u, 3
O R,
Modern Syftem of Farriery.
[ Price 6s. in Boards, or ;s. Bound, ]
Gentleman's Stable Directory;
O R,
0 F
Volume the Second.
GENERAL MANAGEMENT OF Hunters and Road Horfes^
With Concluding Observations upon the Prefent
STATE of the T U R F. % WILLIAM TAP LIN, Surgeon.
*Wcdfor G. G. J. and J. Robinson, Paternofter-Row j and
C. and G. Kearslev, Fleet-Street. |
-*^VFTER the many publications upon
equeftrian fubjecls, it may appear to fome rather extraordinary that matter either new, wjlruahe, or entertaining, can be produced to excite the ferious attention even of thofe wI>o are the moft curious in their par- ticular ftuds and different appropriations but fuch admiration will as readily fubfide, Up°n a retr^Peclive allufion to the origi- nal motives of the various writers, the al- moft unlimited extent of the fubjed, the conftant]y encreafing eftimation of the ob- treated on, and the confignment to perpetual
perpetual oblivion of many literary produc-
tions, (unfortunately for their authors) fo foon as they were brought to the teft of public inveftigation. The Gentleman's Stable Directory, hav-
ing by the unprecedented rapidity of its circulation through ten large editions, and the acknowledged utility of its inftrudtions, in a great degree fuperfeded former opi- nions, and eftabliftied the profeffional re- putation of the writer j it will be hardly conlidered a mark of prefumption, that (un- der the flattering influence of popularity) the fame pen fhould once more afpire to the hope of applaufe, in his defire to extend the fyftem of management to a degree of confiftency hitherto undefcribed by any one of the numerous authors, who have pre- ceded us upon the fame or fimilar fubjects. So
So far as health and condition are
preferable to difeafe, fo much more denia- ble muft prevention ever prove to the necerfity 0f curSt The purport of the pre- fent undertaking will, therefore, be found appertaining much more to fuch parts of lcabularian difcipline, as come under the diftin&ion of novelty, and not treated on in a direct way, than at all applicable to the investigation or cure of difeafe; unlefs in occafional allufions or medical references evidently branching from the fubjedt, and tending to corroborate and improve the in- tentional uniformity of the whole. It be- ing the predominant wifh of the writer, to render this publication fuch kind of colla- teral appendage to The Stable Direc- tory, as may conftitute in both, a com- plete chain of ufeful and entertaining in- struction for the improvement of the fpe- , cies ', |
cies ; their management in Jicknefs or health,
the field or Jlable, including, under diftinct heads, fuchy^^ from experience and infer- ences from nature, as will, the author is earneftly induced to hope, procure him the approbation of thofe, by the fandlion of whofe extenfive patronage he has been al-> ready fo very highly honoured, |
FROM its general magnitude, prevalent
fafhion, and great utility, is certainly entitled to precede every other fubjed:, up- on which we mall have occafion to enlarge, in the courfe of the work before us; and Will afford ample opportunity to introduce fuch remarks and inflruftions, as may evi- dently tend to improve what is now become fo univerfal, that the world at large, either »n pleafure, agriculture, or commerce, feem "iterefted in its fuccefs. Previous to em- barkation in fo extenfive a field for invefti- gation, it may be applicable to obferve, that whatever opinions may be promulgated as matters of recommendation, they are not Vol. II g t0 |
to be considered the delufive efFed of fpe-
culative rumination, but the refult of long perfonal experience and attentive obfervation among horfes in my own pofTeffion, from brood mares and colts to every defcription, whether for the Turf, Field, Road, or Draft. Although fomeof the fubje<fts upon which,
we proceed to treat, may have been night- ly mentioned by writers who have gone be- fore us, it is generally known to have been in fo fuperficial and unconnected a way, that little information or inftrudfcion could be at all gleaned from their endeavours -} a few loofe hints upon each having been di- greffively obtruded, or indifcriminately in- troduced, amidft topics to which they did not bear the leaft allufion, and from whence* conclufions of the fmalleft utility could ne- ver be drawn. Thefe errors it has been the principal de-
fign to correct, by reducing to dijiinSi heads all fuch obfervations and remarks as confti- tute the body of the work, and are intended as incentives to general improvement upon the great variety of fubje&s we fliall en- deavour |
deavour to contract into one regular and
uniform point of view, with as little refer- ence to, or animadverfion upon others, as the nature of fuch publication will admit. So much has been faid upon the origin,
mveftigation and cure of difeafe, in our for- mer volume of The Stable Directory, that we ihall advert as little as poffible to medi- cal considerations, unlefs where, from new occafions, or recent difcoveries, they be- come intimately and unavoidably connected with the fubjeft under difcuffion, as will probably prove the cafe with fome few heads, before we arrive at the goal of our undertaking. Breeding, though a fubjedl of palpable
importance to the improvement of this moft ufeful animal, feems t0 have recdved ]efg afliftance from literary exertion than any
otner that has ever attracted the time or attention of ihofe naturaiifts, who have in other reJpeBs contributed largely to the ad- Vantage and entertainment of the public. This affertion, generally confidered, lias one inking exception in the peculiar and con- B 2 . , flan fly |
ftantly encreafing circumfpeCtion, to im-
prove (if poflible) what abfolutely appears to have already reached the very fummit of perfection : It will be readily conceived I allude to the almoft incredible care and at- tention beftowed upon the breed and ma- nagement of our blood horfes for the turf, at this moment efteemed equal (if not fupe- rior) in fpeed, bottom, and difcipline to any other in the known world, particularly fince the fafhionable rage for Arabians has fo, gradually declined. Perfonal emulation amongft fome of the
firft characters in the three kingdoms for near a century pan:, (with the moft unre- mitting perfeverance and practical experi- ence of the fubordinate clafTes, upon the ad- vantageous croffes in blood, bone,Jhape, make and jirengthi) has rendered Newmarket not only the firft feat of Equeftrian cele- brity, but to a breeder and fportfman, one of the moft enchanting fcenes the univerfe has to produce. This part of the fpecies hav- ing, under fuch accumulated power and in- duftry, attained the very pinnacle of pre- eminence, nothing can be introduced to breeders
breeders of fuch nice diftindtion, that will
poffibly add weight, or give force to fo com- plete a fyftem of unfullied perfeftion : As it is, however, generally admitted this {y£. tematic knowledge is by no'means univerfal, uc "feful remarks and appertaining ob- servations will be occafionally introduced under this head, as will afford ufeful intel- ligence or inftrudtion to thofe who have commenced breeders, without adverting to the qualifications or advantages abfolutely requifite for the fuccefsful management of a breeding ftud4 Taking leave for the prefent of blood,
pedigree, zixdfajhion, we advert to the very capital breed of real Englifh. hunters, and beautiful draft or carriage horfes, for which the counties of York, Leice/ler, Lincoln, and Northampton are fo defervedly famous; they are certainly entitled to take the lead of every other county in the kingdom, not "iore in the care and fuperiority of their breed, than the confiftency of their pro- ceedings to improve it. This preference, fo generally known and univerfally admitted, create no furprife when we recolledt B 3 how |
how admirably gifted by nature thofe coun-
ties are with requifite advantages, that other parts of England have not to boaft; nor can they, from locality of fituation, ever obtain. Situate as the inhabitants are for thefe
conveniences, they have confequently de- dicated more time and attention to the im- provement of the fpecies in general, for the purpofes of emolument, than the natives of moft other counties, where the attempt (however j udiciouily made) becomes in fome degree abortive, not only in refpect to the deceptive expectation of profit, but a cer- tain degeneracy from fuch heterogeneous uni- ons (if I may be allowed the expreflion) as will be hereafter more clearly explained. Cuftoms and opinions upon this fubject
are both local and numerous, notwithftand- ing which they are frequently fubfervient to exigence of circumftances, and become productive of a propagation calculated for little more than a confumption of food, without a fingle prominent or diftinguifhing mark of blood, flrength or utility. There
There are many fubftantial reafons to be
adduced, why the breeders of the northern counties exceed all other parts of England in the conjijlency, Jlrength, fajhion, and fym- metry of their ftock; for exclufive of their natural advantages of the mod luxuriant pafture, and temperate climate for fuch pur- P°te, they are rigidly attentive to every component minutiae of the whole j not only to the fhape, make, bone, ftrength, and u- piformity of both Jire and dam, but likewife to hereditary defefts, blemifhes, and defor- mities, rejecting every probability otjlain or injury, diverged of the paltry penurious con- fiderations by which the conduct of many are regulated, who have been breeding all their lives, without the fatisf action of hav- ing ever once had a horfe or mare of figure, fafhion, or value in their pofleffion. This is a fact fo clearly eftablifhed, it will
come home to the remembrance of every reader, when taking a mental furvey of his rural neighbours, amongft whom he will Perfectly recoiled forne one or more fo invin- cibly attached to the merits of a blind Jlal- "on, or the virtues of his own Jpder-legged B 4 mare, |
mare, that deftitute of judgment, and deaf
to remofiftrance, he ranks (in imagination) the prodo.ce a prodigy even in embryo, and proceeds regularly, year after year, encreafing the number, without a fingle addition to the improvement of the fpecies. Thefe are the kind of hypothetical breed-
ers, (and great plenty there are) who cal- culate doubly in error, by calculating upon profit, without a (ingle contingent reflection upon lofs; ridiculoufly fuppofing a mare in foal, or after delivery, can fupport her own frame, and that of her offspring, upon lefs food than any other horfe or mare in conflant work -, and begin breeding under an idea that it will be attended with little or no expenfe. Thus totally inadequate (or indifferent) to the generating of fiejh, blood, and bone by the ef- fect of nutrition, they penurioufly and inhu- manly adopt a kind of temporary poverty, and after a year or two of artificial famine feem greatly furprifed, that air and exercife alone have not produced a colt, or filly, of equal Jize,firength, and perfection with diofe who have omitted no one expence or neceffary acquifition, that could in the leaft contribute ' to |
to the formation of points fo very deferable,
in objects of fuch tedious expectation, and no little anxiety, before their merits or de- ficiences could be at all fatisfa&orily afcer- tained. To avoid the accufation or even fafpicion of intentional repetition, the unin- formed reader is referred for an inveitiga- tion of nutrimentt its procefs and effects, to Vol. I. of the Stable Directory, under the articles of feeding, furfeit, and mange, where he may collect every information he can poffibly require upon the fubject. Thofe who fucceed beft, and render the
bufinefs of breeding a matter of emolument, are evidently gentlemen, graziers, or farmers, who adhere clofely to the plan of producing a diftinct flock for either the turf, field, or draft, by a direct fyftematic union of the re- quisite qualifications in both fire and dam, without falling into the erroneous opinion of forming an excellent hunter from a blood horfe and cart mare, with fimilar changes eternally ringing by thofe who fall into the egregious miftake of expefting that an e- qual partition of qualities from both fire and dam, will be fo critically blended, as to conftitute
conftitute a medium exaBly between both,
when every judicious obferver will be ena- bled to corroborate the opinion, that the event frequently proves the error and de- monstrates a palpable degeneracy from even the worji of the two. Thefe are the kinds of connexion I have
before termed heterogeneous, upon experi- mental conviction in fuch propagation ; the natural fluggifhnefs and inactivity of the old Englifh draft horfe, whether it be ixxfire or dam, generally predominates in the offs- pring, constituting an object of difappoint- ment where fo much improvement was ex- pected by the crofs. I believe (without ad- verting to memory) that in a number of years paft, I may boldly venture to affirm, I could number at leaft twenty within the ex- tenfive circle of my own acquaintance, who full of expectation, and certain of fuccefs, (in opposition to every perfuafion) poiitive- ly believed they mould produce Strong bo- ney hunters of figure, faihion, fpeed, and ftrength in this way, when Time, the ex- pofitor of all doubts, has at length reduced the conjecture to a certainty; and after wait- ing |
ing four or five years for the fruit of their
expectation to attain perfe&ion, the prodigy has been unavoidably doomed to the drud- gery of a butcher's tray, or the market cart oi lome induftrious mechanic. To this defcription of breeders, who are
continually promoting the propagation of the fpecies, without a fingle confident idea, or relative consideration to the necefTary re- quifites of country and keep, or qualifica- tions of Jre and dam, (with an additional pre- pofleffion in favour of certain ridiculous croiTes) are we indebted for the infinity of horfes annually produced in almoft every (improper) part of the kingdom, that from want of (hape, make, bone, fize and ftrength are of no proportional value to the expenfe they have occafioned; they can pafs under no diftind denomination, are applicable to no particular purpofe, but become an expen- sive burden to the owners, who, too fre- quently fond of their own production, fix an imaginary value upon their imperfections, and year after year permit them to confume food and fodder that might evidently be ap- propriated |
propriated to fervices of much greater pub*
lie utility and private emolument* To the conflant increafe of horfes that are
of little or no value may be attributed, in a collateral degree, the alarming advance in almoft every neceffary of life where the in- digent and neceffitous are moftly interested without exceptor!: But as the introduction of minute calculations to demonstrate the faft, would be digreffing from the fubjecT: before us, I {hall only refer the attention of the curious reader for a moment, to a com- parative reflection upon the incredible con- sumption of pafluragein fummer, and com with hay in winter, that might through other channels be much more adapted to the pro- motion of general good. After the remarks hitherto introduced
upon the inconfiftency and very fajhionable abfitrdity of even attempting to breed horfes in fuch parts of the kingdom as are but ill adapted to the purpofe, whether from the hilly ftate of the country, the infertility of the foil, want of luxuriance in the pafture, or many other concomitant obflacles, (totally unattended
unattended to by the parties concerned) it
Becomes perfectly applicable, to revert once more to the frequent and inconfiderate prac- tice of uniting horfes and mares, with every JOmt hereditary blemifh or defect that can er the offspring unpromifing -, with- t a fingle perfection, or encouraging ray of expectation, to eonftitute a junction of P0lnts, poflibly tending in the leaft to form a produce even tolerably adequate to the par- ticular purpofe for which it may be intend- ed when at a proper age it is brought into we- Such breeders feldom pay the leaft at- tention to merits, tempers, vices, conftituti- onal bkmijhes, or hereditary defers of either ire or dam ; the grand and leading object is, to obtain a horfe or mare of their " own breed:" in that happy thought alone is to confift their perfection, and in fuch ex- panded idea is buried every juft or relative consideration. Predominant reafons are by no means
Wanting to elucidate this ftrange and invin-
iWe infatuation, for penury in fome, abfo-
«te inadvertency in others, and palpable in-
0 ence in the remaining clafs, effecl: the
annual increafe to a certainty; the fame un~
accountable prejudice that prompts them to commence breeders without a confiftent qualification in horfe or mare, influences them alfo to referve a colt of fuch breed to perform the office of Stallion, in the vi- cinity of their own refidence, that the ab- furdity began by themfelves may be perfe- vered in by others: This prodigy, with all his imperfections, is permitted to cover gratis, or for a trifling pecuniary confideration to the fervant, (as a complete gratification of the owner's ambition in breeding) and prov- ing a local convenience, is readily embraced by the inactive claffes before defcribed; while others of more prudence, fpirit, emulation, or confiftency of conduct, will rather fend a mare fifty miles, and encounter any confe- quent expenfe to obtain a horfe whofe (hape, make, bone, ftrength, and action is calcu- lated to correfpond with the dam, promis- ing to produce a colt or filly, adequate in figure and value to the1 purpofe originally intended. Notwithstanding thefe neceffary precau-
tions, the long (landing adage of there be- ing |
Ing " no one rule without an exception" is
tomctimes veriaed. and this even in the firft blood jiuds in tbe kingdom> where the Itndeft attention to every confonant point is fo rigidly pcrfevered in, that the leaft de- viation from fymmetry, fpeed and perfection could hardly be believed, did not the refult o clearly demonftrate the frequency of the Extraordinary as fuch circumftance may
appear, it is certainly true, that many of the moft capital runners, when they have be come ftallions, feldom or never begot a win- ner, though the mares have been felefted w»h the greateft care as objeds of equal Perfection. Thefe remain among the ab- itrufe receffes of nature that will perhaps ever continue unexplained; we may there- fore patiently adopt a fuppofition as a fub- ftuute for difcovery, prefuming « fo far {hall H 8°» and "0 farther," is all that can be vanced in elucidation of the fubjedt.
tic^° corroboration 0f this well authen-
ICated affertion, great numbers might be
Particularized of the prefet day, where the
Pr°geny have degenerated in almoft every
point from fire and dam; but the rapid fuc-
ceffion of one capital horfe upon another, (feafon after feafon) would render the names of fuch as might now be mentioned a matter of oblivion to future readers, and prove to them little or nothing of an opinion we wifh to eftablifh beyond the power of contradi&ion. So much chance appertains to the acT: of
breeding for the turf, that one lucky get very frequently conftitutes a Stallion of Fashion, to which the rage of future fea- fons becomes incredibly fubfervient j innu- merable inftances might be quoted in proof of this fporting credulity, but we will con- tract the number to fuch only as are too eminent in their ftock ever to be forgotten, fo long as the pedigrees of ** great, great, great, great, great grand dams and grand- fires" fhall be tranfmitted to pofterity. It is now within the memory of hun-
dreds upon the turf, that old Marjk (a moft capital runner of his time) covered in Wind- far Foreft and its neighbourhood, a very great number of mares fo low as half a guinea
fi R E E D I N G. ty
|»»nca each, but upon the production of \
clipse, (a horfe whofe almoft unprece-
dented qualifications and performances wiU Jn_all probability never be forgotten) hi. P"ce was enhanced to fifty guineas, and at only for a certain number in the feafon,
°ut of which (though much advanced in
s) he produced many winners, when
«e feleftion of mares became fo much in
«is favour.
per!dCh flU<aUatIon of Popularity fiill de-
P n s upon the uncertainty of events, an additional proof of which deferves to be recorded as worthy the attention of fportf- en to whom it is not very generally known, though too well authenticated to admit even afhadow of doubt, and reduces to a certainty the former obfervation, that Chance alone is often entitled to the merit fo conflantly attributed to judgment and penetration. in th* dam °f EdlpJk havinS been covered
^ natfeafon by both Shakespeare and forn^T' h remained a matter of doubt for
Duk T Wlth hIskte Royal HiShnefs the
^e of Cumberland and his ftud groom, **. to
to which the colt fhould be afcribed; how-
ever, the time of the mare's bringing forth (during the great Eclipfe) coming neareft to the day me was booked to have been covered by Mar/k, to him was attributed the diftinguifhed honour of getting one of the firft horfes in the known world; whofe ftrength, power and fpeed were fo great, that he with eafe double-dijianced the mod capital horfes when running with twelve ftone for the king's plate, and afterwards walked over moft of the king's plate courfes in the king- dom. The doubt refpecling his fire hav- ing been thus removed, with at leait. an apparent degree of precifion, it may natu- rally be fuppofed to have been decided with the ftrictefl juftice; but had fuch doubt ftill exified upon his own pedigree, the fuperiority of his qualifications would have appeared in his produce, he having proved the fire of a moil wonderful progeny in Mercury, Meteor, Soldier, Gunpowder, King Fergus, Dungannon, Bowdrow, Ju~ piteriVertiLmnus, and many others too nu- merous to recite, whofe blood (in fo great si variety of branches) will no doubt be continued
continued with fafhionable croffes to the
end of time. 1S hardly poffible for one little acquaint-
Wlt« the cuftoms and manners of the tUrf to conceive, how the decifion of a fin- S c match or fweepftakes alters the proper- ?les ^ value of a ftallion, whofe reputation Placed (in blood and performance) upon the fummit of eminence; for fhould fome °f the firft of his get that ftart fortunately become winners, fuch circumftance inftantly enhances his fuperiority to a degree of en- thufiafm, and more bufinefs being marked °ut for him in the aft of pro-creation than nature is equal to, his number of mares are confequently limited, and he becomes im- mediately an objea of great annual emolu- ment, feveral inflances having occurred in the laft twenty years, where different Gal- lons have produced to their owners five and twenty hundred pounds in onefeafon. But in this ftate of acknowledged ex-
cellence and fuperiority, they are toll fub- ject to the verfatility of chance, and one unlucky ftep for ever damns their fame i\
C 2 for |
for two or three of his get being beat at a
fubfequent Newmarket meeting, the vic- torious lire foon fuperfedes the favourite, who, falling into the back ground of the picture, glides imperceptibly to an almoft total oblivion. In fuch fluctuation or fuc- ceffion, fubmits the fame of an Herod to an Eclipfe, an Evergreen to a Sweetbriar, and a very long lift of etceteras to thofe reign- ing favourites of the prefent day Highflyer and Woodpecker, the former of which hav- ing produced thirty-nine winners of ninety- one capital prizes, and the latter feventeen winners of fifty-four, both in the year 1789 only, it will create no furprife that they at
prafent enjoy, under the funfhine of popular influence, a more extenfive and beautiful feraglio than any Arabian on earth has ever had to boaft. Having ventured a few remarks upon
what I before termed exceptions to general rules, or predominant opinions, it becomes perfectly confiftent to ftrengthen a belief of fuch poflibilities, by the recital of a diredl contrail within my own knowledge and perfect remembrance, of a galloway that ne- ver |
ver exceeded thirteen hands, though got by
Mar/k, (who was a large horfe) out of a full fized hackney mare in the neighbour- hood of Windfor: as well as a very large, °oney, handfome ufeful gelding full fifteen » 0ut of a poney mare under twelve, that was bought of a troop of gipfies near Bafingftoke for a fingle guinea. An en- creafedlift of fuch inftances might be eafily formed and equally authenticated; but thefe are fufficient to encounter the alTertions of thofe who feem firmly to believe the im- practicability of obtaining bone, fize, or Strength, but from horfes and mares of fuch fize and bone only j and although it is cer- tainly right to admit the probability of de- viation from fire and dam in fuch cafes, yet the minute inveftigation of caufes mull lead us into a field of phyfical reafoning, and anatomical difquifition, that would prove in general reading too remote and extenfive for the fubjeft before us. There are, however, very juft and fair
reafons to be adduced, why thefe contrafts
o frequently occur in oppofition to the ef-
taoliOxed notions of breeding, without at all
C 3 advert-
adverting to an abftrufe animadverfion upon
the " animalculae in femine mafculino," the probable expanfion or contraction of the uterus, the act of generation, the crifis of conception, the formation and growth of the foetus in embryo, with other relative confiderations that might very well bear ferious and fcientific investigation, were we at all inclined to perplex by the introduction of conjectures Calculated to promote the learned lucubrations of a certain- fociety, but little to entertain the members of a fporting club at Newmarket, or to improve the different gradations of their numerous dependents. The uncertainty of all human expectations
being therefore univerfally admitted, and fuch matters of opinion only paffed over as can never be brought to the decifive tefi: of infallibility j it is natural to conclude (notwithstanding fuch cafual deviations) much more may be expected in the produce, from a direct coincidence of parts with an union of ltrength, fhape and fymmetry, than from any improper or convenient connection founded only upon the local fit u at ion of fire '..... ■ ..... and
and dam, without a fingle reference to their
different natural blemifhes, defers, impcr- fedions, or hereditary taints, of which ma- ny may be frequently difcovered by care and the neceffary circumfpeclion. After the introduction of fuch remarks
as evidently tend to conftitute the neceffary apology for, and prelude to the undertaking, it will be naturally expected I mould revert to inftmdtions that become immediately worthy the attention of every young and inexperienced breeder, who feels a defire to excel in his flock from the motive of emulation, amufement or emolument. It has been before hinted, that thofe fucceed beft for either who propagate the different kinds according to the diftincT: fpecies of each, whether for the Turf, Field, or Draft, without defcending to the adoption of crofles m themfelves erroneous and feldom produc- tive. r In the prefent enormous price given for
horfes of every denomination (univerfally
laid and believed to be occafioned by the
conftant and unprecedented exportation of
C 4. our
our mod valuable Englifh breed) it is al-<
moft difficult to decide, which clafs contri- butes moft to the profit of the breeder. I cannot, however, in my own opinion, hefi- tate a moment to pronounce the preference to have fallen upon thofe that turn the foon- eft into fpecie: Of thefe, for inftance, are the beft bred blood Jock, now in the higheft and moft incredible ftate of cultivation; the common marketable prices of thefe, if of the firft pedigrees, and brought to a promif- jng fize when yearlings, are one hundred and fifty guineas for colts, and one hundred for JilHes, at which they pafs^ current, provided they are croiTed in blood from any of the ftallions whofe celebrity we have before had occafion to mention.' Without enlarging upon this fort of fport-*
ing fpeculation, I fhall only obferve, that under certain regulations and very nice dis- tinction, with great care and unremitting at- tention, this may prove a much more profit- able mode of breeding for thofe who wifh to afcertain a fixed emolument, (without hazarding the lofs of a certainty in breaking, training, racing, &c.J as is the prudent practice
praftice of the moft eminent dealer in the
kingdom, Wh0 is annually accumulating a very confiderable fortune by the conflant
transfer of « n. ■ -
U1 equeitrian property in its m-
v» rather than encounter the incredible
expence^ and anxiety of a ftud in training, glorious uncertainty of the turf, the un-
ounded infolence of the neceffary depend- nts» and the immaculate purity of thofe to Whom your honour and property mure be eventually entrufted, as will be more fully explained when the fubjecl: comes again «nder confederation towards the conclufion pf the work. Concluding, therefore, this clafs of breeoV
ers, to derive the greateft pecuniary advan- tage from their increafe of ftock by con- verting it expeditioully into cam with fo little trouble, expence, and inconvenience, it is not matter of furprife that the rage for Wood and pedigree fhould be daily encreaf- ing, (and likely to continue fo) though the Palpable effect of - training on and training °Jt> annually diffipates and reduces to hu- miliating indigence fome of the moft prince- 7 fortunes in this and the neighbouring kingdom
kingdom of Ireland, where the thirfr. for
equeflrian pre-eminence is equal, if not Ju- mper tor to our own. The breed of horfes mofl profitable to the
graziers and breeders of Lincoln, Leicefler, Northampton, and fome few other counties, adapted by nature to the purpofe, are proba- bly the old Englifh black draft horfes, fo remarkable for their bone, ftrength, and hardinefs of conftitution : Thefe, from their great fize, beauty, and uniformity, become to every curious obferver, obje&s of Angular at- traction ; their wonderful power in bufinefs renders them in general requeft, and the breed is cultivated with the ftri&eft. atten- tion to correfponding points and perfections in both fire and dam, little inferior to the clafs laft treated on. Stallions of emi- nence in the above counties are eftimated at very confiderable fums, and frequently let out to cover from one hundred to two hun- dred guineas for the feafon; the ftock gene- rally come into gentle ufe at two years old, or under, and when brought to a good fize in proper time, frequently fetch from thirty to fifty guineas at two and three years old. Thofe
breeding. 27
Thofe horfes paffing under the denomi-
nation of hunter?, but more particularly the common erodes for roadfiers and hacks, can by no means prove Jo generally profitable n all contingencies are taken into confi- ration i the length of time they are obli-
ge to be kept on hand and maintained, (till at kaft four years old) with the unfavourable changes they may probably undergo before they can be brought to the ultimate market pf emolument molt applicable to their dif- ferent qualifications, render the whole a matter of much greater uncertainty than with horfes of the preceding defcription ; for the unavoidable difficulties of cutting, breaking, hacking, docking, and nicking, render them ferious operations, the fuccefs of which cannot be afcertained without encountering a chance of misfortune or failure to injure the fubjed: and affed his value. . N°twithftanding thefe confiderations are
^tended for general application, it muft be remembered they will ever remain fubjedl to ">e different degrees of fuccefs, arifing from e variety of circumftances already explain- bounties, as I have before remarked, diiFer
differ fo very much in their lituation and
fertility for breeding, that many will not produce horfes of fize, and the defirable qualifications, at even treble their real value, when brought to the very higheft market for difpofal: For it is a fact indifputably cer- tain, that nothing but a part of the kingdom remarkable for the abundance and luxuri- ance of its herbage can ever produce flock of fize and value to render breeding a matter of emolument; the attempt, therefore, in unfavourable fituations, mufl ever recoil upon the adventurer with additional difap- pointment. Thefe obfervations, fo immediately rela*.
tive to the idea of profit and lofs, are by no means introduced to reflrain or deter thofe from the practice, who are fo unavoidably circumftanced in Jituation, as to breed under fuch difadvantage from the motive of amufe- ment only, where pecuniary compenfation is no way concerned or expected; it is, how- ever, to be prefumed, that occafional refer- ences to the inftructions hereafter incul- cated, upon an extenfive fcale for the im- provement of flock in general (without again adverting
adverting to the fuperiority that one part of
the country enjoys over another) may con- tribute more to a gratification of their ies» than to pay an implicit obedience to ect of chance unaflifted by any per- gonal effort « to better the example." . Previous to further difcuffion of the fub-
ject before us, it is worthy admiration in fiow many ways the animal production of the temperate region we enjoy has been en- abled to demonftrate its individual excel- lence over a fimilar part of the creation, When tranfported from any other part of the globe. This remark might be juftified by a Very flight comparative view of the different animals, whofe abilities or power (according to their diftina qualifications) have been purpofely placed in competition with others to prove the inferiority, one, however, comes unmcdiatcly applicable to our pre- entdefign. Attempts have been repeated- 7 made by very ftrenuous advocates of the £ft eminence and property, to improve the reed of our own nation, by the elaborate in- trodua,on and crofs of the mofl celebrated ^RAbiANS, carefully feledled underi |
tant commiffions, where expenfe and trouble
proved only inferior confideratlons: But the trial afforded by time, and experience by ob- fervation, have fully fhewn the improbabi- lity of adding to the perfections of the true Englifh blood horfes by the importation of theirs. This rage for improvement with a crofs
from the blood of Arabia was near half a century paft very fajhionably predominant; but has fo gradually declined for the laft twenty years, that they are held in no kind of eftimation by any fyftematic fportfman or breeder in the kingdom. The original ad- vantage expected in the crofs, was fome ad- dition in/peed, even to our fleeted mares j this, when obtained, was totally counter- acted by a want of bottom, [for after repeated trials, the moft exacT: and difinterefted, they were found incapable of keeping their rate for much more than a mile, and confequently became of fo little confequence to a racing ftud, that a fhort time will, in all probabi- lity, render them of no other utility than to conftitute part of the retinue in the triumph- ant return of an Englifi Na-bob, or an addi- tion |
tion to the cjlrich, porcupine, ^rhinoceros
01 iome eccentric colledor of curiofities. ken has introduced a few judicious
inTi UP°n the fuhjea °f breedin£' but
withS-^a/ WUy f° PerPetually interfperfed _ lnaPplicable ftories and ftranee con-
^ u ions, that you are dragged through forty nfty pages of extraneous and digreffive
latter to be informed, that " Spanking Ro- ger, belonging to the late Sir Edmund Ba- con, was a round barrelled horfe ; « that Mr. Wilham Penry cured his hammering Patients of that defed in fpeech by purgin* £ rfV'r marC belonginS t0 Mr. T. Makin,
w Select, in Lancashire, run with her fore Jeet as., wide as a barn door ■ yet fhe ran as faft as mod of her fee, which was all ow- ing to-.bringing in her haunches quick, for they mufi needs go when the devil drives f that:« an old woman can cure a wound as well as a furgeon " that- << nu r ■ from tW phyficians may, om.their ignorance, be confidcrcd a fct of
211^-Pocke^ almoft m numerous as ^ S? r c/^^r *******
c^§ab°UtfWithag-t number of
** "*»* e{i«ally fublime, and as highly
highly applicable to the fubject he was
treating on ; upon which he has introduced no new matter in any direct chain of con- nection, tending at all to enlighten the topic or improve the management, having liter- ally taken up the bufinefs by way of amufe- ment, and laid it down precifely where he found it. We might here, with great feeming pro-
priety, introduce a long lift of inftructions, containing the fhape, make, bone, Strength, with all the variety of points neceffary (or at leaft likely) in horfe and mare, to confti- tute a progeny of promiling perfections; but thofe requisites are fo extensively and accurately defcribed between the twelfth and twentieth pages of " The Gentleman's Stable Directory," Vol. I. and mull be fo nicely implanted in the mind and memory of almoft every SportSman or breeder, that a repetition here might be candidly deemed entirely Superfluous, and confequently ren- der us Subject to an accufation we wifh moft attentively to avoid. Such defcriptioa of points and qualifi-
cations |
«***, tonding therefore not only incon-
Verted> but in poffeffion of general ac-
quidcence, to thofe pages the juvenile or
Id?6"61106'1 Cn^uirer is referred for an7
tain1110^1 information he may wifh to ob- oiMh reference being juftified only up- ^ e natural prefumption, that there will very few purchafers of the prefent work, ut what are holders of the firft Volume of ir>e btable Directory likewife. are^hfS 'v* f° ^"^ ***» what
are the requifltes deflraWe tQ ^.^ ^ ^ Proceed to explain what the defers are molt
J*ceffiuy to be difcovered in either fire or , ' that the Poffible retention of heredi- tary taints, defeSis or deformities, may be the better avoided; for although it remains, and xn all probability ever will, a matter of am- biguity why an unblended horfe and mare mayproduceacoUorfillyfullof^^or fyvnmty, it by no means follows that a dif- eafed or deformed flre and dam are equa]ly ^ely to produce a progeny of perfedtion . nis being unequivocally admitted, (as by very impartial inveftigator of nature it cer_ ta^ly muft be) it will undoubtedly prove |
an act of confiftency to evade fo palpable a
chance of difappointment, by forming an union of propriety apparently calculated (from every external appearance) to tranfmit fuch original purity to their produce. To effect this, the mare having been ob-
tained correfponding in fize, frame, bone, and firength, with the wifh of the breeder, and found upon accurate examination to be perfectly free from the blemimes and defects fo frequently mentioned, the choice of a Jiallion becomes the object of ferious atten- tion j in him fhould be accumulated all the points and good qualities it is poflible for a lingle object to poffefs, upon a proof exceed- ing all fpeculation, (and this every obfervant naturalift will allow) that the produce, whe- ther male or female, much more frequently acquires and retains the fhape, make, marks, and difpofition of the Jire than the dam; and although fuch affertion may not obtain im- mediate credit with many, yet rigid obferva- tion has long fince demonstrated the fac\ and juflifies the great coniiftency of rejecting Jiallions with the leaft appearance of difeafe, blemifh, or bodily defect, indicating even the ilighteft
breeding. 3S
%nteft probability of tranfmiffion to the
Suppoflng a ne]ghbouring ftalllon, and
luch them ,. 11 r ,
"acre generally is in every part of the
g om, to have great recommendation in 1S_ avour, as to the matter of common en-
^y and fafhionable figure, it is ftill ne- ce wry^ to defcend to the minutiae of fym- ^etry ln head, neck, Jlooulder, forehand, ribs* b"ck, hins, joints, and pajierns, attending to I ftrid: uniftn»ity in the fhape, make, and exture of the very hoofs, and were it poffible
t ich m almoft every cafe it certainly is not) even to afcertain the temper and difpo- l«ion of both fire and dam, rather than be accelTary to a procreation of vices or imper-* batons, that by a more judicious clcd may be fo eafily avoided. After all that can poffi(>ly ^ ^.^
(and if lt were probable that all could
fe unwerfally read) upon this fubje<ft> eve , a I P°ffeffin- the P°wer of free agency
*** ftill the privilege to rejeft any opinion
ot perfedly coincident with the plan he
***Y have adopted, and to enjoy the uncon-
D 2 trolled
trolled right of perfevering in his own de-
cifion j but prefumicg on the taflc I have un- dertaken, I confcientioufly recommend a pro- per examination to difcover the ftate of the wind, Jpavins, curbs, tendency to cracks or greafe, bad conformation of the feet, as corns, thruih, or long and narrow heeled hoofs, ei- ther of all which, would furnim fufficient foundation to prejudice me againft him as a Jire> however well I might be pleafed with his other molt promifing perfections. Thefe cafual blemifties or hereditary de-
fects being carefully avoided, we come to an enquiry of much greater confequence, the in- attention to which has been productive of more difappointment and vexation to the be- fore-defcribed clafs of unthinking breeders, than perhaps any other part of their incon- fiftency. Oppofite opinions will always be the fupport of two diftinct claffes, the right and the wrong ; for while one party aiTerts (from experience and obfervation) the great ha- zard and certain danger of breeding from a blind- Jlallion, the other, from innate obftina- cy, or affected fuperiority of penetration, is determined to encounter fuch indifcretion upon
upon the heroic bafis of " the more danger
the more honour," and in the event repent- antly difcover the want of knowledge and prudence in themfelves they fo exultingly Preiume to arraign in doubting the judgment °f others. ■* he introduction of new opinions as mere
fatter of /peculation, is a communication of juft as much as amounts to nothing-, fuch conjectures, without the {hew of reafon to eftabhOi an apparent difcovery of the proof would be gaining no ground in the estimation of public opinion, nor laying any juft claim to credit for the refponfibility \>f our aflerti- ons. Luckily, however, for the fupport of the fubjea before us, accumulated proofs are I n° means wa"ting (even within the pale of my own perfonal experience and convic- tion) to counteract oppofite opinions, whe- Cr imblbed from prejudice, obftinacy, or
'gnorance. Adverting again to what I fo lately admit-
' the Polity of found fires and mares
Pacing a defeaive prog£ny. and> fe erJa> that blind Jiallions may fometimes get
D 3 colts |
with good eyes; yet the chance, or rather
imprudence, of breeding from fuch had much better be avoided j as the incontrovertible evidence I fhall introduce, upon the folly of embarking in fuch an expedition, (where the odds are entirely againft the adventurer, with- out a lingle point in his favour) rauft prove exa&ly fimilar to playing at hazard with falfe dice, where you may eternally lofe, but never can rife a winner. It is likely thefe conflderations may want
proper weight with thofe who difplay a con- temptuous fmile of diibelief at the very idea of tranfmitting hereditary blemilhes or defects from lire to fon, as the refult of Cynical op- pofition to the more rational fyftem they a- dopt of annually breeding under every poffible difadvantage, in confirmation of their inex- perience : I mail therefore recommend to their incredulity a few inftances, confirming as faffs, what may have been hitherto consi- dered matters of doubt, without the leaft criterion for general decifion. The firft opportunity I could avail myfeif of,
to juflify or render "nugatory my opinion of the
the impropriety and danger of breeding from
norfes of this defcription, was in the year J773 °r 1774, when a great number of mares in that neighbourhood had been co- vered by a very popular ". Mndjlal/ion," (for that was really the appellation under which *e Paffed) of the Hon. T. King's, near ^pley, in Surrey, whofe pedigree, fhape, make, figure, and qualifications were fo ef- fectually fafcinating with the multitude, that the want of eyes did not feem at all to im- pede the daily progrefs of his procreation. Theinfeaionof famion was then (and ever will be) as predominant as at prefent; for the flaves to that gew-gaw continued to bring their mares in unremitting rotation, and ne- ver difcovered their own mount of fight, or common comprehenfion, till the third or fourth year, when the major part of the pro- duce became as blind z^ the fire. Still anxious to afcertain to fome ftate of
«rtainty, an object of fo much confequence (not only to the fporting people, but the world at large) as the hereditary tranfmimon this defeft, I was conflantly upon the
Watch to enlarge my enquiries to fome de-
D 4 grec
gree of fatisfadtion; I remained, however,
without any thing perfectly conclufive till the fpring of the year 1780, when a grey horfe called "Jerry Sneak, (that had proved a tolerable runner, in the pofleflion of Lord Spencer Hamilton) coming into my hands upon very eaiy terms juft as his eyes were failing, I covered a few mares, gratis, with him in the neighbourhood of Frimley, near BagJhoft which having made memo- randum of with a defign to purchafe any of the produce that appeared tolerable promi£- ing, and making my excurfion through the different parifhes to obtain from the parties the neceflary information, I found in the fourth year many of the produce totally blind and the remainder nearly fo without excep- tion. Fafts (it is univerfally admitted) are flub-
born things, and to the eftablifhment of this faff I have been anxioufly labouring as to the acquisition of individual emolu- ment, though I have ever confidered it a promotion of general good, in which the com- munity is fo much interested, that it would be an abfolute want of philanthropy to con- ceal |
ceal whatever could in the leaft tend to an
additional difcovery upon the fubjecl. £ 1S not the purport of the prefent work
on1S " at a11 applicabIe to the Pur-
?n° £) t0 enter into phyfical refearches, lead-
^g the reader through a long chain of phi- 00Phical difquifition upon Lewenhock's nwcrofcopic inveftigation of the animalcules contained in the femen of animals, founding upon fuch enquiry a thoufand conjectures refpeding this abftrufe procefs of nature, that may very much perplex the mind, but can neither tend to entertain or improve the Iudement_ |
Of as little confequence or advantage it
deafion by what nice and udifcovered ope!
rat.cn tn the animal fyftem, a horfe is r -
deredfirft^w^,,^ ^en, or hard racing ;aswe]f ^ [h/
ommo rence of a ftali.on>s r Z I ^ T C°aftant a"d "l~** <r-
mg> though the aft itfelf ; I r, ♦ effort of nature. Spontaneous |
However difficult it may be to furnifli an
opinion appl: cable to every idea, I believe with the fcientific inveftigator there need be little fcruple to hazard a profeffional defcrip- tion, by what means fo ferious a revolution in the frame is effected; for the brain being the very bails of the nervous fyftem, and the nerves the acknowledged feat of pain and pleafure, any exquifite or preternatural ex- treme in either may be productive of great debilitation, and the optic nerves being near- eft the origin, may become more fenfibly affected in a paralytic or fome other degree, than any fubfequent pair, and the fight gra- dually decline from a partial vilion to to- tal blindnefs. For the honor of human nature, I can
but moft earneftly wifh the applicable intro- duction of thefe remarks may induce the par- ties interefted in the event, to be in future a little lefs ftrenuous in their different exer- tions, whether for credit or emolument; the firft never to diftrefs one of the nobleft ani- mals on earth, by thofe frequent and fevere runnings that evidently exhauft nature to fuch a ftate of mortification j or the latter in the truly contemptible method of letting a horfe cover
cover fuch an infinity of mares, as not un-
commonly terminates in the irretrievable lofs °f his eyes» but the inevitable lofs of his re- putation alfo, as " a certain foal-getter;" for great number of mares covered by him ttb°ut produce, brings his character the fol- °wing feafon into difrepute, fhould even the *te of his bodily ftrength, conftitution, or cnance, preferve his eyes from the great pro- bability of annihilation : This remark apper- taining only to the owners of ftallions who attend the markets of different towns every day in the week during the whole feafon, exclufive of the additional portion of bufi- nefs in their own neighbourhood on the'Saa- uay morning. _ Of thefe there are fo great a number, and
in their performance fo general a failure, that it is abfolutely wonderful how fo many can become dupes to the cuftomary infatuation, ° -leading a mare to any market town, to ce Served by a horfe who is continually overing from four or five, to eight or ten
J^ares in every twenty-four hours during the a on; with the additional coniideration, that
ee extra exertions are moil frequently made
made under the corrupt influence of
Jiimulants, provocatives, and cordials adapted to the purpofe, and fuppofed to adl with the fame excitement as cantharides upon the human body. Incredible as it may appear, (to thofe whofe fituation in life has rendered them little fubjecT: to difcoveries of this kind) I have been repeatedly called upon in my profeffional department, to difpenfe large quantities of this very article to many of thofe who travel the country with ftallions of fuch denomination; firft obtaining from them a communication of the ufe it was in- tended for before they were entrufted with it, upon an experimental conviction of its danger j having in the courfe of my private medical practice known one life loft, and another miraculoufly faved, where it had been given under the denomination of love powder for the unfair gratification of the worft of purpofes. * Without entering again upon the adl: of
generation, the femen, or animalcule con- tained in it as before adverted to, can any intelligent reader, to whofe deliberate atten- tion thefe pages may become fubjeft, be at all
ali Wrifed, that in fuch a conftrained and
Profited ftate of nature, fo few of her ^tempts mould be productive of fuccefs ?... Here we mjght be readily induced to enter another large field for fcientific difquifition; as n would evidently extend not only be-
yond the prefent purpofe, but prove " cavier tQthe multitude," cur inferior clafs of readers ?ght occafionally exclaim with Mungo in e Padlock, '« What fignify me read, if ^e no underjiandr Avoiding, therefore, the indifference in
general (hewn to remote medical explanation, and dull anatomical defcriptive, I come di- redlly tp a queftion founded in reafon, upon the merits of which the interefted, part of the world will be enabled to decfde, at leaft fo far as correfponds with their own opinions upon the fubjed. Can it be poffibly be- heved or expected (but by the moft illiterate, ^ho, in fadl, poffefs the grofs comforts of life cnb> and never enjoy the fublime gratification °* thinking,) that horfes thus eternally jaded and harraffed, not only with the diurnal routine of copulation, but the inceffant fa- t]gue of travelling perpetually, can be at all ciual ,to the Herculean tafle affigned them ? Can
Can it be matter of furprife, that not more
than one-third, or, upon a more favourable computation, one half at moft> of the mares covered in this way produce a colt, and that the half of thofe fo produced, never come to a proper fize, bone, or ftrength; then can there remain a doubt in the mind of any unprejudiced man living, but to thefe caufes may be attributed fome portion of that defi- ciency fo generally complained of, and too frequently attributed to the want of bone in fire or dam ? Having hitherto introduced what I con-
ceive to be the leading qualifications in horfe and mare, to render the bufinefs of breed- ing pleafant and advantageous, we come next to confider the feafon moft proper for bring- ing them together ; as it muft be admitted, an inconvenience will certainly arife to the mare by foaling too early in the fpring, or to the produce by falling too late in the fummer, it will undoubtedly prove more eligible to adhere a little to the line of me- diocrity, letting either extreme be carefully avoided. |
. Neverthelefs, ft mufl be Junderitood^ this
circumilance can by no means be altogether univerlal, as it depends in fome meafure upoa the country and fuuation. the pafturage being of different ftates in different counties, and dependant upon the fertility of foil as as the temperature of climate, the fea- j°n 1S c°nfequently forwarder, at lead the lerbage, (by a fortnight or three weeks) in
0ne part of the kingdom than another, a Clrcumftance that fhould always be properly attended to by the parties concerned. ^ It will therefore prove perfedly confident
ln all counties, however they may be fituated, to have the produce and pafture appearing at the fame time as nearly as fluctuating or unavoidable circumflances will allow j for when mares are permitted to take the horfe too foon in the feafon, they bring forth be- fore there is fufficient grafs for their fupport, a"d being neceffarily affifled with dry food, lafteals (or milk veffels), for want of gradual fuppiy anj expanfion, become con- traded; the very {harp winds early in the Pring, with a reflraint in food, fometimes ° ftmts the colt, (particularly, mould a |
wet unfavourable fummer and fevere winter
follow) that he never reaches a proper fize in growth, but difplays the difadvantage of his earlieft ftate when arrived at maturity. It is no uncommon thing in different parts
of the country, to obferve mares that have dropped their foals early, (before there is a blade of grafs for their fupport) placed in a rick yard, where, by inceffantly tugging out a fcanty living, it is ridiculoufly believed both mare and colt are indulging moil lux- urioufly, though the direcT: contrary is really the cafe j hay may undoubtedly (if admi- niftered in due fupplies) contribute a fuffici- ency of fupport for the mare, but is not calculated to yield, even in almoft conftant maftication, any great nutritious fuperflux for the fubfiftence and deferable improve- ment of the colt. As there is a very great difference in the nutritive qualities of food fo is there a very material difference in the milk it produces j indifferent or fparing ali- ment will certainly produce a thin aqueous impoverifhed milk, of quality and in quan- tity to fuftain and barely fubllft nature, but by no means to give it Jlrengthi vigour, growth,
growl,, or the formation of flefh and bone
f0 Scncr% defirable, maH°W^Ver haftily fome part of the world
Y be inclined to decide, (as every obferver
as a nght to indulge his own opinion) there
PhjcV n° d°Ubt bUt t0 the inconflderate
ice of inadvertently leaving mares and colts to fubfift upon bare land, or barren
Paftures, for the firft fumrner, and a fucceffive Icene of poverty in the enfuing winter, are we in fome degree indebted for a proportion ° th°fe horfes I have before defcribed, as coming under no denomination, applicable ^ no particular purpofe, never rifing to any Confiderable worth, and doing fo little credit to the breeder, that you can never difcover (if you were fo inclined) from whence they came, after they are once out of his poflef. Um thIS mirtaken notIon and ridiculous fyf-
m of breeding, fails every penurious and "ce*«ry breeder, who, prompted by his jjn narr°wnefs of difpofmon, afFeds to be-
ve there is little or no difference between y and fading, confidering a run after |
the cows as good as a run with them j that
chaff is a much more profitable and healthy food than oatsy and that an open farm- yard with a crib of barley or oat ftraw, during the fevere froft and fnow of a long dreary winter, are preferable to all other ac- commodations of food and fhelter, as (to make ufe of his own j unification) they are then in the moft proper ftate, " a ftate of nature." Thefe are the perfuajive motives affigned alfo by thofe ftrenuous advocates for general improvement, who barely fubfift their mares during the tedious months o( geftation, under an idea perfectly coincident with the principles juft defcribed, that a mare after having been covered, requires but ** little or no keep," as (with fuch contemptible Spe- culators) the acl itfelf is ridiculoufly fup- pofed to make the mart fat. This is the invariable opinion among the lefs enlightened clafs of nifties, and though the aft and its confequence may be juftly faid to make the mare 6ig, yet the original remark is certainly too ludicrous for ferious confideration. After the neceffary introduction of fuch
cbfervations as are evidently connected with, and
and branch direttly from the fubjeft, we
return to the time beft adapted by nature and the feafon to the foaling of the mare, A few words having been already interpofed upon the inconvenience of dropping her foal too y* Something confequently appertains to its falling t0o late; this mould never happen when the year is too far advanced, as the produce then has to encounter hourly encreaf- lng difficulties, the daily declination of the genial fun, the decaying ftate of the verdure, the impending rains, bleak winds, long nights, foggy days, and the lank weak grafs, form, fo ftrong a combination againfl improve- ment, (particularly if the winter mould prove an additional ftroke of feverity) that the colt frequently feels the difadvantage and con- stantly difplays it by the deficiences in frame and figure as before defcribed. Taking however the variation of different
counties into the aggregate, to fix a criterion °f time applicable to all parts, I mould not nefitate a moment to pronounce the laft week *n April, and the three firft in May, the moft Proper month in the year for mares to take tte horfe, provided it can be by any means E 2 effected;
effected; to promote which, the following
methods mould be adopted: It is generally perceptible when a mare is horfing, and it is likewife univerfally known flie will then take the horfe without farther trouble, mutual con-' fent therefore renders animadverfion unne- ceflary; but lhould the mare upon being brought to the horfe, not make any Jhewt on the contrary give proofs of denial by re- peated kicking and other violent exertions, let her (after fufficient trials) be taken away, and fome addition be made to her keep; give her a fubftantial feed of good oats and a pint cf old beans twice a day, continuing to offer her the horfe once in three days till a com- pliance is effected. After which it will be neceffary to offer
her the horfe at the expiration of eight day6 (that is, on the ninth) from the day of her having been covered; if (he again take the horfe (which is not at all uncommon) you reckon from the laft time of covering, upon, a fuppofition no conception took place from the firft copulation, and that it is confe- quently obliterated. On the contrary, mould me, after r-epeated offers, perfevere in reject- ing |
mg the horfe, the firft covering is then fup-
pofed to have been effectual; notwithftand- lnS which, the mare, in either cafe, is to be produced and tried with the horfe at the end ot a Second eight days, when circumftances muft be regulated as at the end of the firft, entirely by her compliance or rejection. Sentiments have varied exceedingly, upon
the little probability of a mares conceiving when the aft of copulation has been forcibly committed, without the leaft external dlfplay of defire, and in oppofition to the raoft vio- lent exertions of the mare. However my opinion might have originally fluftuated with the various reprefentations of others upon this fubjedt, I availed myfelf of an early op- portunity to afcertain the fact, and remove any doubts that may have arifen within my own mind, although the recital will not Perhaps render a repetition of the trial e- qually fuccefsful in the opinion of others; y« I have been fince repeatedly informed, 1 e experiment is frequently made, and not Without its mare of fuccefs. In the year 1773, (refiding then at Hor-
E 3 fel, |
fel, near Cobham, in Surry,) I intended
covering two mares by Woodcock, half brO' ther to Eclipfe, that then remained at Eg- ham, for the feafon ; one of the mares took the horfe without reluctance, the other re- jected him with the greateft violence : At the expiration of time before-mentioned, they were again offered the horfe and both re- fufed. On the ninth day, I made the fame journey with the fame fuccefs, and then con- eluded the mare that had been covered to be perfectly fafe; determined, however, to make no more journies of uncertainty upon the bufmefs, I afked Townsend, the owner of the horfe, if he had any objection to let the horfe cover the mare compulfively, upon condition fhe was fo completely trammeled as not to injure the horfe ? This being rea- dily agreed to on his part, and the mare Jirongly hobbled, the horfe was brought out, and being luckily very frefh, full of vigour, and eager as {he was relu&ant, the leap was obtained with much lefs difficulty than could be poffibly expe&ed : At the end of the eight days I again attended with the mare, and found the rejected the horfe with more- inveteracy than in any of my former journies. I now
I now made up my mind to take no more
trouble in the bufinefs, but leave the reft to chance j in a very few months fhe was vifi- bly in foal, and produced me an exceeding handfome colt that I difpofed of at a high price to a gentleman in Norfolk, when ri- fing two years old. This cireumftance I have related, to efta-
blifh by proof the confiftency of adopting the alternative, when the feafon is fo far advanced as to hazard the lofs of the year by longer delay- for my own part, (and it is clear I fpeak experimentally) I fhould never hefitate to cover a mare in this way, if fhe continued to refufe the horfe till the laft week in May, or the firft week in June, much rather chufing to ravi/h the mafk of delicacy from her difpofition, than lofe her contribution to the ftock for that vear, or have a colt fall fix weeks or two months too late in the feafon. It will become perfectly applicable here,
to introduce a few words refpeding the ex-
aft period of geftation in mares, upon which
I never remember to have heard or read any
E 4 thing
thing dictatorially decifive more than the ge-
neral afTertion of their going eleven months (or the common witticifm, that " a hare and a mare go a twelvemonth"): But whether it is understood eleven lunar or calendar months, I believe has never been critically explained, (at leaft generally known) and this is in fact the more extraordinary, when we recollect that eleven calendar months make within two days of twelve of the other; nor indeed are there but few inftances, in which the know- ledge of fuch nice diftindtion can be pro- ductive of much utility, yet it creates fome furprife that it has not been particularly noticed by fucceffive naturalifts, as circum- ftances have arifen and may fometimes hap- pen, where fuch precifion would effectually remove a doubt or eftahlifh a fact. A want of early attention to a difcovery of
this minutia3 was attended with a trifling lofs to me fome years fince in my firft, breeding embarkation, when in poffeffion of much lefs obfervation and experience; for having ob- tained the loan of a ftrong boney mare from a friend in Windfor Great Park, for the pur- pofe of breeding, I had her covered by a large powerful
powerful horfe then in the neighbourhood,
and booked the leap according to Cuft0m - but having made no calculation of the calen- dar months, I kept her eleven lunar months and a fortnight (by the almanack) and not pcrccivag her to fpring in the udder, nor grow larger in the carcafe, I returned her (after taking the opinion of almoft every far- mer and breeder in the country) upon a uni- verfal decifion, that '«me had no foal within her." The ultimate event proved/w once theerrorofgeneral judgment, for the owner IMr. Johnfon, then one of the keepers of the Great Park) taking a morning's walk among his ftock, found her with a fine colt *oal at her foot in about ten days after her return, which proved a valuable horfe to him at five years old, that I had loft entirely by my inadvertency and impatience, The mare having taken the horfe but
^anthatunderrayown (atruftI
neer de]egated tQ ^ ^ ^ ^ ftndteft attention in point of time, formed a
combination to give proof, that a mare car_ r>es her young twelve lunar or eleven calm- dar
dor months, (which accurately taken are juft
the fame) or that the exacl: given time varies in different fubjefts, and is fo regulated by age or conftitution, that there has yet been no criterion fixed for a nice diftindtion. The matter, however, if at all entitled to confi- deration, may be moft eafily reduced to a cer- tainty, by any gentleman having a variety of brood mares in his poffeffion, who will note thofe that have taken the horfe but once in the feafon, and take the trouble to book the day of their bringing forth ; when by com- paring the whole, theexadt time of geftation will be nearly demonftrated, where no fe- cond covering has intervened to render the decifion imperfect. The treatment of mares after being co-
vered is regulated entirely by the clafs to which they belong; for having twice refufed the horfe at the periods of time before ftated, they are then faid to bejlinted, and conclud- ed in foal But this is by no means always the cafe, for it frequently happens that fuch mares produce no foals, although appear- ances are fo much in their favour. Thorough bred mares (that is, mares whofe blood is entirely
entirely untainted with any inferior crofs,
and kept as brood mares for the turf only) are thrown out to grafs for the fummer fea- fon without farther confideration; only tak- ing particular care that no geldings (or year- ling colts) are fuffered to accompany them in pr near the fame pafture, for fome few weeks after conception. Mares of an inferior defcription in gene-
ral ufe for the faddle, or thofe for agricul- ture, may be continued in their common em- ployment with moderation, they feldom fuf- fer abortion but by great and improper exer- tions ; they are therefore very frequently ufed till within a few weeks of dropping their burthen without the leaft fear of inconveni- ence. This is a fadt fo univerfally eftablim- ed, that inflances have repeatedly happened of mares obtaining Jiolen leaps when out at pafture, without the knowledge and very much againft the inclination of the owners; tnis circumftance, from various motives, has been confidered fo prejudical, (where breed- ing has not been intended) that different and powerful methods have been adopted, as the aaminiftration of favine in large quantities, violent
violent exertions in drawing, or long and
very fpeedy journies taken to promote abor- tion, and thofe without the lead effect j to corroborate which, the introduction of one only becomes at all neceflary, as it is too well authenticated to admit a doubt of its ccrtaintv. Some few years fince Sulphur, a well
known running horf; of the Duke of Cum- berland's having leaped the paddock paling of an immenfe height in Windfor Park, co- vered a hunting mare of Mr. Jephs's (then refident at Sandpit Gate) in the fight of many labourers, who reported the occurrence. As hunting feafon approached fhe was percep- tibly in foal j this was what he by no means wifhed, and was fo much hurt at the awk- wardnefs of the circumftance, that he con- tinued to hunt her incefTantly, covering the Jirongejl leaps and taking the deepeft ground to obtain abortion. The event however fufficiently proved the
folly (not to add cruelty or prefumption) of oppofing nature in her niceft operations -t for all the feverity fo inconfiderately put in prac- tice, never in the leail hurt the mare, or de- bilitated |
Militated the fcetus; at her proper time fiie
produced a foal, that, (to render the circum- ftance more remarkable) at five years old won the fifty pound plate annually given for the keepers and yeoman prickers to be run for over Afcot. This invincible {lamina or hardinefs ofcon-
stitution fo worthy recital in this in dance, is flOt (let it be understood) fo entirely general as to be applicable to all the clafs without exception j it therefore becomes perfedly in point to introduce a cafe in direct contrail, that may be likewife, productive of utility, *n preventing too great exeitions with mares Jn fuch flate, under a firm opinion that the lofs is lefs likely to happen than it really is and actually may. Having about {even years fince purchafed
of the breeder at Horton in Buckingham/hire, a four year old mare got by Bell's Denmark, I obferved to him (during the negociation for Purchafe) that frorrrthe depth of her carcafe a°d hollownefs of the flank, fhe was certainly ear]y in foal; on the contrary, he aflured ^e pofuively, no horfe had ever been near her.
her, and that it was merely the effect of lay-
ing at grafs<, This mare, though fo young, was a very excellent trotter; and having foon after occafion to take a profeffional journey with fome expedition, (the road being exceed- ingly good) I made obfervation by my watch that flie trotted the Jeven miles in five and thirty minutes without the leaftjceming in- convenience } but on the morning following I found fhe had flipped a colt foal very per- fect of about three months conception, though no extraordinary exertions were ufed on the occafion. The recital of cafes fo exactly in point lay
claim to the attention of breeders in general, as they undoubtedly conftitute a bafis in ex- perience, upon which the judgment may be difcretionally formed at what time it will be proper to difcontinue the working of fuch mares, when it is clearly afcertained how flight a portion of labour may endanger the dam, and prove deftructive to the progeny* The neceffary qualifications for pro-crea-
tion in both fire and dam having been fully in- veftigated, and the blemifhes, defects and local contingencies that tend to forbid the attempt fairly
fairly explained, we come now to the crifis
of delivery, or the mare's bringing forth ; an event fo wonderfully accomplished by the al- moft unerring efforts of Nature, that upon the faireft calculation, not one mare in 9 hundred fuffers in any refpe£t (more than the temporary difquietude) from an exertion of fo much magnitude, although in the mo- *nents of reflection it abfolutely becomes a "latter of admiration how the Shock is fuf- tained, without a much greater frequency of the danger that fo feldom enfues. Notwithstanding this providential interpo-
sition for the fafety of animals fo little ena- bled to relieve themfelves, it is worthy re- mark, that where difficulty and danger once occur, the cafe becoming preternatural, it generally terminates in the death of one or the other, and not uncommonly in the de- ftrudlion of both; this may probably pro- ceed from the conftrudtion of parts not being generally underflood, and the little chance °f afiifting nature with the fame eafe and accuracy as fome other parts of the creation. A lofs of this defcription, after a year or
more of tedious hope aha! expectation, coh-
fequently produces temporary gloom and fe- rious difappointment; in fome inftances the dam becomes the victim, in others the foal; to the latter there is no palliative, to the former but one alternative: It is a cuftom almoft univerfal upon the death of the mare (foon after relief from her burthen) to defpair of fuccefs in railing the foal by art, and it is frequently difpofed of without delay, that a circumftance fo unlucky may be the fooner erafed from memory and buried in oblivion. This hafty decifion is by no means to be
commended, although it is almoft generally known the power of inftindt is fo very pre- dominant in this fpecies, that it mult be a fact exceedingly rare, to find a mare that will, by whatever ftratagem you can put in force, cherifti any other foal than her own ; this mod undoubtedly arifes from their feldom or never producing a plurality of young at one time j a circumftance by no means uncom- mon with almoft every other animal in the creation, who are the more eafily impofed upon to nouriih and protect a fpurious oflf- fpring. The
The general defpondency before-mentioned
refpedling the furvivor, is not to be juftified Where the foal is of value adequate to the trouble j nor indeed to be negle&ed upon the fcore of humanity, when unremitting in- duftry and perfeverance can fo readily furnifh an artificial fubftitute for maternal care and nutrition. It may be naturally concluded I allude to the great probability (and in fome cafes certainty) of bringing the foal up by hand; a remarkable inftance of which be- comes immediately applicable, in the perfedt lecolledtion of a horfe bred by his late Royal Highnefs, William Duke of Cumberland, that at his death became the property of the celebrated Captain O'Kelly, and in the fuc- ceffive pofleffion of both, for a feries of years, won more give-and-take plates than any other horfe in the kingdom. The fa<5t was exaclly thus: The colt being
the firft foal of a young mare that had been taken into the brood ftud without training, upon the produce of which his Royal High- nefs had formed great expectations, it proved matter of much furprife and difappointment (being totally repugnant to the reciprocal af- VoL, II, F fe&ioo
feclion in nature) that fo foon as the colt
had fallen, the mare abfolutely took fright at her own offspring, and never could be once brought to the leaft affociation with it what- ever. Every ftratagem that could be devifed was put into practice under the immediate infpection of his Royal Highnefs, to effect a natural union between the dam and her foal, but without the leaft probability of fuccefs; thofe fruitlefs efforts were therefore relin- quished, and alternate attempts made to ren- der the abandoned orphan a fon of adoption with different mares in rotation, but with no profpect even of hope. In this dilemma the Duke, whofe humanity in matters of much greater importance will ftand recorded to the end of time, fully intent upon preferving the colt if poffible, (with a declared pre-fenti- ment of his future eminence) determined upon his being brought up by hand if'pojjibk, without a relative confideration to trouble or expenfe, and irlbed his orders accordingly. The event juftified the endeavour, and the fuccefs of the undertaking was tranfmitted to pofterity by the Royal Sponfor, with the name of thehorfe; for under the appellation of Milksop, his very capital performances may
may be found in the " Racing Calendar" fo
long as it fhall retain a place in the fporting libraries. Circumftances of this kind happen, howe-
ver, fo very rarely, that inftructions refpe£t- ing cafualties remote and unlikely, might be deemed fuperfduous, did not a vindication immediately arife from the exulting confola- tion, of knowing by what means to encounter fuch difficulties whenever they occur. Returning therefore to the act of foaling,
which, as before obferved, generally happens without the leaft danger or difficulty, and nine times out of ten in the night, it be- comes the bufinels of the owner or fuper- intendant to difpo.fe the mare in fuch place of fafety, .that mifchief is at leaft not likely to enfuej and this caution may prove the more acceptable, when it is recollected by every breeder,, fportfman, or refident in the country, how very common it is ln the feafon to h ear of foals being -fmo- thered in a ditch, or drowned in a rivulet, to the pojjibility of which, the attention of the inadvertent owner had never been even kF 2 for |
for a moment directed. It is likewife by no
means inapplicable to obferve, that for fome days previous to the expected foaling of the mare, fhe mould be kept in rather a fpa- ring than plentiful fituation j to prevent a too great repletion of the inteftines and con- sequent compreffion upon the uterus, pro- ducing extreme pain, difficulty and delay in the delivery, which might otherwife never occur. The mare having (as is generally the cafe)
been freed from her burthen without in- convenience, and no circumftance arifing to forbid it, let her be immediately removed to a healthy and luxuriant pafture, calculated to furniih not only a fufficiency of fupport for her own frame, but affording a fuperflux for the fubftantial and nutritious fupport of her young. In this a proper difcrimina- tion is abfolutely neceffary; lank, fwampy, four grafs will certainly expand the frame, fubfift the dam, and contribute a flow of milk for the foal; but not of that rich and luxurious quality that is derived from feeding upon the fucculent herbage of mai- den meadow, or upland grafs in high per- fection i |
fe&ion; both which contribute fo very
much to the daily growth and improve- ment of the colt, that it is a matter of the Utmoft confequence to the breeder, whoie principal object fhould be to attain every poffible advantage in height, bone, and con- dition, previous to the commencement of fevere weather, during which growth is in general fufjpended, unlefs liberally promoted by the falutary interpofition of good food, and proper fhelter to encounter the incle- mency of the feafon. This is the firft ftep to be taken where
no difagreeable traits intervene to require a different mode of treatment j but fhould the mare (by foaling before her time, or in fe- vere (harp winds, a cold wet night, long and painful delivery, or other eircumftances too abftrufe to be difcovered) vifibly labour un- der fixed dejecJion, bodily languor, lofs of ap- petite, laying down as if painfully weary, and totally inattentive to the infantile fond- nefs of her foal; it may be juftly prefumed, nature has fuftained a fevere fhock from fome one of the caufes juft recited, that cannot be too foon attended to and coun- F 3 teracted |
tera&ed, for the prevention of more diftrefT-
ing confequences. Fate is in general rapidly decifive in cafes
of this complexion, therefore delay (under any pretence whatever) may prove not only dangerous but deftru&ive; the mare upon fuch difcovery mould be immediately re- moved, with her foal, to a ftill and com- fortable fituation, as a large open (table, clofe cow-houfe, or bay of a barn, where me mould be expeditioufly fupplied with fuch articles as invigorate the fyftem, en- creafe the circulation, and recruit exhaufted nature. About a gallon of water made warm and impregnated with a portion of bran or oatmeal, may be directly given to allay the thirft which pain, fatigue, or difquiet- ude never fails to excite, as well as to form a kind of fubftitute during the preparation of a plentiful mafh of malt, oats, and bran, equal parts, into which mould be flirred fix ounces of honey; -this being given to the mare, of confident warmth, will not only gently Simulate the debilitated powers and gradually affift the ftrength, but pro- mote an early flow of milk (for the grati- fication |
fication of the expe&ant foal) which is
always in fome degree obftru&ed, if not to- tally fuppreffed, by the leaft indifpofition of the dam. The mam may be repeated twice every
day, with plenty of the beft hay, and oc- cafional fupplies of the water before-men- tioned, till her recovery is fufficiently efta- blilhed, and the weather proportion ably calm for her enlargement, in the way a- bove-defcribed, had no difficulty intervened. Should the fame laffitude and deje&ion con- tinue more than four and twenty hours after thefe methods have been adopted, bring into immediate ufe a dozen of the cordial peroral balls from " The Gentle- man's Stable Directory, Vol. I." and let one be given every night and morning in its prepared ftate, or dilTolved in half a pint of gruel, and adminiftered as a drink, or in- corporated with each mam at the ftated periods, till the whole are taken j continu- ing the aids of majhes, warm water, nurf- **g, and cloathing, (if fymptoms of great cold appear) till every appearance of com- F 4 plaint |
plaint is removed, and nature perfectly re-
ftored. Some mares, whether from a rigidity of the
veffels in not having their firft foals till an advanced age, flight colds that obftrucl the fecretions, or whatever caufe unafiigned, are very deficient in a neceffary flow of milk, by which means the foal is deprived of perhaps half the fuftenance requifite for his fupport and expe&ed improvement: This is a matter well worthy minute infpedlion for the firfl three or four days after foaling, by which time the food mould be perfectly affimilated, the la&eals expanded, and an ample fecre- tlon furniihed for the full feed of the foal. This not being the cafe, fuch deficiency fhould be very early discovered, and as eagerly affifted when known. The richeft and moft luxuriant pafture
that can be obtained, with good foft water at will, is the firft and beft natu- ral ftep to remove fuch obftru&ion in its infancy j that, upon obfervation, not fuc- eeeding in the defired degree, and the colt
colt becoming perceptibly Jlinted, (which
may be plainly perceived not only by his external appearance, but inceffant attempts to obtain fupplies without fuccefs) artificial means muft be adopted to folicit a due dis- charge of this very neceffary fluid, without Which every expectation of the foal's growth and gradual improvement muft be rendered abortive. This objedl can only be accomplished by-
enlarging the mode and encreafing the means of conveying a larger portion of more nutri- tious aliment into the fyftem; from the ge- neral diffufion of which, the lymphatics and lafteals become proportionally diftended, and are confequently enabled to fecrete and dis- charge a much greater quantity than nature in her more relu&ant ftate feerrys inclined to beftow. This fyftematic procefs of nature may, to
the lefs enlightened reader, feem matter of fo much ambiguity, that fomewhat more in explanation may be probably required j but as abftrufe reafoning and phyfical definition (*t has been before faidj is not the purpofe of
of the prefent publication, every irrelative
matter will be carefully avoided that can tend to perplex the mind or embarrafs the judgment. It would, therefore, be deviating widely from the plan originally formed for the accommodation of general comprehen- lion, were we (by unneceffary introduction) to enter into the very extenfive field of ana- tomical ftructure and animal mechanifm, demonftrating phyfically by what admirable means the excrementitious part of aliment is rejected from the ftomach and conveyed through the inteftinal canal, when diverted of its more fubtle and nutritious properties j which being totally abforbed by an infinity
of veflels in the very work of digeftion, is carried into the circulation, and there confti- tutes, by its different fecretions, the fource of life and fupport; from which fyftematic transformation is derived that formation of blood, that gradual enlargement of flefh and bone, only to be explained by much literary information on one fide, and underftood by no fmall portion of medical knowledge on the other. It will confequently fuffice to fay, that
breeding; 75
the reader, whofe mind is more enlarged,
whofe views are more extenfive, and who cannot reconcile his opinion or found his judgment upon the quality of aliment, the procefs otdigejlion, or the effect of nutrition, by what has been concifely introduced upon thofe fubjects, muft derive more fubftantial afliltance from the variety of excellent pro- feffional publications more particularly a- dapted to fuch investigation and enquiry; as the majority of thofe who do me the ho- nour of occasional inflection, will certainly expect, under the head we now write upon, to find much more matter of amufement and rural instruction than fcientific difqui- fition. Declining, therefore, a matter of fo much
extent, and fo little applicable to the prefent purpofe, we naturally revert to the ftate of the mare and the means of enlarging the powers j from which alone, the foal is to receive not only a fufficiency of nutriment for bare fubfiftence, but an abfolute abun- dance or fuperflux for the promotion of ad- vantages we have fo particularly explained. The deficiency before-mentioned having been attentively
76 breeding;
attentively afcertained, and excellent paf-
ture with good water not being found to increafe the flow of milk fo much as is evidently required, an addition of more fub- ftantial and nutritive food muft be affociated with what has been always confidered the firft and moft natural aliment for equeftrian, improvement. All rules, however eftablifhed, are perpe-
tually liable to fome exception, and nature is not uncommonly affifted (or counteracted) by ways and means the very leafl expected j for every constitution will not be a<£ted upon in the fame manner either in the human or brute creation. In fact, daily experience with the human fpecies affords ample proof, that the fame articles in phyfic or food (hall act in a direct contrary way, and produce a very different effect upon one habit to what it mall in another: A circumftance fo generally known and admitted, would fur- nifh fufficient latitude for conjecture re- specting the animal we now treat of, was proof really wanting to eftablifh fuch opinion, which is by no means the cafe, as numerous inftances might be quoted to corroborate
corroborate a variety of fimilar contrafts,
were they at all neceffary, to confirm a be- lief of what in reality there cannot be the leaft doubt of. Convinced, therefore, of fuch fads, it is
but a natural inference to conclude, the beft, or indeed pafture of any kind may not be fo equally conducive to the improvement and condition of all immediately after foal- tng, but that it may act as a powerful re- iterative upon one, while it relaxes and de- bilitates the fyftem of another; particularly where, from a vitiated or difeafed ftate of the ftomach and inteftines, it paffes fo rapidly and indigefted through the body, as to de- pofit but little of either ejfence or fubftance for the fubfiftence of the frame or fupport of the foal. This is undoubtedly one of the predomi-
nant caufes of the defect, and (hould be counteracted by fuch means as are calculated to ftrengthen the digeftive powers, animate the circulation, and diffufe a plentiful fup- Pty of chyle to preferve the neceffary fecre- tions, without which a healthy and im- proving |
proving ftate is not to be expefted. To
effect this, give a warm marfh every morn- ing compofed of brown malt three quarts, and one of cracked oatmeal, (commonly called grits) let the water be poured on boil- ing hot, and repeatedly flirred up till of a proper warmth, when it may be given in either field or ftable, unlefs any feverity of weather mould render the latter moll eligi- ble. In the evening of each day, give half a gallon of good found mealy oats, with the addition of a pint of old beans, either whole or fplit, as will be moil readily taken by the fubjecl; for whom they are intended j thefe feeds, exclufive of their great nutritive property, will powerfully affift in retaining the aliment in the ftomach by their reftrin- gent quality, thereby contributing largely to the general purport of the whole. This plan fhould be perfevered in for fix
days without intermiffion, when an increafed fupply of milk from the mare may be ear- nestly expected; but mould that improve- ment not become perceptible, (he may be rea- fonably deemed a very poor nurfet and no other extraordinary means be attempted to affift the
the imperfection -, but care muft be taken to
wean the foal very early in the enfuing win- ter, (as will be hereafter explained) upon a well juftified preemption, that at the autum- nal declination of grafs, her flender portion of fupport for the foal will difappear alfo. How far it may be confiftent, at leaft
prudent, to breed a fecond time from mares whofe powers are evidently deficient in fur- nifhing fuch portion of milk as is abfo- lutely neceffary to ftamp the attempt with fuccefs, muft be left entirely to the decifion of the parties interefted in the event; fome of whom I have before obferved, are, from different motives, too much attached to undeferving favourites ever to fuffer their opinions, to be warped by any consideration or remonftrance whatever. For my own part, I feel juftified by perfonal experience and attentive obfervation, in again making Public declaration, that in fo ferious and expenfive a bufinefs as breeding for either the turf, field, road, or draft, no blind pre- judice or infatuating prepofleftlon mould in- fluence me to perfevere in the practice with palpable points, defects, or difqualifications again ft
again ft me in either horfe or mare; and I
have not the leaft fhadow of doubt remain- ing, but thofe who confidently make the experiment will have fufficient reafon to re- pent the hazard of the undertaking. Returning now to the fuccefsful foaling
of the brood mare, properly adapted to a con- tinuation of breeding, we revert to the ac- cuftomed method of foon taking her again to horfe; upon which a variety of opinions have been tranfmitted from fire to fon, and re- echoed from one generation to another. It has been the invariable practice with fome, to offer the mare a horfe on the fourth day after foaling, to infure " the greater chance of immediate conception j" with ci- thers, " to promote an increafed flow of milk," and an eftablifhed opinion, " that the horfe will be more readily taken at that time than any future 'part of the fea- fon." Thefe are opinions in themfelves fo per-
fectly inofFenfive, and of fo little confe- rence, that they require not the leaft ani- madverfion -,
madverfion j on the contrary, are left open
to the judgment of every reader, upon the Confiftency of which, he may determine as mod coincident with his own wifh, or the practice of the place he lives in. As it is my invariable plan not to enlarge upon points that are unnecefiary, or flart obfta- cles and condemn cufloms that can be at- tended with no palpable prejudice, I fhall only introduce fuch flight remarks as occur^ without obtruding any thing dictatorially deciilve to effect or difcourage the local cuftoms of others. To prevent, however* fuch inconvenience
as may probably arife from too hafty a de- termination> let it be taken into confider- ation, that by having the mare covered £a very foon after foaling, you bring her (fhould fuch covering be productive) full three Weeks or a month fooner the next feafon than the year preceding; and fhould that have been only in proper feafon, (viz. the latter end of April or beginning of May) you encounter the probability of much inconvenience; for this calculation remain- lng unattended to, your produce may fall early in the month of March, not only Vol. II. ■ G under
under the difadvantage of bleak winds and
frigid mowers, but before there is a fingle blade of exuberant pafture to fubfift the dam, or encourage the growth of twelve months tedious expectation. From what has been fo lately and re*
peatedly urged refpecting the properties of different kinds of aliment, and its effect up- on the animal fyftem, little more can be re- quired to prove, that whenever a neceffity abfolutely exifls for fubfifting the mare en- tirely upon dry food; the fecretion of milk muft be inevitably reduced, and the im- provement of the foal proportionally ob- ilrucled. Taking this then as a matter uni- verfally admitted, and, in fact, what no man living will attempt to difprove, we may naturally conclude no rational invefti- gator of truth and confiftency will ever deviate fo much from the line of his own intereft, as to promote the propagation of what muft, at the time of its birth, be in a great degree deprived of its moft natural means of exiftence ; a deficiency not in his power to fupply by any adequate fubftitute whatever. Relin-
Relinquishing therefore fo extravagant an
idea, we proceed to the time moft natural for bringing the mare to the horfe after her foaling, if fhe is intended to continue her fervices as a brood mare, and to be ma- naged accordingly. The time moft appli- cable in one refpecl:, may not prove always the moft convenient in another, as it mould be regulated, if poffible, to avoid the be- fore-mentioned extremes of the foals falling too early or late in the feafon. Moil: mares Will take the horfe on either the nintht Jifteenth, twenty-firji, or twenty'-/eventb day after foaling; of thefe, neither will occafion any great variation in the time of her foal- ing the next feafon, though I mould ad- here to either of the two lafi, unlefs the mare had foaled late in the year, when the firji ox/econd fhould certainly be preferred. After which covering, or refufal of the horfe, fhe fhould continue to be tried at the flated periods fo particularly fpecified in the earlier part of the work j always con- cluding the mare to be Hinted, and in a flate °f conception, when (he has repeatedly declined the horfe in the manner there defcribed. G 2 Before
Before we take leave of this part of our
fubjedt, it comes dire&ly in point to offer a few words upon, the almoft univerfal practice of continuing to breed year after year, from the fame mare, till nature over- driven thwarts the attempt by the occafional introduction of a barren year, in direct op- polition to the intent of the breeder, de- monftrating upon compulfion the neceffity of what he did not intend to comprehend by choice. The very means by which the embryo is
generated, and the nutriment required, not only to fupport its growth during the months of geftation, but the fubfequent term of its fuBion, evidently point out the confiflency of fome portion of reft or re- fpite for the dam, to acquire additional ftrength, after the inceffant labour of con- tinually collecting a double portion of food to fubfift her/elf and fupport her off- fpring. The fafhionable and predominant plea of
attachment to intereft and felf-prefervation, will render deaf to this remonflrance num- bers^ |
bers, who, unwilling to " lofe the year,"
and incapable of imbibing inftrudtion from the niceft laws of nature, will be regulated implicitly by the dictates of their own mercenary fenfations j affecting to believe, that the mare producing a foal every year, will continue her flock equally flrong, healthy and valuable, with thofe that are favoured with occafional and neceffary in- termiffions. This is not the fait, attentive obfervation, accurate eftimate, and impar- tial decifion, will clearly prove fuch fuccef- fion to degenerate in bone, fize, flrength, and value, when produced from the fame mare for a feries of years without the leafl cefTation -, while, on the contrary, a Jingle year's fallow in every three or four, will, upon comparifon critically made, prove in the aggregate decidedly in favour of the breeder. Having gone regularly through every
branch of information at all appertaining to the propagation and prefervation of ftock, we now come to the time and man- ner of moeaning; a matter that muft ever be regulated much more by the circumftances G3 of
of the cafe than the ftate of the feafon,
depending in a great degree upon the con- ditions we proceed to explain. Confidera- tions upon this fubjedr. are fo unavoidably complex, and depend fo much upon contin- gences, that a nicety of difcrimination is upon all occafions neceffary how to proceed in the bufinefs before us. The differences of a mare foaling early or
late in the feafon ; her remaining fallow, or having taken the horfe and renewed her conception -, the forward growth and rapid improvement, or puny and backward ftate of the foal, are all conditional matters upon which variations are to be formed. For inftance, where the mare has dropped her foal early in the feafon, has again taken the horfe, and the foal at her foot has im- proved properly, and acquired the defired ftrength and lize previous to the commence- ment of fevere weather ; fuch foal fhould be taken from the dam fo foon as the de- cay of pafture perceptibly occafions a reduc- tion in the fupply of milk j and this fepa- ration becomes the more immediately ne- ceffary upon an eftablimed truth, that the longer
longer a foal is permitted to opprefs na-
ture, by a compulfive fecretion and evacu- ation of milk from a mare again advanced in foal, the more will the fubjed: in embryo be confequently impoverished and retrained, when deprived of its portion of nutriment, then converted through another channel, and appropriated to a different ufe. This incontrovertible fyftem of the animal oeco- nomy rauft be fo evidently clear to the moft uncultivated comprehenfion, (accuftomed to dedicate but little attention to the flighted indications of nature) that it becomes mat- ter of admiration how fo abfurd a practice can ever be fupported upon the balls of inadvertency j when it would be rendering nature acceflary to a perverfion of her own laws, even to fuppofe'it was ever intended, that any animal exifling mould longer fubfift or prey upon the very vitals of its dam, when the frame: was again advancing in pregnancy with another. From this neceffary allufion to a pradtice
that is not only exceedingly common and too little attended to, but is alfo prejudi- cial to the fubjeits themfelves in a greater G 4 degree |
degree than generally underftood, (merely
for want of a little fcientific reflection upon the proprieties of food and its different ef- fects) we come to a cafe oppofite in itfelf, that muft be regulated accordingly; as, where the mare has foaled late in the year, and has not been again put to horfe, or where the retarded and unpromiiing ftate of the foal renders extra care and nurfing ab- folutely neceffary : In either of which, eve- ry encouragement mould be given to pro- mote the ftrength and growth of the foal, during the inclemency of the winter feafon, which, it mould be remembered, he is not nearly fo well enabled to encounter, as thofe of a greater age poffeffing the advan- tages before defcribed. In fuch inftances as thefe, although the flow of milk from the dam will be very confiderably checked by the alteration of food dependent upon the different feafons, yet with frequent fupplies of good hay to the mare, it may be proportionally affifted, and with occafi-. pnal aids of proper food to the foal, great advantages may be derived from let- ting them run together through the feverefr. months of the winter 5 to evade the ill effects
effects of which, nocturnal fhelter will very
much contribute, Notwithftanding every poffible informa-
tion that can be introduced, fuch variety of cafes may occur with fo great a compli- cation of circumftances, that no literary description, however diffuSe, can prove com- pletely adequate to every idea upon the Sub- ject j conditional instructions muft always become fubfervient to the discriminating judgment of the owner or Superintendant, upon whoSe favourable opinion or preju- dice, caprice or compliance, will depend the effect of the whole j and to fuch pre- carious deciSion alone, muft the writer ul- timately Submit the conSiftency and execu- tion of his directions, though he was to produce an immaculate volume upon the Subject. ConScious however of the compulSive ne-
ceffity for fuch dependence, and the diverfity of cafes requiring conditional changes to the variety of circumftances that may occur, no particular week or month can be invaria- bly fixed for weaning; as Some of the con- tingencies before-mentioned may render it unavoid--
unavoidably neceffary in the earlieft month
of the winter, or protract it to the lateft in the fpring; which muft, after all that can be offered in print, depend entirely upon the difcretion and intereft of the parties more immediately concerned. Waving, for thofe reafons, farther ani-
madverfion refpecting the time, we advert to the manner of effecting a change fome- times attended with difficulty, but feldom or never with danger, particularly when regu- lated by due attention to circumfiances, fea~ fon, Jlate, and condition ; confiderations that never efcape the eye of vigilance, and ge- nerally infure their own reward. Towards the conclufion of the year, the foal acquires, by inftincl; and obfervation, fome relifh for paflure, but unluckily begins to enjoy it juft at its autumnal declination, when long dreary nights, damp fogs, and frequent rains have fucceeded the enlivening rays of the genial fun, depriving it of its for- mer fubftance and vernal fweetnefs j at this critical period all nature undergoes a vifible alteration, and the change is as fe- vere
Vere in its effects upon the animal as the ve-
getative part of the world. In this general revolution, the expected
and former nutriment from the dam becomes not only reduced in quantity, but impaired in quality ; diverted in a great degree of its balfamic and nourifhing property, it wifely points out to the foal, the feeling neceffity of an adequate fubflitute for fuch defici- ency , under fb predominant a fenfation as hunger, he readily fubmits to an alteration in the means of fubfiftence, and in a few days becomes perfectly reconciled to the food allotted him, provided it is applica- ble to the ftate of his infancy, good in its kind, and properly felected to gratify the calls of nature. Of thefe there are various kinds, that
have each their different advocates, whether Jn oats, bran, chaff, barley, wheat, hay, or ftra%v, and each advocate loaded with rea- sons of the firft importance and felf-con- *equence, (regulated perhaps by pecuniary fenfation) to juftify the opinion he has formed : But as it is by no means the pur- pofe
pofe to lead our readers through a dull and
tedious labyrinth of perplexities, without a glimmering of either utility or information, we fhall endeavour to afcertain the pre- ference without animadverting upon the judgment and opinion of others, wifhing upon the bafis of truth and confiftency only to eftablUh the criterion of our own. It has been generally faid of Oats (al-
j though the univerfally eftablifhed food for / horfes) that they are dangerous to foals at the time of weaning, under an idea of the optic nerves being fo violently affedted by the ftrength required in maftication, as to \ occafion future difeafe, debilitation, and fometimes lofs of the eyes: As this is however a matter that can never be redu- ced to certainty, but muft always remain dependent upon conjecture, without even the poffibility of proof, it may be perfectly applicable to the difpoiition of thofe who entertain doubts, to adopt the alternative of feeding with the grain or grits only firft divefted of the hulls, as in the jhell or hujk fuch difficulty muft be refident, and not in the meal. Bran
Breeding. 93
Bran may have its occafional ufe, when
called in aid of other aliment, but is enti- tled to little or no eflimation on the fcore of nutriment, being like the different kin.: of Jiraw or chaff, evidently calculated more to amufe the appetite and expand the frame than fubfift the body. Barley, (particu- larly when manufactured, and meliorated into malt) as well as Wheat, commands the priority of invigoration with almoft every part of the creation; for whether the experiment be made on man, beaji, or the more inferior claffes of fowl or vermin, it becomes every way conspicuous. The great falubrity and nutritive property of found, fragrant, well-made Meadow and Clover Hay are too univerfally known to require a Jingle line upon their excellence. In addition to thefe, moft of which are
in conftant ufe, may be introduced two ar- ticles equally applicable, though not in fuch general requeft; they are neverthelefs in the higheft eflimation with thofe who have proved their utility, and ftand enti- tled to the warmeft recommendation. Firft, the pulfe paffing under the denomination of Horse
Horse Beans, which from their great
fubftance, adhefive quality and known in- vigorating power, are juftly fuppofed to convey a greater portion of nutriment to the fyftem than any other corn appropri- ated to the fame ufe. Admitting this to be really the cafe, they likewife retain the advantage of being readily adapted to horfes of every defcription from infancy to age, and may be given as exigencies require, ei- ther in their natural ftate whole, or fpltt, as is the ufual method when given with bran (a feed very common with horfes of the lower clafs of mechanics) or completely ground, (and called bean meal J for the ufe of foals or colts, fo young that they are incapable of receiving them in any other ftate. The other article, whether recommended
as a ufeful winter fubftitute for the more fucculent herbage of the fummer, or only as a cheap and additional method of fubfift- ence, need only be more generally known to eftablifh its own reputation; whether joined to the accuftomed food of draft horfes ufed in agriculture, colts during thofe months of the year when the growth of
of paftare is reftrained, foals when wean-
ing, or in addition to the keep of mares whofe foals are required and permitted to run at the foot all the winter, it is of e- qual utility, particularly to the latter, whofe flow of milk it greatly enlarges if given in fufficient quantities to promote the ad- vantage. Carrots, the article thus highly com-
mended, after fair and impartial trial, is one of the moft valuable in the vegetable world, and fo eafy of cultivation, that in a light fandy foil no crop is fuppofed to produce a greater fhare of emolument; of this, certain adventurers are fo well con- vinced, that the very labourers in the north weft parts of the county of Surry, rent from the neighbouring farmers a moiety of even the pooreft land upon the verge of the barren heath, at the exorbitant price of three and four pounds per acre for the fummer feafon, only to produce a fingle crop, when it is immediately reiigned to the landlord for his feafon of wheat to follow. |
The largeft and handfomeft they begirt
to pull in September and O&oberj thefe are very neatly formed into bunches, and configned to the London market by the waggon load, at the enormous expence of two guineas for the carriage only, which with the additional trouble and charge of double hoeing, fulling, wafting, and bunch- ing, gives it the appearance of a very expen- five crop j but when it is taken into the calculation, that three, fometimes/^r loads are produced from a fingle acre, that (ac- cording to the feafon) fell in London front four to Jix pounds per load, the great ad- Vantage becomes palpably ftriking even to the moft indifferent arithmetician* But the emolument ends not here j for upon the average, no more than two-thirds of the produce are included in the above propor- tion, as turning out fufficiently handfome for the trade before defcribed; the re- maining proportion, that wzjloort, ill-Jloaped and forked, are deemed refufe) and ufed id the winter by fuch growers as have flock of their own, or difpofed of by thofe who have none to their neighbours at a very moderate price. To the corroboration of this
Breeding. ^
this faft I fpeak experimentally^ having
been a confumer among my own ftock of four-fcore bufheh in one winter, purchafed at only fixpence each bufhel, exclufive of a very considerable quantity produced from a part of my own land, then under fimilar cultivation from a thorough conviction of their utility and profit. The method to preferve them for the
winter confumption is as follows; Let them be taken up early in the autumn, fo fbon as their fuperiicial or vegetative parts begin to decline, and laid upon a bed of new wheat Jiraw, (in a dry room or elofe granary) without cleaning, juft as they are taken out of the ground ; they are then to be plentifully covered with the fame bedding, to protect them from long and fe- vere frofts that frequently enfue, after be- ing affected by which, they foon decay and become rotten -, no fear of this need, ne- verthelefs, be entertained, provided proper care and attention be paid to the bed and covering, as they then continue perfectly found to the expiration of a very long win* tr> There is alfo another equally effec- " Vol. 11. H tual |
tual method of prefervation much in ufe
in the neighbourhood alluded to, by fub- ftituting /and for ftraw, letting them be very fubftantially covered to exclude the external air j but as that article is not fo univerfal, or to be obtained by any means in many parts of the kingdom, ftraw mull undoubtedly prove mod convenient for the purpofe. During the feafbn required for confump-
tion, let any quantity be taken from the heap and placed in a mafh or other tub, there covered with water from a pump, or pond, as may be moft convenient; when having flood an hour or two, to foften the furrounding earth left on for prefervation, they ftiould be well warned with a heath broom for a few minutes till properly clean * then pouring off the foul water, and warn- ing them once more with a pail or two of cjean, they will foon become dry enough for the following operation. Let them be cut firft longitudinally, then
tranfverfely j or, to make ufe of a more comprehenfible term, (at leaft rather better adapted
adapted to the ruftic capacities of thofe likely
to become the operators) " athwart and acrq/s," into fmall fquares about the iize of a horfe or tick bean ; in which ftate they will be confumed in the winter with the greateft avidity, by any clafs of horfes, mares, Or colts, either alone or intermixed with chaff, oatSj bran, or any other dry food to which they are accuftomed* To remove fuch doubts as may arife
in the minds of thofe who pafs through life in the true mechanical dog-trot of their great grandfires, and who, from' their perfo- nal pride and innate dulnefs, never conde- fcend to make an experiment, or fandtion an improvement when made j 1 think it neceflary to repeat the fact, that I have with the greateft fucCefs introduced this additional article of food to all the differ- ent horfes in my pofTeffion (hunters ex- cepted) during a long, dreary, and fevere winter, never remembering to have had them in better health, vigour and condi- tion. Among thefe were a team of draft horfes in conftant employment, not only in agriculture but cccafional hard work upon H 2 the
the road j growing colts of different kinds,
as well as brood mares and foals, who all equally enjoyed a participation of the expe- riment in every kind of way it could be offered them j tending fufficiently to juftify every thing I can preiume to offer in re- commendation of the practice, more parti- cularly with flock required only in improv- ing condition during the winter, and not deftined to any kind of labour. In this juft reprefentation, I beg by no
means to have my expreflions mifconftrued, or my meaning perverted, but defire it fhould be generally underftood, I urge their utility in applicable proportions as a cheap auxiliary to other food, without in- dulging an idea of their being ufed alone; as well as to have it held in remembrance, however ferviceable and healthy they may have proved, and certainly are to the unem- ployed part of flock, it was never my in- tent to declare them capable of conftituting the bajis of nutrition and fupport for horfes in conHant and laborious work. On the contrary, knowing experimentally the great expence of breeding, and how necefTary it is
is to acquire occafional aid from the frequent
interpofition of ceconomy, I earneftly recom- mend the culture of them upon that fcore, (in thofe parts of the kingdom not fo fa- vourably adapted to breeding) as a very ufe- ful and profitable aflbciate with other food for brood mares, foals, and growing colts, in fevere or long winters, when hay and corn are at an exceeding high price from a gene- ral failure in the crop, or an indifferent fea- fon for the harveft. From this unavoidable deviation we re-
turn to the bufinefs of Weaning, a mat- ter that will be in fome degree more eafily reconciled by permitting the foal to feed with the mare for a few days upon the dry food previous to the entire reparation. The queftion naturally and indeed generally arif- ing at this period, is not, what food is the moll falutary for the fubjedt in queftion; but, Which is the kind of food moft, applica- ble to the fenfations of the owner? Though Was reafon or prudence consulted, that food Would be adopted moft adequate to the proba- ble value of the foal; for notwithstanding all that can be urged in the defence of breeding H 3 fyftc |
fyftematically, to produce flock of fhape,
ftrength, figure, fafhion, bone or fpeed (ac- cording to the purpofes for which they are defigned) there will ftill remain a more than moderate proportion of the breeders formerly defcrihed, who muft inevitably continue to pro- pagate ftock, not worth the proper Jupport of even the firft twelve months, was their intrin- iic value to be brought into arbitrative com- petition with the year's confumption. No doubt can be entertained but the fweet-
eft hay, with a daily portion of the hulled oats and a trifling addition of the bean meal, would be as perfectly grateful to the wean- ing foal of a five pound pony mare as to the palate of a fon of Highflyer ; but it is natural to conclude, in the prefent hourly increafing age of fagacity and penetration, fclf-intereft, with its concomitants, will never be fo totally obfcured, as not to regulate the conduct of the majority, and that mares and colts will in general be fupported with a political reference to profit and lofs, however fome exceptions (with favourites of a former defcription) may produce many a four-year old at the domeftic expence of thirty, forty^ or
or fifty founds, whofe whole accumulation of
points and perfeSiions will never exceed five and twenty when brought to the teft of in- Jpe&ion at a public market. Confcious how many will continue to breed
under every difadvantage, and to perfift un- der every peculiarity, I mall fubmit the dif- tindt kind of aliment to be fele&ed, and the quantity to be regulated entirely by the judg- ment, whim, caprice, experiment, or local cuftom of every individual, upon a perfect conviction he will juftly claim and exert that privilege, in oppofition to any opinion or dic- tation of mine; whofe farther inftruftions upon this head might be candidly confidered obtrufiye, where conditional directions under fo many contingencies (as the ftate of various fubje&s and temperature or feverity of dif- ferent feafons) mull: prove totally inadequate to general application. Convinced however, on the contrary, how
very many there are, who anxious for informa- tion and open to instruction, poffefs patience to receive, and judgment to adopt, every fpecies of improvement calculated for the promotion H 4 of |
of general good °> it is intirely for their ae«r
commodation, that I have minutely defcended not only to an explanation of the quality of different kinds of food, but repeatedly to the work of digeftion and effecT: cvf nutrition, that the very means of growth, Jirength and condition may be more rationally confidered and fundamentally underflood. Prefuming on the care taken to inculcate
fuch knowledge, and thoroughly convinced of the advantages that arife from a liberal diftribution of provender to flock of every kind upon certain emergencies, I beg to con-r elude my obfervations under this head, with an additional injundion to breeders of every denomination, to endeavour in the two jirji winters, to acquire all poffible advantage in fize, strength, and bone j which I have be- fore faid, and again aJTert, depends as much upon the judicious and plentiful fupplies of food, as the qualifications of horfe or mare, fo folely relied upon and eternally echoed by thofe fubordinate cavilifls who poffefs the opinion, but not the means, to juftify their afiertion. For fize, ftrength and bone being thus cpnftamly promoted by care and atteq- tentionj
don, they not only form the frame for a rea-*
dy acquisition of flefh in that feafon of the year when nature difpenfes her gifts with a more liberal hand, but being once obtained can never be obliterated; while, on the con- trary, the firft opportunity of acquiring thole perfe&ions being totally loft by an unfair reftraint in fuftenance during the Jirji tw& years, the flock is more or lefs Jlinted, and an irreparable deficiency constituted that can riever be fupplied in the fame fubjeSls, by either prefent regret or future repentance. |
IT will not come within the limits of
this work, or the intention of the writer, to interfere with the operative part of the art, offering a differtation upon the routine of leading, lunging, backing, riding, mount- ing, or dismounting, with eafe, grace, and GgWty i thefe are the profeffional privileges of Breakers alone, from the ruftic rough Fider of the moft obfcure village in the coun- ty, to the fashionable and accomplished Menage Master General of the me- tropolis. |
tropolis. Profeffing therefore no interference
with, or attack upon, the principles of the fcience, I proceed to fuch allufive remarks and inferences as intereft not only breeders and fportfmen, but all thofe who have any im- mediate intercourfe with the fpecies, whether from the motive of attachment, pleafure, health, or bufinefs. The firir. objecT: for general confideration,
is the age moft proper for bringing into work horfes of different defcriptions, according to their diftincl: appropriations; but this, like moft other matters, has become fubfcrvient to the prevalence of fafhion, and in much lefs than half a century undergone a total revolution. Some years fince (and not a great many) colts and fillies were haltered and handled a little at three; turned out again and compleatly broke at four-, ufed mo- derately during their fifth year, and thought to be fufficiently matured for conftant work at fix 3 fuch fyftem has been, however, gradu- ally changing as the value of horfes conti- nued to increafe, a circumftance that in all probability effected the alteration, by tempt- ing breeders to turn their flock into fpecie, with much lefs trouble, expence and anxiety
anxiety than when kept fo long upon hand
before they could be taken to market. This has turned fo much to advantage in.
their annual transfer to the London dealers, who purchafe at the famous fairs of Ban- bury, Northampton, Leicefter, Reading, and many others, (exclufive of their extenfive agencies in Yorkshire and other diftant counties) that they are now broke and fold fo foon as they have obtained fze, and Undergo the moll infamous practices upon their teeth, to enable the confcientious feller to difpofe of a two, three, or four year old, for a four, five or fix; which he frequently does With fuch aflurances of truth and integrity, that the cheat is very little likely to be dis- covered by any fagacity or circumfpedtion whatever, A fimilar degree of refinement has been
effected upon the turf, as with the more in- ferior clafTes; for what has been promoted by interejl on one hand, has been extended by the invincible fpirit of oppoftion on the o- ther. It is but few years fince a four year °ld plate was confidered the firft public trial °f fpeed and bottom, between young horfes calculated
calculated and trained for racing: But horfes
(as well as women) are, by the great and il- lumined effect of modern penetration, found to be fo much forwarder in the natural Jiate of their conituution, that both are brought into ufe many years fooner in the prefent than the paft century j having now not only plates conftantly run for by three years old, but frequent matches and fweepftakes with two years old and yearlings. In this general improvement (if it can be Co
termed) I believe any obfervant or experi- enced reader will coincide with me in opinion, and hazard the affertion, that many hundred horfes are annually crippled or irrecoverably injured before they arrive at maturity; that is, before they arrive at a proper age for the work to which they are fo frequently moft injudicioufly deftined. In fupport of this fad, no greater or more indifputable au- thority need be adduced, than a reference to the infinity of invalids to be daily feen on all the popular roads leading to the metropolis j but fbould a ftronger proof be required, to meet the opinions of the interejled and incre- dulous, le{ it be extracted from the vifible effetf
breaking: io9
effect of the burning cautery, or rotational
multiplicity of fired horses in perpetual liberation from the hands of every eminent operator in the various parts of the kingdom. As this cuAom is now too far advanced in practice, and too firmly eftablifhed by intereft, (at the original fource of circulation) to admit of cure or palliation, farther animadverfion upon its ill effects cannot be productive of either fuccefs or utility; continuing therefore our determination to avoid remarks extrane- ous or defultory, we proceed to fuch practi- cal obfervations as are more likely to excite general attention. Of thefe, none become more entitled to
the confideration of horfe breakers and their employers, than the natural difpofition and temper of the fubjedt they are taking in hand; for it is a pofitive fact that more horfes have been injured in their tempers and difpofi- tions by the indifcretion, impetuofity, or pro- fejjional intoxication of thofe to whofe ma- nagement they are unavoidably entrufted, than by any other means whatever. Reafbn and obfervation afford evident de-
monftration that horfes have their different
degrees of fagacity and penetration j their ipontaneous efforts are all regulated by the moft impreffive and inherent fenfations, dependent upon paffions confpicuous as our own; fubjecT: to an equal difplay of forti- tude, fear, joy, grief, courage, timidity, at- tachment and prejudice as any of the human fpeciesj and this is fo perfectly known to thofe who have made nature the object of frequent meditation, that they cannot confi- der the communication a matter of novelty j while thofe who receive the information un- der an impreffion of doubt, mud, in the mo- ments of reflection, be ferioufly convinced they have read but little in the fertile volume of experience. Upon the moft palpable conviction, that
thofe paffions have a predominant afcendancy over their different fubjeefs, I prefume to urge the confiftency of rendering the animal obedient to the will, by fuch methods as are calculated more to acquire his fubmirfion than excite his anger; or, in other words, to accomplish the bufinefs more by gentle means than coercive exertions. The necef- fity
ittjr for earnestly recommending this lenity
in the practice, has arifen from innumerable inftances within my own knowledge, of horfes rendered invincibly reftiff by the dint of perpetual ill ufage and unjuft oppofition j when from the natural bent of their difpofi- tions, a different mode of treatment would have produced a direcT: contrary effedh To this part of the fubjedl I have ever
paid the greateft pcrfonal attention, and de- clare, with the jftri&eft adherence to truth, I never yet faw a reftiff horfe made better by violence and abufe. If any vociferous dif- putant, fond of difplaying his courage and exerting his power, feels his innate cruelty in fome degree abridged by the intervention of humanity, and arrogantly afks, " Whether he is to abandon his purpofe, and permit the horfe to gain the victory and become his mafter ?" I anfwer him with the greateft fe- renity, " On no account whatever." Such is not the purport of my recommendation; °ur intents are undoubtedly the fame, but to °e eventually accomplished by very different means j I repeatedly urge the propriety of ^ue attention to the various tempers and dif- pofitions
pofitions of horfes, upon the pureft con vie*
tion, that the treatment really neceffary for a horfe of very high courage and almoft in- vincible fpirit, cannot be confiflent or proper for one of extreme timidity ; that one horfe may be fubdued from any predominant vice^ or regulated to any particular action* by a moderate exertion of power, while another will fubmit only to a conftant difplay of the greateft tendernefs and familiarity. Thefe extremes frequently exift in horfes of a fimi- lar clafs, value, fpeed, and qualifications; equally liable to injurious impreffions from being managed in a way directly oppofite to the very nature of their difpofitions. A due degree of patient difcrimination
(hould be always exerted, to difcover the tem- per of the fubjedt and afcertain the line- of diftinction; what may be expected from a fleady firmnefs and perfuafive mildnefs, pre* vious to the too ready exertion of violence^ in general very eagerly conceived and mali- cioufly executed. Horfes are perfectly con- fcious of the different treatment they re- ceive, and give the moft ftriking proofs of their attachment or diflike in confequence■: This
/. |
This is a fact but little known amidft the
multitude of fuperficial obfervers and metro-' folitan /port/men, but incontrovertible with thofe who furvey this animal with the daily eye of exquifite pleafure and admiration. The equanimity, fortitude, and fobriety,
fo indifpenfibly neceffary for the fuccefsful breaking and management of young, reftiff, timid, or high fpirited and refractory horfes* muff, be too fenfibly felt by every judicious Reader, to require the leaft animadverfion upon the advantage of fuch qualifications y I (hall therefore proceed to a few remarks upon the almoft fyftematic conduct of grooms, breakers, andfervants, (to whofe care horfesof the firfl eftimation are unavoidably entrufled) who periifting indiscriminately to effect all their purpofes by force, frequently err much more from the very motive that Pope's ruftic hero whittled, " want of thought" than any pre-determined fpirit of oppofition to the *ules of confiftency and difcretion. It is no uncommon occurrence with con-
stant travellers, to perceive one of this de- scription mounted upon a horfe denominated Vol. II. I jeftitf;
reflifF, that without any apparent motive
(at leaft perceptible to the rider) by which the caufe may be difcovered, fuddenly flop, retreat, or turn round upon the road, vifibly encreafing his reluctance to go forward, in proportion to the anger and violent oppofi- tion of the rider; who, too frequently a flave to irafcibility, rafhly fuppofes his cou- rage is now put to the teft, and becomes im- mediately determined to conquer by violence or lofe his life in the attempt. This hafty refolve affords no moment to reflect upon the imperfections of our own nature, the daily inconfiflency of our proceedings, or the means by which they are excited or reftrained; a total (hanger to the Jchool of pbilofophy, and little read in the book of refined fenfa- tion, he deals about him with whip and fpur moft unmercifully, till the animal (with perhaps a difpofition directly like his own) revolting frill more at the feverity or inhu- manity of the treatment, becomes outrageous, and by exertions of fcrength or ftratagem, difmounts his rider, or in a retrogade jnotion depofits him in a ditch, on one fide the road or the other. The action is now renewed between horfe and foot in a different way, the
the latter attacking the former with the ut-
moft violence over the head and eyes, erro- neoufly adopting an Iricism, to bring him forward by driving him back : This perpe- tual and fevere difcipline often roufes in the iubjecT: a certain kind of habitual callofity to every future intervention of tendernefs, and renders him ever after incapable of be- coming cheerfully obedient to what he con- fiders his moll inveterate enemy. Some horfes are alfo brought to a certain,
degree of ftarting exceedingly dangerous, by a fimilar and equally improper mode of treat- ment } for there can be no doubt but horfes that are young, or have been but little ufed, mull have fome time, patience, care and attention beftowed to reconcile them to the Jlrange and numerous objedts upon a public road, before they can be expedled to ap- proach or pafs them without fudden furprife and trouble. Indeed, the great variety and velocity of the different vehicles upon all the populous roads, but particularly round the Metropolis, render it a matter of abfolute wonder, how fuch an infinity of the higheft Settled horfes in the kingdom, mould be I 2 eternally |
eternally paffing each other in crouds without
thofe dreadful accidents fo natural to expect and fortunately fo little heard of. It is really a matter of concern, that acuf-
tom fo inconfiderate and abfurd mould ever have gained ground, as the practice of inftant- ly heating and goading a horfe upon his only method of expreffing a momentary and na- tural impulfe of fear, at any Arrange or un- common object that may come fuddenly upon him, or to which he may not have been accuftomed : In this, as' the former cafe, a fimilar degree of feverity and cruel difplay of power are exerted by the major part of the humane and enlightened clafs before- mentioned j for upon the horfe's firft flatt- ing, whether from fear or diflike, he in- ftantly receives a blow on the head with whip or ftick, accompanied with the very empha- tical impreffion of both fpurs, without allow- ing the poor animal a moment to recover from the firft furprife; this repeated, constitutes a ceremony we have before explained, and totally deftroys the bafis of mutual confidence, that mould be carefully preferved to infure the faithful
faithful fervices of one and the protection of
the other. Great inconveniencies arife from this un-
juft and fevere method of treating horfes in general, where from blows indifcriminately dealt in paffion, the bones of the head, or the eyes, are irreparably injured by the fer- vant, and the real caufe never truly known to the matter j feveral inftances having oc- curred within my own knowledge, of exfo- liations from the jaw bones, (with and with- out a diflodgement of teeth) fame of which I difcovered upon infpecting what the owners imagined to be a difeafe or canker in the mouth, and not till an examination of the bones of others after death; the greater part or all of which, I have no doubt, were pro- duced by blows with weapons very little cal- culated for rods of corretfion,. That there can be no doubt of horfes fuf-
taining great injuries by thefe means, I have every reafon to believe, from numbers I have feen fall injiantly to the ground, upon receiving a blow feemingly flight and of no great force immediately behind the ear: I 3 Among |
Among thofe, my memory furnifhes me with
inftances of two that happened in the pubr lie parts of different large towns; one paf- fionately inflicted by a brother of the faculty, the other by a fori of the church ; the laft of which was almoft accompanied with fa Angular a circumftance, that I cannot refill the temptation of a ihort digreffion to re- cite it. Being a man of very low ftature, and
engaged to preach (for an abfent friend) in an exceeding large church and high pulpit not a hundred miles from one of our univer- sities, he delivered his text from that part of fcripture including the words, « In a little time you Jhall fee me, and in a little time you Jhall not y at this moment, the flool uppn which he flood, to render himfelf confpicuous to the congregation, flipping from under him, rendered him not only inftantly invifible, but proved the words of his text to have been fele&ed with the moft prophetic inspiration. Leaving tp the force of imagination the
general confternation of his auditors and the confufion
confufion of the preacher, I proceed to his
additional mortification in the fame town a fhort time after; where riding up to the door of his draper upon a favourite horfe, and the horfe very little ufed to the hurry of large towns, inftantly ftarted at fome objeft with- in or without; when the little man, in his warmth, giving him a petulant blow upon the head, brought both horfe and rider to the ground in the prefence of twenty inha- bitants, who having his former dilemma frefh in their memories, it doubly infured him the appendage of " A little time ye mall fee me, and a little time ye mall not -," which ho- nourable diftin&ion will, in all probability, accompany him to the grave, he being at prefent only in the prime of life. From fuch remarks as I thought abfolutely
neceffary to expofe the cruelty of ill ufing horfes, and demonftrate my invariable opi- nion, that 'violence and unjuft feverity, nine times out of ten, injures their tempers and confirms their vices ; I come to fuch proof as may tend not only to obtain converts to that opinion, but to introduce a juftification of my °wn; viz. that horfes of mild tempers and I 4 pliable |
pliable difpofitions, may be brought to every
#ate of perfection by gentle ufage correfpond- ing with their own frame of mind; while, on the contrary, the ferocity of the higheft fpi^ rited may be gradually fubdued by exerti- ons of Jieady authority and perfeveringforti- tude, blended with intervening acts of kind- nefs and occafional encouragement, without defcending to the moft unjuftifiable ill ufage, tending only to excite invincible prejudice and perpetual oppofition. The proofs upon which fuch opinion is
incontrovertibly founded, conftitqte an expe- rience of twenty years, in which time I have attentively analized the tempers of horfes, and the practical principles of their breakers with as much fervency as the profeffional abilities and medical knowledge of Country Farriers, fo fully and repeatedly explained in different parts of the former Volume. There is a certain analogy in the practice of both ; and kill or cure may be adopted by each for his motto, without injury to either; and with much greater propriety than one of the fame learned fraternity defined his employer's horfe to be " femper eadem, worfe and worfej," ox the
the other, «' Vivant Rex, dead as a door nail,
by G-d, Sir." Thefe flips are, however, to be charitably considered fublime erTufions of fan- cy, to which men of fuperior genius are juftly entitled, as laudably emerging from vulgar explanation, and fublimely foaring beyond the ^ limits of common comprehenfion. Experience is, upon the foundation of
the ancient adage, univerfally faid " to make fools wife." To a little of that falutary ex- perience I acknowledge myfelf indebted, and am not afhamed to confefs, that in the very early part of life, I became a temporary Have to cuftom, and creduloufly beftowed my premium of three guineas (exclufive of the keep) to have a colt rendered every thing that was bad, by the mod popular diftri- butor of ecmeftrian difcipline in the neigh- bourhood of my refidencej when after an abfence of fix weeks, the time fixed on ne- ceflary to complete his education and render him a paragon of perfection, he was re- turned fo caparifoned, bitted, cavifoned, mar- tingaled, and cruppered', that he feemed ad- mirably decorated for the immediate adven- tures of a knight errant, the field day charger of
of a general officer, or ready accoutred for the
champion of England to make his public en- try into Weftminfter Hall. My inftruftions were, to ride him for fome time " in his tackle" though he was as wellbroke, zsjiea- dy, temperate and fafe as any horfe in the kingdom." My very firft excurfion, how- ever, convinced me of the honour and probity of this fcientific operator; for the colt was in poffeffion of every vice without a finglc perfection in his favour, except a wonderful alacrity in flopping, which he had the kind- nefs to do unfoiicited, at every public houfe upon the different roads for fome miles round; to all which he had been rotationally led, and daily placed for many hours in the ftable of one or the other, while his indefatigable tutor was, like "friend Razor" in the Up- holfterer, conftantly getting drunk for the good of his country! As I before faid, he was much worfe in
qualities and condition than at his depar- ture ; but as the reward had been gradually drained during the time the fuppofed work was in hand, purchased experience and pati- ent repentance were the only remaining con- folations.
lations. This mortifying impofition having
excited no fmail degree of ftabularian emu- lation, I commenced rough rider to my own little eftablifhment, under the influence of juft rcfentment, determined to try the effect of frequent afibciation, regular fer- fonal feeding, conftant exercife, and gentle treatment, to complete my purpofe; which attempt having been crowned with the moft perfect fuccefs, and formed the bafis of all my future endeavours, I have never fince (a period of twenty-one years) condefcended to accept or reward the fervices of breakers or rough riders of any denomination for their inejlimable afiiftahce ; although in fome inftances I admit their utility, and acknow- ledge there are many, whofe merit and in- tegrity are entitled to commendation and re- Ward j but their proportion is by no means equal to thofe pot valiant heroes, who take their rides and potations in ftrict fucceflion, upon the principle of Pan in Midas, who fays, « When I am moft rocky, I beft fit my faddle." This I can never be induced to doubt in oppofition to occular demonftra- *1Qn, as it is the general ftate in which I ^eet the npji eminent projejfors in every part
part of the country j from whofe fober iyf-
tem of inftru&ion their fubjecT: rauft cer- tainly derive every neceffary advantage. Without defcending to a tedious enumera-
tion of the injuries colts in breaking, or horfes in exercife, receive from pretended breakers or worthlefs grooms under the effect of intoxication, I return to the fubject of thofe that are rejiiffo: addicted to Jlartingi the general mifmanagement of which, I have already defcribed without at all heightening the picture to a degree of exaggeration, and have now to add, that upon a well-founded opinion of the inconfiftency of fuch fevere treatment, I firft formed my determination to encounter the cure of thofe defects, by a method direBly oppofite, whenever time mould afford me applicable opportunity. It is, I muft acknowledge, fome little gra«*
tification of perfonal ambition, to have fuc- ceeded fo well in a confirmation of the opi- nion I had indulged, refpecting the erroneous and cruel treatment of horfes of fuch de- fcription j and with no trifling fatisfadion I communicate the fad, of having been pof- feffed
fefTed at different times of three horfes incor-
rigibly rejliff, and as much fubjecl: to that dangerous failure of Jlarting as any horfes in the univerfe without exception. Thefe were feparately purchafed with a perfect knowledge of their defects, and at a price proportioned to their deficiencies j each of the owners and their fervants confidering themfelves in fuch perpetual danger, that it was determined to afford no farther chance of a fraSiure for the Surgeon or a furvey for the Coroner, but to difpoffe of them at all events as incurable. The horfes, purchafed under fuch accumu- lation of difadvantages, (without arrogating to myfelf a fuperiority in horfemanfhip or courage) I reduced by a patient perfeverance in the plan I have already laid down (as infallible) to the moft pliable and beft con- ditioned horfes I have ever had in pofTeffion ; ufing no other correction of feverity with either whip or fpur% than juft fufficient to let them be convinced I did not pradtice lenity from the motive of pufillanimity, but to af- ford them the alternative of fubmitting to treatment much more adapted to their own eafe and fafety. |
By this invariable prefervation of tempe?
and perfeverance in difcipline, I never found but little difficulty in effecting my purpofe, not only in reducing them to unconditional fubmiflion, but in exciting fo great an attach- ment from them, that their obedience and perfections in the field, or upon the road, rendered them objects of general requefl: among my friends, at any equitable price I thought proper to fix them at, If I had, however, a fmgle doubt remaining upon the propriety of this mode of treatment, a recent cafe has arifen to eradicate a thoufand if they had exifted ; and left me in the moft unfullied pofleffion of an opinion, not to be relinquished upon the perfuafion of any advocate for the violent meafures I have fo juftly reprobated and fo earneftly defpife. The inftance fo far exceeding all others I
have feen, is of a blood horfe now in my pofleflion, and univerfally known to be one of the fieeteft in five of the moft fashionable popular hunts in the kingdom; this horfe, when purchafed, was perhaps the moft refiiff, fallen, and refraffory ever brought into ufe j his figure and qualifications were neverthelefs (a
fo palpably striking, they naturally excited
every unremitting endeavour to reclaim him. The tafk, however, for the firft two or three Weeks bore the moll unpromifing afpect; no method that I could adopt, feemed to have the lead effect upon the obduracy of his dif- pofition; hardened to an almofl invincible Ipirit of oppofition by former victories on his fide, and repeated ill ufage on the other, neither perfuafive encouragement nor violence could prevail on him to move a fingle yard forward but when it was perfectly his own pleafure ; he would not only continually flop in all paces, without the leafl obflacle or vifible caufe whatever, and continue his de- termination not to go at all forward for a great length of time, but perfevere in a re- trogade motion an incredible diflance, with the ufual concomitants of rearing, plunging, and kicking to fo violent a degree, that num- bers of a much more ferene and philofophic temper than myfelf, wouid have certainly pro- ceeded in their refentment to the utmofl extre- mity, and fome time or other have left him crippled or dead upon the fpot. In this daily dilemma, it was the general opinion of inti- mate friends, and thofe who were conflant fpectators
fpe&ators of the danger I rode in for forne
weeks, that he was abfolutely not to be fub- dued, and they pofitively advifed me to aban- don the undertaking; but the inftin&ive fpi- rit of attachment to that induftrious motto of *{ Persevere andConqjjer," encouraged me to continue my original plan, which I have repeatedly explained and moft forcibly recommend; for under that fyftem of fteady and unremitting firmnefs, divefted of vio- lence, and blended with intervening acts of tender encouragement, he is become one of the fteadieft and moft temperate hunters in the field ; though it is plainly perceptible by the agitation fo conftantly difplayed in the eye, the ear, and aflion, upon the approach of every Jtranger, that he had repeatedly expe- rienced the fevere effects of bodily abufe and ill ufage before he came into the temperate region of my poffeffion. Thefe cafes are not introduced from any
motive of vanity, to blazon my own pra&ice with the ftamp of perfection in falhionable *' feats of horfemanihip," but to afford expe- rimental, demonftrative, and incontrovertible proof, (founded upon repeated perfonal trials of
Of time; patience arid danger) that horfes
the moft perVerfe; obftiriate and refractory are to be fubdued and rendered compleatly traceable, with much more certainty, huma- nity, propriety and expedition, than by thofe Unjuftifiable acts of violence fo repeatedly mentioned and accurately explained; Convinced of this fact by the moil at-
tentive obfervation, my mind is too fcru- puloufly formed to admit of an alteration in opinion j and I cannot indulge the leaft doubt, but the fubjed wili undergo in future a nicer decifion, by thofe gentle- men whbfe opportunities have not been fuf- ficiently numerous to afcertain the effect of the different mode of treatment upon dif- ferent fubjefts to a critical degree of distinc- tion j venturing alfo an additional belief, in which I flatter myfelf moil obfervers will coincide, that horfes originally refliff or ad- dicted to fudden Jiarting, are continually habituated in their vices by repeated ill ufage of fervants and the perpetual transfer from One owner to another, under all the difad- ^antage, prejudice, arid refentment inflicted &pon a bad name, without the lucky chance Vol. II. K of
of once falling into patient and proper handf
to effect the work of reformation. SHOEING
IS a matter of fo much importance,
that it cannot be too clearly explained, of too generally underftood, confequently cre- ates no furprife that fo many writers have condefcended to offer their fentiments upon a fubjecl: of fuch magnitude; but it is to be ferioufly regretted, thofe opinions have beers fubmitted to public infpe&ion in fo re- mote a way, as applies much more to the profeffional conception of individuals than the ftandard of general comprehenfion. The various differtations upon flioeing, or
difeafes of the feet, have been in general too fublime in their language and too much interfperfed with anatomical difquifition and technical jargon, to acquire public patron- age and commendation; to fuch ineoniiftency alone may perhaps be jufrly attributed their confignment to oblivion fo foon after publi- cation. A minute and fcientific invefii°;a- tion or anatomical defcription of all the cor- rifponding parr?> their actions and effe&s, cannot
eannot be the moft proper and confiftent
method of being clearly understood by the very clafs or claries of people particularly interefted in the explanation. Ruftic Farri- ers and uneducated grooms cannot, and Gen- tlemen will not; embark in the dull and difagreeable tafk of theoretic or practical dif- fection, to difcover the feat and appropria- tion of the tenth Achilles, or the articu- lation of the coronary hone; nor do I con- sider it more heceflary for a gentleman to pafs through a fiudy of this kind to afcer- tain a proper conditional method of order- ing his horfes to be fhod, than to go through a courfe of anatomical lectures and phyfical enquiries, becaufe, like the refl of mankind, he is fubjedt to daily indifpofi- tion. Abftrufe fludy upon fo plain a fubjecl
can never be expected from all the claries *° immediately concerned, it therefore be- comes the province of the writer, to re- duce his instructions to fuch concife un- difguifed explanation, and mode of plain reafoning on one Jide, as may require no Ur>common powers of comprehenfion on K 2 the |
i32 8H0E1N G.
the other. Authors are too frequently vain
of their own abilities, and feem to believe too much matter cannot be introduced (however extraneous or digreflive) to give their works the appearance of elaborate fludy and profound erudition; lofing the fubjecT: in an affected fublimity of diction, without adverting to the great numbers who either wifh to acquire information by every poflible means where the trou- ble of reading can be avoided, or to obtain the purport of their medical refearches by the moll fuperficial and leaft expenfivc enquiry. The various animadverfions of different
Writers under this head, are evidently too clofely wrapped in the veil of obfeurity, and feem purpofely addreffed much more to the anatomical judgment of the fcien- tific Artift and operative Farrier, than to the underftandings of the many, by whom we are to fuppofe it mould be equally un- derfiood. An elegant arrangement of words, and ambiguity of expreffion, may conftitute a loftinefs of ftile more pleafing to the gentleman, or the fcholar, delighting in a judicious difplay of polifhed periods; but in,
in the prefent inftance is required, fuch
eafy flow of plain defcriptive matter, as becomes perfectly applicable to the infe- rior capacities proportionally interefted in its effects, who have not the leaft right to be excluded their mare of knowledge, for the oftentatious introdu&ion of pedantic phrafeology. Such connected chain of ufeful informa-
tion, diverted of obfcure references to re- mote confiderations, (that ferve only to erect one myftery upon the bafis of ano- ther) rauft certainly prove much more ap- plicable to the intentional purport of com- mon conception and general improvement, than the many laboured differtations whofe titles promife Jo much, and whofe learned contents communicate^ little, at leaft, to be generally underftood; Under the influence of this impreffion, I have ever confidered fuch concife, plain, intelligent advice, as will enable every gentleman, fportfman, or tra-» veller, to perceive the neceffity of adapting the mode of fhoeing to the fhape of his Wfe's foot, and the manner of his going, is all that can be required ; to prevent bow* K3 ing |
ing implicit obedience to the felf-fufficient
dictation of every rural Vulcan, who in general fpeaks fuch " an infinite deal of nothing," that it is equally difficult to underftand as to be underftood. Previous to farther progrefs upon a fub-
ject we will endeavour to treat with great plainnefs and peripicuity, it becomes un- avoidably neceflary to take a flight furvey of the inconfiftent ground-work, upon which the fabric of fuch publications have been raifedj as we may, perhaps, have occafiort to introduce fome few obfervations or prac- tical remarks upon the propriety of their recommendations, which (hall neverthelefs be produced with all poffible delicacy to the different writers, wifhing by no means to irritate their feelings in the fupport of an oppofite opinion, where an incumbent duty renders the inculcation indifpenfible. The inconfiderate career of fome pens,
and the invincible cacoethes fcribendi of others, compel the involuntary tafk of dif- quifnion, to prevent the ill effect of lite- rary impofition, or mifreprefentation, upon the
the credulity and inexperienced judgment
of individuals; who are in general, far- ticularly the uncultivated clafes, (by far the molt numerous) difpofed to believe every thing fandtioned with the authority of the prefs and the name of the Printer bears the incontrovertible ftamp of infal- libility. Under the influence of this re- flection, and to prove the ftrict juftice of the alTertion, it becomes directly in point to ftate fueh inconfiftencies as evidently arife in retroflexion. A writer of the pre- fent day confidently tells us in his title page, he is " an experienced Farrier of fifty years practice," and promifes (accord- ing to cuftom) a great deal more informa- tion and inflru&ion than he ever conde- fcended to perform. He then leads you through two hundred pages of dull uninte- refting anatomical dejcriptive, obliquely co- pied from the elaborate work of Gibson; interlards the remaining hundred and feventy pages with the almofl obfolete prefcriptive parts of the ancient Syftem of Farriery, (flightly varied to evade the charge of di- re& plagiarifm) without the coinage of a *^ thought, or the lead indicated know- K'4 ledge |
ledge of a new medicine. The utility of
bark, opium, antimony, and mercury, thofe grand fuoporters of the materia medica, feem almoft unknown to him j and that great bafis of external application in modern practice, with its accumulation of valuable properties, the Saturnine Extract, he has never once given proof of the moft fuperficial acquaintance with. But what renders it ftill more extraordinary is, that out of fo great a number of pages he has thought proper to beftow, upon the fub- jedt of Jhoeing, and all the diforders, acci- dents, or infirmities, to -which the feet are liable, twelve only, including his long and inoffenfive prefcripts for their mitigation or cure. However, as the circulation of the book has been too contracted and infigni- ficant to gratify the wants, or eflablifli the reputation of the writer, it will be but an a£i of charity to contract the remarks alfos fubmitting both to their inevitable oblivion. Another of not only longer flanding, but
much greater eftimation, has condefcended to afford a few more " reflections upon Shoeing Horses i" but, exclufive of its being
feeing a confeffed tranflation (and confe-
quently entitled to little more refpeft than hear-fay evidence in a court of juftice) it is fo replete with mechanical principles and ma- thematical reasoning j fo interfperfed with abftrufe references and technical alluiions to certain bones and tendons^ their motions and effeBs, that I cannot reconcile the defcrip- tion as at all applicable to the intellectual capacities of thofe moftly concerned in the operative or fuperintending part of the procefs. A third has produced what he denomi-
nated " A Treatife on the Difeafes and Lamenefs of Horfes, with a proper Method of Shoeing in general;" but whether from a want of ftability in his own difpofition (or what other motive I know not) he foon took a formal leave of the principal fub- jedt, and enrertained his readers with a dance through Turkey, the deferts of Ara- bia, and a comparative furvey of the whole animal creation; ornamenting almoft every page with various Latin quotations, as an Excitement to the general improvement of *11 parties interested in the explanatory parts of his work. This
This author, in the early part of his
tracl, fays, " If you pretend to have your horfe fhod according to your own mind, it is a general faying among thefe men, that they do not want to be taught." This very acknowledgment of his juftifies the rieceffity of recommending to the remem- brance of every gentleman, fportfman, or traveller, that he is, in the bufinefs of foot- ing, only the imaginary main fpring in the operative part', and that his inclina- tion or directions become unavoidably de- pendant upon the will of another. That this remark may be diverted of its para- doxical appearance, let it be underftood how very much the fafety, prppriety, and excellence of manual execution depend upon the well-timed liberality of the Gentleman j or, in farther illuilration of a paflage that may favor too much of am- biguity to thofe whofe pecuniary pulfati- ons render it difficult of comprehenlion, it is almoft incredible how very much oc- caiional judicious interpofitions of good beer, (or the means to obtain it) with the fu- bordinate operator, improves, to a certainty, the
tne fyftem of " Shoeing in General,"
through every part of England. The mechanical world at large fland in
too need of information, that in all climates, Regions, countries, and counties, there are (palling under the denomination of gentle- men) poffefTors of horfes, too mean and Mercenary ever to be obeyed, farther than they can command by the inceffant fufpi- cion and perfonal fatigue of ocular demon- ftration; whofe very fervants, as well as trade/men, juftly hold them in fo much de- legation, and whofe conduct is fo inconjtft- ently confiflenty that it ferves only to en- creafe the general odium of their characters, (with the additional mortification of feeling the weight of the opprobrium) without the power or inclination to retrieve them. This univerfal refentment extends itfelf,
*n its effects, to his moil trifling concerns the fame difiike and indifference that fol- lows him in all other refpecls, attends him xr» this; the fignificant appellation of " a "■d bad one" is equitably bellowed upon him by the domeftics under his own roof, and
and re-echoed from fervant to fmith, and
Jmitb to fervant; while the poor animal becomes the fubject of paflive obedience; for whether well or ill Jhod, pricked or lamed, is a matter of indifference to all parties except the owner, who being thus acknowledged fo defpicable a character, no one feels for his difquietude or misfortunes, but exultingly exclaims, that what's too had for another is too good for him. Such characters as thefe are not the pro-
lific effect of a fertile imagination, but ex- act pictures of objeSis the produce of every foil. No gratification of ambition, no per- fonal orientation, can be indulged in the prsfent difcrimination, by arraigning the difgraceful want of liberality in others, or vainly endeavouring to extol my own: It is, however, matter of the mofl unfullied exultation, that fuch accufation has never been known to reach the hofpitable hall of a Sporstman's Hasitatioijj their univerfaliy admitted generofity (calculating upon tbe principle of felf-prefervation) Hands much more in need of the curb than the fpurt the general tenor of every purfuti
furfult leaving them totally exculpated from
the bare fufpicion of being included in the ** beggarly defcription." Taking leave, therefore, of that part of
the fubjecl: as can but ill accord with the feelings of thofe who may become perfo- nally afFedted by fo faithful a reprefenta- tion of their domeftic penury; I beg per- rniffion to recommend for their delibera- tive imitation, a part of my invariable prac- tice for a feries of more than twenty years. This has always been, to let the manual operator (or journeymen, whom I ever con- fidered the main fpring of the machine) enjoy fome pecuniary compenfation, in ad- dition to the profeffional emolument of the mafter, not more from a confcientious convi&ion of its being greatly merited by the trouble, care, and danger of fhoeing high fpirited and refra&ory horfes, than experimental demonftration, that Genero- sity, founded upon the bafis of equity, will 1nevitably infure its own reward. This ls at leaft a leffon I have every right to aculeate, when I can affirm with the flricT:- eft Veracity, I have never had a horfe fuf- tain
tain the moft trifling injury under the hands?
of the Smith, nor ever a horfe plated but what proved a 'winner The trifling attention, the humane bene-
faction of a cooling beverage to allay thirft in the exceflive heat of fummer* or the falutary interpolation of an invigorating cor- dial to encounter the extreme feverity of frofl or fnow in winter, are offices of kind- jiefs that in their vifible effects upon the band and hammer, infure beyond a doubt* the fafety of the horfe and the reputation of the owner. The philanthropic influence of " doing as you would be done unto," is repaid with the .moft flattering intereft; the fame care and attention beftowed upon the feet in flioeing, is extended in general tendernefs to the fafety of the whole frame upon all other profeflional occafions; if refractory or vicious, he is foothed by kind- ncfs, not provoked by violence-, in fliort, whatever fatigue enfues, whatever difficulty occurs, the execution is cheerfully com- pleated, with a retrofpeclive reference to the perfevering hofpitality of the Master, who living in an unvaried fcene of uni- verfal
verfal benevolence amidft his happy do-
meftics, enjoys the very anticipation of his wifties in the cheerful fervices of a long lift of old and faithful dependents. A contraft in character fo exceedingly
common, that it may be found in almofl: every parifh in the kingdom, is perhaps Well worthy the attention of thofe who may be at all interefted in the defcription, or their different effedts. The conftant ill ufage and violent abufe of horfes, either ti- mid, vicious, or refractory, under the hands of the operator, is a matter of fufficient no- toriety to every man who has had occafion to fuperintend their practice -, fuch cruelties require not to be fought after in remote cor- ners by fcrutinizing curiofity, they meet the eye of the Traveller daily in the moft public fituations. No judicious obferver, no old groom or young fmith, need be reminded what an infinity of fine and valuable horfes go through a tedious tafk of mifery in re- peated bleedings, mercurial purges, rowels, and courfe of alteratives, for defects or difeafes in the eyes, originating only in the oruel hand and heavy hammer of the Smith, with
with the emphatical accompaniment or
** Jiand JIM and be d------d to ye" whert
Ihifting and uneafy under the operation of
fhoeing; a circumftance that during a cer- tain feafon of the year, is frequently occa- fioned by files only, and confequently to be removed with very little trouble either to the animal, or his more Inveterate per/e' cutor. This delineation may ferve as an epitome
of the many injuries fuftained from fimilar acts of injuftice, the true caufes of which are never difcovered or known but to the inhuman perpetrators ; from fevere blows with inftruments of this kind (as hammer* pinchers, blood-ftick, &c.) frequently ori- ginate lamenefs in various parts, tumours^ formations of matter, wounds, exfoliations, with others too numerous and probable for enumeration ; all or either of which, are generally attributed to a different caufe, or defect in the constitution, and treated ac- cordingly. Injuries to the eyes and diflodge- ment of the teeth, are, however, among the mofl common evils of this kind ; which are ia general tolerably reconciled to the too |
great credulity of the owner, by the plau-
fible fiction of the experienced adept in im- pofition, who is always prepared to report one the effect of a kick, the other a bite. t>angerous as thefe practices are to horfes of any age or qualifications, they are doubly fo to young ones j for a degree of feverity and ill ufage at their firft and fecond fhoe- ings, very frequently fixes in the difpofi- tion an habitual averlion to Smiths, and a reluctance in approaching their flops, never after to be obliterated by any means what- ever; and however opinions may clafh upon the fubject of extreme feverity to horfes, I (hall continue to perfevere in the truth of toy former affertion,if they are innately timid, -vicious, or reflive, unconditional vio- lence alone will never make them better. Having found it unavoidable to introduce
remarks that are not only evidently con- v fleeted with, but neceffary to ufher in the fubject, we now proceed to fuch fuperficial knowledge of the operative part, as it is abfolutely requifite every perfon mould be 111 poiTefTion of, who withes to underftand, and retain the power to direct a method of Vol. II. L moeing*
fhoeing, beft adapted to the foot and adYiori
of his own horfe. I never confidered it at all neceffary that a gentleman, fportfman, tradefman, or traveller, is to commence blackfmith in theory, and go through the rudiments of the trade to promote his in- tention ; that has been hitherto the fyftema- tic mode of tuition : But when it is confi- dered, how very few will enter a wide field of abftrufe ftudy, to comprehend what he is told is a proper method of Jhoeing bis horfe, it can create no furprife that it has been attended with fo little fuccefs. My conception of the necefTary know-
ledge is unequivocally this: Although every Smith in profeffional etiquette may be deemed an artijl, I defy the force of logic itfelf to render every artift a conjurer; and as there mufl inevitably remain among the collateral defcendants from Vulcan (as in moft other profeflions) fome prodigies of brightnefsi who, incapable of diftinguifhing right from wrong, Jhoe one horfe as they Jhoe another, or, in plainer Englilh, jhoe all alike; fuch difcrimination becomes palpably ufefuU ' as will enable the owners to give conditi- |
onal directions for the eafe and fafety of his
horfe, without relying entirely upon thofe Who will frequently be found to poffefs little or no judgment at all. The greater part of thofe writers who
have favoured the public with a communi- cation of their fentiments upon this fubjec"t, feem extravagantly fond of an idea borrowed from antiquity, and transferred from one to another, upon the practicability of horfes travelling the road, and doing their conftant work without any fhoeing at all: Such oeco- nomical plan may be admirably calculated for the theoretical journey of fome literary fpe- culatift, up two or three pair of flairs in a remote corner of the metropolis; but I will venture to affirm, no fuch excursion can take place of any duration, without material in- jury to the Hoop, unlefs to the high bred horfes of authors, many of whom enjoy their journies, asBajazet enjoyed his cruelty, only " IN IMAGINATION/'
One of thefe (Osmer) has introduced
his remarks with the following rhapfodicai cxpoftulatiori 5 L 2 '* When
" When time was young, when the earth
was in a ftate of nature, and turnpike roads as yet were not, the horfe needed not the afliftance of this artift j for the divine artift had taken care to give his feet fuch defence as it pleafed him j and who is weak enough to fuppofe his wifdom was not fufficient to the purpofe in fuch a ftate ? He then proceeds to juftify an opinion,'
that horfes are adequate to their different fervices in a ftate of nature without the* offi- cious obtrufions of art; venturing to affirm that they ** will travel even upon the turn- pike roads about London, without injury to their feet." I avail myfelf of the prefent opening to difclaim every idea of attacking the remarks or opinions of others, from a motive of intentional oppofition, or to in- dulge a vein of fatire, that aflertions fo cyni- cally fmgular and extraordinary naturally excite? and fhall therefore introduce upon the prefent occafion no other refleftion than a certain fenfation of furprife, that he did not infinuate the palpable fuperfluity or lux- ury ofjhoes andfiockings to the natives of our own country, particularly when even
fair fix of many neighbouring kingdoms
convince us they can. walk equally upright Without, In farther confirmation of the belief he
wifhes to eftablifh, he fays, " we may every day fee horfes, mares, and colts running a- bout upon all forts of ground unfhod, and Uninjured in their feet." This is certainly a truth too univerfally known even to be queftioned; but by no means to be fo far ftrained in its conftrudion as to be rendered applicable (in a comparative view) to the ftate of working horfes upon hard or flony roads, where the conftant fri&ion in riding, or the fulcrum in drawing, muft inevitably prove injurious, if not totally deftru&ive to the foot in general; producing fand-crackst thrujhy bruifes of the frog, formations of mat ~ ter, and other infirmities, as is very fre* quently the cafe, (when a fhoe has been for fome time caft unobferved by the rider j) conftituting a blemifh or defed in the fub- jeft never to be retrieved. Mares and colts, °r horfes turned out to grafs without fhoes, a*"e generally kept upon low, moift, or marihy L 3 ground,
,5o S H O E I N G.
ground, admirably adapted to preferve the
foot in a growing ftate of perfe&ion; the cafe is exceedingly different, and will bear no parallel with horfes of the above de- fcription -, nor can I hefitate to believe, but the abfolute neceffity of fubftantially guard- ing the foot, is too well eftablifhed by im- memorial experience, to be at all fhaken by the introduction of any new opinions upon that part of the fubjeft. I mud, to avoid a mifconception of my
purpofe, before I proceed, confefs my obli- gations as an individual to the memories of thofe gentlemen who have formerly at- tended to and written upon this head, with a defire to improve it for the promotion of a general good j and am lorry a total want of pafiive pliability in my own pen, will not permit me to adhere to the " good old cuf- tom" of implicitly tranfmitting to fucceeding generations, the immaculate purity of their dictations, without prefuming to introduce an opinion of my own* " Learn to do well [by others harm" is
an axiom of too much excellence to be ob- literated. |
Iterated from a memory replete with obfer-
vant advantages arifing from refledion. If I could become fo fuhfervient to the fafhion- able impulfe of literary ambition as to ex- pect to be generally read, and after fuch reading to be generally understood, I might enjoy much pleafure in going over the de- fcriptive confirmation of the bones, tendons, the inner Jiejhy, and the outer horny fole, the frog, and crufi or hoof, with their different appropriations ; but having the moft indifpu- table reafon to believe, that very abjirucity of reafoning, and myfterious introduction of technical terms, have in a great degree pre- vented the reading of publications upon this fubjecT;, I fhall (in earner! hope of laying juft claim to fuperior attention) defcend, like the orator in one of the celebrated Foote's co- medies, <c to the vale of common fen/e, that I may be the better underftood." It has been the fecondary confideradon of
thefe fpeculative writers, or theoretical fportfmen, (fuppofing a perfeverj <ce in the cuftom of {hoeing not to be abniiihed upon the power of their perfuafions) to propa- gate and re-echo a do&rine equally abiurd, L 4 tendii:; |
tending to what they pretend to believe, %
proportional reformation in fome part of the operation; viz. " That the file and frog of a horfe's foot need never be fared at all.'1 To take up as little of the reader's time as the nature of the pbfervation will admit, I {hall very much contract what I with tq introduce more at large upon the inconfift- ency of the declaration -, particularly, as thefe refinements feem brought forward more from a fcarcity of matter, neceiTary to com- plete their arrangement of pages for the prefs, than the leaft probable utility to be derived from remarks fo erroneous in their; formation. Says the author before-mentioned, in con-
tinuation of his aflertions, borrowed from. La Fojfe, " There is another reafon equally obvious; which is, that the wifdom of the Creator intended this outer fole, and its ob- duracy, as a natural and proper defence to the inner fole, which lies immediately un- der the other, between that and the bone of the foot." He then proceeds, " If it be afked, what becomes of the fole when not pared I
pared ? It dries, feparates, and fcales a-
way." In concife reply to this fublime j un- ification, and very Jimple explanation, I fliould in any converfation with the writer, if he had not pafled " that bourne from Whence no traveller returns," have folicited agreater degree of candour in his opinion; Whether the nails were not furnifhed to our own frames by the " wifdom of the Creator as a natural and proper defence" to parts of the mod exquifite fenfibility ? And whether the exuberant fuperflux in conftant growth was never to be reduced to the ftandard of mediocrity, till every individual pf the human fpecies became a voluntary Nebuchadnezzar; becaufe, upon the opinions of La Fosse, Qsmer, and others, it would be the greater! prefumption to fuppofe ?< the divine artift" had left in any part of his works the leaft room for rectifica- tion ? We might certainly introduce with pro-
priety, a fucceflion of fimiiies perfectly in point to render the idea ridiculous -, relifting however the great temptation to animadvert upon palpable abfurditieSj we come to the proof
proof of its " drying, feparating, andfcaling
away." The fad: is not literally fo, as may be corroborated by any judicious obferver accuftomed to examine the feet of horfes with the degree of accuracy and nice dis- tinction, neceffary to jujlify or difprove any opinion that may be promulgated for public inveftigation or improvement. It is a matter too well known to admit of momentary cavil, that the foot by being permitted to remain too long in its natural ftate without reduc- tion, acquires in its feveral parts the ap- pearance of deformity; the hoof grows long, narrow, and weak; the fole, as he fays, feparates, (but in part only) and comes away in partial scales, leaving a rough, hard, uneven furface of cavities and projec- tions; the frog becoming bruifed, ragged, and putrefied, even to different degrees of lamenefs. This being the exact reprefenta- tion of a foot left to growth in a rude and unimproved ftate, the propriety or impro- priety of judicioufly paring each part, to promote a correfponding firmnefs, and pre- ferve the neceffary uniformity, can never become the fubject of difputation, but a- mong thofe whofe intellectual faculties ar® abforbed
abforbed in fuch an abundant flow of ima-
ginary matter, as to render practical re- fearchea and occular demonstration too in- fignificant for the condefcending enquiries of Superior understandings. Previous to a defcription of the different
kinds of feet, at leaft the quality or texture of their formation, and the mode of shoe- ing beft adapted to each; a few words may be properly introduced upon the many horfes- rendered temporary cripples by the injudi- cious or improper mode of forming or fet- ting a Shoe, without a relative consideration to the Jhape or make of the foot or the Jize and aclion of the horfe. What renders the circumftance ftiil more extraordinary is, that this error in judgment fo conftant- ly happens without the leaft difcovery by either owner or operator in their fre- quent furveys and tedious confultations; and I am the more ftrengthened in my confirmation of this fa£t, by the repeated inftances, where the ceremonies of em- brocating with thofe Vulcanian Jpecifics, ori- ganum and turpentine, have been perfevered in
in (even to the ads of blistering and
rowelling) till by my defire theJhoe has been taken of, when the caufe has been inftantly difcovered and immediately re- moved. This is a circumftance, that I doubt
not has fo frequently happened in the re- membrance of every reader of experience, it can ftand in no need of farther illuftra* tion; we therefore proceed to fuch defcrip- tion of the exterior farts immediately con- cerned in the operation of {hoeing, as upon a fuperficial furvey meet the eye of every infpector, Thefe are, firft, the bottom or lower edge of the hoof, furrounding the whole extremity of the foot, not only as a fafeguard and general defence againft ex- ternal injuries, but is the direct, part to which the (hoe is fcientifically fixed, to ef- fect the purpofes for which it was gene- rally intended. Secondly, the horny or outer sole, covering the entire bottom of the foot, except the Frog,, which is fitu- ate in the center, (pafiing in a longitudinal direction from heel to toe) and forms by its clafticity the fulcrum, or expanding bafts of
of the tendon upon which the very action of
the horfe depends. Thefe are the external parts appearing
Upon the furface, that prefent themfelves to the fpedtator, and conftitute in general all that he is fuppofed or required to know; femote confiderations and operative confe- quences appertaining much more to the pro- feffional knowledge of the Artist than any acquired information of the Owner. Perfectly convinced that every man may
judicioufly fuperintend, or properly direct the (hoeing of his horfe, in a manner evi- dently adapted to his foot, Jize, weight, furpofe, and manner of going, without the ill-according intervention of an abftrufe ftu- dy very little attended to, (however elabo- rately urged) I forbear impofition upon public patience, by any attempt to introduce an imitation or oblique copy of anatomical defcriptive, fo accurately delineated and de- foibed in the copper-plates and referenees °f Gibson and Bartlet, with, I am forry to fay, fo little fuccefs; if I may be allowed to explain, by an opinion that the Farriers
Farriers themfelves, a very inferior propof-*
tion excepted, feem to have imbibed no additional knowledge in equeftrian anatomy* from ftudies fo laudably exerted and clearly explained. We come next to an explanation of the
different kinds of feet, as they appear in different fubje&s in their natural ilate. Thefe may be defined under three diftincl: heads; the fliort, found, black, fubftantial hoof; the fhallow, long, weak, white\ brittle hoof; and the deep, lax, porous, fpongy hoof. Of thefe, the firft is fo evidently fuperior, that unlefs by improper or unfair treatment, it hardly ever becomes the fubjed of difeafe. The next is carefully to be avoided in the purchafe if pofilble, not only on account of their being more fubject to corns than any other, but indicative in a great degree of conftitutional delicacy in either horfe or mare, they not being fo well enabled to bear hard work or conftant fatigue. The laft of the three is fo equally inferior to the firft, that from a variety of caufes it is frequently pro- ductive of inceflant attention, anxiety, dif- eafe, and lamenefs. Having
Having1 taken a view of the kinds of
feet that conftantly pafs through the hands of the Smith in his daily practice ; and knowing the various ftates and forms in Which they become fubject to his infpecti- on; it is abfolutely impoffible, in all that ever has been written or can be advanced, to lay down certain and invariable rules for the exact management of this, or the direct treatment of that particular foot, without a conditional reference to the judicious eye and difcretional hand of the Owner or Operator. It muft prove palpably clear to every enlightened enquirer, that no opinion or directions JlriSlly infallible can be commu- nicated through the medium of the prefs, applicable to every particular purpofe, with- out proportional contribution from the judg- ment of the parties concerned, to give the ground work of conditional information its proper effect. Such inftru£tions, however accurately de-
fcribed, muft unavoidably remain fubject to
contingent deviations, regulated entirely by
the ftate of the foot and circumftances of the
cafe; in a multiplicity of which, fo many
unexpected variations occur, as render one fixed mode of (hoeing abfolutely impractica- ble with every kind of horfe, notwithftanding what may have been hitherto advanced from supposed high authority to the con- trary. There are, neverthelefs, fome general rules
in [the proper fyftem of (hoeing and preferv- ing the feet, not to be eafily miftaken by folly or perverted by ignorance, that (hall be fub- mitted to confideration before we take leave of the fubjec~t before us ; previous to which, fome part of M. La Fosse's obfervations, fo ftrenuoufly recommended by Bartlet, become well worthy the attention of every gentleman or fportfman, who may wifh to aflift his judgment in the enquiry, and enable himfelf to decide impartially, upon the pro- priety or impropriety of having his horfe mod upon principles that have flood hitherto incon- troverted, from a fear (I fufpecl:) of arraigning authorities, the dread of whofe names may have deterred many practitioners of eminence from fo defirable a purpofe. |
I have
I have more than once afTerted my determi-
nation to interfere as little as poffible with the opinions or inftrudions of former writers, but Where it became unavoidably neceffary to eftablim an oppofite opinion, or corroborate a fad. It'is a matter of fome furprife that authors of eminence, who are naturally fup- pofed to be " armed at all points," mould be fo incautioully off their guard, as to contradid themfelves in the very ad and emulation of conveying tuition to others. I have given a moil ftriking inftance of this error in my for- mer volume, upon the inadvertency of Os- Mer, who repeatedly fays, with the greateji confidence and feeming belief <f Tendons are unelaftic bodies;" and frequently, in the fame or the very next page, tells you, " the tendon was elongated." I believe fuch affertion is of a compledion tod paradoxical to require from me the moil trifling elucidation. Paffing over this privilege of authors with
no other remark, than bare remembrance, I come diredly to the analyzation of as palpable a profeffional contradidion broached by La Fosse, and given to the public by Bart- let, in the true fpirit of implicit and Vol. II. M enthufiaftic
enthufiaftic obedience. Thefe Gentlemen
have in fucceffion, after going over (as before obferved) a great deal of unneceffary ground totally unintelligible to the /porting 'world, endeavoured to convince us, that paring the fole or frog, is not only unneceffary, but abfolutely prejudicial; for, fay they, to efta- bliih a credulous confirmation of their erro- neous conjecture, " if you pare away the fole or frog in any degree, the more you pare, the farther you take from the ground the fupport of the tendon, which fo entirely de- pends upon the elafticity of the frog." If any one perfon living could be found fo un- expectedly ignorant as to pare the foot parti- ally (that is, all behind and none before) fuch effecl: might protiably enfue; but furely no rational obferver will attempt to deny or dif- prove a palpable demonftration, that all parts of^ the foot being equally pared, (that is, the hoof, sole, and frog) the centre of fup- port and action muft be ftill the fame. But was it really as they have faid; if
what they have fo learnedly advanced was literally and juftly true, what do they im- mediately do after this judicious and di&a- torial
torial decifion ? Why, ftrongly recommend*
With the full force of theoretic perfusion, the introduction of a mode or ihoeing di- feSily contradictory to the opinion juft re- Cited j that may be perfectly adapted to and coincide with the feniments of any writer *n the a<ft of amufing himfelf, employing the Printer, and deceiving the Public j but can never be brought into general practice^ without perpetual hazard to the node, and Eminent danger to the rider. This is fo perfectly clear* that I will go very far be- yond bare literary affertion, and be bound to ftake both property and profeffional re- putation, upon the certain faikire of their improved propofition of (hoeing, with what they call their half- moon fhoe, with all its boafted advantages. A long chain of re- marks in opposition is by no means neceffaryj; a very concife and candid investigation will afford ample proof of their having reconciled (in compliment to their patient readers) as palpable contradictions in defcription as Os- ^ER, whofe " unelaftic tendon" was immedi- ately after " elongated/' You are given to nnderftand (as I have
M 2 before
before obfsrved) that in their opinion, if you
pare the fole or frog, you prevent the heel of the horfe from coming into conftant con- tact with the ground ', and the tendon is de- prived of the elaftic affiftance of the frog to promote its expansion and contraction. This is at leaft the exact purport of their defcription, if not given in the very fame lan- guage, and is very well entitled to the delibe- rate attention of thofe who wim to underftand accurately the ftate of the tendon (or back finews) when in the Stabularian tongue they are faid to be " let down." Such a paring and hollowing out of the
heel as they feem to defcribe, muft be a mod unmerciful destruction of parts, and what I believe can feldom happen in the prefent age, unlefs in the remote and leaft improved parts of the kingdom. Concluding, however, they took only a conjectural furvey of this mat- ter, I mult beg leave to obferve, that im- mediately after reprobating the idea of raifing the frog from the ground by faring, they ftrenuoufiy recommend a much more cer- tain method of producing the very evil they tell you they wifh to prevent. And this by railing
railing all the fore part of the foot, with
" the half-moon fhpe, fet on to the mid- dle of the hoof," not only forming an irre- gular and preternatural furface, but (by a want of length and fupport at the heel) con- fiituting an unavoidable chance of relaxing the finews in the perpetual probability of their being extended beyond the elqfiic power pre- ferred by nature. This difference of opinion becomes fo im-
mediately conne&ed with a particular paffage in my former volume (upon the fubjecl: of *'Jlrains,"J that it is abfolutely neceffary to quote a few lines for the better comprehen- fion of the cafe before us; for I have there faid, " To render this idea £0 clear that it cannot be mifunderftood, let us fuppofe that a horfe is going at his rate, and in fo doing his toe covers a prominence, or the edge of one, where the heel has no Jup- port, it confequently extends the tendons beyond the diftance afforded by nature, and inftantly continues what is called a letting down of the back finews," a circumftance that conftantly happens upon the turf in run- M 3 ning |
ping for a heat, and the horfe is then faid tQ
have " broken down." This defcription comes fo directly in point
with the fhape and ftate of the horfe's foot in their mode of Jhoeing, that the horfe mud be at all times liable to fudden lamenefs, and more particularly at the rifing of every hill, where his foot would be exactly in the fituation by which I have defcribed ftrains to be acquired. Every Reader at all ac- quainted with, or having even a tolerable idea of the anatomical flructure of the leg and foot, by taking a comparative view of the mode of ihoeing recommended, and the evident manner of fuftaining an injury in the back Jinews, as they are termed, will be fufficiently enabled to decide upon the con- Jiflency of the propofed plan, and, I flatter myfelf, enough convinced of the danger, to coincide with me in opinion, that a horfe fhod in this manner, to cover a hilly coun- try either in a journey or the chace, muft inevitably fall dead lame from a relaxation of the tendinous parts; or, even in a low Hat country, become fo exceedingly weary from^a want of proper fupport for the heel, that
that he could never be able to go through
a fecond day's fatigue without an alteration in his favour. Eftablifhing this as a fact not to be con-
troverted by the fallacious effect of fpecu- lative rumination, and perfectly convinced neither entertainment nor utility can be de- rived from farther tedious explanatory re- marks and obfervations upon the inconve- niencies of fuch mode of (hoeing, as well as the numerous difficulties not to be furmount- ed if inadvertently encountered -, I fhall only (lightly infinuate the abfolute impofjibility of hunting or travelling (particularly in the rainy feafons) in various hilly or chalky parts of the kingdom, without the accumulat- ed probabilities of lamenefs to the horfe, con- tinual danger to the rider, and the inevitable certainty of bruifing the heel and frog to a degree of difeafe, which mud prove the re- fulting evil even upon the flatted and beft turnpikes; but in the rough and (tony roads, or ftxong and dry hard clays, fuch events day be expected as totally unavoidable. Bidding adieu to a mode of (hoeing calcu-
M 4 lated |
lated only for the foft and artificial floor-
ing of a French Riding School, we come to fuch confiderations as are adapted to the ftate of our own roads, the cuftoms of our country, and the intellectual faculties of thofe to whofe fcientific fkill the mallea- bility of the metal, the important ufe of the butteris, the judicious formation of the fhoe, and the equally decifive direction of the nail, are univerfally entrufted. Adverting for a moment to the before-mentioned allufion to Osmer's obfervation upon thefe men, who fay, " they do not want to be taught," it is very natural to fuppofe, from the profeffi- onal knowledge they Jhould have acquired by ftrict attention and Heady experience, that they cannot "want to be taught;" but that their judgment, founded upon the beft bafis, manual art, and ocular infpeSlion, ought to be much fuperior to any theoretical inftruclions that can be obtruded or enforced. Under that perfuafion, and feel- ing for thofe few who have induftrioufly rendered themlelves adequate to all the diffi- culties of the trade, I feel no furprife that fuch fpirited expostulations mould be made, as mult frequently happen in reply to many pedantic
pendantic confequential pretenders, who by
ihclr futile remarks and ignorant inflruBiont excite the jealous irritability of men, who, confeious of their own ability and integrity, poffefs ^like Hotfpur) too much innate fpirit and perfonal courage to be perpetually pef- t.ered by " a popping jay." It has been before obferved, that many
horfes have undergone various operations for fuppofed lamenejfes in different parts, when time, and the lucky interpofition of a judicious opinion, have difcovered the caufe to be (where it is too feldom ac- curately fearched for) in the foot. Lamenefs of this defcription proceeds in general from fome one or other of the following caufes; the nail holes for the fattening of the fhoe to the foot being inferted too far from the outer edge, in the web of the fhoe, and confequently, when tight clinched, bearing too hard upon the fle(hy edge of the inner fole, conftitutes a preternatural compreflion Upon the internal parts and confequent impe- diment to eafe or action, Another caufe exceedingly common, (when
the horfe is faid to be pricked in ftioe-
ing) is the oblique direction of a nail, which taking an improper and inverted courfe, ei- ther perforates, or in its progrefs prefTes upon the inner fole, puncturing fome of the foft parts, thereby producing certain lamenefsji which not immediately difcovered, tends to inflammation, that too often terminates in a remote formation of matter conftituting a cafe of the moft ferious confequence. 4
A third caufe is the inconfiftent method of
forming the web of the fhoe too wide for the foot of the horfe, and railing it ib much, or hollowing it out all round the inner edge, as to give it a palpable convexity when fixed to the hoof. By this convexity round the inner edge of the web, the fupport be- comes unnaturally partial and even in the conftant weight of the horfe only (without recurring to a&ion) conftitutes an oppofition to its original purport; for the invariable preffure upon the curved part of the fhoe only, muft raife in the furrounding parts fuch a proportional counteraction, that the harder the horfe bears in adiion upon a hard furface, the more muft every motion tend to force the
the very nails from their hold, but that
the clinches prevent their being withdrawn: In this ftate the horfe, though not abfolutely tame, limps in perpetual uneafinefs, till the clinches of the nails are fo relaxed as to hring the centre nearly to a level with the reft of the foot, where it frequently forms an additional caufe to the original ill, by coming into clofe contact with the fole, which prejjing upon with any degree of feverity, occafions a flight lamenefs that becomes im- mediately perceptible. Another very common caufe of lamenefs
with horfes of this defcription originates in the fhoes being formed too Jhort and narrow at the heel, by which means, in lefs than a Week's conftant wear, the hoof (or '* cruji" as fome writers have termed it for the fake of refinement) being alfo narrow, the heels of the fhoes make gradual impreffion and con- ftitute a palpable indentation upon the edge Pf the iole, dire&ly over its articulation with the hoof, producing to a certainty, if perfe- vered in, the foundation of corns, or a tem- porary lamenefs, that is generally removed by . removing the fhoe. A kw
A few additional bad effects, but of infe-
rior confequence, refuking from injudici- ous {hosing, may be concifely ranged under the heads of raifing the Jhoes too high in the. heels without due difcrimination, throwing the fetlock joint into a diflortive pofition; corns ill treated or horfes ill Jhod, to occafion the imperfection of cutting either before or behind, an evil arifing much more from want of profeflional accuracy in the operator, than any abortive effort in the procefs of Na- ture. Thefeare, however, mere fuperficial inconveniencies, to be remedied by fuch atten- tion and circumfpedtion as no one friend to the animal we treat of will ever refufe to beftow. Rules for the prevention or cure of thefe,
are luckily calculated by their brevity for communication or retention. The heels of horfes fhould never be artificially raifed only in exact proportion to the ftate of their feet, the feafon of the year, and their manner of going, not without fome additional reference to the road or country they generally travel j all which, every Smith of the lead emi- nence fhould perfectly underftand from prac- tical experience, without a long table of con- ditional |
ditional inftru&ions to fix a criterion, which
niuft, after all the fpeculative matter or expe- rimental knowledge that can be introduced, be regulated by the exercife of his own pro- feffional penetration, or the perfonal fuper- mtendance of thofe, whofe inftructions it muft he his intereft to obey. Corns, in general occafioned much more
by the unobferved ftritture of the Jhoe (as before defcribed) than any defect in nature, are not fufficiently attended to in their ear- lieft ftate for fpeedy obliteration; but per- mitted to acquire by time and continuance of the caufe, a rigid callofity before the leaft attempt is made for extirpation; during which inattention they become fo inflexibly firm in their bafis, that they are not eafily to be eradicated, though great care and perfe- Verance will greatly affift their mitigation if not entirely eftablifh their cure. The beft and mod confident method is to
reduce it with the drawing knife, as much as the extent of the corn and the depth of the fole will admit, obferving not to exceed the bounds of difcretion in penetrating the horny
horny fole too deeply, rendering by a ftep
of imprudence, the remedy worfe than the difeafe. When it is thus reduced as much as the date of the corn and the texture of the foot will juftify, let the entire deftrudtion of it be attempted by the occafional application, of a few drops of oil of vitriol over its whole furface ; or its rapidity of growth reftrained by the affiftance of Goulard's extraSl of faturn, traumatic (commonly called Friar's) balfam, camphorated fpirits of wine, or tinc- ture of myrrh. This being performed, if the vacuum is
large or deep from whence the fubftance has been extra&ed, and the operator has been under the neceffity of nearly perforating the outer fole, fo as to be productive of additional tendernefs to the original caufe of complaint j care muft be taken to prevent the infinua- tion of extraneous fubftances of different kinds, as Jlones, gravel, dirt, or fuch other arti- cles as may very much irritate and injure the part. This is beft effected by plugging up the cavity with a pledget of tow, firft hardening the furface well with one of the before-mentioned fpirituous applications; re- membering not to infert the, tow too clofely to deftvoy
deftroy its elaftic property, forming a hardnefs
from its abundance, that may painfully prefs Upon the tender part it is dcfigned to defend. It has long been an eftablifhed practice
after drawing a corn; an injury fuftained in any part of the hoof, caufing a partial defect; Or a difeafed (late of the frog, as inveterate thrujh, 6cc, to protect the part with a bar Jhoe formed and adapted to fuch purpofe : This is certainly a conditional fecurity, but there is ftill the fpace between the foot and the Jhoe to receive and retain any fubftance, that may be- come injurious by its lodgment and painful preifure as before-mentioned. To prevent the poflibility of which, I mould always recommend (in cafes that require it) the infi- fluation of a fufficient quantity of tow to fill Up the interftice; and that its retention there Height be rendered a matter of greater cer- tainty, it fhould be well impregnated with a Portion of diachylon 'with the gums, firfl; belted over the fire; this will not only fill up the opening with neatnefs (properly ma' naged) but form a holjier of eafe to the part, aod exclude to a certainty the admiflion of articles we have juft defcribed. The
The cutting of horfes is in general attri-
buted to fome impropriety in the mode of forming or fetting the fhoe; though this is by no means to be confidered the invariable caufe, for fuch inconvenience is fometimes produced by very different: means. Horfes, for inttance, frequently injure themfelves when in too long and repeated journies they become leg weary, and though of great fpirit and bottom, com- pulfively fubmit to the power of exhaufted nature; when hardly able to get one foot be~ fore the other, it can create no furprife that they feel it impoffible to proceed in equal di- rection, but move their limbs in the moft ir- regular manner, warping and twijiing, as if their falling muft prove inevitable at every fucceffive motion. In fuch ftate of bodily debilitation, injuries of this kind are un- doubtedly fuftained, and too often by the in- advertency or inexperience of the rider of driver, fuppofed to arife from fome imper- fection in the operation of fhoeing, which i11 this inftance is no way concerned. It is not fo in others, where the fhoe be--
ing formed too wide for the hoofy or with a
projecting fweep at the Bee/, (particularly in
Wfes, who from an irregular fhape of the
foot, called turning out the toe, are addicted to a kind of curve in adion againft the fet- lock joint of the other leg) the evil is con- stituted to a certainty -, but when it arifes from thefe caufes, it is always to be removed or greatly mitigated by the judicious in- terpofition of the Smith, whofe particular province it is to difcover and remedy the defect. Another caufe of this inconvenience very
frequently proceeds from what I have ever confidered a palpable abfurdity in the fyftem of fhoeing, and anxioufly wifh it to undergo a general improvement : This is the incon- fiftent, ridiculous, and I may almoft venture to add invincible folly of forming a groove in the web of the fhoe, neither large enough fior deep enough to admit the head of the tiail, for the entire reception of which the Plan was originally formed ; though feldom °r ever made fufficiently wide to complete the purport of its firft intention. The difadvantages arifing from this want
V°r proftitution) of judgment in execution, is
Vol. II. N not
not more the irregular furface of the foot*
tfpon a bard road or pavement, throwing & unavoidably into a variety of unnatural peti- tions by the heads of fome nails being ridi- culoufly high or projecting from the fhoe, and others as much below them, than the certainty of all the clinches being raifed in a very few days ufe by the weight and action of the horfe, which on the infide of each foot conftitute the evil to a degree of feve- rity with horfes that go clofe, particularly if permitted to remain long in fuch ftate unat- tended to. Upon expoftulation, you are told* " this is a matter of no inconvenience, that they will foon be worn down and become equal." If fuch affertion was to be admitted without oppofition refpecting the irregularity of the furface, and diftortive portions of the foot, it by no means affects the certainty of rendering the clinches not only evidently injurious in the dagree before recited, but of little utility (after a few days wear) in fe- curing the ftioe in the fituation it was origi- nally placed. This is a circumftance fo exceedingly clear,
that every rational obferver, poffeffing a defire to promote general improvement, will coin- |
*Hde with me in opinion, and afliir. the re-
Commendation by the force of example j in having the groove in the web of the fhoe, for the reception of the nails, formed fuffici- ently wide and deep to admit the heads nearly or quite equal with the flat furface of the Ihoe, by which effectual infertion the fhoe firmly retains its fituation, and the nails their clinches, till a repetitioa of the operation becomes neceffary* There are (as I have before hinted an in«*
tention of explaining) fome general rules to be remembered, as invariably applicable to all kinds of feet without exception. The flioe fhould be uniformly fupported by the hoofonfyy ehtirely round the foot, and brought fo regularly into contact that it mould not prefs more upon one part than another; it fliould alfo be formed with a concave inner Surface, to keep it perfectly clear of the fok, that the point of the picker may oecafionally Pafs under the inner part of the web, to free 11 from every extraneous or injurious fab- ftance* The (hoe mould not be made too Wide in the web, or too weighty in metal, N a for |
for the fize or purpofe of the horfe j if fo>
the infertion of the nails become unavoidably neceffary nearer the edge of the flefhy, or inner fole, and the compreffion upon the in- ternal parts proportionally greater, in the ad- ditional hold required, to prevent the inner edge of the web from finking diredtly, by cdnfiant prejfure, upon the centre of the outer fole, conftituting certain uneafinefs in action, if not perceptible lamenefs. The heel of the fhoe fhould always rather exceed the termi- nation of the hoof behind, and be formed fomething voider than the heel itfelf; not only to conftitute a firm bafis of fupport for the frame, and prevent the indentation before defcribed, but to afford room for the requifite growth and expanfion of the heel, if a well formed found foot is at all the objecl: of at- tention. The hoofs of horfes fhould never be fuf-
fered to grow too long at the toe, for exclu- five of its foon conftituting a flat, weak, narrow foot, it is not uncommonly productive of Jlumbling and tumbling, to the no great entertainment, but certain danger of the ri- der ; and this frequent error in the prefent pradice
pra&ice of (hoeing is the more extraordi-
nary, as the very form, length, and texture of the hoof, will always afford fufficient in- formation in how great a degree it will bear reduction, with the additional confideration, in point of effect, that Shortening the toe wiil always proportionally widen, and give ftrength to the heel. Horfes faid to be " flefhy footed," are
thofe whofe inner and outer fole are found
to be too large in proportion to the fub-
ftance of the hoof that furrounds them j or,
in other words, (to render it clear as poffi-
ble) whofe hoof is too thin at the lower
edge or bottom, for the fize of the whole.
This may be productive of inconvenience,
and requires a nicer diferimination in the
mode of forming the groove in the web,
as well as in fixing the fhoe ; for the fpace
Upon which it muft be unavoidably fixed
(without an alternative) is fo exceedingly
narrow, that the greater! care and attention
*s abfolutely neceffary to bring the nails fo
n»ar the edge of the hoof, as to avoid
cvery probable chance of injury by too
great a ftridture upon the component parts ;
N 3 a mat-
a matter that has been already more than
once concifely recommended to practical circumfpection. That fuch hazard may be the better a-,
voided, it will be found an infurance of fafety; to advance the front nails nearer to the extremity of the toe, where the feat of insertion is much iipider, and bring the binder nails farther from the points of the heel, where it is not only directly the re* verfe, but fometimes too narrow to admit of the infertion without danger. And in all cafes where horfes are remarkably full and flefh footed, with a heel exceedingly narrow, it is certainly the fafeft method to let them be mod with the nails entirely round the front of the foot, omitting their infertion in a proportional degree behind. La Fosse, ephoed by Bartlet, con-
demns the cuftom of turning up the fhoe at the heels, upon the before-mentioned objecr tion of its " removing the frog to a great- ex diftance from the ground, by which the tendon will be inevitably ruptured y but cc-ujd they now become fpe&ators of the hundreds.
hundreds of poft horfes conftantly running
the roads with bar shoes, that totally preclude the pojfibility of the frogs touch- 2ng the ground, to fupport fuch elafticity, they might be convinced what little refpedt fuch aflertion muft be held in, under a demonstration exceeding all contradiction. Nor is this retrofpe&ive remark brought for- ward upon any other motive, than to juftify the great confiftency and fafety of judici- ally railing the heels of the fhoes, to defend frogs that have been bruifed, or are naturally defective, and heels that are flat and narrow ; as well as to infure the fafety of the rider, and prevent the flipping of horfes, which muft otherways become inevitable in rainy feafons upon chalky roads or hilly countries.. Adverting once more to their promulga-
tion upon " the inconliftency of ever paring the fole or frog," I muft avail nayfelf of the Prefent opening to make one addition to my former obfervations upon that part of the fubjedtj recommending it to the attention of every breeder, to make occasional infpec-» tions of the feet even when yearlings, and in their progreffive gradations, to prevent N 4 their |
their acquiring an ill conformation: By 3
want of proper corre&ion they will very frequently be found fpreading to a long flat thin foot, which left to time, will become irrecoverably weak j on che contrary, pro- portionally pared at the bottom, fhortened at the toe, and rounded with the rafp, will con- stitute the very kind of foot in fhape and firmnefs of all others the moll defirable. Before we entirely difmifs this fubjeft, a
few remarks upon the management of the feet in fabled horfes, cannot be confidered inapplicable to our prefent purpofe of ge- neral utility. Firfl, it mould be remem- bered, an equal inconvenience arifes from having horfes unneceflarily fhod too often, or the ceremony poftponed too long; the for- mer, by its frequency, batters and breaks the hoof (particularly if of the brittle kind) to a perceptible degree of injury; the latter promotes an aukward growth of the foot, an indentation of the fhoe upon the fole, pr inner edge of the hoof, and a probable deftruclion of the frog, Various opinions may have been fupported
upon the propriety of (topping and oiling
the feet j but as it is not my prefent pur- pofe to animadvert upon the diffufe remarks of others, I mail confine myfelf to practi- cal obfervations of my own. The falutary effects of plentifully oiling, and nightly flopping, the fubftantial, firm, black and White brittle hoofs, defcribed in a former page, are too firmly eftablilhed by long and attentive experience, to render opposition, (from any authority whatever) worthy a momentary confederation or condefcending
reply. A comparative ftate of the hoof that is
carefully managed in this way, with one in its ftate of nature, (more particularly in the hot and dry months of fummer) will evi- dently beipe: k the advantage and neatnefs of fuch care and attention. In one, the hoof is always in a ftate of pliable uniformity s in the other, a harfh, conftant and irregular fcahng of the fole, an almofl inflexible ri- gidity of the hoof in fhoeing, and mofl fre- quently very large and dangerous cracks that Separate the>Mrom the frog on both fides j fcaving ample room on either for the infinu- ation
ation of fand, grave!, or other injurious ar-
ticles that may by their retention reach the coronary articulation, conflituting irrepara- ble lamenefs too frequently attributed to every caufe but the right. Having gone through fuch chain of in-
vestigation, and courfe of instruction, upon the fubject of (hoeing, and its effects, as I conceive to be at all calculated to afiift the general judgment of thofe whofe equeftrian purfuits render fuch knowledge an object of importance; I mall proceed to that kind of communication, as I flatter myfelf will be equally acceptable to thofe who do me the honor of perufal and attention, whether for amufement, information, literary difqui- fition, or to render the influence of ex- ample, more preferable to precept, by a contribution of their perfonal affiftance to the promotion of general improvement. |
[ x87 ]
Will prove a chapter more immediately
appertaining to the proprietors of exten- sive receptacles in the metropolis, as well as ®ther large cities, and thofe interefted in their effects ; than at all applicable to the prefent improved ftate of gentlemen's ftables in every part of the kingdom, where the mode of management is approaching too near a degree of perfection to admit the aid of in- duction, from either the pen of theoretic ^formation, or practical experience. As it will, however, be unavoidably necefTary to introduce under this head, fuch occafional Remarks pr ufeful obfervations as cannot with propriety appear under any other, hints may perhaps be difcovered, in which every deader may feel himfelf inform degree indi- vidually concerned. The very inferior flate of action and ap-
pearance, fovifibly predominant in horfes of Sequent ufe, from the large public livery ^ahjesj when put into competition with hunters
hunters or hacks, enjoying the advantage of
regular food, dreffing, air, and exercife, will conftitute all the apology 1 think it neceffary to introduce, for any degree of freedom. 1 may be inclined to offer, in drawing a com- panion very little obfervable by metropo- litan HEROES ON HORSEBACK, but Uni- verfaily known to the difcriminating eye oi
every experienced fportfman in the king- dom. Such inferiority arifes from an accumula-
tion of caufes, very little considered or en- quired into by the owners, or riders, who philofophically define and experimentally de- monstrate, the horfe to be an animal of general utility, and appropriate him to all their different purpofes accordingly; with as little attention to his colour, perfections? or defects, as a tradefman of Manchester* who having fome few years Since occafiofl to attend the affizes at Lancaster, hired » grey gelding for the purpofe, but unluckily returned with a bay mare, and obflinately perflated (in opposition to every witnefs and expoftulation) that he had brought back th( very horfe and^ equipments with which he
flad ftarted, in obedience to the legal injunc-
tion he had received. Of thefe equefcrian Quixotes, nature has been fo exceedingly- liberal, that we find numbers, who, when their fteed is brought out of the ftable, whe- ther in high or low condition, fee or not fee, Swelled legs, cracked heels, jhoes or no Jhoes, his carcafe expanded to its utmojl extent, or contracted to a degree of unprec&dented po- verty ; mount him with equal unconcern, and go through their journey, long or {hort, as prompted by neceffity or inclination, Without a fingle reflection upon the wants °r weaknefles of the animal, unluckily def- ined to receive the honor of fo humane an appendage. In fuch unaccountable ftate of negligence
ftands many a valuable horfe furrounded with ai* accumulation of ills and hourly promotion °f mifery from one week's end to another, and never enjoys the favour (if I may fo term 11) of his mailer's prefence but of a Sunday horning; when making the expeditious tour °* Richmond, Hampton Court, Wind/or, or |°nie other of the fafhionable excurfions, he ls configned to his ufual hebdomadal dark abode
igo S T A B L I N G;
abode of inactivity, to enjoy a profufioft
of hay, water, and eafe i but, in conformity with the idea of Major O'Flaherty, " a plentiful fcarcity of every thing elfe." It is impofTible for any man livings Who
has made thefe creatures, their "wants, grati- fications, perfections, and attachments, the object of his contemplation, not to feel the greateft mortification when chance or choice brings him to a furvey of the ftables in Lon- don, with all their horrid inconveniences. To thofe totally unacquainted with the fu- perior and fyftematic management of ftables in general, it may all bear the appearanee of propriety, confequently paves no way for the corroding reflections of vexation and difappointment; but to the experienced and attentive obferver, whofe fenfations move in direil unifon with the feelings of the ani-5 mal he beftrides, and the aeeommodation of whofe horfe is held in equal eftimation and retention with his own, they excite the joint emotions of pity and furprife. Horfes in general, produced from ftables
of this defcription, all bear the appearance of temporary
temporary invalid? or confirmed valetudi-
narians ; from living or rather exifting in a fcene of almoft total darknefs, they approach the light with reluctance, and every new object with additional apprehenfion. They walk or rather totter out of the ftable in a ftate of debilitation and ftiffhefs of the ex- tremities, as if threatened with univerfal lamenefs. The legs are fwelled from the knees and hocks downwards, to the utmoft expanfion of the integument; which with the dry and contracted ftate of the narrow keeled hoof, bears no ill affinity to the over- loaded fhoe of AN OPULENT ALDERMAN, When emerging from the excruciating ad- monitions of a gouty monitor. Upon more accurate infpe&ion, we find the Lft of happy effects ftill increafed with thofe ufual conco- mitants, inveterate cracks, running thru/h, Very frequently accompanied by ahufky fhort cough, or afthmatic difficulty of refpiration, *n gradual progreffion to a broken wind; and the long lift of inferior et ceteras, that confti- tute the invariable advantages of ftable difci- pline, directly contrary to every eftablifhed rule that can be laid down for the promotion °f EASE, HEALTH, and INVIGORATION.
In confirmation of which, without a tedi-
ous animadverfion upon fo long a feries of inconfiftencies, let us advert concifely to the caules of fuch ill effects as we have ven- tured to enumerate. The difadvantages arif- ing from horfes ftanding in perpetual dark- nefs, or with a very faint and glimmering light, muft be too palpably clear to require much elucidation; for in. fuch ftate, with the full and increafed power of hearing, they are inceflantly on the watch to difcover, what fo conftantly affects one fenfe, without the expected gratification of the other. To this eternal difappointment may be attributed the alternate ftare and twinkling of the eye-lids, fo common to every defcription of horfes that ftand in the moll remote part of dark ffcables, at each time of being brought forward to face the light; as well as the additional ob- fervation, that being accuftomed to fee things but imperfectly in the fiable, when brought into action upon the road, they are fo much affected by the change, that they become habitually addicted to jlop or Jiart at every ftrange or fudden object that approaches. A certain danger alfo attends, when hurried by a carelefs or drunken oftler, from the ex- |
stabling; ^3
ternal glare of light to the extreme of total
darknefs; for in fuch hafty tranlition, blows are frequently fuftained againft the racks, ftalls, or intervening partitions, that fome- tirnes terminate in the lofs of an eye, with no other caufe affigned for its original appear- ance than the fluctuation of humours, which the fuffering fubjcct immediately undergoes Repeated confuhations and a long courfe of medicines to eradicate. The fKfFnefs of the joints, the fwelling
of the legs, the feveriry of the cracks, the frequency of the thrufh, the contraction of the hoofs, and the difficulty of refpiration, are all fo evidently the refulting effects of deftrudtive fituation and erroneous manage- ment, that to the fporting world alone, lite- rary definition would be deemed fuperfluous but to that infinity of Juvenile Eqjies- ^Rians, who are *' daily rifing to our view," and wonder " why their horfes, that they keep at Jo much expence, are unlike moft others they meet in their rural excur- sions," fuch explanation becomes matter of fodifpenfible neceffity," |
Vol. lj.
To the want of general cleanlinefs, pure
air, and regular exercife, may be juftly attri- buted all the ills we have juft recited j and that fueh aflertion may lay impartial claim to proper weight in the fcale of reflection, let it be firft remembered, that horfes in the lituation I allude to, are conftantly liv- ing in certain degrees of heat, not only be- yond the ftate required by nature, but very far exceeding even the ftable temperature of horfes in regular training for the turf. That this may be the better underftood by
thofe whofe fituations in life have precluded the chance of fuch infpedtion, and that great body of readers in various and diftant parts of the kingdom, who never have, and per- haps never may, make a furvey of public ftables in the metropolis j I think it necef- fary to introduce an exact reprefentation of fyjlematic inconfijlency, perfectly exculpated irom even the ilighteft fufpicion of exagge- radon. As I have repeatedly obferved, and it is univerfally admitted, there is no rule without fome exception; fo the following dcfcription may havefome but very few" to boaft of.
Upon entering the major part, (particu-
larly if the door has been a few minutes clofed and is open for your admiffion) the olfactory and optic nerves are inftantane- oufly afTailed with the volatile effluvia of dung and urine, equal to the exhalation from a flock bottle of hartfhorn at the mop of any Chemift in the neighbourhood. Here you find from ten or twelve to twenty horfes, flanding as hot, and every crevice of the flable -as clofely flopped, as if the very external air was infectious, and its ad- miffion muft inevitably propagate a conta- gion. Naturally inquifitive to difcover what irritating caufe has laid fuch hold of your mofl prominent feature, you obferve each liorfe flanding upon an enormous load of litter, that by occafional additions (with- out a regular and daily removal from the bottom) has acquired both the fubflance and property of a moderate hoi-bed. Thus furrounded with the vapours con-
ftantly arifing from an accumulation of the ftioft powerful volatile falts, fland thefe poor animals a kind of patient facrifice to ignorance and indifcretion; and that the meafure of O 2 mifery
mifery may be rendered perfect by every ad-
ditional contribution of folly, each horfe is abfolutely loaded with a profufion of body cloths, but perhaps more to gratify the orien- tation or difplay the opulence of the owner, than any intentional utility to the horfe. The meet, quarter piece, breaft cloth, body roller, and perhaps the hood, are all brought forward to give proof of perfevering atten- tion and unremitting induftry. In this ftate fuch horfes are found upon critical examina- tion, to be in an almoft perpetual languid perfpiration ■, fo debilitated, deprefled, and inactive, for want of pure air and regular exercife, that they appear dull, heavy, and inattentive, as if confcious of their imprifon- ment and bodily perfection, The effed of this mode of treatment foon
becomes perceptible to the judicious eye of obfervation ; the carcafe is feen unnaturally full and overloaded, for want of jhofe gra- dual evacuations promoted by gentle mo- tion ; the legs fwell, becoming ftiff and tumefied, till nature, in her utmoft efforts for extravafation, terminates in either cracks* /cratches, greafe, or fome one of the many diforders
borders arifing from an impurity, vifcidity,
°r acrimony in the blood. The hoofs by being almoft invariably fixed to the conftant feeat of the accumulating dung before de- scribed, acquires a degree of contraction in- dicating hoof-bou-nd lamenefs. The eyes frequently give proof of habitual weaknefs, *n a watery difcharge from the continual ir- ritation of the volatile effluvia, the dilatation and contradion of the eye in fearch of light, the heat of the body, &c. all tending to conftitute a frame directly oppofite in health, Wgour, and appearance, to thofe whofe con- dition is regulated by a very different fyftem of ftabularian management. The evils arifing from this miflaken treat-
ment are only yet enumerated in part, being thofe that evidently appear upon a fuperficial Purvey of the {tables and their contents; o- thers become difcernible upon being brought mto action. They are certainly lefs enabled to encounter fatigue than any horfes in the kingdom; from fo conftant an exiflenee in *he abfolute fumes of a hot-bath, they never Can be expofed to the external air in a cold, fi0ef> or winter feafoo, without danger to O 3 every
every part of the frame. By fuch contrail
they are inftantly liable to a fudden collap- fion of the porous fyftem, which locking "P the perfpirative matter, fo violently propelled to the furface, throws it back upon the cir- culation with redoubled force; where na- ture being too much overloaded to admit its abforption, it becomes immediately fixed upon the eyes or lungs, laying a very fubftantial foundation of difeafe and dis- quietude. If fuch horfe is put into ftrong exercife*
be foon proves himfelf inadequate to either. a long, or an expeditious journey; for whe- ther the body is overburthened with weak and flatulent food and water at fetting out, jaded with early fatigue, to which he has not been accuftomed, or debilitated with the ftable difcipline we have fo minutely defcribed, the effed is nearly the fame. 1* his journey is of any duration, or his exer- tions of any great magnitude, it is no un- common thing to find he has fallen fck* lame, or tired upon the road; and under the worft of curfes, a bad character, is fre- quently fold to the fnft bidder; under whofe fyftematic
fyftematic care and rational mode of ma-
nagement, a few months perhaps makes him one of the beft and moft valuable horfes in the kingdom. This is a circumftance that happens fo
very conftantly in the equeftrian fluctuation of fortune, and the aflertion fo repeatedly juftified by occular demonftration and prac- tical experience, that I ftand not in the leaft fear of a contrariety of opinions upon fo confpicuous a part of the fubjecT:. The ill efFedts of the ftable treatment
we have hitherto defcribed, would be ftill more injurious did high feeding conftitute a part of the fyftem we prefume to condemn ; but afufier-abundance of food is what I by no means place to the inconfijlency of the account. Prudence (divefted oSfelf-inter eft) powerfully prompts the parties concerned, to perceive the abfurdity of over-feeding horfes whofe ftate fo little requires it. Sta- ble keepers are not fo deftitute of pene- tration, as to be taught by me, Vat folly of feeding horfes that " don't work." Oats are not only unneceflfary bwifuperfluous; hay O 4 in
200 S T A B t I N G.
vsxfmall quantities will fupport nature furE-
ciently, by a conflant maftication of which the appetite will be properly prepared to receive plenty of water; an article that is not only of very little expence and trou- ble, but by expanding the frame, and filling the flank, will afford to the city fportfmaft1 and Sunday traveller, fufficient proof that the horfe is amply fed, and " well looked after" i Having fubmitted to confederation the
reprefentation of facts, that neither the interefted can, or the experienced will, at- tempt to deny; I fhall (without much hope of effecting a reformation where fo great a variety of opinions are concerned) beg permiffion to offer a few remarks, for the attention of thofe who are, from the nature of their fituations, unavoidably con" ne&ed with ftables of this defcription; leaving the more minute inftructions for the management of hunters or road horfes, to be collected from the matter that will be hereafter introduced under thofe heads. The pernicious properties of foul air muft
be too well known, or at leaft too readily
comprehended, (by every one to whofe fe- rious perufal thefe pages will become fub- jett) to require even the moft fuperficial elucidation; though in fad, entering into its deftructive effects, with all its contingent Confequences, would be to write, quote, and animadvert a volume upon the fubject; Which is in fact of too much fcientific mag- nitude for prefent difquifition, in a publi- cation that promifes to be generally read, and it is intended fhoulcj be as generally Underftood, Under palpable convi&ion of the numer-
ous ills that may arife in different ways from air fo very much contaminated, and replete With impurities, I am convinced no one advocate for improvement can rationally object to the adoption of Ventilators *n all public ftables, where the fituation *s inevitably confined j as in London, and °ther large cities, where they muft una- voidably continue fo without the moft dift- ant probability of rectification. The utility, the convenience, the exhili-
rating rays of " all chearing light,
(that enables us to enjoy fociety, for which we were formed) is a matter {landing in no need of tedious recommendation j it there- fore cannot be too forcibly inculcated* or too cheerfully adopted. Cleanlinefs is fo indifputably neceflary to
health and invigoration, that it is matter of furprife how fo palpable a fyflem of fil"1 could ever be permitted to pervade the equeftrian receptacles of thofe who would, no doubt, be exceedingly hurt and offended, if they were to have the inconfiftencies of their conduct perfonally demonftrated, and be compulfively convinced they either do not know or Jeem to care any thing about the matter. In fact, there is but one reafon. that can be urged, (and none with fo much energy as thofe prompted by felf-intereft) in favour of a practice replete with fo many difadvantages ; this muft be the high price and difficulty of obtaining ftraw in the me- tropolis, which in its transformation to manure becomes fo reduced to a mere no- thingnefs in value, that the poj/ibility of be- ing |
ing cleanly in thofe ftables (we are told) is
abfolutely precluded by pecuniary consider- ations. But when the fixed emoluments of the weekly keep are taken into the aggre- gate, and it is not the erFecl of rumination but matter of fail, that man}' of the horfes fo kept, are, from want of exercife and the numerous caufes before affigned, fo very much OFF THEIR APPETITES, as not to
confume in a day but one or two of the. four
feeds of corn that are charged; an extra trufs of flraw from the loft liberally Exchanged for each bufhel and a half of oats accidentally faved in the granary, would certainly prove no violent prostitution of generofity! |
Is a matter of too much importance in
the promotion of health and condition to oe excluded its place in our prefent arrange- ment; and fo evidently neceffary to the na- tural fecretions and regular evacuations, that tne foundation of every difeafe may be laid by
204 E X E R C I S E.
by a want of it. Horfes are in their very
nature and difpofition fo formed for motion* that they become dull, heavy, and un- healthy without it; of this nothing can af- ford greater demonftration than the plea- fure they difplay in every action, when brought from the dark recefs of a gloomy liable to the perfect enjoyment of light, air, and exercife. The natural fweetnefs of the external air is fo happily fuperior to the ftagnate impurity of the ftable, that moft horfes inftantly exult in the change, and by a variety of ways convince you of the pre- ference. Survey a fpirited horfe with the eye of
attention, and obferve the aftonifliing differ- ence before and after his liberation front the ma?tger, to which he is fometimes, un- der the influence of ftrange mifmanage- ment, haltered for days together without remiffion. In the (table you perceive him de- jcBed,fpiritlefs, and almoft inanimate, with- out the leaft feeming courage or adtivity in his compofition; but when brought into action, he inftantly aflumes another appear- ance, and indicates by bodily exultation and exertion,
exertion, the abfolute falubrity and neceffity
of what the inftinctive ftupidity of many can Dever (from their inexplicable want of com- prehenfion) be brought to underftand. Such inconfiderate cbfervers might certainly im- prove their very Jhallow judgment by fome trifling attention to the indications of nature in horfes of any tolerable defcription, who all difplay, in different attitudes and by va- rious means, the gratification they enjoy in their diftinct appropriations. In fact, the animated afpect of the whole frame, the live- ly eye, the crefted neck, the tail erect, with the moil fpirited bodily action of neighing, fnorting, and curvetting, all tend to prove the conftitutional utility of exercife in length and manner adapted to the fize, ftrength, tnake, condition, and purpofe of the horfe. Perfectly convinced of its indifpenfiblc
Neceffity to horfes of all kinds, in propor- tion to the ufes for which they are deligned, and the portion of aliment they receive, I a«i not unfrequently very highly entertain- e^ with the management of many within tne extenfive circle of my own acquaint- ^ce* (and thofe too with inherent pride fufficient
fufficient to affurae the character of fportf-
men) who are in conftant poffeffion of good and valuable horfes, perpetually buying, felt- ing, and exchanging ; but never for years to- gether, have one in their (tables three months, ■without fwelled legs, cracked heels, greafe* bad eyes, broken knees, or fome of the ma- ny ills that conftitute a flable of infirmities ; all which they very philosophically 2nd erroneoufly attribute to /// luck, that I moft juftly and impartially place to the ac- count of inadvertent mafters and much more indolent fervants. The advantages arifing from an unre-
mitting perfeverance in the regularity of daily exercife, (both in refpect to time and continuance) cannot be fo clearly known and perfectly underftood, but to thofe who have attended minutely to the good effects of its practice, or the ills that become conftantly perceptible from its omifiion. This is undoubtedly the more extraordi- nary, when it is recollected there is no one part of the animal ceconomy more admira- bly adapted to the plaineft comprehenfion, than the fyftem.of repletion and evacuation; which
E X E R C I & E, 207
which may (avoiding technical defcriptioti
and profeflional minutiae) be concifely ex- plained and clearly underftood, as matter fleceffarily introductory to what we proceed to inculcate, upon the palpable coniiftency of conflant and moderate exercife for the eftablifhment of health and promotion of condition. I believe it has been before faid, in ei-
ther this or the former volume, that the aliment, after fufficient maftication in the aft of chewing, is palled to the ftomach, where it undergoes regular fermentation (in general termed digeftion) producing a cer- tain quantum of chyle, in proportion to the nutritive property of the aliment fo retain- ed : This chyle, in its procefs of nature; (which has been before accurately explain- ed) becomes wonderfully fubfervient to all the purpofes of life and fupport in its ge- neral contribution to the fource of circu- lation, and the various fecretions ; while the groffer parts (from which the nutri- tious property is extracted in their progrefs through the ftomach and inteftinal canal) are thrown off from the body by excremen- *-Uous evacuations. This
This is a concife abftradl of nature's ope**
ration ; as neceflary to conftitute fufficienS information to comprehend our prefent pur- pofe of explicit animadverfion upon the great advantage of bodily motion, fo faf as it mail appear conducive to the prefef- vation of health. Enough is eonfequently advanced to gratify every competent idea; and afford ample convi&ion, that mould the body be permitted to receive, and conti- nue to accumulate in the frame, more ali- ment than can be abforbed into the circu- lation, and carried off by the different e- munctories in a certain portion of tbne j over repletion, difquietude, and ultimately disease acute or chronic, muft bejthe in- evitable confequence. The fyftem and effedt are too palpably
clear to be at all miflaken in even a theo- retic furvey of the procefs ; for when the blood veffels become over-loaded with an accumulated retention of perfpirable matter, and the ftomach and inteftines preternatu- rally extended by indurated excrement (all which fhould be occafionally carried off by exercife) indifpofition mull arife in a greater |
briefs degree> fo foon as the repletion pro-
duces oppreifion, that the ftrugglirig efforts of nature are unable to fubdue* Thefe unembellifhed facls are too plain
and Striking to require much time from the Writer, or patience from the reader, for farther invefligation or comprehen- sion j concluding, therefore, this part of , the animal mechanifm is perfect!}' under- stood, I mail proceed to an explanation of the adiive caufes of fuch diforders as originate in impurities of the blood, occa- sioned by want of motion and confequent evacuation. 1 It is therefore neceffary we take a furvey
of a horfe brought from the ftable in a State of plenitude after temporary inactivity, when we find the body too full and over- loaded to make his firft efforts with any degree of eafe or pleafure j every one not totally abforbed in a ftate of ftupefadion of natural illiteracy, muft have obferved the Unremitting attempts and Jirainmgs of the animal to throw off the Superfluous burthen by repeated evacuations fo foon as brought Vol. II. ? into
into action. If at all hurried before til®
carcafe is in fome degree relieved from its accumulated contents, you perceive a wheel- ing or difficulty of refpi ration, occasioned by the preffure of the ftomach thus loaded* upon the lobes of the lungs, retraining them in their natural elafticity for the pur- pofes of expansion and contraction. In this ftate alio, if his pace is extended
beyond a walk, you find him break into a- more violent perfpiration than a horfe in proper condition and regular exercife would difplay in a long journey, continued at the fame ratCj, without intermiffion. Thefe are all indications of nature not to be miftaken or denied, by thofe at all connected or con- verfant with the fubject before us, and fuf- ficiently demonftrate the refu.'ting effects of continuing to over-load the fyftem with a greater quantity of food than there is pro- portional exercife to carry off. Perspiration (that is the gradual
emiffion phyfically termed infeniible, as iot being profile to perception; wil), in even gentle exenije, take from the luperflux of the
the blood, what the neceffary evacuations
°f dung and urine take from the accumu- lated contents of the intestines; which buffered to remain in an abundant and pre- ternatural proportion, rauft, by its com- pulfive retention, acquire a degree of putrid or acrimonious morbidity inevitably pro- ducing difeafe. Thefe morbid attacks adt differently upon different fubjecls, accord- ing to their ftate or tendency, at the time of the blood or body's afTuming a cor- rupt or infectious influence j difplaying it- felf in fuch way as is moft applicable to the constitutional predominance of difeafe in the horfe previous to the leaft trait of* difcovery. I fhall, in compliance with my pfomife in
the introductory part of this work, forbear* to lead the Reader farther into a tedious train of remote medical refearches, but re- fer him to the different difquifitions of the former volume for any gratification he may wifh to obtain ', letting it fuffice to obferve, that from fuch original caufe may arife the various diftreffing difquietudes fo re- peatedly enumerated, as fwelled legs, cracked P 2 heels?, |
heels, greafe, afthmatic cough, fret, ftranguryv
farcy, fever, convulfions, or in fact any of the numerous difeafes to which horfes are fo conftantly liable. Thefe caufes of the various difeafes, fo
perfe&ly clear not only to every fcientific inveftigator but every rational obferver, are what have for time immemorial, in the fta- bularian dialed!:, pafTed under the undefined denomination of humours, with the nu- merous tribe of equeftrian dependents, from the firft ftud groom of the firfl fporting nobleman, to the moft illiterate ftable boy in the kingdom j without a fingle profef- feffional exertion of refpe&ability, to wipe away the abftrufe and ignorant fubterfuge of attributing the generality of diforders to the effedt of humours, without any per- spicuous attempt to explain in their dif- ferent publications, what they have univer- sally taken the liberty to condemn. I am exceedingly forry to fay (and fay it I
do, not from any intentional oppofition ot difrefpect to the writers) that the more I compare former literary opinions with ex- perimental |
perimental pra&ice, the lefs reafon I find to
be fatisfied with what they ventured to promulgate; particularly upon the fubjedt of humours, which in all my enquiries and minute inveftigations, I could never find fyftematically explained, at leaft to encoun- ter the eye of profeffional infpection. Bracken, who for years was confidered
a prodigy of Veterinarian inftrudtion, after condemning the farriers frequent ufe and the convenient fubterfuge of the word, makes many efforts to go through an elabo- rate explanation, that, he fays, " the igno- rance and ftupidity of the vulgar are inade- quate to j" but very unluckily, after attack- ing the fubjedl in nine different ways, at leaft in as many different places, he as repeated- ly digreffes from the point, without ever coming into the probability of an explana- tory conclusion. Bartlet, in his ufual condefcending
ftile of imitation, (or rather compilation) affords fix pages of duodecimo, replete with technical abftrufity, collected from the re- mote alluiions and eccentric remarks of his p 3 learned
learned predecefTor; beginning with a pro-
mife of unlimitted explanation, and almofi immediately taking leave with the following apology, that " what ought to be under- flood by the word humours, would take up more time than the brevity we have prefcribed ourfelves will admit on." Taking no more time from the Reader
than is neceffary to explain what has been already introduced, and to juftify what is to follow, upon the hacknied fubjeSi of hu- mours -, I advert to fuch profeflional remarks as have arifen from attentive obfervation, with occafional oblique references to the opinions of thofe who have gone before us? fraught with temporary popularity j having for fuch introdudlion, no motive but an eager and acknowledged defire to eftabliih the truth, by a proper and incontroverti- ble criterion of practical investigation, Admitting, therefore, the repletion arifing
from a fuperflux of alimentary nutriment, (not carried off by thofe gradual excretions promoted by moderate exercife in gentle motion) to conftitute what has fo long pan*e4 under
tinder the vague denomination of humours^
Without a fear of being controverted by any refpedlable opponent; I fhall proceed to the proper mode of re&ifkation in 'fuch. cafe, and the degree of diflinction to be afcertained when fome of the difeafes be- fore-mentioned proceed from a different caufe. To effecT: this, it is firft necefTary to ob-
serve, that when fuch repletion becomes perceptible, and is immediately counteracted by regular and daily increafing exercife, it may probably (if the horfe is in no con- firmed ftate of foulnefs) be again abforbed into the circulation, and carried off without the affiftanoe of extra evacuations promoted by medicine. But it fhould be always held in remembrance, that fuch exercife muft be in the firfl inftances, not only of great gentlenefs but long duration j ufing no violence or fpeedy exertions, till the body is by gradual perfeverance perfectly unload- ed, and the carcafe and extremities have recovered their original form and pliability 1 When the exercife may be increafed to a greater degree of adtion, that the fuper- P' 4 fluous
fluous and offending matter thus abforbed,
may tranfpire by the moft natural effort of perfpiration, To promote which, with the greater
fafety and facility, bleeding fhould pre- cede in proportion to Jize, Jirengtb, and condition, that the real fiate of the blood fhould be the more clearly afcertained \ as may be found particularly explained in va- rious parts of the former volume, where it is abfolutely neceffary its predominant ap- pearance fhould undergo critical examina- tion. But in this confcientious recommen- dation, I am unavoidably drawn into ad- ditional remarks upon the opinions of q- thers j to demonflrate the inconfiflency of ^theirs, as a neceffary prelude to thejuflice and eftablifhment of my own. And I mutf confefs it gives me fome concern, that \ am under the neceffity of differing in a Jingle opinion from authority £o very refpecV able, and judgment fo truly prpfeffional, as his Majefty's Farrier for Scotland, whofe elegant publications entitle him to univerfal applaufe, for the great pains he has taken to elucidate and improve, a fyftem that has
°as for ages remained in an acknowledged,
ftate of barbarity and ignorance. Mr. Clarke, in his " Obfervations on
Slood Letting," fays " It is difficult to fix any precife ftandard, how we may judge either of the healthy or morbid ftate of the blood in horfes when cold." This is an opinion fo diredly oppofite to what I have frequently advanced upon former occafions, (with reafons at large for in- fpeding it in fuch flate) that my filence Upon the paflage alluded to, would bear fo much the appearance of pufillanimity or profeffional ignorance, that I gladly avail myfelf of the prefent opportunity to fub- join a few words in fupport of the opinion formerly maintained; but with the mod unfullied refpecl: for a writer of fo much perfpicuity and eminence, whofe abilities I hpld in the greateft, eftimation, Jt may, as Mr. Clarke feems to think,
" be difficult to fix any precife Jiandard to difcover the exact ftate of the blood when cold;" but J doubt not his candour, upon due yeliberatiorij will admit the certainty of
of diftinguifhing its property, or predomi-
nant tendency, much better in that condi- tion, than a ftate of liquidity as juft re* ceived from the vein. If that certainty is admitted, (as I flatter myfelf it will not* upon reflection, be refpectably denied) it mull undoubtedly prove much more eli- gible and fatisfactory to obtain profefllonal prognoftics in part, than not to acquire any information at all. This being a po- rtion beyond the power of confutation, it is only neceflary to add a Angle remark arifing from daily practice, long experi- ence, and accurate obfervation, upon the certainty of afcertaining from a minute ex- amination of the blood when cold, the pro- portion of CRASSAMENTUM, SERUM, SIZE, viscidity, probable inflammation or acri-
mony it contains j from all which, furely diagnojlics may be rationally formed to regu- late future proceedings j at leaft, fo I con- ilantly find it in the courfe of my own practice; and until fuch infpedion, by any deception, mould convince me of its un- certainty and inutility, I mall not be rea- dily induced to alter an opinion founded upon pra&ical conviction ; though I muft acknowledge
^knowledge there is no publication upon
thefe fubjects extant, to whofe dictates I *hould more cheerfully become a convert, *han the productions of the very author, Miofe opinion, in one injlance, I am com- pelled to oppofe. It is fo perfectly in point to adopt the
vulgarifm of " killing two birds with one ftone," that I cannot refift the temptation and prefent opportunity to introduce a few ^ords upon an inconfiftent paflage in «Racken, that equally clafhes with an °pinion of mine frequently introduced in *tty former volume, where the operation of Bleeding, or the Jiate of the blood, ne- Ceflfarily became matter of recommendation. In page 111 of his fecond volume, he fays, " the blood becomes vifcid, poor, and diC~ pirited." This paflage is fo ftrangely fe- ^ueftered from comprehenfion, fo ridicu*. *Oufly replete with paradoxical obfcurity, a^d fo directly contrary to my own obfer- vations, founded in practice, and long lince Communicated under the fanction of invi- olate veracity, that I cannot permit fuch * prqfufion of profeffional contrarieties to pafs
pafs current upon the public, without ob-
truding a few words to elucidate, or rather expofe the myftery. To eftablifti the credit and juftify the
reputation of " The Stable Direftory," as well as to obtain the approbation of thofe who at no' time condemn without infpec- tion, or applaud without realbn; I have never advanced an opinion, or reported a faSiy but what has been founded upon principles of incontrovertible information: or acknowledged utility. It has been my invariable ftudy to enlighten, not to per- plex ', what has been too much the fyftem of other writers upon fimilar fubjedts, may be more properly collected from a revifion of their productions, than the pen of a com- petitor. But I will venture to affirm, if any part of my obfervations had contained fo many abfurd contrarieties, or tedious and inapplicable digreffions, as the elabo- rate volumes of Bracken ; the tenth edi~ tion of the former volume, or the title page of the Jecond, could never have met the light, in the prefent enlightened fcene ox equeftrian enquiry and literary improve- ment. |
Blent. On the contrary, had I profUtuted
my judgment or my pen, to fo unfcientific a declaration as the bloods being " vifcid, poor, and difpirited," the united force of nienftrual criticifm, would have irrevocably doomed me and my opinions to the |
region of oblivion.
How, at the fame time, blood can be
*' viscid and poor," or the two words of a direct contrary meaning become fo conve- niently fynonymous, I am at a lofs to learn; but perfectly anxious that the profeffional conliftency, the fyftematic uniformity of my aflertions, may be arraigned and brought to iffue with opinions fo diieftly oppofite, I find it unavoidably necefTary, to folicit from every impartial invefligator, a comparative view of what has been advanced on either Jide refpecting the blood, when he will be enabled to decide, whofe fyflem approaches fceareft to truth, fupported by reafon. To juftify and corroborate my remarks
Upon Mr. Clarke's idea of "not difcover- *ng the true ftate of the blood when cold," * muft beg to repeat the very words of my opinion
opinion previously given to the public
in the former volume, clafs the third, under the head "Farcy," where will be found the following defcription, neceffarily again fubmitted to the difquiiition of every en- lightened reader. «£ In refpecT: to cure, upon the very earlieft
appearance, take away blood in quantity as before defcribed j and after fo doing, attend minutely to the quality, which circum- ftance will enable you to form a very deci- live judgment, how foon and to what pro- portion the fubjedt will bear this evacuation, Ihould it again be neceffary; for according to the extra proportion of the Crajfamentum, or Coagulum, and the lize (or gelatinized fubftance upon the furface) with the dif- proportion of ferum or watery part, it may be very readily afcertained how much the blood is certainly above or below the ftand- ard of mediocrity neceffary for the abfolute preservation of health." This is the opinion originally held forth
in my firft publication, and with fo firm an adherence to truth founded upon experience, thaS
that I never (particularly after fo much ad-
ditional practice and investigation) can conde- scend to change my opinion, and admit its un- certainty, in compliment to the unfupported *PJe dixit of any pen whatever; and that I *fiay Hand totally exculpated from the charge °f publijhing an opinion fo contrary to the re- spectable authority of Mr. Clarke, I muft beg to obferve, that my opinion had not only the priority of his in publication, but had been in circulation fuil two years before fylr. Clarke's treatife came into my poffeffion- We come now to the judicious declaration
°f Bracken, refpedring the blood that he calls " vifcidt poor, and difpirited-," to cor- rect which unaccountable profemonal flip, the above quotation will in a certain degree Contribute j particularly when I fubmit it to recollection, that in many parts of my for- mer volume (appropriated entirely to medical *efearches; I have reprefented vifcid, Jizey blood, to be the refulting effect of too much Plenitude arifing from alimentary repletion With a want of proper exercife ; while, on tne contrary, I have defcribed too great a Portion of ferum to conftitute an impover- ish |
ijhed blood in being deprived of its due pro-*
portion of crassamektom, as before re- cited. To renew and corroborate which, I muft
be permitted to recommend to the retro- fpective attention of thofe, anxious to dif- tinguifh between the fpecious delufion of theory and the eftablifhment of fact, my ob- fervations in the fame clafs, under the ar- ticle of '* mange," where it will be found I have defined the poverty of the blood in the following explanatory paffage. " For the blood being by this barren con-
tribution robbed of what it was by nature intended to receive, becomes impoverifhed even to a degree of incredibility (by thofe unacquainted with the fyftem of repletion and circulation); it lofes its tenacity and balfamic adbejive. quality, degenerating to an acrid ferous vapour, that acquires malignity by its preternatural feparation from its ori- ginal corrector." Thefe explanations are fo phyfically cor-
reft, fo perfectly clear, and fo evidently adapted.
adapted to every comprehenfion, that I am
Satisfied to reft the certainty of its procefs, and my own profeffional reputation, upon the arbitrative decifion of any impartial invefti- gator. And that this comparative procefs may be brought to a fpeedy termination, I mall only beg leave to obferve, if Mr. Clarke's hypothejis, " that no difcovery can be made from the blood when cold" is a fact, or the " vifcid, poor, and difptrited blood" of Bracken, can be denned one and the fame thing, diverted of paradoxical com- plication, and fuch eccentric opinions are founded in truth, and can be fupported by incontrovertible JdcJs; my affertions, how- ever fcientific, however eftablifhed by time, and confirmed by experience, muft ine- vitably fall unfupported to the ground, un- worthy the future attention of thofe hy whofe approbation and applaufe I have been fo highly honoured. Having endeavoured to refcue from public
prejudice, any hafty decifions that might be made upon fuch clashing opinions undefined; we return to the operation of bleeding, re- commended previous to the conflant exer- Clfe, and with that bleeding an accurate exa- Vol. II. QL< ruination
mination of the blood when cold j and this
upon the bafis of my former opinion again repeated, that mould the crajfamentum (or coagulum) be proportionally greater in quan- tity to the ferum (or watery part) than the ferum to the coagulum, I fhould not hefitate a moment to pronounce fuch horfe to be above himfelf in condition, more particularly if the blood had acquired a vifcid tenacity, perceptible upon its furface. When I fay above himfelf in condition, I
wim to be underftood, he is in the very ftate we have already defcribed, viz. the whole frame is over-loaded by a fuper-abundance of nutriment, not carried off by exercife j and the impurities thus collected, to have no re- ference to latent difeafe, but merely the effecT: of fuch fuperflux fufpended in the confuta- tion, producing a temporary ftagnation of what I have already defined humours to be# for want of gradual motion and confequent evacuations. This being the exadt ftate of a horfe labouring under plethora and its con- comitants from fulnefs only, I mould imme- diately adopt the ufe of a mam each night, compofed of malt and bran, equal parts, merely to foften the indurated contents of the
the inteftines, "and promote their more expe-
ditious difcharge during the gradual exer- cife in the following days j exciting the VefTels to an increafed fecretion of urine by the interposition of two ounces of nitre, thoroughly dhTolved in the water of each morning, when horfes will in general drink it with a greater degree of avidity* This jplan regularly perfevered in for fix or eight days, with daily increafing exercife arid good fubftantial dreffings in the {table (more par- ticularly patient rubbing of the legs down- wards) may be reafonably expected to carry off the repletion, in part, or all, according to the ftate arid condition of the horfe, or the time of its accumulation. On the contrary, fhould the blood in five
Or fix hours after it is taken away, be found to Contain but a fmall portion of crassamen- Tum, in proportion to the much greater of serum; and fuch coagulum to be of a florid healthy appearance^ I could not doubt even for a moment but fuch fwellings of the legs, cracks, greafe, defluftions of the feyes, (or any other complaints uiually arifing from fuch caufe) may be the effecl: of an Q 2 acrimd- |
acrimonious, impoverished, and difeafed flate
of the blood} for the due corre&ing of which, proper remedies may be fele&cd from the former volume of this work, under the different claffes and heads to which they are the moll applicable. Defluxions of the eyes arifing from what-
ever caufe, whether the repletion already defined, that by its accumulation diftends the finer veffels in proportion as the larger are over-loaded, and in fuch retention ac- quires tendency to difeafe; from fuch ex- ternal injuries as bites and blows; or a re- laxed, defective, or paralytic affection of the internal organs, they are all in general denominated humours without diJlinStion, and phyfically treated accordingly. Hence arifes a very predominant and almoft uni- verfal error, for want of judicious difcrimi- nation in paying proper attention to the ftate of the blood} the difference and pro- perty of which have been fo accurately and repeatedly defcribed, that there is no open- ing left to admit the plea of ignorance in any one cafe where it is entitled to m- fpe&ion.
* If |
If a threatened diforder in the eyes is fup-
pofed to be the effect of repletion and re- sulting vi/cidity, fome judgment may be formed from a minute examination of the biood, which will bear refemblance to the ftate accurately explained when the horfe is too much above himfelf in condition^ and the Veffels moie or lefs overcharged with impu- rities. Exclufive of a fole dependence upon Which prognoftic, much information may be colle&ed from external appearance; the eyes are full, heavy, and dull, with an ap- parent tendency to inflammation in the lids above and below, and exceedingly turbid in the centre j difplaying in fuch ftate a perpetual drowfinefs, his eyes being fre- quently elofed when ftanding in the ftable Unriifturbed and feemingJy unperceived, but Without the leaji difcharge tending to difco- ver the original caufe of complaint. On the contrary, when ariling from an
Jmpoveriflied and acrimonious ftate of the hlood, the eyes become upon the firft attack full and inflamed; almoft immediately dis- charging a (harp fbalding ferum, that is in- eeflantly rolling down the cheeks, and in its CLs Pa%e
paffage (by its conftant heat and irritation)
frequently occafions excoriation j the eye gradually contracting and linking in its prbit, in proportion to the length and in- veteracy of difeafe. This deflu&ion is fo very oppolite in caufe and effect, and re- quires a fyftem of treatment fo very dif- ferent to the cafe juft defcribed, as ariling from a vifcidity in the blood, (conftituting humour of a diftinct kind) that a nicer judgment is neceffary than generally exerted; in fuch discrimination. In cafes where one eye only is affected in
ether of the ways before-defcribed, it may with a great degree of reafon be attributed to external injury, and the refulting pain, inflammation, or difcharge, fo far depend- ent upon the original caufe as to be merely fymptomaticj unlefs from the great irrita- bility and exquifite fenfation of the part* ibme of the humours of the eye mould be fo feverely injured as to occafion its lofs* a circumftance that is too frequently kno^n to happen by an accidental blow, but un- doubtedly many more by thofe wilfo11* aimed and fatally executed. |
As I have before obferved, one grand
error has formerly arifen, and is ftill con- tinued by all the advocates for, and invin- cible followers of Ancient Farriery, to treat *f the humours that have fallen into the eyes" (making ufe of their own language) exactly in the fame way; whether they pro- ceed from any of the caufes juft recited, or the long lift of pofiibilities that might be added to the catalogue. It is really in re- flection a dreadful consideration, that expe- rience enables me to proclaim fo ferious a facT:, and with variety of proofs to eftablifh the certainty, that more horfes are deprived of their eyes and rendered totally blind, by the unbounded ignorance, quackery, and felf-fufficiency of fome, with the confidence and affected medical knowledge of others, than any bodily difeafe or local defect to which the frame is fubjecT: in the courfe of nature. It is matter of no fmall concern to thofe
who wifti to fee a rapid improvement in the medical management of this ufeful animal, to find in cafes of confequence, upon every en- quiry to difcover the caufe and what methods Q 4 have |
have been taken to relieve, all the infor-
mation muft be derived from interrogato- ries to the fervant; who is in general pofTefTed of all the myjlery, and the master (how- ever valuable the horfe) is frequently found to know little or nothing at all of the matter. The groom's judgment is in general fo per- fectly infallible, that it would be abfolute prefumption in his employer, to enquire into the caufe of complaint or method of cure j yet upon accurate investigation of thefe ex- ienfove abilities, we find very flender caufe for the unlimited confidence and implicit opi- nion of the mailer- If enquiry is made whe- ther the horfe has been bled, and we are anfwered he has, we are already arrived at the ultimatum of information; for what quan- tity was taken away, or what quality it was when cold, muft remain in its former obfcurity; one general anfwer furEces for every queftion j and with a blufh of confcious Jlupidity, we are told, the horfe was " bled on the dunghill." By this fpecimen of en- lightened information, every additional fug- geition may be fairly fuppofed. equally con- clufive andfatisfatfory. |
However, to avoid farther digreffion in the
prefent inftance, and come to a palpable de- Qionftration of an affertion juft made, I (hall very concifely introduce from the multiplicity that have occurred, two recent cafes only, as diredly applicable to our prefent purpofe of corroboration ; and it is rather remarkable they fhould both happen on the fame day, and within a very fhort time of this reprefen- tation going to prefs, the horfes being the property of perfons of the firft fafhion, and each of them fent upwards of twenty miles for my opinion. The firft was a hunter of high qualifi-
cations and confiderable eftimation ; upon ac- curate examination I found him in the exad ftate I have defcribed when labouring under a defluxion of the eyes, (ariiing from a dif- eafed and acrimonious ftate of the blood) the difcharge from which, in its long continuance and feverity, had " fretted channels in his cheeks j" the eyes were fo very much perifli- ed that they were abfolutely contracted in their orbs, the frame weak and emaciated, ^'fplaying a fpedacle with very {lender and "tfcouraging hopes of redification. Anxious
Anxious to obtain every poffible informa-
tion upon fo extraordinary and unpromifing a cafe, I commenced my enquiry with cau- tion, and continued it with precifion, to the attainment of every particular ftep that had been taken for his relief; and doubt not but every reader will be as much furprifed in the perufal, as I muft have been in the recital* when he is informed, that the horfe had been in this gradually encreafing ftate for two months j with the additional mortification to the parties, that every method adopted for his improvement had evidently contributed to his difadvantage. Every degree of admiration, however natu*
rally excited by the force of this reflection*
will as naturally fubfide when the communis
cation of the meflenger and the ftate of the
horfe have undergone a little deliberative re-
trofpection. In the firft inftance, his keep
was fo reduced as barely to fubfift nature;
he had undergone Jive bleedings, (without the
leaft reference to either quantity or quality)
three dofes of ftrong mercurial phyfic, two
ounces of nitre a day from the origin °*
complaint j and lajlly, to render comp!ete a
fyftem of inconfiftencies, a rowel had been
mfertcd, as if the whole procefs had been intentionally calculated to encreafe the caufe and inveteracy of difeafe. From the ill ef- fects of this cafe (which is critically accurate and authentic) may be derived a leffon of the greateft utility to thofe who, perfectly happy in the vortex of perfonal confidence and felf- fufficiency, fo frequently become the dupes of their own imaginary fuperiority and indifcre- tion. If the caufe had been inflammatory, arif-
ing from the vifible efFecl: of plenitude, vif- cidity, or grofs impurities in the habit, the various evacuations might have been rotation- ally adopted, and juftified upon the principles of rational practice and medical confiftency; but unfortunately, in the prefent inftance* whatever tended to reduce the fyftem and diflblve the craflamentum of the blood, in- evitably encreafed the very evil they were endeavouring to mitigate. It was equally remarkable and extraordinary, that no one article was brought into ufe but what be- came additionally injurious to the caufe it Was intended to ferve; all which might have been
been prevented by the precaution of minutely
infpecling, and properly comprehending, the crafts of the blood; the indifpenfible neceflity of which, I am anxioufly induced to hope* will acquire fuch weight with thofe who are adequate to the talk of decifion, that it will in future become a bufinefs of more general inveftigation. The repeated bleedings, the reduction of
aliment, the perpetual administration of ni- tre, (attenuating the blood that was before too ferous and watery) the injudicious inter- pofion of purges, and laftly, the infer tion of the rowel to affift in the general devaftation, certainly exceeds every idea that could have been formed of random quackery and bodily depredation; this is, however, no more than one reprefentation of what is eternally carry ing on in different places under the infpec- tion of thofe, who are too illiterate to pofTeiS a confident opinion of their own, and too im- pertinently conceited to folicit afiiftance from others. Defpairing of fuccefs by any relief that
could be obtained from medicine, I °r~
dered the fyftem to be immediately invi-
gorated with increafed fupplies of food, that by forming the means of nutrition, the craffamentum of the blood might be augmented j aflifting this with a pectoral cordial ball every morning, not more to enliven the circulation, than by warm and gentle ftimulation to reftore the tone of the ftomach and inteftines, totally debilitated by the injudicious adminiftration of mercu- rial cathartics, and the long and impro- per ufe of the nitre. Thefe defirable points being obtained, I recommended, at the end of fix or feven days, the fair trial of a courfe of the advertifed Alterative Powders, to gradually obtund the acri- monious particles of the blood, with the external application of the Vegeto Mineral, properly proportioned to allay the irrita- tion -, but I muft confefs, without any great hope of fucceeding in parts of the frame fo very remote from the aclive power of Medicine. The other was the cafe of a Coach
Horse, little lefs fingular in its mode of treatment; as no one ftep taken feemed to be
be at all regulated by any well-founded in-
tention of utility. The eyes (one more par- ticularly) had been fome months in a ftate of failure and fluctuation, alternately pro- ducing hope and defpairj when* after un- dergoing every experiment at home without even a probability of fuccefs, he was con- ligned to my infpedtion, with a defire that 1 would be very minute in my inftrudtions^ which fliould be implicitly obeyed. Upon examination, I difcovered the defedl to have taken its feat in the humours of the eye, with no external inflammation attending* nor any other predominant trait than a dull cloudy afpect of the entire orb ; difplaying a pearly tint upon the outer edge of the cornea, furrounded by the tunica fclerotis, indicating the great probability of film and opacity, constituting in its gradual termina- tion total blindnefs. This horfe I found, upon enquiry, had
been treated in a way nearly fimilar t<?
what we have juft defcribedj for having
been repeatedly bled and purged, he had
been fubfifted upon hot majhes, and fur-
niflbed with four ounces of nitre a day m
his water for weeks together j had received
the farrier's operative contribution of a rowel-, and, to fum up the total of empi- rical fpeculation, and to verify the vulgar *dage of " the more cooks, &c." the meffen- ger (who was the commanding officer in the flabularian department) confidenti- ally entrufted me with zfecret remedy of his own he had privately adopted j " the propriety and fafety of which application, he did not at all doubt but I fhould ap- plaud, as it was, in general, a perfect cure for bad eyes of every kind-, and was no more than two ounces of blue vi- triol diflblved in a quart of fpring wa- ter, with which the eyes were to be well Wafhed every night and morning." What- ever may be my inclination, however highly 1 may be again difpofed to animadvert upon thefe a&s of defperation or madnefs, (for lb I muft be permitted to term them) 1 (hall here drop the curtain upon the in- vincible ignorance and cruelty of this prac- tice j referring the reader to various parts of *.he former volume, where he will be am- ply furnifhed with obfervations at large, Perfectly applicable to the mode of treat- ment |
ment fo ridiculoufly adapted to the cafes m
queftion. Not entertaining the leafl doubt but up*
on thefe reprefentations, by much the great- er part of the judicious and enlightened world will perfectly coincide with me it* an opinion not to be eradicated; that num- bers of horfes annually lofe not only theft eyes but their lives, by the dreadful effects of unbounded ignorance and confidence; that it is to be lamented, too frequently act in conjunction, to the palpable prejudice of ttndifeerning credulity. Confidering this a fadl too fubftantial to be fhaken by fpeeu- lative or inexperienced opinions, it becomes for the completion of our purpofe, abfo- lutely neceffary we advert to the mifchiefs fo frequently occafioned by the fafhionabte and indifcriminate ufe of nitre, in confe* quence of the general encomiums of formed writers, before its properties were fo critical- ly afcertained; which added to the pecuni' ary eafe of acquifition, has brought the af tide into too great a degree of conftant ufo in almofl: every cafe, without a relative con- fideration to its medical property, the caufe |
or fymptoms of difeafe, its injurious tendency
»n fome cafes, or evident deftruction in o- thers, as in the former of the two juft de- scribed; That the frequent ufe and abufe of nitre
may not only be better understood but more perfectly retained in memory; as well as to eftablifh the propriety of its ufe in Jbme cafes, and to confirm the juftice of my affertion refpecting its prejudicial effects in others; I muft be under the neceffity of in- troducing the repetition of a few lines defcrip- tive of its properties, fo particularly enlarged upon in my former volume, where it may be found by reference to the index. In ani- madverfion upon the unlimited eulogiums of Bartlet, who has, without proper difcrimination, recommended its frequent ufe to 4 three or four ounces three times a dayj\ X have faid, " He urges the adminiftration of it to at-
tenuate and thin the denfe fizy blood during the effect of inflammatory fever; this pro- perty of attenuation being allowed, what muft he the natural conclufion and confequence Vol. II. R of
of giving it in fuch large proportions ? Why
every profejfional man, knowing the mode by which it muft inevitably afteft the circular tion, would naturally expeft it to diffolve the very craflamentum of the blood, an<$ reduce it to an abfolute ferum or aqueous vapour." Admitting this reprefentation of its analy-
zed properties to ftand incontroverted, what muft prove its evident effects upon the crafts of the bloody already too much impoverifhed for " the ftandard of mediocrity necefTary to the preferuation of health ?" and how dif- treflingly erroneous muft have been its intro- duction and continuance, in the former cafe of the two we have recited ! to elucidate its deftru&ive tendency in which, the prefent repetition of its defcription is particularly applied. It is abfolutely aftoniftirng how very much
time, affifted by the torrent of popular inr preffion, may pervert the beft intentions to the worft of purpofes ; this has been fo truly the cafe in the frequent proftitution of this medicine, that little need be introduced t° infurc
Jnfure its credibility. Nitre is the general
arcanum for every ill, while one-half of thofe who prefcribe, and the other half who give it, may be equally Grangers to its ef- fects or mode of operation. If a horfe is attacked with cold from an obftrudtion of the pores, that has thrown the perfpirable matter upon the eyes, lungs, or glandular parts, what is the eftabliftied remedy ? Nitre ! Inflammatory fever enfues, what follows? Nitre! Sweiled legs, cracked heels, or greafe? Nitre! Bad eyes ;from whatever caufe>? Nitre! In fa<5t, fuch is the predomi- nant rage of fafhionable phrenzy, that fhould any cafe arife, bearing in experience no pa- thognomonic fymptoms to afcertain the cer- tainty or probable affinity of difeafe, its o- rigin or termination, Nitre, with fagacious grooms and condefc ending farriers, mud be- come the grand fpecific; to which infatua- tion, I am much inclined to believe Bart- Let's unbounded partiality, and its echo from one conjurer to anotber% has very much contributed, A chain of attentive obfervations, colle&ed
^ the courfe of long experience, has fully
R 2 juftified
juftified me in a former opinion, that nu-
merous injuries are fuiiained, and ills inflict- ed, upon horles of gentlemen by the ha- zardous experiments of grooms and fervants ; who piqueing themfelves upon heterogene- ous and felf-planned compofitions or obfolete prefcriptions, encreafe danger or promote deftruction without detection. And what renders the bufinefs a matter of more feri- ous confideration, is the unaccountable ob- ftinacy, pride, and Jiabularian confequence (of all other the moft difgufting) annexed to their affeSied knowledge and phyjicalpenetra- tion. Too ignorant to be convinced, and too rude to become fubfervient, expoftulation or explanation can hold no weight in the fcale of converfation ; confequently no reforma- tion can be expected in fuch infernal fyfteni of domeftic deception and defcructive quack- ery, unlefs gentlemen, for the promotion of their own interefl and the fafety of their ftuds, will condefcend to exert their autho- rity, and abolifh a cuftom in the encourage- ment or permimon of which they are materially injured. To the eftablifhment of this fact, a numerous catalogue of moft fubllantial proofs are within my own know- ledge* |
ledge, was their communication of the leafl
utility, in confirming an aflertion that will, I believe, be readily admitted by all the world without exception. From fuch medical remarks as unavoida-
bly branch directly from the fubjecT-, we return to exercife; the great importance of which cannot be too perfectly underflood, or regularly perfevered in for the prefervation of health. Having I believe properly defined the phyfical effects of gradual motion, fo far as it appertains to the animal ceconomy in fecretion and excretion, (with its confe- quent advantages in air and exercife) it be- comes neceflary to introduce fuch general rules as eftablifli the bafis of regular exercife, although the time and manner muft ever be regulated by the temper and caprice of the parties, feafon of the year, lituation, wea- ther, and other contingencies not to be go- verned by the privilege of the pen, or the power of the prefs. The apology for, or rather burlefque up-
on, the exercife of horfes (or more properly invalids) in the livery ftables of London, R 3 is |
is evidently calculated to complete the mea-
fure of mifery fo fully explained in our laft chapter, particularly in the winter fea- fon ; that it is neceffarily a matter of pre- vious consideration to fuch instructions as we may hereafter introduce under this head. The poor animals I now allude to, feetn to exift as an almoft different fpecies to thofe enjoying the inexpreffible advantages of country air, Jirong exercife, and rural management. Here you perceive all fpirit, animation, and vigour, with both the horfes and their attendants: In the metropolis, bo- dily infirmities and debilitation with one; idlenefs, deception, jloth, and dejeSlion with the other. In fad, the caufes and effedts have been fo perfectly clear in the gantlet of perfonal infpection and pecuniary ex- perience, when the prevalence of fafhion (or rather folly) influenced me to keep two in fuch fituation, that no inducement whatever fbould prevail on me to leave a horfe of the leaft value open to the in- conveniencies of fuch ftate for twenty-four hours; perfectly convinced he would have every probable chance of fufbiining greater injuries than might be obliterated in twice twenty-
twenty-four days. The more we inveftigate
this bufinefs, the lefs fatisfacVton it will afford to the parties more immediately in- terefted in the explanation; particularly to thofe whofe fituations in life, or profefli- onal avocations, leave them without an al- ternative. After taking a retrofpe&ive view of the
** Stabling" already defcribed, let it be remembered, that what they call exercife depends entirely upon the inclination and convenience of the motley crew to whom the management of the yard, and fuper- intendance of the horfes are entrusted j thefe are a fort in general fele&ed as the greateft adepts in fahhood and impolition, beft adapted to the convenient purpofes of the mafter, and the purified principles of a ftable*yard proficiency. When fuch ex- ercife is, however, correfponding with the inclination and convenience of the parties we defcribe ; obferve in its manner how little it is calculated to promote the very purpofes for which it is intended. The horfe is brought in general from the
R 4 evapo.. |
248 E X E R C I S E.
evaporating fleams of the mod: volatile falts,
with the peripirative pores all open, parch- ing with thirft, to a large open trough of cold water, (with little refptdt to feafon) where he is permicred to Ian ate the appetite, unreftrained by judgment or fear of confe- queiicej till chilled by the frigidity of the element, the porous lyftem becomes in- ftantly collapfed, and you perceive by at- tention, the tail almoft immediately clung to the hind quarters; a violent trembling and bodily agitation fucceeds, and the perfpira- tive matter thus obftrucled in its very a£i of JiuSiuation, (through every part of the frame) lays the foundation of various ills, that however they might have been avoided in the firft inftance, cannot be prevented in the laft. This ceremony is fucceeded by one of
two others equally prejudicial to the frame in general, however its ill effe&s may not prove immediately difcernable; but remain dormant fome fhort fpace of time in the habit before it is difplayed in one of the many difeafes fo repeatedly defcribed i'n different parts of the laft and prefent chap- ters* |
ters. For fo foon as the horfe has been
thus permitted to glut himfelf with an ^moderate quantity of the cold water before- inentioned, he is directly configned to his fiallt where its injurious effedts are prefently vifible in a fevere rigor, or violent fit of fiiaking, not unlike the painful paroxyfm of an intermittent j producing an almoft in- flantaneous contraction of the cutaneous paf- fages, and " flaring of the coat," (as it is called) when we obferve, " Each particular Hair to ftand on End
" Like Quills upon the fretful Porcupine." The alternative to this practice is io tho-
roughly contemptible, that it is absolutely difficult to decide which is the moil de- finitive or dangerous of the two ; for if the plan above-defcribed is not adopted, but at times admits of variation, it is diredlly in the following way: The horfe thus watered, is immediately mounted by °ne of the juvenile ragamuffins, who con- flantly give daily attendance at thofe re- ceptacles, to obtain a proficiency in the arts of riding, cruelty, and persecution. Two °r three of the horfes at a time, and in this
this ftate, are put into a courfe of exer*
cife, and woeful exercife it certainly is with a witnefsj for without the leaft previous gentle walking, to expedite the gradual evacuation of excrements fo long retained for want of motion, they are inflantly trot-» ted, gallopped, and perpetually turned a! each end of a fhort ride, in fuch fcene of inceflant confufion for a length of time without remifiion. The ftomach and in- teftines being over-loaded with their con" tents, the horfe is totally inadequate to ra- pidity of motion without great bodily diftrefsj a few minutes therefore puts him into 3 wonderful degree of perfpiration j when evi- dently labouring under a difficulty of refpi- ration and difquietude, he is returned tot" tering to the ftable, and there left to grov/ " cool at leifure j" laying, in another ivay> the foundation of thofe difeafes refulting from a collapfion of the porous fyflem, and ftagnation of perfpirable matter, too fab" ftantial to be reforbed into the circulation. Taking leave for the prefent of ftable
difcipline, fo truly defpicable that farther defection
defcription might be confidered a profti-
tution of both time and paper, we necef- farily return to the gradations of exercife beft adapted to the different degrees of horfes, according to their various ftates of condition Many calculations have been made upon the poffible labour and conti- nued exertions of this fpecies, and we are by no means ignorant of their great and almoft incredible execution, when brought (for the decifion of bets) into trials of feve- rity upon the turf or road, both in fpeed and duration. The diftinction to be made in the pre-
fent inftance, is only the line between what is to be confidered as work, and what as the falutary intervention of exercife; opi- nions (fo near as fpeculative attention can form a degree of confiftency) admit, that horfes of moderate qualifications and mode- rately fupported, will conftantly travel, or journey in their accuftomed employment, from fixteen to twenty miles every day, through the year, without the leaft incon- venience or bodily debilitation, more than What naturally anfes from the increafing age of
of the fubject. This, however, being fixed
as a kind of conditional Standard, or general criterion, cannot be fuppofed to be held critically correct with all horfes, without diftinction; as there are many that will con- fequently bear much more labour and fatigue from greater bodily Strength, inherent fpirit* or constitutional ftamina, than others that fall very far (hurt in conftant work and execution* from a want of thofe perfections fo truly va- luable in horfes of the former defcription. As I have before faid, exercife, in all its
particulars of manner, diftance, and duration, mull: be entirely regulated by contingent re- flections upon the health, Jlate, and condition of the fubject; (o it muft be perfectly clear, that the recommendation of certain exercife to horfes in a high State of health and con- dition, cannot be fuppofed to extend to thofe under phyfic, or in different flates of, or re- covery from, difeafe: Such muft unavoid- bly receive judicious regulations from the parties concerned ; as the kind of daily exer- cife we now have in contemplation, on»y appertains to horfes in health, the preferva- tion of which is the prefent object of con-
R O W E L L I N G; 253
^deration. All the obfervations under this
Head, having been introduced to demonftrate the UTILITY OF EXERCISE IN GENERAL^
and the ills that certainly arife from the
"Want of it, more than to lay down fpecific rules for the daily exercife of particular horfes; fuch inftructions will be found in- cluded under the management of Hunters and Road Horsfs, when we come to en- large upon thofe different heads. ROWELLING
HAS been to the credulous and illiterate
of paft times, exadtly what the fafcinating in- fatuation of ANIMAL MAGNETISM proves to the dupes of theprefent; like humours, it has been played upon by moft writers in ro- tation, without an explanatory line in its favour to produce fatisfadtory proof of its mechanical procefs oreftablifhed utility. Bracken, who hardly ever gave caufe of complaint for abridg- ing his fubjedt, but generally moft condefcend- ingly fpun it (by a variety of branches) to an almoft indhifble thread, deviated in this ^ftance from his ufual cuftom j and after in- troducing |
troducing the fubject with a certain degree
of dignity annexed to its importance, by tell- ing us, ** he once thought not to have made a particular chapter upon rowelling," he begin* and concludes that very chapter, of fb much confequence, in the Jingle duodecimo pag* 321, of his firft volume. In this page, and upon this bufinefs, I had very much wifhed to have enlarged my own ideas, and improved my judgment; more particularly, upon the abftrufe effects of a fubjedt, whofe perfonal or literary advocates have been hitherto ena- bled to advance but little in profeffional fup- port of their favourite operation. To obtain fatisfactory information and fyf-
tematic knowledge upon the efficacy of rowels, when judicioufly inferted, I have been for years ftudioufly induftrious to better my opinion by the moft inquifitive atten- tion to every attempt at dejinition, frorfl thofe who were remarkable for their exten- five practice to thofe who were no lefs fingular for their illiteracy ; in anxious hope that time, or circumjlance, might contribute more to a gratification of my wifh thai1 my expectation. To avoid troubling tne Reader
Reader with tedious or unneceffary quota-
tions, I fhall let it fuffice to introduce fuch abbreviations only as become perfectly ap- plicable to our future remarks upon the fub- jec* before us. Bracken juftly obferves, " Rowelling is
the common refource of Farriers in general; amongft whom, he could never find one that could give a fatisfa&ory account of the ufe or abufe; but they all tell you, a rowel is to draw off the bad or corrupt humours from the blood j and this is to cure almoft every diforder, according to their way of reafon- ing." This aflertion is fo ftri&ly true, that 1 will cheerfully confent to its confirmation, Upon the experimental enquiries of the lafl twenty years; and declare, I never could acquire from the Vulcanian profejfors, a more technical or enlightened defcription of the operative effects, than the "poor epi- tome" he acknowledges to have received. In this communication there is nothing
very extraordinary j but it is not fo in what ls to follow, and is worthy obfervation. In the *ame page, and almoft the next line, he tells us,
256 R O W E L L I N G.
us, '' it is good in a great many difeafes j
and inftantly fays: " The horfe might as well, nay better, lofe as much blood every day as he does matter by the rowel; for it is as certainly blood as that in the veins, barring the colour, which makes no effential differ- ence i and he is very much of opinion that feveral cures are wholly attributed to rowel' ling, when reft arid patience are the princi-* pal inftruments or agents that perform it." Is there any one reader who will not be
greatly furprifed arid as highly entertained, when he is informed that the writer* who has recommended the ufe of rowels for the cure of various difeafes, in compliance with the force of that very cuftom he condemns, ihould in the fame page, and comparatively with the fame breath, inftantly reprobate the practice, as abfolutely drawing fo much blooi from the veins -, poffeffing at the fame time fo great a verfatility of literary genius, fo per- fect a pantomimic tranfpofition of words and opinions, that we find him (p. 85.) preferr- ing " bleeding, purging, and rowelling trl federal places at once, for one rowel is °* little avail for many»reafonsj and thefefhould continue
R O WE L L I N G. 257
Continue running a coniiderable time, at leaft
a fortnight or three weeks." In page 99 he believes they may be ufeful in many difor- ders, " provided there be made a jnfjicient number of them-" but as to the parts of the body, whether behind the ears, in the breait, or under the horfe's belly, he thinks it is much the fame thing; <c for in reality, they are no more than adding a number of anus's or fundament sy fo that nature may meet With them in feveral parts of the body, and not be put to the trouble of going the more tedious and common round of circulation in order for a difcharge by excrement or dung" Can it be poffibly necefTary for me to offer
a fingle line in apology for the introduction of arlertions fo exceedingly oppofite from the fame pen j or a refinement of thought and Sublimity of language in the latter, not to be exceeded by any hypothetical reafoning or fer- tility of invention ever iffued from the prefs ? The idea of artificialfundaments, to fave na- ture the trouble of going the more ted ous and common road by the anus, is not only fo truly great and inimitable ; fo very contrary to and fo far furpaffing the affertion of Osmer, Vol. II. S that
that " the works of the Divine Artift" bad
left no room for rectification ; (fee p. 153) that nothing on my part can be required to excite the rifible emotions; though, I inuft confefs, it is with the greateft reluctance io fair a temptation is relinquifhed, to play s little upon the retentive imperfections of one predeceffpr, and the methodiftical enthu* fiafm of the other. But notwithstanding the direct and repeated
contradictions we find difperfed through the volumes of Bracken, (probably occafioned by his long and inconfiftent digreffions) i* mull be acknowledged, with the ftri&eft ad- herence to juftice and merit, that no one fucceeding writer has fince ftarted a thought or broached an opinion upon the operation of rowelling, or its effects, but what has beeP an exacl: literal defcription, or oblique echh of what originated with him upon the fub" ject. For upon a minute examination of tb6 various publications of different writers, V^e find that a very fuperficial inveftigation, ^ no additional explanation, has been eonde" fcendingiy btftowed upon a procefs that *s even now held in the higheft eftimation, D; thof6
thofe advocates for ancient practice, who
can communicate no fcientific or profeffional defcription of its operative efFed upon the conflitution ; or by what phyfical means the improvement is to be obtained, that they fo confidently and confcientioujly recommend Upon every pofiible occafion. The very few lines introduced under this
head, by even the moft prolific authors, poffefs not the leaft ray of novelty or in- flrudion, but are dired imitations of what proceeded from Bracken j beginning with the cuftomary remark, " that rowels are in general ufe, but little underflood;" " that they are artificial vents between the ikirt and the flefh," " that they ad by revulfion and derivation;" carrying off* the redun- dant humours from the vefTels by deple*> tion. . Thefe few paffages contain in purport
the whole that has been at all communi- cated through the medium of the prefs Upon an operation fo indifcrirninately re- commended in almoft every difeafe without Exception j notwithflanding it is of fo much S 2 confequence |
260 R O W E L L I 1ST G.
confequence in medical management, that
it becomes matter of admiration, how the enlightened part of the world can be fo fre- quently made the dupes of a mofl confum- mate ignorance j without ftimmoning to their afiiftance an opinion of their own, to juftify the confiftency or prevent the error of fuch proceeding. For my own part, af- ter endeavouring moft induftrioufty for many years, to fathom the depth of a Farrier's in- tellectual and profeffional abilities, without being enabled to place any part to their cre- dit accompt -, and constantly drawing a men- tal comparifon between the good they might pojjibly do, and the mifchief they would certainly occafion, I have long fince found it neceiTary to decline every dependence upon either: Feeling myfelf perfectlyjuftified in recommending it moft heartily to every reader poffeffing the leaft attachment to the fpecies; never to fuffer a medicine to be given, or an operation to be performed, be- fore the expected procefs of the former* arid the intentional effed of the latter are previouily explained to his entire fatis-- faction. This
This I am the more readily induced to
^0, by the inceflant infertion of rowels and administration of drinks, by parties fo con- fefledly ignorant, they can never afiign the leaft reafon for the operative fuccefs of one, or the expected medical relief from the other. It is not long fince I became an ac- cidental fpe&ator to a cafe of great danger and almoft immediate diflblution, when the horfe was in the flings nearly exhausted, with only a few hours to live; and was con- sequently very much furprifed to hear a Farrier of fafhionable local eminence, earn- eftly recommend and attempt to proceed to the infertion of a multiplicity of rowels, (that were however not permitted by the owner) j when the horfe was inevitably doomed to death long before the rowels could have taken any other effecT:, than in their confequent inflammation (previous to maturation) to have encreafed his mifery and rendered his laft moments the more excru- ciating. However, if the owner had con- fented, the operations would have been per- formed, and the reward expected, confe- quently fome purpofe anfwered. S3 I con-
I confidered myfelf exceedingly lucky, l0
fo favourable an opportunity, to acquire fome- thing perfonally fatisfactory upon the ope- rative procefs and probable effedt of rowels upon the frame and habit, from one who had fo confidently recommended their im- mediate ufe in a cafe of fo much emer- gency; and really expected, from the e%- tenfive practice of the party and the gene- ral acknowledgement of his practical abili- ties, that I mould have been in a propor- tional degree gratified; but forry I am to confefs, after every direct attack, oblique infinuation, and crofs examination, he was fo well fortified in his entrenchments, that 1 could derive no greater degree of informa- tion than " they were the likeliejl things t°* do him good." This, among many other recommenda-
tions of rowelling upon foundations equally ridiculous, brings to my mind another i°- flance of the indifcriminate ufe of rowels, with no other reafon on earth than a &"" jnterefted reference to the pecuniary corfl- peniation annexed to the ceremony of opera- tion. A few weeks fince, an intimate friend calling upon me one morning, informed mes
R O W E L L I N G. 263
he had met with an unlucky circumftance;
for having unexpectedly fold his horfe on the Saturday at Reading, without any pre- vious intention of fo doing, he was by agree- ment to be delivered on the Monday morn- ing ; at which time the purchafer difcovering a violent inflammation and difcharge from one of the eyes, (which was not in that condi- tion at the time of purchafe) he objected to receiving him ; but its being concluded the temporary effecT: of a bite, blow, or cold, he at length agreed to take him away, with the privilege of returning him at any time within a week, if fuch appearance was not entirely removed. This not happening, the horfe was returned; and my friend had then left him in the hands of the fmitb, (or far- rier) who had that moment taken away two quarts of blood, and was, when he came away, juft going to put in a rowel below the breaft, to draw off the humour that was fettled in the eye; that he had alfo recommended the ufe of nitre and ful- phur-y and as he had plenty at borne, he mould give him an ounce of each night and morning. S 4 The
The rapid accumulation and combination
of remedies naturally excited fome expoftula- tion, and influenced me to afk, whether there were any predominant reafons (exclufive of the interefted recommendation of the ope- ratoi) that induced him fo foon to permit the infertion of the rowel, before he had waited even twenty-four hours, to obferve whether any advantage had been derived from the bleeding, which was certainly the firft and beft ftep that could have been taken ? Finding alfo, upon minute enquiry, that there was a great probability of its hav- ing been occafioned by a bite or blow a- mong other horfes, when replaced in the ftable, between the time of his having been agreed for and brought away j I prevailed on him to poftpone the rowel, (which he had but juft time to do, as the incifion was made before his return) relinquish his nitrous, Julphureous intention for the prefent, and leave his horfe in my viable ; which having cheei fully complied with, the eye was per- fectly found and clear in a few days, with no other affiflance than a flight warning twice a day with a fponge, plentifully im-» pregnated with cold fpring water.
R O W E L L I N G. 265
This circumftance, of very little confe-
rence in itfelf, is introduced to corrobo- rate the affertion, that rowels are frequently ^nd injudicioufly brought into practice, with- °ut reafon in the operator, or reflection in the owner; who generally alarmed upon every flight occaiion, feizes the firft twig of Confolation, without giving the matter fuch Confideration as would enable him to recoi- led every probable remedy mould have rea- son for its foundation ; upon the profpeSi of ^hich he would certainly be, in moft cafes, as capable of deciding as his scientific Instructor. But what renders the reci- tal of fo trivial a bufinefs applicable to our prefent purpofe is, the expeditious cure that mull inevitably have been attributed to the ■Rowel, with no fmall portion of colla- teral merit to thofe ufeful auxiliaries, the Sulphur and nitre, had they been (luckily for the advifer) concerned in a work, that na- ture would fo frequently perform by her °^n efforts, if not inceffantly counteracted "y thofe who neither comprehend her ceco- ^omy, nor condefcend to confult her indi- cations. Having
Having introduced whattbecame abfolute-
]y unavoidable, to demonstrate the frequent abfurdity (from long Handing, and invinci- ble cuftom) of applying rowels in many cafes* without the leafl well founded reafon f°r their ufe ; it becomes necelTary to difcovefr by fcientific enquiry, what can be advanced in proof of the fuppofed utility, that has for ages rendered them the profeffional (or polite cal) rage of every clafs of EQjJESTRiAtf doctors, without diftindlion. Bracked as I have before obferved, fays, he attribut" ed much of the virtue of rowelling to the good effedts of refi and patience; and I am not a little vain that we fall into a direft coincidence of opinion upon fo principal a part of the fubjec~t. Previous to the intended investigation °*
their operative procefs and effects, I cannot but exprefs my difappointment in not finding fomething more fatisfadory from the very intelligent and much enlightened pen of Mf* Clarke, to whofe profemonal merits I fra ever be one of the nrft to fubfcribe; though unluckily upon this head, he has not defeas- ed with his wonted perfpicuity, but very rnuch
R O W E L L I N G. 267
much contracted his ufual portion of in-
formation ; not condefcending to beftow a chapter of more than five Jhort pages, mere- ly to explain the mechanical part of the ope- ration, the places proper for infertion, an infinuation of the probable danger, and laftly, as every writer has done before, boldly afferted their univerfal excellence, Without a fingle fubftantial proof, upon which their reputed efficacy can be judi- cioufly founded. " Rowels (fays he) are of great ufe in
carrying off rheums or defluxions from the eyes; in great fwellings of the glands, &c. about the throat and jaws, which threaten a fufFocation ; or when the head feems particularly affected, as in the ver- tigo, or ffaggers, apoplexy, &c. &c. in recent lamenefs; fwellings of the legs and heels, attended with a difcharge of thin ichorous matter, &c. in large and fud- den fwellings in any part of the body; °r when extravafations of the fluids have taken place from blows, bruifes, &c. or When a horfe has had a fevere fall, Sec. and in
268 R O W E L L I N G,
in a variety of other cafes, which will oc-
cur to the judicious practitioner." Without indulging the leaf! defire °r
intention to animadvert with feverity upon the different writers who have thus rota- tionally reprefented the accumulated per- fection of rowels, (that feem in their pro- grefs for the laft century, to have aC' quired, like the nojirums of the prefer^ day, the virtues of curing ail difeafes) li is very natural to conclude, that the above lift, in each of which they are faid to be " of great ufe," with the repeated in- troduction of " et ceteras," and the variety of " other cafes fubmitted to the judicious practitioner," that there can be but very Jew, or in fact, none, to which they are not> in the opinions of Jbme, perfectly applica- ble in one way or another, perhaps in &° one more than the felf-evident confolatio11' if it does no good it may do no harm I lt will at any rate fupport the appearance °r bufinefs ! If nature effects her own pl,r~ pofe and promotes a cure, the rowel will be entitled to a portion of credit, and the °"
perator to no fmall (hare of profeffional
reputation. Thefe are privileges againft the power of
which there can be no appeal; but if we *ook into the operative procefs of rowels with the eye of accuracy, and advert to their origin, we fhall find they were intro- duced at a period much lefs enlightened j When the great efficacy of altera- tives was but little, if at all known or eftablifhed to any degree of certainty, more particularly to thofe who are generally entrufted with the medical fuperintendance of horfes; that however expert or judici- ous they may prove in the operative parts of Farriery, muft feel themfelves ex- ceedingly mortified at knowing nothing of medicines, their origin, preparations, com- binations, properties, or efFecls. This univerfal deficiency fo generally ad-
mitted, to which the major part, of their profeffional errors may be juftly attribu- ted, now bids fair to be refcued from its difgraceful ftate of barbarifm, (under which ftigma it has fo long laboured) by a plan. that
zyo R O W E L L I N G.
that is foon to be fubmitted to Parlia-
ment by the Odiham Agriculture Society, who have already made public (and folicited fubfcriptions for the promo- tion of) their very laudable intention ok fending a certain number of youths annu- ally to France for Veterinarian Edu- cation : Though it perhaps refle&s n° great degree of credit upon our own na- tion, that a fHll more laudable plan could not have been adopted, by laying the foundation fLone of fuch inftitution in thi9 kingdom; where, by the means of inftruc- tion being local and more extenfive, the advantages muft certainly become the foonef general, than under the reftraints of the prefent proportion. For the very limited number (I believe four or Jix) that they intend fending annually, under the uncer- tainty of pecuniary contribution from the purfes of individuals, affords every reafofl to fuppofe, upon the raoft moderate com- putation, that it muft be at lead a cen- tury before the good efFedt of fo defin- able an improvement can be univerfolty experienced. But as every ftep to general reformation muft have obftacles of mucr* magni-
Magnitude to furmount, under the confo-
latory adage of " better late than never" cvery member of the community muft wifh *t the mo ft uninterrupted fuccefs. Returning to the operative part of our
Aibjedt, and its falutary effects upon the conftitution, it may be remembered, that towels have been ftrenuoufly recommend- ed by advocates of every denomination, to draw off the corrupt or difeafed humours from the blood, leaving the remainder in a ftate of purification $ this, however, has never been roundly and boldly afferted as a fadt not to be difputed, but founded ori- ginally in conjecture, and pufillanimoufly reiterated accordingly. But for the mo- ment, and better promotion of difquifition and the difcovery of truth, let us admit the abfurdity; out of which will evidently arife a queftion to eftablifh the fallacy of °pinion founded in error, and foftered by lZnorance-, viz. Whether any profefiional Writer, or fcientific inveftigator, will ftand ^°rth and fay, the operative effed: of a r°wel is equally applicable to the differ- ence of difeafe, arifing from either a vis- CIP
cid tenacity j or an acrimonious and itn*
poveri/hed ftate of the blood ? For the preceding quotation from
Clarke, (which is in fact a quotation from all the reft) evidently recommends it in a variety of diforders refulting from each of the two; and mould fuch fyftern poffefs the happy influence of extracting (fecundem artem) the foundation of dif* eafes clearly proceeding from properties in the blood Jo direSlly oppofite to each otheft and fuch wonderful efficacy can be fub- ftantially corroborated; I fhall cheerfully become a convert to the prevalent opi- nion of the Vulcanian fraternity, and join in their unlimited reprefentation of GE' neral utility. But till better and more profeffional allegations are produced, to juftify the indifcriminate hold they have fo long retained, (particularly lfl country practice)-} I mall confcientiouuY forbear to contribute a fingle encomium upon the great and almoft infallible virtu65 they have been fo univerfally and errons" oufly fuppofed to poflefs. |
All opinions have not' only agreed, but
Experience has eftablilhed the fact, that the matter difchaiged from the rowels, is, as Br *cken has firft obfervedj cC as certainly blood as that in the veins, barring the colour." This is re-afferted by every fuc- teeding author, and can admit of no con- trariety of opinion tending to cavil or con- troverfy ; being a matter profeffionally fix- fed beyond the poffibility of either. What inference then is confequently to be drawn from this admiffion ? Why> that every part bf the circulation, both in quantity and quality* contributes equally to that very difcharge fo ridiculoufly fuppofed to eonfift of the dljeajed portion only; when the infertion has been as erroneoufly fixed upon or near to fome particular part, to be in- tentionally relieved by the partial power Of fuch artificial evacuation: conftitutine a fecond blunder upon the palpable foun- dation of the former. For it muft prove * difgraceful proftitution of even common cotnprehenficnt to indulge the leaft idea, that a larger portion of craffamentum or *erum can individually undergo a greater Vol. IL T change
274. R0WELL1NG.
change or rectification in feparation and ex-
travafation than the other. It being therefore proved nothing mote
or lefs (divefted of technical terms and ambiguous reafoning) than a gradual de- pletion of the blood vefTels, (divefted of its fanguinary appearance, and becoming mat- ter by the natural procefs of extravafation and rarefaction) let us decifively pronounce what fuch conftant evacuation can be pro- ductive of in its effects j I believe I may venture to pronounce every profeffor of phyfic or farriery will perfectly agree with me, in confirming it nothing more than a certain mode of reducing the habit by drawing off a greater portion of blood in every twenty-four hours, than is generated by the nutritive property of the given quantity of aliment, allowed for fubfiftence in the fame fpace of time; though it is, in all cafes > ridiculoufty conceived, that by reducing the bodily ftrength, you infallibly fubdue the predomi- nance of difeafe alfo. We now arrive at the very line of dis-
tinction neceffary to be drawn in all cafes, where
R. OW.ELLIN G. 275
Where a rowel is, or can be fuppofed to
become at all adequate to the tafk it is affigned. For inftancej in cafes arifing front Caufes threatening inflammation, or fuch grofs impurities as are evidently the effect of a crude and vifc'd flafe of the blood, (it being hrft properly afcertained) they have' moft certainly much in their favour upon the well-founded maxim before quoted* " if they do no good, they may do no harm j" it is certainly no bad plan in/port- ing to obtain as many points as poffible in your favour : Bat as I will by no means recommend to the practice of others, what I would cautioufly avoid in my own; I ftltift confefs they mould never be brought into immediate ufe in (tables under my fuperintendance, till the more rational and toild methods of Evacuants and Diuretics (according to the nature, duration and feve- fity of the cafe) had been tried without probability or indications of fuecefs. And this idea of procraftinaiion is held forth *tily upon what I term a very fufficient foundation; for what man living, in pof- *effion of free agency, and the happy pow- er of reflection, would, after proper deli- T z beraticn. |
276 R O W E L L I N G.
beration, confent to perforate the hide of
his horfe, and ftand the doubtful chances of complicated difquietude, a lucky for- mation and fortunate flow of matter; an ill-conditioned wound, inveterate ulcer, or prominent cicatrix, conftituting an irrepa- rable blemifti, when it can be fo readily a- voided ? But admitting, in compliment to ancient
practice, their utility to be obvious in the inflammatory or vifcid cafes before recited > let us make a fair and candid enquiry into the lift of Mr. Clarke's not long fince quoted, (which is, in facl, Bracken's, Bartlet's, and Osmer's alfo) and o- penly acknowledge where it will be proper to coalefce, and where diflent from fuch opinions; that their great and indifcrimi* nate merit may with propriety come be- fore that public tribunal, to whofe deci* five arbitration every literary difquijitionifi muft ultimately fubmit. That the fubjecl (and of importance »'
certainly is) may meet the eye and attract the judgment of every unbiaffed invert^ gator
gator with all poffible clearnefs; it fhall
be perfe&ly diverted of every ambiguity and remote confideration, by re-ftating fingly the cafes in which the different authors have fo lavifhly recommended their ufe; admitting the propriety of their intro- duction where their good effects become probable upon profeffional reafoning, or condemning the adoption where I feel myfelf justified in fupporting a contrary opinion. We are firft told, " Rowels are of great
life in carrying off fheums or defluitioas of the eyes ;" but as no profeffional proofs have been adduced, or cafes authenticated, by any author whatever, to confirm this opinion, it is very natural to wifh for information, "whether this " use" has been alcertained in effecl, with or without the affiftance of cathartics, diuretics, or alteratives, one of "Which, in thefe cafes, is generally called in to their affiftance: But as the effedt of fuch medicines are not externally perceptible, their proportional fervices are buried in oblivion, (as not being brought totally to proof i and the glory of the victory, if obtained, is attri- T 3 buted
buted to rowelling, as a favourite fpecieS
of practice, not to be violated by the rud& and uncultivated dictates of modern im- provement. I muft confefs, in the cafeS we now fpeak of, I fhould by no means too haftily recommend their infertion j but proceeding with a proper degree of con- fiftency, according to the apparent caufe from a flate of the blood, prefer a courfe of diuretics or alteratives, (as the cafe might require) and referve the operation of rowelling as my laft refource, when every other method had failed of the ex* petted fuccefs. " In great fwellings of the glands, &c."
about the throat and jaws, which threaten a fuffocation." * This is a recommenda- tion fo directly contrary to every fyfte-- matic and fcientific proceeding, that I fhal* confine both my furprife and remarks mere* ly to a profeffional explanation; and the in- troduction of my own opinion, in oppofiriort to theirs. If the fwellings were fo akrming as to tc threaten fuffocation," and afforded no hope of fpeedy maturation, by topical ap- plications, (which rnuft ever prove the moft eligible
eligible and confident method of relief) fure-
ly immediate, repeated, and occafional dif- charges of blood, mull contribute, in many way?, to a removal of the danger appre- hended, in caufing fome degree of revulfion by depletion; which will undoubtedly, by relieving the circulation, reduce the defcribed ibridture upon the parts, and render fuch pro- ceeding very far preferable to the certain hazard and tedious expectation of at kajl three days, for the bare chance of very flowly counteracting what " fuffocation" might pre- vent j long before one, or a multiplicity of rowels, could arrive at a proper degree of fuppuration. v And this is the very predomi- nant reafon why I think they are by no means to be relied on in acute cafes of dan- ger and emergency j fo much as repeated bleedings, and fuch evacuations as become more speedily effe&ual upon the frame and conftitution. " When the head feems particularly af-
fecTied, as in the vertigo or ftaggers, appolexy, &c. &c."In thefe cafes, after proper bleed- ings, (which mull precede every other con- federation) a proper examination of the blood, T4 and |
and a neceflary removal of inteftinal obftruc**
tions, if they mould be found requinte 5 I cannot have the leaft abjection to the in- fertion of a rowel, or rowe/s% provided th? patient (in either cafe) can be prevailed upon to live three or four days, to try the effect of the experiment; and this I admit upon a recommendation in my former vo- lume, that " increafing appearances of dan- ger muft juflify exertions of alacrity and fortitude :" Although J mult confefs my ap- prehenfion that either of the above cafes, (unlefs early counteracted by the judicious in- terpofition of other adminiftrations) mult gain, ground too rapidly upon the fyftem, to un- dergo a fudden change of improvement, by means fo very tardy in the effects of thei? pperatiop. ** In recent lamenefs."-r-Why in recent
lamenefs, and before any of the milder me-? thods are introduced, I am at a lofs to con- ceive j but upon prefumption that every Other probable remedy is fet at defiance, for the more applicable imrodu&ion of rest, I ftart not the rnofl trifling objection, con- vinced it is the only plea that can be ofr fered
fered for the inapplicable introduSlion of the
Howel, '* Swelling of the legs and heels, aU
tended with a difcharge of thin ichorous matter, &c." I imagine, in fuch cafe, the rowel is meant to be inferted after a non- fubmiffion to the entire claffes of alteratives and diuretics; whofe efficacious powers muft be too well eftabliihed, by thofe who have experienced their excellent properties, to be entirely rejected, without fuch trial as they arejuftly entitled toby their rank in experi- mental practice, *' In large and fudden fwellings in any
part of the body." This is a recommenda- tion fo vague, loofe, and indefinite, that it will hardly admit of conftruction or determi- nation. As " large and fudden fwellings" may arife from various caufes, requiring very dif- ferent modes of treatment, it is natural to conclude, (indeed to prove by pra&ical de- mand ration) that fudden appearances muft fre- quently juftify much mor? sudden means Of counteraction, than patiently waiting, day after day, for the expedteff and precarious difcharge
difcharge of a rowel, that, after all the
fufpence, may probably terminate unfavour- ably, to the lofs of the fubjecl: and mortifi- cation of the owner. " When extravafations of the fluids have
taken place from blows, bruifes, &c."Here I cannot hefitate a moment to acquiefce io the proposition, provided the infertion can conveniently take place immediately upon of chfe to the part affe&ed : If that cannot be done, I object to the attempt; as the " extra- vafated fluids" mull: be abforbed into the cir- culation before they can attain the place of difcharge. If which can be accomplifoed, they may then be carried off by different evacuants, without recourfe to fuch means j but if I perfectly comprehend the allufion, it is fuppofed to convey an idea of " ex- travafated fluids" become ftagnant by length of time, and not to be reforbed into the cir- culation by any probable means whatever. In which cafe the rowel may be adopted wiTtf propriety, provided it is inferred under the advantages I have juft defcribed j that is* dire&ly upon, or immediately contiguous to» the feat of difeafe*
«« When
*t When a horfe has had a fevere fall, &c.
and in a variety of other cafes which will occur to the judicious practitioner." This proportion coders fuch a wonderful fcope of po£ioility, and incbdes fuch a variety of la- titude for the ebquirer; that it is by far too uidimiu..: fa its comprehenfion to admit a tedio.s f.nu ere ration of remarks applicable to evevhalft.be caps that may be brought into the fcale of imaginary probability. This will forcibly affect the judgment of every Rea- der, if he condefcends, for a few moments only, to recuuecT: the ways a horfe may be affected by a " fevere fall," are fo very nu- merous, that the advice here given (in fo extenlive a degree) muil prove conditionally dependant upon, and be regulated entirely bv, the opinion of thofe to whom the fuper- intendance of fuch cafes become fubjecl:, ren- dering every farther remark upon this paflage extraneous and unneceffary. After the flri&eft attention to, and in-
vestigation of this fyftem, (anciently adopted and transmitted, like domeftic property, or profeffional implements of bellows, anvil, hammer, and vice, from fire to fon) I feel impartially
impartially influenced to declare myfelf 2
very flender advocate for their continuance in pra&ice upon the bafis of general uti- lity. There may be fome few cafes, and thofe few very confined in number, where, from a non-fubmiflion to the dictates of a more rational application, experiments may be made by the credulous, of their Jo uni- verfal reputation : But I am induced raoft heartily to believe, fuch alternative muft be adopted much more upon the conftruftion of hope, than the too flattering profpecl: of ex- pectation. For my own part, voluntarily embarked
in a conditional truft of honour with the public, for the promotion of equeftrian im- provements by every rational and fcientific means, that can be advanced upon the face of well-founded opinion or practical experience i it is impoflible for me to acquiefce in the recommendation of their infertion, in the variety of indifcriminate cafes before recited i from which I have withheld my approba- tion upon the firmeft conviction, that no fyftematic fubftantiated reafons have evef been promulgated, demonstrating the op6' rative
rative procefs upon the animal ceconomy,
from which their reported good effeBs are SUPPOSED TO BE PRODUCED.
I believe I have before hinted their being
originally adopted in times of greater ob- fcurity; when the minds and manners were not only much lefs enlightened, but the almoft incredible property and power of medicine not then difcovered and brought palpably home, as it now is, to the 'mod obftinate incredulity. In the remote age of this invention, the volume of medical im- provement might be juftly confidered in its in- fancy, emerging from the early efforts of an- tiquity ; from which it has continued in gra- dual refinement to its prefent period of pro- feflional fplendor, under the indefatigable auf- pices of thofe whofe, literary additions to the works of Science will perpetuate their me- mories very far beyond any effufions that can poffibly fall from the grateful pen of hum- ble admiration. It muft therefore fuffice in additional con-
firmation of the improvement we applaud, to obferve, that even in private pradlce a- mongft
mongft the human (pedes, thofe analagoiiS
operations, issues and setons, in the courfe of the laft forty or fifty years, are compare tlvely obliterated -3 bearing no kind of pro* portion in common ufe, being but very Sel- dom either advifed or adopted, but where the parties, from an invincible perfonal or pecuni" arj averfion to medicine, cannot be prevail* cd upon to undergo fuch courfe as may evi* dently repair the conjlitution, to a certain partial conjumption of the purfe. After every obfervation I have been able
to deduce from theory, every remark I could collect in practice, and every information to be derived from thofe Vulcanian Vete- rinarians I have had the honor to confult j after the analyzation of its phyfical procefs upon the frame ; its being immediately and equally fed from the fountain of circulation and fupport , a proper inveftigation and ex- pofure of the ridiculous idea of partiallj drawing off corrupt or difeafed particles from the blood, that the animal may " live the purer with the other half;" and laftly, the more contemptible propagation of their being found applicable to all difeajes, without S |
R O W E L L I N G. 287
fingle profeffional proof manfully and fcienti-
fically ^demonftrated, that they are abfolutely HecefTary or infallible in one; it can create Ho admiration that I feel myfelf juftified in offering to the world an opinion, very little fiibfervient to the fuperficial decifions of thofe Who have preceded me upon this fubjec~t. Under the combined weight of thefe con-
siderations, and fo far as they entitle me to offer judgment, I dare venture to pro- nounce and promulgate fuch belief, that there are only a very few cafes in which they are either individually necejfary or ufe- ful-j having it at all in their effeffs, the Power to produce any fuch change in, or improvement upon, the conftitution, but What may be more confidently (and to a greater certainty) produced by judicious in- terpofition of evacuants, diuretics, altera- tives, or fuch other clafs of medicines, as upon accurate inveftigation of the caufe and reference to fymptoms, may be found correfponding with the cafe and its explana- tory parrs, in our former volume, more par- ticularly adapted to medical difquifition and the cure of difeafe. The
The cafes to which they may be in forn£
degree adapted, bearing profeffional traits in their favour, are, partial fwellings of fom® duration, originally oecafioned by extrava- fated fluids become too vifeid by ftagnation to be reforbed into the circulation j cutane- ous difeafes not fpeedily fubmitting to th£ courfe of medicines adapted to their pe- culiar clafs j inveterate lamenefs of loflg ftanding in the fhoulders or ligamentafy parts, by the retention of inflammatory matter firft fixed there by the improper and too free ufe of fpirituous applications j and afthmatic complaints, upon a confirmation of their non-fubmiffion to conditional bleedings* a moderate ufe of nitre, and fuch courfe of pectoral detergents as will be found re" commended under that head. In each °* which, I fhould not hefitate a moment t0 urge the propriety of inferting the row^ a near the caufe of complaint as pofllble j tn the flux of matter (though collected fron* the circulation) might flow directly fron" or as contiguous to the feat as circumftance will permit | and that fuch local infertl°r may contribute affiftance to whatever utui y they pofiefs, in unloading to a certainty
the neighbouring veffels concerned in the
cafes we havejuft defcribed. The advan- tage naturally refulting from fuch precau- tion becoming too evidently obvious to re- quire farther anatomical defcription or phy- fical difquifition ; the minutiae of which, (fo far as it appertains to the operation in queftion) having been largely and accu- rately explained in the definition of hu- mours, under the laft article of exercise, and the prefent upon rowelling, cannot ftand in the lead need of additional eluci- dation to render the whole perfectly intelli- gible to every compreheniion. |
The particular management of horfes
palling under this denomination will ap- pear to many matter of fo little confe- rence, that it niuft create furprife how *ny thirig new can be introduced upon a *ubject they conceive fo univerfally and per- fectly underftood. However fuch opinion ttlay be eftablifhed in the contracted minds Vol. II. U of
of thofe who exift only in error, and nevcf
condefcend to fanclion the mod promifing ray of improvement; the great number 01 valuable horfes that have loft their lives, either in or immediately after the chace, i*1 the two laft feaibnsonly, with his Majefty's* his Royal Highnefs the Prince of Wales's, Lord Barrymore's, and Captain Parker's hounds, are demonftrative proofs of inabt" lity in the grooms, or indifcretion in the riders; as well as collateral corroboration that the fyflem of perfection is not yet at- tained even in the firft hunting ftables 01 fafhion and eminence. Without prefuming to arraign, in the
prefent inftance, the judgment of one, of the prudence of the other, I fhall proceed to lay down fuch rules for the felection 0* hunters, and the minute particulars of thetf management, as have for a feries of more than twenty years enabled me to enjoy the pleafures of the chace with a multiplied/ of the fleeteft and moft popular packs in different parts of the kingdom j without one of thofe unlucky contingencies, that (o fre- quently throw lefs thinking, or lefs experi- enced |
enced fportfmen into the back ground of
the picture with mortification and dif- grace. It mould be indelible in the mind of
every juvenile and recent fportfman, that to bring a horfe into the field out of conditio?!, incurs inftantaneous fufpicion, if not con- tempt ; the curiofity (not to fay infulcing in- difference) of every fpe&ator is excited, who fortunately excels in the figure or qualifica- tions of his fteed, and the fuperiority of his equipments. And this is not at all to be Wondered at, when thofe entirely unac- quainted with the fadr. are informed; that as much emulation is perceptible in the dif- play of a /porting apparatus, as in the exult- ing fplendor of a birth-day appearance in the vicinity of St. James's: Not only the Riders, but their Horses are fraught With the infe&ious fpirit of rivalfhip; and impatiently wait the moment, that infpires each with the vigour of general conten- tion. Horfes imperfecl in their appearance, with
*ulnefs ©f the legs, foulnefs in the coat, cracks
U 2 ia
in the heels, or poverty in the frame, ar«
immediately furveyed with the eye of at- tentive infpedlion j this oblique but accurate furvey as certainly terminates to the difcre- dit of the mafter as the prejudice of the fervant, leaving no favourable impreffion of their ftable management at home, or equef- trian prudence in the field. External deficiency is not the only incon-
venience arifing from improper condition ; the concomitant ills refulting from it, are not unfrequently attended with the raoft fe- rious confequences. Hqrfes for the very fe- vere and ftrong chaces with Stag or Fox, fhould have both the blood and body regulated to the higheft degree of purity and perfection; fuch fyftem of information may be readily ac- quired by proper attention to the neceflary inculcation and judicious obfervation, previ- ous to the commencement of the feafon- This, fact, founded upon the criterion of experience, naturally leads us into an enquiry what thofe preparations are, and the neceflity for their introduction : Thefe we fhall con- fequently advert to, but not without an ob- lique remembrance of, and reference to, thofe Cynical cavillifts who (apprehending no dan-
ger |
ger till they feel it) fetpbyfic at defiance; and
never fubmit to acknowledge its utility, till the total lofs of one horfe and the irreparable injury to another, demonftrate the abfurdity of their ill-founded objections; compulfively adding them in rotation to the annually en- creafing lift of converts to a rational fyfle- matic mode of ftabularian improvement. Such obftinate non-compliance with the
juftified dictates of fafety refulting from ex- perience, can arife only from a total want of thought, or knowledge of the animal econo- my; by which every fecretion, evacuation,, motion and labour is regulated, or action con- trouled. From the concurring force of this reflection, let every Sportsman whofe mind is at all open to the rays of refinement, (and who has not, like Tony Lumpkin, imbibed his entire flock of penetration from the apron- ftring of a Mrs. Hardcaftle, conducting his whole affairs by *« the rule of Thumb,") confider the abfolute neceffity of beftowing fome little occafional attention to the indica- tions of nature j the direct procefs of ali- ment and digejiion, with its fubfequent fource of nutrition; enabling himfelf to afcertain (at leaft with fome degree of precifion) the ftate U 3 of |
of his own horfes in ficknefs or health j to.
difcover their neceffities, and prefcribe the remedies, without a degrading dependence upon the accumulated ignorance and affected confequence of every illiterate groom, ojileft, oxjiabk boy j who, it is univerfally known, proudly pofTefs obfolete receipts for every poffible difeafe to which the horfe is liable, (without its containing perhaps one applica- ble ingredient) and will valiantly vouch for the INFALLIBILITY OF ITS VIRTUES,
though it is ten to one he is totally unac-
quainted with the articles of which it is compofed, and Hill more probably has not ability to read the very farrago he fo confix
dently recommends.
This evil has originally arifen, and bees,
cncreafed in its growth by too implicit, of rather too indolent, a fubmiffion of matters in general, to the indifcreet (not to zA&fotne- times infernal) and ridiculous, propolitions of thefe people, upon whofe deftructive affec- tation of knowledge I have already fo repeat- edly expatiated under different heads j but an* by p radical obfervations, as often brought to. a renewal of the fubjed, to place every gen*"
tleman or fportfman on his guard againft
their inceflant obtrufions of medical judg- ment ; having within the laft few days heard a moft illiterate puppy of the clafs defcribed, propofe the infinuation of lump Jugar for a defect in the eye, without a fingle reafon to affign for the fupport of his recommenda- tion, but that " it was like enough to do it good," This idea is too fublime and expanded for
a fingle remark in animadverfion , but furely every proprietor of horfes muft find it greatly conducive to a promotion of his own eafe and intereft, if he would condefcend to pay fuch attention to this fubjedt, as might un- doubtedly contribute a proportion of confi- dence to his additional knowledge -t and to- tally exculpate him from the mortifying pre- dicament of appealing to the barren capacity of his fervant in a matter of magni- tude, whofe underfianding or inftru&ions he would not fubmit to confult, or even con- defcend to keitrt upon much more inferior occasions. There has always exifted a diverfity of
U 4 opinions |
opinions refpecting the propriety of purging
horfes previous to the commencement of the hunting feafon ; and this, as I have before hinted, has been one of the long ftanding dimes of contention between the rights and the wrongs; it will be therefore expected (by thofe impartial inveftigators who are not blinded by invincible prejudice, but open to the conviction arifing from reafon) that fomething fhould now be advanced to juftify or condemn, what from not profeffionally understanding the operative procefs of, or its effects upon the frame, has hitherto fufpend- ed their opinions, not knowing with jujiice which method to avoid, which to purfue. That the matter may, however, be
brought nearer the criterion of decifion, by being more clearly explained; I fhall en- deavour (without indulging a wifh to attract unneceffarily the attention of any reader from what he may conceive an object of greater importance) to convey fuch defcription of its f]eceffitys its operation upon the blood, and falutary effects upon the conftitution j as I am induced to believe will prevent the conjifi- ency. of PURGING being longer a matter of CQntxoveriys
COntroverfyj but that upon certain and proper
c-ccafions, it will become univerfally adopted Under the conditional regulations fo accu- rately explained in our former volume of this Work. Thofe inftructions, however, apper- taining more particularly to the compofition Of various forms, the adt of adminiflration, and the mode of adtion upon the inteftinal contents; we advert now to the more remote consideration of its operative effeSts upon the Entire system, in juftifkauon of its a- doption previous to the annual exertions of violence, that fo evidently encreafe the velo- city of the blood. It may be remembered, that in my former
volume, under inftrudtions for getting horfes into condition, I have recommended the ope- ration of bleeding in a few days after being taken from grafsj by faying, ** a proportion rnay be taken away, according to the fize, ftate, Strength, and temperament of the horfe, With due attention to the flefh he may have gained, or the impurities he may have im- bibed with his pafture." This pafTage is fo truly expreffive, and conveys to the mind fo t&uch in fo ihort a manner, that J have been induced
induced to repeat the very words j as direcuy"
conducive to the fupport of an afTertion fre* quently brought forward, " the great ad- vantage of difcovering the true Hate of the blood." The reafons are not only exceedingly
obvious, but have been in their refpecUvS parts fo minutely explained, that there *s barely room to urge the propriety ano enforce the utility of what ought to be laid down as the almoft, fundamental rulc of phyfical rectification; and, however ab- ftrufe fuch reafoning may appear to the unfeientific and fuperficial part of the Vul- canian fraternity, denominated Farriers;
I hefitate not a moment to affirm, there are very many cafes, in which I mould be profeffionally induced to regulate the physic in both quantity and quality t by appearances accurately drawn from the ftat« of the blood only. What! (fays the furprifed and divided
reader) when his Majefly's Farrier for Scot- land has confidently afTured us, and under the honourable fanc\ion of royal appoint- ment, |
anent, that no difcovery can be made from
the blood in any ftate whatever! That ** blood drawn from a horfe who is evi- dently difordered, will fometimes have the fame appearance when cold, as that drawn from a horfe in health." And, hey prejlo! Vice Versa ! **■ On the other hand, blood drawn from a horfe in health, will fome- times have all the appearance of that drawn from one labouring under the moll dangerous difeafe." All this Mr. Clarke may " mojl potently believe," yet " I hold it wrong to have it thus fet down;" it bears fo great an affinity to the ambiguous -putting off of Hamlet to his inquifitive companions, when he ferioufly allures $hem, « There's ne'er a villain dwelling in all Denmark,
1< But he's an arrant knave." However, that jarring opinions may be the
more eafily reconciled, I will venture to conclude for this very judicious and en- lightened writer, that he intended to have /aid, or wifhed it to be underjioody That the cafes in which the blood of difeafed wrjes bore the appearance of horfes in health,
health, were thofe very few in which the
Hate of the blood is not fymptomaticalty affe&ed by the difeafe; as flatulent or *«- flammatory cholic, flrangury, and <worfltt* But the better to exculpate myfelf from the accufation or even unjuft fufpicion of in- dulging the fhadow of inclination to arraign the authority, or fport with the judgment I fo very much refpect , let us charitably adopt an alternative, and fuppofe, what is not only -pojjible but probable, that as the horfes in that country differ (o very materially from ours, (as thofe caa teftify who have vifited the fpot, and re- collect their appearance) why may not the fluids partake of the contraft ? and their properties not being fo eafily or accurately analized as in the more fertile regions of the fouth; the line of diftin&ion we may naturally conclude is circumfcribed by the vermicular boundary of the Tweed, consti- tuting other diverfities of equal admira- tion. From this digreffion, fo unavoidably ne-
cefTary to juftify my former recommenda- tion of Bleeding, under proper restric- tions, we return to the confideration of Purging *
Purging j upon the very falutary and
judicious interpofition of which, I have already given my decided opinion as to its general utility, though I do not mean to aifert myfelf an advocate for its indifcrimi- nate administration, without due deference to the caufe and condition of the fubject. I wifh by no means to be confidered an invariable friend to unnecefTary evacuati- ons ; perfectly convinced they are only abfolutely requilite, under the weight of in- judicious accumulation. I therefore beg no mifconftruc~tion may be put upon the thefis I advance, which is, that evacuations become not only proper but indifpenfible, when a horfe is so much above him- self in condition, that he evidently dis- plays the advancing progrefs and ill effects of repletion (arifing from full feed and ir- regular exercife) in the variety of ways fo repeatedly defcribed; not only under other heads in this, but different parts of the former volume, where the flate of the blood necefiarily became the fubject of difquifition. From what has been fo fully advanced
upon the articles of nutrition, circulation^
evacuation, and exercife, it mull be perfectly and fyftematically clear to every compre- henfion j that a horfe too plethoric in ha- bit, too much loaded with flefh, too vifcid in the flate of his blood, or too little ac- cuftomed to exercife, can never be brought into fuch ftrong exertions as the chace* without a very great probability of excit** ing inflammation, that may terminate in different degrees of difeafe, danger, and difquietude. Admitting therefore its in" difpenfible neceffity with horfes of the a- bove defcription, it mufl be taken into the aggregate > that although great inconveni- encies and diftreffing circumftances may ■pojjibly arife, from the want of precaution in not bringing fuch preventatives into ufe, where the frame is replete with im- purities j it can by no means follow that by the omiffion, with horfes in any tolera- ble condition, the probable conference be- comes inevitable. To draw the line of diftinclion between
fubjefts rendering it a matter of neceffity with one, or prudence and prevention only
*>niy with another j it muft be candidly ac-
knowledged, that inftances frequently oc- cur, where horfes perfectly clean, healthy, and without vifible caufe to fufpecl: foul- nefs in the body, or impurity in the blood, have by proper attention to ftable Management, good feeding, and regular ex- Crcife, been brought into the field in no de- graded condition, and gone through the feafon with a moderate degree of perfec- tion. Though this mould not be attempt- ed till an attentive obfervation to the ftate °f the coat, eyes, legs, heels, the wind in brufhing gallops, and the quality or appear- ance of the perfpirative matter in the a<9: °f tranfpiration, may juftify a reliance upon the faith of experiments; as latent im- purities, or grofs vifcidities may remain dormant in the conflitution, till roufed into a^ion by effects too numerous and extenfive t° admit of reiterated explanation, without Aviating too largely from the fubjecl: it is °Ur prefent purpofe to purfue. Having introduced remarks that were
^avoidable, to demon/Irate the conliftency * carrying off fuch fuperflux as may con- ftitut
ftitute a preternatural weight upon the a-
nimal ceconomy, by encumbering the infi- nity of finer verTels fo exquifitely con- cerned in fecretion and circulation, throw- ing the more noble parts of the machine into diforder j we proceed to explain the o- perative procefs and efFe&s of Cathartic Evacuants upon the general fyftem* by which phyfical operation, nature bc comes gradually relieved from the ple* thoric burthen of repletion, affecting even the moft diftant parts of the extremities, W means fo univerfally known and repeatedly defcribed. \
Purging, in its common and fuperfi- cial acceptation with the unenlightened
multitude, is confidered merely as a ready
and convenient mode of expelling a load °*
accumulated contents from the ftomach>
or excrements from the inteftines; withou
a relative consideration, or fingle idea of lt
more remote and falutary influence upo1^
thofe parts of the frame, that are in gen^"
ral eftimation fuppofed to be very little con"
cerned in the operation or its effects.
To elucidate this matter, and render it
perfectly comprehenfible} (with as little re- ference as poflible to abflrufe reasoning or anatomical difquifition) let it be underflood, that the internal coat of the flomach is (o plentifully portioned with branches from the nervous fyftem, that it may with great pro- priety be termed the joint feat of irritability j for exclufi-ve of the ading flimulus of the cathartic medicines upon the extreme fen- fibility of the nerves, fo innumerably dif- perfed in their different ramifications, they act alfo by irritation upon the mouths of the luteals and lymphatics, exciting a continued and proportional emiffion of their contents into the inteflinal canalj fo long as the ftimulative properties of the medicine may have power to adtj daring which fuch abforption of Lymph, and regurgitation of Chyle, intermixes with, and is carried off by the execrements. By this conflaht Jlimulus upon thfe exqui-
fite fenfibility of the ftomach and inteflines, the vermicular motion is not only excited to a more frequent difcharge of its contents, but *ts continued irritation of the vafcular fyftem Vol. II. X pro-
produces an increafed fecretion of lymph and
chyle, which in. the procefs of abforption and contribution to the excrernentitious expulfion, is proportionally iupplied (or the vefTels reple- nished) from even the moft dillant part of the extremities; which evidently accounts for the vifible advantages arifing from a courfe of phyfic, when a horfe labours under the in- con veniencies refuiting from repletion; and is faid, in the Vulcanian phrafeology, to have the humours fallen into the legs, or fixed upon any particular part of the frame. Thus much is introduced to render perfect-
ly clear, what I term the mechanical procefs of purgation; by ftriclly attending to which it will evidently appear, that the weaker a ca- thartic is in its property, the lefs it will affect the fluids fufpended in different parts of the frame; for its jirjl Jlimulus acting upon the nervous fyftem as the mqfl irritable, the lym- phatics and lacteals become only the fecon- dary feat of provocation, and are proporti- onally acted upon as the physic is increafed in its power of ftimulation. From this very neceffary remark, I mean to
infer, and wifli it to be generally and incon-
trovertibly underftood and held in remem- brance, that a very moderate dofe of phyfic "will ad in a great degree upon the irrita- bility of the ftomach and inteftines only, ex- citing a difcharge of their contents, as before defcribed; while its increafed ftrength will, by its additional Jiimulus upon and perie*. Vering irritation of the finer vefiels, excite their regurgitative contribution to the general evacuation, Co long as the irritating proper- ties of the cathartic {hall retain the power of acting upon the vafcular fyftem; which differing fo very much in different fubjedT-s, requires proper difcrimination in the compo- « fition of purging medicines, confequently, fhould always be carefully adapted to the ftate, conftitution, and bodily ftrength of the horfe. This naturally leads us to an enquiry of
the different degrees of physic, as mod applicable to the various occafions for which they are brought into ufe. It evidently ap- pears by the above inveftigation, that the milder cathartics act fuperncially, merely to difcharge the contents of the inteiiinal ca- X 2 nal |
nal; and are therefore calculated as preven-
tatives to the pojjible inconveniencies of im- pending repletion j prefervatives of health, of neceffary preludes to the completion of per- fect condition. The fame elucidation likewife demon-
strates the confiftency of increafing the pro- portions, or enlarging the dofes, when more diftant fervices are expected by calling the remote powers into adtion, for the purpofes fo particularly explained j for inftance, in great repletion of the veffels, fulnefs of the carcafe, heavinefs of the head and eyes, fwelling and tenfion of the legs, and fuch other eaufes as will be hereafter explained. Gentle cathartics, acting merely as obfervable laxatives, can never be expected to reach the feat of thefe complaints; fuch briskpurges only can be adopted with propriety, as will, by their continued ftimulus, come into con- tact with, and additionally ait upon, the very interjlices of the ftomach and inteffines, after the excrementitious fupcfflux is thrown off j exciting by fuch means, the lymphatics and lacfeals to difgorge fome portion of their extra contents, (diftinguifhed from time im- memorial |
memorial by the appellation of humours)
to be ultimately carried off with the remain- ing efforts of inteftinal expulfion. If any farther explanation can be at all
required, to render this procefs more intelli- gible to the dulleff, comprehensions, I muft beg permifiion to recommend fuch Reader to a retrofpective recollection of his own fenfa- tions towards the concluding operation of an emetic, or cathartic; when I believe it will immediately occur to his remembrance, that the irritation of the vefTels was much more fevere and effectual, (proved by the repeated iirainihgs) than in the preceding difcharges when the contents were expelled with much greater eafe to the patient, though lefs effi- cacy upon the frame. As I have juft hinted, there are other
diforders, or rather advancedJiages, of thofe laft defcribed, (and for which " briflc purges" are recommended,) that require a ffcill more peculiar mode of counter-action; as horfes fubjecT: to, or labouring under, inveterate cracks in the heels; oozing indications of, or palpable greafe ; cutaneous eruptions; vaf- X 3 cular
cular knots, or tubercles, the evident effects
of plenitude; worms, or fluctuating pains in, the limbs, occasioning alternate lamenefs in one part or another. In all which cafes, it is to be obferved, horfes mould never have their exercife or labour incrcafed, to the lead degree of violent exertion j without firft un- dergoing evacuations of fuch kind, as become immediately applicable to the cafe in. queflion. For my own part, I feel myfelf power-
fully influenced to recommend the early ad- rniniftration of mercurial purges, accurately proportioned to the ftate of the fubject and prevalence or duration of difeafe; and this upon the experimental bafis of minute at- tention to their lingular effects upon the con- ftitutions of horfes, in a variety of inftances that perfectly juflify me in communicating established proofs of their fuperior ex- cellence, not only in the different cafes juf| recited, but in many others, that it would be foreign to our prefent purpofe to enume- rate. To prevent a perpetual obtrufion of tech-
nical |
meal myftery, or medical difquifition, by
enlarging upon the means of the mercurial particles entering into contadl with the blood; its power of attenuation, gradual diiTolution of the fluids and gentle ftimulation of the folids, (which muft at all times hang heavy upon the mind of the unfeientific enquirer); we muft let our abbreviated allufion fuf- fice, as a more fatisfadtory mode of intel- ligent information, than a tedious chain of phyfical definition, that it may be thought has been already introduced by much too often. In this tribute to the almoft incredible
effects derived from the judicious and falutary interposition of mercurial cathartics, I beg to difclaim every idea of patronizing fuch compofitions, prepared from the pre- fcriptive fcraps of antiquity, in the porTeifion of every bellows blower in the kingdom ; not more in refpecft to the probable difpropor- tion and certain danger of their ingre- dients, than the abfurd, improper, and in- difcriminate mode of introduction. Of thefe preparations, as of the various noftrums and quack medicines of the prefent day, I hold X 4 the |
the fame uniform and invariable opinion j
that the public are eternally peftered with innumerable advertifements, announcing the miraculous cures, (nature has perform- ed) but not a fingle word of the many thou- fands fuch medicines have deftroyed : So true it is, " dead men tell no tales,'' Having gone through what I conceived a
duty incumbent, refpecting the operation of phyfic and its effects upon the frame, to elucidate, as much as circumftances would admit, a fubjed: that has been hitherto con>- fidered as fufficient matter to juftify and fup- port a contrariety of opinions ; I muft, after giving it fuch profeffional explanation as my flender abilities were adequate to, fubmit the propriety Gf the practice, under conditional regulations, to the deciiion of thofe who may do me the honour of minutely investigating, what has been neceffarily advanced for ge- neral confideration : Begging permiffion to obferve, th,at particular inftructions for the management of horfes under the operation pf physic, may be found in the former volume under that head; the prefent pages having been dedicated entirely to the ope- rative |
jratiye procefs and its effects upon the confti-
Jution, for the purpofe of univerfal or rather fommon comprehension. That tafk having been at length performed,
we take leave of the dry and unentertain- jng ftudy of medical abftrufity, and proceed to fuch part of our plan as will prove more entertaining and acceptable to thofe, who may condefcend to confult us for either amufement or information. I have promifed under the prefent head, rules for the felec- tion of Hunters, and fome ufeful hints for their management in the ftable and chace. In refpecl to the former, fuch defcriptive parts as conftitute uniformity and the points of perfection, will be found fo accurately delineated in the early pages of our former Volume, that its repetition would bear too much the appearance of literary imposition j from which accufation, it has been our earn- eft endeavour, in every page, to ftand clearly exculpated. Upon the fubjecl of fele&ion there can
therefore be but little to introduce beyond the neceffity of adhering in choice, as much as
as poflible to thofe that are well-bred, or, in.
other words, fuch as come the neareft in pe- digree, fymmetry, fafhion, and apparent flrength to thofe in conftant ufe for the turf, bearing the denomination and figure of blood horses, as moit adequate in fpeed and durability (termed bottom) to long and fevere chaces with fleet hounds or in deep countries; under which, horfes of an inferior defcription fo frequently link for want of that conftitutional ftamina or inherent fortitude, that horfes of high pedigrees are fo eminently known to pcffefs. From this eftablifhed and incontrovertible
fact, we are naturally induced to introduce a few oblique remarks upon the very neceiTary qualification of "Bone;" fo fafbionably and eternally echoed and tranfmitted (in equef- trian infpedlion) from one affected puppy to another, that they feem to have anticipated, or rather premeditated, the inexpreffible plea- fure of difcovering what they call " a want of bone' in the horfes of others, that they unluckily feldom or ever perceive in theif own. Thefe curious obfervers, (mere pre* tenders to judgment) never condefcend to invefligate
Snveftigate caufes or effects, farther than as
at firft fight they affect the fuperficies of their very (hallow comprehenfion; from Whence ariies the prevalent reflection upon the want of frone, fo exceedingly common and fo frequently ill-founded, that at the time of examination, the fubject fo dispa- raged is fometimes loaded like a cart horfe. From this total ignorance of the anatomical conformation, has originated the erroneous conjeaure of fixing the bafis of ftrength in the bony ftruaure only, without a contin- gent reference or relative confideration to the mufcular appendages, that, in fad, con- ftitute the very main fpring of ftrength and aaion. We are not at all difinclined to admit that
the greater the fulcrum or mechanical centre of fupport, the more powerful mould be the component parts to constitute the accumu- lation of ftreDgth ; though this, like many other rules fuppofed to be general, is liable to frequent exception. Of this there are diftinct proofs among the different degrees of horfes, in the particular purpofes for Which they are bred, or afterwards become appro-
appropriate to; for inflance, horfes bred with
ftrength for draft, or with fpeed for the ehace, are fo directly oppofite in fome part of their jhape, and the whole of their requifites, that what constitutes perfections for the one, difplays an abfolute deficiency for the other. Hence arifes the inconfiftency of bring-
ing crofs-bred heavy horfes into the chace, where their own weight, and want of ac- tion, lay the foundation of their deficit ency ; for in hard or long running they be- come inevitably exhaufted, and frequently fall victims to the imprudent perfeverance of their riders. Thofe juvenile or inat- tentive fportfmen, whofe experience has been exceedingly limited, or obfervations confined, may not yet be perfectly convinced that Blood Horses (notwithstanding the popular clamour of their deficiency in bone) will exceed in fpeed, Jlrengthy and bottom, whatever horfes of an oppofite de- fcription may be brought into the field; and of this fact I am fo exceedingly well convinced by experimental obfervation and unremitting attention, that in a long chace with
H UN TERS. 317
With fleet hounds, running breafi high, and
acrofs a country, nothing but horfes three parts or thorough bred can ever lay by the fide of them. In addition alfo to this truth, let us en-
counter the full force of another notion equally ridiculous, and well calculated for thofe who hunt in theory, and enjoy the chace upon paper ; of " a blood horfe not having bone and ftrength fufficient to cover a deep and dirty country-" when every fportfman of experience, who has made the trial impartially, will join with me in the affertion, that horfes of that defcription abfolutely poffefs the ftrength (in their great power of adion and pliability) to pafs over fuch country, with very flight impreffion and no great labour j when jt is a matter not to be controverted, that a ftrong heavy horfe, not only finks deep with his own weight at every ftroke, but extricates himfelf with the utmoft difficulty, leaving his rider in the pleafing predicament of foon enquiring 1 which way the hounds are gone?" with *h.e greater gratification of poffeffing a horfe of
of bone and Jlrengtb fufficient to carry hiifi
" after any pack of hounds in the king* dom." Having before bid adieu to medical myftery and anatomical defcription, we do not mean to renew the fubject by a com- parative detail of mufcles and tendons, with their appertaining confiderations; but leave every reader to make up his own mind upon the qualifications and kind of horfe moft ap- plicable to his idea of the chace, and inten-» tion of riding with or after the hounds i proceeding to a communication of fuch re-« marks as, properly attended to, may be pro- ductive of their different degrees of utility. It may be remembered, that the different
fubjecls of physic, exercise, and con-* dition have all been feparately confideredy and their advantages accurately explained i as may be perceived by application to the index of either volume for information upon any particular head. We now confequently arrive at the commencement of the hunting feafon, when, meeting in the field, every countenance betrays a heart elate with the general effufion of joy that is to enfue. Pre- vious to farther animadverfion upon which, it
it becomes neceffary to remark, that the ex-
treme degree of perfection, and high condi- tion I have hitherto recominended, and allude to in my future inftru&ions for liable ma- nagement, are by no means intended to be generally extended to horfes in common ufe with harriers; whofe offices of fervice are fo exceedingly different to the very ftrong and fevere chaces with stag or fox, that they may naturally be underftood to be always fufficiently prepared with a very inferior treatment. Left fuch gentlemen, who from fituation,
inclination, advanced age, or bodily debilita- tion, are attached to the frigidity of Hare Hunting, mould feel the dignity of their pack, and the fplendor of their retinue, de- graded by what they may erroneoufly conceive an oblique infinuation of contempt; I muft beg to fubmit to the criterion of their own decifion, the almoft incredible difference be- tween the exertions and duration of the two. Horfes that become the neceffary appendage to harriers, undergo fuch fudden changes in their fport, not more in the frequent dull and tedious attendance upon the hounds when
32o HUNfERS.
when trailing to find in the cold and chil-
ling dreary fog of a fevere winter's morning J than the alternate contrails in the chace* arifing from thofe checks in " heading, turn- ing, doubling, and fquatting," that confti- tute firft a burft to promote perfpiration, then a «* fault" to fupprefs it. This is fo very oppofite to the violent and
continued exertions of a chace with either stag or fox, in the prefent improved breed and fleetnefs of hounds; that I only mean to convey an idea of the probable hazard of having a horfe kept in too high a flile for a chace fo fubjedt to fluctuation in the different degrees of beat and cold, that a horfe in perfect condition muft have great good fortune, or an excellent conftitu- tion, not to feel the ill effects of long at- tendance upon harriers, at leaft in thofe countries where the fcarcity of game ad- mits of much loft time between killing and! finding. For my own part, however rej pugnant the opinion may prove to one clafs of fportfmen j I feel myfelf juftified in! declaring, no consideration whatever mould influence me to dance attendance upon har-» riers,
hunters. 32z
tiers, with a horfe of great value and to-
lerable perfection, unlefs a certainty of ex- peditioufly finding* and inceffant running, might induce me to exerclfe a horfe on the intermediate days, as a prelude to the chace With either of the other two. Confidering, therefore, the management
We allude to, as appertaining more particu- larly to horfes of high qualifications, we advert, as before mentioned, to the com- mencement of the feafonj when, at the place of meeting, every fpoftfman feels eagef for the fport and replete with emulation. That we may omit no inftruction or advice, however minute, that can at all contribute to the pleafure or fafety of the chafe 3 let it be held in remembrance, the frame (or rather the ftomach) fhould never be loaded when en- tering into immediate adion. The portions of hay and water ihould be adminiftered with a very fparing hand, for the laft twelve or fixteen hours preceding the chace $ to which end hay fhould be reftri&ed in quantity rnQre on that night than any other, his evening and horning feeds of corn being increafed in Vol. II. Y propor-
proportion to the deficiency in the other
part of his aliment. On the morning of hunting he (hould be dreffed and fed early ; having his head ftrapped up till faddled for the field, to prevent (if a coarfe feeding horfe) his making the clean ftraw a neceffary fubftitute for the artificial fcarcity of hay. The day preceding which, every judicious
or experienced Sportfman arranges all his af- fairs, to prevent the leaft probability of delay, difappointment, or interruption to his fport; by accurately afcertaining the adequate ftate of his horfe and the fafety of his apparatus. He defcends to an attentive furvey of the feet and the clinches of the Jhoes; thereby avoid- ing the diftreffing dilemma of compulfively exploring a smith's shop, in a ftrange country, during the heat and happinefs of the chace, by the inexprefiible mortification of cajling a jhoe: A circumftance that will feldom or never happen under the occafional rafpe&ion of the fmith, who will moft cer- never forget the proper or accuf- of examination j provided he is principle of mutual conve~ |
iikfice, fo particularly explained in 138 and
the following pages* Proper attention fhould follow ta the form
of the faddle and the ftate of its fluffing, to prevent even the pofiibility of the tree coming into injurious contaft with the wither; of the probability of warbles, by the indenta- tion or friction of the girth buckles, in a long or fevere chace. The girth web for hunting (hould be what is termed <; fpring web" in preference, for the advantage of its additional elafticity; the harm, tight wove Web, very frequently occafioning a laceration of the integument, known by the name o£ tl bowel galled." If due refpeft was alfo paid to the probable durability.of the Jtirrup leathers, it might certainly render fuperflu- ous the paltry difplay of a new belt round the body of a gentleman, indicating a fafe fefource for a broken leather; a piece of equeftnan oftentation never practifed by Sportfmen of eftabliihed reputation, who are Univerfally known to be too fubftantially pro- vided, in fo material a part of their equip* ttients, to ftand the moft diflant chance of an accident, that would not only retard their Y 2 progrefs, |
progrefs, but inevitably throw them out, be-
fore they could repair their lofs, if the hounds were then crofting a country. If horfes have not fix or eight miles to
the hounds on the morning of hunting, they fhould be walked at leaft an hour, or hour and half, before they appear at the place of meeting; the confiftency of their having fufficient time to unload the frame by frequency of evacuation, has been fo fully explained under the article ofexercife, and its palpable utility muft be fo forcibly ftriking to every perfon at all convinced of its effects, that it cannot poffibly require any additional elucidation. Suppofing ourfelves arrived at that unful-
lied feat of unanimity the place appointed, whether throwing into covert for a fox, or turning out the deer ; every Sportfman will acknowledge it may be juftly deemed the critical moment, when the powers of ex- hilaration nearly exceed the limits of pre- fcription, and we " moft wonder how our reafon holds." This is the crifis that too frequently deprives the juvenile rider (iu his
his initiation) of the degree of prudence fo
exceedingly neceflary in the early part of the chace; particularly at the beginning of the feafon, when they are fo little inured to exertions of violence and fatigue. The firji burfl, with either deer or fox, is gene- rally fevere, and not unfrequently of long duration, in which too much tendernefs cannot be beftowed upon the very fountain- head of your pleafurej from whofe per- fections and perfeverance only, you can derive your enjoyment of the chace. It is therefore perfectly right to have it ever in remembrance, that the more moderately a horfe is exerted in the early part of the day, the greater probability you infure of feeing the end of it; with the pleafing con- folation of eafe to your horfe, and no bad compliment to your own reputation ; for it is a well known fadl, that there are hun- dreds in a feafon, who from an impatient defire and eager impetuofity to fee too much of the beginning, feldom or never know much of the conclu/iony promoting by indif- cretion the very means of their mortification and difgrace. |
Y 3 Moderation
Moderation in the chace, and fleady at*
tention to the leading hounds, will conftantly prevent confiderable difficulty to the rider, as well as the horfe: This is a matter, however, more " devoutly to be wifhed," than at all to be expected. It is equally natural to conclude, that moft of thofe ad- herents attached to and enjoying the chace, would regulate the fpeed of their horfes by the depth of the ground they go over; obfervation daily convinces us it is not fo, and that there are very numerous excep- tions to fuch neceffary and laudable circum- fpedtion. Experience conftantly affords us demon-
ftrative proof, that nothing fo much ex- haufts the bodily flrength, reduces the fpeed, and exhaufts the wind, as ftrong and repeated leaps in any* but particularly in deep countries : This reflection ought furely to convince young or unthinking riders, that fuperfiuous leaps, and unneceffary diffi- culties, mould never be boaftingly encoun- tered, to difplay an affectation of equeftrian courage, or pragmatic confequence; for they immediately ^in the mind of every pru- dent |
dent and humane obferver) appear fo many "
incontrovertible proofs of his ignorance or indifcretion. Thefe heroes on horseback. require to be emphatically informed, that fuch voluntary ads of oppreflion invariably operate to the prejudice of the performer, however he may be fanctioned by fituation or favoured by fortune, proving unluckily ab- ortive of the original defign; for what is fo evidently intended to create admiration, is as certainly productive of indifference and contempt. Another act of folly and indifcretion ia
equally calculated to excite the difguft and indignation of every eftablifhed Sportfman in the field j that ridiculous vanity of try- ing the fpeed and opprefling the fpiiit of your horfe, in racing with every fympa- thetic competitor; and it would be very extraordinary in fo numerous a company, if one fool was long deprived the pleafure of finding a companion. At the conclufion of the chace, whether the death of a fox or the taking of the deer, numerous temptations prefent themfelves to the young and inexperienced Sportfman, even in the Y 4 infancy |
infancy of his initiation -} while encounter*
ing the various propositions of the company, fufpended in opinion between the prevalence qf inclination and power of confiftency. Previous to the remarks I proceed to
make, it i> not inapplicable to introduce one obfervation relative to a termination of the diftincT: chaces I have juft had occafion to mention ; for though the former muft be candidly acknowledged proportionally fevere in its courfe, it is by no means comparative jn its duration His Majesty's Red Deer, under the acknowledged excellence of their prefent eftablifhment, exceed in the length of their runs all former remembrance, an4 almoft every conception of thole unac-» quainted with the fubjecl:; from three to four hours may be candidly confidered the average of each chace, with deer in high condition j at the conclufion of which, it is no uncommon circumftance to he twenty, jive and twenty, or thirty miJeS from home, or the place of turning out. This is the period when every imprudent
or impatient rider fhould exert his judgment to difcover the ftate of his hqrfe and regulate |
Ms proceedings accordingly j horfes are never
fo perfectly at eafe as in their own fables. Which they ftiould attain with all poffible convenience. There are numbers who (with- out at all adverting to the length of the chace, or their diftance from home^) may be conftantly obferved eagerly enquiring the neareji way to the firft houfe of ptrblic ac- commodation, making what converts they Can by example ; where, without a reference to contingencies, horfes in fuch ftate are raihjy configned to the unfullied care and incejfant Attention of the immaculate ostler, (if the premifes are enabled to produce one) when they are ordered to be " well cleaned," *c properly fed," and ,c fufficiently watered." This important truft (for fuch it certainly is when thoroughly investigated) is thus dele- gated to an inferior power, that is perhaps in five minutes unavoidably compelled to aban- don it, and accept of zfecond or third, which may be no more in his power to execute. Thus the commiffion is going on, while the happy inadvertent owners are gratifying their appetites and drowning their cares in all the luxuries of the manlion; indulging iheir vanity in a recital of their perfonal ex- ploits, |
ploits, and an alternate defcription of the
difficulties they had iurmounted in the feve- rities of the chace. To thofe in the laudable habits of a differ-
ent pra&ice, animadverfion upon the danger becomes fuperfluous j but as there are thofe* who it is impoffible to convince of their er- rors, till repentance comes too late, it may prove no unfeafonable admonition to declare, from this kind of treatment only, I have been a witnefs to repeated infiances, where the horfes have never been brought again out of the ftable, but in woeful proceffion to the Collar Makerst who had purchafed their hides. The ftripping of a horfe to drefs him in
a comfortlefs liable, with every pore of the frame relaxed to its utmoft extenfion, and the additional happy introduction of a pail of cold water (as moft applicable to the convenience of the ojiler or his deputy) has been the deftru&ion of more horfes in dif- ferent ways, than ever fuffered by the longed and moft terrible runs when rode with dif- cretion. So much ha« been repeatedly in-
troduced |
troduced upon the repulfion of perfpirative
matter, from the furface to the different parts of the frame, that not a (ingle line can be required in elucidation of fo clear a part of the fubjecT:. Steady and attentive obfervance has, years
fince, convinced me of the inconiiftency of approaching a houfe of this kind in. the gene- ral hurry and confufion, with any hope of obtaining the requifite attendance your horfe may prove in need of j a diffident applicant may ftand his hour unnoticed, and his gentle requefls unanfwered, while thofe fortunately poffefied of unbounded confidence and fashion- able effrontery may probably fucceed in their applications. It is therefore much more com- mendable to pafs gently on with your horfe to a houfe whofe prefent engagements are not fo numerous, which may generally be found In a few miles of your way homeward ; here you become fo much the objecl: of attention, that you almoft obtain in anticipation what you could not before acquire by the mod humble entreaty. This anfwers your pur- pofe perhaps in another refpedt, as your horfe wijl have become cool and proper for what attention
attention you find it neceffary to beflow j f°r
no horfe whatever, after a fevere run, mould be placed in a liable, or fuffered to fland ftill, till the encreafed velofity of the blood and the confequent perfpiration had gradually fubfided to its former temperance. When your place of temporary conveni-
ence is obtained, let it be only thirty or forty minutes at mofl, for the following purpofes of evacuation and nutrition: See that the liable and the flail in that liable are made as near the warmth of your own as circum- flances will permit; let the bridle be taken off, a handful of fweet hay thrown before him, the girths flackened, and the faddle jujl loojened only from the back, to which it may adhere clofely by the long continued perfpi- ration ; let a fheet (or fuch fabflitute as the place affords) be thrown over his hind quar- ters, and the litter be plentifully fpread under his belly, to excite a falutary difcharge oi urine, (by this time much wanted) obferving that he flales without difficulty, and difplays no figns of flranguary; if fo, they muft be attended to in the manner defcribed in the former volume, mould nature be tardy in her own
own relief and the violence of fymptoms
increafe. Procraftinate any wants of your own,
and make up the deficiencies of the day in the extra comforts of the evening -3 this will infure you the exquifite fenfation arifing from an acl of juftice and humanity. -De- pend upon no pompous inflructions for the doubtful fupply of warm water neceffary to your purpofe or intention: divefl yourfelf of the rank folly of falfe confequence, and at- tend to the immediate procuration j examine its proper warmth, and be yourfelf the trufty fuperintendant, unlefs the favours of fortune and the fidelity of your fervant have luckily placed you above the neceflity of perfonal attendance. So foon as he has ftakd, let his head be well rubbed with part of a foft hay band, and thoroughly cleanfed with the brum; draw his ears repeatedly through the hands, all which will prove perfectly refresh- ing. The legs fhould be alfo well rubbed down with double whifps, to prevent an ob- struction of the pores, or flifFnefs from accu- mulated dirt and perforation. |
This done, let a moderate feed of the beft
corn your local granary affords, be thrown into the manger, and the door of the ftable immediately clofed. Having thus confcienti- oufly difcharged the incumbent office of gratefulfprotedtion; embrace the few minutes you have to fpare in obtaining for yourfelf, what little refrefhment nature ftands in need of. Let no inducement whatever from more unthinking companions, attracl your atten- tion from the ftate of your horfe to the cir- culation of the bottle j if once you fuffer your fober judgment to relax from what fliould be the invariable maxim of your perfe- verance, you know not where the indifcre- tion ends j one fingle ftep of deviation from the line of prudence and propriety, frequently introduces a thoufand more to promote con- trition. Upon ample demonftration, that everf
horfe, fupported in a domeftic ftile, has as fervent an attachment to his own ftall as his mafter to his own bed, and - will mofl cheer- fully encounter (if necefTary) much additi- onal fatigue to attain it; there is no doubt but it is highly commendable to bridle him |
fo foon as his corn is finimed, and take him
gently home, provided the diftance is not too great, to prevent a comfort fo truly defirable to both the horfe and his rider. In this recommendation I feel myfelf per- fectly juftified, not only upon the experi- mental advantage of frequently taking my horfe (in the way I have delcribed) upwards of twenty miles to his own ftall, which has been my invariable practice for more than twenty years, but the flattering gratification to obferve many of my friends as regularly follow the example. No infedious folicitations, that fo con-
stantly feduce others to an immediate partici- pation of table comforts, ever have the moft trifling weight in the fcale of my deter- mination j dedicated entirely to the fafety of my horfe, no moment is unneceffarily wafted till he is " rewarded according to his deferts," and fafely lodged in his own {ta- ble, beyond the probable reach of danger; where, upon his arrival, (whether after a long or fhort return from either a fevere or mode- rate chace) the mode of management is criti- cally the fame; his legs and feet are not only
only inftantly warned with warm water, but
in fo doing, the neceftary infpe&ion made, whether the moft trifling injuries have been fuftained by over-reaches, ftubs, or in lace- rations between hair and hoof; while this is doing, a portion of hay is thrown before him, and immediately after a pail of water* flightly warm, to allay the violent thirft al- ways occafioned by long and fevere chaces* The ufual ceremony of dreffing, feeding* oiling, flopping, and other minutise of the flable is then gone through; too fyftemati- cally and generally underflood to require » iingle line in explanation. A perfevcrance in this rigidity of flable
difcipline and attention, unbiaffed by the perfuafion or example of others, will always infure you the fuperiority of condition it* the field; under the pleafing fenfation of your horfe being at home, and completely taken care of; when others, lefs confider- ate, or lefs humane, are commencing * ■wretched journey of ten, fifteen, or twenty miles in a dreary winter's evening; of what is nearly upon a parallel of inconfift" ency, permit them to remain in a flrangs |
(and perhaps cold and uncomfortable) fta-
ble, to be badly fed and worfe looked af- ter. But let it be either one or the other, refulting confequences are much the fame; the porous fyftem is affected in a greater or lefs degree, the coat becomes rough, and unhealthy, bearing the appearance of hide-bound, and the perfpirative matter thus compulfively returned upon the circu- lation without abforptionj muft evidently foon appear to affect the eyes, lungs, or glandular parts; to the certain hazard of blindnefs, afihma, broken wind, or fome one of the contingent ills fo repeatedly alluded to in various parts of this> as well as our former volume* Respecting the article of Feeding, va-
rious opinions are entertained, and perhaps no fmall number of thofe regulated by pecuniary confiderations; it is, however* univerfally admitted, that Hunters require a more extraordinary fupport than many horfes of different denominations; but the particular reafon why extra fupport be- comes fo immediately neceffary, is a mat- ter but little underwood by thofe not Vol. IP. Z much
much fubject to abftrufe reafoning or remote
conviction. It has been repeatedly proved under the
article of Exercise and its effects, that a want of action (when properly fupplied with food) overloads not only the frame with aliment, but the circulation with a fuperflux of nutrition; it muff therefore evidently appear, by parity of reafoning, that great and conftant exertions in the chace rauil neceffarily exhauft the fluids by per- fpiration, as the contents of the interlines by evacuation; and unlefs the iyftem is fufHciently fupplied with nutritious, refto- rative, and healthy aliment (the beft in its kind) for the due fupport of thefe frequent difcharges, impoverimed blood, lofs of fiefh, dejected fpirit, and bodily debili- tation, muff prove the inevitable confe- quence. After the rnoft. attentive obfervation I
have been able to beftow for a number of years, cultivating an anxious defire to difco- ver the proper criterion of fupport and gra- tification for horfes of this defcription, v/ha are
HUNTE R S. 339
Sre fair feeders, and do their work well;
I could never find that a lefs portion than, feven pecks or two buihels of corn, and two trufs (one hundred weight) of hay, per week, would keep them up to a proper degree of flrength and appearance. This is the leaft quantity of either^ that any horfe of my own confumes in the hunting feafon j which allowance will conftitute fome en- tertainment, in contrail with the weekly fubfiftence of thofe metropolitan ftables, fo particularly alluded to in page 199 of the work before us. In this calculation, the reader muft be informed, there is no conditional reference or allufion to horfes of tveak appetites, that are off their food with every trifling exertion, or extra fatigue; they are by no means entitled to a frail in the flable of an experienced fportfman, who* when fuch accidentally fall into his poffef- fion, will undoubtedly foon extricate him- *^lf from the incumbrance without the lead ^cefiity for my recommendation. Water is fo equally and efTentially re-
°iuifite to the very exiltence of life, and
Performance of every function, that it be-
Z 2 conies
comes entitled to a proper degree of con-
sideration j but knowing (from the very nature of the enquiry) how little attention would be paid to a tedious and defultory diffufion of matter, upon the different kinds of water, their properties, the mine- ral particles they contain, the diftindt flrata through which they run and become im- pregnated as they pafs, with their pro* bable or poffible effects upon the constitu- tions of horfes, would lead us again into a very extenfive and unentertaining field of phylical difquifition, that we wifh by no means to renew, unlefs it could tend to enlighten the fubjedt or improve the judgment. In an attempt to fucceed ef- fectually in either, Bracken muft be eventually cited to juftify one affertion, Clarke to demonstrate another j the fum total of all which, could amount only to an accumulation of conjecture refpe&ing Jlane, gravel, and Jirangury, without any thing being poiitively afcertained, by a ca- talogue of conditional fuppofitions, founded upon the various properties of differeat waters, according to the foils through which
which they run, or from whence they are
extracted. In fad!:, fuch accurate investigation has
been made by Mr. Clarke of this fub- jecl:, that it abfolutely precludes every pof- fibility of introducing a fingle line in ad- dition, without the appearance of plagia- rism ; but with due deference to his good intent, and true phyfical diStin&ion, I can- not but conceive, that fo general a defcrip- tion of the different kinds of water will afford but little Satisfaction to thofe who are inevitably compelled to abide by the local properties of .their own country, without the bare poflibility of an alterna- tive. Taking this circumftance into confeder-
ation, I think it can be only neceffary to take up the Subject upon a general ground j merely to introduce fuch few remarks up- on the quantity and quality of water, as is evidently moft applicable to the Jiate, con- dition, and purpofe of thofe horfes whofe Situation, circumilances, or fluctuations of Z 3 weather, |
weather, render their watering in the ftabfe
a bufinefs totally unavoidable. I have in different parts of my former
volume, faid what then became applicable upon this fubject j but we now proceed, a few fieps farther, in elucidation of any deficiency; and the more particularly as. our remarks conflitute a link of continuity to the prefent chain of inflruclion. It can never have efcaped the attention of the moft fuperficial obferver, what a wonderful change is aim oft inftantaneoufly produced in the appearance and fenfations of a horfe, by a gratification of thirft in well or pump wa- ter, but more particularly if given in the liable cold and in the winter feafon. In moft horfes a violent fhivering and flaring of the coat immediately fucceed, and con- tinue more or lefs without intermirlion; thofe conftantly fupplied in this manner having always a coat nearly of two colours,, (that is, one half ftanding on end, and the Other part fmooth) difplaying a. fcurfy dufty hue at the bottom, evidently the effed: of a repeated collapfion of the porous fyftem and frequent obftrudlion of infenfibleperfpiration. * T? |
To prevent, by every poffible means, the
hazard of fuch inconvenience as muft evi- dently enfue from treatment fo highly impro- per j horfes mould invariably, when the fea- fons and the ftate of thofe feafons will per- mit, be watered abroad at either pond or pool of foft and well meltered water; as greatly preferable to the harfh and chilling frigidity of thofe we have defcribed. But even in this mode, a horfe fhould never be per- mitted to glut himfelf to the leaft degree of fatiety ; for having no regulator but ap- petite, no guide but inclination, they very frequently (under management of the inad- vertent and inconfiderate) drink to an ex- cefs, occafioning the moll: excruciating pain, and no trifling degree of danger and dif- quietude. Six or kven quarts need never be exceeded to horfes of this clafs at one time, and that as regularly divided in re- fpecl: to the equal arrangement cf time as circumftances will permit; to be repeated twice in twenty-four hours, at nearly the diftance of twelve from each other, to avoid the frequent folly of having water twice in about eight hours, remaining sixteen without.. Z 4 When
When the feverity of the weather, as
rain, froji, or fnow, prevents horfes of this defcription from being watered in fuch way ; the only prudent alternative (to a^ void every inconvenience) is to furntfh them ivitb fbft water from fuch receptacles in the flable, either in its natural ftate, or with the chill taken off, as the feafon and circumftances may require; letting the fubjecl almoft immediately undergo a brifk bruming over for a quarter of an hour or more, to enliven the circulation and pre- vent the difagreeable fenfations of rigor and the effecl: of obftrucled perfpiration. It now becomes neceffary we revert once
more to the fubjecft of exercise ; upon the utility of which, we have already en- larged, under its diftindl head, and from its numerous advantages and indifpenfible neceflity, cannot, in facl:, be afraid of in- troducing too much j it is the very foun- tain of health, appetite, and invigoration, without which, a horfe can never be ade- quate to the purpofe intended. Proper exercife for horfes, denominated hunters, and appropriated to no other ufe, mould be
be almoft invariable refpedting manner,
length of time and diftancej though it muft be univerfally known fuch circum- fiance becomes greatly dependent upon the feafon of the year, the ftate of the weather, the feverity of the preceding chace, and the condition of the horfe. Under fuch certain and unavoidable fluc-
tuation, conditional inftrudions only can be admitted -, fubjed as they muft ever remain to the contingencies of inevitable diversification. Horfes on the intervening days, during ih&jirji and loft weeks of each feafon, when the days are long and feafons mild, fhould be taken out twice a day; for inftance, from eight to nine in the morning, and from four to five in the after- noon ; giving them their proper portion of water at fuch pond or pool of foft water as is moft remarkable for its falubrious pro- perties in the neighbourhood of refidence. Let the exercife be moderate, and equally divided before and after the water; re- membering, as already obferved, to regulate the length and Jirength of the exercife by the condition of the horfe. If
If he is of high fpirit, and fo much above
his work, that he encreafes in flefh, indica- ting the leaft difplay of foulnefs from re- pletion, let his exercife be proportionally extended 5 on the contrary, if the fubjec"t is of flender conflitution, lax habit, light in the carcafe, and weak ' appetite, the digef- tive powers muft be confequently deficient, and proceedings regulated accordingly; be- coming entirely dependent upon circum- ilances and judicious fuper-intendance. In what I term the four centrical months
of the hunting feafon, when the days are exceedingly fhort, and the weather fevere j the mode of exercife muft be varied, and rendered fubfervient to the changes that oc- cur j taking them out at fuch times as iKjiy be found moft convenient under diffi- culties that frequently arife. The rule, however, befr. adapted to general practice in favourable weather, is to let them have their exercife at. once, and that in the middle of the day, between or from the hours of eleven to one; equally avoiding the chilling fogs of the morning, and damps of the evening: having it always in re- membrance, |
membrance, that when prevented (by the
continuance of inceffant rain, or deep fall of fnow upon^the ground) from taking them out at all, their dreffings are increas- ed, and patiently perfevered in, to enliven the circulation, promote the fecretions and evacuations, as the only fubftitute for the more fubftantial advantage of regular ex- ercife. It is a cafe too frequently obferved, and
indeed almofl generally known, that the horfes of Gentlemen are fometimes un- luckily fubjedr, in all weathers, to a part of their exercife at the door of an obfcure ale- boufe; for however hofpitable may be the manfion of the mafter, ftiil the prevalence of " damned custom" has rendered it fo predominant, it is in a certain degree fafhionable with thofe faithful and trufly fervants, who, pofleffing neither innate principle nor perfonal gratitude, render the moft valuable property of their employers dangeroufly fubfervient to the paltry incon- fiftency and gratification of their own in- clinations. |
Having omitted, upon the fubjccl: of dif-
eafed eyes, to introduce a matter of opi- nion that mould have appeared with more propriety under the article of " Shoeing," and frequent ill ufage of Smiths; I am induced to fubmit it to consideration before I take leave of the fubject before us. It is what I have ever thought a too unjuftifiable and great exertion of ftrength, In the ufe and twirl of the twitch, when a horfe is put into that excruciating Hate of coercion for (hoeing, or any other ope- ration. In this extremity of pain and hu- miliation, the eyes are frequently obferved agitated, even to the expulfion of tears, from the great irritability, and greater fli- mulation of the nervous fyftem; this is lb feldom regulated by the falutary inter- pofition of judgment, humanity, and difcre- tion, that I fhall ever retain doubts, from the obfervations I have made, whether va- rious defe&s in the eyes, or a paralytic Hate of the optic nerves, may not be very com- monly produced by fuch means, when at- tributed to more remote caufes. |
[ 349 ]
ROAD HORSES ARE thofe in general performing the moft
laborious work, and many of them enjoying the leaft accurate attention of any in the kingdom. It is in fact matter of furprife, that a part of the fpecies conftituting the very bafis and fupport of inland com- merce, the only means of expeditious travel- ling, and the advantages of general conveni- ence in bufinefs and pleafure, mould be fo cruelly neglected, or indifferently treated, as may be plainly perceived (without the eyes of Argus) in almoft every inn and a va- riety of private flables in every part of Eng- land. Under this defcription come by much the
greater part of all the horfes in conftant ufe; as it includes carriage horfes ef every kind, roadfters and hacks, whether of gen- tlemen, TRADESMEN, or TRAVELLERS (commonly called riders); all which con- ftitute an infinity, as well in the metropolis as every part of the country. A very great proportion
proportion of thefe derive fo little fupport
from the ocular inJpeSiion and perfonal care of their riders or drivers j that if the fecret interpofition of Providence did not influence a greater degree of affiftance in their favour, than thofe generally do who mould be their protectors, more poverty and bodily deftruc- tion muft inevitably enfue. Rules for felecling horfes in purchafe arc
fo plainly inculcated in the early part of the former volume, that they claim no part of our prefent attention; management, with fuch hints only as appertain to the tuition of young and inexperienced travellers, will form the fum total of arrangement under this head* It would prove matter of aflo« nifliment to thofe not intimately acquainted with the general ftate, condition, and accom- modation of horfes, what labour they exe- cute, the incredible difficulties they fur- mount, the inceffant fatigue they patiently endure, and the little they fubfift on in the hands of hundreds, who feel no paffion but gain, no pride but infenfibility. The horfes paffing under the denomina-
tion |
tion of road horses are fo exceedingly
numerous of the different kinds, that a dif- tindt mode of treatment for each particular fort, would be extending the fubject to a length beyond the wifli and expectation of every reader. Such feledlion may therefore be made from the general advice, as the en- quirer may find moll applicable to the ftate of his horfe and the purpofe of his appro- priation ; though the inftruclions may be confidered as more confidently adapted to faddle and light carriage horfes, than thofe employed in heavy machines, road waggons^ and the inferior vehicles in conftant ufe. Previous to farther embarkation upon that
part of the fubjecl:, it may not prove inappli- cable to take an oblique furvey of thofe pub- lic receptacles known by the appellation of inns; originally intended and admirably cal- culated for the convenience and accommo- dation of travellers, but unfortunately, like many other inftitutions of general utility, per- verted to the word of purpofes -, having be- come fo numerous (for the advantage of their licenced contribution to government) that they find it convenient to practice every de- gree |
gree of impofition and every fpecies of adul-
teration, upon the plaufible plea of ftate ne- ceffity and felf-prefervation. Of thefe houfes there are in fact but two
diftinct kinds, that fall within the neceffary circumfpection and remembrance of the tra- veller, for they are generally in the oppofitc extreme; the accommodations of one clafs are hofpitable, generous, humane, and eonfci* entious; the other, execrable to every excite- ment of indignation. While the former are exerting every nerve to acquire fubfiftencc and obtain approbation, with honefty and unfullied reputation -, the latter are deriving indiferiminate fupport by every degree of deception without doors, and every fpe- cies of pecuniary oppreffion within. Ser- vants, it is a maxim, foon acquire the virtues or vices of their employers, if they indulge! a wifh to retain their fituations j and upon the truth of that ancient adage, " birds of a feather flock together," where you find the wiih to pleafe predominant in the matter oi miftrefs, you immediately obferve fympathe- tic afliduity in their dependents; and this re- mark will hold good, with very few eX" ceptions.
tepiions, in almofi: every inn from Yarmouth
in Norfolk, to the land's end in Cornwall. Under this eftablifhed truth, it is alfo an
additional facT:, that while the very refpecT:- able clafs, whofe integrity I applaud, and whofe affiduity the public perceive and pro- tect $ are obtaining the very beft corn and hay that can be confumed upon the premifes, Without refpect to the price of purchafe; not more from a defire to promote their hourly encreafing reputation, than to gratify the happy fenfation of inherent probity j the lat- ter are conflantly procuring the hay and corn only, that can be purchafed at the very Lowest Price, without a relative consider- ation to quality, confcience, or reputation. Happy for the owners, much more happy
for the fatigued and dejected horfes, if either pofTeiTed the good fortune or fagacity, to dis- cover the internal comforts by external ap- pearance ; nor can I conceive it would be bad policy in the very great numbers who conftantly travel, if they were to obtain by petition to parliament a legal injunction, that the sign without fhould be ftri&ly emble- Vol, II, A a imtic
matic of the treatment within ; and thefe not correfponding, mould be puniflied with the lofs of licence upon refpe&able information. As it is, influenced by the power of exter- nal purity, we enter the gates of " an An- gel," and in a few minutes repentantly per- ceive we have been induced to encounter a Devtl, Where we are taught to expedt meeknefs from " the Lamb," we fre- quently find the ferocity of a Lion. At the «« head of a King," we meet accommo- dations for a Cobler. At a Castle, the manners of a Cottage. At the Rose, we are furrounded with Thorns j and at the White Raven, we difcover a Rook. Returning however from a flight digreffion
to the fubjedt in agitation, I muft confefs, ostlers are a very ufeful body of men indi- vidually confidered; but long experience and attentive obfervation have rendered it an in- variable rule with me, to adopt the good old maxim of " never trusting them farther than Pcan fee them -," and this upon the recollection of a falfe manger having been difcovered at a principal inn in the town of my nativity, in the days of juvenility j and the correfpond- ing |
ing declaration of a legerdemain adven-
turer (at that time moft applicably in exhibition) whofe falutary caution I have ever retained : "Look sharp, for if your eyes are not quicker than my hands I mall cer- tainly deceive you." This is a fpecies cf de- ception fo conftantly pradlifed, and fo hap- pily enjoyed by the performers, that I make it an invariable rule (by perfonal attendance) to fhield myfelf from the mortifying reflec- tion of £0 much imposition upon my pocket or my underftanding. It mould be confidered that road horses
of every denomination are, from their con- ftant work and great utility, entitled to a pro- portional degree of care and attention with the moft valuable horfes in the kingdom; for though it is by no means necefTary (but evidently improper) they fhould be in the fame high ftate of condition as horfes appro- priated to the higher fpheres of racing and hunting; yet there is a certainfyftematic uni- formity in their mode of treatment, that re- gularly adhered to, will prove equally advan- tageous with one clafs, as the almoft unbound- ed circumfpection fo earneftly recommended with the other. A a 2 For
For inftance, very warm ftables and 2
profufion of body cloths are to be avoided, with horfes that are neceffarily deftined to enter a variety upon the road in conftant tra- velling 5 encountering the extremes of heat and cold, the indifference of aliment, the va- rious kinds of water, and different modes of treatment. Many of thefe, although not in. the immediate need of fuch large portions of nutrimfnt as thofe in the h ioit of more violent exertions j yet they are entitled to all the ufeful minutiae of (table difcipline, that fo clearly contribute to the prefervation of health, in horfes of a fuperior defcription. Horfes coming under the denomination of
road horses, or common hacks in occa- fional excurfions and diurnal domeftic em- ployment, will fupport themfelves in good ftate (with moderate gentle work) upon three feeds of corn ; on the contrary, horfes of every kind, in conftant work and exer- tions of magnitude, (as inceffant journeying, or travelling pod) muft be fupplied, at leaft, with a peck of corn a day. Large and ftrong carriage horfes irt perpetual work, |
will require confiderably more, or become
emaciate, by lofs of flefh in frequent per- fpiratio. Thefe rules are offered as a kind of gc; aral Itandard; they muft, however, remain fobjecl to the conditional regulations of thiols who become individually interefted in the event. There are numerous caufes to be align-
ed why horfes conftantly ufed in travel- ling (particularly in the winter) and fubjecl to all the viciffitudes of different ftablins upon the roads, naoftly bear the appear- ance of invalids, and look fo very dif- ferent from thofe kept under a fyftematic and invariable mode of management in pri- vate ftables. The degrees of deception, and various ills they have to encounter in many inns, are abfolutely incredible, to thofe un- acquainted with the arts in fafhionable prac- tice; the deftructive negligence of Oflkrs, the badnefs of hay, the hardnefs of pump wa- ter, and what is ftill more to be lamented, the scarcity op corn, render it a matter of aftoniftiment how they are enabled to per- form journies of fuch an amazing extent as they are perpetually deftined to. A a 3 By
By way of prelude to the inftru&ions I
conceive requifite, to form the mind of every young and inexperienced traveller j it cannot be confidered inapplicable to Strengthen the inculcation by a fhort re- cital of an introductory fact that not long fince occurred in the neighbourhood of my prefent refidence : Where a farmer enjoyed his moiety of land at a very eafy rent, under an excellent landlord, and no immoderate oppreffion from parochial taxes j and though he was univerfally known to be an honeft induftrious man, yet repeated harvejls pro- duced nothing but additional deficiences j in fhort, circumftances became annually more and more contracted, till dire necessity compelled him to relinquish both land and habitation, without having it in his power to accufe Providence of severity, or him-? felf of NEGLECT.
He was foon fucceeded, at an advanced
rent, by a man who was equally honeft, iober, and induftrious with himfelf; who continued plodding on under the happy confolatipn of finding every harveft produce additional gain and accumulation of profit. As
As fame is feldom erroneous in this parti-
cular, his predeceflbr hearing of his fuccefs, under a confiderable advance of rent j took the liberty of calling upon him, with a blunt but honeft apology " for afking fo impertinent a queftion; but it was, to be in- formed how he, who had the firm at a much eafier rent, could not even pay that rent and fubfift his family with all his care and ceconomy; while his fuccerTor was not only evidently doing this, but daily increas- ing his flock from the fuperflux ?" When the other replied, that the whole art of his fuccefs and improvement of the premifes, eonfifted in nothing more than an invariable adherence to two words and their confe- quence; that when his predeceflbr held the farm, a too implicit confidence in and reli- ance upon his fervants led him into unex- pected and invisible lofles. You, fays he, always ordered your dependents to " Go" and do this, that, or the other j my plan is the very fame as yours in every other re- fpedl but this j from the firft hour of my coming into the farm it has been my con- ftant maxim to fay, " Let's go ;" the effe£l of which has evidently occasioned the very A a 4 wide |
wide difference between your circumftances
and mine. There certainly can be no doubt but the
farmer's excellent maxim fhould be a- dopted by all thofe who rely too much upon the affe&ed diligence of qftkrst and pretended fidelity of fervants jj without a fingle confiflent reflection upon the caufe of their approaching every day nearer to po- verty . For my own part, I am not at all afhamed to acknowledge, if my horfes are in higher condition as to external ap- pearance, Stronger in the chace, or more refpe&able upon the road than my neigh- bours, it is only to be attributed to the admirable admonition of "let's go," un- der which incredible advantage of perfonai fuperintendance I become fecurity for the certain execution of my own orders. This to the inattentive or inconsiderate,
may favor too ftrong of rigidity, and feem striking too much at the characters of fervants in general; however, the more prudent and difcriminating will know in what degree to admit the exception, con-* eluding there may be fome entitled to a proper
proper extenfion of confidence; though taken in the aggregate, the proportion is fo exceedingly inferior, that well-bought Experience amply juflifies me in the o- pinion, that the greater number of depend- ents there are retained in any one family, (however fmall the fcale, or extenfive the eflablifhment,) the more the employer be- comes the hourly prey of plunder and im- polition. Habituated to a belief of this fad, which
it is beyond the power of either argu- ment or fophiftry to difprove 5 I have long held in retention two excellent maxims (o- riginally from high authority) that confti- tute a ufeful trio, in conjundtion with the emphatical precept of the farmer. That of " never putting off till to-morrow what can be done to-day j" or, «« letting an- other do for you, what you can do for yourfelf." Thefe rules conditionally ad- hered to, as much as circumftances, fitu- tion, and relative confederations will ad- mit; would, I believe, have faved from ruin, thousands who have been depre- dated by the villainy of fervants, and now lament,
lament, in the raoft diftrefling indigence,
their former inadvertency. Thefe admonitions are introduced merely
as a mirror worthy the accurate infpe&ion and remembrance of thofe inconfiftent be- ings, who, difmounting at the different inns upon a journey, give their confe- quential inftrudtions to an oftler, or perhaps a Jiable boy, and never condefcend even, to look upon the poor animal again, till neceflarily produced for the continuance of his journey, at the end of twelve, twenty- four, or eight and forty hours. This almoft incredible infenfibility and felf-importance, brings to memory the pompofity of a me- dical ftudent frefti from the trammels of hofpital attendance, and ledlures upon Os- teology j whofe head was fo replete with anatomical phrafeology, that his mouth was never permitted to open but in a difplay of profeflional ability. For riding into one of the principal inns, in the firft town in the county, and alighting from a poney of fmall dimenfions ; he vociferoufly reiterated the appellation of " Ostler 1" « Sir !" " diveft my horfe of his integuments /" Of
Of the felf-fame dignity was poor
Wignell, an inferior attor, but " jlock King," of Covent Garden Theatre for many years ; whofe ftage confequence became fo habitual to him, he could never be diverted of it in the moft trifling occurrences of common life. At the conclufion of the winter feafon, when making his itinerant excurfion to join a company in the coun- try for the fummer ; he difmo tinted at an inn upon the road, and ordering proper proportions of corn and water for the Bucephalus on which he rode, enjoyed himfelf moft luxurioufly upon the beft to be produced. When fatiate with good living, he depofited his pecuniary compen- sation, and fallying forth, exclaimed moft theatrically for the " Ostler " who appearing, the gueft approached him with his whip clenched in his hand (in the manner of a truncheon, like the Ghoft in Hamlet,) ftill continuing to call upon the "Ostler." The oftler recovering from the firft furprife, ventured, after fome trifling hefitation, to anfwer, but with doubt and difmay, " Sir !" " When my Jteedhzs put a period to his provender, produce him." This
This was a thunder ftroke to a man little
read in Jcripture, and a ftranger to he- roics, particularly when accompanied with tragic emphasis and elocution. John not knowing, and not being able to divine the meaning of this majeftic injunction, fcratched his head, and tremblingly re- echoed, "Si, Si,r 1" «« When my Jieed has put a period to his provender, produce him." " Upon my foul, Sir, I don't know what you mean 1" " Why, you fcoundrel! when my horfe has eat his corn, bring him out of the ftable." Whether he had re- ally been put in pofleffion of any corn at all, was a matter of no personal con- cern to poor Wignell, provided he had the immaculate affurance of the 0/?- ler, that it was all confumed ; and this, it is much to be regretted, is the invari- able cuflom of numbers, who deftitute of the finer feelings, and perfect flrangers to the enlivening rays of humanity, are open to no other fenfation, than the pre- dominant gratification of felf-prefervation. Returning, however, to the management
©f Road Horses, whether on a journey of
of continuance, or in their daily work at
home, and refident in their own ftables, the fame care and attention are equally neceffary -, I have ever (feelingly) found, servants at home require the fame cir- cumfpe&ion and fuperintendance as Ost- lers abroad; and happy that man, if one there ist who through life has had well- founded reafon to be of a different opi- nion ; if fo, he is entitled to my beft congratulations, for pofTeffing fo valuable a novelty. Horfes of this defcription have every
claim with others to the fame regularity of ftable difcipline ; they mould be at all times as equally prepared for a journey, as their fuperiors for the chace ; the faddle has as great' a right to be complete and fit eafy, and the £hoes to be as firm as the firft hunter in the kingdom. They are at all times entitled to fubftantial dref- fing, good foft water, and proper exercife; their legs and heels to be well warned from dirt, and rubbed dry, in the winter feafon; their feet to be picked, flopped, and hoofo oiled, at all feafons of the year; and
and their hay and corn as methodically
given, and as good in its kind (if poffi- ble to be obtained, which in molt inns it is not) as to thofe of fuperior qualificati-' ons. And thefe peculiar attentions become the more neceffary, if the owner, from that innate monition that is an ornament to human nature -3 or the prevalence of famion in external appearance, wifhes him to move with pleafure to himfelf, and credit to his mafter. There are various matters of general
concern, that require a little animadver- fion: Firft, the indifcreet act of riding a horfe to the end of his journey in a ftate of violent perfpiration, to be then led a- bout in the hams of an Ofller, till he cools-j and this at all times of the year, without the leaft refpect to feafons. The abfurdity is fo palpable, under the defined effect of obftructed perfpiration fo repeat- edly introduced, that an additional line is not required upon the fubject: But that the inconfiftency of fuch practice may more forcibly affect thofe who perfevere only from inadvertency, and others who are
are fufficiently humble to imbibe inftruc-
tion; let it be perfectly understood, that any man riding very faft, without a fub- ftantial reafon, is never by the impartial JpeSiator taken for a King or a Conjuror. But left my unfupported opinion mould
have no weight with fuch Highflying gentry, I beg to advance a fenfible remark of a neighbouring friend (very recently made) who, in ferious converfation, af«. fured me, " he never faw a man gallop into or out of a town, but he was clearly convinced, the horfe was not his own, or the rider was either a fool or a madman." To this very fair and candid inference, I am induced to add another corroboration of public opinion, upon what they con- ceive the raoft ftriking proof of their cou- rage and refpedtability. An old farmer within three miles of my own reudence, having difrniffed a brother of the faculty who formerly attended his family, gave me this very concife reafon for fo doing j " I did not chufe he mould attend my fa- mily any longer, for he always rides fo faft* I am fure he never thinks." Is it poffible,
poffible, can it be hardly credible, that any
rational compofition, after giving thefe truths (that have fallen from old and ex- perienced obfervers) a moment's reflec- tion, will ever lay himfelf open to the feverity of farcafms, or rather juft con- temptuous reproofs, that inftantly confti- tute him a fool or a madman in the eye« of all the world ? Under confiderations of fo much weight, I can have but little doubt that every random traveller, (not totally callous to the dictates of prudence and difcretion) to whofe rumination thefe hints may become fubfervient; will, in future, diveft himfelf of his Prostatic furor, and conclude his ftage or journey by fuch gradual declination of fpeed for the laft two or three miles, as may bring his horfe tolerably cool into the proper re- ceptacle, without perfevering in a public proof of folly, always productive of danger and certain contempt. As it is fo evidently proper to ride a
hoffe very moderately at the conclufion of a journey, fo it muft prove equally neceflary at the beginning. When a horfe is brought out
Out of the liable with the ftomaeh and in*
teftines expanded with food and excrement^ he cannot encounter rapid exertion with- out much difficulty and temporary inconveni- ence, till the intefiinal accumulation is con- fiderably reduced and carried off by repeated evacuations j the work of digeftio'n mould alfo be gradually efFe&ed to relieve the fto- maeh, and take from the prefTure that muft Inevitably fall upon the lobes of the lungs* (reftraining their natural elafticity) under which the horfe muft move with a load of difquietude till fuch weight is progreffiveh/ removed* The certainty of this facT: every reader of*
no more than common fagacity will difcover* without further information from me j wheri I refer him to his recolledion, for the great difficulty a horfe encounters, when put into HASTY action, after receiving his por- tion of food and water, either at rriorningi noon, or night. From this remark directly branches another, equally worthy the confi- deration of travellers; that is^ the almoft uni~ Verfal abfurdity of giving, or rather order* mg their horfe* a pail of Gold water (ufually Vol. II. B b in
In inn yards from the pump) Jn the morning,
fometimes before, (which is ridiculous in the extreme) but generally immediately after they have fwallowed their corn ; upon an errone- ous fuppofition, that upon fuch jAccumula- ted stuffing, they will be enabled to fur- mount all the- difficulties of a long and fa- tiguing journey. Upon the inconfiftency of this practice, I
beg to appeal only to the unprejudiced re- membrance of thofe who haye unthinkingly adopted it j whether horfes thus loaded, do not travel for fome miles with the greatefl: feeming labour and inconvenience ? Admit- this pofition without a fingle exception, there cannot be a remaining doubt, but thofe horfes, commencing their journey almoft immediately after the ftomach becomes expanded with the accuftomed portion of hay and corn j had with much more propriety proceed a few miles gently on the road, and take their water at a foft standing pond, or pool, when the frame (by preceding evacuations) is more adapted to receive it. But even in this al- ternative, proper difcrimination is abfolutely neeeflary j for horfes, either on a journey of |
in common exercife, fhould never be per-
mitted to drink at all in Jharp Jhallow Jirearns, that run over a ruity gravel, or through a black peaty foil 5 they are equally harfh, and feldom or never fail to have a fevere effecT: upon the inteftinal canal, in producing fret or cholic in a greater or lefs degree, and fet- ting the coat by a fudden collapfion of the cutaneous pores in a few minutes after ufe. To enumerate the minutiae of manage-
ment, and bring it into a concife and fingle point of view, I heartily (and upon experi- mental proof of the advantage1) recommend every perfon upon a journey, whether long or Jhort, who takes up his temporary refidence at inns, to make it his invariable rule to SEE (by either himfelf or fervant) that his horfes are drejfed, fed, and watered; their heels wafhed, feet flopped, hoofs oiled, and his equipments or apparatus, whether for riding or driving, examined as to their fafety, every night or morning, if not at every ftage j perhaps the latter may always prove the moft eligible, forthofe who will compound at a very trifling degree of additional trou- B b 2 ble, |
ble, to avoid the: poffibility of unexpected
danger or difappointment. To infure the execution of all which, with
the Iefs reluctance on the part of your depend- ents, let it be ever predominant in the mind, " to do as you would be done unto;" libe- rality judicioufly exerted is the beft fecu- rity for a cheerful execution of your wifb.es. It fliould be forcibly impreffed upon the mind of every traveller, who wilh.es to become a gueft of refpectability, that " the labourer is worthy of his hire," and the- hope of re- ward fweetens labour. Upon the ostler, the waiter, and the chambermaid, depends not only your comfort but your fafety ; and it is fo completely in the junction of the trio, to render your armed chair eafy, or replete with the thorns of difquietude, that it will be not only neceffary you treat them with becoming civility, diverted of the dif- gufting pride of perfonal orientation; but take care to beftow fuch exprejjive marks of your approbation, as will fufficiently influ- ence them to confider you upon every future occafion, more the domeftie friend than the cafual flranger. In
In pecuniary compenfations of this kind
it is ridiculous to he, on the penurious fide of gratification ; a fingle Shilling very frequently, in their opinions, conftitutes the line of diftinction between « a gentleman" and ** A blackguard ;" then who would en- counter " The infolence of office, and the fpurns
" That patient merit of th'unworthy takes," when " a good name," with a profufion of
adulation, may be purchafed for fo paltry a consideration. In fhorr, although the ex- pences attendant upon the conveniences of fuch receptacles constitute a tax of enormity -, yet if you with to infure your own comfort, with the fafety of your horfe, you have no alternative but to confider them debts of ho- nour that mufl be paid. Before we bid adieu to the fubjedr. of road
horfes, it cannot prove inapplicable to intro- duce a few remarks upon the inconfiftency of warning the bodies of poft and ftage horfes all over with cold wafer, fo fooa as they a?e taken out of their harnefs, when in the high- en; ftate of perfpiration. This curiam is be- B b 3 come
come founrverfal, that we perceive its adoption
in almofi every inn yard of eminence through the kingdom: Thai I may, however, avoid the accufation of raftily condemning a practice fo numerouiiy fupported, I fhall only ftart fuch matters of opinion for due deliberation, as may more materially concern thofe inte- refted in the confequence. That is, whether it is pofiible to believe,
(after a moment's reflection) that a horfe who has gone ten, fifteen, or twenty miles with great exertion, and is brought in with the per- fpirable matter paffing off in ftreams -, can be completely plunged into a torrent of cold water, without at leaft the very great pro- bability of deftru&ive confequences, from in- ftantaneoufly clofing the cuticular pores, and inevitably locking up the whole mafs of fe- creted perfpirative matter in a ftate of tempo- rary ftagnation ? In this unnatural (hock the conftitution be-
comes the criterion of decifion, the whole af- pect depending entirely upon the ftate of the blood j if the horfe fhould be luckily free from, every trait of difeafe, and rather below than above
above himfelf in condition, difpkying a ftate
of purity in appearance, nature may under fuch favourable circumftances, prove herfelf adequate to the tafk of abforption, and it may be again received into the circulation, no ill confequences becoming perceptible : But fhould the vefFels have been before overload- ed, and the blood in a ftate of viscidity, very great danger muft inevitably enfue j for the perfpirative matter thus preternaturally thrown upon the circulation, after acquiring by its ftagnation a proportional tenacity, muft render the whole fyftem liable to fud- den inflammation upon increafing the blood's motion to the leaft degree of velocity. To the perfuafive force of thefe probable
effects, I have long fince become the greater convert, by attentively adverting to the great number of those horses that fo fuddenly drop dead upon the road, in the very next ftage after having undergone fuch unnatural ablution. To the rational or fcientific ob- ferver, the caufe of thefe deaths does not require a momentary inveftigation; the fyftem, of. CIRCULATION, DERIVATION, REPLE-
TION, and revulsion are too well under- B b 4 flood |
flood to heiitate a moment in pronouncing
fuch fudden deaths to be generally occasioned by the means already affigned : The phyfical procefs of which repulfion of perfpirativc matter, and its effe&s upon various habits, are too minutely explained under the heads of different difeafes, in many parts of our former volume, to render farther difquifition ?n the leaft neceffary. For my own part, ever open to intellectual
improvement and conftantly courting convic- tion, I moft anxioufly wifh to be informed, -through the channel of fyftematic impartia- lity, what can be hoped, ivrfhed, or. expetted from a proceeding fo entirely new ; that can? not be more confidently obtained by the ut- moft extent of friction properly perfevered in^ with the ufual modes of wisping, brush- ing, and gleaning, as in general ufe in aim oft every ftable of uniformity in the king- dom. Nor can I at all conceive, as every thing that can be required relative to condi- tion, labour, and appearance is to be effected by means divefted of danger j why fuch un- juftifkble modes need be brought into prac- |ice^ without a fingle confident idea to juftify their
their introduction for either improvement or
utility. Having formerly made fome few obferva-
tions upon the convenience of Public Repo- litories for the fale of horfes by audition; I am induced, from a recent difcovery, to add a lingie remark upon one of their local laws, indicative of great apparent probity in the proprietors of fuch receptacles, but replete with danger to thofe, who confign valuable horfes for fale, fhould the rules fo made be perfevered in. Since the publication of my former volume, a friend (upon my making an occafional journey to London) begged me to execute the comrniffion of felling a found live year old mare at one of the moll fafhion- able repolitories in the metropolis. Reaching London the day preceding the fale, and giv- ing my inftru&ions, I returned in the morn- ing, and after amufing myfelf upon different parts of the premifes, accidently approached' the pulpit j upon which was affixed literary information, " that perfons felling horfes warranted sound on a Monday were en- titled to the money on Friday, and thofe fo fold and warranted on a Thurfday might receive payment
payment on the following Monday; if in the
mean time fuch horfe or horfes were not re- turned as unsound." The palpable abfur- dity of proportions fo ridiculous and unjuft iniiantly deranged all my premeditated plan of proceeding ; for upon re-confidering my commiffion and the conditions of fale, I found if the mare was fold at the hammer I had not only to make a waiting job of four days in London for payment, but the chance of a lame mare at the expiration of that time, inflead of the money. For the purchafer pofieffing the privilege of riding her for fo long, might fo do to any diftance, or any de- gree of diftrefs; and not approving her in every aStion, had only to confer the favour of a blow upon any particular part, to occa- iion temporary pain and limping, that might juftify a return under the plea of unfoundnefs, rendering the feller a dupe to the force of credulity and repositorical integrity. Under the weight of indignation, that
naturally arofe from ferious reflection, upon fuch an evident want of confiftency in mu- tual conditions that we are naturally to con- clude, should fix the ftandard of eojjx- ty,
TY, and prevent unfair preponderation in
favour of either buyer or feller % I returned the mare to the owner without expofing her to fale, with an invariable determination, never to fell a horfe of even ten pounds value, where the purchafer may not only poffefs the privilege, but fufficient time to render him a complete cripple, by hard ri- ding or bad management, leaving me no confolation but my own acquiefcence and ex- treme folly for repentance. Taking into consideration the very tedious
and expenfive litigations that have been car- ried on in our courts of law, upon the fub- je<£t of horfes proving wtfound fome time af- ter fale and delivery ; I think it neceffary (after proper reference to the definition of the word " sound," in the early part of the former volume,) to introduce my own method of difpofal, where I conceive the horfe to be perfectly healthy and entirely found at the moment of delivery, A learned Peer upon one bench, may,
under fandion of an eminent fituation, and the advantage of coining a new law to anfwer
anfwer every particular purpofe, didtatorl-
ally iniinuate to a jury, " that a horfe fhould continue found for a certain number of days, 'weeks, or months after the purchafe;',' and fix upon a ftipulated fum for what he has condefcended to term" a sound price;" afcertaining fuch opinion an invariable crite- rion for all future decisions in Weftminfter Hall: Or a worthy Baron upon another, *' that a man may lawfully correct his wife with a flick no bigger than his thumb.'' But however accurate fuch calculations may have been made by the very high and re-? ipe&able authorities I allude to, they cannot be more free from cafual exceptions, than the great infinity of rules where excepti- ons are always admitted. However, as I confefs myfelf one of thofe
never implicitly bound merely by matter of opinion, with an utter averfion to difpofing of horfes in Weftminfter Hall, and experiment- ally convinced how very fuddenly harks fall lame without a vifible caufe j as well as how frequently they are attacked with acute difeafe and rapidly carried ^without any particular reafon to be collected even from dissec- tion. |
Tion : Under the influence of thefe predo-
minant facts, I have long fince adopted a cer- tain invariable mode of difpofal, that I confci- cntioufly recommend, to prevent difgrace oa one fide, or diffatisfaction on the other. My method is equally concife and deci-
five: If the horfe is unequivocally sound, I am perfectly content to warrant him £ot even upon oath if required, to the hour of delivery, but not zfngle hour beyond it5 for let it be held in memory, he is as liable to become lame, difeafed, or a fubject of dijfolution, in that very hour, as in any other of his life.I am equally willing to fhow all his paces with hounds, or oa the road, (according to his appropriation) but not mounted by a Jlranger, of whofe qualifications in riding I know as little as he does of my horfe in temper and aElion; and confequently, from a want of congeniality between the natural difpofi- tion of one, and correfponding pliability of the other, the horfe might be mown to palpable difadvantage. For it may be relied on, and accepted as a certain fact, that almofl every horfe will move in an- other |
3S2- T U R F.
other ftile, and difplay a very different
figure, when croffed by one that he is ac- euftomed to, who knows his tendencies, and the ftate of his mouth, than under the hands of one to whom he is totally unknown ; all which they have natural fagacity to difcover, in a much greater de- gree than generally believed by thofe who have had but flender opportunities of at« tending to their perfe&ions. The TURF,
That has totally diffipaled fome of the
moft fplendid fortunes in a very few years, and left the pofTefTors to lament in indi- gence, the fatal effects of their creduli- ty, and the folly of infection j is entitled to fuch few remarks as appertain to the prevalence of a fafhion that has, within a very fhort fpace of years, involved not on- ly numbers of the moft eminent cha- racters, but hundreds of inferior, in the general ruin. For the laft half century this rage has been fo very predominant that great
great numbers even of the commercial world
could not withftand the force of temptation ; to have a horfe or two in training has been an object of the higheft ambition, to the gratification of which, every other profpect or purfuit has been rendered fub- fervient. The contagion has been in its ef- fects fo delufive, that Lottery Office Keepers and Pawnbrokers have been racing againft the horfes of Peers of the realm, to the inevitable accumulation of debts, the de- frauding of creditors, and the promo- ting of bankruptcies. This is not calculated to create furprife, when it is not only recollected in rumination, but con- firmed by time and experience, that no- thing but a fortune of immenfity can fland againft the enormous expence of breed- ing and training j the fluctuating un- certainty of the produce ; and laftly, what is ftill more to be dreaded, the innate vil- lainy and Jludied deception of the fubordi- nate claries, with whom your honour and property are eventually entrufted j and upon whofe caprice, inter eft, villainy, or in- tegrity, you mufl unavoidably depend to carry -your purpofes into execution. However
384 t U R Pi
However ftrange and unpromifmg this de-3
lineation may appear to the young and inexperienced fportfman, (who having no guile in his own difpofition, does not fuf- pecl it in others) yet the projected villainies are fo numerous, and refined to fo many different degrees of deception; that in the prefent ftate of /porting purification> it is al- ihoft impoffible for any man to train and run a horfe, or make a fingle bet upon theiE fuccefs, without falling into one of the innu- merable plots that will be laid for his de- finition. Exclufive of the experimental proofs we (hall have occafion to introduce in corroboration of this remark, it may not be out of point to obferve, that a late noble Lord, within my own memory, was fo well convinced of this facTr, that when in the abfo- lute poffefllon of a stable of winners, he totally reliriquifhed a purfuit of fo much pleafure, and fold off his flud, rather than' continue the ftanding prey of premeditated plunder j convinced by long and attentive ex- perience, no moderate fortune or common fa- gacity could fhield him from the joint ra- pacity of dependents, who were to partis cipate
TURF. 385
cipate in the con (Ian t depredation upon an
individual. To this prudent decifion, he was juflly
influenced by the eagerly expected return of his training groom from a fummer expedition, with three running horfes of fome emi- nence -, that had in their excurfion of little more than four months, obtained poffef- fion of feven fifty pound plates. But after having received the different prizes, and difcharged all contingent expences ; this faithful steward, by the dint of a- rithmetical proficiency, brought his Maf- ter in debtor, upon the balance, upwards of fifty pounds. This impofition (or rather robbery) too palpable not to be difcovered, his Lordfhip, with a degree of liberality fuperior to perfonal altercation, immedi- ately obliterated, and then declared his in- flexible determination to difcontinue both breeding and training, a refolution he fteadily perfevered in to the end of his life ; nor has it been renewed by either of his fucceffors, though there are in the fami- ly manfion, as excitements, feveral capital paintings of many of the nrfl horfes of Vol. II. C c their
386 T U R F.
their time, that had been bred by their
different predeceflbrs. This judicious refignation proved only a
voluntary prelude to the wonderful anni- hilation of property that has compnlfively followed with thofe of lefs prudence, pe- netration, or refolution; in corroboration of which, we are prevented by delicacy alone, from an enumeration of even the initials only of the names of many eminent and ennobled characters, formerly poffelTed of princely fortunes) who now jubjift merely upon the fcanty favings from the wreck of indifcretion : Stripped of the numerous ftud and pompous appendages, to which their titles were blazoned forth in various lifts, of " The famous high-bred running cattle," as well as the annual " Racing Calendar." Some few of the Right Ho- nourable Adventurers have efcaped the *' general ruin," and fortunately retain their poffeffions and undiminished ftuds ; but they are (o conftantly contracting in num- ber, that they ferve only to eftabliih the admitted exception to rules, in which we may
TURF. 387
may fairly infer their immenfe properties
to have opetared as preventatives. This fport, that has for many years been
lb exceedingly prevalent, is at length de- clining very faft among the middle and inferior clafles of people; and of this di- minution the annual contribution of two guineas each to government is a fufficient proof, when it is known, that all the horfes that run, paid, or received for- feit, in the united kingdoms laft year, did not exceed eight hundred: A number that does not much furpafs the averaged half of horfes fupported in training fome few years pail; a circumftance that re- quires little farther corroboration, than the numerous plates advertifed in different parts, for the two or three laft years, that were never run for, "for want of'horfes.," This falling off may be juftly attributed
to a combination of obftacles; the con- ftantly encreafing expence of training, the minifterial tax, the profeffional dupli- city (or rather family * deception) of ri- Cc 2 DERS,
* Gamblers are known by the appellation of " The
Black Legged Family." |
388 T U R F.
ders, the heavy expenditure unavoidably
attendant upon travelling from one feat of fport to another; the very great probabi- lity of accidents or breaking down in run- ning, with a long train of uncertainties, added to the infamous practices of the «' Black Legged" fraternity, in perpetual intercourfe and affociation with both trainers and riders; leaving thecafual fportfman a very flender chance of winning one bet in ten, where any of this 'worthy fociety are concerned ; which they generally are by fome means, through the medium of occafional emifTaries, mercenary agents, or ftable dependents, in conftant pay for the proflitution of every truft that has been im- plicitly repofed in them by their too credu- lous employers. Such incontrovertible truths may perhaps
appear matters of mere conjecture and fpecula- tion to the young and inexperienced, who will undoubtedly believe with reluctance, what is £o evidently calculated to difcourage the pre- dominance of inclination; and not having explored the regions of difcovery, they may be induced to flatter themfelves with an opi- nion, that fuch reprefentation is 'a deluiion intended
TURF. 389
intended much more to entertain than com-
municate instruction. However, that the bu- finefs may be elucidated in fuch way, as will prove moft applicable to the nature of the Cafe and the patience of the reader j it will be neceffary to afford their practices fuch ex- planation, as may render the facility of exe- cution more familiar to the imagination of thofe, whofe fituations in life, or contracted opportunities, may have prevented their being at all informed upon the fubject in agitation. That thefe ads of villainy may be the
better understood, it becomes applicable to obferve, that it is the perfevering practice of the family, to have four, five, or fix known good runners in their poiTeffion j though, for the convenience and greater cer- tainty of public depredation, they pafs as the diftinct property of different members: But this is by no means the cafe, for they are as much the joint flock of the party, as is the ftock in trade of the firfr. firm in the city. The fpeed and bottom of thefe horfes are as accurately known to each individual of the brotherhood, and they are in general (without an unexpected accident which fome- C c 3 times |
390 TURF.
times happens) as well convinced before
ftarting, whether they can beat their com- petitors, as if the race was abfolutely deter- mined. This, however, is only the neceffary ground-
work of deception, upon which every part of the fuperftructure is to be raifed : As they experimentally know how little money is to be got by winning, they feldom permit that to become an object of momentary confider- ation; and being no ilaves to the ipecious delufions of honour, generally make their market by the reverfe, but more particularly where they are the leail expected to lofe : That is, they fucceed beft in their general de- predations by lofmg where their horfes are the favourites at high odds after a heat or two, when expected to win to a certainty, which they as prudently take care to prevent. This bufinefs, to infure fuccefs and emo-
lument, is carried on by fuch a combination of villainy ; fuch a fympathetic chain of hor- rid machination, as it is much to be la- mented could ever enter the minds of de- generate men for the purpofes of deilruclion. The
TURF. 391
The various modes of practice and impofi-
tion are too numerous and extenlive to ad- mit of general explanation; the purport of the preient epitome or contracted defcription being intended to operate merely as a guard to thofe, v/ho are totally unacquainted with the infamy of the party, whofe merits we mean to defcribe. The principal (that is, the oftenfible pro-
prietor of the horfe for the day) is to be found in the centre of the " betting ring,* previous to the ftarting of the horfe, fur- rounded by the fporting multitude; amongft whom his emiffaries place themfelves to per- form their deftined parts in the aits of villainy regularjy carried on upon thefe occafions; but more particularly at all the meetings within thirty or forty miles of the metropolis. In this confpicuous fituation, he forms a variety of pretended bets with his confederates, in favour of his own horfe; fuch bait the unthinking byftanders immedi- ately fwailow, and proceeding upon this fhew of confidence, back him themfelves : Thefe offers are immediately accepted to any a- rnount by the emiffaries before-mentioned, C c 4 and |
392 TURF.
and is in fact no more than a palpable rob-
bery ; as the horfe, it is already determined by the family, is not to win, and the moneyy5 betted is as certainly their own as if already decided. This part of the bufinefs being tranfact-
ed, a new fcene of tergiverfation becomes neceffary ; the horfe being mounted, the rider is whifpered by the nominal owner to win the firfl heat if he can ; this it is fre- quently in his power to do eafy, when he is confequently backed at Hill increafed odds as the expecled winner; all which propofed bets are inflantly taken by the emiffaries, or rather principals in the firm : When, to (hew us the verfatility of fortune, and the viciffitudes of the turf, he very unexpectedly becomes a loser, or perhaps runs out of the courfe, to the feigned difappointment and affected forrow of the ov/ner ; who publicly declares he has loft fo many " fcore pounds upon the race," whilil his confederates are individually engaged in colle&ing their cer- tainties, previous to the casting up stock, at the general rendezvous in the evening. To
TURF. 393
To this plan there is a direct alternative,
if there fhould be no chance (from his be-, ing fufEciently a favourite) of laying on money in this way j they then take the longeft odds they can obtain that he wins, and regulate or vary their betting by the event of each heat ; winning if they can, or lofing to a certainty, as beft fuits the bets they have laid j which is accurately known by a pecuniary confultation between the heats. From another degree of undif- qoverable duplicity their greater emoluments arife : For inftance, letting a horfe of capital qualifications win and lose aimoft alter- nately at different places, as may be raoft applicable to the betting for the day ; de- pendent entirely upon the fta^e of public opinion, but to be ultimately decided by the latent villainy of the parties more immedi- ately concerned. Thefe, like other matters of magnitude,
are not to be rendered infallible, without the neceffary agents; that, like the fmaller wheels of a curious piece of mechanifm, contribute their portion of power to give action to the whole. So true is the ancient adage, "birds of a feather flock together," that
394 T U R F.
that riders may be fele&ed, who will prove
inviolably faithful to the dictates of this party; that could not or would not reconcile an honourable attachment to the firft no- bleman in the kingdom. Thefe are the in- fernal deceptions and ads of villainy upon the turf, that have driven noblemen, gen- tlemen, and fportfmen of honour, from what are called country courfes to their afylum of newmarket ; where, by the exclufion of the family from their clubs, and their horfes from their SUBSCRIPTIONS, sweepstakes, or matches, they render themfelves invulnerable to the often enve- nomed fhafts of the moft premeditated (and in general well-executed) villainy. Without entering into a tedious defcrip-
tion of the many poffible means by which depredations are committed upon the pro- perty of individuals, whom fafhion or incli- nation prompts to fport their money upon fuch occafions $ yet to render thefe villainous practices more familiar to the minds of thofe who may incredulouily doubt the poffibi- lity of deceptions of this kind, inftances rnuft be adduced to eftablifh the certainty; of
TURF. 395
of which there have been too many public
proofs, to require the fpecification of any particular fad for the purpofe. It may fuf- fice to obferve, it is univerfally known fuch villainies have been repeatedly difcovered; where the owners have been notorioufly difqualified by advertifements, from ever running their horfes, and thofe riders from riding, at the places where they have been fo juftly ftigmatized, and fo properly held in the utmoft contempt. Upon fo precarious a tenure does every
fporting man of fpirit retain his hope of fuccefs, that I will be bound to verify the affertion by innumerable instances; that no man living can breed, train, and run his horfes to infure even a probability of emolument, by any honourable means what- ever. Noblemen and Gentlemen of im- menfe fortunes, to whom it is an amufe- ment, and who never know the want of annual receipts, in a repetition of thoufands j may indulge themfelves in a gratification of their predominant wifb.es, and feel no ill ef- fect from a variety of loffes, or perpetual expenditure. It
396 f U R F.
It is not fo with thofe of inferior property
and li.uation; as may be plainly perceived in the great number who become rotation- ally infected with the experiment of train- ing for one fummer, bat never repeat it. This is not at all to be wondered at, when we recoiled!:, that after all the expence trouble, and anxiety, you have expofed yourfelf to, for the very dijiant chance of obtaining a fifty pound plate or two, with various deductions ; you are at laft under the unavoidable neceffity of resign- ing the bridle into the hands of a man, who may perhaps prove one of the greatejl rafcals among the groupe we have already described. For when thus fele&ed for fa important a truft, it may fo happen, you have never {ecn him before; nor may be ever fee you again : On the contrary, he may be connected with a little hoft of colleagues upon the courfe, with whom he is perpetually concerned in acts of recipro- cal kindnefs and joint depredation. From fuch dangerous delegation, you can
form (upon reflection) no hope of fuccefs $. unlefs your horfe, by the rider's endeavour to
TURF. 397
to win^ fhould prove productive of bets,
beft fuiting the convenience of the fa- mily. However, to render this perfectly clear, let us confirm the fact by a ftate- ment not to be mifunderftood. Suppofe the owner of a horfe compenfates a rider, that he engages from an idea of his fu- perior ability, reputed integrity, or upon recommendation, with a promife of five guineas certain to ride according to inftruc- tions for each heat, and a conditional five or ten extra, if he wins. What can be the utmoft emolument to him by winning ? Why, as beforedated, either ten or fif- teen guineas ! While, on the contrary, if the horfe is of character and qualifi- cation^, an'd the odds run a little in his favour for the laft heat; the induftrious efforts of the rider's confederates, who are taking thofe very odds laid upon the horfe, (that it is already pre determined ihall lofe) they accumulate and divide much larger lums to a certamty, without the chance of poling a fingle guinea. I fhall not defcend to an enumeration of
a variety of practices that render plunder equally
39S T V R F.
equally fafe from detection; as giving 3
horfe water in the night previous to the day of running; or throwing a mild ca- thartic, or Jlrong diuretic into the body, to produce indifpofition, and prevent the possibility of a horfe winning, when it is determined by the cabinet coun- sel, that it is for the general good he. mud lose. If any rational being, any generous unfufpeding fportfman, or any juvenile no- viciate, has the moft flender doubt re- maining of thefe practices, let me render the matter decifive, and bring it to a ne- ceffary conclufion, by a fingle queftion that will not require a moment's difcuffion in reply. By what other means than thofe al-
ready defcribed between the family and the riders, have the numbers that are well known, and that we conftantly fee in the height of bufmefs in every popu- lous betting ring, arifen to a ftate of o- pulence ? What can have exalted men who were bankrupts in trade ; port - chaife drivers, hair - dreffers, waiters, footmen, nay, the loweft clafs of gamblers, (that ab- folutely
TURF. 399
folutely raifed contributions among the
mod wretched, by even the infamous practices of " pricking in the belt]' and *' hufiling in the hat"} to their phaetons, horfes in training, and confpicuous feats in the nrft fafhionable betting STANDS, (among the moft eminent characters in the kingdom) but fuch ads of premeditated and deep laid villainy, as no man living can be guarded againft, if he embarks or ventures his property amongil a Jet of ruffians, that are not only a notorious peft to fociety, but a dangerous nuifance and obftruition to one of the nobleft diverfions our kingdpm has to boaft. Under fuch numerous difadvantages, it
mull prove palpably clear to every ob- ferver, that none but fportfmen with for- tunes of the firft magnitude, can confcien- tioufly enjoy the pleafure of breeding, training and running their horfes, without the perpetual dread of approach- ing ruin ; in fact, of this fuch a repetition of proofs have tranfpired within the laft twenty years, that the leaft defcriptive corroboration becomes totally unneceffary. For
4oo T U R F.
For my own part, I am decisively and
experimentally convinced, no man in mo- derate circumftances, who cannot afford a daily proftitution of property for the in- ceffant gratification of dependent marks on /one hand, and the perpetual fupply of de- ceptive villains on the other ; can ever ex- pec! to become the winner of match, plate, or sweepstakes, unlefs he hap- pily pofTefTes the means and fkuation to go through the bufinefs of training under his own roof, and riding bis own horfe j or fix- ing firm reliance upon fome faithful do- mefMc properly qualified, totally uncon- nected with the contaminating crew, whofe conduit we have fo accurately delineated, without an additional ray of exaggeration. But as my declaration of proof collected from experimental conviction, may not be generally accepted as fufficiently authentic, without fome more powerful evidence than bare fuperficial afTertion ; I muft beg permiffion to conclude thefe ob- fervations, upon the prefent ftate and vari- ous impofitions of the turf, with the communication of a few perfonal occur- rences, that I doubt not will contribute fome
TURF, 4di
fbrne Weight to the opinions I have fub«
mitted to public confideration. In the fummer of feventeen hundred fe-
venty-five, I ran a match of four miles, carrying twelve ftone, (with a gelding got by Broomstick) againft a mare, the pro- perty of a gentleman of confiderable for- tune in the county of Effex, for fifty gui- neas. His extenfive property was confpi- cuous in an elegant manfion, a paddock of deer, a pack of harriers, and a liberal fubfcription to a neighbouring pack of fox hounds. That we might be equally free from even a chance of the deception in riding I have juft defcribed, we trufted to our own abilities in jockeyfhip, for a deci- fion in which 1 conceived our honour and property were equally concerned. The match, however, was decided againft him with perfeCl eafe, upon which he loft fome confiderable bets; but in the mortification of his difap pointment, affecting to believe it was won with much difficulty, he propofed to run the fame match on that day fort- night, upon my confenting to give him five pounds, or, in other words, to reduce Vol. II. D d his
402 TURF.
his weight to eleven Jlone nine. This was
inffantly acceded to, and many bets made in confequence, among our neighbouring friends; but previous to the day of run- ning, having accepted an invitation to his houfe, he there mofi honourably offered to pay me the five and twenty guineas before the race, if " I would obligingly conde- fcend to let him win." I have a firm and anxious hope, that every fportfman of integrity, whofe feelings vibrate in unifon with my own, and who reads this propo- rtion with the indignation it is recited j will do me the juftice to confider it more proper, that he fhould conceive, than be- coming in me to relate, the particulars of my behaviour upon fuch occafion. It mufl fuffice to fay, I rode over the courfe without a companion j and as the match was made play or pay, received the payment for my confolation. There are numerous and very powerful reafons, why I forbear to make a fingle remark upon this bufmefs; leaving it entirely, with its infinity of annual Jimilitudes, to the differ- ent imprefiions it may make upon the PRINCIPLES
TURF, 403
principles of the different readers to
whom it will become fubject. This was only a fingle attack, confe-
quently parried with, much greater eafe, than when aflailed by an almoft incredible combination of villainy, in running a match for the fame fum four years fince, upon one of the moft populous and fashi- onable courfes in the kingdom. But hav- ing then, as before, the fame invariable o- pinion of the duplicity practifed in train- ing and riding, I had never permitted the mare out of my pofTeffion, or from under my own inipedtion, from the hour ihe was matched to run; or intended her to be rode by any other perfon, than a lad of my own, that (literally fpeaking) I ini- tiated in Stable management and trained with the mare for the purpofe. Thus entrenched by prudence, and forti-
fied by experience, it was impoffible for thofe concerned againft me, either by their numerous emirTaries, or induftrious adherents, to obtain the requifite intelligence of trials, D d 2 fweatst |
404 TURF.
fweats, or in fadt any neceffary informa-
tion, by which their intentional villainy could be promoted with a probability of fuccefs. But as adventurers of this com- plexion are never difconcerted by trifling ob- flacles, it will create no fmall degree of furprife, to thofe not at all apprifed of the various fhifts, inventions, and fchemes of villainy in conftant practice upon the turf j to be informed of the innumerable and remote contrivances, eternally adopted for the promotion of robbery and depreda- tion upon others, as well as the execution of their intents upon me, which, however, very fortunately did not fucceed. On the day of running, having removed
my mare from my own (table to a reclufe and convenient houfe within two miles of the courfe; locked her up by five in the morning, and configned my lad to his pil- low, (to prevent either converfation or com- munkatlon) I was almoft immediately en- quired for by a jockey of fome eminence, whofe ability is held in tolerable estima- tion. Being juft then in the acT: of taking breakfaft, and the parlour door having been left
TURF. 405
left a very little open, I could juft diftin-
guifli the parties i and diftin&ly heard the enquiring rider fay to his companion, " If hell let me ride her, I'll do him by Gd." " Nay, then I have an eye upon you," was a quotation that ftruck me with the full force of the author. Luckily fhielded with this confidence, 1 philofophically made my appearance j when this honeft, -worthy, im- maculate type of turf integrity, made an apology for the liberty of troubling me, «' but he underftbod I had a mare to run that day ; that the oppofite party had not ufed him well in fome previous concerns ; he wifhed to be revenged, and with my permiffion he would ride the mare GRA- TIS, in which he would exert his greateft ability, and did not doubt but he mould be able to beat them out of the world." I was thankful to a degree of humi-
liation for the liberality of his offer, per- fectly confcious of his kindnefs, and volun- tary attention to my interefi-3 but I was obftinately determined to ftand or fall by the effect of my own management, under D d 3 the |
4o6 TURF.
the additional difadvantage of a young and
inexperienced rider. Previous to the day of running, I had re-
peatedly and carefully inftrudted my own lad in every minutiae it became neceffary to have in conftant remembrance j naturally con- cluding to what an infinity of attacks and deep laid fchemes he would be eternally open previous to the hour of ftarting. I had particularly cautioned him, not to deliver a weight out of his pocket from the time of weighing to his return to the fcale after the race, upon any account whatever j not to pull up till he was confiderably paft the winning pojl; nor to make even an effort to difmount till I led his horfe up to the fcale. All thefe very fortunately proved propitious precautions j for not one of the whole but was individually attacked, with a well fupported hope and unremitting expec- tation, of rendering us dupes to an efta- blifhed courfe of villainy, that it is to be regretted fo frequently fucceeds. When juft going to ftart, a real friend, or
rather an bonejl man, who had that moment heard the fecret tranfpire in a whifper, came and
TURF. 407
and told him they had weighed him, ten
f one four pounds, placing four pounds in his pockeis more than he was entitled to carry; advififig him to ride up to the fcale and infift upon oung re weighed j but adhering clofely to my inftruftions, he refufed to difmount, or relinquish a fingle weight, and abfolutely won his match with four pounds more than he ihould have carried. Fifty yards before ^ he reached the winning poft, one of the party ciamoroufly commanded him to pull up, faying, the other * would never overtake him'" the moment I had his horfe by the bridle leading him to fcale, another vocifer- oufly enjoined him " to get off and not dif- trefs the mare; " either of which, not pre- vioufly guarded againft, but inadvertently complied with, muft have inevitably loft the very confiderable fum I had depending upon the event. But to confirm beyond every fhadow of
doubt this horrid fcene of deliberate villainy and deception j while the mare was rubbing down at a fmall diftance from the courfe, af- ter winning the race and receiving the flakes, a perfon came and made enquiry, whether " a jockey had not been with me that morn- D d 4 ing |
4o8 T U R F.
ing early, making an offer to ride my mare,
gratis ?" Upon my anfwering in the af- firmative, he aflured me I had a very nar- row efcape; for t( he had fat the preced- ing evening in an adjoining room, divided only by a deal partition, and heard the entire plan formed by the party concerned j that if I confented to let him ride, my mare was to lofe3 and he was to be rewarded." However trifling or fuperfluous a recital
of thefe circumftances may appear to the well informed and long experienced fportf- man ; they are no lefs neceffary with the ju- venile adventurer, to eftablifti the exiftence of fa&s, and expofe the various means of almoft inexplicable duplicity, invention, and impofition, by which the opulent, libe- ral, and inconsiderate are fo frequently reduced to a ftate of repentant deftruction. Their introduction will confequently ferve to render incontrovertible the proof of fuch prac- tices s and to demonftrate the folly and dan-, ger of encountering fo great a complication of deliberate villainy and fyftematick depreda- tion, where there muft ever remain fo con^ fufed a profpecT: of extrication, with either SUCCESS
TURF. 409
success or emolument. Under the in-
fluence of fuch reflections as muft naturally arife from a knowledge of, and retrofpe&ive allufion to, fuch incredible a£ts of villainy in conftant pra&ice j every reader will be en- abled to decide, whether it can poflibly tend to the promotion of his pleasure, inter- est or safety, to fufpend any part of his property by fuch doubtful dependencies. Confcious of no motive for the expofure of fuch abftrufe deception and complicated de- structive villainy, but an anxious contribution to the general good j I am mod earneftly induced to hope the purity of intention may lay fome claim to the ftamp of public approbation, however deficient my flender abilities may have proved in the execu- tion, |
E 410 1
A RABIANS, p. 4, 30.
^ *■ Abortion, cafe of, 61. Author, anecdote of, 121, 124, 127,402. Alderman an, comparative view of, 191. Animal Magnetifm, 253. Alteratives, 269. Agriculture Society, Odiham, 270.
Aliment, its procefs, 207. Adventurer, legerdemain, 355. Anecdotes, 367. Afcot, plate won, 61. Aliment, of different kinds, 93. Authors, a review of, 135 B
Breeding, p. 1.
Blood Horfes, 4, 316. Breeders, northern, 7. , inconfiftent, ir. , penurious, 49.
Bowdrow, 18. Bloodftock, current price of, 24.
Bracken, remark upon, 31, 213, 219, 253, 255. Breaking, 105- Breakers, intoxication of, 109.
----------, qualifications, 113. |
41 x
Barrier, 157, 161, 182, 213.
Bleeding, adverted to, 216.
Blind Stallions, 7, 36, 40.
Blood, the flute of, 217, 272, 299.
Bone, confidered, 314.
«' Black Legs," who fo called, 387.
Blindnefs, by hard running, 4 c.
', by too frequent covering, 41.
Bar Shoes, remarks upon, 183.
Cumberland, former duke of, p. 17, 65.
Cantharides, dangerous ufe of, 44. Carrots, great utility of, 95. Clergyman, anecdote of, i)^ Country Farriers, 120. Cripples, by flioeing, 155. Corns, caufe of, 171, 173.
Cutting, caufe of, 176.
Cleanlinefs, neceffity of, 194, 202. Clarke, Mr. remark upon, 217, 272, 341. Cafes, of difeafed eyes, 233. Chafe, of flag or fox, 292, 320, 325. Chambermaid, liberality to, 372.. Courts, of law, 379. Colts, improvement of, 69. D.
Draft Horfe, Englifli, p. 10, 26.
Dungannon, 18. Dealers practice of, 107. Difpofal, proper mode of, 38;, |
Eclipfe, dam of, p. 17.
■ , get of, j 8, 20.
Evergreen, 20. Equeftrians, Juvenile, 193. Exercife, 203, 344. , comparative view of, 245*
Eyes, defeats in, 144, 295, 348, , lofs of, 193. Enemies, to improvement, 99, F
Foaling, proper time of, p. 47, jr.
Foal, time of mares going with, 55.
, brought up by hand, 65.
Feet, different kinds of, 158.
Flefliy, footed horfes, 181.
Feet, attended to when young, 183.
Fundaments, artificial, 257.
Figure, in the Field, 291, 323.
Feeding, 337, 339, 356.
Farmer, a ftory of, 358,
Fortunes, annihilated, 386.
" Family the," defcribed, 387.
Fired horfes, the caufe of fo many, 109.
Farriers, ability of, 168.
Gunpowder, p. 18.
Gibfon, 135, 157- Gentlemen, advice to, 139, |
INDEX. 413
Gamblers, 387.
Generofity, of Sportfmen, 140.
Hunters, Englifh, p. 5.
Herod, King, 20.
Highflyer, 20, 102.
Hamilton, Lord Spencer, 40.
Horfes, ftarting, 115.
Humours, the erFeft of repletion, 208, 212, 223.
Hunters, 289.
■---------, condition of, 291, choice of, 313*
Heroes, on horfeback, 188, 327.
Harriers, mentioned, 319. Hunter, management of, 321. , in the chace, 325. , after the chace, 328. Hard Riders, mentioned, 367. Horfes, fele&ion of, 350. J
Jupiter, p. 18,
Jerry Sneak, 40.
Ignorance, of grooms, 239, 294.
Juvenile Equeftrians, 193.
Inns, defcribed, 351.
------, their figns emblematic, 354.
Ill ufage in fhoeing, 143.
King's T. the Hon. blind ftallion, p. 39.
Lelcefterfhire, p. 5, 26.
Lincolnflilre, 5, 26.
Lewenhock, upon Male Semen, 41. La Fofle, 160, 182. Livery Stables, 190, 203. Light, advantages of, 20 r. Labour, probable, 251. Landlords, defcription of, 35Z. * Lets go," its utility, 360. Lottery Office Keepers, 383. Lamenefs from fhoeing, 166, 169. M
Mare, fpider legged, p. 7.
Marfk, 16, 21.
Mercury, 18.
Meteor, 18.
Milkfop, reafon why fo called, 65.
Mare, management of, after foaling, 65.
■------, when taken to horfe, 83.
Medical ftudent, anecdote of, 362.
Mare, compulfively covered, 54. ----, her time of going with foal, 55.
Major O'Flaherty quoted, 190.
Medicines, author's, follow Index. Matches, of the author, 401, 403. N
Newmarket, p. 4. 394.
Northamptonfhire, 5, 26. Nutrition, effect of, 8, 75. Nitre, its ufe, 241. ------, its abufe, 243.
Noble Lord, anecdote of, 384.
Ofmer, quoted, p. 148.
___'s felf-contradi&ion, 161. Oftler's, defcription of, 329, 354, 357. , reward to, 372. Obligation, mutual, 142, P
Perfpiration, explained, p. 210.
, its obftru£tion, 248,
Purging, the confiftency of, 296, 301^ __---------j difference of action, 308.
Purges, mercurial, 311.
Parliament, petition to, 353. Pofthorfes, 373. Pawnbrokers, 383. Perfevere and conquer, 128. Quackery, danger of, p. 239
Quixotes, equeftrian, 189. R
ReftifFhorfes, ill ufage of, p. Ill, 127, 129, 14c.
Rowelling, 253, explained, 256. ------------, anecdote of, 235, 263.
, investigated, 277.
---------1, conclufion drawn, 283, &c.
Repletion, and its effects, 189, 191, 208, 338.
Racing, in the chace, 327. |
416 IN.D.EXl
Road horfes, 349.
Road horfes, management of, 365.
, on a journey, 369.
Repofitory, local law of, 377. Running horfes, number of, 387. Riders, alias jockies, 388, 395, 397* s
Stallions, blind, p. 7, 36, 40.
---------, of falhion, 16, 35, 39.
, Shakefpear, 17,
---------, Marfk, 17.
Soldier, 18.
Sweetbriar, 20.
Sulphur, anecdote of, 60.
Shoeing, 130.
Sportfmen, liberality of, 140.
Smiths, ill ufage of horfes, 143.
Stabling, 187.
Stimulus, cathartic, 305.
Sound, its meaning, (in law) 379*
Sporting, bankrupts, 383.
Swampy, four grafs, 68.
Turf, p. 19, refinement of, 107.
Tradefman, Manchester, 188.
Tony Lumpkin, 293.
Twitch, its ufe confidered, 348.
Turf, the, 382, villainy of, 388.
Trainers, 388.
Tax, minifterial, 387-
Training, expenfive, p. 385.
Turf, integrity, 405. U
Unions, heterogeneous, p. 6, 10.
Verturruius, p. 18.
Ventilators, recommended, 201. Veterinarian education. 270- W
Woodpecker, p. 20.
Woodcock, 54*
Weaning foals, 85, ici.
Writers, difFerent, review of, 135.
Water and its efFecb, 248, 330, 339, 342, 357, 370, 373
Warm Arables, 356.
Wignell, anecdote of, 363.
Waiter, reward to, 372.
Weftminfter Hall, 380.
Yorkfhire breeders, p. 5, 26,
IJbb %*$
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