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Allen, die hebben bijgedragen tot het tot stand komen van dit
proefschrift, betuig ik mijn hartelijken dank.
In de eerste plaats dank ik U, Hooggeleerde Rutten, Hoog-
geachte Promotor. Ik ben U erkentelijk voor de vrijheid, die U
mij gelaten hebt in de keuze van mijn onderwerp, maar bovenal
voor de wijze waarop Gij mijn studie hebt geleid.
Uw colleges en excursies. Hooggeleerde Obstreich, vermeer-
derden mijn kennis aangaande morphologische vraagstukken in
belangrijke mate.
Van Uw kennis en inzicht. Hooggeleerde Schmutzer, heb ik
veelvuldig gebruik kunnen maken.
Voor Uw hulp en belangstelling. Hooggeleerde Möhr, ben ik
U zeer dankbaar.
Waarde Van Dijk, Uw teekenwerk is het resultaat van Uw
vaardigheid en toewijding.
Waarde Grootveld en Vermeer, Uheden dank ik voor het
zaag- en slijpwerk.
Van hen die niet in Nederland wonen, dank ik in het bijzonder
Dr. L. Picard, den leider der geologische afdeeling van de He-
breeuwsche Universiteit te Jeruzalem, die mij dit onderwerp aan
de hand deed en mij aan zijn instituut gastvrijheid verleende.
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The region investigated is a coastal strip along the Mediterranean
and extending from Ijzim (about 20 km. south of Haifa) in the
North, down to the properties of Karkur in the South. Its length
is about 17 km.; its width varies from 8 to 10 km. The northern
part as far as Binyamina consists of a low coastal strip, about
3 km. in width and a hilly country, strongly intersected by many
wadis, in the interior. The boundary between the coastal plam
and the hills runs almost parallel with the coast. Near Binyamina
the hills suddenly come to an end, so that the coastal plain bends
sharply inward: here we find the lowland of Binyamina, Pardess
Hanna and Karkur. The hilly region mentioned before is the south-
western part of Carmel. It is a table-land and consists, as we shall
see, entirely of Cretaceous and Eocene. The volcanic tuffs of the
Cenomanian cause — by their relative softness — stronger erosion
(widening of the valley) than the surrounding rocks. The topogra-
phy of the Senonian-Eocene is as a rule much softer than that of
the harder Cenomanian-Turonian.
In summer the main-roads are well passable as a rule. In the
wet season, on the contrary, the main-roads of the coastal plain
cannot be used by heavy traffic. During that season the bus
Zichron Jaacov — Haifa does not pass by El Fureidis, but by
Bath Shelomo. This state of things is going to be changed, now
that the newly ballasted road Tel Aviv — Haifa is finished. The
numberless footpaths are passable for asses and horses in every
Already Bellardi found Nummulites in the region we intend to
discuss (6). The Eocene, in this way ascertained, has been indicated
however, in the wrong place by Lartet (37), according to Avni-
melech, Doncieux and picard (4). In 1910 Blanckenhorn
mentions (12, p. 420) the upper cretaceous basalts and tuffs of
Ijzim and Zemmarin (Zichron Jaacov). His map of 1912 shows
these eruptiva in different places. In this work he indicates the
rocks of the Eocene-basin of Bilad el Ruha as Senonian. Joh.
Boehm (1900) collected Cenomanian-Turonian fossils from the
environs of Ijzim (22). In 1915 E. FucHS described samples of
the cretaceous basalts and tuffs (29, p. 571). Moreover in 1927 (66a)
Nathan Shalem writes a few things about the outward appearance
of these effusiva in the field. In the same year Blanckenhorn
describes innumerable cretaceous fossils from the environs of
Zichron Jaacov and from another place of Mount Carmel (16).
He calls the silicified fossils near El Fureidis (western slope El
Mitaman'a) Turonian, which, in my opinion, should be Cenomanian,
as we shall see. In 1931 (17) he still held the same view about the
age of these fossils. It appears from Blake's description of Car-
mel (9) that he too must have visited the region we are going to
discuss. Picard has given only a few remarks in his numerous
publications (see 48 and 50, p. 58, first paragraph).
Avnimelech rediscovered the Eocene of Bath Shelomo in 1936.
It is to be regretted that he presumes a fault, running right across
the whole region of southern Carmel, on quite insufficient grounds
{3. P- 133. faille c). In the next chapter it will be shown that one
has to be cautious in believing that Actaeonella salomonis Fraas
is a good index-fossil for Turonian (3, p. 26).
So we see that work of various kinds has already been done in
the southern part of Carmel, and my list is probably not even
What had so far been wanting was a geological map with sections
and the stratigraphical connection of the formations found. This
work was only possible for me thanks to the fine and very precise
topographic maps i : 20.000 of the Survey Office in Tel Aviv.
The topography of my geological map has been adopted from this
map. The fieldwork was done during a number of months of the
year 1936.
A. Cenomanian.
Many complaints have been made of the difficult separation
between Cenomanian and Turonian in Palestine. Moreover Blake
regrets the fact that it has not been possible for him to give a
stratigraphy for the whole Carmel. This is caused by the circum-
stance that even in so small a region as that which we discuss
here the stratigraphy differs totally from place to place, a conse-
quence of the quick changes of the facies. Nevertheless, Blake
has tried to draw up a general diagram which I shall cite briefly
(9, p. 58—59):
(a)nbsp;M e 1 e k e i.e. white crystalline marble-hke limestone con-
sisting largely of fragments of Radiolites. Near the base is usually
a quartz bed or lenses with Nerinea c.f. olisiponensis Sharpe ....
There is Kttle doubt that the meleke passes gradually upwards into
the Turonian .... 150 to 300 feet.
(b)nbsp;Dolomite or hard yellow granular lime-
stone. The dolomite is the typical rock of Wadi Mughara
and the south section of the south end of Carmel north
of Binyamina.... 150-300 feet.
(c)nbsp;Chalky limestone passing into chalky limestone with flints
or soft dolomite .... 250 feet.
Deeper layers, not occurring in our region, do not matter here.
I point out that in our region (b) and (c) merge into each other and
form one complex (see the map).
It will be easy to describe some sections in our region; from
South to North.
i. Climbing the escarpment near Jazirat el Qusseib, we first
meet with unstratified gray grainy dolomite with some nodular
flints at its base. Higher up these dolomites become stratified.
Here they sometimes contain Eoradiolites syriacus Conr. The
dolomite is the same as mentioned by Blake (9) sub (b). The
nodular flints remind one of (c). On the table-land, a little to the
North, we find white porous semi-crystaUine unstratified reef-like
Hmestone. Near Kh. Umm el 'Alaq it contains Pecten karmeliticus
Blanck.; in the southern part of the region, north of Kh. Esh
Shuna, we find those limestones as well. Here they contain Nerinea
requieniana d'Orb. and rests of Rudists. On this porous white
limestone forming the lower layers of (a) of Blake, there lies again
well-stratified dolomite. It can clearly be seen how the white
limestone of Kh. Esh Shuna gradually passes into the dolomite
both in the strike as well as perpendicular to it.
2.nbsp;From Kh. Kabara towards the East we first pass the lower
dolomites again. On the ridge joining on the eastern side we again
meet with white crystalline limestone containing many casts,
possibly of Eoradiolites syriacus Conr. In underlying dolomites
eastward there occur many samples of Pecten shawi Perv. I found
that in the South the white limestone again gradually passes into
dolomite. In the wadi of Ard Abu Hamid there is a lens of stratified
slabby limestones with nodular flints and rests of Gryphaea, which
pitches away under the dolomites mentioned before. Mounting
to the main-road in the direction of Bir Jabir we first meet again
with the dolomite, afterwards we enter a large flat region of white
porous limestone with rests of large Nerinea's and Rudists. In
the quarry of Bir Jabir we find rests of Chondrodonta munsoni
(Hill) besides fragments of Echinoidea. This white porous limestone
passes eastward into well stratified dolomite lying on it. (See
section 0-P).
3.nbsp;If we mount along the main-road from the station of Zichron
Jaacov we first meet with thick-bedded dolomite, here far less
steep than that in the southern part. Near the stoneworks of the
firm of Paster there is intercalated in the dolomite a marly bed
with many Pecten shawi Perv., Hemiaster }saulcyanus d'Orb.
and H. }saulcyanus var. batnensis Coq., Cardium pauli Coq.,
Protocardium hillanum (Sow.), Area }dilettrei Coq. and some rests
of Bryozoa.
Near Z chron Jaacov we find much chalky material appearing
in the mountain-side, but also dolomite. Near the cemetery we
note yellow limestone with numerous, but unfortunately indeter-
minable Lamellibranchiata (e.g. Pectinides and Ostreides). South
of the churchyard yellow chalks with Rudists appear, which
towards the South are connected with the white porous chalk we
discussed before. Towards the East the tectonic becomes somewhat
more complicated (See section M-N). In Ard el Bustan we find
an anticlinal dome containing in its core flinty limestone and
surrounded by a belt of stratified dolomite, such as is found eastward
of Kh. Umm el 'Alaq.
4.nbsp;If we pass via Ard en Naffakha to the East, we first find
limestone with many nodular fhnts in the mountain-side (see
section K-L); halfway up the slope we see dolomites with numerous
Orhitolina's somewhat to the South, and Pecten shawi Perv. to
the North. This dolomite is the same as the lower dolomite of
section 3. In the vineyard on the table-land we find porous white
chalk: real white quot;nariquot;-chalk, lying on this dolomite. In the whole
of this small region north-west of Zichron Jaacov, it occurs with
yellow fossiliferous limestone. In somewhat less weathered white
porous limestone there appear a few badly preserved Nerinea's.
Here the yellow hmestone contains — e.g. W. of Khallat et Tina —
Eoradiolites syriacus Conr., 7 rigonia sp., Alectryonia carinata
(Lam.), Pecten shawi Perv.; E. of Ard en Naffakha it contains
Exogyra columha (Lam.) (small specimens). Somewhat more
eastward we find fragments of Chondrodonta and Ostreides. This
yellow limestone with the white porous limestone is again the
quot;Melekequot; of Blake. In the yellow limestone basalt and tuff are
intercalated; we shall refer to them later on.
5.nbsp;We shall now have a look at the wall of El Mitaman'a-Khallat
et Tina-Jabal ez Zakhuri. On the western side we perceive so-
mething peculiar: near the wadi N. E. of ^^^ we see that th
dolomite has totally wedged out; here the yellow fossiliferous
limestone (Blake, a) lies immediately on the flinty hmestones
(Blake, c). These cavernous sihcified hmestones are of great hard-
ness and form peculiar wild twists and twirls, which are still harder
and have been left out by erosion. All fossils are sihcified. The
rock is well stratified but thick-bedded. The flinty hmestone on
the top of El Mitaman'a contains much Gryfhaea vesiculosa Sow.
Descending westward we find in the mountainside many samples
of Nerinea subgigantea Blanck., Nerinea requieniana d'Orb. and
Actaeonella salomonis Fraas, finally in deeper strata Eoradiolites
syriacus Conr. Together with the first mentioned form I also found
one cast of Cerithium aff. elias Boehm.
Passing from El Mitaman'a to Khallat et Tina we first meet
with dolomite of considerable thickness on the same level as the
flinty limestones. On the dolomite there hes the yellow limestone
with the Cenomanian fossils mentioned before. Towards the East
this yellow limestone gradually thins out and near Jabal ez Zakhuri
the Turonian lies immediately on the thick-bedded dolomite.
6.nbsp;From El Fureidis turning to the East, we first see, at the
foot of the slope, flinty limestone with many Gryphaea vesiculosa
Sow.; then some yellow limestone and then again dolomite with
Exogvra columba (Lam.). More to the East this dolomite contains
Orhitolina, a few rests of Pecten and Plicatula reynesi Coq. They
are followed by beautiful crystalline pure white hard carstic lime-
stone, poorly fossiliferous, and of great extension. It is the lower
part of Blake's (a). East of the wadi, which lies to the south of
Edh Dhahrat, it immediately pitches below the upper strata of (a),
consisting of yellow limestone with a thick bed, filled with Eora-
diolites syriacus Conr. In this limestone, which forms the under-
lying stratum of the basalts and tuffs, there occurs moreover
Inoceramus ? lyncht ? Conr.
7.nbsp;To the North, the section becomes more and more simple.
The dolomite rapidly thins out and the whole region between El
Fureidis and Kh. Manara shows from top to bottom the following
I. yellow fossiliferous limestone with intercalated basalts
and tuffs;
II. white crystalline limestone;
III.nbsp;thin bed of yellow limestone and yellow marl (not
marked with special signature on the map);
IV.nbsp;flinty limestone.
IV. Ostrea vesiculosa Sow. is the fossil of most frequent occur-
rence. It appears in many thin strata. Besides we find near Suwamir
indeterminable Nerinea's. In the wadi opposite Er Rubbeida a
South of Kh. Manara we note moreover Nerinea requieniana
d'Orb., and Actaeonella sp. in fairly large quantities. In chalky
parts of Mount El 'Arnin (W. of 'Ein Ghazal) we also find numer-
ous Orhitolina's.
111. Yellow limestone and yellow marl occur especially near
Umm et Tos, south of 'Ein Ghazal, etc. In those places the yellow
marls are most frequent. As to their appearance they remind one
somewhat of the volcanic tuffs in level I. In the yellow limestone
of the same level between 'Ein Ghazal and El Lihif we find Pecten
shawi Sow. and Pholadomya vignesi Lartet. Moreover south of
'Ein Ghazal we meet with Exogyra columba (Lam.).
fshZ/chror? Jjacai^nbsp;flbu
^^ I.I ,1 , ■ . ^-T-O -nbsp;I ' I ' I ' I '
-L I
L/mesione.nbsp;Limesione Limestone
Fig. i. Schematic cross-section through the Cenomanian rocks from S. to N.
II. The white crystaUine limestone that, in its turn, lies on III
contains, it is true, many rests of fossils e.g. of Pectinides, but
they are indeterminable. It is strongly carstic and has, on its
fracture, a purple weathering incrustation. It covers a large surface.
I. The upper strata mainly consist of yellow limestone, again
with many Eoradiolites syriacus Conr. Near Abu Qanatir we note
moreover Exogyra columba l^?Lva.),Caprimda }cedrorum (Blanck).
Area trigeri Coq., Nerita aff. mundae (Sharpe) and a single Orbitolina.
Southward we also find Alectryonia carinata (Lam.) and Actaeonel-
la's {Actaeonella salomonis Er.?) As mentioned before, this limestone
contains intercalated basalts. To the East of Abu Qanatir it is
bounded by dolomite into which it gradually merges. Somewhat
to the South this dolomite contains small Gastropoda, and covers
the basalt. Caprinula Icedrorum (Blanck.) has also been found
on Er Riba'at, on the same level.
Fig. I is a diagrammatic section of the entire Cenomanian
between Kh. esh Shuna in the South and Abu Qanatir in the
North, in which the different facial transitions, which I take
to exist here, have been indicated.
Discussion of the age of the rocks.
It is necessary to investigate, whether the rocks I have so far
regarded as Cenomanian in this chapter, really belong to it. There-
fore we shall review all the fossils I collected from these formations.
In 1934 (18) Blanckenhorn made a list of all the Mollusks and
Brachiopodes of the Cretaceous in Syria and Palestine known
to him.
Behind each name of the species he marked with a figure the
number of the specimens that had been determined; behind that
figure a character indicates the stratigraphical level in which every
form has been found in the different countries of Asia and Europe.
Using this list as a basis we may verify the age of our Mollusca.
We shall treat the fossils fades by fades.
In the dolomite we found:
Eoradiolites syriacus Conr.
Pecten [Vola) shawi Perv.
Cardium pauli Coq.
Protocardium hillanum (Sow.)
Area delettrei Coq.
Exogyra columha (Lam.)
Plicatula reynesi Coq.
Age, according to Blancken-
Lower Cenomanian-Turonian
Cenomanian-lower Senonian
Cenomanian-Lower Senonian
In the white limestone we found:
Pecten }karmeliticus Blanck.
Nerinea requieniana d'Orb.
Eoradiolites syriacus Conr.(?)
Chondrodonta munsoni (Hill)
Caprinula }cedrorum (Blanck.) Cenomanian
Age, according to Bi.ancken-
C enomanian-Turonian
Lower Cenomanian-Turonian
In the yellow Rudists-bearing
Eoradiolites syriacus Conr.
Alectryonia carinata (Lam.)
Pecten shawi Perv.
Exogyra columba (Lam.)
Inoceramus ? lynchi ? Conr.
Area trigeri Coq.
Caprinula 'gt;cedrorum (Blanck.)
In the fhnty hmestone we found:
Gryphaea vesiculosa Sow.
Nerinea requieniana d'Orb.
Nerinea subgigantea Blanck.
Actaeonella salomonis Fraas
Eoradiolites syriacus Conr.
Cerithium aff. elias Boehm
Age, according to Blancken-
Lower Cenomanian-Turonian
Lower Cenomanian (as regards
the typical specimens)
hmestone we found:
Age, according to Blancken-
Lower Cenomanian-Turonian
In the thin yellow limestone-bed mentioned in Section 6 sub HI
we found:
Pecten shawi Perv.
Pholadomya vignesi Lartet
Exogyra columba (Lam.)
Age, according to Blancken-
Among the fossils not belonging to the mollusks only two Echinoidea
were determinable as regards their species. According to Blan-
ckenhorn Hemiaster saulcyanus var. batnensis Coq. serves as an
excellent index-fossil for Cenomanian (15, p. 103) on the southern
coast of the Mediterranean. As we have already seen, somewhat
doubtful forms come from a marly bed in the dolomite.
Nerita aff. mundae Sharpe, which I collected in yellow hmestone
-ocr page 22-of Abu Qanatir, was not yet found in Palestine; this form has been
found in Portugal in formations which are upper Cenomanian or
lower Turonian.
Looking through the list of our fossils it becomes evident, that
the age of the rocks in which they have been found can only be
Cenomanian or Turonian. If we leave out of account those fossils
the species of which we could not determine with certainty, and
a few forms which have been found on Carmel only, and therefore
cannot be regarded as conclusive, a few forms are left which tell
for Cenomanian and against Turonian. They are: Pecten shawi,
Alectryonia carinata, Area trigeri and perhaps Hemiaster saulcyanus
var., batnensis. One of them is only known from Palestine. Its
conclusive evidence must therefore not be overrated. Pecten shawi,
Alectryonia carinata and Hemiaster saulcyanus var. batnensis,
however, are quot;truequot; index-fossils for Cenomanian, partly for the
whole vicinity of the Mediterranian, partly even for regions of
still larger extension.
In view of the above-mentioned facts, we need not doubt of
the Cenomanian age of the rocks that I regarded as such. So far
we have only considered the fossils I found myself. This becomes
somewhat different, if we also consider the fossils found by Blan-
ckenhorn in the same region.
In 1931 (17) Blanckenhorn mentioned (p. 10) that he found
the following fossils near quot;furedisquot; (El Fureidis) not far from
Zichron Jaacov and south of quot;usufjaquot; in Carmel: Nerinea requieniana
and subgigantea, Actaeonella salomonis, Itieria zemmarinensis, Hip-
purites resectus and Radiolites peroni. His first findingplace is
concerned with the flinty limestones of El Mitaman'a. I repeatedly
visited this spot, yet I did not succeed in finding the last three
forms mentioned by Blanckenhorn. The list in (18), already
referred to, mentions that Itieria zemmarinensis Blanck. only
occurs in Turonian. As this species has been found only in some
places north west of Ijzim except near El Mitaman'a it cannot
be looked upon as a good index-fossil for Turonian. As to the second
form, we meet with far greater difficulties. Hippurites is a genus
which has not yet been found in the Cenomanian. Blanckenhorn
mentions once more the form Hippurites resectus Defr. in 1934
(18, p. 232); he relates, that in the collection he determined. Hip-
purites resectus occurs; its findingplace, however, had not been
exactly estabUshed. He writes moreover that Hippurites grossouvret
Douv. has been found near Zichron Jaacov in silicified state.
It is obvious that in 1934 Blanckenhorn changed the name
of the specimen of Hippurites resectus he mentioned in 1931, and
that earher he was led astray by a picture of Douville (27, Pl. V,
fig. 7), of which Blanckenhorn writes (18, p. 232) that it resembles
more the section through Hippurites grossouvrei Douv., than that
through Hippurites resectus.
However this may be, Blackenhorn does not clearly indicate
why he has the name of Hippurites changed, or why he thinks
that he made a mistake in 1931. It is quite impossible that in 1934
he would not have described the same Hippurites he mentioned
in 1931, for his treatise (18) is a complete catalogue of all cretaceous
Mollusks from Palestine and Syria. His picture of Hippurites
grossouvrei in (18) reproduces a Hippurites beyond all doubt.
Let us now take the third form, Radiolites peroni (Choffat)
Douville, found near El Mitaman'a by Blanckenhorn, but not
by me. This form is only known from the upper Cenomanian of
Portugal, France, Albania, Persia, the Karakorum, TripoHs and
Tunesia. We now have the remarkable situation, that the fossils
we found ourselves bear witness for being Cenomanian. Among
the forms found by Blanckenhorn, but not by me, there is one
that also speaks in favour of Cenomanian, whereas Hippurites,
according to our present knowledge, cannot be older than Turonian.
Seeing that the large majority of the facts speak for Cenomanian,
I think I have a right to adhere to the Cenomanian age of the
complex described. The Hippurites grossouvrei either comes from
another finding-place, or we have to deal with a find—as yet very
improbable — of a Hippurites in the Cenomanian.
In conclusion I wish to state, that it is desirable to look for
Hippurites in the Cenomanian-Turonian of Palestine; they will
prove to be of better use in order to enable us to separate Ceno-
manian from Turonian than many other fossils.
B. Turonian.
Compared with the Cenomanian the Turonian is very monoto-
-ocr page 24-nous. In the whole of the region, we can devide it into two zones.
i. The deeper zone, the so-called quot;Mizzi Heluquot; is a well-
stratified dense limestone of milky colour (see Blake 9, p. 106). It
may be seen on the map, how this zone runs through the whole
region. One may even trace it through the whole of Cisjordania.
Everywhere north of Shefeya it can contain Nerinea requieniana
d'Orb. and Actaeonella salomonis Fraas in higher zones; besides
some large Rudists [Durania?) and corals.
Among the Foraminifera we find especially many Miliolidae',
besides fewer Textularidae and Discorbinae, and hardly any
Globigerinidae. In one place N. of Umm el Jarab we find Alveo-
lina sp. in a layer of quot;Mizzi Heluquot; moreover containing AVwea
notlingi? Boehm. In the South near the source of the Nahr ez Zarqa
we find, besides indeterminable Rudists with radial wallstructure,
many small Foraminifera resembling Calpionella's. Hardly any
flint occurs in all this quot;Mizzi Heluquot;. From the fossils mentioned
thus far Nerinea requieniana and Actaeonella salomonis may —
according to Blanckenhorn — occur in Cenomanian as well as
in Turonian. Nerinea notlingi Boehm has as yet been found only
in the Cenomanian of Carmel and has therefore no evidential value.
So, for the Turonian age of the quot;Mizzi Heluquot; in our region we have
no better argument than that they contain fossils which may
occur in Cenomanian as well as in Turonian, but that we did not
meet with fossils, which might exclusively point to Cenomanian;
moreover that they rest on rocks we regard as Cenomanian.
If we go through the list of Blanckenhorn (18), we see that
only very few fossils in Cisjordania may be regarded as good index-
fossils for Turonian. The Hipfurites alone can be of assistance to
us. So it is of the greatest importance for the determination of the
age of the quot;Mizzi Heluquot; that Avnimelech has found Hippurites in
the subjacent bed of a quot;Mizzi Heluquot; (3, p. 34). Through the whole
of the literature quot;Mizzi Heluquot; is called Turonian (see Avnimelech
3, p. 26, Blanckenhorn ii, p. 79 and 17, p. 16, Blake 7, p. 16
and 9, p. 51 etc.).
2. The higher zone consists of a bed of white to pale
yellow crystalline limestone, porous, with numerous rests of indeter-
minable fossils. It contains Hippurites{}and Ostreides. Sometimes
it forms escarpments.
Both zones are generally well discernible. The quot;Mizzi Heluquot;,
however, may sometimes be somewhat crystalline, and sometimes
the crystalline limestone contains lenses of quot;Mizzi Heluquot;. Both
complexes together have a thickness from 60 to 140 m.
C. S e n o n i a n-E o c e n e.
On the crystalline limestone of the upper-Turonian there lies
everywhere white chalk in the very facies of the Senonian in other
regions of Palestine. Contrary to other places it is poor in fossils.
1 only found determinable material on the erosion-rest on which
the village of Shefeya has been built. Here, besides shark-teeth,
the rock contains indeterminable Lamellihrachiata and Ammonites]
moreover: Leda perdita Conr., Dentalium cretaceum Conr., Dentalium
octocostatum Fraas and Cerithium sp. Picard. Finally fragments
of a Baculites have been found on the way to Bureika east of Ard
el Bustan. Sometimes the rock contains some bitumen and very
rarely fhnt. It is totally unstratified. Hills composed of this
material are quite covered with a hard quot;Nariquot;-incrustation,
which has a preserving effect on the soft masses of chalk beneath.
The rock being so unstratified nothing can be said about tectonics
and thickness. West of Kh. Tata a band of very well stratified
flintbeds — gradually widening northeastwards — is intercalated
into this unsympathetic complex. They alternate with chalk-beds
containing nodular flints; I take these flinty limestones to be
Eocene, thus agreeing with Avnimelech (4). They contain many
Globigerinae and fragments of Radiolaria (see also Avnimelech 3,
p. 77). I did not find Nummulites in my region.
The boundary between Senonian and Eocene has nowhere been
ascertained in Carmel, the fossils collected in the Danian-Eocene
being very scanty. The small Nummulites occasionally found by
PiCARD and Avnimelech in the flinty strata never occur in conti-
nuous levels, but form small lenses, not easily to be found, and
often widely distributed. But neither the flinty strata themselves
go on continuously: from Shannaq el Jihash southward, the fhnty
zone is found to thin out gradually and in the South of Bir Tata
the fhnt is totally lacking. If we consider the western and the
northern border of the flinty complex, it appears to he normally
on the non-stratified chalk. The southern and eastern border,
however, are not easily definable; the rock grows continually
poorer in flint and gradually passes into unstratified chalk, which
therefore must be Tertiary. At the same time the vegetation, which
on the flinty complex is always very poor, gets somewhat more
D. Transition Eocen e-0 1 i g o c e n e.
It is necessary to say something about the drill-log between
Abu Habil and Tell Abu Hamad. Its depth is 410 m. At a depth
of 25 m. already Nummulites and Amphisteginae have been found
in grey chalky rock. Picard calls them Giveat-Ada limestones.
They are from 150 m. to 250 m. thick and are covered by a few-
meters of silicified limestone. According to Avnimelech they are
Oligocene (3), according to Blake, Miocene(?) (9) and according
to Picard quot;Lower-Tertiaryquot;. Below these strata flinty limestones
follow, which we have learned to know as Eocene. I have handled
material and some Foraminifera from the drill-log of Abu Habil,
but Avnimelech will treat the subject himself.
Basalts and tuffs have been found between Ard el Bustan and
Abu Qanatir in a narrow zone. Near Bir Jabir on the main-road
some basalt-waste may be seen.
Tuffs occur especially in the surroundings -of Zichron Jaacov,
and west of Shefeya. They are variegated: red, pale green, yellow
and brown. The tuffs have been macroscopically well described
(29, 66); therefore I will not enter into a further macroscopical
The effusiva are dense or vesicular. The dense basalt is black;
macroscopically only the Olivine is identifiable. It is generally
found in loose boulders (e.g. in the tuff of Shefeya and Zichron
Jaacov) and only rarely in continuous beds. The vesicular basalt
weathers much more easily than the dense; it is friable and often
has brown weathering-incrustations.
1.nbsp;Age. The map already shows that the basalts and the tuffs
of Shefeya are covered by Turonian limestones. It can more clearly
be seen in the field. On the northern and western side of Shefeya
the basalts pitch below Turonian limestones. Between quot;Mizzi
Heluquot; and tuff there sometimes lies a thin stratum of yellow
limestone with or without Rudisis. This proves that the basalts
and the tuffs are Preturonian. (Near Salmaniyat and further
between Shefeya and El Fureidis we meet with enclosed fragments
of basalts in the chalky white quot;nari-quot;limestone, which elsewhere
covers the tuffs and basalt, but which is here only found as boulders.
We shall see hereafter that these two finds supply no argument
for the Preturonian age of the basalts, the quot;nariquot; being a very
young formation. I discovered a microscopical fragment of basalt
in a shde of yellow, Cenomanian Rudist-limestone. This rock co-
mes from Abu Qanatir; it proves the Cenomanian age of the basalt.
The basalt and tuffs are younger than the lower strata of the
yellow Rudist-limestone; for everywhere west of Shefeya we see
how these lower strata pitch away under the tuffs. At the contact
with the tuffs these strata often show recrystallized Calcite (weak
The above-mentioned facts sufficiently prove the upper-Ceno-
manian age of the basalts and tuffs.
2.nbsp;The microscopical examination of the
A. Dense Basalt.
I. Findingplace: 900 m. W. of Shefeya. At first sight the sUde
gives the impression that the rock is a common olivine-basalt.
As phenocrysts there occur: a) Titaniferous Augite, in scanty
crystals. They are of zonal construction; the rims especially are
of a violet colour; they contain a zone of inclusions, b) Common
Augite, more faintly coloured. This too is rare. The maximum size
of the crystals is somewhat more than 0,5 mm. c) Olivine, often
in groups; size up to 0,5 mm. It is by far the most frequent pheno-
cryst. It is serpentinized superficially and along fissures; the
Serpentine has a green colour owing to Chlorites etc. Some Ohvines
have been altered into Iddingsite.
The groundmass consists of numerous laths of Labradorite
(maximum size i/6 X 1/60 mm.), groups of small Augite-crystals,
much less Olivine, which has partly been altered into green Ser-
pentine, but mainly into Iddingsite. Moreover, the groundmass
contains Magnetite, often agglomerated into small groups. Between
all these minerals there is a mesostasis, which is nearly colourless.
It is veined with delicate little cracks, and its quantity is rather
important. The refraction-index of this mesostasis is but little
more than that of canadabalsam. The bi-refringence is a little less
than that of the Plagioclase. There are no distinct crystal-contours;
with crossed niçois we therefore perceive irregular grey and dark
spots. We shall see afterwards that this mesostasis is probably
Nepheline. Secondary minerals are — besides Serpentine and
Iddingsite mentioned before — Chlorite and finely crystaUized
Calcite in irregular spots.
The rock is a Nepheline-bearing olivinebasalt.
2. Findingplace: between Shefeya and Es Salmaniyat. The
slide again has the aspect of an olivinebasalt. The phenocrysts
are formed by many Olivines and groups of rather large Augites.
The Augites are nearly colourless and have some little irregularly
distributed inclusions. As in the former slide the Olivines are
partly serpentinized; the Serpentine is oHvegreen to darkgreen.
Among the minerals of the groundmass, many Plagioclase-
laths achieve such a considerable size (up to i mm.) that they may
surpass the phenocrysts in length. Little Augite-crystals frequently
lie within them, along their rims, and elsewhere too Augite-inclusions
occur within the Plagioclase. Besides these large Plagioclases there
also occur smaller Plagioclases. In the groundmass we moreover
find much Augite and Magnetite distributed in tiny particles,
accumulating especially near the Augite-crystals and also forming
inclusions within them. One cannot say with any degree of cer-
tainty if scanty Olivine also occurs in the groundmass. Everywhere
in the groundmass we find spots of a mesostasis with nearly the
same properties as in the former sHde. The refraction-index is
either a little larger or a little smaller than that of the balsam
(1,550—1,538). The bi-refringence is very low. Very hkely we again
have to deal with Nepheline. Different kinds of secondary minerals
occur. The Serpentine has been coloured by Chlorites; spots of
Chlorite also occur in the groundmass. The Magnetite sometimes
has a clear red rim of Limonite. Finally there occur in the slide
numerous vesicles filled with Zeolites. Some fillings are isotropic;
their refraction-index is much smaller than that of canadabalsam
(Analcite?); other vesicles are filled with minerals of low bi-refrin-
gence; their refraction-index also is very low. The fillings of those ve-
sicles frequently have a parquet-structure. They are biaxial positive.
A second slide has been used for some reactions. The slide, not
provided with a coverglass, was for some time covered with a
solution of gentian-violet in water. After filtrating no minerals
appeared to have taken-in the colouring matter. The colouring
matter only remained in some fissures. From this it may be con-
cluded that no gelatinous minerals are to be found in the sUde;
therefore the isotropic fillings cannot be Opal. Afterwards (Hol-
mes, 33b, p. 276) the slide was treated with hydrochloric acid and
then, after filtrating and rinsing, again with gentian-violet. After
cleaning it could be seen that in rather numerous places parts of
the mesostasis had become intensely violet. I found that one
vesicle filled with isotropic minerals had also taken-in the colouring
matter. Ohvines were but little coloured. Chlorite somewhat more.
So, all these minerals had been more or less gelatinized by the
hydrochloric acid.
This rock is again a Nepheline-bearing olivinebasalt.
3. Findingplace: about 500 m. SW. of Abu Qanatir. Again the
slide has the appearance of fairly normal olivinebasalt. The phe-
nocrysts consist mainly of serpentinized Olivine, but alteration
into Talc sometimes occurs as well; Augite as a phenocryst in
rounded agglomerations is rare. Here and there it contains in-
clusions (? Magnetite) and is pale violet (? titaniferous Augite).
The groundmass mainly consists of rather large Plagioclases
(see former preparation) and Augite; it is, moreover, rich in Mag-
netite; the Magnetite accumulates especially near the Augite. It
is oftOT developed as skeletons of crystals. It may be that some
red grains indicate the place where Olivine-crystals in the ground-
mass have been altered4nto Iddingsite. It is not entirely impossible
that little spots of a colourless mesostasis are present in the ground-
mass; but it could not be proved with certainty. Secondary minerals
in the groundmass are Chlorite and Calcite.
The rock is an olivinebasalt.
4.nbsp;Findingplace: Bir Jabir. Rather fine-grained basalt. Pheno-
crysts are almost exclusivly serpentinized Olivines. The Serpentine
has been coloured light green by Chlorites. Iddingsite sometimes
occurs. Alteration into Talc is rather common. Augite-pheno-
crysts hardly evei occur. The groundmass, consisting largely of
Plagioclase (Labradorite), Augite-aggregations and some Magne-
tite, contains much of the colourless mesostasis (see former
descriptions). Some spots of the mesostasis are pale yellow. In
the groundmass there occur moreover spots of brownishgreen
and grassgreen Chlorites.
A .second preparation from the same locality was treated ac-
cording to the method described on page 17, whereby — after
the treatment with hydrochloric acid and gentian-violet — the
mesostasis became intensely purple. The other minerals remained
nearly unaffected. Only the chloritic minerals were partly decolo-
rized, partly coloured yellow. Before the treatment with hydro-
chloric acid, the refraction-index of the mesostasis had been
measured. It appeared that it frequently did not much differ from
that of canadabalsam, but in several spots it was much smaller,
viz. about 1,48 (Zeolites!).
The rock is a Nepheline-bearing olivinebasalt.
5.nbsp;Findingplace: origin of the wadi running from N. to S., to
the N. of wadi Es Salmaniyat. Rather coarse-grained basalt.
Phenocrysts are groups of Olivines, serpentinized along fissures.
The colour of the Serpentine is brown to brownish green. Moreover
many phenocrysts of titaniferous Augite with irregular inclusions
occur in the preparation.
Contrary to former preparations, the groundmass contains less
Magnetite, which occurs in skeletons. The Plagioclases are large
and may surpass the phenocrysts in length. Many little Augite-
grains and Augite-needles of the groundmass project into the
Plagioclase or form inclusions within them. Spots of a yellow
mesostasis occur in several places in the groundmass. It is very
much cracked. Its refraction-index is distinctly lower than that
of the Plagioclase. It is not entirely isotropic. The contours of the
differently orientated fields are — nevertheless — not distinct.
Sometimes groups of radially orientated needles occur in this
mesostasis. Secondary minerals are Serpentine and Chlorite.
The Chlorite occurs in the groundmass as irregular spots and sphe-
A slide from the same locahty has been treated with hydrochloric
acid and gentian-violet. The yellow mesostasis became dark violet.
A third slide clearly shows how the yellow mesostasis appears as
well in vesicles, the core of which sometimes contains chloritical
material. In this preparation the anisotropy of the mesostasis is a
little more distinct than in the former one; at the same time, it
may be observed that the refraction-index is much lower than
that of balsam. Larger spots are biaxial and positive (Zeolites).
6.nbsp;Findingplace: W. of the pumpingstation, south of Shefeya.
Rather fine-grained basalt. Phenocrysts are strongly serpentinized
Olivines, agglomerated into little groups, often surrounded by a
vague zone of grassgreen chloritic minerals; sometimes with a
narrow rim of Iddingsite. Moreover colourless and very rare
Augite occurs. The groundmass consists of small laths of Plagio-
clases, aggregations of Augite and small grains of regularly distri-
buted' Magnetite. Neither is the colourless mesostasis of feeble
bi-refringence lacking. Moreover, some vesicles are filled with a
colourless, dull mineral, which is quite isotropic. It also occurs
here and there in the groundmass. Its refraction-index is lower
than that of the much more transparent mesostasis and of course
lower than that of canadabalsam too. Only little Chlorite is to be
found in the groundmass. Finally we see how the few Olivine-grains
in the groundmass have been partly altered into Iddingsite.
7.nbsp;Findingplace: 650 m. W. of Shefeya. Fine-grained basalt.
Most of the phenocrysts are partly serpentinized Olivine-crystals;
alteration into Talc also took place. They have a tendency towards
agglomerating in groups. Pale violet Augite as phenocryst is scarce.
The groundmass mainly consists of small Plagioclases, agglomera-
tions of prismatic Augite, and finely distributed crystals of Mag-
netite, which are inclined to agglomeration. Moreover, a transparent,
weakly anisotropic mesostasis may clearly be seen, notwithstanding
the fineness of the groundmass. Everywhere its refraction-index
is lower than that of the Plagioclase. Chlorites appear here and
there in the groundmass, partly forming spherolites.
Another slide from the same findingplace displays a coarser
groundmass, in which the colourless feebly anisotropic mesostasis
is much more distinct. Its refraction index is but little higher than
that of canadabalsam. Augite-phenocrysts do not occur in this
slide. The Magnetite is more inclined to agglutination. Sometimes
the Magnetite has a reddish rim. The Chlorite (and the Serpentine
along the Olivine-phenocrysts) may be sea-green, but mostly olive-
green. Besides the Chlorite-spots mentioned we also find secondary
Calcite in the groundmass.
Nepheline-bearing olivinebasalt.
8.nbsp;Findingplace: N. border of Zichron Jaacov. Ohvinebasalt.
Phenocrysts are numerous Olivines, mostly agglomerating, changed
into Serpentine and Talc along fissures and borders. Moreover
there occurs a small group of Augite-phenocrysts, almost colour-
less and pale violet.
The groundmass consists of rather large Plagioclase-laths, Augite-
aggregations and Magnetite, which is finely distributed and here
and there agglutinates into bigger masses. Irregular spots of
colourless mesostasis appear as well, distinguishable from the non-
idiomorphic Plagioclase by a lower refraction-index (somewhat
more than that of canadabalsam) and the absence of twinning.
Secondary minerals in the groundmass are Chlorites, appearing as
spots and as spherolites, filling vesicles.
Here and there we find some secondary Calcite, too.
9.nbsp;Findingplace: between Abu Qanatir and El 'Arnin (SE. of
'Ein Ghazal). Olivinebasalt. The Olivine-phenocrj'sts show alter-
ations into Serpentine, flaming-red Iddingsite and into Talc.
Augite as phenocryst does not occur.
The groundmass is very fresh and consists of rather large Plagio-
clase-laths between which aggregations of Augite in very large
quantities and only few irregularly bordered groups of Magnetite.
Moreover the Magnetite frequently forms skeletons. It is not
certain whether a few Olivines are present in the groundmass. I was
not able to demonstrate the existence of a colourless mesostasis.
Brown and green chloritical minerals also occur in the groundmass.
Another slide from the same locality shows that a zeolitic mesos-
tasis most positively occurs. It has a very low refraction-index
and the bi-refringence can only be stated with a gypsum-slide.
This mesostasis again is yellow-coloured; it also occurs in vesicles,
sometimes containing chloritical material in their core. A third
preparation from the same locaHty contains beautiful Iddingsite,
which has developed along the borders of some Olivine-pheno-
A fourth preparation was treated with hydrochloric acid and
gentian-violet. The small quantity of mesostasis became stained.
It proved to be quite xenomorphic between the crystals of the
groundmass. The Olivines too took in some of the colouring-matter.
The Chlorites became golden-yellow.
lo. Findingplace: bottom of the wadi W. of Zuweiq. Olivine-
basalt with a large quantity of Zeolites. The Olivine-phenocrysts
are strongly serpentinized. Moreover phenocrysts of beautiful
titaniferous Augite are found.
The groundmass consists of Plagioclase of moderate size, Augite-
aggregations (grains and short little columns) and Magnetite.
The yellowish mesostasis of feeble bi-refringence is of very frequent
appearance. Its refraction-index is distinctly lower than that of
canadabalsam. Chlorite also appears in the groundmass; it is green
or brownishgreen.
In another slide from the same locality, which unfortunately
was broken, there occurred a big (^ mm.) nearly octagonal crystal.
It was colourless and of a low refraction-index; it consisted of
lamellae, which were weakly bi-refringent, and developed in two
systems, perpendicular to one another. In some angular points
this crystal was altered into the yellowish mesostasis. A spectral-
analysis of this crystal showed strongly developed K- and Na-hnes.
It probably was Leucite.
A third sHde was treated with hydrochloric acid and gehtian-
violet. Here, too, the mesostasis took a violet colour. After desic-
cation transparent isotropic small crystals were to be seen on
cracks in the gelatinous silicic acid. They were probably of hy-
drochloric natron. Before the preparation was subjected to this
treatment, the refraction index had been determined. It was
about 1,49.
11.nbsp;Findingplace: between Khallat et Tina and Zichron Jaacov.
Olivinebasalt. It hardly contains any mesostasis.
12.nbsp;Findingplace: N. of Es Salmaniyat and W. of ElMurabba'a.
-ocr page 34-Olivinebasalt. In the slide no mesostasis could be seen; in a
stained one, however, small quantities were found.
13. Findingplace: wadi El Hinu (below 'Ein Ghazal). A little
vitrophyric olivinebasalt, which — also in other respects —
somewhat differs from all those mentioned above. First of all,
the Olivinephe-nocrysts have been less changed into Serpentine.
Moreover, these Olivines show very clearly magmatic resorp-
tion, a phenomenon almost absent in the other, above-mentioned
basalts. Moreover the amount of Augite-phenocrysts is con-
siderable. The colour of the Augite-rims varies between grey
and pale violet. They are very rich in numerous kinds of irregular
inclusions, which are sometimes arranged zonally. These Augites
equally show — but by no means everywhere — magmatic resorp-
tion. Sometimes small Augite-crystals form big groups. It may
be observed that the quantity of big and small phenocrysts looks
more numerous than in the rocks mentioned before.
The groundmass of this basalt is much darker than that of
those mentioned before; in consequence it is more difficult to
discriminate the different minerals. In a dark brown, probably
isotropic, basis there lie, generally speaking, numerous regularly
distributed grains of Magnetite. Besides, there are many extremely
small columns of Augite in the groundmass. I did not succeed in
discovering Feldspars. Moreover some small Zeolites occur in a
fair amount of vesicles.
B. Vesicular Basalt.
I. Findingplace: bottom of the wadi W. of Zuweiq. Weathered
amygdaloidal basalt. The Olivine-phenocrysts have been completely
altered into carbonates with strings of Limonite. In the groundmass,
the borders of the crystals of the rather large Plagioclases may
still very clearly be seen. The refraction-index is less than that
of balsam and they are rather distinctly twinned (Albite). The
rest of the groundmass consists of a turbid, dark, grained sub-
stance, in which there are numerous untransparent dendrites:
basaltic glass which is more or less altered. Here and there a
distinct Magnetite cube can be seen. The amygdaloidal vesicles
are filled with carbonates, probably Calcite.
2.nbsp;Findingplace: W. of the pumping-station, S. of Shefeya.
Very badly weathered basalt. The greater part of the Olivines
has been altered into a brown opaque mineral (Limonite?), for
the rest into Chlorite. The groundmass shows the contours of
numerous Plagioclases, which however in general display no twins,
often hardly any bi-refringence. Large fragments of the groundmass
are impregnated with a fine grained mineral which is also found
in veins and vesicles. Its refraction is somewhat less than that of
balsam; the bi-refringence is not high (Chalcedone?). The Magnetite
of the groundmass has still remained rather fresh. There are big
Calcite-amygdules. The shde corresponds with the description of
a preparation by E. Fuchs (29, p. 571. no. 3). His rock came from
almost the same findingplace.
3.nbsp;Findingplace: in the slope 1 km. S. of Es Salmaniyat. Strongly
weathered, vesicular basalt.
The only rests of the Olivines are bi-refringent, red rims, probably
of Iddingsite, occurring in what once was the marginal zone of
the Olivine.
The Plagioclase of the groundmass is well developed and, though
it is quite albitized, we still clearly perceive twinning; Magnetite
crystals of the groundmass are of frequent occurrence; moreover
thin dark dendrites can be found. The numerous vesicles and
cavities are filled with coarse-grained to fine-grained Calcite.
4.nbsp;Findingplace: bombs in the green tuff 600 m. SW. of Shefeya.
From the Olivines there remain only pseudomorphoses of Limonite
and Chlorite, perhaps with some Talc. Very rare fragments of
fresh Augite are still present. The groundmass consists of numerous
albitized Plagioclases, of finely distributed Magnetite which
frequently forms crystal-skeletons, and moreover of Limonite
and Chlorite. The number of amygdules is rather large, but they
are very small, partly empty, partly filled with Chlorite and Calcite.
If both minerals occur in one vesicle, then the Chlorite Hes on the
periphery and the Calcite in the centre.
5.nbsp;Findingplace: i| km. N. of Shefeya. Very considerably
weathered amygdaloidal basalt. Rare Limonite-carbonate pseudo-
morphoses after Olivine occur. The groundmass consists of nume-
rous Albites between which there is a brown limonitic badly trans-
parent mass, here and there with rests of small Magnetites. There
are numerous veins and amygdules of Calcite. Along the periphery
of the latter there is nearly everywhere a narrow rim of constant
breadth, consisting of a fibrous mineral with a low refraction-
index and a low bi-refringence; the fibres being perpendicular to
the wall of the vesicle. In the Calcite there sometimes occur small
vermiform spherolites consisting of the same material.
6.nbsp;Findingplace; NE. of the ruin between Shefeya and El Fureidis.
Very badly weathered basalt. It has probably consisted exclusively
of groundmass and gas vesicles. The former still shows little narrow
Albite-laths with, between them, an opaque mass (probably altered
glass). The vesicles are filled with Calcite. They occupy nearly
half of the surface of the slide.
7.nbsp;Findingplace: 900 m. NW. of Shefeya. Vesicular weathered
basalt. It probably contains pseudomorphoses of Calcite-Limonite
after Olivine-phenocrysts. The Plagioclase of the groundmass is
entirely albitized. The groundmass moreover consists largely of
limonitic material and fine Magnetite-grains. The vesicles are
filled with Calcite, also with a little Chalcedone(?), sometimes
occurring as spherohtes or vermiform aggregates.
8.nbsp;Findingplace: NW. of Zuweiq and SW. of Umm el Jarab.
Vesicular basalt with entirely altered crystals of Olivine and with
a groundmass consisting of Albite and Limonite. The vesicles are
generally empty; Calcite-filling is rare.
9.nbsp;Findingplace: bottom of the wadi W. of Zuweiq. Vesicular
basalt with many pseudomorphoses of carbonate-Limonite after
Olivine-phenocrysts. In the groundmass we see Albites and an
entirely opaque mesostasis; moreover vesicles filled with Calcite
and peripheral Limonite.
10.nbsp;Findingplace: pass S. of Salmaniyat. Vesicular basalt, in
contact with a subjacent limestone-bed. From the Olivine-pheno-
crysts there only remain cavities, sometimes filled with carbonate.
They are surrounded by a rim of Limonite. The groundmass con-
sists of Albite, Magnetite and a turbid to opaque glass basis(?).
The limestone has been recrystallized at the contact with the
basalt; the size of the Calcite-grains decreases with increasing
distance from the contact. Close to the contact we find in the
limestone a zone of reniform Limonite, originating from Chlorite:
contact-metamorphosis ?
c. Inclusions of Basalt in Limestone.
1.nbsp;Findingplace: table-land between Abu Qanatir and ElArnin.
In a yellowish organogenic limestone (the yellow Rudist-limestone)
there are small fragments of basalt.
2.nbsp;Findingplace: on the W. slope of the wadi between Shefeya
and El Fureidis. In this case we have to deal with fragments of
basalt included in a younger quot;nariquot;-limestone.
In a fine-crystalUne, flaky, somewhat breccious limestone there
are fragments of fresh basalt. The Olivines have been altered along
their rims, partly into yellow Serpentine, partly into red Iddingsite.
(Of the Iddingsite an interference-figure could be made by means
of an oil-immersion. The optic axial angle is about 30°; q lt;v.
The optical sign is positive.)
3.nbsp;Findingplace: S. part of Es Salmaniyat. Also basalt inclusions
in quot;nariquot;-limestone.
D. The Tuffs.
1.nbsp;Findingplace: slope N. of Ijzim. The slide shows an agglo-
meration of a dark brown material and very large Olivine-crystals,
which have been largely altered into Serpentine, Talc and car-
bonate. Between these minerals there is much calcareous cement.
In several places we find a rather large Biotite. The brown material
does not become dark between crossed niçois. This is because it
consists of extremely fine squamae of Chlorites(?) etc. It frequently
contains little round vesicles — generally filled with carbonate —
and always grains of ore. In this brown mass we sometimes observe
the contours of an Olivine-crystal, which has been entirely altered
into yellowish-brown Serpentine and Talc. As mesostasis Httle
needles of a colourless mineral with low refraction and bi-refrin-
gence, and with a negative elongation (Chalcedone?) occur.
2.nbsp;Findingplace: somewhat E. of Zichron Jaacov on the main-
road to Shefeya. Under the microscope the tuff appears to consist
of a large quantity of small rhombohedra of carbonate and small
pieces of Chlorite, which nearly everywhere has a low bi-refringence.
Near the centre of the slide there is a distinct Plagioclase crystal.
3.nbsp;Findingplace: 600 m. SW. of Shefeya. This substance too
-ocr page 38-■consists largely of Chlorite and Calcite. The Chlorite forms well-
outlined spots and spherolites; the Calcite is irregularly grained.
Within Chlorite-spots we find small fragments of Limonite, which
appear to be weathered basalt (sometimes we see weathered Feld-
spar-laths in the Limonite).
E. Iron Ores.
Findingplace: olive-yard behind Shefeya (boulders). Brown,
Limonitic ore; in the slide yellowbrown to redbrown-transparent
and dark opaque. The ore must have originated from the basalt,
for in different places we see numerous, sometimes twinned Pla-
gioclase-laths, and some Magnetite. Apparently the ore filled the
fissures in the basalt. Afterwards the basalt itself was affected too.
The Plagioclase was the last to be altered, but at length the Pla-
gioclase too disappeared and in its place there came Limonite.
Another slide from the same locality shows how cubic crystals
(square, rhombical and hexagonal sections) of distinctly concentric
composition have been altered into Limonite. It may be that here
we have to deal with a pseudomorphosis of Limonite after Mag-
netite. In that case, however, the Magnetite crystals were much
larger than we are accustomed to with basalts of our region.
3. Chemical analysis of one of the basalts.
A chemical analysis has been made by mr. W. van Tongeren
(Miner. Institute, Utrecht) of the dense basalt, bearing Zeolite
and Leucite from the locality mentioned sub A 10 (Zuweiq). In
table I, A 10 is this new analysis, I is the analysis of an olivine-
basalt (? Pleistocene) from wadi Shakeiyif, L. Tiberias Trans-
jordania (71a), II is the analysis of an olivinebasalt from Zeizun,
Jarmuk valley, Transjordania (71a), III the analysis of an olivine-
basalt (Pleistocene) from Nahalal, Plain of Esdraelon, Palestine
(71a), and IV the analysis of a quot;mediterraneanquot; basalt (Miocene)
from Khechen E. of Cairo (71a).
The following examples of Troger (71b) have been added to
this table:
a. Nepheline-basanite, Jesserken-Berg, Lobositz, Bohemia (71b,
-ocr page 39-no. 591); b. Olivine-basalt, Drynoch, Skye, Scotland (71b, no.
379); c. Essexite-basalt, Utanjilua, Patagwa-river, North-Nyassa, (71b, no. 382); d. Basalt, lava of 1920, Mauna Iki,
Kilauea, Hawaii (71b, no. 378), and e. Tokeite (melanocratic
olivinebasalt), Addis-Abeba, Abessinia (71b, no. 407).
A 10 |
I j |
II |
IV |
a |
b |
C 1 |
d |
e | |
SiOj |
45,13 |
41,45 |
45,50 |
43,86 |
50,1 |
44,52 |
46,61 |
43,49 |
50,32 |
43,60 |
AIO3 |
11,40 |
17,73 |
17,73 |
16,25 |
17,7 |
14,28 |
15,14 |
16,70 |
12,83 |
10,65 |
Fe03 |
4,53 |
2,26 |
1,71 |
7,44 |
0,65 |
6,36 |
3,49 |
4,17 |
1,74 |
3,53 |
FeO |
8,69 |
9,22 |
9,07 |
3,46 |
7,85 |
5,39 |
7,71 |
9,09 |
9,93 |
7,15 |
MgO |
8,89 |
9,76 |
9,59 |
5,49 |
5,0 |
7,13 |
8,66 |
8,20 |
7,39 |
12,62 |
CaO |
10,64 |
9,64 |
10,46 |
10,0 |
10,20 |
10,08 |
10,05 |
11,06 |
17,42 | |
Xa^O |
2,63 |
2,45 |
2,67 |
2,32 |
3,5 |
3,76 |
2,43 |
2,72 |
2,38 |
1,30 |
KoO |
1,62 |
0,87 |
0,85 |
3,24 |
1,3 |
2,59 |
0,67 |
1,20 |
0,41 |
0,55 |
H,0-}- |
3.09 |
0,80 |
0,98 |
0,89 |
^Ign- |
3,53 |
2,07 |
1,41 |
0,33 |
1,96 |
H„0— |
0,87 |
1,30 |
0,32 |
0,88 |
(1,4 |
0,00 |
1,10 |
0,26 |
0,05 |
0,00 |
TiO, |
2,63 |
2,40 |
1,80 |
4,10 |
2,4 |
2,04 |
1,81 |
1,90 |
3,10 |
2,22 |
P2O5 |
0,45 |
0,96 |
0,26 |
1,00 |
— |
0,56 |
0,10 |
0,68 |
0,30 |
— |
MnO |
0,14 |
tr. |
tr. |
tr. |
— |
— |
0,13 |
— |
0,10 | |
S |
— |
0,00 |
0,00 |
— |
— |
0,00 |
— |
— |
— |
0,00 |
CO2 |
0,00 |
0,00 |
0,00 |
— |
— |
0,00 |
tr. |
0,00 |
0,00 |
0,00 |
Cr^Os |
0,04 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
— |
0,04 |
0,00 |
j 0,00 |
0,00 |
99,94 |
99,84 |
100,12 |
99,39 |
99,9 |
100,36 |
100,04 |
99,87 |
99,94 |
101,00 | |
si |
93.4 |
82,2 |
94,0 |
92,6 |
124,0 |
100 |
104 |
93 |
118 |
81 |
al |
13,9 |
20,7 |
21,6 |
20,21 |
25,8 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
I7i |
11-2 |
fm |
56,9 |
50,9 |
50,6 |
47,0 |
37,2 |
44i |
49i |
49 |
48i |
504 |
c |
21,8 |
22,6 |
21,3 |
23,7 |
26,5 |
24i |
24 |
23 |
28 |
35 |
alk |
7,4 |
5,8 |
6,5 |
9,1 |
10,5 |
12 |
61 |
7 |
6 |
3 |
k |
0,28 |
0,23 |
0,19 |
0,48 |
0,20 |
' 0,31 |
0,15 |
0,23 |
1 0,10 |
0,22 |
mg |
0,48 |
0,57 |
0,58 |
0,37 |
0,50 |
' 0,53 |
, 0,5g |
0,53 |
0,53 |
0,69 |
Ls |
0,62 |
0,78 |
0,74 |
0,83 |
0,75 |
0,86 |
' 0,63 |
0,75 |
0,5c |
' 0,43 |
Fs |
0,78 |
0,71 |
0,6c |
1 0,64 |
0,39 |
1 0,62 |
: 0,58 |
1 0,62 |
0,55 |
; 0,97 |
Qs |
—0,4c |
—0,4g |
1 —0,3^1 |
■ —0,47 |
—0,14 |
—o,4^ |
!—0,21 |
—0,38 |
i —o,ot |
i —0,40 |
Table I.
rt is clear that the large quantity of HgO in A 10, cor-
responds to the presence of a zeolitic mesostasis. I consider
these Zeohtes to be the weathering-product of the nephelinic
mesostasis, which we described from several samples.
In order to get a clear insight into the chemical character of the
new basalt, the
si-(ioo-t 4alk)^
2al 4alk
, the Fs =
and the Qs
of the basalts of table I have been set out in fig. 2 in a triangular
diagram (43b, p. 129, 131). In order to have the projection-points
at as large a distance from each other as possible, only the sur-
roundings of point k have been reproduced. Besides, point i is
the projection-point of a normal gabbroid magma according to
Nigglt, 2 the projection-point of essexite-gabbro according to
Niggli, and 3 the projection-point of pyroxenitic magma ac-
cording to Niggli. Beginning with an examination of all the oriental
basalts with regard to each other, we see that A lo with regard to
the others lies obviously to the left; from which it follows that
the basalt must be relatively poor in Feldspars and rich in meta-
and ortho-silicates. A rough measurement with a recording micro-
meter tells us indeed that the slide described under A lo has a
color ratio of nearly 70, which is more than the figures for olivine-
basalt, common basalt and alcalibasalt given by Troger (71b,
p. 166). The rather large negative Qs of A 10, I, If and III make
the presence of Feldspathoides presumable. An olivinenepheHnite
from Palestine has been described by Fuchs (29, p. 576); Picard
gave a description of a basanite and Tyrrell (71a, p. 412) presumes
that a recent basalt of the Dead Sea contains Analcite and Nephe-
line. So, in Cisjordania, basalts, rich in alcaU have indeed been
found, but in the description of Tyrrell of the preparations be-
longing to I, II and III no Feldspathoides or other minerals that
are rich in alcali are mentioned.
In my opinion it is probable that I, II and III are alcalibasalts.
These rocks are characterized by the normative presence of Feld-
spathoides, whereas at the utmost these minerals occur as accessories.
Osann defines the alcalibasalts in H. Rosenbusch quot;E:iemente der
Gesteinslehre 1923quot; somewhat differently, but fundamentally it
comes to the same thing. Microscopically these rocks are normal
basalts. From the 11 analyses quoted by Osann, the Qs varies
between abt. — 0,3 and — 0,7, the Ls between i and 0,68, the Fs
between abt. 0,5 and 0,8. Basalt IV belongs in consequence of its
greater richness in silicic acid to the normal basalts; its projection-
point therefore lies above the line L—k: according to Niggli in
the region of the normal gabbroid magma.
We have demonstrated already that Feldspathoides must have
been present also modally in A 10, but that they have been altered
into Zeolites. Leucite is accessory. In my opinion the rock is too
rich in Feldspathoides to belong to the alcalibasalts. It is better
to look upon it as belonging to the Nepheline-bearing olivinebasalts,
alcalibasalts or to the more melanocratic basanites. The names
used up to now for the cretaceous basalts of the Carmel (viz.
basalt and olivinebasalt) are therefore insufficiently typical.
4- Summary.
The basalt that has developed as tuffs and dense bombs and
partly as dense and vesicular lava, is basic and feebly alcalic. The
minerals which were the first to crystallize in the basalts were the
Olivine and Augite, which partly developed as titaniferous Augite.
Both these minerals may show magmatic resorption. Of the crystals
belonging to the second generation (groundmass), the Magnetite
and the Augite and perhaps some Olivine were the first to crys-
tallize; the Labradorite followed. Between those minerals a meso-
stasis of nephelinic composition crystalhzed. Hydrothermal action
has afterwards altered the mesostasis for the greater part into
Zeolites. Different vesicles were also filled with Zeolites. In the
same period part of the Olivines were altered into Serpentine and
into Iddingsite, afterwards into Talc and carbonate. Moreover —
from the Olivine and the Augite together perhaps — Chlorite was
formed. The Calcite-filling of the vesicular basalt is always of a
later date than the filling with other hydrothermal minerals, for
if both occur in one vesicle the other mineral lies as a rim around
the Calcite. The vesicular basalt appears to be the most susceptible
to alteration: it shows the strongest alteration of the groundmass.
Here the Plagioclase was albitized.
Sometimes we see that the basalt has been quite altered into
5. Some remarks.
On the N. side of Zichron Jaacov and SW. of Shefeya we see that
the green basaltic tuff-slope is partly covered by fragments of
quot;nariquot;-hke limestone, which I consider to be rests of waste, tumbling
down from the limestones which cover the basalts, and which were
afterwards cemented by the process of weathering. This quot;nariquot;,,
seen through the microscope has a weathered and somewhat brec-
cious appearance. Moreover it contains rather many Chlorite scales
and small spherolites, which come from the subjacent tuff. Once
or twice I found a piece of fresh yellow Rudist-limestone among
fragments of this quot;nariquot;.
The basalt- and tuff-eruption was very probably submarine, for
-ocr page 43-the eruptiva are intercalated between marine strata, lying elsewhere
concordantly on top of each other. It is not impossible that here
and there the summit of the volcanic strip rose above sea-level,
the eruption having taken place in a shallow sea, as the underlying
strata (yellow Rudist-limestone) have clearly neritic facies. One
may see on the map that on culminating points W. of Shefeya and
NE. of Zichron Jaacov the yellow hmestone and even an important
part of the quot;Mizzi Heluquot; seem to be lacking. This might point to
a very local disconformity on several tops of the volcanic row that
stuck out above the sea.
Where the centre of eruption is to be sought is not obvious^
either. N. of Zichron Jaacov one might take the tuffaceous hill,
lying squeezed in between rocks older than the tuff (Cenomanian
dolomite), for the upper part of a volcanic pipe, while the tuffaceous
offshoot directed westward, interbedded between the upper Ceno-
manian quot;Melekequot;, might have been part of the volcanic belt. (See
section K-L). We shall see, however, in the chapter on tectonics,
that on the eastern as well as on the western side, this tuffaceous
hill is bordered by a small fault. These small faults are post-Turo-
nian, so that this tuffaceous hill might be interpreted as a post-
Turonian trough-fault. The tuff E. of this wall has — as may be
seen on the map — a strong dip to the E., the quot;Mizzi Heluquot;
covering it conformably. The throw of the fault on the eastern
side is sufficient to press the lower part of the tuff downward
to the bottom of the valley. On the western side of the tuffaceous
hill we see no stratification at all. But in the tuffaceous offshoot
W. of it, there is a dip of io° to the W.
On this side the following is peculiar: If we assume, that the
tuff-offshoot hes normally in the yellow hmestone — and I do not
see any reason why this should not be the case — then we arrive
at an inexplicable question, if we accept m.oreover that the present
situation on the western side of the tuffaceous hill is only the result
of one fault. In that case the tuffaceous hill would have to be taken
as part of the normally intercalated tuffs and not as the upper
part of the volcanic vent. Thus we might expect that on both sides
of the fault, the tuff would be equal in thickness. But as a matter
of fact the thickness of the tuff on the eastern side of the fault
suddenly seems three times as much. Since moreover we do not
see the base of the tuff on the eastern side of the fault, this is only
a minimum.
In my opinion, similar phenomena can be explained in a most
natural way, if we suppose that the tuff-offshoot really belongs to
the eruption-belt, but that it is bounded on the eastern side by the
cruption-chimney. Then the eastern side of the eruption-chimney
might be invisible owing to a tectonic inclination.
Perhaps it may as well be possible to explain these phenomena,
by supposing some more faults. The possibility exists too, that
various details may in fact be otherwise, since the outcrops are by
no means ideal. Moreover measurement of the thickness of the
tuff is frequently impossible, owing to the fact that the tuff is often
I. Outcropping material.
Four types of rocks are found outcropping in the coastal plain:
a) the black earth, b) the yellow sands, c) the red sands and
d) the quot;Kurkarquot;, a calcareous sandstone. These four rocks can
be discerned along the greater part of the Palestine coast. It is
difficult, however, to determine their relative age. The three last
are aeolian deposits, as we shall prove afterwards: one can cover
the other.
a) The black earth extends from the mountain-border to the
quot;Kurkarquot;-ridge along the coast, in a long strip from N. to S.;
moreover it is found S. and SE. of Kh. esh Shuna and E. of Bin-
yamina. Between the different ridges of quot;Kurkarquot; in the northern
part of our region, narrow zones of black earth are found again.
The black earth is partly alluvial ooze of the wadi's. At the border
of the hills large fields of boulders may be intercalated. In Kabara
it consists of boggy material with Melanopsis buccinoidea Oliv.,
some species of Helix etc. This material is very young; lo to 20
years ago, we should have found moorland here. The soil fizzes
with hydrochloric acid and shows a marked alcalic reaction. The
boggy material contains moreover many Quartz grains.
b)nbsp;The yellow sands mainly border the coast in a narrow strip,
just at the outside of the true quot;Kurkarquot;-ridge; further to the S.
this strip suddenly widens (as the coastal plain widens too) up to
a breadth of 3—6 km. of dune-sand. This sand is very calcareous
and contains, besides rests of Lamellihranchiata, also Foraminifera.
We found near Kh. Hudeidun: Rotalia heccarii Lin., Triloculina
irigonula (Lam.), Elphidium crispum (Lin.), finally Spiroloculina sp.;
furthermore spines of Echinoidea and calcareous Algae. S.W. of
Mallaha we found Rotalia heccarii (Lin.), Triloculina tricarinata
(d'Orb.) and Elphidium crispum (Lin.), spines of Echinoidea etc.
The yellow sands form recent dunes, which have a strong tendency
towards moving to the NE. For the minerals in the Quartz-sands
of the Palestine coast see Range (62, p. 52) and table III.
c)nbsp;The red sands occur in the region between Wadi Zarganiya
and Binyamina, and in the region S. of Kh. Tall ed Dodahan
and Wadi Abu Hamad. They are non-calcareous and consist of
Quartz grains, covered with a red film of Limonite.
d)nbsp;The quot;Kurkarquot; is a porous calcareous sandstone. It forms
a ridge about 20 m. in height, which runs along the coast. N. of
Tantura there are even three ridges parallel to one other. Moreover
we meet with a row of outcrops of this quot;Kurkarquot; along the border
of the hills. These outcrops can reach a height up to 60 m. above
sea-level. This we see e.g. NE. of Tall Mubarak, also on the main-
road E. of the station of Zichron Jaacov and above Kh. Manara;
finally a number of outcrops of the quot;Kurkarquot; are to be found in
the coastal plain W. of Binyamina.
There is hardly any difference among the slides of the quot;Kurkarquot;.
We always see numerous sections of Elphidium and other Fora-
minifera, of Lithothamnium and other calcareous Algae and of
spines of Echinoidea. From the shdes we conclude, that the quot;Kurkarquot;
for the far greater part consists of Quartz grains and moreover of
grains of CaC03 which partly are fragments of Lamellihranchiata,
partly have no recognizable structure. All those grains are cemented
by the recrystalhzed material of the organic rests. Loose Foramini-
fera: Rotalia heccarii Lin., Elphidium crispum (Lin.) Triloculina
irigonula (Lam.) and moreover Spines of Echinoidea from the
'quot;Kurkarquot; are to be found N.E. of Jazirat el Qusseib.
2. Drilling material.
Herewith table II. The Palestine Jewish Colonisation Association
has had many borings made in the coastal plain S. of Binyamina.
Dr. Picard has summed up these borings in a — never published —
communication „Ueber die Grundwasserverhaltnisse der Gegend
von Karkur, Pardess Hanna, Giveat Ada und Binyaminaquot; (1934).
With the author's consent I publish those results which are most
important for us. The Cretaceous and lower Tertiary strata dip
in all directions under the plain, where they are to be found at a
great depth. On these strata there lie Diluvial deposits which grow
thicker towards the W. The Pleistocene consists of sand, loamy
sand, loam, hard calcareous sandstone (quot;Kurkarquot;), deposits of
boulders which reach a thickness of several metres, and varie-
gated marl. Near Karkur the complex has a thickness of about
30 m., near Pardess Hanna of about 50 m., in the direction of
Chedera to the S. — outside our region — of 100 m. and more.
Upper Tertiary is the blue marl (fr. marnes gris) found in bore-
holes near Karkur, corresponding with the quot;Sakiquot;-layers of L6-
wengart, found much farther to the S. Thus far Dr. Picard.
From the boring-profiles which were at Dr. Picard's disposition,
and from which I copied ten, it appears how irregularly red sand,
quot;Kurkarquot;, white sand and deposits of boulders can succeed one
other. There is a total lack of continuous levels, even within a few
hundreds of metres.
In the coastal strip, too, many borings have been made, nowhere,
however, as deep as the blue clay, which Lowenberg and Lohn-
stein believe to have demonstrated at Atht, N. of my region. They
measured the electric conductive power of the underground and
concluded to the existence of blue clay at a depth of 150 to
200 m. (39).
The boring of Zuckermann N. of En Nazla had the following
to 8 m. hard black earth
„ 8,5 „ soft quot;Kurkarquot;-sand.stone
,, 9,5 ,, normal black earth
,, 10,5 ,, hard black earth
,, II ,, quot;Kurkarquot; rock
to 13 m. white sand with shells
„ i6 ,, quot;Kurkarquot; and yellow sand
„22 „ hard sandstone
„ 24 „ quot;Kurkarquot;
The samples of this boring were no longer available; the profile
is based on communications of the Zuckermann's. From this boring
sand is always rising to the surface at the same time with the water.
It contains the following fossils: Rotalia heccarii Lin., Elphidium
crispum (Lin.), Quinqueloculina sp. etc., spines of Echinoidea and
The southern well of En Nazla had the following section: 2,5 m.
black earth, then 17 m. Kurkar down to the groundwater; the
central well of En Nazla: i m. black earth and 12 m. of quot;Kurkarquot;
down to the groxmdwater.
According to information obtained the profile near the pumping-
station of the village of Zichron Jaacov is: m. black earth, 8|- m.
quot;Kurkarquot;, ij m. soft grey rock, 10 m. quot;Kurkarquot; and sand, down
to the groundwater.
In a weh of the orange-yard SE. of Kh. el Fureidis, below the
black earth 7 m. white sand and quot;Kurkarquot;.
From these boring-results it appears that in the northern part
of the coastal-plain quot;Kurkarquot; and white sand always he under
the black earth.
Table 11.
List of borings.
(The numbers after the borings are the distances in metres from
the railway-station of Binyamina).
Boring i. 2000 E, 2400 S.nbsp;4.3—5.5nbsp;1quot;Chamrahquot;,brown.
Alt. 45 m.; depth in metres:nbsp;5.5—7.5nbsp;quot;Chamrahquot;, dark.
0—3,0 loamy sand, red.nbsp;7.5—8.9nbsp;quot;Chamrahquot;, reddish.
3,0—4,3 loamy sand, yellow.nbsp;8,9—9,3 reddish sand.
1nbsp; quot;Chamrahquot; is a local name for red earth or red loamy sand.
-ocr page 48-12.4—14,5
Boring 2. 1800 E, 2400 S.
Alt. 45 m.; depth in metres:
0- |
0,8 |
brown quot;Chamrahquot;. |
0,8 |
1,7 |
nice red quot;Chamrahquot; |
1,7- |
-3,9 |
dark red quot;Chamrahquot; |
3,9 |
4.9 |
brown loam. |
4,9 |
-6,0 |
grey clay. |
6,0- |
6,6 |
brownish quot;Cham- |
rahquot;. | ||
6,6 |
-6,9 |
reddish quot;Chamrahquot;, |
6,9- |
-7,8 |
red quot;Chamrahquot;. |
7,8- |
-18,0 yellow sand. |
18,0—19,0 brown quot;Chamrahquot;.
19,0—23,5 reddish quot;Chamrahquot;.
23,5—26,6 loamy sand, brown.
reddish quot;Chamrahquot;.
loamy sand, red.
yellow sand.
quot;Chamrahquot;, brown,
loam, brown,
sandy loam,
sandy loam, yellow,
sandy loam,
yellow sand,
grey clay, sandy,
grey sand with flint-
grey clay,
yellow sand,
gray sandy clay,
yellow sand,
marl, grey,
yellow sand,
grey clay,
grey marl.
yellow sand,
grey clayey sand,
grey clay,
yellow sand,
sandy clay, grey,
grey clay with sto-
greenish clay with
yellow sandstone.
grey marl.
grey marl with flint.
Boring 3. 1700 E, 2200 S.
Alt. 35 m.; depth in metres:
brownish quot;Cham-
red quot;Chamrahquot;.
grey quot;Chamrahquot;.
brownish quot;Cham-
reddish quot;Chamrahquot;.
brown loam, dark,
red quot;Chamrahquot;.
reddish quot;Chamrahquot;.
yellow sand,
sandy clay, grey,
clay, grey,
grey clay with peb-
bles of flint,
sand with stones,
white sand,
limestone and grey
clay in thin strata.
Boring 4. iioo E, 2100 S.
Alt. 35 m.; depth in metres:
O—0,4 mould.
0,4—3,5 red quot;Chamrahquot;.
3,5—7,2 reddish sand.
7,2—12,8 yellow sand.
12,8—16,1 yellow sand, light.
16,1—18,5 reddish sand, light.
18,5—26,5 white sand.
26,5—28,5 grey sand, grey clay.
Boring 5. 1800 E, 1800 S.
Alt. 35 m.; depth in metres:
red sandy loam,
reddish loamy sand,
yellow sand,
white sand,
yellow sand,
red sand,
reddish sand,
sandy loam, red.
loamy sand, red.
reddish sand,
yellow sand,
white sand.
Boring 6. 900 E, 2800 S.
Alt. 40 m.; depth in metres:
o—0,8 earth.
0,8—1,3 dark red quot;Cham-
1,3—4,0 red quot;Chamrahquot;.
4,0—10,0 yellow sand.
10,0—13,0 brown sand, loamy.
Alt. 35
yellow sand, a little
brown, below grey
sand, cemented,
reddish brown
yellow sand, loamy,
brown loamy sand
with pebbles,
sand with boulders
up to 4 cm. and
yellow sand with
grey sand,
yellow sand,
yellow sand with
white sand,
grey clay, sandy.
7. 500 E, 2900 S.
m.; depth in metres:
red quot;Chamrahquot;.
grey quot;Chamrahquot;.
brown quot;Chamrahquot;.
red quot;Chamrahquot;.
reddish quot;Chamrahquot;.
reddish sand,
yellow sand,
grey sand,
red quot;Chamrahquot;.
red sand,
yellow sand,
brown loam,
grey clay.
37,2—49,6 yellow to bluish sand
and loam.
49.6—54,0nbsp;red quot;Chamrahquot;.
54,0—55,8 red quot;Chamrahquot;.
55.8—70,6nbsp;yellow sand.
Boring 8. 400 E, 2400 S.
Alt. 30 m.; depth in metres:
o—3,1 brown quot;Chamrahquot;.
3,1—3,9 red quot;Chamrahquot;.
3,9—11,0 yellow quot;Chamrahquot;.
11,0—14,9 reddish quot;Chamrahquot;.
14.9—33,7nbsp;grey clay.
33.7—34,8nbsp;white sand.
34.8—36,7nbsp;yellow sand.
36,7—38,9 grey clay.
Boring 9. 2800 E, 2800 S.
Alt. 55 m.; depth in metres:
quot;Chamrahquot;, grey.
quot;Chamrahquot;, red.
quot;Chamrahquot;, brown.
quot;Chamrahquot;, red.
sand, yellow.
quot;Chamrahquot;, reddish.
quot;Chamrahquot;, red.
8,9—10,7 quot;Chamrahquot;, reddish.
10,7—12,2 sand, red.
-13,8 sand, yellow.
-15,7 sand, red.
-18,3 quot;Chamrahquot;, red-
-19,2 sand, reddish.
-23,0 sand, white.
-26,4 sand, reddish.
-33,0 sand, pure.
-33,5 sand and loam.
-34,5 loam, greyish blue.
-35,0 clay with flint boul-
ders, limestone.
Boring 10. 1800 W, 100 N.
Alt. 15 m.; depth in metres:
red loam.
red loam, sandy.
red sand, loamy.
yellow sand, loamy.
pure, coarse sand.
loamy sand.
red sand.
pure sand.
sand, quot;Kurkarquot;,
These data have been translated from the tables supplied to me
by the Geological Department of the Hebrew University, with a
view to studying and possibly publishing them. Of the boring-
material proper I have been able to get hold of a small portion
only. As the description of this material corresponded fairly
accurately with the material itself, I have presumed, that all the
drill-logs, reproduced here-above, are fairly exact.
3. Origin of the quot;Kurkarquot;.
In 1910 Blanckenhorn (12) regards the calcareous sandstones
along the coast of Palestine as Marine Diluvium. Range (61) too
presumes in 1922 that the quot;Kurkarquot; is a marine deposit. In 1928,
however, Lowengart (40) mentions, that the quot;Kurkarquot; is fossil
dune-sand. He judges especially from the physiography of the
quot;Kurkarquot;. The outlines of the old dunes are, according to him,
still recognisable.
In 1932 Range (62) composed a chronological diagram, in which
he divided the calcareous sandstone into Alluvial terrestrial
quot;Kurkarquot; and lower-Diluvial terrestrial and marine sandstones. In
1928 Blake (7) describes the Quaternary along the Palestine coast.
Like Lowengart he calls the quot;Kurkarquot; fossil dune-sand. He was
struck by the often steep dip and the variable strike of the layers.
A sound argument for the terrestrial origin of the quot;Kurkarquot; may
be obtained from Blake (9, p. 9). The Misses Garrod and Gardner
namely have subjected the quarries in the quot;Kurkarquot;-ridge near
Atht (immediately N. of my region) to a provisional survey. This
quarry which lies anbsp;^
quarter of an hour's
walk N. of the sta-
tion Atht showed ac-
cording to the above ^
mentioned authors,the .____
following section:nbsp;3
1.nbsp;young quot;Kurkarquot;.
2.nbsp;red sand-layer withnbsp;-— ^
worked flints of Fig. 3. Schematic cross-section through the quarry
Mousterian age andnbsp;of .^tlit. For explanation see text,
land shells, which
have also been found immediately above and below this
3.nbsp;old quot;Kurkarquot;.
An exact survey enabled me to modify the section as follows:
In fig. 3. I. is a carstic quot;Kurkarquot;-surface with pockets of
red sand, in which there are worked flints. A sample of these, which
I found, has a quot;Schlagbuckelquot; and quot;retouchequot; on one side (fig. 4a).
This artifact dates from the Upper Mousterian.
2.nbsp;is 7 m. of unstratified quot;Kurkarquot;, with land-snails in the basal
part: Helix {Pseudofigulina)! cavata Moussou, Helix (Levantina)
caisariana Parr, and Buliminus sp., which even nowadays still live
in the quarry.
3.nbsp;is a red sand-layer,thinning out eastward. From this I gathered
some badly preserved landsnails and a scraper, which in any case
is Palaeolitic. (fig. 4b.).
4.nbsp;is unstratified quot;Kurkarquot;.
This section proves the terrestrial character of the quot;Kurkarquot; An
equivalent argument for the terrestrial origin of the quot;Kurkarquot;. has
been given by Picard. As he communicated to me by letter, near'
Chedera artifacts from the Bronzeperiod have been found cemented
in the quot;Kurkarquot;. The strong crossbedding (the angular difference
was sometimes 60°) which I found near Dhahrat et Tahuna, may
still be regarded as an indication that the quot;Kurkarquot; is an aeolian
deposit, although this does not amount to an argument. Wavecut-
deposits namely have a much more feeble cross-bedding generally
So we shall have to regard the quot;Kurkarquot; in our region as a
terrestrial deposit. It is true that along the Palestine coast there
are also young sandstones, the marine origin of which has been
proved (in the sandstone there occur namely well preserved marine
Lamellibranchiata, which owing to their large size cannot be sup-
posed to have been transported by the wind) but in our region the
quot;Kurkarquot; has exclusively the character of a fossil dune-formation.
Finally a remark as to the granular analysis, made by Prof. Dr.
Jul. Mohr from a fragment of quot;Kurkarquot;, which originated from
Kh.el Mazra'a. The quot;Kurkarquot; was treated with hydrochloric acid,
until aU calcareous material had been dissolved. Then the Quartz
grains were subjected to a granular analysis.
He found the following values:
2,55 %
1,9 %
0,3 %
76,9 %(!)
17.3 %
Smaller than
20 n
20—50 „
0,5—0,1 mm.
0,1—0,2 mm.
0,2—0,5 mm.
Here we see that just as is the case in the sea- and coastal-sand
of Java (41), the fractions of 0,5—0,25 mm. form the lion's share.
In the fractions of 0,01—0,1 mm. we find the largest quantity of
dark minerals. (See table III); moreover Microchne, acid Plagio-
clase, Orthoclase and Chalcedone.
(T |
N 0 P |
s « i-t w agt; |
H 3 Si 3' Q |
in rh P) C r agt; |
0 r a |
in n w C/1 C rt-' agt; |
2- oquot; gt; d a |
W a |
ff ngt; ji CO 0 |
0 d 0 | |
**Sand . , . |
3 |
1 3 |
1 — |
1 ^ |
4 |
3 |
— |
7 |
1 20* |
28 |
31 |
*'^*quot;Kurkarquot; |
— |
— |
i |
2 |
4 |
4 |
1 ^^ |
\ 4 |
II |
1 46 |
11 |
*Saussurite incL
**Findingplace: near Caisaria
***Findingplace: near Kh. El Mazra'a
Table III Heavy minerals in quot;Kurkarquot; and yellow sand.
-ocr page 54-4- Summary, and discusion.
According to recent literature it is improbable that along the
coast there exist outcrops of strata, belonging to the Pliocene or
to older formations. As Pliocene are regarded the blue marls found
by drilling near Karkur and Pardess Hanna (marnes grises). Every-
where on this Pliocene there lies Diluvium, which in opposition to
the Pliocene is terrestrial.
This Diluvium (together with the Alluvium) consists of quot;Kurkarquot;,
white and red sand, and black earth with bog. Lowengart has
tried to suggest that during the Quaternary the chmate of Palestine
was subject to fluctuations. Dry periods and wet ones are said to
have succeeded each other. In order to prove this he gives the
following arguments:
The red sands cannot have been formed any longer after the
Campignian, for — he states — the red sands are often overspread
with artifacts from the Campignian, which he never found in the
red sand. This argument is not valid, for the weathering which
caused the red sand to be formed may have continued, after the
parent rock — from which they were formed — was covered with
Campignian artifacts. Moreover Lowengart says, that in his
drill-logs he found regular alternations of red sand and boulders
on the one side, and quot;Kurkarquot; with white sand on the other side.
This alternation in different sections is said to occur two to three
By means of the list of borings he adds to his publication, he does
not succeed in making this two- or three-fold regular alternation
plausible.His eleven drill-logs show an irregular alternation
of red sand, white sand and quot;Kurkarquot;, and at their bases sometimes
a complex of boulders which he calls quot;Pluvialquot;; it is possible,
however, that these boulders have a tectonic origin: A slight uplift
of the hills might have caused stronger erosion and deposition.
The drill-logs I gathered from the southern part of the coastal-
plain in our region (see table II) also show an irregular alter-
nation of these rocks. None of the arguments which Lowengart
puts forward for the alternation of dry and wet periods during the
Quaternary, has been able to convince me. To me it seems more
probable, that under different circumstances of groundwater-level
and water-circulation, also under the present downfall-distri-
bution.the lixivation and weathering into red sand may occur,
while at the same time cementation into quot;Kurkarquot; may take
place elsewhere, so that both rocks can be formed from the
primary dune-sand. The formation of red sand, then, needs a rela-
tively low groundwater-level, so that the downfaUing rainwater,
after having acted as a solvent, can convey the dissolved calcareous
material. For the formation of the quot;Kurkarquot;, on the contrary, a re-
latively high groundwater-level is needed, the water of which,
saturated with Calcite, can easily evaporate at the surface; the
cementing Calcite in that case will precipitate between the
Quartz grains. On each cemented layer new white sand may be
blown, which in its turn is cemented. In Pardess Hanna indeed,
where red sand predominates, the groundwater-level lies lower than
it does farther to the West. Of course later vertical movements have
complicated the system. So we find the quot;Kurkarquot; everywhere
along the coast in the sea as numerous rocks and small islands
(quot;drowned Kurkarquot;).
Having concluded that the quot;Kurkarquot; is aeohan material which
was afterwards cemented, we must be careful with the conclusion
that the quot;Kurkarquot;-rests along the mountain-border are e 1 e v a t e d
rests. It is very well possible that the sand was blown against
the mountain-slope and was cemented afterwards by water which
streamed down the slope and evaporated. Lowengart (40, p. 513)
evidently overlooked this possibiUty.
There is still another reason which made me look upon the red
sands and the quot;Kurkarquot; as rocks which may as well have been
formed in recent times and under the present conditions of temper-
ature and downfall-distribution. As we have seen the landsnails in
layer 2 (fig. 3) are the same, as those, which at present are still
alive in the region. This makes it improbable, that the chmate has
since altered. In the recently pubhshed article by Dr. Picard:
quot;Inferences on the Problem of the Pleistocene Chmate of Palestine
and Syria, drawn from Flora, Fauna and Stratigraphyquot; (Proceedings
of the Prehistoric Society for 1937 (Jan.-July) ) it was most clearly
expressed for the first time that the climate of Palestine and Syria
during the entire Quaternary can hardly have altered. But in that
case it is not permissible to assume another chmate for the origin
of the quot;Kurkarquot; and the red sand, which, as we know, are both
Quaternary. In other words, it must be possible for quot;Kurkarquot;
and red sand, to originate nowadays, ceteris paribus.
Reifenberg (63) also gives as his opinion that red sand
may be formed under conditions existing at present.
The fact that we have found a Palaeolitic scraper between the
quot;Kurkarquot;-complexes of Atlit, only means that the quot;Kurkarquot; of
Atlit must partly be of Palaeohtic age. As we have seen.
Dr. Picard found objects from the Bronzeperiod cemented in the
'quot;Kurkarquot; near Chedera. This only means that the quot;Kurkarquot;
of Chedera partly dates from the Bronzeperiod. As long,
however, as there have not been found fossils of Pleistocene age
immediately on the PHocene quot;Sakiquot;-layers, we are not allowed
to assume that all yellow sand, red sand and quot;Kurkarquot; belong
to the Diluvium: part of them might even belong to the Pliocene.
The hilly country of our region forms the north western part
of the Megiddo synchne (3, fig. 13, p. 131), which almost certainly
is separated from the coastal plain by a fault, running nearly
parallel with the coast. It is possible that this fault N. of Binya-
mina bends to the E. with the border of the hilly country. Blan-
ckenhorn (13) indicated this with some exaggeration on his map
of 1912.
There is hardly any hterature to show whether this fault, parallel
to the coast, really exists. Blanckenhorn marked it on his map
of 1912 (13). Range (61) mentions no faults whatever along the
Palestine coast. Löwengart's observations as to the tectonics
of Carmel have been slightly touched upon in the discussion of the
quot;Kurkarquot;. Besides he observes, without giving any arguments,
that the southern border of Carmel is separated from the coastal
plain by a fault which probably runs in the direction SE-NW.
Avnimelech (3, p. 131) marks a fault running almost N-S.
along the border of Carmel parallel with the sea-coast; he does
not mention it in his text, however.
The existence of the fault is only suggested by morphology.
It might be possible, however, that the straight and sharp separation
between the hills and the coastal plain had been caused by shore-
erosion; in other words, we might perhaps have to deal with a
wavecut-cliff. The neighbourhood of the recent shorehne parallel
with the border of the hills might cause us to suppose this. In that
case the above-mentioned escarpment would be prediluvial,
because, as we have observed, the whole of the coastal plain lay
in all probability during the Quaternary above sea-level.
If the boundary mentioned is indeed only a fossil coast-chff,
then a boring in the narrow coastal plain N. of Binyamina, after
having pierced the Quaternary and eventually a few layers some-
what older, would immediately touch those layers of the Cenoma-
nian which correspond to the Cenomanian in the hilly country of
the same level. Borings down to this depth do not exist, however.
The whole of the difficulty hes in our total ignorance of the under-
ground of this part of the coastal plain. Lohnberg and Lowen-
siein ,it is true,have tried to demonstrate with geophysical methods,
that in the coastal plain of Atlit there are very thick layers of plastic
clay under the Quaternary which are said to correspond to the Plio-
cene marine quot;Sakiquot;-layers of southern Palestine. In fact layers of
this kind have been discovered by drilling near Karkur and are
some hundreds of metres thick. This boring, however, does not lie
W. of the Carmel-border, but S. of it. If we suppose that the result
of both geophysicists is correct, it becomes difficult to interpret
the boundary between the plain and the hilly country as a normal
coast-chff. Given the uncertainties which, as is proved by practice,
still exist in many geophysical results, we must not accept the
conclusions of Lohnstetn and Lowenberg as certainties. I have
tried to find still more accurate arguments for the existence of a
fault, but have not succeeded. Important faults running nearly
from N. to S. have been demonstrated along the coast of southern
Palestine by means of borings (see e.g. 3, p. 121 and 122). The
presence of such a fault more to the N., viz. in our region, is there-
fore very probable, but not certain.
The other faults that occur in our map are of minor importance.
As to a small fault which runs along the western side of Shefeya,
I was obliged to accept it, because W. of it Lower Turonian has
been found, while on the eastern side Upper Turonian suddenly
appears at the surface and even a rest of Senonian crops out.
In the surroundings of Zichron Jaacov there are a number of small
faults. So we see, that on the top of the mountain 260^ there hes
a pale yellow crystalhne, somewhat porous, Hmestone, on the same
level as the yellow porous limestone of the Jabal ez Zakhuri, which
on the top belongs without any doubt to the upper zone of the
limestone we have designated as Turonian. Eastward hes a dense
quot;Mizzi Heluquot;-like limestone, inclining to the E. (just the same as
the topography). It is therefore probable, that between the tops
260^ and the Jabal ez Zakhuri, a small fault exists, because W. of
the wadi between both tops, the quot;Mizzi Heluquot; lies much lower
than E. of it.
Close to the eastern side of the buildings of Zichron Jaacov, a
spot of quot;Mizzi Heluquot; borders to the E. on tuff which, as may be
expected, seems to pitch under it; to the W., however, it borders
on upper Cenomanian limestone, which to all appearance hes on
a somewhat higher level. So there is every probability, that between
the quot;Mizzi Heluquot; and the upper Cenomanian limestone there exists
a small fault.
One or more minor faults must occur on the northern and western
side of El Murabba'a as well. Otherwise the constant strike and
dip in this flat region would obUge us to accept too great a thickness
of the quot;Mizzi Heluquot;. I did not succeed in locating these minor faults.
The small fault between El Murabba'a and Zuweiq may clearly
be seen in the field. The bedded dolomite which here replaces the
quot;Mizzi Heluquot; butts, in the direction of the strike against the
unstratified Senonian.
A small fault SW. of Ard Abu Hamid is suggested m the field by
the sharp, nearly vertical boundary between the flinty limestones
and the dolomite. In general it is difficult to prove the existence of
faults with Cenomanian outcropping on both of its sides, at least
in our region because of the lack of uniformity of the stratigraphy
of our Cenomanian. Therefore I cannot agree with Sverdlov
(70), who believes that the sharp boundary between flintbeds and
dolomite E. of the station of Zichron Jaacov impHes a fault between
the two rocks.
The fact that the Senonian-Eocene chalk is unstratified, makes
it difficult to trace tectonical details of those parts of the syncline
of Megiddo which lie nearer the core.
As the map shows, we need not accept the fault of Avnimelech
(3, P- 133 c).
During Cenomanian and Turonian the region was (hke the whole
of Palestine and Syria) a neritical sea. During the upper Cenoma-
nian, submarine basalt-eruptions took place, the culminating
volcanic tops of which lay possibly above sea-level. During Se-
nonian, Danian and Eocene the marine sedimentation continued.
Perhaps during the Eocene the Megiddo synchne was formed
(Avnimelech 3, p. 129). To the SE. the Eocene attains a géosyn-
clinal thickness of 1500 m. in the core of the syncline, while, ac-
cording to Blake (10) in those times an island existed between
Nablus and Beersheba (facial thinning out of the Eocene).
The fault which probably borders Carmel, was, according to
Lowengart (40) formed at the latest in the Upper Miocene — Lower
Pliocene (great thickness of the Saki-clays). According to Lohnberg
and Lowenstein there are even two faults parallel to each other
near Atht. Perhaps by that time the eastern side rose above sea-
During or after the Phocene, the coastal plain also appeared
above sea-level, and the ridges of calcareous sand-dunes, which
afterwards partly altered into quot;Kurkarquot; etc., were formed. It is
not necessary that the quot;Kurkarquot;-ridge along the coast should be
an anticline, though Blake thinks it is (7, p. 27), for it is difficult
to trace tectonical structures in rocks with similar crossbedding.
We may consider the quot;Kurkarquot;-ridge as a fossil bay-bar,
behind which the moors of Kabara lay, which have now been
Lowering of the coastal block must have taken place in the
Quaternary. In the first place we find drowned quot;Kurkarquot; and
quot;Kurkarquot;-reefs in the sea. Secondly, according to the drill-logs
in the quot;Kurkarquot; of the coastal plain often descends below
sea-level. In the third place, there exists a drill-log of a boring
near Pardess Hanna (43,4 m. above sea-level) in which at a
depth of 46 m. a harse-tooth has been found. It must be remarked,
however, that during the last few centuries the number of reefs
along the coast has increased, which points to a renewed subrecent
Finally it is worth noting, that the hilly country has the form
of a table-land, with a height of 140 to 160 m. Near Atlit, however,
there suddenly rises a higher chain above the table-land. Geological
and morphological fieldwork will have to be done in this region,
before it will be possible to interpret these facts sufficiently.
According to Dr. Picard the most important groundwater-level
is the Turonian, especially in those places where it is porous. As
all layers incline to the E., we must bore E. of the outcrop of the
Turonian, and in the places which are topographically lower than
the outcrop, in order to get a sufficient water-supply. Those places
are easy to find on the map.
The deep-lying quot;Kurkarquot; too forms a good groundwater-level.
The number of wells and sources in the zone Atht-Caisaria is
enormous. In winter (600 mm. downfall) the water runs downward
along the slopes of the hills and is retained by the quot;Kurkarquot;.
Moreover there are a number of other places, where water may
be found, e.g. in the tuffs and basalts. The water of the drinking-
place on the way from Zichron Jaacov to Ard el Wad rises from the
outcrop on the western slope of JabalezZakhuri; the well-water of
the orange-yards in the plain of Ard el Wad and N. of it also comes
from the tuffs and basalts. The village of Shefeya receives its water
from the same tuffs and basalts.
In our region there occurs only one continually flowing brook,
namely the Nahr ez Zarqa. Its water comes from the Turonian.
As in recent times the water-level of this well was lowered, a trench
has been dug upwards of the source and nearly parallel to the strike
of the strata. At present one may see how the water streams out
of holes in the white porous limestone. Immediately below there
lies the quot;Mizzi Heluquot;, which is certainly less permeable.
When one goes to the E. in the southern part of the coastal
plain (Binyamina-Pardess Hanna) the abundance of water of the
Quaternary continually decreases. Picard explains this by the fact
that the Quaternary thins out towards the E.
The Eocene of Bath Shelomo also contains not unimportant
-ocr page 61-groundwater levels. The fUntbeds are impermeable just as the
marlbeds mentioned by Blake, and the chalky strata which alter-
nate with them, retain the water. The sources surroundmg Bath
Shelomo have been largely neglected.
Acanthoceras ( ?) rotomagense (Brongn).
Lit • (i8) List on p. 66/67, (26a) p. 326, 327. (42a) p. 929-931.
(44c) Tome I p. 345-350. pl. 105-106, (45a) p. 147. (60) 2ème série
p. 190-193. pl- XXV fig. 1-3, (63a) p. 15-17. pl- VI fig- 9. 10.
12, 13, pl. VII fig. 1-3. (71) P- 12-13- pl- I fig- 3. pl- IV, (74)
p. 589 fig. 2156.
The sutures of my two specimens have totally been effaced
Characteristic for Acanthoceras are the following features: the shell
has no large umbihcus; the ornamentation consists of straight
ribs, widening to the external side and provided with a number
of nodes A distinct carina is present, which is not common for this
genus, but which - according to Neumayr - may exist. One
might presume - from the presence of the carina - that the
animal belongs to the Prionotropidae, but the straightness of the
costae is in contradiction therewith.
The following characteristic features of Acanthoceras rotomagense
also occur in the best preserved of my two specimens: on the last
convolution there occur 18 straight costae provided with nodes
(the majority of the authors count upwards of 20 costae, but 18
are also mentioned). The best developed row of nodes occurs along
the internal side. A double row of somewhat less developed nodes
occurs along the rim of the external side and on the external side
itself In the median line there should occur a row of slightly
developed nodes, but on my specimen it is replaced by a slightly
developed carina. The cross-section of the last convolution is
rather a square. In its youth the section must have been rectangular
■ — 1
-ocr page 62-The specimen clearly deviates from the typical rotomagense in
that the increase of the cross-section of the convolutions is too
The proportion
Cross-section of the mouth
Cross-section of the entire shell
of my specimen is ^ and of those of d'Orbigny it is This
proportion in the specimens mentioned by Pictet (6o pl. XXV
fig. lb) approximates more closely that of mine.
So my fossil shows close affinity to Acanthoceras rotomagense,
but differs from it especially as it possesses a median carina instead
of a median row of nodes. Therefore it is not impossible that
we have to deal with a variety of Acanthoceras rotomagense. In any
case our specimen resembles more Acanthoceras rotomagense than
the one from Palestine figured by Taubenhaus (71, pl. I fig. 3).
The second fossil has been preserved much worse, but shows
conformable features, so far as one may observe.
Both specimens were handed to me by childern from Shefeya.
The findingplace was not known to them, but the limestone has
the appearance of the yellow limestone of the upper-Cenomanian.
A mmonite (indeterminable).
In the Senonian chalk of Shefeya there occur fragments of
closely ribbed Ammonites {Crioceras ? Hamites ?). The ribs are
not dichotome.
Baculites sp.
Lit.: (51) p. 438. pl. X fig. 1—7, p. 442. pl. X fig. 8, 9.
Only one fragment, resembling Picard's Baculites falestinensis
or Baculites asfer Morton. Findingplace: 1500 m. NNW. of Bureika,
in Senonian chalk.
Nerinea requieniana d'Orb.
Lit.: (loa) p. VIII fig. 13, (16) p. 144, VIII (IV)
fig. 65, 66, (43) p. 395—396. pl. XV fig. 1—4, (44c) Tome 2. p. 94, 95.
pl. 163 fig. 1—3.
The very characteristic forms agree well with the descriptions
and representations of Bullen Newton (43) and Blanckenhorn
(16) and with the material of the geological department of the
Hebrew University. Several of my specimens show a pecuharity
which has not been mentioned in the literature above cited: from
the mouth to the top they first increase slightly m transverse
diameter and a httle before the middle this diameter begins to
decrease in a normal way. The largest specimen is 20 cm. long.
Findingplaces: i) Western slope of El Mitaman'a in fhnty porous
limestone (Cenomanian), and in blocks tumbled down on the
path near the foot of this slope. 2) Somewhat E. of the curve of
the path 800 m. N. of Shefeya in beds between quot;Mizzi Heluquot; and
the overlying crystaUine hmestone (Turonian). 3) 400 m. SE. of
Kh Manara, in well stratified fhnty limestone (Cenomanian).
4) 300 m. N. of Kh. Esh Shuna on the main-road in white porous
quot;Melekequot; (Cenomanian). 5) Between the ruins of Kh. Shefeya
and Shefeya in the quot;Mizzi Heluquot;. 6) At the foot of the western
slope of El'Arnin W. of 'Ein Ghazal (boulder). 7) Between Es
Salmaniyat and El Murabba'a in quot;Mizzi Heluquot; (Turoman). 8) On
the western side of the plateau N. of El Murabba'a in quot;Mizzi Hdu''
(Turonian). 9) Near the northwestern edge of the fir-wood NW. of
Shefeya in quot;Mizzi Heluquot; (Turonian). 10) Near the origm of Wadi
El Hinu near Shefeya in quot;Mizzi Heluquot; (Turonian). 11) In the
wadi on the northwestern side of Jabal ez Zakhuri in quot;Mizzi Helu
(Turonian). 12) Upwards of 300 m. E. of Kh. es Suwamir m the
wadi, in flinty yellow limestone (Cenomanian). 13) About 600 m.
W. of Shefeya in white crystalline hmestone (Turonian). 14) Finally
in a fragment of coral-hmestone, upwards of 1200 m. SE. of 'Em
Ghazal, probably originating from the E. and of Turoman age.
Nerinea subgigantea Blanck.
Lit.: (9) p. 50, 51, (16) p. Vn (III) fig. 58, 59a-b, (17)
p. 10, (18) p. 270.
Large animals, which have never been found completely; near
the base they are 3 cm. thick. Findingplace: on the western slope
of El Mitaman'a and in loose boulders near the foot of this slope
in flinty porous limestone (Cenomanian).
Nerinea '^notlingi J. Boehm.
Lit.: (i6) p. 152, (22) p. VII fig. 8, 10, 10a.
Close to the N. of Umm el Jarab there occur small Gastropoda in
the quot;Mizzi Heluquot;; the cross-section of the chamber of one specimen
is similar to that of Nerinea cochlaeformis Conr.; the last convolution,
however, was entirely unlobated. The external side of the convo-
lutions is concave. All these features tally rather well with the
description of Nerinea notlingi Boehm. The specimen being in-
complete, I give this determination with some reserve.
Nerinea sp.
Indeterminable fragments from: i) Kh. Shefeya, from white
crystalline hmestone (Turonian). 2) White porous quot;Melekequot; W.
of Bir Jabir (Cenomanian). 3) Near the northwestern side of the
fir-wood NW. of Shefeya from quot;Mizzi Heluquot; (Turonian). 4) 700 m.
W. of Shefeya from white crystalline limestone (Turonian).
Cerithium aff. elias Boehm.
Lit.: (16) p. 162, (22) p. 217. pl. VI fig. 6-
One little cast, 12 mm. long; differs from the typical form de-
scribed by Boehm owing to the smaller number of spiral-hnes on
the convolutions and by a fine granulation of its ornamentation.
Findingplace: Cenomanian, porous, flinty hmestone on the western
side of El Mitaman'a.
Cerithium spec. Picard.
Lit.: (52) p. 517, 518. pl. XXI fig. 4.
Two specimens, very similar to the forms found by Picard
near Hassan er Raai. The longitudinal little lines are somewhat
less visible. Findingplace: Senonian chalk of Shefeya.
Actaeonella salomonis Fraas.
Lit.: (16) p. 180. pl. X (VI) fig. 112—114, (22) p. 217. pl. V fig. 7,
(28a) p. 240. pl. IV fig. I.
Generally well preserved specimens. Findingplaces: i) The
■Cenomanian, flinty, porous limestones on the western slope of
El Mitaman'a, as well as in boulders near the foot of this slope.
2) The layers between quot;Mizzi Heluquot; and the white crystaUine
limestone which lies on it (Turonian), of the northwestern side
of the fir-wood NW. of Shefeya. 3) Perhaps the layers between the
yellow Rudist-limestone and quot;Mizzi Heluquot; (Cenomanian-Turonian)
of El Murabba'a.
Actaeonella sp.
Trochactaeon specimens with sharper tops than those of Actaeo-
nella salomonis, occur in rather well stratified flinty limestones
300 m. SE. of Kh. Manara (Cenomanian).
Nerita aff. mundae Sharpe.
Lit.: (25).nbsp;. ^
The cast has a diameter of 19,6 mm. and consists of a spiral,
increasing rapidly in breadth, which consists of 3 convolutions,
having an entirely depressed umbihcus. The animal is ornamented
with radial costae which are slightly crenelated (different from
the hterature). These costae do not cover the last convolution
entirely; they begin on the first convolution, and continue to
about half-way down the last, strongly inflated, convolution.
Downwards there follow rows of separated tuberculae, which are
partly intercalated between the costae (the number of the rows
of tuberculae, however, is larger than the number of costae).
The mouth has not been preserved. Findingplace: yellow Ceno-
manian Rudist-limestone, SW. of Abu Qanatir.
Levantina caisareana (Parr.).
Lit.: (I) p. 55- pl- X fig. 7—8-
Findingplace: Red sand from the quarry of Atht (Palaeohtic
and recent).
Melanopsis huccinoidea Oliv.
Lit.: (44a) p. 813. pl. XXIII fig. I, (57) P- 125-127. pl. 8
fig. 28—42.
Findingplace: Kabara (recent).
-ocr page 66-lamellibranchiata.
Pecten {Vola) shawi Perv.
Lit.: (i8) p. IX fig. 24a, b. pl. X fig. 75 (pars), (34) p. 130,
(37) pl. 12, fig. 13, (70) pl.XI fig. 16, (72) p. 115. pl. XVIII fig. 4a-h.
The features of the costae are not entirely clear everywhere.
Findingplaces: i) Grey dolomite of the northwestern side of Zichron
Jaacov. 2) White marl on the main-road from Zichron Jaacov
to the railway-station. 3) Yellow limestone near the top of the
slope of Khallat et Tina. 4) Yellow limestone upwards of i km.
SW. of 'Ein Ghazal. 5) Several places in the grey dolomite about
500 m. NW. of Zichron Jaacov. 6) Grey dolomite on the southern
side of the main-road from Zichron Jaacov to the railway-station;
all from the Cenomanian.
Pecten Ikarmeliticus Blanck.
Lit.: (18) p. 190. pl. VIII fig. 23a, b.
Only one specimen, which is badly preserved, slightly concave,
especially near the beak. The furrow on the base of some of the
middle costae is striking. (Blanckenhorn's specimen has such
a furrow on only one costa which lies near the middle). Size about
5x5 cm. Findingplace: white, porous limestone (quot;Melekequot;) 300 m.
N. of Kh. Umm el 'Alaq (Cenomanian).
Pecten {Vola) sp.
Breadth near the base (the lowest part has been broken off):
4,5 cm. height 3,8 cm. Cast of flat shell with 21 radial costae; the
breadth of all is nearly equal, decreasing towards the beak.
The middle costae are straight and higher; the lateral costae are
slightly concave towards the external side and lower. Ears are
not visible, lines of growth are not present. Findingplace: Grey
dolomite of the southern side of the ruins in the wadi between
Shefeya and El Fureidis.
Pecten sp.
Size: Breadth 5 mm., height 7 mm., angle near the beak 30°.
From the base up to the middle of the shell there are 11 narrow
radial little furrows, which near the middle are somewhat more
separated from each other than on the sides. Ears not visible.
Findingplace: Shefeya (Senonian), one specimen.
Pecten {Entolium) sp.
32 X 32 mm.; entirely smooth, very faintly concave, thin sheh.
The upper edges of the ears form an angle of nearly 180°. SheU
rather circular, with weak lines of growth. The angle near the
beak is slightly smaller than 90°. Findingplace: Yellow limestone
500 m. S. of the firm of Paster (Cenomanian).
Pecten indet.
Indeterminable rests from the following localities: i) White,
porous hmestone of Bir Jabir. 2) Fhnty hmestones of the western
slope of El Mitaman'a. 3) Yellow hmestone 500 m. S. of the stone-
works of the firm of Paster. 4) White, crystalline limestone (quot;Me-
lekequot;) more than i km. E. of 'Ein Ghazal. All these fmds originate
from the Cenomanian.
Gryphaea vesiculosa Sow.
Lit ■ (18) p. 200. pl. IX fig. 42—43. (37) P- 69- pl- XI fig. 8—10,
(50) p. 41, (60) (Sème série) p. 3quot;. pl. CXCIV, (70) pl. X fig. 17-22.
Many specimens of the large variety mentioned by Blancken-
horn from Carmel. Findingplaces: i) Everywhere in the Ceno-
manian flinty limestones between El Fureidis and Kh. Es Su-
wamir. 2) Moreover in the Cenomanian fhnty hmestone on the top
of El Mitaman'a.
Alectryonia carinata (Lam.)
Lit.: (18) p. 198, (30) p. 9. pl. LXXIVfig. 6, (60) (sème série)
p 277
Both valvae are considerably vaulted, 8 cm. long and strongly
ribbed. Findingplaces: i) Yellow hmestone of Khallat et Tina
2) Yellow hmestone on the pathway to 'Ein Ghazal, N.W. of El
Murabba'a. 3) Yellow hmestone in the wadi-bottom i km. W. of
Shefeya. 4) YeUow hmestone i km. SW. of Es Salmaniyat; all
from the Cenomanian.
Exogyra columba (Lam.).
Lit.: (i8) p. 201, (30) p. 34. pl. LXXXVI fig. 9, (37) p. 60. pl. 10
fig. 8—10, (67) p. 73, 74, (70) pl. 10 fig. 4, 5, 8, 9, 14—16, (72)
p. 123. pl. XLX fig. 2, (74) p. 427. fig. 786.
Size of the specimens only 2 cm. and smaller. Findingplaces:
i) Grey dolomite 800 m. E. of El Fureidis. 2) Yellow limestone
800 m. WNW. of Zichron Jaacov. 3) Yellow limestone of Umm et
Tos. 4) Yellow limestone more than i km. SE. of 'Ein Ghazal.
5) Yellow limestone of Abu Qanatir. 6) Flinty limestone SE. of
Kh. Manara (?); all from the Cenomanian.
Plicatula reynesi Coq.
Lit.: (18) p. 193, (37) p. 58. pl. 12 fig. 15, (70) pl. XI fig. 21—23.
Only one specimen, having somewhat fewer ribs than are visible
on the figure by Lartet. Findingplace: Grey dolomite near
the mouth of the wadi between Shefeya and El Fureidis (Ceno-
Chondrodonta munsoni (Hill).
Lit.: (18) p. 204, 205, (20) p. VIII fig. I, 2, (21) p. 174.
pl. IV fig. 1-3.
Fragments with radial ribs, always without chondrophore. The
ribs of all samples (also the samples of Blanckenhorn) are closer
to each other than in the typical forms.
Findingplaces: i) White porous hmestone (quot;Melekequot;) of Bir
Jabir. 2) Problematical fragments from yellow limestones of
Khallat et Tina; all from the Cenomanian.
Indeterminable fragments from the following localities: i) Yel-
lowish to white crystalline limestone of Jabal ez Zakhuri (Turo-
nian). 2) Variegated, yellow limestone in the wadi-bottom of the
wadi running from N. to S. between Shefeya and El Fureidis
(Cenomanian). 3) Flinty limestones SE. of El Fureidis (Cenoma-
nian). 4) Yellow limestone of the northwestern side of Zichron
Jaacov (Cenomanian). 5) Variegated yellow limestone near the
church-yard of Zichron Jaacov (Cenomanian). 6) Yellow limestone
E. of Umm et Tos (Cenomanian). 7) Yellow limestone 600 m. S.
of the stone-works of the firm of Paster (Cenomanian).
Protocardia hillana (Sow).
Lit.: (18) p. 244, (37) P- 53 pl-12. fig. 9gt; (44b) p. 867-868. pL
XXVII fig. 2, 3, (70) pl. XI fig. 5.
Good specimen from the Cenomanian marl-bed on the mam-
road from Zichron Jaacov to the railway-station.
Cardium pauli Coq.
Lit.: (18) p. 230, (37) pl. XI fig. I, 2, (70) p. 53. pl- 12 fig. 6.
Beautiful cast 7,5 cm. high, 5 cm. broad. Findingplace: White
Cenomanian marl on the main-road from Zichron Jaacov to the
Unoceramus Uynchi Com.
Lit.: (18) p. 183. pl. VII fig. 11-13.
With regard to the shape, the animal has but little resemblance
to an Inoceramus. The (only) specimen has badly crumbled off
along its base. It is a right-hand shell, 3 cm. broad and nearly 3 cm.
high The shell is considerably arched and is provided with 18
strong concentrical costae. The area is smooth and is provided
with a small wing. The lunula is smooth as well and also has traces
of a small wing. The rim of the hinge is straight. Findingplace:
yellow limestone 800 m. NW. of Shefeya (Cenomanian).
Area }delettrei Coq.
Lit.: (18) p. 212. pl. X fig. 60.
Cast corresponding with that of fig. 60a in (18). One beak has
been broken off. Findingplace: white Cenomanian marls on the
main-road from Zichron Jaacov to the railway-station.
Area trigeri Coq.
Lit.: (18) p. 212, 213. pl. X fig. 61—63.
Beautiful cast of left-hand shell, the ornamentation of which
is clearly visible (about 100 thin radial costae, crossed by hnes
of growth). Straight, taxodont hinge. Findingplace: i km. SW.
of Abu Qanatir, yellow limestone (Cenomanian).
Leda perdita Conr.
Lit.: (i8) p. 2IO, (37) p. 50. pl. 12 fig. i, 2, (52) p. 521,
XXI fig. II, 12, (70) pl. VIII fig. I, 2.
Several well determinable specimens, from the Senonian chalk
of Shefeya.
Pholadomya vignesi Lartet.
Lit.: (loa) p. 94, V fig. 14—17, (18) p. 261, 262, (67) p. 83,
84. pl. IV fig. 24, (70) pl. XI fig. 9.
Two bad casts, showing the reticular ornamentation, pictures
of which have been given by Shalem and by Blanckenhorn.
The concentrical structure predominates, however. Findingplaces:
i) Yellow Hmestone i km. SE. of 'Ein Ghazal (Cenomanian). 2)
Wadi I km. WNW. of 'Ein Ghazal, yellow limestone (Cenomanian).
Trigonia sp.
Typical specimens of Trigonia. Area smooth, concave; concen-
trical costae slightly bent, finely crenelated. Angle near the beak
about 60°; length (from the beak down to the the base) 5 cm.
Findingplace: i) Yellow limestone 200 m. N. of Zichron Jaacov
(Cenomanian). 2) Yellow Hmestone of Khallat et Tina (Cenoma-
Caprinula Icedrorum (Blanck.) fig. 5.
Lit.: (18) p. 224, (27) p. 64, 65, 66, fig. 59, 60, VI fig. i.
(See moreover: Douvillé, Etudes sur les Caprines, Bull. S.G.F.
(3) XVI, 1888, p. 707—708, pl. XXII Caprinula boissyi d'Orb.).
Moderately well preserved lower shell of a genuine Caprinula.
The shell is bent like a horn. The greater part of the marginal
canals of the inside row is still present. These marginal canals have
a polygonal cross-section. One may see on the ventral side, that
the marginal canals on the forepart are larger than those on the
hindpart. (O n the forepart minimum cross-section: 2 mm and
on the hindpart maximum cross-section: 1,5 mm.) Moreover there
are some smaller canals on the external border of the ventral side,
mtercalated between the marginal ones. Whereas the marginal
canals of the ventral side form only one row, the structure of the
dorsal side is much more complicated. On the dorsal side the cross-
section of the polygonal marginal canals varies between 3 mm.
and I cm. They have an irregular shape and m a cross-section,
they form in some places one row, elsewhere two or more. Moreover,
on the dorsal border outside the larger marginal canals we find
a row of extremely small peripheral ones; on the forepart even
two layers. The cross-section of these peripheral canals varies
between i mm. and J mm.
The situation of the cardinal apparatus is analogus to that of
Cafrinula boissyi d'Orb. The oma of our specimen possibly
consists only of one cavity, and therefore is different from that
of Caprinula boissyi. The hindpart of the ligament is folded mward
towards the front. The mp is not clear and probably runs from
the P towards the middle of the ventral side of the sheU. The
anterior alveole of the o m p is smaller than in most of the re-
presentations of Caprinula boissyi. The other parts of the cardinal
apparatus can hardly be determined. The figures of Caprinula
boissyi are more hke mine, than those of Caprinula cedrorum by
Diener and Douville (27). Findingplace of the specimen described
above (the best one found by me): about iioo m. WNW. of Umm
el Jarab, in yellow hmestone (Cenomanian). Other locahties:
i) 800 m. NW. of Umm et Tos in white crystalline hmestone
(Cenomanian). 2) Yellow limestone on the northern side of Er
Riba'at (Cenomanian).
Eoradiolites syriacus Conr.
Lit.: (18) p. 225, 226. pl. XI fig. 93—96, (35) whole text. pl. XIV
fig- I, (45) P- 33- pl- III fig- 10.
Findingplaces: i) grey dolomite SW. of km. 38 of the railway
(Cenomanian). 2) Flinty limestones of the western slope of El
Mitaman'a (Cenomanian). 3) Yehow limestone i km. NW. of
Shefeya (Cenomanian). 4) Yellow limestone on the plateau between
Abu Qanatir and El Murabba'a (Cenomanian).
(The rest of the Rudists are too badly preserved to be determined).
Dentalium cretaceum Conr.
Lit.: (16) p. 123. pl. V (I) fig. i.
Several compressed, but well-determinable specimens from the
Senonian chalk of Shefeya.
Dentalium octocostatum Fraas.
Lit.: (16) p. 123. pl. V (I) fig. 2—8.
Only one lower end which has been broken off; from the Senonian
chalk of Shefeya.
Hemiaster (?) saulcyanus d'Orb.
Lit.: (loa) p. 67, 68, (15) p. loi—103. pl. VIII fig. 31, (44c) Tome 6
p. 258—259. pl. 890 fig. 1—8.
Rather numerous specimens. Here are some dimensions:
Length......36,5 34,5 27,5 mm.
Breadth.....36,5 32,5 25,5 „
Height......24 21,9 17,5 ,,
-ocr page 73-6i
In spite of the fact that several of the specimens found by me
generally show the properties mentioned by Blanckenhorn,
there occur little divergences now and then: the foremost pair
of ambulacral furrows of several specimens is clearly longer than
the hindmost pair, and the greater part of my specimens are
moreover more angular and oblong than the Hemiaster saulcyanus
d'Orb. described and represented by Blanckenhorn. These two
facts point to a transition into Hemiaster saulcyanus d'Orb. var.
batnensis Coq. Hardly any of my specimens, however, may be
looked upon as belonging to this variety, since the apex hardly
ever hes in the centre, but on the forepart, which is — according
to Blanckenhorn —characteristic for Hemiaster saulcyanus. (The
angle between the foremost pair of ambulacral furrows is, moreover,
too large for var. batnensis). The above-mentioned facts demon-
strate that a gradual transition exists between the two forms.
Worthy of iiote is that my forms show clear differences in height.
The angle between the hindmost pair of ambulacral furrows
is variable. None of my specimens belong to the related Hemiaster
syriacus Conr., which has, according to the figures of Blancken-
horn, no furrow on the anal side. Hemiaster luynesi is broader and
thick.' Findingplace: Cenomanian marls on the main-road from
Zichron Jaacov to the railway-station.
Hemiaster (?) saulcyanus var. batnensis Coq.
Some specimens from the same locality, which show the following
points of resemblance, should be considered as belonging to this
variety: foremost pair of ambulacral furrows longer than the
hindmost pair, angle between the foremost ambulacral furrows
between 90° and 100°, apex nearly in the middle.
Discoidea ? sp.
One specimen, badly preserved. The ambulacral fields are nar-
rower than those of Discoidea ? dendroides Blanck. (15, p. 93
pl VII fig. 93). A reconstruction of the animal shows that it
consists of a hemisphere, the intersection of the ambulacral fields
lying on the pole. Diameter: 9 cm. The boundary-hnes of the
ambulacral plates form an acute angle with the ambulacra. Fin-
dingplace: flinty hmestones near Kh. es Suwamir (Cenomanian).
Spines of Echinoidea fig. 6.
Lit.: (33) pl. 13 fig. 5, (46) p. 200 [orig. Atti Soc. Ital. Sc. Nat
61, 1922, p. 72] (47) p. 9—12. pl. 4 fig. i-_i6.
In the shdes of the quot;Kurkarquot; there sometimes occur pecuhar
circular little figures, consisting of 3 concentrical circlets, the two
external ones being joined one to the other by radial httle pillars,
the two internal ones having only traces of such little pillars. The'
core may be filled with calcareous material. The middle circlet
has small thickenings on the spots where the radial pillars intersect
it. The size is about 0,3 mm. This httle figure corresponds entirely
with the cross-sections made by me of recent Spatangus~s.^mes, of
adult specimens, and with the figure by J. Pia (47). Oblique and
lengthwise sections are also to be found in the slides, from which
it may be concluded that the smah quot;pillarsquot; are in reahty longi-
tudinal quot;lamellaequot;. Moreover it is pecuhar that the optical axis
of the Calcite-crystalls lies lengthwise in the small pillar, a fact
which is also mentioned by Pia and which is also to be seen in the
cross-sections of my Spatangus.
Good cross-sections of this type are to be found near Kh. es
Shomarya and elsewhere (similar little spines also occur in the
dune-sands, probably they are spines of Echinoidea just as weU).
Another type consists of a circlet with regular radial lamellae,
thinning out towards the centre. The core is filled with very porous
material. Such a type corresponds somewhat with cross-sections
of fcÄmMS-spines. Findingplace: also Kh. Esh Shomariya and
Alveolina sp.
In two spots in the quot;Mizzi Heluquot; I found some nearly globular
Alveolinae. Such globular Alveolinae were already found once
by Fraas (28a, p. 227. pl.. II fig. 8 a, b, c) in about the same level
near Jerusalem (Fraas mistook them for Nummulites). Afterwards
Gümbel called them Alveolina fraasi Gümbel (31, p. 251, 252).
My specimens, however, do not belong to this species, the number
of the chamberlets of each convolution being too small. My specimens
resemble much more the Tertiary Alveolina ovulum Stäche. Cross-
section 3,2 mm.; the length of an other specimen is 1,7 mm. Fin-
dingplaces: i) Umm el Jarab (Turonian). 2) 700 m. E. of Es Sal-
maniyat (Turonian).
The other Foraminifera either have not been determined as to
their species, or they are recent and very common.
1.nbsp;M. Avnimelech, Studien über Landschnecken Palästinas. Arch.
Molluskenk. 65. 1933, p. 49—70.
2nbsp;.--Ueber Pteropoden von Syrien und Palästina. Eclogae
geologicae Helv. Vol. 29. 1936, p. 209—211.
3nbsp;.--Études géologiques dans la région de la Shéphélah en
Palestine. (Thèse). Grenoble, 1936.
4.nbsp;M. Avnimelech, L. Doncieux et L. Picard. Sur la découverte
d'une série nummulitique au S. E. du Mont Carmel en Pa-
lestine. C. R. S. de la Société géol. de France. No. 3, 1936,
p. 41—43.
5.nbsp;M. Avnimelech, quot;Geological foundations to the development
of the region east of Lyddaquot; (Hebrew) quot;Ha-sadehquot; Tel
Aviv. 1936.
6.nbsp;Bellardi, Cat. ragion. dei fossih numm. d'Egitto. Mem. della
Reale Accad. Torino (2) 1855, t. XV, p. 171—203.
7.nbsp;G. S. Blake, Geology and Water Resources of Palestine.
Jerusalem, 1928.
8nbsp;.--The Mineral Resources of Palestine and Transjordan.
Jerusalem, 1930.
The Stratigraphy of Palestine and its Buildingstones.
Jerusalem, 1936.
10nbsp;.--Old Shore Lines of Palestine. Geol. Mag. I^ndon, Vol.
LXXIV. 1937, p. 68—78.
loa. M. Blanckenhorn. Beiträge zur Geologie Syriens. Die Ent-
wicklung des Kreidesystems im Mittel- u. Nord-Syrien.
Cassel, 1890.
11nbsp;.--Geologie der näheren Umgebung von Jerusalem. Zeit-
schrift des Deutschen Palästina Vereins XXVIII. 1905, p.
12.nbsp;- Neues zur Geologie Palästinas und des ägyptischen Niltals.
Zeitschrift der Deutschen geol. Ges. Bd. 62 Abh. 1910, p.
13- M. Blanckenhorn, Kurzer Abriss der Geologie Palästinas.
Zeitschr. des Deutschen Paläst. Ver. XXXV. 1912, p.
113—139. Taf. III, IV.
14nbsp;.--Das Danien in Palästina mit der Leitform Pecten obrutus
Conr. Zeitschr. der Deutschen geol. Ges. Bd. 67. 1915, p.
15nbsp;.--Die Seeigel der Kreide Palästinas. Palaeontographica.
67. 1925, p. 83—113.
16nbsp;.--Die fossilen Gastropoden und Scaphopoden der Kreide
von Syrien-Palästina. Palaeontographica. 69. 1927, p. iii—
17.nbsp;- Geologie Palästinas nach heutiger Auffassung. Zeitschr.
des Deutschen Paläst. Ver. 54. 1931, p. 3—50.
18nbsp;.--Die Bivalven der Kreideformation von Syrien-Palästina.
Palaeontographica. LXXXI. A. 1934, p. 161—302.
19nbsp;.--Ueber die Faunen der Syrischen Kreide, des Eocäns und
Oligocäns. Zentralblatt für Min. Geol. u. Pal. Abt. B. 1935.
p. 148—161.
20.nbsp;G. Boehm, Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Kreide der Südalpen.
Palaeontogr. XLI. 1894—95, p. 82—147.
21.nbsp;- Beitrag zur Ghederung der Kreide in den Venetianer
Alpen. Zeitsch. der Deutschen geol. Ges. XLIX. 1897, p.
22.nbsp;J. Boehm, Ueber cretaceische Gastropoden vom Libanon und
vom Karmel. Zeitschr. der Deutschen geol. Ges. 52. 1900,
p. 189—219.
23.nbsp;H. B. Brady, Report on the scientific results of the voyage
of H. M. S. Challenger. Zoology — Vol. LX. part XXII.
Foraminifera. 1882—1884.
24.nbsp;J. Cadisch, Ein Beitrag zum Calpionellen-Problem. Geol.
Rundschau. Bd. XXIII. 1932, p. 241—257.
25.nbsp;P. Chofeat, Receuil d'Études Palaeontologiques sur la Faune
Crét. du Portugal. Commiss. du service géologique du Por-
tugal. Vol. I. Série 3 et 4. Lisbonne, 1901—1902.
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1878, p. 257—391.
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Bd. XL. 1916, p. 533—582.
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32.nbsp;H. Guthe, Palästina. Monographien zur Erdkunde. 1927.
32a. H. Harrassowitz, Zwei Palästina-Böden. Zeitschr. des Deut-
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33.nbsp;E. Hesse, Die Mikrostruktur der fossilen Echinoidenstacheln
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Geol. Pal. XIII. Beil. 1899—1901, p. 185—264.
33a. C. Hintze, Handbuch der Mineralogie. Berlin u. Leipzig.
33amp;. A. Holmes, Petrographie methods and calculations. Part II.
34.nbsp;W. Hoppe, Jura und Kreide der Sinaihalbinsel. Zeitschr. des
Deutschen Palästina Ver. Bd. 45. 1922, p. 61—219.
35.nbsp;F. Klinghardt, Die Stammesgeschichthche Bedeutung, innere
Organisation und Lebensweise von Eoradiohtes lyratus Conr.
sp. Palaeontographica Bd. 72. 1929, p. 95—loi.
36. R. Koppel, Palästina.
37 L Lartet, Essai sur la Géologie de la Palestine, etc. Ann. Sc.
Géol. Paris. L 1869, p. 1-116, HL 1872, p. 1-98 (Art. 5).
38.nbsp;G. M. Lees, The chertbeds of Palestine. Proc. Geol. Assoc.
XXXIX. 1929, p. 445—462.
39.nbsp;Löhnberg-Löwenstein, Die geoelectrische Hydrologie als
Teilgebiet der Analyse des Untergrundes. Beiträge zur ange-
wandten Geophysik. 1936.
40.nbsp;Stefan Löwengart, Zur Geologie der Küstenebene Palästinas.
Centraiblatt f. Min. Geol. Pal. Abt. B. 1928, p. 498—519-
41 E. C. J. Mohr, Ergebnisse mechanischer Analysen tropischer
Böden. Bull, du Dép. de lAgriculture aux Indes Néerlan-
daises. No. XLVII. 1911.
42.nbsp;_ Over zandonderzoek. Gedenkboek van Junghun. 1910.
42a. M. Neumayr, Die Ammoniten der Kreide und die Systematik
der Ammonitiden. Zeitschr. der Deutschen geol. Ges. Bd.
43.nbsp;R. Bullen Newton, On some cretaceous shells from Egypt.
Geol. Mag. (4) V. 1898, p. 394-403-
43«. P. Niggli, Gesteins- und Mineralprovinzen. Bd. I. 1923.
43Ô. _ Zur Deutung der Eruptivgesteinsanalysen auf Grund der
Molekularwerte. Schweiz. Mineral, u. Petr. Mitteilungen. Bd.
VII. 1927, p. 116-133-
44a F. Nötling, Ueber die Lagerungsverhältnisse einer quartären
Fauna im Gebiete des Jordantals. Zeitschr. der Deutschen
geol. Ges. XXXVIII. 1886, p. 807—823.
_ Entwurf einer Ghederung der Kreideformation in Syrien
und Palästina. Ibid. p. 824—875.
44c. A. d'Orbigny, Paléontologie française. Terrains crétacés.
Tome I. 1840. Tome II. 1842, Tome VI. 1853.
45. C. F. Parona, Richerche sulle Rudiste e su altri Fossili del
cretacico superiore del Carso Gorisano e dell'Istria. Memorie
deir Institute Geologico della R. Universita di Padova.
Vol. VII. 1926.
45«. W. Petrascheck, Die Ammoniten der sächsischen Kreidefor-
mation. Beiträge zur Paläontologie und Geologie Österreich-
Ungarns und des Orientes. Bd. XIV. 1902, p. 131—162.
46.nbsp;J. Pia (R. Raineri), Alghe Sifonee fossili della Lybia. Atti Soc.
Ital. Sc. Nat. 6i. 1922, p. 72 (Corresponding with the report
in „Neues Jahrb.quot; 1925, B. II, p. 200).
47nbsp;.--Calcareous green Algae from the upper cretaceous of
Tripoh. Journal of Palaeontology. 10. 1936, p. 3—13.
48.nbsp;L. Picard, Sur le Cénomanien du Carmel (S. E. d'Haifa). C. R.
Acad. des Sciences. 183. 1926, p. 895—898.
49nbsp;.--Ueber die Verbreitung des Pliocäns im nördlichen Paläs-
tina. Centralblatt f. Min. Geol. Pal. Abt. B. 1928, p. 326—335.
50nbsp;.--Zur Geologie der Kischon-Ebene. Zeitschr. des Deutschen
Palästina Ver. 51. 1928, p. 5—72.
51nbsp;.--On upper cretaceous (chiefly Maestrichtian) Ammonoidea
from Palestine. Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist. (10) III. 1929,
P- 433—456.
52nbsp;.--On upper cretaceous (chiefly Campanian and Maestrich-
tian) Gastropoda and Pelecypoda from Palestine. Ann. and
Mag. of Nat. Hist. London (10) V. 1930, p. 513—543-
53nbsp;.--Geological Researches in the Judean Desert. Jerusalem,
54nbsp;.--Tektonische Entwicklungsphasen im nordhchen Paläs-
tina. Zeitschr. der Deutschen geol. Ges. Bd. 83. 1931, p.
55.nbsp;- Zur Geologie des mittleren Jordantales. Zeitschr. des
Deutschen Paläst. Ver. Bd. 55. 1932, p. 169—237.
56nbsp;.--Zur postmiocänen Entwicklungsgeschichte der kontinen-
talbecken Nordpalästinas. Neues Jahrbuch f. Min. Geol.
Pal. Beil. Bd. 70. Abt. B. 1933, p. 93—115-
57nbsp;.--Mollusken der levantinische Stufe Nord-Palästinas (Jor-
dantal). Arch. Molluskenk. 66. 1934, p. 105—139.
58nbsp;.--and P. s0l0m0nica, On the Geology of the Gaza-Beer-
sheba District. Bull. 2 Geol. Dep. Hebrew Univ. 1936.
59nbsp;.--On the Structure of the Arabian Peninsula. Bull. 3 Geol.
Dep. Hebrew Univ. 1937.
60.nbsp;F. J. pictet, Matériaux pour la Paléontologie Suisse. 2ème
série 1858; 5ème série 1868.
61.nbsp;P. Range, Die Geologie der Küstenebene Palästinas. Zeitschr.
der Deutschen geol. Ges. Bd. 73. Monatsberichte. 1922, p.
62nbsp;P Range, Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse einer geologischen For-
schungsreise nach Palästina im Frühjahr 1928. Zeitschr. des
Deutschen Palästina Vereins. Bd. 55- i932, P- 42—74-
63nbsp;A Reifenberg, Bodenbildung im südl. Palästina in ihrer Be-
ziehung zu den khmatischen Faktoren des Landes. Chemie
der Erde 3. 1927, p. 1—27.
63a C Schlüter, Cephalopoden der oberen deutschen Kreide.
Palaeontogr. Neue Folge. Bd. 1. Erste Lieferung. 1871,
p. 1—24.
64nbsp;R Schnetzer, Nummuhten und Orbitohnen aus dem Gil-
boagebirge in Palästina. Mit einem Beitrag: Zur Geologie des
Gebietes zwischen Gilboa und Wadi Fara (L. Picard). Cen-
tralbl. f. Min. Geol. Pal. Abt. B. Jahrg. 1934. P- iQ—33-
65. N. Shalem, II Cenomaniano ad occidente di Gerusalemme.
Boll, della Soc. Geol. Ital. XLIV. 1925, P- i55—170-
66«.__Sopra alcuni Basalti della Palestina. Boll, della Soc.
Geol. Ital. Roma. XLVI. 1927, p. 51—66.
666.__La Creta superiore nei dintorni di Gerusalemme. Ibid.,
p. 171—192.
6nbsp;7__Fauna nuova cenomaniana delle Argille verdi di Gerusa-
lemme. Boll, della Soc. Geol. Ital. 1928, p. 69—108.
68nbsp;A silvestri S.O., Revisione di orbitoline Nordamericane.
Memorie deUa Pont, academia dele Scienze Nuovi Lincei.
Vol. XVI. Roma, 1932, p. 371-389-
69.nbsp;A. T. Strahorn, Agriculture and soils of Palestine. The geogra-
phical Review. New York, October 1929, p. 581—622.
70.nbsp;R. Sverdlov, Principels of Geology (History of world and hfe)
(Hebrew). 1936.
71 Haim Taubenhaus, Die Ammoneen der Kreideformation Pa-
lästinas und Syriens. Zeitschr. des Deutschen Palast. Ver.
XLIII. 1920, p. 1—58.
7ifl. W. Ehrenreich Tröger, Spezielle Petrographie der Eruptiv-
gesteine. Berlin, 1935.
7iè G W Tyrrell, Pleistocene and Recent Basalts of Transjor-
dania and Palestine. Geol. Mag. Vol. LXVII. London, 1930,
p. 408—415.
72.nbsp;K. ZiTTEL, Die Bivalven der Gosaugeb. in den nordöstlichen
Alpen, Denkschr. der kaiserl. Ak. der Wissensch. Wien,
24—25, 1866.
73nbsp;.--Beiträge zur Geologie und Paläontologie der Lybischen
Wüste und derer angrenzenden Gebiete von Ägypten. Pa-
laeontogr. Bd. 30. 1883, Teil I.
74nbsp;.--Grundzüge der Palaeontologie. L Invertebrata. 1924.
-ocr page 83-CONTENTS.
Situation and topography of the region.....
History of the geological investigation of the hills
Stratigraphy of the hilly country........
The upper cenomanian basalts and tuffs ....
Stratigraphy of the coastal plain.......
Structure and geological history........
Palaeontology .................
Literature ...................
. 'Ti
.r ... .
. ■ r.i
V ,
■ •:. ■ ■ quot;Si
-ocr page 85-STELLINGEN
De jonge kustzanden tusschen JuHanehaab en C. Farvel (Z.
Groenland) zijn in twee sediment-petrographische provincies te
scheiden: le. in een noordelijke Amphibool-provincie, 2e. in een
zuidelijke Granaat-Hyperstheen-provincie. Het eerste mineraal
stamt uit Juhanehaab-granieten, het tweede en derde uit oude
Het is niet waarschijnlijk, dat het klimaat van Palestina en
Z. Syrië zich gedurende het Quartair belangrijk heeft gewijzigd.
(L. Picard, Proc. of the Prehist. Soc. for 1937 p. 58—70).
C. E. Wegmann's opvatting dat de depressie der landopper-
vlakte van centraal Groenland ouder is dan het landijs, berust op
plausibiliteitsgronden; de juistheid van zijn opvatting is moeilijk
te bewijzen.
(Mitt. der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Schaffhausen XIII 1937
No. 3, Seite 15—23).
E. Kraus' bedenkingen tegen de opvatting van E. Seidl aan-
gaande de plooiing der Alpen zijn gerechtvaardigd.
(Z. D. G. G. Bd. 86, 1934, S. 699—701).
O. Flückiger heeft niet bewezen dat buitrotsen en ribbelingen
analoge verschijnselen zijn; hij bewijst wel dat buitrotsen geen
afgeschuurde prae-glaciale uitsteeksels zijn.
(Peterm. Mitt. Ergänz. Bd. XLVIII 1934, Heft 218, S. 1—26).
j. vroman
-ocr page 86-ÄI
Trechmann's argumenten voor veranderingen van het Idimaat
van Malta gedurende het Quartair, zijn weinig overtuigend.
(Geol. Mag. Vol. LXXV 19.38, p. 1—26).
Het voorvoegsel ,,alkaliquot; heeft voor het woord ,,bazaltquot; een
andere beteekenis dan voor het woord ,,gabbroquot;.
Het is niet waarschijnlijk dat de Middel-Atlantische Oceaanrug
zijn ontstaan heeft te danken aan het omhoog dringen van simatisch
materiaal zooals Stille vermoedt.
(Geotektonische Probleme im atlantischen Räume 19.37. Bericht
über den Verlauf der Feier 250. Wiederkehr usw.).
1 . --.i. ••:-.' 't- . ■'■■: ; quot; ,
...... -v,nbsp;• . •
é-yr-.quot; :
IR* , ;
Zichron J33coy
10 o O O
quot;Hur/(arquot; Eocene. Eocene-
ini Inbsp;Upper- Lower- Jlo7o?T?ife
...........Pra-^v^ffquot; Turoman
~ oonbsp;I
('M/zziMe7uquot;} Cenomj7?/sr?.
H M ^ ^
D W^Z-fW /^/n/y- Bdsalis and
Ye/Zoivflu- L/n?es/one Tufts.
c/ts^ -LJmesfone.
-ocr page 92-0
IS scale.
clay, marl. boulvei^s.
Form V 44.
Treatment Centres. |
Idenlification Number at Centre. |
1st Centre ................................................. 2nd „ 3rd ............................ | |
^ n .................. 4th „ .................................................... 'ith | |
•J V .................................................. fith | |
quot; » ................................................... 7th „ ..................................... Rth | |
quot; .............................................. | |
This card must be presented, |
Ce carnet doit être présenté, |
l 7420 '28
-ocr page 95-I.nbsp;The abbreviations B; S; C;
are employed to indicate the
different affections treated (see
Ministry of Health Circular 634).
The Medical Officer in charge
of the case will strike out those
not affecting the patient.
II.nbsp;In recording the results of
the Bordet-Wassermann tests the
notation recommended by the
Health Committee of the League
of Nations should be used viz.:—
for strongly positive;
for positive to a degree
which is diagnostic;
1 for doubtful; and
— for negative.
If possible, the method of test
employed should be indicated,
in brackets, after the result.
III.nbsp;In the column headed
„Treatment and Observations,quot;
the nature and the doses of the
drugs prescribed are to be inser-
ted; also the method of adminis-
tration, the following abbrevia-
tions being employed, viz.:—
V. for the intravenous method
M. forthe intramuscular method
O. for administration by mouth
F. for inunction.
IV. When a patient embarks he
should be informed, if possible,
of the address and the hours of
consultation of the Treatment
Centre at his port of destination.
I. Les abréviations B; S; C;
servent à désigner les diverses
affections traitées (voir Vocabu-
laire Médicopharmaceutique). Le
médicin traitant rayera celles dont
le malade n'est pas atteint.
U. En notant les résultats des
réactions Bordet-Wassermann,
faire usage de la nomenclature
suivante que le Comité d'Hygiène
de la Société des Nations a
racommandée :—
pour réaction fortement
pour réaction positive permet-
tant d'établir un diagnostic;
^ pour réaction douteuse; et
— pour réaction négative.
Où possible, indiquer, après le
résultat et entre parenthèses, la
méthode adoptée.
III. Dans la colonne intitulée
„ Traitement et Observations,quot;
inscrire la nature et les doses
des médicaments prescrits; ainsi
que le mode d'administration, en
employant les abréviations :—
V. pour la voie intraveineuse;
M. pour la voie intramusculaire;
O. pour la voie buccale;
F. pour la voie cutanée (frictions).
IV. Lorsqu'un malade s'embar-
que, l'adresse du Centre de Traite-
ment du port de destination et
les heures des consultations lui
seront, si possible, indiqués.
Diagnosis (g. g ^^ Laboratory Examinations.
Diagnostic 1 ' ' ' Examens tie laboratoire.
Material Examined. * Result {see Note 11. on page 2).
Prod, examinées. * Résultat (voir Note II. page 2).
1nbsp; Blood; cerebro-spinal fluid; pus; serum.
Sang; Liq-cephalo-rachidien; pas; sérosité.
Treatment and Observations.
Traitement et Observations.
Name of Centre.
Nom du Centre.
Name of Centre.
Norn du Centre.
Treatment and Observations.
Traitement et Observations.
Date. |
Name of Centre. |
Treatment and Observations. |
Treatment and Observations.
Traitement et Observations.
Name of Centre.
Nom du Centre.
Treatment and Observations.
Traitement et Observations.
Name of Centre.
Nom du Centre.
Name of Centre.
Nam du Centre.
Treatment and Observations.
Traitement et Observations.
Name of Centre.
Nom du Centre.
Treatment and Observations.
1 Traitement et Observations.
This card is issued to sailors for the purpose of securing continuous
treatment which is free of cost at many ports. It should be carefully
kept by the sailor. At many of the principal ports there are Centres
at which this treatment can be carried on. The address of the Treat-
ment Centre and the hours of attendance can be learned on appli-
cation to the Port Sanitary Authority or to any of their officers.
Le présent carnet est remis aux marins en vue de leur assurer un
traitement continu et gratuit dans les différents ports. Il devra être
conservé soigneusement. Dans chacun des principaux ports se trouve
un Centre de Traitement. L'adresse de ce Centre de Traitement et les
heures où l'on peut s'y présenter peuvent être demandées aux médecins
sanitaires ou à n'importe quel officier du port ou des douanes.
Diese Karte wird den Matrosen zugestellt um ihnen eine ununter-
brochene und in vielen Häfen kostenfreie ärztliche Behandlung zu
gewähren. Der Matrose soll sie sorgsam aufbewahren. In jedem
bedeutenden Hafen befindet sich ein Centraibureau für diese Behand-
lung. Die Adresse des Centraibureaus und die Besuchstunden sind
von der Hafenverwaltungsbehörde oder von irgend einem der Beamten
Quest o „carnetquot; è rimesso alla genie di mare allo scopo di gar entire
la cura, senza interruzione e gratuita net diversi porti. Il „carnetquot; deve
essere conservato accuratamente. In ciascuno dei porti principali si
trova un Centra di Cura. L'indirizzo di questo Centro di Cura e
l'orario nel quale è consentito di presentarvisi, possono essere richiesti
ai medici di porto od agli ufflciali di porto o della dogana.
El presente carnet es remitido a los marinos con el fin de asegurarles
un tratamiento, continuo y gratuito, en los diferentes puertos. Debe
ser conservado cuidadosamente. En cada uno de los puertos principales
se encuentra un Centro dé Tratamiento. Las senas, o lugar de este
Centro de Tratamiento, y las horas en que se paeden presentar,
alli, pueden ser preguntadas a los médicos sanitarios, o a cualquier
oficial del puerto o de las aduanas.
Dit boekje wordt aan de zeelieden uitgereikt om hun een voort-
durende en kostelooze behandeling te verzekeren in de verschillende
havens. Het moet zorgvuldig bewaard worden. In ieder der voor-
naamste havens bevindt zich een Centraal Bureau voor de Behandeling.
Het adres van dit Bureau en de uren waarop men zich kan melden,
kunnen aan de havenartsen of aan ieder ander arts, verbonden aan
de haven of aan de douane, gevraagd worden.