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Gentleman's Stable Dire£tory.
¥ty NINq-H EDITION\nptb Enlarged*
f Price Six Shillings |n boards,, or Seven Shillings bou,id. J
©nteica at ^tarioBfM l^-"v'f--
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Considerably enlarged, and carefully corrected.
Gentleman's Stable Direftory;
0 R,
OF                 '
Prefent e?iiire improved Mode ofPraBice:
All the molt, valuable prescriptions and approved remedies,
accurately proportioned and properly adapted to every known
disease to which the HORSE is incident.
Interfnerfed with occasional remarks upon the dangerous and
almoii obfolete practice of Gibson, Bracken, Bartlet>
Csmer, and others.
A!fo directions for feeding, bleeding, purging and
getting into condition for the chase.
To *which are no-zv added,
Containing experimental Obfervations upon the Management c.c. Draft
Houses, their Blemishes and Detects.
Sir JOHN LADE, Bart.
By W I L L I A M T A P L I N, Surgeon.
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•i o
Sir JOHN I^ADEy Barh
fnr^HE very diftinguimed character;
I and eminent fituation you fup^
port in the /porting world, to the
great pleafure and admiration of thole
who furround you in the field and ac-
company you in the chafe, will, in
the opinion of every experienced
sportsman, fufficiently juftify the
confiilency and propriety of inferibing
to you this earneft endeavour to refcue
from the frequent and dread/ul effects
ofsTABULARiAN ignorance, and em-
pirical confidence, the future eafe,
and prejervation, of an animal
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( * 5
that not only conftitutes to every
sportsman one of the nobleft
bleflings in life, but, in the fplendour
of your Jiitdy JIables, and equipage^
affords ample difplay of your taste,
a gratification highly flattering, that I
have the prefent opportunity to fub-
fcribe myfelf,
With refpe£t and admiration,
Sir John,
Your moil obedient^
And very humble fervant,
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C vii )
To tub 'REAPER
V /
T would be a tacit acknowledgment of
the author's total infenfibility to every
gratification of ambition, was he to omit the
communication of acknowledgments that, in
their general diffufion, contribute fo very much
to his own honour. And he mud ever con-
fider it no fmall compliment to his endeavours
that the work is univerfally known to have
been crowned with the mod perfect fuccefs,
The very great and almoft unlimited portion
of fupport that has fo Angularly fandtioned its
birth, fufficiently demonflrates the abfolute
Want of fuch publication.
This pleafing incenfe to literary vanity
could be increafed only by the conftantly
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riii          To the R E A D E R,
accumulating encomiums, and moji Jubftantid
proofs of private approbation, from fome of
the firft, characters within the circle of The
Royal Hunt
and Favour. Sportfmen, the pro-
pitious omen of whofe patronage not only
' reflects rays of additional honour, but whofe
judgment, equeftrian knowledge, and prac-
tical experience, jointly eftablifh a criterion of
equity that will ever render the author invul-
to the barbed and envenomed arrows
of menjlrual criticifm.
The rapid circulation of EIGHT hrgQ
impreffions has forcibly influenced the author
to make fuch additions and improvements
as will, he has every reafon to believe, render
it of ftill greater utility by the introdticlion of
many ufeful obfervations for the prefervation of
health and promotion of condition, as well as the
treatment and cure of difeafe.
The proper management of draft horfes is
more particularly attended to, their blemimes
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To the READER.           ix
and defects are in many inftances evidently
accounted for, and the modes of prevention,
in general, clearly pointed out. Several effica-
cious prefcriptions are likewife added, and a
variety of ufeful inductions introduced, for
the diftincl: and feparate information of metro-
politan jockies, juvenile purchafers,
and inex-
with very interefting hints
for the purpofes of buying andjelling, including
(among many other ftriking and advantageous
particulars) a fuperficial furvey of that immacu-
mart of integrity—A Modern Repofitory.
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{ » )
IT is a truth generally acknowledged and
univerfally lamented that, amidfl: all the
improvements of the prefent age, none has re-
ceived fo little advantage from the rays of re-
finement as the Art of Farriery. And, it mull
be likewife confeffed, it is an ill compliment to
a country abounding with [port/men, and thofe
remarkable for their extreme liberality, that
the intellectual faculties of many diftinguifhed
members of the different learned focieties mould
be abforbed in abftrufe contemplations and
intenfe lucubrations upon the antiquity of a coin
the probojcis of an elephant, the genus of an ex-
or the beautiful variegations of a butterfly;
whilft a branch of fcience and ftudy, involving
the health, fafety, and prefervation, of the
mod beautiful and efteemed animal this king-
dom has to boail, is neglected as derogatory to
A 2                            the
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xii                 PREFACE.
the dignity of a man of letters; and, from this
miftaken idea of degradation, a fubjecl of (o
much confequence has been for many years
fubmitted to the arbitrary dictation of the mofl
illiterate part of the community, without a
iingle effort of weight or influence to aboliih
the ancient and almoft obfolete mode of prac-
tice -} or a iingle attempt made, from proper au-
to introduce the modem improvements
and difcoveries in every branch of medicine.
It is moil: certain there is no one period of hif-
tory where the horfe has been ranked fo high
in general eftimation, or rendered of fuch in-
trinsic worth, by a difplay of his various
powers, as in the prefent age of experiment
and refinement.
this paufe may undoubtedly be attrr-
•eat atenrion pa 1 for fome
the oret-d of thf diftincT: and fe-
< lafH for the turf, field, roaa, or draft;
a it vrilu- h. ■-,., in a vej ■•• Chort fpace of
abi lately doubled their former worth,
• we osght to be proportionally anxious
foi :heir prefervation whether for [port, con-
ve tnce
or emolument. The almoft incredible
j umber of this truly valuable part of the crea-
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PREFACE.              xiii
tion that annually fail victims to the invinci-
ble confidence of thofe rufticfons of Vulcan,
felf-denominated farriers, (with the thunder
of whofe ignorance almoft every village re-
founds), has for years feemed to implore the
affiitance of fome intelligent member of fociety
to come forward; and, by blending the ad-
miniftration of medicines with a practical
knowledge of their properties and effects, refcue
the poor fufFering animals from the conftanf,
invariable, and unrelenting, depredations of
illiterate practitioners and experimental per/e-
Well aware of the arduous talk of attempt-
ing to eradicate vulgar and habitual prejudices
in favour of ancient practice, or the improba-
bility of reconciling attachments of long {land-
ing to the rational fyftem of modern competi-
tion ; and the little chance of exploding entirely
the heterogeneous and inconfiftent farrago (6
long in ufe, univerfal fatisfaclion is not to be
expected, or approbation obtained. But when
a clear, open, and candid comparifon is drawn.
by the more enlightened, between the accu-
mulation of contrarieties in the laboured pre-
fcriptions « of Gibson and Bracken," with
A 3                        the
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xiv               PREFACE.
the indigefted obfervations of the more intel-
ligent, though lefs prolix and digrefiive,
" Bartlet," the leafl doubt is not enter-
tained but every degree of favour will be (hewn
to a fyftem of pra&ice founded on reafon, fup-
ported by experience, and juftified hy a general
knowledge of medicines, their principles, pro-
perties, preparations
and effe&s.
To difpel the gloom of ignorance from the
brow of obftinacy would be a tafk of Her-
culean labour j I therefore wave every idea
of animadverfion upon the intuitive knowledge
of thofe, who, wrapt up in the warm and happy
confolation of their own wifdom, never fuffer
their folid'judgments to be warped by the iri-
trufion of new opinions; and proceed to make
the neceffary remarks upon the qualifications
of thofe country praditioners who rank very
high in self-estimation.
And fuch obfervations as are rendered un-
avoidable fhall occasionally appear with all
poffible delicacy, wifhing to irritate, as little as
may be, the feelings of any individual, whofe
want of cultivation and improvement mud be
considered a misfortune, not a crime; but, in
7                                           whofe
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PREFACE.              xv
^hofe deficiency of profeffional knowledge
confifts thfe danger which fo often occurs and
expofes him to that labyrinth of perplexity,
that dilemma of diftrefs, from which no bril-
liant fertility of genius, no idea of the ftruc-
ture of parts, no correfponding knowledge of
medicines, or their effeas, can poffibly arife to
extricate him, vvhilft the fuffering animal (in
perhaps the moft excruciating agonies) expires
at the feet of this " learned judge" jury, and
Experience juftifies the affertion, that nine
times out of ten the complaint (if internal)
remains a matter of hypothefis and conjecture,
without one explanatory note, fentence, firug,
or ejaculation, by which we may be led to
underftand or difcover the caufe: but, as pro-
feffional ftupidity rnuft be defended, we are
at laft told (with a fyftematic fimplicity and
vacuity of countenance) " the horfe is in a
" great deal of fain."
This firft point being (not without fome dif-
ficulty and feeming depth of thought) at length
difcovered, the remedy is then to be obtained;
and as, in general, cowards once pumed on
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xvi                PREFAC E.
become bold in proportion to the danger, (o
according to the exigency, fome powerful
" Mcmdragora" of the " Materia Medico" is
inflantly procured; and, as reputation muft be
fupported, (o " kill or cure," (time out of mind
the ancient and modern medical motto) is
compulsively adopted, and the whole arcana'
of equeftrian knowledge is let loofe, from the
very limple preparation of " fugar fops," to the
more remote, active, and dangerous mercury,
till relief is fortunately obtained, or the falling
favourite expires, in tortures, a martyr to the
ignorance of the practitioner and the credulity
of its owner!
To corroborate this fadl one felf-evident ob-*
fervation only is neceflary to give it due weight,
in opposition to a mind even prejudiced againft
the innovations of improvement in practice
or rectification in judgment". For inflance—Is
it poffible—can it (after a moment's reneclion)
be fuppofed—that thefe men, totally unculti-
vated in underftanding and the moft, common
occurrences in life, whofe minds are as rude and
uncivilized as their manners, can be at all con~
verfant or acquainted with the different pro-
perties, qualities, operations
or effects, of a long
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PREFACE.               xvii
"ft of medicines, to all of which they are
"rangers even in appearance, pofTefling no
other knowledge of the very articles fpecified
out what they have acquired from books and
prefcriptions, long lince become obfolete and
ufelefs from their inefficacy ? Can they be ex-
pected to underftand the chemical procefTes of
mercury antimony, and other dangerous medi-
cines they conftantly put into ufe, vvithout
knowing their origins, preparations, combina-
tion of principles, or the exact line of diftinc-
tion that renders them falutary remedies or
powerful poifons I
It is alfo highly neceftary to introduce a
matter perfectly applicable to the fubjecl: of in-
veftigation, as an impofition very little known
(except to the faculty); and is a palpable dif-
grace to that body, of which every profeffor of
medicine constitutes a member. It is the com-
mon and fcandalous adulteration of drugs, a
practice too prevalent amongft the druggijls in
the metropolis, as well as the country; who,
from the predominant paffion of gain, fo curi-
oufly adulterate, as to deceive even thofe who
confider themfelves adepts in deception. And
this, to be the better enabled to underfel their
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xviii            PREFACE.
competitors, convinced, by experience, the ma-
jority of farriers admit the medicines that
can be purchafed cheapest to be much the
Thefe circumftances are not introduced or
hazarded as matters of opinion, but as palpable
facts that fpeak home to every reader of judge-
ment or experience; and fufficiently indicate
the neceffity of circulating, from medical au-
thority, the prefent improved fyftem of modern
compofition, univerfally adopted and generally
approved, to the approaching extermination of
empirical practice and danger out experiment.
This publication being undertaken to render as
plain and familiar as poffible a fubject that has,
through almoft every differtation, been obfcur-
ed by the mijl of ignorance and majk of myjleryi
it is anxioufiy to be defired in future, that every
gentleman who has occafion to elucidate or illu-
Urate his own underlfanding, by calling to his
affiflance any of the learned tribe before de-
fcribed, fo remarkable for their extent of com-
munication, will (previous to their adminiftra-
tion of medicine) require an explanatory pre-
lude, with fatisfadory information upon what
operations they frame their expectations of re-
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PREFACE.                xix ■
lief and fuccefs. With the very neceffary and
additional recommendation, to be particularly
careful to obtain their medicines from Difpen-
of refute, where the -proprietor is report-
ed or fuppofed to have formed a fair, honour-
and equitable contract with emolument and
And this caution is rendered more irrfme-
diately worthy confideration, by the multipli-
city of fpecious advertifements fo conftantly
held forth to promote the lucrative fale of
innumerable balls, pstvders, and pa/les, indivi-
dually infallible for every diforder to which
the horfe is incident. But what renders the
circumftance ftili more extraordinary, is their
being prefcribed and prepared, by thofe very
metropolitan practitioners in medicine, whofe
equeftrian pofieffions never amounted to a
Jingle Jleed; whofe journies or experimental
practice, never exceeded the diurnal progref-
iions of a hackney-coach; and whofe great
anxiety for the general good never furpaffed
the idea of cent, per cent, in the circulation.
This obfervation comes with a much better
grace, when I can affure the public one of
the very firft advertifers in this way was a
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xx              PREFACE.
medical adventurer, who having failed as a
fharmacopolift at the weft end of the town
(as did his fucceffor alfo), they, in rotation,
adopted the alternative of neceffity, in pom-
poufly advertifing " Horfe medicines for the
" ufe of the nobility and gentry;" how well
they fucceeded the creditors of both can mojt
teftify;: and of their compofitions the
reader will be beft enabled to form a compe-
tent opinion, when, in the courfe of the work
Tjojlrums and quack medicines become the ne-
cefiary fubje&s of animadversion.
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( xxi )
              -               r
Cracks, &c.
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T — — -
Poll Evil,
Navel Galls,
Pleurify, &c.
Broken Wind,
. -
Staggers, &c.
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Flatulent Cholic,
Inflammatory Cholic,
Scouring or Loofenefs,
Molten Greafe,
Strangury, &c. &c.
Difeafes of the Eyes
Mallenders,         -
Sallenders,         -
Lampas,           -,
Quitter,         -
Curbs,           -
Ringbones,         -
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T H "
Modern system
'""jrVHE very great difcoveries made in the
■*- prefent century have certainly extended
to every art and fcience that could be mate-
rially improved by intenfe ftudy and applica-
tion j and to none more than the adminiftra-
tion of medicine, and its effects upon the
human body, by fomc of the mdft learned
men in every part of Europe: and, from the
rapid and univerfally acknowledged improve-
ments in this fyftem, the moil admirable ad-
Vantages have been obtained, and incredible
cures performed. In fuch general refinement,
the ancient mode of practice is not only ex-
ploded, but its origin and advocates nearly
buried in oblivion. Thofe flupendous folios,
B                          the
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the voluminous herbals in the libraries of the
botanical votaries, have reluctantly given place
to various differtations on the diftinguifhed
efficacy of thofe grand fpecifics, mercury', opium,
antimony, bark,
&c. of which fo many expe-
rimental and efficacious preparations have been
difcovered by chymical procefs, as to render
of little ufe or refpect any prefcription of
ancient date, when put in competition with
the rational and approved fyflem of modern
improvements. The obflinate and invincible
advocates for the ancient mode of practice,
whether in phyfic or farriery, are at length
obliged to acquiefce in the change; for, what
they by inclination were not willing to ac-
knowledge, TIME, TRUTH, and EXPERIENCE,
have fully confirmed. But, ftrange as it may
appear (yet mamefully true it is!) notwith-
ftanding this rectification of judgment, very
little has yet been done to improve, or pro-
duce a change in the long ftanding, abfurd>
and ridiculous SYSTEM of FARRIERY;
a change as equally necejfary, juji, laudable,
and ufeful, as any that can be adopted
for the general fafety and advantage of our
own fpecies. And this becomes more necef-
farily and immediately the obje6l of ferious
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OBSERVATIONS.              3
^onfideration, when circumftances daily evince
to the medical practitioner (or compounder of
Prefcriptions) the very great danger to which
*ome of the finest horses in the world are
conrrantly expofcd, by the ignorance and obfti-
nacy of the parties to whofe care they are too
generally intrufted; every stable boy, aping
the groom his fuperior, and the groom the
Jelj-injlracled farrier, all have their heads
and pockets ftufFed with the quinterTence of
ftupidity, collected from the various produc-
tions of antiquity, whofe very prescriptions
are in themfelves fo obfolete, that many of
the articles included have been long fince re-
jected as of no utility. But, as variety mud
he obtained to effect the neceffary purpofe, the
mvention is inftantly fet at work to fubflitute
new ingredients, for thofe long fince aban-
doned as fuperfiuous and unnecefTary, in me-
dicinal compofition. Thefe alterations and
fubftitutes frequently form a mofl curious col-
lection of contrarieties—purgatives and rejlrin-
gents, cordials
and coolers, mercurials, antimo-
and diuretics, are indifcriminately blended
in one mafs, as a fpecimen of thefe wonderful
improvements in the ART of FARRIERY!
And thofe who are mofl acquainted with this
B 2
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4             OBSERVATIONS.
practice wonder lead how the dog-kennels
in every part of the kingdom are fo amply fur-
nifhed with horse flesh.
As an elucidation of this circumftance, and
to corroborate the confiftency of thefe obfer-
vations, we need only advert to the treatment
of the human fpecies in the time of that lumi-
nary, the famous Sydenham, who wasfo much
the celebrated favourite of his day, it was al»
mofi: fuppofed he could do no wrong. It being-
then a common practice of his—to order boldly
THIRTY ounces of blood to be taken from
the arm of a man, without fear of murder, or
danger otpunijhment. And this is not altogether
likely to create wonder, when we recollect
there is no law exifting to hang a phyfician for
error in judgment. Time and experience has
fixed the ftandard, according to cafes, circum-
ftances, and exigencies, from six ounces to
sixteen, which is nearly one half the original
evacuation j fo that we find by this change of
quantity the modern human body is fuppofed to
contain no more than one half the proportion
of blood that ran in the veins of the heroes of
antiquity, unlefs the whole fyftem is entirely
changed, as obferved by Gregory, in the Mock
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OBSERVATIONS.             5
^°ctor, who fays " The heart was for-
cc merly on the left fide, but the COLLEGE
have altered all that, and placed it on the
" righC
To produce a cafe exactly fimilar in the
World of Farrtery, let us take a furvey
of the medical abilities of Gibson, who cer-
tainly wrote much better on the fubjecl: than
Bracken ; where we mail find ordered, in a
fingle prefcription for a purging ball, two ounces
of aloes
, with the addition of the other ufual
purging articles, though modern practice and
experience fixes the eftablifhed proportion at
exactly half, or at moft. five eighths, to the
ftrongeft horfes, with the cathartic aids before
mentioned. He alfo moft courageoufly re-
commends half an ounce of calomel, or fublimed
in a fingle ball j and fpeaks of the
internal adminiftration of moft powerful poi-
fons, corrofrae fublimate, or red precipitate, as a
matter of courfe: the proportion for a dofe
being curioufly afcertained by the fublime
menfuration of a " filver two-pence," as if a
premium had been abfolutely provided by an
aa of parliament
for the general extirpation of
the breed of HORSES, as defiruclive to the
B 3
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6             OBSERVATIONS.
interefts of fockty. Though, after prefcribing
thefe dreadful remedies, he modejily confeffes
'* in the adminiftration there is great danger j
" and, unlefs a horfe is very ftrong, he may
tl not be able to recover from the experi-
*c ment."
This is dot~irine (and doBoring) with a wit-
nefs! Thefe are the kind of experiments^ and
this the kind of language that has for two
centuries been held forth in almoft every trad
upon the fubjec"t: and, under thefe abfurd, ridi-
culous, dangerous, and contemptible burlef-
ques upon the application of medicine, will
any man, who wifhes well to the caufe of
humanity\ fay fame rational fyftem of redifi-
cation and improvement is not neceffary, to
refcue from the danger of perpetual experi-
ments the nobleft and moft valuable quadruped
in the creation!
The palpable neceflity for fuch improve-
ment having been univerfally admitted previous
to the fir ft edition of this work, it is Jince ren-?
dered more abfolutely needful by the recent re-
furredion of ancient practice, modernized in a
different form and periodical appearance. It has
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OBSERVATIONS.            7
e^idently undergone a kind of regeneration by
*ts new birth, and is now become the child of
adoption; fanftioned with the authority of a
nominal voucher for the confifiency of its imper-
fections, and the propriety, of introducing the
irjoft incredible accumulation of prefcriptive
abfurdities that ever difgraced a medical work
offered to public infpedlion for the purpofe of
information. And what renders the impofi-
tion of ftill greater magnitude, is the very con-
fidential manner of proclaiming to the world
what every profeffor of medicine will inftanta-
neoufly refufe hid afTent to the belief of, viz.
that it is the joint production of an operative
farrier, phyficians, anatomifts, and profeffors
of furgery.
The talk of criticifm muff at all times be an
"npleafant performance, but much more par-
ticularly upon the prefent occafion, where it
WlH be abfolutely impoffible for me to difcharge
my obligation to an indulgent public (with
the necefTary precifion and impartiality) with-
out encountering, by this decifion, the pique or
refentment of all parties interefted in the fate
of fuch publication, or its effect upon the mul-
titude. However, the predicament I now
B 4                      ftand
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8              OBSERVATIONS.
Hand in compels me to proceed to a thorough
explanation, feeling myfelf pledged by a public
promife not only to inve/ligate, make' clear,
and endeavour to explode, the cruelties of an-
cient practice, but to point out the equal dan-
ger of modern compojitlon even in its infancy $
more particularly when ufhered into the
world by fuch high founding authority as
may give it temporary weight with unthinkr
ing injudicious readers, or experimental ad-»
Previous to farther animadverfion upon the
elaborate periodical work in queftion, I mail,
without the leaft intentional gratification of my
own vanity, offer to the prefent reader one
congratulatory fa£t beyond the p wer of
fophijiry to confute, or criticifm to condemn.
Amidft the paltry productions that b<'ve been
obtruded upon the public under various titles
(thofe fervile imitations or wretched, mutila-
tions of what have gone before) it is a mofl
flattering circumftance to the author, and no in-
different confolation to the publisher, that this
will ever fupport itfelf upon the bans of
its own origin. The great fuccefs and rapid,
circulation of the former editions have totally
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OBSERVATIONS.              9
exculpated every page from the leafr. accufa-
tion of plagiarism, as it will be found to differ
Very materially from other publications upon the
faint [\ bjeft, and the exaSi reverfe of thofe in
circ;•].. ion. The iludious inquirer will be mod
feriouf.y difappoirited if he expects to find in
the/e pages a literal imitation and repetition of
Gibson's anatomical ftrodture, with the iden-
tical plates
and corresponding referrences, or a
dangerous combination of deftruclive articles
heterogeneoufiy blended and cruelly applied.
Saying thus much to corroborate the intent
and meaning of our own work, it becomes
immediately applicable to repeat our affertions
reflecting the danger of others; particularly in
thofe truly wonderful prefcriptive parts, fo mo-
affirmed to be the conjunctive efforts of
learned phyjicians, Jludioiis anatomijh, and pro-
in furgery. That the practical know-
ledge of thefe tiominal phyucians '*' in buckram"
has far exceeded every thing prefcribed before
their time, the magnitude and almoft unlimited
number of dangerous articles introduced in
their recipes will Sufficiently demonftrate to
thofe who are fo truly unfortunate as to have
the perufal fall to their lot; but more particu-
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io            OBSERVATIONS.
lary thofe who Still more unfortunately fall
into the practice.
It is impoffible (without taking too much
time from the reader, or too much room in
the work) to indulge a moSl predominant wiSh
of enlarging upon the unaccountable abfurdi-
ties and aftoniShing proofs of ignorance in the
properties,'power, and ufe of medicine, that
might be juftly quoted (from this mon/irous
of modern instruction) to refcue from
the rapacity of literary imposition that clafs of
mankind who fo frequently become the dupes
of fpecious plaufibility. Jis it would afford
but little information or amufement to enume-
rate the follies or copy the illiterate prefcrip-
to juftify my own obfervations, or court a
coincidence from others, I (hall content my-
felf with oneafluranceto the public, that, hav-
ing taken the opinions of fome of the faculty,
(upon the recipes already promulgated in the
trifling part of the production hitherto gone
forth) they perfectly agree with me—there are
a variety introduced that would in a very few
hours inevitably reliete the Subject from every
of future pain, Juffering, or d\jquie-
I Shall
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OBSERVATIONS.              n
* mall only convey an oblique hint at thofe
catchpenny mifts, or abridgments, from the
authors before fpoken of, pubiimed under the
titles of " Ten Minutes Advice j" " The
: Pocket Farrier," &c. &c. and proceed to
a few obfervations upon the wonderful difcove-
ries, prolix defcriptions, tedious digrejjions,
aftsnijhing tales, of Henry Bracken (medi-
cinae do&or), who, to his diploma, which he
boafts of in his preface, adds the ftrangeft com-
plication of language, for a medical author
and phyfician, that ever difgraced a candidate
for critical direction. However bad the com-
pliment may be to my own underflandjng, or
largely it may tend to difplay my want of
tafte, I can neither condefcend to imitate him
in the' fublimity of his flyle or the fertility
of his medical invention: nor mall I prefume
to copy fo great an original, by introducing
A Tale of a Tub" in every page foreign to
the matter in queftion, merely for the purpofe
of fwelling this work to a fize that may con-
tribute to us difgrace; referving to myfelf one
confolation—if it does not become entitled to
approbation for its utility, neither pique or pre-
(hail have juft caufe to condemn it for
jts prolixity.
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12              OBSERVATIONS.
It has been hitherto cuftomary, in the in-
trodudory part of trads upon this fubjed, to
enlarge upon the fhape, make, figure, and qua-
lifications, of a horfe for the turf, field, road,
6cc. And all this might be very applicable
and proper, even now could we for a moment
fuppofe that a fportfnian does not know a
horse from an ass, or that a gentleman at*
tends a repofitory, fair, market, or fale, with
a book in his hand, or his pocket, by way of
remembrancer. Exclufive of this confider-
ation, in the prefent rbge of refinement, we
are become fo truly enlightened, that every
juvenile devotee to Diana, who has juft efcap-
ed from the tender anxiety of his mamma, and
the fuccefsful attention of his tutor, talks loudly
and confidently of the "full eye" " /mall ear"
" deep chejl," « clofe fillet" " fiort back,"
" Jlrqng pa ft em," found hoof"
&c. In fhort,
all thofe qualifications that are at prefent uni-
verfally underftood, and in conftant requeiT,
by the beft judges, are very hard to obtain j
and it is by no means an uncommon thing to
obfcrve a horfe with very few good points, in
the pofTeffion of thofe we are apt to believe
(from a combination of circutnftances) have
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OBSERVATIONS.          ig
1E ]n their power to be much better accom-
Since the original publication of this work
objections having been ftarted to the above
mode of explanation, as not only too concife
for the magnitude of the fubjea, but equally
inadequate to the expe&ation of the young and
inexperienced, who become inquirers more
from the motive of information than amufe-
ment; I (hall endeavour to obviate that difap-
pomtment by entering more minutely into the
defcriptive qualifications, and clearly point out
the advantages arifing from circumfpeclion to
juvenile adventurers in the equeftrian field of
fortune. Exclutive of the before-mentioned
clafs of enlightened pupils, who have improved
their theoretic knowledge by practical expe-
rience and difquifition upon the well-worn
hacks of Eton, Oxford, and Cambridge, (en-
abling themfelves to animadvert upon fplents,
fpavins, windgalls, and {trains), it muft be
confeffed there are innumerable inferiors who
having unluckily no experimental knowledge
10 lmprove upon, no advantage to avail them-
felves of but literary inftrudion, or dear bought
experience, it is undoubtedly juft fuch advice
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i4            OBSERVATIONS,
fhould be inculcated as may tend to prevent
their becoming dupes to the various traps of
impofition eternally open to plunder the un-
In refpecT; then to the abfolute fhape^ make,
and figure, of a horfe", fuch rules (hall be laid
down for the felection, or choice in purchafe,
as it will be indifpenfably neceffary to adhere
to, if [peed, Jlrength or beauty (commonly
termed fafhion) are the obje&s of confider-
ation j though it may be juftly believed an al-
moft entire impofiibility" to procure a horfe
with all thofe points and advantages the eye of
caution and experience conftantly has in view.
In fuch furvey the primary and predominant
confideration (if found) is the ftate of age, but
much more particularly if required for imme-
diate ufe, at leaft that kind of ufe termed con-
flant work ; as no horfe whatever can be fup-
pofed adequate to fuch tafk at an earlier age
than rifing fix years.
To the very neceffary conviction of age mould
follow a moft minute and attentive infpeclion,
or rather ftridt examination, of thofe points
conflicting the diftinction between imperfec-
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OBSERVATIONS.            15
'ms> blemijhes, and defecls; in general doubt-
u% implied, and not always perfectly under-
wood, by the common affurance of '* Sound
wind and limb." To afcertain the veracity of
which technicalphrafeology much nicety of dis-
crimination appertains.
Amongft fportfmen (who arejuftly entitled.
to the appellation of gentlemen, and poflefs a
high and proper fenfe of honour and the prin-
ciples of equity) the general acceptation of the
word " found" has ever been, and JIM is, in-
tended to convey an honourable, unequivocal af-
furance of the perfect ftate of both the frame
and bodily health of the fubjecl without excep-
tion or ambiguity. It is meant to imply the
total abfence of blemifhes as well as defeds,
(unlefs particularly pointed out and explained);
and is really intended to confirm a bona fide
declaration of the horfe's being (at the time)
free from every imperfection, labouring under
no impediment to fight or aSlion. This is the
cftablifhed intent and meaning of the word
' found" amongft gentlemen and fportfmen; its
explication and various ufes, for the convenient
purpofes and impofitions of grooms, dealers,
black legst
and jobbing itinerants, is too perfedly
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i6             OBSERVATIONS.
underftood (by thofe who have run the gaunf«
let of experience and deception) to require fur-
ther animadveriion.
However, as you can but very feldom pof-
ies the good fortune to purchafe of a gentleman,
it will prove no contemptible practice to adopt
the fage old maxim, and " deal with an honeft
'* man as you would with a rogue j" this pre-
caution may prevent a probable repentance,
and palpably urges the neceffity of putting
your own judgment and circumfpedtion in
competition with the integrity of your oppo-
nent, however he may be favoured by fortune
or fanftioned by Jituation.
The prudent or experienced purchafer con-
fequently commences his talk of infpedlionv
with care, caution, and circumjpeSlion, firft ac-
curately afcertaining thejhape, make, bone, and
Jirength; collecting fufficient information from
iuch obfervation, whether his qualifications are
properly adapted to the purpofes of acquifition.
He fees him go all his paces, and forms his
own opinion upon each; or perhaps more judi-
cioufly avoids every poffibility of trick of decep-
by riding the horfe and thoroughly inves-
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OBSERVATIONS.             17
ll§atmg his properties; thereby efcaping bad
action, lamenefs, flatting, reflivenefs, and other
incidental imperfe&ions. He then mod atten-
tively proceeds to the more minute and necef-
*ary examination of the ftate of the eyes, wind,
Rnees} fplents, fpavins, windgalls, ringbones,
quittors, cracks
or greafe; defending laftly to
the feet, thereby avoiding corns, running thrufi,
and additional defeats that young and
^experienced purchafers frequently fuppofe
"nworthy confideration or refledion, facrificing
the whole at the flmne oifigure and fajhion.
In the choice and purchafe of a horfe, fe-
lecled for whatever purpofe, it is an invariable
and eftabliChed cuftom with the beft judges to
come as near the following points and advan-
tages as circumftances will permit, thereby
gaming in each an additional ftep to the fum-
mt of perfection. For the defired or intended
eig t, fize, and figure, being afcertained and
procured, all other neceffary points fo ftridly
correfpond (in a certain degree of uniformity),
that what gives fpeed and firength to a large
°rfe will proportionably contribute fiaular
advantages to a fmaller.
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i8             OBSERVATIONS.
To conftitute that uniformity the head and
ears mould both be fmall and fhort, with a
large full eye and open extended nofiril; a
long well proportioned neck, riling gradually
upon the withers, forming what is generally
termed " a fine forehand," having great depth
from thence to the point of the breaft, which
being wide affords ample proof of firength, as
does the neceffary declination of the moulder
(or blade bone) to the point of the withers
another of fpeed. This combination forms a
•well made horfe before, which is continued to
the remaining parts of the frame, by the backs
being fhort and even, not finking at all in the
loins, or rifing higher behind upon what is
termed " the crupper bone-" the carcafe fhould
be round, and well ribbed up to the hip bones,
(forming as trifling a hollownefs or concavity
in the flank as poffible) thefe being by no
means pointedly prominent. The legs mould
not be too long for the height of the horfe, but
fhort in the joints, and particularly fo upon
the paflerns.
Thefe inftrudionsrefpeclingyZw^, make, and
figure, will (with very few exceptions) prove
leading traits to the neceffary and defirable qua-
4                                         lifications.
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OBSERVATIONS.              19
locations. To afcertain the whole of which,
no invariable rules can be laid down as an in-
guide to certain perfection; for there are
many inftances of very well fhaped horfes hav-
ing proved indifferent goers, and others fo en*-
tirely crofs made as to poffefs hardly a good
point, being equal in action to fome of the
fined figures in the kingdom. Rules or in-
ftruclions thus liable to exception, (though they
are eftablifhed by cuftom, and in a great degree
juftified by experience), have yet fome claim
to contribution from the perfonal cbfervation
and deliberate judgment of the purchafer; for
furely it cad require no extraordinary portion
of genius, or extent of penetration,- to diftin-
guifh between " a good goer' and a bad one; if
fo, the adventurers may as probably fland in
need of an inftrudtor to point out the differ-
ence between a horfe and a mare.
Notwithftanding thefe inductions may con-
tribute to form the judgment of a juvenile
and inexperienced purchafer, yet he mould
never attempt to obtain a high priced horfe
from the hammer of a modern repofitory,
without the advantage of an affiftant, perfectly
adequate to the arduous tafc of difcrimination.
C 2
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2o          OBSERVATIONS.
Let it be remembered, at fuch mart of inte-
a horfe is feldom, if ever, difplayed in a
irate of nature;'he is thrown into a variety of
alluring attitudes, and a profufion oifalfefire,
by the powerful intermediation of art—that
predominant incentive the whip before, and
the aggravating ftimulus of the ginger behind,
(better underftood by the appellation of "fig-
giving to the horfe all the appearance of
fpirit, (in fa5l fear) that the injudicious fpec-
tator is too often imprudently induced to be-
lieve the fpontaneous effort of nature.
During the fuperficial furvey, in thofe few
minutes allowed for infpe&ion and purchafe,
much fatisfa&ory invefligation cannot be ob-
tained ; for, in the general hurry and con-
fufion of " (hewing out," the fhort turns and
irregular action of the horfe, the political and
occafional fmacks of the whip, the effedf. of
emulation in the bidders, the loquacity of the
orator, and the fafcinating flourifh of the ham-
mer, the qualifications of the object, is fre-
quently forgotten, and every idea of perfection
buried in the fpirit of perfonal oppolition.
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OBSERVATIONS.         zi
Such a combination of circumstances, tending
fo much to perplex and confufe, urges the ne-
ceflity of care, caution, and circumfpeaion.
The eyes of Argus would hardly prove too nu-
merous upon the occafion, a bridle being as
neceffary upon the tongue as a padlock upon
the pocket; for, amidft the great variety of
profeffional manoeuvres in the art ofhorfe deal-
a purchafer muit be in poffeffi on of a great
lhare of good fortune orfoundjudgment to elude
the xll effeds of deception and imposition j a
circumftance fo univerfally admitted that go-
vernment confidered a fubftantial tax no im-
proper compliment to their iniquities.
The infKtution was undoubtedly originally
g°od, and for fome years proved of the greateSi
public utilityj whether, like many other of the
moft Suable institutions, it has been prosti-
tuted to the worji ofpurpofes, remains with the
opinion of every reader to decide. For my
own part however highly they may be ex-
tolled, or extenfively puffed, by the parties in-
terested in their fuccefs, I muft confefs I am
never included within their walls but I con-
ceive rnySeif in the very centre of Chefterfield's
Mioflmquity, andconflder a/Whorfe
C 3                        from
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from a repofitory equally rare with a capital
prize in the lottery.
In the midft of thefe very neceffary confi-
derations it muft be remembered fuch heb-
domadal fales are not without their acknow-
ledged conveniences; for although they are
by no means calculated to buy at, they are moft
admirably adapted for Jelling, Here you may,
in compliance with cujiom and the full force of
fajhion, get rid of the blind, lame, re/live, broken
winded, Jplented, Jpavimd,
or glandered horfe,
without remorfe or fear of punilhment, The
feller, whether a nominal gentleman without
honour, or the dealer without principle, is en-
titled to every degree of duplicity he can bring
into practice ; they lay equal claim to the privi-
lege of obliquely puffing their own horjes (as
ftanders-by praifing their unequalled qualifica-
tions), and bidding for them with.a.l affe&ed
enthufiafm, thereby inducing the unwary to
proceed in the purchafe very much beyond the
intrinfic value. The credulous dupe becomes in
a fhort time convinced of the bubble, and is in
pofTeffion of no confolation bat the law of re-
taliation, by a repetition of transfer; neceffity
compels him to fell at the fame or ajimilar
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OBSERVATIONS.          23
market with an equal degree of deception, in
hich he now becomes initiated j and the per-
petual routine of crippled bojpitalhorfes is thus
Supported by the very predominant plea of
Theie fads being well eftablimed, and
amongft the experienced univerfally known,
it is generally admitted that the moft probable
method of acquiring a young, found, perfect
horfe, rauft be by purchafing in the country,
before they have made a " trading voyage" to
the metropolis; where, with the joint effedts of
indifferent riders, indolent grooms or ojliers, hot
flables, irregular feeds,
and the plentiful hay and
water fyftem that frequently conftitutes livery
fubfiftence, we foon perceive fluduating hu-
mours, depraved appetite, inflamed eyes, fwell-
ed legs, cracked heels, tender feet, and a mul-
tiplicity of thofe fable comforts that inftantly '
ftrike the eye of an experimental obferver,
when taking an occafional furvey of the public
tables in London; where they conceive they
execute every degree of equeftrian duty in the
*»gheft perfedion, though a lad, of even the
fcond clafs, from a common hunting liable in
C 4                            the
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24          OBSERVATIONS.
the country would inftantly demonftrate the
My very worthy and learned predeceffar
Bracken, in his digreffions for the public
good, has introduced (lories and fimilies of
all defcriptions and denominations, from the
funeral of his " favourite mare with ale an4
" rofemary," to the " comparifon between a
" rider of jixteen ftone and a Scotchman's
*' pack ■"
ftri&ly enjoining every man (who
had not a rational idea of his own corpulence,
or circumference) to be careful in adapting
the ftrength of his horfe to his own weight j
with many other oblervations of equal faga-
city and penetration. But, as I indulge a
much higher opinion of the understandings
of thofe to whofe ferious infpedion this trea-
tife will become fubjedr, I (hall not irritate
the feelings of any fportfman, who unluckily
rides a great weight, by reminding him what
kind of horfe is mod likely to reconcile the
inconvenience, but naturally conclude every
reader will exert his judgment for the pro-
curation of fuch purchafe as will prove moft
likely to become adequate to the purpofes for
which he is intended.
-ocr page 47-
^e alfo (from an univerfality of genius, no
°ubt), animadverts upon the art of riding and
Qualifications of horfemen, their tempers, dif-
P°fiiions, agiiity, ahcrity, fear, fortitude, "wry
and lojing of leather \' defcants largely
U|Qn the appa.^us of bits, bridles, faddles,
.6cc. entering into the very minutiae of the
riding fchool, which now would be not only
degrading the experimental knowledge of every
ip°r fman in the kingdom, but abfolutely/»/»£-
ghng a fubjecl the acknowledged property of
Angelo, Jftky, Hughes, and Jones.
Inrefpeftto the anatomical ftrudure of a
horfe, nothing can be added upon that fubjedt
\ exeite attention ; it has been already fo
minutely inveftigated and accurately explained
by Gibson and Snape, that the leaft room for
addition, or enlargement is not left for any
Succeeding writer who does not (as before ob-
served) admit the capacities of the folids to be
more enlarged, the fluids increafed, or the
heart changed from one fide to the other, fince
the days of thofe authors, who fo well ful-
filled to the public the tafks they had under-
go. And as the operative part of farriery
s not intended to come within the purpofe of
pur prefent plan, but is entirely fubmitted to
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26           OBSERVATIONS.
thofe whofe immediate profeffion it is' to be
moll clearly informed of; to the excellent ana-
tomical works of the above writers I refer
them for a completion of their ftudies, and
come to fuch a fyftem as it is abfolutely ne-
cefTary for every fportfman to underftand, that
he may be not only enabled to prefcribe for his
own horfes upon emergencies, but to judge of
the propriety of their treatment when, by the
feverity of circumftances, fubmitted to the
fuperintendence of others.
Much multifarious matter has conftantly
been introduced relative to the age of a horfe
by his mouth j where (after all the obferva-
tions upon the fubjecl:) it becomes an acknow-
ledged fad, by every writer, each fign is doubt-
ful, and liable to deception in the various arts
and defigns of the dealers, who, by engrav-
ing and burning artificial marks in fome teeth,
and totally extracting (or beating out) others
render the horfe of any feeming age mod: ap-
plicable to their purpofe. And thefe faults
cannot be eafily difcovered but by grooms or
judges who are in the conftant habit and prac-
tice of making fuch remarks and obfervations.
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OBSERVATIONS.         27
^or is there any matter in a horfe requiring
ntcer difcrimination in judgment, than to
ascertain 10 a certainty the age of a horfe by his
*eetn only, having abfolutely ken two men of
abilities and experience on the oppofite fides
of a horfe's mouth, at the fame time declare
him of-different ages; when, by exchanging
fides, each changed his opinion, and the horfe
proved, by the common rule, to be coming a
year older on one fide than the other. Thefe
doubts in refpedt to the certainty of age being
admitted, one fixed rule is incontrovertible—
that, after the mark (which is the general
guide) is obliterated, the longer the teeth are,
and the narrower the under jaw is towards its
extremity, the more the horfe is advanced in
But, as the age of the horfe is fo diftin&ly
abftrafted from, and unconnected with, the
delcnption of difeafe which becomes more
immediately the fubjedt of difcuffion, I mall
leave the former to the fubtle decifion of the
ftable difputants, to whofe province it may be
faid to belong, and whom it more materially
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zS            OBSERVATIONS.
There can be but little doubt that whoever
becomes a purchafer, at the prefent high price
of found, frefio, and fashionable horfes, will
proportion the price to fuch deficiencies as
times and circumftances render unavoidable;
and make pecuniary allowances for advanced
age, broken 'wind, bad eyes, fpavin$,fpknts,
a long detail of incidental imperfections. But,
as fuch neceiTary circumfpedtion does not al-
ways take place with the young and inexperi-
enced purchafer, a concife hint not to acquire
too many infirmities at a high price, merely
to gratify a little perfonal orientation in an ex-
ternal difplay of blood and fashion, cannot
be amifs. More particularly when we fo fre-
quently fee an accidental fall, and confequent
laceration upon the knees, prove the tranfient
value of what was (a few minutes before) the
objecl of admiration and pofleffion with every
beholder, now become blown upon, and of no
greater eftimation than to be unrelentingly
torn to pieces, by that moft merciful and
humane invention
Previous to the treatment of difeafes, it
cannot be inapplicable to point out fuch things
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FEEDING.                29
as are ftri&ly neceffary, and abfolutely con*
ducive to the prefervation of health, though
perhaps not at all times properly attended to.
For inftance, no fubject is more highly entitled
to a diftindt and feparate inveftigation than the
article of
as a peculiar attention to the qualities and
quantities of aliment is particularly neceffary
to fecure the horfe in a ftate of health and con-
tIOn> fit for the immediate purpofe to which
he may be deftined. To produce him at all
times ready for the turf, field, or road, be-
comes neceffary the complete ftyle of clean-
tnefs, drejfing, exercife,
and various minutiae,
that conftitute the prefent perfect ftate of ftable
difcipline; which never arofe to fo high a
pitch of excellence, and can have originated
only in a laudable emulation, thatfeems (by a
kind of fympathetic infpiration or enthufiafm)
to have taken poffeffion of every groom in
ftables of repute, and renders unneceffary the
moil trifling obfervations upon this ceremony,
-ocr page 52-
where the horfes are thought worthy the at-
tention of MASTER Or MAN.
And it is equally fo in refpedt to the articles
of food. Horfes are as often out of condition
(in inferior flables) from the effecT: of improper
food as from natural difeafes. Refpeding the
moll proper food to a horfe in health, no di-
verfity of opinions can be fupported unlefs by
Experience, that inevitable touchflone of
truth, demonftrates, to an indifputable cer-
tainty, the acknowledged preference of fpring-
in the field; or fweel oats, found beans,
zndfragrant hay,
in the ftable; to every other
article that imagination can invent or novelty
And here it becomes unavoidably necefTary
to introduce a circumflance that constantly oc-
curs in the courfe of obfervation ; at leaft to
thofe who, entering a multiplicity of flables,
wifh to enlarge their information or exercife
their judgment. How very common is it to
find a confultation held upon the appearance
•of a favourite horfe, who, to the furprife of
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FEEDING. .              3I
.j e Parties, lofes flefli, becomes dull and heavy
^n the ftable, languid in adion, fickly in coat,
and foul in excrement, doomed to a courfe of
Purgatives, then diuretics-, and, laftly, a tedi-
ous adminiftration of alteratives, as fickly and
Unfound! And all for what ?-becaufe the poor
emaciated animal, being deftitue of the powers
°r fpeech, could not better inform his perfe-
cutors than by his emphatical and mifinter-
Preted looks, that his hay was mufty, and con-
equently laying the foundation of many difor-
h^f\-F°r' beinSlhus deprived of more than
tak (h- fupP°rt' the trifling quantity he did
a e (being againft the difpofition of nature
a™ appetite) afforded little nutriment; nor of
e COuld, when fourteen pounds of hay
0n y had perhaps patted the inteftinal canal in
JW days, inftead 0f fifty-fix j the accurlomed
proper proportion being rated at fourteen
or twenty-four hours, where horfes are
regularly corn fed. To bring ^ deka in the
I y and T^ntity of this part of the aliment
jme to every comprehenfion, let any reader
fitti"1^ tHe ^^ (°r try the exPeriment) of
mor^ d°Wn Wkh an exceIlent aPPe»te (after a
°rC e^cellent chafe) to a beef fteak nearly
•Pproachmg putrefaction, with no fauce but
-ocr page 54-
32              CONDITION.
hunger, no alternative but necejfity, and I be-
lieve I may venture to affert-^—the feelings of
the man and the beast will not be diffimilar
on the occafion.
Thefe circumftances attending both hay and
corn I have repeatedly been witnefs to j and
do affirm, in oppofition to any opinion that
may be formed againft me, moft horfes will
fhew, in lefs than a fortnight, both in their
Jiefa, coat and /pints, when hay or corn do
not yield or convey their proper nutriment, if
given in fair andjuft proportions. I confe-
quently avail myfelf of this fad, to urge the
neceffity of found com, pweet hay, foft water, re-
gular feeds,
and as regular exercife, if a horfe is
defired or expe&ed to appear in good
The word condition, in the phfafeology
of the turf, is fuppofed to imply a horfe's
being in fuch a ftate of perfection, and in
ftrength and power fo much above the pur-
pofe he is deftined to, that he dilplays it
in figure and appearance. Fine in coat, firm
-ocr page 55-
CONDITION,            33
SeA high in fpirits, zxAfreJh upon his legs.
0 be in this defimble ftate, if a young horfe,
d Granger to hard work, may be readily ex-
Pe&ed, and naturally concluded ; but, on the
contrary, where a horfe has been fubjed to a
Proportion of duty, either on the turf, field,
or road, a great degree of good fortune muft
We attended him through all his journies,
n°t to have fuffered from fome one of the
many dangers to which he has been fo repeat-
f y cxpofed. By way therefore of introduc-
!ng dlreaions for getting a horfe into condition,
" WiU be m°ft proper to fix the criterion of
commencement at that feafon when a hunter,
g had what is called a fummer's run, is
taken up with an intent to get him into pro-
per condition for the field. The horfe being
t* n
UP> if «e is free from lamenefs, and
efe is no blemifh, infirmity, or any other
obltacle, to forbid fuch proceedings, put him
nrit upon a vp™ i
r vciy moderate proportion of hay
and corn, and increafe it gradually, according
to the f12e and conftitution. At the expiration
three or four days, when the hard' food
TJ nartUrally be fuPPored to have diflodged
e grafs, and fuppHed ks ^^^ a
blood may be taken away according to the
D                              fize,
-ocr page 56-
34              BLEEDING.
fize, ftate, ftrength, and temperament of the
horfe, with due attention to the flefli he may
have gained, or the impurities he may have
imbibed with his pafture.
And here let me particularly caution the
operator and the owner againft that Jlovenly,
and contemptible (not to add danger-
ous) practice of fuffering the blood to fall
indifcriminately, in refpec~t to quantity and
quality, upon the ground or dunghill. This
felf-fufficient manner of
the farrier always confiders a ftriking proof
of his confequence, and a never-failing mark
of his infallibility; but it never can be too
much difcouraged, and in fact ought by no
means to be countenanced, or indeed per-
mitted. If no particular plethora or fulnefs
appears, to Vender large evacuations necefTary,
three pints will prove fufficient for a flender or
delicate fubjeel"; two quarts for the more ad-
vanced in ftrength or fize; but from the very
large and ftrong, or remarkably foul horfes,
-ocr page 57-
BLEEDING.               2$
tnay be fafely drawn full five pints. However
la^fe diftindtions mould be carefully made by
^eafure, to avoid the inconvenience and dan-
Ser of too much relaxing the whole fyftem;
an impropriety in conduit that may not be fo
eafily remedied as imagined. After this eva-
cuation let the fame regular fyftem of food,
and gentle exercife, be continued for three clear
days; and on the fourth prepare his body for
the phytic intended to be taken on the foliow-
lng morning, by giving him in the courfe of
the day three majhes of equal parts of bran and
oats, fcalded with boiling water, and given,
a proper degree of warmth, morning, noon,
and night; putting on the neceffary body
clothes, at the time of giving the firft mafh,
t0 prevent the leaft hazard of cold from the
relaxation of either body or pores. In the
morning give one of the following purging
of which four different proportions are
fpecified, and calculated for the horfes before
mentioned, in refpecl to ftrength, Ctzc, and
conftitution. But as we (hall, in the courfe
of the work, have occafion to introduce refe-
to thefe cathartic balls, under
the heads of various difeafes, it will be more
convenient to diftinguim them by numbers-,
E> 2
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36             PHYSIC, &c:
and, beginning with the weakeft, the refe*
neeo not only be made to the number in
future, without a repetition of the ingre-
( No. i. )
Take of fuccotrine aloes one ounce %
India rhubarb two drachms ;
Jalap and cream of tartar each one drachm %
Ginger (in powder) two fcruples ;
Eflential oil of cloves and anifeed each twenty
Syrup of buckthorn a fufficient quantity to form
the ball.
( No. 2. ) '
Take of fuccotrine aloes ten drachms;
Of rhubarb, jalap, and ginger, each two drachms;
Cream of tartar three drachms, and fyrup of
buckthorn to make the ball.
( No
-ocr page 59-
( No. 3. )
Take Barbadoes aloes nine drachms;
Jalap, Caftile foap, and cream of tartar, of each
two drachms;
Piagrydmm and ginger (in powder) each a
drachm •,
Syrup of buckthorn fufEcient to make the ball.
( No. 4. )
'AKE Barbadoes aloes ten drachms;
Caftile foap and jalap (in powder) of each half
an ounce;
^ream °f tartar and ginger each two drachms;
°'l of anifeed forty drops; of cloves twenty
drops; which form into a ball, with fyrup of
rofes or buckthorn.
11 1S almoft unneceffary to obferve thefe
balls are gradually increafed in their purga-
tive qualities,
io a$ to be feledled by the judge-
ment of the reader, according to the ftate of
itrength and foulnefs the fubjecT: may be in;
and are fo carefully guarded with warm aro-
matics, that the operation will (by a ftrid ad-
1} 3                   herence
-ocr page 60-
38              PHYSIC, &c;
herence to the following rules) in general pro-
ceed without the leaft alarm or danger. The
ball being given early in the morning, let it
be warned down with a quart of water flightly
warm, to take off the nanfea as much as pof-
ilblej ieave in his rack a little fweet hay ;
and, in about three hours after, give a warm
mam of Jcaided bran, containing one fourth
of oats; upon which let the water be poured
boiling hot, and ftand a proper time to cool,
before it is put into the manger ; as, by placing
it there too hot, the fumes produce an an-
tipathy which the horfe does not eafily get
over; on the contrary, by touching the majh,
and being burnt, will not be prevailed upon
to attempt it in future. In cafe of a fixed
averlion to mafbes, a feed of .bran may be
given at the flated periods, in which may be
mixed one quart of ground oatmeal.
Water proportionally warm may be given him
to the quantity of half a pail thrice in the day*
and let his map be repeated twice that day
alfo, and early on the following morning,
about which time the phyfic may be expe&ed
to begin its operation ; but if the mafh mould
be refufed, a pail of warm water may be fub-
iUtuted -, and in two hours after the horfe
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PHYSIC, &c.            39
(well clothed) walked out for half an hour at
leaft. Frequent fupplies of warm water muft:
be given, and two other mafhes at their pro-
per times; by no means omitting to take him
out, and walk him gently twice or thrice in
the courfe of the day. But, as purgatives
adminiftered to quadrupeds of this defcription
cannot, from the great continuation of the
inteftinal canal, be expe&ed to commence
their operation in lefs than twenty-four hours,
no hurrying or forcing methods muft be taken
to agitate the animal, or produce preternatural
effects. So ibon as the medicine begins to
operate, kindly and patiently affift the work
by the mean's before-mentioned, at ftated pe-
riods, or at fuch times as the appetite will
permit them to be taken -, continuing the
mafhes no longer than the phyfic is laid to be
fet, or (in other words) the excrements become
firm, and refume their original form.
Indeed the managment of horfes, during a
courfe of phyfic, is at prefent fo well under-
ftood, that little more need be added upon
that fubje&j excepting the very necefTary pre-
caution to avoid cold during thefe operations,
by a proper attention to the variations of the
D 4
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4o               PHYSIC, &c.
weather, and proportional clothing to the
horfe: for a cold caught at the feafon we fpeak
of, and particularly during a courfe of phyfic,
by fixing on the eyes or lungs, becomes an
inveterate enemy to fport, and fometimes for
the whole winter.
Six clear days mould be allowed between
the nrft and fecond dole, and the fame lpace
between the fecond and third. The entire
courfe being regularly gone through, it will
undoubtedly remove every degree offoulnefs,
jrefulting from full feeding atgrafs: and, un-
lefs fome palpable dtfecf or latent obftacle
indicates the contrary, he will (in little more
than a fortnight) by his flefld, coat, and fpirits,
prove his ability to undertake any moderate
chafe in which his rider may be inclined to
Though in the attainment of this flate of
perfection much depends upon the care an4
punctuality of the groom or fuperintendent;
the increafe in food and length (as well as
itrength) of exercife, fhould be very gradual
from the fetting of the laft dofe of phyfic; as
for inftance, the hprfg mould be regularly
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P H Y S I C, &c.              41
taken out (if the weather permit) morning
and evening, walking him half an hour before
his water, and the fame after j which fhould
be taken at a pond of foft water, in pre-
ference to a fpring or running ftream, if pof-
fible. His dreffings fhould be as conftant and
regular as his exercife, which having been
gradually lengthened for the firfl five or fix
days; he may then, after walking his ufual
time, have a moderate gallop (increafing it
daily in length and fpeed, according to flate
and ftrength) before he is taken to water
walking him a proper time, both before and
afterj by no means adopting that mod ridicu-
lous contemptible,
and pernicious practice of
galloping your horfe immediately after, in fer-»
vile iuhjection to the illiterate opinion of warm-
ing the water in the hone's belly; a cuftom
that lias, through the ignorance or folly of
fervants, proved the abfolute ruin of many bun%
as will be clearly explained in the courfe
of our future remarks, when we come to fpeak
of broken winded horfes.
This mode of exercife muft be conftantly per-
fevered in without relaxation; his gallops night
and morning fhould be increafed as well as his
4                                            walking
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42               P H Y S I C, &c.
walking exercife, which fhould by this time
be lengthened to a full hour in the morning,
and the fame in the evening: not only during
the time of promoting conditio?:, but regularly
continued to preferve him fo; if the owner is
prompted by the leaft fpark of emulation to
appear in the field with a portion of that eclats
fo very much the ton in every fporting county
in the kingdom.
A proper refpect to the abilities of Bartlet
(who has very confiderably improved and mo-
dernized the fyftem of Gibson and Bracken)
induces me to give a literal copy of his prepar-
ation for " a cooling purging drinkj" which,
as he obferves, " is cooling, eafy, and quick in
" its operation, and greatly preferable, in all
" inflammatory cafes, to any other purge, as
" it paffes into the blood, and operates alfo by
*' urine."
*' T-ake fenna two ounces; infufe in a pint
" of boiling water two hours, with three
" drachms of fait of tartar; pour off and
" -diflblve in it four ounces of Glauber falts,
" and two or three drachms of cream of
ff tartar."
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P H Y S 1 C, &c.               43
In inflammatory cafes, where a cathartic is
required to operate expeditioufly; or where a
horfe, by his rejecting powers, compels a ball
to regurgitate, and it cannot be eanlyor pro-
perly parTed, this drink may be admitted with
propriety. But where a dofe of phytic is given
merely as a purgative, without any indication
of instantaneous neceffity, I muft, in juftice,
certainly recommend a bail in preference: and
for this reafcn, which I doubt not will prove
perfectly confident and fatisfactory to every
mind prepared for information.—The ball
being given, is twenty-four hours in its gra-
dual dillblution in the ftomach, and fubfe-
q-A it paflage through the inteftinal canal;
this, by its gentle and regular folution of the
excrements, and lubrication of the parts, ac-
counts mod: readily for the great eafe any of
the preceding balls work off with in general,
without the leaft neceffity for all that alarm
and apprehenfion betrayed by fo many, who
prefer the chance of fpoiling, or at leaft in-
juring, a capital horfe, to feeing turn under
the temporary difquietude of a falutary courfe
of phyfic.
The fame eafe is not to be expected in the
operation of cathartic medicine conveyed in a
-ocr page 66-
44              PHYSIC, &c.
liquid form ; for, the joint qualities and force
of the different ingredients being let loofe at
the fame moment upon the internal coat of
the ftomach, without their ftimulative powers
being covered by aromatic or carminative in-
gredients, may (cxclufive of the difagreeable
fenfation excited by their action upon the irri-
tability of the ftomach) be productive of
fpafms, or very fevere griping pains, previous
to the taxation of the hardened fceces in the
And where fuch pains are evidently predo-
minant, the (proper time being more than ex-
pired,) and there is no palpable fign of the
phyfic's beginning to operate kindly, (which
for the confolation of thofe unacquainted with
the ceremony, is very feldom the cafe, par-
ticularly if the medicines are carefully and ac-
curately prepared) fo far from applauding the
rafhly recommended fyftem of oiling " ajmall
*' hand,"
and extracting the excrement from
the fundament, I relinquish every expectation
of finding " a very [mall hand" among farriers
or grooms, and confequently difclaim the idea
of encouraging any fuch pra&ice, unlefs the
re&um fhould be abfolutely plugged up> £o as
-ocr page 67-
PHYSIC, &c:                 45
to prevent the pailing of the pipe for the in-
jection of a glyfter, whi.h mould be given im-
mediately with a large bag and pipe procured
for the purpofe, and repeated if neceiLry;
making not the leaft doubi but this lubrication
and ftimulus will remove all obftrudions, and
afford every advantage that can be obtained
from the favourite and long-funding practice
of raking.
To prepare AGLYSTER.
Take of camomile flowers, fweet fennel, and
coriander feeds bruifed, of each one ounce j
carraway feeds half an ounce; boii in two quarts
of water till reduced to three pints j then
ftrain, and add for folution, whne hat; of
Epfom falts two ounces; and, when nearly
cool enough to adminifter, add of olive oil,
and tincture of fenna, commonly called
Daffy's elixir, of each a quarter of a pint.
On the contrary, where the conftitutional
ftamina does not prove fo ftrong as imagined,
the bowels in a weaker ftate than expected, or
the medicines are found to irritate or purge
more than is requifite or defired; and the
phytic does not fet attheufual time, (thehorfe
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46 -        PHYSIC, &c.
being confequently low, and off his appetite)
let the following cordial Restringent
ball be prepared and given immediately,
repeating it in fix or eight hours if neceffary :
Take mithridate one ounce, Armenian bole,
gum arabic, and prepared chalk (in fine pow-
der), each half an ounce ; ginger (in powder)
two drachms; fyrup of diacodium quantity
fufficient to make a ball.
In three hours after let the following re-
stringent mash be givdn, properly pre-
pared and kept occasionally fUrring when
over the fire, to prevent its burning: or this
may be given, if neceffary, without the ball,
where the operation has not been fo violent
as to require both.
Take two pounds of rice, and half an ounce of
cinnamon, bruifed to a grols powder, and
tied up loofe in a piece of linen, (fine enough
to prevent its paffing through); boil in five
quarts of water till reduced to the confidence
of a maih; take out the cinnamon, and fti'r
in a quart of ground oatmeal, and let it be
placed in the manger when of a proper warmth.
This may be repeated if neceffary.
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PHYSIC, &c.            47
It cannot be inapplicable, after thefe pre-
fcriptions, to make a remark upon one obfer-
vation ofBARTLET, who feemed to think it
unavoidably neceffary to omit a defigned part
of his prefcription at fome times, on account
of the expenfe j. but I muft confefs, in all my
experience, I have obferved, and happy I
am to acknowledge it to the honour of the
fporting world at large, I never remember to
have feen an inftance o£ penury, or even hesita-
tion in the article of expenfe, where a horse
has been in pain or danger.
Having gone through the procefs univerfally
eftablifhed for getting horfes into proper con-
dition, it becomes neceffary to proceed to the
long lift of accidents and difeafes to which
they are fubject: and to introduce fuch medi-
cal fyftem as (after a gradual fucceffion from
generation to generation, and from grandfire to
grandfon, in the old ftyle) has at length acquir-
ed a degree of reformation and approbation, by
the experimental rejection of the ancient bota-
nical pradtice, believed infallible; and the in-
numerable difcoveries made in the world of me-
dicine, by fome of the moft learned, judicious,
and enlightened characters in every part of the
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43               PHYSIC, &e.
globe. And where the applications of modern
Invention are introduced, as much more ade-
quate and applicable to the caufe of complaint
than the practice of former writers, the reafon
ihall be constantly adduced, and fupported by
incontrovertible proof, why the prefent mode
of treatment is entitled to every degree of pre-
ference and refpect.
Without becoming a convert to the ufual
flyle of dividing and fubdividing chapters, cafes,
and remedies, ashasin general been the cuftom,
introducing a large proportion of extraneous
matter, merely by way of fwelling the work
(as a compliment to the pecuniary fenfations of
the publisher) I fhall proceed, as in many other
reipeds, the direct contrary way, and contract
the plan as much as the confiftency of circum-
flances will permit, by bringing into claiTes
fuch accidents or difeafes as bear a degree of
affinity to each other, or come under a fimilar
mode of treatment j and mall likewife (as
much as poflible) divert each cafe and explan-
ation of technical terms, that every part may
he the more univerfally comprehended.
-ocr page 71-
( 49 )
Of which vaiious accounts have been given,
without any thing fatisfaclory as to their ori-
gin or cure, except that " they are hard ex-
" crefcences of different fhapes and fizes on
cc the fhank bone, which often difappear of
** themfelvesi" that " they are not dangerous
" but when fituated near the joints, or appear
*f very large upon the back part of the bone,
" and prefs againft the back finew." All this
is moft certainly true, and generally believed
to be fo. Now let us remark what follows
as directions for cure: " That the hair is to
' be ihaved, the part to be rubbed with a
                      ¥ round
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50                 S P L E N T S.
*< round flick till it is almojl raw, and then
*« touched with oil of origanum fublimate,
«' arjenicy or oil of vitriol." You are then told
" thefe may produce an ulcer, a rotennefs of
" the bone, and, when cured, an ugly fear!"
Another fays " It is to be foundly rubbed
" with the handel of a hammer, till it is fo
** much bruifed as to bring on an impofthume,
" and confequent fuppuration or difcharge of
" matter!" And there can be no doubt but
this is rubbing \l foundly with the impofthume
for a witnefs !
Another tells you " they are to be deftroyed
*' with actual cauteries, or flat inftruments of
" iron, made red hot, and applied to the
" fplents, placing a piece of the rind of bacon
"between, with the fat fide outwards; and,
" having a fecond iron heating alternately, with
11 the firft, the operation is to be repeated till
'«the fplent is diflblved." To thefe, in cafe
of failure, they acknowledge the neeeffary aid
of " bliftering, firing" &c. &c. Now, upon
a candid inveftigation of this accumulated
variety of opinions, we mail find them amount
to a verification of an obfervation not long
fince made; a paltry practice of fwelling their
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SPLENT.S.                     51
writings at the expenfe of a reader's under-
standing as well as his purse. From cir-
cumftances the moft predominant it abfolutely
appears that neither of the authors here quoted
(notwithftanding the degree of eftimation they
may be held in) gave himfelf time, even for
ji moment, to confider the nature of the " ex-
" crefcence'' he means or wifb.es to defcribe,
or the method of cure he may be naturally
anxious to recommend.
And this the more powerfully appears, by
the ridiculous attempt to deftroy what they
acknowledge an apparent offifkation, or bony
fubftance, feated upon a folid body, under the
integuments, without a deftruclion of the in-
teguments themfelves, or a palpable injury to
the component parts. But to bring this
matter as near the truth as conjecture can juf-
tify, we will (by allowing an alternative), take
one or other for the fact, and draw what muft
appear a very natural and juft conclufion ; that
is, whether the protuberance upon any part of
the fhank-bone, called a Splent, is an enlarge-
ment of the periofteum (cr membrane cover-
ing the bone), by an original rupture of the
fmall vefTels, and the extravafated fluid col-
E 2
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52                  S P L E N T S.
lected and become indurated by time? or, a
callofity originally formed upon the bone, (as
hinted by Gibson) and becoming offified,
eonftitutes a bony fubftance, feeming a deform-
ed part of the bone itfelf? In either cafe the
only expectation of cure without anxiety and
difficulty, is to be careful in obferving fuch
appearances, in their earliejl flate; and then
feeing that frequent friction is ufed for a confi-
derable time, twice every day, with the utmoft
force of the operator's hands, letting the part
be well moiftened, after each time of rubbing,
with a proportion of the following liniment,
leaving a pledget of tow wet with the fame,
bound on pretty firm with two yards of wide
tape as a roller:
Take camphorated fpirits of wine, and fpirits
of turpentine, of each four ounces, (a quar-
ter of a pint). Mix together.
Oil of origanum and fpirits of turpentine, each
half an ounce; camphorated fpirits of wine,
two ounces.—Mijc.
When this plan has been perfevered in for
ten days or a fortnight, you will then be able
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S P L E N T S.                 53
to judge whether any perceptible advantage has
been obtained from the force of thefe power-
ful repellents : if not, procure two ounces of
the ftrongeft mercurial ointment, and let the
iize of a hazel nut be well rubbed in upon the
part afFecled, every night and morning, till the
whole is confumed, uling the roller each night,
and taking it off in the morning. If this does
not fucceed, the beft and moft fpeedy method
will be the immediate extirpation, by making
a longitudinal incifion (** without bruifing,
te hammerings"
&c.) through the integuments,
differing and extracting the fubftance, conv
pleting the cure by taking up a couple qf
Hitches, and treating it as a fuperficial wound;
for which directions will be found under that
Notwithfianding the variety of opiqioqs in-r
culcated, and inftruclions laid down, tp ob-
tain a radical cure, it becomes a matter of
doubt whether a little deliberation, previous
to a rafh execution, may not prove the mqft
ufeful monitor of the two; that is, if the
fplent is not productive of lamenefs or dif-
quietude, forming no inconvenience but an
external appearance, whether it may not be
E 3
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54                 S P L E N T S.
moft advifeable (at any rate moft prudent) to
let it remain in its pacific ftate of inactivity,
rather than provoke it to a certain degree of
active virulence, by the premature application
of blijiers or burning caujiics. This reflection
renders a former obfervation of greater weight,
by adverting to the neceffity of attacking them
in their firft ftate of appearance; when there
is not the leaft doubt but the beforementioned
early courfe of friction, with the mild dif-
folvents and repellents, will, if applied with
care and- punctuality, effect their total oblite-
ration, without any perceptible ejchar, or
even the leaft lofs of hair.
In refpect to the auxiliaries of purging balls
and diuretic drinks, flightly recommended by
Bartlet, they form no part of my opinion ;
nor can I fee the leaft reafon for encountering
that expenfe and trouble, as they cannot con-
tribute in any degree to the removal of fuch
fubftances, fo remote from the centre of ac-
tion, without injuring the general fyftem to a
greater degree than adequate to any propor-
tional local relief that can be obtained. But
to reduce this myfterious and technical ex-
planation to a more fimple and lefs complex
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SPAVINS.                  55
idea, Bartlet's fyftem may be adopted by
thofe whofe credulity can conceive that a courfe
of purgatives and diuretics will contribute to
the removal of corns or warts from the feet or
hands of the human fpecies.
Of thefe there are two kinds, very diftin£tly
explained by mofl authors on the fubjecl:,
and juftly denominated a blood and bone
spavin. They both take their feats in nearly
the fame fituation, and proceed from the fol-
lowing caufes—a bloob spavin is a preter-
natural enlargement of the vein running on
the inlide the hough, and by the accumulated
fluid forms a fwelling that is pliant to the
touch, fubmitting to preffure, becoming, in
the courfe of time, productive of lamenefs.
Thefe appearances, were they attended to in
their infancy, would (as obferved in the pre-
ceding article) immediately fubmit to a fre-
quent application of the following embroca-
tion j rubbing in about two table fpoonfub
twice every day, and keeping on (when in the
E 4
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56                  SPAVINS.
ftable) a pledget of tow, wet with the fame,
and confined with an elbow bandage; that is,
the elbow part of an old waiftcoat fleeve,
opened and furnifhed with tape firings, at
equal diftances, to confine it upon the part
Take pf ftrpng white wine vinegar four ounces;
Camphorated fpirits of wine three ounces ;
Extract of faturn, commonly called Goulard's
extract, one ounce.
Shake well together at every time of ufing.
In almoft all cafes of mort {landing the
caufe of complaint will fubmit to the power
of thefe conftant applications, that, by their
aftion upon the folids, fo reft ore their elaftjcity
and contract their circumference, as to repel
the internal expanding fluid, and reduce the
vein to its natural and original fize. But
where the defect is of long {landing, and will
not fubmit to this mode of treatment (the at-
tempt having been fufficiently perfevered in to
enfure a fair probability of fuccefs), the fol-
lowing had better be adopted.
Take of cantharides (in powder) one drachm
and a half;
Of olive oil two ounces.—Mix together.
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SPAVINS.                    S7
And let this be gradually rubbed upon the
part till abforbed by the feat of difeafe j then
place over it a piece of flannel, and faften on
with the elbow-bandage as before defcribed.
In every eight-and-forty hours repeat this
operation for a week (with the fame pro-
portion), which has been attended with cer-
tain fuccefs in a multiplicity of cafes, par-
ticularly in the metropolis of Ireland, where
the moft eminent practitioners (and very able
there are) prefer it to our general method,
which will be hereafter defcribed. The great
advantage refulting from this kind of blifter
is its immediate Jiimulus upon the parts, from
which is derived a very fpeedy and plentiful
difcharge. The hair is raifed up, and be-
comes what is termed pen-feathered, during the
efflux of ferum, \n Jarge proportion; which,
fubfiding, forms a kind of fcurf, and may be
all brought away in a few days by wafhing
two or three times with foap and water;
leaving no fear or trace of external applica-
tion behind. And furely this method, jufti-
fied by fuccefs and experience, muft be pre-
ferable to the long-ftanding opinion of in-
ftrumental extirpation. As for inftance, an
incifion is to be made through the fkin, of
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58                  SPAVIN S.
iufKcient length to admit of the vein's being
taken up, .above and below the enlargement,
by paffing a crooked needle, furnifhed with
a wax thread, underneath the vein, and mak-
ing the ligatures at the parts mod applicable
to the extirpation intended. Should any in-
flammation or extreme fwelling attend the
parts after operation, warm fomentations and
mild poultices muft be made ufe of till they
fubiide; after which the wound muft be treat-
ed with digeftives till the exuberance is
floughed off with the dreffings, and the cica-
trization, or fkinning over, is accomplished,
as in the cafe of abfcefTes and wounds, which
will be treated of hereafter, when we come to
that clafs.
Every degree of information, obfervation,
and experimental investigation, defines a bone
spavin to "be exactly in a greater degree be-
what a splent is acknowledged to be
before, formed nearly by the fame means,
fed nearly in the fame manner, differing only
in its critical Situation; which, from a con-
tiguity to the joints, and ligamentary appen-
dages, becomes fo much the more an object
of concern and attention, to avoid the certain
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SPAVINS.                  59
impediment of lamenefs, which will in time
inevitably enfue, if not prevented by reduction
or extirpation. Much advice, and many di-
rections, might here be obtruded of blijiering,
&c. but they all come fo immediately
within the department of the operative
farrier, that further animadverfxon upon
the fubject will be totally foreign to the pre-
fent intention—one obfervation and recom-
mendation only excepted, viz. the neceffity,
in operations, of applying to practitioners of
eminence, whofe judgment and execution
will require no greater pecuniary compenfation
than thofe whofe comparative abilities entitle
them to no more than a mere manual ajjiftance
in furnifhing the apparatus.
Previous to the difmiffion of this article,
I (hall, for the accommodation of thofe who
have never feen the publication, introduce
the directions given by Osmer for the cure,
as they literally appear in a tract of his com-
mitted to public 'inspection about five-and-
twenty years ago; but, I believe I may ven-
ture to affirm, the elaborate operation procured,
very few converts to the practice.
" Firft
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60               SPAVINS.
" Firft clip the hair from the difeafed part j
" make feveral pun&ures on the fame, through
*' the fkin, with a fharp-pointed inftrument:
" make a longitudinal incifion through the
" fkin, above the difeafed part, about the
" middle thereof: there introduce a cornet,
" and dilate the fkin with it as far as the
" fwelling reaches. Make another fmaller
" longitudinal incifion, through the fkin, be-
" low the fwelled part, diredtly oppofite to
" the wound above ; in doing which, your
*f probe introduced at top will direct you.—-
" At the fuperior wound a cauflic wrapped
*f up in a piece of lint is to be introduced,
" and there left. The cauftic diffolved is
** carried off by the inferior wound, the
" whole is directly to be covered with a warm
" adhefive charge, and this is the whole of
" the operation.—The cauflic thus introduced
'* under the fkin adls both ways, namely, on
" the membrane underneath it, and the outer
" tegument upon it. Thus the membrane,
'* outer tegument, and the charge, throw
" themfelves off together, and the difeafed or
** fwelled part becomes fair and fmooth. The
u horfe fhould be turned our, or kept in a
*c loofe flablej and if the charge comes off"
*c befor^
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WINDGALLS.           6i
" before the wound is well, another mould
" be immediately applied. But in fpite of
*' this, and all other methods ufed for this
diforder, the horfe will very frequently re-
<c main full as lame as he was before, al-
" though the appearance of the difeafe is
" removed : the reafon of which is, that the
«* periofteum only is fometimes difeafed; at
" other times the bone itfelf, and its cellular
iC part. Yet I dare fay there is not one far-
" rier in this kingdom but has an infallible
'* and certain cure for thefe diforders.
Are thefe prominences fituate on both
fides the tendons (commonly called the back
finewa) above the fetlock joints on the fore-
legs, and not unfrequently upon the hind-legs
likewife. They are much larger on fome
horfes than others; and as they never appear
but upon thofc that have been conftantly work-
ed too young, or proportionally overworked
when older, the caufe will be the more readily
explained. For the tendons, by their per-
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62            WINDGALLS.
petual a&ion in conftant labour, are fo pre-
ternaturally extended, that fome of the fine
and delicate fibres of which the aggregate is
compofed, are, by fuch cxtenfion, actually
ruptured or broken; from the mouths of
which (minute as they are) ooze a very trifling
portion of ferum, or fluid, which, when ex-
travafated, forms a gelatinous fubftance; and,-
combining itfelf with the included air, be-
comes, to external appearance, a kind of blad-
der between the tendon and integuments.
This being the exadl fyftem of principle
and a&ion that conflitutes the caufe, we pro-
ceed to the received notion (and our own
opinion) of. cure. Perhaps it may not be
thought intrufive or inapplicable £rft to in-
troduce a few words upon the fubject of pre-
which will convey a much flronger
proof of judgment in the rider than any fub-
fequent advice that can poflibly be offered on
the part of the farrier ; that is, no more
than to recommend it to every man in the
pofTefTion of a good horfe to reflect a little
upon the nature of his own fuperiority, that it
is but temporary, and of fleeting duration ; to
ruminate upon this circumftance in the career
4                                                     of
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WINDGALLS.            63
of his journey, and, feeling proportionally for
the animal who bears his burthen, take no
more of his ftrength in the field, or upon the
road, than Nature intended or prudence may
For fo beautiful a beaft, conftituting almod
the centrical point of every good, (whether in
pleafure or profit), is certainly entitled to the
utmofl exertion of tendernefs and humanity.
And I will venture to affirm that no man,
whofe line of conduct is regulated by the prin-
ciples of unfullied rectitude (or whofe heart
is open to thofe finer feelings that are even in
enjoyment or poffeflion a gratification), ever did,
or ever will, after a chafe or journeys indulge
the calls of appetite till the partner of his
pleafure, or the companion of his labour, hag
had every attention paid to his wants; which
Nature has formed equally numerous and
neceffary with thofe of his (often unnatural)
The frequent boafting of every unfeeling
puppy who has rode thirty or forty miles in
" fo many hours and fo many minutes, with-
" out baiting," and other equeftrian exploits,
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64            WINDGALLS.
equally wonderful,^ leaving the jaded objed Of
his perfecution to the afFe&ed diligence of idle
grooms or drunken oftlers, not only accounts,
in a variety of cafes, for the appearance of
windgalls, but for very many of the long lift
of difeafes upon which we proceed to ex-
But from this digreffion we return to the
cure, refpecfing which various opinions have
been promulgated, " vinegar, or verjuice, and
" bandage; red wine lees; curriers' {havings
" wetted with vinegar j bliftering;" and, laftly,
M opened with a knife, a fleam, or a cobbler's
V awl, and applying to the orifice a plafter of
"'rolin, pitch, maftic, oil of bays, and white
" of egg." I mall not add a fingle obfervation
upon this moil curious plafter, or wonderful
arcanum of variety, but declare I have feen
but very few inftances of a perfect cure by any
means. For whether a temporary completion
has been obtained by repellents, bliftering, per-
or rejl, a repetition of the ordinary
work has foon produced a repetition of the
defect. It is a confolation, however, to be
informed that, in mod horfes, no lamenefs is
produced by this appearance -, and the only
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\V I N D G A L L S.           65
inconvenience itcouftitutes, is the difagreeable
effecl: upon the eye (and indeed no inconver-
one upon the pocket) when the horfe
comes to be fold. Windgalls are always very
much enlarged after fevere work, and again
reduced by exercife and conftant friction, or
fubftantial rubbing down in the liable. And
this circumftance is mentioned only to corro-
borate the the/Is advanced to eftablifh their
Although a total eradication is but feldom
experienced, it will be neceffary to introduce
the moft approved and rational methods now
in practice to obtain the defirable object of
relief; and this can be effected only by rare-
faction, repulfwn,
and bandage, to promote the
intentional operations of which
Take oil of origanum and fpirits of turpentine
each half an ounce •,
Camphorated fpirits of wine one ounce. — Mix
well together:
And with a fmall portion of tow fufficiently
moiften the tumours twice every day, leaving
a pledget wet upon each ; and immediately
upon the centre fix a circular piece of lead
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66            WINDGALLS.
about the thlcknefs and circumference of a
half-crown piece, binding it down with a roller
of wide tape or linen, nearly or quite three
yards long, and continue this method for a
fortnight at leaft without omiffion; to which
treatment (if not of too long ftanding) they
may perhaps luckily fubmit: but mould that
not happen, and it is determined to attempt a
cure by perforation, which operation is fimple,
and may be eafily performed, the incifion
ihould be made with a ftrong abfcefs lancet,
or biftory, and be performed in a fmgle mo-
tion, by elevating or raifing the inftrument
from the moment of penetration at the lower
part of the fwelling. The confined gelati-
nous matter, and cyft or bag, being perfectly
extracted, prevent its becoming a wound by
bringing the edges in contact; and drefs with
a pledget of lint or tow plentifully impreg-
nated with Traumatic (or Friar's balfam), and
bandage as before. In mod cafes the cicatrix
will form, and the part heal without farther
trouble: on the contrary, fhould any difcharge
of matter come on, or temporary inflamma-
tion enfue, drefs as directed when we come
to the treatment of wounds.
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WINDGALLS.               67
In this cafe it will be but candid to point
out the probable difficulties that may occur
in fuch earnefl attempt to obtain a radical ex-
tirpation ; for, notwithstanding the theoretical
plaufibility of this fyftem, fome inconvenien-
cies may poffibly occur, and a fatisfa&ory cure
not enfue; in fuch inftance the remedy will
mod affuredly prove worfe than the difeafe,
and there can be no doubt but a prudent or
companionate man will much rather fubmit
to a flight and almoft infignificant inconve-
nience, than encounter by the attempt an evil
of much greater magnitude.
Should, by any mifmanagetnent in the ope-
ration or want of dexterity in the operator,
the tendon be at all injured, lamenefs may be
the inevitable confequence; fhould the edges
of the feparated parts not difplay a tendency
to union, but, on the contrary, become difpofed
to foulnefs, engendering fungus, it may dege-
nerate to aji/iuhus wound, and be ultimately
productive of infinite trouble and consider-
able expenfe. Thefe attendant evils upon the
experiment thus pointed out and taken into
consideration, it will then become worthy the
attention of the owner, whether the gentler
F 2                     methods
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68            LAMENESS.
methods of cure before prefcribed, with every
poffible portion of reft, (and when ufed,
that ufe exceedingly moderate) will not prove
the moft advantageous and leaft dangerous
fyftem that can be purfued to effecT: the de-
fired purpofe.
Is a fubject of fo much univerfality, in fail:
an event arifing from fuch a variety of caufes,
that it can never be thought inapplicable to>
enumerate the moft probable from which fuch
defedt may be occafioned; thereby exciting a
proper degree of inveftigation, afcertaining to
a certainty by thefe means what very fre-
quently from want of care, accuracy, and at-
in the examination, is fixed errone-
oufly on an improper part, or attributed to a
wrong caufe, as a mere matter of opinion,
and confequently liable to the full force of
injudicious or inconiiftent treatment, with its
long train of inconveniencies.
Exclufive of the diftindl kind of lamenefs
proceeding from strains, very different de-
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LAMENESS.              69
grees may be occafioned by blows or bruises
upon particular parts; fplents, fpavins, wind-
galls, thrum, ringbone, quittor, and a variety
of additional caufes that have already, or will
be hereafter fufficiently explained under their
different heads, and the mofl expeditious and
efficacious method of cure pointed out. La-
menefs from wounds or injuries fuftained by
jlxeingt comefo immediately and properly under
the infpe&ion of the operative farrier,
that the leaft enlargement upon thofe fubje&s
here might be very juftly confidered a matter
of fuperfluity.
I {hall therefore advert to that peculiar kind
of la menefs, produced in general by the in-
attention or inhumanity of the owner; which,
unattended to in its firft (late, (and the original
caufe continued) infures to a certainty, the an-
nual deftru&ion of many of the mod ferviceable
horfes in the kingdom. I allude, in this de-
fcription, to fuch lamenefs, or rather univerfal
debilitation of the legs and feet, as is the pal-
pable effeift of too conrtant labour without the
leaft reft or intermiffion.
By inceffant labour, J mean to be under-
stood that diurnal routine of ilavery through
F 3                      ths
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              L A.M E N E S S.
the feverities oT every feafon, whether the bad
roads, frojl
and /now of winter, or the fultry
heat, burning Jands,
and flinty roadsy mfummer,
without a literal or relative confideration to
the necefiary, and indeed indifpenfible article
of rest.
This perpetual drudgery a horfe of fpirit
and bottom ,will (from the inftinctive power
of emulation) bear up againft with almoft in-
credible fortitude, particularly, if well fup-
plied with a fufficiency of hay and corn; but
the repeated flruggles and efforts of nature
being at length totally fubdued by the extre-
mity of fatigue, fhe is compelled to fink un-
der the burthen of inhuman perfecution, and a
general inability or univerfal lamenefs becomes
the inevitable confequence. The caufe re-
quires but very little animadverfion for the
purpofe of either explanation or comprehen-
fion, as it may be with trifling attention and
reflection iiniverfally understood j for the ten-
by their almoft perpetual extenfion and
contraction (without the leaft portion of reft
or .inaction to reftore their tone and elalticity)
become fo extremely relaxed, as to be ren-
dered not only totally inadequate to the pur-
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LAMENESS.                  71
pofes of motion and flexibility for which they
were formed, but to produce a general ten-
fion upon all the furrounding parts. The
legs become full, round, inflamed, and ex-
ceedingly painful; the horfe alternately eaf-
ino- one leg or the other, when ftanding;
which he is obferved to do as little as poffible,
except when up for the purpofe of feeding.
This kind of lamenefs remains in general little
attended to, till, by a too conftant repetition
of the caufe, the horfe is fo far difabled, that
his daily labour becomes a work of mifery;
inadequate to the rapidity of motion or action
required, he is rode or driven, till (finking
under the burthen), with repeated falls, broken
and a perfeverance in perpetual drudgery,
he is literally brought to <c a ftand ftill," and
rendered unfit for every purpofe but the cart;
where they are too frequently obferved dying
wretched martyrs to the horrid combination,
or rather joint effect, of HARD WORK,
To avert this calamity from fo defervedly
great and univerfal a favourite of mankind, is
a duty incumbent upon every individual, who
(prompted by his reflections, becomes con-
F 4                             fcious
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72             LAMENESS,
fcious of the uncertainty of his own ftate, and
the admirable fervices of this dependant),
wifhes by a contribution of his endeavours,
however difproportionate, to render himfelf of
fome utility to that fociety of which he con-
fiitutes a member. This confideration, blend-
ed with a perfect knowledge of the various,
not to add almoft inexpreffible, fufferings of
an animal fo truly valuable, fir ft roufed me
from the lethargy of oblivion, and prompted
me to undertake a tafk of reformation, which
(divefted of every perfonal paltry idea of am-
bition) I fhould have been far happier to have
feen from an abler hand, and more extenfive
abilities. Whatever might have been my ori-
ginal fufpenfe, I am nowjuftified in making
confeffion, fuch portion of diffidence is in a
great degree obliterated; the foftering hand
of public favour having removed every doubt,
rendered every confolation, and I muft ever
confider it one of the moji fortunate occur-
rences of my life, that I have been enabled to
mitigate the inconveniencies of fo general a
want by the prefent publication.
From this fentimental digreffion, it will be
thought prudent to advert to the cafe in quef-
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LAMENESS.              73
tion. It is therefore (even in the firft in-
ftance) moft earneftly recommended to let
every horfe have fuch proportion of reft from
his daily employment or purpofes as nature
evidently fiands in need of. That invariable
rule will prove a practice highly advantageous
to the proprietor, for he may be then experi-
mentally convinced prevention is ever prefer-
able to a cure, by precluding its neceffity. But
when fuch failure is perceived every kind of
work fhould be infiantly fet afide, if the leaft
defire is indulged to reftcre the horfe to his
former ftate of purity or perfection. Such
defect being attended to in proper time, mo-
derate reftringent applications, with a loofe
ftable, if in winter, or a fimilar method, with
turning out mfummer, will, in a fjhort time,
generally reftore the tone of the whole fyftem
affected by thefe means. In this clafs of me-
dicine the following is entitled to the prefer-
Take rectified fpirits of wine one pint;
Camphor two ounces;
Belt vinegar half a pint.
Let the camphor be totally diflblved in the
fpirits before the vinegar is added, which
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74              LAMENESS.
being fhaken well together, the parts afFeded
nmft be properly and patiently bathed with a
fufficient quantity every night and morning,
till the whole is confumed, leaving that grand
fpecific, rest, to crown this prelude with
This treatment may fuffice when taken in
its early flate, but where the evil has been
fuffered to increafe, and accumulate to a cer-
tain degree of lamenefs, attended with vifible
tenfion, inflammation, and extreme pain, as
before defcribed, let the above embrocation be
ufed as there direded, it being a proper prepar-
ative to the following ftimulative application,
which will moft certainly and infallibly effed
the cure, if the inftrudions here laid down
are ftridly adhered to.
Take cantharides (in powder) one ounce ;
Oil of olives fix ounces;
Spirits of turpentine two ounces.
Mix the Spanifn flies with the olive oil, then
add the turpentine.
Half of this compofition to be well rubbed
into the fore-legs, and the other half in four-
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LAMENESS.              75
and-twenty hours after, taking care to employ
proper time in each operation; rubbing in a
fmall quantity at once, and continuing fo to
do by fubftantial fridion, till the portion pre-
fcribed is abforbed by the feat of difeafe. After
which procefs the halter muff, be fhortened,
or the parts covered, fo as to prevent a proba-
bility of the effecls being deftroyed by the
natural exertions of the horfe, when finding
himfelf difagreeably effected by the ftimulus
of the application. In three or four days after
which he mould be turned out and left to
enjoy the advantage of gentle motion for a
length of time, adapted to the original caufe
and prefent feverity of complaint. If a radical
cure is anxioufly defired or meant to be pro-
moted, prudence will readily point out the con-
fiftency of a three months run, when a horfc
may be expecled to come into hand perfectly
found, and as fuch (no fymptoms appearing to
indicate the contrary) may be got into proper
condition, as dire&ed under that head.
There are undoubtedly fome, who, from
different motives of intereji or impatience, will
not permit fo long a refpite from bufinefs or
pleafure, let what may prove the confequencej
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j6                 STRAINS,
notwithflanding which I fhall prefume to in-
troduce my farther advice, and recommend it
moft frrenuoufly to fuch owners as have horfes
in this predicament, to extend, their lenity for
fix weeks at lead in the former cafe, and two
months in the latter, left, by sn almoft imme-
diate relapfe, they may have reafqn to repent
their folly or impatience.
Are a part of this treatife to which fuch
frequent application will be made for inform-
ation, that they cannot be too accurately ex-
plained for the purpofe of being well under-
stood. And as I would much rather appeal
to the tafte and critical inquiries of the intel-
ligent and enlightened reader than the caprice
of the prejudiced vulgar, I {hall be more
anxious to obtain the approbation of the ju-
dicious by a minute and explanatory invefti-
gation, than the fanction of the multitude by
fuch a fuperficial account as would bed come
into compact with the ftandard of their com-
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STRAINS                  77
Previous to farther animadverfion, it becomes,
unavoidably neceffary to combat the promul-
gated opinion of Osmer, who, in his remarks,
ventures an affertion that " tendons are un-
" elaftic bodies," though, in the very fame page
(and frequently after), he fays " the tendon is
" often elongated and ftrained."—How this
writer, or his readers, could reconcile fuch pal-
pable abfurdity and contradiction, I am at a lofs
to conceive; or how a tendon can beekngafedtha.t
has no elajlicity, I am yet to learn. Nor does the
introduction of this obfervation prove of greater
utility than to corroborate the propriety of
my former remarks upon the Angularity of
ancient practice and modern publications.
To underftand this fubject clearly, it is un-
avoidably neceffary to be informed not only
of the caufes from which fuch complaints
proceed, but the parts that conftitute the feat
of difeafe itfelf. To acquire which let it be
obferved strains are of two forts, the one
originating in the ligamentary parts, by which
the different joints are preferved in contact;
the other by a relaxation of the mu/c/es, or
tendons, whofe purpofes are the direct office
of motion. Hence it is that the farrier and
-ocr page 100-
78                STRAINS.
groom are fo frequently at a lofs for their de-
finition or explanation of any particular lame-
nefs, fixing it by conjeSlure upon any part (at-
tributing it to any caufe but the right; and
to this they are feldom direded by any mental
information, pofTefling a very barren concep-
tion of the firucture of parts, their purpofes,
or appropriations. The mufcles or tendons (by
farriers generally termed finews) are ftrong
elaflic fubflances, compofed of innumerable
threads or fibres, pofTefling the properties of
extenfion and contraction to a certain degree,
beyond which their flexibility or elafticity can-
not be extended without palpable injury, and
certain lamenefs; for, by overtraining, their
elaflic quality (or affinity to catgut) is in a
great meafure deftroyed in proportion to the
injury fuftained. To render this idea fo clear-
that it cannot be mifunderftood, let us fuppofe
that a horfe is going at his rate, and in fo do-
ing his toe covers a prominence, or the edge
of one, where the heel has no fupport, it con-
fequently extends the tendons beyond the dif-
tance afforded by nature, and inftantly con-
ititutes what is called a letting down of the
back finews, a circumftance that constantly
happens upon the turf in running for a heat,
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STRAINS.                 79
and the horfe is then faid to have been " broken
" down."
This being fuppofed to have happened, the
principal indication of cure will immediately
ftrike every reader, fo far as the gradual con-
traction and tone of the tendon is concerned ;
but the previous and inftantaneous consider-
ation will be to prevent, as much as poffible,
any confequent inflammation that may fall
upon the part. To which end take away, fo
foon as convenient after the injury is fuftained,
a proportion of blood adequate to the date and
drength of the fubject from a vein as contigu-
ous to the part affected as may be confident;
and as your fuccefs will in a great degree de-
pend upon the earlieft applications, procure a
quart of the bed white wine vinegar, or very
drong verjuice ; and, after making it hot over
the fire, add one ounce of the extract of Sa-
turn; and with this foment the leg every night
and morning, bandaging the part with a broad
roller of a fufficient length, draining it pretty
firm. After ufing this fomentation for two
nights and mornings, begin with the following
embrocation; and let two or three table fpoon-
fuls be gently and gradually rubbed into the
-ocr page 102-
8o                STRAINS.
affected part every night and morning, never
omitting the ufe of the bandage tolerably firm*
Take of Barbadoes tar and fpirits of turpentine
each two ounces;
Opodeldoc four ounces.—Mix well together and
keep flopped.
Previous to the ufe of this, fhould any de-
gree of inflammation have been productive of
fwelling, a poultice may be applied twice a day,
prepared with a proper quantity of oatmeal,
rendered of a necefTary confidence, with a
flrong decodion of wormwood and camomile
(boiling a large handful of each in three pints
of water and /training off); this, by its emol-
lient tendency, will contribute to the early
reduction of the inflammation, without a far-
ther relaxation of the tendinous parts: but the
poultice muff be immediately difcontinued fo
foon as the fuelling fubfides, and the embro-
cation taken into ufe, as above directed. To
this very conftant application muff be added
reft: too much ftrefs cannot be laid upon this
moft predominant and necefTary article; from
which the greater good muft certainly refult.
To the want of patience and mercy only it is
to be attributed that fuch an infinite number
-ocr page 103-
STRAINS.                 8i
of fine horfes have been flaked to the burn-
ing cautery
that, with proper time in the field,
would have been as certainly faved from the
heat of the iron. And it is no lefs aftonifhing
that, in the prefent age cf equeflrian fagacity
and penetration, few can be found whofe rea-
fon will fufficiently demonftrate the abfolute
neceffity of time and reft to reftore the tone
of a relaxed mufcle or tendon; a fyflem of
knowledge as clear as any mechanical principle
that can be produced. When the horfe has
continued in the flable, under the treatment
here mentioned, for a fortnight, he mould, if
in the winter, have his liberty in a large flable
or barn where he will, by a natural attention
to his own eafe and fafety, (unlefs hurried,
driven, or difturbed, 'which fhould be pre-
vented) fufficiently guard the injured part.
On the contrary, if in the fummer he fhould
be turned into a paflure alone, and at a diflance
from other horfes, where he cannot, by their
neighings, be excited to any exertion of fpirit
or extravagance that may occafion a relapfe.
But, in either cafe, if the enlargement of the
part (that generally attends) does not fubfide,
and the lamenefs bear vifible marks of amend-
ment, fo foon as may reafonably be expecled,
G                            take
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82               STRAIN 5.
take the horfe up and immediately apply the
following liquid blijler :
Take Spanifh flies (in powder) three drachms $
euphorbium and oil of origanum, each two
drachms •, corrofive fublimate (in powder}
one drachm; olive oil, four ounces.—Mix well
This muft be deliberately and gradually
rubbed over the whole part for at leaft half an
hour, letting it be entirely abforbed by the
feat of pain if poffiblej then cover it with a
woollen bandage, and fhorten the halter to
prevent its being forced off: the ceremony and
effecl: of this kind of application is before de-
fcribed under the article of blood fpavin. At
the expiration of three or four days he mould
be turned out, and not have even a halter
upon him for fix weeks, or two months, at
leaft: and, however found he may feem to be,
his exercife, or work, mould be very gentle;
firft boiling half a pint of common fea-fait in
a quart of the beft and ftrongeft vinegar that
can be procured : this keep in a bottle in the
(table, and let the neceffary part, or parts, be
well bathed with this reftringent (and a very
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STRAINS.                 83
ufeful one it will be found) for a quarter of
an hour every night and morning, till double
the quantity has been ufed. Under this prac-
tice I have feen the complete cure of many,
without inftantly recurring to a perpetual ble-
mifli by the prefent rage for FIRING, which
is in general by much too frequently adopted;
and no doubt upon moft occafions hurried
on by the pecuniary propenfity and didation of
the interefted operator, anxious to difplay his
dexterity, or (as Scrub fays) " his neweft
" flouriuh," in the operation; which, when
performed, and the horfe is turned out (as
muft be), if taken up found, I mail ever attri-
bute much more of the cure to that grand
rest, than to the effect of hisfire. No-
thing can be more truly contemptible than the
ridiculous and abfurd adoption of the ancient
pradice of cold charges, compounded of ar-
ticles calculated in fome degree to what they
call brace the parts, it is true, but tending
much more to form a kind of bandage by its
firmnefs of adhefion, than medical relief by
its power of penetration. And this will be the
more readily credited when a moment's con-
fideration is afforded to the fad: for what in-
herent reftringent virtues can be poffeffed by
G 2
                           «« does
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84                STRAINS.
" does hair, Armenian bole, ryejlour, or oatmeal,"
more than the properties of forming a cement
(equal to a bandage) for keeping the parts in a
firm and certain pofition, constituting a pom-
pous prelude to the general idea of rest.
No one advocate for cold charges, or Strength-
ening poultices, will be confident enough to
declare they retain a fufficient portion oijli-
to penetrate the integuments; and, by
their reftringent or contracting powers, afFecl
the tone or elasticity of the relaxed tendon.
If fo I will venture to hazard an opinion
that what efficacy they may hold individually
is entirely locked up in the mafs of compo-
sition, and forms no other merit as a corro-
borant than a medical fubftitute for a band-
age of rollers, &c. with this exception only,
that it bears the appearance of bufinefs, or
fagacity extraordinary, in the farrier and
groom employed in the elaborate preparation ;
who may prevent their lofs of time, and prof-
titution of judgment, by methods much more
eminently entitled to approbation, as founded
upon principles of reqfon, and Sanctioned by
fuccefs. The fame obfervations hold good in
refpect to poultices j they never Should be ap-
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STRAINS.                 85
plied to ftrains but in cafes of fwelling and
inflammation; as they can only contribute to
the very reverfe of the general intention, by
relaxing the fyftem they are employed to
I can have no doubt (notwithftanding the
dictatorial manner in which inftru&ions were
formerly conveyed, amounting almoft to a
degree of infallibility,) but the majority of
readers who condefqend te ruminate at all
upon the fubjecl, will inftantly admit the
great probability of receiving a greater portion
of relief from active liquids, that, by their
volatile and penetrative power, (affifted by fre-
quent and induftrious application) rufii imme-
diately into contact with the feat of pain, than
from a compound of mere fimples formed into
elaborate poultices or cataplafms, that are pre-
vented by the nature of the parts, (as the hair,
and thicknefs of the fkin,) from bringing fo
inactive a mafs into effedl, with parts requiring
reftringents of much greater power and pene-
Strains in the Iigamentary parts are in ge-
neral occafioned by fudden jerks, fhort turns,
G 3                        or
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S6                  STRAINS,
or finking in deep ground, and forcible exer-
tions to get extricated. Thefe being fituated
at the junction of the bones, and in moft cafes
£o covered with the mufcles and foft parts,
that no great expectation of relief can be
formed upon the efficacy of external applica-
tion, when the feat of pain is unluckily io re-
mote from the furface. But as thefe cafes are
very frequently productive of internal heat, ex-
citing fymptomatic inflammation, wafh well
with the following Lotion three or four times
every day, adhering ftill clofelv to the article of
reji, already repeatedly mentioned, and never
can be fufficiently attended to; remembering
alfo the great utility of bandage, where it can
be conveniently applied:
Take bell white wine vinegar one pint;
Extract of Saturn one ounce ;
Camphorated fpirits of wine four ounces ;
And rain or pond water one pint.
Mix the extract with the camphorated fpirits j
then add the vinegar, fhaking well together;
and, laftly, add the water for frequent ufe.
To enumerate the variety of ftrains, and
particularize the different fymptoms conftitut-
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STRAINS.'                87
ing each, would be an endlefs undertaking;
fuch information or knowledge muft always
depend upon the judgment and attention of
the operator; for the directions from books
are always doubtful, and feldom decifive. Nor
can it be believed that different horfes lamed
in this part, or pained in that, will all ftep,
halt, ox retreat,
in the fame manner; if fo, I
may venture to affirm the idea will be fre-
quently as lame as the horfe!
To afcertain the feat of difeafe to a certainty,
the judicious inveftigator will depend much on
,the eye, more on the touch; and, if affifted
by obfervation and experience, he will very
rarely err in the effecl: of his judgment: for, his
minute examination being made with a necef-
fary attention to concurring circumftances, he
will feldom fail to convey a true ftate of the
cafe upon almoft every investigation.
Previous to the final difmiffion of this ar-
ticle, it may not be inapplicable to introduce
the compofition of a blister in great eftima-
tion, and of a different form, calculated for
thofe who may be in fome degree attached to
the former mode of practice, and indulge their
G 4                     doubts
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88                STRAINS.
doubts of the efficacy of the liquid Uifier before
Take of Venice turpentine and quickfilver each
one ounce; rub together in a mortar till the
quickfilver is no longer vifible; then add
Of the ointment of marfhmallows and yellow
digeftive, commonly called bafiiicon, each
two ounces; and, laftly,
Of cantharides (or Spaniih flies), three drachms;
Of corrofive mercury one drachm-, both in fine
powder, mixing the whole well together.
A portion of this to be carefully rubbed into
every part upon which the blifter is required
to take efFecl; and the remainder to be laid on
as thick as judgment may diclate or the cafe
require, covering the whole with a piece of
fheep or lambikin leather, having a margin
fpread with flicking diachylon; over this may
be placed any other convenient bandage, mak-
ing it firm, and ufing every precaution to
prevent its being /tripped off by the horfe,
fo foon as its Simulating power makes him
fenfible of his fltuation.
The operation of firing is fo much the rage
at prefent (without a relative confideration to
-ocr page 111-
STRAINS,                  89
his becoming disfigured), that a fingle obfer-
vation on the fubjecf is rendered unneceffary,
one offer of advice only excepted, viz.—Never
to adopt an alternative fo truly difagreeable and
dijlrejjing x\\\ all the more gentle applications
have repeatedly failed in effect; amongft which
do not let the following be omitted:
Take oil of wormwood one ounce;
Amber and origanum of each half an ounce;
Camphorated fpirits of wine and opodeldoc of
each four ounces; and let a proportion (ac-
cording to the injury fuftained) be gently
rubbed into the part twice every day.
Take extract of Saturn and camphorated fpirits
each two ounces;
Opodeldoc four ounces.—Mix the extraft and
camphorated fpirits together; then add the
opodeldoc,(and ufe as above, never omitting
the ufe of proper bandage.
In. corroboration of my own remarks upon
the inconfiftency of rafhly bringing into ufe the
burning cautery, I muft beg to introduce theju-
dicious opinion of Osmer upon the operation
of firing, which I mall quote exactly in his
own words, from a treatife of his that never
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90                  STRAINS.
fell into my hands till many weeks after the
original publication of this work.
t: Between the tendon and the fkinof the \tg,
*' as nothing intervenes but a thin membrane,
" what hand can determine betwixt the boun*-
" daries of thoi'j bodies, whofe appearance, by
" the heat of the iron, is made undiftinguifh-
" able to the eye. Now mark the event of
" firing.------If the fire reaches nq further than
"the fkin, little advantage can accrue to the
" tendon, but the fibres of the fkin will become
" contracted ar.diefs pliant; if the fire reaches
" the membrane or fheath of the tendon,
"fome of its glands are deftroyed, and the ten-
" don becomes more or lefs rigid. If the ten-
" den be burnt the confequence will be ftill
" worfe, and in either cafe the velocity of
" motion will be impeded ; on all thefe occa-
" fions thehorfe fhouldbe turned to grafs and
" indulged with proper red, that the difeafed
" parts may recover their former firmnefs,
" tone, and ftrength."
-ocr page 113-
[ 9* 3
In the heels are fo evidently children of the
fame family, that, n6t being able to reap any
advantage from their feparauon, it would be
very unfair to part them. Every reader well
knows, without information from me, that, in
the general fearch for cures in the books gone
before upon this fubjedt, they have been mod
plentifully furnifhed with remedies, and thofe
very concife too. The whole clafs of corro-
Jive, detergents, repellents,
and rejlringents, have
been let loofe, affording ample food to indulge
the moll: extenfive appetite for experiment. But
modern and experimental practice abandons this
-ocr page 114-
beaten barren tract of alum, lead, vitriol*, mer*
and a long lift of inveterate poifons, com-*
ing immediately to a rational fyftem founded
on common obfervation and long experience.
Cracks and Scratches, in nine cafes out
of every ten, are undoubtedly produced by
negligence and a want of care in the superin-
tendent ; and not, as is too frequently fup-
pofed, from a bad habit, or an acrimonious
ftate of the blood.
In many ftables, (particularly where the
mailer feldom pays a vifit), fo as the carcafs is
fleek, the feet and heels are left to take care of
themfelves. From this circumftance in fevere
weather (when the parts below the fetlock arc
left in a wet, dirty, and flovenly condition),
do thefe complaints originate, evidently refult-
ing mere from bad grooms than bad habit.
It is likewife remarkable that the mode of treat-
for a century paft has been in direct oppofi-
to the efforts of nature, without
the introduction of a fingle attempt to co-ope-
rate in her endeavours. Iuftead of corrojhe
wafries, detergent lotions, repelling liniments, or
rejlringent embrocations, calculated to form
-ocr page 115-
rigid efchars, or painful cajlojities, I fhall com-
municate, and earneftly recommend, a fafe%
and effeStual method of cure, which
I have never yet feen once fail in an experience
of twenty years.
In every twenty-four hours, but more parti-
cularly at each time of the horfe's returning
from the road or exercife, let the cracks or
scratches be wafhed for a considerable time
vilthfoap and warm water, making a lather,
and continuing to rub them tenderly with the
fuds, till they become pliable, and perfectly
clear from every degree of fcurf, or hardnefs
at the edges, and the ftiffened mucus, or ooz-
ing, is entirely wafhed away; then wipe very
dry with a linen cloth, and when perfectly fo,
rub in a fufficient quantity of camphorated
fpermacceti ointment:
there is no doubt but they
will foon fubmit to this fimple treatment, if
regularly perfevered in. On the eontrary, if
in fome days after this method has been
adopted, you perceive the cracks to be deep,
the difcharge copious, and the fmell foetid or
ftinking, you may naturally conclude there is
a foulnefs in the habit, or an acrimony in the
blood, requiring rectification ; in that cafe con-
-ocr page 116-
94                  THRUSH.
tinue your vjajhings with foap and warm water
every night and morning; take away a propor-
tion of blood, according to the directions be-
fore given under that head, rubbing in a
fmall quantity of the ftrong mercurial ointment,
(inftead of the camphorated fpermacaeti), ad-
miniftering two purging balls ; and if neceffary
afterwards a diuretic ball, every other morning
for a fortnight, as will be hereafter defcribed,
under the article Greafe, when we come to
that fubjecf.
Commonly called " the Running 'Thru/Jo" is
a varicous ftate of the frog, which, becoming
perforated in different parts, bears the appear-
ance of rapid decay and rottennefs ; occaiioned
by an ichorous corrofive difcharge, frequently
the evident effect of negledt in fuffering the
horfe to go badly fhod, till the frog, by re-
peated bruifes, lofes its original property, and
becomes difeafed. To inattention the complaint
is generally owing, and by early cdre is as ge-
nerally cured. Though there are undoubtedly
in fiances
-ocr page 117-
THRUSH.                  95
inftances of fuch defects being what are termed
natural blemifhes; but the mode of treatment
will be fimilar and effective. The putrid,
ragged, or rotten part of the frog mould be
conftantly pared away, as mould alfo the hoof
that bears upon the defective parts. The bot-
tom of the foot mould be frequently waiLed
with warm water, particularly after coming
into the ftable; and, when dry, the whole
frog moiftened flightly with tincture of myrrh.
The feet mould be conftantly flopped with a.
compofition of the following proportion:
Cow dung, feven pounds;
Vinegar and chamber-lye, of each one pint. —
If the complaint difplays (by its depth or
fcetidity) a degree of inveteracy, affifl with the
following diuretic balls:
Take white foap eight ounces ;
Nitre and rofin (in powder) of each three ounces;
Camphor and oil of juniper, of each three
drachms •, form the mafs into half a dozen
balls, and let one be given every, or every other
morning, as the ftate of the cafe requires.
-ocr page 118-
96               GREASE.
But mould the hoife be vifibly foul, and, by
his whole appearance, indicate a tendency to
fluctuating humours, from an impurity in the
blood, a courfe of phyfic is firft to be adopted,
preceded by a proportional bleeding, regulating
both by the directions given under thofe dif-
tinct heads. Thefe inftructions properly at-
tended to, no doubt need be entertained of a
perfect cure j yet it had in moft cafes (particu-
larly where the defect has been fevere, or the
frog very much impaired) much better be fully
confirmed by turning out to grafs for an ade-
quate length of time, where the foftnefs of the
pafture may act as a natural cataplafm, pro-
moting the growth of the frog to its original
ftate of ftrength and perfection.
We are told by an author of the lateft date,
what is almofl univerfally underftood by thofe
at all acquainted with the animal economy,
that " the blood is conveyed from the heart
" to the extremities by the arteries, and re-
*« turned by the veins j in which latter the
-ocr page 119-
GREASE.                   97
'* blood is to rife in perpendicular columns,
" to return the circulating fluids from the ex-
-f tremiues Hence fwellings in the legs of
" horfes may he eal'ily accounted for, from a
" partial ftagnation of the blood and juices in
" the finer veffels, where the circulation is
*' moft languid ; and efpecially where there is
" a want of due exercife, and a proper mufcu-
" lar compreffton upon the veffels to pufh for-
*' ward the returning blood, and propel the
" inert or half-ftagnaung fluid through their
** veffels." This is one realon (where a reafon
is wanting and muft be obtained), and is quoted
entirely for the fervice of thofe who require
no other. But, as many may wifli to receive
more fa'tisfa&ory information upon the fubjed,
it will be neceffary to afford it a nicer eluci-
Indeed it cannot be fuppofed that any reader
poffeffing the fmalleft degree of rational con-
ception will fall into this ridiculous idea, and
implicitly believe nature has perverted her
own laws, by appropriating to certain offices
veffels inadequate to the purpofes for which
they were formed. That the veffels are fmall
in the extremities muft be acknowledged j
H                             that
-ocr page 120-
98                  GREASE.
that the contents are proportional, cannot tie
denied; thefe pofitions being admitted, it cer-
tainly fhall follow the lefs the weight or fub-
ftance the lefs muft be the force required
to give it motion : this force is retained in the
contracting power of the vefTels acling upon
their own contents, exclufive of the affifting
mufcular compreffion mentioned by the author
above quoted, which (in the fyftem of circu-
lation) can only prove the fecondary consider-
ation. I do not mean to enter into tedious and
tinentertaining difquifitions upon the laws of
nature and motion, but hope (and naturally con-
clude) every reader will coincide with me in
one opinion—that thefe vefTels are as fully ade-
quate to the offices affigned them in the ex-
tremities, as thofe whofe capacities have fixed
them in the more noble parts.
■ This truth being allowed (as by every
intelligent reader it muft be), I confider
nature totally exculpated from the accufation
of infufficiency in the execution of her own
laws; and doubt not, in the investigation of
the fubject, we fhall be able to produce more
fatisfactory reafons for the appearance and
-ocr page 121-
GREASE.                   99
progrefs of this difeafe than any we have yet
feen offered to public confideration.
That " a partial ftagnation of the blood and
" juices in the finer veffels, where the circula-
" tion is moft. languid," may and does happen,
I readily admit, but by no means fo often as
to conftitute the difeafe we now treat of; if fo,
(the extremities in moft horfes being the fame,
as well as the circumference or capacity of the
veffels and force of circulation), there can be
no doubt but nineteen out of every twenty
would be afflicted with this malady, from an
" error in nature," that no human fore-
fight can prevent or judgment remove.
Bartlet (who is the author before alluded
to), fays, in the paflage there quoted, "the
*' horfes moft fubjec~t to it are thofe where
" there is adue want of exercife." In compli-
ment to an author of merit and repute, we
will admit this for a moment, but, the better
to eftablifh my own point, I fhall claim the
privilege of making one cbfervation in direct op-
position to an affertion that has acquired fome
authority by remaining fo long uncontradicted.
And as I, from the firft moment of my em-
H 2                   barkation
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ioo                GREASE,
barkation in this treatife, have totally dis-
claimed the very idea of implicit obedience to
the dictation of thofe who have preceded me
on the fubjedT:, I now come to the declaration
of an opinion dire&ly oppofite to what we have
jufl quoted; and (as no bad prelude to what
is to follow) wreft the attention of the reader
to the following cireumftanee well worthy of
note.—That the horfes having the moft re-
gular and temperate exercife, food, air, and
water, are the very fubje£f s that are in gene-
ral more feverely afflicted with this difeafe than
any other, no one will attempt to difprove.
For inftance, thofe pafling under the denomina-
tion of" cart horfes," employed in teams, agri-
culture, rOad waggons, &c.; and this cir-
eumftanee alone, if unaffifted with other tefti-
mony, would very much warp the opinion
before-mentioned, and prove both the vefTels
and circulation to be lefs culpable in this bufi-
nefs than that writer feemed to imagine.
It is a cireumftanee known to the moft fuper-
ficial obferver, that enormous quantities of hair
are permitted to remain upon the heels of
draft horfes of the above defcription without
exception j and it is in vain to expoftulate upon
-ocr page 123-
GREASE.                  101
the abfurdity, by enlarging upon the heat it oc-
cafions in fummer, or the dirt and filth it har-
bours in winter. You are told, in return, "of
" its utility in preventing injuries from flints,
" bruifes from ftones," ccc. this is the evident
efFedt of inftinctive obftinacy and ignorance,
tranfmitted from fire to fon; and is one of the
mod palpable reafons than can be produced for
the frequent appearance and progrefs of this
complaint, whether proceeding originally from
a hidden accumulation of external naftinefs or
internal impurity.
As I mean however to give the explanation
of this difeafe the face of novelty, I (hall hint
only at the impoflibility of removing, from
under the loads of hair juft defcribed, the quan-
tity of dirt and extraneous matter that muft
inevitably lodge there, and continue to accu-
mulate without even a probability of extirpa-
tion ', and proceed to hazard an opinion, or
perhaps a fad, that the proportion of fecreted
perfpirable matter, making its efforts here (as
elfewhere) for a natural difcharge, is obftrucled
by the mafs or filth caked upon thefurface, as
before explained; and becomes, in the courfe
pf time, too vijc'id and (abjiantial to b~i again
H 3
-ocr page 124-
102                GREAS E.
abforbed and carried into the circulation. This
is palpably the ftate of the cafe, and nature,
faid by Bartlet to be deficient in her own
office, is not fo but upon compulfion; the con-
ftant flow of perfpirable matter to the parts fo
evidently obftruded, totally overpower every
effort of Nature; and, from the accumulation
of matter, the veffels certainly become inade-
quate to the tafk of conveying treble the
proportion for which they were intended : the
extremities being by thefe means overloaded
and diftended, the contents not only become,
from their ftagnation, putrid and ccrrcjivc, but
at length, by their acrimonious quality, perfo-
rate the integuments in a foetid ichor; and, by
a peculiar fharpnefs in its cutaneous oozing,
gives a calkfity or hardnefs to the edges of the
apertures, fmall as they are, constituting, in
this difeafe, a greater or lefs degree of invete-
racy, according to the ftate and temperament
of the blood at the time of attack.
The diforder having once made its appear-
ance will, in its progrefs, beyond every ad-
miffion of doubt, be almoft entirely regulated
by the favourable or unfavourable ftate of the
habit, which muft now be more minutely
-ocr page 125-
GREASE.                 103
inquired into. But as it appears very little
amongfl horfes of the firft or fecond clafs, ap-
propriated to either turf or field, and is con-
fined chiefly to thofe before defcribed, or fuch
as are unluckily deftined to a hard road, and a
harder mailer, fall in for a much greater pro-
portion of work than care : I avail myfelf
of this additional obfervation to corroborate any
former affertion, or opinion—that this complaint
frequently originates much more in the ill hu-
of the groom than the horse ; to which
the carelefTnefs and inattention of the mailer
does not fometimes a little contribute.
But as an ancient adage inflructs us to be-
lieve "There is no rule without an exception,"
fo I am willing to admit the exception, and
allow that a vifcidity or tenacity in the blood
may engender joulnejs; and impurities may be
produced by omitting to correct and purify
acrimony on the one part, or zjluggi/h cohejion
on the other. Collections of matter may be
formed, and are undoubtedly the efforts of
nature to dilburthen herfelf of the morbid
and fhe, moil wifely, makes thofe
efforts as remote as poffible from the vital prin-
ciple of action, and in the parts heft qualified
to bear the operation.
H 4                     Thus
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i©4                 GREASE.
Thus much produced to inculcate the doc-
trine of the difeafe, let us endeavour to eftablifh
(contrary to the cuftorn of a century part) the
moft rational and lefs objectionable mode of
obtaining rel ef in cafes of fo much pain and
trouble. So ioon as the attack is difcovered
or the appearance of difeafe is afcertained,
let blood be taken away with a proper re-
ference to the directions given under that
head; letting your quantity be proportioned to
the fize, ftate, and ftrength of your hcrfe; and
fo fbon as the b'ood is cold, let an examination
be made of its ftate, and proceed accordingly.
If you find the blood is firmly coagulated
with a finall p oportion of fcrurn or liquid,
that the crafiamentum, or mafs, is livid, with a
coat of fize, or geiannized matter, upon the
furface, you may immediately conclude thee
is too great a tenacity and adhefion in the
Blood for the office of circulation through the
fmallcr veifels; and that fuch quality has con-
tribuied to the caufij of obftiucfion under
which the fubject is difcovered to labour. If
the difeafe is in its earlieft ftate, and does not
feem to indicate rapid Jigns of inveteracy, and
the horfe is not remarkably Jcicl or out of con-
it may probably fubmit \o the mildeft
-ocr page 127-
GREASE.                   105
method of treatment; as for inftance, let the
parts affedled be well wajhed twice every day
with foft water made warm, and plentifully
impregnated with Joap, fo as to form a fub-
ftantial lather; with which every deedtive or
ofTenfive fpot fhould be moft patiently rubbed,
fo as to clear the furface of all fcurf, fcabs, or
indurated matter; then wipe the parts gently
dry with a linen cloth; and fo foon as well
dried, wa{h where neceflary with as much as
is requifite of the following lotion ;
Take tincture of myrrh and camphorated fpi-
rits of wine, each one ounce-,
Of be ft white wine vinegar and fpring water,
each two ounces.—Mix together;
And when well dried in flightly rub over with
a fmall quantity of the following ointment :
Take of white diachylon plafter and olive oil
of each three ounces ; melt together over
the fire; then keep ftirring till cold, and
mix upon a ftone with three drachms of
the fugar of lead, firft powdered very fine
in a mortar.
And let one of the following diuretic
£Alls be given every other morning for a
-ocr page 128-
106               GREASE.
courfe of one dozen: but if the horfe is evir
dently grofs in habit, and foul in excrement,
this courfe muff be preceded by two dofes of
phyfic, prepared according to his ftrength and
condition, from fomeof thofe prefcribed under
the directions for purging, See page 36.
Take of C affile, or beft Briftol foap, twelve
ounces ;
Yellow rofin and nitre (in powder) each eight
ounces ;
Camphire (in powder) one ounce ;
Oil of juniper fix drachms ;
Mix with as much fyrup or honey as required,
and divide into a dozen balls, and roll up
in liquorice or anifeed powder.
If the difeafe is farther advanced, and dis-
plays a palpable inveteracy, the pans confider-
ably enlarged, and the difcharge both foetid
in itfelf and copious in quantity, (the blood
being as before defcribed,) bleed again in four
or five days j giving in two days, or three at
moft, one of the purging balls, adding of
-ocr page 129-
GREASE.               107
tnercurius dutch, (commonly called calomel)
two drachms; working it off as before de-
fcribed, and ufing every precaution to avoid
cold: at the expiration of four or five clear
days repeat the purging ball, adding or di-
minifhing (that is changing the number), fc*
as to render it effectual in refpecT: to ftrength.
In three days after the fetting of which fecond
dofe begin a courfe of the above diuretic
balls, and let one be given every morning
for a fortnight, three weeks, or a month, as
may be found neceffary. The warning with
the folution of foap in warm water to be regu-
larly and fubftantiaily repeated twice every day j
the parts to be fomented after each warning
with jlanneh dipped in a hot decoction, of
camomile, wormwood, marfhmallows and rofe-
for a quarter of an hour or more; and
this to be followed, if neceffary, by the ap-
plication of a poultice prepared with equal
parts of ryemeal and oatmeal; with garlic arid
white lily root, of each two ounces; both beat
to a pafte, and all mixed together to a proper
confidence, with a part of the decoction pre-
pared for the fomentation; and then ftir in a
quarter of a pound of lard, and apply as warm
as may be with fafety.
-ocr page 130-
io8                  GREASE.
On the contrary, if circumftances fhould not
be fo fevere as to require the poultice, the fol-
lowing ointment may be plentifully applied
after the fomentation (when rubbed dry) j or,
in worfe cafes, when the poultice is left off:
Take ointment of elder four ounces;
Camphire, powdered and molified with a little
olive oil, fix drachms;
Of liquid laudanum and extract of Saturn, each
two drachms;
Mix well together, and keep clofe flopped for
But when the cafe is fo obftinate as to bear
no figns of fubmiffion either in a reduction of
the difcharge, or a decreafe of the fwelling,
let longitudinal and tranfverfe fcarzfaations be
made fuperfkially with a fleam, in number and
difbnce proportioned to the diftenfion of the
parts, (or inveteracy of appearance), fo as to
enfure a plentiful difcharge of blood and fanies.
Immediately after the difcharge apply a poul-
tice very warm, and fufficiently large to cover
all the parts, compounded of the following
-ocr page 131-
GREASE.                  109
Take of coarfe brown bread and boiled turnips
equal pares; and mafh well over the fire;
adding a fufficient quantity of ftale ftrong
beer, to give it a proper confidence; and
ftir in of bell flour of muftard one ounce,
turpentine two ounces, linfeed powder three
ounces, and lard fix ounces, or fufficient
to keep it from getting too ft iff.
This muft be continued night and morning
till a change in appearance renders a variation
in treatment neceflary, regulating the ufe of
purgatives or diuretics by the face of the difeafe,
and the difcretion of the prefcriber, farrier, or
groom; adopting fuch choice of the various
methods pointed out as may rationally appear
moft applicable to the ftate and changes of the
fubject. During the whole progrefs of cure
fuch proportion of gentle motion or exercife
mould be adopted as the nature and circuxn-
ftances of thedifeafe will bear: and the horfe,
if at a proper feafon of the year, be turned out
to enjoy the advantages of gradual and volun-
tary motion, fo foon as his ftate will admit,
firft obferving however mild or fevere this
difeafe may have been. So foon as the dis-
charge has declined, its foetidity (or offenfive
-ocr page 132-
no                GREASE.
fmell) is fubdued, and the fwelling totally fub-*
fided, the cure may be completed by well
nvafhing the parts with equal proportions of
foap lees and good vinegar, once every day,
occafionally moiftening with a fmall quantity
of the ointment before-mentioned, compound-
ed of diachylon plafter, olive oil, and Jugar of
page 105.
Having treated largely upon that degree of
foulnefs termed grease, originating in a pal-
pable combination of neglect and naftinefs,
ftrengthened by internal groffnefs and vifcidity
of blood, with the various methods of treat-
ment adapted to each diftind ftage of difeafe,
let us revert to the fame difeafe, formed by a
very dirtincl and feparate caufe, where, from
the kind of horfe and the care conflantly taken,
we are inftantly convinced it muft arife from
an acrimonious ftate of the blood and juices,
or an hereditary retention or taint from sire
or dam.
In this cafe the firft ftep to cure muft be
the fame as with the other; that is, bleed to a
proper quantity, according to the ftate of your
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GREASE.                  iii
fubjett: if he is full of fieih, high in condi-
tion, and has had no forced evacuations for
a length of time, take fufHcient in proportion
toftrength: if the fymptoms are powerful
and threaten obftinacy, give him a couple of the
following purging balls fix days apart.
The management being ftridtly regulated by
the directions given under the article of purg*
page 35.
Take fuccotrine aloes nine drachms;
JEthiop's mineral and Caftiie foap, of each half
an ounce;
Jalap two drachms;
Ginger one drachm;
Oil of juniper forty drops ;
Syrup of buckthorn fufficient to make the ball.
If this proportion does not purge quite fo
much as defired, add another drachm of aloes j
if on the contrary it is thought to relax too
much, take off a drachm of the jalap, In four
days after the laft dofe begin with one of the
following balls, and repeat it every morn-
ing for fifteen days, three weeks, or a month,
as the urgency or mildnefs of the cafe may
-ocr page 134-
n2                  CREAS £.
Take of antimony finely levigated, fulphtlt4.,
nitre, and vEthiop's mineral, each three
Caftile foap ten ounces;
Oil of juniper three drachms;
Syrup of honey lufficient to make the mafs,
which divide into a dozen balls, rolling
them in liquorice or anifeed powder.
This difeafe has been fo fully explained,
and every method of cure fo minutely entered,
into, that the reader can be at no lofs for far-
ther inftruclions under this head, having fuch
a variety of prefcriptions to affift his endea-
vours if he will but induftrioufiy exert his
judgment on the occafion.
And this in fact becomes neceffary even in
its earlieft ftate; for, by remaining long un-
corrected it foon affumes a degree of virulence,
particularly in fubjects remarkably foul and out
of condition; occalicning a greater portion of
trouble and inconvenience than can poffibly
happen in almoft any other difeafe. To ob-
viate this difficulty, and counteract the ten-
dency as much as pofiible, fuch hints will be
found in the Appendix refpe&ing the manage-
-ocr page 135-
GREASE.                 113
meat of draft horfes, as taken into confidera-
tion and properly attended to, may, in a great
meafure, reduce the number conftantly labour-
ing under this diftemper; many of whom, by
negleft and injudicious treatment, are doomed
to perpetual punifhment, and relinquifhed as
-ocr page 136-
( "4 J
and FARCY.
Is a fubjecl: that has hitherto been very little
treated of, and by no means at all fatisfac-
torily. It has been attributed to many caufes,
but, from every obfervation I have been able
to make, I muft confine it to few. The fjgns
are, a want of flexibility in the fkin, which
is pervaded by a general ftiffnefs that feems
to form an entire adhefion to the flefb, with-
out the leaft partial feparation or diftinclion.
There is a kind of dully fcurf, plainly per-
ceived underneath the hair, that railes it up
in different parts ; and, giving it another hue,
the coat in many places forms an appearance
of two or three colours; conveying, even in
-ocr page 137-
HIDEBOUND, &c. 115
this trifling circumfbnce, a very forcible idea
of poverty in both food and raiment. The
horfe is generally languid, dull, heavy, and
weak; his excrement is dark, foul, and offen-
five; he fvveats much upon very moderate
exertions.; then his coat ftares, the hair turns
different ways, (which in its effluvia is difagree-
able,) and affords evident proof of weaknefs
and debilitation. The caufe requires very little
animadverfion, as it bears the face of poverty
(in food and attention) upon every trait of its
Bad food and want of Jiable care are, in
genera!, the only probable reafons that can be
aliigned for this complaint, or defecT:. Long
lank grafs in low fwampy land in autumn,
and mufly hay or bad oats at any feafon, may
in fome degree allay the hunger, but not gra-
tify the appetite ; for, being in itfelf deftijute
of the effect and quality of fuperior food, no
nutritive contribution can be conveyed for the
generating of blood or formation of flefh.
The fources for the fupply of chyle being thus
obftruded, the lymphatics are deprived of
their due proportion of nutritive fluid that
fhould pafs through thefe fmaller veiTels, and
I z                      they
-ocr page 138-
they become not only in fome meafure con-
tracted, but in a great degree ina&ive, which,
with the want of proper external care and
dreffing, contribute to an almoft univerfal ob-
ftrudion of the cutaneous pores, Thefe, from
the preternatural debilitation of the general
fyftem, are compuliively thrown open upon
the mcft moderate exercife, when a horfe that
is (from excellent food, care, and attention)
in what is termed good condition will not
difplay the lead moifture upon his fkin, even
in undergoing a much greater proportion of
Thus much is introduced to prove its ex~
iftence as an original complaint, probably
caufed by thefe means, when abstracted from
its eorifideration as a fymptomatic attendant
upon any other. And when that is really the
cafe, by effe&ualiy removing the caufe, the
cffe& will eeafe ; or, in other words, cure the
difeafe'on which it is an attendant, and you
will of courfe get rid of its concomitant like-
wife. , In refpec't to its cure very little inftruc-
tion will be neceffary, for guilder judicious
management) it is hardly entitled to the ap-
pellation of difcafe, being in fad no more than
a temporary
-ocr page 139-
HIDEBOUND, &c. 117
a temporary inconvenience. "I herefore, by
way of affording fome little change to the cir-
culation of the blood, take away a fmall
quantity, and in three or four hours after,
increafe its impetus by a math of malt, oats,
and bran, equal parts; continuing it every
night for a fortnight, ftirring in two ounces of
flour of brimftone every other night; giving
his other feeds, (morning and noon) equal
parts of oats and bran, with half a pint of old
beans in each, to prevent relaxing the body too
much by the mafhes. To give this method of
cure fome certainty of fuccefs, regular and
fubftantial dreffirig, air, exercife, found oats,
fweet hay, and good foft water, will greatly
contribute. And when by thefe means he has
vifibly improved in hide, coat, and condition,
let him have twice in a week a brufhing
gallop, to produce a tollerable fweat and en-
liven the circulation; taking great care not to
let him ftand ftill till he is perfectly cool;
when his dreffings fhould be thoroughly gone
through with attention, care, and perfeverance,
every night and morning. If this method
^lould be unattended with fuccefs, there muft
be fome unknown caufe lurking behind j in
which cafe go through a mild courfe of phyfic,
I 3                  feeding
-ocr page 140-
n8            , S U R F E I T.
feeding well between the dofes, or a regular
admiiiiftration of diuretics, as defcribed in the
laft clafs.
This word has been the conftant friend and
frequent refource of ail country farriers, and
may, with great truth, be termed " The
" Farrier's Fade Mecum," abridged to a word
of two fyllabies, for the convenience of tech-
nical explanation and vulgar comprehenfion.
For certainly fo foon as a cutaneous eruption
appears, indicating an acrimonious ftate of the
blood, or a degeneracy of habit, it is (with a
wonderful degree of fagacity, aod almoft in-
credible penetration), confidently pronounced
« A SURFEIT;" but what zfurfeit is, un-
lefs as Captain le Brufh, in the Regifler Office,
defines chaos to be " a fort of—, a kind of
" a—chaos;" they filently acknowledge they
cannot tell.
And what makes it the more un-
fortunate for them is, that Bartlet, the
great " god of their idolatry," to whom they
look for every information, omitted to give
them the leaft clue by which they might glofs
-ocr page 141-
SURFEIT.                   119
their ignorance. " For," fays he, in toto,
furfeits arife from various caufes: but are
" commonly the effects of Jome difeafes not
" attended to, or that have been ill cured."
Whether this can be called an elucidation, or
is entitled to the compliment of " multum in
" parvo," I leave to the difcerning reader,
anxious for infraction; and gladly fubmit to
his impartial decifion alone, whether we are
not likely to derive greater gratification to our
inquiries from a more minute invefligation.
As the before mentioned writer has been
indulgingly concife, another has been mofl
tedioujly prolix, who, after taking a trip through
almoft every known difeafe, feeling for the
caufe, plainly tells you, " it may originate in
C* all or any; but it mofl commonly pro-
" ceeds from a horfe's conflantly feeding till
'.*. he can feed no longer." We thank him
heartily for fuch very useful information',
and proceed to our own part of the tafk, but
not without the neceffary compliment of mak-
ing one obfervation upon his—That it is very
natural to fuppofe a horfe conflantly fupplied
with food, even to fatiety, mufl be fat, (at
Jeaft in tolerable condition), whereas on the
I 4                     contrary
-ocr page 142-
i2o               SURFEIT,
contrary it is universally feen, that horfes la-
bouring under the difeafe known by the ap-
pellation of surfeit, are generally poor.
There is no rational unprejudiced man living
who will not moft cheerfully fubfcribe his
opinion to a fair investigation and demonftra-r
tion* of truth, rather than every fallacious
that may be forcibly Seized on by a
post haste author, impatient to arrive at the
goal of his undertaking.
Of surfeits then there, are two kinds,
originating from different caufes, one being
no more than a very advanced Stage of the cafe
lad defcribed; which being long neglecled,
continues to increafe, with all its Jymptoms
before-mentioned, till the entire mafs of blood
being at laft affeSied, difplays itfelf upon the
furfacc of the body with a degree of virulence
that forcibly appeals to the fenfations of the
owner-j and necejjity, by the plea of self-in-
terest, prompts him to yield, in his own
defence, what the dictates of humanity had in
vain endeavoured to obtain. This I confider
one embellijlment to the Farrier's abftrufe
abridgment ; to which I Shall add an additional
-ocr page 143-
SURFEIT.                    121
definition of this difeafe, that has for ages oc-
casioned infinite looks of' furprife, and exertions
of wifdoffi,
when invoking the interposition of
Minerva or Sornnus, to elucidate a matter that
even their immaculate Bartlet did not
condescend to explain. And as his great pre-
deceffor (who he has mod inceffantly and im-
plicitly copied), after ringing the changes upon
almoft every difeafe, fixed his opinion of the
caufe upon " immoderate feeding;" I (hall
avail myfelf of the privilege afforded me in the
ancient adage of " Doctors differ" and declare
I attribute the caufe to hard drinking.
And although he declined faying much in
favour of his opinion, I fhall not omit to
advance a thefis in confirmation of mine.
The kind offorfeit, differing from the for-
mer in caufe, but very little in effetl, is that
kind where, from ignorance, intoxication, or
inattention, a horfe is fuffered to drink immo-
derately of cold water, when in a violent per-
and the blood confequently in the
higheft degree of circulation.
The fJjock nature fuftains by this revulfion
will be inftantly conceived, even by a mind
-ocr page 144-
122               SURFEIT.
not at all accuftomed to fearch into the ab~
ftrufe receffes of Nature. The blood, in its
greateft velocity, is fo inftantaneouily checked
by the Jlyptic ittfluence of the frigid elements
and the fudden contraction of the folids, that
the crassamentum, or balfamic part of the
blood, becomes immediately thickened and
inflamed, feparating itfelf from the ferum or
watery part, which (being, from the inflam-
matory particles, impregnated with its pro-
portion of acrimony) extravafates itfelf j and,
by an effort of Nature, is propelled to the fkin
for tranfpiration, where the pores (having been
inftantly oollapfed at the time of the water's
taking effect) are fo clofely obstructed that its
faffage to the furface is abfolutely prevented
and rendered impracticable. This fixed, it
becomes united with the perfpirable matter
already confined there (forming a morbid com-
bination) i and is, in the courfe of time,
compelled by the progrefs of internal inflam-
mation to make its way through the fkin;
upon which it at laft appears in a variety of
TORMS and ' different symptoms, affuming
diflin t degrees of malignancy, according to
the ftate, habit, and conjlitution of the fubject
at the time of attack.
-ocr page 145-
SURFEIT.                     123
This being the exaci physical demonftra-
tion and regular procefs of the difeafe, the in-
dications of cure aptly arife from our invefti^
gation. For inftance, to refolve the inflamma-
tory crudities, remove cutaneous obftrudion,
correct the acrimonious ftate of the blood, and
gently quicken the circulation. The better
to effed theie, take away a moderate portion of
blood that the impetus may be encouraged;
open the body with a few warm majhes; and,
according to the mildnefs or inveteracy of its
appearance, give (as the cafe requires) either
two or three of the following purging balls,
allowing fufficient time between each dofe,
and exerting more than ufual precaution to
avoid cold, on account of the mercurial pre-
paration contained in its compofition; though
it is not only remarkably gentle in the opera-
tion, but fmall in quantity, and may be admi-
niftered with the greateft fafety and effed :
Take Barbadoes aloes one ounce-,
Jalap (in powder) three drachms ;
Mercurius dulcis, alias calomel, cream of tartar,
Caftile lbap, and ginger (in powder) of each
two drachms;
Syrup of buckthorn fufficient to make the ball.
-ocr page 146-
124               SURFEIT.
After the courfe of phyfic is regularly gone
through, and properly conducted, let drift:
attention be paid to the very neceflary direc-
of food, dreffings, water, &c. given un-
der the lafl: article of " Hidebound j" and in
three days after the lafl: dofe of phyfic begin
the following courfe of alternatives, per-
fevering for a month with unremitting punc-
tuality, if you wifh to fucceed in the acquifl-
tion of events fully enumerated in the indi-
cations of cure:
T-ake of antimony levigated and fulphur? each
half a pound;
iEthiop's mineral and cream of tartar, each
four ounces.
Mix well together, and divide into twelve equal
parts of two ounces each, giving one every
night with the feed of corn ; which being firft
fprinkled with water, will retain the powders
and enfure their confumption. Two ounces of
nitre mull be given every morning in a pail of
foft water, and continued during the whole
time of giving the powders. Should any trifling
efchars, fcabs or excoriations, prove obftinate
upon any part of the body, they may be
warned with equal parts of lye (procured from
the foap boilers) and lime water. After a
regular continuation of the above proportions
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MANGE.                  125
fhould no confiderable advantages appear, the
dofes muft be gradually increafed of each, from
two ounces to two and an half \ and in another
week to three ounces for each dofe, of both the
compofition and the nitre.
M A N G E.
This diftemper is fo univerfally known
that a general defcription of its moft predomi-
nant features would be a very indifferent com-
pliment both to the time and underftanding
of the reader; fuffice it therefore to fay, a mere
fuperficial view of it inftantly conveys to the
fpe&atcr a very flrong idea of general wretch-
ednefs. For furely nothing can convey it
Jironger than exhausted nature finking
under a complication of dijeafe and poverty.
And in this cafe fo true it is one misfortune
feldom comes alone, that the latter feems in
combination to go hand in hand with this
diftemper wherever it makes an appearance.
And as a proof of the truth in this obferva-
tion, it is very little feen amongll horses of
any estimation: on the contrary, is almoft
entirely confined to the lower clafs of ftables
and proprietors.
1                                 It
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i26                 MANGE.
It is obferved to fall chiefly upon thofe that
have been alrh'dft firangers to the taste of
oats, and are kept entirely on the refuse of pro-
venderj barren pafture, mujly hay, Jeparated
haybands, Jwampy mofly ground, or rujhy
moors; from all which nature may receive
a wretched existence but cannot be fur-
iiifhed with fupport', at leaft the fupport ne~
ceffary to contribute nutritive juices for the
conftant healthy fubfiftence of fo large a frame.
From this mode of living (or rather ftarving)
originates fo fevere and inveterate a difeafe $
the economy and law of nature demonfirates
it to a certainty, and renders farther ani-
madversion upon the fubjed tedious and un-
For the blood being by this barren
contribution robbed of what it was by nature
intended to receive, becomes imp'overijhed evert
to a degree of incredibility (by thofe who
are unacquainted with the fyftem of repletion
and circulation); it lofes its tenacity and ba!~
famic adhefive
quality, degenerating to an acrid
ferous vapour, that requires malignity by its
preternatural feparation from its original cor-
Thus extravafated and unreftrained,
its morbid effects and virulence foon difplay
themfelves upon the furface, with a fevere
-ocr page 149-
MANGE.                     J27
and conftant irritation or itching j to
allay which the poor beaft is eternally exert-
ing himfelf in perpetual rubbings, till with
thofe, and the lofs of hair from the different
parts, he bears the univerfal appearance of ap-
proaching excoriation. In this predica-
ment it has been the conftant practice to get;
rid of one devil by the application of many j.
for inftance, quickfiher, aquafortis, oil of vi-
triol, corrojive mercury, fpirit of turpe?itinei
fulphur of vivum, fal armoniac^ tar* train oil,
and all the combujlibles that could well be in-
vented for the fupport of an everlafting con-
in the lower regions.
Without enlarging upon this defperate mode
of practice, I fhall only acknowledge it-
brings to my memory a paffage from that juftly
celebrated writer who fays
" Where the greater malady is, the lefier is not felt."
And I naturally conclude from the purport
of this fentence, their mode of practice was
adopted to extirpate an itching by a courfe of
cauterization; and there is no doubt but a
poor devil would feel very little uneafnefs from
a cutaneous irritation when burning alive with
a combination
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i28                M A N G E.
a combination of the molt powerful caustics.
That these PRESCRIPTIONS were in full
practice upon the principle of " kill or cure"
no one will deny; for, as Gibson fays, when
he fpeaks of the internal adminiftration of
corrofive mercury, or other poisons, " the
*' horfe mud have a very ftrong conflitution
" to recover it:" and I wilU in opposition to
the confidence andfelf-fufficiency of any far-
rier in the kingdom, declare the above courfe
of un&ion (and extreme unolion it certainly
is) has fent more HORSEFLESH to the dif-
ferent dog-kennels than the difeafe itfelf. That
the poor diftrefTed and emaciated fubje&s may
in future be in fome degree rescued from
fuch a dreadful fcene of unmerited misery
and persecution, fuch methods are pointed
as will certainly eradicate the difeafe, with
proper attention and punctuality, unlefs it
has been fuffered by a long and neglected con-
tinuance to affume a degree of inveteracy, if
fo» and the horfe is not of great value, I will
venture to hazard an Iricism, and affure the
/ owner that the mod: merciful, certain, and
leaft expenfive CURE, will be by inftantly
cutting his throat, or Jhooting him through the
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MANGE.                  129
The firft ftep to be taken is a conftant fup-
ply of warm mafies, prepared with half malt
and half bran; or equal parts of oats and
bran, with four ounces of honey diffolved in
each : let thefe be given night and morning,
with a feed of dry com every day at noon.
During this treatment (which muft be conti-
nued a week, to fheath the acrimony and
foften the rigidity of the fkin) give one ounce
of fulphur in each mam, and one ounce of
nitre in water every night and morning. In
a week or ten days, when the frame becomes
more invigorated, difcontinne the mafties, and
let the diet be changed to good oats andjweet
giving, in the morning and evening
feeds, one of the following powders inter-
mixed with the corn, firft fprinkled with
Take fulphur and prepared antimony, of each
a pound; rub well together in a mortar, and
divide in twenty-four equal parts :
Antimony levigated, and fulphur, of each twelve
Liver of antimony and cream of tartar each half
a pound.—Mix well together and divide into
twenty-four equal parts, and let them be
given as above directed.
K                          Upon
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J3o                  MANGE.
Upon firft taking the fubjed in hand, and
previous to the commencement of the maflies,
procure a pail of warm water, and a quarter
of a pound of foft foap (tied up in a linen
rag); and with this let every infeded part be
thoroughly warned and cleanfed, by forming
a fubftantial lather, fo that no fcurf or filth
remains upon the furface; then rub tenderly
dry with a coarfe cloth or feparated haybands;
end on the following morning begin to rub in
a neceffary portion of this ointment, and
repeat it for feven, ten days, or a fortnight,
(as the urgency of fymptoms may require)
upon every part affeded.
Take of the weak, mercurial ointment half a
Sulphur vivum four ounces;
White hellebore (in powder) three ounces;
Black pepper (in powder) and oil of tartar,
each one ounce-,
Olive oil as much as is neceffary to make it fuf-
ficiently foft.
Continue the ufe of the powders before
mentioned, with the nitre alfo, for three
weeks or a month; and fo foon as it is con-
ved by the horfe's condition he Is in a ftate
2                                                              £>
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Farcy.              j3i
to bear it, take away a moderate portioii of
blood, and give him afterwards two very mild
dofes of phyfic, fele&ed from the prefcriptiom
under the article of purging,, and this will be
the more neceffaryj for reafons that cannot
require the leaft explanation*
I must confefs I have heard, feen, and
read, lefs to prove fatisfadtory upon this dis-
temper than any other to which the horfe is
fubjedl. Every writer has defcribed thefymp-
toms, but no author, farrier, or groom, has
afcertained the caufe. Their opinions upon
the fubjedt forming a very great fimilitude to
Scrub's allufion in the comedy, where he
f ys " Some fay one thing, and fome fay
" another; but, for my part, I believe he's
" a Jefuit." This is ftriclly the ftate of the
cafe with the farcy ; fome attribute it to
one caufe, fome to another; mofl: declare it a
bad caufe, and all acknowledge the "fault"
(as ttfual) to be in the blood.
K 2                          That
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132                  F ARC Y.
That they are right muft be admitted; and
that they are fo is the lcfs extraordinary, when
a very fuperficial furvey of the cafe will evi-
dently prove it would be a difficult taflc to
be wrong. One author gives us many pages
replete with figurative defcriptions, and runs
through the whole animal mechanifm to de-
monftrate the caufe very clearly, but unluckily
never draws nearer the point than to prove
what a writer of more modern authority
learnedly tells us in two lines, that " the
" true FARCY is properly a diftemper of the
" blood veffels, which generally follows the
" track of the veins." What infinite fatisfac-
tioh muft it afford every reader, to be in-
formed from the fountain-head of inftruction,
that " the blood veflels generally follow the
" track of the veins E" Anxious for inform-
ation, and open to conviction, 1 receive the
intelligence with gratitude; and, although
my retentive faculties are deceptive and im-
perfect, I mail exert their utmoft influence
to preferve, in high efteem, fo excellent a
monitor; making no doubt but it will prove
highly fatisfacfory to the curious to be in-
formed they need not look for a diftemper of
the blood vcflels in the " TRACK" of the
-ocr page 155-
FARCY.                     133
inteftities. But to purfue this vein of irony
no farther, and come to the fubjecl in difcuf-
fion, let it be obferved that, from the beg'n-
ing of this clafs, we have had occafion to
ENLARGE fo much upon the acrimony, vif-
cidity, putridity,
and tenacity of the blood, un-
der the feparate articles of hidebound, sur-
feit, and mange, it is but natural to con-
clude, the intelligent reader is by this time
enabled to fcrm a competent judgment of
its circulation, qualities, difpofuions, and ef-
fects : from rules fo clear and explanatory,
the fyftem is abfolutely reduced to the mod
minute demonstration, and cannot poflibly be
Every reader being by thefe means put into
poffefnon of fuch reafons as may tend to form
his own opinion, perhaps it may be the moft
prudent to fay nothing peremptorily decifive
upon the matter, but introduce my opinion,
leaving each obferver open to an exertion of
his own judgment, to which of the three
preceding diftempers this is allied; or whether
it bears the lead fimilitude to the feverity of
the whole. It would be a very indifferent
compliment to the patience of the enlightened
K 3
-ocr page 156-
r34                   FARCY.
reader to repeat the technical jargon that was
univoidably neceffary to explain the original
ca jfes of greafe, hidebound, furfeit, or mange.
An hypothetical explanation of the nature and
origin of this complaint would be to go over
the fame ground, introducing the fame law of
nature in the fyftem of circulation: the con-
veyance of chyle by the lymphatics or fmall
veflels, for the generating of blood, the par-
tial coagulation of the crafTamentum, and its
confequent effects; as obftruction, putrefac-
tion, and the appearances that follow upon
different parts of the body, or in general over
the whole. That this disease has its dif-
ferent ftages or degrees of malignity accord-s-
ing to thejiate, habit, blood, age, keep, and con-
cf the horfe, is certain; but generally
that circumftance is mifunderftood, and the
different degrees of the diftemper are fup-
pofed to conftitute diftindt kinds of the fame
That the diftemper originates in an infiam-?
matory ftate of blood in the firft inftance, gra-
dually increasing to the greateft pitch of acrir
mony, and affeding the fyftem by degrees, till
$he whole mafs is corrupted, is too evidently
-ocr page 157-
FARCY.                   13s
clear to admit of a doubt. The gradual and
general affection of the frame may be eafily
reconciled to any comprehenfion, by the idea
of a fingle fpark of fire giving life to a com-
bination of combuftibles that foon conftitute a
general flame. To fay the farcy is or can
Le long partial to any particular fpot is a very
ridiculous fuppofition; for although the attack
may be local (the caufe being inflammatory),
it muft foon be univerjal from the very nature
of the circulation. Certain folid parts of the
body may be individually affected by inflam-
mation, but we naturally infer, from a know-
ledge of the circulation, one part of the blood
cannot imbibe a temporary affection without
a fpeedy communication to the whole.
If, as it has been before obferved, " the
" Farcy is a diftemper of the blood veffels,"
I cannot indulge a momentary doubt but fuch
diftemper in the veffels muft have received the
full force of difeafe from the acrimonious ftate
of the blood itfelf; which, by its accumulating
force and morbid pungency, foon exceeds the
bounds prefcribed by nature, making ;ts way
to the furface, by a corrofion of the veffels in
which it was contained. The coat is raiied in
K 4                    different
-ocr page 158-
136                   FARCY.
different parts (as thty become affe&ed) with
various fmall prominences, bearing the ap-
pearance of bunches of berries, branching off
in direcl: uniformity with the veins. Soon
after their appearance they are generally co-
vered with a fmall fcab or efchar, which, as
they advance to maturation, peel off, and the
puftules difcharge a fharp ferious ichor, or a
gelatinous, adhelive, putrid matter, forming
ulcers of a more or lefs inveterate appearance,
according to the degree of difeafe.
Previous to the prefent improved and ra-
tional fyftem of cure, it may be applicable to
introduce one of the promifed observations
upon the dangerous and almoft obfolete prac-
tice of others, or rather the moft cruel experi-
ments and infernal perfections that were ever
invented, or could be fuppofed to enter into
the mind of man, for the prevention or cure
of difeafe. In the laft article treated on we
produced a tolerable fyftem of cruelty ; but in
the farcy (as a more perplexing difeafe and
greater excitement to judgment or madnefs)
we have FIRE UPON FIRE, or effeclual
cauterization treble refined.
-ocr page 159-
FARCY.                       »37
As they advanced in danger they increafed
in courage; and adhering invariably to the
general intention of " kill or cure" they dealt
about them with the fire of Mars and the
ftrength of Hercules. Began with oil of
vitriol and oil of turpentine; then euphor-
bium hellebore, quickfilver, oil of origanum,
double aquafortis; and, to fura up the whole
fcene of conjipncy, made open paffages with
fmall hot irons, and touched with oil of vitriol
or aquafortis; or, opening the buds, put in a
fmall quantity of corrofive mercury, arfenic,
or Roman vitriol and fublimate, equal quanti-
ties. " But," fays the writer, "let it be remem-
" bered that many a horfe has been poifoned
*' by thefe medicines ignorantly ufed, and in
«< too large quantities." This very acknow-
ledgment (for which I confefs I am under in-
finite obligations) will ferve to corroborate my
former aflertion—that fome system has long
been neceflary to refcue this moft ufeful and
fuffering animal
Can it be fuppofed, will reafon or reflection
for a moment Iupport the idea, that the moft
-ocr page 160-
138                   FARCY,
fevere and burning cauftics, very little fhort of
adlual fire, were ever calculated, when laid on
by loads, to re&ify the blood, or promote an
incarnation of the ffefh ? It mufl create aflo-
nifhment in every mind made calm by time,
or cool by experience, that men have lived,
who, from a want of knowledge in the proper-
ties of medicines, could fo proftitute their
ufes j or others prove Co weak as to tranfmit
that proflitution to pofterity! But fo deeply
has the injurious and dangerous fyflem taken
root among the illiterate, who flick to a ruflic
maxim never to be obliterated, that " old laws,
" old time?, old fongs, and old books, are
" befl," and confequently ily to the latter
upon every occafion; in whofe inftrudions
they have fo much faith, and to whofe con-
tents they pay fuch implicit obedience, that
the very devil, however great his influence
be in other refpecls, will never prevail upon
that clafs to change their fyflem.
That mercurials and antimonials in-
with neceffary and occafional cauftics
externally, will (didated by judgment, and
proportioned with difcretion), work wonders,
experience and indefatigable attention from
men of the moil extenfive abilities has fuffi-
-ocr page 161-
FARCY.                       139
ciently proved. But the abundant, unlimited,
and injudicious application of fuch deftrucYrve
pcifons, either externally or internally, no rea-
fon can jollify, or prudence direct. And what
confirms it a danger of ftill greater magnitude
is, the predominant defire to increafe the dofes
and applications, upon a moft contemptible but
very common fuppofition j " if a fmali or even
f* a moderate dofe does much, a. large one
" will certainly do a great deal more."
The very frequent application of cauftics
and repellents is a cuftom evidently too ab-
furd to require animadverfion. Every common
obferver muft inftantly perceive the folly of
repelling a morbid and malignant putrid mat-
ter to be again abforbed into the circulation,
at the very time nature has arrived at the cri-
tical effort of relieving herfelf from the mor-
bid affection or preternatural load with which
fhe is oppreffed. To prevent therefore a mif-
conception, let it be once for all underftood,
that in difeafes of the blocd or juices, however
externals may occasionally alleviate as auxilia-
ries, the very fountain of relief muft take its
courfe from the effect of medicines internally
admjniftered. But ferry I am to believe, and
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140                  FARCY.
have every reafon to declare, penury on the one
fide, and a want of common humanity on the
other, has in general countenanced and pro-
moted the burning praflice formerly adopted;
a few ounces of oil of vitriol, turpentine, acqua-
fortis, or a red hot iron, being, in the dif-
ference of expenfe, much more applicable to
the conftitution of the POCKET than a re*
courfe of alteratives.
Thefe obfervations being made to point out
the danger and deter the practice, more than
to condemn the authors, who, to their excul-
pation be it remembered, wrote in times of lefs
refinement, I (hall conclude thern for this clafs
with one REMARK—That where the cure
is not to be effe&ed by the courfe of bleeding,
purging, mercurials, antimonials, and altera-
tives, hereafter defcribed, I perfectly coincide
in opinion with a writer before quoted, who
fays " When the difeafe is fo inveterate as to
" relift every application, that the fymptoms
" not only continue predominant, but evi-
" dently increafe, it is incurable." And to this
information I fufpecl he meant (but omitted
to recommend what I now mofl heartily do,
the putting a period to a fcene of pain and
-ocr page 163-
FARCY.                   141
mifery, by taking away a life that every degree
of afiiduity and effort of art cannot render
worthy prefervation.
In refpedT: to cure, upon the very earlieft
appearance take away blood, in quantity as
before defcribed, and after fo doing attend
minutely to the quality, which circumftance
will enable you to form a very decifive judge-
ment how foon, and to what proportion, the
fubjedl will bear this evacuation, mould it again
be neceflary; for, according to the extra pro-
portion of the craffamentum, or coagulum, and
the fize (or getalinized fubftance upon the
iurface), with the difproportion of the ferum,
or watery part, it may be very readily afcer-
tained how much the blood is certainly above
or below the ftandard of mediocrity neceffary
for the abfolute preservation of health. If
the horfe is in a high ftate of condition, and
full of flefli, give him mafhes through the day
of bleeding, and the next; on the following
morning let this purging ball be given :'
Take fuccotrine aloes ten drachms;
Of calomel and jalap nn powder) each two
drachms aixl a half;
Rhubarb and ginger of each a drachm and a half;
Syrup of buckthorn or roles fufficient to form
the ball.
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142                  FARCY.
Let it be carefully attended to, and worked
off as fpecified under the direction for purging.
If the phyfic works favourably, and fets well,
let his feed (if his appetite is keen), for four
clear days, be plentiful; and on the fifth, or
fixth at farther!, repeat his purging ball, con-
ducting the operation as before. If the dif-
temper has attacked him with violence, or
makes rapid progrefs, a third dofe muft be
given in like manner ; on the contrary, if the
difeafe is mild, and early difcovered, the two
may do. In two days after your courfe of
phyfic is completed begin upon the following
antimonial alteratives, affifled by a regular
adminiftration of nitre; both being continued a
month without the moft trifling intermiffion :
Take t>f prepared antimony one pound;
Common fulphur twelve ounces;
Cream of tartar eight ounces;
Cinnaber of antimony fix ounces.
Incorporate well in a mortar, and divide into
twenty equal parts, giving one every night in
the corn, firft fprinkling with water to enfure
its adhefion ; giving two ounces of nitre in
the water every morning, at which time he
will generally drink it with the greater avi-
-ocr page 165-
FARCY.                   143
dity, as being mod thirfty. This proportion
is meant for the diftemper in its mildeft ftate;
when the buds or fwelling, upon their firft
appearance, may be well warned with the
following lotion twice every day:
Take extrad of Saturn two ounces •,
Camphorated fpirits of wine eight ounces;
Diftilled vinegar a pint •,
Mix well together and keep clofe ftopt for ufe.
Should the diftemper be in a more advanced
or inveterate ftage, bleeding fhould be repeated,
in proper time, between the phyfic, in a mo-
derate degree; and upon the fcabs or efchars
peeling from the buds, with a degree of inve-
terate malignity, wafh them well occafionally
with the following:
Take corrofive mercury two drachms, diflblve
in half a pint of Britifh brandy; then add of
white wine vinegar a pint; half a pint 'of
fpring water, arid two ounces of tindlure of
myrrh; making well together:
Take fugar of lead and white vitriol each an
Diftilled vinegar and fpring water each one pint;
Styptic tin&ure three ounces.—Mix together.
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144                   FARC Y.
Should the ulcers continue foul, and their
edges become callous, very fmall quantities of
the ftrong mercurial ointment muft be gently
rubbed into the centre of the moft inveterate,
once in three or four days, cleanfing them
occafionally with one of the wafhes before
mentioned. In this cafe one of the following
mercurial alterative balls muft be given
regularly every morning for a month, or longer
if neceffary; altering your proportion of nitre
to three ounces j which muft in the arrange-
ment of this courfe, be given in the water every
evening, upon the vifible neceflity of introduc-
ing your ball in the morning:
Take iEthiop's mineral four ounces;
Of milk of brimftone, prepared antimony, cream
of tartar, and cinnaber of antimony, each five
ounces •,
Honey fufficient to make a mafs; divide into a
dozen equal balls, and roll up in liquorice or
anifeed powder.
Thefe remedies, are founded upon a fyftem
of certainty to effect all that alteratives can do j
and are directed in fuch proportions as may be
given with the greateft fafety, and calculated
to bear fome additions to their more active
ingredients, at the difcretion of the prefcriber,
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FARCY.                 145
ihould an unexpected refinance render it
neceflary. And upon the introdudlion of fuch.
additions, and a perfeverance in the alteration
for a proper length of time, fhould the whole
mafs prove fo virulently corrupted as to difplay
no fign of fubmiflion to fuch treatment, there
can be no doubt but death would put a very
defirable period to the bufinefs, and had much
better be folicited than rejected.
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[ 146 ]
Are a fpecies of injury to which horfes are
not only perpetually liable, but of fo many
different kinds* and requiring fuch various
modes of treatment, (according to the caufe,
appearance, fituation, depth, and ftate of the
wound, or habit of the fubjecl) that, to enu-
merate the whole, with all poffible or probable
circumstances, would be to write a volume on
the article alone; which is certainly entitled
to every degree of attention and inftruSiion,
from the fimple and complex cafes that fo
frequently occur. And though it may natu-
rally be fuppofed that wounds of fize, deptb}
pr danger, muft confequently come under the
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WOUN DS.               147
immediate care and inflection of the operative
farrier, whofejudgment or experience mould
direct him upon all cafes of emergency, as time
will not admit of reference to books; and even
with fuch affiftance, much more will depend
upon his experimental dexterity, or expertnefs
in manual operation, than any information he
may derive from literary inftruclion, when a
fudden exertion of judgment or fortitude is
immediately neceffary.
Wounds may be divided into fuch a variety,
that to enumerate the lift of probabilities would
be to encounter the work of an age, and ferve
more to perplex than enlighten thofe not altoge-
ther adequate to the talk of defining technical
terms or profeffional defcriptions. To enlarge
upon every probable means by which a wound
may be received, and from the variety of
weapons, or ftable inftruments, is an abfolute
impracticability; we will therefore " take up
" the mangled matter at the heft," and en-
deavour, by a very fair and extenfive explana-
tion, to give fuch directions as fhall enable
the profejjional fuperintendent, or occafional
to form a proper idea of the bufi-
nefs, and make fuch effectual applications
L 2                               as
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I48                WOUNDS.
as may prevent the neceffity of calling in extra-
afliftance, or running into any extremes of
practice not warranted by reason or jujiijied
by necessity.
Finding how very difficult it is to defcribe
the multiplicity of wounds that may probably
occur, and the many changes to which they
are liable, I fhall be ftudioufly attentive to
inculcate fuch information and directions as
will, I am induced to believe, exculpate me
from the accufation of treating the fubject
worfe than it deferves.
In all wounds the danger is greateft, or the
cure moft difficult, where large blood vejjels
are feparated, the tendons injured, or the vital
parts affected. The regular procefs of nature
constituting the cure of wounds, is the fup-
frejjlon of blocd, the fubfequent digeftion, or
difcharge of matter, the incarnation or filling
up with flem, and the cicatrization or fkin-
ing over. To effect theory?; if the injury
fuftained has feparated any blood veffel of
fufficient magnitude to produce a hemorrhage
or bleeding of confequence, let the mouth be
taken up, by paffing a proper needle under-
2                                     neath,
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WOUNDS.                  149
neath, furniflied with a waxed thread, and
made faft according to art or profeffional
knowledge. The perfon, whofe immediate
province it is to execute this talk, mould, no
doubt, be amply furniftied with the necefTary
apparatus, (as a variety of needles both crooked
and ftraight) ready provided for the faculty by
every instrument maker in London. This
operation depends fo much upon profeffwnaljkill
and experimental practice, that it is in vain to
enlarge upon a fubjec"t, to comprehend which
would require an entire knowledge of the blood
vefTels, an acquisition only to be obtained
by theoretical ftudy and practical experience.
When the mouths of the bleeding vefTels
are obfcured, or fo furrounded with foft parts
that it is impoffible to fecure the orifice by the
affiftance of the needle, (which muft be abfo-
lutely accompliftied if an artery is feparated) ap-
immediately a pledget of lint or tow., plenti-
fully impregnated with tinBure of myrrh y friar's
or camphorated fpirits; relying in this
inftance upon the advantage and fafety of a
bandage (judicioufly adapted, and properly
applied,) as much as the medical efficacy of
styptic applications. NATURE in this
L 3
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150            WOUND S.
. bufinefs (as in moll others) is, in a great degree
adequate to her own work; and will, by the
very balfamic property of the blood, do more
in nine fuperficial cafes out of ten than a long
lift of ill-formed unguents, reported to have
effected the mod: miraculous cures. In addi-
tion to this circumftance it muft be remem-
bered that a fpeedy cure depends upon bring-
ing the edges of the wound into early contact,
which mould (particularly if the cafe is alarm-
ing) be immediately performed, by taking up
the neceffary (fitches at proper diftances (accord-
ing to circumftances and difcretion) with fuch
needle as the cafe may require; an operation
fo very trifling, that it may be moft readily
executed by any perfon not at all proficient
in the pra&ice, fhould an emergency render
fuch exertion unavoidably neceffary. Taking
great care, in large wounds, not to draw the
edges too clofe to each other, and hazard the
breaking out of the ftitches or bringing on an
inflammation by an accumulation of confined
matter, in not leaving fufficient room for ai
proper digeflion. But in general, where the
edges are expeditioufly fecured, and brought
into tolerable contact, the wound is very little
trouble ; the foft parts unite favourably by the
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WOUNDS*                     151
adhefive quality of the blood, and the cicatrix
is fpeedily formed, without application to the
elaborate preparations of art. In cafes of this
kind the dreffings mould not be taken off in
lefs than eigbt-and-forty hours ; and, if a large
wound, (where the bleeding was difficult to
fupprefs) not lefs than three days, unlefs the
part has begun to digeft, and a perceptible
difcharge is come on; or the parts furround-
ing the wound are very much inflamed, in
which cafe the following mild poultice may
be applied:
Take of bread and barley meal equal parts;
Goulard's vegeto mineral water fufficient to make
it of a proper confiftence; and add
Lard four or fix ounces, at leaft enough to keep
it fufficiently moift.
Let this be renewed twice every  day till
the fwelling or inflammation fubfides,  and the
wound begins to digeft or difcharge  favour-
L 4
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152               WOUNDS.
To make theVzGETO Mineral Water,
Take extract of Saturn one ounce ;
Camphorated fpirits of wine two ounces.
Mix together, and add of rain or river water one
So foon as the fweiling fubfides, and the
wound begins to difplay favourable figns of
digeftion, drefs with the following, which may,
without more mention, be always underftood
as the general ft able digefiive ointment, and is
thus prepared:
.Take olive oil one pint;
Yellow wax and black rofin each four ounces;
Burgundy pitch and turpentine each two ounces.
Melt the wax, rofin, and Burgundy pitch, in the
oil, over a.flow fire; when taken off ftir in the
turpentine. For large wounds, where a plenti-
ful difcharge is required, ftir into this quantity
three ounces of the fpirits of turpentine, that
it may incorporate in getting cool.
It is here neceffary to obferve nothing can be
more truly ridiculous than the idea of apply-
ing greafy or unSiuous fubftances to recent
wounds merely fuperficial, and by which none
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W OUND S.                 153
©f the large vefTels are affe&ed. For moft
fuperfkial wounds, or firaple lacerations, pro-
ceeding from what caufe foever, may in gene-
ral be very foon made perfectly found, by a
Angle application of the tinffiure or balfatn be-
fore mentioned ; or equal parts oi camphorated
and vinegar, bandaging up properly,
and not opening for fome days, that the mouths
of the vefTels may be fufficiently conftringed
and hardened before they are expofed to the
air ; ufing every precaution to prevent a relax-
ation of the parts, by the admiffion of water
or applications of ointment. On the contrary,
fhould a flight difcharge come on, keep the
wound clean, and drefs with the digestive
in very fmall quantities till the cure is com-
The fpirituous or reftringent applica-
tions, by their Jlypticity fo conftringe the
mouths of the fmaller vefTels near the furface,
(acting in concert with the natural cement of
the blood), as to render, in many inftances,
the officious intrujions of art totally unnecef-
fary: but this method of cure is frequently
rejected as too eafy, and the falutary courfe of
Nature is often obftructed and perverted by
the self-sufficient fagacity of those pro-
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t54                WOUNDS.
ficients in QJJACKERY, who, piquing
themfelves upon a family receipt, or noftriim of
had rather prolong the complaint
for weeks or months, merely to obtain the re-
putation of curing what, intruded to nature,
would have abfolutely cured itfelf.
Should wounds happen from complicated
caufes, where the adjacent or furrounding
parts have received additional injury (from a
fall or bruife), an inflammation and larger
difcharge of matter may confequently enfue,
than from a fimple wound where no fudden
or violent imprefilon upon the vefTels or foft
parts has taken place: large wounds proceed-
ing from any caufe where an evident deftruc-
tion and lofs of parts has been occafioned, can
only receive fubftantial cure from the regene-
ration and incarnation : being a work of Na-
ture, and to be effected only by the co-opera-
tion of time, it mull be waited for with care
and patiencej as it can originate in no other
feature than granulations of new fleuh, which,
with proper application, will daily continue
to increafe till the wound or cavity is en-
tirely filled up j when the cicatrix is foon
formed, and the cure complete. In wounds
of this clafs, the firft object is to ex-
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WOUNDS.                151
tract any foreign or extraneous fubftance, and
promote a good digeftion ; by which not only
every degree of foulnefs is carried off, but the
ragged and injured parts themfelves putrefy and
flough off, being brought away with the drefT-
ings fo foon as the wound is in a healthy pro-
mifing ftate. Here the granulations begin to
form and fprout out; and a proportion of judge-
ment is required, but little pofTeffed or exerted
upon thefe occafionsj for, inftead of nourish-
ing an appearance fo much to be folicited (and
without which you can obtain no cure) it is
often moft injudicioufly miftaken for fungus,
and fcouted accordingly : inftead of a bed of
dry lint to footh and encourage this effort of
nature cauftics and efcharotics are loudly called
for, and plentifully beftowed; the yery bafis
of cure is thus deftroyedj the mouths of the
veffels are imprudently clofed by the word
means; the difcharge contributing to the con-
ftant improvement is moft unnaturally fupprefT-
ed ; and callofities or efchars follow of courfe.
Ignorance now becomes foiled with its own
weapons, the operator (landing bewildered in
a labyrinth, from which he is in poffeffion of
no clue to efcape. No day produces a change
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156               WOUNDS.
but for the worfe; the wound is dreffed,
drcffed,andDREbSED AGAIN! Mlnojign
of relief, no favouring power prefides, nor any
prevailing genius appears, but the predomi-
nant GENIUS of DULNESS, who, anxious
to increafe the " mifchief (he has made,"
prompts him to finifli with fortitude what he
had commenced in flupidity! Toconfefs the
leafl degree of inability would be a degrada-
tion of dignity, therefore, on he goes (Ranger
like) cc neck or nothing !" ftrong digeftives
(and thofefcalding too) follow, but follow in
vain. No improvement, no enlivening ray,
longer to keep up the face of piofefiional in-
ability : no lucky alternative but mercury, vi-
and all the family of fire renewed, till the
ferious ceremony terminates in an inveterate
ulcer, or confirmed fiftula, as will be feparately
created on under thofe heads.
There are certain wounds that occur much
inore frequently than any other; and though
in themfelves not at all dangerous, yet fome-
thing may be expected upon a treatment proper
to be adopted in cafes that fo conftantly happen.
Among thefe are broken knees, over-reaches, and
between hair and hoof. In refpecl
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WOUNDS.              157
to the firft, it is a misfortune whenever it hap-
pens that not only reduces the horfe very much
in his value, but is confidered an indelible
ftigma of imperfection, that (with connoif-
feurs) renders him at firft fight unworthy a
fecond consideration. This being a circum-
ftance univerfally underftood and admitted,
there is no doubt but every prudent man will
think a certain preventative preferable to
a doubtful cure, and admit the propriety of a
fhort obfervation, without any unfair digreflion.
from the fubjedf, before us. Not indulging
the fhadow of fear, by offending the /hallow
ROW, or the more expert and courageous,
who (for once in their lives) have joined the
royal chafe j including that set who reach
London in an hour and fifteen minutes, "All
" Lombard-flreet to an egg-fiell /" I will ven-
ture to affirm, that nineteen of every twenty
are brought to the ground by unfair and mofl
unmerciful ufage.
For thofe doubtful compofitions, whofe heads
are as light as the heels of their horfes, and
whofe form, by the hurry of conceptionand am-
biguity of generation, are deftituteof the more
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158                WOUNDS.
noble parts neceffary to the power of reflect-
ing, can form no idea of the flrength of the
animal they beftride; but each concluding his
freed aPegafus, formed ©f a fubflantial material
called labour everla/ling, and gifted with perpe-
tual motion, they continue to ride or drive the
oppreffed object till Nature being (after a thou-
fand fpirited exertions) at length quite exhauft-
ed, can move no farther. And I am convinced
it requires no uncommon piare of penetration,
at lead no magical affiftance from Breslaw,
or his cotemporaries, to difcover fo great a
palpability a$ that all things certainly fall when,
being deprived of fupport, they can ftand no
longer. From this trifling digreffion I infer
(and enforce my opinion) that more horfes are
thrown down and irremediably injured by the
careleffnefs and fhameful inattention of bad
riders on bad roads, and over rolling (tones, or
when they are more cruelly exhausted with
labour and fatigue, than by any other means
in the whole lift of accidents.
From what caufe foever this misfortune may
arile, the firjl Jlep to relief will be ftill
the fame. Wafh the parts well with a fponge
and warm water, thoroughly cleanfing the
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WOUNDS.                159
wounds or lacerations from every retention of
gravel or fand; for thefe will evidently irritae
and inflame the tender parts, and be productive
of a difcharge which may often be entirely pre-
vented by gently wiping dry after the ufe of
the fponge, and plentifully embrocating the
parts with either of the liquids before men-
tioned, bandaging over a pledget of tow wet
with the fame, repeating it once or twice if
circumftances mould render it neceffary. This
fhould be continued, that an efchar or cicatrix
may be formed to render unctuous or greafy
applications unneceffary ? but mould the wound
or laceration be fo violent as to produce great
inflammation, fuppuration mufl enfue, and
ought to be encouraged : to this end apply a
poultice of the ingredients before mentioned,
and let the cure be afterwards performed by
regular applications of the Jiable digefiive oint-
Ovf.R<-ReAches are the injuries fuftained
by the throwing in of the hind-toe upon the
back part or heel of the fore-foot, in the hol-
low below the fetlock joint, and above the
hoof. They are fometimes very violent, and
fubiecl b great difcharges from the bruifes and
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160                WOUNDS.
laceration in conjundion; at others they are
merely iuperficial; and the treatment muft be
exactly the fame as laid down for other wounds,
making fuch allowances and alterations as
circumftances may require, or emergencies
The fame fyftem muft be adopted in all in-
juries fuftained between hair and hoof, except
where a horfe has been ftubbed in hunting, as
fometimes happens in a leap or in covert; when
a ftump coming in immediate contact with
the upper edge of the hoof, a laceration or pe-
netration is effeded, in which cafe the mem-
brane isalmoft inftantly protruded; and unlefs
fpeedily prevented foon conftitutes the origin of
what is afterwards denominated a QUITTOR.
To effect this diffolve a drachm of corrofive
fublimate in one ounce of camphorated fpirits;
and, after touching the prominence well with
the folution, bind up firm, (covering the pro-
truded part with a fmall piece of card or thin
iheet lead), and repeat it once a day for three
or four days, not negleding the bandage, and
taking care the foot be not immerfed in water.
As this fubjed will come under farther dif-
cuffion in the article of tumours or impost-
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ULCERS.                 i6r
humes, we proceed now to treat of both,
when, by improper treatment, or bad habit,
they are degenerated into ulcers.
Are 'wounds or abfceffes become inflexible
either by an imprudent courfe of management,
an indifferent habit, or an acrimonious dif-
pofition of the juices; but in general much
more the effedl of the former than either of
the other two. It has been a practice with
farriers of almoft every denomination, upon a
wound's not inclining to heal fo foon as ex-
pected, to increafe the ftrength of the digef-
tive application, as if the very tendons were to
be extracted. This effort of art not fucceed-
ing is followed by a corrofive, that, increafing
the evil, a cauftic in general crowns the whole
of country praBice. The wound (that per-
haps at firft required only the neceffary time
for incarnation, and the moft fimple treat-
ment) not having kept pace m its cure with
the imagination or impatience of the Doctor,
(for fo we all are from Catprejident mWartvick-
M                             lane
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162                 ULCER S.
lane to the thill horfe of the worft team in the
pariih), is deflined to undergo the changes in
treatment juft described.
Thus the wounds that would in all proba-
bility have fubmitted to a degree of regular
and confident treatment, is retarded, or rather
obftructed, in its natural progrefs and proper
difcharge, by means diredly oppofite to the
dictates of reafon and difcretion. The appli-
cation of a corrojive (that is generally made
with a heavy hand of iron) inftantly collapfes
the mouths of the finer vefTe's, and deftroys
the fprouting granulations of new flefh; na-
ture being thus checked, difplays an evident
change for the worfe, and the doctor is now
(to make ufe of his own expreffive language)
*' out of the frying pan into the fire" By
this new difappointment his indignation is
excited againft both difeafe and the difeafed;
in the fervour of his wrath he determines as
it wont fubmit to " fair means it fhall to
" foul." The whole body of cauftics before
mentioned become fubfervient to his purpofe;
and are fo liberally poured in as to conftitute
fo great a degree of callofity upon the furface,
that a confiderable length of time and portion
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ULCERS.                 163
of judgment are abfolutely neceffary to remove
what ignorance and objiinacy have fo firmly
To extirpate the callojity, and procure a pro-
per difcharge, are the leading indications, and
muft be obtained before the cure can proceed
to your wifh. To effecl: this foment'with a
deco&ion of camomile and mallows, as hot
as Can be conveniently applied j then fcarify
fuperficially the whole part, both longitudi-
nally and tranfverfely, with a fleam or abfcefs
lancet, fo as to entirely penetrate the callous
fubftance upon the furface: after which it mud
be dreffed with the following ointment twice
every day; the fomentation and fuperficial in-
citlons to be repeated occafionally, if neceffary,
till the callofity is quite floughed off, and comes
away with the dreffings:
Take of yellow bafilicon two ounces;
Turpentine and black bafilicon of each one
Red precipitate (powdered very fine) half an
. ounce.
The two bafilicons to be melted together over
the fire; when taken off flir in the turpentine;
M 2                          and,
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».'i64                 ULCERS.
and, laftly, when cool, add the precipitate (very
finely powdered), and let them be minutely in-
corporated upon a ftone or marble flab.
So foon as this obftacle is perfectly removed,
and the difcharge come to its proper conjiftence,
drefs in general with a fmall portion of lint,
thinly covered with either of the bajilicons,
placed under a pledget of tow, fpread with the
Jlable digejiive mentioned in the Iaft article.
Should the wound incarnate too faft, and fill
with fungus (commonly called proud jleJJS),
flightly touch fuch parts with a piece of un-
Jlacked lime,
regulating the mode and appli-
cation by the neceffity, repeating it as occafion
may require. When the cicatrix, or fkinning
over, is nearly accomplifhed, the cure may be
completed by hardening the furface with a
, ' little tinffure of myrrh.
This is the direct and rational mode of
cure eftablifhed in every kind of ulcer, as
well as thofe originating in the caufe already
enlarged on -, but where the obftacle to cure
arifes from fome defect in the conftitution, or
acrimony in the fluids, the afliftance of mer^-
curial phyfic and fubfequent courfe of mild
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ULCERS.                  165
alteratives mud be called in, to enfure effect
from the whole. Without defcending to a
particular formulce for this purpofe alone, I re-
fer the reader to a variety (prefcribed under
the diftind heads of GREASE, SURFEIT,
and FARCY) for fuch feledion as may beft
coincide with his opinion upon the conftitution.
and bodily ftate of the fubjeft difeafed.
It is a rule eftabliuhed in furgery, and mould
be in farriery, where there is zjinus or cavity
leading to a remote or hidden caufe of com-
plaint, and from whence a palpable difcharge
iffues, the courfe and depth fhould be accu-
rately afcertained by the probe; and, if no ten-
dinous parts prefent to forbid the operation,
the Jinxs, cavity, or vacuum, fhould be inftantly
laid open (with a biftory) to its utmoft ex-
tent, and properly filled with a pledget of lint,
" well impregnated with warm digeftive, and
plentifully covered with tow fpread with the
fame. After a fecond or third drefling, ihould
the injide of fuch cavity prove callous, or hard
in fubftance, it muft be taken away by the
knife, or deftroyed by the means before
defcribed. If it be fo fituated that the parts
forbid an entire feparation, found with the
M 3                    probe,
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j 66                 ULCER S.
probe, and at its extremity make a counter in-
through the integuments to meet the
probe, till, by paffing through, it removes any
lodgment that may have been left for the matter
to corrode, which it will very foon do, io as in
many cafes to effect the bone itfelf.
As a very good detergent wash for the
cleanfing inveterate ulcers, or injedling into
fuch paflages as from the difpofition of the
parts cannot be laid open, I have reafon to re-
commend the following, it retaining every ad-
vantage without one of the prejudicial qualities
fo predominant in the mercurial and vitriolic
Take honey and vinegar each two ounces;
Liquefy over the fire; and when co"ol add tine-?
ture of myrrh and tincture of cantharides each.
one ounce.—Mix.
When the ulcer is by thefe means diverted
of its virulence and cadaverous fmell, the cal-
lofity is floughed ofFor extracted, and a favour-
able appearance of incarnation come on, the
dreffings may be changed from the precipitate,
before prefcribed, to pledgets fpread
with .
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ULCERS.                 167
with Locatellms balfam, or the following
epulotic cerate:
Take of white diachylon plafter and olive oil,
each two ounces;
Locatellus's balfam and balfam of capivi, each
one ounce •,
Melt the plafter and Locatellus in the oil over
the fire ; take off, and when nearly cool ftir in
the capivi, a little at a time, till it is all incor-
In fhort, cafes of this kind come fo fre-
quently under the hands of the farrier, that
little might have been thought neceffary upon
the fubject: but I have been thus explicit, for
the information and advantage of thofe who
are strangers to both THEORY and
PRACTICE) that being " forewarned they
may be forearmed," and not fuffer a fimple
accident to be gradually ripened to a ferious
misfortune; but, availing themfelves of this
requifite initrudion, fo deftroy the prevalence
of mystery and power of prejudice, as to
enfure a cure under their own fuperintendence
upon a bafis rational, clear, and comprehenfive,
diverted of the folly of experiments and cruelty
of ancient practice.
M4            FISTULA,
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[ i68 ]
A fistula is the palpable confequence of
general neglect in more inftances than one;
firft, in not perceiving the faddle's being too
wide in the tree, and fuffering the infide of the
pummel to prefs fo much as not only to pinch,
but, by its conftant friction, to bruife the parts,
and render an impofthumation or formation of
matter inevitable. I am very forry to obferve,
this is feldom taken notice of in time, till the
evil has been repeated and constitutes bruife
upon bruife, when an inflammation and
fwelling enfue, threatening an unavoidable
fuppuration. To this a flail greater error fuc-
ceeds; for, during the time the procefs of Nature
is going on, and the matter contained in the
tumour is undergoing concoction, or change
from inflammatory or grumous blood, and ex-
travafated lymph, to its ftate of fyftematic per-
fection for difcharge, (in general termed a
proper degree of ripenefs) ftrong repellents or
powerful Jpirituous compojitions are brought
into conftant ufe; and, by their peculiar pro-
perties, form one univerfal obstacle to the
-ocr page 191-
FISTULA.               i69
great effort of nature for relief. Here be-
gins a terrible ftruggle between the contending
of NATURE and ART ; for thofe ap-
plications failing in their intentional effect of
repulfion upon the contents, diftribute their
properties upon the integuments, where, by
their repeated application, an induration is
effected very unfavourable to the abfcefs in its
more advanced ftate. Nature at lafl effects
her purpofe,
the tumour is at length brought to
fuppurate, and a difcharge comes on; but
without one of thofe advantages that would
have been acquired, had the efforts of Nature
been attended to and properly encouraged, in-
ftead of oppofed.
From this inconsistent mode of treat-
ment the edges of the wound, when enlarged,
become unkind, the feat of a foul or callous
complexion j and, inftead of a fubftantial, fa-
vourable, healthy matter, the difcharge is a
complication of blood, fanies, and a kind of in-
durated half concodled matter, intermixed with
an acrid or corrofive ichor.
This is in general the origin and progrefs of
what (with additional bad treatment) confli-
■s                                                 tutes
-ocr page 192-
i7o              F I S T U L A.
tutes a confirmed fifiu/a, and comes dire&ly
under the very method of cure defcribed in
the laft article; with renewed inftrucYion, and
remembrance to lay open all linufes or cavi-
ties into which the probe can be pafled, tak-
ing care to make no tranfverfe opening acrofs
the withers to divide the ligament, but mak-
ing the incifions longitudinal on either fide
or both, as occaljon may require. Should the
difcharge continue fluggifh or incomplete, en-
the proportion of turpentine or precipi-
in the ointment, adding an ounce of the
fpirit of turpentine, if the matter is veryoffen-
iive; make alfo a confiderable addition in the
tincJures of myrrh and cantharides to the de-?
TERGENT lotion before prefcribed. When
the applications are required to exert their di-
geftive powers more efFe&ually, in confer
quence of any particular languor upon the part,
or deficiency in the difcharge, let the ointment
be applied with a degree of warmth fufficient
to infinuate itfelf into the interftices or open-
ings, but not fo hot as to fpald or harden the
Incifions, or fcarifications, mull: be made
whenever necelfary, and the callofities extir-
-ocr page 193-
FISTULA.              17?
pated exactly as before defcribed ; ufing neither
corrofives or cauftics, but adhering to the me-
thod of keeping down fungus, or excrefcences,
by the application of unflacked lime in the
lump, (for a few minutes), or previoufly
powdered, where the wound will not admit
of its ufe in the other form. This method
mould have the preference on all occafionsj
for which a very predominant reafon may be
urged, that, receiving its power only from the
moifture it imbibes from the part, it immedi-
diately performs the purpofe it is intended to
execute, and becomes directly inactive : where-
as the favourite articles of aquafortis, oil of 'vi-
and mercury, not only abfolutely cau-
TERize or bukn all the part, but raife a great
degree of inflammation upon the furrounding
veffels, and evidently increafe the mifchief they
were intended to prevent. The detergent wash
before mentioned, cannot be too frequently
ufed till the wound bears marks of amend-
ment ; and care muft be taken in the fepar-
ation of all fiftulous finufes to leave the orifice
or opening as much declining as poflible, that
the matter may naturally pafs downwards,
without being fubject to a probability of re-
-ocr page 194-
172              FISTULA.
Thus much by way of INSTRUCTION
for CURING, what may moftly be prevented
by a very moderate fhareof care and attention,
or, more properly fpeaking, an exertion of that
reafon, generally diftinguifhed by the appella-
tion of common fenfe. Let it be remarked,
the frequent application of repellents is a pal-
pable abfurdity, unlefs in an early ftate of the
fwelling, before the vefiels are fufficiently
bruifed and inflamed to ejedt the fluids that,
becoming extravafated and flagnanf, form the
tumourj which, being once accumulated, is
too vifcid in fubftance, and large in quantity,
to be again rarified and abforbed into the cir-
culation. The fwelling, being too far advanced
to admit a hope of repuliion, fhould be pro-
by foftening poultices (as will be par-
ticularized in the next clafs, under the dif-
cuffion of tumours); the courfe of fuppu-
ration will then go on in a natural way, the
concoction will be perfect, and the difcharge
confequently effectual. Upon its firft rupture
or breaking, the orifice from which the matter
oozes will be but trifling : this fhould be im-
mediately enlarged, as much as is neceffary
for the difcharge and admiffion of applications.
If the ufual method of infinuating a tent is
-ocr page 195-
P O L L E V I L.           173
found at all neceffary, never let it by any
means be too long continued, left the parts,
by a tedious feparation, become divefted of
their difpofition to unite, and the edges grow
callous from their conftant depreffion. The
judgment may be much afifted upon this fub-
jedt by frequent references to the two preced-
ing articles of wounds and ulcers -, remem-
bering in all, after the neceffary and proper
difcharges, to conduct the cure according to
the variety of circumftances clearly pointed
out in this and the fubjedts laft treated on.
Although this comes raoft properly under
the unavoidable infpeclion, occafional drefiings,
and intentional cure, of the operative farrier,
and confequently rather out of the line firft.
drawn for the plan of this work; yet as the
fubject has been fo infamously treated by (an
author before quoted) that indignation becomes
too juftly excited to pafs it over without luch
animadversion as may tend to enlighten the
and reclify the judgment of fuch, as (from
abfolute want of comprehension of reflection)
-ocr page 196-
i74           P O L L E V I L.
pay an implicit obedience to every abfurdity,fcily,
or faljehood, fanclioned with the authority
of the prefs; and conceive a certain degree of
infallibility appertains to whatever makes its
appearance in print. That thefe are the fenti-
ments of the lower clafs, is too well known to
require corroboration; and I am induced to
introduce a few REMARKS upon thisfubjecl
by the inconfiflent and unmerciful (not to add
infernal) advice held forth to pra&ice, in a
publication that would alone entitle it to the
flames and perpetual oblivion.
We are there told " the poll evil is an abfeefs
*f near the poll of a horfe, formed in the finews
*' between the noil bone and the uppermost,
•' vertebrae of the neck." You are then in-
ftru&ed to feald with a compound of " oil of
'-' turpentine, corrofive mercury, verdigreafe,
" Roman vitriol, green copperas, and train
« oil:" thefe are to be poured " SCALDING
*' HOT into the wound, and Hitched up for
« feveral days; and if matter flows in great
<c abundance, and of a thin confidence, it mufl
" be fcalded again f &c. &c. This igno-
rant unfeeling attempt to arreft the judgment,
and impose upon the underftanding, is almoil
-ocr page 197-
POLL EVIL            175
too ridiculous to excite contempt; but, in
compliment to the lefs informed reader, it is
impoffible to pafs it over without branding
the very thought with the epithet it is fo juftly
entitled to.
What are we to think of the prof "ejfional'know-
or abilities of an author, who could fanc-
tion with his NAME the recommendation of
a praclife fo infamous and detejlable, that no one
rational or confident idea can be produced or
pleaded to prove its propriety. Will any advo-
cate for fuch infernal practice, (and in-
fernal it certainly is in every meaning of the
word) venture to affirm the writer conceived or
poffeffed a competent,or even a tolerable know-
ledge of the ftructure of parts or property of
medicine ; that when the membranous fyftem
is locally injured, and the lacerated vefTels
rendered highly irritable, could venture to pro-
mulgate the confiftency of glutting them with
the mod powerful poisons, as if he felt fome
invincible antipathy'to the fpecies, and had at-
tentively ftudied the mod likely means of ef-
fecting their total extirpation ! For the com-
pletion of this bufinefs, left the moft destruc-
tive ^or/iiw mould prove ineffectual, you are in-
-ocr page 198-
j76           POLL EVIL,
ftrufted to add fuel to their natural fire, by
combining their whole force, and pouring them
" fcalding hot" neareft to one of the molt vital
parts, (nay neareft the original nervous feat of
pain,) even the brain itfelf. Sorry I am to ac-
knowledge this genuine and unadulterated fpe-
cimen cf the immaculate perfection of the
« PRACTICAL TREATISE" has been re-
peatedly put in practice by fools or knaves,
whom ignorance has milled or confidence be-
trayed ; to the evident destruction of numbers
that have died in the molt excruciating agonies,
finking under the load of accumulated mifery
and perfecution, devoted victims to a Mem,
replete with the molt unparalleled cruelty that
the heart could ditlate, or the hand direcJ.
Need I, can it be poffibly neceffary for me,
to point out for the information of even the moil
fuperficial or leaft confederate objerver, the de-
ftruction of parts that muft inevitably cnfue; no
combination of nature can ftand againft this
accumulation of cruelty and infliction of pu-
nifh ment. The finer veffels, the veins, arte-
ries, mufcles, nay the cfnfied Structure or bony
parts themfelves, mult nearly fubmit to this
elaborate and ftudied work of devastation. The
-ocr page 199-
POLL EVIL.            r77
humane reader, whofe judgment is not biaffed
by prejudice, or his reafon blinded by an ad-
herence to cuftom, and whofe feeling9 move
in concert with my own, will Jhudder at the re-
flexion ; and to every fporffman looking with
the eye of extreme pleafure upon the excellen-
cies of the animal (whofe fufferings I lament),
do I appeal for a j unification of the warmth I
have been naturally prompted todifplayon the
occafion. And in PITY to zfpeciesfo eminently
entitled to every degree of mercy, care, and
attention, let us hope (as we are now be-
come more reformed in our minds, and recti-
fied in our judgments) that this DAMNABLE
doctrine may be univerfally exploded and buried
Let it then be underftcod the poll evil orlgl- *
nates in a tumour fituate as before defcribed ;
and generally proceeds from injuries fuftained
on that part by blows, bruifes, or fuch frequent
and exceffive fridion from large or heavy har-
i nefs as may fufficiently irritate the part to pro-
voke a formation of matter, as has been ex<
plained in the preceding article. If it is early
obferved, let the feat of pain be very frequently
fomented with vinegar made warm, for at
N '                       leaft
-ocr page 200-
178           P O L L E V I L.
leafl a quarter of an hour, rubbing upon the
part immediately after about an ounce of cam-
phorated fpirits of wine, and then bandaging
over the part a double flannel dipped in the
vinegar, warm as before.
Should the fwelling refufe submission to
this treatment, after a regular perfeverance for
eight-and-forty hours, continuing to enlarge
itfelf, and difplay invincible fymptoms of ma-
turation, make no farther attempt by repel-
lents to oppofe the progrefs of nature,
fuch obfiinacy will never prevail; therefore
contribute your early and cheerful affiifance to
promote a fpeedy fuppuration. For this pur-
pofe let the following poultice be immediately
applied and repeated twice every day, till an
aperture or opening is effected in the abfcefs.
Take of camomile flowers, turnips, and coarfb
bread, about equal quantities •, boil the camo-
*    mile and turnips in a fuflicient quantity of
water, till the latter are foft enough to bruife
all together; then ftir in four ounces of white
•     lily root, (beat to a parte in-the mortar); and,
laftly, add, while hot, three or four ounces
of lard, and two of common turpentine.
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POLL EVIL.             179
This application mould be made as warm as
the nature of the cafe will admit, that it may
the better fulfil the intent of relaxing the vef-
fels, increafing their circumference, and pro-
moting the fpeedy flux of matter to this par-
ticular part. So foon as an opening appears,
let it be enlarged fufRcienfiy to enfure a dif-
charge, and prevent the retention of any im-
proper portion of matter; and continue to pro-
ceed with the cure according to the ftate of the
cafe, colle&ing your informations from the
variety of diredions extenfively given under the
different head of wounds, ulcers, fiflula, and tu-
to the laft of which we now proceed.
N 2
-ocr page 202-
( i8o )
Are of many and various kinds, according
to their different caufes and fituations; as the
(Edematous, fteatomous, incyfted, and fcrofu-
lous j but as the feparate and diftinct explana-
tions of thefe would lead the reader into ana-
difquifitions foreign to, and very far
beyond, the limits prefcribed for the comple-
tion of this work (which is intended for ge-
neral comprehenfion), I fhall make a curfory
remark upon each, and proceed to a minute
investigation of the simple tumour coming
foconflantly under common obfervation and
-ocr page 203-
TUMOURS.              181
management. The cedematous and encyjled tu-
are nearly fynonyrnous, originating in a
cyft or bag, containing a kind of ichorous
bloody fanies, or gelatinous fluid ; which being
evacuated, the cyft does not always fubmit to
digeftives or efcharotics, but muft be extir-
pated with the knife, and cured as a common
wound j for the completion of which ample
directions may be found in the preceding
clafs under that head.
The Steatomous are thofe tumours that
form on different parts, and pafs in general
under the denomination of wens, containing,
when opened or extracted, a fubftance not un-
like fuet in its earlieft ftate, when hardly cold:
neither of the above are expected to fubmit to
any topical application, unlefs upon the very
fh-ftobfervationj when an attempt maybe made
by the moft powerful repellents, Specified in
many of the preceding pages, and a imall por-
tion of the ftrongeft mercurial ointment rubbed
in every night, for a confiderable length of
time ; but even to this there is no hope otfub-
unlefs in the firft ftage of its infancy;
nor can any radical cure be in general ob-
tained but by injlrumental extirpation. As this
N 3                      muft
-ocr page 204-
182              T U, M O U R S.
mud be unavoidably attended with lofs of
time, and a proportional mare of danger, if
feated upon or interfered by the mufcular
parts, perhaps it may be moll prudent to omit
the experiment and fubmit it to chance.
Scrofulous Tumours are fuch as orisi-
nate in fcorbutic or hereditary taints, and in-
creafe or diminifh according to the ilate or
acrimony of the blood; they are therefore more
than any of the others dependent upon, exter-
nal application, and particularly the mercurial
juft before defcribed, affifled by a
courfe of mercurial or antimonial altera-
tives, as may be difcretionally feleeled from
the chapters on thofe fubjefts. As the mercu-
rial ointment has been repeatedly recommend-
ed, it may not be inapplicable to introduce the
de of preparation :
Take quickfilver two ounces;
Lard fix ounces;
Balfam of fulphur half an ounce.
Rub the quickfilver with the balfam in a metal
mortar till the globules difappear; then add
the lard by degrees, firfi made warm, and
keep in a pot for Life.
I now
-ocr page 205-
TUMOURS.              183
I now proceed to the explanation of a sim-
ple tumour, or abscess, taken in its fingle
view, as one effort of nature to relieve itfelf
from the weight of an extravafated fluid col-
lected, and (the caufe being inflammatory) be-
come too tenacious for tranfpiration through
the cutaneous paflages or pores of the fkin, and
too vifcid to be again abforbed or taken into
the circulation. This is the principle of action,
whether proceeding from thegrumous ftate of
the blood obfiruding the finer paffages, accu-
mulating and acting by its flimulous upon the
irritable parts, or from an extravafation of fluid
eje&ed from the veins or lymphatics, in con-
fequence of laceration from bruifes, or ruptures
from ftrains. It has been a predominant and
efiablifhed practice to attempt repulfion, even
after the deciflve formation of matter, by the
mod powerful fpirituous applications, thereby
inflaming the integuments and indurating the
contents; not without a very great probability
of producing an inveterate ulcer or long-ftand-
In all applications, whether external or in-
ternal, REASON will prove a very ufeful af-
fiftant; pay due refpeB to the indications
N 4
-ocr page 206-
4             TUMOURS,
of NATURE, folicit the interposition of
REASON, and in conjunction they will be
found moll admirable auxiliaries to the judi-
cious exertions of ART. All tumours (pro-
ceeding from what caufe foever) tending to
certain maturation mould be expeditioufly af-
fifted with very warm fomentations, compofed
of camomile, marflmallows, rofemary, lavender,
wormwood, elder flowers,
or any two or three
of the whole, the properties offlimulus and
beat being ftill the fame, and to be effected by
a past as well as the entire.
After each time ofufing (he fomentation ap-
a poultice of the fuppurating kind ; felecT-
ing from the following articles fuch ingredi-
ents as may prove moff. applicable to the
Coarfe bread, boiled turnips, pollard or bran,
camomile flowers, flour of muftard, white
Jily root, (beat tq a pafte) with an addition of
turpentine, yellow bafilicon, and lard fufH-
tient to keep it moift.
Thefe applications muft be regularly con-
tinued till the pliability of the tumour, and
the fluctuation of matter, prove it in a proper
-ocr page 207-
TUMOURS.              i8|
fhte for perforation. Let it then be carefully
opened by a fuperficial incijion fufficiently large
to admit of fuch difcharge as the fize of the ab-
fcefs may require; drefling with the neceffary
introduction of dojfils of lint, well impregnated
with the following digestive, and covered
with a poultice of mild ingredients for a few
days, to encourage the difcharge and form a
convenient bed or covering for the wound,
Take bees wax three ounces, turpentine, Bur-
gundy pitch, and fpirits of turpentine, each
two ounces; olive oil fix ounces; tnelt the
wax and Burgundy pitch in the oil over a
flow fire; then take off and ftir in the tur-
pentine-, and, when nearly cool, add the
fpirit by degrees, and incorporate well.
The tents to be infinuated, furnifhed with a
portion of this unguent moderately warm,
and introduced no larger than will leave fuffi-
cient room to be placed in and extracted eafily,
thereby not impeding the incarnation. Should
any fungus or proud flefli render it neceffary
drefs occafionally with the precipitate
ointment (under the article of wounds), and
$over with a pledget of this stablf diges-
-ocr page 208-
186             TUMOURS.
tive, keeping your bandage always neat and
firm, that the fides or edges may be encouraged
in their difpofition to unite or come into con-
tact. So foon as the laft ftage of cure, the
fcinning over, is complete, immediately throw
afide all greafy applications, and harden the
furface firii with equal parts of tincture of
and vinegar, afterwards with tin&ure
of myrrh
alone. Should any efchar of confe-
quence remain, and the hair not follow kindly
rub the part gently every night with a fmall
quantity of camphorated Spermaceti ointment,
the beft article known to promote the return
of the hair upon the knees or any other part.
So much has been faid, and fo many inftruc-
tions advanced, for the various drefiings that
may be found neceffary, under the articles of
tumours, immediately fucceeding each other,
there cannot be (omitted) any thing more to
add upon the fubject; naturally concluding
every practitioner or superintendent
will v regulate his applications and vary his
dreffings according to the ftate or difpofition
of the cafe before him.
-ocr page 209-
( 187 )
Are thofe fmall fwellings or tumours form-
ed on the fides, or fome part of the back of a
horfe, either by the exceffive heat and friction
in a long chafe, the extreme preffure of fome
hard or protuberant part in the ftuffing of the
faddle, or the edge of a narrow faddle cloth
coming directly under the feat of the rider;
and very frequently by the cent, per cent, care
and caution of the faddler, in.the economical
length, of his girths; for, being fometimes by
much too fbort, the buckles at either one fide
or the other fit below the pad; or what is flill
worfe, half on and half off; by which means
the lower corners of the buckles conititute this
inconvenience to a certainty, as I have repeat-
edly experienced. But let them proceed from
which of thefe caufes they may, I mail in the
cure pafs over the sublimits of Capt.
Burdon's fertile invention of the " hot greafy
" difhclout," as unnecefiary; alfoBARTLET's
Jervility and Jterility in echoing fo greasy
an idea; but as every extenfive reader upon
this fubjecT; mud have obferved " A Practical
" Treatife"
-ocr page 210-
iS8              WARBLES.
« Treatife" may be compiled from Gibson,
Burdon, Bracken, and others, without
coining a NEW THOUGHT, I {hall for-
bear to animadvert upon the advantages of
plagiarism, and come to the proper treat-
ment of the fubjedl now before us; not omit-
ing to obferve how very difficult it may be to
make it convenient in some countries (and
'to SOME POCKETS) to boil a rump of beef
or gammon of bacon, merely for the procur-
ation of " a hot greafy difhclout" to effect
the purpofe: upon the force of this natural
reflection, I relinquifh the idea of enforcing fo
difficult aprocefs,
and (hall endeavour to furnifh
iuch SUBSTITUTES as will certainly prove
more efficacious and fatisfactory. ■
So foon as the faddle is taken off, after a
fevere chafe, or hard journey, a good groom
or hofiler will be very minute in his examina-
tions to difcover whether an injury has been
fuftained in this part or any other. He will
inftantly perceive, by the horfe's wincing,
whether there is any deffecl from which a
warble may fpeedily enfue; if fo, upon the
firit appearance, or earliefl difcovery, bathe
three or four times a day with the following
repellent j
-ocr page 211-
Take extraft of Saturn half an ounce;
Camphorated fpirits of wine two ounces 5
Soft water a quarter of a pint.
Mix the extract with the fpirits, by making well
together, and then add the water; or if thefe
cannot be eafily procured juft at the time,
fubftitute, for the moment, of vinegar and
brandy equal parts;, but the ftronger muft
be obtained fo foon as poffible, and perfe-
vered in till the tumour is difpelled.
The original caufe of the warble mud be
likewife difcovered and removed, to prevent a
repetition upon the fame part, from which, or
the continuation, a sitfast will inevitably
Are, in the firft inflance, tumours formed
upon the vertebra; orjpine, and caufed by a
deficiency (or fcarcity of fluffing on each fide
the pad, at the back part of the faddle^ which
letting the tree come into clcie contact with the
back bone the parts become bruifed by the
fevere preffure and conftant fridion; an in-
-ocr page 212-
loo          NAVEL GALLS.
flammation fucceeds, and produces a fwelling of
the encyfted kind, containing a gelatinous
fluid, which, if not treated with frequent re-
petitions of the following repellent lotions,
upon the earlieft difcovery, will not fubmit
to this mode of application.
Take Mindererus's fpirit,
Camphorated fpirits,
Common brandy,
And verjuice or beft vinegar, of each equal
Take fal armoniac,three drachms;
Diftilled vinegar four ounces;
^Britifli brandy half a gill.—Mix.
Should thefe fail of fuccefs, the evacuation
inufl: be folicited by gentle emollients, as warm
fomentations (before defcribed), and foftening
poultices. Upon its arriving at a proper degree
of maturity, let the neceilary incifion be made
fuperfkially (not in the flyle recommended by
Gibson, of " cutting down to the quick,")
and the cyft or bag, extracted with its contents
if easily practicable ; if not the prefent:ex-
traclion (mentioned by fome as neccflary) is in
fadt /'.'pcrfluous and nugatory; as it becomes
-ocr page 213-
immediately extraneous, and of courfe putri-
fies and floughs off with the dreffings. After
all the various inflru&ions laid down for the
different' applications, under a multiplicity of
preceding articles, forming a regular chain of
connexion, any farther addition muft be un-
neceffary, one hint only excepted, viz. In the
treatment of any, or all, where the vacuums
are large, and the difcharge fluggifjb, from the
mouths of the veffels being plugged by a vif-
cidity of the matter; or thin and ichorous,
from a languor and coldnefs of the parts, a
frequent ufe of the following detergent
will both cleanfe and ftimulate, fo as to re-
move the obftruclion in the firft inftance, and
promote a proper difcharge in the other;
Take of white vitriol and fugar of lead each
three drachms;
Spring water half a pint;
Tindure of myrrh one ounce.—Mix.
And in all cafes where the fungus or proud
flefh does not jubmit to the precipitate ointment.
pledges of dry lint under the digeflives, or ap-
plications of the above lotion, a fniall portion
of the red precipitate, white or blue vitriol
-ocr page 214-
i9z               SITFAST.
(very finely powdered), muft be occafiohally1
fprinkled over-the excrefcences, but not with
the ufual hand of indifcretipn, otherwife your
corroiive in that cafe becomes a caujlhj a cal-
lofity is confequently occafioned, and your im-
prudent and mifapplied remedy becomes worfe
than the difeafe.
Is the integument or hide of a horfe be-
come entirely callous or infeniible, after the
tumour called a warble is repelled and
taken up into the circulation, or has tranf-
pired in a natural evacuation, or circular ooz-
ing, furrounding the calloiity termed a sit-
fast. In fome little time the hair comes off,
and it bears the appearance of a foreign folid
fubftance, fixed in the centre of what feems to
be a fuperficial wound. For this fimple and
very trifling complaint there is but one cer-
tain and expeditious cure. All applications
to foften the efchar will prove of no utility,
fcartficatiom will be tedious, and often inef-
fectual 5
-ocr page 215-
S I T F A S T.                193
fectual; to prevent therefore a lofs of time by
fuch fruitlefs attempts, let it be clearly and
finally underftood it can be effected only by
EXTIRPATION; an operation fo very tri-
fling it will not admit of a moment's hefi-
tation, and may be taken off with a common
penknife, and healed as a fuperficial wound.
But the moft ready and leaft painful method
of taking it off is by juft railing either edge
till it can be taken hold of with a pair of
common pincers; when, by leaning them to
any fide, you have an immediate fulcrum, or
lever, and feparate it inftantaneoufly without
pain or inconvenience. After the extirpation
it may be treated as a fimple fuperficial lacer-
ation, and may in general be healed by a fre-
quent application of Friar's balfam, tinElure of
or, in very trifling cafes, with a little
common brandy.
But after the cure care fhould always be
taken to guard the cicatrix in its infancy, and
prevent the buckle of the girth from coming
into direct contact with the injured part, not
only till the furface is fufficiently hardened to
render a repetition unlikely, but upon all
O                          future
-ocr page 216-
i94             S I T F A S T.
future occafions. And here it cannot prove
inapplicable to remind every horfeman the
buckle of the girth fhould never be permitted
below the pad of the faddle on either fide; a
circumftance that never occurs with ex-
perlenced fportfmen, who well know, from the
extreme preffure, and conftant friclion of fo
fharp a body upon the integuments in hard
chafes, or long journies, warbles or JitfaJJs
muft inevitably enfue.
-ocr page 217-
( l9S )
Are a fpecies of difeafe not only acquired
by different .means, but likewife very different
in their effects; both which we (hall endeavour
to elucidate in a manner much more extenfive
and fatisfaclory than any that have gone before
us. Colds are in general more frequently
the effect of negled than chance, and are
moftly acquired by the Jlupidity or inattention
of thofe to whofe care the horfeis unavoidably
intrufted. The various means by which colds
are caught, in either man or beaft, we naturally
fuppofe to be fo well underftood, that a mi-
O 2
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196              COLDS, &c.
nute inveftigator of the operations of nature
would conclude any explanation upon this
fubjed entirely fuperrluous. But as there
doubtlefs are many juvenile fportfmen, who,
in the very zenith of fublunary enjoyment and
conftant purfuit of pleafure, never afforded the
fubject a moment's confideration, I mall point
out fuch CAUSES as are moft likely to pro-
duce the variety of effects we mail afterwards
proceed to explain.
When a horse, after being rode hard, and
in a high ftate of perfpiration, is fuffered to
ftand ftill (particularly in the winter feafon, or
in bad weather) to drink cold water in this
ftate; placed in an open ftable in fuch fitua-
tion ; left after a wet and dirty journey to dry
in that condition; or his clothing left off at
an improper feafon ; it is very natural to con-
clude the groom is a KNAVE, the hoftler a
FOOL, or the majler a MADMAN. And
although thefe circumftances feem little likely
to occur by the frailty of one, or the folly of
the other, yet the experienced fportfman and
traveller, who feldom move without the eye
of obfervation, will convince you they (among
a variety
-ocr page 219-
COLDS, &c.              197
a variety of additional impofitions) happen
every day. Having here obliquely remarked
what I naturally conclude is almoft univerfally
known, I (hall be ftudioufly anxious to explain
the nature of colds, and their different effe&s,
fo as to urge the neceffity of their being per-
fectly underftood, that prevention in future
may become an objecT: of attention.
The procefs of Nature we allude to, in the
appellation of cold, is a general obftruction
of the cutaneous pafiages or pores of the ikin,
formed for the tranfpiration of perlpirable
matter, proportionally emitted from every
part of the frame, and intended to expel that
fuperfluous moifture by an almoft infenfible
evacuation. But this exertion of Nature be-
ing totally fupprefled, by a fudden collapfion,
or doling of the pores, from one of the caufes
before defcribed, the perfpirable matter is pre-
vented in its natural courfe, and returned upon
the body in a preternatural and morbid ftate.
We now come to the mifchievous effect,
according to the degree of inveteracy or infec-
tion of the attack. The moft penetrating and
acrimonious particles immediately make their
O 3                      paffage
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iq3              COL D S, &c.
paffagetothe blood veffels; and, intermixing
with the mafsj produce different degrees of
difeafe, acting differently upon different fub-
jedsj the injury fuftained being in fome ref-
pects regulated by the degree of heat or per-
Ipiration the horfe was in at the time of being
expofed to the original caufe. This circum-
ftance once collected, upon the foundation of
fuch inquiries, fome idea may be formed of its
probable duration and feverity. The effects of
cold are not only foon difcovered where there
is a conftant attention and care, but an obfer-
vation may be very early made to what part it
more immediately dire&s its attack. For in-
itance, if the nervous fyfiem is the moft irrita-
ble, you fpeedily perceive it in the eyes j if
the glandular, upon the neck, throat, un-
der the ears, or in the head ; -if more parti-
cularly upon the blood (in which both the veffels
and their contents are concerned) the whole
fyftem of circulation being affected, you foon
difcover its feat to be taken uDon the lungs :
and will perceive it displayed more or Jefs in a
COUGH, or difficulty of breathing, according
to the feverity of attack, from the proportion of
perfpirable matter repelled (become morbid)
and compulfively abforbed into the circulation.
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COLDS, &c.               199
So foon as the horfe is in this ftate a fympto-
matic fever attends, which is to be underftood
no more than a degree of febrile heat, or irri-
tability dependant on the original caufe, which
gradually ceafes as the primary difeafe is found
to decline.
The blood in all thefe inftances becomes
languid and enfeebled by its increafe and in-
cumbrance, whilft its velocity is preternatu-
rally compelled in the ftri&ure of the veffels,
upon their over-accumulated contents, which
palpably constitute the obstruction and pro-
duce the fever. Having traced the very prin-
ciple of colds to their original caufe, and
pointed out their different effecls upon the
eyes, glands, lungs, and circulation, I ihall pro-
ceed firft to that kind of cold fixed on the
lungs, diftinguiuhed by COUGH, and its con-
fluences, enlarging upon theother two, when
we come to treat on their feparate claffes,
under the diforders of the eyes and ftrangles,
or tumours upon the glands. I mail therefore
take this complaint in its firft ftage, when it
is early difcovered by an induftrious fervant or
attentive mafter, and generally fubmits to
O 4
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2oo              COLDS, &c.
immediate care and fimple remedies; particu-
larly if proper refpedt is paid to the excellent
maxim of " never letting alone till to-mor-
*' row what may be done to-day;" for blood
mould be inftantly taken away according to
fymptoms, fize, ftate, and condition. Be
accurate in quantity, and preferve it a few
hours to afcertain its ftate; if livid, or black,
with a coat of fize upon its furface, you have
evident demonstration of its viscidity and
obflru&ed circulation through the finer veffels
of the LUNGS. In three or four hours after
bleeding give a maih of bran and oats equal
parts, upon which pour boiling water fuffi-
cient; then ftir in unadulterated anifeed and
liquorice powders each one ounce, and of
honey four. In two hours after the ma/h give
a gallon or fix quarts of foft water moderately
warm, in which has been diflblved two ounces
of nitre. Let the mafhes be continued
every night and morning, giving a moderate
feed of dry oats in the middle of the day,
good fweet hay in fmall quantities, and the
fame proportion of nitre to be repeated in the
water after each mam. To thefe muft be added
the neceffary regulations of good dreffing
-ocr page 223-
COLDS, &c.                201
and gentle exercife, which in general foon
effedt the cure of fuch COLDS as are coun-
teracted upon the firil attack.
On the contrary, fhould time or circum-
ftances have prevented thofe early advantages,
the attack has been neglected, and the dis-
order made a rapid progrefs; mould the
cough be violent and conftant, the horfe very
dull and heavy, declining his food, and the
fymptomatic fever run high, the blood will
confequently prove as before defcribed. In
fuch cafe the fymptoms will perhaps not im-
mediately fubmit to the above plan fo foon as
may be wifhed or expected, therefore repeat
your bleeding in two or three days at fartheft,
according to the ftate and neceffity, altering
the mafhes to equal parts of malt and bran,
fcalded with boiling water j when nearly cool
enough for the manger, ftir in of elecampane*
and liquorice powders, each one ounce j
let this be repeated every night and morning,
continuing the noon-feed dry, and the nitre
two ounces in the water, as before directed.
Let it be remembered, for confolation, that
colds or coughs thus treated, before they
3                                             have
-ocr page 224-
202              COLDS, &c.
have been fuffered by neglect or penury to be-
come obdurate by long (landing, generally
fubmit to a very fhort courfe of trouble or
expenie $ whilft tardinefs in procuring expe-
ditious relief is often productive of events that
no future affiduity can relieve. By immediate
bleeding the obftrudtion is confequently re-
duced, and the circulation promoted j rarefac-
tion is effected, and the ftriclure upon the
veffels removed by the warm mafhes and cor-
dials j the irritating mucus engendered by the
inflamed glands is likewife diverted of its
acrimony, and theprefTure upon the lungs re-
duced by relaxing and leffening the contents
of the body. Under thefe advantages you are
eafed of the complaint almoft immediately, or
a critical difcharge comes on at the noftrils,
and terminates in a few days, what negle&ed
foon conftitutes a confirmed cough, asthma,
In refpect to thefe diforders, their defcrip-
tions (or rather the different conjectures) have
been fo extended, turned, twifted, and muti-
lated, in their tranfmiffions from one author to
another, that it is natural to fuppcfe no true
(rate of either could be afcertained, or any
-ocr page 225-
COLDS, &c.               203
thing fatisfa6lory advanced upon the fubject.
We have the authority of a century pail to
prove they are caufed by " the impetuoiity of
" the blood's rufhing into the lungs," or, u in
*' the air veflels," or " in blood verTels," or
in tubercles, or in ulcers," or " in too
" full feeding," &c. Bartlet quotes from
Gibson, who refers you,to Markham, or
Sqleysell, and Bracken to Burdon, and
fo on ad infinitum. We are likewife told
" the three* laft diftempers are in general in-
" curable :" you are-then instructed to proceed
with mercurial phyfic, giving, in the interme-
diate days, the t: cinnaber balls; if they fail
•'try alterative purges; to thefe follow cor-
'* dial balls, with balfams of Peru and ful-
" phur, flowers of Benjamin, fquills, tar, &c.
" one to be continued a week or ten days,
tc another a fortnight, and a third for two
*' months or longer." When having made this
hopeful and expenfive tour through al.moft all
'* the materia medica to cure what is "in
*' general incurable," you may enjoy the pleaf-
ing fenfation of knocking your horfe qn the
head, and mod feelingly acknowledge <c the
*' remedy worfe than the dileafe."
I mall endeavour to avoid this beaten track
of duplicity, and not amufe my readers in
-ocr page 226-
2©4             COLDS, arc,
every page with " Gibson directs this," or
*• Bartlet the other," but communicate
fome inftru&ions from the dictates of NA-
TURE and REASON, who have been hi-
therto moil infamoufly treated, and moft
fhamefully abandoned through every fyftem of
eque&rian medical practice. In conjunction
with this it may not be inapplicable to intro-
duce a few obfervations reflecting the mode
of administration I have long fince adopted, and
endeavoured to Strengthen upon every oppor-
tunity. For inftance, to condemn and explode
upon every poffible occafion the old and flo-
venly method of giving medicines of almoft
every kind in drinks, and the equally favourite
adminiftration of glysters, where they can
by any means be avoidedj (which forty-nine
times out of fifty they very well may) always
preferring their incorporation with a majh, or
the contents in a ball, where circumstances will
But this plan generally meets , oppofition
ancient practice, who would as foon relinquish
their leathern aprons as their opinions. The
prodigious and confequential ceremony of pro-
-ocr page 227-
COLDS, &c.               205
viding the ale, powders, twitch, horn, and ap-
with the additional pleafure of waft-
ing or fpilling half the contents, are profeffional
dignities not to be readily given up; more
particularly the operators privilege of drinking
a part of the ale or Jlrong beer, to be perfectly
convinced it is not TOO STALE for the pur-
pofe. To bring this digreflion to a fpeedy
crifis, I fhall only beg leave to add that twenty
years fince, obferving the general plague in
giving drinks, the conftant and unavoidable
wafte in the operation, added to the palpable
abfurdity of giving the moft naufeous medi-
cines in a liquid form, to conflitute an unne-
cessary ficknefs to the animal, made me reject
the practice, determining to adopt a method
more rational, neat, and confident, fo far as
my own advice or influence extended. To
this circumftance may be attributed the very
few drinks prefcribed or recommended in the
courfe of this work : the aukward adminiftra-
tion of glyfters is likewife rejected, but where
they are palpably neceflary, and even then the
bag and pipe mould be the vehicle for injec-
tion; the Jyrwge being an invention of abfo-
lute abfurdity, and fit only for fuch practi-
-ocr page 228-
2c6              C O L D S, &c.
tioners as are profefied advocates for FUN-
We come immediately from this digreffion
to the treatment of obftinate coughs, of which
there are two diftincl: kinds in efFecl, though
proceeding from the very fame caufe; whether
the refult of neglecT: at the original attack, or
inflexibility and non-fubmiffion to the mode
of pra&ice before recommended, and regularly
perfevered in. The one may be confidered a
loofe and almofl continual cough, increafinor
to violence upon the lead motion, whilft: the
diftindion is ealily made by attending to
fymptoms: the other is a (liort dry cough,
preceded by a hufky hollow kind of wheezing,
as if refpiration was fhortened or obstructed
by fragments of hay or corn retained in the
paffage. This is the kind of cough called
ajihma by thofe writers who have preceded us,
and for which mercurial purges have been re-
commended, and may perhaps come forward
with more propriety after the adminiftration
of a courfe of the following balls, fhould they
fail in the defired effect. BLEEDING muft
be firft performed, and occafionally repeated
in fmall quantities, till the glandular inflam-
-ocr page 229-
COLDS, &c,               207
mation and irritability is reduced, and the
blood is io attenuated or diverted of its vifci-
dity, by the confbant and invariable repetition
of the nitre, that the circulation may be more
freely promoted through the finer veffels of
the lungs; as from the obftrudtions in thofe
finer pafiages all the difficulties proceed.
Bleeding having been performed with the ne-
ceffary circumfpe&ion as to quantity, let your
two ounces of nitre be given without the mod
trifling remiffion, every night and morning in
the water, as particularized in the firfl flage
of the diforder, continuing one of the follow-
ing balls every morning for a fortnight or
three weeks, that a fair and decifive trial may
be obtained.
Take of Caftile foap, anifeed, and liquorice
powders, each five ounces;
Barbadoes tar fix ounces j
Gum ammoniacum three ounces;
Balfam of Tolu one ounce;
Honey (if required) to make a mafs; which
divide into a dozen balls*.
If the complaint mould continue predomi-
nant in all its fymptoms, notwithstanding thefe
-ocr page 230-
2o3               COLDS, &c.
cfForts to relieve, bleeding muft be repeated;
two dofes of mercurial phyfic may be given
eight days apart, and prepared by the addition
of a drachm and a half of calomel to either of
the balls (under the articles of purging) beft
calculated for the horfe's ftrength and condi-
tion. After which repeat the above pectoral
balls, with the addition of gum myrrh, Ben-
jamin, and Venice turpentine, each two
ounces; dividing the mafs into balls of two
ounces each, repeating them every morning
till the above proportion (with thefe addi-
tions) are totally confumed.
The long loud hollow cough that is almoft
inceffant, and continually increafing upon mo-
tion or the leaft hurry in exercife, proceeds
equally from irritability and the action of the
flimy mucus upon the glands in refpiration, as
well as the vifcidity and cohefion of the blood
through the finer pafTages. This kind of cough
I have ever obferved to fubmit with much lefs
difficulty than the asthmatic, requiring only
fteady and regular perfeverance in the plan
now laid down to obtain a certain, and, in all
probability, a fpeedy cure. The improvement
upon the cordial ball at Bracken, (Co rigidly
-ocr page 231-
COLDS, &c.               209
adhered to by all thofe advocates incapable of
leaving the beaten track, or judging for them-
selves) will be cheerfully acknowledged by
every judicious and impartial obferver, who
will readily coincide with me in rejecting
the brimjlone, turmeric, and Jugarcandy, as
articles very little adequate to the taflc they
were affigned. In this cafe, as in the other,
bleeding mud take the lead, followed by a mafli
compounded of equal parts of bran and oats,
into which muft be ftirred and diflblved, while
hot, honey four ounces; and this repeated
every night with the two ounces of nitre in the
water, (as repeatedly directed) without inter-
miffion every night and morning.
Take Turkey figs, Spanifh liquorice, anifeed,
and liquorice powders, each four ounces;
Carraway feeds, elecampane, and anifated bal-
fam, each two ounces;
Saffron, ginger (in powder), and oil of anifeed,
each fix drachms;
Honey fufficient to form the mafs; and divide
into twelve balls; of which let one be given
every morning.
The figs and fafFron are to be beat to a pafle in
the mortar, previous to their incorporation with
P                              the
-ocr page 232-
210              COLDS, &c.
the other articles, the Spanish liquorice is to be
foftened over the fire, by boiling in a fmall
quantity of fpring water, and the whole of the
ingredients mixed in a manner well underftood
by thofe generally concerned in fuch prepara-
tions. Thefe balls are powerfully cordial and
reflorati've•, they promote glandular excretion,
warm and ftimulate the ftomach to the expul-
iion of wind, enliven the circulation, and in-
vigorate the whole frame, as has been fuffi-
ciently afcertained by their inftantaneous effect
in the chafe, where their excellence has been
repeatedly effablifhed; but more particularly
in deep fwampy countries, when, after afevere
or a repetition olftrong leaps, the horfe
has been fo off his wind, or, in fact, Nature fo
exhaufted, as not to be able to proceed a ftroke
farther j the immediate adminiftration of a
single ball has not only afforded inffant re-
lief, but the horfe gone through the day with
his ufual alacrity. To fay precifely in what
time the cure will be complete, is abfolutely
i-mpoffible; the treatment here laid down, and
the clafs of medicines prefcribed, will, with
care and proper attention, perform all that can
be expected from warm cordial pectorals.
-ocr page 233-
( a" )
To avoid thofe unneceffary diftinclions ge-
nerally made to fwell the work, as well as the
tedious repetitions introduced to form a plau-
fible but fallacious difference between dif-
eafes bearing the ftn&eft affinity, (not only
originating in the fame caufe, but depending
on the very fame treatment for cure) I mail,
in this clafs, proceed to the neceffary obferva-
tions upon what is termed pleurisy, in-
flammation of the LUNGS, BROKEN WIND,
and, laftly, consumption. The gradations or
circumftances of connexion are fo regular
from zjimple cold, in the firfh in (lance, to the
difagreeable effects of the latter, as to form a
fufficient reafon for bringing the whole into
rational inveftigation.
To fteer clear of the trammels of imita-
tion, I muft avoid the beaten track of Bart-
let, who tells you " Gibson fays the pleu-
P 2                     " rify
-ocr page 234-
2i2           PLEURISY, &c.
" rify is an inflammation of the pleura-" buf,
as " no ghoft need come from the grave to
" tell us that" we will go a little farther,
and, inftead of diverfifying and mutilating the
fymptoms to form a deceptive appearance of
two diftindl difeafes, I fhall clearly prove them
to be not only of the fame family, but very
nearly related •, for, as the pleura is in the me-
dical world univerfally known to be the mem-
brane immediately covering the lungs, every
reader may inftantly form his own judgment
•whether the latter can become the principal
feat of inflammation without the pleura's be-
ing proportionally affected by the diftention.
I have not the leaft doubt but this thejis will
fufficiently eftablifh its own weight to prevent
a diverfity of opinions.
To exclude occafion for more medical or
anatomical definitions than are abfolutely un-
avoidable, it muft fuffice to fay the distinc-
tion between the difeafes are too nice (in this
animal) for certain difcrimination; either dis-
plays fymptoms common to both; and, as the
treatment is exactly fimilar in each, no incon-
venience can arife from not decifively fixing it
upon one or the other, as in general they are
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PLEURISY, &c.           213
both affecf ed. I (hall, in treating of both, enu-
merate the certain prognofiics; but cannot fo
far attempt an impofition upon the judgment
as to form a ftring of imaginary fymptoms,
and fay (as fome have done) that " he looks
" to the right with the pleurify, and to the
" left with the peripneumony ■■> that he tries to
" lay down, then hejiarts up j" and a multi-
plicity of certainties equally curious. But as
MEN or WOMEN, labouring under the
mod acute difeafes, do not difplay the fame
attitudes, or indulge in the fame pofitions, no
more do the different animals of which we
now treat; but there are other predominant
fymptoms, and certain prognoftics, that fuffi-
ciently enable us to afcertain the feat of dif-
eafe, particularly in the inflammatory diforders
before us.
For inftance—the horfe is exceedingly dull,
heavy in the eyes, drops his head, is reftlefs,
perpetually fhifting his legs alternately; the
fever comes on fuddenly, and increafes ra-
pidly; his breathing is extremely difficult, the
cough (hort and laboured, exciting great pain.
The mouth at firft is parched and dry; but
when a critical difcharge iffues from the nof-
P 3                         trils,
-ocr page 236-
214           PLEURISY, &c.
trils, in confequence of a reduction of the
fymptomatic inflammation upon the glands
of the head and throat, a flimy moifture ap-
pears in the mouth likewife j his whole frame
bearing evident proofs of univerfal oppreffion,
that ferioufly, indicates the necefiity of expedi-
tious relief.
Having taken a concife but accurate view
of the diftemper in its external appearance, it
becomes immediately necefTary to go out of
the ujnal track, and explain the caufe as well
as the fymptoms of difeafe. As the lungs are
known to emit in health a greater proportion
of perfpirable matter for tranfpiration than
any other part, it confequently follows that,
upon either a partial or univerfal obftruction
or fuppreffion, they beeome (by the compul-
five abforption of that very proportion) the im-
mediate feat of difeafe; and, where the blood
is previoufly vifcid, or in an indifferent ftate,
its tendency to inflammation is injiantly pro-
moted by the morbidity of the obftrudfed per-
fpirable matter, which being thrown back upon
the lungs, they are fo overloaded as to be ren-
dered incapable of performing their functions,
and pafling it into the circulation j inflamma-
-ocr page 237-
PLEURISY, &c.           215
tion is then produced; which, according to the
nature of the cafe and certainty of circum-
ftances, mull terminate in fuffocation, if fuf-
fered long to continue its progrefs without ef-
fectual attempts to relieve Nature from the bur-
then fhe has accumulated. This difeafe may
alfo be produced by violent exercife upon the
turf, or exe/tion in thefield, when the increafed
rapidity of circulation (by the action of the
folids upon their contents), propels the blood
to the fmaller paffages with fo ureat a decree
of velocity as not only to produce immediate
inflammation but fometimes to rupture fome
of the finer veflels, from which broken wind
or consumption frequently proceeds.
A fufficient quantity of blood mull be in-
taken away, to unload the veffels as
much as the flrength will bear. After this
operation have ready fome bran and very
fvveet hay cut fmall, and fcalded together,
which place hot in the manger, that the fumes
may be imbibed as an internal fomentation
to relax the rigidity of the glands, and ex-
cite a difcharge from the noflrils fo foon as
poffible. The very nature of this cafe, and
the danger to which the horfe is expofed, fuf-
P 4                    ficiently
-ocr page 238-
2i6           PLEURISY, &c.
ficiently point out the propriety and confiftency
of exerting all poffible alacrity to obtain relief,
or counteract: the difeafe in hsfirfljiage-, there-
fore let the fumigation of fcalded bran and
hay be repeated every four or five hours, and
the following decoction prepared without delay :
Take pearl barley, raifins fplit, and Turkey
figs diced, each fix ounces;
Stick liquorice bruifed, two ounces;
Boil in a gallon of water till reduced to three
quarts; ftrain off"; and, while hot, ftir in one
pound of honey, and, when cold, a pint of
diftilled vinegar; giving an ounce of nitre in
a pint of this decodlion every four, five, or
fix hours, according to the ftate and inveteracy
of difeafe.
If relief is not obtained fo foon as expected,
and the horfe is coftive, give a glyfter, with
Two quarts of commbn gruel;
Coarfe fugar fix ounces;
Glauber falts four ounces;
Tincture of jalap two ounces;
And a quarter of a pint of olive oil.
This muff, be repeated in twenty-four hours, or
oftner, ifneceifary.
-ocr page 239-
PLEURISY, &c.           217
Should (notwithstanding thefe efforts to re-
lieve) the fymptoms continue equally predo-
minant and alarming, not difplaying the leail
tendency to fubmiflion, after waiting a proper
time for the defirable efTecl: of previous admi-
niftrations, let the bleeding be repeated, and
that in quantity proportioned to the neceflity
or feverity of fymptoms, continuing the de-
coftion and nitre every three or four hours,
repeating the gly/ier, if plentiful evacuations
have not been obtained by the former in-
The diluting drink, before prefcribed, is in-
troduced here in preference to a ball, that its
medicinal efficacy may be expeditioufly con-
veyed to the feat of difeafe. So foon as the
wifhed-for advantages are obferved, and the
predominant and dangerous fymptoms begin
to fubfide, when he labours lefs in refpiration
is brijker in appearance, heaves lefs in thefan&,
dungs frequently, Jlales freely, runs
at the nofe,
his warm mafhes of fcalded bran, with
four ounces of honey to each, and will drink
thin gruel for his common drink (in each
draught of which fhould be diflblved two
ounces of cream of tartar;) in fhort, fo foon
-ocr page 240-
238           PLEURISY, &c.
as every appearance of DANGER is difpelled,
the management may be regulated in every
particular by the inftrudtions given under the
article of COLD, in its earlieft ftage ; giving
tme of the following balk every morning for a
fortnight, leaving off the mafhes and diluting
drink by degrees, varying the mode of treat-
ment as circumftances may di&ate, or occa-
fion may require :
Take Caftile ibap fix ounces;
Gum ammoniacum two ounces;
.Anniie and cummin feeds (in powder) each four
ounces •,
, Honey fufficient to form the mafs, which divide
into a dozen balls.
To prevent any ill-effe&s that may arife
from the vifcidity of matter that has fo long
overloaded the veiTels of the lungs, or its acri-
mony, that may, by its retention there, fo cor-
rode or lacerate as to form an ulcer, or pro-
mote the growth o{ knots of tubercles, the bed
method will be, fo foon as the horfe (with
great care, gentle exercife, moderate and re-
gular feeding) has acquired a tolerable propor-
tion of his natural ftrength, to put him upon
the following gentle courfe of phyjtc. And it
-ocr page 241-
BROKEN WIND.          219
will become more immediately neceflary,
where the horfe bears about him remnants of
the diftemper, either in a gleet from the nofe,
in his throat, difficulty of breathing, or
heaving in the flanks.
Take fuccotrine aloes nine drachms;
Rhubarb and jalap each a drachm and a half;
Gum ammoniacum, calomel, and ginger, each a
Oil of juniper fixty drops;
Syrup, of buckthorn fufficientto make a ball.
Six clear days or more, if the horfe is weak,
fhould be allowed between each dofe, and the
mode of management regulated by the inftruc-
tions given under the article of purging.
Is a defect in the part of which we laft
treated, fo that the traniltion from one to the
other is both quick and natural j and forry I
am to acknowledge, that, amidft all the dif-
fe&ions and minute inveftigations that have
-ocr page 242-
22o          BROKEN WIND,
taken place, no IMPROVEMENTS or DIS-
COVERIES have been made that can at all
elucidate to a certainty the opinions long fince
gone forth and communicated upon this fub-
ject. The moil eminent writers, as if deter-
mined in this particular to let us remain in
'* darknefs vifible," tell us no more than that
all their ftri£i inquiries, all their attentive ajfi-
and infpeSiioh, will furniih them with no
better information than " they BELIEVE or
" SU PECT, the lungs by fome means are
'• too large for the cavity of the chert, or the
" chefl too narrow for the lungs." If this
curious hypothesis can be once admitted, the
preternatural enlargement of the lungs is, by
fuch reafoning, confirmed a paradoxical'natural
An attempt to eftablifh fo frail an
idea would be ridiculous in the extreme; for
horfes are in general fo little feen with external
deformities, that it would be a palpable proof
ofjlerility in intelleB to fuppofe a con Man t and
invariable deformity upon any part of the
vijeera; particularly upon the fame in every
horfe labouring under this defect, and the
'aery part fo immediately neceffary to all the
offices in life. It is an opinion I mail never
accede to, but am inclined to believe, by
-ocr page 243-
BROKEN WIND.          221
examining the matter a little more attentively,
two very probable reafons maybe adduced tend-
ing to lead us to a much more RATIONAL
opinion of the caufe.
, For inftance, whether horfes who have been
in the habit of full or foul feeding, with a very
trifling portion of exercife, and without any
internal cleanfing from evacuations, compul-
sively obtained by purgatives or diuretics, may
not conflantly engender a quantity of vifcid,
tough, phlegmatic
matter j which accumulating
by flow degrees may fo clog and fill up fome
of that infinity of minute paflages with which
the lungs are known to abound, as probably to
obftru6t the air veflels in their neceflary ex-
panfion for the office of refpiration. And whe-
ther this very probable obftru&ion, or partial
fuppreflion, may not in fudden, hafly, and
long continued exertions, rupture others, and
by fuch local deficiency affect the elafticity
of the whole ? The probability, and indeed
great appearance of this progrefs, has ever in-
fluenced me moft forcibly to believe that fuch
obftrudlions once formed, the evil accumulates,
till a multiplicity of the veflels become im-
pervious, and render the lungs, by their con-
-ocr page 244-
ftant accumulation and diftention, too rigid
for the great and neceflary purpofe of refpir-
How far this probable fyftem of obstruction
may come into immediate contact with the
judgment of others, I am yet to learn ; the
conjecture naturally arifing from a ferious and
attentive investigation of the cafe, is fubmitted
to public opinion, as a far more rational mode
of explanation than to trumpet or re-echo
an abfurdity that " the lungs are too large for
" the cheft," or a frill greater, that "foulfeed-
ing has made the lungs fat," when a furvey
of the fubject mail inftantly demonftrate the
carcafs to be evidently poor.
Whichfoever conjecture may be right re-
flecting the caufe, one opinion is univerfal upon
the cure, if it originates in a natural deformity;
for, mould (according to the credulity of for-
mer writers) " the lungs be too large for the
" cheft," or tc the cheft too narrow for the
" lungs," the effect being directly the fame, it
is not in the power of art to furnim a cure ;
the expenfe to obtain it being therefore fuper-
ilous, it had better be avoided. That fuch a
-ocr page 245-
BROKEN WIND.          223
defect may fometimes occur, as a cheft too nar-
for lungs of an uncommon extenfion, that
constitute naturally what are called thick-
winded hcrfes, cannot be denied; and in thofe
cafes very little is to be expected from a hope
of mitigation or cure.
It cannot but be obferved what an anxious
deSire a broken-winded horfe always dis-
plays to obtain water—a felf-evident convic-
tion he is rendered uneafy by Some glutinous
adhelive internal fubftance, that inStinct alone
prompts the animal to expect drinking may
warn away: on the contrary, if, as Barteet
and Gibson fuppofe, " the lungs are too large
" for the cheft," every thing that increafes
the bulk of the abdomen or vifcera (and confe-
quently the prefTure upon the diaphragm) muSl
increafe the diSquietude, which is natural to
believe from the fagacity of animals in other
instances, they would in this moSt carefully
If my HYPOTHESIS is founded in fact,
(which circumstances will not allow me the
leaSt reafon to doubt) a cure may certainly be
expected, provided the attempt is made upon
-ocr page 246-
224          BROKEN WIND.
the dawn of the difeafe; but I will by no
means admit the probability where the original
caufe has been of long (landing, and no at-
tempts made to relieve. A little deliberation
will convince every reader that a cure can ori-
ginate only in fuch adminiftrations or clafs of
medicines as are evidently calculated in their
operations or effects to reach, cleanfe, and re-
move, obftructions in the very remote feat of
Bleeding naturally arifes out of this ob-
fervation, and muft be repeated at proper inter-
vals, in moderate quantities, till diverted of the
coat of fize and livid appearance, that are cer-
tain prognostics when the lungs are obftrucled
either by vifcidity or inflammation. To pro-
mote the neceffary evacuations in the firft
Inftance, to attenuate the vifcidity of the glu-
tinous obftrucled matter, and to deterge the
paffages by a ftimulation of the folids, are the
only foundations upon which the hope or pro-
bability of a cure may be formed j therefore
after bleeding go through a regular courfe of
the mild purging balls (prefcribed after the
horfe's recovery from the article laft treated
on j) they are ilightly impregnated with mer-
-ocr page 247-
BROKEN WIND.          225
ctirialparticles, and, blended with the gums,
form a mod excellent medicine for the pur-
pofe. In three days after the operation of the
third dofe begin upon the following detergent
balfamics, and continue to give one ball every
morning, fo long as may be thought necelTary
to form a fair opinion whether the advantage
is gained or relief likely to be obtained.
Take of the beft white foap eight ounces;
Gums guaiacum and ammoniacum each three
ounces •,
Myrrh and Benjamin, anifeed and liquorice,
each two ounces-,
Balfam of Peru, tolu, and oil of anifeed, each
half an ounce;
Barbadoes tar fufficient to make a mafs, which
divide into twenty balls.
It is neceffary to be ftri&ly obferved that,
during this courfe, hay and water are to be dif-
penfed with a very fparing hand, fo as to pre-
vent too great an accumulation in the fiomach
or mtejlines, that an obfervation may be made
with the greater! certainty, whether any hopes
of fuccefs from medicine may be juftly en-
tertained ; if not, farther expenfe will be
unadvifable, as it will appear, after fuch
Q.                            trial,
-ocr page 248-
trial, an incurable malady at all events. Ths
better to reconcile us to which, fuch pal-
liatives may be oecafionally put .into ufe
as will naturally be fu^gefted by an attentive
perufal of this clafs, in which the difeafes of
the lungs are the principal objects of invefii-
At all events when a cough is become of
long {landing, or the horfe perceived to labour
under any of thofe wheezings in exercife, or
violent heaving in the flanks, that indicate an
oppreffed fiate of the lungs or difficulty of re-
fpiration, the mode of feeding mould be re-
gulated accordingly; upon a proper attention
to which circumftance, many of the confe-
quences evidently depend. For, whether as a
preventative or cure, mafhes fhould be occa-
sionally given, and gradually declined, till the
food becomes regularly dry: hay mould be
difiributed in fmall quantities, that the con-
tents of the ftomach may not be too much in-
creafed for gradual digeftion. To horfes of
this defcription food fhould be given that will
afford the greatefl nutriment with the fmalleft
quantity: on the contrary, fo foon as the pro-
bability of fuch defedl is perceived,- the horfe
3                                                          k
-ocr page 249-
CONSUMPTION.           327
is too generally concluded of the leaft value, and
treated accordingly. Inftead of mitigating the
fymptoms, they are conftantly increafed by the
Very means that mould be avoided; thefoulefl
and mod injurious food is liberally fupplied—
grofs clover hay—mixed chaff, and as much
water as the animal chufes to carry, are too
often permitted, even without reftraint, and
the defect abfolutely encouraged to become
habitual, inftead of being aleviated, by the
very means that reafon dictates and difcretion
Is a difeafe or complication upon which
Very little need be introduced, but to keep up
the appearance of form, and pay the neceffary
and expeded compliment to cuftom. No ap-
pellation, no defcription of difeafe, has been
more hacknied, more proftituted and perverted,
than the very name of consumption ; it has
for ages been an excellent majk. of my/lery for
the doubts of the faculty, and no bad ex-
planatory fubftitute for the meaning of the vuU
-ocr page 250-
gar, in all thofe internal decays of the huffiafl
ipecies, where the cbafm in the countenance
of the doctor, and the ambigtious (hake of
the head (including the alternate conftrucVion
of hope and fear), is intended lo convince the
anxious attendant that fymptoms are objeured
by circunrftancesi and certainly not to be ajcer-
A consumption may proceed from a non-
performance of the functions to which many
parts of the animal ftruclure may be deftined,
not only from ruptures of the blood, or air vef-
fels in the lungs, (originating in caufes repeat-
edly defcribed), terminating in ulcers, tubercles,
and callojities ; but in a jcirrhojiiy ofthe liver,
and induration of fome of the glandular parts,
and many other internal complaints or in-
juries to which the references, by fymptoms
remote from the feat of pain or dife^fe, mult
be often deceptive, fo as in fome cafes to per-
plex more than direcT. This being a very fair
and candid irate of the cafe before us, the reader
will do well to collect what information he
can from his attentive obfervations; then com-
pare them with the moil predominant fymp-
toms deicribed under the heads of different
-ocr page 251-
dlfeafes, and fo adjuft his decifion as to bring
it into that clafs to which it bears the greateft
fimilitude, and adopt a mode of treatment ac-
cordingly. To take this fubjedt. in asconcife a
view as poffible, (let it proceed from whatever
caufe); the courfe of balfamic rejloratives and
detergent pedforah, found under the heads of
colds, ebuGHS, and fucceeding articles, with
the aids of bleeding, mafloes, and fuch other
affiftances as may be feledted from the variety
of prefcriptions and inftructions fo often repeat-
ed, render unneceffary any farther obfervation or
^niniadverfion upon this head.
-ocr page 252-
( 230 )
The obfervations and refle&ions that firft
induced me to perceive the abfolute neceffity
of fome reformation in the practice of FAR-
RIERY, never influenced me more in a con-
vidiion of that want, than did a thorough in-
veftigation of the fubjecT: before us. For
Bartlet, in his ufual kind and eafy way, fays
" he purpofely avoids giving defcriptions of dif-
f* eafes, or fo much as guejjing at the caufes
*c within which bring them about.'' What
could have been his motive for " purpofely"
concealing what in *f A Practical Treatife" had
every right to be revealed, I know not; and
what his reafons could be, I leave entirely to
the private opinions of others, making public
-ocr page 253-
FEVERS.                  231
(upon that circumftance) only ONE of my
own; that whoever is a ftranger to the origin
of difeafe muft he confequently fo to every me-
thod and rational fyftem of cure.
This being evidently clear to the meanefl
and moft uncultivated comprehenfion, I mufl
beg leave to obferve how much on the contrary
Gibson has jiiperlatively obliged us in. the very
quinteiTence of prolixity and complication 1
for, with the reverfe of Bartlet's reajsn and
want of patience, he has moft elaborately gone
through what may be termed a complete fyftem
of imaginary fevers ; and regularly transferred
the obiervation and language of ancient authors
upon the difeafes of the human fpecies to the
conftitution of quadrupeds. He not only te-
dioufly deferibes the fimple and continued fever ;
the heb'lic, putrid, and pejiilential\ but, to prove
his attachment to the fubjecT, animadverts
Upon quotidians, tertians, and quartans, en-
larging fepsrately upon each j and concludes
in an inexplicable jargon upon the whole.
As indeed does Osmer, (who, as before ob-
served, wrote in later times) in what he calls
QL4               V A TreatUe
-ocr page 254-
232                FEVERS.
*' A Treatife on the Difeafes and Lamenefs of
" Horfes;" though an attentive infpedion and
perufal, proves it decidedly a treatife upon the
feet and (hoeing; nothing being introduced
either full or explanatory upon the origin or
cure of any djfeafe to which the horfe is fub-
ject, ©r any precife or regular method of treat-
ment pointed out, the very few remedies {light-
ly recommended, being left (in refpect to quan-
tity and proportion) entirely at the difcretion qf
the reader:
In refpedl to fevers he includes all under
the denomination of a dijiemper, and then gives
you a defcription of what he calls " five dif-
*' ferent claffes or degrees of this difeafe -,"
but, after minutely inveftigating his explanar
tions, I muft confefs them fo replete with
fuppofitious alternatives, and theoretical uncerr
tainties, that they feem much more evi-
dently calculated to perplex than enlighten a
fubjecr, that ha8 hitherto been too much ob-
fcured by the illiteracy of fome, and the af-
fected or political abftrufity of others. la
fact the purport of the inquiry is fo entirely
loft in a variety of inapplicable digrefjioqs
grid incoherent (lories, that not a fingle clue
-ocr page 255-
FEVERS.                 233
is left by which the lead rational and authentic
information is to be acquired, except " plen-
*c tiful bleedings, the unlimited ufc of fait-
" petre, and the infection of rowels," even to
the number of fix or eight upon the fame
Every intelligent obferver mull: be well con-
vinced of the abfurdity of fuch accumulation
as GrBsoN defcribes, and the improbability
(not to fay, what might be very well juftified,
the impoJJIbility) of difcovering, by no other
means thanjile??t fymptoms and ocular infpec-
tion (amounting to no kind of demonftration)
the origin, caufe, or indeed diftemper itfelf,
to which there is no certain diftincTtion, or
palpable proof of exiftence. And when it is
remembered there is no agency in the ani-
mal by which the particulars of his pain or
diftrefs can be communicated, every judicious
and candid reader will admit the impracticabi-
lity of difcriminating between the variety of
fymptoms, by which alone all this FAMILY
QF FEVERS are to be.afcertained. It may
alio be taken into consideration, that animals
pf this clafs, from their fimple diet and regu-
-ocr page 256-
234                 FEVERS.
lar mode of hving, cannot be fubieft to fuch
complicated diforders, raoft of which, in the
human fpecies, evidently refult from irregu-
larity and indifcretion. Bringing this com-
bination of circumftances into one point of
view, I /hall avail myfelf of the advantages
naturally arifing from obfervations upon the
political abflrnfity of one, and the paradoxical
brightnefs or technical obfcurity of the other;
reducing the whole clafs of febrile difquietudes
firriply to two kinds, the fymptomatic and in*
flammatory only.
A fymptomatic fever is a degree of inflam-
mation and increafed circulation, occasioned by
fome diftinct or local pain, and is not a dif-
order (ab origine) within itfelf, but palpably
the effect of, and dependent upon, fome other
for its production. This fever is fo influenced
by the caufe, and fo entirely regulated by its
changes, either for better or worfe, as to be
conftantly reduced by an alleviation of the ori-
ginal complaint, and totally difpelled by a re-
moval of the difeafe, to which it is a conco-
mitant. This fever being only a fymptom of
fome other, (the mere effecl; of preternatural
-ocr page 257-
FEVERS.                 235
heat excited by extreme pain) and not a diftincT:
difeafe, ftands in need of no elucidation; let
the original caufe be removed, and the effect
will ceafe of courfe.
It has been repeatedly urged by authors of
repute, that every fever is one and the fame
diforder, appearing differently according to the
various circumfiances it meets with in differ-
ent constitutions. Much may be advanced in
favour of this affertionj but, it not being our
prefent purpofe to enter upon the difcufiion of
fo exteniive a fubjecl:, we will contrail it as
much as the nature of the difeafe will admit,
and venture to affirm the fever to which horfes
are moft fubjed is that diftincl kind called in-
flammatory. To produce that preternatural
heat or increafed circulation, constituting what
js termed fever, there muft be fome pre-exift-
ing caufe, to difcover the true feat of which
great nicety of difcrimination is unavoidably
necefiary; here is no information to be col-
lected but by the hand and the eye, the firil
flould be fandioned by JUDGMENT and
EXPERIENCE, the latter regulated by REA-
-ocr page 258-
236                 FEVERS.
For want of due attention to thefe Salutary
considerations, many fine and valuable borfes
have been haftily and diclatorially fentenced
to pafs that " bourn from whence no traveller
** returns !" And here it can neither be thought
inapplicable or intrufive to remind every per-
Son employed in the practice, under the deno-
mination of farrier, that frequently upon
his learned decijion alone depends the LIFE or
DEATH of this moft valuable animal. He
mould not only be accurately nice in the dis-
crimination of diSeaSe; but, by attending mi-
nutely to circumftances, endeavour to develope
the myfterious indications of Nature, cover all
her wants, and Strengthen every effort; for
She is tenacious of her many powerful privi-
leges, and will not bear too " infolent a moni-
'" tor." To become the more adequate to this
taik of integrity, he fbould be anxioufly careful
to improve hisjudgment, and adopt the known
qualities of medicines to the expectation
of their effects; to have in view, upon every
emergency, the operations from which certain
or probable relief is to be obtained; and to
promote thofe ends by every fair and gentle
means that may be jufiified by circumftances
or dictated by discretion*
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FEVERS.                 237
To enter into a tedious medical difquifition
upon the origin of fevers, their different degrees
and effects, would exhauft the patience of the
moft patient inquirer; I {hall confequently
avoid fo unentertaining a detail, and adhere to
fuch explanatory parts as become more imme-
diately the objects of information. To enu-
merate the poffible caufes in which a fever may
originate would be, in this work, equally im-
practicable; they are fo much more fympto-
matic than felf-exifting, that circumftances and
careful attention only mutt lead to the difcovery.
There is not the leaft doubt but a general
cutaneous obftrudion, or fudden conftri&ion
upon the perfpirable pores, (proceeding from
what caufe foever,) will conftitute the founda-
tion of every fever to which the animal can pof-
fibly be fubjecl: the matter deftined for perfo-
ration, being forcibly returned upon the veffels,
is abforbed into the circulation; the blood being
thus corrupted becomes vifcid, the paffages are
evidently overloaded, and Nature, by an increafe
of circulation in the velocity of the blood, en-
deavours to relieve herfelf from the oppreffion,
which in this difeafe fhe fo evidently labours
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238                  FEVER S.
In refpecl: to fymptoms, the infpe&ion fhoulcf
be made with care and attention; the general
modes of inquiry are SUPERFICIAL, and
the decifionoftenFALLACIOUS. The pathog-
nomonic, or certain figns, are an universal heat
and difordered pulfe, a palpable difquietude and
uneafinefsjfhihing from place to place; the horfe
labours under difficult refpiration, his mouth
is very dry, his tongue parched and hot, he de-
clines food, but receives water; fometimes feizea
his hay with feeming eagernefs, then drops it in
difappointment: the body is generally coftive,
and in the early ftate of difeafe, there is a pro-
portional obftru&ion of urine. Let a fever
proceed from whatever caufe, the indications
of cure are.ftill the fame; diminifh the peter-
natural heat to the degree that conftltutes i's
healthy ftate, remove all internal obftrudiions,
and, by a proper and judicious administration
of medicines (calculated to fubdue the original
caufe), all dependent fymptoms will certainly
The firft neceilary Hep to a rectification of
fuch inflammatory or difeafed ftate of the blood
is a reduction in quantity, therefore inftantly
bleed according to flrength and circumftances.
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FEVERS.                 239
If the horfe is cojlive in body, the excrements
hard, dark in colour, and foul in fmell; the
fymptoms of difeafe powerful, with ftrong
heaving in the flanks, do not delay the
afllftance of the following emollient glyfter,
which, being compofed of ingredients entirely
domestic, maybe mod expeditioufly provided.
Take water gruel two quarts;
Coarie fugar half a pound :
Common fait four ounces (or fingle handful);
Olive oil a quarter of a pint.—Mix together,
and injelr. moderately warm.
This, by its gentle relaxing property, will
probably promote defirable evacuations in both
flool and urine; being equal to any other that
can be prefcribed for the purpofe, however pre-
pared with articles remote from prefent practice
or difficult to be obtained. If obftruclions
fhould not be removed, or the neceflary evacua-
tions enfue, repeat the operation in four hours
after; ftrengthening your injection with two
ounces of lenitive eleEluary, and three ounces of
Glauber falls, both being diffolved in the gruel.
This will produce certain evacuations, as the
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24o                 FEVERS,
firft by its retention will have relaxed the. in-
durated contents of the inteftines, and rendered
them ready for immediate expuliion, by the
active power of the additional fiimulants here
prefcribed. In two or three hours after fuch
evacuations (or fooner if feemingly requifite) let
a mam of fcaldedbran be placed in the manger
to which, if he refufes, a handful of oats may
be added by way of inducement; if (fill de-
clined, let them be removed and a fmall quan-
tity of very fweet hay be left in the rack. Let
him be gently rubbed over, moderately clothed
3nd well littered up with clean dry ftraw, after
giving him one ounce of nitre diffolved in a
fmall draught of warm water, flightly impreg-
nated with a proportion of thin gruel.
Previous to farther directions for 'the
treatment of fevers, or instructions for the
preparation of medicine, it becomes unavoidably
neceffary to fay fomething upon the quality and
indifcriminate ufeof that excellent article nitre>
the purpofes of which are fo frequently profti-
tuted in its general application by #//claries, and
'mail cafes, in compliment to Bartlet's un-
eulogiums; who kas not only, in a
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FEVERS.                 241
variety of inftances, blended it in compofition
with its oppofites in effeSl, but flamped it with
his opinion fo great a fpecific, that a few ob-
fervations on its virtues and real ufes become
immediately neccffary to the propriety of its
future administration being better underftood,
Osmer was likewife fo infatuated with its
reported perfections, that he became an advo-
cate for its unlimited utility, and, like his pre-
deceffors, pronounced it an infallible fpecific
for all thofe diforders he condefcended to take
a fuperficial furvey of; urging the adminiftra-
tion of it to almoft any proportion upon every
occafion, though, in the very fame page, he
confeffes fome horfes " (hall not be able to take
" the fmalleft quantity without being affected
" with gripes, or cholic, therefore it is always
" bed to begin with a fmall quantity."
That it is cooling, allays thizjl, promotes the
fecretions, and is an ufual affiftant likewife in a
courfe of'alteratives, is admitted; but how far
it is eligible to give it in fevers* in the very large
proportions recommended by Bartlet and
rR, will be beft decided by giving the
R                         matter
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242                FEVERS,
matter a farther invefligation. For inftance, he
urges the adminiftration of it to attenuate and
thin the denfe fizy blood, during the effect of
inflammatory fevers; this property of attenua-
tion being allowed, what muft be the natural
conclufion or confequence of giving fuch large
quantities " as three or four ounces three times a
" day?" Why, everyprofeffionalman, knowing
the mode by which it mujl inevitably affect the
fyftem of circulation, would naturally expect
it to diffolve the very craffamentum of the blood,
and reduce it to an abfolute ferum or aqueous
That nitre has its peculiar good qualities
and falutary effects, when prudently administer-
ed, no rational practitioner will ever deny; but
the variety of experiments repeatedly made
upon its efficacy, by the mod: eminent profeffors
fince the practice of Gibson. Bracken, and
Bartlet, has undoubtedly deprived it of a
conjiderableportion of Its former eftimation, and
it is now reduced to that rank of merit only
experimentally found to fall to its fhare. Tak-
ing it therefore with the properties it is pof-
feffed of and entitled to, not looking up to it
as the grand arcanum of infallibility or medical
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FEVERS.                   243
idolization, I venture to pronounce its good
effects can only be obtained by judicious admi-
nistrations of fuch proportions as are properly
calculated to promote the purpofes for which
they are defigned. Its properties and effects
being now more generally afcertained than
formerly, the inconfiftency of blending it
(in large quantities) with medicines intended
to promote perfpiration is palpably ftriking j as
it is well known to every medical practitioner
its intermediation would rather tend to deftroy
the earned intent of the whole.
On the contrary, given in fmall quantities of
half an ounce or ounce, once or twice a day in
the beginning of fevers, with good nurjing, mo-
derate clothing, <warMmaJhes, and diluting drinks
of thin gruel, it may frequently have a very
good effect; but mould the predominant fymp-
toms not fubmit to that treatment, no larger
dofes of nitre fhould be ventured upon to ha-
zard a too great and fudden diffblution of the
blood, or an obftruction to the critical perfpi-
ration, upon which a fpeedy cure very much
Upon the non-fubmiflion of fymptoms to
thefe means, the following gentle fyflem muff
R 2                            be
-ocr page 266-
.244-                  FEVERS.
be adopted and regularly continued, to relax
the rigidity of the pores, and produce a pliabi-
lity of the furface, preparatory to the perfpir-
able crifis, which is now become neceffary to
folicit, by every proper medicine that can be
offered for that purpofe. To promote this,
give one of the following balls, and let it be
repeated every fix or eight hours as may be
found neceffary:
Take mithridate fix drachms;
Anifeed and compound contrayerva powdeys
each half an ounce ;
Snake root (in powder) two drachms;
Salt of hartfhorn one drachm,
Syrup of faffron fufficient to make a ball.
But where the adminiftration of medicine
in this form may be objected to, or a drink
thought more convenient, the following may
be fubftituted in its ftead :
Take of the ftrong infnfion of camomile (com-
monly called camomile tea) half a pint;
Mindererus's fpirit a quarter of a pint;
Saffron wine two ounces ;
Antimonial wine one ounce.—Mix together. .
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FEVERS.                  24s
This drink, or one of the above ball?, may
be continued every fix or eight hours according
to the emergency, till relief is obtained, or cir-
cumltances urge an alteration in the mode of
treatment. Small quantities of drink (about
two quarts) fhould be given once in three or
four hours, prepared in the proportion of a
quart of thick'gruel to a gallon of water; in
each draught of which may be given half an
ounce of nitre, or an ounce of cream of tartar^
with the farther addition of a quarter of a pint
of the following acidulated liquid, feparately
prepared for the purpofe.
Take of good honey one pound ;
Beft vinegar a pint and a half; boil over the fie
a few minutes, taking off the fcum, and fet by
for ufe.
Should any fwellings appear upon the glands
of the head or neck, a cough come on, or a
critical difcharge be perceived at the noftriis,
keep the head warm that the flux may be pro-
moted to that part.
If the predominant fymptoms fhould not
fubmit in four-and-twerity, or fix-and-thirty
R 3                        hours.,
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246                 FEVER S.
hours, attend to thofe moft alarming, and
proceed to their mitigation accordingly; if ftili
coftive, repeat the laxative glyjier, or the fol-
lowing drink.
Take Epfom falts and cream of tartar, each
three ounces;
Solubile tartar one ounce; diflblve in three
quarters of a pint of thin gruel; then add
tincture of jalap half an ounce, and tincture
of fenna two ounces.—Mix.-
Shculd the cough increafe^/m/in proportion:
if the urine is fmall in quantity, high in co-
lour, or deporjt a turbid fediment upon being
fayed, give jiitre frequently, and in fmall pro-
portions, as before directed. During all the te-
dious ceremony of indifpofition wait with pa^
tience, and attend to the indications of Nature
more than the bewildered doubts and prognos-
tics of the farrier, who, knowing little of the
anatamicalftruffure, lefs of the animal economy,
and totally incapable of forming any confiftent
idea of the properties of medicine, ftands a per-
plexed ftranger to both caufes and events, pro-
feffionally infenfible of the foundation of either
hope' or fear,
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FEVERS.                      247
In difficult and alarming cafes recourfe muft
always be had to the different prefcriptions in-
troduced under their proper claffes, varying., in-
and dimi.ni/hing, the articles or propor-
tions, according to the ftate of fymptoms or dif-
eafe for which they are prefcribed. Upon a
horfe's improvement, every fign in food, water,
and reft, is fo evidently calculated to give
ample proof of ipeedy recovery, that any recital
of circumftances fo readily diftinguifhed would
be entirely fuperflaous. Therefore naturally
concluding every intelligent obferver will plain-
ly perceive, when his horfe is getting out of
danger, how/don medicine is unneceffary, and
when perfectly recovered, I confider it only ne-
ceffary to obferve, where the diftemper has been,
violent, and the inflammatory fymptoms rati
high, fo as to leave any perceptible taint upon
either eyes or lungs, in a heavinefs upon thejirjl
or an oppreffion upon the latter, a courfe of
mild purgatives fele&ed from the purging balls,
(No. 1, or 2,) p. 36, will be very neceffary and
advantageous; letting it be clearly underftood
that no fuch plan is to be adopted if a termina-
tion of the diforder fhould happen in the fevere
part of the winter, when a courfe of mild diure-
are to be preferred, as particularized in
R4                   P-75*
-ocr page 270-
248                 FEVERS.
p. j$; remembering that neither can be pro*
ceeded upon till the horfe is fo much reco-
vered in ftrength and appearance as to render
unneceffary any fear of .local or constitutional'
weaknefs. The mode of treatment here laid
down, and ftrenuoufly recommended, is a
fyftem eftabliihed upon the principles of
reafon and reformation-, not the efruiion of
wild chimerical experiments, engendered by
folly and promoted by ignorance, but a courfe
of practice (expofed to no lottery of chance or
certainty of danger) the refult of attentive
Jiudy, accurate OBSERVATION, and long
Having thus unavoidably enlarged upon the
nature and treatment of Cuchfe&rile complaints
as frequently come under common obfervation,
I fhajl advert to the neceffary confideration of
thofe difeafes called epidemic or malignant; and
are fo termed from their being in general con-
tagious or infectious, and at certain times local
or fixed to particular parts of the kingdom; at
other feafons almofl univerfal, bearing in either
cafe the common term of " a distemper among
" the horfes." As epidemic difeafes appear dif-
ferently at different feafons, varying in fymp-
-ocr page 271-
F E V E R S.                249
toms, for which no exact caufe, can be ascer-
tained or reafon fupported, but the exceffive
drought of one feafon, or den/e atmofphere of an-
other, it mud evidently appear that, under fuch
circumftances, no accu rate defcription of corref-
ponding fymptoms can be collected from books,
without a very minute and proper attention to
the nature of attack,
To thefe leading traits all the judgment and
penetration of the farrier, or fuperintendant,
muft be directed ; for, as fuch disorders are in
general complicated, and not diftinguifhable
under any particular head, but partaking of
many, every ftriking fymptom mould be well
obferved and diftinguifhed from its oppofite, or.
claffed with its concomitant, till a parallel
being drawn between its moft predominant fea-
tures, fome degree of certainty is afcertained, to
which clafs it bears the greatejl affinity, or to
what head it properly belongs. And as this
work abounds with medicinal aids, carefully
adapted to every purpofe, the reader cannot pof-
fibly be fo destitute of cemprehenfion, as not to
be enabled (upon particular occalions) to make-
fpme neceilary alterations, as the intent and
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25o                 FEVER S.
effcd of the medicines prefcribed are in general
pointed out and explained.
We will, therefore, in confequence of the
great fatality attending EPIDEMIC diforders,
conclude they are more entitled to confederation
zspeftilential difeafe than any other: admitting
this conception to be clear, it becomes necefTary
to fay enough to make the fubjec~t fufBciently
understood, without protracting it toan extreme
of medical minutice that cannot tend to render
the matter more profitable or entertaining.
In thofe difeafes where the origin cannot be
afcertained the cure becomes a matter of greater
obfeurity; but, in general, proceeding from
whatever caufe, the .blood \s in an impoverished
ftate, and the crajjamentum found upon eva-
cuation to be diffolved (or liquefied) very much
below the Standard of health j for, being de-
prived of the due proportion of its Stimulative
property, it becomes confequently inadequate
to its peculiar purpofe of circulation. The
whole arterial fyftem being thus deprived of
Its natural fupply that mould be conveyed in"
proportional distributions to every part of the
frame, becomes too feeble to fuflain the Shock j
6                                              and,
-ocr page 273-
FEVERS.                 251
and, finking under the putrid or malignant mi-
difplays the degree of oppreffion nature
labours under in fymptoms fo very uncertain,
that no literary defcription can accurately cor-
refpond with.
It will therefore (as repeatedly recommended)
prove highly neceffary to attend particularly to
fymptoms, and proceed accordingly. At any
rate blood mould be immediately drawn upon
the very firft appearance of difeafe (in quan-
TiTYcorrefponding with condition), that its
quality may be the better afcertained. Should
gbfl.rudtions be obferved in the body, they mufl
be dire&ly removed by gently ftimulating or
emollient glyjlers; the appetite mould be at-
tended to, and gratified in mafhes of malt and
bran, bran and oats, or plain bran, ftirring into
either of the laft, while hot, four ounces of
honey. Common drink of gruel water, impreg-
nated with nitre or cream of tartar, as before
directed, may be given as occafion requires.
Every five, fix, eight, or ten hours, (accord-
ing to the ftate and danger of the difeafe), let
one of the following alexipharmic balls
be adminiftered, firft removing any inteftinal
-ocr page 274-
252                 FEVERS.
obftru&ion oi Jiool or utim, fhould fuch be
Take of Venice treacle fix drachms;
Compound powder of contrayerva, friake root,
faffron, and London philonium, each two
Syrup (if neceffary) to make the ball.
Or where, in compliment to ancient prac-
tice, a drink may be preferred as more appli-
cable or convenient, the following may be
Take of genuine Peruvian bark (in powder) fix
Compound contrayerva and fnake-root (in pow-
der) each two drachms;
Saffron and ginger each a drachm;
Beft brandy a quarter of a pint;
Boiling water half a pint.
Let the faffron be cut very final!, and infufed in
the boiling water, covered clofe for a quarter
of an hour; then, having the other ingre-
dients ready in a mortar, add the brandy firft;
and, laftly, mix with the infufion ef faffron,
and give without wafte if poflible.
In an hour after either the ball or liquid two
or three quarts of the gruel drink may be given
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FEVERS.                 253
warm, and future proceedings regulated by
fymptoms and circumftances: increafing ap-
pearances of DANGER rauft juftify exertions
of alacrity and fortitude. Enlarge your
quantities, and multiply your dofes, aiding your
judgment by frequent references.to the diffe-
rent prefcriptions under fimilar fymptoms:
proportion your medicines by the dictates of
reafon and the degree of hazard to which the
patient is expofed.
Should any critical fwellings or formations of
matter appear at the decline of fever or epidemic
difeafe, their fuppuration and difcharge muftbe
promoted by the rules laid down under thofe
heads; obferving if a horfe difplays in his gene-
ral habit (as eyes, heels, &c.) a great degree of
foulnefs, to embrace the firft opportunity of
carrying it off by the infertion of a rowel, and
regular courfe of either antimonia I or mercurial
whichever upon inquiry may ap«»
pear moft applicable to the cafe.
On the contrary, lhould the original com-
plaint fo relax the ftonaach, impair the digeftivc
powers, or debilitate the fyftem, ss4» produce
-ocr page 276-
254                 FEVER S.
an irregularity in habit, bearing alternate ap-
pearance of health and sickness, corref-
ponding in fome degree with the inter■mitt'ents
or agues of our own fpecies, cordialJiomachic
are the medicines upon which the
expectation of cure may be with moft certainty
formed; therefore prepare the following balls:
Take of Peruvian bark (in powder) four ounces;
Mithridate (or diacordium) two ounces •,
Winter's bark, fnake root, and camomile (in
powder) each one ounce ;
Honey fufficient to make a mafs, which divide
into fix balls.
Of thefe let one be given every night and
morning when the horfe is in a flate of temper-
ance, perceptibly free from every appearance
of extreme heat or cold, continuing them till
double the above are taken, mould the cafe
require it. Where a drink is preferred one
of the balls may be gradually duTolved in three
quarters of a pint of thin gruel, to which may
be added a common glafs of good brandy. As
there are no more cafes coming into an exact
line of fimilitude with thole we have now
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WORMS.                  255
treated en, we of courfe come to fuch as (from
, their frequent occurrence) rank in equal efti-
What inveterate obflacles thefe infe&s are
to a horfe's improvement, where they have un-
luckily gained poffeffion, time and experience
have fufficiently demonstrated. They are of
fo pernicious and deftruclive a tendency that,
having once fecured a fettlement in either fto-
mach or interlines, the horfe becomes a prey
to perpetual depredation till effedual methods
are taken for their total extirpation. The
worms with which horfes are fo frequently
perfecuted, are, to appearance, of many diffe-
rent forts and fhapes; but the kinds mod ge-
nerally known and obferved are the two dif-
tinct kind of bots and the ascarides or
fmall fhort -worm.
The different bots are remarkable for taking
their feats as oppofite to each other in the ani-
mal as they are in their own formation j for
-ocr page 278-
256                 W O & M S.
the bot, whofe refidence feems fixed in thd
Jlomach, and in the interftices or folds, of which
the eggs arefaid to have been difcovered, upori
diffe&ion, is not at all unlike (in fliape and
make) the earth grub worm, fo Angularly
remarkable for its deftructive havock upon the
roots of the ffrawberrie?, in large plantations,
in the early part of the feafon, particularly in
dryfprings. They are furnifLtd not only with
a complete pair of prominent tufk?, that grow
horizontally from the head, having great power
of compreffion, and exceedingly lbarp at the
point, but an infinity of legs fo minutely fine,
that even a momentary infpeciion will inftantly
remove every degree of furprife at their caufing
fuch excruciating pain upon a part fo exqui-
fitely irritable as the nervous coat with which
the internal membrane of the ftomach is moft
delicately covered.
The fecond fort are feen frequently adhering
to the rectum, or internal partof the fundament,
in the action of voiding the excrements; and
are often forced away with the contents. To
give the reader a conception of thefe perfectly
clear, it is impoffible to communicate or re-^
ceive a ftronger idea than a formation directly
-ocr page 279-
WORMS.                  257
midway between a very fmall earth worm and
a millepedes, or woodloufe, partaking of the
length of the former, and the feet of the
latter, extremely {harp, and exceedingly nu-
merous. Immediately after their ejection they
continue to writhe and twirl moll rapidly upon
the furface of the dung, bearing great affinity
to the adlion of an eel when taken from its
natural element and placed upon land.
There is alfofometimes feen adhering clofely
to the fame parts, and difcharged in the fame,
manner, an indolent kind of bot, appearing
almoft inanimate, that keeps its hold only by a
point like the leech, and is, in form, exactly like
the grub, or worm, that may be fo plentifully
extracted (by preflure only) from thofe promi-
nences perceptible upon the backs of horned
cattle during the hot months in the fummer
Thus much is introduced to prove the variety
of thofe infects, in general fo prejudicial to the
frame when once they have gained admiffion,
or fecured their feats; refpefting which fuch
a diverfity of opinions have been broached, and
nothing finally fatisfadtory afcertained of their
©rigin, either in the human fpecies or brute
S                      creation.
-ocr page 280-
258                  WORMS,
creation. Some avow their animalcule, or
egis> t0 take place in the impurities of flimy
mucus, accumulated in the ftomach, and there
brought to perfection j others affert their form-
ation and confequent progrefs to be carried on
in the interlines; and many are not without
, belief that the animalcules, or eggs, are conveyed
into the body with a part of the vegetable
world upon which they fubfift, and there
brought to their ftate of perfection.
I fhali barely venture to hint at ih&pojjibility
of their undergoing (in (hape or appearance)
in the different parts of the body, as the fto-
mach, inteftines,
or re&um, thofe changes that
we well know take place in thcftlk worm, ca-
terpillar, Sec. feeming
to conftitute a different,
fpecies, though the contrary is univerfally prov-
ed by even ocular demonftration of the very
aft of mutation. As enlarging upon the great
confifteney and probability of this circumftance
can only extend the field for imagination, with-
out adding at all to the utility or elueidation of
the fubjedt, that indeterminate point mail re-
main undifturbed, while we proceed to the
more material inveftigation of confeq.uences and
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WORM S.                259
Whatever doubts or opinions may have been
held, or gone forth, refpe&ing their origin or
different kinds, one opinion has been long uni-
Verfal upon their effects; that is, where they
have taken poffeffion for any length of time,
or in any great degree as to number, no care,
or attention, can give your horfe the ap-
pearance of HILARITY, HEALTH, and CONDI-
TION. He is in perpetual anxiety for a con-
ftant fupply of either food or water, and in re-
turn but poorly repays the gratification; for, in
the midft of all, he feldom, or indeed never,
looks well; after having been fome time a prey
to them he gets low in fkfh, hard in his hide,
his coat fiares, he always feems dejected, fweats
Upon trifling exercife, and that fweat percepti-
bly unhealthy, and remarkably foul in effluvia.
The fmaller kind of bots, and the asca-
Rides, or fmall round worms, are attended in
general with no other fymptoms or inconveni-
ences than the laft defcribed; on the contrary
the bots, whofe ftation is fuppofed (hitherto)
to be confined to the jlomach, when ftrong in
number and come to maturity, are fo fevere
in their operations that the great irritability of
the part occafions the moft excruciating pain
S 2                            and
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26o                  WORMS.
and predominant appearance of diftrefs. The
horfe is not only diftrefied with all the before-
mentioned proofs of bad ftate of body and in-
ternal decay, but likewife to violent periodical
pains, approaching to convulfions or feeming
madnefsj he difplays all the external fy mptoms
of gripes, fpafms in thejiomach, Jlrangury, nay
even of a complication of diforders j but where
the evacuations of ftool and urine are not fup-
preffed, the original complaint may be attri-
buted to this caufe.
Of all the various methods that have been
adopted in rational and regular practice (or the
experiments under adventurous fandion), none
can lay fuch claim to approbation as that certain
and indubitable cure—a courfe of mercurial
phyfic. Antimoniah and preparations of tin
have had each their advocates, as well as thofe
botanical deceptives, rue, garlic, tanfy, javin,
and box; all calculated to amufe, but none to
convince. Experience has determined the fpe-
cific effects of mercurials in this cafe abfolutely
infallible; before the power of which every
fpecies of worms, and their oviparous re-
mains, indifcriminately fall, and are totally ex-
tirpated without admitting the fhadow of doubt.
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WORMS.                  261
So foon therefore as they are fufpecled, or at
lead fo foon as they are afcertained, to have
taken pofTeffion, it will be prudent to prevent a
horfe being hurt in appetite, reduced in flefh
or altered in condition (by their conftantly
preying upon the internal coat of the ftomach,
and injuring thofs minute paffages through
which the chyle or nutritive parts of the ali-
ment is conveyed into the circulation, for the
general fupport of the frame), to proceed upon
fome one of the following courfes without
Prepare your horfe for the courfe of phyfic
by the inftructions given under that head,
page 35; and let your dofe be adapted to the
ftrength, fize, and condition of your fubjecl:,
by thefe rules: if the horfe is thorough bred,
and delicate in fhape and make,
To the purging ball, No. 1, add calomel one
drachm and a half.
If the horfe is beyond this pitch of delicacy,
ftronger in make, and more entitled to the ap-
pellation of hunter, (hewing fome propor-
tion of blood,
S 3                    Tak;e
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262                  WORMS.
Take the purging ball, No. 2, to which add,
calomel two drachms.
Should the fubjed be of a ftill ftronger make,
conftkuting what we term a stout road
To the purging ball, No. 3, add calomel two
drachms and a half.
If on the contrary very large, ftrong, foul
waggon horses,or powerful coach horses,
{hould become the fubjedis, they will very well
bear the following, to produce the proper and
defired effects;
Take the purging ball, No. 4, to which add
calomel three drachms.
By the operation of the firft dofe upon either
{ubjedt, obfervation may be made whether di-
minution in the purgative articles is required,
or any addition found neceffary. Proper care
piuft be ufed fo avoid every probability of
faking cold, and the regular courfe of three
dofss gone through, at the diftance of fix pj^
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WORMS.                  263
eight clear days between each. But, as the
prevalent love of novelty may with fome pro-
duce the expectation of an alternative, the
following purging ball will be as certainly
efficacious; obferving to add of jalap two drachms
to the prefect prefcription, if the horfe mould
be either of the two laft clafTes defcribed:
Take of Barbadoes aloes ten drachms;
iEthiop's mineral fix drachms;
Cream of tartar and India rhubarb each two
Ginger (in powder) one drachm;
Oil of anifeed and favin each thirty drops ;
Syrup of buckthorn or rofes to make the ball.
The courfe of operation to be managed
with the fame care and precaution as thofe
before prefcribed; the leaft doubt of their
efficacy need not be indulged, as a courfe of
either will certainly obliterate them from every
part of the inteftinal canal, and the fubjecT: will,
in a very few days, with proper care, attention,
food, and exercife, evidently demonftrate his
advantage in being perfectly relieved from fuch
difagreeable company. But as there will mofl
undoubtedly be horfes troubled with worms
S 4                          ia
-ocr page 286-
264                  WORMS.
in the poffeffion of tho'fe, who, from the nature
of their avocations, cannot fubmit them to fo
long a refpite from bufinefs as is neceffaryfor
a regular courfe of purging medicines, it will
naturally be expected an effectual fubftitute
fhould be held forth for the gratification of all
To thofe therefore who cannot render the
administration of mercurial purgatives a
matter of perfect convenience, the following
courfe may be adopted with the greateft cer-
tainty of equal effect,
Take of iEthiop's mineral fix ounces;
Levigated antimony four ounces;
Sulphur, prepared fteel, and anifeed powder,
each three ounces;
Honey fufficient to malie a mafs, which divide
into nine balls.
Of thefe let one be given every morning for
three in fucceffionj then omit three, and repeat
for three more in fucceffion j then omit for three
mornings, zfecond time, and repeat your re-
maining balls on the three fuccefiive mornings,
-ocr page 287-
W 0*R M S.               265
when the whole nine will be confumed, and cer-
tainly productive of the purpofe for which they
are intended. The great advantage attending
this method of deftroying worms, is the horfe's
being enabled to purfue his conftant work, but
care mould be taken he is not too much ex-
pofed to fevers cold or rainy weather during
the time of taking the balls.
For the accommodation of thofe to whom
the bufinefs of giving a ball may be a work of
trouble or difficulty, the honey may be omitted;
and the other ingredients, being well incorpo-
rated in a mortar, muft be divided into nine
equal parts, and mixed with the night or
morning feeds of corn, (it being firft fprinkled
with water in the manger, to eniure adhefion
and prevent wafte) being given with the fame
diftinctions and variations in refpect to time, as
fpecified in the above instructions, when given
jn the form of balls.
-ocr page 288-
( 26*6 )
J A U N D' I G E,
This is a diforder common to horfes of
every defcription, to which they are fubject
from various caufes; the moft material of thefe
we fhall accurately explain. The more fimple
and leaft dangerous complaint, palling under
this denomination, arifes folely from an ob-
ftrudion in the biliary duds, or in the gall
bladder, fituated between the two lobes of the
liver; whofe immediate purpofe it is to affifl
in fecreting the bile from the blood, and pro-
mote its conveyance to the inteftines, where
(by its acrid and ftimulating property) it is
deftined to excite the periftaltic motion, by
which they expel their contents.
In the jaundice arifing from this caufe, the
duds or pipes for the pafTage of bile are ob-
itruded by Jlimet mucust or vjjcid coagulum-3
-ocr page 289-
j A U N D I C E.               267
the fluid, thus impeded in its ufual progrefs
regurgiates, becomes immediately incorporat-
ed with the blood, and, through the fyftem of
circulation, diffufes itfelf to every part of the
frame, denoting its prefence by an early ap-
pearance of yellownefs in the eyes, mouth, tongue,
and faliva. To thefe pathognomonic or inva-
riable fymptoms may be added thofe not alto-
gether fo certain in its early ftate; thehorfe ge-
nerally feems heavy, dull, and dejected, with
lofs of appetite and confequent rejection, of
food, more than will barely fubfift nature j a
flight fymptomatic fever foon comes on, and
keeps pace with the difeafe; a fluggifhnefs or
averfion to motion is plainly perceptible; a foul,
faint fweat appears upon the leaft exercife j and
the urine is of a dark faffron tinge, refembling
an infuflon of that article j the dung varies
much in different fubjefts, but is in all many
degrees paler, and more indigefted, than the
excrements of Jiorfes in high condition.
The indications of cure naturally arife out
pf the very description of the difeafe; to afrecT;
which there will be but little difficulty, pro-
vided it is taker* upon its firft appearance, when
\% may moft probably be totally removed by
§                                         the
-ocr page 290-
268               J A U N D I C E.
the following interpolition of mild deobstr u-
ents, without recurring to a courfe* oipurga-
which may not at all times be perfectly
convenient. If, on the contrary, the diforder
ihould have been obferved fome time, a courfe
muft precede other intentions of cure,
as will be hereafter explained. If difcovered
in its earlieft ftate, let two or three mq/hes of
fcalded malt be given at proper periods, to
relax the indurated contents of the inteftines;
thefe being aflifted, if neceffary, with an
emollient, or the domeftic laxative glyjier, as
mentioned page 239. The body being fuffi-
ciently relaxed to remove every probability of
obftru&ion, let the following plan be adopted
and regularly perfevered in:
Take of Caftile foap eight ounces;
Turmeric (in powder) fix ounces ;
Soluble tartar three ounces;
India rhubarb two ounces ;
Long pepper (in powder) one ounce ;
Saffron half an ounce;
Syrup or honey fuflicient to make the mafs;
Which divide into ten balls, and give one every
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JAUNDICE.             269
During this courfe, every requifite attention
muft be paid to appetite, food, and gentle exer-
cife; mafhes of malt and bran may be given
every or every other night, to keep the body
properly lax, and regular in evacuation; to
affifl which two ounces of cream of tartar may
be added once a day, in the morning or even-
ing water, being previoufly diffolved in a pint
over the fire, and added to the remainder.
The difeafe, if arifing from the caufe before-
mentioned, and attacked in its infancy, will
generally fubmit to the above courfe and treat-
ment only j but in more advanced cafes double
the quantity may be found neceffary, with the
addition of mild phyjic or moderate bleeding.
This is certain, where the complaint has not
been attended to in its early ftate, and fymptoms
are fo high as to fubftantiate a degree of viru-
lence, the pby/ic, and a repetition of the above
proportion, had better be adopted. Although
there is no very predominant reafon to be urged
in favour of bleeding, yet a fmall quantity may
be loft, not only to afcertain its prefent7?^t', but
to promote a flight change in the circulation.
Two or three majloes muft be given on the two
fucceffive days after bleeding : on the third
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27o            J A U N D I C E.
morning give the firfl: of the following purg-
ing balls, repeating it at the diilance of iix
or eight days between each dofe, till three are
taken, regulating the whole courfe by the treat*
ment fo often repeated, and the precaution
neceflarily urged to avoid cold ; more particu-
larly where the cathartics are impregnated with
mercury, as in the prefent inftance:
Take fuccotrine aloes one ounce \
India rhubarb and jalap each three drachms j
Saffron two drachms i
Calomel and ginger each a drachm j
Syrup of fafFron fufficient to form the ball for
one dofe.
This ball is fo accurately proportioned as to
be nearly applicable in ftrength to any fubject
for this diftemper, where no violent effects are
to be required; but mould any alteration in
force be defired for a horfe remarkably ftrong,
or delicate in conftitution,; increafe or diminim
its ftrength, by an addition to, or diminution of,
the jalap; the other ingredients remaining in
their prefent proportions.
In three days after the laft dofe is completely
fet, and the horfe recovered his appetite, begin
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JAUNDICE.           £71
upon the following courfe of warm deobftruent
reftoratives, giving one every morning without
remiflion till the whole are taken :
Take Caftile foap eight ounces;
Turmeric and filings of iron each four ounces;
Aniieed and elecampane each two ounces ;
Vitriolated tartar one ounce and a half;
Oil of anifeed three drachms.—Honey fufficlent
to make the mafs^ and divide into a dozen
During the time of taking thefe, let the
former inftructions relative to food, exercife,
dreffing, &c. be ftridtly adhered to, with fuch
other little attentions as circumftances requirej
remembering to relinquish the medicines by
gradations, as every other morning, or once in
three, but not to difcontinue them entirely till
all fymptoms totally difappear.
The diftincl: kind of this difeafe, arifing from
a remote and very difcouraging caufe, is that
fpecies originating in an induration of (or fcir-
upon) the liver, I fay difcouraging:,
becaufe little or no hope of permanent
relief can be entertained, as may very naturally
be concluded from even a fuperficial confidera-
tion of the cafe, not only by its remote fituation,
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z7i             JAUNDICE.
lb diftant from the power of the moft active
medicine j the great certainty of no advantage
being obtained but by the circuitous communi-
cation through the medium of the blood, and
the additional reflection, palpably clear to the
judgment of every reader, that no folvent can
probably be conveyed through the circulation
only, fufHciently powerful to refolve or extirpate
cither /welling, fcirrhofity, or tubercle, upon a
part fo diftant from the feat of action as that
we now treat of.
As the neceffary fteps for palliation of
fymptoms, or hope of cure, will confequently
be expected, bleeding is of courfe premifed to
reduce the contents and take off fome degree of
ftricture from the veffels; remove obftructions
in the body by majhes of malt and bran, for
two or three days, as before directed, then pro-
ceed to the courfe of mercurial purging balls
here recommended, attending to the mode of
treatment fo often repeated :
Take Barbadoes aloes one ounce;
Caftile foap half an ounce ;
Jalap and calomel each two drachms;
Ginger one drachm;
Oils of juniper and anifeed each twenty drops;
Sprup fufficient to form the ball for one dofe.
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JAUNDICE.             273
This courfe (of three dofes) and their ope-
rations being minutely attended to, let no care
or attention be omitted to bring him as near
his former pitch of Jlrength*, appetite, and ap-
as poffible $ fo loon as he has refumed
which, a beginning may be made upon the-/*?/?
refources, and from thefe only can the moft
diflant hope of mitigation or cure be
Take of Caftile foap ten ounces j
Gum ammoniacum and turmeric each four
ounces 5
Salt of tartar three ounces;
Extract, of black hellebore and oil of favin each
fix drachms;
Syrup or honey fufficient to make twelve balls.
Of thefe let one be given regularly every
other morning j on the intermediate days give
one of the following mercurial alterative
powders, calculated to give joint affiftance
without delay, and promote every advantage
that can be expected by all poffible means,
adapted to this diflant caufe of complaint:
T                         Take
-ocr page 296-
274            JAUNDIC E.
Take. JEthiop's mineral, prepared antimdny,
fulphur and cream of tartar, of each three
ounces.—Mix together in the mortar, and di-
vide into twelve papers, giving one, with the
feed of corn, every other morning* fprinkling
the corn with water to prevent its wafte in the
The above balls are calculated (by their
peculiar efficacy) to ftrike at the very root of
difeafe; the reputation of each article having
been long eftablimed either as a fohent or de-
and evidently adapted to act in con-
cert for the general purpofe; no farther expe-
riments or changes need be attempted or under-
taken, as this courfe will abfolutely effect all
that is in the power of medicine to perform.
And mould they fail (after fair trial) in the
intent for which they may be given, a rupture
of the tumour> and its becoming ulcerated, or a
fcirrhojity of the liver conftantly increafing, will
(in oppofition to all art and every human en-
deavour, ufher in death to clofe the fcene, and
demonftrate the fallibility of all our boafted
Horfes are faid alfo to be fubjecl: to a regur-
gitation of bile, from an inflammatory affedion
of the liver, when occafioned by the bite of any
-ocr page 297-
JAUNDICE.           275-
Venomous infect or animal, as the viper, flow-
Worm, land-eft, &c. whether fuch inflamma-
tion or billious appearance is produced by the
bite or not, if there are other local fymptoms,
as fwelling, pain, and inflammation, bleeding
becomes immediately proper; then let the part
be well warned with foap and warm water, fo
as to raife a fubftantial lather j wipe dry with a
cloth, and bathe the furrounding parts for fome
minutes with equal portions of fine olive oil and
white wine vinegar; afterwards apply a poul-
tice of emollient ingredients, as may be felected
by referring to the index, and let it be repeated
twice a day till the fwelling or fymptoms fub-
fide. Should the horfe be attacked with vio-
lent fymptomatic fever to a great degree, adopt
the methods recommended in that clafs; at
any rate give one ounce of nitre twice a day in
his water, and afllfl: in cooling the body by
mq/Joes to' relax, prepared with malt and bran
equal parts, or oats, bran, and a few ounces of
T 2
-ocr page 298-
( 2/° )
Not one feafible reafon has ever been ad-
duced why this difeafe is fogeneral that any horfe
is hardly ever known to efcape; they are even
fubject to it at all times of life; but the periods
of attack are moftly when rifing three', four, or
Jive years old. Soleysell and Gibson vainly
conceived they threw great light upon the
fubjed, by comparing it to the fmall-pox,
" becaufe," fay they, " young horfes are gene-
<e rally its fubjedts." ** For, fays Gibson,
" the blood of young horfes may reafonably
" enough be fuppofed unequally fluid, having
" not
-ocr page 299-
STRANGLES.             227
" not as yet been fufficiently comminuted by
" frequent circulations." His meaning may be
pofiibly right, but mod unhappily expreffed to
make clear his intention: to demonftrate this,
let us diflecT: the phrafeology, not affuming the
unpleafing talk of eriticifm, but as a prelude to
the efiablifhment of our own fyftem hereafter
explained. He fays " the blood having not
" as yet been fufficiently comminuted," that is,
in plain terms, or found Englifh, not properly
pulverized or reduced to powder: however, I
am willing to give him credit for a meaning he
did not think fit to explain, and acknowledge
he intended to have faid (had it not fmelt too
ftrong of vulgarity) *' fufficiently mixed." To
this remark, notwithftanding its fublimity, I
enter my PROTEST j and cannot avoid ex-
preffing furprife, that any profeffional confide-*
rate author could fuppofe the blood mould in^
ceffantly flow for three, four, or five years,
without the crajfamentum axi&ferwn being fuf-
ficiently incorporated or " comminuted,"
I will, upon the occafion, fo far fupprefs my
refentment at this feeble attack upon the fyftem
of circulation, as to forego the great inclination
I feel to enlarge much more upon fo prepofte-
T 3                         rous
-ocr page 300-
278             STRANGLE S,
rous a pofitibn, and acknowledge, as no one
found reafon has ever been given for the caufe
in queftion, I fhall not prefume to introduce
any thing dictatorially deeifive upon the fubjecT:,
but fubmit to the confideration of others what
appears to me to contain every juji reaion that
can be affigned for the appearance of a diftem-
per, attacking each fubject to a certainty, at
different periods without contagion, or any
caufe hitherto eftablifhed, but that it is fo. For
my own part, after affording it every degree of
confideration, there is abiolutely but one ra-
tional caufe to be offered why horfes, at the
periods before mentioned, become then fubjecT:
to this diftemper, in a greater or lefs degree
according io circumftances; as for inftance,
Thofe horfes (or colts) that have been con-
ftantly well fed without reftraint for three, four,
or five years, muff., with their food, have im-
bibed an accumulation of impurities j thefe
having never been once agitated by evacuations,
excited by art, or perfpiration promoted by ex-
ercife, mull confequently remain ftagnant in
the blood, till the horfe being brought into
ufe for the purpofe he is intended, when the
groffneis and vifcidity that has fo long lain dor-
-ocr page 301-
STRANGLES.             279
mant foon becomes perceptible j the fluids are
too thick, fluggi/h, and heavy, for their diftincT:
appropriations; the lungs are firft overloaded,
a languor follows, to that a difficulty of
breathing or fhort cough fucceeds; and, laftly,
the grand effort of nature difplays itfelf in
the difeafe before us: and that is moftjudi-
cioufly made in the glandular parts, where (he
is nearly adequate to her own work.
This rational progrefs of the morbid matter
has ever affected me fo forcibly with the idea
of conviction, that nothing but a judicious,
clear, and comprehenfive elucidation, (divefted
of furmifes and cpnjedtures) demonftrating an
oppofite caufe, can never reconcile me to another
opinion. I appeal, without fubterfuge or am-
biguity, to the profeffional and enlightened
reader, whether this is not the regular procefs ;
if this lurking vifcidity, this glutinous impu-
rity, is not roufed from Jts latent communi-
cation with the juices, and called into aclion
by bringing the frame into fudden exertions
and conftant exercife, loaded (in circulation)
with the weight that has been fo long accu-
mulating without interruption, from either
purgatives, diuretics, or even perforation ? if
T 4.                          this
-ocr page 302-
28o           STRANGLES,
this is not the true caufe, why does it not ap-
pear before they come within the tree of the
faddle, or the trammels of harnefs? for, ex-
perience demonftrates the truth of this obfer-
vation, that twenty horfes for either faddle or
cart have this diftemper after being taken intq
work, to every one attacked with it previous to
their being broke and brought into ufe.
Having introduced thus much to gratify the
expectation of every reader anxious for the
elucidation of the caufe, it becomes neceffary
to advert to the difeafe itfelf; the firft attack
of which is perceived in a dull fluggifh hea-
vinefs and inactivity; the horfe becomes dif-
pirited, lofes his appetite, is feized with a
hollow hufky cough, occafioned by the irrita-
bility of the inflamed glandular parts in the
throat and about the root of the tongue; to
excite a degree of moifture in the mouth that
may allay this difagreeable fenfation he is
often picking his hay, but eats little or none j
a degree of fymptomatic heat comes on, and a
confequent cla'mminefs and thirft is percepti-
ble. As the diftemper advances he becomes
proportionally languid and inattentive; a (well-
ing (fometimes two or three fmaller furround-
-ocr page 303-
STRANGLES.                281
ing) is now difcovered to have formed itfelf
underneath the jaw, and in general midway,
between the bones, which is at firft very hard,
exceeding painful, and yifibly increafing; he
now fwallows with difficulty, heaves in the
flank?? and his whole appearance evidently
urges the neeeffity of an immediate attempt
to relieve nature from the oppreffion of her
own weight.
The firft object for confideration is the flat©
of the fubjecl:: if the evacuations are regulaj?
(as they generally are) and the feverifh Jfymp-
toms moderate, (not approaching to violence)
Jet the fwelling be examined, and its fuppu-
ration promoted. Firft clip away all the long
or fuperfluous hairs that cover or furround the
part, then foment with fmall double flannels,
dipt in a ftrong decoction of camomile, marih-
mallows, or rofemary, for ten minutes, as hot
as can be conveniently fubmitted to, and pre-
pare the following poultices;
Take of coarfe bread, barley meal, and camo-
mile or elder flowers, each a handful; boil over
the fire in a fufficient quantity of milk, or the
decoction for the fomentation; into which
#ir about a third (of the whole quantity) of
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■white lily root, wafhed clean and pounded to a
pafte; adding thereto of linfeed and fcenugrec
(in powder) of each an ounce; ftirring in,
■while hot, of turpentine tw,. ounces, and of
lard four, laying it on moderately warm, and
bandaging firm.
This proportion is meant for two poultices,
as the fomentation mould be repealed, and the
application of poultice renewed, every night
and morning till an opening in the fwelling is
effe&ed j upon which appearance of difcharge
let the aperture be a little enlarged with a
hijlory^ or the point of any (harp inftrument
adequate to the prurp&ie j afurwards dreffing
with tow, 1} iced with the liable digeftive
ointment, or common yellow bafilicon, firft
made warm, and fome of the unguent, (in
preference to a tent; plentifully infinuated
within the orifice, to facilitate its effecT:. Over
this digerHve, for the firft two or three dref-
fings, continue the poultice j by which treats
ment, though attended with a little more
trouble, you will moll ^fTuredly ihorten the
difeafe: by this method your difcharge will be
copious, ev-ry fymptom wilt gradually decline,
and the cure, under t.c following aids and
regulations, become fpeedily complete.
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STRANGLES.               283
Though bleeding is in general a very indif-
ferent pradice where a flux of matter is fo-
licited to any particular part for fuppuration,
yet circumftances of danger (fometimes) not
only jufti'y but powerfully direct a deviation,
from the path of cuftom. For inftance,
/hould the fever run high, and all other fymp-
toms equally violent, either in the beginning,
or during a more advanced ftate, bleeding muft
be conftantly fubmitted to, but not in too
large quantity. Mafhes muft be the conftant
food, in fmall proportions, to prevent wafte ;
in each of which put of liquorice and anifeed
powders half an ounce, and about two ounces
of honey, unlefs a quart of malt is introduced,
when the honey may be omitted. The drink
fhould be given little and often, impregnating
the warm water with a portion of fcalded bran
or water-gruel; the head to be kept well co-
vered with a hood, or other temporary fubfti-
tute, as the warmth will greatly tend to aflfifl
in promoting the necefTary difcharge. When
circumftances and weather will permit, the
horfe fhould have the advantage of air and
fhort gentle exercife, regular dreffing, and the
accuftomed courfe of ftable difcipline, only in
a lefs degree than ufual.
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284             STRANGLES.
It is a confolaticn in this diftemper that a
fymptom of danger feldom occurs, unlcfs from
neglect or abfolute cruelty in ufing or driving
a horfe to extremity in the height of difeafe,
fo as to produce great fever and inflammation.
The diforder generally terminates with a Tun-
ing at the nofe, in a greater or lefs degree,
which fhould be frequently cleanfed from the
infide of the noftrils, by means of a fponge
fufficiently moiflened in warm water to pre-
vent its acquiring an adhefion to thofe parts,
or a foulnefs and fcetidity that would fhortly
become acrimonious and corrofive. When
the wound is entirely healed, the horfe has
regained his appetite, and may be confidered
perfectly recovered from the languor and de-
bilitation which this complaint conftantly pro-
duces, he fhould be put upon a gentle courfe
of mild mercurial phytic, if there are no cir-
cumftances to forbid it: this fhould be pre-
pared with due attention to his ftate and con-
dition, feleding it from the variety of purging
afforded by the index under that
head. And this becomes the more imme-
diately neceffary fhould a copious and offen*
live difcharge continue from the noftrils after
healing the abfcefs, and leave room to fufpect
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STRANGLES.              28$
the caufe is feated upon thofe internal parts
hereafter defcribed in the next article of
The diforder nearly related to this, and
pafiing under the denomination of Vives,
is no other than the fame fpecies of difeafe,
only attacking the fubjecT: in an infinite lefs
degree j the juices being lefs corrupted in-*
flammation is not fo readily excited, nor does
it arrive at the pitch neceffary to produce fup-
puration. The fwellings thus fixed continue
fome time in a dormant ftate, the fymptoms
often light, and indicating no certainty ofcon-
clufion by maturation or abforption. If thefe
fwellings evidently i?icreafe (however ilowly)
and feem to threaten a difcharge, it is a critical
effort of Nature, and muft be promoted by
the methods already pointed out. On the
contrary mould they recede and begin to dis-
appear, embrace the firft opportunity to carry
off any ill effects that may arife, by a dofe or
two of'phyfic; avoiding, by all means, the III—
advifed method of driving them into the cir-
culation by an external application of mer-
curials. But fhould fuch a ridiculous cuftom
be adopted, in compliance with old books or
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286             STRANGLES.
ancient practice, palliate the impropriety by
phyfic, or a courfe of alteratives.
Where the glandular parts are affe&ed from
the palpable effeds of cold, and a fli; ht ob-
ftrudlion of the pores by a fudden check in
perfpiration (as in removing from a warm {ta-
ble to a cold one on a journey, or iome fuch
Circumftance that is not always difcoverable),
conftituting fmall tumours (called kernels) un*
der the ears or throaty bleed in proper ^liahtltyj
clothe moderately ^ give warm Comfortable majhes
for a few nights, and an ounce of nitre every
flight and morning in the water.
It is neceftary to be remarked and well re-
membered that the difeafe we now treat of,
by neglect, and inattention, fometimes degene-
rates to a confirmed glanders j a diftemper
well known to be attended with the incon-
veniences of difficulty, certain expenfe, and
inevitable danger; and where the circumftance
does really occur from the above caufe, if the
fufferings of the animal were not involved in
the event, the lofs of the horfe would be a very
applicable punishment to the inhumanity of
the matter.
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( 287 )                       P<Si
This difeafe has ever been to the fraternity
of Farriers what the gout, Jlone, and confump*
have proved to the faculty, a never-
failing fource for conftant attendance, long
bills, and large fums total. And though, like
all other diftempers, considered incurable, <e too
" ferious to make a joke of," I muft be in-
dulged in the effufions of fancy naturally
arifing from a very minute inveftigation of the
cafe and its confequences. We are told by
thofe who have preceded us that '* the caufe
" and feat of the glanders have been till lately
" fo imperfectly handled, and fo little under-
" flood by the writers of this diftemper, that
St it is no wonder it fhould be ranked among
c< the incurables: but a new light having been
** thrown upon the whole affair by the ftudy of
" M. La Fosse, the King of France's farrier,
u who has been at the pains to trace out and
" difcover, by dissections, the fource and
" caufe of this diforder, we hope the method
" he has propofed, with fome farther experi-
*c ments and improvements, will foon bring to
i* a certainty
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288           GLANDE&S.
** a certainty of cure (in moll cafes at leaf!) A
diftemper fd dangerous to our horfes, and
*l that hitherto has eluded the force of art."
We are then informed M. La Folie's work
«* has the approbation of the Royal Academy
*' of Sciences;" that " he has diftinguilhed
•* feven different kinds of glanders, four of
«' which arc incurable j" much more is intro-
duced to corroborate his opinions, and give
weight to the very nice diftin&ions that con-
stitute this great variety of glanders. He then
introduces a moft elaborate defcription of the
necejfary operation of trepanning, with an ex-
planatory plate, fo invitingly finifhed that the
appearance of the apparatus is almofl: fufficient
to induce any man to have his horfe's head
perforated (or laid open) merely to indulge in
the happinefs of becoming a voluntary dupe to
M» La Fosse's experiments.
His Cures, almofl incredible, are then enu-
merated ; you are told of three horfes he tre-
panned, each in two places: the internal parts
were conftantly fyringed, and they were per-
fectly recovered j *[ the wound and perfora-
" tion
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GLANDERS.               289
*' Hen filling up in twenty-fix days, the
(i horfes fufFering no inconvenience from the
" operation, though after this experiment
" they were PUT TO DEATH." Many
quotations might be introduced upon which I
could much enlarge, but, in Co doing, fuch
obfervations would unavoidably extend to too
great a length; and, as fome juff. fa tire upon
fuch unaccountable abfurdities muft appear,
I mail endeavour to render it perfectly appli-
cable to the fubjedl before us.
In the flrfr. id fiance, it may not be amifs to
make proper acknowledgments to the French
king's farrier, and his trumpeter, Mr. Ba&tlet,
for dividing and fubdividing one into Jeoeti
diuMncT: (or imaginary) difeafes; in fhort,
upon accurate investigation, We find the fertile
M. La Fosse (and his echo) have defined fix
different difcharges from the noftrils to confti-
tute fo many (nominal) glanders, and then de-
fcribe a feventh, and tell us that is the '* real
glanders." It is impoffible to pafs over the
finejfe of the Frenchman, or the kindnefs and
credulity of his copied, without faying fome-
thing in animadverfion upon this attempt to
impofe upon the world in general* without
U                            even
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29o              GLANDERS,
even the bafis of conuftency for a founda-
To take this bufinefs a little methodically,
it may not be inapplicable (without any of-
fence to M. La Fosse or the Royal Academy
of Sciences, who fo generoujly patronized his
great difcoveries) to introduce a fhort ftory,
many years in circulation, of the celebrated
witty dean of St. Patrick, who, holding in
great contempt the learned acquifition of
F. R. S. addreffed a letter to the president,
" requefting him to take the fenfe of the body
" upon the peculiar properties of hemp, that it
" mould, upon application, immediately cure a
" fractured leg!" This letter (from fo great
a man), being communicated to the " fel-
" lows," in full affembly, was productive of
fequeftered ftudies, nocturnal lucubrations,
and various experiments to almoft every indi-
vidual ; numerous meetings were held j but
confultation-and emulation producing no dif-
covery, at the end of three weeks a fecond
letter arrived from the dean, " foliciting par-
*f don for an omiflion in his laft, which was
" to inform the fociety that the leg was of
wood." I introduce this circumftance not
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GLANDERS.               291
as a biirlefque upon fb great and learned a
body, but to prove that fuch, as well as
individuals, are liable to error and mifcon-
My predecefibr (as I have before remarked)
then fays, " with fome farther experiments
" and improvements he hopes this diftemper
" will be brought to a certainty of cure."
Now what he can wifh or defire by " farther
" experiments and improvements," is beyond
my abilities to difcover; he defcends mod: mi-
nutely to the operation of trepanning; or, in
plainer terms, taking two pieces of bone out
of different parts of the fcull by perforation,
then plentifullyyfoi/flg with detergent lotions,
adding a variety of inftruclions for injections,
&c. to complete a cure of what, till
had been considered incurable. To keep
up the farce of inconfiftency, we are at laffc
confidently allured that fuch operations being
performed, "after opening the cavities, fhould
y it by probing be difcovered that the bones
**> are carious, (or, in other words, rotten) the
" belt way then will be to difpatch the horfe,
" to fave unnecefTary trouble and expenfe."
I cannot refill the temptation I feel to tranf-
U 2                           pofe
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202              GLANDERS,
pofe this language, and difplay it in plain Ertg-
thus. In fad, deprive the horfe of half
his head, in compliment to the pecuniary feel-
ings of the farrier, and if you find the remain-
ing half will not anfwer the purpofe of the
whole, cut his throat, or fhoot him through
the head, to fave the operators credit. Pre-
vious to the ferious inveftigation of this cafe,
I mud beg permiffion (in imitation of my
learned predecelTor H. Bracken, M. D.) to
introduce zfecond ftory not altogether inap-
plicable to this complicated chapter upon
A certain chymift having dedicated much
time, trouble, and expenfe, to the preparation
of a balfumic elixir, brought it at laji to fo great
a degree of perfection that it would, upon
the firft application, inftantaneoufly incarnate,
and cure a wound of the moft dread-
ful appearance. Having confirmed the difco-
very by a number of inferior inftances, he ap-
plied to his friend and fervant John to fit
down and have his head taken off and re-
placed with the elixir, to demonftrate its ef-
ficacy. But John, knowing his duty better,
declined in compliment to his mailer, who, he
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GLANDERS.              293
injijled upon it, was entitled to the prefer-
ence, as the original inventor, and confe-
quently to all the credit and emolument; the
mafter, (but not without fome reluctance) fub-
milted to the equity of John's decifion, who
feparated his matter's head from the body moft
chirurgically ; when/ having plentifully bajled
both head and trunk with the elixir of all
elixirs^ he inftantly replaced it; when, to the
happy admiration of both mafter and man, the
former (after a temporary torpitude) recover-
ing, walked towards the looking-glafs, where,
finding his face turned towards the moulders,
accufed his confidant of having put his head
on the wrong way j who moft prudently
and judicioufly replied, he had fo placed it to
enfure his matter's credit; for he was very
certain if he had not, the world would rjever
have believed it had been off,
I am induced once more to folicit pardon
of the Academy of Sciences, M. La Fosse,
and the admirers of Bartlet's theory, for
the introduction of this ** experiment and im-
" provement," fubmitting the inference en~
tirely to thofe gentlemen who have (unluckily
z% this moment) glandered horfes in their pof-?
U 3                      U
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2g4              GLANDE R S.
It would be rather inattentive and remifs in
me to pafs over the uncharitablenefs, or rather
crueity, of dooming to death the three horfes
fo trepanned., fyringed, and completely cured by
M. La Fosse " in twenty-fix days;" unlefs we
are to conceive the pojjibility of putting u them
" to death" on the twenty-fixth day, to avoid
their natural diffolution on the twenty-Jeventh,
the better to enfure the honour of the boafted
dilcovery, and the additional ** approbation
** of the Royal Academy of Sciences."
This pc/Jibility may be very probable, and in-
deed is no injuftifkble or unfafbionable policy
in phylician, farrier, or quack, as every newf-
pape; amply teftifies; they daily abound with
lingular, miraculous, incredible, (imaginary')
cures, conftantly effedted by mercurial or an-
tin)onial noflrums, but not a. Jingle word of
the HUNDREDS that annually fall victims
to the neceffities of medical adventurers, who,
\x\xh Jortune fufHcient to pay for an advertife-
half a fcore phials, a jolution of mercury,
or a quart otjoap lees, boldly commence their
depredations upon the public; and this they
are now the more entitled to do by their ex-
tenlive contribution to the exigencies of go-
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GLANDERS.              295
vernment, whofe STAMP of approbation
they are in poffeffion of; and a report is in cir-
culation that one is at prefent preparing at the
office for their fole difpenfation, with the very
emphatical infcription of " Kill or cure by
'* act of parliament."
A long experience, and want of fafhionable
flexibility, has eftablifhed in me fo great a
degree of incredulity, that I am totally infen-
fible to the novelty of a man in a quart bottle,
a ghofl in Cock-lane-, the taking off one half of
a horfe's head to relieve the other, or curing
every (incurable) difeafe to which human na-
ture is liable, by a mercurial drop, an antimo-
nial pill,
a vegetable fyrup, or an athereal
I fhall defcend therefore from the iub-
limity of fo much eminence, and, gently glid-
ing into the vale of reafon, refume the
original path from which it will be undoubt-
edly thought by some I have digreffed much
too long.
It confequently becomes neceffary to obferve
that, upon whatever part this difeafe has taken
its feat, it has been confidered by almoft. all
parties, and through almoft all experiments,
U 4                  abfolutely
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296              GLANDERS.
abfolutely incurable. To corroborate an opU
nion fo univerfally received and admitted, it
does not appear to me that a tedious technical
defcription of its true feat, afcertaining it to be
in " the pituitary membrane, the maxillary
" finufles, the frontal finuffes, or cavities
" above the orbits of the eyes," can give addi-
tional weight, or enlighten the under/landing
of the reader. The dull difcouraging defcrip-
tion of a misfortune, to evade the ultimata
force of which there is no probable (or indeed
poffible) appearance, can prove but a very
{lender confolation; I therefore difclaim the
idea of attempting impofition upon any appli-
cation that may be made to this work for in-
formation, and heartily condemn the ridiculous
belief of seven diftincl kinds of glanders, and
the flill more ridiculous difcrimination by
which they are pretended to be brought about.
They are fo truly puerile and nugatory that a
medical man may (with as much appearance
of truth and reafon) madly attempt to juftify
the abfolute exiftence of fevcn kinds oifmail-
poxox meajles,
according to their different ftages
or gradations. The true ftate of his reprefen-
tation (diverted of its neceffary ambiguity) is
plainly this; he has mutilated, feparated, and
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GLANDERS.            297
complicated, a variety of fymptoms, endeavour-
ing to form diftindions that may keep up the
farce, and fupport the opinion he advance?,
which neither the cafe or circumftances will
admit; for the obtruding penetration of any
profeffionift inftantly plucks off the mafk of
fpeculation, and the intentional deception re-
coils upon the author with additional difgrace.
To demonftrate the cafe more comprehen-
fively or clearly, the facl appears, that any
corrofive matter difcharged from the noftrils,
and fuffered to continue for a length of time,
fo as to confiitute ulcerations and corode the
bones, will inevitably degenerate into, and
conftitute, the difeafe generally underftood by
the appellation of glanders; every ftagnant,
acrimonious, or putrid matter, is poffeffed of
this property, and more particularly when
lodged (or by finufes confined) upon any par-
ticular part. Diverted of profefiional trick,
chicanery, and deception, this is the in-
controvertible explanation, whether proceeding
from an ulceration of the lungs, or the inve-
terate glandular difcharges from the head
(v here the cafe is of long ftanding, and the
bone carious) they are equally incurable. Per-
ls veri ng
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298            GLAND E R S.
fevering in my opinion, long fince quoted, that
prevention is preferable to cure, I fhall point
out fuch methods as are the mod eligible to
adopt, upon the bare apprehenfion of fuch
coi, plaint, or any diforder that may be likely
to terminate in a difeafe of fo much difficulty,
exrenfe, and danger.
In refp' set to the medical and domeftic ma-
nagement; where the lungs are the feat of
difeafe, as in the firft attack of coughs, &c.
directions fo clear and explanatory are laid
down through the whole of the fixth clafs,
that there is not the leaft room to add a fingle
a tion upon the fubjecf; to that clafs, under
its different heads, I refer the reader for any
inft: uttions that a variety of fymptoms may
render neceffary. But where a fwelling of tu-
mour gives ocular proof that matter is form-
ins under the ear?, jaws, or between the bones
(about the root of the tongue), take every
poffible method to produce a fuppuration and
difeharge of matter; for, in moft cafes, an
external evacuation becomes the crifis, and
greatly preferable to the chance of mifchiefs
that may be the rcfult of repulfion, particularly
where the matter is in an unhealthy ft ate, and
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GLANDERS.            299
calculated to communicate its morbid effects
with virulence wherever it takes its feat; wrir h,
upon being repelled and compuliiveiy atfforbed
into the circulation, it will of courfe b* em-
powered to do, if not fpeedily carntd off, by
mercurial or antimonial preparations.
Should cough, or difficulty of breathing, at-
tend, draw blood from a remote vein in mode-
rate quantity, to mitigate either of thofe fymp-
toms; but neither being prefent let the ope-
ration be omitted, unlefs particularly urged or
indicated by a great degree of inflammatory
heat. So foon as the fwellings about the neck,
head, or throat, have acquired a palp ble pro-
minence, foment twice a day with the follow-
ing decodion:
Take camomile, wormwood, marfhmallows,
and elder flowers, of each a large handful;
boil in three quarts of water for a quarter of
an hour; then ftrain off, and foment the {well-
ing well with flannels dipped in the hot liquid,
and apply the herbs warm by way of poultice
to the parts, confining them on, and repeating
the ceremony for two or three days.
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300              GLANDERS.
By this time fome degree of obfervation
may be made whether the tumours tend
to fuppuration, if fo, they will increafe in fize,
becoming pliable or foft to preffure in the
middle; in which cafe apply the poultice, and
proceed as directed in the Strangles, p. 281,
On the contrary, mould the fwellings con-
tinue hard and immoveable, a running coming
on at the nofe, let notice be taken whether the
matter is of a kind, white, healthy appearance,
without fmell, and difcoloured; or bearing
different tinges, and ftreaked with blood; if
the former, it is favourable, and the complaint
may be firft treated as directed under the
articles of cold and cough, p. 200; but mould
it prove of the laft defcription, care fhould be
taken to afcertain the fact, that every precau-
tion may be ufed in its infancy to prevent
what may foon become a cafe of trouble and
difquietude, At -any rate the following plan
fhould be adopted without delay:
Take rofemary, lavender flowers, fouthernwood
and marjoram, of each a handful; boil in two
or three quarts of water; and, putting into a
pail, let the liorfe's head be fixed over it as
near as poffible, fo long as the fumes patting
up the noftrils can be fuppofed to take effect;
as an internal fomentation.
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GLANDERS,                30!
By this method the vifcid and glutinous
matter may be foftened in the paffages, and the
inflammatory ftricture taken off the tumified
glands. This operation mould be repeated
twice every day: all the practice and prepar-
ations recommended under the heads of coughs
and ftrangles, with glandular difcharges from
the noftrils, may be referred to, and fuch me-
thods perfevered in as are there pointed out,
moft applicable to prevalent fymptoms and
concurring circumftances.
Should the difcharge continue t© increafe
in quantity and virulence, becoming very
offensive both in colour and fmell, not only
continue the before-mentioned fumigation, but
throw up either nofiril, (or both, if the matter
fhould be fo difcharged) with a ftrong forcible
fyringe, half a gill of the following injection
three or four times a day, firft made milk
warm, and then thrown up with the full power
of the inftrument:
Take of linfeed one ounce;
Camomile and elder flowers each half an ounce:
boil in three pints of water for fome minutes,
then ftrain off and add mel JEgyptiacum (or
Egyptian honey), four ounces, mixing well
together at each time of ufing.
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302             GLANDERS.
If the matter bears all thofe appearances of
malignancy that threaten a corrofion and rot-
tenncfs of the bones, continue inceffant in the
ufe of both fumigation and injection, putting
the horfe immediately upon a mild courfe of
unction in the following way : Let two, or at
moll three, drachms of the ftrong mercurial
be very well rubbed into the glandu-
lar tumours, under the throat or ears, every
night for a fortnight; firft taking away with
the fciffarsall fuperfluous or long hairs, that the
mercurial particles may be with more certainty
abforbed by the veffels, and taken into the cir-
culation. If the owner of a horfe labouring
under this difficulty wifhes, like a drowning
man, to avail himfelf of another twig, he
may call in the aid of mercurial phyfic, or al-
terative medicines; from a variety of which
choice may be made by referring to the index-,
and making examination under thofe heads;
an exact repetition of the numerous prefcrip-
tions being evidently unneceffi"y where fo
little can be expected from their effects.
Opinions have ever been different refpefting
this ciifeafe being communicated by infe&ion;
and though fome have affeSled to oppofe
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G L A N D R R S.              303
the idea, they oblique.lv coincide m opinion
by acknowledging it is muc;; tv.e iafeft way to
" feparate the found from the unfound, and
" not run any hazard with a good horfe when
ft it may be fo eafily avoided/' Whether we
confider this as a neceflary caution, or a proof
of conviction, the maxim is equally refpe<fta-
ble, and fhould be conftantly retained in the
memory. Where there is the leafl reafon to
fufpecl even a probability of danger from the
very chance of contagion ; and more particu-
larly fmcethe prevalence of opinion has re-
duced the belief of infection to almoft a cer-
tainty, no perfon can hardly be found fuffi-
c\enl\y jool-hardy to place a found horfe in a
ftable where one ftands, or is faid to have
lately flood, with this diftemper upon him.
It again becomes unavoidably necefTary to
make a few additional remarks upon the
boafted operation and difcovery of M. La
Fosse, from which fuch great and extenfive
advantages would have probably been obtained,
had the ungenerous act been prevented of
taking away the lives of h\sth?'ee patients, after
they had withftood the glanders, a double per-
-ocr page 326-
364              0 L A N t> E R S'i
foration in (or drilling of) the [cull, repeated;
wafhings of the brains with detergent injec-
tions, and a fubfequent regeneration of parts.
That the operations «wy have been perlormed
as defcribed, and the horfe (or three horfes)
may have lived twenty-fix days, I do not at-
tempt to deny, nor is it in ray power to dis-
prove j but this I will boldly venture to affirm,
that the certain expenfe and hazard can be but
a very flender lottery chance for any proprietor
who may unluckily have a horfe labour*
Ing under the extremity of this dreadful
I cannot believe, nor indeed do I expe<£r>
difintereftednefs can ever become fo truly
triumphant, as to permit any farrier to be fo
great an enemy to his own intereft as to re-
commend death, or difcourage the expec-
tation of cure, £o long as circumftances and'
the perfuafive power of his rhetoric can juffify
the idea of hope; but how far it may be
worth while to encounter the difficulties of
anxiety, tedious expenfe, long ficknefs, attend-
ance, perpetual nurfing, and the danger of
infeding whatever horfes remain in, or may
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Gh ANDERS;                305
come to the it a We, is more the duty of others
to confider than me to point out.
Contracting therefore all the attending con-
fiderations into one point of view, I mall
openly and fairly enter my opinion againft
the operation of trepanning, fo plaufibly held
forth with all its fpecious advantages. For
what does the whole amount to more than
this ?—If the horfe mould absolutely recover,
and (what is flill more unlikely) become ade-
quate to the very purpofes he was deftined to
before the attack ; when the long ilmefs, fup~
port, attendance, and farrier's bill,
are balanced
againft his value, he muft be a moft excellent
horfe, and very much above the line of me-
diocrity, to have the credit accompt in his fa-
vour. In faft, the moft probable conjecture
is, his inevitable difTolution 3 but, mould he
miraculoufly efcape from both the diftemper
and operator, ranking under the denomination,
of a cured horfd he may, perhaps, be then qua-
to linger out a wretched exiftence in fome
park or pafture, but never enabled to encounter
labour or fatigue.
1                    the
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306              GLANDERS.
The " taik of juftiee thus performed" I
take leave of this fuhjedl, with an earned re-
commendation to all clafTes never to neglect
horfes, in the flighted: degree, when attacked
with colds, coughs, ftrangles, a running at the
nofe, or indeed any other complaint that may,
either by a rapid or gradual progreffion, dege-
nerate to a difeafe of fo much trouble, diffi-
culty, and danger. The rational fyftem of prac-
tice in this diforder may be forcibly repeated,
and inculcated in a very few words. So long as
the attack continues in its early and fimple
irate, be induftrioufly attentive to the execution
of fuch inftruclions as are given under-the dif-
ferent heads of thofe fymptoms that are then
mofl predominant; but, mould patience and
lair trial demonftrate the non-fubmiffion ct
difeafe and inefficacy of medicine, the glands
or kernels under the jaw-bone continuing
during the whole courfe inflexible, the matter
firft tinged with blood, then becoming deep in
colour and moil offenfive in fmell, the carcafs
emaciated, and the whole frame finking under
univerfal depreffion, xhtjirfl lofs will be ulti-
beft, in a refignation of his hide to the
collarmaker, and his remains to the hounds.
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GLANDERS.               307
Before I clofe my obfervations upon this
difeafe, let it be well underftood that, during
the whole courfe of management, the head of
the horfe is to be kept as warm as poffible, and
in proportion much more fo than the body,
either in a double kerfey hood, or a fingle ex-
ternal, and a flannel (or feat cotton) one un-
derneath j for, it may readily be conceived
(without much information) nothing can con-
tribute more to a folution of the humours and
promotion of their difcharge, than a critical
relaxation of the pores, particularly upon the
very feat of difeafe: from this confideration
arifes conviction that affifting circumftances
co-operate with and are as neceffary as the ex-
ternal or internal adminiftration of medicine;
experience having afforded ample proof that
a combination may effect what is not in the
power of individuals to perform.
The ftrong mercurial ointment directed for
the repulfion of Glandular tumours under this
head, as alfo in the Farcy, (p. 143) may be
procured at any medical difpenfary by that
name, or thus prepared :
X 2                          Take
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3o8          STAGGE P. S, Sec.
Take quickfilver four ounces -,
Hog's lard half a pound •,
Balfam of fulphur (or turpentine) half an ounce.
Rub the quickfilver well in a mortar, with the
balfam of fulphur or turpentine, till they are
fo -well incorporated that the globules difap-
pear, then add the lard (juft warm and lique-
fied) by fmall quantities, that it may be fuf-
ficientiy fmooth, and let it be kept clefe
covered for ufe.
A multiplicity of long (landing diflinc-
tions, constituting a variety of different difeafes
in former practice, have, by nice attention, in
modern improvement, been nearly reduced to
the two heads under which we now write;
that is, fuch diforders as principally affect, the
head, having their feat in the brain or veffels
leading thereto. In this defcription are in-
cluded thofe that have been formerly diftin-
guifhed under feparate heads, as Apoplexy,
Convulfions, Epilepfy, Stag-Evil, Palfy, &c.
but as fuch inveftigations (founded as they muft
be moftly upon conjecture) will evidently ex-
tend the thread of information to an indeter-
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STAGGERS, &c.           309
minate degree of refinement, I mall decline
entering into the explanatory parts, fo minutely
and tedioufly defined upon former occafions,
reciting only the general fyftem upon which
the caufe is founded, and then proceed to quote
from other circumftances that may juftify
the bringing fuch a variety of diforders into
a fingle point of view.
How far the pretended accuracy of former-
ly diftinguifhing one of thefe difeafes from
another, may be reconciled to modern com-
prehenfion, or generally credited, I know not;
but confefs, where the whole formation of
judgment and decifion is to reft upon the
penetration of the obferver only, and no in-
formation come from the patient, circum-
ftances could or can but very feldom combine
to form fo lingular a diftindion. Experience
and obfervation may undoubtedly do much in
a collection of fimilitudes and probabilities,
but never enough to afcertain the diftincT: in-
variable caufes and effeds of difeafes, where
the moft trifling difference is hardly acknow-
ledged; more particularly when it is recon-*
fidered that the caufe of nearly all thefe dif-
orders are in the original feat of nervous irri-
& 3                     tabijity,
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3to          STAGGERS, &c.
lability, the brain j or in thofe parts connected
with, or dependent upon, its ftru&ure and
purpofes; except when they are underftood to
be fymptomatic or depending upon fome ori-
ginal remote caufe; as the efFecT: of bots prey-
ing upon the itomach or inteftines; internal
ulcerations, or complaints not immediately
difcoverable; thefe may fometimes happen,
but very rarely to effecl: the frame with fyrnp-
toms fo truly alarming.
To avoid entering into new defcriptions an4
anentertaining definitions, that muft be tech-
nical to be accurate, and confequently extend-
ed to a length that can neither gratify the ex-
pectation or improve the judgment of the ge-
neral reader, I fhall, in as concife a way as the
fubjecT: will permit, introduce an abridgment
from the opinions of Gibson, which is in facl
furnifhing the whole advanced by his fuc-
ceffors; who, without exception, generoufjy
tranfmitted his ideas and informations, for-
getting (or omitting) to elucidate the fubjecl
with any brilliant obfervations of their own.
"APOPLEXY (fays he) is ufually denned
lt a privation of fenfe and motion, excepting
" only a languid one in the heart and breafl;
« and
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STAGGERS, &c.           311
" and this either proceeds from a caufe with-
'* out the vefTels, viz. when the blood or any
" other fluid happens to break out of fome
" veilel within the brain, or when there hap-
" pens to be preternatural bones or tumours
*' bred and contained within the icull, or
" any other extraneous matter that may, in
" any fort, prefs upon the foft fuhftance of the
u brain, cauiing thofe deadly diforders. But
" this is a fpecies that is incurable, and, for
" the moft part, feizes fuddenly without any
" foregoing tokens or warnings. Thus in aa
" apoplexy fenfe and motion are in a manner
" quite loft, becaufe of the prefTure that is
*' made upon the origin of all the nerves that
" arife from the head: but, in a vertigo,
" objecls that are at reft appear as if they
" were turning round, and by that means
*' occafion any creature to reel and ftagger;
" and this proceeds from the vibrations and
cc tremors of the optic nerve, whereby the
" images falling not direftly but fucceffively
(e upon the different parts of the retina, an
*c objedl that is at reft will therefore appear
*c as if turning round; and this may be occa-
lc fioned either when an animal is fearful of
*c falling, or from a repletion or overfulnefs
% 4                        V of
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312         STAGGERS, &c.
<f of thofe arteries which are fituated near the
*' optic nerve, which, by preffing upon ths
^ brain, will caufe a fhaking in that nerve.
$i Now (fays he) if we examine a little care-
tf fully into all the different appearances of
" that diflemper which farriers call thejigg-
f' gers,
we mall find them reducible to one
" of thefe maladies above defcribed." He
then proceeds to prove that the ftaggers may
be the effect of either; then mentions an at-
tack when the horfe is firft turned to grafs,
after a day or two's full feeding, and defines
that apopledic; and a fourth, that is, :" either
?? a true apoplexy, or a vertigo, or perhaps
*' both." I omit enlarging here upon thefe
palpable abfurdities and dired: contradictions,
quoting them to demonftrate the rnconfiftency
pf following him through all triefe turnings
and windings, to eftablifh a profeffional myf- «
tery in deceptively attempting to afcertain dis-
tinctions where none can with truth or cer-
tainty be formed.
ft The following evil, or convulfions, (he
f* fays) is that which, in the phyfician's terms,
ff comes under the denomination of an Epi-
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STAGGERS, &c;         313
*' lepfy, and feems to be no other than an.
f* apoplexy or vertigo, accompanied with
" convulfions, either as the caufe or effect.'".
This being a kind of fynonymous ambiguity,
I mall fo confider it, and revert to.his defini-
tion of convulfions at large; where he fays,
-" The caufe of convulfions are firft whatever
*.' wades and eshaufts the body, or any of
"its parts; as the taking away too much
" blood, violent purging, hard labour, or long
!" ficknefs. Secondly, whatever fills the body
'-* too much, and gives origin to obftrudtions
-<c in jhe blood veifels or nerves, or brings
** a debility and weaknefs into the flomach;
'* and, laftly, wounds, or whatever elfe caufes
*( pain and inflammation : as to the cure it is
" the fame with that of apoplexy and ver-
" tigo." He has thus technically and ab-
ftrufcly laboured through a multiplicity of clofe
written pages to perplex the mind and con-
found the judgment, mifleading his readers by
repeated attempts to prove the diflinct exigence
,of all thefe feparate difeafes; though at the
conclufion of each description, he acknow-
ledges they are nearly fynonymous, and come
direcfly under the fame methods of cure.
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314 STAGGER S, &c.
This is abfolutely the fact brought into the
compafs of truth, and will exculpate me from
the accufation of neglect or deception in not
treating feparately upon fuch difeafes; and,
by introducing a train of imaginary fymptoms,
endeavour to give the appearance, of weight
to what muft be termed a mere matter of
conjecture. As they are diforders that luckily
happen but feldom, I lhall confine myfelf to
their defcription and treatment as the ft aggers
and convuljions only; the instructions neceffary
for the management of thofe being univerfally
admitted adequate to the intentional cure of
the long lift of et ceteras.
Horfes, upon the approach of any of thofe
diforders, whofe feat is directly in the brain,
or nervous fyftem, difplay a previous weak-
nefs. and inactivity, feeming to move reluc-
tantly, reeling or daggering in their walk,
frequently blinking their eyes, as feeling fome
aukward depreffion or uneafinefs from the ef-
fect of light; they are averfe to handling, and
brought out of the ftable with difficulty: in
time a vifible tremor comes on, and after
reeling (or frequently turning round, if look)
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STAGGERS, &c.          315
they fall almoft lifelefs to the ground, having
'the perceptible power of breathing only, buc
that in a degree of violence and agitation';
this is termed the apoplexy, or staggers
admitted fynonymous and fimilar in caufe
fymptoms, and effect^.
The great variety of fymptoms that have
been hitherto worked up to a pitch of extra-
vagance, exciting a degree of credulity to the
difcrimination of thefe difeafes, would ren-
der it a palpable burlefque upon the fubjedt
to go over a fimilar ground j they having in-
cluded and enumerated every poffible fymp-
torn (common to all diftempers) in the de-
fcription of this clafs, determined to include
the whole, that no one circumftance might be
wanting to juftify their affertions, or confirm
their judgment. Whether it is Epilepfy,
Palfy, Convulfions, or Stag-evil, fymptoms are
amply furhifhed: we are repeatedly told " The
* horfe reels and ftaggers; his eyes are fixed
« in his head; he has no fenfe of what he is
" doing j he ftales and dungs infenfibly; he
J* runs round and falls fuddenly; fometimes
he is immoveable, with his legs ftretched out
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ii6          STAGGERS, &c.
" as if he was dead, except only a quick motion
" of his heart and lungs, which caufes a violent
" working of his fknks; fometimes he has in-
" voluntary motions and making of his limbs
" fo ftrong, that he has not only beat and
" fpurnedhis litter but the pavement with it."
Here is ample proof how much I might in-
             dulge myfelf in playing upon the alternatives
they admit, fo cautioujly guarded with their
adverb of poffibility j I could introduce a very
long chain of quotations in the fame ftyle of am-
biguity or duplicity, plentifully interfperfed with
their favourite fafeguard "fometimes he is up, and
** fometimes he is down j zn&fometimes he is hot,
" and fometimes he is cold j fometimes they reco-
" ver,andfometimes theyprovemortal,"&c.butit
/ has ever been the intent of this work to make the
cause, symptoms, and cure of every difeafe
as clear as the nature of each cafe will admit;
being unavoidably interfperfed with medical
remarks and occafional explanations, where
technical terms could not be evaded; I fball
therefore revert no more to a fucceffion or repe-
tition of fymptoms, where enough has been
already pointed out to explain to any rational
pbferver a cafe originating in the caufes we
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STAGGERS, &c.          317
now treat of; and whichever it is, or to what
denomination it is mofl: properly entitled, the
feat of difeafe being the fame, the cure mult
be correfponding: but in thefe, and in all other
diforders, a little judgment muft be exerted
to regulate the treatment by circumftances, as
fymptoms cannot on every occafion be col-
lected from boa$s, or be found in one diftem-
per always the fame.
Difeafes originating in the moft abftrufe re-
ceffes of nature, and thatwill admit fuch a com-
plication of conflructions, may proceed from a
variety of caufes clearly comprehended; as, in
all probability, they may likewife from many
that we are entirely unacquainted with. Among
the former is that caufe originating in the pre-
ternatural increafe of the velocity of the blood,
inftantaneouflyafFeftingthe brain; as is annually
confirmed by the lofs of hundreds, in madly
exceeding the bounds of humanity, arid ex-
haufting the ftrength and power of an animal
made by Nature fufficiently ftrong to bear
almoft every talk the degeneracy or avarice of
man could be fuppofed to invent. In corro-
boration of this circumftance of the premature
deaths occaiioned by increafing the velocity of
-ocr page 340-
318 STAGGERS, &c.
the blood beyond the limits prefcribed by
Nature, I prefent to the reader's imagination
that infinity of moil beautiful horfes that upon
every principal road in England conftantly fall
vidims to the rapidity of MAIL COACHES,
POST TRAVELLERS i more particularly
in the extreme heat of fummer, when they
are feen daily dying martyrs to the eagernefs
of impatient travellers, or the innate cruelty of
inhuman drivers. To thefe fome (but a very
few) of private property may be added, hard
drove upon long and fpeedy journies, and
others imprudently rode, and improperly
managed, during chafes cf great length, in
ftrong deep countries, with fleet hounds.
Others become the Subjects of thefe dif-
orders from great irritation (with fevere and
excruciating pains) in the ftomach and bowels j
the powerful effects of worms or bots in the
inteflinal canal; fharp acrid medicines j a re-
pulfion of any morbid matter from the Surface,
without its being carried off by proper evacu-
ations; or wounds, dislocations, &c. They are
frequently known to attack very fuddenly, and
terminate in death very fpeediiy; at others the
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STAGGERS, &c.          319
approach is indicated by the fymptoms before
recited. The mod rational methods of cure
will be to correct or difcharge the primary
caufe, to allay the fpafms, and to reduce the
extreme degree of irritability, by Itrengthening
the nervous fyftem; the caufes of irritation arc
not only remote but various, and relief rrnafl:
confequently be occaiionally obtained by dif-
ferent means.
The firfl ftep to cure will be, at all events,
to draw blood, and that in quantity according
to exigencies and the fkte of your fubject.
In cafes of real alarm and danger bleed in two
veins remote from each other, to caufe the
greater revuliion: although it becomes abfo-
lutely neceffary to ftimulate and roufe the ani-
mal powers after the paroxyfrn, little can be
done during the fit; however a giyfcer may
be prepared, according to the following direc-
tions, and given as foon as pofTible.
If the caufe is afcertained (or fuppofed) to
proceed from an increafed velocity of the blood,
and confequent inflammation upon the brain,
give the glyfler prefcribed in p. 45: if from
extreme irritation in the ftomach and bowels,
-ocr page 342-
32b STAGGERS, &c.
give the domejiic glyfter, p. 239, with thd
addition of liquid laudanum half an ounce. If
the continual preying and depredations of bots^
or worms, are the eaufe, give, for the prefentj
the following glyfter 3 and lb foon as the horfe
is fufficiently recovered to go through the
courfe, proceed as directed under that head :
Take of rue, favin, and wormwood, each a
handful; boil a quarter of an hour in two
quarts of water^ with four ounces of common
fait; then ftrain and add tincture of afafoetida
two ounces, olive oil a quarter of a pint, and
let it be thrown up moderately warm.
If the complaint proceeds from a too free
ufe of fharp or acrid medicines, make an addi-
tion of two ounces of Venice treacle, and three
drachms of liquid laudanum to the common
dome/tic glyfter before fpecified. For fimilar
complaints proceeding from indeterminate
caufes, the gfyjter, p. 45, will be undoubtedly
Should fpafms or convilfions prove fo vio-
lent that, by a contraction of the mufcles, the
jaws are locked, or fixed, for any confiderable
length of time (the fit being of long duration),
-ocr page 343-
STAGGERS, &c. 321
fecourfe rauft be had to nutritive glyfters, that
the frame may be fupported, notwithftand;ng
its inability to receive aliment by other means.
Thefe may be prepared of different kinds, as
broths, gruel, milk pottage, calf's feet jelly,
thin; or a decodion of ground rice mixed
with ftarch. So foon as the fit is fufficiently
off, to admit the advantage of medicine, give
the following ball, if it can be conveniently
Take myrrh, ammoniacum, and afafcetida, of
each three drachms j
Ruffia caftor and camphire each a drachm;
Syrup fufficient to make the ball.
This fhould be repeated every ten or twelve
hours, for two or three days, or till the
abfence of the fit leaves no apprehenfion of
return. Where circumfrances or fymptoms
may render a drink more convenient, the
following may be prepared and given at the
above (lated intervals;
Y                         Take
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322          STAGGER S, &c.
Take of valerian root and horferadifli root
(fcraped or fliced) each two ounces;
Virginian fnake root and milliard feed (bruifed)
each one ounce ; upon thefe pour three pints
of boiling water; let them be covered clofe;
and when nearly cold enough for ufe ftrain
through a cloth, ufing preflure to the ingre-
dients, that the whole may be extracted.
Half of this to be given for one dofe, and re-
peated in fix, eight, or ten hours, as circum-
ftances may require.
In cafes of danger, and at a great distance
Irom towns where the above articles cannot
be immediately obtained, fubftitute a ftrong
infufion, of rue, camomile, horferadifli, muf-
tard, or pennyroyal j taking two ounces of each
of the three that can be mofr. expeditioufly
procured, and pour upon them three pints of
boiling water; let them fland till nearly cool,
ftrain off, and give die proportion above direct-
ed, repeating it as there fpecified; remem-
bering this is prefcribed only as a temporary
fubftitute till more powerful reliefs can be
obtained; and not by any means to be put in
competition- with the efficacious fiimulants
before recommended.
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STAGGERS, &c.          323
When the fit is gone off, fhould the fiibjed:
be left in a kind of ftupor or nervous debilita-
tion, with fpafms or twitchings in the ftomach.
and bowels that occafion great pain, it will be
readily perceived, and more particularly afcer-
tained by his frequent looking back to one fide
or the other, with his nofe towards the feat of
pain, and his uneafy fhifting from place to
place. In fuch cafe anodynes will afford'the
greateft certainty of relief; therefore give either
the following ball or drink fo foon as conve-
Take galbanum, afafcetida, and ftorax pill, each
half an ounce;
Syrup of diacodium fufficient to make the ball.
Take of valerian root oneounce and a half, fnake
root half an ounce; let both be bruifed to a
grofs powder, and infufe in boiling water a
pint and a quarter, with faffron two drachms;
when fufficientl? cool drain off, and add tinc-
ture of afafcetida one ounce, liquid laudanum
two drachms, giving the whole a little warm.
If the fpafms or twitchings are frequent and
violent, the drink will be preferable to the ball,
Y 2                               as
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324          STAGGERS, &c.
as coming by much the readied into action and
effect Where this medicine cannot be given
as a drink, it may as a glyfter, either with or
without the faffron, repeating it at any diftance
of time that occafion or circumftances may
Should any local paralytic affection, or con-
traction of the mufcle, produce a ftiffhefs or
inactivity upon any particular part, friction,
with ftrong penetrating embrocations, muft be
immediately brought into ufe and perfevered
in; of that clafs are the following:
Take oil of Barbadoes tar eight ounces;
/Etherial oil of turpentine and camphorated
fpirits of wine, each four ounces — Mix to-
gether, and let the affected parts be fubftan-
tially' bathed with fuch proportion as may
be adequate to the cafe every night and
Take opodeldoc fix ounces;
Oils of origanum, amber, and wormwood, of
each half an ounce.—Mix well together, and
ufe as above.
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STAGGERS, &c.           325
Whichever is adopted (though the former
is certainly the fir ft in power and higheft in
eftimation) muft be rubbed into whatever part
may be affected with great patience and afli-
duity, as nothing but length of time and per-
feverance in the operation can effect a fuffi-
cient penetration to the remote feat of com-
plaint. Horfes that are of a full plethoric
habit, when attacked with this difeafe, fhould,
fo foon after recovery as they are able to bear
it, be brought under a courfe of regular eva-
cuations, fuch as are mod applicable to their
fize, ftate, conftitution, and condition. If
they are inclined to fluctuating acrimonious
humours, or vilcid heavy foulnefs, let purges
be foon brought into ufe; and introduce a
rowel, if the cafe indicates the propriety,
taking off fomewhat of their former high feed-
ing. If the ftomach and bowels have been the
{eat of difeafe from irritability, either by inter-
nal weaknefs or improper treatment, affift the
general fyftem with a dozen of the reftorative
cordial balk
(p. 209), after a proper conti-
nuance of the nervous medicines, letting one
be given every morning. If from worms, fo
foon as he is fufficiently recovered from the
Y 3                   alarming
-ocr page 348-
326         STAGGERS, Src.
alarming ftate of d.feafe, give one of the mer*
curial purging balU^
according to his ftate and.
temperament, regulating the courfe as partis
cuiarly explained in p. 261 and 262.
The general and proper mode of treatment
in every ftage of thefe complaints having
been explicitly introduced, I mall beg leave
to obferve, prefcriptions and competitions in-
numerable might be added, in compliance with
cuftom, to give the fubjecl: an appearance of
greater w ght, by prolonging, expending, and
varying the methods of cure. But the facl
is, fuch clafs of medicines are at once brought
forward for every difeafe as are well eftabhuhed
and high in eftimation, for their different ef-
fects, that paltry, extraneous, deceptive aids,
may be totally rejected to prevent unnecefTary
trouble, expenfe, and difappointmenr. In the
prefent we have nearly abandoned the ancient
practice, we applaud no " burning fetons with
" red hot irons," recommend no " chewing
" balls to champ upon," compofedof afafcelida,
and a combination of articles to create a
naufea, and render the ftomach eternally un-
eafyj nor do we adopt the fyftem of '-■ ftitch-
                                                    " ing
-ocr page 349-
STAGGERS, &c.         327
" ing up in the ears garlic, rue, aquavitce,
<c cloves, ginger,
and bay fait," either as re-
medies or provocatives to madnefs; but fub-
mit to public confideration and practice fuch
methods of treatment and cure as are founded
on the bafis of fafety, reafon, and experience.
Y4              CLASS.
-ocr page 350-
( 328 )
It has been a profeffional cuflom, time im-
memorial, to diftinguifh every diforder of the
flomach and bowels producing extreme pain,
by the denomination of gripes, or the
fret; though little has been produced by the
beft writers to explain the different caufes, and
frill lefs to eftablifh a confident method of
cure. This deficiency, it muft be acknow-
ledged, has not arifen from a want of pre-
fcriptions; on the contrary, they have been
moil liberally difpenfed; but when the great
variety of recipes that have been offered to
public experiment become fubjecl to the ac-
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CHOLIC, &c.               3g9
curate infpedion of the enlightened praclitionei
the> may perhaps appear to be more the col-
le&ed effufions of fancy than the efFedt of'judg-
As it is not, however, the prefent in-
tention to divert the mind to former modes of
pradice, let us endeavour to make the diftind
caufes of complaint properly underftood, pre-
vious to the introduction of fuch cowrie of
medicines as «^r/«z«hasdejrlydemonftrated
moft fafe and applicable to the relief of difeafes,
upon which we proceed to treat.
The difofders to which horfes are moil
fubjed in the ftomach and bowels (exclufive of
thofe occafioned by worms and bots, already
feparately treated on) are thofe kinds of Choiic
which it will be neceffary to diftinguirti as the
flatulent and inflammatory. The Flatulent
Choiic is that fpccies of internal pain, occa-
fioned by an accumulation and retention of
wind, which, by its expanding force, in a
conftant fluctuation and effort for difc'harge,
extends the ftomach and inteftines to a certain
degree (or perhaps their utmoft elafticity);
when coming into dired opposition with the
contracting power of the abdominal mufcles
certain pain is excited in a greater or lefs de-
-ocr page 352-
230              C II O L I C, &c.
gree, according to the circumference and exten-
fion of the parts, the collection of confined air,
and the proportional fpafm produced by its
This kind of Cholic comes on fuddenly, and
may, in general, be readily diftinguifhed by the
rumbling of the imprifoned air through the in-
tefHnes for vent or difcharge. It is occafioned
by hafty and full feeding after long fading;
drinking cold water when hot, or in too large
quantity; or when the obftru&ed perfpirable
matter is thrown immediately upon the bowels
by a powerful revuliion, effected in a change
from heat to extreme cold, &c. There is no
gradual progreffion in this complaint from flight
fymptoms; its appearance is mofily fudden,
and attack violent; the fubject bceomes in
more meafure outrageous; he ft; ikes his belly
with his feet, looks wildly on either fide to-
wards his hind parts, lies down unexpectedly,
and rifes as fuddenly. When the pain is ex-
cruciating, vibrations of the whole frame are
perceptible; to thefe a palpable moifture or
fweat fucceed, but not of long duration; a
rigour or fhivering frequently follows the per-
foration; he repeatedly lies down, rolls him-
-ocr page 353-
CHOLIC. &c,              331
felf upon his litter; and, feeming exhaufted
with pain, ftretches himfelf out as in a dying
ftate. The firft ftep to relief mud be regu-
lated, in iome meafure, by the eafe or difficulty
of obtaining thofe articles that are rendered by
circumftances moft adequate to the purpofe.
If in or near a town where the medicines can
be readily procured, let the following ball
be prepared and given fo foon as poffible:
Take anifeed powder one ounce;
Mithridate half an ounce ;
Grain of Paradiie and ginger (both in powder)
of each two drachms;
Oils of juniper and anifeed each a drachm;
Syrup fufficient to make the ball.
This ball to be repeated in two hours if the
urgency of the cafe fhould render it ncceifary;
on the contrary, if the fymptoms are much
alleviated by the firft, repeat it in four or fix
hours as circumftances may require. Where a
drink is thought preferable, or the adminiftra-
tion more convenient, and the ingredients can
be eaaly obtained, prepare the following:
-ocr page 354-
Take coriander, fweet fennel, anife feeds, and
Jamaica pepper, bruifed, each an ounce and
half; grains of Paradife half an ounce •, gin-
ger two drachms. B.uife feparately in a mor-
tar; then boil in three pints of thin gruel for
ten minutes; ftrain and add of compound ani-
feed water, or, in want of that, Geneva or
brandy half a pint: of this compofition let half
be given fo foon as poffible, and the remain-
der in two, four, or fix hours, as the miti-
gation or feyerity of fymptoms may di&ate.
If the diftance from a town, or difficulty of
obtaining the above preparations, mould render
a fubftitute unavoidable, the following attempt,
to relieve fhould be inftantly adopted;
Take of ginger, caraways, nutmegs, Jamaica
pepper; or in fact of any two fpices (the
houfe affords in the emergency), each an
ounce; bruife together in a mortar, and boil
a few minutes in three quarters of a pint of
gruel or ale, with two or three ounces of fugar;
then ftrain and add a gill of Geneva or brandy,
giving the drink moderately warm.
This, in country places, and remote farm-
houfes, may be found an ufeful arid convenient
fubftitute during the time unavoidably neceffary
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CHOLIC, &c.               333
to procure more powerful and efficacious re-
After a repetition of either of the two former
compofitions, fhould the horfe not be relieved
either by evacuations of ftool, urine, or expul-
sion of wind, let the body undergo a gentle
motion, by leading about for a quarter of an
hour (or longer), if it can be juftified by cir-
Should this combination of endeavours to
relieve fail in effect, the thoughts muff, be im-
mediately diverted from a continuationof warm,
cordial ftimulants to a relaxation of the intef-
tines; to promote which the following glyjler
mould be prepared and adminiftered with the
greateft expedition.
Take camomile, marfhmallows, wormwood,
elder flowers, or rofemary, of any two moft
convenient, each a large handful; Jamaica
pepper, and fenna, of each one ounce; gin-
ger (bruifed with the pepper) half an ounce •
boil in two quarts of water for a quarter of an
hour, ftrain off, preffing the ingredients; then
add of olive oil and Geneva, or brandy, each a
quarter of a pint, and let the whole be thrown
moderately warm into the paffage by gradual
and gentle prefTure.
-ocr page 356-
334           e i-t o l i c, &c.
This is to be repeated in three or four hours,
if by the evacuation of foul indurated excre-
ments and expulfion of wind a proportion of
relief is obtained, but the fubjecl not perfectly
at eafe; on the contrary, fhould no relief be
obtained, and the horfe continue in extreme
pain, recourfe mud be inftantly had to the
following laxative drink, which, if circum-
ftances require, muft be occafionally repeated
till relief is obtained by great expuliions of
wind or plentiful evacuations.
Take fenna two ounces; boil a few minutes in
three quarters of a pint of water, with three
drachms of ginger bruifed; then ftrain and
diflblve in the liquid four ounces of lenitive
electuary, and fix drachms of iblubile tartar;
adding three ounces of tincture of fenna, and
one of the tincture of jalap.
So foon after this as the horfe is inclined
fupply him frequently with fmall quantities of
fubftantial gruel moderately warm; and when
he is ib much relieved that the pains have evi-
dently fubfided, in confequence of either of the
above modes of treatment, let him befupplied
with comfortable mafhes, and warm water
(flightly impregnated^ with gruel) at proper
-ocr page 357-
CHOLIC, &c.            335
intervals, for a few days; confirming the cure
and ftrengthening the ftomach and bowels,
by giving, for a few mornings, one of the
reflorative cordial balk, prefcribed in p. 209.
The judicious inquirer will obferve, the former
fiery practice (of pepper, gin, turpentine, brine,
and a long lift of et ceteras) is rejected, as
founded upon the balls of uncertainty and dan-
ger; confequently not entitled to a place in the
Modern Syftem of Farriery. The wonder-
ful variety of prefcriptions commonly obtruded
for the particular purpofes of appearance, are
here intentionally avoided to prevent deception:
the above method of treatment, with the pro-
greffional alternatives, being abfolutely adequate
to every poffibility of relief, where the col-
lection and retention of wind are fuppofed to
conftitute the diforder paffing under the general
denomination of fret, or cholic.
The diftin& Kind of CHOLIC
I now proceed to explain is diftinguifhed, in
common practice, by the appellation of Gripes',
but, for the better comprehension of all parties*
I fhall confider it an inflammatory Cholic,
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22&              C it O L I C, &e.
without reverting to the language of others,
terming that " bilious," to which, in my
humble opinion, there can in this inftance
be no bilious explanation appertaining. In the
predominant fymptoms of thefe kinds of Cholic
there is but little difference; in the inflamma-
tory, of which we now treat, they however run
higher, or, in other terms, more violent; the
pain is evidently excruciating, and proceeds
from coftivenels, with great accumulation of
indurated faces, or hardened excrements. The
redtum, teems loaded, and vifibly preffed to the
fundament, which appears prominent; a con-
ftant ftraining and endeavour to expel dung,
with no other difcharge than a difcoloured
hot, fharp liquid; a frequent pofition is formed
for ftaling without fuccefs; and the extreme
pain foon produces fymptomatic fever, with
fhort breathing, heaving in the flanks, extra-
vagant actions, and general exertions, that very
much alarm with the apprehenfion of imme-
diate danger. To allay which, it will be ad-
vifeable to take off the fpafm or ftridure from
the interlines, by an expeditious folution and
difcharge of their contents, thereby preventing
inflammation ;and its certain, if not immediate,
confequences. This deferable event rrnift be
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CHOLIC, &c.            337
ibllcited by a combination of efforts, without
inconfiderately waiting hour after hour for the
refult of a fingle adminiftration; a junction of
aid muft therefore be formed for the occafion,
and the following glyjler prepared and injected
without delay:
Take of common gruel three pints;
Epfom fairs four ounces;
Tincture of fenna and olive oil each a quarter of
a pint.
This being adminiftered let a laxative drink
be prepared with the following ingredients,
and given fo foon as circumftances wili
Take fenna one ounce;
Caraway feeds bruifed, and cream of tartar,
each half an ounce.—Boil for ten minutes in
three quarters of a pint of water, in which
diffolve four ounces of Glauber fairs, then
Drain and add tincture of jalap one ounce.
If relief and plentiful evacuations are not
obtained by thefe means fo foon as may rea-
fonably be expected, prevent (if poffible) the
increafe of inflammatory fymptoms, by taking
Z                           away
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338               CHOLI C, &c.
away a moderate proportion of blood from
the neck; for, in this advanced ft age of the
diforder, appearances of danger can only be
fubdued by a removal of obftru&ions. It may
therefore be naturally inferred (without intro-
ducing, in compliance with cuftom, a multi-
plicity of prefcriptions to embarrafs the mind
and perplex the judgment) that thefe effects
can only be produced by perfeverance in a
repetition of either or both the above, as exi-
gencies may direcl or di&ate, till the neceffary
difcharges are obtained; without which, in-
flammation and mortification will inevitably
enfue. Glyfters muft confequently follow
each other, without much intermiffion, till
the point is carried ; to promote which, let
fmall quantities of warm thin gruel be fre-
quently offered, with one ounce of nitre in
each: warm mafhes may alfo be given, if the
horfe mould be inclined or enabled to receive
Immediate eafe generally fucceeds the necef-
fary evacuations, the fubject then only labour-
ing under the laffitude that is fo conflnntly the
concomitant of extreme pain. All obftruc-
tions therefore being removed, and plentiful
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CHOEIC, &c.            3J9
difcharges obtained, contribute the fupport
that Nature will fo evidently (land in need of,
by preparing a comfortable warm mafh of
oats and bran equal parts; into which ftir of
anifeed, liquorice, and elecampane powders,
each one ounce. In two or three hours after
this mam is confumed give the following
cordial flomachic ball, or drink, as may be
moft applicable to the intent or opinion of
the operator or fuperintendent; warning down
either with two or three quarts of very thin
gruel, if the horfe be inclined to take it:
Take mithridate and anifeed (in powder) of
each half an ounce;
Saffron and London philoniurn each two
Oil of anifeed one drachm ; Syrup (if necef-
fary) to make the ball.
Take anife, coriander, and fweet fennel feeds,
of each one ounce; carraway feed and gin-
ger each half an ounce. Let them all be
reduced to a grofs powder, and boiled in a
pint and half of gruel till reduced to a pint j
then {train, preffing the ingredients, and lee
it be given of a proper warmth.
Z 2                          This
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340            C H O L I C, &c.
This will prove, upon moft occafions, all
the medical affiftance the fubjecT: will require j
but after recovery his ftate and condition
fhould be attended to j no ftrong exercife or
cold water can be proper for the firft two or
three daysj his feeds fhould likewife be regu-
lated by appetite or inclination; rather feeding
often, and in fmall quantities, than to hazard
a relaxation of the tone of the ftomach, and
a debilitation of the digeftive powers, by
large feeds at diftant periods. If there are
any indications of weaknefs, languor, inac-
tivity, lofs of appetite, heavinefs and averfion
to motion, or flight fymptoms of pain, pro-
ceed to a courfe of the cordial balls, p. 209,
giving one every morning, or every night and
morning, fhould any of the above recited cir-
cumftances render it neceffary. Previous to
the final difmiffion of this article, it cannot
be inapplicable to enforce an exertion of the
attention abfolutely requifite in the manage-
ment of horfes; where cafes of imminent
danger (as in the prefent inftance) may almoft
inftantly arife from what at firft may appear
trifling and fuperficial.
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CHOLIC, &c.              341
Invariable refolutions mould therefore be
formed and adhered to, ftrictly avoiding what-
ever may conftitute the foundation of either
trouble or danger. A horfe mould never be
fuffered to ftand long in a wet and dirty con-
dition, after chafe or journey; to drink cold
water when hot, or fpring water from well or
pump when pond or river can be obtained:
his feeds mould be likewife regularly difpenfed,
with proper refpeit to equation in time and
proportion in quantity. The quality as well
as quantity of both hay and corn mufl ever
be held in conftant remembrance ; thefe being
jointly and individually neceffary to a per-
manent eftablifhment of health, ftrength, and
condition. To poffefs all which in a high
degree, and to be produced for ftrong and
powerful exertions in the field or on the road,
his regular confumption fhould be two bufhels
of oats and two trufTes of hay per week.
The ftate of the body refpecling evacua-
tions mould not be neglected; regularity in
thefe will be equally neceffary with punctuality
in food: the ftate of a horfe's body may be
moil accurately afcertained by the appearance
of his dung j if it is ejected of a fine bright
Z 3                       colour
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342           SCOURING, &c.
colour (inclining to that of a new guinea),
moderate in confidence, regular and adhefive
in form, coming away without great efforts
and an extenfion of the fundament, approach-
ing to pain, the body may then be considered
in a proper and healthy ftate; but when the
dung comes away with feeming labour, is
remarkably hard in fubftance, very dark in
colour upon falling, and ftt;ong or fcetid in
fmell, it may be fairly concluded, the contents
of the interlines are indurated, and nearly ap-
proaching a flate of difeafe. When they are
obferved to be in this condition a gentle pro-
motion of evacuations, or courfe of purga-
tives, may be premifed, as very falutary pre-
ventatives to danger, expenfe, and trouble.
An aphorifm of the juftly celebrated Boer-
that " Nature never purges herfelf but
*« when me wants purging," is fo firmly fixed
upon the bafis of truth, that it has been very
feldom fubject to exception. But there are, in
-ocr page 365-
SCOURING, &c.           343
fad, rules fo few, (either phyfical or moral)
that will not admit of fome, it can create no
furprife that the maxims of fo great a man
fhould be entitled to their trifling proportion.
To elucidate a text from authority fo truly ref-
pectable, and bring the matter into a fair dif-
cuffion for every comprehenfion, it will be
unavoidably neceflary to enlarge a little upon
the fubjedt we wifh clearly to explain.
The fact is, when a quantity of grofs food
and colle&ed impurities are accumulated and
pent up within the confined limits of the in-
ternal canal, whether obstructed in the firft
or laft paffages, the inconvenience (though dif-
ferent in fymptoms) may be ultimately the
fame in effect. For the aliment, by the ob-
ftrudlion in its natural progrefs, through the
ftomach or interlines, and preternatural reten-
tion there, acquires a degree of acrimonious
malignity, that, at a certain period, (depend-
ing upon the habit and constitution), ftimulates
and begins toad upon the internal coat of the
interlines, till, by the ftimulus of one, and the
irritability of the other, a folution of the ex-
crements enfuej and Nature is enabled to re-
lieve herfeif, by throwing off that load which
Z 4                            the
-ocr page 366-
344            SCOURING, &c.
the attention of the matter, and the interpo-
fition of art, would fometimes do well to re-
move. And this is the more neceflary to be
retained in memory, when it is recollected
that where Nature fails in, or is inadequate
to, the production and completion of this
effort, in her own defence, fhe becomes
gradually overpowered; the interlines are
enormouily loaded, and the over-repletion at
length inevitably conftitutes the Gripes, or In-
flammatory Cholic, on which we laft treated.
But where Nature is fortunately adequate to
her own work, and the accumulation is fpon-
taneouily carried off, Boerhaaves maxim is
ftrictly verified; and it becomes palpably clear
to every obferver Nature does not purge her-
felf till fhe wants purging.
This kind of Lax, or Loofenefs, is mod rea-r
dily diftinguifhed from fuch as arife from other
caufesj the horfe is previoufly dull, heavy, and
inactive, feemingly opprefled, and vifibly over-
loaded, though without any appearance of
extreme pain, but fubjecl to a general difqui-
etude; the dung firft comes away with a de-
gree of folidity; the evacuations then become
more frequent, and at laft loofe; the difcharges
-ocr page 367-
SCOURING, &c.             345
are at length rapid in fucceffion, large in quan-
tity, dark in colour, foetid in fmell; bearing
the appearance of impregnation with greafe,
as if with fbme foul oily Jubilance in the intef-
tines, fimilar to the laft difcharge after the
injection of a glyfter. Nature, in the prefent
inftance, generally performs her own work
with fo much eafe, that the leaft appearance of
pain is hardly perceptible. In preference to
the cuftom of waiting day after day for its ter-
mination,, thereby giving it an opportunity,
by its acrimonious quality, (which may irri-
tate and affect more or lefs, according to cir-
cumftances and the ftate of the fubject acled
upon) to debilitate the frame, it will be moft
prudent to give the following laxative drink,
and affift Nature in carrying off what it would
be highly improper to reftrain :
Take fenna and cream of tartar each two ounces;
Epibm falts three ounces;
Ginger bruifed half an ounce.—Boil in a pint of
thin gruel for ten minutes; then ftrain and let
it be given a little warm, and the gentle ope-
ration encouraged by frequent fmall quantities
of gruel water.
On the contrary, fhould this plan be rejeded
as ynneceflary, and the loofenefs or fcouring
-ocr page 368-
346          S C (DURING, &c.
continue for any length of time, fo as not only
to expel the accumulated contents, but, by its
{harp and acrid quality, to ftimulate the intef-
tines and caufe an expulfion of the mucus,
(with which they are internally guarded) with
ineffectual ftrainings and painful fenfations,
warm cordial reftringents will be highly necef-
fary, and may be adminiftered in the follow-
ing forms;
Take diafcordium fix drachms, gum arabic,
prepared chalk, and armenian bole, each half
an ounce-, ginger (in powder) one drachm ;
oil of aniieed forty drops; fyrup, a fmall
quantity, to complete the ball.
This may be repeated fix, eight, or twelve
hours, as the feverity of the cafe may require;
the rejlringent mafn (p. 46), may be ccca-
fionally brought into ufe. If folid food is re-
fufed, a gruel fhould be given for drink, made
fo thick as to be but barely liquid. If the ex-
pe&ed relief be not foon obtained, and the
fubjecT: is affedted with fpafms or twitchings
in the in.teftin.es, add to the above ball two
-ocr page 369-
SCOURING, &c.            347
drachms of liquid laudanum, or ten grains of
opium. If the horfe is inclined to drink fre-
quently, (as in all probability he will be)
give one ounce of gum arabic duTolved in a
fmall quantity of water, and added to his gruel
once in every five or fix hours.
Where a ball is found inconvenient, or a
drink preferred, let the following be prepared:
Take calcined (commonly called burnt) hartf-
horn three ounces;
Gum arabic one ounce;
Cinnamon half an ounce ;
Ginger two drachms. Boil in a quart of water
rill it will produce a pint clear of the ingre-
dients ; then {train and add tincture of Japan
earth one ounce and a half; liquid laudanum
two drachms.
The above ball and drink are powerfully
reftrinpent: and, with the cordial aromatic
affiftants, are admirably calculated to reftore
the tone of the interlines, and reduce their
irritability. No larger field for relief need be
explored; increafe or diminifh any of the dif-
ferent ingredients, as circumftances may re-
quire or judgment direct; and bring the dofes
-ocr page 370-
34S          SCOURING, &c.
of either nearer to each other, if appearances
of danger juilify the neceffity.
Should the predominant fymptoms refufe
fubmiffion to a repetition of the medicines
here prescribed, prepare the following anodyne
and repeat it once in eight or twelve
hours till fuccefs attends the joint admini-
Take linfeed two ounces; gum arabic one
ounce. Boil in two quarts of gruel for fome
time; then ftrain and add of diafcordium one
ounce and a half; liquid laudanum half an
ounce, and cold drawn linfeed oil four ounces.
Lee it be thrown into the body with a proper
bag and pipe, ufing gentle preiTure.
So foon as the inteftinal acrimony is ob-
tunded by thefe means, and the excrements
refume their criginal form, let the return of
natural ftrength be folicited by every care and
attention ; give occafionally warm comfortable
rnafhes, as moil applicable to the flate of ap-
petite, and let no water entirely cold be drank
for fome days; introduce your dry feeds by
-ocr page 371-
SCOURING, &c.          349
degrees, and let half a dozen of the cordial
(p. 209), be brought into ufe; giving
one every morning or evening to prevent flatu-
lence, and act as a warm reftorative ftimulant
to the ftomach and inteftines.
Having fo much enlarged upon this diftinct
kind of Lax, or Scouring, proceeding from
repletion, it becomes neceffary to animadvert
upon the fame diforder, when originating in a
different caufe. A fevere laxation, or loofenefs,
then is known frequently to arife from a de-
praved ftate of the flomach, and a debility or
weaknefs of the powers neceffary to the pur-
pofes of digeftion. The lofs of appetite is
occafioned by a relaxation of the elafticjty or
natural tone of the ftomach j the blood is im-
poverimed by a deficiency in its nutritious fup-
port of chyle through the lacteals; and the bile
becomes equally defective, in being deprived of
its due proportion of ftimulus, confequently
inadequate to the tafk it is deftined to perform.
The chain of operation being thus obflru6b-
ed, the whole fyftem is in a great meafure de-
ranged, and the half digefted aliment foon
Engenders fermentation by its acidity; and, in
-ocr page 372-
35©           SCOURING, &c.
an effort of Nature, prepares itfclf for ap-
proaching expulfion. The interlines, from
the crude indigefted aliment, and inert ftate of
the bile, foon become relaxed, and their con-
tents run off almoft fpontaneoufly, the horfe
feeming little prepared for or concerned in the
event. The difcharges continuing, become in
a few davs almoft inceffant, and conftitute fre- —
quent irritations, and fevere (trainings to dung,
with no other effecT; than an ichorous fcalding
liquid, or trifling evacuations of flimy mucus,
from the internal coat (or lining of the in-
In this particular cafe there requires a ge-e-
ral relief to the univerfal debility of the intef-
tinal trac~l; the firft ftep to which muft be to
{heath the acrimony, and reduce irritability in
both the firft and laft paffages; then gradually
reftore the powers of digeftion, and invigorate
the whole fyftem by a courfe of ftomachic
Take of India rhubarb, and compound powder
of gum dragon, each half an ounce ; co'umbo
root (in powder) two drachms; ginger (in
-ocr page 373-
SCOUPvING, &c.          351
powder) one drachm ; opium fifteen grains 5
conferve of orange peel fix drachms; fyrup of
diafcordium fufficient to form a ball.
This to be repeated in twelve, eighteen, or
twenty-four hours, as exigencies may require.
For a fubftitute the following drink will prove
equally applicable and efficacious.
Take linfeed, burnt hartfhorn, and gum arable,
of each one ounce; boil in a pint and half of
water to a pint; then ftrain and add tincture
of cinnamon two ounces; liquid laudanum
two drachms.
Let this be given every morning for three in
fucceffion ; the reftringent majli (p. 46) may
be occafionally offered, or, in refufal of that
and dry corn, give a warm mafh at proper pe-
riods, compounded of bran and ground oat-
meal equal parts; if the ffimulus and irritation
continue, without any perceptible remifiion or
fubmiffion of fymptoms, let the following
glyfter be given once in every twenty-four
-ocr page 374-
352           S C O U R I N G, Sec.
Take boiled ftarch, of moderate confiftence,
three pints; gum arabic (in powder) two
ounces; liquid laudanum half an ounce; cold
drawn linfeed-oil four ounces.
So foon as the purging (or rather irritation
and ftraining) is fubdued, the appetite will
confequently increafe, and become in fome
meafure reftored; attend to that circum-
ftance, and promote it by every poffible means,
affifting for three or fix mornings with one of
the following rejlordtiveJlomachic balls.
Take Venice treacle half an ounce ; Peruvian
bark fix drachms, columbo root and camo-
mile flowers (in powder) of each two drachms;
oil of caraways five-and-twenty drops; honey
fufficient to make the ball.
If the horfe fhould be very much reduced in
flefh, continue weak in bcdy and appetite,
forming the appearance of general debilitation,
let the frame be univetfally affifted, and the
cure completed by a dozen of the balls pre-
fcribed (p. 209); giving one every morning
either in the ftate there directed or difiblved
in a fufficient portion of gruel)
-ocr page 375-
( 353 )
Is a diforder produced in general by too
great, fudden, or powerful exertions, when a
horfe is not in proper condition : as (Irong and
fevere hunting, long and fpeedy journies, or
hard driving in carriages, when firft taken
from grafs loaded with impurities; juft out of
a dealer's poffeflion, full of light flatulent food;
or when too full of flefh for violent exerciie.
In fuch cafes, from the internal heat, increafed
circulation^ and temporary inflammation, the
fat feated upon the membranes in various
parts of the body undergoes rarefaction and
rapid folution, making diftincl efforts for dis-
charge by the different emun&ories. The
proportion neareft the vefTels becomes abforbed
by the blood (retarding circulation), thereby
producing fome degree of fever; another part
makes its appearance with the excrements.; a
third portion fixes upon the lungs, and ob-
structs refpiration; to thefe a laxation of the
inteflinal contents fucceed; and laftly, a loofe-
nefs, or fcouring, of which we laft treated;
A a                             
-ocr page 376-
fo that in the prefent inftances we plainly per-
ceive the poffibility of almoft a complication
of diforders, originating in a (ingle caufe, and
the foundation of that cause iniifcretion.
A little reflection upon the incontrovertible
truth of this obfervation 'will fuiely point out
to every humane mafter and faithful fervant
the great danger of over-riding, driving, or
fatiguing, any horfe whatever beyond the line
of prudence and confiftency, when not in
high condition for the fervice he may be en-
gaged in, whether turf, field, or road. Let
it be conftantly held in remembrance, more
horfes are ruined and deftroyed by cruelty and
neglecl than by chance or accident. The fub-
ject we now treat on proves (more than any
other) the abfolute neceffity of infuring con-
dition previous to a courfe of conftant bufi-
nefsj this muft be pbtained by a proper re-
moval of thofe impurities or vifcidities that lay
the foundation of what the lineal defendants
from Vulcan have, time out of mind, denomi-
nated humours.
That procefs, when firft taken up from
grafs, or too full of flefh, is particularly ex-
-ocr page 377-
plained under the heads of feedings bleeding,
and purging, in the early part of this work ;
including inftructions that cannot be too rniich
refpeded or perfevered in, by thofe who wifh
to produce their horfes at all times, in fuch
ftyle (for iervices of difficulty or danger) as has
long been tjie fource of equeftrian emulation
in the fporting world, from the lucky poflef-
for of a numerous ftud to the more humble
dependant whom fortune perfuades to be com-
content with one.
The fymptoms are in different fubjeds
more or lefs violent, according to the ftate
and condition at the time of attack; varying
in all, either in a greater or leffer degree, in
proportion to the parts mod affeded by the
fudden revulfion and original caufe. Where-
ever the folution has proved moft partial, the
effed will become mod: predominant j as for
inftance, upon the bowels, lungs, or circu-
lation of the blood by abforption; in the firft
great pain attends the taxation or loofenefsj in*
the fecond great difficulty of breathing from
the expanfion of the lungs, may produce fymp-
toms of inflammation there, as explained in
p. 214. And when die mais of blood is ge-
A a 2
-ocr page 378-
nerally afFe&ed, and preternaturally loaded,
fever mud confequently enfue. Thefe fymp-
toms, as before obferved, all vary in different
fubjecls; but one -is pathognomonic or invariable
in all, which is the general incorporation of a
greafy fubftance with the excrements, nearly
flmilar to the feparated particles of congealed
oil in frofty weather ; previous to the entire
folution of the intettinal contents, and fo long
as the dung retains its ufual form, the greafy
hue appears only upon thje furface, but as it
advances in difeafe it becomes more intimately
So foon as ever the indications are per-
ceived, proper methods fhouid be inftantly
taken to relieve Nature from the threatened
oppreffion, by fuch evacuations as predominant
fymptoms direct; at any rate let plentiful
bleeding- be the firft ftep to reduce prefent, or
prevent approaching, inflammation. If fever
has not come on too rapidly, give, fo foon as
circumftances will permit, the mild laxative
prefcribed under the head of Jlatuknt
p. 334; but, mould the horfe be ftrong
and powerful, (the difcziCc being in its infancy)
give without delay the purging drink, p. 42,
-ocr page 379-
repeating it in three or four days, if prefent ap-
pearances juftify the propriety of the practice.
If the fubjecT: is greatly deprefled with pal-
pable fever, difquietude, lofs of appetite, and
internal painful fenfations, glyflers muft be fub-
ftituted; but as thefe need not be compofed of
variety, make ufe of the glyfter, p 239, which
may be mod ealily prepared. To attenuate
the blood, relieve the lungs and take off the
heterogeneous load from the circulation, as well
as to mitigate all. fymptoms of fever (if fuch
there are) adopt the mode of treatment par-
ticularly defcribed, p. 245, taking in the affift-
ance of the pectoral decoction, p. 216. if the
lungs are very much oppreffed, and fymptoms
of approaching inflammation thereat all appre-
hended. The appetite muft be attended to and
foiicited in every ftage of the difeafe, by com-
fortable mafhes, and the trifling minutias fo
often repeated in the preceding part of the
So foon as alarming or predominant fymp-
toms fubfide, proceed to a courfe of the mild
purging balls, p. 219, going .regularly through
three dofes, at fuch periods as are beft adapted
A a 3                        to
-ocr page 380-
to the ftrength of the hqrfe In a few ,days,
after working off the laft dofe, begin upon the
following j warm diuretics, (well guarded with
aromatics) giving one every morning till the
whole are taken:
Take Caftile or pure white foap ten ounces;
Nitre and rofin each fix ounces;
Anifeed (in powder) four ounces j
Camphor and ginger (in powder), each one
Oil of juniper fix drachms—Honey fufneient to
form the mafs •, which divide into balls of two
ounces each.
The above medicines and treatment are An-
gularly adapted to every purpofe in the cure
of this difeale ; the purging balls before men-
tioned will prove much more adequate to this
cafe than any that can be feiecfed. The work
begun by ;he alterative purges will be com-
pleted by the gradual effects of the diuretics;
and, with proper attention to the rules laid
down ;ii the fir ft pages of this work, the horfe
may be foon produced in good ftate and
-ocr page 381-
\ 359 )
STRANGURY and other disorders of
The parts that by fome def,'<5t or injury
conftitute the caufe of thefe complaints are fo
nicely conftrufted and fo remotely fituated
from every poffible means of infpection, that a
great degree of judgment and delicate difcrimi-
nation mufl be exerted before a distinction can
be made, or a juft and decifive opinion obtained.
The Strangury is an obftru&ion or temporary
fuppreffion of urine, and may arife from diffe-
rent caufes', for, as before obfsrved, the variety
A a 4                          of
-ocr page 382-
360            S T R A N G U R Y.
of parts appropriated to the fecretion and
excretion are fo numerous as to render the
exact caufe of difeafe a matter of ambiguity
and uncertainty, with even thofe who ought
to be the bed: enabled to form a decifive
opinion (or rather a certain conjecture) from
their courfe of extenfive practice. The
strangury is fomefimes a concomitant to the
inflammatory cholic, and is then the effect of
preflbre from the indurated faces or hardened
dung retained in the rectum, or ftraight gut.
When it arifes not from this caufe, it may
proceed from inflammation in the kidnies,
ulcerations there, fpafms upon any particular
part, or inflammation of the neck, or the
bladder itfelf. When it is the confequence
of Cholic, and proceeds only from that origi-
nal caufe, it may be considered merely fymp-
tomatic, and will be entirely fubdued with
the firft complaint, to which the faline medi-
cines and ftimulus of glyflers there prefcribed
will very much contribute.
The figns of this fupprefiion are too pal-
pable to be miftaken ; the fubject is (after a
long retention of urine) in an almoft perpetual
pofition to ftale without effect, indicating by
-ocr page 383-
STRANGURY.           361
action and attitude the expectation of an unu-
fual difcharge ; when, after frequent {training,
the effort terminates in a groan of feeming dis-
appointment. The horfe in general is not
in a great degree of acute pain, appears full
in the flank, ibmewhat dejected, and, to a
minute obferver, feems not only confcious of
his inability, but to fupplicate afiiilance and
relief. The ancient practice of inflaming the
parts by an immediate ufe of violent ftimulants,
as cantharides, turpentine, and large quanti-
ties of camphire, is with the ftricleft juftice
exploded; having been experimentally found,
upon moft occafions, to ir.creafe, by their
powerful ftimulus and irritation, what they
were intended to remove ; by fuch ill advifed
and miftaken application of medicine, fre-
quent inflammation has been produced and
much mifchief enfued.
The moft rational and certain means of
obtaining fpeedy relief will be to leffen the
ftrifture upon the parts, by a moderate lofs
of blood ; then reduce inflammation by emol-
lient internals, promoting the fecretion and
evacuation of urine by very gentle flimulants
and mild diuretics. This fyftematic method
-ocr page 384-
362            STRANGURY.
of obtaining a care will not be fo fatisfactory
to many of the ruftic learned practitioners, who,
cicfwly adhering to old cuftoms, old rules, and
old books, would rather attempt to force the
very blood unfecreted through the urinary
pafTages, by a courfe of Spanijh Jlies, or oil of
than adopt any method, however
improved, in the formation of which their
extenfive abilities have not been confuited.
By this abominable and infamous practice
the lives of many valuable horfes have been
taken away, the proprietor attributing to
difeafe what nine times out often is the effect
of ignorance. From an obfervation fo jufl,
or, in fact, a reflection fo alarming, arife the
palpable necefllty of this work, and the pro-
bable utility of its publication, to the very
great number of gentlemen and fportfmen,
who, refiding in remote fpots, or diftanr parts
of the kingdom, cannot have confiant recourfe
to farriers of judgment, extenfive practice,
and nice difcrimination. To prevent therefore
the frequent dreadful effects of confidence and
ignorance on one hand, or an injudicious ufe
of powerful and dangerous medicines on the
other, every man will do well to interpofe
-ocr page 385-
STRANGURY.           363
his authority, and be well and clearly in-
formed of the caufe and intended method of
cure, previous to the administration of a Angle
medicine for any complaint whatever.
On the contrary, in the more populous and
enlightened parts of the kingdom farriers are
known whofe abilities and practice rank them
high in estimation; but as thefe are certainly
not the growth of every foii, or produce of
every parifli, mod owners of horfes conftantly
in their poffeffion will not find either their
time or attention entirely wafted, by endea-
vouring occafionally to form a tolerable ac-
quaintance with the fubjecT: matter of the
Work before us. In a convenient or proper
time, after bleeding, throw up the following
Emollient glyjler;
Take of thin gruel three pints;
Nitre two ounces;
Gum arabic one ounce and an half;
Olive oil four ounces;
Let it be injected moderately warm, and re-
tained in the body as long as poffible.
-ocr page 386-
364            STRANGURY.
So foon after this glyfter as the horfe is
inclined by appetite to receive it, give a maflj
of two parts malt and one bran, they having
been fcalded together and ftirred till of a mo-
derate warmth; after this, if the fubjecT: has
not flaled in confequence of bleeding, glyfter,
and mafh, have the following balls expediti-
oufly prepared to forward the evacuation:
Take Caftile foap ten drachms;
Sal prunella one ounce ;
Camphire two drachms;
Anifeed powder fix drachms;
Oil of juniper one drachm and a half;
Syrup of marfhmallows fufficient to make the
mafh, which divide into two equal parts,
giving one in fix hours after the other, if
the former is not fuccefsful.
Thefe are very fafe, mild, and efficacious,
in general producing the defifed efFeel with-
out any uneafy fenfations. Where a drink is
preferred, as coming into a more applicable
mode of administration, the following will
prove equally ferviceable:
-ocr page 387-
Take juniper berries (bruifed) two ounces-, br>;\
in a pint and a half of water for fome time,
then ftrain (to produce by fqueezing the
berries three quarters of a pint); to this add
of nitre and gum arabic (in powder) each
an ounce.
This drink, or the above ball, to be re-
peated at diftincl: periods of four hours each
(if a repetition of the firft at the end of fix
hours does not effedl the defired purpofe) till
relief is obtained by plentiful evacuations.
Thus much by way of inftr.uction where
firmgury is occafioned by fpafm, or inflam-
mation of the bladder or neck j but, as it may
alfo proceed from an inflammation or ulcera-
tion of the kidnies, and a paralytic affe&ion
or palfy of the fame parts; in either of which
fymptoms are frequently doubtful, and fel-
dom certain ; circumftances may confequent-
ly vary in different fubje&s, fo as to render
the true feat of difeafe a matter of conje&ure
-ocr page 388-
366             S T R A N G U R. Y.
The only fymptoms to which fome certainty
may be attributed are the following: if pro-
ceeding from ipafm on either pair, there may
be frequent periodical relaxations that will
permit the urine to flow in fmall quantities for
a very fhort time, when it may as fuddenly
flop; in this cafe the urine will be of its uiua!
colour, or at times rather deeper, as if not
perfectly complete in its fecretion from the
blood. In luch cafe the treatment is exadtiy
as already pointed out; but with the addi-
tional directions to repeat the glyfler and
bleeding occasionally, till the point is carried.
The gentle diuretic medicines muff, be likewife
continued at lefs diftant periods; that is, their
diftinct dofes muff be brought an hour nearer
to each other, till the purpofe is effected;
this method being found greatly preferable
to the " kill or cure" practice, frequently
producing inflammation, fonvulfions, and all
their dreadful confequences.
But where the caufe originates in a palfy of,
or ulceration upon, any parts neceffary to tire
offices cf evacuation, no great expectation of
cure can be indulged ; but more particularly
-ocr page 389-
STRANGURY.            367
in the former, with which approaches certain
death. When the kidnies become totally
inadequate to their general purpofe, a fup-
preffion and general ftagnation confequently
enfue, the lofs of the animal becoming inevi-
table j and although relief is fometimes moft
expeditioufly obtained, in an inflammation of
the parts, by a gentle method above directed,
yet in an ulceration much is not left to hope.
In this cafe there is vifible pain and difquie-
tude, the evacuation is not totally fuppreffed,
being only at times temporarily obftructed;
it frequently alters its appearance, being fome-
tirnes thick, depofiting a turbid fediment, as
if impregnated with membranous matter; at
other times tinged with blood, the evident
effect of a corroded folution of the difeafed
part. In this inftance the following balls or
drink only can be relied on, for any expecta-
tion of permanent relief or probable miti-
gation :
-ocr page 390-
368            SIR A NGUR Y.
Take of myrrh one ounce. Caftile foap and
Locatelli's baifani each three ounces; nitre
and anifeed (in powder) each two ounces;
balfam of Peru fix drachms — Mix toge-
ther with fyrup of marmma'lows, and
divide into fix bails, giving one every
The diet fhould be both nutritive and bal-
famic, confiding of warm mafb.es impregnated
with honey or malt; both or either of which
will greatly contribute to the general purpofe.
If fymptoms are mitigated, and relief obtained,
by thefe means, furely farther inftruftions
muft be unneceffary to recommend a perfe-
verance till the eyre is completed; to which
reft, gentle exercife, and ftable care, will prove
very ufeful aids. When an obstruction, or
partial fuppreffion of urine, arifes from rpafm,
convulfion, or ftridure, upon any of the parts
neceffary to be concerned in fecretion or eva-
cuation, they can only be allayed or removed
by time and., opiates, to relax the feat of
dileafe, and reduce the irritability. The fol-
lowing ball will be applicable to that intention,
repeating it at fuch times as the circumftances
6                                                 of
-ocr page 391-
STRANGURY.            369
of the cafe may render neceffary and un-
Take of Caftile foap half an ounce; nitre,
rofin, and compound powder of gum traga-
canth, each two drachms": opium (in powder)
ten grains; oil of juniper thirty drops.-----»
The following drink may be fubftituted, if
a liquid is required, as it will prove equally
Take thin gruel three quarters of a pint; gum
arabic, and nitre (in powder) each one ounce;
liquid laudanum three drachms.—Mix.
This (as the ball above) may be occafionally
Horfes are likewife liable to, and often fuf-
fain, injuries upon the parts we now treat of,
by being overloaded with folid heavy fub-
ftances upon the loins, ftrains in drawing
great weights, and many other incidental cir-
cumftances, to which they are constantly fub-
jecl: in their different employments. The de-
fects arifing from fuch caufes originate in a
relaxation or rupture of fome one or more of
B b
-ocr page 392-
%yo            STRANGURY.
that infinity of membranous fibres that, in
in fuch cafe, conftitute the feat of difeafe.
Thefe injuries difplay themfelves by an evident
wincing and local debility, perceptible upon
the lead motion to the moft common obferver j
they are alfo attended with great variations in
the evacuation of urine, either by temporary
fuppreffion or partial obftru&ion, according
to the original feat of pain and its efFedt. upon
the neighbouring parts. In thefe diforders
the urine is feldom copious, its difcharge fre-
quent, but in fmall quantities; generally of a
very high colour, and in many cafes tinged
with blood.
Arifing from whichever of the before-men-
tioned caufes, a revulfion may be made by
drawing blood from the neck j not more to
prevent ftagnation and confequent inflamma-
tion, (if from a bruife) than to conftringe the
mouths of the finer vefTels, if lacerated or rup-
The following balfamic rejloratives, blend-
ed with gentle diuretics, may be then pro-
ceeded upon, with the affiftance of ftimulative
corroborants -x
-ocr page 393-
STRANGURY.            371
corroborants; as an external application, if
the mufcular parts are fufpe<fted to have fuf-
fered fome degree of relaxation by any of the
means before defcribed, an embrocation fol-
lows :
Take Locatelli's £>alfam ten drachms; myrrh
(in powder) three drachms; balfam of tolu a
drachm and a half; oil of juniper a drachm;
liquorice powder to make a ball.
This to be given every other morning for a
fortnight or three weeks, aflifted with an
ounce* of gum arabic, diflblved and given in
the water a little warm, and well impregnated
with gruel, twice every day. If the cafe is fo
fevere as to require (by its vifible debility)
external aid, let a portion of the following
embrocation be gently and patiently bathed
upon the part affected twice or thrice every
Take opodeldoc and camphorated fpirits, of
each three ounces; oil of origanum two
drachms; extract of Saturn one ounce: mix
the extract with the fpirits, then add the opo-
deldoc ; and, laftly, the origanum, making
well together every time of ufing.
Bb 2                          The
-ocr page 394-
372           STRANGURY.
The medicines in this clafs are particularly
efficacious, and will (by bringing the dofes
nearer to each other in refpect to time, as oc-
cafion or exigencies may require) be found
greatly preferable to the dangerous fyftem of
powerful ftimulants, fo forcibly recommended
in former pradice, when the adminiftration
of medicine was deftitute of the numerous ad-
vantages refulting from the indefatigable in-
veftigations of modern improvement.
-ocr page 395-
C 373 )
There is no one part of this tratt more
entitled to ferious inveftigation than the fub-
jec"t now before us; for as no blemifli or de-
fect can take fo much from the original value
of a horfe as the lofs of his eyes, fo it un-
luckily happens there are few cafes lefs un-
derftood or more improperly treated. The
rays of information can be but trifling to the
general reader, from a dull anatomical defcrip-
tion of the globe, tunica cornea; the aqueous,
cryftalline, and vitreous humours; the diftinct
anterior or poflerior chambers; the action of
the mufcles or the optic nerve. The elaborate
fttidy of fo complicate and delicate a ftrufture
(in the formation of which fuch an infinity of
B b 3                          parts
-ocr page 396-
parts and technical terms are included) can
afford but very flender intelligence to the lite-
rary inquirer; as fuch a wonderful variety of
minute distinctions cannot be comprehended
by defcription, a juft and accurate difcrimina-
tion of parts being only to be acquired by at-
tentive and repeated diffections.
We Shall, therefore, for the advantage of
general comprehension, confider the eye in its
ex:ernal appearance only, with the difeaies
and injuries to which it is liable, reverting oc-
casionally to the great delicacy of its Structure,
and the exquifite fenfibility of the parts that
constitute the whole. This Superficial defcrip-
tion, taken into consideration, becomes divert-
ed of technical jargon, and distinctly compre-
hended by every individual in pofTeSfion of
the blefling of fight j upon which bafis may
be formed a very fair idea, blending an occa-
sional reference to their own fenfations -, with
fuch explanations as will be introduced to
make the different degrees of difeafe Sufficiently
Previous to every additional observation, it
becomes indifpenfably neceSTary to introduce
-ocr page 397-
fome few remarks upon the cruelty and inconr
fiftency of ancient practice; fubmitting fuch
conclufions and inferences as will naturally
arife to thofe readers who recur to this work
for information, amufement, or to fink a te-
dious hour in the ferious tafk of criticifm.
it has been before mentioned how exquifiteiy
fenfiblethis organ is of irritation j and it muft
be admitted, no argument whatever can un-
dergo a more candid difcuffion than in an ap-
plication to our own feelings, inconveniencies,
and difquietudes. To the fenfations there-
fore of every individual I fubmit the reflec-
tion, and venture to believe there are none
who may honour me with a perufal of thefe
pages but will, by a momentary retrofpection,
communicate to memory the recollection of
fome acute pain, or excruciating anguifh, he
muft, in all probability, have experinced from
either the obtrufion of an almoft impalpable
particle of duft, or the attack of an invifible
Revolving fuch circumflance for a few mo-
ments in remembrance, I claim his attention
to the following corroboration of that infa-
mous practice I have, in the courfe of this
B b 4
-ocr page 398-
376           DISORDERS
work, fo repeatedly, and (I flatter myfelf)
juftly, condemned. For inftance Gibson di-
rects an infufion of unflacked lime powerfully
impregnated with fal armoniac; and tells you
at the fame time " it is an excellent warn for
*f all old obftinate ulcers." Let any patient
reader draw an imaginary parallel between the
almofi: inexpreflible irritability of this delicate
ftructure and the callous furface of an " ob-
u flinate ulcer," he will then, no doubt, form
a proper judgment to decide upon the confift-
ency of the practice. With a wonderful va-
riety of alternatives, prefcribed in all poflible
forms, we are directed by Bartlet " to take
*{ of the film, by blowing into the eye equal
" parts of white vitriol and fugar candy finely
" powdered." And Bracken moftjudicioujly
recommends " glafs finely powdered, mixed
" up with honey and a little frefh butter."
A number of fimilar inftances might be in-
troduced from different authors tojuflifythe
obfervations already made upon a pra&ice fo
ftrange in its original adoption, and fo infa-
mous in its effects: I fhall however draw the
attention only to a few remarks, firft upon the
prefcription of Gibson, whofe compofition
-ocr page 399-
OF THE EYES.           377
ffiuft pofTefs incredible virtue to prove equally
applicable to an organ of fuch exquiSite SenSI-
bility, and the foul furface of an inveterate
ulcer. Bartlet's wonderful noftrum of white
and fugar candy is alfo molt Angularly
entitled to admiration; for the corrofive qua-
lity of it's ingredients, and the mode of appli-
cation taken into the consideration, will ren-
der it unneceffary for me to obtrude a Single
thought of my own upon the occaSion. But
the infallible fpecijic of Bracken cannot be
fuffered to pafs without proper refpebl, as it
muft afford matter of fpeculation to the curi-
ous, to inquire by what means an eftablifhed
composition for even the destruction of rats,
Shall be fo magically diverted of its pernicious
effects, as to be admitted a falutary application,
to that part of the frame endowed with the
greateft portion of fenfibility.
Thefe remarks Submitted to public conside-
ration, we proceed to expatiate upon the dif-
ferent difeaies of the eyes, whether as natural
blemiihes, hereditary defects, or proceeding
from external injuries. Such lift might be
Very much extended by enlarging diftindly
upon the remote and Separate diforders; as the
-ocr page 400-
378            DISORDERS
gutta ferena, catara£l, film, &cc.; but as relief
is rarely obtained in thefe cafes, a very mi-
nute and extenfive defcription of the com-
ponent parts that conftitute the caufe, can
add but little, if any, to the general inform-
The gutta ferena is a partial or univerfal lots
of fight, where no palpable defect or fault ap-
pears in the eye, except that the pupil is a
little more enlarged or contracted. The ap-
pearances of this blemiih are various, as well
as the caufes and effects, fome of its fubjects
being totally blind, and others barely enabled
to diftinguifh between light and darknefs.
The figns are a blacknefs of the pupil of the
eye, its fize being larger or lefs than ufual, ac-
cording to the caufe, and its not contracting
or dilating upon a fudden expofure to any de-
gree of light. In order to the cure attend to
the caufe as the firft ftep to an administration
of medicine, from which, in truth, no great
expectation can be formed either internally
or externally; more particularly from the for-r
mer, as the feat of difeafe is fo very remote
from the centre of medicinal action. If the
defect mould originate in a contraction of or
-ocr page 401-
OF THE EYES.           379
compreflion upon the optic nerve, very little
can be done with an expectation of fuccefsj
and much lefs if it arifes from a palfy of that
or any neighbouring part.
A cataraSl, like many other difeafes, is
attributed by different practitioners to dif-
ferent caufes, though the greater part coin-
cide in opinion that the defect is in the cryf-
talline humour of the eye, which, becoming
opaque, prevents the admiffion of thofe rays
upon the retina that constitute vifion. To
enter at large into the profeffional definition
of thefe diftincT. difeafes, and moft minutely
into the probable or poffible means of relief,
would be to extend this fubject beyond the
limits or compafs of the work itfelf. I mall
therefore reconcile to myfelf the communi-
cation of a fact almoft univerfally acknow-
ledged—that little even in the human fpecies
is now expected from the famous operation
of couching j an experiment that is, taking
it " all in all," productive of advantages fo
very trifling, the recommendation of it here
can avail but little, particularly as the expenfes
added to the hazard and uncertainty of cure
-ocr page 402-
380           DISORDERS
could gain but few profelytes to the prac-
In all blemifhes or defedts where a thicken-
ing of fome one of the coats, membranes, or
humours of the eye, has formed an appearance
of cataracl or film, it has been an eftablifhed
and moft contemptible cuflom to beftow a
plentiful application of corrcjive powders, un-
guents, and foJutions, for the purpofes of obli-
teration ; without a fingle reflection upon the
abfurdity of endeavouring to deftroy by corro-
fion, what is abfolutely feparated from the fur-
face by a variety of membranous coverings,
according to the diftindt feat of difeafe; with
which it is impofiible to bring the intended
remedy into contact, without firft deftroying
the intervening or furrounding parts by which
the inner delicate ftru&ure is fo numeroufly
guarded. It may not be inapplicable to
ftrengthen this remark, by reverting to the
great difficulty of folving a ftone in the human
body, to efFecl: which fo many unfuccefsful at-
tempts have been made; the mere folution of
the calculus out of the body is a matter univer-
faily known to the Faculty; but the great and
-ocr page 403-
OF THE EYES.            381
difficult objedt of cure is to difcover afolvent
that will ac~l upon the (tone in the bladder of
the patient without injury to the parts in its
paffage or where it is contained.
This is a blefling too great, I fear, ever to
be obtained by even the nobleft exertions of
human ftudy and application. Seeing there-
fore the caufe juft treated on in nearly a
iimilar point of view, with the almoft palpable
impoffibility of removing fuch obftacles,
without increafing the malady, I am confe-
quently prevented from introducing a chain
of prefcriptions that can pofitively only amufe
or deceive, as the methods hereafter pointed
out for the relief of different caufes or external
injuries may be in the above cafes adopted as
palliatives according to circumftances; but
forry I am to acknowledge, that in fuch
inftances nature will, in all probability,
prove the leaft dangerous and expenfive
The cafes that moft frequently occur, re-
quiring medical aid or topical application, are
generally the effects of cold, blows, bites, or
other external injuries. In thofe proceeding
-ocr page 404-
3S2           DISORDERS
immediately from cold, you perceive a viflble
inflammation upon the globe of the eye, and
internal furrounding parts, as the edges of the
eye-lids, &c. The eye feems diverted of its
former tranfparency, bearing a thick cloudy
appearance upon its outer covering, and is con-
stantly difcharging an acrid ferum or fharp
water that in a fhort time almoft excoriates
the parts in its paffage. The horfe drops his
ears, becomes dull and fluggifh, is frequently
making his head, as if to {hake off the ears,
becomes low and depreffed, displaying, in every
action, pain and difquietude.
Here a revulfion of the perfpirable matter
has by fome obftruction (either partial or uni-
verfal) been thrown upon thefe parts, to the
effects of which they become more liable from
their extreme delicacy and confequent irrita-
bility. To remove which bleeding (in proper
proportion) muft precede every other conside-
ration; to this fucceeds a fpeedy adoption of,
and perfeverance in, the methods directed,
p. 198, with occafional references to p. 243, and
the following pages for, inftruclions, mould
fymptomatic fever attend. To cool the
-ocr page 405-
OF THE EYES. . 383
parts and allay the irritability occafioned by
the fcalding {brum, prepare the following
lotion :
Take fugar of lead one drachm;
White vitriol two fcruples;
Spring water half a pint ;
Brandy or camphorated fpirits one ounce or two
table fpoonsfi.il.
Let the eyes and furrounding parts be gently
warned with a fponge or tow, impregnated
with the above folution, .twice or thrice every
Should the inflammation not feem likely to
fubfide, but continue fixed on the part threat-
ening violence, have recourfe to a dozen of
diuretic balls, p. 106, ufing gentle work or mo-
derate exercife.
The effects arifing from blows or bites may
be difplayed by different appearances, accord-
ing to the feverity of the injury fuftained.
Should inflammation and fwelling proceed
from either caufe, bleeding will be a prepara-
tory ftep to an early reduction of both; a re-
-ocr page 406-
3S4          DISORDERS
petition of which, at proper diftanccs of time;
may always be juftified by a non-fubmiffion of
fymptoms. The following preparation from
Goulard's Extraft, for the purpofe of exter-
nal application, becomes immediately necef-
fary, and is accurately proportioned for this
particular occafion:
Take extract of Saturn (commonly called Gou-
lard's) three drachms;
River or pond water one pint;
Camphoratedfpirits one ounce;
Mix the extract with the fpirits, then add the
water, and let the parts affected be plenti-
fully embrocated three or four times a day*
according to the emergency.
If a large fwelling, laceration, or wound^
attends, after warning with the above, apply a
warm poultice of bread, milk, and a little of
the lotion, foftened with a fmall portion of
lard or olive oil, bandaging on^ and covering
with a hood, to feeure its pofition. In cafes
of lefs danger, and in remote fituations, diflant
from towns, and the eafy procuration of medi-
cines, the following may be fubftituted, and
plentifully ufesh
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OF THE EYES.             385
TaJce beft white wine vinegar half a pint;
Spring water a quarter of a pint;
Beft brandy a wine glafs or half i gill.—-Mix.
A wound upon any of the external parts,
occasioned by an inflrument or fevere bite,
muft be treated as directed unddr that head.
The above compofitions ate properly adapted
to every purpofe for which they are prefcribed;
rot can more powerful or efficacious repellents
or aftringents be applied to thofe parts, unlefs
by the rude hands and ruder heads of unculti-
vated adventurers and defperate practitioners.
The former elaborate and deftru&ive com-
pofitions of corrofive powders, blended with
greafy fubftances, in the form of unguents, as
Well as the poifonous lotions, are long fince
exploded, *as totally inadequate to the purpofes
for which they were fo learnedly difplayed;
even that infallible of all infallibles, the great
fecret of Sir Hans Sloane, is at length bu-
ried in oblivion* and has given place to more
modern improvements. In all cafes where the
globe and pupil of the eye retain their tranf-
parency, fubje<9t only to furrounding infkm-
C e
-ocr page 408-
386             DISORDERS
mation, that not feeming inclined to fubmit,
occaflonal bleedings, a courfe of diuretic?, as
before prefcribed, or three dofes of mild phyjic,
may be adopted; affifting the whole with a fre-
quent ufe of either lotion, as moft applicable
to reigning fymptoms.
The haws are a preternatural enlargement
of the corners of the eyes, become horny, and,
being overgrown, approaches the pupil, giving
the eye the external appearance of bad forma-
tion. The inftrumental extirpation of thefe
fubftances has been a favourite practice of long
ftanding; and, like all others, has had its alter-
nate proportion of failure and fuccefs. After
feparation has been effected by the hand, needle
and inftrument, of the operative farrier,
any fimple ftyptic or aftringent is generally
applied, and it is thenjuftan even bet, or
chance, whether you fucceed in the intentional
effect of your operation; for, having feen it re-
peatedly productive of inflammation, and, laftly
total blindnefs, I cannot confcientioufly re-
commend the practice; on the contrary, to
eftablifh my own want of tafle, confefs 1
would encounter theleffer evil of the two, and
rather (for my own riding) prefer a hor.fe with
-ocr page 409-
OF THE EYES.           387
large haws to one without eyes. This opinion
may appear Angular to the profefors of far-
to whom I have fo particularly addrefTed
a variety of paffages in the early part of this
work, and indeed to whofe approbation it can-
not lay claim, being in direct contradidion to
the pecuniary preponderation of their profef-
fional judgment and execution.
-ocr page 410-
( 3»* )
Are cracks, oroozings, fituate directly upon
the back part of the knee joint, occafioned, in
general, more by neglect than any cafual or
constitutional defect in the fubject. The mat-
ter they difcharge is, in fome thin and acrimo-
nious, in others it forms a glutinous accumu-
lation in its oozing, and bears the appearance
of fmall fcabs or fcurfy efchars upon the fur-
face, conftituting a want of flexibility or feem-
ing lamenefs in the joint. The firft ftep to
cure is, to have the parts well wafhed with
foap and warm water (forming a fubftantial
lather), repeating the operation night and
morning till the efchars relax from their ri-
-ocr page 411-
M A L L E N D E R S.            3S9
gidity, and feparate of themfelves. And this
will be the more readily promoted by rubbing
in a proper proportion of the following oint-
ment, in an hour after the warning, when, by
time and wiping, they are tolerably dry.
Take camphorated fpermacasti ointment two
Cinnabar of antimony and oil of tartar, per deli-
quium, each half an ounce;—rMix, and ufc
plentifully twice a day.
So foon as the cracks are perfectly free from
fcabs or feurf a cure may reafonably be expect-
ed, by warning with equal parts of vinegar and>
tincture of myrrh, moiftening the furface oc-
cafionally with the unguent before-mentionedo
But where, from long neglect, or an acrimony
of the juices, they have acquired a degree of
virulence, not fubmitting to the above treats
ment, let them be drefled twice a day with the
ftrong mercurial ointment, previously warning
themwell with a compound of vinegar, water,
and foap lees, equal parts. Should a percepti-
ble foulnefs in the fubjeel: juftify the meafure,
take away a proper quantity of blood, and give
an ounce of nitre dillolved in water twice a day
for a fortnight, or a fhort courfe of the diuretic
C c 3
-ocr page 412-
balls, p. 106. Where humours are attendant
upon other parts likewife, a gentle courfe of
mercurial phyjic, fucceeded by antimonial alte-
ratives, may be preferred j fdec/ting both from
the variety of prefcriptions under thofe heads,
taking care to proportion your quantities to
the ftrength of the fubjecT:.
Are upon the infide of the hough, or hock,
what the mallenders are upon the back-
fide of the knee; they originate in the fame
caufe, and are cured by the fame means, ren-
dering unneceffary and fuperfluous any far-
ther obfervations under this head,
Is an enlargement of the roof of the mouth,
particularly in young horfes; and fometimes
becomes fo prominent as to project below the
teeth of the upper jaw, preventing the teeth
of the lower from coming into contadt for
the purpofe of maftication. The horfe is by
thefe means npt only deprived of a great pro-
-ocr page 413-
L A M P A S.                391
portion of the nutriment neceffary to his fupport,
but becomes poor, weak, dejecled, and out of
condition. Cuftom has eftablifhed an ufeful
and expeditious extirpation, by the adual cau-
tery or
RED HOT IRON; and, though I am
no advocate for fachjiery remedies, where they
can be avoided, yet this is a cure fo fpeedily
effeded by an expert operator, and the horfe's
fuffering is fo very trifling, that when a com-
parifon is drawn between the temporary in-
convenience, and the immediate advantage,
no hefitation can be made refpeding the ope-
It is admitted, againft the operation, that the
lampas appearing in young horfes the roof
conftantly continues to flatten and the teeth to
rife, confequently time alone may and confe-
quently would furmount the obftrudion; but
where they are very prominent, rhe poor ani-
mal muft patiently wait many months for a
good meal; and will foon prove, by his emaci-
appearance, the applicable tranfpofition of
the ancient adage, that <c while the teeth grow
" the steed ftarves,"
Cc 4
-ocr page 414-
392               QJJ ITTOR.
When the operation is performed, wafh ths
part twice or thrice with the following:
Take honey of rofes and tinfture of myrrh, each
one ounce.—Mix,
A qjjittor may originate in a blow, bruife,
laceration, or what is called a flub between
hair and hoof. An injury fuftained, likely to
conftitute this blemifh or defecl, cannot be too
foon fubmittedto the infpe&ionof a FARRIER
of extenfive praffice, whofe conduct will be
confequently regulated by a proper refpedt to
his own reputation. I mean fuch application
mould be early made where the case is
alarming; or, in more fuperfkial concerns,
when by circumftances or negledr, it becomes
the immediate bufinefs of the operative
As injuries of this kind open a large fielcl
for inftrudtions, many of which mull confe-
quently depend upon the appearances of the
parts when injured, I can impart fuch direc-
tions only as correfpond with the defedt in
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QJJ ITTOR.               393
Its ftate of infancy:—So foon as the accident
is difcovered, (which it ought foon to be, in
the general examination of a horfe's feet, that
mould always take place upon his return from
chafe ox journey) wafh well with a fponge and
warm water, to enfure a thorough cleanfing;
then apply a pledget of tow, moiftened with
friar's balfam, tindure of myrrh, or campho-
rated fpirits, repeating it once in twenty-four
hours, covering the exact fpot with a portion
of meet tea lead, enclofed in a imail piece of
Jinen, bandaging firm. All unSluom or greafy
applications (liquid be avoided, and great care
taken not to immerfe the foot in dirt or water
till the part is perfectly united, and the furface
fufnciently hardened not to admit particles of
fand, gravel, or any other extraneous matter.
And this caution becomes the more necefTary
when it is remembered that real QUITTORS
have originated from this very want of atten-
tion more than in any other circumftance;
many having been formed and confirmed in
what, properly managed, would have been
merely a fuperficial and temporary inconveni-
ence. See p. 160.
-ocr page 416-
( 394 )
A curb is too univerfally known to require
a minute defcription; it is a conliderable fiwell-
ing below the hough, rather on the infide and
back part of the hind leg, and feems to have
been formed by an accumulation of extrava-
fated fluids that, in their ftagnation, have ac-
quired a callojity. It is productive of percepti-
ble pain in adion, and foon eftablifhes diffe-
rent degrees of lamenefs in different fubjedfs.
In its early ftate attempts may be made with
fome of the powerful repellents, p. 80 or 89 j
but, upon non-fubmiffion, after fair trial,
recourfe muft be had to one of the following
blifters, care being taken to fecure the appli-
cation by bandage, the better to enfure a pro-
bability of fuccefs.
Take mercurial ointment fix drachms ;
Cantharides and euphorbium (in powder) each
two drachms •,
Oil of origanum a drachm and a half-,
Corrofive mercury one drachm ;
Mix the ointment with the powders, and add
the oil»
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RINGBONES.             395
Take fpirit of turpentine and olive oil each one
Euphorbium and cantharides each two drachms;
Oil of origanum three drachms.—Mix.
Where thefe applications are unattended
with the defired fuccefs, the ceremony of firing
by an expert and judicious operator, with the
additional aid of long reft, are the only alter-
natives that can be adopted,
The extirpation and cure of thefe come fo
immediately into the line of defcription and
mode of treatment with the laft article, as to
render animadverfion entirely unneceffary:
they conftitute an inconvenience very rarely to
be furmounted in private practice, confequent-
ly fall to the infpection and management of the
-ocr page 418-
396            RINGBONES.
Docking, cropping, nicking, and Shoeing,
are fo immediately the concerns of \htjmitb
and farrier, that they claim no part of our at-
tention in this publication, being totally un-
connected with the investigation of difeafe or
method of cure. It has been the intention,
through the courfe of this work, to render
both the original caufe of complaint, and ne-
ceffary administration of medicine, as clear as
the nature of each cafe would admit; fuch ex-
planatory paffages having been biended with
the different parts as muft perfectly reconcile
the whole to every comprehenfion. Enough
has been faid under the diftinct heads of
MANGE, and FARCY, to inculcate not
only a juft idea of the blood's circulation, its
changes and defects, but to eftablim a clear
and perfect conception of all thofe caufes that
constitute the foundation of difeafes fo long
Jagacioujly diftinguifhed by the denomination
of " HUMOURS," in failure of a more
fcientific or fatisfactory explanation.
Influenced originally in the plan and forma-
tion of this work by no other motive than the
-ocr page 419-
RINGBONES.          %^
general good; and after twenty years expe-
rience and obfervation, being more perfectly
convinced of the growing ncceflity for fuch.
publication, it is now fubmitted to public in-
fpeclion, as a prelude to future improvementj
with an anxious wifh that it may prove an ex-
citement to fome more powerful agent, whofe
fuperior abilities may do the fubject greater
-ocr page 420-
( 39» )
F | \HE author having found it mod appli-
JL cable to the intentional utility of the
preceding work to form the different difeafes,
confequent effects, and refulting obfervations,
into diftindt claffes, rendering the whole a
chain of unprecedented convenience to the
inquirer anxious for information; yet there
remaining a variety of very ufeful obfervations
and instructions that cannot with propriety be
blended with either, it becomes abfolutely ne-
ceffary to elucidate the whole by fuch additional
as muft render the work of much
greater and more general utility.
5                                    A circumftance
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REMARKS.              399
A circumftance no lefs worthy obfervation
than many of thofe already enlarged on is,
the very little refpecl paid to neatnefs and
confiftency in the management of draft horfes,
who, beyond every poffibility of contradiction,
not only earn their living more laborioufly,
but contribute more to the opulence and fup-
port of the natives than any other breed of
horfes in the kingdom. When I advert to
the management of draft horfes, I wifh not
to be underftood the pampered cafriage
horfes of the great, fupported in the ftyle of
hunters, for the various purpofes of public
parade and perfonal oftentation, but that in-
finity of ufeful animals univerfally employed
in agriculture, road waggons, the barge and
coal trade, as well as many other purpofes
equally laborious and equally advantageous
to commerce and the community. Thefe
horfes have undoubtedly the greatefr. portion
of labour, and moft probably the leaft of care
and attention j from the extenfive concerns
of the proprietors they are more generally
intruded to the very indifferent management
of fervants; to whofe accounts may bejufUy
placed a majority of thofe defects or misfor-
tunes that fo frequently occur from blows,
-ocr page 422-
46o              ADDITIONAL
bruifes, and a long train of probable indifcfd-
tions. From fuch variety of careleffnefs, in*
attention, and improper management, proceed
bad eyes, broken wind, greafe, cholic, and many
other incidental difquietudes: but what renders
it a matter of ftill greater regret is, their falling
under the unavoidable medical fuperintendance
of thofevery Village farriers whofe brilliancy
of imagination and fertility of invention are
fo particularly difplayed in different parts of
the work.
Difeafes fo evidently rcfulting from neglect
and bad management, may be as certainly pre-
vented by proper eare and attention ; taking
them therefore in rotation, we may venture
to affirm—that by far the greater part of thofe
defects in the eyes, frequently terminating in
a lofs of %ht, are more the effect of external
injuries than internal deficiencies. The multi-
plicity of horfes, particularly of the cart kind,
whofe refpiration is attended with fo much
difficulty upon all occafions, (but Angularly^
fo upon increafed exertion) as to be termed
" broken winded" may be moft readily and clear-
ly accounted for in the following manner. Ex-1
clufive of what has been already faid upon this
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REMARKS.              401
fubject under its diftinct head (and to which
the reader is referred), a few additional obfer-
vations become immediately applicable upon
a fubjecl of fo much confequence, which can-
not be too clearly explained, or too perfectly
underflood. For time, obfervation, and experi-
having fufficiently dernonflrated how very
much the vifcidity of the blood is increafed by
coarfe, full, and foul feeding, there need be no
hefitation, in affirming the flate of the lungs,
(or, in a more familiar phrafe, the flate of the
ivind), to be more or lefs affected by the large
or /mall quantities of chaff, or grofs latter crop
of clover hay, confumed by this breed of horfes
during their conflant work; particularly in
farmers'fables, where a great part of their ali-
ment confifts of thofe articles with a fmall
proportion of corn. Of chaff thus ufed and
intermixed with the corn, let it be underflood
there are different kinds, as the chaff of wheat,
and a compound of hay and wheat ftraw
cut together; of all which it is hardly poffibie
to afcertain the mod prejudicial. To thefe
the winter confumption of peas-haum and
barley-ftraw may be reckoned no inconfiderable
additions, the great quantity mafticated to
gratify the appetite, affording fo little nutri—
D d                         merit
-ocr page 424-
4o2           ADDITIONAL
ment in proportion to the accumulation, that
the ftomach is perpetually overloaded with
grols and heavy impurities, which, by its evi-
dent prellure upon the diaphragm, not only
affedts the elafticity of the lungs (fee p. 221),
but engenders a large portion of vifcid gluti-
nous matter, with which the finer veffels of
the lungs, in broken winded horfes, are found
to abound, upon ini'pe&ion after death.
To fuch ftrange and inconfiftent manner of
feeding may be added an abfurdity of equal
magnitude, in conftant practice with the ruftic
•world in general, but farmers' fervants in par-
ticular, of permitting their horfes to drink an
immoderate and unreftrained quantity of water
after full feeding, and the ufual rotational ab-
stinence of twelve hours; by which mode of
praclice the tendency to this defecT: is very
much increafed.
In refpeft to the fimilar failure in horfes of
a fuperior clafs, I will, without the leaft caufe
for hefitation, venture to pronounce more have
been injured in this refpect by the careleflhefs
of boys, or inadvertency of fervants (in that in-
fernal fyftem of hard galloping immedi-
-ocr page 425-
REMARKS.             403
ately after water), than by any other means
whatever; in fa£t, it is a plan fo palpably con-
tradictory and deftruclive, that it mould never
be permitted by the majler, or adopted by the
groom. And there can remain no fhadow of
doubt but this complaint in every clafs of
horfes may be moftly prevented by proper care
and attention in the fuperintendants; the irre-
gularities mfood, water, and the inconfiften-
cies already pointed out, contributing much
more to the original caufe of fuch defect, than
the erroneous formation of parts fo hypothetically
afferted by thofe who have wrote before upon
this fubjecl:.
Another circumftance requiring the minute
infpection and attentive obfervation of every
proprietor of draft horfes is, that injurious prac-
tice of country fervants (called carters) in giv-
ing large quantities of anijeed, diapente,fcenu-
grec, elecampane,
and other powders intermixed
with their food, upon a weak and ill-founded
opinion that thofe articles make their teams
appear fine in coat, and full in flefh: indeed fo
ftrongly are they bigoted to the opinion in
many (but particularly the wejiernj parts of
England, that they expend (unknown to their
D d 2
-ocr page 426-
404.           ADDITIONAL
employers) a very confiderable portion of their
earnings to gratify this ftrange infatuation. But
the evil does not reft here, miichievous inven-
tion has gone ±1111 further, and they frequently
apply oil of vitriol, and even aquafortis, upon the
tongue of the horfe, to prevent, as they fay, " his
?* taking cold by the ufe of the before-mentioned
" ingredients." However abfurd, incontinent,
cruel, or unnatural, this pradice may appear,
to fuch as are unacquainted with the low cun-
Ing or ruftic finefTe of thofe employed in the
management of what are called " cart ftables,"
I aver the fact, as repeatedly brought home to
perfonal knowledge and experience j afferting
likewife its having occafionally coft me much
trouble in endeavouring to deter the parties
from fo injurious and deftrudive a practice, by
which alone many fine and valuable horfes
have been doomed to difquietude, difeafe, and
fometimes death, the caufe remaining a matter
of myftery to all but the inhuman perpetrators.
So palpable a fad ftands in need of no farther
animadverfion, being introduced merely to
prove that " fuch things are," and how evi-
dently neceffary the eye of circumfpedion be-
comes in the mafter, to counteract the mif-
chievous imprudence of the fervant.
-ocr page 427-
REMARKS.              405
We now come to a caufe of difeafe very fully
treated upon and clearly explained in the fe-
cond clafs; and as there are few difeafes pro-
ductive of more trouble, expenfe, and difap-
pointment (or fo frequently relinquished as
incurable), the neceffary advice by way of pre-
vention cannot be coniidered obtrufive. For
minute obfervations upon the greafe in cart
the reader is referred to page 100 or the
work; in continuation of which it is abfolutely
neceffary to recommend a total redudion of
the enormous quantities of hair that is (in
complimept to ancient cuftora) permitted to
remain upon the legs and heels of horfes of this
defcriotion, that does, beyond every degree of
doubt, contribute greatly to the original caufe
of this difeafe. For fuch predominant reafon
it is earneftly recommended to the proprietors
of all draft horfes whatever, to keep their heels
as clofely trimmed as poffible; the advantages
are numerous and ftriking, the harbour for dirt
and filth in winter, aud the formation of fweat
and duft in fummer, will be equally avoided;
to which confiderations may be added the legs,
being more readily and perfectly cleaned at
all feafons of the year, and the indolence or
D d 3
-ocr page 428-
4o6           ADDITIONAL
neglect of fervants will, by thefe means, be
more particularly counteracted.
No juft caufe can be affigned by the moll:
obftinate why the heels fhould not be kept
equally clean with the carcafs; it is a mode of
condudt univerfally adopted with horfes of a
fuperior clafs, and reafon juftifies the affertion—
that it is as abfolutely proper and conducive to
health with the one as the other. In addition to
this precaution, there is another equally necef-
fary upon the lean1 appearance of crack, fcratch
or eruption; the parts mould be immediately
wallied well with a fubftantial lather of foap
and foft water, then wiped dry, and managed
as directed, p. 93, affifting with a courfe of
diuretic balls felecled from the index;
for which purpofe no medicine can be more
admirably adapted, as they gently ftimulate and
gradually promote the fecretions, carrying off,
by the mildnefs of their operation, thofe flug-
gifh vifcidities that found the origin of difeafe.
It is alfo a circumftance of material confolation
to the owner, that, during this courfe, the horfc
is perfectly adequate to his ordinary employ-
ment, free from the reftraint he muft be con-
-ocr page 429-
REMARKS.              407
fequently laid under by the ufual purging me-
dicines ; and the lead doubt need not be enter-
tained but fuch feafonable adminiftration will
obliterate the foundation of much difquietude
and trouble.
The laft fubjecT: we fhall enlarge upon of
this kind is very frequently both dangerous and
alarming, being in general caufed more by the
inexperience Or indifcretion of boys, negledt. of
fervants, or want of knowledge in the mafier,
than any other complaint in the long lift of dif-
eafes to which the horfe is incident. Experience
and accurate obfervation fullyjuftifies the declar-
ation that nineteen out of every twenty attacked
with the flatulent cholic, ox fret, become fo
from the previous and uncertain quantity of
water inconfiderately given, or permitted to be
taken, either when they are exceedingly hot
and the blood in the Mate of increafed circula-
tion, or after being kept a confiderable time in
extreme third; when, in either cafe, it is ge-
nerally known they will fwallow very large
quantities with the greateft avidity. And it
may not be confidered inapplicable to obferve,
that, fince the former editions of this work ap-
peared in public, I have been twice requested
D d 4
-ocr page 430-
408          ADDITIONAL
to give ray opinion and advice in different cafes
of the flatulent cholic, occasioned by the inad-
vertency of fervant boys, who had unluckily
brought on the complaint in its utmoft feverity
by the very means before-mentioned, as well
as a Angular cafe of the Jirangury, by the
horfe's being continued his round in a mill,
without permiflion to ftale, notwithftanding his
indications and frequent attempts for that pur-
pofe. Thefe allulions are introduced merely to
prove the indubitable fad, that fuch inflances
occur much more from inattention and neglect
than the effect of chance.
Having communicated fuch information upon
the caufe of theie difeafes as may probably
contribute, in fome degree, to their prevention,
it becomes equally neceffary to introduce a few
additional remarks upon cafual inconveniencies
that very frequently occur, and yet could not
poflibiy be ranked in any of the particular
claffes that conftitute the body of the work;
The difagreeable confequences that fometimes
happen from the common operation of Bleed?
(by an injudicious or inexperienced practi-
tioner) feem firft entitled to obfervation; more
particularly as inflances are not wanting of very
6                                                          *
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REMARKS.              409
alarming fwellings forming immediately oa
the part of incifion, fome of which terminate
very unfavourably, either in an indurated tu-
mour, a painful inflammation, tedious fuppu-
ration, and confequent difcharge of matter; a
lofs of the vein, or (by imprudent and inju-
dicious treatment) more diftreffing events than
either. Such cafes fhould always be particu-
larly attended to upon their earlieft appear-
ance, when there is little doubt but they will
foon fubmit to the following mode of manage-
ment, which I have never yet known once to
fail in a great variety of cafes.
Take extract of Saturn, commonly called Gou-
lard, one ounce;
Pond or river water half a pint;
Camphorated fpirits two ounces.
The extract and camphorated fpirits to be
firft well fhaken together, then add the water,
letting the tumour and furrounding parts be
moft plentifully bathed with the compofition
three times a day, bandaging on a flannel or
fubftantial pledget of tow wet with the fame,
till, the fwelling fubfides and is nearly ob-
-ocr page 432-
410           ADDITIONAL
The oppofite opinions that have been con-
fidently promulgated upon the properties of
Goulard's extract of Saturn, afford applicable
opportunity to venture a few words upon its
qualities, and the estimation it is held in and
entitled to, among thofe whofe extenfive
practice muft have enabled them to decide
upon the certainty of its effects. Every valu-
able difcovery unavoidably meets its opponents
from either pique, prejudice, obftinacy, or
ignorance; the virtues of this medicine as an
external, may therefore not be univerfaily ac-
knowledged; but fo far as a long and attentive
experience will permit me to decide, I feel
myfelf fully juftified in contributing my mite
of approbation to the extent of its efficacy
upon numerous occafions. Particularly as a
very powerful corroborant in deep feated
{trains; a repellent in the early (late of in-
flammatory and painful fwellings, as well as
a general fpecific in moft injuries to the eye,
by blows, bruifes, or external accidents: its
peculiar property of preventing gangrene or
mortification, by plentiful incorporation with
poultices or other topical applications, will
be fully proved by thofe who have occafion
to make the experiment.
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REMARKS.              4u
By this fmall and diiinterefted tribute to its
excellencies, I mean not to be confidered its
immaculate panegyrifl-, extolling its efficacy to
a degree of unlimited infallibility, ranking it
with the nojlrums of the day, and publishing a
fajhionable certificate of its poffeffing the pro-
perty of baniihing every poffible ill; but to
bring its properties fairly into the fcale of
public inveitigation, upon the foundation of
my own recommendation, juftified by accurate
obfervation, affording me every rcafon to believe
that where it has been brought into ufe with-
out any good effecls being produced by the
application, it has failed more from the inju-
dicious dilution of the prefcriber, or inferior
quality of the preparation, than any*want of
efficacy in the medicine alone; and this I am
the more readily induced to believe by the
repeated difcoveries of erroneous proportions
in compofition, even upon the confeffions of
thofe whofe want of pradice had left them
totally inadequate to the tafk of forming a
competent opinion upon the different cafes
they had undertaken.
From this medical animadverfion we return
to the consideration of tumours before defcribed,
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4i2            ADDITIONAL
which, having taken a view of in their early
flare, we proceed to confider in the more ad-
vanced and dangerous flages. Upon their
non-fubmiffion to the treatment already ex-
plained, a tendency to induration or fuppura-
tion may naturally be expected, and in fact
difcovered upon clofe examination: this being
perceived, the latter had better be folicited by
every poffible means, beginning with the
poultices and fomentations felecled from the
Index; where a variety may be found under
their different heads. If appearances are
favourable, promiling fpeedy maturation, let
the treatment be regulated by the directions,
p. 185, the progrefs and cure being promoted
by the very means fo minutely defcribed. But
fhould thefe endeavours be productive of dif-
appointment, and no ftep gained towards a
difcharge of matter, the fwelling retaining its
original firmnefs, without the lead indication
of fluctuation, an induration of the tumour
may be apprehended; to prevent which,
Simulating ipirituous applications become im-
mediately neceffary, and fhould be plentifully
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REMARKS.              413
Take fpirits of wine half a pint;
Camphire fix drachms;
Oil of origanum two drachms;
Diffolve the camphire in the fpirits of wine (by-
frequent making), then add the oil of ori-
The part tumefied to be well bathed with a
fufficient proportion of this liniment twice or
thrice a day, leaving a flannel or pledget of tow
upon the part wet with the fame, bandaging
up warm; this, by its penetrative property, will
fo refolve and rarefy the contents of the tu-
mour, and flimulate the veffels, as to leave but
little doubt of a gradual repulfion. Should
that however not take place fo foon as expect-
ed, two drachms of the ftrong mercurial
ointment had better be well rubbed upon the
part every morning, about two hours preced-
ing the ufe of the fpirituous application before
prescribed. If the fwelling has been permit-
ed to remain fo long unattended to, that this
mode of treatment becomes ineffectual, there
is very little hopes of removing the blemifh by
any other means, and, in all probability, they
had better never be attempted.
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4i4             ADDITIONAL
There are other inftruclions neceffary to
introduce upon certain complaints, that, like
thofe before-mentioned, have not been definable
under any of the diftincl claries that form the
body of the work. Of thefe a canker in the foot
fecms entitled to preference, as a defed or mif-
fortune attended with great pain and difquietude
to the horfe, as well as conftant anxiety and
lofs of labour to the matter. This complaint
is in general occafioned by negled, in fuffering
the thrnjh (by its unchecked continuance) to
affume a degree of inveteracy, corroding the
furrounding parts and confuming the frog by
its acrimonious and penetrative property;
promoting the growth of fungus in proportion
to the deftrudion of parts originally found.
The fafeft and moft expeditious method of
reducing which will be by, occasional appli-
cations of lint well impregnated with the
following lotion, and properly fecured upon
the part, till, being entirely fubdued, the cure
may be effeded with dreffings of the preci-
pitate digeftive (p. 163), and the furface after-
wards hardened by wathing with tindure of
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REMARKS.              415
Take of corrofive fublimate and Roman vitriol,
of each one drachm •,
Spirits of wine one ounce;
Spring water half a gill.
Let the fublimate and vitriol be reduced to a
very fine powder in a mortar j then add the
fpirits by fmall proportions; and, laftly, the
water, keeping the whole clofely flopped for
To prevent defe&s in the feet good liable
management is at all times neceffary, but more
particularly that kind of management diflin&h/
adapted to the foot of the horfe; for every ex-
perienced fportfman or judicious obferver muft
have perceived how very much the ftate of the
feet vary in different fubjects; the hoofs of fome
horfes being exceedingly hard and brittle,
others equally foft and fpongy. It is worthy
obfervation that the feet of all horfes are gene-
rally managed in the fame way, without revert-
ing to this material confideration; that is, by
Hopping the bottom and oiling the hoof j a
mode of treatment exceedingly proper with the
hard footed horfe, but by no means with the
other. Horfes whofe hoofs are foft and fpongy,
-ocr page 438-
416          ADDITIONAL
or the frog impaired, mould have their feet
flopped, as directed in p. 95, and the hoof fre-
quently hardened with vinegar, chamber-lye,
or fait and water.
A canker in the mouth is frequently very
troublefome from its lituation, and fomedmes
productive of great difquietude by the length
of its continuance ; it originates in any excori-
ation or wound in the mouth, becoming foul,
and containing a corroding flough (in the na-
ture of a fitfaji) that muft be brought away or
deftroyed before a cicatrix can be formed to
perfect a cure. Various ancient rules and pre-
fcriptions have been tranfmitted from gener-
ation to generation for the performance of this
elaborate bufinefs; fome totally inadequate to
the intent, and others fo efficaciozifly powerful
as to render the remedy worfe than the difeafe.
To remove every degree of fulpenfe, as well
as prevent trouble and difappointment in the
purfuits of noftrums vend, far-fetched remedies,
the following method of cure may be relied
upon :
-ocr page 439-
Take borax and burnt alum of each half an
ounce; let them be reduced to a very fine
powder and diffolved in a quarter of a pint
of boiling water; when cold add one ounce
of ftyptic tinfture, and let the parts be plen-
tifully touched with the folution twice every
day, till the Hough comes away-, when the
cure may be completed, by touching occa-
fionally with tincture of myrrh and white wine
vinegar equal parts.
Sandcracks are cavities or cracks in fome
part of the hoof that are in general longitudi-
nal, and the effect of a fpontaneous feparation
occafioned by the hardnefs of the hoof, or fome
external injury upon the part. Such defect,
whether from chance or accident, fhould be
well examined fo foon as perceived, and the
mode of management regulated by appearances.
The leading points are to prevent the admiffion
of dirt or gravel, and to harden the furface
with frequent applications of tincture of
myrrh j avoiding all unctuous and greafy appli-
cations till the cure is completed. On the
contrary, fhould the cafe prove internal and.
deep feated, the affiftance of an operative far-
rier of extenfive practice cannot be too foon
E e                    obtained
-ocr page 440-
418             REMARKS,
abtained, to prevent (if poffible, thofe blemiflie,
and defedts of the feet that inevitably reduce a
horfe to little or no value whenever they
The neceffary and unavoidable remarks upon
the management of draft horfes in the appen-
dix, and the additional obfervations interfperf-
ed with the work, render unneceffary every
apology for their introduction; particularly
when it is known to have originated in an
anxious defir© of the author, to render the
whole as perfedt as poffible, in gratitude for
its very flattering reception through feveral
large editions.
-ocr page 441-
[ 4*9 1
Additions to this edition, Introduction, &c.
•--------------~page 6 to ii.
----------------         12 to 24.
—--------.------         40 to 42.
■---------■------- 52> 53> 54> 59> 6o> 61/67.'
—------------68 to 76, 77, 89, 9o, 95, 96;
>----------------•         112,191,226,231,232, 241.
-------—------         Additional Remarks, from page
398 to 418, both inclufive.
ArguF, eyes of, 21.
Ancient practice, 5, 50, 175. Refurre£rionof, 64
Angelo, 25. Aftley, 25^
Age, certain figns of, 27.
1------proper for work, 14.
Aliment, proper quantity, 31, 341. Of cart
horfes, 401.
Alteratives, 112, 124, 129, 142, 144, 274,,
Afthma, 204,
Appetite, 31, 269.
Air, 283. Apoplexy, 315«
Ee 2
-ocr page 442-
240                  INDEX.
Balls, purging, p. 36, 37, tir, 123, 141, 219,
261, 270, 272.
------ reftringent, 46, 346, 350.
------- diuretic, 106, 368, 369.
■------ alterative, 112, 144.
------ detergent peroral, 205, 218, 225.
------- cordial pectoral, improvement upon Bracken,
•■ fevers, 244, 252.
.------ ftomach reftorative, 254, 325.
------- mercurial alterative, 264.
•------ for the jaundice, 26S, 271, 273.
»         nervous caftor, 321, 323.
------- cordial carminative, 33.1, ^^.
—— cordial diuretic, 358, 364.
Bleeding, diredions for, 34. Ill effect from, 408.
Bartlet, remarks upon, 42, 47, 54, 99, 118, 132,
187, 204, 211, 220, 223, 230, 248, 289.
Bracken, remarks upon, 5, 11, 24, 206, 242,
Bag and pipe, for glyfter, 45, 205,
Bandage, 52, 55, 65, 84.
BMeririg, liquid, 56, 74, 82-.-
-ocr page 443-
INDEX.                    4
Bliftering, ointment, 88, 394, 395.
Ealfam, traumatic, theufeof, 66, 193.
Bites, poifonous, 274.
Breflaw, 158.
Boerhaave, aphorifmof, 342.
Burdon, mentioned, 203.
Cambridge, pupils of, p. 13.
Compofition, modern, 8, 10.
Comparifon of Bracken, 24.
--------—------- in aliment, 31.
Condition, what, 32.
Cold charges, remarks upon, 83.
Cracks, what and how cured, 91.
Cauftics, how mifapplied, 127, 137, 162, 171.
Cerate, healing, 167.
Colds, principal caufes of, 196,
■------ effects explained, 198.
------- how cured, 200,
Coughs, different kinds, 206.
----------confequence of, 202.
Circulation confidered, 277,
Chymift, ftory of, 292.
Convulfions, 308.
Ee 3
-ocr page 444-
422                   INDEX.
Convulfions, fymptoms of, 3 18.
Cholic, or fret, 328. How occafioned, 407.
•---------fymproms, 330. ,
•---------treatment and cure, 331 to 335.
Cholic, or gripes, 33$.
Catara£t, 379.
Curbs, 394.
Treatment and cure, 337.
Canker in the mouth, 416.
----------in the foot, 414.
Criticifm, tafk of, 7.
Cold water, efFecT: of, 121, 196, 33©.
Dog-kennels, how fupplied, p. 4, 12S.
Dr',nk, purging, 42.
'----------laxative, 334, 337, 345.
---------fevers, 244, acidulated, 245.
---------anti-putrefcent, 252.
——— nervous ftimulative, 332.
—--------nervous anodyne, 323.
----------cordial carminative, 332, 339;
*---------diuretic, 365.
-—.----anodyne, 351, 369,
Dreffings, proper, requifite, 29, 117, 200, 283.
Difhclout, greafy, ufe of, burlefqued, 187.
-ocr page 445-
DecocYion, peroral, 216.
Doctors, how numerous, 16.
Doctrine (and do61oring) 6.
Dillies, mentioned, 318.
Draft horfes, management of, 399.
Eton, pupils of, p. 13.
Exercife, 32, 117, 200, 269, 283.
Expenfe, remarks upon, 47, 140.
Embrocation, ftrengthening, 73, 80, 89
—-,-------------ftimulative, 324.
Economy, fadler's, 187.
Electricity, fundamental, 204.
Emperical confidence, 137, 174.
Eyes, a wound upon, 38^.
Farrier's infallibility, P< 34-
.--------- operative, 25, 59.
•--------- judgment, 120, 249.
*-----1— dilemma, 155, 162, 246,
Ee 4
-ocr page 446-
424                   I N D E X.
Farrier's privilege, 205.
.--------- of eminence and abilities, 59, 363^
Feeding, 29. Figging, 20.
Fomentations, 163, 184, 2-99.
Fumigadon, 300.
Firing, remarks upon, 83, 89.
Farcy, 131.
Former practice, cruelty of, 136.
Fiftula, 168. Fungus, 19c.
Fevers, 230.
----------explained, 237.
■---------'epidemic, 250. Treatment, 252.
Fallibility of fpecifics, 274.
Foffe, M. La, remarks upon, 287, 290, 293, 303.
Farmer's ftables, remarks upon, 400.
•-------------1 fervants, conduct of, 403.
Flatulent cholic, or fret, 329.
————------ how occafipned, 407,
Goulard's extract of Saturn, p. 56, 86, 89, 108,
143, 152, 189, 384, 409.
------------■ Us properties explained, 410.
-ocr page 447-
INDEX.                 425
Gibfon, remark upon, 5, 9, 25, 52, 137, 204,
211, 231, 276, 310.
Glanders, 287.
■------------- infectious, 302.
■-------------incurable, 304.
Greafe, 96, 405.
            caufeof, 101, no.
Groom's indolent, 23, 92.
.....- ill humours of, 103.
----------duty, 188, 192, 403, 407.
Genius of dulnefs, 156.
Glands, induration of, 228.
Gutta ferena, 378.
Glyfters, laxative, 45, 216, 337.
---------. domeftic, 239.
.---------- againft worms, 320.
.---------- anodyne, 320, 348, 352.
.---------. carminative, 333.
--------- emollient diuretic, 363.
Hughes, mentioned, p. 25.
Health, remark on, 29.
Hay, mufty, 31.
-ocr page 448-
426                   I N D E X.
Hay, fparing in, 225.
-------proper quantity, 341.
Heroes, equeftrian, 63, 157.
Hidebound, 82.
Horfes expofed to danger, 3, 318.
Humanity enjoined, 63.
Horfe dealers, a tax upon, 21.
Hercules, ftrength of, 137.
Humours, 118, 354, 396.
Horfemen, every, a caution to, 194.
Haws what, and how extirpated, 386.
InjecVton, detergent, p. 301.
Ignorance, ftabularian, 137, 174,
Jones mentioned, 25.
Jaundice, 266.
Inftru&ions, various, 17, 19, 63, 341, 354,
Knees, broken, p. 28, 156.
----------------treatment of, 159,
Kill or cure, fyftem of, 137.
-ocr page 449-
Lamenefs, p. 68.
Liniment, repellent, 56, 6^, 143,
Lotion, detergent, 105, 143, 417,
,---------repellent, 86, 413.
----------for the eyes, 383, 385.
■---------drying, 105.
----------mercurial, 160.
Livery, fubfiftence, 23.
Le Brufh, Capt. quoted, 118,"
Liver, the, a fcirrhofity of, 128, 27J.
London ftables, comforts of, 23.
Lampas, or Lampards, 350.
Lungs, the, inflammation of, 21U
Mock Doctor, quoted, p. 5.
Mail coaches, 28, 318.
Mafh, reftringent, 46.
■—— balfamic, 200.
Mercury, remarks upon the ufe of, g.
Mange, 125. Mars, fire of, 137,
-ocr page 450-
428                   I N D E X.
Myrrh, tincturfe of, 164, 193,
Medicines, quack, remarks on, 295.
Molten greafe, 353.
----------fymptoms, 355.
----------treatment and cure, 357.
Machines, flying, mentioned, 318.
Mallenders, 388.
Mercurial folution, 160, 415.
Nitre recommended, p. 124, 129, 142, 200, 207,
217, 240, 246.
•------ its properties explained, 241.
Nature coniidered, 150, 204.
Navel galls, 189.
Noftrums, infallibility of, ridiculed, 295.
New publication dhTec~ted, 7.
Ofmer quoted, p. 60, 90.
■---------remarks on, 77, 232, 241.
Oxford, pupils of, 13.
Ointment, emollient, 105,
-ocr page 451-
Ointment for the mange, 130.
-------------liable digeftive, 152, 185.
-------------precipitate digeftive, 163.
■■           —mercurial, 182, 308.
-------------anodyne, 108.
----------_ detergent emollient.
Obfervations, various, 11, 16, 23, 30.
Over-reaches, 159.
Publications, modern periodical, p. 6, 10.
Plagiarifm, remarks on, 9, 188.
Poifons, 5, 143.
Phytic, 36.
---------- management of, 38.
---------- operation explained, 43.
Powders, alterative, 124, 129, 142, 274.
----------worm, 265,
Poultice, emollient, 80, 151.
-----.-----fuppurative, 109, 178, 184, 281,
Prevention preferable to cure, 62, 298,
Practice, ancient, modernized,. 1.
----------remarks on, 50, 174.
Penury of fome, 140.
P->11 evil, 173.
-ocr page 452-
43°                   INDEX.
Practice, infernal, 175.
Pleurify, 211. Palfy, 323.
Puppies, remarks on, 6t,.
Powders, pernicious, given, 4P3.
Quackery, the danger of, p. 154.
Quack medicines, ftamp upon, 295.
Quitter, original caufe of, 160.
---------- explained.
Repofitories, remarks upon, p. 10.
•---------1------true picture of, 20,
,------.----------proper to fell at, 22.
------'----------inflitution good, 21.
Receipts, obfolete and dangerous, 3, 10.
Raking, bad paclice, 44.
Riders, advice to, 62-
Reft in {trains recommended, 8r, 83, 86
Repellents, mild, 189, .190.
Reafan to be confulted, 183, 204.
-ocr page 453-
Rowel recommended, 253.
Ringbones, 39$.
Sydenham, remark upon, p. 4;
" Sound wind and limb," explained, 15.
Shape and make, necefiary, 12, 14, 16,
Splents explained, 51. Cure, 53.
Spavins blood, 55. Bone, 58.
----------treatment, 56, 60.
Spirits, repellent, 65, 189,
Strain;, y6. Caufes explained, 78.
Scratches, 91. Cure, 93. Stopping 95.
Surfeit, 118. True caufe of, 122.
Stables, London, remark upon, 23.
Scrub's allufion, 131.
Solleyfell mentioned, 20r.
Swift, Dean, ftory of, 290.
Staggers, 308. General caufe, 317.
Scouring from repletion, 343.
■----------from weaknefsi, 349.
Sportfmen, an appeal to, 177.
-ocr page 454-
4j2                   INDEX.
Snape, mentioned, 25.
Strangles, 276. Caufe, 278. 'Cure, 2S1.
Spafms, 323. Strangury, 359.
Saturnine folution, 190, 383.
Sallenders, 390.
Sloane, Sir Hans, ointment^ 385.
Sandcracks, 417.
Teeth, age by, p. 26.
Thrufh, running, 94.
Tumours, 180, 280, 307.
Traps for the unwary, 14.
Ulcers in farcy, p. 144.
------ in general, 161.
Vade Mecum, Farriers, n8„
Vegeto mineral, 151.
———to make, 152.
Vulcanian advocates, 204-,
-ocr page 455-
INDEX,               433
Vives, explained, 285.
Vertigo, 313.
Windgalls, p. 61.
--------1-----caufe explained, 62i
¥i._ cure of, 64. By perforation, 65*
Wafh for ulcers, 166,
------ detergent, 191.
Water, vegeto mineral, 151, 152*
Wounds, 146.
Warbles 187. How repelled, 189*,
Wind, broken, 219.
.------ how occaiioned, 41.
Water, cold, effea of, 121, 294, 330, 402,
_-------. fparing in, 225.
Worms, 255. Different kinds, 256,
*—•——— cure of, 261.
-ocr page 456-
( 434 )
Genuine Horfe Medicines,
(Author of — " The Gentleman's Stable DireElory")
At his Medical Difpenfary;
Mr. Kearfuy, No. 46. Fleet-ftreet, London; Mr. Baddifon, New-
market; Mr. Hod/on, Cambridge; Mr. Jack/on, Oxford;
Meffrs. Smart and Cozvjlade, Reading; Mr. Blakeney, Windfor ;
Mr. Collins, Salifbury ; Mr. Gumm, Guildford ; Mr Stevens
Bicefter; Mr. Hall, Worcefter; Mr. King, Winflow;
Mr. Blanchard, York; Mr. Tre<wman, Exeter; MefTrs.
Tarringdon and Bacon, Norwich; Mr. Binns, Leeds; Mr.
S-uoinncy,Birmingham; Mr.Nfwoopth, Stamford; Mr.Brijlotv,
Canterbury; Mr. Shave, Ipfwich; Meffrs. Clachtr and Co.
Chelmsford; Mr.Gedge, Bury ; Mr. Drury, Lincoln ; Meffrs.
Goadby and Co. Sherborne; Mr. Harrop, Manchefter; Mr.
Mar/hall, Lynn; Mr. Payn, Saffron Walden ; Mr. Wood,
Shrewfbury; Mr. Cavtrell, Burton upon Trent; and one agent
in moft principal cities and towns, fo foon as an arrangement
ef fuch an extent can be properly formed.
Mild Purging Balls,
         ...           is. 6d. each.
Stronger ditto,          -                                     2s.
Mild Mercurial Purging Balls, - .          2s.
Stronger ditto,                                             "j
Cordial Rhubarb Purging Balls, - - > 2s. 6d.
Purging Balls for Worms, - - - J
Mild Diuretic Balls for Cracks, Scratches, "J
Surfeit, Hidebound, or fluctuating > 6s. per dozen.
Stronger ditto for PerceptibleFoulnefs, De- 1
feds of the Eyes, Swelled Legs, } 8s.
and Greafe, - - - - J
Pectoral Cordial Balls for Recent Colds or |„
Coughs,          -        - -              J
Pectoral Detergent Balls for Obftinate 7
Coughs, or Afthmatic and Thick f 9s.
Winded Horfes, -
                 - J
Fever Balls, .... . - is. 6d.
Balls for Loofenefs or Scouring, - - is. 6d.
Balls for the Flatuleat Cholic, or Fret,
Ditto for the Inflammatory Cholic orGripes,. 2s.
Ditto for the Strangury, or Supprefllon of I ., ,
        - -        ..->••
Eliftering Ointment for four legs, - - 3s. per pot.
Embrocation for Lamer.efs or Strains, - 2s. 6d. per bottle.
Alterative Powders, for Cracks Scratches, 1
Surfeit, Hidebound, ivlange, or ? 4s. per dozen.
                                -          J
-ocr page 457-
( 435 )
The almoft unprecedented portion of public
favour that has fan&ioned the appearance of
" The Gentleman's Stable Directory," and
rendered the publication of fuch a number of
large Editions
neceffary within fo t"9rt afpaceof
time, may be candidly confidered, (no book Upoa
this fubjedt having fold fo as to bear any com-
parifon) an incontrovertible criterion of its utiltity.
The very flattering marks of approbation that
have reached the Author from fome of the moft
ciiftinguifhed characters, added to the preffmg
perfuafions of others equally high in the fport-
ing world, have at length influenced him to
render the whole a complete chain of conve-
nience to the kingdom in genra!4 by the per-
fonal preparation of his mod efficacious pre-
fcriptions, a plan fo evidently calculated to
eradicate the very foundation of
that he cannot indulge a doubt, but the pro-
motion of a general good will be honoured
with the ffamp of
N. B. The above Medicines are fo particularly pre-
pared and carefullyenclofed, that they retain their efficacy
for any length of time; and the Cordial Pectoral, Fever,
and Bajls for Scouring Gripes, or Fret, may be diiTolved
in ale or gruel, and given as a drink, if thought more ap-
plicable or convenient.
F f 2                BOOKS
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aifpoken by Mr. Lee Lewes, at the Theatre Royal, in Covent-
Garden, and the Royalty-Theatre. To which is added, an
Eflay on Satire, by the late Mr. Pilcn._
There are fpurious and incorrect Editions of Stevens s Works in
Circulation, againft which it is neceffary to Caution the Public.
The Songs may be had leparate, Price One Shilling and Sixpence,
and the Leclure on Heads, Price One Shilling, or bound toge-
ther, Three Shillings,
Printed on a Writing Paper,
The Fifth Edition, of MUSICAL TRAVELS through
By the late JOEL COLLIER, Licentiate in Mufic,
Dear to the Mufe, fhe gave his days topafs,
With little filver, but with flore of brafsj
Beotian clouds did o'er his genius fling,
But gave him {kill to fiddle, and to ling.
Price Two Shillings and Sixpence,
-ocr page 466-
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. Hie contemptible Vice cf LYING properly difplayed.
With considerable Additions, particularly a new and fton Paf-
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VENTURES in Ruffia, Iceland, Turkey, Egypt, Gibraltar,
the Mediterranean, Atlantic Ocean, and by a fubterraneous
Fafiage into the Caipian Sea.
Upon the Continent thefe Travels are more read than any
Production that has appeared for fome Years. This FifthEdition,
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*#* This is a 'very fieafant Companion ; it abounds <witb admirable
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Vide the Review for May.
The Sixth Edition, much enlarged, Price Three Shillings.
THE F E S~TI V A L o~7 L O V E i
Or, a Collection of elegant POEMS.
Procured and felefied by me G—-------E P*-——E,
and dedicated to my Brother.
The'Squire, a Ta!e---The Geranium corrected, by the Manu-,
fcript—Epiftle from Lady Worfley-.-ArmHrong's Economy
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Mifs in her Teens, a TaIe---Hero and Leander, from Mulasus
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Review for September,
Price Three Shillings and Sixpence each.
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By the late DAVID HUME, Efq.
With Remarks, intended as an Antidote to the Poifon contained
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By the EDIT O R.
To which are added, Two Letters on Suicide, from Rouffeau's
Thefe Effays have been for fome Time clandeflinely circu-
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Price Three Shillings and Sixpence
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With the Addition of fome Hints to the Drummer and
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Kidiiulum acri
Fortius et melius plerumquefecat res.
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Yet touch'd and mov'd by ridicule alone.
To which is now added, fome Advice to the Officers of ihe
Ordnance, and the Secretary at War.
Price Half-a-Crown.
** The life of Hume already publifcd makes no Part of tht
" following production.
Refpefting the late
With a Parallel between thefe celebrated Perfonages; and an
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moft extraordinary compofition.
of the late
Price 3s. 6d.
With an elegant Portrait of her Grace at full-length, from
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Shiid <vetat ?
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Standing on Guard,
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Plate VI. Guarding the Face and the Ribs.
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Plate VIII. Striking the chopping Blow.
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