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I have the greatest pleasure In recording my thanks to the many

friends who have helped me mo8t readily in various ways* First and

foremost I am obliged to Prof. Dr. W. Caland, who has bestowed true paternal

care on me. His searching criticism, backed by an immense knowledge of

Sanskrit Literature, has proved of the greatest avail to me. It has,

moreover, been my privilege to work in his private study a^d thus make use

Of the unique library, invaluable both for its printed books and mss.

hearty thanks are also due to Prof, jyr* van Hamel for his

friendly help, and to Dr. HUlshof, the librarian, for allowing me free

access to the library. I have been, further, highly obliged by the

Curators, who have, by their generosity, made it possible for me to

aeet the expenses for typing the indroduction and paying the promo-

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b.tBnbsp;«inbsp;Jsom sn b^aitó avaci oK,. abrtei^\'x

aaxi oä»nbsp;... -.a .\'xcï o^ OaaU^fo » Inbsp;l

■ionbsp;«anem^i n« ^s\'I-cf .a^aioxJi-.» antlo-xso. aH .a« ao

es.nbsp;».«vi., ax^i ni .-xow ot s.,Xxvm ^

bns a^o.. bsJntx-ï BJX .OÏ xijocfnbsp;o.pixa; srft lo

.„•xl ... anx«0XX.nbsp;,n«x.x««Xnbsp;.lorlaX.-Hnbsp;o^ b«

,,, b,3xXd= \'iXxlaM ...dô-..-!nbsp;svsK Xnbsp;exl^ ot .aeoo.

-xol .Xdxaaoa n .bs»nbsp;Xonbsp;oxC^

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According to the CaraiîavyïîhapariéiBhfasdtra the Vdràhas are a branch
of the Maitr^aiîfyas, who themselves belong to the Caraka-éàkhâ of the
Y^jusha school. The only Vàrdha literature, that has been available to me,
is the V^rdha-^rauta with its Pari^ishfas, the Vàrdha-Gfhya and two
Paddhatis attached thereto.

References to the Yamp;réh^e in ritual and general literature are very
few. One of the earliest quotations is to be met with in the Kumâfabhéshya
of the Métnava-Kalpasiîtra : uktaiâ ca vàrdhake - sajfivatsere sadyo ve «ti (1).
The Tantravdrttika simply enumerates among others the Vdrdha-Kalpasdtra :
baudh^yanfya-vdr^a-ma^akddi-prabandhavat (2). Another similar reference
is to be seen in the H^ralatd of Aniruddhabhaffft: kalpa iti
jyotishfomèldyanushfhànapaddhatir - yàska-ma^aka-vàrâha-baudh^anâdyàh (3 ).
H^r^aiîa in his Prayogaratna cites from the Maitr^aiîfya-Vdrdhasdtra (4).

Hem^dri makes a ô|jharp distinction between the M^.Maitr. and the
Maitr.Stftra, and from the latter of these he cites more than a dozen
of passages (Bib. Ind. edit, érâddhakalpa pp. 605, Ii256, 1295, 1299,
1375, 1395, 1439, 1449, 1460, 1465, 1468, 1474, 1477, 1491 (5), all of

U; Gold stacker» s edit. p. 15a.

(2)nbsp;I. 3. 10.

(3)nbsp;Bibliotheca Indica edit. p. 8.

(4)nbsp;See Catalogus Catalogorum, Vol. i.

(5)nbsp;The passages in the D^akharfda (pp. 112, 140) referring to the
Maitr. Pari^ishUa are neither followed by the usual iti, nor found

in the V4r. Par., though a part of the second passage has a parallelism
of substance with v4r. Par. (Pradh^na kh. 3,2). The quotations in
âr^ddhakalpa (pp. 605, 1256, 1295, 1299, 1375, 1395, 1491), though
extracted from the Vàr. Par., are stated to have been derived from
the Maitr. Siltra,

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• Il O I T O ü a O H T K I

rionBtccf « BBslh-zhYnbsp;ocT s^yib-zoooA

lo krùlhh^B^-zBO ^ät oi anolorf asYlsai^texf^ ûrf^ .«B-lha^^^tî^iBH arf^ lo
o^ sltfBli^TB ns^d aBrf ^axl^nbsp;Brih^hY vixxo er£T .Xooxio«

•nbsp;bôdoBd-cJ-a Qi4ai£fe5slt;ï

erf^ nx xl.n^ ^sm acf o^ sinbsp;.^asixl\'xsonbsp;exiO

.(X) ev o^côaa a-iaa^BTi^a - ^^^.dh-.hvnbsp;:nbsp;^rf^ lo

:nbsp;Slitnbsp;a^^a^e^ao ^Xqnixanbsp;sriî ^

srfj- ban .\'iamp;iBlUahlx ^dt iïsa^rtöonbsp;q-md^a B ae^î^nî i^xô^^insH

.aasofe a rtamp;df igt;ioni aa^xo söarld- -îonbsp;»xlt mo-iî bm

.aoô .m ^^M^dbbhi^ .bm .^ïe)nbsp;lo .

lô xxB ,(a) xe^x .v^^xnbsp;.sômnbsp;,eesx ,äV6^x

• ox .5 ,1 (2)
• 8 .î .jlb^ BDïbni Qofidâ-oiXdis. (S)
*I -XoV ^my-ïoaoXB^âO
©ri^ ót Bfîi\'X\'i^-iôï (o^X ,
SXX •qq) BhhBd^nh,a 9damp; ai adaaaesq drfT (0)
bauol \'loanbsp;laums ^df
^cf bdwoXXo^ -larfd-xsri a-ts BÎrxfaxbxiBî .T^ißH

aX^XX^-ïBÇt 3 aßr£nbsp;bnoosa ddi- lonbsp;a dsjjoift ..-ïsînbsp;^^^ ^^

rxi eaol^Btoup ôilTnbsp;BnàrîbB^)nbsp;lo

dsuodf ^rxe^x ,ae5x ,övsx .eesx ,aesx .ôasx .000 .qq)

ûîûil böTi-iöb xxssd sv/îrf ot b^amp;aamp;ts sis ^.-ïaq .ïijV sxlt mil

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which are to be found in the Vdr.^rauta (Gfhyapurusha Par« kh« 9,
IshfisiXtra 11,3). This is in perfect accord with the quot;beginning of the
Vrfr. Gf«: ataH parad pari^ishfd maitr^yailfya-siltraBya. Prom this we are
further led to conclude that the Maitr. Gf. Par., quoted by Hemddri and
others, was different from the M^n. Gf. Par. and was a supplementary
treatise to the V^r. Gf.


The Gfhya

was edited by iDr. R. d^ma 5^stry in 1921 and published
in Ga^ad»s Oriental Series as no. XVIII. An edition of the ^rauta was
also promised, and accordingly a quot;press-copy« prepared, but owing to
certain unavoidable circumstances it is still being indefinitely delayed.

While preparing his Gfhya edition Dr. gdstry suffered under the
great disadvantage of having insufficient and partly ingenuine materials.
In his primted work there is hardly a page that does not abound with
unintelligible and distorted passages.

Our Materials.

The present edition of the Vdr. Gf. is based on six mss. of the
Gsf. and four mss. of the two V4r. Paddhatis. A brief account of all
these ten mss. is noted below:

I. Mss. of the Vdr. Gf.

A. B. D. These mss. were secured by our friend R. A. iSdstry, the
well-known mss .-collector, from N^sik and Nandarb^r, where he had found
them in the possession of YaJiieiJvara Lakshmajia Paurdrfika, iSankara
Balavant Joshf and Tryamliaka Rdmacandra joslif respectively. These were
made use of by Dr. R. gamp;aa ^dstry, and have been described by him in his


B. (D- A. V. BTollege, Lahore collection). This ms., along with P., was
saved while being thrown as an oblation to Sarasvatf into the river

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* «A

»±i .xsî Biiaw-xuqs^irf^cO) ütssäi^m\'îhY mli xs2 îbnwo\'i scf ot 9ia xioMw
drfj- lo anirtnlaôcf öxiJ-
d^ïl^ff b\'ioooB j-oal\'xeq rci ai: BiifTnbsp;aid-!;ax^x£al

8TÄ ÔW aMi- Œû\'ï\'î .Â\'^aaid-Jjs-BTcHits-iiij-ïJlfiffi à^-iialàjt-xsq Äiaisq ^Cßcj-ß
bris xibèiaôK ^cf böj-ojjp .^isq. .tenbsp;ôxid- ^Äiiiquot; sbjjlonoo od- h^X t^diïxisl

quot;i^csj-nöißölqwiüa a asçf bnßnbsp;.xi^d /aoil j-ngielllb «»tv .a\'ierr^j-o

• .tchv ©lid- odquot; »aiJaöid-


berfailcfirq brcs I2QX nx ^xd-eiè ßia^Snbsp;-^ccf ödi-ibd as«-nbsp;srfT

Qßwr «d-jjis^ö dfCt lo aol^iibö oA *1IVIX .oa aß 3amp;i:T©3 Idj-nsl-îO a»amp;BW3£dsô al
oi 3Xti:wo tud .b^iamp;ci^icT »-^oo^aaeiq« s \'^XBnxamp;iooos bns jOseJtaioaq oaXs
•nbsp;-^Istinnsbni ^xiiscf XXJri-a ax d-x adonaj-eirwo^xo öXcfsbioTSïuj itxßd-xeo

srf^ \'idhixij bdiöïïi/a •ctcd\'afe^ .TKI noid-ibs ß^Ite aJtxi ^nxïaqöi^ sXxrfV?
. ^Xsxiôtsîïi drtxyasBaxnbsp;b«B ^jasioillijaajt
^aivBd lo esatovbaaib d-ösis


bxujocfs c^on adob i\'ßüfi\'nbsp;anbsp;ax sisriijquot; 5[*iovf öö^rciiifj airl itl

.aoQoaaaq bd;tiocî\'amp;ib baa sXcfxslXXod-ninxr

* aXsx\'iôtJsH luO

to »asni xia rto baaso ax -quot;xfeV axfj- to aoxtxba d-nya^ccq üiïT
XXa XÔ d-mjoooB Isiicf A *8itßiibfeßlt;I »ihY ovrt srft lo . oani tisot bns

:woX9cf bd^on ai .aaffi xxsj- dasrit

-gt;£0 .TèV ôfÛ- quot;io .aaM - I

Silt .-cid-aèÖ .A .H baeitt «ÏWO ^cf boijjosa ô-xsvr «aaia oaeriT •(! -S .A
bßd o-isrf^ .-î-^rfïôbnsH oaa ^CxaJiTl noit ,:£o.toaXXoo-. aam xxwofï^-XXsw
BiBîtftBÔnbsp;öiöv^jsamp;t®\'\'/ quot;^o noiiaaaaaoq srfj- al md:^

ôssriT .\'iXôTid-Dôqadi blaoL sibnßosji^anbsp;brts xrfgoX ^nsraXsa

axrf ai mid \\;cf bôcfi-xoaôb naecf arsil basnbsp;BiiibS -H .la:nbsp;sbsnr


SBW xid-iw sßoXß ».sa öMT * (noMoaXXoo ôiojïâj ^oga-^-^oquot;® «V .A .et) .S
i^rli ©rit otni î^id-a^\'asasB oi- nox^BXcfo ne as nwo-xfi^ SUxscf eXirî«quot; bdvsa

-ocr page 13-

God^varf by an old H^sika widow. The ms. ie written in Devandgarf charac-
ters on 19 leaves, which contain nine lines to a page on an average.
It is about 150 years old. Though incomplete and full of clerical mis-
takes, it serves pretty well to corroborate the readings of P. with
which it is closely related. As to the arrangement of subject-matter and
division of chapters, ch. I-IV and VII-XII correspond with ch.
l-iv and
VI-XI of the printed text of gdma ^dstry. Ch. V in g^stry\'s text has
been split up into two chapters. The 13th ch. on Arghyad^na finishes off
just before the words «Ath^laiikaraiSamquot;, which are here made to bdgin
the next chapter just in consonance with P. This brings the ms. to an
end and the colophon reads: iti v4r4ha-gfhye shoda^aifi^khaiSdaifi subhaifiv.-

P. (D. A. V. College, Lahore collection). The ms. is, like the others,
written in Devan^garf script on 22 leaves which contain 9 lines to a
page on an average. It is very nearly complete, only one leaf being missing
in the middle. It stops towards the end of the 16th ch. and thus omits
the VairfvadevakhaiSda, which is found only in A. The copyist must have
been one who understood the text fairly well, for clerical errors are
few and far between. It is the best ms. among the whole lot, and the
Paddhatis testify to its having preserved the Vdrdha tradition more
faithfully than the others. The arrangement of chapters in this ms.
is the same as has been followed in the present edition.

Towards the end of the 16th ch. the ms. stops abruptly. A line
more would have finished the chapter. It reads: dfrgh^ur asyd-yali
patir jivrftu daradali ^atam iti trigvetay^ sfmantaifl karoty athd »sy^.

G. It is not an independent ms. of the Gfhya, but forms a part of the
Vrfsishlfhf-Paddhati, wherein it is transcribed after the cdddkarma co-
vering foil. 54-69. It begins abruptly in the middle of the jdkakarma:
bhimif^ed veda te bhOmi hfdayajfi,idivi candramasi Iritaii. The colophon at
the end of j^takarma quot;vdr^-sUtre gfhye dvitfyaifi khaAdamquot; stands in
evidence that it began with the first chapter as known to A. P.

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• G

-oaißiio iisakiaTöCr ni a^tamp;li^ «i: . sni ©xiT .wofexw B-Iish^i blo as


• ö3ßi9YÄ fls xio ös3q[ 3 aanil »nin r£2s;J\'noo ilolxlwnbsp;öl ixo a^st

-ain: Xßoiioilo îo Ili/l bns d^slqaooni li^sjodn . blonbsp;031 ^jjocfs ax

jl^iw »\'s: lo Bânibsôi 9damp; a^ßiodoi-ioo IldW ^J^d-dx^ï adTilt;à8 .as^Csd-

bria Tdtd-Bm-i-oatcfx/a lo trtsjoaansii« orfJ- odquot; aA .bsj-sldinbsp;ai d-i doïdw

bna VI-I -lio dtivr bnoqtasixioo IIX-IIV bflß VI-I .do ,rid:tq[sfCo lo noiaivife
gôxî j-xsi-nbsp;It! V .r{D •quot;i\'ïd\'aèfe sniife lo d-xej- bdcJrtxivi ddd- lo IX-rV ;

llo asxlBxailnbsp;no .rfo rl^-eX sr£T .aistçEsrfn owamp; oamp;ni qjjnbsp;noöcT

nisöcf od- öDßat eiôrf aiß liohiw , quot;mahfî-îBsihBlMamp;A^ nbiow 9äamp; siolacf d^auc
xïj3 0^ rnam dxW öarïxidquot; air£T rftxw aoaeaoaaoo ai d-aijQ lad-garfo tr^^n tsiCj
ùiAddiÀ tjihhsdil ihnhahoîia e\'ldh\'^^Bdhihr i^x : absij-ï nof£lt;ïoloo ôiid- brra brio

. jjd-ôTcrfcf j


^aisiid-o ôdi\' esLil ,al .am ^dT * (iwiamp;^BlIoo amp;iodBj, ^a^aXIoO .V .A .Œ) .quot;î ■
B od- aeiîil 2 xxiad-floo iloxrlw aôVô®! SS ao d-qtxioa l-iB^hasvQd ni n^d\'d\'iiw i


aniôâici ^iisd Ißsl ôiio \'^Ino «sd\'alo\'nioo ^Iiaea -^tnav ai d-I -ôsb\'iqvb na no aasç i
ad-iffico ajjrfd-
bas *do damp;dl amp;damp; lo bna ©rfdquot; abïs?rod\' ogoj-a ilnbsp;srfd- ni !

erBd tasjm ^ai-^goo dPiT .A ninbsp;bnwol ai rCoixiwnbsp;^rCd* 1

etß szozi^ iBoiielo lol tllôw \'^l\'xiBlnbsp;9dd- boo^eiebnjj oriw eno n«9cf \'


dildquot; bxiBnbsp;9lodw edâquot; snostts ^ aai d-aacf g^rfd- si d^I .nsawd-ecf ih1 f^ns mJ.

eiom noid-iba-ïd- Siltóv »dS b9rieas\'iq snivBii ad-i cd- ^lii^add- aid-ôfCbbBî t
.am aifîd- ni aied-qßrfo lo drtsnieaaisiiB sriT •aiarfd\'o
ed^ nßdf quot;*illulrldquot;i3l j.

\\ -nbsp;vnoid-ib^ d-a-v^asKinbsp;bdwoXIol asscf a.ad qb emsa ai\'


enil A .^It^txjtccfß aqod-a •am sdf »do dSdl edamp; lo bne ôjci^ abiavroTnbsp;[

Äßquot;^ h-^aß lU\'^l^fCa\'ixb : abaa-r tl .id^qßrio srfdquot; bôr£«iftil »vß/i Muow d-roia
..^ÜJ-ïia\' Grid\'s ■^d\'O\'ïsïE èad-nsailB b^öd-avai-ïd* id-i iiöd-ßanbsp;wd-fevit

9damp; lo cfiaq ß amiol d-uanbsp;eiidquot; lo d-nsbnsqobni hb d\'oïl ai d-I

-00 snrcBaCèbifO 9damp; i^îIb becfiioanB^d- ai d-i aiô\'iôr£w .id\'ßxlbbß^-^Haia^V|
:nbsp;edt lo elbblm edf ai ^^Xtqu-icTa artiastfnbsp;»XXol anitöT

^ß norf«IoXoo ôjiT .^Jisd^ixè iasnssxamp;aso ivibnbsp;irtîbrîcfnbsp;böè^iraincf

ni abrtB^a »»mßb?ie£t5£ às^i^l\'-c^^nbsp;did-^ia-öri^^x^v»» inn\'îBi^^hl lo bnô 9di-

• •ï *A od- ayronyl asnbsp;^aiil sii^ rfd\'i\'.r nßSöcf d-i ^ßrfj- »onabi^s»

-ocr page 15-

It ends with the ninth ch. on God^a: sTddl^ydyavirodhino »rthdn
utsf^Jet 11 8 11 iti
vdrdha-gfhya ashfaiaaifi khaAdaifl 11 8 11 samdpti gamat
11 ilubhaifi bhilydt*

II• Mas* of the v4rdha-G3*l3yasUtra-Paddhatis#

C 1 (used ty ^^stry), C 2 (Baroda library, acc. no.8088, gran-
thas 1900), C 3 (D» A* Y* College, Lahore collection). These are com-
plete though corrupt mse* of the Paddhati of Gaiiigddhara, with the
exception of a few missing leaves• These show no important differences*
They all begin with Garbhddhdna and end with Gfhaprave^a.

C 2 ends: saiflvat 1724 varshe ^ake 1589 pravartam^ne vaiiS^ha-mdse
rfukla-pakshe aksha 3 bhauma-vdsare ••• likhito »yaifi grantha dtma-
pa-Chandrthe 11 iJrf 11 tathd paropakdr^rthe 11 cch 11.

C 3 ends: sadvat 1772 varshe ^shidha-duddhapakshe paAcamf.

C 4 (Baroda library, acc# no. 8092) This is the Paddhati of
Vasishfha, and has already been referred to in connection with G. Out
of 119 leaves 29 are missing. It begins: atha vdrdhasiitrasya vasishfhokta
vdsishfhf paddhati likhyate. The order of rites differs widely from
that of Gdh. In explaining the siitras it often repeats the very words
of Gdh. It starts with PuilSy^ha, goes on with Vivdhapaddhati, upanayana
and Vratas and ends with Goddna.


The existing edition of Dr. R. Samp;na ^dstry has some very serious
short-comings, which, in the light of the new mss. discovered, it was
absolutely necessary to rectify. The most striking of these is that five
full chapters (XIII-XVII) and three-quarters of the sixth (XVIII) are
a verbal reproduction of a Mamp;i* ms. The editor failed to notice this,
for while, in his introduction, he establishes the similarity of the
Vrfr^a rites to those of /pastamba, ^udhfyana and HiraiSyakeiSin, he
^ /Z
omits to mention the M^nava. That for these five chapters and three-
quarters as well the Vdrdhas possessed an independent text of their own

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nèxl^i\' onldbo\'^i^Bxhyjibh-^B ^ BahboO no .rlo dmin ÖÜ^nbsp;abna

^amaa mkrnz II Ô II kshliBd-Ä .WÎ^.iaB B^^ri^a-ßrlhi^v xix II 8 II ^ôt\'xe^iJ

. j-^-^bxlcf liisflcrjj^ II\\


* \' j

.aiJarfbbfi\'ï-aitÎjaflTgîte-iîrÛiiamp;V atîi 1o .asli .II

-flßi3 ,88ja.oa .003nbsp;aboißS) S O .(^nJsfeS beau) X O

-tmo aaaUT . («oiJasIXoo sicrfsj ,939X100 .V -A .a) S D ,(00eX aeiiJ
rJJW .BïsiibfeaïtsO Î0 xtaribbBÏ ent -io .asmnbsp;riguorit «JoXü

JMJaoïmx oa woxla aasriT .aavasX sniaata s îo noxtciso-ca
. B^aTaiqarf^cO dti^ bns snMbSxtcfwO n^iw niae-i SilB x^AI
«aaXnbsp;srfa^.sv frSVXnbsp;: .bns S O

-Bmih BditiBtä hBX\' oïliWiX ...nbsp;5 nrls^te sdB^-^l^h

,XX rfoo XX arii-iamp;\'ïWsqoïBÏ Mïaï XX ï-igt;gt; XX arl.tifenadï\'aiï
• ÏKA^ohEÏnbsp;tóaïsv SVVXnbsp;: abns 5 O

10 iJâilbbaî ai axüT {Seo3 .0« .oosnbsp;shoiaS) t D

.3 iinw noiJo.anoo iii oj bsfial« risset ^jbaaiXa aBfl bna .arfïdaxaèV

ßdts : aaiasrf H .âaiaaim aïs «S aavaal 8XX tc
ffiO\'ïï itXâbiw aiâîïib asiX\'X -ionbsp;arlT -aïs^tixX iJsrfbbaq ï^riaisS.

.anfeboO iitxw abna bno sbJ-riY brti
.KOiTiaii A TUO oKioïiifla HOU auoaAas

.».a asKnbsp;.H ^o «oxtxb, gaxJaix, ar£T

„W Ji .bs-x^vooBib .aam -ve« .ilï ïo WsxX ui .xloirfw .aani^^oo-^-xorl
ax easrlJ ïo 3«x:a-iJa Jaom ariT .^UJost oJ ^^aaoaoan -^X^JhXo,^
llimj.-ltxia ariJ 10 a^aïïBup-asïHt b«B {IIVX-IIIX)nbsp;XXi

aoWon ot b^Xx«l «Jiba exlT .ai» .\'xOnbsp;a lo noxJo^Lot^qaT XM^sv

eriJnbsp;tót aariaxXdaïaa sri .noxïoubo^Jni airi „t

Si. âr£nbsp;bas atiflxklbüoa .«A-M^aaqX îo aaoriJ ot aajxi «Ihi

-ssoiCJ bnßnbsp;avxï aaari.t \'xol iBdt .«rantK srfï noxJaam oï eit

rm-o ^isrC^ 10 ixeinbsp;ncnbsp;esrlï\'-.^V arij XXer

-ocr page 17-

and did not depend on the M^avas is amply proved by the discovery of
E. P* Besides,adh. coimnents upon the text supplied by E. F. and dis-
tinguishes the Vdrdhag gram the Mdnavas.

In ^^stry»8 edition there are scores of instances where the text lias
cither not been understood of misrepresented, e. g.

(i)nbsp;yatrd »pas taritavyd dsft - ati samudr^a vaiilave sindhilnM
pataye naiaaA® (p*20 11» 3-4) • Here the plural dpaA governs the singular

^sft and the indeclinable ati stands alone having no relation with any
word expressed or understood* ITeither is there any such known verse as
begins with ati samudr^a. The correct reading, as supplied by Mdn* Gf.
(I.13.15), is: yatrd »pas taritavyd dsfdati - samudr^ya...•(TS»IV»6«2.6).
quot;Where the waters are to be crossed, (the bride-groom) sits down and
recites the verse »samudr^a»

(ii)asad8fshfdmnbsp;adharmeiio »payacchet. (p.l2.1*i), i.e. quot; (The
young man) ought to marry an asaifisfshfd • (girl) in accordance with
adharmaquot; •

(iii)nbsp;ca pa^yasi siJryaill ca 1 anyeshu manas kfthdli.• .(p.21.11.2-3)
The correct reading is md cdnyeshu manas kfthdii, quot;do not engage thy mind
in othersquot;. The omission of the negative particle makes the verse absurd,
specially in view of the fact that the verse is addressed by the husband
to his wife on her first entering his house.


1. The Mantras.

As was to be expected, all the mantras and anuvdkas derived from
the MS. are quoted by pratika, but the contrary that all the pratikas
should refer to the MS*, does not hold good in all cases, kimd. bhava
(ill. II), i^an no mitraA (XI.24) and dan no devjiH (XIV.6) are to be
referred hack to Vdr. Gf* itself (11*5, IV.3), where they are given in
full* Similarly brahmaAo grantliir asi (V.20) stands for bralimaiio granthir
asi sa md visradsat, just on the model of prdAdndd granthir.....visraAsat

-ocr page 18-


•io ^.lövooeib 9di xô bQYQ-iq, ^Iqinß ex gäyöis^M no bmq^b ion bib bas

-exb betenbsp;^o\' bexIci^wBnbsp;erî^nbsp;8;^£2e^^rîICO •rfbG .eaMssS .\'3: .S

.BßVÄrjte Qdi moiS esii^-xM^ srr^ sexiRiifgni:j-

Bsrinbsp;SIÎJT ewîw aeonßj^enx lo s^-iooe si:ßnbsp;noUxamp;ô e\'v^c^ebc^ ni

.6nbsp;lo tocneerf ion »feff^xo

ifelwsnxe ei^j- eniavosnbsp;IßiiJllt;I siit tfisH . (è-S .XI OS-q) .^IßicBn e^cxicfBq

rl^-iW noi^isXöi on aßivßrf snoXe ebnels xtß ôXd^xsxXosbnJ: er£t bcç
ôanev nvon:! xfoye x^ïê ^isa\'cT bx iftrftidK . bco^te\'iebni; bôsaô-ïqxô l^iow
.gt;xî) .«^M
xd bôiXqque aß ^snibas-ï d-oeiioo »liT .a-^^ibxjXGßs i:cfB iT^fx^x eni^eD

fcnß n^ob ene (irioo^s-ebx\'xcf Bdi) .bsoBOio scf ocf ö-xß eis^ßtv efîd- eierlW«

»»•••♦♦•ßfthibwiißa* aeiev ertï ee^xoei

öxiT) quot; •e.xnbsp;* ^öilocß-^ßq» oherûtisflhB niii^rfa\'tBäißeßC xi)

scnßbioooß nx (X-xxs) hU^^eli^BS ns v^i^n: OJ^ ^xiat\'O (fißc: ^rtuoquot;^-

• quot;ßcraaxibß

bnxni Yin.* esGsnt» ^on ob^nbsp;Bßrtam urlae^xihû fein ei snit^^^-ï c^oe^t-ïoo erîT

.b^rao\'ß eeiamp;T erl^ b^\'Ibsz aXoxdi\'ßCi svi^ßgon lo noteBhzo erfT . «aisrld-o ni
btiBdBUd ädi vßnbsp;ex öbiöv eridquot;. isdt tOB-i ^d^ lo vrsxv ni

• seuori aiil snx^ô^fiô d-eiil lexi no eliw eirî od


• Biî\'id\'nBM ôitT «X

n^o-x-i bt-vi-ïóf\'nbsp;brrßnbsp;XXr.nbsp;ed c.- bcv.- eA \'

ßTßflcf k^U .oeeßo Iii. nx booE Morr cion, nöobnbsp;^^n^ o.^ •xi.lç.-i hXüOXi

«CT OCTnbsp;(Ô.YÏX) rxTôb on rîB^ brie (A^S.IX) iîBidifii on n.-b ,(ll .1X1

ni neviB «ib ^erU^ «\'isriw .(5.VI .Ö.II) IX^a.nnbsp;o.-nbsp;fce^^elo
axri^naij, olu^nilB-ïcf lol ebnM^-a (02-V) x^n ^M^X^B^ o^i^nnii^-xcf vXiBXi^tife .II;:
........................... hihnhkhiq le Xoboxr. srij- no ^si^t jB^b^iBir ha bb io

-ocr page 19-

(ib.)\' See Mdn. Gf. i. 22* 6.

PunaH patnfm agnili (XVI .9) is taken fran ilv. (x.85.39) and is
given sakalapdfhena in Mdn. Gf. 1.11.12, though at a subsequent placd
(1.15.1). which corresponds to the present Vdr^lia siitra, it naturally
refers to the mantra by pratfka. It is possible that the author of our
work was unconsciously influenced by the Mdn. Gfwith which he was al-
ready acquainted. Paf^neil-payo «si (l.l3) is also probably a prati\'ka.
cf. M^n. Sf. It is not derived from MS.

^i^tena vd udakene »dhi and ush^lena vd\'udakene »dhi (IV.7),
vishUainbho »si (IX.14) and rdshfrabhrd asi (XI .6) couid as\'well have
been intended by the author to stand as complete mantras by themselves«
For the fuller text of ushdena vd udakene »dhi (and by analogy of ^itena v4
udakene »dhi) see Mdn. Gf. 1.21.2, Apmp. Il.l.l., for vishfambho »si
TS. Ill .5.2.2., KS. XVII .7. Rishfrabhfd asi occurs in Mdn. Gf. 1.9.9
as well without any one of the extensions of Aunp. II.9.7

2. Sandhi.

The Vdr. Gj«. proper does not share with its sadhitd any of the

peculiarities of sandhi. in the mantras, however, quoted by pratikas,

there is only one case where an occasion was afforded to the sùtrakâra

of choosing between the Sajamp;hiU and his own usage. The corrupt mss.,

unaffected by the emendations of the learned scribes, have preserved the -

variably now the one and no-.v the other reading. For details see notes

3 and 4 on IV.4. The saiiie confusion is observable in Mân. Gf. II.17.7,

which., however, presents a fe-^r more examples of this sandhi. see Knauer»s
Einleitung, sec. 8.


1. The borrowings and the disagreements.

,nbsp;Our Vdr. Gf. text is a later compilation than the Vdr. |$r. and its

j Paridishfas. Hence, very naturally it has frequently dra-^m upon them.

-ocr page 20-

.0 .^snbsp;.nfeM see ♦(•cfx)

Bi bus (es.a8.x) I^ioïlnbsp;ai (e.^fX)nbsp;filn^fKi

èoBKï.^iïOiJpeacfija ß üb jcfsi/ori^nbsp;ni snsrl^J.^BlB^Ii-.a nsviB

^IXßiü^ßn tinbsp;BiihrhYnbsp;örfif ocl- abitocioeiioo xioirlw .(I.c!*!)

ïüo 10 lodiisB iBdü eldiasoCL ai ilnbsp;^^^^ ^^

«IB eew 9i{ rioirlwnbsp;.fïibï/ eri:^ böonsüllni ^Xsüoiosrïoonjy. 6ßw gt;[\'iow

•nbsp;ß vlo\'ßtfoiq oali^ bx (SX.I) ia \' ov^^q Kenè^-I .beJnimjpoB -^bföi

.BM ffioi\'i beviish ion ai j-înbsp;.In

ifib\' enex\'ßbü ^v ßßeMeiiJ brxß idb^ sr-ögt;:ßbiJ ^.v
öVßrf XXôw aß bXi/oo (Ô.IX) iaß
nbsp;briB (èX.Xl) ia\' orîteî^neiT

»pevXöacisrf^ Tcd a^-x xißw e;teXqir,oo eß bftBda oi lon\'^iJß erli- ^q\' behneinl: nfted
ßnej-ii^ lo
vj^oIs^aB ^o bnß) ifIb \' or:©?£ßamp;iJ hr BCifybdieu lonbsp;isXXiJl srij -lo\'i

iö\' orCcf/SBÎrxleiv iol X.X.II ^dmA ,£.XSM .nèH saa (ülb\' exie.-feamp;ü
e.Ç.X .\'iO -nfeM Xti R-ÎJJOÛC iaß b^xHcrß-xMafeH . V. lOT «.S.S.ô.III »eT
-Ç.T.C.ÏI .qiaïA lo aAoisns^xs orfd lo »no W ^Jjorld-ivr XXe^quot; ç^a

. irügt;nß8 .S

dxiü lo himbBB Bamp;i x£diw óiBiCe C^OXÎ ßeob iôcîoiçnbsp;îriT

,1©tôw0x{ .bß-ici-xx-cr. ôxli- ni , ixlbxiße lo
^-.\'ilrAB^ilsS od böbicllß eßv. noiaßooo nß £-i6x£v^ aeßo SKO vXd:o F.i sisiid-
^.esm d-cxk.-i\'ioo ©rlT .s^sßßx; niro eirl bnß ^.d-irl^isS nesv^töd -^fiiaocrlc le
— ôxli bev-xôeôi\'ïnbsp;^aecfi-xoa bsxsiPeX exfd lo snox^ßbxisfrio ôxli

BBion ÔÔ8 eXißd-öb •xo\'î -\'^XïxMö\'i -lefldo sriJ v;on bxtß ôXio »dî \\öcs MXcfßiißv
^V. VX. II -.nili ni sXdBWcao\'o ei noiaulnoo oi.manbsp;no bfïB C

e.83 .idbme eiili lonbsp;S\'xoffi ß ednoceiq; ,iôvewoxf ..xloirf^

• 8 .Oôe »tfiU^idXalîî

.aAViBlfeXHil^X aHT ŒlâA ArjAH^ .fiW îâKT ETI\\V KOXTAJCäH


^nbsp;^^^ eâxïit.o\'ï\'ïocf öflT .X

:nbsp;»\'ihV nx-^r:^ noidFXiqmoo ladßX ß ei dxtiquot; «

-ocr page 21-

Upanishadarhdli (VIII .12.IS) is taken over verbally from one of the
Pariliahfas, the Antarkyakalpa. The Gfliyapurusha, the first of the
Paridiah€as, forme the source of the majority of the sdtras in the
Vais\'vadevakarma (ch. XVII), and still another Pari^ishfa, the Rahasya,
has supplied materials for Pravargya (VII.17.20). This community of
relationship is extended further to common corruptions and confusions
between the right and the wrong readings of the mantras, e.g.
sfjdvahdv ubliau, vethaveha (XIV«13), agna dyddshi (IV.4), etc.

A close examination of the few i^rautd extracts given in our foot-
notes vYould show that points of difference are not altoghether lacking.
In such a corrupt state of the Vdrdha mss. as we have them, minor dif-
ferences which could be accounted as clerical mistakes and later emen-
dations, cannot be seriously taken to have existed from the beginning, e.g
pavitre stho vaishiiaTya iti (1.12); pavitre stho vaishAavyd iti (cf. VS.).
Still there is one instance, in which the Gfhya has certainly deviated
from the ^rauta. it reads: dhvdntd vdtd agnim abhi ye saifipatanti 1
diirehetiH patatrf vdjinjLvdn.-..(XV.l), while the ^rauta agreeing in all
essentials with TS. 1.7 .7«2 feads : dhvdntaA vdtdgram anu sadcarantau 1
dilrehetiH patatrf »ndriydvdn..... The variations could possibly be
accounted for as due to the influence of Mdn. Gf. 1.13.4, which is
identical with our Gfhya, but for two variants: aAkil, sailicaranti in the
majority of the mss., though ailko pointing to aiSkau and saifipatanti are
aiso preserved in some mss.


The Vdrdha Gf. runs parallel to the Mdn. with several identical
siltras, which have been noted in the footnotes of our text. Besides minor
differences in details, Dantodgamana and Pravadanakarma are unknown to
the Mrfnavas. PtuAsavanam of Vdr. is replaced by Phala-sndnam^ while
Putrdbhimantrajiajn and Annaprddanam have nothing particularly common.

-ocr page 22-

arid- 1o ono moil xllscfnsv :c6Vo ceatej- ai (ei*SI.IIXV) A\'kfnßamp;jsr{BiaßQU
óiij- lo d-aiil sxfi\'nbsp;ôx£T * jeflIjBsJB^ïC^stnA srfj-

ôri^ ni ößid-lja öild lo Y^i\'ïotsfiî quot;io ©oijjoc exf^ sincl: jeeS-xieifeitis^î
,B\\;aarfBH arid .BldsihiiB^ i9ritaaß Ilxie bas ,(IIVX »do) ßrrtrrB^tevebßrfeisV
lo xamp;inL\'Jimioo eiriT «(OS. VI. 117) ßT^ttßVßi^ elßi^öamp;ein bsilqque e«rf
efioiaxjlnoo bnß enoiitîjjïioo nomriioo o^ lexfd-iijlt bebned\'xs ei qiffenoi^ßlei
• g .e ,eßiamp;aBm edamp; Tto asfcibßsi: anoiv; bn« i-xf^Jt\'ï
.0^8, ,(^.VI) icEsÈiî^ife BHEß ,(5I.VIX) ßxföTßrl^ev »xisrltfi; vkäßvhc^a
-Sool \'lüo £ii nsviB e^oß^td-x© ^d-weiè exljf lo noliealmßxe eeolo A
• aiïi^ûJ^\'-C Tie/fd-öifsod-Iß don siß ©onaidllib le edniocf d-ßrfi- woxCa MJJO?/
-quot;iib rioniinnbsp;evsrî ôv/ aß .aem ßif^i^V ©rCit quot;io scfßd\'B dquiioo ß xioua xsl

-xiôisîô iscfßl bnß aesTBj-aim IboI-ïsIo eß böj-nwoooß ©cf bli/oo xîoirCw eeoneisl
.9nbsp;oxi^- ffioiî böd\'ai^:© srerf od ne^fßd i^Iöiroiisa scf doxinßo .enoidßb

(.av .lo) itx ^.quot;\'cvßhrCeißv oiiia »idxvßg : (SI.I) idi ß-t/vß^xleißv ox£d-8 eidxTßq
böd-ßiveb xlTilßi\'xso Bßxi ß\'^xi^cO s{oid\\7 alnbsp;eno ex »tsxid lliamp;B

I idnßdßqfljse s-^ ixicfß mixisß èdfev fedxïèvxib : ebßöt dl -ßdxjßiö amp;r{j. ßcsl
Ilß xsi gnidötcsß »difßTS exid slixfw ,(I.VX)....nèvlfiic^v x-ïd^dsq Kidexfs\'xüjb
I ifßdnßaßc.Vß8 jjHß iußiS^d^v ihßdxx^vnb : ebße^nbsp;»ST xxdiw eXßidxreeae

sd gt;^Ici xeaoq biwco enoidßi^LXiv arîT.....n^vîs-^iibxx ♦ xT:dßdßq ^lidoxisil/b

ai xioixfvrnbsp;I .^cD ^nlbE lo eonsirllni ôxtd od öJib 8ß lol be^imooon

exfd xji idxfß\'xsoÄißB »i^îîfïB : adxißi-xßv owd -ïoT: incf .B^dhD jsjo xidiv; Ißcidnebi
eiß idxißdßq^iißB bnß ußjlhß od s^ii^^^loq o:^ß xÎ3i;ox{d ,.Gam ôx£d
Jo \\amp;liolôm

• eau: emoe ni bevideeiq cedEs


______ i

Ißoidnebi Ißttevea n\'diw *xtèM sx(d od IsIIßia^ 8xïi;\'x .cdî^ifev erlT
txoninî\'esbxBôS »dxed ijjc le Bsdonicol sxid xsi bôdoxï namp;ecf .svßxr xIoirTw »aßidlra
od nwoflîiflx: s^ßnbsp;bnß ßxißfnßabodxxßd ,elißdöfgt; rii »soxieisllib

eXirlv,quot; ,.n:BXièn8-Bl3Xllt;î -s^dquot; bsoalçôi ei »ihV lo jsxßnßVßsÄuJ«! • eßTßnfeM ©^ij-
•noßiKOO quot;Vilaßlxjoid\'ißq j^nxrldoxx ©vß/I xcßnßfe^j^qßnnA bxsß

-ocr page 23-


Hext to the Mdnavas, the Kafhas bear the closest affinities with
the V^rdhas. In
some chapters such as the Vratdni, UpdkaraiSaifi, Utsar-
janaiA and AnadhydydH■ the three Grl?yasiitras - the Mdn., the Vdr#, the
Kdth. - hare much the same tradition. A detailed discussion of this
common tradition lies outside the scope of our introduction. We shall
be content to simply indicate that in some respects the Vdrdiias stand
nearer to the Kaphas tlian to the Mdnavas who belong to their own
^dkhd. Thus IV.21 and VIII .12 are identical with Kdfh. Gf. XL.17, X.1.2
as against Mdn. Gf. 1.21.12, 7.1. Cf. also saifivatsarad-rndtd-pitarau na
mdiAsam a^nfydtgt;dm (III .7) with Kdth. Gr. XXXVI .13 mMeaA tu nd \'»ilnftali
(sadvatsaraii to be supplied from the previous sd#, and md^d-pitarau to
be understood as the subject of a^nftali), as against Mdn.Gf .1.18.7 na madhi
mdilise prd^nfydd d padubandhdt. prapatato in IV.13 agrees with Kdth.Gr .XL.l.
as against Mdn. Gf. 1. 21. 8. pravapato.


When Mdn. and Kdth. fail, one or other of the gfhyasiltras supply
counterparts for the Vdrdha. A few exemples are:

(I)nbsp;Arfv. Gf. 1.10.23-25: Barhishi pdriia-p^traifi ninayet 1 esho
»vabhfthaA\'l pdkayajilinamp;a etat tantram. it is identical with Vdr. 1*34
sqq. (I).

(II)nbsp;Ap. Gf. VI.15.8: putrasya ndma dadhdti pitdgt;mdte «ti:

V^r. Iii.i pitd mdtd ca putrasya ndma dadhydtamp;n. The other Gf. s\\itras do
iiot mention mdtd.

(III)nbsp;The three gfhyas of the Sdma-Veda - the Khdd.11.3.29, the
Gobh. 11 «9.21, the jaim. 1.11 - use the mantra try4yushaiamp;.....for
ni\\Irdha-.parigraliaj5a in ciiddkaraiiam, thus corresponding with Vdr. IV.19
trydyusliaii.....iti dirafi saifimf dati .

(l) var.nbsp;35 are to be rearranged accordingly.

-ocr page 24-

• AHTtjaAiaifex)«/vgt;:AK!rA:ä SÛÎT^ HTr,V PIDITAüSHnbsp;quot;

■ »

•____I___ _nbsp;;

rfd-lw asiid\'inx\'i\'iß c^bsboXo Tßedquot;nbsp;srljnbsp;slidquot; ocJ- d-xsK

-leaj-Unbsp;siid- 8ß xfoije e-ïsd-qeiîs omoB al .asri^tc^Vnbsp;I\'


sfft ^•\'xhY ^•ahli s£ii «- BBrnd-Zieß\\;c£iD seiffi- ôxfcrnbsp;fcnß Ärßxißi,

öMt to noxasifoaib bftixßtsb A •noxd\'xbßTt ©xtisb ©rCt xIojjui trsä « ^plihll ^
Ilßrla öW •noxcfûijbo\'idrtx ixgt;o to scxooa Qdt ©MBd-jjo esxl noxd-ibsad noimioo ,,
bx3ßd-8nbsp;ôrCd Bd-oöQöSi öinoa nx
^Bdt etïBolbal quot;^Iqfnxe od- d-nad-rtoo scf



msro ilQdi oi arrolsdquot; oxlr eßVßA^M 9d:ï odquot; üßrldquot; eßri^-ßX arid- ot lö-xßsxr
S..I.Xnbsp;«tenbsp;xfd-iw Iß0x^x19bx ö^ß SI. HIV bßß IS.VI axrxiTnbsp;\'

Bti hB^Bû^iq^\'-hùhsiinbsp;oslß .10 • I. ?nbsp;I .te «nbiî denxßSR eß

fißdxnb\' J^n ut AißeMßt £1. IVXXX .lO .ift^}! rl^xw {V.III) Lih^hvlnhB imahhm f

i ■

cd- j/Bißd-iq-^jj^xn bnß ,.!je euclveicf Qdamp; xnc^:! bsxI^ïÇiJB ©cf cd\' ihß-xßsd-ßv^a) [
£bßis ßß V.81.1.te*nibM creflxßSJS eß ,(flßd-^r-sß
to ä-oeldue arCd- ©ß bood-Biebny scf


[. JX. lö.xfd-^X rid-iw aoöisß SI.VI nl otBamp;Bqaiq . d-^rib^ßcfxrbßq h bh^ink^iq sekhm • •

»od-ßqLßvßaq .8 «IS .1 .te .n^M d-axiiß^ß eß \'


Ylq^IiJS a^^id\'lL-eß\'^i^tB ^^^ lo i9rid-o io orto ,IJ:ßlnbsp;bnß .xîJ^H nsrCW


: siß Bfriqin©?:© vrsl A .axièifeY sxidquot; ici ed\'iaçied\'ni/o onbsp;i


orloe I xiiBxriisa; : SS-SS.Ol.I .te »vaÄ (I)nbsp;i

i^S.! .iJbv rCd-iw Ißox^tnebl ai dquot;! .rœid-xîBt dßdquot;© rJ^xiis^st^Y«^^-\'^«! ^Tßrrd-^dßv \'nbsp;[

• ( X) \'ppe

sd-feßi ^d-xor id-hxfbßb arr^n :8.eX. IV -te .qX (iX)nbsp;|
.te löflcTo adT .dfed-ibiürfbßb ßxrijfi ß^eß\'fd\'xfq ßo è^èm i^d-xq X.III .ïM»-

.fed\'èw xsoxd-nenî donnbsp;;
9x£d- £.XX.bèx£}i sridquot; - ebeV-ß^fea ôxfdquot;
to Bß^i^g eeirCd- qiCT (XXX)

lot» • ß^dnßn: orld qbu - XX.X .ßüßl, ^XS.e. XX •n\'d\'oOnbsp;y

ex.VI .i^V xfd-iw snibncciaeiioo öjjrld- ninbsp;^

• Xd-ßbWhßBnbsp;.....i^rlex/\'^fe^Cid-

.YJ^Sßxbioooß beanßiißST^\'cf od^^ s^ß öC ,äi;.i .\'x^V~quot;(iynbsp;[

-ocr page 25-

(IV)nbsp;Kau^ft. Gf. 11.1 (2): yajiSasyo »pavfteno «paTyaydmi (3):
V^r. V. 8 yajdasya tvo »pavfteno »pavyay4rai. Other gfl^yasdtras read
upanaijydmi in place of upavyayamp;ni .

(V)nbsp;Baudh. G]?* 11*7 (4): su^ravali....bhiSy^sam is identical with
Vdr. V. 25 su^ravaA.... .bhiiy^sam.


Unlike any one of the other known gfhyasiitras (5), the Vâr. starts
with enumerating the Vâr. âr. Parilishtas and aftef P^kayajildîi it be-
gins the satfiskdras proper with Jdtakarma and ends with sfmantonnayana,
adding at the end Vaiévadevakarma. Thus it deals with only half the ritual.
To the usual satâskdras it adds Dantodgamana prededing Annapr^^ana, and
among the marriage rites it devotes special attention to the sounding of
quot;all musical instrument?quot;, which is elevated into a separate rite and
covers the entire thirteenth chapter.

In details many points of difference and of particular interest can
be noted in almost evexy chapter. Some of them are noted here:
1.6. The Ahitàgni is required to sacrifice in the Dakshiiîàgni fire.

I Prof, Caland\'s ms.

(3 ) Saifiskdraratnamdld p. 189: yajiiopavfteno »pa-vyaydmi .

(4)nbsp;This refers to Prof .Caland» s forth^^oming edition.nbsp;j ^

(5)nbsp;The following gfhyasiitras have been consulted for writing this and
the previous sections: jWv. (Bibliotheca Indica), ^diikh. (Oldenberg),
Kaudft (Prof.Caland»s fragmentary ms.), Jaim. (Lahore), Gobh. (Knauer),
Khdd. (Mysore), Kaud^ (Bloomfield), Mdp. (Knauer), Kdth. (Caland),
Bodh. (Caland^s edit, in ms.), Bhdr. (Salomons), Ap. (Winternitz),
Hir. (Kirste), Vaikh. (Caland), Pdr. (Stenisler). Through Prof*
Caland»s good offices I had obtained the Madras ms. (in iDevandgari
copy) of vddh^a-Kalpa-vydkhyd. Towards its end there is a brief
vydkhyd of the Vddhdla-Gfhy»» on account of its succinctness I
could make little use of it*

-ocr page 26-

. (e) •nbsp;: (S) X.IX lt;VI) • J,:

.nbsp;.....iSereitea 3£ .Tnbsp;j


* • •nbsp;t

■ ^ / ■ 1;


.nbsp;.ïiO .iiW ffiT ÏO SaiiaTASM SW-I\'î™!quot;^nbsp;[.

quot; »!

r ,, Budï .eiCTKÄvobiwfciaV bna sdJ Je -nxbbß

«ri» ï-tsd Xlao ntiw r..ügt;9b Jx a^x -««n^

. 1 ..nbsp;.nbsp;ai .oi.^.nbsp;—

.^sJcfBrfo fIJnssJlWJ aii^rts er.J aaavoo

«O ■^««•...ninbsp;bHB eona^eni. \'xc a.nio.nbsp;eXia^ab «I^ .

.BIC 8»bnfilß0 .loiq:

-Anbsp;.„oidibanbsp;a.b««XaO.-xo.. o.^ a«.«.

-ra.1nbsp;.vhk t öfiOX^O©» 8W0 XVöiq 9At

gt; v^cr f »m ni .^ibs slbfinXBO) .rCïïOa

1nbsp;nbsp;« ainbsp;b„e a.inbsp;.0 (..co

1 eo-n^onxooL-e a^i quot;lo d-m/coo» no cjryc. .ß^tx.

■ quot;nbsp;.il 10 ôsu bXitïLnbsp;hlwoo

-ocr page 27-

11.1,2,12 have no exact parallels. dhruvaA\'prapadye...is a neu mantra.
11.3 prohibits the mother from touching the child until the mantras have
been chanted.

II.8nbsp;Gold is the principal ingredient in the food given to the new-born
cijdid, and an optional prescription is made for its continual use (after
rubbing it in water) upto the twelfth year.

III.3.nbsp;The girl (even that of a BrdhmaAa) is to be given only one name.
111.4. The mantra somasya tvd dyumnena (MS. 11.6.11) is applied for

III.12nbsp;prescribes the dfrghas for Annaprd^ana.

IV.nbsp;3-5 have no exact parallels.

IV.7 has a new mantra: ^itena vd udaicene »dhi.

IV.12nbsp;allows the option: mdti »nyd v4 »vidliav4.
IV*23, V.4, 38, 40 have no parallels.

V.nbsp;27 lays down for the brahmacdrf the use of a kemazidalu, and that of a
different form for the
Br^hmaiia, the Kshattriya and the Vai^ya. The
Kamarfdalu appears again in IX.15.

VI.17nbsp;prohibits the begging of salt.

IX.20,nbsp;X.2 have no exact parallels.

X.14,nbsp;The marriage-agreement is made by both the parties with cow-dung
in their hands.

date op CCMPOSITIOH op the VJte. Giti

The V4r. Ga5. not only begins with enumerating the Paridishfas,
but in sections such as the UpanishadarhdA and the major part of the
VaiiJvadevakarma it depends for its text entirely upon them. The
l^ari^ishfas, themselves, are younger than the Vdr. Sr. to which they are
appended. A detailed description of guAavidhi, codanavidhi, prayojanavidhi,
^«ie^avidhi and other technicalities of the Mfmddsdpdtras in the Pari^ish-
^as gives us the upper limit for the
age of their compilation. For the
lOTATer limit we are left free to make surmises. From the option made in the
slaughter of a cow at the Madhuparka, Dr. ^^stry infers the G:fhya to have

-ocr page 28-

♦ox -

» • ,

wan ß ei...nbsp;^fiBVis-^b . eit!XXe\'x.\'=;q ci-n^xs on ^vßxl

evßxl ößitoßa öxCdi xx^njj, bXxrfo oxi^ sni-^^^iJO? Kio-xl lerl^oiti örl^ e^irfifloiq ë.XX

• fcecl\'nßfiamp; neec

erl^ od- navis bool ^di ^^is toibamp;isr.i IsqiOAiiq sn\'J bXoO 8.XX
tiens) -Ö8Ü
Iminïamp;noo bSï ïoI ebßm si nci^Tql-xc-ae-xQ iBCoiJ-qo nß bxrß ^bX^i^fo

»\'ißs.-^ rId-lXôwd- sfTj oj-qjj (ns^^ew ni d^i sfiicfo\'jj\'^
• snißfi öxio- \'iXr.o xiöVis öd o^ si (ßiißrnr-is-xa ß Icnbsp;neve) X-^is »47 .S.XXX

. \' ici bsiXqqß ai (XX.Ô.XX .8M)nbsp;ß%:aß,\'~OBnbsp;exlT .iN.XXX

* \' .nbsp;^ßnßbißjstirlcfp

..nbsp;,ßriiJSii^qßxtxiA lol BBd^-^lb sdi ceCi-cBe\'-iq SX.XXX

,8XeXXßiBCi i-oßxs 0X1 yvßif c«S .VI
• ix£b\'nbsp;i-v x-xis^i?:^ : ßiS\'nßn won
b nBd V.VI

• ^vßilbiv\' Ji\'-ifi» hf^si inoidqo odinbsp;SX.VI

•nbsp;,9XeXXi?\'Xsq oxt ùvsxinbsp;»i^-V ,?=:S;.VI

ß lo ^srlj- bxtß .nLBhhBtiB^Ä ß lo eaiJ exfdquot; l^AOB^dBid exft iol xr^of-. o-^ßX VS .V
exiT .ßvJiißV bnß ßvi^^cTsrlaX eii^nbsp;oii^ \'icl in^ol ^ne\'i-llih

• ÔI.XI xti nißsß a\'ïBôqqs uXßbhßms:^
.d-Xsa lonbsp;15:^X0\'iiioi-q VI.IV

• eXS\'XIßißq d-ocxo oxf ©Vßxi S.Z ,OS.XI

Vfujfc.v/oo x£Ji\\7 eeii-isc öxCcT rl^^ocT xd öbßis exnbsp;oxiT

• ebrxßxl liôrij- nj

::IHT 1.0 vicrmo^-Do \'ÏO stm

aß^fCsifexi.x\'i örld- sxtx^r.-xexajno ridquot;if/ aiiiaôcf \\:Xxio ^onnbsp;sxlT

br:^ lo z\'iBq, lol^îii edi bnß ^I.^i-i\'ißbr-rlairißqü axid* aß nox-e nnoid\'ooa ni iui
»xiT .icsxid- xioq;/ x-^azlinB iK^i b
H \'xol Bf\'Xtsqdb il Bîri\'iB\'/.nr^bi^vhïB\'
3ißnbsp;rloiilv od- .ibV öx£d- Xi^îrid* \'lö-önuox «nsvXoafiioxf^ ,r,äJ.^!ix-r.i.hiißlt;

,^f-oo \\irlblo noid-qiicasb beXißcfeb A . hobneqq.
-ilB^î^x-B\'înbsp;ef^\'i.^\'^\'ö^i^nxll îîX^d lo asidiXcî^xxmoô^ le-xl-to bns irfhivßööb:

tjxid- •lo\'i ♦rioij-BXiqrxo ixsiij lo^öäß ^^^ cfintiX \'iav^qx; sfid- ni/ eevia oß\'
axid- ebßrü Xî.oid\'qo
r.xji\'l .ns^üii-iwonbsp;odquot; sail rxeX yiß ev; c^iaiil \'Iamp;v-Ü

svßxi od\' ß-^^t\'iO öx£d a-xslxa x\'i^J^i^o .\'XGnbsp;i\'ß woo ß lo -x^^xiai/^vX

-ocr page 29-

been coapoQed in the first and second centuries A. D.

Such grammatical peculiarities as the use of dative asyai for gen.,
^ nom. pi. for acc. pi. in f-stems or even the use of the absolutive in
\' stead of the finite verb do not give any indications of
a particular
age. Neither do the sdtras identical with Mdn., Kdth., Adv. and other
gfhyas point
inequivocally to the priority of the one to the other.
The same passage quoted in the
Mdn. and the Vdr. (VIII.6) as a druti is
incorporated in the Kdth. without any indication of its being a citation.
Simila^is the Vdr. treatment of some of the drutis of the Mdnavas. Our
thorou^ investigation into the matter has convinced us that this can also


t form no sound basis to construct our chronology upon. The \'ity eke*
passages also do not allow of definite identifications. iCpoMshfhfyene


; «ty eke, XIV.24 could probably refer to Mdn. 1.11.26. The importance

I attached to yajiiopavfta in the vdr. may serve for some scholars as an


additional indication of the priority of the Mdn. But then the Bodh.,
which has hitherto been considered as one of the oldest siltras, and the
accented Kdfh. Araliyaka including the Upanayana-Brdhmaiia would have to
be considered as younger productions. The rite for accepting a kamaiSdalu
in the Upanayana and later in the Samdvartana is rather to be taken as
due to an influence of the ]3harmaddstras, and accordingly the question
\' of age is to be considered in relation therewith.

With regard to its relation to the Kdfh. G;^., might be here
suggested that the Vdr. was composed at a time when the Kafhas were stillL


\' living in close proximity, for there is not an insignificant number of
siltras, which agree with the Kdfh.
Gf • as against the Mdn., besides a
number of sdtras common to all the three.

We have not been able to trace in the vast ritual literature any
i quotations from the Vdr. Gf. In our own days the Vdrdhas have been ab-


j sorbed among the Mdnavas.


-ocr page 30-

• . *

\'nbsp;«A B^^itsimts fcnooss amp;nß d\'aii;\'^ Bdt rci *feeeoqc:oo ns8cf

.•noB lol xßquot;\\ies ©vi^sb lo eaxförfif BB Bamp;litlisllvoeqnbsp;kojjQ

£zl evlamp;uIoBdß edamp; lo sbjj ox£jf xievô 10 èffisd-e-l ni .Iq .oos ttol .Xq .laon

\'nbsp;ß îo anox^ßolbni: t^ï®^on ob cfisv ô^iiïil ic bseie

• ^

^siftfo 6nß .vbA ..djtbxnbsp;ritlw JlßQx^nebxnbsp;9£iamp; ob loxîvtxôlî .©sß

ôrf^ 04- eao edt 2o \\amp;iiO£iq, edt o? x-tlaooviupoxix Jßxoq Bßyf.h^
ax xd-iJ-ïë ß (Ô.IIIV) .ifeV enamp; bnsnbsp;Kl \'beamp;oup g^bbbbo;nbsp;^xfT

• aol^ßamp;lo ß gxJiscf B^x îo xîoxtBoxbni vïbnbsp;*s{amp;h:i ni fce^ßtcoqiooni


n;0 •BßYßnhu edi lo aid-jjtcè oxf;^ îo sinoe lo ^xîôd^BSiiquot;nbsp;öfid- ex yäHiüIB

oaiß flßo axifd-nbsp;aj; beonxvnoo eßf£ is»d-j-ßxn srft o^fni ßoxi-ßai;^eamp;vnx ifsi/orçorf^

»S5ÎÔ x.d\'x* dxiT .rtoqi; xsolonoirîo iüg J-ûx/id-enoo od* execcf bnjjca ou ßiiol
enex:li{^riei:r£oqX • anoxitßöilx^nsfci ecfxnriaamp; lo wollß den
ob oeiß eesßeaßq
sonßiioqxtti: »riT .ÔS.II.I •xiiäM
oi \'xslai x-^cTßo\'oixi Müoo f^s.YIX ,s3£s -^d-»

rtß 8ß öißXorloa qssoq 10I öti:9b yßtt: .\'x^v eri^ iii ß^xvsqohtßY b^dQBftß


. ,.iiboa örld-nbsp;d-iia .rtfeM srît lo ^^cMioxnç edi lo noxd-ßoibni Iß^oid•^^^ß

bxxß »efid-l-B

deôblo ôxidquot; lo 9X10 aß amp;8\'£6fgt;lenoo nsscf odquot;t£®rL;fJtf£ aßxi xfoxrfw
oamp; ©vßrf blisoT ßhßisdJ^tE-BnßxßnßqU srf^ gnibulofix ß^^-iknbsp;fte^noooß

ijlßb^ßi£[ß?l ß snxd-qöooß 10I sd-x^ axlT * snox^oja-boiq tLSsnuc-^ sß fceiabxarîoo erf
. 8ß riealßd- etf od- tcdii^ßi ax ßftßd-ißvijrosa diid- «x isd-ßl baß ßffß\\;^nßqü exi^ nx
noxd-esi/p sdi Y-^ä^ii^I^^\'oooß baß .Bn^tBhhsmißda lo eonexrXlrix nß o^ eüb

•nbsp;tiolißlQi Kl bsioManoo arf od* ei sjîb lo

eisrl scf Msxranbsp;.rfHx ©xl^ od- noi^ßlsi adquot;! 0;^ brrßaö\'i x^d-lW

XXi;^8 ö\'xew eßr{^s2 edt aedvf esrdS ß tß bôBoqmoo aßvfnbsp;©xi^ c^ßxf^ bsd-eogsi^-B

lo -ïSQ\'iîîi/fl d-nßoilirtgianx r£ß d-on al e^^di lol ,xd-jtnrxxoiq ©aolo xti sxxiviX


ß oôbxescfnbsp;©n\'d- d-axixßgß aß «^cünbsp;©rfd- rCd^iw oöisß rfoxrfr

.ööirrd- srTd Ilß od* xicmcoo eattd-i/e lo lecTiCi/n
X^ß öii/d-ß-iöd-xX Xßj/^li d-sßv
Ods ai eoßii od- ©Xcfß nescf cfoxï evßrl ©W
-o\'ß fiôscf srßxi BBdkihY ©rTj- a^ßb nwo t£Uo nj .tàV ©xld- nail 8noi;^ßd-oijp
_nbsp;.BßVßn^i ©xCd- sxtoxrjB bsdice

-ocr page 31-


The text of the vAr. Gf* as presented to ocholars in this edition
is quot;based mostly entirely on one ms. F. with very few emendations. The
other mss. including Dr. ^dstry* s edition and the Paddhatis have quot;been
reproduced fully in the footnotes, and often supply or help in deter-
mining good readings. It will he seen that the text bristles with un-
grammatical and peculiar formations. Of these the largest number of corrup-
tions is to be met with in the mantras, as is the case with many other
gfhyas\\Itras. Many of them could be accounted for by the scanty material
consequent upon the ever decreasing numbers of the Vdrd^jia families in
the past centuries, but there are not a few others which could not be
reasonably ascribed to the fault of later generations.

The following short notes on some of the s\\lt/as would help in the
critical study of our texti

-1.1 a tali par aA parilishf4 ^maitr^aAfyasiJtrasya. pari^ish€4 cannot be
understood as a ved. neut. nom. pi., but is most pfobably intended as
masc. pari^ishf^A, which, however, is to be corrected to pari4|j(ishfd^i.
In view of the plurality of the Pari^ishfas the singular parilishfaA
ofi Sh. is not preferable. Cf. the colophon at the end of vdr.Sr. ms.

-nbsp;Anugrahika.....bhiltotpattir iti dvdviiAilatili pariiishfa-saifikhydnam -

The long dvandva compound of 26 members ends as feminine singular, and
further, though grammatically unassailable, is the very uncommon
expression dv4vii£^ati3i parilishta-saifikhydndm (instead of o pari^ishf^ndm ),

-nbsp;1.5. sv^amp;dr^te nigadya homdA. The first word is undoubtedly a mis-
take for sv^^kdr^ntad. cf. V4r. ^r. p. 2: dsfno juhuydj jdnvagnau
(read j^nvdkno) nigadya sv^h^dr^ntaA.

-nbsp;1.6. paratantrotpattiX is not intelligible to us.

-nbsp;1.7. pa^cdrdh^d udfcfifi lek^-likhati o, dakshiAdrdhdt prdcidi-o,

uttar^rdhdt prdcfifi-o madliye dve tisro vd prdcfli o, madhydd vd.

padcdrdhdt, dakshiildrdlidt, uttardrdhdt and madhydt stand respectively

for padcdrdhe, dakshiAdrdhe, uttardrdhe and madhye. Thus the intendend

lines would be drawn in the following manner:

1 __3

. _ 5

_ __6


-ocr page 32-

♦sinbsp;, -nbsp;.

* \'


\' \' noitlbö eiriS- lîi etLßloxicife o^ fcednamp;aaiQ eß «tenbsp;9r£d- lo d-xscT sxIT

öÄT • enoid-ßbxtönis vîsI yïöv rid-iw «quot;î .cm ©no no vlsix^n© quot;^Ideom beeßdquot;

nî»9cf evßxi axj-BxIfebß^ örf? bnß noxtfifcs s^x^xj-e^^ . tcŒ %r£xbxfIonx •oerc \'xsrW-o

* * • •

-•xôd-ôf\' nx qlsjcl 10 -^Igqije nsd-îo bnß ,89toiid\'oo\'i ©rit cilnbsp;tsoijbo^i.qe\'x


-r£i» rfj-xr\'Bgildaxidquot; dx-sd-nbsp;d-ßifd- rsssa ©cf IIxw • esxilbßoi boo3 sxîifrxm

-cxu^ioo lo iQdmm d-Rftgißl öfidquot; »esrît 10 .erroJid-ßmol ^ßxljjoaq bnß Ißoxtßfiin^v^

loxito -^^^ßrc rfd-xw saßo ^äi- éi aß .sßatrrßn erCd\' nx damp;l^i H^îl scf et ei Bnct^l
X^nôùB ©n\'d- -^dquot; ^ol bscffijjoooß ödquot; Muco caxEl le ^inßM ♦ eßadljeß-\'^-ig
nl «eilix^el s^^hièT ©lid- lo
Biamp;dtiujn -^nlsBamp;iOBbnbsp;Qdû noqsJ ^nsi/poartoo

ec\' ton bijjoo xioxxfw siörfd-o wsl ß d-on öïc ©quot;XórCd- cfücT ,g©xijjcneo d-aßq sxld-
► « anoid-ßisnös i\'ödßX lo d-Iüßl erid
oamp; bsdx-soßß x-Ccfsnceß©^ ^

©rfdquot; nx lt;ilôxî blüc?; aß^d-jjs ©rfd- lo ôliob no eeton ^\'lone ^nxF^\'oIIol srfT
. ■ » •

rLSjo lo quot;ibud-e laoxd-x-ïo

döxsffßo ^^gt;iif.exexisci •ß-^a^-idi/eßvlhß^i^^\'xixßßi li^xlelblißq hi^-iBcr Kf^amp;ß l^s ^
quot; aß böbnsd-nxnbsp;dsoxïî ex amp;ifd ,#Iq -ißion • d-jjsn .bsT ß eß boodeiehnw

♦ ih-b^-rCsièbiifiq od* bsd-odriioo ecf odquot; ax «\'ierswox\' »rCoMw «fl^axiaxîïirinq -oeesi
quot; hci\'ilexèx\'îsq -ïBlxignxe »rld- eßvixfaxbxiß^ ©n\'dquot; lo \'^dxlfi\'ii-\'lc; er^d lo f.eJtv nl
^Bii:nbsp;lo bns eifdquot; d-ß ncrlqcloo ©i£d- .10 -eldeiels-iq d-on bx .rfa So

«nbsp;x^-xißq .^Ixdßfe^^^xvhvb xd^i: ^xd-d-ßqdOwbrfdquot;»• •..ß^ixxfF\'XT^ijjnA -

bflßnbsp;öninxmal ee ebne eiscfir^m öS lo bnuoqnioo «vbnßvb gncl srîT

üorr-^noonjj v^xt^v arfd- ax .©IcfßlxßBeßni; Y-CIßoid\'ßxiiEB\'iS dsiJodamp; .isdamp;nul
*(nbsp;0 lo bßi?d-eni:)nbsp;xsx\'xsç Mxdßbhxv^vb ncioneiaxa

-Bisii fi^ -ilbsd-cfi/obm; sx tttov; àBtiï odT *iLhit;.od s\\:bßsxn ed-nhib^i\'erl^ycnbsp;-

L\'Hfis^vrLhl ll-^^\'diJl onsnh »q .\'xè .\'xbv »lonbsp;loJ ©gt;:ßd-

B^bß-^la (oaUhviîht
odquot; ©lo\'i^xIXôd-xsi Son al ^iJtdtßCj.d\'cid\'nBdf^\'x.sqnbsp;w

.0 kloh-tqnbsp;,0 x^ßilij^xXnbsp;»ij\'.x -

• lîvnbsp;,0 /Qolî\'xq oialï ^vr^ svjibßm 0 Mchtcq d-èrlbih^R^^-ij

^Xe-Yxd-ü^ie»\'!: brtßde d\'à^iribe;?: bns d-IiiîbiiiBd\':?\';.\'

bnebr^eJ-r:! srliquot; aisriTnbsp;bnBnbsp;,©r{bibo«ßC moI

: isniißci oxid- rci nwßib ©dquot; bXuov-- cor xX
£ _ ______

■ . ^ Ô ^

^ .....\'-\'V\';


-ocr page 33-

cf. ääiöch. 1.7, Khdd., JairiT- 1.1. Gobh. 1.1.9.

. saryää prädea\'a-mätryo darbhe^ä\'»valilchet. prdde^amdtrfli would have been
the correct form, so also
apratydkbydyinya}! for apra^|W^inili in V. 27.

-nbsp;1.12. prokshaiif-dharmaili\'sa£skftya (identical with Vdr. Är. p.36) was
probably orginally prokshaiifr dharmaiA o. cf. Vdr. ^r. p.28 : prokshailfH

-nbsp;aditirasi ndcchinnapatrdlt;(identical with Vdr. äp. p.41) is hopelessly
corrupt. For parallel passages see our footnote 9 on p.4.

-nbsp;1.21. The absolutive yojayitvd stands for the finite verb, see also
V.28, VIII.5 (dharbha-pdiiis trih sdvitrfm adhftya). The commentators of
siltra works have very often split up the continuous text into sdtras
ending with absolutives, which they have treated as finite verbs. But of an
original absolutive standing for a finite verb only one (?) instance has bet
noted by Delbrück: dtitlyena vai devd^ishtvd tdnt samad avindata, ÖB.III.

-nbsp;1.23. kdmaiÄ purastdd dhuro juhoti. V7e fail to decide if purastdd dhuro

^s to be taken as one word.

-nbsp;tvayd prasütd gdm advailiipTirushaii sanemi 1.23 ought to be...sanema. cf.
V4r. Ör. Par. p. 187.

-nbsp;Correct the araJangement of siitras 1.23, 24, ending the former with
atigdhemahi dvisham iti and the latter with tithiifi ca.

d vi shad in the verse vidvd agne ... ought to have been dvishaÄ in con-
formity with vi^vdÄ in the first line. Cf. 11 .i .3.

-nbsp;1.29. In view of bhiiÄ svdhe *ti prdyadcittdhutfd ca we expect the pre-
vious verses to end with an iti.

-nbsp;11.7. jaydbl:ydtdndndi6-rdsh€rabhitad cai «ke ought to have been
d aydbhydtändn o Just as rdsh-Crabhftali.

-nbsp;11.12. Shadarcam recurs in Vdr. Ör. Par. Pra^na kh. 9. so also
Ödnkh. ör. XVIII.23.7. and com. on IV.2.8.

-nbsp;111.9-11. These three siltras dealing with Putrdbhimantraiiaiamp; oug^it to
have preceded the 8th sdtra which relates to Dantodgamana, and is,
according to the Paddhati of öangddhara, immediality followed by
Annaprddana, of which it virtually forms a part.

-ocr page 34-

• . • i

.e.i.i .ddoo. .X.I ^niBinbsp;.6Äxai .v^u^nÄh^ .lo j

nô8cf evßrf fcIx;ow ÂHd-àiiïsèobà^q . c^örf^Cilßv t ^^àsrlcTBbnbsp;-

.ynbsp;iÎB^ifilyX^y/.^y^iB-xz^ cela 03 .xrnclnbsp;sxf^ I

eßw (Ô5.q; .ihY xfcMw Ißoltobi) ß^w^^^sib^a .^Ußm-radb-lharf^j^o-iqnbsp;» f

n-àiBdn^o-L^ f8S.lt;î .^fev ,0 KiBérBdh ^l^axfe^o^q ^Ilßrxx^^\'o ^Z^farfoiq \'

\\\'I8BÔX»C£ÛX£ ai (x^.qnbsp;•Tiàv Xîd-iw Xßoid-nebi)nbsp;ooJLtn icsii^xba -

tio 9 edonioQl ^xjo s©8 esaßessq XöXXßißq lo^ï .^qxjnoo I

oaXß .dïöv o^ixxil öxU Ï0I abxiß;^e hvfiy^lox ovicTiJXoadß exfT .XC.X . \'
BiQiBin^tamo exiT • (ß^^d-lxiba mliamp;trhe Kl\'xi Blhhq^Bddißdb)nbsp;,82.v Î

BBiSbB O.-Xïi .-Xôcr siioiixxi^floo exîcT qisnbsp;xiei-lo ^lev sy^xfnbsp;Btih^

^ß lo ^Xia .«cf^sY S^ixxil 8ß bacfß.ic^-avßxi vexl^ xloirf^nbsp;xl^ivr^snibn^ Î

^cf W öoxißi^BXii (?) 0XX0 YXXÎO (f-sr s^inil ß sn-ibnßcTe ^vli^lo^dB Inni^r.^
.IlX.aö .BiBbntTB itBiOBB itihi hY^dst hrdb ißr ßne^fitUh :nbsp;xcT betört

- . * X. ^ I

oiifxibnbsp;Ii ebissb o^ Xißl qW .xSodist cxsjdb thiaB-xisq; ksrr^y: .cs.j; ^ I


• blow 9xro eß xtö^fß^ ed oj !

.10nbsp;^xfsxio «a.1 iinsnßenbsp;né^ hùliBBi^ hxBvt ^ 1;


raiv/ lemol exft Sf^ibn» gt;S- i eß-x^/js lonbsp;©rfcT joöiaOvO .

• ßo Aîirïd-i^ rliiw -isd jßX edû bnß icf-i maxieirb irrßniex%3xd-e
^n-oo ni ÄßiiaxYb ncsd sv^xi ocf tóyx-o ... err^ß
hvhix ssisv ^di ni ?;:ßxf8iTb

.5.X.XX .i^k .10 .9XtiXnbsp;©rl;f ni Kl.rhtr xîcfiw ^id-iarxol

-6trci Qdi v oöqxö ÔW Ê0 èld-wI^c^^iD^^B-^.-o. id-» exthra flMo\' lo vrsi-v^ xxl .çs.x -

lîB diïv bns OS Bamp;Bxtr Buoir
n^ed evBd od- ±rfsiro e^» iao ^ßd-^rtfßiixlehTnbsp;.7.XX ...ii

•hsihsidBihiBhi BB iaul 0 fJ^.Abcf^^\'îcrh^Bj^ i^j
cel3 03 .Ç ßn^ßi^L .iß^ . aè . i^Y ni a-xijo^-ï f/.ßoiBhBx£8 .SX.XX

.8. S. VI no .iïïöo bnß .V, «S. IiiVX .trä
0^ cfxls^/onbsp;xltir BxriXßöb eßi^^o yeixlt t.8©x£T -XX-Ç.XXX -

bnß .ßrtßrj^Sfcoc^nßo; amp;Bamp;Bltgt;i dohlv B-iamp;ha diS edamp; beböoöici svßrf
-d bôtvcXXol x^UBlbsmii .Bi^bh^nsij lo liBdbbB^ erid* 0;^ s-i:biofgt;oa

.S\'ißq fi esaoî ^IlaujTiT Ji clcidv, lo .B^hh-xieaciA


-ocr page 35-

-nbsp;111.10. reahtya in our text mss. is a mistake for praveshfya.

-nbsp;111.13. sarva ftavo Tivdhe »rndglia-caitrau mdsau pariUdpya. E. F. have
very faithfully
preserved the\'avagraha in amdgha, which is explained by
the Paddhati by pauiSa.
This negative denomination is worthy of our

siltra alone.

-nbsp;IV.6. Correct ^ydhftibhil co »ktaA-...to Tydhftibhil\'ca 1 uktaamp; ...
So also in V. 11.

-nbsp;IV.7. Sftena vd udakene »dhi, ushAena vd udakene »dhi. From Ath. Veda


downards the entire ritual literature is unanimous in reading ...
vdya ... (or ... vdyav ...).

-nbsp;iv.l6f IX.3. ^undha ought to have been dundhi as in all other gfliyas.

i IV.20. parigfhya gomayena keddn uttara-piirvasydifi/gfliasya miishydm^antard
gehdt paladaili\'ca nidadhydt. in spite of the explanation of
Vasishfa (see
p.21, footnote 8) the exact meaning is b^no way clear. For paladatfi ?cf.
AV. IX.3.4: tfjiair dvftd paladdn vasdnd.

-nbsp;IV.22. paksbmaguiiaA tilapiditad ca kedavdpdya prayacchati. Cf* Mdn. Gf.
1.21.12 pakshmagudad tilapiditaifi ca ... and Kdiho Gf. XL.18 pakslmagullaifi
tilapedalaifi ... e Aehfdvakva reads pakslimaguiiarfL and explains it thus:
kedavdpdya tv avikaldl lavakdt tftiyo bhdgaA pakshmaguiia iti ke cit, 1
uktdvo (ushiSo, v.l.) nityekaparo (?) vyajandvayava ity anye, and further:
tilapidlsifi tilapiehfeifi tilapiJr^aifi (... cdriiaifl, v.l.) vd
dadydt (com. on Mdn.
Gf. ib.) The Kdfh. Gf. is explained by revapdla,
Brahmabala and Adityadardana reBi)ectively als follows : sdkshmair
ifrddgujiair veshlJitad tilapdtraifi ndpitdya daddti 1 sadsthite
kedagrathanayogyaifi nflalohitddisiltraift kaumdraifi-tilamdsha
-kfsaraiA ca
ndpitdya prayacchati 1 pakshmaguiiam aunlaguilaveshfitaifi tilapiirJiaifi
^ardvad ca kedavdpdya ndpitdya prayaccliati.

-nbsp;1V.23. is not intelligible.

-nbsp;V.4. Thou#i the words are clear, we have not been able to grasp the

-nbsp;V.9. ydd cd »gnd devfr antdn abhito tatantha and vasdni cdyyo (?)
vibhajdya Jiydn (recurs in XII.3 ... jfydm) are corrupt.
Enormous varia-

-ocr page 36-

.ß^i^xiBöVBiq Tol eoidtBïm b al . aain dxôd *iîJ9 ni Bx^rleQv .01. XXI ^^
ôvarî .-îi .2
.B^qhdi-xsq ijBahsa us\'iamp;iBO^B-l^hm^ eähvir orail av-sa .5I.XXX \'
^cf bsnißlqxs ei rfairfw .arfs^r^ß ni ßrfsasßvß arid bsv-ïeeeiq ^Xliilrf^-iß- -^lev ^
rriro lonbsp;ai noi^ßnimonsh svidßgsn eixiT .ßfei/a« vrf idaribfesq


♦ sncXß

... iSßd-:£ij X ßo feixfcfid^-fè^v od... Aßd3{t oo èiffaid^xrlè^ doewO .Ô.Vï j


.XI Cv ni cela o8

BbsY .xfdA lïïoïï .Jtffb» snsjfßbxj hr bröMbunbsp;enöjißbi; àv ßnedxä . V.VI i


... sxxibßöi ni ewcxTfinßni/ ei öii/dßaedil Xß^rditcnbsp;srfd abtü^ob ^


• ( * • • VB-^ÈV • » * -ïo ) ...nbsp;\'

\'xerldo Iis ni sß iiibnwb nsstf evßxf od dxfsjjo ßxibnjjfe . 5.XI ^ÖI.VI - j
h^BtriBnèès^f Baex^m^ ByfLh^l-isq, .oe.Yl J !
S03) ßbxfBiaßV lo noidßnßlqxs erid lo ödiga nj . di^v;cibßbin ßo itßbßlßq diir£ea 1
• lo ^ßXßc •îo\'i
.iBslo Yßw on ^cf ei gninßamp;m doßxs» snd (8 ôdondool

»üjnljößv nfcfcßXßq èd\'ivfenbsp;: ^«Xl i

.nte .10 . idßxiooB^^ßiq ß-i^q^vabaat ßo ÄißdifeiQßXid àîBhu^sittlB^iBq .SS.Vi ^

8I.JXnbsp;... so hnfihi^iBlù hmh^^Bml^^q, 2I.XS,I ^

: aiTiid di 8n-x,BXq:gt;:e bai3 .^.^lisorirla^Tmx abßa-inbsp;, ,,,

I ,dio idi shiiasiarXa^toq hâ^hdo\' O\'^id-^^dnbsp;I^jIß^CiVß -/dnbsp;\'

:nbsp;bnßnbsp;Ydxnbsp;(?) o^aq^aisCa^din (.X,Tr \\ohiBis) OT^d^i; ^

^vnbsp;^.NB^\'o - -. ) ^^Q.^i-ïbqaXidnbsp;knl^^iq^iit i

x^ b^nißXqxa 8i .gt;10nbsp;(.rfi .nhli no .moo) d^^bsh i

: avroXXol ^Xa ^cXâVidotàan^^ «/ï^^ïsbe^dxbA alscfamrfsia i
sdxridaàrm X
l^hbab j^xhamp;xqhanbsp;i^jlï^ia^jvnbsp;[

ßo *.iö\'Xsa-^5£-arlQf\\irj8Xidnbsp;Äis-xd.boib^diioXßllnnbsp;\'

hahiL-qBlUnbsp;fiißhi;äHniig:gt;£aq X idB.füOß-^ß.x^ ß-^hdiqhn .

. idßflooß-^ß\'xqnbsp;a-^^^V/ßbo-I ßo

• ölcfiSillsdni don si ^SS.Vî ^
eild lt;i8ßi3 ^XcTs ns^dquot; don avßfi ownbsp;abiovr sxid fis^oriT .^»V



(?) OXX^^ irtl\'aßv boß ßrfdnßdßd odixtdß n^idnanbsp;^onbsp;\'

-ßx-xßv awomona: .dqniioü eis (üi^XHnbsp;nx t^i^ioói) ^^^^ B^htBxMiy !quot;

-ocr page 37-

tione and corruptions are to quot;be met v/itli in other texts, e. g. AV. Xrv.i,
45, SMB.1.1.5, /pmp. 11.2.5, Bhdr- Gf. 1.5, Mdn. Gf. 1.22.3, and
AV.11.13.3, XIX,24,6, Xpmp. 11.2.8, Kir. Gf. 1.4.3, Bhdr. 1.6, Kdfh.
XLI.7, M^n. ib.

-nbsp;V.20. Sd md visraifisat is to be corrected, in accordance with the Paddhati
to ... visrasat. Cf. Mdn. Gf. 1.22.6.

-nbsp;V.25. devo ydtu savitd suratnaÄ must have originally been d devo ydtu •••
though the mss. show no trace of the d. Cf. MS. IV.14.6, Udn^G:^* 1.2.3.

-nbsp;V.29. dset is totally ungrammatical.

-nbsp;V.35. dyurdd egne »si must be corrected to dyurdhd ... )MS. 1.5.2.) .
öfyurdd ... of TS. 1.5.5. 3 does not comply with Vdr. Sd* iti
yathdr\\lpaj£ gdtrdiii saafenfdati. Cf. Vdr. Sf. p. B2.

-nbsp;V.36. grf-Tdd cd »rcir dlablqya is perhaps to he corrected to grfvdd ca
trir dlabl^a. But cf. Vdr.sf.p.52; pfthivfm abliimfdyd »rcir dlabhya.

• V.39. ddet for adnfydt recurs in XVII,20.

-V. 41. vfkshyasya for vfkshasya recurs in Vi. 21.

-nbsp;VI .11-12. cf. Mdn. Gf. 1.1.13-14, Kd-gh. Gf. 1.21-23.

-nbsp;VII .2-3. Saha paitcahotrd-shaddhotrd ca saptahotdram 11 antato hutvd
vratajÄ praddydt. in the Baroda edit, of thenbsp;antato is combined
with hutvd
(1.23.3) toe as here (and so also in the com. of AshUdvakra,
p.97 1.8). But cf. Mdn.ör. VII .2.3. caturhotfn hotd vydcashfe saha
shaddhotrd saptahotdram antataÄi

VII.11. The sense is far from clear.

-nbsp;VIII.7. mdsdn ddhftya is to be corrected to ... adhftya. cf.Mdn.Gf.1.4.7,
Kdfli, Gf. IX.IO.

-nbsp;Vlll»lle dkdiikau vidyutstanayitnuvarsliaifi varshaifi ca. The masc. du.
dkdlikau has nothing to refer to in the context. Cf. Mdn.Gf. 1.4.11 and
our variant dkdlika-vidyut ... .

-nbsp;IX.3. The cutting of the hair of the upastha might have been a very
ancient custom. Ef. Jaim.1.18: sarvdiii lomanakhdni vdpayet, Bhdr.11.19 :
i/madrdili vidipayitvo »papakshau nivdpayate «tha keddn yathopapddam a£gdni.
Also the drautasütras, e. g. Baudh. dr. XVI 1*40: ... itardily aiigdpi,
Hir. är* V.l: sarvad vd vdpayate.

-ocr page 38-

► I.VIX .VA .3 »a ^HtxQt lôlîj-o ni xijiv/ j-ss scf oamp; q-xô anoxt^w^ioo bna euoid-

SS. I .tenbsp;,ö.X .te •♦îbrfanbsp;.g^nqA ,3.I.X.eM8

.ri^fesnbsp;.-^biianbsp;.te .ïllî .S.S.XX .qaqXnbsp;.«.sx.xx.va

.Cfx .i\'ibL! ÎJX

arfÖbal ôxfdquot; rCtxw ôooôb\'xooos nx .bôd-09iioo ddquot; oj- si tßa^L^iaJnr kn .OS.V «

• ô.SS.X .te .nèM .10 .d-saeiaxv od\'

» xrtrf^ ovsb il aoödquot; vllsrtx-^xio averl ^sum iLsntJS\'Xjje ^J-ivaa i/d-^-^ ovah .3S.V

T ^

• S.S.X .te.nlàMnbsp;.8M .10 dridquot; lo dosid* on woria .aan drît d^isod^

» laol^BSLUBi^niJ ^ilXßd-ot J3X J-ög.b .es.V «
.(.S. a.X .aM( ... èilbiifiib od\' bôd-osiioo ©dquot; d\'auac xa f anas îbbTU\'\'^^ .as.V

id\'2 .1.^7 lid-xv; \\;Xq£,ïoo d\'en aôob S .ô.ô.X .aT lo ...nbsp;i

•nbsp;.te-.ibV ,10 .Id-Bh^faàôB xiî^^\'x^^a iisqir-xkcfd-iï-^ j

ûo hhvri\'^ od- bod-qoi-xoo si£ odquot; aqsdidq ax a^irlcfßlh ixo\'x \' ?iOnbsp;.aS.V „


• lt;

txai\' -^li^\'ÎLfîiMcrB xvixvici -xg :te.ri^^V .lo ^uE ^By^ldBlhnbsp;| .

♦ OS,ir/X nx Q\'xjjosi d-^^ixiiàB lol d-e\'^^ .95.Y - i


.XS ..X7 nxnbsp;s\'i^BdaÄhv 10Inbsp;«V- j

.S^î-X2.X .te .rfHiS .èX«ÇX.X.Xnbsp;.10 .SX-XX.îV

od-öc^isB IInbsp;so h-xd\'oilbbcira ^vij-oxlco\'isq arîsa .S-S. UV

bîsn-xû\'moo ax od-sdTißnbsp;adi lo •d\'ibo ßboiofl öiid- rtlnbsp;itm^Bir

lo .noo ©ifd- nx oaXa oa bne) ot^d as (Ö. ?:S.X)nbsp;xiji^T

ßrlaa o\'ùdaBoh\'iy h^od nk:tcid\'::is:ï3 0 .S.S. 117 .i^.ftliM .lo d-ixa .{3.X

.l.30Xs /\'loil \'ïi^l ex s ans a sii? .XI. ITTquot;

^.X. te.xil^iil.10 .ß^d-lrfbs od- böd\'od-rioo etf oj oinbsp;nîjn:^:;: V. HIVnbsp;f

•OX.XI .tenbsp;;

.jjb -OBßin öxiT »ßo .W-ia-xavnbsp;ivnbsp;.XX.IIIV -nbsp;i

bns XX.^.X .te.nli:! ,10 .d-xöd-noo edS nl od* isle 1 od- anxrld-on nndnbsp;i

. tiSX\'yirs-Äjil\'^ylh d-naiiav -rifonbsp;!


ß needquot; ötbiI dquot;ii3xn fsxCd-afKt;/ add- lo lind aridquot; lo 3rxx-j\'d\';in s-rfT -»S.XI -

: SX.XX.-rbxia xrï^rl^lanerîiol xhNvxBa iSX-X.xaxÄi • IS d-namp;xonßnbsp;|

4xrJj3?iß ßxfd* \' ;jorJogt;rocxßCi \' or^ix^qh/ xMii^j.B^t\'bnbsp;| \'

Ti^ï^ied-x ... .\'O^.IIVX • od^ oaXAnbsp;:

hy hmiQ^ : I.V . i^s .-ï JtHnbsp;i •

-ocr page 39-

-nbsp;IX.9«. ahate vdsaef\'paridaditavasv asinbsp;brahmavarcasdya paridaddnf

I tti. V/e would like te emend it to ... paridadhfta ... paridadhdni

i .

■ of. M^n. Gf. 1.2.12.

IX.19. gor guror duruktavacanajfi. Here gor is superfluous, of. Mdn. Gf.

i 1.2.19. Kdih* Gf. 111-16: guror duruktavacanaiÄ.

.. IX.20. is inconsistent with the rest of the hook, in as much as it lays

down the rules of the means of livelihood for the Brdhmaiia-kumdra alone.

« X.4. mfgadiraÄ ^ravish^hottardiif »ty upayamet. Following Gdh. and the

Mdn. and Kdih. Gf. upayamet should rather he corrected to upayame.

-nbsp;X.9. dreehHas^-mMnarn asyai kuryät. ^reshlt;hs£ should be corrected to
, rfreshfhdiÄ and joined to the previous sütra, for otherwise asyai should

^ precede vijridnaiÄ. Cf. also Mdn. Gf.
Mark the use of the dative asyai for the gen. asydÄ. Cf.M^.Gf. 1-7-9 •

-nbsp;X.12. ^atamiti (^atam ati, v.l.) rath^ (identical with Mdn. GfO
dadydd gomithunaili The number of chariots - one hundred - is very
large as compared with the other alternative goirdthunaifl. It might be
suggested that the alternatives stand respectively for the rich and the

\' poor, but it must be noted that the rest of the Gfhya does not make such
distinctions iri its injunctions. Gdh. allows no option. He simply ßays:
sapddaiÄ tu ath^dhikaiÄ dataid gavamp;ü dady^t. Prof. Caland suggests
^amarathaifi instead, which, he thinks, possibly denoted a t quiet chariot«
the conterpart of i a^va-.rathat . According to SÄyaiia it was a
chariot (TS. Calcutta edit, p.1008) .Cf .B^lakrfd^. 1.80 : adhirathaifi ^ataifi.

-nbsp;XI.7. udyat^näm iva siirvafi. udyatamp;a of Män. Gf. 1.9.8, Pär.Gf- i-S-ö
, is preferable.

-nbsp;XI.8. md tv^ josham is to be corrected to md tvad yosham. Correct also
Kdn* Gf. 1.9.10 md tvd doshaÄ.

-nbsp;XI.10 is not clear to me.

\' - XI.16. ubhayato vishlt;araili is to be corrected in the printed text to

ubhayatovish-Carad, Just as in Sh.

. XI1.3. jaradashfir afad is a corruption of ... aend . See P^r.G^f.11.6.20,
•tfidBet is an analogous formation to Äset {v.29) and ÄÄet (T

-nbsp;XIV.l. The verse khe rathasya ... properly telongs to the last sütra

-ocr page 40-


* \'

»IX-. 8.1nbsp;»(ïùohldBlâd* kiosDsbl; ïnk^^s^L :£IO1amp;OQB aL\'öxvsicr 9i£t T-o

ßiä\'^fa 9siamp; aijsamp;d 9-rfßrf ot amp;dBJJO xjsflooBvs-xq ha^hv Äisd-js^i^a h^iabrld-s
-ßoid-aöiid-wßcdr al bna ai/Oi/Iliógwa ai {»aier
to led-isjjp bnoo^a). irf^ .S.viX
aaw -ïd^iBup billig ni -ïiviisva . o^Ô ,8I.2,VIX»VA .i^i^.öS.X .10

• gt; • ^nbsp;»bir-iara \'\'ClXsn 13 i^co YXtföcfoïq

.nßtß^ax/nßm Ißiil^lio as lol abn8;fa aqailisq ßflötß^Iajjnsm -OX.VIZ -
lamp;l bhxiSdiJt jWiZ^t B^^Bt (XX.OX.X^^O.xi^M )nbsp;ahsîîiiBTl axta-^ -SX.VIX

393 .id-i b^^^i/iü/tnbsp;Q^amxß^C sns^ o;ï bBf091100 Qd ot ai

ava ad-inii\'i-Qqanbsp;s^aa-^ óecf :OX.Ô.X .gM .lo d\'dad-\'xi toS ncfi

aa (tsaj-ii 0^ adriioq ^orfooi mMbbia noi^ßnsXqxs aUribOnbsp;b-^ascf

.3ni5ß9i /Xsiîiâiïo Bdamp;
Qdbgt;£.-mQ %0\'ï ^■ABfBlsi s \'^Xdßdo^q ai hiibva srfbiinsa
asitoia owd- aß bsbned-xti n^örf ^cXcfiaaoq ©-/.exi feXiroo kfamp;va
ähdd ^x^fs^^lBiq

mhdhYQ nhdd bns j-aq^-î t^i^
X.OX.X .^o.namp;li xld-xvr Xaox^nsbx) d-ßa»nbsp;-xi^riaabBißGnbsp;^s^^Cßm «SX.VIX

Mtsx ••• 9cf ^cXiaqoiq bXijoxia
taqBihnbsp;hxisq, iL^viBdbnßs o^cfsj- sAèvna^bib» lo aiescT ifdi- xrO

ÖX 5Îamp;Tnbsp;d-ßrld- a^faiifd- bnßXsO .loïî (.o^s ,5 aoaisv .VI .qqA

*sihraadbilj:z 101 xioid-qjjiioo s
MiJi d-ijq bas ... jtèv M\'iibiiL\' sniX exit d-xxîio aö-xtiVas^irl^S laxfcfo amp;xi3?

arCj- ooXß oa . ... itevaß^aa »nil 9d;ï iô^Ib ... hrd-
.(aos .q .IIV oXoV .c^nsiiO sd-OA 998)
3BlhdbhY sdf lo
*iJ6ddu hdavhl^üs ... o^ bs^oaiaoo ©cf oj- ai wßxicfjj yhiL^hlha hhc^iq
:02.x .iMa ,X2.X.E[xßquot;G .lo o^hahs ad^vadfQr w^i^-xd-wq ia^^ii^ damp;m

• ißVß^f^öV B^hzfuq
• b^sinbsp;\'Xödd-o ©xid- ad-sxiooß^ß ming \' bYXtsr-f «lo\'ï .XS,3X.VIX

• adr^ia^tß-^B

xfd-xw snoXjl ..exfaanbsp;©X^Sflsß M-^àt o^^Iaxd-ßq ^{axïijq -OS.Vïx -

.öansa ©xîdquot; aôujoacfo ©js^enas xtx s^ïibn© avlamp;ßb ^dS Äß^rfc/xd-aq
BBd 2X.XX.Inbsp;.©nas bßa^ »ocf© ^X.S.VIX «VA «a^.SS.X .V.^

.ßVßdcf od- b9^o©ïioo ©£ƒ. o^ ^^yuadd .\'SS.vix -
.«• .xlbO lo axxxbßöi ©xfd- r^e-ïB^ïnoo 9cf -^ßxn Äis^Cairr ^cr sd* d-J^v^^a
.od-© è\'X. S.X.qijqX V. 7 .III -^T lo imdaox*\'* ♦id\'nioq xloirfw

-ocr page 41-

-nbsp;XIV.25. This sdtra is incomplete by itself, for it gives only the mantra
and not the vidhi. Cf. Mdn. Gf. 1.12.1.

-nbsp;XV.2. Mark the sandhi in panthMs tena, while we expect panthdA ^tena.

-nbsp;XV#9. ¥e expect the siltra to run as namo rudrdya tfrthasada iti tfrthe
1 ye tfrthdnf «ti ca.

-nbsp;XV.10. veyundya and vidvahd are not in conformity with MS.11.10.6.
vayundya and vidvdhd.

« XV.11. Mark the sentence: ydvatamp;fi sakhdydnaifi svastim icchet tdvata
udakdiijalfr Juhuydt. prdsahdditf ... is hopelessly cowa^t.nbsp;^^

-nbsp;XV.14. apavaeydr\'hjamp;aA is to be corrected to aparasyd »hnaH.

-nbsp;XV.17. The gfjiyas\\5tras give the verse gfhdn ahad ..... in a corrupt
form. Reconstructed the verse would read: gfhdn ahad sumanasafx prapadye
»vfraghnf-\'vfravatal\'i sudevd 1 irM vahantf ghftam ukshamdAMs teshv


ahad sumandü sadviddmf. It presents a fine parallelism between the
adjectives of gfhdn and hhad: gfhdn sumanasali\'-. ahaifl-sumandli, gf*
vfravatafi - a. avfraghnf, gf. ghftam ukshamdndn - a. irdifi vahantf (For
details see Prof. Caland»s review of the Mdn. Gf. in GÖttingischen gelehrten
Anzeigen 1898, no.1, p.62).

-nbsp;XV.19. Mark the use of acc. instead of a locative in brahmacdriïSaifi ...
utsailgam upavedayet.

-nbsp;XVI.1. tau saifinipdtayatali. The causative form is incomprehensible.
Perhaps the Métnava influence is to be traced here: tau sailinipdtayet
(1. 14. 16).

pitarau sydmali and ahaifi ..... bibharshi are unaccountable.

-nbsp;XVI.7. The verse tvam aryamd bhavasi ••• is véry corrupt. For corrections
see IÏV. V. 3. 2.

-nbsp;XVII.12.16. in the printed text add a punctuation daAda before tiishiifm,
and another after tirdhvdydm.

-nbsp;XVII.18. yóm ddisliam icchet tém dsfta. The last wordt is probably a
corruption for dddsfta.

-ocr page 42-


srfd- -^Ino Söviä tt \'lotnbsp;x^ eamp;^IqiäoonJf si: aia ai\'rf? •öS.VIX -

.I.SX.I .^c-D ♦n^J.î .\'iO •iiibxv ôifd* d\'en bn« !
♦ ansd- ibkf^iïölt;ï Joagxó.sw aXMir ^ßaoS shhriismq xtx xrfbnjaa srlj- ^C-rsM .S.VX - j

•nbsp;I --

»rld-xxd- id-x absajadd-ild* a^h\'xbxf\'x oobh aa \'msi od* ß^tiha amp;dt iosqa^s ôWnbsp;« !\'

• -- j.

. i ;

• ao id-\'nbsp;^x -C |

* •Ô.O.C.II.321 xfd-xw ^id-imolnoo nl foa eiB hdavblv brw axhaux^v .OX-VX - \' •

.siûv.hi ied\'jol laxd-Qflva àan-bx^txl^a ààiavhx leonsfcîoa edamp;nbsp;-

-^iJvt p-»nbsp;^XaaôXaqoii axnbsp;«d-^i^rijJi, \'ixXjat^ih^bu

od- bâjoai\'ioo ècf od- ax /îs^L-i» hxa)r/nqBnbsp;- |

amp;qi!i\'£co Baï.....Jfesxißnbsp;oaidr 9damp; »visnbsp;ôxi\'T .?X»VX -

ox\'pdqB\'xq XsaBciBniiSB\'èîBdB lihdk^ : bßsi bXiJo^ oaisY edi bu^ou-x JaxioosH •snol
v.faed-nbsp;lasd-^iig xd-xißrißvnbsp;Xnbsp;^

arid-nbsp;r^alXaXXßTi^tT snxl ß ad-n-^öeiq ji ,nbsp;i\'lonsmus iisxfa

•nbsp;hBdB - il.fjasitßnüjanbsp;: ksiid bns nhdh-^ lo asvxd-oa.^\'bjs

To\'î) id-rißilsy hhtz ,3 - nhrihatsife^Ci; aad-^L^a ^ïnrfgst^/s - ^led-STsi^v i
\'ïr£»Xamp;a ne.ionlanxd-dao fil »nfeM lo w^irô\'X a\'bnaXßO »loi^ aXißd-db i

,X%ofï ,398X nagxöSXiA j\'
• ?xagt;ixi)iOßi£d:ßTcf ax dYxd-fiooX s lo basd-anx .ooß lo aifd-nbsp;»9X.YX - !

«d-öY^swßqx; nß^.^iBBj-iJ i


»aXcfxensiisi^noonj: ax laiol »vxd-ßeüßo silT •Ksd\'ß-\'^sd\'jjqxaiiißö ijßd- »X.ITX -
i-a-^^ôd-^cf jfcn^isa ußi : eiaxf bsoßi-d- od od- ex oondwXlnx BrsnhU ^dt aq^adtB^i

.(dX ȀX .X)

• dXcfßd-rixiOooßnu diß Me-iarfalcfnbsp;karls bnß ïiBvz^z-ia HB\'XBiiq

roxd\'OöT^oo ^o\'ï • d-cj.iji\'Xö0 ^rcôv ax laßvßrfcf hiJis^iiß aisvd- -da\'ioY sxlT «T.IVX -
« «

»S .V »e«

»-ïoIsq abAßb noxd-ßud-onuq; ß bbs d-^c^dquot; betniiq 9damp; al .öX.SX.ir/X -

• mà^hviibïL\' \'xad-l/^ ttdxld-oaa bnß
ß ^C\'^a\'ßcfo-iii ax ib-io\'-T tial edTnbsp;cihf amp;9doo£ ntsdalh-^ ^X -»

^.^iamp;\'l\'.hhh 101 noxcf^i/\'x-ïoo


i\' ; •

! ■•
1- •


-ocr page 43-


The following words would interest the lexicographer:
cydvanfhhydm (i.i.2), prohahly the name of two plants, dfrghdAdm
(111.12), used as food in Annaprddana, parcayatd (IV.16) in the verse
yat ksMreiia parcayatd, mdsl^ydm (IV.20), probablyquot; a small hole in the
ground, paladam (ib.), meaning uncertain, vapane (ib.), translated by
Vasishfha as bhdiide, pakshmaguilam and tilapii^itam (IV.22), variously
interpreted by commentators (1), nicalkalaH (V.27), one of the forms of
the kamaiidalu and kdrdlikdni (XIII .5), according to Gdh. krfdandpddandni
Some words show a different form than the usual one: havydm (1.22) for
havyam, masc. jdnum (V.24) for neut. acc. jdnu, dmadriln (IX.3) for
^madrtfili, yadam (XV.4) for yadafi/ ulapardjfm (XV.5) for ^/jim, neut. nom.
jdtali (XVI.4) for jdtam. These might be explained away as corruptions,
though it would not be the best way of treating them.

— 0 —

(I) See our note in the previous section: quot;A critical study of the
Vdr. Gaf. text*\'.

-ocr page 44-


: lôxiqBïâOî\'ix©! ôîic}- d\'aéréj-fll bluow sb-iow artiwollol amp;dT
nè^thriaiif) »ad-nßlq owd* xo ôiasn ôrft ^Xa\'ecfoiq .(2«Xi)

arid- ni (ôX.VI) àd\'ô\'^ôO\'îaq ^Ba»hhiqBnak ni bool aa bsqi; t(SI«XXX)
oxid- ni dXorf XXßna a ••^XcfôcfOKX ,(OS#Vl)
xil^-^IbLtj .bd\'js\'^aoïsqnbsp;j-a^i

. -^cf bsd-BXanßid- »(•cfJt) ©nsqsr .nïBti^onu aninsain J.Q\'i) mebßXsq ^brtuoT^
X;X3iJ0iasT ^(SS.Vï) iOSd\'x^içiBXicî\' bns nähjJ3ßniii8?{Qq ,öj)i\\k£cf aß ßaOxiaiaßV
quot;io arr.quot;io1 ai£d\' quot;io sno ,(quot;rS.V) ÄöXßiJlXsoxn ,(X) aiod\'ßd\'nörffiaoo i^cf bad\'s-xq-xojrtx
xnbnßbfeqJ^nsb^tirC «rlb-D od\' anxbioooß ,(3. IIIX) xn^sCiXh\'xîî:^ bns xjXäbi^tßxrisr^ sdd-
lol (SS.I) icb^^sri : tîno Xauaw ©rCd* narfdquot; nnol d-nsTslllb ß woifa abtcov? scoO
iol (S.XI) nt\'ibsm^ ^uniit • ûoâ . d-w^n lol {^2-Y) rrujnèt ,09.912 ,£fis\'^vsf£
.non .j-jjsn »miti? lot (ö.VX) ikxcH\'kxöI;/nbsp;\'lox (^Î^.VX) lasb^ît


aß ^ißv^ö .benxßXcfxo ©cT d-xi^xrit seadT .nsd-^Ji, ici (à^.lVZ) ilßd-^Vj^
.niôxfd- anxd-ßö-xd- lo -xisw doscT erld- ecf d-on bXuow ti d^ijodamp;

0 —


• x

lo ^budrî Xßoxd-iio Aquot; :noid\'ûôa ajjoivôiq ni oamp;on ijjo ( î)

-ocr page 45-

II ^rq; II

-\'iRTm^nbsp;-Tf -5rr%jr|

1.nbsp;Sh. OH.

2.nbsp;and SfPT: ( om. by Sh. ) are
virtually no parisishtas. These seem
to be mere abridgements of ^JfT^^
and SIFIW^. The text may thus be
interpretted as:nbsp;SfPT:

3.nbsp;For sj^ J^^o Sh. has q^II^o.
Mark the negation in Sf^^To.

4.nbsp;In the Varaha Srauta ( Baroda ms.,
11234 ) the post-colophon of the
concluding section of this parisishta

5.nbsp;1 am indebted to Ramasvami Sastrl
for the information that in the two
Varaha Sr. mss. preserved at Baroda
30 leaves are missing afternbsp;In
these leaves w^e have most probably
lost the ^^ and gf^^

6.nbsp;Sh. combines the two words into one:

7.nbsp;Sh. o^Oj F. gf^o.

8.nbsp;Sh. ofgo


Baroda sr. ms. ( 11234 ) ^v^o. It
being the name of a chapter in the
Var. Sr. I had to reject the grhya
readings in preference to the sr. one.

10.nbsp;Ramasvami\'s sr. mss. o^o.

My Sr. ms. (Baroda 11234) \'^o.

11.nbsp;Sh. ^o.

12.nbsp;Ramasvami has missed to mention

and in his list of parisish-
tas, which he had kindly prepared at
my request from the two Varaha Sr.
mss. of the Gaekwad Library. He took
no notice of Tf\'PT, perhaps because
of the absence of the elsewhere usual
colophon. In my ms. ( ibid. ) the end-
ing words of the section following
STT^qr^ clearly read: JJ^

?Tr3Rr ^

As fornbsp;the chapter preceding

^r?^ has vast lacunae towards
the end, and thus the colophon bear-
ing the name of the parisishta dealt
with in the chapter has been lost in
the ms.

13.nbsp;In the sr. mss, the parisishta follow-
ing is designated f^rj^.

14.nbsp;Sh. combines the four words into
two: ^Tf^TT^T^^-Jlf^^m^.

-ocr page 46-

^Kl^^^ Km


Nè^ II ^ II


T^Mkt II « Il

\'^i^r^Rî\'ïïnbsp;\\\\\\ il

^îîrftïïTfïïî\'quot; Il ^nbsp;Il

1. The sr. mss. deal with ^T^ afternbsp;sishtas enumerated above comes to
^fî^RW, R^^ïïTqquot; after ^^t^^îl\'^rnbsp;twenty-two. It may be that traditional-
and ^^f^R afternbsp;^Y some of these form part of the

« r- __others.

Z. r. \'ÏSTO.nbsp;, rgt; f 1- .

^nbsp;6. Before r. mserts ^r.


Antarkya is the name of a sage tonbsp;7. Sh. osnrr^r^o,

whom obeisance is paid towards thenbsp;g sh. oi%o.

end of the chapter: rïTÉ^FRîTraTTnbsp;cf. Var. Ör. (Baroda ms. 11234.

^^^ w^T^ ^ ^fl^cîWm.nbsp;p. 2 ) : rït?ï

4.nbsp;Fornbsp;F. has

5.nbsp;I have not been able to determinenbsp;10. Sh. omits ^^^ ...oifrf^grTTÎr:.
as to how the number of the pari-nbsp;11.. Sh. o^^â\'^f.

-ocr page 47-

l^l^î^ I

II c H

qfî^: 11 n u

• 1. MS. 1.1.10.nbsp;5. MS. I. 2. 3.

2.nbsp;Sh.nbsp;6. Sh. E. G. put tMr after

3.nbsp;Cf. Var. ér. ( ibid. p. 42 ) : So also Man. Gr. I. 1. 16; 10. 2;


lnbsp;7. Sh. 5JT1ÏO.

srHK I ^iWt^Rknbsp;8. Sh. ^^^o (i.e. quot;the northern
^\'îîï vessel^ ).

4.nbsp;AV. IX. 3. 16.nbsp;is analogous to ^fïW*..

Cf. MS. II. 8. 14.nbsp;9. Sh. îTfîr^o .

-ocr page 48-





^^T^ II II

ft: qmT TOm II n

II mi

1.nbsp;Cf.VS. (1.

2.nbsp;Sh. (from v/flj?).

3.nbsp;MS. IV. 1. 6.

4.nbsp;Var. Br. (Baroda ms. 11234. p.
28 ) has a similar passage : ^ff^:

Mark the

variation towards the end.

5.nbsp;Sh. o^T: .

6.nbsp;Sh. .

7.nbsp;Sh. otr.

8.nbsp;Sh.nbsp;( prob. an emen-
dation ).

9.nbsp;Sh. ^rfxij^o .
F. owqw.
Gdh. oqr^rr.

Cf. KS. (I. 11):

^T, Ap. Sr. ( U. 6. 1 ): SErfs^irRFT-

f^^^qrar, Man. Sr. (

10.nbsp;Cf. KS. (1. 10), Man. Sr. (I. 2.

11.nbsp;MS. II. 7. 2. But Gdh.: w Tft

■^MMId ^T^ ( origin not traced ).

12.nbsp;Sh. om.

13.nbsp;MS. IV. 1. 12.

-ocr page 49-

^R^^ifir II II


fy y


^^î^lï^^^ïïîïï II II
^ïf^qTïï ^quot;T^î^i^?:^ ^î^ïïîïï II II

îT\'ïTm ftïïRîq; il II
srd^îrmïï^^ïï ïïmïïîîsftïïRT^^T^TïïfeïïïïiïïT

^ ÏÏRR^ Il Il

^ Il ^^ Il

r^ nm.nbsp;\'TtïïT

1.nbsp;Sh. omits R, and reads ^TT and swfîf fRT: I é
^T^: as seperate words.nbsp;7. Sh. sTTlI o .

2.nbsp;Sh. does not compound with 8. MS. I. 4. 5.

TR^W^\'nbsp;9, Fornbsp;Sh. reads:nbsp;|

3.nbsp;So also Man. Gr. IL 2. 11; but Sh. ^

has ^T.nbsp;P- MS ( I. 4. 5 ) : ^

4.nbsp;MS. 1.1.11.nbsp;^ i

5.nbsp;Sh. o^o.nbsp;^r »Tî tht: i ^t^çï^ 1

6.nbsp;Sh. f^o .nbsp;fsir ^ff^.

ΠGdh. Tirw^^ci:nbsp;Cf. also KS. (XXVI. 15): ...^quot;r

IInbsp;10. Sh. F. ^ ffWro

R\'aw ^m ïïRTîicpRnîï: 1nbsp;11. Sh.

-ocr page 50-

r^nbsp;^^ ^r^\'ll^ ^^ II

n II


IT% Tr^^rft^^ïTïnbsp;11 II


II ^^ n


ll\'TT^ II ^^ II

ïïW^STïïTïï qf^nbsp;ii ii

ïft (dr:\'\'\'

^ Sh. 50.nbsp;Baudh. Gr. ( I. 4. 31 ), and Jaim.

2 Var. ér. Par. ( Baroda ms. 11234. Gr. (I. 21): RW ^

Grhyapurusha kh. 5. p. 187) readsnbsp;6. Cf. RV.(ibid.). KS. (XXXV. 12).

f^: for f^, for q«^ andnbsp;7. Sh. omits

^RÏT fornbsp;8. Sh. omitsnbsp;^ffT.

3.nbsp;ΠAV. (V.29.1), Hir.Gr.(I.2. 9. F.

18 ). Baudh. Gr. ( I. 4. 33 ).nbsp;10. MS. I. 4.14.

4.nbsp;Sh. F. ik\'si^.nbsp;11. MS. II. 7. n.

5.nbsp;Before F. G. insertnbsp;12. MS. III. 16. 4.
Cf. RV. (II. 7. 3).\' ÄpMp. (I. 5. 5 ),nbsp;13. MS. III. 11.10.

-ocr page 51-

Jirwip\'r^\' II II .


II w

^ET^ITT ir ^TfT II
ipi^ II II

ft^T^F^ Hquot;^^ II

1.nbsp;Gdh. begins thenbsp;with p. 127.) ^r^rrr srquot;TRTfR ^iW^T


2.nbsp;MS. IV. 10. 4.nbsp;have been corrected to VPTPTT ST^^TR-

w?quot; I\'nbsp;^^^ T^^ra^R

4.nbsp;MS. I. 4. 3.

5.nbsp;Sh. wq.nbsp;g yg ^^yjj ^g ^y 5

6.nbsp;Sh. compounds:nbsp;^^o. 10. 6) , KS. (XL. 6).

7.nbsp;Sh.nbsp;10. MS. li. 10. 1.

8.nbsp;Sh.nbsp;11. MS. I. 3. 39.

In the Var. Sr. ms. ( Baroda 11234. 12. Identical with Man. Gr. II. 2. 25. •

-ocr page 52-

^N^T I ^^^^^r-sf^^i^^\'iim^V^ 11 ^^ II
^Tii^ir JT^iTJi II

1.nbsp;Gdh.nbsp;flj^nrnd ^ ^^«r- 3. F. omits ^Rif.

zfTS^^:.nbsp;4. Fornbsp;^^ Sh. reads:

2,nbsp;Sh. omitsnbsp;.

-ocr page 53-

I « Ilnbsp;^

m ^^^

STT^ ^TRrf ÏTT^\'

Il ? Il

fïïR ÏÏT^f^^ïïi^R^-snbsp;q^T^^ ïï\'Sïï^


1.nbsp;Sh. omits WOT SÏT^.nbsp;9. E.

2.nbsp;MS. III. 11. 6.nbsp;10. Sh. qr^o.

3.nbsp;Sh.nbsp;E. TTôTTÇro.

4.nbsp;Gdh. ^«r ^t îi^tmgw «rr^^.nbsp;il. Sh. ttvthtw.

5.nbsp;E. o?^-.nbsp;E.

6.nbsp;Gdh. f^r ^TW ( V. 1. )nbsp;12. Gdh. wrJîT^ ^^ [^^t^îr: ?]

Inbsp;Cf. Bhâr. Gr. (I. 24 ) :

^rrasTr ^îrlrac. Cf. Par. Gr. qorRrwRTnbsp;^pum


7.nbsp;E. o^T^-.nbsp;^^ jj^g g.j^g J^gg g^çgpj p

A-nbsp;^srim. Gdh. hasnbsp;This, how-

-ocr page 54-

f T% I



FT THfquot;nbsp;^^ n

ever, must have been wrongly copied
for the right form ^^irf^, for in the
Dantodgamana chapter Gdh.\'s
mss. clearly read ^fR.

1.nbsp;See P. 9 note 13.

2.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. I. 17. 6.


E. Gdh. o\'l^.

4.nbsp;Sh. (V. 1.) o^rfsi^.
Sh. (V. 1.) Gdh. ojjszt



5.nbsp;A. adds: % i^RnTT^ ^

Gdh. has not incorpo-
rated it in his paddhati.

6.nbsp;E. oftro.

7.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. I. 17. 5; 18. 6.

8.nbsp;Cf. Par Gi;. ( I. 16. 17) :

^...,Hir. Gi;. (II. 3. 8):^^:

Tnifr siwr^JT ^jprfrra-^^—^
^W.... But Gdh. remarks: %
^^^nbsp;^rnr^qlR f^R?fnT:.

9.nbsp;Sh. F.

Cf. Par. Gr. (ibid.), Hir. Gr. (ibid.),
Bhar. Gr. ( I. 25 ).

10.nbsp;Gdh. ^^o.

11.nbsp;Sh. ^r^.
E. ^flTf .
G. ^HRf,

12.nbsp;Sh. G. Gdh.

E. F. 3WITIT f ^.

The evidence of the majority of our
mss. would lead us to adopt the
reading TTTfnbsp;but evi-

dently the occurrence of ^^ twice is
meaningless. Moreover the passage
yields little sense. I have, therefore,
emended it in accordance with Ap-

-ocr page 55-

Mp. (11.13. 3; 4), Hir. Gr.(II.3.8),_
and Bhar. Gi;. ( I. 25 ). For of
my mss. I have substituted as seen
in Kausltaki Brahmana Upanishad

(II. 8). Cf. also SMB. (I. 5. 11; 6.
10), and Asv. Gi. ( 1.13. 7 ).
Ms. F. the best of our lot, supported
by ms. E. seems to suggest that the
reading as emended above is the
original one. Instead of ^r^ ^ it reads
^ i.e. the aspiration in ^ has
been transferred to the following
syllable ^^ which in its aspirated form
f was further written down as the
pronunciation of ^ being identical
with ^ in Western India, to which
locality all these mss. belong. The
writer could possibly conceive of no
such written word asnbsp;In the

other mss. noted above fTH was
further emended to the apparently

more intelligible and must
have been mistaken for

1.nbsp;Sh. srnro.

2.nbsp;F. oviiidMr-v.


4.nbsp;E. ^^O.
G. ^f^^o.

5.nbsp;E. G. r(G.

6.nbsp;G. o^fe

Gdh. s^TFf cfrnf..nbsp;RRqtlT: I

[-\'TT] ^mt 5rT:jT2r% i

.7. Cf. Man. Gr. I. 17. 4.

8.nbsp;Sh. sr^o,

9.nbsp;Gdh. [^r] ^ f^

^TW ^ JT^T^ ^r sivrnr^ i

11% II ^11

I ^qwi^Ri^iT^ II vs n

f^^mssnbsp;irc II

-ocr page 56-

II\' ^ II


ir U II


^fir ^ II n II

1.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. 1.17. 7.nbsp;6. MS. IV. 14. 7.

2.nbsp;Sh. o^.nbsp;7.


4.nbsp;Gdh. îEîra^r^lf^ ^m fk^ W\'

^TOTT^ ^ ^Ïïnbsp;9. Sh. oiïir^ ÏTW. TO:.

5; Gdh. ^m- RHïrrïi:nbsp;( MS. II. 10. G. ^rt^^
4 ) ..

-ocr page 57-

^ I y II

m ^^^im


ïïW^r^sr^sïïTïïRT m ir^ n
T^mm 3 11 ^ 11


f^RT^ I ^ I ïiïïkvn^ ¥irars??fr

2.nbsp;Sh. o^ro. So also Baudh. (II. 1. 26),
Par. (I. 17. 2) and Hir. (II. 4.10)
Gihyasütras. But Saaiskararatnamala
considers it to be a corrupt reading:

^rmrïïSRnbsp;5 surr^qrs:.

( Anandasrama edit. p. 853-854 ).


^ I \'^ST^^RWé

Baudh. ( II. 1. 27 ) and other Grhya-

sütras cite a vijnayate-passage:

r\\ fs rs ^ rs

STRïlödi^ld T^r^ïï.

4.nbsp;Sh. ^ïifq^TTrïiqn^.


also Man. Gr. I. 18. 2.
In mss. E. F. and others the use of
the ablativenbsp;after

is analogous to the one in relation
with the S3nionymous f^JIT or ^I.
With this passage may be compared
the T^^\'^m\'^\'b of a very ancient
author quoted by Patanjali ( Mbh.
1.1.1): Trilf\'ST: w^^T—

natha ( Samskararatnamala, Ananda-
srama edit. p. 855 ) explains it as:

5.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. I. 18. 1; 2.

6.nbsp;Sh. o^.

7.nbsp;Sh. E. G. o^To.


9.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. I. 18. 1,

10.nbsp;E. G. of%.

11.nbsp;MS. II. 6. 11.

-ocr page 58-

ft^JTHT^^^ II « II

f^TR^^m: ^MtTr^: msrn^\'r ^r II ^ Ii
^t^TRi^ sfir:nbsp;ll ^ II

^TRTiq^ictnbsp;ll vs ir

TT^rrnbsp;c ii

a II

^JTiH ^\'jrkTSN^ II? oil

1.Cf.Man.nbsp;Gr,II.10.8.nbsp;4. sh. ^jfR

2.nbsp;Henceforth Sh. E. G. begin a fresh 5 Sh s

chapter. The colophons for this chap-nbsp;.,

Cf. Ma-n. Gr. II. 9. 11.
ter are:nbsp;c. r- -_L-

Sh.nbsp;w:.nbsp;_ .

After ^mMHi Gdh. introduces two

more rites viz, f^^^JT^ir andnbsp;Gdh. o^r.

3.nbsp;For sutras 8-14 Sh,\'s chapter-head-

ing isnbsp;% al- E, G,

though Gdh, treatsnbsp;as a 12. Sh.nbsp;^ |nbsp;v. 1.

separate rite.nbsp;)-.

-ocr page 59-

^ iiy II

fRr II ir

f HR^HTRT ^^^^^ ^^^nbsp;I


f^r^^ii II

E. G.

Sh. construesnbsp;with

the previous sfitra:

^ßr^^^^\'^fr It is

evidetly wrong. Cf. Man. Gr. 1.18. 8.

1.nbsp;MS. IV. 12. 4.


^flr r%m: JIW^ I ....t^-

3.nbsp;Gdh. includes the 13th and the 14th
sütra in the following ceremony viz.

4.nbsp;Sh. E. G. o^o.

5.nbsp;Sh. G.

Cf. Man. Gr. I. 21. 1.

6.nbsp;For ^flrrSTo Sh. G. read JTRo.

here stands for fr^, as Gdh.
explains it: SlIfl^Rfr

Cf. Ap. Gr. (I. 2. 12): ^ ^^
T%Tflrr%fr ^rmr Tf^nsfr^ ^

Cf. also Baudh. Gr. (I. 1. 18; 19):

and Baudh. Gr. Paribhasha-
sutra (1.2.13 ) :nbsp;% ^^Rmfr-

ror^r^h^r i tt^tt^
I ^T^T^^IRTl ^Wrfr I ITR:

7.nbsp;Sh. V. 1. W

8.nbsp;Sh. o^\'rq: .

E.nbsp;G. ^rfo.


-ocr page 60-

K%.nbsp;^TXK^m^ ö U II



^ \\

^^ ^m\'^ ït: ir

wrrr ^T^^T: ^qr;

^^-mwTTï^TT:^^^: II

^ \'S

^ ^ iiquot;

1.nbsp;ΠMan. Gr. I. 21. 1.nbsp;of it ).

2.nbsp;Sh. places before »TRÄ.nbsp;9. RV. X. 9. 4.

3.nbsp;Sh. m^o.nbsp;10. AV. (I. 6. 4), KS. (II. 1 ), Män.

4.nbsp;Sh. E. G. g^o,nbsp;Sr. ( VI. 1. 5 ) and some other ritual

5.nbsp;For G. hasnbsp;•

11- AV. ( ib. ). KS. (ib. ) and Man. Ör.

6.nbsp;MS. II. 13.^.nbsp;^T^o.

7.nbsp;MS. II. 7. 13.nbsp;12. Cf. AV. ( ib. ). KS. ( ib. ) and Man.

8.nbsp;G. So also Man. Ôr. VI. 1. 5nbsp;Ör. (ib.).

( as recorded in the Vedic Concor-nbsp;13. Cf. RV. I. 90. 9.
dance, though Geldner takes no notice

-ocr page 61-

«I ^ II

r ^Mi^^T^ifr^ ffc^—
II .

m t^iln v ii

M^tfrTt ^ftsc^ ftrrsrf^ I
^v\'ftnbsp;sfi^fgr^^ ^^^ II

#iiviii ;
-^rrif^fwfFJnbsp;II ^ II

1.nbsp;Sh. does not give these three versesnbsp;ink into At subsequent places
sakalapathena, but gives onlynbsp;it has both ^RTF (Akulapada kh. 1.
thepratikas:nbsp;p. 257; kh. 6. p. 267 ) and ^

,\' zjTTI ^ ^^^ SrvTTn^ ^nbsp;( Pradhana kh. 6. p. 318; Pratarupas-

Here ^ denotes that a versenbsp;thana p. 371 ). Schroeder adopts in

(i. e. ^r Rra:) preceding it hasnbsp;his MS. ^T and notes: P

been omitted.nbsp;4. Gdh. Vas. q-cRTr. So also Schroeder

Gdh. y^ m^i STJTRTJT^^nbsp;(J^S. I. 3.31); and his note: P

tIhtw ff?r «^cr^r ttnbsp;ms. (ibid).

[....mr: w:,] wr f^nbsp;5. Sh. if^ra^.

^^^r ^vrrpTflF^ RRiTriT:.nbsp;E. adds ^tr;.

2.nbsp;Sh.5iTlTo.nbsp;6. MS. IV. 12. 4.

3.nbsp;E. G. So also Var. Sr. Par.nbsp;7. E. Vas.

(Baroda ms. 11234. Uttareshtaka kh.nbsp;\'^»s. SHTrf^^f^:

2. p. 220, but corrected with rednbsp;•

-ocr page 62-

« I U II


^ ir II

^f^ïFftH^nbsp;^^^^rinbsp;II c II

fßrquot;nbsp;IIquot; a ii


Gdh. o^rvT.

2.nbsp;Sh. Vas.
Gdh. oîîr^.

Cf. AV. (VI. 68. 1). SMB. (I. 6.
2), ÄpMp. (II. 1.1), Mân. Gr.
(I. 21. 2).

3.nbsp;Sh. Vas. omit f f^.


5.nbsp;Sh. oï^^frqfrro.

E. G. o^rfr( G. f^f^)^?!^«.
Gdh. o^R^ÏTR^.
Vas. o^f^ra^mr^îi;.

6.nbsp;Cf. KS. (II.1 ), Kâth. G,-. (XL. 10).

7.nbsp;Sh. putsnbsp;at

the end of the sQtra.

8.nbsp;Cf. AV. ( VI. 63. 2 ). KS. ( II. 1 ).

9.nbsp;Cf. Mân. Gr. I. 21, 2; 3.

10.nbsp;Sh. omits

11.nbsp;MS. III. 9. 3.

12.nbsp;Sh. adds : ^^Tirr^^ g^^rir
Cf. Man. Gr. I. 21. 4.

13.nbsp;Cf. Mân. Gr. ( ib. ).

14.nbsp;G. Vas.

15.nbsp;Cf. Mân. Gr. I. 21. 5.

-ocr page 63-


ffir îR\'M ir?? n

qf^\'t\'TTri; II

isTTôcg: II\'

^ Il Il

^F^ft ^ WTïïîf—

^ ilquot;

1.nbsp;E. Gdh. ( v. 1. ) and Vas. ir5Io. o^

G. mio. So also Män. Gi;. I. 21.9. Gdh. Vas. ipTRq^dW^.

2.nbsp;Sh. ( v. 1. ) G. of^o.nbsp;7. Cf. Mân. Gr. I. 21. 9.
E. F. 8. Cf. TB. II. 7.17. 2.

Vas. oi^o.nbsp;9_ So also Kâth. Gr. ( XL 13 ). and

3- Vas^^g^sgîF^ra^ ^nbsp;p^ddhatis : «TÎRÏ:

4.nbsp;Cf. AV. ( VI. 68. 3; VIII. 5. 21 ).nbsp;^ ^ c , u ^/I-
TB. (II.7.17.2). ÂpMp. (II.

1. 3 ). Kâth. Gr. ( XL. 11 ).nbsp;( I- 21. » ) and Baudh. ( U. 4.14 )

5.nbsp;Cf. Mân. Gr. I. 21. 6.

6.nbsp;Sh. ïîm^ ^îj^o.nbsp;10. Cf. Mân. Gr. (ibid).
Sh. (
v. 1. ) E. G. omit and readnbsp;11. Cf. ÂpMp. II. 1. 4.

-ocr page 64-

^\'cls^fl^^ i (i

ifU II

mïmknbsp;II gt; ;


1.nbsp;f. ^o,

2.nbsp;Sh. G. Vas.

3.nbsp;Cf. ApMp. II. 1. 5.

4.nbsp;Cf, Man. Gr. 1.71. 6. f

5.nbsp;Sh. g^ïTïir.

B.nbsp;Once again under

Sh. notes: B T^ïTT.

6.nbsp;Sh. E. .

7.nbsp;Except F. all the text and paddhati
mss. insert after This inser-
tion is not very appropriate for the
tonsure of a three years old child; he
has neither beard nor moustaches. In
the Godana ceremony the Man. Gr.
( I. 21.14 ) explicitly ordains that the
word be inserted in the verse
under question when it is used for the

8. Gr. Knauer ( Man. Gr. I. 21. 7),
compounds ST with .

\'-9. Cf. AV. ( VIII. 2. 17quot;). ApMp.
(II. 1.7).

10.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. I. 21. 7.

11.nbsp;Sh. o^.

12.nbsp;E. Vas. , . , \' , .

14.nbsp;Gdh.nbsp;. I\' srt. ïT^r

^ifïï. \'quot;\' ■ ■

15.nbsp;Fornbsp;( sütra 17 ) and ^r^o

A. reads:

16.nbsp;CL Kath. Gr. (XL.

and on it the vivarana

of Adityadarsana: ^^«^r ^

Cf. alsoSaihslcarakaustubha(p. l15b):
\'RTgT\'l ^tFcT.

-ocr page 65-


W^rTTT ^TWTîf^ ^ ir

ll\'\\o Ii
^^nbsp;nquot;^? II

II n

1. G, ÎTO.nbsp;i__rv ^

_. ^nbsp;TfRSTr^ ÏTtT ^ Inbsp;^

Z. Sh.nbsp;^^«IFT.nbsp;__i. ^ ^

3.nbsp;Cf. AV. (V. 28. 7), ÂpMp. (II.nbsp;.

7. 2 ), JUB. ( IV, 3.1 ). Mân. Gr.nbsp;^

( 1.1. 24 ).nbsp;.

4.nbsp;Sh. înî%.nbsp;Sh. ( v. 1. ) o^si^l

5.nbsp;Sh. E. G. îj^^rgo,nbsp;E. Gdh. .
Sh. omitsnbsp;G. Vas. ^fïï^ ^T^:.

7.nbsp;Sh. E. ( sec. m. sup. lin. ) G. iTRo.nbsp;H. Cf. ÂpMp. II. 1. 8.

A.nbsp;12. Cf. Man. Gr.,!. 21.10.

8.nbsp;G. o^. . \' : ,nbsp;\'13. Cf. Man. Gr. I. 21. 12.
Vas. i^^^TRT^iWi TT^Î R^vîngç^

-ocr page 66-

^^nbsp;^msOT^ « R^ II


fk^jnbsp;II II


1. Sh. omits ^r and reads: miwrr^o. F. ^o

G. ^

E. WTTTfo.

-ocr page 67-

i^fe^l miT\'irs\'T^T^^ Inbsp;\\ w

^quot;^qjT^^Inbsp;IR H


II » n

^mt^mf (?) n MII
fJirr ft: if\'^ II

1.nbsp;Sh. oS^.nbsp;After ^ one leaf is missing in F.

2.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. I. 22. 1.nbsp;up ^nbsp;( sutra 16 ).

3.nbsp;Sh. ^rftztrra;.nbsp;32. E. G. Gdh. Vas. ovgo.

^nbsp;13. E. inserts fTTR before .

4.nbsp;G. omits ^r.nbsp;r__..

Li. omits .

14. Var. Sr. ( Baroda ms. 11234. p. 15 )

6.nbsp;E. G. 0^0.

7.nbsp;Sh. omits f^rf^^:.nbsp;MS. I. 5. L

8.nbsp;E. G. O^r.nbsp;Before the verse E. G. insert:

10. Sh. E. readnbsp;and join it tonbsp;. These details are neither

^mt in the next sutra, but the cere- completely supplied by Gdh. nor
mony that follows is nowhere ordained by Vas.

to pertain to a Brahmana Kumaranbsp;15. For ^^TR Sh. reads ^^TR

alone.nbsp;16. Cf. Man. Gr. I. 22. 3.

-ocr page 68-

^^ g?rfft 5 ^FHrir {


V^I ^hrt w^rrrft: i

, . ^^fr^ ^^ ^^ TH f^qw II

»TM ilrs^irf % \'TRfmnbsp;i

fT^nbsp;ii e II ƒ . i

\' m ^^^ ^ r

1.nbsp;Before this verse E. G. read: ^ 5. Sh.nbsp;quot;nbsp;\'

[^JTjnbsp;6 Sh o^r

7. Cf. Man. Or. I.

\'nbsp;^ .nbsp;,nbsp;o- this verse E. G add:

2.nbsp;Sh. Vas.^^r. ^ \'nbsp;^\'TT^irerjisrrqf^r^fq..,.

E. G. Gdh. ( once only ) ^f^^r^.nbsp;^^ ^

\'3. Elsewhere ( SMB. I. 6. 27, Man.nbsp;quot;ot given

\' Xr. I, 22. 10. Kath. Gr. XU.11...) ^y Gdh ).

9. E. G. omit «T^PT^RIJ^.

4. Sh. ^T\'marr^.-nbsp;JO. Sh. ......

E.nbsp;^nbsp;11-For ?Tr ^^ SL, reads.

G. Gdh. Vas.nbsp;\'TrW^/G.Vas.^rr^-Gdh\'qT

Cf. Man. Gr, ( I. 22. 7 ). Kath. Gr. WR^T.

\' : 12. Sh. omits

-ocr page 69-


^fR^rrkf^rft rTfT?^ (?)
S\'T^^rTTrf ir

WT^R^ \'n\'^nbsp;I

scT^mt; il
fir^^ if

1.nbsp;For ^rr^rjir Sh. readsnbsp;(but 8. Sh. ^rrfGirf^^
in qrfim^ chapternbsp;«TT^ncqi), E. 9. Sh. omits
?TT«?Tr, Gdh.nbsp;Vas. ^rr^n-Tfr. 10. E. ^rWi^r.

2.nbsp;Sh. ^sqtrgrro.nbsp;11. Gdh. omits \'gr.

3.nbsp;Sh. (but innbsp;ch. 12. Sh. ^jf^-
orsi).nbsp;13. G. Vas. ^rnrr.
G. Gdh. .nbsp;Gdh. ^IW.

Vas. ( wronglynbsp;written for 14. Sh. ^WjTT ^RTTq;.


4.nbsp;Sh.nbsp;15. Vas. zira ^ sfttcqr^gro

G.nbsp;Cf. AV. (II. 13. 3; XIX. 24. 6).

5.nbsp;Sh. 3Io.nbsp;ApMp. ( II. 2. 8 X Hir. Gr. (1.4. 3).
E. Gdh. Vas. ^r 5ro.nbsp;16. E. ( margin sec. m. ) G. supply the

6.nbsp;Sh. ^RSxpn:^.nbsp;^qrf^ and RrWlTRir details first.

Afternbsp;Vas. adds:

^ Inbsp;1 ^rgtiTH; ^^qr: ■

R^tiT: . In

E. the particulars beginning with 20.nbsp;(v. 1.

have been added on the
margin by a late hand.nbsp;21. All the mss. ^o.

7.nbsp;Cf. AV. ( XIV. 1. 45 ), SMB. ( I. 22. Sh, «if^»:^.

1. 5 ), ApMp. (II. 2. 5 ).nbsp;B. ^Hi^d^ ^

-ocr page 70-

k I II

nbsp;^iR^f^ II

fm^ R^f^il ,1

I, (, „ ,

I G. qf^sr

2. Fornbsp;Sh. reads ^rsi^

■4. Cf. ApMp. (II. 2. 11), Hir. Gr
( J. 4. 6).

5.nbsp;E. G. omit ^ ^r^ though

they havenbsp;,

Gdh. Vas. omit m^

6.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. I. 22. 3.

7.nbsp;Sh. srriTo.


9. E. ( margin sec. m. ) and,G. give the
^^ andnbsp;details first.

10. Sh. ^^nr, though his mss, A.B.
read ^rlf^rq-.

12. E. G. omit^o....tjjrf^r, \' ,,
B. MS. I. I 4.nbsp;quot;

14.nbsp;E.G.tm!fr(G.%); ; ;/
Cf. Gdh. y^.nbsp;, 0

15.nbsp;Sh. ojT??irR 5rro. _


. oRJTTo.

In Va-r. Sr. (Baroda ms.\' 11234
Punaradhana kh. 4 p. 74)
I^^mr^ has been corrected into
Ata subsequent
place ^(Pratarupasthana
p. 369 ) it

16. Cf. Ap. Sr..VI.^20,;2. ^ r

-ocr page 71-

^wrfie^pili^\' II II

mff^^^f^^TFngT ITT
^ ^r^ II II

snsmfl ^ r^ H ^

^ II n

wfir ii
ft\'\' sr^^ sf^T^frf


1.nbsp;Sh. Gdh. Vas. omit ; but cf. 7. E. G. Vas. oJi|o.

Ap. Sr. VI. 20. 2.nbsp;8. Cf. RV. (VII. 41. 2). AV. (lU.
E. 16. 2
). ApMp. ( 1.14. 2).

G.nbsp;9. E. G. og^.

2.nbsp;E. (margin sec. m.) and G. give thenbsp;^Q. Sh. ogqm^trer.
sewf^ and f^^fnr^gr details first.nbsp;^ qjj^ ^^^

3.nbsp;Sh. G. Gdh. Vas. o^,nbsp;12. Sh. Gdh. 5R5rfr.

4.nbsp;Sh.nbsp;Vas. omits ^

Gdh. ^n^f^.nbsp;13. Cf. Man. Gr. I. 22. 5.

Vas. wjjf^.nbsp;14. Sh. G. Vas.

5.nbsp;Sh. E. of^o.nbsp;15.

G. o^o.nbsp;MS. 1.1. 2 ).

6.nbsp;Sh. E. G.nbsp;16. Cf. SMB. I. 6.18.

-ocr page 72-


^inrnbsp;oa^^rn^ ^^ ^f^\\\\

I^T^\'^HTW^nbsp;W u II



#nbsp;ii\'^« II

TTUTRf r^r


m JT^f^m\'^ ^Tm^ 11nbsp;II

1.nbsp;Sh. OJIT^ ^fw\'^r ^ ^mrf^.nbsp;11. Cf. Man. Gi;. I. 22. 6.

A. E. tw.nbsp;12. G. adds: R^frJir f^f^qf^\'^;
G. Gdh. Vas.

iTTT^ (Gdh. ^wr).nbsp;13. Sh. Gdh. (v. 1.) ^^^irgq^T- So

2.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. I. 22. 5.nbsp;also RV. (II. 23. 1 ). TS. (II. 3.

3.nbsp;Sh.?T^ro.nbsp;14. 3), KS. (X. 13).

4.nbsp;E. (margin sec. m.) and G. give thenbsp;G. Vas. are too corrupt to supply any

and f^qnTFcT details first.nbsp;variant.

5.nbsp;Cf. AV. VI. 89. 2d.nbsp;14. Vas.

6.nbsp;Sh. E. G.nbsp;15. Sh. ^ml So also RV. (ib.). TS.

7.nbsp;Sh. E. G. oTTf^rfo.nbsp;(ib.). KS. (ib.).

8.nbsp;Sh.nbsp;16. Sh. ^O. So also RV. ( ib. ). T^

9.nbsp;Sh. addsnbsp;( ib. ), KS. ( ib ).

10.nbsp;Gdh. o^^i^.nbsp;17. Cf.RV. (ib.),TS. (ib.). KS, (ib.).

-ocr page 73-

^^r^H^I^nr^rlrnbsp;il ii

mquot;^^ ^TOIIII

r^^r^rr «JTip\'t:\' ^rf^rnbsp;I ^mii-


Ti^^r mmm i

mj^ ^m^m Jt^sim ^m^ ^I^^RT-

^^ ^ I

^^ r^^

^\'Tf^\' ^^ ^^ ir

1.nbsp;Sh. E. G. op%( E. ^-rnbsp;. 7. E. ( margin sec. m.) and G. give

2.nbsp;E. G. ^ni^r^Ro.nbsp;the ^c^nf^ andnbsp;details

3.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. I. 22. 13.nbsp;first.

4.nbsp;MS. IV. 10. 3.nbsp;8. G. adds Jig^t.

5.nbsp;Sh. E. G. «tttIi.nbsp;9. Cf. ApMp. II. 5.1.

6.nbsp;MS. I. 2. 9.

-ocr page 74-


^T ST -«TTI^^^^nbsp;I



^^ n

^ ^ JJ ^nbsp;7. Var. Sr. Par. ( Baroda ms. 11234.

1. Sh. E. G. addnbsp;\\

the next sutra ).

3.nbsp;a. Man. Gv. I. 22.17.nbsp;9. G. o^o

_.nbsp;10. In Sh. E. G. W^r is preceded by V».

4.nbsp;Sh. o\'gqTWr.

5.nbsp;E. (margin andG. give fcnbsp;,2. CI.
^ .„a ftSrfto^ aelaiU arst.nbsp;31. Va,. «rat

.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. I. 22. 21.


E. F.

-ocr page 75-

^t ^^t Mt ^t ïttWïnbsp;li

ii^virM IInbsp;■

îr^^îftnbsp;I : :

ir\'^o II

fT\'quot; ÏTT

1.nbsp;F. G.

Sh. adds .

Vas.nbsp;^ra Vi^îiTî

2.nbsp;After this verse Sh. adds :

m sft^T ^ Hm^ ^

I sisr^nbsp;^Rr:

3.nbsp;All the mss. flïïT

:4. Sh. has a different order: ^ IT

5. Sh. ÎTTTTT.

Does. Sh. mean \'may daivi arid
mânushî medhä notenter me;

or does he take both the TTTs lo
stand for JTH^. ■

Cf. ÄpMp. ( II.\' 4. 6 ), Man. Gr.
(I. 22. 11). .

6.nbsp;Sh. E. ofîi|( E. I

7.nbsp;E. omitsnbsp;. -. . , \'

8.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. ( ib. ).

9.nbsp;MS. II. 7. 3.

10.nbsp;MS. I. 3. 39. \'nbsp;quot; \' \'

12.nbsp;Cf. Män. Gr. 1. 1. 16.

13.nbsp;Sh. E. G. Vas.quot; Wo. \'


15.nbsp;Identical with Man. Gr. I. 1. 17.

16.nbsp;Sh. omits

-ocr page 76-

ir II

^ocn rTW^mtr^gW^ I

H ^r ^r^i ^rT^^: rf \'r^g if



^^r TTT H^Tf]^ ^^ IT
sTSR^f^ \'nnbsp;li


^fir\'quot; qm^nbsp;II II


if^nbsp;ir^^ II

H ^^ II

1.nbsp;a Man. Gr. I. 1. 18.nbsp;9. TS. I. 5. 5. 3.

2.nbsp;Sh. inserts afternbsp;Sh. E. G. add

3.nbsp;Sh. E. G. o^.nbsp;11- MS. III. 12. 4.

4.nbsp;Sh. G. ^(^mm^o,nbsp;12. Sh.nbsp;f^o

E F ^JJTT ^n^o.nbsp;Sh- This confusion is evidently

5 Cf AV. ( VII. 61. 1 ), Man. Gr.nbsp;due to the wrong pronunciation of ^

(1.1.18). *nbsp;in Western and Southern India.

6.nbsp;Sh. compounds 51 withnbsp;14. MS. III. 4. 8.

7.nbsp;Cf. AV. XIX. 64. 1.nbsp;15. Cf. Man. Gr. I. 1. 22; 23.

8.nbsp;E. G. Vas. o^\'r. So also MS. 1.5.2.

-ocr page 77-


^m ïïTS^^rïïwnbsp;ii ii

w 11



^Tlf II II

1.nbsp;With this sntra Vas. begins a new
section ^«T ^rf^rcTclT^T^\'Sr, and
explains it as ^TrRf^fTcTrTr^Hn: ïï^T-
fNrar^^ TTHT.

2.nbsp;Here E. G. conclude the khanda:
^RTf^ll \'T^\'Tnbsp;In F- tlie text
runs continuously after ^r, though on
the margin it also has : ^ ^FTT^-

q^ïT:nbsp;( contrary to the usual


3.nbsp;E. G. omit ^r.

4.nbsp;Sh. E. G. qro.

5.nbsp;Sh. G. of^o.

6.nbsp;Sh. E. G. o^o.

7.nbsp;E. o^fro.

8.nbsp;The Var. 6r. Par. (Baroda ms.
11234. Grhyapurusha kh. 1. p. 183 )

and Man, Gr. ( II. 3. 14 ) have res-
pectively the variantsnbsp;ff^^^o
and mitir

9.nbsp;F. omits ^ ^RTf..

10.nbsp;Sh. oq^: .
E. oqgir #1.®\'

In spite of the previous colophon just
noted G. has again: ff^ ^RTf
q^nbsp;The probability
is that

in the original, of which G. is a copy,
the previous colophon ( referred to in
note 2 ) was transcribed on the margin
in the manner of F. and the copyist
while incorporating it in the body of
the text forgot to make the necessary
corrections in the numbering of the
following khapdas.

-ocr page 78-

sxn\'w^r: ll ^ li

^T ir? II

^^fi^r\'n^ ^ l ^ ^r^^f: ir« ii

^mTT^ n\'^ ii
^nbsp;ir^ II

JT llNs II
^ f^lR?\'^ ll\'C II
^nbsp;^^ n\'^e II

^R^ftr ^^\'^T^IfRnbsp;if\'^o II

JT ^^TRi^ ii\'^tni
^^«T^q^T^ ir^^ 11

^Tf^lH^II II

1.nbsp;Identical with Man. Gr. I. 1.1.nbsp;11. IdenHcal with Man. Gj-. I. 1. 9.

2.nbsp;Sh. E. G. o^.nbsp;12. Sh. o^. So also Man. Gy. I. 1. 10.

3.nbsp;Sh. E. G. ««^o.nbsp;13. E. G.

4.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. I. 1. 2.nbsp;Man. Gj-. (ib.) f^.

5.nbsp;Identical with Man. Gv- I. 1. 3.nbsp;14. Cf. Man. Gj-. (ib.).

6.nbsp;Identical with Man. Gr. I. 1. 4.nbsp;15. E. o^tn^o.

7.nbsp;Identical with Man. Gr. 1.1. 6.nbsp;o^a^o.

8.nbsp;Sh.nbsp;16. Identical with Man. Gr. I. 1.11.
Gdh. ^I^reiH. So also Man. Gy. I. 17, cf. Man. Gr. I. 1. 13; 14.

1. 5.nbsp;Cf. Gdh. ^ ^rirnj; 1

9.nbsp;Cf. Man. G}\'. (ib. ).


-ocr page 79-


% i rc; iinbsp;^jt

^TqTsrm^^l^: Il d

mïï ïrra^m II n

f^^nbsp;Il II

miîrè s^m^^ Il II

^^^ ir?^ H
\'n^\'^ki^i^îT ^«ïff IR? Il

^^ ît^H ît ^rifïïrr\'T ii ^^^ n

;nbsp;îTnbsp;M ^^ Il

îî ^ fïï\'r^ Il ï^« Il
^i^ïkk^ Il Il

^hîi qr Hi^ ii^\'ï^^ Il
^\'ïft^rîmlrîr^F^:\'\'\' ii II

^riî^q^^^^ll Il

•nbsp;Gdh. gr^ ^rs^.

•nbsp;8. Cf. Min. Gr. I. 1. 12.

2.nbsp;Sh. oH^^îo.nbsp;9. Sh. ?rrî^o.
E. G. oîr^r^o.nbsp;E. G. Gdh.

3.nbsp;E. G. omit Tfî\'g^.nbsp;10. E. ^r

4.nbsp;Sh. E. G. oîT^irr.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. 1.1. 8.

5.nbsp;E. G. add : G. f^nbsp;u. Sh. qnro.

6 g Man. Gr. il 22. 21 ) : ^RRknbsp;13. Sh. E. G. o^o.

vr^g^tïtè i ^rg^îîtnbsp;14. Cf. Mân. Gr. I. 2. 6.

\'nbsp;15. Sh. :îrnjnbsp;^m:.

7, Sh. \'«nnr^cm^r^»^.nbsp;16. sh. vfé wçtïï i

-ocr page 80-



HW^r^mf^quot;\'\' ir ^o It


Tr-^^^f^nbsp;(?) II ^^ II

II ^^ II

I ^ mm^ iiquot;^^ II
Inbsp;«TTI fr^rr


ftj I \'^if^ fiq\'^^^\'^^TIH II ^^ II
# ^TTT^\'\'II

1.nbsp;F. o^^\'rafr^o.

2.nbsp;F. otIt.



5.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. I. 2. 6.

6.nbsp;Sh. ^TTj^^^^^T^: .



G.nbsp;TR^^T^n^: fJJr.

The reading as emended above is from
the Man. ( I. 2. 6 ), and the Kath.
Gr. (n. \'4). The reading of F. stands
by itself and might he construed thus:

7.nbsp;E. G.


9.nbsp;Sh. ^^rT.

10.nbsp;E. omits

11.nbsp;Identical with Man. Gr. I. 2. 7.

12.nbsp;Sh. %o.

13.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. I. 2. 10.

14.nbsp;E. G. of.

15.nbsp;F. o^o.

16.nbsp;F. G. omit ^RT^.

17.nbsp;Sh. TS: .
E. TO.

-ocr page 81-

m mM^ ^NTnbsp;\\\\\\ II

ipig; I ^sr^r ^HIRR^ II\'\'^ II

^^rfir^^r^Hm^ fr^r mm^\'^ ^r ir« II

^quot;»{rf^T^ II II

^^^ ^nbsp;m u == II

^T^H^-Cto^nbsp;if\'a. II


1.nbsp;Sh. E. ofrf^o.nbsp;8. MS. II. 7.7.

G. Gdh. Vas. o^o.nbsp;9. Cf. Man. Gr. I. 23. 6; 7.

2.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. I. 23. 1.nbsp;10. G. omits

3.nbsp;Sh.nbsp;11. Identical with Man. Gr. I. 23. 8.

E.nbsp;ofMf^wr.nbsp;12. Sh. ocqjo. The of the mss. has

F.nbsp;\'^rgfrar^sR^r.nbsp;been wrongly read as Vfi.

G.nbsp;13. Cf. Man. Gr. I. 23.10.

4.nbsp;Sh. E. G. omitnbsp;14.Cf.Man.-Gr.I.23.11.

5.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. I. 23. 2.

6.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. I. 23. 3.nbsp;ow ^^«fo.

7.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. I. 23. 5; 14.nbsp;G.

-ocr page 82-


II ? m


»^^^^îr^ sïïTW^: Il Il

n n

^CHiï^W^if îT^tî ir?v9 II


^r^r^ mT^^t ii n

2.nbsp;Sh. qf^.nbsp;^WRRfr^sr^RrfrR ^r^Tri^jr.

3.nbsp;Sh. E. G. oftr.nbsp;^^^ ^^^

G. omits SRIPTÎÎ^nbsp;^çrrf^ ^çrrfïj ïj^nbsp;,

4.nbsp;E. G.nbsp;îraRRTR ^nifîi: i Hî^^ip^rt

5.nbsp;Cf. Mân. Gr. 1. 23.15.nbsp;^-.^Wïï^nrfr ^ncfr i f^

6.nbsp;Cf. ^-n. Gr. I. 23. 16.nbsp;^^^^ , ^

7.nbsp;bh. E. oH:.nbsp;__..

8.nbsp;a °mn. G, I. 23.21.nbsp;^ ^

Cf. Vârâha Sr. Par. ( Baroda ms. ^. »__c, . rv

11234. Rahasya pp. 270, 271 ) :nbsp;^

«Rnbsp;[ ïTîîsrrinirîWT^

-ocr page 83-

^KI^^^^H?! ^ I ^^ II

^^ II II

ïT^Tfr ïRf^ IR^ 11

1.nbsp;Sh. E. G. oHTTgr^:.nbsp;G. ogrv^.
Gdh. ^k^imKf^^. 3. Sh. ^

2.nbsp;F. omits ^ ^Riç.nbsp;E. ^

-ocr page 84-

yonbsp;^ u II

\\n II
m idm—

^^ Wnbsp;II ^^TfT II

- ^^ f^T^T^ II ^T^T ir
fm II

1.nbsp;Sh. ^«ITo.nbsp;6. Man. Gr. (ib.)

2.nbsp;F. sTre«.nbsp;Sh. E. G. Gdh. omit ^T^f \'TWrf^

3.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. I. 4. 1.nbsp;...^rfT.

4.nbsp;Sh. misread for ^T^t).nbsp;8. Sh. omits

E. ^r^r.nbsp;9. Cf. MSn. Gi;. (ib.).

G. ^PT^T. -nbsp;10. Gdh. omits this as well as the three

5.nbsp;Sh. Thus also Man. Gr. 1.4.2.nbsp;subsequent formulas.

Cf. Kath. Gr. IX. 2.nbsp;11. Sh. omits JTrnim.

-ocr page 85-

ÏTJ^ ^^TfT


^T^îrnbsp;irf^fërrr îr


^^^^Tïïfr^ Il
ifïï ^ Il

1.nbsp;Sh. g^irré ^rcff ti^^rit ^^r^é 2T5ï ^qrftr.

Inbsp;7. F. omits ÎÏJSiRïI^î^

2.nbsp;Cf. Mân. Gr. l. 4. 2.nbsp;8. Sh. compounds and

3.nbsp;Gdh. omits îl^^ ^ffr, ^^^àr ^ffr.nbsp;9. Cf. Mân. Gr. I. 4. 3-5.

4.nbsp;E. G. gsîTïTTo.nbsp;10. Sh. E. G. omit

5.nbsp;E. G.nbsp;11. Sh. omits

6.nbsp;Gdh. and Mân, Gr. ( I. 4. 4 ) omitnbsp;12. Cf. Mân. Gr. I. 4. 4; 5.

-ocr page 86-


Tmi^Wr^ q^i^TO^ ^T ^^^JTR^T^
^n^^rf^^ m^^rmxi^ ^^^rf^
\'^KTT^ II

^njfi ^^\'H

. ,nbsp;II

1.nbsp;Sh. E. G. Gdh. of Wo.nbsp;5. Sh. E. G. omit

2.nbsp;Sh. g^IW^injf^^^\'g;.nbsp;6. Identical with Man. Gj. I. 4. 6.
E. G.
o^^.nbsp;7. Sh. 6;to.

3.nbsp;Fornbsp;Sh. 8. Sh.
reads fggRWT^JiRc^r^R,nbsp;while 9. Sh. adds

E. G. have Rf^RmiTreiTirq^Tfgm.nbsp;10. Sh. compounds gr^jfr and

Fornbsp;F. hasnbsp;11. E. G. O^^.

4.nbsp;Sh. E. o^o. ^nbsp;12. Cf. Man. Gr. 1.4. 7-9.
O^J^O occurs in some of the mss. of Sh. E. G. omit

Man. Gr. (1.4.6) and its commentary.

-ocr page 87-

ir= II
^^HHI 11^ II

ir\'u II

iIpt:, m^T ^nbsp;ll


2.nbsp;Cf. M5n. Gr. I. 4. 8; 9.

3.nbsp;Sh. ora.



6.nbsp;Cf. Man. G.;. I. 4. 10.


8.nbsp;E. G.

9.nbsp;Sh. E. G. omit qq.

10.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. I. 4. 11.

11.nbsp;Sh. o\'^f^^-.

12.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. I. 7. 1.

13.nbsp;F. mo.

14.nbsp;Sh. E. G. add: ^^ ^ITSfTR^^T^:
3Tf% rfr^iFgqniT: ( E. G. add further
jqi^lij:). In F. this passage has been
noted on the margin, though slightly

changed (i. e. y^^ij)nbsp;affT^-

fNr^:nbsp;). This

passage simply explains each word of
the sutra (51TR ^fmiR sTirai: ), and
hence it is very unlikely that it could
have ever formed a part of the text.
The Var. Sr. Par. ( Baroda ms. 11234.
Antarkyakalpa p. 364) reads this
and the former sutra thus: ^sitT-
R^t: I BIlRrfr g^R ^RT

fN^^^^WR ^Tt^t\'tr srnrar: . Cf.
Kath Gr. X. 2 .

15.nbsp;Identical with Man. Gr. I. 7. 2.

16.nbsp;F. omits ^R


G. W ^r^.

-ocr page 88-

1.nbsp;Gdh. explains the word thus: ^f^l^f-

^ ^^ Adityadarsana commenting
\'on Kath.Gr. (XLIV. 1) proceeds
a step further: ITR ^JJTT f^

2.nbsp;The interpretation of this passage as
given in Man. Gr. commentary (1.21.
13) is as follows: ^ns g^PT^^^IR

^T^ Cf.
Kath. Gr. (XUV. 1) w ^ WJJ^
and on it the gloss of Adityadarsana:
qfer . On
Prof. Caland gives the note:
is apparently a designation of
the agnicayana part of the Yajurveda
- (Kath. XIX. 1. sqq.). According to
Ad. this part ends with Kath. XXII.
14: 70. 19.
3. Sh. ojft^f^r.

Sh. notes his variants thus : ifr^Tsf)quot;—
E. G. WW nto.

Cf. Man. Gr. ( ib. WRTm^rMr.
( though the com. and even some of
the Gr. mss. read wfenM^).

4. Sh. reads W\'PlfnT and makes it
enter into a compound with the follow-
\' ing Word STSr^^^.

Gdh. explains the sfitra thus:

wm^r^H: JranrRRrgnff
\'T^TT^ vrerr^riPT«^:.
Cf. also Man. Gr. commentary (ibid.):
^rmsRwg; siniv-^ I^TRPHT: I
^ snrninTTf —wrnirr^rfWl\' tim-
TRTf^ I »fr^ ffr^^:

5.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. (ib.).

6.nbsp;Sh. o^TTai-,

7.nbsp;The Vaikh. Dh. ( III. 15 ) assigns to
the son bom ofnbsp;( born of T^
and ^qr and described as ^^rar^^
WRPR^, and

III. 12 ) father and ^T^r
mother the duty of shaving the body
below the nave: [ UT^gni;] ^f^RTT-

TR^cTr. These
W\'7Rrr%rs were essentially different
from those who shaved the body above
the nave and held a low position in
the society. They still exist in the

■ \'jnti^^ n ^ II

-ocr page 89-

^ 15. II

^ TTT^m^: ST if


^\'TT T^^SR^ lU II
m II vi II


^T^ iif mM^ ir vs II

sn^^i^irl^ if c II



1.nbsp;Sh. gives only the pratika:

2.nbsp;G. Gdh.

3.nbsp;G. 05.

4.nbsp;Cf. AV. VIII. 2. 17.

5.nbsp;Sh. punctuates: oTTy^ia^nT: I l^lt^ir

^ wf^n^ I

6.nbsp;Sh. 11.

7.nbsp;A. omits

8.nbsp;Man. Gr. com. ( I. 2. 8 ): sra^ Tt
^R^ I TT^r^ wr ^ »rr

^ [I. 9. 20.]

Cf. Kath. Gr. (III. 1 ) and thereon
the b h a s h y a of Devapala, the p a d-
dhati of Brahmanabala and the
vivarana of Adityadarsana.

9.nbsp;Identical wijh Man. Gr. I. 2. 8.

10.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. I. 2. 9.

11.nbsp;MS. II. 7. 5.

12.nbsp;MS. II. 13. I.

13.nbsp;All the mss. give ff^o instead of S^o.

14.nbsp;Sh. o^^TO.

-ocr page 90-

^^ïjll^ ^ i ii

ft^è li\'
ira ii

m ^R^ïï ir?o II

^mfMr ^R^rïf ifffr\'quot; s^fï^^^H i


mtnbsp;ïiigimiîtTînfîr ii

sTTà% î«îî Tir wr çfîrn^n

It^qr^l 11quot;?^ II ■

1.nbsp;Sh. and Mân. Gr. (I. 2.12) ^^o.

2.nbsp;Sh. Gdh. Vas. m. So also Mân. Gr.

3.nbsp;Sh. and Mân. Gr. ( ib. ) ÎTT.

4.nbsp;E. G. Vas. add m.

5.nbsp;Sh.E. Vas. and Mân. Gr. (ib.) ofîf.

6.nbsp;Cf. Kap. S. (1.18), TS. (I. 2. 5.1).

7.nbsp;Cf. Mân. Gr. I. 2. 11; 12.

8.nbsp;MS. I. 2.11; m. 8. 9.

9.nbsp;Cf. Mân. Gr. I. 2. 15. •


11.nbsp;Sh. f^q^o.

12.nbsp;F. o;rbT^T?T?l[f?]

Gdh. Vas. o;[r*TqrîT

13.nbsp;MS. 1. 1. 11.

14.nbsp;Sh. omits from the text ^
and gives it in the footnote.

15.nbsp;Cf. Mân. Gr. I. 2. 14.

16.nbsp;Sh. Mân. Gr. ( I. 2. 16) add:

17.nbsp;Cf. Mân. Gr. (1.2.16), Kath.Gr.
(111.8). :

18.nbsp;TS. III. 5. 2. 2.
KS. XVII. 7.

19.nbsp;Cf. Gdh. Vas. I^ÏJJ^

20.nbsp;Cf. Mân. Gr. I. 2. 15.

-ocr page 91-

^m^W^ f. Ro II

Ift^inbsp;II II

fir^^TpT^^iqV IInbsp;II
ll\'^va II


^^ ir?^ II

1.nbsp;Before Gdh. and Vas. insertnbsp;8, A. gfl^o.

^ JT^qlr ^W^\'SR RPPTRT:nbsp;B. Gdh. irtg^o. It has been emen-

(Cf. Man. Gr. I. 2. 13 ), and furthernbsp;ded by Sh. to jtni^r|o.

on supply the verse missing in thenbsp;9. Cf. Man. Gr. I. 2. 19.

Grhya: Wn?: ^nbsp;10. Sh.

^IfT^ [ Cf. Var. Gi . V. 27 andnbsp;According to Kullnka ( M. Smrti X.

AV. III. 12. 9] ^ir^^^^T\'Il^-nbsp;112 ) \'gleaning

\'^IRW^ I rlcT: ^^r^R:.nbsp;more than one ear of com at a time\'

2.nbsp;F.nbsp;opposed to Kii^-

3.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. I. 2. 17.nbsp;Gdh.\'s explanation is, how-

4.nbsp;Sh.nbsp;ever, different: IFIR^f^

5.nbsp;F. G.nbsp;wr

6.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. I. 2. 18.nbsp;11. For ^^ Sh. reads while

7.nbsp;E. F.nbsp;E. G. read

-ocr page 92-

if^î II ï^o II

^r^ïïTïïWrfïT^Tnbsp;IR ni


2.nbsp;F. omits ^nbsp;G. ^WÏ^ II || ^rf^n^ »

3.nbsp;Sh. ïiqiT: .nbsp;^ ^jjTT^ II

-ocr page 93-

lo I \\s II

^^T^ll ^ II

TT^i^l^^rnbsp;ll ^ ii


\\n II

mi^ 15nbsp;\\\\\\ Ii

1nbsp;Sh. Gdh. o^m^Hf^:.nbsp;Gdh. o^^r. Thus also MSn. Gr. ( I.

2nbsp;Sh ww^nbsp;7. 5 ) and Kath. Gr. ( XIV. 10 ).
quot; Gdh. This is rather Gdh. takes it^to be a Vedic irregu-

a strange amalgamation of the two larity for ^q^ but Devapala on
variantsnbsp;andnbsp;Ganga- Kath Gr. (ib.) explains it as the

dhara s explanation of the text by lof- singular of

points unequivocally tonbsp;\'nbsp;\'

as the original reading, for while W^)nbsp;6. Cf. Man. Gr. ( ib.).

does not meannbsp;it is easy tonbsp;7. Cf. Ma\'n. Gr. I. 7. 6.

I 1 . L u •nbsp;in 8. Fornbsp;Sh. reads «TF^^^T: .

see through it the scribes error m ^ quot; ^^nbsp;,

having mistaken it (^IH,) fornbsp;E. inserts this^ between R and

9. Cf. Man. Gr. I. 7. 7.

3.nbsp;Identical with Man. Gr. I. 7. 4.nbsp;l«- Sh.

4.nbsp;F. omits wr.nbsp;n.Sh.frio.

-ocr page 94-


WRTPT^^^^qr^g ^^T: ll\'


1.nbsp;Cf. RV. X. 85. 23.

Gdh. takes each of the hemistiches as
one verse.

2.nbsp;The acarya (?) chants the
mantra while the groom\'s party
proceeds towards the bride\'s house to
finally settle the match.


\'pr^rr^i ^^ 5T5ii fNiTr^qr^^^R-

Cf. Man. Gr. (I. 7. 8 ) ^f^^T, and
the com.: ^TRT^RJ^p^JJIWrVTRn^ I...
^si^T ^n^ I H^r ^sr

But Vaikh. Gr. (VI. 12) : ^q\'f^r

It may be interesting to note in this
connection the view of Sir Thomas
More who ordains in his Utopia lhat
before marriage a staid and honest
matron quot;showeth the woman, be she
maid or widow, naked to the wooer.
At this custom we laughed and dis-
allowed it as foolish. But they, on
their part, do greatly lt; wonder at the
folly of all other nations which, in
buying a colt.,., be so chary and cir-
cumspect that though he be almost all
bare, yet they will not buy him unless
the saddle and all the harness be taken
off, lest under these coverings he hid
some gall or sore. And yet, in choos-
ing a wife,.... they be so reckless
that all the residue of the woman\'s
body being covered with clothes, they
estimate her scarcely by one hands-
breadth (for they can see no more
but her face) and so join her to them.quot;
(Quoted by H. Ellis, Studies in the
Psychology of Sex Vol. VI. p. 102).

5.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. I. 7. 8.

6.nbsp;E. o;^.

7.nbsp;Sh. ^o,

8.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. I. 7. 9.
Cf. Bh^r. Gr.(I.

Dr. Salomons\' view that this quot;must

a later addition from a light-hear-
ted copyistquot; finds little support, for
similar passages are quoted in other
ancient texts as well e.
g. A p. Gr.
( I. 3. 20 ) and VatsySyana\'s Kama-
sntra ( ch. XVI ): q^f

0^0 for

0^0 of

-ocr page 95-

^o i ii

iT^o I)

mv^ ^W^nr^M ^m ^T II

^mTf^^Tt II II
ir^v II
JT^: I
im\' ^F^T: iriu II

1.nbsp;Sh. Gdh. ^^o.

2.nbsp;Sh. ^ffo.

3.nbsp;Sh. E. Gdh. oq^.

4.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. I. 7. 10.

5.nbsp;Sh. 0^0.

^Fl^f of the Man Gr. ( I. 7. 11 ) is
more in keeping with the continuity of
the sense than either of our readings.

6.nbsp;Sh. ^Wfl^Iiro.

7.nbsp;Sh. E. O?^.

8.nbsp;Gdh. gr^r ^^Ir

9.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. (ib.).

10.nbsp;But F.nbsp;and Gdh. J^^ Mq-
Wf —I g ^«rrf^

11.nbsp;Identical with Man. Gr. I. 7. 12.
12 Sh. Gdh. ^vr^. Sh, reads it along

with ifrffl^ i, e, \' both the parties
are to present a pair of cows\'. Here
Sh, forgets thatnbsp;is to be given

by one party alone. ( Cf. Gdh.
^ ).

13.nbsp;dvii»rr is a mat of twisted reeds or

14.nbsp;Sh. Gdh.

15.nbsp;Gdh. gRT ^rar^a^fiquot;

srr^^cifii \'ST.

16.nbsp;Sh. puts a stop after ^T^ and reads

( for our SIWTT:) along with
^IW of the next sutra.

17.nbsp;Gdh. ^ 5Tnbsp;s^q^rra-

r^RqtiT:. Of these the first mantra
is to be chanted by the groom\'s party
and the second by the bride\'s party.

-ocr page 96-

^^nbsp;^o I ^c; II

\\ II

1.nbsp;Sh. E. Gdh. 0T%.nbsp;6. For ^ Sh. has ^^ It is doubt-
After ^ Sh. addsnbsp;f^j jf ^ ^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^

2.nbsp;Sh. E. Gdh. ow.


3.nbsp;Sh. E. add srra^JIT.nbsp;- ^ rv

4.nbsp;Sh. E. o^TR.nbsp;7.

Gdh. ^wtIt ^r^^ ^ I ^r-nbsp;^

srf^Cr^TT JTR-nbsp;8- F. omits ^Tf.

I ^ I ^^^ rl^^\'r^ Inbsp;9. Sh. .

-ocr page 97-

U I ^ II


fk^m \\\\\\ II
^T^^T^i; ^ifjT i^mm ir^ II

^ sr \\f\\ ii

f^TT^T ^tfi ST% T^TT^r Gfrft



1 Gdh %onbsp;the ma dh up ark a differed with

2.nbsp;Identical with Man. Gr. I. 9. 1.nbsp;every Sakha?

3.nbsp;Gdh.nbsp;^f^T^^: Ta. 11. Sh. ^T^HfT. ^nbsp;_ .

, ,nbsp;12. Sh. adds:

4.nbsp;Sh. omitsnbsp;__^ ^

Cf Man Grnbsp;I 9. 2; 3. 13. Sh. omits the second R^T ^t^TSTfT.

/oi\'nbsp;\' 14. Sh. adds cfe^MdH^, while B. omits

6. Sh. E.

QU pflVi swnbsp;m-ti^J •


^T^- .nbsp;^^ p ^^^ (on the analogy of

,nbsp;18. Gdh. ^rf^rff^liTT^ t^tI

10. Sh. omits the sutra.nbsp;^

. Identical with MKu. Gi;. I. 9. 5.nbsp;^ , _ , _

Does Gdh. imply that 20. Sh.

-ocr page 98-

^i^r^\'SEi^ir \\Ki to \\\\

^^^ H^J^rni^rTTJTTfM I
frTtT^Tnbsp;^T ^«TTf^r-


TTOnbsp;ft: RT^ ir^ II

^T I^^T^ I


1.nbsp;Sh. omits

Gdh.nbsp;^^cTr I

2.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gi. I. 9. 7; 8.

3.nbsp;Sh. og?RTRTgr.

4.nbsp;A. ^^ ^irnrraBrnr.

5.nbsp;Sh. ^j^ra^wra.
Gdh. ^T^rnro.

6.nbsp;A. qr ?Tr ^ar ^r^rerr^ ^


7.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. I. 9. 8.

8.nbsp;Before this verse Sh. inserts : ^r^a^J-



11.nbsp;Gdh. ^^ qrlr ^nr^.

12.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. I. 9. 10.

13.nbsp;Sh. rh^tirtrtW.

14.nbsp;Identical with Man. Gr. I. 9. |1.

15.nbsp;For ^ mnbsp;Sh. reads: m jj

f f%nbsp;and puts down in

the footnote :nbsp;Tf^qr^cqrxTrr^fRr

16.nbsp;Cf. Ma-n. Gi . I. 9. 12.

Gdh. ^ ^rr zjrs? qri^^r

I q^r^ ^^^rrr^^: ( Cf.

M^n. Gr. com.: ^U^TRf^

w ^rf I wiq^R f R ^ I

^ flTR\'irnbsp;(?)


Cf. Kath. Gn(XXIV. 9)

Ic^ff ^ JTI^R and DevapSla\'s com.
thereon: ^J-\'qt^lfRTrnTg^jqrqT^^iT^r
^^ wnbsp;srrg ^RT-

-ocr page 99-

^TTT^W^ U I l^S II

JTWJnbsp;w\'U II

ll\'lR II

ir?« II

snipTT^ ir^M II

nquot;?^ ll

^irtrvR JTiq ^if^ ^f^- 6. Sh. g-flwf^t.

7. MS. I. 1. 2.

1.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. I. 9. 6.nbsp;8. Sh. omits ^JJTT.

2.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. I. 9. 15.nbsp;9. gh. E. o^^.

Sh. omits the 11th and the 12th sutras. ^ ,, __»y

3.nbsp;Cf. Ma-n. Gr. I. 9. 13.nbsp;^^\'

4.nbsp;Cf. Man. G;. I. 9. 12.

5.nbsp;Sh. puts sutras 13-15nbsp;qi^T... MS. II. 7. 16.

in the footnote,nbsp;12. Cf. Man. Gr. I. 9. 13; 14.

and substitutes for them the Ma-nbsp;13. Before this verse Sh. inserts: ^^T-
nava sfitras: qi^Tf TT^

( I. 9. 12; 13 ).nbsp;14. F. omits ^V. . •

-ocr page 100-

il^ s^twnbsp;ir^c II

ir^a. II

iiquot;^® II

fr^T H ^T^ITTnbsp;JT f rT T


ir^^ II


1.nbsp;Sh. addsnbsp;7. Gdh. ^rqrf^crr

2.nbsp;Gdh.nbsp;^f^ , ^^ ^rwf^ gf - .

3.nbsp;a. Man. Gr. I. 9. 16.nbsp;8. Cf. Man. Gr. I. 9. 19.

4.nbsp;Identical with Man. Gr. I. 9. 18.nbsp;9. Gdh. fcTF ^T...^ fcT iTf Sfff I
^RTS ^rf^ inbsp;trgf^qf^ ww^^^jt ^i^Tcj;,

10. E. Gdh. ^o.

5.nbsp;Identical with Man. Gr. I. 9. 17. H- Gdh.nbsp;^r^T^W^rPiTf ITR
I^Gdh.\'s paddhati as well the ^ITT^-^r qf ...

order of this and the former sfitra is 12. Cf. Man. Gr. I. 9. 20.
reversed.nbsp;13. F. o?qo.

6.nbsp;Sh.nbsp;14. Cf. Man. Gr. I. 9. 21; 22.

-ocr page 101-



m wquot; JT^r^^ ^^TT^^ II
im ^RTf^fT ^^^ 11

1.nbsp;Sh. omits

2.nbsp;Sh. srg^M.

3.nbsp;Sh. W-.

4.nbsp;E. F. ^vjre.

5.nbsp;RV. VIII. 101. 13.

6.nbsp;Sh. ^nbsp;( Cf.
Man. Gr. I. 9. 23.

Gdh.nbsp;I ^rnbsp;^^

7.nbsp;Here Sh. and Man. Gr. (ib.) con-
clude the madhuparka section and
omit the following 3 lines.

8.nbsp;ButSh. (at the end of the next chapter):

—Iff 5Tt ftra \'rniTr

9.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. ( ib. ).

10.nbsp;RV. I. 90. 9.

11.nbsp;E.nbsp;• ^ \'

12.nbsp;Gdh. ^M^JT^:.

13.nbsp;Sh. and Man. Gr. do not end the
chapter with madhuparka, but
go on with

E.nbsp;gives the colophon in an abridged

F.nbsp;Ill »^r^

-ocr page 102-

1.nbsp;F. omits ^«(Mf\'.^UH,.
Gdh. Hrl: «FS^Tlfq^

2.nbsp;Sh. Gdh. owr^.

3.nbsp;Sh. adds

4.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. I. 9. 24.


5.nbsp;Sh. omitsnbsp;^


7.nbsp;Sh. adds

8.nbsp;Sh. ^ zrqn^^WTR ^^rm ^«r

1• -ira ^«fr

fkfkmJi^m i rRi\'^r-^r jrrxsrr\'n^r
^Twri qiwf^^

9.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. I. 9. 25; 26.

10.nbsp;Sh. o^s^i^.

11.nbsp;Sh. lira

12.nbsp;F. ^o.

13.nbsp;Sh. g^r ^nr^\'r\'wfiT^s^TRc^,
Gdh. osfi^IT^.

14.nbsp;Cf. AV. (XIX. 24. 6), ApMp.
(II. 2. 8).

^it ^^ ir? II

^rr^Tfrf II
ll\'^ II


-ocr page 103-


put in Sh.\'s footnote, while his text
reads: ^f^ q^m^VT^

—str^r ^ qnjfi\' wi^q

4.nbsp;F. omits ^ sTRff.

5.nbsp;Sh. ^^ri\';.

One of our Gdh.\'s mss. includes the
alankaraiia within the madhu-
parka, for at the conclusion of both
these ceremonies it bears the colophon;

^rrr^^ii^^ KRWw


3. Cf. Man. Gr. L 9. 27.

-ocr page 104-

f^onbsp;^RTf^U^^ U R II

15% im^T m^ ^^rrt

TT^itnbsp;ft\' ^^nbsp;^

^r^^W qi\'iftquot;nbsp;^\'FiTrit-

^^ r^n^:nbsp;^^^tttt^ ii


IR S il ^ II

1.nbsp;Sh. go.nbsp;9. Sh. HRpqrjg^.

2.nbsp;Sh. JT^TS\'iro.nbsp;10- Probably it is the acary a (of the

3 E F add ^TfTnbsp;bride ? ) who discharges this duty.

. „nbsp;,nbsp;Gdh. simply remarks: ^RTF!^:

4. E. appends ^TfT or ^ro to everynbsp;^ ^

deity up to q\'^P^TPf.nbsp;^^ ^


^•Sh. fl.nbsp;13. Sh.o^R^r.


y^qra^tw.nbsp;F. ^ciw^fTR^o.

8.nbsp;E. oRT.nbsp;15. Sh. E. omit

-ocr page 105-

^rn^q?!^^ I ^ IInbsp;^\'X

^T ^T ffrJrT I
W ST^oCff^f II

ff^ II ^ II


^ fiTT: sTHt

^ ^fr T^T^^ ^nbsp;II




1.nbsp;Sh. w^^ro.nbsp;7. Sh. H^gRR:.

2.nbsp;Sh.nbsp;E. Gdh. omit

3.nbsp;Sh. adds gr.nbsp;9. Sh. omits XT.

4.nbsp;Gdh.nbsp;. Gdh.nbsp;^r^rwr^rR.

5.nbsp;Sh. ^r snrr.nbsp;Pquot;- o™\'\'® ^^

6.nbsp;Sh. treats Tfr and ^^T as a com- 12. Sh.nbsp;•
pound word.nbsp;E-

-ocr page 106-

^Rlfnbsp;R II

^ ^^^ # S^m ^ ^^ JJTrT^ffT: I

ir^ II

^Turffir ^^

# r^rnbsp;i

^ ^T^r^Tnbsp;-^tftvtttw ir
ll\'^ II

1. Gdh. deals at length with some verynbsp;JJfTW |...?T?TRr ^r

important preliminaries. These I quotenbsp;^fSTT ^nTRF

here in brief: ^rq^RF: ^nbsp;quot; | ^^^ q^r^r ?Tr q^qr

f^^: i TTP^rw \\ ..Mtnbsp;( V. I. W ) ^ ^-q^^i (?) i

t^r:...[RV. X.85.47]nbsp;qra^qf^ ^^^rnbsp;i

l[T% q^^qt inbsp;^^ ^ | wr^rwwq^

...qir ^ ^qranbsp;(Cf. Man. Gr. 1.

n?™nbsp;^^ ^^\' ( ^111. 91. 7 ). ApMp ( I

^ . ^ . . ^nbsp;5. Cf. Man. Gr. I. 8. 11.

^rnRTsrq ^T^ I ^\'cprinRrq i . ^ _

^l^r ^ fR ^nbsp;7 Cf. AV. (XIV. 2. 70 ). TS. (III.

^mL I ^m: ^rJTRT^T?^ i ^rnbsp;5. 6.1 ).

q^Crar i ^nrrq rr-nbsp;8. Cf. Man. Gr. I. 11. 6.

-ocr page 107-

I ^ Il

fir^T ^H^tt:nbsp;I

sTïïï\'ÏT^ ïftnbsp;11^

fm ir ^ II

t^i^ît:^nbsp;^^r^r^ ii m ii

IR ïïftmnr srm^ JT^fRi^fr^t

1.nbsp;Gdh. Wt wqrqr ^^t »jCr^r 7. E. osi^^ï.

8. F. ortró.
( Cf. Mân. Gr. I. 11. 5).
q p

2.nbsp;F. O^:.nbsp;10 F

3.nbsp;Cf. RV. (X. 85. 44), AV. ( XIV. quot; quot; \'

2. 18 ).nbsp;MS. II. 7. 13.

4.nbsp;Cf. Mân. Gr. I. 10.6.nbsp;12. MS. II. 13.1.

5.nbsp;E. addsnbsp;13. RV. X. 9. 4.

6.nbsp;E. adds ^ïT.nbsp;14, This sütra is missing in Gdh.

-ocr page 108-

^Rfe^mïTr II\' a il

m ifim—

rjrfrfr smnbsp;TTs^^r^îf if


^nbsp;fm\'î II\'

ir II

fçqsïf^î ^ÏTFÎ\'TTI^T^I\'TÎ^ llquot; ? m

1nbsp;Enbsp;8. RV. X. 83. 41.

2nbsp;Cf. Mân. Gr: I. 10. 8.nbsp;9. Cf. Mân. Gr. I. 10. 8; 10.
tr rMDi4 3 10. MS.
II. 13. 23.

4 a ApMp. I. 4. 1.\'nbsp;11- Identical with Mân. Gr. I. 10. 10

5.nbsp;Cf. ÄpMp. LM. 2.nbsp;(last line).

6.nbsp;RV. (X. 85. 40) gfnrèïTg^W- •nbsp;F. o^o.

7 Cf RV ( ibid. ).nbsp;seems to refer to the one

-ocr page 109-

^rrr^^^ i \\\\ linbsp;quot;Kit.

r^T mr^
^^T ^^Tf T
T^T^ r^T ^^Tf T

occurring in the following mantras.nbsp;T[w]

1. Cf. Man. Gr. (1.10. 11 ): mi^

1^ra^HT^^nbsp;2. E. F. o^.

Gdh. ^^ ^^r f^^ra\'^ ^ 3 ]yis 11 7 1

Inbsp;^T^^r^R ^m^T 4 p omits ^

Inbsp;[gt; Cf.nbsp;5 MS. I. 4. 3.

Man. Gr. com.nbsp;] Wnbsp;6. Cf. Man. Gr. I. 10. 11.

IF^RL Inbsp;7. Cf. SMB. I. 6.18.

»^^Ff—tr^r »^Sfnbsp;8. F.nbsp;while Gdh.

-ocr page 110-

•^ïTT W^î^T ^ETl^m STT^^T-
r^T^TTït^^^^^T: ir

ni r^T f^^^nnbsp;STim^Tl^^^m

^ÎTrî: Il

rrm^ ^\'«CT ^^m^îf mnbsp;it^t: il

^T r^^m s^^^ SfTTR^ HT r^^ I

mmWTTfiFT ^^r^ WT SfTTf^ ^r^W I
^ ^T^g^T Wnbsp;il

ITlf II\' Il

^^[fU w

1. Cf. RV. (X. 85. 36), AV. (XIV.

1 30nbsp;TTT^nm ÎTT

2nbsp;îi^ ^^Rfr^w s^^fïT

3^ Gdh. omits this line.nbsp;^^^^

4.nbsp;Cf. AV. XIV. 2. 71.nbsp;E. Gdh.

5.nbsp;So also Vâr.\'ér. Par. ( Baroda ms.

11234. Prâyascitta kh. 3. p. 213 ). 6. Cf. Mân. Gr. I. 10. 15.
which reads: ^t T^f ^f^^ql^ 7. Cf. Mân. Gr. I. 10. 16.

-ocr page 111-

^RTÇ^il^ I ^K IInbsp;\'

^^T wrgt ^çrrr^ il\'

ff ^T^qquot;nbsp;1

^ ^RT^T^T ITTrT\'TT TO ir

s^ÏTTÎÎ; s^m îï^rg ^grr l f

ç^m II

fR^rl^qR^^ii u n

^v^T ^î^ ^ ^ÎT^quot; ïTSHTT I r

1.nbsp;Cf. ÂpMp. I. 5. 1.nbsp;8. Cf. SMB. (I. 2.3 ). ÂpMp. (1. 3. 7).

2.nbsp;Cf. Mân. Gr. I. 10. 16.nbsp;9. Cf. Mân. Gr. I. 11. 12.

3.nbsp;Cf. Mân. Gr. I. 11. 4.nbsp;10. F. o^ 3îr^o.

5.\'nbsp;Cf.ISn. Gr. I. 11.11.

6.nbsp;E. O^. \'nbsp;12. Cf. RV. (X. 83. 38). AV. (XIV.

7.nbsp;Cf. AV. XIV. 2. 63.nbsp;2. 1 ).

-ocr page 112-

m f mï I

\'TT ft^ n
ÎT ^^ gsïTg

1.nbsp;For \'Î^ÎS gnbsp;E. hasnbsp;^dh. H\'^ÏITfr

gnbsp;b. Gdh. ÏTÏTÏÏ ^ïï ^TWTT

2.nbsp;Cf. Ma-n. Gi;. I. 11. 13.nbsp;^ ^^nbsp;j ^^ ^^

3 Fornbsp;fr^Tïïf: E. reads

4. E.nbsp;8. E. F.

-ocr page 113-

mTTE^^ t II


f^r^^ ^ WTnbsp;f \'^


imit inbsp;^r^i:

JTT^^r ^ ii\'^^vs ii

1. E. ^rnbsp;sntras, but simply goes on with some

2 Cf RV (X 85 24) AV (XIV.nbsp;practices left unnoticed by the s fi t r a-

] 19.58).nbsp;kara: [ ] f^Ji\'lJf

3,nbsp;MS. 111. 11. 10. \'nbsp;^rm f^Jf^rTTT u-.^T^Tr ^

4.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. 1. 11. 20; 26.nbsp;3 HT

5 Gdhnbsp;^^ ^T^T ^cTTfl^rRora^r-


7.nbsp;a. RV. (X. 85. 33 ,, AV. (X.V.nbsp;J\' ^^ ^

8.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. I. 12. 1.nbsp;^ ^

9.nbsp;MS. 11. 13. 23.nbsp;o^f^llT.

10.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. I. 11.14.nbsp;12. quot;
Gdh. takes no notice of the last twonbsp;F. \'^JJ..-

-ocr page 114-

^Onbsp;^TTT?^^ I y II


quot; vi^rx^rf! ^rmnbsp;^ ^PTrrprT I

if^ ir

^ TTf ^ WT^q-


OTnbsp;\'ttIT^ II

ift ^qft II

1.nbsp;Gdh. notes the following preliminaries:nbsp;^ ffro.

^mw ^\'r ^^nbsp;sr^l^T 4. So also the Var. br. ( ib.d. ).

.nbsp;««rf^^ Cf. Man. Gr. I. 13. 4.

^ (w. r. for MS. 111. 12.18)

m^ri:. (Cf. Man. ^ ^^nbsp;^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^^

Gv. I. 13. 1-3).nbsp;^ ^^^

2.nbsp;F. Gdh. ^T ^r.nbsp;^ g According to Gdh. it is either the
Var. Br. (Baroda ms. 11234. p.131)nbsp;yajamana

^ ^nbsp;[jglpg the bride to get into the

3.nbsp;In Var. Sr. ( ibid. ) the red ink cor- chariot.

rections are: ^^ ^T VW WmtJW^- 9. Cf. Man. Gr. I. 13. 6.
^^T \\nbsp;10. Cf. Man.
Cm. 1. 13. 8.

-ocr page 115-

^ qr^^^r^rg ^mg ll
if « ii


ir ^ 11


m ir^ n

ftsr^ I


=^11 c II
% rfTVTTft\'\'

1. Cf. Man. Gi . I, 13. 7.nbsp;5. Identical with Man. Gr. I. 13. 12.

2- II. 9. 9.nbsp;^ P

3.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. I. 13. 11.

4.nbsp;Identical with Man. Gr. I. 13. 13.nbsp;7. Cf. Man. Gr. I. 13. 14.

-ocr page 116-



fè:: w^sf^ii\'?^ II



ii\'?^ Il
îï^R^^ ^ïR^î sr ^ir

1. cah. ^ïï^.nbsp;fquot;-

Cf. TS. ( IV. 6. 2. 6 ) srgïïfïr.nbsp;6. Cf. Mân. Gr. 1.13.17.

2nbsp;Cf TS ( ib. ), MS. ( II. 10. 6 ).nbsp;7. Cf. Mân. G,. I. 14. 1.

3nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. I. 13.13.nbsp;8- Cf. Mân. Gr. I. 14. 4; 3.
4. Man. Gr. ( ibid. )nbsp;9. Cf. Mân. G,-.
I. 14. 3.

-ocr page 117-


^TT^: ^pr^ I

^r dfl^T w Ji^i^TiJ^ II
iru II


1.nbsp;Gdh. offr.

Cf. Var. Sr. Par. ( Baroda ms. 11234.
Gihyapurusha kh. 15. p. 203 ) : ^Rffr
and furthernbsp;IdJ^^ ll\'Ur.

2.nbsp;For WfcTr: Gdh, reads

3.nbsp;Cf. ApMp. ( I. 8. 2 ), Asv. Sr. ( II.
5. 17). Ap.
Sr. (XVI. 16.4), Hir.
Gr. (I- 29. 2).

4.nbsp;Man. Gr. (I. 14. 6 )

5.nbsp;Cf. Ma-n. Gr. ( ibid. ).

6.nbsp;Cf. MSn. Gr. I. 14. 7.

7.nbsp;Henceforth Sh. reverts to the Vara-
ha text.

8.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. I. 14. 8.

9.nbsp;Sh. otii^sTTq; gr.

Afternbsp;F. marks lacunae

( in its original ) for two letters by
two head-lines.

10.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. 1. 14. 9.


12.nbsp;Sh. S^Rq»^.

F. and Var. Sr. (Baroda ms. 11234.
p. 15) W^T^i?,,
and again the Var.

Sr. (ibid. p. 17) quot;^rgrq??..
MS. I. 5. 1.

13.nbsp;Sh. omits ^JTr^i;.

14.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. I. 14. 9-12.

-ocr page 118-

m m^m n\'nbsp;n
^T ir II


sRVfqn. flf?^ I mil TWnbsp;II II

1.nbsp;Sh. wftl\'^so.nbsp;Sh. omits this and the following sutras

2.nbsp;Sh. omits This omission makesnbsp;of this khancla. In their stead he
the verse ridiculously absurd.nbsp;substitutes three M S n a v a sutras (I.

3.nbsp;Sh. om.nbsp;14.13-15).

4.nbsp;Sh. adds .nbsp;^q. MS. II. 13. 23.

5.nbsp;Sh.nbsp;11. MS. 1.1. 2.

6.nbsp;F.nbsp;^2. F. omits

7.nbsp;Sh.nbsp;^ 3 jQgg not end the k h a ii tl a here,

lullnbsp;but goes on with garbhadhana.
9. Cf. Man. Gi;. l- \'4. H.

-ocr page 119-

rT^r ^quot;irT rTWgt; sf^^^i; |
ff JT^ftf ^t^^TTTWJ

sr iT^T nquot;
^T^f rrsr^ifN^ ^TTtTTRHT I
sr 3T!3T^ if

r^^ fit: HfHTff^: (?)

^f ftrrT^quot;nbsp;ir

1.nbsp;For garbhadhana (excepting6. Man. Gr. ( I. 14. 16)

S^) Sh. givesnbsp;7. Man. Gr. ( ib. )

the Manava text ( I. 14. 16-20. ex-nbsp;8. F.

cepting the latter half of 16c. and thenbsp;9. p. JTiinT JRTq^.

whole of 16d ).nbsp;10. Cf. RV. X. 183. 2.

2.nbsp;F. prob. influenced by thenbsp;11. Sh. Gdh. ^rr^RT.
followingnbsp;12. Sh. f^^:.

3.nbsp;Gdh. sf^To.nbsp;13. Sh. Gdh.

4.nbsp;F. O^:.nbsp;14. Cf. ApMp. I. 11. 4.

5.nbsp;Cf. RV. X. 183.1.nbsp;15. Sh. ojT^v^nito.

-ocr page 120-

tnbsp;_I k ^

n\' ^nbsp;II

#nbsp;IIquot;« II

1 Cf RV X 183 3nbsp;The sense of is further

2.nbsp;Gdh. .mrquot; ^^T^ ^^nbsp;^^

.. \' .^.ftrrrrnbsp;(Punjab University ms. acc. no. 4320.

m ^q^rnbsp;; 2%. ) : ^^r W.

cI^R^rJlriq^nCf^\'t ^ \'nbsp;q,. j 14. 18.

...^rc(qr%:i... ^^nbsp;q,. j 14,19.

irsir:...nbsp;^^^^^ garbhSdhSna Sh.concludes
his 18th khanda.

3.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. I. 14. 16.


10. Sh. omits fqcST.

-ocr page 121-

^\'TT^ET^^ I VS IInbsp;v9vs


g^RT^m:nbsp;^r if I


^^vjj ^ ^nbsp;I

1.nbsp;MS. II. 7. 15.nbsp;8. Gdh.

2.nbsp;Sh. ^TiJ^o .nbsp;p^ gjygg ^ head-line after T: denoting

thereby the absence of one syllable

4.nbsp;Cf. SMB. I. 4. 8; 9.nbsp;,

,nbsp;in its original.

5.nbsp;Sh. smgTo.

6.nbsp;Sh. ?Tro.nbsp;Sh.

7.nbsp;Sh. Gdh. %o.nbsp;10. Gdh. gcT JTvfrmo.

-ocr page 122-

vsï;nbsp;I U II

^mw fWt^T:\' li\'

^rrîlrîfTnbsp;^T^ ^\'rï\'inbsp;|

RrWnbsp;^üfïï II

^^^ïTnbsp;^ï ii.U II

1. Sh. ^TOTOInbsp;11- ^

2 Cf RV V 3 2nbsp;Sh. adds

„ \' . \' ■ \'nbsp;p adds »^qrail ^^ÎT.

3.nbsp;F. ïiörro,nbsp;^ ^^

4.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. I. 15. 1.

5.nbsp;Gdh. adds ^Vim^tnbsp;F. o^H.

6.nbsp;Sh. Gdh. omit H.nbsp;^^^^^^


qRI: I ^Rftnbsp;16. F. r^wo.

ft F oufeïTnbsp;17. Cf. Män. G.;. I. 15. 1.

Sh. omits this verse.nbsp;^ ^nbsp;v »v.-s,^

RV X. 85. 39.nbsp;^^ ra^î^qrnbsp;^^^

AV. XIV. 2. 2.nbsp;zîTRnîn\'^T ^îf qôTRfW\'^r »^rf ??

9.nbsp;F. omitsnbsp;cïm ^^ ( • )


( but cf. RV. and AV.nbsp;ibid. ) 18. With ^^TFTT: F. stops.

^^^ ^^ ^^nbsp;19. Sh. •

-ocr page 123-

^TEW^ ^^ l^ II

«^tw^^UT: \\\\\\\\\\

minbsp;II R Ii

ii\'^ ll


^ ii\'y II
^^ ifu II

^j^\'k sj^R^nr
ir^ II

iiquot;^ II

^iWJf^Tra^\'^T ir c II

_»s »y

1.nbsp;Sh. puts tJ\'^JT beforenbsp;Cf.
Var. Gr. 1. 9; IV. 2.

2.nbsp;V5r. Sr. Par. ( Baroda ms. 11234.
Gihyapurusba kh. 1. p. 184 ) fraciT-

3.nbsp;Identical with Var. Sr. Par. (ibid.).
.Cf. Man. Gr. II. 12. 2.

4.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gi-. II. 12. 3.

Var. Sr. Par. (ibid. kh. 16. p. 204):

5.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. II. 12. 13.

6.nbsp;Cf. Man. Gr. II. 12.15.

7.nbsp;Cf. M5n. Gr. II. 12. 14.

8.nbsp;VSr Sr, Par. ( ibid. )

9.nbsp;Cf. Man; Gr. II. 12. 16.

10.nbsp;Identical with Var. Sr. Par. (ibid.).

11.nbsp;Cf. M^n. Gr. II. 12. 4.

Identical with Var. Sr. Par. (ibid.).

12.nbsp;Var. Sr. Par. ( ibid. ) JT^Wo.

13.nbsp;Cf. M5n. Gr. II. 12, 5.

14.nbsp;It may be that ^wnT and

form one verse, the two i. e. Kama
and G r h a p a t i being identified with
each other.

-ocr page 124-

COnbsp;^rm^q^^^ I »

^^^ri^ 11^ II

TO n\'Uli

ir II

XIT^^l^ll ^^ II ,


tr ^^T ^RT quot;^rTTf^ Vfikj rTT^T

^ ^^^^^^ II



1. Identical with Var. Ör. Par. (ibid.). tjq?^ ^OT

6.nbsp;Var. Sr. Par. (ibid.) ^sqt.

7.nbsp;Identical with Var. Sr. Par. ( ibid. ).

8.nbsp;Sh. o^.

Var. Sr. Par. ( ibid. )

9.nbsp;Var. Sr. Par. ( ibid. ) of?rfir.

10.nbsp;Sh. omits and reads ^MNr.

2.nbsp;Identical with Var. Sr. Par. (ibid. )
Cf. Kath. Gr. (IV. 14. 3): ^^^

3.nbsp;Identical with ♦Var. Sr. Par. (ibid.)

4.nbsp;Var. Sr. Par. (ibid.) ^»l^t^^T^Tr
3. Cf. Man. Gr. II. 12. 8.

Cf. also KSth. Gr. ( IV. 14. 10 )

-ocr page 125-

ivs i ii


^T^^ II II

^Rm*?^ II 11


JT^R \'ETRT^ffrsr^\'tT^nbsp;iRo n

mM^ii^TRH^ii II

IT% ^RFf iir

II f^ wrw^^ Hmjrn ii

1.nbsp;Sh. flr^![fr, but cf. Var. Gr. (IV. 3. Sh. splits the compound into two words:
25 ): f^i\'irnbsp;^TR warim.

2.nbsp;Sh.nbsp;4. Sh. olfarV^^: la^W.

-ocr page 126-

TlTVf r,

/ ÏK

T\' •

. \'r i\'

-ocr page 127-






I«. ècrfrrttïTrî
lu. ^cqv^RTRT:

-ocr page 128-

mîî^TTîî^ïaTr: it


^r^r^ I


^ïïét ^g^XTrfrnbsp;I




-ocr page 129-

1« Ia lutmt Veaio Literature mtmtra-äfft ofton «ignineo »one veraad in th«
mantra®*\' üwpKI not tu« *\'c(»aïgt;o©er of mantra»«*

S» ïn mä«nbsp;««Ition ofnbsp;th«nbsp;ftifo-a TainiAo ramp;mhi

aaityo YösWl gfiooîmsi« H »«m- it to be oorreot«M9 to bMîiiMi»»

3* Alfain in th« «am* on ïuv* zaöai isruoi, follo^ng prsyat^ni, 0
iüi»ta3c0 for luofni«

4. Ths fir«t tiûtm ofnbsp;i» atUa

ö« Th«nbsp;mm «csspoeea by X^^ni

6« lîilîea*» «tatoiiönt In aXtialt;Siiiohlt;gt;nnbsp;»,147 tîiat

-Jf In ao^em nmnm ia \'loriwl -Jd^äi ia totally won^.

7« In Kdfh* Gf# X2CVI»9 iMi\'iÄiiksiima l« a latsr interpolation♦

at /^mor in 1Ö79 is virtually

lîrabh^Qnbsp;anyafr a^inbsp;«tm ait«

»ampr^ty^ayaU* ibahulamnbsp;mvi^mUnbsp;iti (on

:nbsp;irel^Q anyair api ou^s^it to b« «oeA^ai

to anyxiir «Ta#nbsp;•

10.nbsp;of iYof. üiloo in th« Cmbri^ge a»tory of inita (yox,

«viiro»quot; m h» d©»iß;miit«« them) -m» tJia present muv ary. âubÎÏ^Îa
Bohmln, is ba«eçf on flimsy ^ounde, ^nbsp;^»tria öji^

-ocr page 130-

..1.0X101 xt.ei.xnbsp;.a

nj. ^ ïft »fir -Tnbsp;iB

„H. „X .V

.i aval «i ,,,,,nbsp;.„

mm wrrînbsp;-»^i^îv^ to ^î-xon\' p.

, ternbsp;»er^Wi

fl^Ka\'Tnbsp;ïV4Tr/|: I


■4 îAfll.-.

-ocr page 131-





, - \'l

1quot; . \' .■•l :

•• i\'v \'il

snbsp;..\' ■■ ■ ■ v\'

•nbsp;■ ■ ■ VV\'


■•■ÔW ■■

; Hv


-ocr page 132-

■ VV\'\'\' J\'\':,

• . ■

■ .iV

\'inbsp;. Vi


\' . ^ r

I ■


. »


■ ■ I



... • -,

\' 1 _ .


-ocr page 133-




r • ■■■ - ■■ . ■


■ i- \' . \'.


f. -


• #

.r il*

V. • i -i.x\' ■■

-ocr page 134-

* N



=1 e. ■■

.....„ ,

■. . • . !•
