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Wanneer ik bij de voltooiing van dit proefschrift de voorafgaande jaren overzie, waarbij ook mijn studietijd is inbegrepen, dan word ik mij bewust van een gevoel vannbsp;grote dankbaarheid jegens allen, die het mij mogelijk hebben gemaakt het gesteldenbsp;doel te bereiken.
U, Hoogleraren en Oud^Hoogleraren in de Faculteit der Wis- en Natuurkunde, ben ik zeer erkentelijk voor het hoogstaand wetenschappelijk onderwijs, dat ik vannbsp;U heb ontvangen, en dat mij telkens weer te stade komt.
Mijn wetenschappelijke arbeid onder Uw leiding. Hooggeleerde Minnaert, Hooggeachte Leermeester, begon nu reeds bijna tien jaar geleden. Zeer veel heb ik in die tijd van U geleerd, diepe sporen heeft de samenwerking met U in mij achtergelaten,nbsp;niet alleen door de wetenschappelijke en didactische gaven die Gij bezit, maar evenzeernbsp;door de bezielende wijze, waarop Gij in het werk pleegt vóór te gaan. Om U heennbsp;heeft zich een steeds groeiende School, een ware symbiose tussen physica en astronomienbsp;ontwikkeld, waarvan ook dit proefschrift getuigenis aflegt. Met hoeveel spanning ennbsp;vreugde hebben wij deze dag, die een nieuw tijdperk in onze samenwerking op denbsp;Sterrewacht zou inluiden, verbeid. Nu neemt Gij, bij de plechtigheid, die voor onsnbsp;een feest had kunnen zijn, niet de plaats in, waar ik U in mijn verbeelding zo dikwijlsnbsp;heb gezien — een diepe teleurstelling, die ik steeds zal blijven gevoelen.
Het stemt mij tot grote dankbaarheid, dat Gij, Hooggeleerde Rosenfeld, Hooggeachte Promotor, de zo plotseling leeg gekomen plaats hebt willen innemen. Bij de besprekingen over enkele questies betreffende dit proefschrift waren wij reeds nadernbsp;met elkaar in aanraking gekomen, en, wetende dat Gij de astrophysica een warm hartnbsp;toedraagt, hoop ik ook in de toekomst nog meermalen op Uw hulp te mogen rekenen.
Hooggeleerde Pannekoek, Uw uitgebreide kennis van de astrophysica en Uw systematische en kritische behandeling van' haar problemen, waarvan ik op de gemeenschappelijke colloquia der Amsterdamse en Utrechtse astrophysici zoveel hebnbsp;kunnen leren, is mijn wetenschappelijke vorming in hoge mate ten goede gekomen.
Ein Aufenthalt von über einem Jahr an dem Astrophysikalischen Observatorium zu Potsdam bot mir nicht nur die Gelegenheit das Beobachtungsmaterial für diesenbsp;Dissertation mit wertvollen Ergebnissen zu bereichern, er ist auszerdem von gröszternbsp;Bedeutung geworden für meine Ausbildung. Das danke ich an erster Stelle der unge-zwungenen Zusammenarbeit mit Ihnen, Hochgelehrter ten Bruggencate.nbsp;Mehrere Untersuchungen haben wir zusammen einem guten Ende zuführen können,nbsp;und ich werde immer eine angenehme Erinnerung an eine Zeit behalten, in der esnbsp;unser einziges Ziel war, die Kentnisse hinsichtlich des physikalischen Geschehensnbsp;auf der Sonne zu vermehren. Hochgelehrter von KI über, auch Ihrer vielseitigennbsp;Hilfe in oft schwierigen Umstanden, die sowohl für mich, wie auch für meinenbsp;Familie unentbehrlich war, gedenke ich mit Dankbarkeit.
In elk stadium van de bewerking van dit proefschrift, van de waarnemingen tot de drukproeven, heb ik de hulp gehad van mijn Vrouw; haar belangstelling en medelevennbsp;zijn voor mij een grote steun geweest.
§ 1. Introduction.
The sun is the only star of which the radiation from the various points of its surface can be studied separately. One part of the detailed studynbsp;of the sun’s disc consists in the investigation of the variation in the solarnbsp;radiation arising from a centre-limb shift of the observed point. As thisnbsp;point approaches the limb, the radiation emerges at continually greaternbsp;angles with the normal and originates on the average in continuallynbsp;higher layers of the sun’s atmosphere, providing us thereby with thenbsp;means to obtain some information concerning the variation with depth ofnbsp;various quantities and processes in that atmosphere. From the darkeningnbsp;of the continuous spectrum towards the limb important conclusionsnbsp;have indeed been already drawn.
In order to investigate the variation with depth of the selective properties, we must refer to the Fraunhofer lines which can for variousnbsp;reasons provide the necessary information. In the first place, becausenbsp;the region where they originate varies from one line to another, and innbsp;the second place, because along the intensity-profile of a strong Fraunhofer line the average depth from which the light reaches us variesnbsp;gradually, while, finally, for every frequency within a Fraunhofer line,nbsp;the depth differs whenever the light arrives from points located atnbsp;different distances from the centre of the sun's disc. Let us hope thatnbsp;from observations combining these possibilities for investigating the depth,nbsp;we may reap such a wealth of information as to enable us to determinenbsp;the run with depth of a few of the most important selective properties.
§ 2. Outline of the investigation.
The testing by means of centre-limb observations, of the various conceptions concerning the constitution of the solar atmosphere and thenbsp;processes acting in the formation of the Fraunhofer lines, will be the
-ocr page 14-more rigorous, the more widely the observational material varies: the fact that previous investigations in this field have not led to any generalnbsp;results, must be largely ascribed to the invariably too scanty observationalnbsp;data used.
In the first place, it is of importance to trace the variation over the complete extent of the line-profile, but in order to do this properly,nbsp;the profiles must be exempt from deformations due to the spectralnbsp;apparatus. That is why only strong lines were examined, the profilesnbsp;of these being only slightly deformed and then only in the inner parts.nbsp;The observational material was obtained partly at Utrecht and partlynbsp;at Potsdam. The instrumental curve for the latter being known i), thenbsp;profiles obtained from it could be corrected for finite resolving power,nbsp;so that for a number of lines the centre-limb variations of the correctednbsp;central intensities have been determined.
In the second place, a suitable model of the sun’s atmosphere will have to account for the observed centre-limb variations of lines belonging tonbsp;different elements and atomic states, and also to explain the graduallynbsp;changing behaviour from the ultra-violet to the infra-red region of thenbsp;spectrum.
Finally, in order to accurately locate the variations over the sun’s disc, it will be necessary to determine the profiles in a fairly large number ofnbsp;points and as these variations become considerable on approaching thenbsp;limb, it is advisable to take these points, more in particular in its immediate neighbourhoud, near to each other and as close up to the limbnbsp;as possible.
In consideration of the above requirements 23 strong Fraunhofer lines were selected belonging to different elements and with wave lenghtsnbsp;between 3800 and 8700 A. The hydrogen lines were excluded, becausenbsp;with them the Stark-effect would give rise to extra complications. Thenbsp;line profiles were determined for 7 or 8 points of the sun’s disc, fromnbsp;the centre up to 0.005 R from the limb.
§ 3., Comparison of the observations with theory.
The way in which the centre-limb variations can be explained is examined in detail in the theoretical part. To this end the observednbsp;results are investigated with the aid of a schematic model of the solarnbsp;atmosphere, comprising the Schuster-Schwarzschild- and the Milne-
A number like this indicates that the reader is to turn to the references (p. Hi) for further information.
-ocr page 15-Eddington model as extreme cases1). We shall see that by means of this model we are able to draw important conclusions as regards thenbsp;thickness of the layers in which the various lines originate.
The centre-limb variations of the central intensities of the observed lines can be explained in conformity with A. Unsold’s 2) and B. Ström-gren’s 3) theoretical investigations concerning their formation.
The question as to what extent selective coherent scattering and true selective absorption contribute separately to the formation of thenbsp;lines has been extensively dealt with. It turns out that these two processesnbsp;do not furnish a satisfactory explanation of the observed behaviour ofnbsp;the wings.
It appears, however, to be possible to explain this behaviour by means of non-coherent scattering by disturbed atoms, which, owing to thenbsp;difference of radiation-density in the inner and outer parts of anbsp;Fraunhofer line, causes an exchance of radiation to take place betweennbsp;the wings and the central parts of the line. A more detailed study isnbsp;then made of this exchange, but whether it can occur to the requirednbsp;extent in the case of damping by collisions without energy transfernbsp;(the process, which plays such a prominent part in the formation ofnbsp;the Fraunhofer lines), remains partly a question for theoretical physicsnbsp;to decide.
The conditions prevailing in the sun’s atmosphere are in some respects favourable for the study of non-coherent scattering. These conditionsnbsp;can, however, not be reproduced artificially, but this does not excludenbsp;the carrying out in the laboratory of certain definite experiments, whichnbsp;Would provide much valuable information concerning the scattering ofnbsp;light by disturbed atoms.
With this nomenclature I conform to A, Unsold, Physik der Sternatmospharen. Kapitel XII.
§ 4. Previous observations.
G. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;E. Hale and W. S. Adams 4) were the first to photograph andnbsp;visually to compare the spectra of the centre and of the limb of the sun’snbsp;disc. In agreement with Hastings’ results from visual observations, theynbsp;stated that the wings of the strong lines disappear for the greater partnbsp;at the limb, whereas they found, on the other hand, that the central partsnbsp;of some of them are strengthened. The former statement has turned outnbsp;to be indeed one of the characteristic features of lines in the limb-spectrum, the latter does not hold any longer for the lines investigatednbsp;by them and can safely be ascribed to the effect of contrast.
To K. Schwarzschild 5) we owe the first photographic-photometric determinations of intensity-profiles of Fraunhofer lines. He investigatednbsp;the H- and the K line of Ca in the centre and at the limb of the sun’snbsp;disc; from the fact that these lines do not vanish at the limb he inferrednbsp;that in the formation of Fraunhofer lines it is selective scattering andnbsp;not selective absorption that plays the most important part.
In 1927 A. Unsold explained the profiles of strong Fraunhofer lines by means of scattering and damping; applying Schuster’s formula,nbsp;he obtained an agreement between theory and observation, satisfactorynbsp;for the time being, as regards the profiles in the centre- and limb spectranbsp;of the H- and the K line 6),measured by Schwarzschild and the D linesnbsp;of Na'^), measured by himself.
H. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;H. Plaskett®) investigated in particular the centre-limb variationnbsp;of the Mg b triplet, photographed at three different points of the sun’snbsp;disc. He tried to explain this variation with the aid of various modelsnbsp;of the sun’s atmosphere and found that, in this respect, Eddington’s
-ocr page 17-model for combined absorption and scattering, though giving rise to some difficulties, was the most successful.
Centre-limb variations of the Mg triplet were also observed by G. Righinis), who investigated the lines Mg 5183.6 and Mg 5172.7 atnbsp;six points of the sun’s disc, and by E. Cherrington lo), including anbsp;careful determination of the central intensities, while Righini comparednbsp;also the equivalent widths in the spectra of the centre and of the limbnbsp;of the sun’s disc^i) of some hundred Fraunhofer lines between A 5288nbsp;and A 5472, T. Royds and A. L. Narayan 12) investigated the H- andnbsp;the K line of Ca , the line Ca 4226.7 and the hydrogen lines Ha to HSnbsp;for seven points on the sun’s disc, while Miss M. G. Adam 14)nbsp;examined the behaviour of numerous weak Fraunhofer lines in the spectranbsp;photographed by H. H. Plaskett.
The wings of a few strong lines (H- and K line of Ca , Fe 4045.8 and Ca 4226.7 at six points of the sun’s disc) are the subject of annbsp;investigation by M. Minnaert and the present writer ts)^ wbo did notnbsp;succeed in explaining with the aid of A. Pannekoek’s 16) model of thenbsp;sun’s atmosphere the observed behaviour on the assumption of selectivenbsp;scattering. The observational results from 20 strong Fraunhofer linesnbsp;photographed at the Heliophysical Institute at Utrecht has already beennbsp;communicated by the writer in abbreviated form i'^). These measurements constitute a considerable part of the material on which the presentnbsp;thesis is based.
C. 'W. Allen 18) measured the D lines of Na in the centre and close to the limb of the disc, paying special attention to the central intensities.nbsp;The latest publication dealing with centre-limb variations, that came tonbsp;my knowledge, is the one by D. S. Evans 19), who determined the profilenbsp;of the line Ha in 5 points of the sun’s disc. 1)
Centre-limb variations in the spectra of the stars can be observed in the case of eclipsing variables, though we are not in a position to obtain,nbsp;as in the case of the sun, the spectra of separate points of the star’snbsp;surface. The various phases yield, each, the integrated spectrum of thenbsp;non-eclipsed part of the principal star, and it will be clear that thenbsp;centre-limb variation deduced from these spectra cannot be so accuratenbsp;as for the sun. With these stars it is in the most favourable case onlynbsp;of the limb that we can obtain a pure spectrum. Photographs of thisnbsp;kind have been taken by R. O. Redman 20), who observed the eclipsing
While reading the proofs I received C. D. Shane’s publication concerning the Na D lines
-ocr page 18-6
variables U Cephei and U Sagittae; his observations will, no doubt, be valuable, once we have understood the centre-limb variations in the casenbsp;of the sun.
It appears from this survey that much work has already been done in the field of centre-limb observations, but we shall see that what is needednbsp;for a satisfactory checking of theory by experiment is a very extensivenbsp;and, above all, homogeneous material.
§ 5. Introductory remarks on the observations on which the present thesis is based.
The distinguishing feature of the observations discussed in the present thesis is the more extensive scale on which they are planned; in the firstnbsp;place by using a greater number of Fraunhofer lines, and in the secondnbsp;place by increasing, if necessary, the number of points on the sun’s disc.nbsp;This second feature is especially important in connection with the peculiarnbsp;run of the centre-limb variations which is not continually in one andnbsp;the same sense from centre to limb, so that it cannot be determined bynbsp;measurements in only a few points.
The number of Fraunhofer lines to be selected is greatly restricted, if one wants to determine the true profile, as any interfering spectralnbsp;apparatus causes a deformation for which the observed profile cannotnbsp;easily be corrected. As the investigation was started with the gratingnbsp;spectrograph of the Heliophysical Institute at Utrecht, possessing onlynbsp;a moderate resolving power, I had to restrict myself to some twenty ofnbsp;the stronger lines in the solar spectrum. The finite resolving power,nbsp;however, affects the inner part of strong lines always to such an extentnbsp;that, even if it should amount for a spectrograph theoretically to 100,000,nbsp;the measured central intensities may very well deviate rathernbsp;considerably from the true ones. For a judicious use of the Utrechtnbsp;measurements, this must be taken into account. For the exposures atnbsp;Potsdam the large grating spectrograph of the Institut fiir Sonnenphysiknbsp;was used, possessing a much higher resolving power and of which,nbsp;moreover, the instrumental curve was determined, so that the observednbsp;central intensities could be corrected for its influence.
In selecting the strong lines, the hydrogen lines were rejected, because their profiles are determined by the linear Stark effect, and are, therefore,nbsp;likely to give rise to extra complications in interpreting the results. Thenbsp;more obvious thing to do was to examine first the other strong lines,nbsp;of wich the wing profiles are determined by damping by collisions
-ocr page 19-(M. Minnaert and J. Genard 21), A. Unsold 22)^ P, ten Bruggencate and the writer and of which the shape of the profile for large valuesnbsp;of aA, (c= distance from centre of line) is rendered so beautifully bynbsp;Minnaert’s formula 24)^ according to which the depression i(,—t isnbsp;proportional to i/AA2. The lines remaining in this way belong to differentnbsp;elements and to different atomic states and they lie in different parts ofnbsp;the spectrum (see Table la, p. 21), a fortunate variety of which fullnbsp;advantage has been taken for determining the influence of these factorsnbsp;on the centre^limb variations.
The next point to be considered was for which points of the sun s disc the profiles should be determined. Following Prof, Minnaert’snbsp;suggestion, I started with six points, from the centre of the disc tonbsp;0.98 R; in an image of the sun of about 12 cm diameter, the size of thenbsp;one at Utrecht, the latter point lies at only 1.2 mm from the limb. In ournbsp;opinion, this was the extreme position for obtaining with an ordinarynbsp;technique of exposure a spectrum that could still be ascribed to the actualnbsp;point of adjustment itself. To later series of photographs, however, thenbsp;spectrum of the point at 0.995 R was added. From the beginning I wasnbsp;aware of the fact that the reliability of measurements on photographsnbsp;of this point should not be overestimated, for, quite close to the limb,nbsp;the variations in some parts of the profiles are considerable, while, owingnbsp;to scintillation and to unavoidable minute errors in adjusting the sun’snbsp;image, it is in reality a small region round the point 0.995 R, that formsnbsp;the observed spectrum, which, therefore, cannot be accurately ascribed tonbsp;a definite point of the sun’s disc. When, however, it became clear thatnbsp;measurements referring to this point could lend a strong support to thenbsp;explanation of the origin of Fraunhofer lines, I decided to add to thenbsp;observations at Potsdam the one referring to the point at 0.99 R. In anbsp;series, completed in this way, the profiles were determined for 8 points,nbsp;of which the distances from the centre of the sun’s disc are, in termsnbsp;of its radius; 0.00; 0.60; 0.80; 0.90; 0,95; 0.98; 0.99 and,0.995. From thenbsp;mutual location of these points the extent can be clearly seen to whichnbsp;the increase of the variations on approaching the limb has been taken intonbsp;account.
Apart from a series of the Mg b triplet, which was photographed for me by G. F. W. Mulders at Mount Wilson, all the spectra, discussednbsp;in this thesis, were photographed by me at Utrecht and at Potsdam.nbsp;The technique of exposure is radically different in the two places; thenbsp;fact that, nevertheless, the results agree so satisfactorily speaks well for
-ocr page 20-the reliability of the measurements. I now proceed to the discussion of the two methods of observation separately.
§ 6. The method of observation at Utrecht.
The sun’s image of the Heliophysical Institute at Utrecht 1) had a diameter of about 12 cm. By a few simple manipulations, which movenbsp;the second of the two coelostat-mirrors round two axes perpendicularnbsp;to each other, the image can be located arbitrarily in the plane of thenbsp;slit of the spectrograph. At its lower end the vertical spectrograph re.stsnbsp;on a steel point; by moving it as a whole, therefore, the slit can benbsp;adjusted in any direction and in any position, that may be required,nbsp;relatively to the sun’s image. Its focal length is 4 m and the grating isnbsp;ruled over a width of 8 cm with 568 lines to the mm. For further detailsnbsp;the reader is referred to the description by W. H. Julius 25).
In all centre-limb exposures the direction of the slit was at right angles to that of the sun’s radius, along which the various photographsnbsp;were taken, so that from each exposure the spectrum was obtained for anbsp;definite distance from the centre of the sun’s disc. Owing to the curvaturenbsp;of the limb, however, the distance slit—limb is already in the point atnbsp;0.98 R no longer constant; as the slit is about 10 mm long, its middlenbsp;is about 0.2 mm farther from the limb than its ends, or, in other words,nbsp;if the middle of the slit is adjusted on 0.98 R, its ends will be adjustednbsp;on 0.984 R. For that reason the upper and lower strips of the spectrumnbsp;were, as a rule, not used in determining the profiles.
The adjustment on the right points was achieved in the following way. The distances of the points from the limb of the sun’s disc were markednbsp;on a mm scale provided with a sharp straight edge at its one end. Thisnbsp;edge was placed accurately above the slit by making its shadow coincidenbsp;with the latter, whereupon the sun’s limb was adjusted on one of thenbsp;marks. The scale was then shifted so as to leave the slit free, the sun’snbsp;limb now coinciding with some arbitrary division of the scale, where itnbsp;was kept during the exposure, by a compensating adjustment, ifnbsp;necessary. Owing to chromatic aberration of the objective, smallnbsp;adjusting errors may have occurred in some parts of the spectrum, as thenbsp;adjusting was performed visually in the light of the sun’s image.
This image was formed in such a way as to be perfectly sharp in
Since 1937 this institute is made a part of the observatory “Sonnenborgh” of the university.
-ocr page 21-the plane of the slit, this being indeed, for points near the limb, an essential requisite for receiving light in the spectrograph only from thenbsp;right distance from the centre. Visually a region was then selected, thatnbsp;Was not perturbed by spots or faculae. In this selection we were alwaysnbsp;successful, as all photographs were taken during the minimum of solarnbsp;activity, and the exposures were then made along a radius in this region.
The slit-width was always in accordance with P. H. van Cittert’s theory 26)^ prescribing in our case 0,03 mm at 4000 A and 0.06 mmnbsp;at 8000 A. The accurate focus was determined by means of preliminarynbsp;photographs of the solar spectrum in the spectral region concerned.
A platina step-reducer of Zeiss with 5 steps of 2 mm width each was placed on the slit; 1 cm above it the mm scale was applied and 2 cmnbsp;above the slit a general reducer was placed, selected in such a way fornbsp;each exposure from a set of reducers (homogeneously blackened photographic plates with transmissive powers ranging from 40 % to 80 %)nbsp;that, taking the darkening towards the limb into account, one couldnbsp;expect all spectra to show, for the same time of exposure, about the samenbsp;degree of blackening. The spectra from the point at 0.98 R were always,nbsp;and those from the point at 0.95 R often, photographed without anynbsp;auxiliary reducer. For that same time of exposure, the spectrum fromnbsp;the point at 0.995 R would have shown a too slight density; for thatnbsp;reason the exposures on this point were made 1 to 2 times as long. Thenbsp;auxiliary reducers were, all of them, tested as to their homogeneity andnbsp;turned out to satisfy this condition to within 1 %. Finally, a colour filternbsp;Was applied 10 cm above the slit to intercept spectral light of othernbsp;orders and scattered light.
In order to ascertain whether any difference occurred in blackening in the direction of the slit, either from the slit-jaws not being exactlynbsp;parallel or from any other cause, we photographed several times withoutnbsp;step-reducer the spectrum of an unperturbed region in the central partnbsp;of the sun’s disc; without any exception the constancy of the blackeningnbsp;in the direction of the slit left nothing to be desired.
In the beginning we rather feared that, during an exposure on the limb, the scattering in the earth’s atmosphere and in the auxiliary reducersnbsp;might cause an appreciable fraction of the so much larger amount ofnbsp;light from the central parts of the sun’s disc to enter the apparatus. Thisnbsp;Was also why we made these exposures with a tangential slit. In ordernbsp;to judge the amount of scattering, a thermo-element was placednbsp;successively on and immediately next to the image of the sun’s disc and
-ocr page 22-10
the ratio between the intensities was determined. At a distance of 2 mm this ratio turned out to be already less than 0.001, as well for red as fornbsp;blue light, so that entering of any light from parts of the sun more thannbsp;2 mm distant from the points of adjustment can be completely neglected.nbsp;Moreover, these measurements were carried out expressly, when thenbsp;atmosphere showed strong scattering or intense scintillation, whereas thenbsp;centre-limb exposures were made on days with good visibility andnbsp;preferably slight scintillation. An unfortunate complication in thisnbsp;connection is the fact that transparent air and weak scintillationnbsp;practically never coincide. The degree of scintillation was judged fromnbsp;the amplitude of the wave-motion of the sun’s edge and was expressednbsp;in a scale from 0 to 10; for the photographs, actually used, it variednbsp;from 3 to 7.
The exposures were made in the most luminous of the second order spectra of the grating, of which the dispersion amounts to 0.5 mm/A.nbsp;Only the H- and the K line of Ca were photographed in the first order.nbsp;The plates used for the various wave-length regions are given in Tablenbsp;lb. On a single plate, of which the height is 6 cm, there is room for fournbsp;spectra, so that we had to distribute each series over two plates, whichnbsp;were either cut from one piece or were taken from one and the same box.nbsp;The two plates were developed simultaneously. The plates used werenbsp;always backed; if not originally so, they were backed with black papernbsp;stuck on with glycerine. The plates were developed during 7 minutesnbsp;in metol-hydrochinon borax; after being fixed, they were bathed in a 2 %nbsp;HCl-solution, until the gelatine had become completely transparent. Thenbsp;Ilford infra-red plates were hypersensitized with ammonia, the Agfanbsp;infra-rot plates with methylated alcohol.
Originally, the direction of the radius on which the successive points for the exposures were located, was determined for each series ofnbsp;photographs, because it might be that the centre-limb variations along,nbsp;say, the sun’s equator were different from those from the centre towardsnbsp;the sun’s poles. G. Abetti and I. Castelli 27) found, for example, smallnbsp;differences between the limb-spectra at the equator and at the poles.nbsp;It appeared, however, from a comparison between series referring tonbsp;points located quite differently with respect to the sun’s disc, that thesenbsp;deviations were completely negligible compared with the centre-limbnbsp;variations themselves, so that later on no further attention was paidnbsp;to this question.
-ocr page 23-A survey of the centre-limb photographs, actually discussed, is given in Table 1 (p. 21 and 22).
The characteristic curves for the plates were determined from the spectra of the points at 0.00 R and 0.60 R and then checked by thosenbsp;of the points at 0.80, 0.90 and 0.95 R. The spectrum of the point atnbsp;0.98 R is less suitable for the determination of the characteristic curve,nbsp;because, owing to the darkening towards the limb, the illumination ofnbsp;the slit is not homogeneous. In all series the characteristic curves of thenbsp;two plates were so much alike, that we could work with one curve fornbsp;both plates.
The registering of the spectra was carried out by means of a Moll-®icrophotometer. The maximum widths of the slits corresponded to 0.03 A on the plates for photographs of the second order spectrum. The transmission ratio between registrogram and plate was 5Ö or 7; the latternbsp;ratio only being used when, otherwise, the registered spectrum wouldnbsp;leave insufficient room for the continuous background. This was the casenbsp;with the Ca“’ lines and with the ultra-violet lines of Fe and Mg, with thenbsp;exception of Fe 3859.9.
From four or five steps the intensity-profiles were determined, which always agreed within 5 ;% and as a rule still better. A preliminarynbsp;determination of the run of the continuous background in the gaps madenbsp;by the lines was obtained by drawing a straight line through points ofnbsp;the continuous spectrum lying at a great distance from the lines. Thisnbsp;method fails, however, in the case of the H- and the K line; here anbsp;decided curvature occurs and the continuous background was interpolatednbsp;according to the best fitting curve onwards from 100 A away from thenbsp;centres of the H- and the K line; this was done as well for the intensitynbsp;run itself as for that of log intensity, the latter approximating the linearitynbsp;better, as appears from the run of the continuous background at a greatnbsp;distance. From the agreement between the two determinations, whichnbsp;never differed more than 1 %, it appeared that this interpolation is fairlynbsp;Unambiguous.
The intensity of the ghosts of the grating is in the first order spectrum 1-25 % and in the second order spectrum 5.1 %. As a rule, the ghostsnbsp;lay outside the lines, so that to all intensities the correction according
to the formula i i= (ip — g) ^qq^~—could be applied 28. 29)_ Here I’o
denotes the observed intensity, g the sum of the intensities of the ghosts and i the corrected intensity, all of them in percentages of the intensity
-ocr page 24-of the continuous background. In a few cases as, for example, in that of the D lines of Na, the ghosts lay in the wings and the measurementsnbsp;were then sufficiently accurate for applying the local correction to eachnbsp;measured point.
§ 7» The method of observation at Potsdam.
When I had completed the measurements at Utrecht, I was given the opportunity to go and work temporarily at the Institut fiir Sonnenphysiknbsp;at Potsdam, This meant a very welcome occasion not only for checkingnbsp;the Utrecht results by an exposing-technique differing in so manynbsp;respects from the one at Utrecht, but also for a more accuratenbsp;investigation of the central parts of the Fraunhofer lines than, owingnbsp;to the smaller resolving power, could be performed there. Paying specialnbsp;attention to the central intensities, the profiles of a number of lines,nbsp;already measured at Utrecht, were again determined for the samenbsp;distances from the centre of the sun’s disc, and, besides, for the pointnbsp;at 0.99 R. It being of importance for the problem of central intensitiesnbsp;to know the degree to which these are equal for the components of anbsp;multiplet 2'3)^ the D lines of Na, two of the Mg b lines andnbsp;six lines of the Fe multiplet aSF^—y^Fs® were investigated, so thatnbsp;three more lines were added to the lines of this multiplet, measured atnbsp;Utrecht. The line Fe 3969.3 was omitted, because it lies in the wing ofnbsp;the H line of Ca , and the line Mg 5167.3 because it is strongly disturbednbsp;at its very centre by the line Fe 5167.5. It was in my opinion superfluousnbsp;to determine again the central intensities of the H- and the K line, as,nbsp;owing to the great width of these lines, we may safely assume that, alsonbsp;at Utrecht, the measurements will have been free from the obliteratingnbsp;effect of the spectrograph. This is also evidenced by the agreementnbsp;between the results of different investigators (K., Schwarzschild 5),nbsp;M. Minnaert30)_ A. D. Thackeray ). The central intensity of thenbsp;line Ca 4226.7 was added to those measured at Potsdam, as the accuratenbsp;measurements of this line by R. O. Redman 32) and A. D. Thackeray 3i),nbsp;referring to the centre of the sun’s disc, were available for comparison.nbsp;The ultra-violet and infra-red lines, measured at Utrecht gave rise tonbsp;difficulties at Potsdam, in connection with the special exposing-technique,nbsp;presently to be described; they were, therefore, omitted.
1. Apparatus. In the Institut fiir Sonnenphysik an intense objective of 60 cm diameter forms an image of the sun, of which the diameter is
-ocr page 25-13
13 cm. For the present investigation this image was thrown on the vertical plane of the slit of the monochromator, mounted by P. ten Bruggencatenbsp;and H. von Kliiber, and serving the purpose of enabling one to admitnbsp;only light from a narrow wave-length region, thereby eliminating straynbsp;light and making accurate intensity-measurements possible. It has alreadynbsp;been described elsewhere in detail !• 33). The image of the sun formednbsp;on the slit of the large spectrograph by the light, let through by thenbsp;monochromator, has about twice the size of the original image, itsnbsp;diameter being 25 cm. The focal length of the horizontal spectrographnbsp;is 12 m; of the grating a width of 12 cm was used, ruled with 600 linesnbsp;per mm. For further details the reader is referred to the description bynbsp;E. Freundlich 34) or to i).
2. Exposures. The centre-limb exposures were, all of them, made in fhe light of the second order spectrum with a dispersion of 1.5 mm/A,nbsp;the monocromator being always inserted in the path of the rays. Thenbsp;preliminaries for the taking of a photograph consisted in the first placenbsp;in selecting an unperturbed region at the distance to be investigated fromnbsp;the centre of the sun’s disc. As the exposures were made only a shortnbsp;time before the maximum of solar activity, it was impossible to select allnbsp;the points from centre to limb on one and the same radius and we werenbsp;obliged to find for each point a new unperturbed region. A rotation ofnbsp;the sun’s image is at Potsdam only possible by changing the azimuthnbsp;of the coelostat-mirror, so that for points at the limb only part of thenbsp;sun’s circumference is available. The image of an unperturbed regionnbsp;was thrown on the first monochromator-slit and kept there steadily bynbsp;careful compensating adjusting. This was achieved by keeping the imagenbsp;of a sharply defined sunspot on the cross-threads of a small auxiliarynbsp;telescope, having in front of its eye-piece a little plate of glass of thenbsp;colour of the wave-length region under investigation, and as the sun’snbsp;image was focussed for that same region, chromatic aberrations of thenbsp;objective were for the greater part eliminated. By forming a sharp imagenbsp;of the first monochromator-slit in the plane of the slit of the spectrograph,nbsp;one is sure that the image of the sun, formed there, is in its turn alsonbsp;sharp.
For the points from 0.00 to 0.90 R, the slit was placed at right angles to a radius of the sun’s disc, for points closer to the limb in the directionnbsp;of a radius. Each of the limb-spectra was photographed twice. First,nbsp;with the slit made so long that both the limb itself and the point at
-ocr page 26-14
0.95 R fell within its length. On these photographs the points at 0.95 and 0.98 R were measured. The second time, the spectra were photographed, while only slightly more than the part from the limb to 0.98 Rnbsp;fell on the slit, the latter now being illuminated over a length of 3 mm.nbsp;On these photographs the limb-points at 0.98, 0.99 and 0.995 R werenbsp;measured. No systematic difference was found between the line-profilesnbsp;at 0.98 R, obtained from the first and the second procedure.
All centre-limb exposures were made in two ways. First, while the monochromator let through a wave-length region of about 30 A. Fromnbsp;these photographs the intensity of the wings of the strong lines wasnbsp;determined in terms of the intensity of the continuous background; thesenbsp;photographs will henceforth be called quot;continuum-photographs”. Thenbsp;second time, a wave-length region of only 3 to 4 A was let through. Thenbsp;photographs obtained in this way served for measuring the intensity ofnbsp;the lines close to and including their centres; they will henceforth benbsp;called quot;inner-photographs”. In the latter case the monochromator hadnbsp;to be adjusted very carefully, in the first place to locate the Fraunhofernbsp;line, to be measured, exactly in the middle of the spectral region letnbsp;through, and in the second place to cut off this region sharply at bothnbsp;ends. This adjustment was judged visually; a photographic determinationnbsp;of the right positions would have taken a very long time. For that samenbsp;reason the ultra-violet and the infra-red lines were not photographednbsp;at Potsdam.
The photographic material used consisted of Agfa Isopan F or Isopan SS film in a Nettax Kleinbild (small picture) camera, which could benbsp;fastened to the spectrograph; each part, meant for a picture, was usednbsp;for a spectrum, so that it was possible to photograph 36 spectranbsp;successively on one film. Some of these were spectra for standardizing,nbsp;photographed by means of a small grating spectrograph with step-reducer,nbsp;either immediately after the other photographs were taken or in betweennbsp;them. The Fraunhofer lines were obtained with different times ofnbsp;exposure, on the one hand, in order that the spectra should possess aboutnbsp;the same density notwithstanding the darkening towards the limb, sonbsp;that one and the same part of the characteristic curve could be used, and,nbsp;on the other hand, because for the continuum-photographs a shorter timenbsp;of exposure sufficed than for the inner-photographs. For this reason thenbsp;standardizing spectra were photographed in series of different times ofnbsp;exposure, so that the profiles could be deduced from a characteristicnbsp;curve, for which the times of exposure differed by less than a factor
-ocr page 27-15
2 from those for the solar spectra. We did not notice, for that matter, that the time of exposure ever influenced the shape of the characteristicnbsp;curve in any way.
In order to eliminate too strong contrasts, the films were developed in Rodinal 1 ; 40 at 18° C for 8 minutes, during which the bath wasnbsp;constantly rocked vigorously to and fro. They were then registerednbsp;by
means of a Zeiss photometer, of which the slits were adjusted in such a way that their widths corresponded to 0.02 A on the film, whilenbsp;their lengths corresponded to 8quot; for the points at 0.00 to 0.95 R, downnbsp;to 3quot; for those at 0.99 and 0.995 R (see Fig. 2).
3. Determination o[ the intensity-profiles of the inner part of the lines. The possibility of admitting into the spectrograph a spectral region ofnbsp;only 3 to 4 A offers not only the advantage of eliminating any stray lightnbsp;from other wave lengths, but also that of getting rid of the ghosts. Fornbsp;the lines measured, the first ghost lies at least 2.5 A distant from thenbsp;principal line; when only a region of 4 A is let through, therefore, thenbsp;inner part of a strong Fraunhofer line is entirely free from ghosts andnbsp;the only remaining correction to be applied is the one for the instrumentalnbsp;curve (this §. 5). A region of 4 A, however, is too narrow for locatingnbsp;the continuous background. This requires, therefore, the combining ofnbsp;the spectra photographed with narrow and with wide monochromator-slit,nbsp;which was done in the following way, the same as that used by A. D.nbsp;Thackeray 31). To the intensity-profile obtained from the continuum-
photograph the general correction for ghosts i = (io — g) —
1UÜ — g
(see p. 11) was applied, where for g was taken the sum of the intensities of all disturbing ghosts, as determined from photographs made for thatnbsp;purpose. These photographs were of two kinds. In the first, the linesnbsp;Kr 4320 and Kr 5570 emitted by a Kr discharge tube were photographed;nbsp;on these we could measure the four nearer ghosts on both sides, andnbsp;their aggregate intensities amounted to 3.5 % for 4320 A and to 4 %nbsp;for 5570 A. The second method for determining directly the totalnbsp;intensity of the ghosts consists in measuring the central intensity of anbsp;narrow Fraunhofer line, located in a practically undisturbed part of thenbsp;continuous spectrum, first, on a photograph covering a wave-lengthnbsp;region of 30 A and, again, on one for which this region is restrictednbsp;to a few A only. The surplus of light in the inner parts of the linenbsp;on the first photograph relatively to that on the second photograph
-ocr page 28-16
is due to the disturbing ghosts, apart from scattered light, which in this connection can be safely neglected. The total intensity of thenbsp;four nearer ghosts, obtained in this way for 5500 A, agreed fairlynbsp;well with the one determined in the first manner. For the wings thenbsp;value of g is less essential and their profile is, therefore, knownnbsp;sufficiently well from the continuum-photographs.
On the continuum- and the inner-photographs a number of points at the same distance AX from the line-centre have been measured. Let r benbsp;the intensity in terms of the continuous spectrum in such a point,nbsp;obtained from the continuum-photograph, and i the intensity in arbitrarynbsp;units obtained from the inner-photograph; the intensity of the continuousnbsp;background in the latter will then amount to 100 t'/r. The line drawnnbsp;fluently through the points determined in this way is then regarded tonbsp;represent the continuous background (Fig. 1), while, finally, the
-ocr page 29-17
intensities of the inner parts of the line are determined relatively to this continuous background. When, later on, the central intensities arenbsp;corrected for the instrumental curve, vre start, as a matter of course,nbsp;again from the inner-photographs.
The way in which the wave-length region is cut off by the monochromator did not always turn out to be perfectly sharp, and the run of the continuous background belonging to the inner-photograph was not alwaysnbsp;straight. This deviation from straightness can presumably be explainednbsp;by the fact that the image of the first slit was not always centrednbsp;perfectly on the slit of the spectrograph. In principle, however, this doesnbsp;not matter at all; the essential points are, that no light shall have passednbsp;the monochromator from wave lengths farther than about 2 A awaynbsp;from the centre of the line, and that the run of the continuous backgroundnbsp;be correctly determined by the values 100 i/r; both conditions werenbsp;always satisfied.
4. The definition of the sun’s limb in the limb photographs. From the fact that at Potsdam the limb spectra were photographed with a radialnbsp;slit, in such a way, that the sun’s limb is one of the bounding lines ofnbsp;the spectra, it is possible to determine its definition from each of thesenbsp;photographs, on which it is never sharp, owing to scattering, scintillationnbsp;and guiding errors. In the narrow confused region the true position ofnbsp;the limb was estimated visually to within 0.1 mm. If, now, the distancenbsp;of this estimated position from the perfectly sharp lower edge of thenbsp;spectrum, determined by the end of the spectrograph-slit amounts to anbsp;cm, it is fairly easy to register the film by means of an accuratelynbsp;adjustable plate, on which it is clamped during the registering, in strips,nbsp;at distances (a — 0.625) mm, (a— 1.25) mm etc. from the sharp edge ofnbsp;the spectrum, corresponding respectively to the points at 0,995 R, 0.99 Rnbsp;etc. In all series registrograms were made of a few continuum-photographsnbsp;at the limb, in a region free from Fraunhofer lines, in a direction atnbsp;right angles to the dispersion, from which the run of the intensity at thenbsp;sun’s limb was deduced. It was thereby possible a posteriori to locatenbsp;accurately the registered strips in the spectrum and to find the error innbsp;the estimated position of the limb, which was defined in this connectionnbsp;by the equality of the areas S in Fig. 2. This error amounted at the mostnbsp;to 0.2 mm (about 1.quot;5) and did not show any systematic character.nbsp;Accidentaly, therefore, the way of judging the position of the limb on thenbsp;film agrees practically with the definition given above.
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The intensity-variations at the limb obtained are drawn, for the neighbourhood of A 4100 and A 5900, in Fig. 2, respectively from photographs of the violet Fe lines and of the D lines of Na. In photographsnbsp;made on different days, the deviations at some fixed A are insignificant.nbsp;One can take this as an indication that guiding errors are the principal
cause of the lack of sharpness, as for a few of these photographs the atmospheric conditions were decidedly different. On the inner-photo-graphs, for which the times of exposure were 2 to 3 times as long asnbsp;those for the continuum-photographs the definition is likely to be slightlynbsp;worse. From Fig. 2 the extent can be judged to which the radiation
-ocr page 31-19
assigned to the measured points is in reality an integrated radiation from the small parts surrounding them. One must bear in mind, however,nbsp;that, as the only consequence of this, the measurements at the extremenbsp;limb must be ascribed to points slightly different from those at 0.995 Rnbsp;etc. In comparing the observations with theory, this will always be takennbsp;into account.
5. Correction o[ the central intensities [or finite resolving power. The instrumental curve of the grating spectrograph has been accuratelynbsp;determined from narrow Kr lines i). An elegant method for correctingnbsp;observed line-profiles for its obliterating effect was developed by H. C.nbsp;Van de Hulst 35)^ while P. Kremer 36) designed an apparatus by meansnbsp;of which the necessary computations of this kind can be quicklynbsp;performed. The two instrumental curves for A 4320 and A 5570,nbsp;determined at Potsdam, were each reduced to A 5000, and their meannbsp;Was used in applying the correction to the observed central intensities,nbsp;taking into account the change of the scale of abscissae proportional tonbsp;Wave length. Curves I and III in Fig. 3 represent this mean instrumentalnbsp;curve for A 5000. It was sufficiently narrowed by operating on it withnbsp;the following peak-function 35) ^ likewise referring to A 5000:
Distance from centre of instrumentalnbsp;curve in mA |
-150 |
-100 |
-75 |
-50 |
-25 |
0 |
25 |
50 |
75 |
100 |
150 |
Normalized height of peak |
-0.05 |
-0.04 |
-0.02 |
-0,07 |
-0.37 |
2.06 |
-0.37 |
-0.03 |
-0.04 |
-0.05 |
-0.02 |
As appears from the above values of the heights of the peaks, the asymmetry of the instrumental curve has been taken duly into account.nbsp;The factor /3, by which the accidental errors are multiplied in thenbsp;corrected profile, amounts in our case to 2.1. Curve II represents thenbsp;instrumental curve, after the peak-function has operated on curve I, sonbsp;that the corrected profile is the true profile obliterated by curve II. Onnbsp;comparing its width with the intensity-variation over a correspondingnbsp;width in the inner part of a — corrected — Fraunhofer line, it appearsnbsp;that in this connection further correction is superflous; the principal effectnbsp;is the suppression of the wings of the original instrumental curve I.
The correction by means of the peak-function could be applied to the spectra photographed with narrow monochromator-slit (see Fig. 1).
-ocr page 32-This has the advantage that the shape of the instrumental curve at distances larger than about 2 A from its centre becomes irrelevant.nbsp;Its shape between 200 mA (that is as far as it was measured) andnbsp;2 A cannot be accurately taken into account. The peak-function,
however, applies partly an automatic correction for this part of the curve, as its total area has been computed on the assumption that its far wingsnbsp;are shaped in conformity to cjx^, where c is determined from the averagenbsp;shape of the wings up to 200 mA (seel)). These imperfections,nbsp;however, have only a slight influence on the final value of the centralnbsp;intensity of a Fraunhofer line.
§ 8. Survey and points in common in the discussion of the complete observational material.
From the photographs, of which a survey is given in Table 1, 1266 profiles were deduced, distributed over the three places of observationnbsp;as follows: Utrecht 857; Potsdam 358 and Mount Wilson 51. It was
-ocr page 33-unfeasible to determine the shape of all these profiles where they were disturbed by blends and, besides, this did not concern us. As it was ournbsp;purpose to determine the variations of the profiles of the strong linesnbsp;themselves, we measured in the first place, if at all possible, points, thatnbsp;could be considered to lie on the undisturbed profile. Only, where thisnbsp;turned out to be impossible, did we measure also, for lack of better.
Table la. The Observed Lines *) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
*) The notations and constants are taken from C. E. Moore ^’).
**) Excitation potential of the lower energy level in electron volts.
***) Ut.; Utrecht; Po.: Potsdam; Mo.: Mount Wilson.
points on the slightly disturbed profile, for, generally speaking, the slight disturbance by a blend will not seriously interfere with the centre-limbnbsp;Variation of a strong line. A point once having been chosen, its intensitynbsp;¦was measured in all profiles of a series at the same distance from thenbsp;centre of the line. This was, in its turn, determined from the mostlynbsp;sharply defined top and from undisturbed points located, as much asnbsp;possible, symmetrically around it.
-ocr page 34-22
Table lb. Details of the Exposures | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Explanation of the abbreviations: l.s.r.: Ilford special rapid; I.i.r.; Ilford infra red; I.r.p.p,; Ilford rapid process panchromatic; A.I.R. 850; Agfa Infrarot 850 hart; E.K. Ill F; Eastman Kodak 111 F; A.S.G.R.:nbsp;Agfa Spectral Grün Rapid; A.I.F; Agfa Isopan F; A.l.SS: Agfa Isopan SS; cont.; continuum-photograph (see p. 14 and Fig. 1); inn.: inner-photograph (see p. 14 and Fig. 1).
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It must be emphasized here that the centre-limb variations in a series ate always more reliable than the intensities themselves. This is duenbsp;to using, as far as possible, a homogeneous method in working out thenbsp;data of a series. Yet, the separate series of one and the same line showed,nbsp;not unfrequently, appreciable differences, of which one can form somenbsp;idea by comparing the results, given in Chapter II with those of previousnbsp;publications 15. 17) and by comparing mutually the Utrecht-, Mountnbsp;Wilson- and Potsdam measurements, which are always given separatelynbsp;in the Tables 2—20.
§ 9. Discussion of errors.
1. Accidental errors. The photographic method applied, and conform to which the characteristic curve is obtained from spectra taken via anbsp;standardized step-reducer, has already been frequently applied and itnbsp;has turned out that the accidental errors thereby introduced in thenbsp;relative intensities of the profiles may have values up to 5 A comparison of the measurements of the Utrecht-, Potsdam- and Mountnbsp;Wilson material mutually (Tables 2—20) and with those ofnbsp;other investigators makes it likely that, also in the results communicatednbsp;here, errors of this magnitude occur. The central intensities in the tablesnbsp;Under the heading quot;Potsdam” are, each of them, the average of thenbsp;values obtained from various spectra and films, of which the mutualnbsp;differences amount at most to 3 %. The error, arising from the steepnessnbsp;of the slope of the inner wings of a few Fraunhofer lines, is apt to benbsp;rather considerable, because any small error in AX, the distance from thenbsp;centre of the line, entails a large error in r. This error will, however,nbsp;have no systematic influence on the centre-limb variation, though it willnbsp;give rise to a certain spreading of the observed variation round thenbsp;true one.
2. Systematic errors, a. Stray light. By scattering of light in the spectrograph the measured intensities may be subject to a systematicnbsp;error. There was no fear of this at Utrecht — considering that there thenbsp;step-reducer is applied on the slit of the spectrograph — provided onlynbsp;that the scattered light be spread evenly over the photographed spectrum,nbsp;which, from check photographs, proved to be the case. At Potsdam thenbsp;comparison of the photographs, in the taking of which wide and narrownbsp;spectral regions were let through by the monochromator, showed thatnbsp;stray light is not present to any appreciable amount. From the fact that
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only light from a region of a few A was admitted, one could hardly expect anything else,
b. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Eberhard effect. Another systematic error can arise from the Eber-hard effect, especially in the central intensities and, therefore, also innbsp;their centre-limb variations, as the profiles of the lines at the limb arenbsp;narrower than those at the centre. As in the theoretical interpretationnbsp;of these intensities only the measurements at Posdam are used, we shallnbsp;dwell for a moment on the influence, that this effect has on them. Innbsp;order to reduce it to the utmost, the films were developed in dilutednbsp;Rodinal and were rocked steadily to and fro during the process. Fromnbsp;check measurements on very narrow Kr lines for determining the instrumental curve, the Eberhard effect, although present, appeared to be ofnbsp;little moment 1) and since the profiles of the Fraunhofer lines cover anbsp;larger wave-length region and show a less steep density variation, thenbsp;effect will be in this case still less appreciable and can safely benbsp;neglected. Moreover, in correcting the central intensities, the influencenbsp;of the Eberhard effect on the determination of the instrumental curve isnbsp;opposed to that influence on a Fraunhofer line, a too low central intensitynbsp;being corrected with a too narrow instrumental curve.
This same effect may likewise influence the maxima in an intensity profile, arising from the occurrence of blends. Considering the remarknbsp;made above, one may assume that here, too, the Eberhard effect isnbsp;negligible.
c. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Finite resolving power. It is chiefly in those parts of a profile, wherenbsp;the curvature in the run of the intensities is considerable, that the truenbsp;intensities will deviate appreciably from the observed ones. The correctionnbsp;to the central intensities has already been dealt with in detail, and itnbsp;follows from § 7, 5 and the present §, 1 that the corrected central intensities given are still liable to fairly large relative errors. The further pointsnbsp;of the inner part of the lines were not corrected. The effect of the finitenbsp;resolving power on maxima in the intensity-profile, due to blends, willnbsp;likewise be appreciable, when such a maximum is rather sharp, and itnbsp;will decrease its intensity. As regards the centre-limb variation, thisnbsp;influence is in sofar of importance, as the shape of the maximum for thenbsp;centre of the sun’s disc is different from that for the limb, that is, therefore, only in second approximation. That is why no correction wasnbsp;applied for this effect. It is an additional cause by which the equivalentnbsp;widths come out to large (§ 10, 1).
d. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Blends. The disturbing effect of blends is in many cases considerable
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and to take them into account is no simple matter. It may very well be that, owing to their presence, the intensity of points that, to allnbsp;appearances, are only slightly disturbed, is, nevertheless, appreciablynbsp;too low. They do affect the centre-limb variations, because, in the firstnbsp;P^ace, the measured centre-limb variation refers, strictly speaking, tonbsp;points of slightly larger intensities and, in the second place, the blendsnbsp;themselves suffer also a centre-limb variation. Fortunately, however,nbsp;both these factors have only a second order effect. The fact that thisnbsp;disturbance is small, in any case, appears clearly from a comparisonnbsp;between undisturbed points and points of practically the same intensity,nbsp;that are decidedly disturbed by blends; the centre-limb variations are,nbsp;practically speaking, identical, so that we have refrained from applyingnbsp;a correction in this connection.
In the wings, the relative influence of blends is more serious, so that they invalidate more in particular the determination of the c’s (see § 10)nbsp;and consequently that of the equivalent widths, these being partly deduced from the c's. If, owing to their influence, the determination of the c’snbsp;is erroneous, their values will always come out too large, but just as wellnbsp;for the centre of the sun's disc as for the limb. From the c-determinationsnbsp;appeared clearly the by no means unappreciable amount of the errors,nbsp;that may still arise from deducing the continuum from the backgroundnbsp;in the registrograms. These frequently turned out to be locatednbsp;erroneously to an amount of 2 to 3 %, too high as well as too low.
e. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ghosts. The error, remaining after the general correction for ghostsnbsp;(see p. 11), can at the most amount to 1 or 2 %, and can, besides,nbsp;have no influence on the centre-limb variations. Neither can ghostsnbsp;affect appreciably the central intensities, owing to the precautions takennbsp;in making the inner-photographs (§ 7, 3),
f. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Correct adjustment on the points of the solar disc. A small differencenbsp;in the adjustment of the tangential slit of the spectrograph may havenbsp;a considerable effect on the limb spectra, because on approaching thenbsp;limb, the profiles vary strongly. As the error may amount to a fewnbsp;0,1 mm, which at Utrecht means about 0.004 R and at Potsdam aboutnbsp;0.002 R, the only thing one can say is that the point at 0.995 R measurednbsp;at Utrecht will lie between 0.991 R and 0.999 R, an a posteriori checknbsp;being in this case impossible. The exposures with a radial slit at Potsdamnbsp;are more favourable in this respect, as, here, a subsequent location onnbsp;the film of the points near the limb is possible (§ 7, 4),
g. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Irradiation from neighbouring points of the sun's disc. In con-
-ocr page 38-26
sideration of what was said in § 7, 4 the measurements referring to the points near the extreme limb cannot be simply ascribed to the apparentnbsp;points of adjustment.
h. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Perturbed regions. The attempts to obtain the spectrum of thenbsp;unperturbed photosphere, have certainly not always been successful,nbsp;especially as regards the photographs at Potsdam in 1938 which werenbsp;taken shortly before the time of maximum solar activity. As, however,nbsp;for each point adjusted a new unperturbed region was visually selected,nbsp;any systematic influence on the centre-limb variation is, practicallynbsp;speaking, out of the question.
i. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The sun’s altitude. With the longer times of exposure the sun’snbsp;altitude may change materially during the photographing of a completenbsp;centre-limb series. In order to eliminate any sytematic influence of thisnbsp;change, the photographs were made in arbitrary succession.
Summarising we can say that the errors, which do occur, have but a very slight systematic influence on the centre-limb variation, that, however, the location at 0.99 R and 0.995 R, ascribed to the points near thenbsp;extreme limb, must be used with some caution.
-ocr page 39-CHAPTER II
§ 10. General remarks.
1. The tables of the intensity^pro[iles. The results of the measurements are collected in the Tables 2 to 20, where, in general, the lines arenbsp;arranged according to increasing wave length. The tables give the relativenbsp;intensity of the selected points of the profiles as a function of sin S' — r/R,nbsp;the distance from the centre of the sun’s disc in terms of its radius. Thenbsp;first column gives the distance, expressed in A-units, of the measurednbsp;point from the centre of the line. Distances towards the violet have thenbsp;suffix V, those towards the red the suffix r. When no v or r is added,nbsp;it means that the average has been taken of the intensities towardsnbsp;the violet and towards the red side. This was only done, when, fornbsp;all points concerned of the sun’s disc, these values did not differ morenbsp;than 2 %.
The intensities are given separately for the various places of observation, Utrecht, Potsdam and (for the Mg b lines) Mount Wilson.
When a measured point was disturbed by blends, its intensities are printed in italics. Slightly disturbed points, of which the centre-limbnbsp;variations will not differ materially from undisturbed ones, have notnbsp;been marked separately. The estimation as to the degree of thenbsp;disturbance is naturally more or less arbitrary; criteria for the absencenbsp;of a disturbance at a point are: equal intensities towards the violet andnbsp;the red; the smooth run of the profile just at that part. If, however,nbsp;a line is strongly disturbed by blends, these criteria fail.
To the intensities of the profiles, deduced from the Potsdam photographs, we have occasionally added the central intensities of blending lines, of which the wave length (after ^8)) of their centres is printed atnbsp;the bottom of the table. They had to be measured in order to be ablenbsp;to correct the profile completely for the effect of the finite resolving
-ocr page 40-power. Afterwards, applying van de Hulst’s correction-method, it turned out that the intensities within these blends need not be known; theirnbsp;central intensities, however, having once been measured, have beennbsp;retained in the tables; they have not been corrected by the instrumentalnbsp;curve. The row indicated by “corrected central intensitities” gives thenbsp;central intensities of the principal lines, from which the effect of thenbsp;instrumental curve of the Potsdam grating spectrograph has beennbsp;eliminated.
The position of the neighbouring continuous spectrum was, where at all possible, checked and, if necessary, corrected by means of thenbsp;straight lines of the Iq — i versus i/AA,2-graph, as explained by M. Min-naert24)^ He showed that the distribution of the light in the wings ofnbsp;a Fraunhofer line is, in many cases, rendered by the expressionnbsp;i/iQ = 1/(1 c's), where s is the ratio between the scattering coefficientnbsp;and the coefficient of continuous absorption, and c' a proportionality-factor. In the wings s varies as l/AX^ (damping), so that therenbsp;i/io=l/(l c/AA,2), from which it follows that Iq — i = cilA\^, thenbsp;formula yielding the value for the constant c, characteristic for eachnbsp;definite profile, this quantity, therefore, being a direct measure for thenbsp;depression at large distances from the centre of a line. Minnaert hasnbsp;not investigated the extent to which this relation is satisfied for profilesnbsp;in the spectrum of points close to the sun’s limb. The following considerations, however, make it clear that his method can always be appliednbsp;with advantage. Starting from the fact that, owing to damping, thenbsp;scattering and absorbing action of an atom varies in the far wings asnbsp;1/AA,2, and that for slight depressions these actions are simply additive,nbsp;one can write: z'o —' = czq/AA^, From this formula c is found graphicallynbsp;by plotting iojAX^ against Iq — i. The tangent in the point i = Zq coincidesnbsp;with the one drawn according to Minnaert’s method, as for z—gt;ro bothnbsp;expressions merge into each other. As it turns out from the observations,nbsp;however, that the formula z'o — z = cz/AA^ remains valid for deepernbsp;depressions than zg — z = czo/AA2, we have used preferably the formernbsp;expression for the determination of the tangent line in z = zo. The valuesnbsp;for c, obtained therefrom, are printed in the last row.
The equivalent widths, given in mA, are partly obtained by plani-metring the smoothed-out profile drawn through the undisturbed points measured. As this method may lead to large errors in the far wings 24),nbsp;their contributions to the equivalent widths have been determined, fromnbsp;a certain definite AA onwards, from the constants c by means of the
-ocr page 41-29
--arctg nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Care was always taken that the
2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;y'c /
used in this computation should still lie on the straight part of the graph i versus (/AX'S at about i/i'o = r = 0.90. For a definite centre-limbnbsp;series, the same value for AX was used throughout. The directly measurednbsp;parts of the equivalent widths may have come out systematically toonbsp;large, owing to an insufficient correction for blending and for finitenbsp;resolving power. Likewise, the computation of the contributions from thenbsp;far wings to the equivalent widths by means of the above formula yields,nbsp;mostly, larger values than direct measuring of the areas 24). Owing tonbsp;these factors, the values obtained for these widths will, in general, benbsp;perhaps larger than those of other investigators. This is, however, ofnbsp;only secondary importance for the centre-limb variation, that means fornbsp;the mutual ratios between the equivalent widths at the various pointsnbsp;of the sun’s disc.
For those Fraunhofer lines, that have been measured at different observatories, the equivalent widths as well as the c’s have been determined from their average profiles.
2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The cross-section figures. Though a few profiles for differentnbsp;values of r/R are drawn, belonging to the most characteristic and bestnbsp;determined lines, the centre-limb variations are not represented by meansnbsp;of line-profiles, but by so-called cross-section figures. These are drawnnbsp;for all lines separately: although showing less detail, they give a betternbsp;general idea than the tables. A curve in a cross-section figure representsnbsp;the variation of the relative intensity at some definite distance AX fromnbsp;the centre of a line as a function of cos The use of this quantitynbsp;offers the advantage that the curves are drawn out on approaching thenbsp;sun’s limb, thereby affording a better survey of the variations, which,nbsp;precisely in the narrow part close to the limb, become considerable. Thenbsp;comparison of the observational results with theory will, later on, alwaysnbsp;be carried out with the help of these cross-section curves.
3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The determination of the cs {see also this §, 1). We may sufficenbsp;here with the remark that, by giving figures in detail, referring to thisnbsp;subdivision of the investigation, due attention has been paid to the determination of the c’s and to their centre-limb variation; this was done onnbsp;account of the important conclusions to be drawn from them in thenbsp;theoretical part.
-ocr page 42-30
§11. The lines Fe 3815.9, 3820.4, 3859.9 and Mg 3829.4, 3832.3 and 3838.3 (Tables 2 and 3).
These ultra-violet Fe- and Mg lines are seriously disturbed by blends; only from a few points, in which the profiles are clearly not too stronglynbsp;disturbed, is it possible to determine the centre-limb variation. This
Table 2. Fc 3815.9 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fc 3820.4 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fc 3859.9 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
variation is very characteristic of moderate intensities: starting from the centre of the sun’s disc, the intensity of the inner wings increases atnbsp;first, to decrease again closer to the limb; the cross-section curves shownbsp;a depression (Fig. 4 and 5), which is stronger for the Fe- than thenbsp;Mg lines. The three Mg lines show these variations within the obser-
-ocr page 43-vational errors to the same degree, and the same is true for the three Fe lines although, from the point of view of atomic theory, these linesnbsp;are each of a different nature (Table la). The central intensities arenbsp;small; in judging them one should bear in mind that these lines werenbsp;only observed at Utrecht, with a moderate resolving power.
Table 3. Mg 3829.4 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mg 3832.3 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mg 3838.3 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Owing to the strong deformations by blends, the equivalent widths cannot be obtained accurately and a determination of the c’s is entirelynbsp;out of the question.
-ocr page 45-100
Mg 3829A | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
QO 80 60 50 lt;iO 50 20 10 O |
Limb Centre
§ 12. The H' and the K line of Ca''' (Tables 4 and 5).
These lines were only measured at Utrecht. They are, however, so wide that the effect of the finite resolving power of the Utrecht spectrograph is presumably of little moment, also as regards the central intensities. In determining the latter, one is confronted with a complication,nbsp;arising from the double reversal in the centre of the lines which, tonbsp;various degrees, is always present at the sun’s limb. In the presentnbsp;connection this reversal was not investigated in further detail and, amongnbsp;the profiles from the limb-points, those with the weaker reversals werenbsp;selected for determining the central intensities, as the stronger reversalsnbsp;are, most likely, due to faculae.
Table 4. Ca4- 3933.7 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The equivalent widths, as far as the contribution from the wings is concerned, were determined from the violet half of the K line and from
-ocr page 47-35
Pig, 6. — Centre-limb variations in the K line, Ca ,3933.7 (parameter AX — distance in A from centre of line).
the red half of the H line, because in the region between the lines they overlap appreciably.
From the cross-section curves (Fig. 6 and 7) and from the profiles for three different points of the sun’s disc in Fig. 8, one can see clearlynbsp;how and to what extent the lines vanish on approaching the sun's limb.
Table 5. Ca 3968.5 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The run of the continuous background was determined by connecting the continuous spectrum at a few hundreds A on both sides of the linesnbsp;by a fluent line; after that, the exact height was determined still betternbsp;by means of the (to — t) versus t’/AX^-graphs, which are shown completelynbsp;in Fig. 9. For the centre of the sun’s disc the connection remains linearnbsp;down to relative intensities lower than 50 %, for the points near thenbsp;limb the bend in the curves occurs already at higher intensities.
-ocr page 49-37
It is remarkable that the ratio between the c’s of the two lines is not equal to the doublet-ratio (here, therefore, 1:2) but to 1 : 1.6. Thisnbsp;is the more striking, as for other well-measurable multiplets, such asnbsp;the D lines of Na, the two stronger lines of the Mg b triplet and those
-ocr page 52-40
of the infra-red lines of Ca , this is much more nearly the case. This deviation is most likely due to the disturbance of the H line by Ht.
The centre-limb variation of c is shown in Fig. 10. As, here, we are concerned only with the variation of c and not with its actual value,
we have plotted for the two lines the fraction nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;the ratio
^ cos 1? = 1
between the c’s and their values for the centre of the sun’s disc) against cos This way affords, moreover, the possibility of a fair comparisonnbsp;between the c-variations of the two lines. These turn out to be slightlynbsp;different, and as, here also, the influence of He may be at work, wenbsp;shall later on, in comparing our observations with theory, only use thenbsp;c-variation of the K line.
¦ Comparison with the observations of other investigators shows that, for the centre of the sun’s disc, the profile and more in particularnbsp;its central intensity, agrees satisfactorily with those obtained bynbsp;K. Schwarzschild 5), M. Minnaert so) and A. D, Thackeray si). Thenbsp;difference between our profiles for centre and limb is of the same naturenbsp;as that found by Schwarzschild (more cannot be said about this, asnbsp;Schwarzschild does not give the exact position of the point for his limbnbsp;exposure). The centre-limb variation agrees fairly well with thatnbsp;determined by T. Royds and A. L. Narayan 12), although they givenbsp;appreciably larger relative intensities. In this connection attention maynbsp;be drawn to a remark of D. S. Evans i^), who found for the hydrogennbsp;lines deviations in the same sense between his own measurements and
-ocr page 53-41
those by Royds and Narayan. One may, therefore, safely assume the intensities of the lines determined by the latter two to be too small.
§ 13. Six lines of the Fe-multiplef nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;—y®Fg° (Tables~6—11).
The line Fe 3969.3 was omitted, because it lies in the wing of the H line, so that its profile is strongly disturbed. Of the six remainingnbsp;lines, Fe 4045.8, Fe 4063.6 and Fe 4071.8 were measured both atnbsp;Utrecht and at Potsdam, Fe 4005.3, Fe 4132,1 and Fe 4143.9 at Potsdamnbsp;only. The centre-limb variation is, for all these lines, essentially thenbsp;same, as is shown most clearly by the cross-section curves (Fig. 11, 12,nbsp;16, 17 and 18). Ignoring the blends three profiles of the strongest line,nbsp;Fe 4045.8, are drawn in Fig. 14.
In order to avoid a confusion of details, we have drawn the cross-section curves for the central parts of those profiles, that were observed at Potsdam, in the figure of the violet wing, and of those, observed atnbsp;Utrecht, in the figure of the red wing. Of those lines, of which bothnbsp;wings are combined in one figure, only the Potsdam results are given,nbsp;as these will be the least deformed by the finite resolving power. Tonbsp;these we have still added separately in the figures the variation of thenbsp;corrected central intensities: these were deduced for the profilesnbsp;determined at Potsdam in the way described in § 7, 5.
Precision measurements of the central intensities, referring to the centre of the sun’s disc were carried out by R. O. Redman 39) on thenbsp;three stronger of these lines: C. W. Allen ^o), too, corrected hisnbsp;measurements of these lines for the influence of the spectral apparatus.nbsp;Their results in per cent, of the continuous spectrum are here added,nbsp;together with mine for comparison.
Fe 4045.8 |
Fe 4063.6 |
Fe 4071.8 | |
Allen |
3 |
3 |
3 |
Redman |
2,1 |
1.9 |
2.2 |
this thesis |
2.5 |
4.9 |
4.4 |
The lines Fe 4005.3 and Fe 4132.1 are so seriously disturbed by blends, that their equivalent widths are unreliable, while in their wings thenbsp;blending is such that the c's cannot be determined: the c's of Fe 4143.9nbsp;are for that same reason unreliable. The graph from which they arenbsp;deduced is given in full for the line Fe 4045.8 in Fig. 13. The ratios
-ocr page 54-between the c’s of the best measurable four lines do not agree with the theoretical multiplet ratios, neither do they agree with the ratios followingnbsp;from R. B. and A, S. King’s laboratory experiments after these hadnbsp;been recomputed for 6000° (see also 42)). R is difficult to come to anbsp;decision as to the cause of this difference, although the c-determinationsnbsp;for the lines Fe 4045.8, Fe 4063.6 and Fe 4071.8 would appear to benbsp;too accurate to afford an explanation for such a large discrepancy.
Table 6. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Fe 4005.3 4
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
*) The only line for which at Potsdam, all points were not observed with narrow slit of mono-chromator. “) Centre nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;of 4005.390. ,. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;..nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;4005.074. .. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;„ Fe 4005.484. ...... 4004.986. ®) Centre of 4004.919. ’)nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;..nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;„ V 4005.712. Values unreliable. |
iation of
Besides, we are here concerned only with the line Fe 4045.8, the best determined one, as the observednbsp;ratios between the c’snbsp;(strongest line : other line)nbsp;are larger than the theoretical ones and the blendingnbsp;of Fe 4063.6 and Fe 4071.8nbsp;would affect these values innbsp;exactly the opposite sense.nbsp;Nevertheless, the centre-limb variation of the c-values will presumably benbsp;about the same as for thenbsp;undisturbed wings. This isnbsp;confirmed by Fig. 15, whichnbsp;shows the centre-limb varroos é
^ cos amp;= I the four lines; all of themnbsp;show the remarkable increase of the wings at cos i?nbsp;= 0.3.
-ocr page 56-
Table 7. Fe 4045.8 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 Centre of Zr 4045.601. 4nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;„nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;4046.083.
-ocr page 57-Fig, 14. — Profiles of the line Fe 4045.8 in three different points of the solar disc (non-corrected central intensities).
Table 8. Fc 4063.6 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 Centre of Fe 4063.290. |
Fc 4071.8
Table 9. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
') Centre of 4071.538.
Fe 4072.514. Fe 4070.779.
-ocr page 63-52
Table 10. Fc 4132.1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Table 11. Fc 4143.9 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1) Centre of 4132.540. quot;)nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;„nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;„ 4132.713. Values unreliable. Centre of Fe 4143.418. |
§ 14. The line Ca 4226.7 (Table 12).
This line was measured at Utrecht and at Potsdam. Although rather strongly disturbed by blends, the remaining undisturbed or only slightlynbsp;disturbed points are sufficient for determining the undisturbed profile.
-ocr page 67-55
As appears from the cross-section curves (Fig. 22) and a few profiles (Fig. 20) the centre-limb variations are very similar to those of thenbsp;Fe multiplet and show likewise an increase of the wings for points lyingnbsp;excentrically on the sun’s disc.
-ocr page 68-56
Table 12. Ca 4226.7 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
'*) Centre of Fe 4225.964. =)nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;..nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;„nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Fenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;4225.717. «) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;„nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;„nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ce Zr 4227.760. ’) Centre of 4227.946. «)nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;„nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;„ Fe 4225.463. |
') Centre of Fe 4226.433. *) Blend -Ti 4227.3ff.nbsp;quot;) Centre of Fe 4227.442.
-ocr page 69-58
The far wings are seriously disturbed, so that the c-determinations are not quite reliable (Fig. 19). Apart from a few points in the extremenbsp;wings, undisturbed points occur only when the relative intensity hasnbsp;already reached a value of 70 %, the next points lie practically no longernbsp;in the straight part of the graph; yet the drawing of the tangent linenbsp;in the point ic= 100 with the aid of these points is fairly unambiguous.nbsp;The centre-limb variation of c. Fig. 21, shows an increase at cos amp; = 0.4.
Careful measurements of the central intensity of this line for the centre of the sun’s disc were carried out by A. D. Thackeray 3i) and bynbsp;R. O. Redman 32), after various disturbing influences had beennbsp;eliminated; their results, namely; Thackeray 3.6 % 1) and Redman 2.0 %,nbsp;agree satisfactorily with mine.
The centre-limb variations found for this line by Royds and Narayani2) agree only partly with those communicated here. Thenbsp;increase in the wings for cos d- = 0.4 is not so pronounced in theirnbsp;results. In this connection the only thing I can say is that a confirmationnbsp;of this peculair behaviour by other investigators would be very welcome.
§ 15. The Mg b triplet (Tables 13—15).
All three of these lines were measured at Utrecht; at Potsdam, however, where the exact determination of the central intensities was one of thenbsp;chief problems, the line Mg 5167.3 was omitted, as precisely at its centralnbsp;part it is strongly disturbed by the line Fe 5167.5. The triplet was alsonbsp;measured on photographs, taken especially by G. F. W. Mulders atnbsp;Mount Wilson for the present centre-limb investigation. In general, thenbsp;profiles of these lines are sufficiently undisturbed for a reliablenbsp;determination of the centre-limb variation to be possible. The intensitynbsp;of the lines decreases gradually and rather rapidly from the centre ofnbsp;the sun’s disc towards the limb, as appears from the cross-section curvesnbsp;(Fig. 23) and from the profiles of Mg 5183.6 for three different pointsnbsp;of the disc (Fig. 25). In order to avoid overcrowding of the cross-sectionnbsp;figure of Mg 5183.6, the intensities of a few AA’s, lying closely together,nbsp;are averaged. In the case of Mg 5167.3 the rather large differencenbsp;between the Utrecht- and the Mount Wilson results as regards the r’s
The value found by Thackeray is not yet corrected for the instrumental curve: according to him this correction amounts to 0.5 %. In this connection, one shouldnbsp;read Redman’s article, from which one can form some idea of the uncertainties interfering with the determination of central intensities.
-ocr page 71-59
Mg 5167.3
Table 13. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
') Values unreliable. |
of the curves for 0.084 v, is, undoubtedly, partly due to the small error in AA, discussed in § 9, because in this profile, disturbed into asymmetry,nbsp;the centre of the line cannot be determined accurately.
The observations which call first of all for a comparison with mine are those by H. H. Plaskett ^); the agreement and the deviations betweennbsp;the two series of centre-limb variations have already been mentionednbsp;elsewhere ). The deviations concern chiefly the central intensities onnbsp;the photographs of the points near the limb. E. Cherrington, too, measurednbsp;these lines to); his results are in better agreement with mine it). Thenbsp;central intensities, determined by him with special precautions, are largernbsp;than those deduced by me from the Potsdam material and show anbsp;slightly stronger increase towards the limb, as far as this can be concludednbsp;from the two points on the sun's disc selected by him. Cherrington’snbsp;measurements, as well as mine, make it likely, that the central intensitiesnbsp;of the various lines of the triplet are nearly equal; this was also foundnbsp;by M. Minnaert and G. F. W. Mulders ^3) and C, W, Allen 4o).
-ocr page 72-
Table 14. Mg 5172.7 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mg 5172.7
Table 14 (continued). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Table 15. Mg 5183.6 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mg 5183.6
Table 15 (continued). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Corrected Central Intensities in per cent. | ||||||||||||||||||||
4 These intensities were read from Fig. 23 taking the whole of the centre-limb variation into account.
The two stronger lines were measured by G. Righini^) in 6 points of the sun's disc; generally speaking, the centre-limb variations are ofnbsp;the same nature as those found by me. It is, however, impossible to deducenbsp;finer details from his publication. A comparison of the equivalent widthsnbsp;(in A units), obtained by him and by me, is given in the following table:
sin 1? |
= r/R |
0.00 |
0.60 |
0.66 |
0.80 |
0.90 |
0.91 |
0.95 |
0.97 |
0.98 |
0.99 |
0.995 |
1.00 |
Mg 5173 |
Righini |
1.34 |
1.09 |
1.31 |
1.05 |
0.98 |
0.74 | ||||||
this thesis |
1.41 |
1.37 |
1.38 |
1.38 |
1.36 |
1.24 |
1.07 |
1.00 | |||||
Mg 5184 |
Righini |
1.58 |
1.44 |
1.48 |
1.23 |
1.19 |
0.86 | ||||||
this thesis |
1.77 |
1.75 |
1.71 |
1.66 |
1.58 |
1.42 |
1.25 |
1.15 |
The quantities c were deduced by A. Unsold from the Plaskett and Cherrington profiles his results do not agree with mine, although thenbsp;centre-limb variations in the wings obtained by these two observers donbsp;not differ so pronouncedly from mine. The differences betweennbsp;Unsold’s results and mine are chiefly due to the manner in which thenbsp;straight lines are drawn in the I'o — i versus i/AA^-diagram. Unsold drawsnbsp;these lines so as to fit as closely as possible the measured points betweennbsp;i — 100 % and i = 70 %, whereas I have always consistently triednbsp;to determine as well as possible the tangent in the point i = 100 % as thenbsp;straight line. This makes, in particular for the centre-limb variation,nbsp;some difference, because the curvature of the z'o — i versus i/AA2-graphnbsp;is appreciably larger for points near the limb than for the centre of thenbsp;sun’s disc. Fig. 24 shows the determination of the c’s in the latter ofnbsp;the two ways. Their ratio deviates to some extent from the mulipletnbsp;ratio. This may be due to the fact that the straight lines for the c’s were
-ocr page 77-66
-ocr page 79-67
determined for the two weaker lines from points still slightly disturbed by blends, as in this part of the sun’s spectrum molecular lines arenbsp;to be found.
Fig. 26 shows my results for the centre-limb variation of the c's; the variations determined by Unsold deviate rather strongly from those innbsp;the figure.
§ 16. The D lines of Na (Tables 16 and 17).
These lines were measured at Utrecht and at Potsdam, and, being almost free from blends, are most satisfactory to measure. From thenbsp;cross-section curves (Fig. 27) and from the profiles of Na 5890.0nbsp;(Fig. 29) it appears that their change in shape towards the limb is muchnbsp;less pronounced than in the case of the Mg b lines; for this reason itnbsp;was not even necessary to draw a third line-profile in Fig. 29.
The central intensities found by me are very small; they are, however, different for the two lines1). C. W. Allen is )^ who determined thenbsp;profiles of the D lines for the centre and the limb of the sun’s disc,nbsp;and who also applied a correction, though in a manner different fromnbsp;the one applied here, for the finite resolving power of the spectrograph,nbsp;obtained results for the central intensities, which differ from mine, asnbsp;appears from the following little table;
Corrected Central Intensities in per cent. | ||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||
1) These intensities were read from Fig. 27, taking the whole of the centre-limb variation into account. |
Considering the limited accuracy of the measurements, the question arises whether this difference Is real. From an examination, however, of the registrograms of thenbsp;continuum-photographs, taken simultaneously of the D lines of Na and on othersnbsp;taken simultaneously of the lines Mg 5172.7 and Mg 5183.6, it appears at once that,nbsp;independently of any photometric errors, there is a difference in this respect betweennbsp;the two pairs of lines.
-ocr page 81-69
'Table 16. Na 5890.0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Na 5895.9
Table 17. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fig. 28, — Determination of the c’s of the D lines of Na; the points O are the means of 3 values from the intensity lists (Tables 16 and 17).
The scales for the abscissae are chosen in such a way that, for equal values of sinamp;, the slopes of the tangents would be the same for both lines, if the c’s were to eachnbsp;other in the same ratio as the doublet intensities.
-ocr page 85-73
Na 5890.0:
From a comparison of Table II in Allen’s publication with my Fig. 29 it appears further that, most remarkably, his corrected profile of D2 fornbsp;the centre of the sun’s disc deviates nowhere more than about 2 %nbsp;from the non^corrected profile obtained by me. As the correction isnbsp;restricted to a narrow inner part of the line, this is very satisfactory asnbsp;regards the wings. Concerning the centre-limb variations, it appearsnbsp;from Fig. 27, that, for cos ê 1= 1.00 and cos ê lt;= 0.25, my results are innbsp;fair agreement with those of Allen (see also C. D. Shane
The straight lines for the c’s make a reliable determination possible (Fig. 28) and the doublet ratio 1 : 2 is beautifully reflected by thesenbsp;quantities. Their centre-limb variation (Fig. 30) shows a somewhatnbsp;stronger increase up to cos — 0.5 than in the case of the Mg b lines.
§ 17. The infra-red Caquot;*quot; lines (Tables 18—20).
These were only measured at Utrecht. Owing to a slight smudginess of some of the plates, the remains of the hypersensitizing process, thenbsp;profiles in the far wings are somewhat less reliable. In those parts,nbsp;however, with intensities lt; 85 %, and which extend over smaller,nbsp;practically perfectly homogeneous, regions of the plates, the profiles arenbsp;quite as reliable as those of the other Fraunhofer lines. The centre-limbnbsp;variations show a decided character of their own, as appears from Fig. 31.
Table 18. Ca 8498.0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
') Values unreliable. |
Ca 8542.1
Table 19. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ca 8662.2
Table 20. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The central intensities are exceptionally large, as was also found by other investigators 28).
For the two stronger lines the ratio between the c’s agrees with the theoretical multiplet ratio (Fig. 34); for Ca 8498.0 the determination of cnbsp;is, for that matter, unreliable, owing to the small number of measurednbsp;points and to the smudginess mentioned above of the plates.
One can attempt in various ways to trace the processes and the run of the quantities in the solar atmosphere, which serve to explain thenbsp;behaviour of the Fraunhofer lines as found in the preceding chapter.nbsp;When investigations in this field began, the pioneer work being done bynbsp;A. Schuster 45) and K. Schwarzschild 5), later on continued by E, A.nbsp;Milne 46. 47) and A. S. Eddington 48. 49)^ one started from schematizednbsp;models of the solar atmosphere simplified in such a way that the equations for the exchange of radiation could be treated analytically and lednbsp;to finite expressions for the emergent radiation. According to the pointnbsp;of view assumed by Schuster and Schwarzschild, a sharply defined boundary exists between the continuously radiating photosphere and thenbsp;reversing layer, the solar atmosphere, properly speaking, where thenbsp;selective properties of the atoms manifest themselves and the Fraunhofer lines are formed. A better knowledge of the behaviour of matternbsp;in conditions prevailing on the sun, enabled Milne so) to build up a morenbsp;correct model of the solar atmosphere, according to which in the deepernbsp;layers the number of collisions between the particles and the absorptionnbsp;of the radiation are sufficiently large to establish an equilibrium which innbsp;each point is determined by the local temperature. This is what is callednbsp;local thermodynamical equilibrium. This condition changes gradually intonbsp;the one prevailing in the higher and less dense layers of the atmosphere.nbsp;Here the continuous absorption and the number of collisions are considerably less and an energy-quant, absorbed by an atom, is in thenbsp;majority of cases re-emitted by the same atom before a collision takes
-ocr page 92-place, the frequency of the radiation remaining practically the same. The limiting case, in which the radiation absorbed is re-emitted in exactlynbsp;the same frequency, is called monochromatic equilibrium.
Owing to the increase of temperature and pressure with depth, the various Fraunhofer lines originate in different layers of the solar atmosphere, and Eddington, in his well-known article's) on the formation ofnbsp;Fraunhofer lines, elucidated the influence of the location and the depthnbsp;of these layers on the intensity of the lines in the spectrum of the wholenbsp;solar disc or of the stars.
The necessary restrictions imposed on the run of black-body radiation and in particular on that of the absorption- and scattering coefficients, innbsp;order to be able to solve the equations of transfer, were felt as hampering,nbsp;when once it was thought possible to compute this run with the help ofnbsp;atomic theory, starting from a certain chemical composition of the solarnbsp;atmosphere. This led to numerical models as constructed by A. Unsold )nbsp;and A. Pannekoek 52. 16)_ Starting from Eddington’s differential equations one can, with the aid of the method developed by Pannekoek, compute the intensity of a Fraunhofer line for any arbitrary composition ofnbsp;a stellar atmosphere. An intermediate way was found by B. Strömgren 53)^nbsp;who, for a rather arbitrary run of the quantities mentioned above, wasnbsp;still able to calculate analytically the intensity of a Fraunhofer line. Innbsp;this way he took into account in these calculations the run of the concentration for that model of the sun’s atmosphere, in which the continuousnbsp;absorption is chiefly due to the negative hydrogen ions 54),
One is struck immediately by a fundamental difference between the applications of the analytical method on the one hand and the numericalnbsp;method on the other hand. The former makes it possible by means ofnbsp;incomparably less laborious computations to judge in a general way ofnbsp;the influence of the various factors in the final result. For that reasonnbsp;there is no lack of, occasionally very successful, attempts to find fornbsp;the run of the absorption- and scattering coefficients more general expressions, adaptable to the actual conditions, by which the equations of transfer could still be solved 55—61),
The above refers to the formation of a Fraunhofer line in its most general sense. The problem can be considerably simplified by restrictingnbsp;one's self to certain definite parts of the profile of such a line. This wasnbsp;done by Unsold, who in two consecutive articles dealt with the intensitynbsp;in the centre 2) and the intensity in the far wings 62) of a Fraunhofernbsp;line. In the first case the simplification arises from the fact that thenbsp;selective absorption and scattering are very strong in comparison with
-ocr page 93-81
the continuous absorption, in the second case because this ratio is just the reverse. In the first case it is not necessary to know the conditions in thenbsp;deeper layers of the sun’s atmosphere, because for the radiation emergingnbsp;in the central part of a Fraunhofer line only the conditions in the outermost layer are decisive. In the second case, on the contrary, it is the runnbsp;of the various quantities down to comparatively great depth that matters,nbsp;that depth namely, from which a still noticeable part of the continuousnbsp;radiation emerges directly. With Unsold’s formulas one can take intonbsp;account any run of a^/pc and with depth. For black-body radiation,nbsp;however, he restricts himself to a linear function of the optical depth. Innbsp;this respect a further development by M. Minnaert^s) was a decidednbsp;improvement and the expressions given by him are of excellent servicenbsp;in investigations of the wings.
Generally speaking, the various writers, in dealing with this problem, start from an equation of transfer in which, as far as scattering is concerned, monochromatic radiative equilibrium is taken into account. Innbsp;that case the scattering is called coherent 64). A few of them went anbsp;step further, not because they had observations at their disposal whichnbsp;for their explanation made it advisable to introduce the process of noncoherent scattering (see Chap. IV), but because one may, on physicalnbsp;grounds, assume that such a process does indeed take place (c.f.nbsp;L. Spitzer 65) and R. v, d. R, Woolley 66)), So long as we have nonbsp;decisive answer to such fundamental questions, the time for numericalnbsp;models has not yet come, and, likewise, the derivation of an observationalnbsp;model of the sun’s atmosphere (P. ten Bruggencate 67). P. Parcho-menko 68. 69). p. Wellmann^o). H. H. Plaskett^i)) will remain uncertain, so long as we do not know from which equation of transfer wenbsp;must start, that means so long as we have not sufficient information as tonbsp;the active processes.
§ 19. Arguments for the construction of a model with an arbitrary layerthickness, together with the introduction of an extinction-coefficient.
It appears to me that the testing of the observations by the predictions from a schematic model of the solar atmosphere has not yet been carriednbsp;out to a sufficient extent, especially as regards the two following points:
a) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;the nature of the processes among which, more in particular, coherent-and non-coherent scattering and selective absorption claim our attention;
b) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;the effective thickness of the layer in which these processes take place
-ocr page 94-82
for a definite Fraunhofer line. The disadvantage of such a schematic model, namely, that it can never be more than an approximate representation of the actual conditions prevailing on the sun, is more than outweighed in the present state of the centre-limb investigations of Fraunhofer lines, by the advantage that one can by its means quickly form annbsp;idea of the influences of the points mentioned sub a) and b). If, by annbsp;appropriate choice of the quantities occurring in the model, one shouldnbsp;find agreement with the observations (and in the following it will turnnbsp;out that for a few typical centre-limb variations such a choice cannbsp;indeed be made successfully) one can use this as a guide in the buildingnbsp;up of the ultimate model of the sun’s atmosphere.
(S-S.) model nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;thesis; arbitrary,
region, in which continuous absorption tahes place; region, in which selective absorption, scattering and extinction take place.nbsp;Fig. 35. — Three schematic models of the solar atmosphere.
In the model, now to be constructed, the boundary, above which selective absorption and scattering do take place, and below which they do not take place, is assumed at an arbitrary depth, whereas continuousnbsp;absorption is supposed to occur everywhere (Fig. 35). In the extremenbsp;case that the boundary coincides with the surface of the sun, while atnbsp;the same time the ratio between selective absorption and scattering onnbsp;the one hand and continuous absorption on the other hand has becomenbsp;infinite, the model becomes identical with the S.-S. model, whereas itnbsp;merges into the M.-E. model*), when the depth of the boundary isnbsp;assumed to be infinite. For any location of the boundary the selectivenbsp;absorption and scattering can be simultaneously taken into account. The
See footnote, page 3.
-ocr page 95-83
degree of concentration at the sun’s surface of the relevant atomic states can now be studied to any extent desired.
In the course of the present investigation it appeared that the behaviour of the wings can only be described on the assumption that non-coherentnbsp;scattering takes place, i.e. that the light, absorbed in a certain frequency-range, is redistributed over the entire range of the Fraunhofer line. Anticipating future results, it may be stated here that the relative influence of this process on the far wings is comparatively strong, but innbsp;the central part only slight. In the wings such a non-coherent scatteringnbsp;is essentially equivalent to the partial disappearance or extra-emissionnbsp;of light from that frequency, so that one can take this process intonbsp;account by introducing a coefficient (positive or negative) of extinctionnbsp;in the equation of transfer. It is true that this equation becomes therebynbsp;slightly more complicated, but its solution remains still equally well possible and from the final expressions for r(0,i9’) one can deduce the relativenbsp;importance of the three coefficients, describing together the selectivenbsp;processes, now supposed to be active, in any mutual proportion desired.nbsp;In the next paragraph the formula for r{0,-amp;) will be deduced directly innbsp;a completely general way, as regards the combined role of the threenbsp;coefficients of selective absorption, coherent scattering and extinction.
§ 20. The deduction of the general expression for r(0,ê).
Let X be the optical depth in the solar atmosphere, defined by T=jxQdt,
where t denotes the geometrical depth, x the coefficient of continuous absorption for the wave length concerned per gram of matter and q thenbsp;density. We assume the coefficients of selective absorption, scatteringnbsp;and extinction to have respectively the valuesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;and from t = 0 to
T = nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;, and to be zero from t = to t = oo . The layer of discontinuity for
absorption, scattering and extinction is, therefore, assumed, for the time being, at one and the same depth x = x^.
Neglecting the curvature of the atmosphere (which does not make any difference in the results, unless the observations are carried out closer tonbsp;the sun’s limb than can be done outside eclipses) and assuming furthernbsp;that the scattering is isotropic, the differential equation for the radiationnbsp;of a definite wave length is 1):
The equation of transfer, without coefficient of extinction, is amply explained in the No’snbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Qf jjjg references.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;'
-ocr page 96-84
No suffix V is attached to the quantities x and B, the black-body radiation, as they vary only slowly with wave length (an index of thenbsp;notations used in this thesis is to be found on page 139).
Dividing the equation by x, putting x^jx = k , o^jx — s , nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;= I
and introducing r as the independent variable, one obtains (omitting the suffix V and the variables r and •d')-.
In order to be able to solve this equation, k. s and / are assumed to have constant values from r = 0 to t — and to be zero from t = Tj to t— oo,nbsp;while B must be given as a function of x. In principle the differentialnbsp;equation can be solved for B being any power-series in r; for the timenbsp;being, however, B will be assumed to be a linear function of r:
B — Bo (1 ^0 ^)-
This simplifying assumption can be checked by the empirically determined darkening of the continuous spectrum towards the limb, from which it appears that equation (2) is approximately valid (§ 28). Laternbsp;on ( § 35), the influence of a run of B, differing from (2) will be examinednbsp;separately.
In solving the equation, Eddington’s method of approximation's) will be used, which involves the introduction of the following quantities:
Multiplication of (lb) respectively by dcojAn and cos'amp; dcojAn, leads, after integration, to the differential equations:
= (l k l)J-{l k)B
^ = (l k s I)H,
= 3(l A:-fs /)H
from which it follows that:
^ = 3(\ k s l)\(l k l)J-(l k)B
In order to be able to solve this equation in the same way as for the familiar case in which extinction is absent, we introduce:
l k l
As B is a linear expression in r, the same is true for B^, so that one can write:
The solutions of this equation are: for T lt;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; A Bq e
for T gt; Tj, ƒ = B C Bq e
where p = ^ 3 (1 A: s /) (1 fc /).
Put 1 d-A:d-s / = q
then, from (5a), nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;~ ~,
iq dr
so that the solutions for H are:
r - rr- -^0 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(1 /c)nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Anbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;I .p '
The constants of integration A, B and C can be determined from the boundary conditions. These are:
a) continuity of ] and H for t = from (9) and (10) one finds;
-ocr page 98-86
1 ^ |Aip_o| li/^o(l ^) D^lDP rRT7 A B - 2|_^ jA P B
In the following only the constants A and B are necessary, for which one finds:
. (i;^ |)0-|f)T^-'”' 0-Ij) {i'3(i /»-)p^^ A(i--,-)g3)}
while B is obtained from A by changing p into —p.
The intensity in a Fraunhofer line-profile in the integrated light of the solar disc follows from (13) by putting t ^ 0. From this H{0) onenbsp;obtains the relative intensity with respect to the neighbouring continuousnbsp;spectrum by dividing by Ho{0), which follows from H{0) by puttingnbsp;k, s and I equal to zero.
One finds:
1 k
H (0) _ 1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;1 A: /nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^_2 y 3
Ho(0)~ q ^„_|/1(A-B)
/3ol^ 3
k=s=l = 0
With the aid of this formula one can for the present model of an atmosphere with any arbitrary layer-thickness compute r as a functionnbsp;of the spectral region (jSq) and of the separate contributions fromnbsp;simultaneous selective absorption, scattering and extinction. When onlynbsp;coherent scattering occurs {k = l = 0), (19) transforms into the equation derived by P. Swings and S. Chandrasekhar’^8) _ while in the casenbsp;that only coherent scattering occurs and j8oi=1.5, there appears a formula used by O. Struve'^9).
For the radiation ƒ (0, d) emerging from the sun at an angle ¦amp; with the
A. Pannekoek^®) puts here ] = 1.8 H; I have ascertained that this does not make any appreciable difference in the centre-limb variations (see also § 34).
-ocr page 99-87
normal, one can write down at once the expression in the shape of an integral:
f nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;— ƒ (1 fc s /) dr sec d
I(0.'amp;)= \sf^(\ k)B\e° nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;dt sec#nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(20)
This integral is split into the parts from 0 — and from — oo and one obtains, after some further calculations, with the expression for ƒnbsp;from (9) — taking into account (7) — and dividing by the intensitynbsp;of the continuous spectrum, Bq (1 /3q cos #), the expression for thenbsp;relative intensity in a Fraunhofer line as a function of the angle ofnbsp;emergence:
- qr-i sec #
1 fe
A cos 1 fe
1 /S|, cosi^ z^oA
1 A: / nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;\ k l
l fc i
q pcosamp;
pTi — qti sec
—pti —qH sec amp;' e e
1 cos 1?
in which for A, B, p and q their expressions (18), (11) and (12) must be substituted. Apart from #, the independent variables occurring in thisnbsp;formula are jSq, k, s, I and Tj^: before examining the centre-limb variationsnbsp;in their dependence on these quantities, we shall first discuss a fewnbsp;extreme cases.
§ 21. Various extreme cases, deduced from (21).
In the following, (21) will often be used for those cases in which only one of the factors k, s ov I is not zero. In these cases (21) is considerablynbsp;simplified, as are also the expressions for A and B, which then mustnbsp;only be calculated for the case of selective coherent scattering, becausenbsp;for s = 0 they cancel out of (21).
1. Selective absorption. When only absorption occurs, (21) transforms into:
1 /3o cos # ] — 1----- e nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[
1 /^o cos #
with q — \ k.
2. Coherent scattering. If only coherent scattering occurs, (21) becomes:
-ocr page 100-— pti — q Tl sec 'd' 1 — e e
p Tl — q Tl sec 1 — e e
q — pcos#
1 /^o cos ê
with q =:= 1 -|- s, p = y 3 (1 5), while A and B are g iven by (18) with k — I = 0. This formula can also be used in the case that selectivenbsp;absorption and coherent scattering are both active, while I = 0; k and snbsp;will then remain in p, q, A and B, whereas I disappears.
3, Extinction. If only extinction occurs, (21) becomes:
-qTisec^l nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;/nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;1 \nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;1
e nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;|i /?oCosi? /5oTi 1----ll
1^0 cos 1?
/Jq cos M 1
with q •= 1 f.
The formulae (22) and (24) can also be derived directly, because in the case that only absorption resp, extinction takes place, the integralnbsp;(20) can be written in a form which can be integrated at once.
4. The Milne-Eddington model. For I — 0 and Tj^ = 00 , the modelnbsp;becomes identical with the M.-E. model in which throughout the wholenbsp;atmosphere the coefficients of selective absorption and of scatteringnbsp;are in constant ratios to the coefficient of continuous absorption.nbsp;Equation (21) transforms then into Unsold’s formula (65,34)'^'^) andnbsp;in Plaskett’s formula (34) §), which the latter has amply applied tonbsp;his observations concerning the Mg b lines. The only difference between his formula and mine is that I have made no distinction betweennbsp;X and gt;c, so that Plaskett’s n is equal to my q. In the light of the mostnbsp;recent ideas, according to which the continuous absorption is assumednbsp;to be practically wholly due to hydrogen and to be substantially constant over the whole visible spectrum, one is indeed justified in putting
5. The Schuster-Schwarzschild model. Another extreme case, alsonbsp;with / = 0, is obtained by making approach zero, at the same timenbsp;increasing k and (or) s so as to approach 00 in such a way that kx^ = Knbsp;and sx^^ = S. Formula (21) transforms then into the formulas of the
-ocr page 101-S.-S. model with, at the surface, a layer in which only selective absorption and (or) scattering takes place and of which the optical depthnbsp;amounts to K resp. to S. One should bear in mind, however that thenbsp;deduction of the expression for r(0,-d'), according to the S.-S. model,nbsp;is here carried out in a way of approximation, different from thatnbsp;by previous writers, so that one need not expect for it the same expression as obtained by them. In the case of the S.-S. model with absorption only, (21) resp. (22) do indeed lead to the familiar expression,nbsp;which one finds, for example, as Unsold’s formula (64,24) Fornbsp;pure scattering, however, the expression is slightly different from thenbsp;one deduced by Milne^6) (see also’^''^), formula (64,10)), though,nbsp;numerically, there is hardly any difference. In this case it follows fromnbsp;(21 )resp. (23) after some further transformations owing to the transitionnbsp;to the limit, that
-Ssec^ | ^^(l 4cOS#)(l r(0.'») = enbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;
This expression differs from the one deduced by Milne in that his factor
1, A. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;i -4.
1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;3
i T l®
1 Si 09 (Si)
is replaced by nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;--—, where 5=Si, while (p changes
from 1 to when Si varies from 0 to oo (c.f. Unsold'^'^), formula (64,10)). As can be seen from these expressions, the numerical difference is very small.
-ocr page 102-CHAPTER IV
§ 22. Introduction.
The selective scattering of radiation by an atom 1) is called coherent, if absorbed radiation of some definite frequency is re-emitted as radiationnbsp;of that same frequency 64). If, on the contrary, selectively absorbednbsp;radiation of a frequency-region dv (small in comparison with the line-width) is distributed, on being re-emitted, over all frequencies withinnbsp;the spectral line, it is termed non-coherent scattering. The distribution-function governing this process depends on various factors.
We cannot say in what way the frequency-distribution of the absorbed radiation and that of the emitted radiation are connected with eachnbsp;other, if the interaction between the atoms and the field of radiationnbsp;is disturbed by collisions, as is the case in the solar atmosphere.nbsp;W. Orthmann and P. Pringsheim so) showed, however, by means ofnbsp;a resonance lamp that the frequency-distribution of the absorbed radiationnbsp;can be practically independent of that of the emitted radiation. Theynbsp;found, namely, that when a gas is exposed to the radiation of a narrownbsp;resonance line, the re-emitted line, while being considerably wider thannbsp;the first one, possesses a profile, which is completely determined bynbsp;the Lorentz widening in the gas exposed to the radiation. One can,nbsp;therefore, take it for granted that damping by collision gives rise tonbsp;non-coherent scattering.
Theoretical physics has not yet formulated in detail in what way the exchange of radiation takes place in the case of damping by collisionnbsp;and for that reason two different conceptions will be worked out in thenbsp;following paragraphs. In the first conception the redistribution of thenbsp;emitted radiation over the frequencies of the spectral line is assumed
Experimentally, the scattering can only be measured for a great number of atoms in a certain volume of gas; the reasoning in the present chapter is directly applicable tonbsp;this case by substituting quot;a gas” for “an atom”; the coefficient of absorption is thennbsp;the one for the gas as a whole.
-ocr page 103-91
to be proportional to the value of the absorption-coefficient f) and independent of the frequency-distribution of the absorbed radiation.nbsp;Henceforth this case will be called complete redistribution. In the secondnbsp;conception one starts from a model of an atom in which the transfernbsp;of energy between the levels, widened by damping by collision, takesnbsp;place in the same way as in the case of radiation-damping, of whichnbsp;the theory has been developed by V. Weisskopf si' Henceforth thisnbsp;conception will be designated as the one of the widened energy-levels.
§ 23. Non-coherent scattering based on complete redistribution.
The amount of radiation absorbed by an atom within a frequency-regionnbsp;between v and v dv, which is smallnbsp;in comparison with the line-width, isnbsp;proportional to the radiation-densitynbsp;ƒ 1 2) and to the coefficient of absorption Oy, so that it can be put equal tonbsp;Jv Oy dr.
Let us now consider an enclosure with radiation and atoms inside:nbsp;between them a state of equilibriumnbsp;will set in, for which = ƒ, constantnbsp;over the spectral line. The radiationnbsp;absorbed in each region dv is thennbsp;equal to the radiation emitted in dvnbsp;(detailed balancing): we shall put thisnbsp;amount equal to e^dv, so that e.^=Ja^
Under well-defined exterior conditions Qy will vary over the frequency-regionnbsp;of the spectral line in a way, which isnbsp;characteristic of the atomic states concerned. It is, therefore, clear that in the
f) One must carefully distinguish between: a) absorption = taking in of radiation (as in the present instance): b) absorption = transformation of radiant energy intonbsp;kinetic energy. See also p. 139.
Strictly speaking the radiation-density ought to be denoted by J , while ƒ
c V nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;V
represents the mean radiation-intensity, averaged over all directions, but we shall omit the factor —
-ocr page 104-92
state of equilibrium varies proportional to a^. Now we start from the assumption that in the general case, in which is not constantnbsp;(Fig. 36),will, all the same, vary over the frequencies of the spectralnbsp;line in the same way as in the case of equilibrium, so that e^=fia^.nbsp;The factor of proportionality /j, is found from the equilibrium of thenbsp;radiation for the whole Fraunhofer line.
f dv = f dv = ^ dv.
so that:
fX =
ƒ ay dv
the average value with respect to the coefficient of absorption of •{•), As, therefore.
= «V ƒ.
it follows that for any definite frequency-region dv the ratio: absorbed radiation %Jv Jv
emitted radiation
§ 24. Non-coherent scattering based on widened energy-levels.
If the atom is disturbed by collisions, the spectral lines are widened with respect to those belonging to its undisturbed state. In the followingnbsp;it is assumed that this widening can be described by means of energy-levels, widened by damping by collisions, in exactly the same way asnbsp;Weisskopf has developed for radiation-damping. That in our case thenbsp;lowest or fundamental level must be included in this widening is obviousnbsp;and follows also from the experiments by Orthmann and Pringsheimnbsp;mentioned in § 22.
The effect of the non-coherent scattering depends on the distribution of the radiation-density over the line. In the solar atmosphere thenbsp;radiation incident on an atom is not black-body radiation, for it has.
t) If the radiation-density in the centre of the line, is not very small compared with those in the others parts of the line, ƒ will be practically equal to ]^, owing to thenbsp;large value of Uy in the centre of the line.
-ocr page 105-93
among other factors, been modified by the Fraunhofer lines. The relation between the absorbed and the emitted radiation will now be computednbsp;for a simplified case, in which for the frequencies of the far wingsnbsp;the radiation-density is greater than in the more central parts ofnbsp;the line, where it is assumed that it is constant and equal to Owingnbsp;to this excess of radiation in the far wings, a deviation arises from thenbsp;state of equilibrium, in which ƒ was constant over the whole line andnbsp;in which for each frequency equal amounts of radiation were emittednbsp;and absorbed. Let us now consider the effects ofnbsp;exposing the atom to the excess-radiation (/^—J^)nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^
\vo Av i Vo^Jv ivo
Fig. 37. Widened energy-levels : when radiation of frequency Vq isnbsp;absorbed, maxima ofnbsp;emission occur at frequencies Vo-f Ar and Vq-
of a wing-frequency (Fig. 37, transitions a); we see then that, analogous to Weisskopf’s results,nbsp;two maxima occur in the frequency-distribution ofnbsp;the emission, one at the frequency VQ-f-Av of thenbsp;incident radiation (transitions b) and one at thenbsp;frequency Vq of the centre of the line (transitions c). The intensities of these maxima are tonbsp;each other as y„ to the damping constants ofnbsp;the higher, resp. lower level. What is absorbednbsp;of the excess-radiation in the far wings will,nbsp;therefore, be re-emitted in the same frequency-
region to the fraction-
'). The total amount
7m 7n
of radiation absorbed in the far wings in the frequency-region dv isnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;dv. On dividing this
into two parts: a^/^dv and (]^—dv, it
follows from the above considerations that the total emission will be:
a^J^dv a^
*) It is assumed here that the half-width of the emission is small compared with the region considered of the far wings, for which the radiation-density is equal to .nbsp;This is justified because the constitution of the emission is similar to that of annbsp;emission-line, emerging from an optically thin layer, and whose width is very narrownbsp;compared with that of a strong Fraunhofer line.
The remaining fraction of the excess-radiation which is emitted in the centre of the line does not concern us further, because the process described here takes placenbsp;in those layers of the solar atmosphere, in which the damping by collisions is important;nbsp;these layers, however, lie deeper in that atmosphere than those, in which the observednbsp;light of the central frequencies of a Fraunhofer line originates.
-ocr page 106-94
so that in the far wings the ratio:
(^m nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;y ni Jv
emitted radiation
absorbed radiation
As the radiation of the far wings interacts mainly with the radiation of the centre of the line, one can put approximately equal to the valuenbsp;of ƒ for that centre which in its turn is practically equal to ƒ (see (26)).
It is interesting to compare the expressions (28) and (30) with each other. For being constant, both of them become, as a matter of course,nbsp;equal to 1. (30) will also be equal to 1, when y^n— 0.' the scatteringnbsp;is then coherent. When y^=. 0, (28) and (30) will agree, if J^=J,nbsp;which is approximately the case (see the end of § 24). In the conceptionnbsp;of the widened energy-levels the removal of radiation from the far wingsnbsp;to the centre of the line is then a maximum. (28) represents, therefore,nbsp;the limiting case of (30), in which, owing to non-coherent scattering,nbsp;the transfer of radiation from the far wings to the centre is a maximum.
Attention must here be drawn to a difference between (28) and (30). If the radiation-density in the far wings is less than in the centre ofnbsp;the line, (28) holds as it stands, whereas (30) does not apply to thisnbsp;case, as is evident from the way it was obtained. There will then be annbsp;excess of radiation of the central frequencies and, on re-emission, a smallnbsp;part of it will find its way to the frequencies of the far wings, so that,nbsp;if y^ ^ 0, (28) and (30) agree, in so far that in that case morenbsp;radiation is emitted than absorbed in the far wings. A quantitativenbsp;test of the non-coherent scattering by means of (28) and (30) isnbsp;impossible, so long as the ratio ymlïnnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;known. The qualitative
application of (27) and (29), resp. (28) and (30) to the Fraunhofer lines will, however, be already sufficient to establish beyond any doubtnbsp;the occurrence of non-coherent scattering.
In order to be able to apply the results obtained in the above paragraphs, we start from the equation of transfer in its general form:nbsp;d^
cos ¦0' —^ = total absorption — selective emission — continuous emission
{x a^) ly — selective emission — x B. (31)
cos ??
1. Complete redistribution. As shown by (27), the total selective emission is in this case J. The equation of transfer becomes, therefore,nbsp;introducing r:
cosê ^ ~ = (1 a^) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;J — B
with a,, =
The run of ƒ with t must be obtained from a closer investigation of the solar atmosphere: this investigation will be carried out in a furthernbsp;chapter. For the time being we proceed to solve (32) for a few casesnbsp;in which J changes relatively to B and in definitely assigned ways.
The simplest solutions of (32) are obtained for J=B or ƒ:=ƒ,.
a. J— B. In this case (32) becomes:
(\ a^) Ij, — a^ B — B
and this is, formally, the equation of transfer for selective absorption, b. J = J^. In this case (32) becomes:nbsp;dL,
which is, formally, the equation of transfer for coherent scattering.
In general, however, ƒ will be different from B and from One can then express ƒ either in B or in /y. In the first case the equation ofnbsp;transfer acquires a form which can be interpreted as a combination ofnbsp;selective absorption and extinction (if ƒ lt; fi) or increased emissionnbsp;(if ]'^B). In the second case as a combination of coherent scatteringnbsp;and extinction (if ƒ lt;/^) or increased emission (if 7gt;/y). In twonbsp;cases, namely, for 5 lt; ƒ lt; /^ and B gt; ƒ gt; /^ it is possible to obtainnbsp;a combination of selective absorption and coherent scattering by expressing ƒ simultaneously in B and If, however, one expresses in general
-ocr page 108-96
J simultaneously in B and one obtains a combination of the three effects, selective absorption, coherent scattering and extinction or increased emission. By this procedure, however, the results become undulynbsp;complicated, as one can always suffice with at most two effects.
We shall now proceed to work out a few of these cases, to which we shall refer again later on in explaining the centre-limb variationsnbsp;of the Fraunhofer lines.
c. 7 lt; B. Put ayJ=kyB and nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;1^, then (32) becomes:
cos # nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;= (\ k^ l^,)nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;— k^ B — Bnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(35)
which is, formally, the equation of transfer for a combination of selective absorption and extinction. The ratio between the two coefficients is:
a^ ky
ky nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ky
d. Jlt;Cjy. Put ayJ=SyJy and 3^=5^ /^, then (32) becomes: dL
cos nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;= (1 Sy ly) ly - Sy jy
which is, formally, the equation of transfer for a combination of coherent scattering and extinction. The ratio between the two coefficients is:
e. B';gt; J 'p- Jy. In terms of B, this leads to selective absorption and extinction, in terms of Jy, to coherent scattering and increased emission.nbsp;One can, however, express ƒ simultaneously in B and Jy, as follows:nbsp;putnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Sy and ay,.^J=ky B, ay,J=SyJy, then (32)
cos ¦amp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;— (l-j-ky-}r Sy) ly — Sy Jy — ky B — B.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(39)
This is, formally, a combination of selective absorption and coherent
-ocr page 109-97
scattering. For the ratio between the two coefficients one finds, with the aid of the conditions which a^.j,nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;and must satisfy:
Sy _B—J
2. Widened energy-levels. Starting from the conception of the widened energy-levels, the equation of transfer is modified to a certain extent,
rp. If nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;...nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;, i-inw ^nJv 7fn/c
The selective emission is now (see (29)): a^-
, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Write n for
Vm yn
, then the equation of transfer becomes:
and m for
7m 7n
7m yn
The term n Jy represents a contribution to the coherent scattering. As regards the term m a^ the following statement can be made. Ifnbsp;Jc=B, the term contributes solely to selective absorption, if J^ = Jy,nbsp;it contributes solely to coherent scattering. If, however, B and 7^ Jy,nbsp;one can first compare with B, and the term will then give rise tonbsp;selective absorption and extinction, while, comparing with Jy, it willnbsp;give rise to extinction and to a contribution to coherent scattering. Thenbsp;ratios between these various effects depend on the ratio between and Bnbsp;and on the ratio between and Jy. This can be investigated in thenbsp;same way as was carried out sub 1) for various cases of the completenbsp;redistribution. One finds, for example, for the case that J^lt;C,B'.
The ratio of the other effects to that of coherent scattering is now, moreover, dependent on y^, which enters into the problem as stillnbsp;another unknown quantity, but whose influence can be accounted fornbsp;by a suitable modification of the meaning of s, k and 1.
The conclusion to be drawn from the present chapter is, therefore, that the non-coherent scattering must be considered as the generalnbsp;process of scattering which can be formally described by means of the
-ocr page 110-three coefficients, of selective absorption, coherent scattering and extinction, while the mutual ratios between these coefficients depend onnbsp;various quantities. In the case of complete redistribution these are thenbsp;densities of radiation of the various frequencies in the region of anbsp;Fraunhofer line and the black-body radiation, in the case of the widenednbsp;energy-levels they are these same quantities and the rationbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;as well.
-ocr page 111-CHAPTER V
In the preceding chapter it is shown, that in the case of non-coherent scattering the equation of transfer takes the form, from which one startednbsp;in § 20. This means, that it must indeed be possible to describe thenbsp;behaviour of the Fraunhofer lines by means of (21), in so far as thenbsp;applied approximations are allowed. Before proceeding to a comparisonnbsp;with the observations, one must first form an idea of the values of thenbsp;parameters occurring in (21), namely jSq, k, s and 1. The ratiosnbsp;between k, s and Z are, in their turn, dependent on B, and ƒ, and onnbsp;certain atomic constants, as shown in § 26. Reversely, however, thenbsp;functions B, and ƒ are again determined by jSq, Ti, k, s and Z. Itnbsp;will be clear, that under these conditions it is only possible to makenbsp;headway by means of successive approximations to be carried outnbsp;according to the following scheme. — Concerning the constants Tj,nbsp;k, s and Z of the solar atmosphere and 7mlynnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;atoms very
plausible simplifying assumptions are made. Taking this as our starting point, we can assign a general run to the functions Bj] and J^jJ, whichnbsp;in the further development play the essential part, from which againnbsp;more accurate statements concerning the ratios between k, s and Z willnbsp;follow. Once these are known, we are in a position to compute thenbsp;radiation-density /y at any depth in the solar atmosphere, and, fromnbsp;that density, to compute in the well-known way the radiation emergingnbsp;from any point of the solar disc.
Owing to the, as yet, too scanty knowledge of the actual state in the solar atmosphere and of various atomic constants it would be futilenbsp;to work out completely the scheme of approximation. What is chieflynbsp;lacking is a sufficient knowledge of the run with depth of the black-body
-ocr page 112-100
radiation, the concentration, the damping and the ratio between the total damping-constants of the two energy-levels, which correspond to thenbsp;Fraunhofer line in question.
§ 28. The determination of J3q.
The black-body radiation was supposed to be, for every wave length, a linear function of t, given by (2), i.e.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(1 jSq r)- The run
of B in the various wave-length regions is, therefore, characterised by Sq. If (2) holds, the run of the intensity of the continuous spectrum along
a radius of the solar disc is for a given wave length, represented by /q (0, t?) =Bo (1 : jSgcosi?) ’^2). I have determined the way in whichnbsp;Po depends on the wave length from the measurements by C. G. Abbotnbsp;and collaborators concerning the darkening of the continuous spectrumnbsp;towards the limb. If one plots their observed values for Iq(0, ê)/Io(0, 0)nbsp;against cos-P, the resulting curves are fairly closely approximated bynbsp;the straight lines Iq(0, amp;)/Iq{0, 0) lt;= (I JBq cosP)/(I Pq) 1). The
If the results of the measurements by W. J. H. Moll, H. C. Burger and J. V. d. Bilt®^), and by H. Raudenbusch concerning the darkening towards thenbsp;limb are plotted in the same way, their representation by straight lines is slightlynbsp;less satisfactory.
-ocr page 113-101
factor j8o was now computed from the values for Io{0, ’9’) with cos-d'‘= 1, and 0.312. Fig. 38 shows the run of J3o{X), determined in this way,nbsp;to which is added, for comparison, the run of J3o(X) computed bynbsp;A. Unsold for the case of local thermodynamical equilibrium, while,nbsp;moreover, x (A, t) = constant.
In order to restrict our calculations to a certain extent, a preliminary comparison was carried out of the observational results from the variousnbsp;lines with the results from the formulas (22), (23) and (24) for thenbsp;values of ySo chosen as follows:
Lines: Ca H and K,nbsp;Fe multiplet,nbsp;Ca line.
Mg b lines,
Na D lines.
Wave Lengths in A: 3968.5 and 3933.7nbsp;4045.8 etc.
5167.3 and 5183.6 5890.0 and 5895.9
Ca infra-red lines, 8498.1, 8542.1 and 8662.2
§ 29. The choice of
If one accepts the occurrence of non-coherent scattering the behaviour of the Fraunhofer lines can be formally described by means of a combination of absorption, coherent scattering and extinction or increasednbsp;emission. One must then bear in mind that the run of the concentrationnbsp;of the atomic state, to which the Fraunhofer line in question is due, isnbsp;completely determined by the conditions of the atmosphere, but that thenbsp;individual runs with depth of k, s and Z may mutually differ. Consequentlynbsp;three different values for which we can denote bynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;and x^ j
are correlated to one and the same Fraunhofer line. By way of a guidance in discussing the results and in selecting from the numerous possibilities,nbsp;one can avail oneself of the conditions imposed on the choice of these t^’snbsp;by what is known of the upper layers of the sun. To this end one needs,nbsp;first of all, to know something about the run oi a{x)=k{x)-{-s{x)-\-l(x).nbsp;In order to obtain this knowledge one can first compute from Strom gren’snbsp;model of the solar atmosphere and from the theory of ionization the runnbsp;of the concentration for various lines. On carrying out these computations,nbsp;it appears that for the different atoms the run with depth of the concentration does not vary much so far as the lower energy-levels arenbsp;concerned. One can schematize the run with depth of the ratio (concentration) : (coefficient of continuous absorption) by putting the effective layer-thickness Tj equal to 0.5. This run is not yet identical with
-ocr page 114-102
that of the function a (t), because both the damping and the Doppler effect are each time different at different depths, but a computationnbsp;of these changes would only be possible by extended investigations ofnbsp;the various Fraunhofer lines separately. For the far wings of the Na Dnbsp;lines B. Strömgren 54) found a run for a (t) — which he denotes by i; —nbsp;which can be described by = 1.5 1) (see § 34, Fig. 43). Especiallynbsp;as the computations are still rather uncertain, we cannot do better thannbsp;assume that the damping influence is of the same order of magnitudenbsp;for the other atomic lines. For the Ca lines z= oo will yield anbsp;fair approximation, the more so as it will appear that the centre-limbnbsp;variation is practically independent of r^, once this quantity is largernbsp;than 3.
According to § 26, a'=k s I can be split up into these three quantities in various ways as a consequence of the non-coherent scattering.nbsp;Once a (r) is known, k (r), s (r) and / (r) are obtained with thenbsp;aid of the formulae in § 26. From their run one can then estimate
j and Ti As will appear in the next paragraph the value of Tj ^ is considerably less than those of ^ and 3.
If, however, collisions of the second kind also play a part in the formation of the Fraunhofer lines, this will lead to the occurrence ofnbsp;true selective absorption and in this case ^ has a different, larger,nbsp;value which can be estimated by taking into account that the run of k (r)nbsp;differs from that of a (t) by a factor which increases with the pressure.
As regards the simultaneous action of the various formal processes the following statement can be made. In the far wings each result ofnbsp;one of the processes with its own Tj^ can be combined directly withnbsp;the result of another process also with its own owing to the additivitynbsp;of the small depressions.
In the more central parts of the lines the final formula (21) in § 20 applies only to the computation of the three effects together on conditionnbsp;that their three Tj’s coincide. This is mostly not the case; it will appear,nbsp;however, that important qualitative information concerning the processesnbsp;in action can, nevertheless, be obtained.
§ 30. The runs of B (r), Jy (r) and ƒ (t).
In the schematized model of the solar atmosphere designed in Chapter III, the run of B (t) is given by (2) and that of /^(t) by (9) and (10).
In the other parts of the line the run of ah) is different from that in the far wings, owing to Doppler effect and damping.
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The run of B (t) is linear and depends further solely on jSq. The run of (t) depends on the contrary on all parameters, with the exceptionnbsp;of amp;, occurring in the equation of transfer, namely jSq, k, s and /.nbsp;Guided by what was stated in this connection in §§ 28 and 29, wenbsp;shall use for jSq and tj the values which fit in in a plausible way withnbsp;the Fraunhofer lines investigated and which represent the behaviour ofnbsp;these lines as closely as possible. For jSg the values given in § 28 arenbsp;taken: for the values by which in all probability the run of fc(r)nbsp;and s (t) for the far wings can be best schematized (see § 29). Thatnbsp;the run of these quantities in the far wings in particular is taken isnbsp;based on the fact that for the points of the profile closer to the centrenbsp;of the line, the value of grows less and less important, as practicallynbsp;all the light corresponding to these points originates in layers of thenbsp;atmosphere located above the boundary t — Tj^.
a) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ti — 1.5
b) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Tj rr 1.5
C) Ti = (30
B--------J(s= 0)------](s- 1)-------...../(S=(3C).
B____/(s=16)...... ƒ (A: =16).
-B______J(s= 1)----](k— 1)----/(s=16)...../(lc=16).
-ocr page 116-A clear ordered investigation of the dependence of on k, s and I is impossible by any other means than by the successive determinationnbsp;of 7v(r) as a function of each of these three quantities separately.
Figures 39 and 40 show for a few selected values of s the curves for /y (s, t) belonging to the added values of Pq andnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;When one
compares these curves for each set of values for jSq and with each other and with the run of B (t), it appears that in the various spectralnbsp;regions the runs of the J^’s and B differ essentially from each other.nbsp;It is, however, possible to make an important general statement: for allnbsp;sets of values of jSq and tj, the curve for Jy{s ^ oo) coalesces with thenbsp;one for B except for t — 0 and for t ^ t^. For other large valuesnbsp;of s, /y deviates from B only for small values of t and — r and fornbsp;T gt; Tj. This gives already an indication for the run of ƒ (t), which,nbsp;between t= 0 and t = T], where the J^’s coincide for larger s-valuesnbsp;with B, is practically equal to B, whereas in the highest layers ƒ willnbsp;have a smaller value 1).
The differences between ƒ and B in those layers, for which t is slightly smaller than Tj and gt;ti need not be taken into account, because they become large only fornbsp;larger values of s and k; the observed light in those parts of the Fraunhofer linesnbsp;where s and k have these larger values originates, however, chiefly in higher layersnbsp;of the atmosphere.
-ocr page 117-105
For comparison the run of (k, r) for a few values of k is drawn in Fig. 39 b and c together with the run of (s, r). Although bothnbsp;these runs are of a similar nature, the [k) ’s differ less from B thannbsp;the Jy (s) ’s, and this is true for all values of Pq and This means thatnbsp;ƒ (fc) will deviate appreciably from B only in still higher layers thannbsp;]{s) does.
1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Application to the far wings. So long as one may assume thatnbsp;ƒ (t) coincides with B (r), the behaviour of the Fraunhofer lines in thenbsp;case of complete redistribution can be described by absorption (seenbsp;§ 26, a). This description is purely formal (one need not at all havenbsp;in mind, for example, collisions of the second kind) and signifies thatnbsp;the selective emission is connected with the absorption in the same waynbsp;as in the case of selective absorption; the run of the formally introducednbsp;k (t) agrees then with that of the actual a (t). The condition ƒ = J3 isnbsp;satisfied in those layers of the atmosphere, where the light in the farnbsp;wings originates, except perhaps close to the limb of the solar disc,nbsp;where it originates in higher layers and where J lt;B. It must, therefore,nbsp;be possible to describe the behaviour of the far wings by selectivenbsp;absorption and, if necessary, by superposing the action of extinctionnbsp;in a thin surface-layer.
In the case of widened energy-levels (§ 26) the influence of the formal coefficient of coherent scattering is represented by the firstnbsp;emission-term n a^ in (41), while for the same remains true asnbsp;for ƒ in the case of complete redistribution.
In § 32 it will appear that these considerations are beautifully confirmed by the observations.
2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Application to the inner wings. For the more centrally locatednbsp;parts of the line-profile (as far as r (0,-amp;) =0.5) it is the run of ƒ withnbsp;respect to B in the higher layers, that matters and there we have J ^ Bnbsp;(see Fig. 39 and 40). In this case, however, extinction does also occur,nbsp;which in addition to the absorption and scattering exerts its influencenbsp;on the run of ]y. This influence can be investigated by means ofnbsp;(9) and (10); it appears then that in layers deeper than those in whichnbsp;extinction occurs, does not undergo any change (whereas in thesenbsp;same layers coherent scattering and absorption do influence J^). Asnbsp;soon, however, as extinction sets in, the value of decreases. In thatnbsp;case ƒ will decrease obviously also, so that in the high layers thenbsp;influence of the extinction is still greater than followed already from
-ocr page 118-the runs of J(s, t) and J(k, t). The true run of ƒ can only be approximated by successive steps. One can start from ƒ (t) = jB (r). Then,nbsp;according to §nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;26, la: cos •amp; dl^/dr = (Iky) ly — k^ B — B. By
assuming one or other definite run of k (t) one can then calculate J (k, r). If, for instance, one assumes k (z) according to the schematic model, onenbsp;arrives for ƒ (k, r) at (9) and (10). In order then to obtain ƒ from thenbsp;J^’s, it is necessary to know the run of k(v) over the spectral line. Thisnbsp;k {v) depends on Doppler effect and damping. The damping constant y,nbsp;occurring in the expression for A:(r)and which is the sum of the dampingnbsp;constants for radiation and for collisions, varies with the depth in thenbsp;solar atmosphere. If y were known, one would be able to compute
J = nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;’h— for every r. The ratio between the coefficients of
extinction and absorption is then — = ^
equation of transfer becomes, once more: dL
1(§26, Ic) and the
k^B — B.
If this approximation should be sufficient, one can then compute the emerging radiation r(0,ê); this cannot be carried out by means of (21),nbsp;since in general the effective Zij and z^j^ will be different. Thenbsp;solution must, therefore, be obtained by a numerical method, most readilynbsp;with the integral expression (20), in which s must then be equal to 0.nbsp;If a second approximation should prove the first one to be insufficient,nbsp;one must, with the aid of (35), compute again the J^’s, after which thenbsp;whole scheme must be worked through once again.
If the point of view of the widened energy-levels is adopted, one must in a first approximation start from the equation of transfer (41),nbsp;in which also s occurs and where the rationbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;appears as an
unknown quantity.
It is evident that in the present stage of our knowledge concerning, on the one hand the run of the black-body radiation, the concentration ofnbsp;the various atomic states in the solar atmosphere and the damping, and,nbsp;on the other hand, the non-coherent scattering, it is not possible to passnbsp;on to a quantitative calculation, such as is outlined in the above.
3. Application to the parts o[ the line-profile close to the centre. If, now, one examines .those parts of the profile of a Fraunhofer line, that
-ocr page 119-107
are located still closer to its centre and where r(0,0) =0.30, it is known that in the high layers where, this time, the light chiefly originates, thenbsp;deviation of ƒ from B increases more and more, ƒ will now, however,nbsp;differ less from the corresponding (because the coefficient of absorption for these parts of the Fraunhofer line is larger, see (26), the definitionnbsp;of ƒ) and the comparison of ƒ with now suggests itself. If J (r) shouldnbsp;be equal to (t), the behaviour of the Fraunhofer lines could benbsp;described by means of coherent scattering. This equality, however,nbsp;cannot be expected to exist over the entire t-region in question, so thatnbsp;according as J or 3gt; 7^, extinction or increased emission must benbsp;superposed to a certain extent on the coherent scattering. One cannbsp;expect, however, that for these parts of the lines a description by meansnbsp;of absorption must make room for a description, if only an approximatenbsp;one, by means of coherent scattering. This way of viewing our problemnbsp;will also be confirmed by the observations.
4. Application to the central intensities. Finally one comes to deal with the central intensities: the light originates now in the uppermostnbsp;layers of the solar atmosphere, where the damping by collisions is verynbsp;slight. The coefficient of absorption has, for that reason, a sharp maximumnbsp;at the centre of the line and, since it is known from the observations thatnbsp;the radiation-density in the line centre, is not zero, it follows fromnbsp;the definition of ƒ, thatnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;— In the light of the considerations
in § 26 the central intensities should, therefore, be formally described by means of coherent scattering, which, as is well-known, would leadnbsp;to the value zero for the centre of the line, but this is at variance withnbsp;the observations. The central intensities can, however, be explained innbsp;another way, as shown by A. Unsold 2) and B. Stromgren^); we shallnbsp;enter into further detail on this point in Chapter VIII.
Fig. 41 shows theoretical curves, representing for the selected values of jSq (§ 28) and a set of four values of the centre-limb variationsnbsp;for absorption, coherent scattering and extinction separately. These curvesnbsp;were obtained by computing by means of the formulae (22), (23) andnbsp;(24) the depressions 1—r(0,i9'), assigning to k, s and / such valuesnbsp;that for cosj?'^! (centre of the sun’s disc) the depression is 5 % ornbsp;less. The depressions computed in this way for various values of cos i?nbsp;are then replaced by their ratios to the depressions for cos ^ I andnbsp;these ratios are plotted against cos Greater ordinates of the curvesnbsp;obtained in this way represent, therefore, deeper depressions of the line-profile. Table 21 gives, for each set of values for jSq and for whichnbsp;a curve is drawn in Fig. 41, the values for k, s and I, which cause anbsp;depression of 5 % in the profile of the line for the centre of the sun’s
Table 21. Values of k, s and I which, for the Centre of the Sun’s Disc, cause a Depression of 5 % in the Line-Profile according to (21). | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
disc. The difference in effective action between the three factors is clearly manifest: how this difference varies over the sun’s disc may benbsp;read from Fig. 41.
As observational results the values of the c's, determined for each line-profile, can be used to advantage (they are given in the observationalnbsp;part, at the end of the intensity-tables 2—20, while various figures,nbsp;there, show their centre-limb variations). By these c's the intensity ofnbsp;the far wings is rendered in the most reliable way, because they arenbsp;proportional to the slight depression in the line-profile at large distancesnbsp;from the centre of the line and because they have been obtained fromnbsp;a fairly large number of measured points.
The observed centre-limb variations of the c’s of the various lines are in Fig. 41 arranged under the jSq of the spectral region in whichnbsp;the lines are located and under those from which according to § 29,nbsp;one may expect, that they will serve best for the description of thesenbsp;variations.
As can be seen at a glance from Fig. 41, the theoretical curves show indeed the shape that is also determined by the observations. In thenbsp;next paragraphs it will be shown that the agreement is indeed satisfactory,nbsp;if one assumes non-coherent scattering, whereas an explanation bynbsp;coherent scattering or by selective absorption, if the latter is considerednbsp;to be a consequence of collisions of the second kind, gives rise to somenbsp;difficulties.
§ 32. Explanation of the observational results by means of non-coherent scattering.
From what is stated in § 30 concerning the run of ƒ relatively to B and it follows that, when complete redistribution occurs, it shouldnbsp;be possible to obtain the observed centre-limb variations by combiningnbsp;an absorption curve for a suitable with an extinction curve for small ti,nbsp;in a ratio between k and I, given by (36). Bearing in mind that fornbsp;the Fe-, Ca-, Mg- and Na-linesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;1.5 and for the Ca lines
Tj fc ^00. one can see from Fig. 41, that this is indeed the case.
When starting from widened energy-levels, it will be necessary to add to every combination of an absorption curve and an extinction curvenbsp;also a scattering curve (see § 26, 2), for which the value of is thenbsp;same as that of fc mentioned above. As can be seen, the observationsnbsp;can also be described in this way, provided the share of the coherentnbsp;scattering be not too great.
-ocr page 123-Ill
As yet the values of cannot be absolutely reliable (§ 29), and for values smaller than those assumed here, the observations fit in betternbsp;with a description by means of selective absorption only, as appearsnbsp;from Fig, 41,
When the centre-limb behaviour of the far wings can be described by means of absorption, this proves the occurrence of non-coherentnbsp;scattering, in so far as true selective absorption does not take placenbsp;(§ 33), If one is willing to accept as reliable the values of Ti, as theynbsp;are made plausible in § 29, a certain degree of extinction is indispensablenbsp;for explaining the observations. Since extinction does not occur in thenbsp;case of coherent scattering, whereas in the case of non-coherent scatteringnbsp;it follows naturally from the conditions in the solar atmosphere, thisnbsp;proves a fortiori the occurrence of non-coherent scattering.
An example may serve to show in which way the observed centre-limb variations can be explained by means of plausible values of the various quantities, when one restricts oneself to the case of completenbsp;redistribution, so that selective absorption and extinction must be formallynbsp;combined. For the K line of Ca was assumed ^ oo; further onenbsp;can take by way of an estimatenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;0.1, since it is known that
extinction sets in only in the high layers of the atmosphere, where ƒ lt;5 (§ 30). An exact computation of r^ i would only be possible innbsp;the way indicated in § 30, 2, for which, however, the available knowledgenbsp;is insufficient. Using Table 21 and Fig. 41, one finds for jiQ'=^.5 (thenbsp;depressions in the line-profiles are given in %):
COS ^ |
1.00 |
0.60 |
0.31 |
0.10 |
For r^.k— 0°. A: = 0.065: 1—r{0,amp;) . . |
5.00 |
4.50 |
3.55 |
1.85 |
For ri,(= 0.1./ = 0.032 : 1—r (0,1?) . . |
0.32 |
0.52 |
0.96 |
2.24 |
Total depression: 1—r (0,i?)...... |
5.32 |
5.02 |
4.51 |
4.09 |
From which; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;— j . , . |
1.00 |
0.94 |
0.85 |
0.77 |
Observation, K line......... |
1.00 |
0.96 |
0.87 |
0.49 |
By slightly modifying the choice of / and I, a better agreement with the observations can be certainly attained. As, however, for the presentnbsp;only an orientation concerning this kind of computations is meant, the
-ocr page 124-112
above will suffice. The value assumed for I leads to4-= 0.5, from which
it follows by (36) that BjJ — 1.5, this being a very plausible result for this ratio in the extreme part of the solar atmosphere between r = 0nbsp;and r— 0.1. In an analogous way the centre-limb variation of the farnbsp;wings of the other lines can be qualitatively explained.
It is still of some importance to remark that the observed centre-limb behaviour of the resonance lines does not differ from that of thenbsp;subordinate lines, a fact which can be seen particularly clearly whennbsp;one compares the resonance line Ca 4226.7 with the lines of the Fenbsp;multiplet in the neighbourhood of 4100 A. This is in accordance withnbsp;the conception of the origin of non-coherent scattering as arising fromnbsp;a widening, due to collision damping, of the distribution of the absorption-coefficient over the frequencies, such as underlies the reasonings innbsp;Chapter IV, so that this must occur for resonance- and subordinate linesnbsp;in an analogous manner.
§ 33. Impossibility of an explanation by means of coherent scattering and true selective absorption.
From Fig. 41 it is clear, that an explanation by means of coherent scattering only, is not possible. This is chiefly apparent in the casenbsp;of the violet lines, where the theoretical centre-limb variations, due tonbsp;absorption and scattering differ mutually to a sufficient extent.
In a number of publications selective absorption due to collisions of the second kind*) has been called to the rescue in elucidating thenbsp;conceptions concerning the origin of the Fraunhofer lines. One might,nbsp;perhaps, feel inclined to make use of this explanation also in the presentnbsp;connection, since it turns out that the centre-limb variations can benbsp;described by means of a coefficient of selective absorption. This ideanbsp;becomes the more tempting when one considers that the observednbsp;radiation in the far wings originates in the deeper layers of thenbsp;atmosphere, so that, if collisions of the second kind contribute anywherenbsp;to the formation of the Fraunhofer lines, it must be in these parts ofnbsp;their line-profiles. Now from the observations it is obviously not possiblenbsp;to distinguish between a description by means of a formal coefficient ofnbsp;absorption which is due to non-coherent scattering and a descriptionnbsp;by means of a coefficient of absorption, which is due to collisions of
This is what is called true absorption.
-ocr page 125-113
the second kind. From the following considerations, however, one can safely conclude, that the conception of non-coherent scattering, whichnbsp;is directly inherent to the use of a formal coefficient of absorption, isnbsp;indispensable. Indeed, one must expect the number of collisions of thenbsp;second kind to become gradually less in the higher, less dense, layers ofnbsp;the atmosphere. Now, on the assumption that in these layers the Fraunhofer lines originate chiefly through coherent scattering, the centre-limbnbsp;observations should show a transition from selective absorption tonbsp;coherent scattering from the centre to the limb of the sun’s disc, andnbsp;no trace of such a transition is to be found in the case of the well-determined centre-limb variations of the violet lines (/3o = 4.5, Fig. 41).nbsp;For j8o= 1-75 no information is to be gained in this respect from theorynbsp;because no distinction can be made between absorption and scattering.
That this effect ought to have been noticeable for Po ~ 4.5, appears from the following estimate. For the optical depth a value is fixed in such a way, thatnbsp;for the wave length in question, the amounts of emerging light, that originate in thenbsp;layers for which rgt;T^, and in those for which rlt;r^, are equal. For the far wingsnbsp;is practically the same as the one for the adjacent continuous spectrum, so that wenbsp;can write for the far wings of the violet Fraunhofer lines:
— T sec d-B (t) e nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;sec # dr
C — T sec I?
— 0.5 / B (r) e nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;sec é At,nbsp;from which, with B'—Bo (1 /?o r), /3(gt; —; 4.5 and cos d’ = 1 resp. 0.1; onenbsp;obtains r = 1.25 resp. 0.1.
In B. Strömgren s nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;model of the solar atmosphere a transition from t = 1.25
to 0.1 causes a decrease of the pressure of the gas with a factor 4 and of the electron pressure with about a factor 10. These differences are sufficient to justify the expectationnbsp;of the above-mentioned transition from absorption to scattering.
Summarizing we can conclude that true selective absorption is of no importance whatever in the explanation of the centre-limb variation innbsp;the far wings of Fraunhofer lines.
§ 34. The influence of the run of the concentration.
In this and the next paragraph the influence will be investigated of the variations in the run with depth of concentration and black-bodynbsp;radiation, in order to obtain at least some idea of the influence ofnbsp;deviations from our very simple model. If the preceding statements arenbsp;to remain valid, they must hold equally well for other cases, which
-ocr page 126-might likewise approximate the true state of things, and in which the run of concentration and of black-body radiation differs from what, fornbsp;simplicity, has been assumed so far. It will be proved more in particularnbsp;that not any plausible run with depth of concentration and of black-bodynbsp;radiation can explain the observed centre-limb variations of the quantity c,nbsp;that means, of the far wings, by means of coherent scattering.
0 /
Limb Centre
• COS-d'
In our simple model the concentration of the active atomic state was assumed each time in such a way that the ratios between the selectivenbsp;absorption and the scattering on the one hand and continuous absorptionnbsp;on the other hand, were constant down to a certain definite opticalnbsp;depth Tj, whereupon it dropped abruptly to zero. We shall now examinenbsp;three cases, where this is not so, though for the time being we stillnbsp;assume B to increase linearly with t. Together with our first model
-ocr page 127-115
we have then four models at our disposal, by means of which we can judge the influence of the run of k, s and I respectively. The investigationnbsp;is carried out for the violet spectral region only, characterized bynbsp;/3q = 4.5. This region was selected for the following reasons: thenbsp;theoretical runs of selective absorption, coherent scattering and extinctionnbsp;differ, here, mutually to a sufficient degree (Fig. 41); in this regionnbsp;reliable observational results from a number of lines are available, whichnbsp;could not be explained with the aid of coherent scattering only, for which,nbsp;moreover, s would be assumed to be constant down to r-^. The runnbsp;of k, s and / respectively is adopted as represented in the graphs atnbsp;the top of Fig. 42 1). In passing from model I to model IV we imagine,nbsp;therefore, the active atoms to be less and less strongly concentratednbsp;at the surface. In each of the models the layer containing the atomsnbsp;can be assumed to have any thickness desired. It appeared sufficient tonbsp;carry out the computations for = 0.5 and oo; in between one cannbsp;interpolate qualitatively. In the latter case, the models I and II,nbsp;respectively III and IV merge, as a matter of course, into each other.
The numerical computations for the extinction were carried out by means of formula (20), whereas, since we are here concerned with thenbsp;small depressions of the profile in the far wings, for the selectivenbsp;absorption and the coherent scattering were used the formulas ofnbsp;M. Minnaert ^^). These are, for absorption:
R roc S nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^
quot; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;enbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;sec k (r) At (43)
“ï-' = 1 — r (0,d) = ,---
and for scattering:
The models I—IV have been chosen in such a way, that, while the runs with depth differ mutually as much as possible, they all lead tonbsp;expressions in the above formulas, admitting of an easy integration.nbsp;In deducing his formulas Minnaert uses the boundary conditions
The runs of k, s and I will not, in general, be identical for the same Fraunhofer line. Strictly speaking, therefore, we deal with three differently constituted atmospheresnbsp;in each of the four quot;models”.
-ocr page 128-116
/^_Q = 1.8accordance with A. Pannekoek i®), whereas in the present thesis constant use is made of Jr=onbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The
difference in the results is insignificant, as appears from a comparison with previous computations for model II, carried out by means of thenbsp;more detailed formulas (22) and (23). The values of c differ by nonbsp;more than 1 %, except for scattering at the outermost limb, where thenbsp;difference amounts to a few percents. The satisfactory agreement justifiesnbsp;our relying on Minnaert’s formulas for the other models as well.
The character of the centre-limb variation can be understood in all cases shown in Fig. 42; for example, the valuenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;~ absorption
and scattering as well as for extinction, in the models II and IV arises from the fact that, here, the concentration at the sun’s surface becomesnbsp;zero, so that in looking grazingly along the atmosphere the selectivenbsp;action of the atoms vanishes and the intensity of the lines, and likewise c.nbsp;become zero.
We shall restrict ourselves to the following conclusion; even if the run of the concentration be strongly varied, the centre-limb variationnbsp;of the wings cannot be explained by means of coherent scattering only,nbsp;and, because the considerations in § 33 apply to each of the four modelsnbsp;(these models showing, namely, qualitatively the same centre-limbnbsp;variation), true selective absorption is out of the question.
Based on the most recent ideas concerning the constitution of the solar atmosphere B. Strömgren 5'^) has computed the run of 3(7) — whichnbsp;he denotes by ¦gt;; — for the Na D lines (Fig. 43). We shall examine
-ocr page 129-117
what the centre-limb variation in the wings is like on the assumption of this fairly well-founded run with depth, and we shall compare thisnbsp;variation with the one from the simple model for r-^ = 1.5. The numericalnbsp;computations, using Strömgren’s run, were carried out with the aid ofnbsp;Minnaert’s formulas (43) and (44) for absorption and scattering andnbsp;of the formula (20) applied to extinction only. Here again B was stillnbsp;assumed to be linear in t while, for simplicity, was taken equalnbsp;to 1.69, so that the factor 0.49—0.29j8o in formula (44) becomes zero,nbsp;and absorption and scattering yield, thereby, the same expression. Innbsp;the simple model was taken equal to 1.75, so that, as a matter ofnbsp;course, the results do not differ appreciably from those for /Jq ¦= 1 -69.nbsp;How little it matters whether one uses Strömgren’s run or the constantnbsp;value down to Ti = 1.5 in the simple model, can be seen from Fig. 44.
It appears, therefore, that, for j0o:=4.5 as well as for /Sq — 1.75, the actual run of k, s and I, can be fairly well approximated by a rectangularnbsp;run, so that, so far as the run of the concentration is concerned, thenbsp;conclusion already drawn remains valid, namely, that the observednbsp;behaviour of the far wings can only be described by means of noncoherent scattering.
§ 35. The influence of the run of the black-body radiation.
So far, it has in the present thesis invariably been assumed for the black-body radiadon, that its run with depth is given by B=Bqnbsp;(1 jSot). It is quite possible that in some wave-length regionsnbsp;considerable deviations occur, although little can be said as yet, asnbsp;regards the nature and the amount of these deviations. The darkeningnbsp;towards the limb, according to Abbot’s measurements, for example, is
-ocr page 130-118
especially in the region round 4000 A such a practically perfect linear function of cos amp; (see ®®)), that the deviation of B from a linear runnbsp;with T cannot be serious, apart, perhaps, from the highest layers, which,nbsp;however, are of no concern in this problem. Contrary to this run, therenbsp;is the more or less curved run for other wave lengths. From measurementsnbsp;by W. H. J. Moll, H. C. Burger and }. van der Bilt ^4) of the darkeningnbsp;towards the limb, H. H. Plaskett*'^) and I. W. Busbridge®®) deducednbsp;for 5500 A a run of B{t), deviating strongly from a linear run with t.nbsp;With the B{t), as found by Plaskett (Fig. 45), I have once againnbsp;computed the centre-limb variations, making use of the run of concentration with depth according to Strömgren and only taking into accountnbsp;coherent scattering (Fig. 46). The numerical computations were carriednbsp;out by subdividing x into little steps and finding first the run of ƒ (r)nbsp;(Fig. 45) according to Pannekoek’s method ®2) directly from thenbsp;differential equations, for a small depression in the wings.
Fig. 45. — Run of B, computed by H. H. Plaskett from the observations of W. J.nbsp;H. Moll, H. C. Burger and J. v. d. Bilt;
----ƒ, the radiation-density in the far
wings of a Fraunhofer line.
From a comparison of the centre-limb variation computed with B^Bq (1 1.69 t) and with Plaskett’s B, both times using the samenbsp;.Steps in r, it appears (see Fig. 46) that the run of the black-bodynbsp;radiation with depth has a rather considerable influence, but that neithernbsp;with the B(x), deduced by Plaskett, is any agreement with the observations obtained, so long as one restricts oneself to coherent scattering.nbsp;Nor is this to be expected with the B{x) run, deduced by Busbridge.nbsp;One would have to assume B(r ) in such a way, that, in rising fromnbsp;the deeper layers, it first decreases and then remains constant in thenbsp;outer layers, or even increases again. This is strongly at variance withnbsp;everything known theoretically of B and with what is deduced from
-ocr page 131-119
the continuous darkening towards the limb, so that it is impossible to find herein an explanation of the observed centre-limb variation ofnbsp;the wings. For Plaskett’s run of B{r) the deviations from the observationsnbsp;are restricted to those points for which cos •amp; lt; 0.25, that means closenbsp;to the limb, but here the deviations are appreciable. The cause of thenbsp;difference between the centre-limb variations computed with a linear B{ r )nbsp;and with Plaskett’s B{r ) can be seen at once: for points close to thenbsp;sun's limb it is the B run in the upper layers that chiefly matters, where,nbsp;according to Plaskett it rises more rapidly than according to B =Bqnbsp;(1 1.69 r ): in other words, we have to expect that, there, the centre-limb variation computed with Plaskett’s B will agree with a linear runnbsp;of B, in which /Jq has a larger value, and this is indeed the case, asnbsp;appears from a comparison of Fig. 46 with Fig. 41.
Fig. 46. — Centre-limb variations of the c’s for the Na D lines. Theoreticalnbsp;curves, for which the run of k and snbsp;is the same as that of Strömgren’s rjnbsp;in the far wings (see Fig. 43); — . —nbsp;absorption and coherent scattering
with S = Fo (1 1-69 t);----
absorption, ...... coherent scattering,
both with B according to Plaskett (c.f. Fig. 45). • From observations.
If, however, non-coherent scattering is assumed instead of conerent scattering, one must expect that the centre-limb variations can be partlynbsp;described by means of a coefficient of absorption (§ 26), As the sharenbsp;of the absorption is unknown, the computations are carried out fornbsp;absorption only, in order at least to be able to judge the extent to whichnbsp;the agreement with the observations has improved. In these computationsnbsp;the same subdivision of t was used as in the preceding computations fornbsp;coherent scattering; the result is the centre-limb variation shown in Fig. 46.nbsp;It appears, once again, that B (r) has a strong influence, which can benbsp;seen by a comparison with the curve for linear B (r) likewise computednbsp;for the case of absorption. The gratifying point, however, is now, thatnbsp;this time the observations lie between the centre-limb variations computednbsp;in the two ways.
For various reasons the description by means of complete absorption may not be the right one. In the first place extinction also must still be
-ocr page 132-taken into account for the outermost layers of the solar atmosphere, in the second place also coherent scattering, namely, if the conception ofnbsp;the widened energy-levels should be the right one, while in the thirdnbsp;place the question remains how closely the B (t) run, derived by Plaskett,nbsp;approximates its true run. Yet, for all that, it is once again clear thatnbsp;non-coherunt scattering furnishes a better description of the observationsnbsp;than that given by coherent scattering.
Summarizing the two preceding paragraphs one can state that neither plausible changes in the run of the concentration, nor those in the runnbsp;of the black-body radiation enable one to explain the observations bynbsp;means of true selective absorption or coherent scattering or by anbsp;combination of these two, and that this can only be done by the introduction of a formal coefficient of selective absorption and a coefficientnbsp;of extinction, both arising, according to the considerations in § 26, fromnbsp;non-coherent scattering.
-ocr page 133-CHAPTER VII
§ 36. Introduction.
The centre-limb variations of those parts of a line-profile between the centre of the line and the far wings, in which the relative intensitiesnbsp;have amounts between 30 and 80 %, are the most difficult to explain.nbsp;Taking non-coherent scattering as a starting point, it is possible tonbsp;indicate accurately where the difficulties lie.
Indeed, the equation of transfer can be solved in the easiest manner if ƒ admits of a simple expression in B, as for the far wings, or in ]^,nbsp;as for the central parts of the line-profile (see § 30). For those partsnbsp;of the line-profile, that will now be considered, this is not always the case.nbsp;The observed radiation originates this time in those layers of the solarnbsp;atmosphere, for which, for the time being, nothing of a quantitativenbsp;nature can be stated as regards the run of ƒ (t) relatively to B{x) andnbsp;/y (t) . Fortunately, however, one can make two qualitative statements,nbsp;which can be tested. As the first, one can state that towards the centrenbsp;of a line, the influence of the formal coefficient of coherent scatteringnbsp;becomes more and more predominant over that of the selective absorptionnbsp;(§ 30). The second one is based on a comparison between Fraunhofernbsp;lines in the various spectral regions for which the run of /(t), withnbsp;respect to B(r) and to (t) is essentially different (§ 30) whichnbsp;manifests itself characteristically in the centre-limb variations.
§ 37. Manner of comparing theory with observation.
The comparison of the theory with the observations is again performed by means of figures, showing theoretical curves for various values ofnbsp;fio and ti, each time for absorption, coherent scattering and extinction
-ocr page 134-separately, while the observational results are given in various sub-figures (Fig. 47 and 48). These results have been obtained by first tracingnbsp;with the aid of the data from Tables 2—20 the complete undisturbednbsp;line-profiles. If, now, it was thought advisable to draw for example innbsp;Fig. 47 for a Fraunhofer line a centre-limb series of observations, which
Table 22. Values of k, s and I belonging to the Curves in Fig. 47. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
starts from r = 0.60 at cos amp; = 1, the r(0,i7)’s were determined jn points of the profiles of the centre-limb series of this line at the same AA,nbsp;as found for r = 0.60 at cos = 1. In the case of a multiplet the resultsnbsp;of this procedure from the components were averaged and were drawnnbsp;in the figures as one single observational series. As the observed centre-limb variations of the Fe multiplet and of Ca 4226.7 differ only slightly,nbsp;they have, likewise, been averaged (see also remark, end of § 32).
-ocr page 135-123
Two different places in the inner wings have been selected. Fig. 47 shows the theoretical curves, computed for a relative intensity of aboutnbsp;60 % in the centre of the sun’s disc, Fig. 48 those for a relative intensitynbsp;of about 30 Tables 22 and 23 give the values of k, s and I, whichnbsp;with the aid of (22), (23) and (24) have served for the computationnbsp;of these theoretical curves. In the infra-red, where jSq = 0.75, thenbsp;minimum relative intensity for selective absorption amounts for A: = oonbsp;still to 57 '%, so that is was impossible for this case to draw a curve innbsp;Fig. 48, which for 30 % starts at cos j?' = 1. The number of values fornbsp;in Fig. 48 is limited to two, because, practically speaking, has no longernbsp;an appreciable influence on the centre-limb variation, owing to the factnbsp;that the observed radiation originates predominantly in high layers. Thenbsp;theoretical curves for the values of r^, that for a given line deservenbsp;in the first place to be compared with the observations (according tonbsp;§ 29) are marked with an asterisk.
In this connection one should once more bear in mind that, for the parts of the line-profile now discussed, in addition to the coefficientnbsp;of coherent scattering, the coefficient of extinction must be chieflynbsp;introduced in the computations referring to the higher layers of thenbsp;atmosphere, where the difference between J and is greatest, whichnbsp;is why the observations must be described by means of a combinationnbsp;of coherent scattering and extinction, in which / is considerably smallernbsp;than (§30).
From a comparison with the drawn curves one can decide whether or not the observations can be explained by means of one of the processesnbsp;considered. If the explanation requires the simultaneous action of morenbsp;processes, only qualitative statements can be made, owing to the factnbsp;that for the already deep depressions in the line-profile, it is no longernbsp;allowed directly to combine the various curves of Fig. 47, resp. 48.nbsp;It remains in that case, however, possible to ascertain qualitatively,nbsp;whether or not the tendency of the difference between the observednbsp;centre-limb variation and a certain definite theoretical curve agrees withnbsp;the variation indicated by another curve.
By means of (21) one can, however, compute the centre-limb variation for any mutual ratio of the three processes, provided only that theirnbsp;individual t^’s are the same and one would then be able to draw innbsp;the figure the curves representing a simultaneous influence of absorption,nbsp;scattering and extinction, in order to compare them with the observational
-ocr page 136-124
results. If, however, the t^’s are mutually different, this is no longer possible and one has to resort to numerical computations.
A qualitive statement is also obtained when one of the processes (A) must be considered as the principal one and another one (B) as subsidiary, so that in a first approximation it will act additively. The effectnbsp;of this slight addition (B) can be read from the curves for the farnbsp;wings (Fig. 41), bearing in mind, that one is free to multiply these bynbsp;an arbitrary factor, depending on the extent to which the process (B)nbsp;is active. When (B) means scattering or absorption, this factor will innbsp;any case be positive; when, however, the process (B) can be describednbsp;by the coefficient I, this factor can a priori be positive as well as negativenbsp;(the effect of a positive I has been called extinction, the effect of anbsp;negative / may be called increased emission). From a further discussionnbsp;in the §§ following next it will appear, that in the wings of the linesnbsp;considered, a small negative coefficient may be expected only for thenbsp;infra-red lines, whereas for the other lines, it is positive.
§ 38. Explanation of the centre-limb variations of those parts in the line-profile for which r(0,0)nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;0.60.
If, now, we study Fig. 47 first, it appears that the centre-limb variations of the violet lines cannot be rendered by the theoreticalnbsp;curves for the appropriate and which for the H- and K linenbsp;have the value oo, and for the Fe lines and the line Ca 4226.7 valuesnbsp;from 0.5 to 1.5. From a comparison with the extinction-curves, it isnbsp;clearly apparent, that here the influence of the extinction in a thinnbsp;surface layer is still fairly strongly present. For the Mg b lines andnbsp;the Na D lines the agreement with the curve of scattering is much morenbsp;satisfactory, while for the infra-red Ca lines the deviations of thenbsp;observations from the curves of scattering are in a direction oppositenbsp;to the one in which they deviate for small ; from the extinction-curve.nbsp;We shall now proceed to relate how this can be explained in the lightnbsp;of the conceptions concerning non-coherent scattering.
Considerations obviously following from § 30 furnish a qualitative explanation. For jSq = 4.5, is larger than ƒ for those values of k and s,nbsp;that give a relative intensity of about 60 % for the centre of the sun’snbsp;disc (Table 22), and this difference increases fairly strongly close tonbsp;the surface (Fig. 39). For that reason, the coefficient of extinction must,nbsp;in the higher layers of the atmosphere, occur in addition to the coefficientnbsp;of coherent scattering in the description of the behaviour of the Fraun-
-ocr page 137-125
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hofer lines. For jSq '= 1.75, on the contrary, the value of ]^(r) averaged over the region in which the observed radiation originates, is of the samenbsp;order of magnitude as J (r) (Fig. 40a). Since for = J a formalnbsp;rendering by means of coherent scattering should agree with the observations, one must expect that in the present case the deviations from thisnbsp;agreement will be comparatively small. Finally, for jSq — 0.75 thenbsp;curve is lowered still more relatively to ƒ (t), especially near the surfacenbsp;(Fig. 40b), so that in this spectral region lt;C. J for the parts of thenbsp;Fraunhofer lines under consideration. In combination with coherentnbsp;scattering there occurs, in this case, increased emission, which can benbsp;accounted for by a negative coefficient of extinction. The observationsnbsp;should then deviate with respect to the curve for coherent scattering innbsp;a direction opposite to the one in which the extinction-curve for smallnbsp;layer-thickness deviates from the curve for scattering. As appears fromnbsp;Fig. 47, the centre-limb variations agree with the above-mentionednbsp;statements. The characteristic way in which they change from the violetnbsp;to the red conforms, therefore, entirely with the considerations arisingnbsp;from the non-coherent scattering.
§ 39. Explanation of the centre-limb variations of those parts in the line-profile for which r(0,0)nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;0.30.
We now proceed to a discussion of Fig. 48. The values of k and s, which furnish the required relative intensities have now become so large,nbsp;that /y (t) practically coincides with ] (r) over the greater part of thenbsp;r-region in which the observed radiation originates, so that one maynbsp;expect a description by means of coherent scattering. We cannot deny,nbsp;however, that in the small r-region of the ^surface-layer the mutualnbsp;run of and ƒ is still uncertain. It appears, however, from the figurenbsp;that the centre-limb variations of the H- and the K line can be perfectlynbsp;rendered by coherent scattering and by putting ^1,5= 00, while for thenbsp;Ca line and the Fe lines these variations agree very satisfactorily withnbsp;the theoretical curve for j = 0.5. For the fact that, this time, thenbsp;observations should fit a value for which is slightly less than for thenbsp;parts further away from the centre of the line, where the comparisonnbsp;was carried out for == 0.5 to 1.5, can be refered to § 29.
The infra-red Ca lines fit the curve for r^,s = °o within the errors of observation, while the observations of the Mg b lines and the Na Dnbsp;lines deviate in opposite directions from the curves for ^1,5= 0.5.nbsp;These deviations can be due to different causes. In the first place, owing
-ocr page 139-127
to the approximate nature of the applied model of the solar atmosphere, one can hardly expect the rendering by means of coherent scatteringnbsp;to be perfect in every respect. It is indeed surprising enough thatnbsp;the other lines furnish such a beautiful confirmation of the conceptionsnbsp;here developed. Besides, as regards these Mg b- and Na D lines, onenbsp;must bear in mind that it was tried to account for their behaviour bynbsp;means of one and the same jSq, although their wave lenghts differnbsp;appreciably. With respect to this point the deviations in Fig. 48 are,nbsp;qualitatively speaking, in the right directions, because, indeed, the Mg bnbsp;lines show more of the nature of the violet lines and the Na D linesnbsp;more of the nature of the infra-red ones.
The conclusion to be drawn from the present chapter, regarding those parts of the line-profiles where the relative intensity amounts atnbsp;the centre of the sun’s disc to about 60 %, can be stated as follows:nbsp;the observed centre-limb variations can only be accounted for by thenbsp;occurrence in the higher layers of the sun, of a) extinction for the linesnbsp;in the violet, b) increased emission for the lines in the infra-red and c)nbsp;the absence or only slight influence of these processes for the lines innbsp;the green and yellow. And this is exactly what, owing to the occurrencenbsp;o[ non~coherent scattering, was to be expected.
For those parts of the line-profiles where the relative intensity amounts at the centre of the sun’s disc to about 30 %, the centre-limb variationsnbsp;agree likewise with the conceptions of non-coherent scattering, althoughnbsp;in this case it is impossible to decide between coherent and non-coherentnbsp;scattering, because both of these effects can, this time, be accounted fornbsp;by means of a coefficient of coherent scattering.
-ocr page 141-CHAPTER VIII
The Doppler effect, in so far as it arises from turbulence, would cause a filling up of the centre of the Fraunhofer lines to an amount of morenbsp;than 0,5 percent,, if the turbulence-elements at the surface of the sunnbsp;have a velocity in the line of sight of 1 to 2 km/sec, which variousnbsp;investigations have proved to exist (see, for example, ^®)). This factnbsp;is used by R. O. Redman 39) as an argument for providing a possiblenbsp;explanation of the central intensities, measured by him on a few strongnbsp;Fraunhofer lines. I have also measured some of these lines and thenbsp;intensities found are in fair agreement with those found by Redmannbsp;(see § 13). Yet, it should be remarked that in particular as regards thenbsp;central intensities turbulence plays only a subsidiary part. In order tonbsp;make this dear, it is only necessary to compare the various lines innbsp;Fig. 49, with each other. The wide H and K lines have stronger centralnbsp;intensities than the so much narrower Fe lines and the line Ca 4226.7,nbsp;so that a common explanation by means of Doppler effect, appears tonbsp;be excluded. The central intensities of the infra-red Ca lines are, likewise, much too strong to have their possible origin in the Dopplernbsp;effect only, while on comparing the Mg b lines with the Na D lines,nbsp;it appears that the latter, narrower, ones have weaker central intensitiesnbsp;than the former, wider, ones. For that reason the influence of thenbsp;Doppler effect on the central intensities is in the present thesis assumednbsp;to be small, while they themselves are ascribed to a different cause, butnbsp;this does not mean, that part of the central intensities might not be duenbsp;to the Doppler effect.
A. Unsold 2), A. Pannekoek 9i. 92)^ y_ j r Woolley 93) and
B. Strömgren 3) have given explanations of the formation of central in-
-ocr page 142-130
tensities, all to the effect that extra-emission occurs in the proper and in the adjacent higher and lower frequencies of the spectral line. Thisnbsp;extra-emission arises from the fact, that more light of the other frequencies is switched over to the central ones than the other way round. Thisnbsp;is a consequence of the small radiation-density in the centre of a strongnbsp;Fraunhofer line, which causes the cycle of energy-transferences of whichnbsp;absorption of light of the central intensity forms part, to occur less oftennbsp;than the reversed cycle accompanied with emission of that light.
In the exchange of radiation between different frequencies, one must distinguish between the two following possibilities:
a) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;the two frequencies are located, as in the case of non-coherentnbsp;scattering, in the region of one and the same Fraunhofer line: thenbsp;transitions of energy in the atom are then only those between the twonbsp;energy-levels, corresponding to the Fraunhofer line in question,
b) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;the two frequencies are not located in the region of one and thenbsp;same Fraunhofer line, as in the case of fluorescence: this time also othernbsp;discrete levels or the energy-continuum play their part in the transitionsnbsp;of energy.
The various writers mentioned above have investigated the influence of these processes on the central intensities.
Unsold examined the influence of the transitions from the higher of the two energy-levels, that correspond with the Fraunhofer line innbsp;question, to the discrete more highly located levels such as will occurnbsp;under the influence of the prevailing field of radiation, and the subsequent transitions in the reversed direction. He showed that, assumingnbsp;a Boltzmann-partition for the occupations of the higher levels, one cannbsp;account for this process by a formal coefficient of selective absorption,nbsp;and from transition-probabilities of atomic theory he succeeded innbsp;deriving an estimate of the ratio between this selective absorption andnbsp;the selective scattering. From this ratio he calculated values for thenbsp;central intensities, and their centre-limb variations, which in their general features, agree with the observations.
Pannekoek considered, as did Unsold, fluorescence-coupling between discrete stationary states, without, however, assuming that the occupations are adapted to a Bolzmann-partition 9i): for resonance-linesnbsp;his calculations did not lead to appreciable amounts for the centralnbsp;intensities. He also examined the exchange of radiation between thenbsp;centre and the wings of the lines in a similar way as done in § 24 ofnbsp;the present thesis. As Pannekoek did not assume a widening of the fundamental level, he finds, also in this way, that for a resonance-line the
-ocr page 143-131
central intensity is zero®o). On taking into account the run of the coefficient of scattering in the core of the line, he was, however, lednbsp;to the result 92) that in the centre an emission-peak may occur, whosenbsp;influence on the central intensities is, however, difficult to trace.
Woolley calculatecf the influence of the cyclic transitions, which occur in the fluorescence-process, on the central intensities of the Balmernbsp;lines Ha and Hji and he finds values which agree with the observations.
Strömgren explained the central intensities by means of an extra-emission due to free electrons being caught via the higher level subsequent to direct photo-ionization from the lower level. Owing to the less densenbsp;radiation in the centre of a strong Fraunhofer line this cycle of transitionsnbsp;will, namely, occur more often than the reversed one. Strömgren, too,nbsp;was successful! in making his results agree, as regards the order ofnbsp;magnitude, with the observations. Unsold applied to Strömgren’s explanation the same reasoning as to his own, and was, therefore, able tonbsp;account here, too, phenomenologically for the central intensities by meansnbsp;of a finite sjk.
It will now be shown that a finite sjk provides one 'of the ways to account for the behaviour of a Fraunhofer line, if a frequency is concerned, for which extra-emission occurs, as, according to the abovenbsp;mentioned investigators, happens in the centre of the lines1). Thisnbsp;follows already from the case dealt with in § 26e of which the treatmentnbsp;can also be started in a slightly modified way so as to make it applynbsp;directly to the central intensities, where coherent scattering and extraemission take place; the equation of transfer can then be written asnbsp;follows:
cos^^ = (l sj)/—Sj/~£ —B
where denotes the coefficient of coherent scattering and E the selective extra-emission.
The equation of transfer for coherent scattering and absorption is:
If these two equations are to merge into each other, the conditions
Pannekoek 12) drew already a similar conclusion.
-ocr page 144-Si 1= S2 k and S] ƒ £ it follows that
S2 J k B must be satisfied, from which
It is, therefore, indeed possible to describe the combined effects of coherent scattering and extra-emission by means of a finite ratio s/k,nbsp;and its value is known when the value of B — ƒ and the ratio between thenbsp;coefficient of scattering and the emission are known.
In the present paragraph will be shown first how the observed centre-limb variations of the central intensities can be formally accounted for by means of certain definite values of s/k, which possibility must be regardednbsp;as corroborating the theories of the extra-emission. Next, the valuesnbsp;obtained for s/k will be compared with those determined by Unsold.
In the line-centre the coefficient of scattering has a very large value and, as it will turn out that for all investigated Fraunhofer lines s/klt;2000,nbsp;we have k»l. It follows from this, that, when the values of are notnbsp;too small, — the values tjgt;0.5 deduced from the centre-limb variationsnbsp;of the wings, are sufficiently large —, the products px^ and qx^ are likewise large, so that formula (21) transforms into an expression, in which,nbsp;beside and cos -!?, only s/k occurs. In this limiting case we have:
s/k 1
r (0,1?)=(1 /So cos 'amp;)
When s/k» 1, this can be simplified to:
A(, lcos«
These two expressions have already been deduced by Unsold. It follows from the above, that the value of x^, the optical thickness of the
-ocr page 145-133
layer in which the absorbing atoms occur, does not matter if only s and k be sufficiently large, because, in passing to the limit, not itself, butnbsp;pxx and qi^ are the decisive quantities. This can be readily understood,nbsp;considering that in the case of only a thin layer of atoms but with largenbsp;scattering- and absorption coefficients, no radiation from deeper layersnbsp;can emerge at the surface. For the three different spectral regionsnbsp;characterized by = 4.5, 1.75 and 0.75, a few centre-limb variationsnbsp;were computed by means of (48) for different values of sjk. These valuesnbsp;were chosen in such a way, that the computed values of the centralnbsp;intensities of the various lines agreed as well as possible with the observed ones. The criterion for the correctness of the explanation of thenbsp;central intensities is in that case the centre-limb variation, which, oncenbsp;the values of fio 3gt;td sjk have been chosen, is unambiguously determined.nbsp;The observed and computed centre-limb variations are represented innbsp;Fig. 49. As observational results are taken the central intensities of thenbsp;lines corrected for the instrumental broadening, except for the Ca nbsp;lines, to which this correction could not be applied, the instrumental curvenbsp;for the Utrecht apparatus not being sufficiently known; fortunatelynbsp;these happen to be broad lines, so that the influence of the apparatusnbsp;will presumably be small (c.f, in this connection the observational part).
It serves a useful purpose to carry out the comparison of the observations with theory in another way too. As is evident (48) restricts the influence of fio to the darkening towards the limb of the continuousnbsp;spectrum, since it occurs only in the denominator 1 jSq cos amp;. This darkening can, however, be represented only approximately by 1, fio cos ¦amp;nbsp;and it suggests itself to use the observed darkening towards thenbsp;limb of the continuous spectrum for predicting the centre-limb variationsnbsp;of the central intensities. For this purpose the results from the measurements by W. J. H. Moll, H. C. Burger and J. v. d. Bilt have been used,nbsp;as of all observations these were continued the farthest up to the limb.nbsp;If, now, the centre-limb variations are computed by substituting for thenbsp;denominator in (48) the values observed by the investigators mentioned,
one obtains the---curves of Fig, 49. The height of these curves
was fixed in such a way, that in the various graphs the relative intensities at cos t?=l coincide with those computed directly from (48). It appears, that in a few cases, the observations are now better accountednbsp;for (H- and K line and Mg b lines), though in a few other cases (infrared Ca lines) the agreement becomes slightly less. Generally speaking,nbsp;one can state that the observations lie in between the centre-limb variations computed in the two ways.
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The comparison of the observed central intensities with the theoretical curves of Fig. 49, yields the values of sfk, given under ,.observed” innbsp;Table 24. In the column headed ,,theoretical” one finds the values of sjk,nbsp;computed by Unsold or in the way indicated by him. The observationalnbsp;results, as well as the values predicted from theory can still be improved.
-ocr page 147-135
the former because the observations on which the present thesis is based may be impaired by the sources of error mentioned in § 9, (for a comparison with other observers see Chapter II), the latter because Unsold’snbsp;theory is only an approximative one. Besides one should bear in mindnbsp;that the other processes contributing to the central intensities have notnbsp;been taken into account.
The differences beween theory and observation become less striking, when one compares the values of the central intensities themselves,nbsp;instead of those of sjk, because for large sjk the former are proportionalnbsp;to y kjs, so that for the weak central intensities an error of a few percents in the observational results corresponds to a large difference in s/k.
The results obtained in this chapter can be summarized as follows:
1) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The centre-limb variations secured can be explained with the aidnbsp;of a finite value of s/k, that is to say with the theories of extra-emission.
2) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;For a few lines the theoretical and observational absolute valuesnbsp;do not agree; a striking feature as regards this discrepancy is that fornbsp;some multiplet components the values found observationally are mutuallynbsp;different, whereas Unsold’s theory requires them to be equal.
3) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The fact that for all Ca lines investigated, the values of s/k arenbsp;small, and deviate strongly from those for the other lines, points to anbsp;common cause. This is further evidence for the conception that the extraemission is due to the particular nature of the higher level common tonbsp;all these lines; these properties might for example, lead to a great multiplicity of transitions to and from the higher energy-levels.
Table 24. Observed and Theoretical Values of s/k and r(0,0).
Lines |
s/k |
^^cos # = |
j (in O/o) | |
Observed |
Theoretical (Unsold) |
Observed |
Theoretical (Unsold) | |
Ca H-and Kline |
30 |
467-1.74.10’' |
7.4 |
0.013—2.2 |
Ca 4226.7 . . . |
250 |
23.6—338 |
3.0 |
2.6-7.7 |
Mg b lines . . . |
200 |
43-513 |
5.5 |
4.1-14.0 |
Na D lines . . . |
450; 1500 |
15.9-132 |
2.5; 5.0 |
8.7-25.0 |
Ca 8498.0 . . |
7 |
24.6—0.92. 10® |
35 |
0.17-24.0 |
Ca'^ 8542.1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;. . |
24 |
187—7.0.10® |
24 |
0.06—10.6 |
Ca 8662.2 . . |
18 |
158—5.9.10® |
27 |
0.07-11.4 |
The uncertainty as regards the exchange of radiation in the Fraunhofer lines which has prevailed for years in astrophysics, and on which lightnbsp;has been thrown by various investigators, cannot be better characterizednbsp;than by what Eddington 49) wrote 13 years ago: ,,The crucial questionnbsp;is whether light absorbed in one part of a line is re-emitted in preciselynbsp;the same part of the line. If so, the blackening in this frequency isnbsp;independent of what is happening in neighbouring frequencies. Thenbsp;alternative is that the re-emission has a probability distribution, and isnbsp;correlated to, but not determined by, the absorbed frequency. Fornbsp;example, if the process is regarded as one of transition between twonbsp;energy levels which are not sharp but are composed of narrow bands ofnbsp;energy, the atom is not likely to return to the precise spot in the lowernbsp;level from which it started, and the re-emission will not be the exactnbsp;reverse of the absorption. In that case the line can only be studied as anbsp;whole. Modern attempts to interpret the contours of absorption linesnbsp;assume (rightly or wrongly) that there is no such redistribution of
frequencies........If this assumption is untrue, the usual treatment of
line-contour is entirely unsound,”
Since then, the consequences of the redistribution, meant by Eddington have, as yet, never been compared with the observational results. In the present thesis, however, non-coherent scattering, which comprises also the redistribution mentioned by Eddington, is put foremostnbsp;and is then applied in order to be able to explain the centre-limbnbsp;variations of the wings of the strong Fraunhofer lines. The differencenbsp;between non-coherent and coherent scattering manifests itself, however, only if the intensity of radiation varies over the region of a spectral line. This is, however, exactly what happens in stellar atmospheres,nbsp;so that in dealing with the various problems, it will always be necessary to trace its influence. As regards the centre-limb variations of thenbsp;wings of the strong Fraunhofer lines, this influence is very appreciable;nbsp;it is just by their characteristic behaviour that the present writer hasnbsp;been forced to investigate fully the effects of non-coherent scattering.
-ocr page 149-When Schwarzschild 5) was lead by his observations to the conclusion that it is scattering and not absorption that plays the chief part in the formation of Fraunhofer lines, the first step was made towardsnbsp;the attainment of an explanation of the centre-limb variations. Thisnbsp;thesis has shown that especially the lines in the blue and violet parts ofnbsp;the spectrum vanish at the limb of the sun’s disc to a still less pronouncednbsp;degree than would follow from coherent scattering, and that, finally,nbsp;non-coherent scattering furnishes here the solution. The remarkablenbsp;point, however, is now that, nevertheless, the behaviour of the farnbsp;wings can, in this case, be partly accounted for, be it only formally, bynbsp;absorption. A similar conclusion was already reached by Woolley 66),nbsp;who, however, did not investigate its consequences in further detail.nbsp;After absorption was rejected by Schwarzschild, it is now, at leastnbsp;formally, re-introduced for the wings of the strong Fraunhofer lines.
Finally, a few effects of non-coherent scattering will here be discussed, pertaining to equivalent widths. They follow at once from the considerations in this thesis, and refer more especially to the differencenbsp;from coherent scattering, because up to the present time, practically allnbsp;statements concerning stellar atmospheres were based on the latternbsp;process.
In the first place it appears from the Chapters VI and VII, that, if the same number of atoms contributes to their formation, the Fraunhofer lines if due to non-coherent scattering will be stronger in thenbsp;violet and weaker in the red parts of the spectrum than if due to coherentnbsp;scattering. This must be taken into account when one compares linesnbsp;which lie in different parts of the spectrum with a view to obtainingnbsp;from their mutual strengths data concerning the temperature and thenbsp;degree of ionization.
In the second place the difference between the two kinds of scattering will be more pronounced for strong Fraunhofer lines than for weak ones.nbsp;Indeed, of the stronger lines the wings, which are the only parts wherenbsp;the effects of non-coherent scattering are noticeable, furnish a largernbsp;relative contribution to the equivalent width, than the wings of thenbsp;weaker lines, because they are determined in the case of the formernbsp;by damping, in the case of the latter by Doppler effect. This influencenbsp;makes itself, therefore, already felt when one compares lines in thenbsp;same spectral region. As its effect on lines of different strength variesnbsp;with their strength, it will modify, among others, the shape of thenbsp;curve of growth 94),
In terms of the equivalent width, however, the differences mentioned
-ocr page 150-attain at the most values of a few tens of percents, so that, generally speaking, the conclusions drawn from coherent scattering are not endangered, This is indeed obvious, because, otherwise, one would surelynbsp;have investigated the effects of non-coherent scattering sooner.
As, however, the fact is now firmly established that non-coherent scattering predominates in the formation of the Fraunhofer lines, it isnbsp;worth while to subject this process to a closer theoretical and experimental study and to investigate it more in particular in the case of spectralnbsp;lines disturbed by collisions, thereby enabling one to arrive at a quantitative treatment of the problems connected with it.
I nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;wave length in Anbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;units.
V nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;frequency of light.
7 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;damping constant.
amp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;angle with positive direction of normal to the solar surface.
CO nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;solid angle.
Quantities referring to the sun’s disc. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;r
r nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;distance from the centre of the sun’s disc jnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^
R nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;radius of the sun’snbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;discnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;)
Quantities referring to the line-profiles.
r [O. tt) = r^ (0, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;= i/io =nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(0, gt;5’)//q (0, 'd'), intensity at frequency v in the
profile of a Fraunhofer line, in terms of the intensity of the adjacent continuous spectrum.
c nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;quantity, measuring the depression 1—r(0,r^) in the far wings
according to: (iq—i)/i = c/zlP.
distance in A from the centre of a Fraunhofer line.
Quantities referring to the solar atmosphere.
local density, geometrical depth.
optical depth, defined by t— x q dt.
optical depth of the layer in the schematic model of the solar atmosphere in which the selective processes take place.
Coefficients of absorption etc.
a = nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(t) total line absorption coefficient per gram of matter at fre
quency V and opticaf depth t. This quantity can be split up into the three coefficients x, a and A.
K — x.^ (r) coefficient of selective absorption; the part of the absorbed radiation corresponding to this quantity is transformed into
-ocr page 152-HO
kinetic energy (by non-elastic collisions) and subsequently into temperature radiation.
o = a^ (t) coefficient of coherent scattering; the part of the absorbed radiation corresponding to this quantity is re-emitted in thenbsp;same frequency.
X-= nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(t) coefficient of extinction; the part of the absorbed radiation
corresponding to this quantity is re-emitted in a different frequency; a negative value of X means that the radiationnbsp;absorbed in a frequency different from v is re-emitted in thenbsp;frequency v; this is called increased- or extra-emission.
i){\ k iy, q-\^k s l
s = s^ (t) = 0^ {r)/x (t)
/ = —
f] = nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(r) = k s, is the notation used by B. Strömgren ; in the absence
of extinction r} corresponds to our a. e =nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;amount of emitted radiation.
Qu3ntifies referring to the radiation.
!amp;) intensity of radiation in a Fraunhofer line at frequency v in optical depth r, making an angle ^ with the normal to thenbsp;solar surface.
the same as I, but in the continuous spectrum.
J — Jy (r) mean intensity over all directions, defined by ƒ = / / dca/4 n\ in this thesis ƒ is called radiation-density._
J — Jy (r) mean value of ƒ with respect to a^, defined hy J — j dvfj dr. H=Hy (r) net flux of radiation at frequency r in 3 Fraunhofer line,nbsp;defined by H = f I cos ^ dco/d jt.
Hq nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;the same, but in the continuous spectrum.
B = B{T) black-body radiation of temperature T’(in the absence of thermodynamical equilibrium B deviates from the black-bodynbsp;radiation properly speaking)
Bo = B(To) black-body radiation at the surface |0q =nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(X) constant which determines the schematic
run of B
Bi nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;auxiliary quantity, related to B by the formula:
B, = B(\ k)/(l k l).
-ocr page 153-REFERENCES
1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;P. ten Bruggencate, J. Houtgast und H. von Kliiber, Pabl. Ap. Obs, Potsdam Nr.
96, 29, 1939.
2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A. Unsold, Zs. f. Ap, 4, 319, 1932; P/i^sifc der Sfernatmosp/iaren, ]. Springer, Berlin
1938 *), Abscbnitt 74.
3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;B. Strömgren, Zs. f. Ap. 10, 237, 1935.
4. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;G. E. Hale and W. S. Adams, Ap. J. 25, 300, 1907.
5. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;K. Schwarzschild, Sitzgsber. Preuss. Ak. d. WAss. II, 1914, S. 1183.
6. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A. Unsold, Zs. f. Ap. 44. 793, 1927.
7. --.ibid. 46, 765, 1928.
8. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;H. H. Plaskett, Mon. A7o^. 7?. A. S. 91, 870, 1931.
9. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;G. Righini, Pubbl. Arcetri 48, 29, 1931; Mem. Soc. Astv. Ital. 5, 283, 1931.
10. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;E. Cherrington, Lick Obs. Bull. No. 477, 17, 161, 1935.
11. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;G. Righini, Pubbl. Arcetri 51, 57, 1933; Mem. Soc. Astr. Ital. 7, 19, 1933.
12. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;T. Royds and A. L. Narayan, Kodaikanal Obs. Bull. 109, 375, 1936.
13. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;M. G. Adam, Mon. Not. R. A. S. 98, 112, 1937.
14. --.ibid. 98, 544, 1938.
15. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;M. Minnaert und ]. Houtgast Zs. f. Ap. 12, 81, 1936.
16. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A. Pannekoek, Publ. Astr. Inst. Univ. Amsterdam Nr. 4, 1935.
17. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;J. Houtgast, Zs. ƒ. Ap. 16, 43, 1938.
18. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;C. W. Allen, Mon. Not. R. A. S. 100, 10, 1939.
19. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;D. S. Evans, ibid. 100, 156, 1939.
19a. C. D. Shane, Lick Obs. Ball. No. 507, 19, 119, 1941.
20. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;R. O. Redman, Mon. Not. R. A. S. 96, 488, 1936.
21. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;M. Minnaert und J. Genard, Zs. f. Ap. 10, 377, 1935.
22. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A. Unsold, ibid. 12. 56, 1936; Phgsik der Sternatmospharen. S. 278.
23. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;P. ten Bruggencate und ]. Houtgast, Zs. f. Ap. 20, 149, 1940.
24. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;M. Minnaert, ibid. 10, 40, 1935.
25. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;W. H. Julius, Ead. Astr./nsf. Alerter/. 1, 119, 1922 ; Hemel en Dampkring 21,57,1923.
26. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;P. H. van Cittert, Zs. f. Phys. 65, 547, 1930; 69, 298, 1931.
27. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;G. Abetti e I. Castelli, Pubbl. Arcetri 53, 25, 1935.
28. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;M. Minnaert, G. F. W. Mulders, J. Houtgast, P/iofemefricAf/as of rte 5o/ar Specrtum,
Kampert en Helm, Amsterdam 1940, p. 6.
29. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A. Unsold, Physik der Sternatmospharen, S. 216.
30. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;M. Minnaert, Zs. ƒ. Phys. 45, 610, 1927.
31. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A. D. Thackeray, Mon. Not. R. A. S. 95, 293, 1935.
32. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;R. O. Redman, ibid. 95, 742, 1935.
*) Further to be referred to as „Physik der Stecnatmosphart
-ocr page 154-33.
60. 61.nbsp;62.
E. Strohbusch, Zs. ƒ. Instc. 59, 417, 1939.
E. Freundlich, Das Tuvmteleskop der Einstein-Stiftang, ]. Springer, Berlin 1927.
H. C. V. d. Hulst, Buil. Astr. Inst. Nethevl. 9, 225, 1941.
P. Kremer, ibid. 9, 229, 1941,
C. E. Moore, A Multiplei Table of Astrophysical Interest, Princeton, N. ]. 1933. C. E. St. John, C, E. Moore, L. M. Ware, E, F, Adams, H. D. Babcock, Revisionnbsp;of Rowland's preliminary Table, Washington 1928.
R. O. Redman, Mon. Not. R. A. S. 97, 552, 1937.
C. W. Allen, Mem. Comm. Sol. Obs. 5, part II, 1934.
R. B. King and A. S. King, Ap. J. 82, 377, 1935.
R. V. d. R. Woolley, Mon. Not. R. A. S. 92, 806, 1932.
M. Minnaert und G. F. W. Mulders, Zs. f. Ap. 1, 192, 1930.
A. Unsold, Physik der Sternatmospharen, Abschnitt 61.
A. Schuster, Ap. J. 21, 1, 1905.
E. A. Milne, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London A 223, 201, 1922.
--.Mon. Not. R. A. S. 89, 3, 1928.
A. S. Eddington, The Internal Constitution of the Stars, Cambridge, Univ. Press, 1926, Chapter XII,
--, Mon. Not. R. A. S. 89, 620, 1929.
A. Milne, ibid. 88, 493, 1928.
Unsold. Zs. f Ap. 8, 225, 1934.
Pannekoek, Mon. Not. R. A. S. 91, 139 and 519, 1931.
Strömgren, Ap. J. 86, 1, 1937.
—.Festschrift E. Strömgren, Einar Munksgaard, Kopenhagen 1940, S. 218.
V. d. R. Woolley, Mon. Not. R. A. S. 90, 170, 1930.
—, ibid. 92, 482, 1932.
—.ibid. 98, 3, 1937.
Spitzer, Ap. J. 87, 1, 1938.
Swings and L. Dor, ibid. 88, 516, 1938.
Krook, Mon. Not. R. A. S. 98, 477, 1938.
R. Hulme, ibid. 99, 730, 1939.
Unsold, Zs. f. Ap. 4, 339, 1932.
Minnaert, ibid. 12, 313, 1936.
Rosseland, Theoretical Astrophysics, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1936, § 41. Spitzer, Mon. Not. R. A. S. 96, 794, 1936.
V. d. R. Woolley, ibid. 98, 624, 1938. ten Bruggencate, Zs. f. Ap. 4, 159, 1932.
Parchomenko, Russ. Astr. J. 12, 140, 1935.
—.Astr. Nachr. 270, 193, 1940.
Wellmann, Zs. f. Ap. 12, 140, 1936.
H. Plaskett, Mon. Not. R. A. S. 96, 402, 1936; 101, 3, 1941.
A. Milne, Handbuch der Astrophysik III, 1, ]. Springer, Berlin 1930, S. 65. Pannekoek, ibid. S. 256.
Rosseland, Astrophysik, J. Springer, Berlin 1931, § 33.
Strömgren, Handbuch der Astrophysik VII, S. 203.
Rosseland, Theoretical Astrophysics, Chapter IX.
Unsold, Physik der Sternatmospharen, Kapitel XII.
Swings and S. Chandrasekhar, Mon. Not. R. A. S. 97, 24, 1936.
-ocr page 155-79. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;O. Struve, Proc. Mat. Ac. Sc. U.S.A. 26, 120, 1940.
80. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;W. Orthmann und P. Pringsheim, ^s. f. Phys. 43, 9, 1927.
81. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;V. Weisskopf, Obs. 56, 291, 1933.
82. --,Zs. f. Phys. 85, 451, 1933.
83. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;C. G. Abbot, F. E. Fowle, L. B. Aldrich, Ann. Ap. Obs. Smithsonian Inst. 3, 157,
1913; 4, 221, 1922.
84. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;W. J. H. Moll, H. C. Burger, ]. v. d. Bilt, Ball. Astr. Inst. Netherl. 3, 83, 1925.
85. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;H. Raudenbusch, Astr. Nachc. 266, 301, 1938.
86. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A. Unsold, Physik der Sternatmospharen, Abschnitt 31.
87. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;H. H. Plaskett, Mon. Not. R. A. S. 101, 3, 1941.
88. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;I. W. Busbridge, ibid. 101, 26, 1941.
89. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;P. ten Bruggencate, Zs. f. Ap. 18, 316, 1939.
90. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A. Pannekoek, Proc. Ak. Amsterdam 34, 1352, 1931.
91. --.Ball. Astr. Inst. Netherl. 7, 151, 1933.
92. --, Mon. Not. R. A. S. 95, 725, 1935.
93. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;R. V. d. R. Woolley, ibid. 94, 631, 1934.
94. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;M. Minnaert, Obs. 57, 331, 1934.
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§ nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;1.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Introduction.......................... 1
§ 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Outline of the investigation . .................. 1
§ 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Comparison of the observations with theory............ 2
OBSERVATIONAL PART Chapter I. Observations
§ 4. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Previous observations...................... 4
§ nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;5. Introductory remarks on the observations on which the present thesis
is based............................ 6
§ nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;6.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The method of observation at Utrecht.............. 8
§ nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;7.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The method of observation at Potsdam.............. 12
1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Apparatus ......................... 12
2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Exposures ......................... 13
§ 9. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Discussion of errors...................... 23
1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Accidental errors...................... 23
2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Systematic errors: a. Stray light; b. Eberhard effect; c. Finite resolving
power: d. Blends; e. Ghosts; f. Correct adjustment on the points of the solar disc; g. Irradiation from neighbouring points of the sun’snbsp;disc; h. Perturbed regions; i. The sun’s altitude......... 23
Chapter II. Observational results
§ 10. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;General remarks........................ 27
1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The tables of thenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;intensity-profiles............... 27
2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The cross-section figures................... 29
3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The determination of the c’s.................' nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;29
§ 12. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The H- and the K line of Ca“^................. 34
§ 13. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Six lines of the Fe-multiplet a’F4—y^Fsquot;............. 4i
§ 14. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The line Ca 4226.7nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 54
§ 15. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The Mg b triplet........................ 58
§ 16. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The D lines of Na....................... 68
§ 17. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The infra-red Ca^^ lines.................... 74
-ocr page 158-THEORETICAL PART
Chapter III. The derivation of expressions for the centredimb variations in a Fraunhofer line, with the aid of a simple model of thenbsp;solar atmosphere
§ 18. Existing models........................ 79
§ 19. Arguments for the construction of a model with an arbitrary layer-thickness,
together with the introduction of an extinction-coefficient...... 81
§ 20. The deduction of the general expression for r (0,i7)......... 83
§ 21. Various extreme cases, deduced from (21)............. 87
1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Selective absorption..................... 87
2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Coherent scattering...................... 87
3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Extinction ......................... 88
4. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The Milne-Eddington model.................. 88
5. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The Schuster-Schwarzschild model............... 88
Chapter IV. Non-coherent scattering
§ 22. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Introduction.......................... 90
§ 25. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Comparison of (28) with (30).................. 94
1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Complete redistribution: a. ] — B; b.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;c. JKB; d. JKJv\
e. Bgt;Jgt;Jj,........................ . nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;95
2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Widened energy-levels.................... 97
Chapter V. Determination of the quantities occurring in the expression for the centre-limb variations
§ 27. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Introduction.......................... 99
§ 28. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The determination of ft..................... 100
§ 29. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The choice of rj........................ 101
§ 30. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The runs of B{r), Jy (r) andnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;J (r)nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; 102
1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Application to the far wings................. 105
2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Application tonbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;the inner wings................ 105
4. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Application to the central intensities . ............. 107
Chapter VI. The testing of theoretical statements by means of observations pertaining to the far wings
§ 31. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Manner of comparing theorynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;and observation........... 108
§ 32. Explanation of the observational results by means of non-coherent
scattering........................... 110
§ 33. Impossibility of an explanation by means of coherent scattering and
true selective absorption..................... 112
§ 34. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The Influence ofnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;the run of the concentration........... 113
-ocr page 159-Page
Chapter VII. Comparison of the theory with the observations concerning the inner wings
§ 36. Introduction...................... 121
§ 37. Manner of comparing the theory with the observations....... 121
§ 38. Explanation of the centre-limb variations of those parts in the line-
profile for which r (0.0) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;0.60.................. 124
§ 39. Explanation of the centre-limb variations of those parts in the line-
profile for which r (0,0) ^0.30.................. 126
Chapter VIII. The central intensities
§ 40. Doppler effect................ 129
§ 41. Extra-emission................... 129
§ 42. Comparison with the nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;observations................ 132
FINAL CONSIDERATIONS....................... 136
REFERENCES............................. 141
-ocr page 160- -ocr page 161-Onvolmaaktheden van het menselijk evenwichtsorgaan zijn mede oorzaak van verkeerde uitkomsten bij het schatten van de hoogtennbsp;der hemellichamen.
De scintillatie der hemellichamen kan behulpzaam zijn bij het vaststellen van meteorologische toestanden. De interpretatie hunnernbsp;waarnemingen door Gallisot en Bellemin moet evenwel betwijfeldnbsp;worden.
C. Gallisot et E. Bellemin, ƒ. d. Phgs. 8, 29, 1927.
M. Minnaert en J. Houtgast, Zs. f. Ap. 10, 86, 1935.
]. Houtgast, Hemel en Dampkring, 34, 169, 1936.
Wolkenbanden, zoeklichtbundels en andere dergelijke verschijnselen aan het hemelgewelf, die in werkelijkheid recht zijn, hebben een schijnbare vorm, die voorgesteld kan worden door de vergelijking h = bgtg (a cosA), waarin h en A de coördinaten aannbsp;het hemelgewelf zijn (hoogte en azimuth).
Het is niet nodig om, zoals Unsöld doet, bij het oplossen van de integraal
1 — e dx
een benaderingsmethode toe te passen.
A. Unsöld, Physik der Sternatmospharen, Berlin 1938, S. 167.
-ocr page 162-Het is mogelijk om bij zelfregistrerende microfotometers op een eenvoudige en toch nauwkeurige wijze de voortgaande bewegingnbsp;van de fotografische plaat met de roterende beweging van denbsp;trommel direct te koppelen, zonder gebruik te maken van tandraderen.
De wijze, waarop N. Thompson zijn directe intensiteitsmetingen van fotografisch opgenomen spectra uitlegt, getuigt van een ernstignbsp;gemis aan inzicht in de werking van het door hem geconstrueerdenbsp;apparaat.
N. Thompson, Proc. Phys. Soc. 45, 441, 1933,
Over de apparaatfunctie van een spectraalapparaat bestaan bij Unsold en Evans nog onjuiste voorstellingen.
A. Unsold, Physik der Sternatmospharen, Berlin 1938, S. 211.
D. S. Evans, Obs. 62, 231, 1939.
De intensiteiten van de spookbeelden van een buigingsrooster kunnen met voordeel bepaald worden door intensiteitsmetingen innbsp;absorptielijnen, gebruik makend van een monochromator met voldoende „oplossend vermogen” (zie blz. 15 van deze dissertatie).
In het probleem van de verstrooiing van licht door gestoorde atomen zou door bepaalde physische experimenten klaarheid gebracht kunnen worden.
Voor de toetsing van de niet-coherente verstrooiing is het van belang, het verloop van de zwarte straling met de diepte in denbsp;zonneatmosfeer te kennen in het violette spectraalgebied.
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