FEGETIUS RE^_____________
Distempers of Horses,
And of the
Art of Curing them:
Of the Diseases of OXEN, and of the
Remedies proper for them; AND
Of the beft Method to preferve them in Health, and
reftore them when fick, and to prevent the Spread- jno- and Communication of Infectious Diftempers, according to the Practice of the ancient Romans. Tranflated into Engliß by the Author of the Trank
lation of Columella. |
Proverbs xii. f. io-
A righteous Man regardeth the Life of his Beafi. |
Printed for A. Millar oppofite to Catherine^
ßrset in the Strand. MDCCXLVIII. |
[ ill ]
Tranflatof's Preface.
HAVING published fome Time ago a
Tranflation of Columella, the raoft ele- gant of all the ancient Roman ruftic Authors, in order to give the Engliß Reader a full View of the ancient Roman Hulbandry, Manage- ment of Cattle, private Oeconomy, and Pru- dence of Conduct in all rural Affairs whatfo- ever ; and as the Bufinefs of Hulbandry can- not be carried on without the Affiftance of Horfes and Oxen, I thought it might proba- bly be an acceptable Addition to the faid Work, to publilh alfo a Tranflation of the moft ap- proved ancient Roman Author that treats of the Diftempers to which thefe ufeful Creatures are liable, and of the Remedies they thought pror per to apply to them, and of the prudent Me- thods they made ufe of to preferve them in good Health, and reftore them when fick, A ?. Ve-
Vegetius Renatus is the only ancient Roman
Author that I know, who befl anfwers this Purpofe, he having collected, and put to- gether the Subftance of all the Docf rine and Prefcriptions of the Authors of Note before his own Time, relating to this Subject j and altho' Columella, after treating of the beft Method of breeding and managing Horfes, and other Sorts of Cattle, has given an Account of many of the Difeafes to which they are liable, and many prudent Directions relating to their Cure, yet as Hufbandry was his prin- cipal Subject, it cannot be expected that he fhould have handled thefe other incidental Matters fo fully as an Author who made them his fole Subject. The Romans, who were a wife and prudent
People, never thought it beneath them to re- ceive Inftrucfions from all Nations whatfoever, and to put in Practice what they found for their Purpofe ; and as they derived a great Part of their Knowledge in Agriculture from Greece, Afia, and Africa, no Doubt they borrowed alfo their Skill in the Management of Cattle, which, in ancient Times, were the Riches of Nations -, and as this Author had acquired much Knowledge, by travelling in foreign Countries, and had perufed the beft
beft phyfical Authors, both of his own and
former Times; and as he was of Opinion, that the Difeafes of Horfes were very like to thofe of Men, or at leaft not very different, and that they were to be treated much after the fame Manner, therefore they who are ac- quainted with Phyfick and Surgery, may find in this Author a tolerable, tho' not a perfect Hiftory of the State of thefe two honourable and ufefel Profeflions in thofe ancient Times. It may indeed be pretended, that the great Improvements in Phyfick and Anatomy, fince the Time our Author wrote, and the fuperi- or Experience and Skill of the prefent Age, make this Tranflation of very little Ufe j but this Objection will in a great Meafure ceafe, when it is considered, that there is noprefump- tuous Attempt here made, either to dire£t or amend the prefent Practice, but only an Op- portunity offered to fuch as are not well ac- quainted with the Original, to gratify their Curiofity, by taking a View of the Methods the Ancients obferved in managing their Horfes, &c. and that it is only expected, that the curious will perufe it juft in the fame Manner as thofe who are expert in Military Affairs, read this fame Author's excellent Treatife of the Inftitutions of the Art of War, A 3 not |
not with any View of introducing the Roman
antiquated Difcipline, or making Ufe of their ancient Weapons, and other Inftruments of War, which have given Way to better Invent lions', but only as it is an agreeable Amufe- ment to obierve the Manners of ancient Times, and compare them with the prefent; and without comparing Things after this Manner, we cannot rightly determine whether we can juftly give the Preference to our felves, or whether our Knowledge and Skill in thefe par- ticulars is borrowed, or all of our own Growth. But fuppofe that after due Examination, it ibould appear, that the ancient Romans were well acquainted with the principal and mofl effential Ingredients in the beft Medicines, and with the beft Method of managing Horfes, &c. and that their Precaution and Prudence fupplied, in a gVeat Meafure, their Want of Knowledge in fome Particulars, and that it is highly probable that this Ifland is indebted to them far the beft Part of their Knowledge and Skill, both in Agriculture, and in the Manage- ment of Cattle, not to mention other Things which make no Part of this Tranflation, yet this can have no bad Effeä, bat rather contri- bute to raife in generous Minds a grateful Remembrance and Senfe of our Obligations to e thofe |
thofe who have taught us to make the beft
Ufe of many of our natural Advantages, which without their Inftruction, might, like fome others which might be mentioned, have ftill been in a great Meafure neglected ; and en- gage us to make fome Abatements in out- Claims and Pretenfions of Superiority and Excellency, with Refpeft to thofe who lived in former Ages ; and if we have received any Thing of them, not to boaft as if we had not received it. Befides feveral other Motives that might
be affigned for attempting to tranfiate this an- cient Author, the prefent diftrefled Condition of many Parts of the Kingdom, by the great Havock that an infectious Diftemper has made, and ftill continues to make amongft the horn- ed Cattle, and the Danger of its fpreading further, and paffing from one Species of Ani- mals to another, will, 'tis hoped, be a fuffi- cient Apology, fince it cannot but give a par- ticular Satisfaction to the curious, to obferve the Method which that wife People, the an- cient Romans, made Ufe of, to check the Pro- grefs 0f infectious Diftempers amongft their Cattle. jt is very fhort indeed, and fo eafy to be put in Practice, where the Paftore Grounds are not too much confined ; and it A 4 is
is fo very like the Method enjoined to be put
in Practice at prefent in this Country, that it muft give a Angular Pleafure to thofe who formed thofe Regulations, appointed to be ob- ferved for preventing the fpreading of the Dif- temper, to find that they have almoft hit upon the very fame Things which this Author recommends, and which, no Doubt, were ifriäly obferved by a People extremely at- tentive to prevent any publick Calamity, and whofe Example, in this Particular, and in many others alfo, is worthy the Imitation even of the wifeft and greateft Nations. As it may give fome Trouble to the Read-
er to fearch for thefe Things fcattered in dif- ferent Parts of the Book, I have put them to- gether, and inferted them here, that they may be the more obvious to the Eye of any one who fhall vouchfafe to look upon the firft Pages, as a Thing not unworthy of his Attention. Whenever any infectious Diftemper began
to (how itfelf, they immediately changed their Paftures, and removed their Cattle into a re- mote Place, thinking that Change of Air was of very great Benefit j and they carefully feparated ihe Sick from the Sound, and took all Manner of Precautions to prevent all Communication between them, and never introduced any found Cattle
Cattle into thofe Places where the Sick had
"een kept, accounting that all their Stables, Stalls. Cribs, Ponds, and Wells where they dj'ank, and the Ground which they lay upon, were full of the Infection; and whenever anv °f their Cattle died, they prefently buried them deep under Ground, and fuffered none of the found to come near that Place where they were buried, reckoning that the Smell of the Dead, no lefs than the Breath of the Living, contributed to fpread the Infection ; and that not burying them deep under Ground, had the fame bad Effect, as not burying them at all. There feems to be one remarkable Diffe-
rence in their Management, that it does not appear that they ever knocked any of their lick Cattle on the Head, but kept them care- fully by themfelves, and gave them a fair Chance for their Lives, by continuing to ad- minifter Medicines to them; whereas the con- trary Method feems to defpair of any good Ef- fect at all from Phyfick, and to pronounce it °f no Ufe in all infectious Diftempers. This Method of cutting off all Communi-
cation With Places infected, feems fo reafon- able and juft} and has had fo good Effect, when impartially purfued, that the wifeft Nations have adopted it, and put it in Practice, when
when any infectious Diftempers break out,
either ämongft Men or Beafts; but in no Place is it executed with fo much Rigour, Impar- tiality, and good Order, as in the State of Ve- nice, where they do not wait till the Infection begins, but they are prefently alarmed even by diftant Reports, and ule all manner of Pre- cautions againfl it, even while at a great Dif- tanee from them ; and as they have {landing Regulations always in Force, ready to be put in Execution upon the very firft Order, there is no Mifchief can arife from Irrefolution, and Lofs of Time in deliberating, but upon the leaft Sufpicion, every Thing is inftantly put in Motion ; nor is the Execution put into the Hands of fuch as are likely to be tempted to be partial or remifs in the fame ; nor is it made the Bufinefs only of a few : But when the I>anger is apparent, all Ranks of Perfons whatfoever are obliged to give their Attend- ance and Affiftance by Turns, in fuch Places as the Magiftrates then fee proper to appoint; and thus it becomes the Bufinefs of the whole Community ; and the common People, who in fome Countries are too apt, for the Sake of a prefent Gain, to run the Rifque of bringing Ruin upon themfelves and others, yet in that Country are, by a necefl'ary and wholfome Dif-
ÖifcipHne, brought to fuch a Habit of Obe-
dience and Submiffion to the Will of the Ma- gnates of Health, that it rarely happens that there are any prefumptuous Offenders, by which Means the Health both of Man and Beaft is better fccured there, than in other Countries, where perhaps the Regulations may be the fame, but not executed with fo much Exadbnefs, Impartiality, and Severity. As to Vegetius himfelf, he lived in the
fourth Century, in the Reign of the Emperor Valentinian, to whom he dedicated his In- ftitutions of the Art of War, a Book in great Efteem with Gentlemen of a Military Profeflion; he feems to have been a Man of considerable Rank and Eminency, of great Knowledge, and found Judgment, a great Lover of Horfes, of which, he fays, he kept a great Number in his own Stables, and to have been well acquainted with their different Qualities; and that the great Compaffion and Regard he had for thefe ufeful Creatures, and for the publick Utility, put him upon compof- ln§ and publishing this Book, which no J-*°ubt was well received in thofe Times, when ariy Attempt to promote the publick Good, did at leaft always meet with due Applaufe, if not with its Reward. It
It was the Fate of this ancient Book, as of
many others, to ly hid, and to be, as it were, loft for a great many Years; but it was at length found by a learned German Nobleman, who ordered it to be printed in the Year 1528, and dedicated it to a very great Prince, Ferdi- nand King of Hungary and Bohemia, who was afterwards Emperor of Germany, andtho" the firft Editions of it were very incorrect, and in many Places not intelligible, yet, fince that Time, it has been much corrected, and in a great Meafure reftored to its true Reading, by the learned Morgagni and Gefnerus, to whofe Labour and Diligence the learned World has very great Obligations, both in this, and many other Refpeäs, notwithstanding in fome Places it ftill wants fome further Amend- ment, which, 'tis to be hoped, may fome time or other be affected by the Help of bet- ter Manufcripts than have yet appeared, par- ticularly the firir. four Chapters of the fourth Book, which I have omitted, for the Reafons there affigned. The Incorrectnefs of the Text, in many
other Places, made the Undertaking to trans- late it not very agreeable ; but as the Defect is for the mofl Part only in Things of fmall Im- portance, the Meaning of the Author may be to-
tolerably well difcovered, either by the Con-
text, or by other parallel Places j and tho' there are fome Words, the Meaning of which, as they now ftand, cannot be determined, par- ticularly fome Ingredients in the Compositions of Medicines, yet thefe are but very few, and J think a few Words not intelligible in a va- luable Author, ought to be no Obje&ion a- gainft pubiifhing what is plain and eafy to be underftood; there are alfo fome Parts which feem to be out of their proper Places; as al- fo fome Repetitions; but this feems rather to be the Fault of Tranfcribers, or of fome who defired to model and place them according to their own Fancy, than of the Author, who feems to have aimed at Method and Regulari- ty, and to have affected Plainnefs and DiftincT:- nefs, rather than Fluency of Expreffion and Eloquence. In the Original there are many Greek
Words, moft of which our Engliß Authors, both in Phyfick and Surgery, have thought P* to adopt; and as they are now almoft all ^common Ufe, I have alfo, for Brevity's bake, retained the greater! Part of them, which WiH be no Objection to fuch as have iorne Knowledge of the Greek Language, and fo Mderftand the Etymology of thofe Terms of
of Art, which are very expreffive, and expla-
natory of the Things themfelves; and they who do not underfland their Etymology, will find no Difficulty in them, feeing they are explained either in the Text itfelf, or by a Note at the Bottom of the Page, and are as intelligible, and may be as eafily remembered as many Words ufed by Farriers, the Ety- mology of which is not very obvious; and in Order to avoid frequent and tedious Circum- locutions, I have alfo retained the original Names of fome Meafures, which cannot be expreffed by any Engltß Meafure exactly cor- refponding to the fame ; but as they are very few in Number, and explained at the End of the Index of the Chapters, they can be no Hindrance to the intelligent Reader, to whofe impartial Judgment the whole is humbly fub- mitted. |
[ w ]
Chap. I- f\ F the Signs whereby the
v-^ Sicknefs of Animals may he
know». pase T>
Chap. II. Of the feveral Kinds of Difeafe. 8*.
Chap. III. Of the Signs of the humid Dif-
safes. 9
Chap. IV. Of the Signs of the dry Dißem-
' a
tbe si£ns °f the fubtercutaneous
v,nap. VI. Qftht Sigm rjf the ürtkular Dir
temper. ^ Chap.
XVI IN D E X of the C H A P T E R S.
Chap. VII. Of the Signs of the farciminous
Diflemper. Page j 3. Chap. VIII. Of the fubrenat Diflemper. 14.
Chap. IX. Of the Signs of the Difeafe they
call Elephantiafis. ibid. Chap. X. Of the Cure of the humid Diflem-
per. 16. Chap. XI. Of the Cure of the dry Diflemper.
Chap. XII. Of the Cure of the fubt er cutane-
ous Diflemper. 2 3. Chap. XIII. Of the Cure of the articular
Dißemper. 2 5 Chap. XIV. Of the Cure of the farciminous
Diflemper. 27. Chap. XV. Of the Cure of the fubrenal Dif-
temper. 29. Chap. XVI. Of the Cure of the Elephantiafis.
Chap. XVII. Of the general Caufes and Cure
of the Maul. 32. Chap. XVIII. Of a phyficaland annfaerfary
Kernedy. 39. Chap. XIX. Of the Compoßtion of Fumes
againfl the Dißemper they call the Maul. 40. Chap. XX. Of another more powerful Com-
poßtion of Fumes, for luflratingi or purify- ing |
Index of the Chapters* xvii
ing Animals, which alfo removes Fafcina-
, tion, Page 42.
Chap. XXL Of the Method of letting Blood.
Chap. XXII. Of the Diligence and Care that is to be ufed in letting of Blood. 45.
Chap. XXIII. Caßrated Animals muß not be
let Blood. 49. Chap. XXIV. Stallions muß not be emptied
by bleeding. ibid. Chap. XXV. In what Dißempers, and from
what Places Blood is to be taken away. 50. Chap. XXVI. Of Horfis that force their
Hoof] or thrufl it out of its Place, how Blood may be taken away from it. 52. Chap. XXVII. Of the Place from which
Blood muß be taken in fuch Horfes as are opißotonic, have any of their inward Parts ßretched, are affetted with the Colick, or have ajrequent returning Belly-ach, and are affeSled with the fubrenal Diflemper. 55. Chap. XXVIII. Of the Manner of giving the
Fire and the Cautery. 57. Chap. XXfX. Of Fevers, and the Way of
curing them. $9. Chap. XXX. Of Wearinefs, which feems like
to a Fever. 62. Chap. XXXI. Of inward Fevers. ibid.
a Chap.
xviii Index of the Chapters.
Chap. XXXII. Of Fevers in the Autumn.
Page 63.
Chap. XXXIII. Of a Fever in the Summer. ibid.
Chap. XXXIV. Of a Fever in the Winter. 64.
Chap. XXXV. Of a Fever from Indigefiion, or from a Plethory. 67,
XXXVI. Of a Fever from a Wound in the
Mouth or Jaws. 68.
Chap. XXXVII. Of Coaclion : i. e. of too
great Laßlude. 69.
Chap. XXXVIII. What Kinds of Dißem-
pers arife from CoaSlion or Confiraint. 70.
Chap. XXXIX. Of the feveral Dißempers of the Belly. 74«
Chap. XL. Of the Stomach. 76.
Chap. XLI. Of the Colon, and of Pains of
the Colon. J7-
Chap. XLII. Of the Cure of the Rec~lumy and
of the Ilium. 78.
Chap. XLIII. Of the Caufe and Cure of the
Pain of the Belly they call the Strophus. 80.
Chap. XLIV. Of Worms, Botts, fmall Mag- gots, Moths and Lice. 83.
Chap. XLV. Of Clyflsrs for the Cure of
Worms, Botts, &c. 85.
-Chap. XLVI. Of Horfes, &cc. incommoded
with the Stone. 87.
2 Chap.
iNDExof the Chapters: xix
Chap. XLVII. Of an Obßruölion. Pace 83 £hap. XLVIII. Of the Ilium. * 8 ' ^hap. XLIX. Of a Pain in the Belly. g0]
Chap. L. Of a Pain in the Colon. ibid ^hap. LI. Of a Pain in the Bladder. g x.
Chap. LII. With what Care Worms and Botts may be taken away with the Hand Q2
Chap. LIU. Of Horfes afecled with Faint- tng Fits.
ChaP-LIV- Of Horfes that bleed at thel
Noßrils. c Chap.LV. Of Horfes infefiedwith Blood. nV
Chap LVI. Of the Diligence to be ufed in ma7hWg Animak iH U g°°d State °f
rhaP"TLv;;; °J" ^ench for Summer. , fs'
Chap. LVIII. Of a Drench for Winter Chap.UX. OfaDrench roperT; ^ m Autumn or in the Spring 5? Q^^ Of a Drench'necefary Jlil
^ap. LXI. Of Dißculty of Urine. \ \f Chap! LYTV %CUTS U H°rfe'S BacL *■7-
they c;„' °f that moft anr°ved Drench ' la" Diapente. g |
a 2
XX IN D E X Of the C H A P T E R S.
Chap. I. Of the Diflempers of the Head.
Page 123.
Chap. II. Of an Horfe affegied with the Staggers. 12^
Chap. III. Of an Horfe offered with a
Phrenfy. 12^
Chap. IV. Of an Horfe offered with a Pain
at his Heart, or the Mouth of his Stomach.
Chap. V. Of an Horfe affected with Mad- nefi- 126.
Chap. VI. Of the Method to be cbferved in
curmg Animals with the Cautery, and with Mußard-blißering Plaißers, and of the Food proper for them in this one Inßance of |
Index of the Chapters; xxi
^ap. XIII. Of Surgery. Page
Chap. XIV. Of the Ears. S \\^
*P- XV. Of Hairs that grow up in the
Eyes. Chap. XVI. Of a Suffufion in the Eye. J V
Chap. XVII. Of Couching the Eye. 11" Chap. XVIII. Of a Moon-Eye. t {'
^hap.XlX. Ofa Staphyloma in the Eye. i»
Ch^ XX. Of the Method to takeaway^ Witenefs, or white Speck out of the Eye. Chap. XXI. Of curing a Sufufon. J ?*"
XXXIL ^ äVerß 'Df°rderS °f the
^P- XXIII. Ofßrumous Diforders in Hor- Chap.'xXIV. Of the Glandules. ]^'
Chap. XXV. Of a Biflemper incident toFoals]
t'ttZe C0lJy^ß^Fißula is
Cha^XXVU. Of the Expofition oj Jf^
"f^td. °fa <rmmr °fthe J^r
Chap. XXlY or r^ l88- a 3 Chap]
xxn Index of the Chapters.
Chap. XXX. Of Rubers, or Tumours. Page 169.
Chap. XXXI. Of the Tongue when it is cut.
Chap. XXXII. Of the Gums and Teeth, ibid.
Chap. XXXIII. Of a broken Bone. 172.*
Chap. XXXIV. Of the Cartilage of the Nofe,
when Blood flows out of it. 173. Chap. XXXV. Of the Palate, when a Vein
does not clofe itfelf. 174. Chap. XXXVI. Of the Kind and Quality of
the Mucus, or Snot that flows through the Nofirils. 175. Chap. XXXVII. Of flowing of the Blood out
of the Noflrils after running, or hard rid- ing. 176. Chap. XXXVIII. Of a Horfe affecled with a
Polypus. 1J J. Chap. XXXIX. Of a Horfe that is blafled, or
Planet-flruck. ibid. Chap. XL. Of the Method to be obferved in
letting Blood. 179. Chap. XLI. Of the Neck. 180.
Chap. XLII. Of Puflules, or Sores in the
Neck. 182. Chap. LXIII. Of a Deflillation, or Defluxion
of Humours in the Neck. 1%Z' Chap. XLIV. Of a Deflillation, or Defluxion
in the Shoulder-Blade. 184. |
Index of the Chapters, xxiii
Chap. XLV. Of the Shoulders, when they are
hurt. Page 185. Chap. XLVI. Of the Knee, and lower Tart
of the Foot, when they are put out, or have received a great Concußon. 188. Chap. XL VII. Of a Fracture of a Joint, or
of a Leg, or the Hip. ibid. Chap. XLVIII. Of a Phlegmon, Marbles,
Puff's and Wind-galls. 190. Chap. XLIX. Of watery and finking Sores.
Chap. L. Of Rheumatic or windy Feet'. 196. Chap. LI. Of Ringworms. ibid.
Chap. LII. Of ouzy or burning itching Sores.
Chap. LIII. Of the Gout incident to Horfes. 198.
Chap. LI V. OfHorfes that have fliff Limbs,
fo that they cannot bend their Joints. 200.
Chap. LV. Of the Feet and Hoofs. 201.
Chap. LVI. Of a little Lung, or ffiulous
Ulcer refembling a Lung. 204.
Chap. LVII. Of a Horfe that has cafi his
H°of} and that fitffers a Suffußon in his
CUFeef' 2°5-
Chap. LVIH. Of Feet that are worn, orfoft.
xxiv Index of the Chapter si
Chap. LI'X. Of flrengthening the Back.
Page 208.
Chap. LX. Of curing the Rack when it is
hurt. 209, Chap. LXI. Of a little Lung or fiflulous Tu-
mour upon the Back of an Animal. 2 J o. Chap. LXII. Of a Ilorfe that has 'wounded
himfelf. 211. Chap. LXIII. Of making the Hair to grow
again. 212. Chap. LXIV. To make white Hair become
black. 2 13. Chap. LXV. To make black Hair become
whiter ibid, BOOKTHIRD.
Chap. I. in Four Sedions.
Se£r. I. Of preferring the Health of Oxen^ 218.
BeCt. II. OftheDifeafesofOxen, andfirfi of the Maul. 2^2. Se<3. III. Of Crudities to which Oxen are
liable. 2 3 1. Sedr. IV. Of Fevers to which Oxen are li-
able. 288. Chap. II. Of Worms that breed in Wounds of Animals. 252, Chap,
Index of the Chapters, xxv
Chap. III. Of the Care to be taken of the Loins. Page 253.
Chap. IV. of the Signs whereby a Pain of
the Reins may be difiovered. 255.
Chap. V. Of the internal Mufcles of the
Reins. 256.
Chap. VI. Of the falling out of the End of
the Straight-Gut. 257'
Chap. VII. Of a Pain of the Reins. 258.
Chap. VIII. Of a Swelling of the Teßicles. 260.
Chap. IX. Of a Horfe's lard, when it can- not be reduced into its Sheath. 261. Chap. X. Of a Horfe that pips Blood, ibid. Chap. XI. Of a Dyfentery. 263. Chap. XII. Of an idle Horfe that pijes Blood. ibid.
Chap. XIII. Of an animal that vomits Blood. 265.
Chap. XIV. Of a Vein that has been opened
and cannot be clofed again. ibid.
^hap. XV. Of a Diforder of the Bladder, ibid.
^ap. XVI. Of a Flux or Loofenefs. 273.
J^P-XVII. Of Warts. 274.
rJaP- XVHI. ojBiflempers of the Hips. 275.
P- -^IX. Of Knots, or Swellings like
Bladders in the Legs. 278.
hap. XX. of a Horfe that has gourdy
LeSs- ibid.
5 Chap.
xxvi Index of the Chapters.
Chap. XXI. Of Horfes that are hurt 'with Wheels, Psge 279-
Chap. XXII. Of a Horfe that is fyrmatick,
i.e. trails his Hip. 280.
Chap. XXIII. Of the Difeajes that deprive
an Animal of its Senfes. 282.
Chap. XXIV. Of Horfes affetfed with the
oaken Diflemper. 284.
Chap. XXV. Of Horfes that are dropfical. 290
Chap. XXVI. Of Horfes &c. offered with a Sarcofis. 292.
Chap. XXVII. Of Horfes, &c. offered with
a Tympany. 293*
Chap. XXVIII. Of Horfes, &c. affeSled with
the Diflemper of the Spleeen. 295.
Chap. XXIX. Of a Horfe that is jlapid and
motionlefs. 297.
Chap. XXX. Of a Horfe that has his Per-
fpiration obßruBed. 298.
Chap. XXXI. Of a Horfe that is afraid of
Water. ibid.
Chap. XXXII. Of Spafms and Cramps. 299.
Chap. XXXIII. Of an Epikpfy. Page 300. Chap. XXXIV. Of a Horfe that vomits up his Water again. 3°2«
Chap. XXXV. Of a Horfe that is planet-
ßntck or blajled. ibid.
Chap. XXXVI. Of a Horfe that is ßruck or
blafied with the Sun. 303.
Index of the Chapters, xxvii
Chap. XXXVII. Of a Crudity. Page 303.
Chap. XXXVIII. Of a Bulimy, or an infa- tiabk Appetite. 304.
Chap. XXXIX. Of an Exhalation or noxious
Vapour. 305.
Chap. XL. Of a burning Heat. ibid.
Chap. XLI. Of a Horfe that is paralytical,
Chap. XLII. Of a Horfe that has overßretched, or broken any thing inwardly 308.
Chap. XLIII. QfMadnefs. 309.
Chap. XLIV. Of a Plethory from Barley.
3 lo-
Chap. XLV. Of the Dißemper of the Lungs. 311*
Chap. XLVI. Of a Horfe that is orthopnoick. 3H-
Chap, XLVII. Of a Horfe that is opifiotonic. 315.
Chap. XLVIII. Of a Horfe affected with a
Lethargy. 319.
^hap. XLIX. Of the Jaundice. 322
Chap. L. of Bile or Choler. 323.
laP- LI. of dry Choler. ibid.
P- LII. of the Dißrder of the Colon, or
Q^{C°Jic-Paim- 324-
cu ' 7* ' Of an Impoflume. 325.
Uiap. LIV. of Hide-binding. 326.
xxviü Index of tlie Chapters.
Chap. LV. Of a Horfe that is confumptive.
Page 328.
Chap. LVI. Of an Horfe ajfecled with the Yellow Jaundice. 331.
Chap. LVII. Of the Belly-ach or Gripes. 332.
Chap. LVIII. Of a Pain of the Liver. 333. Chap. L1X. Of an Inflation of the Belly. 335. Chap. LX. Of a Vexation or Difordcr of the Int e/line. 33^-
Chap. LXI. Of a Cough. ibid.
Chap. LXII. Of a Cough that proceeds from
Jbmething that flicks in the Jaws or Throat.
Chap. LXIII. Of a Cough from having been expofed to a great Cold. 3 3 ^ •
Chap. LXIV. Of a Cough proceeding from Ob-
flruSiions of the Glands. 339 Chap. LXV. Of a Cough from the more in-
ternal Parts. 340. Chap. LXVI. Of Horfes that have fome of
their inward Parts over-ftretched. 344- Chap. LXVII. Of a Cough that proceeds from
the Sharpnefs of Humours. 347, Chap. LXVIII. Of Remedies for a dry Cough,
Difficulty and Shortnefs of Breath, and an exafperated Artery. 349. Chap. LXIX. Of Remedies for an Impoflumey
and a Cough. 353. |
Index of the Chapters, xxix
Chap. LXX. Of different Drenches for Her-
Jes> &c. that cough\ and have any of their
"arts overfir etched. Page 354.
Ch*p- LXXI. Of the Scab. 358.
C«ap. LXXII. Of an Animal that is hurt with
bad Hay. 361.
Chap. LXXIII. Of an Animal that is ~hurt
with bad Barley. ibid.
Chap. LXXI V. Of Remedies againfi Fafcina-
tion. 362.
ChaP- LXXV. Of a Remedy ngainfl all Dif-
eafes. 363.
Chap. LXXVI. Of an Animal that is hurt
while he receives his Drench. ibid.
Chap. LXXVII. Of an Animal that is bitten
by venomous Beafls. 364.
Chap. LXXVIII. Of an Animal that has eaten
a venomous InfeEl in his Hay. 366.
Chap. LXXIX. Of an Animal that isflricken
- and wounded by a Viper. 367.
ap. LXXX. Of an Aiimal that has eaten a
^Pider. 369. ~naP- LXXXI. Of an Horfe that is wounded
y a venomous Spider they call Phalangitis. Ch T 'tä&.
^P-CXXXII. Of a Shrew-Moufe. 370.
VOap. LXXXIII. Of the Sting of a Scorpion. 371-
Chap. |
xxx Index of the Chapters.
Chap. LXXXIV. Of the Bite of a mad
Dog. Page 372. Chap. LXXXV. Of an Animal that has eaten
Hen's Dung. 373. BOOK FOURTH.
Chapters firft, Second, third and fourth not
tranflated, becaufe exceeding incorrect and corrupted. Chap. V. Of the Indications of the Ages of
Horfes. 37^- Chap. VI. Of the Signs where&y their native
Country is known. 380. Chap. VII. Of the Age that Horfes live to. 383.
Chap. VIII. Of a Drench for refloring and re-
pairing Horfes, and of what they call Dia- pente. 385. Chap. IX. Of a Drench for a Cough, andforfuch
as have fome of their Parts overjlretched within them. 389. Chap. X. Of a Drench againfl Worms, Botts}
Moths, &c. 392- Chap. XI. Of a Drench againfl all Kinds of
Difeafes. 303. Chap. XII. Of afalutary Compofition of Fumes.
Chap. XIII. Of the Compoßtion oj the Quadri- garian Powder, 396.
Index of the Chapters, xxxi
Chap. XIV. Of the Compofition of a Cauftic. Ch ^ page-3 99-
^nap.xV. OftheCompofition of a Malagma. to i.
Chap. XVI. Of the Compofition of a fijlular
Collyrium, or Dofil for a Fiftula. 402. Chap. XVII. Of the ' Compofition of a crude
Malagma. 403. ehap. XVIII. Of the Compofition of a liquid
orSpreading Ointment. ibid. ChaP- XIX. Of the Compofition of a Vulnerary.
^nap. XX. Of the Compofition of a Bafilic Ma-
JaSma- 405.
top. XXI. Of another Compofition of a Ma-
%»*• ibid.
Chap. XXII. Of the Compofition of a conglu-
tinating Plaifier. . 0g Chap. XXIII. Of another Compofition of a
crude Malagma. 40-# Chap. XXIV. Of the Compofition of a Malag-
ma fir oozy Eruptions. 408. haP- XXV. Of the Compofition of a Malag- |
iaP- XXVI. Of the Compofition of a Vulne-
ChT^nn' °ftheCQ^f^nofEye-fahls]
or a Lollyrtumfor thg R^ .^ top. XXVIII. Of the Compofition of feveral
"her Sorts of Medicines. 412. Original
Original Words frequently ufed in
this Tranllation. S^TATHUS, a fmall Roman Meafure of
Liquid Things; it contained a little more than the twelfth Part of a Pint. Hemina contained fix Cyathi, and was a
little more than half a Pint. Sextarius contained two Hemina; and was
a little larger than a Wine-pint. Malagma, according to the Etymology of
the Word, fignifies fomething proper to be applied for foftening any hard Part, as Herbs, Roots, Seeds, &c. |
°* the Art of curing the Diftempers
of Horfes, ftfr. |
Vy * T H the Greek and Latin Authors, the
Art of, curing the Dißempers of Horfes, Mules, &c. was one of their principal Cares, for as thefe Animals are next to Man, fi the Farrier's Art is next to that of Phyfick ■ and Horjes and Mules are greatly helpful in rime °f War> and ornamental in lime of Peace But becaufe the Profeßon which undertook the curing the Dißempers of Cattle, feemed to be it e,nded wth lefs Honour and Dignity, therefore Char bem pramfed h Mm °flefi Figure and writ^T* ünd they who have faugh^ and quencT %'* ^ been m™ °fVery little Elo~ not Jnatt?gh iH the H ^ PclaS°nius äd
in it • h quence> and Columella abounded Drin '* 11 CS the latter °f thefe did write
V ncipally of the Precepts of Hufbandry, he touched
touched but lightly on the Art of curing the
Difeafes of Animals, and gave only fome brief Directions concerning it. • And the former} having omitted theCaufes and Signs of Difeafes, neglected the Foundations of fo great and im- portant an Affair. Chiron and Abfirtus in- deed examined, and fearched more diligently into all Things, but they are contemptible'for their Want of Eloquence, and the Meannefs of their Language • moreover every Thing in them is indigefied and confufed, fo that one who en- quires after any part of any particular Cure, is obliged to wander over all the Chapters of their Books, fince, of the fame Difiempers, fome of the Remedies are found in the Beginning}and ethers in the End of their Works. We may alfo add, that from a Defire of Lucre, fome Potions are fo compofed, that they amount to an exorbitant Price, and the Expence of the Cure may feem almoß to be equal to the Value of the Animal; fo that parßmonious Men, er at leafifuch as are prudent, either leave their Beafls to Chance, or give them up to the Dogs, that they may avoid an expenfive Cure. Being invited by thefe and fuch like Reafons, as from my very Youth I have always had an ardent Inclination to keep Hor/es, I readily undertook this Tajk, to collect, and bring together into one, all the Latin Authors only, in general
The PREFACE. iii
general, making life of, and calling to my Affifi-
ance the FLorfe-doSlors alfo, not neglecting the tyyicians (for the Doctrine of curing the Dißempers of Horfes, Mules, &c. is not in many Things fo very different from the Art of Phyfick; but in many, yea very many things it agrees with it) and to reduce and abridge them °s fully and briefly as my ordinary Capacity does allow j for if the firfi Praife of Phyfici- °ns is to find out the Nature of a Diftemper in a Man, who can declare what he fuffers both by his Band, and Word of Mouth, how much more is it thought nece/fary in the Farri- er's Art, to know the Nature of the Difeafe, as a dumb Animal cannot declare it's own Lan- guor, and by unßilful People may be driven to fome Woi-k and Labour, and, from the Dif- iemper and the Fatigue together, undergo a double Danger, or at leafl being neglected at firfi> when the Difiemper is become inveterate^ %t is too late to be cured. To this the divine Words of the Mantuan Poet bear witnefs. \*j The Caufes of Difeafes, and the Signs
l tea^ thee likewife. For without Doubt all Care and Remedies
"»ill be ineffeeiual, if the Nature of the Dif- 'V ftrg. Geogr. 3. 440.
B z temper
temper be not known. From a vain Opinion
and Perfuafion this Inconveniency and Dif- advantage arifeth, that all Men of the greatefi Honour and Reputation believe that it is a fhamiful, firry and mean Thing to know the Art of curing Horfes and other Beaßs of Bur- then. But in the firß Place the Knowledge of no one Thing whatfoever is mean and con- temptible ; for as in the Commerce of human Life, one Thing is to be avoided, and another to be perfued, there is no perfect Wifdom, but that which knows both theje j moreover who can think that we ought to be afhamed öffuch Skill as may remove or keep us from Lößes ? for as the Safety of Horfes and other labouring Beaßs has great Gain in it,fo their Defir u£f ion feems to bring Damage and Inconveniency, efpecially con fidering that Slaves, the curing of whom is not reckoned a mean and vulgar Thing, are often fold at a lower Price than Horfes or Mules. Finally, whether we confider them as proper for carrying the Rich, or as Vi'clors in the Contentions of the Circus, or (if I may fo fpeak) as the mofi approved Warriors in Bat- tles, it is manifeft that they have a mighty flrong Love and Aff'eBion for their Maßers, Nor is it without very good Reafon, that an Animal formed for Pleafure or Safety, de- fences Favour and grateful Returns from Man. Bui
The P R E F A C E. i
But who can think that he ought to be aßamed
7 km™ing how to cure Horfes, &c. when it lj a glorious Thing tobe Maßers of the very J °J the kind % Who will reproach, or find ault with you for being able to cure that, lch 'tis reckoned commendable and praife- ^orthy to have in your Poßeffion ? Perhaps the Manual Operation it felf of Farriers feems Something low and mean, but the Knowledge of the Way and Method of Cure is becoming, and not beneath, not only the mofl honourable, but atfo the mofl eloquent, that, by Foreflght and prudent Management thefe Animals being cur- ed, they may both be exempt from Lojes, and have a free Enjoyment of their Plea- fures. But there are fome Difeafes which of-
fiiB thofe Animah only which they have feized •
others there are alfo, which, by a mofi cruel
Contagion, pafs from one, or a few Bea/ls
-which perijh, to a greater Number which are
either houfed, or fed together with them in the
fame Paftures • fi that an Animal, how found
fever it may be a little while before, may fad-
denly perijh, being infeäcd with the Breath of
others that arefick in the Neighbourhood. It
V therefore befl to defcribe firfi the Caufes, and
tbehymptoms, and to point out the Cures ofDif-
**/«, which by a certain Tranfition, are hurt-
B3 Jul
ful to greater Numbers, for againfl greater
Loffes greater Care and Solicitoujhefs ought to be be/lowed; therefore that which contributes principally to the Benefit of Horfes and Mules, &c. is the Love and Diligence of their Owner, or of him who has the Charge of them committed to him, or even of the Keeper himfelf who feeds them-, for Induflry is always the Com- panion of Affection. 'Tame Animals are either kept at the Manger, or put out to Grafs: Such as are wild, and not broken, are brought up and kept in wide Foreßs. "There- fore it is proper every Day, or at leaf very fre- quently, to take a View of, and confider the Ha- bit of Horfes and other labouring Beaßs, for the Difeafe itfelf' difcovers iff elf'to fuch as are diligent. |
u* the Art of curing the Diftempers
of Horfes, &*c. |
C H A P. I.
*V the Signs whereby the Sicknefs of
animals may be known. Immediately after an Animal is attacked
by any Diftemper, it is obferved to be more fad and füllen, and flower than or- dinary, does not take its wonted Sleep, nei- ther does it tumble in its ufual Manner, nor lies down to take its Reft, nor does it eat up wholly the Food affigned to it, and it either has a more intemperate Appetite for Drink, and takes it more immoderately than ufual, or altogether loaths it ; with dull ftupified Eyes, flaccid Ears, its Eyes lifted up, its Hair ugly and ftanding on end : Its Flanks are exhauft- ed, its Spine ftiffer than ufual, and it fetches !!? Bfeath more frequently! or more heavily
than ordinary . its Mouth is rougher and more B 4 burning
Vegetius Rena fus of the Book I.
burning than ufual, fometimes a gentle Cough, fometimes a more violent one, its Gate or Walk, by which it is raoft remarked, fluggifh, üow, and flaggering. When you mail obferve in a Horfe, or Mule, &c. one or more fuch like Symptoms, you mail prefently feparate it from the reft, that it may not infecT: and bring the Contagion upon thofe that are next to it, and that the Caufe of the Diftemper may be the more eafily known when it is alone. If, being carefully tended, after the firft, fecond, or third Day, it be freed from that Sadnefs and Sullennefs, and that nothing remains in its Body, which may be thought ambiguous or fufpe&ed, know that this Sadnefs proceeded from {lighter Caufes, and the Beafi is to be reftored to its former Ufage. But let not your Care and Attention of examining and fearching into it be omitted, for what has once begun to be fufpe&ed ought the more frequently and cautioufly to be looked into and reviewed, |
Ofthe feveral Kinds of Difeafes.
T^HERE are indeed different Species of
X Difeafes, but they are comprehended in |
Chap. 3. Dißempers of Horfes, &c.~ 9
one general Word, which by the Ancients was
called the Maul, declaring by the very Appel- ation, the Violence and Strength and Danger * lhe Mifchief. And there are feven Species of this Maul: The moiß, the dry, the (a) fub- ^cutaneous, the (b) articular, the (c) Ele- phantiafis or Leprofy, the (d) fubrenal, and the (e) farciminom. Let us defcribe the Signs of all thefe. CHAP. III.
Of the Signs of the humid Difeafe.
THE humid Difeafe is, when from a
Horfe's Noftrils, inftead of Snot, there flows a {linking and thick Humour, of a pale Colour. A Horfe thus affeäed, has a great Heavinefs in his Head, and hangs it down. The Tears fall from his Eyes, and there is a whizzing Noife in his Breaft. He becomes [a) Subtercutaneous, any Humour between the Skin and the
Flefh is fo called. [b) Articular, formed from the Latin Word Artus, which fie-
ninesa Joint. 6 orefe ft^antia("' this Word is ufed by fome Authors to ex-
Lfe evnl PrJ? 7' Yat the Greek Authors underftood it in the benie expired m the Text, as fomewhat different. or Tome P,^* ls.aPPlied t0 an7 Diforder affecting the Reins,
oriomeFartscontiguoas. ä temtoZiflZ' the-^r°rf /"■"'*' ufedby the triers,
ti Abbrwation of the Latin Word forum«, which ' l0lmed fro«n the Verb farch, to fluff. a thin
i o Vegetim Renatas of the Book L;
thin and meagre, with his Hair {landing on
end, and of a fad Afpect: This Difeafe the Ancients called the Attican Flux, or running at the Nofe. But whenfoever a bloody Hu- mour, or like to Saffron, begins to flow from his Noftrils, then he is incurable, and near Death's Door. CHAP, IV.
Of the Signs of the dry Dißemper.
BU T the dry Difeafe is known by thefe
Signs. There is no Humour more than ufual drops from his Noftrils; neverthelefs he fetches his Breath heavily, and has his Noftrils extended : he will draw his Flanks inward and make them hollow, and will fuffer a Contrac- tion, and a Hardnefs of his Spine. His Tefti- cles will be fo truffed up that they will fcarce- ]y appear. He eats more fparingly, and is more defirous of drinking than ufual, and, be- caufe of the inward burning Heat which he en- dures, his Lungs are dried up. His Eyes being ftretched out, he looks afquint, and does not eafily Ik down. This Difeafe they call the Aflbma, and it is incurable, unlefs you give ipeedy Relief by applying Remedies from the very Beginning without Loss of Time. CHAP.
aP- S- Diflemper: of Horfe:, &c. 1I
UJ the Signs of the, fubter'cutaneous Di~
ße?nper. |
U T the fubtercutaneous Difeafe is difco-
vered by the following Signs. There arife Ulcers in his Body like to the Scab, out which flows a liquid green Humour, which excites an itching, which forces the Beafts to cratch themfelves, or to rub themfelves fre- quently againft the Walls and the Pillars or Pofts, which Ulcers will form a Bark or Scurf upon them. A Horfe or Mule infecled with this Diflemper has neither any Humour drop- ping from his Noftrils, nor does he fetch his Breath fhort, nor refufe his Meat, nor diflike his Drink. For which Reafon he lives long, and therefore, if Care be not wanting, very many Horfes, &c. are delivered from it. Some indeed have attempted to call the Scab the iubtercutaneous Diflemper, becaufe it feems to ftiow Symptoms like to thofe before men- tioned, and to transfer the Contagion to all thofe that are next to them, and is but flow- y cured j but becaufe it brings neither Death nor Danger eafily upon the Herd, it is diftin- guiihed, and feparated from all Alliance with 2 that
12 Vegetius Renatm of the Book I.
that peftiferous Sort of Mau/, and mall be
fpoken of apart from it. CHAP. VI.
Of the Signs of the articular Di-
fiemper. BUT the articular Difeafe, which the
Greeks call Arthritis> is difcovered by thefe following Symptoms, fometimes for a few, and fometimes for very many Days, the Horfe will be lame in his Joints, fo that he may feem either to be flruck with the Kick of fome other Animal, or through Negligence to have darned his Foot againft fomcthing, or to be bruifed with a Club or a Stone. But there ufes to be this Difference, that any fuch Hurt as that is fixed to a Place, but this Ailment, becaufe it is erratick, all of a fudden removes to the other Foot. Moreover the Skin is bound faff, to the Bones, and when one handles it, it is hard, and refills the Touch. His fpine grows ftiff, and his Body is contracted, his Hair is horrid and ftands on End, and he is of a de- formed Afpecl, and his Body affected with Leannefs, and although he does not refufe his Food, yet he is not at all concerned if he has none,
Ch- 7> 'Dißempen of Horfes, &c. 13
Taa' Neverthelefs he grows daily w°rfeand
ladder, and js cured wkh Difficulty. CHAP. VII.
uf the Signs of the farciminous Di-
ßemper. & HE Word farciminous b formed from
lab thC Nature of the Diftemper the Horfes
\ °^ Un(*er, and is found out by Indications °, .ls Sort; in their Sides and Hips, and in their privy Parts alfo, and efpecially in the Joints of their Members, or over their whole tfody, there are Gatherings and Swellings : again, after thefe are as it were affwaged, or removed, others grow up anew: they take their Meat and Drink as ufual, neverthelefs they grow lean, becaufe they have not a tho- rough and perfecl Digeftion. Being chearful in their Afpeft,and like to thofe that are found, tney are believed to be fo, by thofe who are unmftrufted and ignorant of the Farrier's Art, becaufe the Diftemper is driven to the external f-arts; from thefe Horfes unfkiiful Artifts make «aite to takeaw,ay fome Blood. But that Method r ^ure is repugnant and contrary to the Di- ^emper ; for from fuch as are affecled with e farcin, « takes away what Strength they have
14 Vegetius Renatus of the Book I.
have remaining, neverthele(s, in theBeginning,
left the Difeafe fhould increafe ; or in the End, now when their Strength begins to return, let- ting of Blood is of fome Benefit to them. C H A P. VIII.
Of the führend Diße?nper.
H E fubrenal Difeafe is mown as well by
its Name, as by the fuffering itfelf of the
part afFefted; for the Animal, as if its Reins were hurt, failing in its hinder Parts, difco- vers the Symptoms of a mortal Diftrefs. It will cough grievoufly, and have a horrible Afpect; the Hardnefs of its Skin is difcovered by the Stiffnefs of its Spine. He has a very indiffe- rent Appetite, either for Meat or Drink, and becaufe the whole Strength of the Difeafe pof- fefies his Loins, the firft Application or Step towards his Cure begins with his Thighs. CHAP. IX.
Of the Signs of the Difeafe they call
Elephantiaßs. THE Elephantiaßs is fo called from the
Refemblance it bears to the external Ha- bit |
Chap. 9- Üifiempen of Horfes, &c. 15
turalfteElepham' whofeHide> beingna-
y hard and rough, gave the Name to a th f b°th b Men and in Beafts' °f which
It V.C SrC t^e ^2ns- There arifes a burning
C1J over the whole Body, efpecially in the
*j*> it-Forms Scales like Barks; in theNof-
in p m the Fcet alfo> and in the Head> burn~
ng Pimples or Blifters break out; or rough and fogg^ ftInkinS Sores frequently arife. Be-
°[Jj *efe Symptoms mow themfelves the Bead w'11 », VC a ^oofenefs, and grows lean, and wm have a grievous harm Cough. Its whole lQuth and Tongue is rough, and feems like as if it were burnt. Which Diforder for the ttoft part proves deftrudtive to Foals weaned from their Mothers. They who defire care- fully to Cure a Horfe thus afeSled, are not forward to cherifh him firft with any exter ml Medicine, unlefs, by giving him Drenches, the internal Peft be firft removed. For Medi- eines apphed externally don't remove the Dif- eafe, but drive it to the inward Parts, and by this Method create Danger. In Animals that abour under a Difeafe of this Nature the fol- CWfc tllmemS Sre f0Und' Viz- a grievo«s
inlfh P1Uent Groaning* and Sighs, or fetch- ing the Breath mort, a ftiff and contracted pne, a conftantly increafing Leannefs, when e"her Appetite nor Food are wanting, a hang- ing |
j 6 Vegetim Renatm of the Book I»
ing down Neck, dull ftupid Eyes, and a flow-
er Gate or Walk than ordinary. Now having confidered and explained both generally and particularly all the Symptoms, we muft adjoin the proper and peculiar Method of Cure of each of thefe Difeafes -, after which, giving fome general Inftruclions concerning the lef- fenjng the Quantity of Blood in each of them, and concerning applying the Cautery, I (hall conclude the firft book. C H A P. X. J
Of the Cure of the humid Dißemper.
IF the Difeafe they call the Maul be hu-
mid, fo that green Snot flows out at both Noftrils, about the Time it firft begins, the Head of the Horfe, &c. muft be purged by putting in pradife this Method of Cure. In a clear and calm Day you (hall mix together three Ounces of the beft Oil, one Ounce of the beft melted fuet, three cyaths of old Wine, and after you have warmed them, you fhall pour them into his Noftrils. You fball bind his Head to his Feet, and force the Horfe or Mule thus intangled to ftep along gently, that all the Humour may drop out. (But you muft pour it into them through a Siphon by little
CJi. i o: Difiempers of Horfes, &c. 17
e and lutle, and not all at once from a
gins" But if after this is done thc BIood be"
but ° t*lere *s not^'in§ t0 De feared,
ha K^011 arC rather t0 know that the Animal
s been duly purged. After which you mail
««meltedGoats-Suet with Oil, and fopour-
g it into theirNoftrils, the Sharpnefs of the ^Ulceration is mitigated. bru"f1S-alf0 Pr°per t0 take the Lafer-root and
p.Ul e ", and blow it with Wind through a ipe into their Noftrils, that it may provoke
eezing, you ^jj alfo carefulIy anoint his «ead and his Ears on the outfide with warm
Ü, and by putting Wool frequently into them,
Mcure him againft receiving any Injury by
SSIm% ?ld- Y°U fha11 alfo §ive them the
Seeds of Creflb to drink in Water. More- 7nnZ T §,;e- them a Drench «ibd
Lon?h\/OU *f take My"h> Gentian,
Long-krthwort, Bay-berries, and Scraping! °/ Ivory, well bruifed and fifted, and mix keeot? J1"' 0feachan^-l Weight, and
keep them by you. Of this Mixture you (hall |oofrhOU^0faH->^nrftDay,one
theSdhnPed m a/^-of old Vine,
C0«d Day one and an half, and the third C Day
18 Vegetlui Renatus of the Book I.
Day two Spoonfuls befprinkled with pure Wine
warmed and thoroughly mixed by agitating them carefully. Afterwards you fhall let him Blood in the Neck-vein, and having mix- ed it thoroughly with very fharp Vinegar, you mall anoint the Horfe's whole Body thorough- ly with it, and rub it carefully againft the Hair, that lb it may ftick to him like Glue. You mail alio put the Horfe or Mule in a warm Place. If he loaths his Food, you fhall pre- fently give the Horfe one Sextarius of Barley- meal thoroughly mixed with five Sextarii of Water to drink. You mall likewife offer him Wheat-meal to drink in like Quantity and pre- pared after the fame Manner. But if he loaths it, you (hall not therefore give him any other Thing, till fuch Time as by this he may get rid of this Diftrefs, and recover his Health. You fhall afterwards alfo take away fome Blood from his Palate, that he may be relieved from every Part, if any where the Difeafe begins to prevail and opprefs him. You are to know that this is a moff. dange- rous Diftemper, unlefs you carefully withftand it, for it foon paffes into,a fhort Fetching of the Breath, or Afthma, and excludes all Hope of Health.. |
' tt% bißemPers of[hrfest kc. if
9fthe Cure of the dry Dißemper.
"'"HE dry Difeafe, which is alfo chiefly
E>ife f d the Afthmatick or fhort winded beb! C> 1S denied by fome t0 be caPable of the PKUued> beCaufe k is found t0 be like theL k' whichis fatal to Men. For thinneannefS dai!y increaflnS> the Horfe grows
er> and is intirely dried up. But in all I an** of Pra^ice of Phyfick whatfoever, it
ealier to diminifh or remove fuch Things as
are redundant, than to fupply fuch Things as
eem to be wantmg. Nevertheless in this Dif-
temper alfo Health is reftored to Horfes, ifit
can be wuhftood, and Remedies be appl ed a
nv Blooff TH thiS dry Dif£afe> t0 take
Bodv a°u thCm3 bUt the Animal's wholc
foffi • m^ b£ thoroug% anointed with a
mcent Quantity of Wine and Oil mixed to-
CheeL and,7armed'f° thathi*Head, and
ed with a 1 JaWA°n thC °Utflde may be foak"
verrione^gf t****'**:'* -drubbed a comef- §bT, £ agamft thG Hair tU1 <he Sweat
low" P«.1 ,nWard,y he ™ft have this fol-
g PotU* adminiftrcd t0 him from the
C 2 very
to Vegetim Renatut of the Book I.
very firft Day. You muftgive him in a Drench
with a Horn the Juice of Ptifan, Hogs-greafs gently melted, and Starch boiled in Honey and Raifin-wine, that fo the Canal of his Throat, and the Joinings of his Cheeks and Jaw-bones, which the Drynefs of his Difeafe had bound up, may be relaxed; which being done, he muft fland in a warm Place. He ought to take infufed Barley, and green Grafs, if it can be found, that fo the dangerous Drynefs may be moderated every where. Confequently let fuch a Drench as this be prepared for the fame Animal. Take one Sextarius of the beft Raifin Wine, one Ounce of Illyrian Flower- de-luce, half an Ounce of black Pepper, a Scruple of Saffron, half an Ounce of Troglody- tian Myrrh, an Ounce of the Flower of Frank- incenfe, and five raw Eggs; mix them all together, and give him the whole of it the firft Day, fo that you may make the very fame Mixture for the Space of three Days and offer it him, that the Sharpnefs and Rough- nefs of fo grievous a Difeafe may be miti- gated by the Sweetnefs of the Potion. After thefe Things, when the Animal has been drenched, you fhall fill him with Morfels made of Honey, Butter, Axle-tree Greafe, Salt and Pitch, of each an equal Quantity, rolled in the Juice of Ptifan, and Raifin-wine. The firft
Ch- ii. tiißempers of Horfes, &c. 21
firft Day you (hall give him five fmall Pills,
CQe ,.next Day feven, and the third nine, ac-
^lng to Cuftom. But after thefe are ex-
* " e", let not your Pains be wanting to
nomt him with Wine and warm Oil; for as
is a moft bitter Difeafe, it cannot otherwife
/ dlfPe"ed but by bitter Potions, for Con-
ranes are not cured but by contrary Medi-
w"£l!\ -^°U ^a11 give tne DiaPente-poti°n
ith Wine, as has been mown above, not v"ry dunng the Space of three Days, but for
e7 many Days, that fo great a Danger may °e overcome. But if a very grievous ftrangulating Cough
opprefs them much, take a Sextarius of bro- ken Beans three Ounces of Goat's-tallow, three large Heads of Garlick, you mall mix them together and boil them, and give it warm ou of a h kh Raifin.wine> or the e Barley ptlfan. but if that Method of Cure pro-
ceed out flowly, yOU fhall bruife carefully n a Mortar two Pounds of dry Figs, and boil theWö"W °f Foenu2reek> till fuch Time as titv rer C°me t0~ one half of the firft Quan- the F?nerWards y°n fha11 ftrain K and bruife youfh?iiTeu with the Fi§s in a Mortar>
a Mort,r u mife after the fame Manner in
BundU K I"' °UnCeS °f Garlick> and three
Indies both of Rue and of Pariky : To all C 3 which
2 2 Vegetius Renatm of the Book 1»
which mixed together and carefully bruifed,
you add two Ounces of Dragons. You muß pour the Water upon them in which the Fee' nugreek was boiled, and make a Drench which may flow through a Horn : which you mail alfo give for the Space of three Days to Beafts that have a Cough, or have any Part within them over-ftretched or broken. The following Remedy you have alfo for
the dry Difeafe : You mall cut the Horfe, &c. with a Lancet between the Noftrils, and through a large Pipe convey Water into a Trough under his Mouth, and plunge his Noftrils into it conftantly for very many Days, that fo the afthmatick or phthificky corrupt ted Humour may diflblve or difcharge it- felfinto the Water. You mail alfo give him daily fuch a Drench as this, take one SeX' tarius of the Juice of Ptifan boiled with Goat's Tallow, of Live-fulphur and Male Frankincenfe, an equal Quantity each, and bruife and mix them together, of this you muft take every Day one Spoonful and mix it thoroughly with Ptifan, and pour it into him through a Horn : And when he be- gins to be ftronger, and in better Health, you fhall take away Blood from his Neck, and having put Vinegar to it, you fhall rub the Animal all over with it. CHAP.
Ch- 12. Dißempen of Horfes, &c. 2 3
/ the Cure of the fubtercutaneous Dif-
tember. * H E fubtercutaneous Difeafe, wherein a
A peftiferous Humour pafles between the
*"» and the Bowels, is to be cured after this
Manner. You fhall make a Fiftula or an Inci-
ufuaimp!he Animalj or aPpty a Cautery, in the
Bell between the Shoulders and the
v> making an Incifion in the Skin accord-
j>g to Rule, in a clear Dayj and }f yQu can
<jeiay «, in the Decreafe of the Moon, as is
the Cuftom with the Indians,by which all the Humour which is of a golden or fafFron Co- lour, and corrupted with the Contagion of the Dtfeafe, IS drawn out of the Bowels, which ^ « draw out but a fmall Quantity of Hu
HerK V PfCe f feV£n Days> the Root of the
«erb Ttthymal or Spurge, which will bring ut the Remainder of the Venom.
Breaft f '? alf° an°ther Remedy. Into the
Diftemn 'e Beaft which labours under this have X ^ b the Pkce where P* ft men * ** Wkh a *»* Copper In- C aU cr^^11 bfCrt a fmaU Roo^hich
Caü °?%», others Puimomcea (Lung- C 4 wort)
24 Vegetuts Renatus of the Book I.
wort) which Horfe-dodtors, and Herdfmen,
or fuch as have the care of Oxen frequently ufe. You perforate the Skin, and afterwards infert the little Root, which will remain there of itfelf, till fuch Time as the Skin, as far as it has been marked with the fharp Brafs Inftrument, fhall be turned into Rottennnefs, and the Humour be drawn from the whole Body to that Place, and let out by the Wound. You fhall hereupon give it the Potion they call Diapente above defcribed, with the beft old Wine, for the Space of three Days, or if there be any NecefTity, for very many Days: You fhall alfo take Parfley and Bay-berries, or if thefe Things fhould not be found, Bay- Leaves, and thofe of the wild Cucumber, and cut them into very fmall Parts, and mix them with Barley, that fo the Animal may feel Eafe, and receive Benefit from it's Food as well as from the Potion Diapente ; never- thelefs it is proper you fhould give him warm Water with Barley or Wheat-meal, and you mufl: houfe him in a warm Place, for cold increafes the Humour and the Rheum. Alio in this Ailment he ought to receive dry Food rather than green, and to be put to ve- hement Exercife, that the hurtful Humour may be dried up by the Sweat. |
Ch. 13. Dißempers cf Horfes, &c. 25
°f the Cure of the articular Dißemper.
H E articular Difeafe is manifefted by
*■ the following Symptoms, the Horfe will halt and be lame in his Feet by Turns, fometimes in his fore Feet, and fometimes in «is hinder; and there will appear as it were a Tumor in his Joints, about his Coronets, or at leaft in his Knees, becaufe by the Peftilen- tioufnefs of the Difeafe the Blood being cor- rupted fills the Nerves and Veins, and both hurts and weakens. You muft firft let him blood in the Neck, and having mixed the Blood thoroughly with very fharp Vinegar, you fhall fpread it all over the Body of the Animal, fo as to anoint more carefully thofe Places which are vexed, becaufc Blood let out of the Body, and again applied to the Body with Vinegar, is thought to dry up morbid Corruptions. But if the Difeafe fhows itfelf either in his
Knees or Joints, you {hall take away fome Blood from the fame Places, to which you (hall add Cimolian, that is, white Clay, a Pound of Nettles, three Sextarii of Vinegar, a Pound of cummin bruifed, a Pound of fried or parched 1 Rofin, |
26 Vegei'ius Renatus of the Book I«
Rofin, a Pound of Tar, an Handful of com-
mon Salt, frem Ox's Dung, as much as may be thought fufficient; wherever the Tumor mall appear, you mail frequently befmear it carefully with a Quantity of this. Efpeci- ally you fhall let him Blood in the Palate, left the Contagion feize his Head. He muft alfo be let Blood in the Shoulders, if the Lamenefs appear in his fore Feet; or if he begins to be lame in his hinder Feet, without doubt he muft be blooded in his Hips. You fhall alfo give him a Drench, which is
much approved againft all Diftempers what- foever. Take Centaury, Wormwood, Sow- Fennel, Mother of Thyme, Sagapenum, Be- tony, Saxifrage, round Birthwort, of each an equal Quantity, and bruife and fift them carefully. If the Animal be feverifh, you fhall give it in Water, if he is not in a Fever, you fhall give it him in the beft Wine, fo that every Day you may mix one large Spoon- ful heaped of the forefaid Medicine, in a Sextarius of Wine, or warm Water, and pour it down his Throat, that the Bitternefs of the Herbs fighting with the Bitternefs of the Difeafe, may be able to drive it out. |
vh. 14, Dißempers of Hörfest &c. £7
UJ the Cure of the farciminous Dif-
temper. TH E farciminous Difeafe (Farcin) is fo
called from the Similitude it bears to fluffing of a Saufage, or a Gut Pudding, or uch. like, becaufe the corrupted Humour flows trough certain Fiftulas or Pipes as it were between the Skin and the Flefh, and makes fery many Collections or Gatherings through- out the whole Body, and while fome of s tnem diminifh, others of them breed again ; out though it is a contagious Diftemper, ne- verthelefs it is more eafily cured in the Be- ginning, becaufe their Inwards are as yet found, but the morbid corrupted Humour abides between the Skin and the Flefh; never- thelefs the Animal that is in this Condition muft be let blood, in the Beginning only, before he begins to grow lean, or in the End, after he is well recovered; for in the Middle °f his Diftemper, if you will make ufe of f eding, you will by no Means cure the *. animal. But whatever Gatherings the
"eafe (hau maicej it is proper they ^^ ^ rik °r Cauterized with proper Cauteries,
and that they may be more efficacious and oeneficial, you muft make ufe of Brafs Cau- teries, |
2 8 Vegetun Renatm of the Book I»
teries, which Wounds are cured with Tar,
Honey and Oil mixed together. The Beaft ought to take cathartick Drenches, even fuch as are exceeding bitter, that is, Diapente with Wine, as has been faid already, which ufes to be efFeclual and beneficial againft all Kinds of Difeafes incident to thofe Animals. Moreover you muft infufe for three Days
one Pound of the Roots of Dwarf-elder, in three Sexthrii of the beft Wine, afterwards you muft bruife very carefully half an Ounce of the beft Aloes, one Ounce of Centaury, an Ounce of Opopanax, and put to them one Sextarius of the Wine wherein the Dwarf- Elder-Roots have been infufed, and give it him warm out of an Horn; which Quantity it will be proper for you to obferve for the Space of three Days, that fo the hurtful Humour may be difcuffed and carrried off through his Belly alio, by cathartick Potions of this Sort. It is alfo proper to exercife him often in Run- ning, till he come to be in a full Sweat 5 and when he is cured by the aforefaid Method, you fhall fend him out to Grafs, that fo in the Summer Time he may feed both Night and Day in the open and free Air, to the end that being both delighted with the Variety of Herbs, and dried by the Heat of the Sun, ^nd wet and touched again with the Night- Air |
Ch. 15. Biflempers of Horfes, &c. 29
Air and the Dew, he may the more eafily
difcufs and throw off his Diftemper. CHAP. XV.
Of the Cure of the fubrenal Dißemper.
TH E fubrenal Difeafe, as it is full of
Dangers, fo it will be found very ob- vious and plain to be underftood ; for it feizes upon, and loofens the Horfe's Loins, for which Reafon the Animal which is chearful and alert in his fore Parts, ufes to drag his hinder Parts. Let Affiftance be given him after this Manner. From both Sides, or from the Thigh, by cutting the Veins in a convenient Place, let Plenty of Blood be let out, which having mixed with fharp Vinegar, you muft fmear over the Animal's whole Body, and efpecially his Loins. He ought frequently to take by his Mouth from an Horn the well known Potion Diapente. But he muft alfo be cured by throwing into him by his Funda- ment, a Clyfter made of the hotted Ingredi- ents. Take an Ounce of Aloes, an Ounce of Pellitory of Spain, an Ounce and an half of' Euphorbium, an Ounce of Penny-Royal well bruifed, an Ounce of Bay-berries, half an Ounce of Caftor, three Ounces of Muftard- |
fö Vegetius Renatus of the Book J»
Seed, an Hemina of bruifed Salt: Having
bruifed all thefe carefully, you fhall divide them into three Parts, and each Day you fhall pour them in a Clyfter into the Animal's Gut with warm Water, in which Wheat-bran has been boiled, about half a Sextarius of it each Time, as the Method of Cure requires, that fo his Loins being warmed inwardly, the refolved Humour may be thrown out through his Belly with his Dung ; moreover his Loins muft be frequently and ftrongly rubbed, with the Oil of Bays, mixed with warm Wine, that fo the moft .painful Diftemper may be van- quished both without and within. Cauteries alfo muft be put upon his Loins, that the Strength of the Difeafe may be dried with the burning Heat of the Fire. Alfo the Potion made of the Decodlion of the eight Ingredi- ents, of which we made Mention in the arti- cular Difeafe, muft be given him, becaufe in all Difeafes it is of great Efficacy and Benefit. CHAP. XVI.
Of the Citre of the Elephantiaßs.
HP H E Caufe of the Difeafe they call the
Elephantiaßs, has been already declared, to which we muft apply fuch Remedies as not to attempt to cure the burning Itch or the little Sores outwardly, for the Difeafe will % in- ward, |
^•16. Difiempert of Horfes, Sec. '31
ard, and penetrate the Bowels, and create
^n§er. But firft of all Blood muft be taken
y. tlle Shoulder Vein, and mixed with ftrong
. §ar> and fpread over the whole Body.
l Jr ards tHe Qnantity of Blood muft be
^ iened from the Palate, and if their Strength
, Pfrmit, from the other Places infefted by e Difeafe, and put again upon the Body
lth Vinegar. But efpecially Foals weaned
arr°m their Mothers and tied up in the Stables, e wont to fall into this Diftemper, becaufe
/ are deprived of that Digeftion of their °°d> which they were firft accuftomed to,
3nd of the Exercife which they enjoyed in the aitures, and not being ftrong enough as yet
to fit upon, they are forced to ftand at their Mahgers. For the Difeafe they call the Ele- pbantiaßs, and all the Diftempers to which they glve the Name Maul, not only the Dia- A p °f Whkh the VirtUeS are undoubted, by
Experiments that have been made of it,
^Rd without which a Farrier is very defective par rfe ' bUt this Drench alfo muft be Pre"
Trv 1 ^nd kept by >'ou- Take a Pound of
inrenf Tn MyrrH' Z P°Und °f male Fiank-
iccnie, half a Pound of the Skin or Bark of OunTsTfTS °nl °UnCe °f PcPPer' flX
cia Tlf in' half a P°Und of red Aca"
> nalt a P0und 0f pomic Wormwood, one 1 Pound
3 2 Vegetius Renatus of the Book E
Pound of Mother of Thyme, a Pound of
Betony, one Pound of Centaury, three Ounces of Sagapenum, fix Ounces of Saxifrage, fix Ounces of Sow-fennel; after you have brayed and fifted all thefe very well, you fhall boil them with the befl: Honey, and having put them up carefully in a Glafs or Tin-veflel, lay them up and keep them by you, for the longer it is kept, the more efficacious it is ; of which Medicine you {hall give for the Space of three Days, to each of the difeafed Animals, one full Spoonful heaped, throughly mixed with one Sextarius of warm Water, and three Ounces of the befl: Oil. After it has begun to do good, you fhall give it with the befl: Wine and Oil, one Spoonful every Day without Intermiflion, as has been already faid. By which Potion, as well as by the Diapente, Beafts that are feized with any Diftemper whatfoever, are relieved. Neverthelefs Foals by Favour of their Age efcape more eafily : And oft-times, when they are not cured, they die. CHAP. XVII.
Of the general Caufes and Cure of the Maul.
IT is manifest that fuch Things as belong to
the Cure ofthat execrable Difeafe the Maul have been fully explained, but fo great is the Strength
Gn- 17^ Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 3$"
Strength of the Diftemper, 'tis expedient that nothing be omitted ; for from the Con- Jagioufnefs of it proceeds the lamentable De- ftruöion of whole Herds in the Paftures, and innumerable Deaths of Animals alfo that are *ePt in Stables, and by the unfkilful, or Dy thofe who neglecl: to cure them, it is im- Puted either to the Divine Wrath, or to Fate. *n a Word, as has been already declared, the Mifchief, itfelf begins with one Animal, and quickly paffeS to the intire Deftrudtion of the reitj therefore thofe, in whom any Sufpicion of fo great a Plague begins to appear, ought always to be feparated from the reft, fo far, that the Bodies alfo of dead Beads, which have been deftroyed and killed by that Dif- temper, muß: be carried out to thofe Places over which other Beafts do not pafs, and buried deep under Ground. For Horfes and other Beafts of Burden, which at firft are found, are infefted and perifli by the mod «inking Smell of thofe that are alive and have been infeded, and of thofe that are dead. Very many Authors, who have written
or the Farrier's Art, have attempted to affign tneCaufesofthis Diftemper, afferting that it comes of too much Wearinefs with running, or leaping violently extorted from them ; or from the Heat of Summer, or the Cold of D Win*
3 4 Vegetlm Renatus of the Book I;
Winter-; or if they are not füffered to dale
when they have a mind to it; or if they have eaten Barley when they are all in a S^vcat ; and if they have drunk when they svc Warm after running or hard riding, (and if when their Bladder is full) or if after drink' ing they are forced to run ; or if they have eaten fpoiled and rotten Hay and Barley ; and that from thefe and the like Constraints and Hardships, the Difeafes comprehended un- der the word Maul are wont to arife. In- deed all thefe Things ought to be avoided, for from them dangerous Illneffes often come upon Horfes, &c. But the Difeafe of the ikf^z//principally proceeds from the Corrupti- on of the Air; for when the South and South- wefc Winds blow, after a certain Succef- fion of Years, by the Return (as they affirm) of a certain Constitution of the Air, as at a certain Time Men are infected with the Plague, fo that Air infects and defiroys Beafts. Hence it is that many, and the moft approved Potions are neceffary, which may be able to give Help and Affiftance to the Health againft iucb violent Difeafes, a Part of which \vc have already comprifed in the preceding Pages, the other Part, which we have col- lected from all Authors upon this Subject, v/e fhall fubjoin in what follows. 2 There
*""• 17' bißempers of Horfes, kcl 3$
There is a Remedy beneficial againftall ge-
neral Difeafes. Take the Seed of the Egypti- an Gourd, (what they call Cohchinthis) as rnuch as the fourth Part of an Bemina will COr»tain, and break and bruife it, and having Putan Remina of the beft Wine to it, after avir>g mixed it thoroughly by agitating a"d ftirring it carefully, you fhall ftrain it through a Linen-cloth, and pour it into the Horfe's right Noftril, fo that it may reach his Wels, which Compofition is of very great enefit for the Dyfentery. There is alfo ano- er Potion, which is cheaper, but no lefs Proper to effectuate a Cure. You {hall bruife the green Roots of the wild Cucumber very fmall, and fteepthem in Water for one Night, and then taking them out, bruife and ftrain them, of which Juice you fhall daily pour into their Chops three Spoonfuls mixed with bruif- ed Nitre, with warm Wine, if the Beaü be free of a Fever; and you muft not ceafe to adminifter this Medicine for feven Days im- mediately following. You may alfo take bruifed Nitre, and the Roots of wild Cu- cumber cut very fmall, and add to them an Hemina of Warm Wjne> and pour ^ upon well cleanfed Barley for Food to the lan-
guishing Animal, that fo not only his Drink, D 2 but |
3 6 Vegetius Renatus of the Book IJ
but alfo his Food being tempered with a Me-
dicament, may contribute to his Health. There is alfo another Remedy ; you fhall
infufe and foak in the beft melted Greafe, the Root of the Dwarf-elder and the Nettle-root, an equal Quantity of each, cut very fmall, and ftrain them through a Linen-cloth, and of this warmed pour through the Animal's Noftrils for the Space of three Days as much as an Egg-fhell will hold, and after you have done this, you mull order Matters fo, that the Horfe or Mule, which labours under the Diftemper, may always take Barley with Smallage or Parfley, and the wild Cucumber cut very fmall, and that he be forced to drink the wild Cucumber itfelf, mixed with Water in a fufricient Quantity. This follow- ing Drench is alfo commended. Take a Pound of the Herb Savine, three Ounces of Germander, two Ounces of Centaury, four Ounces of Birthwort, four Ounces of Bay- berries, four Ounces of Myrrh ; you fhall bruife and fift all thefe, and reduce them to a very fmall Powder, and whenever it (hall be neceffary, you fhall pour a large Spoonful of it, with a Sextarius of warm Wine, into the Chops of the weary difrreffed Animal. This following Medicine alio will give Re-
lief againft all Difeafes, if, as far as theic Strength
Ch« 17. X)ißempers of Horfes, &c. 37
Strength will fuffer it, and fome Days in-
terpofed (obferving the . Rules prefcribed in leffening the Quantity of Blood) a certain Quantity of Blood be taken firft from their Neck, afterwards from their Palate, and in Whatever Places the Difeafe fhows it felf, if in their Face, from their Head j if in their fo/e Parts, from their Shoulders; if in their hinder Parts, from their Hips; and it be mixed with Vinegar, and the Animal rubbed all over with it; and you (ball give him this following Drench for the Space of three Days. Take three Ounces of the Roots of All-heal, of the Roots of Eringo the like Quantity, (but the beft Eringo, or Sea-holly is that, which grows upon the Shore, near the Waves of the Sea, almoft like the wild Thiftle, with a Yellow-green Flower; the Roots of it muft be digged up, for they are faid to penetrate deep into the Ground) alfo three Ounces of Fennel-feed, an On nee and a Half of Aloes; after you have hruifed and fifted them, you fhall divide them into three Parcels, and with a Sextari- us of well broken and ground Wheat-meal, let each Parcel be mixed with hot Water, and with a Horn poured down the Animal's Chops for three Days. |
O 3
3 3 Vegetim Renätus of the Book £
Pelagonins believes that it is a raoft effectu-
al Powder againft all Difeafes, if you put a young Stork, which cannot as yet ftand, but has Feathers already upon it, alive into a Pan, and plaifter it over, and after it is parched with the Heat of an Oven, reduce it into Powder ; and after it is bruifed, keep it three Days in a Glafs Veffel, and pour a large heap- ed Spoonful of it in a Sextarius of Wine in- to the Animal's Chops, till he recovers his Health. But Chiron the Centaur, befides other Compofitions, which have been already mentioned, affirms that a fucking Puopy ought to be put into boiling Water alive, and the Hair pulled off it, and then boiled fo as the Bones may be feparated from the Flefh, and when the Bones are carefully taken away, that the Flefh with the Water in which it was boiled be made up with the beft melted Tallow, old Wine and Oil, and Pepper with Honey to about the Quantity of a Sextarius of each, and that it ought to be kept by you, and that two Hemince of it ought to be given warm to each Animal every Day down their Throat, till they recover their Health. He alio fays that if the Head of a Kid, and all its Feet, having the Hair taken off them, be boiled in a Kettle after the fame Manner as the Puppy, and after the Bones are taken away,
Ch. 18, Dißempers of Horfes, &c 39
away, be put up in a Veffel and preferved,
and if two Hemince of it a Day be given in a Drench with a Horn, the fick Bead will be Sieved. He alio demonftrates that the fame Things ought to be obferved with Refped to a white Cock, as with the Puppy. He alfo advifes us to give to fuch Animals the Root of the Herb they call Tithymal or Spurge, Doiled with fweet Wine. Alfo to that Ani- mal which fhall begin to labour under that Diftemper of a violent Flux of Humours at theNofe, -which had its firß Rife in Attica, fo that a green or a pale Humour breaks out of "s Noftrils, he thinks that two Hemince of hu- man or Ram's Urine ought to be mixed with Wine, and four Spoonfuls of the Oil of Rofes, and poured into it through its Noftrils, which throw out the deadly Humour; and he affirms that this Method of Cure reftores Scundnefs to the Lungs, and dries up the Noftrils. CHAP. XVIII.
Of a phyfical and annwerfary Remedy*
U T for a phyfical and anniverfary Re-
medy, he has taught us, that we muft take Betican Garlick, or the larger Sort, r\ . which» |
40 Vegetius Renatas of the Book I.
which fome call Galilean Garlick, and that
each fmall Head of it ought to be carefully bruifed with a fingle half Ounce of Sagape- num, and with one Cyath, or four Spoonfuls of the beft Oil, and mixed with one fingle Hemina of Water, and that on the 24th, 25th, and 26th of June, that is, about the Beginning of the Dog-days, a fingle Hemi- na of it ought to be given to each Animal through it's Noftrils. By doing of which, fuch of them as are drenched three different Times, whether they be fuch as are kept in Herds, and are wild, or fuch as are broken and tame, are preferved untouched the whole Year from this Diftemper. CHAP. XIX.
Of the Compofition of Fwnes againß
the Diflemper they call the Maul. IT has now been declared and explained,
what Things muft be done againft the Diftemper they call the Maul, of which there are diverfe Species, either by Way of Drench- es to be adminiitred both by the Mouth and by the Noftrils, or by Way of Clyfters, as alfo by Cauteries, and by blooding ; but there ^remains another, no lefs neceflary, and a more effectual
Chap." i"9. Dißempen of Horfes, &c." 41
effectual Method of Cure, which is perform- ^ by the Smell of feveral Kinds of Fumes. *or fince the Infection itfelf arifes from the fctink of the corrupted Air, and penetrates and defcends into the very Lungs and the Rowels, it ufes to be expelled as well by the Aufterity or Roughnefs of Smells, as by the ßitternefs of Potions. Therefore in Propor- tjon to the Number of the Animals, you ihall choofe a low Place inclofed on every Side, lnt0 which you fhall bring the Animals that are already fick, and which you are de- «rous to cure j or feparately, fuch as are yet found, and which you have a mind mould not be infected with the Contagion of the Lhftemper Take wild Marjoram, Garlick, Mint, 4/palathum (Rofewood) Sow-fennel, Ultor, and Opopanax, mix together an equal Quantity of each, and then put upon live Coals as much of them as you can take up with your three Fingers, and you fhall hold the Mouth and the Head of the Animals over the Smoak, that the Roughnefs and Aufterenefs of the Smell entering through their Mouth and thpJr maa -i • u • •
anu tnar JNoitnls into their in-
ward Parts, may diffufe kfdf ^^ and penetrate and reach to their very Lungs,
and prove an effedual Medicine to the Ani- mals, |
42 Vegetius Rena tus of the Book I*
Of another more powerful Compofition
of Fumes, for luflrating or purify- ing Animals, which alfo removes Faf- cination. THERE is alfo another Compofition of
Fumes to keep off Difeafes, more ex- penfive indeed, but it is reckoned more bene- ficial. Take two Pounds of live Sulphur, one Pound of Jew's-pitch, fix Ounces of Opopanax, fix Ounces of Agat, of Galba- num, Caftor, and crude Flower-de-luce, an Ounce of each, two Ounces of Sal Armoni- ac, three Ounces of Cappadocian Salt, three Ounces of Harts-horn, of Jeat-ftone, male and female, three Ounces each j of Blood- ftone, Load-done, Litharge of Silver, an Ounce of each, feven of thofe little Firnes they call Sea-horfes, of thofe fmall Shell Fifhes they call Sea-nails or Sea-
lingers, feven in Number, three Ounces of the Sea-grape ; of Deer's-marrow, Cedar-ro- fin and of Tar, of each three Pound Weight, of the Bones of the Cuttle-fifh, feven in Number, half an Ounce of Gold, and a Carat
ChaP. 21. Dißempen of Horfes, &c. 43
Carat of Gold Ore : when all thefe are mixed
together and fet on Fire, they refift with their ^ell the Difeafes both of Men and of Beafts, they fays that they chace away De- mons, keep off Hail-ftones and purify the lr- But if you mall either not be able 0 find the fore-mentioned Stones, or for- ear to buy them becaufe of their enormous ^ri£e, the other Things are effectual and be-
neficial. |
Of the Method of letting blood.
A L L Application whatfoever of Medi-
X X eines to Beafts, and even to Men alfo if we enquire after Truth, will frequently be erroneous and endanger the Patient, unlefs the Phyfician knows beforehand the Nature and Reafon of the Diftemper, and the true Me- thod of Cure ; for the Nature of the Diftem- per, and the Method of Cure being fet in a clear Light, when the Application is agree- able to the Nature of the Diftemper, it un- doubtedly gives Relief. Therefore a general Remedy for very many of their Members and of their Difeafes mud be fet in a clearer Light,
44 Vegetius Renatus of the Book I."
Light, and it confifts principally in leffening
the Quantity of Blood, if it be carefully done by an experienced ikilful Farrier, in a- reafonable Manner, with due Regard to the Time, Age and Strength of the Animals, who, if he be ignorant of this Method, will not only fail in his Cure by letting of blood, but will alfo very frequently be the Caufe of great Danger to the Beafts. For as much as the Life, and the Strength of living Crea- tures confifts in the Blood, fo Blood taken from them feafonably ufes to reftore Health to the Body. Of which Thing they give fuch an Account as this. The Blood being corrupted by the Indigeftion of the Food, and of the Humours, runs hither and thither through all the Members, and ufes to bring a Languor and Pain either upon the whole Body, or upon fome certain Parts of it. For by the Conftricäion of the Nerves, and the Tenfion of the Veins, an Inflation and Indi- geftion is produced, which Tenfure (if I may fo fpeak) of the Body cannot otherwife be loofened, but by kflening the Quantity of Blood : For the only Remedy and the morteft Way is, along with the difeafed and vitiated Part of the Blood itfelf, to draw off that Corruption which is hurtful, and which by a mif*
Ch. 22^ Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 45
mifchievous Infection, as it were, is the Caufc
of and produces Sicknefs or Danger. CHAP. XXII.
Of the Diligence and Care that is to
he ufed in letting of blood. HENCE it is that mod People think it
neceflary every Year, in the Spring Time, to let their Horfes and other labouring Beafts Wood in the Neck, and fo to fend them out to Grafs, left the new Blood which is natu- rally hot, being mixed with that which is old and corrupted, fhould weaken them, and en- danger their Health ; but the ancient and more prudent Authors forbad Animals to be emptied without Necefiity, left the Cuftom of leflening the Quantity of their Blood, if at any Time it was not done, fhould prefent- ly breed a Difeafe within their Body, and throw them into a bad State of Health. It is better therefore, that Animals that are younger, and in a good State of Health, fhould be let blood in no Part of their Body, except in their Palate, from which the Hu- mour or Blood muft conftantly be drawn off, whether they be young, or be come to their full Growth^ that fo their Head, their Eyes 2 and |
46 Vegetuis Rena f us of the Book'T»
and their Brain may be relieved. But for
Animals that are come to Maturity, it will not be inconvenient or improper to ftrike a Vein, when they are fent out to the Paftures. Neverthelefs in all thofe which are to be let blood, this Cuflom muft be obferved, that, the Day before the Vein be opened, they be fuftained with lighter Food, and more fparingly, and in leffer Quantity than ufual, that fo by eating at certain Intervals of Time, their Body may be in a compofed State, and not difturbed through Indigefti- on. But you mail place the Horfe upon an even Ground, and gird his Neck about with a Leather-thong or Cord, and let it be held ftraiter by fome body upon his ftioulder-blade, that the Vein may be' more diftinclly feen. Then you mail with a Spunge and Water wafli the Vein itfelf, and often wipe it, that it may (land out and appear the higher ; you ihall alfo prefs the Thumb of your left Hand down into it, that it may not efcape you, and that the Vein may become the more tumid and Inflated: After this, according to the Precept of the Art, and the Pofition of the Animal itfelf, you mail ftrike into it a Fleam made of hard Steel, and well fharpen- ed at the Point upon Hones. You fhall al- fo obferve not to imprefs your Hand too deep, and
Chap. 22. Dißempen of Horfes, &c. 47
and break the Gullet and the Wind-pipe,
and cut the Artery, for this ufes to endanger the Life. Having ft ruck the Vein, lay form Hay or green Fodder by the Animal to eat, that by the Agitation of his Jaw-bones the Blood may break out with greater Force ; but when the black or corrupted Humour or Blood is drawn off, or it begins to drop purer than at firfi.t you fhall prefently take away the Horfe from his Meat, and clofe up 'the Wound of the Vein by putting a Fibula upon ". But you may put a Pittacium or Plaifter upon the Wound, that it may clofe the bet- ter, though fame make Ufe of Clay alfo. Then you fhall put the Bead in a dark and warm Place, and give him green Fodder, if it be the Seafon, or very foft Hay, for feven Days and Nights.. You fhall alfo offer him Water, that he may drink if he will; but green Forage of Wheat is preferred to that of Barley, but if it be wanting, you fhall give him green Barley Forage; remember alfo that that is the heft, which is neareft to the Sea-waves, becaufe it opens their Belly more eafily, and carries off the Humours. But in whatever Place a Vein has been ftruck, you fhall carefully receive all the Blood, and having mixed it thoroughly with Vinegar and Oil, or other Medicaments which Reafon, |
48 Vege tins' Renatus of the Book I«
or the Method of Cure requires, you {hall
anoint the Animal's Body itfelf all over with it, especially that Place from which the Blood has been taken, and in which 'tis thought the Difeafe lies: For 'tis certain, that by a certain Method and Benefit of Nature, as fome fay, the Blood itfelf, when it is poured upon the languifhing Members, proves a Me- dicine to them, and dries up the Diftemper; which prudent and careful Method of Cure muft not be omitted. Moreover fome Days intervening after
the letting of blood, the Beads are brought out to the Sun, and they are let blood in the Palate, but they take it from them about the third Degree from the Dog-teeth or Tusks, and they muft be tied up higher than ufual becaufe of the Flux of the Blood ; fo that for that Day they may make ufe of the fofteft Food and of Bran ; but the following Days let them not have their whole Allowance of Barley, but let them begin with a cheaper and lower Diet, and by enlarging it every Day, let them come to their ufual Allow- ance. Afterwards in a warm Day let them be led to the Sea, or to d River, and care- fully wafhed and wiped ; they muft alfo be carefully anointed all over with Wine and Oil, and rubbed in the Sun, that their Bodies being,
Ch. 24. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 49
being warmed, may either repel, or endure
and bear with the Injury of a fhivering Cold. After you have finifhed all thefe Things, let tne Horfes of a noble and generous Kind be at length called back to the Labour of run- ning, riding and travelling. C,H A P. XXIII.
Caflrated 'Animals mufl not be let Blood.
j\/j Oreover you are to know, that geld-
.4» ed Animals muft never have the Quantity of their Blood leffened, becaufe they have already loft a Part of their Strength with their Tefticles; and if they be blood- ed, they are enervated to a greater Degree. Hence it is that Affes muft not be let Blood becaufe naturally they have lefs Blood and have got fmaller Veins. CHAP. XXIV.
Stallions muß not be emptied by bleeding.
ALon° f\T needful t0bl00d S*
t r c°ns> for Natur^ carries off a Part of thejr Strength and Blood in Coitionever- theless if they ceafe to be ufed as Stallions, unlefs they be let Blood every Year in Grafs- E time,
jo Fege tins Rena f us of the Book I.
time, they lofe their Sight and become
blind, becaufe that which they ufed to carry off in Coition, falls down into their Eyes. CHAP. XXV.
In what Diflempers, and from what Places
Blood is to be taken.away. NOW, that nothing may be left ambi-
guous, we mail declare in what Ail- ments, and from what Places the Blood ought to be let out. In fuch as are difeafed, and whofe whole Body is out of Order (as in fuch as have a Fever, as mail be faid below) Blood muft be let out from the Neck-Vein ; but as for fuch as have the Head-ach, or the Staggers, or are mad, or are (g) cardiac, and have a Pain at the Mouth of their Stomach, have the Falling-evil, or are affected with a Phrenfy, or are Planet-flruck, or any Man- ner of Way furious, the Direction is to take away fome Blood from their Ears; never- thelefs it is better that it be drawn from the Temples, both on the right and left Side, that is, the Vein muft be fought for below (g) Cardiac, originally a Greek Word from Cardia, which
was ufed by the Greek Physicians fomedmes to fignify the Mouth of the Sfomp.ch, fo that Cardiac fignifies being affedted with a Pain at the Mouth of the Stomach, which was attended with Faintings and Sweating. the
Ch- 25. tiißempers of Horfes, &c. 51
the Hollow of the Temples, about three
ngers finance from the Eyes, and Blood
mult be let out of both of them. But of "ch as happen to have a SufFufion in their f-yes, or the other Difeafes, which are hurt- *«* to the Eyes, the lower Veins, which are Placed under the Eyes, which defcend under the mfenor Angles of the Eyes, are opened tour Fingers breadth lower than the Eyes are. ut fuch as have a Loathing upon them, or
a 1 umour of the Arteries, or Jaws, or a Weighing-down and Heavinefs in their Head, muft be let blood in the Palate. But they Whofe Lungs or Liver are affecled and difor- dered or the other Parts which are next to tnefe Members, the Quantity of their Blood muft be leffened from their Breaft, from the Veins which are placed on the Right and Left, where the Shoulders are conjoined with it, ana the Flexure is made when the Shoul- der is folded. But of fuch as have a Dif- fer in their Shoulders, let the Quantity of Blood be leffened from their Fore-lees, which Veins arc placed towards the infide, where the Mufcles of the Fore-legs are, flx Fingers higher than the Knee, three or two FinS lower thanahe-Fore-leg Mufcles. Let thefe Van. be ftruck with a Lancet, but let them E 2 be |
5 2 Vegetius Renatus of the Book *'
be touched cautioufly and advifedly, becaufc
of the Weaknefs of the Animal; for theie Veins are mixed with the Nerves and Ten' dons. But for fuch as are difeafed in theif Joints, or if the Joint be put out or wrefted, or has a watery Humour in it, or if any like Thing happen in the Joints, Blood ought to be taken away from below the Foot-lock, which Veins are placed lower than the Joints three Fingers above the Coronet, which Veins muft be touched with the greateft Cautio» and Care, becaufe they are joined with the Tendons, Nerves of the Joints.-------Or if
he has moved, ftrained or ftretched the loW'
er Part of his Foot, it is better to take away Blood from the Coronets. CHAP. XXVI.
Offuch as force their Hoof or thruß it out of
its Place, how Blood may be taken away from it. BUT fuch Horfes or Mules whofe Hoof
has been greatly tormented either with the Diftemper of a SufFufion, or fpreading of a corrupted Matter, or by fome voluntary Act of your own, or the under Part of whofe Foot having been affedted by fome Obftaclc in
Ch- 26. Dißempen of Horfes, &c. 53
neft* f^ay' haS been the Caufe °f a Lame"
th"\^r a lon° Contirmance, are healed by the weth°d °f Cure '' you {ha11 adJuft or Pare
c ft K°f t0 thC Very (^ck aS " were> and
alt the Horfe that is untraceable, then having gapped up his Paftern with Flax, you {hall
Tä «very hard, and at the fame Time let
S6 !^ole Circumference of the Soal of the
««of be fcalpelled or cut with a Lancet, and you a, n cut thc Hoof dl round^ fo th^ .t
"^ be m Part raifed up from the CorQ_
«et; then you mall infert the circumcifing initrument, or Knife with which you cut it round, between the Hoof and the Soal and 7orZr^11 hdVe deared " Wdl <>' a» the
cojTuptcd Humour, vou fell loofe the paf_ tern, and you will find that the Blood fl
^Q^tity of Blood, ha. flowed out of
hem, you {hall rub it all over with Salt" £ ^wards you mail anoint it with Vinegarand
JM, and fence and fecure it carefully with Lmen-cloths. You fhall take Care to put a Shoe of spaniß Broom upon it, th/af e thethrowmgoutoftheHLouStheHrf
-y be: repaid and reftored. But you ough never to put m praclife this ^ Ȥht bur m one Foot at a Time, that fo the Ani-
E 3 mal |
54 Fegeiius Renatus of the Book I.
mal may be able to endure and to ftand.
But if there is the like Diforder and Indifpo- fition in any other Foot, after the Animal has begun to ftand firmly upon that Foot which was firft cured, then you fhall caft him, and cure him by obferving the fame Method already mentioned. But if in thefe Difor- ders you have a mind to burn the Animal, you fhall let him Blood and cauterife it after this Manner. You fhall pare the Hoof to the Quick, and fet the Fleam again ft the Vein, and ftrike it through, that the Blood may ftart out through the Soal which the Fleam has penetrated. But you fhall in like Manner rub it thoroughly with Salt, and with Oil and Vinegar, and fence it well with Linen-clouts, but only one fingle Foot at a Time, fo that he may be able to fup- port himfelf. Such as are only let blood and cauterifed, are not thrown down. |
Ch- 27. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. S5
f Me Place from which Blood muß be taken
infuch Horfes as are (h) Opiftotonic, have any 0f their inward Parts ßretched, are qtefcd with the Colick, or have a fre- quently returning Belly-acb, and are af- filed with thefabrenal Dißemper. CUCH Horfes as are (h) Opißotonic, or
** are affedted with the fubrenal Diftem- per, fuch alfo as have any of their inward farts ftretched, or have the Choliek, and who have a frequently returning Pain in their Belly, are let blood in their Tail, although it may be thought better for thefe Sort of Difordcrs that have befallen them that Blood ihould be taken from their Bowels. But if y°U ^T/ mlnd t0 take k from their Tail
7.^1 do u after this Manner, lift Up their 1 ail, and turn it upwards towards their Loins, and about four Fingers from the Fundament, where t has no Hairs upon it, beat the Tai WUhf0mebltofaP1-kor^thatisnoc c^£::tc^trTia,condnuai c°-^ ^
whole Body, and fornixf^ hmdeV Parts- affefling the
fome particular P-,,.. 1 1 , t0 exPrefs the Contraft ion of Part, aPS of the Neck, S^' ^ " ^^^ rf,dw
^ 4 heavy,
56 Vegetius Renatus of the Book I.
heavy, till fuch Time as the Vein (hows it-
felf, and in the Middle of the Divifion of the Tail, four Fingers breadth from the Funda- ment, you fhall ftrike the Vein with a Lancet, that the Blood may ftart out; after it has flowed abundantly, you {hall bind it up with a Bandage. But when you have a mind to let it out of the Bowels, you (hall with a Lancet ftrike the Middle of the eminent Veins in each of the Thighs, under the Groins, on the right and left Side, (but it mud be done cau- tioufly, becaufe of the Neighbourhood of the Tendons or Nerves that are mixed with them) after the flowing of the Blood you fhall put Fullers Earth or Clay upon the Veins. If there be any Knots or Swelling of the Veins in the Legs, or any Pain in the Hip or Hough, let Blood be drawn from the Legs: For there are Veins which defcend from the Bowels along the infide of the Legs, which you fhall cautioufly ftrike with the bleeding In- strument tranfverfely, becaufe of the Neigh- bourhood of the Tendons and Veins that are mixed with them ; and after the Blood has flowed fufHciently, you fhall bind up the Leg with a Bandage. |
Ch. 28. Lißempers of Horfes, &c. $7
Of the
Manner of giving the Fire and the
j N order to promote the Cure, and reftore
-& Health to Animals, Authors have pitched upon a twofold Remedy, viz. the lejj'ening the Quantity of Blood, by which the Parts that are bound up, ftraitened and contracted are relaxed; and the burning of the Cautery, by which the relaxed Parts are ftrengthened and confirmed. But fince the Manner and Method of Cure by opening a Vein feems to be clearly enough explained, it feems necef- fary that the Advantage of the Cautery, al- though it be the very laft thing to be done for performing the Cure, be alfo explained and opened; for the burning conftringes or binds faft the Parts that are relaxed, attenu- ates thofe that are inflated, dries up thofe that are over moiftened, diffolves coagulated Juices, takes clean away cankered Sores, heals old Pains, it recals to their own natural State the Parts ot the Body which by any Caufe whatfoever have been difordered and put out of their natural State, and does not fuffcr preternatural Excrefcences, which have been taken
r 8 Vegetim Renatus of the Book I.
taken away and burned, to grow; for when
you have broken the Skin with the red hot Iron, all the diftempered Matter is concocted and maturated, and being diffolved by the Be- nefit of the Fire, runs out with the Hu- mour through the Holes made by the Caute- ry, and fo the Diforder is cured, and the Pain removed ; after which, when the Ci- catrices are clofed, the Place is rendered firm- er and ftronger, and the Skin almoft info- luble. But you mud know that Cauteries made of Copper are more effectual to perform a Cure than thofe made of Iron. Moreover if the Difeafe be in the Head, you burn the Neck j if it is the fubrenal Diftemper, the Fire is applied to the Loins. But fometimes the Points of the Cauteries are thruft into the Part. Sometimes the red hot Iron is drawn along fo as to form the Similitude of a Line, or of little Palm Branches ; for in this the Skill of the Horfe-doctor is commended, if he cures the Animal with the Cautery fo as not to deform it. But according to the Places wherein the Diftemper lies, and the State and Condition of the Skin, the Cauteries are impreffed with more Force, or more lightly. But it muft be remembered, that violent Shocks, Bruifes or Squeezes, or Parts wrefted or put out of Joint, or thrown out of their Places,
Ch. 2 9. Dißempers of Hörfes, ;&c. 59
Places, ought not to be deeply cauterized, for a perpetual Weaknefs follows upon it; for "is better after they have been put again into their Places, and very carefully fortified and Jecured with Ligatures, and fo corroborated by the Benefit of Nature, Induftry and Art, to cure them thoroughly with lenitive Oint- ments, or Malagma's; and laftofall to apply the Cautery to the fame, in hopes of perpe- tual Soundnefs and Health. It is neceffary t° give this particular Admonition, left the Earners making too great hafte, while they aefire to cure with Fire, fhould weaken or deform the Animals; whereas the Cure ought firft to be attempted by letting of blood, Frenches, Ointments and Injedions, and di- vers other Medicaments; and if they are of no Benefit, laft of all the Fire is applied. CHAP. XXIX.
Of Fevers and the Way of curing them.
TlTHatever Diftempers do ufually bring
▼ ▼ Horfes, or Mules, &c. into the difficult anclobfcure Methods of Cure thefe
we comprehend in the firft Book, that'fo the tirlt and ^ principal Things relating to Cures, which will occur in the feveral chapters th£re_ of.
6o Vegetim Renatus of the Book I.
of, and which will be effectual to check the
Diflempers in the very beginning, rmy be the more eafily found, and give no Diflike or Uneafinefs to the Readers. Therefore it is proper to give Affiflance and Relief as foon as may be to fuch Animals as are fick of a Fever: For it is thought that they are not able to fuftain the Violence of the Heat longer than the Space of three Days, within which Time, if they are not cured, they die. We muft therefore firfr. defcribe the Symptoms and the Caufes of this Diftem- per, and afterwards explain the Medicines proper for the Cure. A Horfe or a Mule, &c. that is fick of a
Fever, will fcarcely be able to lift up his de- jected Head from the Earth ; he will con- tinue with his Eyes open, his Lips hanging down, an ugly Sadnefs, and Weightinefs in his whole Body follows upon it; his Tefticles being more fwelled, hang more laxly than ufual, his Members burn with Heat, his Pulfe beats vehemently, he fetches his Breath very fliort and quick, and his Breath is hot j he has a conftant Cough, a daggering Gate or Walk, a loathing of his Food, a Defire of drinking, con flan t Wakings and Reftlefl*- nefs. |
CK 2 9. Lißempen of Horfes, &c. 61
But the Caufe of this Diftemper proceeds
from great Labour and Fatigue, if Negligence follows upon it. Sometimes it is wont to Proceed from too much violent Heat, or from being expofed to a vehement Cold, or from the Crudity of his Food, or from a fuddenly growing Cold after being in a Sweat, or from the Heat of new Barley. And this is the ufual and common Method of Cure. They muft be prefently let blood either in the Face, or m the Temples, or in their Palatej they muft be kept altogether from all manner of Food the firft Day, afterwards a little of the beft Hay or of green Grafs muft be offered them from Time to Time, and the Animal muft alfo reft from all things; and alfo being fe- queftred and kept by himfelf, he muft be roufed and made to ftir in temperate Weather by walking him gently to and fro in the Place' alfo he muft be well covered and houfed in a warm Place. When the Animal begins to be better, proffer him Grafs cut very fmall, and if this be wanting, let foaked Barley, and bruifed, after the Hufks are taken from it beofferedtohim, by little and little, in the
Manner of ^Ptifan, and let him have it fre- quently, but very little at a Time. |
6 2 Fegetius Renatus of the Book I.
Of Wearinefs which feems like to a Fever.
BU T for the moll: Part Horfes being
forced to run or gallop beyond their Strength, or over-burdened with too great Weight, and fpent or exhaufted with Sweat- ing, (how fuch Signs as are like to thofe that are in a Fever; you fhall know them in this Manner. The Tears will fall from their Eyes from Time to Time, and their Eyes will be as it were blood-lhot, moreover'he fetches his Breath more frequently than ordi- nary, and loathes his Hay, and he will fup- port himfelf beft with his hinder Feet, for he fets down his fore Feet more flowly than ufual, as if they were worn and bruifed un- derneath or foundered. CHAP. XXXI.
Of inward Fevers.
BUT if it be an internal Fever, the A-
nimal will not eafily fleep, and will grow worfe every Day ; fometimes he will have Fellons or fmall Biles in his Back or in his Sides:
C". 32. Bißempen of Horfes, &c. 63
Sides : You are to know that he is incommo-
ded with the Difeafe they call the Maul, which has been already defcribed ; you fhall Pour into him through his Noftrils for fome "ays human Urine, as alfo that of Rams, and fo you fhall give him the Drenches al- ready mentioned as proper in that Difeafe. CHAP. XXXII.
Of Fevers in the Autumn.
L>UT if the Horfe, or Mule fhall begin
JLJJ to have a Fever in the Autumn, you "jail prefently take away Blood from his Week, or from his Palate,- in the third Bar, afterwards you mail pound in a wooden Mor- tar, a hextanus of the Herb they call Ger Ounce of Rofes, and fift them very fmall
!nd m t" ilU° a Drench wi* Water
Md Oil, and give it him to drink, and fo you inall reftore him to Health. |
Of a Fever in the Summer.
UT if he begins to be in a Fever in
Summer, he will be all over in a Sweat, 1 will |
64 Vegetiui Renatus of the Book I.
will be reftlefs and always moving, and his
Arteries beating very high, and will often let down his Yard as if he were going to ftale, he will walk obliquely inclining towards the Earth. You muft feek for the Vein about the Middle of his Hip, about four Fingers from his Fundament, and from it you mail take away fome Blood, but if you cannot find it, you mall take it from his Neck. You fhall prepare and give him the following Drench fuitable to the Seafon. You {hall bruife an handful of the Herb Purflain, and offer him the Juice of it with Gum Dragant and Frankincenfe, and the Juice of the Bell- rofe, with Honey-water added to it j you muft not give him a very large Drench, left you cool him more than he ought to be; becaufe, in as much as he wants as it were his Spleen, and at the fame Time alfo is infeebled by the Want of his Blood, he is deprived of his Heat. CHAP. XXXIV.
Of a Fever in the Winter.
BUT if he have a Fever in Winter, bray
together in a Mortar the above mention- ed dry Drugs, and mix them carefully, and i give |
h- 34- Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 65
tt«it?e"i, 1° him throush his Ieft Noft"i >
Health wdl follow upon it. But this follow-
ed\ tr ? rep°rted t0 be beneficial and ?°°d for fuch as have a Fever : Take two cenfC? ^ " hdf °f the Manna of Rankin-
Ounr ?T°* of%rian Flower-de-luce, an
Ounce of Pepper, 0f Bay-berries, and Parf-
y-leed, one Ounce each ; you fhall make
SL *° u ?fenCh Wkh Wine made of
AUwf t SUD* and Sive " hi* to drink. Veh c g him bl°0d in the Neck- him °u T hiS Palate« y°u ^ drench
™ when he has a Fever after this Manner. Southe°ne JUn^0f Hyff°P' flX °unces of
£L?o7ä ' \SeXtaHuS °f ^oafs-milk, a of ttbeft O? Um °r StarCh' three <W«
or the beft Oil, one Cyathus of the Tuirr nf the Herb PÄr;, //& ^J^W
an Horn into his Ghoos it will k r 1 S
Remedy. P' ll WlU be a falutary There is alfo another Potion. Take a
Sextanus of Milk, ^ ^ of o^* Scruple f Saffron, two Scruples of MyrT a Spoonful of Parfley_fGed : you Lfl| ' them all together and « u miX Horn. la VW ™? ** ^ W"h a
drink Wheat-m 1 vv^th if ^ them t0
11 meal with luke-warm Watpr, but,„ Summer, Barley-mea, witCld w£/.
66 Vegetius Renatus of the Book I.
If they be in a Fever, you rauft not give
them the full Meafure, but the Places of their Flanks that are inflated muft be burned with the Cautery, the Parts that are burned muft be cured. There is alfo another Drench ; take a Hemina of Goat's-milk, a Cyathus of Amylum or Starch, four Eggs, a Cyathus of Oil, and the Juice of the Herb they call Pellitory of the Wall, and you (hall give them it to drink daily till they recover their Health. There is alfo an Ointment, with which fuch as have a Fever muft be rubbed all over. Take a Pound of Rofes, a Pound of old Oil, three Hemina of Vinegar, a Pound and an half of Goat's-milk, Purflane-feed, and bit- ter Nuts or Almonds, of each fix Ounces, of Mint or Rue, as much as may fuffice ; you fhall bruife them and mix them all together, and ufe this Ointment warm, and fo as to rub them with it very long againft the Hair; and after you have anointed and covered the Ani- mal, you mail put it in a warm place. There is alfo another Potion, if they be in a Fever in Winter ; take one Ounce of Gentian ; and Birthwort, HyjfTop, Wormwood, and South- ernwood, of each one Ounce ; fix Ounces of Carian dry Figs, three Ounces of Parfley- feed, a Bundle of Rue ; you fhall boil them all in a Pan with Water, into a third Part, 2 and |
Ch. 35. Dißemperi of Borfes, &c. Of
and when you fee it begin to grow black, it is
of°w h,y b°iled" Afterwards mix an Hemina
Wine with it, as has been faid above, and P°ur it into their Chops with an Horn. CHAP. XXXV.
J a Fever from Indigeflion or from a Pie-
thory. F any Horfe, Mule, ®c. be fick of a
Fever from Indigeflion or a Plethory, he will fetch his Breath ftrongly through his ^oftnls, and frequently agitate or heave his blanks, and his Breath will be exceeding hot and dry • he will bend his Chine more eafily- than ordinary . for one that has a Fever from a very great Cold, is flifF5 becaufe Heat re- lies the Members 5 Cold aftnnges them. Therefore a Horfe that has a Fever from a «ethory is let blood plentifully from his Neck, «is Noftrils are rubbed throughly with Vine- gar, that he may fneeze very often. Alfo if the Belly of one that has a Fever be harder than ordinary, let the Dung be pulled out by Putting your Hand into his Fundament, let fcim abftain from Food, and let him drink a very little at certain Intervals, and after he *as been anointed with the Medicament alrea- F 2 dy |
68 Vege tun Ren at us of the Book I«
dy described, and rubbed for a long while, he
fhall ftand for three or four Hours in a wann Place, well covered up, afterwards he fhall be brought forth to walk, neverthelefs he muft be well wrapped up. CHAP. XXXVI.
Of a Fever from a Wound in the Mouth, or
faws. T F at any Time a Fever arifes from fome
JL Wound or Suppuration of the Mouth or Jaws, Blood muft be taken from their Tem- ples, as alfo from the Palate of their Mouth, from their Cheeks alfo, or from their Neck; and finally, whatever Place is in pain in an Horfe that has a Fever, from the fame Blood ought to be taken away in a due and mode- rate Quantity. But if he altogether diflikes and refufes his Food, you fhall pour into his Chops Meal mixt with Water for his Support; you fhall alfo make up Lumps or Morfels of Raifins dried in the Sun of a juft Bignefs, and put feven of them down his Throat, that he may have fome Suftenance to keep up his Flefh. So, in a Word, from whatever Part of the Body Blood be taken, it is of Benefit to an Animal that has a Fever, if a due Mea- fure
Ch- 37. hißempers of Horfes, &c. 60,
fare be obferved in Proportion to his Strength.
For as letting of blood reafonably gives Relief, lo when it is taken away without any Rule or Meafure, it either takes away the Strength, or borders the Animal. CHAP. XXXVII.
Of CoaSlion, i. e. of too great Laßtude.
QOACriON,{ot Conftraint) is the Name
of a Paffion in Animals, from which divers Kinds of Sickneffes arife, therefore it is fo called, becaufe it happens from Injury, or Labour, or from over-working j for as often as an Animal, weary with the Fatigue of a Journey, or with too hard riding, or too much galloping, or with the Greatnefs of the Weight or Load laid upon him, is not care- fully cherifhed and refrefhed, or is compelled to endure Thirft in Summer, or to fufFer great Cold in Winter, or at leaft fufFers great Want of Food, or is hurt with new Barley, or with very bad Hay, and for fome Days no Pains taken to reftore and recover him, the Frame and Contexture of his whole Body and the Difpofition of his inward Parts and Bowels is vitiated through the Injury and the Fatigue. F 3 CHAP.
f$ Vegetim Renatus ofthe Book I,
What Kinds of Dißempers arife from Coaclion
or Confiraint. FROM which Coaclion or Confiraint
thefe Kinds of Diftempers arife ; for from enduring very great Cold they become opiftotonic, goutifli and phthifical. But from great Heat there comes a Stuffing and a Heavinefs in the Head, a Fever, Mad- nefs, and the Head-ach. From Sweat there arifes a Tumour in their Legs, a Suffu- fion or Defluxion in their Feet, a Fever a Spafm or the Cramp, and a Cough. From the Humour alfo which flows out of their Noftrils, there is a Declaration of a very ma- nifeft Diftemper; for from the Brain or the Head there comes much Rheum, very fre- quent and thick. From being expofed to and catching great Cold, the Humour will be' thin, waterim and cold : From which Thin« they become hide-bound, or difeafed in the Liver, and phthifical. From the Strainers or Kernels, Glands and Arteries there will proceed a white and vifcous Humour, from which arifes a loathing of their Food, Suffo- cation in the Chops, and the Squinanfy. But from the Lungs there flows a grofs, thick bloody and ftinkfng Humour, of a pale Co- lour ; |
Ch. 3 8. Dißempers of Hörfes, tcc. 71
four ; from which Caufe they become peri-
pneumoniacal, or affected with an Inflamma- tion of the Breaft and Lungs, impoftumated, and orthopnoick, or unable to breathe with- out holding their Neck upright, and phthifi- cal. But from the Difeafe they call the Maul, there comes much thick, grofs and pale Humour, from which Thing the Horfe becomes orthopnoick, and arifes the violent running at the Nofe which firft began in At- tica, and a fetching the Breath fhort and with great Pain. From the Liver there will come an Humour that is livid, of the Colour of the Rainbow, green and tabid, not very thick, nor of a rank bad Smell, from which Thing they become afflicted with the Sciatick, dropfical and feveriih. We have therefore divided the Signs or Symptoms, and the Cau- fes of Diftempers, left Error proceeding from Ignorance fhould be hurtful, and that a clear and diftinct Knowledge and Defcription of them might the more eafily cure them. Abfyrtm has delivered fuch Cures or Re-
medies for CoaBions or over-working, as thefe which follow : If a Horfe, fays he, come off his Journey over-wrought, or over-fatigued, his Eyes will go inwards, or will be turned, his Breath is very hot, and he draws his Breath frequently, and with Pain and Sighs, F 4 his |
72 Vegetlm Renatm of'the Book I.
Eis Ears, and the reft of his Body will be
extended ; of fuch a one the Method of Cure is fuch as this, that he take a little Barley and not much Hay. But fuch a Drench as this (hall be prepared for him. Take South- ernwood and Hyffop, of each one Ounce, of Sweet Marjoram fix- Ounces, of Fenugreek one Pound, of Linfeed two Pounds, all thefc being well brayed and fifted, you put into a new Pot with fix Sextarii of Water, and add nine double Figs to them, and when they are boiled down into one half Part, you (hall bruife them all together and ftrain them • moreover you fhall add to the fbrefaid In- gredients, three Sextarii of the beft Wine an Hemina of Honey, and one Dram of bruifed Pepper, and make them all boil again, of which you give him a warm Drench for many Days, which ufes to relieve him won- derfully. If peradventure from the Labour and Fa-
tigue of a Journey, a Suffufion or Defluxion in his Feet fhall happen, beware that you do not let him blood when he is warm ; but you Jail open a Vein after he has refted and taken his Eafe for fome Time, afterwards make ufe Vw n£nefit °f fuch a Drench as this
which follows. Take of Male-Frankincenfe two Drams, of the Leaves of the wild Fig- treq
Chap. 3 8. Dißempen of Horfes, "fee." yi
tree a Pound, twenty-five Grains of Pepper,' three Ounces of Leaven, a Dram of Saffron; ail thefe, after they are well bruifed, you (hall dlvide into three Parts, and when the Horfe or Mule has been well refted, you mail give him them in a Drench with Oil and Wine for the Space of three Days: If it be Winter you {hall warn his Mouth with lukewarm Water, but in Summer with cold Water. If he walks more flowly than ufual, or does not walk rightly, you put Sulphur and hot Rofin upon his Hoofs, not once only, but feveral Times, till he walks ftraight and right. If thefe Things be of no Benefit, you (hall blood and cauterize him, fo that his Hoofs being touched with the Lancet, the Blood may How out of them in a competent Quantity and you mall cure the Wounds with a vulne- rary Medicine. Of thofe that are weaned or over-fatigued
you will obferve the following Symptoms; he will have an Uneafinefs, a Weight and Op- preffion over his whole Body, and his hinder JLegs win be as if they were intangled and bound up, therefore you (hall foment his ^oitnls and his whole Face with Vinegar and Water, and Penny-royal, and give him Bread and pure Wine that he may eat, and offer him Lettuces, or Grafs carefully warned and chopt, 3 in |
74 Vegeüui Renatus of the Book I.
in order afterwards to give him fuch a Drench
as this. Take the Juice of Ptifan, Raifin- wine, Eggs, the Oil of Rofes, and mix them all together and give him them for the Space of three Days, fo that he may eat Bar- ley after it has had the Hufks taken off it, and been dried. But I muft give you this Pre- caution, that you do not ftrike the Veins of a Horfe when he is hot, that labours under any Injury from Coaöion, or overworking, for a Contraction of the Nerves and a Weak- nefs follows prefently upon it; but you muft (prinkle hot Wine, and lukewarm Oil upon their Shoulders and Knees, and rub their whole Body very long with many Hands, and put them in a warm Place, and provide warm Beds for them of dried Dung, or of Straw. The hinder Parts of fuch as are tired muft not be touched with a Lancet, left they be intirely deprived of their Strength. But if the Veins in their Legs fwell, and are full of Humour, let Blood be taken away from their Coronets. CHAP. XXXIX.
Of'thefeveral Diflempers of the Belly.
THERE are ufualiyno lefsnumerous, nor
lefsobfcure Diftempers in the inward Parts
Chap. 39. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 75
Parts of Animals, than in thofe of Men; yea
if we enquire after the Truth, we are almoft upon a Par, and like to one another ; for we excel Beafts with refpecT: to our Mind only, hecaufe we are endued with Reafon; but the Nature of the Body is common to both, efpe- cially in Pains. Unlkilful Fa rriers think that a Pain of the Belly in Horfes can be eafily cured, becaufe they are ignorant how grievous a Diflemper it is j and the Difeafe which anfes from Ventofity or Conftipation, they call Gripings or Cuttings, and Incifions of the Guts, to which they endeavour to apply either Charms and Inchantments, after the Manner of filly old Women, or fomething that has the Appearance of a phyficaJL Reme- dy. For when Horfes, &c. begin to fuffer any internal Pain, they prefently throw them- felves againft the Ground, and tumble and wallow, and theCaufe of this is believed to be in the Belly only ; whereas there are many different Diftempers and difficult to be cured, from which this Pain and Tumbling arifeth ; and unlefs a proper Remedy give Relief to each of them, according to the Nature of their Caufes, Health cannot be reftored. But no Body can cure effectually, unlefs he knows the Symptoms, Reafons, and Caufes of ma- ternal Sicknefles, CHAP.
76 Vegetius Renatus of the Book I.
Of the Stomach.
FIRST of all, the Belly itfelf, which is
called the Stomach, bears Rule, and obtains the Dominion over the whole Body, in its Capacity the Meat, and the Drink is mixed, and being concofled with the natural Heat and digefled, after the Humours are fe- parated, it converts a part of them into Blood for the Subftance and Nourishment of the Members, a Part it refolves into Urine, and a Part it feparates and turns into, and carries off, in Excrements, But if enduring of Cold for a long Time has bound up and vitiated thefc Parts, a Pain of the Interlines, and a Corruption of the Digeflion does necefTarily follow. For a Part of the Humours is coagu- lated by the Cold, and becomes vifcid or glutinous in the Bowels, and is retained, and flicks in the Parts of the Inteflines which reach from the Stomach all along to the Colon, efpecially in that Part of the Bowels which in Latin is called Jejunum, through which the bad Humour pafles into the Colon, and by its fhutting up and flopping the PafTage, does not (uffer the Food to come to the more inward Parts
Ch. 41. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 77
Parts in the ufual Manner; hence therefore
is generated and arifes a Torture and Exten- fion of the Belly, and a Pain with great Dan- ger: Which Paffion in Greek is called Em~ phragma, and in Latin Prceoccupatio, (Ob- ftruftion.) CHAP. XLI.
Qf the Colon, and of Pains of the Colon.
THERE arifes alfo from this another
harflier and more violent Caufe of Pain, which in Greek is called Chordapfos, when the Inteftines, that are flopped and obftructed, twift and bind themfelves by the PrefTure of the Wind and Fume of the Bowels, to fuch a Degree, that Animals are forced to vomit up again their Water, and Food, and fometimes their Dung alfo. Moreover after the fame Manner as Men, by Reafon of the Injury they fuffer from Inflation, they are vexed alfo with a Pain of the Colon, or Cholick-pains, by reafon of which Diftemper the Animals by long and vehement tumbling and rolling themfelves in different Manners, over-fatigue and weary themfelves, and burft or break fome part, which cannot now be cured, and therefore they die, CHAR
7& Vegetius Renatm of the Book I.
Of the Curt of the ReBum and of the
Ilium. FROM this kind of Humour, thus af-
fected and chilled with Cold, arife alfo the Difeafes of the Ilium, which, when it has ob- ilruaedthe larger Inteftines, and has begun to detain the Excrements or Dung in their Sinus's, hinders them from defcending to the Outlet or Paffage of the ReSium or Streight-gut, (the Inteftine through which the Dung is car- ried out of the Body is called the Reff um or Streight-gut) then the Grofthefs and Thick- nefs of the Excrements increafes, even by the Obftrudion itfelf, and raifes violent and raging Pains, Gripings and Twitchings in the Belly, by reafon of which the Horfes throw themfelves down and tumble, and ex- tend their Feet and kick. But now through their Impatience by their frequently toffing themfelves the Wind increafes, and being mixed with the Dung defcends to the In- teftines, nor does the Horfe now burft, or break any part as above, but falls into'that Difeafe which they call the Iliac Paßon, be- caufe the Inteftines being fhut out of their |
Chap. 42• Bißempen of Horfes, &c. 79
°wn Places, make Bars and Obftacles to the Wind and Excrements, which Difeafe is dangerous unlefs you give fpeedy Relief. ßut Remedies of this Sort muft be applied j you (hall foment for a long while the Reins of the Animal with warm Water, and fre- quently apply Hay with the warm Water to em> tnat the Vapor or hot Steam may pe- netrate the more, afterwards you mall wipe them and rub them down carefully with Hair-cloths • you (hall mix old Oil, and Tar, and Oil of Bays together, and warm them, aad rub them thoroughly therewith for a long Time j you mall alfo anoint his Tefticles all over therewith, and pour the hot Medica- ment into his Ears. But he muft be rubbed fo long till he begins to fwcat, and to break wind, from which there appears fome Hope of Health. r You muft put the Animal thus affeBed in-
to a warm Place, and cover him all over care- tally with warm Cloths in order to give him this following Drench. Take fifty Grains of £ePPer, of Garden-Parfley as much as four angers can hold, the fame Quantity of Alex- andrian Cummin, and as much alfo of Afri- can Cummin Parfley.feed, Myrrh, Cats- jnmt, and Germander, of each an equal Entity, with which it will be proper for you
8o Fege tins Renatus of the Book I#
you to mix as much Nitre as may amount
to one half part of the whole j all which being well bruifed, you fhall give in an equal Quantity of warm Wine and Oil, with a fufficient Quantity of Honey : This Drench both warms and loofens the Belly. But if this Remedy be too flow in giving Relief you muft put Bags of warm Bran upon the Ani- mal's whole Back and Reins. You fhall alfo give him a Clyfter with warm Water and Oil, which you fhall mix with Salt and African Honey, Nitre, and an Egg, and fo when his Belly is loofened, both the Dung and the Wind are let out. But if a Clyfter be wanting, you fhall boil well bruifed Salt and Honey, and make long and hard Suppo- fitories, and thruft them far into the Horfe's Fundament, which thing draws away all the nafty filthy Humour that is within, and reftores his Health ; nor is there any other Thing of more Efficacy to give Relief. CHAP. XLIII.
Of the Caufe and Cure of the Pain of the BeU
ly they call the Strophus. THERE are fome Animals which are
continually feized with a Pain in their Belly, which they call the Strophus or re- turn- |
Cn-34^ ftifiempers of Horfes, &c. 8i
SuS ^"^k» änd ft is contracted after
j fanner. Sometimes the Sweat of Ani- mals flowing in great Abundance either with too much hard Riding, or Running, or Labour, rendes m the internal Parts between the Joinings and Contexture of the Belly and the Inteftines, ? cau^s inward Prickings and Pains, and w«en the Beaft ceafes intirely from Labour, and h.s Body grows cold, the Pain ceafes al- bvV h When he beginS t0 be heated aSain
y Labour, the Pain returns again, and there- IQre-tis called Strophus - for he frequently
rolls and tumbles up and down, and when he p' he fomps, and beats the Earth With his *eet, and fometimes endeavours to eat the Ground, as it were, and lying down, he feems asx were to reft a little, and fif fcntly he forces himfelf to walk. But in this
Damper by frequent wallowing he nourifl.es and mcreafes the Wind within himfelf, and comrafts a Tympany, from which the Beaft is ruptured, and confequently his Life is in im- med,ate Danger- which Diftemper if you the On -eVer rem°Ve' >'°U mi Perfo™
A W ^ratl0n °f tapp!ng after this M™™ i
ibou. f0ur Fingers breadth under his Navel towards h« Yard, in the Middle Region of his
^you-ftallthruftin the Lancet; fo as yoa
^v not only ope„ the Skin, but alfo the Pe-
8 2 Vegetius Renatus of the Book T,
ritonceum itfelf, for the Membrance which
contains all the Inteftines is called the Perito- neum. But you muft open the Peritonceum oniy to a certain Degree, and with, great Caution, left you hurt the Inteftines, and fo throw him into immediate Danger. After you have taken out the Lancet, you {hall thru ft in the Pipe, which Farriers ufe to carry about with them, which is bored through with many fmall Holes, through which the watery Humour drops out, which you mail receive into a Veflel, and you fhall find it to be like clear Stale, but you muft take away no lefs than a Sextarius of it. This Me- thod of Cure will cure thofe Animals alfo which are either ftupid, or lean from Coa&ion, or Conftraint, or overworking of a long {land- ing, upon whofe Barley you ought to fprinkle Nitre after it has been carefully fifted, which purges away all the very {harp Humours, and Naftinefs of the Body. But to fuch as are affected with the Strophus or returning Belly-ach, you muft give for a great many Days the Drench above-defcribed ; you muft alfo anoint their Reins and whole Body all over with a warm lenitive Ointment againft Weannefs, and caufe them to be rubbed by feveral Perfons for fome Days, Finally you muft
Ch- 44- Üißempers of Horfes, &c. 83
muft aPP1Y the Cautery to their Reins, and fo
recall them to their Labour. CHAP. XLIV.
°f Worms and Botts, and fmall Maggots^ or
Moths and Lice,. \X/"°RMS and Botts, and fmall Maggots
¥ V or Moths, which others call Lice, caufe an intolerable Pain in the Interlines, for they gnaw the Infide of the Maw and the launch, and make Wounds, by which Dif- temper Animals grow lean, and become hide- bound ; and they are not without a Fever, and quickly die. It is a Sign of this Diftem- per, when there is found in their Fundament an Humour like a boil'd Bean, for it is a pu- trified Matter from thofe Wounds which the httle Beafts have made in their Infide. Ani- mals, when farting, are more violently torment- ed with this Diftemper, for when they want Food their vital Parts are more confumed by the Worms. Thefe Animals are not fwelled, yet neverthelefs they wallow and roll them- selves up and down for Pain, and throw themfelves upon their Spines, and put their Jiead between their Feet, and fhow the Place where their Pain is, and fcratch, as it were, G 2 their
84 Vegetiui Renatus ofthe Book I*
their Flanks with their Teeth, and fometimes
gnaw their Loins, and rub their Tail upon the Walls. When they begin to (how thefe Signs, and frequently to cry, L e, to neigh vehemently, you may know they are then near Death. The following Remedy is appli- ed to them; you muft boil two Sextarii of green and bitter Oil, and a fmall Bundle of Pontic or Roman Wormwood together ; more- over you muft take the Seeds of Creffes, and of Alexandrian Wormwood, Coriander-Seed, Raddifh-Seed, and of Sinoper, of each one Ounce, mix them all together with half a Pound of Fenugreek; thefe you mall infufe and boil, and make them remain in that Oil, of which you fhall give one Hemina, and of luke-warm Water, half an Hemina, with an Horn 5 the Virtue of the Medicaments, and the Smoothnefs of the Oil, kill thefe Animals within, and alfo throw them out. If the Horfe takes a certain Quantity of this Potion for many Days, with brayed Nitre and Caflor throughly mixed with it, it thrufts all the Worms, Botts and Maggots out of their Body, and throws them out with the Dung, and reftores Health. There is another Drench for Worms, Botts
and Truncheons; take of the Powder of Alex^
andrian Wormwood, and of the Powder of
0 Pontic
Ch. 45. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 85
Pontic or Roman Wormwood, of crude Lu-
pines, of the Seeds of Creffes, of the Filings °f Hartfhorn,. of Raddifh-Seed, three Ounces each j three Trochus's or Cakes of Sinopcr, three Ounces of the Meal or Flour of bitter vetches, three Sextarii of auftere, rough Wine, one Sextarius of Spanifo Oil, one yunce of Opopanax, an Hemina of Corian- der-Seed. After you have carefully bruifed all thefe Ingredients, you fhall make a Decoc- tion of them, and give daily one Hemina of it to Horfes when failing. CHAP. XLV.
Of Clyßers for the Cure of Worms, Boffs, &c.
T) U T becaufe thefe Pefts ofreneft betake
J-* themfelves to the Maw, or vifcid flimy Matter in the Guts, and a Potion given by the Mouth rarely reaches the Places where they have their Abode, therefore Clyfters muft alfo be applied by the Fundament. Take one Sextarius and a half of the fharpeft Vine- gar, the fame Quantity of green Oil, one Ounce of Opopanax, two Ounces of'cen- taury, three Ounces of Roman or Pontic Wormwood, three Ounces of Alexandrian Wormwood, three Ounces of the Meal of G 3 crude |
86 Vegetiui Renatas of the Book I.
crude Lupins, three Ounces of the Meal of
bitter Vetches, of Raddifh-Seed, and Corian- der-Seed, three Ounces each j of bruifed Nitre three Ounces, of the Root of the Caper- Tree brayed, three Ounces ; you fhall boil all thefe with Oil and Vinegar, and for the Space of three Days, pour one Sextarius of it pretty hot in a Clyfter into the Animal by his Fundament. But remember, that as often as you give a Drench by the Mouth, the Ani- mal ought to be held againft. a rifing Ground, that what he receives may the more eafily defcend into his inward Parts; but as often as you adminifter a Clyfter, you fhall place the Head of the Animal in the lower Ground, and turn his Buttocks to the higher Ground, that that which you pour into him with the Clyfter-pipe may reach his inward Parts. But for a long Time after the Drench, they keep the Animal in the fame Place and Pofition, that the internal Pefts may be the more eafily killed, or thrown out. There is this fpecial Potion againft Worms
and Trunchions. You fhall boil the Root of the Herb they call the Carline Thiftle, in Water, till you reduce the Water to a third Part of the firft Quantity, and mix it with two Ounces of Opopanax, and an Hemina of Wine, and pour it into the Horfe through his
Ch. 46. 'Dtßempers of Horfes\Scc. 87
his left Noftril with a Horn. There is alfo
another Drench againft Worms; you {liall parch as much Coriander-Seed as one Hand can hold, and carefully bruife the fame Quan- tity of the Seeds of Creffes, both which you "iall pour with luke-warm Water into his Chops for the Space of three Days. Here ls a Remedy for the Pain of the Matrix 5- take hepatic Aloes, Maftick, Caftor, Bay-b erries. Gum-ammoniac, and put them into a Pot with Wine and Honey, and when they are boiled you (hall bruife them, and give them to drink. CHAP. XLVI.
Of Horfes or Mules incommoded with the
Stone. IF any Horfe or Mule be troubled with the
Stone, the following Symptoms will de- clare it; he is tortured, groans, extends him- felf to attempt to ftale, his Yard drops Mat- ter in fmall Drops, he ftales very little at a Time, but cannot pifs freely, this he fuffers daily: But this Sort of Diflemper happens moftly to fuch as are of a tender Age, yea ftiall find it after this Manner; you {hall put your Hand into his Infide, and at the Neck G 4 of
8 8 Vegüim Renatas of the Book I?
the Bladder under the Fundament itfelf, to-
wards the Root of the Yard, feel with your Fingers, and there you (hall find the Stone. Which Difeafe is difficultly cured, for fome- times with too much Effort to ftale, the Bladder burfts near the very Fundament, and lets out the Urine through the Fundament, and it has as it were the Appearance of Water. Therefore putting in your Fingers through the Hole it has made in the Rectum or Streight-gut, and in the Bladder itfelf, you take out the Stone with an Inftrument; and you muft cure him with glutinative Clyfters, that thofe Holes may be healed. But you muft drench them with diuretick Potions. But it is very difficult to perform a Cure of this Sort, becaufe fuffering great Violence from the Corruption or Mortification of the Bladder, they die with the Torture, CHAP. XLVII.
Of an Obßruffion.
WHatever Horfe or Mule you fhall
find wallowing and rolling himfelf from any Caufe whatfoever, you (hall anoint your Hand all over with Oil, and foke the Fundament itfelf with Oil, after which you mail
-fch. 48. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. %$
mall thruft your Hand into the Infide of the
Strcight-gut, and if you find the Streight-gut ltfelf wide open like a fmall moveable Oven, know that the Horfe is feized with the Dif- temper they call the Strophus, or returning Belly-ach, and you (hall prefently pull out the Dung by little and little with your Hand, which being thrown out, you will foon know that the Animal will be thoroughly cured. But if after having thruft in your Hand, yOU q^\ gn(j a Stoppage in the Streight-gut, and very little Dung in it, that is, two or three little Balls, or Clods, and that the Streight-gut is fhut up and ob- ftruded, fo that the Hand can fcarcely en- ter, you may know that he labours under an Obftrudtion, and is in Danger, and there- fore his Reins muft be cured with the fore- mentioned Medicaments, and you muft make Ufe of a Clyfter, which may diffipate, ap- peafe and cure the Anger of the Inteftines, CHAP. XLVIII.
Of the Ilium.
[F you thruft in your Hand, and feel the
A whole Belly, when you handle it, like a Drum, you may know that he is feized with the Iliac-Paffion, and will foon be in
q6 Vegetius Renatus of the Bookl.
Danger; and therefore muft be for a long
while vehemently rubbed with warm Oint- ments: If he begins to break Wind, then there begins to be fome Hopes of him that he will live. CHAP. XLIX.
Of a Pain in the Belly.
ALSO if you put in your Hand, and
find the Streight-gut to be very wide open, and not to have much Dung in it, nor to be vehemently inflated, you may know that the Belly itfelf, that is, the Stomach or Paunch, is in Pain. He ufes to begin to reft very foon, if he quickly receives the fore- mentioned Potions, and while they are warm, and if he be carefully rubbed all over with a warm Ointment. If you make any Delay in curing of him, he will efcape with Diffi- culty, for from this Paflion ufes to proceed the Chordapfus, or twirling of the Guts. C H A P. L.
Of a Pain in the Colon.
IF you put in your Hand, and find that
the Streight-gut is after the fame Manner wide
Ch. $t", Difiempers of Horfes, &c. 9t
wide open without any Inflation, and that
he does not frequently tumble and roll him- felf, but that from Time to Time he throws himfelf upon his right Side, and as it were sometimes extending himfelf to attempt to «ale, you will find a very great Hardnefs like a Gourd in his Interlines; you may know that the Animal is afflicted with a Pain of the Colon, and by how much the harder you mall find the Inteftine, by fo much the more Pain will he be tormented for feveral Days. From which Diforder they are rarely in Dan- ger, and they are in Pain for the Space of two or three Days, or at mod: five. But the fofter you {hall find the Place itfelf, fo much the more quickly will the Pain be mi- tigated j for you fhall find fome Dung in the Streight-gut, and it will be a falutary Cure, if after a Clyfter or a Drench he make a great deal of Dung, after which, Health being reftored, the Hardnefs and Swelling of the Inteftine towards the Colon will pre- fently difappear. CHAP. LI.
Of a Pain in the Bladder.
IF the Bladder be inverted by running, or
galloping, a like Pain without any Inflation arifes
"§'i Vegetitts Renatus of the Book I.
arifes from the Injury he receives from run-
ing, and from over-much of it; you fhall put your Hand with Oil into: the Fundament of fucha Horfe, and prefs it down wards towards his Yard, where you fhall find his Bladder full of Urine, which you miift gently draw up- wards towards the Fundament on the right and left Side, and provoke Urine, and you muß do this folong till he makes Water: He will be delivered from a Danger, from which Animals difficultly efcape. CHAP. LII.
With what Care Worms and Botts may be
taken away with the Hand. THERE are other Horfes which con-
tinually fuffer a Pain in their Belly without any Inflation, nor do they tumble nor roll themfelves vehemently, and they 4how as it were an Eagernefs to run ; fome- ümes they throw themfelves down, and gnaw their own Flanks, and as it were fcratch them. In a Pain of this Kind, you fhall put your Hand into the Streight-gut, and turn it all round, and feel carefully in a great many Places, and you fhall find in each of the Places that the Worms are come out and
Ch. 52; Dißempers of Her/es, &c. 93
and gathered together, and that they are
making Holes in the Intefline, from which Mifchief there arifes a dangerous Pain ; pull them out with your Fingers, indeed they can fcarcely be pulled out, and they will fo ftick to your Hand, that it is with Dif- ficulty you throw them away. For this Reafon many Horfes rub their Tails frequent- ly againftthe Walls, becaufe of the Bitings of the Worms, which you ought carefully to purge out of the Streight-gut, and to give the Horfes for a great many Days that Drench, which is proper for defiroying Maw- or Belly- worms, &c. • So you fhall purge away all thofe Worms which we call Botts and Moths or Maggots. After the fame Manner it is proper to cure thofe that have long Worms in their Belly. Their Reins, and their whole Spine, and their Back muft be rubbed all over with Tar and warm Oil, and it muft be done fo long, till they be thrown into a great Heat with your Hands, and you muft fill their Ears and their Fundament with Oil. You fhall alfo anoint their Belly and their Tefticles all over. You fhall throw bruifed Salt and Honey mixed together, and boiled, into their Fundament; and after you have drenched the Animal, you fhall exercife him by walking him frequently up and down. If from
£4- Vegetius Rena fus of the Book I,
from this Method the Pain is not mitigated,
you fhall give him a Clyfter with warm Wa- ter, Flower of Nitre, and Salt. Moreover you fhall put upon his Reins and Back warm Bags full of Bran, and you fhall renew the warming of him thus fo long, till he break Wind, and drench him with the forefaid Drenches, and give him Clyfters that he may be delivered from Dangen CHAP. LUT-
OfHorfes that are affeffed <with Fainting-fits.
IF any Horfe has had a Fainting-fit, or has
fallen into a Swoon, it is known by the following Signs t He will walk more flowly than ufual, as if he were bound faft with a Suffufion, or ftrongly feized with a Founder- ing in his Feet; but there is this Difference between thofe that are foundered, and thofe that have had Fainting-fits, that fuch as are foundered, tho' they lift their Feet from the Ground more flowly than ufual, yet they ufe to bend their Legs when they v-lk ; but fuch as have had Fainting-fits are conftrained and fliff in their whole Body } fo when they lay themfelves down, they fall down with their whole Body, and not without a Groan ; yea thefe will never be free from a Fever, they
Ch. 53. JDißempers o/Horfes, &c. 95
they loath their Meat and their Drink, being
more defirous to lye ftill; and when they have a mind to raife themfelves, they endeavour with great Effort to rife, but becaufe of the Pain of all their Members they rife more flow- ty thanufual, which Thing happens from too great Labour, and too much Running or "ard Riding, or too heavy Loads, or too great * Quantity of Humours j when after their ■Nerves and Sinews are wearied, immoderate Sweat has haraffed and difquieted their Mem- bers, from whence arifes a Syncope, that is a Fainting and Swooning, of which this is the Method of Cure ; you fhall foment his Spine, Shoulders and Reins with warm Water and the Flower of Hay, and when he is warmed, you fhall dry him with wiping him carefully; then you (hall anoint him thoroughly all over with Wine and warm Oil 3 then having cover- ed him well, you {hall put him in a warm Place, and fpread foft Things under him, that he may fleep. When you have done this for three Days you fhall comfort and che- rifh him with this Drench. Take two Ounces of Myrrh, four Ounces of Gum-dragant, four Drams of Saffron, one Ounce of Melilot a Pound of (i) Comfry-------one Pound caS Tlf W°rd.Aa*«A«, here tranflated Comfry, feems to be
^rrupted, and of uncertain Signification, and probably the true ev.l??™7*? AUii GalIici> Galli«"< Garlick, and where-
ever this Word occurs, this laft Reading feems to be the beft. 3 Of
9 6 Vegetius tlenatus of'the Book 1.
of Male-Fran kincenfe, all which you fhall
iift and reduce into Powder, of which you fhall give two Spoonfuls with an Hemina of warm Water, and two Spoonfuls of Honey, and two Cyaths of the Oil of Rofes, as a Drench for feveral Days till the Horfe be cur- ed. This Potion is alfo of fome Benefit to fuch as are troubled with convulfive Coughs or Retraction of the Nerves, or a Tenfion or ftretching of the Parts. CHAP. LIV.
Of Horfei that bleed at their Noßrils.
SOmetimes from too much running, or
hard riding, a bleeding infefts Horfes, and the Blood flows out through their Nof- trils, which is difficultly flopped, as if their Veins were burft with Labour and Heat, and it requires alfo a very fpeedy Remedy. You fhall therefore pour the Juice of green Cori- ander, or if that be wanting, the Juice of the Garden or Sedtive-leek into the Noflrils of the Horfe that is in Danger. Take a Dram of the fine Flower of Wheat, a Dram of pul- verized Frankincenfe, one Ounce of Corn- fry — half an Ounce of Starch, and having mixed them together, and divided them into three
Ch. 5|. Bi[temperi of Horfis, &c. 97
three Parts, you {hall pour them with red
Wine into his Noftrils, and flop the Blood, CHAP. LV.
Of Horfes infeßed with Blood.
THE following Signs declare that art
Animal is infefted and out of Order with too much Blood, his Eyes will fwell, his Body and Neck will be cold, which will be accompanied with a Sadnefs and a Loath- ing, and will be difficultly cured, but he muft be cured after this Manner. He muft be made to ufe great Moderation in Eating and Drinking, and be indulged in abundance of Sleep upon foft Litter. Then let as much Blood as Reafon (hall require be taken away from the Neck^vein, nor (hall your Care in giving him Drenches ceafe. You (hall there- fore give him the Juice of green Coriander, or if you have none of this, the Juice of the Seöive Leek (Gives) to which let be added alfo a Mixture of Germander, and Violet- coloured Centaury, and an equal Quantity of Nitre, of which, after they are brayed and fifted, let a Spoonful in an Hemina of warm Water be poured every Day into his chops. Which Potion purges the Humours H aad
o 8 Fcgetius Renatas of the Book I.
and the Blood, and prevents other imminent
Difeafes, and cures them. CHAP. LVL
Of the Diligence to be ufed in preferring Ani-
mals in a good State of Health. WE have in the beginning of our Work
explained in due Order the obfcure and difficult Cures, in the Sequel of it we proceed to the reft : but we think it neceflary to fhew by what Methods the Health of Horfes, &c. may be preferved found and in- tire ; for it is better by Diligence and Care to preferve their Health, than to adminifter Re- medies to them when they are fick; there- fore a careful Mafter muft frequently go into the Stable, and in the firft Place take Care that the Place where they ftand and lye be raifed higher than the other Ground, and that it be compactly made, not of foft Wood, as frequently happens through Unfkilfulnefs or Negligence, but of folid hard lading Oak well put together; for this kind of Wood hardens the Horfes Hoofs like Rocks. Moreover the Trench, which is made to receive the Urine, ought to have a Sink or Pipe under the Ground to convey it away, left the Urine overflowing touch
Gh. $6. Dijempers of Horfes, &c» 99
touch the Horfes Feet. Let the Dim, as
they call it, or Tray for ferving them with Barley, and the Manger, be always clean, left any Filth be mixed with their Food, and t>e hurtful to them. Moreover the fcveral Partitions in the Mangers which are made of Garble, or of Stone, or of Wood, mufl be *° feparated and divided, that each Horfe niay eat up his own Barley intirely, without any other fnatching it from him; for there are Animals which eat exceeding greedily, and after they have devoured their own Al- lowance, feize upon their Fellows Share j but there are others, which, from a natural Kaufeatingj eat more flowly, and unlefs they receive their Allowance apart by themfelvess they grow lean, becaufe thofe that are next to them fnatch it from them. Let the Rack, or Heck, as the Common People call it, be, in Proportion to the Horfe's Status neither too high, left their Throat be extended fo as to do them Hurt; nor too low, left it touch their Eyes, or their Head. Very much Light muft be conveyed into the Stable, left being accuftomed to Darknefs, they either grow blind, or lefien and impair their Eye-fight, when they are brought out to the Sun. In Summer, you muft give your Horfes a
free Air in open Places, as well in the Night, H 2 a*
2 oo Vegeiius Renatm of the Book I.
as in the Day-time; but in Winter, the
Stables ought rather to be warm than hot 3 for too much Heat, though it preferves their Fatnefs, and may ieem to refrefh and recruit them, neverthelefs it caufes In- digeftion, and is exceeding hurtful to Na- ture ; for which Reafon diverfe Sorts of Dif- eafes are generated in Animals from Heat it- felf. If they are brought out and expo fed to an unufual Cold, they prefently contract a Sicknefs from the Novelty of the Cold. But you muft efpecially take Care, that whether you give your Horfes Hay, or Chaff, or Corn- ftraw, or Bundles of Tares, according to the Cuftom or Plenty of Countries, they be pre- fented to them found and fweet-fmelling, and clean. The like Care muft betaken of then- Barley, that it be neither dufty, nor ftony, nor mufty, nor corrupted and fpoiled by be- ing too old, nor indeed taken lately out of the Threfhing-floor, which by it's very newnefs is exceeding hot. Clear Water alfo and cold, alfo that which conftantly runneth muft be ferved to them; for whatever Water keeps con ftantly running and flows rapidly, admits of no {linking noxious Tafte or Smell. Twice a Day the Bodies of the Animals muft be cur- ried and rubbed down with the Hands of ma- ny People, which Care both teaches them Tame-
Ch. 56. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 101
Tamenefs and Gentlenefs, and their Skins
being thereby relaxed, it increafes their Fat- nefs. It will be proper that their Barley be given them, not all at once, nor yet at twice, but in feveral Portions; for whatever they receive by little and little, they chew and eat it up, and digeft it regularly ; for whatever they eat all at once, and without due Mea- sure, they void it with their Dung intire, and undigefted. But near the Stable there ought to be a Place covered all over with dry Dung or foft Corn-ftraw or Chaff, where the Ani- mals may tumble and roll themfelves before they drink, which Exercife is both benefici- al to their Health, and (hows the Beginning of a Diftemper or Indifpofition ; for as often as the Animal either does not tumble and roll himfelf after his ufual Manner, or alto- gether refufes to lye down, you may know that he labours under fome Indifpofition that gives him a Naufeating or Liftleffnefs and Un- eafinefs, and therefore ought to be feparated and put apart by himfelf, and cured. To which Work it contributes very much, if the Animals be often rid upon, and with Mo- deration and Skill; for the Unskilfulnefs of the Rider both weakens their Gate, and their Manners, efpecially the Impatience of Ser- vants, who, when their Mailers are abfent, H 3 fpur
10 2 Vegetim Rcnatus of the Book I.
fpur the Horfes with all their Might and gal"
lop them, and not only cut them with Whips and Rods, but tear them with their Spurs, while they defire either to try the Swiftnefs of their own Horfes with each other, or with vehement Obflinacy contend with thofe that belong to others j nor do they pull back fuch as do run. at any time, nor reflrain and keep them in, nor do they indeed think at all of their Matter's Lofs, but are very glad when it happens ; which Thing a Mailer of a Fa- mily ought to forbid and hinder, with great Severity, and commit his Horfes to proper, difcreet and moderate Men, and that know how to manage them. After fweating alfo, if it be very hot Weather, it is proper that his Mouth be warned with fmall Wine, or Vinegar and Water, but if it be Winter, with Brine. Wine alfo and Oil mud be poured into his Chops with a Horn ; in Sum- mer, Cold Wine, and in Winter, warm; fo that in Winter, wkha Sextarius of pure Wine three Ounces of Oil be mixed, but in Sum- mer only two Ounces. Nor ought your Care of giving them proper and fuitable Drenches to ceafe; for a Langour.or Faintnefs, Lean- nefs, and a Cough, and a Pain in their in- ward Parts, are eafily removed, if you take half an Ounce, of Live-fcilphur. and four Scruples
Ch. 56. Dißempers of Hor/es,&c. 103
Scruples of Myrrh, and reduce them to Pow- der, and mix them with a raw Egg, and give him them at his Mouth with an Hemina of the beft Wine. There is another Drench more expenfive indeed, but more accommo- dated to all Diftempers, which both reftores and recovers them quickly > and, when it has purged them inwardly, cures all Difeafes, viz. an old Cough, fuch as are Phthifical and have violent convulfive Coughs, and whatever other Ailments there may be in the hidden Parts. Take a Sextarius of Pti- fan, an Hemina of Linfeed, an Hemina of Fenugreek, an Ounce of Saffron, the Extre- mity of a fat faked Leg of Pork, or an Hog's Strait-gut, or, if you have not thofe of an Hog, take the Head of a Kid without any Hair upon it, with its Feet, and fmall In- teftines very clean, two Bundles of Hyfibp, fifteen Snails all of one Sort, fifteen Seal- lions, twenty double Figs, a fmall bundle of Rue, a Sextarius of green Bay-berries, twenty Dates, three Garlick-heads, fix Oun-. ces of Goats Tallow, a fmall Bundle of dry Pennyroyal j all thefe well cleanfed, and gently bruifed, you {hall boyl in Ciftern-water, till the Extremity of the Leg of Pork, or even the Kid's Head be melted, and diffolved from the Bones j for which Purpofe you fhall con- H 4 tinually |
io4 Veget ins Rena t us of the Book I.
tinually pour in frefh Water, left it be burn-
ed to, but that the Broth by feething may be made the fatter. Afterwards you ftrain it very carefully through a Strainer ; then you fball divide an Ounce of Gum Dragant into three Parts, fo that what Part cf it you de- iign to put into one Potion, you may infufe it the Day before in warm Water, that it may fwell. Then you add three Sextarii of Raifin-wine, and for the Space of three Days you fhall give one Sextarius of it; you alfo add Eggs to it, fix in Number, (two of which you are to give the fecond Day with Oil of Rofes) three Ounces of Butter, (and the third Day) three Ounces of Comfry, three Ounces of Starch, half a Pound of (k) ^uadrigarian Powder, a?id half a Pound of Bean-meal; all which you mix, as has been faid, and you fhall divide them into equal Quantities for to be taken in three Days, and you mall give them as a Drench to the Animal when fad- ing, and make him walk for feme Hours, and let him be kept from eating and drinking till the feventh Hour. But Animals that are emaciated, are not
reftored to Firmnefs and Strength of Body {k) Shiadrigarian Pewder, feems to have it's Name from
its being molt frequently given to the Horfes they made ufe of for their Chariots in the Circus ; it is defcribed in the 4th Book, Chap. 13. without
Chap. 56. Difiempers of Horfes,&c. 105
without great Diligence and Care ; for they
mud be anointed over their whole Body with old Oil and Wine throughly mixed together, and warmed in the Sun, and rubbed againft the Hair with many Hands, that both their Sinews and Nerves may grow foft, and their Skin be relaxed, and the Sweat break out ; which being done, let them be well covered, and placed in a warm Stall with Litter under him. And if it be Winter, compounded Wine, with half an Ounce of Parfley-Seed bruifed, and three Ounces of Oil warmed, mull be poured into the Horfe's Mouth. If it be Summer, he ought in like Manner to receive in at his Mouth Wormwood, or Rofe- Wine cold, with four Scruples of Saffron, and two Ounces of Oil, of which Things, if yoa have not Plenty, it is proper that plain Wine by itfelf, with the other Things mould be given. Moreover in Winter you muft mix with four Modii of Barley, fuch like Ingredi- ents as thefe, viz. eight Sextarii of Beans, four Sextarii of Wheat, eight Sextarii of Chiches, four Sextarii of Fenugreek, one Sextarius of bitter Vetches, and if the Worth or Value of the Horfe requires it, or his Owner is provided with fuch Things, one Sextarius of Raifins of the Sun, and a Sex- ♦ tarius
io6 Ftgetiüs Renatm ofehe Book I.
tarius (I) of the Kernels. When all thefe
have been carefully mixed together, you ought to infufe one Modius of them the Day before in very clean Water, and to dry them a little in the Morning, of which you mall give half a Modius to the Horfe before Dinner, and half a Modius towards the Evening, for feveral Days, in a very convenient Place,' and let him be fo houfed for twenty one Days, that he may drink within Doors. But if his Fat- nefs increafes beyond Meafure, Blood muft be taken from his Neck, left a Plethora be hurt- ful to him. Moreover gather carefully the Roots of the Grafs, which the Plough pulls up frequently, and cut the longeft into as fmall Pieces as you can, and mix them with his Barley, and give them daily without any Scruple. But in Summer, let thefe feveral Species of Mifcellany, which we mentioned before, except the bitter Vetches, with due Regard to the Quantity and Proportion, be given them by Turns; that is, feveral and larger Bundles of green Barley ; and fmaller, and few Bundles of Wheat, or Chiches,or Fe- _ {!) Nuclei Kernels, this Word not being particularly applied,
items to belong to the Thing immediately preceding; if they be thought improper in this Cafe, perhaps the Author intend- ed to exprefs by it Almonds, or Cloves of Garlkk, which are iometimes Jo caued.
Chap. $6. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 107
nugreek,, all which muft be bruifed and put
before them. But great Care muft be taken, that in long
Journeys, or in carrying Loads, or drawing Carriages a great Way, the Horfes be not denied full Liberty to ftale, which Thing is not deferred without Danger for the mod Part, Their Feet alfo muft be carefully warn- ed and fearched after their Journey, left any Clay or Dirt flick and remain in their Joints and Soals. They muft alfo be rubbed with Ointment, that their Hoofs may be nouriftied, and that, what the Injury of the Journey has worn away, may, by the Benefit of the Me- dicament, grow up again. Take three Heads of Garlick, a Bundle of old Rue, fix Ounces of fciffile or flaky Alum fifted, two Pounds of old Hogs-lard, an Handful of Afs's frefh Dung, mix them together, and boil them at Home, and upon your Journey ufe them in the Evening as you have a Mind. Moreover there is another Thing which nourishes their Hoofs and makes them firm ; take three Pounds of Tar, one Pound of Wormwood, nine Heads of Garlick, one Pound of Hogs-lard, a Pound and an half of old Oil, one Sextarius of very ftiarp Vinegar, bruife them and mix them all together and boil them, and with fome of it you (hall anoint the Coronets and Hoofs of
i o 3 Vegetius Renatus of the Book I.
of the Animals. Blood rauft be drawn every
Month from their Palate at the Wane of the Moon, by doing which, if they have any Pain in their Head, they are relieved, and the Loathing of their Food is removed. But the Soals and Hoofs of the Animals muff, be cleanfed with a paring Iron, which lets out the Heat, and cools and refrefhes them, and makes their Hoofs the ftronger. If the Ani- mal has catched Cold either at Home or Abroad, let his Loins and his Brain be rubbed with warmer Unguents, of which there are many; and Drenches made of Medicines and Herbs of a hotter Quality, muft be continually poured into his Mouth, that fo the Hurt he has received from catching Cold may be overcome, and removed j for if the Injury they have re- ceived by the Cold remains in their Bowels, it produces various and dangerous Difeafes. But if during the Time of the Dog-days, the Animal be wearied and much troubled with the violent Heat, he muft either be fprinkled with cold Water, or put into the Sea, or into a River ; he muft alfo be refrefhed with cold Potions, that {o a proper Medicine may give Relief in any Diftemper, occafioned either by Labour or by the Seafon of the Year. But in Horfes Regard ought to be had, not
only to their Ufefulnefs, but alfo to their Come-
Ch. 56. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 109
Comelinefs and Gracefulnefs, therefore the
Tufts of Hair muft never be cut off from their Joints, unlefs the Urgency of a Diftem- per requires it ; for Nature has appointed and placed them there as a natural Ornament of their Feet. Their Neck itfelf alfo ought to be adorned and fet off by polling it carefully? for many poll the Necks of Saddle-horfes very clofe, as they do thofe of Chariot or Coach-horfes ; which Thing, though it is thought to contribute to their Growth, yet is a great Deformity under a graceful and an honourable Rider. Others poll them fo that they may feem to refemble a Bow. Some after the Manner of the Armenians leave fome Hairs all in a Row upon the very Place itfelf they have polled, but what later Cuftom has introduced and borrowed from the Perfians is more graceful and becoming j for the Half of the Mane is polled with the greateft Exacl- nefs upon the left Side, but upon the right Side it is preferved altogether uncut; and I know not how it is, that it is exceeding come- ly, becaufe they imitate that which Virgil na- turally commends. (m) A thick-Jet Mane, which "waving, gently
falls, And leans on his right Shoulder.
{m) Virg. Georg. 3, 86.
no Vegetius Renatus of the Book I.
But if the Horfe be double mane'd, as the
Vulgar calls him, the Briftles in the middle of his Neck muft be cut away equally, £a that the Manes both of the right and left Side may be all along left untouched ; which not- withftanding manifeftly appears to have been invented by the Parthians, whofe Cuftom it is to foften the going of their Horfes fo as to fuit the Delicacy and indulge the Eafe of their Owners by this following Contrivance j for they don't load them with Circles and Weight that they may learn to go free and difengaged, but thofe very Horfes which they commonly call Trepidarii (Amblers or Gallop- ers) and by a military Word ^ottonarii\ they fo break to fuch a light Way of going, and a certain agreeable and pleafant Manner of car- rying you, that they feem like Afiurian Horfes j therefore in a dry and even Ground, about fifty Paces long, and five broad, they difpofe regularly in Rows Coffers full of Chalk or Clay, after the manner of a Place for Courfing or Horfe-races, which is rough and rugged with Furrows, and fo throw Difficul- ties in the Way of thofe that wifh to obtain the Crown beftowed upon the fwifteft. In which Space of Ground, when the Horfe be- gins to be very frequently exercifed, he necef- farily ftumbles into thefe Furrows, or upon 3. ^e |
Chap. $7. Dißempen of Horfes, &c. 111
the Ridges, and ftrikes his fore-or hinder-
Hoofs againft them, and fometimcs either falls, or Humbles, fo that he .feems to fall; after which, being admonimed by the Hurt he received, he lifts his Legs higher, and by bending his Knees and his Hoofs, he rides and carries you foftly and eafily. Moreover he aims at making fmall Steps, that fo he may place his Hoofs between the Furrows, or Ridges; for if he would extend and en- large his Steps, he ftumbles upon the Heap ; for a Horfe that makes fmall Steps when he walks, rides, and carries you more commodi- oufly, and feems to go more gracefully. We have alfo defcribed the Drenches that are pro- per both for Winter and Summer, whereby Health may be either conftantly preferved, or violent Sicknefs repelled. CHAP. LVII.
Of a Drench for Summer.
\\T HI L i) the fervent Heat continues to
▼ V rage, this Drench is beneficial and proper for Animals, beeaufe it moiftens, re- frefhes and cools them. You (hall infufe an Ounce of Saffron in old Wine, and three Ounces of Gum Dragant in warm Water j to
112 Vegettüs Renatus of the . Book L
to thefe you fhall add a Bundle of green
Leeks, alfo a Bundle of green Parfley, an Hemina of the Juice of the Herb Purflane, three Sextarii of Goat's-milk, feven Eggs, a Pound of the Oil of Rofes, three Ounces of Honey, one Sextarius of Raifin-wine, and as much old Wine as may be fufficient; all which being carefully mixed and bruifed to- gether, you Ihall give one Sextarius of it to each of the Animals, with a Horn, for the Space of three Days. There is alfo another cooling and refreihing Drench. You (hall Ikilfully mix a Sextarius of old Wine, a Pound and an half of Oil, three Eggs, a Cyathus of Coriander-juice, a Cyathus of the Juice of Lettice, and divide the fame into three Parts, and give it as a falutary Remedy for the Space of three Days to Horfes that are in ä great Heat; neverthelefs that very Moment you are going to pour the Drench into them, you ought to add to it a fingle Hemina of cold Water, newly taken up, for each Animal. CHAP, LVIII.
Of a Drench for Winter.
IN Winter alfo this following Potion i9
given. ■ Take three Sextarii of old Wine, o one |
Ch. 59. DifiempersofHorfes, &c. 'iij
one Ounce of Pepper, fix Ounces of green Rue, three Ounces of green Chervil, or of the Seed itfelf; three Ounces of Gum Dra- gant, three Ounces of Fennel-feed, an Ounce of Bay-berries, fix Ounces of Honey, as many Eggs as you pleafe, and as much Raifin-wine as fhall be neceffary. CHAP. LIX.
Of a Drench proper to be given in Autumni
or in the Spring. |
U T in the Spring, and in Autumn let
this Drench be given. Take half an
Ounce of Coftus, an Ounce of Caffia Fiftu- laris, half an Ounce of Parfley, half an Ounce of Betony, half an Ounce of Liquorice, half an Ounce of Sagapenum, half an Ounce of In- dian Lavender ; of Saxifrage, Agrimony, Me- lilot, lllyrian Flower-de-luce, half an Ounce each ; of Centaury, Gentian, long Birthwort, one Ounce each ; of Amomum, round Birth- wort, of each half an Ounce j half an Ounce of Squinanch ; of Afarabacca, and Aloes, half an Ounce each ; an Ounce of Myrrh ; of Opopanax and Dragons-root, half an Ounce each ; an Ounce of Saffron, fix Ounces of Gum Dragant, an Ounce of Caftor, two Bundles of Pontic Wormwood. All thefes I being
114 Vegetim Renatus of the Book I,
being reduced into Powder, are thought to be
fufficient for twelve Animals for three Days, fo that they be mixed with the befl Wine. CHAP. LX.
Of a Drench necejfary at all Times.
THERE is another Drench, which is
given at all Times j you mix an equal Quantity of Coilus, Melilot, Hyffop, lllyrian Flower-de-luce, Birthwort, Marjoram, Dra- gons, Afarabacca, Gum Dragant, leffer Cen- taury, Horehound, Gentian, and Leaves of Celtic Lavender; and having reduced them into Powder, you lhall fift them. But if you would give them for a Drench in Sum- mer, mix with them as much Saffron, Honey and Gum Dragant as may be fufficient. But if you make a Drench for Winter, you add Pepper-feed, Parfley-feed, and Muftard-feed. But in both thefe Seafons a Spoonful of it is mixed with a Sextarius of good Wine, and poured into the Animal's Chops. |
Gh> 61 »■ Dißempers of Borfes, tec, i I £
Of Difficulty of Urine.
ANY Things are to be faid in their
due Place concerning the Difficulties °f making Water : but it is proper for you to know this travelling and phyfical Remedy, Which is always at hand. After you have made Clay with the Stale of any Horfe what- foever, you mud mix it with Wine, and after you have {trained it, you fhall pour it into him through his Noftrils, and it prefently provokes Urine. You fhall alfo bruife Gar- lick, and thruft it into his Fundament, and into his Yard, it prefently makes him void Urine. Alfo after you have mixed the Pow- der of Frankincenfe with an Egg and with Wine, and added the Juice of Parfley and of Colworts to it, if you give him a Drench of **> it will provoke Urine^ Alfo you fhall boil Beets and Mallows to a third Part, and take from them about half a Sextarins of their Water, and mix it with Honey* and convey it into them by their Mouth, it will be of Benefit to their puling. Alfo put a live Bug into the Horfe's Ear, and rub an- °ther Bug upon his Yard in the very Hole I ?. oi&
116 Vegetius Renatus of the Book I.
out of which his Urine comes, it is a moft
eafy and certain Remedy. CHAP. LXII.
Of the Belly-ach.
BEING defirous to give Relief to Acci-
dents upon Journeys, we {hall touch light- ly upon a few Things out of many, but fuch as are clear and manifeft; for Animals, while under their Rider or their Load, are frequent- ly affli&ed with a Pain in their Belly, fo that they lie down and tumble ; therefore the Seed of wild Rue, or of Garden Rue, if the firft be wanting, carefully bruifed with warm Wine inuft be poured into them through their Chops. Moreover you muft take Water in which Beets have been boiled, till reduced to a third Part, and the Juice of Beets, and mix them carefully with bruifed Nitre ; you fhall add an Hemina of Oil, and pour them warm into his Interline by way of a Clyfterj, after you have placed the Animal in a prone Pofition, that the Injection may reach his inward Parts: If peradventure thefe be want- ing, you reduce boiled Honey with a third Part Salt, into little Pills, fo that you make Suppofitories to the Bignefs of an Egg, and the
Ch. 63. Dißempers ofHorfes, Sec. 117
the Animal being after the fame manner in a
prone Pofition, you fhall take Care to thruft mto his Inteftine either five, or feven, or nine Suppofitories; after this, his Belly is loofened, and his Pain mitigated. It is alfo faid to be very medicinal, to bind to the Navel of the Animal that is in Pain, the Bone of a Snail which has not been touched either with an unclean Hand, or with the Earth, or with a Tooth, and that it will prefently cure. CHAP. LXIII.
Of curing a Horfe's Back.
F^ O R the mod Part either the Load, or
the Pack-faddle, or the Saddle hurts the Back of Animals, by Reafon of the Negli- gence of the Perfon that faddled them, or the unequal undue Weight of their Burden, which fometimes muft needs happen upon Journeys : but a recent Tumour is cured after this Manner 5 you fhall boil the Stalks of Onions, or the Onions themfelves in boiling Water, and put them as hot upon the Tu- mour as the Skin can bear, and tye them with a Bandage ; all the Swelling will be removed in °nc Night. Moreover you fhall mix bruifed Salt with Vinegar, with a Yolk of an Egg I 3 added
118 Vegetius Renatus of the Book I.
added to it, and rub the Places which have
begun to fwell, the recent Hurt frail be re- moved and dried up. C H A P. LXIV.
Of that moft approved Drench, they call Dia**
pente. rT1HEY that have the Care of the
Ä. Health of Animals, ought always to have in Readinefs, and made up before hand, either upon a Journey, or at Home, that Drench beforementicned, which, from the Number of its Ingredients, they call by a Greek Name, Diäßente, viz. an equal Quan- tity of Gentian, Birthwort, Myrrh, Bay-ber- ries, and Shavings of Ivory, carefully bruifed and mixed, that as often as you mall fee the Animal fad, and looking frightfully, or at- tacked with the Infection of any Difeafe, you may prefently pour into his Chops a Spoonful of the aforefaid Powder with a Sextarius of the bell Wine, and adminifter it for the Space of three Days, even when the Horfe is em- ployed in Labour, that fo it may give Relief againft the internal Poifon. It is an approved Remedy. But to one that has a Cough you mall give an Hemlna of Raifin-wine, and he will prefently feel Relief. If
Ch. 64. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 119
If this Book, to which we rauft now put
an End, does not offend the Ears of the Readers, we fhall in the following Treatife publifh the principal Remedies for curing of Animals, extracted out of different Authors, beginning at the Top of their Heads down to their Hoofs, that fo the Order, which is given hy Nature, may be obferved and kept in the Difpofition and Defcription of the Methods of Cure, left an indigefted Difcourfe, going con- trary to the Series and regular Succeflion of the Members, mould confound and retard the inquifitive Reader. |
I 4
( 121 )
Of the Art of curing the Diftem-
pers of Horfes, &c. BOOK H.
THB Art °f ™ring the Difeafes of
Horfes, Mules, &c. has, from the Vice of Covetoufnefs, and the Smallnefs of Fees, long ego fallen into Decay, there being not fo much as one that applies himfelf with Diligence and Care to learn it; (hall the Ufe of the Art it- Self therefore, after the Example of the Hunni, or <if other Nations, be utterly lofi and jor- gotten, while Men, avoiding Expences, pre- tend that they have a Mind to imitate the ^ujtom of the Barbarians, and commit their Animals, -without attempting to cure them, to WMer-paßures, and the Chances and Mif- chiefs
chief of Negligence and CareleJJnefs ? ivhicb
'Thing has brought Advantage to none, but Damage to very many : For in the firfl Place, the Animals of the Barbarians have different Natures, and their Body is more hardened to all manner of Injury. Moreover they are fa- hr ought up from the time they are foaled, that they don't require any medicinal Potion, but thrive in Winter-pafiures, and endure the Colds and Frofls without any great Hurt. But our Horfes, &c. are both of a more delicate Kind', and being more frequently accußomed to Houfes, and alfo brought up in, and ujed to the warm- eß Stables, -when they have contrasted any Vneafinejs from any Hard/hip whatfoever, they prefently fall into fome kind of Difeafe. 'There- fore let a careful Maßer of a Family take an Account of the Deaths of his own Animals, and compare them with the Expences of Medicines, and DocJors Fees, and he will underßand that the Price of one of the cheapefl of his Horfes, mayfitßcejor the Cure and refioring the Health of many, which doubtleß will periß, if they be not cured. |
( 123 )
Of the Dißempers of the Head.
IN all kinds of living Creatures whatfo-
ever, the Head has the Preheminence, ajid bears Rule over the other Members, becaufe, being more eminent than the reft of the Members, it obtains a certain Dominion from its very Situation. In it is the Smell, the Tafte, the Hearing and the Seeing; and by how much the more Power it has, by fo much the more Danger it is liable to from any Pain or Diforder. Therefore we fhall attempt to difcover and point out in order the Caufes from which Sickneffes and Difeafes proceed, and by which they are generated; the Methods of Cure alfo, and the Remedies by which Health may be reftored. But for the mo'ft part, in the Bodies of Horfes, Mules, &c. the Blood is corrupted through the Fault of Indigeftion, which happens when the Members are weakened either with violent Heat,
124 Vegetius Renatus of the Book II.
Heat, or with Cold, and in the Head the
parched Blood is turned into Corruption and Poifon. For then the Veins being filled, the Membrane of the Brain is diftended, and frequently wholfome Sleep is excluded, from which an Headach, Sadnefs, and Weaknefff neceflarily follow; which Indifpofition feems both to be the firft, and but the very lighteft, if a fpeedy Remedy give Relief. CHAP. II.
Of an Horfe affeSied isoith the Staggers.
BU T when the noxious Blood has broke
thorough and penetrated the Membrane of the Brain, and on one Side only, and has begun to weigh down the fame with too much Pain, the Animal becomes affected with the Staggers, and both its Mind and its Sight is weakened and diminished; for the Soundnefs of the Brain maintains and nourifh- es both the Eyes and the Senfes, in which Diftemper, becaufe one Part of the Head is overburdened and weighed down, the Ani- mal gqes round as if he were labouring in a Mill. |
Ch. 3. Dißempen of Horfes, &c. ^25
Of an Horfe qffeSied -with a Phrenzy.
BU T when the Poifon of the corrupted
Blood has infected the Middle of the Brain, the Animal becomes phrenfical, fo that all of a fudden he leaps, and would as it were make his Efcape, dafhes himfelf again ft the Wall, as if he were ungovernable, and cannot be kept in by any Method what- foever. CHAP. IV.
Of an Horfe ajfeSled with a Pain at bis Hearty
or the Month of his Stomach. THAT Horfe is cardiacal, which has a
Pain at his Heart, or the Mouth of his Stomach ; but he becomes cardiacal, as of- ten as that Corruption of the Blood has filled the Veins of the Stomach, or of the Thorax, and has ftruck the Brain, asalfo ftraitened and bound fail the Heart with the Infection oi a peftiferous Humour; which Indifpofition brings on Lofs of his Senfes, and is difcover- cd by the fweating of his whole Body. From which he is delivered with verv great Difficulty. CHAP.
126 Feget ms Renatas of the Book II,
Of an Horfe affeBed with Madnefs.
BUT if at the fame Time a Diftemper
of the Breaft fhall feize a Horfe that has the Staggers, it prefently makes him fu- rious or mad ; for from the too great Heat of the Liver, and the Blood, the Veins and Nerves of the Heart are obftructed, from which Confiridion there arifes fo violent a Pain of the Place itfelf, that he bites and eats himfelf. From which Diforders if an Ani- mal be delivered, and after the Cure fome Part of his Brain be impaired or weakened, or if a Tumor grow up upon it, the Horfe is rendered flow and filly, and unfit for Bufi- nefs j and will with Difficulty turn himfelf round towards that Part of the Head where the Diforder remains, and on that Side he leans himfelf upon the Walls, and going very flowly, and not feeling the Whip, he lofes the Gracefulnefs of his Gate, and hangs down his Head, and when he begins to ftand, he moves himfelf very flow; alfo his Sight will be impaired, and he will fee but little, nor does.he refufe his Meat, nor his Drink. If you would cure him, you muft do it with a
Ch„ 6. Dißempers ofHorfes, &c. 127
a Cautery. In all the abovementioned Dis-
tempers the Quantity of Blood muri in the firft Place be leflened from the Temples, but fometimes alfo it muft be taken from his Neck. The Method of Cure is alike in al- moft all of them, the Order of which the fol- lowing Chapters fhall declare and explain. CHAP. VI.
Of the Method to be obferved in curing Ani-
mals with the Cautery, and with Mußard- blißering-Blaißers, and of the Food proper for them in this one Inßance of Care. YO U are to remember that all Diforders
of the Head, especially fuch as are in- veterate and dangerous, mud: be cured with the Cautery, in which this Order and Me- thod muft be obferved; the Animal muft be kept from Barley for the Space of three Days, he muft alfo ufe moderate foft Meat; after the third Day Blood muft be taken from the Neck Veins both on the right and left Side, according as his Age, or Strength, or Dif- temper will permit; which being done, he muft be fuftained for the Space of three Days with green Food of fmall Coleworts, and Lettuces; on the hrft of thofe Day? vou mail 2 make |
I2 8 Vegetiiu Renatus of the Book II.
make him abflain from Meat and from Wa-
ter, but upon a new Day you may make him take down no lefs than twenty mouth- fuls of Colewort tempered with melted Greafe and the beft Oil; neverthelefs you {hall give him Lettuce for his Food three times a Day. After a Drench let him always begin to drink. But if his Belly begins to be very much loofen- ed, you fhall defift from giving him Mouth- fuls of Coleworts; but give him Chaff and Bran, fo that the Day following he may eat nothing at all, but only have Water to drink ; and the Day after, let him be brought into a warm Cell in a Bath, and let him fweat j but you have need to be careful that he be quickly brought back out of the Heat, left he perifh by the Stoppage of his Breath ; then he fhall be carefully wiped, and being rubbed all over with plenty of Wine and Oil, he fhall take Raddifh-leaves fprinkled with Powder of Nitre, as much as is proper; af- terwards you muft mix the beft Oil with the Roots of a green wild Cucumber cut very fmall, and you fhall boil them in a new Vef- fel, fo that it may lofe one third of the firft Quantity, of which you fhall give one Hemina to each Animal for the Space of three Days, that the Potion may open their Belly ; but if it begins to be loofe beyond Meafure, yon fhall parch
Ch. 6. Dißempers of Horfes, Sec. 129
parch fmall Lentils and Barley in equal Quan-
tities, and give him two Pounds of them each Day with Bran and Chaff. Therefore you *hall beftow your Pains five Days for reftoring him to a good State of Health, and exercife him gently, that you may understand how much he has improved in his Strength and Health of Body ; afterwards you fhall let him blood in the Palate as much as you think Proper. The Day following you fhall purge "is Head with * * * (n) or with Diana's Root, which we call Mugwort: If you have not thefe, with the beft melted Greafe mixed With Oil, You rauft tye his Head and Feet together. When you know that he is well purged, loofe him. You mall pour Butter melted with Oil of Rofes into his No/lrils, that by it the Harmnefs of the Purgation may be mitigated ; let a fingle Hemina be poured into each Noftril. If the forefaid Drenches do not loofe his Bellv, let him take in a Drench with Honey, the Weight of one Denarius of white Hellebore well bruifed in an Hemina of fweet Wine ; or at lead you fhall pour into his Chops the Weight of two Denarii of Scammony.in like Manner carefully bruifed in an Hemina of fweet Wine. '") In £'le Text we read Exorka, which muft be a v/rong
eadmg, and therefore left out in the Tranflation : Some think 'e ought to read it Conyza, Ffeabatie, but this is'uncertäJH, K But
J3° VegetiusRenatusofthe Book II.
But if his Belly being loofened beyond
Meafure bring him into Danger, you (hall give him for (topping his Loofenefs Comfrey with the Juice of Ptifan, and you mail give him in his Food parched Lentils and Barley, two Pounds to each with Chaff and Bran. Laftly you fhall carefully apply Muftard-blif- ters to the difeafed Parts, and burn the blif- tered Part with an Iron-Cautery, or with one made of Copper, which is reckoned more ufeful, and afterwards you muft cure the burnt Parts as ufual. You (hall alfo for many . Days give him a Drench of Antidoten Poly ehr ef- ton (the Sovereign Antidote) and exercifehim gently, and always make fome Addition by Degrees to his Food, till he be brought back to his former Cuftom. They affirm that in- curable Diftempers may be cured in fome Meafure by thus bliftering and cauterizing ; that is, fuch as are unfound and difeafed may be ftrengthened. Such as have the Falling- evil, which have the Muftard-bliftering-plaif- ter, and the Cautery applied to them, are burned in the Head: But fuch as are fickly and difeafed, or are afflicted with the Dyfen- tery, or are hide bound, of are orthopnoick, and cannot breathe, but when their Neck is in an erect Pofture, and have a Shortnefs of Breath, or fuch as are liable to a conftantly re-
Ch. 7. JDiflempers of Horfes, &c. 131
returning Pain in the Belly, let them be cured
with bliftering and cauterizing in the Reins. CHAP. VIL
Of a difordered Brain,
^ "^HE Brain commonly is difturbed with.
JL divers Diforders, which is difcovered by thefe Signs; The Horfe will walk oblique- ly, and frequently (tumble, and there is a Motion, or a ftirring over his whole Body, of which Diforder this is the Method of Cure. Take twenty Bay-berries, half a Pound of Nitre, an handful of Rue, all which, after they are carefully bruifed, and mixed with Vinegar, which is not too (harp, and with the beft Oil of Pvofes, you mall warm in Win- ter, and having anointed his Head and hi» Brain or his Ears with the Oil, you wrap up the hinder Part of his Head in a Skin with the Wool upon it. If thefe Things be want- ing, you mail mix Barley-meal and Rofin, of which a Cataplafm being made, it muft be put upon his Brain. Moreover you put Wax and Cyperus-OW together, and put it on a Linen-cloth between his Ears, after the Manner of a Cerecloth. But the reft of his Bodv muft alfo be cherHhed and comforted K 2 with
132 Vegeiius Renatus of the Book It.
with Drenches. You fhall bruife carefully
three River-crabs, and mix them with two Ounces of the Juice of Coleworts, adding thereto a Sextarius of Milk, and two Cyaths of Oil; and after it is {trained, you mall pour it into him by his Mouth with a Horn. If there be a Scarcity or Want of thefe, boil two Cyaths of Honey and a Sextarius of warm Water, of which you (hall make Lozinges and fmall Cakes, and fteep them in cold Wa- ter, and give it him to drink. Moreover if you cure him in Winter, you (hall give him Wheat-meal; if in Summer give him Barley- meal mix'd thoroughly with Water, after the Manner of Amylum or Starch. C H A P. VIII.
Of a Pain in the Head.
MANY Authors have faid many Things
concerning a Pain in the Head, oi which thefe are the Signs. There will appear a Tumour about the Horfe's Eyes, he wi$ refufe his Fodder; his Tongue, his Palate an« his Lips will fwell; how much the more ve- hemently the Difeafe increafes, fo much more does the Tumor rife: When they walk they ftagger or make all over their whole Body»
„ an<* |
vh. 8. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 133
and fmelling äs it were at their own Shadow,
they are greatly afraid. The Caufe of this Diftemper arifes from the Corruption of the Blood, when through the Indigeftion of the Food, its natural Pafläge being mut up, or at leaft forfaken, it flows into thofe Veins which are about the Temples, and vitiates the Membrance of the Brain ; Blood muft be *aken from his Temples, and his Head anoint- ed plentifully all over very frequently with Qil mixed with Vinegar. But if it be Win- ter, you mall, the Day before, infufe Barley in Water, and boil it, and put it warm into Bags, and by fomenting the Heads of the Beafts, warm them with the Steam for a long while. Other Authors order us to take Blood from
their Palate. Then they mix Cimolian Chalk that has been infufed in Vinegar, and Ox's frefh Dung with bruifed Nitre, and boil it in a Pan upon the Coals, and put it warm upon the languifhing Brain, moiftening it from time to time with Vinegar, left the Chalk ftick clofe to the Hair, having always firft fomented their Head with warm Water. Thefe fol- lowing Symptoms fhow that he has a Pain »n his Head amounting almoft to Madnefs. As often as his Head is heavy, and he leans ^nd lays it down in the Mangev tears fre- K 3 quent- |
13 4 Vegetius Renatus of the Book II.
quently run down, and his Ears will ftand
ftill, his Eyes be more heavy than ufual, and he draws his Breath frequently ; his Hair is dry, and he has frequent Tremors upon him, and has a fad AfpecT: : One in this Condition you muft in the firft Place keep from Water, left he drink too much ; you fhall let him blood on both Sides of his Neck, and cure his Head as has been directed. CHAP. IX.
Of Dißentions.
DIftention alfo is a Diforder which is
ranked amongft the chief Difeafes of the Head, of which thefe will be the Symp- toms ; the Horfe's Sight will be darkened by a Mift or Dimnefs that impedes it, upon which there follows a Tremor and a Sweat over the whole Body, which Difeafe has its Rife from Water, if the Horfe has drunk it when he was in a Sweat; or from Indigefti- on of his Food; if he does not fleep, or if he has remained long girded. A Horfe with thefe Symptoms has the Membrane of his Head diftended, which Diforder is proved to be the Fountain and Mother of all other Jndifpofitions 5 for if ybu don't in the Begin- ning |
Ch. 9. Dißempen ofHorfes, Sec. 135
ning cure the Head, fo that the Animals may
fleep indifferently well, they become affected with the Staggers, turn mad, furious, phren- fical and cardiacal, (tormented with a Pain at the Mouth of their Stomach,) therefore when an Animal is feized with Sicknefs from 3 Diftention, take Blood from his Neck in Proportion to the Bulk of his Body and his Age; and if it be in Summer, you fhall anoint his Head and his whole Body all over with Oil and Vinegar, and rub him for a long Time j you mail (hut him up and keep him in a cool and dark Place, and alfo fpread dry Dung or Chaff under him, that the Soft- nefs jtfelf may provoke him to lye down. You fhall decline putting him in a warm Place, for it hinders Sleep. You muft reftore and recruit him with Bran, or Chaff, or Lettuce- leaves. Moreover you muft give him very little Drink. When he begins to recover and grow better, you fhall exercife him with mo- derate walking. When it fhall be thought proper to give him infufed Barley as a larger Allowance of Food, he will be brought to his former Cuftom, by increafing his Allow- ance by little and little at a Time. If on the feventh Day he has made no
Progrefs in his Recovery, you fhall let him
blood again in the Temples, and apply a
K 4 Cure
136 Vegehus Renatus of the Book II.
Cure to his Head without Intermiflion ; you
{hall give him that Drench wherewith Horfes that have the Staggers are cured ; take of the Seeds of CrefTes, Smallage, Lettuce, Comfry, Parfley, Dill, wild Poppies, one Ounce each, of Pepper three Scruples, and of Saffron one Dram j all which being well bruifed and mixed together, you (hall temper with Water, and make into Trochisks, which may confi'ft of at lead one Dram each. You mail give him at his Mouth one Trochisk a Day diflblv- ed in Water, which muft be done daily till his Health be reflored. If he has no Appe- tite for his Meat, you (hall give him daily cne of the Trochisks diflblved in the Juice of Ptifan. You fhall never give him any Wine, for the Diforder of the Head becomes worfe by taking Wine. CHAP. X.
Of a Horfe affeBed with the Staggers.
IF any Horfe be affedted with the Staggers,
he leans upon the Manger, will have his Eyes ftretched outward, and will wag and prick up his Ears, and be feized with Dark- nefs of Eye-fight; and turns round in a Circle, as if he were drawing in a Mill. CHAP.
Chap, i f. Difiempers of Horfes, &c." 137
C H A P. XI. Of a Horß that is furious, or raging mad.
BU T if he be alfo affefted with raging
Madnefs, you (hall know it thus; he will all of a fudden neigh as if he were in a found State of Health ; he will fall upon his Fellow, or upon a Man, and bite him ; he will bite and gnaw the Mangers, or his own Flanks: You fhall ufe the fame Method of Cure with him as you do with one that has the Staggers. You fhall keep him intirely from Barley, and fupport him with foft Food ; nevertheless you fhall chiefly give him as much green Parfley as he fhall defire. You fhall let him blood in the Temples, or in the Neek, and keep him in a dark Place, and you fhall make and apply this kind of Com- pofition of a lenitive Medicine as a Cure for his Head: Take one Pound of Opopanax, of Rofin, and Turpentine, two Ounces each, one Ounce of Galbanum, three Ounces of parched or fried Rofin, two Ounces of bruif- ed Maftick, one Pound of old Oil, with fome of this you fhall rub his Brain and Ears j neverthelefs yon fhall pour into his Ears Oil alone, and that Liquid ; but before you ufe this
"138 Vegctius Rcnatus of the Book II.
this lenitive Medicine, it is proper to vaporate
his Head and Brain with the Application of warm Bags, and to fortify and fecure his Head, by applying to it a Skin with the Wool upon it. You fhall alfo give him Drenches daily of the Trochisks abovementioned, and conftantly anoint him with a fharp Eye-falve, that the Darknefs may be removed from his Eyes. If this Method of Cure have no good EfFecT:, you muft burn, with the cauterizing Iron, his Head and his Temples, juft under the Hair next to the Face, and you (hall do it al- io above the Temple-veins. Moft Hörfes ne- verthelefs, left they mould have any Defor- mity in their Faces, may be made found by burning only the broad Part of the Palate of their Mouth; for the burning Heat of the Fire takes away the Weaknefs of the Head, fets it's Membrane to rights, and reftores to its tormer found State of Mind and Health. CHAP. XII.
Of Madnefs in the Head.
OTher Authors fay that a mad Horfe has
fiery and bloody Eyes, all bedewed with an Humour, or Blood-mot, and that his Ears cither ftand quite ftill, or hang down, fo that, like
Chap. 12. Difiempers of Horfes, &c.~ 13 9
like wild untamed. Horfes, he cannot be
taken, and when he is taken, he dailies him- felf againft the Walls, and endeavours to make his Efcape; he digs the Earth with his Feet, and pours a great Quantity of Phlegm out of his Mouth; which Diftemper is cured after this Manner : Let Blood be taken away from the angular (jugular) Veins, and from his Pa- late, and afterward from his Legs. Let him be kept from Meat and Drink the fame Day, but the next Day you (hall give him cold Water to drink. Let the Dung which is in his Fundament be taken away; his Belly ffiuft be purged, and cured with continual Clyfters for the Space of four Days; his Brain muft be anointed, and he muft be placed in a retired and quiet Place. He fhall take for his Subfiftence, Leeks, and very foft Grafs, or exceeding foft Hay j he muft be thorough- ly cured with the following Drenches: Take Powder of Frankincenfe, one Dram j one Sex- tarius of white Vinegar, an Ounce of the Root of Allheal, three Ounces of the Herb Saxifrage, you (hall give him them by his Mouth in Honey Water. Pour one Sextarius of Goats Milk into his Chops 5 if this be wanting, you fhall reduce into Powder two Pounds of ruftick or wild Cummin, and add to it fix Spoonfuls of the beft Oil, then pour |
$4° Vegetius Renatm of the Book Iti
it into him in Honey-water out of a Horn.
But this following Drench is thought to be better than the others. Take an Ounce of Barley, one Ounce of Hyofcyamus, (Hen- bane) one Ounce of Barley-feed, two Ounces of Lettuce-feed, an Ounce of Wild-Poppy; all thefe you fhall reduce into Powder and mix together, and give him one large Spoon-, ful of them in Water ; or if he takes no Food, give it in the juice of Ptifan. You fhall put him in a dark, and cold, and wider Place^ and keep him free from Noife, that he may fleep j neverthelefs you fhall firft thorough- ly anoint his Head all over with Oil and Tar, and fill his Ears therewith ; alfo you fhall fortify and fecure his Temples, and the hinder Part of his Head, with Swadling-bands or Bandages. You fhall alfo bruife dry Myrrh, and mix it with Vinegar and Oil, and rub his whole Body very long with it. They are wont to bind them faft, and cover them all over with Dung that they may fweat and fleep; if they fall into a Sleep, it will bring Health to them. A furious Horfe fhows all the fame Symptoms, and greater than one that has loft: his Senfes; for he both bites and eats other Animals, and makes them furious alfo by the very Infection of his Touch. For the mofl part alfo they pull put their own
Ch. 13.' Bißempers of Horfes, &c. 14,1
own Interlines with their Teeth, and neigh
mightily ; which Diforder happens from the too great abundance, and hotnefs of the Blood j but it is cured by following the Rules and the Drenches abovementioned. C H A P. XIII.
Of Chirurgery or Surgery.
EVery Operation performed upon the Bo-
dy, by cutting with a Knife, or burn- ing with a Cautery, is called Chirurgery, or Surgery, which as it is a neceffary Method of Cure and Relief for all the Members of Ani- mals, fo efpecially for the Head > therefore whatever'Horfe or Mule, &c. has by Acci- dent broken, or made bare its Head in any part of it, it mud be carefully cured, left the Angrinefs of the Wound, by penetrating into the Nerves and Brain, mould create Danger 3 nor is it proper at fir ft to make Ufe of (harp- er Medicines, but rather to cure them with Honey ; when thofe Parts which have been broken come to Maturity, the Bones are loofened j try them skilfully, and take them out with your moveable Hand, or with a Pair of Pincers. The other Fragments of the Bone that are afperated, or rough and rug-
142 VegetiusRenatusofthe Book II.
rugged, cut and fcrapethem all over with Iron
Instruments, that they may the more eafily cover themfelves with Flefh 5 for a Wound is never clofed, if you do not fcrape it till the Blood follows upon it, and flows out of the Mouth of it j in which greater Caution muft be ufed, becaufe in Places where there are Bones and joinings, there ufes a Fiftula to breed, which, when it happens, does for fome time injure and hurt the Wound, through which there flows out, not putrid Matter, but a liquid Humour j nor is it ever clofed up and thoroughly healed by bringing a Scar over it; and if this fhall happen, you fhall cure it after this Manner: You fhall pafs a Papyrus or Rufh through the Fiftula itfelf, fo that you may tye the Ends of the Papyrus which appear without the Fiftula, on both Sides with a Linen-thread, left it fall out, for five or more Days, till the Callofity of the Fiftula fwell by the Diftention of the Papyrus, and the Hole of the Wound become greater > then having made a Dofil of a fiftular Medi- cine, in Proportion to the bignefs of the Wound, after you have taken out the Papyrus, you fhall thruft it into the Fiftula, fo that it may be intirely filled with the fame, and you fhall bind and fecure it carefully, that it do not intirely fall out j after three or four Days
Chap. 13. t)ißenipers of Horfes, &c. 143
Days you loofe it; if the Fiftula falls or de-
cays, you fliall drefs it with a vulnerary Me- dicine, which you fliall always put into the Wound, till a thick corrupted Matter, but not much of it, be found in the Place. But now when you ftiall fee that the Dofil is limpid, take the Flower of bitter Vetches, and Male-frankincenfe bruifed, of each an equal Quantity, and boil them in Honey, and put them upon the Sore; for feveral Days drefs it daily, fo as you may deprefs the Parts themfelves of the Wounds, in as much as be- ing joined they cohere the fooner. If he has hurt his Head grievoufly, fo as to vex the Brain inwardly, Blood muft be taken pre- fently from his Temples, and a Spunge with Water, if it be Summer, with Oil of Rofes and Vinegar in equal Quantities mixed to- gether, muft be applied to his Head, and bound up together with a Bandage, and green Food given him. If he has no Appetite for fuch fort of Food, becaufe he refufes all manner of Food, you fhall grind Beans, and reduce them to fine Meal; you fhall alfo mix with it an equal Quantity of Wheat- meal, and pour them always with a Horn in- to his Chops in Honey-water, for the Support of the Animal, till fuch time as he have an Ap-
144 Vegetius Renatus of the Book II.
Appetite for green Food, which muft be
fprinkled with Sea-water, or falted Water. CHAP. XIV.
Of the Ears.
AS the Ears are next in Vicinity, fo the
Method of curing them, when in Dan- ger, is not different: If by any Accident one of them be bruifed towards the Root, and has made a Collection of Matter, when it is ripe, cut it with a Lancet, and let the Pus flow out; then anoint it with the fharpeft Vinegar and with Oil, for the Space of three Days; on the fourth Day drefs it with a Vulnerary, till it be healed. Alfo if it has vexed the Carti- lage, it will receive Benefit by ufing the fame Medicine: But if a great Tumor with a Hardnefs fhall appear at the Root of the Ears, or upon the joining with the Head, put a Pultis of Fennugreek Seed, and Linfeed, and Wheat-flower upon it; when the gathering is ripe, cut it with a Lancet, fo that the Cut may look downwards, that fo the Humour may run down the dependent Parts. You put into the Wound Tents dipt in Wine and .Oil, with Salt mixed with them; and you (hall foment it for the Space of four Days, after- wards |
Ch. 13. Dtfiempersof Horfes, &c. 145
Wards you fhall ufe the Vulnerary. But the
Cure of it is difficult, becaufe Fiftulas fre- quently arife and breed in fuch Places; which, if they happen> are cured by the Me- thod above defcribed» If neverthelefs the Sicknefs of the Wound proceeds further, even after the Medicines have been applied, the neighbouring Parts muft be burned, and the Points of the Cautery muft be imprefTed more ftrongly into the Collections themfelves, that fo both the Skin, and the more internal Caufe of the Di forder may be broken through ; af- terwards the burned Parts muft be carefully and ilulfully cured ; for the Cure of the Ears muft not be neglected, left too much Pain fhould generate and occafion Madnefs. In the firft Place the infide of the Ear muft be carefully purged, that that which caufes the Pain, or hurts it, may be taken away j if no- thing is found in it, you fhall fteep a Spunge gently in Nitre and Water, and warn it, and let the infufed or wet Spunge remain one Night within the Ear, On the third Day you mail begin to foment it frequently, and for a long while, till the Pain remove. But if Water is entered into it, put into the Ear an equal Quantity of old Oil and Vinegar, with Nitre added to them, and put new fhorn Wool over it. If there be Wounds you fhall L put
146 Vegetius Renatus ofthe Book II.
put a Salve, or foft Plaifter into the Ears, and
you have healed them.. CHAP. XV.
Of Hairs that grow up in the Eyes. |
Hatever Horfe or Mule, &c. is affected
with a (0) Trichiafis in his Eyes, |
that is, when Hairs growing not in the natu-
ral Way, by vexing and tormenting one of the Eye-lids, provoke Tears and difturb the Sight; it is cured after this Manner. Not far from the Hairs, towards the interior Part, you fhall make a Cut or an Incifion in the Skin of the Eye-lid with a Lancet, afterwards with your Scizzars you (hall cut a fmall Band- age, exactly to the Dimenfion of the Eye Lengthwife, and having put Fibula's upon it you (hall flitch the Eye-lid to them to- wards the outfide, that fo the Eye may receive its Sight, and natural Gracefulnefs without any Deformity, and then you fhall put upon it a Spunge infufed in the beft Oil and in fait Brine alfo, and bind up the Eye with a Band- age ; afterwards you loofe it upon the fifth Day ; then you (hall drefs the Eye on the in- fo) Trkbiafis, a Word formed from. flg!|, r^x,k, an hair and fignifies the Hurt which the Eye receives from the Hairs of the Eye-lids, growing not in the natural Way, but prefling into the Eve, and pricking the fame. fide
Ch .15, Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 147
fide with an Eye-falve, but on the outfide
you fhall put the (p) Tetrapharmacum; but you muff, not take away the Fibula (Stitchings) till it has formed a Cicatrice j notwithstand- ing after the Fibula or Stitchings are fallen, it muft ftill be drcffed with the Eye-falve, left fuperfluous Flefh grow out of it again. But moft People take a more compendious Way, tho' with a Deformity of the Part j for with their Scizzars they amputate the prominent part fo as to reduce it to its natural Dimen- fion j and to ftop the Flux of Blood, they bathe it with cold Vinegar and Water mix- ed together, and drefs the Eye on the infide with an Eye-falve, left it be hurt by the Ne- ceffity of irritating and angering it. There is another Method of Cure, for Hairs that infeft the Eyes, viz. that the Eye-lids which have grown up, be burned with a fmali and gentle Cautery, by doing of which the Skin is contracted by the Scar that is formed, and the Eye-lid being raifed higher, removes all Injury from the Pupil of the Eye by the Courfe that the Hairs take. (t) letrapharmanm, formed of Tetra quater, and Pharma-
con, a Medicament, i. e. a Medicine of four Ingredients; fee it defcribed in the twenty eighth Chapter of the fourtJvBook. |
248 Vegetius Renafus of the Book If.
Of a Sujfufion in the Eyes.
AS a Sujfufion is a Hindrance to the
Eye-fight of Men, fo it is to that of Horfes, Mules, &c. There are three Kinds of it defcribed by Authors, viz. a (q) Steno- coriafis, a (r) Platycoriaßs, and a (s) Hypo- coriafis. The Pupil of the Eye is called Core in Greek.1 It is called a Stenocoriqfis, when the Sight is ftraitned and contracted, and lofes its Strength, which rauft be cured after this Manner: Blood nvuft be taken from the Temples, you mail alfo boil to a third Part Fennel Root, and the Herb Celandine or Rue, and let the Eye be daily fomented with as much of it as your Hand can take up out of the Water itfelf; you {hall alfo anoint the Eyes with the Collyrium Opobalfamum (an Eye-falve made with Balm of Gilead) which ufes to give Relief in Suffulions of the Eyes j (q) Stenocariafis, a Word made qp of S.twof, which figniiles
narrow, or contracted, and Ki^n, the Pupil of the Eye, as ex- plained in the Text. . (r) Platycoriafis, formed of UXxtj;, broad, wide, dilated,
and Ku'ei the Pupil of the Eye, as is fully explained in the Text. (s) Hj'poconafis, formed of virl, ab, ex, fub, and Kog», this
Word is not fo expreffive of the tiling as the two former, but ufed to ftgnify a Defluxion «fan Humour from the Head in- to the Eve. but
Ca. 16. Dißempers of Horfes} &c. 149
but a Platycoriafis is, when the Pupil of the Eye fpreads, and difTufes itfelf beyond its natural Dimension, and takes away the Sight, n°r can it by any Means be cured; for as the Yolk of an Egg, which is broken by any Ac- cident, cannot come together again into its former Form ; fo the Pupil of the Eye, being °nce diffufed, cannot recover again its ufual Sight: This happens and proceeds from the fweating of Horfes, while the fmall Mem- brane, which contains the Light, is broken by the Fretting and Irritation of the Heat, or at leaft when the Uneafinefs and Pain of a long Journey forces Horfes to fret and chafe and be uneafy, or the Owner has neglected to drefs the Eye when it has been hurt. When this happens the Eye feems to be fafe and found, and does not difcover the Hurt it has received by any Tears, or by any Blood, or by any Diforder or Angrinefs whatfoever, but is difcovered by the Sight of your Eye ; becaufe you cannot fee your own Face in the Pupil of his Eye, as in a Looking-gkfs. But a Hypocoriafis proceeds from a Humour of the Head that defccnds into it, and fhows itfelf fitd in one Eye, afterwards alfo it paries to the other : It is known by the Humour, or by Tears: You fhall prefently take away Blood from his Eye-brow, or from that part of his L 3 Temple^ |
15Ö fegetius Renatus of the Book II.
Temples next to the Eye ; you mall foment
it with luke-warm Water, in which Fennel Roots with Rue have been boiled. More- over you (hall anoint it with the (t) Colly- rium Opopanax, and with the Collyrium (a) Opobalfamum. But if you perfiit in ap-? plying Medicines, very frequently a Dark- nefs of the Eye-fight ufes tobe healed by the Courfe of the Tears. The Veins of the Temples are alfo burned with Cauteries, and, they {hut up the PafTage of the Humour, CHAP. XVII.
Of coaching the Eye.
BUT if the Strength of a Diftemper
has brought a Blindnefs or a SufFufion into the Eye, obferve carefully what Colour the Membrane is of, which, being oppofite or joined to the Pupil of the Eye, hinders'its Sight. If it be of the Colour of Gold, you may know it to be incurable ; if it be too white, you fhall alfo know that you cannot cure it. But if it be thick, of an olive Colour, U) Collyrium Opvpanax, an Eye-falve made of the Juice
of the Herb Allheal, otto? fignifies a Juice diftilling of its own Accord from a Shrub or Plant, and Panax denotes the Herb itfeif. [u) Collyrium Opobalfamum, an Eye-falve made of the Juice
diftilling from the Balfam-tree, commonly called Balm ofGilead. J Hk?
Ch. 17. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 151
like Mucus, it is cured by couching, after it
is ripened, juft after the fame Manner as that of Men. Therefore the Day before, you fhall keep the Horfe from Food, but efpecially reftrain him from drinking j you fhall throw him down in a foft Place, and place his Head and his Neck commodioufly; you fhall open his Eye fo wide that he may not be able to fhut it j then you fhall put in the couching Inftrument by the very Front or Fore-part between the Coats of the Eye, fo as not to touch the Pupil of the Eye, or hurt any thing in the infide of it, but with the Head of the couching Inftrument deprefs the white itfelf from the upper part, where the SufFufion is placed, nicely downwards to the lower Eye-lid; and if it be couched or put down, you muft not take out the couch- ing Inftrument before you have for a very long while vaporated the clofed Eye with a warm Spunge, for it ufes to ftart back again; and if it fhall fo happen, reprefs it, till it be fo fixed and put in fuch Order, that it may not be able to ftart back again. When therefore you fhall perceive that the Clearnefs and Brightnefs of the Pupil of the Eye receives no manner of Obftacle from the Suffufion, you fhall then take out the Iron Inftrument, and you fhall find that the Animal does a&ually h 4 fee. |
I £ 2 Feget ins Renatm of the Book II,
fee. You fhall drefs it after this Männer;
you fhall make a conglutinating Compofition with the Qil of Rofes, and the White of an Egg, foak Wool in it, and put it upon the Eye after you have couched it, and over alj bind it up with a Bandage. Take Care that he do not eat that felf fame Day, or move his Eye by the Agitation of his Jaws, but ner verthelefs let him drink, if he have a mind to it. The next Day you loofe it, and you muft foment it with warm Water for a long while, then pour in gently the Juice of Fenugreek in- to the Eye, and after the fame Manner put the forefaid conglutinating Medicine again upon it, and bind it up with a Bandage. When you have, done this for three or four Days, you fhall loofe the Eye, and foment it with the Juice of Fenugreek; you fhall anoint it with the belt Atlican Honey, till the Cicatrice for- tify itfelf, and the Eye recovers its Strength. CHAP. XVIII.
Of a Moon-Eye.
rT~1HERE is another Diftemper of this
JL Sort, which fometimes brings a White- nefs over the Eye, fometimes makes it bright and limpid ; from this Diforder thus affecting it, the Ancients called it a Moon-eye, of which |
vh. 19. DißempersofHorfes}&cc. j 53
this is the Method of Cure ; that Blood be
taken from that very part of the Temples, neverthelefs, fome Days intervening, Blood muft be taken from under the Eye. You fhall alfo every Day drefs the Eye on the out- fide with a warm Fomentation, but on the Wfide yqu {hall anoint it for feveral Days with an Eye-falve, of a warming and very (harp Quality, till it recovers its Health. If it re- ceives no Benefit from this Method, you frail diligently feek for, and cauterize the upper Veins in the Temples, above the very Place which is affe&ed with the Diftemper, that fo the noxious Humour may be repelled. CHAP. XIX.
Of a Staphyloma in the Eye.
WHatever Horfe or Mule fhall have a
(v) Staphyloma in his Eye, it is in- curable ; neverthelefs fuch a Method of Cure as this has been ufually pra&ifed ; you {hall let him blood from under the Eye, and fo- ment it with a warm Decoction made with the Roots of Fennel and of Rue; you fhall alfo anoint it with an Eye-falve that is not (oi) Staphyloma, a prominent Swelling in one of the Coats
of the Eye, refembling a Grape-Stone, from which it has its ^äme. |
154 Vegetim Renatas of the Book II.
very (harp; if it is turned to a Wound,, and
be levelled, you fhall foment it with the Juice of Fenugreek, and anoint it with a gentle and mild Eye-falve, which is good for the broken Coats of the Eye, till the Wound or Scar clofe itfelf, and be fomewhat level with the even Part of the Eye; then you fhall ufe a fharper Eye-falve or Lotion, and for very many Days, till every Part of it, as far as can be, may be made even, and re- duced to its natural Likenefs, and filled up, that the Eye-fight may not be deformed. CHAP. XX.
Of the Method to take away a Whitenefs, or
•white Speck out of the Eye. IF an Animal has by any Chance hit its
Eye againft any thing, or rubbed k, or received a Hurt by a Stroke upon it, and fo has brought a Whitenefs, or white Speck upon it; although the whole Eye be flop- ped up, neverthelefs it is proved by Ex- periments, that it can be foon cured by this Method : You fhall gather Ground-ivy, and bruife it very long in a very clean Mortar, fqueeze out the Juice of it, and anoint the Animal with fome of it; the Whitenefs, tho' defpaired of, and paft all hope of Cure, is con-
Ch. 2 t,, Dißempen of Horfesy &c. 155
confumed by the Power of the Medicine: But if you cannot find Ground-ivy, you (hall hruife either the Berries, or the Leaves of Ivy, and fqueeze out their Juice, and anoint it with fome of that. If that mall alfo feem difficult, or requiring too much Delay, you frail bruife a little cold Water and Ivy-leaves together for a long while, and pour fome °f it into the Eye, with a Syringe. When you have done this for very many Days, both Morning and Evening, all the white Spot frail be taken away. But if you put the beft new Wine into it inflead of Water\ it heals more effectually the Parts that are dreffed with it. CHAP. XXI.
Of curing a Sufufion.
SOME Authors have faid that if the
right Eye be affeded with a Suffufion, or if a Whitenefs or Pearl has fallen into it, the Perfon whofe Bufinefs it is to cure it muft carefully look into the right Side of the Nofe ; or if the left Eye be thus affeded, he muft look into the left Side, and in the very Callo- sity of the Noftrils he will find very fmall Holes, into which a very fmall Pipe muft be infer ted, through which he muft blow his Mouth
156 Vegetim Renatus of the Book IL
Mouth full of Wine, that fo the pure Wine
may penetrate through the Hole j after this is done, the Eye will begin to weep, but it will the more fpeedily receive Benefit, becaufe the Virtue of the pure Wine penetrates through the inner Veins into the Eye, C H A P, XXII.
Of dherfe Diforden of the Eyes.
IF a Horfe or Mule has received a Stroke
on a Bone of the Eye, and it makes an hard callous Tumor, and like a bony Subftance, it muft be cured after this Manner -, when you have tbrowrn down the Animal, open the Skin over again!! the very Part affected, and, with the Inftrument for cutting Bones, cut away the little Gum or Cartilage, or Bone, which has begun to grow out of it, (o as to level or make it even like the other Part; if you have levelled or made it even as it ought to be, put Vinegar and Oil to Linen Rags, and fill up the Place itfelf, and bind it up ■with Bandages; you {hall unbind it on the third Day, and drefs it after the fame Manner for five Days, till the Heat of it ceafe; after- wards you ihall make ufe of a Vulnerary. You alfo confume the growing Scurf of the Skin by a reprefllng Medicine, till fuch Time
Ch, 2 2. Dißempers ofHorfes) &c. 15 J
as the limpid Wound be cured, and be made
even with the contiguous Part. But if the Bone itfelf cannot be covered with Flefh, fcrape it daily till it bleed, and incarn, or cover itfelf with new Flefh, fo as that you may put fuitable Medicines upon the Wound. But if, after it has been healed, the fame dif- tempered Part begins to grow again, burn it nicely with the Points of the Cautery. Blood let under the Eye cures an Epipho-
ra or Defluxion of Humours in the Eyes, if it be anointed continually with the beft Honey ^11 it be healed • moreover it is of Benefit to the fame Diftemper if you take the Weight of one Denarius of Myrrh, half an Ounce of Crocodile's Dung, half an Ounce of Sal- ammoniac, half an Ounce of the Bones of the Cuttle-fifh, two Cyaths of Attican Honey, all which being bruifed and mixed together, you (hall anoint the Eye therewith. To a great Blearnefs of the Eyes fuch a Remedy- as this is applied ; take an Ounce of Arabian Myrrh, of Frankincenfe, Sicilian Saffron, (w) Lime-flone, burnt Brafs, two Ounces each, bruife and fift them, and put to them as much Rain Water, Falernian Wine, and Atti- (iv) In the Text it is Limpidis Cypria, which feems to be a
Wrong reading, and it is probable that Lapidis Cakis is the true one. |
15 8 Vegetius Renatas of the Book If»
can Honey as is fufficient, you mall put them
up in a Glafs VefTel, and ufe them when it is necefläry. If by fome Accident or other he has torn his Eye-lid,, you fhali apply the Fibula to it, and put Flower of Frankincenfe with an Egg upon it. This following Compofition difcuffes a Ci-
catrice of the Eyes; take of Spikenard, an Ounce and a half, of Sal-armoniac three Ounces; an Ounce and a half of Cadmia, or Brafs-ore, one Ounce of Saffron, half an Ounce of Pepper, you (hall reduce them into Powder and ufe them. This following Me- thod of Cure will wipe away the Diforders of (x) an Albugo, or white Spots of the Eye ; take ten Scruples of Saffron, two Scruples of Sal-armoniac, two Scruples of Myrrh, two Scruples of Crocodile's Dung. Alfo this will Cure an Albugo or (y) Glaucoma on the Eye j take three Sextarii of old Aminian Wine, a Sextarius of Clove-Gilliflowers, three Ounces of Honey; after you have boiled all thefe together, you fliall ufe them. If the Albugo or white Speck in the Eye has come from an Humour, or from a Blow, the following (*) Albugo, a white Speck in the horny Tunicle of the Eye«
which obflruäs the Sight, called a Pin or Web. (ji) Glaucoma, a Fault in the Eye, when the cryftalline Hu-
mour is changed into a grayifh Colour, formed from y*<*vnott which fignifies gray. Mix-
Ch. 22. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 159
Mixture removes it, viz. two Ounces of San-
daracha, four Ounces of the burnt Bone °f a Cuttle-fifh, half an Ounce of white Pepper, two Ounces of Sal-armoniac, all mix- ed together with Honey. Morning Spittle alfo cures Cicatrices of the Eyes, if it be mixed and chewed with Salt in the Mouth, and fpit out into the Eye; bruifed Salt alfo with the Bone of the Cuttle-fim, and Wild- muftard-feed produce the fame EffecT:. The Collyrhim Nardinum, or Medicine
for the Eye made with Spikenard is compound- ed after this Manner; take two Scruples of Opopanax, two Ounces of Violet; of Spike- nard, Caflia, Horeh'ound, half an Ounce each ; of Sicilian Saffron an Ounce and a half, half an Ounce and four Scruples of Oil, fix Oun- ces of white Pepper, five Scruples of Gum. There is alfo another Compofition of a Colly- rium or Remedy for the Eye j you take an equal Quantity of Verdigreafe and of the befl Salt, and. a fufficient Quantity of Vinegar, and mix them together. There is another necefTary Compofition of a Collyrium ; take four Scruples of Rue, of Male-Frankincenfe, Pigeons Dung, Moufe Dung, Oil, Saffron, Honey, Cadmia or Brafs-ore, and of Oil of Rofes, four Scruples each, having carefully bruifed them, you fliall mix them, and ufe them.
l6o p'egetius Renatas of the Book IL
them. But if, by a Wound received by a
Blow, the Eye is rendered incurable, and (as the Farriers fay) has caufed a Gangrene, left it bring into Danger of Death, put into it the Flower of bitter Vetches, together with the Oil of Rofes and an Egg. When the Wound has been cleanfed, anoint it with At- tican Honey. There are alfo many other Col- lyria or Remedies for the Eye, which, becaufe they have the fame Virtue, and contain the fame Ingredients, we thought it fuperfluous to enumerate. CHAP. XXIII.
Ofßrumous Diforders in Horfes.
OST commonly Strumous Botches or
Swellings in the Glands of the Neck, |
and Swellings or Sores in the Glands behind
the Ears, or fcrophulous Diforders infeft the Throats of Horfes, &c. and produce a Tu- mour of the Jaws; for they ftand with their Head almoft erect, and are fuffocated as it were from a Strangury. It is proper that thefe fhould be firft treated with warm Fomentati- ons, and a Cataplafm of Barley-flower, and three Ounces of Rofin, boiled in ftrong pure Wine: And when the gathering is ripened, it is neceßary to cut it with a Lancet or Scal- pel, |
Ch. 24. Difiempers of Horfes, &c. 161
pel, and let out whatever has been gathered
in it, and to thruft Tents infufed in Vinegar, Salt and Oil into it, and the other Days alfo to drefs it fkilfully if the Wound be wide open, with a Vulnerary and proper Medica- ments, till it be healed; for in thofe Places, from the Stoppage of the Parts there ufes a Fiftula to be formed, which if it happens, it ^ay, as has been already mown, be throughly cured with a Papyrus, and a Collyrium, or Doßl. CHAP. XXIV.
Of the Glandules.
THE Glandules alfo are fometimes trouble-
fome to Animals, and e/perially to Foals, even fo far as to put them in Danger, and fometimes they turn to a Difeafe. They grow between the Cheek-bones and the lower Jaws, and fome of them are larger, refembling little Balls; but others of them being leffer, and knit together, of a flefhy Subftance, grow hard, and make a Tumor without any Pain ; which, when they firft begin, being anointed throughly with Oil, ufe to be rubbed all over with a little Pitch, and violently fqueez- ed with the Hands, and fo cured, as it were by gradually vanifhing away. But if they grow up any more, the Animal being thrown M down, |
16 2 ■ Vegetius Renatus of the Book II.
down, fo that they may be cut nicely through
the Middle with' a Penknife, they are taken out by the Roots, left any Vein be touched j which being done, the Wounds muft be cured with Vinegar and Oil with Salt, and other Medicines abovementioned. Moft Au- thors have faid that they ought to be burned ; if they be fmall, it is of Benefit; but if they foe of a greater Size, they muft be cut out with a Knife. CHAP. XXVI.
Of a Dißemper incident to Foals.
HILE the firft breeding of Teeth
Heats the Heads of foals, a Tumour |
and a Gathering breeds between their Gums
and their Cheek-bones, which they call the Foal's Dißemper-t the Tenfion of the Place af- fected is fo great that they can fcarcely eat j but it muft be moft carefully ripened with Cataplafms, and then opened with a Lancet, and afterwards cured with Salt and Vinegar and Oil. Moft Authors alfo direct, when the Glandules have been taken out with a Knife, that, becaufe of the Flux of Blood, the Places ought to be burned, afterwards they make ufe of Salt and Oil for eight Days; alfo they wafh them with Nitre and warm Water. If there |
Ch. 36. Dißempers ofHorßs, &c. 163
h a Scarcity of Nitre, they make uie of warm
Urine, or of a Lixivium j then they put Wine and Oil, and Meal of bitter Vetches upon therh for the Space of three Days; and af- terwards they cure them throughly with Wine and Oil and Barley-meal. They add, that, whatever be the Sore, whether it be Scropbolous, or of a Swelling under the Ears, or that the Glandules be taken out, the Wounds are throughly cured with the (z) Lycian Medicament; and if a Powder made of dry Pomegranates be fprinkled upon them, it quick- ly cures them. CHAP. XXVI.
Of a Fißula of the "Jaws or Cheek; and how a
Colly ri urn for a Fißula is to be made. (0) IF from any Method of Cure of this Sort,
a Fiftula is formed in a Horfe's Mouth, it muft be dreffed and cured after this Manner : M 2 You (z) Lycian Medicament, this is a Juice drawn from a Tree
growing in Lycia, defcribed by Diofcoridei ; fome call it Pyxa- cantha, Box-thorn. (a) Collyrium. This Word by modern Authors is commonly
ufed to exprefs a Salve or Lotion for the Eyes; but the Anci- ents expreffed thereby very different Medicines; and this Au- thor particularly, tho' he makes ufe of it when fpeaking of the Eyes, yet calls very different Medicines by this Name, which, were made up of Juices, Liquors, Seeds, Fruits, Minerals, isfc. and reduced into a round oblong Form in Proportion to |
164 Vegetius Renatus of the Book II.
You (hall put a (b) Papyrus through the Fiftu-
la, fo that a Part of it may ftand out in his Mouthy which you (hall carefully bind with a Thread, that it may not flip out: But let a Part of it hang out on the outfide, which neverthelefs muft be bound faft with a Thread of Flax, that it may not fall. Let it remain for three Days; on the fourth Day you (hall take out the Papyrus, and thruft the Collyri- um or Dofil clofe into the Fiftula, fo as to be proportionable to the Length and Hollow, or Depth of the Wound j and that it may not chance to flip out, you fhall put a Bandage upon the Place, fo as that he may move his Jaw-bones to eat. The third Day you fhall loofe it. If the Fiftula falls, you fhall drefs it with a vulnerary Unguent for feven Days; then you fhall put into it a Collyrium or Dofil made of Honey and Meal of bitter Vetches boiled together, fo as to fill up the Hole the Fiftula, or other Sore to which they were applied ; and pro-
bably it had it's Name from its Form, being round and oblong, fmall at one End, and thicker at the other, like a mutilated Tail, and io was compounded of *&7io£oi?l>iir i^eLt, and in this Senfe I have retained the original Word in the Tranflation; it feems to have been made of the Ingredients only, fome of which made the reft to cohere, otherwise armed Dofil would feenrto be the belt Engliß Tranflation of the Word. [b) Papyrus, a Plant growing in marfhy Places \x\JEgyft, where
the Water of the Nile ftagnates; of the Rind or Bark of it they ufed formerly to make Matts, Sails, Cords, Paper, tsfc and being of a fpungy Nature they made ufe of it for Tents to dilate Fiftulas. intirely
Ch. 27. Dißempers ofHorfes, &c. 165
intirely with it for many Days. Laft of all you put an anaplerotick Medicine upon the Wound itfelf, till the whole Sore, by form- ing a Cicatrice upon it, be clofed and made firm and ftrong. But you fhall make up a Collyrium or Dofil for a Fißula after this Man- ner : Take an Ounce of Anife Seed, an Ounce of Tartar, an Ounce of Verdigreafe, an Ounce of the Scales of Chalcitis, an Ounce of Cumin- feed, and you fhall bruife them with the fharpeft Vinegar, and when Need requires, form Dofils of them according to the Quality of the Wounds, CHAP. XXVII.
Of the Expoßtion of a Fißula.
FISTULAS breed as often as a Tendon,
or a Cartilage, or a Bone is vitiated, by the tabid Humour of any Sore, through the Negligence or Unskilfulnefs of him that dreffes it; for then, wherever that tabid Hu- mour paffes, it undermines, as it were, and hardens the Flefh, and makes it callous, and it becomes a Fiftula, which can by no Means be cured, nor at any Time clofe and become firm, nor be folidated, unlefs it be intirely taken out. Different Methods of curing this have been delivered by different Authors; for M 3 fome |
166 Vegetius Renatus of the Book II.
fome order them to be opened and cut out
with a Knife, and the Flefh to be taken off them with an Inftrument made for cutting Fiftulas, and to be confumed with the Sharp- eft Medicaments, and fo afterwards to clofe up the Wound, and bring it to a Scar; but as this Method has very much Labour and Dan- ger in it, fo it is of very little Benefit j others have thought it proper that the whole Fiftula fhould be burned with a Cautery, and that the neighbouring Parts mould be broken into, or penetrated with the hot burning Points of it, in as much as the Callofity being removed by the Fire, the Wounds may be throughly cured with Stattick Medicines ; but it is better to drefs the Fiftula by thrufting a Papyrus in- to it, as has been above explained; for neither the Nerve or Tendon, nor the Vein, nor the Joint is vexed; for the Diforder frequently becomes worfe by the Knife or the Cautery, and they create Danger; but the Collyrium or Dofil takes away all the Callofity from the very Root of it. But if the Bone be affedted, becaufe it muft be fcraped, and fo the Sore be laid open, this cannot be prevented by a careful Application of the Medicament. And if any corrupted Matter, or if the Nerve or Tendon, or Cartilage lie very deep, you mail make a Powder of the fame Collyrium, and throw
Ch. 28. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 167
throw it in frequently, for it eieanfes and
throughly cures all Wounds. CHAP. XXVIII.
Of a Tumour of the Jaws, or of the Head.
SOmetimes the Jaws and the Infide of the
Heads of Animals fwell after the Simi- litude of a Squincy, fo that they can neither eat nor drink : When an Animal is thus af- fected, they foment his whole Mouth and Tongue with warm Water, and anoint them throughly with a Bull's Gall, and give him füch a Drench as this out of a Horn. You mall mix two Pounds of old Oil, and a Sex- tar ius of Wine together, and boil alfo nine dry Syrian Figs with, nine Heads of Leeks and bruife them together very carefully, and mix in the Water itfelf a fufficient Quantity of Alexandrian Nitre bruifed, and of- all thefe give a Drench Morning and Evening, one Hemina to each, that the Afperity of the Tumour itfelf may be relaxed and mitigated. But let him eat green Grafs, or, which is better, let him be put to Pafture. If thefe things be wanting, you fhall make Barley- meal, and mix Nitre with it, and fo apply it. You (hall alfo make Choice of the fofteft Hay' which neverthelefs you fhall fprinkle with M 4 Nitre
168 Vegetha Renatm of the Book II.
Nitre and Water. Take no Blood from him,
unlefs peradventure you take fome from his Palate. . When he begins to recover, mix bruifed and fitted Nitre with the Powder made of the Roots of the wild Aßnine Cucumber, and put a Spoonful of this Powder to a Sexta- rius of Wine, that by the Virtue and Strength of this Potion his Belly may be opened and purged. Other Authors endeavour thus to cure the Tumour of the Head and Tongue, or of the Jaws or Throat, although they are grown hard, making great Hafte becaufe of the Danger : They put feveral Pieces of Millftones into a Fire, and when they have begun to be red hot, they cover the Horfe's Head, and put under his Mouth and Noftrils a Veffel full of Stale, and by Turns put one of the red hot Stones into the Stale, that the Vapor and Smoak, raifed by the Heat of the Stones, may fili the Horfe's Mouth and Nof- trils ; and he ought to receive a Club acrofs his Mouth, that he may keep it open. After you have done this for a long while, warm Sea-water, or at leaft you fhall mix Salt in frefh Water, and diffolve it by making it very hot; and having added the fharpeft Vinegar to it, youflhall rub his Head, and Mouth, and Gums for a long while with it. Afterwards you fhall mix Qx's Dung with fharp Vinegar, an4
Ch. 30. JDißemßersofHorfes,&cc. 169
and warm it, and anoint his whole Head, and
«is Forehead, and Lips throughly with it; then you {hall give him a fufficient Quantity °f Barley-meal with warm Water for Meat and Drink. CHAP. XXIX.
yf a fwelling of the faivs from a Plethora
of Blood. BUT whether this angry Tumour pro-
ceeds from the Blood, you fhall know it thus j if his Breathing be (topped by the Tenfion of his Veins, and if his Eyes appear bloody, a Horfe thus affeSled muft have Blood taken away from his Temples, if they be not fwelled 5 or, without Fail, from his Palate, if there be no Angrinefs there. You fhall mingle two Parts Ctmolian Chalk, and a third Part black Chalk with rough auftere Wine, and while it is warm anoint his Head with it. CHAP. XXX.
Of Rubers, or Tumours.
YOU muft know that Tubers or Tu-
mours, which the Greeks call Oncomata, do frequently grow out of Bodies. They have various Qualities and different Names, a
170 Vegetim Renatus of the Book II.
a (c) Steatoma is a Tuber or Swelling, which
contains Suet or Fat in itfelf. A {d) Meli' ceris is a Tuber or Swelling, in which there is found infpifläted Flefh, as in Warts. An (e) Aneuryfm is a Tuber or Tumour, in which there is found Blood and fpirituous Matter, colleöed together like a plentiful Vein. An (f) Atheroma is a Tuber or Tu- mour, in which there is found a farinaceous, or meally Collection or Mafs. A (g) Gang- lion is a Tuber or Tumour, which is formed of the Duplication of a Nerve, like to a Knob or Knot, with an immovable Pain. Of all thefe there is one Method of Cure. The Beaft is laid down, and bound, and upon the Place affected there is an Opening made, with a Lancet, or a Knife, on the right and left Side, lengthwife, in Proportion to the Meafure or Largenefs of the Tumour, fo that the middle fmall Swathe of the Skin, which is {<-) Steatoma, formed from r*'«?, r/arot, which fignifies Suet
or Fat. (d) Meliceris, properly fignifies a Tumor containing Matter
like Honey, which, when the Membrane that contains it is cut, runs out like Honey out of an Honeycomb. (i?) Aneuryfm, is the Dilatation of an Artery, which con-
tinually beats, and eafily yields to the Touch, but ilill fills again; it is formed from the Verb iitiv^vm, which fignifies to dilate. (/) Atheroma, formed from «O^n, which fignifies Meal, or
Flower. (_§■) Ganglion, is defined by fome, a preternatural Contortion
of a Nerve.. ^^| |
Ch. 32. Dißempers of'Horfes,-&c. 171"
above the Tuber, may remain untouched; afc
ter all the Things which had occasioned the Tumour, have been everted, and thrown out, *t is brought to a Cicatrice with thpfe pro- per Medicines, which have been before de- fcribed. CHAR XXXI.
Of the tongue *when it is cut.
IF a Horfe's Tongue has been cut, fow it
together prefently with Fibula, then warn it with Wine, afterwards bray a Gall, and fift out the Powder of it; put fome of it upon it, till it be healed. You fhall give him the fofteft Hay cut, and Bran inftead of Barley. Others have been of Opinion, that after they have received the Fibula (or have been ditch- ed up) and their Tongue has been waihed With Wine, Honey ought to be put upon it, that it may cleanfe the Wound and cure it j ar*d laft of all they have thrown into it a Powder made of a Pomegranate. C H A P.. XXXII.
Of the Gums and Teeth.
IF a Horfe or a Mule has a Pain in the Sockets
of his Teeth, that is, if his Gums or his Teeth
172 Vegetius Renatus ofthe Book II.
Teeth give him Pain, it is known by the fol-
lowing Signs j he will fwallow his Barley in- tire, will grow lean, and pour out a great deal of Saliva, and his Gums will fwell. Steep Cimolian Chalk in the (harpeft Vinegar, and fpread it hot upon the out-fide of his Jaw- bones for five Days at leaft ; but on the third Day you fhall rub his Gums for a great while on the infide with the Powder of the Bark of a Pomegranate., and with Honey, till, by throwing out all the corrupted Matter, he re- cover his Health. This thing happens when a (harp Humour flows down from his Head into the Veins of his Jaw-bones. CHAP. XXXIII.
Of a broken Bone.
T F an Animal has broken a Bone toward his
X Neck, or his Grinders, or in any other Place of his Mouth, fo that he cannot fhut his Mouth, and has a horrid AfpecT:, with his Teeth open, and his Lips hanging down, you fhall forthwith foment them with warm Water, and put his Lips, and the other Things that are broken afunder, into their proper Po- fition, and with a very thin fmall Bandage wet with Vinegar and Oil, fet and reduce to its Place fir/l one Part, and then another, |
Ch. 34. Dißempers of Borfes, Sec. 173
and put a Bandage upon it in like Manner,
that it may not diiunite, or be feparated again ; and a clofe-wrought Twig-basket mull: be put upon him, and bound fail to him, that he roay not fpoil and disfigure his Teeth and Lips; when you loofe him to drefs him, hold fail, and keep clofe with your Hand the Things you have before fet and reduced into their Place; you ihall give him Bran and Barley-meal in a Basket to eat, fo that, as long as he eats, your Hand may not remove from the Place which it holds. Now when he will eat no more, offer him Water that he may drink ; when he has drunk, drefs him after the fame Manner, as has been above defcribed. It is proper that the Juice of Pti- fan ihould be given him, if peradventure he has eaten lefs than he ought to have done. If you obferve this Method, and drefs him accordingly for forty Days, you will reflore him to his Health. CHAP. XXXIV.
Of the Cartilage of the Nofe, if Blood fows
out of it. IF the Cartilage of a Horfe or a Mule's Nofe
be fpoiled and hurt, and the Blood cannot be flopped, put African Spunge, and the Flow-
174 Vegetius Renatus of the Book II.
Flower of Male-Frankincenfe mixed together upon the Place that is hurt, and if a Wound be made in the Cartilage, cure it after this manner. Sometimes when an Animal is let blood in the Palate, the Blood, being once let out, cannot be flopped again ; in this urgent Cafe, as has been above directed, you put a Spunge upon the Place where the Palate has been pricked with the Lancet, and bind his Head faft upwards, and pour cold Water all over his Reins, Brain and Tefticles. If this thing gives Relief but {lowly, you fhall temper an equal Quantity of Acacia, or black Egyp- tian Thorn, and fine Flower of Frankincenfe with the fharpeft Vinegar, and anoint all his Head with it, till the Blood be flopped, and (hut up by the conftringent or flyptick Qua- lity thereof. CHAP. XXXV.
Of the Palate, if the Vein does not clofe itfelf.
IT creates Danger quickly when a Vein that
is cut in the Palate cannot be fhut up or clofed again, but the Flux of the Blood is prefently ftopt, if that Orifice or Paflage be burned with a red hot Cautery, and his Head fufpended higher than ufual. When the Blood flows through the Noftrils, and it cannot be flop-
Ch. 36. Dißempen of Horfes, &c. 175
flopped otherwife, you fliall bruife green Co-
riander fufficiently, and having fqueezed the Juice out of it, you fliall pour it into the Horfe's Noftrils, holding up his Head j it pre- sently fhuts up the Veins with its natural Coldnefs. You fliall alfo burn Paper and Wool, and blow the Powder of them through a Pipe into his Noftrils. CHAP. XXXVI.
Of the Kind and Quality of the Mucus, or
Snot that flows through the Noßrils. IT is proper alfo to know the Qualities of
the Snots that flow out of his Noftrils, by which the Kind of the Diftemper is difco- vered, and the Caufe being known, it can the more eafily be cured. The limpid Mucus or Snot flows daily, and except it be immode- rate, it ought not to be fufpected 5 but that which is grofs, thick, and white, flows from the Brain, and admoniflies us to make hafte to make ufe of Remedies for the Head. That which is red, thin, and cold, difcovers the Injury he has received from an old Cold j for Which Reafon the Animal muft be warmed With thermantick Drenches. The blueifh Mucus, or the dark or brown coloured, comes from the more internal Parts, and indicates a
176 Feget ins Renatus of the Book II»
a Fever, and therefore the proper Method
of Cure is to apply Febrifuges to him. But the grofs, thick, foamy and pale arifes from the Lungs, andfhows that they are purfive or broken-winded, to whom it is difficult to give any Relief, unlefs you make great Hafte. But the Bean-coloured Snot creeps from the Glands, which either muft be quickly taken out, or cured with the Knife, left they turn to a Difeafe. CHAP. XXXVII.
Of Blood flowing out of the Noflrils after
runnings or hard riding. SOmetimes, by the violent Stroke of a Wound,
the Blood flows through the Noftrils of Animals; but this chiefly happens if the Horfe be forced to run beyond his Strength. The Animal muft be throughly anointed with Oil and Vinegar over all his Body, and be put up in a warm Place, and carefully cover- ed with Cloaths, and Care muft be taken that he lye foft, and that he be not forced to walk, but be repaired with Food more care- fully than ufual. Then you fhall bruife an Ounce of Rocket with Milk, and pour it in- to his Noftrils with a Horn. If Rocket be wanting, bruife an Ounce of Birthwort, and 1 half |
Ch. 39' Dißempers of Hor/es, Sec. 177
half an Ounce of Saffron with fweet Wine,
and throw it down through his Noftrils. In «ke Manner you (hall fqueeze out the Juice of green Coriander, and pour it into his Noftrils. CHAP. XXXVIII.
Of a Horfe affeBed with a Polypus.
IF a Polypus breeds in a Horfe's Noftrils, he
will be ftrangled by the Stoppage of the Paffage of his Breath. He will fnore, and humid Mucus will flow out of his Noftrils j Manifold are the Dangers of this Diftemper. This Method of Cure gives Relief j if the Polypus be within Reach, it muft be cut out with a very fharp Iron Inftrument; It muft be dreffed with thofe Things wherewith the Parts where Amputations are made are cured. But if it lie deeper, you (hall make a fquare Cautery of Lead, wherewith, after you have heated it, you (hall frequently burn the Po- vpus, and thus you cure it. CHAP. XXXIX.
®f a Horfe that is blafied, or Planet-ßruck.
IF a Horfe or a Mule, &c. be blafted, or
Planet-ftruck, it is known by thefe Symp- toms 3 his Lips and Cheek-bones, as alfo his N , -Noftrils
178 Vegetim Renatm of the Book IL
Noftrils are in part fo corrupted and fpoiled,
that he can fcarcely bruife, or chew his Food with his Teeth; you fhall alfo find them full of Humours, and when he has a mind to drink, he will plunge his Mouth into the Wa- ter up to his Noftrils, becaufe his Lips, where- with his Draught of Water is attracted, are weak. You muft rub his Tongue and his Lips all over, for a long while, with Vine- gar and Salt, till the Blood drops out of them; on the third Day you muft put a crude Cauf- tick upon that Part of his Lip which has re- ceived the Injury, with this Precaution, that you firft bind up his Tongue, left the Vio- lence of the Medicament hurt it. When you fhall perceive that his Lips are burned with the Medicament, you (hall wa(h them with Water, then foment them with Vinegar and Oil, as you do other Wounds, and by this Method he will be cured. But if his Jaw-bone be Planet-ftruck, or blafted, and alfo ftands awry, this is the Method of curing it: You fhall let him blood in the Temples on the Side affected, and mix Ox's Dung with the fharpeft Vinegar, and boil it very long, and you fhall frequently fpread it warm upon the Place of his Temples, from which you have drawn the Blood, that it may dry upon the Place, and cure him: You muft make ufe of this Drench. Take
Ch. 40. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 179
Take Germander, wild HyfTop, wild Marjo-
ram, wild Thyme, Birthwort, Manna or Flower of Saffron, of each an equal Quantity, bray them together, and fift them ; a Spoonful of this Powder, with Honey-water, Oil, and Wine, to the Amount of one Hemina, muft be daily poured into him through his left Noftril. CHAP. XL.
Of the Method to be obferved hi letting of
Blood. IT is proper, now I am going to fpeak of
the Method of curing the Neck, to point out to you the Method to be obferved in letting of blood, becaufe this is an Operati- on frequently performed about thefe Places. When you are going to let blood, you fhall keep the Animal from Meat and Drink, and place him upon an even Ground. Then let another Perfon take hold of a Cord above his Neck, and bind it hard and clofe, and exact- ly in a Line, that the Vein may the more eafi- ly appear; then above the Cord you fhall prefs down the Vein with the Thumb of your left Hand, left it efcape you ; then you may touch it with the Lancet j for there are two Veins which defcend from the Top of the N 2 Head |
i8o Vegetius Renatus of the Book II.
Head, as far as the Throat, and meet together
under the Jaw-bones; . then from the two Veins, four Fingers lower, youthruft in the Iron Inftrument, left you thruft it into the Throat, and touch the Bifurca, and kill the Horfe. You fhall ftraightway take hold of the Lancet with two Fingers, nor muft you thruft in more of the Iron Inftrument than what appeared without your Fingers. Ne- verthelefs fufpend alfo your Hand upon your middle Finger in order to govern it, that it may be the lighter, left you imprefs it more vehe- mently than you ought to do, for more than the Point of the Lancet ought not to defcend into it. If the Blood flows out but indiffe- rently, you (hall give Hay, or fome other, thing, to the Horfe that he may eat, for by the Agitation of his Jaw-bones more Blood will flow out of the Vein. CHAP. XLI.
Of the Neck.
IF a Horfe has put out his Neck, or relaxed
and loofened it, or has put out the Joints of it, or wrenched them, he muft be cured after this Manner ; lay down the Horfe and bind him faft, and extend his Neck upon a Trench till all the Vertebres or Joints of it are
Ch. 42.' Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 181
are relaxed and loofened ; afterwards you take
°ld Oil, and old Hog's-lard and pound them, and ftrain them, and mix them throughly, and with this fame Unguent, after you have Warmed it, you anoint his Neck very careful- ly, and put it again into its Place, and you fhall bind to his Body a thin and large Band- age wet in warm Oil and Wine; you mall alfo wrap over it new fhorn or unfcoured Woo], foaked in Oil and Wine; afterwards you fliall put fquare Olive Splents upon it not lefs than four Fingers broad, fo that there may be as much Space between the fquare Splents when they are tied and joined together, and you mail bind them clofe with Linnen Cloths: And if it be Summer you pour Oil and Wine upon it four times a Day ; if Win- ter, twice a Day. When it has formed a Knot, or the Joints are knit together, you fhall loofe the fquare Splents. This you muft do on the fifty firft Day, afterwards you make ufe of Ointments, till you have healed it. If it recovers its Strength but ilow- ly, you fhall cauterife it, and drefs and cure It according to Rule and Cuftom. |
'iSz Vegetius Renatus of the Book II.
Of Puflules, or Sores in the Neck,
IF you would remove Puftutes from the
Neck of a Horfe, you fhall do it after this Manner; you fhall firft prepare red-hot Cauteries, then with an Iron Inflrument re- move the Flefh fo as you may not touch the Nerves or Tendons, and whatever little Veins you fhall fee difcharging Blood, you burn them, that the Flux of Blood may be ftopt; But beware that you do not burn too much with the Cauteries, and caufe Danger, by angering or irritating the Nerves; afterwards you fhall rub the Neck throughly with old Hogflard, and fecure it with Bandages. The following Day alfo you fhall begin to put a Cataplafm upon it, and when that is taken away, you fhall foment the Burning with warm Urine ; then you fhall wafh it with Vinegar and Oil, and drefs it with proper Medicaments: If you now fee that the Ci- catrice has new Hairs growing upon it, you fhall mix the Powder of a Dog's Head burned, and frefh Swines-greafe together, and fpread it upon it, which Medicine will have this Effect, that the Part will both be healed, and recover the Ornament of its Hair. |
Ch. 43. Dißempers of' Horfes, &c. 183
CHAP. XLIII. Of a Deßillation, or "Defluxion of Humours in
the Neck. IF the Neck fufFers by a Defoliation, or
Defluxion of Humours, it will appear more tumid than it ought to be, and have a cancerous Stink, with a black and liquid Hu- mour, of which you fhall carefully fearch for the Holes, left the Defoliation make a Sinus further among the Tendons, or between the Shoulders, which if it happens, few Horfes with Difficulty efcape. For the Dan- ger is difcovered by the following Signs j He makes a whizzing Noife in his Breaft, and throws out a liquid Humour at his Noftrils. You fhall fill the Holes from the upper Part with Horehound and Salt, equally bruifed to- gether, and prefs it down hard; but you fhall relax or open them below by putting a Cata- plafm to them. And if the Condition of the Place will fuffer it, you fhall make an Inei- fion, or an IfTue, that fo the Humour may drop out through the Wound. Alfo on the third Day you fhall wafh it with warm Urine; then you fhall begin to heal the Wounds, which are now limpid and cleanfed, with a Vulnerary and Linen Cloths, of which N 4 the |
184 Veget'im Renatus of the Book II»
the Compofition is fuch as this : Take a
Sextarius of the Flower of bitter Vetches, two Ounces of Illyrian Flower-de-luce, two Ounces of male Frankincenfe, and mix them and make a Cephalic Medicament, which you fhall ufe in order to compleat the Cure. CHAP. XLIV.
Of a Deßillation, or Defluxion in the Shoulder-
Blade. IF a Horfe's Shoulder-blades be loofened, or
broken, examine carefully if it caufes any hidden Collection of Matter, between the Tendons and the Joinings, which if you fhall find, in whatever Part it can receive Incifions, you fhall take Care to foften it with Cataplafms, and open it with a Lancet, or with a Cautery, that fo that corrupted Matter, and Gathering may run out; but you fhall apply a Vulnerary, and dry Linen Clouts to the Holes. If any Hole has been made among the Tendons, drefs it moft cau- tioufly, left either the Lancet, or Cautery pafs farther than they ought; nor ought you to wafh either the Tumor, or the corrupted Part, but rather make hafte to drefs it with all dry things, for all Moifture gives Increafe to a Deftillation. When the Parts that have been cut,
vhap. 45« Difiempers of Horfest he. 185
cut, or burned, have formed a Cicatrice,
laft of all a Cauftick is put upon them, in order to ftrengthen and confirm them. CHAP. XLV.
Of the Shoulders when they are hurt.
J F a Horfe has hurt his Shoulders, let the
Veins in the middle of both his Legs be opened, and let his Shoulders be anointed rnoft plentifully with the Powder of Frank- mcenfe mixed with the Blood which flows °ut of his Feins: And if more Blood flows out than is neceflary, let the Dung of the Horfe hinlfelf be put upon his flowing Veins, and let it be bound to them with Bandages. The next Day alfo there is made as it were a fecond Evacuation, and Blood is taken from the fame Places, and the Cure proceeds after the fame Manner in all things. He muft be kept from Barley, and be fupported with a little Hay for the Space of three Days ; Then you mall mix 'three Cyathi of the Juice of Leeks, and an Hemina of Oil together, ar*d put it into his Chops with a Horn. After the fixth Day let him be forced to ftep flowly, and when he has walked, let him be put into a Pond, or into a River, or into the ^a, that he may fwim, having his Foot I bound
i 86 Vegetius Renatus of the Book II.
bound up with Spanifi Broom and with
Cloths. Afterwards herauft be reftored to his former Fatnefs, with more folid and firm- er Food. ' If he ftill feels a flight Pain, let him be throughly rubbed in the Sun with warm Wine and Oil ; but if the Pain be more violent, convey Wind into the Shoulder, and pierce it eight Fingers Breadth below the uppermost Part of the Mane, left you touch the Cartilage; and when you have blown it up, beat the Shoulder with a Feru- la, or with a foft Rod, and rub it throughly with Salt and Oil; the very next Day you fhall make Ufe of a tough Pafte, of which this muft be the Compofition; you fhall mix two Sextarii of the very fineft Flower of Wheat Meal j or if this be wanting, two Sextarii of common Wheat Flower, with fharp Vinegar, and three Eggs, but you put only the White of the Eggs into it; you fhall alfo add to it an Ounce and an half of the Powder of Frankincenfe, all which you knead with your Hand, and fpread upon his Shoulders; and for many Days you (ball foment his Shoulder with warm Water and the Flower of Hay, that it may grow foft, put alfo the Pafte upon it daily ; wafh the Shoulder with pure Wine, in order to apply this Unguent alfo, viz. Take half a Pound |
Chap. 44. Difiemßers of Her/es, &c. 187
of Bay-Berries, a Sextarius of Oil, a &\*;-
tarius of good Wine, three Ounces of Nitre; but you muft reduce the Nitre, and the Bay- Berries into a Powder, and lift them. When his Shoulder has been fomented with warm Water, let it be anointed with this Oint- ment warmed, and let it be rubbed ve- ry long. Afterwards that particular Un- guent for curing the Shoulders is fpread upon it, and when he is better, put him to fwim. But if, as is common, he has put out his Shoulder againft a Wheel, fet it again, and drefs it with the abovementioned Medicaments. If he feels no Pain in it, the laft thing is to cauterize it. Thefe are the Signs of a Pain in the Shoulder j he draws out his Forefoot extended as if it were ftiff: But it is proper that it be carefully viewed, and examined, whether this Ailment has had its Beginning from a Stroke, or from a Fall or Mifchance; and if it be from a Blow, and the Part be put out, the Members muft be firft fet into their own Places, and fo the Reft of the things muft be done as direSfed. And if his Shoulders be aggrieved, and pained With an Humour, or with Blood, you let him Blood in his Breaft, or make ufe of Ointments. |
188 Vegetius Rena fas ofthe Book II«
Of the Knee, and lower Part of the Foot,
when they are put out, or have received & great Concuffion. IF a Horfe has put out, or received a great
Concuffion in his Knee, or the lower Part of his Foot, with the painful Stroke of a Wheel, or a Mill, or any other Machine, you fhall reftore to their proper Places fuch things as are put out of them, and put new fhorn or unfcoured Wool dipt in Oil and Vi- negar upon them, and bind them up in the ufual Manner; the third Day you fhall loofe them and foment them, afterwards fpread Rofm and a little Pitch upon them ; and laft of all you fhall make ufe of a Malagma, or of a Cauftick. CHAP. XLVII.
Of a Frafiure of a "Joint, or of a heg, or
the Hip. THE Legs of Animals, or their Hips,
or Joints, are broken by the Impulfe of Axle-Trees, or of Wheels in the Circus, or by a Variety of Accidents in other Places, in which diftreffed Condition, if the Fraäure |
Chap. 47. Jbißempers of Hör [es, &c. 189
of the Bone flart out without the Skin, you
m»ft know that the Cure of it is difficult, a°d that it is almoft incurable. The like ^efperate Cafe it is if he breaks his Hip, or any of his extreme Parts, or above his Hough, the Cafe is incurable, becaufe it does not admit of a Ligature. But if the Fracture be without a Wound in thefe Pla- Ces, which can be bound up clofe, you fhall treat it after this manner. In the firft Place you mail fet the Fradture together again, and bind it up with clean jagged Bandages; Moreover you fhall fortify and fecure it well With Wool and place fquare Splents all round ltj and the Horfe muft be fufpended, or fuf- ported with Poles laid acrofs Supporters [kept in « Sling,) that he may not touch the Ground with his Foot, left the Fracture fhould move *o and fro in a lamentable manner ; and you j^uft daily pour Wine and Oil upon it, Morn- lng and Evening; on the third Day you muft l°ofe it, and having finifhed the Dreffing of l% bind it up again. On the fifth Day alfo, and on the feventh and ninth Day, you fhall do the fame things, untill it incarn or cover *tfelf with Flefh, and gather Strength; after aU this you fhall apply to it Mofs taken from t-he Vitex or Chaft-Tree, or the Root of the Willow-Tree, and five raw Eggs; but you
ioo Vegetius Renatus of the Book II.
you fhall bind it up, not with fquare Splents,
as before, but with Ferula's, or Fennel-gi- ant - Rods placed round it. On the third Day you fhall loofe it, and foment it, and anoint it throughly with Rofin and Hog's- lard: when the Cure has gone on fuccefsful- ly, you fhall put a Malagma, or a Cauftick upon it, neverthelefs you muft not allow the Horfe to ftand upon it before forty Days be paft, for that is the Time wherein things that are broken, or torn afunder, or disjoined, are confolidated. CHAP, XLVIII.
Of a Phlegmon, Marbles, Puff's■ and Whid-
galls. OFtentimes in the Knees or Joints there
arifes either a Phlegmon, or Marbles, or Puffs or Wind-galls, which Maladies are generated from a bad Humour, and fhew the Diftemper with the Deformity of the Tumour. But this is the Difference between them; a Phlegmon is a foft Tumour ; a Marble fhews its Hardnefs by its Name ; a Puff is an in- flated Tumour without Pain. Relief may be given to them the more eafily, when they are recent. In thre firft Place you fhall fpread upon them new fhorn or unfcoured Wool i dipped |
Ch. 4£. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 191
dipped in Oil and Vinegar ; you fhall place
the Animal againft cold and running Water; afterwards you fhall cure them, without the Knife, after this Manner. You fhall take four Scruples of Muflard and Alexandrian Salt, two Cyalhi of Vinegar, half a Pound of old Hog's-lard, and bruife them together, and fpread them on the Tumour ; after the third yzy you loofe them. If it make an Open- Jng, you fhall put a Sponge with Vinegar and Gum Lafer upon it, and drefs the Wounds With a Styptick. Moreover you muft make hare the Place you have a Mind to cure by applying a Medicament to take the Hair off; you fhall bruife in a Mortar Fern-root, and bitter Vetches and African Figs all together, and fpread them upon a Cloth, and lay them upon it, and you muft fuffer it to remain, bound up for the Space of three Days. Others think that the Fern-root and bitter Vetches °ught to be mixed with old Hog's-lard a°d the fharpeft Vinegar; alfo knead three Ounces of Ames from the Fire, and fix Ounces of Quick-lime with Wine, to the Thicknefs of Oxymel, and before they grow hard, befmear the little Tumours therewith. " you do this with frefh Stuff continually, this troublefome Ailment will be dried up : *t thefe Tumours be of an older Standing, let
I $2 Vegetius Re flatus of the Book II.
let them be burned nicely, and gently with a
pointed Cautery, left they be hurt with the Vi- olence, and the Fire. Such a Compofition as the following is faid to difcufs a Phlegmon ; Take three Ounces of Rododaphne, of Bitumen and Nitre three Ounces each, three Ounces of old Hog's-lard ftrained. Mod Authors have faid that a Phlegmon ought to be broken through, and let out with a red-hot Copper- Cautery with two Points, and that the Places from which the Mucus has been thruft out, ought to be filled with a twifted Cordon of ten Threads with Hog's-lard, Vinegar and Oil: alfo a Tent ought to be drawn through the Holes of the Burning, that whatever Hu- mour there may be therein, may be carried out of it. After thefe things you fpread a Cataplafm made with Fenugreek and Wine upon it. When the burned Parts are fallen, and the Tumour is afiwaged, you fhall take out the Tent, and drefs it with a Vulnerary; and laft of all, you put a Cauftick upon it. Others let out the Phlegmon by penetrating the Skin with a Lancet, and put into the Sores . Wool wet with Vinegar and Lafer; alfo they put a Sponge with fharp fmall Wine and Lafer upon the Wound : on the third Day they loofe it, take out the Wool, and drefs it with the Tetrapharmacum for five or feven
£". 49* Dißempers of Horfes, Sec. 193
feven Days. But if he has a Marble or hard Swelling, which makes him go limping to a great Degree, and does fcarcely bend his Joints, he muft be gently burned. After the burning, that which is called the Cyprefs- Malagma muft be put upon it, by which Method of dreffing, Health is reftored, and |he Deformity remains. But if a Puff or Jnflated Tumour, without Pain, grow out of his Knees or Joints, prefently a Cure muft he applied to it, left the Ailment being neg- fe&ed, the Tumour increafe the Deformity, °r by being left to harden for a long Time, Jt be turned to a Marble or hard Swelling. You mail make an Opening in his Feet or Knees, on the right and left, either with a Knife, or with a Copper Cautery, as has been above directed; you fhall pafs a Tent through it with Vinegar, Salt and Oil, as above : You put a Cataplafm upon it, till the burning Heat ceafes, and it forms Mat- ter. After the corrupted Humours are purged 0llt, you take out the Tent, and put a Vul- nerary upon it, and after three Days interven- lng, you fhall loofe it, and renew the Me- dicament till it be healed. |
O C H A P,;
194 Feget i us Renatus ofthe Book 11.
Of watery and finking Sores.
IF there be watery Tumours or Gatherings-
in their Joints, or in their Houghs or Bendings of their Legs, they muft not by any means be touched with a cold Knife, left the Abundance of the Humour bring the Horfe into Danger; but you muft make Ufe of a fubtile and very thin Scarification, and letting of Blood; afterwards the Places muft be bound up for five Days with very ftrong woollen Cloths, as well with Vinegar as with the beft Salt brayed, and with Oil, or Hog's-lard. If this Method of Cure prove beneficial more flowly than you expeBed, you muft make ufe of the moft fervent Cauftick, that it may make Burnings. They are healed by another Me- thod alfo, if you mix (a) ***** which the *** (a) make ufe of, and half the Quan- tity of Salt together, and bind new fhorn or unfcoured Wool dipt in. Vinegar to it, with defign to unbind it after the third Day. If it has made an Opening, you fpread upon it Barley Meal boiled in Honey with Linfeed and {a) Sletam, Trittores, as the Text feems here to be corrupt-
ed, and 'tis difficult to determine the Signification of thefe two Words, and coireft the Text, I have left a Blank in the Tranflation. o Fenu-
Ch. 49. Dißempers ofHorfes, &c. 195
Fenugreek ; and lad of all you fhall put a
crude foftening Cataplafm or Malagma upon it. Moreover you fhall mix Shoe-makers Black, fmall Galls, and Allum bruifed in equal Quanti- ties, with Hog's-lard, adding to them the Pow- der of a Pomegranate, Nitre and Vinegar, which being boiled all together, mend the Diftemper, if they be applied. Dry Figs bruifed to- gether with Muftard, with Vinegar mixed with them, are put upon the Part. After the third Day, the Medicament being removed, if it has given Relief more flowly than you ex- pected, the fame Dreffing is renewed. When he begins to be better, put an Herring upon his Joints. Others put Opopanax boiled with Barley-meal upon them, after the manner of a Cataplafm. Some boil broken Beans in Water, and having mixed Honey with them, bruife them, and fpreading them upon a Cloth, apply them. And in the laft Place they put the Cyprefs-Malagma upon them. Many mix quick Lime and Afh.es with Ho- ney and Wine together, and frequently put them upon ftinking Sores. Laft of all they make ufe of a Cauftick, which kind of Cures the Authority of the Antients orders alfo to be applied to the hinder Feet. UCe and Ex- perience Jias found it of Benefit to put Salt and Vinegar upon Hair Cloths, and rub ftink- O 2 ing
196 Vegetius Renatus of the Book II.
ing Sores therewith, till the Blood or the Tu-
mour drops out, which Practice, although it does not throughly heal, yet it helps the fub- fequent Cures. C H A P. L.
Of Rheumatick or Windy Feet.
SOmetimes the Feet of Horfes are rheuma-
matic, fometimes infefted with Wind, which Diftempers muft never be touched with a Knife, but they muft be dried up with Malagma's, or with a Cauftick, and fome- times they muft be gently cauterized upon the Veins, that fo the Paffages which receive the Humour may be ftraitened, contracted and bound up, that they may afford a Cure for a Time; becaufe though the Veins have Cuts made between them, and are burned, fuch a Diftemper can never be entirely cured. CHAP. LI.
Of Ringworms.
Ingworms alfo breed fometimes in their
Joints, and Knees, among the Tendons,
in the Places where there are Joinings, and there arifes a Sore like a Chap or Chink, and it is not eafily healed, unlefs it be dreffed with Aftringents
Ch. 52. Dißempersof Horfes, &c. 197
Aftringents or Stypticks, not without a Ban-
dage ; or fometiraes it is cured with Burn- ing. Proper Maligma's alfo muft be put up- on them. CHAP. LH.
Of ouzy, or burning itching Sores,
SOmetimes alfo there are burning-out
Breakings, generated in their Feet, Legs, and Hoofs, or under their Shoulders, which fome call Itchings or Ticklings^ they have the Similitude or Appearance of a Scab; which, when they have diffufed or fpread themfelves, cxulcerate their Feet in the Simi- litude of a Leprofy, and when the Itch- ings provoke them, the Animals gnaw thefe Parts, or wound them by rubbing one Foot againft another by turns. Which Diflem- per ufes to be generated from a crude and putrid Humour, and the fame is cured by taking Blood from them, anointing them, and purging their Belly frequently. If the Root of the wild Cucumber be mixed with the Pow- der of Nitre, and poured into their Chops, it purges away the very bad Humours. |
198 Vegetius Renatas of the Book 11.
Of the Gout incident to Horfes.
U T fometimes the Gout ufes to feize
upon Horfes, &c. for this Difeafe of |
Men paffes to Cattle ; of which Diftemper
thefe are the Symptoms. The Horfe can neither ftand nor walk, but if he be compel- led, he limps and hobbles, and he will often throw himfelf down, as Animals do which do not digeft their Barley, and are thereby difordered ; and which, by reafon of their Pain, do not concoä: and digeft their Food, and therefore the Horfe becomes ill-favoured, and his Body will be hot, his Veins alfo will ftand out or fwell, his Yard hang down, his Dung will flick in his Feet, becaufe of their too great Heat, as ufes to happen to fuch as have their Feet bruifed and worn underneath, or foundered. It will be of Benefit to him, if he be not fuffered to lie down, but to walk gently up and down, and in a dry Place, till he fweat; and he muft be rubbed with a great many Hands, that he may fweat the more vehemently. You fhall let him Blood from his Head, from the upper Veins, but not much ; the Day following you fhall take Blood from his hinder Parts above his Ancles;
Cn. 53^ Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 199
Ancles j the third Day you (hall take it from
his Houghs or Legs, or from under the very Places where his Pains are. You rauft al- ways remember that you take away but little. You (hall give him warm Water to drink, lr»to which you (hall throw Powder of Nitre, and Wheat-meal; you muft alfo infufe a full Quarter of an Hemina of the Flower of Frank- incenfe in Wine, and pour it into him through his Noftrils, one fingle Hemina at a time, for the Space of three Days. You (hall alfo boil Beets throughly, and pour half an He- mina of their Water into him j and you fhall give him Exercife every Day. You fhall al- io throughly purge his Belly, that all the ve- ry bad Humour which defcends into his Veins may be taken away. You fhall apply this kind of purging Medicine to him; fteep a full fourth Part of an Hemina of Thyme in old fweet Wine, and pour one Hemina of it at a time into him through his Noftrils j you muft put green Grafs before him, but if it be wanting, you fhall give him that which is dry fprinkled with Nitre. If nothing be of Benefit to him, let him be gelded, and he will be freed from his Diftemper, for the Gout feldom afflicts Eunuchs. |
crt a p.
O 4
200 Vegetius Renatus of the Book Iß
Of Horfes that have fiiff Limbs, fo that they
cannot bend their Joints. |
ORSES or Mules, &c. are faid to be
ftiff-limbed, which fufFer a Contracti- |
on of the Nerves in their Feet, and tread
with the Tops of their Hoofs, and have their Joints rigid and ffiff, and cannot fet their Hoofs full upon the Ground ; which Diftemper arifes from the enormous Weight of the Loads laid upon them, and from their Labour and Fatigue in rugged fteep Roads, but they are cured after this Manner: You fhall take Blood from him from under his Footlock, or from his Coronets; you fhall drefs and trim and put his Hoofs into right Order, and boil Flower of Barley and Rofin with Hogs-lard, and anoint him thrice a Day with it; you fhall alfo foment him with warm Water, wherein Vervain has been boiled, and rub all his Legs over with a lenitive Medi- cine. After five Days you (hall apply Cata- plafms to him made of the Flower of Barley, and Linfeed and Fenugreek, an equal Quan- tity of each, boiled in Wine; you put the Cataplafm on all his Legs, having anointed them before hand with a lenitive Ointment from
Ch. 55- Dißempers ofHorfes, &c. Wsf
from his Joints to his Knees; which Places
you fhall fence and fecure with new fhorn, or unfcoured Wool, and bind them up with Bandages, and you mail make him walk very foftly thrice a Day. If this proves of no Be- nefit to him, you put this Plaifter upon his Joints. Take of Gum Ammoniac, Galba- num, Opopanax, and of Deer's Marrow, two Pounds, of Turpentine Rofin two Ounces, one Pound of Pitch fcraped off of Ships, half a Pound of fried Rofin, and of Oil a fuffi- eient Quantity j you mall boil them on a flow Fire, and ftrain them and put them upon, tanned Leather, and lay them to all their Feet for very many Days, till they be heal- ed ; but Difpatch is necefläry, becaufe they ufe to continue in the fame Condition, if Remedies be applied but flowly to them. Others are of Opinion, that they ought to be burned in their Joints by little and little, but even this Medicine alfo is feldom of any Benefit. CHAP. LV.
Of the Feet and Hoofs.
BY the Ruggednefs of Roads, and long
Journeys the Hoofs of Animals are worn °ut, and hinder their walking; from a Twirl- ing, |
20 a Vcgetha Renatus of the Book II»
ing, or Contufion alfo, if Horfes or Mules be
forced to gallop, or run in a rugged or ftony Way, Frettings and Chafmgs arife j laftly, though no Caufe has preceded, when they ftand idle in the Stables, they begin to halt and go lame from a Collection of Humours. But the Sole of the Hoof muft be quickly opened, that the Abfcefs or Suppuration may be carried out through the lower Parts, left it make an Eruption above the Coronets, and ib the Cure go on more flowly, and with Dif- ficulty ; of which thefe are the Signs; he will not fet down the fore Part of his Foot flat, and if you fee that he fufpends his Step, that you may underftand the Caufe of it more per- fectly, you muft pare his Hoof below, and beat with your Finger upon the Place which you fee blacker than the reft; if he yields, or pulls back his Foot with the Pain which this gives him, and if it be ripe, you fhall open it, and let out the corrupted Matter; you fhall cut the faulty hollow Place where the corrupted Matter lodges all round to the very Quick. You muft put Linen Clouts dipt in Oil of Rofes, and Vinegar and Salt to- gether with his own Dung upon it, and you muft put a Shoe upon the Animal's Foot, on the third Day you loofe it. If there is an Excrefcency of Flefh, you fhall boil Grafs with
£h. 55.' Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 203,
with Oil and put it upon it. If you fee that
the Flefli itfelf grows black, you (hall ex- amine if it has not fome Fracture, or a Nail, or a (harp Stone, or a Thorn in it, for which you may ufe Fomentations and Rofin, that it may be drawn out. When you fee that the Wound is clean, put a Vulnerary upon ft; af- ter which you (hall put dry Soot to it. But when you have finifhed this Method ofdrefs- ing it, put melted Rofin and Sulphur upon it. But if the Abfcefs lies yet deep in it, you (hall boil Barley or Beans in Water, and fo- ment it therewith, that thereby it may be brought to ripen. You fhall foment the Feet that are bruifed and worn underneath with Warm Water, and anoint them throughly with Hog's Lard ; then you toaft or warm them throughly with a red hot Tile, or a Brick- bat j afterwards you fhall burn them gently, for the Space of three Days, with Oil and Sulphur bruifed together, from a red-hot Lamin. But if he has bruifed his Foot, you fhall let him blood from his Coronet, and foment it with warm Water, and anoint it throughly with old Hog's-lard ; you fhall alfo mix Sheeps Dung with Vinegar, and put it upon it, al- though fome believe that Goats Dung is more effectual. |
204! Vegetius Renatus of the Book II-
Of a little Lung, or ßßulous Ulcer refemblhig
a Lung. IF an Horfe or Mule form a little Lung to-
wards a fmall Opening in his Foot, you are tö know that the whole Sole of the Foot muft be taken away after this Manner; you pare the Hoof underneath, then between the Joining of the Heel and the Sole of the Foot, you make an Incifion all round, you fhall lift it up by the forepart, and thruft out the Sole of the Heel backwards -, and where- ever there mall be a little Lung, you pare it to the Quick, and you fhall put woollen Stuff, or a Linament to it fteeped in Oil and Vine- gar and Salt with his own Dung, and put a Shoe upon his Foot j on the third Day you loofe it, and take it away j after this you fhall fo- ment it: You fhall boil Barley-meal, Rofin and Vinegar, and put it upon it for the Space of three Days. With this Medicament you fhall alfo cure a Fradlure, if you put it frequently to it. Afterwards alfo put a Vul- nerary upon it with a Linament; and when it has formed a Body, you fhall boil the Bark or Skin of a Pomegranate and Jews Pitch in Vinegar, and put it upon it for the Space of three
"'57* Dißempers ofHorfes, &c. 205
three Days, and when you loofe it, put it
again upon it, till it grow hard like a Horn. CHAP. LVII.
9f a Horfe that has cafl his Hoof; and that
fuffers a Sujfufion in his Feet. j F an Horfe or Mule has caft his Hoof, the
"*■• Cure is difficultj but if Induflry and dare De not wanting, it will prove fuccefsful. You deckle very finely and nicely the Papyrus 0r Rufh which they make Ufe of for Candles; after it has been well cleanfed, you dip it in the White of a raw Egg; you fhall put it all found his bare Foot, and bind it upon it with a Cloth and a Bandage. After the third Day you loofe it. You fhall foment it with Wheat- meal, Rofin, Vinegar and Honey boiled to- gether, fometimes for the Wheat-meal you Put Bean-meal into it. If the Wound be not clean, you fhall wafh it with tepid Wine, andput Linaments with Honey to it: When xt is cleanfed, you fhall make ufe of a Vul- nerary. But when it has formed an Efcar or a Cicatrice you fhall burn the Husks of Beans With a Deer's Skin, and temper them with Honey, adding the Powder of Jews-pitch, and of a Pomegranate, with Vinegar. Every °ther Day you fhall renew the Medicament, till
206 Vegetius Renatus of the Book II»
till the horny Subftance forms the Hoof. Laft
of all you fhall bruife old Spaniß Broom well, and boil it in Vinegar in a new Pot, with fame of which you ihall wrap up the Hoof, when it is growing hard, and reftore it to perfect Soundnefs. If their Feet be affected with SufFufions, bruife dry Figs and Salt together, an equal Quantity of each, and put them upon their Hoofs. CHAP. LVIII.
■ Of Feet that are worn, or foft.
'"T""^ H E Hoofs of Animals that are too
JL fmall, grow larger, or fuch as are worn, are repaired, if you take feven Heads of Garlick, three Handfuls of Rue, feven Ounces of brayed and fifted Allum, two Pounds of old Hogs-lard, an Handful of Afs's Dung, mix them all together and boil them, and ufe them : It is a more prudent Counfel to preferve the Soundnefs of their Feet, than to cure any Diforder in them ; but their Hoofs are ftrengthened, if the Horfes of Mules ftand in a very clean Stable, without Dung or Moifture, and if their Stalls are floored or laid with Oaken Planks. Alfo after a Journey, let their Joints and Pafterns be fomented with warm Wine j but Hoofs that are
Ch. 58. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 207
are naturally foft, are made firm and folid, if
you bruife two Parts Ivy-feed, and a third Part round Allum together, and fpread it for many Days upon their Feet that have Shoes fitted to them. Alfo it is of Benefit to Feet that are bruifed and worn underneath, if you take half a Pound of Tar, an Hemina of Vine- gar, a Pound of Salt, and bruife them to- gether with a fufficient Quantity of Ivy-leaves, and therewith anoint daily the Feet of any Horfe that labours under this Diforder. The fofteft Hoofs ufe to be hardened by this one Medicament, than which nothing is more powerful and effectual. You put a green Lizard alive into a new Pot, you (hall put to it a Pound of old Oil, half a Pound of Jew's Allum, a Pound of Wax, half a Pound of bruifed Wormwood, and boil them with the Lizard; when the whole is diffolved, you *hall flrain all the hot Ingredients, and having thrown away the Bones, and the filthy Stuff, you fhall put the diffolved Medicament into a Pot; and when you fhall have a mind to harden their Hoofs, pare the Hoof below, and having fet the Unguent you have made upon burning Coals, till it almoft boil, put it mto a green Reed, and drop it thus hot through the Reed into the Hoofs, taking good heed that you touch not the Coronet, or the little Ex-
2o8 Fege tius Renatus of the Book II.
Excrefcence, or Ramifications j but excepting
thefe, in order to harden and make firm the Hoof, you (hall rub the Sole of the Foot, and all round therewith. But you muft remember that the Hoofs are renewed by growing, and therefore after a certain Number of Days, or every Month, fuch a Care ought not to be wanting, by which the Weaknefs of Nature is aflifted and amended. CHAP. LIX.
Of firengthening the Back
AS the Backs of Animals feel and endure
the mod Labour, fo more diligent Care ought to be taken of them j for except thofe which are fet apart for the Circus, the other Kinds of Horfes, Mules, and Afles per- form their Office with their Back alone, un- der Saddles and Pack-Saddles j hence it is, that that Induftry and Care which preferves and maintains them fafe and found, is more commendable than that which defires to cure them when they are hurt; for Diligence pre- ferves them from being fpoiled, if Saddle- cloths, and Rugs, in fufficient Quantity, in the firft Place, and then fuch as are foft, be laid upon them, and that are wafhed, and in due Time carefully brufhed, left any Thing that |
Ch. 60. Difiempers of HorJes,&cc> 209
is nafty, or that has any Afperity or Rugged-
nefs in it, ftick to them, which may ulcerate their Skin, when under their Load. Then Saddles, and Saddle-cloths, and other Cover- lets, fuitable, commodious, and proper for them hoth as to their Meafure and Quality, ought to be made Ufe of; for if thefe be fmaller, or greater, narrower or broad beyond Meafure, or fuch as do not fit them, they hurt them grievoufly; for hence arife Bruifes, Suppura- tions and Abfcefies, when they are preffed too unequally upon certain Places with the Weight of their Loads; or when they are learning to draw, their Spine, or any other Part, is Worn. Alfo tho' there be no Fault in the Saddles, or Saddle-cloths, yet the enormous Weight of the Loads laid upon them, is hurt- ful to them, and therefore due Moderation ought to be obferved in the Quantity, left they be wounded thereby. CHAP. IX
Of curing the Back when it is hurt,
IF the Horfe's or Mule's Back, having re>
ceived fome Injury from the Rider, does now begin to fwell, while the Hurt is recent you put the dry Stalks of Onions, by which, the Bundles of Onions hang, into the hotteft P boil-
2io Vegetim Renatus of the Book H.
ing Water, and after they are foaked there-
in for fome Time, you fhall lay them warifl upon the Tumour, and bind them fail upon it with a Bandage, or put a Girth upon it, and let it remain aifo for one Night; by feel- ing the Tumour you will underftand if it is without Suppuration ; but if it has formed a hard Calloufnefs in it, you m'uft bruife Bar- ley-meal and Colewort Leaves together, and put them warm upon it. You fhall alfo mix Afhes with Oil, and put them upon it till fuch Time as the hard Calloufnefs begins to fall or diminifh, and when it is actually diminifh- ed and fallen, make ufe of a foft Plafter or Salve with very minute Cloths, or of Ho* ney with Linen-clouts; when the Ulcer is cleanfed, you fhall cure it throughly with the Lycian Medicine. C H A P. LXI.
Of a tittle Lung, or ßßulous "Tumour upon the
Back of an Animal. IF alittleLung or fiftulous Tumour arifes in
the Back, it is difficult to dry it up by the Application of Medicines; but if it be very fmall, it muff, be opened with a Cautery, ap4 efpecially with one made of Copper, that f? the corrupted Matter which it has gathered, may
^h. 62. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 211
ttiay be conveyed out: Then it muft be dref-'
fed as is ufual for Parts that are. burned to be areffed. But it is more commodious to cut the litfle Lung croffwife with a Knife, and to take it out, fo as you may cut the Skin to a Certain Degree, left when it forms a Cicatrice, there be found an undue Hardnefs upon it: *°u prefently put Oil, Vinegar, and Salt uPon the Wound ; and left too much Blood *h°uld burft out of it, you muft put the Horfe's own Dung upon the Wound, and bind it upon xt- On the third Day the Leaves of Cole- Xvorts bruifed with Oil and Vinegar are laid ^pcn it for the Space of five Days, and when 1£ has begun to. form a Cicatrice, it muft be drefTed with the Lycian Medicine. CHAP. LXII.
Of a Horfe that has wounded himfelf.
F an Horfe has wounded himfelf, or re-
ceived a Wound, you muft indulge him w^h Eafe and Reft, that he may be the more carefully cured, and that his Health, when: J* is recovered, may be confirmed by granting ^m a Ceffation from Labour, nor is any La- bour to be impofed upon him, which may rip UP again the Cicatrices while they are yetten- öer : Butan Ulcer is healed, if you put Syrian P 2 Galls
212 Vegetim Kenatm of the Book IL
Galls burnt with Honey upon it. You fhall
alfo mix the Powder 'of the Bark of a Pine- tree, and the Flower of quick Lime, an equal Quantity of each, and fprinkle them upon the Wounds. You alfo put upon them the Pills or little Balls of the Cyprefs Tree brayed and fifted, and the Barks of the Oak-tree bruifed and reduced into Powder :• Moreover you mall alfo reduce into Powder the Bones of Cuttle-fiihes, and of Oyfter-fhells, and mix alfo with them the Soot of a brazen Vef- fel, all which being well brayed in a Mor- tar, if you frequently fprinkle them upon the Wound, it will be dried up thereby, and will the more fpeedily form a Cicatrice. CHAP. LXIII.
Of making the Hair to grow again.
IF the Hairs grow upon the Cicatrice more
flowly than you expecled, you fhall burn a live Tortoife or Crab upon Vine-fprays, and put its Aflies into a new Pot, adding three Ounces of crude Ailum, and a fufficient Quantity of Deer's Marrow, and having pour- ed Wine into it, you fhall boil it, and put it upon the Part forfeveral Days; it is reckon- ed effectual for recalling the Flairs. Let a Powder made of burnt Beans, or of Crude Lupins,
*»"■ 54* Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 213
lupins, or of burnt Fig-leaves mixed with
~uet, be put upon the Place continually. But tf the Hairs fall off, from no antecedent Caufe, y°u mall bray in a Mortar Spikenard and Rai- *ms dried in the Sun together, and boil them ln Vinegar, and put the warm Medicament ypon the bald Part of the Body. CHAP. LXIV.
To make white Hair become black.
F you are defirous that white Hair {hould
grow black, temper and mix together feven Scruples of Shoe-maker's Black, four Scruples °f the Juice of Rhododaphne, and of Goat's Suet a fufficient Quantity, and make ufe of them. CHAP. LXV.
To make black Hair become white.
F on the contrary you would make black
Hairs become white, take of the Roots of
the wild Cucumber one Pound, of Nitre lWelve Scruples, reduce them to Powder, add to it one Hemina of Honey, all which being throughly mixed together, make ufe of them. |
( 2is )
Of the Art of curing the Diftempers
of Horfes, dfc. BOOK III.
J/f/HEN I was putting in Order the
Commentaries of the Art of curing the Dijiemper- of Horfes, &c. the frequent Complaints of my Fellow Citizens and Friends, 'who lamented and bewailed the Sicknefes and moß calamitous Deaths of their Oxen that are fi much talked of, fufpended the Continuation °f the Work I had undertaken and begun-, a* they mofi earneflly defired, That, if I found any Thing written in Books for the Health and, Safety of fo ufeful Animals, 1 jhould publifh the fame: Yielding therefore to the honourable andfuß Beßre of my intimate Friends, I have P 4 colleSled
2i6 The PREFACE.
collected from divers Authors the principal
things I found in them upon that Subject, and have thrown than into a litle Book, in a plain and eafy Style ; of which the chief Happinefs will be, if the learned and eloquent Man does not difiike and defpife it, and if the Herdf- man, or Cowkeeper, does but underfiand it. But the greateft Incitement to me was the Profit a- blenefs and the Serviceablenefs of the Oxen themfelves, without which neither can the Earth be cultivated, nor Mankind be by any means fufiained and fupported; therefore all kinds of Legumen or Pulfe, and all forts of Corn whatfoever, are defervedly owing to Oxen, and to Ploughs : the Ufe of Vineyards alfo would periflo, unlefs Waggons did jweat in carrying Poles and Props into them for fupporting them. Why ßiould I make mention of the carrying home divers other weighty Loads, when what- ever is of any great Weight among things that are moveable, is, without Carriages, rendered almofi immoveable ? for the other Animals al- fo, and even Poultry-yard Fowls thcmfelves, receive their Sußenance from the Oxen's La- bour, For from whence fhould the Skill and Induflry of the Owners fupply their Ilorfes •with Barley, or their Dogs with Food, or their" Swine with Nourifment, unlefs all Sorts of Corn were procured and provided by the La- bour |
The PREFACE. 217
hour of Oxen -, and that I may not be tedious,
whatever is capable of being nourißed, owes Jts Nourißment to. Oxen. Some Nations make ufe of the Mule-kind; others of Camels; a few make ufe of Elephants, though but very little; but no Nation can be without Oxen. Isaßly, to return to the Writings of the mofi provident and wifefi Men, and by who/e Au- thority we are affured, that Juftice, by reafon of the violent Slaughter of the Oxen, for- fook the Earth, and returned to Heaven, to keep Company with, and have a Place among the Stars; what can be found or faid more to their Praife, than that a mofi righteous and Jul Being ßould be driven away by the De- ßrudlion oj Oxen, which, when Homicides were committed, remained fill upon the Earth ? Therefore a twofold Car-e and Sollicititde muß be beflowed upon them, viz. that their Health may continue found and untainted, and that Sicknefs, which has been contracted either by Chance, or from Negligence or Labour, may be cured by adminißring to them proper and competent Medicines. |
(218 )
Of Oxeny in Four Sections.
Of preferving the Health of Oxen.
THAT the Oxen may be long-lived,
and be in good Health, it is proper that the Perfon who tends them, or their Owner, fhould take Care that they be fecured and defended from the Colds by a very warm Stable, and if it can be done, that they be always near a Fire. For by a certain natu- ral beneficial Quality a Fire is always a great" Advantage to this Sort of Animals; either becauie"- the üteleTs and pefliferous Moifl- ure does exfude out of them, or the Cold wnic h they have contracted, when they were at Pafture, or at Work, is expelled, or their internal Parts are cured by the Steam of the Flames. Their Manger muft be carefully b'uilt and' contrived, that no Part of theif Fodder
Chap. i. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 219
Fodder may be loft and perifh among the
Feet of the Animals. But the Ox-ftalls muft he placed upon a dry Ground, and they muft "e continually cleaned, fo that what Fodder •üay be unfit to be eaten, may be daily fpread under them, that the Oxen may lie the dri- er and the fofter. The like Care alfo muft he taken of them, when they are recalled from their Work, that their Necks be fprinkled all over with lukewarm Wine, and throughly rubbed for a long time. And when they re- turn covered with Dirt or Clay, either from the Road, or from Pafture, their Feet muft oe warned with Water, before they are con- duced to their Stalls, left the Filth and Nafti- nefs flicking to their Body breed Ulcers, or make their Hoofs fofter than they ought to be, or at lea ft give them Trouble when they are eating, or make them reftlefs when they are going to Sleep. But in Winter all Diligence and Care muft be taken to defend them from the Cold; and in theSummer-Months a pure Breeze uiuft be fought for them, therefore it is pro- per that in the Day-time the Oxen mould ftand in the Shade, and in the Night time in the open Air; for they contract as many Dif- eafes if they fuffer too great Heat, as if they endured great Cold. Moreover it is of very great Benefit to them, to pour into each of them
2 |
22o Vegetim Renatm of the Book III.
them every feventh Day one raw Egg with an
Hemina of Salt, and a Sextarins of Wine. It will be helpful to them alfo if you mix bruifed Garlick with Goats-Suet, and give it them : You may alfo bruife Vervain and Rue, and add them to it; you may alfo put Oil upon Flour, and convey it with Wine into them by their Mouth. You mail efpecially beware that they be not fatigued either with too much running, or too long a Journey,- or indeed any manner of way afflicted oropprefled with any Burdens that are too heavy for them ; for Sicknefs follows too much Laflitude, and eve- ry Animal becomes weak if it. be overfatigued. This Kind of Animal does not require indeed the clearefl Water, nor does it very much Hurt it, if it drinks Water that is dirty \ neverihelefs it is the Duty of a diligent Herdfman, or any one that tends them, to be very careful that they always drink the bell Water, and that which is clean. But efpecially Care muft be taken that they be full fed, and kept fat with Food proper for them, and fuperabundant, for all Sicknefs takes its Beginning; from Leannefs. Labour more fpeedily breaks, Fleat vexes, and Cold penetrates an Animal that is empty and exhausted. For Pafture alone is not fuffici- ent in the Summer-Months, unlefs different kinds of Leaves be added, and Variety itfelf leffens their Loathing. And in Winter the Oxen
Chap. i. Diflempers offHorfes, &c. 221
Oxen muft be fattened not only with Chaff
and Straw, but alfo with Hay and Barley, and frequently with bitter Vetches. But no Man will refufe to be at the Expences of a more plentiful Allowance of Food for them, who will be at the Pains to confider how far the Prices of Oxen that oerifh through Want ex- ceed all fuch Expences. No lefs Care muft be taken and Diligence ufed againft the Difeafes of Oxen, than againft thofe of Horfes. SECT. II.
Of the Difeafes of Oxen, and firfl of the
FOR as the Difeafe which is called the
Maul, removing in different Species of Diftempers from one to many, does by its In- fection confume the Horfe-kind ; fo the fame Difeafe kills Oxen alfo, but by different Per- fons it,is called by a different Name, and for the mod Part by that which the common People give it. If at any time this Difeafe attacks an Ox, it is known by the following Signs j His Hair will ftand on End, and he will appear fad, his Eyes ftupid and languid, his Neck hanging down, and the Slaver con- tinually flowing out of his Mouth, his Walk flower than ufual, and his Spine ftiffer, a ve- ry great Loathing, and he chews his Cud but very
222 Vegetius Renatus of the Book III.
very little. If about the Beginning of the
Diftemper you try to give him Relief, he will efcape the Danger. If through Negli- gence you be too flow in applying a Reme- dy, the deftructive Quality of a Difeafe that is become inveterate, cannot be overcome. Therefore in the Beginning, when the Ox grows weary and liftlefs, the following Drench will give Relief again ft all Difeafes. Take three Ounces and an half of Squills cut ve- ry fmall, moreover you fhall bruife in a Mor- tar the Roots of a tender Poplar-Tree dug put of the Earth, and carefully warned, and put three Pounds of them into feven Sextarii of Wine, with a Sextärltts of Salt added to it, and for feven Days you fhall, pour in at their Mouth a Sextarius of it to each Ox. But if you would fecure your Oxen againfl all 'defperate SicknefTes throughout the whole Year, in the Beginning of the Spring, that is, fifteen Days immediately following from the thirteenth Day of February you fhall give them every Day this Drench, which is to fuch a degree fo falutary, that there is very good Evidence that Oxen, which have been fo treat- ed, have not been'attacked with the Conta- gion of any Diftemper throughout the whole Year. Such a Compofition alio as the fol- lowing, both refifts Difeafes, and confirms the
.Chi i. Dißempers of Horfes, &c 223
•<the Strength cf Animals: Take of the Leaves
of the Caper Bum, and of the wild Myrtle- Tree, and of the Cyprefs-Tree, three Ounces e^ch, and bruife them very carefully, and in- *~fe them in a Congius or fix Sextarii of Wa- ter, and let it remain for one Night in the cpen Air, and you {hall give one Sextarius °f it for the Space of three Days to each Ox afrer he has been warmed, which Drench for confirming and ftrengthening Animals muft he made four Times in a Year, viz. in the latter End of the Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. It alfo repels Difeafes and SicknefTes, if you take three Ounces of Ivy-. Berries, Gentian, long Birthwort, Myrrh, Betony, bruife them very carefully, and mix them with pure Wine, of which you fliall give three Hemina conilantly to each Beaft hy his Mouth for the Space of three Days. Cloves of Garlick alfo bruifed, infufed in Wine, and" poured into them through their Noftrils, purge the Heads of labouring Beafts. ^aw %gs w^ Honey are put into the Chops of Oxen, and thereby Loathing and Naufea- tj»g is difcuffed. Neverthelefs it is expedient that Salt be mixed with their Fodder, alfo in •the Morning to pour into them bruifed Hore- hound with Oil and Wine. Whether you inject into them the Powder of Frankincenfe with
224 Vegetius Renatus of the Book II«
with pure Wine through they: Noftrils, of
give it them in at their Mouth, it is of Bene- fit to them. Nor are Oxen fupplied with lefs effectual Remedies from the Ufe of the fol- lowing things ; for if any Perfon bruife a large Quantity of Leeks, Rue, Parfley, and the Herb Savine, and mix them with Wine, and give three Hemince of it to fuch Oxen as are fick to drink, it'will give them Relief. And very many fteep in Water Stalks of the white Vine, cut very fmall, and wild Thyme, and a certain Quantity of Squills; and pour into them three Hemince for the Space of three Days, which Drench purges their Belly and confirms their Strength alfo. But in order to cure their inward Parts, the Lees of Oil chiefly is reckoned falutary, if you mix an equal Quantity of Water with it, and the Animals accuftom themfelves to drink it; but becaufe they may loath a Drink that they are unacquainted with, although they may be thirfty, at firft their Food is fprinkled with it, then a very fmall Potion of it is mixed with Water, and laft of all you mix an equal Quantity of both, and give it them to drink when they are thirfty, till they are fully fatisfied. But if Oxen be roufed up fo as to be pijt
upon running at their full Speed at any Tim6 of
Ch. i. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 225
of the Year whatfoever, but efpecially in Sum-
mer, either they contracT: thereby a Loofenefs which proves pernicious to them, or it gives Occafion to flight Fevers; for this Animal be- tog naturally flow, and rather adapted to la- boar than to fwift Motion, is grievoufly hurt, Jf it be forced to any Work to which it is not accuftomed. It is alfo dangerous if Swine,, or Hens come to their Cribs; for when an Ox Swallows Hens Dung with his Fodder, he is prefently tormented with a violent Pain in his Belly, and when he fwells with it, he dies j it is proper tp give him Relief after this Manner : You fhallmix three Ounces of Par- fley-feed, a Sextarius and an Half of Cummin, and two Pounds of Honey together; and pour it warm into him by his Mouth, and force him to walk, and rub him with a great many Hands, till the Drench move his Belly : It is al- Xo believed to be a falutary Remedy to bruife * (/) Gith* with Wine, and to give it them by their Mouth. You (hall alfo mix a Lixivium or Lye of Elm-tree, or of the Afhes of any other Wood, provided it be well fifted and boiled with Oil, and it will be of very great Benefit againft the bad EffeSls of this Sort of Dung (i) This Word Gitb put between the Stars is only by Con-
jecture, the Word in the Original is Gi/ni, of a very uncertain Signification, and it is mentioned again in. the eighth Chapter of the fourth Book, Q to
22Ö Vegetim Renatm of the Book III.-
to pour it liquid and warm into their Chops-
But if an Ox has fwallowed Hog's-dung, he prefently undergoes the Plague of that Con- tagious Difeafe they call 'the Maul} which when once it has broke in upon an Herd, either of great or fmall Cattle, whether of fuch as are broke for Labour, or otherwife, prefently all the Animals, which have the leaft Sufpicion of the Diftemper, muft be removed from the Pafture they were upon, and diftri- buted into thofe Places where no Cattle is paftured, that fo they may neither hurt one another, nor hurt themfelves; for by feeding upon the Grafs, they infect it, and the Foun- tains alfo by drinking in them, and they in- fect alfo the Cribs in the Stalls where they ftand ; and Oxen, though perfectly found, and in good Health, perifh by the Smell, and by the Breath of thofe.that are lick and dif- eafed, blowing upon them ; the dead Carcaf- es alfo muft be thrown out at a great Diftance beyond the Bounds of the Villa, and buried very deep in the Earth, left the Internals of thofe that are found be infected by them, and they perifh. This Diflemper is called by one general Name, viz, the Plague, or Peftilence, but there are very many Species of it j it is \ called the Humid Dißemper, when an Hu- mour flows out of the Oxen's Mouth and Noftrils,
Ch. i. Dißemperi of HorfeSy &c. 22 f
Noftrils, and a Loathing and Sicknefs follows
upon it: It is called the dry Dißemper, when no Humour appears; but the Animal grows lean daily, and becomes worfe, and has no Appetite for his Food, as he was wont to have. It is called the Articular Difeaje, when the Oxen go lame fometimesin their fore-feet, and fometimes in their hinder-feet, although their Hoofs are perfectly found. It is called the Subrenal Dijeafe whenever there appears a Weaknefs in their hinder Parts, and becaufc they are thought to have a Pain in their Loins. It is called the Farciminous Difeafe, when Tubercles come out over the Oxen's whole Body, open themfelves and are healed as it were, and break out again in other Places. It is alfo called the Subt er cutaneous Difeafe, whenever a very bad Humour breaks out in different Parts of the Oxen's Body, and runs. It is called an Elephantiafis when very fmall Cicatrices come out without the Skin as it were Scabs, and in the Similitude of little Lentiles. It is called a Mania or Madnefs, which takes away the Senfes from Oxen that are in a good Plight of Body, fo that they neither hear nor fee in their ufual Manner, of which Dif- temper they very quickly dye, thongh they may feem to be fat and cheerful. All thefe Difeafes are full of Contagion ; and if they Q_ 2 feize |
&%% Vegettus Renatus of the Book III«
feize an Animal, they pafs immediately to
all, and fo they bring Deftrudtion fometimes either upon whole Herds, or upon all thofe that are tame, and broke for Labour: There- fore the Animals, which have been once attacked, rauft with all Diligence and Care be feparated from the Herd, and put apart by themfelves, and fent to thofe Places where no Animal is paftured, left by their Contagion they endanger all the reft, and the Negligence of the Owner be imputed, ( as is ufually done by Fools) to the divine Difplea- fure. Altho' thefe are moft grievous Diftempers,
neverthelefs they rauft be conquered, and re- pelled by exquifite Remedies. You provide your felf with Allheal from the Perfumers or Herb-fellers; and there is an Herb that is called Eringo, which grows upon the Sea- fhore, near the Waves of the Sea; it has a Flower almoft as it were of the Colour of Gold, or of a pale Green ; it's Leaves are almoft like thofe of the wild Thiftle; it is fcattered in great Plenty amongft the Sands of the Sea- fhore; thefe you fhall dig" up, and keep dried in the Shade ; they are of very great Benefit again ft the Difeafes both of Horfes and of Oxen, of which Ingredients this Drench is compounded. You fhall take three Ounces of
Ch. i. DiflempersofHorfes, &c. 229
of the1 Root of Allheal, as alfo three Ounces
of the Root of the Herb Eringo, and alfo three Ounce6 of Fennel-feed, and bruife them all equally together, to which you add a Sex-- tarius of Wheat-flower, fo that you firfr. break and grind the Corn, all which you fprinkle with boiling hot Water, and you (hall thruft down each of their Throats nine Lumps or Morfels of it every Day, with Honey or fod- den Muft, (rob of Grapes.) Moreover you mall gather the Blood of a Sea-tortoife, and give it them with Wine by their Mouth; and becaufe it is difficult to find the Blood of a Sea-tortoife, fome are of Opinion, that that of common Tortoifes is of Benefit to them j whether their Opinion is right or not, Experience will fee, for Authors have faid nothing of the Land-tortoife. (k) You (hall alfo mix an equal Quantity of the Powder of Caßa Fißula> and of the Powder of Frankin- cenfe alfo, and pour one Ounce and an half of it with a Sextarius of old Wine a Day into the Ox through his Noftrils, which Medi- cine you fhall adminifter to him for the Space of three Days. Alfo the Difeafes which we have mentioned above are bitter, and they are not conquered but by bitter Potions; for in (k) The common reading here is, Authors have treated ofthe
Land-tortoife, but the Senfe feerns to require tacuerunt for traStaverunt, and fo it is in fome corrected Manufcripts. Q 3 the
2 3 ° Vegetius Renatas of the Book 111. -
the rational Practice of Phyfick, Contraries are cured by contrary Potions. Therefore you fhall carefully mix the Powder of Wormwood, and of Crude-Lupins, alfo of the Herb Cen- taury, or of Sow's Thiftle, in equal Quan- tities, and give three Spoonfuls of it every Day in a Sextarius of old Wine to each of them by their Mouth, after you have added three Ounces of Oil to it. They have alfo found out by Experiment, this prefent Reme- dy j gather with your left Hand before the Sun- rifing the fmall Root of the Herb Confiligo, which fome call Lungwort, others call it on- ly the little Root; (for being thus gathered, it is believed to have greater Efficacy) then in that Part of the Ear which is broad there is as it were a Circle marked out with a Needle, or a fharp copper Aul, wherewith fuch an Impreffion is to be made, that the Blood may iffue out gently : When you. have done this on both Sides, you make a Hole with a Needle in the Middle of the fmall Circle, and infert the little Root into the fame j which being done, all the Venom of the Plague flows out through that very Wound, till that Place alone which was marked all round, rots and falls out, and fo the Animal is delivered. The Leaves of Mifletoe bruifed with Wine are poured into their Noflrils, and fo Relief is given.
Ch. i. Tiiflempers of Horfes, &c. 231
given either tofingle Oxen, or to whole Herds,
when they fall into the Difeafe. Fumiga- tions are alfo very helpful ; fprinkle upon burning Coals, Sulphur, Bitumen, Garlick, Wild Marjoram and Coriander Seed, and hav- lng put a Covering about the Oxens Heads, you {hall hold them very long over the VefTel Wherein you have kindled the Fume, that the Smoak may fill their Mouths and Noftrils, and penetrate into their Brain and Internals, and prove a falutary Remedy. But it is ex- ceeding proper to fumigate the whole Body, that the Pernicioufnefs of the Difeafe may be expelled out of the fame, and that the Con- tagion of the Plague may not infedt and de- file the reft. We have given an Account of the general Remedies againft general and con- tagious Difeafes ; we {hall now fubjoin the Remedies againft Diftempers that befall par- ticular Animals, and do not pafs to others. SECT. III.
Of Crudities to which Oxen are liable.
CRudity is very hurtful to Oxen, of which
thefe are the Signs j frequent Belchings, Loathing of their Food, a Noife in their Bel- ly, Contractions of their Nerves, dull and ftupid Eyes ; becaufe of thofe things, the Ox neither chews his Cud, nor wipes or licks 0^4 himfelf |
232 Vegetius Renatus of the Book 111'
himfelf with his Tongue as he ufes to do.
Therefore it will be of Benefit to pour into their Chops two Congii of Water as warm as it can be drunk, after which you fhall pre- fently boil moderately thirty Stalks of Cole- wort or Cabbage, and give them foaked in Vi- negar, and you {hall keep the Animal tied up altogether from all other Food. Others fhut up in their Stalls fuch as are indifpofed with Crudi- ties, and give them no manner of Food. More- over they bruife four Pounds of the Tops of the Maftich, and of the wild Olive-trees, and mix them with a Pound of Honey, and a Congius of Water, which they fet in the open Air for one Night, and fo pour it into their Chops. Then after the Space of one Hour, they throw before them four Pounds of bitter Vetches infufed and foaked in Water, and they are kept from all other Meat and Drink ; for if the Crudity be neglected, there follows upon it an Inflation of the Belly and Interlines, it draws from them frequent Groans, and does not fuffer them to take their Food, nor to ftand ftill in their Place j forces them to lye down and wallow and tumble, and fre- quently to move their Tails. There is a Re- medy approved from Experiments, viz, to bind their Tail juft by their Buttocks very hard with a fmall Cord, or Flaxen Thread, and to pour into their Chops a Sextarius |
Ch. i. Dißempers of Horfes, Sec. 233'
of warm Wine with an Hemina of Oil, and
fo to draw the Ox along and make him run for fifteen hundred Paces : If the Pain re- mains, to cut their Hoofs, and with the Hand anointed to pull the Dung out of their Fun- dament, and to drive them again, and make them run. If this gives Relief more flow- 'y than you expected, you bruife for a long while together three Quarters of a Pound of Bay-Leaves, and give them with a double Quantity of warm Water. If thefe are of no effect, two Pounds of wild Myrtle-tree- leaves are bruifed in a Mortar, and two Sex- tarii of warm Water mixed with them, and poured into their Chops with a wooden Ladle, and fo let the Blood be let out by ftriking a Vein under their Tail, four Fingers breadth from the Fundament, which when it has flowed enough, is flayed by binding up the Tail with a Papyrus or Rufh. Afterwards the Ox is driven full Speed till he breathes fhort. Neverthelefs the following Remedies are ad- miniftred before the letting of Blood. Four Ounces of bruifed Garlick are throughly mix- ed with three Hemina of Wine, and after this Drench he fhall be forced to run: Two Ounces of Salt alfo are bruifed with ten Oun- ces of Onions, boiled Honey alfo is mixed with them, with which they make Suppofi- taries
234 Vegetius Renatus of the Book III«
taries longer than ordinary, and not a little
flrong, and put them into their Fundament, that they may open their Belly, and fo the Ox is forced to run. The Pain of the Belly and Inteftines is aflwaged, if the Animal looks upon Geek that are fwimming, and efpecially Ducks, for a Duck quickly cures Mules, and the Horfe-kind alfo by mowing herfelf to them j but fometimes no Medicine agrees with them, or has any good Effect; and the Di- ftemper of the Gripes, and Twifting of the Guts follows upon it, of which it is a Sign, if his Excrements be bloody and mucous : There is a Angular Remedy for this, viz. If fifteen Cyprefs-Cones, and fifteen Galls be ve- ry carefully bruifed, and as much very old Cheefe, as will be equal in Weight to both thefe, with all which bruifed together are mixed four Sextarii of very rough Wine, and given him in his Drink, fo that the Tops of the Maftich and of the wild Olive-tree be mixed together and given him alfo. If he begins to have a Loofenefs, and what he voids is green, and he throws out his Food in the fame Condition as he did eat it, this wafles his Body and his Strength, and renders him ufelefs for Labour ; becaufe nothing of his Food reaches the Marrow of the Ox. When thefe things happen, the firft Day he muff be kept
Ch. i. Dißempers of Horfes, &cc. 235
kept from Meat and Drink, nor ,muft he be
permitted to drink the fecond Day neither; neverthelefs the Tops of the wild Olive, and °f the wild Cane, as alfo the Berries of the Maftich Tree, and of the Myrtle Tree muft °e given him ; nor after the third Day muft Liberty be given him to drink but very little. There are fome who bruife a Pound of ten- der Bay-leaves, and an equal Quantity of Garden Southernwood, with twoSextarii of warm Water, and fo pour it into their Chops, and give them the Fodder abovementioned. But there are fome who toaft two Pounds of Grapeftones at the Fire, #nd bruife them, and give him them to drink with a Sextarius of rough Wine, and throw before him the Tops of the Trees that have been often men- tioned. But fuppofe he has neither a Loofe- nefs, nor a Pain in his Inteftines, neverthelefs he refufes his Meat, and his Head is weighed down, the Tears alfo run down from his Eyes, and Rheum and Snot from his Noftrils, let the Middle of his Forehead be burnt to the B°ne, and his Ears be cut with a Knife; but that the Burnings made with Fire may be healed, they muft be rubbed with the Ox's own ftale Urine, but his Ears that have been cut are cured with Pitch and Oil. Little Frogs, Puflies or Swellings in the Tongues of Oxen, 1 are |
2 3^ Vegetius Renafus of the Book III.
are the Caufe of a dangerous Loathing of their
Food ; thefe Pufhes muft be opened, and the Wounds themfelves rubbed with Garlick and Salt bruifed together, that all the Humour being thereby irritated, may flow out. It is reckoned to be better, if you cut out the lit- tle Frog or Pufh with a ftiarp Knife made of Cane, after which the Mouth is wafhed with Wine ; and after the Space of one Hour, green Herbs or Leaves are given them ; and they are (till fuftained with foft Food, till fuch time as the Wounds that have been made form Efchars. If there be no Pufh or Frog under their Tongue, and yet they have no Appetite for their Food, you fhall pour bruif- ed Garlipk with Oil into their Noftrils. SECT. IV.
Of the Fever, &c. to which Oxen are liable. IF an Ox begins to be feverifti (which you
fhall know from the ReftlefTnefs of his Ar- teries or Pulfe, and the Heat of his whole Bo- dy or of his Mouth) he muft be kept altogether from Food for one Day, fo that the next Day you take away a little Blood from under his Tail, while he is fafting, and after the Space of one Hour, you fhall boil thirty fmall Stalks pf Colewort or Cabbage, and put them down t his |
Ch. i. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 237
his Throat, after they are dipped in Oil and
melted Greafe. This Food you (hall give him faffing for the Space of five Days. More- Over you mall give him in his Meat the Tops of the Maftich Tree, or of Olive Trees, or the, tendered Sort of any Green Boughs what- soever, or the young Shoots of Vines, if there be any at that fame time. You (hall alfo Wipe his Tongue with a Sponge, and offer him cold Water thrice a Day to drink, fo that the Ox that has a Fever may be kept Within the Houfe, nor be fent out to Pafture before he be healed. But thele are the Signs of an Ox that has a Fever; the Tears flow down, he has a great Heaviness in his Head, and it hangs down, his Eyes are half (hut, his Lips are wet with Slaver, he draws his Breath longer than ufual, and with a certain Impediment in drawing his Breath, and he groans frequently. The Cough in Oxen muft be as carefully
cured as that of Horfes ; if it be a frefh Cough, a Sextariui of Barley-meal, with one raw Egg, and an Hemina of Raifin-wine, is given him by his Mouth fafting. Grafs alfo cue fmall and bruifed, with Meal of parched Beans mixed with it, and a certain Quantity of the Flower of Lentils mixed with warm Water, and carefuliv agitated, is given him by
23 8 Vegetius Renatus of the Book III«
by his Mouth. Two Pounds of Hyffop
fteeped in three Sextarii of Water cure ao old Cough ; the Hyffop that has been infu- fed, is bruifed and mixed with two Parts of Lentil-meal, and given him by his Mouth, above which the Hyffop Water, in which the Hyffop was infufed and boiled, is given him to drink through a Horn. The Juice alfo of a Leek fqueezed out, with Oil, or the Fi' bres themfelves of it, with Barley Meal, af- ford a Remedy for it. Its Roots alfo care- fully warned, and bruifed with Wheat-meal, and given him when fading, difcufs a very old Cold. Bitter Vetches produce the fame Effect, if they are ground, and without their Huflcs, given with bruifed Barley; or if they be poured with warm Water, or Honey-water in- to their Mouth, in the manner of a Drench. A Suppuration, which they call an Impoflume,
is beft opened with a Lancet, afterwards when the Pus or corrupted Matter has been fqueez- ed out, the Sinus itfelf, which contained it, is wafhed with an Ox's warm Urine, and is dreffed with Linaments and Hurds, or linnen Rags dipt in Tar and Oil : But if that Part where the Ulcer is, cannot be bound up, Goat's-Tallow, or Ox's Tallow is dropt into it from a red hot Plate of Metal. But fome, after they have burned the difeafed Part, wafh |
Ch. i. Dißempers of Horßs, &c. 239
it with old human Urine, and fo boil an equal
Quantity of Tar and old Hog's-lard together, and anoint it therewith. When from any Diforder the Blood falls
into Oxens Feet, it caufes a Lamenefs; when, this happens, examine the Hoof narrowly, and you fhall find that it is hot beyond what is ufual, and the Ox does not fuffer the vitiated Part to be vehemently preffed. But if the Blood be yet in the Legs above the Hoofs, *t is difcuffed by rubbing it throughly with hruifed Salt for the Space of three Days : But if it is now fallen down into the Hoofs, you fhall make an Opening gently between the two Hoofs, and clean the Infide, after- Wards you fhall apply to the Sole of his Foot Hurds foaked in Vinegar and Salt, and let a Shoe of Spaniß Broom be put upon his Foot; and efpecially Care muft be taken that he do not put his Foot into Water, but walk where it is dry ; which Blood, unlefs it be let out, will breed corrupted Matter. By this Mer thod a Suppuration will be alfo cured ; for in the firft Place, the Part where the Blood is fettled, is cut all round with a Knife, and all the corrupted Blood purged out to the very Quick; then it is filled with Cloths wet with vinegar, and Oil and Salt, afterwards it is dreffed with old Hog's-lard and Tallow of an
240 Fegetius Renatus of the Book III»
an He-Goat, in an equal Quantity, dropping
from a red hot iron, and brought to a perfe<3 Cure. If the Blood be in the inner Part of the Hoof, and makes no Opening, and the Animal only goes lame, the extreme Parts of the Hoof itfelf muft be cut to the very Quick, and fo the Blood is let out, and the Foot be- ing wrapped up with Hurds or linnen Cloths foaked in Oil, Vinegar and Salt, it is fecured with a Shoe of Spanifh Broom. But it is not expedient that the Middle of the Hoof be opened towards the lower Part, except in that Place in which the Suppuration is form- ed. If the Ox goes lame from a Pain in his Nerves, his Knees, and Hoofs and Legs muft be rubbed with Oil and Salt; and Linfeed, or Millet bruifed, and infufed in Honey-water, muft be put upon it, and a Sponge alfo foak- ed in boiling hot Water, and the Water fqueezed out of it, and afterwards fprinkled with Honey, muft be put round his Knees, and bound up with Bandages: But if there be an Humour with a Tumour, Leaven or Barley-meal, boiled in Raifin-wine or Honey- water, is put upon it; and when the Suppu- ration is ripened, it is cut with a Lancet, and the corrupted Matter being let out (as we have above direded) it is throughly cured. The Root of the Lily alfo, or a Squill with Salt,
Ch. i. Diflempers of Horfes,&d 241
With Salt, or the Herb Bloodwort (which the
Greeks call Polygonon) or Horehound, can «eal the Parts that are opened with a Lancet. But every Pain of the Body, if it be without a Wound, when recent, is beft cured with Fomentations, but an old Pain is cauterized, and either Butter or Goat's Tallow is dropped Upon the Wound. The Scab is cured by rubbing it with
bruifed Garlick; the Bite of a mad Dog, or a Wound made by the Bite of a Wolf, is cured by the fame Remedy. Old fait Flefh is faid to cure both thefe Sorts of Wounds. This is alfo a more ready and effectual Re- medy for the Scab, if wild Marjoram and Sul- phur be bruifed together, and having Myrrh mixed with them, be boiled with Oil and Vi- negar, and if, when it begins to be luke- warm, fciffile or flaky Allum bruifed be fprinkled upon it: Which Medicament fpread upon it in the burning Heat of the Sun is of Benefit to it. The Powder of bruifed Galls is fprinkled upon Ulcers. The Juice of Hore- hound alfo put upon them with Soot, heals them. What the Country People call Hide. Bind-
ing is a mifchievous Plague to Cattle of the Ox-kind, when their Skin flicks fo to their Back, that when it is taken hold of by the R Hands
£42 Vegetius Renatas of the Book Ill-
Hands, it cannot be removed from their Ribs, which thing does not other wife happen, but when the Ox is reduced to a lean Habit of Body by fome kind of Languor, or when Sweating, in doing his Work, he has grown cold again, or falling under his Load, he has plunged into Water, or been very much wet with the Rain ; which things, becaufe they are very pernicious, we ought to guard againft, and take Care that when the Oxen return from their Work all in a Heat, and out of Breath, they be fprinkled with Wine, and that a fmall Lump or Morfel of Bread, foaked in Wine, be put into their Chops: and if the forefaid Diftemper cleaves to them, it is ex- pedient to boil Laurel, and to rub the Animal's Spine and Back with the warm Water, and with Oil and Wine againft the Hair, and to take faft Hold of the Skin over all the Parts of his Body, and as it were feparate it from the Ribs: which mull: be done either in a very warm Place, or in the open Air, when the Sun is exceeding hot. Some mix the Mam of Olives after they are preft, with Wine and Hog's-lard, and ufe this Medica- ment lukewarm after the Fomentation afore- faid. It is alfo a grievous and deftru&ive Diftemper,
when their Lungs are ulcerated, from whence proceeds
Oh. i. Diftempers of Horfis, &c. 243
proceeds a Cough and Leannefs; but laft of
all a Confumption attacks them, which is the Caufe of their Death. The Root of the Herb Confiligo (Lungwort) and the Juice of Leeks, about the Quantity of an Hemina is mixed With the like Quantity of Oil, and they muft be siven them to drink with a Sextarius of Wine for a great many Days. Sometimes a Tumour in the Palate of their
Mouth caufes them to naufeate their Food, and to breathe fhqrt, and with Difficulty j it is of Benefit to them to open the Palate of their Mouth with a Lancet, that the Blood may flow out abundantly ; you (hall give an Ox in this Condition bitter Vetches to eat, foaked, and without any Husks, and green Boughs of Trees with Leaves, or any other foft Fodder whatfoever, till he be cured. If in doing his Work the Ox has bruif-
ed his Neck, Blood let out of his Ear is a ftsoft excellent Remedy ; but if that be not done in Time, the Herb which is called Avia, bruifed with Salt, and put upon it, is a proper Remedy. If his Neck be moved Jrom its ufual Poßure, we muft confider towards which Part it declines, and let him blood in the oppofite Side, from that Vein which feems tobe the largeft in the Ear, which muft fir ft be beaten With a Spray or Shoot of a Vine, and when R 2 it |
244 Fegetrus Renatm of the Book III«
it is fwelled, let it be opened with a Lancet,
and the Blood let out; and the next Day let him be blooded again in the fame Place, and a Vacation from Labour be given him for the Space of two Days: On the third, flight La- bour is required of him, and he is recalled to his ufual Work by little and little : But if his Neck declines to neither Side, and is fwelled in the Middle, Blood muft be let from both Ears, which if it be not let within the Space of three Days from the Time that the Ox was feized with that Diforder, his Neck be- gins to fwell, his Nerves are ftretched, and fo the Hardnefs that is rifen in it does not fuf- fer the Yoke. For fuch a Diforder we have found a very proper Medicine, viz, a Com- pound of Tar, and of the Marrow of an Ox, and Tallow of an He-goat, and old Hog's-lard, or Axle-tree-Greafe, and old Oil, in equal Quantities, is boiled all together, which you muft ufe when the Ox is unyoak- ed from his Work, and the Tumour in his Neck is warned in the Pond wherein he drinks, and carefully rubbed, and when it is wiped, it is anointed with the aforefaid Medicine. If he altogether refufes the Yoak becaufe of the Tumour in his Neck, Reft from his Work muft be given him for a few Days, and his Neck muft be wafhed with cold Water, and anointed
Ch. i. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 245
anointed with the Scum of Silver j Celfus in-
deed orders the Herb that they call (/) Avia, (as I faid before) to be bruifed, and put upon a fwelled Neck.' Lefs Care will fuffice for fmall Boils which
Jnfeft the Neck, for they are eafily cured with Oil dropped into them out of a burning Lamp; neverthelefs it is better to take good Care that they do not breed there j and alfo that their Necks d o not grow bald, which otherwife do not lofe the Hair, and become bare, except when their Neck has been wet either with Sweat, or with Rain, while they were at their Work; when this happens, the Ox's Neck muft be fprinkled with Brick-duft bruif- ed, before he be unyoked, and when it is dried, Oil muft be poured upon it from Time to Time. If the Sock has hurt his Paftern or his Hoof,
Wrap up hard Pitch, and Hog's-lard with Sulphur and new {horn greafy Wool, and drop it upon the Wound with a red hot Iron, and anoint it therewith ; which makes an excellent Remedy, if he has troden upon a Nail, or pierced his Hoof through with a (0 A<wa. This Herb is not defcribed by any Author I have
ken; 'tis very probable this is not the right Name, and as *he Emendations offered feem not much to be depended upon, '£is belt to leave it in Uncertainty, till fomething better pre- fents itfelf. R 3 fharp
246 Vegetius Renatus of the Book III-
fharp Tile, Potfherd or Stone, which never-
thelefs, if it be wounded very deep, muft have a pretty broad Inciiion made upon it all round, and be burned, as I directed above : Then having a Shoe of Spanißi Broom put upon it, for the Space of three Days, it is dreffed with Vinegar poured upon it: But if the Sock has entered into it, the Sea-Lettice, which the Greeks call tfithymallos, with Salt mixed with it, is put upon it: Alfo when his Feet are worn and bruifed underneath, they are warn- ed with Ox's Urine made warm j then he is forced to tread upon the burning hot Embers of Vine-fprays, and his Hoofs are anointed with Tar, together with Oil and Hog's-lard ; neverthelefs they do not go fo lame, if when they are unyoked from their Work, their Feet be wafhed with cold Water, and their Patterns and Coronets, and the Cieft of the Hoof itfeif be rubbed with old Hog's-lard. Frequently alfo either from the Roughnefs
and Ruggednefs of the Read, or in cutting up and tilling very hard Ground, or when he ftruggles with Roots of a Tree that he meets with in his Way, he fprains his Shoulders j when this happens, Blood is let from his Fore- legs : If he has hurt his right Shoulder, he mutt be bled in his left Leg; and if he has hu.it both his Shoulders to a greater Degree, 1 |
Ch. 43- Dißempers of Horßs, &c. 147
the Veins muft be alfo opened in his hinder
Legs: But when his Horns are broken. Linen- clouts, foaked in Salt, Vinegar and Oil, muft he put upon them ; and after they are bound upon them, the fame Materials muft be pour- ed upon them for the Space of three Days j and on the fourth Day, Hog's-lard with dry Pitch and Pine-tree Bark, in equal Quantity, muft be be put upon them j and laftof all, when they form a Scar, Soot muft be rubbed upon them. But Ulcers, when they are neglected, ufe to
breed Worms, which, if in the Morning they be fprinkled with cold Water, fhrink and grow ftiff with the Coldnefs of it, and fall out : Or if this Method be of no Benefit, Horehound and a Leek bruifed together, and Salt mixed with them, are put upon them; or the Powder of quick Lime is fprinkled upon them, or the Juice of a green Cucumber with Vinegar is put upon them ; therefore to all Ulcers whatfoever, Tar, and old Oil, and Hog's Lard or Axle-tree Greafe muft be ap- plied, and the Parts on the outfides of the Sores muft be anointed alfo all round with the aforefaid Medicines, left they be infefted with Plies, or breed Worms when they fettle upon the Wounds. The Bite of a Serpent alfo is mortal to
Oxen, and the Venom of leffer Animals alfo R 4 is
24-8 Vegetius Renatus ofthe Book Ul-
is hurtful to them; for the Viper, and the
Sloeworm, when the Ox has in the Pafture improvidently lain down upon them, faften their Teeth in them, and fling them. The Shrew-moufe alio, which the Greeks call My gale, tho' of a fmall Body indeed, ufes to bring no fmall Mifchief and Deftruclion upon them j but a Scarification made with a Knife upon the Tumour, which is raifed by the Bite, drives away the Poifon of the Viper, if fo be the Herb which they call Viper's Bu- glofs, bruifed with Salt, be laid upon it: if the Root of this bruifed beput upon it, it is thought to be effectual; or if the Mountain Siler can be found j and Symonian Trefoil is moft ef- fectual, which grows in rough craggy Places, and is of a very difagreeable Smell, like to Bitumen, for which Reafon it is called Af- phaltion by the Greeks ; but our People, be- caufe of its Shape, call it 'Trifolium acutum, fharp Trefoil, for it grows up with long and brifly Leaves, and makes a ftronger Stalk than that which grows in Meadows. Let the Juice of this Herb with Wine be poured into their Chops, and the Leaves themfelves, bruif- ed with Salt, be put upon the Sore: But if they can by no Means find that which is green, the Seeds of it gathered and bruifed are gi- ven them with Wine to drink ; The Roots j ajfo |
Chap. I, Dißempen of Horfes, &c. 249
alfo of it bruifed with the Juice of its own Stalk, together with Barley-Meal and Salt added to them, with Honey Water, are put upon the Scarification. It is alfo a prefent Remedy if you bruife the tender Tops of the ^fh-Tree, with four Sextarii of Wine and Oil, and having fqueezed the Juice out of them, pour it into their Chops. Alfo you ^ay put the Tops of the fame Tree bruifed ^th Salt upon their Noftrils, or any other ■Parts that are hurt. The Bite of a Sloe- ^orm breeds a Tumour, and a Suppuration, that of a Shrew-moufe has the fame effecl; "ut the Bite of the Sloe-worm is cured, if with a brazen Needle you prick the Place that is hurt, and daub it over with Cimolian Chalk foaked in Vinegar 5 but the Mifchief done by the Shrew-moufe is remedied, if you drown the Animal itfelf in Oil, and with fome of the fame rub the Wound made with tts Teeth ; but if you have not this, Cummin hfuifed with Pitch or Tar, and Hog's-lard, fo that it may have the Likenefs of a Malagma Put upon the Sore, removes the Mifchief. ■°ut if a Suppuration be formed, before the Tumour is difcuffed, it is beft to open the Sphering; with a Lamin heated red hot in the flre, or to burn with a Cautery whatever Part ls infecled and corrupted, and fo to anoint it *«h Tar and Oil, fome wrap up the fhrew- moufe
i$o Vegetius Renatas of the Book 1H«
moufe alive in Potters Earth, and hang it at
the Oxen's Neck, and fo prevent their being bitten by the Beaft itfelf. Very many Diforders and Blemifhes i*
Oxen's Eyes are cured with Honey, for i* they be fwelled, Wheat-meal is fprinkled with Honey-water, and put upon them ; or if there be a white Speck in them, Spanijh fof- file Salt, or Ammoniac or Cappadocian Salt mixed with Honey extenuates the Blemifti. The Shell of the Cuttle-fifh bruifed, and blown into the Eye through a Pipe thrice a Day produces the fame Effect. The Root alfo which the Greeks call Silphion, but our People call Laferwort, is of great Benefit; you take what Quantity of this you you pleafe, and with a tenth Part of Sal Ammoniac, you blow it into the Eye with a Pipe ; which Root bruifed, and mixed with the Oil of Maftich, purges away the Blemifh. If the Eye-lids pour forth an Humour in great abundance, and the Sight be confounded with Tears (which they call an 'Epiphora, or an Inflammation, or a Defluxion) Barley-meal, fprinkled with Honey-water, put upon the Cheeks and Eye- brows, fuppreffes the Humour ; the wild Parf- nip a!fo, which the Romans call Armoracea* bruifed with Honey, afiwages the Pain of the Eyes: But you muft remember as often as you
Chap, i. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 251
you apply Honey, or any other Jukes as a
Remedy, that you firft of all anoint the Eyes aH round with Tar and Oil, that they may not be infefted by the Flies, or Bees, or Wafps, which the Sweetnefs of the Honey invites. An Horfe-leech, that is, a Blood-fucker, when *t flicks on the Outfide, hard by the Chops, draws away very much Blood; it muft be taken away from the Beads with the Fingers j hut if it be on the Infide, fo that it cannot be pulled away with the Hand, infert a hollow Reed, or a Pipe into their Chops, and through it pour hot Oil into them, for by the Touch thereof the troublefome outragious little Beaft. retires. The Smell alfo of a Bug put upon hot burning Coals, when it is blown upon the Blood-fucker, pulls it from the Wound ; but if it takes hold cf the Stomach, or an Inteftine, it is killed with warm Vinegar pour- ed into them through an Horn. We muft alfo give a Defcription of the Frame or Make of a Machine, in which Horfes and labouring Beafts of
any Kind whatfoever, and Oxen being {hut
up, are drefled ; fo that there may be a fafe
Accefs to apply Remedies to the Cattle, and that the fourfooted Beaft may neither hurt his Members by ftruggling, nor refufe the Re- medies when they are offered him. You muft make a very firm compact Floor or Bottom |
252 Vegetius Renatus of the Book III«
for the Machine with Oaken Planks, which
ought to have nine Feet in Length j and the Forepart two Feet and an half in Breadth; but that Part, which belongs to the hinder Parts of the Animals ought to have four Feet in Breadth.----------They are fo joined and
put together, that the Animal, as if it were
led into a Cage, cannot go out of it; but the Machine muft be made a little wider, or broader in the hinder part, and a little nar- rower and clofer in the forepart. To this Machine muft be firmly fixed a fmall Tranf- verfe Beam, after the Manner of a Yoke, to which the Heads of the Horfes, or the Horns of the Oxen may be tied; for the reft of their Body may be bound faft with Cords to the oppofite Beams or Poles that anfwer to one another, that fo thereby Afllftance may be given, and the Horfe or any other labouring Beaft may be intirely fubject to the Will and Pleafure of him who has him under Cure ; which Machine ufes to be common for dreff- ing all Sorts of greater Animals, in order to their Cure. CHAR II.
Of Worms that breed in Wounds of Animals.
IF a Wound in the Back, or in any other
Part of the Body, begins to have Worms, and
Chap. 3. Dißempers of Horfes, &c, 253
and it is feared, left the Rottennefs of the
Wound turn to a Canker, you (hall bruife Catfmint, and Cedar-tree Rofin, or Cummin, or Hemlock, and fteep them in Vinegar, and Put them upon it. Experiments have taught Us that quick-lime tempered with the fharp- cft Vinegar does kill Worms. If a little Worm has made a Putrefaction in the Back it will he of rnoft Benefit to cauterize it nicely, af- terwards to bruife Miffletoe with Honey and Wine, and put them upon it. It is manifeft that fmall thin Cloths alfo, with Oil and Vine- gar, purge Wounds; which being done, if there be a Neceffity for it, Burning is applied again to it. Laftof all Harts-horn burnt and bruifed is effectual, it is fprinkled upon Ul- cers in order to recover an Animal and reftore it to Health. C H A P. III.
Of the Care to be taken of the Loins.
TH E Care of the Loins comes next under
Confederation, for Animals contract a ^ain in their Reins, either with too much Weight laid upon them, or if, when they en- deavour to go over a Ditch, their Hinder- tet fink down into it, or with too much Cold: * herefore their Loins muft be fomented very i long |
254 ■ Vegetius Renatm of the Book III.
long with warm Water with the Flower of
Hay j They muft alfo be thoroughly rubbed with very warm Ointments; and laft of all they muft be ftrengthened with a Cauftic of the Flower of Nitre diluted laid upon them ', but if the Pain be more vehement, the Veins in their Groins muft be opened, and Oil and Hog's-lard mixed with the Blood that flows from them muft be daubed upon their Reins; and, if there be a Necefiity for it, you muft make Ufe of Cataplafms. A Drench alfo re- lieves the Reins. If you take and toaft upon the Coals twelve fmall Cyprefs Pills, and alfo three Ounces of Nitre, and reduce both into a Powder, with three Ounces of Honey, and three Sextarii of old Wine, and three Ounces of good Oil, which you mall pour down their Throat in four Days Time, an equal Quantity each Day. An Hemina of Cabbage or Colewort-feed, bruifed with a Sextarius of Barley-flower, dried at the Fire, kneaded with cold Water, and put upon the Places which are pained, cure a Diforder of the Loins. Water-mint alfo, with a Sextarius of Barley- flower dried at the Fire, and kneaded with Water, cures thofe Pains; neverthelefs it is a more effectual Remedy, if you bruife moft carefully about the Quantity of art Hemina of Cyprefs-kives^ and mix with them a Sextarius of
Ch.. 4. Dlßempers of Horfes, &c. 255
of Barley-Flower dried at the Fire, and knead-
^ with fharp Vinegar, and put the fame up- on the Part that is pained. Moreover you »lay boil two Ounces of hard Rofin fo that it tflay diffolve, upon which, when it is boiling n°tj you fprinkle Barley-meal, till fuch time as it be thickened to the Similitude of Gruel j and when it has been long boiled, andfo warm that the Hand can endure it, you daub it up- °n his Reins; and if you frequently renew this, it gives Relief both to the Pain, and to the Tumour -, but if the Diforder is rifen to fuch a Degree, that any Remedies of this fort fnake no Impreffion upon it, you fhall caute- flfe the Parts with a Copper Cautery, and de- prefs the Points in opportune Places, left the Animal be deformed; but if it be of a low- er Value, and fitter for neceffary Ufe, than, for graceful Show and Appearance, you (hall "urn it gratewife as the Cuftom is. C H A P. IV.
®f the Signs -whereby a Vain of the Reins
may be difcovered. BUT the Pain of the Reins is known
by thefe Signs; the Horfe drags his hinder Hoofs, his Loins ftagger and fhake, his Tail will fall down, his Urine will be fe- culent, |
256 Vegetius Renalus ofthe Book I"*
culent, his Flanks hard and contracted; fome-
times his Reins are in fuch a Condition, that he piffes Blood, and if he voids too much of it, the Diftemper is incurable : If there be no great Abundance of Blood, know that it can be cured. After you have let him Blood, either from the Shoulder Vein, or from his Thighs, you fhail give him this Drench, viz. the Juice of the fedive Leek in Water. CHAP. V.
Of the internal Mufcles of the Reim.
OFT-times the Mufcles which are in the
Reins are vexed and hurt by a Fall, and they are more eafily cured outwardly, if the ufual and ordinary Remedies operate but flowly. It is beft, as often as a Horfe (hall fall, that he be not moved from the Place prefently, but be fprinkled all over with cold Water, and afterwards Ointments muft be ufed. Which Diforder ufes to bring thefe Indications: his Reins grow hard, his Tefti- cles are contracted, he drags his Hip, and he cannot gather his Limbs together ; which In- difpofition arifes from the Wearifomnefs and Fatigue of a long Journey, or from the Ru g~ ednefs of fteep broken Ways. Alfo forcing him to run at full Speed," and overftretching him
Ch. i, Dißempers of Horfest &c. 257
him in Leaping is the Caufe of this Diforder,
therefore Blood muft be let from his Bowels, as the Quality of his Body will fuffer it. Al- to Ufe muft be made of Drenches necefTary for Health, and the Animal muft be placed *n a foft Place to fleep in. CHAP. VI.
0/ the Falling out of the End of the Straight-
Gut. SOmetimes from enduring and catching a
great Cold, the Extremity of the Straight- Gut of Animals comes out, which is cured Jn this manner ; you fhall fcarify it with a Scalpel or Lancet, efpecially the Places which feem more eminent, and are like little Blad- ders ; the Scarification is fqueezed with the Fingers, and decarned, or the Flefh feparated from it, and rubbed all over with Salt reduced to a Powder, till the Humour, being preffed °ut with the Blood, be dried up j afterwards you fhall foment it with warm Water and Salt, and by depreffing it you put it in again, and it will prefently return again into the Place from whence it came out; the next Day y°u fhall put your Fingers into it daubed with a Salve, or with Melilot, and fo on, till it be Sealed. Which Diforder, if you are in any S doubt
258 VegeiimRenatus of the Book 111«
doubt about touching it with a Knife, yoa fhall drefs it daily with this Medicament 5 take three Ounces of Caftor, two Pounds 01 bruifed Salt, one Pound of Sal Ammoni- ac, an Ounce and an half of Pontic Sino- per, and having brayed and fifted all thete things, you fhall boil them all together, and put them upon the Straight-Gut, but you fhall daily foment it with a warm Lixivium, and conftantly apply the Medicines till it be heal- ed ; and the fick Animal muft be warmed with warming Drenches. Others have faid, that in this Diforder the Straight-Gut muft be fupported and replaced with the Hand with Hog's-lard upon it, and afterwards a Sponge applied to it, and the Tail bound down upon it: Neverthelefs if the Cure of it has been neglected for fome Days, it muft for fix Days be fomented with a Lixivi- um, or with Salt and warm Urine, and (o the other things for finishing the Cure muft be performed. CHAP. VII.
Of a Pain of the Reins.
A Pain in the Reins frequently happens
to Animals; it is difcovered by thefe Signs; the Animal will be able neither to |
Ch. j. Difiempers of Horfes, &c." 259
go nor lie, his Flanks are inflated, and grow
hard ; of which this is the Method of Cure: He is let Blood in both his Thighs, after- wards old putrid Urine is placed in a Vef- fel under him, and burning hot Pieces of Milftones are put into it •, and let the Ani- mal be moft carefully covered with Cloaths even to the Hoofs, that the Veins of his Te- fticles may fweat with the hot Vapour of the Urine, afterwards let him be fomented with warm Water ; you {hall carefully bruife Ni- tre and fciffile Allum together, and having mixed Oil with them, you (hall throughly anoint his Teflicles all over, and rub them. If Millflones be lacking, you may heat any Stones whatfoever, and put them into the U- rine. There is alfo another Remedy which they tell us of for this thing; you mud boil an Hemina of Lentils, and having mixed Wine with them, bruife them in a Mortar j you {hall alfo mix with them four Scruples of Cyprefs-leaves likewife bruifed till they be very foft, and add to them alfo a like Quan- tity of Swine's Fat, and fprinkle old Wine upon the whole, and then fpreading it upon a Cloth, you (hall lay it to his Teflicles, till his Health be reflored. But if he recovers his Health but flowly, burn his Teflicles with fharp pointed Cauteries, or fcarify them gently. S 2 CHAP.
2 6o Fegetius Renatas of the Book III.
Of a Swelling of the Teßicles.
BU T if his Tefticles (hall fwell, burn
Barley, and after you have bruifed it, mix the Powder of it with Swine's Fat, with which Medicine anoint his Tefticles Morning and Evening. It is thought to be a Phyfical Remedy, when the Tefticles of Animals are wafhed with a Dog's Gall, and are healed thereby. Other Authors have been of Opi- nion, that when they have a Pain in their Tefticles, they ought to be fomented with warm Water; and fuffumigated alfo with Green Cyprefs-leaves, which Tree, it is be- lieved, does in a fpecial manner cure the Tef- ticles. But if this be lacking, neverthelefs hot burning Tiles, or Potfherds muft be put into warm Water, and they muft be thereby fuffumigated; afterwards Cimolian Chalk, with Ox's Dung, foaked in the fharpeft Vinegar muft be fpread warm upon them, and renew- ed every Day till fuch time as Health fhall follow upon it. |
Ch. i o. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 261
CHAP. IX. yf a. Horfe's Tard when it cannot be reduced
into its Sheath. |
F a Horfe's Yard exceeds, or comes out of
the Sheath, and cannot be reduced, it muft ke put into very cold Water, and bathed therein ; and you muft anoint your Hand and thru ft it into his Fundament, and rub it againft his Bladder, afterwards you fhall care- fully cover him that he may not grow cold. You mall give him in Drenches, Sheep's-dung daily in Wine or in fweet Water, till he be entirely freed from his Diforder. CHAP. X.
Of a Horfe that pißs Blood.
F a Horfe mall ftale Blood, or void it
with his Excrements, he muft be cu- red after this Manner ; let Blood be taken away from an upper Vein, and you muft al- fo bruife the Root of the Herb Afphodil, and Pour it down his Throat with a Sextarius of white Wine; this Root feems to have an ag- giutinating Quality. It is alfo of Benefit to boil Wheät-meal with Hog's Fat, and the Powder of the Bark of a Pomegranate, and to S 3 pour
2 6 2 Vegetius Renatas of the Book IH.
pour down his Throat, not thick, but liquid
Drenches; of it, and he mull be kept not on- ly from galloping or running Races, but alfo from walking, that the Vein which is broken may be agglutinated. For it happens that the internal Veins are broken either by their Running, Galloping, or Leaping, wherefore let him be cured with Stypticks, and by fuch things as confolidate the Parts. This Binding Plaifter muft be put upon his Reins, viz. Take red Bulbs * (m) ** live Snails bruifed ***, five Garlicks, a Pound of Comfry, and after you have bruifed them, mix them all toge- ther, and put them upon his Reins, which is of Benefit alfo to thofe whofe Reins are mov- ed or pulled out of their Place. But fuch as have a Flux of Blood out of their Noftrils, you muft bathe their Head with exceeding cold Vinegar and Water, and you (hall put a fmall Quantity of Salt to it: afterwards you muft; fpread the binding Plaifter upon his Head, and upon his Temples, and fo the Veins being contracted by this Medicine, you fhall reprefs the Flux of Blood. {m) Li<ve Snails is an Amendment made by the learned Mor-
gagni, for a Word in the Text that is unintelligible, and '» agreeable to a Prefcription of the like Nature, in the 18th Chapter of this fame Book. |
Ch. 12. DißempersofHorfesttx,c. 263
Of a Dyfentery.
T F a Dyfentery feizes upon a Horfe, the
"*• Extremity of his Straight-Gut is reverfed, which, that it may be cured, muft be cir- cumcifed or cut all round, with the greatefl Caution, left the Inteftine which is placed be- fore the Extremity of the Straight-Gut be touched or broken j the Inteftine falls down hy its ContacT:; it endangers Life if it be touched, and if it be hurt, it will not re- turn, but will remain fo, and the Extre- mity of the Straight-Gut comes out a little over it (a). CHAP. XII.
Of an idle Horfe that pifes Blood.
ANimals that are idle, and want Motion
or Exercife, happen fometimes from a Plethora to pifs Blood, for as much as that which fuperabounds, finds a way of making an Eruption by the Urine. Sometimes the Urine of an Animal that is extenuated and ex- haufled is bloody, which happens either from (e) The Original is very incorreft in this Chapter, and can-
not be well tranflated till the true Reading be reftored. S 4 going
264 Vegetius Renatus of the Book III.
going up too great an Afcent, or from the La-
bour of too weighty a Load, or from too much galloping and running: But as to fuch as have contracted Diftempers from too delicate keeping, or from over Abundance, they take away Blood from their Neck-vein ; but it is hurtful to open the Veins of fuch as are extenuated; neverthelefs this Drench is falu- tary to them both, if you frequently pour into them Goat's-milk with a certain Quan- tity of Starch, and the Juice of the Herb they call PeWtory of the Wall: Alfo this Drench is greatly commended as what will moft certainly contribute to their Health1; if you take an Ounce and an half of Gum- Dragant, of Medlars and of Storax, three Scruples each; of Pine-kernels well cleanfed, two hundred and ten, and thefe you muft infufe in the beft Wine, and bruife them to- gether for a long while j afterwards you {hall give of them to the Bignefs of a Filbert bruif- ed with the former things, and diflblved in a Sextarius of Wine, and pour it down their Throat with a Horn, for the Space of {even Days; this is alfo of Benefit to all Animals, if you give them the Bignefs of a Bean of it, with an Egg. |
Ch. 14. Difiempers of Horfes, &c. 265
Of an Animal that vomits Blood.
U T if the Animal vomits Blood, you
muft pour into his Chops the Juice of
Broom, with Wine, and the Juice of Leeks, with a Lye of Afhes and Oil throughly mix- ed together. For fometimes Animals do vo- mit Blood, to whom Relief is given by this French. Alfo you boil Pontic Wormwood and Spikenard of each an equal Quantity in a new Pot with Water, and give it them to drink. CHAP. XIV-
Of a Vein that has been openedi and cannot be
clofed again. IF when a Vein has been ftruck, the Blood
breaks out in too great Quantity, fo that the Vein cannot be clofed, the Remedy is, to put the Dung of the Animal itfelf upon the flowing Veins: or if it ftill continues to bleed, to burn it gently with a Cautery, fo that the Tendons or Nerves be not hurt. Alfo apply to it woolen Flock dipt in Oil. Alfo if you put upon the Vein out of which the Blood flows a fmall thin Plate or Bit of Wood
266 Vegettüi Renatus of the Book III.
Wood, and bind it upon it, it is a prefent Remedy. CHAP. XV.
Of a Diforder of the Bladder.
THE Diforder or Indignation of the Blad-
der is generated by, and fprings from many Caufes, which, becaufe of the Difficulty of Urine, brings on very fpeedy, yea prefent Danger. Of which Indifpofition it is proper to treat the more carefully, that a competent Remedy and Method of Cure may give Re- lief to the Diftemper, which is known by thefe following Signs. The Animal will not be able to pifs, all his Legs will be bended, and he will let down his Belly to the Earth j and if he ftales with Difficulty, it is call- ed (o) a Dyfury : But when he puts forth Drops of Urine through his Yard with La- bour, it is called (J>) a Strangury. When he cannot pifs at all, it is called an (q) If (o) The Etymology of the three following Words fliew how
diftindlly they exprefs the things they are intended to fignify, and how fitly adopted into other Languages. Avo-upx, Dyfury, formed of the Particle J«, which in Cora-
pofition fignifies Difficulty or Infelicity attending the thing fig- nified by the Word with which it is compounded ; and vgor, Urine. (p) Xl^xyfa^a, Strangury, formed of ETji^yf, fyk, a Drop,
and «!&», Urine. (q) 'Itrxufitt, Ifchury, formed of %w>, to retain, and a§«>
Urine. chury,
Ch. 15. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 267
chury, (Retention of Urine) and he is near
to Death. For which Reafon Extenfions, or Convulfions, or Cramps and Tubercles, or lit- tle Swellings arife in his Back, and Suffoca- tions or Stranglings about his Throat from the Pain in his Belly : To which you (hall give Relief after this manner. You (hall prick a Vein in his Breaft, and let him Blood as much as fhall feem proper, and fo he will re- ceive Eafe. Moreover you muft put your Warm Hand with Oil into his Fundament, and if you find any Dung within, you muft pull it out, becaufe it gives Impediment. Af- terwards you fhall mix fix Spoonfuls of bray- ed Salt with a Pound of Oil, and after it is warmed, you fhall throw it into his Funda- ment, the Horfe being placed upon a floping Ground in a prone Pofition, that it may the more eafily defcend into his inward Parts, and upon this there follows an Itching andTickling, and a Loofening of his Belly, and the Pain is mitigated. If thefe Remedies give Relief but flowly, anoint your Hand and your Arm all over, and with great Judgment and Cau- tion thruft it into his Fundament towards the right Side, and reverfe or turn it towards the left j prefs the Bladder gently with your full Hand, that fo the Urine may begin to flow ©ut, and thus he will be delivered j to prefs it
2 68 Vegetius Renatus of the Book III«
it very much is hurtful. But this painful
Diforder proceeds from the following Caufes; if the Horfe or Mule, &c. be forced to go on for a great part of the Day in his Work, or in galloping and running, and be denied Time to ftale, then there arifes a Tumour from the Paflage of the Bladder all the Way to the Yard, and the Hole is ftraitened, and there is a Pain in voiding the Urine. On the con- trary, if an Horfe that has been ufed to ex- ercife mall (land ftill for a great many Days, natty Humours breed from Indigeftion, which are carried down to the Bladder, and caufe Compunctions, or Prickings and gnawing Pains in the Urine-pipe, from which for the mod Part there arifes a Strangury. A Dyfury or Difficulty of making Water
ufes to proceed from the Animal's being put into a Diforder by being expofed to great- Cold, when the Paflage is fwelled with the too great Rigor, and therefore the Injury re- ceived by the Cold muft be quickly removed by divers warming Things. Sometimes alfo from their not digefting their Barley, and when they have drunk cold Water very greedi- ly, Animals fufFer Pains in their Belly, and the Bladder being affected and difturbed by Reafon of its Vicinity, they are feized with a Strangury. Some-
Ch. 15. Dlflempers ofHorfes, &c. 269
Sometimes alfo Hens-dung, and other noxi-
ous things taken in with their. Food, foraf- much as they caufe an Inflation, they hinder the Animals to (tale. Little Beafts alfo, which they call Buprefles, like Spiders, when they are fwallowed, fuffocate and (bangle the Ani- mal. Water alfo which is troubled and thick With Mire and Clay, if it be drank, hinders and flops the utinary Paflages. Worms, and Maggots alfo, in the Bowels, when they are come out of an Ulcer, hurt the Bladder, and fo bring upon Animals a twofold Danger, which is found out by thefe following Signs; an Animal which piffes more flowly than ufual, fcratches his own Sides, or gnaws the Ground, you may know that he is tormented with Worms and Maggots. You muft give him Relief after this Manner; you (hall bruife Cabbage or CoHvort-leaves very fmall, and mix them with four Hemince of good Wine, and pour it into him through the left Noftril. You (hall alfo reduce quick Sulphur into Pow- der, and together with Oil rub the Animal's whole Belly and Yard all over. You (hall alfo boil a large Quantity of Wormwood with Wine, and pour it down through his left Noftril; you fhall alfo boil Syrian Laferwort and Powder of Nitre with Wine, and pour it
270 Vegeiim Renatus of the Book IH.
it into him by his Mouth; you (hall alfo ex-
ercife him with walking him frequently up and down, and galloping him gently in a foft or graffy Place, or you £hall invite him to /tale hard by Water that paffeth away gently. He is the more eafily provoked to it, if he be held in a Place where any other Animal has ftaled. Thefe Things are premifed, that we may come to the Methods of Cure : For his Loins and Reins muft be fomented very long with warm Water, then you mail boil wild Oats in two Hemitxe of very fweet Wine, and pour the (trained Liquor into him, through his left Noftril j moreover you fhall boil the beft Figs in four Hemina of Water, and having mixed Powder of Nitre with it, you mall in like Manner pour it down his Throat. Gar- lick alfo boiled with Wine, and poured into him through his left Noftril, produces Urine : But you muft prefently remember, that when he falls into this Diforder, Barley muft be in- tirely withdrawn from him, and Drink alfo, and that green Herbs, or Mifcellany, muft be given him to fuftain him. But among the Sarmatiam, whofe Horfes
were greatly valued by the Ancients, ufe
found out, that if Animals be wrapped up
in Cloaths from the Neck to the Feet,
2 and
Ch. i fi D'ißempers of Horfes, &c zyf
and be fumigated with live Coals put under
them with Caftor added to them, that fo the Smoak of the Caftor may with its Steam warm their whole Body and their Tefticles, and if after the Coals are withdrawn, they prefently Walk up and down all covered, they will ftale. Break Sciffil Allum and Salt very fmall, and having mixed Oil and Honey with them, make a long and fmall Suppofitory, and infert it into the Hole of the Yard itfelf, and it will prefently provoke Urine. You fhall put into his Fundament as much Allheal as the Extre- mity of your Little-finger. Others put into their Fundament three or five of themoftpoin- ant Onions, and fo make him walk up and down. There is one Author, who treating of
Urines, affirms, that if the Hoof of the Horfe himfelf be fcraped, and bruifed, and put into a Sextarius of Wine, and poured into him through his Noftrils, it will quickly make him ftale. If he receives no Benefit from this Method, you fhall boil Beets and Mal- lows, and pour about the Quantity of one Sextarius of their hot Water with Honey into his Noftrils. If the Seafon of the Year does not afford
green Food, you fhall give him Hay fprinkled With Honey and Water boiled together, or you
272 Vegetius Renatus of the Book IH.
you mail give him in like Manner the Juice of
Barley-Ptifan, with Water and Honey boiled together. Some boil Rofemary, and foment his Tefticles with the warm Water of & Others put bruifed Bugs into the Animal's Noftrils, and rub Garlick upon that Part of his Yard where the Urine flows out; this is faid to be a moft certain Remedy. You mall boil Leeks, and fqueeze out about one Sex- tarius of their Juice, and mix fix Spoonfuls of Oil, and an Hemina of old Wine all together, and give it him through his right Noftril, and lead him, and walk him up and down- It is a vulgar and true Remedy, if you take Clay from the Highway made with the Urine of any Horfe whatfoever, and after it is mix' ed with Wine and ftrained, you pour it into his Noftrils. You mail give him the Roots of Parfley boiled with Wine, or Honey and Water mixt together, and you ßall take the Powder of Frankincenfe, and a raw Egg, and mix them with fweet Wine, and after you have warmed it, anoint and foment his Reins and Flanks therewith: It is proper alfo to give them by the Mouth mixed with Wine and Oil. Alfo long and fmall Suppofitories, made of boiled Honey and Salt» are put into the Hole out of which the Urine flows. Alfo a living Fly is put into the Place, |
Ch. 16. Difiempers of HorJesyhc. 273
felf, or a Grain of Frankincenfe is put upo°-
it, and Suppofitories of Bitumen are inferted into it, that they may provoke Urine. CHAP. XVI.
Of a Flux or Loofenefi«
IT has been often told before, by what
Means the Belly when it is bound up, ought to beloofened; now we muft explain af- ter what Manner it is bound up again, if it be loofened; for this is too dangerous for Animals, Unlefs a fpeedy Remedy give Relief; of which Diforder this by Experiment \s found to be a principal Remedy: You (hall give them an. Ounce of the Seed of Pomegranate Flowers in very rough Wine j you fhall bruife Palm-tree Dates, and Syrian Galls, andofthefe you give them a falutary Drench. Alfo fuch a Compo- fition as the following gives Relief j you mall hray in a Mortar very carefully two Ounces of Wax, one Pound of Lard, an Ounce and an half of Pepper, and half an Ounce of Pitch, and an Ounce of Caffia, when they are bruif- ed you (ball fprinkle them equally, and make Morfels of them, and dip them in melted Wax, in the ufual Manner, and give them fo /wallow ; you fhall alfo give them through a Horn a Pound of Sheeps Dung in a Sextan'- T us
2;74 Vigt{m'Mn$HW£jk$<l B<#k Jit
us of Vinegar and; Honey^waiter, 3 Y<¥4 *0- bind ^ie^EB^uyj^^l«!illäfeq|^'te $
you give it in .Wine, jY^u^flaalJ} ftjgi-^f*#$ Spunge in Tar, afterwards burn it, and pour the Powder ofvi|^into ^er^ropih^SvVine, and mix with it four Hgmince of W^eat-flower, and pour it down 'their4 ^hfbaV- You {hall alfo take Virgin Nitre, (ifit-fcan^l^don^) -and bruife it moft carefully, .anj? when it iVredu- ced into,Powder,,.give, half^n^^xaf it with an Remina of Vinegar, The Powder1 of a Pumice-ftone given: with Wiae/t^r^|>re- «ÄcHy^sib^ :-X13H v>33ql s ebl
sad o3 Wx^\ si 3 a,.:, . r>:3 vd aid j isfnal
üb modi 3^ TÄifAucff' $¥r*±>i Isqion ni aisv/o)"1! 5^snz~^f(Vi^i^tisJyy^Z 3th lo son paij-mk*! illmd UsrD u fiiW xlgnoi v OM3rn^t4paq§ Wf$$ a^gj^w-.^/^'alParts
C^itb%Ä4yiAan^^^t^isgoßgoiirjt a gLj'tniflv of I^fqrmjty;^;thgy;j^uß;<1 l?g cured after this ^^^13r^fe5/%^>#i#elve| muft. be tie§ is^bWJJ1'!«? K^^BäU Linen ■Phready then a crude,.qauftickispßui^upon 4lf% »wktflfBi&U, off^3bfy$jHK)/\ficord. S&fff {Ml 4%S^^J^^^^fp*kaR4being fiSflÄi feirnd. with;a, Caö|er^,iotljey arc fegftfed,,; bri£ ^snoßM ifiiftir 9fh ni oik ikfli uo-( i «MW ignxjG gqaadäiühnco*! «m
Ch. 18. Bifiempers of Horfes, ttc. 2J$
Of Dißempers of the Hips.
SOmetimes Horfes or Mules, &c. are in
great Mifery from a Pain in the Hip, from which the Blood mull be let out by the Thigh-veins, and carefully received in a Vef- fel j alfo the Powder of Sulphur, and of Nitre, and of Bay-berries bruifed all together, Riuft be mixed with it, and the Hip through- ly rubbed therewith againft the Hair for a long while, and it is permitted to remain {o for the Space of three Days: You mall alfo foment it thrice a Pay with warm Water, in which Vervain has been boiled : You fhali fhoe his Feet that are found with an Iron Pat- ten, or Sandal, or if this be lacking, with a Shoe made of Broom, and you mail put Bandages Upon it, and bind it up moft carefully, and fo make it able to fupport that Part which is in Mifery, that the Animal may be able to fet down his Hoofs flat and full upon the Ground. You mail alfo anoint it throughly ]n the Sun with a liquid Ointment, and rub Jt moil carefully one Hour at leaft againft the Hair. If this Method of Cure be dila- tory, over againft the Joint of the Hip break or pierce through the Skin with a Cautery fo. T 2 as
276 Vegetim Renatus of the Book II*-
as to make four Holes, and pafs Clouts or
Rags, or Tents or Rowels, foaked in Vinegar and Oil, under the Skin, through the Holes, for the Space of three Days; afterwards you fhall pafs Clouts or Tents, anointed with a Vul- nerary, through the fame Holes for the Space of nine Days; or you may ufe warm Water wherein Vervain has been boiled, and fo put the Tents or Rowels under the Skin : Al- fo on the eleventh Day you fhall pull out the Rowels, and whiten the Place with Chalk, that the Skin may flick to the flefhy Parts. When the Cicatrices have clofed themfelves, they put a Cauftick upon them. By this Method a Hip that has been {trained, or hurt, fhall be healed. But ff an Horfe or Mule has thru ft out his Hip, or put it out of its Place, there is taught a furer, and more eafy Method of Cure, which has been found out, and approved : For they place an Animal, that has been a long while lame, in the Sun, and they warm him with warm Wine and Oil, that is, they rub the Joints of his Hip therewith for a very long while, till he fweats; then they pull the Animal with an Halter, and make him run by little and little, another Perfon, holding a leathern Thong, or a Rope flack in his Hand, follows him, and all of a fudden, while the Animal
Ch. i. Dtßempen of Horfes, &c. 277
Animal is running, draws with Violence the
Hip ftraight towards himfelf; if it founds or gives a Crack, you may know, that it is returned to its Place, and you fhall flop a little while; afterwards you fhall try it by Walking up and down leifurely, If it is re- turned into its Place, and he fets down his Feet ftraight when he draws them back, and does not go fo lame as he did, you fhall not vex and torment the Animal any further, but foment him with warm Vervain Water ; afterwards you fhall apply the Cauftick: But if the Joint cannot be fet right the firft Day, you fhall pull the Hip frequently on the fecond Day after the fame Manner, till it return to its Place, but whatever has been vexed or hurt, or moved out of its Place, either by the Stroke of a Wheel, or by any other Accident whatfoever, either in the fore or hinder Parts, either in his Joints or in his Knees, this binding Plafter binds it faft, and confolidates it. Take thirty red Bulbs, thirty live Snails, one Pound of Comfry, an Hand- ful of green Plantain, bruife them very care- fully together, and mix them; and having added three Eggs to them, you put them upon the Place with Tow, and bind them up; this Will bind faft the Parts that are relaxed, and T 3 af- |
278 Vegetius Renatus of the Book HI.
afiwage the Pain, and give Eafe to thofe Parts
that are fwelled. CHAP. XIX.
Of Knots or Swellings like Bladders in the Legs-
IF preternatural Swellings arife in a Horfe's
Legs, it is known by thefe Signs; the Skin will be inflated on the right and left in the Similitude of a Bladder, but it mull be cured after that Manner in which we faid a Phlegmon or inflamed Tumour in the Knees muft be cured. There is alfo another Re- medy, you gather the Lentils or Ducks-meat which fwim upon the Water, and bruife them, and having added old Hog's-lard to them, you {hall bind them together upon the fame; it is faid to dry up the Diftemper, If his Hough or Leg, or his Shoulder begins to fwell in any Place, from any Blow, you (hall mix Cimolian Chalk and Ruddle together, and fteep them in Vinegar, and daub the af<- fe&ed Part therewith, CHAP. XX.
Of a Horfe that has gourdy Legs.
IF an Animal is become gourdy-leg'd,
and it is a recent Ailment, let him Blood from his
ii?1 BißempersofHorfes,^ 5cb. 279
his teg, and bind new fhorn or greafy Wool
round it beware ybü db not touch it with ■romentatioifs or a Cautery, Tor bothof thefe are hurtful in curing fuch a Diforder; you fhall make su& of a- crude tktaplafm, and unwind mid drejs: it -aivsraya w&yithM P^> When you fee that „■$& Animal has received Benefit, you apply the Cauftick. If any Hbrfö- öY'Mafö W brÄ htf Eftjrffone/W the Upper Pari öf-his^egpabove-theHough1» y^il may'£nb%that k^äahot be"cüred,^be- **#fe^$ieß?Pafts cannot 'hold;Bandages. ."tffitö -bnad bnß ,f to qrH aid 3d ,boofi 2*':.. :Q ' rroqu j sis>l %rLqad;<1 ,;
£3hr$*WfA^ fe^ wtthJVheeh, ^iipriJ naüßiisiJ teat 4:^dw i.'1 >cnT I0
TF an Hqrfe or a Mule, has been fqueezed, JL or bruifcd with the Stroke of a Wheel, or
an Axle-tree, while the Hurt is recent, you bind new (horn Wool dipt in Vinegar and Oil upon it,"for the Space ofthree Days ■; after- Wards put double Figs and Nitre bruifed to- gether upon : it. ; Ori the third Day> look it, an"renew tBejame Application-, if it gives no'Relief,-;■ put the (?/ Gatäpläim of four In- gredients upon it, for the Space of three Days j -3lu} [3fh : ic ■ ■ nit 9Ü : I •
■ ,{r) The Cata-plafm of .Four Ingredients, which-they called
Tetraptwrmaaim, was made of Bull's Suet, Wax, Pitch and 9Ü, fee Book 4.. Chap. 28. T 4 if
aSo Vegetim Renatut ofthe Book III*
if this alfo is flow in producing any Effect,
put the Cataplafm they call (s) Meliacinus upon it, tjll fuch Tjme as it be healed. CHAP. XXII.
Of a Horfe that is fyrmatick, i. e. trails his
Ilip. A Horfe or Mule that is fyrmatick, or
liable to trail his Limbs, is known by thefe Signs; when he is going out of the Stable, or from the Place where he ha^s ilood, he drags his Hip or Thigh, and bend- ing his Coronets he fhows his Hoof tranf- verted when he fets it upon the Ground, and he is faid to be fyrmatick from the Mantles of Tragedians which they trail after them> But though the Hip of thefe Animals may feem to be bereft of its natural Ufe, or put out of its Place, yet if they be forced back- ward upon that very Foot, their Gate will prefently be mended, and they will go ftrait and upright, without halting. Eut this Dif- order happens after this Manner; If any Hu- {s) Meliacinus, as this is the only Place in this Author
where we find this Word, and as none of the Authors I have icen make any mention of this Sort of Malagma, it is very probable that this is not the true Reading, nor is there fuffi- cient Ground to think that it confided of two Ingredients, which the Word itfelf feems to point to, via. mel, or (*&>, Honey, and aciauy a Grape-ttonc. mour
Chap. 22. Dißempers of Htrfes, &c. 281
mour arifing either from the Corruption of the
Body, or from enduring great Cold, {hall en- ter into the Joint of the Knuckle Bone, then it diffufes itfelf to the Nerves and Tendons, and renders them immoveable, and as it were deprives them of their proper ufe. Thefe Ani- mals are cured after this Manner: Blood mufl he let in great Plenty from under the Hough Pr the lower Part of the Leg, with which you muft mix Salt, Sulphur, Sea-Cockles, Flower of Frankincenfe, Tartar, Nitre, Bay- Berries, an equal Quantity of each; after they are all bruifed and fifted, you fhall alfo mix them with old Wine and Oil, and the Blood of the Animal itfelf; having prepared this Ointment, after you have warmed the minimal in the Sun, you mail anoint him therewith, and for a long while foment his Hips with warm Water in which Vervain has been boiled, the Space of three Days be- ing interpofed ; afterwards you (hall anoint them afrefh ; if from this he does not fully recover his Health, you mall burn a Wound With a Cautery upon the very Huckle Bone. In like manner they ufe to treat thofe that are troubled with the Sciatica. Whatever things have been faid either concerning ftinking Sores, and other Difeafes of the Joints, or concerning the Hoofs of the Fore-Feet, you are
i%i Vegetius Renatus of the Book III,
are to know that the fame things alfo are to
be obferved with RefpecT: to the hinder-Feet. CHAP. XXIII.
Of the D(feafe that deprives an Animal of
his Senfes. AS often as the following Symptoms
have mown themfelves, Authors have called it the Senfe-bereaving Difeafe. The Animal has his Eyes wide open, and is not at all fenfible when a Man approaches, and comes towards him ; fuch as are thus affected, both their Lips, and the Orifices themfelves fwell, as if they were infected or poifoned by fome little Beaft : This Difeafe other Au- thors have called by another Name, and it is a moil mifchievous malignant Diftemper; in the firft Place, becaufe by a peftiferous Tran- fition it fpreads the Contagion among many others; and fecondly, becaufe it deceives the unfkillful by a fpecious Appearance of Health j for Animals which have been reftored and well cured, are all of a fudden inflated with this Diftemper and dye. And it is called the Senfe- bereaving Dißemper, becaufe it bereaves Animals of all Senfation; and it is called the Maul, becaufe it is a Peftilence that commu- nicates its deftrudive Contagion : But for the |
Chap. 23. Diflempers of Horfes, Sec. 283
moll Part it confumes the Bowels inwardly
with Worms, by the Biting of whofe Teeth there are Holes made in their Stomach, or Paunch, fo that the Animals are fuffbeated, and fuddenly dye: But if the Art of Phyfick comes very quickly to their Relief, they are faved after this Method j you take Blood from their Neck, and make up a Drench in this manner. Take a Pound of Comfry, one Pound of Hyflbp, a Pound and an half of Southernwood, a Pound and an half of round Birth wort, three Ounces of Man- na Succari, three Ounces of Germander, all which bruife and fift, and you (hall boil them in Plenty of Honey-water, and drefs the fick Animal therewith for very many Days; but becaufe for the mod Part the peftilential Contagion of this Diftemper pafles, or communicates itfelf to thofe that are next to them, if it light upon the whole Herd, it is proper for you to adminifter Drenches, fo as to pour one Hemina into each of them; alfo to confirm and cure them with very frequent Fumigations, as it appears to have been above explained in the Diftemper we call the Maul. The Paftures of thefe Animals muft be fo far changed, that if it can be done, they muft be removed into other Regions; for where-ever they pafs, they infect all things with
284 Vegetius Renptus of the Book III»
with their very Breath, and the Infedtion Is
communicated with any thing of Wool. But they will be more fpeedily cured, if they be feparated and removed from one Place to another. C H A P. XXIV.
Of Horfes affefted with the oaken Diflemper.
ft~^ HAT is called the oaken Dißemper,
JL which makes an Animal ftiff like a Log, of which thefe are the Signs. The whole Body is bound faft, the Noftrils are extended, and the Ears ftiff, the Neck is immoveable, the Mouth is fhut faft, the Head extended, the Shoulders or Legs are pinioned, the Feet alfo are faft bound toge- ther, fo that no Joint can be moved ; if you {hould have a Mind to raife and lift up the Head of an Animal in this Condition, you could not be able : His Eyes are clofed, his Spine exceeding ftiff, and he fo diftends and raifes his Tail, that he can neither bend nor move it ; his Flanks are hard, his Reins are pulled in, he is altogether unable to lye down. But this Diftemper happens from fufFering, and being expofed too much to the Cold, or from the, Spafm or Cramp, and a Tremor of the Nerves j and hence they are faid
Chap, 24. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 285
faid to be Tetanick, or affe&ed with a Con-
traction of the Nerves. For the moft part fuch Horfes or Mules, &c. fall into this Dif- order, which, when they have been caftra- tedj at a Diftance from Fire, are neglcfted, and walking up and down in the Cold, arc hurt thereby, the recent Pain and Cold mak- Wg a ftrong Impreffion upon their Nerves, they both are affected with Spafms or Cramps, and grow hard, and ftiff like an Oak. On the contrary, alfb Horfes, &c. that are burn- ed^deeper than is expedient, either in the Feet, or in any other Place whatfoever, their Nerves being touched, they are affedted with Spafms, and fall into the oaken Dißemper. By being too much expofed to the Hoar-Froft, or if they fweat in the Cold when it is too intenfe, or if from warm Stables they are brought out to the Cold, they ufually become ftiff, and are afFe&ed with the oaken Dißemper. But if they be feized in their hinder-Part, fo that the Difeafe terminates in their Loins, they become opiffotonic, or have the Parts of their Body convulfed and drawn back- Ward ; neverthelefs they are cured with warm Applications and Ointments. But if this oak- en Diftempcr feizes any of them in their Fore-? part, fo that they cannot open their Mouth, they are to be defpaired of, becaufe their Teeth
286 Fege this Renatm of the Book III,
Teeth being fhut clofe together, they are
under a Neceffity of perifhing with Hunger But fuch of them as are endangered equally over their whole Body, fo that they are able in fome meafure to open their Mouth, they muft be fo long rubbed all over with the warmeft Ointments till they fweat, and be- ing covered all over with great Plenty of Cloths, they are placed in a warm Stable, and a Fire without any Smoak is wont to be made hard by them, that they may fweat the more. Alfo put the stronger Sort of Laurel- iprigs into their Mouth, between their Jaws, that by gnawing them they may ftrongly move and agitate their Jaw-bones, and grow warm. You fhall give him when he is fall- ing folid Beans mixed with Bay-berries, and alfo offer him warm Water to drink : You fhall purge his Belly with a Clyfter of Ho- ney-water, with Caftor mixed with it; and alfo pour the befl Oil with the Juice of Pti- fan into him through his left Noftril, and give him for his Subfiftence ground Barley mixt with Bran, till he be cured. Some Authors have faid, that when the Weather is burning hot, they ought to be bound, and covered all over with River or Sea-Sand, fo that their Head and Noftrils may Hand out, and be de- tained fo long till they fweat j but it is cer- 2 tain |
Ch. 24. pißempers of Horfes, &c. 287
tain that more have been healed by the above-
mentioned Method of Cure. But if they receive no Benefit from this
thing, you fhall burn their Neck, both on the right and left Side, in the Form of the Letter X, or Crofs-wife, and put warm Bags of Bran upon their whole Back for the Space of three Days, and make Ufe of the follow- *ng Ointment daily in the Sun, if it be hot, or in a very warm Place. Take a Pound of - Wax, a Pound of the Flower of Nitre, half a Pound of Turpentine Rofin, a Pound of Gal- banum, half a Pound of Caftor, a Pound of Opopanax, an Ounce of Pepper, two Ounces of the Marrow of a Stag, two Ounces and an half of old Oil, as much old Wine as fhall be needful, mix and ufe them. Neverthe- lefs it has been found by Experiment to be a prefent Remedy, if you boil Tar with Oil and old Wine, and anoint the Horfe through- ly with the warm Medicament. His Ears touft alfo be well foaked with fome of this Ointment together with Oil made warm, and fome of it poured into him, that Health *nay be fpeedily recovered. But that their Veins may be warmed in-
wardly, and that the Cold they have catched |ttay exfude, there is a neceflary Drench which is a wholefome Remedy, and cures fuch as ate affected with the oaken Dißemper, and are
288 Vegetius Renatus of the Book III.'
are opiftotonic, or Tetanic, or have theif
Parts convulfed and drawn backward, or are affected with a Contraction of their Nerves; Take two Ounces of Carrot-feed, two Oun- ces of Alexandrian Cummin, of Comfry, Caftor, Southernwood, an Ounce each, two Ounces of Germander, one Ounce of the Flower of Saffron, an Ounce of Sugar, one Ounce of Hyflbp, half an Ounce of white Pepper; let all thefe be carefully brayed in A Mortar and fifted, and reduced into a Pow- der, of which two Spoonfuls with the Juice of warm Ptifan are given to drink to fuch as are weary and in a dangerous Condition ; but to fuch as are ftronger, it is poured into theif Mouth in an Hemina of old Wine made warm, yet never without Oil, in order to af* fwage and mitigate the Aufterity of the Po- tion, and to eafe and fmooth the Canal of the Jaws. Other Authors fay that this Sort of Dif-
temper muft be cured after this manner; you muft draw Blood from the Temples, and re- ceive it carefully, and after you have thrown Powder of Nitre and Caftor into it, the Animals muft be rubbed all over with it, and put in- to a warm Place, and you muft offer thefli this Drench, viz. Goat's-Milk, Rue, Bay-Ber- ries, white Pepper, Oil and bruifed Beans j |
Ch. 24. Dißempers ofBorfes, &c. 289
alfo you give him Barley that he may move
his Jaws by eating, on the third Day they take away Blood from his Tail, and foment "is Reins with warm Ointments. Sometimes alfo they put the Animals into warm Baths that they may recover their Health the more effectually; they alfo give them Drenches eve- ry Day ; they put alfo Batoons of Willow or of Oak into their Mouth, left their Jaw- hones be benummed, and they lofe theUfe of them. If the Animal begins to grow better after twelve Days you fhall exercife him, af- ter you have covered him well, that he may fweat. If thefe things have no Ef- fect, you (hall make ufe of the things above- mentioned. Mod Authors affirm, that Fig- tree Boughs, which are naturally hot, ought to be given to fuch Animals as are af- fected with the Oaken Diftemper, and that they ought to have a Drench poured into their Mouth : viz. Two Ounces of Opopanax, three Ounces of Storax, three Ounces of Gen- tian, three Ounces of the Manna of Sugar, one Scruple of Myrrh, two Scruples of long Pepper, with warm old Wine, and it ought to be poured into them through an Horn. They alfo ufe this Ointment to cure the Oak- en Diftemper, or to expel Cold • they take a Pound of Wax, eight Ounces of Turpen- U tine
290 Vegetius Renatus of the Book III.
tine Rofin, two Ounces of OpopanaX, two
Ounces of DeerVmarrow, four Ounces of Sto- rax, half a Pound of Bay-berries, and as much Pine-oil as is needful; all which they throw in- to one, and boil them in Water, and anoint and rub the Animals all over with the fame» CHAP. XXV.
Of Horfes, &c. that are dropfical.
TH E Dropfy frequently infefts thofe
Animals as much as it does Men ; for the vital Parts being vitiated, when the Food is not fully digefted, a noxious Humour ufu- ally brings Deftrudion upon the Body, and a Swelling, which Indifpofition is fhown by the following Signs: His Belly fwells, and his Legs, Tefticles, Shoulders, Sides and Back are inflated, to fuch a degree, that even the Veins do not appear in his Head j and when you touch one in fuch a Condition under the Tongue, he will cough gently ; you fhall cover him with heavier Cloths than ufual, and exercife him in fliort Walks, in the Sun, till he fweats, and afterwards rub him againft the Hair, over his whole Body, and then give him for his Food Radifhes with thetf Leaves, becaufe they both give him a Purge, and cure his Diftemper, and you fhall give him Hay fprinkled with Water and Nitre; and |
Ch. 2 5. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 291
both Day and Night you fhall give him in his Food Lupins foaked in Water, and after- wards dried ; you fhall alfo give him the Root or the Leaves of the wild Cucumber, which may move his Belly, that you may purge him. If this Method of Cure be tardy in reftoring his Health, the Water muft be tak- en from him ; therefore about four Fingers from the Navel towards his Yard, you muft prick him with a Lance, fo that you may break through the Peritoneum itfelf, but be- ware you do not touch the Inteftine, and kill the Animals, and you muft then thruft in the Tapping-Pipe, and fuffer the watery Hu- mour to run as much as you fhall think ne- cefTary, and receive it into a Veffel. When you have taken away the Pipe, you put two or three Grains of Salt into the Wound left it be clofed and fhut up, moreover you alfo put Plaifters upon it. On the fecond or third Day, as if you were going to make a Second Evacuation, you fhall again apply the Tapping Inftrument and draw out .the Water till all the Parts be dried, then the Wound muft be dreffed and cured as ufual, and you mall frequently give him cathartick Drenches by his Mouth. In the Day time you fhall exer- cife him till he fweats. The ftronger the Ani- mal begins to be, fo much the more careful- U 2 ly
292 Vegetius Renatas of the Book III.
ly muft he be dreffed and tended, and always
kept from Drink, that he may drink only what is warm, and a very little in order to fupport him. CHAR XXVI.
Of Horfis, Sec. offered with a Sarcoßs.
ASarcoßs alfo is a fuch like Diftemper;
when the Horfe has drunk, he is in- flated, and blows; you fhall cure him after this manner : Take a Sextartus of Lye- Afhes, and five Ounces of Plantain-feed, and bruife them together, and give them with Wine and Oil quickly. Other Authors aflert, that a Wound ought to be made two Fingers from the Navel over againft the Breaft, and the Pipe for Tapping put into it, and the Humour, or noxious Water drawn out, to the Quantity of. three Sextarii, or more, if the Swelling be very confiderable. But it is more cautious to take it away by a fmall Quantity at a time, left a fudden drying up prove dan- gerous. They fay that we muft make ufe of Drenches which may provoke Urine, and that the Animal muft be frequently rubbed, that he may fweat, that for Hay he muft take Grafs, and for Barley, Chich-peafe in- fuled. They fay alfo that it will be of Bene- fit to the Animal, if he walk up and down very frequently among the Painters, Colour- |
Ch. 27. Diflempers of Horfes, &c. 293
fellers and Druggifts Shops, becaufe the ma-
ny different. Odours and Smells; lurking in his Lungs, are beneficial j they alfo give him a Drench of this Sort; they bruife Garden-parf- ley and Pomegranates together, and pour them into him by his Mouth with old Wine : You fhall alfo offer him as much Parfley to eat as he fhall have an Appetite for : Boil two Oun- ces of the Root of wild Afparagus in a Sexta- rius of old Wine, till it be reduced to- about a third Part, aad pour into him by his Mouth about the Quantity of an Hemina, CHAP. XXVII.
Of Horfes, &c. affeEied with a Tympany.
A Tympany alfo is like to a Dropfy, but
it is known by other Signs, the Ani- mah Belly does indeed grow as that of one affefted with a Dropfy, and his Neck be- comes ftiffer than ufual, but neither his Tef- ticles nor his Legs fwell. It is proper there- fore to apply hot Afhes with the beft melted Suet in a Woollen or linen Cloth, to the Na- vel or Belly of one affected with a Tympany, a0d to bind it on with Bandages; but the ■animal muft be held by feveral Perfons, left by flruggling he move the Ligatures. You frail bruife the Root of All-heal and Gallican Ocre together, and with Oil and warm Wine U 3 pour |
294 Vegetius Renatas of the Book III.
pour it down his Throat with a Horn. More-
over you fhall boil wild Thyme and wild Radifhes in Wine, and give an Hemina to each for the Space of three Days^ The fol- lowing Signs fhow that an Animal is affected with a Tympany, a loathing of all manner of Food and of Drink, very little Sleep, or none at all If they begin to put forth a great deal of Snot through their Noftrils, we muft de- fpair of their Recovery ; but if they have clean Noftrils, you fhall cure them after this Man- ner : Give them two Cupfulls of the Cream or thick Juice of Ptifan, and of Muft fodden into a third Part of its firft Quantity, warm, for the Space of three Days. Moreover, you fhall take four Ounces of Hyffop, an Handful of green Garlick, twenty Dates, an Hemina of the Seeds of Fenugreek, and Ciftern-water, and perfumed or compounded Wine, and mix them all together, and boil them very care- fully, and give them in a Drench for the Space of three Days.
Of Ho? fesy &cc. affeSfed with the Dißempef
of the Spleen. |
S the Danger of an Animal affe&ed with
the Diftemper of the Spleen is mani- |
Ch. 28. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 295
feft; fo the Signs of the Diftemper are manifeft
alfo, for their Eyes are inverted, and blood- shot, they walk flower than ufual, they have their Neck extended, and it grows worfe and ftiffcr. Which Diforder is an Indication of the Beginning of the Oaken Diftemper, their Sides fwell, or the Middle of the Spine of their Neck becomes concave in the Similitude of a Trough • fometimes their Jaws are (hut, Which Diforder ufes to be brought upon them, by being expofed tö too much Cold, when the Back of the Animal is beaten and cut, either with the Cold, or Rain, or Hail, or Snow ; of which Diftemper this is the Me- thod of Cure : You take away a little Blood from the Tail, for if you take a great Quan- tity, the Animal will grow cold, and Stiff— nefs will be added to Stiffnefs; you (hall mix pure Wine and Oil with the Blood, and warm it, and with this prefently anoint his back and Neck all over ; you mall alfo put a warm Bag of Bran upon the Animal, fo that it may reach over his whole Spine and Loins. The next Day you mall carefully rub and wipe him clean, and rub him throughly with the fame Ointment, over which you fhall in like Man- ner put the warm Bag of Bran, with Intention to ufe the following Ointment. Take one Pound of Deer's Marrow, four Ounces of the U 4 Man-
2 9 & Vegetius Renatus of the Book III-
Manna of (V,) Frankincenfe, three Ounces of
Bdellium, three Ounces of Caftor, three Oun- ces of Opopanax, three Ounces of fried Ro- fin, three Ounces of Pitch, with a Mixture of Rofin and Wax fcraped off of Ships, two Ounces of Turpentine Rofin, a Pound and an half of Wax, eight Ounces of the Oil of Bays, a Pound of the Oil of Cyperus, and one Sextarius of Gleucine Oil; fuch of thefe In- gredients as are dry, you bray them, and fift them, the reft you diflblve upon burning Coals, and mix Chalk with them, and boil them gently in a new Veffel ; you lay them up and keep them, in order to anoint with them, wlien Neceffity {hall require. You fhall alfo cure them inwardly with this Drench; take an Ounce of Wormwood, three Ounces of Bir'thwort, two Ounces of Betony, an Ounce and an half of Parfley, one Ounce of germander, three Ounces of Male-Frankin- cenfe, two Ounces of Caftor, two Ounces of the Manna of Sugar, bruife them all together, (r) Several ancient Writers, by the Word Manna, intend-
ed to exprefs a certain Heavenly Dew that fell upon certain Trees; but better obfervation found it to be a Subrtance ooz- ing out of the Tree jtfelf j fo by Manna of Frankincenfe we are to underftand the fmall Grains or Particles of Frankincenfe, which ooze out of the Tree itfelf, which they diftinguifh from what they called Male-Frankincenfe ; and by Manna of Sugar muft be underftood a Subftance which ifTued out of Sugar Canes in India, very different from thofe fmall Canes, of the expreffed Juice of which the Sugar now in Ufe is made. |
Ch. 29. Dlfiempers, of Horfes, &c. 297
and lift them, and pour them down their-
Throat in Honey-water and Oil, and you (hall cure them without any Doubt. Other Au- thors affirm, that Blood muft be taken away from their Arms or Fore-thighs, and that the Animal muft be kept from Barley, and that Garlick, Salt-petre, and Horehound, an equal Quantity of each, bruifed, muft be given him with Pontick Wormwood, and rough Wine by his Mouth ; and when he has drank it, let him walk up and down, and be fomented with warm Spunges, and rubbed all over very hard with your Hand for a long while. If the Swelling of his Belly ftill remains, his Breaft muft be burned with Cauteries; after five Days it muft be burned again here and there, about three Fingers, below where the Cautery was firfl applied : But you muft be- ware you do not by Chance burn the Veins. CHAP. XXIX.
Of a Horfe that is flupid and motionlefs.
JN Horfe alfo that is ftruck fenfelefs and
ftupid, and motionlefs, becaufe he fuf-
fers the like Diforder, muft be rubbed all
over with the abovementioned Ointment; and
U Neceflity requires, he muft be cauterized.
298 Vegetiui Renatus of the Book III»
Of a Horfe that has his Perfpiration obßrutted.
IF an Horfe or a Mule, &c. have a Disor-
der in the Diaphragm, or have his Per- fpiration obftructed, it is known by the fol- lowing Signs; he'll be feverifh, draw his Eyes inwards, have his Ears ftretched out, and ftiff, and will thump the Earth with his Feet j you mall cure him after this Manner: Draw Blood from his Neck-vein, and having put Oil and Wine to it, warm them, and rub the Horfe carefully therewithal, over againft the Hair ; you (hall put him up in a warm Place, and you have cured him. CHAP. XXXI.
Of a Horfe that is afraid of Water.
SOmetimes Horfes are afraid of Water,
and fuch are fa id to be Hydrcphobous -, thefe are the Symptoms of one thus affected ; he'll have all his Veins extended, he will fweat, and his Eyes be bloodfhot, be feized with a trembling, and grinding, and gnafb- ingof his Teeth, and willdafh himfelf againft the Wall, which Diftemper does ufuallV change into Madnefs, from which you mufl: |
Ol. 32. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 299
give him Relief after this Manner: You fhall
draw Blood from his Thighs, and make him abftain from all Sorts of Food, put him into a Place fo (hut up, that he cannot fee the Light, and very filently fet Water by him in a Bucket or Trough, fo that he may not hear the Sound thereof; bruife a Handful of Rue, and mix together fifteen Bay-berries, a Pound of Oil of Rofes, and one Ounce of Vinegar ; you fhall anoint his Head and his Noftrils all over very carefully with it, and he mall be cured. CHAP. XXXII.
Of Spafms or Cramps.
IT is certain that Animals fuffer Spafms or
Cramps, which Diftemper is declared by the following Symptoms; they will drop down all of a fudden, and their Joints are extended, and they have a Palpitation over their whole Body ; fometimes alfo they put forth Froth out of their Mouth, To fuch you fhall give give Food fprinkled with Oxy- crate and Nitre: You fhall alfo give them the Powder of the wild Cucumber, and bruifed Nitre in a Drench for the Space of {even. £>ays, that it may purge them : You fhall al- fo mix half an Hemina of the Blood of a Sea- Tor- |
3 co Vegetiui Renatus of the Book W-
Tortoile, and the fame Quantity of Vinegar,
and a very little Lafer together, and pour it into their Noftrils. They fay that it is of Benefit to them, that their Backs be very frequently rubbed with Oil and Vinegar and Nitre. C PI A P. XXXIII.
Of an Epilepfy.
BY a certain Influence of the Moon thefi
Animals, in the fame Manner as Men, frequently fall down, and fometimes die. Thefe Animals have the following Symptoms attending them, they tremble and fhake all over while they lye upon the Ground, the Sa- liva or Rheum flows out of their Mouth, and when they are defpaired of, as if they were going to die, they rife all of a fudden, and eagerly fet to feeding. You fhall with your Finger feel the Cartilage in their Noftrils, and the colder you find it, you may know, that fo much the more frequently will the Animal fall down; if the Cartilage be not fo very cold, he will fall down the feldomer. Ot an Animal thus affected, this is the Method ofC ore : You (hall take plenty of Blood from his Neck; after the fifth Day you fhall take Blood from his Temples^ and put him up
"• 33* DißempersofHorßs}k,c. 301"
up in a warm and dark Place j you fhali
rub his whole Body over with Therman- v tick Ointments, as alio anoint his Brain and his Ears all over with a large Quantity of Tar mixt with Oil of Bays, and put it alfo into the infide of his Ears; and alfo fence and fecure his Head with tanned Leather, or a Scull-cap; you fhall alfo give him a Cathar- tick Drench of this Sort, viz. take two Ounces of the Siler-Root, one Ounce of the Root of All-heal, one Ounce of Diagridium, with an Ounce of the wild Cucumber : All which, after they are well bruifed, you fhall mix together, and boil with one Sexfarius of Honey, one large Spoonful of which, and three Drams of Oil, you put into a Sextari- us of Warm Water, and pour it into him by his Mouth: You fhall alfo drcfs his Head frequently : You fhall alfo reduce into Pow- der the Root of the Herb they call Mugwort, and blow it into his Noftrils through a Pipe. Alfo if you pour Lafer-root brayed into his Noftrils, it will after the fame Manner be of Benefit to him. But if the Diftemper ftill continues, you fhall apply the Cautery to his Head, as is wont to be done to one affected with the Staggers. CHAP.
302 Vegetius Renatus of the Book HI.
CHAP. XXXIV. Of a Horfe that vomits up his Water again.
ANimals frequently vomit up again the
Water which they have drank, which Diforder proceeds from their being expof- ed to too much Cold, and the Stomach is affected with a Palfy from Cold, but they are cured after this Manner : Blood is drawn from their Neck, thermantic or warming Potion? are given them to drink, their Shoulders and Breaft are rubbed with the warmeft Oint- ments, their Head is purged by their Noftrils; and if Neceffity requires it, Muftard-plaifters are alfo applied to them. CHAP. XXXV.
Of a Horfe that is Planet-ßruck or blafled.
Orfes or Mules, &c. are faid to be Pia*
net-ftruck or blafled, when the Cold, |
or the burning Heat has ftruck their empty
Veins, or when they are filled with Crudi- ties, or when frequent Faftings have brought a Bulimy, or an infatiable Hunger upon them ; for the Animal is rendered ftupid, and he ftaggers as he walks. He muft be cured with foft Food, and gentle Drenches. You muft |
Ch. 37. Dijiempers of Horfes, &.c. 303
mix an Ounce of Lafer, and an Hemina of
Honey-water, and the Juice of Ptifan together, and if Cold is the Caufe of it, you fhall give it With Wine and lukewarm Oil; if it proceeds from Heat, you (hall give it with Wine wherein. Rofes are infufed ; if it proceeds from Crudi- ties, you fhall keep him from Food; if it proceeds from a Bulimy or infatiable Hunger, you fhall offer him a larger Quantity of Chiches than ufual. CHAP. XXXVI.
Of a Horfe that is firuck or blafled with
the Sun. THE Sun alfo being more burning-hot,
during the Dog-days, ftrikes Animals in their Brain ; they let them Blood in the Temples, and they are cured after the like Manner. CHAP. XXXVII.
Of a Crudity.
CRudity in Horfes, &c. begets Sicknefs,
which is known in this Manner; when they walk they incline fometimes to one Side, Sometimes to another; of which this is the Method of Cure -} they are let blood in the Neck,
304 Vegetius Renat'us of the Book III«
Neck, and are made to abftain from Drink
and from Food. If it be Summer, let them take cooling and refrefhing Drenches; Nature is not a little forced. CHAP. XXXVIII.
Of a Bulimy , or an infatiable Appetite.
ANimals frequently fuffer from a Bulimy,
or an infatiable Appetite, proceeding often from Hunger, frequently from Weari- nefs and Fatigue, of which thefe are the Signs: Their Eyes fly inwards, their Eye- fight is uncertain, and their Body trembles. This infatiable Hunger muft be cured after this Manner; firft of all let the Animal be rubbed all over with lukewarm Wine and Oil, then you fhall infufe the Crum or foft Part of clean Bread in Wine j and if you make it like Sops or a Gelly, you fhall pour it down his Throat with a Horn, and he fhall be reftored. But if his infatiable Hunger flill remains, you fhall infufe an Hemina or more of fine Flower in a Sextariits of Wine, and pour it into him with an Horn ; but Ü while he is upon a Journey this infatiable Hunger feizes him, where Neceffaries are wanting, you fhall pour Earth into his Chops, or make it into Morfels foaked in fome Liquor-
Ch. 49* Dißempers of Horfest&c. 305
Liquor, and convey them into him by his
Of an Exhalation or noxious Vapour.
I" F any Inflations happen to feize a Horfe
•*■ from any Exhalation or Vapour, of which Caufe and Diforder, the Reafons cannot be given, you muft apply warm Vinegar and Water with a Spunge to his Brain, and his Breaft, and put the Oil of Bays into his Ears, and put him into a very cold Place ; you (hall alfo tickle his Noftrils, that he may fneeze the more frequently ; after this is done, he Will be prefently refrefhed, and comforted. C H A P. XL.
Of a burning Heat,
IF an Animal be all in a Heat, and fall into
a Qualm or Fainting-fit, you (hall bruife Cabbage or Colewort Leaves and Pariley to- gether, and mix them with a Sextarius of Wine, and pour them into him through his left Noftril; but if he be in a more violent burning Heat, take of Parfley, Carrot, Gal- hcan Siler, Southernwood, Spikenard, and Squinanch an equal Weight of each, and bray X them,
jo6 Vegetius Renatas of the Book HI.
them, and when they are given with Honey-
water, they affwage the burning Heat; but if their Members fo fail them that they fal* down, fome think it proper to make them abftain from Drink, and when they are thir- fty, to ftand one Hour in cold Water, and they are prefently reftored: Others haV^ faid, that Barley-meal with Wine ought to be poured into their Chops with an Horn: Moft People have found by Experience, that Wheat-meal given them with cold Water has prefently been of Benefit to them, or at lea# they pour into their Chops three raw Eggs with Penny-royal and Vinegar, and Oil mix' ed together. CHAP. XLI.
Of a Horfe that is paralytica!.
HOrfes and Mules are affeded with a Pal'
fey in the fame Manner as Men, which Ihows itfelf by the following Signs. He wiU walk crooked and fidewife like a Crab, an» bend his Neck, as they ufe to have it whofe Necks have been been broken ; he cannot "put his Feet ftraight forward ; if you force them? they dafh themfelves againft the Walls, they don't refufe their Meat and their Drink ; but his Barley appears always folid or undigeflea; |
Ch. 41. Diflempers of Horfes, &c. 307
he muft be cured after this Method : Blood
tnuft be taken from his Temples on the con- trary Side, and not on that Side where he fuffers the Contraction: He muft be rubbed all over with Thermantic or warming Oint- ments, and his Neck bound faft up with a Frame made of Wood applied to it, that thereby the Crookednefs thereof may be cor- rected, rectified and made ftreight. But he niuft be put up in a warm Stable, as one af- fected with the Oaken Diftemper, to whom the fame Drenches are given. If upon the Whole thefe Affiftances from Medicines are of little Benefit, their Necks are burned, not on that Side where his Neck is contracted, but on the contrary Side, there are fmall Palm- Branches imprinted upon him with the Cau- tery from his Shoulder to the very Root of bis Ear, and in the one Temple he is burn- ed exactly according to the Breadth of the Cautery, but in the other Side of his Temple, you fhall make as it were a fmall Star with the Cautery, and from the Part where his Reins are to the Middle of his Spine, you fhall imprint little Rods with the Cautery in the ufual Manner, and you have cured him. |
X 2
3ö8 Vegetim Renatm of the Book III* CHAP. XLII.
Of a Horfe that has broken or overßretchw
fomething inwardly. HOrfes, by too much Leaping, or Run-
ning, or by a Fall, break or ovef' ftretch fomething within them ; of which thefe are the Signs; they will be feized with a Strangury, and alfo void fome purulent Stuff at their. Mouth, and whenever they lye down to tumble or wallow, they do not roll from one Side to the other, and back again > neither do they fhake themfelves; if it be a recent Rupture, he will rather void Blood at his Mouth than purulent Matter; the? are cured with glutinous, gentle and iob Food. They very frequently adminifter to them fuch a Drench as this, viz. one Ounce of Male Frankincenfe, one Ounce of Opium» one Ounce of the Herb Turnfole, which we call Wild-Endive, one Ounce of Rue, all which being carefully bruifed and mixed with Wine, you fball put four Meafures of auftere Wine to them, and give it them every Vtf with an Horn, till fuch Parts as are brok^n within them be glued and clofed up again. |
Ch. 42. Dißempers of Horfes,t Sec. > go a
Of Madnefs.
UT fometimes Madnefs feizes upon an
Animal, fo that he breaks the Manger,
and bites and tears himfelf with his own *eeth, and makes Affaults upon Men, pricks tip his Ears, with his Eyes flaring and glit- tering, and foams and froths at his Mouth : Bind him fart with great Caution and Care, left he hurts the Perfon that adminifters Phy- fick to him. Draw Elood from his Neck and his,Legs, then keep him again in a dark Place till he have an Appetite for Food. When he has begun to recover his Patience, you mix fix Spoonfuls of the Juice of Hem- lock with an Hemina of Water, and pour it into his Mouth ; afterwards bruife Rue, and put it upon his Brain, and bind up his Head £tft with a wooly Skin, and take Care of him, and when he has receiyed fome Benefit, let him be put into a warm Stable. Such a French as this alfo gives Relief to mad Horfesj you {hall bruife nine Bay-berries, and twen- ty one Grains of pure Garlick carefully toge- ther, and throw it into them with old white Wine through their left Noftril. |
X 3
3 1a Vegetius Renatm of the Book 1U«
Of a Plethory from Barley.
IF Animals eat Barley while they are fweat-
ing, or if the Barley itfelf be new, be- caufe it'is then more vehemently hot, or if» when they are idle, they are fed more plen- tifully than they ought to be, without doubt Indigeftion or a Plethory will follow, which Diforder is known by thefe following Signs; the Horfe will fweat, his Shoulders will be bound and entangled, and he will walk doubtfully. You fhall draw Blood from his Neck, and having mixed Oil, and Vinegar with it, rub his whole Body moft care- fully with it, and he muft be exercifeo with fhort Walks, and made to abflain in' tirely from Barley. This Sort of Drench re lieves him ; you bruife Cabbage or Cole wort Leaves, and fqueeze out the Juice, and mi* the Powder of Myrrh with it, and a little melted and clarified Suet, and old Wine, which you mail pour into his Mouth for the Space of three Days, fo he fhall recover his DigefHon and his Health. Some attempt to cure them with Inchantments, which Vanity is to be chofen, and affecled by filly old Wives only, inafmuch as Animals, as well as Men, . are |
Ch. 45« Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 311
are cured, not with vain Words, but by the
fare Art of Phyfick. CHAR XLV.
Of the Dißemper of the Lungs.
AS the Lungs, when they are found,
perform the fubftantial Part of Life, fo when they are vitiated and fpoiled, they bring on Danger of Death j the Pain of the Lungs is difcovered by manifefi Symptoms, the Horfe will fnort, and cough grievoufly, and void purulent Stuff at his Mouth ; if his Sicknefs be of a longer Continuance, he goes lame in his fore-Feet, he fends forth a noifom Stink at his Noftrils, and has great Difficulty to place and fettle himfelf, but being in a Fever he leans upon the Manger, and will void corrupted Matter at his Funda- ment when he dungs. Sometimes there arife Puflies or Swellings in his Body like Byles. This kind of Sicknefs in Horfes is difficult to manage, but it muft be cured with the fol- lowing Drench : Take three Ounces of male Fra nkincenfe, two Ounces of Hyffop, an Ounce of great Trefoil, an Ounce of the Flower of Saffron, two Ounces of Myrrh, bruife them carefully and fift them ; of the Powder of them you (hall mix one Spoon- X 4 ful
312 Vegetius Renatus of the Book HI«
ful with three Eggs and Water, and pour it
into their Mouth. If the Horfe has no Ap- petite for Food, inftead of Water you mall mix it with Goats-rnilk, and having
a Spoonful of Honey to it, you (hall give it
him to fwallow -, you mall alfo give him by his Mouth, with an Horn, the Juice of Pti- fan with the Oil of Rofes, and the Powder above-mentioned, with the Eggs. You (hall alfo make Lumps or Balls of Dough of two Sextarii of Wheat-meal, and one Sextarius of the Flower of bitter Vetches, with which you {hall mix five Spoonfuls of the above- mentioned Powder ; but you may give him feven fmall Lumps or Balls every Day to fwallow, and you mail give him them day- ly, in order to fupport him, till he feek for, and have an Appetite for Food. All green Food rnuft be offered him becaufe of his naufeating, and on the other hand, you fhall give him fmall Lentils with parched Wheat or Barley with Chaff, that of the different Sorts of Food he may chufe whatever he has a Mind to ; neverthelefs it is proper to give him freih Milk daily ; at firft let him walk up and down; after he has begun to recover, he muft be recalled to his Exercife. If Milk be wanting, you fhall give him Water to drink, in which bitter Vetches, that have been
Chap. 45. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 313
been firft warned, have remained for a Night
and a Day. In a Diftemper of the Lungs, Blood is
taken away from the Neck, or Palate of fuch as happen to have no Loathing, but have ftronger Bodies j you mail alfo mix the Am- es of an Elm-tree, which has been warned and infufed in Water, with the beft old per- fumed Wine, and give an Hemina of it to each Animal; but if the Animal be more violently afflicted with the Diforder, and it pafs into a Difeafe, take a Dram of the Root of the Maftich-Tree, two Ounces of Frank- incenfe, a Dram of Myrrh, half an Ounce of Sugar, bruife them carefully together, and infufe them in Wine, and pour it into them. There are alfo thefe other Remedies: white Grapes are fqueezed frequently into the Horfe's Mouth, Radifh-Seed is given in Wine, parched Almonds are offered him with Water 3 but there is another Drench which is more ef- fectual j take two Ounces of Cardamoms, an Ounce of Caffia, one Ounce of Storax, all which you fhall give him with Wine by his Mouth, if the Horfe be ftrong and without a Fever, but if he be in a Fever, you fhall give them with the Juice of Ptifan. |
314 Fegetius Renatm of the Book III-
Of a Horfe that is Orthopnoick.
A Horfe is known to be orthopnoick by
X~\. thefe following Symptoms, he refufes to walk although he be pulled and drawn, he fetches his Breath with Difficulty and Pain, he fighs frequently, he fnorts and fnores, draws up his Flanks, and coughs while he cats; from which Diftemper he will be very difficultly delivered, though he may protract his Life for a long while ; for their Lungs by contracting burn themfelves, from whence Leannefs and Death are wont to follow; n- verthelefs while the Diftemper is recent, you ihall fpeedily apply this Cure ; you fhall draw Blood from his Breafr, and after you have mixed it with pure Wine and Oil, and warm- ed it, anoint him all ever therewith ; you fhall alfo mix the Lye of Afhes very carefully ftrain- ed, with the beft Oil, and pour it down his Noftrils for five Days immediately following. You fhall alfo give him a Drench afterwards. Take and brmte jflexandrianMuftavd parched, and live Sulphur, and Myrrh, and Carda- moms, of each Ingredient an equal Quantity, and fift them, and boil them with the beft Honey, of which Medicine you fhall mix about
Chap. 47. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 315
about the Bignefs of a Nut with black Wine,
and drench him therewith daily. But others bruife two Ounces of Myrrh, one Ounce of Sulphur, half an Ounce of Nitre, and a lit- tle Tar together, and after they have added Honey, and old perfumed white Wine to them, they pour them frequently into him through his Noftrils. But you muft take Care that he be not grievoufly cold, but tem- per him with Exercifes, that he may fweat, and not only in his Drench, but alfo in his Hay, let him always take Nitre fprinkled with Mead. CHAP. XLVII. .
Of a Horfe that is Opißhotonic.
A Like dangerous Diftemper of a Horfe,
that is faid to be Opißhotonic, comes alfo to be defcribed. An Horfe is faid to be Orthotonic, who is ftiff all over his Body, and he is faid to be Opißhotonic when the Difeafe is feated in his hinder Parts, of which thefe are the Signs; he will have his Ears ftiff, his1 Neck extended, his Eyes leffer than ufual, the Skin upon his Face ftretched and bent $ his Lips heavy and cumberfom, that he can fcarcely yawn and open them ; he will loath Jus Meat and his Drink, his Tail will be ftiff/ his
3 16 Vegetius Renatus of the Book III.
his Gate uncertain, his Members diftended,
with Difficulty he goes forward, and he fre- quently falls upon his hinder Part, from which he is called Opißhotonic, which kind of Diftemper it is difficult to cure in Win- ter; but if you ufe greater Diligence in Sum- mer, you fhall gain your Point. This Dif- temper arifes during the Summer Seafon from thefe following Caufes; if the Horfe has been ftruck with a moft burning hot Sun, or if upon a Journey, being lam,e in his Fore- Foot, he has been forced to walk or run, and, from the Pain, has fallen into a violent Sweat; or if he has hurt his Shoulder, or lain upon it, fo that his Shoulder has been afleep. But in Winter when he has come off a Journey, or from his Exercifes, and, with the Sweat upon him, has flood in the open Air in the Cold, or in a Place new built, or moire, or laid with Marble, or fmall fquare Stones, or if his Jaw Bones have been benummed with the Cold, "then this Diftem- per is contracted; to which you fhall at- tempt to give Relief by this Method ; you fhall take two Pounds of old Hog's-fat, half a Pound of Turpentine Rofin, a Dram of bruifed Pepper, a Pound of Wax, two Sex- tarn of old Oil, and boil them together, and anoint the Animal all over therewith, when it is very hot. Many boil bitter Vetches, i and
Chap. 47. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 317
and put the hot Water upon the Head of
the languishing Animal. Others cover the fick Horfes all over, and bury them in their own warm Dung, fo that their Diftemper may exfude. Moft People believe it to be beneficial to bind their Horfes faft, and cover them all over with Sand burning hot with the Sun. This Drench-alfo is faid to be falutary j
take thirty Grains of bruifed Pepper, the Weight of a Denarius of Cedar-Tree-Tar, or Pitch, an Ounce of Nitre, a little Ball of the Mixture of Cyrenian Lafer, about the Bignefs of a Bean, all bruifed and throughly mixed, to which add an Hemina of the Flower of melted Greafe, and a Sextarias of the befl old Wine, and pour fome of it twice a Day down their Throat. It is a tried Remedy, to pour into their Chops, with a Horn, Ox's Blood fmoaking hot, but in a moderate Quanti- ty : But if perhaps this be wanting, Authors have faid, that three Ounces of fifted Frankincenfe and of bruifed Salt have been of great Benefit. It is proper that the Animal be anointed all over with warm Medicines till he be cured. You mail take fuch a Quantity as you (hall think fufiicient of Hog's-greafe, frefli and boiled, and mix it with the beft Oil, and the beft Wine and Honey, and boil all upon the Coals
3 18 Vegetim Renatm of the Book III.
Coals, and pour it into them through their Noftrils. Alfo a Malagma, made of the warm Ingredients, is diffolved upon the Coals, with Oil of Cyperus, or with common Oil, but old, and the Animal is anointed all over with it. After the Dreffinsi; he- is covered with Cloths, and exercifed by a Rider in the warm Sun, galloping him till he fweats; afterwards he muft be rubbed, and wiped with ftrong hard Towels, and then anoint- ed over again, and covered ; he muft al- fo be anointed all over with Tar mixed with Oil; nevertherleis let there not be too much Tar, left it hurt his Skin. Some take away a Quantity of Blood from the Neck of thofe that are now become ftronger. Moft People lead them into a Bath, and cure them with the hotteft Drenches, that is, with Lafer and Cummin, Anife, Oil and Bay-berries, of which they daily admi- nifter to them fome Quantity with Wine. They alfo ufe the following Ointments, they take a Pound of Wax, four Ounces of Ro- fin, two Ounces of Opoponax, three Ounces of Deer's-marrow, three Ounces of the Oil of Storax, four Ounces of the Oil of Bays, all which they boil, and anoint him all over in the Sun, or in a warm Place. There is alfo this other Compofition of an Ointment; take one Sextarius of Bay-berries, too Sexta- rii
Ch. 4.8. Dißempers of' Horfe s, 5cc. 319
rii of Cummin, three Ounces of live Sul-
phur, one Ounce of Rofin, three Ounces of Galbanum, two Sextant of Oil, all which you (hall boil and ufe, CHAR XLVIII.
Of a Horfe affeSled with a Lethargy.
ALSO thefe are the Signs of an Horfe
afFeded with a Lethargy, he will al- ways lie and fieep, and has no Appetite, nei- ther for Meat nor Drink ; after he has been roufed and railed up, he prefently grows heavy again, and throws himfelf down, and grows lean, and whatever Drench you give him, he fcarcely receives it, as if he were fleeping ; you fhall cure him after this Man- ner ; lay Litter under him, and make a Bed for him in the Stable where he ftands, that he may lye there ; you {hall foment his Head with warm Water wherein Penny- Royal has been boiled; afterwards anoint him throughly with Oil and Adarca (a fait Foam growing on Canes in Marlhy Places) beaten to- gether, fo as to foak his Head and Ears well with it, and afterwards you mull ufe this fol- lowing Drench ; you boil Illyrican Camo- mile and the Herb Mugwort in Water, of which you muft give him about two Hemince 1 daily |
32o Vegetim Renatus ofthe Book III.
daily to drink. You mall alfo frequently fo-
ment his Fore-Feet with warm Water, for this Diftemper ufes to afFeft, and lay hold of his right Foot more violently. It is indeed a dangerous Diftemper and the Cure difficult, of which thefe are the Signs ; the Tears will run down from his Eyes, as if he were blear-eyed, he leans upon his Manger and ileeps, when he walks he ftaggers with his hinder Legs, and has a Weight and Opprefii- on all over him. You (hall take away Blood from his right Fore-Foot, and from his left Thigh, with which you fhall anoint him all over. You fhall bruife the Herb Mugwort, and fift it, and give it him with a Sextarius of a Lixivium of Aßoes, and a third Part of an Hemina of Oil, for the Space of three Days, which you fhall intermit the fourth Day. If he has no Appetite for Food, let him eat bitter Vetches foftened in warm Wa- ter, and drink the Water. If he receives but little Benefit, you fhall boil Linfeed with Water in a Pot, and give him one fingle Hi' mina of it every Day with a Horn, after you have put a fufficient Quantity of Honey.to it; this Drench alfo is of Benefit to fuch Horfes as are fick of a Fever. It is manifeft that an Animal affeäed with
a Lethargy fhould be kept from Sleep by frequent
Ch. 50. Dißempersof Horfes, &c. 321
frequent Exercife. Alfo confiant Walking up
and down muft be enjoined ; if you put his Fore-Feet into a Fomentation, you muft mix Bran throughly with Salt and Vinegar, and put them hot upon his Hoofs ; you muft alfo pour into his Chops Wheat-meal, with bruifed Salt, and one Sextarius of Vinegar and Water ; and give him with a Horn, the Herb Mugwort bruifed, with Oil and a litle Lixivium of Afhes. You fhall make him abftain from Barley, and offer him a Sextarius of folid Beans, that he may keep waking till he chew his hard Meat. You fhall let him Blood in the Neck, after he has had Evacuations, you fhall cure him after this Manner j take three Ounces of the Froth or Foam of Nitre, two Ounces of Syrian Galls, two Ounces of Spikenard, two Oun- ces of the Roots of the Caper Bufh, when they are bruifed and fifted, mix them throughly, and you fhall give three Spoon- fuls of them in lukewarm Water, and let him never take cold Water to drink, nor that Which is too hot, but that which is luke- warm. The Horfe muft be continually roufed with the Whip or with your Voice, that through Fear he may lay afide his Dif- temper. |
322 Vegetius Renatas of the Book III.
Of the Jaundice.
IF any Horfe have the Jaundice, it is
known by the following Symptoms, both his Eyes will be green, and his Neck inclin- ed towards the right Side, and he will feem to go lame on the left Foot, and on the right alfo j this is the Method of curing him ; he is fhut up in a dark Place where he cannot fee the Light, and covered with Cloths fo that his Eyes may not be opened in the Day time; he muft be anointed and rubbed with Oil and lukewarm Wine. Some Pieces of Millftones not lefs than five Pound Weight are put into the Fire, the Head of the Ani- mal is tied to his Feet, when the Stones are red hot, they are put under his Noftrils, and Oil fprinkled upon them, and his Mouth, Noftrils, and Ears fuffumigated therewith, that fo he may exfude the Venom of the Diftemper j this muft be done for feven Days one after another. By fuch a Method as this alfo we give them Relief; we make up a Drench of Goat's Blood and Ew's Mn% Comfry or Galilean Garlick, Coftus, and Oil mixed all together., which we give them f°r the Space of twelve Days. CHAP.
^'S°»S1, Dißempers of Horfesi &c. 323
C H A P. L.
Of Bile orCholer,
BUT fometimes Bile, which is common-
ly called Choler, ufes to vex and tor- ment Horfes, which Diftemper is difcovered by thefe Symptoms, he is greatly difquieted, and wallows and tumbles, as one afflicted with the frequently returning Belly-ach. You öiuft let him Blood in the Neck, and after- Wards give him conftanly a Drench of this Kind : Take an Ounce and an half of the Herb they call Germander, one Ounce of the Flower of Saffron, two Ounces of Nitre, two Ounces of Marfh-mallows, a Sextarius of the beft Wine ; you fhall bruife them all toge- ther, and pour of them into him in an Hemi- na of Honey-water through his left Noftril. CHAP. LI,
Of dry Byk.
BUT if the Horfe be troubled with arid
Bile, you fhall pour into him through his right Noftril, wild Myrtle bruifed with Wine, and give him red bearded-Wheat in« ftead of Barley, you fhall temper the Drench Ufelf with Water. Y 2 CHAP,
324 Vegetius Renatus of the Book III.
Of theDiforder of the Colon, or of Colic-Pains.
^T^HE Diforder of the Colon ufes to
Jt bring moft grievous Torments upon Horfes, fo that they may be thought to be cardiac, or affe&ed with a Pain at their Heart, or Mouth of their Stomach, or to have a violent and frequently returning Belly-ach ; but it is known by the following Signs; when he is {landing, he falls down all of a fudden, fo that you might think he were feized with the Epilepfy, if it were of any Continuance; a Pain follows upon it, and fometimes he lies: After he has taken fome cold Water he trembles, fweats and pants, and breathes with Difficulty. You relieve him after this manner; take an Ounce of Pontic Anife, one Ounce of, Garden Parfley, or leffer Smallage, an Ounce of Fennel-Seed, two Ounces of black Pepper, one Ounce of Horehound, one Ounce of Southernwod, three Ounces of Dill, four Scruples of Lovage, two Ounces of the leffer and greater Centory, half an Ounce of Ger- mander, four Drams of Agrimony, an Ounce and an half of Ginger, half an Ounce of Penny Royal, an Ounce of Rue, an Ounce and an half of Smallage, you (hall bruife them
Ch. S3- Di/lempers of Horfes, See. 325
them all together and fift them, then mix with all two Pounds of the beft Honey boiled and clarified ; of which Medicine you (hall dif- folve about the Bignefs of a Filbert in a Sex- tarius of lukewarm Water, and pour it into him by his Mouth ; it is a moft certain Re- medy. But if the Pain continues, you fhall give him five Spoonfuls of Fennel-Seed well bruifed in a Sextarius of neat Table-wine ; moreover you fhall give him in Wine a little Quantity of Pepper, and the Pellicle or fmall Skin of the Belly of a Chicken dried in the Oven and bruifed. CHAP. LIH.
Of an Impoßume.
Sometimes there are Impoftumes which
breed in the Infide of Animals, of which Diftemper thefe are the Symptoms; when he lies down, he rifes with Difficulty, his Mouth Will have a noifom Smell; he will lean towards the Place where his Pain lies, he will cough, and fometimes will void purulent Matter at his Mouth. You fhall take two Ounces of Frankincenfe, two Ounces of Birthwort, with warm Wine, and pour it into him through his Noftrils ; alfo you (hall give him after the fame manner two Ounces of live Sulphur, Y 3 and
326 Vegetim Renatus of the Book HI.
and an Ounce and an half of Birthwort, but he muft be fuftained with a great Quantity of Food, that fo his Body may receive Nourish- ment, and be fupported j and when he has broken the Impoftume, you mall burn him with Cauteries about the Breaft, that fo the Humour being thereby provoked may the more eafily drop out. CHAP. LIV. •
Of Hidebinding.
THere is a Diftemper which the Greeks
call Echedermia, and the Latins Cor id' go, i. e. Hidebinding, of which thefe are the Symptoms; the Horfe will grow lean, and not be free of a Fever ; his Skin will flick to his Ribs, his Spine becomes harder than ufual. Sometimes fmall Byles ufe to come out upon his Back ; alfo he has a great- er Appetite for Food than he ufed to have : Of which Diftemper this is the Method oi Cure; you bruife Thyme and Salt together with red Wine, and rub the Swellings there- with, if he has any of them upon him: You ■fhall alfo prepare another Ointment, take Pitch, Wax, and Rofm, which they ufe fof Wine Vefiels, and the Flower of Frankin- cenfe, mix them with old Oil and boil them, |
Ch. 54. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 327
and rub the Animal all over and anoint him
therewith for a very long while. But it is a fmall Matter to cure the Skin
with Ointments, unlefs his Inwards be cured alfo with Drenches. You fhall take thirty- Grains of white Pepper, half an Ounce of Myrrh, an Hemina of old perfumed Wine, four Spoonfuls of green Oil, mix them to- gether, and pour them into him at his Mouth: Alfo you fhall take a Bundle of green Rue Well cleanfed, and one Ounce of Opopanax, and mix them in an Hemina of Wine, and four Spoonfuls of green Oil, and give them in a Drench. This Diftemper arifes from the Injury of being expofed to great Cold, or from being overwrought, or fome fuch Hard- ship. There are fome People who take the Blood of a Sow that is not old, but rather young, and mix it with Wine, and pour it into their Chops with a Horn, being ignorant, and not knowing that if there be too great a Quantity of Blood, the Animal will prefently perifh. It is more cautious rather to ufe this Drench; you fhall take right genuine Onions all of a Sort, and Rue-feed, and mix them together and bruife them, of which you fhall give three Ounces with an Hemina of Wine every Day, and afterwards make Ufe of thofe Methods of Cure, which are proper for thofe Y 4 that
328 Feget fas Renatus of the Book IH-
that are feized with the Oaken Diftemper
or a Stiffnefs over their whole Body. CHAP. LV.
Of a Horfe that is confumptive.
ANimals are affected with a Consumption juft
as Men are, which Diftemper is difcovered by thefe Symptoms • they are daily extenuated, and their Bones flick out with Leannefs, they eat much, and are always hungry, and their Hunger forces them to try to gnaw whatever they find ; they void hard Dung, and pro- tract a long and miferable Life, fo that they have not fo much Strength as to rife, but ly- ing, and fatigued, and eating a great Quan- tity, they die for Hunger, for all the Food they take is converted to Dung, and all their Dung to Urine, nothing of their Juice, no Nourifhment from them reaches their Mar- row, by Reafon that their Stomach, being bound up and contracted and grown ftiff, by too much Coldnefs, can neither concoct nor digefl, nor communicate or convey any thing to the Liver, in which the whole Virtue of nou- rishing the Body by the Difpenfation of the Food confifts, and the Blood is prepared. The Animal always waftes away, and his Liver is diminifhed, juft like a Tree, which, after |
Ch. 55« Dtßempers of HorfeSy he. 329
it has had the greateft Part of its Roots cut away, and being fupported and nourifhed for a little while by the fmall ones, has brought forth Leaves, but quickly dries up and withers away. In this manifert Danger which they are in, there is an Attempt made to give them Relief after this Manner: About the Be- ginning of the Dißemper you mall make this Ointment: Take two Pound of Wax, a Pound of Turpentine Rofin, a Pound of Deers- Marrow, a Pound of old Hogs-lard or Axle- tree-greafe without Salt, half a Pound of Bee- glue, a Pound of Illyrtan Flower-de-luce, a Pound of Marjoram, of the Oil of Bays a fufficient Quantity, and boil them upon a flow Fire, and when it is reduced to the Softnefs of that which they make Cere-cloths with, you mail ftrain it; and while it is yet luke-warm, you mall mix the Powder of Illy- rtan Flower-de-luce and of Cimolian Chalk with it, and ftir it till it grows cold ; with a certain Quantity of this Medicine you mail anoint the Horfe all over, and rub him with many Hands, till he grows warm and fweats; it is. proper that this be done, the Space of three Days intervening, fo that the Animal be well covered, and be exercifed by little and little every Day, that he may digeft; and this following Drench fhall be prepar- ed |
33° Vegetim Renatus of the Book III.
ed for him i Take four Ounces of Southern-
wood, four Ounces of Alexandrian Worm- wood, four Ounces of Germander, four Ounces of Ground-pine, two Ounces of Gen- tian, two Ounces of Myrrh, two Ounces of the Root of Opopanax, half an Ounce of the Flower of Saffron, a fmall Quantity of Rue, you bruife them all and fift thern, of which you fhall boil two Spoonfuls in old Wine, and mix it with the Juice of Ptifan wherein Pigs Petty-toes have been boiled: You (hall alfo add two Spoonfuls of the Flower of bit- ter Vetches, which, when you have given them for the Space of nine Days fucceffively, you fhall intermit for a little while that he may gather Strength, and take them again, and during every Period, you (hall drefs him every other Day, nor fhall you ceafe till his Health return ; but in the vacant Days, you fhall thruft down his Throat Balls made of Wheat-meal, fprinkled with Milk, for his Nourishment and Support. You fhall alfo give him Bran and Chaff; you ßiall not give him Barley, except it happens to be infufed ; you fhall alfo deny him green Grafs till his Body begins to be repaired. |
Ch. 57* Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 33!
Of an Horfe affeffed with the yellow Jaundice.
THefe are the Symptoms of an Horfe
affedted with the yellow Jaundice; viz. * green Eyes, from which there flows a blear- ifih Humour, like the Juice of a Bean ; his Skin grows hard, and the Hair of it ftands on End, a Wearifomnefs follows upon it, and when he walks, he will go lame and halt in his Knees; thefe following Medicines will cure him ; take of Syrian Allheal and Parfley- feed, a Pound each, bruife them, and lift them, and mix them with a Pound of Atticaniloney, then mix four Spoonfuls of the aforefaid Medi- cine, with a Sextarius of Water wherein Crude Lupins have been boiled, and give them in a Drench for five Days; if this is flow in giving Relief, mix three Sextarii of Water, and three Ounces of the white Dung of a Dog, in a new Pottage-pot, and fet it in the open Air, and drench him therewith for three Days; moreover you fhall alfo give him Water wherein Chiches have been boiled, and the Dog's Dung after the fame Manner. |
332 Vegetius Renatas of the Book III.
Of the Belly-ach or Gripes.
OF a Belly-ach or the Gripes there are di-
verfe Caufes, and different Methods of Cure ; T'he Horfe wallows and tumbles, and fuffers great Twiftings and Tortures, he looks towards his own Flanks, voids hard Dung, ftamps upon the Earth with his Feet, the Pain forcing him to it, after fome Hours he feels fome Refreshment and Reft, he muft be cured by this Drench : Take of fweet Cane, Anife-feed, Opopanax, a Pound each, bruife them all together and fift them, mix two Spoonfuls of this Powder in a Sextarius of old Wine, and a Pound and an half of Oil, and give it him lukewarm in at his Mouth for the Space of three Days. If the Horfe be feiz- ed with the Gripes, and has no Paffage of • his Belly, he will put his Tail between his Thighs, and turn, and look, and liften to his own Belly ; you mall give him by his Mouth the Powder of the Seed of Wild Rue with Wine ; moreover you fhall take ten old Oni- ons, eight Scruples of dry Figs, five Scruples of Nitre, four Scruples of Pigeons Dung, of which Ingredients, after you have put Urine to them, you fhall make Suppofitories, and . ' put |
Ch. 58. DißempersofHorfeSy&c. 333
put two or three of them into his Fundament.
But if he be very much bound in his Belly, it is proper to give him a Clyfter ; but you mail firft foment his Belly throughly with warm Water ; then you {hall take the Juice of (s) wild Gilliflowers, in which Beets and Mallows have been boiled, with Nitre, and an Hemina of Oil, and four Scruples of Pige- on's Dung ; and having placed the Horle on a floping Ground, with his Head downward, throw them into him by his Fundament, fo that after the Clyfter he may walk a little up and down. Others with Safety pour into him, by his Mouth, the Dung of an Hare, with nine Spoonfuls of Honey, and fifteen Grains of Pepper, after they have added the Juice of Coleworts to them. CHAP. LVIII.
Of a Pain of the Liver.
A Pain of the Liver ufes to infeft Horfes
and Mules, &c. of which thefe Sym- ptoms are perceived ; viz. loathing of Food, a great hankering after Drink, an Inflation of (s) In the Text it is Cantahricus Succus, by which probably
may be underftood the Juice of the Herb Cantabrica defcribsd by Pliny, Lib. 25. Chap. 8. by which forae Authors under- ftand the wild Gilliflower; an Herb firft found out in Spain, in the Province of Bifcay, from whence it has its Name. the
334 Vegetim Renatus of the Book III.
the Belly, and Leannefs; to a Horfe thus af-
fected you {hall firft of all give by his Mouth a Sextarius of the Cream of Ptifan, with half an Hemina of the Oil of Rofes. If the Diftemper continues, he muft be cured with another Drench; you {hall take three Ounces of Smallage or Parfley-feed, three Ounces of Hyffop, one Ounce of Southern- wood, a fufficient Quantity of green Garlick, or a fomewhat fmaller Quantity of that which is dry, if the Seafon does not afford that which is green, and boil them in the very beft Wine into a third Part; you fhall give him this Drench for fome Days. This Di- temper alfo (hews itfelf after this Manner j the Animal will not be without a Fever, nor will he eafily digeft his Food, his right Tef-» tide will fwell and grow hard; this follow- ing Medicine will give him Relief: You fhall put fixteen Spoonfuls of Fenugreek into four Sextarii of Spring-water, and boil them into a third Part, and by giving him an Hemina of it in a Drench by his Mouth, you fhall cure him. Some mix two Drams of Frankin- cenfe bruifed with a fufficient Quantity of Wine; and a great many Hands rub his whole Body thoroughly with it, and cover him all over with Sack-cloths that he ma fweat. CHAP,
Ch. 59. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 335
Of an Inflation in the Belly.
SOmetimes an Inflation of the Belly, not
without Pain, greatly troubles Horfes j of which Diftemper thefe are the Signs; their Tefticles will fweat, they thump the Ground now with one Foot, then with the other, and fuddenly turn themfelves fometimes to one Side, and fometimes to another ; they put their Head to their Flanks, as if they did {hew the Place where their Pain is j fometimes there follows a Groan, and a Trembling over their whole Body. You {hall make an Horfe in this Condition walk gently up and down, and anoint your Hand, and put it into his Fundament, and pull out the Dung j then you {hall mix Salt and Honey together, and put them into his Fundament, that it may increafe his Inclination to dung : If it be Winter, you lhali faturate his Loins and his Ears with Oil and Tar, and afterwards give him this Drench, viz. take green Bay, or Bay-berries, Pepper and Cummin, Parfley- feedand Fennel-feed, wild Spikenard or Va- lerian-feed, and Nitre, and mix them equal- ly, pound and lift them, and make them in- to a Drench with Wine and luke-warm Oil, and
3 3 6 Fegetius Renat'us of the Book III.
and a fmall Quantity of warm Water, and
give it him, and force him to walk mode- rately up and down, till the Pain ceafes. CHAP. LX.
Of a Vexation or Diforder of the Inteßine.
AL S O the vexing of the Inteftine which
they call the Colon, ufes to bring on both Inflations and Pains, it is known by the following Signs; when the Horfe begins to walk, he ftraddles with his Fore-feet, fobs and frets with Pain, and ufes to love frequent walking up and down, and the Heats of the Stable, tho' he be carefully covered: You fhall pour into him, through his Noftrils, Cyrenian Lafer diflblved in luke-warm Wine. CHAP. LXI.
Of a Cough.
A Cough is a very frequent and ugly Dif-
temper in every kind, becaufe it happens to the greater!: Part of Animals; fometimes it ceafes of its own Accord, fomc times it is cured by the Ufe of Medicines, and fometimes it is found to be altogether in" curable, but the Difficulty of curing it arites from this, that the Caufes from which it pro-
ceeds |
Ch. 62. Diflempers of Hor/es}&cc. 337
ceeds are not difcerned by the Physicians;
nor are they fornetimes underftood. The oftner this Diftemper happens, fo much the more carefully, in our Opinion, ought it to be explained, after perufing and turning over all the Authors that have treated of it* CHAP. LXII.
Of a Cough that proceeds from fomething thai
ßicks in the Jaws or Throati AN Exafperation of the Jaws or Throat,
or any Injury done to it, raifes a moft grievous Cough, as often as either Duft, or a Beard of Corn, or a Bone, or a Twig, or a little Stone, or any other thing fticks to the Throat; which thing is fo dangerous, that unlefs Relief be given fpeedily, it will make the Animals, through the Intolerance of the Pains run mad ; therefore look carefully into it in the Sun, and if any thing fticks in it, pull it out, and wipe it with a Spunge dipt hi Warm Water j wherein you have put the Pow- der of Nitre ; then ftop up the Place which has been irritated with Wool and Oil of Rofes lukewarm; after the third Day you (hall throw out the Wool, and foment the Place with Warm Water, and put fuch a Medicine as this upon it 5 you fhall infufe four Scruples of Z Saffron,
3 3 8 Vegetiin Renatus of the Book III.
Saffron, and one Scruple of liquid, and {train-
ed Allum in lukewarm Wine, and fo you fhall heal the exafperated Places. CHAP, LXIII.
Of a Cough jrom having been expofed to a
great Cold. A Cough alfo arifes from having been
expofed to, and fuffered from great Cold, of which thefe are Signs; the Horfe hangs down his Head to the very Ground, and when he drinks, the Water runs out through his Noftrils. You (hall cure this Cough after this Manner; put a Machine or Gagg in his Mouth, thrufl in your flat Hand, and in the upper Part you mail find as it were a little Bladder, which you fhall break with your Nails; then you fhall make three fmaU Pills exceeding foft with well wrought Hogs- lard or Axle-tree Greafe, which you fhall roll together in the flneft Bean-meal, and convey them into him by his Mouth ; Then for the Space of three Days you fhall rub him tho- roughly with Wine and Oil and Salt, and give him in Drenches, Trochifks made with warm Ingredients, and Wine. |
Ch, 64, Diftempers of Horfes, See. 339
CHAP. LXIV. Of a Cough proceeding from the ***
IF the Cough proceeds from the * * *
it is known by thefe Signs j the * * * will be full of noxious Humour, and will fwell, and they continually move their Jaws and chew while they drink; you put an Egg into very fharp Vinegar, and when the Shell is diflblved, fo that the Membrane remain in- tire, you mail anoint it all over with Tar, and put it down into their Chops j afterwards you mall bruife Axle-tree Greafe and Salt all together in Wine, and make Balls of them, and dip them in Honey and thruftthem down their Throat, and you muft not ceafe to fo- ment continually with warm Water, and with Mar£b.mallows boiled in it, if you can have them : You mall alfo add this following Drench ; take two Ounces of Myrrh, half an Ounce of white Pepper, a Sextarius and an half of Pine Kernels well cleanfed, a Sextarius and an half of Raifins of the Sun, three Ounces of Honey, an Ounce of Parfnip, *** Theabove Blanks are left, becaufe the Word Colibus in
the Original feems to be a wrong Reading. It is left to the bell Judges to determine whether the word Cole;, which is com- monly tranflated the Yard, may not here be ufed by the Au- thor, to fignify the Stones and other contiguous Parts, as he feems to lay that they are obvious to the Eye, and are to be fomented, csfc. or whether it is more likely to be put to «Vr.ify fome of the Glands about the Throat. ö ' Z 2 half
34-o Vegeiim Renatui of the Book III.
half a Pound of green Dates, and boil all to-
gether in Water, and having put lukewarm Wine to them, you muft not ceafe to dfench the Horfe therewith for five or fix Days. CHAP. LXV.
Of a Cough from the more internal Farts.
r § "Here is a more grievous and almoft in-
JL curable Cough, which arifes from their more internal Parts, which is known after this Manner; you fhall ftopthe Horfe's Nof- trils, fo that he may not be able to breathe, then look to his Flanks, and if they beat very faft, know, that the Cough proceeds from a Diforder of his Liver, Lungs, or Dia- phragm, but that it is a frefh one. If his Flanks and his Belly beat {lowly, it indicates that his Cough proceeds from the more inter- nal Parts, that is, from thofe Places where the Inteftines of the Horfes are tied, and that it is from the Tenfion or Stretching of thefe Places, and. the Injury they have received, that they are compelled to cough ; for if their Bowels and Flanks have been vexed and dif- ordered by too hard riding or running, or leaping over too broad a Place, this Diforder arifes, and they are faid to have their Parts overftretched : Alfo their internal Parts are vitiated by a too violent burning Heat, or by intolerable Cold, which makes them fubjedr. to
Ch. 65. Dißempers of Horfes, &c." 341
to a Cough. Whether therefore Wounds
have their Rife, either from the foremention- ed, or from more internal Caufes, altho', af- ter they are healed, they may have formed a Cicatrice, neverthelefs, by contracting them- felves into a narrower Compafs, they both make an Afperity or Roughnefs in the Part; and by their continual Titillation excite a perpetual Cough ; which Diforders may in fome Mea- fure be relieved, or fufpended by very mild and fmooth Medicines, but they can never be thoroughly healed : Hence it is that the Blemifhes and Imperfections of Horfes that, have any of their internal Parts overftretched, are concealed by feeding upon green Grafs, or in Paftures; but at all Times this Compositi- on is falutary; take an Hemina of Fenugreek, an Hemina of Linfeed, an Ounce of Gum- dragant, one Ounce of Male-Frankincenfe, one Ounce of Myrrh, of the Flower of Saf- fron, and of bitter Vetches, one Ounce each, and after they are brayed and fifted, let them remain infufed in warm Water; the next Day, you fhall give one Hemina of the warm Water With an Horn to each Horfe, with four Spoon- fuls of the Oil of Rofes thoroughly mixed With it for very many Days. By Means of this Compofition a recent Diforder will be cured, and an old one will find Relief: And for thefe Diforders and Blemifhes you fhall Z 3 ne- |
342 Vegetlus Renatm of the Book HI.
never give a Drench that is very rough, left
it exafperate the Evil, and cut the Animal off; but you fhall give a Drench that is mild and gentle, fimple, cooling and refrefhing. You muft beware alfo, that you never take away any Blood in fuch a Diftemper ; moft of the Profefßon have given Gum-dragant in Oil for the Space of two Days, and on the third they have boiled and bruifed Radifhes with Wine to drink, adding a cooling and refrefhin? Trochifk in Summer. There are feveral different Drenches for a
Cold, all which, almoft, we have judged ne- ceffary to infert; that according to the Qua- lity of the Diftempers the Remedies may be accommodated to the Will and Pleafure of the Perfon that undertakes the Cure of them. You mail infufe two Sextarii of the Meal of parched Beans in three Sextarii of Raifin Wine, and bruife them for a long time toge- ther in a Mortar; you mix likewife together thirty Grains of bruifed Pepper, and three Pounds of Suet of an He-Goat, and all thefe being well bruifed and fifted, you fhall give him them by his Mouth, with an Horn, for the Space of three Days. But there are fome who, three Days before, infufe an &e" tnina of parched Beans in two Sextarii °f compounded Wine, afterwards they bruife them carefully, and for the Space of three Days,
Ch. 65. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 343
Days, put it down their Throat, an equal
Quantity at a time. Others think proper to infufe one Sextarius of Bean-meal in three Sextarii of old Wine, and having added a Pound of the beft Oil, to beat them all to- gether, and give them with an Horn. If the Cough proceeds from a Rupture, or a Vul- fion or Overftretching of any of the Parts, you (hall firft bruife Comfry, afterwards mix ten- der Pellitory of the Wall with it (two Parts) and having added pld Axle-tree Greafe to them, bruife them carefully, and make Tro- chilks of them, which you fhall pour into them with melted Butter and Honey, an un- equal Number at a time, and at an unequal Diftance of Days. For a light Cough it is an expeditious,
ready Remedy, and proper upon a Journey, to boil Leeks, and mix them with Pellitory of the Wall well bruifed, and having made Trochifks of them with a beaten Egg, and Oil of Rofes, alfo to roll them in Raiiin- Wine, and Honey, and throw them down his Throat for the Space of three Days; moreover to give him with an Horn the Juice of the Broth itfelf wherein the Leeks have been boiled. Alfo you fhall take Lafer [that is Cyrenian Opium] about the Quanti- ty of a Bean and bruife it with old Wine, Z 4 and
344 Vegetim Renatus of the Book III.
and give it with an Horn. The Oil of
Rofes, or even that which is fimple, but green, with warm Water poured into him through the right Noftril, for the Space of three Days, will cure a Cough and a fluffing in the Head. CHAP. LXVI.
Of Horfes that kave fome of their inward
Parts over-ßretched. IT is thought that this will glutinate any
of the inward Parts or VeJJ'els that are ftretched, if, the Day before, you infufe two Ounces of Gum-Dragant in warm Water, alfo if you infufe feparately an Hemina of Fenugreek, and an Hemina of Linfeed, and the next Day boil them in a Pan, and bruife them together, afterwards take two Ounces of Deer's-marrow, a Pound of He-Goat's Tallow, one Ounce of Dragon's Root, one Ounce of Gentian, one Ounce of Centory, one Ounce of Bull's Suet, bruife them all to- gether, and add them to the Ingredients be- fore prepared ; all which you fhall put into a Mortar, and pound them together, for a long while, and laft of all you fhall add to them three Scxtarii of Raifin Wine, and the Water wherein the Fenugreek, or the Lin- |
Chap. 66. Dißempers of Borfes, &c. 345
feed, has been boiled, and boil them all to-^
gether, and give of it with an Horn for the Space of three Days, Horfes that have a grievous Cough, and
have fome of their inward Parts or Veffels ftretched, are relieved and refrefhed by this Drench. The Extremity of the Leg or Shank of a fat Boar is boiled till all the Flefh be loofened, then having thrown away all the Bones, you put it with the Broth, wherein they were boiled, again into the Pan, with three Sextarii of Raifin Wine, and a Sexta- rius of Ptifan, half an Ounce of Bull-Glue, and half an Hemina of the fharpeft Vinegar is joined with them, and it boils that it may become a Jelly : Three Ounces of Gum- pragant, of Linfeed and Fenugreek one Ounce each, are boiled feparately by them- felves, and bruifed; you fhall alfo add to them three Ounces of Deer's Marrow, and of Suet of an He-Goat; and laftly, when they have been all warmed together, and (trained, you (hall make a Drench, of which you (hall give to the Animals with an Horn for (even or nine Days, and you muft take Care that you put it down their Throat warm, and that the things thus put together may not grow thick, the adding Raifin Wine to them, and Plenty of that Water wherein the
346 Vegetius Ren at us of the Book III#
the Seeds were boiled, will give Liquidity to
them. Some boil a Lamb's Head fo long till the whole Contexture of it is loofened, and having thro"rr_ away the' Bones, they bfuife it and put Honey to the Broth of it; they pour it into them with a Spoon for the Space of feven Days. But if the Cough proceeds from his Jaws, you mal) take three Ounces of Myrrh, one Ounce of Carda- moms, a Sextarius of Älmöjti'ds, a Sextarius of Raifins of the Sun, and bruife them care- fully, and having put Honey to them, you fhall boil them upon a flow Fire, ftirring them all the time ; when this Compofition is grown lukewarm, you fhall make Trochifks about the Bignefs of a Nut, three of which with Butter, you fhall put down his Throat for the Space of five or feven Days; alfo if the Caufe of his Difiemper proceed from his Jaws, you fhall kill a Chicken, and open it while it is yet palpitating, and take out its Ventricle, and roll it entire with its Dung while yet warm in Honey, and put them down his Throat; this is a moft certain and true Remedy. If an Exafperation of the Throat raife a
Cough, you fhall take tw'o Ounces of Myrrh, two Ounces of Pepper, a Sextarius of parch- ed and bruifed Linfeed, half an Ounce of ' Cardamoms,
Ghap. 67. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 347
Cardamoms, a Sextarius of Raifins of the
Sun, a Sextarius of Almonds, two Pounds of Honey, and after you have carefully bruifed them, mix them all together, and boil them, and make Trochifks of them of about the Bignefs of a Nut, and put three of them every Day down his Throat. CHAP. LXVIL
Of a Cough which proceeds from the Sharp-
jiefs of Humours. TO a Cough which proceeds from Sharp-
nefs of Humours, Relief is given after fuch a manner as this; firft of all, the Body of the Animal, äffe&ed with the Cough, muft be purged, therefore you mail take the wild Cucumber, or the Roots of it, with Alexan- drian Nitre, and bruife them together; and after you have put old Wine to them, you (hall give him them by his Mouth with an Horn, and when this Drench has loofened his Belly, after the third Day you (hall bruife four Scru- ples of the ftronger fort of Squills, and mix with them about the Bignefs of a Bean of the beft Lafer, and add a Sextarius of per- fumed or compounded Wine, and a Pound of old Oil to them, and when you have care- fully put all through a Sieve, you (hall pour them
348 Vegetius Renatus of the Book III«
them into him by his Mouth with an Horn
for the Space of three Pays. You fhall alfo relieve him with thefe following Fumes, no lefs than with Drenches; take three Ounces of Sandarach, three Ounces of Afphaltos, three Ounces of Garlick and Onions, and when you have bruifed them together, you fhall divide them into three equal Parts, and having covered his Mouth or his Head, and put burning Coals under it, you fhall fuffu- migate it for the fpace of three Days, that fo the Smell may fill his Noflrils; neverthe- lefs you muft firft bind up his Eyes, left they be hurt with the Sharpnefs of the Medica- ment. You fhall alio bruife as large a Bun- dle of the Herb Hoarhound as you fhall think proper, and mix it with an Egg and Raifin Wine, and having put the Fat of a Stagg to it, or if that be wanting, the Fat of a Weather-Sheep with Wax, you fhall melt it, and when it is lukewarm, you pour it down his Throat with an Horn. It will be a Relief to a grievous Cough,
if you boil the little Pills of the Cyprefs- Tree, and purge them carefully, and having added Axle-Tree Greafe and Comfry, and the tendereft Leaves of Pellitory of the Wall to them, bruife them in a Mortar, and make Trochifks about the Bignefs of a Nut, and after
Chap. 62. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 349
after you have dipt them in Eggs, you fhall
put an unequal Number of them down the Animal's Throat. If you pleafe, you may alfo inftead of the Cyprefs-Tree Pills, bruife Cyprefs- Leaves, and mix them with all the aforefaid Ingredients, and fo make a more liquid Drench, and give it with an Horn. For all kinds of Coughs, moft Farriers have given fuch as the following Drench ; they have bruifed very carefully of Gum-Dragant, Myrrh, Spikenard, an Ounce each, and poured them into the Animal with two Sextarii of Raifin Wine for the Space of three Days. CHAP. LXVIII.
Of Remedies for a dry Cough, Dißculty and
Shortnefs of Breath, and an exafperated Artery. FOR an exafperated Artery, or a Spafm,
you fhall take a Pound of HyfTop, half a Pound of Fenugreek, of Linfeed, Gum- Dragant, Comfry, green Rue, half a Pound each, half an Hemina of Salt, and bruife them, and boil them in Raifin Wine, till it is reduced to a third Part; to an Animal that coughs you fhall give it for the Space of three Days ; and to one that has a violent Cough, or any inward Part ftretched, for the Space
35© Vegetius Renatus of the Book III.
Space of nine Days. Others take one Ounce
and an half of Macedonian Parfley, an Ounce of wild Carrot, of Myrrh, Spikenard, Cof- tus, Gum-Dragant, an Ounce each, infufed firft in lukewarm Mead; of fweet Cane, Pepper, Sugar, (Saffron) an Ounce each j of Ammoniac Drops, two Ounces, and one Ounce of Caffia, and bruife them equally together, and make Trochifks of them with Mead, afterwards they throw them down the wearied and indifpofed Animal's Throat, with Raifin Wine. For an old Cough, and for Shortnefs of
Breath, or Difficulty of breathing, and for a Quinfey you (hall prefently give three Ounces of red Storax, two Ounces of Troglo- dytian Myrrh, two Ounces of Opopanax, two Ounces of Illyrian Flower-de-luce, two Ounces of Galbanum, three Ounces of Turpentine Rofin, one Ounce of the Herb they call Henba?ie> you muft mix them all together and bruife them and make Trochifks of them with Honey. Moreover they take a Pound and an half of Axle-Tree Greafe, fifteen wild Figs, a Pine-Apple burned, and reduced to a Powder, an Hetnina of the beft melted Suet, a Pound of Honey with fmall Coleworts boiled, and make Morfels or Balls of them, and put them down their Throat
Ch. 68. Dißempers of Horfes, Sec. g j i
Throat with Raifin Wine. Some bruife Ivy-
Leaves, alfo the Leaves of the white Poplar- Tree an equal Quantity of each, and pour them down through their Noftrils with white Wine. Others bruife Leaves of Rue with Honey, and put them into the bell Wine, and pour it into them, through their Noflrils. Others mix the Leaves of the wild Cucumber with Hay, and bruife the Root of the fame, and mix them with Linfeed and Barley, and lay them before them. It has been proved by Experiment, that
it will cure a Cough, and a Difficulty and Shortnefs of Breath, if you take quick Sul- phur and Rofemary with Honey and old Wine, and pour them down their Throat. Some bruife the Root of Allheal, and with an He- mina of the beft Wine, and half an Hemina of Oil, pour it into them through the Hol- low of their left Noftril. Moreover they take four Scruples of Rofemary, two Scru- ples of Myrrh with a Sextarius of old Wine, and an Hemina of Oil, and pour it down through their Noflrils for the Space of three Days, fo that an Hemina of it be given each Day. And they give them by their Mouth fix Spoonfuls of Dill, fix Spoonfuls of Illyrian Flower-de-Luce, one Scruple of Rice and half an Hemina of Oil. Alfo it 2 relieves |
35^ Vegetius Renatus ofthe Book III.
relieves a Difficulty in breathing and a Cough,
if you carefully bruife one Scruple of the Root of the Mulberry-Tree, and three Oun- ces of the Herb Turn/ok, and pour therri down the Animal's Throat with an Hemina of white Wine; alfo a recent Cough is qui-" eted by it, as is manifefi from the Experi- ment of the Cure. You mall grind a Sexta- rius and an half of Lentils, and make ex- ceeding foft Meal of them, and pour one He- mina of it with a fingle Hemina of Water down their Throat for the Space of three Days; but it is believed that an old Cough is entirely removed if you pour half an Hemina of the Juice of Leeks with an Hemina of Oil down their Chops for feveral Days. Such as are feized with a Cough, and hare
any Part ftretched within them, are cured by this following Draught; you mall take two Ounces of the Root of Allheal, one Ounce of quick Sulphur, two Ounces of Male-Frank- incenfe, one Ounce of Troglodytian Myrrh, and having mixed them all together, reduce them into Powder, of which you (hall give them two Spoonfuls with two Eggs, after you have added an Hemina of old Wine, b/ their Mouth for five or feven Days. It is faid to be an experienced Remedy, to ***** thoroughly the lighteft Afhes, that is, the hot Embers
Ch. 69. Biftempers ofHör/es, &c7 353
Embers of the Elm-Tree with lukewarm
Water, and to add an equal Meafure of good Oil, and having joined three Eggs with the fame, to give it them by their Chops, for as many Days as you have a Mind. G H A R LXIX.
Of Remedies for Impoflumes and a Cough.
THERE is a very ftrong and effectual
Composition againfl a Cough and Im- poftume, viz. Take an Hemina of the ex- preffed Juice of Hoarhound, twenty five dry wild Figs, a Sextarius and an half of Attican Honey, or of Cummin, boil them to an half in a new Pan ; afterwards take two Ounces of Troglodytian Myrrh, an Ounce of wild Carrot, an Ounce and an half of Caffia, half an Ounce of Cinnamon, an Ounce of Male- Frankincenfe, two Ounces of Birthwort, an Ounce of Opopanax, an Ounce and an half of Jllyrian Flower-de-Luce, an Ounce of the Root of Allheal; bruife them all together and fift them, and put them upon the Medica- ment wherein you have boiled the Honey and the Figs, and ftirring it carefully, make it boil by little and little upon a flow Fire ; afterwards put it up in a leaden or wooden Gallipot, of which you mall daily pour in- A a to
3 54 Vegetius Renatus of the Book III.
to them by their Mouth two Sponfuls with
an Hemina of Wine. It is of Benefit to fuch Animals as have any Part within them ftretched, or that are affected with a Cough, to take of Lentils, Fenugreek and Linfeed, a Sextarius each, and parch them feparately, and make a Powder of them, and of each Species to give one Spoonful with the Juice of Comfrey, and the Juice of Plantain, by the Mouth, with as much Wine put to it as you mail think proper. CHAP. LXX.
Of different Drenches for Horfes, &c. that
cough, and have any of their Parts over- ßretched. AS there are diverfe Caufes of Coughs,
(o the Cures of them are difficult, therefore we carefully intimate to you fuch Remedies as we know have been tried and approved either by our own Experiments, or by thofe of others. For one Animal therefore fuch a Draught as this is prepared ; you fhall boil a Sextarius of parched Beans in Water without Salt, after the fame Manner as they ufe to be ferved up, and fet before Men; moreover you put a Sextarius of Fenugreßk into a Pot feparately, and when it begins to |
Gh. 70. Diflempers of Horfes, &c. 355
boil, you pour out the firft Water, afterwards
you add five Sextant of Water, twenty wild Figs, two Ounces of Liquorice, and let it boil fo much, till four Sextarii remain ; then you carefully bruife in a Mortar thofe Beans that have been boiled, and the Fenugreek, with the wild Figs or the Liquorice; you add more- over two Ounces of Butter, and two Ounces of the Suet of. an He-goat carefully melted with the Heat of a Fire; when you have mixed all thefe Things, and added the Broth wherein you have boiled the Fenugreek, and made them lukewarm, you pour into his Chops with an Horn more than a fingle He- mina of them every Day. But if you fee that the Drench is thicker than it ought to be, you add as much Raifin-Wine to it, as may make it pour out of the Horn. The Practice of the Barbarians has found
out a falutary Remedy againfl a Cough ; you (hall gather the Root of an Herb which they call Elicampane, and dry it in the Shade ; afterwards you mail bruife it, and reduce it into Powder, and infufe three large Spoonfuls of it the Day before into each Sextarius of old Wine; and when you have ftirred it well, you fhall flop the Mouth of the VefTei, leil the falutary Odour of the Herb exhale ; you fhall pour it into the Animal's Mouth for the * A a 2 Space |
356 Vegettui Renatus of the Book III.
Space of three Days, or for as many Days as
you pleafe. There is alfo another Drench j you fhall take of Alexandrian Lentils, Fenu- greek and Lin feed, an Hemina each, and boil them, and add to it an Ounce and an half of Gum-dragant, and infufe it the Day before in lukewarm Water, and three Ounces of Comfrey well feparated and opened; when you have brayed them all in a Mortar, you fhall boil them in a new Pan with three Sex- tar ii of Water j then you fhall give a third Part of it with a Sextarius of Raifin-Wine lukewarm by the Mouth for three Days fuc- ceffively. They think it cures Animals that have any part within them ftretched, or are affecled with a convulfive Cough. If a Cough proceeding from Wounds of
the Jaws molefts and prefles hard upon an Horfe or a Mule, you fhall take one Ounce of Illyrian Flower-de-luce, half an Ounce of black Pepper, one Scruple of Saffron, half an Ounce of Troglodytian Myrrh, half an Ounce of the Flower of FrankinceruTe, an Ounce of Gum-dragant firft infufed and bruifed, five Eggs with a Sextarius of Raifin Wine, and mix them together, and pour them into their Chops with an Horn for the Space of three Days 3 afterwards you fhall mix Honey, But" ter, Axle-tree Greafe, and Pitch together, make
Ch. jo. DißempersofHorfeSt&cc. 357
make Balls of them, and having dipped them
in Raifin-Wine, put them down their Throat. If the Animal coughs from internal Caufes, mix an Hemina of the Juice of Ptifan, and four Spoonfuls of Muft fodden into a third Part of the firft Quantity, and give it him for three Days j if the Animal has a more grievous Cough, you fhall take a Sextarius of parched and boiled Beans, three Ounces of the Suet of an He-goat, three Heads of Garlick, and boil them together, and bruife them in a Mortar, and give them with Raifin- Wine j but the following Compofition cures fuch as have any of their inward Parts ftretch- ed or broken : Take one Sextarius of Fenu- greek, with twenty wild Figs, a fmall Bundle of Parfley, and a fmall Bundle of Rue, and boil them in Water to one half, fo that af- terwards three Ounces of dhTolved Gum-dra- gant, and three Ounces of Comfrey, and three Ounces of Garlick be added, and all be bruifed together; and after you have made fmall Balls of them, about the Bignefs of a Nut, that'three, five, or feven of them be put down their Throat for the Space of three Days. |
A a 3
358 Fegetim Renatus of the Book III.
Of the Scab.
TH E Scab produces a very ugly Diftem-
per in Horfes, Mules, &c. and fome- times Danger, for it is contagious and paffes from one to more; when it firft (hows itfelf, you muft not encounter it with Medicines, left by {hutting up the Pores of the Skin, it re- fide in the Bowels, and be turned to a Dif- eafe; but as foon as it breaks out, a Purge is the firft Thing that is to be applied, and this you may do, if you pour the Powder of a wild Cu- cumber with Wine into the Animal's Chops, or indeed if you adminiftcr plenty of the Root thereof cut very fmall, with Barley, and when this has fucceeded as you defigned, af- ter the Space of three Days, you fhall take a fmall Quantity of Blood from his Neck, if the Scab infefts his Head and his Neck; but if his Shoulder-blade or Shoulders are affected with the Diftemper, Blood is let out of his Arms or Fore-thighs. When the Itch raging with Pimples and Blifters has fpread over aU his Spine, or Loins or Hips, the Blood is let out of the Veins of his Thighs: Take Af- phaltos, or Jews Pitch, quick Sulphur, anC* Tar, an equal Quantity of each, and bruife them
Ch. ji. Difiempers of Horfes, &c. 359
them all together with Butter, and anoint thoroughly the Horfe's whole Body, rubbing him very long in the Sun. Take a Sextarius of fharp Vinegar, four
Ounces of Pitch, four Ounces of Cedar-Ro- fin, or Cedar-Tar, boil them all together, then you fhall rub the fcabby Animal moft care- fully all over with human Urine and warm Water mixed together, then with a fofc Spunge or Brufh tied to a Club you fhall fpread the Medicament all over him, or you bruife an equal Quantity of Afphaltos, or Jews Pitch, and Sulphur, and put Hog's-lard to them, and the fame Quantity of old Oil, and when you have boiled them, you fhall anoint the Animal thoroughly therewith in the Sun. Take a Pound of Greafe, two Ounces of quick Sulphur, one Ounce of Bitumen, half a Pound of Oil, eight Spoonfuls of Tar, bruife them all together, and boil them, and anoint thoroughly therewith as above directed. Take of old ftale human Urine, a certain
Quantity, of Dregs of Oil four Scruples, half a Pound of Sheeps Dung, an Hemina of Oil, three Ounces of quick Sulphur, half an He- mina of Tar, bruife them all together, and boil them, and anoint the Animal thoroughly once a Day in the warm Sun. |
A a 4 Take
360 Vegetius Renatus of the Book III.
Take two Pounds of Bitumen, half a
Pound of quick Sulphur, a Pound of Wax, half a Pound of the Manna of Frankincenfe, mix them all together in Oil, wherein a fmall Bundle of Alchaeft has been firft boiled, and anoint thoroughly therewith in the Sun. There is another Medicine for this Dißemper j if the Animal's Strength is not very intire, you boil Frogs in Water, and gather their Fat or Oil, and mix it with the Flower of Lentils, Greafe and Oil ; and after you have warmed it, anoint thoroughly with it. —— There is alfo another Medicine; you wafh the Roots of the wild Cucumber, and bruife them, and boil them in a new Pan with a fufficient Quan- tity of Oil, and ufe them. Sulphur alfo boil- ed with Wine does in like Manner give Relief. If the Scab, by its long Continuance, is grown
hard and callous, it muft be firft fcraped off with an Iron, or with Shells to the very quick; moreover the Animal muft be rubbed with human Urine mixed with Sea Water, or Salt Water; afterwards you take of Sulphur, Bitumen, Tar, old Axle-tree Greafe, Goat's Suet, Tallow, Wax, Scijile Allum, a Pound of each, and bruife them, mix them, and boil them, and fo you anoint the Animal tho- roughly in the Sun. You mall take the Leaves pf the Rofe-Laurel, and boil them in old Oil, 2 and. |
Ch. 7 2, 7 3. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 361
and then add Tar and Vinegar, and Wax
to it j it is a certain Remedy, from the Ex- periments that have been made of it: Ne- verthelefs you muft remember, that in every, anointing whatfoever, the Horfe or Mule muft be rubbed very long againft the Hair in the Sun. CHAP. LXXII.
Of an Animal that is hurt with bad Hay.
HAY that is fpoiled by any Accident, or
mouldy, is hurtful to Animals like Poifon, of which thefe are the Signs 3 the Ani- mals will have their Eyes always moving up and down, never {landing ftill, and always fparkling, and their Gate or Steps will be un- certain and unfteady ; from thefe Blood muft be taken away from their Neck-veins, and they muft have a Vein opened in their Arms or Fore-thighs, and be drenched with wild Figs boiled in perfumed or compounded Wine j they muft be kept from Barley and Hay, and diuretick Draughts muft alfo be given them, CHAP. LXXIII.
Of an Animal that is hurt with bad Barley.
BY obferving the like Method are cured
fuch Animals as are hurt by too much Bar-
362 Vegetius Renatas of the Book III.
Icy, orby that which is bad; but thefe Ani-
mals ought to be kept for a long Time in cold Water, againft the Stream. It is a Remedy for both, if you take the Pellicle or fmall Skin from the Belly of a Pullet that has been dried in the Smoak, and bruife it, and add to it eight Scruples of Pepper, and four Spoonfuls of Honey, and an Ounce of the Flower of Frankincenfe, with a Sextarius of old Wine warmed, and give it them by their Mouth. C H A P. LXXIV.
Of Remedies againfl Fafcination.
AN Animal that is fafcinated or bewitch-
ed is fad, is burdened in his Gate, and goes heavily, and grows lean; and unlefs you give him Relief, he will fall into a Difeafe; therefore you take a little Bitumen and Sul- phur, with Bay-berries, and pour them with Water into him through his Noftrils; more- over you mail take Coriander, or the Seed of the fame, with Sulphur, and the Heart of the Pine-tree, and carry them round the Animal upon hot burning Coals. You mail fprinkle the Animal with hot boiling Water, and fuf- fumigate him. This Suffumigation affords a Remedy to all Quadrupedes whatfoever, it cures them, and refills Difeafes.
Ch. 7 5, 7 6. Dißempers of Borfes, &c. 363
CHAP. LXXV. O/' a Remedy againfi all Difeafes.
AGainft all Infirmities and Difeafes uni-
verfally, both of Horfes and of Oxen, this Drench gives Relief; as foon as they be- gin to be fick, you mall take the Roots of Squills, the Roots of the Poplar, which the Greeks call Rhamnos (for it is of a darker, and of a cloudy Colour) and of common Salt a fufficient Quantity, put them into Water, and give it to the Animals in their Drink, till they have recovered their Health : And if you would prevent defperate IUneffes, fo that they may never befal your Animals, you (hall pre- pare this Drench for them in the Beginning of the Spring, and give it them in their Drink for fourteen Days fucceffively. CHAP. LXXVI.
Of an Animal that is hurt while he receives
his Drench. BUT it is necefDry to fhow, that the
Drenches themfelves muft be poured down their Throat with Difcretion, for as much as it frequently happens, that white the Animals are drenched, they cough and fweat
■ *
■«' ;,. Vegetius Renatus cf the Book IIL'
fweat grievoufly, and fuffer a Tremor over all
their Mufcies, they alfo-pufF and blow, draw their Breath ftrongly,. and holding down their Head," they can fcarcely fupport themfelves; which happens, if, through the Unlkilfulnefs of the Perfon that gives the Drench, it mould leap into the Wind-pipe, or the Parts of the Lungs adapted for Refpiration, from whence there arifes an immediate Danger; wherefore you mull obferve not to perfift in giving any more of the Drench to an Horfe while he is coughing, and opening wide his Wind-pipe, but you muft prefently loofe him, and let him walk up and down by little and little, and rather give him Relief by another Drench. You fhall mix Oil of Rofes with lukewarm Water, and ftir it, and give it him frequent- ly by his Mouth. You fhall alfo foment his Noftrils with Vinegar and Water wherein Penny-royal is infufed, and the Fault will be mended. You muft alfo obferve, that by withdrawing his Barley, and denying him Drink, the Animal may digeft his Drenches, CHAP. LXXVII.
Of an Animal that is bitten by -venomous Beaßs-
OFtentimes Animals are ftruck and wound-
ed by hurtful Beafts, that is, by Ser- pents, |
Ch. 77. DzfiempersofHorfestk,c. 365
pents, and Snakes, Scorpions, poifonous Spi-
ders, and Sloe-worms, or a Shrew-moufe, and fo come into Danger, of which thefe are the Signs j viz. They loath their Food, they drag their Feet, and when they are brought forth they lye or fall down at every Step, a corrupt- ed Matter flows through their Noftrils, there arifes a Heavinefs and Weight in their Head, fo that it hangs down to the Ground, the Strength of their Body fails them either to rife or to walk; generally this Method of Cure gives them Relief; the Place which is wound- ed muft firft of all be fumigated with the Shells of an Hen's Egg fet on Fire, which you mall firft infufe in Vinegar, and add to them alfo Harts-horn or Galbanum: After the Fumigation you (hall fcarify the Places themfelves, and let the Blood out of them, or at leaft with a red hot Iron you muft burn the Places which the venomous Pefthas touch- ed : But you ought to obferve never to put the Cautery, in any Diftemper whatfoever, either upon the Joints, or in Places where the Ten- dons are j for when the Joints or Tendons are burned, there will follow a perpetual Wejak- nefs upon it; butconfider carefully, that when there fliall be any Neceffity, you apply the Cauteries either a little above or below, where the Joints and Tendons are. But it is proper that
366 Vegetius Renatus of the Book III.
that the Animal, which the venomous Beaft
has touched, mould fweat, and walk up and down, wrapped up in warm Coverings, and take Barley-meal for his Food, with green Boughs and Leaves of the Afh-tree, and white Briony added to it: But upon the Wound or Sore muft be put Attican Honey, or Cummin mixed with old Wine and warmed. Some mix frefh Swine's-Dung and Attican Honey with Wine, and after it is warmed, fpread it upon the Place like a Cataplafm, adding human Urine to it. CHAP. LXXVIII.
Of an Animal that has eaten a venomous Infect
in his Hay. IF an Horfe has eaten up a venomous Infect,
they call Bupreßis, (/) thefe Symptoms prefently follow upon it j his Belly is fwelled, he retires from his Food, and he dungs fre- quently, but by little and little at a Time ; he muft be prefently faddled, and compelled to gallop j afterwards you muft touch a Vein gently in his Palate, that he may fwalloW down his own Blood, as it flows out of the (t) Bupreßis, a venomous Infeft, which has its Name fr0^
the Mifchief it does to Oxen when they eat it, wa^d to U?>- aatttbt, fiaZq. This Author fays itrefembles a Spider, and not
very comaion in Italy, as Pliny fays. Vein-,
Ch. 79- Bißempers of Horfes, &c. 367
Vein; let him walk up and down continu- ally, and you mall bring him Wheat infufed in Raifin Wine, and Leeks to feed upon; but you fhall give him in a Drench with an Horn, Wine warmed, and carefully mix- ed and pounded in a Mortar with Raifins of the Sun. CHAP. LXXIX.
Of an Animal ßricken and wounded by a Viper.
IF a Viper has bitten an Horfe or a Mule,
corrupted Matter ufes to iflue out of the Bite; for if the Viper be pregnant, the Horfe's whole Body breaks and burfts. Neverthelefs for the Bite of a Viper, poifonous Spider, or of a Shrew-moufe, it is a common Remedy to mix Pifmire's Earth with Wine, and give it by the Chops, or indeed to rub the Wounds very frequently with that very Earth itfelf j for which Diftempers Mole's Earth alfo is be- lieved to be of fome Benefit. But if this very Mifchief happens in a Journey, or in Places where Plenty of Medicines is wanting, you (hall pour down the Horfe's Throat thir- ty Grains of Pepper with a Sextarius of old Wine made warm, and if you give the Herb tfhyme bruifed with Wine, it is believed to be of Benefit. The Bite of a Viper, or of any Serpent
'368 Vegetius Renatas of the Book III.
Serpent whatfoever is fhown, if a ftinking
Humour begins to run out of the Wound. It is a prefent Remedy, if, while the Wound is frefh, you kill a Kid, or a Cock, or a Lamb, and apply the warm Lungs of it, with the Blood, or the Heart, or the Liver to the Wound, and bind it very fall and carefully, that it may draw out all the Poifon, and af- terwards you muft continually give him this Drench ; viz. take of fweet Cane of Pontus half an Ounce bruifed with a Sextarius of old Wine, and an Hemina of bruifed Salt, mix them together, and after you have warm- ed it, pour it down his Throat. If the Tu- mour ftill continues, burn Plenty of white Bryony, and make a Lixivium of its Afhes, and give about the Quantity of one Sextari- us of it in a Drench, for the Space of three Days; alfo put the Afhes themfelves with Vinegar upon the Wound in the manner of a Cataplafm; if this have no good Effect, burn the Part with Cauteries, and cure the burned Parts in the ufual Manner. Barley- meal alfo, boiled with Wine, and Salt, and Oil, muft be put upon the Cicatrice. |
Ch. 8ö,8i. BtßempersofHorfeSt&Q. 36^
Of an Animal that has eaten a Spider.
IF a Horfe or a Mule, &c. {hall eat i
Spider, in his Fodder, thefe will be the Signs of it; all his Body will fwell, but about, his Ears and Eyes and Noftrils, a great- er Inflation with Angrinefs and Irritation will appearj you Mi! give him Relief after this manner; you {hall take Blood from his Palate, and having received it in a Veffel mix it with a Sexiarim of Vinegar, and an He- mina of Salt, and anoint thoroughly therewith about the fore or fwollen Parts, and cover him carefully that he may fweat. By this Method he mail be cured. CHAP. LXXXI.
Of an Horfe that is wounded by a venomou*
Spider they call Phalangius. IF a venomous Spider they call Phalangius,
wound an Horfe or a Mule, it will ap- pear by thefe Symptoms j his Yard is ere&ed by reafon of the Pain, and you will fee that he has a Mind to ftate • you {tell give him Relief after this manner ; bruife an Ounce of Pepper, an Ounce of Pellitory of Späify an Ounce of the wild Grape, and give them by his Chops with old Wine. B b CHAP;
370 Vegetius Renatas of the Book III..
Of a Shrew-Moufe.
AShrew-Moufe is a venomous Peft, and
hurtful as we1l to Horfes as to Oxen, and therefore when it is taken, it muft be immerfed in Oil and killed, and therein it putrifies ; and whan the Animal is bit, the Wound is anointed with this Medicament, and the Animal is cured. Or if the Shrew- Moufe is not found, bruifed Cummin is mix- ed with Tar and Axle- Tree Greafe, and boil- ed to the Thicknefs of a Pultefs, and being put upon the Wound, it delivers from Dan- ger, and cures the Animal : But if the Wound be turned to a Suppuration, it muft be opened with a red-hot Iron Lamina, and what- ever is corrupted and vitiated muft be burn- ed, and fo cured with Tar and Oil. And that a Shrew-Moufe may not bite an Ani- mal, the Shrew-Moufe itfelf muft be wrap- ped up alive in Clay, and when the Clay is grown hard, they hang it to the Animal's Neck, and the Teeth of the Shrew-Moufft will never touch it. This is moft certain. Againft the Bite of the Shrew-Moufe, it
is an approved Remedy, to mix thoroughly bruifed Garlick with Nitre, and if Nitre be wanting*
Ch. 83. Dißempersof Horfes, &c. 371
wanting, with Salt and Cummin, and with
the Powder of them to rub the Places which have been touched with its Teeth. But if poifoned Wounds break out, you mail reduce burned Barley to a Powder, and fprinkle it upon the Wound, after you have warned it with Vinegar, and by this Method alone you {hall cure it. And afterwards when you are going to give a Drench to the Animal, you fhall take the Flower of Wheat and of Bar- ley, and the aqueous Liquor that iflues out of the Cedar Tree when they burn it for mak- ing Tar, and a Sextarius of Wine, and pour it down his Throat. But if the Shrew-Moufe, which has ftricken him, be pregnant, you may know it by thefe Signs; Puftules will come out over all his Body; but he (hall be cured by the fame Method as is above defcribed. G H A P. LXXXIII.
Of the Sting of a Scorpion.
IF a Scorpion has flung an Horfe or Mule,
&c. it is known by thefe Signs ; his Knees are contracted, he goes lame, does not eat, green Rheum flows out of his Noftrils, when he lies down, he can fcarcely rife again. It is cured in the fame manner as the Bite of - B b 2 a Serpenta |
372 fögetius Renatas of the Book III.'
a Serpent, and of a Viper, neverthelefs Afles
Dung muft be quickly put upon it. C H A P. LXXXIV.
Of the Bite of a mad Dog.
TH E Bite of a mad Dog ufes to prove
defiru&ive both to Horfes, Mules, &c. and to Men, even to fuch a Degree, that fuch as are touched therewith, are affe&ed with an Hydrophoby, and are ftruck with Madnefs j they are cured after this manner: Burn the Place that is bitten with Iron-Cau- teries, or, which is better, with thofe made of Copper, and put him up in a dark Place, and you mud alfo tye him fo in a dark Place, that he may not fee Water. And if you can kill the mad Dog himfelf, you fhall boil his Liver and give it him to eat, or bray it and put it down his Throat. You fhall alfo burn the Flowers of Hay, and bruife them with old Axle-Tree Greafe, and apply them to the Bite, it is a falutary Remedy. But it will be of fpecial Benefit, if you dig up the Root of the Herb they call the Dog-rofi, and firft warn it and bruife it carefully, and apply it either to Man or Beafl which a mad Dog has bit, and give it him daily to drink bruif- ed with old Wine. For by this Method. alone
Ch. 85. Düßempers of Horfes, &c. 373
alone he will not be affected with an Hydro-
phoby, and will efcape an imminent Danger. It gives Relief to the Bite of a mad Dog, if you take three Scruples of Nitre, one Scru- ple of Jewifo Bitumen, bruifed with an Re- mind of old Wine made lukewarm, and pour it into him by his- Mouth for the Space of three Days $ you fhall fqueeze Elder-berries, or fqueeze the Juice out of the Leaves, or the Root of Elder, and give it in a Draught with old Wine. But then this Draught is effectu- al if you take it from an Elder-bum which does not grow in the Ground, but upon ano- ther Tree. CHAP. LXXXV.
Of an Animal that has eaten Hen's-dung.
IF an Animal has eaten Hen's-dung in Bark-
ley, or taken it with Hay, he prefently fuffers great Torment, as if he were ftung by venomous Beafts 5 a Pain in his inward Parts, and an Inflation follows upon it, alfo a Tum- bling, and a very harfli Cough, like one that has a violent griping of the Guts and a Belly-ach. Againft this Diftemper you bruife two Ounces of Parfley-feed, and mix it with a Sextarius of old Wine, and an Hemina of Honey, and pour it into him by his Mouth, B b 3 and |
374 Vegetim■ Renatm of the Book IH.
and force him to walk gently up and down fo
long till the Drench move his Belly. If from the too great Pain there follows alfo a StifTnefs of all his Joints and Limbs; you fhall take a. Pound of Bay-berries, half a Pound of Nitre, two Sextarii of Vinegar, a Sextarius of Oil, and pound them carefully, and mix them, and warm them, upon the Fire, and anoint him in a warm Place for the Space of three Days, and rub him care- fully againft. the Hair, and you will certain- ly cure him by fweating. Againft an Ac- cident of this kind, Experiments have taught us a Phyfical falutary Remedy. If you kill a Chicken or an Hen, and take its raw Belly while it is yet hot, with its own Dung, and roll it in Honey, and put it down the Hprfe or the Mule's Chops, it is reckoned an ex- cellent Remedy. It is affirmed with Certain- ty, that if you take three fmall Balls of Par- get, or white Lime Plaifter, and bruife them with old Wine, and give it warm by the Mouth, it will cure the faid Diforders exceed- ding well. Alfo if you take Lee made of the Elm-tree, or the Afhes of any kind of Wood whatfoever, provided it be well fift- ed, and mix it with Oil, and pour it li- quid and warm down his Chops, it is com- mended as a phyfical and falutary Remedy, |
( 375 )
Of the Art of curing the Diftempers
of Horfes, &c. B O O K IV.
JT! is the common Excufe of negligent Peo-
■^ pie, to impute to God, or to Chance, the LoJJ'es which proceed from their own Carelejf- nefs and Overfight; for Slothfulnefs believes itfelf lefs guilty, if it attempts to attribute to the Power of Fortune that which happens by its own Fault. 'Thus they fay of fuel as are fick, that they will dye-, fuppofe you fhould bring a Phyfician to them, or that if you forbear to give them any Medicines, they will efcape, if Fortune has fo determined : To this kind of Reafoning, I would not wil- lingly give my AJfent, becauß it is not only B b 4 idle
376 The PREFACE.
idle and filly, but alfo impious; for I "would
rather that nothing flmdd be negleSled that ever has been tried, than that if any Cala- mity fiould. happen, it ß>ould be imputed either to Covetoufnefs, or to Careffnefs and Neglect. But perhaps the/e things they alledge may fome- times feem to be true with refpeSi to Man, who is believed to be governed by Divine Providence, or by the Difpoßtion of the Fates: But Animals, •with which the Divinity does not vouchfafe to have any thing in common, without any manner of doubt, perijh, unlefs Men be at the Charges and Trouble of taking Care of them, and cu- ring them. For how defperate is the State and Condition of Horfes, &c. which it is Men's Province to cherijh and maintain, if they ßall ceafe to apply Medicines to them, and cure them ? It frequently happens, that, when Animals are negleffied, and they periß by the firji Attack of a Dißemper, the Pe~ fiiknce increaftng by Contacl, defrays whole Herds of them; forafmuch as the Paflures which are polluted by thofe that are in a langv.iflring Condition, and the Springs of Water infected, are as hurtful, as if they were turned into Poifons ; in fine, the Smell of the fick, after it has filled the Noflrils of thofe that are found, will, by the very St?nch if elf ingraft Difeafes into their Bo'W- |
The PREFACE. ^y7
els, rfhus Death removes, and paßes from
the Dams to their young ones, with their cor- rupted Milk; thus in the moß numerous Sta- bles, the very che apefl and the leafl valuable Horfe or Mule, if it once catch a contagious Dißemper, will, by a fwift Tranfition, alfo deßroy thofe that are the moß valuable. But againfi all the/e things, Diligence, Study, Care, the Power of Herbs, and Skill in ap- plying Medicines rightly, and Knowledge in curing Dißempers, ufe to be of Benefit; as the ßrß thing that Phyficians are infirutfed in, and do learn, is to know the Parts of the hu- man Body, and of its Organs, fo it is necef- fary for Farriers to learn thoroughly all things relating to the Bones and Veins and Nerves of Horfes and Mules, for no Man can ad- minifier Medicines in a reafonable Manner, who is ignorant of the Quality of the thing, of which he undertakes the Cure. |
Vegetius Renatus of the Book IV.
" flpHE firft, fecond, third, and fourth
" JL Chapters of this Book, are fo very ■" incorrect, and feem to be fo much corrupt- " ed, that a Tranflation of them, fuppofe all " the Words were intelligible, would anfwer " no End, but to fhow the Imperfection " of the antient Anatomy; the Chapters are " very fhort, and all together would not fill " up two Pages. " The firft Chapter treats of the Num-
" ber and Pofition of the Bones.
" The fecond, of the Number and " Meafure of all the Members.
*c The third, of the Number and Mea- " fure of all the Nerves.
" And the fourth Chapter gives an " Account of the Number of the « Veins." CHAP. V.
. Of the Indications of the Ages of Horfes.
THE Age of Horfes muft be known
from their Teeth, and other Signs; left
Chap. 5. Dißemßers of Horfis, &c. 'fyq
left when we buy them, we fuffer the Dis-
advantage and Inconveniency of our Want of Skill, or, when we are curing them, we be ignorant of the Age of that which is fick ; for as 'tis with Men, fo with Horfes; one thing is proper when Horfes and Mules are in the Heat of their Youth, and another thing when they are now cold and chilly with old Age; but it is manifeft that the Marks of their Body change with their Age, for when Colts are two Years and fix Months pld, their middle upper Teeth, which they call fthe fucking or foal Teeth, fall out; but when they have begun to be in their fourth Year, thofe which are called the Dog- Teeth dropping out, they will fubftitute others in their Place. Then within the fixth Year the Grinders fall; and the fixth Year he makes even thofe which he changed firft; the feventh Year they are all filled up equal- ly, and from that time, they begin to have their Teeth all hollow, nor afterwards can it be certainly known how many Years old they are, unlefs by other Signs which Ex- perience has taught us. For in the tenth Year their Temples begin to grow hollow, and fometimes their Eye-brows to grow gray. In their twelfth Year there appears a Black- nefs in the Middle of their Teeth. Mod 1 People |
380 Vegetius Renatus of the Book 11^
People affirm, that in Animals that are tamed
and accuftomed to the Bridle, the Wrinkles which are in their upper Lips ought to be computed; fo that beginning from the Angle where the Bite begins, we come all along to the Extremity of the Lip, becaufe the Number of Wrinkles mows the Number of Years. Finally old Age difcovers itfelf by the Multitude of Wrinkles, the Sadnefs of the Countenance, the Dejection of the Neck, the Slownefs and Lazinefs of the whole Bo- dy, the Stupor and Dullnefs of the Eyes, and the Baldnefs of the Eye-lids. CHAP. VI.
Of the Signs whereby their native Country 15
known. IN exchanging or felling of Horfes, a ly-
ing Story with refpedt to their native Country ufes to introduce the greateft Fraud j for Men being deiirous to fell them at the deareft Rate, they falfely pretend that they are of the moft generous Breed; which thing has induced us, who, ,by travelling frequent- ly into fo many different and diftant foreign Countries, are perfectly well acquainted with all Sorts of Horfes wbatfoever, and have of- ten kept them in our own Stables, to explain the
Chap, 6. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 381
the Signs, and real Merit and Qualifications
of every Nation y for net to mention the meaner Services they are employed in, it is manifeft that Horfes are chiefly neceffary for three Ufes; for War; for the Circus ; and for the Saddle. Thofe of the Hunni, are by far the moil ufefuj for War, by rea- son of their Patience of Labour, Cold and Hunger j next to them, thofe of Thuringia and Burgundy bear with hard Ufage. In the third Place the Frygian or Frißeland Horfes are reckoned invincible both with refped: tö Swiftnefs and Perfeverance in running. Next, thofe of EpiruSy Sarmatia, and Dalmatia, although they are obftinate and refractory to the Bridle, yet they are reckoned very fit for War. The noble Difpofition of the Cappa- docian Breed for Chariots is much renowned § equally, or next to thefe, the Glory of the Prize in the Circus, is reckoned due to the Spaniß Horfes; nor is Sicily much behind in affording for the Circus fuch as are not infe- rior to them ; although Africa ufes to fur- nifh of the Spaniß Blood the fwifteft of any. Ferfia in all its Provinces, furnifhes better Horfes for the Saddle, and they are reckoned as a great Part of their patrimonial Eftate; being exceeding gentle and eafy to ride upon, tradable and fubmiffive in their Way of go* |
382 Vegetiiis Renatus of the Book IV.
ing, and of exceeding great Value for the
Noblenefs of their Breed and Extraction. The Armenian and Sophenian follow next, nor in this refpedt muft you defpife the Sicilian Hories, nor thofe of Epirus, if their Manners, or good Temper and Beha- viour, and Beauty do not forfake them. Thofe of the Hunni have a great and crook- ed Head, outftanding Eyes, ftrait Noftrils, broad Jaws and Cheek-Bones, a ftrong and fliff Neck, Manes hanging down below their Knees, very large Ribs, a crooked Spine, a bufhy ftrong Tail, very ftrong Legs, the lower Part of their Feet fmall, full and dif- fufed Hoofs, their Flanks hollowed, and their whole Body angular, no Fatnefs in their But- tocks, no brawney Swellings in their Muf- cles, their Stature is rather in length than in Height, their Belly exhaufted and hanging down more than ordinary, large Bones, a graceful Leannefs, and their very Deformity itfelf conftitues their Beauty ; their Temper and Difpoiition is moderate and prudent, and patient of Wounds. The Perßan Horfes don't differ very much in their Stature and Pofition from other Kinds of Horfes, but they are difcerned and diftinguimed from others, only by. a certain Gracefulnefs in their Gate and Way of walking.: Their Step is fmall and
Gh. 7. Dißempers of Horfes y &c> 383
and frequent, and fuch as delights, and com-,
forts, and ereds the Rider; nor is it taught by Art, but freely beftowed upon them by Na- ture, for their Gate or Way of going is a Mean between Pacers, and thofe the common People call Gallopers; and whereas they are like neither of them, they are thought to have fomething common to them both. Thefe, as has been proved, have more Gracefulnefs in a fhort Journey, but in a long Journey their Patience is but fmall; they have a proud Mind, and unlefs it be fubdued with continu-, al Labour, 'tis ftubborn and contumacious againft the Rider j neverthelefs their Mind is prudent, and.which is wonderful, in fo great Heat and Fire, with the greateft Caution does he maintain his graceful Carriage, his Neck being bended into a Bow, fo that his Chin feems to lean upon his Bread. C HAP. VII.
Of the Age that Horfes live to. 1
THE Perßan and Sicilian Horfes, and
thofe of the Hunni and of Epirus live to a great Age, but the Spaniß and Numidian Horfes live a fhorter While. It is a commoiy Opinion, that no Medicines ought to be giver\. to Barbarian Horfes, becaufe when they are fick,
384 Vegetius Renatus of the Book IV.
fick, they recover fo well by the Benefit of
Nature, that any Care taken to cure them, Would hurt them ; but this is a falfe Opinion, fbf the ftroriger their Members are, fo much the longer do they live, if Application of Me- dicines according to the Rules of Art be not Wanting 5 neverthelefs it is agreed among Au- thors, that Geldings ought never to be let blood in the Neck, except in urgent and ex- treme Neceffity, becaufe they have loft, with their Stones, the greateft Part of their Heat; neverthelefs, if Negligence does not hinder it, as well Geldings as Stone Horfes, ought to have the Quantity of their Blood leffened from their Palate. But they fay, that Stal- lions, if they be retrained fromVenery, often grow blind, if they be not let blood in the' Neck, altho' in that Year wherein they per- form the Part of a Stallion, they muft not have a Vein opened, left the Burden of a double Hardfhip exhauft their Body intent upon ge- nerating. To fuch as take Delight in Horfes, the firft
and fecond Books point out what Care ought to be taken of the Stable, what Quality their Food ought to be of, and what Solicitude and Concern ought to be exercifed in tending them j fo having run over and finifhed ever/ thing that the Knowledge of this Art required, we
«Ch. 8. DißempersofHorfes, &c.' 385
we now defcend to the Compofitions of fuch
Drenches and Medicaments as are neceffary, in which we have both collected fuch Things as have been fully examined and tried, and, thrown afide fuch Things as the Covetouf- nefs of Farriers had introduced, not fo much for their Ufefulnefs in promoting a Cure, as for felling them at an high Price, and there- by fwelling their Bills; for 'tis manifeft that Cures can be performed not fo much by ma- ny and high priced Ingredients in Medicines, as by few, and fuch as are proper for the Diftemper in Hand. In the firft Place there- fore it is proper that Horfes fhould be fat and in good Condition, both fuch as are for the Ufe of the Circus, and fuch as are for the Saddle ; and next that, they continue found, and in good Health: And laftly, that fuch as are fick be cured ; for this Purpofe, we fhall, (as has been faid) produce Compofitions of Medicines chofen out of many Authors, and approved and warranted to be good, by the cleareft and moft manifeft Experiments. CHAR VIII.
Of a Drench for reßorlng and repairing
Horfes, and of "what they call Diapente. |
^Here is a Tradition that Chiron publish-
ed this following Draught either for |
C c re-
386 Vegetius Renatm of the Book IV*,;
reftoring and repairing Horfes, or for curing
them, and which may wipe away internal Difeafes, reprefs a Cough, and cure fuch as have any of their inward Parts overstretched, or are fubject to a Cough. Take a Sextarius of Ptifan, an Hemina of Linfeed, one Ounce of Saffron, the frefb. Inteftine of an Hog, which they call the ftraight Gut, after it has been firft, carefully warned, or the extreme Parts of a Leg of Pork} or if thefe are for the prefent perhaps not ready at Hand, take a Kid's Head, with it's Feet, and Inteftines and Belly, and after you have carefully drefled them, as if they were for Men's Ufe, you put them into a Pot: You mail add to the things before mentioned two Bundles of HyfTop, fif- teen Snails all of a' Sort well cleanfed, fifteen Bulbs, twenty double Figs, one fmall Bundle of Rue, one Sextarius of Bay- berries bruifed, twenty Dates, three Heads of cleanfed Gar- lick, fix Ounces of Goat's Suet, a fmall Bundle of dry Penny-royal; and after you have bruif- ed them all, you boil them in Ciftern or in Rain-water, till the Bones fall out, and the Flefh be diffolved, but you fhall frequently put Water to it, left the Medicine grow thick and burn to j but when you fee that it is grown thick, you fhall ftrain it; and having thrown away the Refufe, and the Bones, you fhall add to
Ch. 8. Diflempers of Horfes, &c. 387
to it three Ounces of Gum-dragant, infufed
the Day before in warm Water, that it may fwell, and be fit to be diffolved, three Sex- tant of Raifin-Wine, fix raw Eg;«:-;, and fir Egg-fhell-fiills of Oil of Rofes, three Ounces of melted Butter, three Ounces of Comfrey, three Ounces of Quadrigarian Powder, and a Sextarius of Bean-meal. You mail mix and adjuft all thefe in fuch a Manner, that they may flow through an Horn, and give one Sex- tarius to each Animal fafting for the Space of three Days; and if you have a mind, after you have ftopt feven Days, you may repeat the Draught, and give itafrefh as at firft. 'The following Medicine delivers, and pre-
ferves Horfes from Difeafes ; take of Gentian,. round Birthwort, Troglodytian Myrrh, Sha- vings of Ivory, and Bay-berries, of each an equal Quantity, mix them together, and re- duce them to Powder, of which you may take a large Spoonful. You fhall add four Scruples of bruifed Hyflbp, three Ounces of Honey, or of Raifiri-Wine, a Sextarius of Wine, one Ball of bruifed or diflblved Gith ; after running o,r galloping, or after their Labour, you fhall add an Hemina of compounded Wine well peppered; and in Summer, a like Quantity of Oil of Rofes, or of Wormwood, and give it them by their Mouth with an Horn. C c 2 If |
3 88 Fegetius Renatas of the Book IV,
If an Animal is fatigued with the fervent
Heat, you fhall mix Vinegar and Water with bruifed Penny-royal, and foment his Noftrils and Face therewith ; you fhall alfo pour into his Chops, Eggs beaten with an Hemina of the heft old Wine, that fo the Virtue of the Wine may be increased by the refreshing and com- forting Quality of the Eggs. It will repel Leannefs, and a languishing
Faintnefs and Feeblenefs, if you take half an Ounce of Sulphur with four Scruples of Myrrh, and reduce them into Powder, and add to them a raw Egg, and a Sextarius of old Wine, and pour it into them by their Chops. Diapente (as we have already faid) is ne-
ceffary for very many Difeafes, and ought to be carefully made up and kept by you ; take Gentian, round Birthwort, Myrrh, Shavings of Ivory, and Bay-berries, all frefh Ingredients, and reduce them ail together into a very (mall Powder; and to fuch as have a Fever, you fhall give by their Mouth a Spoonful of this, with three Ounces of Honey, and a Sextarius of warm Water, in which the Roots of Bu'il- rufhes, and a fufficient Quantify of Parfiey have been boiled ; and let the fame Remedy be repeated after the fame Manner, for the Space of three Days : The fame Powder, if above a Spoonful of it be given with a Sexta- 7'HIS
2 |
Ch. 9. Dißempers of Horfest &c. 389
rius of old Wine, and an Hemina of green
Oil, frees an Animal from all kinds of Poifon whatfoever, or from the Bites of Serpents, or other little Beafts; to which, if you fhall add another Spoonful of the Powder of Pepper and Penny-royal, and of Cummin alfo, and give it with a Sextarius of old Wine, it expels all manner of Cold. CHAP. IX.
Of a Drench for a Cough, and for fuch as
have form of their Parts overflretched with- in them. YOU may relieve an incurable Cough
with an Hemina of Raifin-Wine, and three Ounces of Oil, and a raw Egg, if you pour them down their Chops for the Space of three Days, having added to them two Spoon- fuls of Bean-flower, and of Fenugreek j more- over, a Sextarius of parched Beans boiled without Salt, three Ounces of Goats-Suet, three Ounces of Butter, three Heads of purg- ed Garlick, boiled with the Juice of Ptifan, given for the Space of three Days, is of very areat Benefit to fuch as have a Violent Coueh. The following is reckoned ftronger than this Medicine; take two Pounds of dry Figs, a Sextarius of Fenugreek, an Ounce of Gum- C c 3 dra- |
390 Vegctius Renatus ofthe Book IV.
dragant, all infufed in warm Water the Day
before, an Ounce of Comfrey, a fmall Bundle of green Rue, three fmall Bundles of Par- fley, and you fhall boil them together in Wa- ter fora long while, and pour it down their Chops for the Space of three Days. It is be- lieved that this alfo will cure fuch as have their inward Parts overftretched, if you gather feven Ounces of the cleaneft Afhes, and put three Ounces of Oil to them, feven bruifed Bulbs, an Ounce of Comfrey, an Ounce of Butter, an Ounce of Goats-Suet, three Ounces of Honey, three Ounces of green Plantain bruifed, an Hemina of Raifin-Wine, an He- mina of Ptifan, or of Linfeed, of which, after you have tempered them fo as that they may flow eafiiy through an Horn, you fhall give a fingle Hemina to each Animal fafting, for the Space of three Days, or for more, as Ne- ceffity obliges you. The following cheap and eafy Drench has
frequently cured a defperate Cough ; take Six Ounces of Beans reduced to Powder, fix Ounces of the Powder of Fenugreek, fix Ounces of the Powder of dry Elicampane pounded, three Ounces of the Powder of Com- frey brayed, fix Ounces of Butter, all which you fhall beat together, with three Sextarii of good Wine, and add to it a Sextarius and an half
Ch. 9. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 391
half of Raifin Wine, and give to one Horfe
falling, before Day-light, two Hornfuls of it by his Mouth, till he drink up the whole Drench. Experiments have taught us, that a Medicine, made up after the following Man- ner, has been of no fmall Benefit; you fhall boil a Sextarius of parched Beans without Salt, and add three Ounces of He-Goats-Suet melt- ed, and five Ounces of Butter, you (hall bruife them all in a Mortar; moreover, you fhall boil a Sextarius of Fenugreek well cleanf- ed, and pour out the firft Water, when it firft begins to boil, and add five Sextarii of Wa- ter, twenty of the fatteft dry Figs, and four Ounces of Liquorice, and boil them all to- gether, till the Water be reduced to three Sex- tarii ; then bruife the Fenugreek, Liquorice, and the dry Figs, and mix them with the Beans, and pour upon them alfo the hot Wa- ter wherein the dry Figs, with the reft of the things, were boiled; and when they are all mingled together, if the Liquor be thicker than it ought to be, you fhall add as much Raifin-Wine to it, as will make it pafs eafily through an Horn. You fhall give one fingle Sextarius of it by the Mouth, for a great ma- ny Days, to fuch Animals as are afflicted with a Cough. |
Cc 4
392 Vegetius Renatus of the Book IV.
Of a Drench againfi Worms, Botts, Moths, Sec.
IT will deftroy Botts, Worms, Moths, and
other Vermine that breed in the Belly, if you gather an Hemina of the Afhes of dry Olive-tree-Wood, and give it with an Hemina of green Oil, with an Horn, for the Space of three Days. There is alfo another Compo- fition, which frequently delivers from a mor- tal Diftemper; take of the Powder of Alexan- drian Wormwood, and alfo of Pontic or of Roman Wormwood, alfo of crude Lupines, and of the Herb Centaury, and of the Flower of bitter Vetches, and of Radifh-feed two Ounces each, add an Ounce of Hartfhorn, three Trochifks of Sinoper of Pontus, half an Ounce of Opopanax, two Sextarii of any rough auftere Wine, a Sextarius of green Oil ; all which you pour fo into an Animal, after they are warmed, as that he may take a Hornful of them, by his Mouth, when he is placed upon a riling Ground, fo that the Juice may the more eafily reach his inward Parts. The next Day let the fame Animal be placed upon a Hoping Ground with his Head down- ward, and let an Hemina of that Potion luke- warm be conveyed into him by Way of a Clyfter,
Ch. 11. Dißempers of Horfes, 5cc. 393
Clyfter, that fo this Drench being thrown in-
to them every other Day at both Ends, may flow into that Place where thcfe noxious little Beafts are gathered together, and which by making Holes in the Ventricle, deftroy the Animals, after they have been grievoufly tor- mented with Pains. There is alfo a third Compofition no lefs ftrong than the other. You take and bruife about one Pound of the Root of the Sicilian Caper-bufh, or the Ber- ries with the Leaves of it, and mix them together, and add two Sextarii of Vinegar; this Medicine you throw into the Animal fometimes by the Mouth (as has been already faid) fometimes by its Interline, that fo you may confume and deflroy thofe internal Foes, by the Sharpnefs and Roughnefs of the Potion, G H A P. XL
Of a Drench againft all Kinds ofDifeafes.
A Salutary Compofition ought to be pre-
pared againft all kinds of Difeafes, that fo about the very Time they begin, you may be able to encounter and refift them with fuch Things as you have laid up in Store, and have at Hand j for Medicine that comes too late is vain, and of no Value. Take a Pound of Myrrh, a Pound of Male-Frankincenfe, a Pound
394 Vegetim Renatas of the Book IV,
Pound of the Skin of a Pomegranate brayed,
three Ounces of Pepper, three Ounces of Saf- fron, half a Pound of the Red-thorn-Tree, half a Pound of the Grape-Clufter-like Cad- mia, half a Pound of burnt Rofin, half a Pound of Pontic Wormwood, half a Pound of the Powder of wild Thyme, half a Pound ofBetony, half a Pound of Centaury, half a Pound of Sagapenum, half a Pound of Saxi- frage, half a Pound of Sow-fennel; after you have brayed, and fifted them all well, you mix them in three Sextarii of the beft Honey, and boil them gently for a very little while upon the Coals, and afterwards you put them up in a Tin or Glafs. VefTel, and keep them for Uje ; of which Compofition you fhall give to the Animals that are fick, if. they have a Fever, one large heaped Spoonful a Day each, in an Hemina of lukewarm Water, and three Ounces of the beft Oil; but if the difeafed Animals have no Fever, or have now begun to reco- ver, you fhall give it with Wine and Oil, for feveral Days, till the Animal be intirely reliev- ed. You muff know that this is a moft ef- fectual, and an approved Potion. . |
Ch. 12. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 395
Of a falutary Compoßtion of Fumes.
ACompofition of Fumes drives away Faf-
cination, or pining Diforders, purifies the Animal, chafes away Demons, removes Difeafes, for the Smell of the Smoak, and the Steam entering through the Mouth, and the Noftrils, penetrates to all the RecefTes of the Bowels, and very frequently cures thofe Places, which Drenches could not cure; in Men efpecially the Steam of Fumes has great EfFedt. In fine, the Authors that have writ- ten of Medicines proper for Horfes and Mules, &c. affirm, that the moft dangerous and def- perate Difeafes proceed, not from the Fault of their Food or Water, but from the Corrup- tion of the Air, and therefore the reaking Steam of this wholfome Fume does more eafi- ly cure the Languifhment, which a peftilent Diftemper has brought upon them ; and fuch a Compofition of Fumes is as follows; take a Pound of live Sulphur, a Pound of Jewißi Bitumen, an Ounce of Opopanax, half a Pound pf Galbanum, half a Pound of Caf- tor, half a Pound of crude Chiches, half a Pound of * * * three Ounces of Sal Am- moniac, three Ounces of the Shavings of * The Word Albitit being of uncertain Signification isleftout.
3 9 6 Fegefius Renafus of the Book IV.
Harts-Horn, three Ounces of Sinoper, of male
and female Jet three Ounces each, one Ounce of Bloodftone, one Ounce of Loadftone, one Ounce of Litharge of Silver, feven fmall Sea- Horfes, four Sea-Si:ars, {even Sea-Balls, fe- ven Sea-Horfes, {even Sea-Finger-nails, three Ounces of the Sea-Grape, three Pounds of the Heart or Pith of the Torch Pine-tree, three Pounds of Cedar-Rofin, three Pounds of Tar, feven Bones of the Cuttle-Fifh; after you have dried all thefe, bruife and mix them together, of which, when there fliall be Occafion for it, you fprinkle one Spoonful upon live Coals, and after you have covered the Animal's Head, you fumi- gate him therewith, that he may receive the Smoak through his Mouth and Noftrils. This Fume, befide the curing Horfes, heals Dif- tempers that befall Men, repels Hail, and drives away Daemons and Ghofts. CHAP. XIII.
Of the Compofition of the Quadrigarian Powder.
HAT they call the (t) ^uadrigarian
Powder, which is a Mixture of di-
verfe Sorts of Medicines, does both give Re- U) ShiaJrigarian Potvder feems to have its Name from the
Horfes which they ufed for their Sluadnga or Chariots drawn by four Horfes in Front. lief
Ch. 13. DißemßersofHorfes,&cc. 397
lief to Animals by itfelf, and is alfo mixed
with other Potions, according to the Manner and Method of Cure ; of this, Chiron thinks that the following Compofition is the moft wholefome: Take three Pounds of Gum- Dragant, fix Ounces of Aloes, fix Ounces and one Scruple of Myrrh, one Ounce and one Scruple of Coftus, one Ounce and a Scruple of Amomum, one Ounce and a Scru- ple of Cafiia, one Pound of Gentian, a Pound of Birthwort, a Pound of Centaury, a Pound of Betony, a Pound of Saxifrage, a Pound of Marjoram, a Pound of Hyflbp, a Pound of Southernwood, fix Ounces of Maudlin, fix Ounces of Cardamoms, three Ounces of the Spikenard-leaf, three Oun- ces of Spikenard, fix Ounces of Celtic- Spikenard, a Pound of Afarabaca, three Oun- ces of the wild Carrot, fix Ounces of Caftor, fix Ounces of Opopanax, fix Ounces of Gal- banum, fix Ounces of Soapwort, fix Ounces of the Root of Allheal, fix Ounces of Li- quorice, three Bundles of Wormwoood, eight Spoonfuls of the Juice of Vervain, fix Ounces of the Powder of dry Vervain fifted; you (hall bruife all thefe together, and, keep them very carefully in a Glafs or Tin-VefTel. But Pelago- nius made up the Compofition of the $uadri- garian Powder after this manner ; viz. take of
3*98 Feget ius Renatus of the Book IV.'
of Cinnamon, Syrian Spikenard, Indian Spike-
nard, Sicilian Saffron, Troglodytian Myrrh, Squinanche, black Pepper, long Pepper, Flow- er of Saffron, Betony, black Caffia, German- der, Spikenard Leaves, Maftic, Indian Onion, Spikenard, Storax, Calamus Aromaticus of Pontus, Garden-Parfley, Flower of Saffron, Birthwort, Gentian, dry Rofes, Caffia Fif- tula, Elecampane, an equal Quantity each, in Proportion to the Number of Animals, and mix them all together and bruife them, and put them up in a Gally-Pot or Glafs-Bottle, and when there fhall be Occafion, give one fingle Spoonful to each Horfe or Mule, or more, if their Strength will bear it, with Wine and Oil added to it. Sometimes you mix it with other Drenches, if the Rules of Art, and Method of Cure command it. Abfyrtus made up the Quadrigarian Pow-
der after this manner j take the Spikenard- Leaf, Spikenard, Saffron, white Pepper, long Pepper, black Pepper, the Root of Opopa- nax, Caffia Daphnitis, Caffia Mufylitis, * *.* Caffia Nardina, Illyrian Flower-de-luce, Parf- ley-Seed, Birthwort, Sow-Fennel, Savin, Gen- tian, * * * Thyme, Myrrh, Germander, Coitus, Male-Frankincenfe, * * * Pomegra- * The Blanks fhew that there are three Words wanting,
which feem. to be corrupted, and not intelligible. nate,
Ch. 14^ Dißempenof Horfes, &c. 399
nate, fweet Cane, dry Rofes, wild Rue, Parf-
ley, long Birthwort, Amomum, the Syrian Calamus, the Herb Mugwort; prepare all thefe in proportion to the Number of the Animals, mix an equal Quantity of them toge- ther, bray and fift them, and keep them in or- der to make ufe of them againft Diftempers. CHAP. XIV.
Of the Compofition of a Cauflic.
A Cauftick dries the Parts that are moifien-
ed, binds fail: together thofe that are loof- €ned, repairs thofe that are put out of Joint, and confirms and ftrengthens thofe that are hurt. Chiron fhews us the manner of compofing fuch a Cauftick as this; take two Pounds of Jews Pitch, two Pounds of Apollonian Bitu- men, fix Ounces of the Flower of Frankin- cenfe, two Ounces of Arabian Bdellium, two Pounds of Deer's-Marrow, two Ounces of Bee-Glue, two Ounces of Galbanum, two Ounces of the Drops of Storax, two Pounds of common Wax, one Pound of Ro- fin fcraped off Wine-Veffels, three Ounces of Italian Birdlime, two Ounces of Pitch fcra- ped off from Ships, with a Mixture of Wax and Rofin, two Ounces of the Juice of Hyf- ibp, two Ounces of Ammoniac Drops, a Pound
40o Fege ti us Renatus of the Book IVj
Pound of Brutian Pitch. [Melt fuch things
as ought to be melted, and add the Powder of the other things, ftir them and boil them, that they may become one Subftance, which you fhall ufe againft Bladders and Suffufions which arife in the Knees, and Legs, and Joints, and they think that it cures the Glandules and Offilages.] Pelagonius made up a Cauftick proper for
curing Suffufions and Bladders in the Knees and Joints after this manner. He took a Pound of Carthaginian Wax, two Pounds and an half of Rofin, three Ounces of Gal- banum, two Pounds of Jews Pitch, two Pounds of fecondary Myrrh, a Pound of Bi- tumen, fix Ounces of Armenian Salt, fix Ounces of Coftus. But you muft boil the other things in a new earthen Pot, and after it is grown cold, you add the Jews Pitch, and the Armenian Salt and Coftus, according to the Quantity already mentioned, brayed as fmall as Meal, and you fhall ftir it, and boil it again, that it may be one Subftance, which you fhall ufe againft Swellings of the Veins, and Bladders and Suffufions which arife in the Knees or in the Legs, or between the Joints, or in the Joints, and it is reckoned effectual alfo for curing of Offilages. He alfo would have a Cauftic-Malagma to be made up after this manner j
Ch. 15. DißempersofHorfeSi&c. 401
manner; viz. two Pounds of Pitch, two
Pounds of Wax, three Ounces of Galbanum, a Pound of Rofin, two Pounds of Bull's Tal- low, feven Ounces of Bdellium, three Oun- ces of the Flower of Frankincenfe, fix Oun- ces of Turpentine Rofin, two Pounds of Mifletoe, three Ounces of Glue. Abjyrtus made up this Sort of Cauftic after this man- ner : Take three Ounces of fried or parched Rofin, three Ounces of hard Pitch, three Ounces of Jews Pitch, three Ounces of Mif- letoe, three Ounces of Galbanum, three Ounces of Bitumen, you boil all thefe in Wine, but you bruife the Bitumen, and put it upon the other things. CHAP. XV.
Of the Compofition of a Malagma.
OR a Compofition of a Malagma for
hard and old Tumours, take two Oun-
ces of Galbanum, a Pound of Rofin, half a Pound of Gum Ammoniac, half a Pound of Brutian Pitch, a Pound of Wax, and fuch a Quantity of Oil, as may be furficient to temper and mix them. There is alfo another Malagma for hard and old Tumours; take two Pounds of Galbanum, half a Pound ©f Gum Ammoniac, half a Pound of Tur- D 4 pentine |
40 2 Vegetius Renatus of the Book IV.
pentine Rofin, a Pound of Opopanax, a Pound
of Storax, a Pound of red Wax, a Pound of Bdellium, one Ounce of white Pepper, a Pound of Bay-berries, one Ounce of long Pepper, half a Pound of Brutian Pitch, and a fufficient Quantity of the Oil of Orrice. CHAP. XVI.
Of the Compofition of a fiflular Collyrium, or
Dofil for a Fißula. A Fiflular Collyrium, or Dofil, is that
which is made up, in order to be put into Fiftulas of Wounds, which have been negligently cured from the Beginning, and it is formed according to the Dimenfions of the Fiftula itfelf, that when it is put into it, it may fill the fame, that after the Hardnefs is confumed, the quick Flefh may form a folid Cicatrice. Take a Pound of Mify or Roman Vitriol, a Pound of Tartar, a Pound of Verdigreafe, a Pound of Brafs-ore, fix Ounces of Cummin, bruife them with Vi- negar, and make Col/yria's or Dofils there- with. A fiftular Collyrium is made after ano- ther manner ; viz. take of Mify or Roman Vitriol, Verdigreafe, Chalcitis, or Brafs-ore, a Pound each, fix Ounces of Honey, * * * * There is another Ingredient mentioned in this Chapter»
which the Author calls Zungitis, what it fignifies I know not. 2 " boil
Ch.i'/>iS. Jbtßempersof Horfes, &c. 40.3
boil them in old Wine, and make Dofils of
them to be put into the Fiftula's. CHAR XVII.
Of the Compofition of a crude Malagma.
FOR a Compofition of a crude Malag-
ma, take two Pounds of Quick-Lime, a Pound of Alexandrian Muftard, fix Oun- ces of dry Figs, a fufficient Quantity of Axle- tree Greafe, or Hog's-lard, mix them together, bruife them, and ufe them. G H A P. XVIII.
Of the Compofition of a liquid or fpreading
Ointment. TO the Compofition of an Ointment,
take two Pounds of red Wax, two Pounds of parched or fried Rofin, a Pound of the Oil of Bays, a Pound of Bulls-Tallow, a Pound of Axle-tree Greafe, a Pound of Deers-Marrow, of the Oil of Cyperus, Ver- digreafe, Hyffop, and old Axle-tree Greafe, a Pound each, boil all thefe together upon the Coals, and ufe them. |
D d 2 CHAP.
404 Vegetius Renatus of the Book IVV
Of the Compofition of a Vulnerary.
A Vulnerary Medicine is very proper for
curing Wounds, for having taken away the putrid Part, it reduces the quick Flefh to a found State. This is compounded after this manner; take a Pound of Mify or Ro- man Vitriol, two Pounds of Chalcitis or Brafs-ore, a Pound of Verdigreafe, cleanfe them equally all together, and put them on a Tile, and fet them on the Fire, and toaft them that they may become red ; afterwards you fhall bruife them in a Mortar, and make them into a Powder like Meal. Then you boil two Sextarii of Honey in a new Pot with Wine, and when it begins to boil, you fhall make the forementioned Powder into it, and boil them together, and when this Medicine is cold, you fhall ufe it for cance- rous Sores, Wounds, and Bruifes, to reduce them to a found State, and to a Cicatrice. A vulnerary Medicine is alfo compounded after this manner; take of Mify or Roman Vitriol, Cadmia, Aloes, and fweet Cane, a Pound each, two Pounds of Verdigreafe, a Pound of Chalcitis or Brafs-ore, two Pounds of Ho- ney, boil them in a new Pot, and make ufe of this Medicine when it is cold. CHAP.
Ch. 2 o, 21. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 405
Of the Compoßtion of a Baßlic Malagma.
ALSO the following Compofition of a
Malagma is approved j take a Pound of Honey, of Galbanum, Storax, Bdellium, white Pepper, a Pound each, two Pounds of Gum Ammoniac, of Deer's-marrow and Bay-berries a Pound each, two Ounces of the Flower of Frankincenfe, five Ounces of Goat's-Suet. CHAP. XXI.
Of another Compofition of a Malagma.
THERE is alfo a medicinal Malag-
ma which is compounded after this manner; take three Ounces of Ammoni- ac-Gum, a Pound of Wax, two Ounces of the Flower of Nitre, two Pounds of Turpentine Rofin, three Ounces of Sto- rax, fix Ounces of Bay-berries, three Oun- ces of Cyperus-Oil, three Ounces of the Oil of Bays, fix Ounces of Deer's-Mar- row, three Ounces of the Oil of Rofes, fix Ounces of Goofe-Greafe, four Ounces of Hyffop, fix Ounces of the Fat of a Stag, fix Ounces of Opopanax, two Ounces of D d 3 white |
4o6 Vegetius Renatus of the Book IV;
white Pepper, three Ounces of Galbanum,
a Pound of old Axle-tree, Greafe, an Hemina of the marpeft Vinegar, and four Ounces of Male-Frankincenfe. C H A P. XXII.
Of the Compoßtion of a conglutinating Plaißer,
jJBfyrtus made up, and published a Com-
pofition of a conglutinating Plaifter, fuch as this; viz. a Sextarius of the Flower of Nitre, three Ounces of Opopanax, two Ounces of Sicilian Saffron, an Ounce of white Pepper, three Ounces of the Flower of Frankincenfe, ten Snails bruifed, twenty Bulbs, or Cloves of Garlick, twenty Filbert- Nuts ; if you bruife and mix all thefe toge- ther, and temper them with Vinegar, you may join and put together fuch Parts as are pulled afunder; neverthelefs it is more effec- tual, if you let the Animal Blood and apply it to the Places which fufFer Pain. For a Compofition of a liquid or fpread-
ing Ointment, take four Ounces of Storax, three Ounces of Gum-Ammoniac, two Oun- ces of Deer's-marrow, fix Ounces of Gleucine Oil, three Ounces of the Oil of Cyperus, three Ounces of Bull's Tallow, four Oun- ces of Turpentine Rofin, three Ounces of the
Ch. 23. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 407
the Fat of a Bear, four Ounces of the Fat of
a Lion, three Ounces of Bee-Glue, fix Oun- ces of old Oil, a Pound of Axle-tree Greafe, a Pound of the Oil of Savin, of Opopanax, and Galbanum, three Ounces ; you boil all thefe things upon burning Coals with a flow Heat, and they afford a moil wholefome Ointment. CHAP. XXIII.
Of another Compofition of a crude Malagma.
ACompofition of a crude Malagma is
fuch as this; take half a Pound of Carthaginian Wax, half a Pound of Gum- Ammoniac, three Ounces of Bdellium, two Ounces of Storax, four Ounces of Sagape- num, fix Ounces of the Flower of Frankin- cenfe, four Ounces of old Oil, two Ounces of Bee-Glue, fix Ounces of Deer's-Marrow, two Ounces of Bull's-Suet, two Ounces of fried Rofin, two Ounces of the Fat of a Bear, two Ounces of the Fat of a Lion, of Opopanax, and Bay-berries, two Ounces each, four Ounces of the Oil of Cyperus, three Ounces of Gentian, fix Ounces of Colophonian Rofin, fix Ounces of Galbanum. There is alfo another Compofition of a
Malagma; take of Wax, and Gum-Ammo-
Dd 4 niac,
40 8 Vegetim Renatm of the Book IV.
iliac, a Pound each, fix Ounces of Storax,
three Ounces of Sagapenum, three Ounces of the Flower of Frankincenfe, four Ounces of Deer's-Marrow, two Ounces of Spanifl) O- pium, four Ounces of Bee-Glue, fix Ounces of Goat's-Suet, fix Ounces of Galbanum, four Ounces of Brutian Pitch, three Ounces of Turpentine Rofin, four Ounces of fried Ro- fin, four Ounces of the fharpeft Vinegar, fix Ounces of the Oil of Maftich, and four Oun- ces pf the Oil of Orrice. CHAP. XXIV.
Of the Compofition of a Malagma for oozy
Erupt torn. TO a Compofition of a Malagma for oozy
Eruptions, take a Pound of African Salt, a Pound of Bulbs and Nitre, one Pound of Sulphur, two Pounds of mify or Roman Vitriol, a Pound of Oil, and after you have boiled them carefully, you fhall ufe them. CHAP. XXV.
Of the Compofition of a Malagma for the Nerves.
f 1 ^ P a Compofition of a Malagma for the
JL Nerves, take of quick Sulphur, Alum, Rofin, Brutian Pitch, one Pound each, two Pounds of Wax, one Pound of Deer's-Mar- row, ftir or mix all thefe together. CHAP.
Chap. 2j~. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 409
Of the Compofition of a Vulnerary.
TO a Compofition of a vulnerary Medicine,
take four Ounces of Galls, three Ounces of burnt Brafs, three Ounces of the Bark of a Pomegranate, four Ounces of Mify or Roman Vitriol, one Ounce of Wine, three Ounces of Vi- negar, boil them in a new Pot, and ufe them. CHAP, XXVII.
Of the Compofition of Eye-fahes, or a Colhri-
um for the Eyes. WE have fubjoined Abfyrtus, Pelagonius,
and Chiron's Compofitions of Eye- falves, for to remove and wipe away white Spots or Specks from the Eyes. Abfyrtus di- rected you to take Filberts and burn them till they are reduced to Ames, and to bruife them in a Mortar, and to add the fame Quantity of the Flower of Frankincenfeto them, and after they have been bruifed for a long while, let the beft Honey be added to them, and all reduced into one Mafs, and fo let the Animal be anointed therewith. The fame Abfyrtus commends this Sort of Collyrium or Eye-falve viz. to take eight Grains of white Pepper, two Ounces of Attican Honey, two Ounces of Saffron, two Ounces of the Shell of the * Sea |
41Q Fege tius Renatm of the Book IV,
Sea Cuttle-fifh very carefully bruifed, one
Ounce of Balfam. Pelagonius points out to you fuch a Collyri-
um or Eye-falve as this, viz. take Oil, Salt, Rofin, white Lead, Opobalfamum, and ha- ving added Honey to them, bruife them, and make them up for a Salve, and every other Day you apply it. He alfo made up a Spikenard- Eye-falve after this Manner, viz. an Ounce of Violets, an Ounce and an half of Spikenard, of Caffia, and Myrrh> three Ounces, of Saffron three Ounces, Six Ounces of the Oil of Cy- perus, t\vo Ounces of white Pepper, three Ounces of Cummin. He alfo compounded other Eye-falves, viz. he took of Opobalfa- mum, Saffron, Myrrh, Spaniß Salt, Scales of Brafs, Bone of the Cuttle-fifh, an Ounce each, two Ounces of Cadmia, an Ounce of the Scum or Flower of Nitre, a Pound of At- tican'Money. Chiron alfo informs us, that old Pins, or
Webs on the Eye are cleanfed by this follow- ing Compontion of an Eye-falve j you mail take and bum the extreme Part of an Ox's Horn, where it is folid, and the Powder of Male-Frankincenfe; you fhall alfo make a« Powder of human Dungburned, and of Am- moniac Salt, an equal Quantity of each, long Pepper, the Bones of the Cuttle-Fifh, the Flower
Ch. 27. Dißempers of Horfes, &c. 411
Flower of Verdigreafe, old Wine, Saffron, Rue, and after you have bruifed them, mix them all together, and add a fufficient Quantity of the beft Honey, and anoint the Eye therewith. He made alfo another Eye-falve like this, viz. the Bones of the Sea Cuttle-Fiih, Saffron, Troglodytian Myrrh, Salt alfo, and the Dung of a Crocodile, all thefe are bruifed together for a long while, and after they are bruifed, they are lifted, and a fufficient Quantity of the beft Honey being added to them, they afford a very ufeful Ointment for Animals. Although I may have taught you minute
Things, and that almoft nothing of what dif- ferent Authors have related has efcaped me, ne- verthelefs we have given an Account of fueh. Things only as feemed to be tried and approved ; but left a longer Book mould feem rather to con- found than inftrudt the Readers, we think that we ought to fet due Bounds to it, and bring it to a Conclufion, admoniihing you again and again, to be diligent and careful, to refill the very firft Beginnings of Diftempers, for even Sickneffes that are incurable, if they be pre- vented, are overcome by the Art of the Phy- fician, and I have read, that Diforders eafy to be cured, when they become inveterate, oft-times cannot be cured. |
N. K
4*2 Vegetius Renatus of the Book IV.
f N. B. ^fr /Ä^ Author feems here to have
ended his Book, the following Chapter muß be either an Appendix added by the Authory or an Addition made by fome other Perfon. CHAP. XXVIII.
A Cephalic, which makes for clofing and
filling up all difficult Wounds. Take the Roots of the Herb Allheal, Male-Frank- incenfe, Myrrh, the fine Flower of bitter Vetches, dry Rofe-leaves well bruifed and fifted, a Powder made up of thefe clofes and cures difficult Wounds. Alfo if you make a Collyrium or Dofil of boiled Honey rnixed with this Medicament, and thruft it into a Fiftula under deep Wounds, it forces them to fill up and heal the fooner. You fhall make an ufual Medicament, ne-
cefTary for daily Ufe, for faving of Time, and preventing Delays, after this Manner; take Verdigreafe, Chalcitis or Brafs-ore, Flow- er of Brafs, burnt Brafs, thefe well bruifed and fifted in equal Quantities, make a repref- fing Medicament, which by eating the over- growing (proud) Flefh, cherifhes the Place |
Ch. 28. Diftempers of Borfes, &c. 413
effeSled. This fame, when boiled with Vine- gar and Honey to the Thicknefs of Honey, you (hall make into a Medicament, which is proper for cleanfing all Wounds, Cancers, and rugged Bones. There is a Medicament, which contributes
to cleanfe perfectly all Wounds, or to clofe them without Difficulty; take *** Tur- pentine Rofin, Harts-Marrow, Verdigreafe, and Oil, and fo make them up into a fuffici- ent Quantity. There is what they call <Tetrapharmacumt
t. e. a Medicine confining of four Ingredi- ents, which contributes to cleanfe all Wounds, and to cure them fpeedily. Take Bulls Tal- low, Wax, Pitch and Oil. The above-men- tioned Medicine is proper for forming a Cica- trice. 'There is a Medicine, which is proper for
all fordid and cancerous Wounds. Take Lees of Oil, Salt, Vinegar, after you have mixed fuch a Quantity as you have a mind, and re- duced it to the Thicknefs of Honey, you fhall ufe it. *** Punicam. There feems to be a Subftantive wanting to
be joined with this Word, which cannbt be fupplied with any Certainty, probably it may be Cortieem, the Bark of the Pome- granate, which is an Ingredient in fome other Medicines for Sores. |
414 Vegetius Renatus of the Book IV.'
There is an oflicular Medicine which is
proper for all the Bones, take Tar, old Axle- tree Greafe, Verdigreafe well bruifed and mix- ed, ftrain it when it is well boiled, after the boiling itcleanfes the above-mentioned Wounds exceeding well. There is a ftyptic Medicine which is pro-
per for drying all wet and fpungy Wounds; take Scißle AUum, the leffer Galls, Barks of the Pomegranate, the under Bark of the Tree itfelf; all thefe being well bruifed, the Pow- der of them is exceeding ufeful for drying up Wounds. There is a Medicament which makes for
clofing all Wounds; take Wormwood, Sino- per, Scales of Brafs; thefe three, being well mixed together, make a dry Medicine which is ufeful for all Wounds. There is an impletory Medicament, which
is proper for filling up all hollow Wounds: Take the Flower of Frankincenfe, the fine Flower of bitter Vetches, the Scales of Brafs, thefe being well brayed, make a Medicament for filling up or cleanfing Wounds. It is of Benefit for Ruptures of the Eyes,
and preferving the fmall Coats thereof, if Goats-gall be mixed with Goats-Milk, and fo the Eyes be anointed with a black Feather. |
Ch. 28. Diftempers of Horfes, &'c. 415
You {hall make a Medicine for white Spots,
Pins or Webs of the Eyes after this Manner , take four Sexfarii of Wine, one Sextarius of the beft Garum, four Ounces of Honey, boil them together, and ufe them. For a recent Blow upon the Eye, take of Saffron, Myrrh, Male-Frankincenfe, Gum, Marrow of a Wether-fheep, Juice of Comfrey, Honey, Car- damines, two Ounces each. For an Ointment of a fomewhat liquid
Confiftence, take two Pounds of red Wax, four Pounds of Axle-tree Greafe, two Ounces of Opopanax, two Pounds of old Oil, three Ounces of Galbanum, four Pounds of Myrrh, three Pounds of Armenian Earth, four Pounds of Cyperus-OWy two Pounds of Deers-Marrow, two Pounds of Hyflbp, four Pounds of Storax, four Pounds of the Oil of Maftich. An Ointment of a liquid Confiftence of ano-
ther Sort, and for other Kinds of Diforders : Take two Pounds of Galbanum, one Pound of Opopanax, four Pounds of Wax, three Pounds of Deers-Marrow, two Pounds of Male-Frank- incenfe, one Pound of white Pepper, three Pounds of Turpentine Rofin, one Pound of Storax, a Pound and a half of the Fat of a Goofe, fix Ounces of Euphorbium, of the Fat of a Lion, Honey and Caftor, a Pound -each, of the Oil of Myrrh two Pounds, of |
4i 6 Vegetius Renatus of the Book IVs.
the Oil of Maftich two Pounds, of Syrian Oil two Pounds, of old Oil two Pounds, of Honey-Oil two Pounds, of the Oil of Storax two Pounds, and of Opium three Pounds. You mall make Salves or foft Plaifters af-
ter this Manner; take one Pound of Litharge, two Ounces of white Lead, three Sextarii of Wine, a Pound and an Half of Oil, you (hall make them all up together, and fo ufe them. You mall make Salves of another Kind thus • take Litharge, white Lead, Male-Frankin- cenfe, white Vinegar and Oil, bruife all thefe together into one Mafsy and mix them with Honey-wine, and fo ufe them. You mall make a Vulnerary thus; take a
Pound of Chalcitis or Brafs-ore, a Pound and an half of Mify or Roman Vitriol, an Ounce of Verdigreafe, a Pound of Pigeons Dung, three Ounces and three Scruples of Adarca} you boil them together, and fo ufe them. Alfo there is another Kind of Vulnerary for removing Inflammations or Tumours; take fix Ounces of Alexandrian Muftard, three Ounces of African Figs, fix Ounces of old Axle-tree Greafe, three Scruples of Vinegar. There is alfo a Vulnerary of another Kind for removing Warts; take two Ounces of the Flower of Chalcitis or Brafs-ore, two Ounces of Nitre, three Ounces of Lafer, and an He- mina
fmna of Vinegar. There is alfo one of another
Kmd for Horfes that are difeafed in the Houghs or Patterns. Take of Vcrdigrcafe and Allura five Pounds each, of the Herb Iron-wort one Pound, and one Sextanus of fliarp Vinegar. For difcuffihg Inflammations or hot Tumours, take of the Coftus Root bitter Vetches, Axle-treeGreafe, fliarp Vind gar, fpre&d the fame upon a Linen Cloth and 10 ufe it. ' For a Cauftic for grofs Tendons or Sinews
and whatever other grofs Parts fall under your ■Notice, take of Galbanum, Opopanax, Deer's Marrow, Turpentine Rofin, Armenian Earth Bee-glue, Violet, fine Flower of Frankin cenfe two Pounds, fried Rofin five Pounds, Bitumen three Pounds, hard Pitch fiVg Pounds, Pine-Rofin five Pounds, Wax five Pounds, Wax-Oil three Pounds, Storax two Pounds, Milktoe two Pounds. For a Cauftic for Pains of the Tendons, Si- news and Nerves, take of Galbanum -' Sto" rax violet, Bee-glue, Rofin, a Pound'each" Colophony fix Ounces, Turpentine R0fin fix Pounds, Opopanax one Pound, fine Flower of • Frankincenfe, Hyfiop, Armenian Earth Bay-berries a Po0nd t^^Brutian Pitch a Pound and an half, Aminean Wine a Pound and an half, R0fin of Bitumen one Pound, F e
*" 9 you
418 A P P JtL: A ju> i A.
you mall boil all thefe in one Kettle, and
fpread them warm upon a Linen Cloth. You mall make a boiled Malagma after this
Manner; take of white Wax, and Galbanum one Ounce each, TurpentineRofin two Pounds j Bulls-Suet three Pounds, HyfTop two Pounds, Bdellium a Pound and an half, Illyrian Flower- de-Luce two Pounds, of the Fat of a Goofe one Pound ; you boil all thefe and ufe'them. For a Malagma for a Pain of the Nerves
or Tendons, take fix Ounces of Wax, three Ounces of the Fat of a Stag, of Galbanum, Pepper, Armenian Earth, Turpentine Rofin, three Ounces each, Gum-dragant five Ounces, you bruife them all together, and mix them thoroughly. To a Malagma for vexed Sinews or Nerves, take of Mint, Galbanum, red Oker, Storax, Violets, fix Pounds each, fine Flower four Pounds, you fhall boil all thefe in a Kettle, with the fine Flower and Wine, and make them liquid ; then you fhall mix the fine Flower and the Wine into one Body, fpread them upon a Liner? Cloth, and bind them upon the Part while they are hot. You fhall make a Malagma for Tumors
after this Manner ; take fix Ounces of Wax, threeOunces of DeersFat, three Ounces of Gal- banum, of Violet and white Pepper three Ounces each, Armenian Earth one Ounce, of
.4 |
of Turpentine Rofin three Ounces, Storax
three Ounces, Gentian one Ounce, bruife them all together, afterwards mix them in Wine and fo ufe them. For a Plaifter take one Pound and an half
of green Wax, nine Ounces of Cyperus- Oil, two Ounces of the Oil of Myrrh, two Ounces of the Fat of a Goofe, two Ounces of the fine Flower of Frankincenfe, you put all thefe into a Pan, and boil them, and fpread them upon Linen Cloths. To a Cerate for Ulcers, take of red Wax
ten Pounds, Oil of Myrrh fix Pounds, old Oil eight Pounds, Alum nine Pounds, Oil of Cyperus ten Pounds, Lime five Pounds. You mail make a Fomentation for Tu-
mors, or for any Hardnefs whatfoever, after this manner j you mail bruife Mifletoe boiled in Wine with Axle-tree Greafe, and fo ufe it. But if not, take the Herb Savine and bruife it, and boil it in Honey of Rofes, and fo ufe it till the Tumor be healed. To a Compofition for Horfes afFe&ed with
the Cholick, take a Pound of Pontic-Ahxa.- bacca, Parlley, Fennel, an Ounce each, of black Pepper two Ounces, of Male-Hore- hound one Ounce, Southernwood an Ounce and an half, of the bed: Honey two Pounds, which you fhall boil and clarify, and you E e 2 lhal| |
fhall bruife and fift all thefe Ingredients, and
fo mix them together in the Honey, of this Mafs you mail make the Form of a Filbert, and give it in Water j and 'then give the Horfe fix Sextarii of Water to drink. Alfo on thefe Days, wherein he is affected with that Diftemper, you fhall rub in a Mortar three or four Spoonfuls of Fennel-Seed with Wine, add to it one Sextarius of ordinary Table-wine, put it into a Bottle or Horn, and give it him to drink, and then cover him well up with warm Cloths. To a. Malagma for lame Sinews or Nerves,
take a Pound of Goat's-Suet, half a Pound of Silver and Lead-ore, a Pound of Rofin, half a Pound of Verdigreafe. To a Compofition for the Knees, take an
Hemina of Vinegar, a fmall Quantity of Salt, half a Pound of burnt Brafs, a fufficient Quantity of Sinopen For a Drench in Winter, take of Saffron,
Coftus, Macedonian Parfley, Myrrh, Male- Frankincenfe, Gum-Dragant, Alexandrian Cummin, Dregs of the Oil of Saffron, Pep- per, an Ounce each, and a fufficient Quan- tity of Wine and Oil, you fhall mix all thefe together, and give them with the Juice of Ptifan, into which you put twenty five Dates, twenty five Bulbs, a Bundle of Hyffop, Goat's- Suet, |
Suet, a fmall live Puppy, and after you fee that this is ioaked, then you fhall dry them all thorougmy, and add to them a fufücient Quantity of Oil, then you fhall mix them all throughly and drench the Horjes therewi'h. For a Drench in Summer, take of Gum-
Dragant, Saffron, Southernwood, Carda- moms, Glaucion, Macedonian Parfley, two Ounces each, of Ginger one Ounce, and temper them, and when you begin to give it to the Horfes, give each of them an Hemina of it daily. You fhall add fe&ive Leeks, Purßain, Gallic Oker, Frankincenfe, Parfley, and an Hemina of African Oil, you fhall temper a fufficient Quantity of it and ufe it. |
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