[ 225 ]
XIV. Observations on some Genera of Plants connected with the Flora of
Guiana. By George Bentham, Esq., F.L.S. Read June 19th, 1838.
1. Symplocos, Ciponima, Stemmatosiphon, Alstonia and Hopea.
XN Pohl's Plantarum Brasilias Icones, vol. ii. pi. 157, 158, and 159, three
plants are figured under the name of Stemmatosiphon, and referred to Meliacea;, on account of some similarity in the disposition of the stamina and the form of the corolla, if considered as polypetalous. Adrien de Jussieu, however, in a note added to his excellent memoir on Meliacece (Mém. du Mus. vol. xix. p. 152.) adverted to the simple leaves, indefinite stamina, &c, as incompatible with that family; but, misled by several errors in the details of structure figured by Pohl, was unable to point out satisfactorily the group to which it should be removed*. On the occasion of determining the plants collected in Guiana by Mr. Schomburgk, I was struck with the apparent affinity of one of them to the specimens of Pohl's Stemmatosiphons, which I had obtained at Vienna, and was led into an examination of that genus, which proved to be identical with the Linnean Symplocos, as first constituted, although differing in many points from many of the other species which have since been asso- ciated with it. The genus Symplocos was originally founded by Jacquin, and adopted by
Linnaeus, for the S. martinicensis, which was thus characterized by Linnaeus in his Genera Plantarum: "Perianthium monophyllum, semiquinquefidum, parvum, laciniis subrotundis erectis. Pelala quinque, oblonga, obtusa, erecta^ superne patentissima. Filamenta plurima, subulata, plana, petalis breviora, * The remarkable circumstance in particular of a trifid stigmate, with a quadrilocular ovarium,
figured in each of the three plates, does not exist in any flower that I have dissected of either of the species. |
226 Mr. Bentham's Observations on some Genera of Plants
serie quadruplici corollse tubo acereta, inferioribus brevioribus. Antherae sub-
rotundse. Germen subrotundum. Stylus filiformis, longitudine staminum. Stigma capitatum subtrifidum." The above character will be found in every respect, as far as it goes, ad-
mirably adapted to Pohl's Stemmatosiphons, as well as to the original Symplocos, and to Aublet's Ciponima ; for although the words Pelala quinque rather indi- cate a polypetalous corolla, yet their adherence at the base is plainly indicated by the subsequent expression, Filamenta .... tubo corollte acereta. L'Héritier in the first volume of the Linnean Transactions (p. 174.) first
proposed the joining the genera Hopea {Linn. Mont. p. 14.), Alstonia [Linn. FU. Suppl. p. 39.), and Ciponima (Aubl. Plant. Guian. i. p. 567- t. 226.) to Symplocos, of which it became consequently necessary to modify the character in many points, of which the most important are, Calyx superus quinquepar- titus. Corolla .... campanulata .... petalis s. laciniis 5—10 .... basi in tubum longitudine calycis coalitis .... Filamenta .... submonadelpha s. basi inaequaliter connexa .... in plures ordines imbricata .... Germen inferum .... Stigma .... subquinquelobum. To these were also added the carpolo- gical characters, Linnseus himself not having seen the fruit of his Symplocos. In regard to the relative situation of the calyx and ovarium (or germen, as
it was formerly termed,) there is here an inconvenience in expression still adhered to generally by British botanists, although long since adverted to and corrected by continental authors, who speak of the calyx as free or adnate, instead of inferior and superior. In Symplocos and in all the genera associated with it the tube of the calyx is generally more or less free from the ovary at the time of flowering, but with the development of the fruit it adheres to it more and more, till, at the maturity, the tube of the calyx becomes entirely confounded with the fleshy pericarp, and the segments alone remain free, crowning the fruit at the top,—a circumstance difficult to describe with the old nomenclature, unless on the supposition, that during the maturation the calyx moves from its original point of insertion. As to the corolla and stamina, L'Héritier's character, intended to apply both
to Symplocos, Linn., and Hopea, Linn., is not so correct as Linnaeus's for the former genus, nor does it either apply with accuracy to the latter one, which has scarcely any tube to the corolla, and in which the stamina cannot be said to |
connected with the Flora of Guiana. 227
be imbricate. The stigma may as well be described as subquinquelobum as sub-
trifidum, for the carpellary number varies from three to five in most species. L'Héritier's character of the fruit, as far as it goes, applies to all his species. Persoon in his Synopsis (vol. ii. p. 74.) adopts L'Héritier's views in uniting
Alstonia and Ciponima with Symplocos, but again separates Hopea ; and Geert- ner (Carpologia, iii. p. 139. et seq. t. 209. f. 1,2,3.) not only follows Persoon in considering the latter genus as well characterized by a pentapetalous corolla, pentadelphous stamina, and a trilocular drupe, but also re-establishes Ciponima, distinguishing it chiefly by the stamina being in a double, not in a quadruple row, as in Symplocos, the anthers bilocular, not quadrilocular, the drupe qua- drilocular, and the embryo erect, not inverted as in Hopea. Of all these characters, those derived from the corolla and stamina alone
appear to be of any importance. The quadrilocular anthers of Symplocos are a mistake ; the position of the embryo, it is now well known, varies in Symplocos in different seeds in the same drupe, and the number of cells of the ovary is very variable, at least in the true species of Symplocos. On these grounds, probably, Bonpland (PL JEquin. i. p. 180.), followed by
Kunth, (Nov. Gen. et Sp. PL Amer. iii. p. 256.) returns to L'Héritier's opinion, that the four genera form but one. In the first of these works Bonpland adds to the six species then known eight new ones, and commences his monogra- phic sketch with a new character, in which the corolla is described as " disco epigyno imposita, polypetala vel monopetala; polypetala, petalis circiter 10, duplici serie dispositis, exterioribus majoribus, basi in formam tubi arete co- hserentibus, monopetala, tubo brevi, laciniis 10 ut in polypetala dispositis." This is evidently taken from S. Alstonia (PL JEquin. t. 51.) and S. coccinea (t. 52.) ; it is also applicable, with a slight modification as to the number of petals of the inner series, to S. cernua (t. 53.), but is completely at variance as well with S. serrulata and S. rufescens, figured in the same work (t. 54 & 55.), as with the original S. martinicensis, Aublet's Ciponima, and Linnseus's Hopea. The subsequent additions to the genus consist chiefly of Asiatic species, of
which S. sinica was figured and described in detail by Ker in the Botanical Register (vol. ix. t. 710.), the S. Loha, Sumuntia, thecefolia, and cratcegoides were established by D.Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepalensis, p. 144., the S. racemosa, spicata, and ferruginea, by Roxburgh Fl. Ind. Or. vol. ii. p. 539. None of these |
228 Mr. Bentham's Observations on some Genera of Plants
authors, however, appear to have much studied the generic character, which
they have taken more or less from some of the above-mentioned botanists, Don observing only " Genus forte iterum dividendum." Since the above I am not aware of any modification in the character or spe-
cies of Symplocos, until the publication of the last volume of G. Don's General System of Gardening and Botany, where all the hitherto published species are collected, those merely named in Wallich's Catalogue are described, the genus is retained as established by L'Héritier and Bonpland, but raised to the rank of a natural order, and divided into three sections : Alstonia, containing all the American species said to be distinguished by an 8—10-parted corolla, the segments in a double row, stamens in 3 or 4 series, and a half inferior drupe ; Lodhra, consisting of 17 Asiatic species, to which are attributed a 5-parted corolla, stamens inserted without order, and an inferior drupe ; and Palura, described as having the same corolla, with stamens in a triple series, and an inferior ovary. Under this section are enumerated two remaining Asiatic species. These characters, however, by no means correspond with the specific cha-
racters given in the same work to several of the species, and will be found on examination still more at variance in many instances with the plants them- selves. Thus in the section Alstonia, three species at least have a 5-parted corolla, the segments in many of them are not in a double row ; the stamens of S. tinctoria are arranged as in the Asiatic species, and the calyx is as ad- herent to the drupe in Alstonia as in Lodhra and Palura. In the latter respect I cannot see any difference between the S. sinica and the several plants referred to Lodhra ; and if there is any greater regularity in the arrangement of the stamina in S. cratcegoides than in Lodhra, it is that they are more decidedly pentadelphous and not biseriate. Amidst all these conflicting opinions, after a careful examination of a con-
siderable number of both American and Asiatic species, it appears to me that there do exist three distinct groups, which it might be adviseable to consider as so many genera. In the true Symplocos of Linnaeus the stamina are erect, the filaments are flat, rnonadelphous at the base, free in the upper part, where they are distinctly imbricated in three or four rows, and suddenly attenuated below the anther; the corolla is erect and adherent to the staminal tube, |
connected with the Flora of Guiana.
often above the middle, and then suddenly expanded ; the segments are always
in a single row, (though imbricate in aestivation,) nearly equal in size, and 5 in number in the species I have seen, 6, or perhaps more, in some described by Bonpland, and the ovary 3- 4- or 5-celled. Of this group I have examined S. martinicensis, Linn., S. Ciponima, S. Arechea, L'Hér., Stemmatosiphon platy- phyllum, nitens, and uniflorum, Pohl., Symplocos pubescens, Klotsch, and two new species described below ; and, judging from Bonpland's figures, I should likewise refer to it his Symplocos serrulata and rufescens. As a second genus, or at any rate as a distinct section of Symplocos, I
should propose to restore Linnseus's Ahtonia, characterized by a more cam- panulate corolla, with an inner row of small corolline segments, which may perhaps be considered as an outer row of sterile stamina. I have only seen one species, the Alstonia thevcformis, Linn., and of that I could only dissect one imperfect flower, in which the inner row of petals was very irregular, and certainly took the place of some of the external stamina. I should associate with it Bonpland's Symplocos cernua and coccinea, judging from the figures, and perhaps also Symplocos tomentosa, Bonpl., and S. octopetala, Swartz. But it would require a re-examination of all these species to determine the importance of the inner row of petals as characterizing a section or a genus. In the third very distinct genus, Hopea, Linn, (not Roxb.), the aspect of the
flower is very different ; the corolla is almost rotate, constantly uniseriate at the base, though the divisions be imbricate, and 5- or 6-cleft; the stamina are also spreading, their filaments slender, but slightly connected at the base, often somewhat pentadelphous, and usually longer than the corolla. I have also never found more than three cells to the ovary, (in H. sinica and cratcegoides there are but two,) and the species appear much more apt to dry yellow than in the true Symplocos. I would refer to Hopea, so characterized, H. tinctoria, Linn., and the greater number, if not all the Asiatic species. Amongst these the S. sinica, Bot. Reg., and S. cratcegoides, Hamilt., should form a distinct section, as proposed by Don, but characterized by the bilocular ovarium and comparatively slender stigmata. There appears also to be a considerable di- versity in the fruit, which is pear- or bottle-shaped, and very small in S. spi- cata, Roxb., S. polycarpa, Wall., and S. laurina, Wall., small, oblong, and vol. xvm. 2 h
230 Mr. Bentham's Observations on some Genera of Plants
shining in *S. adenophylla, Wall., large, oblong, and rough in S. cerasi/olia,
Wall., large, globular, and rough in S. mollis, Wall., which appears very near to S. ferruginea, Roxb. I have not seen the fruit of the other species, but I have no doubt that, when better known, the carpological characters will afford good sectional distinctions. Of the remaining published species, the Symplocos nuda, Limoncillo, and
mucronata, Humb. et Bonpl. PL iEquin., and S. Schiedeana, Schlechtendal, (Linnsea, viii. 527-) must remain doubtful, as their corolla has not been seen. S. pentagyna of Sprengel must be omitted altogether, having certainly no connexion with Symplocos. It would be impossible, indeed, without seeing his specimen, to say what it might be, but at a guess his character reads most like that of a Vismia. The above genera, with Styrax, Strigilia, and Malesia, form a small order,
or perhaps a tribe of Ebenacece, established by Richard under the name of Styracece, and more or less adopted by most subsequent botanists, but with very different ideas as to its extent. D. Don, followed by some others, esta- blished three distinct orders, Symplocinece, Styracece, and Malesiacece, the di- stinctions between which are thus stated by G. Don : Styracinece are " very nearly allied to Malesiacece, but differ by the decidedly superior ovarium and the more deeply-cleft corolla, and from Symplocinece in the superior ovarium and entire or slightly-lobed calyx, and in the stamens heing fewer and mona- delphous." (Gen. Syst. of Gard. and Bot. iv. p. 4.) Malesiacece come " nearest to Symplocinece, from which they differ in the inferior ovarium, in the fruit being a hard dry winged nut, and in the corolla being more decidedly mono- petalous." (Ibid. p. 6.) It is difficult, however, not to agree with Richard in neglecting in this in-
stance, notwithstanding its great importance in other cases, the degree of adherence of the calyx to the fruit : for it will be found that at the time of flowering the calyx adheres to the ovary at its base even in Styrax, and is rarely completely adherent even in Malesia ; whilst in the different species of Symplocoß and Hopea almost every intermediate degree may be observed. The chief difference lies in this : that, as the fruit swells, it is the adherent part of the ovary that is developed in Symplocos, Hopea, and Halesia, and the free portion only in Styrax -, and it is, I believe, generally recognized, that a |
connected with the Flora of Guiana.
diversity of form in the fruit, arising only during its growth from the state of
ovary, is rather a generic than an ordinal distinction. Besides this difference in the fruit, Styrax and Striglila have a definite
number of stamens, but their insertion and connexion at the base into a short tube is the same as in Symplocos and Halesia. The character of Haleslaceas derived from the winged fruit loses what little
importance might have been given to it, when it is considered that it is not the "nut" itself that is winged, but merely the calyx inclosing it, which in its development becomes fleshy in Symplocos, and herbaceous and winged in Halesia,—a good generic, but no ordinal distinction. Lindley, in the second edition of his Natural System, besides the above
genera, enumerates under Styraceoe the five following : Dlclldanthera, Mart., Paralea, Aubl., Turarla, Molin., Morelosla, Llave, and Decadia, Lour. Of these, Dlclldanthera is the only one which is satisfactorily described, and Martius is evidently right in ascribing it to Ebenacea? ; but the separate inser- tion of the anthers in the throat of the corolla remove it from the tribe or order of Styraceoe : Paralea and Decadia appear also, as far as can be judged from the very imperfect descriptions, to be nearer the true Ebenacece than to Styraceoe : Morelosla must be very different, and may very likely belong to Convolvulacece, where Don places it. With respect to the affinities of Styracea? as an order, their alliance with
Ebenacea? amongst Monopetala;, and with Humlrlacea? in the first instance, and in the next place with Mellaceoe, and perhaps with Aurantiacece and Olaclnece amongst Polypetala?, has been already pointed out, and have only been con- firmed, as far as my observations have led me ; but my object not being to give a monograph of the order, I now merely add the characters which I should propose for such of the true Symplocl as I am acquainted with. Symplocos. Linn.
Calyx basi ovario adheerens, limbo 5-fido, laciniis latis, eestivatione imbricatis.
Corolla gamo-petala, profunde 5—7-fida, basi erecta, laciniis apice paten- tissimis, uniserialibus, eestivatione imbricatis. Stamina numerosa, 3—4- serialia, erecta, basi in tubum corolla? adnatum coalita ; filamenta superne libera, dilatata, imbricata, apice abrupte acuminata. Antherce ovatae, 2 h 2
232 Mr. Bentham* s Observations on some Genera of Plants
erectse, basifixae, biloculares. Ovarium basi adnatum, apice liberum,
3—5-loculare, loculis sub-4-ovulatis, ovulis pendulis. Stylus simplex. Stigma capitatum, 3—5-fidum. Drupa calyce adnato carnoso inclusa, putamine lignoso, 1—5-locularis. Semina in quoque loculo ssepissime solitaria, oblonga, lateraliter affixa. Embryo in albumine copioso lineare, erectus, vel inversus. Arbores mediocres, vel frutices elati, in America calidiore provenientes. Rami alterni, patentes. Folia alterna, simplicia, petiolata, integra, integerrima, vel serrata, serraturis ssepe glanduliferis, coriacea, supra glaberrima, ni- tida, subtus glabra, vel pubescentia. Racemi breves, axillares, pluri- vel rarius subuni-flori. Rhachis et pedunculus ssepissime pubescentes. Flores in pedunculo sessiles, vel breviter pedicellati, bracteis 2—5 laciniis caly- cinis similibus suffulti. Calyces ciliati. Corolla? albae, vel lutescentes. Ovarium apice et stylus basi hirta. Flores in plerisque speciebus odora- tissimi. 1. S. nitens, foliis obovato-oblongis obtusissimis integerrimis subundulatis
ramisque glaberrimis, pedunculis multifloris petiolum brevem vix supe-
Stemmatosiphon nitens. Pohl f PI. Bras. le. ii. p. 88. 1.158. Hab. in Brasilia? provincia Minas Geraes et Goyaz. Pohl! 2. S. murtinicensis (Linn. Sp. p. 747.), foliis oblongo-ellipticis obtuse acumi-
natis late undulato-crenatis basi angustatis utrinque ramisque glaberri-
mis, pedunculis plurifloris petiolum subsequantibus. Hab. in Antillis. Anderson ! in Martinica. Jacquin. 3. S. laxiflora, foliis oblongis acuminatis basi angustatis margine obtuse ser-
rulatis, junioribus subtus ad venas ramulisque hirtellis, pedunculis petiolo
longioribus apice laxe 3—5-floris. Tab. XVIII. Hab. in Bi*asilÌ8e montibus Serra Orgao dictis. Gardner ! PI. exs. n. 343. 4. S. parviflora, foliis ovatis ellipticisve obtusiusculis basi rotundatis margine
serrulatis, junioribus subtus ramulisque hirtellis, pedunculis 1—3-floris
petiolum brevem vix sequantibus. Hab. in provincia Rio Grande. Tweedie 1 |
connected with the Flora of Guiana. 233
5. S. Arechea (L'Hér. Trans. Soc. Linn. Lond. i. p. 176.), foliis oblongo-ellip-
ticis obtuse acuminatis serrulatis, junioribus subtus ramulisque puberulis,
pedunculis petiolo pluries brevioribus dense 3—5-floris. Hab, in Peruvia. Mathews! PI. exs. n.2016. 6. S. serrulata (Humb. et Bonpl. PI. ^Equin. i. 190. t. 54.). Species mihi ignota
S. Arechea; similìs videtur, sed foliis subsessilibus facile distinguendo.
Hab. prope Popayan. Humboldt et Bonpland. 7. S. rufescens (Humb. et Bonpl. 1. e. p. 192. t. 55.). Nee banc speciem vidi.
Ex icone distintissima videtur.
Hab. in Monte Quindiu. Humboldt et Bonpland. 8. S. pubescens (Klotsch in Herb. Lindi. MSS.), foliis ovato-ellipticis oblon-
gisve breviter acuminatis serratis basi angustatis supra reticulatis sub-
tus ramulisque pubescenti-villosis, pedunculis plurifloris petiolum sub- sequantibus, calycibus glabriusculis longe ciliatis corolla subquintuplo brevioribus. Hab. in Brasilia. Sellow! 9. S. platyphylla, foliis ovato-ellipticis breviter acuminatis obtusisve serratis
basi rotundatis supra bullulatis reticulatis subtus ramulisque pubescenti-
villosis, pedunculis multifloris petiolum sequantibus, calycibus villosissi- mis corolla vix quadruplo brevioribus. Stemmatosiphonplatyphyllum. Pohl! PI. Bras. Ic. ii. p. 87. t. 157.
Hab. in Brasili« provincia Minas Geraes. Pohl!
10. S. Ciponima (L'Hér. Trans. Soc. Linn. Lond. i. 175.), foliis ovatis oblon-
gisve breviter acuminatis integerrimis serratisve supra lsevissimis subtus
sparse hirtellis, ramulis pubescentibus, pedunculis brevissimis multifloris, calycibus villosis. Hab. in Guiana Gallica. Aublet ; in Guiana Anglica ad flumen Essequebo. Schomburgk! PI. exs. n. 383. (foliis plerisque ovatis basi subcordatis), et n. 276. (foliis plerisque oblongis basi rotundatis). 11. S.uniflora, foliis ovatis acuminatis serratis subtus ramulisque ciliato-hirtis,
pedunculis unifioris petiolo longioribus.
234 Mr. Bentham's Observations on some Genera of Plants
Stemmatosiphon uniflorum. Pohl. PL Bras. Ic. ii. p. 89. t. 159.
Hab. in Brasilise provincia Minas Geraes. Pohl.! 2. Seguieria.
The circumstance of a polyandrous genus amongst the true Monochlamydece
is of so rare occurrence, that the first impression conveyed by an unknown plant of that description is that of a defective polypetalous one ; and accord- ingly, although some species or other of Seguieria occurs in most extensive South American collections, I have usually found it amongst Swartziece or with Securidaca, to both of which the genus bears some external resemblance. For this reason, probably, not only no new species has yet been described since Jacquin and Linnseus published the original S. americana, but even of that plant no description has appeared but what has been taken from one of those two authors. The affinities of the genus were entirely unknown, until Brown, who had examined three Brazilian species, associated it (App. to Tuckey, p. 36.) with Petiveria as a tribe of Phytolaceas. The peculiarities of this tribe are there alluded to in the following words :
" The lateral stigma, the spiral cotyledons, and want of albumen in Petiveria, remove it to some distance from the other genera of Phytolaceoe, and at the same time connect it with Seguieria, with which also it agrees in the alliaceous odour of the whole plant." The lateral stigma and solitary carpel is very remarkable in all species of Seguieria ; in the seeds I examined, which were unripe, I found a considerable quantity of mucilage resembling albumen, and a small, somewhat curved embryo, with cotyledons by no means spiral, giving me the idea that they were very similar to the seeds of several true Phytolacece ; it is only when they arrive at maturity, in which state Mr. Brown examined them, that their true structure may be seen. Although my specimens are insufficient in this respect, yet the genus is so little known, and so remark- able in other points, that I have added to the following synopsis of the species known to me, a figure of one, in which the fruit, though immature, has attained its full size.
Seguieria. Linn.
Perigonium calycinum, quinquepartitum, laciniis parum insequalibus, sestiva-
tione imbricativa, 2 exterioribus, 3 interioribus, per anthesin reflexis. |
connected with the Flora of Guiana. 235
Stamina numerosa, basi perigonii inserta. Filamenta filiformia. Antherce
erectse, lineari-sagittatse, biloculares, loculis rima longitudinali dehiscen- tibus. Ovarium sessile, liberum, uniloculare, ovulo unico erecto. Stylus erectus, complanatus, hinc lateraliter stigmatiferus, inde membranaceo- alatus. Fructus indehiscens, coriaceus, apice ala longa acinaciformi, uno latere incrassata auctus, et in utraque facie alis 3—4 parvis irregulariter striatus. Semen unicum, subrotundum. Embryo (junior) parvus, lipeaiis, parum incurvus, lateralis, cotyledonibus rectiusculis. Frutices scanden- tes ? Austro-Americani, glabri, vel ramulis leviter pubescentibus. Folia alterna, integerrima, punctis minutis creberrimis pellucidis conspersa. Stipula; induratee, persistentes, ssepissime spinescentes. Paniculce axil- lares vel terminales, irregulariter ramosse, multiflorae, subaphyllae. Flores flavescenti-virides. 1. S. parvi/olia, stipulis minimis tuberculiformibus vix spinescentibus, foliis
ovali-oblongis herbaceis basi in petiolum angustatis.
Hab. ad Rio Jaquby. Tweedie! Folia vix sesquipollicaria, petiolo 3—4-lineari. Panicula terminalis, parum ramosa. 2. S. coriacea, stipulis longis validis rectis spinescentibus, foliis subsessilibus
oblongis obtusissimis coriaceis.
Hab. in montibus Acurua provincia Bahiensis. Blanchet ! PI. exs. n. 2908. Folia 2—3-pollicaria. Paniculce in exemplari meo axillares paucifloree. 3. S. longifolia, stipulis brevissimis recurvis spinescentibus, foliis subsessilibus
lanceolato-ellipticis acuminatis reticulatis coriaceis.
Hab. ad Mathea Barboso in Brasilia. Pohl! Folia 3J—5-pollicaria. Paniculce axillares vel terminales. 4. S.floribunda, stipulis minimis tuberculseformibus vix spinescentibus, foliis
breviter petiolatis ovatis acuminatis coriaceis, paniculse rhachide pubes-
cente. Tab. XIX. Hab. in Brasilise montibus Orgao. Gardner ! PI. exs. n. /22. Folia 3—4-pollicaria. Panicula amplissima. 5. S. macrophylla, stipulis spinescentibus recurvis, foliis breviter petiolatis
amplis ovato-ellipticis acuminatis, paniculse rhachide glabra.
236 Mr. Bentham's Observations on some Genera of Plants
Hab. in Guiana Anglica ad flumen Essequebo. Schomburgk ! PI. exs.
n. 348. Frutex scandens. Folia 5—7-pollicaria. Paniculce terminales amplse, axillares divaricata?. Flores majores quam in praecedentibus, luteo-virides. 6. S.foliosa, stipulis spinescentibus recurvis, foliis petiolatis ovatis obtuse
acuminatis, paniculis terminalibus paucifloris basi foliatis.
Hab. in Guiana Anglica. Schomburgk ! PI. exs. n. 661. Folia 1|—2-pollicaria. Inßorescentia ab omnibus diversa. 7. S. americana (Linn. Sp. p. 747-)» ab omnibus differre videtur, foliis apice
3. Anthodiscus.
The genus Anthodiscus was established by G. F. W. Meyer in his Primitice
Flora? Essequeboensis, p. 193, for a Guiana tree, which he places in Icosandria on account of the insertion of the stamina : " annulo calycino germen cin- gente." He compares it in that class with some Myrtacece, with Acacia, and with Phytolacca ; but in a natural arrangement it differs widely from the first in its free ovarium, from Acacia in its polycarpous structure, from Phytolacca by the dichlamydeous perigonium. Since Meyer, it appears to have been generally overlooked, not being mentioned by De CandoUe either amongst his Thalamiflorce or amongst the polypetalous Calyciflorce, and being entirely omitted by Bartling, Lindlcy and others in their enumerations of genera. Sprengel took it up, however, in his Systema, and Meisner introduces it into his Generic Tables as a spurious Rosaceous plant, allied also in its (imper- fectly known) fruit to Phytolacca. Amongst Schomburgk's specimens is one which answers so well in external
characters to Meyer's description of his Anthodiscus trifoliatus, that I have little doubt of its being the same species, more especially, as I find a similar specimen in Dr. Lindley's herbarium, proceeding, I believe, from Mr. Parker's Demerara collection. These specimens differ, however, from Meyer's charac- ter in some points of structuie, perhaps not much attended to at that time, but which are now of considerable importance in a natural arrangement. The disk from which the stamens arise is hypogynous, not perigynous,—a cir- cumstance that removes the plant at once from Rosacea;; and the general |
connected with the Flora of Guiana. 237
habit of the plant, notwithstanding its occasionally alternate leaves, and the
structure of the stamens and ovarium, show a close affinity to Rhizobolece. It may, in short, be described, as far as can be ascertained without a know- ledge of the fruit, as a polygynous Caryocar with cohering petals and leaves often alternate. It is true that Meyer does not mention the coherence of the petals ; but as
he speaks of their concavity and the caducity of the corolla, it is probable he had not seen it open, and may possibly have merely separated the petals by force to ascertain their form. As a second genus of an order consisting hitherto but of five species, I sub-
join a figure of the plant and the generic character, referring to Meyer's work for a detailed description of the species. Anthodiscus.
Calyx breviter cupulseformis, margine obscure 5-lobo, persistens. Petala 5,
concava, arete cohaerentia, disco hypogyno inserta, per anthesin calyptrse more decidua. Stamina numerosissima, cum petalis disco hypogyno inserta, basi brevissime monadelpha, interiora breviora, omnia fertilia. Filamento filiformia, tortuosa, minute glandulosa. Antheroe ovatse, bilo- culares, loculis rima longitudinali dehiscentibus. Ovarium liberum, de- presso-globosum, radiatim multi- (circiter IÀ-) 'lobulare, loculis uniovu- latis, ovulis peltatis, latere interiore affixis. Styli tot quot loculae ovarii, oblongi, incurvi, stigmatibus oblongis, terminalibus. Arbor Guianensis. Folia alterna, vel opposita, in caule articulata, trifoliolata,
foliolis coriaceis lucidis. Pedicelli breves, uniflori, bibracteati. Species unica A. trifoliatus. G. W. F. Meyer, 1. e. p. 194.
Tab. XX.
Hab. in Guiana Anglica ad ripas fluminum Essequebo et Rupununy.
Schomburgk ! PI. exs. n. 512. |
2 i
238 Mr. Bentham's Observations on the Flora of Guiana.
Symplocos laxiflora.
Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Ditto, with the calyx corolla and removed.
3. Portion of the stamina.
4. Pistillum, with the ovarium cut vertically.
5. Transverse section of the ovarium.
6. Vertical section of the mature fruit.
Tab. XIX.
Fig. 1. Diagram of the floral organs. 2. Flower.
3. Stamen.
4. Pistillum, with the ovarium cut vertically.
5. Branch with the fruit.
6. Lower extremity of the seed, with the outer integument removed.
7. Seed.
8. Vertical section of the seed.
9. Embryo.
Tab. XX.
Anthodiscus trifoliatus.
Fig. 1. Flower.
2. Corolla removed.
3. Flower, with the corolla removed.
4. Stamen.
5. Pistillum.
6. Transverse section of the ovarium.
7. Vertical section of ditto.
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