Columbiad, 1807, Chaplain in tho Kevol. War 1778—83, Minister to France 1811. —A.L. S. to Sam. M.Hopkins ofN. Y., dat. Washington, Jan. 17, 1800. 1 p. 4°. 5.— On the eucouragenient to line arts in America, cet. 236 - Aut. Billet Signed, no address, nor date. 1 i). 8°. 2.50 quot;Continue to boste and bang me when you can and try to get me more correct.quot; |
237 Barnard (Edw.) New, complete History of England, from the earliest period of authentic information, to tho middle of the year 1783. Lond. 1782. 710 pp. maps and upwards of 100 portraits and plates, on copper, engraved bg the first artists far this work. calf. fol. — Perfect oopg. 12.— AVith portraits and dresses, relating to the «present, verg important crisis \\ viz: Portr. of an American General and rifleman, General Lec taken prisoner, American colonies declared independant. Surrender of Earl Cornwallis in N. Amer., Count de Qrasse delivering his sword to Admiral Rodney, Engagement of Capt, Pearson wilh Paul Jones, Death of Mayor Andre, Attack on Bunkers Hill, etc. etc. 238 Barnard (J. G.), The Peninsular Campaign and its antecedents, as developed by the Report of Maj.-Gen. G. B. Mc Clellan, and other documents. N. York, 1864. cloth. 8vo. (3 50} 1.50 230 Barnes, Albort, Presh. Clergyman at Mor-ristown and at Philadelphia, 1825 -70, author of the popular Ndes on the N. Test., Hrm antagonist of slavery. — A.L.S. to Rev. Rob. Baird of Prin-ectown, dat. Morristown, Oct. 7, 1828. 1 p. 4°. 2.— On an exploring tour in behalf of Sabbath schools. 240 Barriure (P.), Nouvelle relation de la France Equlnoxiale, conten. la description des cótes de la Guiane; de I\'isle do Cayenne; ... les moeurs et cofitumes des peuples sauvages ,.. Paris, 1743. 19 maps and plates, call. 8vo. 2.75 241 Barros (Giov. di), L\'Asia. Nuovam. 11 lingua Portoghoso trad, de A. Ulloa. Vcnezia, V. Val-grisio, 1561, 2 vols, in 1. vellum. 4to. 0.— This Italian edition has not been completed, it contains only Decade I, II. — See for America: Vol. I. leaf 53—57. (Voyages of Columbus), leaf 85—88. (Discovery of Brazil by P. Alvarez.) 242 Barrow (J.), Chronological History of Voyages into (he Arctic Regions, chiefly for discovering a North-East, North-West, or Polar Passage, between the Atlantic and Pacific. Lond. 1818. map. bds. 8vo. 3.— 248 - Besuch auf (1. Insel Islands, 1834. Stuttg. 1886. music and fig. sd. 8vo. 1.— 244 Barthema (L. di). Seer wonderljjcko zee- en landt-reyse in do Morgonlaiulen, Syrien, Persien, Indien, Egypten, enz. Uyt hot Ital. vert. Utrecht, 1654. 3 parts in 1 vol. With plates. 4to. 3.50 (U\'ondcyful voyages and travels through the Eastern countries, Syria, Persia, India, Egypt etc.) 215 Barton, Memoir on the American Alligator. Philad. 1812. 8\\\'o. ÏVith plate. 20 pp. Printed for the author. — Rare. 1.50 246 Bartram (W.), Voyages dans les parties Sud de lAmérlque Septentrion., les Carolines, la Gé-orgie, les Florldes, les pays des Chérokées, des Creek et des Chactaws. Trad. p. P. V. Benoist. Paris, an vu (1700.) 2 vols. sd. uncut, large map and plates. 8vo. 3.-— |
quot;A most interesting work to lovers of natural history, especially of Botany.quot; Lowndes. 2t7 Bartram (W.), Reizen dooi- Noord- on Zuid-Carolina, Georgia, Oost- en West-Klorida, enz. Haarlem, 17114. 2 vols, in 1. hf. bd. uncut, map. 8vo. (5.—) 1.80 Dutch translation of the preceding. 248 Battle in Brazil, fought by Colonel Arcis-zewsky. Commander of the Dutch \\V. I. Troops, against the Spanish General Don Luis de liochas. 1036. Plan of the battleground with the position of the armies, sq. fol. 2.— 249 Battle of Bunkershlll. Death of General IVarren. 1775. J. Trumbull px., ongrav. by J. G. Muller. — Fine impress, but stained. Ig. sq. fol. 4.— 250 - Same subject, same disposition. French lith. by Ostervald. With Spanish and French subscription. sq. fol. 2,— 251 Battle of Quebec. —Death of General Montgomery. 1770, J. Trumbull px., engrav. by J. J. Clemens. Publ. by A. C. de Poggi, March. 1798. Very Ig. sq. fol. \' 10.— With rare key in outlines and names of the persons represented. 252 Battleflelds of the South, from Bull Run to Vredericksbiirg; with sketches of Confederate Commanders and gossip of tho camps, by an English combattant. Lonrt. 1803. 2 vols. maps, cloth. 8vo. — One map wanting. (12.00) 4.— 253 Baudartius (Gul.), Memorycn ofte Cort ver-hael der gedenekweerdichste so kerckl. als wcreltl. ghoschiedenissen van Nederland, Vranckryck, Hooghduytschland, Gr. I5rit., Hispan. ... 1003— 1024. 2d ed. Anih. en Zutph. 1024—25. 2 vols. fine portr. of the author, and many other portraits, bds. uncut, fol. - little stained by water. — Scarce. 10,— {Memorials of the most remarkable ecclesiast. and worldly occurrences in the Netherlands, France, Germany, Or. Brit., Spain, etc. 1003—24. id ed. augment.) These chronicles hy an highly esteemed author, contain an ample description of the armies and fleets in Brazil, in 1G24. Vol. 11, Book XVI, pp. 72—100 and elsewhere. 254 Baumann (L. A.), AbrissderStaatsverfassung dcr vornehmsten Liinder in Afrika u. Amerika. Brandenb. 1V76—38. 2 vols. bds. uncut, 8vo. 2.50 255 Baumbach (L. v.). None Briefe aus d. Ver-ein. Staaten von N.-Amerika. Cassel, 1850. 8vo. (1.90) 1.25 256 Bayard (F. M.), Voyage dans l\'intérieur des Etats-Unis, a ISath, Winchester, dans la vallée lo Shenandoha. etc. en 1791. Paris, 1797. sd., uncut. 8vo. \' 1.80 257 Bayer (p. W.), Reize naar Peru, 1749-70. Amst., 1782. sd. uncut. 8vo. 1.50 (Voyage to Peru, 1749—70.) Pages 157—59 treat of the Quichuu-langunge, with the Pater-Noster in Quichuo. |
258 Beatson (Al.), Naval and Military memoirs of Groat Britain, 1727—1762. Lond. 1790. 3 vols. bds. 8vo. 2.— 259 Beauchamp (A. de), Histoire de Brésil dépuis sa découverte jusqu\'en 1810. Paris, 1815. 3 vols. hf. calf, map and 2 plates. 8vo. 3. — 200 Beaulieu (A. van) Rampspoedige schcepvaert naar Oost-lndion, met veele aanmerk, bcschryvingen der plaatsen, invvoonders, etc. Uit het Franseh vert, door J. II. Glazeinaker. Amst. 1009. plates. 4to. 3,— {Unfortunate voyage to East-India, with descriptions of the places, inhabitants etc. 201 Boaumarchais (p. A. Caron d9). Observations sur lo M(lmoire justiflcatif do la Cour do Londres. A Lond., a Philad., ct partout, 1779. 8vo. 1.25 »Apologie de la conduite de la France, rolative-ment a l\'iusurrection des colonies Anglaises.quot; 202 Beaumont (G. de), Marie ou I\'osclavagoaux Etats-Unis. Brux. 1825. 2 vols. hf. calf. ]2ii.o. 1.50 263 [Beaumont (S. de)], Pertinente Beschryvinge van Guiana, gelegen aan de vaste kust van America. Ilior is bygevoeght der Participanten i)ro-fyten ... als oock de Condition van de Slaton van Ilollandt voor die gene, die nao Guiana be-geeren te varen. Amst , Claesz ten Hoorn, 1070. 4to. XII and 55 pp. fVith a map and view of the coast of Guiana on the title, hf. vellum. Very fine copy. — Hart\'. 27.50 {Accurate description of Guiana, situated on the coast of America. IVith addition of the profits of the shareholders, and the Conditions for those, who wish to sail for Guiana.) 264 Bechor (Joh. Joach.), Politischor Discurs von den eigentlichen Ursachen doss Auti- n. Ab-nehmens dor Stiidt, Lander u. Republieken. 2te Edition. Frank!\'. 1073. vellum. 8vo. about 1300 pp. 10.— Highly interesting for the documents relating to Guiana. — The whole 5th part (pp. 909—1372) treats of transmarine commerce, and the foundation of a German Kast- and West-India-Company, the plan of a Colony in finiana. The author gives all the documents relating to this affair, and many others especially on the Dutch West-India Comp., the colony of Gcrhier etc., for inst..- pp. 1052—79 Translation of La Barre\'s Kelatiou de la Gnyane.—• pp. 1138—50 Privileges of the States General of Holland for founding a German colony in Guiana within the limits of the West.-Ind.-Comp. Translated from the Dutch, (Is the original Dutch ever printed ?) — pp. 1213 —18 Translation of the Privileges granted to B. Gerhier, etc. 205 - The same. 3d edition. Ibid. 1088. vellum. 8vo. 0.— 266 - The same. 4th edit. Ibid. 1721. 8vo. 6.— 267 - Narrische Weissheit u. wcise Narrheit. |
Frankfurt, 168S. Ids. 16mo. — Hare. B.— Very curious contniuing an account of disoovcrica, invcutioun, etc. which have been declared quot;feolishquot; at first, and have turned out very reasonable, and vice-versa. We find amongst them : Nu. 2. Various voyages and discoveries in the East- and West-Indies. — N0. 4. Prince llupprechts Beaver-Company in America. 5. The Dutch colonisation of Guiana, etc. 208 Bochlor (Gust. R.), Atlas showing battles, engagements and important localities, connected with the Campaigns in Virginia. Philad. 1804. 10 plates doth. sin. sq. 4to. — Plate 10 wanting. (11.20) 2.50 209 Beckmann (J.), Litteratur der alteren Keise-beschreibungen. Gött. 1808. 2 vols. /lt;/. calf. 8vo. 3.50 This is not a simple nomenclature, but rather a critical review of some of the most interesting voyages, as: Sagard, Voyage au pays des Ilurons. 1033. — Voyage of Martinière. — Mocqnet, Voyages anx hides Occid. et Orient. Kouen, 1045. — Relations du Brésil. 1051, etc. 270 Bedenckingo over d\'antwoordt d. Bewint-hebbera vande Oost-lnd. Comp... belang, de combinatie der twee Compagnien. \'s Gravcnb. 1644. 4to. (Asher N0. 202.) 2 50 {Reflections on the answer of the Directors of the East-Ind. Camp, concern, the combination of the two Comp.) 271 quot;Bedlam of the world.quot; — Dutch caricature with Engliscb subscription. King George dozing and signing the manifest against Holland; whilst the candlestick tumbles down, one of his Ministers reads a paper, headed: „gewapende Neutraliteitquot; (armed Neutrality) of the Europ. continent during the Amer. war which highly aggravates another Minister. Invented and cngrav. by P. Dutsman. (Pseudonym.) 1781. sq. 4° —- fine and rare. 6.— 272 Begin en Voortgangh v. de Vereen. Geoctr. Oost-Indische Compagnie. Vcrvatcnde de voor-uaamste Keysen by de Inwoond. ders. Provinciën derwaerts gedaen. Nevens beschryv. d. Rycken, Eylanden, en/.. In 2 din. (met 14 en 12 Voyagien.) (Amsterdam) 1045. 2 vols. aqu. 4to. — Very rare. 230 maps and plates. Fine copy. hf. calf (jilt. {Tide N0. 4.) \' 55.- {Orii/in and progress of the United Octr. East India-Company; comprising the principal I\'oyagi/s thither by the inhabitants of these Provinces. Ifit/i descr\'-ptions of the States, Islands, Government of those nations, etc. In 3 vols, (comprising 11 and 12 Voyages.) This collection is one of the most valuable ever mode in any language. It comprises the most interesting voyages to the East and North, and, besides the Journals of the 20 Voyages mentioned on the title, the book contains short narratisns of nearly 1Ü0 miuor voyages as appendices to the other ones. 16 |
All these journals are either reprinted with slight varitions from the original editions, or from the autograph iMSS. placed at the disposal of the editor, or from personal narratives of the voyagers made to him. The compiler is the learned Isaac Commelin at Amsterdam. The vast mass of plates and maps in this work, are either copied from the original editions, or from the autograph maps of the navigators. The collection was first published in 1645, as some very rare titles bear that date. The edition with the year 1040 is that generally found, but very fine copies are rare in consequence of the frequent usage of these volumes. 273 —— Same work. Edition of 1046. 2 vols, old calf. gilt. Very neat copy. (Tielo N0. 6.) 33.— 274 - Same work. Edition of 1046. 2 vols, vel- lavi or calf. Ordinary copy. 20.— 275 Behr (Joh. v. d.), Diarium, oder Tagebuch, fiber dasjenige, so sich zur Zeit einer neunjahrigen lieise zu Wasser u. Lande, in Dienst der Niederl. Ost-lndian. Compagnie... zugetragen. Jena, 1008. vellum, plates and portr. 4to. — Hare. 5.— 270 Belknap, Jeremy, distinguished Historian, founder of the Massachus. Mist. Society. — A. L. S. to Mr. David Mc Clure of Portsmouth, dat. Dover, Febr. 14, 1774. 4quot;. 3.75 277 Bellegarde (Abbe de), Histoive universelle des voyages. Amst., 1708. calf. 8vo. 2.— Vol. I. (all published) treating exclusively of America; Extracts from Petrus Martyr on the discovery of America; the account of 1\'. Cortez of the discovery of New-Spain, etc. 278 Bellot (J. R), Journal dun voyage anx inera polaires, a la recherche de Sir J. Franklin, 1851— 52. Préc. d une notice s. I\'autcur, p. J. Leincr. Paris, 1854. portr. and map. hf. mor. uniut. 8vó. 2.50 279 Beltrami (J. C.), A pilgrimage in Europe and America, leading to the discovery of the sources of the Mississippi and Bloody River. Lond: 1828. Vol. I. bds., plates. 8vo. 1.50 280 Benedict (D.) A general History of the Baptist Denomination in America and other parts of the world. Boston, 1813. 2 vols. mlf. 8vo. 18.— First edition, very rare, not mentioned by Rich ; it contains matters which have been omitted in the subsequent reprints.) 281 Benezet (A.), Observations sur 1\'origine, les principes et 1\'établisscment en Amérique des Quakers. Lond. 1817. övo. 1.50 282 Bennett (G.), Acclimatisation: its eminent adaptation to Australia. A lecture delivered in Sydney. Melbourne, 1802. 8vo. 1.— 283 - Rules and objects of the Acclimatisation Society of Victoria, with the report at the first general meeting, etc. Ibid. 1861. 8vo. —.00 |
296 Berbice.— Map of the Colony. Amst., ü. amp; ƒ. Oitens. 1740. Large sq. tol. 97 by 47. 3,— With special map uf the coast from Rio Berbicc till Kio Marawiui, aud separatey printed list of the plantations aud the names of the proprietors. 297 - Same map, later edition. Amst., U. amp; J. Ottens (1763). — Same size. 2.— With engraved account of a Negroe-insurrection, 25 Kebr. HtiS. — Tbo printed list not republished. 298 -- lierblce and Surinam, with plan of Paramaribo. Amst., {Tiriun. 1755). fol. 40 by 34. 1.50 299 - Berbice and Surinam. Without name or place. (Amst. 1780.) fol. 65 by 45. 2.— With separate plan of the llcrnhut-colouy Pil-gerhuth. 300 - Berbice. Map of the Colony, after the surveys of Wiedeman and Koelofa, by Major v. Bou-chenroeder. Amst., Mortier, Covens amp; Z. 1802. fol. 59 by 59. 3.50 The proilucticns of the plantations are indicated by different colours. — Un a separately printed sheet the names of the plantations and their proprietors. 301 Borckel (P. J. van), first Dutch Minister to the U. S. 1783. — Dutch emblemat. platu: a man of war surrounded by Tritons, ongrav. by K. 1\'. Bendorp. 8quot;. 1.— 302 - His first audience in America, 1783, en- grav. by 11. Vmkeles. 8°. 1.— 303 Bergh (L. Ph. C. v. d.), Nederlands aanspraak op de ontdekking van Amerika voor Columbus. Arnli. (1850). 8vo. 1.— {The claim of Nelherlund to the discovery of America before Columbus.) 304 Borghaus (H.), Almanach auf d. Geblete der Erd-, Liindcr-, Volker- u. Staatenkunde. Uotha, 1837—41. 5 vols. With maps, plates and portraits of J. Cook, F. Drake, Frobis/ter, etc. 4.— 305 Berkeumoyor, (P. L.), Lu curieux antiquaire ou recueil géograph. et histor. des choses les plus remarquables dans lea quatre part, de I\'Univei\'s. Leide, 1\'. v. d, Aa, 1729. 3 vols, vellum, plates. 8». 3.50 Pp. 984—1031 aud 3 plates treat on America. At the end of the last vol. the publisher has added a complete catalogue of the maps, plates, portraits, views etc., be has published, very interesting as we find in it the exact enumeration of the plates of most of v. d. Aa\'s great publications, for iust.; the collection of voyages by Dapper, Nieuhoff, Monta-nus etc. 306 -- The Same. 3 vols, old calf. 8vo. 2.— Without the catalogue of the publisher. 307 - Neu vermehrtur curieuser Antiquarius, ... zum 7den Mahl vermehret. Hamburg, 1738—42. 2 vol. vellum, plates. 8°. 2.50 The second volume is entitled ; Forlsetzung .... di Menkwiirdiykeiten in Asia, Africa und America, |
Pp. 333—384 of this vol. treat on America. Vau der Aa\'s catalogue is not reproduced in this edition, 308 Bernagio, Sebast. (Curacovia Amerieanus), Do fidejussoribus. Lugd. Bat., Ahr. Elzevier, 1705. calf extra, richly gilt. 4to. 1.26 309 Bornhard, llerzog zu Sachsen-Weimar-Eise-nacli. Keise (lurch Nord-Amerika. Ilerausgeg. von H. Luden. Weimar, 1828. 2 vols, sd., plates and maps. roy. 8vo. 2.— 310 - Rcize naar en door Noord-Amcrika. Dordr. 1829. 2 vols, sd., plates. 8vo. 1,50 Dutch translation of the preceding. 311 Boschrijviago van eenigc voorname kusten in Oost- en West-Indien, als Zuriname, Niouw-Nedorland, Florida, Kuba, Brazil, Suratte, Madagascar, Batavia, Peru en Mexico, Van haar ge-legentheid, aart en gewoonte der volkeren, enz, Leeuwarden, 1716. /ƒ. vellum. 4tg. (Aahcr N0. 19,) (Description of some principal coasts in East-and West-India, as Surinam, New-Netherland, Florida, Cuba, Brazil, Peru, Mexico, etc. On their situation, the manners of the inhabitants, etc.) Interesting volume. The description of New-Ne-therland fills p. 50—76. 312 Beschrijvinghe van Virginia, Nieuw-No-dorlandt, Nieuw Engelandt, en d\'eylanden Ber-mudes, Barbados en S. Christoffel. Amsterdam, J. Hartgers, 1651. 4to. If itli, map, a Yie\'v of N. Amsterdam and engravings repres. the aboriijmes, etc. 225.-- (Description of Virginia, New-Netherland, New-England, and the islands of Bermuda, Burbadoes and St, Christopher.) One of the most interesting, scarcest, aud first books on New-Netherland. — See cn it at large: Asher\'s Essay Nfl. 6. 313 Beschryvinghe vau Moscovien ofte Ruslandt en Weghwyser om te reysen door Moscovien enz. na Groot Tartaryen. Amst., ff. J. Saeghman (1663.) bds. 4to. (Tide Nquot;. 208.) 20.— (Description of Moscovy, or Russia, and guide for travelling through Moscovy lo Great Tartary.) One of the rarest of Saeghumn\'s publications. — This work is u reprint of J. Danckaert\'s description of Moscovy, first printed in 1615. In the collection of voyages by Saeghman is auo-ther edition of this book, of 40 pp. only, .n which the 1st or historical part is omitted. 314 Bosohryvingo (Korte en wouderlycke) vau de seltsame wanschepsels van menschen, die gevonden worden in het coninckryck Guianae, aen het Meyr Parime. Alsmede van de Satyrs, en van de Vrouwen die Amazoonen genoemt worden. Amsterd., O. J. Saeghman (about 1663.) plates. 4to. (Short and curious description of the monstruous men, who are found in the Kingdom Guiana, near the lake Parimei also of the Satyrs and women |
called Amaiones.\') This is by fur the rarest of all the parts of Saegh-mnn\'s collection of Voyages, to which it forms the last part. The curious subject must have given to this work as chapbook, a gtvat number of readers and caused the present rarity of it. 315 Boughem, C. a, Bibliographia historiën, ehro-nolngica CX fieoyrnplnca Anist , Jipu\'i Jansson. Waes-bnrgios. 1085. vellum. 12°. — Contains many interesting accounts on Bh\'au and other Atlases, having been published by the successors of Bleau\'s competitors. 310 Beulloch (M.), La Moxiqno en 1823, on vo-yaK\'o dans la Nouvelle Espagne. A v. des pièees justiflcat. ot dos notes p. Sir John üyerley. Trad, de I\'Angl. Paris, 1824. 2 vols. 8vo. and Mlas of 20 fartly colour, plates. 4to. hf. id. 4.— 317 - Mexico in 1823, of rois door Nieuw-Spanje. Delft, 1825. 2 vols, sd., uncut, plates. 8vo. 2.— Dutch translation of the preceding work, augmented with historical annotations by the author and the translator. 318 [Beverley (R.)] Histoire de In Virginie, ... trad. d\'Angl. Amst., 1\'h. Lomhrail, 1707. 15 plates including frontispice; old calf. Svo. 5.— Esteemed work for the informations on Ihe Native Indians, their religion, laws and enstoms. The plates are copied from those in the collection of Voyages by de IIry. — The author, a native of Virginia, died 1716. 319 - The same. Amst., CI. Jordan, 1712. Xhplates. old calf gilt. sin. 8vo. ft.— Same edition as the foregoing, with a changed titel. 320 Beyer (M.), Auswandernngsbueh nacli America u. Texas. Leipzig, 1846. sd. 8vo. -—.50 321 Bibliotheca Americana. Catalogue of a valuable collection of books, pamphlets, MSS., maps, engravings and portr., illustrat. the history and geography N. and S. of America and W.-lndia, by J. Russell Smith. Lond. 1865-67. 6508 and 892 lots. hf. calf. 8vo. 4.— 322 - Catalogue of a private Library comprising a large assortment of rare and valuable books relating to America. N. York, Leaviit, Strehergh amp; Co., 1870. 1262 lots, with the prices- 8vo. 2.50 Important collection of valuable works. 323 Bibliotheca Mejicana. A Catalogue of an extraordinary collection of books and MSS., relating to the history and literature of N. and S. America, particularly Mexico. Lond., Puttick amp; Simpson, 186!). 2!)02 lots with prices and pur- \' chasers\' names, cloth. 8vo. Important coll ction formed by Rev. A. Fischer, the confessor of the unfortunate Emperor Maxiinilian of Mexico. 324 Bibliothóquo gcogniph. et instructive ou re-cneil de voyages intéressants dans toutes les par- |
ties du monde. Paris, 1804—7, 74 vols, sd., maps and plates, sm. 12mo. 8.— 325 Billiard (A.) Voyage aux Colonies orientales on Lettres éerites des iles de France et de Bourbon. 1817—20. Paris, 1822. sa 8vo. 1.50 326 Bion, (A.), rUsage des glooes cólestes et ter-restres et des spheres. Paris, 1099. 2 parts. 1 vol. plates, vellum. 80. 1.50 327 Eissolii (Joa ) Argonaut icon Americanorum, sive historia periculomm Petri de Victoria ae so-ciorum ejus. Monachii, 1047. vellum, front, and map. l2mo. 4.50 Not in Sabiu\'s Bibliothccn Americana. Priced in Stevens\' N nggets £ 1.11.6. 328 - Ie ar ia, Recusa Allopoli (Monachii?) 1667. vellum, map. 24mo. 1.50 Description of- and stay at an imaginary island. 320 Blaeu (W. J.) — Terrestrial and Celestial Globes by Guilielmus Janssonius Blaeu. Amsterdam, 1509—1603. Both coloured and illuminated, with brass meridian; in the origina1 wooden stands. Diameter: 34 centimeter. — In excellent state of preservation. — unique. 500.— Sec on the high importance and the exceeding rarity of Blaeu\'s Globes, Mr. P. J. 11. Baudefs Prize-essay on the Life ami Works of W. J. Blaeu, Utrecht 1871, 8°, pp. 35—52. Notwithstanding Mr. Bau-det\'s utmost exertions, he could find in Holland but two pairs, one in the Astronomical Observatory at Lffiden, the other in the Physical Museum at Amsterdam. As to the importance of Blaeu\'s Globes it will snftice to say that they form the second link in the chain of which the celebrated Globe of Martin Be-haim at Niirnbcrg (1402) is the first. All links laying between these, viz. the work of Schoner, Gemma Frisius, G. Mercator, Jodocus Ilondius and of M. Florentius van Lang eren, are lost and gone, with exception of 3 Globes of different date in the Ducal Library at Weimar, and a Globe by van Langeren in the Library at Gent. This last however, not being anterior to the year 1617, is nothing more then contemporaneous to these by Blaeu. (See Baudet, p. 35—37). Blaeu\'s Globes are formed by engravings pasted on wood; in this way, he was able to introduce each progress, made in the Geographical Science of his days, by correcting the original copperplates and giving then new editions of his Globe. The present specimen still bears on the Earth-globe the date of the first edition: quot;1599quot;, under the inscription, beginning: „Spectatori meo S. Ilanc torrae marisque faciem qui aspic is sic inspice ne dispicias ■ mult a hie mutata {sed nihil temere) quae nisi attendas facile fugiant. etc.quot; — This copy, however, is not of so early a date: the almost correct delineation of America even with the Strait of Le Maire, Staten-Island and the Islands of Bar nevelt, all discovered in 1016, proves that we have here a revised edition quot;multa hie mutataquot;, as the above cited inscription |
tells. The year 1620 will not be far from the truth. Tn another inscription on the Earth-glebe the »immortal e nomen et gloriam incomparabilemquot; of Columbus are mentioned, besides the discoveries of Ma-gellaen, Cortez, the English, and last: quot;his demum passi groviora Batavi\\ the unsuccessfull exertions of the Dutch, to find a passage by the North-East to the Indies (1594-90), ending with the energetic advicej: «male coepisti si hie sist as: Durum hoc sed per dura ; ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito. Fata viam expedient.\'\'\'\' On this Globe a posterior adress of J. de la Feuille, map and printseller in Amsterdam in 1680— 1700, is afterwards pasted, telling, that he sells -tons Globes et Spheres que defunt J. Blaeu a laissé de plu si ears Autheursquot; The Celestial Globe is of the highest interest to the History of Astronomical Science. The date of publication //1603quot; is still preserved on it. It offers the result of Blaeu\'s residence and studies at liven, (about 1591) in the Astronomical Observatory of Tycho Bra me, as is stated in the inscription; quot;Sphaera stellifera ..... a Guilielmo Janssonio, magni Tychonis quondam discipulo, accuraiissime disposita, etc. Sec on Blaeu\'s friendship with Tycho Brahe (whose portrait occurs on the globe): O. J. VoetiuSy De Scientiis mathematicis, p. 263, and J. F. Foppens, Biblioth. Belgica, p. 408. An examination of Blaeu\'s Globes, preserved at Leyden and Amsterdam, and those in my possession, offer many variations. Also the size widely differs, — Each may thus be considered as nearly unique. 330 Blaou, (W. J.), Tweevoudigh onderwijs v. de Hemelsche en Aerdsche Globen, na Ptolemaeus en Copernicus. Anist., W, J. Bleau. 1G38. vellum, woodcuts. 4°. 1.60 {Twofold instruction of the\'celestial and terrestrial globes, after Ptolemaeus and Copernicus.) 331 - Same work. Amst., J. Blaeu. 1055. woodcuts. 4°. 1.50 332 - Institutie astronomica de usu Globorum et Sphaeraruin coolest, et terrestr. Latine redd. aM. Hortensio. Ainst., J. et C. Blaeu. 1040. vellum. With Jigg. 8°. 1.50 333 - Same work. Amst., J. Blaeu. 1G52. Uncut. With figg. 8°. 1.50 334 - Same work. Amst., J. Blaeu. 16G8. vellum. With figg. 8°. 1.50 Blaeu wrote this manuel for those who bought his globes. The editions (in Dutch: 1620, 1647, 1655, 1666, 1669, etc. — in Latin: 1634, 1640, 1652, 1655, 1668 etc., and in French: 1642, 1658,1669 etc.) offer no variations. The Latin edition is augmented with a prefage by Hortensius, the translator. (See Baudot, pp. 45—52.) 335 Blaeu (W. J.), Zeespiegel, inhoud, een korte onderwysinghe ende konst der zeevaert en be-schryv. der seen en kusten v. de Oostersche, |
Noordsche en Westersehe schipvaert. Amst., 1627. Vol. I and lil (6 parts) in 1 vol. vellum, maps. fel. — 2 leaves (pp. 1, 2 and 31, 32 of part I) wanting. Rare. 8.— {Mirror of the sea, contain, a short instruction in the art of navigation and a description of the seas and coasts in the Fast, North and West.) With autograph of E. de liuyter, son of the celebrated Dutch Admiral. 33G BlaeuJ.),Theatre du monde ou nouvelAtlas, etc. Amst., J. Blaeu, 1G38. 2 vol. vdlum^ gilt edges, 204 coloured maps roy. tol. — French text. 18.— William Jansz. Blaeu commenced his renowned cartographical publications in the early years of the 17th century; in 1606 he had already published a map of the World, followed by several other separate maps, which he united, in 1631, into an Atlas entitled: Appendix Theatri Orielii et Atlantis Mer-catoris, containing 103 maps. This work, now of the utmost rarity, forms the starting-point for Blaen\'s set of Atlases. The firm of J. Janssonius and //. Hondius, who had continued to publish the old maps of Mercator and Rondius (see infra) tried in vain to beat the new competitor by editing a similar Appendix of 106 maps, in 1633. Both, Janssonius and Blaeu, continued in doing their utmost to outdo each other, by enlarging, correcting and refining their Atlases, even by pirating each other\'s publications, untill that of Janssonius reached at last its tenth volume (the Or bis Antiquus), to which he afterwards (in 1661) added Cellarius, Har-monia Macrocrosmica; the Atlas of Blaeu reached the highest pitch by the magnificent Latin edition of 1665, in 11 vols., to which he added the Thea-trum TJrbium (of the 17 States of the Netherlands) in 2 vols., that of Savoye and Pieraont in 2 vols, and of Italy with Naples in 3 vols., all large folio. The present edition is the Appendix of 1631, but remoulded and augmented; it gives 14 maps of America: General map; Nova Belgia et Anglia Nova; W. Indian-Islands; the Bermudas; Virginia; Nova Hispania et Nova Galicia ; Granada and Popayan; Venezuela; Guiana; Brazil; Paraguay and adj. couu-tries; Strait Magellan and Lc Maire, Chili, Peru. Blaeu\'s maps excel by an accurate and very artis-tical execution; almost each map is adorned with figures bearing on the customs of the inhabitants or the productions of the soil. — See on Blaeu\'s Atlases: Clément, Bibl. Curieuse, IV, 267—^-76, and Baudel\'s Biogr. of Blaeu. Utrecht. 1871. pp. 7 6—114. 337 - Theatre du monde, ou nouvel Atlas, etc. Amst., J. Blaeu, 1G45—55. 6 vols, gii\'t vellum. Fine copy with 412 plain maps. roy. fol. — French text. 20.— The 2 volumes of the foregoing edition are here increased unto 6, divised: T, 2 parts in 1vol. ;(1j^ part): The Northern and Eastern parts of Europe (Arctic regions, llussia, Poland etc.), 20 maps; Germany, 65 maps; (2öf part): the Low Countries, 36 maps. — II. 2 parts in 1 vol. (1^ part): France 48 maps; (2rf part): Spain, 13 maps; Asia 11 maps. FllEDElUK MULT-ER amp; 0°., BLAEU. |
Africa, 5 maps; America, 15 maps (Genera! map with 10 figg. of natives and 9 plans of cities, New-Netherland with N. Engl, (quite another map as that by Visschar. Asher\'s List n0. 7.) W. Indian Islands, Bermudas, Virginia, Florida, N. Spain, Grenada and Popayan, Venezuela, Guiana, Brasil, Para-guaya, Straits of Magellan and of Le Maire, Chili. Peru.) — III. Italy, 51 maps, Greece, 4 maps; Gr. Britain, k maps. — IV. England, 03 maps, with extensive description by Camden. — V. Scotland, 46 maps, (by Janus Gordon^\', Ireland, 5 maps. — VI. China and Japan, 17 maps (by M, MartiniuSy Soc. Jes.) The text is not limited to the geographical description only, giving likewise historical and other notices. 338 Blaeu,(W J.), The same. French text.(S vol. vellum, gilt edges, plain maps. roy. f\'ol. 22.50 Same division and same maps as in the foregoing M0. 339 - Tooneel des Aerdrycx ol\'te Nieuwe Atlas. Joh. Guil. fil. Blaeu, 1(549. 0 vol. vellum gilt, gill edges. Very fine copy. roy. fol. 400 plain maps. 20.— {1 he aire of the World or New Atlas.) Same division and same maps as foreg.: only 6 omitted, viz. I. Northern parts 19 instead of 20.— In III the 4 maps of Gr. Britain omitted, and IV contains C2 instead of (53 maps. 340 - Atlas Major sive Cosmographia Blaviana. Amstelod. 1002. 11 vol. gill vellum, gilt edges. Very fine cojnj with coloured maps. roy. lol. — Latin text. 70.— Collation: I. Map of the Globe; Arctic Kegions 6 m.; Norway 7 m.; Denmark 23 m. (With BrahPs Observatory, etc. See note to iS\'0. 343); Schlesvic 21 m. — 11. Sweden 10 m.; Russia 7 m.; Poland 10 m. ; the Danube and adjacent countries 5 m. ; Greece 0 m. — nr. Germany 95 m. - IV. Bel-gia Regia 35, Foederata 20 m. — V, England 58 m. — VI. Scotland 4\'J in , Ireland 6 m. — VII. France CO in., Switscrland 7 m. — VIII. Italy 62 m. — IX. Spain 29 in. (with the 7 plates of the Escnrial), Africa 13 in. — X. Asia 11 id., China and Japan 17 m. — XI. Treats wholly on America; 387 pages text with the 23 maps as in the Dutch edition. See N0. 343. See on the Latin text the note of N0. 343. 341 - Le grand Atlaa, ou Cosmograpbio Blavi- ane. Amstcrd. IOCS. 12 vol. in vellum. Coluured maps. roy. lol. — Text in Fkkncii. — Kaiik. 110.- Almost the same division as the Latin edition, a few alterations excepted. I. 01 maps. — II. 39 m.— III. Germany has heen angmentud with 13 maps, in all 105. — IV. 02 in. — V. 58 m. — VI. 55 m. — VII and VIII. contain France and Switzerl. 70 m., (which form but one vol. in the Lat. edit.) with other and much augmented text. — IX. Cl m. - x. 42 in. — XI. 28 m. —XII. America with 23 m., and the text translated from the Latin. |
342 Blaeu (W.J.),Grooten Atlas oft Wereltbeschrij-vingr. Amsterdam. 1604—05. 9 vol. gilt vellum, gilt edges, Bkauiiful copy, The maps exquisitely illuminated in colors and gold.— Dutch Text. 55.— 343 - The same. A fine copy, vellum, with coloured maps. 45.— {Great Atlas, or description of the World.) Blaens Great Atlas surpasses by its snmptuousness and correctness all similar pnblicutions of equal extent, up to our time. The part treating on Amorica may be regarded for tlio specialities it gives of 1\'^ ortll-Aruorica as Ww first Atlas of what are now tlie United-States, in the same sense as Wytlliet may be called the first special Atlas of America in general. The contents of this edition is as follows: I. Map of the Globe; Europe, Arctic regions 8 maps ; Norway S m. ; Denmark 22 m. (Amongst which Tycho Brake\'s Astronomical Observatory at liven, and his astrom. instruments, 15 plates^; Schlesvic 21 m.; Sweden 10 m.; Russia 8 m.; Poland 11 m. (the Borysthenes in 4 m., Crimea etc.) — IT. Germany 10(5 in. — III. The Spanish Netherlands and Unit. Prov. G5 in. — IV. England 62 m. — V. Scoihmd 46 m., Ireland 6 m. — VI. France (gt;7 m. (19 in. more than in the edition, in 0 vol.)— VII. Italy (50 m., Grecce C m. — VITT. Spain 28 m. (amongst which the Escnrial iu 7 plates); Africa 13 m.; Amorica 23 m. (the 15 maps of the edition in (5 vol. augmented with a general map of A., the Canibal Islands, Guatemala, Bahia de Todos I. Santos, Capitania di Cirii, Fernamhuco (2 beautiful maps], Paraiba.) — IX. Asia 11 m., Sina 16 m. The text of the Latin and of the French edition is nearly the same, the latter being in most volumes a translation of the former. It contains a geographical and a historical account of the lands, f. i. on the trials of the first colonists, the founding of New-Amsterdam, New-Plymouth, Ja mestown, etc. The text of the Dutch edition is somewhat abridged. 344 —— Atlas Major, sino Cosmographia Blaviana en la qual exact, se descrive la tierre, ei mar y el eielo. Amstcrd. (1650—72). 10 vol. hf. bound. Uncut. Plain maps. roy. fol. — Text in Spanish. 70.— This edition is of the highest rarity. It is known that nearly all copies perished iu a fire of Blaeu\'s magazine iu 1672. Iu the Bibliotheca Vilen-hroufciana (Amst.1730) where the unique copy in large paper occurred, is annotated; quot;Huius Atlantis lingua quot;llispanica non plura quam sex exemplaria, praeter quot;nonnulla charta minori, sunt a llarnmis, quae Ty-\'/pographiam Blavianam devastarunt, vindicata,quot; ctc. These 10 vol. contain only the description of Europe and Asia, the eontinuation (Africa and America) never appeared. The volumes are not nnmbered. The maps correspond with, those in the Latin edition (See JS0. 340), only the North has been augmented with some maps: Arctic regions 2 m., Norway 9 m., Russia 8 m. 345 -- Baudet, P. J. H., Leven en werken |
FllEDERtK Mui-LKU amp; C0.,
bouglit at the sale of the Library of ])r. Bodel Nijenhnis. A rupruductiuu facsimile in phololUho-gra}:hy, wit!l the IJutch transcript, the English trfius-lation of the Hon. H. C. Murphy, and a preface by Mr. l\'red. Muller, is to be had. roy. 4°. 15.— See infra Michael ius. 3G0 Boekeren (Q-. R. Voortnoulen v.) Kciiou en ontdekkingstogten van A. Jansz. Tasman. Gro-ning., 1849. plates. 8vo. —.75 {Voyages and discoveris of A. J. Tasman in the South-Sea.) 361 Boelea (J.), Reize naar de Oost- on Westkust van Zuid-Amerika, en van daar naar de Sandwiehs-en Philippünsche eilanden, enz. Amsterd. 1835— 30. 3 voIb. hf. calf neat, maps and plates of costumes, partly coloured. 8vo. (10.80.) 3.50 {Voyage to the Eastern and Ifestern coasts of South-America, and thence io the Sandwich»- and Philippine islands.) 3G2 - The same, sewed, uncut. 2.50 303 Eoëmus (J.), Omnium gentium mores, legos et ritus ... Aphricam, Asiam ot Europain des-crib. Aug. Vindelic., Sig. Grimm, 1520. fol. 3.— First edition; rare. — Stamp on the title, worm-holes, and somewhat stained in the under margins. 304 - Mores, loges et ritus omnium gentium. Ex Nicol. Damasceni historia excerpta quaedam; itidem ex Brasiliana J. Lurii historia. Fides et moros Aethiopum Dam. a Goes auctore, etc. [Lugd.] A pud J. \'lornaesium, 1020. vellum. lOmo. 3.— The part relating to America fills pp. 387—406. 305 — Omnium gentium moros, loges et ritus ... Aocessit lih. de Rogionibus Septentrioiialibus ex Jac. Zieglero. Antvorp., J. Steelsius, 1538. vellum, sm. 8vo. — Slightly stained by water. 4.— Rare edition. — The Supplement un the nations of the North, and on Greenland, by Ziegler, in his üchondia, is not in the Italian edition. — la the same vol.; Mich. Humelbergii Epitome grammat. Graecae. Basil 1532. 300 --The same. Gen., apud J. Tornaesium, 1020. — if. G. Peregrinus, Do Tuvcarum morilms epitome. Gen., J. de Tournes, 1629. — 1 vol. vellum. 12mo. 3.50 367 - Costumi, le leggi et 1\'usanze di tutti le genti, trad, per il Fauno. Tre libri eont. TAlVica, I\'Asia, I\'Enropa. Venetia, 1543. vellum, sm. 8vo. — Slightly stained hy water. 6.50 First edition in Italian. 368 - The same. Venetia, 1685. vellum. 12mo. 5.50 This Italian translation contains a supplementary 4th book by G. Giglio, on the costumes, maauers etc. of the Indians of the New World. — This treatise is not iu the former Latin and French editions. 309 Bolivar y Ponte, Simon, the Liberator of Colombia. — A. L. S. clat, yuartel-Geueral cle |
Angostura, Dec. 14, 1819. 3 pp. 4°. — Copied in lithogr. —.75 370 Bondt (N), Do eer dor regeoring van Amsterdam verdedigd tegen den laster van het Engelsch Ministerie... in ocne Contra-Memorie tegen do ■ Rechtsgeleerde Memorie\'quot; en hoi „Politiek Vertoog.quot; Amst. 1781. 8vo. 2.50 (The honour of the Magistrate of Amsterdam defended against the calumny of the English Ministry, ,. in a counter-memorial against the «Juridical Memorialquot; «Political Deduction.quot;) 371 Bonn (A. C.), Over do Mastodoate van den Ohio, (llaarl. 1809. Extr.) 8vo. 2 pi. 1.— {On the Mammouth of the Ohio.) 372 Bontokoe (Wl. Ysbr.). Journacl ofte gedenck-waerd. beschryv. v. do O. Ind. reyse, begryp. veel wonder!, en gevaerl. saecken hem wedervaren, v. Dec. 1018 tot Nov. 1025, Ilooin, by Is. Willemsz. voor J. J. Leutel, 1040. bds. 4to. (Tiele Nquot;. 108.) {Journal and memorable description of the East-Ind. voyage, comprising many wonderful and perilous, adventures, from Dec. 1618 till Nov. 1625.) — Journael v. de reyse by D. A. Haven, na Spitsbergen in 1039, waerin syn droevighe Schip-breucke, ellende op h. wrack en blyde verlos-singlie. Hoorn, J. J. Deutel, 1647. {Journal of the voyage of D. A. Raven to Spitn-beryen, in 1039, containing his lamentable ship-wreck, his misery on the wteck and joyful deliverance.) First edition of this memorable voyage, the most popular of all Indian voyages, for its great perils and its charm of narration; it is republished iu a great number of editions. With 8 engraved plates and portrait. The perilous voyage of Itaveu in 1639 is nearly always subjoined to that of Boutekoe, bat with separate title and paging (1 to 10;) only iu a few editions of Bontekoe this narrative is omitted. 373 - — Same edition. — Magnificent copy on Large Puper of text and plates. Excessively rare. 16._ 374 - The same, lloorn, Deutel, 1040. With! Raven\'s voyage. — 1 vol. bds. 4to. 10.— Other edition of the same date, but of 73 pages (the former has 76 pp.) The table of fig. is iu this edition at the end of Haven\'s voyage, iu the former on p. 70. This edition is not mentioned by Tiele (pp. 215) — Very rare, 375 - The same. lloorn, J. J. Deutel, 1048. (VIII) and 80 pp. lyu/i portr. and 9 plates. 4to. (Tiele N0. 171. 0.— Augmented edition by the relations of four other expeditions 1645 — 40, and two engravingsin the text. 370 - The same. Amst., J. Ilartgers, 1048. bds. 4to. (Tiele N0. 173.) 4.— Reprint of the preceding edition with Kaven\'t voyage, snd a plate in 0 divisious. |
395 Bossu, Nouveaux voyages aux Indos Occiden-tales, contenant uno relation dea peuples qui habi-tcnl les environs du fleuve Saint-Louis, ou 11 is-sissippi. 2(! édit. Paris, Le Joy, 17(58. 2 vols, calf, plates. 8vo. 3.— 390 - The same. Amst. C/ianguiont 1777. Engrav. frontisp. hy de Saint Aubin. hf. cal/. 8°. 3.75 Sequt\'l to his voyages publisheil at Paris 1708.— The author ciiine iu 1750 at Louisiana and stayed there for 12 years. 397 - Nieuwe reizen naar Noord-Amerika ... besehrtjving van de volken onitrend dc rivier Saint-Louis of Mississippi, enz. Amst. 1709. 2 vols. in 1. sd. uncut, plates. Svo. 2.50 Dutch trauslatiou of the Nquot;. 395. 308 Boston and its vicinity from actual survey by J. G. Hales, lioston, 181!). — Map, 05 by 80 centim., pasted on cloth and folded in-8vo. 1.50 399 Botero (Qiov.), Kelationi universali ... cont. la descrittione dell\' Europa, Asia e Africa; e i costmui, riciihezze, negotii, et industria di ciascuna natione. JOt sf tratta del continente del Mondo Nuevo. lit dell\' isole, et peninsole sine al presente scouerte ... delle superstitioni in che vive-ano gia le gc.nti del Mondo Nuovo; e delle dilli-colta, e mezi, co\'quali si e quivi introd. la reli-gione Christiana, cet. Venetia, 1000. 4 parts. 1 vol. 4to. maps, vellum. 15.— With map of America, engraved on copper. 400 Bothwick (J. D.), Three years in California. Edinb. and Lond. Loud. 1857. 8 plates, cloth. 8vo. (8.40) 2.— 401 Botta (C.), Stnria della guerra della indepen-denza dcgli Stati Uniti di America. Milano, 1820. 3 vols. sd. map. 8vo. 2.— 402 -- History ot the War of Independence of the United States of America. Transl. irom the Italian by (J. A. Otis. 3d edit. New-Haven, 1834. 2 vols, map and pi. sheep. 8vo. 3.— 403 Boturinl Eenaducei (Lor.), Idea de una nueva historia general de la America Septentrional. Madrid, 1740. Engraved frontisp, and portr. vellum. 41o. — Hare. Fine copy in original condition. 24.— At the end of the vol.: Calalogo de (sh) Musea historica Indiana. 4 aud 96 pp. «The curious and learned author of his work arrived in Mexico in 17ö0; . . he made, during eight years he remained there, the most diligent researches iuto its antiquity ... Claoigero. — The appendix to this work is of the highest bibliographical interest. It contains a catalogue of a rich collection of books, MSS., and maps, relating to the ancient histoiy of Mexico, which Uotiirini made during bis travels in the middle of the last century, and which, iufortunately, is now lost,quot; Sabin 0834. — »Ce livre est rare en Europe ... Vendu avec le Catalogo del Museo II 100. — Meerman; soul 43 fr. et 20 fr. Raetzel.quot; — Brunei. — Lord Rothesay\'s copy sold for £ 3. 3 sh. |
404 Boucher do la Hichardorie (G.), liiblio-thèque univ. des voyages oi, notice compl. de tons les voyages anc. et mod. dans les diflerentes parties du monde. Paris, 1808. C vols. hf. calf. 8vo. 405 Boudyck Basüaanso (J. H. v.), Voyage a la cote de Gulnée, dans le golfe de Biafra, a I\'ilo de Fernando-Po, l\'ile de St. Hélène, etc. La Haye, 1853. sd. 8vo. (4.50) 1.50 Chapt. X. treats of America. 400 (Bougainvilla, L. do], Voyage autour du monde, par la frégate La lioudeusi\' et la flute VEtoile, 1700 09. 2e edit. angm. Paris, 1772. 3 vols, calf, maps and plates. 8vo. The first vol. stained hy water. \' 3.— The Kd vol. has the title: Supplément au voyage de M. de Bougainville, ou journal d\'un voyage fait par MM. Banks et Solander, 1708—71. Trad, de l\'Anglais p. de Kreville. 407 - Ueis rondom de weereldt, godaen in 1708- 00. Dordrecht, 1772. hf. calf, maps and pintei. 4to. 1.25 Dutch translation of the preceding work. 408 Bougainville hoisting French colours on a small rock in Maghellan-Straits, 1700. —Engrav. by lloyce. fol. 1,__ 409 --Tiger killed in America by the Prince of Nassau-Siegcn, when on his voyage round the world in the b rigate La Bondeuse, Commanded by Eougainville, 1700. i\'1. (\' sanova |j\\\'., Mezzotent by J. Jacobé, Very Ig. sq. fol. 5,— 410 Bouguor, Reisen nach Peru, Acadien u. Aegypten, worin die Merkvviirdlgkeiten, nebst d. Sitten u. Oewohnheiten d. Eimvohner beschrie-ben werden. Aus d. Pranzös. iibers. (jiitt. 1751. maps and plates, sd. uncut. 8vo. 1.75 411 Boulayo To Gouz, Reyse en opt kcniugli, ... der landen van Italien, Syrlen, Byapour, d\'Oost-Indiens der Portugijsen, Arabien, Polen etc. Uyt \'t Eransch vert. Amst., I(j00. hf. calf. Fine copy, numerous engyavivgs. 4to. 4._ (Voyages and memoirs of different countries: Italy, Syria, Jlyapour, the Portuguese East-Indies, Arabia, Poland, etc.) 412 Bourbon. — Propositions adresséos au Ministre de la Marine pour rintrodnction de cultivateurs libres a l\'ile do Bourbon. 1842. 4to. 20 pp. Litho-graphiié. 1. —■ 413 Bourgos (M. dol, Naauvvkourig verhaal van de reis des Bisschopa van Beryte nit Erankryk naar China, door Syrion, Arabien, Persien, enz. Uit het Eransch vert, door J. H. Ghuemaker. Amst., 1009. It\'ith engravings. 4to. 2.50 {Exact account of the voyage of the Bishop of Beryte from France to China, through Arabia, Persia etc.) |
414 Bourrough (Ed.), Een standaert opgerecht, cndc een banfere voorgehouden tot alle natiën... door duüsendcn van siJn volck, deweleke in spot Quaeckers genaemt zjjn. Uit het Eng. vert. Am-sterd., gedr. in \'tjaer 1959. (sic, instead of 1659.) 4to. 2.— (A sUndard erected and a banner held up to all nations.., by thousands of his people, nicknamed Quakers.) 415 - The same, other edition. Amst., dir. Cun- radus. 10G9. 4to. Uncut. 2.— 410 Bow (J. D. B. de), The Seventh Census of the United States, 1850, embracing a statist, view of eacli of the States and Territories, with the aggregate tables compared with every previous census from 1790. With appendix. Washingt. 1853. 2 vols, c/ot/i. 4to. 8.— Stout volume of 130 aud 1023 pp. 417 Bowditch (N. I.), Suffolk surnames. 2d edition enlarged. Bost»n, 1858. cloth. 8vo. 3.50 A very iuterestiug work, compiled from the »]{e-gistry of Deedsquot; and the quot; Probate ollieequot; of Boston, from the first settlement down the year 1827, and containing names of the first colonists, etc. — Suffolk County denotes Bostou and its immediate vicinity. 418 Bowdoin (Jam..), rhilosophieal Discourse, addressed to the American Academy ol Arts and Sciences, ... 8 Nov. 1780, after the inauguration of the President into Olliee. Boston. 1780. 8vo. Uncut. 4.50 Original edition. 419 Boyle (Rob.), Voyages et avantures. Avec la relation du voyage et du naufrage du Sr. Castel-man, on I\'ou volt una description de la Pensyl-vanie et de Philadelphle. Trad, de I\'Anglais. Am-Bterd., 1730. 2 vols, in 1. sd. uncut, plates. 8vo. 420 Boxhornii (M. Z.), Apologia pro navigatlo-uibus Hollandonun adversus P. Heuterum. Acced. Tractatus pacis et eommercil Londini 1495 con-flrmatns. A\'o place (1050?) l -mo. 2.— On the old Duteli voyages, especially to the North, during the 15lli century. 4,21 Brackenbridge (H. M.), Views of Louisiana, containing geograph., statistical and historical notices of that important portion of America. Baltimore, 1817. calf. 8vo. 3.— 422 Brainerd (Dav.), llistorieseh verhaal van het leven en den doodt van den Eerw. lieer D. Brainerd, bedienaar des Evangeliums bü do Indianen to Kieuw-Jersey. Getrokken uit zijn eigen dagregister enz. door Jon. Edwards. Uit het Eng. Utrecht, 1756. uncut. 8vo. 516 pp. 3.50 (Historical account of the lije and death of the Rev. V. Jlrainerd, Minister of the Gospel among the Indians of New-Jersey, \'laken from his own journal by J. Edwards.) Very interesting. Almoit exclusively taken from the diary of the celebrated Missionary. |
423 Brakel (W. a). Brief aan de lieer N. N.., Koopman in Nicuw-Nederlandt, behels, ecu op-wecklnge en bestieringe tot en In de Bekeeringe, Ileyligmakinge, etc. 5e druk. Kotterd., 1705. vellum. 4to. 10.— (Letter to ilr. N. N., merchant in New Nether-land, contain, an exhortation to conversion, etc.) This copy has the autograph slgnatura, in full: W. a Brakel, of the author at the end. Most copies bear only the initials W. ti if. 424 - The same. 9e druk. Deventer, 1724. 4to. Nearly uncut. 5.— 425 - The same. 10e druk. Oron. 1730. hf. cf. 8vo. 4.— The same. Amsterd., 1835. 8vo. —.80 The same. 10de uitgave. Sneek (1855.) 420 — 427 — 8vo. 428 - Trouwhertige waerschouwlnge ... voor de Labadisten, ende haere dwalingen, etc. Leeuwarden, 1683. sd. 8vo. 3.50 (True-hearted exhortation .., against the Laba-dists, and their errors.) — The Labadlsts, persecuted in Europe, weut to America. 429 Brandes (K.), Sir John Franklin, die Unter-suchungen fiir seine Rcttung, u. d. Nordweatlicho Dnrchlahrt. Berlin, 1851. map. sd. 8vo. (8.40) 1.40 430 Brandt (G.), La vie et les actions mémorables de M. de Huyter. Trad, du Holland. Amst., 1698. int/i fine portr. and plates by Stoopendaal. vellum. fol. 9.— This eminent biography of the celebrated Admiral includes a detailed account of Ids expedition to Guinea and New-Netherland, which he recaptursd on the English. 431 - Lebcn und Thaten des See-IIelden Mich. de Huyter. Aus d. Niederlünd. übersctzt. Amst., 1087. With portr. and plates by Stoopendaal. hf. bound, fol. 6.— 432 — Historie der vermaarde zee- en koopstadt Enkhulzen. Enkhuiz., vellum. 4to. 8.— (History of the renowned sea- and trading-placce Enkhuizen.) Contains a nomenclature of the Governors etc. of the West-India Comp. aud a list showing what sum each place in Holland bad contributed to its capital. 433 - Historie der Reformatie en andere kerke- lyke geschiedenissen. Amsterd., 1071—1704, 4 vols. vellum, line copy. 4t0. 10.— (History of the Reformation and of the other church affairs.) This is the standard-work and very ample collection of documents for the history of the Protestant religions movements from 1610 to 19 in Holland, which had such immense iulluence on the development of the West-India Comp. and of New-Netherland. The author makes also mention of the lirown-ists. See on this at large: Jsher\'s Essay, pp. 31 aud foil. |
457 Brazil — A Landscape in Brazil. Charming picture: a large hacienda (tiinn); on the foreground the landliolder und his wife, a negro and other figures; to the left a palmtree; in the distance a cultivated country. Painted in oil and signed by the celebrated Dutch Painter F. Post, (about 1640). — On pannel, 25 by 15J. centim. — Exceedingly well preserved. 140.— 458 - Similar Landscape, in the same style somewhat larger. On the quot;foreground some negroes with their cliildreu; on the second plan a faun with the landlord and his wife, palmtrees, etc.; in the distance a river and several houses in a cultivated country. By the same artist, but not signed. Oi l painting on pannel, 27 by 20 centim. — In the same nood condition as the former. 140,— The llnfch pnint\'ir F. Post accompanied Count John Maurice of Nassnii, Guvernur of Hrazil frofn 1638—1614, to that country, where he made many sketches, some of which (53), he afterwards engraved to illustrate the now rare work: liarlaeus, Rerunt p-r Octoenniuin in Braziha yestarum sub prae/ectura J. Mauriiii Nass. hiamp;toria. Amsi. 1647. fol. See N0. 228. Old-palntings by this artist very rarely occur. -The above described are undoubtedly made on tiik spot, oei AFTKIt SKÜTCHKS TAKEN in bkazii,. 459 - Dress and habits of the natives : the Ta- poys and other tribes. 9 old engrav. sq. 4quot;. A[1 mounted. — From Uontanus\' America and Moore\'s Voyages. 2.— 460 Bree, H van, Dutch Navigator. A, L. S. (in Dutch) to 0. Iluygens, from the Islands Mauritius, Jan. 4. 1606. 1 full p. fol. — Interesting and rare autograph. 4. Tidings of the squndroon of Matellef de Jonge, on which van Bree was embarked. 461 [Breugel (G- p. c. v.)| Dagverhaal van eene reis naar Paramaribo en Suriname. Amst. 1842. 8vo. (1.20) .75 (Journal of a voyage to Paramaribo and Surinam.) 462 Breeden-Raedt aende Vereenichde Neder-landsche Provintien. Gomaekt eude gestelt uyt diverse ware en waeraihtige memorien door i.A. G. W. C. Tot Antwerpen, Fr. van Duynen, 1649. 4to. 45 pp. (Asher No. 834.) 175 - {llomely Advice to the United DuUh Provinces, made up from divers and faithful documents) This excessively rare pamphlet is, no doubt, the most important doenmeut existing on New-Nether-land; its Importance was discovered by Mr. Asher In ransacking in 1849 my 30 a 25000 pamphlets. See on It at large Asher s Essay pp. 183—200. It was entlrily translated by Mr. 11. C. Murphy and printed at the expense of Mr. J. l.enox, but not put into commerce. 403 _ Kxtracls from a work called: ,,lireeden Kaedt aende Vereen. Nederl. Provintien,quot; printed |
in Antwerp 1649. Translated by Mr. C.(owan) Amst. 1850. 14 pp. 8vo. 2.— These extracts of the most important passages from the extremely scarce original were translated by Mr. F. W. Cowan, English teacher at Amsterdam, and only printed and sold in a limited number. 464 Breitkopf, J. G. J., Ueber don Druck d. geographischeu Charten. Nebst Probe einer Land-charte dnrch d.quot; Buclulruekerkunst. Lcipz. 1777. 40. 1.50 465 Breton (J. de) Notlcia hlstor. da vida e das obras de Josti llaydn. Doctor era Musica. Traduz. (com appendiee do traductor.) Rio de Janeiro. 1820. 8vo. 1-50 466 Brief van NNV aan zijnen vriend A. te Amsterdam betr. de verbetering van den West-lnd. handel. Amst. 1765. 8vo. —.75 {Letter by Mr. N. N. to a friend at Amsterdam on the amendment of the IV. I. Traffic.) 467 Brief van het Algemeen Synode der llollandsehe Gereform. Kerk van de Ver. Staaten v. N. Amerika, aan de Leden .. . der Gereform. Kerk in Frankrijk. Uit h. Fransoh, met aanteek. Amst., 1830. 40 pp. 8vo. 1-— (Letter from the General Synod of the lief. Dutch Church in N. Jiuer., to the members i.f the ^ lief. Church in Prance.) On the unity of the lïeformed Doctrine. 468 Brief van een zeker lieer aan W. Pen, eyge-naar en gouverneur van Pennsylvania, beneilens zijn antwoord daarop. Uit het Eng. Amst., 1689. 4to. — Rare. 18. • {Letter of a certain gentleman to IP. Penn, owner and governor of Pennsylvania with his rejflj.) 469 Brief Statomant of opinions, given in the Board of Commissioners, under the 6th article of the Treaty of Amity with greath Britain. W ith an Appendix. Philadelphia, 1800. sd. uncut. 8vo. Sabin N». 7904. 3.50 (Letters written by banished priests from French Guiana to their families in Belgium.) 472 Bring (S.) De plscatuns in Oceano Boreali. Loud. Goth. 1750. 4to. I-— 473 BrifeSOt, (Warvillo J. P ) Nouvi in voyage dans les Ftats-Unls de I Aiiiéri(jue. Paris, 1791. Vol. 1. 2. sd. uncut. Svo. 1.50^ The 3d (last) volume treats exclusively of the coin-w mercial relations between the U. States and France. 474 - Nieuwe ^yze In de Vereen. Staten van Noord-Amerika. Vert, en met bijvoegselen v r-meerd. Amst. (1792.) 3 vols. sd. uncut. 8vo. 1.50 Dutch translation of tbc preceding work, with annotations. 47 5--Nya Resa genom Nord-Americanska Fri- Staterna ivr 1788. Fran Franska Origin, sammen. i\'llEDElUK. MuiJ.Bll ik 0quot;., |
dragon, och mod Anmarkn. af J. R. Forster. Stockholm, 1799. hf. calf . 8vo. 2.50 Swedish traiislntioii , with annotations. — Not mentioned in Sabin\'a Bibliography. 470 Brodhead (J. Romcyn) History of the State of New-York. New-York, 1853—71. Vol. 1. 2. cloth, map of New-Nelherland. 8vo. 15.— 477 - 7 Nos. of the Amsterdamsche Courant. 1805, containing articles on the early history of New-Netherland till its conquest by the English. Taken trom a discourse held by J. R. Broadhead af Now-York. fol. 1,50 478 Broeck (Matth. v. d.1 Journael, ofto histo-toriaelse beschrijvingo van \'tgeen hy self\'s ghesion ende waorachtigh gebeurt is, wegen de revolte van de Portugese in Brasiol. Amst., 1051. 4to. - (Ashcr No. 272.) 12.50 {Journal of M. v. d. Broeck of what he has seen himself, concern, the revolt of the Portuguese in Brazil.) quot;Opuscule contenant des particularites très-iulé-ressautes, et inconnu ü la plupart des bibliographes et des historiens, qui out traité de l\'histoire dn Bré-sil. t;e qui lui donne une grande valeur, e\'est la rue de Pernambueo qui s\'y trouve jointe et qui est faite spécialement pour eet ouvrage.quot; — 1\'römel, No. 265. With map of Brazil, 2 engravings and the large and rare view Pernambueo, — in all 3 plates. The 4th plate properly belongs to »(?. Oo^- Ind. Reys-beschrijvitigequot;. 47!) - The same, with plates, and bound up with : Journael oltc Oost-lndischeReys-beschr[jvinghe, ghedaen door Corn. Claesz van Punnerendt, verhalende veel vreemdigheden van Jlosambiecko en üoa. 4o. Ibid, 1051. 15._ (Journal or East-India l\'oyaqe iy C. Clness of Purm^endt, contain, many curiosities of Masam-bique and Goa.) Complete with all the plates, the fourth being inserted (in its right place) at p. 31 of the 2d work. 480 - Lykstati... van Matth. van den Brouke, Burgermeester ... Dordrecht, 1085. 4to. 1.50 (Funeral procession at the death of M. v. d. Brouke.) The same person who wrote the foregoing work, and afterwards Burgomaster. 481 Broecke iPt. v. den) Korte Bistoriael ende Journaelsche aenteycken. van de langhduerighe Reysen nae Cabo Verde, Angola, en iusonder-beytlt na Oost-Indien; beneff. de beschryv. cuaf-beehL v. verscheyden Steden v. indien. Amst., J. ihtrtyers, 1048. bds. 4to. H it/i one plate in 6 divisions. (Tiele Nu. 211.) 3.50 (Short historical journal of the long voyages to Calju Verde, Angola, and especially Bast-India. With the description and representation of various towns of India, etc.) First edition of this highly interesting journal by the navigator himself. |
482 Broeoke (Pt. v. den), The same. — Amst., G. J. Saeghman, (1003.) hf. vellum. 4to. Very fine copy. (Tiele No. 212.) 4.50 With the fine portrait by A. Matham, but in bad impression, and 23 pi. (18 woodcuts and 5 pi., the 5 last from Hartgers\' ed.) Abridged reprint of the preceding. 483 - Korte Bistoriael en Journaelse aanteeke- ninge, enz. Leeuw., 1717. bds. uncut. 8vo. Very rare. 0.— Popular reprint, of the former edition, 188 pp K without plates. — 1 have never seen nor heard of this edition before. Not mentioned by Tiele. 484 Broes (W.) Ue kerk en lt;lc staat in weder-r.ijdsche betrokking, bijzonder in de Nederlanden en in Noord-Amerika. Anisterd. 1832. 2 vols. sd. uncut. 8vo. (4.80) 1.75 (Church and State in their mutual relation, especially in the Netherlands and in North America.) 485 Bromwell (W. J.) History of Immigration to the United States from 1819—55. New-York, 1850. cloth. Svd. 1.50 480 Brooks. John, served in the Revol. War, Governor of Massaohus. 1810—23. — A. L. S. to General Eben. Mattoon, dat. Medford, Dec. 30 (no year). 1 p. 8\'. 1.50 487 Brooks (J. Tyrwhitt), Four months among the gold-tinders. — B. Bryant, What I saw in California, description of its soil, climate, product, and gold-iuines. Paris, 1849. maji. large Svo. 1.— 488 - The same. Dutch translation of the first work. Amst., 1849. sd., map. 8vo. (1.80) —.00 48\'J (Brossos (de)] Histolre des navigations aux Terres Australes, depuis 1501, contenant ee que Ton syait des moours et des productions des con-trées déeouvertes etc. Paris, 1750. 2 vols, calf, maps. 4to. 5.50 Cont. the voyages of Am. Vespuceius, Magellanes, I\'r. Drake, Cavendish, J. Ie Maire, G. Schouten, Tasman, Koggewin (Koggevem) etc. 490 - Vollstiindige Geschichte der Scliiflfarthen nach den unbekannten Siidliindern. Uebersetzt u. m, Zusiitzen von J. Chr. Adelung. Halle, 1707. 2 vols. in 1. calf, map. 4to. 4.— 491 Brouckner, Nouvel Atlas du Globe Terrestre. La Haye, 1759. bds., 13 maps. fol. 1.50 492 Broughton (W. R.i Voyages de déeouvertes dans la partie septentrionale de I\'Ocean Paciflque, 1795--U8. Trad. par li. B. E(yriès.) Paris, 1807. 2 vols, map and plates, hf. calf. 8vo. 1.50 493 Brouwer (H.) Journael ende Historis verhael van de Reyse gedaen by Oosten de Straet Le Mairs, naer de custen van Chili, in 1043, vervatende der Chilesen manieren, etc. Met eene bescliryvinghe van het Eylandt Eso by Japan. Amsterd., Broer Jansz., 1040. plates and map. 4to. (Tiele No. 204.) Hare. 20.— (Journal and histor. account of the voyage made through the Strait Le Maire to the coasts of Chili |
in lfi43, describing the customs of the Chilians etc. WUh a description of the Island Eso near Japan.) Very interesting journal, only once reprinted about 1600. The description of Eso near Japan, written by Mrt. Gerr. Vries, is of the highest interest. 494 Brown, Jacob, of Brownville.— A. L. S. to Isaiah Townsend of Albany, dat. Browuville, April 28, 1812. 2 pp. fol. 2.— Brown is scandalized by- and asks for explanation of a rumour spread by Townsend, Spencer, a. o., that quot;lie was to receive somethiny very considerable Jor his exertions in favor of the Bank of America.quot; 495 Brown, James, Senator 1812-17,1810—24, Minister to France 1324—29. — A.L.S. to Mr. le Comte de Forbin, dat. Paris, Sept. 13, 1827. 1 p. 4°. * 160 40G Brown (Rob.) Dor Engelsche Held n. Ritter F. Dracke in einer ausl\'iihiiichcn Besehreibung von dessen Leben, Thaten n. See-lleisen. Aus dem Engl. Mit Anl ang: Von dem erstaunenswiird. Schiffbrueh des Ost-l nd. Jagd-Sehiffes, der Schelling genannt. Leipzig, (1740?) calf neat, portr. of Drake. Svo. 4.— As no work on Drake by H. Brown is known, Sabin thinks, this s a translation of R. Barton\'s •/English Hero, or Sir Fr. Drake.quot; The appendix is a translation of the Dutch work: Vervarelijke Schip-breuk van ... ter Schelling. Ainst., 1075, mostly appended to the reprint of Strays\' Voyage to Russia etc., in 1718. 497 Brownists. — Belijdonisse des Geloofs, ofte verantwoordinghe van soodanighe Christenen, vvel-cken doorgaans (doch t\'onrecht) Bronwnisten ge-noemt worden. Tegens d\' aantijgingen ... van d\' opperhoofden en leeraren in de Hooge School van Oxfort . .. Amsterd., gedruckt by Gahr. Uen-dric/csz. voor F. P. en z[jn te koop by Joh. Bruy-ningh, 1670. vellum. 8vo. Excessively rare. 18.— {Confession of faith, or Apoloyy of the Christians called {but injusthj) Brownists, against the imputations of the University of Oxford.) In an Advertisement the reader is informed that here the Confession of Mr. Ainsworth is reprinted: then follows the Apology against the University of Oxford (p. 1—7) and the Confession in Dutch, conform to the Latin edition of Amsterd. 1598. 498 Bruce (P. H.) Memoirs, containing an account of his travels in Germany, Russia, Tartary, Turkey, the West-Indies, etc. (1710-45). London. 1782. hf. calj. 4to. 3.— 499 Brum molk amp (A.) Stemmen nit Noord-Amorika. Amst. 1847. 8vo. 1.— {Voices from North-America.) 500 Brutel de la Riviere iP. M.) Togtvanhet Engelsche barkschip Pagoda, naar de Zuidpool. {Exir. 1850.) 8vo. L— {Voyage of the Engl, hark Pagoda, to the South-pole.) |
501 Bry (de\\ Grands Voyages. German Text. Sammlung von Reisen nach dem Occidentali-Kohen Indien. Herausgeben von J. u. Th. de Bry. Franckfurt. Vol. I —IX and XII. — 14 vols, maps and plates, half morocco violet, top gilt. fol. 375.— Very fink copr from the Sobolewski Library, composed of the following editions. Vol. J. 1020. Third edition, according to the collations of Brunet. Vol. IT. 1Ö03. Second edition, according to Brunet. Vol. 111. 1593. Second edition. With the plate Adam and Eva, according to the description of Brunet. Vol. IV. 1594. First edition, according to Brunet. Vol. IV. 1013. Second edition. The title of the edition in Latin, with date of 1594, and the map: quot;Nova Hispania etc. 1595.quot; Besides as in Brunet. Vol. V. 1 595. First edition. The map of New Spain is bound in the foregoing volume (2d edit, of vol. IV), besides as in Brunet. Vol. V. 1613. Second edition. Title in Latin, with date of 1595. The plates 9, 10. 17, 18 are of the first edition; plates 10 and 19 wanting. Vol. VJ. 1597. First edition. According to Brunet. Vol. VI. 1019. Second edition. The map of America wanting; besides as in Brunet. Vol. VII. 1017. Third edition. The title of the plates with date of 1024. Vol. VIII. 1024. Second edition. With preface only to W. Raleigh; besides according Brunet. Vol. IX. 1001. First edition. Title without date, with the quot;Historische llelationquot; dated 1601, and «Additamentumquot; dated 1002. According to the description of Brunet. Bound in 2 vols. Vol. XII. 1023. Only edition. The map quot;America s. novus orbisquot; and the plan of Cusco wanting; else according to Brunet. All the volumes very clean and with large margins, uniformly bound. 502 Bry (de) Grand Voyages. German Text. Part I. Franckfurt, 1590. fol. First edition, raris- sime. 14.— Warhafftige Contrafacturen nnd Gebrauch der Inn-woliner derjenigen Landschaft in Americe, welche Virginia ist genennet ... Printed title, preface, map, plate 2—8, 10, 20— 23; of the quot;Pictensquot; the explanations, and plate 4 ond 5 ; Register and impressum, 3 leaves. — The 5 first leaves mounted or mended. 503 - Grand Voyages: Latin Text. Franco- furti. 1500 — 1605. Part 1 — 7 in 2 vols, vellum, fol. 125.— T. Admiranda narratio fida tamen de comrnodis et incolarum ritibus Virginiae. . . ab Anglis inven-tae... Francof. 1590. 27 plates and map of Virginia. 1st and 2d edition. — Mixed copy. The first line of the dedication ending with: Ma. — The verso of the Index praecipuarum rerum blank. The last leaf blank. - - Plate 3, 0, 10, 11, 12 from the 2d ed. |
II. Bi\'ovis narratio eoruin que in Florida, Americae provincia, Gullis acciilenmt. . . 1591. Map and 42 plates. 1st and 2d edition. — The plates of the first edition. The text has partly the particularities of the first, partly of the 2d edition, according to Bru-net\'s collation. III. Americae tertia pars, memorabilem provinciae Brasiliae historiam continens gennanico sennone scriptuni a Joa. Stadio. 1605. 2d edition. IV. Americae para quarta, sive. .. historia de re-perta priinum Occidentall India a Christ. Colombo... scripta ab liter. Beuzono. 1594. 21 plates. First edition, but the verso of page 115 blank. V. Americae pars quinta. . . llier. Benzoni secundac sectiouis Ilia [Historia] ... 1595. Map and 22 plates. 1st edition. The word Hia (abbreviation for Historia) added between the fourth aud fifth line. VJ. America pars sexta, sive historiae ab llier. Beuzono scripta sectio tertia, 159(5. 28 plates. Ist and 2d edition. The text of the first, the plates of the 2d edition. 3 plates mounted. VII. Americae pars VII... descriptio praecipnarum quarundam Indiae regionum et insularum ... ab Ulr. Kabro invent ... 1599, 1st edition. The 3 plates belonging to this part are always in the 8th part. Good and very tall copy, even with temoins, measuring 31i, 8 mill, by 25. but wanting: I. Plate of Adam aud Eve. plate 4, Pictonum plate 1—3,5.— III. Title, dedication and privilege (3 leaves), map, pp. 41—4ü, (j5, CO, 71.7^, 135, 30. — IV. Frontispice before the plates, pi. 3. 23, 24.— V. Map, pi. 10, 20, 21. — VI. Begins at page 7, wanting map of America, pp. 9 —10, plan of Cnsco, pi. 8, 20. — Vll. Title. 504 Bry(de)Grands Voyages,Latin Text,Part III. Historiae Antipodum, sive Kovi Orbis, vulgo Americae, ct Indiae Occident, nomine, pars 111«, complect. ... Terrae Brasiliae ... histor. ... repur-gata et in ortl. red. stud. J. L. Oottofridi. Fran-cof., M. Merian, 1620. plates. I\'ol. 20.— Contains the voyages of J. Staden and J. Leriua to Brazil. — Third edition couforui to Brunet. No engraving on pag. 86. 505 - lirevis narratio eorum quae in Florida, Americae provincia. Gallis acciderunt, secunda in illam navigatione, duce K. deLaudonnière. Auctore j. Le Moyne, cui cognomen est de Morgues. Fran oof. a. M. 1691. I\'ol. 12.— 2d part of the Grands Voyages. First edition (only pi. 18 of the 2d edit.) — Wanting pi. 15, 19 — 21, 31—34, and text; privilege 1 leaf, Meu-dae quaedam, 1 leaf. The map damaged. 506 - Petits Voyages: Latin Lext. Franco- furti, 1598- 1607. Part 1—8 in 1 volume, vellum. fol. — First edition. 100.— |
In the first three parts tome leaves and plates stained or torn, the remaining parts in very good condition. All with good margins. — By a collation with Brunet the following differences have been remarked: I. Regnum Congo, hoe est Vila descriptio regni Africani. Fraucof. 1598. 14 plates.— Agrees with Brunetquot;s indications. II. Pars Indiae Orien\'alis. lu qua Joh. Hug. Navigatio in Orieutem. Fraucof, 1599. 38 plates and 4 maps. The leaf containing Liuschoten\'s preface damaged. Plate 4 wanting, plate 37 damaged — The 4 maps at pp. 18, 48, 72, 96 bound np with those of the 3d part; two of them (those of Goa and Java) damaged. — At the cud of the text no blank leaf, but 2 unnumb. leaves of indejforMii edition. Brunet mentions them only for the second edition. III. Tertia Pars Indiae Orienlalis qua continettur: lu. Secunda pars uavigatiunum J. Hug. Linscho-ten. 2quot;. Navigatio 1 lollandoriim in insnlas Orieu-tales, Javam et Sumatram. 3°. Tres navigationes Hollandorum per Glacialem Dceanum. Franeof. 1601. 58 plates et 5 maps. 2 Plates (Augra and Goa) and 2 maps. {Delineatio trium navi(jationam and llydoyraph. chart) much damaged. — Without the map of Nova Zembla on the verso of pi. 58. IV. Pars (^uarla Indiae Orientalis, qua primum vara generis auimalia describuutur; secuudo novissima Hollandorum in Indiain Orientalem navigatio. Fraucof. 1601. 21 plates, fol. Page 27—28 slightly damaged. V. Quinta Pars Indiae Orientalis: qua continetur descriptio navigatiouis quam llollandi cum oetunis navibus in Terras Orientales snsceperunt. Franeof. 1601. 20 plates. VI. Indiae Orientalis Pars VI. Veram et hiatorieam descriptionem auriferi regni Guineae, ad Africam pertinentis, continens. Franeof. 1604. 26 plates. Plate 2 ami 3, as usually, with the misplaced explanation. VII. Indiae Orientalis Pars Septima; navigationes duas, primam a Georgio Spilbergio in iudiam, alteram a Casper Balby, Gemma ro Veneto, auno 1579 Babyloniam versus. . ad regnum Pegu usque eontinuatam. continens. Fraucof. 1606. 22 plates. The dedication with the coats of arms of J. Adam, surmounted by those of J. Swiehard. VIII. Indiae Orientalis Pars Oclava: navigationes quinque, primam a Jae. Weceio. seeundam a Job. Hem. de Bree. tertiam a Corn. Nieolai. quartam a Corn, de Vena, quintam sub Steph. de Hagen in Iudiam Orient, susceptae continens. Fraucof. 1607. 18 plates. The right part of pi. 18 wanting. 507 Bry (de) Petits Voyages. Latin Text. Pt. 3. Iconcb sive ... delineationes quarundam mapparum, locorum maritimorum, insularum, nrbium et popu-lorum ... c. descript., omnia in IndicS navigatione versus Orieutem suaoepta ... incisa per |
Jo. Th. ct Jo. I sr. dc Brtj. Erancofurti, 1G01. Title, 58 ylates and Table of dislances. bds. I\'ol. 17.50 Separnto edition of the plates from the Petits Voyages in Latin, \'Ad Part, belouginff to the seeond voyage of Linschoten, the voyages of the Dutch to Kast-India, and to the North. — Without the map of Nova Zeiubla on the verso of pi. 58. 508 Bry (do) Petits Voyages: German Text. Part V.: EÜnflter Thoil der Orientalisehen Indien, ey-gentliclier Bericht der Reise, so die Hollander mit 8 Schiffen in die Oriental. Indien gethan. Auss Niederliind. Verzeichnuaa in liochteutseher Spraeh lieachriebcu dnreh G. Arthus. Erankl\'uvt, 1601. \'20 plates. I\'ol. First edition. 18.— Voyage of J. C. Van Neck. T/ie blank leaf after the preface wanting. 50i)---Map: Conterfactur der 3 Scliifffarten, welche di {sic!) Hollander (lurch das Mitnaelitischen Jler... (lurch Waygats noch (sic!) don Orientalisehen Indien fuhrgenomen... 1 leaf. I\'ol. 9.— The same map as in the 3d part of l)c Bry\'s Petits Voyages in Latin, but with considerable differences, belonging to the German edition of the 3(1 part of de liry. 510 - Camus (A. Q.) Mumoire sur la collection des Grands et I\'etits Voyages, et sur la collection des Voyages de M. Thcvenot. Paris, 1802. bds. uncut. 4to. 10.— The copy of the well known collector of De liry\'s Voyages, Mr Sobolewski, with some MSS. annotations of hia hand. Valuable copy. 511 - Woigol (T. O.) Bibliographische Mitthei- lungon Ubcr die deutschen Ausgaben von De Bry\'s Saramlungen der Keiscn naeh dem abend- u. mor-genliindischen Indien. Leipzig, 1845. sd. uncut. 8vo. 3.— Keprinted from the quot;Serapcnm.quot; ölld--The same. sd. uncut. 8vo. 7.— Valuable copy with numerous corrections in the handwriting of Mr. Sobolewski, the celebrated collector of the De Bry\'s Voyages. 512 Bry, Theod. de, the head of the celebrated family of engravers and editors of the fine set of voyages, cet. — A. L. S. (in French), to Franc. Ra-phelengius, (Frans van Ravelengien) Hebrew Prof, and editor at Leiden, son in law of C. Plantinus, dat. Franckf\'., Sept. 11), 1595. 1 p. I\'ol. — Fine facsimile in lith., on tinted paper 3.— Interesting letter on hia publications, especially on the 5th part of his Grands Voyages, of which lie sends a copy to Kaphelengius. — From; 11. J.tnn-pertz, Jiilderhefte d. liuchhandels. 513 Bryant (Ed.), Voyage en Calilornie. Description de son sol, do son clirnat, de ses mines d\'or. Trad. p. X. Marinier. Paris, (1849.) sm. 8vo. map. (1.90) 1.— 514 Büchler (J. U.) Lotgevallen van een Zwit-Bcrsch landverhuizer op zijne veizo naar Noord- |
Araerika en de West-Indiön. Haarl. 1819. uncut. 8vo. (2.40) 1.— (Adventures of a Swiss emigrant on his voyage to North-America and the West-Indies. Transl. from the German.) 515 Buchon, J. A., Atlas góographique, statistique, histor. ct chronolog. des deux Amcriques et des Hes adjacentes. Paris. 1825. hf. bound. Uncut. Coloured maps. toy. I\'ol. 6.— Contains G3 fine maps, each in a border formed by the extensive text. 516 Bucquoi (J. do) Aanmerkelyke ontmoetingen in de zestien jaarige reizo naa de Indien. Haarlem, ./. Hosch, 1744. hf. calf, map and pi. 4to. 2.— (Memorable occurrences during «16 years\' voyage to India.) 51 7--Zestien jaarige Reise naa de Indien, Rio de la Goa, Madagascar, Batavia enz. 2de druk, vermeerd. met de Waterwereld. Haerlem, 1757. 2 vols. in 1. Ids., portr., maps and plates. 4to. 4.— Second edition of the preceding, augmented with the Waterworld, (See following title.) 518 - De waterwereld ... en do byzonderheden langs de kusten aangeweezen ... b|jzond. van Oost. en West-lnd. handel. Haerlem, 1752. map, hf. calf. 4to. 2.50 (The IVatenoorld; the particularities of the coasts for commerce and navigation, specially on the E. and IV, Indies.). Pages 61—105 treat of Amcrica and the North. 519 Buddingh (D.) Ontdekking van Amerika en herhaalde zeereizen derwaarts in de XI—XIV eeuw. \'s Gravcnli. 1838. 8vo. I.— (Discovery of America and .repeated voyages thither in the 11—\\Uh century.) 520 - De Kcrk, school en wetenschap in dc Vereen. Staten van Noord-Amerika. Utrecht. 1853. 3 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. (8,20) 3.50 (Church, School and Science in the United States.) This work Is the result of the author\'s voyage to America to investigate the important subjects mentioned on the title. The 1st part contains the history of the Dutch Reformed Church in North-America. 521 Bugglo (Sam. B.) Report to the International Statistical Congress at the Hague, 186quot;). Part. I. Cereals of the United States of America. (The Hague, 1869.) large 4to. 1.25 522 „The Bull broke loose.quot; English caricature, 1780. Publ. by J. Kearby Stafford, sq. I\'ol. 1.50 523 The Bull overdrove, or the drivers in danger.quot; English caricature: a running bull driving before him an American between a Frenchman and a Spaniard. 1780. Publ. by J. Harris. sq. i\'ol. 2.— 524 quot;The Bull roasted, or the political cooks.quot; — English caracature; an American sitting at table |
between a Frenchman and Spaniard: England, as a bull, roasted, etc, 1780. Publ. by J. Harris. sii. lol. 4.— 625 Bulletin des sciences géographiques, économie publique, voyages. Public sous la direction de .U. le Baron de Férussac. Paris, 1824—1831. 28 voi. hf. calf. 8°. (150.—) 25.— Highly esteemed journal, with contributiuns by Ckanipollion-Figcac, Ibireau de Lamalle, de Kenissac, de Kreyoinet, Juinard, Klapruth, de Laborde, Abel Kcmusut, Walkenaer, a. o. — A host of articles treat on American geography, (physical, political, statistical, etc.); besides on commerce, cartography and voyages. 526 - of tbe American Geographical and Statistical Society. Vol. I. part III. New-York. 1854. maps. 8vo. 1.— Cout.; Description of Natal, by H. A. Wilder. With map, — Description of 1 lie Isthmus of Panama, or quot;Darien,quot; by G. 15. Watts, etc. 627 Buma (J. Acronius a) Argo Belgica, s. de expeditione Belgica in Africa et America, sub celeb. heroë Mich. Kutoro carmen chronicum. Da-ventriae (ca. 1605.) sin. 8vo. — Rare. 10.— 528 Bunjan (J) Eens Christens reyse na de ecu-wigheyt. Utr. 1088. Ifoodculs. 12iiio. 7.— (The Pilgrimm\'s frogrcss.) Kare Dutch edition. 529 - The same. Op nieuw bewerkt naar de oorspronk. uitgave, met aanteek. van Th. Scott, niet levensberigt v. d. schrijver etc. door J. 11. Gunning. Amst., 1804. 2 vols, with 60 fme steel-engravings and poriraii. roy. 8vo. 12.— (The same. New edition made after the original, with notes by Theod. Scott, and the author s life by J. II. Gunning.) 630 - Den heilighen Oorlogh. Uit bet Eng. Anist., 1685. vellum. 12uio. 7.— (The Holy IFar. Transl. from the Engl.) Very rare edition, with many tiue plates by Luy-ken. — Somewhat stained by water. 531 - Komst en Welkomst tot Christus, etc. Harderwijk, 1711. jortr}? calf. 12mo. 3.— (Come and welcome to (hrist, with a circumstantial account of the author\'s conversion, etc.) 532 - The same. Leeuwarden, 1718. vellum, portr. 12nio. fine copy. 2.50 633 - liet leven en sterven van Mr. Quaat, ofte eens godloosens reyse na het eeuwige verderf. Uit het Eng. 4de druk. Amst., 1102. vellum,plates. lOmo. Fine copy. 5.— (Life and death of Mr. Bad, or a godless\'s pro-grens to eternal perdition.) 534 - De Leer der Wet en der Genade verklaart. Uit het Eng. door J. Koss. Groningen, 1740. hf. calf. 8vo. Neat copy. 4.— (The doctrine of Law and Mercy explained. Transl. from the Engl, 6ij /. Ross.) |
Fine copies of Bunyan\'s works are rare, as is quite natural, cousidering they were very papular in Hol-bind ant not only bought but really read. His principal work is still much read and used in popular editions; the elegant editions a\'e not much sought. 535 Eürck (A.) Magellan oder uie crste Heiae uni die Erde. Leipz. 1844. sd. uncut, portr. 8vo. 1.— 530 Buran, Martin Jan, 8tli President of the U. S. 1837—41. Governor of N. Y. 1828.. — A. L. S. to Mr. Mills, dat. July 8, 1820. 4°. 4.— 537 (Burke [Edm.]) Account of the European Settlements in America, comprising a history of the discovery of that part of the World, the manners of the original inhabitants, etc. 5tli edit. Lond., 1770. 2 vols, calf, maps. 8vo. 2.25 538 - llistoire des colonies Kuropéenues dans rAintirique. Trad, de l\'Angl. p. M. E(Ulous,. Paris, 1707, 2 vols. sd. uncut. 8vo. 2.— Sabin says, that this is mainly the work of Eil-mnn\'.l Burke, assisted by his brother Richurd and bis fiiend Will. 13-jurke. — In this French translation it is ascribed to the latter under the name of. W. liurck. 539 Burkhard (J. G.) Geschichte der Methodisten in England. Niirnb. 1795. 2 vols, iu 1. hf. bd. 8vo. 1.25 The 2d vol. cont. a biography of the founders of Methodism: J. Wesley and G. Whitefleld, who passed a long period of their life in America, and founded there many churches. 540 Burmeister (H.) Keise durch die La Plata-Staaten, mit besond. Rtlcksicht auf d. pbysis. Be-schaffenheit u. d. Culturzuatand d. Argentin. Ke-publiU, 1857—00. Halle, 1801. 2 vols. sd. maps. 8vo. (11.40) 5.50 541 Burnaby (A.) Travels through the middle settlements in North-America, in 1759—00. 2d edit. Lond. 1775. sd. uncut. 8vo. 1.— 542 Burnet (Juc ), Notes on the early settlement of the North-Western Territory. New-York, 1847. cloth. 8vo. (6. —) 4.50 543 Biisching (A. F.) Nieuwe Geographic. 6de deel: Vereen. Staten van Noord-Ainerika (door Ebeling). Haarlem, 1798. 8vo. (6.90) 2.60 (New Geography, i\'ith part: United Stales of North-America.) A stout volume of 896 pp., exclusively treating of the States of New-England (New-Hampshire and Massachusetts.) At pp. Xll — Xill the author names the sources he has used, among which wo notice: Smith, General history of New-England ... Loml. 1626. — New.England in America. 1627. — Morton\'s New-English Canaan. Amst. 1637. — books now alltogetber very scarce. 544 Biittner (J. G.) Die liochdoutsehe reformirte Kirche in den Verein. Staaten van Nord-Amerika, von Hirer Grilndung bis auf die neueste Zeit.Nebst I Beilagen. Schleiz, 1846. 8vo. 1.60 |
545 Bydragen tot de konnis dor Nedcrlandsche on vreenule Koloniën, bijzondor botrokkolijk de vvyiating dor slaven. Utrecht, 1844—47. 4 vols. 8vo. All published. (Ui.—) 3,— {(\'onlributims io Hie kwowlndye of the Dutch and Foreign Colonies, spociaUi/ on the Emancipation of the Slaves.) 54G Byekorf (Don Nodorlandschen): waor in gliy beschreven vindt, al tghene dat nu wtghe-gaen is. o]) den Stilstant otto Vrede... Int jaor zestien liondert on acht ... (M? place nor printer\' s name.) 41o. (Ashor No. ■26—28.) .18 |iioces and 85 duplicates in other editions. Unique collection. 75.— [Netherlands .Beehive: in which you will find all that has been published till now on the Truce or\' Peace, in the year IC08.) This is the title of a very inlerestiuy collection of 38 pamphlets published during the years 1607—8, against the truce with Spain, which truce prevented the erection of the .Dutch West-India Company, proposed by W. Usaelincx. Asher in his Essay gives a list of the pieces, contained in his cullection, in all 38, but he does not mention the different editions of them, except the 3 editions of the first with the general title; Byekorf. The present copy docs not only contain the 38 pieces, mentioned by Asber, but, besides, 35 other editions differing from those. Even 251) years ago complete copies were judged rare, now they may be called very rare, — a copy of such an extraordinary completeness as the present may boldly be called unique, the more so as all are in very good condition — 22 even uncut. In the following I give the list, according to Asher, of the pieces which arc in different editions: No. 1 (3 editions.) — No. 2 (3 editions.) — No. 3, the scarcest of all pieces, in uncnt state. — No. 4 (4 editions.) — No. 5 (4 editions.) — No. 6 (2 editions.) — No. \'J (2 editions.) — No. 10(3 editions, one of which in-8vo, very rare.) — No. 12 (2 editions.) — No. 15 (2 editions.) — No. 16 (2 editions.) — No. 17 (2 editions.) — No. 23 (2 editions.) — No. 24 (2 editions.)—No. 27 (3 editions.) — No. 30 (2 editions.) — No. 31 (3 editions.)—■ No. 32 (3 editions, one of them extremely rare.) — No. 36 (2 editions.) — No. 37 (2 editions.) — No. 38 (3 editions.) — Stncken in de Byekorf (3 editions.) A early complete list of al the different editions may be found in; Twle\'s Jitbl. van l:ampjh.tten I. p. 88—Si). The most interesting pieces are those by Usselinc.v (No. 4, 15, 22, 29, 30) and others relating to the navigation to America. 547 - The same, the 1st piece in 3d edition. 38 pieces. 4to. (Asher No. 28.) 20.— Part 3, 6—8, 21, 29, wanting. A large numbir of separate pieces in stockj incomplete copies completed, if possible, at reasonable terms. |
548 Byler (H. C. v.) Libellonim rarlorum partim editor, partim inedit. fasciculus primus (unions.) Gron., 1788. sm. 8vo. 7.50 This collection cont.: Narratio ct continuatio rcrum omnium a Draco et Norreysio, post felieem ex Occidental. Insulis reditum in sua expeditione 1\'urtu-galiensi singulis diebus gestarinn. 549 Cabo St. Augnstin, in Brazil, stormed and taken by the Fleet of the Dutch W. I. Comp. under I. C. Lichthart, 7 March. 1634. The Fort on the coast, with the Uutch Hoot, and inscription in the upper right hand corner, sip lol. — (From: Commelin, t\'red. Henry. 1651.) 1.50 550 - Same subject, reversed. — (From Commelin, 1652.) 1.— 551 Cabot, George, Amor. Statesman confidential friend of Washington and Hamilton, Senator 1791—6. — A. L. S. to Rev. Jos. Dana of IpswiTi, dat. Oct. 12, 1797. 1 p. 4°. 2.50 On the education of bis son. 552 Cacegas (Fr. L.) Historia do S. Domingos particular do reino o conquistas de Portugal. Ke-ibnnada por Fr. L. de Sousa. Lisboa, 1767. 4 vols. calf. tol. 32.50 A rare and valuable history of the order of St. Domingo in Portugal and the Portuguese colonies. 553 Cadix. — Large view ol the city with its harbour, as it was when Columbus set oil\' from thence to America. On the plate the figures of 2 animals, with inscript.: (\'anis leporarius ex Indiis Occidentalibus allatus, 1565 and 2\'ica Peruviana allala, 1578. G. Hoefnagel px., ongrav. (by Hogen-berg). Ig. fol. With Latin explanation 1-24. — (From the rare work: Braun et Hogenberg, (Avitatei urbis terrarum. Col. 1572.) 6.— 554 Caerden (Pt. v.) Journael v. de reyse naar O. Indien met 4 schepen, onder d. Adm. Pt. Both, in 1599—1601. (Amst., 1646.) bds. squ. 4to. 3.— (Journal of the voyage to Kast-India, with 4 ships under Adm. P. lioth.) 120 pp.; no plates nor separate title; part of the collection; Begin N0. 272. With iuteresting notices on New-Guinea and the treaty with the natives. 555 - Loffelycko Voyagie op O. Indien mot 8 schepen, uytgevaren 1606, tusschen Madagascar en Abissena dour. (Amst., 1646 ) sqn. 4to. 2.— (Praiseworthy voyage to E.-India with 8 ships, setting sail in 1606, and passing between Madagascar and Abyssinia.) 48 pp., no plates nor separate title; from the collection; Begin N0. 272. This voyage is the sime as that described by Corn. Claesz v. Purmerentbnt both accounts are entirely different. This jomnul seems to be composed by a companion of the Admiral v. Caerden. 556 Caerte (de) van der zee om oost ende west to seylen, ende is van do beste piloots ghecorii-geert, ende elc oust opt zyn gcstelt, elckuietzjjn ligucren verbetert. Amstelredam, Corn. Claeszoon |
1588. hf. calft many small woodcuts, rcpresentinfi the outlines of the coasts, etc. 12mo. 20.— (Map of the sea for saiiiny to the East and Jfest, compiled by the best pilots, with a view of each coast etc.) Of the highest rarily, as all Dutch works ou pilotage of the IGth century. 557 [Caines (Geo)] Enquiry into the Law mor-chant of tlit United Statos; or Lex Mercatoria Americana, on several heads of comniemal importance. Vol. I. New-York, 1802. sheep. 8vo. 3.— 558 Calancha (Ant. do la) Het wonderlyck mar-telie vanden salighen Pater Didacns Ortiz, eerste Martelaer van Pern. fAntwerpon, 1671. calf 8vo. Fery rare. 6.50 (The wonderful martyrdom of the blessed father Didacus Ortiz, first martyr of Peru.) Translated from Spanish into Latin by J. lirulius, aud from liis Latin hi^tuiy uf IVru into Dutch by some Augustine Lathers, 559 Calborn, J. C, distinguished Amer. Stutes-man, upholder ol\'slavery. — A. L. S. to W. J. Watt, dat. Paddleton, Oct. 21, 18i6. 2 pp. 4°. 2.— 5G0 Calendar of State Papers, Colonial Series, 1574—1000, preserved in the State Paper Department of II. M. PuMie lieeonl Oliiee. Edit, hy \\V. Noël Sainsbury. London. 1800. clol/i. roy. 8vo. (\'J.—) 0.- A stout volume of 580 pp., büinjs an abstract aud catalogue of all the documents in the I\'ubl. Kecord Off. relating to the English colonies in America (1574—1000) with notices of their couteuts etc., chronologically arranged ; indispeusable to every American historian. 501 California. — Costume and mode of fishing of the inhabitants. Engl, engraving, fo!. 1.— 502 --„Naufrago de Mr. La Horde sur les eanols de La Peyrouse aux ports des Pranqais dans la Californie.quot; 1780. Crépin px., engraving by Prut. Ig. sq. lol. 2.— 503 ICalkoen (H.)] Systéme politique de la Hé-genee d\'Anisterdam, exposé dans un vrai iotir; et sa conduite Justitlée ... eontre l\'accusation du Chev. Yorke. Trad, du Holland. Ainst. 1781. sd. uncut. 8vo. 1.50 On Amsterdam\'s conduct during the Amer. War of Indepeud. 504 Calligraphic testimonial on: „America\'s Independence when cemented by the blood of Heroes, established in 1770,quot; written by (\'. S. Hare, (about 1815). Very Ig. tbl. — The corners at the bottom restored. 4,— 505 Callimaohi Hymni, epigrammata et fragmonta, c. notis H. Stcphani et alioruni. Hdid. J. A. Er-nesti. Lugd. Bat. 1701. 2 vols, calr gilt, coats of arms on sides. 8°. 3 — We insert this book here only uu account of this copy, that gives a fair testimony for the Dutch en- i |
thusiasm for the American cause. On the fly-leaf of the first vol. we find the following inscription: quot; Praestantissimus juvenis, liinso Koopmans hoc Callimacho . . . praemio or nat,is ah Ampliss. Leo-vardiemibus Magistralibus qunm Gymnasio valedixit, verba facien*. in laudem illustrissimi Americano-rum Hero is, Richardi (Gcurgi) IV ashing tonis. 1787.quot; 566 Cambodia en Louwonlant in Oost-Indien (Vreuide Oesi\'hiedenisRen in) 1635 — 1041. ^Mitsgaders de Key se der Ncdcrlanr.ers van Cambodia na Winejan. llaerlem, P. Casteleyn, 1669. hf. vellum. 4to. — Rare. 18.— {Curious histories from Cambodia and Lonwen-land in the East- Indies, 16.\'i5—4 k With the voyage of the Dutch from Cambodja to Winejan) One of the rarest and most interesting relations of voyages ever published. It is the only old account of the country of Cambodja near Siam, since not visited by Europeans, till recently in 1S66 —OS by the French, (see the articles of Mr. de Carno —in the R vue des deux Mondes 1809.) 567 - (Garnier (Fr.) Voyage lointain anx roy- anmes de Cambodge et Laonwon par los Néerlan-dais (^t ee qui s\'y est passé Jiisciu\'en 1044. (Bulletin de hi Société de Géo^raphie. Paris, Sept.— Oct. 1871.) map. 8vo. 2.50 Trauslatiou of the foivgoing No. 568 Campagnes de Virginie et de Maryland en 1862 j Documents ofliciels sonmis an Congres. Trad, de rAngl., avee introduct. et annotations par F. Lecomte. Paris, 1868. hf. cloth, map. 8vo. 569 Campagnes et eroisières dans les Etats de Venezuela et de la Nonv.-Grenade; par nn OiKi-cwt des Laneiers Vênézuéis Trad, de l\'Angl. Paris, 1827. map and portr. sd. roy. 8vo. 2.— 570 Campanius (Thomas) Holm., Kort Bquot;skrit-ning om Provineien Kya Swerige nti America, som nu forti den af the Engelske kallas Pennsylvania. Stockholm, trycki uti Kongl. Boktr, 1702. vellum. 4to. — Fine clean copy. SO.— 8 unnumb. leaves, 190 numb, pp., 1 leaf Errata. With 10 maps and plates. The title-page aud pi. 10 in facsimile. This excessively rake work is of the highest interest for the history of Pennsylvania. It is divided into 5 parts; 1. Ou America in general, pp. I—20. — II. Description and history of New-Sweden, otherwise called Pennsylvania, pp. 27 — 1 10. — III. Account of the Aborigines of Pennsylvania, with very curious details of their manners etc., pp. 110—153. — IV. a treatise of the language of the natives, with vocabularies, pp. 153—ISO. Appendix: On the Mynckussar Indians and their language and //various marvellous thing from America.quot; 1°. Plate to face the title: Novae Sueciae seu Penn-sylvauiae in America descriptio. — Engraved, but in this copy in facsimile. 2°. Map, numbered 1 to face page 10: Totius Amc-ricae descriptio. -- Engraved. |
Squot;. Plate, numbered 2 to face page 4.; Cataract of Niagara. — Engraved. 4n. Map, numbered 3 on page 10; Torre de Jesso. — In woodcut. öquot;. Map, numbered 4 lo face page 26.; Nova Succiae Tabula. — Kugraved. G0. Map, numbered 5 to face page 36.: Novae Suceia, hodle dicla Pennsylvania. — Engraved. 7°. Map, numbered 6 to face page 52.: Virginiae, N. Angliae, N. Hollandiae delineatio. — Engraved. 8°. Plate, numbered 7 on page 76. : Trefalldigbeets Forte. — Woodcut. 9°. Plate, numbered 8 on page 81.: Cliristinae Skantz. — Woodcut. 10°. Plate, numbered 9 to face page 110.: Three Indian Aborigines. — Engr. (facs.) 571 Campanius. — The same. Titlopngo and nn. 1, 6 ami 10 of the plates in facsimile. 37.50 572 Campbell, Alox., Baptist Minister in Washington 1800, founder of the sect called, „Camp-bellites.quot; — A. L. S., in French, to Rev. P. II. Marron of Paris, without date. 2 pp. 8°. 1.50 On a volume of sermons, published by Campbell. 573 Campbell (John\') Tegcnwoord. Staat Oer volken van het Spaanse he rijk in America, mot een byzonder verhaal van d. Koophandel, etc. Anisterd. (ca. 1740.) vellum, maps. 8vo. 2.— (Present slate of the peoples of the Spanish empire in America; with a particular account of the commerce, etc.) 574 Campo (J. H.) Do ontdekking van America, ter aangenaame leezing voor kinderen en jonge lieden. Anisterd. 1782—83. 3 vols. hf. calf. 8vo. 2.50 (The discovery of America, a pleasant lecture for children and young men.) First Dutch edition, made on the German original. 575 - The same. 3 vols. sd. uncut. 2.50 576 - Histoire de la découverte do rAmériquo. Trad, do l AUemand, av. notice biograph. sur I\'au-tour p. Lairnaudière. Nouv. edit. Paris (1830). 2 vols, sd., plates. 8vo. 1.50 577 Camper iP.) Over de voortteeling der Ame-ricaansche Padden. (Haarlem. 1761. Extr.) plate. 8vo. —.50 (On the procreation of American toads.) 578 Canada. — Partio de la Nouvelle France. Paris, JI. Jaillot. 1685. sq. fol. 65 by 46. — Fine map. 2.— 570 - Canada and the Lakes, 2 Maps from La- hontan. Voyages. La llaye. 1703, sq. fol. 55 by 41 and 65 hy 28. 4.— Interesting maps, one bearing the inscription: I\'Carte que les Gnactisares out dessiné sur des peaux de certs;\'quot; on both historical annotations. 580 - Carte des Pays connus sous 1c nom de |
Canada, dédiéo au Comtc d\' Argcnson pour le département do la guerre par K. de Taugondy. Paris, chés PAuteur. 1753. sq. fol. 67 hy 48. — Coloured. 2.50 581 C inada. — Partie orientale de la Nouvelle France on du Canado. (Nurnberg), Homann. 1755. Map. sq. fol. 54 by 42. 1.— 582 —— The countries of the Hudson\'s Hay and the North-Western parts of N. America. Amst., Is. Tirion. 1769. Colour, map. sq. fol. 44 by 31. 1.50 583 - Topographical Dosoription (A short) of II. M.quot;s province of Upper Canada in North-Amerlca. To which is added a provincial gazetteer. London, 1799. bds. uncut. 8vo. 2.— 584 --Religious, nuptial and funeral ceremonies of the Canadian tribes. —\' Engraved plates by Bern. Picart. 12 represent, with French subscript, on 5 sheets, fol. — First impress.- From: Picart, Cérémonies. 2.50 585 - „Canadiens au tombeau de leur Enfant.quot; Le Barbier px., engraving hy Ingouf le Jeune. 1786. Ig. fol. — Full marg. Stained. 2.— 586 - Autograph. — Anonyme. French Prince or Nobleman. — A. L. in French to Count Verhuoll at Paris, from Canada, 3 May 1835. 4 pp. 4to. 3.— Curious letter signed M. N. D. quot;Depuis plusieurs annees il languit an sein des foièts de Canada et mange le pain de la misère en se livrant l\'instriic-tion de la jeunesse. La mort de Franfois II (l\'em-pereur d\'Autriche) le fait csperer de revendiqner les droits d\'apanage sur le principauté de Wcsterwald, mais il craint que Metternich,quot; etc. etc. 587 Candish. — Journalen v. 3 voyagicn: 1°. v. Th. Candish, door Magell. in 1586, enz. 2°. v. F. Draeck en J. Haukens, naer West-Indien, in 1593, ete. Amst., J. P. IVachter, 1643. calf. 4to. l\'ery fine copy. Rare. (Tiele No. 282.) 9.— Kxact reprint of the edition of 1598, but the na-mes of Javanese princes omitted. Sec Tiele p. 298.— The voyage round the world by I\'lleremite in 1623 is the 3d voyage mentioned on the title, but having a separate title and paging, it sells separately. 588 Canterbury Papers. Information concerning the principles, objects, plans and proceedings of the founders of the settlement of Canterbury in New Zealand. Loud., 1850. 6 parts. H\'ith map. 8vo. 1.50 58\'.) Canzler, F. G., Ncno wochentliche Nach-richten von nenen Landkarten, geograph., statist., histor., wie auch Ilandlungsblichern. Gött. 1788 — 89. 2 vol. 831, 982 pp. IFith porlr. of P. Egede. brds. Squot;. 4,50 Appeared in weekly parts, the last pages of each mentioning the new cartographical publications. — Hare. 590 Capo-Breton. — De importantie en voordec- |
ligheid van Ka^p-Breton, aangotoont in enno naauw-kcur. bcscliryving cte. Uit hot Eng. Delft, 1746. 2 maps calf, 8vo. 2.quot;25 [Importance and advantage oj Cape Breton, staled in an exact description etc. Transl. from the Emjl) 591 Capellon (J. D. v. d.) Diatingnishecl Patriot, promotor of tlio American interests, etc. — 2 A. L. S. in Dutch, dated Arast. 14 March, Zwol, 7 April 1782. 4 pp. 4to. 2.50 On the American nITairs; Ailnms i8 ncknowlcdged as Minister of the Un. States. 592 Capitein (J. E. J.) Disscrtatio politico-thoolog. de Scrvitutfi, libcrtati Cliristianae non contraria. Lugd. Bat. 1742. 4to. 4.— The author was captured as a Negro buy, 10 years old, from the tribe of the Ashantines, on the coast of Guinea, brought to Holland, and educated at Leiden under special tutorship of the celebrated Prof, of Theol., T. II. van den Honert; he studied nfterwarda Divinity, took his degrees by the writing and defence of this book and was shortly afterwards sent to Africa to christianize his tribe; but nuthing more was heard of him, and it is generally accepted that he by and by joined his people and was totally lost. i have once had an edition of his version of the Pater Noster in Ashantine tongue, 4 pp. 4to, but saw never any other copy. 593 - The same, translated into Dutch. Leiden, 1742. 4to. uncut. 3.50 A portrait of the author by Bleyswyk added. 594 Capture of the Admiral and Vice-Admiral of the Honduras, commanding 2 very richly laden vessels, by the ships and yachts of the \\V. I. Company under direction of the Dutch Admiral 1\'ieter Adnacnsz. (Ita), 1 Aug. 11328. On the foreground the battle, at the right Havana, sq. Col. — Plate from: Commelin, Life of Fred. Henri/. 2.— 595 - Same subject. Differ, representation, smaller. On the frontispiece of IVassenaer, Hist. I\'er-hael. 4°. 1.-- 596 Capture of the Sugar prizes in the Bay Todos los Sanctos in Brazil. 1027. Plate, sq. (ol.|— (Belongs to Commelin, Life of Fred.. Henry.) 2.- 597 Carey (H. C ) The Slave trade, domestic and foreign: why it exists, and how it may be extinguished. Lond. 1853. 420 pp. 3vo. 2. — 598 Carey (M.), Short account of the plague, or malignant fever lately prevalent in Philadelphia with a statement of the proceedings that took place on the aubiect in different parts of the United States. Philad. printed; London reprinted, 1794, 92 pp. and list of meteorol. observat. sd. 8vo. uncut. 4.60 Pp. 86—92; List of the inhabitants of Philadelphia, whe have died since the tirst of Aug. 1793. 599 Caricature (English) on the defeat of the French by the English near Brest. — An English sailor drives a French one „into Brest\'s sculking |
holequot; by wiping his naked posteriors. 1778. With address llr. Itichardson. sq. 4quot;. 3.— 002 Caricature on George III; he is deprived of his clothes by two Americans; near them Lord North, as King, on horseback, etc. 1780. - With Dutch explanation, sq. iquot;. — I\'er;/ rare. 4.— C03 ---new Flan for raising the Royal George, !,y a Lady.quot; ■— English caricature. 1780. 81\'. —.75 004 CuriDnis Chronica van den Beginne des we-relts aen tot op den Keyser Carolnm V. In\'t Latijn door Melanchthonem en C. Pencenm. Overg. door W. v. Zuylen van Nyevelt. Arnhem, 1629. 2 vols, in 1. vellum, fol. Scarce. 0.— (The Chronicle of (\'avion, since the beginning of the world to the Emperor Charles C. Described in Latin by P. Afelanchton and C. Fencer; transl. into Dutch by If. v. Zuylen v. Nyevelt ) Contains: Part V, pag. 148—168; History of the conquest of the New World. 005 Cartier (Aug.), De I\'esclavage dans ses rapports avec rUnion Américaine. Paris, 1862. sd. 8vo. 1.50 000 Carling (R.) et C. Cliristianson, Primau lineaj Unionis civitatium {sic) America) Septentrion. Upsal. 1813. 4to. Rare, not mentioned by llich. 3.— 007 Curocbi (Hor.), Comp. de Jesus, Compendio del Arte de la lengua Mexicana: dispucsto ... por Ign. de Paredes. Mexico, 1759. engrav. frontispiece, representing Ljn. de Loyola, 12 leaves prelim. 202 pp, vellum. 4to. 37. — I\'lne copy of a very scarce work, sold in auction liaetzel 140 Kranes; Quatremère 90 francs. 008 Caron (P.), Beschryv. v. h. machtigh Coninckr. Japan, aert en eygenschappeu v. \'t Landt, nianiere der Volckeren, als mede hare grouwel. vvreedt-heyt teghen de lioomsche Christ. Amst., J. Ilart-gers, 1649. hf. vellum. 4to. — Fine copy. (Tide No. 278.) 7.— (Description of the mighty kingdom of Japan; nature and peculiarities of the country, manners of the nations, also t\'/eir horrible cruelly towards the Roman Catholics.) Rare 2d edition. Reprint fro-n the edition of 1646 in Begin en Coortgangh (No. 272) at the end of the Journal of Hagenaer\'s voyage. 009 -- The same. Amst.,/. llartgers, 1652. ir/j.\'lto. Rare 3d edition; reprint of the former. 010 Caron s Japan. — The same.\'s Grav ,/. Ton-gerloo, 1601. bds. 4to. (Tiele No. 230.) 5.— liare. With 2 separate pi., and I in the text. Short copy, the map wanting. 011 —- The same, \'s Grav.. J. Tongerloo, 1662. ids. 4to. (Tiele No. 232.) 0.— With map of Japan, and the 2 separate plates. The plate in the text has a printed sub cription. 612 Caron and Schouten. — A true description of the mighty kingdoms of Japan and Siam. Writ- |
ten originally in Dutch by Francis Caron and Joost Schorten (sic!) and now rendrcd into English by Capt. Roger Manley. London, Rob. Buul-ter, 1671. hds., a folding map. 12ino.— Very rare. \' 10,— 613 Carolina. — Carte générale ot particniière do la Caroline, par S(unson). Amst., P. Mortier, (about 1700). 2 maps. f\'ol. 4!) iiy 57 and 00 by 48. — Coloured. 3. — 014 Carrel (Arm), Oenvres littéraires ot öcono-niiqnos, publ. et annotécs par Ch. Romey. Préc. tVune notice biograph. par E. Littró. Paris, 1854. hf. cloth. 8vo. 1.50 Cunt, un article on the mother of Washington. 015 Carthagena. — Journal de tout ce qui s\'cst passé a la prise des I\'orts de Bocachica etau siège de Carthagcne aux Imlos Occidentales, tiré lt;lcs relations do i\'. de Eslaba. (JVo place, but printed in Holland.) 1741. 4to. 2.— On the defeat of the English fleet. 010 - Plans of Carthagena, Porto-Hello and Havana, with their fortiticatious and harbours. Amst., J. Covens et C. Mortier, (about 1735). 3 maps on 1 sheet, eacli 31 by 21^. o.— 017 - New and correct plan of tho Harbour of Carthagena in America, by i\\ Chassereau. Also a view of the (English) fleet as they anchored ... to besiege the town. Loudon, Th. Bowles. 1741. sq. foi. 51 by 41. 5.— With English text in 6 eolniuus relating to tho siege. 018 - Plan du Port, de la Ville et des Forte- resses de Carthagcne suivant lo dessein apportè . . . par la {sic) Capitaine G. Laws. Amst., Covens amp; Mortier (1741). sq. foi. 00 by 51. 5.— A plan differriug from the foregoing, with explanation on tho posilions and operations of the English fleet in 0 columns. 019 Cartier. Kelatiou originnle du voyage do J. Cartier au Canada en 1534. Documents inédits sur J. Cartier et lo Canada. (Nouvelle sério) Publ. I). II. Michelant et A. Kamé. Paris, Tross, 1807. \\ sd. uncut, 2 portr. of Curlier and i views of /lis mansion. 8vo. 8.— 020 - Brof roeit et succincte narration de la navigation faite en 1535 et 1530 par le Capitaine Jacques Cartier aux iles de Canada, Hoehelaga. Sagucnay et autres. — Réimpression flgurée de 1\'edition originate rarissime de 1545. Avee uue introduction histor. p. M. d\'Avezac. Paris, Tross, 1803. sd. uncut. 8vo. 8. — 621 Carver (Jon.) Keizo door de binnenlanden van Noord-Amorica. Vert, door J. D. Pasteur. Leyden, 1796. 2 vols. 8vo. sd. uncut, map and col. plates. 2. — (Iravels through the interior parts of North-America.) Vol. II. p. 150—173: on tho Indian languages, with a Chippewny and Naudowess vocabulary. The |
work contains curious details on the American Indian tribes. 622 Castriotto d\'Albanio (Stephan-Annibale) Oeu-vres choisics, contenaut le portrait caractérist. du Prince hérédit. (le Prusse, une left re au Congres de f Amérique, etc. (Bruxelles) 1782. sd., Portr. 8vo. 3.— Privately printed, very rare. The author is the famous impostor Stefano Zannowich. 023 Catalogues of American Literature, comprising collections by /ƒ. Stevens, O. E. Mason, Crow-nimjshield and others, sold in London, nearly 100 day\'s sales, 1850—01. Bound in 4 thick vols. hf. morocco. 8vo. 30.— Contain a vast mass of valuable materials for Ame-riciu bibliographers; of special interest is the collection of II. Stevens, being the bulk of what appeared in his Nuygets, and being accompanied by highly interesting notes, descriptions, collations, etc. 024 - Catalogue do la Bibliothèque de J. M. Andrade. Loipz. et Paris. 1809. Prix imprimes. 8vo. 2.50 Important collection of books and MSS., especially on America, comprising the rarest works relating to Mexico, once the propriety of the infor-tunate E nperor Maximilian. 025 Catalogue of maps and surveys, in the offices of the Secretary of State, of the State Engineer and Surveyor and in tho Now-York State Library. Albany, 1851. sd. 8°. — 288 pp. 1.50 626 Catalogue of the Manuscript maps, ehurts, and plans in the British Museum. London. 1844.2 vol. cloth. 8quot;. 0.— Page 3—8 of Vol I contain tho description of the MS. copies of Ptolemy; pp. 11—38 the maps of tho World, portulani, etc. 027 Catalogue des Cartesgéographiques, topograph, et marines de la bibliothèque du Prince Alex. La-hanofp de Kostoff a St. Pétcrsbourg. Paris 1823. ids. uncut, roy. 8quot;. — 494 pp. 6.50 A rare and highly esteemed eatalogne made up by the Prince himself and printed at his expense for private distribution only, enriched with b blio-graph. and other notices. — N0. 51 —112 cont. the maps of the World and the general Atlases, N0. 1480 —1543, the maps of America. 628 Catalogue do la collection Géographique, his-torique et cartographiquo de feu le Baron Derfel-den de Hinderstoin. Utrecht. (1858). 8quot;.//. — With some prices in MS. 2.— Interesting eatalogne of geographical and caito-graph. treasures; pretixed a biography of Derfelden. 029 Catalogue par ordre chronolog. et géograph. d. cartes, plans, vues do cotes, mémoires, etc. qui composent I\'Ihidrographie Franfaise. Paris. 1860. 2 vol. hf. cloth. 8°. 3.— Seo for a list of American charts, in geograph. order, pp. 74—124. 030 Catalogus der verzameling v. Kaarten v. het |
Ministerie van Marine, \'s Gravenhage. 1872. 1284 pp. 8°. 5.— Catalogue of the mapj and charts of the Dutch Marine-Uepavtement, made up by P. A. Lcupc, Mnj. Dutch Navy. Ample description of 110 Ailasrs, of 70 maps of the Arctic regions, and of about 250 maps and charts of North-America. (181 Catechism. — The Hcidelbergh Catochism, or Method of Instruction in the Christian religion, as the same is taught in tne Kelormed Churches and Schools ot Holland. Translated for the use of the Keformed I\'rotest. Dutch Church, of the city of New-York. N.-York, J. Holt, 1704. calf. 8vo.— Very scarce. 8.— C33 Caton (Will.) Den Mateiyken Ondersoekor voldaen, in een klare beschrjjvinge ... aengaende het vorsmaede \\olk, geineinlijk Quakers genaemt. Uit hot Engelsch vert, Amsterd.. 10(30. 4to. 2.— ( The moderate inquirer satisfied, by a clear description ... of the despised people, commonlj called Quakers.) 033 Cavori (Gomelli), Voyage du tour dü monde. Trad, tie I\'ltal. p. 1/. M. N. Paris, E. Ganeau. 1710. 6 vols, calf, plates and maps. 8vo. 5.— first edition; a second appeared in 1727.— The name of the translator has remained unknown. De Jiure in his Hibliographie Instruct., sais it was Le Noble, while Barbier, Dictionn. des Anonumes thinks it more probable that Dubois de St. Genois made the translation. 034 Cayenne. Map of the island and the colony, with plan of the city and the fortress. (Amst,, Is. Tirion. 1705 ) fol. 42 by 30. Coloured. 1.26 G35 —— View in the country, with inscription; quot;C\'est en cet endroit que se doit rendre la nouvelle Colonie Franfoise, cet. Dressre par Mr. Bctcow, Ingénieur.\'quot; (1775 ?)( — French plate, coloured, sq. 4°. 1.50 63f) Cellarii, A., ITarmonia Macroeosmica. Amst., J. Janssonius. 1601. — Frontispiece of this work with 0 portr. of astronomers among which Galilei, Tyclio Brahé and Copernicus. Fine engrav. by /*\' M. van Hoven. Ig. fol. 1.50 037 - Same plate nicely coloured and illuminated at the time of the publication. 2.— 038 Celsius (O.) Iter in American]. Upsal. 1725. 8vo. Very rare. 12.— 0.39 Census. — Report of the Superintendent of the census for December 1st 1852. To which is appended the report for 1851. Washington, 1853. cloth. 8vo. 1.— 040 Ceremonies, (religious, matrimonial and funeral), of the American tribes. Engrav. by Bern. 1\'icart. 71 representations with French subscript, on 34 sheets, fol. — Fine impress, on large paper, uncut. — From: Ficarl, Ceremonies religieuses. 10.— 641 - Idols of Yucatan and Tabasco; religious cerenionies in Panama, engrav. by Bern. Picart. |
0 represent, with Frenchsunscript. on 3 sheets, fol. — First impress. — From ; 1\'icart, Cérémonies. 1.50 042 [Ceiisier] Le Destin de rAmérique on dialogues pittoresques sur la cause des événements actuels, la politique des puissances de I\'Europe dans cette guerre. Trad, de I\'Angl. Lond., (1780.) uncut. 8vo. . ].25 643 --The same, bound together with: [Tickell] La cassette verte. 1 vol. calf. 8vo. 1.50 644 Cartificates of the marriage, the good behaviour and the births of three children of Juan Deaz \'Aetna and Agneda de Espinosa, with legalisation of the signature of the Vicar in Mexico, 1004. 22 pp. fol. f).— Manuscript in calligraphy, with different ornamental borders in colours. 045 Cospedos y Menoses (G. do) Primera parte dclla historia de D. Fiiippe IV. Key do las Es-panas. Lisboa, I\\ Graesbeeck, 1031. (Vol. I. (,nly pnbl.) vellum, fol. 0.— Contains the Spanish history of the years 1005 — 28, and gives many particulars on the colonies in America, the contests with the Dutch in Brazil, etc. 646 [Chambon.] Traité general du commerce de rAmérique, cont. l\'histoire des découvertes dans cotte partie du monde, etc. Amsterd., 1783. 2 vols. marbled calf gilt, maps ami plates. 4to. 3.50 647 Chabert (X.), Abrégé histor. de la vie et d. aventures d\'Adola, chef de la peuplade des Puns, av. la descript. d. moeurs d. sauvages du pays. (Paris, 1820 ?) 8vo. 1.25 648 Chamfort (de), Do ionge Indiaane, bljjspel. Naar bet Franscb. \'s Uravenh. (1780? 8vo. 1.50 (The young Indian woman, comedy. From the French.) 649 Channing (W. E.), Memoir of —, with selections from his correspondence. Lond. (1851.) cloth. 8vo. 535 pp. i,50 050 [Chanvalon (Th, de)] Voyages a la Martinique, contenant diverses observations sur la physique, I\'liistoire naturelle, l agriculture, les moeurs, etc. Paris. 1763. hf. calf. 4to. 3.50 quot;Relation très-estimée.quot; Lederc. 651 Chappell (E.) Voyage to the Newfoundland and the Southern coast of Labrador. Lond. 1818. ///. calf, map and pi. 8vo. 2.50 652 Charlevoix (P, Er, X. do) Ilistoire du Paraguay. Paris. 1757. 6 vols, many maps, calf. am. 8vo. \' 9.— 653 - Voyage to North-America: undertaken by command of the present king of Franco. Containing the geographical description and natural history of Canada and Louisiana. Dublin, 1760. 2 vols. calf, maps. 8vo. 10.— Some pencil-nnnotatious on the margins. 654 Chastellux (Caev. de) Voyage en Amériqne. (Cassel?) 1785. calf. 8vo. Scarce edition. 1-25 «This appears to be the subreptitiuus edition of |
Ch.\'s travels, printed at Cassel, which is referred to iu the Paris editiou of 1780.quot; Rich, 655 Cliastellux (Chev. de) The same. Paris et Bnixoilcs, 178G. sd. uncut. 8vo. 1 — 056 _ Voyages dans rAmériquc Septentrion. 2o edit. Paris, 1788—91. 2 vols. sd. uncut. 8vo, 2,50 657 Chevalier (H. Em.), Notice sur F. Gabriel Sagard Tlióodat et sou oeuvre, servant d\'introdue-tion a la nouv. edit, de ITIist. du Canada, p. lo F. Sagard. Paris, 1866. 8vo. 1-— 658 Chevalier (Mioh.) Lettres sur rAmérique du Nord. Paris, 18:i6. 2 vols. hf. calf neat. 8vo. 2.50 659 Chili. — „Figure of an unkwown monster, discovered in Chili, high 10 feet, with a man\'s head, a lion\'s mane, ... two wings and the tail of a mermaid, cot.quot; — Curious engraved broadside, with Dutch explanation (about 1780). 4°. — 1\' cry rare. 2.— 660 - Dross of the inhabitants of the Island Conception. Dutch engrav. (about 1760). sq. fol. 1.— 661 China. — British relations with the Chinese empire in 18S2. Comparative statement of the English and American trade with India and Canton. Lond. 1832. 8vo. 1- — 662 Choris (L.), Voyage pittoresquc autour du monde, avec d. portraits do Sauvages dWménque, d\'Asie, d\'Afrique, et d. iles du grand Océan; d. paysages, vues maritimes et pluaieura objets d\'hist. naturelle; accomp. de Descript. p. Cuvier et A. de Chamisso, et d\'Observations s. 1. cranes humains p. Gall. Paris, Didot, 1822, hf. calf, large, fol. r 35.— With portrait ami 110 coloured plates, published at the price of 330 francs. 663 Christmann (Pr.) Australien, Oeschichte der Entdeckungsreisen u. d. Kolonisation ; Ililder aus d. Leben in d. Wlldniss u. d. Stiitten d. Kultur d. neuesten Welt. Leipzig, 1870. 120 woodcuts, 4 maps and 5 plates cloth gilt. 8vo. 1.50 664 Chroniclo of the Dutch Whalefishery in the years 1753—1773. — Notices of the vessels, which have sailed in each year to Greenland, the Strait of Davids etc. for the whalefishery. with details of their success etc. Dutch MSS. 28 pp. 4to. 6.— 665 Chronological table of the progress of Christianity in the four parts of the World from 100 -1800. Aquatint by Roosing. sq. 4°. 1.— 666 Ciiys (A. M. M. van der), Wed. W. Storm, Het Cooper\'s Instituut te Nicuw-York.\'s Gravenh. 1863. woodcuts, large 4to. 1— (Description of Cooper\'s Institute at New-York.) 667 Cinerii (P.) Dissertationes litterariae. Floren-tiae, 1742. vellum. 8vo. ^O Cont. Dissert. V. VI. p. 69—106; De Gron-landia veteri. — De Gionlandiao veteris et novae geographia. 608 Clarkson (T.) Essay on the impolicy of the |
African Slave-trade. 2d edit. Lond. 1788. 2 parts. — Idem, on the Slavery and commerce of the human species, partlc. the African. 2d edit. lb. 1788. — Idem, On the comparative efficiency of regulation or abolition, as applied to the slave-trade, lb. 1789. — in 1 vol. hf. calf. 8vo. 2.50 669 Clarkson (T.) Memoirs ot the public and private life of Will. Penu. New edition, with a preface by W. E. Forster. Lond., 1849. cloth, map of Fennsghania, plan of Philadelphia, and plate. 8vo. 1.25 670 Clavigero (P. X.) Geschichte von Mexico, aus Span. u. Mexican. Geschichtschreibern, HSS. u. Gemalden der Indianer. Aus d. I tal. von C. Cnl-len ins Engl, libers. Lelpz. 1790. Vol. II. map. sd. 8vo. 671 Clay, Henry, Orator and Statesman, Secret, of State under J. Q. Adams. — A. L. in the 3d person. 3 lines. 4°. !•— 672 Clay (J. Curtis) Annals of the Swedish on the Delaware, with the Charter of the United Swedish Churches. Philad. 1835. porir., hf. calf. 12mo. 2.50 673 Clayton (Joh.) Flora Virginica, exhibens plantas in Virginia observatas. Edid. J. Fr. Grono-vius. Lugd. Bat. 1762. With map. 4to. At» copy, cnlirely uncut. ^*^0 674 (Clerc, N. de), Tooneel der Keyzeron en Koningen. Delft. 1615. folio, vellum. Numerous portraits. {Theatre of the Emperors and Kings, 1450—1600.) The last 30 pp. treat on America, with the portr. of Cortez, Montezuma and Athabaliba. 675 Clinton, Admiral George, Governor of New York 1743-53, Gov. of Newfoundland till 1761. — S. Document, to Will. Johnson Esq. Colonel, dat. N. Y. May 9. 1748. 1 p. fol. — With seal (broken). 4.25 Military orders to protect the frontiers and annoy the enemy. 676 Clinton, George, first President of the State of N. Y, 1777, Vicc-Pres. of the U. S. 1804—12. — A. L. S. to Henry Glen, dat. I\'oughkeepsie, May 2, 17Y8. 1 p. 4quot;. 15-— Some military arrangements during the Kevol. War; Clinton was then Brig. General. 677 --A. L. to S. De Witt Esq., dat. Greenwich, Sept. 6, 1791. 1 p. fol. 1.25 Attested iu a notice by Kev. Will. B. Sprague as the handwriting of llev. George Clinton. 678 —— A. S. Message, in conveyance of some papers relative to the Onondago, Caynga, and Delaware nations, etc., dat. Jan. 29, 1802. 1 p. 4°. 3.50 679 Clinton, Do Witt, Amor. Statesman, Lieut-Governor of New York, \'1815. — A. L. S. to Dr. Griffin, Pres. of Williams Coll., dat. Albany, July 24, 1824. 5 lines. 4°. l ^ |
Offers thanks to Or. G. for his excellent adresses delivered in N. Y. G80 Clinton, De Witt, A. L. S. to A. Campbell Esq., dat. Nov. 11, 1826. 1 page. 4°. 1.76 081 - A. L. S. to Maior (Wcat?) of West Point, dat. N. Y. May 18, 1827. 1 p. 4». 1.75 682 [Cluny (Al.)] Le voyageur Américain, ou observations snv l\'état aetuel, le commerce des colonies Britann. en Araérique, etc. Trad, de I\'Angl. Angin. d\'un précis sur rAmèrique Septentr. et la Képubl. des Etats-Unis, par J. M(andrillon.) Ain-sterd., 1782. sd. uncut, map. 8vo. 1.60 683 - The same. Ibid. 1783. uncut, map. 8vo. 264 pp. 1.60 Both editions have the same contents; but the first is preferable, being splendidly printed on thick paper. 684 Coast-Survoy (Report of the Superintendent of the) showing the progress of the survey during the year 1855—60 and 62. Washington, 1856 - 64. 7 stout vols, cloth, with about 430 maps anil charts. 4to. 20,50 685 Cockburn(J.) Reis-besthryving door de Spaanse West-Indien. Amst., 1740. 8vo. sd. uncut. 1.50 (Vofjage. through the Spanish Wnil-Indies.) 686 Codazzi, Aug., Mapa fisico y politico do la Kepublica de Venezuela, dedicado al Congreso Constituyente de 1830. Caracas, 1840, 4 leaves, coloured, with indication of the height of the moan-tains, etc. liemarkahly well executed. Largest fol. hf. bd. 6.— Uricochea, Mapoteca Columbiana, page 141, N0.41. 687 Coinage. — Report of the operations of the Mint and branch mints of the Un. States. (Public Documents.) Washington, 1824—45. 33 pioces in 1 vol. Ii[. cloth. 8vo. 5.— 688 Colleccao de noticiaa para a historia e geo-gratta das naQioes ultramarinas que vivem nos dominios Portugnezes, ou I\'hes sao visinhas, publ. pela Academia Real das Sciencias. Lisboa, 1812— 13. vol. I. II. in 1. hf. calf. sm. 4to. 10 — Very valuable collectiuu of doenraents on the eariy history of the Portugneze maritime discoveries. We notice amongst them : Nave^oes de L. de Cada-mosto. — Cartas de Arner. Vespucio 1 Pedro Sode-riui. — Navegacjoa a Indias Orientaies escrito par J. de Empoli (1503.) etc. — A complete list of the contents will he found in Leclerc\'s liibl. Aiuer. N». 357. 689 Collection of Autograph Letters of celebrated persons from the 16th century to the present time, engrav. in fac-simile. Stuttgart, 1849. hf. calf. 4«. (),50 Some of the valuable documents and autogr., amounting nearly to 300, relate to America, f. i.: Adams. I I-a Fayette. i Buchanan. Columbus. I Monroe. | Raleigh. Pp. 77—124 wanting. 690 Collection of Hymns, for the use of the Pro- |
testant Church of the United Brethren. With Supplement. Philadelphia, 1813. 2 parts in 1 vol. calf. 8vo. 2.— 691 Collections of tho New-York Historical Society. Mew-York, J.8J1. Vol. I. calf. 8vo. 428 pp. 7.— Contents: S. Miller, discovery of New-York. — Belation of John de Verrazzano of the land discovered, 1521. — The voyages o( Hudson, 1607—8.— Abstract of Hudson\'s Journal, 1611\'. — Laws established by James Duke of York, 1604. 692 Collection of Voyages in Trench, published by Cora. Claesz. (Corn. Nicolas or Nicolai) at Amsterdam from 1605 to 1610. 5 parts in 1 vol. vellum, fol. With tho plates of the original Dutch editions. 100.— A very tall and flue copy, even with rough leaves, but portions of the upper interior margins of of part 2 and 4 stained with oil. Contents : I. Premier livrc de 1\'llistoire de la Navig. (de C- Houtman) aux Indes Orient. Par. G. M. A. W. h. (Guill. Lodewijks.) 1609. II. Le second livre. Journal ou comptoir, eont. la narration histor. du voyage par 8 navires d\'Amst. en 1598 sous J. C. Nee, etc. 1609. III. Description du peniblo voyage, fait autonr de I\'Uuivers du globe terrestre par Ol. du Nort d\'Utrecht, de 1598 ii 1601. Amst., Vefoo de Corn. Nicolas, 1610. IV. V raye description de 3 voyages de mer, faits en 3 ans, par les navires d\'Holl. et Zulande an Nord, etc. Par G. de Veer. 1609. V. Description et reeit historial du riche Koyanme d\'or de Gnnca nomine de Mina. . . en Afrique. P. ü. M. (Par Pierre de Marees.) 1605. These 5 vols, form the complete collection (without a collective title) of the French translations of the original Dutch editions, published by the same bookseller. — lu Holland they are all rare, especially complete. As far us we have duplicates of them, they will be found under the separate editions of these voyages. 693 --The same collection of 5 parts, with tho same titles and dates. — No. 2 (van Neck), 3 (van Noort), 4 (de Veer), are in other, probably earlier edition. In 5 vols. hf. vellum, fol. — Unique Collection. 125.— Till now these different editions (of No. 2, 3 aad 4) were entirely unkwowa and no bibliographer mentions them; only reeenlly, in dressing up the catalogue of our extensive cullection of voyages, we discovered by chance notable differences on nearly every page in the copies of de l eer; going on, we discovered also the existence of reprints of the 2 other voyages; but wo have not been able to find variations in the copies at our disposal, of the Premier livre (1) nor of Marees (V.) In the voyages of Van Koort the margins of se- CLINTON — COLLECTION. |
vcral pages arc mended and some very few, 10 of 20 words of the last page added in MS. The 6lli part (Marees) 1ms a title in MS. and the last 5 pages are carefully restored. 094 Collection oi\'Voyages undertaken by thn Dutch East-India Company, for the improvement of tntde and navigation. Translateil into English. London, 1703. calf, maps. 8vo. 5.— Contents: pp. 1—G8. The 3 lirst voyages of the Hollanders in quest of a passage to China; pp. 08— 70. The voyage of Hudson, 1009; pp. 71—89. Description of Siberia quot;taken from Muscovites writings;quot; pp. 89—93. Pontanus\' dissertation upon the North Passage; pp. 91—290. The two first voyages of the Dutch to the East-Indies; pp. 297— 330. The voyage of 5 Dutch ships to the Streights of Magellan. 095 Collootion (A new) of voyages, discoveries and travels in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. Loud. J. Knox. 1707. 7 vols., m\'any maps and plates. hj. calf. 8vo. ü.— Interesting collection, comprising the four voyages of Colomb, the conquest of Mexico by Cortes; of Peru by Pizaro; Voyage to South America, by G. J. and A. do Ulloa; to Brazil, by J. Nienhoff; to Darien, by L. Wafer; Bouquet\'s Expedition against the Ohio Indians, 1704; Voyages of Drake; Dam-pier, Rogers, Anson, eic., etc. 090 Colloctiou of 25 tracts in Dutch and German on the colonies and colonization in America, principally the Dutch colonies, 1830—54. 8vo. 5.— Interesting also for the history of immigration. 097 Collins, Acconnt or the English colony in New South-Wales, with remarks on the native inhabitants. Loudon, 1804. bds. uncut, many plates and maps, some coloured. 4to. 3.50 With vocabularies of the aboriginal languages. 698 - The same. hf. cal(. Neat copi/. 4.50 699 Colonial Essays. Transl. from the Dutch. Lond. 1804. hf. bd. 8vo. 1.— Cont. pp. 31—158; Survey of the English possessions in America and particularly that of Guiana. 700 Colonies Francaises. Tableaux do population, do culture, do commerce ot do navigat. pour 1\'annce 1805. Paris. 1807. sd. 8vo. 1.50 701 Colom, Arnold, Zee-Atlas ofte Waterwereldt. Amsterdam, (A. Colom, 1050?) vellum, roy. lol. I\\rst edition, — lia,re. 10,— 18 plain charts, including besides a fine map of the World, 0 charts of the American coasts, viz.: Brazil and New-Netherland (copied after Theu-nis Jacobs!:, but larger and more correct). South America, Carybe Islands (2 maps), New-Netherland (with Virginia and New-England), the Pacific. The chart of N. Netherlaud is not mentioned in Asher\'s list. 702 -- Same Atlas, same edition, but with Latin title: Ora maritiina Orbis Uuiversi s. Atlas mari-timus, ids. 18 Coloured maps, fol, 10.— |
703 Colom, Arnold, Same Atlas, later edition. Amsterdam. (1050). vellum gilt, gilt edges. Title wanting. fol. 6.— 16 Plain maps, the same as in the first edition; that of the Pacific wanting. The charts are here with dale, in the first edition without date. 704 Colombia, being a geographical, statistical, agricultural, commercial and political account of that country. Lond. 1822. 2 thick vols. bds. map, portraits. 8vo. 3.— 705 Columbus. — Frimera Epistola de Colon dando cuenta do su gran descubrimiento a Ü. Gabr. Sanchez; accompaua al texto original Castellano el de la traduccion Latino do Leandro de Coseo, por Volafan (F. A. de Varnhagen). Valencia, 1850. sra. 4to. 9.75 The Spanish text is from an early MS., which serves to correct the original letter in Castilian as published hitherto by Navarrete and others. 700 --Folieta (Ubertus), Clarorum Ligurum elo- gia. Romae, a pud haeredes Ant. Bladii, 1573, vellum. 4to. 9.— Pagg, 32—35 contain the elogy of Christophorua Columbus, 707 —— The same, calf extra, gilt edges. — Large Paper. 12.— Columbus staying full length on board of his ship, which is conducted by Tritons to the coast of America. 709 - Same subject. C. Ruben px., galvonoplasfce by IlnnfsUingl. Ig, br. fol. 4.— 710 - arrives in Spain, covered with chains, an 1 received by a mass of people. Challe px., engraving by Vidal. Ig. tol. — Pull marg. Vine. 1.75 711 - Same plate, proof before all lett. — Full marg. Fine. 2.— 712 Columbus\' dwelling-place at Sevil- la. — Largo view of this Spanish city; the houses and gardens very distinctly drawn; oue 01 these last, a garden near the Puerta de Goles, adjacent to the Guadalquivir, bears the inscription; Guerta de Colon (Garden of Colon.) Prospect of the same city, with inscription at the top of one of the houses; Casa de Colon (House of Colon); with prospects of Cadix and Malaga, on one sheet. — 2 Plates engraved by F. llogen-berg. Ig. fol. Coloured. — From: Jiraun et II)gen-berg, Civitates, Coloniae. 1572. 20.— As the biographers of Columbus are still uncertain where be lived at Sevilla, these indications of Hogenberg deserve some further investigation. 713 Commelyn (J.) Leven en bedryf van Frede-rich Hendrick van Nassauw. Utrecht, 1652. 2 vols, in 1. vellum, fol. 6.— {Life and actions of Prince Frederik Henry of Nassau.) |
Contaiuing the history of Holland from 1C27— 1647, with an ample account of the events which took place in this period in the Dutch colonies and possessions in America. This edition of 1653 is the best, coulaiuing the fins etchings by D. Sloop. Some of the many other plates represent the Dutch achievements in America, as p. 21 Capture of (he Sil-verlleet, p. 23 Capture of the snjiar vessels in the Bay of Todos los Santos, p. 101. Taking of Olinda, p. 185 Kio Grande in Brazil taken, p. 209 view of Paraiba etc. 714 Commelyn (J.) Hiatoire do la vie ct actes méinorables de Frederic Henry de Nassau, Prince d\'Orange. Translat, du Flainand. Amsterd. 1656. 2 parts in 1. vallum, fiorlrait and many plates, fol. 9.— The plates are the same as in the preceding original Dutch edition. 715 Compaon (Claos) \'t Begin, Midden en eynde der See-Eooveryen; hoe liy met weynlch Schepen de Zee onveylich geinaeekt, een ongeloof. Bnyt en groot getal Schepen gerooft heelt. Ainst., Wt\'d. Gysb. de Groot, 1697. ids, 4 to. 3.— (Commencpment, middle and end of the piracies of Cl. C., I /tow he made Die sea unsafe with a few ships, and took an incredibly booty and large number of ships.) With 3 woodcuts in the text and one on the title. 716 -- The same. Amst., tf\'ed. Gysb. de Groot, 1707. bds. 4to. 3.— 717 - The same. Amst., Ifed. Gysb. de Groot, 1715. In nrig. wrapper. 4to. 3.— 718 - The same. Amst., Erfj. Wed. G. de Groot en A. v. Dam, 1723. 4°. 3.— 719 - The same, lb., G. de Groot Keur, 1756. 720 - The same. Amst., Erve H. v. d. Vutte en 13. Boekholt, 1781. In original wrapper, woodcuts, 4to. 3.50 73t - The same. Title wanting, edition of 1780 or thereabout; text complete. 4to. 2.— Popular edition which may be recognised by a printing-error in the motto under the preface, viz. Nihil occulsmn, for; Nihil occultum. 722 Company (Danish). — Kuvtze historisch Nach-richt von dom Diinischen Ost-hui. nachherigen Asiatisehen Companie-Handel. (1616—1752.) Manuscript (1760 ?) 23 pp. fol. 2.50 Historical Summary of the Commerce of the Danish East-Indian or Asiatic Company. 723 Company (East-India.) — Short History of the E. 1. Coiup. exhib. a state of their affairs, abroad and at home, political and commercial. 2d ed. with an abridgment of the NewAct. F. R. Lond. 1793. uncut, large 4to. \'2.50 724 - Historiesch Verhaal van het begin, voortgang en tegenwoord. staat der koophandel van de Nederl. üost-lnd. Comp. Arnhem, W. Troost, 1768. 2 vols. hf. calf, uncut. 8vo. 3.50 |
{Historical Account of the origin, progress and present state of the commerce of the Dutch East-Ind. Comp.) Contains a complete history of all the voyages made in behalf of this Company; a sort of abridgment of the quot;Begin en Voorgangquot; of 1646. See NO. 272—274. 725 Company (Austrian Eatvt-ïndia). — Octroy de Sa Majesty pour restabl\'.ssement de la Com]), aux Indes Orient, et a la Guinêe. Hruxel-les, 1698. 4to. 1.25 726 - Vertoog van het regt van de Vereen. Nederl. Oost-lnd. Maats\'happye op de vaart naar Oost-Indien tegen lt;!e imvoonders van de Ooston-r[)ksche Nederlanden. Amsterd. (1698.) 4to. 1.50 {Account of the right of the Dutch East-India Comp. to the navigation to East-India, against the inhabitants of the Austrian Netherlands.) Written by A. Westerveen, Doctor in law; ft reply to the foregoing. 727 - Lettres patentes d\'Octroy aceordées par S. Maj. Impér. pour 30 années a la Compagnie génerale a ètablir dans les Pays-Has Autrichiens pour le commerce et la navigation aux Indes-(Orient et Occid.) Bruxelles, 1723. cloth. 4to. 2.— 728 -- Refutatie argumcntoruni quae a DI). Di- rectoribus Societatis turn Orientalis tum Occiden-talis in Foederato liclgio stabilitae obtruduntur adversus libertatem exercendorum in remotis cli-matibus commerciorum per lielgli incolas. Bruxel-iis, 1724. sd. 8vo. 1.50 Reply to the preceding No. 727. 729 - Lauraguais (Comte de) Mémoire sur la Compagnie dos Indes. Paris, 1769. 4to. uncut. 82 pp. and 17 statist, tables. 2.— Advice of dissolving the Company. 730 Company (French India). — Examen de la róponae de M. N*quot; au mémoire 1\'abbö Morellet sur la Compagnie des Indes, par l\'auteur du Mémoire. Paris, 1769. sd. uncut. 4to. 151 pp. 2.— 731 Company (Laud-). — Plan of Association of the North-American Land-Company, established February, 1795. Philad., Printed by It. Aitken amp; Son, 1795. 8vo. 8.50 732 Company (South-Sea ) — Brieven van con voornaam Lord ... op den naem van Cato geschreven, bohelz. een tafereel van liet gedrag der gewezene Bewindhebbers der Zuid-zee Kompag-nie, en van den val van die Kompagnie, etc. Uit het Eng. Delft, 1722. 397 pp. calf or vellum. Svo. 1.75 (Letters of an English Lord, written under the pseudonym of Cato, on the conduct of the late Governors of the South-Sea-Comp., and the fall of that body.) 733 Company (West-India). — Conditiën voor de West-lnd. Comp. to tourneren een fonds ... tot do bohandelmge van do Gout Custe iu Guinea, |
raitsftaders Ardra, Popo ende Benyn. 1G66. 4to. uncul. 2.— (Conditions. for the Weat-Ind. Camp... to trade to the Gold Coast of Guinea, and also to Ardra, Popo, and Benyn.\') 734 Company fWest-India). — Consideratie... waarom liet voor do Oost-lnd. Comp. oninogolick is, cm met do West-lnd. Comp. in één Octroy ende Societeyt to treden, \'s Gravenli. 1044. 4to. (Asher Is\'quot;. 201.) l amp;O {Considerations. on the impossibility for the Ed si-India-Com p. of a combination into one Patent with the H\'est-Iitd. Comp.) 735 - Consideration ondo Redenen der Bowind- hebb. van de West-lnd. Comp. nopende de togonw. deliberatie over den Treves met den Coning van Hispanjen. Haerlem, 10)29. 4to. (Asher Nquot;. 130.) (Considerations of the Directors of the 1F. I.-C. on the firesent deliberations on a iruce with the King of Spain.) 73G - The same, with slightly different title and without date. 4to. Not cited by Asher. 3.— 737 - Copio van llequesten v. Amsterdam, etc. . Requeste van do West-lnd. Comp. aen Prince Frederick Henrtrick etc. 1628. 4to. (Asher Nquot;. 111.) 2.— (Copy of Requests etc. .. Request of the W.-I.-C, to the Prince I\'redenk Henry.) 738 —— The same, other edition, with slight variations in the typograph. arrangement, ffearly uncut. Not mentioned by Asher. 3.— See for a firm reply to this pamphlet: — Ondersoeck. 739 - Copye van sekcr articulen beraemt inde vergaderinghe vande bewindhebberen... vande West-lnd. Comp. Ghedr. in \'tjaer 1023. 4to. (Asher No. 63.) 2.- (Copy of certain articles laid down in the assembly of the directors. .. of the If.-I.-Comp. 740 —— Copye van de Resolutie van Burghem. van Amsterdam op \'t stuck van de West-lnd. Comp., gen. in Aug. 1G49. Uytrecht, 1G49. 4to. (Asher No. 252.) 2.— (Co;y of the Resolution of the Burgomasters of Amsterdam, on the question of the W.-X.-C!.) 741 - The same. Reprint of the foregoing, without place, tto. (Asher No. 250.) 2.— A refutation tu tliis pnmpldet is No. 74G: Examen. 742 - Deduction (Twee) aeng. de Voreenlnge (Txoo deductions regarding the Union of the East and If est-1 nd.-Comp.) 743 - Directeurs (De ghemeene) gestelt tot het formeren van de Capitalen van de West-lnd. Comp .. 1022. (Asher No. GO.) 3.— |
One fulio-sheet, beginning with the above words, and containing an Kdict of the Directors of the W.-I.-Comp. regarding the subscription for the Capitals. 744 Company (West-India). — Discours opver-scheyde voorslaghen rakende d\'Oost enWcst-lnd. Trafyken. liet le Deel. 1G45. 4to. foot uncut. (Asher No. 200.) 2.50 (Discourse on different proposals regarding the E. and ir. India Traffic.) 745 - Discours (— Andorde — Derde —) daer in kortelyck ende grondigh werd vertoont, hoe veel de Vereen. Nederl, gholegen is aen de Oostende West-lnd. Navigatie. Arnhem, 1021-22. 3 pieces. 4to. (Asher No. 94, 95, 90.) 10.— (Discourse [Ij*, 2d, IW] proving of how much importance it is to the Unit. Netherl. to preserve the E. and If. India Navigation.) 740 - Examen van de valscho Resolutie van Burgem. van Amsterdam, Op\'t stuck van de West-lnd. Comp. Amst. 1049. 4to. (Asher No. 253.) 2.— (Examination of the false Resolution of the Burgomasters of Amst. on the question of the ltr .-Jnd.-Comp.) Reply to: Copye van de Resolutie. — See N0. 740. 747 - Extract uit \'tacteboek van de West-lnd.- Comp. tor Camero van Stadt en Lande. 1659 — 60. — Negotieerde penningen tot laste van de W. Ind. Comp. van Stadt en Lando, gecalculeert A0. 1655. — Contemporary Manuscript. 10 pp. 4lo. 2.50 (Extract from the acts of the W. Ind. Comp., Chamber of Stad and Lande. — List of the trade-amount at the Charge of the W. I. Comp. of Stad and Lande.) Grouingeu.) 748 ---Extract nit de A eten en Resoliitien van de ... W. Ind. Comp. in de Vergad. der Negen-thienen Aquot;. 1668. Comtemporany manuscript. 50 pp. 410\' 10.— (Extract from the acts and resolutions of the W. Ind. Comp in the Sessions of the 19 Directors.) With the printed: Conditiën etc. (Conditions for the W. 1. Comp. to trade to the Gold Coast of Guinea, to Ardra, I\'opo and Benyn), marked as Concept. See N0. 733. 749 - Extract uit de Notulen vau de Vergadering der Negentynen Aquot;. 1759. Contemporary manuscript. 10 pp. 4to. 2.50 (Extract from the acts of the Sessions at the Nineteen Directors.) 750 --- Extract uit de Notulen dor Thienen van de Nieuwe West Ind. Comp. tot Amsterdam vergadert A0. 1674 en 1675. Contemporary Manuscript. 10 pp. 4to. 1.50 (Extract from the acts of the Ten (Directors) of the New If. Ind. Comp., held at Amsterdam A0. 1674 and 1675.) 751 -- Extract nyt ... do resolution by den Ge- comtn. van de ... West Ind. Comp. representor. |
de vergaderinge van do XIX. 31 Aug., 3 en 5 Sept. 1654. Contemporary Maniscript. 8 pp. fol. 1.60 {Extract from the resolutions of the If. hid. f\'omp. in the Session of the 19 Directors.) Kor giving up the furt 1\'rinee William alias d\'Afo-gados in lirnzil; on the Oflicers returned from Brazil, etc. 752 Company (quot;West-Tndia\'). — Fin do la Guerre. —- Dialogus of\'t Samenapreekingo ... over do Wost-lnd. Intorprinee. Arnst. (1623.) 4to. «mck/. (Asher No. 101.) 4.— {Fin de ia Guene. Dialogue ... on the West-Indian enterprise.) 753 - Loosen handel van de Actionisten, die dob- bole partyon maacken... 1642. 4to. 1.— (The treacherous traffic of the Actionists, making double parties, etc.) 754 - Memorie over do aehterstallighe subsidien by den Rtaat goconsenteert aan do West-lnd. Comp. etc. {No place, 1674?) 4to. 4.— {Memorial regarding the subsidies in arrears, granted by the State to the W.-fnd.-Comp.) 14 pp. without a title, contain, all the publications from the year 1031—54, with treat of the different snbsidiea granted by the Statea Gen. etc. to the W.-I.-C.) 755 - Middelen en motivon om het kopen en {Means and motives to charge with taxes the buying and selling of the E. and W.-1 .-shares.) 756 - Octroy. — Placcaot van de Staten Gene- rael, ghemaeckt op \'tbosluyt van do West-lnd. Comp. \'sGrav. 1621. 4to. Entirely uncut, not even cut open. (Asher No. 50.) 3.— {Edict of the States General on the resolution concern, the establishment of the W.-lnd. Comp.) 757 - Octroy by de Staten Gener. verleent aon de Wost-lnd. Comp. \'sGrav. 1621. 4to. (Asher No. 54.) 7.50 {Patent granted by the Stat. Gen. to the ll\'est-lud. Comp.) The original edition; rare. 758 - Octroy by de Staten Gen. verleent aon do West-lnd. Comp. 3 Juni 1621. Motto ampliation en h. accoort tusschon de Bowindhebberen oude Hooltparticip. lt;lers. Comp. \'s Grav. 1623.4to. 7.50 (Asher Nquot;. 55.) 7.50 {Patent by the States-General to the West-India Comp., 3 June 1621, with the amplification and the agreements between the Directors and the Chief Shareholders.) 759 - Octroy concédé par les Estats Gén. do la Comp. dos linies Occident. 3 Juin 1621. Ensemble la le ou 2o ampliation. Amst., Jaq. de Wachter, 1623. 4to. (Asher No. 62.) t\'enj rare. 10.— 760 -Publicatie: Prolongatie van \'t octroy d. |
46 West.-lnd. Comp. (30 March .1673.) \'sGrav. 1673. 1 fol. sheet. 1.50 (Publication: Prolongation of the patent of the w.-i. a.) (Pu!evil granted by the States-General to the West-lnd. Comp.) Kirst edition of this second patent, quite different from lliat of 1621, publ. after the definitive cession of New-Nelherland to England. 762 - Octroy by do Staten Gencrael verleent aon de West-lnd. Comp. 20 Sept. 1674. prolongatie voor 30 jaren. 30 Nov. 1700. \'s Gravenh. 1701. 4fo. Uncut. 1.50 {Patent granted by the Slates-General to the West-lnd. Comp. 1074. With the prolongation for 30 years, 1700). 763 - Nader prolongatie van hot Octroy voor do West-lnd. Comp. 8 Aug. 1730. \'s Gravenh. 1730. 4to. Uncut. 1.50 {Further prolongation of the Patent of the West-lnd. Comp.) 764 - Nader prolongatie van het Octroy voor de West-lnd. Comp., 31 Dec. 1761. \'sGrav. 1761. 4to. uncut. 1.50 {Further prolongation of the Patent for the West-lnd. Comp.) 705 --Ondersocck der Amsterd. Requesten tot verdedigingh der onschuldighe ende ondorrech-tingh dor misleyde. 1628. 4to. (Asher No. 112.) 2.50 {Investigation of the Amsterdam Requests, for the defence of the innocent and information of the mis-led.) This pamphlet affords an interesting insight into the position of the leading parties of Amsterdam, that played such an important part in the history of the W.-I. Comp. 766 —- Ontwerp eu voorstel tot remedie van twee swarigheden in de West-lnd. Companie. Noplace. 1644. 4to. (Asher Nquot;. 190). Stained in the upper margin. 1.-- (Plan and proposal as a remedy for two difficulties in the W. hid. Comp.) 767 - Ooghen-Salve tot vorlichtinghe van alle Participanten, so van de Oost- ende West-lnd. Compagnien, aang. haar vereeniginghe.\'sGravenh. 1644. 4to. (Asher No. 193.) 3.50 (Eye-salve, for clearing the eyes of all the shareholders of the E. and W.-I. Comp.) 768 - Placeaet d. Staten Gen. tot verbod van den handel op West-lndiSn, enz. (24 Mei.)\'a Gravenh. 1624. 1 folio-sheet. Not mentioned bu Asher. 2.50 {Edict of the States-Gen.: Prohibition to trade within the limits of the W. I. Company.) 769 - The same (14 Jimlj.) \'sGrav. 1632. 1 folio sheet. Not in Asher\'s Essay. 2.50 - COMPANY. |
770 Company (West-India). — Placcaet op\'t stuck van \'t verkoopen omte transporteeren van Actien in de O. ondo W. hid. Comp. quot;s Gravenh. 1621. 4to. Entirely uucut, not even cut open. 5.— (Edict concerning the sale and transfer of shares in the E. and //\'. Ind. Camp.) This edition is uot muntioueil by Asher, who cites only (Nu. 72) the reuewiil of this edict in 1030. 771 - Kemonstrantie... by de W. Ind. Comp. Jegens verscheyde raeraorien van den HoerJChavi-siiis wegens de (gepretendeerde) Deensche Afri-caensuhe Comp. Amsterd. 1004. 4to. foot uncut. (Asher No. 320.) 4.— (Remonstrance,,. by the W.-Ind. Comp. against several memoirs of Mr. Charisius, concent, the {pretended) Danish African Comp.) 772 - Schaede, die den Staet der Vereen. Nederl. en d\'lnghesetenen van dien, is aenstaende. by de versuymenisse van d\'Oost en West-lnd. Negotie onder een Octroy en Sccicteyt te begrijpen, \'s Gravenh. 1644. 4to. (Asher No. 191.) 4.— (Damage menacing the Unit. Netherl.for neglecting to unite the E. and 11\'. - Ind. Commerce under one Charter and Company) 773 - Toestant der swevende verschillen tussohen de Oost- en West-lnd. Comp. v. Engelant en v. de Vereen. Nederl. 16\'34. 4to. (Asher No. 322.) 4,— {State of the present differences between the English and Dutch E. and IP.-I. Comp.) 774 - Dutch W. I, Company erected. Emblematical plate: the various Dutch Trade-Companies, viz. the E. I. Comp., the W. I. Comp., that to the North, and to the Levant, represented each by a female, receiving tribute from all parts of the world. Etched plate (by Romeyn de Ilooghe). Ig. sq. 4°. 2.50 775 - The Hag of the Company, used in its Colonics and on its fleet, bearing the interlaced initials G. //\'. C. (Geoctrogeerde llrest-Indischc Compagnie.) — Dutch engrav. Coloured, sq. 8°. 2.— 770 Concopt tot veroveringe en verdelinge van de Spaensche West-lndiën tussehen llollant en Engelant. (1707.) MS. 8 pp. fol. 2.50 (Project for conquering and division of the Spanish iVest-lndiesy between Holland and England.) 777 Conditiën door Bnrgemeesteren van Amsterdam, volgens \'tgemaeckte accoordt met de West-lnd. Comp. ... gepresenteert aen alle de gene die als Coloniers na Nieuw-Nederlandt willen vertrekken. Amst., E. Nieuwenhof. 1056. 4to. 20.— (Conditions offered by the Burgomasters of Amsterdam, according to the agreement with the West-India Comp., to all those who will go as colonists to New-Net herland.) This editiou slightly differs from that hehiud; van der Donck\'s Description of New-Netherland. 778 - The same. Amst., J. Banning, 1056. 4t0. Nearly uncut. (Asher No. 337.) 20.— |
A very rare and most important document, translated by O\'Callaghan II, p. 328. 779 Conditiën. The same. Amst., Wed. J. Banning, 1659. 4to. (Asher No. 338.) 30.— These new Conditions offer very considerable changes from those, published in 1056, and are of the same, if not greater rarity. A comparison of both may be found in Asher. 780 Conduct (The) of the Dutch, relating to their Breach of treaties with England, particul. their broach of capitulation, for the surrender of Surinam in 1667 and their oppressions committed upon the Engl, subjects of that colony, with a full account of the case of Jer. Clifford, late Merchant and Planter of Surinam, etc. London, 1760. 8vo. 220 pp. In red morocco, richly tooled, but binding cracked. Very rare. 10.— This scandalous pamphlet is issued by the descendants of a certain Jer. Clifford, in 1760, in order to get at last abolition of a sentence pronounced in Jan. 1092 against Clifford by the Council of Surinam for mutiny, condemning him to the cord (to be hanged). That sentence was mitigated to 7 years\' imprisonment and at last entirely remitted. 781 Connecticut (Map of) by D. F. Soizmann. Hamburg, 6\'. E. Bohn. 1790. sq. fol. 44 by 36. — Coloured. 1.50 782 Connecticut. — The Political Greenhouse for the year 17\')8. Addressed to the readers of the Connecticut-Conrant, January 1st 1799. Published according to Act of Congress. Hartford, Printed by Hudson amp; Goodwin (1799.) sd. uncut. 8vo. 7.50 In verses. Very rare, not mentioned by Rich nor by Sabin, under the heading Connecticut. 783 Consideratie over de tegenwoordige ghele-genlheydt van I i nisi I. In twee Doelen gestelt. Int eerste werdt aenghewesen op wat maniere men aldaer alles beter coop sal connen hebben, endo wat voordoelen aldaer uyt staen te verwachten. Int tweede deel ofte profi|tel(jcker is dat sulex geschiede door de Compagnie sell\'s, wide hare Dienaers alleen, ofte door Particuliere. Alles met redenen beveaticht ... Amst., 1044. 4to. (Asher N0. 184.) 5.— (Considerations on the present situation of B\'a-sil; in two parts: The first showing how one may have every thing there much cheaper, and u hat advantages may be derived therefrom; The second, whether it be better thd this should be done by the Company alone and by her servants or bj private Persons. All proved by good reasons, etc. 781 Consideration op de Nadere Memorie van het nomen der schepen van deezen Staat door de Engelschen; uitgeg. onder den tytol van: De Vrye Vaart en Handel, etc. \'t Hage, 1758. fol. 1.50 (Considerations on the second Memorial on the prizes made by the English on vessels of this State, etc.) 785 Constitutie voor de Vereenigde Stacton van Amer., den 17 Sopt. 1787. (\'s Grav. 1791.) 8vo. 2.50 COMPANY — CONSTITUTIE. |
FllEDEKIK MüLLEll amp; 0°.,
{Comtilution of the United States of America, 1787.) 78G Constitutie. The same. — Annexed-. Do Fran-sche Constitutie van 1701. Ibid. 1791. 8vo. 2.76 787 —- Do Constifutio der liepublick Colombia, mot het decreet betrekkei. de aiachafflng der sla-verny. Amst. 1822. 8vo. 1.26 {Constitution of Colombia, with decree on abolition of Staverny.) 788 Constitutions of the United States of America, tho Declaration of Independence, etc. Trenton, 1813. sheep, sin. 8vo. (a few wormholes.) — 1__ 789 - The American\'s guide compris. tho Declaration of Independence; tho Articles of Confederation; tho Constitution of the U. S., and the Constitutions of the several states composing the Union. Philad. 1828. Sheep. 12mo. 1.— 790 - Constitutions of the several States of the Union and United States, including the Declaration of Independence and Articles of Confederation. Now York, 1852. clol/i. 8vo. (7.20) 2.— 791 - - des treize Etats-Unis deTAmcrique. Paris, 1792. 2 vols. sit. uncut. 8vo. 2.— 792 - Do la Croix, Constitutions des princi- paux ótats de l\'Kurope et des Ktats-Unis do l\'Aiiié-rique. Paris. 1791—1801. 0 vols. hf. calf. 8vo. 4.— (complete copies are ratlier scarcc. — The 2(1 volume (pp. 321—385) contains tbu constitution of the United States of America. 793 - Verzameling van de Constitution der Vereen. Staaten van Amerika, benevens de acte van onafhankelijkheid, enz. Uit het Engelsch en Fransch vert. Dordrecht, 1781—82. 2 vols. sd. uncut. 8vo. 3.60 (Collection of the Constitution of the United States, with the act of independence, etc.) 794 Constitution federal de los Estados Uuidos Mexicanos (Mexico.) 1824. calf gilt, tjilt edges, sm. tol. 3,— Official edition, quot;imprenta del Supremo Gobieruo de los Estados-Uuides Mexicanos en palaeio.quot; 795 Constitucion del Estado de Venezuela. 4a edition. Caracas, 1842. hf. calf. 18mo. 1.50 79G Constitution of tho French Republic ... by the National Convention. Translat. Philadelphia B. Franklin Bache. 1795. 8vo. uncut. 1.50 797 Cook (James) Voyages autour du monde. Trad, do I\'Augl. Paris, 1774—89. 14 vol. numerous maps and plates, calf gilt. 4to. 15.—• i\'iue complete set of Capt. Cook\'s Three Voyages, viz ; Hawkesworth\'s Voyages daus l\'hcraisphère meridional; — Voyage dans l\'héinisphère austral et autour dn monde; — Troisième voyage ik l\'Oeean Pa-cifique, etc. — Vie du Capit. Cook, par Kippis.— All uniformly bound in old calf gilt. 798 - An Account of the voyages undertaken for making discoveriea in the Southern Hemisphere, |
by Byron, Wallis, Carteret, Cook, drawn up by Banks, publ. by J. Ifawkesworlh. Lond., 1773. 3 vols. — Voyage towards tho South Polo and round tho world in the years 1772—75, by J. Coot. With Capt. Furneaux\'s narrative. Ibid. 1784. 2 vols. — Together 5 vols, calf uniform, many plates and maps. 4to. 12.— These two works must be kept together, forming a complete account of Cook\'s first and second voyage. 799 Cook (James), J. Hawkesworth, Voyages de découvertes dans rhémisphére meridional, executes par Hyron, Carteret, Wallis et Cook, liédigée par Banks. Trad, de I\'Angl. Paris, 1774. 4 vols. hf. ealf, 52 maps and plates. 4to. 5.— Account of Cook\'s first voyage. 800 --The same. Amst., 1774. 4 vols, hf calf, uncut, 52 plates and maps. 4to. 6.—- The same Paris edition, as the preceding No., only with a new title, and a privilege of the States General to the Uutch publisher, ami a very curious preface of them about their promises of this work, its price, etc. 801 - Voyage dans rhémispliöre austral, et autour du monde, 1772—75, daus loquel on ainaéré la relation du Capt. Furneaux et celle de M. For-ster. Trad, de I\'Angl. Paris, 1778. 5 vols, calf gilt, many maps and plates. 4to. 5._ Account of Cook\'s 2 voyage. — The 5th vol. of this French edition contains; Forster, Observations sur la geographic, I\'hist. natur. etc. faitcs pendant le second voyage de Cook. — In English this has been published separately; it is not included in the above No. 798. 802 - Reizen naar don stillen Oceaan en rondom de wereld, vertaald door J, D. Pasteur. Leyden, 1797—1803. 13 vols. 8vo. hf. calf aud Atlas of 133 plates and maps. hf. bd. fol. (40.—) 10._ {Voyage to the Pacific Ocean and round the world.) 803 - Reizen van een matroos met Capt. Cook, gedaan rondom de waereld, met een geschiedenis van alle de zeereizen rondom de waerold. Am-sterd., 1796. sd. uncut. 8vo. 1,— (Voyages of a sailor with Capt. Cook round the world; with a history of all the voyages round the world.) 804 - Death of Captain J. Cook. Webber px., Engraving by Bartolozzi and Byrne, sq. fol. 1__ 805 [Cookman (G. G.)), Hot vergaan der stoomboot De President. Amsterd. (1851). with plate. 8vo. 1._ (Shipwreck of the Steamer The Presidentquot;, diary found in a bottle, on the coast of Cape Breton.) 80G Cooley (W.) Geschiedenis der aardrijkskundige ontdekkingen. Uit het Eng. niet aanteek. v. d. vertaler (N. G. v. Kampen.) Haarl., 1835—37. 4 vols. sd. uncut. 8vo. 2.50 (History of the geograph. discoveries from the earliest times till the present day.) CONSTITUTIE — COOLEY. |
The first edition was published in 1635. — The work of Cornutus is the first specifically botanical book on America. — Rare.
815 Cornwallis (K), The new El Dorado; or British Colurabia. 2d edit. Lond. 1858. map and flate. cloth. 8vo. 1.50
816 CornwalliB surrenders his army. French engraving by P. 6\'. Marilher. With French text. sm. 4°. 1.50
817 Correspondanco politique de I\'Europe. Par une Société do Gens de Lettrca. (Amsterd.) 1780. 3 parts. 8vo. 2.—
On the war in America, etc.
818 Cortes, Fern. — Esta ea vna carta que el muy ilustrc Senor D. Hernando Cortea, Marquea que luego fue cl Valle, escriuio a la S. C. C, M. el Emperador... Fecha en la Gran Cibdad de Temistitan, Mexico, e la nueua: a XV dias del mea e Octubrc 8, M.D.XXIV. 12mo. 18.—
Reprint in Gothic letters: Mexico 18B5. Published by J. Garcia Icazbalceta. — Only 70 copies printed, and entirely out of print.
819 - Cartas y relacionea al Emperador Carlos
V., colegldas é ilustva las por D. Pascual de Gayan-gos. Paris, 1806. sd. roy. 8vo. 10.—
Contains many documents of the highest importance, which are here published for the first time.
820 - Correapondance avec I\'Emp. Charles-Quint
sur la conquête du Mexique. Trad. p. de Flavigny. En Suisse, 1779. hf. calf. 8». 2,—
821 - Brieven aan Karei V wegens de verovering van Mexico. Amst. 1780. 2 vols With mep. 8vo. 2.50
Dutch translation of the foregoing work.
822 F. Cortez\' interview with Montezuma. — Montezuma\'s cruelty to the Spaniards. 1519. — 2 Eugrav. by P. van Gunst and J. C. Philips, sq. 40. — From: v. d. Aa, Collection of Voyages. 1.—
823 Cosmographia, das iat: Warhaffte Besehrei-bung des Erdbodena, neralich Europe, Asie, Aft\'rice, vnd die nacli Ptolemeo neuw erfundenen Insein, Americe vnd Magdlane (so jetzt die ueuwe (sic /) Welt genennt.) Franckfurt a. M., S. Feyerabend, 1581. fol. fi-50
A translation of the text of Ortelius\' French Atlas, or perhaps a reprint of the text of the first German edition of Ortelius, 1572?
824 Costume of the nativea of Florida, Brazil and Paraguay. — 3 Engrav. by A. Melaer. fed. — From : iiazart, Hist, of the IParid. 1607. 2.50
825 Cotton (John), The Doctrine of the Church, to which ai\'e committed the Keys of the King-dome ot Heaven. Second edit. Lond. 1643. 4to. — Rarissime. quot;■—
The author was «Teacher of the Church in Boston in New-England,quot;
826 Coup d\' oeil sur la Grande-Bretagne. Lond. (en Holl.) 1776. sd. uncut. 8vo. 1.50
On the differences between England and America.
807 Cooper (Thorn.) Renseigncraents sur l\'Amè. rique. Trad, de I\'Angl. Paris, Maradan, 1795. sd. uncut, map of the United Stales. 8vo. 1.25
Trentiug principally of Pennsylvania.
808 Cooper, William, American Botanist. — A. L. S., in French, to Mr. M. C. van Hall in Amsterdam, dat. N. Y, Dec. 29, 1830. 1 p. 4».
809 Coperuious (Nic.) De revohitionibus orbium coulcstiuin, libri VI. Norimbergae, apud Jo. Petreum, 1543. figure» in woodcut, ornamented initials, original binding in vellum, sm. fol. — Fine and largo COpy. 50.
„Fikst and barest edition of this cjlebratcd Work.quot; (Libri.) — See Fol. 2: -Magia id eril cla-rura, si adduntur insalaequot; etc. Hurrisse (N0. 241.] cites only a copy in the British Museum.
810 Copies or Extracts, of the Despatches from the Governor of Britsh Guiana, showing the state of the dispute between the Combined-Court and the Governor. 1849. 200 pagg. fol. 150
811 Coreal (Fr.) Voyages aux hides Occidcntales en 1060—97. Trad, de I\'Espagnol. Avoc uno relation de la Guiane de Walter Raleigh et le voyage de Narborough a la filer du «ud par le Detroit de Magellan. Amsterd., J. Fr. Bernard, 1722. 3 vols. /■ƒ. bd. uncut, maps ana plates. 8vo. 8.—
812 Cornells Claesz v. Purmerent, Journael of Ü, ind. Reysbeschryvinge, verbal, het belegeren v. Mosambiêcke en Goa met h. veroveren v. d. Portug. Schepen. Amst., G. v. Goedesbergen, 1051. 4to. (Tiele No. 208.) ) 16.—
(Journal or account of a voyage to h. /., narrating the siege of Mosamb. and Gna, and the capture of the Portug. ships.)
Kine and tall copy in original state, stitched with wrapper. With 1 pi. uumbercd : 4. Complete, liuund up with M. v. d. Broeck\'s voyage.
This voyage is made under P. v. Caerdon (see N0. 554,55), but this journal is kept by Corn. Claesi, pilot of an other ship of the fleet. — It is printed in the same year and by the same publisher as M. V. d. Broeck\'s History of the revolt of the Portuguese against the Dutch iu Brazil (kw Nquot;. 478), and although both books bear no relation to each-other, and each has a separate title and paging, yet Claesz\' journal is nearly always fouud bouml up behind that of v. d. Broeek, and the only plate belonging to the Journal of Claesz, is numbered 4, forming a continuation of pi. 1 to 3 in v. d. Broeek.
813 _ The same, without v. d. Broeck\'s Journal; no plate. 6.
814 Cornuti (J.) Canadensimn plantumm, aliarum-que nondum editorum historia. Paris., 1002. calf, plates. 4to.
quot;Cornutus was never in Canada. The plants described by him were observed in the gardens of Paris. The figures are very good... He deserves the credit of having described about 40 American plants for the first time.quot; Rich.
827 Courant (Haarlemsohe). Ilaarlom. Joh. En- so/iedé ty Zoonrn, 1 to 80 Dec. 1781. 155 Nos. lol. uncut. 0.— Higlily interesting annual series ol this esteemed Newspaper, then published three limes a week, and containing ample notices of the news concerning America and the war between Holland and England. — N0. 1 contains thu Declaration of War of England, 20 Dec. 1780. 828 Covens, C., Hanillelding tot do kennis on het gebruik d. hemel- en aard-globon. Amst., 1802. plates. Ig. 8I). 2.— {Manual for the knowledge and use of both globes.) 829 Coxe (Tench) View of the United States of America, in a series of papers, written between 1787 and 1794. Interspersed with authentic documents. Philadelphia, if. Hall, 1794. calf. 8vo. 5,— Original edition. Scarce. 830 Coxe (W.) Account of the Russian discoveries between Asia and America. With the Conquest of Siberia, etc. 2d ed. corr. Loud. 1780. calf, 4 folded maps. 4to. 2.— 83 1--Les nouv. découvertes des Russes entre l\'Asie et l\'Amörique avec I\'liist. des conquêtes de la Slbérie, etc. Paris, 1781. l^ith maps and plates. 4to. 1.50 832 --Die neuen Entdeckungon d. Russen zwi- sclien Asien u. Amerika. Nebst d. Gesch. d. Kr-obcrung Sibericns, etc. Frank!\'. 1783. IPith maps and plates. Svo. 1.— 833 Crane (J. G. do) De Joanne Mauritio Nas-saviae Principe, cognomine Americano. (Groning.) 1806. 4to. 1.— 834 Cranz (D.) Historie von Grönland, enthalt. die Beschroibtmg des Landes u. der Einwohuer, ins-besond. die Gesehichte der dortigen Mission. Barby, 17G5. hf. calf, 8 plates and maps. 8vo. 2.50 History of the Moravian mission in Greenland; bnt by far more valuable for the history, geography, natural history, the manners of the natives, etc., which fill pp. 1—400. — Page 277—290 cont. a treatise on the Greenlandish language, p. 1096 — 1101, letters of natives, Greenbndish and German. 835 - Historie van Groenland. Haarl. or Amst., 1767. 3 vols. sd. or bound, maps and plates. 8vo. Dutch translation of the preceding work, with 12 plates and 2 maps. The maps are larger and more correct than in the original German edition. 836 - Hedcndaagsche historie, of tegenwoordige staat van Groenland, en Straat Davids, benevens eene uitvoerige besehryving van de walvisch- en robbenvangst. Amst., 1786. 3 vols. hf. calf, maps and plates. 8vo. 2,— {The present history and state of Greenland and the Strait of Davids, with an ample account of the whale- and seal-fishery.) Exactly the same work as the preceding, only the title reprinted. |
837 Cranz (D.) Fortsotzung von D. Cranzen Bril-der-Historie. Ir bis IVr Abschnitt. 1769—1801. Barby u. Gnadau. 1791 — 1816 3 vols. bds. 8vo. 4.50 History of the Moravian Brethren and their various missions in North-America, West-India, Grönland, Tranquebar, Ceylon, etc. etc. 838 Crawfurd, William Harris, President of the U. S. Senate, 1812; Judge of the North Circuit Court of Georgia 1827—34. — L. S. to J, Butler, dat. Treas. Departm. Dec. 16, 1822. 1 p. 4quot;. 1.50 839 Crisp (Steven) Do wacrheydt tvmmphorondo over valschheyt, in eon antwoort op dertig val-sche beschuldigingen tegen hut volck Gods, Quakers genaemt. Amst., 1670. 4to. 1.75 (Truth triumphing over falsehood, being a reply to 30 false accusations of the people of God, called Quakers.) 840 - Do Gronden en Oorsaecken van do olleude dor Nederlanden ontdockt, als mode de middelen van derselvcr herstellingen aangewezen. Amst., 1670. 4to. 1.25 {\'Ihe foundations and causes of the misery of the Netherlands, and the means for their restoration {by Quakerism.) 841 - Do oude waorheyd ontdekt, on het licht Josn Christi, \'t wolk voele eeuwen verborgen hooft geweest, verhoogd, en wederom aan de mensehen geprcodikt. Rotterdam, 1684. vellum. 4to. 6.— (The old truth discovered, and the light of J. dir., which was hidden during many centuries, held up and preached again to mankind.) A stout volume of 645 pp. containing tracts, letters etc. by W. Penn, G. Kox, S. Crisp, P. Hendricks, G. Keith, W. Caton, W. Ames, J. Park, and others, collected and edited by Steven Crisp. After the prefacc of the editor isto he found a printed list of all the pieces of the collection. 8-12 [Crevecoeur, (H. H. John de)] Voyage dans la Haute Pennsylvanie et dans 1\'état do New-York, par un mombre adoptif do la nation Onéida. Trad, ot public par l\'autour dos „Lettres d un Cultivateur Américain.quot; Paris, 1801. 3 vols. plates and maps, portr. of Washington, hf. cf. 8vo. 5.50 «Cot ouvrage renferme de curienx détails sur l\'état des penples indigenes avant l\'arrivce des Kuropcens. II n\'est pas nne simple traduction, comme rannonce son titre, mais bien I\'onvrage original de John Crevecoeur.quot; Leclerc. 843 - Agriculturist, author of the; Voyage en Pennsylvanie, 1801, etc., came to America 1754, French Consul at N. Y. 1783. — A. L. S. »au citoyen Maradan,quot; dat. 18 lirumaire (1800 P) 1 p. 4\',. 2,— On the publication of a work (probably his: Vcyage dans la Haute Pennsylvanie.) 844 - A. Ij. S. to the same, no date \' p. 4°. 1.50 Same subject. COURANT — CREVECOEUK. |
84.5 Crockett, Exploits and adventures in Texas, with a topograph., histor. and polit. view or Texas. Loud., 1837. bils. 8vo. 1.— 84G Cruelty of the Spaniards in the West Indies. 1519. Hutch etching (school oi Romein de Hooij/ie). sq. lol. 1.50 847 Cuba, Jamaica und St. Domingo (with southern part of Florida). — [Anist. 1057.] — sq. fol. 51 by 41. — Coloured. Dutch text on verso. \'2.50 848 - Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, etc. Amst., K. el J. Ottcns (about 1750;. sq. fol. 58 by 50 — Coloured. 2.50 This map, iucliiding Central Amcrica, the coast of Florida, etc. was published on account of the war 1750—03, as is imlicatud by the Dutch title. 849 - Cuba, St. Domingo, Jamaica and the Isthmus of Panama. Amst,, li. el J. Otteus. (about 1700). 2 sheets, fol. Together 55 by 85. — Coloured. i,— With separate plans of Havana, St. Domingo, and St. Augustiu, with their harbours. Besides indications on the route and on the traffic of ships, etc. 850 -— Cuba and Martinique. 3 maps by G. Hollos. (about 1780). sq. 4°. 24 by 17. 1.— 851 Cunha de Azovedo Ooutinho (J. J. du) Eusaio econouiico sobro o Comercio de Portugal e suas Colonias. Lisboa, 1794. sd. uncut. Mo. 1.80 852 --Political essay on the commerce of Portugal and her colonies, partic. of Brasil. Transl. from the Portug. Lond., 1801. tós. w«c«/. 8vo. 1.— 853 - Ueber Brasilien und Portugals Handel mit seine Kolomen. Aus dem Portug. iibers. von K. Murhard. Hamb., 1808. 8vo. 1.— 854 Curacao with plan of Fort Amsterdam and St. Annas Bay. Amst., G. v. Keulen (about 1720). fol. 59 by bi. 1.— 855 - Map ot the Island, with indication of the plantations, separate plan of the city and harbour, etc. Amst., O. Hulst v. Keulen, 1830. Largo sq. fol. 60 by 51. — Coloured. 1,50 85G -- The Island, with separate map of the Ca- raibs and plan of Fort Amsterdam. (1820). sq. fol. 51 by 30. 1.50 857 - 2 Diti\'erent views on the harbour and town. Drawn on the spot by li. Jt\\ van liaders, 2 tlno coloured aquatints by U. Hoogkamer. (1820). Ig. sq. fol. 0.— 858 - The Lutheran Church at Cnra^jau. Dutch engraving with address of B. Mounk. (1750). sm. 4°. 1,— 859 - Explosion of the Dutch man of war: Al- phen in the harbour of Curasao, 1778 by J. Punt. sq. fol. 2.— 800 - Same plate, later impression, with address: P. Conradi. 1787. sq. fol. 1.— 801 - Same subject. Different disposition, by 5, i\'okke, sm. sq. i\'ol. 1.— |
802 Curacao, Same cngrav. Proof bef. all lett. 2.— 803 - Same subject. Differ, disposition, by S. Fokke, sm. 4°. —..50 804 - Funeral procession at Curasao, in honor of the killed by the explosion of the Alphen. Dutch engrav., with addr. B. Mourik. 4°. 1.50 805 ■ Reglement op het beleid van de regering ... op Curasao, \'s Grav. 1815. Svo. 1.— 800 - Ontwerp-reglement op het beleid der regering in do kolonie Curasao, (\'s Grav. 1800?) Svo. 1.— {Project-regulation of the government in the colony of (Jurapao.) 807 - Catechismo pa uso di Catolicanan di Curasao. — Catechismus ton gcbruike dor Katholy-ken van Curasao, door M. Joh. Niewindt. Curasao (1840?) 157 pp. 8vo. — t\'ery scarce. 5.— Text in the language of Curasao (Papiement) with the Dutch at the opposite pages. 808 Qurita (G-eroa.) Anales de la corona de Ara-gou (714—1616.) ^\'aragossa, 1010-21. 7 vols. calf. fol. 55,__ Besl edition; verg rare. — Vol. V. VI comprise the years 14U2—1516, and contain some communications on America: Del descubrimiento de las Islas del Oceano Occidental que llama os Iiklius. {ï\'ol.. V. Chapt. 13.) — De la diferencia que se movio entrs los reves de Castilla y Portugal sohre el nnevo des-cnbi\'iiniento del mar Oceano del Occidente. {Uid. Chapt. 25.) — De la concortlia que se assento sobre el descubrimiento de las islas y tierra firma del Oceano Occidental {Ibid. (\'hapt. 2\'.).) etc. — The 7th volume contains the general index. 809 - Lanuza (V. Blasco de) Historiaseccle- siast, y seculares de Aragon, en que se continuan los annales de yurita, y tiempos de Carlos V, con historias ecclesiast. antiquas y modernas. Cara-go^a, 1022. 2 vols, in 1. vellum, fol. Fine copy. 22.— This valuable and very rare work (a Supplement to Cnrita down to 1018) contains Vol. 1. pag. 70— 74 a Narrative of the discovery of America by Columbus; pag. 163—0 .r a Narrative of the voyages of Hernando de Magellanes, etc. 870 Dagboek van het Britsch Ministerie, sedert het begin der N. Americ. onlusten ... Uit het Eng. ... door Will. Pen, Secundus. Amst., 1781. 1 plate. 8vo. 1.50 (Diary of the British Ministry, since the beginning of the A\'. American troubles (i Jan.—7 April). A political satire under the name of W. Penn, by Elis. Wollf and Agatha Deken. 871 Daggett, David, Senator and Chief-Justice 1832—34. — A. L. S. to E. Mills, Senator, dat. New-Haven, Jan. 7, 1824. 1 p. 4°. 1.50 872 Dalmas, Hist, de la revolution de St. Doinin-gne (1789—93); suiv. d\'un mémoire s. Ie rétablis-sement de la eolonie. Paris, 1814. 2 vols. bds. 8vo. 2.50 |
FllEDERIK Mui.LBB amp; C.,
A corner of the title and of the 10 first pagg. torn oft 873 Datnrymple (Alex.) An historical collection of the. sovoriil voyages and discoveries in the South Pacilic Ocean. Lond. 1770—71.\'2 vols, in X.boan/s. With mavy maps and plairs. large 4to. 5.— The 1st vul. of this very interesting book, contains a literal translation of the Spanish writers; the 2il the Dutch voyages (of Schouten and Ic Maire, A. J. Tasman and J. Roggeveen.) With index to both vols. 874 - Voyages dans la Mor dn Su l, par les Es- pagnols et les Hollanrtois (1520 — 1722.) Trad, de 1\'Angl. p. M. de Fréville. Paris, 1771. calf, \'A maps. 8vo. 2.— French translation of the preceding. 875 [Dalrymplo (J.)] Les droits do la Grande Bretagne établis contro les priStensions des Amé-ricains ... Trad, de I\'Angl. ... par (A. F, J.) Fréville. La Have, 1770. 8vo. .id. vncid. 1.25 87G Dalton (H. G-.) History of liritish Guiana, comprising a general description of the colony with an account of its climate, geology, natural history, etc. London, 1855. 2 vols, cloth, maps and plates. 8vo. 9.— 877 Dampier (Will.) Nieuwe Roystogt rondom de Waereld, waarin omstandiglyk beschreven worden de landengte van Amerika, verscheydene kusten en oylanden In Woatindiii, Chili, Peru, Mexiko, enz. (1(171)—01.) Uit het Eng. \'s Gravenh., 1698— 1700. 2 vols, or 3 parts in 1. villitm, maps and plates. 4to. 4.— (iVc!» voyage round the world, wherein are minutely described the Isthmus of America, various coasts and islands in the West-Indies, Chili, Peru, Mexico, etc.) The 2d vol. is divided into 3 parts, the last of which contains a description of the Isthmus of l)a-rien, by L. Wafer. 878 - Derde deel van W. Uauipiers Reystogt rondom de Werrel\'J, behelz. zyne reystogt na Nieuw-Holland in \'t Jaar li!99. Uit het Eng. \'s Grav., 1704. sd. uncut, maps and olates. \\{o. 1.— (Third pari of W. Vampier\'s voyage round the world, cont. his voyage to New-Holland in 1699.) This forms, together with the preceding, a complete copy of the first Dutch edition of Dam pier\'s voyages. 879 —— The same. New edition, with the voyage to New-Holland. Amsterd., 1716—17. 4 vols inl. vellum, maps and plates. 4to. 3,— 880 - The same. New edition. Nymegen, 1772. 4 vols, in 1. hf. calf, maps and plates. 4to. 2.-• 881 - The same edition. 4 vols, in 3. sd. uncut. Large paper. ;i.50 882 - Nieuwe reize naa de Zuidzee, en verder rondom dc Waereld, in 1708—U. In \'t Eng. door W. Rogers. Amsterd., 1715. vellum, maps and plates. 4to. 2.— |
(Jfeo voyage to the South-Sea and further round the world, in 1708— 11.) quot;To this work, written in the style of a plain, blunt sailor, and full of correct information, particularly relative to the numerous islands iu thel\'acilic Ocean, (\'ook, Byron, and others have been greatly indebted.quot; Lowndes. 883 Dampier (G.) Nonv. Voyage ar,tour du Monde, oil Ton déerit en particulier I\'lsthme do 1\'Amê-riquo, etc. (Trad, de I\'Angl.) Anist. 1701. 2 vols, et Suppléni. — Id. Voyage anx Terr?a Austrnles, avee les voyages de IVond, S/w)\'/), etc. II)., 1713.— Id. Le tnêtne, avec le Voyage de £. Wafer, con-teu. la description de I\'lstlime de Darien, etc. lb., 1735. — Together 5 vols in 3, calf, manrj maps and plates. 8vo. 5.— 884 Dana, Daniol, President of Dartmouth University. 1820. — A. L. S. to Governor Bell, dat. Londonderry, Doc. 30, 18-22. 1 p. 4». 1,50 On preparing a sermon for the ensuing election. 885 [Dana (il. H,)], Twee iaren vonr den must... Zeereis naar de N oord-West-Ku;t van Amerika. Uit h. Eng. Dev. 1842. 2 vols. sd. 8vo. 1.50 (Two years before the mast.) Voyage to the North-West-Const of America. From the Engl. 886 Danckers, J., Atlas. Amsterdani. (about 1680). /«/\'. calf. foi. 20.— Contains 75 coloured maps, amongst which Map of the Globe, General map of America, West-Indian Islands, New Netherland on which the view of New Amsterdam, with Danckers\'\' address and inscription: Nieuw-Yorck. (See Asher\'s List N1\'. 19.) 887 - Atlas. Amst. (about 1680). Ms. fol. 12.— Contains 30 plain maps, 3 of which of America: New-Netherlaiid with view of New-Amsterdam, etc. all the same as in the foregoing number. 888 Dane, Nathan, Member of Congress 1785— 88, distinguished author on Amor. Law. 1823— 29. — A. Ij. S. to Th. Dwight, \'dat. N. Y., Sept. 14, 1788. 1 p. fol. 1.50 State-affairs. 889 Daniel (L.) La guerre aux Etats-Unis. Paris, 1862. map. 8vo. —.90 890 Dapper (O.) Collection of Voyages and description of foreign countries in Dutch, by Dapper and others. iVo collective title. Amsterdam, 1669— 1729. 13 vols, vellum or calf. fol. 40.— Contains the following works, each of 800 to 1200 pages, all with a large number of maps and plates : iVlontanus (A.) Beschryvinge van America en het Zuidland. Amst., 1671. — Gezantschappen der O. I. Maatsehoppy in\'t Vereen. Nederland, naar Japan, lb. 1669. Nienhof fJ.) Brasiliaansche Zee- en l.antreize benevens Beschryv. van Nederl. Brazilië, lb. 1682. — Gczantschap d. Nederl. O. I. Compagnie naar China, lb. 1070. Baldaeus (C.) Beschryvinge van Malabar, Choro- |
mandel eu Ceylon; en een Malabar. Spraakkonst. 1b. 1072. Kaempfer, Beschryving v. Japan. Uit h. Eng. v. J. G. Seheuchzei\'. \'s Hage, or 1733. Dapper (O.) 2e en Se Geziintschap naar China, en Beschiyvinge van Sina. 1b, 1070. — Asia, of Busehryvinge van bet Ryk (les Groot en Mogols. Ib. 1073. — Beschryvinge van de Afrikaensche Gewesten. 2d edition, lb. 1070. — Bcsebryvinge van Syria on Palestina etc. Ib. 1G77. — Bcsebryvinge van Mesopotamie, Babylonie, Assy-rie, Kl. Asie. lb. 1080. — Besebryvingc der Eylanden in den Arebipel der Middel. Zee. Ib. 1083. — Bcsebryvinge van Morea, etc. Ib. 1088. 891 Dappor (O.) Tho same. Large paper, old gilt calf. — Very fine copy. 50,— A fine set, but wanting Kacmpfer\'s Japan. 892 Darion. — Koddige Ueisbeschi-yving naar Da-rien, (12 Aug. 1081 till 25 Jan. 1082.) Contemporary Manuscript, copied by V. v. d. Schelling, 44 pp. tol. 27.50 (Comical Voyage to Darien.) Under tbis title is bcre a serious md very interesting account of a Voyage in 1081 of a Dutch fleet to the gulf of Darien, tho arrival at St. Pedro and the Capture of a Spanish ship; the exploits on the river St. Jiigo and the conquering of the city of Puna; arrival at and description ofTruxillo (battle with the Spaniard); at Callno de Lima, Baldivia, Castro; description of Chili, Terra del Fueyo and Staaten-land, etc. This journal has, besides the cxact description of the voyage and of the countries visited, a special interest for the history of the discovery of Terra del Puego by Bartbol. da Fontc, whose voyage to the North West of America has been so often disputed, and whose visit to Terra del Fuego should be fancied. 893 Darinol. — La Sphere des deuxmondea, ooin-posée en Frangois, par Darinel, pasteur des Ama-dis. Avec un Epithalame, que le mesme auteur a i\'alct, sur les nopees et mariage de ... Don Philippe Roy d\' Angleterre etc. Commenté, glosé et enrichy de plusieurs l iblos poetictiuea, par Grilles) Biui\'lleau) D(e) U{uillon.) Anvcrs, J. Richart, 1B55. figures and 17 maps in woodcut, ids. 4to. Tho lirst leaves somewhat stained by water, the margins of tho last leaf partly cut oft; else a very good copy. 07.50 Very hake and intkuestino. This cosmographic poem, little known, has as the end 17 curious geographical maps, one of America, with the Strait of Magellanes, and named at the top; quot;Peru. Brevis exact, totius Novi Orb is ejusq. insntorum descriplio recens a Joan, liillero edita.\' Besides these and the map of the World, there are maps of Sarmatia, Sarin. Moscovia, Brevis exactaque Moscoviae descriplio (large folding map), Hongrie, etc. etc. with a versct on each in the text. |
A copy sold at the Sobolewski Library, Leipsic 1873, for 101 Thaler. 894 Darwin (Ch.) Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the countries visited during the voyage of H. M. S. Beagle round the world. 2d ed. with additions. Lond. 1815. hf. calf. sin. 8vo. 3.50 895 Daum (G. C.) Eene Nederlandsch-Amerikaan-sche stoomvaart- en spoorwegverbinding-maatschappij. \'s Gravenh. 1870. 8vo. —,75 (On a Society for Butch-American steam-navigation and railway-connexion.) 890 Dauvion Lavayssa (J. J.), Voyage aux lies do Trinidad, de Tabago, de la Marguerite, et dans Venezuela. Paris, 1813. 2 vols. sd. 2 maps. 8vo. 1.50 897 - Reise nach den Insein Trinidad, Tabago u. Margaretha, so wie in Venezuela. Uebers. von E. A. W. v. Zimmermann, 1816. map, hf. calf. 8vo. 1.— 898 Davenport, James, Amer. Statesman, distinguished Member of Congress 1790—99.— A.L.S. to Sam. M. Hopkins of N. Y., dat. Stamford, July 21, 1790. 2 pp. 4°. 3.— Requests Mr. II. to dispose by sale in Europe of 40.000 acres of land in Virginia. 899 Dawson (A. B.) The Sons of Liberty in New York, A paper read before the N. Y. Historical Society. (N. York,) 1859. 8vo. 3.50 Printed, as Manuscript, fur private circulation. 900 Day, Jer., distinguished Mathematician, Pres. of Yale-College 1817—40. - A. L. S. to Rev. Edw. D. Grirtin, dat. Yale-Coll. Nov. 2, 1818. 1 p. 4». 1.- 901 Doan (II.) Hocus Pocus; or the whole art of IjOgerdemain, in perfection. Philadelphia, printed fur Mat hew Cary, 1795. bds. 1 plate, woodcuts, sin. 8vo. — Rare. 4.— 902 Declaration des Ambassadeurs d\'Espaigne, toucbant une brefve pour Portugal. Miinster, 1047. 4to. Uncut. French and Dutch. Not in Asher\'s Kssag. 2.50 903 Dodol (G.), Disput, jurid.-politiea de Colours. Lugd. Bat. 1820. sd. uncut. 4to. Large paper. 1.75 1.- 901 The same. 8vo. 905 Deductie van d. Ambass. v. Portugael, dat den vrede tusschen Z. M. en de Staaten Oener. in do deelen des werelts buyten Europa z\\]n begin mocht nemen op den 25 Oct. 1002. \'s Grav. 1003. 4to. 1.50 (Deduction of the Ambass. of Portugal, thai the peace between II. Maj. and the States Gener. might begin in the extra-European parts of the world the 25 Oct. 1062.) 90G Deductie van den representant... van de West-hid. Comp. over de saake van Iseqnebo en Demerari. 1707. {Deduction of the representative of the West- |
Ind. Com;;, on the state of Essequebo and Deme-rary.) With othor official documents relating to the aftairs oi\' these colonics, 1765—72. 4 parts. I\'ol. 3,— 907 [Do Poo (D.)] Des welt-beriihmten Engclliin-dcrs Robinson Crusoe Eeben und gantz unge-meine Begebcnheitcn, insond. da er 28 Jahre lang auf einer unbewohnten Insul auf d. American. Kflste gelebt hat. Franckf. u Leipz. 17\'20. plates, bils. 8vo. slightly stained; one plate damaged. 7.50 First German edition, very scarce. The origiiml English was imblished; London. 1719. 908 Delacoste (J. C.) Geschiedk. on waar verhaal der gebeurtenissen, welke in de Colonic Demerary by en zedert het vertrek van Haron van Oro-vestins hebben plaats gehad. Uit h. Fransch d. C. Hitters, \'s Hage, (1798.) 2 vols. sd. 8°. 2.50 {Histuricat and true account of the events in Demerary, at the departure of Baron van Grove-stins. \'Trans!, from the French). 909 Delano (Amasa) Narrative of voyages and travels in both hemispheres, comprising three voyages round the world, etc. lioston, 1817. calf, porlr., map and plates, the last leaf slighthj damaged. 8vo. .1.50 Comprising voyages to Chili, Peru, the Sandwich Islands, New-Holland, the West-Indies etc. 910 Della-Colla (P.) Voyage dc Tripoli dc Bar-barie aux frontières Occident, de I\'Egypte, 1817. Trad, de I\'ltal. (Extr. Paris, 1823.) Notes USS., map and fujg. drawn, hf. cloth. Svo. 1.25 911 [Dellonl Aanmerkelijk historisch verhaal van de inquisitie der Portiigeesen in (ion. Middelburg, 1688. vellum, jdates. 12ino. 1.50 {Important historical account of the Inquisition of the Portuguese at Goa.) 912 Del Eio n. Minutoli, Beschreibung einer alten Stadt in Ouatimala entdekt. Berlin, 1832. Only the Atlas of 11 plates, lol. obi. 2.75 913 Demerara and Essequebo Vade-Mecum; cont. th.; principal Laws and Kcgulation of the united Colony, and miscellaneous articles of local importance. Georgetown, 1825. cloth. 12mo. 1.50 914 - The same, with Addenda contain, the laws and regulations from May 1825 — 28. Ibid. 1828. hf. el. 12mo. 1.75 915 Demorary, formerly Immerary, by /,. L. van Berchnjck. (Amst., 11. de Leth 1740.) Largo sq. lb 1. 100 by 44. — Coloured. 0.— With indication of the sugar-mills and of the productions. — In the under-margin a list uf the plantations, the number of acres and the names of the proprietors. — This colony belonged to the Dutch till 1815, when it was ceded to England, 91G - Same map, later edition, with a special survey of the coast. 5. — 917 Démounier, l\'Amérique Indépendante, on les diffcrentes Constitutions des 13 provinces des |
Etats-Unis. Av. I\'histoire de chaque province, et des remarques sur les constitutions, la population, les flnanoes, etc. Gand, 1790. 4 vols. sd. uncut. 8vo. 3.— The 4th volume, being a supplement, is often wanting; it treats exclusively of New-York and Virginia. 918 Denys (Nic) Geograph. en histor. Beschrijving dor Kusten van Noord-America, met de natuurlijke Hist, des Landts. Amsterd., 1G88. 4to. 3.— (Geograph. and histor. description of the coasts of North-America, with the natural history of the country.) This work is properly the 2d part of; Hennepin, Beschrijving van Louisiana, on the title of which it is mentioned; but it has a separate title, new pagination and signature. 019 Dapons, (P.), Voyage a la partie orient, de la Torro Ferme dans l\'Amérique Méridion. conf:. Ie Caracas, etc. 1801—4. Paris, 1806. 3 vols. sd. map and plans. 8vo. 1.50 920 Dos Barres (J. P. W.) Nautical remarks and observations on the coast and harbours of Nova-Scotia. (No place.) 1778. fol. obi. 1.50 921 Des Combes, Géographie universelle. Laus., 1790. 4 vols. hf. calf. 8vo. 2.— Tom IV. contains America. 313 pagg. 922 Doser (E.), Les cascades du Niagara, et leur marche retrograde. Neuchatel, 1853, map and pi. Svo. 1,— 923 Desjardins (E.) Le Pérou avant la conquête Espagnole, d\'aprèa les princip. historiens originaux et quelq. documents inédits sur les antiquités de ce pays. Paris, 1858. hf. bd. 8vo. 1.75 924 Dos Marots (H. et D.) Uistoire curieuse de la vie, de la conduite et des vrais seutimens de Jean de Labadie dont Ie nom et la reputation font taut de bruit panny les geus de bien. La Hayc, 1670, 359 pp. calf gilt. 12ino. 7.50 Very rare; nicely printed volume in the Elsevier style, one of the best works on Labadie and his doctrine. — It eontalns also Labadies\' Declaration chrét. contre le Synode dit Wallen. — At the end of the vol.: quot;Copie de denx Lettres qui se doivent joindre amp; I\'llistoire curieuse etc. La Haye, 1670.quot; Some of his mystical sect went to America. 925 Dotectio frati Hudsoniani. — Collection of Hessel Gerrltsz, (s. .Massa\'s and de Quir\'s tracts on the Arctic Voyages, — on Siberia, — on H. Hudson\'s 3d voyage, — and on Australia. Facsimile reproduction of the rare Dutch edition ot Amst. 1612, and reprint of the Latin edition of Amst. 1613. — With a new English translation by P. J. Millard, and historical introduction by S. Muller Fz. — Amst., 1\'. Muller. 1875. ^to. lyUh 2 maps. 25.— The title indicates the various subjects this edition contains, viz; reprints of the nearly unique |
Dutch work, basis for all works on the North West passage, the Tmtin edition, ete. The historical introduction explains the origin and the special purpose of the rare original collection. The book is printed on a fine modern imitation of old paper, nncut; the Dutch edition of 1(112 is reproduced in photolithography by Mr. A. Kroon. 926 De Witt (Thorn.) Discourse dnliverod in the North Reformed Dutch Church (collegiate) in the City of New-York, Aug. 1856. N. York, 1857. many plates, cloth. 8vo. — Vrivalely printed. 2.50 Very interesting for the History of the Dutch Reformed Church in New-York and America, containing a list of the Ministers from 16^)3 till 1800, and other histor. particularities. 927 Dickens (Ch.) Uitstapje naar Noord-Amerika. Uit liet Eng. Ainst. 1842. plate, ids. 8vo. (4.50) 1.25 (Trip to North-America.) 928 Dickorson, Mahlon, Governor of New Jersey 1815—17, U. S. Senator 1818—34. — A. Signature. 1.— 929 (Dickinson), Lettres d\'un fermior ile Pensyl-vanie, aux habitans de l\'Aniérique Septentrionalo. Trad, de I\'Angl. (par Barben du Hourg.) Amsterd. 1779. calf. 8vo. 2.— Thesezetters contain a review of the griefs of the American colonies against the British Government. 930 Dickinson (R.) A geographical and statistical view of Massachusetts Proper. Greenfield, f8i;i. ids., uncut. 8vo. 80 pp. — Rare. 3.— 931 Dioroville. Relation du voyage du Vort Royal de l\'Acadie ou de la Nouvelle Franco. Ainst., 1710 vellum, sm. 8vo. (wants engraved frontisp.) 6.— 932 Dillon (P.) Voyage la Mer du Sud, 1827— 28, et Relation do la deconverte du sort do La Pérouse. Paris, 1830. 2 vols. pi. and map. hf. calf. 8vo. 1.75 933 [Dinouart] Vie do Dom Jean de Palafox, Evêque d\'Angélopolis et ensnite Evêque d\'Osme. Cologne et Paris, 1767. calf, pnrlr. and plates. 8vo. 3.— quot;Get ouvrage est public en grande partie sur celui de Champion, Jcsuite, l\'impression dnquel fut arrctce it cause dc la franchise de I\'auteur.quot; Leclerc, Sold fr. 20.— 934 Dionysii Aloxandrini, de situ orbis liber, Graeoe et Lat. (interprete A. Papio.) Antv. C. Flantinus, 1575. vellum. 8°. 1.50 935 - et Pomp. Melae Situs orbis descriptio, Aethici cosmographia et Sollni Polyhistor, cum interpret. 11. Srephani, annotatt. J. Olivarii, scho-liis J. Simleri, ete. (Gen.), 11. Stephanus. 1577. 4 prts. 1 vol. vellum. 4°. 3.50 936 - Orbis descriptio, commentario critieo et geographico illustr. a G. Hill. Loud., 1678. Maps, amongst which oae of the New H\'orld. vellum. 8°. 2.50 |
937 Dionysii Alexandrini, Orbis descriptio cum vetorum Scholiis et Eustathii Commentariis. Ace. Periegcsis. Prisciani. (Edidit E. Thwaites). Oxon., e Theatro Sheldoniano. 1697. Mapt. vellum. 8\'\'. 2.50 938 - Do situ orbis liber, (Graeco et Lat.) cura S. Havercampi. Lugd. Bat. 1736. hf. calf. 8quot;. 1.50 939 Dirck Albartsz. Raven\'s shipwreck on the eoast of Spitsberg. 1637. — Rare engraving, sq. 4quot;. — Very fine impression. 3.— 040 Discours over dc gholegentheyt van de nieuwo Cruyssers, daer hot wel-varon van de Zeevaert, oude allo lughesotenen van hot Lant, op\'t hooghsto aan gelogen is. (Middelburg), 1645. 18 leaves. 4to. Slightly stained at the upper margin. 2.50 {Discourse at the occasion of the new Cruisers, necessary to the welfare of the navigation and the inhabitants.) At the end a list of 30 Spanish ships, taken in one year, by the Cruisers of the West India Company. 941 Discours (Second) d\'un bon ITollandais a ses corapatriotes sur differents objets intéressants. No place, 1799. uncut. 8vo. 1.50 On the insurrection of the Engl. Colonies in America. 942 Discussions impovtantes, débatues au parlement d\'Anglotorre par les plus célóbres orateurs depuis 30 aus. Paris, 1790. 4 vols. sd. uncut. 8vo. 3.-- Contain many interesting discussions on the American war; almost the whole 3d volume is filled by them. 943 Dissel (S. v.) Curasao. Herinneringen on schetsen. Loyden, 1857. 8vo. (2.50) 1.— {Curafan. Remembrances and sketches.) 944 Distressed situation of the Quebec, when on fire and of the Suneillante, a French ship of war. 1779. li. Paton px,, engraved by littler. Ig. fol. 3.— 945 Dobereinor von Tiirschenreut(Ph.) Sendt-schreybon vnd warhaffte zeytungen. Von auffgang vnd erweiterung des Christenthumbs, bey den Hayden inn dor newen welt: Auch von veruol-gung vnnd haliigkait, der Gaistlichen Apostoli-schen Vorsteher daselbs... jetzt inn teutseno spraach transsforiert (Last page-.) Gedruckt zu MUnchen, bey Adam Berg, 1571. sm. 8vo. 11.— Tittle, 15 unniunb. leaves for the preface, 95 nn-numb. leaves of text. Kine clean copy of a vtry rare work, contain, a translation of the Epistolac Indiae Patrum Soc. Jesn. It contains an account by P. Diaz of the massacre of 40 missionairies by J. Soria, General of Navarra, during their voyage to Brasil. 946 Dobrizhoffer (M.) Account of the Abipsnos, an equestrian people of Paraguay. (Transl. by Miss Sarah Coleridge.) Lond. 1822. 3 vols. 8°. calf gilt. - Very fine copy. 14.— 947 —- Geschichte der Abiponor, oincr berittenen und Kriegerischen Nation in Paraguay. Aus dem DE WITT — DOBRIZHOFFER. |
PllUDEHIK Mni.l.KB. lt;Sc C.,
Lat. übersctzt von A. Kreil. Wicn, 1783. 3 vols. maps and plates. 8vo. Vncui. 7.50 948 Documents relative to the Colonial History of tiie Statu of New-York, procured in Hollaml, England and France, by J. R. Brodhoad. Edited by E. B. O\'Callaghan. Albany, 1860—58. 11 vols, cloth, maps, etc. large 4to. 55.-— 049 Documents (Public) printed by order of the Senate of the United States, 2il Session of the •iOd and \'Jlst Congreas, 1828 —30. Washington, 1828—30. 4 vols. sAeep. 8vo. 5.— 950 —— The same. 22d Congress. Washingt. 1832. Vol. [. s/ieiij). 8vo. 1.25 952 St. Domingo. — Carte de l isle de St. Do-minguo, par G. Delisle. Paris, chez I\'auteiir. 1720. sq. fol. 61 by 47}. 2.— 953 - Map of St. Domingo, by G del\'Isle. Amst., J. Covens amp; (\'. Mortier. (About 1740). sq. iol. 01 by 47. — Coloured. 1.50 954 - The struggle of the blacks in Hayti for their independence. 1795. 9 Engrav. by li. I\'hike les. 8°. — Proofs bef. all letter. — Hare. 5. — 955 Donck (Adr. van dei\') Heschrijvinge van Nieuw-Nadorlant, glielyck het tegemvoordigh in staet is, begrijpende de nature, aert, golegentheyt en vruchtbaerheyt ... als mede de maniere en ongemeyne eygenschappen van de Wilden ... Amst., £. Nieuwe7ihof, 1055. 4to. Title, VIM and 104 pp. (Asher No. 7.) 150. - f Description of Nevj - Netherlands snch as it is now, comprehending the mature, character, situation and fertility... as also the manners and uncommon qualites of the savages, etc.) First edition of van Uer Douok\'s Description of N. Nethcrlaud. 950 -BeschryvingevanNieuw-Nederlant (ge- Ijjck het tegenwoordigh in staet is), begrijpende de nature, aert... En hier achter bygevoeght het Reglement vande Burgermeesteren deser Stede, betref!. de saken van Nieuw-Nederiandt. Den tweeden Druck. \'tAmsteld., E. Nieuwenhof, 1050. 4to. hf. bd. (Asher No. 8.) 140,— {Description of New-Netherland {such as it is now), including the nature character, situation... To this arc appended the conditions of the Burgomasters of this city, regarding the affairs of N. Notherland. 2d edit.) 2(1 edition of the preceding. Fint\' large copy, some leaves in rough state, with the map, the view of Nicuw-Amstercliun (the second view existing) and the appendix: Conditiën etc., which is often wanting. — Very scarce and of invaluable importance. See on it at large: Asher\'s Essay No. 8. — See for three editions of these «conditiën^ (couditions), all differ- ring N». 777-779. |
967 Doncker, H., Zee-Atlas ofte Water-Waereld. Amsterdam, II. Doncker, 1059. vellum. Coloured charts, fol. 15.— (Maritime-Atlas or Water-World.) First edition of Doncker\'s important Atlas, cun-taining 19 charts. Besides a map of the Globe charts occur of the W. 1. Islan\'s (Ü sheets). New-Nelherland and Urazil, S. Anurica, Brazil, West-Coasts of America. 958 - Zee-Atlas, etc. Amst., H. Doncker, 1666. vellum gill, gill edges. The charts in gold and colours. fol. 25.— Second edition, containing 32 charts. Besides a new map of the globe and a quite difiereLt set of European charts, this edition gives the stme of America, but augmented with the coasts of New-Netherland (nut mentioned in Asher\'s List). 959 - Same Atlas, same edition, vellum gilt, gilt edges. The charts coloured but not illuminated. 20.— 900 ——- Same Atlas, same edition, vellum. Coloured charts. 22.— In the same binding 30 chorographieal maps by H. Allardl, without title, amongst which the map of New-Netherland with the view of New-Amster-dam, with the address of Hugo Mlardt, (coloured). (Asher\'s List, N0. 10.) — and a general map of Arncrica. 961--De Nieuwe Gtroote vermeerderde Zee- Atlas. Amsterdam, H. Doncker, 1676. bds. 27 Coloured charts, roy. fol. 10.— (The new large augmented Maritime Atlas.) (finite another work as the preceding edition of Doncker. It is wholly based on Colotns Atlas, whose 0 maps of America are hero reproduced. 902 —De nieuwe groote vermeerd. Zee-Atlas. Amst, H. Doncker. 1097. vellum. Coloured charts. roy. fol. 17.50 New edition, offering again many interesting variations and additions, though also based on Co lorn. It contains amongst many other new charts, duli-neitions of the Straits Davis and Hudson, Greenland, Spitsberg, the Paeilic Ocean, Terra Nova, and quite a new map of New-Notherland (with Virginia, New-Engeland and Pennsylvania), on which apian of Philadelphia, in 1697 wit explanation: A—II. (Not mentioned in Asher\'s List.) 903 --Nieuw Groot Zeekaert-boek. Amst., II. Doncker. 1712. calf. 28 Large folding maps in colours and gold. Very large fol. 15.— {New large book of charts.) No reproduction of the former editions, but a new set of charts of double the size of the former, amongst which 4. of America: the Norhern parts with Greenland, Hudson\'s Bay, etc.; Brazil with the Caraib Islands and New-Netherland; the W. I. Islands; and a very large chart embracing almost the whole American coast. I 904 Dooregeest (E. A. van) en C. A. Posja-i ger, Deu Kyper Zeepostil, bestaande in XXU DOCUMENTS — DOODREGEEST. |
988 Dumbar (G.) De oude en nieuwe Constitutie der Veroenigtdo Staten van America in hare gronden ontvouwd. A r-it. 17 Iquot;—00. 3 vols. sd. uncut, Svo. 2.50
{The old and new ConsliluHon or the United Stales, explained in Us principlei.)
980 Dumontier, Bjd-.r-o tot de hmnigacrgeolog. gesteldheid van Cuivfao. Arnst. 1S58. 8vo. —.80 {Contributions to the knowledge of I he genlog. condition of Curasao.)
\'90 [Dunór (N.) oeh A. E. Nordonskiöldl
S venska Expeditie:.rr tdl Spitsbergen oeh Jan Maycn, nt.\' 1803 och 1804. Stockholm, 1807. map, plales and sd. roy. S-.-*-. 2.50
901 Duns tor «rille, Ii., A .inirality Cataiojuo of charts, plans, vi iws an . sailing dircctlona. Lend. tSOS. 8quot;. {2.—, 1,—
9.)2 - Same wor.:, former edition. Load. 1830.
8°. -.50
C. 3 Du Quossio. — Journal d ua voyage fait an.quot; hides Orientaics par une eorauiantiée p. Du Qni-sne, 1090— 1. Rouen, 1721. 3 vols. hf. Id. uncut, plates and maps. Svo. 3.50
91)4 Dureau do 1, Hallo, Province de Constau-tine. licnseignem jnis pour 1\'cxpudition ou Petablis-sement des l\'rangais dans cette partiede i\'Afrique Septentriou. Paris, 1837. map. hf. calf, 8vo. 1.—
995 D*:;* (Durct), Voyages lie JIarsedle a Li.aa, et dans les autrcs iicu:: des Oeeidentaies. Avee uuo exacte description ue ce i^u ii y a do plus remarquablo ... Paris. 1720. 2 pans in 1. old calf. 8vo. (plates wanting). 1.75
9i)0 W. 1. (Tae) and E. I. Companies, each represented y a iemale lioiuing iiio nags of tne Companies on which tho fani.iy arms oi the Burgomaster.; 0. Am,it,, van ;.en Bempden and Geelvin\':;, Directors of the Com;), in 1lt;20; the inhab.tantj o var.ons countries bringing intiute. — Fine engraving by li. Picart. ig. sq. 4quot;. 2.50
997 Dujl (A. G. C-. v.)] De eerste vestiging der Nederlanders n, (Amst. 1800?) roy. 8vo.
(\'Ihe first settlement of the Dutch in India.) Abstracts of 4 lectures ou the History of the E. India Company, held hy the nuihor. Praatcly pnuted.
995 Duynenbux\'g. — (Echt relaas wegens hot ge-snicede oproer op h. uytgaando (J. Ind. Comp. scli.p) — onder Kap. L. llelmitroom, in 1705 naar Batavia vertrokken. Kott., J. llui/s. (1700?)
4to. \' 2.__
{True relation of the projected mutiny on the ]■:. I. ship Duynenbury, which set sail under Capl, llelmstroom, in l^iia for Batavia.)
Popular edition of this only oueo or twice printed account.
030 Dwlglit (Timotliy, President of Yalo-Collogo) The (iaiy of, at the present crisis, illustrated in a discourse preached 4 July,
With a history of the discovery and settlement of New-England. Boston, 1854. clnlh, portraits, facsimiles, plates of antiquities etc. roy. 8yo.
(22.—) jO.—
9ïï Driassen (1..), Jjebcn des Fiirsion Johar.:i Mo-rilz von Nasaau-Siegen, General-Uouverneuvs von Niederliindisoh-Brasilien, etc. Berlin, ISiO.Fae-Jm. set. 8vo. (S.l\')) 2.—
978 Dublin volunteers iv.ootiiig on College Green. 4 Nov. 1770. Kngrav. by J. Collyer. Ig. s;;. foi. 2.50
Ü79 Cubocoago (Mad.) La Oolombiade ou la ;\'o: portee an Nouveau Monde. I\'aris, 1750. sd. uncut, porlrail and 10 fine plates. 8vo. 2._
980 Duch ssing et Kicheljtti, Spongiaircs tie la Mer Caraïbe. Haarl. 1804. sd., 25 colored plates. 4to. — Prize-essay. (8.70) 6.50
981 Dufoy (P. J. J.), Abrégé -ie iii\'si\'.ro des revolutions uc i Amériijuo Septentr. (.\'t Mói\'i:i. depuis les prem. dóoouvortes Jnsqu\'eu 182quot;. i\'aris, 1827. 4 vols. hj. cf. ISuio. 3.50
982 Duflot d3 Ilofras, Exploration lu territoire de rOrógon, des Calilornics et do la Her Ver-mcille. Paris, 1844. Livr. 2 ct 4 (•. oi. I, 2. 11,2.) plates. Ids. largo 8vo. 2.50
Vol. II. pp. 390—40 contain the «Paler \'Nosierquot; in 24 languages of California, the Aztecs, N. Zealand, the isles of the Sonth-Sua, etc.
983 Du Gratj (3. 1,1.) i,a Eqrabii.iiie de Paraguay. Brux., Leipzig, Gand, 1802. 21 maps and plates, cloth. Svu. 5-—
History, Geography, Hydrography, Language with Nomenclature, pp. 208—233, Climatology, Products, etc.
984 (Du Hautchainp), Histoire g-y.iit. el partioul. du visa iait en France pour la reduction ct l ex-\'linction de tous les papicrs royau.c ct des actions de la Conip. des tides, (|ue 1c systóine des tinan-ees avait enfantez. On y a joint tin Etat desAo-tiounaircs et des Idississipiens, etc. Lu llaye, 1743. 4 vols in 2. catf. 8vo. a. —
985 Dnhring (H.), Ketnarks on the United States of America. Eond. 1833. clut/i. 8vo. |
980 Dulac (A.), Jlélanged d\'hist nre nattirelie. Lyon, 1705. 0 vols, plates, /if, catf, uncut. 8vo. 2.50 Cont. a. o.; T. Schotfer, Bescript. de Tor blanc (Platina), trouvu en Amc\'rique. — Divers morceam de I\'hist. uatur. de la Jamaique. — Le Page du Praty, Hist, natur. de la Louisiauo. — J. Guinilla, rOrinoque illustre. — Descript. de quelq. animaux de rAmerique Septentr. etc. etc.
987 Dumas, Mathieu, Count, served as Aide-de-camp to Kocham\'oean in Ar.i ri.:a, (1780—83), fulfilled American missions in Holland and Turkey, General at Waterloo. — Auto,;r. Poem, imitation of Iloratii Odae, ii, 10, in 0 stanzes of French verses. 7.50
Very fine autograph, signed; ■•Tail la nuit du 4. Nov, 1791, pendant une insotimie, D—.quot;
58 DWIGHT - 175)8, at the roquest of the citizens of New-Haven. New-Haven, Printed hy Thomas and Samuel Green. 171)8. sd. uncut. 8vo. 7.50 A very curious discourse on the political aud ecclesiastical state of affairs at that time, principally directed against the Antichriaiian Umpire as the author calls the Catholicism, He declares that all the mia-fortuues, which have befallen the Roman-Catholic World during the then last years, arc only the fullfil-ment of the prophecies of the Bible. Rare, not mentioned by Rich. 1000 Dwight (Timothy, President of Yale-Colloge) Autogr. Signed restimony, Uat. Yale-College, June 2, 1802. 1 p. 8quot;. 1.50 1001 Dyk (L. C. D. van) De ontdekking van het eiland (Nieuw) Amsterdam. (Haarlem, 1854.) folded plate, sm. 8vo. (Extr.) 1-— (The discovery of the island {New) Amsterdam.) The plate is a facsimile of a design of the islands St. Paulo and N. Amsterdam (in the South 1\'acilic Ocean), by Anth. van Uiemen, in the Journal of his voyage to India, 1G31—32. 1002 Earl (G. Windsor) Enterprise in tropical Australia (I\'ort Essington.) London. 1846. cluth, map. 8vo. 1003 Eaton, Amos, celebrated Naturalist, Prof, at Troy, till 1842. — A. L. S. to a colleague, dat. Albany, Aug. 1, 1828. 1 p. fol. 1.50 Offers on some conditions not to publish a system of Geology. 1004 Eaton, William, one of the bravest Generals of America; as Consul of Tripoli he captured Dcrne 1805. — A. L. S. to Governor Strong, dat. Springfield, Pebr. 3, (1806). 1 p. 8°. 2.50 On the Tripoline negociatiuu of peace. — quot;Confidential.quot; 1005 Ebeling (Chr. D.) Erdbeschreibung u. Ge-sohichte lt;ter Vereinteu Staaten von Nordamerika. Hamburg, 1793—1816. 7 vols. 1—4 hf. calf, 5—7 sd. uncut, maps. 8vo. 5.—- Eorming part of liusching\'s great geographical collection. — A very valuable work, containing ample informations and particulars, as well historical as geographical. Each State is treated separately. 1000 Eden (Will.) History of New Holland from its discovery in 1G10 to the present time, with a description of Botany Bay-2d ed. London, 1787. hf. id. uncut, 2 large maps. 8vo. 2.50 Pp, 86—87, 192—201 treat of the language of the natives of New-South-Wales, with vocabularies, etc. 1007 Edwards (Bryan) Burgerlijke en handel-kundige geschied, van de Eng. volkplantingen in de West-Indien. Haarl. 1794. C vols. hf. calf. 8vo. 3.50 (Civil and commercial history o/ the English colonies in the West-Indies.) 1008 - Geschiedkundige beschouwing van St. Domingo. Uit h. Eng. Haarlem, 1802. 3 parts, sd., uncut. 8vo. (Historical review of St. Vonungo.) |
- ELLIS. 1009 Edwards (Jon.) Presid. of the College of New-Jersey, Geschied, van het werk der Verlossing. Uit h. Eng. d. E. Nooteboom. Utr. 177G— 77. 2 Parts. sd. 8vo. 2.50 (History of the Redemption.) 1010 - Autogr. Signature. —.75 1011 Egede (H.) De gainle Gronlands nye perlu-stration, eller en kort beskrivelse om de gamle Nordske colonlers begyndelse og undergang, etc. forst Anno 1724 forfattet af H. Egede, og nu Anno 1729 efterseet ... ai\' een der paa nog een tiid har vaered i Grönland. Kjobenhaven. 1729. sm. 8vo. Title and 58 pp. Some leaves slightlu stained. 8.— This seems to be the first essay of Egede\'s celebrated work on Greenland, which was first published in 1741. Both are very similar in the division etc., but the latter is of course much more ample. — This work of 1729 is very rare; I have found it nowhere mentioned. 1012 —— A description of Greenland. Transl. from the Danish and augmented with an histor. introduction. London, 1818. bds., uncut, map and woodcuts. 8vo. ^\'7~} — Egede\'s work is still one of the best existing on Greenland, and claims most of nil the title of truthfulness, the author having been no less than 15 years in that country. — p. 105—178 cont. a short grammar, a vocabulary, the Pater Noster, the Credo ets. in Grecnlandish. 101 3--Beschreibung u. Natur-Geschichto von Grönland. tibers. v. J. G. Krünitz. Berlin, 1763. boards, 11 maps and plates. 8vo. 2.— German translation, contain, the same as the English. 1014 — Description ethistoire naturelle, du Groenland, trad, (par Des Roches de Parthenay.) Copenh. et Gen. 1763. sd. uncut. 11 maps and plates. 8vo. 2.50 Containing the same as the English translation. 1015 - Beschrijving van Oud-Groenland, of zoogenaamde Straat Davis, behelz. deszelfs natuur-lyke historie, enz. Delft, 1746, hf. bd. map and 9 plates. 4to. 2- — Dutch translation of the work of Egede on Greenland, with the Grcenlandish grammar, vocabulary, song, etc. 1016 - Petersan (N. M.) H. Egedes ievnet. Kjöbenh., 1833. 8vo. 1.25 1017 Ekeberg (C. G.) Ost-lndische Keise, 1770— 71. Aus d. Schwed. Ubers. Dresden, 1807. 8vo. 1.25 1018 Eliot. — Geschied, van Joh. Eliot, Evan-gelio-bode der Indianen in N. America. Rotterdam, 1842. sm. 8vo. 1.— (History of John Eliot, Missionary to the Indians of N. America.) 1020 Ellis (H.) Voyage a la I!aye de Hudson, en 1746—47, pour la découverte d\'un passage au |
Where the sailors grew rautinoui and maked themselves master of the shiii. 10G2 Estrada (A. Floroz), Examen imparoial tic las (liscnaionos tie la America con la Espana. Lend. 1811. 8». 1.50 lOG.\'i Estvan (B.) Kricgsblltler ana Amerika. Leipzig, 1864. 2 vols in 1. hf. bd. Svo. 1,80 lOi\'il Etat présent de la Pcnsilvaaio, ou Ton trouvo le détail (le ce qui s\'y est pass;; depius la défaite dn génóral üraddock iuaqu\'ii la pri;;e VOawogo. (Paris.) 1750. map, calf gilt. am. Svo. — Scarce. 4.50 1005 Etrennes consacréea a rutilitó ... pourl\'an 1801. Goettingue (1800.) 0 plates, sd. 24mo. 2. — Contains a. o.; Iia mort de Miss M\'Créu (.l/ac . Red); Supptómens anx notices sur lo caractère des cselaves nlgres et do lenrs maitres; etc. — One leaf damaged and the last wanting. 1000 „European (The) Race Heal: il Anno Dom. 1TS8.quot; A race o. the European Moiioivlis sitting on various animals: an elephant, an eagic, cet. On the left a scaffoid, vtnade in France of true English woof (sic), on which the 4 parts of the World are sitting\' viz.: Amcrka (in Indian attire, weeping) Asia, Africa and Europe. Engrav. by Mosley. Pnbl. (London) 20 Nov. 1738. s.;. i\'o!. 8.— 1007 Europeis JTagazyn der byaondcro zaken ... Mnltnin inparvo.July—Decoiuber 1754.Haer-lem, Enschedé (1754). 0 parts in 1. hf. vellum. 8vo. 2.5!) Contains essays on the Government of the Jesuits in Paraguay; on the cailier or late population of America. 1008 EustdO© (J. G.) [or Ncw-Yor:] Letters on the emancipation and preservation of the United Provinces, to John de Witt, v. ith lessons or humanity, addressed to Mich, van Staphorst. Rot-terd. 1797. 8vo. uncut. Rare. 3._ With letters of Johu Q. A l.ims, Minister, Mr. Randolph, Secretary of the U. St., etc. 1009 Eustatius (Gt.) — 2 View-\'i, tine drawings in wateroolours by C. C. Jeanne after the originals ol A. Holson. 1774. With Dutch explanation, nuiuh. 1—\'J and 1— 0. Very Ig. sq. J\'ol. — One upper corner restored. 8.— 1070 - Large view, engraved by K. F. Bendorp. (about 1790). With explanation in Dutch, numb. 1—17. 2 sheets Ig. sq. fol. — Full marg. 1071 —— St. Pustr tius. Atnst., R. Oltens. 1776. sq. fol. 5 i by 37. 2.50 With indication of the plantations, with the proprietors names. 1072 - Nicely drawn map y J. E. Buys. sq. 4°. 24 by 15. — Unpublished. 5.— 1073 —— St. Eustatius, one of the Dutch possessions in the Antilles, sacked -y th , English uiulor Rodney. 1780. Dutch engrav. by C. Biogerts). 12». -.75 |
1074 Eustatius (St. — Same plate, proof bef. all lelt. 1.50 The Dutch Merchants used \'o import from this Island large quantities of amuution in America; the Buglish therefore, immediately after declaring war to Holland, did their utmost to ravage it. 1075 --View of the Island, when taken by Admiral Rodney and Gen. Mai. Paughan. Engrav. by Ch. Forest. Ig. sq. 4°. 2._ 10iO---:!ic Dutch Colony, conquered by Rodney, reronquered with aid of the French. 1781. Dutch engr. v. sm. 4°. i,_ 1 . 7 - Sumo subject, another represent., marked: p. 14.5. Dutch engrav. 12°. —.75 1073 --geuoöién en hernouien, ... dooryJ. iooi- jes 1\':. Haorlein, 1782. hf. calf. 8vo. 1.25 (SI. Eustalius captured and letaken; a poem.) 10.9 Evarv^. utheran Church in the United Slates. 1828—29. 14 pieces. 8vo. U.— Miuutcs of the General SyuoJ. York. 1823, 25, 37. — Constitution of the Theolog. Seminary. Phi-lad. 1820. — Kxtracts from the miuutcs of the Synod etc. in the State of N. York. 1825, 27. — Formula for the government and disoipl. of the Kv. Luth. (.\'Iiurch in Maryland and Virginia. Hagers-town, 1823. — Minute» of the Synod of Maryland and Virg. 1834, 25. — 4 Nos. of the livaug, Luth-Intelligenccr. 1827—23. 1080 - in the United States. 1820-27. 10 pieces in German. Svo. 8._ Grundvcrfassiing d. Evang. Luther. General-Synode in d. Verein. Staaten. Baltimore, 1S20.— Verhand-lungen d. Gen. Synode. Y.irktown and Gethjsbitrg. 1825, 27. — Bitte d. deutsoh-lnther. Kirche in N. Amor, um Bcihilfe f. ein. Theol. Seminar. Berlin, 1827. — B. Kurtz, Scndschreibcn z. Besten d. Theol. Seminars. Gettys\'mnj, 1827. — S. S.Schmuc-ker, Antrittsrede im Theol. Seminarium. York-Town, IS27. — Formula f. d. Einrichtung d. Evang. Luth. Kirche in Maryland u. Virginien. Uiigerstadl, 1834.— Evang. Luth. Synode. 1^24. — ld. von West-Pcnn-sylvanicn. Vorktaun, 1827. — Id. f. Nord-Caro-lina. 1833. 10S1 Evaua (G. W.) Voyage a la Torre de Van üiemen, ou description histor., g. ogr. et topograph, de cetto ile. Trad, de I\'Anjl. Paris, 1823. map and pi. sd. 8vo. 1.26 10!)2 jJvorest (Ch. W.) The poets of Connecticut, with biographical sketches. Hartford, 1840. gill calf extra, gilt edges. Svo. I\'ery fine copy. 12.— 1083 Everett, Ales. Hill., author and diplomatist. — 2 A. L. in the 3d person, to L. C. Luzac at Leiden, dat. May 3, 1810 cet. 1 p. 4\' and 8°. 1,— 1081 Everott, Edw., distinguished Amer. scholar and Statesman, Governor 01 Massachus. 1830-40, cet. — A. L. in the 3d person to J. M\'Lean. No date. 3 linos. 8». 1,50 |
62 EVERTSEN — 1085 Evertsen. — Jonge (J. C. de) Levonsbe-schr()ving van Joh. en Corn. Evertsen, Luit-Ad-miralen van Zeeland, \'s Gravenh. 1820. flates and geneal. labiet. 8vo. (4.10) 2.25 (Biography of John and Corn. Evertsen, Lieul.-Admirals of Zeeland.) 1086 Ewing, Charles, Chief-Justice of New Jersey, 1824—32. — Autogr. Signature. —.75 1087 Examen over het Vertoogh teghen het onghe-fondeerden onde schadeiyck sluyten dor Vryon handel in Brasil. Door eon ondcrsoecker der waer-heydt. No place. 1627. 4to. (Asher N0. 166.) 2.— (.Examination of the discourse against the can-relets and injurious stoppage which has heen put to the free trade with Brasil. Ihj an examiner of Truth.) 1088 Exquemelin. — Ilistoiro des Avanturiors qui se sont signalez dans les Indes... Avec la vie, les raoeurs... dos habitants do St. Domingue et de la Tortuë... par A. O. Oextnolin. Paris, 1688. 2 vols, in 1. calf gilt, 3 maps. sm. 8vo. Fine copy. 3.— 2d French edition by M. de Krontignières, after the S|iani9h translation. 1089 - The same. Nouvelle edition, corrigée^ et augments de l\'histoire dos Pirates Anglois. Tre-voux, 1775. Vol. 1—3. sd. uncut, 3 maps somewhat different from those in the preceding edition. 1090 --Do Amorieaensohe Zee-Koovers. Behel- sendo een pertinente bcsehryv. van alle do roove-ryen on wreedheden dor Engelse en Franse rovers, tegens de Spanjaerdon in America. Amsterd., 1678. hf. vellum, 2 maps and 10 portraits and plates. 4tO. 10.— (The American Sea-Rovers, contain, a description, of all the robberies and cruelties executed by the English and French rovers in America against the Spaniards.) At the end of the volmne (pp. 101 — 186) will bo found an Appendix, containing a short account of the possessions, revenues etc. of the Spaniards in America, and a complete list of all the ecclesiastical fnnctiontries in Spanish America with notices of their revenues etc. 1091 [--] Historie dor Boooaniers, of Vrybuitors van America. Amsterd., 1700. 2 parts, in 1. veil, map, 7 plates. 4to. Fine copy. 5.— (History of the liucaneers of America.) 1092 - The same. Ibid. 1700. sewed, enlirehj uncut. Rare in this state. 8.— Partly a new, but changed edition of the preceding work, the whole 2d part being entirely new and intended for a continuation to the first. Also the plates are new; they are nicely done by .T. Larasvelt. This edition is less scarce than that of 1678, but both have remained nearly entirely unknown for a long while, so that generally the Spanish translation (Cologne, 1681. 4to) was taken for the original. |
FACSIMILES. Even the learned editors of Mr. Grenville\'s catalogue seem doubtful, whether the first Dutch edition existed in print or in MS. 1093 (Exquemelin) Piratas de la America, y Luza la defonsa de las Costas de Indias Occidontales. Trad, de la lengua Flamonca en Espan., por ol Dr. do Bonne Maison. Impr. 2a. Col. Agripp. 1682. vellum. 12mo. 10.— Translation of the original Dutch edition of 1C78, probably printed at Amsterdam. — In the beginning of the vol. a poem: «Descript. de las islas del Mar Alhlantico y do America, p. M. do Barrios.quot; 1094 Extract onde copye van verschoyde brieven ... belangende de robollie dor Paepsche Portu-geson in Brasilien, tot bewijs, dat do Kroou van Portugaol schuldieh is aon do solve. Ghedr. in \'tjaer 1646 (Asher N0. 213.) 3.— (Extract and copy of different letters, concern, the rebellion of the Popish Portuguese in Brazil, proving thai the crown of Portugal is guilty thereof.) 1095 Extract uyt d\'articulou van hot tractaet ... tusschon... Portugael en de Stat. Genor.. . raec-kende de plaetsen... buyten de octroyen v. d. Oost- on West-lnd. Comp. \'s Gravenh. 1641.1 fol. shoot. (Extract from the articles of the treaty •.. between Portugal and the Slat. Gener. concerning the places not within the limits of the privileges of the East- and West-Ind. Comp.) 1096 Extracts of a dispatch from H. M. \'s Minister at Washington, Doc. 1861, inclosing Papers relating to foreign affairs laid before the Congress of the Un. States, at the Session in 1861. Present. to Parliament 1862. Lond. (1862.) 8vo. 1.75 1097 Extracts from the letters of Jam. Backhouse and D. Wheelor, now engaged in a religious visit to Van Diomon\'s Land and New-South-Wales. Lind-fleld. 1834—35. 2 vols, in 1. bds. 8vo. 1.— 1098 Eys, J. N. van, en C. Q. C. Reinwardt, Over den Kanadaschen Popel. (Amst. 1820?) 4to. 1 plate. I\' dr. 1. (On the Canadian pepple.) 1099 Fabricius (Jo. A.) Salutavis lux Evangclii toto orbi exoriens. Ilamburgi, 1741. vellum. 4to. 3.50 Pag. 754—785 cont. an account of the propagation of Christianism in the Now World. 1100 Facsimiles [der titels] van Oude Ilollandsche Reysen uit do verzameling v. Frederik Muller to Amsterdam. — Op steen ovorgobragt to \'sGrav. by E. Spanier (1867.) squ. 4to. 30 leaves, in wrapper, with printed table in French. 50.— (Facsimiles [of the titles] of old Dutch voyages, in Ihe collection of Fred. Muller al Amst. Lithographed at the Hague by E. Spanier.) These facsimiles have been made with the utmost carc. They are printed in 50 copies only on old Dutch paper, made before 1650, and will be sold only together, no separate leaves being to be had. The originals are all very rare. — Contents; F HE DE RIK MuTiT.BR amp; O\'., |
1, 2. Culloctiun of Tuyagei, Ainst,, il. Cohjn, 1019. Kugraved anJ printed title. 3. Van Noort\'s voyage. (1002.) 4, 5, 6. Sjiilbergen and le Maire, Voyage round the world. Dutch edit, of 1619 and 21. Latin ed. of 1619. 7, 8. l)e Veer. Voyage to the North. 1598, 1605. 9 to 12. Iloutman\'s voy. to K.-India. Dutch ed. of 1597, 1598, 1609, Latic ed. of 1598. 13, 14. Van Neck\'s Toyage. Ed. of 1600 and 1601. 15. M(aree8)) Voyage to Guiuct. 1602. 16. Spilbergen, Voyage to E.-India. 1605. 17. Uicker, Voyage to La Plata. 1603. 18. Candish and Drake, Voyage round the world. 1598. 19. Raleigh and Keymis, Voyage to Guiana, 1598. 20. D. Pt. de Vries, 4 Voyages to Asia and America (New-Netherl.) 1655. 21 to 30. Detectio freti, by Is. Massa. — All the plates and maps of the editions of 1612 and 1613. 1101 Falkenstein (K.) Geschichte der Gcographi-achen Entdeckungsreiscn. Dresden, 1828—29. 5 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. 1.50 1102 „The iFamily Compact.\'\' — The Pope (aa Antichrist) unites two persona (Franco and Spain), standing together on a map of the U. S. with the names of the States. — Contemporaneous English caricature on the declaration of war by Charlea 111 of Spain to England, in aid of America. 1779. sq. 4quot;. 4.— 1103 Fearon (H. Bradshaw) Sketches of America. Narrative of a journey of 5000 miles through the Eastern and Western States of America. 3d edit. Lond. 1819. /ƒ. calf. 8vo. 2.— 1104 Featherstonhaugh (G. W.) Geological report on the elevated country between the Missouri and Ked Rivers. Washingt. 1835.8 vo. Wilh a very large col. map. 1.25 1105 Federalist (The) on the now constitution, written in 1788, by Hamilton, Jay and Madison. New edition. Philadelphia, 1818. calf, portraits. 8vo. 4.50 1106 Federalist (The) Commentary on the Con-stituon of the United States. A collection of Essays, by Al. Hamilton, Jay and Madison. Also the Continentalist and other papers, by Hamilton. Edited by John C. Hamilton. Philad. 1866. Fortr. cloth. 8vo. (8.75) 3.50 «The 1\'ederalistquot; ought to be familiar to the statesman of all nations.quot; J)e 1\'ocqueville. 1107 Felsen thai (B.) JUdisches Schuldwesen in Amerika. Chicago, 1866. 8vo. —.75 1108 Fermin (Ph.) Nieuwe allgemeeno, hlstor., geograph. en natuurk. beschrijving van Suriname. 2de druk. Amsterd., 1785. 2 vols. sU. uncut, map and plates. 2,50 (A new general, historical, geograph. and natural history of Surinam.) |
1109 Fermin (Ph.) Description génér., histor., geograph. et phys. de Surinam. A.iist., 1769. 2 vols. map, sd. uncut. 8vo. 2.40 1110 - Tableau histor. et polit. de l\'état ancien et actuel de Surinam, et d. causes de sa decadence. Maestr., 1778. hf. Id. 8vo. 1.25 1111 - Remarques crit. sur le Tableau histor. et polit. de Surinam. ... (par le baron Eberstein et Chion du Vergier). On y a joint urn) Lettre sur le Gouvernemeat de la dite colonic, sur l\'inhu-manité des lilancs onvers les Nagres, etc. Lond. (Arnst.) 1779. 8vo. — Scarce. 2.— 1112 Ferry (G.) Une campagne de chasse dans la Californie et 1\'Océan Pacifique. — E. helessert. Lea mines d\'or de la Californie. Paris, 1849 8vo. Jixtr. —.50 1113 Feuillée (La), Journal des observations phy-siq., mathémat., botauiques, faites sur les cotes orient, de l\'Amérique méridionale et dans les ludes Occident. 1707—12. Paris, 1714-25. 3 vols, many maps and plates, calf gilt, gilt edges. 4to. Neat old copy. ^ 9.— The third vulnine containing: l\'Histoire des plan-tes médicinales en usage au 1\'érou et au Chili, is often wanting. 1114 Fischer (Chr. A.) «ijdraagen tot de kennis der Spaansche bezittingen in Amerika. Leyden, 1804. sd. uncut. 8vo. l._ {Contributions lo the kwodledge of the Spanish colonies in America. From the German.) 1115 - Tafereelen van lirazilic. Haarlem, 1819. sd. uncut. 8vo. (2.40) —.80 (Sketches from Brazil.) 1116 Fisher (Al.) Journal of a voyage of discovery to the Arctic Regions in H, M.\'s ships He-cla and Griper, 181Ü-20. 4th edit. Lond. 1821. map. bds. 8vo. 1.80 1117 - Ontdekkingsreis naar de Noorderpoolstreken, 1819—20. Dordr. 1822. map. hf. calf. 8vo. 1.50 Dutch translation of the foregoing work. 1118 Fisher (R. Swainson) New and complete statistical Gazetteer of the United States of America. New-York, 1853. calf. roy. 8vo. (12.—) 3,— 955 pp. close letterpress, with a large coloured map. 1119 Flacourt (de) ITistoire de la grande isle Madagascar. Troyea, Nic. Oudot, et ae vendent a Paris chez la vetue P. L\'Amy, 1661. vellum, maps and plates. 4to. 7.50 1120 [Fleurieu.] Déeouvertes des Francois en 1768 et 1769 dans le Sud-Kat do la Nou v. Guinee, et reconnaissances posterieures des memos terres par des navigateurs Anglais, qui leur ont imposé de nouveaux nonis. Paris, Imprim. lioyale, 1790. bds., 12 maps. 4to. 1121 Flinders (Matth.) Ontdekkings-Reis naar het Groote Zuidland, anders Nieuw-llolland, Uit |
het Eng. Haarlem, 1815—16. 4 vols. id. uncut, large map. 8vo. (15.30) 4.— (Voyage of discover;/ io Terra Australia, or New-Holland. From the Unyl.) 1122 [Flint (E.)] The Far West, or a tour beyond the mountains. N. York, 1808. 2 vols, cloth, Svo. 1123 Flores (Jos.) Especifuo nuovamento :Icscn-bierto en el Ueyno do Goateinala, pin1 \'a cnraoion ra lical del horrible mn! del cancro, y olros maa 1\'recucntcs. Cadiz, 1783. 4:to. 3.— Hare and curious. 1124 Florida. — Discovory and Con jaest of Terra Florida by Don Ford, do Soto. Written by a gentleman of Elvas, employed in all the action, and transl. from the Portuguese by K. Hakluyt. Edited with notes ctj. by W. B. Kye. Lond. 1851. cloth, map. 8vo. 15.— Koprint for the Hakluyt Society of the edition of 1611. — Scarce. Out of print. 1125 - Kort Voorberigt van\'de sohcepstogten cn volkplantingen der Fransaon in Florida en Canada. — Scheepstogt van J. de Vcrrazano na Florida, 1524. (Leyil. P. v. d. Aa, 1707.) Svo. without title. 1.— (Short \'preface on the voyages and colonies of the French in Florida and Canada; Voyage of J. de Verrazano, to Florida, 1524.) 1120 - Religious, funeral and mistical ceremonies of the natives of Florida. Engrav. by Bern. Picart. 7 represent, with French mibscript. on 4 sheets, fol. — From: Picart, Ceremonies. 1.50 1127 Pocke (H. C.) Euumeratio diagnostica ((iia-rundam Orchidearum Surlnaincnsium. (Kxtr. 1842.) 8vo. — 1128 - Togtje naar Para in Suriname. (Fxtr.) 1830. 8vo. —•\'\'0 (A tour to Para in Surinam.) 1129 Forbissor (Mart.) Historia navigationia M. Forb., Angli Praet. s. Capit. A0. 1577, jusau Reg. Elisab., ex Anglici, In Scptentr. et Occidentis tractum susceptae, dlarli raodo conseripta; trlcnnio post ex gallico in latinum serm. a J. F. Freigio trail slat a, ct Korlb., ante a. 94, cum praefat. et append, odita. Denuo ))rodit e museo U. Oapelli. Hamb. 1G75. uncut. 4to. 22.— Collation: Engraved and printed titles, 2 dedications, Latin poems etc, together 15 unnnmh. pp. —■ Text beginning on the verso of C2, pp. 1—24; Annott. pp. 25—29; Appendix pp. 30—37. — The original English edition appeared at London in 1577, the French translation in the lolluiving year at Geneva, the Latin edition (translated from the French) in 1580 at Nuinberg, all in-8vo. This Hamburgh reprint contains some augmentations and is very rare. 1130 Force (P.) National Calenlnr for 1820, contain. an official list of all the officiers of the Un. States. Washington. 1820. With map. hf. calf. sm. 8vo. 2.— |
1131 Foreign Quarterly Review. Lond.l83G— i2. 14 vols. hf. calf. 8vo. 10.— ■\\Vith a number of interesting articles on the history, literature etc. of America. 1132 Formosa (\'t Vervr.-.orloosde) of verhaol hoe door vonvaerboslng d. Nedorl. h. cyhmt Formosa v. d, Zequot;iquot;iovor Coxinja vermeesterd is, enz. Door C. 1quot;.. S. Amst., 1S75. 2 parts in 1 vol. vellum. 4to. I Villi entjr. pi. 7.50 (The neglected Formosa, or account how by the neglect of the Dutch [he island Formosa was captured by the pirate Cosinja.) 1133 Forrest (Thorn.) Voyage to Ncw-Gninea, and the Jloluccas, from lialambangan, including an account of Magindano. To which is adde,; a vocabulary of the Magindano tongue. London, 1779. bds., 30 maps and plates. 4to. 4.— «This work supplies what is wanting in Sonncrat, as it is fid on the physical and moral character of the inhabitauts, on their language, on the zoology ate.quot; Lowndes. 1134 - The same. Dublin, 1779. hf. calf, map and plate. Svo. 2.25 1135 Forstor (G.) Goschichto der Reisen, die seit Cook an dor Nordwest- u. Nordost-KUste von Amerika n. in dem Nördlichstcn Amerika selbst unternommen sind. Berlin, 1791. 3 vols. hf. naif, uncut, many maps and plates. 4to. 4.50 113G - Florulae insularum Australium prodro- mus. Gotting. 1780. sd. uncut. 8vo. 1.— 1137 Fo.\'t Heal in Brazil, taken by Colonel Arciszcewsky, 7 Juno. 1035. — Map of the country, with inscription in the upper left hand corner. sii. tol. % 2.— 1138 - Same subject, almost exact copy of the foregoing plate, but with explanation of the letters A—H at the bottom, sq. fol. 2.— 113 9--Same subject, exact copy of N0. 113G in inverse order, with inscription in the upper right hand corner, six. fol. 2.— 1140 Fort Tres Reyes on the river Rio Grande, and Fort Trugillo in Brazil, besioged and taken by the Dutch Governor van Keulen. 1633. — 2 Maps of the Forts, with adjacent country. 2.— 1141 -- Same subject. Exactly the same raprescn- 1142 - Same subject. Same map without the Dutch ships, with subscription of one line. sm. fol. 2.— 1143 Fox (G.) A Journal or historical account of his life, travels, sufferings etc. 3d edit. London, 17G4. calf, fol. 4.— Pp. 423—57 contain his travels in Jamaica, Maryland, Virginia, Jersey, etc. 1144 - Fjpistlc to ail Christens to keep to Yea, Yea and Nay, Nay, and to fultil their words and promises. London, 1G82. 4to. 1.50 FllJtDEBIK MULI.EE dk 0°., |
1145 Fox (G.) Salutatie aan U Charles Stuart, dewelke nu zy t Kcproclaraeert Koninck van Knge-lamlt. Arast., 1(500. 4to. 1.50 (Salutation to Thee Charles Stuart, who art now proclamed King of England.) 114G - Ecu woord voor den Koniuk, op dat liy {A word to the King, that hi may see who are those who love alt men and honour the King.) 1147 - Coramentaire philoSöpli. sur lea paroles de Jesus-Chriat: C.ontraint les d\'entrer. Trad, do I\'Angl. p. J. {Bayle.\'] Avèc supplément. Can-tobery, 1686—88. 4 vols. calf. 12mo. 5.— 1148 Fox (W.) The six colonies of New-Zealand. London, 1851. cloth, map. 8vo. 1.— 1140 Fragoso (Jo.) Aromatum, fruetuum, et sim-plicium aliquot medicamentorum ex India Orient, et Occident, in Europam delatorum, historia ... Lat. cdita op. Isr. Spachii. Argent. 1000. sm. Svo. 2. - 1150 Francisci (Erasmi) Ost- u. West-lndischcr wie auch Sinesischcr Lust-u. Staats-Qarten. Nlirn-berg. 1668. 3 parts in 2 stout vols, vellum, 03 plates. fol. 10,— A sort of Eucycloimedia of the old writers ou America, the East-Indies, etc. The work is divided into three parts, the 1st and 2d eontainiug the natural history of the West- and East-Indies, with a conscientious account of all the fabulous creatures and monstruosities etc. which were said to live there. But the 3d part is by far the most interesting, as it treats at largo of the various aboriginal peoples of America and East-India, their government, manners, institutions, with many very curious details. Among the plates of this part wo find for instance two reprcseulatious of the bridal ceremonies of the inhabitants of Florida, of the human sacrillces of the Mexicans etc. — After the preface the author gives a catalogue of the works be has made use of for his compilation, filling 6 pp. in-folio, aud showing very extensive reading. 1151 Franck van Woord (Sob.) Wereltbocck, Splegliel ende lieeltenisse des gheheelen Aertbo-deins... te weten Asia, Aphriea, Europa ende America. Oock wat van Nieugheuonden Werelden ende Eylanden, ... nit gheloofweerdighe Wereltbeschry vers te samen gliedraghen. (Amaterd. 1558.) vellum, sm. fol. Fine copy. 10.— {The Book of the IKorlU, Mirror and Image of the whale Globe, viz. Mia, Africa, Europe and America. Also something of newly found worlds and islands, taken from authentic chroniclers.) First Dutch edition of the «Book of the Worldquot; by the wellknown German Anabaptist and Mystic Seb. Frank. It was lirst published iu German at Tiibin-geu, 1533. The 4th book, is entirely devoted to America. It begins: Of America... which was found anno 1497. Ail STERDAM. |
65 1152 Franok van Woerd (Seb.) The same. (Am-sterd.?) 1562. calf. sm. fol. 8.— Exact reprint of the preceding. 1153 - The same. — Verbetert en verraeerd... door J. Phocylides Holwarda. Bolswart, 1649. vellum. 4to. 6.— (The same. Corrected and augmented by J. Phocylides Holwarda.) The corrections and additions of Holwarda are placed at the cud of the description of each part of the world. Those to America 1111 4 pages. 1154 - Chronica. Tijtbocck en ghesclnetbibel van aenbegin der Werelt tot 1536. Mitsgaders hier by ghevoecht den Spieghel ende Beeltenisse des gheheelen Aertbodenis. Amsterd., 1595. 4 parts in 1 vol. calf. fol. 10 .— (Chronica and Historical Bible from the beginning of the World to the year 1536. To which is added the Mirror and the Image of the whole globe.) The last part, leaves 123—131, treats of America and contains extracts from the voyages of Columbus, Vespucci, Cortes etc. 1155 Franklin (Benj.) Memoirs of his liie and writings, written by himself, and continued to the time of his death, by Will. T. Franklin. London, 1833. 6 vols, portr. and fac-sim. half calf, gilt extra. 8vo. — Ver;i fine copy. 24.— Cont.: Life, Private Correspondence, Select Works. 1156 - Historical review of the Constitution and Government of Pennsylvania, from its origin. ... Founded on authentic documents. Lond. 1759. calf. 8vo. 4,_ 1157 -- Political, Miscellaneoua, and Philosophical Pieces (written before and during the Troubles), with explanatory plates, notes and index. Lond. 1779. sd. uncut, fine bust of Franklin. 8vo. Ü.— 1158 - Autobiography, publ. by W.T.Franklin, ed. by J. Sparks. Lond. 1850. bds. sm. 8vo. --.60 1159 - The same, with an appendix. Authorised edit. Dessau, 1854. 2 vols. 8vo. facsim. 1,— 1160 - Corros.iondance inédite et secrete ... 1753—1790; ollrant: Mémoires de sa vie privee; causes premières de la revolution d\'Amérique; Hist, des div. négociations, etc. Avee notes, additions, etc. Paris. 1817. 2 vols, portr. hf. cf. 8vo. 2.50 1161 - Leben. Aus dem Engl. Weimar, 1818. 2 vols. sd. uncut. 8vo. 1.50 Form vol. and 4 of: Franklin\'s nacligelassene Schriften u. Correspoudenz. 1162 - Leven, door hem zeiven beschreven. Benevens desüelfs zede-, staat-, letterkundige en geestige schriften, üron., 1798—1800. 2 vols. sd. uncut, 8vo. 2._ {Franklin\'s Autobiography, with his moral, political, literanj and ingenious writings. Transl. from the English.) POX — FRANKLIN. |
1186 FrikiuB. — Drie seer aanmorkeIi)ke Roysen na Oost-Indien, gedaen door Clir. Prikins, E, Hesse en Chr. Schweitzer, 1675-8G. Vert, door S. de Vries. Amst., 1705, velhim, plates hy Luiken. 4to. 3.50 (Three very memorable voyages to East-India, by Chr, Frikius, E. Hesse and f hr. Schweitzer, in 1Ö75—80. Transt. hy S. de fries) 1187 Froger (F.) Relation d\'un voyage fait on 1605—97 aux cotes d\'Alriquo, détroit de Magellan, Bréail, Cayenne et Isles Antilles. Amst., 1699. calf, maps and plates. 8vo. 3.— quot;Frnnf. Froger, qui nous a fonrni le récit de 1 expedition sona le commandoment de M. deGenoes, avait |)ri9 jiart i\\ ce voyage dans Ie dessin d\'observer to\'it ce qui mérite rattention dn voyagenr. il s\'ap-]diqim sartoiit a (quot;aire des cartes jmrticulières de» ports^ et des rivieres. Ses descriptions sont pleines d\'inte\'rêt, et on fait cas de ses plans et cartes. Froger fut anssi le premier qui donna des détails sur uu voyage au de\'troit de Magellan, cutrepris par des Franpais.quot; Trömel. 1188 Frossard (B. J.) La cause des esclaves nó-gros et des habitants do la Guinée ... ou His-toire de la traite et de 1\' esclavage des négres, etc. Lyon, 1789. 3 vols, engravedfrontisp. hf. calf. Svo. 2.50 1189 - The same. Dutch translation, \'s Graavenh. 1790. 2 vols. hf. calf, or sd. uncut. 1.50 1190 Furly, Bonj., distinguished member of the sect of Quakers at Rotterdam. — A. L. S. (in Dutch) dat. Nov. 13, 1674. 0 very closely written pp. 4I,. — A. L. S. of the same to C. v. Aloke-made, dat. Deo. 6, 1709. 7.50 Highly interesting letters, written in defence of the opinions of the Quakers. 1191 Gage (Thom.) New Survey of the West-Indies, ... contain, a Journal 3300 miles within the main land of America, in Mexico, Chiapa, Giui-temala, etc. With a grammar of the Indian tongue, called Poconcki or Pocoinau, 3d edit. Loud. 1677. Map, calf. 8vo. 24._ 1192 - Nieuwe ende seer naeuwkeurige reyse door de Spaensche VVest-lndien. Overges. door ƒ/. F. Q^uel-lenburg/i.) Utrecht, 1682. vellum, maps and plates. 4to. a._ Uutch translation of the foregoing work, containing also the grammar of the Punehi language. 1193 - The same. 2d edit. Ibid. 1700. hf. vellum, maps and plates. 4to. 3.— 1194 - Voyages dans Ia Nouvelle Espagne ... Avec la description de la ville de Mexique .,, etc. Amsterd. 1695. 2 vols, vellum, maps and plates. 8vo. 4,_ 1195 - Same work. 2 vols. calf. — Vol 2 with 1196 Gaillard {II.1, Lea hracouniers du Nouveau Monde. Paris. 1866. 8vo. 1.— AMSTKHDAM. |
1197 [Galard-Terraubo, (do)] Tafercel van Cayenne. Leyden, 1800. 8vo. 1.50 (Description of Cayenne.) 1198 Gallaeus, Ph., Theatri Orois Terrarnm cn-chiridion, minoribus tabulis exaratum et carmine heroico per Hug. I\'avolium illnstratnm. Antverpiae, Chr. riantinus. 1585. calf. 4°. — Very fine copy. Rabk. \' 15.— 84 Maps with a poetical description, 2 of which relate to America, viz.: a mop of the World ami a general map of America. 1199 Gallatin (Alb.) Sketch of the Finances of the United States. New-York, 1796. eai/. 8vo. 1.80 1200 Galloway. — Interrogation van Jos. Galloway, onlangs spreeker van do Vergadering van Pennsylvanieu voor het Ijagerhnis, in eene commissie op de Americaansehe Papieren. Uit het Eng. (Amst.) 1781. sd. uncut. 8vo. 3,— (ï/ic examination of Jos. Galloway, late speaker of the House of Assembly oj Pennsylvania, before the House of Communes, in a committee on the American Papers. From the English.) ■\'A very interesting and the first authentic piece in Dutch relating to the American affairs, especially on the sentiments and feelings of the people in ge-uer.d, the despotism of (he Congres ... the campaigns of Sir Win. Howe and Lord Howe, etc.quot; — Old Dutch note in .V6\'. 1201 Gama (B. Jose da) Int\'orma^ao sobre aCa-pitanio do Maranhao, dada em 1813. With preface by Mr. de Varnhagen. Vienna, 1872. 12mo. 1.20 1202 Garden (Al.), Eulogy on Gen. Clis. Cotea-worth Pinckney, Prcsid.-General of the Society of the Cincinnati ... Charleston, 1825. 8vo. 1.20 1203 Gavratsen (G. J.), History of the Ret. Protest. Dutch Churches of Jamaica and Newtown, E. I. - - A discourse delivered ... at the 40th anniv. of fhe ministry of (he Rev. Jac. Schoonmaker. Flushing, 1842. 8vo. 1.50 1204 Gasparin (A. de) Ees Etata-Unis en 1861. Uu grand penple qui se relèvo. 2e éd. rev. et corr. Paris, 1862. hf cloth. 8vo. 1.— 1205 Gastine (Civique de) Histoire de la Répu-blique d\'Haiti, ou St. Domingue, rcsclavage et les colons. Paris, 1819. — lïouvet de Cressé1 Ilia-toire de la catastrophe de St. Domingue. Ibid. 1824. — 1 vol. hf. bd. 8vo. 3.— 1206 Gatteror (J. Chr.) De belli Romauor. socia-lis causais et eventu, reapectu ad bellmn cum Co-loniis Jmericanis gestum habito. Getting. 1783. sm. fol. uncut. 2.50 A Latin programma of the llniverslty of Göttiu-geu; of the highest rarity. It is reprinted in the works of C. G. Heyue who will have written it for the Hector Gatterer. 1207 Gazeta de Madrid. (Madrid), 1775. 52 Nos. 1 vol. vellum, sm. 4to. 3.50 Weekly newspaper, interesting for the in forma- |
tions relating to the War between America and England at the time, from a Spanish point of view. 1208 Gazette de Leyde. Nouvelles do divers endroits. Leydo, 1765—82. 17 vols, in leaves, uncut; new copy. 4to. 60.— Valuable journal, of the highest importance for the history of that period, and particularly for that of America. — In No. 30 of the year 1781 the editor, the renowned publisher and scholar E. Luzac says: quot; Des l\'origine des troubles en Ameriquc nous nous sommes attaches a recucillir dans uutre fcuille des memoires ponr l\'histoire dc la quot;revolution Araéri-caine.quot; — M. Luzac was in correspondence and on a friendly footing wivh John Adims, Franklin and other leading men of the revolution; strongly attached to the cause of America, he supported and promoted it by his widely circulated paper, written with eminent judgment and strict impartiality. The innumerable notices en America in this paper are therefore highly to be valued. The present volumes are the most interesting years for the American collectors. 1209 Gedenkstukken (Vaderlandsche), opgorigt in de boide grootc Kcrkon to Dell\'t. Doll\'t, 1829. 7 lithogr. plates, fol. 2 — (Patriotic memorials in the two great churches at Delft.) Description and plates of the tombs of P. Pz. Hein, William I (the Taciturn), H. Grotius, M. IIz. Tromp, etc. (Instruction hi the use of both globes.) 1211 Gelre (P. P- van) Specimen inaug. polit.-Jurid. de utilitate Navigationis. Lugd. Bat. 1758. 4to. 1-50 Points out a. o.: the usefulness of navigation in the acquisitions of the colonics in America. 1212 (Genest). La Véritó révélée. Trad, do I\'Aiigl. Lend. 1755. calf. am. 8vo. 1.— Treats of the political and econoraical affairs with special reference to America. 1213 Gennessee. — Description topogr.iphiquo do six cents millo acres do terresjdans I\'Amoriqno Sep-tontrionale, mises on vento par actions, suivant lo plan d\'association ci-joint. Paris, 1792. sd. uncut. 4to. 10.— Belongs to the origin of the negotiation mentioned in the following number. 1214 - Map of two millions Acres of Land West- Gonesoo in the Stato of New-York, by J. and IS. Ellicott. 1800. fol. 66 by 52. Coloured. — Very rare. 15.— This map is made for a negotiation, formed by five wealthy merchants of Amsterdam, nearly all Baptists, who bought these two millions of acres, between Lake Ontario and the Nothern boundary of Pennsylvania, at about one floriu (40 cents gold) per acre. The map records their names. |
1215 Gennessee. — Original, drawn map relating to thesame negotiation. One sheet, fol. 73 by 66. — Very neatly drawn. — Unique. 40.— Tuis max\' has never ueen printed; it was most probably drawn for the principal leaders of the enterprise, and quite different from the somewhat smaller map by J. and JS. lillicott. This drawn map is certainly of later date, for we find on it the names of the purchasers, and the number of acres of each of them, with distinctly marked boundaries. 1216 Bio Goographia in ein Garten Spiel. Augsburg, J. Utridbec/c. (about 1730.) sq. 4\'\', 25.— („ The Geography in a pack of \'playing-cardsquot;) This very curious set consists of 60 cards, Ig. 12°, printed on 5 leaves sq. 4°, in the original condition, uncut and not yet divided. The set embraces; frontispiece, engraved title (Tabulae geographicae cel.), preface of 2 pp. (announcing that playing at cards in this way is an invention of the quot;celebrated P. Duval,quot; that the clubs indicate America, spades Africa, hearts Europe and diamonds Asia), 4 maps of Europe, Asia, Africa and America. — The suit of clubs (America) is divided thus: King, Montezuma. Five, Mexico. Queen, Elizabeth, Virginia. Six, Paraguay. Knave, Patagonia. Seven, Antilles. Ace, Division of America, Eight, Canada. Deuce, Chili. Nine, Brazil. Trey, Florida. Ten, Castilia d\'Or. lour, Peru. 1217 Georgetown. — Ordinances of the corporation of Georgetown, with an Appendix containing the Laws of Maryland as relate immediately no the town. Georgetown, 1821—24. ids. 8vo. 2.— 1218 Gerbior (Balth.) — Waerachtigo Verkla-ringo nopende do goude en silvcre mjjnc, waarvan den Kidder .11. Gerbier Douvily gecontracteerd heeft ... \'s Grav. 1656. 4to. (Asher Nn. 303.) 6.— (True declaration concerning the Gold and Silver mines, for which the i\'heval. Si. Gerbier has made a contract.) 1219 - Copye van het mandement van d\'Edele Hove van llollant. (1657). 4to. 3,— Ordinance of the Court of Holland to the shareholders of Gerbier\'s Company, to fulfil their duties towards him. — Not mentioned by As her. 1220 - Octroy van do Staten Gener. aengaondo de Colonie op de Wilde Kust van America, onder het beleyt v. B. Gerbier Baron Douvily. 1659. 4to. (Asher N». 307.) 5.— (Patent by the States Gen. regarding the colony on the Wild- Coast of America, under Ji. Gerbier.) This is the first Dutch Patent for the colonization of Surinam; on pp. 7—8 will be found. Specification of the equipment, the capital, etc. 122 1--Sommier verhaol van sokere Ameri- kaensche voyagie, gedaen door den Kidder Balthas. Gerbior. ... Commandeur van eon Guajacnsche colonie. 1660. (Asher N0. 11.) 10 pp. and 2 pi. — Very rare. 10.— |
(Summary account of a certain American voyage , made by B. Gerhier, commander of a Colony in Guaiana.) Very rare pamphlet, with the plates representing the murder committed by O. Keye, wanting to nearly all copies. The 2 last pp. wanting. 1222 Gertaier (Balth ) — The 2 plates of the foregoing, representing 2 scenes of the assault anil 2 portr. of the murderers, Ig. — With a French poem of B. Gerbier written in Calais 1G45, in modern transsenpt. 6.— 1223 - Lauts, Balth. Gerbier. (In Dutch). Extr. 1224 Gesangbuch (Das Neue Gemeinschaftliche) fiir die Luther, u. Reforinirten Gemeinden in Nord-Atuerika. New-York, 1852. bds. 8vo. 3.25 1225 Getrouw Verhael van de opkomst en tegen-woord. toestand der zo genaamde Methodisten in Engeland. Workum, 1752. hf. bd. 8vo. 3.50 (True account of the rise and present condition of the so called Methodists.) Chapt. IV. (pp. 17—ül) contains au account of the voyage of J. and C. Wesley to Georgia and their residence there. 122G Gewichtige Aanmerkingen over het verval van Keerlands zeévaard en Koophandel ... opgedragen aan do reeders der te wapene schepen voor de West-lnd. Colonien. Rotterd., 1781. 8vo. 72 pp. 1. — (Important notices on the decline of Netherland\'t navigation and commerce, addressed to the owners of the armed vessels, fit for the est-lnd. colonies.) 1227 Ghillany, F. W., Der Erdglobus des Martin Behaim vom Jahro 1492, n. derdes Joh. Schoner von 1520. Niirnb. 1842. 2 plates, bds. uncut. 4°. 2.50 1228 - Geschichto des Seefahrers Hitter Martin Behaim, nach den iiltesten vorhanden Urkimden. Nebst M. v. Humboldt, Abhandl. ill), d. iiltesten Kai\'ten des Neuen Continents u. d. Namen Amerika. Nürnberg, 1853. Portr., 2 plates of Behaim\'s Globus of 1492, facsimile of the 3 oldest maps of America, bds. very large 4°. (22.—) 1G.— 1229 Gillespie (A.) Buenos-Ayres ... opgehelderd door eene reis in de binnenlanden van Kio do la Plata. Amst. 1820. sd. 8vo. 1.— (Gleanings on Jiuenos-Jgres, by a voyage in the interior of Rio de la Plata. From the Engl.) 1230 Gilman, John Taylor, Governor of N. Hampshire, 1794—1805. — A. L. S. to Caleb Strong, Gov. of Massachus. dat. Exetor, Jan. 6, 1802. 1 p. 4». 1.25 1231 Girault (L.), Histoire de la liépublique des Etats-Unis. Paris, A. liion (1840?) am. 8vo. —.GO Popular edition or chap-book. |
A pud Friburgum Brlsgoicum. Anno 1530. figg., old calf 4to. (Ilarrisso 147.) 6.— The passage relating to America will be found on leaf 35: «Porro ud occidentem terra est, quam Americam vacant, etc.quot; 1233 Glareani iH.) The same, (bid., 1639. figg. bds. 4to. (Harrisso N0. 228, Add. X0. 121.) 6.— 1234 Glas (G.) History of the discovery and con-quest of the Canary Islands, translated from a Spanish MS. With a description and modern history of the inhabitants. Lend., 17G4 map, bds. roy. 4to. 5.— The original work was writteu by a Spanish friar in the isle of Palma, 1C:?2. It has never been printed. 1235 Globes. — Terrestrial and Celestial Globe. Amsterdam, G. et L. Valk. 1760. Bath coloured, with brass meridian, in the original wooden stands. 12.— The terrestrial globe is in good condition but the celestial is partly damaged. This last bears 2 annotations, telliug that this globe is corrected and augmented by llcvelius and L. Zumbach (de Koesfuldt.) 123G - Terrestr. and Celestial Globe. London, D. Adams, Globemaker to the King. 1796. — Both coloured and varnished, with brass meridians of 48 centimeter diameter, etc., each with a silk cover and in the original wooden stand, high 125 cent., each with a large compass. To each stand belongs a stout oak case, with door, of 140 by G5 cent. — Both exceedingly well preserved. 30.— Both globes are dedicated to King George III. — The pair forms a fine ornament for an astrouomical or geographical library. — Sea: N0. 329. Uleau\'s Globes. 1237 Goddard (W. G.), Address to the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Rhode Island, delivered Sept. 7, 183G. Boston, 1837. 8vo. —.75 On the value of liberal studies. 1238 (Goens (R. M. van)), Politiek Vertoog over het waar Syatema van Amsterdam met relatie tot du algemeene belangen der Republiek, benevens consideratien over den tegenwoord. oorlog, en het voorgevallene in 1777—80, mitsg. Deductie over de geheime onderhandelingen tusachcn d. Pensionaris van Berkel en do Engelsche Colonien in Amerika, en het tractaat met dezelve gesloten te Aken, 4 Sept. 1778. (Utrecht.) 1781. fol. 20.— (Political Deduction on the true System oj Amsterdam, in relation to the general interests of the Republic, with considerations on the present war, and what happened from 1777—80; also a deduction on the secret negotiations between the Pens\'u-nary v. Ucrkel and the English Colonies, and the treaty made with them at Aix-La~(\'hapelle in 177S.) Original folio edition, extremely scarce, being printed privately at the author\'s expense and only in a very small number of copies. The Politiek Vertoog is a most vehement, but also very partial accusation of the city of Amsterdam and its politics, especially during the American war. It strongly condemns the help iudircctly granted by |
FiiKDKiirrc Mm.I,int lt;k O0.,
Qomical observations, with tigures of inatrumcuta, etc. — Pp. 71—83 treat on the Arctic regions, in behalf of the Whalers, giving many delineutious of the coasts of GreealaDd (with Strait Davis), Spits-berg, Jan-Mayen-Island, etc. — In the same volume; Ant. JAcfousz, Nieuw groot Straetsboeck, inhoud. de Middel landsche Zee. (Maritime Allan of the Mediterranean.) Armt. 1656. — With 20 coloured and illuminated charts, and numerous fit/, in the text. 1263 Goos (P.) The same. New edition. Ibid. 1664. vellum gilt, tjill edges. 63 Plain maps. roy. fol. — Very fine copy. 15.— Contains the same maps as the former edition. 1254 - De Zee-Atlas ofte Water-Wereld. Amst., P. Ooos, 166G. gilt vellum, gilt edges, fol. Beautiful copy, the 41 charts exquisitely iilunünated in colours and gold. 30. — (Maritime Atlas or IVater-tyorld.) A splendid Atlas, perfectly diflerent from the same publisher\'s Lichtende Colomme, all the charts being new. It is equally remarkable for the exactness of the charts as for their sumptuous execution, nearly all being adorned with coats of arms, costumes, emblematical llgures, etc., in the present copy in gold and colours, in the best style. — On 11 charts the American coasts are delineated, viz.: Northern parti (Greenland, Ballins-Iiny, Strait Davis, etc.), General map from Newfoundland till Brazil, New-Netherland with Virginia, New-Netherland from Cabo Hinloo-pen till lieckkeviach, (with the arms of N.-Nether-land in gold), W. I. Islands, Caraibs, Brazil aud the Amazon, Kio de la Plata till the Strait of Magellan, Chili with Peru and New Spaia, New-Granada, California (still represented as an island) with the Pacific. See on the charts of New-Netherlaud As her\'s List N». 22—24. 1255 --De Zee-Atlas. — Same edition. Good copy, with coloured but not illuminated charts. 18.— 1256 - Same Atlas, new edition. Amst., P. Goos 1668. vellum, gilt arms on sides, the charts richly coloured and illuminated. Splendid copy. roy. fol. With exactly the same 41 maps as the former edition, though the Index does not mention one of New-Netherland. 1257 -- Atlas de la Mer ou monde Aquaticijue. Amst., P. Goos, 1673. vellum. Coloured maps. roy. fol. — Binding damaged. 18.— With the same 41 maps as in the Dutch edition, but the introductory text iu French. — Hare. 1258 - De Zee-Atlas ofte Water-Wereld. Ibid. 1675. vellum, plain maps. fol. 8.— This edition and the following of 1676 have only one chart of New-Netherlaud. 1269 - Same Atlas, new edition. Amst., P. Goos. 1676. vellum gilt, gilt edges. Coloured maps.— Pine copy. bi— |
1260 Gordon (Th. P.) History of Pennsylvania, from its discovery by Europeans to the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Philadelphia, 1829. culf. 8vo. 12.— 1261 - Digest of the laws of the United States, with notes explanatory and historical. Philad. 1827. 884 pp. sheep. 8vo. 4.25 1262 Gordon (Will.) The history of the rise, progress and establishment of the independence of the United States of America, including an account of the late war and of the 13 colonies from their origin to that period. London, Printed for the author, 1788. 4 stout vols. hf. bd., maps. 8vo. The author resided in America from 1770—86 and wrote a considerablo part of his work cu the spot. He had there the opportunity to inspect not only the records of the Congress, but also the papers of Washington, Gates, Greene, L ncolu, etc. 1263 Gospels (The) translated into the language of the Esquimaux Indians ou the coast of Labrador. London, 1813. calf. 8vo. 2.60 1264 - Nene Karighwiyoston etc. The Gospel according to St. John, in Esquimaux and English. London (1820.) calf. 8vo. 2.50 1265 Gosselman (C- A.), Kesa in Norra Amerika. Nyköping, 1835. Vol. 1. red mor. gilt, gilt edges. 8vo. 2.— 1266 - Kcsor in Södra Amerika. Dl. I. Fran England till Mendoza, 1836—37. Stockholm, 1842. map and plate, bds. 8vo. 1.50 1267 - Kesa in Columbia. 1825—26. 2a Uplag Stockholm, 1830. Vol, 11. red rntr. gilt, gilt edges, 8vo. 1,60 1268 - Keis naar Columbia in 1825-26. Haarlem, 1822. 2 vols. 8vo. With map. , 2.50 Dutch translation of the foregoing. Complete. 1269 Gottfriedt (Joh. L.) [or J. Ph. Abelin] Newe Welt vnd Amorlcanische Historiën. Inhal-teiule warhafftige vnd vollkommene Beschreibun-gen aller West-Indian. Landschaftten... Eranck-lurt, 1655. calf, vellum, clean and well conditioned copy. fol. 28.— It is sulliciently known, that good copies are very rare. This highly interesting work ought to be annexed to the collections of de liry, of which it is, to a certain degree, an abridgement and of which it reproduces a large number of the plates, but here all printed in the text. The author, whose real name is J. Ph. Abelin, was a celebrated historian of his time and had an active part in the publication of the quot;Grands et Petits Voyagesquot; and in the magnificent «Thcatriun Europaeumquot;. This is the 2d edition of his work, the first being published in 1631. Both are rare; the 2d has remained unknown to Ternaux. The volume is divided into 3 parts: the first contains a general description, the history etc, of the QOOS — GOTTFRIKDT. |
1 ■
New-World, after Acosta, Oviedo, Herrera, de r,net etc. The 2d embraces the aoeuuiit of 33 American voyages from Columbus to G. Spilbergen and Sehou-ten. The 3d part gives u partioular description of the West-Indies and Central-America, with an ac-connt of some Dutch expeditions to Brazil, etc. — The whole is illustrated by a profusion of engravings in the text and lt;1 maps and plates. 1270 Gottfriedt (Joh. L.) [or J. Ph. Abolin]• The same. hf. calf. fol. — Wanting tho lour iiiai)8, else a good copy. 1271 Graaff (N. de) Rcisen ... na Asia, Africa, America en Europa, behels, eon bescliryving van sijn 48 jar. reise, etc. Bijgevoegd rt\' Oost-lndische Spiegel, ... Levenswyse d. Hollandera in Indiën, etc. lloorn, 1701. \'2 parts in 1. plntcs, calf. 4to. 5.50 {Voyages in Jsia, Africa, America and Europe, during 48 years. With Mirror of East India, cont. a description, the way of life of the Dutch in India, etc.) 1272 - The same. 2c dnick vermoord, met hot Verbranden van de Fluyt Waveren, enz. Ibid. 1704. 2 parts in 1. plates. 4°. b.hf) Second edition, augmented. 1273 Graham (Maria), Journal of a Voyage to Brazil, and Kesidoncc there in 18:.\'1 — 23. Lend. 1824. With plates, calf gill extra. 4to. I\'ery fine copy of Uie Perkins Library. 0. 1274 Grandidier (E.), Voyage dans l\'Amérique dn Sud. Téroii et Bolivie. Paris, 1861. sd. 8\\o. 1.50 1275 Grandpiorre (J. II.), Quelque» mois de séjour aux Ktats-Unis d\'Amérilt;iue. Paris, 1851. sd. 12mo. —.00 1270 - Kenige maanden in de Vereen. Staten van Koord-Ainerika. Amsterd. 1854. sd. 8vo. —.00 Dutch translation of the foregoing. 1277 Granger, Gideon, Postmaster-General of the U. S. 1801—14. — A. L. S. to Justice Kly of West Springfield, dat. Suffield, Jan. 14, 1709. 1 p. fol. L50 Family-matters. 1278 Grant (J.) Verhaal van eeno ontdekkings-reizc na Nieuw-Zuid-Wales, 1800-1802. Haarlem, 1805. map and pi. hf. calf. 8vo. l-r\'0 {Narrative of a voyage Jor discovery to New South ll^ales. From the English.) 1279 Gray, Will., eminent and successful Merchant, Lient.-Govcrnor of Massachus. 1810. — A. L. S. to John Worthington Of Springfield, dat. Salem, Febr. 12. 1708. 2 p. 4°. 1.80 J280 - A,. L. S. to the same, dat. Aug. 3,1708. 2 p. 4°. 1281 Green, Ashbel, Amer. Scholar and Divine at Philadelphia, 1787, President of Nassau Hall or Princeton College. — A. L. S. to Ilev. tdw. IX Griffin, dat. Princ. Oct. 5, 1813. 1 p. 4Igt;. 2.50 |
Thanks for a sympathising letter on the death o f his son. — Fine letter. 1282 Greenland.— Map of Europe. Araat, J. lion-dins. (1010). fol. 50 by 37. _ 3.50 On this map a part of Grotnland, uForbisher\'s Straytes,quot; and a small part of America. I\'jg;; _ Pascaarte v. alle de zec-cuaten van Europa {Fortulano of all the coasts of Europe). Amst., p. and J. -Bluea. 1677. Ig. fol. 88 by 08. — Fine chart, puinted on vellum, with coloured arms. Very Rare. 30.— Interesting chart especially for the North. It contains the coast of Greenland with Strait Davis and partly the coast of Spitzbergen and Novd-Zembla. 1284 - A storm oft the coast of Greenland. J. Peters px., engrav. by J. Bachebj. 1757. Ig. sip fol. 1285 Gregory (Will.) Dagverhaal van oenen, door eon Pranschen Kaper ... genomen zendeling, naar de Zuidzee. Dordr. 1803. sd. 8vo. 1.— (Jourual of a Missionary designated to the South Pacific Ocean, captured h\\j a French cruiser. Transl. from the Engl.) His residence in Monte Video, Paraguay, etc. 1280 Grenada. — View of Port St. George. Ozanne del. 1780, engrav. by Canali. sq. fol. 2.— 1287 Gregorie, J. G., Curieuse Gedancken von den vornemsten und accurat. alten uad neuen Land-Charten, Ursprung, Auctoren und Sculptt. Franckf. u. Leipz. 1713. hf. vellum. Squot;. — Rare. 2.50 1288 Grevolink (A. H. Bisschop), De volkplanting op het eiland St. Eustatius van 1816 tot nu. (Utrecht, 1847.) 8vo. Extract. 1.— {The colony on the island St. Eustatius, from 1810 till now.) 1280 Grewingk (C.) Beitrag zur Kenntnisa dcr orograph. u. geoguost. Beschaffenheit der Nord-West-Kliste Amerikas. St. Pctersb. 1850. bds. 7 maps and plates, roy. 8vo. 3.— 1290 Grey (G.) Journals of two expeditions of discovery in North-West and Western Australia, with observations on tho aboriginal inhabitants. Loud. 1841. 2 vols, cloth, map and many plates, partly coloured. 8vo. 0. 1201 Griffin, Edw., D., Preaident of William\'s College, 1821—30, distinguished author. — A. L. S. to Dr. M. T. Cogswell of Hartford, dat. Newark, Jan. 31, 1817. 2^ pp. 40. 150 On the asylum for the deaf and dumb erected at Hartford by Dr. Cogswell. 1292 --A. L. 8. to Kev. Tim. M. Cooley of Granville, dat. Will. Coll. March 11, 1824. 1 p. 4quot;, !•— Family-matters. 1203 Gronlands historiske Mindeamaerker, udgivne af det Kon gel. Nordiake Oldakrift-Selskab. Kjö. |
\'•„O ip naTinj^ xraaaaujj
cipal events which led to Negro Slavery in the West-Indies and America. London, 181:8—52. 2 vols. bds. 8vo. 9.— Anonymously edited and rare, as the author withdrew the work from sale. 1392 Hellwald (Fr. v.), Die amerikanische Vol-kerwanderung. Wien, 186G. 8vo. —.60 1393 Hemmersan (Mich.) — West-Indianisk Reese-Beskriffning, fran 1639—1645, ifran Amsterdam till St. Joris de Mina, itt Castell i Africa; förriittat och bcskrefwin af Mich. Hemmer-tam. Och nu in pawar Swiinska Spraak förwandt och tryckt Wysingzborg, a/\' Jo/i. Kankel, 1()74. 4to. 52.50 Veey kare as all the early typographical productions of Wysiugsborg. The original editlou (in German) was published in 1663 iu Nuremberg, where the author, a goldsmith, lived after hia 7 years voyage to Guinea, Brazil, etc. The present Swedish translation is made by the publisher and printer, J. Kankel, himself; his preface is erroneously dated lOlV. — The larger part of the book treats of the author\'s stay in Guinea, with a description of that country; it is only from page 89, that hu speaks of Brazil. Forms part of the rare Collection of Voyages, printed at IVysitlyzborn, see lieesa-bouk. 1394 Henderson (Jam.), History of Brazil, comprising its geography, commerce, colonization, aboriginal inhabitants, etc. Load. 1821. 27 plates and 2 maps, calf gilt. 4t0. — Very fine copy from the Periins\' Library. 9.— 1\'riuted for the author. Published at if 3,13 s. 6 p. 1395 Hennepin (Lod ) Beschryving van Louisiana, nieuwelijks ontdekt ten Zuid-Westen van Nieuw-Vrankryk, met een verhand, van de zeden en manieren van leeven der Wildon. Mitsgad. de geo-graph. en histor. beschryving der kusten van Noord-America en de natuurlijke Historie, door Denis, Anist., 1688. 2 vols, in 1. map and 6 plates. 4to. 0.— (Description of Louisiana, newly discovered in the South-West of New-France, with an account of the manners of the Savages. Also the geogranh. and histor. description of the coasts of North-America and its natural history, by Mr. Denis.) Translation of lleunepin\'s Description de la Loui-siane, lirst published at Paris 1683 and 1684, with addition of Denys\' Description das cötes de l\'Amér. Paris, 1672, reprinted in 1686 or 1688. — Confer N». 918. 1396 - Aenmerckelycke historische Reys-Beschry- vinge door verscheyde Lauden veel grooter als die van geheel Europa onlanghs ontdeekt, behel-sende een beschryv. van de natuur van \'t Zuyder en Noorder gedeelte van America ... gedaente, aerd... dcr Wilde Natiën, enz. Utrecht, 1098. hf. bd, maps and 4 plates by J. van Vianen. 4to. 5.— (Journal of a memorable voyage through various (American) countries, newly discovered, contain, a |
description o/ the Southern and Northern part of America... the manners of the savage nations, etc.) A quite different work from the preceding. It is a translatiou of Hennepin\'s second work on North-America: Nouvelle découverte etc. Utrecht. 1697. H97 Hennepin (Lod.) Nieuwe ontdekkinge van een groot land gelegen in America, tusscheu Mexico en de Yszee... Benevens een aanhangsel, behelz. eon reize door Spaaasch West-Indien, en een verhaal van d\'expeditie der Fransehen op Cartagena, door L. de Ciapiné.) Auist., 1702. hf. bd., 3 maps, one belonging to the sappl., plates. 4to. 9.— (New discovery oj a large country, situated in America between New-Mexico and the Ice-Sea. With a supplement, containing a travel through the Spanish West-Indies and an account or the French expedition to Carthagena.) Dutch translation o( Hennepin\'s 3d work on Louisiana, containing in stead of De La Borders Relation des Caraïbes, the voyage to the West-Indies by L. de Capiné. - Two maps torn, but quite complete. 1398 - Aenmerkelyke voyagio, gedaan na \'t gedeelte van Noorder America... tusschen Nieuw Mexico en de Yszee, enz. Leyden, 1704. 1 map and 3 plates. 4to. G.— Another editlou of the preceding work, but without the supplement by L. de Capiné, and with different plates. — This book is commonly bound up with: Memo, West-Ind. Voyagien (See supra N0. 289), with which it forms properly one collection of voyages. 1399 - Bcschreibung der Landschaft Louisiana, ... neulich gegen Slldwesten Nou-Frankreichs in America eutdecket worden. Nebenat ... Bericht von den Sltten u. Leben Art der Wilden iu selb. Landschafl\'t ... Nlirnberg, 1689. 2 folding maps, vellum, with clasps. 12mo. Fine copy. 17.50 One of the rarest editions of Hennepin. — \'fhia Gennau translatiou of his lirst work is followed, pp. 355—425 by: „Beschreibung einer sonierbaren lleise etlicher bisher noch unbekannter Lander u. Vulcker im ilitternachügen America, m 167\'i durch P. Marquette S. J. u. Jolliet verrichtet worden.quot; With map. 1400 Herbert (Th.) Zee- en lant-reyse na verscheyde tleelen v. Asie en Africa, Oost-Indien enz. Uyt bet Eng. door L. v. Bosch. Dordt Abr. An-driessz., 1658. With engravings. 4to. 6.— (Voyages and travels through various parts of Asia and Africa, East-India etc. Translated from the English.) Pp. 183 — 92 contain an account of the quot;Discovery of America by Madoc ap Owen Qwyneth, 300 years before Columbus.quot; 140 1--The same. 1605. With engraving, dto. 5.— 1402 Herokmans (E.) Der Zeevaert lof, handelende van de gedenckwaerdighste Zeevaerden... Amst., 1034. vellum, fol. 15.— |
1366 Haubor, E. D., Versuch eincr umstandlkhen Historie d. Land-Charten, etc. UUu. 1724. 2 parts. 1 vol. hf. vellum. 8\'1. 1.50 The 1st part, 188 pp., treats on the history of cartography in general. 1366 Haüy, Sur les cymophancs des Etats-Unis. (Paris, l\'siO?) 1 plate. 4to. Extr. —.60 A -Mr. Camper; hommage Je i\'auteur. 1367 Havana. — Plan de la Ciudad y Puerto do la Havana, (about 1800). sq. fol. 71 by 52. — Carefully drawn in colours. 20.— With many explanations. 1368 - Plan of the city, fortifleations and harbour. With separate maps of Cuba. sq. fol. 34 by 25. 1.— 1369 --Secret Expedition against the Havana. View of the English floot in the old Straits of Bahama, 1762, engr. by 1\'. C, Canol. 2 plates, sq. fol. 3.50 1370 - St. Domingo and Porto-Rico. 3 Engraved views, sq. fol. 1671. 3.~ 1371 - and St. Domingo. 2 Engraved views, sq. 1372 Hawkins (Sir Bioh.) Observations in his Voyage into the South Sea in 1593. Koprintad from the edit, of 1622. Edited by V. li. Drinkwater Bethane, Eond., 1847. cloth. 8vo. 8.— Published by the Haklnyt Society. 1373 Haydon (F. V.), Final lleport of the Un. States Geologieal Survey of Nebraska and the adjacent territories. Washingt. 1872. larye map and 11 plates, cloth. 4to. 2.75 1374 Hayus (J.) Soc. Jes., De robus Japonicis, ludicis, et Peruanis epistolae reecntiores. Antverp., M. Nulius, 1605. hf. calf gilt. Svo. 6.— 1375 Hazart (Corn.), Soc. J., Kerckelycke Historic v. do gheheele Wereldt, uaeinolyck v. de voorgaande ende thegenvvoord. ecuwe. Antverji. 1682. 4 vols., many portr. and plates, old calf gilt. fol. 25.— (Ecclesiastical History of the whole world, sped-ally of the foregoing and the present centurg.) Interesting work for the history of the Martyrs. Vol. I. treats of Japon, China and America (Peru, Mexico, Brazil, Florida, Canada, Paraguay etc.). — Vol. III. England ami the Netherlands. — Vol. II. Africa, etc. etc. 1376 Heap (G. H), Central route to the Pacillc, from the Valley of the Mississippi to California. Philad. 1854. 13 plates, cloth. 8vo. 2.- 1377 Hearne (L ) Voyage du Fort du Prince de Galles dans la Bale de Hudson a l\'Océan Nord, 1761)—72, pour la découvorte d\'uu passage au Nord-Ouest. Trad, do I\'Angl. [Paris.] 1798. 2 vols. sd. uncut, map and plates, 8vo. 3.— 1378 - Landreis van \'t Prins van Wallis Fort aan Hudsons Baai, naar den Noorder,Oceaan. Uit |
liet Eng. m. aanmerk, van J. K. Forster.\'sHage, 1798. 2 vols. sd. uncut, maps and jtlates. 8vo. 2.50 Dutch translation of the preceding work, with notes by Korster. 1379 Heckoweldor (J.) Narrative of the mission of the United Brethren among the Delaware and Mohegan Indians, from its commencement in 1704, to 1808. Philad. 1820. 1 porlr. bds. 8vo. 9.— 1380 Hedendaagsche Historio, of tegenwoordige staat van Amerika, beholz. de historie der ontdekkingen, beschryving, natuurlyke historie, enz. Amsterd., 1769. 3 vols, vellum or hf. calf, neat. With maps and plates. 2.50 (The present history and state of America, contain. the historg of its discovery, description, natural history, etc.) 1381 (Heockeren, Baron E. L. van) Aanteek. betrekkelijk do Kolonie Suriname. Arnh. 1826. 2 maps. 8vo. !•— (Annotations relating to the colony of Surinam.) 1382 lloomakork (J. v.) and W. Barends engaged in planning the second Arctic voyage, 1696. C. Bisschop px. (1855?), engrav. by C. E. Taurel. sq. fol. — Fine, modern engraving. 3.— Same engraving, proof on India-paper, full 1383 — marg. 1384 Helden (F. J. van dor) Schipbreuk v. \'t Ooat-lnd. jacht Ter Schellinqh (in 1661) onder \'t landt van Bengalen, met bosohrijving van Arrakan, Bengale. Martavan, etc. Amst. 1675. With pi. 4\'. (Shipwreck of the East-India ship Ter Schelling on the coast of Bengal, with a description of Arrakan, Bengal, etc.) 1385 ---The same. Amst., 1086. With plates. 4to. 2.50 1386 - The same. 4th edit. Hardenvijck, 1698. IVith woodcuts. 4to. 2.60 1387 - The same with addition: Deze druk zeer vermeerdert door W. Kunst, die hetzelve alles heeft bjjgewoont. Laatste druk waarin de koperen platen zijn vernieuwt. Amst., 1746. 4to. 2.50 (This edition much corrected by W. Kunst, who was present at all this. Last edition with new copper-plates.) 1388 Hollor (C. B.) Reisen in Mexico, 1845-48. Leipzig, 1863. sd, 3 maps, woodcuts and pi. 8vo. 1389 - Mexico, Andeutungon iib. Boden, Klima, Ptlanzen- u. Mineralreich, Kultur. Wien, 18G4. 8vo. —.76 1390 Helps (A.) The Spanish conquest in America and its relation to the history of slavery and to the government of colonics. London, 1855—57. Vol. 1—3. cloth, maps. 8vo. (27.—) 10.— 1391 [-] The conqucrors of the New-World and their Bondsmen, being a narrative of the priu- |
—■x -ctm n ytiji OAg \'WSt \'IJWH \'Gpuca ui npSuipuu dn|;e;oof|i:f) «pa na^nioS -uojoa pq uba ( xh1 MlsJtsou fjm \'\'/■\'.\'ï n\'ï03 ^jintiouiio b njn) -Old }bq) pBB \'^jojsjq B ucti} njnpid b joiiibji» —■7, -oag \'jnjun -eiil •pncrj \'jipo pg -^nomBjiJuj jo uoissos )sii[ oin Snunp uoijisocltlo om jo (j.ici[S y) ^JOlSTjj OO\'g \'is \'ORfl \'oM 988 — •Olï\' \'spq \'inx -puo\'T \'soiuoiof) asom jo jusmon -jos oanjnj i)i() Siuu.ioouoo Buoiv.ionna i|}iiA \'soiu -oiof) uBaiJOiuy aou pui: «icjijg iuo.if) iioaAvjaq }so)uod uiosoad oi|) 0} panddu jC^mt^uy ,10 so} -l\'^s oo.tjj oin jo uojlvzitloioq oljj ,10 ^ïjc^sih gff t •pnqsiiqnd sjoiu of; — \'juoiuiSn.! S^MOJ[ IBinuD0 jo \'[|BJI ^(ib^ Dq 0} piBS bi joqiiiB OljX —\'t \'OAft \'dvw -spq \'ogil \'pnoT \'Xiiuy om ,10 Joomo nu jfsi \'ii~QiiIJO suStudunïo oi|} •pii;n[o.idtuoo •) •[OA ■tMi.ioaiy «1 j«av IPMO O\'U jo jsjoisih Z-ffl •qaijj jfq pnaoijnoui ^om —\'8 •Xcloo BSifj \'oag 7/?^ y?quot;.\' \'uojStiv/ •\'VA! Vquot;0 quot;WHt J0 \'JIMd •eiGA s -goil \'P\'MI\'IcI \'nouioijnoojo ^opog b jcjj •uo!)ii|oaojp uBououiy om jü iioijboiuuoj 1gt;u« 6k0.ls0.ul \' oq} jo Xjo)s|1[ icjjjcdim ut! gaitUBjuoo \'sgiX .JO pno oq} 092. [ iu0.1j \'i)aidiu;.[ qsjjufr oqj jo ^JoisiH TI\'tl ■]jl sSjoog 9nigt;| jo pnBuiuioD ^q (s 6ï i l quot;!\' p^qsqqnd bbm qsqiiurij prnjSuo oqx —•g \'OAg •sRizffsf \\i Rq \'xpfiivii-msflJo uv/d v i/jm clvm \'■/jvp \'ogil isuji \'p eny •Sunaiqon -zjieojf tiojop jios pui![Su5r \'u qoiojipiBj^ uouo.10 uouap noqosiMZ nojjoqiioqoSoa uop \'u \'aoimipui jop ii0)i!S unp 110A \'sopiiUT Bop \'ojo Jiojpuïqiqonj^x \'0RS04O \'nSBT jop uoa uoimuup \'puvj)oyof}-n3fi uoa gonqTOJi\'OSOjj \'qdtijSooo -n Mo;stn ot^I {•puvj-y/nog syf jo sjjvj/sny vusj, Jo ffjoistjj) (HTS (g 1IX D^OJS\'H sx^srwvp -tupoy) \'0^ -ps ■f.üi \'nopioq \'puBq-ojBBA gt;iif( -op!ti7 joq jo Bütujsny tj.uoj, uba oi.toisiji ofitl — •9 \'oag \'uib \'/jv3 BioA ^-gsix\'uoqBjT •opnniï OAOjVj OU BozonSinaoj sop Bb\'jemlniOD 0 Bojnomuqooeop Bop \'BtJOisiu gRtl •snonbjuotusnb qij.u quot;on j0 noijsieasjj, Sg\'[ \'OAg -si-unh ui \'pioun -ps \'omns oqj, —— i£fi — •l -oag •//»3 SiLl \'xqosjlfl opideip oinom «i .nis •bbo.iohii bo.upi g pjnofB B no (.loiBuoo -d) iSuy,] op -pwx \'soniBO -ijpmy Boinojos bos ooa« ouSB}o.i{j opuuao quot;[ op o^uosoad ojndsip cj 1; oojdBpu \'sonhiiqndoj Bonnoto -ub Bop eainoiOD sop uoijupuqj iq op gjto^SIH 9Sf I \'01 \'I1X \'JSBisopog „\'qiiMtUDqj pojfoud oq ptiB epjo.u X111 aaquioiuoa isbj ;b uoq^ puo : nocpl Xqi ogt;[b} oj 3[3as aq jstq \'pneq ïqSu oqj ^B v.s «qq joqjioa ! aoBpl Xin ui (fn pniqs oq \'oaqi nMOjq^jsAO q)Bq oq uoqM 560| \'ooq} Xq )on uqq ing \'SsaiipiiJiOjM sjq si os \'qia^sia üoji SB ojjii aoj iXoiana oinqj ■(snji joa -ajijquot; oq^) bo pooBjd o^oui oqj si osuoe siq} ui |
aiieilo^oBJBqo \'qsqSag oq) jsdidSb 5[0bj}b iuojoia b si -pouonuoui ojoqMou \'pBj) ojiij iCpiAissooxo ny —\'81 \' \'oag -flpil \'po; ■px\'S pmud»-1 \'5po.\\-Aiagt;{ ;pa)uutl uo}Boi,iuqQ •noniqoAaj oqj }iioqi! SmSuuq in ijl! aiaq; jboj jo ponbsu jaqjia oqA\\ aBoq) o) passajppy -buo\'/ -i)ia ano amoaaq puu apBj} jtio ssoaguo oj Bioof -qns qBip.ifi Suinnupi: ,10 sanuonTiaBuoa pui: Xaij -od oq; 5110 ginjuiod (.(jBinpis avoj y) sjnin ei-— -OAg -//v!) \'qili \'sut;^ •onSujiu -oei \'JS op oBicSuB.!^ ojno|oa B| op ^uosaid jub baoijbjppibuoo [■[in0iaeqnvlt;p p-i^tuth] tstl •no)2HiqsB;\\\\ pBB nosjojj.if jo sqdBjSo^tiB bq —-g -„g -d t \'s^P om •euBjjo uo.ui!H\'H VI \'AOH oq) 0; -q y -- mi —-B qoi -d i \'tm \'8 aniif \'qioo oiBA ,10 .Cb(t Mof -aojt 01 -q -y — -0181—1-6iT \'joxbuog put! j9/cmbq \'soutuf \'osnonnh ?,ktl •OAg \'dvtu -yfop \'9581 \'puoq •BpnEiBi Axopos pui! qoiMpuBg oq) n; bioaü.ij, (\'S \'S) TUH lEtl \'ij Rq .w;ok ypm p3f«2SUOJil \'tnqwnjo,\') fiq Hjsaoosjp wyt muis ■jawy-yjuOfj Jo tspis \'t}quot;CL quot;Hl fquot; ^OWH) —quot;OX (—TE) \'OAg \'P! \'sioa 9 quot;iQ—tS8I \'qnaA \'jitzCiaji 7j\' joop •jjooxuiib )aiï ■RiiquinioQ uba guiqqop^uo op ).iop;is B^uauiy-p.ioo^r uba uoj -b)g -uaajaA .iap siuapoiqosao ( a) ms^pith 08fl {•sjsi/vvf)) ■tuvpjsfsiuy ut n/joJ ystjCup ayf of pus Riivroydsj l}sui/Ê) Jo p/fo] syf uiojJ pumasp icivy jnyf \'st\'jdojd jjv of pAOj syt Jo nfivsspji) OS\'S •ojf. \'OSOI •\'OBfx. m \'jpao •tuBp.ioxsmy ni qpA RloSuq )oq 4ox jjansaa 2(fti)UoniaBn.iooA \'ijBiaqo jaq uba j|0ba\\p0sjb ufiz agt;iiaA\\ \'ua.i0gt;i|0a 0|ii! nou najosn sop dBqasjouq oei (\'f) sntSSlH 6ötl \'ii?T \'quot;^gt;quot;gt;1,1 -djoAiuv psqsqqnd sbm \'sdmii pi puB ixn) qo)n([ qij.w \'Bni)ipa )s.ii) aqj ■t?)Aoo?n[^ pus BnioAiq; jo nsnqi uBissnjf oq) joj \'Siq)60j0)B! ojb boijmuy jo dBiu jnjonnS b ptlB oqo|g oqj jo dBtu b jo-,oonoo unououiy oq) jojx — -jnopooM m sn/tjjj j jo )!bj) -jod oq) ij oSBd ng -uoieiAip otu) oq) Sni;)SOipnt oju)buSis oq) \'i6—91 pojoqumn X|3uojm ojb dd ^8 »q,L *pooM u; \'ABjSno sdiim 08 J0 n0i)OEIl0O — -gi \' -jiavh ah3a. — ndoo fjoyg •Sui%nx!Ji\\ f,9—89 quot;\'W puB opij, -sdvtu psjno/oj — -„f \'tib •u\\b \'gGSI \'su/lsjj -yov/ \'\'jbiuy •BBq-siBj; np Boj.nia Bouoq supl op \'B \'0 \'(qoi.iuo )a ipnBaSSy •sni[0).io \'JflV.P quot;P ouiO)ido no \'apuom up jio.ijh oq \'(ae^oei \'su^gh) 8Etl OAg 7081 -qjx b \'jaofBjj, •ouusbiaou um) ua)0a mna \'Biiqipiuuuua bibubo ui isuatuBnung ipnapao -oad opom oq (smDiuvuung p \'Q) fipTTif!0!! iStT ( uKviJiar) at/f viojJ \'isuvji \'jvuvotjswy .11/; mouj stnosg) OQ\'I (QB\'Z) \' quot;OAg \'P* OiSI \'noduiBJI •jawg op -K p -pSooii \'q )!jl -89—I96T \'foiaoQ amp; |
benh. 1838—45. 3 vols. in 4. 12 plates and map. 8vo. 10- Out of print and scarce. 1204 Gronovius (Jac.) Do Geograpliiae origine, nrocrrcssu ct duicediiio. Lugii, Bat., 1T03. sd. uncut, 8vo. Uare. 1 1295 Groso (J. H) A voyage to the East-Indies, with observations on various parts there. London, 1757. calf. 8vo. 2 — 1296 Grothaus (Bar. de), Proiet d un nouveau systcme de banque nationale offert aux citoyens de l\'Amérique. (Amst.) 1783. Bvo. 48 pp. 2.50 3 numbers of the journal: Le PolHique Hollan-dais, treating this project, without special title. — Hare. 1297 Grotius, H., Mare liberum, s. do jure, quod Batavia eoinpetit ad Indiana commercia. Lugd. Bat., Elzevier, 1033. calf gilt. Ibmo. Heat copy. 1.50 1298 _ Vrye Zeevaert ofte bewys van quot;t vecht dat don Hollanders toecompt over de Indische coophandel ■. • Eeyden, 1014. vellum, 8vo. 2.50 Dutch translation of Grotius\' Mure liberum. 1299 Gruba (A. W.) Schetsen en talereelen nit Amerika, Azië en Australië, Snoek. 1861. 2 vols. plate. 8vo. I\'\'1quot; {Ukelches from America, Asia and Australia, From the German.) 1300 Grund (Fr. P.) Die Americaner in ihren moraliachen, polit. u. gesellschaltl. Verhiiltnissen. Stuttg. 1837. sd. 8vo. !•— 1301 [Grynaous (Sim.)] Novus Orbia Ucgionum ct Insularuni vetcribus ineognitaruin, una cum tabula cosmographica. Basileae, Aptid Jo. llervagium, 1532. large map in Xi/lograph;/, vellum, fol. 58.— Tho origiaal first editiou, the rarest of all, with tie map. Very line copy. — «HMilio collecliouis prima, nud certainly an invaluable collection, which reflects credit to John lluttieh, who alon\'e compiled it. Simon Grynaeus only wrote the preface...quot; Harrisse No, 171. Contents: Cadamusti navi^atio ad terrasignotas.— (7,r. Columbi navigatio. — P. Alonsi navigatie. — Pinzoiii navigatio. -- Alb. Vesputii navigationum epitome. — P. Aliaris navigatio. — Josephi Indi navigationes. — Am. fespudi navigationcs IIII. — Epislola Emanuelis regis ad Leouom X. Pont. Max. — I.odovici Uomani navigationes. — Brocardi Locornm Terrae Sanctae descrijitio. — M. Pauli Vencti. I)e regienibus Orient. 11.111. Ilaithon, Du Tartaria. --Michow, Sarniatia. — P. .Tovii Moscbovit. legatio. — Peter Martyr, l)e Insulis uuper inventis, — E.Stella, l)e Bornssiae antiquitatt. The map of the present copy is that called by Harrisse: B; it agrees exactly with his description, n-cept that the 2d square does not commence with the word Scvtarnm ( is Harrisse says) but Scythanim. Copies with the map are very rare, and certainly out of 20 copies only one has the map. As, no |
doubt, many possessors of the book without the map, would wish to supply this deficiency, I have caused a fac-simile of it to be made on very old paper, so exactly reproducing the original, that it would be difficult, it not impossible, to detect the difference. 1302 [Grynaeus (Sim.)l The map of Munster (in facsimile, as described in the preceding N0.) separately. Only 10 copies struck off. 15.— 130.\'3 - The same work. Parisiis, Apud Galeotum a Vrata. (at the end 1532.) calf gill. fol. (Harrisse N«. 172.) 40.— 2d edition. Exact reprint of the preceding edition, without additions. The map, which belongs to this Paris edition, is not that of Miinster, but an euti-rely differcut (and if possible still rarer) one, by Orontius Kinaens. It is described Ly Harrisse, page 298. The present copy has ouly th.? right half of this map, hut, besides, a fac-simile of the whole map on old paper, in the same manuer as that of Miinster. 1304 -The map of Orontius Finaens (in facsimile as that of Miinster) separately. On old paper. Only 10 copies struck off, 15.— 1305 - The same work, same edition, vellum, fine tall copy, the map in facsimile. 35.— Harrisse (N0. 173) cites still another Paris edition with the address: Apud Jonnnem Parvum sub flore idio (1532), which is exactly the same as the preceding, ouly with a new title. 1300 - The same work. Basileae, Apud Jo. llervagium, 1537 (at the end 1536.) calf. fol. 35.— This 3d edition has the same contents as the preceding two, hut with addition of .Maximilian of Transsylvania\'s account: tie Molucris insulis (pp. 595—600.) — With Minister\'s Map in facsimile. 1307 - The same. Basileae, Apud Jo. llervagium, 1 555. vellum, fol. 50.— Best and most complete edition, containing considerable additional pieces, viz.: V. (ortesii Ue insulis nuper inventis narratio. — Epistolae duae de Evangelii profectu apud Indos. — Episcopi Temixi-tan (Mexico) in Huketan epistola. — JSicolni Herbond Epitome de India ad fidem Christi convertendis. With Minister\'s map in fac-simile. 1308 --The same edition, vellum, map in facsimile. Vine copy with MSS. annotations by Jo. Schef-for (author of the History of Lapland.) 55.— 1309 - Dio Now Welt der landschaften vnnd Insulen, so bis hie her alien Altwelt beschrybern vubekant, jnngst aber... jm NidergenglichenMeer hevfnnden. Strassburg, G. t\'lrichervon Andla, U)34. /lt;/. ca\\f. fol. 40.— German translation of Grynaeus\' Novus Orbis, made by Mich. Herr. quot;Mollis connue et beaucoup plus rare que I\'original.quot; Triimel. - No map has been issued with Ibis translation, which has on the other hand the merit of being augmented in the text. It contains a full translation of Peter Martyr\'s Decades (leaf 174 -229) and also his 3 books de Le- |
yatione Bahylonica (38!i—iU8); buth wanting in nil the difTcrent Latin editions. Besides, it contains all the pieces of the lirst Latin edition of 1532, except Jiiinsters, Introductio in tahulam geograp/i., which, the mai) wanting in it, was superfluous. Also the proface of Grynaeus is omitted and a new one by the translator, Mioh. ilerr, added. It is curious, that none of these differences has been noted by ilarrlsse (N0. 188.) 1310 iGrynaous (Sim.)] Dio Niouwo Woorolt dor Lamltsohappen cnao Eylanden, dio tjt hiertoe allon ouden wee relt hoscr[j noren onbekent gewest Bijn... Tliantwerpcn, Jan van der Lot, 1563. vellum. fol. (Tielo Nquot;. 293.) Rare. 50.— (The New World of lands and islands, which have been unknown till now to all old geographers^) This Dutch translation is made on the German version of Mich. Herr of 1534, but with new augmentations, so that it is the most complete of all editions of this valuable collection. Besides the Decades of Petrus Martyr and his 3 books: de lega-tione Babylouisa (both inserted in the German translation) it has from the Latin edit, of 1555; Two Histories of New Spain by F. Cortes, on pp. 334 to 503, — while the: History of the islands of Canaria, newly discovered, on pp. 504 to 521, exists in no other edition of this work. The translation is made by the notary Corn. Abhjn, who abridged the preface and added a dedication tu William Prince d\'Orange. This Dutch edition is exceedingly rare. ]311 Guattini. — Viaggio nel regno del Congo, del 1\'. Mioh Angelo de Guattini et del P. Dion, de Carli, Capuccini Missionarii ... Venetia, 1(509. vellum. 12nio. — Rare edition. 4.50 1312 Guerro d\'Amérique. Campagne du Potomac, Mars—Juillet 18G2. Paris, 18G3. sm. 8vo. 1.— 1313 Guerreiro (P.) Indianischo Newe Relation, erster theil, was sich in der Goanischen Prouintz u. in Monomatapa, Mogor, Malabaria, China, Pegu etc. zugetr.igen. Auss d. Portugies. Sprach ver-loutscht. Augspurg, 1G08. 4to. 4.50 1314 Guizot, Washington. Fondation de Ia Répu-blique des Etats-Unis. liruxelles, 1851. hf. calf. 8vo. —.60 1315 Gumilla (J.) Histoire natur., civile et géo-graph. do I\' Orenoquo et d. princip. rivieres qui s\'y jettent. Trad, de I\'Espagn. p. Eidous. Avignon, 1758. 3 vols. sd. uncut, map. sm. 8vo. 5.50 1316 Guts Muths (J. Ch. P.) Vollstandige Erd-beschreibung von Guyana u. Brasilien. Weimar, 1827. sd. uncut. 8vo. 1254 pp. 2.75 1317 - VolUtiindigo Erdbesehreibnng von Chile, Arauca, Patagonien, der Falklandsinsein u. der SIld Polar-Kilande. Weimar, 1830. sd. 8vo. 1.— 1318 Guyana. — Eigentliclie Besohreibung des Lands Guiana, welches gelegen an der vesten meer grentzeudeii Landschafften America... Hiemi wird beygelUgt eiue Verzeiclmusz des ausschusaea |
unit unkoatona der Participanten odor Tlieilsgh-nossen, und des gewinns ... wio auch der Con-ditionen ... dor Staateu von Holland ... fiirdie jenigen so nach Guiana zu fahren begiihren. Sami Sloegen von einen der Jtundert Oberhiiuptern dieser neu-angehenden (Money, ahgeferligten Schreiben an 7,ween seiner ... Freunden hiesiger Stadt Bern, worin ein Kurtz-verfaszter bericht von obangedeuten Lande etc. Barn, Sam. Kneudiller, 1677. map, uncut. 4to. — Veuv bake. 35. — This german translation of Nquot;. 263 (Beaumont, S. de) is still rarer than the original, aud very curious for the adjoined letters. The map is copied on the Dutch original. 1319 Guyana. — Tho British Gniana Directory, with almanack and diary for 1857—62. Demerary (1858 -63.) 6 vols, cloth. 12ino. 2.— 1320 - Chart of the coast between tho rivers Cupanama and Oronoque, by C. J. Vooght. Amst., J. v. Keuleu. (1694). tbl. 59 by 50. — Coloured. 2.50 1321 - Chart of the coast between Cabo Noord and Rio Amano, by C. J. Vooght. Amst., J■ v. Keulen. (1694). lol. 59 by 50. — Coloured. 2.50 With plan of Fort Cajana. 1322 - Chart of the Golfo de Paria, with the islands Tabago, Trinidad, Granada, etc., by 6\'. J. Vooght. Amst., J. v. Keulen. (1694). fol. 59 by 50. — Coloured. 2.50 1323 - Map of Guyana and the of the Spanish West-Indies. Amst., Is. Tirion (1765.) sq. fol. 41 by 33. Coloured. 1.25 With special maps of Curasao, Demerary and Essequebo. 1324 --Dress, weapons etc. of the natives and of the negroes. 12 lith. by Madou and /-aiders. fol. India-paper. 2.50 1325 H[aefkonB] (J.) Reize naar Guatemala, \'s Grav. 1827. 2 parts, sd. plates. 8vo. (2.50) 1.50 (Voyage to Guatimala.) 1326 - Centraal Amerika, uit eon geschiedkundig, aardrijkskundig en statistiek oogpunt beschouwd. Dordr., 1832. sd. uncut, map and plates. 8vo. (4.80) 2.— (Central America, considered from a historical, geographical and statistical point of view.) Revised and augmented edition of the foregoing book. 1327 Haerlems Sohuyt-praetjen op \'t redres vande West-lnd. Corap. 1649. (Asher N0. 262.) 1.50 [Ilaerlem\'s Boat-talk on the reformation of the JV. I. Comp.) Ou the affairs of the W.-I. Comp. in Brazil. 1328 Hageman (J.) Geschied, van den afval dor Spaansch-Amoricaansohe Koloniën, benevens ge-schied- en aardrijkskundige aanteek. nopens dio gewesten. 233 pp. 4to. MS. 10.— {History of the defection of the Spanish-American colonies, with historical and geograph. notices.) |
Unpublished Manuscript, dated: Ojaü-haranrj op Java, Junij 1814. Highly interesting, aa well for the historical particulars it contains, as for the geographical and oilier notices. 1329 Hagoman (J.) Geschledkuntlige Borigton aan-gaendo het Spaansch America. Mexico. 83 pp. 4to. MS. 3.- {llistorical notices relating to Spaniih America: Mexico.) History of the rebellion of Mexico against Spain in the beginning of this century. MS. Copy of the part relat. to Mexico, of the foregoing. Nut publisheil. 1330 Hagon (Stev. van der) Boachryv. van de 2e Voyagie met 13 Schepen, naar O. Indlë {1603 — 1605.) (Amst., Harlgers, 1G48.) bits. 4to. (Tiele N». 143.) ^ 3.50 (Description of the 2d voyage to Hast-India, 12 ships.) Forms pp. 62 to 96 of the first voyage of Spilbergen to India in 1001. 1331 Hager, J. G-., Geographischer Bilchersaal. Chomnitz. 1766—78. 3 vols, eacli in 10 parts, bds. Uncut. 8°. 4.50 Essais and reviews of old and modern books and ■naps, viz.: on Miinster\'s Cosmographey; Europ., Asiat., Afrik. u. American. Spicloharten; I\'tolemaei Geographia; Wytfliet, Augrnenttim descript. Ptoletn. s. Occident, notitia Id\'JS; J. v. Keulen, Atlas de la Mer. Amst. 1699. Mit ausflihrl. Liste d. 160 Kar-ten; li. Vlasbloem\'s Leeskaert ofte Lootsmans weg-wyser 1685; and in Vol. Ill; «General description of the English Coloniesquot; (in German), 45 pp. with MS. index of all the names of places. 1332 Hakluyt (Rich.) The principall Navigations, Voyages and Discoveries of the English nation, made by sea or over land, etc. London, 1589. old calf. sm. t\'ol. 30.— Okiqinal edition, r a it e. — A corner of the under part of the title torn off and the three last leaves of the Index wanting; else a good copy. 1333 Hakluyt Society (Publications of the). London, 1847—(10. 12 vols, cloth, uncut, many maps and plates. 8vo. Printed for subscribers only. 80. — Contents of this set: Hawkins, Voyage into the South-Sea in 1393—1622. — Columbus, Select letters, with other orig, docununts relat. to Ins voyages. — Raleigh\'s Discovery of Guiana in 1595 — 96. — Franc. Drake\'s Voyage, 1595. — Randall, Narrative of voyages towards the North-West, 1496— 1631. — liundall, Memorials of the Empire of Japan. — Hakluyt, Discovery of Terra Florida, 1611. — Ilerberstain, Reruin Moscovitarum Cummentarii. 2 vols. — De feer. Three Voyages by the North-East to China, 1594—96, with introduction of Beke. — Mendoza, Historic of China, 1588. Vol. I. — Henry Hudson, the Navigator, hy G. M. Asher. Some of these volumes have become rare. |
Suriname, volgens de Staatscommissie. Amsterd. 1856. roy. 8vo. col. plate. 1.25 {Emancipation of the slaves in Surinam, according to the Slate-Commission.) 1335 Halberstadt (A) Kolonisatie van Europeanen te Suriname. Opheffing van liet pauperisme, ontwikkeling van handel en industrie. (Leidon, 1870.) 09 lithogr. drawings by Madou and Lanters. bds. large 4to. — Privately nrinted. Fine volume. 8.— (Colonisation of Europeans at Suriname \\bil sh-ment of population of commerce and industry.) The plates of this book appeared first with a French folio text by Bonoit, under the title: Voyage u Surinam. 1336 Ilaliburton (Th. C.) Historical and statistical account of Nova Scotia. Halifax, 1829. 2 vols. bds., maps and engravings, 8vo. 10.— 1337 Hall (Hasil) Mémoires et Voyages (en Amc-rique, aux Indes, etc.) Paris, 1834. 4 vols. hf. calf. 8vo. 2.50 1338 - Dagboek op eene reizc langs de kusten van Chili, Peru en Mexico, 1820 -22. Delft, 1826. 2 vols, srf., map. 8vo. (5.50) 1.50 (Diary of a voyage along Ihe coasts of Chili, Peru and Medico.) 1339 - Zee- en landreizen. Vertolkt door J. Olivier. Amst., 1826. 2 vols. sd. 8vo. 1.50 (Travels and voyages in East-India, America etc. Transl. by Olivier.) 1340 Hall (Franc ), Travels in Canada and tho United States, in 1816 and 1817. Loud. 1818. bds. 8vo. 1.50 1342 [Halle (Jos.)] Mundus alter et idem: sive Terra Australis, antelmc semper incognita. Acced. TU. Campanellae Civitas Solis et F. Baconis Nova Atlantis. UltraJ. 1043. vellum. 12mo. 3. — A pleasant invective against the characteristic vices of various nations, from which it is said. Swift has taken the idea of his Gulliver\'s Travels. — At page 1 a map of America and the South-Lands. 1343 Hamconii (Mart.) Frisia seu de viris rebus-que Frisiae illustribus. Franekerae, 1620, calf. 4to. With a large number of fine portraits engraved by ihe celebrated P. 1\'eddes HarUngensis. 8.— Pp. 74—75 contain an account of a voyage of the Prisons to America and Chili long before Columbus. — See on the real probabtliiy of such a voyage the: Memoir on the discovery of America, by v. d. Eergh. — Confer Nquot;. 303. 1344 - The same work. Amstelod., 1023. calf. 4to. With portraits by P. Feddes HarUngensis. 6.— The same edition as the foregoing, with changed title. 1345 Hamol (J.) England and Russia; comprising the voyages of John Tradescaat the elder, Sir |
Hugh Willoughby, Richard Chancellor, Nelson, a. o., to the White Sea, etc. Translat, from the German by J. S. Leigh. Loml. 1854. dolh. 8vo. (9.10) 5.— By his rescai-clics in the Ilusuian anil ICnglish archives the author made this work one of the most interesting on Arctic Veyages. 13lt;1G Hamilton (Alox.) — Observations on certain documents contained in the: History of the United States for the year 179G [by J. T. Cailen-der] in which the charge of speculation against Alex. Hamilton, late Secretary of the Treasury, is fully refuted. Written by himself. Philadelphia, 1797. sd. uncut. 8vo. 7.50 Very bare. — «In this pamphlet General Ha-miltoQ defends himself from a charge made against him of improper pecuniary speculations, at the expense of his private character. It contains an account of his «amorous connectionquot; with Mrs. Reynolds.quot; — Rich. 1347 - A. L. S., without address, dat. N. Y., March 22, 1800. 1 p. 4°. 5.— Military uffaiis. 1348 Hamilton, Les hommes ct les moeurs aux Etats-Unis d\'Amcrique. Paris, 1831. 2 vols, in 1. hf. bd. 8vo. 1.25 1349 Hamme y Leon (Lor. van der), DonFi-lip el Prudente, Segundo deste nombre, Key de las Espanas y Nuevo-Mundo. Madrid, Viuda. de Al, Martin, 1625. vellum. 4to. 7.50 Pagg. 141 etc. quot;Quede libre la Florida de los Franceses.quot; 1350 Hanbury (B.) Historical Memorials relating to the Independents or Congrcgationalists, from their rise to the restoration ot the Monarchy, 10(30. London, 1839—44. 3 vols, cloth. 8vo. 10.— Contains ample notices on the Brownists, on Johnson, Ainsworth, llubinson, their residence in Holland, and their setllement in New-England. 1351 Hancock, John, famous Anier. Patriot, President of Congress (1775—77), Gov. of Massachus. 1780—85, 1787-93. — Aut. Signature. 1.50 1352 Handbook for New Zealand, consisting of the most recent information, compiled for the use of colonists. London, 1848. cloth. 8vo. 2.25 1353 Harper, Rob. Goodloe, Member ot Congress 1794—1801, Senator. — A. L. S. to Rev. Dr. Greene of Philadelphia, dat. Baltimore, Jan. 16, 1803. 1 p. 4°.\' 1.— 1354 Harper \'s New-York and Erie Rail-Road Guide. New-York (1854.) sd., map and many engravings. 8vo. —.60 1355 Harris (John) Navigantiura atque Itineran-tium liibliotheca, or a complete collection of voyages and travels, consisting of above six hundred of the most authentic writers. Continued with large additions by Dr. Campbell. London, 1764. 2 vols, calf, numerous maps and plates, toy. fol. 18.— |
Best edition, superseding that of 1705. — Vol. I. Introduction; circumnavigators from Columbus to Anson; discoveries and voyages in East-India. — Vol. 11. Discovery, settlements and commerce of West-Indies; voyages towards the North, in Europe, Persia, etc. 1356 Harrison, Will. Henry, 9th President of the U. S. 1841. — A. L. S. to W. H. Seward, Secret, of State, dat. North Bend, (no year). 1 full p. 4°. 4 50 A postscriptum says; quot;As the best security to this letter against the pirates of P. O. (Post Ollice) 1 will direct it to the Seer, of State.quot; 1367 Hartmann et Millard, Le Texas, ou notice histor. sur le champ d\'asile, comprenant tout ce qui s\'est passé depuis la formation (en 1815) jusqu\'a la dissolution do cette colonic, la liste do tons les colons Francais. Paris, 1819. sd., uncut, plate. 8vo. 1.50 1358 Hartsinck (J. J.) Beschrijving van Guiana of de Wilde kust van Zuid Amerika. Aardrjjks-kumle. Historie... Inwooners, Dieren... de eerste ontdekking dier kust, bezittingen der Spanjaarden, Franschen en Portiigeczen etc. Amsterd. 1770. 2 vols. hf. calf, uncut, many plates. 4to. 4.50 {Description of Guiana or the wild coast ef South-America.., its geography, history... inhabitants, animals, with an account of its discovery and the colonies of the Spaniards, Franch and Portuguese.) 1359 -- Same work. 2 vols. hf. bd. uncut. Large paper. 7.50 1360 Harvard University. — lllustrissimo Joh. Hancock, Gubernatori, Honorat. Sam. Adams, Viee-Gubernatori; consiliariis ot senatoribus Reipubii-cae Massachusettensis, Reverendisque prosbyteris, Universitatis Harvardianac Curatoribus ... theses hasce humillimo dedicant juvenes (follow the names.) Habita in comitiis Universitatis Cantabrigiae, Massachusettensis, die Julii XV, A0. 1789. Bostoniae, Typis J. Thomas et So. 1 leaf, large fol. 10.— An excessively rare, perhaps unique piece, destined to be posted on the walls uf the University buildings. It contains 190 different Theses to be defended by 47 Juvenes in artibus initiati. Among their names wc find; Car. Adams, Zacclmr. Bartlett, J. I). Dunbar, G. B. Upham, etc. 1361 Hassel (G.) Vollstiindige Erdbesehreibung des Britischen u. Russischen Amerika\'s. Weimar, 1822. sd. uncut. 8vo. (6.—) 1.50 1362 - Vollstttnd. Erdbeschreib. der Verein. Staa- ten von Nord-Amerika. Weimar, 1823. sd. uncut. 8vo. (9.—) 2.50 1363 - Vollstiind. Erdbeschreib. von Australien. Weimar, 1825. sd. uncut. 8vo. (9.—) 2.— 1364 - u. J. G. Fr. Cannabioh, Vollstiind. Erdbeschreib. von Mexico, Guatemala u. West-Indien. Weimar, 1824. sd. uncut. 8vo. (7.—) 2.— Predekik amp; C0., |
1366 Hauber, B. D., Versuch einer umstitndlichen Historic d. Land-Charten, etc. UUii. 1724. 2 parts. I vol. hf. vellum. 8°. 1.50 The 1st part, 188 pp., treats on the history of cartography iu gcucral. 136(5 Haüy, Sur les cymopliancs dos Ktats-Unis. (Paris, 1810?) 1 plate. 4to. Extr. —.60 A -Mr. Camper; hommage de l\'auteur. 1367 Havana. — Plan de la Ciudad y Puerto de la Havana, (about 1800). sq. fol. 71 by 52. — Caukfully DRAWN IN CCLOUKS. 20.— With many explanations. 13G8 - Plan ol\' the city, f\'ortifleations and harbour. With separate maps of Cuba. sq. lol. 34 by 25. 1.— 1369 ---Secret Expedition against the Havana. View of the English fleet in the old Straits of Bahama, 1762, engr. by 1\'. C. Canot. 2 plates, sq. fol. 3-50 1370 - St. Domingo and Porto-llico. 3 Engraved views, sq. fol. 1671. 3.— 1371 -and St. Domingo. 2 Engraved views, sq. 1372 Hawkins (Sir .Rich.) Observations in his Voyage into the South Sea in 1593. Keprinted from the edit, of 1622. Edited by 6\'. Li. Drinkwater Bethune. Lond., 1817. cloth. 8vo. 8.— Published by the Hakluyt Society. 1373 Haydon (F. v.), Final Report of tho Un. States Geological Survey of Nebraska and the adjacent territories. Waahingt. 1872. large ma]) and II plates, cloth. 4to. 2.75 1374 Hayus (J.) Soc. Jcs., De rebus Japonicis, Indicis, et Penianis epistolae rccentiores. Antverp., M. Nutius, 1605. hf. calf gilt. 8vo. 6.— 1375 Hazart (Corn.), Soc. J., Kerckelycke Historie v. do gheheele Wereldt, naemelyck v. de voorgaande eiulo thegenvvoord. eeuwe. Antvei-j). 1682. 4 vols., many portr. and plates, old calf gilt. fol. -5.— (Ecclesiastical History of the whole world, specially of the foregoing and the present century.) Interesting work fcr the history of the Martyrs. Vol. I. treats of Japon, China and America (Peru, Mexico, Brazil, Florida, Canada, Paraguay etc.). — Vol. III. England and the Netherlands.— Vol.11. Africa, etc. etc. 1376 Heap (G. H.), Central route to the Pacific, from the Valley of the Mississippi to California. Philad. 1854. 13 plates, cloth. 8vo. 2.— 1377 Hearne (L) Voyage du Fort du Prince do Galles dans la Baie de Hudson a I\'Dcean Xord, 1769—72, pour la découverte d\'un passage an Nord-Ouest. Trad, de I\'Angl. [Paris.] 1798.2 vols. sd. uncut, map and plates. 8vO. 3.— 1378 - Landreis van \'t Prins van Wallis Fort |
aan Hudsons Baai, naar don Noorder,Oceaan. Uit het Eng. in. aanmerk, van J. K. Forster. sHage, 1798. 2 vols. sd. uncut, maps and plates. 8vo. 2.50 Dutch translation of the preceding work, with notes by Forster. 1379 Heckowelder (J ) .Narrative of the mission of tho United Brethren among the Delaware and Mohegan Indians, from its commencement in 1704, to 1808. Philad. 1820. 1 portr. ids. 8vo. 9.— 1380 Hedondaageoho Historie, of tegenwoordige staat van Amerika, behelz. de historie der ontdekhingoii, besehryving, i.atuuflyke historie, enz. Amsterd., 1769. 3 vols, velhm or hf. calf, neat. With maps and plates. 2.50 (The present history and state of America, contain. the history o/ its discovery, description, natural history, etc.) 1381 (Hoockeren, Baron E. L. van) Aanteek. betrekkelijk do Kolonie Suriname. A rnh. 1826. 2 maps. 8vo. 1 — {Annotations relating to the colony of Surinam.) 1382 Heemskerk (J. v.) and W. Barends engaged iu planning the second Arctic voyage, 1595. Bisschop px. (1855?), engrav. by C. E. Taurel. sq. fol. — Fine, modern engraving. 3.— 1383 —- Same engraving, proof on India-paper, full marg. 5.— 1384 Heiden (F. J. van dor) Schipbreuk v. \'t Oost-lnd. jacht Ter Schellingh (in 1661) onder \'t landt van Bengalen, met beschrijving van Arrakan, Bengale, Martavan, ctc. Amst. 1675. With pi. ■Ir\'. (Shipwreck of the East-India ship Ter Schelling on the coast of Bengal, with a description of Arrakan, Bengal, etc.) 1385 ----The same. Amst., 1685. With plates. 4to. 2.50 1386 -The same. 4th edit. Harderwijck, 1698. With woodcuts. 4to. 2.50 1387 - The Siimo with addition: Deze druk zeer vermeerdert door W. Kunst, die hetzelve allea heeft bygewoont. Laatste druk waarin de koperen platen zijn vernieuwt. Amst., 1746. 4to. 2.50 (This edition much corrected by W. Kunst, who was present at all this. Last edition with new copper-plates.) 1388 Holler (C. B.) Reisen in Mexico, 1845 — 48. Leipzig, 1853. sd, 3 maps, woodcuts and pi. 8vo. 1389 - Mexico, Andeutungen Ub. Boden, Klima, Pllanzcn- u. Mineralreich, Kultur. Wien, 1864. 8vo. —-75 1390 Helps (A.N The Spanish conquest in Amcrica and its relation to the history of slavery and to tho government of colonies. London, 1855—57. Vol. 1—3. doth. maps. 8vo. (27.—) 10,— 1391 [-] The conquorors of tho New-World and their Bondsmen, being a narrative of the prin- |
cipal events which led to Negro Slavery in the West-Indies and America. London, 1848—52. 2 vols. bcls. 8vo. 9.— Anouyinously edited and rare, a3 tlie author withdrew the work from sale. 1392 Hellwald (Fr. v.), Die amerikanische Vol-kerwanderung. Wien, 186G. 8vo. —.GO 1393 Hemmersan (Mich.) — West-Indianisk Reese-Beskrifialng, fran 1639—1645, ifran Amsterdam till St. Joris de Mina, itt Csstell i Africa; förriittat och beskrefwin af Mich. Ilemmer-sam. Och nu in pawar Swiinska Spraak fönviindt och tryekt Wysingzborg, aff Jo/i. Kankel, 1(574. 4to. 52.50 Very kake as all the early typographical pro-duetions of Wysingsborg. The original edition (in German) was published in 1003 ia Nuremberg, where the author, a goldsmith, lived after his 7 years voyage to Guinea, Brazil, etc. The present Swedish translation is made by the publisher and printer, J. Kankel, himself; his preface is erroneously dated 1047. — The larger part of the book treats of the author\'s stay in Guinea, with a description of that country; it is only from page 89, that he speaks of Brazil. Forms part of the rare Collection of Voyages, printed at tVysimjsiorn, see lieesa-book. 1394 Henderson (Jam.), History of Brazil, comprising its geography, commerce, colonization, aboriginal inhabitants, etc. Loml. 1821. 27 plates and 2 maps, calf nilt. 4to. — Very fine com from the Perkins\' Library. 9.— Printed for the author. Published at £ 3, 13 s. 6 p. 1395 Hennepin (Lod ) Bescln-yving van Louisiana, nieuwelijks ontdekt ten Zuid-Westen van Nieuw-Vrankryk, met een verhand, van de zeden en manieren van leeven der Wilden. Mitsgad. de geo-graph. en histor. beschryving der kusten van Noord-America en de natuurlijke Historie, door Denis. Amst., 1688. 2 vols, in 1. map and 0 plates. 4 to. 6.— (Description of Louisiana, newly discovered in the South-West of NewVrance, with an account of the manners of the Savages. Also the geoyranh. and histor. description of the coasts of North-America and its natural history, by Mr. Denis.) Translation of Hennepin\'s Description de la Loui-siane, first published at Paris 1083 and 1084, with addition of IJenys\' Description des cötes de l\'Amér. Paris, 1672, reprinted in 1080 or 1088. — Confer N«. 918. 1396 -Aemnerckelycke historische lleys-Beschry- vinge door verscheyde Lauden veel grooter als die van geheel Europa onlanghs ontdeckt, behel-sende een besehryv. van de natuur van \'t Zuyder en Noorder gedeelte van America ... gedaente, aerd... der Wilde Natiën, enz. Utrecht, 1698.A/. bd., maps and 4 plates by J. van I\'ianen. 4to. 5.— |
{Journal of a memorable voyage through various {American) countries, newly discovered, contain, a description o/ the Southern and Northern part of America... the manners of the savage nations, eto.) A quite different work from the preceding. It is a translation of Hennepin\'s second work on North-Anierica: Nouvelle découverte etc. Utrecht. 1697. H97 Hennepin (Lod.) Nieuwe ontdekkinge van een groot land gelegen in America, tusscheii Mexico en de Yszee... Benevens een aanhangsel, behelz. een reizo door Spaansch West-lndiën, en een verhaal van d\'expeditie der Franaohen op Cartagena, door L. de Ciapiné.) Amst., 1702. hf. bd., 3 maps, one belonging to the stippl., plates. 4to. 9.— (New discovery o\\ a large country, situated in America between New-Mexico and the Ice-Sea. Ifith a supplement, containing a travel through the Spanish IVest-Indies and an acconnl or the Vrench expedition to Cart/iagena.) Dutch translation of Hennepin\'s 3d work on Louisiana, containing in stead of De La Jiorde\'s Relation des Caraibes, the voyage to the West-Indies by L. de Capiné. - Two maps torn, but quite complete. 1398 - Aenmerkelyke voyagio, gedaan na \'t gedeelte van Noorder America... tusschen Nieuw Mexico en de Yszee, enz. Lcyden, 1704. I map and 3 plates. 4to. 6.— Another edition of the preceding work, but without the supplement by L. de Capiuc, and with different plates. — This book is commonly bound up with: Bemo, West-Ind. Voyagien (See supra N0. 289), with which it forms properly one collection of voyages. 1399 - Beschreibung der Landschaft Louisiana, ... neullch gegen Stidwesten Ncu-Frankreichs in America entdecket worden. Nebenst ... Bericht von den Sltten u. Leben-Art der Wilden in seib. LandschalVt .. . NUrnberg, 1680. 2 folding maps, vellum, with clasps, 12ino. Fine copy. 17.50 Oae of the rarest editions of Hennepin. — This German translation of his first work is followed, pp. 355—425 by: vBeschreibung einer sonderbaren Reise etlirher bisher noch unbekannter Lander u. Viilcker i?n MitterndchCigen America, m 1673 P. Marquette S. J. u. Jolliet verrichtet worden.quot; With map. 1400 Herbert (Th.) Zee- en lant-reyse na verscheyde deeien v. Asie en Africa, Oost-Indien enz. Uyt het Eng. door L. v. Bosch. Dordt. Ahr. An-driessz., 1658. With engravings. 4to. 0.— (Voyages and travels through various parts of Asia and Africa, East-India etc. Translated from the English.) Pp. 183 — 93 contain an account of the quot;Discovery of America by Madoc ap Owen Gwyneth, 300 years before Columbus.quot; 140 1--The same. 1605. With engraving. 4to. 5.— 1402 Herckmans (E.) Der Zeevaert lof, handelende van de gedenckwaerdighste Zeevaerden... Amst., 1034. vellum, fol. 15.— |
hington, 1863, 54. 2 vols, maps and many plates, bets. 8vo. 7.20 1414 IVHéroïne du Texas, ou voyage do Madame*** aux Ktats-Unis et au Mexiqne. Paris, 1819. sd., plate. 8vo. —.80 1415 Ilerrera (Ant. do) Novus Orbis s. desBriptio Indiao Occident. Metaplirasto 0. Bnrlaeo. — Access. et aliorum Indiao Occiil. doscriptionoa et navigationis uuperae Auslralis Jac. la Mairo, historia, uti et navigatiomim oinnuim per Irotiim Magellan, succincta narratio. Amst. M. (\'olyn. 1022. vellum. I\'ol. With 17 maps. (Tiele 294.) 25,— This Lal\'ii and also the Fronoh edition are very scarce in Holland, rarer than the Dutch eJilion. See on the 3 works eonlained in this volmnc and their French and Dutch translations, the very Interesting notices In: Catnns, Me\'inoire, pp. 117, 100; Tide, pp. 5(i and 312. 1411) - The same, ids., entirehj uncut. Excessively rare, if not unique? 30,— 141Ï--Description des hides Occident, qn\'on appelle aujonrdliuy le Nouveau Monde. Transl. d\'Espagnol en l\'\'ranQ. — Avec la Navigation do Jaques lo Maire et do plus, antres. Amst., M. Colin, 1622. fol. With portr. and 17 maps, vellum. Very rare. Fine copy. (Tlele, 21)11.) 24.— In this translation follows after the navigation of le Malre, the Description of West-India hy 1\'. Or-donnez de Cevallos, and the description of America from; Uertlus\' Tabulae geograph. 1418 - a. Nieuwe werelt, anders genaeniiit Wcst- Indien. 1622. — b. Ordonnez de Cevallos (1\'t.) Ky-gentl. lleschryv. v. Wést-Indien. 1(121. — r. Sploghel der Australische Navigatie, door Jac. lo Maire, uytgevaren 14 .limy 1615 -1022. Amst., /I/. t\'olyn, 1622. vellum, sm. fol. Fine. (Tiele, 297.) 15.— Hutch translation of N0. 1415. 1419 - Zee- en land-togten In de West-Indien: d\'eerste door J. Ponce de Leon, naar Florida, 1512; de andere door Paraph, do Narvaes, naar Cumagnyea en elders, 1513. Leyd., P. v. d. /la, 1706. 4 plates. 8vo. 2.— (Voyages and travels in the IF est-Indies. 1°. of J. Pome de Leon, to Florida, 1512; 2°. o/ P. de Narvaes, to Cumagnyea etc. 1513.) 1420 - Drie togten te zee en to land in do West- Indlon, 1523 en vervolg. 1°. Fr. de Oaray, van Jamaica na Panuco; 2°. P. d\'Alvarado, van Mexico na Guatemala; 3°. D. de Godoy, van Mexico ter ontdekking van versch. landschappen. Leyd., P. v. d. Aa, 1707. 8vo. ^ 1.60 {Three voyages and travels in the Hr. hid. 1523 etc. 1°. F. de Oaray, jrom Jamaica to Panuco; 2°. P. d\'Alvarado, from Mexico to Guatemala; 3°. J), dr Godoy, from Mexico for the discovery of different countries.) 1421 - Aankomst van J. d\'Esquebel op Jamaica, 1510; ... Avonturen, ... van Al. d\'Olcdo, 1).da Nlcueza, V. Nunez, Lop. d\'Alano; Togten naar |
Darlon en Cuba, door 1). Velazques. Leyd., P. v. d. An, 1706. 6 plates. 8vo. 2. — (Arrival of J. d\'JJzquebel at Jamaica; Adven-turcs of Al. d Ojeda, etc. Voyages to Oarien and Cuba, ly J). Velazquet. From the Spanish.) 1422 Hortha. Zeitschrift fiir Erd-, Völker-u. Staa-tenkunde, heraUsg. von Borghaus u. Hoffmann. Stuttgart, 1825—27. 10 vols. sd. maps. 8vo. 10.— Containing: de Lavenaudière, Heschreihung von Mexico. — Restrepo, Ueber Colombia. — Mollien, llelse (lurch Colombia. — Chromtschenko, Reisc-Jonrnal an d. Kiiaten von Russ. America. — Ue-strepo. Geographic, Industrie n. Bevolkerung von Autioquia lu Colombia, with map. — A. v. Humboldt, ISricre aue Paraguay. — v. Lüwenörn, Helse nach d. Ostküste Grönlauds, with map. — Zustand der Gesellschaft in d. Verein. Staateu. — Noyes, Das Franziis. Gujann, etc., etc. 1423 Hossol Gorritsz, Ilistoiro du Pays nomaió Jpitsborgho. Monstrant comment qu\'il est trouvée, son naturel et scs animauls, avoc-ques la tristc racompto dos maux (pie noz Pe-clienrs, taut Basques que Flamens, out eu a souf-frlr dos Anglois en l\'esté passco 1\'an do grace, 1613. Escrit par H[esscl] G[cn,itsz] [de] A[s8um]. Amstord., 1613. 2 inaps and 2 pi. 4to. 130.— Original edition of the utmost rarely. The iirst copy I met in coinmercc for 30 years. Very Due copy. 1424 - Same work. Facsimile reprint. Amsterdam, Fred. Muller. 1872. 4to. 12.60 Printed with the real old types of the 17th century by Mess. Enschedé and Sons at Haarlem, on old paper. Only 50 numbered copies printed. 1425 —— Beschry vingho vander Samoyoden Landt in Tartarien. Met verhael vande opsoec-kingli ende ontdecklnge vande nieuwe denrgang ofte straet int Noortwesten na de Bjjcken van China ende Cathay. Endo Memoriael aenden Co-ningh van Spaengien, belangh. de ontdocklngho van Australia Incognita. t\'Ainstcrdam, hy Ilessel Oerritsz. 1612. 3 maps. 4to. 350.— {Description of the countn/ of the Samoijedes in Tarlary, IVith an account of the research and of t he discovery of the new passage or strait in the North-/Vest lo the empires of China and Calhay (by Henry lludsou). And a memorial offered to the King of Spain (by 1\'. F. du Qulr) concerning the discovery and the situation of the Land called Australia Incognita.) Of this original Dutch edition of the famous De-lectio freti, see infia: (Hudson), hardly 4 or 5 copies are known In all the European libraries. The copy Is of the best preservation possible. — This original book is the fouudatlou-stoue for the history of Hudson\'s and other Arctic expeditious, etc. The collection formed by Ilessel Gerritsz consist of four tracts, by Is. Massa, F. do uir and the editor Ilessel Gerritsz himself. — See the reproduetlou, with a memoir on the origin of this collection, Mquot;. U25. 1420 Heusingor (O.) Tooneelen uit den Araerik. |
\'•„Q 3? «a\'i\'injï xiaaaa^jj \'fifJI •q«gt;18108-U!\'t5lsPlO agt;|B!P.ioM -ioSuoji }3p jb aiiAigpn \'j9gt;[a3BUiBaiiu!i\\[ ogt;isuoisiq spnt!xnpj£) gGSI •ejo^nui-XiiuiBj •\'1 I \'tEST \'TT \'IIOO \'II!AV \'W \'oniAUB.19 jo j(o[ooo \'h -uitx \'Aöh 0; \'g \'T \'V - 5GÖT quot;HOMsSoa -in i(q p.Toji.1011 ]ra}03.i3 qmnp piu! jcop om aoj imnisn om uo 09\'I ot (W \'iTST \'ifi quot;«f \'gt;l.uiA\\o^ \'inp \'p.iojïJiiH jo ii0A\\eS0o \'J, \'IS \'-ia \'S \'\'I \'V — quot;Joqimi paiiBiuguijsip \'OE—Tr-8T \'aSonoo B^uwiüAV .1° luopiBo.ij \'■(! \' Avpa; \'ugjij-o ioöT —-g \'OAg yisjno/oo /ijjxvd \'sainjd fiuvm puo dvm \'yfop \'(jioa ?. \'ItSI •pilO\'I \'BJUKHqBllUl ll!lllSl,10()« ot[} UO KUOjlVA.IOSqO HJIAV \'tïipï4)KUy U.liTJBi) ^ puu IBOAV-Ml\'ION quot;! ^.lOAOO -si\'pjo Buoijipadxa üav; jo Bpuunof (•£)) ^ojq oüst —-g \'OAg •■Co.i \'ssfvjd pnv sdvui l \'m \'0981 \'qs-iaPcI \'IS \'Buqpomv o?8ngt;I-}?8AV -pao^ .iap ^laiiuaDuipsoji -jsongoaS mi • .iap BBiujnuóji .uiz SB-npfi (\'Q) ^SumojQ C8ST {•mou iw i)i8I mouj \'snifvpv^ \'tg jmvjsi »»/; uo Cmoioo atjj,) \' -pv/nK \'OAg (\'itgt \'jqDa.nn) •mi}0} 9[8I uiJA RiiipijBUM -jg pmqio do quot;1111 -uiJidgt;iioA aa \'(doqóssig h \'V) JiniiOAGao gg5T 097) •iuwjjr — \'ug -xuniiaa \'fi/ \'{\'UI ,zlt;lt07 \'u -.pioiivü^ •44(Ipiag puu u;).io;;)ii v \' \'uoj.niqo-pnirj; uouau puu uajiu •ju.mooB puu ua)suiaiuoA uop uoa ua^ouupao asuauno \'••o t \'oijoSojo i85T —7, -jo,) \'Ijs •?;»«»;-; -av.iSiia \'ogü qap muvzQ \'aSJoaQ \'jg jjoj jo avoi^ — quot; oggl •010 \'jCunSiiJiij \'onpiA ainon ui DDnopisoj siji (7/fKj ay; mojJ ■jsuvjx ussinjo i/ouajtf d Tiq puM/dno \'uosoq ojfiovj; ytnoq ayt o) psfVuOmp fijmioiwjn v Jo jutunuf) -•I \'ÓAg -ps •£081 \'JP-ioa quot;aazpiu\'/ ap .iBiiu \'Suijopiiaz uamouaS • • • joduji uaq.isiaM^ uaa .loop\'uauao uiïa luuqaoasüci (\'HTM) AaoSoa-o 9g5x —-g qoj \'iib ■Si \'iCix \'RiM/ovg; -f X(i -Aiijgua \'\'xd sunpj; \'f •puBiuaaay jo ^scoa om uo m.iojs y - t85T ■viqms^-vaofj pan uoBjiaqzpds }0 ^sbod oifl pno tiavff fw/js qxiM piivjunêUQ jo ^scoo oq; sniu^ -UOD Jl quot;qiJON 3tl) J0J illBioadso ^asqo Snusojoiuj —\'08 \'aiiVH xuïa •smvpunoiooqtm \'rennsiA uo uaiNiira smj — \'89 ^q 88 \'io.i \'si \'üot c igt;quot;« \'lt;/ \'\'ai \'•jbiuv ■{adoMg /0 S}SV0J ayf /jv /0 ouvinfMj) udo.i -113 uva uajsiio-ooz op anti -a a|.nn;.)sv!,i — OS\'quot;)! •coijomy jo jawl ipiuis k puu s usi/stqjojquot; \'paiiinsoja jo ^ml b (Ibcu sim uq 09\'S \' \'i8 ^q 09 \'10.) -(GTOI) \'quot;quot;\'P -»lt;«//7quot;\'-jstuv •odo.inajo duju — punxuooao S8ël •usf/D] 9U7j; — -aos siq jo qpjop oqi uo jo^oi Snieiqiuiliuis b joj snubqj, |
OS\'S \'ot \'lt;1 l \'8181 \'9 \'PO \'OU\'-\'J quot;^P \'uiBt-iO \'fl M\\p5[ \'AOJI 0} *8 \'1 V — \'aSaijog nojaauijj .10 l|U|i nüsBiifj; jo xuapiBajj \'ign \'i!n|(I|api;|iqci aiuAiQ puu .lujoiiog \'loiuy \'toqusy \'uoojq igöT 08\'l \'(l 5 \'8CiI \'8 \'Suy -pjp \'oiuiie aqj 0} \'8 \'1 \'V - l)8öt 08\'T \'of \'lt ?. \'86iT \'51 \'-iqaj \'iuoi«8 \'jup\'piooSm.uIg.IQ uo}guni).iüAV uqop oj \'8 \'rI \'V — \'018X ■finqaiïBSBit jo .iou.iaAo;j-\'|iiai/i \'jump -jok pijBsaaaiiB puu juouiiuo \' itijYi. \'Aujq GiSl {■i/sijCn\'j n/} mojLt,i \'ssjvji t/tnog mztf oj Hjsaojsip jof v fo alt;n;».«»y) ()(j-T \'OAg •/jm -Jy ■](/■ puu do-M -goST \'mapiuuii \'EOSI—008T \'Bap^u-p!\'i\'/--«naix lui azia.i -BSup|gt;iop}UO ouoa ui!a iBBq.iaA (T) 8i3T •sj0j}bui-j(|miblh[ OQ\'X \'1°.\' \'\'\' C \'ciui \'tl \'iat \'piaw\'s \'ibp \'piah§u!.ul8 lsaa\\ jo jf|ji oonsiif oj \'8 \'rI \'V — \'tT—1081 \'S \'fl aqj jo [«.lauao-JojeBiniKOj; \'uoeptQ \'joSubjo 117-1 ■SuioSojoj oi]i jo hoijbisubji qo)ncr 0lt;j-— \'OAg -ps ■fijgp qi.iaxBiuy -Bquaiuy-pjco^i uba uajujs \'uaa.iaA ap ui iiapiiBBUi oSma;! - !)iöl 00-— \'oiu^.x 7gt;f \'1981 \'ki.ibcx •aiiTnatnuy^p Biiifi-s}b}ff xub anoj\\)S op Biom saulqauj) \'Cu \'£) ojj0Tdput3J£) 9iol 09\'T •o\\g -ps -XflSI \'BUBrx \'aiAHOfx 40 uoja(x \'Pquot;S np aiil)uauiyj bubp oSb-Coa \'(\'51) aoipipuMQ ti5I _•() ■fi.ivjqTj SHiqMj SI/I Jo Moi duij fuaj \'OJX- \'WH J/quot;0 \'Wld WAl \'töST \'puor[ t^8l ui aaaqj aanopiBaji puu \'|!zl!-\'ïr 0} aSuXoA b jo iBiuiiof \'(\'BiaBtvt) rami^JQ sisx •pojnouiSnB \'uonipa puoDDg 09-9 \'oT- \'mvid \'X ui sj.iBd s \'tOlX -mi \'zua \'uqjoabaV ap uba uapuB.1q.10A jaq )aiu -p.iaaui.iaA gt;pii.ip aj -oiubb aqj, - 7,17A (\'.IJS \'VtpUJ KJ i/0f»([ ui/; Jo nji/i Jo riven, f//; \'uoifduosnp v pioa \'■vipvj fsuft Jo M.u}i\\f uilyji -sjoa/i sf Suunp hdojuiR puv v.\'usiuy \'ujujy \'»isy m ssCvlioli) 09\'y ■0)t \',/?quot;3 \'■ssmd \'X lil e}.n;d f, \'xoix \'uaoon \' \'uoi|)Ui 111 BJopinqioji p asXA^suaAa^ • • • \'|o3aid8 oqaBipui-jsoo .P pSaoAaSfljx -aja \'a8ia.i MBf gigt; ufis uba suia^aqaBaq naa \'Siaqaq \'[ uo Bai.iauiy \'Baujy \'Bisy bu • • • uostan (ep \'Mi JJB\'CJ-O UZI —•gt -Xdoa pooS b ogp •sdBiu .mol aq} Suhubav — \'IOJ \'Jioo ■ƒ\'/ •auiBB aqj, ■ iniieq- iiJ -f .10] Ci -qoc) ^poujuoa om •834B(d pui! sdiitu f pul! jxoj oqj ni sSaUBjSuo jo uoisujoid B Xq pnjB.ijsnui si ojoiiav oqj, — -oio \'iiüBjf] 04 saoi)ip3(Ixo qojtif] ooios jo jtiuoo -oi! ub qji.M \'uoi.iouiv-pi.naof) pais saipm-JfiOAV om jo anijili.iosnp .lopiaijaBd n soAjS jjcd pg oq,], \'noj -iioiiog p\'ttb uoSjoqiuis \'O o? 8iiqiiin|0f) uiojj soSbjCoa uboijohiv 88 j0 l11»030quot; 0h\') «ooujquiü pg oijj, \'op jou\'] op \'u.ia.i.iaii \'opoiAQ \'«(sooy Joyu \'piaOA\\-«oN |
uquot;quot;\' 1 1 .......................-ü WLlüJ-ttULl
Oorlog, 1861—65. Uit h. Iloogl. d. M. de Sitter. Kampen, 1870. sd. 8vo. (2.25) 1.50 (Scenes from the American War. Transl. from the German.) 1127 Heijlidij (C. J. Surinament\'u) Do mo Jo pro- cpdnniii ftiirinamnntti in miistn priniinnlihim /•mn veteri turn novissiino. Traject, a Kh. 1857. 8vo. 1.50 1428 (Heyna, Pootor), Le Jliroir du monde, on epitome du Théatre ci\'Abr. Ortelius. Aggraudi et enriclii, e. a. do plus belles cartes du Pai\'s-bas. Amst., Zach. Heyns. 1508. sm. S(i. 4quot;. — Coloured maps. Title and pp. 68—60 want\'iig. Short copy. — Vehï rark. 16.— Collection of 80 maps engrav. in wood. The 84 pp. are wrongly numbered 16—97, the signature indicating the true division. Ou page 17 the portrait of P. Heyns in woodcut. — I\'or the American collector a map of the Globe and a general map of America are interesting, for the Russian those of Livonia and Moscovia. The first edition, with Dutch text and 72 maps, was published Antverp. Chr. Plantyn, 1577. 1429 Higgins (J.) De bootschap des Ueeren aen alle volkeren, «elke zijn afgedvvaelt van hot ligt Christi, voornaementlyk gestiert tot het Engels Volk in Amsterdam. Gedr. in \'tjacr 1659. 4to. 2.50 (Message of the Lord to all peoples, that have deviated from the light of Christ, especially sent to the English folks in Amsterdam. (Quakers.) 1430 Hildreth (H.) Geschiedenis der Vereen. Staten van Noord-Amcrika sedert de ontdekking van Columbus. Slet aanteek. door M. Keijzer. \'s-Gra-venh. 1854—57. 6 vols. sd. 8vo. (24.—) 10.— (History of the Unit. States of North-Amer. since their discovery by Columbus. Translated with not as by M. Keyzer.) 1431 Hill (S. S.) Travels in the Sandwich and Society islands. Loud. 1856. cloth, map. 8vo. (7.—) 2.75 1432 Hilhouso, James, Lawyer and Senator, 1794—1810. — A. h. to Key. Jor. Day of Yale Coll., June 8, 1824. 1 p. I\'ol. 2.— 1433 - A. L. to the Kev. P. H. Marron of Paris. On autographs of Jefferson and Washiugton. 1434 [HUIiard d\'Aub^rtoull] Considerations sur 1\'état présent do la colonic Fran^aise de St. Do-iningue. Paris, 1776. calf. 8vo. —.75 1435 Hints (A few salutary) pointing out the polity and fonsuciuences of admitting British subjects to engross our trade and become our citizens. Addressed to those who either risqned or lost their all in bringing about the revolution. Charleston printed: New-York, reprinted by S. Kol-lock, 1786. 8vo. 18.— An excessively rare tract, nowhere mentioned. It is a violent attack against the linglish, Characteristic |
in this sense is the motto placed on the title; «Never trust thine enemy; for like as iron rusteth, so is his wickedness. Set him not by thee, lest when he hath overthrown thee, he staid up in thy place; neither let him sit at the right hand, lest he seek to take thy place; and thou at last remember my words aud be pricked therewith.quot; Ecclesiast. XII, 10. 1436 Histoire de la fondation des colonies des anciennes republiqucs, adaptée a la dispute présente de la Grande Bretagne avec ses colonies Améri-caines. Trad, de I\'Angl. (p. Cerisier) Ou a ajouté 3 lettres iutéress. sur la meme dispute etc. Utrecht, 1778. calf, 8vo. 1.— 1437 -- The same, sd. uncut, in quires, övo. 1.25 Translation of N0. 1443, with augmentations. 1438 Hlstoria dos descobrimentos e conquls\'as dos Portuguezes no Novo Muudo. Lisboa, 1786. 4 vols. calf. sin. 8vo. G._ 1439 Historie van Terra Australis of het Zuide-lyk Vaste-Land. Leiden, 1779. sd. 4to. (Heden-daagsche Historie XI, 3) 2.50 (History of Terra Australis or the South-Land.) 1440 Histor. u. Geograph. Boscbreibung von Neu-Schotland, darinneu von der Lage, Grosse, Fruchtbarkeit ctc. des Landes, von den Sitten der Indianer, u. den Begebenheiten zwischeu dencn Cronen Frankreich u. England seit deren Besitz-nelunung. Aus d. Engl. Frankf., 1750. calf, map with a plan of New-Halifax, by T. Jeflerys. 8vo. 5.— The original English was published (in 1749?) by command of Kiug George III. 1441 History of the British Empire, from 1765 to the end of 1783, containing an impartial history of the origin, progress and termination of the American involution. By a Society of Gentlemen, Philad. 17\'.)8. 2 vols, portr, of Franklin and leashing ton, calf gilt, 8vo. Nice copy, 8.— Nut mentioned by Kich. 1442 History of the Civil War in America. Vol. I. Comprehend, the campaigns of 1775—77. By an Ollicer of the Army. Loud. 1780. bds, map, 8vo. The author is said to be Capt. Hall, of General Howe\'s regiment. — No more published. 1443 History of the Colonization of the Free States of Antiquity applied to the present contest between Great Britain and her American Colonies, with reflections concerning the future settlement of these Colonies. Lond. 17V7. bds, uncut, 4to. — See Nquot;. 1436, 37. 2.50 1444 History (A short) of the Opposition during the last session of Parliament. 3d edit. Lond. 1779. uncut, 8vo. 2.— quot;Kather a picture than a history, and that picture a caricature; cet.quot; Rich, 1446 Hookstra (.KI.) Dagverhaal van het verongelukken van het Galjootschip Harlingen in Straat-Davids. Ilaarl. 1828. 8vo With o map. 1.— |
the Islands Guanaja, ctc. t\'ol. 64 by 47. — Cotou. red. Drawn map. 24.-
1454 Honduras. — Carta Gcographica do las Oos-tas de Honduras, Yucatan y Séno Mexioano, etc., que (jon la maior veneracion so dedica a L. lv. P. de V. M. por Dr. Thorn. Southwell. I\'ol. 48 by 38. — Coloured. 24.—
With interesting annotations, (made after freetrade was granted to Yucatan,) on the places where the best dying-wood grows and on those which the bullish smugglers used to visit. — Drawn map.
1455 Honig Jz (Jao ) Do Hollanders in lirazihë, of lotgevallen van kapitein Alderik. Aiust. 1851. \'2 vols. 8vo. (4.90) 2.50
{The Dutch in Brazil, or adventures of (.\'apt. Alderik. Sketches from the Vith century.)
1456 Hontor (Jo.) Coronensis. lliulimentoruin cos-mographiae libri duo. Quorum prior Astrono-iniae, posterior Geograpliiae principia eomplccti-tur. (In fine:) Craeoviae, Mathias Scharfenbergius excudebat MDXXXI1I1. sm. 8vo. 10 unnumb. leaves. 37.50
Original edition of the hioiiest rarity, unknown, as far we could ascertain, to all bibliographers. Harrisse (Bibl. Americana) only mentions the Basil reprint of the same year. The high rarity of all the early productions of the Cracovian press, suflicicntly explains this small book till now escaped the notice of all bibliographers. The part relating to America will be found iu the chapter: Nomina insularum Oceaui et maris; quot;... In occiduo Uore-aJus, Hesperides, Fortunatae, America, Parias, Isabella, Spagnolla, etc.
The condition of the copy is faultless. MS. Au-notation on the title.
Bound up iu one vol. with; Pomponii Melae de situ orbis 11. Ill, cum P. Jo. Olivarii ... scholiis; llermolai Barbari iu Pomp. Melam castigationes j C. Jul. Solini Polyhistor. .. . restit. et scholiis illustr. No place nor date, probably Basileae, same date 1534? — /(/\'. calf. sm. 8vo.
This edition of Honter, iu prose, differs totally of the following, in which the text is a poetical description in 4 books.
1457 —_ Kudimentorum costnographicorum libri llll. Cum tabellis geograph. (No place) 1570. bds. um. 8vo. — Pine copy. Ü.—
The Atlas of the world in 14 leaves, has exactly the same curious maps as in the original edition of Zurich 1546; the map representing quot;Universalis Cosmographiaquot; with the inscription. «Tiguri J. H. V. E. (in a monogram) 1540, gives a very curious representation of America.quot;
1458 - Kudimentorum cosmographicorum libri
llll. Cum tabellis geograph. (No place) 1590? sm. 8vo. 8.—
With exactly the same curious maps as iu the preceding editiou, but iu other engraving, more line and correct.
The differeuce in the signature at the feet of the
{Jounml o/ the shipwreck of the Ilarlingen in the Straits of Duvids.)
1440 Hofforus (Adrianus) Nedcrduytschc Poëmata. Amstei\'il., 1635. vellum. 4to. 1quot;2.— (Dutch Poems.)
With numerous fine cmblumatical engravings. — This interesting and scarce volume contains; pp. 205—70; Felicitation for the West-Indian fleet, parting in January 1024, pp. 353—54. On the victory of P. Ileyn in 1028, pp. 355—50. Poem on the capture of the silver-llcet by P. Heyn, pp. 301—02. Epitaph of P. Heyn. — All in verses.
1447 Hogerwaarfs (W.) Afscheids-reden tot do Gemeente op Batavia, daar nog by komt Prof. Iloornbeek\'s Sorg en raad, aaug. de Evangelieprediking in Oost- en West-Indien. Vert, en op-ireheld. door 11. Velse. \'s Gravenhage, 1732. 4to.
{Last sermon to the Congregation at Batavia, to which is joined Prof. Iloornbeek\'s Solicitude and counsel concerning the preac/nng of the Gospel in the East- and West-Indies. Transl. and elucidated ly H. Velse, V. 1). M. at the Hague.)
The last part by Prof. Hoornbeek is highly interesting for the history of the Dutch Reformed Church in New Netherland and Brazil, giving a full list of nil the Dutch Ministers there, f. i. J. Michaelius, J. Megapolensis, a. o., with short notices on their lives, and many particulars relating to them, by the translator and publisher.
1448 Holböll (G.) Ornithologiseher Beitrag zur Fauna Gronlanda, übers. v. J. H. Paulsen. Leips. 1854. with 1 color, pi. 8vo. 1.—
1449 Hollandors (Do) in Iowa. Brieven nit Pella van cen Gelderschman. Arnhem, 1858. sd., plate. 8vo. --»0
(The Butch in Iowa. Letters from Fella by a man from Oueldre^ Province of llollanU.)
1450 Hollis (Thorn.) Memoirs, including hia correspondence from eminent Americans and others. London, Printed hy J. Nichols, 1780. 2 vols, calf gilt, 33 plates and portraits. Fine copy. roy. 4to.
With the 48 additional pages between 582—533. Privately printed. — A very interesting work, especially for the portraits. — For America it has a special value for the history of Harvard College and of Boston.
1451 Holton (Is. E1.), New Granada; Twenty months in the Andes. New-York, 1857. maps and illustra-iions. cloth, large. 8vo. (8.40) 3.50
1452 Holyoko, Edw., President of llarvard-Uni-vers. 1737, distinguished Mathematician. — A. L. S. to K. Cooko at London, dat. Cambridge, Apr. 2, 1765. 1 p. 4quot;. — Scarce autograph. 5.50
On Dr. Benson\'s works.
1453 Honduras. — Old chart, (without title), of the coast Honduras, from Cal/o Guay Morelo, eastward from Trugillo till the gulf of Higuem, with
|)ag. b 2 «ml d 2, correct in (his editinn, anti in the former: 21) and 2d (sic), shows that they are of two quite diUVrent hands. The date of 1590 on the title in MS., might be of an earlier date. — Title in facsimile and signature A and li of the text in MS. Bound up in one vol. calf with: I. J. GyrnUli, Aenigmata it I\'yllmgorae Syrnbolu cxplicata; cet. Basil. J. Oporiuus (no date.) 1459 Honter (Jo.) De Cosmographiao rnditnontis ... libri llll. Una cum tabellis geograpli. praecl-jmis. (Basil, llenric Petri, Ifitil.) s n. 8vo. 11.— The atlas of 24 leaves at the tnd, differs totally from both preceding editions. There are no spheres; on the map of the world, the figure of America is more accurate, and here are more special maps, some of them very curious; the last is that of Cuba. — Boole and atlas form the last part or pp. 845 —910 ol the work: Procli de Splmera; Cleomedis de Mundo: Arati Phaenoinena; Diouysii Descriptio orbis Gr.-Lat. Adj. Duct, virorurn aunott. Basil. (1561.) vellum. l UiO Hoornbeek (Joh.). Do convevsiono Indorum ct Gentiliiim. Anistelocl. 1609. sd., uncut. 4to. Scarce. (j _ Ijib. 1. cap. 11. De Indiae iitraque fjusijne prima indagatione et Societate Indica apnd Belgas. Cap. 11. De Ijappis Americanis, eornm terra et religioae. Lib. II. cap. XV. De conversione Gentilium in America per Keformatos. 1461 -— Siinuna controversiarum rellglonis, witn In-fldelibus, Haeroticis, Schismaticis: id est, Qentili-bus, Jtidaoia, Miihammodanis, Paplfitis, Anabap-tistis, .,. Remonstrant., i.uthoranis, .Brouwnistis, Graceis. Ed. \'ia a net. et emend. Tra), ad Khen., 1658. 1002 and 63 pp. vellum. 8vo. Rdrr. 5.— I\'agg. 738 — 833 treat on the Brownists. 1462 --The same. Francof. ad Viadrmu, 1007. vellum. 1002 and 03 pp. /turtr. Svo. 4.— lOxact reproduction, line for line, of the origioal Dutch edition. 1468 Hornii (G.) De originibua Americanis libri IV. llagao Com., yldr. I\'larq. 1(J52. vellum, am. 8vo. 4,50 Written at the instigation of J. de I,act, against II. Grótius, De orig. gentium Anieric. The same, llomopoli, 1609. vallum. I\'imo. 4.50 1465 - Area Mosis, s. Historia mundi, quae eom- plect. priinortlia reriim natar. onmiuaHi. artinai (d sclent. Lugd. Bat. et Koterod. 1008. uncut. 12ino. 1.50 Cout.: Anicricani anthropophagi, and unnierons curious facts. MOO--Kerckelyckc Historie ... tit 1066. Uit bet Latyn vert, en .. vervolgt tot Ifli\'S, door Balth. lick kor. Amstcrd. 1684. plates, vellum. 8vo. 1.50 1464 -Rare. |
(Church History to 1666. Trom the Latin, with continuation to 1683, by 11. Better.) Contains ample notices on the Brownists in Nc-therland, J. Robinson, J. Cotton, the Independents, and their settlement in New-Netherlaud and New-England. 1467 Horto (Garcia ab) Aromatum etsimplicium aliquot apud lndos naacentiura historia ... Lat. serm. in epitomen eontracta a Car. Clusio. Ant-verp., Chr. Vlantinus, 1574. — Hie. Monardes, De simplicibus modicamentis ox Ocdd. India delatis, interprete C. Olusio. Ibid. 1574. - Idem, Simpli-ciimi medieamentorum ex Novo Orbe delator, lib. III. Ibid. 1582. — A. Coslu, Aromata et modica-nicnta in Oriontali India naseentia, lat. vcrtit C. (lusitts. Ibid. 1582. — Cusp. Bauhinus, JDo la-pklis liozoaris Orient, et Occident, natura. Basil. 1625. — In 1 vol. vellum, numerous woodcuts. Svo. Hare collection. 9,50 1468 --Aromatum et sitnplicium aliquot medica- memtorum apud lndos nascentinm historia. Latino sermono In epitomen eontracta a C. C\'lusio. Ed. 3a Antverp., I\'lanUn, 1579. calf (jilt, woodcuts. 8vo. Fine copy. 4,50 1409 - The same. Ed. 4a auotior. Ibid. 1593. vellum, woodcuts. 8vo. 456 pp. 5,50 This edition contains besides; Chr. Acosta, Aro-mala (pp. 225 - 312) and N. Monardes. de simpl, Medicam. (pp. 313—456.) 1470 The same edition. vellum, very tall coj»/. 6.50 1471 Horton (H. Wilmot) A lettor addressed to the anonymous author of „England and America.quot; Colombo [Ceylon.) 1834. hf. bd. 8vo. 2.50 Privately printed. Of the highest rarity. 1472 Houstoun (Jam.) Works, containing memoirs ot his lite and travels in Asia, Africa and America, from 1090- 1753, giving a particular account of the Scotch expedition to Darien in America, the rise and fall of the Afriean and South-Sea Companies, the late expedition to the Spanish West,-Indies etc. London, 1753. calf, plate of arms. 8vo. 4_ 147.i Houtman (C.) Jonrnael van do Royse der lloll. Schepen ghedaon in Oost-lndien, etc. Met vele Caerten endo Figuren vorciert. Door begeerto van sckero Cooplnydon gedruckt, ende men vintse to coop by Bar. Lanrjenes. tot Middelburch. 1598. Appendix oft Byvoechsel achter \'t JournacI v. de Reyse d. Uollandtache Schepen op Java, inhoud. de opdoeningen v. C. de bona Esper, etc. Jlidtsg. oock seker Vocabnlaer d. Maleysche woorden, in drnck ghebracht door Corn. Gerritsz. v. Zuydt-land. Midd., B. Langenes, 1598. — 1 vol bds. sq. 4to. (Tiole N0. 100.) 75,— (Journal of the voyage of the Dutch ships to h.-hidiet- iéinbcllishad with umuy maps and pla-tes. — Printed at the request of certain Merchants by B. Langenes, etc. HONTER - HOUTMAN. |
1478 Houtman (C) The same. \'T Eerste Boeck. Historie v. Indien. Door O. M. A. W. L,. Amat., M. Cuhjn. 1617. vellum, aq. 4to. line copy, (l^tle
N Very rare. With 35 plates. Reprint of the editions of 159S and 1609.
1479 _ The same. Eerate Schipvaerd der Holl.
Natie naar Goat Indien, enz. (Amat. 1646.) boards.
gnu. 4to. 112 pp. i/ j \' **t
No special title. Part of: Begin en Voortgangh rMO i «741 With 49 plates and maps, the same as in the editions of Corn. Claesz, 1598 and 1609.— The text is nearly the same as in those editions, but considerably augmented by portions from other journals of this voyage etc. See Tiele, p. 134. Very valuable edition,
1480 _ The aame. Amst., J. Ilartgers, 1648. bds.
4to. (Tiele N0. 120.) /» orig. paper-wrapper. 5.amp;U
With 1 pi. in 6 div. Exact reprint of the preceding.
1481 _ The aame. Amst., J. Ilartgers, 1650. /(/.
vellum. 4to. Fine copij. (Tiele gt;,quot;gt;.121.) 7-5()
Very rare. — With 6 small pi. in the text. Kc-print of the last edition.
1482 _- The aame. Amat., G. J. Saeghman. (1663.)
bds. 4to. (Tiele N«. 122.) . , \'t
Rare. With 7 small engraved pi. (6 from Ilartgers\' edit, of 1650, and 1 of v. Neck) and 20 fig. on wood. Reprint of the last edition, but the addl-tions inserted in the text.
1433 _ The samo. Haarlem, *7« Tfreeveringh)
(1861.) 4to. New copy. .-x j v vi t^hquot;
Good edition in modern style, edited by Mr. J. H. v. Lennep, as an essay to revive the old popular bouks, — With 14 nice engravings on wood after C. Rochussen. Out of print in Ibis separate form.
1484 - The aame, in French: Premier livre de
I\'histoire de la navigation aux Indes Orient, par lea Holland. Par G. M. A. W. L. Amst., Tor». Nicolas. [Corn. Claesz.-] 1598. vellum, tol. (Tiele
■ lat \'edition, rare. Good copy in original binding, but slightly stained by water. With the plates of the Dutch editions of the same publisher.
1485 - Drossolhuis (J. ab Utr.) Nog iets
over Prederik de Houtman. (1840?) hxtr. —.oO
(Something more on Fred, de Houtman) Principally on his stay at Sumatra, 16UI—Z.
1486 Hovell (W. H.) and H. Hume, Journey of discovery to Port Philip, New South Wales, in 1824 and 1825. 2d edit. Sydney. 1837. 8vo. Scare».
1487 Howgill (Pr.) Het erfdeel Jakobs ontdeckt, na zijn wederkeer uit Egipten. Oedr. in t iaer
(Jacob\'s inheritance discovered after his return
^ Tho author belonged to the Sect of Quakers.
1488 Howison (J ), Sketches of Upper Canada,
Jppendix Of supplement to the Journal of the voyage of the Dutch ships lo Java, oontaimng the views of the Cape of Good Hope \'to. With a vocabulary of Malay words; edited hj Com.
ritsz ol\' \'iuydtlnntlt.) . , i
With 10 plates, forming part of the leaves, and 6 maps also printed in the text, besides many woodcuts in\' tho appeudi*. - This copy wants 1 plate (U. 4) else a large, neat one. ^ . ,
Vorv rare edition, anterior to tho first of Corn. Claesz., and at same time H\'e second hut en-larged ed. of this narrative, first published m loJ7 by 15. Langenes and reprinted here with some additions.
1474 Houtman (C.) The same Journal; same edition, with Appendix, but (by a printing error) with the date 1618 (MDCXVI1I) instead of 1598 (MDXCVIII) as in the preceding copy.
with this date. .. \' quot; .
Good copy, but shorter than the preceding, and
somewhat thumLcd.
1475 _ Diarium nauticum itineria Batav. in In-
diam Orient., cursuum, tract, etc, llis aeoodunt narratio hiator. nationum, etc. Middelb., «■ Lan-
genesse, 1598. . ^ , • t«
Appendix Diarli Nautiei itmeria Batav. m Ja-vam, cont. apparentias Promont. Bonae Spei,etc. Midd-, Ji. Langenesse. 1598. — In 1 vol. boards. sq. 4to. (Tiele, N«. 107. p. 119.) , 12.-
Exact translation of the preceding journal. 1 me copy, in boards, but both titles (of: Vtarmm Appendix) supplied in facsimile, and the 10 plates (or 10 pages of A. to G.) wanting. — Very rare.
1476 _ D\'Enrsto Boeek. — lliatorie v. Indien,
waev in vcrhaelt is de avontuere die lt;le Holl. Schepen bejegent zyn, enz. Door G. M. A. \\v. u. (Willem Lodewyka.) Arast., Corn. Claesz., loJ8. vellum, sq. 4to. (Tiele N». 111. p. 124.), 25
{The first book. History of India, comprising the narrative of the adventures of the Dutch ships, etc.)
Very rare, but wanting: title (a facsimile of that to the 1009 edition added); A* (map.) B1-C\' (mip-) E1 (map.) E\'. E3 (plate.) E* j the plate between N. and O; R1 (plate) Squot; Good copy in nice binding,
but somewhat thumbed.
This edition contains 49 plates and maps, all on
This^jouraal\'is quite different from the preceding, and the most important and fullest of the various accounts of this voyage. — It has been translated into Latin by de Bry after a German version; Camus proves that this original edition is far preferable to de Bry both for teit and plates. - See Tiele, 130.
1477 _ The same. D\'Eorste Boeck. Historie van
Indien Amst., Corn. Claesz., 1609. vellum, sqn. «0. n\'iolp N0 114.) lrerit fine and large coptj. ou. {The first book. History of India, ^c.)
Exact reprint of the last edition with the same
domestic, local and eharacteriatio; .. and Roool-lections of the Un. States of Amcrica. 2d edit. Edinb. 1822. hds. 8vo. 1.50 1489 Huberts, Geografie on Kartographio. (Anist. 18G1). — Extraet 8vo. —.75 1490 Hübuer, J., Museum geographicum: Ver-zeiehnisz d. besten Land-Charten. Hamburg. 1746. 8vo. 1.50 149 1--Museum geograph. Uit h. Hoogd. en met Suppl. d. O. II. K. \'sGravenh. 1735. bds. Vncut. Dutch translation of the foreguinp;, with Supplement by O. H. R. 1492 Hudson the Navigator (Henry.) The original documents, in which his career is recorded, collected, partly translated and annotated, with an introduction by O. M. Asher. London, 1860. cloih, maps. 8vo. 12,— Published for the Hakluyt Society. Out of print. 1493 - Descriptio ae delineatio geogr. deteetionis Freti, s. transitus ad occasum supra terras Ame-ricanas in Chinam atq. Jap. ductnri. Kecens in-vestig. a II. Hndsono. — Item Exegesis super tractu recens detccto in 5a orbis parte, Australis incogn. Cum descript. terrarum Samojedarum, in Tartaria ad ortum freti Waygats sitaruin, nuperq. sceptro Moscov. adseit. Amstel., Hessel Gerardi, 1(513. Ws., 8 pi. and maps (6 in facsim.) 4to. (Tiele N0. 153.) 48 pp. 32,— On this small but highly important work see at large; Tiele pp. 179 to 19U, and my: Jissai d\'une Bibliographie Néerl. Russe. 1859, pp. 71, 103—0, especially on the formerly unknown author. Is. Massa of Haarlem. It contains: 1°. the discovery of the Hudson bay etc. in 1611, with map, with additions to the former edition of 1012. 2quot;. the account of F. de Quir on Australia. 3°. and 4°. the description of the Samoyedes, their country, etc. by Is. Massa of Haarlem. — The book is one of the rarest of all voyages, especially in Holland. The pp. 37 to 39\' In praefat. postremae edit. etc. (Voyage of May) and pp. 40 to 42: de detect, terrae polaris sub latitud. 80 grad., are added in neat MS. — Rise the copy is vrry fine and tail. 1494 - A facsimile of the Tabula Nautica, etc. 1611 and the map of the world with indication of the discovery of Hudson and do Quir, was published by me in 1867. 8. — 1495 - Murphy (H. C.) Henri Hudson in Hol- | land. An inquiry into the origin and objects of the voyage which led to the discovery of the Hudson Kiver. Hague, 1859. 8vo. U\'ilh pnrtr. of Dirk van Oss. iiPrintrd fur private distribution.quot; 1496 - Sailing directions of Henry Hudson, prepared for his use in 1608, from the old Danish of Ivar Bardsen. With an introduct. and notes, and a dissertation on the discovery on the Hudson River, by B. F. De Costa. Albany, Munsell, 1869. clol/i. roy. 8vo. 6.—■ |
1497 Hudson. The Hudson between Sandy Hook and Sandy Hill, with the post road between New York and Albany. Now York, A. T. Goodrich amp; C0., 1820. in 14 parts. 1 vol. /if. calf. 8vo. 1.— 1498 - The Palisades; The Narrows; Hell-Gate: 3 fine stecl-engrav. ig. sq. 4°. 1835. 1.50 1499 - East view of IIcll-Gate. Engrav. by If. A. Williams 1 775. sq. 8°. _.75 1500 - Habits of the Eskitnaux Indians, natives of Hudson\'s Hay. Engl. engr. fol. 1.25 1501 Hues, Rob., Traetaet ofte Handelinge v. h. gebruijck ti. Hemelscher ende Aertscher Globe. Uit \'t Latyn overgh. ende verm. d. J. Ilondius. Amsterdam, C. Claesz, 1597. vellum, woodcuts. 4°. — Sligthly stained by water. 10.— {Treatise on the use of the celestial and ierres-trial ylobe, transl. and augmented hy J. Hondius.) First, rare edition. — Hues, the companion of Candish, wrote the original: Tractatus de (jlohis, Loud, 1594, for the globes, which Hondius published in London. See 1504.— Pp. 26—28 contain a description of America and Magellanica. — Amongst the woodcuts a rough map. 1502 - Same work. Now edition. Amst. M. Co- lyn. 1612. hf. vellum, woodcuts. — Tine copy. 7.— Exact reprint of the preceding. 1503 - Same work. Same edition. — L. W. Graaf, wederlegging d. schriften van veel sterrekundigen bysonder over de Zonne stilstand en Aartkloots beweegingo. Amst., £. Gunter. 1696. — \\V. R. de Smith, Demonstratief bewijs v. de grootheid d. Aardkloot, etc. Gron. 1722. — 1 vol. hr. calf. 4». 9._ 1504 - Tractatus de globis coelesti et terrcstri ae eorum usu. 2a edit, aucta. Amst., J. Hondius. 1612. 4°. — Stained by water. 8.— Reprint of the original edition by Hondius, for whom the treatise was written. 1505 - Same work. — Figurls locuplotatus, ve- cognitus multisquc ohservatt. auctus studio J. J. Pontani. Amst. J. Hondius. 1617. 4°. vellum. 8.— Of this revised edition a Dutch translation appeared in 1623. 1506 Hughes (Griffith) Natural history of I5ar-bados. London, printed for the author, 1750. hf. bound, 29 plates and a map. \'ol. 10.— Each plate with the arms of the family, to which it is dedicated. 1507 Hughes (W.) The Australian colonics, their origin and present condition. Loudon, 1852. cloth. 8vo. i.— 1508 - Engelands Australische koloniën, inbaar ontstaan en togen woord, toestand. Dordr., 1854. sd. 8vo. —.75 Dutch translation of the preceding work. 1509 Hull (H. M.) The experience of 40 years in Tasmania. London, 1859. map. 8vo. —.60 |
cans\' Manual, or the French Constitution of 1793, and the declaration of the riglita of man and of citizens, according to tho Moniteur of June 27th 171):i. French and English, with other pieccs. New-York, \'f• Tiebonl fy Sons, 1817. Ms. 8vo. 7.50 This book, written in America, is the work of a higb-miuded, very intelligent and religions Dnteh woman, only daughter of a learned and highly respectable Baptist Minister, A llulshulf at Amsterdam. In 1806, when Napoleon imposed his brother as King on Holland, she diil the utmost to excite the public spirit against the tyrant, and it is rumoured that she afterwards planned to miiïdcr him, when he stayed at Breda in 1811. She was then removed to America by her friends, wrote there this work, and 2 other (rare) pamphlets, and returned afterwards to Amsterdam, where she died in 184.Ü. HULSIUS\' Collection of Voyages. 4lo. 1511 — II. Andov Schiffurt in die Orient. dien (v. Neck), 1598—1C00. Ed. 1G05. 148 pp., 15 maps and ptalfs. The map and 2 plates restored, short copy. 1512 — 111. Di-itto Theil .. dreyen Schiflart .. gegen Milternacht, 1594—96 (Barentsz and de Veer). Ed. 1. Kiimberg, 1598. 9 leaves and 146 pp.; 33 mops and plales. calf. binding restored.) 65,— Very fine and tall copy; only a small corner at the under margin of the title, and 5 leaves slightly restored. — Uedicace and plate 48 wanting. 1513 — 111* The same Part. Ed. II. Nilrnb. 1602. 9 leaves and 121 pp., 31 plates and maps. 15.—• Wants 3 plates; 16 pi. and some leaves somewhat defective in the margins. Short copy. 1514 — IV. Vierte SoMfiart. Warhaft\'tige Historiën eluer wumlerbaren Schiffart, welche Ul-rich Schntidel, 1534—35, in Aiuericam, bei lïra-silia und Uio della Plata gethau. lid. 11. Ibid. 1602. 11 maps and 5 plates: title andlOipp. 15.— Wanting 6 maps and pi. — Plates and leaves somewhat defective in the outside majgius. The Latin edition of Schmiders Voyage by llul-sius, see in voce; amp;c/midel. 1515 — IX. Neundte Schiffart, d. i. Griindtl. Erklarung was sich mit den lloll. u. Scelaudern in Ost-lndien. Aquot;. 1604 u. 1605 unter d. Admiral Steffan v. d. Hagen zugetragen. Kranckf. 1606. 51 pp., 5 maps and plates, hf. morocco. — l\'\'ine copy. 25.— First eoition. 1516 — XIII. Dreyzehente Schiffart ... War-halï\'t. und griiudtl. ... d. Landschaft Vir-ginien ... von liaph. Hamor. Hanaw, 1617. 76/)/)., 4 plates, hf. morocco. — Fine copij. 30.— First edition. The map stated in the Grenvillc copy, belongs to Part XIV. 15;7 — XV. Fiinffzehonde Schiffart ... Bericht eiues Engelischeu (It. Coverte) welcher . .. Iii- Francklurt, 15.--elae a goud, but II. Eolation der |
in Gamhaia gereisct. Hanaw, 1617. 75 pp., hf. morocco. — Fine copy. 35. Fikst edition. — To this part belong no maps nor plates. HULSIUS\' Collection of Voyages. 4to. 1518 — XVI. Sachtzehendo Schifffahrt. Journal der wuudertmren Ueise W. Schouten, 1615—17, davinnen or cine neuwe Durchl\'ahrt ne-ben dem Freto Magellanioo, in die Suyd Seeent-deckt, etc. Franckfurt, 1619. 4 maps and 5 plates, bds. — Fine, large copy. 40.— Only edition. — A close collation of all these volumes with the copy of Hulsius\' Voyages, in the Town Library at. Hamburg, gives for this vol. the following difl\'erence. — Tlireo of the maps {here unnumbered) are numbered in the Hamburg copy and not so good of impression as in this. 1519 — XVII. Siobonzehondo Schiffart, d. i.: eigeutl. und warhafftige bcschreilning der wuuder-bare Koisz und Schiffart Geory. von Spilbergen. Franckfurt, 1620. 93 pp., 6 plates, hf. morocco. — Fine copy. so- Only edition. — The plates quot;Val Parysaquot; and quot;Quinteroquot; adiled in facsimile. 1520 — XVII* The same Part. bds. Fine, tall 40.— With the eight plates complete. 1521 — XVIII. Achtzehendor Theil dor Ne-wen Welt, d. i.: grlindl. volkoimncne Entdeckung aller der West-lnd. Landschaflften ... durch A. de Herrera. Franckfurt, 1623. Title, 3 leaees and 256 14 maps, hj. morocco. _ 22.— Only edition. — The 3 maps in the Grenvillo copy of this Part, unknown to Asber, belong to Part XIX. The vignet on the title torn out; a small wormhole in the outside margin of the last 40 leaves, else a line, tall copy, almost uncut. 1522 - XVIII* - The same Part. bds. Fine, tall copy. Complete. 30. 1523 — XIX. Nountzeliondo Schlffarth, in-haltcndt fiinff Si\'hilfarthen Sam. Bnmns in Africain, u. dessen Provinciën, Congo, Bansa, Loango, Angola, etc. Franckfurt, 1626. 108 pp., 6 plates, bds. — Fine, tall copy. 60. — Only edition. Complete. — The Hamburg copy has but 8 plates; the Grenvillc copy a pi. 1524 — XX. Zwantzigste Schifffahrt, od. grundliche ... Beschreibung desz Newen Engel-lands. Wie audi Virginia und Barmuda. Franckfurt, 1629. 118 pp., one map and 3 plates, hf. morocco. Fine copy. ^gt;5. Only edition. — The 2 plates «Wie die If eiber\' etc. and pi. of birds and beasts added in admirable autotypy. The portrait of J. Smith in the corner of the map in very fine facsimile. The leaf signature 1\' dilTers in this copy, with that in the Hamburg Library. 1\'agg. 114 and 115 I have there each 34 lines, but in my copy only 33 copy. VPquot; |
■ quot;J-niHKWWBm
pag. 110 Ims in Ilainburg 3S, and here 42 lines, including the word Finis. — The text is the same. — The plates of this part are of the utmost rarity. UULSIUS\' Collection of Voyages. 4to. 1525 — XXI. Eln und zwantzigsto SchilT-fabrt, od. griinijliche ... Boscliroibuaf? dor vol-konmesten Landschafft Brasilion, Amoricae, otc. Franckflirt, 1629. 131 pp., one map and 2 plates, hf. morocco. — Fine, large copy. 50._ Only edition. — The portrait of P. Pz. lleyn, and the plate -Druoken Landt.quot; in photography. 1526 — XXII. Zwey und Zwanzlgsto Sohif-fart, (I. 1. histor. eygentl. Beacbreibung des ge-walt., machtigen Schirt\'alirt so uuder dem Admiral J. I\'llermiie, 1623—26. nmbgie (sic) gant/ou Welt besehehen. Franoklurt, 1630. 114 pp., 5 7naps and plates, hf. morocco. — Fine largo copy. 60.— Only edition. — Plate 3 (Insul Joan Fernando) and 4 (Vorstellung wio die Spanlscho Schiff, etc.) added in photography. —- In the Hamburg copy, the plate M0. 2, «men gathering shells,quot; here a little damaged, has »N0. 11 znm 54 blatiquot; in-slead of ■\'Hum 28 blalty On tho 8th plate, which, according to Asher and Grcnville, belongs to this Part, — and to the -Original editionquot; (Mr. Qua-ritch), Mr. Sobolewski remarks in this copy: quot;Hulsius a reimprime mot a mot l\'editiou de Strassbourg 1629, et il a employe les cuivres tnêmes de cette edition. II n\'y a que 7 planches a l\'édition de Strassbourg et celle du titre (le VlJIme) est una reduction du titre grave de Decker.quot; 1527 — XXIII. Drey und zwantzigste Schif-fahl\'t, welchc G. Ilr. u. L. //\'. von Streitberg etc. nach Malta gcthan: boschrlobon ... (lurch J. F. Hreithaupt. Franoklurt, 1632. 7Hie and preface 4 leaves. 222 pp. and 8 leaves Index; 8 maps and plates, hf. morocco. 50._ First and only edition by Hulsins, complete with 8 plates according to Grenville, and with the engraving on the title, 9 plates, as Asher says. — 3 leaves slightly restored, else a fine copy. Together 15 parts, sm. 4to, many maps and plates, published 1602—32. A Very hare set, all in perfect condition, except pt. 2, 3 (2d eii.) and 4. A complete set of Hulsius consists of 26 parts, many in different editions, pt. 1 and 5 being five times reprinted. The parts 16 to 26, existing only in one single edition, are the most dillioult to bo found. — A quite complete collection of all editions is of the utmost rarity, even beyond that of de Bry; Part 24—26 are almost not to tind. The collection of Hulsius is cousidered to be of great merit, for his fidelity and accuracy, both in the text and the plates. 1528 Hulsius. — Collation of Hulaius\'s collection of Voyages by Mr. li. QuariU\'li. (London, 1860.) 8 pp. 4to. IFith some MSS. corrections by Mr. Q. himself. Entirely out of print. 14._ 1529 - Reproduction!) in photography of the fol- |
lowing plates, each of which are very rare and generally wanting. Only 2 or 3 copies arc made. Each plate. _ Part 20. Plate, 4 Savages, vEiu Zaubercr,quot; etc. Plate, 4 females and a child, «VVie die Wciber von Uauiasuii,quot; etc. Plato of birds and beasts, etc. Part 21, Portrait of quot;Pieter Pietersz. Tleyn,quot; General ol the lleut of the Dutch W. lud. Company. Folding pi., «Drucken Landt,quot; p. 123. Part 22. Plate quot;Die Insul Joan Fernaado.quot; PI. \'/Vorstellung wie die Spanische Schiff sind ver-brendt worden zu Calao.quot; PI. »Verzeichuus der Ree da die Nassawische Flot gelegen ist. \'\'art 23. Plate, views of „Molaquot; and quot;Caietaquot; pag. 212. Part 24. Portrait, Wm. IJsbrantz Bontekoevan iloorn. Folding pi., iu front natives bringing fowls and fruit, and European liddling to natives, p. 10. 1\'oldin;; pi., 2 horizontal compartments, representing ships and flying lish. p. 16. I\'olding pi., a horizontal compartments, in front, boat with awning, p. 24. Folding pi., 3 Ships in storm, 2 wrecked, to face p. 57. I\'olding pi.. Wreck of a ship, men on it and on spars in sea p. 71. Part 25. Folding plate, of a skull, «Das obereTheil vom Kopff dess Einhornsquot; etc. (I.) Folding pi., «Gedachtes obero Tlicil.quot; (2.) I\'olding pi., but smaller, «Das hindere Theil vom Koptl\' des Linhorns.quot; (3) Part 26. Plate, in 2 coinpartnients, — the upper one has a sub-seription; «Fisch so von den Islaudern Narwal genaut,quot; etc.; the lower one has • Kopff des tisches Narwal,quot; to face p. 16. PI., quot;Wilde Groeiiliiiuier,\'\' to face p. 26. I\'olding pi., 2 Walruses, at right hand coruer quot;Wallrnschquot; to face p. 49. Folding pi., n whale windlass, at bottom »Wall-fisches weyblin \' etc., an inverted 2 in the corner, to face p. 60. Foldimr p. 60. Folding the upper pi., Oil manufactory, barrels, etc., to face pi, a Whale, letter «Gquot; below it, quot;4quot; in coruer. 1530 Hulsius, Lev., Celebrated Geographer and editor of the very rare and fine sot of Voyages. — A. L. S. to Joh. Oberndorlit\'er of Eegensburg, dat. May 10, 1603. 1 p. tol. Fine lith. facsimile.— IVilh copy of his printers mark. 3,— 1\' rom: Lempertz, Bilderhcfte des Ruchhanduls. Humboldt (A. von*, Krit. Untersuchungen fiber die histor. Kntwickcliiug dergeograph, Konnt-nisae von der Neuen Welt, und die Fortschritto der nautisclien Astronomie in d. 15. u. 16. Jahr-hundert. Aus d. Franzcis. iibersetzt von J. L. Ide-ler. Berlin, 1838—52. 3 vols. /lt;/\'. bd. 8vo. 5.— 1532 -—■ Over de oudste kaarten van het nieuwe \' 1 |
werelddeel en den naam America. (Amst. 1853. Extr. from the: Leeskabinet.) 8°. With facsiin. of De la Cosa\'s map of 1500. 1.25 On the most auciuut maps and the name uf America. 1533 Humboldt et A. Bonpland, A\'oyagc aux llógions Equinoctiales ; lielation Historique. I\'aria, 1814—19. Vol. I, II. sd, uncut, roy. 4to. Large vellum paper. 14.— 1534 - Atlas géographique et physique des regions équinoxiales du Nouveau Continent. Paris, 1814. roy. fol. Large vellum paper. \'20.— In 25 maps, viz. N». 1-0, 9, 13-30 (N». 19 twice differeutly) with the 2 titles (general and special), engraved frontispico and the rare 11 pp. folio letterpress: quot;Sur les matériaux qui out servi pour la coustructiou dc I\'Atlas.quot; 1535 - Rcise in die Aequinoctial-Gegenden des neuen Continents. 1799—1804. Stuttg. u. Ttlbin-gen, 1815 -23. 4 vols. sd. 8vo. 2.— 1530 - —— Reis naar de landen by den Equator. Uit het Fransch vert. Haarlem, 1808—18. ü vols. portr. and plates, sd. 8vo. 3,— {Voyage to the Equator. Transl, from the French.) 1637 --Keis naar de Keerkringen, 1799 — 1804. Uittreksel uit huune aanteeken. van J. C. Delametherie. Amsterd. 1805. 8vo. 1.26 (l\'oyage to the Tropics. Extract transl, from the French.) 1538 Humboldt, A. v., Essai politique sur le royaume de la Nouvelle-Espagne. Paris, 1808. Livr. 1—4, cont. Vol. 1: 2 titres et dédioaee. Analyse raisonnée de I\'Atlas de la Nouv. Espagne, XC1I pp. et texte pp. 1—428. roy. 4to. Large vellum paper. 1539 - Atlas géographique et royaume de la Nouvelle Espagne. Paris, 1808-11. With 20 maps. roy. fol. Large vellum paper. 9.— 1540 - Essai politique sur le royaume de la Nouvelle Espagne. Paris, 1811. 5 vols. h(. calf, 2 maps. 8vo. — Fine copy. 8.— 1541 - The same. 2e edit. Paris, 1825-27. 4 vols. calf gilt. 2 maps. Svo. 8.— ï\'iue reprint of the first edition. — Very good copy. 1542 - Versuch lib. deu politischen Zustand d. Königreichs Neu-Spanien. TUb. 1809—14. 5 vols, in 3. hf. calf, maps. 8vo 4.50 1543 - Political essay on the kingdom of Now Spain. Translated by John Black. New-York, J. Riley, 1811, 2 vols. hf. bd. 8vo. 7.— Hare edition. These vols, contain only Book 1 — IV, chapt. 1—9 of the original edition. — All published ? 4.— physique du 1544 - Examen de la obra intitulada: Essai politique sur le royaume de la Nouvelle Espagne, par Al. de Humboldt. Paris, 1808 — 9. - „E1 Es-panol.quot; Torn. I. N0. IV. (Madrid?) 30 Julio. 1810. pp. 243—304. 8vo. — Hare. 1.75 Kecueil d\'observatious astronoiuiquea, |
d\'opérations trigonométriques et dc raésures baro-iiietriques, p. J. Oltmanns. Paris, 1808—10. Livr. 1—5, 7, cont. Vol I. (compl.), vol II. pp. 1—240, 357—405. roy. 4to. Large vellum paper. 6.— 1540 Humboldt, A. v., Kecucil d\'observations dc zoolugle et d\'anatoraie eomparée faites dans 1\'Ücéan Atlantique, dans l\'intórieur du Nouveau Continent et dans la Mer du Sud. Paris, 1811. Vol. I. hf. bound, with 30 colour, plates, roy. 4to. 14.— 1547 - Essai sur la gêographio des plautes, ac- comp. d\'un tableau phys. des rógions équinox. Paris, 1807. roy. 4to. Ilriih the large map. — Out o/ print. 9. — 1548 - Plantae Aequinoctiales, in ord. digessit A. Bonpland. Paris, 1808-9. Vol. I. (compl. with 65 pi.) et Vol. II. (pp. 1—88 and pi. CG —113.) Large vellum paper, fol. 21.— 1549 - Kunth (C. S.) Synopsis plantarum, quas in itinere ad plagain acqninoct. Orbis Novi colleg. A. de Humboldt et A. Bonpland. Paris, 1822—25. 4 vols. sd. 8vo. 11.— 1550 Huma (Sophia) An exhortation to the inha-bitaats of the province of South-Carolina, to bring their deeds to the light of Christ, in their own consciences. London, Luke Ilinde, 1752. — The same, An epistle to the inhabitants of South-Carolina, containing sundry observations proper to be considered by every Professor of Christianity. Ibid. 1754. — A caution to such as observe days and times., by S. Illume]. — 3 parts in 1 vol. calf. 8vo. — Rare. 6.— 1651 Hunt (Capt. E. B.) Union Foundations; a study of American Nationality as fact of science. New-York. 1803. 8vo. —.90 15.rrj Hunter (J.1 An historical journal of the transactions at Port Jackson and Norfolk Island, with the discoveries which have been made in New South Wales and in the Southern Ocean, since the publication of Philip\'s voyage. London, 1793. hj. calf, 17 maps and plates. 4to. 7.— 1553 Hunter (Jos.) Collections concerning the Church or Congregation of Protestant Separatists formed at Scrooby in North Nottinghamshire, in the time of King James I: the founders of New-Plymouth, the parent-colony oj New-England. London, 1854. cloth, plate. 8vo. G.— 1654 Huntington, Beuj., Member of the Connecticut-Congress, Member of Congress, 1789- 91, cet. - A. L. S. to Capt. J. Huntington of Windham, dat. Lebanon, July 16, 1777. 1 p. tol. 2.50 Ou his farm. 1555 Huntington, Sam., Signer of the Declar. of Independ., Member and Pres. of the Old Congress, 1775—83. — A copy of a letter to Col. J. Wadsworth, dat., Norwich, March 8, 1788.1 p. fol. 2.— On VV\'s retiriug from Congress. 1550 Hymns for the use of the Society of United F REDE 11 IK Mui.l.EH amp; C0., |
Christian Friends, profenalng the faith of universal salvation. New-York, 1817. calf. sm. 8vo. 1.50 1557 Illinois. — Oeogvaphisch-statistischo uud historische Charto. Weimar, 1826. sq. fol. 45 by 41.— Coloured. 1.— 1558 Indian Emperor (The), or the Conquest of Mexico. Act. IV, Scene 4, as performed in 1731 before the Duke of Cumberland. W. Hoynrth px., engrav. by R. Dodd. sq. fol. 3.— 1559 Indiana. — Geographisch-atatistische und historische Charto. Weimar, 1820. sq. fol. 45 by 38. — Coloured. 1.— 15G0 Influence du despotisme de l\'Angleterre sur les deux Mondes. Imprimé a Boston (en France.) No date (1770?) uncut. 8vo. 1.50 On the politics and prospects of Carthagena and and Canada, during the war between Engl, and France. Attributed to Beanmarchais. 1561 Inga (Athan.) Westindische Spieghel, waer inne men sien kan, alle de eylanden, provintien, lantschappen, het machtige ryek van Slexico, en \'tgout en silver-rycke landt van Peru, \'tsamptde coursnn, havenen, enz. Amsterd., Broer Jansz. ende J. rieterz. Wachter, 1624. vellum, maps and engravings. 4to. Vine copy. 15.— (Wetl-Indian Mirror, wherein are to be seen all the islands, provinces, countries, the mighty empire of Mexico, the gold- and silver-land of 1\'eru, with the courses, harbours, etc.) Complete and tiue copies, as this are very-rare. 1662 Ingersoll (C. J.) Discourse concerning the influence of America on the mind. Philad. 1823. 8vo. 1.— 1503 Instructions given with a commission for seizing the ships, etc. belonging to the inhabitants of the Rebellious Colonies, etc. 27 Hay 1777. — Instructions and Additional Instructions to the Commanders and Olliciers of all Our Ships, and of all vessels having Letters of Marque and Reprisals against the French King, the King of Spain, and the Stales General of the United Provinces, or their subjects ... also against the inhabitants of Our Rebellious Colonies in America, 5 Aug. 1778— 24 March 1781. — In all 13 pieces. 1 vol. fol. 6.— Curioas and rare collection of the Official Instructions, undersigned G. L. Tarrant. 1564 Insulao Americanae. (Amst.) G. Blaeu. (1638). \' «q. fol. 52 by 38y^~- Coloured. With complete French text. 2.50 1565 Inventaris der verzameling kaarten berustende in het R|)ks-Archief. \'s Gravenh. 1867. Tom. I. 8\'J. 2,— Description of the charts and maps in the Royal Archives at the Hague, by 1\'. A. Leupe, Major of the Dutch Navy, — Contains the description of a great number of unpublished MS. Maps of New-Netherland, Nova Scotia, the West-ludlan Islands, l!ra/,il, etc., ouce belonging to tho Dutch W. I. Company. |
1566 Irving (Wash.) The Mfo and voyages of Chr. Columbus, to which aro added those oi\' his companions. New-York, 1853, 3 vols, cloth, map. 8vo. (14.25) 0.50 1567 —•- Ilistoiro do la vie et des voyages de Christ. Colomb, Trad. p. C. A. Defauconpret. 2e edit. Paris, 1836. 4 vols. /if. calf. 8vo. 3.50 1568 - Leven en reizen van Ciirist. Columbus. Haarlem, 1828—34, 5 vols. sd. uncut, map, porlr. and fic-sim. 8vo. 3.— Dutch translation. — The 5th vol, contains the voyages of the companions of Columbus. 1569 - History of New-York, to the end of the Dutch Dynasty. Hy D. Knickerbocker. Paris, 1824. 2 vols. sd. 8vo. 1.25 1570 -- Ansllug auf die Prairiën zwischen dem Arkansas u. Red-river. Stuttg. 1835. 8vo. —.00 1571 - Rip Van Winkle. A legend oi\' the Kaats- kill mountains. New York, 1804. Illustrated with original designs by eminent artists, roy. 8vo. 2.75 1572 - Voyage d\'un Amóricain a Londres, on eaquisses sur les moeurs Angl. et Américaines. Trad. de TAugi. Paris, 1824. 2 vols. sd. uncut. 8vo. 1.50 1573 - The same. 2d edit. Paris, 1827. 2 vols. hf. calf. 8vo. 2.— 1574 Isert, Reize van Koppenhagen naar Guinea, do West-Indien en de Caraïb. eilanden. Amst. 1797. lyith fig. 8vo. 1.50 (l\'oyage from Copenhagen to Guinea, the West-Indies and the Caraibic islands.) 1575 Isographie des homines eélèbres on collection de fac-simile do lettres-autographes et dc signatures. Paris, 1828—30. 3 vol, hf. calf. Ig, 4°. — Fine copy. 25.— Celebrated collection, generally acknowledged as every collector\'s touchstone fur the gennincss of autographs. Among these documents, nicely reproduced and surpassing the number of 000, several are interesting for America, f. i. Pitt, William. Rochambeau, the Marshal in America. Uumford, B, Th, de Ruyter, Admiral. Schnrman, Anna M. a, the l.abadist. Sparmau, A,, the Traveller, Washington, G, West, Benjamin. Adams, John, Bougainville, Burke, Edm, Biisehing, Geographer, Columbus, Chr, Drake, Fr, d\'Entrecastaux. Franklin, J efferson. Kosciusko. La Perouse. 1576 Jackson, Charl., of the Supr. Court of Massachus. 1813—24. — A. L. S, to Rev, Sam. Willard of Deerfield, the author of several hymn-books, dat. Boston, Jan. 11, 1820. 3 pp. 4°, 3.— Proposal to undertake the charge of a school. 1577 Jackson iR.l Ueber die Fieber in Jamaika. Aus d. Engl, rait Anmerk. v, K. Sprengel, Leipzig, 1796. hf. bd. 8vo. 1,— Jndquot; |
1578 Jacobsz. (Jac.) on Abrah. Jansz, Antwoord op vijf vragen, uytgcg. door L. II. Eppon-hof, om door ons beantwoord to worden, die Quakers gcnaemt zijn. Amst., i\'hr. Vunradus, 1(170. 4to. 2.— (lleply to 5 questions, puhl. by L. 11. Eppen/wf, in order to be answered by us, who are called Quakers.) 1679 (Jacobsz, Thounis), Zoo-Atlas. Aiust., Th. Jacobsz. (c. 1C36?) vellum. 15 Fine charts in colours and gold. I\'ol. 12.— A collection of 15 innritimc charts, without separate title, but containing 6 by T/i. Jacobsz, viz.; 1. Brazil; 2. The Caribees, New Netherland, etc.; 3. West-lndian-lslands; 4. Ncw-Netherlaud, Virginia, New-England, Nova Francia, etc. (not mentioned by Asher); 5. Barbary; G. Gninea. (Africa).— The other maps are by N. Vissoher I fit. 1580 Jamaica (Map of) Amst., iV. Visscher (about 1700). sq. lol. 59 by 51. — Coloured. 1.50 1581 - Views in Jamaica. After drawings by G. Robberton, engrav. by Lerpiniere and Vivares. London, J. Jioydell, 1778. 3 plates marked: 3,4, 6. Ig. sq. fol. — Fine. 3.— 1582 — Trelawney, city of the Maroon-Negroes. Dutch engrav. by Veelwaard, aq. 8°. —.50 1583 -- Portraits of the 12 men miraculously saved when the Centawus, a man of war of 74 guns, was lost in a heavy storm, ott\' Jamaica, 1782. J. Northcote px., engrav. by 2\'. Gaugain. Ig. aq. fol. 3.— 1584 Jansen (M. H.) Een brug over den Oceaan. Stoomvaart op Amerika. Delft, 1869. large map. 8vo. —\'.80 (A bridge on the Ocean. Steam-navigation between Holland and America.) 1585 (Janssoaius, Joh.), Nouveau Theatre du Monde on nouveau Atlas contenant les Tables et Descriptions de toutes les Regions de la Terre. Amsterdam, J. Jansson. 1639. 3 vol. vellum gilt, plain maps. fol. 30.— Janssous\'s Atlas is based on that of G. Mercator and J. Hondius the elder, his father in law, whose cosruographical apparatus came into his possession. It contains however many new maps by Henry Hondius, his brother in law, a. o. — 18 Maps of America occur, mostly the same as in Mercator\'s Atlas of 1633. The map of New-Netherland, copied from de Laei, is here reproduced for the llrst time (See Asher\'s List, Nquot;. i). The map of N. Amer. widely differs from that of Mercator; California is here represented as au Island. —• The French text is remarkably accurate and gives details f. i. of the foundation of Plymouth, etc., which do not occur in Mercator. — Map of the Globe, Arctic regions, etc. 5 maps; Norway and Sweden 5; Kussia, etc. 5; Asia 11; Africa G; in all 319 maps. 1586 -- Grooto Atlas. (Large Atlas.) Deel V. Dc |
nicely coloured charts. Title illuminated, roy. fol. This is the 5th and last volume of Janssontus\'s Great Atlas, containing 23 maritime charts with au ample text. 7 of the charts represent America, viz,: Polus Antarcticus with Greenland and the Northern parts of America, Mar del Norte with the Easloru coasts of America down to Guajana; Hispaniola, Cuba and the Caraib Islands; Mare Acthiopicum with South-America; Mare Pacificnm; Polus Antarcticus. — Besides to this copy sotne other maps are added from Janssonius\' Atlas amongst which those of the Capitauiae de Cirii, Peruambnco, Pa-raiba, Kio Grande, etc. (2 maps). 1587 (Janssonius, Joh), Atlas contractus a. At-lantis majoris compendium. Amstelod., apud J. Janssonii haeredes. 1666. 2 vol. in 1. vellum, roy. fol. 12.— 170 Maps with Latin text and Index. Those of America, amongst which that of JMew-Netherland after de Laet and the two of Virginia, are the same as in the edition of 1G39, with exception of the Tabula Magellanica, hero quite new and much more correct. 1588 Japon. — Een kort Beskriflfning uppii trenne Reeaor och Peregrationer, sampt Konnega-ryket Japan, Wysindzborg, Joh. Kankel. 1674. 304 pp. 4to. 36.— Very rare, as all the typographical productions at Wyzingsborg (Sweden.) This vol. contains: Nils Matson Kioping, Voyage in Asia, Africa, etc. — Olojf\' Eric/iszon Will man, Voyage to East-India. — Short account of the Kingdom Japan and its emperors; how long the Portuguese have visited it, and when the Dutch have arrived, etc. — Account of a Voyage from Moscou to China, by Mongolio (Miingul ?) and Calaja, on the river Oby, etc.; by a Russian ambassador. — As interesting, as rare. The copy is somewhat stained and a few worm-holes in the margins. Title in facsimile. Forms part of the Collection of Voyages printed at Wysingzborn. see Reesa-book. — Confer: Memorials. 1589 Jay, John, Member of the first Congress. Chief Justice of the U. S. Supr. Court, Governor of N. Y. — A. L. S. to Tim. Pickering, Secret, of State, dat. N. Y. July 5, 1797. 1 p, 4°. — Fine specimen. 6.— Desires a copy of the Convention of Armed Neutrality. 1590 —- A. L. S. to Rev. Dr. Morse of Charlos-town, dat. Bedford, March 3, 1813. A full page 4°. 6.— Fine, interesting letter on Eliot\'s Biographical Dictionary. 1591 Jeu de Geographie. — Pack of playing-cards, representing the principal countries, nations, citiea ets. of Europa, Asia, Africa, America. — On those representing America occur the distingulsh- |
vorura navigationibus in Indiam Orient. Amst. 1726. 4to. , J 0-T UlliqUG. — It is a Latin poem made and recited by an able Gymnasiast on leaving the Latin Gymnasium at Amsterdam. 1009 Jongo M. C. do) Oeaohicdenis van hot Nc-dcvlandsch Zoowczen. \'s Gravenhagc, 1833—48. G vols. Svo. (51.—) I5-— (History of the Dutch marine.) 1010 - The samo 2d edition. Zwolle, 18G9. 5 vols. With plates and portr. cloth, voy. 8vo. (54.25)25.— This edition is much enlarged by the authentic papers added to it by J. K. J. de Jonge, the sou of the author. The most authentic history of Dutch marine, founded entirely on documents of the Royal Archives. It is the more important as many of these documents were consumed, after the publication of the work, in the great fire of 1853, which destroyed a part of the Archives. Its value for the American collector needs not to be specified, as it contains very ample material for the history of the VVest-lndia-Companv, the early expecitions to America, the wars with the Spaniards and Portuguese there, and their transmarine colonies. Many of the fine portraits arc taken from old pictures, drawings, and very rare plates, not known before. 1G11 Jongo (J. K. J. de) De opkomst van het Ncderl. gczag in Oost-lndiö. 1595—1647. Amsterd., 18G2—75. Vol. I—VIll, and Table on Vol. I—Vll. Svof 39-.50 (The rise of the Dutch power in the East-Indies, 1595-1718.) i A collection of nnedited doenments from the highly interesting Dutch Colonial Archives, with ample historical introduction; very valuable for the history of the early Dutch voyages. Some pieces relate to America, as; Account of a voyage to Guiana and Trinidad iu 1597—98, by A. Cabeliauj Uesolutions of the States General on the navigation to India by the Straits of Magellan; unedited journals of Dutch navigators to the Indies, etc. 1C12 _ Nova Zembla. De voorwerpen door do Nederl. Zeevaarders na hunne overwintering aldaar in 1597 achtergelaten on in 1871 door Kapt. Carl-sen teruggevonden, beschreven en toegelicht, s Gra-venh. 187\',;. plate and targe ma/), roy. 8vo. 1.50 (Nova-Zembla. — Vescription of the objects left at Nom-Zembla, in 1597, after the wintering there of the Dutch; and discovered in 1871 by (\'apt. Carlson.) , 1T . . Very interesting for the voyage of Hcemskerck and Barèndsz and their wintering at Nova Zembla. 1613 Jongsto berigten omtrent de kolonisatie in Nederl. Guyana. (Amst. 1846.) 8vo. (Extr.) --.50 {Last news of the colonisation in Butch Guiana.) 1614 IJoosten Tolok, Jos.] De groote wonder-llicko wcreldt. Beschrüvinghc des gantsche aert-bodem als Europa, Asia, Africa on America, also ick so doorgcreyst hebbe, namentlyck Hungaryon, |
Poolen, Ruslandt... Bresilien, etc. Nog vergroot mot dc Turckse Grammatica. Amst. 1659. 4to. map. (The great marvellous world. Description oj the whole globe, viz. Europe, Asia, Africa, and America which I have travelled over, Hungary, Poland, Russia, ... Brazil etc. With a Turkish grammar.) First edition, very rare. The description of Brazil tills pp. 58—70. It is the more interesting, as the author was 7 years in that country, during the government of Prince John Maurice. 1615 [Jooston Tolck, Jos.] Do Kleyne. wonder-Ijjcke werelt, as Turckyen, Uungaryen, Poolen... Bresilien etc. Amst., D. Viltenbroek, 1649. vellum. 8 maps in woodcut and the author s portrait on the title 4to. 10. (The little wonderful world, as Turkey, Hungary, Poland... Brazil, etc.) The description of Brazil is exactly the same as in the Groote wondert. Wereld. 161 6--The same. Amst., 1. Kannewet, (1740). 41°. In this edition the account of Brazil is much abridged. 1617 - The same. Amat. G. de Groot Keur. 1739. 4to. 3-— 1618 Jordan (Rich.) Journal of his life and religious labours. Lond. 1829. hf. cf. sin. Svo. 1.25 Minister to the Soc. of Friends, Newton, New Jersey. 1619 Journal de la femme d\'un missionnaire dans lea prairies de POuest aux Etats-Unia. Trad, de 1\'Angl. par Mile llilliet do Constant. Genóve, 1857. hf. bd. 8vo, i-25 1620 Journal d\'un voyage fait dans l\'intérieur do lAtnérique Septcntrionale. Ouvrage dana lequol on donne des détails précieitx sur l\'insurrection des Anglo-Américains etc. Trad. do l\'Angl. p. M. Noël. Paria, 1793. 2 vols. sd. uncut, map and plates. 8vO. 2.50 1621 Journaal en Daghregiater van D. Jacobsz. Tayses avontuurel. Keyae na Groenlandt, gedaen met het achip Den Dam. Uytgeg. d. W. P. Poort, Stierman v. d. Dam. Amsterd. 1711. 4to. Woodcuts 3. (Journal and diary of D. J. Tayses voyage to Greenland on the ship Den Dam. Edited bj /f. I. Poort, pilot of the ship Den Dam.) 1622 Journaal of Dagrogiater van den beginne do» tegenwoordige oorlog tusschen de Zeven Vereen. Provinciën en Engeland, 20 Dec. 1780- 15 Fear. 1783. Plain Manuscript. 500 pp. in vellum cover. 4t0. 16, (Journal or Diary of the present war between the Unit. Provinces and England, 20 T)ec. 1780 — 15 Febr. 1783.) Highly interesting, unpublished Manuscript, containing the otficial documents, beginning with the papers found with Mr. Laurens (the Preparatory |
Américainea aux oppressions du Gouvernemont Britannique. Leide, 1776. sd. uncut. 8vo. 2.50 quot;A sensible advocate for the colonies, and apparently one well acquainted with the principal objects of the American controversy.quot; — Ric/i. 1633 Juan Fernandez. — View on this Island, the spot where Alex. Selkirk (Robinson Crusoö) lived. Dutch engrav. (1770.) sq. lot. 1.50 1634 Juan (Q.) on A. de Ulloa. Historische reisbeschrijving |van geheel Zuid-Amerika. (Uit het Spaansch.) Goes, 1771. 2 vols. Af. bound, 25 maps and plates. 4to. 3.— (Historical description of the whole of South-America.) 1635 Juffer (De) in scliyn, of zeldzame levensgevalion van Graaf li***, neevens van een Fran-sche Juffer,... Vorstinne dor Huronnen... \'s Gra-vonh. 1739. 2 vols, plates, vellum. 8v0. Very rare. 5.— (The lady in appearance, or curious adventures of count B***t and of a French lady, Princess of the Hurons, and the pirateries of the American Bucaneers.) 1636 Kaltn (P.) Keis door Noord Amerika. Utrecht, 1772. 2 vols. hf. calf, map and plates. 4tO. 1.50 Dutch translation from the Swedish. 1637 - The same. hf. calf, uncut. 4to. 2.— 1638 - The same. Thici paper, hf. calf. 4to. 3.75 1639 - The same. Thick paper, hf. calf, uncut. 4to. 4-5() 1640 - Travels into North America, containing its natural history, the maimers o( the inhabitants, enz. Translated by J- R. t\'orster. Warrington, W. Eyres, 1770—71. 3 vols. sd. uncut, map and fiy. 8vo. 6.60 1641 (Kalm et Mittelberger), Histoire natur. et polit. de la Pensylvanie, et de l établissement des Quakers dans eette contrée. Trad, do TAllem. p. M. D(e) S(urgy.) Paris, 1768. sd. uncut, map. 8vo. 1642 Kampen (N. G. v.) Levens van beroemde Nederlanders sedert het midden van de 10e eeuw. Haarlem, 1838-40. 2 vols. 8vo. (7.80) 4.— {Lives of celebrated Hollanders since the middle of the 16//« century.) Cont. the biographies of J. II. v. Linschotcn, John Maurice of .Nassau, called the American (or Brazilian), etc. 1043--Geschiedenis der Nederlandera buiten Europa, of verhaal van de togten, ontdekkingen etc. der Nederlanders in Aziën, Afrika, Amerika en Australië, van het laatste der 16e eeuw. Haarlem, 1832. 4 vols. sd. uncut, plates. 8vo. (17.—) 7.50 (History of the Dutch abroad, or account of the expeditions, discoveries etc. of the Dutch in Asiamp;, Africa, America and Australia, from the end of the 1 Mh century]) Written almost entirely from unedited MS. sour |
ces, as the Resolutions of the East- and West-India Comp. etc. 1644 Kane (E. Kent), Arktische Fahrten und Ent-deckungen des zweiten Grinnell-Expedition zur Aufsuchung J. Franklin\'s, 1853—55. Leipzig, 1858. 120 woodcuts, 10 plates and map. cloth, sm. 8vo. (3.—) 1.60 1645 [Kane (P.)] Les Indiens de la Bale d\'lludson. Promenades d\'un artiste parmi les Indiens de l\'Améri.jue du Nord, depuis le Canada jusqu\'a I\'ile de Vancouver et 1\'Orégon. Imité de I\'Angl. par E. Delessert. Paris, 1861. sm. 8vo. 1.50 1646 Kapp (F.) Geschiehte der Sklaverei in den Vereinigten Staaten van Amerika. Hamburg (N. York.) 1861. 8vo. map. (3.20) 1.60 1647 Kappler (A.), Seehs Jahrc in Surinam, oder Uilder aus dein militarischen Leben dieser Colo-nie. Stuttg. 1854. sd. 8°. L50 1618 - Zes jaren in Suriname. Utrecht, 1854. 2 vols. sd. 8vo. Dutch translatiou of the preceding. 1649 Kat (H. D.) Dagboek eener reize ter walvisch-en robbenvangst in 1777—78. Haarlem, 1818. Svo. With map and portr. 1-5\') {Journal of a voyage for the whalefishery in 1777—78.) 1650 Keate (G.) Aeeount of the Pelew Islands, in the Western part of the Pacific Oeean. 3d edition. London, 1789. hf. calf, maps and plates. 4tc. 2;50 1051 - Relation des iles Pelew, situóes dans la partie Occident, de l\'Océan Paciflciue, etc. Trad, de I\'Angl. Paris, 1788. 2 vols. 17 map and plates, hf. calf. 8vo. I-50 1652 Koith (G.) Het decksel gescheurt, ends eon deure geopent.. . om daer door te zien... \'t welck niet het decksel bedeckt is geweest onder de Men-nonyten. Amsterd., 1670. 4to. 4.50 {The cover undone, and a yate opened.., through which may be seen what by the cover was closed among the Mennonites.) Written against the (Dutch) Baptists by a (Quaker. 1653 Kemp, Fr. Adr. v. d., Baptist Minister in Holland, a zealous republican who settled in America, where by bis literary talents he became the friend of Adams, a. o. - - 3 A. L. S. to J. Luzac, dat. 12 Doc. 1805, 21 Kebr. 1807 — and to Et. Luzac, dat. 17 Auj. 1827, all in Duteh. 12 pp. 8.- Interesting letters (m literary subjects, on the condition of literature in America, on his Ainer. friends, Adams a. 0., cet. Of Adams he says; -thus this eminent man sees his services repaid with ingratitude, but why excel di-intirestedly and toil for tne ungra-tcfulP He could luve foreseen bis reward quod ple-rique viri clari Inb\'iere.quot; — In his 3d letter he gives Adams opinion on J. Luzac: quot;he is a large portion of the salt of the earth, and il it were not for a few such Lots, it seems to me, the whole So- 4» |
dom mnst soon be burned up,quot; cet. (12 lines in English). 1654 KGiit (Jam.) Dissertations; being the preliminary part of a course of law lectures. New-York, Printed by G. For man for the author, 1795. sd. uncut. 8vo. 13.50 Contents; I. Of the theory, history and duties of civil goveraraent. — II. Of the history ofthe American Union. — HI. Of the law of nations. — With a summary of the course of lectures in Columbia College. Very kabe, not mentioned by Rich. 1665 - A. L. S. to Abr. van Vechten of Albany, dat. N. Y., July 28, 1797. 1 p. 4». 2.- On a law-suit. 1656 - A. L. S. to Sam. M. Hopkins of New York, dat. Albany, July 8, 1806. Ij. p. 4°. 2._ Family-matters. 1657 - A. L. S. to his brother, dat. Dec. 2, Fine letter on au autograph of Las Casas, on the last books he read, his comfortable home, cot. 1658 - A. L. S. to J. Woodworth, dat N. Y., 1659 - A. L. S. to St. van Rensselaer of Albany, dat. N. Y., March 28, 1834. 1 p. 4°. 2.50 On the llev. John Wheeler, Pres. ofthe Univers. of Vermont. 1660 Ker de Kersland (J.) Mémoires conten. ses Négociations secrètes en Ecossc, en Angleterre,... etc. Avec une relation de la Compagnie d\'Ostende, des particularitês intcressantes sur la puissances des Francais dans l\'lle d\' Hispnniola et sur leurs ctablusemena dans Mississippi, etc. Trad, de lAngl. Rotterdam, 1726—28. 3 vols, calf, portr. and map of Louisiana, sm. 8vo. 5.50 1661 - Memorien ... behelz. zyne geheime verhand. in Schotland, ... nevens verhaal v. d. Oostendische Maatschappij. Rotterdam, 1727. 3 vols. hf. vellum, same portr. and map. sm. 8vo. Very rare. 6.50 The same work, translated in Dutch. 1662 [Kern (H.) en L. A. te Winkel] Verslag ... van een Runen-opschrift in N. Amerika. Am-sterd. 1867. 1 plate. 8vo. (Extr.) i.— (Report on a Runic-inscription in N. America._ From the Reports of the Acad, of Sciences.) 16G3 Kerckhoven (J. v.) Beachryv. v. de onge-luck. Voyage van \'t Schip Aernhem, v. Batavia vertrocken met 6 andere schepen, Dec. 1661, onder A. de Vlamingh, haer komst met de boot v. \'t ver-loore schip op \'t Eyl. Mauritius, hare armoede, enz. Amst., 1664. 4to. 5._ (Description of the unlucky voyage of the ship: Aemhem, which sailed from Batavia with 6 other ships in Dec. 1661, their arrival with the boat of the lost ship on the Mand Mauritius, their sufferings, etc.) |
Original edition, afterwards reprinted as a nonu-lar book. 1 1 1864 Kerguelen Tremarec (de), Relation d un voyage dans la Mer du Nord, aux cotes d\'Islande du Groenland, de Perro, dc Sehettland, des Orca-des et de Norwége, en 1767 et 1768. Paris 1771 17 maps and plates, sd. uncut. 4to. \' 4._! 1665 Kerst (S. Q.) Die Plata-SSaaten und die Wich-tigkeit der Provinz Otuquis und des Rio Bpr-mego. Berlin. 1854. Map. 8vo. f l 1666 Keulen, Ger. Hulst van, Verzameling van nieuwe Zee-kaarten van Nord-Amtrica in hetsroot beginnende van Kaap Charles, of de Golf van ist. Laurens, tot aan de Golf vat Mexico. Am-sterd., G, Hulst v. Keulen (1784). large fol. 6_ (Collection of new sea-charts of Nort/i-America at large, beginning from Cape Charles or the Gulf of St. laureut, to the Gulf of Mexico. Six large folded maps, made after the newest and best English and French maps, with plans of Ouebec, Boston, New York, Charlestown and St. Augustin. 1\')67 Keulen, Joh. van, De Groote Nieuwe Vermeerderde Zee-Atlas ofte Water-Wereldt. Amsterdam, J. van Keulen. 1094. calf. Plain charts fol _ Title stained. gó _ Sriie ii?r3,ey new\' au9quot;lented maritime Atlas or Water- World.) Interesting maritime Atlas, containing 146 verv correct charts, 38 of which give delineations of American coasts; Newfoundland (3 charts). New England, New Netherlaud with 2 separate maps (See Ashers List Nquot;. 29-31), Virginia, Carolina, Flo-rida, Bay of Mexico, Bermudas, several charts of the W. I. Islands, Guiaua, Surinam, Brazil (11 charts) etc. Many are drawn by CI. J. Vooght and all adorned with very Une etchings by the celebrated Jan Luyken, illustrative to the custoraes and dress ofthe inhabitants, the productions of the soil, etc. 1668 -- Do Groote Nieuwe Vermeerderde Zee- Atlas. Amst. J. van Keulen, 1734. hf. vellum, roy fol. With 47 plain charts and frontispiece by J Luyken. ^ ^ Contains 12 large folded charts of America and its parts, amongst which those of the West-Indies (2 pieces), St. Domingo, Brazil, etc. 1609 -- Nieuwe ... paskaart van de Kust van Guinea en Brasilia, van Cap Verde tot de Cap de lion-Lsperance en verders van Rio de Berbice tot Rio de la Plata. Amst., t/quot;. v. Keulen (1720?) 102 by 62. j go (quot;Sew sea-chart of the coasts of Guinea and Brazil, from Cape Verde to the Cape of Good-Hope and from Rio de Berbice to Rio de la Plata.) 167° Keya (Otto) Kurtzer Entwurff von Neu-Nie-derlund und Guajana. Aus dem Holland, in\'s Hoch-teutsehen versetzt von T. R. C. S. C. 8. (Th. Ritzsch, Churflirstl. Siichs. Correspond. Secretarius ) Leipzig, 1672. 4to. (Asher N» 12.) 50. J. German translation of the Dutch, less scarce than |
the original of 1C60, which is of the utmosl rarity. — Very interesting. The work contains a particular description of New Netherland ami Guiana, iu order to show quot;the enonnons profit, which the warm climates yield in comparison to the colder.quot; 1671 Klaohto der West-lml. Compagnie tegeu de Oost-lud. Comp, deaer Vereen. Nederl. ... ineen Dialogue tuaschen oen Hollander, Engelsman en Fransman. Middolb., 10G1. -1 to. (Asher N0.327.) 3.— {Complaint of ihe Wett-Ind. Comp. against the East-lnd. Comp. of these lands, in a Dialogue between a Hollander, an Englishman and a Frenchman.) 1672 Klumpp (F. W.) Daa evangelische Misaions-wesen. Ueberbliek Ub. seine Wlrksamkeit etc. Stuttg. 1811. 8vo. —.60 1673 Kittlitz (F. H. V.) Denkwiirdigkelten einer Keise naeh dem Kussischon Amerika, nach Jllkro-nesien u. durch Kamschatka. Gotha, 1858. 2 vols. sd. woodcuts and plates. 8vo. (8.—) 3.— 1674 Klein (H. J.) An den Nordpol. Seliilderung d. arktischen Gegendon u. d. Nordpolfahrten v. d. iilteaten Zeiten bia zur Gegenwart. Krenznach (1870?) plates, sd. 8vo. 1.B0 1675 King, Rufus, eloquent Orator in the Old Congresa 1784—86, U. 8. Minister to London 1796—1804. — A. L. S. to Th. Dwight of Springfield, dat. N. Y., Jan. 22, 1787. 2 pp. 4°. 6,— Very fine letter, on politics. — «since the affairs of our country are becoming critical, and the neighbourhood, in which you reside, may nnfortttnately be the Theatre of intestine warquot; ... cet. 1676 - A. L. 8. to Benj. Walker of N. Y. dat. Pliilad., Febr. 15, 1795. 2 pp. 4°. P.— On the distressing situation of the settlers at Gal-lipolis. Their lands fell within the grant of the Ohio-Company „who consider these unfortunate people as mere tenants at their will.quot; 1677 Klaproth, J., Lettre a Humboldt sur l\'in-vention de la Bousaole. Paris, 1834. 3 folded plates illustrating the Chinese compass. 8°. — Uncut, — Rare. 3.— 1678 Kloos (J. V-) Minnesota in zijne hulpbronnen, ontwikkeling enz. Amat. 1867. 8vo. —.30 (Minnesota in its resources and deoelopment.) 1679 Kleinkneoht (C. D.) Zuverliissigo Naehricht von der ... schwarzen Schaaf- u. Liimmer-Heerde, oder von den neubekehrten Malabariachen Christen in Ost-lndien... Deme noch beygefügt: Nach-richten von den Ëngl. Colonisten Georgiens zu Eben-lizer in America. Augapurg, 1749. 2 parts in 1 vol. hf. bd. uncut. 1 plate. 8vo. Very rare, especially in this state. 10.— Contains interesting details of the Saltzburg Emigrants in America. 1680 Kiehl (E. J.) Ons verdrag met Amerika. Trac-taat van vriendschap en commercie tuaschen de Vereen. Nederl. en de Vereen. Staten van Amerika, ad. 8 Oct. 1782. \'s Hago, 1863. 8vo. 1.60 |
(Our treaty with America. Treaty of Jriendship and commerce between the Un. Netherl. and the Vn. St. dd. 8 Oct. 1782.) 1681 IKimyser (A.)] Ontdekking van \'t ... deel dca aardkloota, America... in \'t byzonder de Vereen. Staaten. Dordr., 1782. 8vo. 2.50 (Description of the entire portion of the globe, America,., especially the United States.) 1682 Kings (The 3), ■ or IF ho pays the Reckoning, or Von Diego in the Dumps.quot; English caricature on the American difticultiea, 1780. Publ. by W. Richardson. lg. 4°. 3.— 1683 Kircher (Ath.) Mundus Subterranous, quo dlviuum aubterrcstris mundi opificium, etc. demon-stratiir. Ed. 3a emend. Amstelod. 1678. 2 vols, in 1. vellum, maps and engravings, fol. 7.50 This work of the celebrated Jesuit is interesting for the American collector, as it contains numerous notices of the physical geography, orography, hydrography, the volcauoes etc. of the American Continent. 1684 Kist (N. C.) John Robinson, Prediker der Leidscho Brownistengemeente, en grondlegstor der kolonie Plymouth in Noord-Amerika. Leiden (1846.) Extr. 8vo. 4.50 {John Robinson, Minister of ihe Leiden Brow-nists and founder of ihe colony of Plymouth in N. A.) This remarkable man, John Robinson, stayed long at Leyden iu Holland and lived in a small house, afterwards pulled down with many other adjoining buildings; on the spot was erected in the latter half of the 17th century the Reformed Walloon church. In 1884 the front of that house was ornnmented by ti monumental stone, with the inscription; „On this spot lived, taught and died John Hobinson. 1611— 1625.quot; The Rev. W. H. Dexter of Boston and Prof. G. 10. Day (then of Cincinnati, now of Yale College) undertook in thankful remembrance this work of piety and came over to Leyden to have this stone raised and entrusted to the care of the Magistrate of Leyden. 1685 Knox, Henry, General and Secret, of War under Washington. — L. S. to Captain Bull, dat. War Department, July 14, 1798. 1 p. fol. 5.— Order to embark for Now-Brunswick. 1686 Kooh (A. C.) Reise durch einen Theil d. Ver-cin. Staaten v. Nord-Amorika, 1844—46, Dresd. u. Leipz. 1847. 2 plates. 8vo. 1.— 1687 Koch (F. C. C.) Die Deutschen Colonien in der Nahe des Saginaw-Fliiaaea. Braunschw. 1851. map. 8vo. —.60 1687* Koelman (Jak.) Iliatoriach verhaal nopende der Labadisten sclicuringh en vcelerley dwalingen Amat., 1683. vellum. 12mo. 5.— (historical account of the schism and the numerous errors of the Labadists.) This work of Koelman is one of the principal sources for the history of the Labadists. 1687** - The same. 2d edition, augmented by |
II. Janssoniu». Lfifttiwarden, 1770. sd. uncut litlc ilained by water. sm. 8vo. 4.50 1G88 Koenen (H. J.) Pavonia. — Bydrage tot de kennis der voormalige Nederl. koloniën. Arnhem, 184G. 8vo. 2.— {Pavonia. Contribution to the history of the former Dutch colonies.) Separate abstract with special title, of a very interesting memoir in a Dutch historiaal collectiun. The colony Pavonia, in New-Netherland, was founded by Mich. Pauw, in 1G38. This is the only special Dutch paper on it. 1G89 -- Adriaan Pauw. Bydrage tot do kerk- en handelsgeschiedenis der 16e eeuw. Amsterd. 1842. portr. and plates, sd. 8vo. 2.— (Adr. Pauw. Contributions to the history of the Church and commerce.) Biography of Adr. Pauw, Magistrate of Amsterdam in 1578, grand-father of Michael Pauw, Founder of the Colony Pavonia, 1690 Kohl, (J. G.) Die beiden attesten General-ICarten von America, ausgefiihrt 1627 u. 1529 auf Befehl Karls V. Im Besitz d. Qrossli. Bibl. zu Weimar. Weimar, 1860. hf. cloth, large fol. (20.-) 10.— With very scrupulous and fine reproduction in Chrornolithography of these two interestiug maps. — See for a more ancient reproduction: Sprengel. 1691 Kohier (C.), Briele aus Amerika. Wegweiser fiir deutsohe Auawanderer. 2te verb. Aufl. Darmst. 1854. bds. fi steelengrav. 8vo. 1.— 1692 Kohier (F. G.) Reis naai.\' de IJszee, en naar de Kusten v. Groenland en Spitsbergen, 1801. Benev. ecne buachryv. d. walvischvangst. Amst. 1820. sd. 8vo. 1.25 (Voyage to the Ice-sea and the coast of Greenland and Spitsbergen, with a description of the W hah fishery. From the German.) 1993 Koner, W., Uebersicht d. 1852—1853 aufd. Gebiete d. Geographic erschien. Werke, Karten ii. Pliine. Berlin. 1854. 8°. —.75 1694 Kort Beramp;ttelse om Wiist Indien eller America, som oiliest kallas Nya Werlden. {No place). 1675. 4to. bds. 20.— Very rare as all the Swedish typographical produ-cions of the 17tii century ou America. The description of Virginia tils 5 pages. — It forms part of the rare Collection of Voyages, printed by John Kankel at IVysingzbom \\ — see Reesabok. The condition of our copy is infortunately not a very good one; it is stained and has some worm-holes. 1695 Kort discours, ofte naardere verklaringe vande onderstnonde V. poincton, 1. Acngaonde de verliohtiughe die desen staat heelt glienooten, door do oprecht, en Oorloghon van de West-Ind. Comp. 2. Uat men deselve Compagnie, met die van do Oost, of liare beyde Oetroyen, vereenIgende, nu ongeiyck meerder verlichtinge, Jae in korten het |
97 eynde van dese lastighc en gevaerlieke Oorlogen, sal konnen erlangen, etc. ... 1861. 4to (Asher N». 194.) 5.— {Short discourse or further declaration of the following five points-. 1. Js to the assistance which this State has enjoyed by the establishment and. the wart of the West-Ind. Comp. 2. Thai by uniting this Company with that of the\'East, infinitely more advantage would be obtained, and in a short time we shall arrive at the end of this tiresome and perilous war, etc, etc.) 1096 Kort en bondigh Verhaal van t gcene in den oorlogh tussclien den Koningh van lOnge-lant, do ... Vereen. Nederl. on den Bisschop van Munster is voorgevallen van 1664—67. Amsterd. M. IF. Doornick, 1667. hi. hd. \'i plates and many engravings in the text. 4to. (Asher N0. 354.) 25.— (Brief and concise account of what has happened during the war between the King of England, the United Netherlands and the Bishop of Munster), 1697 - Same edition, vellum, the two plates wanting. 15.— Rare. — This work may be considered as the most complete and must authentic contemporarv account existing of the fatal war between Holland and lOugland, the consequence of wich was the final loss of New-Netherland by the treaty of Breda, 1667. 1698 Koster (H.), Voyages dans la partio septen-trion. du ISresil, 1809—15. Trad, do I\'Angl. par A. Jay. Paris. 1818. 2 vols, maps and col. plates, hf. calf. 8vo. 2.50 1699 Kottenkamp (Frz.), Goschicht.! dor Colonisation Amorika\'s. Frankfurt a. M. JS50. 2 vols. sd. 8vo. 2.—■ 1700 Kotzebue (O. v.) Kntdeekungsreiso in die Siid-Seo u. nach dor Behrings-Strasso, ziir Erfor-schung oiner nordöstlichen Durchfarth. Weimar, 1821. 3 vols, in 1. hf, calf, 6 large folded maps and 20 col. plates. 4to. 4.— The voyage was undertaken at the expense of Count Kumanzoff. — Vol. Ill is especially interestiug for the notices on natural history and on the languages (with a comparative vocabulary) by A. von Chamisso. 1701 - Ontdekkingsreis in de Zuid-Zee on na do Borings-Straat. Amst. 1822. 3 vols. hf. calf, maps and plates. 8vo. _ Dutch translation of the preceding work. 1702 Krachtelooae Donder van den llelschon Hond ... w-ael» in vertoont wort ... wat in GO jaren ghepasseort is in desen staet en wat te verwachten staot in Duytsehlandt ... Hongaryen, Moscovien, jae in Oost oude IVest-lndien sells. {No place 1615?) 4to. 1.50 {Powerless Thunder of the Hellish Dog ... showing what happened in the last UO years in this land and what may be expected in Germany , ., llongary, Moscovy, yea even in the Kast- and IVest-Indies etc.) Violsut pamphlet agaiiut the Jesuits. KOENEN — KRACnTELOO^E, |
HOj Krantzii (Alb.) Ecclesiast. historia, s. Metropolis; Saxouia; Waudalia ut Regiionun Aqi\'.ilo-nai\'inui, Uaiiiao, Sueuiae, Norvagiac Clu\'onlua. Acecd. ... Jac. Ziegleri öchomlia. Fraucol\'. a. M. 1575—76. 4 void, in 1. Sioui vol., old damped pigskin, oriyinul binding, lol. — A few wormholes in the first work. Tho latcrestiiig i)urt for Aniericau history, Ziey-Ier s üc/iondia, is liore repriuted IVoni the lirst, eili-ditou of 1532. 1704 [Krasctienninikoff (Steph.)] History of Kamschatka and the Kurilski Islands with the countries adjacent. Transl. (from tho Russian) by J. (jrieve. (ilocoster. 1704. ids. ma/is and plates. 410. 2.50 Abrigcd translation of Kraschcnniuikoff sKamtschat-ka. ll cuntuius jip. 44—55 a description of the North-Western part of America. 1705 - Reschreibung des Landes Kamschatka. Ueberzetzt von J. T. Kohier. Lemgo, 170(3. A/, vellum, 5 maps and plates, 4to. quot;2.— 170(1- llistoire de Kaintscliatka. Trad. p. M. E(idous.) Lion, 1707. \'2 vols, in 1. /if. calf, i maps. 8vo. ü-— 1707 -- Bescliryviug van ICamschatka en de Ku- rilacho Kilauden. Amst. 17Ï0. sd. uncut, a plates. 8vo. L50 N0. 1705—7 tire all translations of the above Knglish (N0. 1704) with the same passages on America. 170 i - llistoire et description du Kamschatka. Trad, du llusse. Amsterd. 1770. 2 vols, calf, map. 8vo. — This translation is made directly after the Russian original, and is very dilferent from the above edt-tiona.j The part relating to America tills pp. 39»— 425 of vol. 1. 170\'J Kriegk (ö. L.) Uas Land^Otuquis in Bolivia. Isach eiuein Uriginaiberieiite vou M. Bach. Trankt. a. M. 1838. 8vo. {map wanting.) 1.— 1710 Kritisotier Wogwaiser iin Oehiete der Laudkarten-Knnde, uebst iSachrichten zur Beförd. der Matheuiat.-pliysikai. Geograpiite mid liydro-graphie. Berlin, i\'. Sehropp amp; Cu, 182lJ—35.1—VII, 1—8, Maps and porlr. 8quot; — Complete. 12.— Very interesting and rarely occurring fore-ruuuer of I\'elerniann s Mitlheilungen, containing numerous critical essays on American cartography, etc., f. i.; Atlus de l\'Ucéail Pacilique, p. do Kruseiisteru. 10 prts. — Le pilote de Bresil, p. lloussin. — New Aineric. Atlas, by Tanner. 2 prts. — Map of the U. 8., by J. amp; A. Walker. 3 prts. — Carte générale de i\'Ainer. Alérid., p. 8pix et -ilartius. — Portrait of Cpt. I\'tankiin. — List ot Maps, Charts etc. publ. by Tanner. Philadelphia. — Map of N. America, Loudon, Wyld. 182b. — Map of New Brunswick and Nova bcotia, by Wyld. — Carte d\'Ktat-Unis. p. Brué. — etc. etc. t^uite complete copies are rare, the publication having been stopped tu the middle of the year, |
1711 Krohn (Fr.), De Eilanden yan do Zuidzee en \'t werk d. Christ. Zendelingen. Gron. 1836. 8°. 1,— {The Islands in the Southsea and the work of the missionaries.) 1712 Krusonstern (A.. J. von) Keize om de wereld, 1803—1800. Haarlem, 1811—15. 4 vols. /(/. calj, map. 8vo. 1.50 {1\'oyage round the world.) 1713 Kuhn (F. A.) Beschouw, van den toestand dor iSnriuaamsolie I\'lantagie-slavon. Amsterd. 1828. sd. plates. 8vo. 1.— 1 On the condition o[ the Slaves in Surinam.) 1714 Külb (Pil. H.) Geschichte der ileisen nnd Entdeckungen in Africa vom Ende des XV. Jalirh. bis auf die Uegenwart. Mainz, 1841. Tom. 1. (1415—1521.) porlr, and \'2 maps. 8vo. (4.50) 1.50 1715 Kuyper, (Fr.) Den philosopherenden Boer, handelende van de dwalingen der hedendaegsohe Christenenen, Cartesianen en Quaakers, door S. I. B. 2de druk. (No place) Oedr. voor de Cartesianen en Quakers, 1077. 2 parts. 4to. Uncut. 3.— {The Philosophic Peasant, treating of the errors of the present Christians, Cartesians, Quakers, etc. (Au place.) Printed for I he Cartesians and Quakers. Jiy S. i. M. 2d edit. 1718 liubadie (J. de) Practyck des tweederlye gebetls, bestaande in inwend. alleonsprake der Ziele, en uitwendige aanspraak tot tiod. Overgezet door A. Uodart. Utrecht, 1000—07. 3 vols.— Idem. V eriieffiugen des geestes tot Uodt ... over-geset door A. V. VV. Amst. 1007. —1 vol. vellum. 8vo. 0.— {Practice of the two different prayers, the inward monoloyue of the soul, and the outward address to God. — Jilevalions of the mind to (Jid. — Transl. from, the French.) 171\'J--Verzameling van eenige gewicht, gront- regels der Christel. Leere. Amsteru. 1000. 2 vols. — Idem, Geestel. tyd-kortingen van den Christel, uagh ... Ibid. 1077. — Idem, Verhellingen ties geestes tot Godt, op den Christel, dag. Ibid. 1007. — Idem, Oordeel der liefde en gerechtigheyt over den tegenvvoord. toestand der Joden. Ibid. 1007. — 1 vul. hf. calf. 8vo. lJ.— {Collection of some important principles of the Christian doctrine. 2 vols. — Spiritual diversions of the Christian day. — Jilevutions of the mind to Cod on the Christian day. — Sentence of love and justice on the actua IconUition of the Jews.) Pour scarce tracts of Labadiehimsulf, mostly translated on his own desire, from the Preuch. 1720 La Barre (Le Febure de) Description de la franco Equinoctiale, cy-devant appellee Uuyanne, et par les Espagnols El Dorado. Paris, Jean liibou, 1000. 4to. The map wanting. — Very rare. 12.— The author, founder of a colony iu tiuiana in 1064, wrote this work in order to excite a more general interest for his colouy, giving at the same time an |
ncconnt of his entroprises and results, nnd explaining the favourable prospects of the new colony. But his hopes were not fulfilled, nnd tlm colony was taken by the English in the following war. — A copy with the map sold at Leclerc\'s sale, 1868, for 45 fr. t721 Labat(J.B.)NouveiiiiVoynsrfiaiix islcsde I\'Ami;-rique, contenant l\'hist. natur., rorigine, les moenrs, la religion «tc. des habitants anciens et mod. Tja Haye, 1724. 6 vols, calf, maps and plates. 8°. 5. - 172 2--Nieuwe reizen naar de Franse eilanden in Amerika. Ainst. 1725. 4 vols. ratf. Wilh maps and enyrao. 4to. 3.50 Dutch translations of Labat\'s voyages. 1723 - Voyage dn Chov. des Mareliais en Guinée, isles voisines, et A la Cayenne, 1725 27. Amsterd., 1731. 4 vols (\'«/ƒ, maps and plates. 8vo. 3.— Vol. IV. p. 282—292 cont. a vocabulary of the language of the Negroes of Juda. 1724 Laboulaye (Ed.) Les Etats-Unis et la Franco. Paris, 1862. 8vo. 1.— 1725 - Hisfoire des Etats-Unis. 1620—1798. 2e edit. Paris, 1866. 3 vols. sm. 8vo. (5.70) 2.50 1726 Labrador, Greenland with Baffins-bay, Strait Davids and Hudson, etc. Amst., P. Mortier. (about 1700). 2 sheets t\'ol. Together 82 by 59.— Coloured. 3.— 1727 La Clede (... do) Histoira geral de Portugal (till 1540.) Traduz. (d. Francez) e illustrada com muitas notas histor., geogr. e criticas ; etc. Lisboa, 1781—85. 8 vol. sd. uuad. 8vo. 4.50 The two last vol. contain many particularities on the discovery of, — and the affairs in Bast- and West-India. 1728 La Condamine, Relation d\'un voyage fait dans 1\'intérieur do l\'Amórique Méridionale, depuis la cote de la Mor du Sud jusqu\'aux cotos du Brésil et de la tiuiane. Paris, 1745. sd. uncut, map a/ the Maragnon. 8vo. 1.50 1729 - Lettro ... sur 1\'émeute populaire oxcitco on la ville de Cuenca an Peru, 29 Aofit 1739, oontro les acadéniiciens des sciences, envoyês pour la mesuro do la terro. [Paris], 1746. sd. uncut. 8vo. 1.50 With the quot;pieces justilieativesquot; in Spanish and French, and a plate representing the murder. 173 0--The same, bound up with: La Condami- ne\'s Relation d\'un voyage fait dans rintórieur de rAtnérique Méridionale. Paris, 1745. With a map of the Maragnon. In 1 vol. vellum. 2.50 In the same volume 3 treatises quot;6«r la mesure de la terrequot; by Picard and Murdoch. 1740—42. plates. 173 1--The same. New edition of the two preceding works in 1 vol. Maestricht, 1778. jd1. uncut, map. 8vo. 2.— Amsterdam. |
1732 La Condamine Verhaal van een reizein Xuid-Amorica, on van \'t oproor van Cuenca. Amsterd., 1746. inth map of the Maragnon and plate. 8vo. 1,50 Dutch translation of the two works of the preceding number. 1733 --The same, without the account of tho murder at Cuenca. —.75 1734 La Croix (A. Ph. de) Algemoeno woorclil-boschryving, goographisch, politisch, historisch, onz. Vertaeld on uit oude en n\'euwe roisboschri)-vingen vermoeid, door S. de Vries, Amsterd., F. Ilalma, 1705. 3 vols, calf, numerous maps, views of cities, etc. 4to.(Asher N9. 20.) 15.— (General description of the world, geographical, political, historical, etc. Translated and augmented from old and new voyaqes hy S. de Vrics.) Superb copy on thick large paper, marbled calf, extra gilt, gilt edges. All the maps and plates exquisitely executed iu colours and gold. Very rare in this state. Vol. III. pp. 320—480 gives a description of America, with 15 maps and a view of Mexico. 1735 Laot (Joa. de) Historie oftojaerljjck verhaal van de verrichtinghen der West-Ind. Comp. sedert haar begin tot hot jaor 1036. Loydon, Mr. Elsevier, 1644. vellum or calf, numerous plates, fol. (Ashor N0. 22.) 10.— (History or yearly narrative of the proceedings of the West-lndia-Cump. from its commencement to the year 1636.) »Livre exl rêraement intéressant, écrit avec la plus grande impartialité et une entière bonne foi. On peut le considérer commo antbentiquc, it cause de la position de l*auteur commc Directeur de la Compagnie.quot; Netscher. 1736 - Niouwo Wereldt, ofte Beschrijvinghe van West-lndion. Loyden. Isaac Elzevier, 1025. vellum, numerous maps. fol. (Ashor, N0. I.) 10.— (The New IVor Id, or Description of the IV est-Indies.) First edition of this excellent work. Its special value consists in the maps of North America, New England and New-Netherland (by Hessel Gerritsz), from which most of the suoceeding writers copied. 1737 -—- Tho same. 2de druk. In ontallijcko plaot-son verbetert, met nieuwe caorten, beolden van dioren ende planton, enz. Ibid. 1630. vellum or calf. fol. (Asher Nu. 2.) 12._ (The 2d edition corrected and augmented in innumerable places, vjitk new maps and engravings of animals and plants.) 1738 -- Novus Orbis, sen dcscriptionis India) Oc- cidontalis libri XVIII. Novis tabulis geograph. et variis anirnalium, plantarum, fructuumque iconi-bus illnstrata. Lugd. B., Elsevier, 1633. fol. With 14 maps and many engravings in woodcut. (Asher Nquot;. 3.) 04.— This book is iu Holland at present very rare. I(, |
is tho lirst copy I met in 15 years, and was fouRil in Belgium. — Very line copy in original stamped old calf binding. ITSO Laat (Joa. de) L\'IIiatoiro du Nouveau Monde, ou descrip- tion des Indes Oocidentalos. Leyde, B. et A. El- zeviers, 1C40. calf, coats of arms, numerous maps and woodcuts, fol. (Ashor N0. 4.) 25.--- 1740 - The same. Ibid. 1G40. vellum, fol. 30.— Fine and very large copy, some leaves uncut. Very scarce in this state. 1741 - Notae ad dissertatiouem Hug. Grotii de origine gentis Americanae. Amstelod., L. Elzevier, 1643. old calf. sm. 8vo. 5.— First refutation of Grotiua, very interesting fur American Philology. It contains, pp. 139—151, comparative vocabularies of the Irish, Gaelic, Ice-landish, Huron, Souriquois, Mexican a. o. languages. 1742 -Responsio ad dissertationem secundum Hug. Grotii de origine gentis Americanarum. Amst., L, Elzevier. 1044. vellum, sin. 8vo. G.— Second refutation of Grotius, much scarcer as the lirst. 1743 -- Compendium historiao univers. civ. et eccles., tam Roman, quam Protest., ab Augusto ad ami. Ghristi J. 1G40. LugiJ. Batav. 1G43. vellum. sm. 8vo. 768 pp. 4.50 This work contains ample notices of the facts relating to the history of America and tho part of the Dutch therein. 1744 --A. L. S., in Dutch, to the States of the Province of Utrecht, dat. Leyden, Noverab. 29, 1644. 1 closely written p. fol. — With seal (broken). 30. — Intebestimg and very rare autogkapu. De Laet sends his Uislonj of the W. I. Company to the States of Utrecht; he states how, by the exertions of the W. I. Comp., the King of Spain had lost to an amount of 11. 75.000.000 in the period ending with the year 1636, and afterwards still more; he expects that therefore the States will continue their supply to the Company, cet. — At the foot of the letter the Secretary of the States annotated that they have given to de Laet a gratification of an «aemquot; (40 Engl. Gallons) of wine. 1745 Lafargue (M. de) Oeuvres melées. Paris, 1765. \'2 vols in 1. hf. calf. 8vo. 3.— Vol. II, pp. 157— 350: Histoire gcograph. de la Nouvelle Bcosse. 1746 Lafltau (J. Fr.) Histoire des découvertes et conquostes des Portugais dans le Nouveau Monde. Paria, 1733. 2 vols. sd. entirely uncut, maps and flates. 4to. Fine copy, perfecily new, rare in this state. 6.— The plates contain views and plans of cities, portraits, etc. 1747 - The same. Ibid. 1734. 4 vols in 2. vellum, maps and plates. 12mo. 7.50 1718 - De zeden der Wilden van Amerika. |
\'s Grav. 1731. 2 vols, calf, or vellum. With maps and enr/rav. fol. 4.— (The customs of the aborigines of America.) 1749 Lafond (Gabr.) Quinzc ans do voyages au-tour du monde. Paris, 1840. 2 vols. sd. 8vo. 2.50 1750 La Harpe (J. F.) Abrögé de I histoire générale des Voyages (de Pré vost.) Paris, 1780. 21 vols. calf. 8vo, and Atlas in-4to. 8.50 175 1--The same. New edition, revised. Paris, 1820. 24 vols. hf. calf. 8vo. 10.— 1752 Lahontan (Baron de) Nouveaux voyages dans l\'Amériquo Soptentrionale. 2o édit. rev. et 1703. 2 vols. ca\\f, maps and 4.- the 2d vol. cont. a French- Voyages de Lahontan, 1703. hf. calf, maps and 3.— edition of this Supplement, of the preceding number. • augm. La Haye, plates. 8vo. Pp. 195-220 of Huron vocabulary. 1753 —— Supplément aux etc. Tom. III. La Haye, plates, 8vo. Original and rare which forms the 3d vol Same book as the following, but with other title. 1754 --Suite du Voyage de l\'Amêrique, ou dialogues du Baron de Lahontan et d\'un sauvage, contenant uno description des rnocurs et des eou-tumes de ces peuples sauvages (par Gueudeville.) Amsterd. 1704. calf, maps and pi.-, a wormhole in the last pp. 8vo. 2.25 1755 --Voyages dans l\'Amêrique Septentrlonale. 2e édit. ... augm. Amst., 1721. — Suite du Voyage de ... Lahontan, Amst., 1728. — Together 3 vols, maps and plates, hf. calf. 8vo. G.— 1756 - Reizen in het Noordelijk Amerika, met het vervolg, \'s Gravenh., 1739. 2 vols, calf, maps and plates. 8vo. Some leaves stained by water. 3,— Dutch translation of the Voyages and the Supplement; with the Vocabulary of the Huron language. 1757 Lallement, Histoire de la Colombie. Paris, 1826. map, sd. uncut. 8vo. 1.50 1758 La Marque (Ant. de) Den Verresen Jan van Leyden ende Baront Knipperdollink, ofte het gautsche leven en bedryf van Jan de Labadie. Uit het Frans vertaald. Rotterd. 1670. 4to. Slightly stained. 3.— (The resurrected J. v. L. and B. K., or the whole life and profession of Jan de Laladie. Transl. from the Trench.) The author, former disciple of de Labadie, eyewitness of this history, reveals his Hypocrisies, Fanaticism, Heresies, etc. 1759 (La Martinière) Nouveau voyage vers le Scptentrion, oü I\'on représente le natural, les cou-tnmes et la religion des Norwógiens, de» Lapons, ... Zembliens, Samoïedes, etc. Amat. plates, sd. uncut, sm. 8vo. 3.75 17G0 Lambertie (Ch. de). Voyage pittoresque en Calil\'ornie et au Chili. Pm-is, 1854. 8vo. (8.-) 1.50 |
1761 Lambreohteen (N. C.) Korte besohrijving van de ontdekking «n der verdere lotgevallen van Nieuw-Nederland. Middelburg, 1818. sd. uncut. 8vo. IVilh a large map of flew- Net herland. 1.25 (Short description of the discovery and the further fate of New-Nether tand.) A very interesting work published by the Zcclaud Society of Sciences. Out of print. 1762 - The same, thick writing paper, very rare. 3,— 1763 - The same, bound up with 4 other pieces (relating to Zealand), by the same author and two biographical notices, preceded by a portrait of the author by Vinkeles. 1 vol. hf. ilt;d. 8vo. 4.— 1764 Lamzweerde (St. a) Mare nndiquc apertum, vel terra in oiuni parte circumnavigabilis. Tielae, 1756. 8vo. 1.— 1765 Langdon, John, President of New Hampshire 1785, Member of Congress. — A. L. S. to Nicholas Gilman of N. Y., dat. Portsmouth, June 28, 1788. Ij. p. 41. 4.— Fine letter, on the adoption of the Federal Coa-stitntion by New Hampshire. 1766 - A. Billet, in the 3d person, to Dvvight Poster, dat. March 15, 1798. 1 p. 8°. 2.— 1767 Lange (A.) Atlas von Nord-America. 18 color. Bliittern mit erlauterndem Texte. Braunschw. 1854. s(l. fol. (3.35) 1.50 1768 (Langenes, Bar.,) Caert-Thresoor, inhoud, de tafelen des gantsche Werelts landen, met bc-schryvingen verlicht. Middelburgh, Bar. Langenes (1598). 1 vol. in 2. 462 and 192 pp. talf. Black letter, sq. 8°. — Very rare. 23.50 ( Treasure of Maps, containing those of the whole World with their description.) Contains 17 maps of America and of parts thereof, engraved by P. Kaerius: Terra Nova, Tereera, Jucatan, Cpba, Jamaica, Hispnniola, New-Spain, Pern, Chili, Brazil, view of Potosi, Straits of Magellan and Waygats, etc. — With descriptive text in Dutch. — The plate after the title represents the ship of Magellan with circmnseription; quot;Trima ego velivolis ambivi cursibus orhem — Magellane novo tr duce duct a freto; ■— Ambivi, meritoque vocor Victoria; sunt mi — I\'d a alae, precimn, gloria, pugna, mare.\' 1769 - Thresor de Chartes. Reveu et augments. Imprimé par Chr. Guyot. 1602. Pour Corneille Nicolas (Amsterdam). 2 vol. in 1. 496 and 202 pp. Vellum. 2 Last pages of Index wanting, sq. 8°. — Some MS. notes. Very rare. 18.— French translation of the Caert Thresour (preceding N0.) by J. de la Uaye, with the same maps of America by P. Kaerius, and the plate of Magellan\'s ship, but with the 4 Latin verses in French. 1770 - Same work, other edition in French. Imprimé par Math, Becker, pour Henry Laurentz (Amsterdam, about 1610). 8 vol. in 1.406 and 222 pp. Vellum. Fine copy, with the S blanc leaves, sq. 8». 19.— |
Same maps and text. 1771 (Langenes Bar.,) Handboek, of cort begrijp der Cacrton ende boschrijvinghen van alle landen des Werelds. Vermeerdert (door Jac Viveriua). Amsterd., i\'orn. Ctaesa. 1003. 762 pp. Vellum. Black letter, sq. 8°. — Fine tall copy, with the 2 blank leaves. 13.50 New revised edition of Ijangenes\' Caert-Thresoor containing the same maps as that of 1598 (N0. 1768), buth with a different, more ample text by Jac. Vi-verius, partly borrowed from thai of Bertius (Nquot;. 1773) — The plate of Magellan\'s ship twice repro-ducsd with epigram in Latin and in Dutch. 1772 - The same, half calf, coloured mops. 12.— 1773 - Bertii, P., Tabnlarum geographlcarum eontractarum librl V. Ed. 3a. Amstelod., apud Corn. Nicolai. 1606. 679 pp. hf. bd. sq. 8°. — Some leaves of the preftice with wormholes. 9.— New edition of Langenes\' Caert-Thresoor; the same maps, but with new Latin text by P. Bertius. — liook V contains the description of: Ame rica et Magellanica, 60 pp. with 17 maps. At thequot; end a (\'omparatio operis praesentis cum Ptolemaico, 1774 - The same, in Vremh, with dedication to Louis XIII. Amsterod. Jud. Hondius. 1618. 829 pp. Vellum, sq. 8°. — Fine tull :ovy, with all blank leaves. 18.— This edition is much augmented and has perfectly different maps from those of the foregoing. — Li-vre II, Terres Sept ent rionales inconnues a Ptolo-tfiée contains: The North-l\'ole, Spitzbergen, Greenland, Nova-Zembla, Strait Waygats, etc. — Liu re 111, Torre Australe, with 3 maps. — Livre VII, VAmérique, with 15 maps: General map, Nova Francia and Virginia, Tereera, Yucatan, Cuba and Jamaica, llispaniola, Nova llispania. Plan of Mexico, Smith America, Peru, Plan of Potosi, Chili, Brasilia, and 3 maps of the Globe, belonging to the: Comparaison de l\'oeuvre présent, avecceluy de Ftulo-mée, 9 additional pp. 1775 Langsdorff (G. H. von) Bemerkungcn auf einer Keiso uin die Welt in 1803 bis 1807. Frankt. a. M. 1812. 2 vols, with Atlas of 27 and 16 pi. etc. — Together 3 vols. 4to. hf. bd. 6.60 The 2d vol. treats almost only on California, Norfolk-Sound, and other northern parts. 1776 Lans (W. H.) De oorzaken van verval en middelen tot herstel der Surinaamsche plantaad-jon. \'s Graveuh., 1829. 8vo. —.76 (The reasons of the decline and the means for the recovery of the plantations in Surinam.) 1777 —- Bijdrage tot de kennis der kolonie Suriname. sGravenh. 1842. bits. 8vo. (2.—) 1.20 (Contributions to the knowledge of Surinam.) 1778 Lanterne Magique of Toverlantaern, Osoo Mooi! Fraai Curieus! vertoonende de wonderlyke zaaken van dozen tyd. (Amst.,) 1782 —83. 20 parts in 1 vol. sit. uncut. Rare. 15.— |
11 ■mil I,ii
( The Magic Lantern, oh so pretty t wonderfi.l! showing the strange events of this time.) A satirical journal, written in a barbarous slang, half Dutch, half French, of some importance to the history of the American United States in that time, as it contains numerous allusions and remarks on the differences between England and its colonies, with special reference to the part the Dutch had in them. The 2d part treats principally of the mission of the American Plenipotentiary John Adams. To the present copy is added a uiodern transcription of the many contemporary MSS. notes, affording explanations of the pseudonyms given to different persons and events alluded to, most of wich would be very difficult, if not impossible to eiplaiu now, copied from au interleaved copy formerly in my possession. 1779 La Pérouse ide) Voyage auteur du monde, publié p. L. A. Milot-Mureau. Paris, 17i)8. 4 vols. 8vo. and Atlas of 70 maps an(l plates, hf. calf. fol. 8.- 1780 - The Atlas of 70 pi. separately. bUs. uncut. 6.— 1781 - Voyage round the world In 1785—88. Publ. by L. A. Milet-Mureau. Transl. from the French. London, 1709. 2 vols. calf. 4to. C.— 1782 - Labillardiére, Atlas pour servir a la Relation du voyage a la recherche do La Pérouse. Paris. 1800. bds. uncut, 44 plates, (pi. 35 wanting.) fol. 5.— 1783 — La Dontre-Castoaux, Atlas du voyage f;iit en 1791—93, (a la Mer du Sud) a la recherche de La Pérouse. Paris. 1807. 39 maps, bds, roy. fol. 6.- 1784 [La Peyrére (Is. de)] Relation du Groenland. Paris, 1(547. map and plate, vellum. 8vo. 14.— Original edition of this valuable book, dated from, the Hague 1046. — Slightly stained in the margins. 1785 -Another copy, old calf gilt. One leaf some what restored. 10.— 1786 -Nauwkeur. Heschry vingh... van Groenland: en kort begryp der sclds. reysen om Oud Groenland weer te vinden door Forbeisser in 1577, enz. En daghverhael v. J. Munck in \'t soecken v. een wegh tusschcn Groenland en Amerika nae O. Ind. Vertaeld en met vele byvoeghselen door S. de V [ries]. Anist., 1G78. hf. vellum, 2 4to. (Tiele N». 257.) 10.— (Accurate description ... of Greenland, and short account of the curious voyages to re- find old Greenland, by Forbisher, etc. IPitA un account of J. Munck in searching a way between Greenland and America to £.-India. Translated and with many additions by S. de fries.) Augmented trnnshitiou of La Peyrère\'s very interesting book on Greenland. 1787 - Ausfiihriiche Bcschreibung... Griinlands. |
Nebst kurtzem Begriff der selfsame Reisen, so M. Forbisser, Golzke, Lindenan etc. gethan. Beschrie-ben u. mit histor. Anhiingen durch S. von Vfrles.] Niirnberg, 1679. bds. 2 maps. 4to. 4.— German translation of the preceding, with the same maps. 1788 La Rochefoucauld - Liancourt, Voyage dans les Etats-Unis d\'Amérique fait en 1795—97. Paris, 1799. 8 vols. hf. calf, or sd. uncut, maps. 8vo. 5.— 1789 - Des prisons do Philadelphie. 2e édition augm. Ainsterd., 1799. 8vo. 1.— 1790 - Over de gevangenhuizen van Philadelphia. Uit het Fransch. Amst. 1796. 8vo. —.80 Translation of the preceding work. 1791 La Roque (P. de) Recueil de diverses der-nières heures ódiflantes. Amsterd., 1706, sd. uncut. 8vo. 2.— (/\'out. the quot;Tjast hoursquot; of A. Rivet, J. Janeway, Mademoiselle Muygheus, J. Knox, etc. 1792 Las Casas (B.) Oenvres. Précédées de sa vie, de notes histor. etc. p. J. A. Llorentc. Paris, 1822. 2 vols. sd. uncut, portr. 8vo. 2.50 This edition contains a number of unpublished pieces of the renowned » Defunseur de la liberie des naturels de rAmérique.quot; 1793 - Narratio regionnm Indiae per llispanos devastatarum. Oppenheiniii, Sumptibus J. Th. de Bry, typis II. Galleri, 1614. With 17 engravings in the text. calf. 4to. 15.— Second edition of the Latin translation, coutaining the same engravings as in the first edition. 1794 - The same. Editio nova priori longe cor- rectior. lleldelb., 1664. boards. 4to. iO.— Cont. the same engravings as the preceding, but in inferior impressions. Instead of being augmented, as the title says, this edition wants the preliminary pieces of de Bry. 1795 - Histoire admirable lies horribles insolences, cruautez et tyrannies exercées par les Espag-nols es Indes Occidentales. Fidelement traduite p. J. de Miggrode. [Paris] Gabr. (\'.artier, 1582. old calj gilt. sm. 8vo. 28.— Second French edition, very rare. — Fine copy, complete, with the blank leaf at the end, almost wanting. 1796 - Istoria o brevimissima relatione della Dis- truttiona dell\' Indie Occenditali. Spagmiolo cou la trad, in Italiano di F. Bersabita. Venotia, M. Ginammi, 1620. vellum. 4to. sligtlhy stained. 5.— 1797 - Histoire des Indes Occidentales, on Ton reconnait la bonté de ces pais, et de leur peu-ples ; et les cruautez Tyranniques des Espagnols. ... trad, en F rani;. Lyon, 1642. hf. bd. 8vo. 7.50 1798 - Relation des Voyages et des déccuvertes que les Espagnols ont fait dans les Inden-Occid. — Avec la Relation curieuse des Voyages de Mon Frkderik MIJT.I.ER amp; O0., |
taiiban, Capit. d. Flibustiors, en Ouinóe en 1695. Amst. 1698. — L\'Art de voyiiger iitilement. Sin\' la copie de Paris. Amst. 16\'J8. 1 vol. calf. 8vo. 5.— 1799 (Las Casas (B.), Spieghel der Spaenscher tyrannye in West-indien. Waerin de moordadighe, sehandel. en grouwel. feyten d. Spaenj. in die landen. Jlescliryv. v. d. gelegenh. zeden en aert v. die landen en Volken. Amsterd., Corn. Vlaeaz., 1607. bds. 4to. (Tiele JS\'0. a05.) 20.— (Mirror of the Üpanish Tyranny in II\'. India: describing the murderous, shameful and horrible deeds of the Span, in those countries. — Descript. of the situation, manners and peculiarities of those countries and nations.) The first Dutch translation is published in 1578, a iJd cd. in 1Ö79, a 3d in 1590, all very rare. — This is a reprint of the former IJutch editions. With engraved map of America ou the title. 1800 - Den vermeerderden Spieghel der Spaen- sche tierannye in Weat-lndien, enz. Amsterd., J. E, Vloppenburg. 1620. /lt;/. bd. 4to. (Tiele Nu. 309). Fine and tall copy. 18.— (ï\'Atf augmented mirror of the Spanish tyranny in 11\'.-India.) With 17 plates by the excellent engraver Ü. v. Jiyi emden). The plates have been used for the later editions. To this edition is added, probably fur the lirst time liet 2e deel v. de Spaenseho Tyraunye in Nederland. Noyt voor desen in JJruek geweekt. Amst. J. K. Cloppenburg. 1620. 4to. With plates. (The id vol. of the Spanish Tyranmj in Nether-land. Never before printed.) The volume contains besides the folluwing important Dutch books on the Spanish Tyranny iu the Metherlands and elsewhere, ineludiug the highly re-marquable works of Aloutanus, on the Inquisition: (\\V. liaudart,) Ue Spaensche Tyramiy, dienende tut een Morgenwecker der vrye Nedcrl. Prov. {The Spanish Tiranny, serving as an alarm-watch for the free Dutch Provinces.) (about 1C10.) Aloutanus, (11. It.,) Grouwel der Verwoestinghe, uf bericht van de lironden der Spaensche Inquisitie. (The Horror of destruction, or relation of the grounds of the Spanish Inquisition.) \'a Grav. 1621. —- Der Heil. llispan. Inquisitie listighe secrete consten en practycken. \\ The false secret arts and practices of the Holy Spanish Inquisition.) \'s Grav. 1620. (J. I\'ocanus), Adoni-llcseck of Lex talioiiis, dat is: Kechtveerdighe straffe Godes over de Tyrannen. {Just punishment of Ood on the Tyrants.) Delft, 1629. D. Bredan, Consultatie hoe den Oorloge in JMe-derl. best tot een goet eynde gebraght sal werden, (Consultation to end the war in Nether land on the best way.) Amst. 1630. Very interesting collection. — Las Casas alone ƒ 18.--The entire collection: 30.— |
1801 Las Casas (B.) Den Vermeerderden Spieghel der Spaanselie tierannye in West-Indien, enz. Amsterd., 6\'. L. v. d. Flasse, 1621. hf. bd. 4to. (Tiele N0. 314) Fine and tall copy. 16.— (The augmented mirror of the Spanish tyranny in W. India.) With 17 plates; in this edition pi. 5 is omitted and a plate representing Culuitbus on his ship (copied after do Bry, is added, 1802 - Den Spieghel der Spaense Tyraunye ge- sehiet in West-indien. — 2e deel v. de Spiegel d. Spaense Tyrannye geschiet in Mederlant. Amst., li. Kloppenburg, 1638. plates, velUm. 4tO. (Tiele Nu. 318.) 18.— (The Mirror of the Spanish tyanny in 11\'.-India. —- 2d part of the Spanish tyranny in Ne-therland.) The titles of both jiarts are originally the same, viz.: an engraved plate with blank o/nl in the middle, on which afterwards both the abuve given different titles were posted. The 17 pi. are all in later imiiressions or copied in the inverse. With preface and dedication. 1803 - Den vermeerderden Spieghel der Spaenseho tierannye in West-lndien, etc. Amsterd. G. J. Saeg/nnan, 1664. 18 plates, vellum. (Tiele JN\'U. 319 ) 4to. 14.50 (The augmented mirror of the Spanish tyranny in II\'est-India.) (.With the two plates representing Colomb on his ship, and breaking the egg (copied after de iiry); the last plate is no of the lurmer editions. 1801 - Spiegel d. Spaense tyranny in VVcst-Jn- dien, het magtig ryk v. Mexeieo (sic!) enlietlJae-rel, Goud en Zilverryk Peru. Amst., Is. v. d. L\'utte (1730\'t) 4to. (Tiele Wu. 321.) 8.50 (Mirror of the Spanish tyranny in Ifesi-lndia, the mighty stale of Mexico, and Peru rich in pearls, gold and silver.) Very rare popular euition or clmp-buuk. — The text is abridged in some places. Witfi 4 woodcuts. All the Dutch editions of Las Casas are rare, especially iu good copies, this book having been for a long time a popular book. 1805 Latürop (.Jos.) DD., Pastor of the Congr. Clmreli in W. Spriugtield, distinguished orator. — A. L. S. to the Lt. Governor Brigham at Morvvich, dated West-Springtield, July 1809. 3 pp. fol. 2.50 Kemarkable letter on matters of conscience. 1807 Lattro (Pli. A. de) Campagne des Francais a St. Domingue, et Keiutation des reproches laits au Capit.-General llocliaiubeau. I\'aris, 1805. — J. li. JSeauvoisins, Tableau de la Cour Uttlioinane. i\'ai\'is. 18U7. — 1 vol. hf. calf. 8vo. 2.— 1807 Laurence-Gulf (St.).— View ol\'lliramiehi, French Settlement. Drawn on the spot by Capt. Ji. Smyth, etclied by I\'. Sandby. Ig. sq. fol. 1768 — Full margins. 2.— 1808 Laugel (A.) Les Etats-Unis pendant la guerre (1861—1865.) Paris, 18ÜG. 8vo. 1.— |
1809 Laurens (H.), American Ambiissadoi- to Am-stcrdam, throws his papers into the sea, which are pickcd up by the KngUsh. 1780. — Satirical plate: a picture representing this event, with inscription: „/«»c Mian Incrymae)quot; staiuiintr on a table; before it an Englishman and a Dutchman quarrelling, sq. fol. — With separate Dutch explanation. — Very rare. 6.— 1810 - His papers produced in the States-General by the Princo of Orange. 1780. Engrav. by R. Vinkeles. 8°. 1.— 1811 Lauts (GK) 7 small tracts in Dutch; (Kxtr. irom Journals etc.) : The study of the Dutch history in North-America. — The Dutch in Urazil. — St. Pauls-Klip. — California. — Letters of a German colonist. — Uistor. notice of Dutch nautical maps,, etc. 1842—61. 8vo. 3.60 1312 - Nederland s West-Indische bezittingen. (Extr. 1850.) 8vo. —.50 {Historical view oj\' the Dutch JPest-Ind. posset-sions.) 1813 - Beoefening der Nederl. geschiedenis in Noord-Amerika, of de Generaal J. Watts do Pey-ster. 2 prts. (Extr. 1860, 61.) 8vo. —.75 (The study of Dutch history in North-America, or General J. IP aits de Peyster.) 1814 - St. Pauls-Klip. {Bxtr. 1845.) 8vo. —.75 On St. I\'auls-cjffs in the Atlautic and the shipwreck of the Jan Hendrik there. — Added some extracts from newa-pajiers ctc. on the same subject. 1815 - Kalifornia. (History, description in Dutch.) Aiust. 184\'J. 8vo. —.50 1816 - Naam der straat tusschen Nieuw-Holland en Nieuw-Qninea. (Extr. 1861.) 8vo. —.75 (On the name of the strait between New-Holland and New-Guinea.) 1817 Law (J.) Aanmerkingen over den koophandel en het geldt. Als meede histor. en geograph. be-schryvinge van Louisiana, benevens een berigt van de nieuwe Franache Indische Compagnie ... cn den tegenwoord. handel in actiën, door P. J. M. Amst., 1721. vellum, portr., map of Louisiana, sm. 8vo. 3,— (Notes on commerce and money. With an histor. and geograph. description of Louisiana, and an account of the new French Indian Company and the present slock-jobbing.] The description of Louisiana lills pp. 194—320. — One of the various books on the scheme of Law. 1818 Laws of the United States of America, published by Authority. Philadelphia, 1796. 3 vols. calf. 8vo. 2.50 181 9--Review of the Laws of the United States of North America, the British Provinces, and West India Islands. Loud. 1790. calf. 8vo. 1.50 1820 - The Danish Laws, or the Code of Christian V, translated for the use of the English inhabitants of the Danish Settlements in America. Lond. 1756. calf. 8vo. 2.50 |
1821 Lear, Tobias, diplomatist, private Secretary and friend of Washington. — L. S. to J. Trost, dat. War Departm. Jan. 6, 1815. 1 p. 4°. 1.50 OHicial letter. 1822 Le Blanc (V.) Voyages faraenx .... aux quatre parties du monde, ... aux I ndes Orient, et Occidentales, etc. Itódigez sur sea mémoires par 1\'. Jieryeron; con\', et augm, par Coition. Paris, 1658. 2 parts. 1 vol. Old calf. 4to. 5.50 Prt. II. pp. 26—109: Voyage dos Indes Occident., Description de l\'Amérique, etc. 182.-! Leblond. Description abrégée de Ia Quyane PranQaise. Paris, 1814. Svo. (map wanting.) 1.— 1824 Lebrun, (Mme C.) Trois mois a la Louisiane. Tours, 1857. bds. plates. Svo. 1.— 1825 Lebrun (H.) Lo pöle Nord on voyages et découvertes dans les regions arctiques aux XVIIle et XIXe siécles. Tonrs, 1857. 8vo. 1.- 1826 [Leohevalier (J.)] Note sur la fondation d une uouv. colonic dans la Guyana Fran^aise, ou Aper^u d\'uu nouv. mode de population et de culture ponr l\'exploitation des regions tropicales, suivi de documents, etc. Paris, 1844. hf. calf. 8vo. 2.— 1827 Lecompte (P.) Guerre de la Secession. Es-qnissc des événeinents\' militaires et politiques des Etats-Unis, 1861—1863. Paris. 1866—67. 3 vols, in 1. maps. hf. calf, large 8vo. 2.50 1828 - Guerre des Etats-Unis d\'Amérique. Rapport au Département militaire Suisse. Parit;, 1863. maps. hf. bd. 8vo. 1.50 1829 Lediard (Tom.) Naval History of England, in aJl its branches; irom the Norman conquest in 1060 to 1634. Lond. 1732. 2 vols, in 1. calf. fol. Full of ample and interesting notices on the life, actions and discoveries of Coluinbns, J. and S. Ca-but, Kaniusius, A. Jenkinson, Hawkins, H. Gilbert, Drake, Raleigh and others, with accounts of a.1 the events in the British Colonies in America, eto. 1830 Ledru (A. P.) Voyage aux iles de Tcnériflfe, la Trinité, St.-Thomas, Ste Croix ct Porto-liicco. Av. notes et addit. par Sounini. Paris, 1810. 2 vols. sd. map. 8vo. 2.— 1831 Leemans (C.) Bereden, beschrijving dcr Asiat. en Amcrik. Monumenten van het Museum van oudheden te Leyden. Leyden, 1842. sd. 8vo. (Description of the Asiatic and American monuments of the Museum of antiquities at Leiden.) 1832 „Legacy (The)quot; A horse, loaded with two baskets, filled with guineas and with a set of silver and gold plate, goes to Hessen-Cassel, with inscription: „/or secret services,quot; in allusion to the sale of his subjects by the Duke for the English army in America. PnUl. by W. Holland. 1786. sq. fol. 5.— 1833 Legatio David Acthiopiae Regis ad Clemen- FllEDBRIK MuLLBB amp; 0°., |
tem l\'apa VII. — Ejusd. Icgatio ad Emanuelem Portugalllao regem. — Itom alia lejatio ejusd., ad Joaunem Portugalliae regcra. — De regno Acthiopiae, ac populo, doq. moribus ejnsdem po-puli nonnulla. Bonon., Jao. Kemolen of Alosi. 1533. hf. Russia. 24 11quot;. 4to. the last blank. Veri/ fine copy. 20.— Of great rarity. An Italian translation appeared in the same year in 2 different editions. 1834 Legatio magni Indorum Imperatoris Prcsby-teri Joannis, ad Emanuelem Luaitaniae Begem, Aquot;. D. 1513. Intcrprote Dam. de Goes. Dordraci, 1618. 16 tmnumb. leaves, hj. calf yiU. sm. 8vo. (Title restored.) Rare. 6.— 1835 Leguat (Fr.) Voyage et avantures en deux isles désertes dog hides Orient. Ijondres (i.e. Amsterdam), 1). Mortier, 1708. 2 vols, in 1 vellum, flatis. 8vo. 2.50 1836 -Gevaarlyke cu zeldzame veyzen naar twee onbewoonde Oostind. cylanden. Uyt het Frans vert. Utrecht, 1708. hf. vellum, plates. 4to. Fine copy. 2.— Dutch translation of the preceding. 1837 Leibnitz (G. G.) Codex juris gentium diplomaticus. Acced. Mantissa. Hanoverae, 1693—1700. 2 vols, calf, coals of arms. t\'ol. Fine ropy. 10.— Contains o. a.: Alcsamlri Unlla, qua Perdinaodi et Elisabetliac rogi et reginae (^astellae et Arnigoniae concedit jus in novum orbem a Colombo detection. — Literae a Fernando, rege Siciliac, ad Ludovicnm XL, Oalliae regem, missae, quibus qnaeritur, quod Christ. Columbus triremes suas depraedatus sit, postulatque sibi ablata restitni, 8 Deo. 1474. — Kesponsio Lu-dovici XI. 1838 Leidy (J.) The ancient fauna of Nebraska, or a description of remains of extinct mammalia and Chelonia. Washingt. 1853. cloth, 24 plates, roy. 4to. 7.— 183\',) Le Long (Is.) Godts wonderen met zyne kerke vertoont in een verhaal van moest Boheem-sehc en Moravische Broeders... 2de druk verbee-tert. Amsterd. 1738. 2 vols, in vellum,plate. 8vo. 3.— (The wonders of the Lord in his Church, exposed hy an account of the Bohemian and Mtravian Brethren.) Contain (Vol. [. pp. 472—545) the account of a voyage of a potter and a carpentcr to St. Thomas, (pp. 546—016) a voyage to Greenland, etc. 1840 Le Mai re (Jao.) Kphemerides sivc Descriptie navigationis auntralis institutae Aquot;. 1615. (Amst., M. Colyn.] 1622. fol. boards. Extra tall copy. 10.— With 5 plates in the text; no maps. The portrait of le Maire is not in this edition. This voyage forms the 2d part of No. 1415 Hcr-rera, Novas orbis, [pages numbered 46 to (83)| and is very diflicult to be found separately. See Tiele. p. 59. |
The margins of the 2d page are tilled wiih a I.a-tin dialogue, neatly written by an old hand about 1622, held between the Captain of this very expedition and .. ? This dialogue is probably taken from the original MS. but omitted in the edition as it gives no particulars of the voyage itself! 1841 Lonuop (J. H. v.) Het Boek voor den Zeeman ... Haarlem, (1861—62). 4 vols. Numerous fine maps and woodcuts, sm. 4to. hf. cloth. 4.50 ( The book for the Seaman.) This popular edition of the Dutch Voyages, reproduces the original text, in modern orthography, of the Voyages of Bontekoe and Racen, to Bast-India and Greenland ; G. de Peer\'s Kelation of the three Voyages to the North, by HceinskerOK mid Darentsz; the tirst Voyages to East-India by Corn. Houtman, etc.; v, d. Heydeu\'s Ship-wreck of the East-India ship Ter Schelling on the coast of Bengal, etc. Relations from other and minor voyages, with a Supplementary volume (Jan Davids\' Ztemaga^vn) of historical reminiscences, narrations, proverbs, relating to the Hutch Marine History. Very well executed series of popular writings. 1842 Leunep Coster iG. v ) Herinneringen mijner reizen naar onderscheidene werelddeelen. Amsterd. 1836. 2 vols. hf. bd. or sd. uncut, plates. 8vo (Memoirs of my voyages to various parts of the world.) Vol. I. contains the author\'s voyage of the West-Indies. 1843 - Aanteekeningen gehouden gedurende nijjn verl)l(jl in de West-liulien, in 1837—40. Amsterd. 1842. sd., plates. 8vo. (3.60) 1.25 (Journal kept during my stay in the IPest-Indies.) 1844 Lo Roy (P. L.) Kort, nauwkeurig en eciit relaas van vier Russische zeelieden, welke op het onbewoond eiland Oost-Spitzbergen, 0 jaren . . . hebben doorgebragt. Uit het Fransch. Amsterd. 1768. sm. 8vo. 1.25 (Short, exact and true account of four Russian mariners, who have resided 6 years at the unhabited island Bast Spitzbergen. From the French.) 1845 Lory (J. do), Histoire d\'un voyage fait en la terre du Bivsil, autrementdite Amerique. (Geneve. 1584?) pp. 1—424; 6 woodcuts, bds. 8vo. 15.— Pp. 341—377 Dialogues in Brazil and Latin. — This copy wants title and preliminaries, and is slightly stained. 1846 - Historia navigationis in Brasiliam quae et America dicitur, qua describitur autoris navl-gatio, Villagagnonis in America gesta, Brasilien-sium victus et mores .. (Genevae) Fust. /%««». 1586. 8vo. G\'tod tall copy, hf. vellum. 25. - With the very rare folded plate, and 6 woodcuts of the size of the page. Pag. 271—297 is tilled with dialogues in Brazilian aud Latin. This tirst Latin edition is scarcer than the original I\'reueh. |
186(1 Lewis u. Clarke, Entdeckiings-Reise rturcli Nord-Amerika, van d, Miindung d. Missouri an bis ... d. stillon Ocean. Ucbers. v. P. C. Wey-land. Weimar, 1814. srf. map. 8vo. 1.75 1807--Keize naar de bronnen van den Missouri en door het vasto land van America naar de Zuidzee. Uit het Eng. Dordr. 181fi -18. 3 vols. sd. uncut, map. 8vo. 2.50 (Travel to the sources of the Missouri and through the continent of America to the South-Sea. From the Engl.) 1868 Leyden et Hugh Murray, llistoire compléte des voyages et déeo avert os en Afriquo; accomp. d\'un précis góograph. etc. Trad, de I\'Angl. et augm. par M. A. C. Paris, 1821. 4 vols. 8vo. and Alias of maps. in-4to. hf. calf. 3.— 180!) Liberated Dutchman (The\'), or the compelled dog. (* he verloste Hollander of de gedwongen dogquot;). A Dutch peasant goes to encounter an American who receives him in his open arms, in perspective England half drowned, and several other allusions. With Dutch explanation. 1780. sq. I\'ol. — t\'ery rare caricature. 5.— 1870 Lichtenstein (H.) Erliiuterungen der Nach-richten des Francisco Hernandez von den vler-tiissigen Thiercn Neuspaniens. Berlin, 1830. 4to. Kxtr. 1,— 1871 [Liefs (J.)] Lof-dicht over dc wyt-vermaerde . .. victorie, by het veroveren van de .. . Silver-vloot des Konings van Spangien, door P. Pz. Hoyn ende H. C. Loncq, A0. 1G2S. iVo place. 1629. 4to. [I\'aneggric upon the famous ... vidory, at the conquest of the Silverjleet of the King of Spain, hy P. Vz. Ileyn and II. Loncq.) Hare, not mentioned by Ashcr. 1872 Lier (D. van) Extract, ol\'te cort verhael van \'t schip Nieu Delf, ... naer Oost-Indien, 1646- 47. No place. 1(148. 4to. 1.50 {Short account of the voyage of the ship New Delf to East-India.) 1873 Lil (H. van) Leven en lotgevallen van Will. Penn, stichter van Pennsylvanien. Amsterd., 1820—25. 2 vols. sd. 8vo. (5.50) 2.— {Life and adventures of If. Venn, founder of Pennsylvania.) 1874 Lima (.Santa Rosa dei S. Maria do). — Oracion panegirlca ... dixo en la Iglesia Cathedral do la Ciudad de Quito. (Quito), 1762. hf. calf. 4to. Neal copy. — A small wormhole in the margins. 6.— 1875 Lincoln. — Bacon (G. W.) Abrah. Lincoln in zijn leven en daden. Naar het Eng. Amsterd. 1865. 8vo. —,(10 (Life and deeds of Abr. Lincoln. From the Engl.) 1876 Lincoln, Levi, Governor of Massachus., 1825-34. — A. L. 8. to a Committee, dat. Dec. 20, 1828. 1 p. 8quot;. 2.50 |
107 Accepts an invitation to participate in commemorating the landing of the Pilgrim Fathers. 1877 Linda (L. de) Oescriptio orbis ot omnium ejus rornmpublicarum. Amstelod. 1665. vellum. 8vo. 2.50 Pp. 1117 —1156 lib. XII, contain J. de Laet, Descriptio Indiae Occident, s American. 1878 I,inde, Eéponse a la Declaration du Congres Américain. Trad. de l\'Angl. paquot; Fréville. LaHaye. 1777. sd. uncut. 8vo. 1.50 187\'.i Lindley (Th.) Narrative of a voyage to lira-sil. London, 1805. sd. uncut. 8vo. 1.50 1880 Linschoten (Jan Huygon van) — I. Itiuerario, Voyage naar Oost ofte Portugaels Indien,inhoud, eeu corte lioachryvinghe ders. Landen eude Zee(!usten, imiz, 1596. 11«. Koysgcsclmit v. de Navigation der Portu-galoysers in ürlenten, in. ... als oock v. de gant-sche custen v. lirasilien, en allo Havens v. dien. Item v. \'t vaste landt, en die Voor-Eylanden (Antilies) v. Spaons Indien, enz. Uyt Porlug. en Spaensche ... overgheset. 114. Extract en Sominer van alle Konten, Do-mcyen, Tollen, Incomsten, enz. des Coninghs van Spaongicn. Uyt d. Spaenschen ... ghctransl. 1590. 111. Beschryvinghe v. do gantschc Guste v. Guinea, enz. ende tegenover de Cabo do St. Au-gustyn in Braslllen, de oyghonschappen des ge-hcelen Oceanischen Zees, mitsgnd. hare Eylanden ... Volght noch de beschryv. v. West Indien In \'t langhe, met hare Caerto. 1596. — Amsterdam, Cornelis Claesz., 1595—96. 3 parts in 1 vol. calf or vellum, fol. U\'ith portrait of the author,\'iü plates and 6 maps. (Tiele Nquot;. 80.) 25. — {1. Hinerario or voyage to East or Portuguese India, comprising short description of these countries and coasts. I In, Description of the navigation of the Portuguese in India, . . . also of the coasts of Brazil and the harbours; item of the continent and the fore-islands {Antilles) of Span. India. Transl. from the Poring, and Spanish. lib. Extract or Summary of all the rents, dominions, tolls and revenues of the king of Spain Transl. from the Span. in. Description of the whole coast of Guinea, pie. and the Calm St. Augustin in Brazil, the peculiarities of the Ocean sea, its islands etc. Ilrith a description of West-India at targe.) 1881 - The same. Ordinary copy, some plates and maps wanting, hf. bd. fol. 12._ This inestimable book, a treasure of all the knowledge and learning relating to the East- and West-Indies and the navigation thither, at the end of tbe 16th century, has been in the highest esteem for nearly a century, and was given to each ship sailing to India, as log-book. Hence the many editions (6 in Dutch, 3 in French, 1 in Latin) — all enumerated below; but this is also the cause that fine copies, especially with all the plates and maps L INSCHOTEN, |
are so very rare. A large part of the book is occupied by translations of original Spanish and Portn-giiese documents on geography, ethnography, statistics, navigation, etc., which are simply omitted by de /gt;V//, in tliuir Latin and German translation. The 36 plates and 6 rnHps illustrating the book, are the same for the 6 editions in Dutch, the 2d and 3d French edition and (with exception of one map) fur the Latin edition. The plates are due to excellent engravers, the brothers John and Bapt, v. i Uuelecom. The Latin and German translations of this book | given by de Jiry in the Petits Voyages, 11,111, IV, are crowded with faults, misunderstandings, omissions, etc.; the plates are no less bad, see Camus, Mémoire, j and Tiele, Mcmoire. 1882 Linschoten (Jan Huygen van) Thesarao, in 4 divisions or ii parts. Reprint of the edition of 1590, with the sianie date. The 8-2 pp. of the 3d part (Drsrripfion of Guinea and America) are | not paged in thin edition ; also the title of this part differs, having as vignette a s quare hemisphere with inscription; Domini eat terra, etc. — Vüth the 8 pp. Index for the :i parts, wich Mr. Tiele (Mémoire p. 90) stated as wanting in this edition, vellum, fol. Plates and maps coloured and mended. — Very rare edition. (Tiele N0. 80*.) 30,— 1883 - The same. 3d edition in 3 parts. All printed at Amst. by Corn. Claesz. — Part I no date; Tt. II 1004. Pt. Ill 1605. With vign. as in the 2d ed. vellum, fol. With plate and maps. (Tiele N». 8-2.) 36.— This edition is the rarest of the C Dntcli editions, llepriut of the lirst edit., but without separate title and dedie. to part lib. — In this and the later editions the plates at page 6 (ilazamhique) and 143 (Ascension) have no J)utch description on the verso. 1884 --The same. 4tli edition. 3 parts. Amst., J. E. Cloppenburgh, 1614. vellum, fol. With plates and maps. (Tide Nquot;. 86.) 25.— This is, after the 3d, the rarest of Linsehoten\'s Dutch editions; Hie Ist (of 1596) and the Gth (of 1644) are those commonly found. Raprint of flic first edition; only some words changed, but the titles (piitc different; to part 3 that of the first part (1st and 3 edition) is prefixed; part 3 has no paging; the title and dedication to part lib arc omitted. 1885 ---The same. 5th edition. 3 parts. Amst. J. IS. Cloppenhurgh., 1623. vellum. With plates and maps. fol. Very fine copy. Hare. (Tiele No. 18.) 20.— Exact reprint of the edition of 1614, Part III perfectly agrees with the edition of 1614; without title, etc. to ilb, 1886 - The same. 6th edition. 3 parts. Amst., ,1 E. Cloppenhurgh, 1645. vellum or calf, plates and maps. fol. (Tiele N». 90.) 20.— |
Reprint of the last edition, with the same diffe. rences. 1887 Xinschoten (Jan Huygen van) Histoire de la navigation de J. 11. de L. et de son voyage és hides Orient, etc. Avee annotations de B. Paludanus, special, sur les plantos, etc. et div. figures. Adjoust. antres descriptions, tant de Guinee ctc. que des navigations des Holland, vers le Nord an Vaygat et en la nouv. Zcmbla. Nouv. trad, en Fran?. Amst., U. Laurent, 1610. calf. fo). (Tiele N». 83.) 18.— This editiou is most probably printed at Frankfort by de Bry, as appears from the printing and bad paper; it contains 58 pi. (many with German inscriptions) printed in the text, as in the editions of do Bry. Of the 6 maps belonging to this edition, only one (facing page 14) is extant. The navigations of the Dutch to Waygat, though mentioned on the title, are omitted. Nearly »11 is an extract from the first Dutch edition. The notes of Paludanus, mentioned on the title, are also in all the Dutch edition but niiieli fuller. Some rare copies of this editiou bear the name : Theod. Pierre at Amsterdam as publisher on the title. This French edition is very rare in Holland, and more frequently found in France and Germany; also a mark of its being printed in Germany. 1888 --I. Histoire de la Navigation. 2e édition.— II. Le grand routier de mer. — HI. Description de rArüérique, etc. — The 3 parts all printed at Amsterd., J. E. Cloppenhurgh, 1619. 1 vol. calf. fol. With the 36 pi. and 6 maps of the Dutch editions. (Tiele N0. 87.) \' 30.— The 1st part is a reprint from the Frcnch edition of 1610; the bad plates of de Bry are omitted. The 3 and 3d part are translated from the original. 1889 —— The same, in French. 3e édit. augmontée. Amst., J. E, Cloppenhuroh, 1638. 3 parts in 1. fol. Il\'it/t the 36 pi. and 6 maps of the Dutch edit. (Tielo N«. 89.) 26.— Exact reprint of the French edition of 1619. 1890 - Navigatio ac Itinerarium in Orient, s. Lusitanornm Indiam. Deseriptionis ejusd. terrae ac tractuum litter, praecip. Portuiirn, etc. E Bel-gico Latino redd. Hag. Com., Alh. TIenrici, impensis authoris et Corn. Nicolai {Corn. Claesz), 1599. — Descriptio totius Guineae tractus, etc. eorumq. lo-coruiu quae a rcgione C. S. Augustlnl in Brasilia jaeent. proprietates Oceani insularumq. ejiisdem, etc. Acccd. noviter Historia Navlgationum Data-vorum in Septentr. eras, c. freti Vaygats dotec-tione, ctc. Hag. Com., Alh. Henrici, 1599. 2 parts in 1 vol. vellum, fol. With the 36 plates ami G maps of the Dutch edit., the first map executed which is altered. (Tiole N0. 81.) 30.— This latin edition is very rare, even in Holland.— The 1st part is cxactly translated from the 1st part in Dutch, some passages are omitted. In the 3d part the description of Guinea is taken from the Dutch |
2d Edition; not common. — Exact reprint of the first edition with the same plates and maps, now numbered 1 to 15.
1805 L/Isle, G. de, Atlas nouveau, contenant tou-tes les parties du Monde. Amsterd., (\'ovens and Mortier. 173.1. hf, calf. ibl. 12.—
70 Coloured maps. — Besides the map of the world, 0 maps of America, 2 general maps, Canada, Louisiana aud the Mississippi, Mexico and Florida, St. Domiugo, the French Antilles, Peru with Brazil and the Amazon, Paraguay and Chili.
1890 —- Atlas nouveau, contenant toutes les parties du Monde. Amsterd., Covens en Mortier. (1757). 2 vol. hf. calf. Uncut, roy. fol. — With etched frontispiece by li. de Hoog he. 18.—
105 Plain maps, 11 of which arc of American countries: N. America, Canada, Louisiana, Maryland, Virginia, Carolina, etc. Curapao, Theatre de la guerre en Amcrique (2 maps), S. America ^3 maps , j the French Antilles, (the French and Euglisii possessions in America.
1897 - Same Atlas, later edition. Amst., (ovens
en Mortier. (1785). 2 vols. hf. calf. roy. fol. 35.— Through with the same title and frontispiece, this copy has a quite different set of 25 American maps most of later date, amongst which maps of the British, French and Dutch settlements in America by 11. Popple. — Chorographical map of the N. Department of N. Amer., showing the grants of land, with the names of the owners, engrav. by H. Kloek-heff 1780, {very interesting). — Louisiana, Mary-laud, Virginia, Carolina, etc., by Covens and Mortier, 1758. — Connecticut with parts adjacent at Amsterdam (with view), by Kloekhojf, 1780. — Chorographical map of Philadelphia, by Kloekhojf.— The principal fortresses of America by 1. K. — Views of New-York, Quebec, Mexico and the Fall of Niagara, elc.
18i)8 List of wares and things most fit for being exported to the Spanish and Dutch West-Indies and North-America, with their prices; also different papers on the construction and equipment of vessels. — About 100 pp. in Manuscript, fol. and 4 to. io.—
A very interesting collection of various papers aud notices, iu Dutch, English and French, dating from the end of (he last and the commencement of this century, valuable for the history of the West-India commerce.
1899 Lithgouws (Will.) 19jaarige lant-reyse door Europa, Asya en Afryka. Uyt Engels vert. Am-Sterd., 1G52. vellum, plates, engraved title bij C. de Pas. 4 to. 2.50
(19 years\' travel through Europe, Asia and Jfrica.
1900 - The same. Ibid., 1653. 4to. 2.50
; 1901 - The same. 3d edition. Amst., 1094. vellum.
4 to. y._
1902 - The same. Amsterd., 1705. 4to. Entirely
uncut copy. 4.—
3d part, the description of America is omitted i pajre 17 to 25 contain the navigation of the Dutch to the North, taken from de Veer\'s voyage; page 26 to 45 embrace a translation of a part of the 2d division of the Dutch work.
1891 Linsohoten (Jan Huygen van) The same. Amst., J. Walschaert, 1614. — Descriptio v.o-tius Guiuejie tractus, etc. Hag. Com. Alb. Jlenrici, 1599. 2 parts in 1 vol. boards, entirely uncut, fol. With the HG plates and 0 maps as in Hie precedimj. (Tlele Nquot;. 85.) 28.—
Exceedingly rare edition especially in this condition. Mr. Tide did not saw it and quotes only the copy in possession of Mr. Lenox. It is the same as the Latin edition of 1599, with a changed title.
At the 2d part wants pp. 17—45, the navigation of the Dutch to the North, etc.
1892 - a. Jouraael v. do ISjnrige reis n. Oost-
Indien, etc. Arust., G. J. Sueghman. (1663 ?) Pag. 1 to 136 wanting.
- b. Beschryv. v. verscheyde Landen, onder
Africa en America, als Guinea, Braaillon, Nova Francia, Florida, etc. Amst., G. J. Saeghman, (1663 ?) 4(o. (Tiele N°. 91« ) 3.60
A complete first part, a, is bound up in the collection of voyages by Saeghman. — the 2d part, 4, is an an abridgement of the Kd part of Linscho-ten\'s Itinerario, and consists of 33 pp. This edition is very rare. The copy is stained.
1893 - Voyagie, ofte Schipvaert by Noorden om
langs Noorwegen, lliislandt etc. door de Strate v. Nassau tot voorby de Bivier üby. Met de afbeeldsels v. alle de Gusten, Landen, enz., Anno 1594 eu 1595. Franekcr, G. Ketel (1601.) fol. With 15 plates and maps, coloured. Fine copj. ( Tick1 N». 155.) 40.—
{I\'oynge, or Navigation round about the North, along Norway, Russia, etc. through the Straits of Nassau till beyond Ike River OLy. With the figures of all the Coasts, eto.)
First aud very rare edition. — Liuschoten accompanied W. Barentsz as clerk on his Ist and 2d famous voyage to the North, but had no part in the 3d expedition in 1590. As Liuschoten left lia-rentsz in the 1st voyage, near Nova-Zembia, and took another way, the reuowned description of that voyage by de Veer, founded en Barentsz\' journal, is quite different from this relation. So Linschoten\'s book is very essential for a full history of these expeditions. — The map in Liuschoten\'s book, drawn by W. Barentsz of the route of the voyage, is one of the most interesting and valuable maps of the North. — De Bry have given only a very small extract of this voyage in the Fetits Voyages, Tom. X. 1613. See: Camus, Mcmoire p. 256, and especially: Tiele, Mcmoire p. 190.
1894 - Same work. Voyagie ol\'te Schipvaert, i
etc. (2d edition.) Amst., J. M. v. (\'loppenburgh, 1624. fol. IHth 15 plates and ma/w. (Tide N0. 156.) i
30.— !
All theac different editions have the snme text and plates. 1903 Livingston, Rob. B., Chancellor of New-York 1777 - 1808, conccrnect in the Declarat. of Indep.; the framing of the Constitutions of N. Y. and of the U. S., the purchase of Louisiana, etc. — A. L. S. to Sam. M. Hopkins of New-York, dat. March 26, 1801. 1 p. fol. 4.— 1904 Livingston, B., American Jurist, distinguished himself in the Kevol. War, Judge of the U. S. Supr. Court 1800—23. — A. L. S. to Oliver Kane of Albany, dat. N. Y., Juno (5, 1822. 1 p. 4 to. 2.50 1905 Livingston (W.) Brief aan John, Lord Bisschop v. Landaff, over zijne leerreden, waarin de Americ. colonien met eene . .. onverdiende schande bezwaart worden. Uit het Eng. vert. Utrecht, 1774. bds. 8vo. 2.25 (Letter to John, lordhhhnp of, on Am sermon, overiohelming ttm American colonies with unmerited shame. Iransl. from the hmjl.) 1 had this rare tract only once. 1906 Lobo (Jer.) S. J. Voyage historique d\'Abis-sinie. Trad, du Portug. p. Le Grand. La Hayc. 1728. h\\\\ bd., plates. 4to. larye paper, uncut. Pp. 233—247 contain a dissertation on Priest John. 1907 Locko (John). - A. collection of several pieces of J. Locke, publ. by Desmaizeaux, under the direction of A. Collins. 2d edit. Loud. 1(39. calf gilt. fol. Contains a. o. pieces ; The fundamental Constitution of Carolina. 1908 Loofling (P.) Reisc naeh den Spanischen Liin-dern in Europa und America, 1751—5(5, uebst Beobacht. u. Anmerk. Ui). die merkwiirdigen Ge-wiichse; hcrausgeg. von C. von Linné. ^ Alls d. Schwed. Ubersetzt von A. 21. Kötpin. lierlin, 1706 bds. 2 plates. 8vo. 2.50 | pp. 236—364 Plantae Americanae. 1909 Loehnis (H.1, Die Vcreinigten Staaten von Amerika. Deren Vergangenheit und Gegenwart in socialer, polit. und finanzieller Beziehung. Leipzig. 1804. sd. 8vo. L®quot; 1910 Londonio (C. G.) Storia delle colonic luglcsi in America, dalla loro fondazion, lino alio stabili-mento dolla loro independenza. Milano, 1812- 13. 3 vols. sd. uncut. 8vo. 4.50 Vol 2 and 3 relate to the War of Independence, from 1763—1789. 1911 Long\'s History of Jamaica, or general survey of the ancient and modern state of that island. Lond. 1774. 3 vols, map ami plates, bds. uncut.Mo. 15.— «A work of sterling merit.\'\' Stevenson. 1912 Long (J ) Voyages chez différeutes nations sauvagos de l\'Amórique Septentriou. Trad, de |
I\'Angl. p. J. Billecocq. Paris, 1793. ids. 8vo, 2.50 A very valuable work. The author was dragoman for the Indian languages. 1913 Long-Island. — Plate of the debarkment of English troops on Long-Island. May 1777. 4to. 1.50 1914 Loon (Qcr. van) — Beschryving vanNederl. Historie-Penningen ten vervolge op het werk van Oer. van Loon, uitgeg. door de Kon. Akaderaie van Wetenschappen. Amst., 1802—03. Part. 7, 8. ids. With 17 plates., fol. 14.90 {Description of the Dutch Historical MedaU serdng as a sequel to the work of Ger. van Loon, publ. by the Royal Academy of Sciences.) 1915 - The same. Large paper. 17.75 These two vols, of this splendid publication arc of special interest for Amcrlca. They embrace the years 1774—83 and contain many medals (with a very ample and eminent historical explanation) relating to the American War of Independence. In order to show this I give here an extract, from the index : Ambassador J. Adams calls the land, represented by him, United States of America. — Sympathy shown in the Netherlands, especially in Friesland, for the revolutionary war in America. —■ On the Dutch negotiations with America in 1781—82. — A general petition made in Holland to acknowledge the independence of the U. St. —- J. Adams received as Ambassador. — Medals struck in memory of this fact. — Treaty of friendship and commerce with the U. St. 1782. — Medals on this Treaty. —Published and unpublished sources concern, the history of the relations between the U. St. and the Netherlands in 1781 -82, etc. The complete work: Sequel to van I.oon, 10 parts or 2 vols. fol. Amst. 1822—69. With 124 plates, may be had nt 11. 64.—on small paper, and fl. £4.-— on large paper. It comprises the years 1713—1800.— The original work, to which it forms a continuation, was published in 1732 under the title: Loon (G. v.) Histoire métalliqne des 17 Provinces des Pays-Bas. La llaye, 1732—37. 5 vols. fol. With a large number of figg. Both together form a complete medaille history of the Netherlands till 1806 in 7 vols. fol. \' 1910 Loosjes (A.) Pz., Sint Euatatius genomen on hernomen. Haerlem, 1782. hf. calf. 8vo. 2.60 (SI. Eustalius captured and retaken, a poem.) Bound up in one vol. with 5 other contemporary Dutch pamphlets. 1917 [Lopez (O.) en P. Pigafetta] Beschryv. v. \'t Koninckryck Congo, met \'t aenpalendo Landt Angola. Zynde het 2e dccl van de Goudtkust. Amst., J. Hartgers, 5160 (1650.) hf, vellum. 4to. Vine copy. (Tide N0. 299.) 7.50 (Description of the Kingdom of Congo., and the adjacent country Angola, being the id vol. of the Goldcoast [by de Marees.) |
With 5 pi. iu tlm text. — It is a sequel to Ma-rees\' dcscriiition of the GulJcoiist. 1G50. See N0. I\'J\'JS. 1918 Lorgues (R. de) Loven en reizen van Christ. Columbus volgons Uo authentioko Spaanscho en I taliaansoho bronnen. Het Fransch gevolgd. Utr., 1803. roy. 8vo. {5.—) 3.— {Life and voyages of Chr. Columbus according io the authentic Spanish and Italian Documents. — From the French.) 1919 Loskiel (G. H.) Gesohichte der Mission der ovangelischen UrUder unter den fndianorn in Nord-Ainoiika. Barby, 1790. 3 parts in 1 vol. 783 pp. hf. calf. 8vo. 5.— 1920 Lottor\'s Atlas. Aug. Vindel. (Augsburg), T. C. Latter, (about (1765.) hf. bd. lol. —47 coloured maps. 5.— Coutaius a map of the World, of N. and S. America by de lisle, 3 maps of France on which the naval exploits of Admiral liaweke, in 1759, a map of Portugal with special map of Brazil and a small representation of the capture of the ailverflcet in the Bay of Vigos, 1702, etc. 1921 Louislane et Ie cours du Missisaipi, par G. de I\'Isle. Amst., J. Covens c} C. Mortier (about 1740). sc[. fol. 80 by 45. — Coloured. 2.50 With indication uf the dwelling-places of the various tribes. 1922 - Louisiana, Maryland, Virginia, Caroline, Georgië avec une partie de la Floride. Amst., Covens amp; Mortier. 1758. sq. fol. 5S by 39. 2.— 1923 Lowenstern (Is.) Le Mexique. Souvenirs dquot;un voyageur. Paris. 1843. sd. 8vo. (4.50) 1.50 1924 Ludolü (J.) Uistoria Aethiopica, s. descriptie regni Uabessin., quod Presbyt. Johannis vocatur. Franco!\', a. M. 1681. hf. calf plates, fol. 12.— The first chapter of Book 11 contains many particulars on Priest John. 1925 —- New History of Ethiopia, being a full and accurate description of the Kingdom of Abes-sinia, vulgarly ... called tho Empire of Prester John. Made Engl, by J. P. Lond. 1682. Oldcalf, plates of natural history, etc. fol. 7.50 1926 - Nieuwe .. Historie van Abissinien, anders- Ethiopien. In \'t Nedord. gebr. d. W. Calebius-Utrecht, 1087. map and plates. 4to. 3.50 {New history of Abissynia, otherwise Ethiopia. Transl. by W. Calebius.) This is an extract from Ludolf\'s Historia Aethiopica. 1927 Ludwigh (S.), Licht- und Schattenbilder rc-publikanischer Zustiinde ... in den Verein. Staa-ten von Nord-Ainerika. 1846-47. Leipzig, 1848. 8vo. 1,-- 192S Luflman (J.) A brief account of tho Island of Antigua, together with the customs and manners of its inhabitants. London, 1789. sd., uncut, map. 8vo. 2.— 1929 Luillior, Nouv. voyage aux Grandes Indes, avec une instruction pour le commerce des Indes Orient. Amst., 1726. sd. uncut. 8vo. 1.50 |
1930 Lulofs, J., Introductio ad cognitionem atque usum utriusque globi. Lugd. Bat. 1743. hf. calf, uncut. 8quot;. i._ 1931 - Same work, 2d edition. Lugd. Bat. 1763. ■uncut. 8°. 1.50 1932 Lütke (Fred.) Voyage autour du monde, fait l)ar ordre de Sa Mal. Nicolat I. sur la corvette Le Séniavine, 1826—29. Paris, (1836.) — Partie historique; Atlas lithogr. d\'après les dessins ori-ginaux d\'AI. Postels et du Baron Kittlitz. 51 plates, India proofs and 8 maps. hf. bd. fol. 10.— Wanting plate 28 and 45, 1933 Luzac (E.), Hollands Rijkdom, behelz. den oorsprong van den Koophandel on van de magt van dezen Staat. Uit het Fransch vert., verand. en vermeerd. Leyden, 1781. 4 vols. sd. 8vo. io.— {Hollands wealth contain, the origin of the commerce and the power of that State.) A complete history of the Dutch commerce in all parts of the world. Nearly the whole 2d volume treats of the commerce with America and the D:itch colonies there, with an appendix of documents. This book is partly a translation of the French work. La richesse de la llollamlc by Accarias de Serioune, but with many interesting additions by the learned editor of the Gazette de Leyde. See N0. 1208. 193 4--Het waare daglicht van het Polilieck Sy- Sterna der regecringo van Amsterdam. Middelb. (1781.) 8vo. — Confer N0. 1238. 2.— (The true light of the Political System of the Government of Amsterdam.) 1935 - A. L. S. in French, dat. May 4, 1766. Interesting letter on the condition of slavery, commerce, finances cet. of the Colony of Herbice. 1936 Luzac (Jo.), Oratio do Socrate cive, cum probatt. et aduotatt. eet. Lugd. Batav. 1796. 4to. uncut. 1.50 With an interesting dedication (8 pp.) to quot;John Adams, President of the Unit. States of America, his true and esteemed friend.quot; 1937 - Same work, translated into Dutch. Leyden, 1796. 8quot;. i._ With dedication to Adams, 10 pp. 1938 Lydia (The), an American brig, saved by Captain Aubert, off Caen. 1850. Painted and lithogr. by T. Gudin. sm. fol. 2.__ 1939 (Lydius (Jac.)] Historie dor beroerten van Engelandt, aengaendo de veelderley secten, die aldaer in de kercke Jesn Christi z(jn ontstaen. Dordrecht, 1647. sm. 8vo. 6.— (History of the dissensions in England, illustrating the various sects, which have sprung up there in the Church of Christ.) A rare and very interesting little volume, containing many particuiare on the Protestant sects in America, for instance pp. 50—118 an account of the Independents and their dissensions at Boston, etc, |
1940 Lyell (Ch.) On the coal-fieW of Kast cm Virgina. — C. J. F. .Brenburti, 011 Iosbü plants of Eastern Virginia. (Hxir. 1847.) fiyg. and plates. Svo. 1.50 1941 Lyst(ler(ltollandsclieScliopcn.. . komondevan Cura^an, St. Eustatius en de West-Indien, door do Engeischon genomen. (1758.) I\'oi. 1.— (List af the Dutch skips captured Ij\'J the English during their voyage from the esl-Indies.) 1942 Lyst van de Hollandse en Hamburger Groen-lands- en Straat Davids-Vaarders, A0. 17G4 uitgc-vaaren. Amst., J. M. Brouwer {170\').) 2 parts in 1 vol. vellum. 8vo. 1.— {List of the Dutch and Hamlurgh\' vessels, which set sail for Greenland and the Straits of Davids, in 1704.) 1943 Lyste van quot;t giiene ile Brasil jaerljjeks can opbrenghen. Ao place nor date. (1025 ?) liroadside. am. fol. 4.— {List of the profit Brasil yearly can produce.) Curious and rare. — Not in Asher\'s ICssay. 1944 Lysten van de Hoilandsche Scheepen, zoveel Amsterdam betreft, welke op hunne reisen naar de West-Indien door do Engeischon genomen zijn. Amst. (1758.) hf. bd. fol. 1-60 (List of Dutch ships belonging to Amsterdam, captured by tli.e English on their vogage. lo irest-India.) A list perfectly different from N0. 1941 and more ample. 1945 Lysten ^an de niontnve der Fransche alsNe-derlandsche Esquadres, zijnde geweest in de actie voor Tabago voorgovaiien 13 Maort 1677, ete. No place, liroadside. fol. 2.50 {List of the Ships, Officers etc,, of the French and Dutch fleets, in the action at Tabago.) 1946 Maandags Relaos (Eerste tot negende) uytgeg. van 4 Dec. 1073 tot 5 Eebr. 1674. 4to. 9 parts. 10•— (First to Jiinth Monday News.) All published. The 8lli and 9th part eout. : An aeeount of the affairs concern, the differences of the Spaniards with the English in America, aud the reasons of declaration of war by the King of Spain. 1947 Mably (Gr. B, abbé de) Oeuvres coinplètos. Paris. 1794—95. 15 vols, calf gilt, gilt edges. H\\o.— Fine copi/ Jrom the Sobolewski Library. 8.50 Cont.: Des Etats-Unis d\'Amc\'rique. — Du gouvernement de la Pologne. — (Observations sur i hie. toire de France, sur la Grcce, sur lea Uomains, etc. etc. 1948 --Observations sur ie gouvernement et les loix des Etats-Unis dAmérique. Amsterd., 1784. sd., uncut. 8vo. Hare. — Sold in Leclerc\'s Hibl. Amer. fr. 20.— 1949 Mc. Clellan (Geo. B.) Kopert on the organization and campaigns of the army ol the Potomac; with account of the campaign in Wes- |
torn Virginia. N. York, 1864. cloth, plans. 8vo. (5.85) 2.25. 1950 Mac-Intosh (A.) D.D., Address at the interment oi Sylv. Jiourne, Consul-Goneral of the Un. States in tiie Netherlands, (at Amsterdam.) Ilaar-loni, 1817. 8vo. —.00 1951 Mackenzie (G. S.), Reise dnrch die Insel Island, 1810. Nach d. Engl. Weimar. 1815. maps and plates, hf. calf. 8vo. — .80 1952 Mc. Lean, John, Judge of tho Ohio Supr. Court 1816—22, Postmaster-General 1823, Justice of the U. S. Supr. Court. — L. 8. dat. Post Office Departm. Jan. 2, 1827. 1 p. 4°. 1.60 On public service. 1953 __ a. L. S. to S. Lathrop, dat. Post Office Departm. March 7, 1826, 3 pp. 4°. 2.-- On the privilege of the Members of Congress in regard to postage. 1954 Macpherson (Ch.) Memoirs of his life and travels in Asia, Africa and America, with a particular investigation on the Negroes in the West-India islands. Edinb. 1800. bds. 8vo. 1.50 1955 Madison (J.) Manifeste du gouvernement Américain (10 Fcvr. 1815), ou causes et caractère de la dernière guerre d\'Amériquo aveo 1\'Angle-tcrre. Trad, do I\'Angl. Paris, 1810. 8vo. 1.25 1950 Malfei (Jo. P.) Opera omnia latine scripta. Borgomi, 1747. 2 vols, vellum, portraits. 4to. Best edition, scarce. 9.— Very interesling for the history of the old voyages antl discoveries in the East-Indies, Japan, etc. 1957 Magazin dor neuesten Reiaebeschroibungen in unterhaitenden Ausziigen. Berlin, 1808—12. 15 vols. many maps and plates, plain and col,, sd. uncut. 8vo. 7.50 The most interesting parts of the voyages of Per-rln du Lac in Louisiana, Lindley in Brasilia, Le Dru to the West-Ind. Islands, Valeutia in India, Klaprolh in Caucasus, Lichtenstein in Sud-Africa, etc., etc. 1958 Magazin von morkwUrdigen neuen Reisebe-schreihungen, übersetzt und mit orliiuternden An-merkungen begleitot (von J. R. Forster.) Berlin, 1790—1800. 20 vols, plates and maps, id. uncut. 8vo. — (Vol. 13 wanting.) 9.50 Contains translations of Phillip\'s New South Wales; Le Vaillant, Africa; Anbnrey, interior parts of America; Urissot-Warviile, Unit. States; Bartram, North and South Carolina ; Blighs, Southsea; Lesscps, Kamschatka, etc., etc. 1959 Magazin, Gottingisches Ilistorisches, — und Neues Hlstor. Herausgeg. von C. Meinevs u. L. T. Spittler. Hannover. 1787—93. 11 vols, sd., uncut. 8vo. _ 6.— This valuable Historical Magazine contains some articles on America, ns; Vol.11. On the singularly bad quality of food in America. — Vol. III. On the population of Ame- |
rioa. — Vol. IV. Historical notices of the Aborigines of America. — Vol. VII. On the character of the Americans. — Vol. VIII. Justice rendered to the heirs of dir. Columbus in Spain, etc. etc. 1960 Magazin (The Coloniivl) and Comuuirdal-Maritinie Journal. Kdited by K. Montgomery Martin. London, 1810 -1843. portraits. 42 parts. 8vo. (wants 1842 N0. 7, 1843 N0. 8 and follow.) 7.b0 1st to 4th annual series of this esteemed Journal, comprising many articles on America. 1961 Magellanica tabula. Amat., G.lUaeu. (1046 ) sq. fol. 5:1; by 41. — Coloured. 2.50 Different and more correct map than the following. 1962 - Freti Magollanicl ac novi Freti vulgo Le Maire exactissinia dcllneatio. Amst., G. Blaeu. (1638). sq. tol. 39 by 37.]. — Coloured. 4.— See on this interesting map Mercator and Hon-dius\' Atlases. 1963 Magiai (J. A.) Qeographlae, tuin veteris, tuin novae, volumina duo. lu quorum prioro CI. Ptolem. Oeographicae enarrationis libri octo ... illustratur, in posteriore tjusd. Ptol. antiqui orbis tabulae 27, quibus acced. 37 rcoentiores. Arnbemi, Jo. Janssonius, 1017, 2 vols, in 1. Vuto/t vellum, 01 maps. 4to. Fine copy. 6.50 Contains 3 maps of the world with America and one special map of the New World. — Leaf 271 to 283: Dcscn\'ptiou of America. 1064 Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia-kia, of Zwarte Havik, Opperhoofd van den stam der Sac-Indianen, in N. Amerika (Levensgeschled. van). Uit liet Eng. Leeuwarden, 1847. sd. 8vo. 1.25 {Autobiut/rajjhy of Black Hawk, transl. from the Engt.) 1965 [Malcolm (D.)| Collection of Letters and Papers, in which the iinperfection ol learning, the usefulness of the Celtick in illustrating the Antiquities of the ilritisli Isles, the ajfflnity of the language of the Americans of the Terra 1\'trma, and these of Hie ancient liritains, ... Specimen of a Dictionary Engl.-Celtick, and Celtick-Engl. Kdinb. 1739. 2 parts. 1 vol. calf. 8vo. 2.50 1966 Mallet (A. M.) U. ;sci\'iption de I\'Univers, : eonten. les dilïérentefi systéines du iiioiule, les cartes génér. et partie. de la «éographie anc. et mod., les plans et proflis d. princip. villes .... les portraits des souverains ... et divers habillemens de chaque nation. Francfourt. 1085. 5 vols. 508 maps and plates, calf. gin. 4to. 10.— Very interesting for the many plates, maps, plans, views, portraits and costumes of the whole world. — America and Australia are represented in 53 plates, and 13 pi. refer to the Mortli of the continent, Nova Zmiibla, Sanioyecis, Waygats, Greenland, etc. All very curious. — Conterfeit of the French edition, the plates with German inscriptions. |
113 1907 Malo (Ch.), Histoire dc I\'iledc.St. Dnminguc deptiis sa döconverte. Siilvie d(^ pieces Justificati-ves. 2iiio edit. Paris, 1819. hf. bd. 8vo. 2.— 1908 Malo de Lnquo (Bduardo) Historia politica de los establei\'imientos ultraniariiios d(! las naciones Euro peas. Madrid, A de Sanc/ia, 1784—90. 5 vols, calf, maps. 8vo. ]0.— A valuable and rare work, for which we are indebted to quot;El Dnque de Almadovar,quot; who eoncraled his real name under the anagram Malo de Luque. 1909 Malouot (V. P.), Collection de mémoires et correspondances offlcielles sur radininistration des Colonies, et notamment sur la Guiano Iran?, et hollandaise. Paris, an X (1801.) t vol. hf. calf. 8vo. 4.50 1970 Malto-Brun (V. A ) Coup d\'oeil d\'ensemble sur les diftërentes expeditions .arctiques entreprises a la recherche de John Franklin, et sur les dé-couvertes géograph. auxquelles elles out donné lieu. Paris, 1855. map. 8vo. (Extr.) —.00 1971 Manby (G. W.) Journal of a voyage to Greenland. London, 1822. ids. uncut, numerous plaits and woodcuts. 4to. 2.— 1972 - Reise nacli Gronland. 1821. Aus d. Eugi. von C. F. Michaelis. Leipz. 1823. map and plates, hf. bd. sm. 8vo. 1.— 1973 —— Reis naar Groenland in 1821. Amst. 1825. map and plates. 8vo. 1.— Dutch translation of the preceding. From the German. 1974 Mandauilla (Joanna do) Qual tnitta delle piu marauegliosi rose ó plu notabilo die so trouino, e come presentllalmente li.i ccrcato tutte Ie parte habitabile del inoudo, et ha notato alcune degne cose die lia vedute in esse partem Venfttia,//. Torli, 1537. vellum 12iiio. 14.—■ I\'age 105 and 100 damaged: somewhat stained.— Very rare. 1975 Mandevyl (Jan v.) Wonderlijke, bc-schrljv. de gestaltenisse en zeden v. iOgypten, Perssen, Indien ende Ethiopian. Utrecht, 1707. 4to. 5.— (Wonderful voyage, describing the situation and manners of Egypt, Persia, India and Kihiopia.) Popular edition, rare; contains pp. 80--82 and 92 a description of I\'ope John\'s Land. — Confer: Maundeville. 1970 M[andrillon| (J.) Le Spectateur Amöricain, ou remarques générales sur FAiuérique Septcntr. et sur la liépublique des treize Etats-Unis. Am-sterd. 1784. 2 parts in 1 vol. sd. uncut, map. 8vo. 2.50 1977 - The same. 2e éditiou, revue et aiigmen- tée. Amsterd. 1785. sd. uncut, map. Övo. r,.50 A highly valued work, often confounded with the quot; Voyageur AmeticaM\' by Clnny. Sue N0. 082. 1978 - Fragmens de politique et de littérature, suiv. d\'un voyage a ISerlin, en 1784. Paris et Erux. 1788. music, ids 8vo. 3.50 MAGAZIN — MANDRILLON |
I\'J\'IO Lyell (Ch.) On the coal-field of Eastern Virgina. — C. J. F. .Bnmburi/, on ioatiil plants of Eastern Virginia. (E.rtr. 1847.) fujg. andplu/es. 8vo. 1.50 1941 Lystder (Ilollandsclie Schepen... komende van Curasao, St. Eustatius en de Wcst-lndien, door do EngeUchen genomen. (17f)8.) foi. ^ 1.— (List of the Dutch ships captured hy the English during their voyage from the If est-Indies.) 1942 Lyst van do Hollandse en Hamburger Groen-iands- on Straat Davids-Vaarders, A0. 1704 nitgo-vaaren. Arast., J. M. Brouwer (170quot;).) 2 parts in 1 vol. vellum. 8vo. \'■— (List of the Dutch and Hamburgh\' vessels, which set sail for Greenlnncl and the Straits of Davids, in 1704.) 1943 Lyste van t ghone de liiasil jaerljjcks can opbrenghen. Ao place nor date. (1025 \'/) Broadside, am. f\'ol. 4.— (List of the profit Brazil yearhj can produce.) | Curious and rare. — Not iu Asher\'s Kssay. 1944 Lysten van de Ilollandsclie Solieepen, /oveel Amsterdam betreft, welke op hunne reisen naar de West-Indien door de Engelsehen genomen z(jn. Amst. (1758.) hf. bd. fol. 1-50 (List of Dutch ships belonging to Amsterdam, captured by the English on their voijage to Ifesl-India.) A list perfectly different from N0. 1941 and more ample. 1945 Lysten van de monture der Fransche als Ne-derlandsche Esquadres, zynde geweest in de actie voor Tabago voorgevallen 13 Maert 1077, etc. No place. Broadside, lol. 2.50 (List of the Ships, Officers etc,, of the French and Butch fleets, in the action at Tabago.) 1940 Maandags Relaas (Eerste tot negende) uytgeg. van 4 Dec. 1073 tot 5 Fcbr. 1074. 4to. 9 parts. 10. (First to Ninth Monday News.) All published. The 8lh aud 9th part eont. : An account of the affairs concern, the differences of the Spaniards with the English in America, ami the reasons of declaration of war hy the King of Spain. 1947 Mably (G. B. abbé de) Oeuvres completes. Paris, 1794—95. 15 vols, calf gilt, gill edges. S\\o.— Fine copii Jrom the Sobolewski Library. 8.50 Cont.: Des Etats-Unis d\'Amérique. — Du gouvernement de la Pologne. —- Observations sur I\'liis. toire de France, sur la Grèce, sur les Uomains, etc. etc. 1948 --Observations sur ie gouvernement et les loix des Etats-Unis d\'Amérique. Amsterd., 1784. sd., uncut. 8vo. liure. — Sold in Leclerc s 15ibl. Amer. fr. 20.— 1949 Mc. Clellan (Geo. B.) Report on the organization and campaigns of the army ol the Potomac; with account of the campaign in Western Virginia. N. York, 1864. cloth, plans. 8vo. |
(5.85) 2.25. 1950 Mac-Intosh (A.) D.D., Address at the interment oi Sylv. Jiourne, Consul-Goneral of the Un. States in the Netherlands, (at Amsterdam.) Haar-lom, 1817. 8vo. —.00 1951 Mackenzie (G. S ), Reise durch die Insel Island, 1810. Nach d. Engl. Weimar. 1815. maps and plates, hf. calf. 8vo. — .80 1952 Mc. Lean, John, Judge of the Ohio Supr. Court 1816—22, Postmaster-General 1823, Justice of the U. S. Supr. Court. — L, S. dat. Post Office Departm. Jan. 2, 1827. 1 p. 4°. 1.60 On public service. 1953 - a. L. S. to S. Lathrop, dat. Post Oftice Departm. March 7, 1826. 3 pp. 4°. 2.— On the privilege of the Members of Congress in regard to postage. 1954 Macpherson (Ch.) Memoirs of his life and travels in Asia, Africa and America, with a particular investigation on the Negroes in the West-India islands. Edinb. 1800. bds. 8vo. 1.50 1955 Madison (J.) Manifeste du gouvernement Américain (10 Fcvr. 1815), ou causes et caractère de la derniérc guerre d\'Amérique avec l\'Angle-terre. Trad. de l\'Angl. Paris, 1816. 8vo. 1.25 1950 Maffei (Jo. P.) Opera omnia latine scripta. Bergomi, 1747. 2 vols, vellum, portraits. 4to. Best edition, scarce. 9.— Very interesting (or the history of the old voyages and discoveries iu the Kast-Indies, Japan, etc. 1957 Magazia der neuesten Reisebeschreibungen in unterhaltenden Ausziigen. Berlin, 1808—12. 15 vols. many maps and plates, plain and col., sd. uncut. 8vo. 7.50 The most interesting parts of the voyages of Per-rin dn Lac in Louisiana, Liudley in Brasilia, Le Dm to the Weat-Ind. Islands, Valentia in India, Klaprolh in Caucasus, Lichtenstein in Siid-Africa, etc., etc. 1958 Magazin von merkwilrdigen neuen Ileisebe-schreibungen, Ubcrsetzt und init erlauternden An-merkungen begleitet (von J. R. For ster.) Berlin, 1790—1800. 20 vols, plates and maps, sd. uncut. 8vo. — (Vol. 13 wanting.) 9.50 Contains translations of Phillip\'s New South Wales ; Le Vaillant, Africa; Anburey, interior parts of America; Urissot-Warville, Unit. States; Bartram, North and South Carolina ; Blighs, Soutbsea ; Lesseps, Kamsebatka, etc., etc. 1959 Magazin, Göttingisohes Historisches, — und Neues Histor. Herausgeg. von C. Meiners u. L. T. Spittler. Hannover. 1787—93. 11 vols, sd., uncut. 8vo. , This valuable Historical Magazine contains some articles on America, as ; Vol. 11. On the singularly bad quality of food in America. — Vol. 111. On the population of Ame- |
rica. — Vol. IV. Historical notices of the Aborigines of America. — Vol. Vlf. On the character of the Americans. — Vol. VIII. Justice rendered to the heirs of dir. Columhus in Simin, etc. etc. 1060 Magazin (The Colonial) and Commcrcial-Maritinie Journal. Kdited l.)y K. Montgomery Martin. London, 1810-184;i. porlraitt. 4Ü parts. 8vo. (wants 1842 N0. 7, 1840 N0. 8 and follow.) 7.b0 1st to 4th annual series of this esteemed Journal, comprising many articles on America. 1961 Magellanica tabula. AuiBt., G.lUaeu. (1645.) sq. fol. 53; by 41. — Coloured, 2.5Ó Different and more correct map than the following. 1962 - Freti Magellanlci ac novi Freti vulgo Le Maire exactissima dcllneatio. Amst., G. Blaeu. (1G38). sq. t\'ol. 39 by 37.]. — Coloured. 4.— See on this interesting map Meroalor and Hon-dius\' yl/lasei. 1963 Magini (J. A.) Qoographiae, tuin veteris, turn novae, volumina duo. lu quorum prioro CI. Plolem. Geograpliieae enar ration is libri octo ... illustratur, in posteriore ejusd. Ptol. antiqui orbis tabulae 27, quibus acced. 37 recontiores. Arnheini, Jo. Janssonius, 1617, 2 vols, ill 1. Ihilch vellum, 64 maps. 4to. I\'me copy. 6.50 Contains 3 maps of the world with America and one special map of the New World. — Leaf 271 to 283: Description of America. 1964 Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia-kia, of Zwarte Havik, Opperhoofd van don stam der Sac-Indianen, in N. Amerika (Levensgeschied. van). Uit hot Lng. Leeuwarden, 1847. «/. 8vo. 1.25 {Aatuhluyraphy of lilach llawk, transl. from the Bngl.) 1965 [Malcolm (D.)| Coll(!Ction of Letters and Papers, in which the imperfection of learning, the usefulness of the Celtick in illustrating the Antiquities 01\' the British Isles, the affinity of the language of the Americans of the Terra Firma, and these of the ancient Brilains, . . . Specimen of a Dictionary Kngl.-Celtick, and Celtick-Engl. Edinb. 1739. 2 parts. 1 vol. calf. 8vo. 2.50 1966 Mallet (A. M.) Deserii tion de I\'Univers, conten. les différentes systémes du moinle, les cartes génér. et partic. de la geographic anc. et mod., les plans et profils d. princip. villes ..., les portraits des souverains ... et divers liabillemens de ohaque nation. Francfourt. 1685. 5 vols. 508 maps and plates, calf. 8H1. 4to. 10,— Very interesting for the many plates, maps, plans, views, portraits and costumes of the whole world.— America and Australia are represented in 63 plates, and 13 pi. refer to the North of the continent, Nova Zuuibla, Samoyeds, VVaygats, Greenland, etc. All very curious. — Conterfeit of tlie French edition, the plates with German inscriptions. |
1967 Malo (Ch.), Histoiru de I\'ile de.St. Domingue depuis sa découverte. Sulvie de pieces justiflcati-ves. 2ino edit. Paris, 1819. hf. bd, 8vo. 2.— 1968 Malo do Iiiiquo (Bduardo) Historia politica do los estableciiuientos ultraniarinos do las naciones Europeas. Madrid, A. de Sancha, 1784—90. 5 vols, calf, maps. 8vo. 10.— A valuable and rare work, fcr which we are indebted to quot;El Duqiie de Almadovar,quot; who concealed his real name under the anagram Malo de Lnque. 1969 Malouet (V. P.), Collection do mémoires et correspondances olUcielles sur radiniiiistration des Colonies, et notamment sur la Oniane Irani;, et hollandaise. Paris, an X (1801.) 5 vol. hf. calf. 8vo. 4.50 1970 Malte-Brun (V. A ) Coup d\'oeil d\'ensemble sur les différentes expeditions arctiqiies entrepriaes a la recherche de John Franklin, et sur les dé-couvertes géograpb. anxqnelles (^lles oi.t donné lieu. Paris, 1855. map. 8vo. (Extr.) —.60 1971 Manby (G. W.) Journal of a voyage to (ireen-land. London, 1822. t)ds. uncut, numerous platei and woodcuts. 4to. 2.— 1972 - Reise nach Orönland. 1821. Aus d. Kngi, von C. F. Michaelis. Leipz. 1823. map and plates, hf, hit. sm. 8vo. 1.— 1973 - Keis naar Groenland in 1821. Amst. 1825. map and plates. 8vo. 1.— Dutch translation of the preceding. From the German. 1974 Mandauilla (Joanna do) Qual trnUa delle pin marauegliosi l ose é plu notabilo die se trouino, e come presentitalmento li.i ccrcato tutte le parte liabitabile del moudo, et ha notato aleune dogno cose die ba vedute in,esse parte. V\'cnotia, A. Torli, 1537. vellum. 12mo. 14.— Page 105 and 106 damaged: somewhat stained.— \\\'ei,y rare. 1975 Mandevyl (Jan v.) Wonderlijke Ueyse, be-schryv. do gestaltenisse en zeden v. Kgypten, Perssen, Indien ende Kthiopiën. Utroclit, 1707. 4to. ^ 5.— {Wonderful voyage, descrihing the situation and manners of Egypt, 1\'ersia, India and Ethiopia.) Popular edition, rare; contains pp. 80—82 and 92 a description of Pope Jolurs Land. — Confer: Maundeyille. 19711 M[andrillonl (J.) Le Spcotatinir Américain, ou remarques générales sur FAiuérique Sopteiitr. et sur la llépublique des treizo Ktats-Unis. Am-sterd. 1784. 2 parts in 1 vol. sd. uncut, map. 8vo. 2.50 1977 - The same. 2e edition, revue ot angmen- téo. Amsterd. 1785. sd. uncut, map, Övo. 3.50 A highly valued work, often confoimded with the »Voyageur AmericaM\' fay Clnny. Sue N0. 682. 1978 - Fra^mcns de politique et do littérature, suiv. d\'iin voyage a Uerlin, en 1784. Paris et Brnx. 1788. music, bds 8vo. 3.50 |
(juni ai lis on America: Rcmavques snr In Revolution Aimlricuine; Criso de i\'Anii\'i\'i(|ii(\'; Mémoires [lour et Devise de !lt;gt; Sociclc Amóricaiue; Mum. ai\\ Ministro pléiiipotcnt. d. Etats-Unis; Portrait do Co-lomb; Vers sur — et Portrait de Washington; So-ciete de Ciueinnatus,quot; etc. 1979 Manhattan, Marion. Boolden uit het leven to New-York. Uit hot Eng. I/Oiden, 18Ü0. 2 vols. 8vo. 2.50 (Scenes of l/ie life in New-York.) 1980 Manifest van quot;t Koningrjjck van Portugael over lict aennemen van JJon Joan de IV tot Ko-ningh. Aiust. 1U41. 4to, (Asher Kquot;. 173.) 1.50 (Jlauifesto of the kingdom of Vuriwjal on its admitiing 1). Joan IV as king,) 1981 - The same, uncul. 2.50 1982 Manifest tloor d\' Invvoonders van Pernarn-buco uytgegeven tot hun vcrantwoordingo. Antwerp., I(j4ü. 4to. (Asher Nquot;. 214.) 5.— (Manifesto publ. by the inhabitants of Pernam-luco.) Uelence against the accusation of having taken part in the Insurrection of the Portuguese. — Rare, 198li Manifest van oorloge tot Liaboa uitgheghe-ven, tusschen Portugael ende de Nederl. Provin-tien, met den oorspronek... 1058. 4to. (Asher N0. 289.) 2.25 (Manifesto of war, published at Lisbon, between Portugal and the United Provinces, with the origin Of the war.) 1984 Manifest ol\'to lieden van den oorlogh tusschen Portugael ende do Vereen. Provintien, tot Lisbon in lli57 uitgeg., mitsg. de nianilestatie van de leugenen ende valsheden waarmede het is vervult. \'s Gravenh. 1059. 4to. (Asher Nu. 290.) 4. — (Manifesto or reasons oj the war between Portugal and Hie U. Netherl, publ. at Madrid, with a Manifesto of its lies,..) With numerous particulars of the mutual grie-vauces in Braüil etc. (Manifesto of Pardon of the King of Spain to the rebellious Portuguese.) 1980 Mann (Jul.) Die Ansiedler in Amerika. Stiittg. 1845. sd, 8vo. —.00 1987 Map of the Globe. 1512. 2 sheets, sq. fol. 38 by 27 eentim. — Photolith, facsimile alter the originals engrav. in wood. 25.— These curious maps beloug to the almost unique work; Stojixicza, Introductio in Ptholomei Cosmo-graphia. Cracovie, 1512. They are reproduced from the copy iu the Imperial Library at Vienna, the only one in which they occur. See Rarrisse, Biblioth, Amer. Nquot;. ÜU, 93. — The New-World is drawn as a continent, from 50° N. lat. to 40° S. lat. The inscriptions are quite illegible with exception of the words: „terra incognita,quot; Only 5 ccpies struck cm. |
1988 Map of the World, by Seb. MUnstkr. 1532. 1 sheet, sq. fol.— Photolith. fac.iimiht. 15.— Belonging to the Basil editions of Grynaeus, A\'ovus Orbis, 1532, 37, 55, (see Nquot;. 1301) in which work they are often wanting. Only 10 copies struck off, 1989 - by Obontius Finakus. 1532. 1 sheet. fol. — Photolith, facsimile, 15.— The map by Pinaeus is still rarer than that of Munster. It belongs to the Paris edition of Guv-nakus, Nouns Orbis. (1532). (See N0. 1303.) Only 10 copies struck off. Both these maps are so admirably executed iu photolithography {procédé-Asser), that, being printed on old paper, they defy the scrutiny of the most skilful investigator. 1990 --Amst., Fred, de Wit. (about 1070). Ig. fol. 03 by 55. — Coloured, 2.— 1991 Mappe-monde pour connoitre les progrès et les conquestes les plus remarquables d. Prov. Unies, ainsy que celles d. Comp. d\'Oriont et d\'Oecident. lol. 40 by 34. — With engraved text on the exploits of the Butch in America, etc. 4.— 1992 --p. de t\'Isle, corrigeo après 1. découv. t\'ai- tes p. fAcad.; de Petersbourg. Amst. Covens et Mortier (about 1750). fol. 05 by 50. 2.— 1993 Mar del Nort: the coasts of America from Greenland till the entrance of the Amazon-river. Amst. 1057. sq. fol. 51 by 41. — (oloured. Dutch text on verso. 2.50 1994 M[aroesl (P. Die]) licschryvinghe onde Historische verhael van \'t Goud Koninckryck v. Gunea, anders de Gout-custe de Mina genaemt in Africa, met haren goloovon, manieren, talen en ghelegenth. v. Landen, Steden, enz. Amstelr., Corn, Claesz,, 1002. vellum, sq. 4to. Very fine envy, nearly uncut. (Tiele N0. 134.) 75.— (Description and hist or. account of the kingdom of Guinea rich in gold, also called the Goldcoast de Mina in Africa, wil/i their creed, manners, languages and situation of countries, towns, etc.) First and very rare edition, only twicc reprinted. With 31 very good plates and maps, uunib. 1 to 20 (N0. 9 being double.) A very interesting account by one who resided there for years. Camus says much of the carelessness of the Latin translation given by de Bry, in the Pet. Voy. VI, but he does not mention that the 2 chapters treating the zoology of that region, are entirely omitted. 1995 - Uoschryving v. do Goudtkust Guinea, alsmede cen voyagio naer de solve. Amst., J. llart-gers, 1050. bds. 4to. (Tiele K0. 137.) The title wanting. 5.— With 5 plates in the text. Reprint of the edition of 1002, but omitting the last 17 pages. — As a 2d part to this work llartgers issued in the same year a translation of Lopez\' description of Congo (See Nquot;. 1917) at the end ot which he gives the reprint of live of these omitted pages viz. pp. 120 to lil of the original. — Marees iu French. 1605. — See N0. C93, 93. |
1996 Maroo Paolo, Reisen en beschryving dor Oostersche Lantschappcn, beneffens do histovio der Oostersche Lantsohappen door Haithon van Ar-monion, ... en de reizen van Nic, Venetvs en Jeron. van SI. Steven naar d\'lndion, als ook een verhaal van de verovering van Formosa door de Sinezen. Amst., 1644. 4 parts. IfUh plates. 4to. 5_ (Voyages and description of the Eastern countries, with their histonj 61/ Haithon of Armenia, the voyages of Nicolas Venetus and Jeron. of St. Steven la India, also a» account of the capture of Formosa by the Chinese.) Complete copy, rare, \'{\'he separate parts occur often under their special titles. 1997 Marcy, William Learned, OITicer in the War ot\' 1812, Governor of the State of N. Y. 1833—39. — A. L. S. to the Attorney-General, dat. Albany, Febr. 3, 18\'24. 1 p 4°. 1.50 1998 Marie (E. v.) De febrc tlava Indiao Occiden-talia. Marburgi, 1799. 8vo. 1.\'25 Marquard (J.) Do jure morcatorum et eom-merc. Francof. 1662. lot. — See N0. 179. Argo-nautica. 1099 Marron (P. H.) RegiPaciflco, LudovicoXVI. Paris, 1783. 8vo. —.75 Ode (in Lutin) on the success ofthe American war, 2000 Marsh (Wrs. G-. P.) Wolfe ofthe Knoll, and other poems. New-York, 18C0. cloth. 8vo. 1. — Contains an English translation uf Tegner\'s Axel. 2001 Marshall (H.) Beschreib. d. wildwachs. Baumo u. Staudengewiichse in N.-Amerika. A. d. Engl, von C. F. Uofl\'mann. Lpz. 1 788. hf. calJ.W. 2.50 2002 Marshall, (J.), Life of General Washington, First President of the Unit. States. Compiled from original Papers, with an introduction on the history of the Engl. Colonies in North America. Philadelphia, 1804 -07. 5 vols, portr., calf. 8vo. 9. — Incomparably the best life of Washington. 2003 - Vie de G. Washington, composée sur ses mémoires, précédée d\'mie histoire dos colonies Anglaises en Amérique Septontr. Trad, de I\'Angl. p. P. F. Henry. Paris, 1807. 5 vols, calf gilt. 8vo. and atlas of 10 maps and plates. 4to. 6.— 2004 -- Paris, 1807. Atlas separately. 4to. 1.25 2005 —— The same. Paris, 1840. Atlas senaratelu. 4to. 1.-25 2006 - Leven van Geo. Washington. Uit bet Eng. Haarlem, 1805 1809. 10 mis. sd. 1\'ortr. uf IV., maps and plates. 8vo. 4.50 (Dutch translation of Marshall\'s Life of IVas-hington.) 2007 - The same. 10 vols. 8vo. hf. cloth, and 1 vol. of plates and maps, in-4to. hf. cloth. 4.50 2008 - Atlas in 4to. separately, hf. hd. 1.25 2009 - Official letters to the Honor. Ameri- |
can Congress, written luring the war between the United Colonies and Great-Britain. New-York, Sam. Campbell, 1796. 2 vols, calf gilt, 8vo. OkioinAr. edition, ver\' rare. The London reprint, published by Cadell, bïars the date of 1795.— See Rich p. 362. 2010 Marshall, John, Amer. Statesman, Minister to France, author of the Life of Washington. — A, L. S. to Mr. Woodbury, dat. Richmond, Dec. 16, 1821 1 p. 4°. 5.— Thanks Mr. W. on receiving his speech oil the Judiciary Bill. (Delivered 11 Apr. 1820.) 2011 - Autograph Signature. 1.60 2012 - Autograph Address to the famous Cuvier. 2013 Marsillao (J.) La vie de Guill. Penn, fonda-tcur de la Pennsylvanio, contenant rhistorique des premiers fondements do Philadelphie, etc. Paris, 1791. 2 vols. sd. 8vo. 2.25 2014 Martels (A. v.) Briefe Ubcr die westlichen Thelle der Verein. Staatcn von Nord-Amerika. Osnabriick, 1834. bds. map of Missouri. 8vo. 2.— From the library of the Duke Bernard von Saxon-Weimar. 2015 Martens (Fred.) Nauwkeurige beschryvinge van Groenland of Spitsbergen, wacr in de Wal-visch-vangst ... duydelijk wordtaangewesen,etc. Amstcrd., 1710. vellum, 4 plates, one of which title plate. 4to. 3.— (Accurate description of Greenland or Spitsberg, in which the whalefishery is clearly described.. At the end a poetical description of the house-holding of the Greeulandish ships and the whale fishery (pp. 75—88.) 2016 - The same. Dordrecht, 11. Walpot (1750?) hf. bd., same plates. 4t0. 3.— 2017 - The same, other edition. Dordrecht, ƒ/• IValpot, (1700?) hf. bd. uncut, same plates. 4to. — Rare. 5.— This edition differs from the preceding two. It contains instead of »Hoase-holdingquot; (pp. 75—88) an account of a voyage of Montauban, Capt. of the Freebooters, on the coast of Guinea, in 1695. 2018 - The same. Amst., Abr. Cornelis, 1770. hf. bd , same plates. 4to. 3.— With the relation of Montauban, as in the preceding. In all these 4 editions will be found an interesting instruction for the equipment of the vessels destined to the whalefishery. — The lirst Hutch translation of 1685 of Martens\' voyage see infra Nn. 3022. 2019 Martin (R. Montgomery)\' History of the British Colonies. 2d edition. London, 1835. 5 vols. cloth, maps. 8vo. (48.—) 15.— Vol. I. Asia. — It. West-Indies. — III.North-America.— IV, Africa and Australia.- V. Knrope. 2020 -- Statistics of the Colonics of the British |
llf) MA.KTINIÈRE Empire in the West Indies, South ami North America, Asia, Austral-Asia, Africa anil Europe. IjOIkI. 1839. maps and enjrav,, seals, cloth, voy 3.— 2021 Martiniero. Voyage des pays septentrionaux (Norvóge, Lapponie, Oronlaude, etc.) Dans lequei se voit ies moonrs, nianiéro do vivre et superstitions des Norweguiens, Lappons, Syberiens, Sa-inojède», Zcmbliens, Islandois. Paris, 1671. calf, engrav. 8vo. The voyage of Martinière is rare. 2022 - Nouveau Voyage du Nort, dans lequei on voit les moeurs, etc. Amst., E. Roger (1700?) plates, vellum. 8vo. (A small wormhole in the under margin.) Reprint of the foregoing work. 2023 - Do Noordscho Weereld, vertoond in 2 reysen v. Murtinidre on Martens door Lapland, Siborie, IJsland, Groenland en Nova-Zembla, na Spitsbergen of Greenland in t jaar 1071 Vert, door S. de Vries. A List. 1685. vellum, plates. 4to. {T/ie Northern ioorld, shown in two voyages of Martinière and Marlens through Lapland, Siberia, Iceland, Greenland etc.) 2024 Martini (Mart.) S. J.. Historia ora thet Tartar lake Kryget utlii Kommgaryket Sina, sampt. theras Seder. ... Men förswenskat art\' Ambr. Ni-delberg. Wysingzborg, 1674. bds. 4to. 19.— Swedish translation from tlie Latin edition, Am-stelod. 1655. Of gbeit habit V, belonging to the Collection of Voyages, printed at Wysingzborg. The eopy is slightly stained ami a few wunnholea in the margins. 2026 --Insula ilatanieo vulgo Martanico, in In- cem edita p. A. Visscher, nunc apud F. Schenk Jan. (Amst., about 1720). sq. fol. 3.— With indications of the habitations and the na-mca of the proprietors. 2027 - Map alter the surveys of Houeland Deltsle by 1\'h. ISuache. Amst., J. Covens et C. Mortier (about 1740). sq. fol. (oloured. 3.— With plan of the harbours, indications of all the thvelüllgplaeüs, sngar-raills, the names of the proprietors, etc. 2028 - Colour, map. Amst., Ts. Virion (1765). fol. 37 by 31. 1- 2029 Martius (C. F. Ph. do) Flora Urasiliensis. Stuttg. 1833. Tom. I. II, 1. — 2 vols. 8vo. (6.--) 3.50 2030 — Von ilem Rechtszustande unter den Urein-wohnern liraslliens. Miiuchen, 1832. sd., uncut, map. 4t0. ^50 2031 Martyr ab Angloria (Potrus^ Do rebus Occanis et Orbe Novo decades tres etc. basiliae. |
- MATELIEF. ap. Joa. Bebelium, 1633. The margins of the title mended. — Gnjnaei, Novns Orbis Rogionum ae lusnlarum veteribns incognltarum. Paris, ap Galeolum a Prato, (1532). (No map) — In 1 vol. calf. fol. 50.— llarrisse No. 170 and No. 172. — This edition of Angleria contains, besides a reprint of the very scarce edition of Aleala 1516, pp. 68—75. quot;lie in -sulis nuper inventis et de moribus incolarum,quot; and pp. 76—92. quot;De legalione Babylonicaquot; The work is one of the most valuable sources for the history of the discovery of America, the author being at once the friend of Columbus, Vespuccius and Cabot. - For Grynaeus see N0. 1301—10. 2032 Martyr ab Angleria (Petrus) De rebus Oceanicis et Novo Orbe decades tres; item de Babyloniea Degatione : item de rebus Aethioplcis opuscula Dainiani a Goes. Coloniao, 1574. vellum. 8vo. (Stamp on the title.) 9.— 2033 --The same. Fine copy in vellum with the dale of 1054 on the binding. 12.— 2034 Mason (John) lirief History of thePequot War, 1637. With an Introduction and some explanatory notes, by Thorn. Prince. Moston, 1736. — Reprinted New York, Sabin, 1869. sd. 8°. 3.— 2035 Massa, Isaac, born 1587. Dutch merchant in Russia, and author of the very interesting pamphlet on Hudson\'s discoveries, the early voyages to the North-Polo, etc. — Autograph signature, with his motto : „in coelis Massaquot;, on the back of a Dutch historical plate. — Unique. 2036 - Beschryvinghe van der Samoyeden landt in Tartarien. Amst., 1612. 4to. 350.— {Description of the Land of the Samoids.) This important and rare tract is inserted in the collection of Hussel Gerritsz on the North. See for the original Dutch edition of the famous Detectio Freti, N0. 1425, for the translation in Latin N0. IWS, and in German N0. 2060. 2037 - Facsimile Reproduction of the Dutch edition of 1612, the Latin edition of 1613, with a new English translation, and historical introduction. Amst., 1875. 4to. — See M. 925. 25.- 2038 --Isaac Massa van Haarlem. Historische studie van A. v. d. Linde. Amsterd., 1804. 8vo. 1.25 (Isaac Massa from Haarlem. Historical essay.) 2039 Massachusetts. — Constitution of the State of Massachusetts, adopted 1780,_ with the amendments annexed. Boston, 1822. hf. bd. 8vo. 1.50 2040 Matelief de Jonge (Corn.) Historiale ende ware Beschryvinghe v. de royse naer de O Indië uytgetrocken in Mayo 1605. Mitsgaders du bele ger. voor Malacca, als oock den slach teghen de Portug. Armade. Rett., Jan Janssz., 1608. 4to. (Tiele Nquot;. 165.) 12.— {History and true description of the voyage to the K.-lnd. begun in May 1G0Ö. I^ith the siege PJUSUJSIUK MUI.LEM amp; C0., |
of Malacca and the seu-fiaht against the Portug. Armada^) This account was written by the Admiral himself; a mure exteusive accuuut was piihlisheil in the same year, but later thnu this (see foil. N0.) 2041 Matelief da Jonge (Corn.) lireeeter verb,iel van tgliene d. A din. Corn. Matelief de Jonge, in O. I mi. voor de stadt Malacca wedervaren is; nls oock de vreeseel. stryclt ter zee tusschen d. Adm. eu de Portng. Kott., Jan Jansz,, 1008. bds. 4to. (Tiele N0. 106o.) Very rare. 8.— (Larger account of whut occurred to the \\dm. C. M. Junior before the city of Malacca, and the horrible sea-fight with the Portuguese.) This account was written by a clerk of the fleet (no other than Jaci|. I\'lleremite.) It is not in de ISry\'s collection. Hidsius combined this and the preceding account into one, and published it in his 10th part. 2042 —~ Histor. verhael v. de Keyse naer O. Ind. en China met 11 schepen, v. 1605—8. (Ainst., 1G4G.) bds. sq. 4to. 4.— {Histor. account of the voyage to E. /. and China with 11 ships, etc.) With 11 plates; no separate title. Forms part of the collection: Begin en Poortgangh (N0, \'i\'i.) To the voyage of Matelief (pp. 1 lo 130) 2 letters of J. rHeremite Junior tu his father (pp. 140 to 187) are added. Only edition with these supplements. 2043 —- Journael en hist, verhael v. do Reyse naar O. Indien en China met 11 schepen, v. 1005 tot 1008. Ainst., J. Uartgers, 1048. 4to. In orig. wrapper. (Tiele N0. 107.) 5.— {Journal and hist, account of the voyage to Ë. I. and China with 11 ships from 1003 to 1008.) With 1 pi. in 0 divisions. — Reprint of the preceding edition, but without the snpplcm. 2044 Matham (Adrian), Voyage an Maroo (1640— 41.) Journal de ^voyage public pour la premiore fois, avec notice biograph. de rauteur, introd. et notes, par Ferd. de Hellvvald. L.i Ilaye, 1800. 8vo. 1.25 2045 Mather, Cotton, one of the most renowned Divines of New Knglaud, Minister at Boston 1084—1728, author of the Magnalia Christi Americana. — Autogr. Sermon on Eph. I, 14. dat. May 16, 1702. 8 pp. 8U. 40.— 2046 - Liber Psalmorum (llobraice cum vov- sione Latina), editus a Joh. Leusden. Londini, sumptihus Sam. Smith, 1088. vellum. 12mo. 45.— Of the utmost rakitï. Hebrew anil Latin text opposite. With dedicaee to quot;U. Crescentio Mathero, Verbi Divini Winistri „Vigilant., atqne Collegii llarvardini, quod est Cau-quot;tabrigiae Nov-Anglornni lleetori et Doctori celeber-»rimo ac Honorand., couversiouem Itulornm, in Ame- i quot;rica {una cum vigiuti quatuor, nuper Gentilibus, seU «jam Christianis Pastoribus) feliciter promoventi. .. i quot;April 1088.quot; Second edition with Latin text, uniform with the i |
edition Hebrew-English, with almost the same dedicaee as to John Eliot, and 24 converted Indians ordained minister of the Gospel. Loudon. 1088. This valuable record of the early progress of Christianity among the Indians of New England is not men-tioned uy an v ul utiioghapueb. — Both editions are printed at Utrecht, however they bear the address of London; both correspondend in size and form of the Hebrew text — J. Lensden was Professor at the University at Utrecht. 2047 Mather, Cotton, Hebreus I\'salmboeck. (The same, llobraice cum versiono Belgica), ed. a Joh. Lensden. Utrecht, 1688. old calf. 12mo. 6.— Hebrew and Dutch text opposite. In the Dutch preface the author tells quot;that he published this second quot;edition also with English text opposite, specially, quot;because there is such an opening for the Euangelium quot;in Boston; there are 24 Indian and 4 English mi-quot;iiister of the Gospel, as him is reported by Cresc. •\' Mat her us, etc,quot; The copy is somewhat stained. 2048 Matthaei (C. Chr.) Untersuclmng liber das gelbo Fiebcr. Hannover, 1827. 2 vols, bds., map. 8vo. 2.50 2049 Maundovile (J.) Voiago and travaile, which trcateth of the way to Hlerusalem and of the marvayles of Inde, with other Hands and couu-tryes. Heprlnted from tho edition of 1725, with an introduction, notes and glossary by J. O. lial-livjell. London, 1830. cloth, woodcuts. 8vo. 5.— — Maurice (John) of Nassau, Governor of Brazil, see : Nassau. 2050 Maximilian (Prinz von Wicd-Ncuwied), Kcisc nach Brasilion. Franklurt a. M. 1820—21. 2 vols. bds. uncut, roy. 4to. H\'ith Atlas, 3 parts in 1, cont. 22 ptales and 3 maps. roy. fol. (78.—) 18.— Extraordinary copy ou large vellum paper, with the 19 vignettes printed 011 separate leaves; in the ordinary copies they are printed in the text. 2051 May (Caroline) Tho American female Poets: with biographical, and critical notices. Philad. 1805. cloth, gilt edges. 8vo. (8.40) !i.25 2052 Mayer (D.1 Neu aufgericlitcter Americanischer Mayerbof, das ist: Schwere Arbeiten n. reiffe Seelcn-Frlichten... gesamnclt in nen aufgerich-tetcn Missionen in America. Augspurg. 1747. c«(/\'. 8vo. 3.— Missionary accounts from Peru. 2053 Mayer (De) Les Ligues Achóenne, Suisse et Hollaudaise, et la Kévolution des Ltats Unls de 1 Ainérique, companies ensemble. Geneve, 1777. 2 vols, in 1, calf. 8vo. 2.— 2054 - The same. Gen. et Paris, 1787. 2 vols. hf. cf. 8vo. 2.— 2055 iVTayr (Jo.) Epitome Cronicorum seculi mo-derni, d. i.: Kurtzer Bcgritï nnd Inhalt aller ge-deuckwiirdigen Sachen, so von 1500 bisz zu clem 1004 Jar Christi, aull d. gantzen Erdenkrcisz ... MATELIEF — MAYK, |
verlauffen. Jetzt durch d. Authorn aclbst corrig., mit vilon Historiën, sonderlich d. Newen Welt Ame-ricae, und Ost-lmlicn vennchrct. Miinchen, 1604. map on the title; stamped pigskin, with clasps. 4to. 399 pp. 9 — 2056 [Mazzel] Reclierches historiquos et i)olit. sillies Etats-Unis do rAmórique Septentv., par im Citoyeu do Virginie. Avcc quatro lettres d\'un Ronrgeois de New-Haven sur l\'unité de la léjjis-lation (par Condorcet), Colles et Paris, 1788. 4 vols. hf. id. Svo. 4.— 2067 Memorial of the inhabitants of Mauritius setting forth their suflferings etc... with a narrative of the events in the colonics during the year 1832. Lond. 1833. 8vo. 1.— 2058 Mediator (The), an English man of war, (Captain Luttrel), puts to flight 3 out of 5 French ships. 1782. O, Serres px., engrav. by Pollard. 2 plates (N0. 1, :i). sq. fol. 3,— 2059 Medal (Satyrical) on the English Leopard, strangled by the American Serpent, l ine French engraving. 1780. sin. fol. 2.50 2060 Megiser (Hieron.) Septentrio Novantiquus, Oder die newe Mort-Welt, das ist: Oriindliche viul warhalUe Beschreibung aller Mitterniichtigen vnd Nortwerts gelegenen Landen u. Jnsuion, so vnsern Vorfahren... vnbekandt geweiseii... Sarapt Kela-tion welcher gestalt in 1612... cine newe Schif-farth nach dcr China gegen Nortwerts, vnd cine unsegiiche grosse Landschaft in... der Magei-lanica erfunden worden. Leipzig, 1613. vellum, 12 maps and plates. 8vo. Fine copy, one leaf of the index slightly damaged. 22.50 A ruru and very interesting collection of voyages to the North, including also some information of America, especially Virginia. Not mentioned by Rich, Triimel, Stevens etc. — Contains a. o.: Translation of Blefkeuius\' work on Iceland and Greenland, the voyage of Nic. and A. Zcno to the North, and a voyage of Krisish tishers to the West-Indies. — Voyage of P. Qnirinus to the North in 1431. — Dbsckiption ok Virginia. With plate.— Description of the Devil\'s island near Nbw-Èeance, | with map. — Description i f the Northern Conn-tries, Moscovy etc., including a translation of the exceedingly rare Dutch description of the country of the Samoids in Tnrtary, by Is. Massa. Amst. 1612. tSee Nquot;. 2036.) — Discovery of a North-West passage to China, with an account of Hudson\'s voyage, etc. — Of the newly discovered conutries in the Magellaniea. With P. K. de Qnir\'s Supplication to the King of Spain. With a plate. lu the same volume is bound; 11. Megiser, lie-schreibung der vberaussreichen Insul Madagascar. Ibid. (1623.) ll\'il/c a map and 7 plates. — The larger part of this work (viz. pp. 75- 177) is tilled with a dictionary of the language of Madagascar. This part has as separate title, notwithstanding the paging goes on. |
2061 Meldinger (H.) Die Britischen Colonien in Australien. Frankf., 1860. map. 8vo. —.60 2062 Mela (Pomponius) De totius orbis descrip-tione. Nunqiiam autea citra montes impressus. (Edid. God. Torenus.) Paris., Impr. per Aegidium Gormuntium et per Torinum Bituricum recognitum, 1507. hf. calf. 4tO. Very fine copy. 18.— On the title the printer\'s mark of Jean Petit, on the last leaf that of Gilles do Gonrmont. — Very scarce. A copy was sold with ; Sacrobnsto, Opus sphericum 1507. at fl. 82. — at Enschede\'s sale in 1867. 2063 - De orbis situ libri 111, enm coramentariis Joat\'li. Vadiani. Accedit Bpistola Vadiani ad Ktid. Agricolaui. Lutetiae Paris., 1530. half bound, lol. Unrrisse N0. 157. — The present copy has one leaf not mentioned in Harrisse\'s collation. After pag. 196 and before the unnumbered leaf for a title there is still another unnumbered leaf: Joachimus Vadianus Heloetius candido Aec/örz, the verso blank. — See for America the Epistle to Agricola. 2064 - The same. A. Schottus recensuit et il- lustr. Antv. e.r of. (\'. Flantini. 1582. — Geogra-phica et hist. Herodoti quae Latine Mela exscrip-sit ed. A. Schottus. Ibid. 1582. IVith a fine map of the IVorld by A. Okthlius. 1 vol. vellum 4to. 5.— 2065 - The same. Cum 1. Vossii observat. Hagae Com. 1658. 2 vols, in 1. vellum. 4to. 2.— 2066 - The same. Cum notis Variorum edid. A. Gronovius. Ed 2a. Lugd. Bat. 1748. vellum, Jigg. 8vo. 2 — 2067 - The same. Cum notis crit. etexeget. Va riovuni edid. C. H. Tzschucke. Lipsiae, 1807. 3 vols, in 7. 8vo. (40.—) 19.— 2068 Melish (J.) Geographical description of the United States. 3d ed. Philad. 1818. 4 maps. hf. calf. 8vo. 1.50 2069 —— Traveller\'s Directory through the United States, with a calendar. 5th edit. Philad. 1819. 2 large and 4 smaller maps, calf sin. 8vo. 1.50 2070 Melton (Edw.) Zeldzame en gedenkwaard. zee- en landreizen door Egyptcn, West-lndiën, Persicn enz. Vertaald uit do eigene brieven van don Heer Molton. Amst. J■ ten Hoorn, 1681. vellum, many plates. 4to. (Asher N0. 16.) 6.— (Curious and memorable voyages and travels th ough Egypt, the IVest-Indies, 1\'ersia, etc. Transited from the original tetters of Mr. Melton.) 2071 —- The same. 2d edition. Amst., Jan Verja-ger, 1702. vellum. 4to. (Asher N0. 17.) 5.— Kxact reprint, with addition of a new preface. Contains besides an account of Virginia, Florida, Cuba, Haiti, Panama and Jamaica, a very detailed description of New-Netherland. This description is rendered still more important by the circninstancc that Melton was at New-York in 1668. — Confer.; Asher\'s Ussay, N0. 17- illEDEKIK Mil 1.1.Ell Ot C0., |
nönnull. Brasiliae. Berol. 1082. With 12 jd. vellum. fol. 3.76 2088 Mercator, Ger., Atlas sive Cosinograpliicae meditationcs de 1\'abrica mundi et fabricati ngnra. Denuo ani\'tus. Edit. \'ia. Amsterodami, Jud. Hon-dius. 1619. vellum, IVith porlr, of Mercator and Hondius, and 156 coloured maps. lol. - Text in French. Very rare. — Fine copy. 25,— This edition uf the celebrated Atlas of Mercator is not the fourth (which appeared 1613) as the title says, but the seventh. It contains 105 maps by Mercator and 51 by llondius a. o., amongst which 9 maps of America: Mappemnndi; General map with special ones of Cuba, Haiti and the Gulf of Mexico; i General map with ethnographical ligures, f. i.: Na-vicula Floridanorurn, Modus conficiendi et bihendi potum apud Amer., etc.; Arctic regions with Greenland; Hispania Neva; Virginia and Florida, on \' which the naked figures of the King and Queen of Florida (with the rather superfluous remark: quot;Plebi non mul turn ab his differ unt\'), Civil alum Floridae et Viryiniae formae, and some historical annotations; the West-Indies; 5 maps on one sheet, with plan of Havana; S, America with plan ofCusco; Fretum Magellanicum. On Mcreator\'s maps appeared for the first time crescent degrees. 2089 Mercatoris, Ger., ct J. Ilondii, Atlas sivo Cosmographicae ineditationes de 1\'abrica mundi et fabricati lignra. Emondatae ct de novo in lucem editae. Amstclod., //. llondius. 1630. rnssia, gilt edges. With the same portr. and 163 coloured maps. lol. \'20.— Eleventh edition of Mercator\'s Atlas with the same maps on America and Latin text. — Of the 103 maps of this edition 105 are by Mercator and 58 by llondius. 2090 - Atlas Novus, sive descriptio gcographlca totius Orbis Terranun. Amsterd. 1633. 2 vol. hf. calf. 238 maps and frontispiecesgt; all finely coloured, many of them with portraits, coats of arms, etc. lol. 30.— Contains besides the maps of the preceding edition 10 new ones of America: Virginia; Island of Bermuda; Venezuela; Grenada; Gujana; Peru; Brazil; Paraguay and Rio de la Plata; Chili; and a new and much more correct map of Strait Magellan and Strait Le Maire, bearing the note (in Latin and Dutch); quot;Descriptionem hanc novam freti Magel-lanici nobis communicavit Bernard us Joannis (Potgieter) Monasteriensis, qui novem menses in pera-gratione Indus freti impendit sub dace Sebalbi de Waerdt.quot; This note is the only indication that the writer of the narrative of de Weert\'s Voyage was called Potgieter and is the same person as this navigator. The text to the maps is quite new and gives an account of the latest geographical discoveries, which are all incorporated in the work. It speaks of the war of the Dutch in Brazil, the capture of Olinda, the English Colonies in N. America, etc. |
Of the 238 maps of this edition only 87 are by Mercator, those by llondius, a. o. having increased to the number of 151. 2091 Mercatoris, Ger., et J. Hondii, Atlas {German Text.) Amsterd. 1633. 2 vols. hf. bd. 160 coloured maps, gilt edges, fol. — Title of the \\amp;t part from the French edition, — title of the 2d part and pp. 405—525 {the Netherlands with 13 maps) wanting. 15.— This German edition contains 100 maps, of which 6 on America: Mappamunde, general map (different from the 3 before mentioned editions and much more correct), Virginia, Pern, Brazil, Strait of Magellan, the same as in the Latin and French editions of 1033. — 12 later maps of Russia, Transsylvania, Hungary, etc., publ. by de Teth, Schenk, a. o. arc inserted in this copy. 2092 - Atlas minor. Amsterod., J. llondius. 1010. 084 pp. 150 maps, vellum, sq. 4°. 15.— First and very rare edition of the Atlas minor, printed at Dordrecht by Anr. Bat tins, whose printers-mark on the last page. — The following maps relate to Amer. Geography; Map of the World, America, Amer. Meridion., Arctic regions with Greenland, Virginia and Florida, W. India-Islands (0 maps on 1 sheet), Hispania nova, Strait of Magellan. — The descriptive text is in Latin. Of this once very popular Atlas minor more than 20 editions appeared, with text in all languages, even one in Turkish by Moustafa ben A b dal la. 2093 - Atlas minor. Amst., J. Janssonius. 1021. 703 pp. 140 maps, vellum, sq. 4°. 10.— First edition with Dutch text (by lï. Brinck). Black letter. The maps engraved by A. Goos and P. Kaenus — widely differ from those ir the Latin edition of 1610. They have been reproduced in the 2d Dutch edition of 1630 and in the Latin of 1084. Following maps relate to America; Map of the World; General map of America; Arctic regions (Greenland, Labrador etc.); Nova Hispania; Virginia and Florida; the West-Indian-Islands, South America; Fretum Magellanicum and Le Maire. 2094 - The same, 2d edition. Amsterdam. •/. sonius 1030. vellum. 4°. — Fine copy. 10.— Only the printed part of the engraved title changed. 2095 -- Atlas minor. Amst., J. Janssonius. .1034. vellum, sq. 4°. — Fine copy. 8.— Latin edition with the same maps as in the preceding Dutch. 2090 - Atlas minor, d. i. Beschreibung dei\' gant- zen Weidt. Amstelod., J. Janssonius. 1651. 2 vol. sq. 4°. 211 maps. — Uncut. 12.— This German edition contains besides the I 0 maps of the Dutch edition 1628, 71 more, amongst which 5 American maps: Nova Granada and Popayan, Peru, Brazil, liio de la Plata and Para guy a. Chili. 2097 - Atlas sive Cosmographicae ineditationes, etc. Amsterod., Joh. Cloppenburg. 1632. vellum gilt. 178 maps. Large, sq. 4°. — Fine copy. 10.— |
Besides a general map of America, this edition contains 10 special ones, amongst which 3 of Virginia, all reduced copies after those in Mercator\'s large Atlas, with descriptive tcit in Latin. 2098 Morcatoris, Qor., vita (a Gualt. Ghymnico conscripta) ac epitaphia. Dodicatio ad Elizabetam, reg. Angliam, ctc. Kmn. Morcatoris, IMS. etc. 8 leaves; preliminaries of the edition of O. Mercator\'s Atlas of 1633. large fol. 2.50 2099 Meroure Francois, ou Suitte de rhistoire de 1605 a 1623. Paris, 1611—1636. Tom. 2, 3, 5, 10, 13, 14, 18, 19. — in all 9 vols. French vellum. 8vo. 24.— These odd volumes of a highly valuable historical review, rarely to be met in complete sets, are by far the most interesting of all for American history. A few extracts from these volumes will show their importance. Tom. II. 1608. Difficnltes des Ilollandois et Bs-pagnols sur la navigation aux hides Orient, ct Occident. — Djs colonies que les Anglois ont mené en la Virginie ceste Annee. — Voyages faicts en la Nouvelle France ou Canada. — Tom. III. 1012— 15. 2e edit. Navigations des llolandois, Anglois et Francois (au dctroit des VVaaygats, en Chine en Ma-ragnan. — Retour de llassilly en France et des Toupinambovs qu\'il amena i\\ Paris. — Description de I\'isle de Maragnan, la clef du lirésil, etc. — Anglois de la Virginie desfaicts par les Espagnols. — Tom. V. 1617. Des terres Australes et des voyages faits pour les de\'eouvrir. — Voyage de Isaac Lemaire et Gnil. Schouten. — Ilequeste du Capt. Ferd. de Quir, sur la découverte de la 5me partie du monde ou terre Australe. — Tom. X. 1618. Des Voyages de Pont Grave et de Champlain an Canada. -— Tom. XIII. 1624. Combat naval entre les Ilollandois et les Espagnols devant Lima. — Prise de la haye de tons les Saints. — Tom. XIX. 1633. Relation de ce qui e\'est passé en la Nouvelle France ou Canada; autre relation du sienr Champlain. 100 pp. The vols, here and there somewhat stained ; Tom. V without binding, title damaged. 2100 Mercurius.— a. Hollantse Mercurius historisch-wys vervatendo het voornaeniste in Cliristcnr(jck voorgevallen van 1050 -1690. Haerlem. 1(551—91. 40 vols, vellum, plates and portraits. 4to. 60.— (The Dutch Mercury historically containing the most remarkable events from 1550—90.) i. Europisehe Mercurius, door E. V. Amsterd., 1091 — 1756. 67 vols, vellum, plates and portraits. 4to. 40.- (The European Mercury etc.) c. Maandeiyksehe Nederlandsehe Mercurius. Amst., 1756—1790. 69 vols, jlatea and portraits. 4to. 60.— (Monthly Dutch Mercury.) d. Staatkuiulige Historic van Holland en Maandcl. Nederl. Mercurius. Amst. 1801- 1806. 6 vols. 4 to. 15.— (Political History of Holland and Monthly Dutch Mercury.) |
e. Amsterdamsche Mercurius. 1807—1815. 9 vols. 4to. 25.— The whole collection a—e together tl. 175. Complete series of this highly valuable historical review from its comineucement 1650 till 1S15 (only year 1791—1S00 wanting). A set, as the present, is of the highest rarity, even in Holland. The series a and c are the most interesting to the American collector, the first fur the history of the Dutch colonization in New-Netherland, and of the first period of the English government there, the other for the history of the gract War of Independence against England. The scries a and c are by far the most interesting, the two last ones d and e, are unquestionably the rarest of all. 2101 Morian (Mar. Sib.) De voortteeling en won-derbaerlykc veranderingen der Surinaemsche Insecten. Amst., 1730. With 72 pi. — The same, De Europisehe Insecten onderzogt. Amsterd., 1730. W ith 184 plates. — 2 vols, calf gill extra, fine copy, plain plates, fol. 10.— (The generation and wonderful changes of the insects in Surinam. — The European insects.) 2102 Mosauge (P. do) Vie, avantures et voyajre de Gronlande. Avee unc relation do I\'origine etc. des habitants rlu Pole Arcthiuo. Amst. 1720. 2 vols in 1. 8vo. Scarce. 4.50 2103 Messenii (J.) Scondia illustrata s. ehronolo-gia de rebus Scondiae s. Danlae, Norvegiae atq. una Islandiae, Gronlandiaeque usq. a. 1612, ed. J. Peringskiöld. Stoekh. 1700—5. Part 1—13, 15. fol. Uncut. 30.— The I4th part bus never been printed. It has been lost in MS. as wo see from a notice in the Emendanda of Part XI ; quot;Thomua XIV. De Gothis extra patrinm, purditus est.\'\' 2104 Moteron (Em. van) Historie der Nederland-schen en haar nabueren oorlogen. Amsterd. 1652 fol. Best edition. 10.— (History of the wars of the Dutch and\' their neighbours.) This celebrated work contains very valuable materials for the life of Henry Hudson, and for the history of W. Usselincx and his first attempts to esto-blish the West-India-Company. 2105 Motius(Adr.) AstrOnom. ende Oeograpli. on-denvysinghe inde welcke door \'t gebruyck d. Aertsehon Globi do Zeevaert vorliclit wordt. Amst. 1032. vellum, woodcuts. 4°. 3.— (Astronom. and Geograph. instruction explaining navigation hy the use of the earth-globe) 2106 Meusel (J. G.) Blbliothcca historica. Lips. 1782—1800. 11 vols, or 23 parts, sd. 8vo. 14.— quot;Meuscl\'s Historical Library will always be considered a scholarly and reliable work of the utmost importance to the student of history. The p rts comprising Italy, Germany etc. were never published, but the seotiotis relating to the New World were all inserted. The authurs are mentioned with a fullness |
12-2 and accuracy, wich betray the hand of a bibliographer who did not limit his efforts to the mere transcription otquot; titles and collations, hut to a perusal of the works themselves and appreciation of their merits.quot; — Harrlssu, BM. Amer. Vetast., \\XII, 2107 Mexico. — Carte pour la navigation des Isles et du Ciolle do Mexique, d\'aprós Popple par 1\'h. Buachc. I\'aris. 1743. 2 sheets. I\'d. Together ; \'J4 by 60. — Coloured. 3.— 2108 - anil New Granada, Amst,, h. Tirion. 1765. Coloured map. I\'ol. 44 by 30. 1.— 210\'J - Mexico (New-), Western part, and California. Amst. Js. Tirion. 17G5. Coloured map. lol. 3(j by 33. 1.— 2110 - Plan ot the city, with that of Arzilla, occurring in an ornamental woodcut border of a work ol the Hitli century, fol. Mounted. 3.— 2111 - and Cusco. Prospccts with figures of the inhabitants, engrav. by 1\'\'. Hogenberg. 2 plates on 1 sheet sij. lol. — From; Jiraun el Hogenberg, Civiiates. Coloniae. 1572. — Rare. 0.— On verso the text, in Latin, belonging to these plates. 2112 - and Vera-Cruz. 2 Views, lithogr. by J. St. Aulaire. Paria (1850.) 2 plates. Ig. sq. fol. 2113 -- View of the market-place at Mexico, peopled with market-people and citizens. Fine pencil-drawing by liugendas. — 15 by 12. 10. — 2114 - View of the Orizaba (Citlaitapetl), one of the Mexican vulcanocs, high 5,282 metr. On the tore-ground the Hacienda Mirador, — Fine aquarel by liugendas. — 28 by 20. 10.— 2115 - Another view on the same Mountain and Hacienda. — Fine sepia-drawing by Rugendas. — 24 by 10. 10.— 2110 - Views from Montanus\' America, Gueude- ville, Atlas hislurique, etc. 7 engrav. bq. fol. and 40. 2.50 Mexico vetus. — Nova Mexico. — Potosi. — Acapulco. — Truxillo, etc. 2117 - Dress and customs of the original inhabitants. 4 engrav. of ditf. size. — From: Monla-nus\' America; Moore\'s yoyages, and by Portman. (black and coloured). 1.75 2118 - lieligious, funeral, etc. ceremonies of the Mexicans, engrav. by Bern. Picart. 19 represent, with French subscript, on 8 sh. fol. — Pint impressions. 2.75 2110 Meyer (G. F. W.) Primitiae florae Esseque-boensis. Uotting. 1818. 318 pp. sd. uncut, % plates. 4to. — Rare. 5.— 2120 Michaelis (G.) De Antipodibus. Wittebergae, 1677. 4to. L— |
2121 Michaelius, Jonas, Dutch Reformed Minister at St. Salvador (in Brazil) 1624, on the Coast of Guinea (in Africa) 1625 or 1626, first Reformed Minister in New Netherland from 1628 to 1633. — A. L. S. to Adr. Smoutius, Minister at Amsterdam, dat. „jrom the Island Manhattans^ Aug. 11, 162^. 4,; very closely written, pp. lol. 375.— PKOUAULY THE OLDESt WRITTEN DOCUMENT ON NEW-NET HER LAND WRITTEN ON THE VERY SPOT, where Now stands new-York. — Highly interesting relation of M\'s voyage to the Colony, of the religious state of its inhabitants, on the condition of commerce, the hcnlthy climate, the fertility of the soil and its mUnifold productions, on the troublesome relations with the Mohicans, cet. — Appended the correspondence (with Prof. Millies at Utrecht, Prof, Kist at Leiden, cut.), and adversaria of Mr. J. T. üodel Nyeuhuis of Leiden, who published M\'s letter in: Kist en Moll,Kerkhistor. Archief 1857. Uy the care of the Hon. H. C. Murphy an English translation was privately printed at the Hague 1858, in a few copies. It was also inserted in O\'Callaghan\'s Documents, 1856. Vol. 11.4°. 2122 Michaelius, Jonas, Photolithographed facsimile of Michaelius\' Letter, by the pro-cédé-Assor, with the Dutch transcript and an English translation by the Hon. H. C. Murphy, with preface by Mr. Fred. Muller. Amsterdam. 1876. fol. 20.— Printed only in 100 copies. The original letter with the whole issue of the facsimile. 850.— £123 Michigan. — Geographisch-statistische uud historische Charte. Weimar, 1828. sq. fol. 55 by 45. 1.— 212 4--Holland in America: a collection of tracts on the Dutch colony „Hollandquot; in the State of Michigan, founded in 1845, and on other Dutch colonies in Wisconsin and Iowa. 15 parts, 1846— 50. 8vo. Most in Dutch. 5.— 2125 Miertsching (J. A.) Reise-Tagebuch des Mis-sionars ... welcher als Dolmetscher dieNordpol-Expedition zur Aufsuchung J. Franklins auf d. Schift\' Investigator begleitete. 1850—54. Gnadau, 1855. map. 8vo. 1.75 2126 Milbert (J.) Itinéraire pittoresque du flcuve Hudson et des parties latérales de rAmérique du Nord. Paris, 1828. 2 vols. 4to. and Atlas of 54 plates on China paper and 1 map. fol. hf. bound. (100.—\', 24.— 2127 Miller (General) Memoirs of — while in the Service of the Republic ot Peru; by J. Miller. 2d Edition. Lond. 182lJ. 2 vols. bds. portr. 8vo. (21.—) 4.50 2128 Miller (St. B.) Historical sketches of Hudson, embracing the settlement of the city, etc. Hudson, 1862. cloth, roy. 8vo. 2.40 2129 Miller, S., Theologian writer, Professor of Eccles. Hist, in the Theol. Seminary at Prince-town 1813—49. — A. L. S. to J. Emerson, Be- FllEDEUIK MÜLLEK amp; C., MEXICO — MILLER. |
verly, Massachus. dat. N. Y. May 14, 1810. 1 p, 40- „ , . 1.50 He refuses to put his natne to a recoinmamlation of one of E.\'s works. 2130 Miller, S, A. L. S., to Rev. Dr. Griffin, isoston, dat. N. Y. July SO, 1813. 1 p. 4quot;, 1.60 On his appointment to a Professorship at P.-iu-e(jtown, and on Griflin\'s quot;locturamp;squot;, 2131 - A, L. S. to President Day, New-lTavcn, dat. Philadelphia, May, 23, 1823. i p. 4°. 1 50 2132 Millet \'Pierre) [do la Comp. do Jésus] Relation do sa captivity parvni les Onnoiouls cn 1690—91. Nouvelle-York, Pn^se Cramolsii d, J. M. Shea, 1846. bds. 8vo. 5._ Printed in 100 copies only. — This copy bears N0. 86 and the editor\'s signature. — The original MS. was found by Mr. H. C. Murphy, Ambassador of the United States at the Hague. The author was Missionary in Canada. 2133 Miniscalchi-Ei izzo (Franc.) Le scopcrte artiche narrate. Venezia, 1855. 043 pp. cloth, uncut. 8vo. 4.50 Excellent work containing a succinct history of the Arctic discoveries. -- The four maps wanting. 2134 „Ministerial purgatioiuS, or State griping»:\' — English caricature: George III and live other figures, amongst which the Devil, attacked by colic; George says: „the people I /uwe taxed, etc.quot; No name of engrav. 1780. sq. fol. 2.50 2135 Minnesota as a home for immigrants. — Annual Message of Governor Miller. — Keport of the State Geologist //. 11. Eamts. (Engl, and Ucr-raan.) St. Paul, 1865- 60. - G. Hewitt anil Sehe-vichaoen, on Minnesota, for emigrants and colonists (in Dutch.) 1868,72. - Together 8 parts. Svo. 2 50 2136 Mint (First) coined at Utrecht for the Dutch W. I. possessions in America. 1793. — 8 Copies of both sides of 4 coins, stamped in hant-relief on paper. — Rare, ;j, _ 2137 Miquel (F. A. Q-.) Stirpes Suriuamenses selectae. Lugd. Bat. 1850. HrUh 65 plates. 4to. (16.—) 10.50 2138 —- Artocarpeao and Piperaeeae of the Isthmus ot Panama. (Ueprint. from Seeman\'s liotany of the Voyage of H. M. S. Herald.) 1850? imp. 4t0- 1.25 2139 Miraeus (Aub.) Politiae ecclcslasticae, s. Status religion Is Christianae per Knrop , Asiam, Africam et Orbem Novum. Lugd. 1620. vellum. 12mo. 450 Ijib. IV, Orbis Novus pp. 313—-348, cont. a. o. a list of the Collegia Sue. Jesu in India Occid. and Brasilia. 214 0--The same; without binding, stamp on the title, a little damaged. 2.— 2141 Miscellany (Historical) of the enriosities and rarities in nature and art, ... in every part |
123 of the habitable world. Lond. (about. 1790). 5 vols-/if. calf. 8vo. io.__ Very interesting colleetion of curious and remarkable notices, published lirst in 81 Nos. The following relate to Ameriea: Story of (ieneral Putnam and the Wolf; I)e£Cri|itio» of the yellow fever, and mode of cure; Description of Hudson\'s Bay; Franklin\'s Remarks ou the Savages of North America; Description of St. Domingo; bread full hurricane at Halifax in America; Customs and manners of the Indians eastward of the Mississippi; Geographical description of New Holland; description oftheAme-can Islands; Present state of printina; and bookselling in America; Description of American whitewashing ; American discoveries; Earthquake at Pern la 1797 ; etc. 2142 Mission dor evungetischen liriider iu Grön-land. Gnadau, 1831. bds. 8vo. 1.80 2143 Missisippi (The Courte of the), vith plan of New-Orleans. (Amst., Is. Tirion. 17G5.; Colour. map. sq. fol. 45 by 34. 1.50 2144 Missive (Copio van de), ghesehr. by den Gen. Weerdenburch, noo-,). de veroveringhe van Olinda de Fernambuco. s (jravenh. 1630. 4tc. (Asher Nquot;. 139.) o._ {Copy of the hll. r written by Oen. lieerden-burch on the conqn st of Olinda de Pernambuco.) The first aecouut, very scarce. — A reprint: quot;Utrecht, 1630quot; is mcnlioned by Asher Kquot;. 140. 2145 Missive van de Bewinthebberen der West-Ind. Compagnie ter Caiuere van Amsterdam, 10 duly 1664, aen de ... Staten Generael d. Vereen. Ncderl. Neffens een Extract uyt den brief van Matth. Pecks, Vice-Directenr op \'t Kyland Curasao ... 12 Marty 1661, raeckendo de Eng. Capers, onde haer Commission in de West-lndien. Gouda, 1664. 4°. (Asher N0. 323.) 4.— {Letter of the Directors of the W. I. Comp., Chamber of Amsterdam, 10 July 1664, to the States General of the United Netherlands. With an Eu-lract from the letter of Matth. Becks, vice Director on the Island of Curafao ... 12 March 1664, on the Enylish Cruisers and their Commission in the West-Indies.) 2146 Missive van Bewindhebberen der West-Ind. Comp., met een deductie door J. de Graait\', Commandeur van St. Eustatius, ten opzigte van de klagten door het Hof van Engeland tegens hem, als hetgeen geduurende zijn Commando is verrlgt. 1779. 334 pp. lol. 4._ {Letter of the Directors of the II\'. I. Comp., with a justification bii J. de Graaf, Governor of St. Kus!atius, against the complaints of England, with an account of lohut happened during his governorship.) On the English complaints concerning the favours shown by the Governor of St. Eustatius to the North-Americans. 2147 Mistivo van de Staten van Hollandt aen do MILLER - MISSIVE. |
124 Bewinthebb. van de W. Ind. Comp. (20 001.1073. (With otlicr pieces concern, the same,) 4to. rf. (Letter of the States General to the Directors of the II\'. 1. Comp.) \'\'147* Missive .. ■ boe vecl do Vereen. Nederl. ge-Icen is aen do O.-en W. - Indische navigatie ; mitsgaders \'t profyt dat men v. de O.-l. O. go-duyronde 24 iaren daer uyt getrocken heeft, l-n met fondament: redenen wert bewesen dat door de Geoct. W.-l. navigatie meer voordeel voor de Particip., met meer dienste voor do Nederl. 1 roy., Brooter schade en afbreuck voor d. Con. v. bp. z\\] te verwachten. Arnhem, 1621. 4to. (Aalier. (Lrtter ... of how much inporlance it ts Jor the Vn. Prov. to preserve the E. and W.-I. Naviy., ioqether with the profits derived from the b.-L-(j. d\'urinq 34 years, and in which is demonstrated with uncontrovertible proofs that by the Chartered If.-hidia-Comp. more, profit for the shareholders, more service for the Netherl. Provinces, and greater damage for the King of Spain may be expected.) 2148 Missouri. Geographisch-statlstische und histor. Charte. Weimar, 1826. sq. lol. 43 by 37. — Cohu- T6(l\' \' 2149 - Missouri und Oregon. Geograph. statist. und histor. Charte. Weimar, 1828. sq. lol. 54 by 40, — Coloured. *; 2150 Mitchell (T. li.) Journal of an expedition into the interior of tropical Australia, in search oi a route from Sydney to the gulf of Carpentaria. Lond. 1848. woodcuts, 13 plates and 7 maps^ cloth. 8vo. , 2151 Mitchell s reference and distance map ot the United States, by J. II. Young. Philadelphia, Mitchell amp; Hinman. 1836, 107 by 130. - Coloured. On cloth, with black wooden rolls. »•— With special maps of the vicinities of Albany. Haiti-more, Washington, Cincinnati, Charleston, New-Or-leans. Boston, New-York and Philadelphia. — With the accompainment to Mitchell\'s map. 342 pp. hf. calf. 8°. 2152 Mitchell (L. S.) Catalogue of the organic remains and other geolog. articles contained in the collection presented to the New-York Lyceum of Natural History. N.-Y. 182G. 8vo. 2153 Mocquet (Jean) Voyages en Afrique. Asie, Indes-Oriont. et Occidentales. llouen. J- Calll°quot;*\' 1655. plates, calf. 8vo. . ö-™ Contains the voyage of the author in Guiana and tho province of Cum an a. 215 4__Keysen in Afrique, Asieu, Oost- en West- Indien. Dordrecht, 1656. Engraving», 4to. 4.— {Voyages in Africa, Asia, the East- and West-Indies. Transl. from the Vrench.) The 2(1 book (p. 13-46) contains the aceount of the West-Indies, Hie Amazon, the land of the Caripouses, etc. 0155 _ De grote nieuw-bereisde werelt, begrijp. quot; zes reizen na Lybicn, de stroom der Amazonen, |
Kariponzen en Karibanen, enz. 2de druk. Leeuward. 1717. With engrav. 4to. 3.— Second edition of the «Reyzen.\' 2156 Modera (J.) Verhaal van ecne reize naar de Zuid-Westkust van Nieuw-Giünea. Haarlem, 1830. sd., map. (8vo.) 1\'—. {Journal of ct voyage to the South\'rr est coast of New-Guinea.) 2157 Mohawk. — Ne Kaghyadonghsera ne Isaiah. (Isaiah in Mohawk.) New-York, 1839. 8vo. 1.75 2158 Mol, W., Van diversse Eylanden, hoe die zich opdoemen: India, het Zuydland America, d\'West-lndion, Europa. (Of divers Islands, how thexj appear: India, America, the If, Indies, Europa.) Manuscript, written 1690—1696. 125 pp. vellum. fol. Diary of a Dutch Sea-captain\'s voyages, 1690— 1696, containing many delineations of coasts, and ample accounts of all he heard and saw in the regions he visited. — Three closely written pages treat on New-Nethertand, giving a description of the customs, the religion, etc, of the inhabitants and some particularities on the beavers, the bears and other animals. — 1 p. treats on Cuba, 38 pp. on China and Japan, 8 on the Empire of the Mogol, etc. 2159 Molina (J. Ign.), Compendio de la hiatoria geograflca, natural y civil del reyno de Chile. Escrito en Ital., traduc. en Espanol por D. J. de Arquellade Mendoza. Madrid, 1788—95. 2 vols. 3 maps. sd. uncut, sm. 4to. 16. Fine copy of an esteemed translation. 2160 Moll (G.) Verhandeling over eenige vroegere zeetogten der Nederlanders. Amsterd., 1825. 8vo. 1.50 (Treatise of some early voyages of the Dutch.) With very interesting particulars on the voyages of liinschoten. Houtman, Plancius. Roggeveen etc., mostly from a mathematical and astronomical point of view. 2161 Mollion (G.) Voyage dans la Rcpublique de Columbia en 1823. 2e édit. Paris, 1825. 2 vols. hf. calf, map and plates. 8vo. 2. 21(52--Reis door de Republiek van Columbia, in 1823. Uit h. Franseh. Dordr. 1825. 2 vols. sd. plates. 8vo. Dutch translation of the preceding work. 2163 Monatsbenchte liber die Verhandlingen dor Gesellschaft fiir Erdkunde zu Berlin. Berlin, 1840— 185.3. Jahrg. 1—14 in 7 vols. Many maps. hf. calf. Squot;. (vol. 3 and 4 in parts.) (50.—) 17.50 MISSIVE - MONATSBERICHTE. One of the best periodicals on Geography, containing many interesting contributions tc physical, mathematical, political and historical Geography, by Dove, Ehrenberg, Erman, Madler, Riti\'er, Zeune, v. Each, Klöden, and others, especially on America, Australia and the most distant parts of the world. ÏBEDERIK MoM.ER amp; 0°., |
MORBIS varen naer Uresilicn] Copye van \'t Journael ... hoe couragieus sy bun gedragen hebben tegen elf ünynkerksche Fregatten. Anist. 1640. 4to. (Asher ISquot;. 152.) {Journal of G. Moris, merchant on the West-India ship the Princess, which sailed out for Bra-sil ... how courageously they acted against eleven Dunkirk frigates.) 2180 Morris. — Memorial du Gouverneur Morris, Ministre des Etats-Unls en France de 1792—94; avec dea details nouveaux sur la revolution d\'Anié-riquo et Phistoire polit. des Etats-Unis. Trad, de l\'Angl. de J. Sparks par A. Gandais. Paris, 1842. 2 vols. hf. calf. 8vo. 3.60 2181 Morse, Jed., eminent Clergyman and Geographer, „the Father of Arner. Geography.quot; — A. S. L. to Sam. M. Hopkins, dat. Charlestovvn, Sept. 30, 1801. 3 pp. 4». 2.60 Interesting letter on his Universal Geography, i and a plan of some foreigners to undenniuo Ids | look: «a Jacobinic work.quot; 2182 - A. L. S. to Messrs Webster and Skinner, booksellers, Albany, dat. Charlostown, Febr. 8, 1819. 2 pp. 4». 2 — Suggesting a new method of publishing his works. 2183 - A. L. S. to Kev. E. S. Stowe, Long- meadow, dat. Charlestovvn, Oct. 10, 1811. 1 p. 40. 1.50 2184 Mortimer (G-.) Waarneem, en aanmerk, ge-duur. eene roi/.e naar Teneriffe, Van Diemensland, Sandwieh-Eiland, de Noord-West-Kust van Amerika, enz. onder bevel van J. H. Cox. Uit h. Eng. vert. Lcyd. 1793. 8vo. 2.— {Observations and notices made during a voyage to Teneriffe, AVn Diemensland, the Sandwich-Islands, the North- lfrest-Coast of America, etc. under the command of J. II. Cox. Transl. from the Engl.) 2185 Mosos b. Mendel, of Franckfort. Ample History of the discovery of America {in Hebrew) Altona, 1807. 175 pp. hf. calf. 8vo. 5.— Very rare volume, printed in Hebrew types. 2186 Mosquera (P. C. de) Schets van de natuurl. en staatkund. aardrUksbcsehryving van Nieuw Grenada. Uit h. Eng. AmsterJ. 1856. sd. map. Svo. 1-— (Sketch of the physical and political Geography of New Grenada. From the Engl.) 2187 Mosquito-Shore. — Bericht Uber die im Aultrago d. Prinz Carl v. Preussen u. d. Filraten v. Schoenburg-Waldenbt.rg bewirkte Untersuchung d. Mosquitolandes, erstattet von der dazu ernann-ten Commission (Fellechner, Midler, Hesse.) Berlin. 181G. 8 mops and 3 plates, bds. roy. 8vo. 1.80 2188 Motiven, die d\'E. Officieren in Consideratie ghenomen hebben, om met do Portugesen in ac-eoord te treden. 23 Jan. 1654. 4to. Not in Asher\'s Essay. 3.— {Motives which the Officers (on the Kecifie in 120 |
MULLER. Brazil) have taken into consideration, in order to make an agreement with the Portuguese.) 2189 Motiven die de Officiers der militie en de Hooge-Raden in Brasil hebben bewoogen, met do Portngeesen te contracteoren (22 Maert) 1654. 4to. (Asher Nquot;. 283 ) 2,— {Motives which induced the Officers of the Militia and the High-Councellors in Brazil to treat with the Portuguese.) 2190 Motley (J. L.quot;. Causes of the American civil war. N. York. 1861. 8vo. —••r\'0 2191 - The same. Loud. 1861. 8vo. —.50 2192 Muhlenberg (G. II. E.) distingnished Botanist of Pennsylvania, author of the Catalogus Plantarum Am eric. Sept. 1813. — A List ol Ar-bures desideratae. 1 p. 12°. 1.50 2193 Mühlenpfordt (Ed.) Versuch einergetreuen Schildernng der Eepnblik Meyico, besond. in Be-ziehung auf Geographic, Ethnographio u. Statis-tik. Hannover, 1841. 2 vols. hf. calf. 8vo. (8.50) 3. - 2191 Muller (A. P.), geb. Westertnan. De admiraal Piet Hein te Delftshaven. Amsterd., 1832. portr. 8vo. Thick paper. 1.— {The admiral Piet Hein at Delftshaven. Druma.) 2195 Muller (G. P ) Voyages et dócouvertes faites par les Russes le long des cötcs de la Mer Glaciale et sur l\'Océan Oriental, tant vers le Japon que vers l\'Amcriquo, etc. Trad. do rAllcm. p. C. 6. F. Dnmas. Amst, 1766. 2 vols. sd. uncut, map. sm. Svo. 4.50. 2196 Miiller (J. G.) Geachichte der Amerikani-schon Urreligionen. 2e Anil. Basel, 1867. 706 pp. sd. 8vo. (5.25) 3.— 2197 Müller, J. U., Kurtzbiindige Abbild.- u. Vor-Btellung der gantzen Welt. Ulm, 1692. Spanish calf. 8». 6- — 103 Small maps, with desciiptious in German. 18 ma[)3 represent parts of America, forming thus a complete atlas of that part of the Globe. — Interleaved, with a MS. Chronicle of the years 1757 — 62 written on the leaves opposite to the resp. maps. 2198 - Orbis Terrae cum suis partibus Europa, Asia, Africa et America per tabulas prneaent. Ul-mae, 1692. vellum. 8vo. 3.50 The same 103 maps, with short descriptions in Latin. 2199 Müller, J. W., Einleitnng zur Erkentnisz uud Gebrauch dcr Erd- nnd Himinelskugcln. Neue umgearb. Aufl. Niirnberg. 1801. 2 prts. 1 vol. 10 col. folded plates. Squot;. 2.— 2200 Muller Pz. (S.) Geschiedenis der Naordache Compagnie. 1615—1642. Utrecht, 1874. 435 pp. with map of Spitsbergen, sd. 8vO. 4.50 {History of the Northern Compagny. Prize-essay published by the Sociely for Arts and Sciences al Utrecht.) Historical account of the discoveries and settle- |
incuts of the Dutch in the North, sjjecially ou Spitz-bcrgcn, tlie tlifTcrcDcos witli Kugluud, Denmark autl Swedeu on the navigation to — and the whaleflahing in the North, etc. Mostly written from old, never before consulted documents at the Royal Archives and all the new investigations, it contains a mass of entirely unknown notices, relations of unknown Arctic voyages Irom 1611 to 1628; an nnkuown voyage to New-Netherland, etc. — The book is iudisiien-sable to all who treat in future on Arctic Voyages. 2201 Mundy (G. C.) Wanderungen in Australicn h. Vandieaienslancl. Ucutscli von Fr. Gerstiicker. Leipzig, 1850. sd. 8vo. (2. —) —.75 2202 Munsell (C.) A Collection of Songs ol the American Press, and other poems relating to the Art of Printing, compiled by C. M. Albany, N. Y. 1868. cloth. Bin. 8vo. 7.50 A few copies only printed. — «This little volume has been put in type by a juvenile Typographer, as an exercise in bis professional studies, fur grati-tous circulation among his friends.quot; Note of l/ie author. 2203 Miinster (Seb.) Cosinographoi Oder Bcschrei-bting aller lander, herrschattten etc. Basel, linn-rich Petri. 1553. old calj, claps, 26 maps and mam/ woodcuts, fol. 18.— Miinster\'s Cosmography is one of the most interesting works, us well for the text as for the profusion of curious and spirited woodcuts by which it is illustrated. The first edition is of 1544 (in German), but has not the large views of cities, which were only added in the edition of 1550 and subsequent. The part relating to America fills pp. 1183—93; Von den neüwen insein etc., aud contains a description of the savages, the voyages of Columbus, etc. Among the maps we fiud a special one of the New World and n general map of the world with parts of America, both manifesting a rather rude notion of this part of the globe, 2204 - Cosmographla Universalis. Ibid. 1559. vellum, fol. 15.— This Latin edition differs considerably from the preceding German. The description of America (pp. 1099—1113) is quite different and mure ample, embracing for instance the voyages of Vespucius, Ma-gallanes etc., which are omitted in the preceding; also the woodcuts of this part are partly different. The maps are the same. 2205 —— The same edition, vellum, fol. With title in facsimile by an Amsterdam artist, Mr. A. Gre-venstuk, a fine sample of penmanship. 15.— 2206 Murat (A.) Esquisse morale et polit. des Etats-Uuis de i\'Amériqne du Nord. Paris, 1832. sd. 12mo. 1.— 2207 - Brieven over de zeden en staatkunde der Vereen. Staten. Zalt-Bommel, 1834. 2 vols. 8vo. (4.40) 1.50 {Letters on [he manners and politics of the United States.) |
2208 Muratori, Relation rtes missions du Para-guai. Trad, do I\'ltalien. Louvain. 1822. sd. 8vo. The original edition was published in Venice, 1743. 2209 Murphy (Henry C ) — Proceedings at the dinner given by the citizens of Brooklyn... 5 Aug. 1857 to the Hon. U. C. Murphy, previously to his departure as Minister to the Netherlands. Brooklyn, 1857. cloth, gilt edges. 8vo. 2.50 2210 Musoum Amerioanum. — Collection of Historical, F.thnOgrapliieal and Topographical plates on America, from old Dutcn Voyages, Ue-scriptions of the New-World, cet. - Some 300 engravings, folio, 4° and 8°, all nicely mounted in 2 portfolios of sound old Dutch paper of 1700. Imp. fol. 100,— This collection, arranged in this century, embraces the seta of the plates aud titles of many a rare work, f. i.: Porcacchi, I\'lsole pfn famose dc Moado. Venetia, 1576. — Montanus, America. 1071. — Herrera, Descriptio Indiae Occident. Amst., M. Coign. 1622. (With the rare portr. of Le Maire). — Jieyin en Voortganr/h v. d. Vereen. O. L Cornp. Amst. 1646. 2 vol. (Origin and progress of the United E. I. Company). Very rare. — J. de Laet, Hist, of the (Dutch) \\V. I. Company. Leyden. 1044. — Exquemelin, American pirates. Amst. 1078. (With their portr.) —v(an} d\\en) Biosch), Lives of the Naval Heroes, Amst. 1076. (Withmany portraits; Columbus, de4Uuytcr,Jetc )—S. De Vries, E. and W. Indian Curiosities. Amst. 1082. — Voyages by Reining, 1691, by Hennepin, 1698, Gage, 1700, Melton, 1702, etc. etc. —\'Zorgdrager, Greenlandish Fishery. 1728. — Egede, Description of Greenland and Strait Davis. 1746, etc. etc. — Besides a good number of portraits is inserted. 2211 (Myers (J. Hart) [A. M. Americanus] Dissertatie de diabete. Edinburgi, 1779. sd., uncut. 8vo. Rare. 1.50 2212 Myon (G. F.) Journal of a residence and tour in Mexico, 1826, with some account of the minds in that country. Lend. 1828. 2 vols. hf. calf. 8vo. 1.75 2213 Myritlus (J.) Opusculum geographicum ra-rum, totius eius negotii rationem complectena. lugolstadii, 1590. bds., many woodcuts, maps, portr. and arms of the author etc. fol. Hare. 10.— Pp. 116—120 treat of America; Do Spaguolla, Isabella ct aliis insulis ab Hispanis inventis, Brasilia, Terra ignis, de meridionali parte Africae ab Al-berico Vesputio inventa, etc. — With a folded map of the world wich is often wanting. 2214 Naamlyst ... van alle de Commandeurs, die sedert 1700 op Groenland eu de Straat Davids voor Holland hebben gevaren ..., hoeveel vissen en vaten spek ieder heeft aangebragt. Zaandam, 1753. sd. 4to. 5.— [Alphab. List of all the Commandeurs, who sailed for Holland, since 1700 to Greenland and the MUNDY — NAAMLYST. |
I\'his complete lirat series appeared as appendix to the : «Almanak voor zeeliedenquot; and is ver;/ rare. Vol. V, 1 and VI, 2 were never printed. — These Notices had their continuation in the following Journal; b. Tijdschrift toegewijd aan het Zeewezen, uit-geg. door A. E. Tromp en C. Verveer. Brussel en Anist. 1830— 35. 4 vols. 8vo. — Complete series. 10.— {Journal for maritime affairs.\') o. Verhandelingen en berigten betrekkei. het zeewezen en de zeevaartkunde, uitgeg. door G. A. Tindal en Jac. Swart. Amst., 1840—07. 28 vols. 8vo. (published at fl. 7.20 per year.) 45.— (Memoirs and notices relating to maritime affairs and navigation.) A—C if taken together in one lot. 05.— A perfect complete copy till 1807 of this valuable set. All volumes are illustrated with maps, plates, etc. — Of a special interest is the last series, which contains, besides the account of all relating to maritime affairs in these days, also many histurical articles on the old Dutch voyages, mostly taken from unpublished documents. 2233 - Tijdschrift toegewijd aan het zeewezen, uitgog. door Pitaar en Ohrcf\'n. Mi\'demliük (\'11 Amst. 1841—52. 11 vols. 8vo. 15.— (Journal for ■ maritime affairs.) Very interesting and highly acientilic Journal. 2234 Naval action between 8 large Portuguese ships and 5 Dutch privateers oft\' the Coast of Brazil, 1057. — Old Dutch engraving, sq. 8°. — Dutch text on verso. 1.50 2235 Naval Battles between the English and French ileets, 17 June 1778, 15 and 17 Aug. 1779. — Set of 3 contempor. plates by Le Gouaz. sf). 4°. 3.— 2236 Navarrete (M. Fern, de) Coleccion de los viages y descubrimientos que hicieron por mar los Espanoles desde tiuo del siglo XV, con varios documentos inéditos concernientes a la historia de los cstableciinicntos Espanoles en Indias. Madrid, 1825. Vol. 1. 2. /if. ealf uncut. 4to. 20.— The first two volumes of A\'avarrete\'s collection in original and rare edition of 1825. — They have been reprinted in 1858 and most copies have only this reprint. These volumes contain almost exclusively documents relating to Columbus, all taken from the original sources and inedited MSS. 2237 Navigator (The), containing directions for navigating the Monongaheln, Allegheny, Ohio, and Mississippi rivers, with a description of their towns, villages, harbors, etc. With maps and an account of Louisiana, etc. 10th edit. Pittsburgh, 18J8. hf. calf. sin. 8vo. 2.— 2238 Naylor. — De grootn bedrieger ondersocht, ofte leven ... van Jam. Naylor, de Quaker, met de wijse van sün inrydingh binnen Bristol. Na de copye van Londen, gedr. voor Henry Brome, 1057. 4to. Vncut. 3.— |
(The great impostor examined, or life ... of J. Naylor, the Quaker, with the manner of his entry into Bristol.) 2239 Naylor. Liefde tot de verloorene, ende een handt uitgestreckt tot liulpeloose... Gcdr. in \'tjaer 1009. 4to. Vncut. 3.— (Love to the lost, and a hand tended to the helpless.) 2240 Neal (Dan.) Lotgevallen der Protestanten in Engelandt en Schotiandt. (1530--1089.) Uit het Eng. Rotterdam. 1752—54. 3 vols. hf. calf, uncut. Fine engraved frontisp. 4to. 5.50 Dutch translation of I). Neal\'s History of the English Puritans, or Protestant Non-Conformists, and IV. Crookshiink, History of lh°. Church of Scotland. 2241 van Necks Voyage. — The original Patent, (in Portuguese) authorising th.^ famous Dutch Navigator Jacob van Neck to go on his renowned expedition to the East-Indies, 1 March 1598. — The document bears the Autograph Signature of the Stadtholder Prince Maurits of Nassau.— Splendid MS. on vellum, with gilt capitals and the seal of Maurice in wax attached with a blue silk ribbon. 100.— Highly interesting document, containing the motives of the expedition, the warrant given to van Neck, etc. He is appointed Admiral of six ships, his fleet actually numbering eight. — A translation in Dutch, in old handwriting is appended. 2242 --Journael ofte Daghregister, inhoud, eon waerachtigh verhael en Histor. vertellinghe v. de reyse, ghedaen door de acht schepen v. Amsterdam onder \'t beleydt van Jacob Corn. Neck als Admirael en Wybr. v. Warwyck als Vicc-Adm., v. Amst. ghescylt 1 Maert 1598, cnz. Midtsg. sekere afbeeld. Amst., Corn. no date (1000.) sq. 4to. (Tiele N0. 123.) 35.— (Journal or Diary, containing a true relation and historical nnrrotive of the vogage made hj 8 ships \\rom Amst., under command of J. C. v. Neck as Admiral and IV. v. IVaiwgck as llear-Adm., leaving Amst. 1 March 1598, etc. IVith some plates.) First edition, with the original plates.— Very rare. De 13ry have given (Pet. Voy. IV) the abridgement of a translation of this journal, and in part V the whole journal, but founded on a German version, and even in the last edition are considerable gaps. The plates in pt. IV are quite imaginary; the 25 pi. of pt. V are copies after those of the following edition. 2*248 - Het tweede Boeck. — Journael oit Daghregister ete. {as in the preceding iiile.) Met 18 co-peren platen met hare besehryv. daerby, en een vocabulaer v. hare woorden. — {Engraving representing the king of 72 islands of the Moluccas.) Men vintse te coop by Bar. Laugh ones, Jioeckver-cooper tot Middelburch, 1C01. |
of ships; 13 plates showing the flags of all uations, nicely coloured and illuminated; and 33 charts, 11 of which of America, «dressées sur les relations les plus nouvelles du Sieur S{anson)quot; amongst which the Engl, possessions in America with separate plan of the liustou harbour, Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania, Carolina (3 charts), etc. 2259 Noufville (J. de) Do lis, quae ad tollendura scrvorum Afrorum cómmercium inde a Congrossu Vionnensi, inter populos gesta sunt. Amst. 1840. 130 pp. sd. 8vo. 1 .— 2200 - The same, bound up with Nquot;. 2252 Ne- dermeyer v. UosetUhul. 1810, — and C. A. de (■hau-fepié, do servltuto in coloniis Americania tollouda. Amst. 1799. 1 vol. /if. calf. 8vo. 2.— 2261 New-England. — L\'Uuion de 1\'Kglise et de I\'Etat dans la Nouv. Angleterre. Par un Amé-ricain. Paris, 1837. — L. Dussund, Essal de poésie chrétienne. Valence, 1836. — Geo. Hurder, 12 Sermons to the aged. — Life ol J. Newton, C. F. Swurtz, Lcighton. N. York. 1830. — H. V. Elliott, Sermon on the death of the Kev. 11. Moert-lock. Load. 1837. etc. — 8 pieces in 1. /i/\'. calf. 8vo. 3.50 2262 Newfound-Land. — Waerschonwinge ende Ordonnantie, raeckende de Terreneuf-Vaerders uyt dese landen, \'s Grav. 1657. 1 jot. sheet, uncut, verso blank. •\' 2.—- {Edict relat. to the vessels going to Terre-Neuf.) 2263 --New-Foundland, Cape Breton, etc. — Map engrav. for the Universal Museum. (Load. 1760?) sq. 4°. 21 by 19. 1.— 2264 New-Ilampshire, by I). F. Sotzmann. Hamburg. 1796. lol. 45 by 07. — Coloured map. 1.50 2265 New-Nethorland. — Beschrjjvinghe van Virginia, Nieuw-Nederlandt, Nieuw-Engelaiult, en el\' eylanden Il(!rtnudes, Barbados en S. Christoffel. Anisterd., J. Rartgers, 1651. with engravings, (no map), bds. 4to. 140.— {Description of Virginia, New-Ne!herland, New-England and the Islands of Bermuda, Barhadoes and S. Christoffel.) One of (he must interesting, rarest mi first books on New Netherland, containing the first view oj Nieuw Amsterdam (New-York). — See ou it at large ; Asher, Bibliogr. Essay n0. 6. i\'ino copy, though the tirst leave» are slightly stained by water. — Copy without the map (the same as in van der Donck), wich belongs, properly said, not to this work, but according to Mr. Asher, was joined to some of the copies after the publication, and is not mentioned in the text of the book. 2266 - The map of Virginia, New-Nctherland, New-England, often found in the preceding work as belonging to it. — Eine reproduction in photoli-thography, on old paper, sq. 4to. 10.— 2267 - Kort Verhael van Nieuw-Nederlandt gelegouheit, dcughden, natueriyke voorrcobten en byzondere bequaemheidt tor bevolkingh. Mitsga- |
ders eenige requesten, vertoogen, enz. No place nor publisher\'s name^ but probably: Amst. 1662. bds. 4to. (Asher N0. 13.) 1.— {A short account of New-NeiherlancTs situation, virtues, natural privileges and -peculiar fitenss for population, — With some requests, entreaties, etc.) This book is written by M. V. Z. H., in behalf of some persons (probably Mennonites) imploring his assistance. It is one of the most interesting and of the scarcest of all books on New-Netherland. 2208 Wew-Nethorland. — Kort en bondigh Verhael van \'t geene in den oorlogh tusschen den Koningh van Engelant, de ... Vereen. Nederl. en den Bisschop van Munster is voorgevallen van 1664-67. Amsterd., M. IK. Doornick, 1667. 2 plates and many engravings in the text. 4to. 256 pp. (Asher N0. 354.) Very fine copy, entirely uucut. 32.50 {Brief and concise account of what has happened during the war between the King of England, the United Netherlands and the Bishop of Munster.) Rare. — This work may be considered as the most complete and most authentic contemporary account existing of the fatal war between Holland and England, the consequence of which was tholiLal loss of New-Netherland by the treaty of Breda, 1667. It contains several pieces of special interest to America. 2269 - Rooseboom (Gr.) Reeueil van verscheyde Keuren en Costumen van Amsterdam. 2e druck. Amst. 1656. old Russia gilt. 4to. (a few wormholes.) 8.— {Ordinances and Costumes of Amsterdam.) The interest of this work for the American history lies in the gilt coat of arms, on both sides of the binding. It represents a circle, in tho upper part of which the arms of Amsterdam: beneath them two SS entreclaced, and 2 other arms, one of a ship; between them an Indian. — Two Indians with bow and arrow, arc standing on the sides of the cercle, with the subscription : Justitia. Pietas. Fides. It might appear (by the 2 SS) to have been arms for the Dutch colony of Surinam, but this commenced only about 1683, and had other arms. — It is more probable that these laws for Amsterdam, were bound for and adorned with the arms of some place in New-Netherland. 2270 - Map annexed to the memorial presented to the States General of the United Provinces, on the 18th of August 1616, by Gfrrit Jacobsz. Witsen, cum sociisj Directors of New Netherland, Copied in fac-siniile from the original in the National Archives at tho Hague. VhromolUh, by E. Spanier. (1850?) fol. 65 by 45. 15.— This map and that by Kleynties arc the first of New-Netherland. See Asher s List xV0. 1 and Oquot;1 Cat-lag hau y Documents pp. 11, 13, where both maps are inserted, but not in Chromolith, — Unique copy, unfolded, and separately printed. NKÜFVILLE — NEW-NETHKRLAND. |
which are parcelled and numbered, the names of the owners; f. i.: Kelly, 2000 Acres, Steuben, Willet, Woodhull, Adgate, Lansing, Cnrtenius. etc. etc 2288 New-York, State. — Map of Morris\'s Purchase or Wpst-Gonnesee, exhibiting part of the Lakes Erie and Ontario, the Straights of Niagara, Chautauque Lake, etc. ... several tracts of land purchased by the Holland Land Company, W. amp; J. Willink, a. o. — laid down by J. amp; Jl. Ellicott. 1800. fol. 66 by 52. — Very rare, 25.— Same map as described in N0. 1214 but a later and much more interesting edition. The parts bordering the Lakes Erie and Ontario, which are stil! blank in the first edition, are here tilled up. We call especially attention for another purchase of laud, delineated here, viz.: that of S. Slerret\'s Tract, 175000 Acres, of the East boundary ol Genuesee tract. On this part, i\\S. letters occur, corresponding with a Manuscript list (ou the right margin), of the subscribers\' names and the number of acres, allotted to each, — evidently made up by one of the Dutch subscribers. 2289 --The same, with part of the adjacent states, by J. Heddy. New-York, J. E. Astbnrn and C. 1818. 98 by 110. coloured, pasted on cloth and folded in 8vo. 1.50 2290 New-York.— Canals (Public document vela-ting to the), — which are to connect the Western and Northern Lakes, with the Atlantic Ocean: with an introduction. New-York, 1821. bds. 481 pp. and large map. 8vO. 5.— 2291 - Reports of the Comptroller. Valuation of real and personal estate in the several cities and counties. — Statistics ascertained by the census of 1810. — On the several funds. — On the expenditures on the canals, etc. 1840. Albany, 1841. 7 parts. 8vo. 1.50 2292 -- Collection of the New York Historical Society. Publication Fund Series. New York, 1868—72. 5 vols, cloth. Vncul. roy. 8vo. — All yet published. 100.— Printed for the Subscribers to the Fund, and not for sale. The N. Y. Historical Society has established a Fund for the regular publication of its transactions and collections on American history. To effect its object, the Society proposed to issue one thousand scrip shares of 25 dollars each. Each share is transferable ou the books of the Fund, in the hands of the Treasures, and entitles the holder, his heirs, administrators or assigns, to receive: i. Interest. — Until the Fund was complete, or sufficient, in the opinion of the Trustees, to enable the publications to commence without impairing the priucipal thereof, interest ou the par value of his share or shares at the rate of live per cent per annum. II. Publications. — One copy of each and every publication made at the expense of the fund, amounting to not less than one octavo volume of 500 pages per annum. |
The number of copics of these publications is strictly limited to 1250 oquot; which the Society receives for corresponding societies and exchanges for the increase of the Library, 250 copics — but no copies are offered for sale or disposition in any other manner by the Society. Subscribers copy of the kite Mr. S. Alofsen of New-York Esq. These volumes contain among others the following papers: Continuation of Chalmers Political Annals.— The Coldeu letters on Smith\'s History, 1759—60.— Documents relating to the admislration of Leisier, 1GS9—1714. — The Clarendon Papers, 1660—67.— Tracts relating to N. York. — Territorial rights of New York; the New Hampshire Grants, etc. — The Lee Papers 1754—1778, etc. 2293 New-York.— Account of the Banquet, given by the Saint Nicholas Society of the city of N. Y., on the occasion of the visit of the Netherlands Frigate „Prins van Oranjequot;. New York, 1852. 8vo. 1.75 Printed for the Society only. 2294 New-Orleans. — Plan of the city. Engrav. by It. limniny. sq. 4°. — For the London Maya-vine. (1775?) 1,50 2290 - Bird\'s eye view. Coloured lithogr. by C. Matter. (1855?) Ig. sq. fol. 2.— 2296 Newzeit wie vnnsers allergnadigistn hern des Romischn vnd hyspaenischn Konigs lent Ain Cost-liche Newe Lanndschafft habn gefundn. 120.— (News how the men of our most gracious Sovereign King of Rome and Spain have found a most costly new country?) Precious Manuscript, with the date of 1520. 6 leaves (two blank,) fol. — It contains the following pieces: I. Nachstends ist Copia ains briefs so ain die-ner seinen herrn aus dem Neugefunden Landt gênant iucatan gcaant hat... vnd der so disen brief schreibt ist in geselschaft ains lliters gefaren mit namen fernan cortes. (The following is the copy of a letter milten by a servant to his master from the new found land Iucatan, — and he that writes this letter has sailed in company of a nobleman, called Fernan Cortes.) II. Hernach folgtt Copia ains briefs aus Sibilia ... so dem iohan dela pena gen borges Gesebribcn. (Here follows the copij of a letter from Sevilla, written to John de la Vena in Burgos ) III. Nachfolgtt kopia ains briefs aus Scuiila... hat diego dicharo diener mit namen diego dienz den geucato y almacon gen Borges geschriben. (Follows copy of a letter from Sevilla, written by Diego Dicharo\'s servant, whose name is Diego Dienz to Geucato y Almacon in Burgas.) These 3 letters relate to the expedition of Cortes to Yucatan, which is treated by Peter Martyr in his »l)e insulis nuper repertis.quot; (See Grynaeus, Novus Orbis. N0. 1301 — 10.) — They are full of details of |
the marvellous riches uucl other wonderful thiugs in this new discovered land and contain many carious and interesting particulars. Ilarrisse cites only one German publication on this expedition (N0. 105 of his Bikliotheca Vetust.) adding, that it is apparently taken from Peter Martyr. As the present MS. is very different from this author\'s account, and most certainly never has been printed, I have made an edition of it, reproducing the text of the original MS. in old letters of tho 15th century, wilh a translation in modern German and French, printed in Italics (the original type made about 15B5 by the celebrated A. Tavernier.) Only 30 numbered copies printed, all on old paper, by J. Enschede and Son at Haarlem, Price 10 flor. 2297 Neue Welt. — a. Hier. Bentzon. Ersto Theil der Ncwcn Welt vnd Indianischen Nidcr-gangischen Konigreiehs Newe vnd Wulirliafl\'te History... — b. Potrus Martyr. Ander Theil der Newen Welt... darinn alle Namiiihaffto Thaten u. Geschichten... — c. Lovinus Apolonius. Dritte Theil dor Newen Welt des Peruuischen Königsreiehs, wie dassolbig crfunden, vnd was fiir schroekliche Krieg... verlnffen. Item von der Frantzosen Schitifartli in die Landtaehaft Floridam vnd jhrer schröckllclien Niderlag im Jar 1505. — Erst jetzt anss dem Latein. vertcntsehet durcli Nicol. Honiger von Tauher Kiinigshofen. (At tlio end:) Getnickt zu Basel dureh llenricpetri 1583. Stamped vellum, fine old bindinq with the letters I. M. V. F. and the date 15UÜ, stamped in gold. fol. Very fine copy. 45.— The first and second part (a and b) of this collection are numbered I—DLll, exclus. thetillesand Indices of each (20 and 24 pp.); the 3d part has n separate pagination I—CCCCVI, exclus. the title and 10 pp. for the preface and index. — The first part has at the end the date 1B81, the 2d part 1582. — Part a has been published before with dote 1579 by the same Hepricpetri and is much less rare than the two others; complete copies, as this, are Indeed very rare. — The pp. 320—28 of Levinus are occupied by a largo view of Cuseo in woodcut. 2298 Neyn (P. de) Lusthof der Huwelyken, be-helsende do ceremonien zoo in Asia, Europa, Africa en America in gebruik zijn, eto. Amsterd., 1681. vellum, plates. 8vo. 4.— (The pleasant matrimonial garden, containing the ceremonies of the peoples of Asia, Europa, A/riva and America.) Pp. 230—265 treat of the American tribes; Apa-lachites, Brazilians, Inhabitants of Guiana, Florida, lugas, New-Netherland, New-France, Virginia, etc. With 8 plates, 2 of which relate to America. In the same volume of the same author: Vrolijke uuren of Mengeldichten. {Pleasant hours or Miscellaneous poems.) Amst. 1681. 8vo. 2299 - The same. Amaterd. 1730. vellum, plates. 8vo. 3.— |
2300 Nicholas (J. L.) Reia naav Nieuw-Zecland, in 1814 en 15, in gezelsehap met S. Marsden. Uit h. Eng. vert. Kotterd. 1819. 2 vols. /»/\'. cf. 8vo. 1.50 [Voyage lo New-Zealand, in company with the Rev. S. Marsden.) 2301 Nicolai (El.) Neue and warhaffte Kelation, von deme was sich ... in den West- und Ost-Indien, von der Zeit an zngetragen, dasz sich die Navigationes der Holl. und Engelliind. Compag-nien daselbsthin angefangen ... Sambt einer newen Description d. Erdtbodems, in welchem die rechten beschaffenheit d. Septentrional Landt. ... Alles aus Castiglian. u. Portug. relationen collig. MUnchen, 1619. map, pp. 1—128. 4to. — (pp 129 to the end wanting.) 6.— Very scarce and highly interesting treatise, relating many circumstances now entirely lost. 2302 Nicoselli (Ant.) Compendio della vita del Beato Toribio Alfonso Mogrosesio, Arcivescovo di Lima. (ob. 1606, aet. 68, Pontif. 25.) Raecolta da processi fatta per la di lui beatiticat. e eanoniaa-tione. lloma, 1679. 213 pp., engraved portr. vellum. 4to. — Very rare. 16.— 2303 Nieuhof (Joh.) Gedenkweerdige Brasiliaense Zee- en Lant-Reize, benefl\'ens een beschrijving van gantsch Neerlants Brasil. Amst., 1682. — The same. Zee- en Lant-Keize door verscheyde gewesten van Oostindien. Ibid. 1G82. — 1 vol. calf. fol. 7.50 {Memorable Brazilian voyage by sea and by land, with a description of Dutch Brazil. — Voyage through various parts of East-India?) With the fine engraved portrait of the author, 49 large plates and numerous smaller engravings in the text. The author lived 9 years (1640—49) in Brazil in the service of the Dutch West-lndia-Comp. After the loss of Brazil he entered the service of the East-lndia-Comp. and remained from 1655—71 in Ceylon and Batavia. His account of Brazil contains many precioiis documents. — The 2d work eonlaius also a small poem of Jacob Sleendam, the first poet of New-Netherland «Op de stad Bataviaquot; dated; quot;Batavia den 21 van Wijnmaand 1670.quot; 2301 Nieuwe In-teykeninge ende verhoog, d. Capitalen v. d. West-lnd. (\'omp. (1636.) 1 fol. sheet. — Nol in Asher\'s Essay. 2.— {New inscription and increase of the capitals of the tV.-hid.-i\'omp.) 2305 Noël (S. R. J.) Histoire génerale des péehes anciennes et modernes dans les niers et les fleu-ves des 2 continens. Paris, 1815. Vol. I. {no more published.) bds. roy. 4to. 3.— 2306 Nomsz (J.) Cora, of de Peruanen. Treurspel. Atnst. 1784. plate. 8vo. Large paper, uncut. 1.80 {Cara, or the Peruvians. Tragedy) 2307 --Bartholemcus las Casas. Treurspel. Amst. 1785. plate. 8vo. Large paper, uncut. 1.80 {liarthol. las Casas. Tragedy.) 2308 Noordsche Lauden (Beschryv. v. de) die |
and 1815; with some accounts of the countries visited. 2d edit. Loud. 1820. hds. 8vo. 1.75 2323 North-East-passage. 15S)6. -- One of Heems-kerck\'s boats, attacked by seals. — The Dutch in Nova Zembia. 4 figg, on one sheet. — Fine etchings by Jan Luyken. 2 sheets, sq. fol. 3.— 2324 - Same engravings. Later impressions. 2.— 2325 Northern-Seas between Europe and America, including the American coast (New-foundland, Labrador and Greenland), by A. Arrowsmilh. London. 1808. 4 sh. large fol. Each 100 by 64. 4.— One sheet with part of the Bailie wanting;, the part with the American coast complete. 2326 Notice sur l\'état actucl do la mission do la Louisiano. Paris, 1820. 8vo. —.80 2327 Notificatie. Do Bewinthebboren van de Generale Geoct. West-lnd. Compagnie ... maken bekent, dat sy goetgevonden hebben op het Ey-lant Curagao aan te stellen eene openo Mai\'ckt van Zwarte-Slaven, soo wel Pieces d\'Indian als ilanque-rons, voor «elk en een yder die deselve eal willen kopenquot;, etc. Middelburg, 1689. liroudside. fol. 5.— {Notification. Directors of Vie If est-India Com-puny . .. announce that they have resolved to establish at the island of Curafao, a free market of lilack-Slaves, as well Pieces d\' Indias, as Man-querons, for each who will buy them, etc.) OrnciAL notification of the \\V. I. Comp, for public advertisemeat. — Very it are and characteristic. 2328 Nott, El., Amor. Divine and Naturalist, President of Union College, from 1804, upwards of 50 years. — A. L. S. to li. L, Butler, dat. April 28, 1819. 1 p. 4». 1.75 2329 Nova-Scotia, Acadia and New-Foundland, Amst. Aquot;. Visscher. (about 1675). High fol. 47 by 56. — Coloured. 2.50 With the shallows and banks along the cuast. 2330 Nova-Zembla, Strait Waygats and Nassau, Northern coast of the land of the Samoyedes. — Amst. 1657. sq. fol. 51 by 41. — CoteureU. — Dutch text on verso. 3.— Interesting map illustrating the Dutch expedition in search of a Morlh-West-Passage, by Heemskerck and Barendsz. 1596. 2331 Novis Orbis, id est, Navigationes pnmao in Americam, quibus adjunximus Casp. Varrcrii dis-cursuni super Ophyra regione. Koterodaml, J. L. Serewout, 1616. vellum. 8vo. feri/ rare. 18.— »Ce recueil renferme la parlie de Grynaeus, qui se rapporte i\\ rAmerique.quot; lirunet. As all the books of this publisher, this collection is very rare. — Contents; Navigatio Cohmibi, V. I\'inzoni, Am. Vesputii; Petrus Martyr, De iusidis nuper repertis; K. Cortesii narrationes; Nicolaus Herborn., de India convertendis.— The «Ue Ophyra regionequot; is not in onr copy. |
2332 NyenbDrgh (J. v.) Weeekwereken dor gho-denckwaerdigho Historiën, Leerghedichton en Spreucken, enz. Groningen, 1657. vellum, portr. and plates. 4to. 6.— (The Works of the week, in memorable Histories, didactic Poems, etc.) Curious volume, cont. the history of the discovery of New-Netherland. 2333 Nyenburg. — Dagverhaal wegens den opstand en het afloopen van \'t Oost-Indisch Compagnie-schip Nyenburg, Schipper Jac. Ketel naar Batavia godestineerd. Amsterd., (1764.) 4to. Uncut. 2.50 (Journal of the rebellion, which took place on the East-India ship Nyenburg, Capt. Kelel, during the voyage to Batavia.) 2331 Nylant (P.) en J. van Hextor, Hot Schouw-tooneol dor aertscho schepselen; afbeeldende allerhande menschen, beesten, vogelen, etc. Amsterd., 1672. 3 vols in 1. vellum, 160 woodcuts. 4to. Perfectly clean copy. Hare. 6.— {Theatre of the earthly creatures, representing various men, beasts, birds etc.) This curious popular work contains pp. 26—41 the description of the peoples of America; Brazilians, Virginians, Magcllanes, New-Nctherlanders, etc. — with woodcut engravings, 2335 (Obert), Mémoire conten. un aperyu statis-tique do I\'Etat de Guatemala, des ronsoignemonts sur son commerce, son industrie, etc. Brux. 1840. map and pi. sd. 8vo. 1.80 2336 Obreen (J. A.) Do militaire organisatie dor Vereen. Staten, een voorbeeld voor Europa? Delft, 1871. 8vo. —.60 (The military organisation of the ü. S. an example for Europe\'!) 2337 Observations impartiales d\'un vrai Hollan-dois, pour servir do Képonse au Discours d\'un soi-disant bon Hollandois a ses coinpatriotes. Avec la suite. Arnh. 1778, 79. 2 pts. sd. 8vo. 2.50 On the insurrection of the United States. 2338 O Callaghan (E. B.) History of New-Netherland or New-York, under the Dutch. New-York, 1847- 48. 2 vols, cloth, map and portr. of P.Stuy-vesant. 8vo. 15.— 2339 - The Documentary history of the State of New-Vork, arranged under the direction of the Hon. dir. Morgan. Albany, 1849—51. 4 vols. cloth, maps and plates. Cvo. 25.— »A most valuable collection, consisting of MSS. documents connected with the early history of the colony, the Indiau aborigines etc., down to the year 1803, also reprints of rare historical memoirs etcquot;. Printed at the eipenoe of the State. 2340 Ocliffe (Ch.) Scènes Amóricaines; 18 mois dans le Nouveau Monde. 2o edit. augm. Brux. 1853. sd. 8vo. 1.25 2341 Octroy (Hot goamplieerde) van do Oost-lnd. Comp. by de ... Staten Geuerael, tot wechne- FKEDEKIK MUIJ.eb amp; C., N0RÏ1I-EA.ST-PASSAGE — OCTROY. |
miiigo van allo disputen endc questlcn, .. . Midts-gad. oeno corto vorthooninge van de nootsako-llckheyt vando geoctr. West-lnd. Navigatie, by middel vande welcke de vryo Nederl. Kepublique ... tot de hoogste prosperiteyt ... gheraecken, etc. A\'o jtlace. 1023. 4to. (Ashcr N1. 82.) 5.— (The enlarged Charter of ihe East-Ind. Comp., resolved hij the ... States General . .. for obuia-iintj all disputes and quarrels, /1j also: A short demonstration of the necessity of the chartered W. hul. Navigation, by means of\' which the Vree Dutch Re/mblic ... will attain the h\'ujhest prosperity etc.) 2342 Octroi of condition, onder dewelke de Staten Gonor. do colonie van Suriname hebben doen vallen in handen van de West- Ind. Comp. \'s Grav. 1082. 4to. 3,— (Octroy or conditions, by which the Slates O ener. have committed the colony of Surinam to the IVesi-Ind. Contp,) Original edition. 2343 --The same. \'sGravenh., 1752. 4to. 1.50 2344 Odornheimor (Fr.) Das Festland Austra-lien. Goograph., natnrvvissenscliaftl. u. kuitnrgo-schichtl. Skizzen. Wiesbaden, 18()1. 8vo. 1.50 Beilage zn den Jalirb. d. Vcrcins f. Natnrkunde im Herzogth. Nnssuu. 1 left XV. 2845 Oosfeld, C. W. v.. Der Karten-Freund. Berlin. 1841—44. 2 parts 1 vol. 8\'. 1.50 2340 Official Extracts from the Resohitions of the States General of the United Prov. — Reports, Requests, Memorials etc., concerning Curasao 1739, most on the capturing of Dutch vessels by the English, 1758, the Commerce and the West-lnd. Comp. during the American War. 1787—02. 2 stout vols, vellum, fol. 8.50 Very interesting collection of Ollicial papers, and others, hardly to be met with in such number. 2347 -— Other collection, contain, a. o.: Concept-Proclamation of the States General against the pamphlet: „Aan het volk van Nederland.quot; 1781 (See N0. 8): fVUh MS. ampliations. — Request and memorials of the Court martial at Curasao. 1783. — Request of Messrs. Hope and Co. at Amsterdam, concerning the cargo of the American IregatO „ The Illustrious Presiefentquot; with tlio advice of E. Luzae and other documents 1794. etc. fol. 7.50 2348 Oldondorp (C. G-. A ) Goschichto der Mission der evangel. Briider aiu\' den cara\'folschen Insein S. Thomas, S. Croix nnd 8. Jan. Herausgcg. durch J. .). Bossart. Barhy, 1777. 2 vols. 7 maps, calf gilt. 8vo. 7.50 Very fine copy on thick paper. 2349 [Oldmizon (J.)] Hot Hritannische Ryk in Amerika, zijnde eene beschryving van de ontdekking, bevolking enz. van do Brit. Colonien in America. Uit hot Eng. akmede oen omstandigh bericht aang. do koffy or; koffyplantery. Amsterd-, 1721. 2 vols. in 1. vellum, maps. 4to. 3.50 |
(\'The British Empire in America, being a description of the discovery, population etc. of the Brit, colonies; with a circumstantial account of the coffee and the coffeeplantations.) 2350 [Oldmizon f J.)] The same, sewed, uncut, title and the 2 first leaves damaged in the upper margin. 3.— 2351 Olearlus (Ad.) Boschryv. van de gedonk-vvaerd. zee- on landtroyse deur Persten naar Oost-Ind. gedaan van I. A. van Mandelslo. Amsterd., 1658. 4to. 2.50 {Memorable voyage and travel through Persia to East-India, made by Mandelslo.) 2352 Olinda da Pernambuco, in Brazil, captured by the Admirals II. C. Loncq and D. van Weerdenburg 13 Febr. 1630. — View of Olinda with the Dutch fleet and map of a part of Brazil, with Fernambuca, on 1 sheet, sm. lol. (From: Commelin, Tred. Henry. 1051.) 2.— 2353 - Same subject, with German inscription at the top of the plate and a German history of the capture at the bottom, sm. fol. 29 by 38. — Bare. _ 2354. - Same subject, about the same representation but reversed, with German inscription at the top, and history at the bottom, both in italics. German plate, nearly the same size as the former, se,. fol. 4.— 2355 - Same subject. Plan of Olinda with part of the adjacent country, and German description at the foot of the plate. German engrav. sq. fol. — Hare. 4,-. 2350 Olivier (J.) Reizen in den Molukschen Archipel naar Makassar, enz. Amst., 1834—37. 2 vols. cloth, portr. Svo. (7.70) 3.— (Vogages in the Archipelago of the Moluccas to Makassar, etc.) 2357 Olofson (E.) u. B. Povelson, Reise durch Island, veranstaltet von. d. Kön. Societiit d;. Wis-sensch. in Kopenhagen. Ans d. Diin. iiborsotzt. Kopenh. u. Leipz. 1704. 2 vols. 25 plates and map. hf. calf. 4to. 3.50 2358 Olshanaen (Th.) Die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika geograph. u. statistisch beschriebon. Kiel, 1853—55. 2 vols. 4 parts, maps. 8vo. (9.00) 2.75 2350 Omstandigh Verhael van de Franseho rodomontade voor hot fort Curassau (1673.) 4to. Uncut. Very rare tract. 4. — {Circumstantial account of the Vrench rodomontade before the Fort Curasao.) 2350« Ontdeokinj-\'o van \'tËyland van Pines, su\'ndo con waerachtigo boschrijvingo etc. Uit hot Engels vertaolt. Amst.. Jac. Stichter, 1068. 4to. With a map of Fines on the title, 5.— |
(Disclosure or manifestation of the purihj of the faith of J. de Lnbuche, Yvon, du Lignon, U. and P. Schluler.) This P. Sohluter iu probably the same who in 1682 truvelleil iu Ncw-Netberlund; his interesting journal was published by Mr. 11. C. Murphy, iu 18G7. 2360 Onesinuis Secundus. True Interpretation of the American civil war, and of England\'s cotton difticulty; or Slavery from a different point of view, cet. 2d edit. Lond. 1808. 8vo. --.60 2307 Opinions respecting the commercial intercourse between the United States of America and the dominions of Great liritain, Including observations upon Hie necessity and importance of an American Navigation Act. Hy a citizen ot Mas-sachusetts. Boston, Sam. Hall, 1797. sd. uncut. 8vo. 7.50 Not incntiuued by Uich. 2308 Opport (G.) Dcr Presbyter Johannes In Sage u. Geschichte. 2to verb. Aufl. Berlin, 1870. 8vo. 230\'.) d\' Orbigny (A.) Voyage pittoresqpie dans les deux Amériques. Késumé de tons les voyages. Paris, 1836, portraits, maps and numerous sleel-engravinys. hf. cloth. 4tO. 4.— 2370 Orbis lumen et Atlantis juge tecta retecta: d. 1.: Newe auszfiihrlioho Entdeck. uml Uesclirei-bung dcr gantzen Welt. Franckf. a. M. 1(0)8. vellum. 4to. 2.50 Pugg. 1352—1403 treat on American and West-India. 2371 Orbis Terrarum descriptio duobis planis Hemisphaeriis eomprehe.nsa. A\'ic. Geilekerck fee. Amst. J. Janssonius. 1018. lol. 57 by 41 een-tim. — Rare. 20.— In line, engraved border with represent, uf the 4 Seasons, Creation and Doomsduy. The Western Hemisphere bears an inscription inemorating the exploits of Columbus, Vesputius, Magellan, Drake, Candisb, Oliv. v. Noort and J. Spilbergen, who ■\'Suferiore anno qui fait 1615, ingressus est illudquot; {}\'return Magellan.). The map was originally published in 1616. 2372 - Same map, auctore H. Hondio. Amst. 1039. — In large, engrav. border, formed hy 24 llg. of costumes: JirasiHenses, Peruviani, Mngellani, Moscovi, Poluni etc., anil 13 plans: Fernabuco, Cusco, Havana, Mexico, Moskou, Londra, etc. 2 sb. fol. Together 76 by 44 centiin. - Full margins. 24.— Nli. With the same inscription; quot;Super/ore anno (1615)quot; etc., though published in 103Ü. The editor has taken no notiee at all of le Mai re\'s discoveries of 1010. 2373 Orchard (N.) De Leeringe der Duyvclen be-weezen te zijn de groote afval deezer laatste ty-den. ... Uit het Eng., volgens de copy gedrukt te Londen. 1070, vert, door W. Sówel. Amsterd. 1691. 4to. 4.— (The doctrino of ih» Devils proved to be the |
apostary of these last days. Transl. from the English, printed at London, 1676.) The author was Minister iu New-England. 2374 Ordro by de... Staten Goner, ghemaeckt op hot bevaren van de Middellantsche Zee endo het Southalen in West-lndieii. Amst., 1021. 4to. 2.50 (Order by the States Gen. on the navigation of the Mediterranean and the salt-trade of the IPest-Indies.) 2375 Ordre (Provisionele) ende Keglement waer nae de schippers die . .. van deso Stadt Hoorn, nae.r West-Indie ... om Sout to laden, sullen willen varen ... hen sullen hebben to reguleren. Hoorn, 1022. 4to. 2.— (Provisional ordre and regulotion for the skippers, who will sail fron this city of Uoorn to the est-Indies, for salt.) 2370 Oregon-Goblet (Das). Dor Reehtstitel der Vcrein. Staaten Idar und unbestreitbar. Ollizielle Correspondenz der Jirittlschen bevolniiielit. Ministers in Washington u. des Staatsseeretara d. Vcrein. Staaten. Bremen, 1840 8vo. 1.25 2377 O\'Beilly ;B.), Greenland, the adjacent Seas, ami the North-West Passage to the Pacific Ocean, illustrated in a voyage to Davis\'s Strait, 1817. Loud. 1818. maps and numerous plates, ids. 8vo. 3.— 2378 Orinoco. — Map of the river from its entrance till St. Thomas de la Guano. Anno 1029. — Facsimile drawing after the original Dutch survey, now in the Archives at the Hague, sq. fol. 49 by 29. , 4.— 2379 Orla (Garcia de) Colloiiuios dos simples o drogas o cousas inedicinaos da India e assi de al-gumas fructas achadas nella (varlas cultivadas troje no Brazil.) Lisboa, 1872. sd. sm. 4to. (See Nquot;. 1467—70.) 12.— Keproduction facsimile of the edition of Goa, 1563, published with preface by Mr. V. A. de Varnhagen. Printed only in a few copies. 2380 Ortelius, Abr., Theatrum Orbis Terrarum. Autverpiae, Aegid. Copp. Diesth. 1570. calf. fol.— With 53 plain maps. — Fine, clean copy in the original binding. 60.— eoition of this celebrated Atlas, of the utmost KAEiTif; published iu the same year as the lirst edition, with a few nltcratiuns, and with a diffe-rent type. — The copy, hero offered, wants one map (N0. 40) and at the end a list ■antiqua regionum nominaquot; (a--e II1I), of little importance. Ortelics\' Atlas is especially valuable for the history of cartography, as it shows the point, from which he started, and as with it quite a new epoch begun for the geographical sciences, applied to the construction of maps. — After the preface the author gives a curious list of the geographical maps, as far known to and made use of by himself. — All the maps are engraved by the celebrated Franc, llogenberg. |
Besides a large map of the world, this atlas contains a fine general map of Americ»; on N0. 45 Scondia with Greenland and the East-point, on N0. 47 the West-point of N. America. 2381 Ortelius, Abr., Thcatrum Orbis Terrarum. Antwerpen, Gielis van Dlest, 1571. vellum, fol. Title and somleaves mended and slained by water. 20. — First edition with Dutch text, with the same 53 maps as the Latin ed. of 1570. 2382 - Same edition, but with Dutch title. The maps coloured, and several mended, the right under corner of the title wanting, stained. 15.— Inserted 3 unnumbered maps, engrav. by Hoyen-herg: the Rhine, Saxony, and a very interesting map of Russia by Ant. IFied, with ample notice on its origin, dated: Wilda Lïthuaniae, 1555. 2383 - Additamentum (I) Theatri Orbis Terra- rum. Antverpiae, 1573. 18 maps. — Additamentum 111. Ibid, 1584. 24 maps. — Additamentum IV. ibid. 1590. 22 maps. — In 1 vol. vellum, fol. — Very fine impressions of the maps. 45.— Very line, clean and large copy of the rare supplements which ought to be joined to all copies of Ortelius\' first atlas of 1570. — The first of them has no special map of America, the maps of the 2 others are cooform to the Supplements in German (See Note to following N0.) and contain the same 4 maps of America described there. 2384 - Theatrum oder Schawbuch des Erdtkreys. Antorff, Bey Chr, Plantin, 1580. — With 93 sheets of maps in contemporary colouring. — Der Dritte Zuzatz des Theatri oder Schawbuchs dess Erd-bodems. Ibid. 1584. TVith 24 coloured maps. — Der Vierdte Zuzatz... Ibid. 1591. With 21 colour, maps (that of Germany wanting.) — in 1 vol. calf. iol. — The binding damaged, else a fine copy. 75.— Second issue of Ortelius1 Theatrum with German text, the first having been published in 1573 with 69 maps. The text, which was in the first edition rather barbarous, is here entirely rewritten, and the portrait of Ortelius and 24 new maps added, so that this edition contains no less than 40 maps in addition to those of the first Latin issue of 1570. The number of maps which have a special value for America, has been raised to G, three of which have been reproduced from the above Latin edition, viz. the map of the world, the map representing Greenland and that of America\'s West-point. The general map of America is perfectly new and much more correct. The two other additional maps, one of which is divided into 2 parts, represent New Spain and the Northern part of Mexico, the West-lnd. Islands with Florida. Both are remarkable for their fullness of details, every river, hamlet, etc. being marked. The value of the present copy is still considerably raised by the 2 supplements, which are very rare, being issued in a much smaller number than the original work. The first of them contains 3 maps of America on 1 sheet: Peru (Didaco Mendezio auctore), Florida {Auct. Hier. Chiaues) and Guaste-caa Regie. — In the other wo find a large map of the Pacific Ocean, with the Western coasts of America, full of details and showing a remarkable progress of knowledge. |
2385 Ortolius, Abr., Théatre de rUnivers, conto-nant les cartes de tout le monde, avec une brieve declaration d\'icelles. (Anvers) 1587. hf. calf. 112 colour, mans, a few of them repaired in the margin. lol. 35.- The maps on America are: gt;.0. 1 Map of the world. — N0. 5 America in general (both as in the first Latin edition). — N0. 6 New-Spain. — N0. 7 Part of Mexico, Cuba and Hispaniola. — N0. 8 Florida, Guastecau and Peru. — (These maps 6 and 7 are the same as in the above German edition, N0. 8 was first published in the 3d Supplement, 1584). — N0. 90 The Northern countries, with Greenland. 2386 --The same. French text. Anvers. 1598. hf. vellum. — Title mounted, else a line copy. 25.— In this edition the number of maps has been augmented to 119. The maps of America are the same as in the above French edition, except N0. I Map of the world, and N0. 5 General map of America, which are replaced by the more correct ones dated 1587. These French editions of Ortelius have a special interest for the text, which is perfectly different from that of the above Latin and German editions, the German being in fact only a translation Df the Latin. The text in both French editions is the same. 2887 - Theatrum orbis terrarum. Antverp., ex offic. Plantin., 1609. 115 maps. — Parergon in quo veteris geographiae tabulae aliquot. {Ibid. 1609.) 40 maps. — Nomenclator Ptolemaicus. Antverp., li. B run eau, 1603. — 1 vol. vellum, fol. — Vine copy. 30.— First edition published after the author\'s death, with his last corrections, considerable additions and the interesting list of all the editions of atlases and maps up to this date known to him. — Besides the inappamundi, it contains 9 maps (on 5 leaves) of America, viz.: America in general, the Pacific, His-pania Nova, Coliacana Provincia, Hispaniola, Cuba and adjacent Islands, Peruvia, Florida, Guastecan. 2388 - An Epitome of Ortelius his theatre of the world, wherein the principal regions of the earth are described in smalle mappes. It is amplified with new mappes wanting in the Latin editions. London, John Norton (1610). vellum, sm. sq. 4°. Very rare edition, containing 110 small maps (one of America) and two mappemundi with representation of America. — This copy has also the rare supplement: An addition of certaiue maps unto this epitome of Ortelius: Title and 13 maps. 2389 --Ortelius, Abr., par Félix van Hulst. 2e edit. Liege, 1846. portr. large 8°. 1.50 Biography of the emiment Geographer and Cartographer. |
2390 Osbeck (Pehr) Dagbok öfwor en Ostindiak Itesa, 1750—52. Stockholm, 1752. vellum, 12 pl. 8vo. 2.50 2391 Osorii (H.) Do rebus Kmmanunlis Lnsitaniae regis, gostis libri XII. Item; Jo;i. Matalii Motelli Commentariua do reperta ab Hispanis etLualtanis in Occidentis et üricntin Indiam navigation, deque populorum eins vita, moribus etc. Coloniae, 1581. vellum. 8vo. 0._ 2892 - The same. Ibid. 1597. old calf, gilt edtjes. 8vo. 5.— 2393 - Leven en bodr|)f van Don Emanuel Koning van Portugal, beheiz. d\'ontdeoking van Oost-Ind. en de eerate tochten der Portugezen enz. Uit het Latijn vert. Kotterdam, 1661—63. 2 vola. vellum. 12iiio. 5,_ (Life and achievements uf Emanuel King of Portugal, contain, the discovery of the li ast-Indies, the first Portuguese voyages thither, etc.) King Emanuel played so important a part in the history of the first voyages to the New World, that the book of Osorio cannot be missed in any Biblio-thcea Americana. Tt treats of the history of Brazil, the voyages of Magellanes, Cabral, Casp. de Leinos, etc. The Dutch edition is of rare occurrence. 2394 —— d\' Indiaensehe Iliatorie dor Portugeezen, ... of Vervolg der Historie van Dom Emmanuel, 1521 tot 1610, beaehreven door Kastagnede en and. Uit het Eranseh vert. Rotterd., 1670. 12mo. 3._ (The Indian History of the Porturjuese, or (\'on-tinuation of the history uj King Emanuel, 1521 — 1610, hy Caslagnede etc. Transl. from the French.) I\'orms the 3d volume to the foregoing. 2395 Ostermayer (H.) Tagebuch einer Reise nach Texas. Biboraeli. 1850. Ifith 3 plates. 8vo. —.60 2396 Ostertag (A.) De Proteatantsche zendingen onder do Heidenen. Naar het lloogd. Utrecht, 1860. 8vo. 1,25 (The Protestant Missions under the Heathens.) 2397 Ottens, R. — Atlas Major. Amatelod., jK. Ottens. (1740). 4 vola. hf. vellum, roy. f\'ol. 55,— Factitious collection of about 350 maps, taken from the atlases of the 17lh and (ho beginning of the 18th century, put together with a title of Otien^ Atlas. It embraces 22 maps of America and its parts, amongst which sonic very rare ones; 1. General map by Schenk. — 2. North-America by De lisle (Amst., Schenk. 17OS). — 3. Canada by De VIsle (Paris, 1703.) Rare.— 4, 5. Partie Occident, et Orient, du Canada aveo. la Lonisianc, Virginie, N. York, etc. (Paris 1688—89). Very rare map, in 2 sheets with indications of the settlements of the aborigines. — 6, 7- North-America hy II. Moll, (London 1714) 2 sheets, in the left under corner 10 small maps of harbours, and scenes from the life of the Now - Fonndlanders. Very rare. — 8. Map of the Dominions of the King of Gr. Britain in North-Am., by II. Moll. — 9. Map by II. Moll, |
composed of 5 smaller maps; a. Carolina and Virginia. b. l.onisiaim c. The improved part of Carolina with the settlements, d. Harbour of Charles-town. e. General .Map of N. Am.— f. The cataract of Niagara. Rare map. \'Lond, 1715).— 10. Mexico and Florida. (Amst. Siheni). — 11. S. Domingo. (Amst., (ovens en Mortier.) — 12. Jamaica. (Lond., Willdey). — 13. Caraib. Islands. (Amst , Ottens.) — 14. Cura9ao. (Amst , J. v. Keulen). — 15. South-America. (Amst. Schenk 1708). — 16. Peru, Brazil, Amazone uy De Vlsle. (Paris, chez Pantcnr 1703). — 17. Isthmus of Panama. (Amst., Ottens). — 15. Berbice. (Amst., Ottens 1740). Large map. — 19. Surinam. (Ibid.) — 20. Brazil. (Blaeu). — 21. Paraguay, Chili, Straits of Magellan. (Amst., Vve Vissoher). — 32. Limits of the South-Sea-Comp., by H. Moll. (1715?) 2398 Ottons, R. — Ottens\' Atlas. Amst., (about 1760). hf. hd. tol. — 40 coloured maps. 5._ With a map of the Globe, of N.- and ofS, America, and one of the Gulf of Mexico, all by Jaillot. 2399 Otis, Harrison Gray, Member of the Senate, Mayor of Boston, 1829-32. — A. L. S., no address, dat. May 6, 1817. 1 p. 4». 1.50 2400 Overbeke (Aern. v.) Geeatige Reyaboaehry-ving naer Oost-Indien, 1668. (Amat.) Jan J oosten 1672. 4to. J 50 (Spirited description of a voyage to East-India.) 2101 Owen (D. D.) Report of a geological aurvey of Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota. Philad. 1852. cloth, 36 colour, plates and maps, many woodcuts. roy- 4to. (48.- ) 18.— 2402 Outgheraz (J.) — Nieuwe vohnaockte Be-schryvmghe der vervaeiiycker Strate Magellan!, ... door Jan Oulghersz van Enchuysen, die de solve Strate (Stuerman zijnde op \'tschip \'tGeloove genaemt) hen ende weder gezej\'lt, ende over de 9 maanden daer in gheleghon heeft. Amst., Zach. Hcyus (1600.) figg, of iha coast in woodcut, sm. sq. 4to. — Fine copy in the original vellum wrapper. (Tiele N0. \\\\b.) 24.- {New perfect Description of the frightful Strait oj Magellanes ... hy J. Oulghersz from Enkhui-zen, who sailed this Strait to and fro, as Pilote on the ship named The I\'aith, and resided there more then 9 months.) Extremoly raro description of the voyajce of Seb. de Weert, published with the first edition of his expedition by Bareut Jansz. {Potgieter.) Amst. 1600, and never reprinted with the following editions of De ireert, nor in the collection oj De Bry. Mr. Mnller has only once met a complete copy of the two parts together. 2403 Oxloy (J.) Reizen in de binnenlanden van Australië. Uit h. Eng. Dordrecht, 1821. Maps and plates, hf. calf. 8vo. 1.50 {Voyages into the inland of Australia. Transl. from the English.) 2401 (Paddenburg, G. G. v.) Beschrijving van |
PACIFIC - Curasao eu onderlioorige eilanden. Haarlem, 1819. 8vo. 1-— {Description of Curacao and the adjacent islands.) \'2405 Pacific (The). — Mar del Zur; the coast of America from California till Cape Horn. — From ; Janssonius\' Large Atlas. 1057. 2.50 2400 - Mer du Sud contenant I\'lsle de Californie, lea costea de Mexique, du Peron, Chili etc. Amst., V. Mortier, (about 1700). Large sq. fol. 75 by 00. — Coloured. 2.50 2407 - Carte nouvelle de la Mer du Slid. Amst., A. $ n. de Leth, (about 1700). 2 sheets, fol. Together !):•! by 59. — Coloured. 10.— Interestlug map unibrucin^ the whule of America, and severul sepiirHte maps uml jilans, viz. of Mexico, Vera Cruz, llabann, the Isthmus uf Panama, of Darien, etc. Besides some ethnographical llgures, and historical mmotations on the discoveries of the different parts uf America and uf the adjacent Islands. 2408 —— Carte des nonvolles dócouvertes au nord de la Mer du Sud, par de I\'lsle. Paris. 1750. sq. fol. 05 by 46. — Coloured. 2.50 2409 Page (T. J.) Igt;a Plata, the Argentine Confederation, and Paraguay. Narrative of the Exploration of the Tr.butaries of the River La Plata, 1853—60, by Order of the U. S. Government. Lend. (X. Y.) 1859. map and numerous engrnv., cloth, roy. 8vo. 0.— 2410 Pages (do) Zee- on landreizen rondom de waereld en naar derzelver beide polen. Kotter-dam, 1784. sd. uncut. 4to. 3.50 (Travels round the world and to both poles. (Transl. from the French.) Along Mississippi from New Orleans, through the United States, Mexico, South America, etc. 2411 Paget (Thorn.) Minister of the English Pres-byt. Church at Amsterdam, who stood in many relations with the Hrownists of that city. — Signed Document, (in Dutch) dat. Jan. 13, 1040. 1 full p. tol. — Èxcessivehi rare autograph. 15.— Petition to the Burgomasters of Amsterdam to be allowed the same gratification as before. 2412 Paiue (El.) Jurist and Statesman, Judge of the Supr. Court, U. S. Senator, 1795—1801. — A. L. S. to Rev. Hcz. Howards of Springfield, dat. Philadelphia, Jan. 28, 1799. 1 p. 4°. 3.— On tax-paying. 2413 (Paine, Th.) Le Sens Commiin, addressc (sic) aux habitans de l Ainérique ... Nouv. 6dit. av. plusieurs additions, un Appendix etc. Trad, do 1\'Angl. Rotterdam, 1770. sd. uncut. 8vo. 2.— Translation of the celebrated pamphlet called quot;Common Sense,quot; of the same date us the original, and reproducing more truly the free expressions somewhat polished in the later editions. Second edition, augmented by the quot;Additionquot; which afterwards were published separately. 2414 - The same. Paris, 1794. uncut. 8vo. 1.50 142 |
2415 Paix (La) do 1782, on le Bowl de Punch de Master Oliver Dreamer. Trad, de I\'Angl. Lond., 1782. 8vo. — 2410 (Palacios) Esquisse do la Revolution de l\'Amé-rique Espagnole ... par nn citoyen del\'Amérique Méridion. Trad, de I\'Angl. Paris, 1817. sd. uncut. 8vo. I\'®quot; Uich says, that the author\'s name is Palacios. — Nut in Barbier\'s Dictionnaire des Auonyines. 2417 Palafox y Mendoca (Juan de) Historia real sagrada, luz de principes y subditos. 2aimpr. Bmsselas, Vr. Foppens, 1055. calf. 4to. 3.— Although (his work does not contain anything relating to America, we have placed it in this catalogue as being composed by the illustrious Bishop of Mexico, author of the quot;Virtudes del India.quot; 2418 Palairet (J.) Description abiégée des Possessions Angl. et Fran?, du Continent Septentrional de l\'Amérique. Lond. 1755. 8vo. uncut. 1.50 2419 - Beknopte beschriiving der Eng. en Fran- schc bezitt. op het vaste land van Noord-Amerika. Amst., 1755. 8vo. 1-50 Dutch translation of the preceding work. 2420 Palmer (J.) Rcize in do Vereen. Staten v. N. America, en Neder-Canada, in 1817. Uit h. Eng. Haarlem, 1820. hf. cf. map. 8vo. 1.25 {Journal of a travel in the Tjn, States and Lower Canada. From the Engl.) 2421 Pamphlets on the War of Independence. — Five English Pamphlets in 1 vol. bds. uncut. 8vo. 4.50 1. Observations on Dr. Price\'s Theory and principles of civil liberty and Government, preceded by a Letter to a friend, on the pretentiuus of the American Colonies. York, 1770. — 2. Remarks on Dr. Price\'s Observations on the nature of civil liberty, etc. Lond. 1770. — 3. Letters on the spirit of Patriotism, on tbe idea of a Patriot King; and on the state of Parties at the accession of George I. Load. 1749. — 4. Three dialogues concerning liberty. Load. 1\'70. — 5. A live minutes answer to Paiue\'s letter to Gen. Washington. Lund. 1797. Tlie first piece addressed in MS. by the author to Prof, van der Keessel; the last to Mr. Luzac at Leideu. 2422 --Five French Pamphlets in 1 vol. hf. bound. 8vo. 8.— 1. Les droits de la Gr. Bret, ctablis contre les pretentions des Amcricains. Pour servir de reponse a la Declaration du Congres General. Trad, de I\'Angl., par Freville. La llaye, 1770. — 3. T/Ameriquain aus Anglois, on observations d\'nn membro des Etats-Unis de 1quot;Amériquc i\\ divers ministres dquot; Anglct. Trad. p. M. I). B**». Philad. {en France), WZl. ~ 3. Le Destin de 1\' Ame\'rique, oil dialognes pittores-quus. Trad, de I\'Angl. (par CMrisier.) Lond. (1780.) — 4. T/i. Paine, Droits de Phoinmc on réponse a I\'ou-vragc de M. Burke, coutre la Revolution Frany. Trad, de I\'Angl. Hambourg, 1791. — R. Goodloe FRKDERIK MUI.I.KR amp; Cquot;., |
Itarprr, Observations sur In cuutestaUon entrc les Etats-Unis et In Franco. Trad, de 1\'Angl. Loud. 1798. 2423 Pamphlets on the War of Indepon-denca. — Answer to the Declaration of tho Con-Rrt\'ss. 6th edit. Ljond. 1770. — Jos, Tucker, Four tracts on political and commercial subjects. 3d edit. Olocester, 1770. — U. Prim, Additional observations on civil liberty, and the war with America; etc. 3d edit. Lond. 1777. — 3 vol in 1. sit, 8vo. 2424 - Nine English Pamphlets in 1 vol. hf. bound. 8vo. lt;),50 1. Cool Thoughts on the consequences to Great Britain of American Independence; on the expense of Gr. Brit, in the settlcnent and defence of the Araer. Colonies; on the value and importance of the Amer. Colonics and the W. Ind. to the Brit. Empire. Lond. 1780. — 2. Plain Truth: or a Ijetter to the author of Dispassionatu Thoughts on the American War. 17S0. — 3. Thoughts on the letter of Edm. Burke to the SheritTs of Bristol, on the affairs of America. By the Earl of Abingdon. Oxford (no date). — 4. llemarks on the travels of the Marquis of Chastellux in N. America. Lond. 1787. — 5. üfti-clal Correspondence between I). Luis de Onis, Minister from Spain to the U. S., and J. Quincy Adams, in relation to the Floridas and the Boundaries of Louisiana, etc. Lond. 1818. — C. South America. A letter on the present state of that country, addressed to J. Monroe, Pres. U. S. By an American. Lond. 1818. — 7. Cousideratious rclat. to the war between Brazil and La Plata, ib, 18iJö. •— 8. Cuba; or the policy of Eugl., Mexico, and Spain, with regard to that island. Lond. 1830. — \'J. Th. Hodgkin, Inquiry into the merits of the American Colonization Society. With an account of the British African Colouial Soc. Lond. 1833. map. 2425 - Pamphlets on the Dutch West-Indian Colonies. (Surinam, Curasao, etc.) 1775—1857. 19 parts in 2 covers. 8vo. 10.— This interesting collection contains: Roefpraatje over Suriname. 1774. — Reglement op hut justitiewezen in Suriname. 1815. — De West-Ind. Maatschappij. 1828. — Onderwijs der Negerslaven in Suriname. 1841. —- Colaqo Helmonte, Kegerings-stelsel v. Ned. West-lndie. 1857. — (£. ö. Vis-soher) De Westindicn sedert het verlies van Brazilië en \\.«Nederland. — Stukken aangaande de Suri-naam. aangelegenheden. 1845. 2 parts, etc. etc. — Pamphlets on Slaves, Slave trade. Emancipation and Results thereof: 2426 - in the British West-lnd. Colonies. — G Engl, pamphlets, viz: Innes, Letter to Lord Glenelg, on the new system. 1835. — E. Cusl, Reflections on W. Ind. affairs. 1839. — E. Slanlei/, Claims and resources of the W. Ind. Colonies. 1850. — Tho \\V. lud. Colonies. Demerara after 15 years of freedom. 1853. etc. 8vo. 3.— 2427 —- in the French Colonics. — 6 French pamphlets, viz; C\'. Coquerel, sur la légiaiatiou Angl. |
1820; sur l\'aholition. 3.823. — Th. Clark son, Cri d. Africains. 1821. — Addresse de la Soc. des Quakers. 1822. — Jollivet, Observations. 1844. — Politique de la France et d. colonies. 8vo. 2.50 2428 Pamphlets in the Dutch West. hid. Colonies, specially in Surinam. ■— Interesting Collection of 30 Dutch pamphlets, 1797—1808. 8vo. 8.— Cont.: Philalethes Eleutherus (W. de Vos), over d. Slavenstand, d. v. Geuns. 1797. — Lammens, Sterfte der slaven in Suriname. 1819 — Clarkson, Kreet d. Afrikanen. 1822. — J. de Nenfville, de servorum Afrorum commercio. 1840. — ld. Vrijlating d. slaven. 1841. — (Pfenningcr) Onderzoek. Paramaribo, 1848. — Palthe Wesenïmgen, v. lladers, v. d. Gon Netscher, etc. etc. 2429 - A similar collection. 1797—1805. 10 pamphlets. 8vo. 4,_ 2430 Panama (The Isthmus of). (Amst. Is. Tirion. 1705.) Coloured map. fol. 31 by 27. 1._ 2431 Panciroli (G.) Rerum memorabilium sive do-perditarum libri II. Cominentariis illustr. H. Sal-muth. Francof., 1600. 2 vols, in 1. calf. 4to. 3.25 This curious work contains besides numerous ether interesting pieces, in the 2d vol. a treatise quot;De Novo Or be.quot; 2432 Papers relative to the West Indies. British Guiana 1841—42. (Official blue book.) Lond. 1842. fol. 1.50 2433 Paraguay, Chili, Detroit de Magellan, etc. par G. de l Isle. Amst. P. Mortier, (about 1700). fol. 57 by 49. - Coloured. 2.50 With historical and topographical observations on the map. 2434 Parayba in Brazil, besieged and captured by the Dutch W. 1. Company, 7 Dec. 1034. — Map of tho country with the Dutch lleet, and inscription in the upper right hand corner, sq. fol. — (From: Commelin Fred. Henry 1051). 2.— 2435 - Same plate but reversed, with inscription in the tipper left hand corner. — (From Commelin 1052). 2._ 2436 Park (J. A.) System of the law of Marine Insurances. 2d American edit., which Appendix. Boston, Thomas and Andrews, 1800. sheep. 8vo. 3.— 2437 Park (Jam.) Christus Jesus verhooght... in een antwoort tot een duyster en onnut schrift ge-sonden aen ons het volck Godts, genaemt Quakers, door J. K. Knoll. Amst., 1670. 4to. 2.50 {Christ magnified. .. in a reply to an obscure and useless writing, sent by J. K. Knoll to us, the people of God, called Quakers.) 2438 Parnell (J.) Een ondersoeck des geloofs... op dat een yedcr sien mach wat haer geloof is... Amsterd. 1009. 4to. 1._ {An examination of the faith... that every one may see what his faith is,) 2439 Parry (W. E.) Reis ter ontdekking van eene |
Noorit-Westol. doorvaart, in 1819 cn 1820. Am-stcrd. 1821. maps and plates, scl. 8vo. 1.25 (Voi/ane for a discovery of a North- West I\'assarje.) 2440 Parry (W. E.) Zweite Roiso zur Kntdockung d. Nordwestl. DurclUalii\'t, 1821- 23. A us d. Engl. Jena, 1824. sd. 8vo. 1-25 2441 Parthenii Giannottasii (N.) Pisoatoria et Nautica. Neapoli, Typis Regiis, 1685. calf, plates. 8vo. 2. Pp. 230—40 contain a poetical description of the discovery of the,New World by Columbus. 2443 - Patagonia, Terra dol Fucgo. — Dross of the inhabitants. 2 ongrav. by L. Fortman. — lilac.k and coloured. 8vo. \'• *)^ 2444 Paul Jonas. — Clipbook of popular songs under this title. (Amsterd. 1780?) !I4 pp. sm. 8vo. (wants title, pp. 2.\'5 —20, 55—58, 71—75, 87—90. sin. 8vo. Of tuk utmost uakity, wherefore it is presented here with all its defectnosities. It begins with the popular Dutch song; Here our dear Paul Jonas comes, — what a Junny telloiv, — and proves the sympathy with him and the American cause. The ouneut title at the top of the pages is: Paa//ü«er«. 2445 Paul-Jones, ou prophéties sur 1\'Amérique, 1\'Angleturre, la Fiance, I\'Espagne, la llollande etc. Y joint le rève d\'un Suisse sur la revolution de rAmérique, dédiè a M. Franklin. (No place, but printed in Holland.) De l\'ère de rindépendauce de rAmérique l\'an V. (1788?) sd. uncut. 8vo. 1.50 2446 - Sherburne (J- H.), Leven van Paul Jones. Uit het Eng. Groning. 1829. sd. portr. 8vo. 1.50 2447 Paulli, S., Orbis terraqueus in tabnlis geo-graph. et hydrograph. descriptus. Argentorati, S. J\'aulh. 1073. 8». — Uncut. 4.50 Contains a list of the maps published in Holland; on pp. 113—118 the maps of America. Hesides collations of the maps in Ptolemaeus, of the Atlas of Ortelius, Goos, van Loon, Jacob Theunisz, aud of Sanson. The work is dedicated to Blaeu and his three sons, to Janssonius aud N. J. Visscher. 2448 P[auw] (de) Recherches philosophiques sulles Américains. Berlin, G. J. Decker, 1708. 2 vols. calf. 8vo. 2. 2449 - Recherches philosopli. sur les Américains. A vee une Dissertation sur rAmérique, pur Dom Pernetty. Londres, 1770. — Délense ties Recherches philosophiques, p. Mr. de p***. Berlin, 1770. 3 vols, calf uniform. 8vo. \'^-50 2450 - The same. Nouv. edition, considerable- ment augnientéo. Avec la Defence etc. Cleve et Berlin, 1772. 3 vols. bds. 8vo. 3.— This edition does not contain the Dissertation etc. of Pcruety. |
2451 P[auw] (de) Recherches philosophiques sur les Américains. Cleve, 1772. 2 vols. — Pernety, Dissertation sur l\'Ainérique et les Américains, contro les Recherches philosoph. Berlin. 1 vol. — Defense des Recherches... Berlin, 1772. — Examen des liecherches et do la Defense. Berl., 1771. 2 vols.— Together 0 vols. hf. calf uniform. 8vo. — Complete collection. 5.— 2452 --Oeuvres philosophiques. Paris, An III. (1794.) 7 vols, maps, calf gilt. 8vo. 0.50 Recherches philosoph. sur les Américains; Dom Pernety, Dissertat. contre les Recherches philos.; Defense d. Recherches, p. de Pauw. 2453 --Wysgeerigo bespiegelingen over Amerika. Deventer, 1771—72. 3 vols. hf. calf. sm. 8vo. 1.50 Dutch translation of the »Rechcrches philosoph. sur les Américains.quot;— Vol. Ill cont. the defence against Dom Pernety. 2454 Pavie (Th.) Souvenirs Atlantiques. Voyage aux Etats-Unis et au Canada. Paris, 1833. 2 vols, in 1. hf. calf. 8vo. 1.75 2465 Paxton (J. Ad.) Alphabetical List of all the wards, streets, roads, etc. in the city and suburbs of Philadelphia. (Preceded by a general description.) (Philad. 1810.) hf. bound, sm. 8vo. — Hare. 2.50 245C Payne (J.) Geographical extracts forming a general view of earth and nature. Lond. 1790. maps. sd. 8vo. 2.— Contains many interesting notifications on the physical and geographical position of North America. 2457 Peabody. -- An account of the proceedings at the dinner given by Mr. George Peabody to the Americans connected with the great Exhibition, 27 Octob. 1851. London, 1851. clcth, gilt edges. 8vo. 4.— quot;Printed for private distribution.quot; 2458 Pearson, Eliph., Prof, of Oriental languages at Harvard Univers., 1780—1800. — A. L. S. to Jon. French of Andover, dat. Cambridge. Nov. 3, 1803. 1 p. 4\'\'. 1.50 University-affairs. 2459 Pelsert. — Ongeluckigo Voyagio v. \'t schip Batavia nae de ü.-lndien, gebleven op dt. Abrot-hos v. F. Houtinan. Uytgevaren onder F. Pelsert; vervatonde h. verongelucken des Schips, als de grouwel. moorderyen onder \'t geborgde Scheeps-volck op \'t Eylant Batavia\'» Kerckhof. Geschiet in 1028 cn 29. — Nevens li. treur-blycinde On-gheluck d. O.-l. Comp. Dien. in 1036 wedervaren in Siam, onder Jer. v. Vliet, en de groote tyran-nye v. Abas, Coninck v. Persien A0. 1045 bogaen tot Kspahan. Met veel kop. pi. Amst., Jan Jans:., 1047. bds. 4to. (Tielo N0. 235.) 10.- (Vuhappg voyage of the ship Palaiia to East-India, wrecked on the Abrolhos of Houtman, which set sail under command of P. Pelsert; comprising the shipwreck and the horrible massacre amongst |
ihe saved crew, oyi the island »Batavia\'\'s churchyardquot;\' in 1C28 and 29. With the sad but joyfully ending tragedy of the servants of the E. 1. Camp, in Siam, by J. v. Vliet. Also the great tyranny of Abas, king of Persia.) Very rnre. With 0 plates. As far, as we know, the first edition. The next edition was pnbl. by Jan Jansz. in 1648, and is augmented by one third; it is called on the title: 2d edition. — See N0. 2-101. 2460 Pelsert. — The same. Amst., J. Ilartgers, 1648. bds. 4to. (Tlole N0. 236.) 5.— With I plate in 6 divisions. — Reprint of the preceding. There are 3 diflerent editions by Ilartgers in this very year; this edition has 78 pp.; the 2 other are less voluminous. 2461 - The same, without: v. Vliet, Siam. En mi in deaen 2en druck wei een derde-deel vermeerderd {And now in this 2d edition, augmented one third). Amst., Jan Jansz., 1C48. bds. 4to. (Tiele N0. 239.) 7.50 Very rare. With the 6 pi. of the edition of 1647. — In the preface, dated 1st March 1G4S, the publisher says that Ilartgers reprinted (to his [Jansz.] loss and little profit to himself) the voyage of Pelsert, but he, Jansz., having got new communications republished the voyage much enlarged. 2462 --- The same. Utrecht, 1649. hf. vellum. 4to. Fine copy. (Tiele N0. 140.) 6.—- Cont. only the adventures of the ship Batavia, with some other discourses on the Indian navigation. 2463 - The same. Amst., J. Ilartgers, 1051. hf. vellum. 4to. Fine copy. (Tiele M0. 241.) G.— Exact reprint like the preceding edition. M. The-venot has given in the 2d part of his Collection an abridgement of this work and a memoir by Pelsaert, on the Indian commerce, the original Dutch of which has remained unknown. 2464 Penitentiary System in the United States. Report by the Society for the prevention of Pauperism in the city of New-York. N.-York. 1822. 8vo. 1.50 2465 Penn (John^i called : the American Penn, (grandson of William Penn), Governor of Pennsylvania, 1763 — 71, 1773--75. — A. L. S. to W. Johnson Bart., dat. Philadelphia, May 23, 1705. 2 full pp. lol. 25.— Interesting and fine letter on the relations with the Indians: «The Land on the West Branch of the Susquehanna not being yet purchased from the Indians, it will justly give great ofiVnice to them, if any should without their liberty, presume to make a settlement there. I am indeed much surprised to find that any of the Inhabitants of this Province should attempt such a tiling at this time, as they have so lately experienced the dreadful effects of an Indian War.quot; .. . cot. 2466 Penn (Thomas) last surviving son of William Penn, founder of the College at Philadel- |
phia. — A. L. S. to William Jolinaon, dat. London, Jan. 8, 1763. 1 p, 4°. 16.— Fino letter, un a complaint of Ihc Delaware Indians against the Penns. 24G7 Pann (Will.) Predikatie gedaan in London. Amaterd., 1700 4to. 2.50 (Sermon held in London.) 2408 - Zonder krnys geen kroon, of eeno verhand. der natnure en tucht van het heylig kruyse Christi. In \'t Nederd. door W. Sewel. Amaterd., 1087. vellum. IGmo. Rare. 4.50 (jVo cross, no crown, or a trea\'ise of ihe nature and description of the holy cross of Christ.) 2409 - William Penn\'s treaty with the Indians, when founding tho Province of Pennayl-yania, 1081. 11. West px., engrav. by J. Hall. sq. fol. — Fine old impression. 12._ 2470 Pennsylvania. — General view of the roads and inland Navigation of Pennsylvania and part of the adjacent States, inscribed to Thomas Mifflin, Governor, by J. Adlum amp; ./. Wallis, iPhiladelphia, 1795?) — 2 sheets, fol. Together; 91 by 84. — Pasted on cloth. 15,_ Interesting map, including large parts of the Slates uf New-York, New-Jersey, Maryland and Delaware. Many proposed canals occur; in Ihe left corner a perspective view of part of one of these, with 3 sections of a lock, and with description. 2471 - Pennsylvania, by D. F. Solzmann. Hamburg, C. E. .ISohm. 1797. Sq. fol. 09 by 41. — Coloured. o._ 2472 - „View of Bethlehem, one of the l!re- thren\'s principal Settlements in Pennsylvania.quot; Engrav. alter N. Garrison by J. Noual. Published 171)7. — With separate explanation A—Z pasted under the plate. Ig. sq. fol. — Full marqins. 15.— 2473 -- Another view on the same Settlement, larger. After a sketch on the spot by Governor Fownall, engr. by 1\'. Sandby. Ig. sq. fol. 3.50 2474 - Beginning and completion of an American Settlement, (in Pennsylvania?) From a design by Gov. Fownall, engrav. by James Feake. Ig. sq. fol, 3._ 2475 -- View of Foster\'s-Fall, one of the rapids of the Susquehanna. — Fine aquarel by Kohier. — 24 by 17. * 3._ 2476 Panséoa sur la Revolution de rAmerique Unie. Amsterd. (1781.) Svo. 1,— 2477 Pensées sur les transactions toucliant les isles de Falkland. Trad, do I\'Angl. Amsterd. 1771. hf of. 8vo. 1.25 247S Poroz (P/Tan.) Farol Indiano, y guia decuras do Indios. Mexico, 1713. 24 leaves prelim., 192 pp. and 2 leaves, index. — — - Arte de el idioma Mexicano. Ibid. 1713. 8 leaves prelim., 80 pp. and 2 leaves index. — in 1 vol. vellum. 4to. 27.50 Very rare and important; sold at the auction |
Andrade. Leipzig, 1869. 23 Thaler. — Fine copies, only the first title slightly stained, am! pp. 3—6 wuuting to the second. 2479 Pernety (Dom), Dissertation sar rAmérique et les Américains, contre les Recherches philoso-p?iiqne5 üe M. de V{auw). Berlin, (1772.) sd. uncul. 8vo. — See N». 2448—53. 1.— 2480 Péron (F.) Voyage de découvertes aux Torres Australes, 1800—4. Historique. Paris, 1807—10. 2 vols, with \'2 Atlas contain. 14 maps and 40 partij colour, pla!es. hf. calf. 4to. 20.— 2481 - Mémoires dn Capit. Péron snr scs voyages aux eOtes d\'Afriqüe, a Tile d\'Amsterdam, aux cotes Nord-Ouest de rAmérique, etc. Paris, 1824. 2 vols. hf. calf, plates. 8vo. 1.50 2482 P(erreau) (J. A.), Lettres lUinoises. Lond. et Paris, 1772. ids. 8vo. 2.50 2483 Perrin du Lao (F.) Reise in die beyden Louisianen, am Missouri, ... und am Ohio. Ueber-setzt von K. L. M. MUller. Leipzig, 1807. 2 vols, in 1. bds., map and plate. 8vo. 1.80 2484 (Perrinon, A. P.) Statuts et autres documents concernant la Société des Etangs Salins de St. Martin (Antilles). La llaye, 1859. 8\'. 1.26 1\'reuch and Dutch Text. 2483 Pórou, Brésil et le Pays dos Amazones, par G. de Visie. Amst., P. Mortier (about 1700). sq. lol. 57 by 49. — Coloured map. 2.50 With topographical observations especially on the inland of Brazil. 2486 Peru, Chili, Paraguay, Brazil and other possessions of Portugal in South-America. Arast. Is. Tirion. 1705. Colour, map. sq. lol. 40 by 36. 1,50 2487 Petit (P.), De Amazonibus dissertatlo. Ed. 2a auct. Amstelod. 1087. vellum, map and figures of medals and antiquities. 8vo. 1.50 2488 -—— Traité histor. sur les Amazones, oü Ton trouve tout ce que les auteurs out écrit pour et contre ces Heroines, et quantité de médailles et d\'autres monuments, pour prouver qu\'elles ont existé. Leiden, 1718. 2 vols. in 1. vellum, map and figures. 8vo. 2.25 2489 - Same work. 2 vols. sd. uncut. 2.60 2490 Peyster (Fred, de) Memoir of Rip van Dam. New York, 1805. 2 portraits engr. by J. Rogers. roy. 8vo. 2.50 Kip Van Dam was born at Albany, and from 1690—1749 »a promiment and influential citizen of New York, who took an active part in the political events at that period.quot; The portraits are engraved from the original contemporary paintings presented to the Histor. Society of N. Y. by the lineal descendant Mrs. Emily Verplanck Goodwin. 2491 Philadelphia. — Plan of the City, dedicated to the citizens. /\'. C. Varlé del., Kcott sculp. Philadelphia (about 1786). fol. 04 by 46. — On dothi — Rare, 15,— |
On this plan 3 special engravings, showing the front of the l!ank, Library, Congress-Hall, State House and City-Hall. — At all the honses, out of the city, the proprietors\' names are inscribed. — The date of publieation is certainly before 1788, for some roads, luid out in that year, according to an inscription on the following plan, are not yet marked on this. 2492 Philadelphia. — Plan of the City of Philadelphia and its Environs, shewing the improved parts. Dedicated to the Mayor, etc., by John Hills, Surveyor. Engrav. by J. Cooke of Hendon. Philadelphia, John Hills. 1797. — Largo sq. fol. 96 by 08. — On cloth, in excellent condition. 12.50 The thanks of the Corporation of Aldermen, printed on the plan, call it an «elegant planquot;, and really it deserves this praise. 2493 - Bird\'s eye view on tho city. Coloured lithogr. by 6\'. Matter. (1856?) Ig. sq. fol. — Sound copy. 2.50 2494 Philadelphia Repository (The) and Weekly Register, for 1800—2. Philadelphia: printed and edited by David Hoy an. 15 Nov. 1800 till 25 De-cemb. 1802. Vol. I, II. 54 Nos. with tables. 1 vol. hf. calf. 4to. — Very rare. 10.— Contains: Original Essays, Tales and Novels, ... Keinarkable Occurrences, Anecdoles, Bons mots, Jeu d\'esprits. Marriages and Deaths, Poetical Essays, etc. 2495 Philip, Voyage to Botany Bay, with an account of the establishment of the colonies of Port Jackson and Norfolk Island. London, 1789. hf. calf, porlr. and 53 copperplates. 4to. 3.— Most of the plates relate to natural history. 2496 - Voyage a Botany-Bay, avoc description de l\'établlsaemont des Colonies du port Jackson et de 1\'ile Norfolk. Trad, de I\'Angl. Paris. 1791. hf. calf, uncut. 8vo. 1.25 2497 Philippines. — Fr. Juan de laConcep-Cion, Historia general de Puilipinas, conquistas espirituales y temporales de estos Espanoles Do-minios, estableoimientos, progesos, y decadencias. Manila, X de Rosa y Balaytar, 1788— 92. 14 vols. vellum, maps, 4to. Fine copy. — t\'ery rare. 70.— 24913 Phillips. — Memoirs of the life of Catherine Phillips. London, 1797. /;/. calf, uncut. 8vo. 1.80 Pp. 66—147 contain the authoress\'stay in America. 2499 Phipps (C. J.) Voyage au Pole Boréal, in 1773. Trad, de I\'Angl. Paris, 1775. map and plates, calf. 4to. 2.— 2600 Pickering (John) Lawyer and Jurist, Member of the Convention for the Constituticn of New Hampshire. — A. S. D. to Col. M. Weare of Hampton Palls, dat. Portsmouth, June 25, 1774. 2 pp. 4°. 5.— quot;We, the Committee of Correspondence appointed by the late House of llepresentatives hove now before us several Letters from our Sister Colonies respecting the Appointment of Delegates to join the General Congress.... etc.quot; |
— P1S0NIS.
2501 Pickering (John) S. 1). dat. Portsmouth, April 17, 1800. 1 p. 4». 2.— Appoiutmeut of Dan. Waldron as Clerk of the District Court of New Hampshire. 2502 Pickering (Timothy) Soldier in the llovol. War, Writer and Stateaman, Postmaster-General 1791, Secretary of State 1795—1800. — A. L. S. to Nich. Gilman, dat. Pliilad. Out. 16, 1792. 1 p. 4quot;. 2.— Ou contracts for carrying the mail between Portsmouth, Boston, Salem and Exeter. 2503 - A. L. S. to General W. Eaton, dat. Washington, Febr. G, 1810. 1 p. fol. 2.— On politics. 2504 - A. L. S. to Sam. 11. Hopkins, dat. Washington, March 9, 1814. 1 p. 4°. 2.— On a declaration, made by a Mr. Clay, relative to the war with Canada. 2505 - A. L. S. to Jer. Port, dat. Winham, April With seal. On a Company of emigrants, formed at Newbury Port. 2506 Pickering (John) son of Timothy Pickering, great philologist, familiar with 22 languages, Prof, of Hebrew in Harvard University. — A. L. S. to Z. O. Whitman of Boston, dat. Oct. 13, 1828. 1 p. 8°. 2.50 In conveyance of some autographs of his father. 2507 Pidgeon (W.) Traditions of De-coo-dah, and Anticpiarian researches: compris. extensive Explorations, Surveys, and Excavations of the wonderful and mysterious earthen remains of the Mound-builder in Anicrica. Traditions of the hist Prophet of the lilk nation, etc. N. Y. 1853. Majgt; and 70 engrav. cloth. 8vo. 3.— 2508 Piéces offlcielles, messages, instructions, depêches, etc. relat. a la Négociation qui a eu lieu en 1797 et 1798, sur les dillerens éleve\'s entre le Gouvernement des Etats-Unies . . et Ie Directoire exécutif de France ... trad. p. Peltier. Lond. (Paris?) 1798. 8vo. sd. uncut. 3.— At the end: Lettres au Dr. Priestley, en Amcrique. 23 pp. with separate title. 2509 Pigafetta (A.) Premier voyage autour du monde, sur l\'escadre de Magellan, 1519—22;suivi de 1\'cxtr. de son Traité sur l;i Navigation ; et d une Notice sur M. Behaim et son globe terrestre. Paris, an IX (1800). cul. maps and plates, hf. calf. 8vo. 3.— 2510 Pigafetta (P.) R\'elat. d. rcame di Congo et delle cireonvic. eontrade. Tratta d. scritti di Od. Lopez, Portug. Koma. (1591.) hf. bd. 4to. 16,— With 8 large engr. plates. Very line copy, but the 3 maps wanting. 2511 Pike (Z. N.) Voyage au Nouveau-Mexique, dans I\'iuterieur de la Louisiane, préeédé d\'une excursion aux sources du Mississippi. Trad, de I\'Angl. p. Breton. Paris. 1812. 2 vols. sd. maps. 8vo. 1.75 Nelson of Newbury 1, 1817. 1 p. 4». - |
2512 Pike (Z. N.) Reize naar Nieuw-Mexico en de Binnenlanden van Louisiana, etc. Amsterd., 1812. 2 vols. sd. uncut, maps. 8vo. 1.75 Dutch translation of the preceding from the original English. 2513 Pilgrim-Fathers\' The) departure in the Meybloem (May-Flower), from Delfshaveu to America. 1620. — Modern plate in oval, surrounded by 6 smaller ones, illustrative of the hospitality ot Holland to martyrs for religion\'s sake. Engrav. by Reekie bun. sq. 4\'. With separate Dutch explanation. 4.— Belongs to the work of Prof. B. ter Haar a. o., Sketches from the religions history of llollantl. 2514 —— Same subject, another represent., lith. by A. Pleysier. sq. 8°. — Appended a lith. faes. of a part of the old Straelhoeck (book of the streets), at Leiden giving the exact place of llobinson\'s house. — Both from: Swalue, de Pelgrim-Vaders. 1859. 8quot;. 2.— 2515 Pindari Olympia, Pythia, etc. GraeoeetLat. cum comment. E. Schmidii. Wittebergae, 1616. vellum. 4to. Fine copy. 5.— A rare and valuable edition, at the end of which is appended: Ve America oratiuncula anno 1602 hahita. 2516 Pinto (I\'. Mendez) Historia Oriental de suas peregriuaojones en Oriente y Occidonte. Trad, do Portug. por Fr. de Herrera Maldonado. Madrid, 1604. fol. Hare edition. 10.— 2517 —— Wonderlyke reizen in Europa, Asia en Afrika. Vert, door J. H. Glazcmaker. Amsterd., 1652. 4to. Vail copy. 4.— Dutch translation of Pinto\'s voyages. 2518 Piron (Al.) Ferdinand Cortez, overwinnaar van Mexico. Treurspel, naar het Fransch (door J. Nomsü.) 2e druk. Anist. 1709, plate. 8vo. 1.80 (Ferd. Cortes, the conqueror of Mexico. Tragedy. From the French.) 2519 Pisanis (G-). et Q. Marcgraf de Lieb-stad, Historia naturalis Brasiliae, in qua plantae et animalia, Indigenarum morbi, ingenia et mores describuntur. Lugd. Bat. et Amstel., Lud. Elzevier, 1048. 3 parts in 1 vol. calf gilt. fol. 10.— With upwards of 500 woodcuts. — Highly esteemed work, divided; I. De medicina lirasiliensi. II. Historia rerum naturalimn Bi\'asiliensiurn. The 3d part coniains a Brazilian grammar and llraziliau-Latin vocabulary. 2520 - The same. Ibid. 1618. 2 parts in 1 vol. vellum. Large paper. 15.— 2521 Pisonis (6.) Do Indiae utriusquo re naturali et medica libri XV. Amstelod., Lud. et Dan. Elzevier, 1658. vellum, numerous woodcuts, fol. 10.— This is nut a second edition of the preceding work, but a quite dilforent book. It contains; I. Pisonis Hist, natur. et medicao Indiae Occident. — II. G. Marc-gravii Tract, topograph, et inuteorolog. Brasiliae et de Brasiliensium et Cluleusium indole et lingua. —• |
With a Braziliau-Latin vocabulary eutirely diiferent from that in the edition of 1618. — III J. llonfii Historiao natnr. et medicae Indiae Orient. — IV. Pisonis Mantissa aromatica. 2522 Pistorius (T.) Beschryving van do Colonio van Ziirinamo. Amst., 1763. Il\'il/i plate, sd. uncut. 4to. 2.50 {Description of the colony of Surinam.) 2523 Pitkin (Tim.) distinguished Lawyer, Member and live times Speaker of the Legislation. — A. L. S. to Jer. Nelson of Newburyport, dat. Washington, March 22, 1815. 1 p. 4°. 3.— A proposal for publishing a view of the commerce of the ü. S., a work which afterwards ap-peared, entitled: «Statistical View of the Commerce of the LI. S.quot; 1S1C. 8°. 2524 Pitou (L.-Ange), Voyage a Cayenne, dans les deux Amóriques et chez les anthropophages, cont. lo tableau général d. dóportés, etc. Paris, 1805. 2 vols, plates, hf. calf. 8vo. 1.50 2525 Placcaet inhoudende verbodt dat niemandt varen moet... naer de Zout-vaert, anders als met convoy, \'s Grav. 1621. 4to. 1.50 (Edict prohitntiny the navigation [or salt otherwise than with convoy.) 2526 Placcaot van de Stat. Gen. raeckende de navigatie ende het verboth van toevoer... naorPor-tugael. \'sGrav. 1657. 4to. Uncut.\\—Not in Asher\'s Essay. 2.25 {Edict of ths Stat. Gen. on the navigation and prohibition of supplying merchandises to Portugal.) 2527 Placcaet... etc. (Edict of the States General prohibition of commerce with the Portuguese in Brazil, etc. in consequence of the war with Portugal.) \'sGravenh. 1661. Broadside, fol. 1.50 2528 Placoaot... etc. (Restrictions laid on the Navigation to Greenland.) \'sGrav. 1659. Broadside. fol. —.75 2529 Plaecaetboek (Groot) inhoudende de Pla-caten ende? Ordonnantiën van de Staten van Holland en West-Vrieslandt. \'sGravenh., 1658— 1796. 10 vols, vellum, fol. 34.— (Great Placcardboo/c, containing all the Plnccards and Ordonnances of the States General, and of the States of Holland and Zealand.) This important eollection contains all the documents of public law lelating to the West-India-Company, Brazil, ctc. from 1581 to 1795 in 10 huge folio vols. 2530 Placcaeten on Publication. — A Collection of 93 divers original edicts and publications of the States of Holland and West-Vriesland, from 1622—67, each one folio sheet, to bo posted on the walls. Bound together in 1 vol. bds. fol. Ml uncut. 25.— |
It is easy to understand the rarity of a loose sheet, destined to be posted on the walls in the streets, 200 — 250 years ago, and it would be superfluous lo demonstrate expressly the value of such a collection as this, containing no less than 93 of these loose sheets aud — what occurs very rarely — all in the best possible state of preservation nud uncnt. The volume contains some of the lirst ollleial publications relating to the llr est-India Com p. 1622 (Asher Nquot;. 64, 67), placcards relating to Brazil, tjie publication of the treaty of lireda (Cession of New-Net herland to England,) number of edicts relating to the whalefis-hery, on Greenland, etc., etc. 2531 Plan of a Treaty of Commerce to be entered into between their High Mightn. the Estates of the Seven United States of Holland, and 13 United States oi North America. — Plan van een Tractaat, etc. (Dutch and Engl, text opposite another.) 30 Oct. 1780. hf. calf gilt. fol. — Of the utmost rarity. Official edition of the Preparatory Plan (projected 1778 at Aix-la-Chapelle), with the correspondence relating to it, as it was presented by the Chev. Yorke, as found with the papers of Mr. Laurens, to the Prince of Orange, and sent by Ihe States General to the Provinces. Very curious because the subscription of the Treaty is changed in all the reproductions, and nowhere is found gennine but in this authentic edition, printed only in u few copies. See N». 2580. - [Goons (E. M. v.)l Politiek Vertoog over het waar Systeem van Amsterdam, etc. (Utrecht) 1781. lol. (Political Discussion on the true System of Amsterdam, in relation to the general interest of the Republic, with considerations on the present war, and what happened from 1777 to 1780; also a deduction on the secret negotiations between the Pensionary v. Herckel and the English Colonies, ami the treaty made with them at Aii-la-Chapelle in 1778.) Original edition, eery scarce, printed privately in small number. Sec N0. 1238. Vine copy of both works, bound in 1 vol. hf. calf gilt. fol. 25.— 2532 Plancius (Petrus) Keformed Minister at Amsterdam, famous Geographer, warm promotor of the exertions to tind a passage to the E. Indies by the North, and of the schemes of W. Usse-lincx to establish the Dutch VV. I. Comp. b. 1552 d. 1622. — A. ü. S., dat. Amsterdam, Oct. 20, 1588. 1 p. 4°. 7.50 Certificate of Christian behaviour for a member of the Dutch Keformed Church. 2533 - A. S. loaf from an Album Amkorum, dat. Amsterd., 15 Cal. Junias, 1598. 4.50 Text in Hebrew and Greek and dedication to Am. Verhequius. 2534 --A. Signature. Appended his portrait, en- grav. by Vink ties. 8°. 1.50 2535 - Dodt v. Flensburg, Letterkundig verslag van ... de verdiensten van P. Plancius, omtrent de zeevaartkunde. (Amsterd. 1845.) 8°. E.rtr. 2.— (Literary account of the merits of P. Plancius, with regard to navigation.) |
Interesting piece ou this cosmographer and geographer, and bis part in the atlases and other works about 1600. 2636 Planto (Franc.) Manritiados libri XII, hoc eat: rerum ab illustrias. licroe Joanne Mauritio, eomito Nassaviae etc. in Occidental! India gesta-rum deseriptio poëtica. Lngd. Bat., Jon. Maire, 1647, vellum {binding damayeU.) fol. lieauliful, large cojjy. 40.— Latin epos on the indeed glorious and wise government of the Uutch Prinee John Maurice in Brazil, written by his chaplain Fr. Plante. This magnilieent and very rare work contains the beautiful portrait of Prince Maurice by T. Matham, 4 large folding maps of Brazil, and 22 lino plates (all taken from Bavlaeus, see N0. 228). lie-sides this the work contains the very line and rare portrait of the author by J. Suyderhuef, in brilliant impression. In the Ordo Tabularum this portrait is mentioned as follows; EJfujies autoris, si emptor volet, praemiUi potest Operi ipsique Tilulo. it is wanting in most copies. 2537 - The same work, without the portrait of the author. 25.— 2538 - Laurus Flandrica, sive Carmen gratula- torium ad Fridericum Henriciim, Arausiae Prin-cipem, cum, post expugnatam Wasiae civitatem Hulatam, Hagam rediissct. Lugd. B., J. Maire, 1645. fol. 4.— 2539 - Autograph Poem Signed, (in Latin) dedicated: „Divino 1\'ati Caspari JSurlaeoquot; the lliatorian of Brazil (See Nn. 228), who had written a Latin poem in honor of Planto\'s Mauritiados. — 4 closely written pp. fol. — Curious and very rare auto-graph, never published, 16.— 2540 - Therlanthropologia, sive elogia virnrum illustr. Fr. Plantae et C. Boji. Tral. a. Kh., G.v. Zijll, 164H. — Epistola tutelaris Corn. Boji ... do Therlanthropologia. Aniat. 1648. — 1 vol. 12mo. 1,75 The first — a violent satire against Plante, — contains some poems on his Manritias. — Rare. 2541 Player-Frowd (J. G ), Six months in California. Lond. 1872. cloth. 8vo. 1.50 2542 Plumer (.Will.) Governor of New Hampshire 1812—13, 1816—li). — A. L. S. to Sam. Bell of Cheater, dat. lipping, July 9, 1816. 1 p. 4°. 3,— Appointment of Mr. Bell as Justice of the Sup. Court of Judicature. 2543 Poinsett (Jool Roberts) Agent in S. America during the Kevol. there; Minister to Mexico, 1825—22, Secret, of War under Van Buren, 1825—41. — A. L. S. to Count (?) dat. N. Y. Nov. 19, 1821. 1 p. 4». 2.50 Informing his friend of his arrival (from Mexico ?). 2544 Political stag Hunt, or the M.....I (Ministerial?) Hounds in lull Cry. — English caricature publ. by ty. Humphrey. 1780. sq. fol. 2.— |
2545 „Politenessquot; — English caricature; a sitting Englishman, saying to a Frenchman: \'You be d\'mdquot; the other rejoining uVous ctes une béte.quot; (Engrav. by Gillray?) Publ. by W. Humphrey. 1780. sq. 4». 2.50 2546 - Same engraving. Coloured in the time of publication. — Damaged. 1.50 2547 Politiicq Discours, over den welatandt van deso Veroenichde Provintien ... ende ... aenghe-weson de middelen waerdoor wy onse waerde vry-heydt tcghen den Spangiaart sullen beschermen, insond. in het voorderen van de West-lnd. Comp. No place. 1622. 4to. (Asher N0 91.) 3.— (Political Discourse on the welfare of those United Provinces ... and .. . pointing out the means by which we shall be able to defend our cherished liberty against the Spaniard; consisting chiefy in the advancement of the IKast hid. Compamj.) 2518 Politique Hollandais (Le). Amsterd. A. Crajenschot, 1781—83. 5 vols. (vol. !, 2 calf gilt extra, gilt edges; vol. 3—5 sd. uncut.) Svo. 6.50 Weekly paper, published at the occiision of the war of the United Prov. with England, 12 Febr. 1781 till 11 Aug. 1783. 131 Nos., by Ceriner and the editor Crajenschot. Fcdl of essays on the revolution and the independence of America, the armed Neutrality, the war with England, the alliance with Aincrica, on John Adams, etc. etc. I7cry interes ting. — Vol. 3—5 without title and indexes. 2519 Pölitz (K. H. L.) Die Staatensyateme Europa\'s und Amcrika\'s aeit 1783. (1783-•1825.) Leipzig, 1826. 3 vola. hf. calf. Svo. 1.75 2550 Pollonitz (Countesa P.) De eerste dagen van het Mexieaansche Keizerrijk. Uit h. Iloogd. Amsterd. 1867. 8vo. 1.80 {The first days of the Mexican Empire. From the German, with introduction.) 2551 Polus Antarcticus. From: Janssonius\' Large Atlas. Amat. 1657. aq. fol. 51 by 41. — Coloured. — Dutch text on verso. 2.50 With scenes of the life of the inhabitants of the Antarctic Islands. 2552 Pomme TAméricain, „Représentant du Peuple,quot; in France, where he took an active part in the Revolution. — A. L. S. to the „Citoyen Pres. du Depart, d. Bouchea du Rhone,quot; dat. Mar-aeille. Sopt. 5, 1793. 1 p. fol. 2.— 2553 Pontanus (Joh. Is.) Rerum et urbia Am-stelodamcnsium historia. Amstelod., 1611. vellum, folding maps, plates and engravings, fol. 9.—- The pp. 128—143 of this work contain a very valuable history of the early Dutch voyages to the North, illustrated with 13 maps and engravings, taken from the original editions of these voyages. At p. 129 a large map is inserted, representing the glacial regions, made by J. Hondius, the publisher of (he work, with the Inscription at the 80th degree: Glacies ab lludsono dftecta. See for further particulars; Tiele, pag. 111. |
2554 Pontanus (Joh, Is.) Historische beschryvfnghe der Coopstaüt Amsterdam. In Neerd. overghebr. door Pt. Montanum. Amst, 1014. calf. Ito. 10.— Translation of the preccdinj; work with the same plates; this translation is much rarer than the original. — See Tiele, p. Ill, 133 etc. 2555 —- Bodel-Nyenhuis (J. T.) Ijevcnsbyzon-dcrhcden van Job. Is. Pontanus. (lixlr. 1838.) 8vo. !•— (Details of ihe life of J. I. Pontanus.) 2556 Poor (H. V.) Manual of the railroads of the United Statos, for 1872- 74. With an Appendix on the debts of the Un. States. 5th Series. N. York, 1872. clolk. 8vo. (12.70) 4.50 2557 Poore (B. Parley), Congressional directory for the 3d Session of the 41th Congress of the U. S. 2d ed. Washingt. 1871. plale and map. 8vo. 1.25 2558 Poroaochi (Thom.) L\' Isole plu famose del Hondo deseritte e intagliate da G. Porro. Venetia, 1572. vellum, many neat maps. fol. (a little stained at the margins.) 7.— Contains a map of New Spain, Cuba, St. Laurent, Santa Cruz, a plan of Temistitan (Mexico), etc. 2559 - The same. Venetia, 1576. vellum, many neat maps printed in the teat. fol. 12.— Second edition, considerably augmented. 2560 Porcupine (Peter) The Political censor, or Monthly Review of the most interesting political occurrences, relative to the United States of America. Philadelphia, 1796—97. 6 parts. Vol 1 N0. 1, 2, 3, 7, 8. Vol. II N0. 1. td. uncut. 8vo. 8.50 2561 — The llush-Jjight. New-York, Will. Cobbett, 1800. 4 parts, sd. uncut. 8vo. 17.50 A satirical and political journal. The name of the journal quot; Rush-Liyhtquot; had been taken from certain Dr. Knsh, who had made an action against W. Cobbett for slander and recovered 5000 Dollars damages in it; in revenge Cobbett set up his Rushlight. It needs hardly be said, that the same Porcupine is a lictitious one and the real name is Will. Cobbett. Rich only mentions the London reprint of the same date. The present copy is very interesting, being in the original covers, full of curious annonn-eements etc., and entirely uncut. 2562 Portlock and Dixon, Voyage round the World, but more particularly to the North-West Coast of America. Lond., 1789. % \\\'o\\s.portr., maps and plates, /if. calf. 4to. 3.50 2563 - Reis naar de Noord-Wcst-Kust van Amerika. Amstord., 1795. maps and plates, uncut. 4to. Dutch translation of the preceding. 2564 Portogysen goeden buynnan (Der). Ghetroc-ken uyt de Registers van ayn goet Gebuerschap gehouden in Lishona, Maringan, Caep Sint Au-gustyn. Sint Poulo de Loando, eu Sant Tomée, etc. No place. 1650. 4to. 5.— |
(The Portuguese good neighbour; Drawn from the Registers of his good neighbourship kept in Lisboa, Marignan, Cape St. Augustin, St. Paulo de Loando and St. Thome.) Asher mentions only an edition of 1649 N0. 266. 2565 Portorico and tbc Caraïb Islands. — From: Janssonius\' large Atlas. Amst. 1657. scj. tol. 51 by 41, — Coloured. Dutch text on verso. 2.50 2566 Post-ryder (De Nederlandschc). Utrecht, 1772,73. 4 Nos; 1774. 10 Nosj 1777. 12 Nos; 1781. 3 Nos; 1786. N». 8; 1790. 11 Nos; 1791. 2 Nos. — Together 43 Nos. 18mo. 5.— (The Dutch Postilion bringing exact reports of the affairs oj State and ffar, hi tlurope and abroad, and of other remarkable occurrences.) Rare journal, containing in all these numerous tidings from the American colonies. 2567 Pot aux Roses (Lo), on corrcspondance secrete de Thom. Boot avec S. M. George III, et ses ininistres les Lords Stormont, Sandwich, Ger- maine et North. Londres (Hollander 1782. 8vo. _ On the conduct of the Dutch during the American war, etc. 2568 Potomack. — Observations on the River Potomack, the country adjacent and the city of Washington. New-York, London and Son, 1793. 8vo. 2.— Published on the occasion of the permanent seat of Government being liied at Washington. 2569 Pouchot, Mémolre sur la dernière guerre do rAmérique Septentrlonale, entre la Franco etl\'An-gleterre (1754—00); suivie d\'observations topograph., et ... de nouv. détails sur les raoeurs et usages des Sauvages. Yverdoli, 1781. 3 vols. hf. calf gilt. sm. 8vo. 19.—• This work relates to the war in Canada from 1754 to 1761). The author was commander of the French fortresses Niagara and Lewis. T\'le 3d vol. contains a topograph, account of what was called Canada at that time. 2570 Poussin (Gr. Tell) Travaux d\' amelioration intérieure projetés on executes par lo Gouvernement géneral d. Ktats-Unis d\'Amériquo, 1824—31. Paris, 1834. sd. 4to, with Atlas of plates, largo fol. 6.— 2571 Powell (J. W.) Report of explorations in 1873 of the Colorado of the West and its tributaries. Washington, 1874. amp;0. —.60 2572 Pownall, Méinoire addressê aux Souverains de l\'Europe, sur l\'état present des allaires de I\'an-cien et du nouveau monde. Trad, do I\'Angl. par M*****. Londres, 1781. bds. 8vo. 1.50 2573 (Poivre) Voyages d ull philosophe ou observations sur les moeurs et les arts des peuples de lAfrique, do 1\' Asie et de l\'Amérique. Yverdon, 1768. sd. uncut. 12ino. 1.50 2574 - The same. Lond. et Lyon, 1769. calf. 12mo. 2.50 |
2575 (Poivro) The same. Kacstricht, 1779. id. uncut. 8vo. 1.— 2570 do Pradt, L\'Eutopc ct rAmuriquc cn 1821. Paris, 1822. 2 vols. sd. mcut. 8vo. 1.50 2577 - Des colonies ct de Ia revolutionJiaturello de rAmérique. Paris, 1817. 2 vols. sd. uncut. 8vo. 1.50 2578 —— Les 6 derniers moia de rAmérique et du Brésil. Paris, 1818. hf. calf. 8vo. 1.25 2579 - Dos trois derniers mois de rAmérique Méridionale et du Urésll. Paris, 1817. hj. bd. 8vo. 1.— 2580 --Pii\'iccs relatives a St. Domingue ct i l\'Amérique. Suite a ses ouvragea sur rAmérique. Paris, 1818. ids. 8vo. 1.25 2581 - Vrai systéme do 1\'Europe relat. A 1\'Amé- rique ct a la Grèce. Brux. 1825. bds. 8vo. —.90 2582 - Congres do Panama. Paris, 1825. Squot;. 1.— 2583 —— (Lettres a 1 Abbé). par un indigene de 1\' Amérique du Sud. Paris, 1818. 3d. 8vo. —.80 Refutation of Nquot;. 2577: Des Colonies ct de la revolution naturelle de rAmérique. 2584 Précis do deux lettres avee uuc reflexion générale sur l\'état présent do Surinam. Nimégue (1778.) 8vo. 1.- 2585 Précis historique do la révolution dos Etats-Unis de rAmérique. Gand, de Goesin, (1782.) 8vo. 2580 Preparatoirlyk Plan van een Tractaat van commercie, aan tc gaan tusschen H. Hoog Jlog. de Staaten van do Vereen. Provinciën van Holland, en de Dertien Vereen. Staaten van Noord-Amerika, om ingevallen Engeland Haar voor Vrye Volkeren erkent, alsdan zulks te brengen ter ta-vel van H. Hoog Moog. 1780. tol. uncut. 18.— (Preparatory Plan o[ a treaty of commerce between Their High Might, the States of the Vn. Provinces of Holland and the 13 United States of North-America, to be brought, in case England should acknowledge them as Free Peoples, before Their High Might.) Original, vory rare edition of this most famous document. — The plan was projected already in 1778 at Aix-La-Chapelle; it was kept very sccret and became known only by accident, the vessel by which the bearer of it, Mr. H. Laurens, Deputy of the Congress, was to go to America, happening to be captured hy the English, and the document with the correspondence relating to it falling into the hands of the enemy. The corrcsponJence concerning the 1\'lan, which is annexed to its text is of equal interest as the document itself, as it shows the warm sympathy of Amsterdam for the American cause. 2587 Presoott (W. H.) History of the conquest of Mexico. New-York, 1855. 3 vols, cloth,portraits. roy. 8vo. 10.— 2688 -- History of the conquost of Mexico, with |
a view of the ancient Mexican civilization and the life of Cortes. Paris, 1844. 3 vols. 8vo. 2.50 2589 Prescott (W. H.) Histoire do la conquete du Mexique, avec un tableau de I\'ancienne civilisation Mcxicaine et la vie de 1\'. Cortes. Publiéen Frane. par A. Pichot. Paris, 1840. 3 vols. hf. calf,plates. 8vo. 0.50 2590 - History of the conquest of Peru. New- York, 1855. 2 vols, cloth, roy. 8vo. 10.— 2591 - Zeden, gewoonten en regeringsvorm in Peru, vóór de komst dor Spanjaarden. Uit het Engclsch d. G. Mees. Amstcrd., 1849. sd. 8vo. -r-.75 (Manners, customs and government in Peru before the arrival of the Spaniards.) Ï592 Present state of England. English caricature: a mass of people (probably portraits) holding claims and grievances, f. i. Taxes, Erports-Protec-tion-Vispatch, etc., assail an English Minister, who is sitting at a table covered with Statospapers; on the foreground an American (or Dutchman?) and a Frenchman enchaining a Lion; oa the wall a picture representing an American native embracing a female (the Colonies\'?). 1780. — Aquatint, sq. fol. 0.— 2693 „Tho present state of Great Britain.quot;— An American puts tho cap of Liberty on the English standard, a Dutchman cuts the Englishmans purse; a Scotchman and Frenchman fight.—Contemporaneous English caricature, by J. Philips, publ. by W. Itichardson. 1779. sq. t\'ol. — Fine slate. 6.— 2694 Prester John. — Description of the land of — in Dutch. Antwerp, about 1508. 10 leaves. 4to. 300.— Recto of the first leaf: Van die wonderlichede en costelicheden — van Pape Jans landen des. [Of the wonders and precious things of Pape Johns land.) Tho remainder of the first page filled with four curious woodcuts, representing: 1°. a wild man with n beast\'s head bearing a fish, 2°. an elephant, 3quot;. a griffon with a man in its paws, and 4°. three men fighting against three birds. Recto of the last leaf: Gheprint Thatwerpe. Jen dijsere wage by my Jan van Doesborch. (Printed at Antwerp in the iron balance by me Jan van Doesborch.) Collation: 10 unnumbered leaves of 29 ii, 31 lines tho full page, only two leaves with signatures (the third A III and the seventh B I.) small 4to. Gothic letters. Eleven different woodcuts in the text, four of them repeated from the recto of leaf 1. On the 5th leaf a woodcut of the bird Phenix in flames. The verso of the last leaf filled with two wood-engravings, one representing the Virgin with the Child, the other tho printer\'s mark of Roeland v. d. Dorpe, used in 1497 etc. [an herald with hia attributes, |
blowing a trumpet.] — Two leaves slightly mended in the inner niurgin; eke a very well conditioned copy- This letter is a characteristic specimen of the popular literature of the cud of the niiddle-agesj it is entirely filled by a descriiition of the land of Prester John and abounds with the most incredible accounts. It must have been eagerly read, for there are editions in Latin, Italian, French, all published in the end of the IBth and beginning of the lOtb century, while an English translation will be found in Maundcville\'s Travels: London 1727. But up to-this time no Dutcti edition had been fn. So that we believe this copy to be Uni-The extraordinary interest of the work itself nigh importance of the fable of Priest John _bislory of the voyages to the Eastern coun- justify the placing of the work in this cat^p. For further particulars on Priest John see the learned and highly interesting work of Oppert: lier Priester Johannes (N0. 23()8.) The author gives there a letter of Priest John to Emanuel, Emperor of Constantinople, in a German translation, an old German poem of nearly the same cunteuts; and the Latin text of the same letter contained in Joh. de Hese\'s llineranus printed at Ucventer in 1504. Another, but dilTerent text of the letter, with nearly the same contents, is given In Jubinal\'s edition of Rutebeuf {see Nquot;. 2597.) The present Dutch text agrees most with this French given by Jubinal; there are however considerable differences from it. Therefore we have judged it worth the while to have an exact reprint of this Dutch edition made {See following Nquot;. 2595.) 2595 Prester John, Letter to the Emperor of Rome, in Dutch. 12.50 Exact reprint of the above, in real old Gothic characters of the 15th century, executed by Messrs. J. Enschede and Sons at Haarlem. A faithful reproduction of the original, page for page, the space occupied by the woodcuts left blank. A modern French translation together with the French text published by Jubinal in his edition of llutebenf\'a works is added. This edition is printed in 30 numbered copies, the old text on old paper, the text of Rutebeuf and the modern version on new paper. 2596 - De ritu et morlbus Indorum. (in fine:) Explicit Epistola do Johanuc qui dr Cdicitur) pres-biter Indie. No place nor date. Ids- 4to. 22.50 Rakissimk. — Printed in Germany at the end of the 15th century; 9 leaves u 31 lines, Gothic types; woodcut border at the first page; initials written in colours. Staiued by water. 2597 - Alvares (Pr.) Warlmfftigcr Bericht von den Landen, audi geistl. u. vroltl. Regiment, des meohtigen Königs in Ethiopicn, den wir Priester Johann nennen ... Aus der Portugall. u. Italien. Sprachen in das Deutsche gebracht. (Eiszlebcn, J. Heller, 1566.) ids. lol. — Vfcui RARE. 32.— |
First German edition of Alvarez, unknown to Brn-net and most bibliographers; it contains (pp. 5—07) the complete translation of Corsali\'s letters on India, addressed 1515 and 1517 to Lorenz de Medicis. 2598 Prester, John. — Eutebeuf, Oeuvrcs completes. Recueiilies et mises au jour pour la première fois par Achilla Jubinal. Paris, 1839. 2 vols. sd. tmcul. 8vo. Out of print. 7. — This work is placed here, for the treatise on Prester-John, contained in the 2d vol. pp. 442— 470, which gives also the Latin and French text of his supposed letter, both from MSS. in the Biblio-th(!i|ue Hoyale of Paris. 2599 IPrevostl Hlatoire générale des voyages, on nouvelle collection de toutes les relations de voyages par nier et par terre... IS on v. edition revue sur roriginal Anglais, et ou Ton a rétabii avec soin ce qui a été supprimé ou oniis par le traduc-teur, etc. La Haye, 1747—-80. 25 vols, calf gilt, with a vast number of maps and plates. 4to. 3U.— This edition of Abbé Prevost\'s Histoire des voyages is generally stated to be simply a reprint of the text of the Paris edition, with some new voyages added; but there is a great difference. It contains considerable corrections and additions. 2600 - Historische beschryving der reizen of nieuwe on volkomono verzameling van Je merkwaard. zee- en landtogten in Europa, Azie, Afrika en Amerika. Geschreven in Engeland, vertaald in Frankryk, in h. Nederl. volgens de Eng. druk overgebragt. \'s Lira v. 1747—1767. 21 vols. Dutch vellum. 4to. I\'cry fine copy. 20.— Translation of Prevost\'s collection (made after the Engl, collection of J. Green, Loud. 1744 :o 47) but with corrections on the original, from the French version. — With a large number of plates and maps. 2601 - Same uncut. Rare. edition. Largo Paper, boards, 25.— 2602 - The plates of the above Dutch edition of Prevost\'s collection of voyages separately. 4to. About 450 maps and plates, representing views of cities, costumes, plants, animals, etc. etc., many of them relative to America. 2603 Price (R.) Observations sur la nature de la liberté civile, sur les principes dn gouvernement, sur la justice et la politique do la gujrrc avcc 1\'Amóriquo. Auxquellcs on ii ajouté nu Appendix et un Postscriptum. Trad. de l\'Angl. suriallme édit. augm. et corr. par l\'auteur. Rotterdam, 1776. sd. uncut. 8vo. 2.60 2604 --Aanmerk, over den aart d. burgerlyko vryheid, ... en den oorlog met Amerika. Vort. d. J. D. v. d. Capeüen. Leyden, 1776. 8vo. 1.— Dutch edition of the foregoing, translated from the English. 2605 - Nadere Aanmerk, etc. Leyden, 1777. 8vo. uncut. — (Further Considerations, etc.) Continuation to N0. 2604. 1.amp;0 |
nuovft a^fïinntossi (li «Ifio. Gastalilo riamontiso, cosningrapho. Ven(!tia) 1518. 60 maps, gilt vdluni. win. 8vo. . 30iT Veiy lil») cojiy. — First Italiiin «lilion conlai-niug 00 very null engraved mups, whcrof 2 miip-iiemoiiila ami ü special maps of America, one comprising the: tierra of Labrador, the tlcrra of Nnmti-borg, elc. 2G25 Ptolomaei Omnia quae extant opera, praetor Oeoaraphiain, oura ab E. 0. Schreckonfiulisio. Basiicao, ap. lUnric. Pelrum. 1551. woodcuts, bils. sm. fol. ^7.50 2620 - Goographia universalis vetus et nova; complect. Ptolem. Enarratioms II. VIII. Translat. Pirckheimeri, ... sueced. tabulae op. i. Munsteri. liasiliao, per Uenricum Petram, 1555. 51 maps. Hill, fol. (Harrisse, Addeiula N0. 155.) Bound np in one vol, with; ral. Andr. lii/d, Catalogus annorum atque principurn. Berime, 1540. 2027 - Geograpliia, olim a B. Pirkheimiierlo tranalata, at nunc multis codd. grace, collata, ct redacta a Jos. Mole tie. Venetlis, gt;\'■ I\'algrisius, 1562. 04 em/raved maps ion copper), vellum. 4to. 850 This edition contains 8 maps on America, besides different maps of the N\'orthern regions of Europa and America. 2028 - Geograpliiae libri VI11. Latino, cum ta- bulis ad mentein auotoria restitutia per Ger. Mer-catorem. (Ed. cura A. Mylii.) 1584 (in fine:) Colo-niae, 1578. vellum, woodcuts and maps. Large Jol. Veiiï fine copy, with splendid engraved title and 2U maps on copper, each with elegant orna-mcutal border and cartouches. First edition of Ptolemy with Mercator\'s aeries of maps. — See N». 2088—97. 2620 _ The same. Ibid. 1578. Engraved title and 27 coloured maps, no text, vellum, large fol. 9.— Without the two maps of globes. 2630 _ Qoographiae universae tuin veteris tuin novae absolutissimum opus, duohus voluminibus distinctum in quorum pnore habentur Ftolemaei Geograpliica, in secundo antiquae orbis tabulae XXXVII reccntiores, auctore J. a.. Magino. Co-loniac, P. Keschedt, 1597. 2 vols in 1. stamped pigskin, with date of 1599 on the binding. 64 maps. 4to. Very fine copy. , Contains 3 maps of the world with America and one special map of the New World. Leaf 2/9 to 291 of the 2d volume coutain a description of America. 2631 _ Geografla. Tradotta da G. Uuscelli et liora nuovainente ampliata da G. Rosaccio, con varie annotationl et espositione, et una geografla, universale separata da quella di Tolomeo. Venetia, Heredi di Melch. Sassa, 1599. 3 parts in 1 voL calf, many maps. 4tO. 9-— Contains, besides 3 maps of the world with repro-seutatioii of America, a separate «liber 1? trait. |
deV Americaquot; (leaf 125 — 143 of the 2d part) with 9 maps. 2632 Ptolomaoi Geograpliiae libri VIII. Graece et Lat. Cum tabulis gengraph. ad mcntem anctnris rcstitutis per G. Mercator em. Becogniti a P. Man-tano. Amsterod., J. Uondius et Corn. A\'icolai, 1005. fol. With portrait of G. Mercator avd 27 maps. — A. Ortelii Thcatri orbis terrarum parergon, s. veteris geograpliiae tabulae, comineutariis illu-stratae. Antwerp., ex officina Plantiniana, 1 624. inth numerous maps, including the Tabula itineraria Peutingeriana in 8 parts. Bound together in 1 vol. fol. calf gilt. 14.— 2633 - Opus ingens ac nobile omnes Celorum motus contineiis. Eelicibns astris eat in liicein duetu Petri Liechtenstein. Venetlis, er. officina eiusd. liliera.r\'m, 1515. calf gilt. lol. Rare. 15.— Goth, types, ornamented initials, niathemat. Ilgu-res in the margins. — Fine copy of a well executed work, save some small wormholes. 2634 Purcbas (S.) Pelgrimagie. Voyagicn en rey-sen ghedaeu door dt; oude Coninghen, Patriarchen, Apostelen on Plillosoplien. Uit het Engels ver-taolt. t\' Amsterdam, 1656. Vol. I. vellum. 4to. 12.50 (Pilgrimage. Voyages and travels of Ihe old Kings, Patriarchs etc.) This is the only volume of that celebrated work, which appeared in a Dutch translation. It contains only the first book (in 10 chapters) of the original. Very rare. 2635 Pyrard do Laval (Fr.) Voyage et navigation aux ludes Orientales, Maldives, Moltqucs et au Brósil. Avee une description exaete des moours. Canons de faire, du commerce, des animaux, arbrcs, etc. Nouv. edit, augin. p. Du Val. Paris, L. Kit-laine, 1079. 3 parts in 1 vol. calf, with mcp.^Mo. The first edition of this interesting work appeared in 1011. It is said to be written by P. Bergeron after the narratives of Pyrard. See Brunei, who adds that the edition of 1679 is preferable for the additions by Du Val and the map, which is not in the lirst edition. 2636 Quad, Matth., Geographisch Handtbuch in welchein die Gelegenheit dor vornehmsten Land-schafften des gantzen Erdtbodems in zwei und aehtzig Taffeln ttirgcbildt. Coin, 1600. Original calf binding, fol. 1^. Of the 82 maps, nearly nil copied alter Mercator, 6 American occur: Map of the World, N. America, S. America, Mexico, Strait of Magellan, North-Pole. — On many maps fine portraits f. i.: that of Queen Elisabeth of England, of Philip II of Spain, etc. 2637 Quakers (Lcs vrals), ou les exhortations, harangues et prédictions des vrais scrviteurs de Dien, \'i un mechant frère au sujet de soa maximes sur Ie luxe, etc. Londres, 1770. sd. uncut. 8vo. |
158 RECUEIL - Relation de Terre-Nenvc, p. White. — llelntion de lu Baye de Hudson. — Lettre de M. Oelislff sur la Californie (p. F. Af. Pieolo). — Relation d\'nno den-cente des Kipngnols dans la Californie en 10S3. Vol. V. Relation de In Louisiane (p. Ie P. Char-levoix). — Relation de la Louisian», par le Chev. de Tonti. — Voyage de Hennepin. Vol. IX. Ralsons qui out porté le gouvernement Brit. amp; former une colonie dans la Georgië. — Voyage de Hennepin. 2693 Recueil Ilea Dccrr-ts Apostoliqnos et des or-donnances du rol de. Portugal, conwevniuit la conduite des Jésultes dans le Paraguay, l\'attentat do 1758 etc. Avee des pieces authentiiiues. Amsterd., 1760—61. 3 vols, calf neat. sm. 8vo. 6.— 2694 Recueil dos loix constitutlves dos colonies Angl., confédérées sous la dénoniination d\' Ktats-Uuis do rAmóriquo Septentrlon. Anquel on a joint los Actos d\' IndOpendance, etc. trad. do 1\' Angl. Pliilad. et Paris, 1778. calf. 8vo. 2.75 Dédie a Beuj. Franklin. 2695 Recueil des Voyages qui ont servi i\\ 1\'établissement et aux progrez de la Compagnie dos Indes Oriontales, formée dans les Provinces-Unies des Pais-Bas. Nouv. édit. revue et angm. Kouon, P. CaiUous, 1725. 10 vols, calf, muny maps and plates. 8\\ro, ^■ Vulimble collection, published by de Constaatin. — It is a translation of the work Begin en Voortyanrj (Nn. 272) but with many abbreviations; on the other hand the voyage of Bontekoe and the book Formosa neglected are added, • 2696 Recueil van de tractaten gemaeckt ende go-slooten tussehon de Staten Generaol dor Vereen. Noderl. ter eenre; ende verscheydo Koningen, Princen enz. tor andere zyde, \'s Qravenh., (1684.) vellum. 4to. (Collection of the treaties made tig the States General and divers Kings, Princes, etc.) Collection of 62 treaties from 1576—1684, with a general title, comprising those relating to the Dutch West-India Company, Brazil, New-Netherland, etc. 2697 Reden van dat die West-lnd. Compagnie . .. niet alleen profytellJok, maer oock noodtsaorkolijek is, tot behoudenisse van onsen Staet. No place. 1636. 4to. (Asher Nu. 162.) 2.50 {Reasons to prove that Ihe Mest-1 Hi/. Comp. is not only profitable but even necessary to the main-tainance oj our State.) 2G98 Redenen waeromme do West-lnd. Comp. dient te trachten het landt van Brasilia den co-ninck van Spangicn te ontraachtigon, en dat ten eerste. Wesende een ghodeelte dor propositie gho-daen door J. A. Moerbeeck Amst, 1624. 4to. 6.— (Reasons for the W. I. Comp. to try to deprive the King of Spain of Brazil.) Rare, not in Asher\'s Kssay. 2699 Redenen ende versoh. notable omstandig-heden van Don Fernando Telles de Faro ... |
REESA-BOOK. aeng. syn vertreck uyt \'s Graven-Hage. 1656. 4toquot; Top and foot uncut. (Asher Nquot;. 293.) 1.50 (Reasons and several notable circumstances regarding the departure of I). Fern. Tellez de Faro from the ILigue.) Relating to the negotations on the cession of Brazil. 2700 Redi (Franc.) Exporimonta circa res diver-sas naturales, specialim illas, quae ex Indiis adfe-vuntur. Acced. observatt. de viperis. Amstolod., 1675. vellum, plates. 12mo. 1- Curiosities of natural history of the New World, etc. 2701 Reed (A.) en J. Mathes^n, Verhaal van hot bezoek bj) do Amerik. Kerken door do Afgo-vnanligdon van wego de Congregationale Veroe-niging van Engeland en Wallis. Rottord., 1838. sd. 8vo. ,-50 (Account of a visit to the American Churches bit the Deputies of the Congregational Union of England and Wales.) 2702 Reeder (Eon) en Handelaar op do West-Indien, aan zij no mcdereeders (Aiiist., 1790.) 8vo. (A freighter and merchant on the West-Indies to his colleagues.) 2703 Boelfs (C. Schemering) Het Surinaainsche Regorings-reglemont van 1865. 8vo. 1.— (The Statute of Government for Surinam, }S65.) 2704 Reeps (Jan). — Copye van \'t Octroy door de Staten Goner, gegoven aon Jan Reeps, om eeno colonie op to richten aon de westzydo van Rio de las Amasones. Mitsgaders eon beschryvmgo van die landen . \'s Gravcnh., J. Scheltus, 1689. 4to. Uncut. Vary saarco. 20.-- (Copy of the patent granted bij the States tiener, to Jlt;ihn Reeps, for founding a colony on the Wes-teru side of the Rio de hts Amazones, If ith a description of the lands.) The colony of Jan Reeps h one of those works we are surprised to liud any trace of in history, so much it was lost sight of among greater and more successful speculations. Indeed one is hardly aole to say if this expedition left Holland or not. The extreme scarcity of this pamphlet has prevented persons more competent than ourselves from giving their opinion on the history of this colony; and it is almost the duty of those men in America who devote their studies to make the history of the new world known to ns, to give us some details of this almost forgotten country. In the mean time we recommend this tract to their notice, assuring them t.iey will read it with interest. (Asher.) 2705 Rees (O. van) Geschiedenis der Ne.lerland-scho volkplantingen in Noord-Amorika. Tiel, 1855. sd. 8vo. V— (History of the Dutch colonies in North-America.) 2706 Be38.i-bo)k. — Colloctian of Voyages to East- and West-India, printed at Wy-singzborg (Sweden.) 1674—75. 4to. 240.— Printed at the private press of Count P. lirahe, |
at Wysingsborg in SnialanJis. (?) — This collection is, as all the typographical iiroiluctions uf that press, directed by Joh, Kankel, of the utmosï r mi it v. The volujne contains : Een kort BeskriSning nppii trcnne Ueesor och Peregrationer, sampt Kouimgarijket Japan: I. Nils Matson Kiüping, Beskrifwes een Ueesa, sora henoin Asia, Africa och manga andrn lledniska Konungarijken. (pp. 1—162.) II. Bekrifwes een Reesa till Oat-Indien, China och Japan, (pp. 1Ö2 —233.) III. Med Förfalliaude om ... Kouimgarijketz Japan Tillstiind, sampt thesz Inwanarcs Handel ooh Wandel... aff OloffKricksun If\'illman, (pp. 2341-289.) IV. Uthfores een Keesa ifriin Moscow till China, genom Mongol och Calaja, öfwer Slrömen O bij; l\'iirrüttat aff een Ilysk Gesandt, sorn till then stoore Tartaren Ninki war sklckad. (pp. 289—303.) Wy-sindzborg, Joh. Kankel, 1C74. On pag. 304 is an advice that this rhjesa-uouk has been printed in 1007, and that to this second edition the following: quot; Tracta terquot; [with separate titlts and paginations) are joined; 1. Mart. Martini], S. J., Bistoria om thet Tar-lariske krijget nthi Konnngarijket Sina ... Men fiirswenskat alf A\'nbr. Nidelberg. IC?lt;1. (4) and 102 pp. 2. Muh. Hemmertum, West-Indianisk Reese-Bo-skriffning fran 1039 till 1045, ifran Amsterdam till St. Joris de Mina. 1075. (8) and 94 pp. 3. Korl Beriittelse om Wiist Indien eller America, som elliest Kallas Nya VVerlden. 1675. 49 pp. 4. Jobst Schouten, Sanfitrdig Hckrijfl\'aing om Konnngarijket Siam, . .. utlii Holiiindska Spriiket ilhr 1030 fiirfattat ... 1075. 00 pp. All bound in one vol. old vellum, original binding. 4to. Very fine complete copy. Some of the margins slightly stained; a Etamp at the onder margin of the title. The works printed at Wysingzborg, belong even in Sweden to the rarest. — They are described in the following tract; 2707 Eeesa-book. — Gestrin (Sam) Diasortatio do libris in typographia Wisingsburgensi impressis. Upsaliae, 1793. 28 pp. 4to. 5__ In this piece, also scarce, is found not only the bibliographical description, bnt also the detailed contents of each. Of the 28 Nos therein, the aboved named form 5 Nos, viz. 13, 14, 15, 18 and 19. 2708 Regeling van den geneeskundigen dienst, bij de troupen en hospitalen der liataal\'aclie Republiek in do Anioricaansclie bezittingen. (No place.) 1802. /ƒ. bd. 8vo. 1.75 (Regulations for the medical service in the army and the hospitals of the Bataoian American colonies. 2709 Register (Quarterly) and Journal of the American Education Society. Conducted by E. Cornelius and 15. 1!. Edwards. Andovcr and Boston, 1830—36. Vol. 2, 4—8. hf, bd. 8vo. 10.— Containing valuable historical particulars, etc. |
2710 Reglamento y Aranoeles para ol Comercio libro de Espana a Indian, de 12 Oct. 1718. Madrid (1718). 202 pp. calf gill. 4to. 4.— 2711 Reglement by de West-lnd. Coinp., ter ver-gad. van de Negenthiene, met approbatie van de Staten Generael, over hit openstellen van den handel op Brasil provisioneel ghearrest. \'s Grav. 1038. Broadside. Large fol. 3.— (Regulation by the West-lnd. Comp., provisionally decreed in the assetnbly of the Nineteen, with the approbation of the States Oener, respecting the opening of the trade with Brasil.) Asher cites only an edition iii-4to, N0. 108. 2712 Reglement op het beleid van de regering, het justitiewezen, den handel etc. op Curasao. \'sGravenh. 1815. 8vo. 1._ (Regulations on the course of the government, management of justice, commerce etc, at Curafao.) 2713 Ragt (Het) der ingezetenen van doezen Staat om op do Franscho West-Indien te handelen..... Door een Koopman van Sint Eustatiua. Uit het Eng. vert. Amst. 1758. 8vo. 1.50 (The rights of the inhabitants o[ this State to trade with the French West-Indies. I!y a Merchant of St. Eustatitcs. Transl. from the Engl.) 2714 Roinhardt (J.) Om den indtiydelae, do ideligo Markbramle have udovet panvegetatlonem 1 de Brasilianske Campos. Kjob. 1857. 8°. 1.— 2715 Reining (J. E.) Zeer aanmerkelijke reysen meest in de West-Indien. Samengesteld door I), van der St err e. Amst., J. ten Hoorn, 1091. maps and plates. 4tn. 20.— (I\'ery remarkable voyages, principally in the If,est-lndies.) The editor 10. v. d. Sterre) of these very adventurous voyages was physiciaa at Cura9ao. The plates are among the best of the famous engraver Luyken. 2716 Reise des Nord-Amerikanischon Missionars David Abeel, in den Liindern Hiuterlndicns, 1830 — 33. Basel, 1830. map. 8vo. 1.— Baseler Missions-Magazin. 1836. Prt. IV. — Translation of the: «Journal of a residence in China and neighbouring countries.quot; N.-York 1834. 2717 Reizen (Nederlandsche) na de meest afgelegene gewesten des aardkloots. Amsterd., 1784— 86. 14 vols. in 7. hf. calf, maps and plates. 8vo. (Dutch voyages to the most remote parts of the globe.) Collection of all the important Dutch voyages, beginning from the first of Barentsz. 2718 Relacion de ce qui s\'est passé a la Mission des Peres do la Comp. de Jésus, au pays do la Nouv. France, és années 1655 et 1656. Knvoyée au 11. P. I.. Cellot. Paris, S. Cramoiuj, 1657. vellum. 8vo. 20.— I\'ery rare, not mentioned by Ternaui. — Stained and small wormholes, but complete, |
2719 Relaes ende \'t Cargo van \'t silver cnde coop-raanschappen... inde vlote van Nova Hiapania... vcrtrocken den 14 Octol). 1031 uyt Nova Vera (-\'roco... als mede van \'t gene jis verdroncken. Amsterd., voor J. v. Hilten, by J. F. Slam (1632.) Broadside, fol. 3.50 {Relation of the sillier and mereMndises in the fleet of New-ftpain, which set sail Octob. 14, 1631 from New Vera (\'race, with account of what has been drowned) Not in Asher\'s Essay. — Helation of thi! capture of nearly 5 millions worth in pieces of eight, most in gold and silver, partly in costly merchandize. 2720 Belandi (H.) Disserfationes miscellaneae. Traj. ad Rh. 1706—8. 3 vols. 8vo. 6.— Collection of 13 valuable dissertations on Oriental history and philology. Vol. 111. cont. a dissertation «de Unguis Americanist with a lirazilian voeahidary (taken from Piso) and grammar (from Lenj), Chilian and Peruvian vocabularies (from Barlaeus and Garcilaso de la Vega), extracts from Gage on the Poeonchi language, extracts of the Virginian grammar by Elliot and of his Bible, etc. — Tbis 3d vol. may be had separately for flor. 4.— 2721 Bolation de ce qui s\'est passé en l\'année 1649, dans les Royaumes oil les Pères de la Conip. de Jésus de la Prov. du Japon, publient le St. Evangilc. (Par le V. Citadelli.) Paris, 1665. hf. vellum. 8vo. 6.— Japon, CochiiLchina, Tonquin, etc. 2722 Relation de divers voyages dans I\'Afriqiie, rAmérique et aux Indea-Occidentales, etc. No place, 1726. calf. sm. 8vo. 2723 Relation de l\'ctat actuel de Ia Nouvelle Kcosse. Trad, de lAngl. par F. Soules. Edinh. et Paris. 1787. sd. Svo. 1.80 2724 Relation und eigentliehe besehreibung, desz jenigen was sich mit der Schifi\'^rmarfa uud Krieg-hör so naeh Prasil abgefertigt worden, von dor Zeit an das sie in ... .11 am de todos Sanctos an-koramen, bisz sie sich der von den Uebollischen Hollander inngeliabten Statt S. Salvator bemachtigt, begeben mind verlauffen. Ausz eincra an die Kiin. May. zu Ilispanien von Don Frederieo de Toledo abgangnen Schreiben auszgczogen ... und verteutscht worden. A ugspurg, M. Langerwaldter, . ., 1625. 4to. 18.— Of the utmost rarity. — On the capture of Hahia by the Dutch in 1624. 2725 Relation (Neue u. grilndliche) von dermerck-lichen Victorie oder Sig v. J. da Sylva, Obrister der Philippin-lnsulen, 24 April 1610, wider etllehe holland. Kaubschift u. Iliren General Franz Witt llenricson erhalten hat. Auss d. Span, getruckten Exemplar von Madrill, Sunnnarisch ins Teutsch gebracht. Augsp., Chr. Dabertshojfer, (1611?) 4to. 4.50 The Admiral Kranz Witt (properly Frans Wittert) was the chief of a division of Verhoeveu\'s expedition |
BENAKD. (de Bry, Pet. Voy. IX. 1612. Suppl. 1G13) and perished in Ihe attack on the Philippines. 2726 Relationis Historicae Continuatio, oder warhafftige liesclioibung aller fürnemen und ge-denckwiirdigen Historiën, 1606—1614. Franckf., Sig. Lalonms, 1606—14. 13 parts, plates. 4to, 12.— These chronicles, published yearly at the Eastern and Miehaelis Mass, by J. Franck, Theod. Menrer and M. Aitzinger, are very interesting for the contemporary and accurate history of the events in Europe, specially in the North, and in Asia and America. A few indications many suflice. 1606 Victori der Hollander mit 12 ScbiBen in den Molnckschen Insein. — Holliindische Armada wider die West-Indian. Flota auszgesandt. — Portugesische Flota rait grosscm Keichthumb nntergegangen. 1607 Gewaltige Victoriën der Hollander wieder die Span. Armada zu Gibraltar. — Amhoina in Indien von Portngesen wider erobert. 1608 Verlauff d. Holllind. Armada in 0. Ind. vor Malacca. — Ternatc u. Tidor von Portugesen wieder erobert. — Flotta ausz Engelland nach Virginia. 1609 Virginia, ein Landscbafft Amerieae, wird von Engellandern wohnbar gemacht. 1613 Hollander von Engeliindern vergwaltigt bci d. Grönlandsehcn Insuln. 1614 Castell della Mina von Hollander erobert, etc. 2727 Rem (Lucas) Tagebuch aiisd. Jahren 1494— 1542. Beitrag zur Handelsgeschichto der Stadt Augsburg. Mitgetheilt rait erlaut. Bemerkungen und einem Anhange von noch ungedruckten Brie-fen und Berichten iiber die Entdeckung des neuen Seoweges nach Amerika u. Ost-lnd. von B. Greifif. Augsburg, 1861. 172 pp. roy. 8vo. Privately printed, scarce. 6.— Mosl interesting are the letters and accounts, all unpublished, on the first voyages to America and East-India, 1497 —1506, from the succession of the well known Geographer Conr. Peutinger, t 1547. They llll pagg. 111 — 172. — «Kurtzer Bericht aus der neuen Welt, 1501. (Reise des Alb. Vespucj.) — Keise des Vasco de Gama, 1497. — Bericht iiber die Expedition des Admirals P. Alvarez Cabral, 1501. — Brief von der Portugalesischen Meerfabrt 1503. (Vasco de Gama\'s zweite Keise.) etc. etc. 2728 Remonstrantie vande Hooft-partyoipanten, ende geintresscerdo vande West-lnd. Comp., aen alle de Kegenten des Vaderlandts: versoeckendo een spoedighe effectieve assistentie, tot neyntenuo van de selfde, teghen alle de ghene dieje soecken te dissolveren en te ruyneren. No place. 1649. (Asher Nquot;. 249.) 2.— (Remonstrance of the Chief shareholders and those interested in the II\'est-hid. Comp. to ad the Governors of the Fatherland; begging for their speedy and effective assistance against all those who try to dissolve and to ruin them.) 2729 Renard, L,, Atlas van Zeevaart en Koop- |
handel door do geheelo Wercldt, verinoerd. docr R. en J, OUens. Amstord. 1745. hf. calf. 32 Large coloured maps, with text. roy. lol. ü.— (Atlas of navigation and commerce though [he whole world.) With 7 large charts ol\' America and its parts. 2730 Bendorp (J.) Mcmoriën dienende tot opheldering van het gebeurde gedurende den laatsten Engelschen oorlog. Amsterd. 1792. 2 vols. — E. F. v. JBerekel, Missive ... houd. Elucidatien raak. de Memorien van J. Rendorp. Haarlem, 17U2. — bound in 2 vols. hf. calf. 8vo. 2.50 (Memorials coneerning what happened during the last war with Kngland. — vau Berckel, Missive elucidating the Memorials of Rendorp.) On the origin of and ag.iinst the war, the Treaty with America 1778, the imiueuce of France, and the disadvantage for the United I\'rov., with elucidations by van Berckel, the American Ambassador at that time. 2731 - Berckel (E. P. v.) Missive ... houd. elucidatien raak. do Memorien van J. llendorp. Haarl. 1792. Svo. 1.— (Missive for elucidating the Memorials of J. Rendorp.) 2732 - Rondborstige, doch onpartijdige Aenmer- kingen op de Memoriën van J. Rendorp. Amsterd. JB. M. Langeveld, 1792—93. Part 1—6. 8vo. 1.50 (Frank, but impartial remarks on the Memorials of J. Rendorp.) 2733 Benseiaar (A. van) Aanmerkinge wegens de cultuur der heidegronden. Haarlem. (1802.) 8vo. 1,— {Remarks on the cultivation of broomland.) 2734 Bensselaer (Stephen van) „the Patroon,quot; Member of Congress, distinguished patron of public Institutions. — A. L. S. to Henry Glen, dat. Albany, Jan. 18, 1797. 1 p. 4to. 7.50 Fine letter on politics: »1 find we are thought of little consequence by some of the Southoru people, to seize our stock without making a demand of the debt is a violent measurequot; ... etc. 2735 - Funeral sermon on the death of Steph. van Rensselaer, by Will. 13. Sprague. Albany, 1839. — by Geo. W. Hethune. Philad., 1839. — by Will. Barlow. Albany, 1839. — Dan. D. Barnard, Discourse on the life, services and character of gt;St. v. R., with an histor. sketch of the colony and manor of Rensselaerswgck. Albany, 1839. — in 1 vol. hf. bound. 8vo. 4.— 2736 Benwick, Account of steamboats navigating the Hudson River. — On the Inland Navigation ol the United States of America. (Lond., Quarterly Journal, 1828.) 8vO. —.75 2737 Beport and Evidence from the select Committee on the West Coast of Africa. (Official blue Book.) Lond. 1842. 744 pagg. and 2 maps. lol. 3.50 2738 Beport (First) from the select committee on Ceylon and British Guiana; together with the |
Minutes of evidence, and Appendix. (Official blue book.) Lond. 1849. 383 pagg. fol. 2.— 2739 Heport (lllh Annual) of the Board of State Charities of Massachusetts, and its four departments. With an Appendix. Boston, 1875. cloth. 8vo. 1.75 2740 Report (2lt;lth and 25th) of the Board of Trustees of Pubiie Schools of the city of Washington, 1870—72. Washingt. 1371—72. 2 vols, plates. 8vo. 3.50 2741 Beport of proceedings for combining the ma-nageinent of outfall drainage, with the construction of dams, roads, bridges, in British Guiana. Lond. 1851. 8vo. 1,— 2742 Beport of the Committee of Claim, on the memorial of Paul Coulon, a French citizen. (Philadelphia P) 1802. sd. uncut. 8vo. 2.— Kelating to two prize-ships, brought at the port of Wilmington, North-Carolina. 2743 Report of the Directors of the Anglo-Mexican Mining Association. London, 1820. 8vo. 1.25 2744 Report of the Secretary of the Treasury read in the House of Representatives of the C\'nited States, Jan. 19th 1792; containing a plan lor the further support of public credit. Printed by order of the House of Uepreaentatives. [Plulad.] by John Fenno, 1795. sd. uncut. 8vo. 90 pp. and 5 large folded tables. 5.50 OiiioiNAL EDITION, VERY hark. — Rich mentions only the l.unduii reprint of the same year, in-4to. 2745 Boport of the Watering Committee of Philadelphia, relative to the Fair-Mount water works. Philad. 1823. plates. 8vo. 1.— 2746 Reports and memoirs on a canal or railroad between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. (Washington) 1849. 078 pp., 15 maps, cloth. 8vo. 3.— 2747 Boports (Annual) of the Amerieau board of commissioners for foreign missions. Boston, 1834—50. 17 vols. sd. 8vo. 15.— Contain, interesting accounts of the missionaries from all parts of the world. —■ Each volume contains about 25 pp. relating to the Indian tribes, which would form in all a stont volume of above 400 pp., full of valuable details not to be found elsewhere. 2748 Bépublique (La) des Jésuites au Paraguay renversée, ou Relation authent. de la guerre de ces religieux centre FEspagne et le Portugal en Amérique. La Haye, 1758. sm. 8\\-o. sd. uncut. 2.— 2749 Besolutie van de Staten van Hollandt ende West-Vriesl.; Item Missive van de Staten Gene-rael .. Mitsgaders een Missive van den Directeur Generael Joh. v. Valckenburgh aen de Staten Gener.: Als mode ecn Extract uytto Missive by den voornoemden Directeur aen do Bewint-hebberen van de West-lnd. Comp., alio noopende de procedurea der Engelsche in Guinea, \'s Grav. |
1GG6. 4to. (Aelior N». 326.) 3,— {Resolution of the States of lloll. and If\'cst-Friesland; with a Letter from the States Gener., und also with a letter from the Directeur General Valckenbury to the Slates Gener.; with an Extract from the letter of the above-named Directeur to the Directors of the II\'est- hid. Camp., all on the proceedings of the English in Guinea.) 2750 Heuss (J. D.) Alplmbotical Eegistcr of all the authors actually living in Great-Britain, Ireland and in the United Pro v. of North-America, with a catalogue ot their publications, 1770—1803. Berlin and Stettin, 1791 —1804. 3 vols. sd. 8vo. Hare. 4.50 2751 Reveries d\'un Suisse ayant pour but la reconciliation cntre l Angleterrc et scs colonics. Londr. (on lloll.) 1781. 8vo. 1.— 2752 Revius (J.), Biechtc des Conines van Span-jen ter dool toe cranok zynile over het verlies van Pernamhuco. No place nor dale (1G30). Broadside in 3 col. with border. I\'ol. 4.50 (Confession of the King of Spain, sick to death, on the loss of Pernambuco.) Of great rarity; in 26 Dutch (piutrains according to the Confiteur of the 11. Cath. liturgy. — The author is an eateemed poet and hiatoriau, whose poems were republished in 1863, see the following Nquot;. 2753 - Leven on uitgelezen zangen en dichten, heruitgeg. door J. v. Vloten. Schiedam, 1863. 12mo. —.50 (Life and select songs and poems of J. Revius, republished by J. v. Vloten.) Contains the preceding and some other pieces on the events in Brazil. 2754 Reys-Boeck van het rycke lirasilien, Rio da la Plata, endc Magallanes, daer in te sien is: Do glielegentheydt van hare landen ende steden, haren handel ende wandel, vruchten... Als oock do leste reyse van den Meer van Dort, met het veroveren van Todos los Santos... Ghodruckt in \'t jaer 1624 by Jan Canin. 4to. hf. vellum, 2 maps and 3 folded plates. (Asher N0. 106.) — Fine copy. 50.-- (Book of travel in the rich country of Brazil, Rio de la Plata and Magellanes... with the conquest of Todos los Santos etc.) 2755 Rhees (W. J.) Manual of the Public Libraries, Institutions and Societies, in the United States and British Provinces of North-America. Philad. 1859. cloth. 8vo. 4 50 2756 Rhode-Island, by D. F. Solzmann. Hamburg, C. E. Jiohn, 1797. High fol. 36 by 48. — Coloured. 2757 Rich (O.) Catalogue of Books, relating principally to America (1506 — 1700.) Lond. 1832. hf. calf. 8vo. — Scarce. 22.— With long and interesting bibliographical notes. |
8758 --Bibliotheca Americana Nova. A Catalogue of books relating to America, in various languages, including Voyages to the Pacilic am^ round the world, etc. Printed since 1700 (till 1844.) Lond. 1846. 2 vols, cloth. 8vquot;0. 32.— — At the end a Prospectus of a Bibliotheca Americana Vetus, or List of books relating to America, 1493—1700, by O. Rich, dated Febr. 1, 1846. 16 pp., being followed by a Supplement of 8 pp.; both of which are extremely scarce, particularly the latter. «All of Rich\'s Catalogues are important, and eagerly sought for by Book-Collectors, especially the earlier ones, which have come to be exceedingly scarce.*\' Gould\'s Librarians Manual. 2759 - Catalogue of rare and curious books, tracts and manuscripts, chielly relating to North and South America, many from the collection of the late Mr. O. Rich. Lond., Putlick and Simpson. 1872.-109 pp. 8vo. 2.— 2760 Rice, John Holt, Professor in Theology and author in Virginia. — A.. L. S. to Pros. Day of Yale-Coll., dat. 16 Aug. (1825) 1 p. 4°. 1.50 2761 Richard tC.), De Republiek Columbia, of talereel van derz. tegenwoord. toestand en betrekkingen; in brieven van daar ... geschreven. Be-nev. eene levensschets van S. Bolivar. Amsterd. 1822. 8vo. sd. 1.80 (The Republic of Columbia, or view of the actual slate and conditions; in letters written from there. With a biography of the President S. Bolivar.) 2762 Richthofen (E. vop) Die Mexikanische F rage beleuchtet. Berlin, 1862. 8vo. —.90 2763 Riedesel. — Die Berufs-relse nach America. Briefe der Generalin von Riedesel atif dieser Reise n. wiihrend Hirer sechsjiihrigen Aufentlialts in America, 1776—83. Berlin (1800.) hf. cf. 8vp. 2.25 2764 Riley (J.) Naufrage du brlgantin Amérlcain Le Commerce, perdu sur la cote Occident. d\'Afri-qne, 1815; accomp. do la description de Tom-buctoo et de Wassanah. Trad, de I\'Angl. p. Peltier. Paris, 1818. 2 vols. map. hf. calf. 8vo. 2.50 2765 Rivarol P. de) Le petit Almanaeh de nos Grands Hommes, pour I\'annce 1788. Suivi d\'un grand nombre de pieces inédites. Paris, 1808. 360 pp. hf. bd. 8vo. portr. of the author. 2.50 quot;Satirical Biographies of the literary men ol his time. Pag. 207— 328 contain; Vie politique de M. de la IXayette.)quot; 2766 Rivista de Espana, de Indias y del Estran-jero, hajo la direccion de D. F. Gonzalo Moron y D. Ign. de Ramon Carbonell. Madrid, 1845. Tom. IV. hf. calf. 8vo. 2.50 Contains interesting essays on the Spanish possessions in America, Porto-Rico, Cnba, etc. 2767 [Ro (Pater Jac.)] Indianische Raiss van dreyen Priestern d. Societet Jesu, A0. 1618 nach Goa in India geschilft, met beuelch... nach China zu raisen. Aus Ital. und Frantzös. Sprach. Augs- |
burg, 1620. vellum, ito. 7.— Bound ii|) in the snme vol.: Histori von dem Hochheil. Crentz zn (\'nraiiaoa in Hispanien, durch J. de Robles Conmlan. Ibid. lOl\'J. 2768 Robertson (W.) Il,8toiro do rAuiérique. Trad, de I\'Angl. Paris, 1778. 2 vols, maps, calf (jilt. 4tO. 3.60 2769 - Thft same. Maestriolit. 1777. 4 tom. in 2 vols. hf. calf, plate, sm. 8vo. 1.50 2770 ---The same, corr. et aujjiii. (l\'aprós la 2e édit. angl. Amstord. 1799. 4 vols. maps. hf. calf. 8vo. 1.75 2771 - Gcscliiedenis van America. Amsterd., 1778—1801. 6 vols. hf. calf, unrut, maps. 8\\\'a. 2.50 Dutch trnnslation. — The 5tli vol. (or book IX and X), contains the histDi\')\' of Virginia till 1688, and of N. England till 165^. 2772 - The same work, in Dutch. 4 vols. «/. 8vo. 1.50 2773 Robin, Nieuwe roizo door Noord-Amerika, in 1781. Amsterd. 1782. ///\'. öci. uncut. 8vo. 1.75 (New Voyage in N. America, in 1781.) Dutch translation of the French original. 2774 Robinson. — Gevallen van den ouden en .jongen Uobinson, behelz. ... reize van den jongen Robinson na Madera en Tabago, etc. 2o druk. Amsterd. 1766. 2 vols. ti/. untul. 8vo. 3.50 {Adventures of the old and youn/) Robinson, contain. a, o. the voija/je of the young Robinson to Madera and Tabago, etc.) 2775 - De Nieuwe Engolsche Robinson, of de overzeldzamo gevallen van Capit. liob. lioylc,... en eindelyk de reize, schipbreuk en behoud, van Rich. Castelnian, met een Hesclirjjv. van Pensil-vania en Philadelphia. Uit h. Eng. 2e vermeerd. druk. Amsterd. 1761. 2 vols. sd. uncut, plates. 8vo. 6. — (The New English Robinson, or the adventures of (!api, R. Boyle, ... and finally the voyage, shipwreck and saving of R. Castehnan, with a description of Pennsylvania and Vhiladelphia. from the Engl.) 2776 - De Saxische Robinson, of wonderbare reyzen van Willi. Iletchir, begonnen in 1691. Amsterd. 1764. 2 vols. sd. uncut, plates. 8vo. (little stained.) 3.50 (The Sa.ronian Robinson or curious voyages of If. Retchir, commenced in 1691.) 2777 - De Sweedsche Robinson, of hot wonder- lyk leven van Gust. LandUroon. Uit het lloogd. Amsterd., 1771. plates, hf. calf, uncut. 8vo. 3.50 (The Swedish Robinson, or Adventures of Gust. Lundkroon. Translat, from the German.) Engraved frontispiece with date of 1733. 2778 - Do Walehersche Robinson. Rotterdam, 1752. hf. calf. 8vo. 3.50 (The Butch Robinson of Walcheren (Province Zealand) and his adventures at the island Ponedo |
de St. Po.) All these Dutch ilebinsonades are of the highest rarity. 2779 Robinson, Edw., Professor of Hibl. literature in the Unitar. Theol. Semln. in N. Y. — A. L. S., in German (to an editor in Halle?), dat. Berlin, Pebr. 14, 1839. 2 pp. 8vo. 2.50 On his travel in Palestiir; and the publication of his; quot;Biblical Researches in Palestine.quot; ■ 2780 Robinson (John ) — Testimony to John Robinson («lately deceasedquot;), Minister to the English Brownist Congregation at Ley den, criveo and signed by Ant. Walacus and Festus llomraius, Theol. Proff. at Leyden. Dated : Leyden 25 and 26 May 1628. — Exact copy in Photolithography (procédé-Asser) ou old Dutch paper, after llie original MS. copy in the Archives of the Engl. Pres-byterean Church at Amsterdam. 1 sheet fol. — With MS. transcription in modern handwriting and English translniwn. — Only 50 copies issued. 9.— Highly interesting document testifying of Robinson\'s exertions to remove the schisms between the various Browiiist Congregations in the Low Countries, but; quot;finding here so many difficulties ... to effectuate this, to have resolved his removal with a good part of his congregation to the W. Indies, where he did not doubt to effectuate this (deeigll),\', cet. — Robinson\'s sympathy with the Dutch Reformed Church is here proved by his intention to educate his son for its service. 2781 Robinson (W. D.) Memoirs of the Mexican Revolution, including a Narrative of the Expedition of Gen. Mina and Observations on the practicability of a passage between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Philad, 1820. bds. 8vo. (portr. and map wanting.) 2.— 2782 - Same work. Loud. 1821. 2 vols, portr. and map, calf gilt. 8vo. Fine copy. 6.50 2783 - Gedenkschriften der omwenteling in Mexico, etc. Haarl. 1823. sd. 8vo. 2.— Dutch translation of the preceding. 2784 Rocha Cabral (J. M. da), Relatorio moti-sado sobre a estatistica da provincia de S. Pedro do Rio Grande do Sul, ... Comprehend, o piano da organizacjao, etc. Rio do Janeiro, 1836. 8vo. 2785 [Rochefort (O. de)] Histoire naturelle et morale des lies Antilles (;e PAmérique. Av. un vocabulaire Caraïbe. Rotterd., 1658. bds., numerous engravings. 4(0. 10.— First and rare edition. Barbier says, that the real author was L. de Poinry. — The Caraib vocabulary tills the pages 515—iJ7. 2786 - The same. 2e édit. rev. et augm. de plu- sieurs descriptions, etc. Rotterd. 1665. calf, numerous engravings. 4to. 12.— This edition is anguiented with 3 folded plates; the description of Tabago is more eiteusive than |
in flie lirst edition. — The Caraib vocabulary tills pp. 571—583. At pag. IS the engraved eoat of arms of Baron Lainpsina of Tabago. 2787 [Rochofort (C. do)l Tho same. Lyon, vhr. Fourmii, 1667. 2 vols, calf, 2 plates anil many emjra- vings. ]2mo. 6.— Third edition, being the iirst with the author\'s uame on the title, with considerable additions in the description of Tabago. Vol. I[. pp. 052—80, cont. the Caraib vocabulary. 2788 --Natuurlijke en zedelijke historie van il\'Ey- landen on voor-eylanden van America. Met eenen Caraibischen Woordenschat. KotterU., 1062. vellum, plates and engrav. 4to. 6.— Dutch translation of the preceding work, with the Caraib vocabulary. 278!) - The same sewed, uncul, 4to. Rare. 7.— 2790 - Historische Hesclireibung der Antillen Insein in America gelegen, Ans Franzos. Sprach ilbersctzet. Frankfurt, 1608. 2 vol in 1. 45 plates. 12nio. — Fer;/ ran\'. 7.— German translation of the preceding, containing only vol. [. of the original, but with the C\'nra\'ib voeubulary. The 1st vol. has 430 pp. and index; the 2d 514 pp., and 33 pp. fur the Caraïb Vocabulary. 2791 - Kelation de l isle de Tabago, on de la Nouvelle Oualcre, rune des isles Antilles de lAme-rique. Paris, L. liillaine, 1666. calf. sin. 8vo. — Hare. 6,— 2792 Rochefoucault Liancourt (Duke de la) Travels through the United States of North-America, the Country of the Iroquois, and Upper Canada, In 1795—1797. Loud. 1799. 2 vols, maps, calf gill. 4to. Neat copij. 6.— 2703 Rochon, Ueis door Madagascar en de Oost-Indieu. Uit het Fransch. Uordr., 1793. lids. 8vo. 1.50 (Vuyage ihroagh Madagascar and the East-Indies.) 2794 Rodgors (John) Commodore of the U. S. Navy; Olllcer in the war against Tripoli and in that of 1812. — L. S. to Jer. Nelson, dat. Navy Comm. Oliice, Dec. 12, 1815. 1 p. 4to. 2.50 2795 Rodnoy (Caesar), son of Thomas li., U. S. Attorney-General, 1807—U. — A. L. 8. to his father, dat. Philad., Oct. iil, 1791. 2 pp. 4to. 2.— Very Hue letter on great calamities, which befell his family owing to the persecution of some adversaries. 2796 „Rodney arrive a Londres.quot; — Rodney is hoofed by the mob, because of the loss of St. Eustatius; alter him a figure of Victory bearing a standard : „ Vicioire de St. lleustache.quot; — French caricature, aquatint by Jiurel. 1781. fol. — Rare. 4.— 2797 Roe. -- Journal van de reysen ghedacn door |
Thorn. Koe, Ambassadeur van Groot-Brlttanje... naer Oostindien aen den Groofen Mogol ende andere ghewesten (1624—26.) Uyt het Engels vert. Ainat., 1656. lyith engrav, 4to. 5.— (Journal of the voyages of Thos. Roe, Ambuss, of Gr. Britain to the Great Mogol in East-India and other countries, 1624—26.) 2798 Roemer (P ) Texas. Mit besond. Uiicksicht auf deutsche Auswanderung u. d. physis. Verhiiit-nisse des Landes. Bonn, 1849. with topogr.-geo-gnostieal map. sd. 8vo. 1-50 2799 Eogerius (Abr.) OITne Thilr zu dem ver-borgenen Heydenthum, oder ... Leben, Siften, und Religion d. Bramines auf d. Oust Chormandel. Aus d. Niederliind. ilbersetzt. Saint Chr. Arnold\'s auserlese Zugaben von d. Asiat., African. u.Ame-ricanischen Keligions-Saehen. NUrnb. 1663. plates, bds. 8vo. 4.— Pagg. 944-998 treat on the religions and worships in America (Canada, New-Netherland, Virginia, Mexico, Yucatan, South-America, Brasil, Pern, etc.) with 10 plates of idols and ceremonies. — It contains also a German translation of Barthronberry (Bhartrahiri)\'s Sentences. 2800 Roggeveen (A.) Voorlooper op\'t Octroy van de Staten Gen. verleent aen Arent Roggeveen en sijn medestanders, over do Ausfralisso Zee tus-schen do Meridaen d. Strafe Magelanis en Nova Gnnoa (sic!) Middelb., P. v. Goethem, 1676. 4to. If\' it A a large nautical map. Very scarce. 20.— {Fore-runner of the Patent, granted bg the Slate»-Gener. to A. R. and his companions, for the discoveries in the Australian Sea.) 2801 --The same. Uncut, without map. With 2 autograph lines by A. Roggeveen, saying that this copy was to be a policy for those willing to take shares in Una Company. This, copy being only intended as policy, the map is omitted. The authenticity of tho writing is above all question, having been verified with the original pieces in the Archives of Middelburgh. Unique copy. 30-~ This most important pamphlet contains pp. 8—13 a description of the newly found lands, with nnrae-rons details. The Company, proposed by if, had a short life, as Koggeveen died already in 1679, and so it was dissolved, before the first expedition took place. It was reserved to his sou Jacob, to realize, partly at least, his schemes. 2802 — A. S. Document, 1 p. fol. 8.— Annotation about a chart, made after th\'3 journal of a Dutch Navigator. 2803 Roggeveen (Jacob) Kort en nauwkeurig verhaal van de reizo door 3 schepen in \'t jaar 1721 gedaan op ordre van de West-lni. Comp. tot onbekende landen in do Zuid-Zee. Amst., 1727. 4to. 6.— {Short and true narrative of the voyage of 3 ships made bg order of the IFetl-India Comp. to the unknown South-Sea.) |
2804 Roggeveen (Jacob) The sfime. 2d edit. lb. 1727. 4to. — Reprint of the preceding. 6,— 2805 - Ilet waare on nauwkeurige Journael dor Roize, gedaan door 3 achepen op ordro van de West-lnd. Comp. naar do Zuid-Zee. iide druk. Arasterd., 1727. 4to. 6.— {The true and exuet journal of the voi/age, made by 3 vessels by order of the If, Ind, Vomp. to the South-Sea.) This is the same nceount as the precodiug two Nos., but with considerable changes. These 3 editions are the first publications, by an unknown author, relating to Jac. Uoggcveen\'s Voyage to the South-Sea. The original journal kept by Koggeveen see N0. 2811. It is ourions thai, the editor of that journal, Mr. S. dc Wind, hac no notice of the above 3 editions, as he mentions, in the prefacc to it, the following N0. 2S0G—10 and also the German account with its translations. 280(5 - Tweejaarige reyze rondom de wereld, ter ontdekkingc der onbekende Zuydlanden in 1721 — 22, ondernomen door last v. de Nedorl. West-fnd. Maatsch. Nevens de reyze v. li. O. I. sehip 15ar-nevcld iu 1719. Dordrecht, 1728. bits., map ami plates. 4to. 4. — {A two years\' voyage round the world, for the discooery of the unknown South-Lands, in 1731 — 22. Vndvrtaken by order of the Dutch If. I. Comp. With the voyaye of the Eas[-lnd. ship Barneoeld.) 2807 --Same edition, sewed, uncut. 4to. 5.— More extensive account than (he preceding. — Jacob lloggeveen is the son of A. Koggeveen, the same, who received already in 1C70 a patent for lands in the Sonth-Soa. (See N0. 2800—2801.) 2808 —— The same. 2d edition. Dordrecht, 1758. sd. uncut, map and plates. 4to. 3. — An exact reprint of the edition of 1728. 2809 --The same. 3d edition. Dordrecht, 1764. bds., map and plates. 4to. 3.— 2810 -The same. 4tli edition. Ainst, 1774. sd. uncut, map and plates. 4to. 3.— 2811 - Dagverhaal der ontdekkingsreis in de jaren 1721—22. Uitgeg. door het Zeeuwsch Genootschap der Wetenschappen. Middelburg, 1838. hf. bd. or sd. uncut. Ifith a targe map, portr., fac-sim. etc. 8vo. 2.— (Journal of the voyage of Jac. liaggeveeu to the South-Sea in 1721—22.) This account of the memorable voyage is the most authentic and contains valuable details, being the original journal of lloggeveen. 2812 - Borsius (J.) Medodeelingen van eenige nog onbekende byzonderheden aangaande Jakob Roggeveen, inzonderh. met betrekking tot zyn godsdienstige denkwyze. (Leiden, 1841.) Extr. 8vo. 2.50 [Some unpublished notice\'s on Jacob Roggeveen, especially regarding his theological opinions.) lloggeveen adhered the doctrine of Pont, van Uat- |
tern, leaning to those of Spinoza. 2813 Iloggovoea (Jacob) Facs. of the signature of J. R., under his testament, June, 8, 1728. 8quot;. 1.— 2814 Romanus (A.) Parvum theatrum urbium slve urbinin praecipiiarnm totius orbis descrlptio. Pran-eof., 1595. vellum, title wanting. 4to. Ifith a large number of view» of cities, remarkably u;?ll executed. The 4tli book contains; quot;De Novo Orbe, sive India Occidentidiquot; with the description of Florida, New-France, New-Spain, Nova Galieia, Yucatan, Cuba, Brazil, Peru etc. 2815 Roorbach (O. A.) Supplement to the Hiblio-theca Americana: catalogue of American publications. 1852—65. N. York, 1855. cloth. 8vo. 3.— 2810 Roos (P. F ) Snrinaamsche mengelpoëzy. Am-sterd., 1804. full russia. 4to. 318 pp. Jlare. 2.— Poems relating (o Surinam, eulogies and elegies of men of reputation iti the colony, etc. Pp. 304—a contain ail elegy in honour of G. Washington. 2817 Kosaccio (Gios.), Mondo elementare et celeste, nel quale si traUa de\' moti et ordine dolle slcro, della grandezza della terra, dell\' Europa, Africa, Asia et America. Trevigi, 1604. maps in woodcut, vellum. 8vo. 7.— Rare. Leaf 178 and following treat on America. 2818 Roscher (A.) Ptoloumous u. d. Handels strassen in Central-Afrika. Beitrag zur Erkliir. d. iiltesten ... Weltkarte. Gotha, 1857. 2 maps.Svo. 1.25 28S.9 Röslin (Hells.) Mitternilchtige Schifffarth, von dem ITerrn Stadon inn Niderlanden vor XV Jaren vergebenlich fiirgonemmen, ... dasz man daselbst hcriiinb in Orient u. Cliinam kommen möge, etc. Oppenheim. 1010. Curious map. sm. 8vo. 40.— Very interesting work on the Dutch voyages to the Nor(h, having largely contributed to the new Dutch Arctic voyage of 1611. The book is oftbe highest rarity; it is often mentioned by cuntemporaneons writers, but has entirely disappeared in our days. — Sec; Muller, Northern Compagnie, Nquot;. 2200, anil the Historical introduction to the reprint of Ilessel Ger-ri(sz\' collection on (he Arclie Voyages. N0. 925. 2820 Ross (Alex.) Lcs religions du monde, on demonstration de toutes les religions et heresies do I\'Asic, Afriquo, Amérique et de 1\'Europe. Trad, p. Th. La Grue. Amst., 1682. calf, plates. 8vo. 2.75 Pp. 165—195 treat of the American peoples. 2821 Ross (John) Reizen naar Ysland on dc 15af-tinsbaai ter ontdekking van eene doorvaart ten Noord-Westen van Groenland, \'a Oravenh., 1821. sd., map and plates. 8vo. 1.25 (Voyages to Iceland and Bafflnsbay in search of a passage North-If est of Greenland.) Translation of tha account of the first voyage of Ross to the North. 2822 --- Second Voyage in search of a North- |
West Passage, and Residence in the Arctic Regions during 1829—1833. Lond., 1835. portr., maps and plates, many col. roy. 4to. Large Paper, calf gill. 7.50 2823 Boss (Joh.) The same. Brusaeis, 1835. hf. calf, maps. 8vo. 1.50 2824 - Relation du second voyage fait a la recherche d\'un passage an Nord-Ouest (1829—33.) Trad. p. A. J. B. Del\'auconpret. Paris, 1835. 2 vols, sd., portr., map and plates. 8vo. 3.— 2825 Rossi (L.) Six ans en Amérique (Oalifornie et Oregon.) 2me edition. Paris, 1863. sd., 2 maps. 8vo. 1,— 2820 (Rousselot de Surgy), Mélanges intöressans et cnricux ou Abridge d\'histoire natur., morale, civile et polit. de l\'Asie, l\'Afrlqne, rAmériquo et des Terres polaires. 2e édit. revue etc. Yverdon, 1764—67. 12 vols, calf gilt. 8vo. Fine copy. 10.— Contains a. o.: Description dn Spilzberg, Pêche de la Baleine, Description de l isle Mayen, du Groeu-laud, la Nouv. Zeinble, Lapuuie, Tartaric, Chine, le Japon, I\'lnde, l\'Archipel Indien, la Nouv. Hollande, Terre de Nuits, etc. 2827 - Mémoires géographiques, physiques et histor. sur l\'Asie, 1\'AI\'rique et l\'Amérique. Tirés des Lettres Edifiantes. Paris, 1767. 4 vols. sd. uncut. sni. Svo. 3.50 Vol. IV treats exclusively of America. 2828 Roux de Roohelle, Etata-Unis dAmerique. Paris, Didot, 1839. map and 96 plates, hf. cloth. 8vo. 2.50 2829 Kowcroft (C.) De Landverhuizers. Tafereelen uit de koloniën (i. e. Van Diemensland.) Naar het Eng. Sneek, 1852. 2 vols. sd. 8vo. 2.— (The Emigrants. Pictures from the colonies in Van Diemensland.\') 2830 Roy (J. Jz. de) Haohelyke reystogt na Borneo en Atchin, in sijn vlugt van Batavia, 1691. Leyden, P. v. d. Ja, (1707.) plates, vellum. 8vo. Scarce. 3.— (Dangerous voyage to Borneo and Atchin, from Batavia, 1691.) 2831 - Voyagie gedaau na Borneo en Atchin in 1691. Anist., 1716. vellum, plates and map. iio, 2.50 {Voyage to Borneo and Mrhin in 1691.) Reprint of the foregoing edition. 2832 Ruchamer. — Newe vnbokanthelandte Und ein newe wcldte in kurtz verganger zeythe erfunden. A la fin: Also hat ein endte dieses Biichlein, welches auss vvellischer sprach in die dewtschen gebrachte vnd gemachte list worden, durch den wirdige vnd hochgelarthcn Herre Job-ston Ruchamer de freyen kiinste vnd artzenneien Doetore etc. Vnd durch mich Georgcn Stiiehssen zu Niireinbergk, Gedrtickte vnd volendte nacli Christi vnsers lieben herren geburdte, Mccccc vii), Jare. Fol. 27.50 |
ëxckssivelt bare. German translation of the curious collections of Voyages, compiled by Al. Zorzi\' It contains the voyages of the Portuguese to Africa and India, those of Columb and Vespuciua to America, etc. This copy wants title, f 6, i 3, 4, and k 2 to the end; some of the margins cut otf and the last leaf dnmaged. 2833 Rudbeck (Olai) Atland eller Manheim. Vol. IV. Upsalae, 1702. (Stockholm, 1863.) folio. 95.— Photographic edition, published with introduction by G. E. Klemming, Librarian to tlie Royal Library at Stuckholm, the origiual edition having been destroyed by the great Are at Upsal, 1702, at the exception of live copies only. — Iteprintcd in a small number. quot;Ouvrage précieux ... sur les Antiquites du North en general et de la Suède en; 2833*--Atland (Anteckingar om). Stockholm, 1863. sd. uncut, sin. 8vo. 3.60 Extract from the preceding work. Printed in 100 copies. 2834 Rugendas (Moritz) Malerische Reise in Bra-silien. Paris, 1835. bds. imp. fol. 36.— With 100 fine lithographs, representing Manners, Cnstoma, Costumes, etc. on India paper. 2835 Rundall (Thorn.) Narratives of voyages towards the North-West in search o( a passage to Cathay and India, 1496—1631. With selections from the early records of the Honourable East India Compagny. London, 1859. cloth, maps. 8vo. Published for the Hakluyt Society. 2836 Rush (Benj.) Account of the bilious remitting Yellow Fever, as it appeared in the city of Philadelphia, in 1793. 2d edition. Philad. Th. Dob-son, 1794. 363 pp. bds. uncut. 8vo. 6.— 2837 - Part of an A. L. S., 9 lines with Signature. 4to. 1.50 2838 Rush (Riobard) U. S. Minister to London, Secretary of State under Monroe 1817, Secret, of the Treasury under Adams. — A. L. S. to E. H. Mills, dat. Washington, May 15, 1827. 1 p. 4 to. 2.60 2839 Russell (W. H.) My diary. North and South. Lond. 1863. 2 vols, cloth. 8vo. 6.50 Diary of the eminent reporter of The Times. 2840 Rutgers Female Institute. Act of incorporation and bylaws. 1838. — Address at the opening, by Is. Ferris. 1829. — 3d and 4th Annual report of the Board of Trustees. 1844, 42.— 4 pes. 8vo. 2.— 2841 Ruyter (M. A. de). — Journael gehouden op \'s Landt\'s schip de Spiegel, van \'t gene gepas-seert ... is op de vloot van de Staten Gen., soo in de Middellanfsche Zee, ala op de Custen van Africa en America onder \'t beleydt van Michielde Ruyter, in den Jare 1664 en 1665. Anisterd., P. la Burgh, 1665. 4to. 77 and 3 pp. 12.— |
(journal kept on the thip «dn Spiegelquot; of what happened to the fleet under Mich, de Ruyter. in the Mediterranean and on the coasts of Africa and America in 1064 and 1665.) Cout. pp. 30—32; Treiity between the Wuat-Fndia-Company and the English Alrican Company. — pp. 55- 77 de Ruyter\'s West-Indian voyage. 2842 Ruyter (M. A. de). — The same. Amsterd., Jac. Venckel, 1065. 4to. 84 pp. IVith engrav. and printed titles, 5 leaves damaged. 10.— Cont. pp. 40—42; Treaty between the West-India-Company and the English African Company. — pp. 6G—80 de Ruyter\'s West-Indian voyage. 2843 - Journael ofte Dag register van do Rcyse, gedacn onder Mich. A. de Kuyter. Beschreven door Jourian Prins. Amsterd., Sam. Imbrechts, 1666. 4to. 104 pp. IPith plate representing views of SI. Jago, Carmontyn etc. ferg scarce. 14.— Journal of the same voyage as the preceding Mu., but held on board of the ship Damiaten by Jeurian Prins. This account contains much more of the ollicial documents, letters, reports etc. relating to the expedition. It is dedicated by the publisher to Nic. Witsen «who now happily enjoys his dear fatherland, undisturbed by the troublesome Russians and the Northern peoples.quot; 2844 - Brief van de Vice-Admiraal do Ruyter aan de Staten Gen. (1665.) 4to. 2.— (Letter by I\'ice-Admiral de Ruyter lo the Slates General.) On his expedition to the West-Indies. 2845 Buyters (D.) Toortse der Zee-vaert om to beseylen de custen geleghen bezuyden den Tropicus Cancri, als Brasjiion, West Indien, Guinea, Angola, etc. Vlissinghon M. As. v. d. Hoick, 1623. vellum. 4to. Very scarce. 18.— (Torch of navigation for the coasts of Tropicus Cancri, as Brazil, the IPest-lndies, Guinea, Angola, etc.) Of the highest rarity. — Wants one leaf of the preface, pp. 271—280, 297—308, 411—12, and the last of the index. 2846 Ryan (W. E), Avonturen gedur. eon tweejarig verblijf in Californien en zjjno mynen. Naar h. Eng. Haarlem, 1850. 2 vols. sd. 8vo. 1.25 (Adventures during two years in California and its mines. From the Engl.) 2847 Ryn-Acker, Reyse naer Africa, Tunis, Algiers, etc., gedaen tot lossinghe van de Chrlstene slaven, in 1625. Haerlcm, 1650. hf. vellum. 4to. With engravings. 6.— (Voyage to Africa, Tunis, Algiers, etc. for the redemption of Christian slaves. 2848 Saabye (H. Egede) Greenland, being extracts from a journal kept in 1770 —78. With an account of the manners of the Groeulanders, etc. by G. Fries. Transl. from the German. London, 1818. hds., map. 8vo. 2.— |
The author was the grandson of the celebrated Hans Egode. (See N0. 1011—16). 2849 Saabyo (H. Egede) Fragmenten uit oen dagboek gehouden in Groenland, 1770—78. Groningen, 1818. sd. map. 8vo. 1.— The preceding work in Dutch. 2850 Saar. Verhaal van drie voorname roizen naar Oost-Indien, to wetor; van Joh. Jac. Saar, Volkert Evortsz. en Albr. Hcrport. Uit hot Hoog-duitsch vort. door J. II. Olazemaker. Amsterd., 1671. 3 parts in 1. Ifith plates. 4to. 3.— (\\ccount of three remarkable voyages to the East-Indies, by J. J. Saar, Vo\'kert Evertsz and A. Her port.) This collection of voyages inat\'e by 3 Germans, viz Saar (from Nninberg), V. Evertsz (from Husum in Holstein) and A. Herport (from Bern), occurs rarely complete, but the 2 last, having separate titles, are often fouud separately. 2851 Sabin (B ), Collection géographique de la Bibliothóque Royale. Paris. 1840. With an Appendix. 8vo. 1.25 Appended an autogr. of signed letter Joniard. 2852 S ibin (Jos.) Dictionary of Books relating to America. New-York, 1867—74. Part. 1—38. (A—General.) sd. toy. 8vo. 127.— Highly creditable and very useful work by ao eminent practical bookseller, who presented his country with this precious fruit of his long and useful labours. The present parts contain no less than 26879 titles, nearly all with exact collations and a host of bibliographical and other notices. 2853 Sabbath. — Account of memorials presented to Congress, respecting Sabbath Mails, etc. Boston, 1829. 8vo. —.60 2854 Sacrobusco, Joh. de, Opiiaculum sphericum cum notabili comment, a ... Wenceslao Fabri de Budweysz medicine Doctoro edito, ouinq. figuris tcxtum declarantibus utilissimis. — No place or date, (Lipsiao, Mart. Landsberg, about 1495). 58 un-numb. leaves, title in woodcut border, woodcuts. 4to 17.50 2855 - Sphaora. Lovanii, J. IPaen. 1547. Woodcuts, MS. notes in contemporaneous handwriting. — Ejusd. Libellus de anni ratione. Antverpiae, M. l\\iutius, without date, (1547?) Woodcuts. — 1 vol. sm. 8vo. 4.— 2856 - Sphaora. Antverpuie, J. Hichardus. 1551. Woodcuts, MS. notes in old handwriting. — Ejusd., Libellus do anni ratione. Ibid. 1651. — Apollonii Rhodii Argonauticon (Graece). Paris. 1541. — Epicteti Enchiridion. (Graece). Lovanii. U. Gra-vius. 1550. — 1 vol. cal/\', sm. 8vo. 5.— 2857 - Sphaora omendata, Eliae Vinoti Santouis scholia in oand. Sphaeram. Adjunx. compendium in Sphaeram per Pierium Valerianum et P. Nonii de inaequali climatum latitudino. Paris, II. de Mar-nef $ O, Cane Hat. 1672. Woodcuts, MS. Notes in |
old handwriting. — A. Picard, Quaestionos novae, in libellum do Sphaora J. de Sacrobosco. Paris, G. Cavellal. Woodculs, anil i folding tables.— 1 vol. calf. sin. 8vo. 10.— 2858 Sacrobusco, Joh. de, Spliaova, in «sum Scholarum recensita, opera P. Bnrgersdicii. Lugd. Hat. 11. dj\' A. Elzevir. 1G26. Figures, sin. 8to. 2.50 2859 - Samo work, other edition. Lugd. Bat., 11. amp; A. Elzevir. 1(547. Figures, revolvatle diagrams, vellum, sm. 8vo. 3.— 2860 Sadeur. — [Poigny (Gabr. de)] Leaavan-turea de Jacques Sadeur dans la déeonverte et le voiage de la Terre Australe, con tenant les cou-tumes et les inoeurs des Auatralions, leur religion, etc. Paris, Claude Harbin, 1692. calf. sill. 8vo. 3.— Pp. 216—231 treat of the Australian languages. 2861 - The same. Amsterd. 1722. calf. sm. 8vo. 1.75 See for the Dutch translation: Vairasse, 2862 Sagard Theodat (G.), Le grand Voyage du pays des llurons. ... Avec un Dictionaire de la languo Huronne. Paris, 1632. vellum. 8vo. 25.— Verï baku. — The title staiucd by ink, the text by water, and having a few wormholes. The engraved title wanting; also the last leaves of the I lictionary: it ends at «liencontrer 2863 Sahuaraura (J.), Inca, Recuerdos de la monarquia Peruana o bosquejo do la historia do los Incas. Con 16 retratos de la dinastia imperial de Manco Ccapac. Paris. 1850. 16 portraits, with that of the author and his arms, hf. morroceo. royal. 8vo. 7.50 2864 (Saintard) Roman politique sur l\'état présent des affaires de rAmérique. Paris, Duchesne, 1756. vellum, sin. 8vo. 6.— Scarce and interesting. 2805 - The same. Amsterd. 1756. calf. sin. 8vo. 4.50 2866 (Saiate-Croix, de) De l\'état et du sort des colonies des anciens peuples. Avoc des observations sur les colonies des nations modernes et la conduite des Anglois en Amériquc. Philadelphie. (Paris), 1779. sd. uncut. 8vo. 2.— 2867 Saint-Hilaire (A. de), Voyago dans l\'inté-rieur du Brésil. Bruxelles. 1850. 2 vols. sm. 8vo. 1.50 2868 —- Plantos usuelles d. Brésiliena. Paris. 1824. I. Aigt;. 5 pl. 4to. —.75 2869 Saint-Venant (Barré), Des colonies mo-dernos sous la zó no torride et partioulióre de St. Domingue. Paris, 1802. hf. bd. 8vo. 2.— 2870 Salvado (E.) Mémoires historiques sur l\'Au-stralie. Trad. do ritalien p. l\'abbé Falciiuagne, avec d. notes et une histoire do la découverte do Tor. Paris, 1854. map. hf. calf. 8vo. 1.75 2871 St. Salvador in Brazil, captured by the Dutch, 1624. — Old Dutch engraving by H. fadt-brugge, sm. 4to. 2.50 |
2873 - Same subject, same representation, modern cngrav. by lieckleben. (1864.) sq. 4to. 1.50 2874 Salzburg emigrants to America. 1732. — 27 Plates of their sulïoringa and of their march from Austria to Prussia. 8vo. 3.— 2875 - Same history. 16 representations on 4 very 2876 Sanderson. — Godenkwaerdige Voyagien van Joh. Sanderson, Hendr. Timberly on Joh. Smith, door Europa, Asia on America. Amst., 1678. With 3 plates. 4to. 3.— (Memorable voyages of John Sanderson, II. Timberly and J. Smith through Europe, Africa and America.) 2877 - The same, entirely uncut, rare in this slate. 4.— 2878 Sandoval (Prud. de) Historia de la vida y heclios del Emperador Carlos V. Pamplona, J}. Paris, 1618. Vol. I. hf. vellum, fol. 10.— This vol. comprises the years 1500—1528. — It contains the conquest of Mexico by Cortes, the discovery of Peru, etc. — A complete copy (3 vols.) priced by Salva 75 fr. 2879 Santarem, de, Examen des assertions cont. dans un opuscule intitulé: Sur la public, des Monuments de la Góographie. (by Jomard.) (Paris. 1847). 8vo. 1.— 2880 Santo (G. van) Alphabet. Naamlijst van alle de (iroonlandsche en Straat-Davissche Commandeurs, die zeilert 1700 op Groenland, en zedert 1719 op do Straat-Davids voor Holland ... hebben gevaaron ... hoeveel visschon, vaten spek on traan ydor ... heeft aangebragt. Haarlem, 1770. eng ran. frontisp. hf. bd. 4to. 6.50 (Alphabetuul List of all the Commandeurs, who sailed since 1700 to Greenland, and since 1719 the Strait of Davis, for Holland..... how many fishes, blubber and train-oil each has produced, etc.) With continuation in Manuscript till 1798. 2881 --The same work, with coniinuatkn in Manuscript till 1802. calf. 4to. 7.50 2882 Sartorius v. Waltershausen (W.) Phy- sisch-goograph. Skizzc von Island, mit besond. Rlicksicht auf Vulkan. Krscheinuugen. Gött. 1847. 8vo. —.90 2883 Sas (Jan v. öouda) Histor. verhael v. de Voyagie d. Holland, naer O.-lnaien, in 1599, onder St. v. d. Hagen. — Voyagie v. 2 Atchinvaerders in 1601. — Extract uit h. Journ. v. J. Heemskerks Voyagie in 1601. (Amst., 1646.) bds., sq. 4to. 2.— (Histor. account oj the Dutch voyage to East-India in 1599. ~ i\'oyage of 2 ships, bound for |
Alehin, in 1601. — Extract from the journal of J. Heemskerk\'s voyage.) No separate title; forms part of the collection: Begin en Voortganqh. (N(\'. 272—74). 2884 Sauer (M.) Account of a geographical and astronom. expedition to the Northern part of Russia, by Commod. J. Billings, 1785—94. Lond. 1802. A/quot;, calf, maps and plaiet. 4to. 3.50 Contains vocabularies of the Yukagir, Yakut, Tun-goose a. 0. languages. 2885 [Saugrain (Cl. M.)), Dictionnalro universel de la Franco anc. et moderne, et de la Nouvelle France. Paris, 1720. 3 vol. if. calf, uncut. fol. 7.50 Pagg. 1182—1354 treat of: Nouvelle France, isles et autres colonies Francoises. 2886 Saurel, A. A. J., Le graduatour. Méthode pour trouver réchelle métrique d\'une carte. La Haye. 1855. cloth. With plates. 8vo. —.75 2887 SchatT (Ph.) Amerika. Die polit., socialen u. kirchlich-reliffiösen Zustiinde der Verein. Staaten. 2e verm. Anti. Berlin, 1858. hf. calf. 8vo. 2.— 2888 - De staatkund., maatschapp. cn kerkelijk- godsdienst, toestand der Vereen. Staten. Kotterd., 1855. sd. 8vo. 1.— Dutch translation of the preceding work. 2889 Sohaffer, v , Brazilië als onafhankelijk rijk beschouwd. Amst. 1825. 2 vols. 8vo. (6.60) 2.— (Brazil considered as independent emfire, Transl. from the German.) 2890 Schagen (J. van) Nieuwe projecten ... ten considerablen voordeele van do West-lnd. Compagnie ... (Amsterd. 1749.) 10 leaves, fol. 1.— (Xew projects for the considerable advantage of the West-lnd. (.omp.) On the administration and commerce of Curasao and Bonaire, exposed 1740—49. — The author was Counseller-Fiscal at Curacao, then at Amsterdam. 2891 Schasz (3. A.) Uet Engelsche enAmerlcaan-sche Kaart-Spel, vertoont in 3 bedryven. 3de druk. Utrecht, 1778. 8vo. 2.— (The English-American plag at cards. Represented in 3 acts, id ed.) 2892 - De verdrukte Wildeman, zijnde oen vervolg op het Eng. Amer. Kaartspel. Utrecht, 1778. 8vO. 2.— (The oppressed wild man, being a continuation to the Engl.-American plag at cards.) 2893 - De Misrekening, zjjnde een tweodo vervolg op het Eng. en Aracrie. kaart-spel. 2de druk. Utrecht, 1778. 8vo. 2.— (The wrong move, being a second continuation to the English-\\mmcan plag at cards.) 2894 —— liet verdrag, zijnde het derde vervolg op het Eng.-Americ. kaartspel. Utrecht, 1778. 8vo. (The treaty, being the third continuntion to the Engl.-Amcr. play at cards.) |
2895 Schasz (J. A.) Do geplaagde Hollander of do lastige nabuur, vertoond in 5 bedrijven. Utrecht, 1779. 8vo. 2.50 (The harrassed Dutchman, or the importunate neighbour. Represented in 5 acts.) A continuation to the author\'s plays on the En-glish-Aniericau war. — Schasz is a pseudoname for P. t\'lloen. 2890 Schauplatz dor Wcl\';, odor Beschreibung der fürnemsten Lilnder, Nationen, Stiidten und FlUssen dureh 52 Figuren in einem Carten-Splel vorgestellet. — Title anlt;l 52 plates on 18 broad sq. 4to leaves, each having 3 plates, the last only 2. — Printed in Germany, probably at Augsburg, about 1730. 25.— (Theatre of the World, or description of the principal countries, nations, cities and rivers represented in 52 playing-cards.) In this very curious set Europe is represented by 13 spades, Africa by 13 hells (a former card-sign), Asia by 13 hearts and America by 13 acorns (also a former antique pip [spot]), divided in this order: King, a female represen- Four, Chili. ting America. Queen, Peru. Knave, Mexico. Ace, Castella Aurea. Deuce, X\'opajan. Trey, Brazilin. Five, Quivira. Six, Ouajana. Seven, Yucatan. Eight, Florida. Nine, Virginia. Ten, Nova Franoia. In original condition, of the highest rarity. 2897 SchefTer (J. G. do Hoop) Vriendschapsbetrekkingen tusschen de Doopsgezinden hier te lando en die in Ponnsylvanic. (Ainstord., 1869.) Extr. 8vo. quot; 1.50 (Historical account of the friendly relations between the Dutch and the Pennsylvanian Baptists.) Entirely founded on authentic documents taken from the Archives of the Meimouite Church at Amsterdam. 2898 Sclieliha (von) Treatise on Coast-defenco, based on the experience gained by Officers of the Army of the Confederate States, and compiled from official reports of Officers of the U. S. Navy, 1861—65. Lond. 1808. cloth, 12 large plates (the first wanting.) largo 8vo. (19.50) 4,50 2890 Sohellinger (W.) \'t Volmaeckte en toe-ge-ruste Schip, bestaende in fraye gedichten, en aer-dige liedekens ... voor alle liefhebbers der grooto Zeevaert. Amsterd., M. de Groot, 1080. in parchment. sin. 8vo. 123 pp. 10._ (The complete and equiped Ship, consisting in fine poems und pretty songs ... for all who love Navigation.) Vkuy hark popular book of Songs for the Seamen, among which on the voyage to lt;/ Terreneufquot; and Greenland for whalefishing. — Good copy of one of the rarest chaphooks, in original cover Slightly stained and wanting a part of the last pag. (blank.) |
voornnamsto en sterkste steeden in Europa. Amsterdam, Jan Roman. 1752. half bound. Uncut, sq. folio. 18.— 100 engraved views, 10 of which represent jime-rlcan Cities, viz: Acapulco, Nieuw Amsterdaw, Fer-nambuco, Francis de Campescie, Havana, Karta-g\'.na, Nombre de JJius, Panama, l\'orto Rico, St. Salvador. With printed table and index. 2901 Schiel (J.) Keiso durch d. Felsengebirge u. d. llnmboldtgebirge nach d. stillen Ocean. Schafth. 185». 8vo. —.90 2902 Schillemans, G. J., Do balsamo Peruviano nigl\'O. L. 13. 1845. 8vo. —.50 2908 Schlatter (M.) Getrouw verhaal van den waren toestand der meest herderlooze gemeentens in Pennsylvaniën en aangrensende provintiën, voorgestelt en opgedragen met nederig versoek om huipe en bystand, aan de ... Synodens van Nederland, enz. Met eene aanpryzende voorrede van de Gecommitteerde der Classis van Amsterdam. Amst., J. Lovetingh, 1751. bds. uncut. 4to. — Extremely scarce. 50.— (Genuine account of the true situation of the most shepherdless congregations in Pennsylvania and adjacent provinces, laid before the Synods of Ne~ ihcrland... with an humble supplication for help. Also a recommandatory preface by the Commis-tioners of the Classis of Amsterdam.) The author, at first Minister at St. Gallen in Switserland, came to Amsterdam in 1736, and was lent by the Synod of Holland to Pennsylvania, in order to visit the different congregations throughout the land. — The volume contains at first an extract from the journal of his voyages in New-England, New-Netherland, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia, 1740—51 ; then an account of the state of Pennsylvania and of the numerous lie-formed Congregations there and in the adjacent provinces, which he found mostly without ministers. These relations arc of the highest interest as they give details of the country, its people, the number of stone- and other houses in the principal towns, and especially of all relating to the Reformed Congregations, the names of their ministers etc. The preface contains likewise valuable particulars of the history of the lleformed Church in New-Netherland. 2904 Schmeller, J. A., Ueber einige alterehand-Bchriftlicho Seekarten. (MUnehen. 1844.) 4to. Extr. 1.25 Contains au interesting letter of J. Seb. Dolcanon (Elcono), the companion of Magellan, treating on their voyage round the World. 2905 Sehmidol (H.) Vera historia, admirandae cuiusdam navigationis, quam ... Anno 1534—1554 in American!, ... inxta Brasiliam et Kio della Plata eonfecit ... Ab ipso Germanice descripta: nunc vero, emend, et correctis ... in hae forma reducta. Noribergae, imp. Lev, Hulsii, 1599. Complete with map and 16 other plates. 4to. Fine, clean copy, but the plates rather short. 60.— |
Very hake to be found complete with all the plates. — It is the first edition of Schmidera Voyage, issued by Hulsius, translated from the German original of Frankfort 1567. 2906 Schmidt (K. C. G.) Zegenpraal des Christendoms. Geschied, van de invoering en uitbreiding d. Evang. door de zendingen. Uit h. Hoogd. Utrecht, 1846. sd. 8vo. 1-40 {Victory of Christianity. History of the introduction and propagation of the Gospel by the Missions. From the German.) 2907 Schmidt-Phiaeldek (C F. von) Europe and America or the relative state of the civilized world at a future period. Transl. from the German by J. Owen. Copenhagen, 1820. sd. 8vo. 2.50 2908 - The same. French translation. Ibid. 1820. sd. 8vo. 1.50 2909 Schoelcher (V.) Colonics étrangères et Haïti; résultats de l\'émancipation Anglaise. Paris, 1843. 2 vols. sd. map of Haïti. 8vo. 2.— 2910 Scholtons (God.) Die nieuwe bereisde wereld, ofte beschrijvinghe van allo landen, etc. \'sGravenh., J. Tongerloo, 1663. hf. vellum, plates. 4to. Fine copy. 6.— (The world newly run over, or description of all lands, etc.) Pp. 65—69 cont. a description of the Spanish West-Indies, with a plate representing the Indians in their divers occupations etc. 2911 Scholtz (K. A.) Die Verein. Staaten von Nord-Amerika, in wissenschaftl., staatsrechtl. u. öconom. Beziehung. 2e Aufi. Baltimore, 1859. sd. 8vo. 1.— 2912 Sohöpl\' (J. D.) Beytritge z. mineralog. Kennt-nisz d. östl. Theils von Nord-Amerika u. seiner Gebürge. Erlang. 1787. sd. 8vo. 1.— 2913 Schotel (G. D. J.) Anna Maria var, Schur-man. \'s Hertogenbosch, 1853. sd. portr. andfac.sim. 8vo. (4.—) 2.— Biography of A. M. 4 Schurman, one of the most zealous and able adherents of Ijabadie. 2914 Sohott (Andr.) Hispania illustrata, sen rerum urbiumque Hispaniae, Lusitaniae, Aethiopiae et Indiae Scriptores varii in unum collect!. Francof., Marnius, 1603—8. 4 vols, vellum, fol. 24.— Fine copy, with the Supplement to Mariana (bound up with the 2d vol.) the 3 maps wanting. — «Cette collection est fort importante, et Ton a\'eu «procure difiicilernent des exeinpl. complets.quot; Brunet. The 2d volume contains the celebrated letter of Columbus tDe Insulis nuper invent is.quot; — Deplo-ratio Lappianao gentis. — Lappiao Ucscriptio. — Notices on Brazil etc. — Dam. a Goes, lie Aethio-pis, with references to the «1\'restre Johnquot; etc. 2915 Schouten (Jobst) Sanfiirdig beskriffning era Konungarijket Slam, uthi holliindska spriiket ahr |
1636 författat. Wysingsborg, J. Kankei, 167B. 4to. bds. ^ 20.— Swedish editiou of J. Schoiiten\'a celebrated treatise ou Siam, of the highest rarity. Mr. Tiele mentions it not in his; Memoire bibliographique. — The copy is somewhat stained and has some wormholes in the margins. Is one of the appendices to the rare Colleclion of Voyages, printed at Wijsingshory, see n0. 2706. 2916 Schouten (Wl. Corn.) Journal ofte Bcschry-vinghe v. de wonderlicke reyse in 1615, 6, 7, hoe hy bezuyden de Strate v. Maggellanes een nieuwe Passagie tot in de groote Zuydzee ontdekt, en voort den ghcheelen Aerdkloot omgheseylt heeft, etc. Amst., Jan Jansz. (Bleav) 1018. mays and plates, bds. 4to. (Tiele N0. 4.i). 35.— (Journal or description of the marvellous voyage made in 1615—16, how he discovered in the South of the Strait of Magellanes a new passage to the great South-Sea, and how he farther circumnavigated the whole globe.) Extremely rare edition. Reprint of the second of 1618. Mr. Tiele quotes only the copy in the collection of Mr. Lenox. — Fine large copy, with 8 maps and plates. Schoutcn\'s voyage is the same which is uarrated by J. le Maire in his Ephemeris (see N0. 1840) and inserted in the Dutch, Latin and French editions of Herrera, Novus Orbis (N0. 1415—18), — but all the honour due to the skilful and learned young le Maire, is turned in Schouten\'s Journal to his own profit; in this and many other circumstances the two accounts of this voyage differ considerably. 2017 - Journal ou description du nierveilleux voyage es ann. 1615 a 17 cornme (en eircum-navi-geant le Globe terrestre) il a descouvert vers le Zud du destroit de Magellan un nouv. passage jusq. h la grande mer de Zud. Ensemble, des avantures admir., etc. Amsterd., Herman Janson, 1619. 4to. Very rare. — Fine and complete copy in vellum, orig. binding. (Tiele N0. 42.) 30.- — This is already the 10th edition, printed in Amsterdam in the course of 18 months, of this remarkable voyage, which was published in 35 different editions in Holland during the 17th century. Afterwards it became a popular work, and many editions appeared during the last century as chap-books. This edition is a faithful translation of the original Dutch text. 2918 - Novi freti a parte meridion. freti Magellan. in magnum mare austr. detectio, facta labo-rios. et periculos. itinere a G. Corn. Schouten, a. 1616—17, totum orbem terrarum circumnavi-gante. Amst., Guil. Janssoniusy 1619. hf. vellum. 4to. Very fine and unusually large copy, all the plates with broad margins. (Tiele N0. 43.) 35.— Very rare first Latin edition, probably due to the Amsterdam physician, Nic. v. Wassenaer, author of the very interesting: Historisch verhael. The Latin translation, given by de Bry, Grands Voy. XIT, is |
by far not so good as this version; of the 8 plates of de Bry, 2 are due to their imagination. 2919 Schouten (Wl. Corn.) The same; other Latin translation. Amsterd., P. Kaerius, 1619. calf. 4to. Old English binding, with the name of Edward Gwynn on the cover. Very rare. Fine copy. (Tiele N0. 44.) 30.— Edition entirely differing in version and printing from the foregoing. — Man 1 (of the world) and pi. g and h (page 52 and 60} are taken from other editions; these 2 pi. are re-emmarged. The maps and plates have no Latin description on the verso. 2920 - The same, in Dutch: Journael, etc. Amst., Jan Janssen, 1644. hf. vellum. 4to. Fine copy, but only with the maps c and i (Magell. and N. Guinea) the other plates replaced by 6 other minor figures. (Tiele N0. 43.) 12.— The text is reprinted from the original, but the dedications and prefaces are omitted, and alterations made in the style. 2921 - The same, in Dutch. — Hoorn, by Is. fVillemsz. voor J. J. Deuiel, 1648. 4to. (Tiele N0. 52.) 18.— Very remarkable edition, with many valuable additions from an unpublished journal, held by the captain of the other ship, and 2 short vocabularies. (See further Tiele p. 50). — Of this edition, printed by Is. Willemsz., 3 variations exist in the title, each with a different name of publisher; one for Marten Gerbrandtsz, not mentioned by Mr. Tiele, one for M. J. Appel (see following N0. 2922) and this editiou. — In text and plat®» they agree all. This copy is very tall; the 9 plates quite complete and fine. 2922 - The same, in Dutch : Hoorn, by Is. Willemsz. voor M. J. Appel, 1648. boards. 4to. (Tiele N0. 51.) 9.— Same edition as the preceding with different name of publisher. The copy is rather short, and wants the last map; the 2 last plates {Hoornse eyland and map of New-Guinea) are defective. — Bare. 2923 - The same, in Dutch. Journael, etc. Amsterd., J. Hartgers, 1648. 4to. (Tiele N0. 50.) 4.50 Edition with separate title, but forming page 67 to 117 of the voyage of Spilbergen in 1614 to 18 (see N0. 3031). The text agrees with the edition of Amst. 1644. N0. 2920. The plate to the voyage of Spilbergen is divided in 6 divis., the 3 last refer to Schouten\'s voyage. 2924 - The same, in Dutch. — Amst., Wed. v. Gysb. de Groot (1740?) 4to. 5.— Popular edition, with coarse woodcuts, not mentioned by Mr. Tiele. 2925 --The same, in Dutch. Amst., J. Kannewet, 1766. 4to. In orig. paper wrapper as published. (Tiele N0. 63.) 5.— Popular edition on coarse paper with 6 much used engrav. on wood. Reprint of the edition of 1648 with some restrictions, but with the vocabularies. SCHOUTEN. |
2920 Schouten (W.) Oost-Indische Voyagic, mita-Kfiders oen cnricuso beschrijving der voornaomsto landen etc. Amst., .7. Meun, 1076. calf gilt. porir., maps und many plates. 4to. Large paper. — Fine copy. ^ 5.— (East-Indian voi/age, with a curious description of the principal countries etc.) Original edition of Schouteu\'s cckbrateil voyage. This voyage, made from 1058 to 1005 is often confounded, especially by foreigners, with the foregoing of his namesake W. C. Sehouteu, made in 1015 etc. 2927 - The same. Amst., 1740. hf. calf, maps and pi. 4to. 2.50 2928 - The same. Amst., 1745. ///. calf, maps and plates. 4to. 2.50 2929 - Voyage aux Indes Orientales. Trad, du Holland. Amst., JS. Roger. 1707. 2 vols, in X.calf, plates. 8vo. 3.— 2930 - The same. Rouen, J. B. Machuel, 1725. 2 vols, calf, plates. 8vo. 3.— 2931 - The same. Exactly the same edition, but with the address of P. Caillou, 1725. 2 vols, sd., entirely uncut, plates. 8vo. 2.75 2932 Schouw-toonool van wederwaardigheden of verzameling van rampspoedige en ongelukkige reistochten. Amsterd. igt;. Mourik (1780.) 5 parts in 1 vol. many plates, sd. uncut. 4to. 4.50 (Theatre of adversity, or collection of unlucky voyages.) Contains; Journal of the unlucky voyage of the E. Ind. ship Blydorp, in 1733; — of the man of war; He! Iluys in \'t Bosch, Capt. Steenis, in 1751. 5th ed.j — of t.\'ie French ship Le Prince, and the Diiteli ship Rustemverk, in 1752;— Various voyages 1754i- 1778. — This collective edition of relations, published separately, is very rare. 2933 Schultz (W.) Riiumliche Verhiiltnissc dcr Siidprovinzen von Itrasllien. Lcipz. 1802. (Extr.) 8vo. —.50 2934 Schurman (Anna Maria a) very learned virgin, zealous adherent of Labadle, female author in Latin, Greek, Hebrew cet. — A. L. S. in Latin, to Dr. Horn. Swalue, dat. Wiewert, Sept. 18, 1675. 8 lull pp. 4to. 12.— A letter of the greatest interest for the knowledge of the Lahadist doctrine. — Having been ill, she lias received some medicaments from Swalue and now returns some animae medirinam (o him, viz. quite a sermon on salvation and the way to acquire it, on divine grace and its effects, cet. — Swalue bad expressed some doubts on his vocation quot;ad relin-qnendum munus medic urn, familiam, possessam do-mumjiberost/ue.quot; Scburman tries to solve these doubts and concludes he might quot;nusquam aequius, nitius, aut plenius exercere Artem Medicam, quarn inter illos qui jug am illud mundnnum ... legitime reje-cerunf (viz. amongst the Labadists), cet. 2935 - Pael-steen van den tijt onses levens, dat |
is, Wt-spraeck over het ghesclül of do palen van \'t loven vaststaen, ofte by ons verzet kunnen worden. Uit het LafJJn vertaalt. Amsterd., Joost Broersz., 1647. sm. 8vo. Rare. 2.50 {The mile-stone of our life, that is, decision of the question if the limits of life are immoveable or may be changed by us. Transl. from the Latin.) 2930 Schurman (Anna Maria a) Opnscula He-braea, Graeea, Lat., Qallica. Ed. 2a auct. Lugd. Hat., Elzevier, 1650. vellum, portr. 8vo. 2.50 2937 - The same, llecena., animadvers. inotr. T. dir. Doroth. Loeberia. Lips. 1749. portr. hf. calf. 8vo. 2.— Confer N0. 2913. Biography of A M. a S. 2938 - Evx).yipix sen melioris partis electio. AI- tonae, 1673. — P. Yvon, Essentia religionis chris-tianae patofacta. Ibid. 1673. — 1 vol. vellum. 8vo. 5.50 The first work is an interesting autobiography. 2939 Schuyler (Philip) the famous Major-General in the Kevol. War. — A. L. S. to General H. Glen, dat. Albany, Nov. 13, 1781. 1 p. 4to. 9.— Fine specimen. — »1 have repeatedly expressed to Congress the necessity of furnishing the board of Commissioners with money to pay the creditorsquot; ... cet. 2940 Scoresby (W.) Account of the Arctic regions. With a history and description of the Northern Whale-Hshcry. Edinb., 1820. 2 vols, bds., maps and plates, roy. 8vo. 17.50 Very interesting and rare work. 2941 [Scribanus (C.)) Den vernieuden Nederl. Waerscgger ... midtsgad. do macht van do Spaen-sche, West-lnd. en Nederl. Provinciën. Als oock den heeien Africaenschen handel. Amsterd. J. Ve-seler (1620.) calf. 8vo. 6.— (The renewed Net herland foreteller, . ., the forces of the Spanish, West-lnd. and Butch Provinces, and the African commerce.) l!are pamphlet to induce the United Provinces to tiuish the war with Spain, by an exposition of the Spanish forces. 146 pp.; followed by: quot;Den Ghcreformeerden Hollandsehen Apocalypsis.quot; pp. 97—144. — Published with view on the approaching end of the 12th years Treves. 2942 Suction of a Magnificent and superb Water Closet.quot; English caricature: George 111 sitting on a water-closet: quot;Old England..., hound up by excrutiating evils,quot; etc. (by America) Publ. by /r. Humphrey. 1780. Caricature. Ig. 8vo. 2.— 2943 Sedgwick (Theod.) Speaker of the House of Kepres. in Congress, 1788, Judge of the Supr. Court of Massachus., 1802. — A. L. S. to Dwiglit Foster, dat. Stockbridge, Jan. 12, 1794. 1 p. 4 to. 2.50 Family-affairs. 2944 - A. S. Note, dat. Philad. Febr. 11, 1800. 6 lines. 4to. 1.50 |
2945 Sedgwick (Theod.) A. S. Note, dat. Washington, Dec. 18, 1800, 7 lines. 4to. 1.50 2946 Selijns (H.) First Dutch Clergyman at Brooklyn, afterwards in N. York, born Amsterdam 1630 died at N. York 1701. One of the first poets of N. Y., see Henry C. Murphy: quot;Anthology ofNew-Netherland.quot; — His Dutch poem of 6 lines on the rare plate representing the breaking of the dyke constructed by the liishop of Munster near the City of Cocvorden. Fine etching by Romeyn de Hoog he. sq. fol. 10.— 2947 Sententz der Herren Gerichten zu Dordrecht liber Laur. Davids, gewesenen Capitiiyn aiilïni Sehlffe, ... Anno 1601. von Amsterdam nach Havre do Grace und von dannen nach clem Ko-then Meere auff den Kaub wider die Mohren ausz-gofahren. Abgefasst u. ausgesprochen .. . Sept. 1663. 4 pp. 4to. — Slightly stained. 2,50 Extremely rnro piece. 2948 [Seriman (Zacc.)) Viages de Jinv. Wanton a las Terras Incognitas Australes y al pais de la Monas. Trad, del idionia Ingles al Italiano, y de este al Espanol p. J. do Guzman y Maurlque. Madrid, A. de Sacha, 1781. 4 vols, calf, plates. 4 to. 7.50 quot;An ideal work, abounding with character, sentiment and philosoph. observations. The author was a Venetian, named Zaecaria Seriman.quot; Lowndes. 2949 Seybort (Ad.) Statistical Annals of the United states of America, founded on official documents, 1798—1818. Philad. 1818. calf. 4to. 3,50 2950 Seyd (E,), California and its resources, Lond, 1858. clot/i, plates and map. 8vo. 1.50 2951 Seymour (E.) Sketches of Minnesota, the Now England of the West. New-York, 1850, maji, cloth. 8vo, 1.50 2952 Shaw (Ch ) Topographical and historical description of Boston, and its environs. Hoston, Oliver Spear, 1817, calf, plates. 8vo. 3.— 2953 Shier (J.), Sccond report on thorough-drainage. with special reference to its application to British Guiana. Demerary. 1850. 8vo. 1,— 2954 shilliboer (J.) Ontmoetingen op eene reis naar het eiland I\'itcairn, bevatt. ecne schets v. d. tegenw. toestand der Brazilien en van Spaansch America. Dordr., 1819. 8vo. 1.25 (Adventures of a voyage to the island of Pit-cairn, emit, a sketch of the present state of Brazil and Spanish America.) 2955 Shirley (Will) Colonial Governor ofMassa-chus. 1741—56. — S. Orders, with one autogr. line, to Col. John Stoddard, dat. Boston, Nov. 18, 1746. 1 p. fol. 5,50 Various measures to defend the most exposed places on the Western Frontiers. 2956 Sidney (Algernon) Discourses. Publ. from the original MSS. of the author. New-York, Printed for R. Let by Deure and Andrews, 1805. |
3 vols. ids. uncut, portr. 8vo. 3.— 2957 Sidons (C.) De Vereen. Staten van Noord-Amerika In hunne staatkundige, godsdienst, en maatschappol. betrekkingen. Uit h. Eng. vort. Leeuwarden, 1828. sd. 8vo. (2.40) 1.— (The Vm\'ed States in their polit., theological and social relations. Trans\', from the English.) 2958 Siebold (P. F. v.) Geographical and ethno-graph. elucidations to the discoveries of Maerten Gerrits Vries, 1643, in the East and North of Japan, Translated by F. M, Cowan. Amst., 1859. cloth, with map. 8vo. 2.25 2959 Silliman (Benj.) Professor of Chemistry in Yale College 180J—53, founder of the quot;Amer. Journal of Science and \\rty 1818, — A. L. S. to Sam. M. Hopkins of N. Y., dat. New Haven, Oct. 20, 1808. 1 p. 4to. 2.— 2960 - A. L. S. to Dr. Mason F. Cogswell, dat. New Haven, Febr. 28, 1813. 1 p. 4to. 2.— 2961 - A. L. S. to Nathan Smith, dat. New Haven, March 29, 1834. 2 p. 4to. 2.— On his Journal, cet, — With a signed receipt. 2962 Silsbee (Nath,) President of the Massachus. Senate, Member of Congress 1816-20, U, S. Senator 1826—35, — A, L, S, to Jer, Nelson, dat, Salem, Febr, 25, 1824. 2 pp. 4to. 2.50 On politics, especially on Webster\'s Speeches in Congress. 2963 Silva (Inn. P. da) Dizzlonario bibliogra-phico Portuguez. Estudos applicaveis a Portugal y ao Brasil. Lisboa, 1858- 59. Vol. I — III (A— Jo.) 3 vols. hf. mor. 8vo. 10.— Complete in 7 vols. Out of print and scarce. 2964 Simons (G. J.) Beschrijving van hot eiland Cura^ou. Oostcrwolde, 1868. map and 2 plates. 8vo. (2.50) 1.50 (Description of the island of Curasao.) 2965 Sivers (H ) Bericht von Gröhnland, gezogen aus zwo Chroniken. Hamb. 1674. 4to. Rare, 2,50 2966 Six Months in the West-Indies (the Carib-bee Islands) in 1825. 2d edit, Lond. 1826. ids. map. 8vo, 1,50 2967 Sjöborg (N. H.) Polynesia detecta. Lundae, 1807. 4to. Rare. 3.- Historical account of the discoveries and voyages to the South-Sea from 1417—1791. Latin dissertation. 2968 [Skinner (Jos )] The present state of Peru, its geography, natural history, customs and manners of the inhabitants, etc., drawn from original and authentic documents. London, 1805. hf. calf neat, 20 coloured plates. 4to. (10.80) 4.50 2969 Slavery. — A collection of 16 Dutch pamphlets concerning Slaves and their einanoipation in Surinam, 1830—1862. 8vo. 3.— 2970 Sloot (P, W, v, d.) Uuseros Landes Wohl-stand, eiue Probe gottllchcr Huld. Redo seiner |
- SOLI».
Gemeinc auf der Trap vorgestollt. Reading, 11. B. Sage, 1813. 8vo. — Rare. 1.50 The author was quot;Lehrer d. Evang. zn Ober-Hannover, Moutgornory Country.quot; 2971 Smeeks (H.) Boschryv. van hot raagtig koningrijk Krinke Kesmes, ... een gcdoelte van hot onbekende Zuidland, gelegen onder den Tropicus Capricornus, ontdekt door J. de Posos. Amsterd. 1708. 8vo. 2.50 (Description of the miyMy kingdom Krinke Kesmes, a pari of the unknown South-Land, tüscooered by J. de Posos.) Literary forgery; in the form of voyages to America, the newly discovered New-Holland, and the kingdom Krinke Kesmes. The book treats on anthropology and religion, according to the Cartesian philosophy. 2972 Smeele (J. P.) Oorzaken van den strijd tus-schen Engeland en zjjnc Amerikaansehe Koloniën. \'sGravenh. 1856. sd. 8vo. 1,— (Causes of the conflict between Engl, and his American coknies.) {Comparative liepertoria on the Codes of Suriname, Curasao and Netherland. Code-penal.) 2974 Smith (Jer.) Governor of New Hampshire 1809 -10. — A. L. S. to Mr. Gilman, dat. Hos-ton, Oct. 25, 1792. 1 p. 4to. 2.-- 2975 Smith (Joh) A Description of New-England, or the observations and discoveries of Capt. J. Smith in the North of America, etc. London, 1616. cloth. 4to. 10.— Exact reprint, with a fac-simile of the original map. Boston, W. Veasie, 1805. — Only 250 copies printed. 2976 -—— Advertisements for the unexperienced Planters of Now England or any where. London, 1631. cloth. 4to. 10,- Exact reprint with a fac-simile of Smith\'s map of New-England of 1635. Boston, W. Veazie, 1865. — Only 250 copies printed. 2977 Smith (John Cotton) Governor of Connecticut, 1813—18. — A. Adress of a letter to Mr. W. Sprague. —.60 2978 Smith (Sam.) History of the Colony of Nova-Caesaria, or New-Jersey, to 1721. Burlington in New-Jersey, J. Parker, 1765. calf. 8vo. — Verï kaue. 50.— •A judicious and authentic compilation; never having been reprinted, it has become very scarce 8.nd difficult to be met with.quot; Rich. A perfect copy; only a very small part of the upper margin of the title cut off, without attaining the text. 2979 Smith (Sam. Stanhope) Pres. of Nassau Hall, Princeton, distinguished preacher and philosopher. — A. L. S. to the Rev. Griflin of Newark, dat. Princeton, Dee. 22, 1806.1 p. 4to. 2.— |
Applying to Mr. Griffin for a discourse. 2980 Smith (W.) History of the Province of New-York, from the first discovery to 1732. 2d Edition. Philadelphia, 1792. calf. 8vo. 10.— Esteemed and standard work; the original edition is very scarce. 2981 Smith (Will.) Comparative view of the eon-stltutlons of the several States with each other, and with that of the United States. Philadelphia, John Thompson, 1796. calf, 4to. — Rare. 5.— 2982 Smith (W. H.) Canada: past, present and future, being a histor., goograph., geolog. and statistical account of Canada West. Toronto (1851.) 2 vols. 11 maps. hf. calf. roy. 8vo. 10.— 2983 Smithsonian Institution — Report (Annual) of the Board of Regents ot the Smithsonian Institution. Washington, 1853—74. 21 vols. cloth. 8vo. 18.— Containing the lectures delivered before the members and a large amount of scientific information. 2984 Snow (W. Parker) Voyage of the „Prince Albertquot; in search of John Franklin: narrative of every-day life in the Arctic seas. Lond. 1851. Map and pi. cloth. 8vo. 1.80 2985 Sobolewski. — Catalogue de la bibliothèque de feu M. S. Sobolewski (do Moscou.) Leipzig, 1873. 4448 numëroa; with the prices. Svo.— A copy on thick fine paper. 3.50 Important collection of works on History and Voyages, specially on America and Australia including the most complete und finest copy of De Bry\'s Grands ct Petits Voyages (Latin and German), acquired by Mr. l\'rederik Muller, and now in the Lenox Library at New York. — Mr. Sobolewski furnished the exact bibliographical description of De Bry\'s Voyages for the last edition of Brunei, Manuel du llbraire. 2986 Sooteboom (H.) 3e vooruaeraste zeegetogt dor Nederl. na de Oost-Indien, onder Jac. Heemskerk en Wolf. Hermansz in 1601—3. Uytdeaon-teeken. v. Willem v. Westzanen. Sanerdain, 11. J. Zoet, 1618. bds. 4to. ^enj rare. (Tiele Nquot;. 161.) 8.— (3fl\' and principal voyage of the Dutch to E-I. under J. H. and W. 11. in 1601—3. — According to the notices of William of West-Zanen.) With 8 pi. in the text. — There are 4 sorts of copies of this edition, all with different names of publishers; the other impressions are very inferior to this original edition. 2987 - The same. Amsterd., J Jz. Schipper, 1 Cquot;48. plates, bds. 4to. (Tiele N0. 162.) — Some worm-holes in the margins. 6.— 2988 Solis (A. de) Historia de la conquista de Mexico, poblacion y progresses de la America Septentrional, conocida par el nombre de Nueva Espana. Brussel., F. Foppens. 1704. map and plates, vellum, fol.— The paper somewhat spotted. 4.— PliEDERIK MüI/I.ER amp; c*», |
2989 Soils (A. de) The same. Brussel., Jlousqutl. 1741. map, /if. cf. uncut, t\'ol. — Large paper. 5.— 2990 - The same. Madrid, 1758. 3 vols, calf, ijill edges, am. 8vo. — Fins copy. 3.50 2991 --The same. Madrid, A. de hancha, 1784. Vol. II. calf, uncut, map and plates. 4to. 3.— Beautiful edition. 2992 - The same. Madrid, Cano, 1798. 5 vols. calf, portraits and plutes. 16mo. 3.50 Nice edition, and of rare occurrence. 2993 - The same. Paris, 1827. 5 vols, sd., uncut. 2994 - Ilistoire de la eonijuêtu du Mexique. La Haye, A. Moetjens, 1692. 2 vols, calf, maps and plates, sm. 8vo. 3,— 2995 - The same. Paris, 11. Charpentier, 1704. 2 vols, vellum, map and plates, sm. 8vo. 3.50 2996 Solms-Braunfels (Carl, Prlnz zu) Texas, mit Itiicksicht auf die deutsohe Colonisation. Frankf. a. M., 1840. bds., map. 8vo. —.60 2997 Solorzano Pereira (J. do) Traduccion ds la Dedicatoria real, i Epistolas poemlales del lido Tomo del derecho, i governo de las lndias Ofci-dentales. Ulustr. eon notas raarginales, i ... com-pendio de lo que se trata en los 11 Tomos, por D. Gabr. de Solorzano Paniagua. (Madrid?) 1039. vellum, fol. — Very rare. 18.— 2998 Soltau (D. W.) Qeschichte der Entdeekungea h. Eroberungen der Portugiesen iiu Orient, 1415— 1539. Nach Anleitung der Asia des J. de Barros. Braunschweig. 1821. 5 vols. sd. 8vo. 6.— 2999 Somer (Jan) Zne- en Landt-Reyse naar de Levante, als Italien, Candien, Egypton, Tnrekyen. enz. 2do vermeerd. druk. Ainst., J. Harigers, 1649. With engravings. 4to. 2.50 {Voyages and travels in the Levant, Italy, Can-dia, Egypt, Turkey etc. id edit.) This we believe to be the lirst part of llartgers\' intended 2d volume of hia Collection of Voyages. (See NO. 2361, 62.) 3000 - The same. 3d edition. Amstord., J. v. d. .Bergh, 1661. IViih the same plates. 4to. 2.50 3001 Sommer (J. Q.) Beschrijving der Nieuwe Staten van Amerika. Naar het lloogd. Amst., 1828. 2 vols. 8vo. With plates. (6.90) 2.— {Description of the New States of America. From the German.) 3002 Sonnerat, Voyage a la Nouvelle Guinée. Paris, iluault, 1777. calf, 120 plates, most relating to natural history. 4to. Fine copy. 6.— 3003 Soules (Franc.) Ilistoire des troubles de l\'Ainérique Anglaise. Paris, Jluisson, 1787. 4 vols. hf. calf, maps. 8vo. 3.— 3004 Sommation (La) faite par le Marq. de Spi-nola au Gouverneur de la ville de Breda. Kn-semble plusieurs particularitez do tout ce qui s\'est passé, tant en Amérique, etc. Paris, J. Martin, |
jourte la copie impr. i Amsterdam, 1625. 8vo. 9.— Extremely scarce. — The chapter «de Madrilquot; (pag. 12.) treats on Peru. Chili, Lima, etc. 3005 South-America. — Chart of the Southern Promontory of America, from the Spanish survey of 1789—95, compar. with a Span. MS. by A. Ar-rowsmith. Lend. 1802. Iligb fol. 64 by 94. 2.— 3006 - Views of various cities. Old engravings from Montanus, Schenk, w?th address; Daumont (coloured), etc. 7 pc. sq. fol. and 4to. 2.50 Carthagena, Boavista, Nomlre de Dios, St. Francisco de Campeche, ctc. 3007 - Religious, nuptial and funeral ceremonies in Peru, Brazil and Venezuela, engrav. by Bern. Picart. 18 represent, on 8 sh. fol — First impress. 4.— 3008 Southern History of the War. Oftieial Reports of battles, as published by order of the Confederate Congress at Richmond. New-York, 1864. cloth. 8vo. (9.80) 4.— 3009 South-Sea-Company. — Various Acts of Parliament and other papers relating to the Company trading to the South-Sea, and other parts of America, and for encouraging the Fishery. 23 pieces, 1711—24, bound in 1 vol. calf neat. fol. 12.— Interesting collection, especially for the knowledge of the pecuniary and internal management of the Company. 3010 Souza lP. Lopes de), Diario de navega^ao da armada que foi a terra do Brasil era 1530, sob Martin Alfonso de Souza. Publ. por F. A. de Varnhagen. Lisboa, 1839. 8vo. 4,50 Out of print and scarce. 3011 Spanish Silverfloat (The) captured in the Bay of Matanca by the Dutch fleet, commanded by the Admirals Piet Pz. Hein and II. C. Loiicq, 8 Sept. 1628. — German engraving, with map of Cuba to the right. — On the same sheet another German engrav. of an engagement of some Dutch ships with the Privateers of Duinkerk. — Together 1 sheet small sq. fol. h. 30 br. 39 cent. 3012 - Dutch engraving with the portrait of Piet II o y n at the top in the middle of the plate, sm. sq. fol. 2.— 3013 - Different representation, publ. by li. Wilding, llotterdara, 1788; with inscription: «1\'iet Ueyn veroverd de zilvere vloot.quot; sm. sq. fol. 2.— 3014 - Nautilus, being a drinking-horn of the Admiral Piet Heyn, presented to him for the capture of the Silverfloet, engrav. by A. Delfos. sq. 8vo. 1.25 3015 - Two Medals struck on the capture of |
many interesting observations concerning these journals in Tide\'s Mé\'iioire p. 70, etc. 3031 Spilbergon (Joris v.) Historisch Journacl v. de Voyagie door Magall. naor de Mohicques. (Ainst. 1040.) sq. 4to. IP\'il/i 25 j)l. 0.50 No special title. Forms part of the 2d vol. of: Bey in en l; oorlgangh (N0. 272—74) where it is reprinted from the preceding editions, but with some omissions. — The journal of Schouten\'s voyage is added to this. N0. 2923. (See Tide p. 08.) 3032 -- Oost en W est hid. Voyagie door Magcll. onder J. Spilbergen. — En de Keyse d. W. (\'. Schouten en J. le Maire in 1015 etc. Amst., J. Harigers, 1048. 4to. (Tiolc X0. 71.) 4.50 Reprint of the preceding edition. Willi I pi. in 6 divisions. 3033 -Joris Spilbergen attacking the Spanish Admiral llodrigo de Mendoza, off the Coast of Peru. 1015. Old Dutch engrav. sm. 4to. 1.50 3034 Spitzbergen Portulano of the coasts oi\'Europe, with separate map of a part of Spitzbergen. Amsterdam, Willem Janszoon Blaeu, (about 1020). Large tol. 70 by 00. — Pkinteo on vellum, with coloured arms. — Unique. 40.- Certainly one of the earliest maps published by W. J. Blaeu (See note of N0. 330). The author is, according to a notice on the map, Cornelis Doe-des from Edam. 3035 Spitzbergen (Description of a view of the North coast of), in Barker\'s Panorama. Loud. 1819. plate. 8vo. —.00 3036 Spix ^J. B. v.) et C. Fr. v. Martins, Voyage dans rintérieui* du Brésil. Miinch. 1823—24. 20.— Contains: a. Nova genera et species Plantarum, gr. in-4to. {fasc. Hi.) Text jKig. 37—80. h. Genera et species Palmarum. fol. {fasc. 1—3). \\TUlet List of Subscriptions, Text: page 1— 90 and col. plates. Nfl. I—07. c. Simiarum et Vespertitionum Brasil. fol. Text Fr.-Latin complete. Col. plates. N0. 1, 4—8, 10, 14—igt;8. d. Animalia nova sive Serpentum Bras, species novae, gr. in-4to. Text Fr.-Lat. complete. Flairs wanting. e. Testudinum et Ranaruin Bras, species novae, gr. iu-4to. Text complete; plates wanting. 3037 - Reise in Brasilicn. MUiichen, 1823. vol. I. bds., uncut. 4to. 1.50 3038 Sprague (Will. B.s American Clergyman and author. — 4 A. L. S. to the Rev. P. H. Marron of Paris, dat. Springfield and Albany, 1829—1831. 7 pp. 4to and 1 p. 8vo. 10.— Interesting letters on their very extensive collections of autographs, and on the interchanging of duplicates. 3039 - A. L. S. to the Rev. Athanase Coquerel, son iu law of the Rev. P. IJ. Marron, dat. Al- | bany, Oct. 5, 1832. 3 pp. 4to. 3, — I |
Very fine letter on the death and the character of Marron: quot;a mar. of great moral worth, of fine intellectual powers, of extensive acquisitions and of commanding influence. \' — With portrait of Marron, engrav. by Hulk. fol. Proof before letter. 3040 Spranckhuysen (Dionys.) Triumphe van weghen do victory den 8 Sept. 1028 verleent aen de vlote vau de West-lnd. Comp. onder Pieter Pietersz. lleyn, leghen de Silver-Vlote onzer vy-anden, komende van Nova Ilispania. Delf, 1029. 4to. Last leaf damaged. (Asher N0. 115.) 8.— {Triumph J or the victory, granted to the fleet of the IF. 1. Comp. under P. P. lleyn, against the Silver-fleet.) This is the most complete contemporary account of the capture of the Silver-fleet. Confer i\\,n. 3011 — 14. 3041 - Tranen over den doodt van P. Pz. Ileyn, mitsgad. syn Testament aen dft West-lnd. Comp. Delf, 1029. 4(o. (Asher N0. 124.) O.— {Tears on the death of P. Pz, ileyn, with his Testament.) 3042 --Des Jaers 1029 roepende stemme tot do Vereeniglide Nederlanden. Bolswardt, 1 053. 4 parts in 1 vol. vellum. lOmo. 0.— (The years 1029 voice calling the United Netherlands. ..) The 4th p:irt (51 pp.) contains a sermon held for celebrating the capture of the Spanish Silver-fleet by P. lleyn, in 1029. — Not mentioned by Asher, nor any where else. 3043 Sprengel (iVT. C.) Geschiehte d. geograph. Entdeckungen bis zur Ankunft der Portngiesen in Japan, 1542. 2e Aull. Halle, 1792. bds. 8vo. 1.50 3044 - Ueber J. Ribero\'s alteste Welteharte. (1529). Weimar. 1795. IPith Ig. fol. map. 8to. 4.50 This essay contains the first reproduction of that part of Itibero\'s map, which relates to America, by P. L. Gilssefeld, 50 by 05 centimeter, giving the American coast from Labrador till the Strait of Magellan. — See the later reproduction by Kohl, N0. 1690. — Uibero was Cosmographer to the Emperor Charles V. 304 5--A us wall I der besten auslaudischen geograph. u. statist. Nachrichten zur Aul kiarung d. Viilker- u. Liinderkunde. Hallo, 1794—1800. 14 vols, in 7. hf. calf, uncut. 8vo. 7.50 Esteemed collection, contain, amongst others, many interesting pieces for America, viz.: firyan Edward, Beschreib. der Biittischen Koloniën in West-Indien.— Goldsons Bemerk, iib. d. Span. Admirals de Fonte, Seereise nach d. innern Gcgenden von Neu-Albiou (1040). — (\'oxe\'s Bemerk, iib. Pennsylvanicn. — Nachricht d. Stadt Washington. — lieckenxoalder% Keisjourual von Bethlehem iu Pensilvanien nach d. Posten St. Vincent am Wabashfluth. — Collin, Tagebuch d. Britt. Volkiipflanzung in Neu-Holland od. Neu-Siidwales, 1788—90. 3040 --Gcuchichte der Revolution von Nord |
America. Erankenthal, 1788. col. map. tel. 8vo. 1.50 3047 Squier (E. G.) Aboriginal Monuments ol\'tho State of New-York. (Washingt., 1849.) tds., 14 pint vs. 4 to. 5.— 3048 Staatkundige aanmerkingen over liet ... gedrag dor Engelschcn, 9 Aug. 1780, indegrooto Itaay van het Eilaml St. Martin. No place. 1780. 8vo. l.SO (Poliücnl remarks on the conduel of the English in ihe May of the island St. Martin.) 3049 - The same, bound up with; Missive van G. Fagel 1(184, ... zeer toepasselijk op het gehouden gedrag der Uegeering van Amsterdam, ... zoo ten aanzien van haare geheime correspondentie niet den Ambassadeur van zeker uitheemsch vorst, als van haare onbetameiyke onderhand, niet den Amerik. commisearis \\V. Lee, etc. 1782. — and 5 other pamphlets in 1 vol. calf. 8vo. 3.— {Missive of G. Fagel, 1684, applicable to the Regency of Amsterdam, for their secret correspondence with the Ambassador of a foreign Prince, and for their unbecoming negocintions with the American Commissioner IV. Lee, etc. 1782.) 3050 Staats-Secretaris (De). Amsterd., V. Swart, 1770. 6 Nos. not complete; 1775 N0. 11; 1778. 12 Nos. — Together 19 Nos. 18mo. 6.— ( The European Secretary of State.) A munthly review of |gt;ulitical and other occurrences, scarcely found. — Each N0. coutains aniplt; reports of the events in the British colonies iu America. 3051 Btaden v. Homberg (Hans) Veritable his-toire et description d\'un pays liabitê par hommes sauvages... situé dans le Nouveau Monde. Publ. pour la première fois en francais par H. Ternaux. Paris, 1837. sd. 8vo. 4.— Forms part of; Voyages, relations etc. orig. sur l\'Amérique. .. par Ternaux. 3052 Stair (Nil) Des weitberiimbten Seeliinders... höchstmerkwUrd. Reisen nach denen unbekannten Insuin des Oriental. Oceani darinnen dessen be-trachtl. Schiffarth, ... Schiffbruch, elljiihr. Woh-nung unter einer sehr vernllnft. Indian. Nation, etc. Aus dessen oigenhiind. Journal ... ins Hoch-deutsche iibers. Frankf. u. Leipz. 1778. sd. plate. 8vo. — Rare and curious. 4.50 3053 Stansbury (H.) Exploration and Survey of the Valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah, in-clud. a reconnoissance of a now route through | the Rocky Mountains. Philadelphia, 1852. many plates of views and natural history, and maps. 2 vols. cloth. 8vo. 7.50 8054 Staphorst (Casp.) Carmen epinicium ac pro- i trepticum de bello Brittannico. Dordrecht, (1655.) 8vo. 1-50 Pp. 239—41. Account of the capture of the Silver-fleet by P. Heyn. 3055 Stark (John) Major-General, distinguished himself at Hunker\'s Hill. — A. S. Order to Henry Glen, dat. Albany, Juny 16, 1778. 6 lines. 4°. 5.— |
3056 State of the Population, Slaves, and the Members for the Congress, of the different Un. States. Philadelphia, 5 Sept. 1791.— French contemporary MS. One sheet. 4to. 1.50 3057 „State-Tinkers (The)quot; English caricature: Lord North and others, engaged in mending the national kettle. (Engrav. by OUlray ?) Publ. by If. llump/treij. 1780. fol. 3.— 3058 Statuten der Nederl. Wal viachvissclusry-Maatschappij te Amsterdam. Anist., 1843. 8vo. —.60 (Statutes of the Dutch hale fishery at Amsterdam .) 3059 Statuten der West-lnd. Maatschappij te Amsterdam, 1828. 8vo. —.60 (Statutes of the West-lnd. (\'amp. founded at Amsterdam in 1828.) 3060 Statutes and Treaties oi the United States of America, passed at the 2d Session of the 32d Congress 1852—53, Edit, by G. Minot. Boston. 1853. roy. 8vo. 2,— C\'ont. Treaties with the Sioux, the (\'hickasaws, and the Netherlands. 3061 Stedman (J. G.) Voyage il Surinam et dans l\'intérieur do la Guiane, Avee. détails sur les In-diens et les Nègres. Smv. du tableau de Cayenne. Trad. de l\'Angl. p. P. F. Henry. Paris, 1800. 8 vols. 8vo. and atlas of 44 plates. in-4to. hf calf. 6. - 3062 --Reize naar Suriname, etc. Amsterd., 1801. 4 vols. With plates and map. 8vo. 3.— Dutch translation of the preceding. 3063 Steendam (J. J.) Distelvink. Amst., O. v. Goedesbergh, 1649—50. 3 vols, in 1. vellum. 4t0. With music. Fine copy. 48.— (The Thistle-Finch.) Very rare collection of the poems of the first poet of New Netherland, author o.\' the following pieces. — Steendain was minister of the Protestant church in New-Anistcrdnm and aiterwards governor of the orphauhouse at Batavia. 3064 - Rechte Grouwel der verwoeatinge, ontdekt in den seer doorlucht, vordichtor Joost van den Vondelen. A\'o place nor dale (Amst. 1660?) 185 lines in 3 col. Broadside, large fol. 40.— (Just abomination of the ravage, revealed in the very excellent fabulist and poel J. van den Vondel.) Unique. — Nowhere mentioned. Polemical poena against the poet Vondel, who belonged first to the Baptist cominuulty. and was afterwards cjnverted to the Roman Catholic church, being weary of the interminable theological quarrels in the various Baptist Congregrations. Not mentioned by Mr. Murphy, see N0. 3066. 3065 - Lauwer-Strijt tnsschen Catharina Ques- tiers en Cornelia van der Veer. Met eenige I!y-dichten. Amsterd., 1665. vellum. I6n)0. 6.— (Poetical emulation between (\'athar. Questieri and Corn. v. d. Veer.) FttEDKRIK MlIlXJCR amp; 0°., SQUIER — STEENDAM. |
Contains a poem by Jacob stectirlnm; Tn he.t Stamboeck van de kmüminnpnde Poiters Juffr. Cornelia van der Veer. — Not mentioned by Mr. Murphy, see following number. 30BG Steendam (J. J.) Murphy (H. C) Jakob Steendam. — Noch vaster. — A memoir of the first poot in New-Netherland, with hia poems descriptive of the colony. Hague, 1861. With portrait of J. Sleendnm. 8vo. \' 10._ Printed for private distribution. 3067 Steinert (W.) Nord-Amerika, vorzüglich Texas in 1849. Ein Buch fllr Auswanderer. Berlin, 18S0. 8vo. 1__ 3068 Stevens (Henry.) Historical Nuggets, Biblio-theca Americana, or a descriptive account of my collection of rare books relating to America. Lond. 1862. 2 vols. 805 pp. cloth, sin. 8vo. 15.— Valuable work, — quot;Printed in the best style of the Chiswick Press, it comprises 2934 titles given in full, with the collation and the price of each work.quot; Author. 3069 --Bibliotheca Historica; or Catalogue of 5000 books and MSS. relating to the history and literature of North and South America, ... the larger proportion of the extraordinary library of the late Henry Stevens, Sr., of Barnet Vt. Edit, with introduce and notes. Boston, 1870. cloth, uncut. 8vo. 7.50 «Beautifully printed, and profusely annotated. One of the few bibliographical works which may be read throughout with profit aud instruction coinbiiied with amusement.quot; Sabin. 3070 - Bibliotheca Geographica and Historica or Catalogue of rare ... books, maps, charts MSS., autograph letters, with notes, very many relating to North and South America etc. Lond. 1872. Part I. 3109 Nos. with lacsim. in photogr. 8vo. 2.50 3071 Stevenson (W.) Historical sketch of the progress of Discovery, Navigation and Commerce, from the earliest record to the beginning of the 19th century. Edinb. and Lond. 1824. bds. 8vo. (8.40) 5.— Complement of Kerr\'s Collection of Voyages and Travels, of which it forms the 18th Vol. and contains besides an Index to that work, a Catalogue of Voyages and Travels. 032 pp. {Lowndes.) 3072 Stiles (Fzra), President of Yale College, great Oriental scholar. — A. L. S. to Rev. Dav. Maccluro, Bishop at East Windsor, dat. Yale Coll., Sept. 22, 1791. 2 pp. 4to. 5.— quot;... the Senatus Acad, of this Univers. conferred the Degree of Dr. in Divinity upon our worthy Friend the Uev. Dr. Macelintoc(k) of Greenland . .. Diplomas have proved such a tax upon us that we seldom now send any. But if the Kriends of those who receive the Honors, will be at the expense of the writing the Diploma, which for a Duetorat is usually 2 or 3 Doll., besides the parchment and the |
sealing, it sball be signed and delivered gratis.quot; 3073 Stlth (Will.) History of the Hrst Discovery and Settlement of Virginia. New York, Sabin amp; Sonst 1865. sd. 8vo. 15.— Keprint of the first and best edition; Williamsburg, 1747, which is exceedingly scarce. 3074 Stokes (J. L.) Discoveries in Australia, with an account of the coasts and rivers explored during the voyage of H. M. S. Beagle, 1837—43. London, 1846. 2 vols, clot/i, numerous plates and maps. 8vo. (24.—) 8.— 8075 Stockloin (J.) Der Welt-Bot. Brief-Schrift\'ten und Kels-Beschreibungen welche von tienen Missionariis der Gesellschaft Jesu, aus bey-den Indien u. andern ilhor Meer gelegenen Liin-dern seit 1642 bis 1750 angelangt seynd. Augs-purg und Wien, 1728—58. 36 parts, many maps and curious plates, old calf lt;jilt, fol. Fine copy, 72.50 Highly valuable collection of Missionary reports relating to America, China, India, Africa, and many scarcely known islands. The more important portion of the work was entirely new; taken from unpublished MSS. Ouly the smaller part has been translated from the Lettres Edifiantes ; see the Suppltmeni of this catalogue. 3076 Stokram (A.) Korte beschryvinge van d\'on-geluckige Weer-om-reys van\'t schip Aernhetn, .. onder Arn. de Vlaming van Outshoorn, van Batavia afgevaren 1661. Amst., T. Jacobsz., 1663. 4to. 16 pp. 3.50 (Short description of the unfortunate return of the ship Aernhem, which left Batavia in 1661 with 6 other ships under command of A. de Vlaming) 3077 - The same. Amst. v. Duisherg. 1663. 4to. 4.50 Other edition, mnch rarer. 3078 Stoomvaart Vlissingen-New York, \'s Gra-vonhage. 1872. sd. 8vo. (3.50) 1.80 (Steam-navigation between Vlissingen-New Yiirk.\\ Oflieial reports and debates in the States-General concerning an annual assistance by the Government of the Netherlands. 3079 Story (Jos.), eminent Jurist, Judge of the U. S. Supr. Court, 1811—45. — A. L. S. to G. Bliss of Springfleld, dat. Salem, Sept. 7, 1807. 2 pp. 4 to. 2.- .3080 Stowe (H. Beecher) Dred. Naar het Eng. Haarlem, 1857. 3 vols 8vo. (9.20) 3.60 Dutch translation of a novel by the author of Uncle Tom\'s cabin. 3081 Stradavits Reyse ter Walvis-Vangst, rvms-gewys beschreven door I. A. S. chirurgyu opquot; het schip Zaandijker Hoop. Antwerpen, 1769. 4to. 3.— (Voyage for the whalefishery to the Straits of Davids, poetically related by I. A. S. Surgeon on the ship.) Curious and rare piece. 3082 Stroffleur, v., Das Landkartenwesen In |
America. Vrankenthal, 1788. col. map. sd. 8vo. 1.50 3047 Squier (E. G.) Aboriginal Monuments of the State of New-York. (Wanhingt., 1849.) Ids., H fjhtles. 4 to. 6.— 3048 Staatkundige aanmerkingen over liet ... gedrag dor Kngelschen, 9 Aug. 1780, indegroote liaay van het Eiland St. Martin. No place. 1780. 8vo. 1.50 {Political remarks on the conduct of the English in the Hay of the island St. Martin.) 3049 - The same, bound up with: Missive van G. Fagel 1684, ... zeer toepasselijk op het gehouden gedrag der Regeering van Amsterdam, ... zoo ten aanzien van haare geheime correspondentie niet den Ambassadeur van zeker uitheemsch vorst, als van haare onbetaraelyke onderhand, met den Amerik. commissaris W. Lee, etc. 1782. — and 5 other famphlets in 1 vol. calf. 8vo. 3.— {Missive of O. Fagel, 1684, applicable to the lieyeney of Amsterdam, for their secret correspondence with the Ambassador o/ a foreign Prince, and for their unbecoming negociations with the American Commissioner W. Lee, etc. 1782.) 3050 Staats-Seoretaris (De). Amsterd., 1). Swart, 1770. 6 Nos. not complete; 1775 N0. 11; 1778. 12 Nos. — Together 19 Nos. 18mo. 6.— (1\'Ae European Secretary of Slate.) A inuuthly review of political aud other occurrences, scarcely found. — Each N0. cuulains amiile reports of the events in the British culooies iu America. 3051 Staden v. Homberg (Hans) Veritable his-toire et description d\'un pays habité par hommes sauvages... situé dans Ie Nouveau Monde. Publ. pour la première fois en francais par H. Ternaux. Paris, 1837. sd. Svo. 4.— Forms part of: Voyages, relations etc. orig. snr rAme\'rique... par Ternaux. 3062 Stair (Nil) Des weitberilmbten Seeliinders... höehstmerkwUrd. Reisen nach denen unbekannten Insuln des Oriental. Oeeani darinnen dessen be-trachtl. Schiffarth, ... Schifl\'bruch, elljiihr. Woh-nung unter einer sehr vernUnft. Indian. Nation, etc. Aus dessen eigenhiind. Journal ... ins Hoch-dentsche Ubers. Frank!\', u. Leipz. 1778. sd. plate. 8vo. — Hare and curious. 4.50 3053 Stansbury (H.) Exploration and Survey of the Valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah, in-clud. a reconnoissanee of a now route through the Rooky Mountains. Philadelphia, 1852. many plates of views and natural history, and maps. 1 yn\\amp;. cloth. Svo. 7.50 3054 Staphorst (Casp.) Carmen epinicium acpro-trepticum de bello Brittannico. Dordrecht, (1655.) 8vo. 1.50 Pp. 2S9—41. Account of the capture of the Silver-fleet by P. Heyn. 3055 Stark (John) Major-Gcneral, distinguished himself at Hunker\'s Hill. — A. S. Order to Henry Qlen, dat. Albany, Juny 15, 1778. 5 lines. 4°. 5.— |
3056 State of the Population, Slaves, and the Members for the Congress, of the different Un. States. Philadelphia, 5 Sept. 1791.— French contemporary MS. One sheet. 4to. 1.50 3057 „State-Tinkers (The)quot; English caricature ; Lord North and others, engaged in mending the national kettle. (Engrav. by Gillray ?) Publ. by If. Humphreij. 1780. fol. 3.— 3058 Statuten der Nederl. WalvisehvisseherjJ-Maat-schappU te Amsterdam. Amst., 1843. 8vo. —.60 (Statutes of the Dutch Whalefishery at Amsterdam.) 3059 Statuten der West-lnd. Maatschappij te Amsterdam, 1828. 8vo. —.60 {Stahdes of the West-lnd. Comp. founded at Amsterdam in 1S28.) 3060 Statutes and Treaties of the United States of America, passed at the 2d Session of the 32d Congress 1852—53. Edit, by G. Minot. Boston, 1853. roy. Svo. 2.— (.\'out. Treaties with the Sioux, the Chickasaws, and the Netherlands. 3061 Stedman (J. ö.) Voyage ü Surinam ot dans rintérieur do la Giiiane. Avec détails sur les In-diens ot les Nègres. Suiv. du tableau de Cayenne. Trad. de l\'Angl. p. P. F. Ilenry. Paris, 1800. 3 vols. 8vo. and atlas of 44 plates. in-4to. hf. calf. 6.— 3062 --Kcize naar Suriname, etc. Amsterd., 1801. 4 vols. With plates and map. Svo. 3.— Dutch translation of the preceding. 3063 Steendam (J. J.) Distelvink. Amst., O. v. Goedesbergh, 1649—50. 3 vols, in 1. vellum, 4to. ll\'ilh music. Fine copy. 48.— (The Thistle-Finch.) Very rare collection of the poems of \'.he first poet of New-Netherland, author of the following pieces. — Steendam was minister of the Protestant church in New-Amsterdam and afterwards governor of the orphanhouse at Batavia. 30G4 - Rechte Grouwel der verwoestinge, ontdekt in den seer doorlucht, verdichter Joost van den Vondelen. A\'o place nor date (Amst. 1660?) 185 lines in 3 col. Broadside, large fol. 40.— {Just abomination of the ravage, revealed in the very excellent fabulist and poet J. van den Vondel.) ÜmquE. — Nowhere mentioned. Polemical poem against the poet Vondel, who belonged first to the Baptist community, aud was afterwards ojnverted to the Roman Catholic church, being weary of the interminable theological quarrels in the various Baptist Congregrations. Not mentioned by Mr. Murphy, see N0. 3066. 3065 - Lauwer-Stryt tusschen Catharina Ques- tiers en Cornelia van der Veer. Met eenige By-clichten. Amsterd., 1665. vellum. 16ino. 6.— {Poetical emulation between Cathar. Questiers and Corn. v. d. Veer.) SQU1ER — STEENDAM. |
Contains a poem by Jacob Steendam: ïn he.t Stambneck van de konHminnende Poeiers Juffr, Cornelia van der Veer. — Not mentioned by Mr. Murphy, see following number. 300G Steendam (J. J.) Murphy (H. C) Jakob Steendam. — Noch vaster. — A memoir of the first poet in New-Nothertand, with his pooms descriptive of the colony. Hagno, 1861. Ifi/A portrait of J. Steendam. 8vo. 10.— Printed for private distribution. 3067 Steinert (W.) Nord-Amerika, vorziiglich Texas in 1849. Ein Buch fitr Auswanderer. Berlin, 1850. 8vo. 1__ 3068 Stevens (Henry.) Historical Nuggets, liiblio-theca Americana, or a descriptive account of my collection of rare books relating to America. Loud. 1862. 2 vols. 805 pp. cloth, sin. 8vo. 15.— Valuable work. — «Printed in the best style of the Chisivick Press, it comprises 29:14 titles given in full, with the collation and the pricc of each work.quot; Author. 3069 --Bibliotheca Historica; or Catalogue of 5000 books and MSS. relating to the history and literature of North and South America, ... the larger proportion of the extraordinary library of the late Henry Stevens, Sr., of Barnet Vt. Edit, with introduct. and notes. Boston, 1870. cloth, uncut. 8vo. 7.50 quot;Beautifully printed, and profusely annotated. One of the few bibliographical works which may be read throughout with profit and instruction combined with amusement.quot; Sabin. 3070 - Bibliotheca Geographica and Historica or Catalogue of rare ... books, maps, charts MSS., autograph letters, with notes, very many relating to North and South America etc. Lond. 1872. Part I. 3109 Nos. with tacsim. in photogr. 8vo. 2,50 3071 Stevenson (W.) Historical sketch of the progress of Discovery, Navigation and Commerce, from the earliest record to the beginning of the 19th century. Edinb. and Lond. 1824. ids. 8vo. (8.40) 5.— Complement of Kerr\'s Collection of Voyages and Travels, of which it forms the 18th Vol. anil contains besides an Index to that work, a Catalogue of Voyages and Travels. 032 pp. (Lowndes.) 3072 Stiles (Ezra), President of Yale College, great Oriental scholar. — A. L. S. to Rev. Dav. Macclnre, Bishop at East Windsor, dat. Yale Coll., Sept. 22, 1791. 2 pp. 4to. 5.— quot;... the Scnatus Acad, of this Univers. conferred the Degree of Dr. in Divinity upon our worthy Friend the Uev. Dr. Mncelintoc(k) of Greenland ... Diplomas have proved such a tax upon us that we seldom now send any. But if the Friends of those who receive the Honors, will be at the expense of the writing the Diploma, which tor a Doctoral is usually 2 or 3 Doll., besides the parchment and the |
sealing, it shall be signed and delivered gratis.quot; 3073 Stith (Will.) History of the first Discovery and Settlement of Virginia. New York, Sabin amp; Sons, 1865. sd. 8vo. 15.— lleprint of the first and best edition: Williamsburg, 1747, which is exceedingly scarce. 3074 Stokes (J. L.) Discoveries in Australia, with an account of the coasts and rivers explored during the voyage of H. M. S. Beagle, 1837—43. London, 1846. 2 vols. clotkt numerous plates and maps. 8vo. (84.—) 8,— 3075 Stooklein (J.) Der Neue Welt-Bot. Brief-Schrifften und Keis-Beschreibangen vvelche von rienen Missionariis der Gesellschaft Jesu, aus bey-den Indien u. andern liber Meer gelegenen Liin-dern seit 1642 bis 1750 angelangt seynd. Augs-purg und Wien, 1728—58. 36 parts, many maps and curious plates, old calf tjiH. fol. Fine copy. 72.50 Highly valuable collection of Missionary reports relating to America, China, India, Afrca, and many scarcely known islands. The more important portion of the work was entirely new; taken from unpublished MSS. Only the smaller part has been translated from the Lettres Edifiantes; see the Supplement of this catalogue. 3076 Stokram (A.) Korte bcschryvinge van d on- geluckige Weer-om-reys van\'t schip Aernhenr..... onder Arn. de Vlaming van Outshoorn, van Batavia afgevaren 1661. Amst., T. Jac.obss., 1663. 4to. 16 pp. 3.50 {Short description of the unfortunate return of the ship Aernhem, which left Batavia in 1661 with 6 other ships under command of A. de Vlaming) 3077 - The same. Amst. J. v. Duisberg. 1663. 4to. 4.50 Other edition, much rarer. 3078 Stoomvaart Vlissingen-New York, \'s Gra-venhage. 1872. sd. 8vo. (3.50) 1.80 (Steam-navigation between Vlissingen-New York.) Ofliciai reports and debates in the States-General concerning an annual assistance by the Government of the Netherlands. 3079 Story (Jos.), eminent Jurist, Judge of the U. S. Supr. Court, 1811—45. — A. L. S. to G. Bliss of Springfield, dat. Salem, Sept. 7, 1807. 2 pp. 4 to. 2.- 3080 Stowe (H. Beecher) Dred. Naar het Eng. Haarlem, 1857. 3 vols 8vo. (9.20) 3.60 Dutch translation of a novel by the author of Uncle Tom\'s cabin. 3081 Strü.davits Keyse ter Walvis-Vangst, ryms-gewys beschreven door (. A. S. chirurgyn op het schip Zaandijker Hoop. Antwerpen, 1769. 4to. 3.— (Voyage for the whale fishery to the Straits of Davids, poelically related by I. A, S. Surgeon on the ship.) Curious and rare piece. 3082 Stroffleur, v.. Das Landkartenwosen in |
Ocsterreieh. Wien. 1853. roy. 8°. 3083 Strong (A. B.) The American Flora, or History oi\' Plants and Wild Flowors, containing thn botanical clcscriiition, history, chem. and medical proporties of over 6000 plants. Now ^ orlc, 1848 — 50. 4 vols. 240 coloured engravings, cloth (/ilt, (jilt edges. 4to. 3081 Strong (Caleb) Governor of Massachns. 1800—1807, 1812-10. — A. L. S. to J. Ely, dat. Philad. Nov. \'24, 1702. 1 p. 4to. 1-80 3085 - A. L. S. to Thomas Dvvight, dat. Hos- ton, Jan. 20, 1805. I full p. 4to. 3.— Vine and intoresting U\'tter, on the impcaclnnent ol Judge Sam. Chase, of whose innocence Strong is convinced. 3086 Strong (Nohemiah) Professor of Natural Philosophy at Yale College, 1770—81. — A. L. S. to his brother Simeon, dat. July 6, 17SI8. 1 lull p. tol. ^50 On family-affuirs. — Fine specimen. 3087 Struyok iNic.\') Inleiding tot de algemeene geographic, benevens cenige sterrekundige on andere verhandelingen. Amsl , 1740. — Beschry-ving der staartsterren, etc. Ibfd. 1763. — 2 vols. /(/. bd. uncut, fine portrait bg lloubraken, map and flutes. 4to. ^■ — (Introduction to the general g^ographg, with some astronomical and other treatises. Description of the comets, etc.) Vol. 1. pp. 155—173 cont. remarks of the voyages to and (l:scoveries in America, the South Sea, etc. A work abomuling with the most interesting and varied information. 3088 Struys (J. J.) Hey/.cn door Lyfland, Mos-covicn, Persieu en Oost-lndien. (Anistcrd.) Ahr. Cornelisz., (1713.) Uncut. 4to. quot; (Travels through Livonia, Moscocg, Persia and East-India.) A very rare popular edition of the 3d, the most interesting, of Struys\' voyages. 3089 Strydt (Wondcrbaerliji\'ken) tusschen de Kick-vorschen ende de Muysen, toegepast op de Ne-derlandtsche Oorloge. Dordrecht, 1641. 4to. Stained in the uiulcr margin;!. 3. - (liroudrous buttle between the ^rogs and the mice, applied to the wur of the Netherlands.) A poetical version of Homerus\'Batraohomyomaehia and the conformity of the state and condition of the United Provinces with it. — Contains an account of the exploits of the Dutch in Brazil and the West-Indies. 3090 Stuart Worthley (Lady Emmel.) Travels in the United States, etc., 1849 and 1850. Paris, 1851. hf. bd. Bvo. I-quot; 3091 Stuart (M.l en J. Kuyper, DoMcnschzoo als hy voorkomt op den luikenden aardbol. Ainst., 1802. 6 vols. col. plates, hf. calf. roy. 8vo. Large Paper. (Man as he is found on earth ) 12.— |
One of the first attempts of a geographical anthropology. — Fine copy, the numerous plates carefully designed and coloured by the painter J. Kuyper himself; first superior edition. — The Oth vol. treats of the inhabitants of America, with 8 platua rcpres. the natives of Greenland, Guiana, Quito, Esquimaux, Creek, Mexicans, etc. 3092 Stuart (M.) en J. Kuyper, The same. 2(1 edit. Zalt-Bommel, 1835. U vols, in 2. hf. calf, col, plates. 8vo. 0.— 3093 Stuyvesant. — Minderer (R.) Oorloghs Toerust, aen ziel en lichaam, met de geneesinghe der sickten en toevallen in de leegers voorvallende. Steenwyk, Hendrik Stuifzand, 165\',I. vellum. 16nio. Scarce. 5.— (War-Armament for soul and body, with the cure of the sicknesses of the armies. Transl. from the German ) 3094 - Goddelycke aandachten ofte vlaniniendo begeerten eens boetvaerdige ziele. Steenwyck, llendrih Stuyfsandt (1684.) frontisp. and 15 emble-malical plates. 16mo. uncut. Scarce. 6.— (Pious devotions etc.) — Dutch imitation of H. Hugo, Pia desideria, in verses. 3095 - Camei\'liagli (J.) Honderd dwaal-stellingen der Rooinsclu) Kerke, cto. Stcenwijk, Pieter en Hendrik Stuif zant, 1739. vellum. 8vo. 3.— [Hundred falsr principles of the Roman Church, with refutation in verses.) 3096 --Aenmerking over de werking des H. Geests, en hot onderscheyd tusschen de Wet en \'t Evangelium. Uit het Eng. Utrecht, Justus van Stugoesant (about 1685.) sd. uncut. 12nio. 3.75 (Notice of the working of the H. Ghosl and the difference between Law and Gospel. From the English.) 3097 - Berniera (J. A.) Tyd-verhaal der Ne- derlandsclie Geschiedenissen, van ilo Unie van Utrecht, 1579 tot 1701. Utrecht, Joh. van Slui/ve-zand, 1701. hj. calf. sin. 8vo. 3.— (Chronological Register of the Historg of the Netherlands, since the Union at Utrecht, 1579 till 1701.) 3098 --[Brink (H.)] In luctuosuni oxcesaum. .. Virginis ac Doininae Johannae van Aarsaen, ... denatae ... epicedium. (Latin and Dutch.) Ultra-jecti ad Rheiumi, Just, a Sluyvesand, 1707. 4to. J 2.50 3099 Suarze de Figueroa (Christ.) Plaza universal de todos scicncias y artes. Madrid, L. Sanchez, 1615. calf. 4to. — Verg scarce. 5.— Pp. 165—07 treat ude la Amcrica.quot; 3100 Sugar-mill in Brazil, with negroes at work. Original drawing in India-ink and with the pen, 3 of these for plates in Barlaeus (See Nquot;. 228), drawn in Brazil by F. Post, about 1640. — The drawing is double the size of the engraving and offers many variations. — Fint and curious. 35.— |
3101 Sullivan (Jam.) eminent Slatoaman, Governor of Massaohua., 1807 anil 1808. — A. L. S. to William Sullivan, üa\':. Provklonco, Aug. 2!), 1798. 1 p. 4ti). 2.— 3102 Sullivan (Jon.) Maior-Genfival in the Kevol. War. — A. L. S. to N.itli. Foulsom, dat. Durham, Nov. 24, 1774. 1 p. Col. 4.— Invitation to accomiiany the writer to Portsmouth, where the people expected them. 3103 Surinam. — Chart of this coast, by J. yao\'jht. Aoist., J. v. Keulen. fol. HO by 50.— Cnloured. 2.50 3104 - Different cliait, with special plan or Ihe inouth of the river Surinam. Amst. G. v. Keulen. (about 1720). Largo sq. fol. 88 by 51.— Coloured. 3105 - Now map of the countries Surinam, Oo- mowiui, Cottica and Marravrini. Amst., OHens, (1700). lol. 51 by 40. — Coloured. 3.— With indications of the plaututions and Ihoir proprietors, the fortilieations, the depth uf the rivers, etc. 310 6--Map of the Colony, with the rivers, ilistricts, discoveries, military expeditions and plantations, by A. de Laoaux, and others. Amst., L\'. Schenk amp; Zoon. (1725). 4 sheets, fol. — Together: 107 by 117. — Coloured. — Restored. 10.— With special survey of the coast, plan of Paramaribo, and a separately printed list of the pro-prietors of the plantations, with the number of acres in their possession. —■ The names of the plantations are inscribed on the map. 3107 - Another map, by the same A. de Lavaux. Amst., 11. de Lelh. (1735). 2 sheets, fol. — Together: Sll by 60. 6.— Quite different map, but also with the names of the plantations, list of the proprietors, ninnber of acres, plan of Paramaribo, etc. ■\')108--Same map, but with address: Covens amp; Mortier. (1750). 5.— 3109 - Map of Surinam and Berbice, with plan of Paramaribo. (Amst., \'Virion, 1765.) fol. 40 by 34. — Coloured. 1.25 311 0--General map of the Province Surinam, With list of the plantations, number of acres and proprietors\' names. 3111 - Now special map of the \'Colony, with the plantations in cultivation, by J. II. Moseberg. No place, 1801. 4 sheets, large lol. Together: 130 by 110. — Coloured. Very rare. 12.50 With special plan of Paramaribo; on each plantation the name and number of acres inscribed. The productions are indicated by colours. 3112 - Map of the cultivated part. With list of the plantations. — From: J. v. d. Bosch, Nederl. bezittingen. 1818. — fol. 53 by 37. 1.— |
3113 Surinam. — Map of the Colony, especially illustrating its cultivation, by P. Mabc.(Oroningen. 1835). 2 sheets, i\'ol. liaeh 59 by 48. —Coloured. 2.50 Belongs to Teenstra, Agriculture in Surinam. IS.\'lo. 3 vols - Different colours indicate the various productions. 3114 —— Map of the Colony, describing all Ihe Rivers, Districts, Cultivations of the lands, etc. Surveyed by T, C Heeneman, 1784. Loml., W. fa-den. 1810. 4 sheets, fol. — Together-. 213 by 75. Wiih separate plan of Paramaribo. 3115 —— Map of the Colony, by 7\'. C. IIen em an, 1784, corrected according the actual condition by (1. A. v. Sypesteyu. Amst. 1849. 4 lithogr. sheets. Together: 200 by 78. 10.— With plan of Paramaribo, and indication of the productions. 3116 - Large view of Paramaribo, about 1750. With Dutch explanation 1—58 and A—T. Dutch engrav. with addr. S. Mourik. Ig. sq. fol. 4.— 3117 —- Plan of the same city in 1804. After A. II. Iliemcke, engrav. by Visser, sq. fol. --Coloured. 2.-— 3118 -- Plan of the same city in 1850, drawn by C\'. A. van Sypesteyn, the present Governor.) Lith. sq. tol. \' 2.50 With autograph signature of Ihe author. 3119 - Borigt door Directeuren van de Socie- teit van Suriname... tegen de Grieven van eenige Persoonen. . . concerneer. het poinct van het onderhoud dor lortifleatien. Met de Bylagen. (No place 1733.) fol. 100 pp. 4.— {Account oj the Gimernors of the Surinam Society against the comphnnts of some persons, regarding the maintenance of the fortifications.) Directed against the cotu[)laiuts brought forward against Hie Directors in i7:iii by Anth. v. Wesele. Interesting, as it contains in the; vBylaagen 50 pp.quot; many documents on the internal history of the colony from 1684 till 1733. 3120 - Bylaagen specteerende tot het bcrigt door de Societeit van Suriname overgegeven aan lt;le Staaten Gener. jegens request van eenige in-woonderen van Suriname. 1(60. fol. 9.— (Documents to the account of the Sarinnm So-ciely transmitted to the States (lener, against the request of some inhabitants of Surinam.) llelating to the quarrels between the Governor ,r. J. Manricius and P. Brouwers, Sal. Dnjdessis and others un various points of the administration, 1741-1750. 3121 - Klagte over do bedorvene zeden der Voorgangoren, zoo in \'t kerk- als burger-bestuur, in eene zeer vrugtbare endc eerst opluikeudo Colonic, voorgestelt in eene behandelluge, go-pleegt aan een predikant, aan \'t Kervv. Classis van Amtscrdam (sic.) (Amst. 1733.) 41o. — terg rare. 8.—• |
{Complaint on the corrupted rnannrrs of the Lfa-ders in the rhurch- and civil-government, in a fertile and rising colony; — represented in the treatment of a minister.) By J. fi. Kals, Minister of Oottica nnd Perica. (Sec; Wolbers, Gescliiod. van Suriuaine.) 3122 Surinam. — Schryvers wnlke over do kolonio Suriname gcschrevon helibon. (Extr. 1820.) 8vo. —.fiO Critical observations on 8 works treating of Surinam, as those by Herleiu, Ferrain, Hartsinck, etc. 3123 - Surinaamsche Almanak voor 1820, 1825, 1827—29, 31--37, 42, 43, 45. Paramaribo, 1820—45. 15 vols, plates and maps. 8vo. 10.— Hare collection, of special interest for tlie liisto-rical and other pieces in moat of the volumes. Besides there are inserted all the laws of the government, numerous statistical notices, and for each year a complete list of the plantations with the names of their owners, number of slaves, extent, products, etc. 3124 — Jaarboekje voor 185G en 1857. Uitgeg. door het letterlievend genootschap: Oefening kweekt kennis te Paramaribo, \'s Grav. 1856, 57. 2 vols. clofA. 8vo. 2.— (Annual published by the Society for Literature at Paramaribo.) 3126 - Surinaamsohe aangelegenheden. Verzameling van stukken daarover aanhangig lijj ... d. Staten Generaal, (llitgeg. door S. P. Lipman.) \'s Grav. 1845—46. 2 parts. 8vo. 2.— Collection of all the Treaties, Instructions, etc. relating to Dutch Guiana since 1682. 3126 - Collection of 13 Dutch Pamphlets relating to Surinam, 1822- 1800. 8vo. 4.50 Contains: Suriname in 1823.— K. A. T.ammens, Bedenk, over Hogendorp. 1824. — Brand van Paramaribo. 1832. — de Mcsqnita, Ontwerp. 1842.— Baron v. Kaders, Memorie. 1852.3 Stn. — F. W. Tlt;. Tydeman, Eene bosehpatronille in 1844; etc. 3127 - A collection of 15 Dutch pamphlets relating to America. 1812—70. 8vo. 6.— (\'out.: Kegleinent op de verdeeling van Suriname in division. 1842. — Nederlandsch Guyana, of beschouwing van Suriname. 1844. — C. v. Schaick, Ijeerrede te Piiramaribo. 1852. — v. Itaders, Vervolg d. Bylagen by zijne Memorie aan den Koning. 1853. — Tyilemcin, Bene boseh-patrouille in Suriname. 1844. — ld. Twee rapporten omtrent epide-mi en van gele koorts te Cayenne en aan den Nic-kerie. 1852. — ld. De kolonlsatiën te Voorzorg aan de Saramacca, 1845, etc. 3128 Suritis (F. l aur.) Commentarius rerum in orhe gestarnm ah a. 1500—1566. Coloniae, 1566. binding restored. 8vo. 5.— 3120 - The same. Colon. 1574. Stamped vellum, clasps, fine original binding, fol. 7.50 3130 -- Kurtze Chronlck odcr Beschreibung der |
Handeln vnd Geschichten so sich in der gantzen Welt zugetragen von 1500— 1568. Verteutscht dnrch H. Fabricium Aquensem. Coin, 1568. Old stamped binding with clasp, t\'ol. 15. German translation of the preceding work. Kor America, we find in the work an account of Columbus\' Voyages, of the discovery of Brazil by Alvarez, the expeditions of Alb. Veapnccius, etc. Bound up in the same volume: I\'antaleon (Henr.) Deutscher Nation Hcldenburh. Basel, 15()S. — A rare work, even at present highly esteemed for its many portraits in woodcut and exact biographical notices. 3131 Swalue (E. B ) De daden der Zeeuwen gedurende den opstand tegen Spanje. Amsterd. 1846. 8vo. 2.— (The actions oj Die Zealanders during the war with Spain.) Contains the exploits of Banckerts nnd Evertsen on the Spanish Silverfleet, (hose of Ita, Banckerts and Callenfels at Olinda, the Colonisation at the Wiapoco in Guyana, Tabago, etc. by the Chamber of the West Tmlia Company at Middelburg, etc. 3132 - Bfseven uit en over de Vereen. Staten van Noord-Ahierika, door Jonathan. Schoonhoven, 1853. sd., plates and map. 8vo. (3.60) 1.50 (Letters from and on the United States of America.) 3133 Swart (J.) De Zuidpool-landon en de latere reizen naar die streken ondernomen. (S.rtr. 1848.) 8vo. Ifitk map. 1.— (The South-Pole lands and the later voyages made thither.) 3134 Swartz (O.l Flora Indiae Occidentalis. Er-langae, 1797—1800. Vol. 1. 2. 8vo. 2.50 3135 —— Observationes botanicae, quibus plantae ludlao Occident, illustrantur. Erlangae, 1791. sd. 8vo. —.75 3136 Swaving (J. Q-.) Reizen en lotgevallen. Dordrecht. 1827. 2 vols. sd. 8vo. 1.50 (Travels and adventures in the lfrest-Indies and America.) 3137 Swedberg (Joh. Dan.t Dissertatio gradualis de Svionum in America colouia. Upsaliao, 1709. 8vo. 20.— 3 unnumb. leaves, 32 nnmb. pp. — An extremely rare little work, as all the early Swedish publications on America; this especially, being printed as Dissertatio ijradualis, and not put into commerce, but presented only to the Professors of the Univerty and some friends of the author. — Indeed, it is not noticed in the American bibliographies. The author was a nephew of the renowned Bishop of Scara, Jesp. Swedberg, author of the foregoing work, and stayed some years as Missionary in Amcrica. Short copy in the upper margins, the title slightly restored. 3138 Swlnin (P.) Tafereeien uit eene reis naar |
N. Amerika, Uit h. Russisch. Haarlem, 1818. sd. 8vo. 1.— {Sceuns from a voyages to iV. America. From the Russian.) 3139 Sijpesteyn (C. A. van) Boschryvinff van Suriname, historiseh, geograph. en statistisch. \'sGravenli., 1854. sd. map. 8vo. (3.--) 1.50 (Description historical, geographical and statistical of Surinam.) 3140 - Jan Jacob Maurieius, Gonvemcur-General van Suriname, 1742 - 1751. \'8 Gravenh. 1848. portr. and facsim. sd. 8vo. (1.80) 1.— (Biography of J. J. Maurieius, Governor of Surinam.) 3141 Tabago. — Original Seal in sealing-wax adopted for the Island Mew Walcheren (Tabago), after its suceesfnl colonization by the brothers Adriaon and Cornelia Lampains from Flushing, bearing the arms of the Island with device: »Fiat l\'olunlas Dei\', date of 1071, and inscription: «Sigilium Novae Wallachriae olim Tobago. — Diameter 5{ milliui. 12.- 3142 Tabago conquered bj- theCommander J. Binkcs on the l-\'rencii Admiral (i\'Kstrées. 1077. —- View of the battle on the Island and of the engagement of the fleets. At the bottom of the plate, to the right, a small map of the Island; to the left a view of the Bay. Fine etching by Romein de Houghe, lg. sq. fol. br. 60. h. 41. 5.— 3143 - Same plate with a narrative of the battle 3144 - Diagram of the attack on the French on 314 5--Naval Battle off Tabago 1793, and view of the Island. Set of 3 very tine etchings, proojs before any letter, aq. fol. 9.— 3146 Tables of (he revenue, population, commerce, etc. of the United Kingdom and its Dependencies. Presented to Parliament. Part I, II from 1820 to 1832. — Part IV. 1834. Supplement to Part V. Colonies. 1834. — Supplement to Part VIII. Colonies. 1837--3J. — Part IX. 1839.— Fmance accounts, I—VIII. 1840. — Together 7 vols, cloth and sd. fol. 4.50 3147 [Tachard (Guy)] Voyage de Slam, des Peres Jésuites, avee leurs observations astronom., et leurs remarques de phya., géogr., d\'hydrogr. et d\'hiatoire. Paria, 1080. many plates on nut. hist., vellum. 4to. 3.50 3148 - The same. — Idem. Second Voyage. Amaterd. 1689. 2 voia. — Journal ou Suite du Voyage de Siain ... en 1685 et 1586, par L. D. C. (I\'abbó de Choisy.) Ibid. 1687. Together 3 vols. plates, calf. sin. 8vo. 4.50 3149 „Taille douoe politique et générale de l\'aailée 1780. — Algemeene staatkundige konst- |
plaat van Hjaar 1780.quot; — 15 Figures of difterent size, on one sheet, the iiuich reduced copies of the following 15 Dutch satyrlcal plates, all relating more or less to the combined American and Dutch politics. — This general plate, is very rare. Ig. fol. 15.— It is to he observed that (he fulluwiug plates were all published separately and in different size, by various (rather pour) artists. They cunseqiiently have no numbsr of order and are here only men-tioned as plate I, II etc., according to the former sheet, presenting their reduced copies. — Number 3161, which ought to be Nquot;. XVI of the set, ii not represented ou the general plate, but is one of the most interesting for America. 3150 „Tailld-douce politique et générale de 1\'annéo 1780. — (Plate l.) The assaulted Lion. („ Oendoor listen geweld aangevallen Leeuw\'). — Satyrical plate on the Free Trade with America. At the top the names of the Admirals Fielding and Byland. With Dutch explanation, sq. fol. 3.50 See for a reply ou this plate: plale Vill. 3151 - Same plate, difterent edition ; the explanation in smaller type and to be distinguished by the word Paus (Pope), being here the llrst in the 2d column of the text; in the former edition : de Paus. — Rare. 4.50 3152 - Same plate, later edition, with addition of 2 figures, marked A and B in the leit hand corner at the top. 4.— 3153 - Same plate, with additions and a Ireneh explanation, the translation of the former Dutch. — I\'en; rare. 6.— 3154 - (Plate II). The Lion awaking. (quot;De ontwaakte Leeuw\'\'). — Kuibieinatical plate on the alliances of Holland with other European States to enforce free commerce with America. With Dutch explanation, sq. fol. 4.— See for a reply ou this plate; plate VIII. 3155 - (Plate III). The daring and watchful Lion. («De moedige en waakzame Leeuwquot;). — Emblematical plate on the alliances of Holland and on its Free Trade with America. With the names of Fielding, Byhnd, Portsmouth and Brest on the plate. (This figure forms the continuation of plate 3150. With Dutch explanation. 1780. sq. fol. 4.— 3156 - (Plate IP). Reward according to merit. (■■Loon naar werk.quot; 1780). — Satyrical plate ou the \'English infamy and pride.quot; The English dog is whipped by an American, a Frenchman and a Dutchniau. In the distance the -proud Queen of the Sea\' (England), is scourged by Paul Jones. Mezzotint, sq. 4to. - Rare. 7.50 3157 - (Plate I\'). The man in the shirt or the subdued pride. (quot;De tuan in \'t hembd of de gefnuikte hoogmoedquot;). — Satyrical plate: an Englishman is deprived of his clothes and purse by an American, ami assailed by a Kassian, French» |
184 man, a. o. With Dutch explanation, sq. 4to. — Rare. ft.— 3158 „Taillo-douco politiquo ot générales do 1\'année 1780. — Same plate, first state only in outline. — Of great rarity. 10.— 3159 - (Vlate 11). The young wenlthy Dutchman and the true Patriot. (-Dejonge rijke Hollander en ware vaderlanderquot;). — A yonnfr wealthy Dutchman sitting nn his tilled iron safe, is bribed by John Hull and his ICnglish wares. In perspective a ship taken by a I\'alse friend. With separate Dutch explanation, sq. fol. 4.— 3100 - {Plate Vll). litno brings change. (v De Tijd brengt veranderingquot;). — Emblematical print on the Armed Neutrality. With Dutch explanation. sq. fol. 4.-— 3161 - {Vlaie rill). The British Eoopard brought to reason. (quot;Jien Britsen Leopard tot Reden gebrachtquot;). — Emblematical print: America as a young lady, sitting and holding a bundle of 13 arrows and receiving the Hat of Liberty from France, who points with his sword to the places captured by the French; with many American names and allusioiis, 1. i. Florida menaced by Spain, the Treaty of Neutrality between Russia. Sweden, Denmark, eet. With separate French explanation, translated from the Dutch, sq. fol.— I\'ery rare. 10.— This |)late is u reply to plate 1 and II. 3162 — Same plate, with Dutch explanation. 6.— 3163 - (Plate IX). The venerable Dutchman. (\'De eerwaardige Nederlanderquot;), — Emblematical plate, publ. by a Patriotic Society at Harlem, a refutation of Plate VI, bearing on the war with England and the alliance with America. With separate Dutch explanation, sq. lot. 3.50 3164 —— (Plate X). The doubtful State of the English Bank. (iVo Dutch title). — Uutch caricature : the English Hank suspended to the Unicorn and leaning over to one side, Mylord being pushed off by an American. With English and Dutch poem of 8 lines, mentioning Hoston, Delaware, Washington, sq. 4to. 6.— 3165 - Same plate, later impression, surrounded by a broad engraved border, sq. fol. — Rare. 8,— 316(1 - (Plate XI). English news. (■■Engelsrh nieuwsquot;). — Emblematical print on the free-Trade with America, with the portraits of Lord North, Shelburne and Gordon. With Dutch explanation. sq. lol. 4.— 3167 -(Plate XII). The despairing Britons, and the delighted Americans at the news of the Defensive Alliance, lllimited Convoy and Armed Neutrality. (quot;De wanhopige Jirilten en de vernoegde Americanen ). — Emblematical print on the assistance of Russia; representing, nquot; 1 George Garler in London, n° 5 (ommodure Fielding, nquot; 11, 12, 13 the S noted Americans Massina Ramhj, JBalsepf and |
Jersey. — With Dutch explanation, sq, fol. 8,— 3168 „Taillo-douce politique ot générale de 1\'annéo 17ilO. — {Piate XIII). England per-turbated. (quot;Engeland beroerdquot;). London fire; George III leaving the city in a coach drawn by his subjects; Lord North as coachman. — With Dutch explanation, sq. fol. This plate is wanting to our set. 3109 (Plate XII\'). Up and down. (quot;Dan onder dan bovenquot;). — Time driving the wheel of war, on the wheel are sitting an American and a Frenchman, trying to push off an Englishman. — With Dutch explanation, sq. fol. 7.~ Engraved by an artist siding with the English. 317 0--(Plate XI\'). Political state of England 1778. (quot;Staatkandige prinlverbeeldiny wegens den staat der Enyelsohe natie in 1778.quot;) — England, represented as a Cow, is deprived by America of her horns, whilst she is milked by a Dutchman, a Frenchman and a Spaniard. In the distance the English ship The Eagle, thrown on shore near Philadelphia, where quot;the two brethrenquot; arc sitting asleep. With Dutch explanation, sq. fol. 3171 - Cjntinuation of the former plate, but not represented on the general plate Nquot;. 3149. — On the foreground the English cow without horns, standing near an altar with the names Mexico, Pern, Chili: on the other side of the water York-town; on the shore an American receiving the Delegates to Congress; near the shore the English ship The Eagle. — The plate is marked: Nquot;. 2. — With separate Dutch explanation Nu. 2, sq, tol. 8.— (N0. 3148—3109 form an exceedingly rare set of plates on the American War of Independence; they rare nowhere ever described.) 3172 Talbot (E. A.) Cinq années de séjour an Canada, Trad, de 1\'Angl. Suivis d\'un extrait du voyage de J. M, Duncan, trad. p. Eyries. Paris, 1825. 3 vols. sd. uncut, maps and plates. 8vo, 2.50 3173 Tallmadge (Col, Benj.) Officer in the Re-vol. War. — A. L. S. to E. P, Helder, dat, Litchfield, Dec, 2, 1822, 1 p. 4to. 2.50 3174 Talvj (Frau Jacobs-Robinson) Geschichte der Colonisation von Neu-England, 1007—1692. Leipsiig, 1847. sd., map of New-England in 1674, 8vo. (6.—) 2.25 3175 Tanguy de la Boissiéro (C C.) Observations on the dispatch written 10 Jan. 1797, by Mr. Pickering, Secratery (sic I) of State of the United States of America to Mr, Pinkney, Minister Plenipotentiary of the United Sates (sic!) near the French Republic, Transl, from the French by S, Chandler, Philadelphia, 175-7, sd. uncut. 8vo, 5,— Nut nicntioiicd by Rich. 3176 Tanner (J.) Imago primi Saeculi Societ, Jesu a Proviucia Flandro-Belgica ejusdem Sooietatis T AILLE-DOU CE - TANNER. |
I\'liidostau que nous venous d\'iiidiquer.quot; Brunei.quot;] Vol. II. No map of Pegu ami Japan at ;gt;. 43.— five plates of natural history in the quot;Relation de la Chine,quot; instead of 3, as Brunet says. Vol. III. As in the edition of 1006 the quot;Voyage des Ambassadeurs de la Coinp. lloll.quot; has no separate frontispiece. All parts in the original issues, which contain the best proofs of the plates; the plates of the 3d volume partly before the numbers. 3194 Thevet (P. Audr.) Ilistoria dell\' India America detta ultramcnte Francia Antarctica, trad, di franccse in lingua italiana, da M. Gins. Ilorologgi. Vcnezia. 16G1. vellum, sm. 8vo. A small piece of the title mended, a slight wormhole in the wider margin of some leaves, else a good copy. 16.— Hare Italian translation of the very scarce French original, published in 1558. Not mentioned by ler-naux. Priced; Stevens, Nuggets £ 3. 2 s. 3105 Thomas (Js.) famous Journalist, Founder of the Amer. Antiquarian Society. — A. L. S. to the Hon. D. Foster of Broomtield, dat. Worcester, Sept. 2, 1798. 1 p. fol. 4.50 Applies to Mr. F. in behalf of his Almanack. 3196 Thomas (J.) History of Printing in America, with a Biography of Printers and an account of Newspapers. Prefixed a view of the discovery and progress of the art in other parts ot the world. Worcester U. S. 1810. 2 vols, (acsim. and plates, old calf. 8vo. 60. Valuable work, of the utmost rarity, in excellent condition. 3107 St. Thomas in the W. Indies and St. Paolo in Angola captured by Admiral Houtebeen in the service ot the Dutch W. I. Comp. 1641. -■ lHi-gure ot both places with inscription in the upper left hand-corner, sq. fol. 2,— 3198 - Engagement between one small Danish brig and two large English men of war, oft\' St. Thomas. 1801. Danish engrav. by F. M- Dodd. sm. sq. fol. — Rare. 8.60 3199 Thompson (Smith\' Secret, of the Navy 1818—23, Justice of the U. S. Supr. Court 1823—43. -- S. L. to Jer. Nelson, dat. Navy Departm., March 25, 1822. 1 p. 4to. 1. 3200 Thümmel (A. R.) Die Natnr n. das Leben in den Verein. Staaten von Nord-Amerika. Erlangen, 1848. hf. id. 8vO. 1- 3201 Thysii (Ant.) Historia navalis, sive ceieber-rimorum praeliorum Batavorum usque ad pacem Hispan. descriptio. Lugd. Bat., 1657. velhm. 4to. 3.— A complete history of all the naval achievements of the Dutch till 1645, including the expeditions of O. v. Noort 1508—1601, G. Spilbergen 1601, J. L\'Hermite 1623, the victories of P. Heyn, H. Loucq and others on the Spaniards in Brazil, «to. etc, |
3202 Tiele (P. A.) Bibliotheek van Nederl. Pamfletten. Eerste afdeeiing: Verzameling vau Fre-derik Muiier. Amst. 1858—61. 3 vols. 4to. 15.— (Library of Dutch Pamphlets. First pari: Collection of Fr e der ik Muller.) This valuable Bibliography, comprising the Dutch pamphlets, publ. in the years 1482—1702, contains not less than 9608 titles, chronologically arranged, with exact descriptions, bibliographical, and other notices, etc. For the American collector it is of high interest, as it contains not only all the pamphlets, mentioned in Asher\'s Essay, but many others, which are indispensable to the knowledge of the history of the Netherlands, in conjunction with that of the colonies. 3-203 - Mémoire bibliographique sur les journaux des Navigateurs Néerlandais, róimprimés dans les collections de Do Bry et do lluisius et dans les collections llollandaises du 17e siècle, et sur les anciennes editions llollandaises des journaux de navigateurs étrangers; la plupart en possession do Frcderik Muller. Amstord. 1867. 8vo. 7.50 3204 - The same, large paper. Only fifty copies printed on very strong Dutch paper. Out of print and rare. 14. A very useful and creditable book containing the exact bibliographical description, with valuable historical notes, of that very rare and curious collection of old Dutch voyages, formed with great expense and trouble during 17 years; — and the first bibliography of old Dutch voyages. 3205 [Tinne (A.)] Hrief van een Amsterdams Koopman te Petersburg. Amst., 1780. 8vo. 1.50 (Letter from an Amsterdam Merchant at St. Petersburg.) On the secret negotiation of Amsterdam with North-America. 3206 Tjassons (Joh.) Zee-Politio der Voreenighdo Nederlanden, \'s Gravenhage, J. I\'eely, 1652. vellum. 4to. 8. [Sea-Police of the United Netherlands.) The Chapters XIV —XXX of this valuable book contain the history of the West-India-Company, with reprints of the original document (Octroyen, p. 222—258). — This first edition is scarce. 3207 - The same, uncut, very scarce. 10.— 3208 --The same, vellum, Large paper copy. 15.— 3209 - The same, \'s Gravenh., J. Veely, 1669. calf. 4to. 2d edition. The copies with the düe 1669 are extremely scarce. — In the same \'t Boeck der Zee-Rechten. Amst. 1678. (The look of maritime laws.) — Weytsen, (Q.) Tractaet van avariën. \'s Grav. 1651. (Treatise of average) and 2 other of the same kind. 3210 - The same, \'s Gravenh , J. Veely, J. Ton- gerlo ende Jasp. Boll, 1670. vellum. 4to. 8.— 321 1--Same edition, vellum, fine copy on Large Paper. 4to. 10.— |
This cditiou is exactly the same as that of 1669, only the title heini; changcd, ami hearing the words; id edi/ioit, corrected by the author and enlarged by almost a half. As the title states, the editions of 160Ï) and 1670 are enlarged by almost a half. This may be seen at onee from the number of documents, which amounts in the first edition to 42, while it is augmented to 60 in the later reprints. 3212 Toestand (Ier zainenleving in de Verren. Staten v. N. A. {Extr. 1824.) 8vo. —.75 (Stale of society in the V. St.) 3214 —— Tl\'0 Wintering of Hie Hollanders on Nova Zambia, 159G—97. Tranal. from the Dutch by Anglo-Saxon. Ibid. I860, am. 8vo. —.75 Historical poem; prize-essay published by the Society for Dutch literature, and afterwards a Schoolbook. 3215 - Die Hollander aul\'Nova Zembla. A us dom Holland, von F. M. Duttenhofor. Stuttgart, 1850. woodcuts. 8vo. 1.— German translation of the preceding. 3210 Tompkins (Dan. D.) Governor of tbo Stato of N. Y. 1807-17, Vice-President of the U. S. 1817—25. — A. L. S. to General Tb. Hailey, dat. Carleton, Oct. 10, 1815. 1 p. 4to. 3.- quot;There can be no objection to running the mail but once a week from Ibis place to New York,quot; cet. 3217 - A. Signature. 1.— 3218 Toner (J. M.) On the natural history and distribution of Yellow Fever in tbo United States, 1068 —1874. Washington, 1874. With tarye maj). Svo. 1.50 3219 Tonoz (Th. Morton) U S. Senator. — A. L. S., without address, (Paris) Hotel de I\'Em-pire, no date. 1 p. 4to. 1.50 On (Byron\'s?) Cain: «the two other tragedies I think you will find intolerably stupid — but Cain is the most splendid Devil the world has yet been favor\'d with.quot; 3220 Torfaeus (Th.) Grönlamlia antiqua, s. veteris Gronlandiae descriptio. Hafniae. 1706. 5 maps, calf. 8vo. — Hare. 15.— 3221 Torrey, J., North Amoriean Cyperaceae. (New York. 1836.) 8vo. Out of print and rare. 2.25 3222 - A. L. S. to W. L. Mareey, Governor of N. Y\'., dat. N. Y., April 30, 1836. 2 pp. 4to. 1.75 Declining the appointment of Botanist in the Geo-log. Survey of the State of N. Y. 3223 Toulmin (Jos.) Do Americaensche Oorlog beweend. Leerrede, uitgesproken to Taunton, 18 en 25 Febr. 1776. Amst., M. de Bruyn (1777.) Svo. 6.— (The American /far deplored. Sermon held at |
Taunton, 18 and 25 Tebr. 1776.) Very rare. Rich cites neither this trnnslation, nor the English original. 3224 Tournee i\\ la mode dans les Etats-Unis, ou voyage de Charleston a Quebec ot d\'Albany amp; Boston, ... conten. des particularity intéressan-tes sur rhistoire, les gnerres du Canada, la guerre de rindependanee, ect. Trad, do I\'Angl., avec notes et addit. par M. Bourgeois. Paris, 1829. td. map. 8vo. uncut. 1.80 3225 Tractaet tegens Pays, Treves, en Onder-handelinge met den Kon. v. Spaignien. \'s Grav. 1620. — Idem. 2de deel: Redenen, enz. Ibid. 1630. — Idem. 3de deel: Klare Aenwysinge enz. Ibid. 1630. — 3 parts. 4to. (Asher Nn. 134, 135, 136.) 10.— {A treatise against Peace, Truce and Negocia-tion with the King of Spain.) Complete copies in 3 parts are rare. — Asher erroneously indicates 12 pp. for the 3d part, it has 72 pp. — These pamphlets on the truce with Spain are valuable for the history of the West-India-Coin p., as it was a vital question fo»* the latter, that no peace should be made with Spain: the war with Spain was just in those years the principal aim and formed the chief revenue of the Company. 3226 Tractaet van Marine tussclien Karel 11 van Engeland met de Staten Gener. d. Vereen. Nederl. Amst., 1074. 4to. Uncut. 1.50 {Treaty of navigation between Charles II of England and the States Gener.) The last article treats of the navigation to the West-Indies. 3227 Tractaet van Vrede tusschen den Coninck van Portugael en de Staten Gener. Middelb. 1663. 4to. Uncut. Nut in Asher s Essay. 2.— {Treaty of peace between the King of Portugal and the States General.) Relating to the cession of Brazil to the Portuguese, etc. 3228 Tractaat van Vriendschap en Commercie etc. \'s Gravenhage, Is. Scheltus. 1783. tbl. uncut. 2.50 {Treaty of Amity and Commerce between ... the States General of the United Netherlands, and the United States of America, 8 O dob. 1782. With the Ratifications.) — Oificial edition; Dutch-English opposite. 3229 Tractaat (Authentiek) van vriendschap en commercie tusschen Z. Ma.j. van Groot-Britanje en de Vereen. Staaten van America. Vert, na het gedrukte te Philadelphia. Amsterd., 1795. 8vo. Uncut. 2.— {Authentic Treaty of friendship and commerce between II. Maj. of Gr. Uritain and the United States. Transl. after the printed copy of Phil ad.) 3230 Tractatus induciarum et cessationis omnia hostilit. actus inter regem Lusitaniae et Ordines Gener. Prov. Belg. Hagae Com. 1642. 4to. (As- |
1,50 her N«. 176.) 3231 TraotatUB. The same, in Dutch. Ibid. 1042. 4to. (Asher N0. 178.) 1-50 This treaty was concluded, after Portugal, supported by Holland, had reconquered her independence and retaken her colonial possessions in Asia, America etc. 3232 Traoy (Uriah) Member of Congress 1793—6, U. S. Senator 1796-1807 and President 1800,— A. L. S. to Henry Glen, dat. Washington, Jan. 18, 1802. 1 full page. 4to. 3.50 Very fine letter: «Ouce I had health, strength and good spirits, now the two former are fled, and the last must be courted like youth by age, and almost always without success,quot; etc. 3233 Transactions of the Geological Society of Pennsylvania. Vol. I. Part I. Pbllad. 1834. 6 jtla-tes. 8vo. 1.75 3234 Trigautius (N.) Do Christiana Expeditiono apiul Sinas snscepta ab Soc. Jesu ... libri V, in qnibua Sinensis regni mores, leges . .. describnn-tur. Aug. Vind. 1015. engraved fronlisp. and plate, vellum. 4t0. — Original-edilion, rare. 9.— 3235 - Histoire de I\'expedition chrestlenne an royanme de la Chine, entreprise par lis PP. do la Comp. de Jesus ... trad, par D. F. do Kique-bonrg. Lyon, 1010. plan, vellum. Svo. — Hare. 8.— 3236 Trial of Arthur Hodge, Esq. (late one of the Members of H. M\'s Couneil for the Virgin Islands) at the island of Tortalo, for the murder of his Negro manslavo, named Prosper. Stenographic taken by A. M. Belisario. Lond. 1811. hf. calf. 8vo. 1-25 3237 - of Jason Fairbanks, for the murder of Elizabeth Fales, at Dedham, in the County of Norfolk, 6 and 7 Aug. 1801. 4th. edit. Boston, 1801. 3d. uncui. 8vo. 2.50 3238 - of Levi Weeks, for the murder of Gu- lielma Sands, 30 March and 1 April 1800. Taken in short-hand by the clerk of the Court. (IP. Coleman.) New-York. 1800. sd. uncui. 8vo. 3.— 3239 Trobriand (Regis de) Quatro ans de campagne iV l\'armée du Potomac. Paris, 1807—08. 2 vols in 1. Af. calf. 8vo. 2.50 3240 Troef, grooten Troef, tnsschen Engelandt en Hollandt, gespeelt in tegenwoordiglieyt van een Fransman, een Spanjaert, een Portugees, en Sweedt ende een Deen. Met vervolg. 1004. 2 parts. 4to. 0.— (Trump,\\great Trump between England and Holland, played in presence^of a Frenchman, a Spaniard, a 1\'ortuguese, a Swede and a Dane.) Account — in the form of a dialogue — of the diflVreuces between Holland and England, which led to the war of 10C4. It contains also: A short account of the disputes in Nova Suecia the history of Coymans, the negociatious with Portugal on account uf Brazil etc. — jVo/ in At/ier\'t Essay; rare. |
3241 Troil (XJ. v.), Letters on Iceland, during a voyage in 1772; with Letters of Ihre and Bach, on the Edda and the Elephantiasis, and Bergman\'s observ. on the Lava. 2d edit. Lond. 1780. map, hf. calf. 8vo. 1-50 3142 - Brieven betreflf. eene reize na Ysland. Leyden, 1784. map and plates, sd. 8vo. 1.— Dutch translation of the preceding. 3243 Trollope (Mrs. P.) Zoden, gewoonten en liuiseljik leven der Noord-Amerikanen. Uit het Eng. Haarl., 1833. 2 vols. 8yo. (4.80) 2.— (Manners, customs and private life of the Americans. Transl. from lha Engl.) 3244 —— Jonathan Jefferson Whitlaw, of tooneelen aan de boorden van d. Mississippi. Uit het Eng. Haarl., 1837. 2 vols. 8vo. (5.00) 2.50 (Joh. Jefferson Whitlaw, or scenes [mm the borders of the Mississippi. From the Engl.) 3245 Troost (G.) Fourth geological Report to the 22d Genoral Assembly of the State of Tennessee. Nashville, 1837. map. 8vo. 1.— 3240 Troost (P.) Aanteekingen gehouden op eene reis om de wereld. Kotterd., 1829. hf. calf, maps and flutes. 8vo. 1.50 {Notts on a voyage round the world.) 3247 Tross. — Catalogue of rare and curious books relating to America, versions of the scriptures, scarce music, etc., including the collection of Mr. Tross (from Paris.) Lond. Puttick and Simpson, 1870. 1874 Nos. 8vo. 2.50 Important collection of rare and fine books, collected by the eminent Antiquarian and Bookseller, sold at Loudon in consequence of the I\'reuch-Ger-man War. 3248 Trübner (N.) Bibliographical Guide to American Literature. Lond. 1859. hf. bd. 8vo. (11.-) 6.- A classed list of books published in the U. S. during this century, with bibliographical introduction, notes and index. — Esteemed and useful bibliography. 3249 - The same. Part I. Lond. 1855. cloth. 8vo. i-- 3250 Trumbull (Jon.) Governor of Connecticut 1709—83, the only Colonial Governor who espoused the cause of the Colonies. Washington, who wholly relied upon him, used to say: rlet us see what Brother Jonathan saysquot;, from which saying the nickname of the U. S. is supposed to originate. — S. Order to liberate a Mr. G. Lyon, dat. Hartford, Jan. 27, 1780. 1 p. fol. — With answer endorsed. 6.— 3251 --Autogr. Signature. 2.— 3252 ---the Poet, author of Mc Fingall (1770), etc. — A. L. S. to Mr. Isr. Williams of Hatfield, dat. Hartford, Sept. 1, 1792. 2 pp. 4to. 3.— On Mr. W.\'s case against Col. LefUngwcll. 3253 Tucker (Jos.) Collection of his tracts relating to the War between England an.1 the United |
Fkederi-k Muller amp; C0.,
States. Glocpiter, 1776. 3 parta in 1 vol. calf gilt. 8vo. 10.— Valuable Qjllection cunt.: 1°. A soluiion of the iinportaut question, whether a poor country... can supplant the trade of a rich coimlry. iquot;. The case of going to war for the sake of trade. — Squot;. a letter from a merchant in London to his nephew in America, concerning the disturbances in in the colonies. — 4°. The true interest of Great Britain set forth in regard to the colonies. — 5°. The respective pleas and arguments of the Mother Country and of the Colonies distinctly set forth. - 6°. A letter to EJm. Unrke, etc. 3254r Tucker (Jos) Cui Bono ? nu exauion quels vantages los Anglois ou les Ainéricains, los Francois, los Kspagnols on les Hollandais rotircroivt-ils do la guerre actuelle? Trad, de I\'Angl. Londrcs, 1782. ad. uncut. 8vo. 1.50 3255 - Onzydige brief van oen ., . Koopman te London, aan zijnen neeve in Amerika. Utrecht, 1778. uncut. 8vo. 1.80 Dutch translation of the Letter from a mereliant in London, concerning the disturbances, in the colonies, see N0. 3253. 3256 Tuckey (J. H.) Aardrijkskundo voor zeevaart en koophandel. Naar liet Eng. Kotterd., 1819. 5 stout vols. sd. uncut. 8vo. 5.— [Maritime and commercial Geography, lie founded after the English original.) Vol. IV treats of America (700 pp.) 3257 Turnbull (J.) Reizen in den Stillen Ooeaan, 1800—1804. Uit h. Eng. Dordr. 1810- 14. 3 vols. sd. 8vo. 1.25 {Travels in the Pacific Ocean. From the Engl.) 3258 Turnbull (Will. P.) The Birds of East Pcnnsj4\\ania and Now Jersey. Glaseow, 1869. plates in\\amp;-ilt;illerpress. hf. bd. royal 8vo. 6.— 3259 - The same. Large Paper. 4t0. 10 — Printed for private circidation in 150 copies 8vo, and 50 copies 4ta only. 3260 Twist (J. v.) Generale Beschryvingho v. Indien, en bysonder v. Guseratten cmdor d. grooten Mogor. Na do copye tot. Batavia, 1638. (Amst. 1646.) sq. 4to. 4.— {General description of India, especially of Gu-seratte under the Great Mogor. — \\fter the copy at Batavia, 1638.) Original edition, forming part of the Collection of Dutch Travels: Begin en V.nntgangh. See N0. 272—74. Very interesting for the state of llindostan at the time. 3261 - The same. Amst. U. Doncker. 1647. 4to. Uncut. (Tiele N0. 213.) 15.— I\'irst separate edition, containing only the tirst part of the preceding edition. 3262 - Another copy, in good state, but not 3263 - The same. Amst., J. Ilartgers, 1648. bdi. Amsterdam. |
Reprint of the moit important parts of N0. 3260. 3264 Twist (J. v.) The aamo with addition of: \'tJour-nael v. W. Stihram on de Zooslagh togon Clacs Com-paen {Journal of If. Schram and the sea-fight against CI, Compaen.) Amat., H. Doncker, 1651. hf. vellum, 4 to. Very fine and tall copy, nearhj uncut. Rare. (Tiele IS0. 216.) 9,— With 7 pi. in the text. This edition contains only the Ist part of the description by v. Twist. — The added journal ( f Schram with the sea-fight against the pirate CI. Compaen has a separate title, dated 1650. 32G5 Tijdschrift van het Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, gevestigd te Amsterdam, onder redactie van C. M. Kan en N. W. Posthumus. Amst. 1871. many maps. 4to. (S.20) 5.— First annual series of this periodical, published by the Geographical Society, established at Amsterdam in 1872. — Very interesting. 3266 Tyson (Ph. T,), Memoir on the geology and topography of California. Reports to Corgress 1850. maps. 8vo. 1.50 3267 Udomans (Gr.) \'t Geestelijke Roer van \'t Coopmans Schip, d. i.: hoe ecu Coopman hem dragen moet .. insonderheyt onder de Uegdenen in Oost en West Indien. Dordr. 1638. vellum. 4to. 20.-- (The Spiritual Helm of the Merchant\'s ship, that is: how a Merchant should conduct him , . , especially amongst the Heathen in East and IFquot;est India.) First edition. Very rare. The first attempt of a history of the then recently erected East- and West-India Compagnies, with other very interesting discourses on the same matter and principally about spreading Christianity among the natives of the Fiast- and West-Indies (pp. 92 —319.) The work is highly valuable for the details it contains, nowhere else to be found, the author having made use of lost documents. 3268 - The same. 2d edition, corrected and augmented. Ibid. 1640. hf. bd. 4to. (Asher N0. 24.) 3260 - The same. 3d edition, corrected and augmented. Tbid. 1655. vellum. 4to. Very fine copy. (Asher N0. 25.) 20.— All editions arc very rare. See Asher page 72. 3270 - Geestelick Compas, dat is, nut ende noot- wendigh bericht voor alle Zeevarende ... 4e druk verb, ende seer vermeerd. met een nieuw tractaet van den coophandel ende de coopvaert. Item de vaert op Oost- ende West-Indien, Dordrecht, 1647. Sill. 8v\'0. Clean copy. 8.— {The Spiritual Compas, or, useful and necessary advice for all mariners . . . Fourth edition corrected and much augmented, with a new treatise of commerce and trade. Also the. navigation to the East- and JVest-Indies.) |
190 UDEMANS - Very rare. Partly a similar work as the preceding viz., a Christian admonition to sailors. It was certainly a book much used at the time of publication, as this is the 4th edition and nearly all copies seem to have disappeared. Very fine and probably never used copy. 3271 Udemans (G.) Koopmana Jacht, brenghcnde goede tydingho uit hot landt Canaan voor allo vrome kooplnyden, cm to vorkrjjgon ende to ho-houdon cenen gewenschten segen over hare negotie. Dordrecht, 1G47. sm. 8vo. clean copy. Rare. (The Merchants Yacht, briny ing good news from the land of Canaan for all pious merchants, in order to get or to preserve the wished for blessing upon their business) A similar work as the preceding, and inserted for the connexion with it. 3272 Uhden (H. F.) Geschichte der Congregatio-nalisten in Neu-England bis zu den Krweckungen, 1740. Leipzig, 1840. hf. bd. 8vo. 1.50 With a map of New-Hngliind in 1(564, and another of the Massachusetts-Colony. 3273 Uittreksel uit eeno briefwisseling van N. Anierik. zaakgelastigden, betrekkei. den oorlog tusschen do Vereen. Nederl. en Engeland. 1777 — 1783. (Arnh. 1840.) Extr. 8vo. 1.25 (Extracts from the Correspondence of the N. Jiner. diplomatic agents, on the war between the United JS ether I. and England. 1777—83.) 3274 Ulloa ;A. de) Historie endo het leven van... Keyser Caerle V. Inden welcken ooek do merc-keiycksto sakon dio insonderheyt inde Oost- endo West-Indien geschiet zijn. Uit do Ital. tale over-gesot. Thantwerpen, Wed. J. Stelsius, 1570. vellum. lol. 8,— (History and life of the Emperor Charles 1\', containing also all, that has happened of marvellous events, especially in the East- and If est-1 ndies. Transl. from the Italian.) 3275 - The same. Dordrecht, Is. J. Canin, 1510 (sic instead of 1G10.) vellum, portraits in copper. fol. 6.— 3276 - The same. Amsterd., J. P. Vaedts, 1010. vellum, portr. fol. 6.— Same edition with changed title. Highly esteemed biography of Charles V, including an account of all the events, which took place during the years 1500—1560, and especially of all the achievements of the Spaniards in America under Cortez, Pizarro, etc., throughout the whole book. In this Dutch translation this special importance of the work for America and the transmariue countries is even mentioned on the title. 3277 Ulloa (J. J.) Mémoires philoaoph., histor. et physiques, concernant la dócouverte de l Ameriquo, sea anciens habitants etc. Trad, par M*** (Lofe-bure de Villebrune.) Paris, 1787. 2 vols. irf. 8vo. 2.50 |
U8SELINCX. This translation contain» numeroui additions by J. G, Schneider. 3278 uirioi (Em ) Die Indianer Nord-Amerikas. Eino ethnograph. Skizze. Dread. 1867. 8vo. —.40 3279 amfreville (B.) The present state of Hudson\'s Bay, contain, a full description of the fur-trade, etc. London, 1790. calf neat. 8vo. 2.— Pp. 170-220 treat of the native Indians, their languages, with a comparative vocabulary, etc. 3280 Ungewittor (F. H.) Australië en zijne bewoners. Uit hetHoogd. Haarlem, 1854 -56. 2 vols. sd., plates. 8vo. (7.50) 3.- (Australia and its inhabitants. Transl. from the German.) 3281 Uricoechoa (E.) Mapoteca CUombiana. Co-leccion de los titiilos de to,los los mapas, planos, vistas etc. velativos a la America Espanuola, Brazil e Islas adyacentes con una introd. sobre la historia cartograflca de America. Londrcs, 1860. sd. 8vo. 3.— The work includes the entire of America, not only as the title indicates, the Spanish colonies. 3282 Urlsperger (S.), Ersto Continuation der aus-flihrl. Nachricht von dencn Saltzburgischen Emigranten ... worin die Tage-Uogister d. beyden Saltzburg. Predigor zu Ebcn-Ezer in Georgien von 17 Jul. 1734 bis 1735 zu Ende... nebstAnhang, bostehend 1. in einor in Aug. 1735 zwischen Jon. Belcher, Gouverneur en Chef in Nou Engeland u. oinigon Indianischen Nationen, zn Deorflold gc-halt. Conforentz: 2. in M. Appelletona, bey d. Ordination des J. Sergent, untor d. Indiaiiern von Houssatouoc bestellten erstcn Dieners d. Evang. zu Deorflold In Neu-Engel. 31 Aug. 1734 gehalt. Predigt. Hallo, 1738. hf. vellum. 4to. 10.— 3283 Utah. — Map of a rocounoissance between Fort Leavenworth and the Great Salt Lako, made 1341)._60 by //. Stansbury. — Map of the Great Salt-I.ake, by the same. — 2 largo maps, folded and bound iu-8vo. cloth. 125 3284 Uyt-Vaert van do West-Indische Compagnie. Met eeno propositie endo vertooninghe aenden Koninck van Caatilien, teghons do West-lnd. Comp. ... Godr. voor den Autheur, 1615. 4to. (Asher N0. 204.) 3.— (Funeral of the If.-Ind. Comp. With a demonstration to the King of Castille, against the W.-I. Comp. .. . and what followed thereupon.) 3285 [Usseliucx (W.)] Bodonckiughen over den staet van don Veroen. Nederlanden: nopende do Zoovaert, Coophandel, ende gemoyne Necringo inde solve. Ingevallo den Peys mot de Aertsher-togen inde aenataenden Vrede-haudelinge getroffen wort. 1608. 4to. (Aaher N0. 29.) 6.— (Considerations on th\' State of the United Netherlands: on Navigation, Commerce, and on Trade in those lands, should a Peace with the Archdukes be concluded in the approaching Negociations.) On the India-Navigation. See: Bijekorf N0. 546, |
FliEDKKIK Mui.l.JSll amp; C0.,
3306 Varnhagen (F. A, do) Jo. Schoner o P-Apianus (Uenowitz): inflaencia de umeoutroede varios de sens contcmporaneos na adopejao donomo America: primeiros globos e primeiros inappas-mundi com este norae: globo de WalzeemUller, e plaquette acerca do de Schoner. Vienna, 1872. cloth, gilt edges, sq. 8vo. 2.50
Printed only in 100 copies.
3307 - Historia daa lutas com os Hollandczea
no Brazil desde 1624 a 1654. Vienna, 1871. hf. cloth, plate. 8vo. 5.40
3308 - The same, thick vellum paper, cloth, gilt
edges. 8vo.
3309 - The same. Nova edtyiio inelhor. e aecro-
sent. Lisboa, 1874. sd. plate. 8vo. 9.
3310 Varthema (L ) — Ludovici Patritii Romani novum itinerarium Aethiopiae: Aegypti; utriusque Arabiae: Pcrsidis: Siriac; ac Indiae; Intra ot extra Gangem. {In fine:) Operi suprema manus im-posita est auspiciis ... Bernardini Caruarial his-pani ... S. 1. et a. (Mediolani, 1511.) 4 and 62 leaves, half morocco gilt. sm. foi. 55.-—
Vine and tall copy of this very rare edition, much sought for.
3311 Vattemare (Alex.) Collection de monnaios et médailles de l\'Amórique du Nord de 1652— 1858, offerte a la Bibliothèque Impériale au nom du Gouvernement fédéral. Paris, 1861. sd. 8vo.
„Ce volume n\'est pas dans le commerce.quot; lute-resting catalogue with histor. and biograph. notices.
3312 [Veegens (D.)] De jongste nasporingen wegens do geschiedenis van Nieuw-Ncderland. (Extr.) 1842. 8vo. Very rare.
(The recent researches regarding the hist, of New-Netherlands
3313 - Noord-Amerika en Nederland, \'s Gra-
venh., 1849. (Extr.) 8vo. 1-50
(North-America and the Netherlands.)
Almost entirely relating to the early history of New-Netherland.
3314 - De geschiedkundige Maatschappij te New-
York. (Exlr.) 1845. 8vo. !•—
(The Historical Society nf New-York.)
3315 Veen (J. V.) Siet den Getaanden Speck, etc. Broadside, foi. .
Satirical poem of 96 lines, in 2 coi.. with border, on the capture of the Silver-fleet; Piet Heyu is represented clystering a Spaniard, who produces piasters. — Curious and rare.
3316 Voor (G. de) Waorachtigo Beschryvingh v. 3 seylagien drie jaren achter malcander deur do Holl. en Zeelandtscho Schepen by Noorden, Noorwoghen, Moseovia, na Catthai en China, etc. Amsterd., Corn. Claesz, 1605. boards, sq. 4to. (Tide N». 98.) 65-—
(True relation of 3 voyages in three consecutive years by the ships of Holland ana Zealand round
onso Nederl. Natie, als tot Cabo Cors, Tacograri, ctc. Gesdirevcn aen do ... Staten Generaol ... Middelburgh., 1GG5. 4to. — Upper margins stained.
(Exncl relation of the horrible and barbarous murdery, committed hj the English in Guinea on the Dutch, at Cabo Cors etc. Written to I he States General.)
Dated; St. George da Mina, 4 Oct. 1G64. — Not meutioued by Asber.
3300 [Valckenborgh (J. van)] Brief van J. Val-keubnrg. Directeur (Jener. d. Wost-lnd. Comp. op de custe v. Guinea, over de grouweiljUe bar-barisebe tyrannyen by do Engelsche aldaar go-pleegt. \'s Grav., 1665. 1 tel. sheet. (Asber Isquot;. 324.)
(Letter of J. Valkenburg, Director Gen. oj the West-Ind. Comp. at the coast of Guinea, on the horrible and barbarous tyrannies of the English there)
3301 Valverdé (Ant Sanchez) Idea del valor de la Isla Kspanola (St. Domingo) y ntilidades quo do ella puede saear su monarquia. Madrid, 1785. vellum, the map wanting. 4to. Pine copy. 10\'—,
Karc and valuable work on the Spnish part of St. Domingo, embracing its history, description, commerce, curious remarks on the Creol and Negro population, etc.
3302 Vancouver (G. A.) Voyage of discovery to the North Pacific Oecan and round the world, 1790—95. London, 1798, The atlas, contain. 16 maps and plates, separately, calf gilt, very fine copy. Job
3303 - Voyage de découvertes a 1\'Océan Paci-
finuc du Nord et auteur du Monde, en 1790 a 95. Paris, 1800. 3 vols Ig. 4to. bds. With largo folio Atlas.
3304 Van Diemons-land (Australia). — The wife of a convict English soldier saves three ol her children by her extraordinary exertions. 1835. The plate is inscribed: \'\'The power of maternal affectionquot; H. E. Dame px., tine aquatint, ig. sq. fol.
3305 Varuhagen (F. A. de) Amerigo Vcspucci,
son earactèro, ses écrits, sa vie ot ses navigations Lima, 1865. With map and 2 facsimiles. — he premier voyage de Amerigo Vespucci déllnitivo-ment expliqué dans ses détails. Viemie, 1869. — Kouvelles recherches sur les derniers voyages dn Navigatour Fiorentin, et Ie reste des documents et éclaircissements sur lui, avec lestextes (et post face.) Vieune, 1870. With facsim. map from the Ptolemaeus. 1513. — Together 3 parts, complete series, in 1 vol. hf. red morocco, gilt edges, sm. fol.
Highly valuable publication, containing all the letters of Vespucci, both authentic and doubtful, exactly reproduced, and illustrated with literary and bibliographical notes, etc.
but without tlic scientific parts, and In modern Dutch
ortliog rapliy, with 8 fine engravings on wood, was ono o? the essays to revive or to kindle the spirit of tli people for inimitably freüh and natural talcs.
3323 Veer (G. de) The same, in French. — Vrayo description de trois voyages de mcr en 3 ans par les Navircs d\'Mollande au Norrt par derriere Nor-wege et Tarlarie vers China et Catay, etc. Amst., Corn. Nicolas, 1GOO. vellum. I\'ll. (Tide N0. 97.) 75.—
Fine copy. Exact reprint of the edition of 1598, with all the plates of the original. — This copy {formerly in the library of Mr. Meulman) is the only one we Imve ever seen or heard off. See N0. 692,93.
3324 - The name, in French. Amst., 1609. vellum.
fol. With plates. 40.—
Exact reprint of ihe former edition. — Of this issue of 1609 two different editions are described in this calalogno at N0. 693; this copy is au excellent one (uithoiigh slightly stained by water) of the edition A.
3325 - A true Description of three voyages by
the North-East towards Cathay and China in 1594—96. Translated Into English by Will. Philip. Edited by Ch. T. Heke. London, 185:,\'. cloih. maps. 8vo. 10.—
Reprint, fur the Uakluyi Society, of the very rare English edition of 1009. With a highly interesting and very extensive introdnclion on the voyage, its account, etc.
3326 - Tre navlgationi fatte dagli Olandesi e
Zelamlesi al Settentrione nella Norvegia, Moscovia e Tartaria verso II Catai e regno do Sini, la Nova Zembia etc. Trad, da G. Ginnio Parisio. Ve-netia, 1599. vellum, many engrav. anil maps in the text. 4to. A few slight wormholes. — Hare Italian translation. 35.—
8327 Vega (Garcilasso do la) llistoria general del Peru. Trata et desenbrlmiento del; y como la ganaron los Espanoles. Las guerras civlles que huuo entre Piijarros y. Alinagres, ctc. En Cor-doua, por la Vittda de Andres Jlarrera, 1617. Spanish calf. fol. 30.— Original edition, very scarce.
3328 ---Ilistoire des Yncas, rois de Pérou, avec
I\'histolre de la con([uêtc de la Floride. Traduit de I\'Espagnol. Amsterd., 1737 {the ~d volume dated by mistake 1727.) 2 vols. hf. l/ound. roy. 4to.
Large Paper, uncut, very scarce (only
50 copies printed in this state.) — With maps aud plates by li. Picart.
3329 - Snito des guerres civlles des Enpagnola
dans 1c Peru. Trad. d\'Espagnol, par J. Baudoin. Paris, 1658. vellum. 4to. 4.—
3330 --Ilistoire des guerres civlles des Espag-
nois «lanu les Indes (Occldentales.) Paris, 1830. 4 vols. sd. Svo. 3.—
3331 --Ilistoire de la conquête de la Eloride,
ihe North, Norway, Moscovy, to Catthai mid China.)
Exact reprint of the Jst edition of 1598, also by Com. Claesz, With 31 plates and maps on separate leaves.
The author of this excellent description, de Veer, took part in the 2d and 3d voyage; he wrote the account of the 1st voyage on the materials furnished hy his intimate friend, the renowned and skilful pilot W. Barentsz, who was present in all the 3 voyages.
The Latin text, given by de Bry, Petits Voy. Ill, is the same as published by Corn. Claesz in 1598 and made by C. C. A. (Corn. Clusins of Arras); but de Bry have suppressed a great deal of the text, and reduced the 31 plates to 23.
3317 Veer (G. de) Waeracht. besehryv. v. 3 sey-lagicn, ctc. (Enchuyson, J. L. Meyn, 1617; publ. by M. Colyn at Amsterdam 1019.) sq. 4to. With 31 plates. (Tide N0. 100.) 12.—
First part (without separate title) of the exceedingly rare collection of 10 Voyages, published in 1619 by M. Colyn. The text is an exact reprint of the preceding edition of 1605, but the plates are copied partly alter those of 1605, partly after de Bry.
3318 (--) Vorhael v. do Iste Schipvaert d. HoU.
Schepen door \'t Way-gat, in 1696. Met besehryv. v. Siberia, etc. Amst, J. Harigers, 1G48. hf. vellum. 4to. (Tide N0. 101.) Fine copy, 6.50
With 1 pi. in 6 divisions. — Reprint of the preceding edition of 1646, but without the astronom. observations at the end.
3319 (-) The same. - Amst., Jan Jansz., 1648.
4to. In orig. wrapper. Fine and large copy. 1\'ery rare. 10.—
With 8 pi., the same as in the collection: Begin en Voortgangh N0. 272—74. In the preface the publisher complains bitterly of the proceedings of J. Hartgers of Amsterdam, who republished partly in this very year, 1648, the collection JSeyin en Voortgangh, which he had just issued 2 years before at great expense.
This edition is not merely a reprint of the 1646 edition of de Veer, with all the additions on Spitz-bergen, Hudson, etc. but contains, besides, a tract on 5 different manners of sailing to Cathay, translated from W. Bourne, Regiment for the Sea. London, 1584. 4to.
3320 -- The same. 2d edit. Amst., J. Hartgers,
1650. hf. vellum. 4t0. Fine copy. Very rare. (Tide m 102.) 8.50
2d edition by Hartgers; reprint of that of 1648. The 6 small representations of the former large pi. are inserted in the text.
3321 -- The same. Amst., G. J. Saeghman, 1663.
4to. (Tide N0. 104.) Fine, tall copy. 8.50
With 16 bad woodcuts. — Reprint of Hartger\'s edition of 1648, with some restrictions. Not common.
3322 ----The same. Haarlem, Weeveringh. (1861.)
4t0. — Scarce. 2.—
This edition, giving the original text of 1598,
Trad. p. P- Richelet. Nouv. édit. augmcntéo ... Lcide, 1731. 2 vols. in 1. calf, map and plates. 8vo. 2d0 3332 Vela (Ju an) Politica real y sagrada, discur-rida por la vida de Jesn Christo. Madrid, 1675. vellum, fol. quot; The imthor passed from 16B5—1670 in Anienc» (Vtnczuela, (Jurafno, St. Domingo, ctc.) A Biography by J. Gomez Barrientos is prelixcd. 3333 Veltmuys (Pt J.) Journael v. \'tgene ge-passeert is op h. Schip \'tHuys te Veisen, ghcsoylt in Oct. 1667 na O. Indien, waer op eenige Maota te samen gerot syn; haer bekentenis en Justitie. Amst., 1668. 4to. Rari. 7.B0 (Journal of what passed on the ship: the Manor of Velsen, which, set sail for East-India ; how some sailors mutinied, their confession, execution, etc.) Original edition. — This narrative is afterwards printed as a popular or chap-book. 3334 (Venegas» M ) Ilistoire naturelle et civile de la Californle. Trad, de 1\'Angl. p. M. E(idous). Paris, 1767. Vol. I. II. sd. uncut, map. 8vo. 1.50 3335 _ Natuurlyke en burgerlyke historie van California. Haerlem, 1761. 2 vols, in 1. vellum or hf, calf, map and plates. 8vo. 2. The same work in Dutch, but complete in 2 vols. 3336 - Piano dc la Provincia de Zitara. Another drawn and coloured map of about the same time as the foregoing, sq. fol. 78 by 35. 12 — 3337 __ Mapa fysico y politico de Venezuela por A. Codazsi. Caracas, 1840. 4 sheets, fol. Together 166 by 101. — Coloured. Hal! bound. 8. 3338 Verbael gehouden door de Heeron II. v. Beverningk, V/. Nieupoort, J. v. d. Perre en A. P. Jongestal, Arnbass. d. Vereen. Nederl. aen de Republyck van Engelandt, vraer in gevonden werdt do Vredehandelinge met gemelde Republyck onder Cromwell (1653—54.) \'s Grav., 1725. vellum. 4to. (Asher Nquot;. 335.) 8—- (Minutes kepi by Messrs. II. v. Beverningk, Mieu-poort, v. d. Perre and Jongestal, Ambassadors of the United Netherlands to the English Republic, in which are to be found the negociations of peace with the Republic under the Cromwell.) The \'Verbaelquot; treats on the negociations of the Dutch ambassadors with the English Uepublic in 1653—54, chiefly concerning New-Netherland. It contains all the speeches and reports made upon that question by both parties and furnishes therefore a great deal of information, which would be difficult to procure elsewhere. Pag. 602—612 eont. a description of the boundaries of New-Netherland, with interesting details on the acquisition and purchase of different countries, etc. 3339 Vereenighde Nederlandschen Raedt. Het le en 2e Ueel, aenwysende etc. quot;s Grav. 1628. 2 parts. 4to. (Asher Ne. 127, 128.) 4.— (United Netherlands\' Advice.) Against tho truce with Spain, |
3340 Vereen. (De) Staten van Noord Amerika. Hun omvang, bevolking en staatkund. indcellng. Utrecht, 1861. 2 maps. roy. 8vo. —.50 (The Vn. States of N. Amer. extent, population and political division, in view of the threatening war.) 3341 Vereira (Franc.) Soc. J., Klagte eens Por-tugeesche predikers jegens God, wegens de voor-deelen behaald door een Kcttersch volk. (1637.) MS. 11 PP- tol. , 2\'50 (Complaint of a Portuguese preacher against hod on the advantages obtained by a heretic nation, via the Dutch.) Pronounced at Bahia, at the occasion of the victories of Joh. Maurice of Nassau in Brazil. — MS. Copy of the beginning of the 19th century. 3342 Verhaal van de voortgang der reformatie van de zeeden in Engeland, Schotland en in andere deelcn van Europa en America. Uit het Eng. Kotterd., 1705. 4to. Vncut. . ;i-— (Account of the progress of the reformation of manners in England, Scotland and in other parts of Europe and America. Vrom the Engl.) 3343 Verhaal dor merkwaard, reizc van Jak. Jan-sen mot het schip do Vrouw Elizabeth, van Hamburg naar Groenland ter walvischvangst uitgezeild [1769.] Haarl., 1770. Vncut, plate 4to. 1.50 (Account of the curious voyage oj J. Jansen, from Hamburg to Greenland for the whale fishery.) 3344 Verhaal van Commandeur Maarten Jansen, wegens het verongelukken van zijn schip. ... in Groenland (1777.) Amst. 1778. 4to. 1.50 (Account of Maarten Jansen of Jus shipwreck in Greenland.) 3345 Verhaal van de roys van J. Jz. Groot uit Texel na en in Groenland, deszelfs verbiyi op de kust van Oud-Groenland etc. [1777—78.] Ain-sterd. (1779.) 4to. _ l-50, {Account of the voyage of «7. Iz. Groot frorn lexel to and in Greenland, his sojourn in Old-Greenland, etc.) 3346 Verhaal (Echt Historisch) van drie zeelieden ... wegens het verongelukken van hun schip... in Groenland 1773. Amst., 1778. 4to. 2.— (Truc histor. account of three sailorson their shipwreck in Greenland.) 3347 Verhaal (Kort dog opregt) van alio de wreedhedens in hunne slavernye onder de Mooren geleeden door de equipage van \'t sch\'p Het Huys in \'t Bos op de Moorsze kust. Amst., Wed. J. van Egmont (1750?) 8vo. Vncut, with a plate and woodcuts. 1.50 (True account of the sufferings cf the crew of the ship; Het Huis in H Bos during their slavery on the Moorish coast.) VELA — VERHAAL. 3348 Verhaal (Kort) van de Evangel. Mission tot Trangenbare op de kust van Choromandel, on derz. tegenwoord. staat, 5 Octob. 1837. No place. 8vo. 2-_quot; |
(Short account of the Minion at Tranquebar, and itgt; state in Octob 1837.) Venj rare. Probably printed at the Danish Missionary-press at Tranqucbar. 3349 Verhaal (Oprecht) van \'t Eiland van Pinos, en deszelfs bevolking; of laatste ontdekking van een vierde Eiland in Terra Australis, Incognita. Rotterdam (na do copye van London), 16G8. 4to. 7.50 {True account of the Island of Fines and its popululion; or the last discovery of a fourth island in Terra Australis, Incognita. Made after the cof;/ printed at London) Literary forgery. — At the verso of the title a warning against an eilit on printed at Amsterdam, as incomplete. 3350 Verhael van den wonderlijken oproer, voorgevallen in de Provincie van Mallanbruino, gelegen eon graed bezuiden het Eyland Pines. No place 1672. 4to. 3.— (Account of the marvellous rebellion in the province of Mallanbruino, situated one degree South 0/ Pines.) Literary forgery as the preceding; it treats of the political difTerences between Holland, England and France. 3351 Verhael (Authontyck) van \'t remarcquabelste voorgevallen in Brasil tnssehen den Admir. Willem Cornelisz. onde do Spaenscho Vloot. Amst., 1640. 4to. Vncut. (Asher N» 157.) 5,— (Authentic account of what has happened in Brazil between the Dutch Admir. Jr. Cornelisz. and the Spanish fleet.) 3352 Verhael (Cort) hoo Admiraol Direk Symonsz. voor de West-lnd. Comp.... 30 Octob. 1628 omtrent Farnabocque (sic!) vyf schepen heeft verovert. Amstord., 1629. 4to. 7.50 (Short Account, how Admiral Dirck Si/monsz. has captured the 30 Oct. 1628, near Fernambuco 5 vessels.) MS. copy of an extremely scarco pamphlet, unknown to Asher. Is properly the text to a plate of this engagement, rarissime. 3353 Verhael (Cort) van do ordre door de Kon. v. Spagnien aen den Graef do la Torre in do Bay do Todos los Sanctoa gegeven ... tot recuperatie van Brazil. Mitsg. \'t remarcabelste op de Guste van deselve Capitania 19 Nov. 1639 tot 28 Febr. 1640 voorgevallen. Amst. 1640. 4to. Vncut. (Asher N0. 153.) 6.— (Account of the order given by the King of Spain to Count de la Torre in the Hay of Todos los Santos, concern, the recapture of Brazil; and of what happened there between the Dutch and Spaniards.) 3354 Verhael (Cort, Bondigh en Waerachtigh) v. \'t schandelyck overgeven en verlaten v. de voor-naemste conquesten v. Brasil onder de regoringo v. W. v. Schonenburgh, H. Haecx en Sig. v. Schoppe, Midd. 1655. 4to. (Asher Nquot;. 284.) 8.— |
(Short, summary and true account of the shameful surrender and abandonment of the chief conquests of Brazil under the government of If. v. Schonenburgh, II. Ilcecx and Sig. v. Schoppe.) 3355 Verhael (Copyo ofte waeraehtich) van\'t geen gepasseert is siut do komsto eu vertreck v. de Spaonsche Vloot in Brazil, overgesonden door d. Graaf Maurits v. Nassau. Amst. 1640. 4to. (Asher N0. 158.) 5.— (Copy or true account of what has happend since the arrival and departure of the Spanish fleet in Brazil: sent over by Count Maurice of Nassau.) 3356 Verhaal (Waeraehtich) v. \'t goene in de Eylanden v. Banda in O. hid. in d. J. 1621 ende to voren is ghepas Qodruckt in 1622. 4to. (Tiele N». 160.) 10,— (True account of the occurrences in the islands of Banda in E. Ind. in the year 1(121 and bef ore.) This venj rare pamphlet, reprinted by Commeliu in the collection; Begin en Voortgangh, 1646 (N0. 272— 74) in the voyage of L\'Heremite and Verhoeven (see N0. 1405 and 3359), is also translated by de Bry in their Petits Voy. (in German) XII, and by Purchas I. Verhael see N0. 2267: Kort Verhael van Nieuw Nederlant. - see Is0. 1696, 2268; Kort en bondigh Verhael. 3357 Verhagen (P. J.) Do herba Nicotianae, ejusque usu et abusu, turn in medicina, turn iu vita eommuni. Lugd. Bat., 1837. sd. 8vo. 1.— 3358 Verhandelingen en berichten betrekke-lyk het zeewezen en de zeevaartkunde, verzara. en uitgeg. door J. f. L. Schriider, G. A. Tindal en J. Swart. Amst. 1837—71. 32 vols. With plates and maps. 8vo. (Vol. 1—14. hf. cloth, the foil, in parts.) 50.— (Memoirs and Records relating to Marine-affairs and Navigation) Interesting Series containing many historical articles on old Dutch voyages from unpublished documents. 3359 Verhoeven (P. W.) Journael v. de Eeyse v. 13 schepen, naor O. Indien, China onz, in 1607, on voorvallen op Borneo, Ambona, enz. (Amst., 1646.) bds. sq. 4to. 6.— With 1 pi., no separate title; forms part of the collection : en Voortgangh, Vol. 11, (272-74).— This is the only edition of an exceedingly important collection of voyages, printed at the end of the journal of Verhoeven. It is partly translated by de Bry, at different places. See Tiele p. 174—178. 3360 Verhooginge dor eapitalen vando West-lnd. Compagnie voor oen derde part. (July 1629.) largo fol. sheet (Asher N0. 71). 1.50 (The capitals inscribed in the West-India Comp. increased one third) 3361 Verhoogingho van de eapitalen in de West-lnd. Comp. ... 1639. \'sGrav. 1639. 4to. (Asher N0. 75.) 1.50 |
Very fine coloured plates. Published at the price of 600 Francs. 3379 Views in Asia, Africa, Enropo and America, roprosonting the principal places and the costuinos of the inhabitants.— 40 Original drawings in India ink and in brown and red, by an able anonymous Dutch Artist, at the be-ginning of the IStli century. High 18, br. 24 cent. 50.— Fine mid remarkable collection, specially for the costumes of the natives and inhabitants. It comprises 12 views iu America, viz; New Amsterdam, Quebec, Florida, Havana, Curasao, I\'orto Rico, Mexico, Ciosco, Fernambuco, St. Salvador, Cartha-gena and Callao de Lima. — Besides: Batavia, Goa, Tripoli, Alexamlria, Koine. Venice, etc etc. 3380 Vincent (J.) Aanmerkinge op de briev van een Anislerdams koopman aan zijn vriend tot London, wegens de moogl|ikhi)d dor Engelze Zuiid-zeo-Compagnie. Amst. 1713. 4to, Vnc.ut. !.75 {Noles on the Idler of an Amsterdam merchant to his friend at London on I he possibility of the English South-Sea-Com p.) Very interesting for the history of commerce on America. 3380« Vincent (W.) The Commerce and Navigation of the Ancients in the Indian Ocean. Loud. 1807. \'2 vols, plates and maps. ids. 4to. 10.— Best edition of an egteemed work. Virginia. — See Nquot;. 312 and 2265; Beschry-vinghe van Virginia, etc. Amst. 1651. 3381 - Facsimile of the very rare map of Virginia, New-Wetherlnnd, Now-Rn geland, belonging to the Description of Now-Netherland. Amsterdam. 1051. (See Nquot;. 2265.) small sq. fol. 25 by 17. 15,— Admirable reproduction by jjhniolithiijranhgt;i (procédé-Asser), printed on old Dutch paper, imitating most scrnpiilonsly the original. Only 25 copies struck off. 3382 - Virginia, erforsehet und beschriben d. Capt. J. Schmidt. Map. sq. fol. 35 by 29. 10,— From: de Jin/, Grands I\'oiiages. Franckf. 1631. vol. XIII, 1. 3383 --Virginia, Marylandia et Carolina. Norim- bovgae, J. IS. Uomann. (about 1750). Map. fol. 57 by 48. — Coloured. 2.— 3384 - Mode of fishing of the Virginians. En- grav. (by de .llry.) fol. — Prom : de Hry, Grands Voyages. I\'art. I. 2.50 3385 - Idols, priests, ceremonies, weapons, cet. of the Virginians. Engr. by Bern. Picart. 12 ve-liresent. with French subscript, on 5 sheets fol.— First impressions. 2.75 3386 ---- Proceedings of the Virginia Assembly, on the answers of sundry States to their resolutions, passed in December, 17^8, Philad., Printed by Jam. Carey, 1800. uncut. 8vo. 0.— Not mentioned by llich. Amsterdam. |
3387 VinCOtlt (W.) quot;Visite du Camp Américain par les Commissaires Angldsquot; — Contompor. coloured French caricature. 1778. sq. lol. — Slightly stained. 3.— 3388 [Visscher (L. G.)] Do West-Indien sedert hot verlies van Brazilië en Nieuw-Nederland. (Extr. Utrecht, 1855.) 8vo. 1.— (The West-Indies since the loss of Brazil and New-Net hwrlu nd.) 3389 (Visscher, N.), Atlas minor sivoGeographia compendiosa. Amst., N. Visscher. (1670 ?). vellum, 2G coloured maps. t\'ol. 15.— First edition of Visscher\'s Atlas containing 26 maps, without text. Besides the map of the World, 3 maps of America occur, viz.: General map, Weat-Indian-Islands, and Novi Belgii Novaeque Angliae nee non jariis Vir(finiae Tabula, with view of New-Amsterdam and Visscher s address. 3390 - Atlas minor, etc. Amst., iV. Visscher (1680 ?) Bound in 2 vols, calf yilt, gilt edges. 105 plain maps. fol. 25.— Visscher\'s maps but here augmented with a mass of maps publ. by Janssoniusy de IVit, a. o. — Besides the 3 Amer. maps, mentioned in ibe former edition, New-Netherland, etc., here 7 others occur: the Arctic regions, Virginia et Florida, Peru, Bra-sil, Magellanica (5 maps by Janssonius)) Martinique by Visscher, Antarctic regions. 3301 -- Atlas minor, etc. Amst , iV. Visscher (1106?) vellum. 152 plain maps. fol. — First pp. stained in the margins. 30.— Interesting collection of the maps of Visscher with frontispiece and title of his Atlas, but aug-mented with maps published by IF. Allard, P. Schenkt I\'\\ de Wit, a. o., the whole forming a factitious atlas. Besides a map of the Globe by Allard, and tlie map of New-Netherland with view of New-Am-sterdam and Visscher\'s address, this copy contains a very accurate map of New-Netherland and adjacent countries, by N. Visscher, in 2 sheets {Asher N0. 21), Jamaica by Ar. Visscher, Brasil by Blaeu, the W. Indian Islands and a general map of America, which 2 last are the same as in the former edition. — Amongst the maps by P. Schenk, inserted here, a rare map of the Netherlands is found, publ. 1705, on which a separate map of New-Net herland wiih View of New- \\msIerdam, entitled: quot;Batavorum coloniae, Occident. Indiis Septentrion. Americae implantatae,quot; measuring 15 by 7 ccntim. (Asher\'s List N0. 20.) 330 2--Atlas minor, etc. hf. calf. 114 maps in colours and gold. fol. 18.— Similar factitious Atlas as the foregoing, containing many maps by Visscher, the frontispiece of whose Atlas is prefixed to the collection, several by F. de Wit, and some by Danckerts, a. o. — Of America the following maps occur: North- and Sonth-Amer. by. II. Jaillot, IfiOi, 2 sheets, Tnsulae Americanae by Vissc/cr, New-Netherland with view of New-Amsterdam and address of Visscher, Brazil |
by Blaeu. 3393 Vivien de St. Martin (L.) Hiatoire des découvertes géograph. dos nations Europ. Paris, 1845. Toino II. en \'2 parties. 8vo. ^ 2.50 Contents: Introduction générale a I\'hist. gcogra-phique de I\'Asie. — Asio Mineure. 3394 Vlaming (W. de) Journaal wegens eon voya-gie na het Zuid-Land (in 1G96.) Atnst. 1701. 4to. — Scarce. (See N0. 3296.) 2.50 {Journal of a voyage to the South-Land {New-Holland.) 3395 Vliet (J. V.) Beschryv. v. h. Koninckryck Siam. — Verhaal der Staatsomkeeringen v. Slam in 1688. — Leven en daden v. Const. Faulcon. Eerste geheyme raad v. Siam. — Leiden, 1692. 3 pts. in 1. 4to. (Tiele M0. 244.) Uncut. 6.— Another book of van Vliet on Siam is added to the narrative of Pelsaert\'s shipwreck. — See N0. 24)59. 3396 Volmaeckte Lauwer-Crans over het jaar 1629... de victorien die ons God verleent heeft, in \'t byzonder liet in-brenghen van de Silver-Vloot. Harderwyck, 1G40. 4to. (Asher 117.) 10.— {Perfect garland of laurely on the blessed year 1629, in which are related all our victories, especially the capture of the Silverjleet.) Rare piece, in verses. 3397 Volney (C. F.) Tableau du climat et du eol des Etats-TJnis d\'Amérique; suivi d\'éelaireissem. sur la Floride, s. la colonie F ran 9. au Scioto, etc. Paris 1803. 2 vols. 4 maps and pi. sd. 8vo. 2.25 Contains quot;Vocabulaire de la langne des Midmis, tribu établi sur la rivière Ouabaehequot; (Wabache.) 8 pp. 3398 Voltaire, Alzire ou les Américains, tragédie. Représentée pour la prem. fois le 27e Janv. 1736. Amst. 1736. uncut. 8vo. 2.— 3399 - The same. Amsterd., 1786. 8vo. uncut. 1.25 3400 - The same. Dutch translation, (byS.Fei- tama.) Amsterd. 1781. hds. 8vo. 1.25 3401 [Vondel (J. V.)] Op het ontset van Piet Heyns Buit. — Op het tweede ontset etc. — 2 Broadsides. 4to. Not is Asher\'s Essay. 3.50 {On the delivery of Biet Heyns booty. — On the second delivery of idem) Two poems, of 24 and 34 lines, on the troubles caused in Amsterdam by the return of P. Ileyn with the captured silverlleet. — Original editions ou fly leaves. 3402 - The same. The first piece with contemporary explanations in MS. 3.— 3403 Vooght, Claas Jansz., De Nieuwe Groote Lichtende Zee-Fakkel. Amst. G. van Keulen. I. 1714, IT. 1706, III. 1699, IV, V. 1726. 5 vols, in 3. With Dutch text. Plain maps. calf. fol. 40. — (The new-large Maritime-Torch.) The maps of this great collection were originally drawn by the celebrated Mathematician C. Jz. Vooght |
at the end of the 17th century, and revised for the various following editions by the different publishers who have succeeded each other in the firm of van Keiilen, so well reputed for its charts during the 18th century. — The first volume embraces the charts of the Northern coasts, England, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Livonia, Finland, Russia, bpitz-bergen, Jan-Mayen-Island, etc. —The fourth volume gives the coast of America in 27 maps: Guyana, Venezuela, Carthagena Nova, Costa Rico, Honduras, Yucatan, Mexico, Florida, Carolina, Virginia, New-Netherland, New-England, Nova Francia, Terra Nova, etc. — The fifth volume treats on Africa and Brazil. In the text numerous delineations of the coasts in woodcut occur. Each map is adorned with etched figures illustrating the productions and dress of the various countries. 3404 Vooght, Claas Jansz., De Nieuwe Groote Lichtende Zeefakkel. Nieuweiyks van veel misslagen gezuivert en verbetert door Gerard van Keulen. Amsterdam (1730). 5 vol. in 6. vellum. 367 coloured maps. roy. fol. 225.— (The New, Large, Lightening Marine- Torch. Newly cleaned of many faults and corrected by Ger. v. Keulen). Each volume with a frontispiece by J. Luyken and the address of Johannes van Keulen (the father of Gerard), and the date of 1717. The first volume has besides two other titles (in Dutch and French): Le gran (sic) et nouveau atlas de la marine ... p. Gerard v. Keulen (no date). The first 4 vol. contain the charts of Europe, the 5th and 6th those of Asia, Africa and America, in all 293 coloured charts with descriptive V.ext. The part relating to America has been treated with special attention and care; it Ills the whole 5th and half the 6th volume and contains no less than 70 charts, by the van Keulens, father and son, and by A. Uoggeveen, the celebrated navigator; besides some taken from Nic. Visscher\'s Atlas. As the text of the atlas only mentions 33 charts of America, the present copy must be considered as quite an exceptionable one, enriched with 37 other charts, originally not issued with the text; the more so as also the last edition of Vooght*s Atlas (1799) does not contain more than 50 charts on America, which are, some new ones exepted, all to be found in the present copy. But what gives still a higher value to this copy, is a series of 73 drawn charts, of a very large size: 88 by 58 centirn., which are inserted — all finely set off in colours, evidently prepared for a new edition of the Atlas, as is proved by the inscription on each of them: \'/ Tot Amsterdam by Gerard van Keulen.quot;quot;1 Apparently no use has been made of them; We have found none of them reproduced in any of the later editions. — 21 of these maps are on America and its parts, viz.: 1. Island of Gua-delupa. — 2. Island of Antigua. — 3 St. Christopher. — 4. St. Thomas. — 5. Lago de Maracaibo.— I\'EEDKIUK MULLKU amp; C0., |
6. Baya Hondo. — 7 Hispnniola. — 8. Bay of Sauana. — 9. Harbour of Carthagcna. — 10. The Salomon\'s Islands. — 11. Fort Nassau, founded by Count Maurice of Nassau on the Kio de San Francisco in lirazil. — 12. Bahia de Todos los Santos. — 13. The same, other view. — 14. Kio de Janeiro. — 15. Baldivia-Kiver in Chili. — 10. Coasts of Chili. — 17. Southern coast of Calla de Lima. — 18. Coast of Peru. — 19. New-Sjjaiii.— 20. Bay of Panama. — 21. New Granada and California. — As may be judged from this list, these charts are especially valuable for Brazil, and in general for the carthography of South-America. For the Russian collector the present copy offers also many treasures; the whole first volume treats on the Northern sens and contiiins 9 drawn and never issued mays on the coast of Russia. — Among the drawn maps we still cite one of Spilbergen, the special interest of which is commented in S. Muller Fz., Geschiedenis d. Nnordsehe Compagnie. Utr. 1874, (History of the Company for the North). For Australia are very interesting 2 drawn and never printed maps of the coasts discovered there by Willem de Vlamingh, Jan. and Febr. 1697, on which are annotated the places whore he landed, his observations, etc. 3405 Vooght, Claas Jansz., Do nieuwe groots lichtende Zee-Fakkel. Amsterdam, G. Hulst v. Keulen. 1799. 5 vols. Plain maps, vellum, lol. 30.— ( The new great Maritime-Torch.) Revised edition. The part relating to America is very extensive; half the 4th and the whole Bth volume are filled by it, containing above 50 large charts. 3406 Voortganck v. do W.-(nd. Comp.; d. i. Le-vondich discours hoe nootwendigh on prot\'ytelyck ... sy, den voortgang v. de langhgliewehschte W.-lnd. Comp.... Amst. 1623. 4to {Ashor Nquot;. 100.) (Progress of the West-India Comp., that is: Lively discourse showing how necessary and profitable the success of the long expected W.-Ind. (\'amp...) 3407 Voorvallen (Aeugemerkte) op de vredens articulen met Portugal. (No place). 1663. 4to. (As-her N0. 301.) 3.— {Noted incidents on the articles of peace with Spain.) By this peace the Dutch claims on Brazil were regulated for a compensation of 8 ^ ■ 3408 Vossii (Is.) Variarum o\'-red in ^ V ^0. Lend. 1685. calf. 4to. engraving — Cont. pp. 187—194 c - offers the i^pittefacienda per Septentrionem ad Ja with Dufindos navigatione. 3409 Vos, J., Begchryving van eono kaart der kust van Nederl. Guyana. Amst. 1845. fPil/t map. 8vo. {Description of a map of the coast of Dutch Guyana.) 8410 Voyages aux cótes de Guinée et on Amé-rique, par Mr. N***. Aniaterd.. E. Roger, 1719. |
vellum, many plates on natural history. 8vo. 2.50 Voyages dans la Penusylvanio. — See N0. 842: Crevecoeur. Voyagour Americain. — See N0. 682, 83: Cluny. 3411 Voyages of H. M. Ships Adventure and Beagle; narrative of tho surveying of the Southern shores of South America, by King and Fitzboy. Lend. 1839. Vol. I, II and Appendix: together 3 vols, numerous plates md maps, cloth. 8vo. 5.50 3412 Voyages (Early) to Terra Australis now called Australia; collection of documents, and extracts from early MS. maps, illustrative the history of discovery on the coast of that vast island. Edit., with introduction by 11. II. Major. Lond. 1859. 5 maps, cloth. Svo. Out of print. 12.— Published by tho Hakluyt Sociely. 3413 Voyagien ende Beschryvinge van Siara, Mos-covien, Yslandt ondo Groenlaadt. Dordrecht, 1652. 12ino. 5,— (I\'oi/nges and descriptions of Sia/n, Moscovy, Iceland and Greenland.) Very rare, forming a part of A. v. Nupen\'s collection of voyages. Voyagien (Oost-Indische). — See N*. 2361— 64. Oost lnd. 3414 Vries (Dav. Pietersz. de) Korte historiael ende journaels aontoyckeninge van vovscheyden voyagiens in de vior deelen des Wereldts-Ronde, als Europa, Africa, Asia, ende Amerika godaen. \'t Hoorn, voor lh P. de Vries, 1655. hf. vellum. 4to. (Asher N0. 336.) 240.— {Short history and notes of a journal kept during several voyages undertaken in the four parts of the world, viz. Europe, Africa, Asia and America.) Title (on the verso the arms of the author), portrait by Corn. Vlsscher (mounted), 3 unnuinb. leaves, 190 pp., 1 leaf Corrigenda, numerous curious engravings. (Title and Corrigenda in fac-sitnile.) Fine large copy; extremely scarce. quot; Ce volume pent être considéré corame une perle dans tonte Bibliothcque Americaine, son extréme rareté ctant seulement surpassee par l\'inte\'rêt qn\'il offre 4 1\'historien. Ce sont surtout les voyages u la Nouvelle Néerlande dans le premier temps de la fon-dation de cette colonic, qui rendent cet ouvrage si précieux.quot; Trömel Nquot;. 279. See for further details: Collection of the New-York Historical Society, 2d Series, Vol. I. 3415 Vries (S. de) Curieuse aenmerkingon der byzondersto Oost- en Wost-lndischo verwonde-rons-waerdigo dingen. Utrecht, 1682. 4 vols, vellum, maps, numerous plates by Rom. de Ilooghe. 4to. Fine copy. 12.— {Curious notices of the most remarkable East-and West-Indian wonderful things.) Contains a vast amount of most interesting particulars, historical, geographical, linguistic etc. on the manners and customs, on the private life etc., the whole illustrated by maps and curious plates, |
by Slaeu. 3393 Vivien de St. Martin (L.) Histoïre des découvertes géograpli. (los nations Europ. Paris, 1845. Tome II. en 2 parties. 8vo. ^ ? 2.50 Contents: Introduction générale a l\'hist. gcogra-phique de l\'Asie. — Asie Mineure. 3394 Vlaming (W. de) Journaal wegens een voya-gie na het Zuid-Land (in 1G9G.) Arnst. 1701. 4to. — Scarce. (See N0. 3296.) 2.50 {Journal of a voyage to the South-Land {New-Holland.) 3395 Vliet (J. V.) Beschryv. v. h. Koninckryck Slam. — Verhaal der ötaatsomkeeringen y. Siam in 1688. — Leven en daden v. Const. Fauleon. Eerste geheyme raad v. Siam. — Leiden, 1692. 3 pts. in 1. 4to. (Tiele M0. 244.) Uncut. 6.— Another book of van Vliet on Siam is added to the narrative of Pelsaert\'s shipwreck. — See N0. 2459. 3390 Volmaeckte Lanwer-Crans over het jaar 1629... de vietorien die ons God verleent heeft, in \'t byzonder het in-brenghen van de Silver-Vloot. Harderwyck, 1640. 4to. (Asher 117.) 10. {Perfect garland of laurel, on the blessed year 1629, in tofiich are related all our victories, especially the capture of the Silverjleet.) Rare piece, in verses. 3397 Volney (C. F.) Tableau du climat et du sol des Etats-Lnis d\'Amérique; suivi d\'eclaireissem. sur la Floride, s. la colonie F rang, au Scioto, etc. Paris 1803. 2 vols. 4 iuaps and pi. sd. 8vo. 2.25 Contains \'/Vocabulaire de la langue des Midmis, tribu établi sur la riviere Ouabaehequot; (Wabache.) 8 pp. 3398 Voltaire, Alzire ou les Américains, tragédie. Representee pour la prem. fois le 27e Janv. 1736. Amst. 1736. uncut. 8vo. 2.— 3399 - The same. Amsterd., 1786. 8vo. uncut. 1.25 3400 --The same. Dutch translation, (byS.Fei- tama.) Amsterd. 1781. hds. 8vo. 1-25 3401 [Vondel (J. v.)] Op het ontset van Piet Heyns Buit. — Op het tweede ontset ete. — 2 Broadsides. 4to. Not is Asher\'s Essay. 3.50 {07i the delivery of Viet Heyns booty. — On the second delivery of idem.) Two poems, of 24 and 34 lines, on the troubles caused in Amsterdam by the return of P. Heyn with the captured silvcrlleet. — Original editions ou fly leaves. 3402 - The same. The first piece with contemporary explanations in MS. 3.— 3403 Vooght, Claas Jansz., De Nieuwe Groote Lichtende Zee-Fakkel. Amst. G. van Keulen. I. 1714, IT. 1706, III. 1699, IV, V. 1726. 5 vols, in 3. With Dutch text. Plain maps, calf, fol. 40.— {The new-large Maritime-Torch.) The maps of this great collection were originally drawn by the celebrated Mathematician 6\'. Jz. Vooght |
at the end of the 17th century, and revised for the various following editions by the different publishers who have succeeded each other in the firm of van Keulen, so well reputed for its charts during the 18th century. — The lirst volume embraces the charts of the Northern coasts, England, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Livonia, Finland, Russia, Spitz-bergen, Jan-Mayen-Island, etc. — The fourth volume gives the coast of America in 27 maps: Guyana, Venezuela, Carthagena Nova, Costa Rico, Honduras, Yucatan, Mexico, Florida, Carolina, Virginia, New-Netherland, New-England, Nova Francia, Terra Nova, etc. — The fifth volume treats on Africa and Brazil. In the text numerous delineations of the coasts m woodcut occur. Each map is adorned with etched figures illustrating the productions and dress of the various countries. 3404 Vooght, Claas Jansz., De Nieuwe Groote Lichtende Zeefakkel. Nieuweiyks van veel misslagen gezuivert en verbetert door Gerard van Keulen. Amsterdam (1730). 5 vol. in 6. vellum. 367 coloured maps. roy. fol. 225. (The New, Large, Lightening Marine- Torch. Newly cleaned of many faults and corrected by Ger. v. Keulen). Each volume with a frontispiece by J. Luyken and the address of Johannes van heulen (the father of Gerard), and the date of 1717. The first volume has besides two other titles (in Dutch and French): Le gran (sic) et nouveau atlas de la marine ... j). Gerard v. Keulen (no date). The first 4 vol. contain the charts of Europe, the 5th and 6th those of Asia, Africa and America, in all 293 coloured charts with descriptive text. The part relating to America has been treated with special attention and care; it lils the whole. 5th and half the 6th volume and contains no less than 70 charts, by the van Keulens, Hither and son, and by si. Roggeveen, the celebrated navigator; besides some taken from Nic. Visscher\'s Atlas. As ths text of the atlas only mentions 33 charts of America, the present copy must he considered as quite an exceptionable one, enriched with 37 other charts, originally not issued with the text; the more so as also the last edition of Vooght\'s Atlas (1799) does not contain more than 50 charts on America, which are, some new ones exepted, all to be found in the present copy. But what gives still a higher value to this copy, is a series of 73 drawn charts, of a very large size: 88 by 58 centim., which are insevted — all finely set off in colours, evidently prepared for a new edition of the Atlas, as is proved by the inscription on each of them: quot;Tot Amsterdam by Gerard van Keulen.quot; Apparently no use has been made of them; We have found none of them reproduced in any of the later editions. — 21 of these maps are on America and its parts, viz.: 1. Island of Gua-delupa. — 2. Island of Antigua. — 3 St. Christopher. — 4. St. Thomas. — 5. Lago de Maracaibo.— ÏEEDERIK MULUCH amp; 0°., |
Alsu the articles of the surrender of New-Netherlauil niiiy be found iu it. 3410 Vries (S. de) D\'Eodelsto tijdkorting rtor weet-giorigo verstanden, o! (ie grooto historische rjiri-teitkainer. Amaterd., 1682. vdlum. 8vo. \'2.50 (The most nohle pastime o/ inquisitive minds, or the great historical museum of curiosities.) Curious work. — Many passages relating to America. 3417 - Groot historisch Magazijn, opgevuld met ... aenmerckiycke stoffen, natuerwonderen, enz. Amst., 1G88. vellum. 8vo. 2..r)0 {Great historical Magazine ... of remarkable matters, wonderful events, etc.) Popular work, contain, some notices of America, 341 8--- llistor. Oeffeningen omtrent allerley aen- inerckiyeke stoffen, met bysonderheden van natuer en konst. Amsterd., 1080. vellum. 8vo. With engraved title by R. de Hoog he. 2.50 {Historical exercises on various remarkable matters, with specialities from nature and art.) Another work very similar to the preceding, containing also many notices of America. 3419 Vries (Maarton Gcrntsz.) Reize naar Japan in 1643. Uitgeg. door P. A. Lenpe. Met geo-graph. en ethuograph. aanteeken. van P. F. v. Siebold. Amst., 1858. With map and facsimiles. 8vo. — (Voyage to Japan in 1043. Fuhl. by P. A. Leupe. Ifith geograph. and ethnograph. notes by T. F. v. Siebold.) First and only edition of the original journal, held by C. J. Coen, of Vries\' memorable voyage to Japan. 3420 - Commandeur in dienst der Oost-lnd. Comp. 1022—1047, door P. A. Leupe. (Leeuw. 1858.) sm. 8vo. E.rtr. 1- Biography of M. G. Vries. 3421 Vruohten van \'t monster van de treves, toe-gevoeght aeu ... de Oost- endo West-lnd. Comp. (1030.) 4to. (Asher 138.) 2.ö0 (The fruits of the monster of the truce, addressed to the Ji. and IF.-1. Comp.) 8422 Vrije Politijke Stellingen en eonsideratien van Staet ... strekkende tot een ware verbeete-ringh van Staat en Kerk. Het eerste deel. Amst., P °A. Raep, 1065. uncut. 4to. (VIII, 44, IV pp.) quot; 25.- (Free political aphorisms and considerations of State serving for a true amelioration of State and Church. The first part.) One of those pamphlets, the title of which conveys no idea of the contents; it treats in reality of the advancement of mivigation and commerce, — and of a new system of colonisation for New Aether-land, Florida and Guiana. The spirited author of this highly interesting and till now quite unobserved pamphlet says in the very Remarkable preface that he wrote 3 years ago, at |
the request of some much embarrassed people, the! Kort Verhael v. Nieuw Net herland iN0. 2207 (republished as; Zekere vrye voorslagen), although he had never thought of writing a single line on political matters. — That book had been merely a first essay on the means of restoring to Holland the old force, energy and preponderance. Colonization abroad was one of the most prominent ones; abolition of the monopoly of the «flourishing E.-India and nearly dying W.-India Comp.,quot; and of every monopoly would be another. He promises in a 2d and 3d part (which were never published) to explain more fully his ideas. The book was reprinted in the same year by J. Venckel in Amsterdam. — This copy is signed by the initials of the author: J/. V, Z. H. as every copy of this original edition. 3423 Vrije (De) Vaart en Handel van deezen staat on de West-Indien verdedigd. Amst., 1758. lol. 1.50 (The free navigation of this country to the IFest-Indies defended!) 3424 Vrye Zoo (De). aengaende haere vryheyt in \'t varen en visschen voor de Vereen. Nederlanden, verdedigt tegen alle bcstryders der Oerechticheyt, insonderheyt teghen die hedendacchsche lloge-ringe in Engeland. No place. 1052. 4to. 2.50 (The free Sea, and the liberty of the United Provinces to sail and fish, defended against all the antagonists of justice, especially against the actual Gouvermnent of Great Britain.) Pp. 55—62 treat of the Herring- and Wliale-lishery and the pretentions of the English on Greenland and Spitzbergen. 3425 Waereld (De) in \'t Klein, of de spoedige reiziger, geevende een verhaal van ... yder land, \'s Gravenh., 1762. 2 vols, in 1. sd. uncut. 8vo. Stained copy. (The World in miniature, or the speedy traveller, giving an account of every country.) Very rare. Vol. 11. pp. il8—220 cont. descriptions of the different parts of America; pp. 161 — 67 treat of New-Netherlaml. 3420 Waorschouwingo ... Datum Groningen 1674. 1 sq. fol. sheet, destined to be posted on the walls. 1\'5() Advertisement of the W.-I. Comp. to its shareholders, regarding its new constitution. 3427 Waeyan (J. v. d.) en H. Wit.zius, Ernstige betniginge der Gerelorm. Kercke, aen hare afdwalende kinderen tot wederlegginge van do gronden van J. de Labadie ... Amst., 1070. hf. calf. 12ino. \'-TO (Earnest declaration of the Reformed Church to their deviating child cm, as a refutation of the doctrines of J. de Labadie.) 3428 Wagonaar (J.) Amsterdam in zijne opkomst, aanwas, geschiedenissen, koophandel, gebouwen, kerkenstaat, schooien etc. Amsterd., 1700—1802. 4 vols. Fine copy on largo paper, with numerous VHIES - WAGENAAR. and plates, l\'ol. 25.— |
the recpiest of some much embarrassed people, the:
Kort Verhael v. Nieuw Netherland i\\n. 2267 (republished as; Zekere vrye voorslagen), although ho had never thought of writing a single line on political matters. — That book had been merely a llrst essay on the means of restoring to Holland the old force, energy and preponderance. Colonization abroad was one of the most prominent ones; abolition of the monopoly of the uflourishing E.-India and nearly dying W.-India Comp.,quot; and of every monopoly would be another. He promises in a 2d and 3d part (which were never published) to explain more fully his ideas. The book was reprinted in the same year by J. Venckel in Amsterdam. — This copy is signed by the initials of the author: il. V. li. as every copy of this original edition.
3423 Vrije (De) Vaart en Handel van doezen staat op de West-Indien verdedigd. Amst., 1758. fol.
(The free navigation of this country to the IVest-Indies defended.)
3424 Vrye Zoo (De), aengaende haere vryhoyt in \'t vareu on visschen voor de Vereen. Nederlanden, verdedigt tegen alle bestryders der Gerochticheyt, insonderheyt teghen die hedendaeohschc Kego-ringo in Engeland. No place. 1652. 4to. 2.50
(The free Sea, and the liberty of the United Provinces to suit and fish, defended against all the antagonists of justice, especially against the actual Gouvernment of Great Britain.)
Pp. 55—02 treat of the Herring- and Whale-fishery and the pretentions of the Engli sh on Greenland and Spitsbergen.
34*25 Waereld (De) in \'t Klein, of do spoedige reiziger, geevondo een verhaal van ... ydor land, \'s Graven!)., 1762. 2 vols, in 1. sd. uncut. 8vo. Stained copy. 0.—
(The If\'orld in miniature, or the speedy traveller, giving an account of every country.)
Very rare. Vol. II. pp. 118—220 cont. descriptions of the different parts of America; pp. 161 — 67 treat of New-Netherland.
3426 Waerschouwingo . •. Datum Groningen 1674. 1 S([. fol. shoot, destined to be posted on the walls. 1.50
Advertisement of the W.-T. Comp. to its shareholders, regarding its new constitution.
3427 Waeyan (J. v. d.) en H. Witaius, Ernstige betHigingo dor Goretorm. Kercko, acn hare afdwalende kinderen tot wederlegginge van do gronden van J. do Labadie ... Amst., 1070. hf. calf. 12mo. 1.70
(Earnest declaration of the Reformed Church to their deviating child em, as a refutation of the doctrines of J, de Labadie.)
3428 Wagonaar (J.1 Amsterdam in i:i|no opkomst, aanwas, geschiedenissen, koophandel, gebouwen, kerkenstaat, schooien etc. Amsterd., 1760—1802. 4 vols. Fine copy on large paper,, with numerous maps and plates, fol. 25.—
Also the articles of the surrender of New-Netherlaud may be found in it.
341G Vries (S. de) D\'Eodelsto tijdkorting der weetgierige verstanden, oi\' do grooto historische rari-teitkamer. Amsterd., 1682. vellum. 8vo. quot;2.50
(The most noble pastime o/ inquisitive minds, or the great historical museum of curiosities.)
Curious work. — Many passages relating to America.
3417 -Groot historisch Magazijn, opgevuld met
... acnmerckiycke stoffen, natuenvondoren, enz. Amst., 1088. vellum. 8vo. \'2..r)0
(Great historical Magazine ... of remarkable matters, wonderful events, etc.)
roimlar work, contain, some notices of America.
3418 - Ilistor. Oeffeningen omtrent allerley aen-
mercklUeke stoffen, met bysondorheden van natuer en konst. Amsterd., 1080. vellum. 8vo. H ith engraved title by R. de Hooghe. 2.50
(Historical exercises on various remarkable matters, with specialities from nature and art.)
Another work very similar to the preceding, containing also many notices of America.
3419 Vries (Maarton Gorritsz.) Keize naar Japan in 1043. Uitgeg. door P. A. Lenpe. Met geo-graph. en ethnograph. aanteeken. van P. F. v. Siebold. Amst , 1858. I^ith map and facsimiles. 8vo. 3-7
{Voyage to Japan in 1043. Pnhl. by I . A. Leupe. With geograph. and ethnograph. notes by P. F. v. Siebold.)
First and only edition of the original journal, held by 6\'. J. Coen, of Vries\' memornble voyage to Japan.
3420 - Commandeur in dienst der Oost-lnd.
Comp. 1022—1647, door P. A. Leupe. (Leeuw. 1858.) sm. 8vo. Krtr. 1-—
Biography of M. G. Vries.
3421 Vruchten van \'t monster van do treves, toe-gevoeght aen ... «ie Oost- ondo West-lnd. Comp. (1030.) 4to. (Ashor 138.) 2.50
(The fruits of the monster of the truce, addressed to the M. and JF.-I. Comp.)
3422 Vrije Poli tij ke Stellingon en consideration van Staet ... strekkende tot eon ware verbeete-ringh van Staat en Kerk. Het eerste deel. Ainsi, f. A. Raep, 1605. uncut. 4to. (VIII, 44, IV pp.)
CFree political aphorisms and considerations of State serving for n true amelioration of State and Church. The first pari.)
One of those pamphlets, the title of which con veys no idea of the contents; it treats in reality of the advancement of navigation and commcrce, — anrf of a new system of colonisation for New Aether-land, Florida and Guiana.
The spirited author of this highly interesting and till now quite unobserved pamphlet says in the very Remarkable preface that he wrote 3 years ago, at
(AmUerdam in ill origin, progress, history, commerce, buildings, churches, schools, etc.) The 4th volume is rare. — This eminent work, founded entirely on authentic dooaments, contains valuable details of the history of the East- and West-India Comimnies, the commercial relations of Amsterdam with New■ Ne!herland, notes on the Brow nisfs, etc. 3429 Wagonaar (J.) The same, a fine copy on small paper. 15.— 3480 - Vadorlandsche Historie. Amst., 1749. 21 vols. — Byvocgsols en Naalezingen door v. WU11 on anderen. 7 vols. — Onmiddelijk Vervolg. 3 vols. — Vervolg, Amst. 1786—1811. 48 vols. — Together 79 vols. With many platen. Nicely hf. bd, 8vo. 90.— (History of the Fatherland, — with all supplements and continuations.) This eminent impartial, truthful and extensive work is still now consulted by all historians treating the history of the Netherlands and their colonies. The affairs of the West-India Company, the Dutch conquests in America, their wars with the Spaniards and Portuguese in Brazil and the West-Indies, the colony of New-Netherland are all treated in Wage-naar\'s History. — The continuation in 48 vols, is written by the Rev. P. Loosjes in a highly liberal strain and treats at length the history of the projected treaty of Amsterdam with the 13 Confederate States, on which so many pamphlets were written. 3431 [-] Memorie betr. de prysen door de Engel- sche gemaakt op schepen van dezen staat in de West-Indien. Amst., 1758. fol. 1.50 {Memorial concern, the prizes made by the English on vessels of this state in the West-Indies^ 3432 Waghenaer (Lucas Jansz.), Spieghel der Zeevaerdt vande Navigatie der Westersche Zee. IjOyden, Flantyn (van Ravelenghen), 1584. calf. Coloured charts, N0. 20 wanting. Title restored, fol. — Vehy uare. 40.— (Mirror of the Navigation into the IFitstern Sea.) Waghcnaer\'s marine atlas is the first ever published; it was once so popular that a book of charts generally was called a Wagoner (See: Montucla, Hist, des Malhémat. IV, 534). Though published many and many times, and in all languages, copies are now very rare. The present copy offers the first part of the first edition; the second part Appeared in 1585. It contains 23 charts, very fine engravings by John van Deutecom. This first part offers the coasts of Spain, France and England, with Dutch text; besides an introdnctiou of 40 pp.; nautical and astronomical observations, with figures amongst which that of a compass with revolvable diagram. See for a very ample account on this interesting work and its various editions: Fred. Muller, Essai d\'une Bibliographie Neerlando-Russe. 1859. pp. 127—132. |
Spieghel der Zeevaerdt ... Op nieuws door den Auctoor ... zeer ghecorrigocrt ende ... met sommighe nieuwe Caerten ... ghemeerdert. Lny-den, Fr. van Ravelengien, voor Corn. Claess tot Amst., 1588. 2 parts in 1. l)ds. fol. — Vert bare. 40.— (Mirror of the Navigation. Newly very much corrected and augmented with some new charts.) 3d edition, with Dutch text, not mentioned by Fred. Muller. — It contains 47 plain maps. The first part: Navigation into the Western Sea, Nquot;. 1—21, with a supplementary map Nquot;. 19*, the second part with separate titls; Navigation into the North and East (Baltic) Sea, maps N°. 22—40. — Engraved frontisp., 2 unnumb. leaves and 30 pp. text, with a map of the compass. — Good, large copy, only the margins of the frontispiece mended. 3434 Waghenaer (Luoas Jansz.) Speculum nauticum super navigatione maris Oeeidentalis con-tectum etc.... cum Historica descriptioneauctore Rich. Slotboom. Amst., Corn. Nicolai, 1591. Para prima. — Pars altera Speculi marini integram cum Borealis, turn Orient. Oceani navigationem... complcctens. Auctore L. J. Aurigarlo (i. e. Waghenaer), interprete M. Everarto, Brugensi. Ant-verpiae, J. Bellerus. 1591. — 2 parts in 1 vol. Plain maps. Uncut, fol. — Very bare. 55.— This Latin edition comprises 47 charts with much enlarged text. The 2d part offers the coasts of ♦he North- and Baltic Seas; Denmark, Norway, Hut-sia, etc. 3435 - Nieuwe Spieghel dor Zoevaert vande Navigatie der Westersche Zee, etc. Nu ten 4e raael ghecorrig. en vermeerd. met Caerten en Onderwysinghen, door Kich. Slotboom. Amst., Corn. Claesz. 159G. 2 parts with 2 differ, engrav. frontispieces. 1 vol. hf. vellum, fol. — Very rare. 40.— (New mirror of the Navigation into the Western Sea, etc. N.iw for the ith time corrected and enlarged with charts and instructions by 11. Slotboom), 4th edition, with Dufch text, and 49 charts, the same as in the Iiatin edition but enlarged with 2 new ones. The coast of Iceland and the northern part of Norway, both by William DarenU, the famous Arctic traveller, engraved by P. van der Keere, 1596. The last, that of Norway, is highly interesting as containing Barendtz\'s observations on his two first expeditions to the North, 343G - Enchuyser Zeecaertboek, inhoud, de ge- heele navigatie vande Onstersche, Noordsche, Rus-sche, Westersche ... ende voorderezeovaert,onz. Amsterd., Corn. Claesz., 1G05. hf. vellum, woodcuts. 8vo. 9.— (Maritime guide of Enchuysen, comprising the whole navigation of the Eastern, Northern, Russian, Western... lands.) Extremely scarce, the first copy we ever met with. Pp. 334—336 treat of the navigation to Brazil, with 3 woodcuts (Veruambuck, Caep do S. WAGENAAB - WAGHENAER. |
Sketch of the character of Washington. 3456 Washington. — Pierpont (J.) The Portrait. A poem delivered before the Washington Benevolent Society, of Newburyport, Oct. 27. 1812. Boston, 1812. uncut. — Very scarce. 3.— 3457 -- Smith (S. Stanhope), Oration upon the death of General Geo. Washington, delivered in the State-House at Trenton, I t Jan. 1800. Trenton, G. Craft, 1800. 8vo. 3.— Very scarce. Duplicate of the New Jersey Ills-tor. Society. — Slightly stained by water. 3458 - Ulster County Gazette, publ. at Kingston 3459 - Winthrop (B. E.) The Washington Chair, presented to the New York Ilistor. Society, 1857. N. Y. (1863.) 2 plater 8vo. 1,— 3460 - Washington\'s Birthday. Congressional banquet in honor of Geo. Washington. Reported and publ. by W. Ilincks and F. II. Smith. Washington, 1852. 8vo. 1.— 3461 - Winter (Lucretia Wilh. van, (van Merken), distinguished Dutch poetess, b. 1721 d 1789. — Autogr. Poem Signed, In French, on Washington. At the end; Envoyé (viz. to Washington) le 20 d\' Octobre, 1783. 6 pp. (21 Stanzas). 4to. 15.— 3462 Washington.—„Plan of the City of Washington in the Territory of Columbia ceded by the States of Virginia and Maryland to the U. S. of America.quot; Engr. by Thackara and Vallance. Philadelphia. 1792. Ig. sq. fol. — Very scarce. 15.— lu the left hand corner some: quot;Observotlons ei-planalory of the Planquot;, a plan but partly executed. 3463 Wasp (The) an American sloop of war, captures the English ship Forlic. 1813. French en-grav., by JSauyean. sq. fol. 2.50 3464 Wassenaer (Dr. CI.) on Bar. Lampe, Historisch verhael alder ghedenck-weerdichste geschiedenissen, die hier en daer In Europa, als in Duijtschlant, Vranckryck, Spaenglen, Nederlant enz. (van 1621 tot 1632) voorgevallen sljn. Am-sterd. 1622—32. 21 parts, in 7 vols, vellum. 4to. (Asher N0. 230.) — Pine copy. 125.- (Ilistorical account of the most memorahle events, which have occurred here and there in Europe, viz. in Germany, England, the Netherlands etc. from 1621—1632.) «This half-yearly Register is of immense importance to the history of America; it contains above 150 News of the Day relating to this part of the world, among which those on New-Netherland are the more worthy of consideration, as they are the first printed reports on this country, giving thousands of curious details and containing, undoubtedly, the most important information of the first attemps at the colonization of New-York.quot; Asher. |
Complete copies of this important work have become very rare. 3465 Wassenaer (Dr. CI.) en Bar. Lamps, The same work. Vol. I—IX. in 2. vellum uniform. 4to. GO.— These volumes are by far the most Important for the history of Amcrica. 3466 Watts de Peyster (J.) The Dutch at the North Pole and the Dutch in Maine, with Appendix. New-York, 1857—58. 2 parts. 8vo. 2.— Paper read before the New-York I listorical Society. 3467 - Secession In Switzerland and In the United States compared; tin annual address delivered before the Vermont State Historical Society. Catskill, 1863. 8vo. 1.25 3468 Webster (Dan.1 Eloquent Orator, eminent Statesman, Senator 1827—39. — A. L. S. to G. Bliss of Springfield, dat. Boston, April 18, 1820. 2 pp. 4to. 5.— 3469 - A. L. S. to Jer. Nelson of Newbury- Port, dat. Boston, Oct. 15, 1803. 2 pp. 4to. 5.— 3470 —— Speech in reply to Mr. Hayue, of South Carolina, relative the public lands. Delivered In the Senate. N. York, 1830. 8vo. 1.— 3471 Webster (Noah,) author of the Universal Dictionary and of the Elementary Spelling-Bnok. — A. L. S. to Sara. M. Hopkins of N. Y., dat. New Haven, July 3, 1810. 1 p. 4to. 3.— 3472 Weert (Seb. de) Kort ende waerachtlgh verhael van \'t gheene seeckere vjjf schepen, van Kottcrdam in 1598, 27 Juuii nae de Straet Ma-galanes varende, overghekomen is, tot den 21 January 1600 toe ... (Arast., 1646.) sq, 4to. (Tlele, 12c). 4.50 (Short and true relation of that what happened the five ships, sailing from Rotterdam 150S to the Strait of Magellanes, till 1600.) 36 pp., with 8 plates, no separate title. Konns part of the collection: Begin en Voortgangh (N0. 272—74). — The text is an abridgement of the first and extremely rare edition of 1600, (Tlele, N0. 1 la). — For the separate book at the end of that edition: Description of the Strait of Magellanes by John Outgersz, see N0. 2402. 3473 - The same. (Arast., J. Hartgers, 1648.) 4to. 4.50 No separate title. Forms part (pp. 61 to 92) of Hartgers\' edition of the journal of v. Neck\'s voyage to Hast-Ind. In 1598. See N0. 2215. 3474 - The sarae. (Amat., Hartgers, 1650.) 4to. Hare. 5.50 With 2 pi. Reprint of the preceding edition. — Forms pp. 44 to 78 of the voyage by v. Neck. Edit, of 1650. See N0. 2246. 3475 Weld (C. R.) Arctic expeditions. A lecture. Lond. 1850. map. 8vo. —.60 3476 Weld (Is.) Voyage an Canada pendant les années 1795—97. Trad, de I\'Anglals. Paris, 1800. WASHINGTON — WELD. |
3 vols. ad. uncut, maps and platei. 8vo. 3.— 3477 Weld (Is.) Keisen durch die Verein. Staa-tcn von Nord-Amerika, Ober- n. Unter-Kanada, 1796—97. Aus d. Engl. Berlin, 1800. 2 vols, plates, sd. 8vo. 2.50 3478 - Reizen door de Staaten van Noord-Ame- rika en Canada, \'s linage, 1801. 3 vols. sd. uncut, maps and plaits. 8vo. 2.— Tbc preceding work in Dutch. 3479 - Set of the plates from the Dutch translation 1801. 10 engravings by Roosing. sq. 4to. 1.50 3480 Weltbot (Neuer) mit sich bringend eine wahrhaffte Historie einiger von denen Patribus der GcKclIschaft Jesu in Paraquaria neu-bekehrten Völcker; samt ausfiihrl. Herioht vom Ainazonen-strom u. der Landschafft Guiana. Aus dam Span, u. Französ. Ubcrsetzet. Wienn, 1733. hf.hd., plate. 8vO. 4.50 German translation of three excessively rare works, originally published in Spanish and French, viz. 1°. Fernandez, Uelaciou de las missiones de los ludius, Ilamados Ohiquitus. Madrid, 1720. —-2quot;. Acuna, Nuevo descubriraicnto del Gran Kio de las Amazones. Madrid, 1641. — 3°, Grillet, Voyage en Gujanc. 1G74. 3481 Weltbuoh. Erst Theil von newen erfnnd-nen Landsehafften. Warhafftige lieschreibunge aller Theil dtr Welt etc. durch Seb. Franok voa Wörd. — Andcr Theil von Scliiffahrten. Wahr-hafl\'t. Beschreibunge aller und mancherley sorg-feltigen Schiftarten, auch viller unbekannten er-fundnen Landsehafften, Insulen, Königreichen, etc. Durch air. Schmidt von Straubingen.Pranck-furt, 15G7. — 2 vols in 1. Ms. fol. 12.— \'/This is one of the rarest, if not the rarest of the early German collection of voyages.quot; (Bibl. Gren-villiana p. 643.) This copy of the Welibuc/i wants 15 different leaves; the Voyage of Schmidel, in America and Brasilia is complete, and followed by that of Hans Staden from Homburg. 3482 Welt-Historie (Allgemeino) durch eine Ge-sellschalt von Gelehrten in Teutschland u. Engeland anagefertigt. Herausgeg. vou S. J. Baumgar-ten, A. L. Schlözor, Gattercr, J. G. Meusel, etc. Halle, 1744—76. 39 vols, calf gilt, many maps and plates. 4to. Fine copy. 30.— This great work is generally stated to be simply a translation of the English «Universal history, compiled from various authors, I/omi. 1736,quot; but this is only true for some parts. Many of the volumes are entirely new, and partly written by the best German historians of that time, for inst. the history of the Northern kingdoms (Sweden, Norway, Denmark) filling vol. 31—33 are by the celebrated A. L. Schliiier, etc. Three volumes (35—37) are nearly entirely filled with a history of the various East-Indian* Companies, established in England, Holland, Denmark, |
Sweden, France etc. and contain a detailed history of the discoveries and voyages to the East and to the South-Sea, illustrated with maps. 3483 West (EC.) Bidrag till beskrivelse over Ste Croix, med een kort udsigt over St. Thomas, St. Jean, Tortola, Spanishtown og Crabeneiland. Kiö-benhavn, 1793. calf. 8vo. 2.50 3484 West-India. — West-lndisohe paskaert, (Purtulano of the West-Indies). Amstclredam, Anthony Jacobsz. (1621 ?). Very large fol. 91 by 72. — Phinteu on vellum, with coloured arms.— Of great rarity. 75.— Hioiily intïresting map, separately issued, embracing the whole of the American coast from New-Foundland till Cape Hoorn, showing very distinctly the coast of Nova-Francia, New-Netherland, Virginia, Florida, Mexico, Brazil, etc., besides the larger part of Europe and Africa. — The only copy, besides this, which is known to exist, belongs to the collection of the Historian E. 15. O\'Callaghau of New-York, who has reproduced one fourth part of this map giving the coast of N. Netherl. etc. in the Documents for Colonial History. Vol. I. 3485 - West-Indies, and Central America. Large chart by J. Sikkena. Amst., G. v. Keulen (about 1725). Large sq. fol. 100 by 60. 3.— 3486 West-India islands. Amst.,/j. TiHon. (1765.) Coloured map. 45 by 35. 1.— 3487 - Wcst-lndia-lslands, with the adjacent coasts, by L. S. de la Rochette. Lond., W. Faien. 1796. sq. fol. 75 by 52. — Coloured\' pasted on cloth. 1.50 3488 - West-Indies (and adjacent coasts), by J. S. Speer, with additions of the latest navigators. London, R. Wilkinson, 1796. 2 sheets, large fol. Together; 117 by 71. — Coloured, pasted on cloth. Fine map, published with official approbation, signed J. Powuall, Plantation Office, 25 Jan. 1774. 3489 - Gezigten uit Neerlands West-Indiën, naar de natuur geteekend en beschreven d. G. IV. C. Voor duin, lith. d. Heemskerck van Beest. Amst. Buffa. (1860). Large fol. in cover. 15.— (Views in the IV. Indies, drawn an the spot ly Voorduin, lith. ly Heemskerck r. Beest.) IS Very fine chronios: views in Siuinam, Cn-ra9iio, St. Eustatius, Bonaire, etc. — With 2 maps and 11 pp. descriptive text. 3490 - quot;Free natives of Dominica,quot; „The West India flower-girl,quot; „The Barbadoes Mulatto-girlquot; and „The West India washer-woman.quot; Set of 4 plates, A. Brunias px., fine French engrav. by L. (I. Ruotte. (1790?) fol. — Full margins. 4.— 3491 -- Natives of Portorico, Cura^au and Lima. 3 old Dutch engrav., with address of P. Mortier. (1700?) sq. fol. — Full marg. 1.75 3492 -- Religious ceremonies of Espagnola and I the Caribee-Islands. 3 plates by Bern. Picart and I\'llKDERIK MUMJCK amp; C., WELD — WEST-INDIA. |
from Moore\'s Voyages, lol. 1.80 3493 West-India islaads. Sot of 9 views in Cuba, St. Domingo and G u a d a 1 o u p o. Engraved by Elliott, Rooter, Morris, (\'ami, Peake, etc. 9 fine plates, Ig. sq. fol. — Full marg. — From: Sandby\'s Recueil. 9.— 3494 West-India-man (A) in a storm. J. Vernc.t pi., aquatint by W. Carlos. 1834. sq. fol. \'2.— 3495 West-India-Comp. — Two requests to the Stadholder by the Directors of the West-India-Comp. and by some merchants of Amsterdam, regarding the free navigation to the colonies Esse-quebo and Demerary, 1771. — MSS. in Dutch. 23 pp. fol. 3.— Contemporary MS. cony, with some «Iterations by the hand of the historian J. I^ayenaar, 3490 West-Indië. Bijdragen tot do bevord. van do kennis dor Nedcrl. West-Intl. Koloniën. Onder redactie van II O. Focke, Ch. Landré, C. A. van Sypesteijn, F. (J. DumonHer. Haarlem, 1855 — 58. 2 vols, plates. 8vo. (8.—) 4.50 {Contributions to the knowledge of the Dutch ]Vest-Ind. Colonies.) All published. — Contains many valuable memoirs on the language, natural history, sanitary coudition, history, etc. 3497 (West Indies and Mauritius.) Blue-book. Part III. Stipendiary Magistrates. — Laws of Masters and Servants. — Courts of Appeal. -Tariffs. Lond. 1846. fol. 1.50 3498 West-Indisch Diacours, verhandelende de W.-lnd. Saecken ... Hoe die weder verbetert mogen worden ... Gedr. in \'t jaer 1653. 4to. (Asher Nquot;. 279.) 3.— (It\'cst-Ind. discourse, treating of the W.-InJ. affairs, how they may be again improved.) 3499 West-Indische Klapper, of liet leven van sommige Directeuren op de Plantagien in de Co-lonien der Nederl. West-Indien. A\'o place nor date (1768?) 8vo. — Rare. 2.50 (The ]yest-Indian Taller, or Life of some Directors on the Plantations in the Colonies of the Dutch If. Indies.) — In verses. On the unmoral conduct of the Directors. 3500 Wetherell (E.) Queechy, schetsen v. h. leven en den maatschappelijken toestand der Noord-Amerikanen. Uit h. Eng. Delft, 1853. 3 vols. sd. 8vo. (9.—) 3.50 (Sketches from the life and society of the N. Americains. Trans!, from the Engl.) 3501 Wetmore (A.) Gazetteer of the State of Missouri, with Appendix contain, frontier-sketches and illustrations of Indian character. St. Louis, 1837. cloth, map, plate. 8vO. 4.50 3502 Wette (L. de) Keis in de Vereenigde Staten en Canada, In 1837; Zalt-Bommel, 1839. 2 vols. sd. 8vo. (O. —) 2.— {Viryage through the Vn. States and Canada. Amsterdam. |
From the German.) 3503 Wette (W. M. L. de) Het Duitsch Godgeleerd Seminarium in Noord-Amerika. Amst., 1826. 8vo. —.60 (The German Theological Seminary in North-America. From the German.) 3501 Whee\'er (Dan.) Extracts from his letters and journal during a religious visit to the Islands of the Pacific Ocean, Van Diemen\'s Land and New South Wales. London, 1839. cloth. 8vo. 2.— 3505 Wheelock (Eleazar; the founder and first President of Dartraouth-College, 1754. — A. L. S. to Stephen Williams of Springfield, dat. Dartm. Coll. Aug. 27, 1773. 1 p. 4t(,. — With seal. 6.— Interesting letter on the weight of espense for the College «which is sometimes vtry trying and almost overbearing — I need your Prayers — God is my only Hope and Helpquot; — cet. 3506 Wheelock, John, son of Eleazar, 2d Pres. of Dartmouth-Coll., Lieut. Col. in the Revolut. War. — A. L. S. to Rev. David M\'Clure of East Windsor, dat. Dartm. Coll., March 17,1802. 2} pp. 4to. 3.— Interesting letter on collcgc-alfairs. 3507 --A. L. S. to General Eb. Mattoon, Memb. of Congr., dat. Dartm. Coll. Deo. 27, 1802. 2 pp. 4to. 3.— Fine letter on politics: quot;It is to be hoped, that the wheel of Legislation will move more easy tLan at the last session. Strange that we should make ourselves unhappy in the midst of so many blessingsquot; cet. 3508 White (G.) Historical-collections of Georgia, containing the most interesting (acts, traditions, biographical sketches, anecdotes, etc. relating to its history and antiquities, from its first settlement to the present time. New-York, 1854. sd, nearly 100 portraits, plates and woodcuts, roy. 8vo. (11.-) 5.- 3509 - Statistics of the State of Georgia, including an account of its natural, civil and eccle-siast. history, with a particular description of each country and notices of the aboriginal tribes. Savannah, 1849. cloth, col. map. 8vo. 6.— 633 pp. and Catalogue of the Fanua and Flora of Georgia, 77 pp. 3510 Whitfeld (H.) Farther Discovery of the prosent state of the Indians in New-England, concerning the progress of the Gospel among them, manifested by Letters from such as preached to them then. Lond., 1651. — Reprinted New York, Sabin, 1865. 4to. 6.50 3511 Wied (Maximilian, Prinz von), Reise nach Braailien. Frankfurt a. M. 1820—21. 2 vols. bds. uncut, roy. ito. IPith Atlas in 2 parts, cont.ii plates and 3 maps. roy. fol (78.—) 18.— Extraordinary copy on large vellum paper, with the 19 vignettes printed ou separate leaves; in the ordinary copies they are printed in the text. |
3612 Wied (Maximilian, Prinz von), Same work. Orrtin. paper. 2 vols. hf. calf. roy. 4to. With 19 vign., no atlas. 6. — Vol. II. pp. 302—332 contain nn essay on the Brazilian languages, with vocabularies. 3513 - Reise nach Braaillcn. Frankf. a. M. 1820—21. 2 vols in 1. bcls., 2 maps. 8vo. 3.— This eJition has not the illustrations of the 4to edition, but the same text, with the Braziliau vocabularies. 3514 - Voyage au Brésil. Trad, do rAllomand p. J. 13. B. Eyrlès. Paris, 1821. 3vols. 8vo. With Atlas of 44 plates and maps. fol. 8.— 3515 - Reize naar Brazillii. 1822. 2 vols. hf. hd, or sd. uncut, map and pi. 8vo. 1-50 Dutch translation of the preceding work, with the Braziliau vocabularies, ctc. 3516 - Heitriise zur Naturgeschichte von Brasi- lien. Weimar, 1825—33. 4 vols, in 5. hf. calf neat, plates. 8vo. (25.— ) 10.— 3517 - RecHCil do planches colorioes d\'animaux du Brésil. Weimar, 1822—31. half calf gilt. fol. Fine copy. (116.—) 30.— 90 beautiful coloured plates, with descriptions in French and German. A work of high scicntific value. 3618 Wiggers (J.) Qeschiehte der Evangelisehen Mission. Hamb. u. Gotha, 1846—4(i. 2 vola. sd. and hound. 8vo. 1.80 3610 Wilhelmi (K.). Island, Hvitramannaland, Grönland u. Vinland, odor d. Norrmanner Liebcn auf Island u. Grönland, u. deren Fahrten nach Amerika, sehon iiber 600 Jahre vor Columbus. Vorziigl. nach altscandinav. Quellenschriften. Ilei-delb. 1842. map. sd. 8vo. 1.80 3520 Wilkes (Ch.) Narrative of the United States\' Exploring Expedition, 1838—42. Condensed and abridged. London (1845.) cloth. 8vo. 3,— 3621 Wilkinson (James) General in the Revol. War. - A. L. S. to H. Glen, dat. N. Y. Sept. 4, 1799. 1 p. 4to. 3,— On Glen\'s son; quot;I expect to see him with a band of fine fellows, next spring or sooner, if we should come to blows on the Mississippi, which is far from impossiblequot; ... cet. 3522 Willemsen (Goeyvaort) v. Hollesloot, Die Caerte vande Oost ende West zee, by ver-scheyd. stuurluyden seer vermeerd. Harl., 1588. 4to. 25. - (The map of the Eastern and IFestern Sea.) With numerous coloured maps in woodcut. — One of the rarest early Dutch works on pilotage. 3523 Williams (J.) Narrative of missionary enterprises in the South-Sea-Islands, with remarks on the natural history, languages, etc. London, 1847. hf. Id , portr. and woodcuts. 8vo. 1.50 3624 Williams (Rich.) Mémoires. Rédigós et édités par J. Hamilton. Trad, de 1\'Angl. Vevay, 1867. am. 8vo. 1.50 |
The author was: »Chirurgien, catcchiste de la Socie\'té missionnaire pour la Patagonie et la Terre de Feu.quot; 3525 Wilson (J.) Zendelingsreis naar den Stillen Oceaan. Dordrecht, 1801—2. 3 vols. hf. bd., maps and plates. 8vo. 2.50 (Missionary voyage to the Pacific Ocean. From the English.) 3520 Wimmor (G. A.) Die EntMillung dea Erd-kreises, oder aligemeine Geschichto der geograph. Entdeckungsreiaen zu Wasser u. zu Lande. Wlen, 1834. 5 vols. sd. 8vo. 4.50 Vol. 4 and 5 contain the voyages to America and the South-Sea. 3627 Wimpfon (Baron van), Reize naar St. Domingo. Utrecht, 1800. 2 vols, in 1. hf. calf. 8vo. (Voyage to St. Domingo. Transl. from the French.) 3528 Winter (Jan de) Governor of Demerary in 1758. — A. L. S. (in Dutch) to Mr. P. J. van Oordt of Rotterdam, dat. St. Eustatius, Aug. 8, 1758. 3 pp. 4to. 2.50 On the very wicked manner in which the English privateers treat the Dutch possessions in Anicr., cet. 8629 Winter (N. S. van) Monzongo, of de Ko-ninklijke slaaf. Treurspel. Amsterd. 1774. 8vo. 1.50 (Monzongo, the royal slave. Tragedy.) 3530 Winthrop (Adam) Secretary of State. — S. D., dat. Aug. 16, 1734. 1 p. fol. — Uare. autograph. 10.— Proceedings at a meeting of the Comtniss. for the Indian affairs at the Council Chamber in Boston.— The Indians at Ilousatonach consent to receive instruction in the Christian religion, for which purpose a Minister will be appointed at a salary of X\' 100, etc. 3531 Winthrop (John) History of New-England from 1630 to 1649. From the original MS., with notes by Sam. Savage. New edition, with corrections and additions. Boston, 1853. 2 vols, cloth, portrait. 8vo. 12.— 3532 Wirt (William) Orator and Lawyer. — Last lines of an A. L. with the Signature. 1.— 3633 Wisconsin. — Report (1st—Sd Annual) and Collections of the State Historical Society of Wiaconsiu, for 1854—56. Madison, 1855—57. 3 vols. (Vol. 1. sd., Vol. 2 and 3. cloth.) 8vo. Interesting collection, containing communications and memoirs of the older settled Wisconsin counties and settlements; the French regime; Events in the North-West during the War of 1812—15; Stories of the pioneers; glimpses of the Red Men, ete. etc. 3534 - The same. Second annual Report etc. for 1865. Vol. H. Madison, 1856. bds. 8vo. 2.50 Cont.: II. S. Baird, Early history and condition of Wisconsin; J. II. Lockwood, Early times and WIED - WISCONSIN. |
events in W.; Personal narartive of Col. J. Shaw, (whose mother\'s father was J. Hollinbeck (Hollen-btek), native of Amsterdam) of Marquette Country, nSS—1855 ; D. M. Pwkison, Pioneer life in W., etc. 3535 Wiskomann (H.) Die Sclaverei. Leiden, 1866. 3d. 8vo. Prize-Essay of Ihe Society at the Hague for the defence of Christendom. (2.10) 1.50 353G Wislioenus (A.) Denkschrift üb. eine Reise nach Nord-Mexico, verblinden mlt d. Kxpeditlon d. ... Donniphan, 1840—47. Aua d. Engl, von G. M. v. Ross. Braunschw. 1850. sd. 3 maps. 8vo. (2.80) 1.50 3537 Wit (Fred, de). Atlas. Anist., F. de Wit (1675?) Bound in 3 vols. hf. calf. fol. 40.— The printed index on the reverse of the title of the lirst volume mentions only 102 maps; in this copy the number of maps has been augmented to no less than 311, all contemporary maps of the 17th century token from Blaeu, Visacher, Janssonius, Allard, etc. All the maps are blank on the verso, a circumstance which proves that this collection has been made from separately printed maps. The copy is very interesting for the American collector; it contains no less thau 6 different mappemunds, amongst which the rare map by C. Vtsscher (1652), with the views of Mexico, Havana, Pernambuco, Todos los Santos and 3 types of American Aborigines. — 2 maps of the Arctic Pole with Greenland, Labrador etc. — 7 general maps of America, amongst which that by N. J. Visscher 1636, with the portraits of Columbus, Am. Vespuocins, Magellan, Drake, Candish and O. v. Noordt, the views of Havana, Mexico, Pomeiooc, Urbs Virginiana, Carolina iu Florida, Phernainbnco, Carthngena, etc. 3538 --Atlas. Ainst., F. de If it (1680?) 3 vol. full russia, 192 Coloured maps and charts, roy. fol. — Fine copy. 35.— The first and second vol. contain the maps, the third is a supplementary one of 27 charts. At the end of the last volume a printed index is added, indicating in all 160 maps, the remaining 32 having been inserted by the former possessor to the present copy. — The American maps cited in the Index are numbered Nquot;. 129 — 133: (General map by rfe £cM); N. America taken from Janssonius; New-Netherland with New-Amsterdam by N. l-\'issc/ier: Insulae Ame-rieanae, South-America by Janssonius) and 8 charts (N0. 153— 160.) — The maps of America, which are added, arc: Carte de la Noov. France dressee pour la Comp. Fran^. Occidentale, with view of Quebec; Brazil (by Blaeu); Theatre de la guerre en Ainer. 1760, a large map iu 6 sheets by Ottens; Caraib Islands by Ottens; Berbiee and Surinam, 2 large maps by de Leth; general map of the South-Sea by de Leth (large map); Magellanica (Amst. I\'ve A. Visscher) — all coloured. 3639 --Atlas minor, etc. Amstelod. II. Wolfgang (1670 f) 163 Coloured maps with printed index. hf. calf. roy. fol. 25.— Most of the maps are taken from Blaeu and |
N. Visscher, which some eorreetions by F. de Wit, who has added a series of new maps made by himself. 18 Maps of America, amongst which a new general map by de Wit, the map of New-Netherland with the view cf New-York by N. Visscher, a map of the Oceanus Aethiopicus (Atlantic Ocean) with South-America and the Western part of Africa (by de IVit?), maps cf New Foundland, Florida, New-Spain, the Caraibic Islands, 8 maps of the different parts of South-America. 3540 Wit (Fred, de). Atlas. (Amst. 1670 ?) vellum. 73 Coloured maps and charts, fol. 20.— This volume contains exclusively maps of Asia, Africa and America and their parts, to which a collection of maritime charts is appended. — 24 maps of America, amongst which that of New-Netherland with view of New-Amsterdam by iV. Visscher. 3541 - Zee-Atlas. (Maritime Alias.) Amsterdam (1675). vellum. Coloured charts, fol. 15.— Contains 27 charts, all with address: F. de Wit, to which the frontispiece of Visscher\'s Atlas Minor is prefixed. Each chart has a nicely engrav. title by R. de Ilnoghe, giving ethnographica! and historical illustrations, f. i.: on that of the Pacific the portrait of Magellan. — Of American coasts 8 charts occur: the Pacific, West-Indian-Islands, Northern parts of America, New-Foundland, Nova Hispania, Brasil, S. Amcrica, Arctic regions. 3542 - Same Atlas, hf. calf. Coloured charts. 20.— Factitious Atlas to which the maritime Atlas of de Wit forms the basis, but the number of charts has been increased to 60, amongst which many maps and charts by N. Visscher, H. and C. Allard, P. Schenk, a. o. Beside» 3 plates of coats of arms and flags (amongst the last those of New-Kngland aud of the Dutch W. Indian Company.) — 8 Maps of America occur and the reduced copy of Visscher\'s map with view of New-Amsterdam (15 by 7 cen-tim.) occurring on the map of the Netherlands, by P. Schenk, 1705 (in colours and gold). See on the last Asher\'s List N0. 20. 3543 [Withuijs (C. G.)?] De meineed; tafereel uit het vergaan eener Noord-Amerik. stoomboot op het meer Champlain. Nym. (1860?) 8vo. 1.— (The perjury; scene from the shipwreck of a North-American Steamer on the lake Champlain,) 3544 Witsen (Nic.) Noord- en Oost-Tartarye, ofte bondig ontwerp van de landen en volken ... in Noord- en Oost-Asia en Europa. 2de druk. Amst., 1705. 2 vols. in 1. Butch vellum, or hf. calf uncut, maps and plates, fol. 10.— (North- and East- Tartary, or a description of the countries and nations in the North and East of Asia and Europe.) This celebrated work of the learned Burgomaster of Amsterdam gives an account of nearly all the great voyages of the Dutch in the North, East and South, with occasional notes of their voyages to the West. Vol. 1. pp. 157—187 cont. an account of the peoples of America, hshowing their protmilt |
origin from the Horth-East of Asia,\'\'\' mid uf the «Unknown South-Lands,quot; the voyages of Tnsmiin, elc. It is a work of iufinite research. 3545 Witsii (H.) Exercitationcs Academicao Ultra-jeeti, 1715. vellum. 8vo. 2.— Exercitatio I. II. (pp. 1—119): ])e Evangelio Americanis praedicato. 354G Witt (Corn, de) Ilistoiro dc Washington et de la fondation do la République dos Etats-Unis. Avcc unc étude histor. sur Washington, p. Gui-zot. Paris, 1855. hf. calf, map. 8vo. 1.80 3547 —— Thomas Jeftorson. Etude hiatoriquo aur la démocratie Américaino. Paris, 1861. sci., portrait. 8vo. 1.80 3548 Woensel (P. v.) Verhandeling overdeOeele Koortzo. {E.rtr. 1804.) 8vo. I.— {Treatise of the Yellow Fever.) 3549 Wolbers (J.) Geacliiodcnis van Suriname van de ontdekking van Amerika tot op den togon-woord. tjjd. Arast., 1801. With portrait, facsimiles etc. 8vo. 6.— {Hislori/ of Surinam from the discovery of America up to the present time.) 3550 Wolcott (Oliver) Statesman, Secret, of the Treasury, 1795—1800, Governor of Connecticut, 1818—27. — A. L. S. to Sam. M. Hopkina of N. Y. dat. Treaanry Departm., Aug. 24, 1798. 2 pp. 4to. 3.— On the manufacture of salpetre in America. 3551 - A. L. S. to John Pickering of N. Ilampsh., dat. Treas. Departm. Dec. 11, 1798. 3 full pp. 4to. 5.- Interesting letter on the best way to prevent a useless and injurious detention of vessels and property, without trnnsgressing an act of Congress, pas-led June 13, 1798, which suspended all commercial intercourse between the U. S. and J\'rance. 3552 - Remarks on the present state of currency, credit, commerce and national induatry. N. York, 1820. 8vo. 1.- 3553 Wolfe attacking the French Forcea near the Montmoroncy-Fall. 1759. Suntach direxit, engr. by Ch. Forst. Ig. sq. 4to. 3.— 3554 Wolfgang (A.) Atlas minor, novissimas Or-bis Terrarum tabulaa geograph. complcctens. Amat. (1680). hf. bd. 163 Maps in colours and gold. fol. — Rare. 20.— Contains several maps by Slaeu, I\'isscher, de Witt, a. o. — 19 Maps of America occur; Mar del zur, America, Mar del Noit, Terra Nova, Novum Belgium (Visscher\'s map with his address), Insulac Atnericanae, Nova Hlspania, Yucatan, His-paniola ct Cuba, Caribcs, Terra firma, Peru, Chili, Magellanica, Mar di Aethiopia, Parqnaria (Paraguay), Brasilia, Guiana, Venezuela. 3555 Wolfhart (Harm.) Journaol v. d. Voyagie naer O. Indien in 1601—3, vervat, de verniaerde ^eeslagh voor Bantam, teghen de Portug. Vlote. |
(Amat., 1646.) bds. sq. 4to. 3.— (Journal of the voyage to E. 1. in 1601—3, comprising the famous seafight before Jlanlam against the Portug. fleet.) No separate title; forms part of the collection: Begin en Voortgangh (N0. 272—74). — This edition is the only one in Dutch. 3556 Wolfing, De Fcbri Americana Flava. Lugd. Batav. 1803. 8vo. —.80 3557 - The same, printed in-ito. 1.25 3558 Woltersdorf (E. G.) Repertorium der Land-und Seekarten. Wlen. 1813. I. 174 pp. 8vo. — Only pari. 2.50 Contains ample information on the Atlases of Or-telius. Mercator, Jilaeu, a. o., on the editions of Ptolemaeus, etc. — Very interesting and rare. 3559 Wonderen dea worelda, vervattende douyt-atokenste vreemdighedon en verwonderenawaerdige saken, in alderleye gewesten dea Wereldts, etc. Amst., 1672. hf. bd. 4to. 5.— {Wonders of the world, containing the most remarkable curiosities in various countries of the world.) Curious collection, containing many articles concerning America. — At the end a MS. index. 3560 Wonderlicke Avontuer van twee Goe-liven, de cone ghenaemt Sr. Waterbrandt, ende de ander Joufvrouw Wintergroen ... na duysent avonturen ... medebrengende ... gout ende paer- ■ len uyt West-Indien. Leyden, N. Geelkerck, 1624. 4to. 10.— (Wonderful adventures of 2 lovers, the one called Mr. Waterbrand, the other Miss Wintergreen . . . after a thousand of accidents ... coming home with gold and pearls from the West Indies.) This rare and curious novel is interesting to the general reader, but particularly to the American Amateur, because its acts for the greater part on American ground. 3561 Woodbury (Levi) Governor of New Hampshire, 1823. — A. Billet, in the 3d person, to Mr. Mc. Lane, dat. Febr. 8, 1828. 3 lines 8vo. 1.50 3562 Woods (Leonh.) Professor in Theol. in the Seminary at Andover. — A. L. S. to an Amer. Minister, dat. Andover, Apr. 27, 1816. 2 pp. 4to. Church-affairs. 3563 Woodward (J. J.) Report on epidemic cholera and yellow fever in the army ot the United States, 1867. Washingt., 1868. ito. 3.— 3564 Wright (Miss) Voyageaux Etats-Unisd\'Amé-rique, ou observations sur la société, les raoeurs, les usages et lo gouvernement de ce pays. Trad, de I\'Angl. p. J. T. Parisot. Paris, 1822. 2 vols. sd. uncut. 8vo. 2.— 3565 - Tafereelen van Noord-Amorika, of Reize door de Vereenigde Staten. Amaterd. 1822. 2 vols. |
sd. 8vo. 2.— Dutch translation o; the preceding work. From the English. 3566 Wulp (J. K. van der) Catalogus van do Tractaten, Pamflotten, cnz. over do goachiedenis van Nederland, aanwezig in do Bibliotheek van laaac Meulman. Aniaterd. 1866—68. 3 vols. bds. roy. 4to. Strong Ihdrh paper. 17.50 (Catalogue of the Tracts, Pamphlets etc., on the histon/ of Netherland, in the Library of Isaac Meulman.) A most valuable supplement to Tiele\'s Library of Dutch Pamphlets (Nquot;. 3202) going to the year 1713, and containing 9107 pamphlets not mentioned in that publication. The work is privately printed in 300 copies, never put into commerce, and only distributed to friends and libraries at home and abroad. — The collection itself, of 19106 pamphlets, including (with some very few exceptions) also all those collected by t\'red. Muller, is now at the Library of the University of Gand (Uclgium). — These volumes include not only many very rare tracts on America, but a sreat number of East and West Indian voyages, inserted by Mr. Meulman into this collection, although not properly belonging to that class of publications. 3567 Wurffbain (L.) Uelatio historica Habspur-gico-Austrlaca, durch was mittel das . .. Hauaz der Ertz-Hertzogen zu Oestorreich in Europa, Africa, Asia anil A merk\'a zu denen ... Konigrei-chen etc. ... kommen und gelanget. Niirnb. 1636. vellum, fol. 8 — At the end of the vol.; Demonstratio genealogiea Undolphi I Hahsburgensi. 3568 Wijk Rz. (J. V.) Korte schets der Nederl. ontdekkingen. Gron. 1842. Svo. - .60 {Succinct account of the Dutch discoveries.) 3569 - Ontdekkingsreis der Engelschon naar de Noordpool. (Exlr. 1820.) 8vo. —.50 (On the Enqlish voyage of discoverij to the North-Pole.) 3570 Wyland (J. P.), Journaal ... van het voorgevallene in do Colonic van Kio Bcrbiece, beginn. met do Kevolte der Negers, 6 July 1762 ... 11 July 1763. Amsterd. (1763.) Uncut. 4to. 2.50 (Diary of all that occurred in the Colony of Km Her bice, from the Rebellion of the Negroes, 6 July 1762 till 11 July 1763.) 3D71 Wynkelmann (Haus Just) Der America-nischen Neuon Welt lieachreibung, darinnen deren Erflndung, Lagor, Natuv, Sitten, Barbarey ... Beneben einer wunilerbaren Schiffart uach ISra-ailicn Hans von Staden. Oldenburg, 1664. vellum, portr. of the author at p. 229, very curious wood-engravings. sq. 4to. Scarce. 22.— The author ardently defends the American rights of the Dutch West-lnd. Comp. — The voyage of H. Stade was made in 1548. |
N. York. Freech, 18(50. clot/i. roy. 8vo. G.60 Among the principal libraries mentioned in this work, are those of John Allan, Geo. Bancroft, Thorn. P. Barton, J. Carson Brevoort, Rev. Dr. Chapin, Alm. W. Griswold, W. Menzies, H. C. Murphy, etc. — The engraved froutisp represent the interior of the library of W. Curtis Noyes. — Witii pencil-annotations of Mr. S. Aiofseu. 3573 Wytfiiot (Corn.) Dcscriptionis Ptolemaicao auginentuni, sive Occidentis notitin. Brevi com-mentario illustr. ct hac secunda editiono magna sui parte aucta. Lovanli, G. Rivius, 1508. green calf gil\\y 19 maps of America. Ibl. — Fins copy, 18.- 2d edition of Wytflict\'s American Atlas, which is the first special one of the New-World. The first edition is of 1597. It contains 19 very well engraved n aps, each occupying 2 pages, remarkable for their correct and ample detflils. 3574 - The same edition, waniiny map I, 0, 15; else a good tall copy, 8.— 3575 - The same. Dnaci, A pud Vrmc Fabri, 1G03 old calf. fol. Tall copy. 16.— The title bears the notice 2d edition, and indeed the text, as well as the maps, are exactly the same as in the preceding edition of 1598. It is no doubt the same book, as published in 1598, only wivh the address of Fr. Fabri of Donay and with the year 1603. The only difference is, that it has not the leaf after the preface: In (■. Wyffliet,., Epigrammat in place o( which a blank leaf is inserted. 3570 --Histoire universolle des Indes Oceiden- tales. Nouuellement traduicte; ou il esttraictéde leur descouverte, deseription et conqueste faicte par les Castillans etc. Douay, Franc. Fabri, 1607. vellumt 19 maps. fol. 22.— French translation of Wylfliet, with the same 19 maps as in the preceding J/atin editions. The text is not a mere translation, but has considerable changes and augmentations. Bound up in the same volume: Magi n (A n t.) Histoire univcrselle des Indes Urientales. Nouvellcment traduicte, contcnant la desconverte etc. Douay, Fr. Fabri, 1007. fFith 4 small maps on 1 leaf. — La Suite de Thistoire dus Indes Orientales, de la conversion des Indiens. Ibid. 1007. 3577 Xeroz (Fr. de) Geschiclite der Entdeekung u. Eroberung Peru\'s. A us dem Spanischen von Ph. H. Külb. 8tuttg., 1843. 8vo. 1.25 //The author of this history, Fr. de Xerez, accom-panied Pizarro as secretary, during his expedition to Caxamalca; he relates therefore as an eyewitness. His narration ends at the death of Atabaliba. We have completed the history from the impartial and trustworthy work of A. de Zarate.quot; Preface. 3578 Yvon (Pierre) one of the heads of the La-badist-Sect. — A. L. 8., address cut otï, dat. Wie-wert, Aug. 16, 1675. 2| pp. 4to. 6.— Interesting letter, written in defence of Labadie, York. |
3595 (Ziegler, Jac.) Syria, Palentina, Arabia, Ae-ti\'yptus, Schondia, Holmia. Argentorati, 1532. 8 maps, hf. vellum, sin. lol. 24.— First edition, Vkkï hare. Highly interesting fur the ancient geography of the Northern countries (Schondia), leaves 85—1S8; it contains also a remarkable notice on tin Voyage of Cabot in America. — The work is illustrated by eight maps in woodcut, the last of which represent Schoiulia. Safe a few MS. annotations in the margins, a very fine, clean and tall copy. On the title the autograph inscription; «Sum llumfredi Lloyd. 156C.quot; — Kx Uibliotheca Isaaci Vossii. Duplicate of the University Library at l,eideii; stamp on the title. 3506 - Amorica, das ist, Erflndung und Offen- balming dor Nowon Welt, doroselbignn Volker, Gestalt, Sittcn, Gebrilucli, Policey u. Gottcsdicnst, in dreyssig vornonisto SfliifiTahrton kilrtzlich u. ordentlich zusamniengcrasaut ... in Truck gego-ben von J. Th. da Bry. Franokfiirt a. M., N. Uoff-man, 1017. Many maps and. plains, bds. tol. l;i0.— Excessive rare abridgment of the Grand Voyage» of Ue Hry, containing the Ü first parts. Good, large copy; the title-plate mounted, some of the margins not quite clean and a few worm-holes at the last live leaves only. 3597 Zimmerman amp; Lauge have imported and Just now opened, a general ... ^Assortiment of European Dry Goods etc., at their Store in Savannah, Georgia, (about 1800.) 8vo mounted in-4to. |
Very rare card of address, etched by E. Langen-dyk at Uotterdam ,\'Nctherlund.) 3598 Zirokel (O.) Schetsen uit en over de Ver-Uit h. Hoogd. Groning. 1851. id. (1.90) 1.— from the Vniied Stales. — From the 3599 Zorgdrager (C. G-.; Bloojjende opkomst der aloude en hedendaagadie Groenlandsche visschery. l\\Iet eeno histor. beschryving der Noordore Gewesten: Groenlandt, Vslandt, Nova Zeiubla, Jan Mayen Eilandt, de Straat Davis, cnz. Met byvoe-glng van do waJvisulivaugst ... door A. Moubach. Amst., 1720. vellum, maps and plates. 4to. Vine copy. First edition, 3.50 (Flourishing rise of the old and new Greenlan-dish fishery; with an histor. description of the Northern countries: Greenland, Iceland, Nova Xnnbta, Jan Muyen\'s Island, Straits of Davis etc. With addition of the W k-de fishery, by A. Moubach.) Same edition, lieautiful copy on large paper, urn. 5.— 3001 —— The same. 2d edition, augmented.\'s Gra-venhago, 1727. calf, maps and plates. 4t0. 2.50 een. Staten. 8vo. (Sketches German.) 3G02 - The same edition. Uncut copy. Rare in this stale. 3G03 - 4.— — The same. Amst., 1728. vellum. 4to. 2.50 The same ua the preceding edition, only with a uew title. |
214 large and in the finest condition; the upper margin is slightly stained by water, of so little importance that the late owner has covercd the book with a very fine binding, perfect imitation of the biudings at the period of its publication. 3625« Brandt (Seb.) Aff-ghebeelde Narren Ainsterd., J. Ez. Cloppenbunjh. Itlrf old woodcut», fine portrait and title-plate on copper, vellum, sin. 4to. 3,5\'T Rare edition in Dutch, with the same woudcuts as in the edition of Antwerp 1584. - Very small wormhole in the margin of the 10 last leaves, else a fine tall and copy. 3620 Brissot do Warville (J- P ) Nouveau voyage dans !cs Ktats-Unis tie lAmori(|ue. 1 aiis, 1791. 3 vols. h[. calf. 8vo. quot;■ 3627 Brothers (Rich.) A revealed knowledge ot the prophecies and times. — Letter to Ph. bte-phens. — Extracts from the prophecies of C. Love (1651), Kotterus (1621), Poniatonia (1028). — Account of the Lords dealings to Mrs. Mary Moore. -Turner, Testimony to the prophetical mission of li. Brothers etc. London, 1794—95. 8 parts m 1 vol. calf. 8vo. Vertj curious. 4.— 3628 Bry (Do) Petit Voyages. German Text. — Appendix d. Vill. Theile d. Oriental. Indien, lie-greifi\'end drey Schiffarten, von Corn. Niclas, untcr ...J. v. Keck (1600—1604), von Com. v. d. I en {1602—1C04). von St. v. d. llagen (1603—1606). Ausz. Niderl. Sprach ... besehrieben von G. Ar-thus. Franckf. 1606. 7 plates (N». \'2 wanting) W mat), tol. . m \' i. Capture and view of Amaco, Amboina, lernate, etc. — Contains also: Ursachen der Hollander diese wcitgelegene Oerter zn ersuchen und sich wieder die Spanier u. Portngescn daselbst feindtlich zu erzeigen, durch B. P(aludaiiut.) — See Nquot;. 501—511. 3629 Calender (Historisch-genealogischer), oder Jahrbuch d. merkwiirdigsten neuen Welt-Begeben-heiten fttr 1784, Leipz. (1783.) plates. 18ino. G.— This small curious work contains 12 plates representing the principal scencs of the War of Independence 1763-83, engraved by Chodowiecki, map and 6 plates of portraits, medals and coloured costumes, with descriptive German text. 3630 (Oalkoen (H.)l Het politiek aystema van do Regeering van Amsterdam ... tegens de bcschiil-diging van ... Vorke verdcedigd. 4e druk. Mid\' delb. (1781.) 8vo. ^50 {The political System of the Regency of Amsterdam ... justified against the accusations of ... JVAc.) On Amsterdams conduct during the American War. — See N0. 563. 3631 Campe (J. H.) Déeoiiverte de lAmérique. Trad, de rAUemand. Hambourg, 1784. 3 vols. maps, hf. calf. 8vo. „ ^60 The Uutch edition see Nquot;. 574, 7ö. 3682 Carta de M. a M. con algunos observacioncs |
sobre los antiques limites de la Acadia- 19 pp. Utilidades que resultan del nuebo concordato ala corona de Hespana qsus vasallos. 9 pp. Fr. Mar. Nipho, Politica de consejo y exem-plo, expllcada eon preceptos. 17 pp. Obrapio medio de remcdiar la misena de la gente pobre de Espaua. 134 pp. Hortensio, Proposicion do doce sujetos al Key philipe IV, 1626. 13 pp. — 1 vol. MS. about 200 pp. bound in green silk. sill. 4to. , The first piece is an historical dissertation on the important dilierenccs between England und France on Canada, 1755, on Cape Breton, etc. — Contemporary MS. in neat handwriting. 3633 Cassin (J.) Illustrations of the birds of Cali-fornia, Texas, Oregon, British and Russian America. Philad., 1862. With 50 beautifully coloured plates, cloth, roy. 8vo. 24. 3634 Catesby (M.) Natural History of Caroline, Florida, and the Bahama Islands. Lond. 1731. 2 vols, in 4. 200 finely coloured plates of Uirds, Beasts, lishes, Reptiles and Plants, with descriptive tcj-t, old calf gilt. imp. fol. 60. Original edition. 3635 [Cayet (P. V. Palma)] Chronologie septe-naire de l\'histoire de la Paix entre les Koys de France et d\'Espagne, conten. les choses les plus meuiorables adveuuës en France, Espagne, ... et autrcs endroits de I\'Europe: avec le succez de plusieurs navigations i\'aictes aux lades Orient., Occident, et Septentr., 1598—1604. Paris, J Richer, 1609. calf gilt. 8vo. — Fine copy. 20.— «Contains details of voyages to the_ East and West Indies, more particularly Canada, from 1598 to 1664, ... the expedition of l)u Pont to Canada in 1603\', as described by Champlain.quot; Sabin.— ^Ouvrage ciiricnx et bien écrit.quot; Brunei. quot;It forms introduction to the Mercnre Franijois. See Nquot;. 2099. 3036 Columbus. Select letters, with other original documents relating to bis four voyages to the New World. Translated anil edited by R. H. Major. London, 1847. cloth. 8vo. 8. -- Published for the Hakluyt Society; only printed for the members. 3637 - F 01 i e t a (U b.), Opuscula varia. Do linguae Latinae usu et praestantia. Clarorum Li-gurum elogia. Romae. 1579. vellum. 4to. — See N«. 700, 707. ^ ^ fi-\'- Contains the elogy of Christoph. Columbus. — In the same vol.: Ant. Possevinus, Cicero collatus cum ethnicis et sacris scriptoribus. Patav. 1593. 3638 Cook (James) Voyages autour du monde. Trad, de l Angl. Paris, 1774-89. 16 vols, numerous maps and plates, hf. calf gilt. 4to. 18. Fine complete set of Capt. Cook s Three Voyages, viz : Uawkesworth\'s Voyages dans rhémisphère meridional: — Voyage dans rhémisphère austral et autour du monde; - Troisième voyage a 1\'océan Pacitique, etc. — Vie du Capit. Cook, par Kippis.— Fuudkhik MUI.I.BU amp; C0., BEA.NDT - COOK. |
AH uniformly hound in old calf gill. 3639 Cook (Jam.) — Engel, Reniarques sur la partie de la relation du voyage du Capit. Cook, qui couccrno 1c détroit cntre l\'Asie et l\'Amérique. Trad, de rallem. et augmentée. Berne, 1781. col. map. uncut. 4to. Scarce. 1.50 3640 Copye van eenen brleflf van oenen vrientaen (leu anderen geschreven, nopende het redres van de Oost-lnd. Compaignie. No place. (1022.1 4to. (Asher Nquot;. 89). 1.50 ((\'opy of a letter wrilten by a friend on the subject of the reformation of the East-India Comji.) 3041 Cranz (D.) Historie von Grönland, enthalt. die Beschreib. d. Landes u, (1. Einwohner, insbe-sond. die Geschichten d. dertigen Mission. Nebst Portsetzung. Barby, 1705—70. 3 vols. 8 plates and maps, hf. calf, uncut. 8vo. — See N0. 834—37. 3.— 3043 Dallas. — Brief memoir of G e o. M i f f 11 n Dallas, of Philadelphia. Philad. MVi. portrait, hf. mor. imp. 8vo. 1.60 3644 Danckers (J.) Atlas. Amsterdam (1080.) old calf (jilt. imp. fol. 10.— Contains 100 coloured maps with index, amongst with Map of the Globe, General map of America, West-Indian Islands, New Netlieriand on which the view of New Amsterdam, which Danckers\' address and inscription: Xieuw-Yorck, (Asher\'n List iV. 19.) — See N0. 880,87. 3045 Darwin (,Ch.) Journal of researches into the Geology and Natural History of the countries visited by H. M. S. Beagle. (South America.) Lond. 1839. maps, cloth. 8vo. — See N0. 3411. 5.25 3040 Do Foe \'vD.) Leven en wonderbare gevallen van Robinson Crusoe. Amsterd., J. Morterre, 1752. 2 torn. 1 vol. plates and map. sd. 8vo. 7.50 3047 - The same. Amst. en Rotterdam, 1791. 3 vols, map and plates, sd. uncut. 8vo. 0.— N0. 4046—47: Dutch translations of De Foe\'s Robinson Crusoe, all very rare. 3648 Denham, Clapperton et Oudney, Voyages et découvertes dans le Nord et dans les parties centrales de 1\'Afrique, 1822—24. Trad, de I\'Angl. par Eyries et de Larenaudiére. Paris, 1826. 3 vols. sd. 8vo, and Atlas of maps and plates. in-4to. 3.50 Contains vocabularies of the languages of Tim-boctoo a. o.; treatises on the natural history, etc. 3649 Discours (Levendich) vant ghemeyne Lants welvaert, voor desen de Oost, ende nu oock do West Ind. generale Compaignie aenghovanghen. Ghedruokt by Broer Jansz. 1622. 4to. (Asher N». 99.) 2.50 (Lively Discourse on the welfare of the Country, |
formerly by the East-, now also by the West-India Camp.) 3650 Dittelbach (P.) Verval en val der Labadis-ten of derselver leydinge, wyse van doen... in hare colonien of volkplantingen, nader ontdekt. Amst., 1692. sd. 4to. 22.— (Decline and fall of the Labadists, or their conduct, mode of proceding... in their colonies... exposed.) With references to the Labadist colonies in Ncw-Netherland. — Very rare. 3051 Domenech (Abbe Em ) Seven years residence in the great Deserts of North America. Lond., 1800. 2 vols, cloth. 8vo. 7.50 Illustrated with 58 coloured woodcuts, 3 plates of ancient Indian music and a map. — Vol. II pp. 104—189: Vocabularies of North American languages. 3651« Donckei\' (HL) Nieuw Groot Stuermans Zee-Spiegel. Amsterd., 11. Doncker. 1004. 3 parts. 84 plain maps and mam/ woodcuts. 1 vol. vellum, large fol. 15.— {New Great Sea-Mirror.) A description of the Eastern, Western and Northern navigation and of the Mediterranean, with maps and delineations of the coasts, preceded by nautical instructions etc. — Especially interesting for the Northern Seas, the coasts of Iceland, Strait Davis, Jau-Mayen Island, Old Greenland, Spitsberg and Nova Zembla. Another and different atlas, as mentioned Nquot;. 957 —963. 3652 Dozy et Molkenboer, Prodromus Florae Bryologicae Surinainensis. Ace. Pugillns Florae Bryolog. Venezuelanae. liaarl. 1854. 19 plates, sd. 4 to. 5.50 3053 Drake (Francis), His Voyage, 1595, by Thom. Maynarbe, together with the Spanish account of Drake\'s attack on Puerto Rico. Edited, from the original MSS. by W. D. Cooley. Lond., 1849. cloth. 8vo. 7.— 3654 Dumont d\'Urville (J.) Reise nach dem SUdpol und Ooeanien, nebst Reisen auf Neu-Hol-land und Tasmanien. Herausgeg. von Fr. Hein-zelmann. Leipz., 1851. map and plate, sd. 8vo. 1.50 3655 Duyl (A. G. C. v.) De Journalen van do eerste reis der Nederlanders naar Oost-Indien. (Extr. 1808.) 8vo. 1.— (The Journals of the first voyage of the Dutch to East-India.) Cont. a valuable abstract of lluutman\'s narrative, with a comparison of its editions, and at once a review of Mr. Tide\'s Memoire (see N0. 3202.) 3650 Eys (W. J. van) Dictionnaire Basquo-Fran-(jais. Paris et Lond. (Amst.) 1873. XLV1I1 and 415 pp. sd. 8vo. 13.— Contains four dialects: «le Guipuzcoan, le Bis-caien, le Labonrdiu ct le bus-Navarrais,quot; |
3604 Acta (Clasaicalc) van Brazilië. (Utrecht, 1873). Extr. 116 pp. 8vo. Acta of the Directors of the Dutch Reformed Church in Brazil, 1036-44., published from the Itecorda of the Church in the Province of Utrecht, by Dr. J. A. Grothe. — See Is\'0. 441. 3G05 Adams (J.) Correspondence with several ci-tiiens of Massachusctta concerning the charge of a design to dissolve the Union. With additional papers, illustrative of the subject. Washington, 1829. 8vo. i-50 3606 Amandi Zierixeonsis Chronica conipen-diosa ab exordio rmindi usque ad a. 1534. Adiec-tae sunt epistolao II Christ. Regis Aethiopiae Davidis ad Clementem VII, 1533. Aliae quoque 111 epistolae ex Nuva maris Oceani Hispania nd noa transmissae, do fmctii mirab. illic surgentis novae ecclesiae. Antwerp., Simon Cock, 1534. blanc vellum, fine copy. 8vo. Vert/ rare. — llarnsse Nl).)186. 3607 Articulen ... heraemt by Bewinthebberen der West-Ind. Couip. over het open ende vrü stellen van den handel ende negotie op Olmda do Pernambueo ende ensten van Brasil. Amst. 1630. 4to. (Asher N0. 160). {Article) of the West-lnd. Company, on the opening and exemption of the trade to Olinda de Pernambueo and the coasts of Jlrazil.) 3608 Autograph Portfolio; a collection of Facsimile Letters from eminent persons. Lontl., K. Glynn, 1837. cloth. 4to. amp;•— Among the 4Ü unpublished letters here collected, there are from B.uj. Krankliu, Kosoiuszko, Will. Penn Will. Pitt, Goo. Washington, John Wilkes, Descartes. Frederick the Great, Sam. Johnson, Mart. Luther, W. Temple, Paul Veronese a. u. |
3600 Avondt Discours tusschen een raedts-heer, een doctor, en een Walsch predicant, rakende Jean de La Badie. Amst, 1660. 4to. \'2.50 (Evening-Oiscuurse between a counsellor, a doctor and a ll\'alloon minister, concerning Jean de La Badie.) 3610 Bakhuizen v. d. Brink (R. C.) Isaac Lo Mairc. (Biography in Dutch.) Amstcrd., 1865. 8vo. —.60 See the other accounts of this interesting voyage infra nnder Nn. 1840, 2916—25. 3611 Bard (Sam. A.) Waikna; or adventures on the Mosquito Shore. Lond., 18o5. Hrith 60 illuifrations, cloth. 8vo. 1.75 3612 Barrington (D.) The possibility of approaching the North Polo asserted. New edition, with an Appendix by Col. Beaufoy. 2d edit. Lond., 1818. maps, bds. 8vo. 3613 (Boccaria) Traité des dclits et des peines. Trad, de I\'ltal., avec le commentaire. Philadel-nhia, John Hubert, 1775. calf. Hill. 8vo. Kare edition. 3014 Benoit (P. J ) Voyage a Surinam. Description des possessions Néerlandaises dans la Guyane. Bruxelles, 1839. With 100 plates lithoyr. by Madou and La uiers, hj. calf. fol. 20.-— 3G15 Bonsou (Egbert) Vindication of the captors of Major Andre. New-York, 1817. ^vo. 5. Sabin\'s Reprints N0. 3. New York, 1865. Only 200 copies printed. 3616 Berenger, Collection de les Voyages faits autour du monde, par les dif-órentes Nations de 1\'Europe. Paris, Lans. et Gen., 1788 -80. 9 vols, plates, marbled calj gilt. 8vo. — Fine copy. |
3617 Beaohryving (Nieuwe) der Walvisehvangst en Haringsvisschery. Amst, 1791. 4 vols. scl., 21 inapt and plates. 4to. 3.50 (New description of the whale- and herring-fishery with his tor. and other details.) New edition of N0. 3444, 45. 3618 Beyard (Nic.) and Ch. Lodowick, Journal of the Late Actions of the French in Canada. Lond., 1693. — Reprinted for Jos. Sabin, New York, 1868. bds. Aio. 6.— Reprint of an extremely rare Tract, made from a copy in the Library of the late Mr. John farter Brown, of Providence, the only known to the publisher. — Printed only in 150 copies. 3619 Bibliothek (Neue) der wichtigsten Reisebe-schrelbungen ... gesammelt nnd herausgeg. von 7\'\'. J. Beriuch und Anderen. Weimar, 1815—30. 55 vols, in GO parts: many maps and plates. 8vo. 15.— Important collection of translations of the most interesting voyages, viz.: Lewis and Clarke, America; Salt, Abyssinia; Danxion-Lavayssee, Trinidad, Ta-bago, etc.; Flinders, Australia; Koster and Esch-wege, Brasilia; Peron and Freycinet, Australia; Basil Hall, Mariner, Bowdich, Burkhardt, Caldcleugh, Hamilton, Stevenson, Ward, Weddell, etc., etc. 36\'20 Bigelow (L. J) Bench and Bar: a complete digest of the wit, humour, asperities, anil amen-ties of the law. New York, 1867. portraits and illustrations, cloth. 8vo. 3.25 «The Chief Justices of the ü. S. — Anecdotes of distinguished Advocates of the U. S. — Anecdotes of the Western Bar,quot; etc. 3621 Blancliard (P.) Voyageur de lajeunesse dans les quatre parties du monde. Paris, 1804. 6 vols. 64 plates of costume (14 of natives of America), hj. calf. sm. 8vo. 2.50 3622 Bossu, Nouveaux voyages dans rAmérique Septentrionale. Nouv. edit. Amst. et Paris, 1778. 2 plates, calf. 8vo. — Small wormhole in the margins. 2.50 See N0. 395, 396. 3623 Braght (T. J. V.) Der Blutige Schau-Platz oder Martyrer-Spiegel der Taufls-Gesinten oder wehrlosen-Christen ... bis auf das Jahr 1000. Vormals aus unterschiedenen glaubwiirdigen Chro-nicken ... in Ilollandischer Sprach horausgege-ben, nun ins Ilochteutsche übersetzt. Ephrata in Pensylvanien, Drucks und l\'erlags der Brii- darschafi, 1748—49. 2 vols. Engraved frontisp..... Vol. 1. 56,478 pagg. and Register; Vol. II. 14,949 pagg. and Register. Bound up in 1 vol. old call\', brass corners and clasps; original binding. Stout volume in-folio. 180.— Fine copy of one of the rarest books, specially in German, printed in America, not mentioned in Thomas, History of Printing in America, who says only that there has been printed at Ephrata, but gives no title or date of the productions. Mr. Sabin did not mention the book in his Dictionary of Books |
213 relating to America. In a manuscript note, contemporary to the period of the publication of the book, in the copy of this work at the Library of the Mennonites at Amsterdam, we find the following list of books printed at Ephrata since 1740: quot;1747. in-4to. Librum Canti-corum pro Ecclesia Ephrataea. Porro Literas Mysti-cas, ad Perfectionem claustralem manuducentes. Ul-terius Leetiones 267. Theosophicas, cum diclis 244, vel novi Ordiuis Eremitici Ephratani Regnlis, qui-busq. Caniicum qq. Theosophicum, 146 seetioribns divisum, subnexum est. In 8vo quoq. quidiim Frater Ephratae Joh. Hildebrendus nonnulia edidit He-notica, Anti-ZiDzedorfiiana etc.quot; — We give this note in extenso, because, so far we know, these books are not mentioned in any bibliography; in 1754 we find as printed at Ephrata: Paradlsisehes Wunder-Spiel, fol. The contents is a Martyrology of the Mennonites (Baptists) translated from the Dutch. A special leaf (2 pp.) at the end of vol. II, contains the approbation of this version by the Mennonites, etc. It is by aid of the Dutch Baptists that the Mennonites came over to Holland and emigrate to Pennsylvania, were they founded a. o. the Community at Ephrata. The correspondence on the printing of this German translation of Van Braght reposes at the Archives of the Mennonite Church at Amsterdam. On the friendly relations between the Dutch and Pensyl-vanian Baptists, see N0. 2897 of this catalogue. A later inserted printed Preface, 2 pp. dated May 1815, contains an approbation of the contents oi the book by the Mennonites, and mention German translations of Mcnno Simons Fundament, printed in 1794 and of Dietrich Philip\'s Handbüchlein, in 1811. 3624 Brakel (W. a) Leere en leydinge der Laba-disten wederlegt in een antwoord op Yvons „Examen over onse trouwhertige waarsehouwinge.quot; 2de druk. Rotterd., 1738. 2 parts. 1 vol. sd. uncut. 8vo. 3.— (The doctrine and spiritual conduct of the La-badists refuted in form of an answer to Yvons „Examen of our candid exhorlationquot; etc. 2d edit.) The first edition appeared in 16S5. — Sec N0. 3579, 80. 3625 BrandKSeb \'Stultifera Navis.Narragonice perfectionis nunq. satis laudata Navis .. . iam prl-dem per Jacob Locher ... in lafinum traducta, et per Seb. Brant denuo revisa. 1497. Jo. de Olpe. (Basileae, J. B. de 1497.) Ill curious woodcuts and printers marie, calf, ivith blind toolings, style of the XI Ih cent, gilt edges; aux urines du Vicomtedu Bus de Gitignies. 4tO. 225.— Splendid copy of the first and rare Latin edition of quot; The Ships of Foolsquot;, a German satire upon the foollies of all ranks of his time, illustrated with so many tine and remarkable woodcuts. It contains an allusion to the New World, see the excellent Catalogue of the splendid Library of the late J. (arter Brown, by J. R.Bartlatt. 1875. — Mr. Brunei sixys it is diftlcult to find good preserved copies. Our copy is BESCriRYVING — BRANDT. |
large and in the finest condition j the upper margin is slightly stained by water, of so little importance that the late owner has covered the book with a very fine binding, perfect imitation of the bindings at the period of its publication. 3626« Brandt iSeb.) Aff-ghebeelde Narren Aiusterd., J. Ez. Cloppenburgh. 1635. 103 old woodcuts, fine portrait and title-flate on copper, vellum, sin. 4to. ^B.— Rare edition in Dutch, with the same woodcuts as in the edition of Antwerp 15^4. — Very small wormhole in the margin of the 10 last leaves, else a line tall and copy. 3626 Brissot do Warville (J- P) Nonvoau voyage dans les Etats-Unis de rAmcrkiuc. Paris, 1701. 3 vols. hf. calf. 8vo. 2.— 3627 Brothers (Rich.) A revealed knowledge ot the propheeies and times. — Letter to Ph. Stephens. — Extracts from the prophecies of C. Love (1651), Kotterus (1621), Poniatonia (1628). — Account of the Lords dealings to Mrs. Mary Jioore. — Turner, Testimony to the prophetical mission of K. Broth™ etc. London, 1704-05. 8 parts in 1 vol. calf. 8vo. Very curious. 4.— 3628 Bry (De) Petit Voyages. German Text. — Appendix d. VIII. Theile d. Oriental. Indien, he-greiffend drey Schiffarten, von Corn. Siclas, unter ... J. v. Heck (1600—1604), von Com. v. d. Ven (1602—1C04i, von St. v. d. Hagen (1603—1606). Ausz. Niderl. Sprach ... heschriehen von G. Ar-thus. Franckf. 1606. 7 plates (N0. 2 wanting) and map. lol. i 16. Capture and view of Amaco, Amboina, Ternate, etc. — Contains also: Ursachen der Hollanderdiese weitgelegene Oerter zu ersuchen und sich wieder die Spanier u. Portugesen daselbst feindtlich zu erzeigen, durch iJ. Pyaludanus.) — See Nquot;. 501 — 511. 3629 Calender (Historisch-gcneaiogischer), oder Jahrbuch d. mcrkwiiritigsten neuen Welt-Hegeben-lieiten fiir 1784. Leipz. (1783.) plates. 18mo. 6.— This small curious work contains 12 plates representing the principal scenes of the War of Independence 1763—83, engraved by C/wdowiecii, map and 6 plates of portraits, medals and coloured costumes, with descriptive German text. 3630 [Calkoon (H.)l Het politiek systema van do Kegcering van Amsterdam ... tegens de beschuldiging van ... Vorke verdecdigd. 4e druk. Mid-delb. (1781.) 8vo. I SO (The political System of the Regency of Amsterdam . .. justified against the accusations of ... Yorke.) On Amsterdams conduct during the American War. — See Nquot;. 563. 3631 Campe (J. H.) Découverte de I\'Amerique. Trad, de 1 Ailemand. Hambourg, 1784. 3 vols. maps, hf. calf. 8vo. 1-50 The Dutch edition see Nquot;. 574, 75. 3632 Carta de M. a M. con algunos observaciones |
sobre los antiques iimites de la Acadia. 19 pp. Utilidades que resultan del nuebo concordato ala corona de Hespana qsus vasalloa. 9 pp. Fr. Mar. Nipho, Politica do consejo y exem-plo, explicada con preceptos. 17 pp. Obrapio medio de remediar la miseria de la gente pobre de Espana. 134 pp. Hortensio, Proposicion dn doce sujetos ai Key Philipe IV, 1626. 13 pp. — 1 vol. MS. about 200 pp. bound in green silk. sin. 4to. 15.—- The first piece is an historical dissertation on tbc important difierences between England and France on Canada, 1755, on Cape lireton, etc. — Contemporary MS. in neat handwriting. 3633 Cassin (J.) Illustrations of the birds of California, Texas, Oregon, British and Russian America. Philad., 1.862. With 50 beautifully coloured plates, cloth, roy. 8vo. 24. 3634 Catesby (M.) Natural History of Caroline, Florida, and the Bahama Islands. Loud. 1731. 2 vols, in 4. 200 finely coloured plates of Birds, Beasts, lishes. Reptiles and Plants, with descriptive text, old calf gilt. imp. t\'ol. 60.— Original edition. 3635 [Cayet (P. V. Palma)] Chronologie septc-naire de i\'histoire de la Paix autre les Roys de France et d\'Espagne, contcn. les ciioses les plus memorables adveiuics en France, Espagne, ... et autres endroits do 1\'Europe: avec lo succez de plusieurs navigations laictes anx Indes Orient., Occident, et Septentr., 1598—1604. Paris, J. Richer, 1609. calf (jilt. 8vo. — Fine copy. 20.— «Contains details of voyages to tbu East and West Indies, more particularly Canada, from 1598 to 1664, . . . the expedition of l)u Pont to Canada in 1603, as described by Champlain.quot; Sabin. — quot;Onvrage cnrieux et bien ecrit.\'* Brunei. «It f\'U\'ms introduction to tho Mere li re Francois. See N0. 2099. 3636 Columbus. Select letters, with other original documents relating to his four voyages to the New World. Translated and edited by R. H. Major. London, 1847. cloth. 8vo. 8. - Published for the Hakluyt Society; only printed for tho members. 3637 — F o 1 i e t a (U b.), Opuscula varia. Do linguae Latinae usu et praestantia. Ciarorum Li-gurum elogia. Romae. 1579. vellum. 4to. — See N0. 706, 707. 6.— Contains the elogy of Christoph. Columbus. — In tho same vol.: Ant. Posseviuus, Cicero coilatus cum ethnicis et sacris scriptori bus. Patav. 1593. 3638 Cook (James) Voyages autour du monde. Trad, de 1 Angl. Paris, 1774—89. 16 vols, numerous maps and plates, hf. calf gilt. 4to. 18.— Fine complete set of Capt. Cook\'s Three Voyages, viz : llawkesworth\'s Voyages dans l\'hémisphèro meridional; — Voyage daus l\'he\'mispbèro austral et autour dn monde; — Troisièmo voyage il l\'océan Paciliqne, etc. — Vie du Capit. Cook, par Kippis.— |
All uniformly bound in old calf gilt. 3639 Cook (Jam.) — Engel, Rcnianiues sur la partie de la relation du voyage dn Capit. Cook, qui concerno le détroit entre l\'Asie et l\'Amérique. Trad, de rallero. et augmentée. Berne, 1781. col. map. uncut. 4to. Scarce. 1.50 3640 Copye van cenen brieff van oenen vriontaen den anderen geschreven, nopende liet redres van do Oost-ind. Coinpaignie. No place. (1622.) 4to. (Asher Nquot;. 89). 1.50 (Copy of a letter wrilten by a friend on the subject of the reformation of the East-India Comp.) 3641 Cranz (D.) Historie von Grönland, enthalt. die Bosehreib. d. Landos u. d. Einwohner, insbe-sond. die Geseh it\'ll ten d. dortigen Mission. Nebst Fortsetzung. Barby, 1765—70. 3 vols. S plates and maps, hf. calf, uncut. 8vo. — See N0. 834—37. 3.— 3643 Dallas. — Brief memoir of Goo. M if 11 in Dallas, of Philadelphia. Philad. 1853. portrait, hf. mor. imp. 8vo. 1.59 3644 Danckers (J.) Atlas. Amsterdam (1680.) old calf (jilt. imp. fol. 16.— Contains 100 coloured maps with index, amongst with Map of the Globe, General map of America, West-Indian Islands, New Netherland on which the view of New Amsterdam, which Danckers\' address and inscription; Nieuw-Yorck. (Ashor\'s J,ist iV. 19.) — See Nu. 886,87. 3645 Darwin (Ch.) Journal of researches into the Geology and Natural History of the countries visited by H. M. S. Beagle. (South America.) Lond. 1839. maps, cloth. 8vo. — See N0. 3411. 5.25 3646 Do Poe ;D.) Leven en wonderbare gevallen van Kobinson Crusoë. Amsterd., J. Morterre, 1752. 2 toin. 1 vol. plates and map. sd. 8vo. 7.50 3647 - The same. Amst. en Rotterdam, 1791. 3 vols, map and plates, sd. uncut. 8vo. 6.— N0. 4046—47; üulch translations of Uc Foe\'s Robinson Crusoe, all very rare. 3648 Denham, Clapperton et Oudney, Voyages et dccouvertes dans le Nord et dans les parties centrales do FAirique, 1822—24. Trad, de I\'Angl. par Eyriés et de Larenaudière. Paris, 1826. 3 vols. sd. 8v0, and Atlas of maps and plates. in-4to. 3.50 Contains vocabularies of the languages of Tim-boctoo a. o.; treatises on the natural history, etc. 3649 Discours (Levendioh) vant ghemeynquot; Lants welvaert, voor desen de Oost, ende nu oodi do West Ind. generale Compaignie aengbevanghen. Ghedruekt by Broer Jans:. 1622. 4to. (Asher N0. 99.) 2.50 (Lively Discourse on the welfare of the Country, |
formerly by the Last-, now also by the West-India Comp.) 3650 Dittelbach (P.) Verval en val der Labadis- ten of dcrselvor ley dingo, wyse van doen... in hare colonien of volkplantingen, nader ontdekt. Amst., 1692. sd. 4to. 22.— (Decline and fall of the Lahadists, or their conduct, mode of preceding.,, in their colonies... exposed.) With references to the Labadist colonies in New-Netherland. — Very rare. 3651 Domenech (Abbé Em ) Seven years residence in the great Deserts of North America. Lond., 1800. 2 vols, cloth. 8vo. 7.50 Illustrated with 58 coloured woodcuts, 3 plates of anciant Indian music and a map. — Vol. II pp. 164—189; Vocabularies of North American languages. 3651« Doncker (HL.) Nieuw Groot Stuermans Zee-Spiegel. Amsterd., II. Doncker. 1664. 3 parts. 84 plain maps and mam/ woodcuts. 1 vol. vellum, large fol. 15.— (New Great Sea-Mirror.) A description of the Eastern, Western and Northern navigation and of the Mediterranean, with maps and delineations of the coasts, preceded by nautical instructions etc. — Especially interesting for the Northern Seas, the coasts of Iceland, Strait Davis, Jan-Mayen Island, Old Greenland, Spitsberg and Nova Zembla. Another and different atlas, as mentioned Nquot;. 957 —963. 3652 Dozy et Molkenboer, Prodromus Florae Bryologlcae Suriuamensis. Acc. Pugillus Florae Bryolog. Venezuelanae. Haarl. 1854. 19 plates, sd. 4to. 5.50 3653 Drake (Francis), His Voyage, 1595, by Thom. Maynarbe, together with the Spanish account of Drake\'s attack on Puerto Kico. Edited, from the original MSS. by W. D. Cooley. Loud., 1849. cloth. 8vo. 7.— 3654 Dumont d\'Urville (J.) Reise nach dem Siidpol und Oceanieu, nebst Reisen auf Neu-IIol-land und Tasman ion. Herausgeg. von Fr. Hein-zelmann. Lelpz., 1851. map and plate, sd. 8vo. 1.50 3655 Duyl (A. G. C. v.) De Journalen van de eerste reis der Nederlanders naar Oost-Indien. (Estr. 1868.) 8vo. 1.— (The Journals of the first voyage of the Dutch to East-India.) Cont. a valuable abstract of Houtman\'s narrative, with a comparison of its editions, and at once a review of Mr. Tide\'s Mémoire (see N0. 3202.) 3656 Eys (W. J. van) Dictionnaire Basqne-Fran-^ais. Paris et Lond. (Amst.) 1873. XLVII1 and 415 pp. sd. 8vo. 13.— Contaius four dialucts: «le Guipuzcoau, le Bis-caien, le Labourdin ct le bus-Navarruis,quot; |
216 3657 Farya y Sousa (M. de) Asia Povtuguosa. Lisboa, 1666—75. 3 vols. — Europa Portuguesa. Ed. 2a, correta, illustr. y anadida. Eis\'ooa, 1678 — IC18O. 3 vols. - Together 6 vols, numerous portraits and plates, old calf. (ol. - Very rare. . ■)0 — Vuluahlc work, containing many particularities of the Spanish and Portuguese Colonies in America, the voyages of Magellan, etc. 3668 [ Per iN, de)] Los Forces dc 1\'Europe, Asie, At\'riquo et Amórique, on description des princip. villes avee leurs I\'ortillcations. Mis en ordre par les so ins de P. M o r t i e v. Amst., 1\'. Mortier. No date (1720?) 14 torn. 2 vols, old calf ffilt. 319 coloured plates, scp 4to. — Vine copy. iJO. — Very rare work; a collection of plans and views of the most remarkable cities and forteresses in Europe etc., originally published at Paris, 1096, in 8 torn, containing 176 plates. 3659 [Fergus (H.)] History of the Western world. The United States. Lend. 1830. 2 vols, cloth. 8vo. 2\'50 3660 Franklin (Bonj.) — The private Life of... written by hiniseli, and transl. from the I nmcli. To which are added some account of his public life, a variety of anecdotes concerning him, by Brissot, Condorcet, etc. Loud., 1793. bdi. uncut, 8vo. 3-50 3661 Froger (F.) Relation d\'un voyage fait on 1695—97 aux cotes d\'Afriquo, dctroit de Magellan, Bresil, Cayenne et Isles Antilles. Amsterdam, A. Schelte, 1699. vellum, maps and plates. 8vo. 4 — quot;Fran?. Kroger, qui nous a fourni le reeit de rexpt:dition sons le coinmimdenient de M . de Gennes, avait pris j)art ce voyage dans le dessin d observer tout ec qui ine\'rite l\'attention du voyageur. II squot;ap-pliqua surtoat it faire des cartes particulières des ports et des rivières. Ses descriptions sont pleines d\'intérêt, et on fait eas de ces plans et cartes. Fro-ger fut aussi le premier qui donna des details sur un voyage an dctroit de Magellan, entrepris pal des Krai^ais.quot; Trimei. 3602 Geschiedenis der Kolonie Suriname... door een gezelschap van geleerde Joodsche mannen aldaar (M. P. de Eeon, Ö. H. de la Parre, 1. C. Nassy, S. W. lirandon.) Amst. 1791. « vols. in 1. sd. 8vo. 3,60 {History of Surinam, by a Socwty of learned Jews there.) 3663 Gibtaes (Kob. W.) New species of Mylio-bates from the Eocene of South Carolina, etc. li.Hr. (Philad. 1849.) plate, imp. 4to. 1.25 3664 Gregg (Jos.) Commerce ol the Prairies, or the journal of a banta F6 Trader, during eight expeditious across the great Western Prairies, and a residence of nearly niuo years in Northern Mexico. 4th ed. N. York, 184,9. 2 vols, maps and engravings, cloth. 8vo. |
3665 Hales (M.) Histoire des tremblemens de terre arrivés a Ijima, et autres licux ; avec la desciip-tion du Pcrou, et dos recherches s. 1. causes physiques. Trad, do I\'Angl. La Haye, 1752. 2 vols. maps and plates, calf. 12mo. 3.50 3066 Hennepin (L.) Nouvelle découverto d\'un trés grand pays situé dans TAniérique, entre le Nouveau Mexique et la Mer Glaciale. Amsterdam, 1098. Engraved frontisp., 2 large maps and 2 plates. hf. vellum, sm. 8vo. 10.— Tall copy, partly uncut, of Ilennepin\'s second work on Louisiana. — For the Dntch and German translation of his works, see N0. 1395—1399. 3667 Hering (C. J.) Cultuur en bewerking van het Suikerriet in Amerika en Europa, benev. eene beschrijving van al de toestellen tot de bereiding van suiker en rum. Kottcrdam, 1858. 3 vols, plates. sd. 8vo. (ll-^O) 5.50 {Culture and manufacture of the Sugar-cane m America and Europe, with a description of all the utensiles for the fabrication of Sugar and Hum.) 3068 Herrlibergor (D.) Heiligo Ceremonien, Got-tes- u. Götzon-Dienste aller Volcker dor Welt. Ziirich, 1718. calf. lol. 14.60 221 very fine plates, engraved by Herrliberger after Picart\'s Cérémonies rcligienses, 34 of which represent the ceremonies of the American peoples, especially the Virginians, Floridans ami Mexicans. See N».quot; 04O, 41. 3668« Historisch Sobouwtooneel van \'s wae-relds lotgevallen in het. jaar 1791. Haarlem, A. Loo.yes Pz. 1792. 4 vols. Thick paper, plate, and portraits of Mirabeau, Th. Paine, Ln Fayette a. o. hf. calf ffilt. 8vo. 3.50 {Historical theatre of the evenU oj the world in the 17yi.) A chronicle iu the form as the Annual Register, with documents and biographies. 3069 Huls lus (A.) Le Heraut muet, ou refutation du livre; Le Heraut du grand K\'gt;y Jesus, p. J. de Labadio. Leide, A. Portrie, 1069. vellum. 8vo. Rare. 3070 Irving (Wash.) A tour on the Prairies. Paris, 1835. hf. cf. sm. 8vo. !•— 3671 - Astoria; or, enterprise beyond the Rocky mountains. Paris, 1836. hf. calf. 8vo. 1.25 3672 --Adventures of Capt. Bonneville, or scenes beyond the Rocky mountains of the far West. Paris, 1837. hf. cf. 8vo. L25 3673 Jackson (J. Grey) Account of the Empire of Maroc.eo, the districts of Suse and Tafllett, and of Timbnctoo. 2d edit. Lond. 1811. Purtr., maps and plates, bds. 4to. 3674 J ail- Mayon- Island. Amst. 1657. — Coloured map. sq. fol. 51 by 41. — Dutch text on verso. FARYA — KELLEN, 3075 Kollen (Lud.), Franciscus redivivus, ... d. i. Kiirtzo Erzchlung d. Lebens, Tugenden u. Wundcrwerckcn d. Apostels von Peru, ... h ranc. Solani S. Fraucisci Ordens, ... Patrons d. Stadt FUIDKEIK MULLBR amp; C., |
218 VERTOOG 11 man. Philadelphia, Lippimoit Co., 1851—60. 6 vols. clot/t. roy. 4to. (350.—) \'200.- New copy. — Large paper, with about 500 öue plates, most of them coloured. The greater part of these plates is omitted in the ordinary small-paper edition. This magnificent work contains a vast amount of interesting and valuable information of the manners, customs, physical and intellectual capacities, languages (witli comparative vocabularies) arts, etc. of the Indians of North-Amcrica. 369it Vertoooh (Klaer) van de schadelijcko Diroc-tle dcr iiowinthebberen der Vcreeniohdu Oost-lad. Compaigme in vier jaren, nao dat het accoort met d\'Kng. Compaignie gomaeckt is gheweest. |
WASHINGTON. 1624. Roes, 1624. 4to. (Asher Nquot;. 83.) 2.50 (Clear Demonstration on the mal-Direction of thu Directors of the United East-India Com]!., during the four years since the ayreemenl with the English Comp. has been made.) 3601 Villaviconcio (Man.) Geografla de la Re-publica del Ecuador. New York, 1858. porlr., plates and maps, cloth. 8vo. 2.50 3695 Washington. — Joh. Kinker. Treurzang bi) het plechtig vieren der nagedachtenis van Washington in Felix Mtfritis. Amst. 1800. Engraved, emblentalical plate. 8vo. 1.80 (Mournings at the solemn celebration of the memory of Washington in the Society Felix Mentis.) Dedicated to John Adams. |
Reprints published by FREDERIK MULLER amp; Co. Amsterdam.
Ï. Nowzeit wio vnnsors allcrgrn.idipfistn hern dos Komischn vnt! hyspaenischn Konigs lout Costliclie Newe LanndHchafft habn golumln. (1520.) 8vo. flor. 10.—
{News how ihe men of our most gracious Sovereign King of Rome and Spain have found a rosily new country.)
A couscieutioiH reproduction of the text of a Mauusoript on Yucatan, (Catal. Ainer. N0. 2296), in real old Gothic characters of the 15th century. With a translation in modern German and French, printed in Italics (the original type made about 1555 by the celebrated typecutter A. Tavernier, for C\'Ar. of Antwerp).—
Only 30 numbered copies printed, on old paper, by Messrs. J. Enschedé amp; Sou at Haarlem.
11. Van die wonderliohhode on cosleiicheden van Pape Jans land. Gheprint Thatjverpe. Aen dysere wage by my Jan van Doesborch. (about 1508.) 8vo. 12.50
(Of ihe wonders and precious things of the Pope John\'s land. Printed at Antwerp in ihe iron balance by me Jan van Doesborch.)
Reprint after the unique copy (Catal. Amer. N0. 2591), in real old monkish characters of the 15th century by Messrs. J. Enschedé amp; Son of Haarlem. With a modern French translation and a reprint of the French text of the letter of Priest John given by Jubinal in his edition of Uutebeuf\'s Oeuvres, vol. II, pp. 454— 470. Only 30 copies printed.
Collection of Tracts by Hessol Gerritsz.. Is. Massa and do Quir, in Latin and Dutch, on Arctic Voyages, published in 1612, 13. 4to. comprising:
III. Descriptio ac delineatio Geographlea Detectionis Froti, sive Transitus ad Occasnmsupra terras Americanas, in Chinam atq; Japonem ducturi. Kecens investigati ab M. Henrico Hudsono Anglo. Item, Exegesis Regi Hispaniae facta, super tractu recens detecto, in quinta Orbis parte, cui nomon Anstralis incognita. Cum descriptione Terrarum Samoiedarmn amp; Tingoesiorum, in Tartaria ad Ortum Freti Waygats sitarnm, nuperq: sceptro Moscovitarum adscitarum. Amsterodami, Ex Ofticina Uesselii Gerardi. Anno 1613. 48 pp. 4to.
facsimile reprint with the real old types of the 17th century, on old paper.
With its original in Dutch by Ia. Massa: Boschry vingho van der Samoyaden Landt in
Tartarien, etc. t\'Amsterdam, Ifessel Gerritsz., 1612. VIII and 32 pp. 3 maps. 4to. 20.—
{Description of the country of the Samoyedts in Turtary, lately conquered by the Moscoviles. Trans\' lated out of the Russian (by Isaac Massa), anno 1609. With an account of the research and discovery of ihe new passage or straits in the North - West to the empires of China and Caihay (by Henry Hudson). Besides a memorial offered to the King of Spain (by P. F. de Quir) concerning the discovery and situation of the Land called Australia Incognita.)
With an accurate complete English translation by quot;P. J. Millard, oflicial interpreter at Amsterdam ; — and historical critical Introduction (in English) on this collection by Dr. S. Muller l\'V, Keeper of the Records at Utrecht.
Facsimile reprint in photo-lithography, after the procédé-Asser, on old paper by an Amsterdam artist, Mr. A. Kroon. Only 200 copies issued.
The 3 maps are following: I. Map of the Globe, on which are indicated the discoveries of Hudson and de Quir. II. Large map of the discoveries of Henry Hudson. 111. Large map of the Northern coasts of Russia by Is. Massa.
See on the compilation and publication in 1613 of these highly interesting accounts Dr. S. Muller VVs introduction — and on the variations of the Dutch and Latin editions, both here reprinted: Tiele Memoire, p. 179—190.
IV. Desonptio Detectionis Preti etc. 1612, only the 4 last pages or sign. G.
Facsimile in photolithugrapliy (procédé-Asser) of the rare appendix, which is only known to exist in very few copies. The first page contains u preface by the eilitor llessel Gerritsz, commenoing: «Cum lemere el inconsiderate antea scri/iserim,quot; — and the three other a treatise by I\'etrns Planclns, entitled: «Refulatio rationum, quibus AmjU Dominaiionem Piscationis ad Ins.u!urn S/iitslier(/eusem defenders cunan/ur.quot; 7.50
Printed in 12 copies only.
By this reprint an occasion is offered to complete copies.
V. Histoire du Pays nornmo Spitsberghe. Monstrant comment qu\'il est trouvée, son naturel et bcs animaals, avccques, la triste raconipte des niaux que noz Peehnurs, tant Basques que Flamens, ont eu a souft\'rir des Anglois cn l\'esté passée l\'an de grace, 1013. Escrit par H[os8el] G(erritz] |del A[8sum.] Aiusterd., 1G13. 32 pp. 2 maps and 2 pl. 4to. 12.50
facsimile reprint after one (of the few copies known) in our possession. — Printed with the real old types
of the 17lh century by Messrs. J. Enschedé and Sous at Haarlem, on old paper. Only 50 numbered
copies printed. Fine specimen of facsimile-reproduction.
On the high importance of this small book in a geographical and nautical point of view, see: Tielo,
Meinoire p. 197 eet.
VI. Facsimile of Seb. Miinster\'s very rare Map of the World belonging to the Basle editions of Grynaeus, Novus Orbis 1532,37,55. 1 leaf. sq. fol. Only 10 cofies printed. — See Catal. Amer. N0. 1301,0,7. 15.—
VII. Facsimile of the Map of the World, by Orontius Pinneus, belonging to the Paris edition of 1532 of Grynaeus, Nobis Orbis. 1 leaf fol. Only 10 copies printed. — See Catal. Ainer. N0. 1303. flor. 15.—
The map of Orontius Finaeus is still rarer than that of Minister.
Both these maps are so admirably executed in p/ioto-lit/ioyrap/iy (procédé Asser) by Mr. A. Kroon at Amsterdam, that they will, beiug printed ou old paper, defy the scrutiuy of the most skilful investigator.
VIII. Facsimile of the Map of the World belonging to the very rare work; Stobnioza, Introductio in Ptholomei Cosmograpliia. Cracouie. 1512. 4quot;. 2 loaves, reproduced by photography, after the copy in the Imperial Library at Vienna, the only one in which they occur, sq. fol. — Only 5 copies printed. 15.—
IX. Facsimiles [der titelt] van Oude Uollandsche Reysen uit de verzameling van F red er ik Muller te Amsterdam. — Op steen overgehragt te \'s Gravenhage by E. Spanier (1807.)squ. 4to. 30 leaves, in wrapper, with printed table in French. 30.—
(facsimiles [of the titles] of old Dutch voyages, in the collection of Fred. Muller at Amsterdam.
Lithographed at the Hague by E. Spanier.)
These facsimiles have been made with the utmost care. They are printed in 50 copies only, on old Dutch paper, made before 1650. The originals are all very rare, some of them turned up only once or twice in Holland, durliiL\' the last 30 years, and no Dutch Public Library possesses them all.
See tbr u list of the contents Catal. Amer. N0. 1100.
X. J. Michaohus, the first Minister of the Dutch Reformed Church in the United States (1028—33), by the Hon. H. C. Murphy. With Facsimile in photolithography (Procédé-Asser) of Michae-lius letter, accompanied by the Dutch transscript, the English translation of the Hon. 11. C. Murphy and preface by Fred. Muller. Amst. 1874. roy. 4to 20.—
Fine reproduction of this highly interesting document, dated : from the Island Manhatans, Aug. 11, 1028, PP.OBAllLr TUK OLUKST DOCUMENT ON Nbw NkTHEULAND, WRITTEN on THE very spot, where NOW stands N\'ew-Yokk. It contains many particulars of M.\'s voyage to the Colony, the religious slate of its inhabitants, the condition of commerce, the healthy climate, the fertility of the soil and its .nanifold productions, the troublesome relations with the Mohicans, etc. — Only 100 copies issued,
XI. Pilgrim-Pathors. — John Bobinson Testimony to John Robinson („lately deceasedquot;). Minister to the English Brownist Congregation at Leyden, given and signed by Ant. Walaeus and Festus Hommius, Theol. Proff. at Leyden. Dated: Leyden 25 and 26 Jlay 1628. — Exact copy in Photolithography (procédé-Asser) on old Dutch paper, after the original MS. copy in the Archives of the Engl. Presbyterean Church at Amsterdam. 1 sheet fol. — Wiih MS. transscript in modern handwriting and English translation. — Only 50 copies printed. 3.—
Highly iuterestiug document tsstifying Uobiuson\'a exertions to remove the sohisms between the various Brow-nist Cougregations in the Low Countries, but: «finding here 10 many diffiealties .... to effectuate thit, to have resolved his removal with a good part of his congregation to the IP. Indies, where he did not doubt to effectuate this (design).quot; Uobinson\'s sympathy with the Dutch lleformcL\' Church is here proved by his intention to bring up his sou for its service, etc.
XII. NGW-Tïethorland. — Facsimile in photolithography (Procédé-Aster) of the map belonging to tho very rare work: „Bcschryvinghe van Virginia, Niouw-Nedorlandtquot; etc. Description of Virginia, New-Net herland, etc.) Amst., J. Ilartgers. 1G51. 4to. (See Catal. Amer. 312). — Only 25 copies printed. 10._
XIII. Dav. Ptz. de Vrios, first Dutch Navigator to Now-Netherland, 1632—44, first historian of that Colony. — His portrait, engraved by Corn. Visscher. 4to. — Facsimile in photolithography (Procédé-Asser), on old Dutch paper. 10.—
XIV. Isaac Massa, born 1587. Dutch merchant in Russia and author of the interesting pamphlet on Hudson\'s discoveries, the early voyages to the North-Pole, etc. — His portrait, after Frani Bals engraved by A. Matham, fol. — Facsimile in photolithographij (Procédé-Asser), on old Dutch paper. 6.— On India-paper. 7.50
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