-ocr page 6-Indien het voltooien van een proefschrift de officieele afsluiting van een academische loopbaan vormt, dan prijs ik mij gelukkignbsp;dat ik, na eenige jaren het contact met de Universiteit te hebbennbsp;Verloren dat, door een toeval, wederom voor een aantal jaren mochtnbsp;opvatten en dat ik zoodoende in staat werd gesteld, naast het vervullen van mijn maatschappelijke functie, van het weldadig academisch milieu tot op rijperen leeftijd te genieten.
Het spijt mij dat het mij thans niet meer mogelijk is mijn hooggeleerde leermeesters Went en Nierstrasz persoonlijk dank te brengen voor den belangrijken invloed die zij op mijn vormingnbsp;hebben gehad.
Hooggeleerde Raven, ik betreur het niet in de gelegenheid geweest te zijn om Uw onderwijs te kunnen bijwonen.
Hooggeleerde Jordan, mijn studierichting was oorzaak dat ik slechts te korten tijd heb kunnen genieten van Uwe gaven als docent,nbsp;die echter een dankbare herinnering bij mij hebben achtergelaten.
Hooggeleerde Koningsberger, de vriendschappelijke wijze waarop Gij mij, zoowel voor als na Uwe Indische periode, in Uw kennisnbsp;en inzicht liet deelen heb ik steeds op hoogen prijs gesteld.
Hooggeleerde Westerdijk, gaarne breng ik U hier dank voor Uw onderwijs, waarin wetenschap en werkelijkheidszin op zoonbsp;treffende wijze vereenigd zijn. Weinig heb ik indertijd kunnen bevroeden hoezeer mijn latere werkkring zou samenvallen met denbsp;door U gedoceerde stof.
Hooggeleerde Pulle, hooggeachte promotor, nadat ik het voorrecht had genoten eenige jaren Uw assistent en conservator te zijn, heeft in later jaren de persoonlijke omgang met U, tijdens de be-tverking van dit proefschrift, mijn groote waardeering voor U ennbsp;Voor Uw wetenschappelijk en menschelijk inzicht slechts doennbsp;groeien. Voor de groote vrijheid die Gij mij bij de bewerking vannbsp;ttiijn proefschrift hebt gelaten en voor het vertrouwen dat Gij innbsp;de voltooiing ervan hebt gesteld ben ik U ten zeerste erkentelijk,nbsp;evenals voor alle steun die Gij mij hebt willen verkenen wanneernbsp;ik meende die noodig te hebben.
Hooggeleerde Bremekamp, dat Gij het manuscript van dit proefschrift niet alleen taalkundig hebt willen reviseeren, doch dat Gij tnij daarbij tevens op zoo nauwgezette en aangename wijze metnbsp;opbouwende critiek hebt willen helpen kan ik niet genoeg waar-deeren.
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U, Zeergeleerde Uittien en Lanjouw, dank ik voor de veeljarige vriendschap en steun die Gij mij hebt verleend; nimmer klopte iknbsp;tevergeefsch bij U aan om hulp of raad.
Het Personeel van het Botanisch Museum en Herbarium te Utrecht wil ik hier dank brengen voor den prettigen omgang ennbsp;hulp in deze jaren ondervonden. Een speciaal woord van dank aannbsp;U, waarde De Bouter voor het persklaar maken van een deel mijnernbsp;teekeningen.
Tenslotte ben ik U, Zeergeleerde Zeylstra, zeer erkentelijk voor de wijze waarop Gij, als Directeur van de Middelbare Kolonialenbsp;Landbouwschool te Deventer, mijn wetenschappelijk werk hebtnbsp;weten mogelijk te maken en voor Uwe constante belangstellingnbsp;daarin.
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-ocr page 9-{Extrait du Recueil des Travaux botaniques néerlandais. Vol. XXXIX, 1942)
J. J. SWART (Utrecht)
I. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;GENERAL PART
1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;History of the family...............215
2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Diagnosis of the family..............216
3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Affinities of the family..............216
4. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Subdivision of the family.............217
5. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The Burseraceae-Protieae.............219
6. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Geographical distribution.............223
7. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Literature....................225
II. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;TAXONOMIC PART
Burseraceae Kunth - Protieae March, em. Engl.....227
I. Protium Burm.f.................228
II. Hemicrepidospermum Swart...........395
III. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Crepidospermum Hook.f.............399
IV. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Tetragastris Gaertn...............403
V. Trattinickia Willd................419
List of collectors’ numbers..............435
Index of vernacular names..............441
Index of scientific names..............442
-ocr page 10-INTRODUCTION
My revision of the Burseraceae in Pulle’s Flora of Suriname is extended here to a monographic treatment of those Burseraceousnbsp;genera of which representatives occur in Suriname. Engler’s monograph of this family dates from nearly sixty years ago, and sincenbsp;that time many new species have been published. These additionsnbsp;and the large number of minor and major problems which presentednbsp;themselves, doubtless justify the publication of this study. I amnbsp;bound to admit however that not all problems could be solved.
The present paper is divided into a General Part and a Taxonomic Part. The critical remarks concerning the whole family and itsnbsp;tribes are dealt with in the General Part, and those referring to thenbsp;separate genera and species are to be found in the appropriatenbsp;place in the Taxonomic Part; to the former is added a list of generalnbsp;literature, and to the latter a list of collectors’ numbers and indicesnbsp;of vernacular and scientific names.
The diagnoses in Latin of the new genus and of the new sections of genera, the new species and the new varieties, which are dealtnbsp;with in this paper in exactly corresponding English text, have beennbsp;published previously by the author under the title of “Novitatesnbsp;Burseracearum” in Rec. Trav. bot. néerl. XXXIX, p.189 (1942).
All specimens and literature mentioned in this work have been examined by me, unless indicated otherwise. Particulars not tonbsp;be seen in the herbarium specimens themselves, as habit, colournbsp;of the flower and of the fruit, smell, application, vernacular names,nbsp;etc., have been taken either from collectors’ notes on the labels ornbsp;from the literature.
In regard to the terminology, Jackson’s “A glossary of botanic terms” ed. 4 (1928) and Pulle’s “Compendium” (1938) served menbsp;as guides.
A great quantity of material, kindly lent by various herbaria to the “Botanisch Museum en Herbarium”, Utrecht, made itnbsp;possible to me to carry out this study. These herbaria are indicatednbsp;in this monograph by the following abbreviations, which havenbsp;been taken from the list published by Dr. J. Lanjouw, Hon. Seer.nbsp;Int. Commission for Urgent Taxonomic Needs, in Chronica Botanica V, p.142 (1939).
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1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Botanisches Museum, Berlin-Dahlemnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;B
2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;British Museum of Natural History, Dept, of Botany,
London nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;BM
3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Jardin Botanique de l’État, Bruxellesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;BR
4. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Botanische Anstalten der Universitat, Breslau BRSL
5. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Herbarium en Museum voor systematische Botanie
van ’s Lands Plantentuin, Buitenzorg nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;BZ
6. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Universitetets Botaniske Museum, Copenhagennbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;C
7. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The Royal Botanic Garden and Herbarium, Calcutta CAL
8. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Laboratorium voor Technische Botanie, Delftnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Delft
9. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Field Museum of Natural History, Chicagonbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;F
10. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Institut de Botanique systématique de PUniversité,
11. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The Gray Herbarium of Harvard University, Cambridge (Mass., U.S.A.)nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;GH
12. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Botanische Anstalten der Universitat, Gottingen GOET
13. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Herbarium Royal Botanic Gardens, Kewnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;K
14. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Rijksherbarium, Leidennbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;L
15. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Botanical Museum of the Acad, of Sciences, B.I.N.,
16. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Botanische Anstalten, Münchennbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;M
17. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;New York Botanical Garden, New Yorknbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;NY
18. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Laboratoire de Phanérogamie du Muséum national
d’Histoire naturelle, Paris nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;P
19. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Naturhistoriske Riksmuseet, Stockholmnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;S
20. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Botanisch Museum en Herbarium, Utrechtnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;U
21. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;U.S. National Herbarium, Smithsonian Institution,
Washington (DC., U.S.A.) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;US
22. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Naturhistorisches Museum, Botanische Abteilung,
I wish to express here my gratefulness to the directors and keepers of the herbaria before mentioned for their valuable help.
A special word of thanks is due to the directors and staff of those herbaria and libraries which I have personally visited, for thenbsp;hospitality and the assistance given to me during my stay, viz. thenbsp;herbaria of Leyden, of the British Museum (Natural History),nbsp;South Kensington, of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and of thenbsp;Botanisches Museum, Berlin-Dahlem.
I am also highly indebted to the “Van Eeden-Fonds”, which enabled me to visit London and Berlin, and I greatly regret thatnbsp;my planned visit to Paris was made impossible by the outbreaknbsp;of the war.
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My most sincere thanks are due to Prof. Dr. A. A. Pulle, Director of the “Botanisch Museum en Herbarium”, Utrecht, under whosenbsp;direction this work was completed, for his continuous interest,nbsp;his valuable advice and his great support, and for the hospitalitynbsp;which for such a long time was shown to me in his institute.
-ocr page 13-I. GENERAL PART
When A. L. de Jussieu in 1791 created the family Terebinthaceae, the genera Canarium L., Icica Aubl. and Bursera Jacq. were included in the second of the five groups in which he divided thenbsp;family. This group was raised to the rank of a family, Amyrideae,nbsp;by R. Brown (1818). Kunth in his revision of the Terebinthaceaenbsp;(1824) distinguished seven families, of which R. Brown’s Amyrideaenbsp;furnished three, viz. the Burseraceae, the Amyrideae and thenbsp;Spondiaceae. The Burseraceae contained ten genera, first thenbsp;three genera of De Jussieu’s Terebinthaceae: Canarium L., Icicanbsp;Aubl. and Bursera Jacq., further: Elaphrium Jacq., Boswelha Roxb.,nbsp;Balsamodendrum Kunth, Protium Burm., Marignia Comm., Colo-phonia Comm, and Hedwigia Swartz.
Afterwards various authors have dealt with the family Burseraceae in different ways.
It is treated as a mere tribe of the Terebinthaceae by A. P. de Candolle (1825), who referred to it the same genera as Kunth,nbsp;with the exception of Elaphrium Jacq. only, and moreover two newnbsp;ones: Sorindeia Dup.-Th. and Garuga Roxb.; by Meisner (1836—nbsp;1843), who referred to it Garuga Roxb., Fagarastrum Don, Bar-bylus P. Brown, Spathelia L. and five genera of uncertain affinity;nbsp;by Triana and Planchon (1872), and finally by Baillon (1874), who,nbsp;also by referring Protium Burm., Icica Aubl., Marignia Comm,nbsp;and Elaphrium Jacq. to the genus Bursera Jacq. and Trattinickianbsp;Willd. to the genus Hedwigia Swartz, reduced the number of generanbsp;to nine.
The Burseraceae are dealt with as a distinct family, with about the same delimitation as that of Kunth, by Don (1832), who alsonbsp;tnentioned Sorindeia Dup.-Th., Garuga Roxb. and referred onenbsp;new genus to it, namely Fagarastrum Don; by Endlicher (1836—nbsp;1840), who suppressed Colophonia Comm, and added Trattinickianbsp;Willd., Garuga Roxb., Hemprichia Ehrenb. and seven genera ofnbsp;dubious affinity, whilst the Amyrideae, which contained but onenbsp;genus, namely Amyris L., are subjoined as “Burseraceis affinis”,nbsp;and also by J. D. Hooker (1862) who quoted 18 genera, amongst
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which Crepidospermum Hook.f., but this author changed R. Brown’s name Amyrideae in that of Burseraceae for he distinguishednbsp;two tribes, the Bursereae and the Amyrideae.
Lindley (1853) retains R. Brown’s Amyridaceae, with the Bur-serideae and the Amyrideae as separate tribes, which are better defined by him than by either Endlicher or Hooker.
Since Marchand (1867—1868) amply discussed the Burseraceae, dealing with their morphology, their history, their affinities, theirnbsp;anatomy, their taxonomy and their resins and gums, nearly allnbsp;authors have accepted the Burseraceae as a well defined family.
Trees or shrubs; the inner bark always provided with resiniferous ducts. Leaves scattered, usually imparipinnate, sometimes trifolio-late, rarely unifoliolate, mostly exstipulate. Inflorescences usuallynbsp;axillary, and then sometimes pseudoterminal, rarely terminal,nbsp;either paniculate with the ultimate ramifications cymous, or racemose, rarely pseudospicate. Flowers hermaphrodite or polygamo-dioecious, actinomorphous, 3- to 5-merous, with usually connatenbsp;persistent sepals and free deciduous petals, both either valvatenbsp;or imbricate in aestivation. Stamens usually obdiplostemonous,nbsp;rarely isostemonous; the filaments free and inserted either belownbsp;the disc or on its margin; the anthers introrse, longitudinally dehiscent. Disc usually intrastaminal, rarely extrastaminal. Carpels connate, usually isomerous with the corolla and then epipetalous, butnbsp;sometimes meiomerous, forming a 5- to 2-celled pistil, each cellnbsp;with 2 centrally collateral epitropous pendulous ovules. Fruit anbsp;drupe with free or more or less connate, always one-seeded pyrenes.nbsp;Seed exalbuminous; embryo with superior radicle and usuallynbsp;lobed cotyledons.
About 17 genera with about 560 species in all tropical countries.
Of the characters mentioned in the diagnosis given above the resiniferous ducts in the bast and the two collateral epitropousnbsp;ovules deserve special attention as they distinguish the family fromnbsp;its nearest relatives, the Rutaceae, the Simarubaceae, the Anacar-diaceae and the Meliaceae. The affinities of these families havenbsp;amply been discussed by Marchand (1867—1868), Baillon (1874),nbsp;Engler (1874, 1897, 1913, 1915 and 1931), Jadin (1894) and Guil-
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laumin (1909). A careful consideration of their arguments has lead me to the conclusion that Engler’s opinion is the most plausible one.nbsp;According to him there is a distinct difference between the Bur-seraceae, with two epitropous ovules in each cell of the ovary, andnbsp;the Anacardiaceae, with a single, not epi-, but apotropous ovulenbsp;in each cell, and as the position of the ovules is the differentialnbsp;character between Engler’s orders Geraniales and Sapindales, thenbsp;Burseraceae are referred to the former and the Anacardiaceae tonbsp;the latter. Baillon, and afterwards Jadin, who united both familiesnbsp;under the name Terebinthaceae, undervalued the importance ofnbsp;the differences in the number and in the position of the ovules.nbsp;Jadin, and also Guillaumin, over-estimated the value of the presencenbsp;of resiniferous ducts in the bast of both families. Guillaumin inserted,nbsp;between the Burseraceae and the Anacardiaceae, only the Meliaceae,nbsp;which however possess no resiniferous ducts in the bast, but arenbsp;characterized by two epitropous pendulous ovules in each cell ofnbsp;their ovary, by their glanduliferous leaves and by their mostlynbsp;monadelphous stamens.
By most authors the Burseraceae are considered nearly related to the Rutaceae, from which they differ by the presence of resiniferous ducts in the bast. The number and the position of the epitropous ovules, which in the Rutaceae is variable, is in the Burseraceaenbsp;always of the same kind, and the carpels, which in the Rutaceaenbsp;are at least partly free, are here always completely connate.
In recent times most authors, like did Engler, have expressed in the sequence of the families, which they mention, a closer affinitynbsp;of the Burseraceae to the related families which possess one or twonbsp;epitropous ovules in each cell of the ovary, like the Rutaceae, thenbsp;Simarubaceae, the Meliaceae, the Polygalaceae and the Vochysia-ceae, than to those families which possess apotropous ovules, hkenbsp;the Anacardiaceae and the Sapindaceae.
Apart from the subdivisions proposed by Endlicher and Hooker, which have been mentioned already, the first attempt to dividenbsp;the family in tribes was made by Marchand (1867—1868), whonbsp;distributed the eleven genera, which he referred to the Burseraceae,nbsp;over three tribes, viz.: the Hedwigieae, — gamopetalous withnbsp;hypogynous stamens (Hedwigia Swartz and Trattinickia Willd.) —,nbsp;the Protieae, — polypetalous with hypogynous stamens (Protiumnbsp;Burm.f., Boswellia Roxb., Canarium L., Sonzaya March., Bursera
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Jacq. and Crepidospermum Hook.f.) —, and the Garugeae, — polypetalous with perigynous stamens (Garuga Roxb., Balsamoden-drum Kunth and Santiria BI.)
A second attempt was made by Engler (1874) in connection with his revision of the Burseraceae for Martins’s Flora Brasiliensisnbsp;(c.f. this work XII, 2, p. 247). He distinguished two tribes: thenbsp;Bursereae (Benth. et Hook.) em. Engl., — embryo straight withnbsp;contortuplicate cotyledons —, and the Crepidospermeae Engl.,nbsp;— embryo hippocrepiform with linear-oblong cotyledons —.nbsp;Whereas the latter contained only the genus Crepidospermumnbsp;Hook.f., the former tribe was divided in two subtribes, viz.: thenbsp;Protieae March, em. Engl., with convex receptacle and hypogynousnbsp;stamens, and the Garugeae March., with concave receptacle andnbsp;perigynous stamens. In this subtribe Protieae were joined thereforenbsp;the tribe Protieae March., except the genus Crepidospermumnbsp;Hook.f., and the tribe Hedwigieae March. Obviously this divisionnbsp;has not satisfied the author for in his papers on the Burseraceaenbsp;published in 1883 and 1897 a division in tribes is omitted.
Later Engler (1913, 1915 and 1931) elaborated a new subdivision of the family. This time it was based on the degree of concrescence between the pyrenes; in this way three tribes werenbsp;obtained: the Protieae Engl., — pyrenes free though sometimes innbsp;close contact (Protium Burm.f., Crepidospermum Hook.f, Tetra-gastris Gaertn., Trattinickia Willd. and Garuga Roxb.) —, thenbsp;Boswellieae, — pyrenes partly connate but still recognizable onnbsp;the outside by furrows and detachable from each other (Aucoumeanbsp;Pierre, Triomma Hook, f, Boswellia Roxb., Bursera L. and Commiphora Jacq.) —, and the Canarieae, — pyrenes connate in a singlenbsp;plurilocular stone (Canarium L., Canariellum Engl., Pachylobusnbsp;Don, Santiria Bl., Santiriopsis Engl, and Scutinanthe Thwaites).
Lam (1932, Bull.) in his comprehensive study on the Malayan Burseraceae, chiefly concerning the Canarieae Engl., accepts nearlynbsp;the same classification as Engler. He restores the name Bursereaenbsp;instead of Engler’s Boswellieae. Besides some changes in the configuration of the genera of the Canarieae, Lam adds to the charactersnbsp;used in Engler’s subdivision of the family the number of parts in thenbsp;flowercycles and an anatomical one, viz.: the presence of resiniferousnbsp;vascular bundles in the medulla of the petioles. There is apparentlynbsp;a correlation between the latter and the number of parts in thenbsp;flowercycles, for they occur in all genera with trimerous flowersnbsp;and nowhere else; they are to be found e.g. in the genus Trattinickianbsp;of the Protieae and in all genera of the Canarieae, the genus Scutinanthe alone excepted.
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Although this subdivision of the Burseraceae is preferable to those given previously, it is not entirely satisfactory. It is also rathernbsp;unfortunate that the name Protieae has been used in three differentnbsp;ways. The Protieae March. (1867—1868) and the Protieae March,nbsp;em. Engl. (1874) both enclose the bulk of the genera of the Burseraceae. The Protieae March, em. Engl. (1913), however, form a quitenbsp;different group, because the tribe is here actually confined to thenbsp;large genus Protium Burm.f, the other genera being but smallnbsp;and specialized ones.
Engler and Lam take the characters by which the genera are separated from each other chiefly from the flower and the fruit,nbsp;and in a few cases only from the cotyledons, from the leaves ornbsp;from anatomical structures. The value of the anatomical charactersnbsp;however was strongly emphasized by Jadin (1894) and still morenbsp;by Guillaumin (1909). The latter even elaborated several modesnbsp;of classification, one based on anatomical characters only, onenbsp;according to the features of the fruit, the embryo (cotyledons) andnbsp;the seedling, one founded on the characters of the flower, andnbsp;finally a general one based on a combination of all characters, innbsp;which however those taken from the flower prevail.
Although a division which has to be presented in the form of a key, and preferable a dichotomous one, has to rely on only onenbsp;or a few characters, and therefore inevitably leads to artificialness,nbsp;and the classification proposed by Engler, and modified by Lam,nbsp;is but little different from such a division, it nevertheless seems tonbsp;me to be the most correct expression of the natural affinities.
The genera which are treated in this monograph all belong to the tribe Protieae March, em. Engl. (1913), and it is therefore tonbsp;this tribe that I will mainly restrict myself in the following chapters.
The Protieae in their present delimitation chiefly consist of the large genus Protium Burm.f., which represents in its floral morphology but little specialization, and around which the other generanbsp;with more or less specialized flowertypes may be arranged. It isnbsp;for this reason that Engler (1913), tacitly assuming that the structurenbsp;of the flower in valuations of this kind is of greater importance thannbsp;other structures, considered the Protium-type as the most primitivenbsp;in this family.
As the morphology of the Burseraceae has already been extensively discussed by Lam (1932, Ann. and Bull.) and also in connection
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with the anatomy by Guillaumin (1909), I will confine myself to some remarks on the morphology of the generative parts.
The inflorescences of the Protieae are of the mixed type; the main axes and the secondary, and, if present, the tertiary branchletsnbsp;are racemosely arranged, but the flowers are produced in terminal,nbsp;mostly dichasial, cymes. The inflorescences originally arise in thenbsp;axils of normal leaves. However, both in the structure and in thenbsp;position they sometimes show peculiarities which deserve attention.
First there is a tendency for crowding together at the end of the branchlets, and if these subterminal inflorescences originate in thenbsp;axils of deciduous small bracts they form a pseudoterminal paniclenbsp;or corymb in which the terminal bud is, as a rule, still present.nbsp;In some cases only this terminal bud is not discernible, and thenbsp;inflorescences are then indistinguishable from really terminal ones.
Secondly there is a tendency for the shortening of the axes. If this tendency is present in all axes, the flowers become ultimatelynbsp;glomerate in more or less densely clustered inflorescences; howevernbsp;all transitions from elongate, laxly paniculate inflorescences tonbsp;densely clustered glomeruliform ones are present. If however thisnbsp;tendency is restricted to the main axis, this axis and the secondarynbsp;branchlets become indistinguishable from each other and formnbsp;axillary fasciculate inflorescences. Finally this tendency maynbsp;manifest itself in the branchlets of the cymes and in the pedicels,nbsp;but not in the main axis or axes; in this way pseudospicate inflorescences like those that are characteristic for the section Icicopsisnbsp;of Protium, result (see fig. 4).
The flowers are mostly unisexual and dioecious, but occasionally hermaphrodite flowers may occur or flowers of both sexes may benbsp;found on the same tree. Generally male and female flowers arenbsp;easily distinguishable from each other, but sometimes the differencenbsp;is so slight that the sex may only be determined when flowersnbsp;of both sexes are present.
A distinctly concave receptacle, on whose margin the sepals, the petals and the stamens are inserted, is to be found in Garuga.nbsp;In all other genera the receptacle forms an intrastaminal disc.
Whereas the sepals, as in all Burseraceae, are more or less connate, the gamopetalous genera Tetragastris and Trattinickia representnbsp;in this respect specialized types which are however not nearly relatednbsp;to each other. The latter genus occupies also on account of itsnbsp;3-merous flowers and the inverted vascular bundles in the medullanbsp;of its petioles an isolated position.
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There are usually twice as many stamens as there are petals and they are inserted in a single whorl. It has been suggested thatnbsp;the epipetalous position of the carpels indicates that this singlenbsp;whorl originates from obdiplostemony, a state which is called bynbsp;Lam (1932, Ann. p. Ill) meta-obdiplostemony. In the genusnbsp;Trattinickia I observed that in the female flowers, which possessnbsp;a very large pistil, the stamens are inserted on the margin of thenbsp;disc, a phenomenon described by Lam (l.c. p. 116) as “escape onnbsp;the disc”, and named by him pseudo-meta-obdiplostemony (seenbsp;fig. 8c). Isostemony occurs in Crepidospermum only; the stamensnbsp;are episepalous here. Generally the stamens are equal in length,nbsp;but when they are didynamous the episepalous stamens are thenbsp;larger ones. Didynamy is not frequent and occurs sporadically,nbsp;but sometimes it is characteristic for a special group, in Protiumnbsp;e.g. for the sectio Icicopsis (see fig. 4 and 5a). In the female flowersnbsp;the stamens are usually but slightly smaller than in the male flowers,nbsp;but sometimes the difference is striking; their anthers are mostlynbsp;empty. As a rule the filaments are inserted below the disc; theirnbsp;base is more or less dilated and flattened, sometimes to such anbsp;degree that they come into contact with each other.
The carpels are mostly isomerous with the sepals and placed alternately with them, but at times they may be meiomerous. Thenbsp;difference between the sexes is much more conspicuous in thenbsp;pistil than in the stamens. Nevertheless the pistil in the male flower,nbsp;though slightly reduced in size in regard to that of the female flower,nbsp;may show a quite similar structure, possessing cells and ovules likenbsp;that of the other sex (see fig. la and b). In such cases, which arenbsp;met in various species of Protium, the sex can only be determinednbsp;by comparing male and female flowers. In this regard the relativenbsp;proportions of the organs too may give no hold (see fig. 3). In mostnbsp;species however the ovary in the male flower is distinctly smallernbsp;and more or less reduced in structure, with rudimentary or abortivenbsp;ovules or, as I pointed out in a preliminary note on Protium serratumnbsp;Engl. (Swart 1940), it may even be filled with a solid, structurelessnbsp;mass. In Protium, except in the sectio Icicopsis, the pistil in thenbsp;male flower shows, as well outwardly as inwardly, more or lessnbsp;the same structure as that in the female one and in this regard alsonbsp;Protium is the less specialized of all Burseraceae. It frequentlynbsp;occurs in Protium that the reduction of the pistil in the male flowernbsp;goes so far that its ovary is entirely immersed in the disc, so thatnbsp;only the style, when present, and the stigma are visible, whereasnbsp;in the female flower the ovary is merely at the base, or at mostnbsp;in the basal half, surrounded by the disc (see fig. 2). Although
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Engler used this features in his keys, he was apparently not guided by them, for they never induced him to misinterprete the species.nbsp;In Hemicrepidospermum, in Crepidospermum and in Trattinickianbsp;only a small cylindrical or conical, structureless rudiment of thenbsp;pistil, surrounded by the disc, is extant in the male flowers (seenbsp;fig. 8b). In the male flowers of some species of Protium, sectionbsp;Icicopsis I have observed an extremely small rudiment of thenbsp;ovary, entirely embedded in the disc, and at the base confluentnbsp;with it, but most species of this section show a depressed globuli-form, pilose and inwardly structureless mass, formed by the confluence of the disc and the rudimentary ovary; Lam (1932, Ann.nbsp;p. 129), who observed the same condition in several species ofnbsp;Canarium, has named this organ “ovario-discus”; in some casesnbsp;this ovario-disc was crowned by a filiform style-rudiment (seenbsp;fig. 4). A similar but conical and either glabrous or sparsely pilosenbsp;ovario-disc, tapering in a remnant of the stigma, occurs in Tetra-gastris (see fig. 7c).
As to the fruit I got the impression that its dehiscence or indehiscence is of little importance. The fleshier the mesocarp is, and the farther the pyrenes are apart, the easier the fruit will split. Innbsp;consequence the fruits of Tetragastris, which are distinctly lobed,nbsp;and possess a thick and fleshy mesocarp, that also separates thenbsp;pyrenes, readily dehisce, and those of Trattinickia, which havenbsp;nearly connate pyrenes and only a thin mesocarp, never dehisce,nbsp;whilst the fruit of Protium occupies in this respect an intermediatenbsp;position.
Plicate cotyledons prevail in the family, and have been considered primitive. The plane-convex cotyledons of Tetragastris and thenbsp;uncinately curved cotyledons of Hemicrepidospermum and Crepidospermum would represent two different modes of developmentnbsp;(see fig. 5b and 6). Special attention to the various aspects of thenbsp;embryo has been paid by Guillaumin (1910).
On account of its general morphology, the occurrence of a certain number of well-established species, especially in palaeotropics,nbsp;and its distribution over the tropics of the Old and New World,nbsp;Protium is considered by Engler and by Lam as the genus fromnbsp;which the other Burseraceous genera may have been derived.nbsp;On the other hand, however, I found that in the neotropics, andnbsp;often in a more or less limited area, many species occur which arenbsp;so nearly related to each other that their delimitation sometimesnbsp;offers great difficulties. Such groups of nearly related species maynbsp;sometimes be arranged around a central one, e.g.: around Protium
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heptaphyllum March, and around Protium Copal Engl., but in other instances the various species of a group are all more or lessnbsp;equal in rank, for example in the section Icicopsis of Protium.nbsp;Except the species of this section with outstanding and easily distinguishable characters, viz.: P. fragans Urb., P. apiculatum Swartnbsp;and P. subserratum Engl., the other species show in so manynbsp;aspects transitions to each other that it is difficult to separate them.nbsp;Nevertheless, if the complete material is surveyed some quitenbsp;distinct types can be singled out, which may be regarded as distinctnbsp;species. However the allocation of the other specimens to thesenbsp;types has only been possible by distributing them according tonbsp;the presence or absence of the characters used in the key to thenbsp;species of this section, but these allocations are necessarily of anbsp;more or less artificial nature, because other characters have deli-beratly been left out of consideration.
All the three tribes of the Burseraceae are pantropic, but the greater part of the Bursereae occur in Africa and the neighbouringnbsp;part of Asia, that of the Canarieae occupies an area situated innbsp;eastern Asia and Australia, whilst the Protieae show their chiefnbsp;development in the American tropics. This distribution is plainlynbsp;illustrated by the maps and figures produced by Lam (1932, Bull,nbsp;p. 299 and 302).
Confining myself to the Protieae it is in the first instance the peculiar distribution of Protium which draws the attention. Of thenbsp;78 species, which I referred to this genus, 71 are inhabitants of thenbsp;New World, 3 occur in eastern Asia only, and 4 are restricted tonbsp;the isles of Madagascar and Mauritius. The latter four form anbsp;distinct section, the sectio Marignia, formerly a genus of its own.nbsp;P. obtusifolium March, seems to be a common plant in Mauritius;nbsp;the other three species, P. Chapelierii Guill., P. madagascariensenbsp;Engl, and P. Beandou March., which afe only incompletely known,nbsp;occur in northern Madagascar.
The Asiatic species of Protium, however, are nearly related to the American ones, and the separation of the Old World speciesnbsp;from the New World ones rests as yet on one conspicuous characternbsp;only. The Asiatic section Eu-Protium is represented by but threenbsp;Well-defined species which occupy discontinuous areas; two ofnbsp;them show a wide range of variability. These species are: P. serratumnbsp;Engl., in continental south-eastern Asia, from Madras and Bengal
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to Cochin-China, P. javanicum Burm.f., in Java and some of the neighbouring isles, and P. connarifolium Merr., which seems to benbsp;restricted to the island of Palawan between Borneo and the Philippines, though there is a single, but not yet confirmed record fromnbsp;north-eastern New Guinea.
The curious distribution of Protium, combined with the morphological features of this genus, induced Lam (1932, Bull.) to elaborate a theory on the phylogeny of the Burseraceae.
A study of the distribution of the American Protieae proves that most of them occur in an area of equatorial South America, situatednbsp;east of the Andes and extending from Venezuela ,Colombia andnbsp;northern Bolivia down to the Atlantic Coast, i.e. lying betweennbsp;about 12° N.L. and 12° S.L. The Guianas and the adjoining partsnbsp;of Brazil, northern Amazonas and Para, are especially rich in species.
A small number of species extend their area outside these limits. An extension in south-eastern direction, to the Brazilian statesnbsp;Minas Gereas, Espirito Santo, Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, isnbsp;shown by the common and widely spread Protium heptaphyllumnbsp;March., P. Aracouchini March, and P. neglectum Swart, but alsonbsp;by the less common P. elegans Engl. The territory of the just mentioned states shows also a number of species which are restricted tonbsp;it, viz.; P. brasiliense Engl., P. Icicariba March., P. Widgrenii Engl.,nbsp;P. Warmingianum March, and Tetragastris breviacuminata Swart.nbsp;An area chiefly corresponding with this one, but enlarged in anbsp;northern and western direction, namely into the states Bahia,nbsp;Goyaz and Matto Grosso and into eastern Bolivia and northernnbsp;Paraguay, is occupied by P. ovatum Engl, and P. Almecega March.nbsp;Most of these species are nearly related to each other and maynbsp;be derived from species with a wider distribution extending theirnbsp;area to these provinces. Thus P. brasiliense Engl., P. Icicaribanbsp;March., P. ovatum Engl., P. Widgrenii Engl, and P. Almeceganbsp;March, belong to the P. heptaphyllum-group, and P. Warmingianumnbsp;March, is connected with P. neglectum Swart, but Tetragastrisnbsp;breviacuminata Swart occu|)ies an entirely isolated position.
A curious disjunct area is shown by Tetragastris panamensis OK., which partly occurs in Central America, from Br. Hondurasnbsp;to Panama, partly in the Guianas, but has never been recordednbsp;from the intervening countries.
Within the limits of the main area mentioned before there is a number of species restricted to the Andes-region of Peru andnbsp;Ecuador, viz.: Protium puncticulatum Macbr., P. glaucum Macbr.,nbsp;P. medianum Macbr., P. peruvianum Swart, P. ecuadorense Ben.,nbsp;Crepidospermum multijugum Swart, Trattinickia peruviana Loes.
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and T. laxiflora Swart. A larger but similar area^ extending from north to south along the eastside of the Andes possess P. tenuifoliumnbsp;Engl, and Crepidospermum Goudotianum Tr. et PI.
Restricted to southern Amazonas, bordering on Peru, Bolivia and Matto Grosso are the areas of Protium cuneatum Swart, P.nbsp;pilosellum Swart, P. glabrescens Swart, P. pedicellatum Swart,nbsp;P. pauciflorum Swart, P. nodulosum Swart, P. carnosum Smithnbsp;and P. opacum Swart.
Species only occuring in the countries along the northern coast of South America, the Guianas and Venezuela, are: Protiumnbsp;octandrum Swart and P. decandrum March.; P. Hostmannii Engl.,nbsp;Tetragastris Hostmannii OK. and Trattinickia demerarae Sandw.,nbsp;all three inhabiting the Guianas only; Protium Melinonis Engl,nbsp;and P. crassifolium Engl., both known from Fr. Guiana only;nbsp;P. polybotryum Engl., collected in Suriname only; P. crenatumnbsp;Sandw. and P. Altsonii Sandw., recorded from Br. Guiana onlynbsp;and P. tovariense Pitt., restricted to Venezuela.
A rather large number of species inhabit Central America, none of which extends its, usually small, area further to the north ornbsp;to the south. To this group belong: Protium Copal Engl, with itsnbsp;varieties and the related species: P. panamense Johnston, P. mul-tiramiflorum Lundell, P. nicaraguense Swart, P. Pittierii Engl.,nbsp;P. Schippii Lundell and P. costaricense Engl.; further P. neglectumnbsp;Swart var. panamense Swart and var. sessiliflorum Swart andnbsp;Trattinickia aspera Swart.
Finally there are some species endemic to the Antilles. This are: P. cubense Urb., from Cuba, and the very similar P. subacuminatum Swart and P. fragans Urb., both restricted to eastern Cuba,nbsp;and P. attenuatum Urb., from the Lesser Antilles, and furthernbsp;E. glaucescens Urb., from Haiti (S. Domingo), which belongs tonbsp;the affinity of P. heptaphyllum March., and Tetragastris balsamiferanbsp;OK. from Haiti and Porto Rico.
H. Baillon, Histoire des Plantes V, p. 256 (1874).
R. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Brown, Observ. syst. and geogr. on the Herb. coll, by Prof. C. Smith
in the vie. of the Congo (1818), in Misc. bot. Works I, p. 112 (1864). A. P. DE Candolle, Prodr. Syst. Nat. Regni Veg. II, p. 61 (1825).
G. Don, Gen. Hist. Diehl. Plants II, p. 79 (1832).
S. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Endlicher, Gen. Plant, p. 1125 (1836—1840 (1839)).
A. Engler, Stud, über die Verwandsch. verb, der Rutac., Simarubac. und Burserac., in Abh. naturf. Ges. zu Halle XIII, 2, p. iii (1874).
, Burseraceae, in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p. i (1883).
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A. Engler, Burseraceae, in E.-Pr. Nat. PfI.fam. Ill, 4, p. 321 (1897).
-, Die Verbreitung der afrik. Burserac. im Verhaltn. zu ihrer syst.
Gliederungj in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. XLVIII, p. 443 (1913).
-5 Die Pflanzenwelt Afrikas, Earn. Burseraceae, in Engl, und Drude Die
Veget. d. Erde IX, 3, I, p. 779 (1915)-
-, Burseraceae, in E.-Pr. Nat. PfI.fam. ed. 2, XlXa, p. 405 (1931).
A. Guillaumin, Rech. sur la struct, et le développem. des Burséracées, in Ann. Sc. nat. S. 9, X, p. 201 (1909).
-, L’étude des germinations appl. a la classif. des genres et a la phylogénie
des groupes, in Rev. gén. de Bot. XXII, p. 449 (1910).
J. D. Hooker, Burseraceae, in Benth. et Hook. Gen. Plant. I, i, p. 321(1862). F. Jadin, Rech. sur la struct, et les aff. des Térébinthacées, in Ann. Sc. nat.
S. 7, XIX, p. I (1894).
A. L. DE Jussieu, Gen. Plant, p. 405 (1791).
C. S. Kunth, Terebinthac. genera, in Ann. Sc. nat. II, p. 346 (1824).
H. J. Lam, Beitr. z. Morph, d. Burserac. II, in Ann. Jard. bot. Btz. XLII, p. 97 (1932).
-, The Burseraceae of the Malay Archip. and Penins., in Bull. Jard. bot.
Btz. S. 3, XH, p. 281 (1932).
J. Lindley, Vegetable Kingdom, ed. 3, p. 459 (1853).
L. Marchand, Rech. sur I’organisation des Burséracées, in Adansonia VIII, p. 17 (1867—1868).
C. F. Meisner, Plant. Vase. Genera I, p. 74 (1836—1843).
J. J. Swart, On Protium serratum (Wall, ex Colebr.) Engl., in Journ. of Bot. LXXVIH, p. 74 (1940).
J. Triana et J. E. Planchon, Prodr. FI. Novo-Granatensis, in Ann. Sc. nat. S. 5, XIV, p. 296 (1872).
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BURSERACEAE Kunth - PROTIEAE March, em. Engl. (1913)
Burseraceae Kunth - Protieae March, in Adans. VIII, p.46 (1867—1868) pro minime parte.
Burseraceae Kunth - Protieae March, em. Engl, in Mart. El. Bras. XII, 2, p.247 (1874) et id. in Abh. naturf. Ges. Halle XIII,nbsp;2, p.151 (1874) p.p.
Burseraceae Kunth - Protieae Engl, in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. XLVIII, p.443 (1913); id. in Engl, und Drude Veg. d. Erde IX, 3,nbsp;^3 P-779 (1915)3 id. in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. ed.2, XlXa, p.410nbsp;(1931); Lam in Bull. Jard. bot. Btz. S.3, XII, p.297 (1932).nbsp;Burseraceae Kunth - Hedwigieae March, l.c.
Burseraceae Kunth - Crepidospermeae Engl. l.c. (1874). Flowers 4- or 5-merous, rarely, — in Trattinickia —, 3-merous;nbsp;calyx lobes imbricate in aestivation, petals subinduplicate-valvatenbsp;in aestivation, usually with incrassate or inflexed-apiculate apex;nbsp;pyrenes always separated by a more or less distinct layer of mesocarp,nbsp;sometimes very near to each other but never connate. Except innbsp;Trattinickia, no resiniferous vascular bundles in the medulla ofnbsp;the petioles.
Key to the genera.
la. - receptacle flat, forming an intrastaminal disc; stamens inserted either below the disc or on the margin of the discnbsp;2a. - flowers 4- or 5-merous, polypetalous; pyrenes smooth,nbsp;separated by a thin layer of mesocarpnbsp;3a. - flowers 4- or 5-merous, obdiplostemonous; embryo straightnbsp;with contortuplicate and lobed cotyledons; palaeotropics
and neotropics......I. Protium BuRM.F. p.228
3b.-flowers 5-merous; embryo hippocrepiform with plane-convex, uncinately incurved and entire cotyledons; the latter both curved to the same sidenbsp;4a. - flowers obdiplostemonous; inflexed part of the cotyledons short, that of the inner one ^/j, that of the outernbsp;one at most the length of the erect part; neotropicsnbsp;.....II. Hemicrepidospermum Swart p.395
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4b. - flowers isostemonous; the apical and the basal part of the uncinately incurved cotyledons equal in length
or nearly so; neotropics. . . '...........
......III. Crepidospermum Hook.f. p.399
2b.-flowers 4- or 5-merous, gamopetalous, obdiplostemonous; fruits usually dehiscent; pyrenes smooth, separated by anbsp;thick layer of mesocarp; embryo straight with plane-convex
and entire cotyledons; neotropics............
...........IV. Tetragastris Gaertn. p.403
2c. - flowers 3-merous, gamopetalous, obdiplostemonous; fruits indehiscent; pyrenes corrugate, separated by a very thinnbsp;layer of mesocarp, nearly contiguous; embryo straight withnbsp;contortuplicate and deeply incised cotyledons; neotropics
............V. Trattinickia Willd. p.419
ib. - receptacle concave; calyx, corolla and stamens perigynous, inserted on the margin of the receptacle; pyrenes in contactnbsp;with each other; embryo straight with contortuplicate and
deeply incised cotyledons; tropics of eastern Asia.....
..................VI. Garuga RoxB.
The genus Garuga Roxb., restricted to three eastern-Asiatic species, gas been elaborated by Lam (1932, Bull.) and is left outnbsp;of consideration in the present paper.
I. PROTIUM Burm.f.
Protium Burm.f., FI. Ind. p.88 (1768) nom. cons.; Kunth in Ann. Sc. nat. S.i, II, p.349 (1824); De Cand., Prodr. II, p.78nbsp;(1825); Reichenb., Consp. I, p.147 (1828); Don, Gen. Hist. DicU.nbsp;PI. II, p.80, 83 (1832); Meisn., PI. Vase. Gen. I, p.77 et II, p.56nbsp;(1836—1843); Endl., Gen. PI. p.1136 (1836—1840); Dietr., Syn.nbsp;PI. II, p.1271, excl. sp. W. et A. (1840); Blume, Mus. Bot. Lugd.nbsp;Bat. I, p.229 (1849—1851); Miquel, FI. Ned. Ind. I, 2, p.654nbsp;(1859); Marchand in Adans. VII, p.213 (1866) and p.264 (1867);nbsp;id. in Adans. VIII, p.62 (1867—1868); id. in Vid. Medd. Kjbhn.nbsp;1873, p.54 (1873); Engl, in Mart. FI. Bras. XII, 2, p.259 (1874);nbsp;id. in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.60 (1883); id. in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl. fam.nbsp;Ill, 4, p.235 (1897) et ed.2, XlXa, p.411 (1931); id. in Engl.nbsp;Bot. Jahrb. XLVIII, p.443 (1913); id. in Engl, und Drude Veg. d.nbsp;Erde IX, 3, I, p.779 (1915); Boerlage, Handl. FI. Ned. Ind. I,nbsp;p.178 (1890); Koord, en Valeton in Med. ’s Lands Pit. tuin. XVII,
-ocr page 27-229 -
43 p.20 (1896); Cordemoy in Ann. Inst. col. Marseille VII, 6, p.199 (1899); Backer in Med. Dept. Landb. Ned. Indie IV, p.262 (1907);nbsp;id., Schoolfl. V. Java p.196 (1911); id., Verkl. Wrdb. p.465 (1936);nbsp;Guillaumin in Rev. gén. bot. XX, p.321 (1908); id. in Ann Sc.nbsp;nat., S.9, X, p.207 (1909); id. in Bull. Soc. bot. Fr. LVI, p.139nbsp;(1909); id. in Agric. Pays chauds IX, i, p.358 (1909); id. in Lecomtenbsp;Fl. gén. Indo-Chine I, 2, p.721 (1911); Pulle in Bull. Kol. Mus.nbsp;Haarl. XLVII, p.ii8 (1911); Briquet in Régl. intern. Nomencl.nbsp;ed.2, p.92 (1912); id. in Intern. Rules bot. Nomencl. p.ioi (1935)3nbsp;Fawcett and Rendle, Fl. Jamaica IV, 2, p.207 (1920); Standleynbsp;in Contr. U.S.N.H. XXVII, p.224 (1928)3 id. in Field Mus. N.H.,nbsp;Bot. S. XVIII, p.575 (1937)3 Green in Prop. Nomencl. intern,nbsp;bot. Congr. 1930, p.104 (1929)3 Pittier in Trab. Mus. Com. Venez.nbsp;VIII, p.361 (1931)3 Lam in Ann. Jard. bot. Buitenz. XLII, p.201nbsp;(1932)3 id. in Bull. Jard. bot. Buitenz. S.3, XII, p.318 (1932)3nbsp;Benoist in Arch. d. Bot. V, Mém. i, p.150 (1931)3 Lemée, Diet,nbsp;descr. et syn. phan. V, p.567 (1934)3 Fisher in Gamble, Fl. Pres.nbsp;Madras I, p.171 (1936)3 Williams in Field Mus. N.H., Bot. S. XV,nbsp;p.232 (1936).
Amyris [P. Br.] L., Syst. Nat. ed.io, p.iooo (1758—1759) sensu Linn., Mant. PI. p.65 (1767) p.p., nom. rej.3 id., Syst. Nat.nbsp;ed.i2, II, p.260 (1767) p.p.3 Reichard, Linn. Syst. PI. ed. nov.nbsp;II, p.158 (1779) p.p.3 Murray, Linn. Syst. Veg. ed.14, p.361nbsp;(1784) p.p.3 Persoon, Linn. Syst. Veg. ed.15, p.385 (1797) p.p.3nbsp;id., Syn. PI. I, p.414 (1805) p.p.3 Willd., Linn. Sp. PI. ed.4, II,nbsp;P-333 (1799) P-P-j Sprengel, Linn. Syst. Veg. ed.i6, II, p.170nbsp;(1825) P-P-3 id., Linn. Gen. PI. ed.9, I, p.306 (1830) p.p.
Tingulonga OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.107 (1891) nom. ill.
Icica Aubl., Hist. PI. Gui. fr. I, p.337 (1775)3 Lam., Enc. méth., Fot. Ill, p.224 (1789)3 Jussieu, Gen. PI. p.408 (1791)3 Kunth innbsp;Ann. Sc. nat. S.i, II, p.349 (1824)3 id. in H.B. et K. Nov. Gen.nbsp;et Sp. PI. VII, p.25 (1825)3 id., Syn. PI. IV, p.i6i (1825)3 Denbsp;Cand., Prodr. II, p.77 (1825)3 Reichenb., Consp. I, p.147 (1828)3nbsp;Don, Gen. Hist. Diehl. PI. II, p.80 (1832)3 Meisn., PI. Vase.nbsp;Gen. I, p.77 et II, p.56 (1836—1843)3 Endl., Gen. PI. p.1136nbsp;(1836—1840)3 Richard in De la Sagra Hist. Cuba, Hist. nat. X,nbsp;P-159 (1845) p.p.3 Blume, Mus. Bot. Lugd. Bat. I, p.207 (1849—nbsp;1851)3 Berg und Schmidt, Offiz. Gew. IV, t.2ic (1863)3 Griseb.,nbsp;Fl. Br. W. Ind. Isl. p.173 (1864)3 Tr. et PI. in Ann. Sc. nat. S.5,nbsp;XIV, p.297 (1872)3 Sagot in Ann. Sc. nat. S.6, III, p.292 (1882)3nbsp;Bose in N. Am. Fl. XXV, 3, p.258 (1911)3 Backer, Verkl. Wrdb.nbsp;p.281 (1936).
Dammara Gaertn., Fr. et Sem. PI. II, p.ioo (1802).
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Marignia Commers. ex Kunth in Ann. Sc. nat. S.i, II, p.351 (1824) nom. ill. nam includens Dammara; De Cand., Prodr. II,nbsp;p.79 (1825); Reichenb., Consp. I, p.147 (1828)5 Sprengel, Linn.nbsp;Gen. PI. ed.9, I, p.344 (1830)5 Don, Gen. Hist. Dichl. PI. II, p.80nbsp;(1832)5 Meisn., PI. Vasc. Gen. I, p.77 et II, p.56 (1836—1843)5nbsp;Endl., Gen. PI. p.ii37 (1836—1840)5 Dietr., Syn. PI. II, p.1372nbsp;(1840).
Elaphrium Jacq. sensu Sprengel, Linn. Gen. PI. ed.9, Ij P-3o6 (1830) p.p.5 Dietr., Syn. PI. II, p.1271 (1840) p.p.
Bursera Jacq., sectio Marignia (Kunth) Hook.f. et sectio Icica (Aubl.) Hook.f. in Benth, et Hook. Gen. PI. I, i, p.324 (1862)5nbsp;Baillon, Hist. d. PI. V, p.260, 309 (1874)5 id.. Diet. Bot. I, p.528nbsp;(1876).
Icicopsis Engl. in Mart. El. Bras. XH, 2, p.107 (1891).
Mostly trees, of small to large size, sometimes shrubs. Bark with balsamiferous ducts. Leaves scattered, exstipulate, impari-pinnate, sometimes unifoliolate5 leaflets petiolulate. Inflorescencesnbsp;axillary, rarely terminal, the main ramifications racemose but thenbsp;flowers arranged in terminal cymes. Flowers polygamous ornbsp;dioecious, bisexual or unisexual, small, 4- or 5-merous. Sepalsnbsp;usually short, more or less connate, imbricate in bud, persistent.nbsp;Petals free, usually deciduous, subinduplicate-valvate in bud.nbsp;Stamens obdiplostemonous, inserted under the disc5 filamentsnbsp;subulate5 anthers introrse, dorsifixed to basifixed. Disc intrastaminal.nbsp;Pistil in the masc. fl. more or less reduced, in the fern. fl. well-developed5 ovary in the fern. fl. 4- to 5-celled, containing in eachnbsp;cell 2 subapical, collateral, epitropus, pendulous ovules5 stylenbsp;present or absent5 stigma 4- to 5-lobed. Fruit a drupe with membranaceous epicarp, carnose, balsamiferous mesocarp and smooth,nbsp;brittle, woody endocarp, sometimes septicidally dehiscent whennbsp;ripe5 pyrenes 4 to 5, or by abortion less, separated by a thin layernbsp;of mesocarp, i-seeded. Seed exalbuminous with membranaceousnbsp;to coriaceous testa5 embryo straight5 cotyledons contortuplicate.
Type-species of the genus; Protium javanicum Burm.f.
Distribution: tropics of the Old and New World, chiefly American, but also on Madagascar and the Mascarenes, in India,nbsp;Siam and Indo-China and in the Malayan Archipelago.
The history of the genus Protium begins with the description of “Tingulong” (Rumph. Herb. Amb. VII, p.54, t.23, f.i (1775))nbsp;under the name of Amyris Protium L., Mant. PI. p.65 (1767) and
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Protium javanicum Burm.f., Fl. Ind. p. 88 (1768); the diagnosis of Burm.f. is obviously an alteration and enlargement of thatnbsp;given by Linnaeus. The conception of Linnaeus is shared bynbsp;Reichard l.c., Murray l.c., and Persoon l.c. (1797), tvhilst Willd.nbsp;l.c. (1799), Persoon l.c. (1805) and Sprengel l.c. (1825) refer tonbsp;the genus Amyris all the species of the genus Icica Aubl. l.c. (1775),nbsp;The latter genus is not mentioned by the former authors. Lamarcknbsp;l.c. (1789) and Jussieu (1791) on the contrary, conserve Icica as anbsp;separate genus. Sprengel l.c. (1830) however refers Icica Aubl. tonbsp;Elaphrium Jacq. and Dietr. l.c. (1840) elaborates this view innbsp;regard to the species of Icica.
On the occasion of the foundation of the family Burseraceae Kunth l.c. (1824) creates the genus Marignia, an illegitimate namenbsp;because he refers to it Dammara Gaertn. l.c. (1802), and puts itnbsp;in the same group as the genera Protium Burm.f. and Icica Aubl.nbsp;This view is supported by De Candolle l.c. (1825), Reichenbachnbsp;l.c. (1828), Don l.c. (1832), Meisner l.c. (1836—1843) and End-licher l.c. (1836—1840). Sprengel l.c. (1830) and Dietrich l.c.nbsp;(1840) mention both Marignia and Protium, Blume l.c. (1849—nbsp;1851) refers to Protium and Icica as separate genera and Miquelnbsp;also mentions the genus Protium.
A special view is that of Hooker f., l.c. (1862) who describes Bursera Jacq., Icica Aubl. (including Protium Burm.f), Marignianbsp;Kunth and Elaphrium Jacq. as sections to the genus Bursera Jacq.nbsp;This view is supported by Baillon l.c. (1874,1876), who in accordancenbsp;with it names several species and describes the type-species ofnbsp;Marignia Kunth, Protium obtusifolium (Lam.) March., as the mostnbsp;completely known species of the genus Bursera Jacq.
Marchand l.c. (1866, 1867-1868) in his study of the Burseraceae unites Protium Burm.f, Icica Aubl. and Marignia Kunth in thenbsp;genus Protium and this conception is shared by the authors ofnbsp;later publications, except by Triana and Planchon l.c. (1872) andnbsp;Rose l.c. (1911) who conserve the genus Icica Aubl. In 1874 Englernbsp;l.c. creates a new genus Icicopsis nearly allied to Protium Burm.f,—nbsp;in accordance with the conception of Marchand he changes thenbsp;name “Icica” which he originally put on the labels of the specimensnbsp;in “Protium” —, but in 1883 Engler sinks the genus Icicopsis innbsp;Protium Burm.f.
A separate aspect of the genus Protium Burm.f. is the confusion originated by Wight and Arnott, who described in their Prodr. Fl. Penin. Ind. Or. I, p.176 (1834) three new species ofnbsp;Protium and also refer to this genus the type-species of Balsamoden-drum Kunth l.c. (1824). Blume l.c. p.229 (1849—1851) puts these
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three new species of W. et A. apart in a new genus, Protionopsis Bl., and conserves the monotypic genera Protium Burm.f. andnbsp;Balsamodendrum Kunth. Hooker f., l.c. (1862),who reduces Protiumnbsp;Burm. and Icica Aubl. to the mere section Icica (Aubl.) Hook.f.nbsp;of the genus Bursera Jacq., creates an illegitimate genus Protium W.nbsp;et A. and reduces Protionopsis Bl. to a synonym of this. Marchandnbsp;l.c. (1866) however, who re-establishes the genus Protium Burm.f.,nbsp;reduces Protium W. et A. to a section Protionopsis (Bl.) March,nbsp;of Balsamodendrum Kunth, and by Engler 1. c. (1883) the Protium-species of Wight and Arnott are referred to Commiphora Jacq.
Protium Burm. f. was placed in the list of “Nomina conservanda”, cf. Briquet l.c. (1912, 1935) and Protium javanicum Burm.f. hasnbsp;been indicated as “Species lectotypica” cf. Green l.c. (1929.),nbsp;Briquet l.c. (1935).
As the diagnosis of the genus Protium Burm.f. developed itself from the original conception of Linnaeus, who put the genusnbsp;Amyris in his Classis Octandria Monogynia, to its present statenbsp;the number of parts in the flowercycles lost all significance andnbsp;especially the structure of the fruit became of more importance.nbsp;The connate sepals, the free petals, the intrastaminal disc and thenbsp;syncarpous pistil are constantly specified.
Aublet l.c. (1775) ascribes in his diagnosis to the genus Icica tetramerous flowers, but two out of the six species described bynbsp;him, have pentamerous flowers; at the same time he mentions anbsp;fruit containing two to four pyrenes covered with a soft pulp.
Kunth l.c. (1824) ascribes the constant characters mentioned above and the pulp-covered pyrenes to Icica Aubl., Protium Burm.nbsp;f. and Marignia Kunth; to these characters he adds the valvatenbsp;aestivation of the petals, the monospermic pyrenes and the corrugatenbsp;or plane cotyledons. Neither Kunth, nor De Candolle l.c. (1825),nbsp;nor Don l.c. (1832) make the diffference between this three generanbsp;clear. The difference between the sections of Bursera Jacq. in thenbsp;sense of Hooker f. l.c. (1862) is still less clear. So Marchand l.c.nbsp;(1867-1868) is quite justified in uniting these genera under thenbsp;eldest valid name, that of Protium Burm.f. According this conception Protium Burm. f. is characterized by 4- or 5-, rarely 6-, merousnbsp;flowers, convex receptacle, connate sepals with imbricate aestivation,nbsp;free petals with valvate aestivation, free subobdiplostemonousnbsp;stamens inserted under the disc, a syncarpous pistil and drupesnbsp;containing i to 5, i-celled, i-seeded, free pyrenes.
The genus Icicopsis Engl. l.c. (1874) was said to differ from its nearest relation, Protium Burm.f, by its always pseudospicate
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inflorescences, its inconspicuous disc, its persistent petals and its densely ferrugineous pilose ovary wliich in the masc. fl. lacks anbsp;style and stigma. This genus enclosed 7 species of which onlynbsp;2 were described before; that are: I. insignis Eng. (Icica insignisnbsp;Tr. et PI.) and I. caudata Engl. (Icica caudata Turcz.).
In his monograph of the Burseraceae Engler, l.c. (1883), refers Icicopsis to Protium Burm.f. and divides this genus into twonbsp;sections, viz.: Sectio Icica (Aubl.) Engl., — leaflets contracted innbsp;a long to short petiolule which mostly is incrassate at the apex —,nbsp;and Sectio Marignia (Kunth) Engl., — leaflets with a cuneate basenbsp;narrowed in the petiolule —. In Engler’s later publications (1897,nbsp;1931) this conception remains unchanged, and so does the key tonbsp;the species. According to this division of the genus the Sectionbsp;Marignia Engl, includes all the African species, whereas the Asiaticnbsp;ones are spread throughout the series of American ones.
Although the African species can be separated rather easily from the other ones and the Asiatic species, in regard to their generalnbsp;aspect, are more obviously related to the American ones, it wouldnbsp;be unprobable if the three Asiatic species, of which at least twonbsp;are very similar in appearance, could be separated from the Americannbsp;ones only on geographic grounds. A careful comparison of thenbsp;material proved that the Asiatic species are intermediate betweennbsp;the true ‘Tcica”-types and the true “Marignia”-types of Engler’snbsp;sections. Only the American species of the genus possess a reallynbsp;articulate petiolule which, however short it may be, is more or lessnbsp;distinctly nodose at both ends, whereas in the African and Asiaticnbsp;species the petiolules are at most incrassate at the base only, thenbsp;blade of the leaflets being never separated from the petiolule innbsp;the same distinct way as in the American species. This separationnbsp;is rather distinct in P. serratum Engl., less distinct in P. javanicumnbsp;Burm.f. and in P. connarifolium Merr., slightly distinct in P.nbsp;obtusifolium March, and in P. Chapelierii Guill. and indistinctnbsp;in P. madagascariense Engl, and in P. Beandou Engl.
Besides this there are other morphological features that separate the Asiatic species from the African ones; the latter remainingnbsp;united in the Sectio Marignia Hook.f., however much the diagnosisnbsp;of this section has to be changed. The three Asiatic species constituenbsp;the Sectio Eu-Protium Swart. By this way an agreement betweennbsp;the morphological and geographical aspects is possible.
On the other hand the American species can, on account of certain morphological features, be easily separated into two sections,nbsp;viz.: one that includes the species of Engler’s former genus Icicopsisnbsp;and one that includes the Icica-species of Aublet.
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Vern. names in general: Le Cointe, Arvores e plantas uteis a Amazonia brasileira III, p. 38, 63, 64, 74, 133 (1934)5 Sampaio in Bol. Mus. nac. Rionbsp;Jan. X, p. 6, 13, 23 (1934)-
Anatomy in general: Solereder, Syst. Anat. Die. p. 215 (1899); Guill. in Ann. Sc. Nat., S. 9, X, p. 207 (1909)5 Pfeiffer in Med. Kon. Kol. Inst.nbsp;XXII, p. 325 (1926).
Uses in general: Guillaumin in Agr. Pays chauds IX, i, p. 358, 494 et 2, p. 142 (1909)5 Tschirch, Handb. Pharmak. II, p. 408 (1910) and III, 2,nbsp;p. 1130 (1925)5 Record and Mell, Timbers of trop. America p. 334 (1924)5nbsp;Pfeiffer l.c.
Key to the species.
la. - petiolules non-articulate] apical end never incrassate, basal end not or slightly incrassate; Old World species
A. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Gerontogeae........2
ib. - petiolules articulate at both ends; New World species
B. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Neogeae..........3
2a. - vegetative parts very sparsely to densely puberulous; apex of the leaflets tapering and distinctly acuminate: Asia
Sectio Eu-Protium Swart (sp. i—3). . 4 2b. - vegetative parts glabrous; leaflets with obtuse to roundednbsp;or emarginate apex, rarely obtusely subacuminate, withnbsp;distinctly decurrent to winged base and entire margin;nbsp;flowers 5-merous, rarely 4-merous; Madagascar and Mas-carenes
Sectio Marignia (CoMM. EX Kunth) Hook.f. (sp. 4—7) 6
3a. - inflorescences thyrsoid; pedicels distinct; disc glabrous; ovary glabrous to pubescent; disc and ovary in the masc. flowers freenbsp;Sectio Eu-Icica Swart (sp. 8—67). . . 9nbsp;3b. - inflorescences pseudospicate, branched or not-branched;nbsp;flowers usually sessile, sometimes pedicellate; disc and ovarynbsp;pilose, in the masc. flowers represented by a globose rudimentnbsp;Sectio Icicopsis (Engl.) Swart (sp. 68—78). . 7
4a. - leaves 2- to 4-jugate, rarely 5-jugate; petioles, rhachis and petiolules sparsely pilose to nearly glabrous, rhachis at thenbsp;nodes with curved hairs; petiolules very short to short;nbsp;leaflets with obtuse, short acumen, the latter i to i % timesnbsp;as long as wide, somewhat decurrent base and entire tonbsp;subserrate margin; inflorescences more than half the lengthnbsp;of the leaf, their parts sparsely pilosellous; pedicels as longnbsp;as the flowers or longer; flowers 5-merous, sometimes 4-merous; ovary glabrous ... i. P. javanicum Burm.f.
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4b. - petiolules rather long; leaflets with rather long acumen, the latter 3 times as long as wide; ovary pilose .... 5
5a. - leaves i- to 5-jugate, usually 2- to 4-jugate; petioles, rhachis, petiolules and nerves densely pilose; leaflets with obtuse,nbsp;mucronulate acumen, not-decurrent base and subserrate,nbsp;sometimes entire, margin; inflorescences half the length ofnbsp;the leaves, their parts rather densely pilose; pedicels aboutnbsp;as long as the flowers; flowers 5-merous, rarely 4-merous. .nbsp;...... 2. P. serratum (Wall, ex Colebr.) Engl.
5b. - leaves i- or 2-jugate, sometimes 3-jugate; petioles, rhachis, petiolules and prim, nerves sparsely pilose; leaflets withnbsp;acute, mucronate acumen, somewhat decurrent base andnbsp;entire margin; inflorescences to the length of the leaves;nbsp;pedicel, calyx and corolla sparsely pilose; pedicels Vs thenbsp;length of the flowers; flowers 4-merous, rarely 5-merous. .nbsp;..........3- P* connarifolium (Perk.) Merr.
6a. - leaves 2- to 4-jugate; rhachis terete-striate; petioles at the base flattish above; petiolules distinct; leaflets with shortlynbsp;decurrent base...................7
6b. - leaves 2- or 3-jugate, sometimes i-jugate; petioles and rhachis narrowly winged; petiolules hardly distinguishable;nbsp;leaflets obovate-oblong to obovate-lanceolate, with decurrent,nbsp;subalate base and distinct tert. nerves; Madagascar ... 8
7a. - leaflets elliptic to suborbicular with obtuse to truncate apex, 8 to 9 pairs of sec. nerves and indistinct tert. nerves; pedicelsnbsp;half as long as the flowers; calyx-lobes as long as the tubenbsp;or longer; ovary rather densely pilose; fruits obliquely ellipsoid, subtrigonous or 2- to 5-lobed, with remnant rudimentary stigma; Mauritius................
..........4. P. obtusifolium (Lam.) March.
7b. - leaflets oblong to lanceolate, obtusely subacuminate, with II to 13 pairs of sec. nerves and distinct tert. nerves; calyx-lobes half the length of the tube; fruits ellipsoid-globose ornbsp;biconvex, without remnant rudimentary stigma; Madagascarnbsp;...............5- P' Chapelierii GuiLL.
8a. - leaves 2- to 3-jugate, rather large (15 cm); leaflets with obtuse apex and 10 to 12 pairs of sec. nerves; inflorescences
nearly as long as the leaves..............
............6. P. madagascariense Engl.
8b. - leaves 2-jugate, sometimes i-jugate, small (6.5 cm); leaflets
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with emarginate apex and 6 to 7 pairs of sec. nerves; inflorescences Vs the length of the leaves. . 7. P. Beandou March.
9a. - disc and ovary glabrous..............10
9b. - disc glabrous, ovary pubescent or puberulous .... nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;41
loa. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;- petioles, rhachis, petiolules and leaflets glabrous (or provided
with a few scattered hairs).............11
lob. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;- petioles, rhachis and petiolules pilose........27
iia. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;- petioles twice as long as the interjuga, or in i-jugate leaves
twice as long as petiolules of the terminal leaflets; leaflets distinctly acuminate, tert. nerves on both sides distinct. 12
iib. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;- petioles longer than the interjuga, but never twice as long,
or in i-jugate leaves longer than but never twice as long as
the petiolules of the terminal leaflets........15
lie. - petioles usually shorter than the interjuga, at most equal in length, or in i-jugate leaves shorter than the petiolulesnbsp;of the terminal leaflets, at most equal in length; petiolulesnbsp;short, V20 the length of the leaflets; leaflets obtuse (or broadlynbsp;subacuminate); tert. nerves obscure; axes and branchlets ofnbsp;the inflorescences slender, scarcely to sparsely pubescentnbsp;like the flowers ... 8. P. brasiliense (Spreng.) Engl.
12a. - leaflets elliptic to oblong, not narrowed to the apex, abruptly acuminate; acumen as long as wide, tapering; peduncles
and their branches robust.............13
12b. - leaflets lanceolate-oblong, narrowed to the apex, gradually acuminate; acumen at least twice as long as wide, linear .nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;14
13a. - leaves usually 2-jugate, small (20 cm long); petiolules ^/lO the length of the leaflets; inflorescences in all parts pilose .
............9. P. Icicariba (DC.) March.
13b.-leaves usually 3-jugate, large (55 cm long); petiolules V2ct the length of the leaflets; inflorescences in all parts glabrousnbsp;........10. P. marcophyllum (H.B.K.) Engl.
14a. - petioles, rhachis and petiolules when adult transversely rimose; leaflets ovate, gradually narrowed to the apex; inflorescencesnbsp;rather long, (4—6 cm), lax, robust; pedicels short (2—2)4 mm)
calyx-lobes nearly as long as the tube.........
.......... II. P. attenuatum (Rose) Urban
14b. - petioles and rhachis smooth; leaflets generally narrowed at the apex; inflorescences very short, glomeruliform (0.5
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cm), axis slender; pedicels long (4 mm); calyx minutely 5-toothed.......12. P. puncticulatum Macbr.
15a. - leaves i- to 3-jugate; leaflets small, abruptly acuminate; acumen 4 tot 6 times as long as wide, linear; inflorescencesnbsp;twice as long as the petioles, lax; flowers small, 4-merous,
glabrous; stigma sessile................
.........13. P. Aracouchini (Aubl.) March.
17a. - leaflets ovate, narrowed from below the middle to the apex, with 8—10 pairs of sec. nerves; acumen short and wide,nbsp;the length of the breadth; flowers glomerate, 4-merous;nbsp;style as long as the ovary ...nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;14. P. ovatum Engl.
17b. - leaflets with 10—16 pairs of sec. nerves; acumen at least twice as long as wide...............18
18a. - petiolules long, ^/lo the length of the leaflets; lateral leaflets oblong-lanceolate, distinctly narrowed at both ends; inflorescences lax, twice as long as the petioles; pedicels generally obconical; flowers 5-merous, minutely pilose to glabrousnbsp;.............. 15. P. Widgrenii Engl.
18b. - lateral leaflets not narrowed to the base, sometimes narrowed to the apex; flowers 4-merous, rarely 5-merous ...nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;19
19a. - petiolules rather long, Vis the length of the leaflets (i cm); leaflets linear-lanceolate, narrowed from the middle to thenbsp;apex; inflorescences shortly paniculate, lax; style as longnbsp;as the ovary...... 16. P. angustifolium Swart
19b. - petiolules very short, especially those of the apical jugum, V40—V20 the length of the leaflets; leaflets oblong-elliptic tonbsp;oblong-lanceolate, narrowed near the apex; inflorescencesnbsp;glomeruliform, at most half the length of the petioles . 20
20a. - calyx longer than the length of the flower, its lobes 3 to
4 times as long as the tube; stigma sessile.......
............ 17. P. macrosepalum Swart
20b. - calyx at most V4 the length of the flower, from minutely 4-toothed to 4-fid................21
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2ia. - style, at least in the fem. flowers, as long as the ovary, in the
masc. flowers always distinct..............
........ 18. P. heptaphyllum (Aubl.) March.
2ib. - style absent, stigma sessile...............
.......... 19. P. guianense (Aubl.) March.
22a.-flowers 4-merous; calyx-lobes about as long as the tube; stigma sessile...................23
22b.-flowers y-merous, small, 2.5—3.5 mm, glabrous ... 25
23a. - leaves small (15—20 cm long), i- to 2-jugate, sometimes 3-jugate; petiolules long, the length of the leaflets; leafletsnbsp;elliptic to oblong, not or slightly narrowed at both ends,nbsp;gradually acuminate, coriaceous; acumen i to 2 times asnbsp;long as broad; inflorescences shorter than the petioles;nbsp;flowers small, pilose . .nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;20. P. cubense (Rose) Urban
23b. - leaves i- to 3-jugate, usually 3-jugate; petiolules rather short, about Vio the length of the leaflets; flowers glabrous .nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;24
24a. - leaves large (35—40 cm long); lateral leaflets distinctly narrowed from below the middle to the apex, ovate, graduallynbsp;acuminate, subcoriaceous to coriaceous; acumen as long asnbsp;wide or hardly so, rarely longer; inflorescences less thannbsp;^ the length of the petioles, rarely longer; flowers largenbsp;(4—4.5 mm) ... 21. P. panamense (Rose) Johnston
24b. - leaves small (25 cm long), lateral leaflets not narrowed or narrowed only near the apex, rather abruptly acuminate,nbsp;pergamentaceous; acumen usually more long then wide;nbsp;inflorescences as long as the petioles, much-branched, many-
flowered; flowers small (2.5—3 mm)..........
.......... 22. P. multiramiflorum Lundell
25a. - leaves large (40 cm long), 3-jugate; leaflets oblong-lanceolate to oblong, distinctly narrowed to the acutely cuneate base,nbsp;rather abruptly acuminate, subcoriaceous; sec. and tert.nbsp;nerves above prominent; acumen 1% to 2 times as longnbsp;as wide, nearly linear; inflorescences half as long as thenbsp;petioles; calyx half the length of the flower, its lobes as longnbsp;as the tube; stigma sessile . .nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;23. P. cuneatum Swart
25b. - leaves small (15—25 cm long); lateral leaflets not or slightly narrowed with broadly cuneate to rounded base; inflorescences as long as the petioles or longer; calyx ^(5—^(4 thenbsp;length of the flower, minutely 5-dentate......26
26a. - leaves usually i- to 2-jugate; petiolules long; leaflets elliptic.
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usually coriaceousi acumen about as long as wide; pedicels
at most as long as the flowers; stigma sessile......
..............24. P. tovariense Pittier.
26b. - leaves usually 3- to 4-jugate; petiolules short; leaflets oblong, subcoriaceous; acumen 234”tinies as long as wide; pedicelsnbsp;twice as long as the flowers; style as long as the ovary .nbsp;.............. 25. P. laxiflorum Engl.
27a. - (10) leaves i- to 2-jugate, rarely unifoliolate or 3-jugate; indumentum ferrugineous villose, sometimes intermixednbsp;with minute fuscous hairs; leaflets rather abruptly acuminate,nbsp;with 8—12 pairs of sec. nerves; prim, nerves on both sidesnbsp;villose; acumen 2^ times as long as wide; inflorescencesnbsp;as long as the petioles or shorter; flowers 4-merous, glabrous;nbsp;stigma sessile...... 26. P. trifoliolatum Engl.
27b. - indumentum extremely short to short.......28
28a. - leaves unifoliolate; indumentum rather dense but minute; prim, nerves on both sides pilose; leaflets gradually acuminate,nbsp;with II—14 pairs of sec. nerves; acumen 1% to 2 timesnbsp;as long as wide; inflorescences very short, glomeruliform;nbsp;flowers 4-merous, glabrous; style longer than the ovary .nbsp;............ 27. P. unifoliolatum Engl.
28b. - leaves i-jugate to multijugate............29
29a. - leaves 2- to 3-jugate, rarely i- or 4-jugate, minutely pilose, sometimes glabrescent; prim, nerves on both sides glabrous;nbsp;leaflets shortly acuminate; inflorescences shorter than thenbsp;petioles; ovary with sessile stigma or very short style . 30
29b. - leaves i- to 4-jugate, minutely to shortly pilose, prim, nerves above pilose, beneath glabrous, leaflets with 10—13 pairsnbsp;of sec. nerves, pergamentaceous; inflorescences lax, scarcelynbsp;branched, longer than the petioles; ovary with sessile stigmanbsp;or very short style................32
29c. - prim, nerves above pilose or glabrous, beneath pilose 34.
30a. - leaves large (30—35 cm long); interjuga angulose, near the apex slightly bisulcate; leaflets lanceolate to oblong withnbsp;15—16 pairs of sec. nerves, subcoriaceous; acumen as longnbsp;as wide; inflorescences paniculate; flowers 5-merous; pedicels
robust, glabrous like the calyx and corolla.......
.............. 28. P. glaucum Macbr.
30b. - leaves rather small (12—20 cm long); interjuga terete; leaflets hardly acuminate, with 9—12 pairs of sec. nerves; acumennbsp;half as long as wide; flowers 4-merous......31
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3ia. - leaflets lanceolate to oblong, subcoriaceous; inflorescences paniculate; pedicels long and slender, glabrous like the calyxnbsp;and corolla........ 29. P. glaucescens Urb.
31b. - leaflets oblong-elliptic, coriaceous; inflorescences hardly branched; pedicels short and robust, like the calyx andnbsp;corolla minutely pilose . . 30. P. subacuminatum Swart
32a. - leaves 3- to 5-jugate, large, sometimes glabrescent; interjuga terete, near the apex slightly bisulcate; petiolules rathernbsp;long, ^jio the length of the leaflets; leaflets oblong to oblong-elliptic, only the terminal ones narrowed to the base, basenbsp;broadly cuneate; acumen 5 times as long as wide; inflorescences 1% times as long as the petioles; flowers 4-merous;
calyx glabrous, very short, minutely 4-dentate......
...............31. P. Krukoffii Swart
32b. - leaves rather small; interjuga above distinctly bisulcate and flattened; petiolules short, the length of the leaflets;nbsp;leaflets lanceolate to lanceolate-oblong, narrowed to bothnbsp;ends, base acutely cuneate; calyx Vs the length of the flower,nbsp;its lobes as long as the tube, pilose........33
33a. - leaves i- to 2-jugate; rarely 3-jugate; acumen 2 to 4 times as long as wide; inflorescences twice as long as the petioles;nbsp;flowers 4-merous....... 32. P. elegans Engl.
33b. - leaves 3-jugate, rarely 2-jugate; acumen as long as wide; inflorescences 3 to 4 times as long as the petioles; flowersnbsp;5-merous...........33- P* Melinonis Engl.
34a. - leaves 4- to 6-jugate; interjuga at the base terete, at the apex usually bisulcate and subalate; petiolules short, V20—^/i5 thenbsp;length of the leaflets; leaflets gradually acuminate; acumennbsp;2 to 3 times as long as wide; flowers 4-merous, pilose .nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;35
34b. - flowers glabrous (rarely, — in P. Almecega March. —, calyx sparsely pilose)..................36
35a. - leaves shortly pilose, prim, nerves above pilosellous; petioles as long as the interjuga; leaflets with 10 pairs of sec. nerves,nbsp;pergamentaceous; acumen linear; flowers glomerate; stylenbsp;as long as the ovary ...nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;34. P. pilosellum Swart
35b. - leaves minutely pilose, glabrescent, prim, nerves above glabrous; petioles 2% times as long as the interjuga; leafletsnbsp;with 14—17 pairs of sec. nerves, coriaceous; acumen tapering;
inflorescences laxly paniculate; style very short.....
............. 35- P- glabrescens Swart
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36a. - leaves minutely to shortly pilose, prim, nerves above pilose; petioles to 2 times as long as the interjuga; interjuganbsp;terete, towards the apex slightly bisulcate and winged;nbsp;leaflets more or less abruptly acuminate; acumen 5 to 10
times as long as wide, linear; stigma sessile.....37
36b. - acumen of the leaflets i to 3 times as long as wide , . 38
37a. - leaves usually 4- or 5-jugate; petiolules of lateral leaflets as long as their acumen, V12—^/lo the length of the leaflets,nbsp;(1.25 cm); leaflets with 10—13 pairs of sec. nerves, sub-coriaceous to coriaceous; inflorescences long, about twice asnbsp;long as the petioles; pedicels 1% times as long as the flowers;
flowers 4-merous, small; calyx-lobes minute.......
............ 36. P. pedicellatum Swart
37b. - leaves 2- to 4-jugate; petiolules of the lateral leaflets half as long as their acumen, V20 the length of the leaflets (0.5 cm);nbsp;leaflets with about 16 pairs of sec. nerves, pergamentaceous;nbsp;inflorescences short, half as long as the petioles; pedicels asnbsp;long as the flowers; flowers 5-merous, large; calyx-lobes asnbsp;long as the tube ....nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;37. P. Spruceanum Engl.
38a. - petioles half as long as the interjuga or half as long as the petiolules of the terminal leaflets; leaflets with 8—10 pairsnbsp;of sec. nerves, pergamentaceous; prim, nerves on both sidesnbsp;pilose; flowers glomerate, 4-merous; style longer than the
38b. - petioles longer than the interjuga; leaflets with 14—16 pairs of sec. nerves; stigma subsessile..........40
39a. - leaves i-jugate, shortly pilose; terminal leaflets i times as large as the lateral ones; acumen twice as long as wide,
linear......... 38. P. Benthamii Swart
39b. - leaves 2- to 3-jugate, minutely pilose; terminal leaflets as large as the lateral ones; acumen 3 times as long as wide,nbsp;linear......... 39- P- pauciflorum Swart
40a. - leaves i- to 5-jugate, usually 2- or 3-jugate; interjuga above usually bisulcate and subalate; petiolules short, V20 thenbsp;length of the leaflets; leaflets gradually to rather abruptlynbsp;acuminate, subcoriaceous; prim, nerves above sometimesnbsp;pilose, beneath distinctly pilose, especially at the base andnbsp;the sides; acumen i to 2 times as long as wide; inflorescencesnbsp;shorter than the petioles, more or less glomeruhform; flowersnbsp;5-merous, rarely 4-merous . . 40. P. Almecega March.
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4ob. - leaves i- or 2-jugate; petiolules long, VlO the length of the leaflets; prim, nerves on both sides pilose; inflorescencesnbsp;half as long as petiole and rhachis together; flowers 4-merousnbsp;.............41. P. ecuadorense Benoist
41b. - petioles, rhachis and petiolules pilose........55
42a. - acumen of the leaflets short, % to 2 times as long as wide. 43
42b. - acumen of the leaflets 4 to 5 times as long as wide . . nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;49
43a. - lateral leaflets distinctly narrowed to the apex, subovate, gradually acuminate, with 10—14 pairs of sec. nerves, per-gamentaceous to subcoriaceous; acumen tapering . . 44
44a. - petioles short; petiolules very short; leaflets ovate to cordate; with rounded to cordate base; inflorescences dense, glomeruli-
form, less than half the petioles in length........
.............. 42. P. cordatum Huber
44b. - terminal leaflets distinctly narrowed to the base, obovate; base of the leaflets cuneate; inflorescences longer than, ornbsp;as long as the petioles . . 43. P. Copal (s. et c.) Engl.
45a. - leaflets more or less abruptly acuminate; acumen linear; inflorescences robust, with rigid branches, calyx and corollanbsp;rather densely pilose, rarely sparsely pilose .... 46
45b. - petioles about as long as the interjuga; leaflets gradually acuminate, on the average with 12—14 pairs of sec. nerves;nbsp;acumen tapering; terminal leaflets usually slightly narrowednbsp;to the base; corolla sparsely pilose to glabriusculous . . 47
46a. - leaves 2- to 4-jugate; petioles twice as long as the interjuga, 4 times as long as the petiolules of the terminal leaflets;nbsp;leaflets oblong with 14—18 pairs of sec. nerves, 16 on thenbsp;average; terminal leaflets not or slightly narrowed to thenbsp;base; flowers 4-merous ...nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;44. P. giganteum Engl.
46b. - leaves i- to 3-jugate; petioles longer than the interjuga, twice as long as the petiolules of the terminal leaflets; leaflets,nbsp;lanceolate to lanceolate-oblong, with 14 pairs of sec. nerves,nbsp;subcoriaceous; terminal leaflets narrowed from the middlenbsp;to the base; flowers 5-merous . 45. P. nodulosum Swart
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473- - leaves i- to 4-jugate, usually 3-jugate; leaflets with serrate margin; acumen about as long as wide; inflorescences aboutnbsp;as long as the leaves, lax; flowers 4-merous, rarely 5-merous;
calyx pilose; ovary scattered with long hairs.......
........... 46. P. crenatum Sandwith
47b. - leaves i- to 2-jugate; leaflets with entire margin; acumen twice as long as wide...............48
48a. - inflorescences short, glomeruliform, shorter than the petioles; flowers 4-merous; calyx pilose; ovary scattered with longnbsp;hairs.......... 47- P- octandrum Swart
48b. - inflorescences long, paniculate, laxly branched, usually more than twice as long as the petioles; flowers 5-merous; calyx
glabrous; ovary rather densely pilosellous........
...........48, P. decandrum (Aubl.) March.
49a. - leaves 4- or 5-jugate, rarely 3-jugate; inflorescences always less than half the length of the leaves; flowers 4-merousnbsp;pedicels, calyx and corolla pilose; ovary rather densely pilosellous ......................50
49b. - leaves 2- or 3-jugate, rarely uni- or trifoliolate but in this case flowers 5-merous; petioles at most half the length of thenbsp;leaflets; inflorescences half as long as to longer than thenbsp;leaves, their peduncles and branchlets slender to rathernbsp;slender; pedicels, calyx and corolla pilose; flowers 4-merous,nbsp;rarely 5-merous, rather large (3 mm long)......52
49c. - leaves i-jugate, sometimes 2-jugate; leaflets abruptly acuminate; acumen long, linear; peduncles and their branchlets slender; pedicels, calyx and corolla glabrous; flowers 4-merousnbsp;......................... 53
50a. - petioles and rhachis very robust; petioles half the length of the leaflets, semiterete, subalate; leaflets with 14—16nbsp;pairs of sec. nerves, thickly coriaceous; acumen tapering;nbsp;peduncles and their branchlets very robust; flowers rathernbsp;large (4 mm long), in terminal clusters; petals subcarnosenbsp;............. 49- P- crassifolium Engl.
50b. - petioles and rhachis slender; petioles about as long as the leaflets, terete, but near the base somewhat flattened above;nbsp;leaflets with 8—12 pairs of sec. nerves, subcoriaceous; acumennbsp;linear, inflorescences laxly branched........51
51a. - leaves slender, 30—35 cm long; petioles 6—10 cm long; lateral leaflets not narrowed to the base; peduncles and their
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branchlets slender and much-branched; flowers small (2—2 %
mm long); petals carnose...............
......... 50. P. polybotryum (Turcz.) Engl.
51b. - leaves robust, 47—60 cm long; petioles 15—25 cm long; lateral leaflets distinctly narrowed to the base; pedunclesnbsp;and their branchlets robust; peduncle half the length of thenbsp;few-branched inflorescence; flowers large (4 mm long);nbsp;petals extremely carnose . .nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;51. P. carnosum Smith
52a. - petioles nearly twice as long as the interjuga; leaflets gradually acuminate, with 13—16 pairs of sec. nerves, subcoriaceousnbsp;to coriaceous, nitidous; acumen slightly tapering; calyx-lobes as long as the tube; ovary rather densely pilosellous .nbsp;.........52. P. paniculatum Engl. em. Swart
52b. - petioles as long as the interjuga; leaflets rather abruptly acuminate, with 10 pairs of sec. nerves, pergamentaceous,nbsp;dull; acumen linear; calyx-lobes twice as long as the tube;
ovary scattered with rather long hairs..........
.............. 53- P- medianum Macbr.
53a. - leaves small (10—20 cm long); leaflets not narrowed to the base, with 9—10 pairs of sec. nerves; inflorescences at mostnbsp;half the length of the leaves, few-flowered; ovary very sparselynbsp;pilosellous.......54- P« plagiocarpium Benoist
53b. - leaves large (30—40 cm long); leaflets narrowed to the base, with 13—15 pairs of sec. nerves; inflorescences longer thannbsp;the leaves; flowers abundant; ovary rather densely pilosellousnbsp;............. 55- P- divaricatum Engl.
53c. - leaves rather large (15—28 cm long); leaflets narrowed to the base, with ii—12 pairs of sec. nerves; inflorescences shorternbsp;than the leaves..................54
54a. - inflorescences ®/4 the length of the leaves, many-flowered; pedicels longer than the flowers; ovary rather densely pilosellous . . P. divaricatum Engl. var. Krukoffii Swart
54b. - inflorescences the length of the leaves, few-flowered; pedicels shorter than the flowers; ovary rather sparsely
. . . . P. divaricatum Engl. var. intermedium Swart
55a. - (41) indumentum extremely short to very short, rarely short
55b. - indumentum rather long to long..........65
56a. - leaves 4- to 6-jugate, sometimes 3-jugate......57
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56b. - leaves i- or 2-jugate, rarely unifoliolate or 3-jugate; leaflets with 9—14 pairs of sec. nerves...........61
57a. - petioles distinctly longer than the interjuga; leaflets lanceolate to lanceolate-oblong, with 14—18 pairs of sec. nerves; flowersnbsp;5-merous.....................58
57b. - petioles about as long as the interjuga; leaflets oblong, with
11— 12 pairs of sec. nerves; acumen 5 times as long as wide;
inflorescences somewhat shorter than the petioles; flowers 4-merous........ 56. P. nicaraguense Swart
58a. - leaflets with 16—17 pairs of sec. nerves; acumen 5 to 6 times as long as wide..................59
58b. - leaves 4-jugate, sometimes 3- to 5-jugate; acumen of the leaflets 2 to 3 % times as long as wide; inflorescences usuallynbsp;twice as long as the petioles............60
59a. - leaves small, (24—32 cm long), 4- to 6-jugate; lateral leaflets not narrowed to the broadly cuneate base, coriaceous; inflorescences short, nearly glomeruliform, much-branched,nbsp;half the length of the petioles . 57. P. Altsonii Sandwith
59b. - leaves large, (about 55 cm long), 3- to 4-jugate; lateral leaflets distinctly narrowed to the acutely cuneate base, subcoria-ceous; inflorescences rather long, about as long as the petioles,nbsp;sparsely branched ....nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;58. P. Poeppigianum Swart
60a. - leaves small (20—25 cm long); petiolules short; leaflets oblong-lanceolate, rather abruptly acuminate, with 14 pairsnbsp;of sec. nerves; acumen linear; pedicels shorter than thenbsp;flowers......... 59- P* Llewelynii Macbr.
6ob. - leaves large (30—50 cm, on the average 40 cm long); petiolules rather long; leaflets lanceolate, gradually narrowed in anbsp;tapering acumen, with 16—19 pairs of sec. nerves; pedicelsnbsp;longer than the flowers . .nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;60. P. grandifolium Engl.
6ia. - leaves 2-jugate, sometimes i-jugate; leaflets large, elliptic, base rounded, with 10—12 pairs of sec. nerves; acumen asnbsp;long as broad, tapering; petioles longer than the interjuga .nbsp;............ 61. P. Pittierii (Rose) Engl.
6ib. - leaflets oblong to lanceolate, base broadly to narrowly cuneate; acumen 2 to 6 times as long as wide........62
62a. - leaves 2- to 3-jugate, rarely 4-jugate; petioles twice as long as the interjuga, semiterete, distinctly winged; leaflets with
12— 14 pairs of sec. nerves; acumen 4 to 6 times as long as
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wide; inflorescences usually more than half the length of the leaves, 1% to 3 times as long as the petioles, much-branched .......... 62. P. opacum Swart
62b. - petioles usually shorter than the interjuga, at most slightly longer; acumen of the leaflets 2 to 3 times as long as wide;nbsp;inflorescences much less than half the length of the leavesnbsp;......................... 63
63a. - leaves i-jugate, sometimes unifoliolate or 2-jugate; leaflets narrowed at both ends, with 12—14 pairs of sec. nerves;nbsp;inflorescences about twice as long as the petioles, sparsely
branched, robust; flowers 5-merous...........
...........63. P. Schomburgkianum Engl.
63b. - leaflets narrowed to the apex; inflorescences at most as long as the petioles; peduncles and branchlets very slender;nbsp;flowers 4-merous.................64
64a. - leaves 2-jugate, sometimes i- or 3-jugate; leaflets with 8—12, on the average 10, pairs of sec. nerves; inflorescences short,nbsp;much-branched; pedicels as long as the flowers; calyx-lobes short.........64. P. Hostmannii Engl.
64b. - leaves i-jugate, sometimes unifoliolate or 2-jugate; leaflets with II—12 pairs of sec. nerves; inflorescences rather long,nbsp;sparsely branched; pedicels very short; calyx-lobes as longnbsp;as the tube......... 65. P. Schippii Lundell
65a. - (55) leaves 2- to 3-jugate; inflorescenses rather long, lax,
about as long as the petioles..............
...........66. P. costaricense (Rose) Engl.
65b. - leaves unifoliolate to 4-jugate; inflorescences short, glomeruli-form, I cm in diam. ... nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;67. P. pilosissimum Engl.
66a. - (3) flowers distinctly pedicellate..........67
66b. - leaves 2- to 12-jugate; petiolules short to rather long; acumen of the leaflets obtuse; flowers sessile to subsessile . . 68
67a. - leaves i-jugate; petioles, rhachis and petiolules glabrous; petiolules long; leaflets with 6—7 pairs of sec. nerves; acumennbsp;acute......... 68. P. fragans (Rose) Urb.
67b. - leaves 2- to 5-jugate; petioles, rhachis and petiolules pilose; leaflets with 10—15 pairs of sec. nerves; acumen obtuse,nbsp;mucronulate....... 69. P. apiculatum Swart
68a. - terminal leaflets and leaflets of the apical juga narrowed from the middle to the base, the other ones distinctly narrowed
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to the base; acumen very long and very narrow, lo to 15 times as long as wide, linear; corolla glabrous.....69
68b. - acumen of the leaflets rather long and rather narrow, 2 to 5 times as long as wide...............70
69a. - leaves usually 4-jugate; acumen of the leaflets 15 times as long as wide; inflorescences slender, laxly branched,nbsp;fasciculate in the axil, all about equal in length, up to 10 cmnbsp;long.......... 70. P. Sagotianum March.
69b. - leaves 5- to 6-jugate, rarely 2- to 4-jugate; acumen of the leaflets 10 times as long as wide; inflorescences robust,nbsp;stiffly and divaricately branched, solitary in the axil . . .nbsp;................ 71. P. insigne Engl.
70a. - acumen of the leaflets usually rather short, 2 to 3 times as long as broad; inflorescences fasciculate in the axil, allnbsp;about equal in length, up to 10 cm long.......71
70b. - inflorescences paniculate-divaricate or sometimes racemose unbranched (but in this case the acumen of the leaflets 4 to 6nbsp;times as long as wide), solitary in the axil.....72
71a. - leaves 3- to 4-jugate; basal interjuga as long as the other ones (rarely somewhat shorter, in this case leaves 4-jugate,nbsp;leaflets narrower, with 15—19 pairs of sec. nerves and withnbsp;longer acumen); petioles, rhachis and petiolules glabrousnbsp;and smooth; terminal leaflets and leaflets of the apical juganbsp;slightly narrowed near the base; leaflets with 12—16 pairsnbsp;of sec. nerves, pergamentaceous; peduncles and branchletsnbsp;slender..........72. P. tenuifolium Engl.
71b. - leaves 3-jugate, sometimes 2-jugate; basal interjuga as long as the other ones; petioles, rhachis and petiolules glabrous,nbsp;when adult rugose; terminal leaflets narrowed from thenbsp;middle to the base; leaflets with 8—10 pairs of sec. nerves,nbsp;pergamentaceous; peduncles and branchlets short, robust .nbsp;............ 73- P. peruvianum Swart
71C. - leaves 4- to 5-jugate; basal interjuga much shorter than the other ones; petioles, rhachis and petiolules when youngnbsp;pilose, when adult rugose; terminal leaflets and leaflets ofnbsp;the apical juga narrowed from the middle to the base; leafletsnbsp;with 12—18 pairs of sec. nerves, subcoriaceous; pedunclesnbsp;and branchlets robust 74. P. Warmingianum March.
72a. - leaflets lanceolate to oblong, pergamentaceous to subcoriaceous; inflorescences usually long (the masc. ones more than 10 cm, the fern, ones usually shorter) .......nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;73
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72b. - leaves 2- to 5-jugate; leaflets oblong-lanceolate to ovate, gradually acuminate, subcoriaceous, with entire margin;nbsp;acumen 4 to 5 times as long as wide; inflorescences shortnbsp;(less than 5 cm), racemose; calyx and corolla rather denselynbsp;puberulous or tomentose..............74
73a. - leaves 3- to 5-jugate, rarely 2- or 6-)ugate; leaflets not narrowed or sometimes slightly narrowed to the apex, abruptly to rather abruptly acuminate; acumen i to 5 times as longnbsp;as wide; margin entire; inflorescences stiffly paniculate;nbsp;calyx and corolla sparsely and minutely pilose to nearlynbsp;glabrous, corolla inside glabrous . 75. P. neglectum Swart
73b. - leaves 8- to 12-jugate; leaflets distinctly narrowed to the apex, gradually acuminate; acumen 5 to 6 times as long asnbsp;wide; margin serrate; inflorescences not or slightly branched;nbsp;calyx and corolla outside puberulous; petals inside villose .nbsp;............. 76. P. subserratum Engl.
74a. - leaves 3- to 4-jugate; leaflets oblong-elliptic to elliptic, not narrowed to the apex, on the average 10 cm long and 4 cmnbsp;wide and with 10 pairs of sec. nerves; calyx the lengthnbsp;of the flower....... 77- P- ferrugineum Engl.
74b. - leaves 5-jugate; leaflets oblong-elliptic-ovate, narrowed from the middle to the apex, on the average 6.5 cm long and 2.5 cmnbsp;wide and with 7 pairs of sec. nerves; tert. nerves beneathnbsp;distinct by their pale colour; calyx half the length of thenbsp;flower.......... 78. P. reticulatum Engl.
Sectio Eu-Protium Swart in Rec. Trav. bot. néerl. XXXIX, p. 189 (1942).
Trees with imparipinnate densely to very sparsely puberulous leaves. Petiolules at the apical end never incrassate, at the basalnbsp;end at most slightly incrassate. Leaflets tapering, distinctly acuminate. Species from south-eastern Asia.
I. Protium javanicum Burm.f., El. Ind. p.88 (1768) nom. cons.; De Cand., Prodr. II, p.78 (1825); Don, Gen. Hist. Diehl.nbsp;PI. II, p.83 (1832); Dietr., Syn. PI. II, p.1271 (1840); Blume,nbsp;Mus. Bot. Lugd. Bat. I, p.229 (1850); Walp., Ann. II, p.288nbsp;(1851—1852) excl. syn.; Miquel, FI. Ned. Ind. I, 2, p.654 (1859)nbsp;excl. syn.; Hassk. in Abh. naturf. Ges. Halle IX, 2, p.333 (1866);nbsp;Marchand in Adansonia VIH, p.52 (1867—1868); Filet, PlantL
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Wrdb. Ned. Ind. p.159, 290 (1876); Engl, in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.70, t.2, f.8—10 (1883); id. in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. Ill, 4,nbsp;P-237 (1897) et ed.2, XlXa, p.412 (1931); Boerlage, Handl. FI.nbsp;Ned. Ind. p.178 (1890)^ Koorders in Med. ’s Lands Pitt. XII,nbsp;p.23 (1894); id., Exk.fl. V. Java II, p.432 (1912); Koorders ennbsp;Valeton in Med. ’s Lands Pitt. XVII, 4, p.22 (1896) excl. syn.nbsp;Icica et Clausena; Backer in Med. Dept. Landb. Ned. Ind. IV,nbsp;p. 262 (1907); id., Schoolfl. V. Java p. 196 (i9ii)j De Clercq, Nieuwnbsp;Pltk. Wrdl3. Ned. Ind. P.3Ï1 (1909); Merrill, Interpr. Rumph.nbsp;Herb. Amb. p.305 (1917); Heyne, Nuttige PI. v. Ned. Ind. ed.i,nbsp;III, p.27 (1917) and ed.2, II, p.873 (1927); Pulle in De Clercq,nbsp;Pltk. Wrdb. Ned. Ind. ed.2, p. 185 (1927); Green in Prop. Nomencl.nbsp;intern, bot. Congr. 1930 p.104 (1929); Lam in Ann. Jard. bot.nbsp;Buitenz. XLII, p.201, f.129 (1932); id. in Bull. Jard. bot. Buitenz.nbsp;S. 3, XII, p.322, t.IV, f. 6a-e (1932); Briquet in Intern. Rulesnbsp;bot. Nomencl. p.ioi (1935).
Amyris Protium L., Mant. PI. p. 65 (1767) nomen rej.; id., Syst. Nat. ed.i2, II, p.266 (1767); Reichard, Linn. Syst. PI. ed. nov.,nbsp;II, p.158 (1779); Murray, Linn. Syst. Veg. ed.14, p.361 (1784);nbsp;Persoon, Linn. Syst. Veg. ed.15, p.385 (1797); id., Syn. Pl.I,nbsp;p.414 (1805); Willd., Linn. Sp. PI. ed.4, II, p.337 (1799); Sprengel,nbsp;Linn. Syst. Veg. ed.i6, II, p.218 (1825).
Bursera javanica Baillon, Hist. d. PI. V, p.296 (1874).
Tingulonga Protium OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.io8 (1891).
Protium Zollingerii Engl, in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.71 (1883); id. in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl. fam. Ill, 4, p.237 (1897) et ed.2, XlXa,nbsp;p.412 (1931)-
Tingulonga Zollingerii OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.io8 (1891).
‘^Tingulong” Rumph., Herb. Amb. VII, p.54, t.23, f.i (1755).
Small and shrublike to large-sized tree. Branchlets slender, terete, striate, when young minutely ferrugineous-tomentose,nbsp;when adult glabrous and grey to brownish; the young plants armednbsp;with short to rather long- axillary spines. Leaves 2- to 4-, rarelynbsp;I- or 5-jugate, 16—19 (15—24) cm long; petioles slender, terete,nbsp;the base slightly flattened and incrassate, 4 (3.5—5) cm long;,nbsp;interjuga semiterete, above sulcate and subalate, 3(2—3.5) cm long;nbsp;rhachis, like the petiole and the petiolules nearly glabrous to sparselynbsp;and minutely, rarely rather long, pubescent, but near the incrassatenbsp;nodes always with more or less numerous curved hairs, which arenbsp;also present on the margins of the canaliculate, transversely rimose,nbsp;I—7 mm long, only basally articulate-incrassate petiolules; petiolulesnbsp;of the terminal leaflets 15—20 (10—35) mm long; leaflets lanceolate
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to elliptic, usually 7—9 (5—9.5) cm long and 2.5—3 (2—3.75) cm wide, but the terminal ones larger and narrowed to the base, thenbsp;lateral ones oblique, those of the basal jugum much smaller; apexnbsp;subacuminate; acumen obtuse, 5—7 mm long and 4—6 mm wide;nbsp;base acute, slightly decurrent; margin mostly entire, sometimes innbsp;the apical part rather densely subserrate; chartaceous, glabrousnbsp;and smooth, above nitidous, beneath dull; with 10—ii pairs ofnbsp;¦sec. nerves; prim, and sec. nerves above prominulous, beneathnbsp;distinctly prominent, tert. ones above visible,beneath prominulous, thenbsp;prim, ones above near the base with curved hairs, beneath glabrous ornbsp;nearly so, similar to the sec. and tert. ones. Inflorescences axillary,nbsp;mixed, the fern, ones lax and few flowered, the masc. ones mostlynbsp;many-flowered, 10—15 (8—16) cm long; sec. branchlets few, in thenbsp;fern. infl. up to 2 cm long; the axes glabrous to rather densely pu-berulous. Pedicels once to twice as long as the flowers, 2.5—4 mm,nbsp;slender, terete, striate, provided with some scattered minute hairs;nbsp;bracts oblong-triangular, acute, glabrous, 0.5 mm long. Flowers 5-merous, rarely 4-merous, 2—2.5 mm long. Calyx cupuliform, 0.5 mmnbsp;high, glabrous to rather densely puberulous; its lobes about as longnbsp;as the tube, triangular, acute. Petals oblong-triangular, acute, withnbsp;small inflexed apiculum, outside sparsely and minutely, rarelynbsp;rather long, pubescent, inside glabrous. Stamens 1.5—2 mm long;nbsp;filaments subulate, at the base dilated, i mm long; anthers in thenbsp;masc. fl. I mm, in the fern, ones 0.5 mm long. Disc annular, glabrous,nbsp;0.25—0.5 mm high. Pistil at the base surrounded by the disc, glabrous, about 1.5 mm high; ovary globose-ovoid, slightly 5-lobed,nbsp;5-celled; style short; stigma 5-lobed. Drupe either oblique-ovoidnbsp;and monopyrenous or globose-ovoid, 2- to 4-lobed and 2- to 4-pyrenous, top acute, glabrous, 7.5—15 mm long; mesocarp rathernbsp;thick, carnose; endocarp rather thick, woody.
Type: Tingulongin Rumph., Herb. Amb. VII, t. 23, f. i (1755)
Distribution: Malay Archipelago: isl. of Java, Bawean, Madoera, Kangean, Bali and Soembawa.
JAVA, prov. West Java: res. Krawang, reg. Batavia, Edeling 14424 (1878) fl. masc. Aug. (BZ, M); id., Pasir Poetih, Backer 33603 (1904) fl. fern, andnbsp;fr. June (BZ); id., Kramat Sentiong, Backer 33601 (1904) (BZ); id.. Tandjongnbsp;Priok, Backer 33605 (1905) fl. masc. June (BZ, L)j id., Kajoe Poetih, Backernbsp;33604 (1904) fl. masc. June (BZ); id., Kliphof, Backer 23 (1904) fl. fem. andnbsp;fr. June (L, U); id., between Kliphof and Pepango, Backer 33602 (1904)nbsp;fl. masc. May (BZ, L); res. Buitenzorg, reg. Soekaboemi, Pelaboehanratoe,nbsp;Koorders loirb (1890) fl. fem. and fr. June (BZ, L); res. Priangan, reg.nbsp;Soemedang, Tomo, Koorders loiob (1890) (BZ); res. Cheribon, reg. Che-ribon. Backer 4708 (1912) fl. fem. Oct. (BZ).
Id., prov. Midden Java: res. Banjoemas, reg. Tjilatjap, Noesa Kambangan,
-ocr page 49-Koorders 1023b (1891) (BZ); id., Koorders 1024b (1891) (BZ); id., id. 20041b (^895) (BZ); id., id. 26861b (1897) fr. Jan. (BZ); zes. Pekalongan, reg. Brebes,nbsp;Backer 15414 (1914) (BZ); id., Kalisalak, Koorders 1020b (1897) (BZ); id.,nbsp;reg. Tegal, Docters v. Leeuwen-Reynvaan (1909) fl. masc. Sept. (BZ); id.,nbsp;Proepoek, Noltée 4037 (1919) fl. masc. Oct. (BZ); id., Margasari, Koordersnbsp;I02ib (1891) (BZ); id., Beumée 115, 251 and 517 (1915) (BZ); id., Bosch-proefstation 4037 (1926) fr. Apr. (BZ); id., Tjipero, Beumée 4475 (1919)nbsp;fl. masc. Sept. (BZ); id., reg. Pekalongan, Batang Keboemen, Koordersnbsp;1022b (1891) fl. masc. Oct. (BZ, L); id., Soebah, Koorders 11415b (1892)nbsp;fl. masc. et fr. Dec. (BZ, L); id., id. 13374b and 13375b (1893) (BZ); id.,nbsp;13377b (1893) fr. June (BZ, L); id., id. 14212b (1893) fl. masc. Junenbsp;(BZ, L); id., id. 27313b (1897) fl. masc. Apr. (BZ); id., id. 36789b andnbsp;36887b (1899) (BZ); res. Semarang; reg. Semarang, Bangkong, Doctersnbsp;V. Leeuwen-Reynvaan (1910) (BZ); id., Manggar, Jansen 4674 (1922) fl.nbsp;masc. Sept. (BZ); id., Pempoeran, Beumée 5125 (1920) fr. March (BZ);nbsp;ld., near Prigi-Tengoeran, Koorders 25471b (1896) fl. masc. Oct. (BZ);nbsp;ld., reg. Grobogan, Kedoengdjati, Koorders 1012b, 1014b and 1015b (1888)nbsp;(BZ); id., id. 1013b (1894) (BZ); id., id. 1016b (1888) fl. masc. July (BZ, L);nbsp;ld., id. 1017b (1888) fl. masc. Sept. (BZ); id., id. 24889b (1896) (BZ); id., id.nbsp;25034b (1896) fl. masc. Oct. (BZ, K, L); id., id. 25176b and 25190b (1896)nbsp;)BZ); id., id. 25530b (1896) fr. Nov. (BZ); id., id. 27224b (1897) fr. Apr.nbsp;(BZ, L, U); id., id. 27241b (1897) fr. Apr. (BZ); id., id. 28090b (1897) (BZ);nbsp;m., Telawa, Koorders ioi8b (1888) (BZ); id., Boschwezen K 22 (1917) (BZ);nbsp;m.. Vincent 4674a (1923) fl. masc. Oct. (BZ); res. Djapara-Rembang, reg.nbsp;Djapara, Koorders 17 (1885) (BZ); id., Pasokan, Koorders 31762b (1899)nbsp;(BZ); id., Doerentoempang, Boschproefstation Ja 1905 (1929) (BZ); id.,nbsp;reg. Pati, Djoewono, Tajoe, Koorders 35021b (1899) (BZ); id., Karangasem,nbsp;Koorders 1019b (1892) fr. Febr. (BZ); id., id. 28214b (1897) (BZ); id., id.nbsp;33221b (1900) (BZ, U); id., reg. Rembang, Ngorogoenoeng, Beumée 1104nbsp;(1919) fl. masc. Sept. (BZ); id., Kalshoven 49 (1918) fl. masc. (BZ); id.,nbsp;Banjoe Oerip, Beumée 985 (1915) fl. masc. Aug. (BZ); id.. Sedan, Ngandang,nbsp;Koorders 36135b and 36162b (1899) (BZ); id., Tjileboeng, Boschproefstation Ja 1639 (1927) (BZ); id., Tjermeo, Altona 6305 (1923) (BZ).
^ ld., Gouv. Jogjakarta, reg. Goenoeng Kidoel, Kloempit, Burger 2057 (1922) (BZ).
ld., prov. Oost Java: res. Bodjonegoro, reg. Bodjonegoro, Tambakredja, Atasagen, Boschproefstation Ja 1542 (1927) (BZ); id., Klino, Boschproefst.nbsp;Ja 1696 (1927) (BZ); id., id. 2024 (1913) (BZ); res. Madioen, Kendeng,nbsp;Elbert 362 (no date) (L); id., reg. Madioen, Goenoeng Pandan near Saradan,nbsp;Koorders 1025b (1892) (BZ); id., near Klangon, Thorenaar 135 (1919)nbsp;fl. masc. Oct. (BZ); id., east of Madioen, Wisse 663 (1921) fl. masc. Julynbsp;(BZ) ; res. Kediri, reg. Kediri, Soekaradja, Gadoengan Pare, Koorders 22642bnbsp;(1896) (BZ); id., reg. Bhtar, Lodaja, Warburg 4513 (1887) (B); id., Siwalan,nbsp;Warburg 4524 (1887) fr. Jan. (B); res. Malang, reg. Malang, Kaliparé, Kalshoven 19 (no date) fl. masc. (BZ, L); id., Mt. Tengger, Buysman 421 (1907)nbsp;fl. masc. Nov. (BM, U); id., reg. Pasoeroean, Klangrong, Mousset 1085nbsp;U913) fr. (BZ); id., Goenoeng Semongkrong, Backer 9447 (1913) fl. fem.nbsp;Oct. (BZ); res. Besoeki, reg. Djember, between Kali Tanggoel and Kahnbsp;Petang, Mente 1689 (1920) fr. June (BZ); id., Djatilawang, Kalshoven 56nbsp;(1919) fl. masc. Nov. (BZ); id., Poeger, Zollinger 655 (1845) fl. masc. Febr.nbsp;(BZ); id.. Backer 17895 and 17896 (1914) fr. Dec. (BZ); id., Poeger-Watan-pn, Koorders 12517b, 12518b, 12519b, 12520b, 12524b and 13263b (1889)nbsp;(BZ); id., id. 12526b (1889) fl. masc. Aug. (BZ); id., id. 12695b, 12750bnbsp;and 12751b (1892) fl. masc. Nov. (BZ); id., id. 12839b, 12954b and 13056b
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(1892) (BZ); id., id. 12840b (1892) fr. Jan. (BZ); id., id. 12844b, 12922b and 12930b (1892) fl. masc. Oct. (BZ); id., id. 12909b (1892) fr. Dec. (BZ); id., id.nbsp;20534b and 20988b (1895) fl. masc. Oct. (BZ); id., id. 30052b and 30075bnbsp;(1898) (BZ); id.. Kali Poeger, Rambi, Koorders 12523b (1889) fl. masc. Sept.nbsp;(BZ); id., id. 13264b (1889) (BZ); id., Kandang Sapi, Korthals (no date)nbsp;fl. fern. (L, U); id., reg. Panaroekan, Wonoredjo, Boschproefstation Ja 2274nbsp;(1931) (BZ); id., Pradjekan, Pantjoer-Idjen, Koorders 14366b (1893) fl. masc.nbsp;Nov. (BZ) id., id. 14367 (1893) fl- masc. Oct. (BZ, K, L) id., reg. Bondowoso,nbsp;north-slope Goenoeng Idjen, Backer 24956 (1918) (BZ); id., reg. Banjoewangi,nbsp;Gradjagan, Koorders 1026b (1889) (BZ); id., Rogodjampi, Koorders 12837bnbsp;(1892) fr. Febr. (BZ, K, L).
Id., without locality; herb. Burmann (no date) fl. masc. and fern, and fr. (L); Horsfield 506 (no date) fl. fern, and fr. (K); Horsfield 530 (no date) fl.nbsp;fern. (BM); Horsfield (no date) fl. masc. (CAL, GH); Kollmann (no date)nbsp;fl. fern, and fr. (M); Leschenault (no date) fl. masc. and fern. (P); Reinwardtnbsp;(no date) (M); Zollinger 1698 (no date) fl. fern. (B, G) (type of P. Zollingeriinbsp;Engl.); without name of collector various sheets (BZ, L, LE, NY, U, W).
Id., cultivated: Pasoeroean, Altmann 133 (1932) fl. fern. Aug. (BZ); Kendal, Backer 16400 (1914) (BZ); Pekalongan, Margasari, Burger (1922) seedlingsnbsp;(BZ); Hort. Bog. VI B 77 (various dates) fl. fern, and fr. (BZ, CAL, K, NY);nbsp;Teysmann (1860) fr. (B, L, M, NY).
BA WEAN: Goenoeng Batoe, Boschproefstation Ja 4244 (1937) (BZ).
MADOERA: reg. Bangkalan, Kamal, Backer 19192 (1915) (BZ); reg. Pamekasan, Sampang, Backer 19549 (1915) (BZ); id., Ketapang daja. Backernbsp;21170 (1916) fl. masc. July (BZ, L); id., Pagantenan, Backer 20458 (1915)nbsp;(BZ); reg. Soemenep, Soemenep, Backer 20931 (1915) (BZ).
KANGEAN ARCH.: Kangean, Kalisangka, Backer 27002 (1919) fr. March (BZ, L); id., Kajoe Waroe, Backer 28117 (1919) (BZ); id., Kalikatak,nbsp;Dommers 100 (1919) fl. masc. Sept. (BZ); Sepapan, Backer 28523 (1919)nbsp;(BZ); Saboenting, Backer 29919 (1919) (BZ); Paliat, Backer 29446 (1919)nbsp;(BZ); Sepangjang, Backer 28763 (1919) fr. Apr. (BZ).
BALI: Prapatagoeng, Becking 28 (1920) (BZ, L); Tjandikoesama, Becking 153 (1920) fr. Apr. (BZ); n.w. Bali, Van der Paardt 52 (1926) (BZ).
SOEMBAWA: Keli, Boschproefstation bb 12019 (1927) (BZ); Moengkin, Boschproefst. bb 14029 (1928) (BZ); without locality. Coifs 135 (1914) fr.nbsp;Febr. (L).
CULT: Lane (1918) (CAL).
Vern. Names: JAVA: tanggoeloen, tangoelong, tengoeloeng, katos (Soend.); tenggoeloen, tenggoelon, tinggoeloen, tinggoeloeng, tingoelon,nbsp;tengolon, tranggoeloen, trenggoeloen, trengoelon, trengoeloen, goeloen,nbsp;goeloen bernang, bernang, katos, ketos (Jav.); tanggoeloen, tanggoelon,nbsp;tangkhoeloen, tengkhoeloen, trengkhoeloen (Mad.); BA WEAN: tengoeloen,nbsp;KANGEAN: tanggolon, tangkhoelon; BALI: trenggoelon; SOEMBAWA:nbsp;ketimis, loa, Iowa.
Protium javanicum Burm.f. has been indicated by the Intern, bot. Congres 1935 as the type-species of the genus Protium Burm.f.nbsp;(cf. Green l.c.; Briquet l.c.).
Protium javanicum Burm.f. and P. serratum Engl, are much alike in regard to their general aspects and also in the occurencenbsp;of curved hairs on the margins at the upper side of the interjuganbsp;and on the petiolules near the rhachidal nodes; only in these two
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species this feature is present. P. serratum Engl, differs from P. javanicum Burm.f. by its strongly developed indumentum, itsnbsp;pilose ovary and by the long acumen, the less numerous sec. nervesnbsp;and the mostly serrate margin of its leaflets.
The abundant material of this species shows a wide range of variability. The petiole, rhachis and petiolules are usually glabrousnbsp;or nearly so, the curved hairs mentioned above excepted, butnbsp;there are all transitions to specimens with a rather long scatterednbsp;indumentum. Zollinger 1698, is one of the latter and has been madenbsp;the type of Protium Zollingerii Engl. The margin of the leafletsnbsp;is mostly entire, but in young plants it is near the top usually distinctly serrate; this feature however occurs in some adult plantsnbsp;more or less too. The shape of the leaflets, generally oblong, isnbsp;in some specimens lanceolate or elliptic. The leaflets are mostlynbsp;chartaceous, but in some specimens subcoriaceous. Neither fromnbsp;a morphological, nor from a geographic point of view I can findnbsp;any reason for a subdivision of this species.
The synonyms cited by Walpers l.c.: Icica? dentata DC., Amyris nana Roxb. and Clausena nana W. et Arn., those cited by Miquelnbsp;1-c.: Icica? dentata DC., Amyris dentata Willd., Clausena Will-denowii W. et Arn. and Clausena javanica M.J. Roem., and thosenbsp;cited by Koorders en Valeton l.c.: Icica? dentata Willd. and Clausenanbsp;javanica Roem. all are referred to Clausena dentata (Willd.) Roem.nbsp;(Rutaceae).
Morphology: Guill. in Ann. Sc. nat. S.9, X, p. 209, £2, i, f- 3—5 (1909); id. in Rev. Gén. Bot. XXII, p.454, £4 (1910); id.nbsp;in Not. Syst. II, p.265 (1913); Lam l.c.
Anatomy: Solereder, Syst. Anat. Die. p.216 (1899); Moll und Janssonius, Mikrogr. d. Holzes der auf Java vork. Baumarten II,nbsp;P-98, £90 (1908); Guill. l.c. (1909); Den Berger in Med. Proefst.nbsp;V. Thee XCVII, p.68 (1926).
Uses: The wood is said to possess a close and fine grain, to be firm and hard and not to be attacked by termites; as straight and long boles are rare,nbsp;it is generally recommended as suitable for small tools. Nevertheless it isnbsp;not much used as it occurs frequently in the same districts where Tectonanbsp;grandis L. (teak, djati) grows.
The fruits are sometimes said to be sweet and edible but others say that they are inedible and that they are used for making an aromatic oil similar tonbsp;turpentine.
The young leaves are mentioned as a vegetable and a decoct of the adult leaves as a medicine.
Cf. Rumphius l.c.; Filet l.c.; Koorders l.c. (1894); Koorders en Valeton J-c.; De Clerq l.c.; Guill. in Agr. Pays chauds IX, i, p. 360 (1909)1 Berkhout
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in V. Gorkom’s Oost Indische Cultures ed. 2, III, p. 193 (1913); Den Berger I.C.; Heyne l.c.i Pulle l.c.
2. Protium serratum (Wall, ex Colebr.) Engl, in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.88 (1883); id. in E.-Pr. Nat. PfI.fam. Ill, 4, p.237nbsp;(1897) et ed.2, XlXa, p.413 (1931); Radlkofer in Abh. K. Bay.nbsp;Ak. Wiss. 2e Cl. XVI, i, p.60 (1886); id. in Engl. Pflanzenreichnbsp;XCVIII, p.879 (1933—I934)i Guill. in Agr. Pays chauds IX, i, p.359nbsp;tab. (1909); id. in Lecomte El. gén. Indo-Chine I, 2, p.722, f.77,nbsp;7—12 (1911); Craib, El. Siam. Enum. I, p.247 (1931); Lam innbsp;Ann. Jard. bot. Buitenz. XLII, p.201 (1932); id. in Bull. Jard. bot.nbsp;Buitenz. S.3, XII, p.321 (1932); Gamble, FI. Pres. Madras I, p.171nbsp;(1936); Swart in Journ. of Bot. LXXVIII, p.74, f.i—2 (1940).
Bursera serrata Wall, ex Colebr. in Trans. Linn. Soc. XV, p. 361, t. IV, f. I (1827); Don, Gen. Hist. Diehl. PI. II, p. 83 (1832); Kurznbsp;in Journ. As. Soc. Bengal XXXIX, 2, p. 61 (1870); Brandes, Forestnbsp;FI. of N.-W. and Centr. India p. 61 (1874); id., Indian Trees p. 132nbsp;(1906); Bennett in Hook.f. FI. Brit. India I, p.530 (1875).
Idea indica Wight et Arnott, Prodr. FI. Pen. Ind. or. I, p.177 (1834) nom. nov. ill.; Wallich, A numerical list of dried specimensnbsp;of plants in the East India Company’s Museum (Catalogue), no.nbsp;8492, p.287 (1847—1849).
Burseria serrata Wall, in errore Dietr., Syn. PI. II, p.1408: (1840).
Tingulonga serrata OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p. 108 (1891). Limonia pentagyna W. Roxb., Hort. Bengalensis or a Cataloguenbsp;of the Plants growing in the Hon. E. India. Comp. Bot. Garden atnbsp;Calcutta p.32 (1814) nomen nud.; id., FI. Ind. H, p.382 (1832).
Limonia polygyna Roxb. in errore Radik, in Abh. K. Bay. Ak. Wiss. 2e Cl. XVI, I, p.6i (1886).
Schinus Saheria Hamilton in Trans. Linn. Soc. XVH, p.193.
Schinus bengalensis Hamilton l.c., p.194.
Schinus Niara Hamilton l.c., p.194.
Ailanthus lanceolata J. Roxb. ex Wall., Catalogue, no. 8492 A,. p.287 (1847—1849) nomen.
Schleichera ? sp. Beddome, FI. sylvatica II, 13, p.72 (1871);, Hiern. in Hook.f. FI. Brit. Ind. I, p.68i (1875).
Usually large tree. Branchlets slender, terete, striate, young, densely canescent puberulous, when adult glabrescent, scabridulousnbsp;and lurid. Leaves 2- to 4-jugate, rarely i- or 5-jugate, 22—27nbsp;(14—30) cm long; petiole semiterete, 5.5—6.5 (4—8) cm long,nbsp;like the rhachis and the petiolules densely and shortly to minutely.
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fuscous pubescent; interjuga terete, 3—3.5 (2—4) cm long, the basal ones shorter than the other ones, near the nodes like thenbsp;petiolules with curved hairs; petiolules semiterete, subcanaliculate,nbsp;at the ends not incrassate, 7.5 (5—12) mm long, the terminal onesnbsp;20 (15—25) mm; leaflets oblong to lanceolate, usually 8—12 (6—14)nbsp;cm long and 2.5—4 (2—5) cm wide, but the terminal ones widernbsp;and narrowed to the base, the lateral ones suboblique and slightiynbsp;narrowed to the apex and those of the basal jugum shorter andnbsp;nearly ovate; apex gradually narrowed in a tapering acumen;nbsp;acumen 8—12 mm, rarely only 5 mm long and 3 mm wide, endingnbsp;obtusely, mucronulate; base cuneate to nearly rounded; marginnbsp;usually near the apex more of less indistinctly and remotely serrate,nbsp;sometimes entire or distinctly serrate; chartaceous to subcoriaceous,nbsp;sparsely and minutely puberulous, smooth, above nitidous, beneathnbsp;dull; with 8—10 (7—12) pairs of sec. nerves; prim, nerves sunkennbsp;above, prominent beneath, rather densely and minutely puberulous;nbsp;sec. nerves above hardly prominent, beneath prominulous andnbsp;sparsely puberulous, tert. nerves above invisible, beneath prominulous and nearly glabrous. Inflorescences axillary, pseudoterminal,nbsp;much-branched, lax, the masc. ones 10—12.5 cm, the fem. onesnbsp;6—12 cm long; the branchlets up to 2.5 cm long, patent, like thenbsp;peduncles and the pedicels terete, striate, rather densely tomen-tellous, in the masc. infl. slender, in the fem. ones rather slender.nbsp;Pedicels about as long as the flowers, 1.5—2.5 mm; bracts andnbsp;bractlets oblong-triangular, obtuse, 0.5 mm long. Flowers 5-merous,nbsp;rarely 4- or 6-merous, 2—2.5 mm long, the fem. ones slightly largernbsp;than the masc. ones. Calyx cupuliform, 0.5—0.75 mm high, likenbsp;the petals rather densely but minutely puberulous outside; its lobesnbsp;triangular to elliptic, obtuse, about as long as the tube. Petals elliptic-ovate, subcarnose; apex acute with small inflexed apiculum. Stamensnbsp;in the masc. fl. 1.5—1.75 mm, in the fem. ones 0.8—i mm long;nbsp;filaments subulate, dilated; anthers elliptic, 0.4 mm long. Discnbsp;annular to urceolate, glabrous, 0.35 mm high. Pistil surroundednbsp;by the disc, sparsely puberulous, in the masc. fl. rudimentary,nbsp;shorter than the filaments, 0.5—i mm high, consisting of a cylindrical to conical ovary containing none to few, i- or 2-ovulatenbsp;cells, in the fem. fl. surpassing the stamens, about 1.5 mm high,nbsp;consisting of a globose-conical, sub-5-lobed, 5-celled ovary, i mmnbsp;high, and a short style with 5-lobed stigma. Drupe either oblique-ovoid and monopyrenous, with excentric style, or globose, 2- to 4-lobed and 2- to 4-pyrenous, with central style; base subacute;nbsp;apex obtuse; glabrescent, 10—12.5 mm long and 8—12 mm innbsp;diam.
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Type (neo-type): Wallich 8492 F, first sheet, in Herb. E. Ind. Comp, in h.K.
Distribution: south-eastern Asia: Brit. India (Eastern Gaths, the Circars, Orissa, eastern Bengal, Assam, Chittagong,nbsp;Burma), Siam and Indo-China (Cambodge, Cochin-China).
BRITISH INDIA; Coromandel, Roxburg 176 (no date) fl. masc. (BM); Madras, Samnlcottah, Wallich 8492 B and 8492 D (ex Herb. Wight) (1795)nbsp;fl. masc. Apr. (K); id., Rampa-distr., Maradumatti, Narayanaswami 330nbsp;and 393 (1920) (CAL): Kalahandi-state, Haselfoot Haines 5529 (1918) (K);nbsp;id., Rampur, Haselfoot Haines 5531 (1918) fl. fern. (K): Sam Valpur, Haselfoot Haines 5529a (1917) (K); eastern Bengal, Griffith 1138 (no date) fl.nbsp;fern, and fr. (B, C, LE, M, S, W)j Rajmahal, Wallich 8492 E (1820) (K);nbsp;Dooars, Mann 14 (no date) (W): Lower Assam, Brahmapoetra-plains, Kurznbsp;50 (1876) (BZ): Garrow-hills, Goalpara, Wallich 8492 C 54 (ex Hamilton)nbsp;(1808) fr. Aug. (K): Gowhatti, Clarcke 43234 (1886) fl. masc. March (B, LE):nbsp;id.. Brain (1888) fr. July (B, BM): Assam, Fisher (1880) fl. masc. (LE): id.,nbsp;Jenkins (no date) fr. (BZ, M, NY, P): Amjor Ghat, Wallich 8492 C 54a (exnbsp;Hamilton) (1811) fl. masc. Apr. (C, K): Lakardewani, WaUich 8492 (exnbsp;Hamilton) (1810) fl. masc. Nov. (B): Rangamatia, WaUich 8492 C 54b (exnbsp;Hamilton) (1808) fl. masc. Apr. (K): Chittagong-hills, King 469 (1886)nbsp;fl. masc. (B, BM, BZ): Upper Burma, Kalay-hills, Prazer (1894) (BZ):nbsp;without locality, De Candolle (1816) fl. masc. (G): id., Roxburg (no date)nbsp;fl. masc. (BM): id., Voigt (no date) fl. fern. (B, C): id., WalUch (no date) (C).
SIAM: Payap, Muang Fang, Kerr 5224 (1921) alt. c. 600 m, scrub jungle, fl. masc. Apr. (B, P): id., Chiengdao, Winit, 77, alt. 450 m (ex Craib): id.,nbsp;Chiengmai, Mê Chêm, Kerr 5397 (1921) alt. c. 600 m, scrub jungle, fr. Maynbsp;lt;P): id., Chiengmai, Kerr 581 (1909) eng jungle, fl. masc. Apr. (B): id.,nbsp;Lampun, Mê Ta, Kerr 3192, alt. 450 m, deciduous jungle (ex Craib): id.,nbsp;Lampun, Mê Li, Winit 127, alt. 360 m (ex Craib): Maharat, Pré, Hui Paten,nbsp;Vanpruk 402, alt. 300 m (ex Craib): Udawn, Loi, Koa Krading, Kerr 8753nbsp;(no date) alt. c. 800 m, deciduous forest, fl. masc. (B, C): without loc., Kerrnbsp;20300 (1931) (B, C).
INDO-CHINA: Phu-quoc, Thorel (1862—1868) (B, CAL, LE): Mt. Chaudoc, Harmand 615 (1876) fr. July (B, P): prov. Bien-hoa, Bao Chimg,nbsp;Pierre 1798 (1877) fr. (NY).
CULT.: Bot. Gard. Buitenzorg: Treub (1891) fl. masc. (B, U): Bot. Gard. Calcutta; Wallich 8492 A (ex Roxburg) (no date) fl. masc. (K): WalUchnbsp;8492 F, first sheet (no date) fl. masc (K, G) (type): id. 8492 F, sec. sheetnbsp;(no date) fl. masc. (K): id. 8492 (no date) fr. (LE, W): id. 8492 (no date) fl.nbsp;masc. (LE, W): WaUich “too” A (1815) fl. masc. May (BM, C): WaUichnbsp;‘Too”B (1815) fl. fern. (BM,C): WalUch (no date) fl. masc (BR, G, W):nbsp;Herb. Wight (no date) fl. masc. (B): Anderson 28 (1866) fr. (P): Gaudichaudnbsp;352 (1837) fr. (G, P): Pierre 4250 (1863) fl. fern. (BM, BR, BZ, G): Hort.nbsp;Bot. Calc, (no date) fl. masc. (BZ, M, NY, P)
Without locality: Herb. Benth. (no date) fl. masc. (NY).
Cultivated in Bot. Gardens Calcutta and Bot. Gard. Buitenzorg (VH, D, 69 and 69a, fl. masc. and XI, B, V, 46).
Vern. names; BR. IND.; najor, neyor (Assam), neyar (Beng.), Chitreka (TeUng.), sorupotri moi (Uriya), kandior (Kol.), thadi(Lower Burma),
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yit padi (Upper Burma); SIAM (ex Grails); kapok ma (Siam.); mafên (N. Loa); fên som (Lao, Loi); pi sê (Karen, Chiengmai); INDO-CHINA: maï pheunbsp;(Laot.).
In a previous publication (Swart l.c.) I tried to make clear that Colebrooke made his diagnosis from living material in the Botanicnbsp;Gardens at Calcutta where it was grown from seeds provided innbsp;1808 by Dr. F. Buchanan Hamilton. Wallich proposed the namenbsp;Bursera serrata, but in his Catalogue l.c. he only mentions Icicanbsp;indica W. et A. In the Catalogue, and also in the Herbarium of thenbsp;East India Company at Kew, the no. 8492 consists of six parts,nbsp;marked A to F. Wallich 8492 C 54, collected by Hamilton in 1808nbsp;is the only fruiting one and may be considered as the source ofnbsp;the seed from which originated the tree which provided Colebrookenbsp;with flowering material for his diagnosis. Wallich 8491 F, firstnbsp;sheet, marked “Bursera serrata Wall. H.B.C.” in Wallich’s handwriting and showing typical male inflorescences with rudimentarynbsp;ovaries containing two ovule-rudiments in each cell (and also somenbsp;detached fruits), agrees entirely with the original diagnosis andnbsp;also with Wallich 8492 C 54. It seems probable therefore thatnbsp;Wallich 8492 F, first sheet, originated from the same tree from whichnbsp;Colebrooke drew up his diagnosis; therefore I have considerednbsp;Wallich 8492 F, first sheet, as neo-type.
W. Roxburg l.c. (1814) mentions “Limonia pentagyna Roxb. Chitreka”. In the Herbarium of the British Museum I met withnbsp;a specimen “W. Roxburg, India, Limonia pentagyna R. Chitreka”;nbsp;it is a slightly hairy male form of P. serratum Engl, with entirenbsp;leaflets and a wholly rudimentary ovary, and corresponds withnbsp;Wallich 8492 A, marked “Ailanthus lanceolata John Roxb., exnbsp;H. B. Calc.” These two specimens may be considered to be collectednbsp;from the tree in the Bot. Gard. at Calcutta mentioned by Roxburg.
Schleichera ? sp. Beddome l.c., based on Beddome 214 (Gol-conda-hills, Vizagapatam-district) was referred to Protium serratum Engl, forma pallidula Radik, l.c. Because I di^ not find this specimennbsp;in the Herbarium at Kew and I only saw a single-leaf specimen innbsp;Herb. C., marked “Schleichera?” annotated by Wallich and bynbsp;Radlkofer and as this leaf turned out to be a quite normal leaf ofnbsp;P. serratum Engl. I could not retain the forma pallidula Radik.
Besides the structures of the ovary of the male flowers mentioned above I found in some specimens, amongst others in Wallichnbsp;‘Too” A in Herb. BM., male flowers with a rudimentary ovarynbsp;containing in the few weakly developed cells only one ovule-rudiment.
The vegetative characters of the abundant material show much
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variability. The possibilities in this regard are exhibited by Wallich 8492 F, second sheet, in Herb. K. which bears on the same branchletnbsp;normal leaves with nearly entire margins and other ones showingnbsp;considerable deviation: leaf about 30 cm long, petiolules up to 12.5nbsp;mm long, leaflets up to 14 cm long and 6 cm wide and marginnbsp;distinctly serrate from the base till the apex, acumen about 5 mmnbsp;long and 5 mm wide.
Hamilton l.c. states that “Ben Kalesjam” in Rheede, Hort, Malab. IV, p.71, t.34 (1673) probably belongs to his Schinusnbsp;Saheria, referred to P. serratum Engl., but the drawing is so lackingnbsp;in detail that it seems to me to be taking too great a risk to supportnbsp;this identification.
Anatomy: Solereder, Syst. Anat. Die. p.216, 218 (1899); Guill. in Ann. Sc. nat., S.9, X, p.208, f.2-2 (1909).
Use: The close-grained and hard wood is much esteemed and is used for furniture.
3. Protium connarifolium (Perk.) Merr. in Phil. Journ. Sc. X, I, p.30 (1915); id., Enum. Phil. El. PI. II, p.348 (1923); Engl, innbsp;E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. ed. 2, XlXa, p.412 (1931); Lam in Ann.nbsp;Jard. bot. Buitenz. XLH, p.201, 1.12, f.94 (1932); id. in Bull. Jard.nbsp;bot. Buitenz. S.3, XII, p.320 (1932).
Canarium connarifolium Perk., Frag. FI. Phil. Isl. H,p.92 (1904).
Protium philippinensis Elm. in Leafl. Phil. Bot. VH,p.257i (1915).
Santiria Schlechterii Lauterb. in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. LVI,p.333 (1921).
Large or rather large tree. Branches drooping (Merrill); branchlets slender, terete, striate, glabrous, smooth, castaneous to fuscous,nbsp;dotted with elliptic ferrugineous lenticels. Leaves mostly i- or 2-jugate, sometimes 3-jugate, 13—19 cm long; petioles terete, striate,nbsp;above slightly flattened, at the base incrassate, 3—4 cm long; inter-juga terete, striate, 3 (2.5—3.5) cm long, like the petioles and thenbsp;petiolules minutely puberulous, when adult sometimes glabrescentnbsp;and transversely rimose; petiolules semiterete, striate, narrowlynbsp;canaliculate, 10—12 (8—15) mm long, the terminal ones 20—25 mmnbsp;long; leaflets oblong to elliptic-oblong, usually narrowed to bothnbsp;ends, 7.5—9.5 cm long and 3—3.5 cm wide, but the terminal onesnbsp;larger; apex gradually narrowed in a tapering, acute, mucronate,nbsp;10—15 mm long and 3—4 mm wide acumen; base cuneate slightlynbsp;decurrent; margin entire; subcoriaceous, glabrous, above nitidulous,nbsp;beneath dull; with 8—10 pairs of sec. nerves; prim, nerves abovenbsp;grooved on each side, beneath prominent, sec. nerves above pro-
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minulous, beneath prominent, tert. nerves prominulous to hardly visible. Inflorescences axillary, mixed, 3.5—4.5 (2.5—6) cm long;nbsp;peduncle % to ^/s the length of the inflorescence; sec. branchletsnbsp;5—8 mm long; the axes angulose, sparsely ferrugineous puberulous.nbsp;Pedicels short, at most i mm long, terete, like the triangular, acute,nbsp;0.75 mm long bracts and bractlets, the calyx and the outside ofnbsp;the petals rather densely to sparsely and minutely ferrugineousnbsp;puberulous. Flowers 4-merous, rarely 5-merous, 2.5—3 mm long,nbsp;white. Calyx cupuliform, i mm high; its lobes triangular, subacuminate, longer than the tube. Petals lanceolate-oblong, carnose.nbsp;inside glabrous; apex acute with incrassate-inflexed apiculum.nbsp;Stamens in male fl. 1.75—2.5 mm long, the episepalous ones sometimes longer than the epipetalous ones, in fern. fl. 1.25 mm long;nbsp;filaments subulate, at the base dilated; anthers oblong, 0.5 mm long.nbsp;Disc urceolate to annular, sub-8-lobed, glabrous, 0.5 mm high.nbsp;Pistil at the base surrounded by the disc, in the masc. fl. rudimentary,nbsp;0.8 mm high, in the fern. fl. 1.35 mm high, consisting of a globosenbsp;4-lobed, 4-celled, appressedly sericeous, 0.8 mm high ovary taperingnbsp;in a glabrous, terete, 0.5 mm long style, ending in a 4-lobed stigma.nbsp;Drupe oblique-ellipsoid and monopyrenous or globose, 2- to 4-lobed and 2- to 4-pyrenous, smooth, sparsely ferrugineous puberulous to glabrescent, 8 mm long and 5—13 mm in diam.; mesocarpnbsp;thin; endocarp rather thick, woody.
Type: Merrill 787 in h. Bur. of Sc. Manilla.
Distribution: Philippine Isl. (Palawan) and N.E. New Guinea.
PHILIPPINE ISL.: Palawan, Ewiig River, Merrill 787 (1903) fl. masc. Febr. (B, K, NY) (type); id., prov. Palawan, Puerto Princesa, Mt. Pulgar,nbsp;on banks of the Iwahig-river, Elmer 12760 (1911) alt. 250 m, fl. masc. Marchnbsp;and 13225 (1911) alt. 250 m, fl. fern, and fr. May (B, BM, BZ, G, GR, ,L,nbsp;LE, NY, U, W) (type of P. philippinensis Elm.); id., Mt. Kabangaan, Bur, ofnbsp;Sc. 77713 (Endano 1688) (1929) in forest slopes, alt. 600 m, fl. masc. andnbsp;fern, and fr. Apr. (NY); id., without locality. Bur. of Sc. (Foxworthy) 548nbsp;(1906) fl. masc. Mar.-Apr. (B, BZ, K, NY); id., id. 737 (1906) fl. fern. Mar.-Apr. (B, NY); id., id. 754 (1906) fl. fern. Mar.-Apr. (B, NY); id., id. 758nbsp;(1906) fl. fern, and fr. Mar.-Apr. (BZ, K, NY); id., id. 866 (1906) fl. fern,nbsp;and fr. May (B, BZ, K, NY).
?NEW GUINEA: Mandated Territory, Mt. Kani, Schlechter 16755 (1907) alt. 800 m, fr. Nov. (B) (type of Santira Schlechterii Laut.).
r n. name: PALAWAN; marangub (Tagb.) (ex. Merrill).
Because of the Foxworthy specimens Merrill (1915) referred Canarium connarifolium Perk, to the genus Protium and in 1923, henbsp;added Protium philippinensis Elm. to Protium connarifolium Merr.
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My investigations confirm the statement of Lam I.c. that San-tiria Schlechterii Lauterb. most probably is a Protium related to connarifolium Merr. It is very difficult to state whether in thenbsp;immature monopyrenous fruits of Schlechter 16755, the type andnbsp;single specimen of the former species, the pyrenes are connate ornbsp;separated by the mesocarp, but I obtained the impression that thenbsp;maturing pyrene and the two rudimental ones are not connate;nbsp;the other vegetative and generative characters of this specimennbsp;however agree well with Protium connarifolium Merr.
On the contrary Protium australasicum (Bailey) Sprague, mentioned by Lam in regard to the disjunct area of P. connarifolium Merr. had, because of its connate pyrenes, to be referred to San-tiria.
Sectio Marignia (Comm, ex Kunth) Hook.f.
Hook.f. in Benth. et Hook. Gen. PI. I, i, p.324 (1862); Engl, in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.91 (1883); id. in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl. fam.nbsp;Ill, 4, p.237 (1897) et ed.2, XlXa, p.414 (1931).
Marignia Comm, ex Kunth in Ann. Sc. nat. S.i, II, p.351 (1824).
Shrubs or trees with imparipinnate glabrous leaves. Petiolules never incrassate at the apical end, at most slightly incrassate atnbsp;the basal end. Leaflets with decurrent base and rounded to emar-ginate apex, rarely obtusely subacuminate. Species from Madagascar and the Mascarenes.
4. Protium obtusifolium (Lam.) March, in Adansonia VIII, p.17, t.3 (1867—1868); Engl, in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.91 (1883);nbsp;id. in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. Ill, 4, p.237, £1340 (1897) et ed.2,nbsp;XlXa, p.414, f.i9ic (1931); Cordemoy in Ann. Inst. Col. Marseille VI, p.205 (1899); Guill. in Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. LVI, p.145nbsp;(1909).
Bursera obtusifolia Lam., Enc. méth. Bot. II, p.768 (1786); Baillon, Hist. d. PI. V, p.260, 296, f.265—268 (1874); id.. Diet.nbsp;Bot. I, p.528 fig. (1876); id., Tr. Bot. méd. phan. p.950 (1884);nbsp;Baker, FI. Mauritius and Seych. p.44 (1877).
Marignia obtusifolia De Cand., Prodr. H, p.79 (1825); Don, Gen. Hist. Dich. PI. H, p.84 (1832); Bojer, Hort. Maur. p.82 (1837);nbsp;Delessert, Ic. Sel. PI. Ill, t.55 (1837); Dietr., Syn. PI. H, p.1408nbsp;(1840); Lindley, Veg. Kingd. ed.3, p.4595 t.320 (1853).
Tingulonga obtusifolia OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.io8 (1891).
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Dammara graveolens Gaertn., Fr. et Sem. II, p.ioo, t.103, f.i (1802).
Marignia acutifolia DC. in errore Bojer, Hort. Maur. p.82 (1837).
Shrub or small tree, up to 10 m high. Branchlets stout, angulose and glabrous, when young smooth, greyish-datebrown, when adultnbsp;scabrous, cinerascent and dotted with ferrugineous lenticels. Leavesnbsp;usually 2- or 3-jugate, sometimes i- or 4-jugate, 15—20 (10—25)nbsp;cm long, glabrous; petioles near the base incrassate and flattened,
4— 5 (2.5—7.5) cm long, like the rhachis terete, striate and whennbsp;adult transversely rimose; interjuga 3.5 (2—4.5) cm long, in thenbsp;nodes hardly incrassate; petiolules semiterete, striate, canaliculate,nbsp;alate, apical end not articulate, 5—15 mm long, the terminal onesnbsp;15—22 (10—30) mm long; leaflets usually oblong-elliptic to elliptic-orbicular, 4.5—7 (4—ii) cm long and 2.75—4 (2—5.5) cm wide,nbsp;but the terminal ones obovate, the lateral ones hardly oblique,nbsp;slightly narrowed to the apex and the basal ones shorter; apexnbsp;obtuse to truncate; base broadly cuneate, decurrent; margin entire,nbsp;usually incurved; coriaceous, smooth, above nitidous, beneathnbsp;hardly nitidulous; with 8—9 (7—10) pairs of sec. nerves; prim,nbsp;nerves broad and prominent, sec. nerves prominulous, tert. nervesnbsp;hardly prominent on both sides. Inflorescences axillary, subterminal, mixed, 6—8 (4.5—13) cm long. Peduncle half the lengthnbsp;of the inflorescence, like the few, up to i cm long branchlets terete,nbsp;striate, rather densely puberulous when young, glabrescent whennbsp;adult. Pedicels rather stout, about 2 mm long, terete, striate, likenbsp;the triangular, subacuminate, 0.75—i mm long bracts and bractlets,nbsp;the calyx and the outside of the corolla sparsely and minutelynbsp;puberulous. Flowers 5-merous, rarely 4-merous, 3.5 mm long.nbsp;Calyx broadly cupuliform, i mm high; its limb irregulary split; itsnbsp;lobes triangular-ovate, subacuminate, as long as to twice as long asnbsp;the tube. Petals triangular-ovate, subcarnose; apex acute, slightlynbsp;incrassate-incurved; margins papillose. Stamens in the masc. fl.nbsp;2.5 mm, in the fern, ones 1.5 mm long; filaments subulate, at thenbsp;base slightly dilated; anthers oblong, about 0.75 mm long. Discnbsp;annular, lo-lobed, glabrous, 0.5 mm high. Pistil rather denselynbsp;appressed-puberulous, consisting of a globose, 4- to 5-lobed, 4- to
5- celled ovary and a sessile 4- to 5-lobed stigma, in the masc. fl.nbsp;embedded in the disc, 0.75 mm high, in the fern. fl. at the basenbsp;surrounded by the disc, 1.5 mm high. Drupe either oblique-ovoidnbsp;and monopyrenous or subglobose, 2- to 4-lobed and 2- to 4-pyre-itous, 15 mm long and 8—13 mm in diam.; apex acute, crownednbsp;by the stigma, when ripe dehiscent, puberulous when young;
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mesocarp thin, carnose; endocarp rather thick, brittle, woody.
Type: Commerson 596 in h.P.
Distribution: Mauritius.
MAURITIUS: Le Pouce, Boivin 1561 (1847) fl. fern, and fr. (P, W); Montagne longue. Bouton (1839) fl. fern, and fr. (BR, K); without locality,nbsp;Ayres (no date) fl. fern, and fr. (GH); id., Barclay (no date) fl. (K); id.,nbsp;Bélanger (no date) fl. fern, and fr. (W); id., Bojer (no date) fl. masc. (GH, M);nbsp;id., Commerson 596 (no date) fr. (L, LE) (type); id., Hardwicke 232 (no date)nbsp;fl. (G); id., Néraud (no date) fr. (G); id., Perrottet (1834) fr. (G, M); id.,nbsp;Sieber 199 (no date) fl. and fr. (B, M, W); id., Sieber II 68 (1830) fl. fern, andnbsp;fr. (B, BM, BR, BRESL, K, L, LE, W); id., Sieber II 326 (no date) fl. masc.nbsp;(L, P); id., Sieber (no date) fr. (C); id., Sieber (no date) fl. masc. (W); Vaughannbsp;288 (1920) fr. Mar. (K); Webb (1838) fl. (G); id., ded. Lamarck (no date)nbsp;fl. masc. (C); id., id. (no date) fr. (C); id.. Herb. Blackburn (no date) fl. masc.nbsp;(K); ex. herb. Paris (no date) fl. masc. (B).
Vern. names: bois de colophane, bois de colophane batard, bois de marigni, gommart.
The type-specimen, inscribed by Commerson “Marignia .... etc.”, induced Lamarck l.c. (1786) to the creation of Bursera ob-tusifolia Lam. and Kunth, in Ann. Sc. nat. S.i, II, p.351 (1824),nbsp;to the founding of the genus Marignia, to which he referred Dam-mara Gaertn. Gaertner l.c. (1802) considered Dammara graveolensnbsp;Gaertn., from Mauritius, as probably identical with Dammaranbsp;Itam s. nigra Rumph. These facts caused De Candolle l.c. to distinguish a Marignia obtusifolia DC. (Bursera obtusifolia Lam.,nbsp;Dammara graveolens Gaertn.) from Mauritius, and a Marignianbsp;acutifolia DC. (Dammara nigra Rumph.) from the Moluccas. Thenbsp;latter species however has since been referred to Canarium acuti-folium Merr., but Bojer l.c. records from Mauritius, apart from M.nbsp;obtusifolia DC., erroneously M. acutifolia DC. According to Bakernbsp;l.c. the specimen meant in this enumeration belongs to M. obtusifolia DC. I only found the name Marignia acutifolia DC. on thenbsp;label of a single specimen. Herb. Blackburn in h.K., collected beforenbsp;1863, and this turned out to be Protium obtusifolium March.,nbsp;though with tetramerous flowers.
Use: The resin extracted from the bark and from the fruits, called “colophane batard”, is used as tar and the wood is said to be valuable for car-penting. (cf.: Marchand l.c.; Baillon l.c.; Cordemoy l.c.; Guill. in Agr. Pays chauds IX, i, p. 360 et 2, p. 142 (1909)).
5. Protium Chapelierii Guill. in Bull. Soc. bot. Fr. LVI, p.138 (1909); Engl, in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. ed.2, XlXa, p.414
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Protium madagascariense Engl. var. ellipticum Engl. in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.91 (1883).
Tree. Branchlets rather stout, when young rather densely but minutely canescent puberulous, when adult glabrous, scabridulous,nbsp;ferrugineous to fuscous. Leaves 3-jugate, 20—25 cm long, glabrous;nbsp;petioles terete, striate, near the base slightly flattened, 4 (2.5—^4.5)nbsp;cm long; interjuga terete, striate 3.5 (3—5) cm long; petiolulesnbsp;semiterete, canaliculate, 7.5 (5—10) mm long, the terminal onesnbsp;20—25 mm; leaflets lanceolate-oblong to oblong-elliptic, slightlynbsp;narrowed to the acute, decurrent base, usually 8—9 (7—10) cmnbsp;long and 3—3.5 (2.5—3.75) cm wide, but the terminal ones obovatenbsp;and wider and the basal ones shorter; apex rounded but providednbsp;with an obtuse, 2 mm long and 5 mm wide acumen; margin entire,nbsp;subcoriaceous, smooth, above nitidous and glaucous, beneathnbsp;nitidulous and rufescent; with ii—13 pairs of sec. nerves; nervesnbsp;prominent. Inflorescences axillary, 8—10 cm long, few-branched.nbsp;Peduncles and axes angulose, like the rather stout, 3 mm longnbsp;pedicels of the fruits glabrous. Flowers 4- to 5-merous. Calyxnbsp;cupuliform, sparsely and minutely pilose; its lobes broadly triangular, half the length of the tube. Petals ovate; apex acute, incras-sate-incurved. Stamens with subulate filaments, shorter than thenbsp;calyx. Disc annular, glabrous. Ovary as long as the filaments. Drupenbsp;ellipsoid, sub-2-lobed, smooth and glabrous, 12.5 mm long andnbsp;7.5 mm in diam., not crowned by a rudiment of style or stigma;nbsp;mesocarp thin; endocarp woody; monopyrenous.
Type; Chapelier in h.P. (ex. Guill.).
Distribution: Madagascar.
MADAGASCAR: Cote Est, Chapelier in h. P. (ex Guill.); Saint Marie, Boivin 1890 (1848) fr. (G, L, W) (type of P. madagascariense Engl. var.nbsp;ellipticum Engl.); without locality, Perrottet (no date) fr. (L).
Vern. names: voiré matata, anba-fanguehanba (ex Guill.).
In regard to its morphological characters this species is nearly related to P. obtusifolium March, but the latter differs by thenbsp;truncate, not-acuminate apex, the 8—9 pairs of sec. nerves and thenbsp;indistinct tert. nerves of its leaflets and the oblique-ellipsoid ornbsp;subglobose form of its fruits which are crowned by a stigma-rudiment.
As the war made it impossible to visit the Herbarium at Paris I could not study the type-specimen and so I had to rely on thenbsp;diagnosis of Guillaumin. Because the latter does not mention the
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elongate-cuneate base of the leaflets, which reduces the petiolule to nearly nothing, as in P. Beandou Engl, and in P. madagascariensenbsp;Engl., but instead indicates the presence of distinct petiolules,nbsp;P. Chapelierii Guill. seems much nearer related to P. obtusifoliumnbsp;March, than to the former Madagascarspecies.
Boivin 1890, type of P. madagascariense Engl. var. ellipticum Engl., corresponds with the diagnosis of P. Chapelierii Guill. andnbsp;so does a Perrottet-specimen, named by Engler “Protium madagascariense Engl.”; neither of these two specimens agrees with thenbsp;diagnosis of the latter species.
Though P. Chapelierii Guill. shows much resemblance with P. obtusifolium March., the differential specific characters excepted,nbsp;yet the peculiar, always monopyrenous, one-celled and one-seedednbsp;fruits make one septical with regard to its true position; it mightnbsp;even belong to another genus.
Use: The resin of this species is said to be called ditindramy and to be used in several ways. (Cf. Guill. in Agr. Pays chauds IX, 2, p. 142 (1909)).
6. Protium madagascariense Engl, in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.91 (1883); id. in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. Ill, 4, p.237 (1897) etnbsp;ed.2, XlXa, p.414 (1931); Cordemoy in Ann. Inst. col. Marseillenbsp;VI, p.207 (1899); Guill. in Bull. Soc. bot. Fr. LVI, p.144 (1909).
Tingulonga madagascariense OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.io8 (1891).
Tree. Branchlets cinereous. Leaves 2- or 3-jugate, about 15 cm long, glabrous; petioles slightly semiterete, 4—6 cm long; inter-juga on the sides marginate, in the nodes incrassate, 2.5—3 cmnbsp;long; petiolules short, at the base incrassate, 2.5 mm long, thenbsp;terminal ones 15 mm; leaflets obovate-oblong to obovate-lanceo-late, usually 6—7.5 cm long and 1.75—2.25 cm wide, but the basalnbsp;ones shorter; apex obtuse, sometimes shortly and broadly obtuselynbsp;subacuminate, base cuneate-elongate, narrowed in the petiolule;nbsp;margin entire; subcoriaceous, smooth, above nitidous, beneathnbsp;nitidulous; with 9—12 pairs of sec. nerves; prim, nerves abovenbsp;grooved on each side, beneath prominent, sec. and tert. nervesnbsp;prominent. Inflorescences nearly as long as the leaves. Pedunclesnbsp;and branchlets terete, striate, sparsely puberulous. Pedicels of thenbsp;fruits terete, striate, glabrous, 5 mm long, bracts and bractletsnbsp;triangular-ovate, obtuse, i mm long, like the calyx sparsely andnbsp;minutely puberulous. Flowers 5-merous. Calyx broadly cupuliform,nbsp;0.75 mm high; its lobes triangular, half the length of the tube.nbsp;Filaments subulate, dilated, about i mm long. Disc annular, glabrous,nbsp;0.3 mm high. Drupe ovoid, obliquely compressed to trigonous,.
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sparsely fulvous puberulous, 12—15 mm long and 8—10 mm in diam.; apex acute, crowned by a subsessile, 5-lobed stigma; meso-carp thin; endocarp rather thick, woody; pyrenes i or 2.
Type : Richard 118 in h.P. (ex Engl.).
Distribution; Madagascar.
MADAGASCAR: Vohémar, Richard 118 (P) (ex Engl.)j without locality, Bernier 214 (no date) fr. (B).
Vern. name: probably tsiramiramy (ex Cordemoy and Guill.).
As the typespecimen in the Herbarium at Paris could not be examined because of the war, the diagnosis is traced from thatnbsp;of Engler with which some of the leaves and the fruits on a sheetnbsp;in herb. B., a mixture of Bernier 214 and Richard 391, correspondnbsp;quite well.
This species is related to P. Beandou March, which differs from P. madagascariense by its smaller leaves, the less numerous sec.nbsp;nerves and the retuse apex of its leaflets and its inflorescences ofnbsp;about one third the length of the leaves.
The similarity of its fruits and of its leaflets to those of P. Beandou Engl, makes it probable that P. madagascariense Engl, belongsnbsp;to the genus Protium.
Use: The resin of this species is said to be called ditindramy and to be used in several ways. (Cf. Cordemoy l.c.; Guill. l.c., id. in Agr. Pays chaudsnbsp;IX, 2, p.142 (1909)).
7. Protium Beandou March, ex Engl, in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.92 (1883); id. in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. Ill, 4, p.237 (1897) etnbsp;ed.2, XlXa, p.414 (1931); Guill. in Bull. Soc. bot. Fr. LVI, p.138nbsp;(1909)
Tingulonga Beandu OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.io8 (1891).
Shrub. Branchlets slender, terete, striate, when young sparsely appressedly puberulous, when adult glabrous, scabridulous andnbsp;ferrugineous to fuscous. Leaves 2-, rarely i-jugate, 6.5 cm long,nbsp;glabrous; petioles 15 (10—17) mm long, like the rhachis and thenbsp;petiolules semiterete, alate; interjuga 15 (7.5—17.5) mm long,nbsp;nodes slightly incrassate; petiolules indistinct, about 2 mm long,nbsp;the terminal ones 10 (7.5—17.5) mm; leaflets obovate-oblong tonbsp;spathulate, usually 2—2.25 (1.5—2.75) cm long and i—1.25nbsp;(0.8—1.5) cm wide, but the terminal ones larger and the lateralnbsp;ones slightly oblique; apex truncate to retuse; base cuneate-elongate,nbsp;distinctly decurrent, margin entire, slightly repandous, undulate;
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subcoriaceous, smooth, above nitidous, beneath nitidulous; with 6—7 pairs of sec. nerves; nerves prominent. Inflorescences axillary,nbsp;nearly 2 cm long; axes few and short, angular, glabrous. Pedicelsnbsp;of the fruits rather stout, 2.5 mm long, angulose, nearly glabrousnbsp;or sparsely appressed-puberulous; bracts and bractlets triangular-oblong, acute, hardly 0.5 mm long. Flowers 5-merous, 3 mm long.nbsp;Calyx cupuliform, glabrous or nearly so, 0.8 mm long; its lobesnbsp;triangular, subacuminate, as long as the tube. Petals oblong, acutenbsp;with a small inflexed apiculum, subcarnose, outside provided withnbsp;some short appressed hairs near the midrib. Stamens 1.5 mm;nbsp;filaments subulate, 1.2 mm; anthers oblong 0.3 mm long. Discnbsp;annular, lo-lobed, glabrous. Drupe either oblique-ovoid and mono-pyrenous or globose, 2- to 3-lobed and 2- to 3-pyrenous, 8—10 mmnbsp;long and 7—8 mm in diam., glabrous when ripe; apex acute, crowned by a subsessile 5-lobed stigma; mesocarp thin; endocarp rathernbsp;thick, woody.
Type: Bernier 238 in h.P. (ex Engl.).
Distribution: Madagascar.
MADAGASCAR: Sainte Marie, Bernier 238 (no date) fr. (B); id., Boivin (1846—1852) fr. (L)j without locality, Goudot (no date) fr. (G.).
Vern. name: bé-andou.
The nearest relation of P. Beandou March, is probably P. madagas-cariense Engl, but the latter differs by its larger leaves, its narrowly winged petiolules, its leaflets with 10—12 pairs of sec. nerves andnbsp;its inflorescences which are as long as its leaves. Both are probablynbsp;related to P. obtusifolium March, but differ from the latter by thenbsp;smaller size of their vegetative organs and their inflorescences,nbsp;the obovate leaflets with their cuneate-elongate base decurrent innbsp;the winged petiolule.
Sectio Eu-Icica Swart’
Idea Aubl., Hist. PI. Gui. fr. I, p.337 (1775)-
Trees or shrubs with imparipinnate or unifoliolate leaves. Petiolules at both ends incrassate-articulate. Inflorescences thyrsoid. Flowers pedicellate. Disc glabrous, in the masc. fl. not connatenbsp;with the more or less rudimentary ovary.
8. Protium brasiliense (Spreng.) Engl, in Mart. Fl. Bras. XII, 2, p.268, t.54 (1874); id. in DC, Mon. Phan. IV, p.70, t.2.
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f.i—3 (1883); id. in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. Ill, 4, p.237, f.134, A-B (1897)nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ed.2, XlXa, p.412, f.191, A-B (1931); Glaziou in
Bull. Soc. hot. Fr. LII, Mém.3, p.91 (1905)-
Amyris brasiliensis Spreng., Linn. Syst. Veg. ed.i6, II, p.217 (1825); Don, Gen. Hist. Diehl. PI. II, p.87 (1832)^ Dietr., Syn.nbsp;PI. II, p.1271 (1840).
Tingulonga brasiliensis OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p. 108 (1891).
Large shrub or small tree. Branchlets slender to rather stout, 2.5—4 mm in diam., terete, striate, smooth, glabrous, caesious tonbsp;castaneous, dotted witN oblong, ferrugineous lenticels. Leaves i-or 2-jugate, 10 (6.5—15) cm long; petioles semiterete, above slightlynbsp;dilated, in 2-jugate leaves at most as long as the interjugum butnbsp;usually shorter, 12.5—22.5 mm long, or in i-jugate leaves at mostnbsp;as long as the petiolule of the terminal leaflet but usually shorter,
12.5 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(4—17.5) mm long, like the rhachis and the petiolules glabrousnbsp;or provided with some scattered, minute, patent hairs; interjuganbsp;above bisulcate, 20—35 mm long; petiolules semiterete, canaliculate,nbsp;subalate, 4 (2—5) mm long, the terminal ones in the i-jugate leaves
17.5 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(5—20) mm, in the 2-jugate ones 10 (7.5—12.5) mm long;nbsp;leaflets oblong to elliptic 7 (3.5—9) cm long and 3.5 (1.25—^4.5)nbsp;cm wide, the terminal ones slightly narrowed to the base and
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larger than the nearly symmetrical lateral ones; apex tapering, ending obtusely, rarely indistinctly subacuminate; base cuneate;nbsp;margin entire, usually incurved; subcoriaceous to coriaceous,nbsp;smooth, glabrous, above nitidous, beneath nitidulous; with 8—lonbsp;pairs of sec. nerves; prim, nerves above grooved on each side,nbsp;beneath distinctly prominent, sec. nerves branched near the margin,nbsp;above prominulous, beneath prominent, tert. nerves indistinct.nbsp;Inflorescences axillary, branched from the base, 2.5 (1.5—6) cmnbsp;long, many-flowered. Branchlets terete, striate, slender, like thenbsp;1.5—2 mm long, terete, striate pedicels, the ovate, subacuminate,nbsp;0.5 mm long bracts and bractlets and the öutside of the calyx andnbsp;the corolla sparsely and minutely puberulous or subglabrous.nbsp;Flowers 5-merous, 2—3 mm long, greenish to reddish. Calyxnbsp;cupuliform, 0.8 mm high; its lobes broad-triangular, subacuminate,nbsp;acute, as long as the tube. Petals oblong-ovate, subcarnose withnbsp;acute, incrassate-inflexed apex and minutely fimbriate margins.nbsp;Stamens nearly 1.5 mm long; filaments subulate, dilated, 0.9 mmnbsp;long; anthers oblong, basifixed. Disc annular, lo-lobed, glabrous,nbsp;0.3 mm high. Pistil glabrous, in the masc. fl. 0.4—0.7 mm high, embedded in the disc, in the fern. fl. surpassing the stamens, at thenbsp;base surrounded by the disc.; ovary globose-conical, 5-lobed,nbsp;5-celled, about 1.25 mm high, tapering in a short style and crownednbsp;by a 5-lobed stigma. Drupe oblique-ovoid to 2- to 4-lobed, smooth,nbsp;glabrous, about 10 mm long and 7—12 mm in diam.; mesocarpnbsp;carnose; endocarp thin, woody; pyrenes i to 4.
Type (lecto-type): Sello 264 in h.B.
south-eastern Brazil (Minas Geraes and
Distribution Rio de Janeiro).
BRAZIL: Minas Geraes, Itabira do Campo, Schwacke 5823 (1887) fl. masc. Sept. (B); id., Restinga de Taipu et de Tijuca, Glaziou 6114 (1873')-fl. masc. March (B, C, K); id., id. 19013 (1891—1892) fl. fern. (B, C, K)inbsp;id., between Campos and Victoria, Sello 264 (1815) fl. fern. (B) (lectotype)jnbsp;id.. Capo do Campe, Claussen (1840) fr. (G, K); id., near Villa Rica, Riedelnbsp;473 (1824) fl. masc. Aug. (LE); id., Restingas de Tocaia, Guillemin 222nbsp;2-iéme (1838) fr. (G); id., without locality, Ackermann (1831) fl. fern. (BR);nbsp;id., Claussen 1529 (1841) fr. Oct. (P, NY)^ Rio de Janeiro, near Cabo Frio,nbsp;Ule 4709 (1899) fl. masc. Oct. (B); without locality. Herb. Richard (no date)nbsp;fr. (P); id., Schott 4406 (Pohl) (no date) fr. (BR, W); id., Sello 251 (no date)nbsp;fl. masc. (B); id., Sello 334 (no date) fl. fern. (B); id., Sello 429 (no date)nbsp;fl. masc. (B); id., Sello 1109 (no date) fl. fern. (B, S); id., Sello 1207 (no date)nbsp;fr. (B).
It was impossible to trace the typespecimen. Sprengel l.c. included Amyris brasiliensis Spr. in his “Amyris foliis ternatis”
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and indeed several of Sello’s specimens are trifoliolate. There is, however, but one specimen, Sello 1109, that is is labelled “Amyrisnbsp;brasiliensis”, and as the leaves of this one are for the greater partnbsp;bijugate, it is not likely that is has served as a base for Sprengel’snbsp;description. Moreover, the name on the label is not in Sprengel’snbsp;handwriting. Sello 264, my lecto-type, on the other hand agreesnbsp;completely with Sprengel’s diagnosis.
Anatomy: Guill. in Ann. Sc. nat., S.9, X, p.210 (1909).
var. subacuminatum Engl, in Mart. El. Bras. XII, 2, p.268 (1874); id. in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.70 (1883).
Protium venosum Engl, in Mart. FI. Bras. XII, 2, p.264 (1874); id. in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.65 (1883); id. in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.nbsp;fam. Ill, 4, p.237 (1897) et ed. 2. XlXa, p.412 (1931).
Tingulonga venosa OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.io8 (1891).
Protium venosum Engl. var. racemosum Engl, in Mart. El. Bras. XII, 2, p.265 (1874); id., in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.65 (1883).
Idea maritima Casaretto mss. ex Engl. l.c. (1874, 1883).
Leaves i- or 2-jugatej leaflets distinctly acuminate; acumen 2—3 mm long and 4 mm wide, obtuse. Pedicels short, 0.75—1.5nbsp;mm long. Flowers 5-merous, rarely 4-merous.
Type: Riedel in h.M.
Distribution: south-eastern Brazil (Minas Geraes and Rio de Janeiro).
BRAZIL: Minas Geraes, Restinga de Taipu et de Tijuca, Glaziou 1317 (1867) fem. June (BR, C); id., id. 19012 (1891—1892) fl. fem. (B, C, K, LE);nbsp;id., Cachoeira do Campo, Schwacke 8871 (1892) fr. Nov. (B); id., Barbacena,nbsp;Schwacke 8772 (1892) fl. fem. Oct. (B); id., near Minas, Schwacke 13481nbsp;(1878) fl. fem. Sept. (B)i id., Gardner 4496 (1842) fl. fem. (B, BM, K, P, W)nbsp;{type of P. venosum Engl. var. racemosum Engl.),' id., Riedel 492 (1844)nbsp;fl. fem. Sept. (B, K, LE, M) (type of P. venosum Engl.); id., Riedel (1824)nbsp;fl. masc. Sept. (B, LE, M) (type); Rio de Janeiro, Taypee, Casaretto 1798nbsp;(no date).
This variety strongly remembers Protium ovatum Engl., but the latter differs from this variety by its slender petiole which isnbsp;longer than the interjugum, its ovate leaflets with sec. nervesnbsp;branched halfway the blade and its inflorescences with glomerate,nbsp;4'nierous flowers.
var, subserratum Swart in Rec. Trav. bot. néerl. XXXIX, p.189 (1942).
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Leaves usually 2-jugate, sometimes i-jugate; leaflets obtusely subacuminate; margin subserrate. Flowers 3—4.5 mm long.
Type: Glaziou 12545 in h.P.
Distribution: south-eastern Brazil.
BRAZIL: Minas Geraes, between Ouro Preto and Casa Branca, Schwacke 9451 (1893) fl. masc. Sept. (B); Rio de Janeiro, Serra dos Orgaos, Glaziounbsp;8331 (1876) fl. fern. (B, BR, C, G, K, LE, S); id., id. 12545 (no date) fl.nbsp;masc. (B, BR, C, K, LE, NY, P); id., id. 19015 (1891—1892) fl. masc. (B, BR,nbsp;C, K, LE, US).
var. obtusifolium Swart in Rec. Trav. bot. néerl. XXXIX, p.189 (1942).
Leaves usually i-jugate, rarely 2-jugate; leaflets elliptic, apex obtuse to emarginate. Pedicels ^/g the length of the flowers, i mmnbsp;long, like the flowers glabrous.
T ype : Glaziou 16751 in h.P.
Distribution: south-eastern Brazil.
BRAZIL: Minas Geraes, Itabira do Campo, Glaziou 16751 (1887) fl. masc. Febr. (B, G, K, LE, P).
9. Protium Icicariba (DC.) March, in Adans. VIII, p.52 (1867—1868); Engl, in Mart. Fl. Bras. XII, 2, p.267, t.53 (1874);nbsp;id. in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.69 (1883); id. in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.nbsp;fam. II, 4, p.237 (1897) et ed.2, XlXa, p.412, 414 (i93i)i Corde-moy in Ann. Inst. col. Mars. VI, p.200 (1899); Beille, Préc. Bot.nbsp;pharm. II, p.620, f.420 (1909); Pittier in Trab. Mus. com. Venez.nbsp;VIII, p.366 (1931) excl. spec. Venez. Non apud March, in Vid.nbsp;Medd. Kjb. 1873, p.54 (1873) quod ad P. heptaphyllum March,nbsp;var. brasiliense Engl, pertinet, nec apud Standi, in Trop. Woodsnbsp;XXXIII, p.15 (1933) quod ad. P. giganteum Engl, pertinet.
Idea Icicariba DeCand., Prodr. II, p.77 (1825) syn. Amyris ambrosiaca L.f. excl.; Don, Gen. Hist. Diehl. PI. II, p.83 (1832);nbsp;Mart., Spec. Mat. Med. Bras. p.ii8 (1824); Berg und Schmidt,nbsp;Off. Gew. IV, t.3ic (1863); Kohler, Med. Pfl. I, t.33 (1887).
Elaphrium Icicariba Spr. ex Dietr., Syn. PI. II, p.1271 (1840).
Bursera Icicariba Baill., Hist. d. PI. V, p.296 (1874); id., Tr. Bot. méd. phan. p.951 (1884).
Tingulonga Icicariba OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.io8 (1891).
Amyris ambrosiaca L.f, Suppl. PI. p.216 (1781) quoad syn. Marcgr. et Piso tantum; eadum modo: Persoon, Linn. Syst. Veg.
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ed.i5, P-386 (1797); id., Syn. PI. I, p.414 (1805); Willd., Linn. Sp. PI. II, p.335 (1799).
Pr otium ambrosiacum Druce in Rep. Bot. Soc. and Exc. Cl.
VII, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Suppl.2, p.642 (1917), “vice P. Icicariba March.”
Bursera {Idea) Sellown Turez. in Buil. Soc. Imp. Nat. Mosc.
XXXVI, I, p.613 (1863).
Icicariba Piso, Hist. Nat. Bras. IV, p.59 (1648) et Marcgr., ibidem
VIII, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;p.98 (1648).
Shrub. Branchlets stout, fragile, terete, striate, smooth, glabrous, grey to fuscous. Leaves mostly 2-jugate, sometimes i-jugate,nbsp;15—21 cm long, in all parts glabrous 5 petioles terete, near thenbsp;slightly incrassate base semiterete, 5 (3—6.5) cm long; interjuganbsp;angulose, 2—3 cm long; petiolules semiterete, at both ends slightlynbsp;incrassate, 10 (7—13) mm long, terminal ones 15—20 mm; leafletsnbsp;mostly elliptic, but the smaller ones sometimes oblong, usuallynbsp;7.5—9.5 (6—10) cm long and 3.5—4.5 (3—5) cm wide, the terminalnbsp;ones larger, narrowed to the base, the lateral ones oblique, apexnbsp;abruptly acuminate; acumen tapering, 4 mm long and equally wide,nbsp;obtuse; base cuneate; margin entire; subcoriaceous, rigid, smoothnbsp;and nitidulous; with ii pairs of sec. nerves; prim, and sec. nervesnbsp;above grooved on each side, beneath prominent, tert. ones promi-nulous on both sides. Inflorescences axillary, branched from thenbsp;base, many-flowered, 2—4 cm long. Peduncles and branchletsnbsp;stout, terete, like the terete, striate, rather stout, 0.75—1.5 mm longnbsp;pedicels, the ovate-triangular, obtuse, 0.6 mm long bracts and bract-lets and the outside of the calyx and corolla rather densely andnbsp;shortly sericeous. Flowers 5-merous, 2.25—2.5 mm long. Calyxnbsp;cupuliform, 0.75 mm high; its lobes broad-triangular, acute, as longnbsp;as the tube. Petals oblong-ovate, carnose, inside glabrous; marginsnbsp;fimbriate; apex acute, incrassate-inflexed. Stamens nearly 1.5 mmnbsp;long, filaments subulate, slightly dilated at the base, 0.5 mm long;nbsp;anthers oblong-lanceolate, i mm long. Disc annular, sub-io-lobed,nbsp;glabrous, 0.2 mm high. Pistil surrounded by the disc, glabrous,nbsp;consisting of a globose-ovoid, 5-lobed, 5-celled ovary and a sub-sessile 5-lobed stigma, in the masc. fl. rudimentary, as high as thenbsp;filaments, in the fern. fl. as high as the stamens. Drupe obhque-ellipsoid, acute at both ends, smooth, glabrous, 10 mm long andnbsp;7-5 mm in diam., mostly monopyrenous.
Type: Sello in h.G.(?)
Distribution: south-eastern Brazil.
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BRAZIL: Rio de Janeiro, Gomes (1836) fl. masc. (K, L, M)j id., Weddel 696 (1858) fl. fern. (B); id., Richard (no date) fl. fern. Oct. (G, P)i id., Cabonbsp;Frio, Schenk 3881 (1887) fr. May (B, C, LE)j id., Restinga near Cabo Frio,nbsp;Ule 4710 (1899) fl- fetn. Oct. (B); Restingas de Tocaia, GuiUemin 222 (1838)nbsp;(Idea Guilleminiana March, mss.) fJ. fern, and fr. (P, NY)i between Rio denbsp;Janeiro and Bahia, Sello (no date) (B); between Campos and Victoria, SeUonbsp;307 (no date) fl. masc. (B); between Victoria and Bahia, Sello 83 (no date)nbsp;fl. fern. (B, K, S); id., id. 169 (no date) fl. (B); without locahty, Hoffmannseggnbsp;(no date) fl. (B)^ id., Kalkmann (no date) fl. (LE); id., Pohl (no date) fl. (W);nbsp;id., Schott (no date) fr. (W); id., Sello 230 (no date) fl. (B); id., id. 1057nbsp;(no date) fl. fern. (B).
Vern. names: icicariba (Piso et Marcgr. l.c., DeCand. l.c. and Baill., Diet. Bot. Ill, p.115) (1891)); breu jauaricica, almecegueira (Engl. l.c.nbsp;(1874); VillaFranca in Bull. Thér. méd. et chir. p. 9 (1880) and LeCointe,nbsp;Arv.e PI. ut. a Amaz. Bras. Ill, p. 64 (1934)).
Although this species and the preceeding one cover nearly the same limited area, they show quite different characters.
As all specimens I met with, are restricted to the coastal region between Rio de Janeiro and Bahia, Pittier’s record of P. Icicaribanbsp;March, from Venezuela (l.c.) is rather astonishing and wants confirmation. For the time being I am inclined to regard it as a wrongnbsp;identification. The vern. names quoted by Pittier belong to P.nbsp;macrophyllum (H.B.K.) Engl.
The diagnosis of Amyris ambrosiaca Linn.f. l.c. obviously refers to Protium heptaphyllum (Aubl.) March, and the synonym “Ideanbsp;Marcgr. bras. p. 98; Piso. bras. p. 59” has been added erroneously.nbsp;Probably for tlxis reason De Candolle added a “?” when he quotednbsp;Amyris ambrosiaca L.f. as a synonym of Icica Icicariba D(^. andnbsp;for the same reason Protium ambrosiacum Druce l.c. should benbsp;regarded as a nomen confusum.
The brief diagnosis of Bursera (Icica) Sellowii Turez. agrees with that of P. Icicariba DC., but as I could not trace any of Sello’snbsp;specimens signed with the name of Turezaninow I rely for thenbsp;identification of these two species on Engler’s authority.
Anatomy: Berg und Schmidt l.c.; Guill. in Ann. Sc. nat., S.9, X, p.2io (1909).
Uses: The fruits are said to be edible and the bark of the roots is said to be used as a medicine. The resin from the bark of this tree is mentionednbsp;as Resina Icica, Brasihanisches Elemi, Elémi d’Amérique, Elémi de Brésil,nbsp;Elemiharz, Elemi occidentale, Elemi von Rio. Some of these names are alsonbsp;apphed to the resins of other Protium species. Cf. Marcgr. et Piso l.c.i Bergnbsp;und Schmidt l.c.; Kohier l.c.; Baill. l.c. (1874); Engl. l.c. (1897, 1931);nbsp;Cordemoy l.c.; Wiesn. und Bamb. in Wiesn. Rohst. ed. 2, I, p. 175 (1900);nbsp;Guill. in Agr. Pays chauds IX, i, p. 358, 494 et 2, p. 144 (1909); Tschirch,nbsp;Handb. Pharmak. III, 2, p.1135 (1925); WoUf in Wiesn. Rohst. ed.4, I,nbsp;p.1045 (1927); LeCointe l.c.
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10. Protium macrophyllum (H.B.K.) Engl. in Mart. Fl. Bras. XII, 2, p.275 (1874); id. in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.75 (1883);nbsp;id. in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. Ill, 4, p.237 (1897) et ed.2, XlXa,nbsp;p.412 (1931)-
Idea macrophylla H.B.K., Nov. Gen. et Sp. PI. VII, p.26 (1825)5 Kunth, Syn. PI. IV, p.162 (1825)5 De Cand., Prodr. II, p.77nbsp;(1825)5 Spreng., Linn. Syst. Veg. ed.i6, IV, 2, p.148 (1827);nbsp;Tr. et PI. in Ann. Sc. nat. S.5, XIV, p.299 (1872).
Elaphrium macrophyllum Spr. ex Dietr., Syn. PI. II, p.1271 (1840).
Tingulonga macrophylla OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.io8 (1891).
} Protium Icicariba (DC.) March, in errore Pittier in Trab. Mus. com. Venez. VIII, p.366 (1931) quoad spec. Venez.
Large tree, up to over 25 m high. Branchlets stout, 5—10 mm in diam., terete, striate, glabrous, fuscous, dotted with large cicatricesnbsp;and small, elliptic, brownish lenticels. Leaves 3-jugate, rarelynbsp;2-jugate, 55 (up to 63) cm long, in all parts glabrous 5 petioles semi-terete, subalate, 15—17.5 cm long, at the base dilated and incrassate,nbsp;up to 15 mm wide5 interjuga terete, striate, carinate, 6 cm long5nbsp;petiolules semiterete, subalate, at both ends slightly incrassate, 10nbsp;(7.5—15) mm long, the terminal ones 4—6 cm5 leaflets elliptic-oblong to elliptic, usually 20 (19—24) cm long and 10 (7—ii) cmnbsp;wide, the terminal ones larger, sometimes narrowed to the base,nbsp;the lateral ones nearly symmetrical, the basal ones much shorter,nbsp;15—18 cm long5 apex rather abruptly acumninate5 acumen tapering,nbsp;6—8 mm long and 5—5 mm wide, obtuse5 base cuneate to nearlynbsp;rounded5 margin entire, undulate5 coriaceous, smooth, above nitidousnbsp;to nitidulous, beneath dull5 with 13—15 pairs of sec. nerves5 prim,nbsp;and sec. nerves above broad and flat, grooved on each side, beneathnbsp;distinctly prominent, pale green, tert. nerves prominulous. Inflorescences axillary, branched from the base, few-flowered, in allnbsp;parts glabrous, 3—5 cm long. Peduncles and branchlets stout,nbsp;angulose. Pedicels stout, terete, striate, 1.5—2 mm long5 bracts andnbsp;bractlets ovate, acute, 0.75 mm long. Flowers 5-merous, 2.5 mm long.nbsp;Calyx cupuliform, i mm high5 its lobes semi-orbicular, subacuminate, as long as the tube. Petals ovate-oblong, acute, inflexed-apicu-late. Stamens about i mm long5 filaments subulate about as long asnbsp;the oblong anthers. Disc annular, glabrous. Pistil at the base surrounded by the disc, about as high as the stamens, consisting of anbsp;globose-ovoid, 5-gonous, glabrous ovary and a subsessile 5-lobednbsp;stigma. Drupe broadly globose, 3- to 5-lobed, glabrous, 12.5—15 mmnbsp;long and 12.5—15 mm in diam. 5 apex acute crowned by a rudiment
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of the stigma; mesocarp rather thick; endocarp thin, woody; pyrenes
Type : Humboldt in h.P.
Distribution: Andes of Colombia.
COLOMBIA: near Mariquita, Humboldt in Herb. Willd. 7296 (no date) alt. 500 m, fl. June (B) (sub Amyris altissima); prov. Mariquita, Magdalena-valley, near Cundai, Triana 3700 (1855) alt. 700 m, fr. Sept. (B, BM, K,nbsp;US, W)j Chaparral, Goudot (ex Tr. et PL).
Vern. names: guacharaco (ex H.B.K.), guacamayo.
As it was impossible for me to visit the Herbarium at Paris I did not see the type. Engler based his diagnosis partly on Triana 3700nbsp;and partly on the description given by Kunth; the co-type in Herb.nbsp;Willd. 7296 he referred to P. Copal (S. et C.) Engl.
II. Protium attenuatum (Rose) Urb., Symb. Ant. VII, p.240 (1912); Fawcett and Rendle, Fl. Jam. IV, 2, p.208, f.69 (1920);nbsp;Engl, in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. ed.2, XlXa, p.412, 414 1931).
Idea attenuata Rose in N.Am. Fl. XXV, 3, p.261 (1911).
Amyris heterophylla Willd. in errore Wikst. in Kon. Vet. Ak. Handl. 1827, p.63 (1828) (fide Urb. l.c.).
Idea heptaphylla Aubl. in errore Gris., Fl. Br. W. Ind. Isl. p. 173 (1864) quoad spec, e St. Lucia et St. Vincent provenientia; Dussnbsp;in Ann. Inst. col. Mars. IV, 3, p.182 (1897).
Protium guianense March, in errore Engl, in Mart. Fl. Bras. XII, 2, p.271 (1874) et in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.72 (1883) quoad spec,nbsp;e St. Lucia, St. Vincent et Guadeloupe provenientia.
Protium guianense March, var. Oliver in Hook. Ic. PI. XVI, t.1571 (1887).
leiea guianensis Aubl. in errore Rose l.c. quoad specimina a Griseb. sub nom. 1. heptaphylla Aubl. citata.
Moderate-sized or large tree with pendent branches. Branchlets slender, 2.5 mm in diam., glabrous, fuscous, dotted with smallnbsp;elliptic, ferrugineous lenticels and like the petioles, the rhachisnbsp;and the petiolules transversely rimose when adult. Leaves 2- or 3-,nbsp;rarely 1-, jugate, 14—20 (10.5—23) cm long, in all parts glabrous;nbsp;petioles semiterete, at the base slightly incrassate, 3—5.5 (2.5—6) cmnbsp;long; interjuga angulose, slightly incrassate at the ends, half thenbsp;length of the petiole, 1.5—3 cm long; petiolules semiterete, abovenbsp;sulcate, at both ends incrassate, 7.5—10 mm long, the terminal onesnbsp;12.5—22.5 mm; leaflets lanceolate-oblong-ovate, 6.5—10 cm long
-ocr page 73-and 2.75—4 cm wide, the terminal ones slightly narrowed to the base and the lateral ones slightly asymmetrical; apex graduallynbsp;narrowed in a nearly linear, 5—8 mm long and 2.5—4 mm wide,nbsp;obtuse acumen; base broadly cuneate to rounded; margin entire;nbsp;chartaceous to subcoriaceous, smooth, above nitidulous, dark green,nbsp;beneath dull, pale green; with 10—14 pairs of sec. nerves; prim,nbsp;nerves above grooved on each side, beneath distinctly prominent,nbsp;sec. and tert. nerves prominent. Inflorescences axillary, subterminal,nbsp;branched from the base, many-flowered, 3.5—6 cm long; sec.nbsp;branchlets up to 3 cm long, angulose, like the terete, striate, 2—2.5nbsp;mm long pedicels and the triangular, acute, 0.5 mm long bractsnbsp;and 0.25 mm long bractlets sparsely and minutely puberulous.nbsp;Flowers 5-merous or rarely 4-merous, 2.5—3 mm long, green.nbsp;Calyx broadly cupuliform, i mm high, outside like the petalsnbsp;glabrous or nearly so; its lobes triangular, acute, nearly as long asnbsp;the tube. Petals oblong-ovate, acute, carnose; margins papillose.nbsp;Stamens about 1.5—1.8 mm long; in the masc. fl. filaments subulate,nbsp;twice the length of the elliptic, 0.6 mm long anthers; in the fern. fl.nbsp;filaments subulate, dilated, about as long as the oblong, 0.75 mmnbsp;long anthers. Disc annular, lo-lobed, glabrous, 0.3—0.5 mm high.nbsp;Pistil glabrous, in the masc. fl. embedded in the disc, 0.5 mm high,nbsp;in the fern. fl. at the base surrounded by the disc, 1.5 mm high;nbsp;ovary ovoid, 5-lobed, 5-celled, 1.25 mm high; stigma subsessile,nbsp;5-lobed. Drupe ovoid, oblique to 4-lobed, glabrous, scabrous;nbsp;2—2.75 cm long and 1.25—2.25 cm in diam.; apex acute, attenuate,nbsp;niesocarp rather thick, carnose; endocarp rather thick, woody;nbsp;pyrenes i—4.
Type ; Duss 3273 in h.US. 846786.
Distribution: Lesser Antilles.
GUADELOUPE: Bois de Deshaies, Duss 3273 (1893) alt. 355 m, fl. masc. and fern, and fr. (B, C, LE, NY, US) (type),- Duchassaing (no date) ft. (B)nbsp;(P. caribaeum Urb. mss.).
DOMINICA: Duss 16 (no date) in shady woods by the sea-side, fl. masc. and fr. (B); Ramage 0888) fl. fern. Aug. (B, K, S)j Ramage (1888) fr. Julynbsp;(BM, K).
MARTINIQUE: Bois du Lorrain, Duss 1054 (1885) alt. 400—600 m, fl. masc. (B, NY)i Duss 142 (1882) fl. fern, and fr. (B, F, NY); Duss (no date)nbsp;fl. masc. and fr. (B).
ST. LUCIA: Anderson (no date) fr. (K); Hooper (1886) fl. and fr. Oct. (cf. Hook, Ic. PI. l.c.) (K); Forets St. Jacques, Ramage (1888) alt. 600 m,nbsp;fl. masc. Oct. (B, BM, K).
ST. VINCENT: fide Urban l.c.
Without locahty: Herb. Bishop Goodenough (no date) fr. (K).
Vern. names: GUADELOUPE and MARTINIQUE: gommier blanc.
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bois d’encensj DOMINICA: gommier blanc, gommier jaune; ST. LUCIA: gommier l’incens.
P. attenuatum Urb. bears a striking resemblance to P. cubense Urb., but the latter differs by a petiole one and a half time thenbsp;length of the interjugum^ longer petioluleSj coriaceous, apically not-narrowed leaflets provided with a narrowed acumen i tot i % timesnbsp;as long as broad, and 4-merous flowers with triangular petals.
At first view it seemed possible to me to separate the specimens in two groups, viz. one consisting of plants with large leaves, whosenbsp;proportions correspond with the larger ones of the diagnosis, and withnbsp;chartaceous leaflets provided with 14 pairs of sec. nerves, and anothernbsp;group consisting of plants with small leaves, whose proportionsnbsp;correspond with the smaller ones of the diagnosis, and with sub-coriaceous leaflets provided with 10—12 pairs of sec. nerves. Somenbsp;specimens however show an intermediate appearance (Duss 16)nbsp;and moreover under the same number specimens have been collectednbsp;of which part belongs to the first, part to the second group. Fornbsp;example the flowering branches of a collection may be of the large-leaved form and the fruiting branches of the small-leaved one.
Uses; The rapidly drying, fragrant gum, extracted from all parts of this tree, is said to be used as incense and as an ointment for dressing woimds,nbsp;and also for perfuming rooms in order to drive offfhe mosquitos. Cf. Duss l.c.
12. Protium puncticulatum Macbr. in Candollea V, p.377 (1934)5 L. Williams in Field Mus. N.H., Bot. Ser. XV, p. 235 (1936).
Small or medium-sized tree, at times attaining a height of 15 m; bark reddish brown or purplish brown, with broad, low ridgesnbsp;(Williams). Branchlets terete, striate, glabrous, fuscous and dottednbsp;with oblong, pale brown lenticels. Leaves 2- to 4-jugate, 20—24 cmnbsp;long, in all parts glabrous; petioles terete, striate, near the basenbsp;flattened above, at least twice the length of the interjuga, 5.5—10 cmnbsp;long; interjuga terete, striate and smooth, at both ends incrassate,nbsp;2.5—4.5 cm long; petiolules semiterete, at both ends incrassate,nbsp;5—10 mm long, the terminal ones 20—30 mm; leaflets lanceolatenbsp;to lanceolate-oblong, mostly narrowed near the apex, rarely subovate,nbsp;usually 10—14 cm long and 3.25—5 cm wide, the terminal onesnbsp;narrowed near the base, the lateral ones slightly asymmetrical andnbsp;the basal ones much shorter; apex gradually narrowed in a rathernbsp;long and nearly linear, 5—7.5 mm long and 2.5—3.5 mm wide,nbsp;obtuse acumen; base cuneate; margin entire, undulate; chartaceous,nbsp;smooth, above nitidous and glaucescent, beneath dull; with 10—13nbsp;pairs of sec. nerves; prim, nerves prominent on both sides, sec. and
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tert. ones above prominulous, beneath prominent, pale green and slightly punctate. Inflorescences axillary, glomeruhform, few-flowered, 10—15 mm in diam., branched from the base. Branchletsnbsp;terete, striate, sparsely fulvous puberulous, 5—7.5 mm long. Pedicelsnbsp;slender, 4 mm long, like the ovate-elliptic, acute, 0.5 mm long bractsnbsp;and bractlets and the outside of the calyx provided with somenbsp;minute, fulvous hairs. Flowers 5-merous, 3—4.5 mm long. Calyxnbsp;broadly cupuliform, 0.75 mm high and 2 mm in diam., minutely 5-toothed. Petals oblong-ovate, subcarnose, glabrous with acutenbsp;apiculate-inflexed apex. Stamens 1.5—2 mm long; filaments subulate, slightly dilated, as long as the elliptic anthers. Disc annular, 10-lobed, glabrous, 0.3 mm high. Pistil at the base surrounded by thenbsp;disc, glabrous, 0.75—i mm high; ovary conical, sub 5-lobed, basenbsp;narrowed, apex acute; stigma subsessile, 5-lobed. Drupe globose,nbsp;3- or 4-lobed, glabrous, acute at the apex; mesocarp thin, car-nose; endocarp thin, brittle, woody; pyrenes 3 or 4.
Type : Llewelyn Williams 4861 in h.F. 626397.
Distribution : Andes of northern Peru.
PERU: dept. Amazonas, Maranon, Pongo de Manseriche, Tessmann 3456 (1924) fl. masc. (B, G, S)j dept. Loreto, Jurimaguas, lower R. Huallaga,nbsp;Parana Pura, L. Williams 4625 (1929) alt. 155—210 m, fr. Nov. (F, G, US);nbsp;id., Santa Rosa, L. Williams 4861 (1929) alt. 155—210 m, fl. masc. and fern,nbsp;and fr. Nov. (F, G, K, US) (type); dept. S. Martin, upper R. Huallaga,nbsp;Juan-Jui, Klug 4217 (1936) alt. 400—800 m, fl. fern. Jan. (U).
This species is marked by its long petioles, its glomeruhform inflorescences, its long pedicels and its minutely 5-toothed calyx.
13. Protium Aracouchini (sphalm. Aracouchili) (Aubl.) March. in Adans. VIII, p.51 (1867—1868); Engl, in Mart. Fl. Bras. XII,nbsp;2, p.274 (1874) et id. in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.74 (1883) excl. syn.nbsp;Icica parvifolia Spruce; id. in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. Ill, 4, p.237nbsp;(1897) et ed.2, XlXa, p.412, 414 (1931); Radik, in Sitz. Ber. K. Bay.nbsp;Ak. Wiss., Mat.-phys. Cl. VII, p.312,382 (1878) excl. syn. I. parvi-flora Benth.; id. in Engl. Pflanzenreich XCVIII, p.826,1410(1933-1934); Cordemoy in Ann. Inst. col. Mars. VI, p.201 (1899); Pittiernbsp;in Trab. Mus. com. Venez. VIII, p.365 (1931).
Icica Aracouchini Aubl., Hist. PI. Guian. fr. I, p.343, t.133 (1775)3 Tr. et PI. in Ann. Sc. nat., S.5, XIV, p.298 (1872); Villa-Franca in Bull. Thér. méd. et chir. 1880, p.4, 9 (1880); Sagot innbsp;Ann. Sc. nat., S.6, XIII, p.291 (1882).
Amyris heterophylla Willd., Linn. Sp. PI. ed.4, II, p.335 (1799) nom. nov. illeg.; Pers., Syn. PI. I, p.414 (1805); Spreng., Linn.nbsp;Syst. Veg. ed.i6, II, p.218 (1825).
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Idea heterophylla DC., Prodr. II, p.77 (1825); Don, Gen. Hist. Diehl. PI. II, p.82 (1832).
Elaphrium heterophyllum Spr. ex Dietr., Syn. PI. II, p.1271 (1840).
Bursera Aracouchili Baill. (sphalm.). Hist. d. PI. V, p. 296 (1874); id., Tr. Bot. méd. phan., p.951 (1884).
Tingulonga Aracuchini OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.io8 (1891).
Melicocca geniculata Spreng., Linn. Syst.Veg. ed.i6, II, p.220 (1825).
Hypelate geniculata Don, Gen. Hist. Diehl. PI. I, p.672 (1831).
Idea Trianensis Mareh. mss. ex Tr. et PI. in Ann. Se. nat., S.5, XIV, p.298 (1872)..
Protium heptaphyllum Mareh. in errore Standi, in Trop. Woods XXXIII, p.15 (1933) quoad spee. “breu almaeega” nom.
Small to medium-sized, rarely large tree, 3.5—10 (20) m high. Branehlets slender, 2 mm in diam., terete, striate, smooth, glabrous,nbsp;einereous to fuseous, when adult sometimes seabrous. Leaves i- tonbsp;3-jugate, rarely unifoliate or 4-jugate, 15—20 (10—29) em long,nbsp;in all parts glabrous; petioles semiterete, generally longer than thenbsp;interjuga, 3.5—^4.5 (2.5—6) em long; interjuga angular, above nearnbsp;the inerassate nodes earinate or bisuleate, 2.25—4 em long; petiolu-les slender, angulose, eanalieulate, at both ends sligthly inerassate,nbsp;5—7.5 mm long, the terminal ones 15—35 mm; leaflets oblong-laneeolate to oblong-elliptie, sometimes slightly narrowed to thenbsp;apex, usually 8—10.5 (7.5—13) em long and 3—4 (2.5—4.5) emnbsp;wide, the terminal ones larger, mostly narrowed to the base, thenbsp;lateral ones slightly asymmetrieal, the basal ones smaller; apexnbsp;abruptly acuminate acumen linear, 8—15 mm long and 2—2,5 mmnbsp;wide, obtuse; base cuneate to rounder; margin entire, undulate;nbsp;chartaceous, smooth, nitidulous; with 10—12 (10—15) pairs of sec.nbsp;nerves; prim, nerves distinctly prominent, sec. nerves prominent,nbsp;tert. ones above prominulous, beneath prominent. Inflorescencesnbsp;axillary, branched from the base, lax, rather few-flowered, 5—10 cm,nbsp;rarely 20 cm, long, in all parts glabrous; sec. branehlets patent,nbsp;3—5 cm long. Peduncles and branehlets terete, slender. Pedicelsnbsp;terete, i—2 mm long; bracts and bractlets ovate, acute, 0.3 mm long.nbsp;Flowers 4-merou3, 2—2.5 mm long, luteous to sulfureous. Calyxnbsp;cupuliform, 0.5 mm high; its lobes triangular to semiorbicular,nbsp;acuminate, as long as the tube. Petals oblong-ovate, acute, inflexed-apiculate, subcarnose. Stamens in the masc. fl. 1.25 mm, in thenbsp;fern, ones i mm long; filaments subulate, dilated at the base; anthersnbsp;elliptic, 0.3 mm long. Disc annular, 8-sulcate, glabrous, 0.25 mm
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high. Pistil glabrous, in the masc. fl. embedded in the disc, in the fern. fl. at the base surrounded by the disc and 1.25 mm high,nbsp;consisting of an ovoid, 4-lobed, 4-celled, about i mm high ovarynbsp;narrovi^ed in a subsessile 4-lobed stigma. Drupe either oblique-ovoidnbsp;and monopyrenous or globose, 2- to 4-lobed and 2- to 4-pyrenous,nbsp;glabrous, smooth, with acute apex and rounded base; mesocarpnbsp;thin, carnose; endocarp thin, woody.
Type: Aublet in h.BM.
Distribution: northern South America.
COLOMBIA: prov. Bogota, Llano de S. Martin, Apiai, Triana 3697 (1851—1857) alt. 300 m, fr. (B, BM, K, P, W); id., Villavicensio, Karstennbsp;(no date) fr. (B, LE, W).
VENEZUELA: Rio Negro, near San Carlos, Spruce 3679 (1854) fl. masc. Oct. (B, BM, BR, C, K, NY, P, W).
SURINAME: Saramacca R., Sectie O, Boschbeheer i6bis (no date) fl. masc. (U); id., tree n. 816, BW. 1900 (1916) (U), BW 2320 (1916) fl. masc.nbsp;Aug. (U), BW. 3388 (1917) fl. masc. Nov. (U), BW. 4394 (1919) fl. masc.nbsp;Sept. (U).
FR. GUIANA: near scource of Courou R., Aublet (no date) fr. June (BM) (type).
BRAZIL: Amazonas, Rio Negro, near San Gabriel do Cachoeira, Spruce 2179 (1852) fr. Mar. (B, BM, G, K, LE, M, NY, P, W); id., Camanaos,nbsp;Luetzelburg 22152 and 22730 (1913) fl. fern. Sept. (M); id., basin Rio Madeira, Humayta, Krukoff 6637 (1934) fl. fern. Oct. (K, NY, U); id., nearnbsp;Livramento, Krukoff 7027 (1934) fr. Nov. (K, NY, U); Para, basin R. Ta-pajoz. Boa Vista, Capucho 401 (1932) fl. masc. Aug. (F); Almada, Riedelnbsp;692 (1822) in sandy forest, fl. masc. Apr. (B, LE); between Victoria andnbsp;Bahia, Sello 604 (no date) fl. masc. (B); without locality, Sello I (no date)nbsp;fl. masc. (B); id., Sello 108 (no date) fl. masc. (B, K) (type of Melicoccanbsp;geniculata Spr.); id., Sello 224 (no date) fl. masc. (B).
Vern. names: SURINAME: tingi-monnie (N.E.); BRAZIL: almesca (ex Krukoff), breu almecega (ex Capucho).
Protium Aracouchini Marc, is recognizable by its most graceful appearance. Its nearest relation is P. plagiocarpium Ben., whichnbsp;difers by the indistinct sec. and tert. nerves on the upperside ofnbsp;the leaflets of its nearly ever i-jugate leaves, by the narrowed basenbsp;of its long-acuminate drupes and by its sparsely pilose ovary.nbsp;P. elegans Engl, also resembles P. Aracouchini March, but thenbsp;former differs by the sparse to rather dense, very short indumentumnbsp;of its petioles, rhachis, petiolules, peduncles, bracts and calyx, bynbsp;the indistinct sec. and tert. nerves, by the shorter acumen and thenbsp;acute-cuneate base of its narrower leaflets and by its shorter inflorescences.
That Melicocca geniculata Spr. (Hypelate geniculata Don), of
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which Sello io8 ex Herb. Sprengel in the herbarium at Berlin is the type, is identic with P. Aracouchini March, a statement first madenbsp;by Radlkofer I.c. (1878), could be confirmed, but Icica parvifloranbsp;Benth. mss., which was also quoted by Radik, as a synonym, hadnbsp;to be referred to P. plagiocarpium Ben.
Anatomy: Stone and Freeman, Timb. Br. Gui. p.32 (1914).
Uses: The yellow, aromatic resin of this species, which retains its fluidity for a long time, is called “aracouchini”, “acouchi” or “alouchi” and is saidnbsp;to be used for dressing wounds and as a cosmetic. Cf. Aublet I.c.; Engl. I.c.nbsp;(1897, 1931); Wiesn., Rohst., ed.2, I, p.175 (1900); Guill. in Agr. Paysnbsp;chauds IX, i, p.358 et 2, p.145 (1909); Tschirch, Handb. Pharmak. Ill, 2,nbsp;p,ii37 (1925); Wolff in Wiesn. Rohst., ed.4, I, p.1040 (1927).
The wood should be useful for drawers and wardrobe-shelves. Cf. Stone and Freeman I.c.
14. Protium ovatum Engl, in Mart. FI. Bras. XII, 2, p.264, t.52 (1874); id. in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.65 (1883); id. in E.-Pr.nbsp;Nat. Pfl.fam. Ill, 4, p.237 (1897) et ed.2, XlXa, p.412 (1931).
Tingulonga ovata OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.io8 (1891).
Shrub or small tree, 0.6—10 m high. Branchlets slender, 3—4 mm in diam., terete, glabrous, smooth, castaneous to fuscous. Leavesnbsp;2- or 3-jugate, rarely i-jugate, 13 (10—17) cm long, petioles semi-terete, dilated, with incrassate base, 3 (2.5—4) cm long, like thenbsp;rhachis, the petiolules and the prim, nerves glabrous or providednbsp;with some scattered, minute, patent hairs; interjuga angulose, abovenbsp;flat and bisulcate, with incrassate nodes, 2 (1.5—3) cm long;nbsp;petiolules semiterete, subalate, when adult at times transverselynbsp;rimose, 3—5 mm long, the terminal ones 8—15 mm; leaflets elliptic-ovate, narrowed from below the middle to the apex, usually 6nbsp;(4.5—7.5) cm long and 3 (2—3.5) cm wide, the terminal ones larger,nbsp;the lateral ones asymmetrical, the basal ones shorter; apex graduallynbsp;narrowed in a tapering, 3 mm long and 4 mm wide, obtuse acumen;nbsp;base broadly cuneate to slightly cordate; margin mostly entire,nbsp;rarely subserrate, undulate; subcoriaceous, rigid, glabrous, smooth,nbsp;nitidulous, above dark green, beneath pale green; with 8—10 pairsnbsp;of sec. nerves branched halfway the blade; prim, nerves distinctlynbsp;prominent, sec. ones prominent, tert. ones hardly prominent. Inflorescences axillary, glomeruliform, generally many-flowered, 10nbsp;(5—15) mm in diam.; peduncles and branchlets like the terete, 1.5nbsp;mm long pedicels and the ovate, acute, 0.5 mm long bracts andnbsp;bractlets rather densely to sparsely and minutely sericeous. Flowersnbsp;4-merous, 2.5—3 mm long, reddish. Calyx broadly cupuliform,nbsp;V4 the length of the flower, outside like the petals papillose; its lobes
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broadly triangular, subacuminate, longer than the tube. Petals oblong-ovate, acute, inflexed-apiculate. Stamens 1.5 mm long; filaments subulate, nearly i mm long; anthers elliptic-oblong, 0.7 mm long.nbsp;Disc annular, 8-Iobed, flat, glabrous, 0.25 mm high. Pistil glabrous,nbsp;in the masc. fl. 0.6 mm high and ovary embedded in the disc; in thenbsp;fern. fl. 2 mm high and ovary at the base surrounded by the disc,nbsp;globose, 4-ribbed, 4-celled, nearly i mm high; style slender, 4-sulcate, I mm long; stigma 4-lobed. Drupe oblique-ovoid, glabrous,nbsp;smooth, 12 mm long and 8 mm in diam.; mesocarp thick, carnose;nbsp;endocarp thick, brittle, woody.
Type: Riedel 442 in h.B.
Distribution: eastern Bolivia and southern Brazil.
BOLIVIA: dept. Santa Cruz, prov. Del Sara, Buenavista Mt., Steinbach 2383 (1916) alt. 450 m, fl. fern. July (B).
BRAZIL: Matto Grosso, Burity, Collenate 112 (1927) alt. 750 m, fl. fern. June (K, NY) id., near Cuyabe, Dorrien Smith 327 (1927) alt. 750 m (K, NY);nbsp;Minas Geraes, Rio Pardo, Riedel 442 (1826) on dry fields, fl. masc. and fern.nbsp;Aug. (B, LE) (type); id., Lagoa Santa, near S. Anna, Lund in Herb. Warming 2409 (1834) fl. Aug. (C); id., without locality, Riedel (1834) fl. masc.nbsp;Oct. (LE); id., Riedel (1834) fr. Oct. (LE); id., Claussen 693A (1840) fl.nbsp;masc. (B, K); Sao Paulo, near S. Paulo, Herb. Richard (no date) (P); withoutnbsp;locality, Burchell 5244 (no date) fr. (K); id., Lund in Herb. Warming 2406nbsp;(no date) fl. fern, and fr. (C, US).
Protium ovatum Engl, is closely related to P. brasiliense Engl. var. subacuminatum Engl., but the latter differs by its short petioles, itsnbsp;non-ovate leaflets with sec. nerves branching near the margin ofnbsp;the blade and its non-glomeruliform inflorescences with usuallynbsp;5-merous, rarely 4-merous flowers.
In other respects P. ovatum Engl, resembles P. heptaphyllum March, which differs from the former by its glabrous and longernbsp;petioles and rhachis, by its usually oblong, not ovate leaflets, thatnbsp;are narrowed near the apex, and provided with an acute-cuneatenbsp;base and with 10—14 pairs of sec. nerves branched along the marginnbsp;of the blade, and by its linear acumen, that is twice as long as broad.
15. Protium Widgrenii Engl, in Mart. Fl. Bras. XII, 2, p.272 (1874); id. in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.73 (1883); id. in E.-Pr. Nat.nbsp;Pfl.fam. Ill, 4, p.237 (1897) et ed.2, XIX, p.412 (1931); Glaziou innbsp;Bull. Soc. bot. Fr. LII, Mém.3, p.92 (1905).
Tingulonga Widgrenii OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.io8 (1891).
Small to large tree. Branchlets terete, striate, when young rather densely tomentellous, soon glabrescent, ferrugineous, dotted with
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elliptic pale brown lenticels, when adult scabrous, cinereous. Leaves I- to 3-jugate, mostly 2-jugate, rarely unifoliolate or 4-jugate, 18—20nbsp;cm long, variable in size and shape, in all parts glabrous; petiolesnbsp;semiterete, above flat, at the base hardly incrassate, 3.5—4 (3—5.5)nbsp;cm long; interjuga angulose, above flattened and bisulcate, at thenbsp;nodes slightly incrassate, 3 (2.25—4) cm long; petiolules semiterete,nbsp;canaliculate, at both ends slightly incrassate, 7.5—10 mm long,nbsp;the terminal ones 15—20 (10—30) mm, leaflets lanceolate to oblong,nbsp;narrowed at both ends, usually 7.5—9 (5—14) cm long and 2.5—3nbsp;{1.5—^4.5) cm wide, the terminal ones larger, the lateral ones asymmetrical, at times distinctly oblique and curved; apex graduallynbsp;narrowed in a tapering, 5—10 mm long and 2.5—5 mm wide, obtusenbsp;acumen, but at times subacuminate; base acute-cuneate; marginnbsp;entire, repandous, undulate; subcoriaceous, smooth, above darknbsp;green and nitidulous, beneath pale green and dull; with 12 (10—14)nbsp;pairs of sec. nerves; prim, nerves prominent, sec. ones above pro-minulous, beneath, like the tert. ones, hardly prominulous to hardlynbsp;visible. Inflorescences axillary, irregulary and laxly branched fromnbsp;the base, many-flowered, usually 7.5 (6—12) cm long, but sometimesnbsp;shorter; sec. branchlets up to 4 cm long. Peduncles and branchletsnbsp;slender, angulose, like all parts of the flowers glabrous. Pedicelsnbsp;rather stout, mostly obconical, half the length of the flower, 1.5 mmnbsp;long, terete, striate; bracts and bractlets triangular, acute, 0.5 mmnbsp;long. Flowers 5-merous, rarely 4- or 6-merous, nearly 3 mm long.nbsp;Calyx cupuliform, about i mm high; its lobes broadly triangular,nbsp;acute, about as long as the tube. Petals oblong-ovate, acute, inflexed-apiculate, papillose on the margins. Stamens i—1.5 mm long;nbsp;filaments subulate, flat, more or less dilated at the base; anthersnbsp;oblong-elliptic, 0.75 mm long. Disc annular, lo-lobed, glabrous,nbsp;0.25 mm high. Pistil glabrous, in the masc. fl. embedded in the disc,nbsp;0.3—0.6 mm high, in the fern. fl. at the base surrounded by thenbsp;disc, 1.5 mm high, consisting of a globose-ovoid, 5-lobed, 5-cellednbsp;ovary narrowed in a subsessile, 5-lobed stigma. Drupe depressednbsp;globose, 3- to 5-lobed, 10 mm long and 8—12 mm in diam., withnbsp;an acute top; exocarp black, mesocarp thick, carnose; endocarpnbsp;thin, crustaceous; pyrenes i—5.
Type; Widgren s.n. (Icica Widgrenii Engl, mss.) in h.BR.
Distribution: south-eastern Brazil.
BRAZIL: Minas Geraes, Serra do Lenheiro, near Sao Jao d’El Rei, Schwacke 10138 (1873) fr. Dec. (B); id., Serra de Sao José, near Tiradentes,nbsp;Schwacke 10182 (1876) fr. Dec. (B); id., near Cencei^ao de Ibitipoca, Schwacke 12374 (1896) fl. masc. Aug. (B); id., id. 12397 (Ï896) fl. Aug. (B); id..
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Serra de Caracol, Mosén 4067 (1875) in forest, fr. Dec. (S); id., Serra de Caldas, Regnell II 55a (1856) fr. Dec. (B, C, S)j id., id. II 55a (1867) fl. fem.nbsp;Sept. (C); id., id. II 55b (1864) fr. Dec. (S); id., id. II 55c (1846) fr. Nov.nbsp;(S); id., id. II 55d (1846) fl. fem. and fr. Dec. (S); id., id. II 55e (1845) fl.nbsp;masc. (B, S); id., id. II 55! (1843) fl. fem. (LE, S); id., id. II 55g (1871)nbsp;fr. Nov. (S); id., id. II 55h (1869) fl. masc. and fem. Aug. (S); id., id. II 55!nbsp;(1869) fl- fem. Sept. (S); id.. Mosén 452 (1873) fl. Oct. (S); id., id. 453 (1873)nbsp;fr. Oct. (S); id., id. 4486 (1876) fr. Febr. (S); id., without locality, Widgrennbsp;(1845) fr- (B, BR, GH, S, W); id., id. (1845) fl. masc. (B, BR, C, LE, M, S)nbsp;(type); Rio de Janeiro, Alto Macahé de Nova Friburgo, Glaziou 19014bnbsp;(1891) fl. fem. Oct. (P); Parana, Itararé, Dusén 9696 (1910) (S); id., id.nbsp;17400 (1915) alt. 760 m, fr. Dec. (GH, S); Sao Paulo, Itapetininga, Löfgrennbsp;138 (1887) fl. Sept. (B); id., S. José do Rio Parao, Löfgren 1389 (1889)nbsp;fl. fem. Sept. (B); id., Ypanema, Sello 2014/2062 (no date) fr. (B); id., Atibaia,nbsp;Campos Novaes 589 (no date) fl. fem. (B); id., Yparanga, Usteri (1906)nbsp;fr. Dec. (M); id., Butantan, Hoehne 657 (1917) fl. masc. Oct. (B, US); id.,nbsp;between S. Paulo and Mugi das Cruzes, Lund 953 in Herb. Warming 2401nbsp;(no date) fr. (L, LE); Serra de Carauma, Rio Branco, Ule 7729 (1908) fl.nbsp;masc. Nov. (B, G, K, L); without locality, Burchell 4619 (no date) fr. (L,nbsp;LE); id. Sello 7 (no date) fl. masc. (B); id., id. 170 (no date) fl. masc. (B).
Vern. name: almecegueira.
This species is marked by the long petiolules of the lateral leaflets, even of the apical jugum and by the variable and irregular shape ofnbsp;its leaflets.
In view of the limited area of this species it is questionable whether Steinbach 7644 (1924) (B,F,S) from Bolivia, dept. Santa Cruz, prov.nbsp;Sara, Buena Vista, although not unlike P. Widgrenii Engl., reallynbsp;belongs to this species.
var. puberulum Swart in Rec. Trav. bot. néerl. XXXIX, p.189 (1942).
Leaflets oblong. Pedicels, bracts, bractlets and the outside of the calyx and corolla sparsely and minutely puberulous. Style morenbsp;or less distinct.
Type: Hoehne 28320 in h.U.
Distribution: south-eastern Brazil.
BRAZIL: Minas Geraes, Widgren (1845) fl. fem. (S, U); Sao Paulo, Ipanema, Sello 2015/2063 (no date) fr. (B); Parana, Itarari, Dusen 10396nbsp;(1910) fl. masc. Nov. (B, GH, S, US); without loc., Hoehne 28320 (1931)nbsp;fl. masc. Oct. (U) (type); id., Glaziou 1389 (no date) fl. fem. (P).
16. Protium angustifolium Swart in Rec. Trav. bot. need. XXXIX, p.190 (1942).
Small tree. Branchlets terete, smooth, when young densely and
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minutely puberulous, soon glabrescent and dark brown. Leaves 2-jugate, about 25 cm long, in all parts glabrous; petioles semiterete,nbsp;at the base slightly incrassate, 5—6 (3.5—8) cm long; interjuganbsp;angulose, above flattened and bisulcate, at the nodes incrassate, 4nbsp;(3—5.5) cm long; petiolules semiterete, canaliculate, at both endsnbsp;incrassate, all about equal in length, 10 (5—15) mm long, the terminal ones 25—30 mm long excepted; leaflets linear-lanceolate,nbsp;narrowed from the middle to the apex, usually 12.5—16 cm longnbsp;and 3.5 cm wide, but the terminal ones larger, narrowed to the base,nbsp;the lateral ones suboblique and the basal ones slightly shorter; apexnbsp;gradually to rather abruptly acuminate; acumen nearly linear, 10 mmnbsp;long and 5 mm wide, obtuse; base acutely cuneate; margin entire,nbsp;repandous, undulate; chartaceous, smooth, nitidulous, with 14nbsp;(12—16) pairs of sec. nerves; prim, and sec. nerves prominent andnbsp;pale green, tert. ones hardly prominulous to inconspicuous. Inflorescences axillary, laxly branched from the base, 3.5 (2—7.5) cmnbsp;long; peduncles and branchlets angulose, like the terete, 3.5 mm longnbsp;pedicels, the oblong, 0.75 mm long bracts and bractlets and thenbsp;outside of the calyx sparsely and patently puberulous. Flowersnbsp;4-merous, 4 mm long, white (Curran). Calyx cupuliform, 0.75 mmnbsp;high; its lobes broadly triangular, obtusely subacuminate, 0.35—0.25nbsp;mm long. Petals lanceolate, acute, inflexed-apiculate, glabrous withnbsp;papillose margins, 3.5 mm long and i mm wide. Stamens aboutnbsp;2 mm long; filaments subulate, about as long as the oblong anthers.nbsp;Disc annular, 8-sulcate, glabrous, 0.3—0.5 mm high. Pistil in thenbsp;masc. fl. I mm high, in the fem. ones about 2 mm high, at the basenbsp;surrounded by the disc, glabrous, consisting of a globose, 4-lobed,nbsp;4-celled ovary and a cylindrical 4-sulcate style of about the samenbsp;length and ending in a 4-lobed stigma. Drupe oblique-ovoid, 12.5nbsp;mm long and 12.5 mm in diam, crowned by a rudiment of the style.
Type : Curran 15 in h.US 537180.
Distribution: twice collected.
COLOMBIA: dept. Bolivar, San Martin de Loba, Curran 15 (1916) fl. masc. Apr.-May (F, US).
BRAZIL: Matto Grosso, S. Anna da Chapada, Malme 2142 (1902) fl. fem. and fr. July (S).
This species belongs to the nearer relations of P. heptaphyllum (Aubl.) March., and comes particularly near to the latter’s var.nbsp;brasiliense Engl., but differs from it chiefly by its long petiolulesnbsp;and by its linear-lanceolate leaflets provided with pale green prim,nbsp;and sec. nerves. From P. Widgrenii Engl. var. puberulum Swart,
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with which its agrees in the indumentum of the generative parts, it differs by its narrowed leaflets and its larger, 4-merous flowersnbsp;with distinct styles.
17. Protium macrosepalum Swart in Rec. Trav. hot. néerl. XXXIX, p.190 (1942).
Protium guianense March, in errore Gleason in Bull. Tor. Bot. Cl. LVIII, p.377 (1931) quoad spec. Tate 962 cit.
Shrub. Branchlets terete, striate, smooth, glabrous, cinereous. Leaves i- or 2-jugate, rarely 3-jugate, about 20 cm long, in all partsnbsp;glabrous; petioles semiterete, at the base slightly incrassate, 4 (3—5)nbsp;cm long; interjuga angulose, above flattened and bisulcate, at thenbsp;nodes incrassate, 3 (2.5—3.5) cm long; petiolules semiterete, abovenbsp;sulcate, at both ends slightly incrassate, 3—8 mm long, the terminalnbsp;ones 22.5 (15—30) mm; leaflets oblong-lanceolate to lanceolate,nbsp;narrowed to the apex, 8—12 cm long and 3—4 cm wide, but thenbsp;terminal ones slightly narrowed near the base and the lateral onesnbsp;nearly symmetrical; apex gradually to rather abruptly acuminate;nbsp;acumen tapering, 7.5—10 mm long and 3—4 mm wide, obtuse;nbsp;base cuneate; margin entire, undulate; subcoriaceous, smooth, abovenbsp;nitidous, beneath nitidulous; with 13—15 pairs of sec. nerves; prim,nbsp;nerves prominent, sec. ones prominulous, tert. ones above hardlynbsp;visible, beneath hardly prominulous. Inflorescences axillary, rathernbsp;laxly glomeruliform, 1.5 cm in diam., branched from the base. Axes,nbsp;like the 1.5—2 mm long pedicels terete, striate, sparsely and minutelynbsp;patent-puberulous. Bracts triangular-ovate, acute, glabrous, 0.5 mmnbsp;long, bractlets elliptic-ovate, acute, glabrous, 0.25 mm long. Flowersnbsp;4-merous, 2.25 mm long. Calyx campanulate, the length of thenbsp;flower, 1.5 mm high, provided with some minute scattered hairs;nbsp;its lobes triangular, obtuse, 3 to 4 times as long as the tube. Petalsnbsp;oblong-triangular, acute, inflexed-apiculate, carnose, outside nearnbsp;the apical end of the midrib mostly provided with some minutenbsp;hairs, on the margins papillose. Stamens in the masc. fl. 1.75 mmnbsp;long; filaments subulate; anthers oblong in the masc. fl. 0.5 mm long.nbsp;Disc annular, 8-lobed, glabrous, 0.25 mm high. Pistil in the masc. fl.nbsp;embedded in the disc, glabrous, consisting of a globose, 4-lobed,nbsp;0.25 mm high, rudimentary ovary and a sessile, 4-lobed stigma.
Type: Tate 962 in h.NY.
Distribution: once collected.
-1929) alt. 115 m.
VENEZUELA: Esmeralda, Fish Creek, Tate 962 (1928-;fl. masc. (NY, US).
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Protium macrosepalum Swart differs by the large size of the calyx from all its congenera.
i8. Protium heptaphyllum (Aubl.) March, in Vid. Medd. Kjbhn. 1873, p.54 (1873); Engl, in Mart. FI. Bras. XII, 2, p.262nbsp;(1874); id. in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.63 (1883); id. in E.-Pr. Nat.nbsp;Pfl.fam. Ill, 4, p.237, f.135 (1897) et ed.2, XlXa, p.412, 141,nbsp;f.192 A—H (1931); Kunth, Handb. Bl.biol. Ill, i, p.445 (1904);nbsp;Pulle, Enum. Vase. PI. Surin. p.245 (1906); Hart, Herb. List Bot.nbsp;Dept. Trinidad p.io (i908)j Huber in Bol. Mus. Goeldi V, p.432nbsp;(1908); Benoist in Bull. Soc. bot. Fr. LXVI, p.358 (1919); id. innbsp;Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon LXXH, p.22, 23 (1925); id. in Bull. Soc.nbsp;bot. Fr. LXXH, p.1078 (1925)j id. in Arch. d. Bot. V, Mém.i,nbsp;p.151 (1933); Hoehne, Guia da Sec. de Bot. e Agr. Inst. biol. Saonbsp;Paulo p.35 (1930); Pittier in Trab. Mus. com. Venez. VIH, p.366nbsp;(1931); LeCointe, Arv. e PI. ut. a. Amaz. Bras. HI, p.63 (1934).nbsp;Non apud Millsp. in Publ. Field Mus., Bot. S.I, p.428 (1900)nbsp;quod ad P. cubense (Rose) Urb. pertinet, nec apud Glaziou in Bull.nbsp;Soc. bot. Fr. LH, Mém.3, p.91 (1905).
Idea heptaphylla Aubl., Hist. PI. Guian. fr. I, p.337, t.130 (1775); Lam., Enc. méth. Bot. Ill, p.225 (1789); De Cand., Prodr. II,nbsp;p.77 (1825); Don, Gen. Hist, dichl. PI. H, p.83 (1832); Sagotnbsp;in Ann. Sc. nat. S.6, XHI, p.291 (1882). Non apud Grisebach,nbsp;FI. Br. W. Ind. Isl. p.173 (1864) nec apud Duss in Ann. Inst. col.nbsp;Mars. IV, 3, p.182 (1897) quae ad P. attenuatum (Rose) Urb.nbsp;pertinent, nec apud Griseb., Cat. PI. Cub. p.66 (1866) quod adnbsp;P. cubense (Rose) Urb. pertinet, nec apud Hart, Herb. List. Bot.nbsp;Dept. Trinidad p.io (1908) quod quoad spec. no. 3032 ad P. neg-lectum Swart var. tenuifolium Swart pertinet.
Elaphrium heptaphyllum Spr. ex Dietr., Syn. PI. H, p.1272 (1840). Tingulonga heptaphylla OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.107 (1892).nbsp;Amyris ambrosiaca L.f., Suppl. PI. p.216 (1781) excl. syn. Pisonbsp;et Marcgr.; Persoon, Linn. Syst. Veg. ed.15, p.386 (1797); Willd.,nbsp;Linn. Sp. PI. ed. 4, II, p. 335 (1799); Meyer, Prim. FI. Esseq. p.155,nbsp;(i8i8)j Sprengel, Linn. Syst. Veg. ed.i6, H, p.218 (1825) excl.nbsp;syn. I. guian. et ibidem IV, 2, p.148 (1827).
Protium amhrosiacum Druce in Rep. Bot. Soc. and Exc. Cl. VII, Suppl.2, p.642 (1917) excl. syn. P. Icicariba March.
Idea Taeamahaea H.B.K., Nov. Gen. et Sp. VH, p.25 (1825)^ Kunth, Syn. IV, p.162 (1825); De Cand., Prodr. H, p.77 (1825)^nbsp;Don, Gen. Hist, dichl. PI. H, p.83 (1832); Berg., Atl. pharm. Bot.nbsp;II, p.90, t.75 (1861).
Elaphrium Taeamahaea Spr. ex Dietr. Syn. PI. II, p.1272 (1840).
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Protium Tacamahaca March, in Adans. VIII, p.52 (1867—1868).
Bursera Tacamahaca Baill., Hist. d. PI. V, p.296 (1874); id., Tr. Bot. méd. phan. p.950 (1884).
Protium guianense March, in Adans. VII, p.52 (1867—1868) quoad syn. Icica heptaphylla Aubl.; Cordemoy in Ann. Inst. col.nbsp;Mars. VI, 2, p.202, f.34 (1899); in errore Marshall, Trees ofnbsp;Trinidad and Tobago p.25 (1934).
Icica guyanensis Aubl. in errore Tr. et PI. in Ann. Sc. nat. S.5, XIV, p.297 (1872); Sagotin Ann. Sc. nat. S. 6, XIII, p.291 (1882);nbsp;Freeman and Williams in Mem. Dept. Agric. Trin. and Tob. IV,nbsp;p.91 (1928).
Small to large tree, 2—20 m high. Branchlets slender, 3—4 mm in diam., terete, smooth, when young lurid to castaneous, providednbsp;with some minute hairs, when adult cinereous to fuscescent, glabrous.nbsp;Leaves mostly 2- or 3-jugate, at times i- or 4-jugate, 17—20 (14—25)nbsp;cm long, in all parts glabrous; petioles semiterete, at the base slightlynbsp;incrassate, 4—5 (3—7) cm long; interjuga angular, above flattenednbsp;and bisulcate, at the nodes incrassate, 3—4 (2—5) cm long; petiolulesnbsp;semiterete, canaliculate, subalate, at both ends incrassate, 2.5—6 mmnbsp;long, those of the apical jugum much shorter than those of the basalnbsp;one; leaflets oblong-lanceolate to oblong-elliptic, narrowed to thenbsp;apex, usually 8—10 (7—12) cm long and 3—4 (2.75—5) cm wide,nbsp;but the terminal ones wider and the lateral ones slightly asymmetric, the basal ones smaller; apex rather abruptly acuminate;nbsp;acumen linear, 10 (8—12) mm long and 5 (4—6) mm wide, obtuse;nbsp;base oblique-cuneate; margin entire, undulate; subcoriaceous tonbsp;chartaceous, smooth, dull to nitidulous; with 12 (10—14) pairs ofnbsp;sec. nerves; prim, nerves above distinctly prominent or groovednbsp;on each side, beneath prominent, sec. ones above prominulous,nbsp;beneath prominent, tert. ones hardly prominulous. Inflorescencesnbsp;axillary, glomeruliform, much-branched, i—1.5 cm in diam.nbsp;Branchlets terete, striate, sparsely puberulous. Pedicels terete, shorternbsp;than the flowers, 1.5—2.5 mm long, like the ovate-triangular, acute,nbsp;0.25 mm long bracts and bractlets and the outside of the calyxnbsp;sparsely puberulous to nearly glabrous. Flowers 4-merous, rarelynbsp;5-merous, 2.5—3 mm long, yellowish green to green to reddish.nbsp;Calyx cupuliform; its lobes broadly triangular, acute, nearly as longnbsp;as the tube or shorter. Petals oblong, acute, inflexed-apiculate,nbsp;outside mostly glabrous, but sometimes provided with some shortnbsp;appressed hairs, papillose on the margins, carnose. Stamens 1.75 mmnbsp;long; filaments subulate, i mm; anthers oblong-lanceolate, 0.75 mmnbsp;long. Disc annular, 8-lobed, glabrous, 0.25 mm high. Pistil glabrous.
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Fig. 2. Protium heptaphyllum (Aubl.) March. — a. typical male flower; b. female flower; c. male flower, showing a rather reduced pistil; d. pistilsnbsp;of male flowers with a shortened style.
embedded in the disc or at the base surrounded by the disc; in the masc. fl. I mm or less in height, style always distinct, as long as thenbsp;ovary or shorter; in the fern. fl. surpassing the stamens, 2—2.5 mmnbsp;high and consisting of a globose, 4-lobed, 4-ribbed, 4-celled, 0.75—inbsp;mm high ovary and a 4-sulcate, i mm long style crowned by a 4-lobed stigma. Drupe either oblique-ovoid and monopyrenous ornbsp;globose, 2- to 3-lobed and 2- to 3 pyrenous, apex acute crownednbsp;by a distinct rudiment of the style, glabrous, 12.5—15 mm longnbsp;and 7.5—15 mm in diam.; pericarp red; mesocarp thick, carnosenbsp;white; endocarp thin, woody.
Type; Aublet in h.BM.
Distribution; northern South America.
ST. VINCENT; Anderson (no date) fl. (NY).
TRINIDAD: Caroni North Bank Road, Britton and Mendelson 826 (1920) fr. Mar. (GH, NY, US); Valencia, Britton, Britton and Hazen 1002nbsp;(1920) fr. Mar. (GH, K, NY, US); Cedros, near Point Coco, Broadwaynbsp;9412 (1915) fr. May (NY); Babadia, Broadway (1920) fr. June (G, K, NY,nbsp;US); Guanapo, Mc.Lean (1904) fr. May (NY); Cunupia, Hart 5392 (1895)nbsp;fr. (G, L, S); without loc.. Hart 3671 (no date) fr. fern. (B, G, L, S); Kunzenbsp;7994 (1874) fl. masc. Apr. (NY).
COLOMBIA; Bolivar, Savanilla, Kunze (1874) fl. masc. (NY, US).
VENEZUELA: Zulia, near Maracaibo, Perya, Karsten (no date) fr. (W); id., Tejera 254 (no date) fl. fern. (US); id., id. 259 (no date) fl. masc. (US);
-ocr page 87-Zamora, Guanare, Karsten (no date) fl. masc. (W)i id., R. Portuguesa, between Aparicion and Ospino, Pittier 12015 (1925) on banks of a dry river, fl. masc.nbsp;Dec. (B, G, LE, M, NY, US); Miranda, Llano de Calabozo, Karsten (nonbsp;date) fl. masc. (W); id., Humboldt 778 in Herb. Willd. 7275 (no date) fl.nbsp;fern. Mar. (B) (type of Idea Tacamahaca H.B.K.); Carabolo,' Barbula, onnbsp;the way between Valencia and Puerto Cabello, Pittier 8945 (1920) fr. Julynbsp;(B, US); Bermudez, Barcelona, Karsten (no date) fl. fern. (LE, W); id.,nbsp;near Maturin, Otto 940 (1840) fl. fern. Oct. (B); Bolivar, Ciudad Bolivar,nbsp;Rusby and Squires (no date) fr. (B); id., R. Mariquita, Bailey and Baileynbsp;1370 (1921) alt. 65 m, fl. masc. Febr. (GH); without loc., Plée 143 (no date)
BR. GUIANA: N.W. distr., Waini R., DelaCruz 1249 (1922) fl. masc. Febr. (NY, US); Pomeroon-distr., Pomeroon R., DelaCruz 3016 (1923)nbsp;fr. Jan. (NY, US); Penal Settlement, Hitchcock 17110 (1919) fl. fern, andnbsp;fr. Dec. (GH, NY, S, US); Bartica, Jemnan 4668 (1888) fr. Nov. (K); Esse-quebo R., Rodschied 41 (no date) fl. masc. (GOET); id., Jenman 1171 (1881)nbsp;fl. fern. Oct. (K); id., Twasinki Falls, A. C. Smith 2144 (1937) dense forestnbsp;(U); Purini R., Caburi Falls, Jenman 7634 (1889) fl. masc. Oct. (B, K, US);nbsp;Potato R., Kaieteur Falls, DelaCruz 4386 (1923) fl. masc. (F, K, NY); id.,nbsp;id. 4487 (1923) fl. and fr. (F, K, NY, US); Tacutu R., Schomburgk 504nbsp;(1842) fl. masc. Apr. (B,BRSL); Berbice, Canje R., Lake Ikuruna, For. Dept.nbsp;Br. G. 462B (1915) fr. Jan. (K); Corentyn R., Oreala, Jenman 255 (1879)nbsp;fl. masc. Oct. (K, NY); without loc.. Parkin (no date) fr. (K).
SURINAME: Coppename R., Boon iiii (1901) fr. Sept. (U); Sara-macca R, Watramiri, BW. 4218 (1919) fr. Jan. (U); Oranjewoud, Focke iii (no date) fl. masc. Oct. (L); near Paramaribo, Wullschlaegel 803 (1854)nbsp;fl. fern. (BR, GOET, W); id.. Beekhuizen, Wullschlaegel 1407 (1854) fr.nbsp;(BR); Para R., Zandery I, Gongryp 7930 (1909) fl. masc. Nov. (B, U); id.,nbsp;tree n. 209, BW. 1245 (1915) fr. Nov. (U), BW. 4071 (1918) fr. Nov. (U),nbsp;BW. 4471 (1919) fr. Dec. (tj), BW. 5480 (1921) fl. fern, and fr. Nov. (U);nbsp;Marowyne R., near Langaman Kondre, Lanjouw 556 (1933) strand-forest,nbsp;fl. fern. Aug. (U); id., Kappler 2013 (no date) fl. masc. and fern, and fr. Aug.nbsp;(S, U); without loc., Desmarest in Herb. Sloane H, 291 (no date) (BM);nbsp;id., Hostmann 332 (1842) fl. fern. (B, BM, G, K, U, W); id., Hostmann andnbsp;Kappler 332 (1842) fl. fern. (M, W); id., Kappler 332 (1842) fl. fern. (S);nbsp;id., Hostmann (no date) (B); id.. Tulleken 521 (1900) fl. fern. Oct. (L); id.,nbsp;Wullschlaegel 2038 (no date) fr. (GOET); id., Wullschlaegel (1852) fr.nbsp;(BR, M).
FR. GUIANA: Maroni R., Sagot 797 (1857) fl. fern. (BM, K, P, S, W); id., Mélinon 34 (1861) fr. (B); id.. He Portal, Sagot (no date, fl. masc. (US);nbsp;id., Pierre Kondre, Wullschlaegel 1405 (1853) fr. Oct. (BR, W); id., Tol-linche, Benoist 70 (ex Benoist l.c. 1919); Mana R., Mélinon 86 (1864) fl. fern,nbsp;and fr. (B, BM, F, P, NY, US); Kourou, Benoist 1693 Benoist l.c.); nearnbsp;Cayenne, Benoist 5 and 6 (ex Benoist l.c.); Gourdonville, Benoist 1610 andnbsp;1632 (ex Benoist l.c.); Crique Jacques, Wachenheim 32 (1924) fl. fem. Sept.nbsp;(P); without locality, Aublet (no date) fl. fem. and fr. Sept. (BM) (type);nbsp;id., Gabriel (1802) fl. fem. and fr. (G); id., Martin (no date) fr. (BM); id.,nbsp;Mélinon (no date) (BZ); id., Perrottet (1820—1821) fl. fem. and fr. (B, G, P);nbsp;id., Poiteau (1824) fr. July (K, LE); id., Rohr (no date) fl. masc. (BM, LE);nbsp;id., collector unknown (no date) fl. masc. and fr. (W).
BRAZIL: Amazonas, R. Mapuere, Cachoeira do Carana, Ducke 9059 (ex Huber l.c.); R. Negro, near Yapura et Ega, Martius (no date) fl. fem.nbsp;and fr. Dec. (M); id., R. Junta, Ule 786 (1900) fl. masc. Nov. (B); id., R.nbsp;Madeira, Falls of Madeira, Rusby 1335 (1886) fr. (F); Para, near Faro,
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Ducke 8699 (ex Huber l.c.)i id., R. Curtiina, Ducke 7981 (ex Huber I.c.); id.j Obidos, Ducke 4860 (ex Huber l.c.); id., Alemquer, Ducke 4902 (exnbsp;Huber l.c.); id., Almeirim, Ducke 3067 (ex Huber l.c.)j id., near Para, Bur-chell 9639 (no date) (GH, K, L); Maranhao, basin R. Maracassimé, Matanbsp;da Cachoeira, Krukoff 1902 (1932) fl. masc. and fern. Sept. (B, BM, F, K,nbsp;NY, U)i id.. Mosés 44 (1932) (BM); Goyaz, R. Araguaya, Weddel (1884)nbsp;fl. masc. June-July (P); Pernambuco, Olinda, Pickel 2269 (1930) littoralnbsp;forest, fl. fern, Febr. (US); id., id. 923 (1926) fr. Jan. (B); Bahia, near Bahia,nbsp;Martins 2144 (no date) fr. (M) (Amyris elemifera ex Mart. Obs. 2144);nbsp;Minas Geraes, Netto 207 (1862) fl. masc. (S); Espirito Santo, near Ilheos,nbsp;Riedel 60 (1821) on seacoast, fl. masc. Mar. (LE); id., between Victoria andnbsp;Bahia, Sello (no date) fl. masc. (BR); id.. Saint Hilaire 385 (1816—1821)nbsp;fl. masc. (P); id., near Barra, Riedel 1589 (1828) fl. fern. Oct. (B, BZ, K, L,nbsp;LE, M); id., between Campos and Victoria, Sello 167 (no date) fl. masc.nbsp;(B, US); without locality, Raben 793 (1834) fl- masc. (BR); id., Riedel (nonbsp;date) fl. (W); id., Schott 4397 (Pohl 4392) (comm. Herb. W. sub no. 992)nbsp;(no date) fl. masc. (F, K, NY, W); id., Sello 229 (no date) (B); id., Sello (nonbsp;date) (K, S); id., Wallis (1861) fr. Dec. (B); id.. Herb. Zuccarinii (no date)nbsp;fr. (M).
Without locality: Herb. Aubletii (1816) fl. masc. Mar. (LE).
COLOMBIA: Bogota, S. Martin, Llanos da Meta, Goudot A i (1844) fl. em. and fr. (P).
COLOMBIA: Bogota, S. Martin, Apiai, Triana 3696 (1851—1857) sit-300 m, fl. masc. (B, BM, K, W).
VENEZUELA: Amazonas, Puerto Ayacucho, Holt and Gehriger 401 (1903) alt. too m, fl. fern. Febr. (NY, US).
SURINAME: upper Suriname R.,Wullschlaegel 826 (1854) fl. fern, and fr. (B, BR, GOET, W).
SURINAME; Nickerie R., Tulleken 395 (1900) fl. fern. Sept. (L, U); Marowyne R., Albina, Wullschlaegel 1406 (1854) fl. fern, and fr. Oct. (BR,nbsp;GOET, W).
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f. pentamerum Swart
The majority of the flowers pentamerous.
Type: Usteri i in h.M.
BRAZIL: Minas Geraes, Caldas, Widgren 1127 (1845) fj. masc. (S); Sao Paulo, near Sao Paulo, Mundagi, Usteri i (1906) fr. Nov. (M).
Vern. names : (incl. those of the varieties); TRINIDAD: incense tree; COLOMBIA: anime, tacamahaca (ex Engl.), anime bianco (ex Record andnbsp;Mell); VENEZUELA: curucai, tacamahaca, tacamahaco (ex Pittier); BR.nbsp;GUIANA: haiowa (Arow.), siepoo (Car.), hayana, hiawa (ex Record andnbsp;Mell); SURINAME: tiengi-monnie (N.E.), ajawa, siewa-arna (Car.), olonbsp;(Arow.); FR. GUIANA: bois d’encens, bois a I’encens, arou-aou (ex Aublet);nbsp;BRAZIL: Amazonas: almecega, almecegueira (ex Pittier), breu branco (exnbsp;Huber, Record and Mell), breu branco verdadeiro (ex LeCointe); Ceara:nbsp;almiscar; Maranhao: almesca; Pernambuco: almecega; Bahia: almeixei-gueiro; Minas Geraes: almecega; Sao Paulo: almecega, almecica vermelha,nbsp;almecegueira (ex Hoehne); BOLIVIA: isigo; PARAGUAY: hisi.
This widely spread and frequent, polymorphous species represents a type from which many other species in this genus may be derived.
The nearest relation of P. heptaphyllum March, is certainly P. guianense March. The resemblance is so great that they havenbsp;often been combined: by Sprengel l.c. (1825) as Amyris ambrosiacanbsp;L.f, by Marchand l.c. (1867) as P. guianense March., by Triananbsp;and Planchon l.c. (1872) as Idea guianensis Aubl. and by Benoistnbsp;l.c. (1919, 1933) as P. heptaphyllum March.; but by Marchand l.c.nbsp;(1873) and others they were kept apart. In Aublet’s diagnoses andnbsp;figures the difference between these two species is indeed but slight:nbsp;Icica guianensis is said to possess a “stylus brevissimus” and isnbsp;figured with bijugate leaves, whereas I. heptaphylla is figured withnbsp;trijugate leaves. According to Engler’s monograph P. heptaphyllumnbsp;possesses 2- to 4-, mostly 3-jugate leaves and an ovary but partlynbsp;embedded in the disc and a style that is longer than the ovary,nbsp;whereas in P. guianense the leaves are i- or 2-jugate and providednbsp;with slightly smaller leaflets, the ovary is entirely embedded in thenbsp;disc and the style is shorter than the ovary. As I have already setnbsp;forth (see p. 221), the degree to which the ovary is embedded innbsp;the disc is inconstant in these species and in the masc. fl. the lengthnbsp;of the style proved to be variable even in the same specimen; for although the style is mostly as long as the rudimentary ovary, but notnbsp;unfrequently this equality is obtained only by adding the lengthnbsp;of the lobes of the stigma to that of the style, which, though distinct,nbsp;may be short. However a certain number of specimens which havenbsp;generally been referred to “Protium guianense”, show a sessile tonbsp;subsessile stigma in the fern. fl. and in the masc. ones a sessile
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Stigma, and the length of the stigma too never attains that of the ovary. These specimens, moreover, have i- or 2-jugate leaves,nbsp;whilst the leaflets do not agree in shape or size with those of thenbsp;3- or 5-foliolate varieties of P. heptaphyllum March.; the latternbsp;possess either larger or narrower or much smaller leaflets. It arenbsp;these specimens which I consider as identical with Icica guianensisnbsp;Aubl., now referred to P. guianense March., of which, however, Inbsp;could not trace the type specimen in the Herb, of the Brit. Museum;nbsp;probably it is no longer in existence. Nevertheless the differencesnbsp;between P. heptaphyllum March, and P. guianense March, arenbsp;slight and they are smaller than those usually found between thenbsp;species of this genus, and P. guianense March, too might perhapsnbsp;be regarded as a variety of the former.
P. heptaphyllum March, may be confused with P. ovatum Engl., but the latter differs by its ovate leaflets with short and taperingnbsp;acumen and broadly cuneate or subcordate base and sec. nervesnbsp;branched about halfway the blade.
Though Icica Tacamahaca H.B.K. is referred by Engler to P. heptaphyllum March., its type-specimen, Humboldt 778 in Herb.nbsp;Willdenow 7275 in the Herb, at Berlin, which is accompanied by anbsp;written diagnosis of I. Tacamahaca and bears on its cover the namenbsp;“Amyris lateriflora Willd.” in the author’s own handwriting, hasnbsp;been labelled by Engler “P. Icicariba (DC.) March.”
Anatomy; Guill. in Ann. Sc. nat., S.9, X, p.208 (1909); Record and Mell, Timb. trop. Am. p.334 (1924); Benoistl.c. (1933).
Uses: The whole tree is sweet-scented and pours out from the wounded bole or branches an aromatic clear balsam, which soon becomes a solidnbsp;whitish resin. It is cited as Tacamahaca, Tacamaque, Tacamahaque, Taca-maque jaune terreuse, Hyawa-gummi, Conimaharz, Weihrauch von Cayenne,nbsp;Olibanum americanarum and is said to be used as incense and also as anbsp;medicine in dysentery.
The pinkish-white wood seems to be of little use and is said to be employed for light carpentry only.
Cf.: Aublet l.c.j Baillon l.c. (1874) and Diet. Bot. IV, p. 146 (1892); ViUa Franca in Bull. Thér. méd. et chir. p. 9 (1880); Engl. l.c. (1897, 1931)5 Cor-demoy l.c.; Wiesn., Rohst. ed. 2, I, p. 242, 289 (1900); Chodat et Hasslernbsp;in Bull. Boiss. S. 2, III, p. 800 (1903); Beille, Préc. Bot. pharm. II, p. 620nbsp;(1909); Huber in Bol. Mus. Goeldi VI, p. 91 (1909); Guillaumin in Agr.nbsp;Pays chauds IX, i, p. 358 and 2, p. 143 (1909); Benoist l.c. (1919, 1933);nbsp;Record and Mell l.c.; Tschirch, Handb. Pharmak. Ill, 2, p. 1135 (1925);nbsp;Wolff in Wiesn. Rohst. ed. 4, I, p. 1040, 1047 (1927); LeCointe l.c.
Key to the varieties.
la. - inflorescences glomeruliform, many-flowered; pedicels % to
®/4 the length of the flowers............ . 2
ib. - pedicels as long as the flowers; flowers large, 3.5—4 mm long. 6
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2a. - leaves 2- or 3-, sometimes 4-jugate, small; inflorescences at most 2 cm in diam.; flowers of normal size, 2.5—3 mm long . 3nbsp;2b. - flowers large, 4 mm or more in length........4
3a. - petioles and interjuga short, but their length not beyond the
limit given in the diagnosis; leaflets lanceolate......
............. I. var. angustifolium Engl.
3b. - petioles 2 cm, interjuga 1.5 cm long, their length beyond the limits given in the diagnosis; leaflets oblong-lanceolate . . .nbsp;..........2. var. aromaticum (Engl.) Swart
4a. - leaves mostly unifoliolate, sometimes trifoliolate, about 10 cm long; leaflets small ....nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;3. var. unifoliolatum Swart
4b. - leaves mostly i- or 2-jugate; leaflets large.......5
5a. - branchlets slender, 3—4 mm in diam.; leaflets usually lanceolate; inflorescences at most 2 cm in diam.........
.............. 4. var. brasiliense Engl.
5b. - branchlets rather robust, 5 mm and more in diam.; leaflets oblong-lanceolate; inflorescences 3 cm and more in diam;nbsp;flowers abundant......5. var. floribundum Swart
6a. - leaves i- (or 2-) jugate; leaflets lanceolate-oblong to oblong-elliptic, small; inflorescences densely glomeruliform, 1.5—2 cm
in diam...... 6. var. multiflorum (Engl.) Swart
6b. - leaves i- to 4-, mostly 2- or 3-jugate; leaflets lanceolate; inflorescences large and lax, but shorter than the petiole ofnbsp;the subtending leaf . 7. var. surinamensis (Miq.) Swart
I. var. angustifolium Engl, in Mart. FI. Bras. XII, 2, p.263 (1874); id. in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.64 (1883) excl. syn.; Chodatnbsp;et Hassler in Bull. Boiss. S.2, III, p.800 (1903).
Leaves 2- to 4-jugate, usually small; petioles 3 cm, interjuga 2 cm long; leaflets lanceolate, usually small, 8.5 (5.5—13.5) cm long andnbsp;2-5 (i-5—3-5) cm wide.
Type (lecto-type): Ivlartius in h.M.
Distribution: northern and eastern South America.
ST. VINCENT: Guilding (1822) fl. fem. (K) (P. Vincentinum Domin mss.).
TRINIDAD: St. Margareto, Broadway 2639 (1908) fr. June (B, BM, F, K, L, M, U); St. Annas, Broadway 5848 (1925) fr. June (BM, S).
VENEZUELA: Zulia, near Mene Grande, Pittier 10637 (1922) fr. Nov. (B, G, GH, NY).
BR. GUIANA: Pomeroon-distr., Moruka R., DelaCruz 4558 (1927) fl.
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masc. and fern. (F)j Demerara, Parkin (no date) (K); Hianari Creek, Per-saud 122 (1922) fr. Aug. (F, NY).
SURINAME: Coppename R., Boon 1208 (1901) fl. fem. Oct. (U).
BRAZIL: Para, Santarem, Spruce 373 (1849) fl- masc. Nov. (BM, K, LE, M, NY, P, W); Bahia, Blanchet 1661 (1834) fl. fem. (BM, G, K, W)j id.,nbsp;Martius 2154 (no date) (M) (Amyris elemifera ex Mart. Obs. 2154)5 betweennbsp;Campos and Victoria, Sello 1007 (1815) fl. masc. (B.); Sao Paulo, at Morronbsp;de Ypanema, Martius (no date) fl. fem. and fr. Jan. (M) (Idea angustifolianbsp;Benth. mss.) (type); without locality, Sello 7a (no date) fl. masc. (B); id.,nbsp;id. 428 (no date) fl. (B, BZ).
PARAGUAY: Concepcion, near Paso Laguna, Hassler 703 (ex Chodat et Hassler).
But one specimen collected by Salzmann could be found, and this, though determined by Engler as “Protium heptaphyllum March,nbsp;var. angustifolium Engl.” had to be referred to the var. brasiliensenbsp;Engl. It is probable that Idea Salzmannii Turez. was based on thenbsp;same specimen, and this name is here therefore referred as a synonymnbsp;to the latter variety.
2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;var. aromaticum (Engl.) Swart n. comb.
Protium aromaticum Engl, in Mart. Fl. Bras. XII, 2, p.273 (1874).
Leaves 2- to 4-, mostly 3-jugate, small; petioles 2 cm, interjuga 1.5 cm long; leaflets oblong-lanceolate, small, 5.5—8 cm long andnbsp;2—3 cm wide; subcoriaceous.
Type (lecto-type): Martius in h.M.
Distribution: eastern Brazil.
BRAZIL: Para, near Para, Ilha de Mosqueiro, Killip and Smith 30639 (1929) on sandy coast, fr. Nov. (NY, US); Bahia, near Barril, Martius (nonbsp;date) fl. masc. Jan.-Febr. (M); Espirito Santo, Itapemirim, Neuwied (1829)nbsp;fl. masc. (BR, M); between Campos and Victoria, Sello 306 (no date) fl.nbsp;masc. (B, BR, BZ).
The diagnosis of P. aromaticum Engl, gives but one reliable difference between this plant and P. heptaphyllum March., viz.nbsp;the length of the petioles and interjuga. In his monograph (1883)nbsp;Engler reduced P. aromaticum Engl, to P. heptaphyllum March.,nbsp;but in view of the difference mentioned above it appears better tonbsp;retain it as a separate variety of the latter.
Whereas the Neuwied specimen is labelled “Idea aromatica (Spr.) Engl.”, the Martius specimen is indicated on the label “Ideanbsp;aromatica Spreng.” and for this reason the latter will have to benbsp;regarded as the type of Engler’s diagnosis.
3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;var. unifoliolatum Swart in Rec. Trav. bot. néerl. XXXIX,
p.191 (1942).
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Protium unifoliolatum Engl, in errore Pulle, Enum. Vasc. PI. Surin. p.245 (1906).
Leaves mostly unifoliolate, sometimes trifoliolate, small, about 10 cm long; petioles 1.5 (i—2) cm long; leaflets lanceolate, 8nbsp;(5.5—II.5) cm long and 3 (1.75—3.75) cm wide; acumen 6 mmnbsp;long and 4 mm wide. Flowers 4 mm long.
Type: Kappler 2112 in h.P.
Distribution: Suriname.
SURINAME: Lawa R., Kappler 2112 (no date) fl. masc. Sept. (B, GOET, P); without locality, Kappler 129 (1862) fl. masc. (L).
This variety, which in some ways is intermediate between the var. brasiliense Engl, and the var. multiflorum (Engl.) Swart, showsnbsp;much resemblance to P. unifoliolatum Engl., but the latter differsnbsp;by its always unifoliolate leaves and by its pilose petioles, rhachis,nbsp;petiolules and nerves.
4. var. brasiliense Engl, in Mart. Fl. Bras. XII, 2, p.263 (1874); Chodat et Hassler in Bull. Boiss. S.2, III, p.800 (1903);nbsp;Hoehne in Comm. Lin. Tel. Estr. Matto Grosso ao Amazonas,nbsp;Bot.VI, Ann.V, p.32 (1915).
Amyris brasiliensis ^hlld. mss in Herb. 7286; Engl, in Mart. Fl. Bras. XII, 2, p.263 (1874); id. in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.64 (1883).
Protium heptaphyllum (Aubl.) March, var. grandiflorum Engl, in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.64 (1883).
? Amyris ambrosiaca L.f. in errore Veil., Fl. Flum. Ic. IV, t.3 (1827).
Idea Salzrnannii Turez. in Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Mosc. XXXI, i, p.473 (1858).
Protium Icicariba March, in errore March, in Vid. Medd. Kjbn. 1873, P-54 (1873)-
Leaves usually i- or 2-jugate, sometimes 3-jugate; leaflets mostly lanceolate, large, ii (9—15) cm long and 3.5 (3—5) cm wide. Flowersnbsp;large, 4—5 mm long. Drupe large, 1.75 cm long.
Type (lecto-type): Hoffmannsegg in Herb. Willd. 7286 in h.B.
Distribution: northern and eastern South America.
VENEZUELA: Agua Santa, Trujillo, Pittier 13308 (1929) in savannah-bushes, fl. masc. and fern. Jan.-Febr. (B, F, G, K, M, NY, US); Orinoco, Mariquita, Chaffangon 74 (no date) fl. masc. (P) (P. mariquitense Drakenbsp;mss.); Cumana, Humboldt in Herb. Willd. 7287 (no date) fr. (B).
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BR. GUIANA: Schomburk 41 (1836) fl. masc. (B, BM, BR, K, P,W).
SURINAME: Gonini R., BW. 3790 (1918) fr. Febr. (U).
FR. GUIANA: near Cayenne, Broadway 363 (1921) savannah, fr. May (NY, US); id., Matabu, Broadway 754 (1921) fr. July (GH, NY, US); without loc., Mélinon (no date) fl. masc. (K, P).
BRAZIL: Amazonas, R.Negro, Yapura, Martius (no date) fl. masc. Jan. (M); id., between Barra and Coary, Martius (no date) fl. masc. Febr.nbsp;(M); Para, Alto Paru, Cumina, Sampaio 5618 (1928) fl. masc. Nov. (B);nbsp;id., Hoffmannsegg in Herb. Willd. 7286 (no date) fl. fern. (B) (Amyris brasi-liensis Willd. mss.) (type); Matto Grosso, near S. Anna da Chapado, Malmenbsp;1730 (1894) fl. June (S); id., Cuyaba, Malme 1862 (1902) fl. fern. June (B, S);nbsp;id.. Villa Maria, Kunze 17 (1892) fl. masc. July (F, M, NY, US); id., S.nbsp;Luiz de Cacares, Hoehne 403, 4998—5001 (ex Hoehne l.c.); Pernambuco,nbsp;Gardner 1147 (1837) fl. masc. Oct.( BM, K, W); Bahia, Piauby, Coatinga,nbsp;Luetzelburg 271 (1913) fl. masc. (B, M); id., St. Luzia, Riedel 656 (1824)nbsp;fl. masc. Oct. (B, LE, NY, US); id., Ilheos, near Curumatahy, Luschnathnbsp;(no date) fl. masc. (BR) (Idea schinoides Mart, mss); id., Cruz de Casma,nbsp;Luschnath 155 (1835) fl. masc. Nov. (B, LE); id., without loc., Blanchetnbsp;1060 (1833) fl. masc. (G); id., id. 1661 (no date) fl. fem. (G); id., id. 2060nbsp;(no date) fl. fem. (G); id., Salzmann (no date) fl. masc. and fr. (BRESL,nbsp;G, LE, K, P) (type of Idea Salzmannii Turez.); id., Tavares 267 (1913) fr.nbsp;(M); Minas Geraes, Catalan, Riedel 2479 (1834) fl. masc. Aug. (B, LE, S);nbsp;id., Lagoa Santa, Warming 2404 and 2405 (1863) fl. fem. Oct. (C); id., id.nbsp;2407 (1865) fl. masc. Sept. (C); id.. Warming (1863) fl. masc. and fem. Sept.nbsp;(C, GH); id., without locality, Claussen 318 (1840) fl. masc. (BM, BR);nbsp;id., id. 470 (no date) fr. (G, P, S); id., Riedel (1824) fl. Aug. (B, LE); Rio denbsp;Janeiro, Glaziou 10495 (no date) fl. masc. Aug.-Sept. (B, C, K); Sao Paulo,nbsp;Ypanema, Sello 2062 (no date) fr. (B, K, S); id.. Capoeira, Araraquara,nbsp;Löfgren 1014 (1888) fr. Nov. (C).
BOLIVIA: Santa Cruz, Sara, Buenavista, Steinbach 6504 (1925) fl. masc. Sept. (B, F, G, K); Yaguari, Herzog 477 (1907) (L).
PARAGUAY: Cordifére de Péribebuy, Balansa 2529 (1874—1877) fl. masc. and fr. (K, LE, S); upper Yaca R., Chobolo, Hassler 6903 (no date)nbsp;fl. masc. and fem. Jan. (B, BM, K, W); Cerro Pelado, Hassler (1929) fr.nbsp;Febr. (ex Chodat et Hassler).
Acumen of the leaflets short, 5 mm long and 5 mm wide.
BRAZIL: Matto Grosso, Cuyaba, Malme 2270 (1902) fl. fem. Aug. (S).
In 1883 Engler l.c. reduced all the specimens which in 1874 he had referred to the var. brasiliense Engl., to P. heptaphyllumnbsp;March., but the diagnosis given in 1883 by Engler of the var. grandi-florum Engl, is literally the same as that of the var. brasiliense Engl..nbsp;“Amyris brasiliensis Willd. h.n. 7286” was quoted by Engler as anbsp;synonym under both varieties, but the specimen Hoffmannsegg innbsp;Herb. Willd. 7286 itself, which Engler marked on the label “Ideanbsp;heptaphylla Aubl. var. brasiliensis Engl.” and which bears on itsnbsp;cover the name “Amyris brasiliensis” accompanied by a unpublishednbsp;diagnosis, is not mentioned by Engler, neither under the former, nor
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under the latter variety. Yet it is clear that this specimen has served as the type of both varieties and therefore I conserved the oldernbsp;name, though none of the specimens actually enumerated by Englernbsp;under the var. brasiliense Engl, retained there.
Icica Salzmannii Turcz. l.c. was based on a Salzmann specimen: “in collibus Bahiae, sub Guarea” and was referred by Engler l.c.nbsp;(1874, 1883) to P. heptaphyllum March, var. angustifolium Engl.nbsp;Though I did not see any specimen marked “Icica Salzmannii”,nbsp;the Salzmann specimens marked “Bahia in collibus, Guarea” arenbsp;evidently representative of the type of Icica Salzmannii Turcz. andnbsp;these specimens are marked by Engler “var. angustifolium Engl.”.nbsp;They belong however to the var. brasiliense Engl.
5. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;var. floribundum Swart in Rec. Trav. bot. néerl. XXXIX,
p.191 (1942).
Leaves i- or 2-jugate, sometimes 3-iugate; leaflets large, 12 cm long and 4.5 cm wide; acumen 7.5 mm long and 5 mm wide. Inflorescences 3 cm in diam. Flowers abundant, densely glomerate,nbsp;large, 4—5 mm long.
Type: Manso 127 in Herb. Martins 1277 in h.BR 1204a.
Distribution: Brazil (Ceara and Matto Grosso) and Paraguay.
BRAZIL: Ceara, Villa do Crato, Gardner 1531 (1838) fl. Sept. (BM, K); Matto Grosso, near Cuyaba, Manso 127 in Herb. Fl. Bras. Martins 1277nbsp;(1833) fl. masc. and fern. June (B, BM, BR, G, K, L, LE, M, NY, S); withoutnbsp;locality, Pohl 2287 (comm. Herb. W. sub no. 1965) (no date) fl. fern. (BR, F,nbsp;K, M, W).
PARAGUAY: Sierra de Amambahy, Hassler 10596 (1907) fl. masc. Sept. (B, G, K, VV).
This variety is nearly related to the var. brasiliense Engl., and Engler referred most of the specimens enumerated above to the latter.nbsp;It differs, however, by the abundance ofits flowers which are denselynbsp;clustered in large inflorescences and by its more robust branchlets.
6. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;var. multiflorum (Engl.) Swart n. comb.
Protium multiflorum Engl, in Mart. Fl. Bras. XII, 2, p.273 (1874); id. in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.73 (1883); id. in E.-Pr. Nat.nbsp;Pfl.fam. Ill, 4, p.237 (1897) and ed.2, XlXa, p.412 (1931); Pittiernbsp;in Trab. Mus. com. Venez. VIII, p.365 (1931); ? Glaziou in Bull,nbsp;Soc. bot. Fr. LII, Mém.3, p.92 (1905).
Tingulonga multiflora OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.io8 (1891). Protium heptaphyllum (Aubl.) March, ex Standley in Trop.
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Woods XXXIII, p. 15 (1933) quoad nom. vern. “Breu branco do campo”.
Leaves i- or 2-jugate, usually i-jugatej petioles 2—2.5 cm long; leaflets small, 6 cm long and 2.25 cm wide; tert. nerves visible.nbsp;Pedicels as long as the flowers, like the outside of the calyx andnbsp;corolla sparsely and minutely puberulous. Flowers large, 3.5—4 mmnbsp;long.
Type (lecto-type): Spruce 994 in h.P.
Distribution: southern Venezuela and northern Brazil.
VENEZUELA: R. Negro, near San Carlos, Spruce 3787 (1854) fl. masc. Dec. (BM, BR, K, P, W).
BRAZIL: Amazonas, R. Negro, Riedel 1588 (1828) fl. masc. Oct. (B, K, LE, M); Para, Tapajoz, Itaituba, Monteiro da Costa 230 (1932) fr. Jan.nbsp;(F, U)j id., near Santarem, Spruce 608A (1850) fr. Jan. (B, GH, K, LEnbsp;M, P, W); id., id. 608B (1850) fl. masc. July (C, G, GH, S, W); id., id. 994nbsp;(1850) fl. masc. July (B, K, LE, P) (type).
Though the diagnosis of P. multiflorum Engl., as well as the specimens referred by Engler to this species differ distinctly fromnbsp;the diagnosis and type of P. heptaphyllum March., these differencesnbsp;are not sufficiently important to be regarded as specific. They arenbsp;of the same order as those on account of which the other varietiesnbsp;of P. heptaphyllum are distinguished.
I have separated the specimens belonging to Spruce 608 into two groups; those marked A, all fruiting and collected Jan. 1850, whichnbsp;mostly are mixed on the same sheet with Spruce 373 (P. heptaphyllum March, var. angustifolium Engl.), and those marked B, allnbsp;flowering male and collected July 1850, which probably are identicalnbsp;with Spruce 994.
The record of P. multif lorum Engl, by Glaziou l.c. is dubious, as well on account of its locality (Rio de Janeiro), as on accountnbsp;of the fact that the same collectornumber, Glaziou 13674, is alsonbsp;quoted under P. trifoliolatum Engl.
7. var. surinamense (MiQ.) Swart n. comb.
Idea surinamensis Miq., Stirp. Sur. Sel. p.65 (1853); Walp., Ann. Bot. Syst. II, p.289 (1851—1852).
Leaflets lanceolate, 9 (7—12.5) cm long and 2.75 (2.25—3.25) cm wide. Inflorescence lax and rather long, but shorter than the petiolenbsp;of the subtending leaf, 2.5—3 cm long. Pedicels as long as thenbsp;lo wers, 3.5—4 mm.
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Type: Hostmann 1242 in h.U.
Distribution: north-eastern South America.
TRINIDAD: Arena Government forests, Broadway 5079 (1923) fl. masc. Oct. (BM, F, G, K); Point Galera, Anderson (no date) fl. fern. (G).
VENEZUELA: Bolivar, Ciudad Bolivar, Holt and Gehriger 189 (1929), alt. 35 m, fl. fern, and fr. Nov. (BM, GH, NY, S, US).
BR. GUIANA: Essequebo R., Jenman 1086 (1881) fl. masc. Sept.-Oct. (K).
SURINAME: Hostmann 1242 (no date) fl. masc. (C, L, P, U) (type); Hostmann and Kappler 1242 (no date) fl. masc. (W); Kappler 1242 (no date)nbsp;fl. masc. (S).
FR. GUIANA: Jelski (no date) fl. fern. (B).
BRAZIL: Para, R. Cumina, Sampaio 5222 (1928) fl. fern. Oct. (B); id., near Santarem, Spruce (1849) fl. masc. Nov. (K, M, NY, W); Bahia, Blanchetnbsp;3204 (1840) fl. masc. (G, P, W); without loc.. Herb. Swartzii (no date) fl.nbsp;masc. (S).
As appears from the autographic notes on the label of the type specimen, Hostmann 1242 is in Miquel’s diagnosis erroneously citednbsp;under the number 1212.
This variety tends towards P. laxiflorum Engl., but the latter differs by its 3- to 5-jugate leaves, its longer petiolules, by its laxnbsp;and long inflorescences, which are always longer than the petiolesnbsp;and by its pedicels, which are twice as long as the pentamerous,nbsp;glabrous flowers.
19. Protium guianense (Aubl.) March, in Adans. VIII, p.52 (1867—1868) excl. syn. Icica heptaphylla Aubl.; Engl, in Mart. Fl.nbsp;Bras. XII, 2, p.271 (1874); id. in DC. Mon. Plian. IV, p.72 (1883)nbsp;excl. spec. Antill.; id. in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. Ill, 4, p.237 (1897)nbsp;et ed.2, p.412, 414 (1931); Cordemoy in Ann. Inst. col. Mars. VI,nbsp;p.20i (1899) excl. fig.34 et syn. Icica heptaphylla Aubl.; Pittier innbsp;Trab. Mus. com. Venez. VIII, p.365 (1931); Gleason in Bull. Tor.nbsp;Bot. Cl. LVIII, p.377 (1931) quoad spec. Tate 329 cit. tantum.nbsp;Non apud Oliver in Hook. Ic. PI. XVI, t.1571 (1887) quod ad P.nbsp;attenuatum (Rose) Urb. pertinet, nec apud Britton in Bull. Tor. Bot.nbsp;Cl. XVI, p.189 (1889) quod ad Protium sp. pertinet, nec apudnbsp;Marshall, Trees of Trin. and Tob. p.25 (1934) quod ad P. hepta-phyllum (Aubl.) March, pertinet.
Idea guianensis Aubl., Hist.Pl.Gui.fr. I, p.340, t.131 (1775); DeCand., Prodr. II, p.77 (1825); Don, Gen. Hist, dichl. PI. II,nbsp;p.83 (1832). Non apud Tr. et PI. in Ann. Sc. nat. S.5, XIV, p.297nbsp;(1872) et Sagot in Ann. Sc. nat. S.6, XIII, p.291 (1882) et Freemannbsp;and Williams in Mem. Dept. Agr. Trin. and Tob. IV, p.91 (1928)nbsp;quod ad P. heptaphyllum (Aubl.) March, pertinet.
Icica viridiflora Lam., Enc. méth. Bot. Ill, p.225 (1789) nom. nov. ill.
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Amyris guyanensis Willd., Linn. Sp. PI. II, p.335 (1799); Pers., Syn. PI. I, p.414 (1805).
Elaphrium gujanense Spr. ex Dietr., Syn. PI. II, p.1271 (1840).
Bursera guianensis Baill., Hist. d. PI. V, p. 296 (1874); id., Tr. Bot. méd. phan. p.951 (1884).
Tingulonga guianensis OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.107 (1891).
Amyris ambrosiaca Spr., Linn. Syst.Veg. ed.i6, II, p.218 (1825) quoad syn. Idea guianensis Aubl.
Small tree. Branchlets slender, 3—4 mm in diam., subterete, striate, glabrous, when young brunnescent to fuscescent, when adultnbsp;grey to fuscous, scabrous, dotted with small, elliptic lenticels. Leavesnbsp;I- or 2-jugate, rarely unifoliolate or 3-jugate, 14—20 cm long,nbsp;in all parts glabrous; petioles semiterete, at the base slightly incras-sate, 3—4 (1.5—7) cm long; interjuga angulose, above flattened andnbsp;bisulcate, in the nodes incrassate, 2—3.5 (i—4.5) cm long; petio-lules semiterete, canaliculate, at both ends incrassate, those of thenbsp;apical jugum much shorter than those of the basal jugum, 3—7 mmnbsp;long, but the terminal ones 15—20 mm; leaflets lanceolate-oblongnbsp;to oblong-elliptic, usually 7—9 (6.5—14.5) cm long and 2.5—3.5nbsp;(2.25—5.5) cm wide, but the terminal ones larger, narrowed to thenbsp;base and the lateral ones asymmetric, mostly slightly narrowed tonbsp;the apex; apex gradually to rather abruptly acuminate; acumennbsp;nearly linear, 6—10 mm long and 3—5 mm wide, obtuse; basenbsp;broadly cuneate; margin entire, undulate; chartaceous to subcoria-ceous, smooth, nitidulous; with 10—14 pairs of sec. nerves; prim,nbsp;nerves prominent, sec. ones above hardly prominulous, beneathnbsp;prominulous, tert. ones above invisible, beneath hardly prominulous.nbsp;Inflorescences axillary, glomeruliform, many-flowered, i—2 cmnbsp;in diam.; branchlets terete, striate, like the terete, striate, i—2 mmnbsp;long pedicels, the ovate-triangular, obtusely acuminate, aboutnbsp;0.5 mm long bracts and bractlets and the outside of the calyxnbsp;sparsely to densely patent-puberulous. Flowers 4-merous, rarelynbsp;5-merous, 3 (2.5—4) mm long, pale green to white. Calyx cupuli-form, 0.5 mm high; its lobes broadly triangular, obtuse, half thenbsp;length of the tube or less. Petals ovate to oblong, subobtuse, inflexed-apiculate, subcarnose, outside near the midrib provided with a fewnbsp;short hairs or glabrous, inside with some rather long hairs, marginsnbsp;pale, papillose. Stamens in the masc. fl. 1.75—2.25 mm, in the fern,nbsp;fl. 1.25—1.5 mm long; filaments subulate, at the base dilated;nbsp;anthers lanceolate-oblong, 0.75—0.5 mm long. Disc annular, 8-lobed,nbsp;glabrous, 0.25 mm high. Pistil glabrous, in the masc. fl. at most 0.5nbsp;mm high and embedded in the disc, in the fern, fl, 0.75—i mm
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high and at the base surrounded by the disc; ovary globose, 4-lobed, 4-ribbed, 4-celled; stigma 4-lobed sessile to subsessile. Drupe eithernbsp;oblique-ovoid and monopyrenous or globose, 2- to 4-lobed andnbsp;2- to 4-pyrenous, acute, crowned by a rudiment of the sessile stigma,nbsp;7.5—12.5 mm long and 7.5—12.5 mm in diam.; exocarp glabrous,nbsp;smooth; mesocarp thick, carnose; endocarp thin, woody.
Type: Aublet, Hist. PI. Gui. fr. I, t.i3i(?)
Distribution: northern South America.
COLOMBIA: R. Meta, Llano de S. Martin, Karsten (no date) fl. masc.
VENEZUELA: Zulia, near Mene Grande, Pittier 10630a (1922) fr. Nov. (US)i Bolivar, near Ciudad Bolivar, Bailey and Bailey 1681 (1921) alt. 65 m,nbsp;fl. fern. Mar. (US); id.. Holt and Gehriger 70 (1929) alt 35 m, fl. fern, andnbsp;fr. Nov. (GH, NY, US); Amazonas, Esmeralda, Tate 329 (1928) savannah,nbsp;alt. too m, fl. masc. Nov. (NY, US).
BR. GUIANA: N.W.-distr., Waima R., DelaCruz 4044 (1923) fl. fern. May (F, GH, NY, US); Cuyuni R., Bartlett 8257 (1904) fl. fern. Oct. (K);nbsp;between Mazaruni R. and Cuyuni R., Graham 244 (1924) fr. July (US);nbsp;Mt. Roraima. Schomburgk 574 (1842—1843) fl. fern. (P); id., id. 583 (1842—nbsp;1843) fl. masc. (G, K, W); Essequebo R., near Bartica, DelaCruz 1950(1922)nbsp;fl. masc. Sept. (F, NY, US); Demerara R., Jenman 4926 (1888) fl. masc.nbsp;Nov. (B, K, NY); upper Demerara R., Jenman 4274 (1889) fl. masc. Sept.nbsp;(K, NY); without loc., Jenman 4546 (1888) fl. masc. Oct. (NY); id., Schomburgk 894 (1842) fl. fern. Oct. (B, BR, BRSL, K); id., id. (no date) fl. masc.nbsp;(L, U).
SURINAME: Corantyne R., Kaboeri, tree n.538, BW.4740 (1920) fl. fern. Sept. (U); Lucie R., Hulk 417 (1910) fr. Dec. (U); Coppename R.,nbsp;Wullschlaegel 2037 (no date) fr. (GOET); id., near Raleigh Falls, Lanjouwnbsp;820 (1933) fl. masc. Sept. (U); Oranjewoud, Focke 684 (1862) fl. fern. Octnbsp;{K, U); Joden-savanne, Kegel 1150 (no date) on sandy soil, fl. fern, and frnbsp;(GOET, U); Suriname R., near Kabelstation, Lanjouw 1147 (1933) fl. mascnbsp;Nov. (U); Marowyne R., Albina, Wullschlaegel 2039 (no date) fl. fernnbsp;(GOET).
FR. GUIANA: Maroni R., Mélinon 315 (1876) fl. fern. (BR, BZ, P); near Cayenne, Martin (no date) (B, BR); id., Soubiron (no date) fr. (P);nbsp;without loc., Perrottet (1821) fl. fern, and fr. (G, P).
BRAZIL: Para, Ilha do Mosqueiro, Killip and Smith 30457 (1929), on sandy coast, fr. Nov. (NY); without loc., Hornemann (no date) fl. masc. (W).
Vern. names: VENEZUELA: tacamahaca; BR. GUIANA: arra-cosary; FR. GUIANA: bois d’encens (ex Aublet).
As I pointed out in my discussion of P. heptaphyllum March. P. guianense differs from the former merely by its usually i-ornbsp;2-jugate leaves and by the sessile or subsessile stigma.
I did not find the type specimen in the Herbarium of the British Museum; it may be that this specimen is no longer in existencenbsp;and for that reason the figure given by Aublet will have to be regarded as the type.
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Uses: The resin of this species is frequently mentioned in one breath with that of P. heptaphyllum (Aubl.) March, and is called sometimes Taca-maque jaune, Tacamaque huileuse incolore or Weihrauch von Cayenne.
20. Protium cubense (Rose) Urb., Symb. Ant. VII, p.239 (1912); Eng], in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfi.fam. ed.2, XlXa, p.412 (1931).
Idea Copal Rich, (non Sch. et Ch.), Ess. FI. Cub. p.386 (1845;) id. in Ramon de la Sagra, Hist. Cub. X, p.i6o (1845) et XII, t.37
Icica cubensis Rose in N. Am. El. XXV, 3, p.260 (1911).
Tetragastris cubensis Urb. in Fedde Rep. XVIII, p.114 (1922).
Icica heptaphylla Aubl. in errore Griseb., Cat. PI. Cub. p.66 (1866).
Protium guianense (Aubl.) March, in errore Engl, in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.72 (1883) quoad syn. Icica Copal Rich, et spec. Cub.
Protium heptaphyllum (Aubl.) March, in errore Millsp. in Publ. Field. Mus., Bot.S. I, p.428 (1900).
Shrub or small tree, 2.5—8 m high. Branchlets 3 mm in diam., glabrous, when young smooth, castaneous, when adult rimose,nbsp;fuscous and dotted with oblong, ferrugineous lenticels. Leaves 2-or 3-jugate, rarely i-jugate or unifoliolate, 18 (12—20) cm long,nbsp;in all parts glabrous; petioles semiterete, 3.5—4.5 (2.5—5) cm long,nbsp;transversely rimose; interjuga terete, above slightly carinate, at thenbsp;nodes subincrassate, 2.5—3 (2—4) cm long; petiolules canaliculate,nbsp;transversely rimose, 15 (10—18) mm long, the terminal ones 15—30nbsp;mm; leaflets oblong to oblong-elliptic, sometimes slightly narrowednbsp;to the apex, usually 6.5—10 cm long and 3—5 cm wide, but thenbsp;terminal ones larger, sometimes narrowed to the base and the lateralnbsp;ones asymmetric; apex rather abruptly to gradually acuminate;nbsp;acumen tapering, 5—10 mm long and 5—7.5 mm wide, obtuse;nbsp;base broadly cuneate to round; margin entire, repandous, undulate;nbsp;coriaceous, smooth, above nitidous, beneath nitidulous; with 10—14nbsp;pairs of sec. nerves; prim, and sec. nerves above immersed, beneathnbsp;distinctly prominent, tert. ones above hardly visible, beneathnbsp;prominent. Inflorescences axillary, subterminal, branched from thenbsp;base, 2.5—5.5 cm long; branchlets terete, striate, rather stout, upnbsp;to 1.5 cm long, like the stout, angulose, 1.5 mm long pedicels, thenbsp;ovate-triangular, acute, 0.5 mm long bracts and bractlets and thenbsp;outside of the calyx and the corolla sparsely and minutely patent-puberulous to subglabrous. Flowers 4-merous, 2.5—3 mm long.nbsp;Calyx cupuhform, i mm high; its lobes semiorbicular, subacuminate,nbsp;shorter than the tube. Petals triangular, acute, inflexed-apiculate,nbsp;carnose. Stamens in the masc. fl. 2 mm, in the fern. fl. 1.5 mm long;
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filaments flattened; anthers oblong-elliptic, 0.5—0.75 mm long. Disc annular, crenate, glabrous, 0.5—0.7 mm high. Pistil glabrous,nbsp;in the masc. fl. 0.8 mm, in the fern. fl. 1.25 mm high; ovary globose-ovoid, sub-4-lobed, acute, in the masc. fl. embedded in the disc,nbsp;in the fern. Ó. at the base surrounded by the disc; stigma subsessile,nbsp;4-lobed. Drupe either oblique-ovoid and monopyrenous or globose,nbsp;2- to 3-lobed and I- to 3-pyrenous.
Type: Ramon de la Sagra ex Herb. Rich in h.P.
Distribution: Cuba and the Isle of Pines.
CUBA: Vuelta Abajo, Ramon de la Sagra (no date) fl. fem. and fr. (B, K, P, W) (type); Pinar del Rio, Loma Pelada de Buenavista, Léon and Roignbsp;13560 (1928) alt. 420 m, fl. fem. Aug. (NY); prov. Oriente, R. Yamaniguey,nbsp;Schafer 4206 (1910) fr. Febr.-Mar. (B, K, NY, US); id., R. Yamuri, Schafernbsp;7828 (1910) fr. Dec. (GH, K, NY, US); id., near Monte Verde, Wright
1156 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(1859) fl. masc. May (B, BM, BR, G, GH, K, LE, NY, P, S); id., id.
1157 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(1859) fr. May (BM, BR, GH, K, LE, NY); id., id. 1158 (1859) fr.nbsp;Apr. (B, BM, GH, K); id., Jacallou, Wright 1603 (1859) fl. fem. Sept. (B,nbsp;BR, GH, K, LE, NY); id., Bayate, ad Arrayo Piedra, Ekman 4663 (1915)nbsp;fr. Febr. (S); id., near Baracoa, Ekman 4213 (1915) fl. masc. Jan. (B, NY, S)nbsp;(type of Tetragastris cubensis Urb.).
ISLE OF PINES (ISOLA DE PINOS): near Nueva Gerona, Curtiss 421 (1904) fr. Mar. (B, G, L, NY, US); La Cunaga, Britton, Britton and Wilson 14566 (1916) fr. Febr. (F, GH, NY, US); without loc., Blain 7 (no date)nbsp;fr. (F); id., id. 35 (no date) (F); id., id. 161 (no date) fr. (F).
Vern. name: copal.
This species, which is endemic in Cuba and the neighbouring Isle of Pines, is marked among the other relatives of P. heptaphyllumnbsp;(Aubl.) March, by its long petiolules and by its coriaceous leaflets.nbsp;With P. fragans (Rose) Urb., another endemic species of Cuba,nbsp;P. cubense (Rose) Urb. agrees in appearance, but the former differsnbsp;by its nearly rhomboid and acutely acuminate leaflets provided withnbsp;6—7 pairs of sec. nerves, by its longer petioles and petiolules andnbsp;by the structure of its flowers, according to which it had to benbsp;referred to the sectio Icicopsis.
21. Protium panamense (Rose) Johnston in Contr. Gray Herb., New S. LXX, p.72 (1924); Record and Mell, Timb. trop. Am. p.336nbsp;(1924); Standi, in Contr. U.S.N.H. XXVH, p.224 (1928); Kenoyernbsp;and Standley in Publ. Field Mus., Bot.S. IV, 6, p.151 (1929);nbsp;Engl, in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. ed.2, XlXa, p.414 (1931). Nonnbsp;apud Standi, in Trop. Woods XVH, p.23 (1929) quod ad P. nicara-guense Swart pertinet.
Idea panamensis Rose in N. Am. Fl. XXV, 3, p.260 (1911).
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Small tree, 4—10 m high. Branchlets rather stout, 5 mm in diam., terete, striate, glabrous, smooth, cinereous to fuscous, dotted withnbsp;elliptic, pale brown lenticels. Leaves 3-jugate, rarely ,2- or i-jugate,nbsp;40—45 (27.5—55) cm long, in all parts glabrous^ petioles semiterete,nbsp;at the base incrassate, 10 (5.5—12) cm long; interjuga terete, stout,nbsp;above slightly carinate, 5.5 (3.5—7) cm long; petiolules semiterete,nbsp;stout, canaliculate, 1.5—2 (i—3) cm long, the terminal ones 3.5—4nbsp;(3—5) cm; leaflets oblong-lanceolate to oblong-elliptic, usuallynbsp;18—20 (15—25) cm long and 7—8 (6—10) cm wide, but the terminalnbsp;ones slightly wider, narrowed to the base and the lateral ones narrowed from below the middle to the apex, the basal ones shorter;nbsp;apex subacuminate or gradually narrowed in a tapering, at mostnbsp;7.5 mm long and wide, obtuse acumen; base cuneate to nearly round;nbsp;margin entire, repandous; subcoriaceous to coriaceous, smooth,nbsp;nitidulous; with 10—14 pairs of sec. nerves; prim, nerves distinctlynbsp;prominent on both sides, sec. ones above grooved on each side,nbsp;beneath prominent, tert. ones above visible, beneath prominulous.nbsp;Inflorescences axillary, laxly branched from the base, 3.5 cm long,nbsp;the masc. ones sometimes up to 10 cm, rather many-flowered, innbsp;all parts glabrous. Branchlets terete, striate, up to 2 cm long. Pedicelsnbsp;terete, striate, about half the length of the flowers; bracts andnbsp;bractlets triangular, acute, 0.5 mm long. Flowers 4-merous, 4—4.5nbsp;mm long, yellow. Calyx cupuliform, i mm high; its lobes semior-bicular, obtusely subacuminate, about as long as the tube. Petalsnbsp;oblong-triangular, acute, inflexed-apiculate, carnose. Stamens in thenbsp;masc. fl. 2.5 mm, in the fern. fl. 2 mm long; filaments subulate, atnbsp;the base dilated; anthers oblong, i mm long. Disc annular, 8-lobed,nbsp;0.4 mm high. Pistil in the masc. fl. i mm high, in the fern. fl. 2 mm;nbsp;ovary globose-conical, 4-lobed, tapering in a subsessile, 4-lobednbsp;stigma. Drupe ellipsoid, subangular; apex acute; base mostlynbsp;narrowed; 2—2.5 cm long and 1.25 cm in diam.; exocarp red;nbsp;mesocarp rather thick, carnose; endocarp thick, woody; pyrenesnbsp;I to 4.
Type; Sutton Hayes 462 in h.US 371899.
Distribution: Panama.
PANAMA; Bocas del Toro, Almirante, Cooper 433 (1928) fr. Jan.-Mar. (BM, F, K, NY, US); id., id. 517 (1928) fr. Febr. (F, K, NY, US); Gatun,nbsp;Sutton Hayes 462 (= i?) (i860) fl. fern, and fr. Febr. (F, NY, US) (type);nbsp;Canal Zone, Agua Clara Reservoir, Stevens 583 (1924) (US); id., Barronbsp;Colorado Island, Bailey and Bailey 319 (1931) fr. Apr. (F); id., Banghamnbsp;405 (1929) (US); id., id. 424 (1929) (F); id., Kenoyer 677 (1927) fr. Julynbsp;(US); id., Salvoza 858 (1928) (S); id., id. 884 (1929) fr. Aug. (S); id., Shat-tuck 1172 (1934) fl. masc. Aug. (F); id., Wilson 125 (1931) fr. Mar. (F);
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id.j Woodworth and Vestal 425 (1932) fr. Febr. (F)j id., id. 462 (1932) fl. Febr. (F), id., id. 490 (1932) fr. Febr. (F); id., id. 559 (1932) fl. fem. Febr.nbsp;(F): id., Zetex 3467 (1935) fr. May (F)j id., Fryoles, Stevens 1269 (1924)nbsp;fr. Oct. (US); Colon, Loma de la Gloria, near Fati, Pittier 4082 (1911) fr.nbsp;Aug. (BM, C, F, NY, US).
This species is nearly related to P. tovariense Pitt., but the latter differs by its smaller leaves, by the invisible tert. nerves of its leaflets,nbsp;which are not narrowed to the apex, and by its pentamerous flowersnbsp;with a minutely 5-dentate calyx.
P. panamense (Rose) Johnston also resembles P. Copal (S. et C.) Engl., which is recorded from the same regions, but the latter differsnbsp;by its pilose generative parts, by its pilose ovary and by its longernbsp;inflorescences.
22. Protium multiramif lorum Lundell in Field and Lab. VI, I, p.ii (1937).
Tree, 10—13 m high. Branchlets terete, striate, 3—4 mm in diam., glabrous, when young ferrugineous, when adult grey, dotted withnbsp;elliptic, ferrugineous lenticels. Leaves i- to 3-jugate, mostly 3-jugate,nbsp;16—27 cm long, in all parts glabrous; petioles near the incrassatenbsp;base semiterete, 6—7 (4—7.5) cm long; interjuga terete, abovenbsp;carinate, at the nodes slightly incrassate, 4 cm long; petiolules canaliculate, at both ends slightly incrassate, 7.5—10 mm long, thenbsp;terminal ones 20 mm; leaflets oblong to oblong-elliptic, usuallynbsp;10 cm long and 4 cm wide, but the terminal ones longer, distinctlynbsp;narrowed to the base, obovate, the lateral ones nearly symmetricnbsp;and the basal ones shorter, slightly narrowed near the apex; apexnbsp;rather abruptly acuminate; acumen linear to slightly tapering, 4 mmnbsp;long and 2.5 mm wide, obtuse; base cuneate; margin entire, undulate;nbsp;pergamentaceous, smooth, nitidulous; with 13—14 pairs of sec.nbsp;nerves; prim, nerves above grooved on each side, beneath prominent, sec. and tert. nerves prominulous. Inflorescences axillary,nbsp;richly branched from the base, many-flowered, about as long asnbsp;the petioles of the subtending leaves, in all parts glabrous. Branchletsnbsp;angulose, slender, up to 3 cm long. Pedicels terete, striate, shorternbsp;than the flowers, 2 mm long; bracts and bractlets triangular, 0.5—0.7nbsp;mm long. Flowers 4-merous, 3 mm long, flavescent. Calyx cupuli-form, 1.25 mm high; its lobes triangular, acute, somewhat longernbsp;than the tube. Petals ovate-triangular, acute, inflexed-apiculate,nbsp;subcarnose. Stamens 1.5—2 mm long; filaments flattened at the base,nbsp;0.75—1.25 mm long; anthers oblong. Disc annular, 0.2 mm high.nbsp;Pistil in the masc. fl. at the base surrounded by the disc, 0.6 mmnbsp;high; ovary globose, 4-lobed; stigma subsessile.
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Type : Lundell 6212 in h. Univ. Michigan.
Distribution: British Honduras.
BR. HONDURAS: El Cayo-distr., Valentin, Lundell 6212 (1936) in valley-forest (ex Lundell l.c.)j Toledo-distr., Westmoreland, Schipp 1021nbsp;(1932) alt. 75 m, fl. masc. Sept. (BM, F, G, K, NY).
Vern. name: copal Colorado (ex Lundell l.c.).
23. Protium cuneatum Swart in Rec. Trav. bot. néerl. XXXIX,
p.191 (1942).
Tree, 18 m high. Branchlets stout, 5 mm in diam., glabrous, fuliginose. Leaves 3-jugate, 40 cm long, in all parts glabrousj petiolesnbsp;near the incrassate base semiterete, 9 cm long; interjuga terete,nbsp;striate, above slightly carinate, at the nodes incrassate, 5 cm long;nbsp;petiolules semiterete, above sulcate and dilated, at both ends incrassate, I—1.5 cm long, the terminal ones 4 cm; leaflets oblong-lanceolate to oblong, distinctly narrowed to the acutely cuneate base,nbsp;usually 16 cm long and 5 cm wide, but the terminal ones wider, thenbsp;lateral ones asymmetric and the basal ones shorter; apex abruptlynbsp;to rather abruptly acuminate; acumen sublinear, 5—6 mm long andnbsp;3—4 mm wide, obtuse; margin entire, undulate; subcoriaceous,nbsp;smooth, above nitidous, beneath nitidulous; with 12—13 pairs ofnbsp;sec. nerves; prim, nerves prominent, sec. and tert. nerves on bothnbsp;sides prominulous. Inflorescences fasciculate in the axils, few-flowered, at most 5 cm long, in all parts glabrous. Branchlets few,nbsp;angulose, up to 5 mm long. Pedicels terete, striate, slender, longernbsp;than the flowers, 3—4 mm; bracts and bractlets oblong-triangular,nbsp;obtuse, about 0.5 mm long. Flowers 5-merous, 2.5 mm long. Calyxnbsp;cupuliform, i mm high, carnose; its lobes triangular, obtuselynbsp;subacuminate, longer than the tube. Petals elliptic-ovate, acute,nbsp;inflexed-apiculate, carnose; margins papillose, pale. Stamens in thenbsp;fern. fl. 1.25 mm long; filaments subulate, dilated, about as long asnbsp;the oblong anthers. Disc annular, crenate, 0.5 mm high. Pistil innbsp;the fern. fl. 1.5 mm high; ovary depressed globose, slightly 5-lobed,nbsp;1.2 mm high; stigma sessile, 5-lobed.
Type: Krukoff 8186 in h.NY.
Distribution: once collected.
BRAZIL: Amazonas, basin R. SoUmoes, Sao Paulo de Olivenga, near Palmares, Krukoff 8186 (1936) fl. fern. Sept.-Oct. (NY).
Vern. name: breu.
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This species differs froro its nearest relatives, P. panamense (Rose) Johnston and P. multiramifJorum Lundell, chiefly by the acutelynbsp;cuneate base of its leaflets and by its pentamerous flowers.
24. Protium tovariense Pitt, in Trab. Mus. com. Venez. V, p.282 (1929) et ibidem VIII, p.366 (1931).
Protium Icicariba (DC.) March, var. glabrescens Engl, in Mart. FI. Bras. XII, 2, p.268 (1874); id., in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.69nbsp;(1883).
Protium laxiflorum Engl. var. Fendlerii Engl, in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.66 (1883).
Protium avilense Pitt, in Trab. Mus. com. Venez. V, p.281 (1929) et ibidem VIII, p.364 (1931).
Tree, 3—25 m high. Branchlets rather stout, sulcate, when young minutely ferrugineous sericeous, when adult glabrescent, lurid tonbsp;fuscous and dotted with oblong pale brown lenticels. Leaves i- or
2- jugate, rarely unifoliolate or 3-)ugate, 12—21 cm long, rarely upnbsp;to 35 cm; petioles near the base semiterete, dotted with lenticels,
3— 4 (2.5—6.5) cm long, like the rhachis when young at times sparsely and minutely puberulous, but soon glabrescent; interjuga terete,nbsp;striate, above slightly carinate, 2.5—3.5 (1.5—5) cm long; petiolulesnbsp;stout, semiterete, canaliculate, dilated, 10—15 (7.5—20) mm long,nbsp;the terminal ones 20—30 (17.5—50) mm long, glabrous, when adultnbsp;like the petiole and the rhachis rimose; leaflets elliptic, usually 9—10nbsp;(7—15) cm long and 4.5—5 (3.5—7.5) cm wide, but the terminalnbsp;ones larger, mostly narrowed to the base, the lateral ones subsym-metric, usually slightly narrowed to the apex; apex abruptlynbsp;acuminate or, rarely, subacuminate; acumen linear 2.5—5 mm longnbsp;and 2.5—5 mm wide, obtuse; base cuneate to round; margin entire,nbsp;repandous; coriaceous, smooth, nitidulous; with 10—14 pairs of sec.nbsp;nerves; prim, and sec. nerves above grooved on each side, beneathnbsp;prominent, tert. ones hardly visible. Inflorescences axillary, branchednbsp;from the base, rather lax, 4—5 (up to 7) cm long. Branchlets numerous, angulose, up to 2.5 cm long, like the stout, 2.25—3 mm longnbsp;pedicels, the oblong-triangular, i mm long bracts and the ovate,nbsp;0.5 mm long bractlets sparsely and minutely puberulous to glabrous.nbsp;Flowers 5-merous, rarely 4-merous, 2.5—3.5 mm long, greenish,nbsp;glabrous in all parts. Calyx cupuliform, 0.5—0.75 mm high, minutelynbsp;5-dentate. Petals elliptic-triangular, acute, inflexed-apiculate, car-nose. Stamens in the masc. fl. about 2 mm, in the fern. fl. i—1.5 mmnbsp;long; filaments subulate, at the base dilated; anthers oblong, in thenbsp;masc. fl. 0.75 mm, in the fern. fl. 0.5 mm long. Disc annular, crenate.
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0.3—0.4 mm high. Pistil at the base surrounded by the disc, in the masc. fl. as long as the filaments, in the fern. fl. surpassing thenbsp;stamens; ovary depressed globose, 5-lobed, 0.8—1.5 mm high; stylenbsp;short, 5-sulcate, stigma 5-lobed. Drupe ovoid, sub-5-lobed, apexnbsp;acute, base narrowed, 2.25 cm long and 1.75 cm in diam.; mesocarpnbsp;thin, carnose; endocarp rather thick, woody; pyrenes i to 4.
Type: Pittier 10053 in h.US 1232576.
Distribution: north-eastern Venezuela.
VENEZUELA: Carabobo, upper Guaremales, on the road from Puerto Cabello to San Felipe, Pittier 8986 (1920) alt. 100—500 m, fr. July (B, G,nbsp;GH, M, NY, US); Caracas, Karsten 64? (no date) fl. masc. (B, BRSL, LE, W)nbsp;(type of P. Icicariba (DC). March, var. glabrescens Engl.); id., Galipan,nbsp;Pittier 123 (1921) fr. Oct. (NY, US); id., Altos de Galipan, Cerros del Avila,nbsp;Pittier 8300 (1918) alt. 1850 m, fl. masc. Dec. (GH, US) (type of P. avilensenbsp;Pitt.); Aragua, Colonia Tovar, Karsten (1848) fl. masc. Nov. (B, BRSL);nbsp;id., Moritz 899 (no date) fl. fern. (B, P, W); id., Fendler 177 (1854—1855)nbsp;fl. fern, and fr. (B, G, GH, K, P) (type of P. laxiflorum Engl. var. Fendleriinbsp;Engl.); id., Pittier 10053 (1921) alt. 1700—2300 m, in damp forest, fl. masc.nbsp;and fr. Dec. (G, GH, NY, US) (type); id., id. 10064 (1921) alt. 1700—2300 m,nbsp;in forest, fl. fern. Dec. (B, GH, NY, US).
Vern. names; VENEZUELA: tacamahaca, tacamahaca macho, a camahaco.
This species, which covers a limited area near the Caraibic coast of Venezuela, is recognizable in herbarium material by its darknbsp;brown to fuscescent, elliptic, coriaceous leaves with incurved marginnbsp;and pale nerves.
The fact that Pittier 8300 shows tetramerous flowers is insufficient to retain P. avilense Pitt, as a separate species.
Uses: The resin exuded from the bark, is said to be used as a vulnerary balsam and the wood is said to be used for shingles.
25. Protium laxiflorum Engl, in Mart. Fl. Bras. XII, 2, p.275 (1874); id. in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.66 (1883); id. in E.-Pr. Nat.nbsp;PfI.fam. Ill, 4, p.237 (1897) et ed.2, p.412 (1931); Pitt, in Trab.nbsp;Mus. com. Venez. VIII, p.367 (1931).
Tingulonga laxiflora OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.io8 (1891).
Tree, 15 m high. Branchlets slender, terete, striate, when young densely and shortly ferrugineous pilose, when adult glabrescent,nbsp;castaneous, dotted with elliptic, pale brown lenticels. Leaves 2- tonbsp;5-jugate, mostly 3- or 4-jugate, 22—25 cm long; petioles semiterete,nbsp;dilated, at the base incrassate, 3.5 cm long, like the rhachis, thenbsp;petiolules and the prim, nerves provided with a few appressed hairs;
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interjuga terete, striate, above slightly carinate, in the nodes incras-sate, 3 cm long; petiolules canaliculate, at both ends incrassate, 7.5 mm long, the terminal ones 17.5 mm; leaflets oblong to elliptic-oblong, narrowed to the apex, usually 10.5 cm long and 4 cm wide,nbsp;but the terminal ones wider, narrowed near the base and the lateralnbsp;ones suboblique, the basal ones shorter and slightly narrower; apexnbsp;rather abruptly acuminate; acumen linear, 12.5 mm long and 5 mmnbsp;wide, obtuse; base broadly cuneate; margin entire; subcoriaceous,nbsp;rigid, glabrous, dull; with ii—12 pairs of sec. nerves; prim, nervesnbsp;above grooved on each side, beneath distinctly prominent, sec. onesnbsp;hardly prominulous above, prominent beneath, tert. ones abovenbsp;invisible, beneath prominulous. Inflorescences axillary, laxlynbsp;branched from the base, with a fairly large number of flowers,nbsp;longer than the petioles of the subtending leaves, 4—6 cm. Branch-lets numerous, terete, striate, provided with a few short hairs, upnbsp;to 4 cm long. Pedicels slender, terete, striate, twice as long as thenbsp;flowers, like the flowers glabrous; bracts and bractlets oblong, acute,nbsp;0.75 mm long. Flowers 5-merous, 3 mm long, greenish yellow. Calyxnbsp;cupuliform, 0.75 mm high; its lobes minute, broadly triangular,nbsp;obtusely acuminate. Petals oblong-triangular, acute, inflexed-apiculate, subcarnose. Stamens in the fern. fl. 1.5 mm long; filamentsnbsp;subulate, i mm long; anthers elliptic-ovate. Disc annular, crenate,nbsp;0.25 mm high. Pistil in the fem. fl. as high as the stamens; ovarynbsp;globose, 5-lobed, 0.7 mm high, tapering in a 5-sulcate style, as longnbsp;as the ovary; stigma 5-lobed.
Type; Spruce 1889 in h.G.
Distribution: Brazil (Amazonas).
BRAZIL: Amazonas, basin R. Negro, between Barra and Barcellos, near Airas, Spruce 1889 (1851), on rocky mountains, fl. fem. Nov. (B, BM, C,nbsp;G, K, LE, M, NY, P, W); id., Manaos, Spruce 1453 (ex Engl. l.c.).
This species resembles P. heptaphyllum (Aubl.) March, var. surinamensis (Miq.) Swart, but the latter differs by its mostlynbsp;2- or 3-jugate leaves, by its shorter petiolules and by its shorternbsp;inflorescences with shortly pedicellate tetramerous flowers.
26. Protium trifoliolatum Engl, in Mart. Fl. Bras. XII, 2, p.266 (1874); id. in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.68 (1883); id. in E.-Pr.nbsp;Nat. Pfl.fam. Ill, 4, p.237 (1897) et ed.2, XlXa, p.412 (1931).
Tingulonga trifoliolata OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.io8 (1891).
Protium Martianum Engl, in Mart. Fl. Bras. XII, 2, p.266 (1874); id. in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.67 (1883); id. in E.-Pr. Nat.nbsp;Pfl.fam. Ill, 4, p.237 (1897) et ed.2, XlXa, p.412 (1931).
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Tingulonga Martiana OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.io8 (1891).
Protium titubans Macbr. in Candollea V, p.379 (1934)-
Shrub or small tree, 4.5—12 m high. Branchlets slender, subterete to subangulose, fuscous, when young like the petioles, the rhachis,nbsp;the petiolules and the prim, nerves provided with a sparse, rarelynbsp;rather dense, patent, ferrugineous, villose indumentum, usuallynbsp;densely intermixed with minute to short fuscous hairs, when adultnbsp;glabrescent, cinereous, smooth to scabridulous and dotted withnbsp;elliptic, castaneous lenticels. Leaves i- or 2-jugate, rarely uni-foliolate or 3-jugate, 15—20 (13—22) cm long; petioles semiterete,nbsp;above dilated, incrassate at the base, 2 (1.5—3) cm long; interjuganbsp;terete, striate, at the nodes incrassate, 3 (2—4.5) cm long; petiolulesnbsp;semiterete, canaliculate, subalate, at both ends incrassate, 7.5 (5—10)nbsp;mm long, the terminal ones 30 (15—35) mm; leaflets oblong tonbsp;oblong-elliptic, usually 8—10 (7—12) cm long and 3—4 (2—5) cmnbsp;wide, but the terminal ones distinctly larger and slightly narrowednbsp;to the base, the lateral ones suboblique, mostly slightly narrowednbsp;to the apex; apex rather abruptly acuminate; acumen linear 5—10nbsp;mm long and 2—4 mm wide, obtuse; base cuneate; margin entire,nbsp;repandous; chartaceous, glabrous, smooth, above nitidulous, beneathnbsp;dull; with 9—10 (8—12) pairs of sec. nerves; prim, nerves abovenbsp;grooved on each side, beneath distinctly prominent, sec. nervesnbsp;above depressed, beneath prominent, tert. ones above hardly visible,nbsp;beneath prominent, sec. and tert. nerves scarcely pilose to glabrous.nbsp;Inflorescences axillary, glomeruliform, 7.5—15 mm in diam. Branch-lets terete, striate, sparsely ferrugineous pubescent. Pedicels terete,nbsp;striate, 1.5—2.5 mm long, like the triangular to ovate, 0.75 mm longnbsp;bracts and bractlets and the outside of the calyx glabrous or providednbsp;with a few scattered ferrugineous hairs. Flowers 4-merous, 3 mmnbsp;long. Calyx cupuliform, 0.5—0.75 mm high; its lobes triangular,nbsp;acute, as long as the tube. Petals elliptic-ovate, acute, inflexed-apiculate, glafcous, carnose. Stamens in the masc. fl. 2 mm, in thenbsp;fern. fl. I mm long; filaments subulate, dilate; anthers oblong tonbsp;lanceolate, 0.5—0.75 mm long. Disc annular, crenate, glabrous, innbsp;he masc. fl. 0.5 mm, in the fern. fl. 0.2 mm high. Pistil glabrous,nbsp;in the masc. fl. 0.6 mm, in the fern. fl. 1.25 mm high; ovary globose,nbsp;narrowed to both ends; stigma sessile to subsessile, 4-lobed. Drupenbsp;either oblique-ovoid and monopyrenous or ellipsoid, 2- to 4-lobednbsp;and 2- to 4-pyrenous, acute at both ends, 15—17.5 mm long andnbsp;10—20 mm in diam.; mesocarp rather thick, carnose; endocarp thin,nbsp;brittle, woody.
Type: Spruce 2845 in h.P.
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Distribution; equatorial South Americaj east of the Andes.
PERU: Loreto, near Iquitos, L. Williams 1521 (1929) fl. masc. July (F) {type of P. titubans Macbr.).
BRAZIL: Amazonas, R. Uaupès, near Panuré, Spruce 2845 (1852—1853) fr. Oct.-Jan. (B, BM, BR, C, G, K, LE, NY, P, W) Ctype)j id., near Yapura,nbsp;Martins (no date) fr. Dec. (B, M) (type of P. Martianum Engl.); id., basinnbsp;R. Solimoes, Sao Paulo de Olivenga, near Palmares, Krukoff 8288 (1936)nbsp;fl. masc. Sept.-Oct. (NY); id., id. 8317 (1936) fl. Sept.-Oct. (NY); id., basinnbsp;of Creek Belem, Krukoff 8870 (1936) fr. Oct.-Dec. (NY); Matto Grosso,nbsp;basin R. Madeira, upper R. Machado, near Tabajara, Krukoff 1328 (1931)nbsp;fl. fern. Nov.-Dee. (B, BM, F, G, K, NY, S, U).
FR. GUIANA: Mana R., Leschenault (1823—1824) fl. fern. (P); without loc., Mélinon (1864) (B).
Vern. name: PERU: bejuco.
Though the type specimens of P. trifoliolatum Engl, and P. Martianum Engl, differ in the nature of their indumentum, in the average number of their leaflets and in the relative size of their terminalnbsp;and lateral leaflets, the other specimens referred to these speciesnbsp;show a complete range of intermediate forms.
The differences between P. titubans Macbr. and P. trifoliolatum Engl, turned out to be so slight that the former species could notnbsp;be retained.
P. trifoliolatum Engl, has been recorded by Glaziou in Bull. Soc. bot. Fr. LII, Mém.3, p.91 (1905) from Rio de Janeiro, but the samenbsp;number, Glaz. 13674, has also been cited under P. multiflorum Engl.nbsp;The specimen itself was not available to me.
27. Protium unifoliolatum Engl, in Mart. Fl. Bras. XII, 2, p.262 (1874); id. in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.62 (1883); id. in E.-Pr;nbsp;Nat. Pfl.fam. Ill, 4, p.237 (1897) et ed.2, XlXa, p.412 (1931);nbsp;Britton in Bull. Tor. bot. Cl. XVI, p.189 (1889); LeCointe, Arv. enbsp;PI. ut. Am. bras. Ill, p.64 (1934); Sampaio in Bol. Mus. nac. X,nbsp;P-13 (1934). Non apud Pulle, Enum. Vase. PI. Surin. p.245 (1906)nbsp;quod ad P. heptaphyllum (Aubl.) March, var. unifoliolatum Sw'artnbsp;pertinet.
Idea unifoliolata Spr. Exs. i960 mss. ex Engl. l.c.
Idea simplieifolia Mart. Obs. 2918 mss. ex Engl. l.c.
Tingulonga simplieifolia OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.107 (1891).
Protium unifoliolatum Engl. var. subserratum Engl, l.c.; Huber in Bol. Mus. Goeldi V, p.432 (1908).
Small tree. Branchlets slender, terete, striate, smooth, when young castaneous, like the petioles and the prim, nerves rather denselynbsp;to sparsely puberulous, when adult glabrescent, greyish and dotted
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with small, pale brown lenticels. Leaves unifoliolate, 9—14 cm long; petioles terete, at both ends incrassate, i cm long; leaflets oblong-lanceolate, sometimes slightly narrowed to the apex, 8—12 (7.5—16)nbsp;cm long and 3—4 (2.75—6) cm wide; apex gradually narrowed innbsp;a tapering, 7.5—10 mm long and 5 mm wide, obtuse acumen; basenbsp;acutely cuneate; margin entire or remotely but distinctly subserrate;nbsp;pergamentaceous, glabrous, smooth, nitidulous; with 12—13 (ii—14)nbsp;pairs of sec. nerves; prim, nerves above grooved on each side, beneathnbsp;distinctly prominent, sec. ones above prominulous, beneath prominent, tert. ones above hardly visible, beneath prominulous, sec.nbsp;and tert. ones glabrous. Inflorescences axillary, glomeruliform, i cmnbsp;in diam, in all parts glabrous. Pedicels terete, striate, about i mmnbsp;long; bracts and bractlets ovate-triangular, 0.25 mm long. Flowersnbsp;4-merous, 4—4.5 mm long, white to greenish yellow. Calyx cupuli-form, I mm high; its lobes triangular, acutely acuminate, as long asnbsp;the tube. Petals oblong-triangular, acute, inflexed-apiculate. Stamensnbsp;in the masc. fl. 2.5 mm, in the fern. fl. 1.75 mm long; filamentsnbsp;subulate; anthers lanceolate, 0.75 mm long. Disc annular, crenate,nbsp;glabrous, 0.25 mm high. Pistil glabrous, in the masc. fl. i mm, innbsp;the fern. fl. 2.5 mm high; ovary globose, 4-lobed, 4-celled; stylenbsp;4-sulcate, once to twice the length of the ovary; stigma 4-lobed.nbsp;Drupe globose, 2- or 3-lobed, i cm long and i cm in diam.; meso-carp rather thick, carnose; endocarp thin, brittle, woody; pyrenesnbsp;I to 3.
Type: Martins (Obs.n.) 2918 in h.M.
Distribution: Brazil (Amazonas and Para).
BRAZIL; Amazonas, R. Negro, between Barcellos and San Isabel, Spruce i960 (1851) fl. masc. Dec. (B, BM, C, G, K, L, LE, M, NY, P, W) (typenbsp;of P. unifoliolatum Engl. var. subserratum Engl.; I. unifoliolata Spr. mss.); id.,nbsp;Barcellos, Ducke 7091 and 7106 (1905) (ex Huber l.c.); id., near Ega, Martins, Obs. 2918 (no date) fl. fern, and fr. Dec. (B, BR, LE, M, W) (Ideanbsp;simplicifolia Mart, mss.) (type); id., Poeppig 2888 (1831) fl. Dec. (BRSL,nbsp;G, K, W); id.. Falls of R. Madeira, Rusby 2578 (1886) fl. masc. Oct. (B, F,nbsp;K, NY, US, W); Para, Serra de Santarem, Schwacke 773 (1878) fl. Jan. (B).
Vern. names; BRAZIL; breu branco da varzea, breu branco comum (ex LeCointe l.c.; Sampaio l.c.).
As the leaflets of Rusby 2578 show an entire margin as well as a subserrate one it was impossible to retain Engler’s var. subserratum.
This species is nearly related to P. heptaphyllum (Aubl.) March, var. unifoliolatum Swart, but the latter differs by its entirely glabrousnbsp;and, sometimes, trifoliolate leaves.
var. macrophyllum Huber in Bol. Mus. Goeldi V, p.432 (1908).
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Leaves always unifoliolate, 15—20 cm long; margin slightly repandous.
Type: Ducke 4898.
Distribution: once collected.
BRAZIL: Para, Alemquer, Ducke 4898 (1903) (ex Huber).
As I did not see this specimen I could not study this variety, but I doubt whether it is sufficiently distinct.
var. puberulum Hoehne in Comm. Lin. Tel. Estr. Matto Grosso ao Amazonas, Bot. VI, Annexe 5, p.31 (1915); id.. Res. hist. Comm.nbsp;Anniv. Sec. bot. a agr. Inst. Biol. Sao Paulo p.ii8 (1937).
Leaves larger than in the type; petioles, rhachis and prim, nerves densely pubescent.
Type : Kuhlmann 507—511.
Distribution: once collected.
BRAZIL; Matto Grosso, R. Arinos, Kuhlmann 507—511 (1914) fl. Dec. (ex Hoehne).
In the density of the indumentum this specimen, which I did not see, may differ distinctly from the species.
28. Protium glaucum Macbr. in Candollea V, p.379 (1934); L. Williams in Field Mus.N.H., Bot. S. XV, p.233 (1936).
Tree, 9—12 m high; bole pale grey or dark purplish brown. Branchlets rather stout, terete, striate, when young cinereousnbsp;tomentellous, when adult glabrescent, fuscous. Leaves 2- or 3-jugate,nbsp;31—35 cm long; petioles semiterete, at the base hardly incrassate,nbsp;7—9.5 cm long, like the rhachis and the petiolules sparsely andnbsp;minutely pilose; interjuga angulose, striate, above near the apexnbsp;slightly bisulcate, 4—4.5 cm long; petiolules semiterete, abovenbsp;flattened and bisulcate, at both ends slightly incrassate, 7.5—10 mmnbsp;long, the terminal ones 25—30 mm; leaflets lanceolate to oblong,nbsp;usually 12.5—15 cm long and 4.75—5.75 cm wide, but the terminalnbsp;ones larger and slightly narrowed to both ends, the lateral onesnbsp;suboblique and the basal ones shorter; apex abruptly acuminate;nbsp;acumen sublinear, 4 mm long and 4 mm wide, obtuse; base broadlynbsp;cuneate; margin entire, undulate; subcoriaceous, glabrous, smooth,nbsp;above nitidulous, glaucous, beneath dull and green; with 15—16 pairsnbsp;of sec. nerves; prim, nerves above prominulous, beneath distinctly
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prominent, sec. ones prominent, tert. ones prominulous, all glabrous. Inflorescences axillary, branched from the base, many-flowered,nbsp;2—5 cm long. Branchlets many, up to i cm long, terete, striate,nbsp;sparsely puberulous. Pedicels robust, terete, striate, 2.5 mm long,nbsp;glabrous; bracts and bractlets triangular, obtusely acuminate, 0.4 mmnbsp;long, minutely pubescent. Flowers 5-merous, 4 mm long, in all partsnbsp;glabrous, greenish. Calyx cupuliform, i mm high; its lobes broadlynbsp;triangular, obtusely subacuminate, 0.25—0.15 mm long. Petalsnbsp;oblong-triangular, acute, inflexed-apiculate, carnose. Stamens 2 mmnbsp;long; filaments flattened; anthers oblong-lanceolate, i mm long.nbsp;Disc annular, crenate, 0.25 mm high. Pistil in the masc. fl. 0.75 mm,nbsp;in the fern. fl. 1.25 mm high; ovary depressed globose, surroundednbsp;by the disc; stigma sessile, 5-lobed.
Type; L. Williams 4772 in h.F. 626549.
Distribution: Andes of northern Peru.
PERU; Loreto, lower R. Huallaga, Yurimagtias, Santa Rosa, L. Williams 4772 (1929) alt. 150 m, in forest, fl. fern. Nov. (F, G, K, US)i San Martin,nbsp;upper R. Huallaga, Juan Jui, Klug 3821 (1934) alt. 400 m, forest, fl. masc.nbsp;Sept. (B, BM, F).
This species resembles P. Almecega March., but the latter differs by its smaller leaves, by its nearly ovate leaflets, which are graduallynbsp;narrowed in a longer acumen, and by its pilose pedicels and calyx,nbsp;the latter provided with lobes as long as the tube.
Anatomy: L. Williams l.c.
Use: The wood is said to be used for fuel.
29. Protium glaucescens Urb., Symb. Ant. VII, p.239 (1912); id., ibidem VIII, p.328 (1920); Engl, in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. ed.2,nbsp;XlXa, p.412 (1931).
Tree. Branchlets slender, 2.5 mm in diam., terete, glabrous, smooth, cinereous to castaneous and dotted with small, ellipticnbsp;lenticels. Leaves 2- (i- to 3-) jugate, 13—15 cm long; petioles nearnbsp;the incrassate base semiterete, 2 cm long, like the rhachis and thenbsp;petiolules when young rather densely but minutely pilose, whennbsp;adult glabrescent and scabrous; interjuga terete, striate, at the nodesnbsp;incrassate, 2.25 cm long; petiolules semiterete, above sulcate, atnbsp;both ends incrassate, 5 mm long, the terminal ones 15 mm; leafletsnbsp;lanceolate to oblong-elliptic, usually 6.5 cm long and 2.75 cm wide,nbsp;but the terminal ones wider and sometimes narrowed to the basenbsp;and the basal ones shorter; apex 3 mm long and 5 mm wide, ob-
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tusely acuminate; base acute; margin entire; subcoriaceous, smooth, glabrous, above nitidous, glaucous, beneath nitidulous glaucescent;nbsp;with 9—10 pairs of sec. nerves; prim, nerves above grooved on eachnbsp;side, beneath distinctly prominent, sec. and tert. ones prominulous,nbsp;all glabrous. Inflorescences axillary, branched from the base, rathernbsp;lax, many-flowered, 1.5—2.5 cm long. Branchlets terete, striate,nbsp;glabrous or provided with some short hairs. Pedicels slender, terete,nbsp;2 mm long, glabrous; bracts and bractlets oblong-triangular, acute,nbsp;fimbriate, 0.75—0.5 mm long. Flowers 4-merous, 3 mm long, white,nbsp;in all parts glabrous. Calyx cupuliform, i mm high; its lobes triangular, obtusely subacuminate, as long as the tube. Petals oblong-triangular, acute, inflexed-apiculate, subcarnose; margins papillose.nbsp;Stamens in the masc. fl. 1.5 mm long; filaments subulate, at the basenbsp;dilated, i mm long; anthers oblong. Disc annular, crenate, 0.5 mmnbsp;high. Pistil in the masc. fl. 0.8 mm high; ovary embedded in thenbsp;disc, globose, 4-lobed, 4-celled, 0.5 mm high; stigma 4-lobed,nbsp;subsessile.
Type: Fuertes 946 in h.B.
Distribution: Santo Domingo.
HAITI; Santo Domingo, Barahona, between Maniel and Paradis, Fuertes 946 (1911) alt. 200 m, fl. masc. July (B, BM, G, GH, L, NY, S, U, US, W).
This species resembles P. Almecega March., but the latter differs by its angular and robust rhachis, by the distinct acumen, the
14— 16 pairs of sec. nerves and the indumentum at the base of thenbsp;prim, nerves of its leaflets and by its pilose pedicels.
30. Protium subacuminatum Swart in Rec. Trav. bot. neerl. XXXIX, p.192 (1942).
Small tree. Branchlets rather stout, 5 mm in diam., terete, striate, like the petioles, the rhachis and the petiolules when young rathernbsp;densely but minutely brunnescent pilose and when adult mostlynbsp;glabrescent, scabrous, cinereous and dotted with small, elliptic, fer-rugineous lenticels. Leaves 2- or 3- (i- to 4-) jugate, 15—20nbsp;(12—22.5) cm long; petioles semiterete, 4 (3—6) cm long; interjuganbsp;angulose, at the nodes slightly incrassate, 2.5—3 cm long; petiolulesnbsp;terete, striate, above sulcate, 7.5—10 mm long, the terminal ones
15— 20 mm; leaflets oblong to elliptic, usually 7 (5.5—8) cm longnbsp;and 3.5 (2.5—4) cm wide, but the terminal ones wider and mostlynbsp;slightly narrowed to the base, the lateral ones suboblique and thenbsp;basal ones smaller; apex subacute, up to 2.5 mm long and 5 mm
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wide, obtusely acuminate; base broadly cuneate; margin entire, often incurved; coriaceous, glabrous, smooth, nitidulous; with lo—12nbsp;pairs of sec. nerves; prim, and sec. nerves above grooved on eachnbsp;side, beneath distinctly prominent, tert. ones prominulous, allnbsp;glabrous. Inflorescences axillary, hardly branched, many-flowered,nbsp;15—20 mm long. Branchlets terete, like the terete, striate stout,nbsp;1.5 mm long pedicels, the oblong, acute, i mm long bracts, thenbsp;oblong-triangular, acute, 0.75 mm long bractlets and the outsidenbsp;of the calyx and the corolla rather densely to sparsely patent-puberulous. Flowers 4-merous, 2.5 mm long. Calyx cupuliform,nbsp;0.75 mm high; its lobes broadly triangular, acute, 0.25 mm long.nbsp;Petals ovate-triangular, acute, inflexed-apiculate, carnose; marginsnbsp;papillose. Stamens in the masc. fl. 2 mm, in the fern. fl. 1.5 mm long;nbsp;filaments subulate, dilated; anthers oblong, 0.75 mm long. Discnbsp;annular, glabrous, 0.5 mm high. Pistil glabrous, in the masc. fl. 0.8nbsp;mm high and the ovary embedded in the disc; in the fem. fl. as highnbsp;as the stamens, the ovary at the base surrounded by the disc andnbsp;depressed globose, 4-lobed, 4-celled, about i mm high, tapering innbsp;a subsessile, 4-lobed stigma. Drupe either oblique-ovoid and mono-pyrenous or globose, 2- to 3-lobed and 2- to 3-pyrenous, about i cmnbsp;long and i cm in diam.
Type: Ekman 2005 in h.B.
Distribution: eastern Cuba.
CUBA: Oriente, Bayate, near R. Piedra, Ekman 2005 (1914) fl. fem. July (B, S) (type); id., Sierra de Nipe, R. Piloto, Ekman 2547 (1914) fl. Aug. (S);nbsp;id., Arroyo to Piedra Gorda, Shafer 3528 (1910) alt. 150 m, thicket, fr. Jan.nbsp;(GH, K, NY, US); id., Arroyo Blanco, Leriza, Roig 158 (1917) ff. Sept.nbsp;(NY); id., Baracoa, Moa, Roig 35 (1917) fl. masc. Aug. (NY).
This species is related to P. cubense (Rose) Urb., but the latter differs by its glabrous leaves and by its distinctly acuminate leafletsnbsp;with hardly visible tert. nerves above.
31. Protium Krukoffii Swart in Rec. Trav. bot. néerl. XXXIX, p.193 (1942).
Small tree, 7.5 m high. Leaves 3- to 4-jugate, 23—27 cm long; petioles semiterete, at the base slightly incrassate, 3—4 cm long,nbsp;like the rhachis and the petiolules rather densely but minutely pilose,nbsp;when adult glabrescent; interjuga terete, striate, near the apexnbsp;slightly bisulcate, 2.5—4 cm long; petiolules semiterete, abovenbsp;bisulcate, at both ends incrassate, about i cm long, the terminalnbsp;ones 2.25 (1.5—3) cm; leaflets oblong to oblong-elliptic, usually
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10—11 cm long and 4—5 cm wide, but the terminal ones wider and narrowed to the base, the lateral ones oblique and the basal onesnbsp;smaller; apex rather abruptly acuminate; acumen linear, 12.5 mmnbsp;long and 2.5 mm wide, obtuse; base broadly cuneate; margin entire,nbsp;undulate; pergamentaceous, glabrous, smooth, nitidulous; withnbsp;about II pairs of sec. nerves; prim, nerves prominent, above rathernbsp;densely but minutely pilose, beneath glabrous, sec. ones prominent,nbsp;tert. ones above prominulous, beneath prominent, sec. and tert. onesnbsp;glabrous. Inflorescences fasciculate in the axils, branched from thenbsp;base, 5—6 cm long. Branchlets angulose, sparsely puberulous, upnbsp;to 3 cm long. Pedicels angulose, 1.5 mm long, glabrous; bractsnbsp;and bractlets oblong-triangular, obtuse, 0.3 mm long. Flowersnbsp;4-merous, 2.5 mm long, in all parts glabrous. Calyx cupuliform,nbsp;0.5 mm high, minutely 4-dentate. Petals elliptic-ovate, acute, in-lexed-apiculate, carnose. Stamens in the fern. fl. i mm long; filaments subulate, 0.7 mm long; anthers oblong. Disc annular, 8-lobed,nbsp;0.3 mm high. Pistil in the fern. fl. 1.25 mm high; ovary at the basenbsp;surrounded by the disc, ovoid, 4-lobed, 4-celled, 0.8 mm high,nbsp;tapering in a short style, crowned by a 4-lobed stigma.
Type: Krukoff 8108 in h.NY.
Distribution: Once collected.
BRAZIL: Amazonas, basin R. Solimoes, Sao Paulo de 01iven?a, near Pa mares, Krukoff 8108 (1936) in old clearing, fi. fern. Sept.-Oct. (NY).
This species is related to P. Aracouchini (Aubl.) March., but the latter differs by its mostly 2-jugate and entirely glabrous leaves,nbsp;by its slender inflorescences, by its smaller flowers and by its longnbsp;styles.
32. Protium elegans Engl, in Mart. Fl. Bras. XII, 2, p.273 (1874); id. in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.74 (1883); id. in E.-Pr. Nat.nbsp;Pfl.fam. Ill, 4, P-237 (1897) et ed.2, XlXa, p.412 (1931).nbsp;Tingulonga elegans OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.io8 (1891).
Protium Spruceanum Engl, in errore Glaz. in Bull. Soc. bot. Fr. LII, Mém.3, p.92 (1905).
Small to large tree. Branchlets slender, 2—2.5 mm in diam. terete, castaneous to fuscous, when young densely but minutelynbsp;pilose, when adult glabrescent and dotted with small, elliptic lenticels.nbsp;Leaves i- or 2-jugate, rarely 3-jugate, 10—15 (8—17.5) cm long;nbsp;petioles semiterete, dilated, i—2 cm long, like the rhachis and thenbsp;petiolules rather densely to sparsely and minutely pilose; interjuga
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semiterete, above flattened and bisulcate, at the nodes hardly in-crassate, longer than the petioles, 1.5—2.25 cm long; petiolules semiterete, above sulcate and subalate, 3—4 mm long, the terminalnbsp;ones 10—15 mm; leaflets lanceolate to lanceolate-oblong, narrowednbsp;to both ends, usually 8 (6—9) cm long and 2.25 (2—2.75) cm wide,nbsp;but the terminal ones longer, the lateral ones suboblique and thenbsp;basal ones smaller; apex gradually to rather abruptly acuminate;nbsp;acumen linear, 5—10 mm long and 2.5—3 mm wide, obtuse; basenbsp;acutely cuneate; margin entire or near the apex subserrate, undulate;nbsp;pergamentaceous, glabrous, smooth, nitidulous; with 12—13 pairsnbsp;of sec. nerves; prim, nerves above distinctly prominent and pilosenbsp;like the petiolules, beneath prominent and glabrous, sec. and tert.nbsp;ones glabrous, above hardly prominulous, beneath prominulous.nbsp;Inflorescences axillary, slender, hardly branched, few-flowerd, 3.5nbsp;(2—5) cm long; its axes angulose, like the terete, striate, 2 mm longnbsp;pedicels, the oblong-triangular, obtuse, 1.5 mm long bracts andnbsp;bractlets and the outside of the calyx sparsely and minutely pilose.nbsp;Flowers 4-merous, 3 mm long, brunnescent. Calyx cupuliform, i mmnbsp;high; its lobes semiorbicular, subacuminate, as long as the tube.nbsp;Petals oblong-triangular, acute, inflexed-apiculate, subcarnose,nbsp;glabrous. Stamens in the masc. fl. 1.5 mm long; filaments subulate,nbsp;I mm long; anthers elliptic. Disc annular, glabrous. Pistil glabrous;nbsp;ovary in the masc. fl. embedded in the disc, globose 4-lobed; stigmanbsp;sessile, 4-lobed. Drupe either oblique-ovoid and monopyrenous ornbsp;globose, 2- to 4-lobed and 2- to 4-pyrenous, with acute apex, 10—15nbsp;mm long and 7.5—10 mm in diam.; exocarp reddish; mesocarpnbsp;thin, carnose; endocarp thin, brittle, woody.
Type: Spruce 2824 in h.P.
Distribution: Brazil and Fr. Guiana.
FR. GUIANA: Leblond, Gabriel and Poiteau (no date) fr. (G).
BRAZIL: Amazonas, R. Uaupès, near Panuré, Spruce 2824 (1852—1853) fr. Oct.-Jan. (B, BM, BR, C, F, G, K, LE, NY, P, W); Rio de Janeiro, Serranbsp;de Jerecino, near Campo Grande, Glaziou 9710 (no date) fl. masc. Aug.-Sept. (C).
This species is related to P. Aracouchini (Aubl.) March., but the latter differs by its entirely glabrous leaves, by the subrotundatenbsp;base and the abruptly and also longer acuminate apex of its leaflets,nbsp;and by its larger and wholly glabrous inflorescences.
P. Spruceanum Engl, differs from P. elegans Engl, by the stronger developed indumentum of its more robust, wider and not-narrowednbsp;leaflets and by its pentamerous flowers.
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Anatomy: Guill. in Ann. Sc. nat., S.9, X, p.208 (1909).
33. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Protium Melinonis Engl, in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.68nbsp;(1883); id. in E.-Pr. Nat. PfJ.fam. Ill, 4, p.237 (1897) et ed.2,nbsp;XlXa, p.412 (1931).
Tingulonga Melinonis OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.io8 (1891).
Branchlets slender, 2.5 mm in diam., terete, striate, glabrous, when young fuscous, when adult pale brown. Leaves 3-jugate,nbsp;rarely 2-jugate, 16.5 cm long; petioles semiterete, at the base in-crassate, 3.5 cm long, like the rhachis and the petiolules sparselynbsp;and patently puberulous; interjuga angulose, above flattened andnbsp;bisulcate, 2.5 cm long; petiolules semiterete, above sulcate andnbsp;dilated, 2.5 mm long, the terminal ones 15 mm; leaflets lanceolatenbsp;to oblong-lanceolate, mostly narrowed to both ends, usually 6.5 cmnbsp;long and 2 cm wide, but the terminal ones slightly larger, the lateralnbsp;ones suboblique and the basal ones smaller; apex rather abruptlynbsp;acuminate; acumen 4 mm long and 3 mm wide, obtuse; base acutelynbsp;cuneate; margin entire, undulate; pergamentaceous, glabrous,nbsp;smooth, nitidulous; with 10—13 pairs of sec. nerves; prim, nervesnbsp;above grooved on each side, pilose like the petiolules, beneath prominent, glabrous, sec. ones above prominulous, beneath prominent,nbsp;tert. ones above hardly visible, beneath prominulous, sec. and tert.nbsp;ones glabrous. Inflorescences axillary, subterminal, lax, few-flowered, 12 cm long, at the base provided with some sec. branchlets,nbsp;up to I. cm long. Axes terete, striate, slender, like the terete, striatenbsp;3 mm long pedicels, the ovate-triangular, 0.5 mm long bracts andnbsp;bractlets and the outside of the calyx provided with some, scattered,nbsp;patent hairs. Flowers 5-merous, 3.5 mm long. Calyx cupuliform,nbsp;I mm high; its lobes broadly triangular, obtusely subacuminate, asnbsp;long as the tube. Petals oblong-ovate, acute, inflexed-apiculate, sub-carnose. Disc annular, crenate, glabrous. Pistil glabrous; ovary innbsp;the fern. fl. at the base surrounded by the disc, globose, 5-lobed,nbsp;5-celled; stigma subsessile, 5-lobed. Drupe ovoid, acute, ii mmnbsp;long and 8 mm in diam.; mesocarp thin, carnose; endocarp rathernbsp;thick, woody.
Type: Mélinon 250 in h.P.
Distribution: Fr. Guiana.
FR. GUIANA: Mélinon 250 (1842) fl. fem. and fr. (B, L, P).
34. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Protium pilosellum Swart in Rec.Trav. bot. neerl. XXXIX,nbsp;P-193 (1942)-
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Tree, about lo m high. Branchlets rather slender, terete to sub-terete, glabrous, smooth, cinereous. Leaves 5- or 6-jugate, 30 cm long; petioles semiterete, 3 cm long, like the rhachis, the petiolulesnbsp;and the prim, nerves rather densely and shortly pilose, when adultnbsp;sometimes glabrescent; interjuga terete, near the apex bisulcate andnbsp;dilated, at the nodes incrassate, 3 cm long; petiolules semiterete,nbsp;canaliculate, at both ends incrassate, 5 (2—10) mm long, the terminalnbsp;ones 25 mm; leaflets lanceolate to oblong, narrowed to the apex,nbsp;usually II cm long and 3 cm wide, but the terminal ones shghtlynbsp;shorter and wider and narrowed to the base, the lateral ones obliquenbsp;and the basal ones shorter; apex gradually narrowed in a linear,nbsp;20 mm long and 7.5 mm wide, obtuse acumen; base cuneate; marginnbsp;entire, undulate; pergamentaceous, glabrous, smooth, above glau-cescent and dull, beneath nitidous; with 10 pairs of sec. nerves;nbsp;prim, and sec. nerves above grooved on each side, beneath prominent,nbsp;tert. ones above inconspicuous, beneath hardly visible, sec. and tert.nbsp;nerves glabrous or subglabrous. Inflorescences axillary, glomeruli-form. Pedicels terete, 2—3 mm long, like the triangular, acute, 1.5nbsp;mm long bracts and bractlets and the outside of the calyx and thenbsp;corolla sparsely puberulous. Flowers 4-merous. Calyx cupuliform;nbsp;its lobes broadly triangular, as long as the tube. Petals oblong-triangular, acute. Disc annular, glabrous. Drupe oblique-globose,nbsp;2- to 3-lobed, glabrous, smooth, 10 mm long and 8 mm in diam.,nbsp;provided with a i mm long rudiment of a 4-sulcate style; mesocarpnbsp;rather thick, carnose; endocarp thin, woody; pyrenes 2 to 3.
Type; Krukoff 1433 in h.U 7922A.
Distribution: Brazil (Matto Grosso).
BRAZIL: Matto Grosso, basin R. Madeira, upper R. Machado, near Tabajara, Krukoff 1433 (1931) on varzea land, fr. Nov. (B, BM, F, G, K,nbsp;NY, U); id., id. 1460 (1931) fr. Nov.-Dec. (BM).
This species is related to P. heptaphyllum (Aubl.) March.
35. Protium glabrescens Swart in Rec. Trav. bot. néerl. XXXIX, p.194 (1942).
Large tree, 20—30 m high. Branchlets stout, 4—8 mm in diam., when young like the petioles, the rhachis and the petiolules rathernbsp;densely but minutely ferrugineous pilose, when adult glabrescent,nbsp;cinereous and scabrous, and dotted with oblong ferrugineous lenti-cels. Leaves 4- or 5-jugate, rarely 2- or 3-jugate, 35—40 cm long;nbsp;petioles semiterete, subalate, at the base incrassate, 8 (6—12) cmnbsp;long, when adult like the rhachis and the petiolules glabrescent and
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scabrous; interjuga stout, terete, striate, near the apex mostly bisulcate and subalate, at the nodes slightly incrassate, 3 (2.5—5) cmnbsp;long; petiolules stout, terete, striate, at both ends slightly incrassate,nbsp;10 (7.5—15) mm long, the terminal ones 25 (12.5—40) mm; leafletsnbsp;lanceolate-oblong, irregular in shape, mostly slightly narrowed tonbsp;the apex, usually 17.5 (10.5—25) cm long and 5.5 (4.25—8) cmnbsp;wide, but the terminal ones slightly narrowed to the base, the lateralnbsp;ones oblique and the basal ones shorter; apex gradually narrowednbsp;in a tapering, 7.5—12.5 mm long and 2.5—5 mm wide, obtusenbsp;acumen; base broadly cuneate; margin entire, undulate; coriaceous,nbsp;glabrous, above smooth and nitidous, beneath scabridulous and dull;nbsp;with 15 (14—17) pairs of sec. nerves; prim, nerves above groovednbsp;on each side and glabrous, beneath distinctly prominent and pilosenbsp;like the rhachis, sec. nerves above depressed, beneath prominent,nbsp;tert. ones above conspicuous, beneath prominulous, sec. and tert.nbsp;ones glabrous. Inflorescences axillary, laxly branched from the base,nbsp;many-flowered, 5.5—7.5 cm long. Branchlets angulose, rather stout,nbsp;up to 3.5 cm long, like the terete, 2 mm long pedicels, the triangular-ovate, obtuse, about i mm long bracts and bractlets and the outsidenbsp;of the calyx and corolla rather densely to sparsely ferrugineousnbsp;puberulous. Flowers 4-merous, nearly 4 mm long. Calyx cupuliform,nbsp;about I mm high; its lobes broadly triangular, subobtuse, as longnbsp;as the tube. Petals oblong-ovate, acute, inflexed-apiculate, carnose.nbsp;Stamens in the fern. fl. 1.75 mm long; filaments subulate, i mm long;nbsp;anthers lanceolate. Disc annular, 8-lobed, glabrous, 0.5 mm high.nbsp;Pistil in the fern. fl. nearly 2 mm high, glabrous; ovary at the basenbsp;surrounded by the disc, ovoid, 4-lobed, 4-celled, 1.25 mm high,nbsp;tapering in a 0.3 mm long style and crowned by a 4-lobed stigma.nbsp;Drupe ovoid, oblique or 2- to 3-lobed, acute, 17.5 mm long andnbsp;10—12.5 mm in diam.; mesocarp carnose; endocarp thin, woody;nbsp;pyrenes i to 3.
Type: Krukoff 5486 in h.NY.
Distribution: Brazil (southern Amazonas).
BRAZIL: Terr, de Acre, basin R. Purus, near mouth R. Macauhan, Krukoff 5468 (1933) fl. fern. Aug. (B, F, K, NY)j Amazonas, basin R. Madeira, Humayta, near Tres Casas, Krukoff 6083 (1934) on varzea land, fr. Sept.nbsp;(K, NY, U).
Vern. name: almesca.
This species is related to P. Almecega March., but the latter differs by its much smaller leaves, by its petioles being but slightly longernbsp;than the interjuga, by its subcoriaceous leaflets and by its smallernbsp;inflorescenses with smaller, usually pentamerous, flowers.
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36. Protium pedicellatum Swart in Ree. Trav. bot. néerl. XXXIX, p.195 (1942)-
Tree, 10—22 m high. Branchlets stout, 5 mm in diam., terete, striate, when young densely ferrugineous puberulous, when adultnbsp;glabrous, scabridulous and cinereous. Leaves 4- to 5- (2- to 6-) jugate,nbsp;25—45 cm long; petioles semiterete, mostly twice as long as thenbsp;interjuga, 7—10 (4.5—12) cm, like the rhachis and the petiolulesnbsp;sparsely, patent-puberulous, when adult glabrescent; interjuga terete,nbsp;towards the apex slightly bisulcate and subalate, at the nodes incras-sate, 3.5—4 (3—6) cm long; petiolules semiterete, canaliculate, in-crassate at both ends, 10—15 (7.5—17.5) mm long, the terminal onesnbsp;35—40 (25—45) mm; leaflets oblong-lanceolate to oblong, mostlynbsp;narrowed to the base, usually ii—12 (9.5—16) cm long andnbsp;3.75—4.25 (3—5.25) cm wide, but the terminal ones and the basalnbsp;ones shorter, the lateral ones suboblique; apex abruptly acuminate;nbsp;acumen linear, 10—25 mm long and 1.5—2 mm wide, obtuse; basenbsp;cuneate; margin entire, undulate; subcoriaceous to coriaceous,nbsp;glabrous and smooth, above nitidous, beneath nitidulous; withnbsp;10—12 (9—13) pairs of sec. nerves; prim, nerves above grooved onnbsp;each side, near the base rather densely but minutely pilose, beneathnbsp;distinctly prominent, near the base pilose like the petiolules, sec.nbsp;ones above grooved on each side, beneath prominent, tert. ones abovenbsp;visible, beneath prominulous, sec. and tert. ones glabrous. Inflorescences axillary, slender, laxly branched, many-flowered, 13—25nbsp;cm long; the branchlets angular, glabrous or subglabrous, up tonbsp;5 cm long. Pedicels terete, striate, slender, 3.5 mm long, like thenbsp;triangular, acute 0.5 mm long bracts and the triangular, 0.25 mmnbsp;long bractlets glabrous. Flowers 4-merous, 2.25 mm long, glabrousnbsp;in all parts. Calyx shallowly cupuliform, 0.25 mm high; its lobesnbsp;broadly triangular, obtuse, minute. Petals ovate-triangular, acute,nbsp;inflexed-apiculate, subcarnose. Stamens in the masc. fJ. i mm long;nbsp;filaments conical, 0.5 mm long; anthers elliptic. Disc annular, 8-lobed, 0.4 mm high. Pistil glabrous, in the masc. fl. 0.5 mm high;nbsp;ovary embedded in the disc, globose, 4-lobed; stigma sessile, 4-lobed.nbsp;Drupe ellipsoid, 25—30 mm long and 12.5—20 mm in diam.;nbsp;mesocarp thin, carnose; endocarp woody; pyrenes i to 3.
Type: Krukoff 7226 in h.U 23099A.
Distribution: Brazil (southern Amazonas and northern Matto Grosso).
BRAZIL: Amazonas, basin R. Solimoes, Sao Paulo de Olivenga, near Palmares, Krukoff 8195 (1936) fl. masc. Sept.-Oct. (NY); id., basin R.nbsp;Madeira, Humayta, between R. Livramento and R. Ipixuna, Krukoff 7069
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(1934) on campinarana, fr. Nov. (K, NY, U); id., id. 7226 (1934) fr. Nov. (K, NY, U) (type)j Matto Grosso, basin R. Madeira, upper R. Machado,nbsp;near Tabajara, Krukoff 1378 (1931) fr. Nov. (B, BM, F, G, K, NY, U).
This species resembles P. Aracouchini (Aubl.) March., but the latter differs chiefly by its glabrous, mostly 2-jugate and smallernbsp;leaves and by its shorter inflorescences and pedicels.
37. Protium Spruceanum (Benth.) Engl, in Mart. FI. Bras. XII, 2, p.276 (1874); id. in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.76 (1883); id.nbsp;in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. Ill, 4, p.137 (1897) et ed.2, XlXa, p.412nbsp;(1931). Non apud Glaz. in Bull. Soc. bot. Fr. LII, Mém.3, p.92nbsp;(1905) quod ad P. elegans Engl, pertinet.
Idea Spruceana Benth. in Hook. Journ. of Bot. IV, p.i6 (1852); Mueller in Walp. Ann. Bot. Syst. IV, p.449 (1857).
Tingulonga Spruceana OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.io8 (1891).
Tree, 12—15 m high. Branchlets rather stout, 3 mm in diam., terete, striate, smooth, when young densely but minutely ferru-gineous pilose, when adult glabrescent, greyish black, dotted withnbsp;oblong ferrugineous lenticels. Leaves 2- to 4-jugate, 2C—25 cm long;nbsp;petioles semiterete, at the base incrassate, 4 (3—5.5) cm long, likenbsp;the rhachis and the petiolules rather densely cinereous puberulous;nbsp;interjuga terete, above near the apex slightly bisulcate and sub-alate, 2—3 cm long; petiolules terete, subcanaliculate, at both endsnbsp;incrassate, 3—5 mm long, the terminal ones 17.5 mm; leaflets oblong-lanceolate, usually 8.5—10 cm long and 2.75—3.5 cm wide, but thenbsp;terminal ones shorter and distinctly narrowed to the base, the lateralnbsp;ones subsymmetric, sometimes slightly narrowed to the base or tonbsp;the apex and the basal ones shorter; apex rather abruptly acuminate;nbsp;acumen linear, 10 mm long and 2 mm wide, obtuse; base acutelynbsp;cuneate; margin entire, undulate; pergamentaceous, above glabrousnbsp;and nitidulous, beneath glabrous or subglabrous and dull; withnbsp;about 16 pairs of sec. nerves; prim, nerves above grooved on eachnbsp;side, sparsely and minutely pilose, beneath distinctly prominentnbsp;and rather densely ferrugineous pubescent, sec. nerves above pro-minulous and glabrous, beneath prominent and sparsely puberulousnbsp;or glabrous, tert. ones hardly prominulous and glabrous. Inflorescences axillary, branched from the base, 2 (i—3) cm long; thenbsp;axes terete, striate, sparsely pubescent. Pedicels terete, striate, aboutnbsp;as long as the flowers, near the base sparsely puberulous; bracts andnbsp;bractlets ovate, obtuse, puberulous, 0.35 mm long. Flowers 5-merous, 3 mm long, virescent, in all parts glabrous. Calyx cupuli-form, 0.75 mm high; its lobes broadly triangular, acutely sub-
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acuminate, as long as the tube. Petals oblong-triangular, acute, inflexed-apiculate, subcarnose, on the margins papillose. Stamensnbsp;in the masc. fl. 1.75 mm long; filaments subulate, as long as thenbsp;oblong anthers. Disc annular, crenate, 0.25—0.35 mm high. Pistilnbsp;in the masc. fl. nearly i mm high, in the fern. fi. about as high asnbsp;the stamens; ovary at the base surrounded by the disc, depressednbsp;globose, 5-lobed, 5-celled, tapering in a sessile, 5-lobed stigma.nbsp;Drupe either oblique-ovoid and monopyrenous or globose, 2- tonbsp;3-lobed and 2- to 3-pyrenous, I cm long and i—1.25 cm in diam.;nbsp;exocarp red and white; mesocarp rather thin, carnose; endocarpnbsp;thick, woody.
Type : Spruce 1319 in h.K.
Distribution: Brazil (Amazonas).
BRAZIL: Amazonas, R. Uaupès, near Panuré, Spruce 2692 (1852) in forest on rocky ground, fl. masc. Dec. (B, BM, BR, C, G, K, LE, NY, P, W)nbsp;and probably the same under number 2699 (B, W); id., R. Negro, Barra,nbsp;Spruce 1123 (1850—1851) fr. Dec.-Mar. (B, BM, C, G, K, LE, M, NY, W);nbsp;id., id. 1319 (1851) fr. Febr. (K, P) (type); id., basin R. Negro, Manaos,nbsp;near Aleixo, Krukoff 8031 (1936) in high forest, fl. fern. Aug.-Sept. (NY).
Vern. name: breu.
Anatomy: Solereder, Syst. Anat. Die. p.216, 217 (1899).
38. Protium Benthamii Swart nom. nov.
Idea pubescens Benth. in Hook. Journ. of Bot. IV, p.i6 (1852); Mueller in Walp. Ann. Bot. Syst. IV, p.449 (1857).
Protium pubescens Engl, (non W. et A.) in Mart. Fl. Bras. XII, 2, p.265 (1874); id. in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.67 (1883); id. innbsp;E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. Ill, 4, p.237 (1897) et ed.2, XlXa, p.412nbsp;(1931); PBritton in Bull. Tor. bot. Cl. XVI, p.189 (1889).
Tingulonga pubescens OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.io8 (1891).
Small tree, 7.5 m high. Branchlets slender, 2 mm in diam., terete, when young like the petioles and the petiolules rather denselynbsp;cinereous puberulous, when adult glabrescent and caesious. Leavesnbsp;trifoliolate, rarely unifoliolate, about 17.5 cm long; petioles semi-terete, 1.75 cm long; petiolules semiterete, at both ends incrassate,nbsp;6 mm long, the terminal ones 30 mm; leaflets lanceolate to lanceolate-oblong, the terminal ones 12.5 cm long and 4.5 cm wide, mostlynbsp;narrowed to the base, the lateral ones 8.5 cm long and 3.25 cm wide,nbsp;nearly symmetric and usually narrowed to the apex; apex graduallynbsp;narrowed in a linear, 10 mm long and 5 mm wide, obtuse acumen;nbsp;base cuneate; margin entire or remotely and obtusely subserrate;
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pergamentaceous glabrous, smooth and dull; with 8—lo pairs of sec. nerves; prim, nerves above grooved on each side and rathernbsp;densely but minutely pilose, beneath distinctly prominent andnbsp;sparsely puberulous, sec. ones above prominulous and minutelynbsp;pilose, beneath prominent and glabrous, tert. ones glabrous, abovenbsp;hardly visible, beneath prominent. Inflorescences axillary, glome-ruliform, less than i cm in diam., many-flowered. Pedicels terete,nbsp;striate, slender, glabrous, 2 mm long; bracts and bractlets triangular,nbsp;acute, on the margins fimbriate, 0.5 mm long. Flowers 4-merous,
4.5 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mm long, white, in all parts glabrous. Calyx cupuliform, i mmnbsp;high; its lobes semiorbicular, acutely acuminate, as long as the tube.nbsp;Petals lanceolate-triangular, acute, inflexed-apiculate, subcarnose,nbsp;on the margins papillose. Stamens in the fern. fl. 1.5 mm long;nbsp;filaments subulate, dilated, about as long as the lanceolate-linearnbsp;anthers. Disc annular, 8-lobed, 0.35 mm high. Pistil in the fern. fl.
2.5 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mm high; ovary at the base surrounded by the disc, ovoid,nbsp;sub-4-lobed, 4-celled, I mm high; style 4-sulcate, 1.5 mm long;nbsp;stigma 4-lobed. Drupe either oblique-ovoid and monopyrenous ornbsp;globose, 2- to 4-lobed and 2- to 4-pyrenous, 1.25 cm long and i cmnbsp;in diam.; mesocarp thin, carnose; endocarp thin, crustaceous.
Type: Spruce 1142 in h.K.
Distribution: once collected.
BRAZIL: Amazonas, R. Negro, Barra, Spruce 1122, = 1142, (1850) forest on sandy soil, fl. fern, and fr. Dec. (B, BM, C, G, K, LE, M, NY,nbsp;P, W).
As Protium pubescens W. et A., Prodr. Fl. Pen. Ind. Or. I, p. 176 (1834) (now referred to Commiphora pubescens Engl.) has prioritynbsp;over Protium pubescens (Benth.) Engl. (1874) a new specific namenbsp;had to be given to the latter species.
39. Protium pauciflorum Swart in Rec. Trav. bot. néerl. XXXIX, p.196 (1942).
Shrub. Leaves 2- or 3-jugate, 19—24 cm long; petioles semiterete, above flattened, 2 (1.5—2.5) cm long, like the rhachis, the petiolulesnbsp;and the prim, nerves rather densely but minutely pilose; interjuganbsp;terete, striate, at the nodes incrassate, 4 (3.5—4.5) cm long; petiolules semiterete, canaliculate, at both ends incrassate, i—1.5 cmnbsp;long, the terminal ones 3.5 (2.5—4) cm; leaflets lanceolate-oblongnbsp;to oblong, usually 10.5 (8.5—11.5) cm long and 3.75 (3—4) cmnbsp;wide, but the terminal ones slightly wider and narrowed to the base,nbsp;the lateral ones subsymmetric and mostly slightly narrowed to both
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ends and the basal ones smaller; apex rather gradually narrowed in a linear, 5—10 mm long and 2—3 mm wide, obtuse acumen; basenbsp;cuneate; margin entire, undulate; pergamentaceous, on both sidesnbsp;glabrous, smooth and dull; with 10 pairs of sec. nerves; prim, nervesnbsp;above grooved on each side, beneath distinctly prominent; sec. andnbsp;tert. ones glabrous, above prominulous, beneath prominent. Inflorescences axillary, 5 mm long, few-flowered; the axes terete, striate,nbsp;like the terete, striate, 1.5 mm long pedicels and the broadly triangular, acute, about 0.5 mm long bracts and bractlets glabrous. Flowersnbsp;4-merous, 3 mm long, in all parts glabrous. Calyx cupuliform, i mmnbsp;high; its lobes triangular, acute, as long as the tube. Petals oblong-ovate, acute, inflexed-apiculate, subcarnose, on the margins papillose.nbsp;Stamens in the fern. fl. 2 mm long; filaments subulate, 3 times asnbsp;long as the oblong anthers. Disc annular, 8-lobed, 0.4 mm high.nbsp;Pistil about as high as the filaments; ovary at the base surroundednbsp;by the disc, globose, 4-lobed, 4-celled, 0.6 mm high, tapering innbsp;a stout, 4-sulcate, about i mm long style, crowned by a 4-lobednbsp;stigma.
Type: Krukoff 8212 in h.NY.
Distribution; once collected.
BRAZIL: Amazonas, basin R. Solimoes, Sao Paulo de Olivenca, near Palmares, Krukoff 8212 (1936) fl. fern. Sept.-Oct. (NY).
40. Protium Almecega March, in Vid. Medd. Kjbhn. 1873, p.56 (1873); Engl, in Mart. Fl. Bras. XII, 2, p.269 (1874); id. innbsp;DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.71 (1883); id. in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. Ill, 4,nbsp;p.237 (1897) et ed.2, XlXa, p.412 (1931). Non apud Glaz. in Bull.nbsp;Soc. bot. Fr. LII, Mém.3, p.92 (1905).
Tingulonga Almacega OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.io8 (1891).
Protium heptaphyllum (Aubl.) March, in errore Glaz. l.c. p.91 quoad spec, sub n. 14611 cit.
Small to large tree. Branchlets rather stout, 4 mm in diam., terete, striate, when young densely ferrugineous puberulous, whennbsp;adult glabrous and cinereous. Leaves 2- or 3- (i- to 5-) jugate,nbsp;15—20 (10—25) cm long; petioles stout, semiterete, at the basenbsp;incrassate, 3—4 (2.5—5.5) cm long, like the rhachis and the petiolulesnbsp;rather densely but minutely pilose, sometimes glabrescent; interjuganbsp;angular, above mostly bisulcate and subalate, at the nodes incrassatenbsp;2—2.5 (1.5—3.5) cm long; petiolules semiterete, subalate, at bothnbsp;ends incrassate, 5 (2—7) mm long, the terminal ones 15 (10—20) mm;nbsp;leaflets lanceolate-oblong to oblong-elliptic, usually 10 (5—13) cm
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long and 3.5 (2—4.5) cm wide, but the terminal ones wider and mostly narrowed to the base, the lateral ones subsymmetric andnbsp;sometimes narrowed to the apex and the basal ones smaller; apexnbsp;gradually to rather abruptly acuminate; acumen tapering, 5—7 mmnbsp;long and 2.5—4 mm wide, obtuse; base cuneate to round; marginnbsp;entire, undulate; subcoriaceous, glabrous and smooth, above niti-dulous, beneath dull; with 14—16 (12—18) pairs of sec. nerves;nbsp;prim, nerves above grooved on each side and glabrous or nearly so,nbsp;beneath distinctly prominent and patently pubescent on their sides,nbsp;especially near the base, sec. nerves above prominulous, beneathnbsp;prominent, tert. ones above hardly visible, beneath prominulous,nbsp;sec. and tert. ones glabrous. Inflorescences axillary, branched fromnbsp;the base, more or less glomeruliform, 2 (2—3) cm long; the axesnbsp;terete, striate, like the terete, striate, 2.5 mm long pedicels and thenbsp;oblong-triangular, obtuse, 0.5—0.75 mm long bracts and bractletsnbsp;rather densely to sparsely appressed puberulous. Flowers 5-merous,nbsp;3 mm long, yellowish-green to reddish. Calyx cupuliform, i mmnbsp;high, sparsely puberulous or nearly glabrous; its lobes triangular,nbsp;acutely subacuminate, as long as the tube. Petals triangular-ovate,nbsp;acute, inflexed-apiculate, outside glabrous, inside provided withnbsp;some short hairs, on the margins papillose. Stamens in the masc. fl.nbsp;2 mm, in the fern. fl. 1.25 mm long; filaments subulate, dilated;nbsp;anthers oblong to elliptic, 0.5 mm long. Disc annular, lo-lobed,nbsp;glabrous, 0.35 mm high. Pistil glabrous, at the base surrounded bynbsp;the disc, in the masc. fl. 0.6—0.9 mm, in the fern. fl. 1.5 mm high;nbsp;ovary globose-ovoid, 5-lobed, 5-celled, tapering in a subsessile,nbsp;5-lobed stigma. Drupe either oblique-ovoid and monopyrenous ornbsp;globose, 2- or 3-lobed and 2- to 3-pyrenous, 12.5 mm long andnbsp;8—12 mm in diam.
Type: Warming (19-VII-1864) in h.C.
Distribution: south-eastern Brazil.
BRAZIL: Matto Grosso, Serra da Chapada, Burity, Malme (1894) in damp forest (S)i id., Santa Anna da Chapada, Malme 2043 (1902) fl. masc.nbsp;July (S); id., id. 2429 (1902) in swampy forest, fl. fern. Oct. (S); Goyaz,nbsp;Duro, Gardner 3090 (1839) fl. fern, and iff. Oct. (B, BM, G, K, NY, P, W)nbsp;(cotype of P. venosum Engl.); id., without loc., SaintHilaire 890 (1816—nbsp;1821) fr. (P); Minas Geraes, near Parana, Martius 1782 (no date) (M) (innbsp;Mart. Obs. 1782 sub Hedwigia balsamifera Sw.); id., Lagoa Santa, Warmingnbsp;2403 (25-IX-1863) fl. (B); id,, id. 2403/1 (28-IX-1863) in copse, fl. masc.nbsp;(C); id., id. 2403/2 (30-IX-1863) fl. masc. (C); id.. Warming (20-XI-1863)nbsp;fl. masc. (W); id.. Warming (i6-III'i864) fl. fern. (C); id.. Warming (19-VII-1864) fl. fern. (C) (type); id.. Warming (23-VIII-1864) fl. fem. (US); id..nbsp;Warming 2402/1 (2-XI-1864) fl. fem. (C); id., id. 2402/2 (no date) fl. fem.nbsp;(C); id.. Warming (1865) fl. masc. Jan. (LE); id., id. (no date) fr. Sept. (C);
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id., id. (no date) fl. fem. (S); id., id. (no date) fl. masc. (W); id., Serra do Lenheiro, near Sao Joao d’El Rei, Schwacke 12115 (1895) fr. Dec. (B);nbsp;id., Ouro Preto, Glaziou 14611 (1885) fl. fem. (B, BR, G, K, LE)^ id., withoutnbsp;loc., Claussen (1839) fl. masc. (G); Sao Paulo, near S. Carlos, Lund (1834)nbsp;fr. Jan. (C); id., Ipanema, Sello 2013/2061 (no date) fr. (B)i id., Campinas,nbsp;Mosén 3854 (1875) (S); id., Heiner 162 (1904) fl. masc. Sept. (S); id., Santanbsp;Rita do Passa Quatro, Hemmendorff 246 (1899) fl. masc. Oct. (S); id.. Rib.nbsp;da Lagoa, Edwall 182 (1905) fl. masc. Nov. (B); without loc., Sello 348nbsp;(no date) (B)i id., id. 987 (no date) fl. masc. (B); id., id. 2012/2060 (no date)nbsp;(B); id., id. 2060 (no date) fl. fem. and fr. (B, S).
Vern. names: almecega, almecega do Brazil, almeceiga, almece-gueira, almecica.
This species, which resembles P. heptaphyllum (Aubl.) March, in general appearance, is recognizable by the indumentum at thenbsp;underside of the midrib. The material shows a rather wide range ofnbsp;variability in regard to the size of the leaves, to the number ofnbsp;leaflets and to the development of the indumentum; in Glaziou 14611nbsp;and Hemmendorff 246 the underside of the midrib is only sparselynbsp;pilose.
Anatomy: Guill. in Ann. Sc. nat., S.9, X, p.208 (1909).
var. Ulei Swart in Rec. Trav. bot. néerl. XXXIX, p.197 (1942).
Midrib of the leaflets above glabrous, beneath near the base provided with some scattered, short hairs. Flowers tetramerous.
Type: Ule 8891 in h.B.
Distribution : twice collected.
BRAZIL: Amazonas, R. Negro, near Manaos, Pensador, Ule 8891 (1910) fl. masc. Aug. (B, G, K, L); without locality, Helmreichen 93 ^lo date)nbsp;fr. (W).
41. Protium ecuadorense Benoist in Bull. Soc. bot. Fr. LXXXI, p.324 (1934)-
Large tree. Branchlets dotted with many lenticels. Leaves i- or 2-)ugate, 20—35 cm long; petioles semiterete, like the rhachis, thenbsp;petiolules and the prim, nerves minutely puberulous; petiolulesnbsp;8—16 mm long, the terminal ones 26—34 mm; leaflets lanceolate,nbsp;8—17 cm long and 3—6 cm wide, the lateral ones oblique; apexnbsp;shortly and obtusely acuminate; base obtuse; glabrous; with 14—16nbsp;pairs of sec. nerves; prim, nerves beneath prominent, sec. nervesnbsp;above depressed and glabrous, beneath prominent and pilose. Inflorescences axillary, narrowly paniculate, half the length of the petiolenbsp;and the rhachis together; the axes like the 3 mm long pedicels and
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the ovate, 0.5—i mm long bracts and bractlets puberulous. Flowers 4-merous, in all parts glabrous, green. Calyx cupuliform; its lobesnbsp;triangular. Petals oblong, 3 mm long. Stamens 8; filaments longernbsp;than the anthers. Disc annular, 8-lobed; ovary embedded in thenbsp;disc; stigma subsessile, 4-lobed.
Type: Benoist 3016.
Distribution: once collected.
ECUADOR: Santo Domingo de los Colorados, Benoist 3016 (1930) fl. masc. Sept, (ex Benoist).
As I could not study the type specimen I had to rely on the diagnosis and by this P. ecuadorense Benoist is nearly related tonbsp;P. Almecega March., but differs from the latter by its i- or 2-jugatenbsp;and larger leaves, its long petiolules and its tetramerous flowers.
42. Protium cordatum Hub. in Bol. Mus. Goeldi V, p.433 (1908); LeCointe, Arv. e PI. ut. a Amaz. bras. Ill, p.64 (1934);nbsp;Sampaio in Bol. Mus.nac. X, p.13 (1934).
Shrub. Branchlets slender, terete, striate, glabrous, when young smooth and fuscous, when adult scabrous and grey. Leaves uni-foliolate to 2-jugate, mostly 2-jugate, 14—16 cm long, in all partsnbsp;glabrous; petioles semiterete, 3 (2—4) cm long; interjuga terete,nbsp;striate, at the nodes slightly incrassate, i—2 cm long; petiolulesnbsp;terete, striate, canaliculate, at both ends incrassate, 2.5 mm long,nbsp;the terminal ones 5 mm; leaflets ovate to subcordate, 7—8 (5.75—12)nbsp;cm long and 3.5 (3—5) cm wide; apex rather gradually narrowednbsp;in a tapering, 6—7.5 mm long and 4—5 mm wide, obtuse acumen;nbsp;base round to subcordate; margin entire, slightly repandous; sub-coriaceous, smooth, above nitidous, beneath dull; with 9—12 pairsnbsp;of sec. nerves; prim, and sec. nerves above prominulous, beneathnbsp;prominent, tert. ones above inconspicuous, beneath visible. Inflorescences axillary, glomeruliform, few-flowered, about 5 mm innbsp;diam.; the axes terete, striate, like the terete, 0.5 mm long pedicels,nbsp;the broadly triangular, acute, 0.25 mm long bracts and bractletsnbsp;and the outside of the calyx and the corolla sparsely and minutelynbsp;fulvous pilose. Flowers 4-merous, 4 mm long, greenish. Calyxnbsp;broadly cupuliform, about i mm high; its lobes broadly triangular,nbsp;acute, about half as long as the tube. Petals oblongitriangular, acute,nbsp;inflexed-apiculate, subcarnose, inside glabrous, on the marginsnbsp;papillose. Stamens in the masc. fl. 2 mm long; filaments subulate,nbsp;1.5 mm long; anthers elliptic. Disc annular, 8-lobed, glabrous,nbsp;0.5 mm high. Pistil 0.75 mm high; ovary conical, 4-sulcate, at the
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base surrounded by the disCj, sparsely and appressedly pubescent; stigma sessile, 4-lobed. Drupe globose to ovoid, when young pilose,nbsp;when mature glabrescent, i cm long and i cm in diam.; exocarp red.
Type: Ducke 8463.
Distribution: Brazil (Para).
BRAZIL: Para, Faro, Campos do Tigre, Ducke 8463 (1907) on sandy soil, fl. masc. Aug. (B); id., id. 10497 (1910) fr- Jan. (B).
Vern. name: breu branco (Cf. LeCointe l.c.; Sampaio I.c.).
43. Protium Copal (S. et C.) Engl, in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.83 (1883); id. in E.-Pr. Nat. M.fam. Ill, 4, p.237 (1897) et ed.nbsp;2, XlXa, p.413 (1931); Fawcett and Rendle, Fl. Jam. IV, 2. p.208nbsp;(1920); Standi, in Field. Mus. N.H., Bot. S. Ill, 3, p.314 (1930);nbsp;Lundell in Publ. Cam. Inst. CCCCXXXVI, p.280 (1934). Nonnbsp;apud Standi, in Trop. Woods XVII, p.23 (1929) quod ad P. nica-raguense Swart pertinet.
Idea Copal Schltd. et Cham, in Linnaea V, p.716 (1830); Schlechtd., Hort. Halensis III, p.23,1.12, f. i—10 (1853) (non vidi);nbsp;Mueller in Walp. Ann. Bot. Syst. IV, p.450 (1857); Rose in N. Am.nbsp;FI. XXV, 3, p.259 (1911)-
Elaphrium Copal Schiede ex Mueller I.c. (1857) nomen.
Tingulonga Copal OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.io8 (1891).
Elaphrium macrocarpum Schiede ex Mueller I.c. (1857) nomen.
} Idea obovata Turez. in Bull. Soc. imp. Nat. Mosc. XXXVI, i, p.913 (1863) ex Engl. I.c. (1883).
leiea Palmerii Rose in N. Am. Fl. XXV, 3, p.260 (1911).
Protium Palmerii Engl, in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. e±2, XlXa, P-414 (1931)-
Tree, usually of large size. Branchlets rather slender, 2.5—4 mm in diam., when young densely tomentellous but soon glabrescent,nbsp;cinereous and dotted with elliptic, ferrugineous lenticels. Leavesnbsp;2- or 3- (i- to 4-) jugate, 20—30 (16—35) cm long, in all partsnbsp;glabrous; petioles semiterete, near the incrassate base transverselynbsp;rimose when adult, 5.5—7 (4—10) cm long; interjuga terete, striate,nbsp;slightly sulcate above, at the nodes incrassate, 4—4.5 (3—5) cm long;nbsp;petiolules semiterete, canaliculate, at both ends incrassate, i—1.5nbsp;(0.5—2) cm long, the terminal ones 2.5 (2—4) cm; leaflets oblongnbsp;to oblong-elliptic, usually ii—15 (9—20) cm long and 4—5 (3.5—6)nbsp;cm wide, but the terminal ones obovate, distinctly narrowed to thenbsp;base and mostly wider, the lateral ones oblique, ovate and narrowednbsp;from below the middle to the apex, and the basal ones shorter; apex
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more or less gradually narrowed in a tapering, 3—6 mm long and 2.5—5 mm wide obtuse acumen or obtusely subacuminate; basenbsp;cuneate; margin entire, undulate; pergamentaceous to subcoriaceous,nbsp;smooth, above nitidous, beneath nitidulous; with 13—14 (ii—15)nbsp;pairs of sec. nerves; prim, nerves above grooved on each side, beneathnbsp;distinctly prominent, sec. ones above prominulous, beneath prominent, tert. ones above visible, beneath prominulous. Inflorescencesnbsp;fasciculate in the axils, 7.5—15 (—20) cm long; the axes terete, striatenbsp;and sparsely to rather densely ferrugineous puberulous. Sec.nbsp;branchlets up to 5 cm long. Pedicels terete, 2 mm long, like thenbsp;triangular, acute, 0.5—0.25 mm long bracts and bractlets and thenbsp;outside of the calyx and the corolla rather densely appressed-puberulous. Flowers 4-merous, rarely 5-merous, 3—4 mm long.,nbsp;yellow. Calyx cupuliform, i mm high; its lobes triangular, acute,nbsp;nearly as long as the tube. Petals elliptic-triangular, acute, inflexed-apiculate, carnose, inside minutely pilose, on the margins papillosenbsp;Stamens in the masc. fl. 1.8 mm, in the fern. fl. 1.4 mm long; filaments in the masc. fl. flattened and 0.75 mm long, in the fern. fl.nbsp;subulate and i mm long; anthers oblong. Disc annular, 8-lobed,nbsp;glabrous, 0.5 mm high. Pistil about i mm high; ovary at the basenbsp;surrounded by the disc, ovoid, 4-lobed, 4-celled, densely andnbsp;appressedly pubescent, tapering in a sessile, 4-lobed stigma. Drupenbsp;ellipsoid, at the base narrowed, at the apex acute, 2.25—2.5 cm longnbsp;and 1.25—1.75 cm in diam.; exocarp sparsely pilose; mesocarpnbsp;carnose; endocarp woody; pyrenes i to 4.
Type (lecto-type); Schiede et Deppe 147, sub n. 716, in h.B.
Distribution: Central America (Mexico to Panama).
MEXICO: San Luis Potosi, San Dieguito, Palmer 84 1/2 (1904) fr. June (F, NY, US); id., id. 634 (1905) fr. June (F, NY, US) (type of Icica Palmeriinbsp;Rose); id., Tancanhuiz, near Tariquian, Seler 172 (1888) fl. fern. Marchnbsp;(B); Hidalgo, Zacualtipan, Barranca de Irnampa, Purpus 7127 (1912) fl. masc.nbsp;Febr. (F, GH, NY, US); id., id. 7719 (no date) fl. (B); Puebla, Huauchinango,nbsp;Tepexic, Fröderström and Hulten 1043 (1932) alt. 600 m, fl. Febr. (B);nbsp;Vera Cruz, Huasteca, near Tantoyuca, Ervendberg 165 (1858) fl. masc. (LE);nbsp;id., Papantla, Schiede et Deppe 147 (1829) fl. masc. Febr. (B sub n. 716,nbsp;BM, LE, W) (type) (Elaphrium Copal Schiede mss.); id., Karwinsky 1276nbsp;(1841) fr. (LE); id., Liebmann 12315 (1841) fr. June (C, F, US); id., id.nbsp;12334 (1841) fr. May (C); id., id. 12337 (1841) fr. June (C, F, US); id.,nbsp;Misantla, Schiede et Deppe 716 (1831) fl. masc. Febr. (B, BM, BRSL, K,nbsp;LE, US, W); id., valley of Cordoba, at the Pinuela, Bourgeau 2058 (1866)nbsp;fl. masc. March (K, LE, P); id.. Cordillera, Galeotti 3813 (1840) alt. 900 m,nbsp;fl. masc. (G, K, P, W); Yucatan, Tabasco, Campeche, Tuxpena, Lundellnbsp;1283 (1932) fl. fern. Febr. (F, GH, NY, US); Acusonica,. Barrancas de losnbsp;Llanos, Linden 732 (1839) alt. 150 m, fl. masc. Jan. (G, K, LE); near Hac.nbsp;de la Laguna, Schiede 6 (1829) (B, BM, LE) (Elaphrium macrocarpum
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Schiede mss.)i Colipa, Liebmann 12335 (1841) fl. masc. March (Q F, P, US); Mirador, Liebmann 12336 (1842) fl. masc. March (C); without loc., Herb.nbsp;Henschelianum (no date) (BRSL).
BR. HONDURAS: Maskall Pine Ridge, Gentle 1135 (1934) fl. March (F, K, NY, S); near Honey Camp, Meyer 52 (1930) fr. (F); Columbia,nbsp;Toledo, Donald and Stevenson 5 (1924) fr. (F, K)i without loc., Heyder 28nbsp;(1927) fr. fern. March (US).
PANAMA: Colon, along R. Fato, Pittier 3949 (1911) fr. July-Aug. (US). WITHOUT LOCALITY: Herb. Miller (no date) fl. fern, and fr. (BM).
Vern. names: MEXICO: copal; BR. HONDURAS: copal, carbon.
This species, which occupies a more northern area than any other Protium, shows a large variability but is always recognizable by itsnbsp;glabrous leaves with shortly acuminate, obovate terminal leafletsnbsp;and ovate lateral ones and by its pilose inflorescences, calyx andnbsp;corolla. It is related to several other Central American species ofnbsp;Protium.
In view of the distribution of the other localities it is highly improbable that the specimen in Herb. Miller in Herb. Brit. Mus.nbsp;quoted by Fawcett and Rendle l.c. has been collected in Jamaica.
Anatomy: Guill. in Ann. Sc. nat., S.9, X, p.208 (1909).
Use : Cf. Wiesn., Rohst. ed.2, I, p.176, 289 (1900).
var. glabrum (Rose) Swart nov. comb.
Idea glabra Rose in N. Am. Fl. XXV, 3, p.259 (1911).
Protium glabrum Engl, in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. ed.2, XlXa, p.413 (1931); Standley in Field. Mus. N.H., Bot.S. XVHI, 2,nbsp;P-576 (1937)-
Leaflets as a rule distinctly acuminate and provided with 10—12 pairs of sec. nerves; acumen one and half times as long as wide.nbsp;Pedicels and the outside of the calyx and the corolla provided withnbsp;some scattered hairs. Drupe subglabrous, not always narrowed atnbsp;the base.
Type : Tonduz 6682 in h.US 1380505.
Distribution: Central America.
GUATEMALA: Peten, La Libertad, Sabana San Francisco, Lundell 2481 (1933) fr. Apr. (F,K); id., Uaxactum, Bartlett 12143 (1931) fr. Marchnbsp;(F, K, NY).
BR. HONDURAS: Maskall, Gentle 1333 (1934) fr. May (NY); Toledo, Peck 670 (1907) fr. Febr. (B, K); Rio Grande, Schipp 1167 (1929) in forestnbsp;on riverbank, alt. 100 m, fr. Apr. (BM, F, K, NY).
COSTA RICA: Forêts de Buenos Aires, Tonduz 6682 (1892) alt. 300 m, fl. masc. Febr. (BR, F, M, NY, P, US) (type).
-ocr page 131-var. ternatum (Pittier) Swart nov. comb.
Protium ternatum Pitt. in Contr. U.S.N.H. XX, 12, p.478 (1922); Engl. in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. ed.2, XlXa, p.414 (1931).
Leaves trifoliolate; petioles short, about ^/g the length of the leaflets and shorter than the petiolules of the terminal leaflets,nbsp;2.5 cm long; leaflets distinctly acuminate; acumen about twice asnbsp;long as wide; with ii pairs of sec. nerves. Pedicels rather long, likenbsp;the calyx and the corolla glabrous.
Type: Pittier 4190 in h.US 679294.
Distribution: Panama.
PANAMA: Colon, along Rio Fato, Pittier 4190 (1911) alt. 10—100 m, fl. Aug. (GH, NY, US); id., id. 4191 (1911) fl. Aug. (US).
This variety, which in certain characters resembles P. decandrum (Aubl.) March., is united with P. Copal (S. et C.) Engl, by thenbsp;intermediary of the var. glabrum (Rose) Swart.
var. inconforme (Pittier) Swart nov. comb.
Protium inconforme Pitt, in Contr. U.S.N.H. XX, 12, p.478 (1922); Engl, in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. ed.2, XlXa, p.414 (1931).
Leaves i-jugate, or rarely 2-jugate, small, .11.5 (8—15) cm long; petioles ^/s the length of the leaflets, 1.5 (1.25—2) cm long; petiolulesnbsp;’/20 the length of the leaflets, 4 (2—5) mm long, but the terminalnbsp;ones longer, 15 (8—25) mm; leaflets small, usually 7 (4.5—9.5) cmnbsp;long and 3 (2—3.75) cm wide; with ii pairs of sec. nerves. Inflorescences usually 1.5—2 cm, sometimes up to 6 cm long. Pedicelsnbsp;and calyx glabrous.
T ype : Pittier 3350 in h.US 677733.
Distribution : once collected.
PANAMA; Chiriqui, near Caldera, Pittier 3350 (1911) alt. 200—300 m, fl. fem. and fr. March (BM, C, F, GH, NY, ÜS).
Vern. name: chutra.
Though P. inconforme Pitt, differs from P. Copal (S. et C.) Engl, so much that it has been treated as a separate species, the differencesnbsp;are of a similar nature as those shown by the var. glabrum (Rose)nbsp;Swart and especially by the var. ternatum (Pitt.) Swart.
44. Protium giganteum Engl, in Mart. Fl. Bras. XII, 2, p.277 (1874); id. in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.82 (1883); id. in E.-Pr. Nat.
-ocr page 132-Pfl.fam. Ill, 4, p.237 (1897) et ed.2, XlXa, p.413 (1931); Sampaio in Bol. Mus. nac. X, p.13 (1934).
Tingulonga gigantea OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.108 (1891).
Idea altissima Aubl. in errore Blume, Mus. Bot. Lugd. Bat. I, p.207 (1849—1851) quoad descr.
Protium Duckei Hub. in Bol. Mus. Goeldi V, p.432 (1908).
Protium Icicariba (DC.) March, in errore Standley in Trop. Woods XXXIII, p.15 (1933).
Small to rather large tree, up to 16 m high. Branchlets rather stout, terete, striate, when young densely but minutely ferrugineous pilose,nbsp;soon glabrescent, fuscous and dotted with small, elliptic lenticels.nbsp;Leaves 2- to 4-jugate, 25—40 cm long, in all parts glabrous; petiolesnbsp;semiterete, dilated, at the base incrassate, 7.5 (5—9) cm long;nbsp;interjuga terete, striate, above carinate, at the nodes incrassate,nbsp;4—4.5 (2.5—5) cm long; petiolules stout, semiterete, striate, canaliculate, at both ends incrassate, 10 (7.5—15) mm long, the terminalnbsp;ones 20 (15—25) mm; leaflets oblong, usually 15—17.5 (12.5—20)nbsp;cm long and 6—7 (4.5—8) cm wide, the terminal ones sometimesnbsp;narrowed to the base and the basal ones shorter; apex abruptly tonbsp;rather abruptly acuminate; acumen linear, as long as wide to twicenbsp;as long as wide, obtuse; base broadly cuneate; margin entire, undulate; coriaceous, smooth and nitidous; with 16 (14—18) pairs ofnbsp;sec. nerves; prim, and sec. nerves above grooved on each side, beneathnbsp;prominent, tert. ones above hardly conspicuous, beneath pro-minulous. Inflorescences mostly fasciculate in the axils, many-flowered, 2.5—II cm long. Branchlets divaricate, stout, subangulose,nbsp;up to 5 cm long, like the stout, terete, i—1.5 mm long pedicels, thenbsp;triangular, acute, 0.35 mm long bracts and bractlets and the outsidenbsp;of the calyx and the corolla rather densely to sparsely and minutelynbsp;puberulous. Flowers 4-merous, 2.5—3 mm long, yellowish-green.nbsp;Calyx cupuliform, 0.5—i mm high; its lobes broadly triangular,nbsp;acutely subacuminate, about as long as the tube. Petals oblong-ovate to elliptic-ovate, acute, inflexed-apiculate, subcarnose. Stamensnbsp;in the masc. fl. 1.75 mm, in the fern. fl. i mm long; filaments subulate,nbsp;at the base dilated; anthers elliptic, 0.5—0.75 mm long. Disc annular,nbsp;8-lobed, glabrous, 0.4 mm high. Pistil at the base surrounded by thenbsp;disc, in the masc. fl. 0.75 mm, in the fern. fl. i mm high; ovarynbsp;globose, sub-4-lobed, rather densely and appressedly puberulous,nbsp;tapering in a sessile, 4-lobed, 0.25 mm high stigma.
Type: Riedel 1561 in h.B.
Distribution: the Guianas and northern Brazil.
-ocr page 133-BR. GUIANA: basin Essequibo R., near mouth Onoro Creek, A. C. Smith 2728 (1937) on high land, fl. fern. Dec. (U).
FR. GUIANA: Cayenne, Martin (no date) fl. fern. (B, L, P) (Idea altissima Aubl. apud Blume I.c.).
BRAZIL: Para, basin R. Trombetas, on R. Mapuera, Ducke 9016 (1907) fl. masc. Dec. (B) (type of P. Duckei Hub.)i id., basin R. Tapajoz, Boa Vistanbsp;region, Capucho 375 (1932) fl. fern. Aug. (F) (P. Icicariba (DC.) March,nbsp;apud Standley l.c.)j id., Santarem, Riedel 1561 (1828) fl.. fern. Dec. (B, K,nbsp;LE) (type).
Vern. name: BRAZIL: breu branco (Capucho).
This species which is marked by its rigid leaflets and by its robust and stiffly branched inflorescences, resembles P. crassifolium Engl.,nbsp;but the latter differs by its smaller leaflets, which are distinctlynbsp;narrowed, viz. the lateral ones to the apex and the terminal onesnbsp;to the base, and which are gradually narrowed in a tapering acumen,nbsp;about 4 times as long as wide, and by its glomerate and largernbsp;flowers.
The type and only specimen of Protium Duckei Hub. differs from the other specimens of P. giganteum Engl, merely by the acumennbsp;of its leaflets being twice as long as wide; in my opinion this difference is too slight to justifie its retention as a separate species.
45. Protium noduiosum Swart in Rec. Trav. bot. néerl.
XXXIX, p.197 (1942).
Large tree, 20—30 m high. Branchlets stout, 7.5 mm in diam. angular and glabrous, when adult cinereous, scabrous and dottednbsp;with ferrugineous lenticels. Leaves 2- or 3-jugate, at times i-jugate,nbsp;35—45 (27—65) cm long, in all parts glabrous; petioles semiterete,nbsp;above dilated, 8 (6—10) cm long, like the rhachis when adult transversely rimose; interjuga angulose, at the nodes incrassate, 6—6.5nbsp;(5.5—8) cm long; petiolules semiterete, canaliculate, at both endsnbsp;incrassate, 1.25 (i—2) cm long, the terminal ones 4.5 (4—5.5) cm;nbsp;leaflets lanceolate to lanceolate-oblong, usually 18 (17—30) cm longnbsp;and 6 (5—ii) cm wide, but the terminal ones larger and narrowednbsp;from the middle to the base, the lateral ones hardly narrowed tonbsp;the base and the basal ones shorter; apex more or less abruptlynbsp;acuminate; acumen linear, 5—10 mm long and 2.5—5 mm wide,nbsp;obtuse; base cuneate; margin entire, repandous, undulate; sub-coriaceous, smooth, above nitidous, beneath dull; with 14 (12—16)nbsp;pairs of sec. nerves; prim, and sec. nerves above grooved on eachnbsp;side, beneath prominent, tert. ones above visible, beneath prominent. Inflorescences axillary, branched from the base, 10—17 cmnbsp;long. Branchlets angulose, up to 7 cm long, like the terete, striate.
-ocr page 134-about 2 mm long pedicels and the outside of the calyx and the corolla sparsely puberulous. Bracts and bractlets deciduous. Flowersnbsp;5-merous, 2.5 mm long. Calyx cupuliform^ 0.6 mm high; its lobesnbsp;triangular, acute, slightly longer than the tube. Petals oblong-ovate,nbsp;acute, inflexed-apiculate, subcarnose. Stamens with subulate, 0.75nbsp;mm long filaments. Disc annular, lo-lobed, glabrous, 0.35 mm high.nbsp;Pistil at the base surrounded by the disc, in the fern. fl. 1.25 mmnbsp;high; ovary globose, y-lobed, rather densely puberulous, taperingnbsp;in a subsessile, 5-lobed stigma. Drupe globose-conical, narrowednbsp;at the base and acute at the apex, up to 2.5 cm long and 2 cm innbsp;diam.; exocarp sparsely pilose, glabrescent; mesocarp thick, carnose;nbsp;endocarp woody; pyrenes 2 to 4.
Type: Krukoff 6395 in h.U 22074A.
Distribution: Brazil (Amazonas).
BRAZIL; Amazonas, basin R. Solimoes, Sao Paulo de Olivenca, near Palmares, Krukoff 8071 and 8154 (1936) high land, fr. Sept.-Oct. (NY);nbsp;id., basin R. Madeira, Humayta, near Tres Casas, Krukoff 6395 (1934)nbsp;on low terra firma, fl. fern, and fr. Oct. (K, NY, U) (type); id., Humayta,nbsp;near Livramento, Krukoff 6686 (1934) fr. Oct. (NY, U).
Vern. names: breu, almesca.
This species resembles P. giganteum Engl, and P. paniculatum Engl.em. Swart. The latter differs chiefly by its shorter interjuga,nbsp;by its much shorter petiolules and by the acumen of its leafletsnbsp;which is 5 times as long as wide.
46. Protium crenatum Sandw. in Kew Bull. 1933, VII, p.327
Large tree, about 30 m high. Leaves i- to 4-jugate, mostly 3-jugate, 21 (ii—32) cm long, in all parts glabrous; petioles semiterete, at the base incrassate, 4.5 (2.5—8) cm long, when adult like thenbsp;petiolules transversely rimose; interjuga angulose, at the nodesnbsp;slightly incrassate, 2.5—3 (2—5) cm long; petiolules semiterete,nbsp;canaliculate, at both ends incrassate, 4—6 mm long, the terminalnbsp;ones 15 (12—27) mm; leaflets oblong-lanceolate, usually 7.5 (6.5—ii)nbsp;cm long and 2.5 (2—4) cm wide, but the terminal ones slightlynbsp;larger and narrowed to both ends, the lateral ones suboblique, atnbsp;times slightly narrowed to the apex, and the basal ones shorter;nbsp;apex gradually narrowed in a tapering, 3—5 mm long and 2.5—4 mmnbsp;wide, obtuse acumen; base cuneate; margin remotely subserrate;nbsp;pergamentaceous to subcoriaceous, nitidulous; with ii—14 pairsnbsp;of sec. nerves. Inflorescences mostly fasciculate in the axils, branched
-ocr page 135-from the base, many-flowered, up to i8 cm long; the branchlets up to 5 cm; the axes slender, terete, striate, like the 0.75 mm longnbsp;pedicels, the triangular-ovate, obtuse, 0.5 mm long bracts andnbsp;bractlets and the outside of the calyx sparsely and minutely pu-berulous. Flow^ers 4-merous, rarely 5-merous, 2.25 mm long,nbsp;viridulous. Calyx broadly cupuliform, 0.6 mm high; itsnbsp;broadly triangular, o.i—0.15 mm long. Petals triangular-ovatenbsp;acute, inflexed-apiculate, on both sides especially near the apexnbsp;provided with some minute hairs, subcarnose. Stamens in thenbsp;masc. fl. 1.75 mm long; filaments subulate, at the base dilated, aboutnbsp;as long as the oblong anthers. Disc annular, crenate, 0.35 mm high,nbsp;glabrous. Pistil in the masc. fl. embedded in the disc, 0.4 mm high;nbsp;ovary depressed-globose, 0.2 mm high, sparsely pubescent; stylenbsp;0.05 mm long; stigma 4- (or 5-)lobed.
Type: For. Dept. Br.G. 2195 iii
Distribution: once collected.
BR. GUIANA: N.-side of Kanaku Mts., east of Takutu R., For.Dept. Br. G. 2195 (1931) alt. 150 m, fl. masc. Sept. (K).
Vern. name: kurokai (Arow.).
In its general appearence and particularly in its subserrate leaflets this species resembles Hemicrepidospermum rhoifolium (Benth.)nbsp;Swart, but it is certainly not identic with this species. The latternbsp;is the only representative of a genus which is sharply characterizednbsp;by the structure of its embryo. As the specimen cited above bearsnbsp;no fruits it is impossible to decide whether it belongs to Hemicrepidospermum or not, but as it agrees, to its most conspicuousnbsp;characters, with other Protium-species I have provisionally retainednbsp;it in this genus.
47. Protium octandrum Swart in Rec. Trav. bot. néerl, XXXIX, p.198 (1942)-
Tree. Branchlets slender, 3—4 mm in diam., glabrous, when young terete, striate, lurid, when adult terete, scabrous and fulvous.nbsp;Leaves i- or 2-jugate, rarely 3-jugate, 16—20 (—25) cm long; petiolesnbsp;semiterete, at the base incrassate, 3 (2—4.5) cm long, like the rhachisnbsp;glabrous or provided with some minute scattered hairs; interjuganbsp;angulose, at the nodes slightly incrassate, 2—3 cm long; petiolulenbsp;semiterete, subcanaliculate, at both ends subincrassate, 4—9 mmnbsp;long, but those of the apical jugum shorter than those of the basalnbsp;jugum and the terminal ones 15 (7.5—20) mm long; leaflets lanceo-
-ocr page 136-late-oblong to oblong-elliptic, usually 8.5—10.5 cm long and 3.5 cm wide, but the terminal ones larger and slightly narrowed to the base,nbsp;the lateral ones asymmetric and sometimes slightly narrowed tonbsp;the apex; apex rather abruptly acuminate; acumen tapering, 8—10nbsp;mm long and 4—5 mm wide, obtuse; base broadly cuneate tonbsp;nearly round; margin entire; subcoriaceous, glabrous and smooth,nbsp;above nitidulous, beneath dull with 12 (9—14) pairs of sec. nerves;nbsp;prim, nerves distinctly prominent, sec. ones above hardly visible,nbsp;beneath prominulous, tert. ones hardly visible. Inflorescencesnbsp;axillary, glomeruliform, many-flowered, up to 2.5 cm in diam.nbsp;the axes terete, striate, like the terete, striate, i—2 mm long pedicels,nbsp;the triangular-ovate, obtuse, 0.5 mm long bracts and bractlets andnbsp;the calyx rather densely puberulous. Flowers 4-merous, 3 mm long,
Fig. 3. Protium octandrum Swart — a. flowersj b. disc and pistil; c. pistil;
d. stamen.
yellowish white. Calyx shallowly cupuliform, 0.5 mm high; its lobes minute, broadly triangular, subobtuse. Petals oblong-ovate, subacute, inflexed-apiculate, subcarnose, sparsely puberulous outside,nbsp;with papillose margins. Stamens 1.5 mm long; filaments subulatenbsp;with dilated base, about as long as the basifixed, lanceolate anthers.nbsp;Disc annular, 8-lobed, glabrous, 0.25 mm high. Pistil as high asnbsp;the filaments, 0.75 mm; ovary at the base surrounded by the disc,nbsp;globose, 4-lobed, 4-celled, 0.5 mm high, provided with long scatterednbsp;hairs; style terete, short; stigma 4-lobed.
Type : BW. (Suriname) 4404 in h.U.
Distribution: northern South America.
COLOMBIA: Magdalena, Chiriguana, Valle de Upas, Karsten (no date) fl. (LE, W).
VENEZUELA: Los Andes, Trujillo, near Dividivi, Pittier 10800 (1922) savannah-woods, fl. Nov. (G, GH, NY, US).
-ocr page 137-SURINAME: Saramacca R., Watramiri, tree n. 1666, BW. 1949 (1916) (U), BW. 2959 (1917) fl. June (U)j id., Sectie O, tree n. 556, BW. 1235 (1915)nbsp;fl. Nov. (U), BW. 3958 (1918) fl. Aug. (U), BW. 4404 (1919) fl. Sept. (U)nbsp;(type), BW. 4823 (1920) fl. Oct. (U).
Vern. names: VENEZUELA: anime, tacamahacaj SURINAME: tiengi-monnie (N.E.), ibajawa (Arow.), tapoekjan ajaawa, siepio (Car.).
The flowers are probably all masculine as the relative length of the stamens and the pistil, which is similar in all flowers, agrees withnbsp;that in the masculine flowers of P. decandrum March, and othernbsp;related species.
This species differs from P. guianense (Aubl.) March., to which it is nearly related, by its pilose ovary and by its subsessile stigma.
48. Protium decandrum March, in Adans. VIII, p.51 (1867—1868); Engl, in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. Ill, 4, p.237 (1897)nbsp;et ed.2, XlXa, p.413 (1931); Cordemoy in Ann. Inst. col. Mars.nbsp;VI, p.200 (1899). Non apud Engl, in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.82nbsp;(1883) quod ad P. Schomburgkianum Engl, pertinet.
Idea decandra Aubl., Hist. PI. Guian. fr. I, p.346, t. 135 (1775); Lam., Enc. méth.. Bot. Ill, p.226 (1789); De Cand., Prodr. II,nbsp;p.77 (i825)j Don, Gen. Hist. Diehl. PI. H, p.83 (1832). Non apudnbsp;Sagot in Ann. Sc. nat., S.6, XIII, p.291 (1882) quod ad P. Sago-tianum March, pertinet.
Idea pentandra Aubl. in errore. Hist. PI. Guian. fr., sub tab. 135
Amyris deeandra Willd., Linn. Sp. PI. ed.4, II, p.336 (1799); Persoon, Syn. PI. I, p.415 (1805); Sprengel, Linn. Syst.Veg. ed.nbsp;16, H, p.2i8 (1825).
Elaphritim deeandrum Spr. ex Dietr., Syn. PI. H, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(1840).
Bursera decandra Baill., Hist. d. PI. V, p.296, f. 275—276 (1874); id.. Diet. Bot. I, p.528 fig. (1876); id., Tr. d. Bot. méd. phan. p.951,nbsp;f. 2699—2700 (1884).
Idea enneandra Aubl., Hist. d. PI. Guian. fr. I, p.345, t.134 (1775); Lam., Enc. méth., Bot. Ill, p.226 (1789); De Cand., Prodr.nbsp;II, p.77 (1825); Don, Gen. Hist. Diehl. PI. II, p.82 (1832); Sagotnbsp;in Ann. Sc. nat., S.6, XIH, p.292 (1882).
Amyris enheandra Willd., Linn. Sp. PI. ed.4, D, p.335 (1799); Persoon, Syn. PI. I, p.414 (1805); Spreng., Linn. Syst. Veg. ed.nbsp;XVI, p.2i8 (1825).
Elaphrium enneandrum Spr. ex Dietr., Syn. PI. II, p.1271 (1840). Tingulonga enneandra OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.107 (1891).nbsp;Protium orinocense Rusby, Descr. new sp. S. Am. plants p.35nbsp;(1920); Engl, in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. ed.2, XlXa, p.413 (i93i)-
-ocr page 138-340
Tree, up to 20 m high. Branchlets rather stout, terete, striate, glabrous, smooth, cinereous to ferrugineous. Leaves i- or 2-jugate,nbsp;19 (i7-5—25) cm long, in all parts glabrous; petioles semiterete,nbsp;above flat and dilated, at the base sligthly incrassate, 2.5—3 (1.5—5)nbsp;cm long, when adult like the rhachis and the petiolules transverselynbsp;rimose; interjuga terete, striate, above carinate, at the nodes incrassate 3.5 (3—4) cm long; petiolules stout, canaliculate and subalate,nbsp;at both ends incrassate, 7.5—10 (5—12.5) mm long, the terminalnbsp;ones 25 (15—30) mm; leaflets oblong to elliptic, usually 10—12nbsp;(8.5—15) cm long and 4—5 (3.5—5.5) cm wide, but the terminalnbsp;ones slightly larger and mostly narrowed to the base and the lateralnbsp;ones suboblique, sometimes hardly narrowed to the base or to thenbsp;apex; apex more or less gradually narrowed in a tapering, 8—10nbsp;(5—12.5) mm long and 4—5 (2.5—5) mm wide, obtuse acumen;nbsp;base cuneate; margin entire; subcoriaceous, on both sides smoothnbsp;and dull; with 12—14 (10—16) pairs of sec. nerves; prim, nervesnbsp;above grooved on each side, beneath distinctly prominent, sec. onesnbsp;above prominulous, beneath prominent, tert. ones above hardlynbsp;prominent, beneath prominulous. Inflorescences axillary, sometimesnbsp;fasciculate in the axils or pseudoterminal, laxly branched, 5—10 cmnbsp;long, the pseudoterminal ones 10—15 cm; the axes rather slender,nbsp;angulose, like the terete, i—1.5 mm long pedicels and the triangular,nbsp;acute, 0.5 mm long bracts and bractlets sparsely and minutelynbsp;ferrugineous pilose. Flowers 5-merous, 3—4 mm long, whitish tonbsp;greenish. Calyx cupuliform, about i mm high, glabrous; its lobesnbsp;broadly triangular, acutely subacuminate, about as long as the tube.nbsp;Petals oblong-ovate, acute, inflexed-apiculate, subcarnose, glabrousnbsp;or outside near the apex sparsely and minutely pilose, on the marginsnbsp;papillose. Stamens 2 mm long; filaments subulate, at the base dilated,nbsp;about twice as long as the oblong anthers. Disc annular, lo-lobed,nbsp;glabrous, 0.5 mm high. Pistil in the masc. fl. 0.8 mm high andnbsp;embedded in the disc, in the fern. fl. 2 mm high and at the basenbsp;surrounded by the disc; ovary globose-conical, sub-5-lobed, 5-celled, rather densely and appressedly puberulous, tapering in anbsp;short, 5-sulcate style, crowned by a 5-lobed stigma.
Type: Aublet in h.BM.
Distribution: eastern Venezuela and the Guianas.
VENEZUELA: lower Orinoco, Eleanor Creek, Rusby and Squires 133 (1896) fl. masc. May (B, F, K, M, NY) (type of P. orinocence Rusby).
BR. GUIANA: Pomeroon-distr., Pomeroon R., DelaCruz 3032 (1923) fl. masc. Jan. (F, GH, NY, US); Cuyuni R., Kauri Creek, Tutin 113 (1933)nbsp;fl. fern. May (BM, K, U); Essequebo R., Bartica, Jenman 4732 (1888) fl.nbsp;masc. Nov. (B, K, NY).
-ocr page 139-341
FR. GUIANA; without loc., Aublet (no date) fl. fem. (BM) (type)^ id., Aublet (no date) fl. masc. (BM) (type of I. enneandra Aubl.).
Vern. names: BR. GUIANA: krokaij FR. GUIANA: arouaou.
This species is nearly related to P. Schomburgkianum Engl., but the latter differs by the rather dense but minute indumentum ofnbsp;its petioles, rhachis and petiolules and by the longer acumen of itsnbsp;leaflets. As Aublet’s diagnosis is in regard to these characters incomplete, it is comprehensible that these two species were mixednbsp;up by Engler, who did not study the type specimens.
Icica decandra Aubl. and I. enneandra Aubl. have been treated separately till Marchand referred both to Protium decandrum March.
Uses: When the bark of this tree is wounded a nearly white, citriodorous balsam flows out, which dries quickly changing in a yellow resin, which isnbsp;called “chipa” by the Galibis of Gayenne and which is used as incense innbsp;churches and also as a medicine. (Gf. Aublet l.c.j Baill. l.c.j Gordemoy l.c.;nbsp;Guill. in Agr. Pays ch. IX, 2, p. 146 (1909)).
49. Protium crassifolium Engl, in Mart. Fl. Bras. XII, 2, p.270 (1874); id. in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.8i (1883); id. in E.-Pr.nbsp;Nat. Pfl.ftm. Ill, 4, p.237 (1897) et ed.2, XlXa, p.413 (1931);nbsp;Benoist in Bull. Soc. bot. Fr. LXVI, p.359 (1919); id. in Arch. d.nbsp;Bot. V, Mém.I, p.153 (1933)- Non apud L. Williams in Fieldnbsp;Mus.N.H., Bot.S. XV, p.233 (1936) quod ad Tetragastris panamen-sis (Engl.) ÖK. var. hirtella Swart pertinet.
Icica crassifolia Rich, in sched. ex Engl. l.c. (1874).
Tingulonga crassifolia OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.io8 (1891).
Connarus confertiflorus Baker in errore Sagot in Ann. Sc. nat., S.6, XIII, p.296 (1882).
Tree. Branchlets rather stout, 4 mm in diam., terete, when young densely but minutely ferrugineous pilose, but soon glabrescent,nbsp;smooth and dotted with small, elliptic lenticels. Leaves 4-jugate,nbsp;25—35 cm long, in all parts glabrous; petioles stout, semiterete,nbsp;above flat and subalate, at the base slightly incrassate, 5—6 (3.5—7.5)nbsp;cm long; interjuga stout, terete, carinate above, at the nodes incrassate, 3—4 (2—4.5) cm long; petiolules semiterete, subalate andnbsp;canaliculate, at both ends incrassate, 5—10 mm long, the terminalnbsp;ones 20 mm; leaflets lanceolate-oblong to oblong-elliptic, usually 15nbsp;(13—17.5) cm long and 5 (4.5—6.25) cm wide, but the terminal onesnbsp;wider and slightly narrowed to the base, the lateral ones subsym-metric and mostly somewhat narrowed to the apex and the basalnbsp;ones shorter; apex gradually narrowed in a tapering, 10 (7.5—12.5)nbsp;mm long and 2.5 (2—3) mm wide, obtuse acumen; base broadlynbsp;cuneate; margin entire, undulate; firmly coriaceous, smooth and
-ocr page 140-342
nitidulous; with 14—16 pairs of sec. nerves; prim, and sec. nerves above grooved on each side, beneath distinctly prominent, tert. onesnbsp;above hardly conspicuous, beneath prominulous. Inflorescences subterminal, solitary or fasciculate in the axils, many-flowered, 15nbsp;(14—18) cm long. Sec. branchlets few, up to 6.5 cm long. The axesnbsp;stout, angular, like the stout, terete, 2 mm long pedicels, the triangular, acute, 0.5 mm long bracts and bractlets and the outside ofnbsp;the calyx and the corolla rather densely but minutely ferrugineousnbsp;puberulous. Flowers 4-merous, 4 mm long, glomerate in terminalnbsp;clusters. Calyx cupuliform, 1.25 mm high; its lobes triangular,nbsp;acutely acuminate, slightly longer than the tube. Petals lanceolate-triangular, acute, inflexed-apiculate, subcarnose, glabrous inside.nbsp;Stamens in the fern. fl. 1.5 mm long; filaments subulate, about twicenbsp;as long as the oblong anthers. Disc annular, 8-lobed, glabrous, 0.4nbsp;mm high. Pistil in the fem. fl. 1.5 mm high; ovary at the base surrounded by the disc, globose-conical, 4-lobed, 4-celled, about i mmnbsp;high, rather densely and appressedly puberulous; style 4-sulcate,nbsp;0.3 mm long; stigma 4-lobed. Drupe ellipsoid, with narrowed basenbsp;and acute apex, 1.25 cm long and i cm in diam.; exocarp pilose;nbsp;mesocarp thin, carnose; endocarp thin, crustaceous; pyrenes 2 to 4.
Type: Richard in h.P(?)
Distribution: French Guiana.
FR. GUIANA: Acarouany, Sagot (1854) fr. Oct. (P)j between Chavrein and the Acarouany, Benoist 140 (1913) (ex Ben. l.c. (1919)); Gourdonville,nbsp;Benoist 1592 (1914) (ex Ben. l.c. (1919)); Kourou R., Richard (no date)nbsp;fl. fem. (C); without loc., Leprieur 322 (1833) fr. (B, G, L).
This species resembles P. giganteum Engl., but the latter differs by its larger, not narrowed but more or less abruptly acuminatenbsp;leaflets, by its short acumen and by its paniculate and divaricatelynbsp;branched inflorescences with smaller flowers.
Anatomy: Guill. in Ann. Sc. nat., S.9, X, p.210 (1909); Benoist l.c. (1933).
50. Protium polybotryum (TuRCZ.) Engl, in Mart. Fl. Bras. XII, 2, P.27S (1874); id. in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.85 (1883); id.nbsp;in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. Ill, 4, p.237 (1897)nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ed.2, XlXa, p.413
(1931); Pulle, Enum.Vasc. PI. Surin. p.246 (1906).
Idea polybotrya Turez. in Bull. Soc. imp. Nat. Mosc. XXXI, i, P-473 (1858)-
Ttngulonga polybotrya OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.io8 (1891).
-ocr page 141-Tree, up to 30 m high. Branchlets stout, 3.5—5 mm in diam., terete, when young densely but minutely ferrugineous tomentellous,nbsp;but soon glabrescent, fuscous and dotted with elliptic, ferrugineousnbsp;lenticels. Leaves 4- to 5- (3- to 6-) jugate, 30—35 (27—50) cm long;nbsp;petioles subterete, near the incrassate base flattened above, 7—8nbsp;(5.5—10) cm long, like the rhachis and the petiolules slender andnbsp;glabrous or, when young, provided wdth some minute hairs; inter-juga subterrete, striate, above carinate, at the nodes incrassate,nbsp;3—3.5 (1.5—4.5) cm long, but the basal ones shorter than thenbsp;others; petiolules semiterete, canaliculate, at both ends incrassate,nbsp;7.5—10 (5—15) mm long, the terminal ones 20—25 (10—35) mm;nbsp;leaflets oblong to elliptic, usually 8.5—10 (6.5—12.5) cm long andnbsp;2.75—3.75 (2.25—4.j) cm wide, but the terminal ones slightly largernbsp;and mostly narrowed to the base, the lateral ones oblique and mostlynbsp;somewhat narrowed to the apex and the basal ones much shorter;nbsp;apex rather abruptly to rather gradually acuminate; acumen linear,nbsp;10—12.5 mm long and 1.5—3 mm wide, obtuse; base cuneate tonbsp;nearly round; margin entire; subcoriaceous, glabrous and smooth,nbsp;above nitidulous, beneath dull; with 10—12 (8—13) pairs of sec.nbsp;nerves; prim, and sec. nerves above grooved on each side, beneathnbsp;prominent, tert. ones above invisible, beneath prominulous. Inflorescences subterminal, fasciculate in the axils, richly and stifflynbsp;branched from the base, many-flowered, 10—15 (7.5—20) cm long.nbsp;Sec. branchlets up to 7.5 cm long, tert. ones up to 1.5 cm. Thenbsp;axes slender, terete, like the slender, terete, 1.5—2 mm long pedicels,nbsp;the oblong, subacute, 0.75 mm long bracts and bractlets and thenbsp;outside of the calyx and the corolla sparsely to rather denselynbsp;puberulous. Flowers 4-merous, 2—2.5 mm long, pale green. Calyxnbsp;cupuliform, 0.5—0.75 mm high; its lobes broadly triangular, sub-obtuse, about the length of the tube, 0.125—0.25 mm long.nbsp;Petals elliptic-ovate, acute, inflexed-apiculate, carnose. Stamensnbsp;about I mm long; filaments cylindrical, slightly dilated, as long asnbsp;the elliptic anthers. Disc annular, 8-lobed, glabrous, 0.25—0.35 mmnbsp;high. Pistil in the masc. fl. 0.5 mm high and embedded in the disc,nbsp;in the fern. fl. i—1.25 mm high and at the base surrounded bynbsp;the disc; ovary ovoid, sub-4-iobedj 4-ceiled, rather densely andnbsp;shortly appressed-sericeous, tapering in a subsessile, 4-lobed stigma.nbsp;Drupe oWd and either oblique and monopyrenous or 2-lobed andnbsp;2-pyrenous, 2.25 cm long and 1.5 cm in diam.; exocarp green tonbsp;brown; mesocarp rather thick, carnose, white; endocarp thin,nbsp;crustaceous and brittle.
Type (lecto-type): Hostmann 1268 in h.U.
-ocr page 142-Distribution: Suriname.
SURINAME: Coppename R., Raleighfalls, BW. 6176 (1923) fl. masc. July (U)i Voltzberg, Lanjouw 905 (1933) fr. Sept. (U); Saramacca R.,Watra-miri, tree n. 1541, BW. 1859 (1916) (U); id., Sectie O, tree n. 548, BW. 1135nbsp;(1915) fl. fern. Oct. (U), BW. 1817 (1916) fr. May (U), BW. 3364 (1917)nbsp;fr. Oct. (U), BW. 3612 (1918) fr. Jan. (U), BW. 3944 (1918) fl. fem. Aug.nbsp;(U)i Para R., Zandery I, tree n. 67, BW. 1208 (1915) (U); Suriname R.,nbsp;Brownsberg, tree n. 81, BW. 3229 (1917) fl. masc. Sept. (U); id., tree n. 1122,nbsp;BW. 1697 (1916) (U); without loc., Hostmann 1268 (no date) fl. masc. andnbsp;fem. (B, BM, K, P, U, W) (type)j id., Hostmann and Kappler 1268 (no date)nbsp;fl. masc. and fem. (F, G, S, W).
Vern. names: SURINAME: salie, witte salie (N.E.), jorieballi, jorieballi kolero (Arow.), peraka, pakira sipioli (Car.).
This species is recognizable by the most slender appearance of both its vegetative parts and its generative parts.
Though nearly related to P. crassifolium Engl., which is restricted to French Guiana, this Suriname-species is distinctly different fromnbsp;the other one.
51. Protium carnosum A. C. Smith in Brittonia II, 2, p.153
Tree or shrub. Branchlets stout, 5—10 mm in diam., when young angulose and densely ferrugineous tomentellous, when adult terete,nbsp;glabrescent, fuscous and dotted with elliptic, ferrugineous lenticels.nbsp;Leaves 4-jugate, 47.5—60 cm long, in all parts glabrous; petiolesnbsp;terete, but near the incrassate and transversely rimose base flattenednbsp;above, 18 (15.5—27) cm long; interjuga terete, striate, above carinate,nbsp;at the nodes incrassate, 3.5—5 cm long; petiolules semiterete, striatenbsp;canaliculate, at both ends incrassate, 7.5—10 (—15) mm long, thenbsp;terminal ones 30 mm; leaflets lanceolate to lanceolate-oblong, morenbsp;or less obovate, usually 16 (15—25) cm long and 4 (4—7.5) cm wide,nbsp;but the terminal ones shorter and wider and mostly distinctlynbsp;obovate, the lateral ones subsymmetric and slightly obovate and thenbsp;basal ones much shorter; apex abruptly acuminate; acumen linear,nbsp;12.5—20 mm long and 2—2.5 mm wide, obtuse; base cuneate;nbsp;margin entire, repandous; subcoriaceous, smooth, above nitidulous,nbsp;beneath dull; with 10—ii (9—12) pairs of sec. nerves; prim, and sec.nbsp;nerves above grooved on each side, beneath distinctly prominent,nbsp;tert. ones above visible, beneath prominulous. Inflorescencesnbsp;axillary, subterminal, laxly branched, 14 (8—17) cm long. Pedunclesnbsp;half the length of the inflorescences; sec. branchlets few, up tonbsp;4.5 cm long, tert. ones 0.5 cm. The axes stout, angulose and rathernbsp;densely ferrugineous hirsute. Pedicels stout, about 2 mm long, like
-ocr page 143-the oblong, acute, i mm long bracts and bractlets and the outside of calyx rather densely but minutely puberulous. Flowers 4-merous,nbsp;4 mm long. Calyx broadly cupuliform, about i mm high; its lobesnbsp;broadly triangular, acutely acuminate, slightly shorter than the tube.nbsp;Petals oblong-triangular, subobtuse, outside sparsely fulvousnbsp;puberulous, inside glabrous, on the margins papillose, very thicknbsp;and carnose. Stamens in the fern. fl. 1.25 mm long; filaments subulate, I mm long; anthers elliptic. Disc annular, 8-lobed, 0.5 mmnbsp;high, glabrous. Pistil in the fern. fl. at the base surrounded by thenbsp;disc, 1.25 mm high; ovary globose, 4-sulcate, 4-celled, rather denselynbsp;and appressedly sericeous, tapering in a sessile, 4-lobed stigma.nbsp;Drupe ellipsoid, glabrescent, 3 cm long and 2 cm in diam.; mesocarpnbsp;rather thin, carnose; endocarp rather thick, woody; pyrenes 2 or 3.
Type: Krukoff 4624 in h.NY.
Distribution: western Brazil.
BRAZIL: Amazonas, basin R. Jurua, near mouth R. Embira, trib. of R. Tarauaca, Krukoff 4624 (1933) on varzea land, fl. fem. and fr. June (B, F,nbsp;K, NY, U); id., id. 4968 (1933) on high terra firma, fi. June (NY)^ Mattonbsp;Grosso, basin R. Madeira, upper R. Machado, near Tabajara, Krukoff 1336nbsp;(ex A. C. Smith l.c.).
This species is particularly remarkable for its petals which are so much thickened that only a small cavity is left for the inner organs.
52. Protium paniculatum Engl. em. Swart.
Protium paniculatum Engl, in Mart. Fl. Bras. XII, 2, p.270 (1874); id. in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.87 (1883); id. in E.-Pr. Nat.nbsp;Pfl.fam. Ill, 4, p.237 (1897) et ed.2, XlXa, p.413 (1931). Nonnbsp;apud Gleason in Bull. Tor. bot. Cl. LVIII, p.377 (1931) quod adnbsp;P. Llewelynii Macbr. pertinet.
Idea paniculata VillaFranca in Bull. Thér. méd. et chir. 1880, p.4 (1880).
Tingulonga paniculata OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.io8 (1891). Protium nitidum Engl, in Mart. Fl. Bras. XII, 2, p.271 (1874);nbsp;id. in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.87 (1883); id. in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam.nbsp;Ill, 4, p.237 (1897) et ed.2, XlXa, p.413 (1931)-
Tingulonga nitida OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.io8 (1891).
Protium Riedelianum Engl, in Mart. Fl. Bras. XII, 2, p.279, t. 56 (1874); id. in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.88 (1883); id. in E.-Pr.nbsp;Nat. Pfl.fam. Ill, 4, p.237 (1897) et ed.2, XlXa, p.413 (1931).nbsp;Tingulonga RiedeUana OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.io8 (1891).
Tree, up to 18 m high. Branchlets rather stout, 4 mm in diam..
-ocr page 144-34Ö
terete, striate, when young densely but minutely ferrugineous pilose, when adult glabrescent, fuscous, scabriculous and dotted withnbsp;elliptic, ferrugineous lenticels. Leaves 2- or 3-jugate, 24—45 cmnbsp;long; petioles semiterete or terete and flattened only near the in-crassate base, 6.5—9 (4.5—11.5) cm long, like the rhachis glabrousnbsp;or subglabrous; interjuga terete, striate, at the nodes incrassate,nbsp;3.5—4.5 (3—5) cm long; petiolules stout, terete, striate, canaliculate,nbsp;glabrous, when adult at times transversely rimose, 7.5—10 (5—15)nbsp;mm long, the terminal ones 20—25 (15—35) mm; leaflets lanceolate-oblong to oblong-elliptic, sometimes slightly narrowed to the apex,nbsp;usually 12—20 (10.5—26) cm long and 5—6.75 (4.5—9) cm wide,nbsp;but the terminal ones slightly wider and more or less distinctlynbsp;narrowed to the base, the lateral ones suboblique and the basal onesnbsp;shorter; apex gradually narrowed in a slightly tapering, 12.5 (10—20)nbsp;mm long and 2.5 mm wide, obtuse acumen; base cuneate; marginnbsp;entire, undulate; subcoriaceous to coriaceous, glabrous and smooth,nbsp;above nitidous, beneath dull or nitidulous; with 13—16 pairs ofnbsp;sec. nerves; prim, and sec. nerves above grooved on each side,nbsp;beneath prominent, tert. ones hardly prominulous. Inflorescencesnbsp;fasciculate in the axils and subterminal or pseudoterminal, branchednbsp;from the base, many-flowered, 10—35 (6—45) cm long; sec. branch-lets up to 9 cm, tert. ones up to 3 cm long. The axes angulose, likenbsp;the rather slender, terete, striate, 2 (1.5—2.5) mm long pedicels,nbsp;the triangular, acute, 0.3—0.75 mm long bracts and bractlets andnbsp;the outside of the calyx and the corolla rather densely to sparselynbsp;and minutely puberulous. Flowers 4-merous, 2.5—3 mm long. Calyxnbsp;broadly cupuliform, 0.75—i mm high; its lobes broadly triangularnbsp;acute, about as long as the tube. Petals oblong-triangular-ovate,nbsp;acute, inflexed-apiculate, carnose. Stamens about 1.5 mm long;nbsp;filaments subulate, in the masc. fl. as long as the oblong anthers,nbsp;in the fern. fl. twice as long as the oblong anthers. Disc annular,nbsp;8-lobed, glabrous, 0.35—0.5 mm high. Pistil in the masc. fl. i mmnbsp;high and embedded in the disc, in the fern. fl. 1.5 mm high and atnbsp;the base surrounded by the disc; ovary globose-conical, 4-lobed,nbsp;4-celled, rather densely but shortly appressed-sericeous, taperingnbsp;in a 0.3 mm long style, crowned by a 4-lobed stigma. Drupe ovoid,nbsp;2- to 4-lobed, acute, 3 cm long and 2—3 cm in diam.; pyrenes 2 to 4.
Type: Spruce 2770 in h.P.
Distribution: western Brazil.
BRAZIL: Amazonas, basin R. Negro, on R. Uaupés, near Panuré, Spruce 2662 (1852—1853) fl. masc. Oct.-Jan. (B, BM, BR, K, P, W) (type of P.nbsp;nitidum Engl.); id., id. 2770 (1852) fl. fern, and fr. Dec. (BM, BR, K, P)
-ocr page 145-(type of P. paniculatum Engl); id., prov. R. Negro, Riedel 1402 (1828) fJ. masc. Sept. (B, K, LE, M) (type of P. Riedelianum Engl.)^ id., basin R.nbsp;Solimoes, Sao Paulo de Olivenga, near Palmares, Krukoff 8389 (1936) fl. fern,nbsp;and fr. Sept.-Oct. (NY).
Engler l.c. (1874) based P. paniculatum Engl, on Spruce 2770, P. nitidum Engl, on Spruce 2662 and P. Riedelianum Engl, onnbsp;Riedel 1402, but the differences between each two of these specimensnbsp;are ever linked by the intermediate character of the third one. Itnbsp;was therefore impossible to keep these three species separate and thenbsp;differences shown by the limited material at hand seemed to me evennbsp;insufficient to retain them as subspecies. The differences betweennbsp;the three specimens, mentioned above, chiefly concern the lengthnbsp;of the inflorescences versus that of the subtending leaves, the teretenbsp;or semiterete petioles, the size of the leaflets in general and thenbsp;shape of the terminal ones and the number of their sec. nerves.nbsp;Krukoff 8389 agrees with Spruce 2770.
P. Riedelianum Engl, is quoted by Glaziou, in Bull. Soc. bot. Fr LII, Mém.3, p.92 (1905), from Rio de Janeiro, but as I did notnbsp;met with the cited specimen, Glaziou n. 6717, I could not confirmnbsp;this statement, which, from a geographic point of view, seems to menbsp;unlikely.
var. pentamerum Swart in Rec. Trav. bot. néerl. XXXIX, p.
198 (1942)-
Leaves unifoliolate to 3-jugate; leaflets irregular in shape and size; acumen ic—15 mm long and 2.5—4 mm wide; tert. nerves promi-nulous; Flowers 5-merous, yellowish brown.
Type: Klug 348 in h.F 624070.
Distribution: once collected.
PERU: Loreto, near Iquitos, Mishuyacu, Klug 348 (1929) alt. 100 m, fl. masc. Oct.-Nov. (F, NY, US).
53. Protium medianum Macbr. in Candollea V, p.377 (1934); L. Williams in Field Mus.N.H., Bot.S. XV, p.234 (1936).
Tree, up to 17 m high. Branchlets rather slender, terete, striate, when young rather densely but minutely pubescent, when adultnbsp;glabrous, ferrugineous to cinereous and dotted with small, elliptic,nbsp;ferrugineous lenticels. Leaves 2-jugate, 22.5 cm long; petioles semiterete, at the base incrassate, 4 (3.5—5.5) cm long, like the rhachisnbsp;and the petiolules glabrous or, when young, subglabrous; interjuganbsp;terete, above carinate, at the nodes incrassate, 3.5 (3—4.5) cm long;
-ocr page 146-petiolules semiterete, at both ends incrassate, ic—12.5 mm long, the terminal ones 25 mm; leaflets lanceolate-oblong, usually iinbsp;(9—12) cm long and 4 (3—4.5) cm wide, but the terminal onesnbsp;slightly larger and obovate, the lateral ones symmetric and mostlynbsp;somewhat narrowed to the base and the basal ones shorter; apexnbsp;more or less abruptly acuminate; acumen linear, 8 mm long and
2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mm wide, obtuse; base acutely cuneate; margin entire, undulate;nbsp;pergamentaceous, glabrous, smooth and dull; with 10 pairs of sec.nbsp;nerves; prim, and sec. neryes above grooved on each side, beneathnbsp;distinctly prominent, tert. ones above hardly conspicuous, beneathnbsp;prominent. Inflorescences either subterminal and solitary or fasciculate in the axils or pseudoterminal, many-flowered, 12.5—20 cmnbsp;long. Peduncles half the length of the inflorescences. Sec. branchletsnbsp;up to 4 cm long, like the tert. ones branched only above the middle.nbsp;The axes angulose, rather densely and patently puberulous. Pedicelsnbsp;terete, 2—2.5 mm long, like the ovate-semiorbicular, acute, 0.5 mmnbsp;long bracts and bractlets and the outside of the calyx and the corollanbsp;sparsely and minutely appressed-pubescent. Flowers 4-merous,
3 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mm long, fulvous. Calyx broadly cupuliform, 0.75 mm high,nbsp;carnose; its lobes broadly triangular, acutely subacuminate, twicenbsp;as long as the tube. Petals oblong-ovate, acute, inflexed-apiculate,nbsp;on the margins papillose. Stamens in the fern. fl. 1.75 mm long;nbsp;filaments subulate; anthers oblong, 0.4 mm long. Disc annular,nbsp;sub-8-lobed, glabrous, 0.4 mm high. Pistil in the fern. fl. as high asnbsp;the stamens, 1.75 mm high; ovary depressedly globose, 4-lobed,nbsp;4-celled, I mm high, provided with scattered, rather long hairs,nbsp;tapering in a 4-sulcate, 0.4 mm long style, crowned by a 4-lobednbsp;stigma. Immature drupe ovoid, i cm long and 0.75 cm in diam.,nbsp;glabrescent.
Type: Klug 270 in h.F 624303.
Distribution: north-eastern Peru.
PERU: Loreto, near Iquitos, Mishuyacu, Klug 270 (1929) alt. 100 m, fl. fern. Oct.-Nov. (F, NY, US); id., L. Williams 3792 (1929) alt. 120 m,nbsp;fl. fern. Oct. (F, US).
This species is nearly related to P. paniculatum Engl. em. Swart. Its area is apparently more or less contiguous with that of the latter.
Anatomy: Cf. L. Williams l.c.
54. Protium plagiocarpium Benoist in Bull. Soc. bot. Fr. LXVI, p.359 (1919); id. in Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. I, p.i (1920);nbsp;Engl, in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. ed.2, XlXa, p.412 (1931).
-ocr page 147-Protium Aracouchini March, apud Engl, in Mart. FI. Bras. XII, 2, p.274 (1874) et id. in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.74 (1883) quoadnbsp;syn. Icica parvifolia Spruce et spec. cit. tantum.
Idea parviflora Benth. mss. in sched. PI. Sprue, n. 2321; Radik, in Sitz. Ber. K. Bay. Ak. Wiss., Mat.-phys. Cl. VII, p.383 (1878).
Tall tree, up to 7.5 m high. Branchlets slender, 2.5 mm in diam., terete, striate, glabrous, when young smooth and dark brown, whennbsp;adult coarse and cinereous. Leaves i-jugate, but sometimes 2-jugate, 14—18 (10—12) cm long, in all parts glabrous; petioles semi-terete, striate, above sulcate, at the base incrassate, 2—4 (1.5—5) cmnbsp;long; interjuga terete, striate, at the nodes incrassate, 2.5—3.5 cmnbsp;long; petiolules semiterete, striate, canahculate, at both ends incrassate, 4—7 (3—9) mm long, the terminal ones 15—25 (12.5—35)nbsp;mm; leaflets oblong to oblong-elliptic, usually 5.25—7.5 (4—ii) cmnbsp;long and 2.25—3 (1.5—4.5) cm wide, but the terminal ones largernbsp;and mostly slightly narrowed to the base; apex abruptly acuminate;nbsp;acumen linear 8—10 mm long and 1.5—2.5 mm wide, obtuse; basenbsp;broadly cuneate; margin entire, undulate; pergamentaceous, smoothnbsp;and nitidulous; with 9—10 pairs of sec. nerves; prim, nerves abovenbsp;grooved on each side, beneath distinctly prominent, sec. and tert.nbsp;ones above hardly prominent, beneath prominulous. Inflorescencesnbsp;axillary, laxly branched, few-flowered, about half the length of thenbsp;subtending leaves, 5—9 (3—ii) cm long. Peduncles most half thenbsp;length of the inflorescences, rarely minute. The axes very slender,nbsp;terete, striate, like the rather stout, 1.25—1.5 mm long pedicels,nbsp;the triangular, acute, 0.25—0.5 mm long bracts and bractlets andnbsp;the calyx and the corolla glabrous. Flowers 4-merous, 2—2.5 mmnbsp;long, white or pale green. Calyx shallowly cupuliform, 0.4 mm high;nbsp;its lobes semiorbicular, subacuminate, slightly longer than the tube.nbsp;Petals oblong-elliptic-ovate, acute, inflexed-apiculate, subcarnose.nbsp;Stamens 1.25 mm long; filaments subulate, at the base slightlynbsp;dilated, i mm long; anthers elliptic. Disc annular, 8-lobed, glabrous,nbsp;0.3 mm high. Pistil in the masc. fl. 0.25—0.5 mm high and embeddednbsp;in the disc, in the fern. fl. nearly 2 mm high and at the base surrounded by the disc; ovary ovoid, 4-lobed, 4-celled, scattered withnbsp;rather long, silky hairs, tapering in a subsessile, 4-lobed stigma.nbsp;Drupe oblong-ovoid with rather long cylindrical narrowed basenbsp;and long tapering apex, 2.5 cm long and 0.75—i cm in diam.,nbsp;glabrescent.
Type: Benoist 368 in h.P.
Distribution: the Guianas and western Brazil.
-ocr page 148-350
BR. GUIANA; Roraima Mts., Schomburgk 954 (1842) fl. fem. Nov. (B); junction Oronoque R. and New R., Beddington 3 (1937) fl. masc.nbsp;Sept. (K).
SURINAME: Brownsberg, VanEmden (1931) fl. masc. Sept. (U).
FR. GUIANA; Maroni R., Wachenheim 203 (no date) fl. masc. (P); near Charvein, Benoist 368 (1913) fr. Dec. (P) (type)j without loc., Mélinonnbsp;(1864) fr. (B, BM, F, LE); id., Aubriz leComte (no date) fl. fem. (B).
BRAZIL: Amazonas, R. Negro, near San Gabriel de Cachoeira, Spruce 2321 (1852) fl. masc. May (B, BM, C, G, K, LE, M, NY, P, W) (Idea par-viflora Benth. mss.).
This species is nearly related to P. Aracouchini (Aubl.) March., but the latter differs chiefly by its glabrous ovary and by its drupesnbsp;being not narrowed.
On the other hand P. plagiccarpium Ben. resembles P. divaricatum Engl, var, intermedium Swart, but the latter differs by its largernbsp;leaflets which are narrowed to the base and provided with morenbsp;s;c. nerves.
55. Protium divaricatum Engl, in Mart. Fl. Bras. XII, 2, p. 279j t-55 (1874); id. in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.86 (1883); id. innbsp;E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. Ill, 4, p.237 (1897) et ed.2, XlXa, p.413
Evodia divaricata Poepp., Diar. n. 2703 ex Engl. l.c.
Tingulonga divaricata OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.ic8 (1891).
Small tree. Branchlets slender, 2.5 mm in diam., terete, striate, glabrous, cinereous and dotted with small, inconspicuous lenticels.nbsp;Leaves trifoliolate, 32 (25—38) cm long, in all parts glabrous; petiolesnbsp;semiterete, 8—10 (5—12) cm long; petiolules semiterete, canaliculate, at both ends incrassate, 1.5 (i—2) cm long, the terminalnbsp;ones 4.5—5 (2.5—6) cm; leaflets oblong to oblong-elliptic, usuallynbsp;15—18 (ii—21) cm long and 6—7 (4.5—8.5) cm wide, but thenbsp;terminal ones larger and obovate and the lateral ones symmetricnbsp;and mostly narrowed to the base; apex abruptly acuminate; acumennbsp;linear, 8—12.5 mm long and 2—3 mm wide, obtuse; base acutelynbsp;cuneate; margin entire, repandous; pergamentaceous, smooth, abovenbsp;nitidous, beneath dull; with 13—15 (12—16) pairs of sec. nerves;nbsp;prim, nerves prominent, sec. ones above grooved on each side,nbsp;beneath prominent, tert. ones prominulous. Inflorescences subterminal axillary, laxly and divaricately branched, many-flowered,nbsp;35 (20—45) cm long. Sec. branchlets up to 10 cm, tert. ones upnbsp;to 3 cm long. The axes slender, terete, striate, glabrous to sparselynbsp;pilose. Pedicels slender, terete, glabrous, 1.75 mm long. Bracts andnbsp;bractlets triangular-elliptic, acute, sparsely puberulous, 0.4 mm long.nbsp;Flowers 4-merous, 2.5 mm long, yellow. Calyx cupuliform, glabrous.
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0.8 mm high; its lobes semiorbicular, acutely subacuminate, as long as the tube. Petals oblong-ovate, acute, inflexed-apiculate, glabrous,nbsp;subcarnose. Stamens 1.5 mm long; filaments subulate, i mm long;nbsp;anthers elliptic. Disc annular, 8-lobed, glabrous, 0.4 mm high. Pistilnbsp;in the masc. fl. embedded in the disc, 0.3 mm high; ovary depressednbsp;globose, 4-lobed, rather densely puberulous; stigma sessile, 4-lobed.nbsp;Drupe ellipsoid, sparsely puberulous, 1.5 cm long and i cm in diam.;nbsp;mesocarp carnose; endocarp thin, crustaceous; pyrenes i or 2.
Type (lecto-type); Poeppig 2703 in h.LE.
Distribution: Brazil (central Amazonas).
BRAZIL: Amazonas, R. Solimoes, Maynas, Poeppig 2703 (1831) fl. masc. Oct. (B, BRSL, F, G, LE, W) (type); id., Ega, Poeppig 2704 (1832) fl. masc.nbsp;(W) and probably the same under n. 2815 (LE); id., id. 2815 (1831) fr. Nov.nbsp;(BRSL, F, G, LE, W); id., Coary, Traill 109 (1874) fl. Oct. (K); id., R.nbsp;Madeira, near Eorba, Riedel 1362 (1828) fl. masc. Aug. (B, LE).
This species is recognizable by its large i-jugate leaves, by its pergamentaceous leaflets which are narrowed to the base, by itsnbsp;long and divaricately branched inflorescences and by its small,nbsp;glabrous flowers.
I was unable to discover whether Poeppig ever published the name „Evodia divaricata”, but as Poeppig 2703 in the Herbarium atnbsp;Leningrad is the only specimen labelled “Evodia divaricata” bynbsp;Poeppig, and also “(Idea) Protium divaricatum” by Engler, I consider this specimen as the type.
var. Krukoffii Swart in Rec. Trav. bot. néerl. XXXIX, p. 198 (1942).
Leaves i- or 2-)ugate, 24 (15—28) cm long; leaflets with ii—12 pairs of sec. nerves. Inflorescences about ^(4 the length of the subtending leaves, 17.5 (15—20) cm long. Pedicels longer than thenbsp;flowers.
Type: Krukoff 4703 in h.U 15840A.
Distribution: once collected.
BRAZIL: Amazonas, basin R. Jurua, near mouth R. Embira, trib. of R. Tarauaca, Krukoff 4703 (1933) fl. masc. June (B, F, NY, U).
var. intermedium Swart in Rec. Trav. bot. néerl. XXXIX, (p.199 (1942).
Leaves i- or 2-jugate, 20—25 (16—28.5) cm long; leaflets ii 8—14.5) cm long and 4 (2.5—5) cm wide, with ii—13 pairs of
-ocr page 150-352
sec. nerves. Inflorescences about as long as the petioles, up to 5 cm long, few-flowered. Ovary sparsely to rather densely puberulous.
Type: Krukoff 5064 in h.U 16003A.
Distribution: twice collected.
COLOMBIA: Magdalena Valley, between R. Sagamoso and R. Colorado, near Barranca Bermya, Haught 1527 (1935) alt. 100—150 m, fl. niasc. Jan. (U).
BRAZIL: Amazonas, basin R. Jurua, near mouth R. Embira, trib. of R. Tarauaca, Krukoff 5064 (1933) fl. fem. June (B, F, K, NY, U).
Both varieties, but especially the latter one, show transitions from P. divaricatum Engl, to P. plagiocarpium Ben., but they are referrednbsp;here to the former species because of the size and shape and thenbsp;number of sec. nerves of their leaflets.
56. Protium nicaraguense Swart in Rec. Trav. bot. néerl. XXXIX, p.199 (1942).
Protium Copal (S. et C.) Engl, in errore Standi, in Trop. Woods XVII, p.23 (1929).
Protium panamense (Rose) Johnston in errore Standi, l.c.
Small tree. Leaves 4-jugate, 37.5—40 cm long; petioles terete, above slightly flattened, 6—6.5 cm long, like the rhachis and thenbsp;petiolules rather densely but minutely pilose, but glabrescent whennbsp;adult; interjuga terete, striate at the nodes incrassate, 5.5 (4.5—6)nbsp;cm long; petiolules semiterete, canaliculate, subalate, at both endsnbsp;incrassate, 15 (10—17.5) mm long, the terminal ones 4 cm; leafletsnbsp;lanceolate-oblong to oblong, usually 18 (17—20) cm long and 6.5nbsp;(6.25—7.5) cm wide, but the terminal ones narrowed to the base,nbsp;the lateral ones sometimes slightly narrowed near the apex and thenbsp;basal ones shorter; apex rather abruptly acuminate; acumen subli-near, 12.5 mm long and 2.5 mm wide, obtuse; base acutely cuneate;nbsp;margin entire; subcoriaceous, glabrous and smooth, above nitidulous,nbsp;beneath dull; with ii—12 pairs of sec. nerves; prim, nerves abovenbsp;grooved on each side and pilose like the petioles, beneath prominentnbsp;and glabrous, sec. ones above depressed, beneath prominent, tert.nbsp;ones above invisible, beneath prominulous, sec. and tert. onesnbsp;glabrous. Inflorescences mostly fasciculate in the axils, few-branched,nbsp;5 cm, rarely up to 9 cm, long. The axes slender, angulose, like thenbsp;terete, striate, about 2 mm long pedicels, the triangular, acute,nbsp;0.3 mm long bracts and bractlets and the calyx and the corolla sparsely puberulous or subglabrous. Flowers 4-merous, 3 mm long,nbsp;yellowish white. Calyx cupuliform, 0.75 mm high; its lobes minute.
-ocr page 151-broadly triangular, acutely subacuminate, 0.15 mm long. Petals elliptic-ovate, acute, inflexed-apiculate, subcarnose, inside puber-ulous. Stamens 1.75 mm longj filaments subulate; anthers oblong,nbsp;basifixed, 0.5 mm long. Disc annular, 8-lobed, glabrous, 0.4 mmnbsp;high. Pistil at the base surrounded by the disc, 0.75 mm high; ovarynbsp;globose, sub-4-lobed, rather densely appressed-puberulous, 0.6 mmnbsp;high, tapering in a sessile, 4-lobed stigma. Drupe globose, 1.5 cmnbsp;in diam.
Type : Englesing 76 in h.F 585314.
Distribution: Nicaragua.
NICARAGUA; region of Braggmann’s Bluff, Kukalaya R., Englesing 76 (1927) alt. 65 m, fl. and fr. Dec. (F)j id., id. 67 (1927) fl. (F, K, NY).
Vern. name: fosforito.
Probably both specimens are female though the flowers show rather small pistils.
This species is related to P. Copal (S. et C.)Engl., but the latter differs by its glabrous vegetative parts and by its ovate leaflets whichnbsp;are provided with a short acumen. P. nicaraguense Swart resemblesnbsp;also P. Pittierii (Rose)Engl., but the latter differs by its i- or 2-jugate leaves, by its oblong-elliptic leaflets which are provided withnbsp;a short acumen, by its much-branched inflorescences and by itsnbsp;calyxlobes being longer than the tube.
57. Protium Altsonii Sandwith in Kew Bull. 1928, 9, p.369 (1928).
Tall tree. Branchlets rather slender, 3 mm in diam., terete and smooth, when young densely brown puberulous, when adultnbsp;glabrescent, dark brown and dotted with pale brown lenticels.nbsp;Leaves 4- to 6-jugate, 24—32 cm long; petioles semiterete, at thenbsp;base incrassate, 3.75—4.75 (3.5—5) cm long, like the rhachis andnbsp;the petiolules rather densely but minutely pubescent; interjuganbsp;subangulose, above slightly bisulcate, at the nodes slightly incrassate,nbsp;2.5—3 (2—3.5) cm long; petiolules semiterete, canaliculate, at bothnbsp;ends incrassate, 7.5 mm long, the terminal ones 22.5 mm; leafletsnbsp;lanceolate to lanceolate-oblong, mostly somewhat narrowed to thenbsp;apex, usually 10.5 cm long and 3 cm wide, but the terminal onesnbsp;shorter and narrowed to the base, the lateral ones subsymmetricnbsp;and the basal ones shorter; apex rather abruptly acuminate; acumennbsp;linear, 12.5 mm long and 2 mm wide, obtuse; base broadly cuneate;nbsp;margin entire, undulate; more or less coriaceous, glabrous and
-ocr page 152-smooth, above nitidulous, beneath dull; with i6—17 pairs of sec. nerves; prim, nerves distinctly prominent, above sparsely and minutely puberulous, beneath glabrous, sec. ones prominent andnbsp;glabrous, tert. ones prominulous and glabrous. Inflorescences axillary, branched from the base, many-flowered, glomeruliform, 2nbsp;(1.5—2.5) cm long; sec. branchlets up to i cm. The axes stout,nbsp;terete, striate, like the stout, terete, striate, 1.5—1.75 mm longnbsp;pedicels and the oblong-triangular, acute, 0.75—i mm long bractsnbsp;and bractlets rather densely to sparsely and minutely puberulous.nbsp;Flowers 5-merous, 3.25 mm long, greenish. Calyx cupuliform,nbsp;glabrous, i mm high; its lobes broadly triangular, acuminate, aboutnbsp;as long as the tube. Petals oblong-triangular, acute, inflexed-api-culate, mostly glabrous but in the bud outside slightly pilose, sub-carnose. Stamens i mm long; filaments subulate and dilated, twicenbsp;as long as the elliptic anthers. Disc annular, lo-lobed, glabrous,nbsp;0.5 mm high. Pistil in the masc. fl. 0.5 mm high; ovary Wconical,nbsp;lo-sulcate, rather densely but shortly appressed-hirsute, taperingnbsp;in a sessile, 5-lobed stigma.
Type: Altson 529 in h.K.
Distribution: Br.Guiana.
BR.GUIANA: Ireng-Distr., Paramacutoi savannah, Altson 529 (1926) alt. 700 m, in forest, fl. masc. May (K, NY).
Vern. name: tsepur (Patamona).
This species is related to P. Hostmannii (Miq.)Engl., but the latter differs by the short petioles of its 2- or 3-jugate leaves, bynbsp;the shorter acumen and the less numerous sec. nerves of its widernbsp;and pergamentaceous leaflets and by the minutely dentate calyxnbsp;of its 4-merous flowers.
58. Protium Poeppigianum Swart in Rec. Trav. bot. néerl. XXXIX, p.200 (1942).
Protium Carana (H.B.K.)March. in errore Engl, in Mart. Fl. Bras. XII, 2, p.277 (1874) et id. in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.84nbsp;(1883) excl. syn. et spec. Humb. et Bonpl.; Pitt, in Trab. Mus.nbsp;com. Venez. VIII, p.364 (1931).
Tree. Branchlets rather stout, 5 mm in diam., angulate, sparsely puberulous, fuscous and dotted with small, elliptic, pale brownnbsp;lenticels. Leaves 3- or 4-jugate, about 55 cm long; petioles terete,nbsp;above slightly flattened, at the base incrassate, g—13 cm long, likenbsp;the rhachis and the petiolules sparsely and minutely pilose; interjuga.
-ocr page 153-terete, striate, at the nodes incrassate, 6—7.5 cm long; petiolules semiterete, canaliculate, at both ends incrassate, i—1.5 cm long,nbsp;the terminal ones 5 cm; leaflets lanceolate to lanceolate-oblong,nbsp;narrowed to the base, usually 22.5 (19—27) cm long and 7 (6.5—8)nbsp;cm wide, but the basal ones shorter; apex abruptly acuminate;nbsp;acumen sublinear, 10 (7.5—15) mm long and 2—2.5 mm wide;nbsp;base acutely cuneate; margin entire, repandous; pergamentaceous,nbsp;smooth and dull, above glabrous, beneath subglabrous; with 15—17nbsp;pairs of sec. nerves; prim, nerves near the base sparsely and minutelynbsp;pilose, above grooved on each side, beneath distinctly prominent,nbsp;sec. ones glabrous, above prominulous, beneath prominent, tert.nbsp;ones glabrous, above inconspicuous, beneath prominulous. Inflorescences fasciculate in the axils, 10 (6.5—12.5) cm long; sec. branch-lets few, up to I cm long. The axes angulose, like the stout, terete,nbsp;striate, 5 mm long fruitstalks and the calyx when young sparselynbsp;and minutely pilose, when adult glabrescent. Flowers 5-merous,nbsp;3 mm long. Calyx cupuliform, about i mm long; its lobes semi-orbicular, obtusely acuminate, about as long as the tube. Petalsnbsp;elliptic-ovate, acute, incrassate-apiculate, sparsely and minutelynbsp;puberulous. Stamens 1.5 mm long; filaments subulate, at the basenbsp;dilated, as long as the oblong anthers. Disc annular, glabrous. Drupenbsp;ellipsoid, with cylindrically narrowed base and acute apex, sparselynbsp;pilose, 2.5—3 cm long and 1.5—2.5 cm in diam., crowned by anbsp;sessile, 5-lobed stigma.
Type : Poeppig 2830 in h.W.
Distribution: Brazil (central Amazonas).
BRAZIL: Amazonas, R. Solimoes, Ega, Poeppig 2830 (1831) fr. Nov. (W); id., id. 2832 (1832) fr. (W).
This species is related to P. grandifolium Engl., but the latter differs by the dense indumentum of its petioles and rhachis and bynbsp;its nitidous, at the base not narrowed leaflets which at the top arenbsp;gradually narrowed in a short acumen.
Engler, l.c., referred the type specimen of this species to P. Carana (H.B.K.)March. and founded his diagnosis of the latter speciesnbsp;on Poeppig 2830, but this specimen differs distinctly from the typenbsp;specimen of P. Carana (H.B.K.)March., viz. Humboldt 960, whichnbsp;had not been studied by Engler. Both species are incompletelynbsp;known, but the fruits of Poeppig 2830 and 2832 show a distinctnbsp;Protium-structure.
59. Protium Llewelynii Macbr. in Candollea V, p.378 (1934); L. Williams in Field Mus.N.H., Bot.S. XV, p.234 (1936).
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Protium paniculatum Engl, in errore Gleason in Bull. Tor. hot. Cl. LVIII, p.377 (1931).
Tree, up to 20 m high. Branchlets slender, 2.5 mm in diam., terete, striate, when young densely but minutely brown pilose,nbsp;when adult glabrescent, scabrous and castaneous to fuscous. Leavesnbsp;4- (3- to 5-)jugate, 25 (20—30) cm long; petioles semiterete, at thenbsp;base slightly incrassate, 4.5 (3—7.5) cm long, like the rhachis andnbsp;the petiolules rather densely but minutely pale brown puberulousnbsp;and sometimes, when adult, transversely rimose; interjuga angulose,nbsp;striate, at the nodes more or less incrassate, 2.5—3.5 (2—5) cm long;nbsp;petiolules semiterete, canaliculate, at both ends incrassate, 4 (3—8)nbsp;mm long, the terminal ones 10—20 mm; leaflets lanceolate-oblong,nbsp;sometimes slightly narrowed to the apex, usually 10—12 (8—18) cmnbsp;long and 3.4 (2.75—6) cm wide, but the terminal ones narrowednbsp;to the base, the lateral ones oblique and sometimes slightly narrowednbsp;to the base, and the basal ones smaller; apex rather abruptly acuminate; acumen linear, 5—10 (3—12) mm long and 2.5—3.5 (2—4)nbsp;mm wide, obtuse; base acutely cuneate; margin entire, undulate;nbsp;subcoriaceous, glabrous or subglabrous, smooth and dull to niti-dulous; with 14 (12—15) pairs of sec. nerves; prim, nerves pilosenbsp;like the petioles, above grooved on each side, beneath distinctlynbsp;prominent, sec. and tert. ones above conspicuous to inconspicuousnbsp;and glabrous, beneath prominent and provided with some hairs.nbsp;Inflorescences subterminal, axillary, laxly branched from the base,nbsp;7.5—10 cm long; sec. branchlets few, up to 5 cm long, tert. onesnbsp;up to I cm. The axes terete, striate, like the slender, terete, striate,nbsp;2—2.5 mm long pedicels, the triangular, obtusely subacuminate,nbsp;0.5—0.75 mm long bracts and bractlets and the outside of the calyxnbsp;and the corolla rather densely to sparsely and minutely puberulous.nbsp;Flowers 5-merous, 3—3.5 mm long, white or yellowish. Calyxnbsp;broadly cupuliform, 0.75—i mm high; its lobes broadly triangular,nbsp;obtusely subacuminate, nearly as long as the tube. Petals oblong-triangular, acute, inflexed-apiculate, inside glabrous, on the marginsnbsp;papillose, carnose. Stamens about 1.5 mm long; filaments subulate,nbsp;at the base dilated, about twice as long as the oblong-lanceolatenbsp;anthers. Disc annular, lo-lobed, glabrous, 0.35 mm high. Pistil atnbsp;the base surrounded by the disc, in the masc. fl. 0.8 mm, in thenbsp;fern. fl. 2 mm high; ovary globose, sub-5-lobed, rather densely andnbsp;appressedly puberulous, tapering in a stout, conical style, half asnbsp;long as the ovary, crowned by a 5-lobed stigma. Drupe eithernbsp;oblique-ovoid and monopyrenous or globose, 2- to 4-lobed and 2-to 4-pyrenous, minutely ferrugineous pilose, 2 cm long and 1.5—2.5
-ocr page 155-cm in diam.; mesocarp rather thick, carnose; endocarp thin, crus-taceous.
Type : L. Williams 3704 in h.F 618015.
Distribution: eastern slopes of the Andes.
VENEZUELA: Amazonas Terr., Esmeralda, Tate 348 (1928) alt. 100 m, fl. masc. Nov. (NY, US)j id., id. 957 (1928—1929) alt. 150 m, fl. masc.nbsp;(NY).
BRAZIL: Amazonas, basin R. Solimoes, Sao Paulo de Olivenca, near Palmares, Krukoff 8197 (1936) fl. fern. Sept.-Oct. (NY); id., id. 8419 (1936)nbsp;high land, fr. Sept.-Oct. (NY); id., basin Creek Belem, Krukoff 8890 (1936)nbsp;in high forest, fr. Oct.-Dec. (NY).
PERU: Loreto, near Iquitos, L. Williams 3704 (1929) alt. 120 m, fl. fern. Oct. (F, US) (type).
BOLIVIA: region Mapiri San Carlos, Buchtien 1669 (1927) alt. 850 m (B). Vern. name: breu (ex Krukoff).
Anatomy: cf. L. Williams l.c.
60. Protium grandifolium Engl, in Mart. Fl. Bras. XII, 2, p.269 (1874); id. in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.84 (1883); id. in E.-Pr.nbsp;Nat. Pfl.fam. Ill, 4, p.237 (1897) et ed.2, XlXa, p.413 (1931); Pitt,nbsp;in Trab. Mus. com. Venez. VIII, p.364 (1931).
Tingulonga grandifolia OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.io8 (1891).
Tree. Branchlets slender, 4 mm in diam., terete, striate, densely but minutely pilose. Leaves 4-jugate, rarely 3- or 5-jugate, 40nbsp;(26—50) cm long; petioles terete, slightly flattened near the incrassatenbsp;base, 8 (5.5—9.5) cm long, like the rhachis and the petiolules denselynbsp;but minutely pilose; interjuga terete, at the nodes incrassate, 4.5nbsp;(3—5) cm long; petiolules terete, striate, canaUculate, at both endsnbsp;incrassate, when adult transversely rimose, 15 (10—17.5) mm long,nbsp;the terminal ones 35 (20—50) mm; leaflets lanceolate, usually 17 cmnbsp;long and 4.75 cm wide, but the terminal ones wider and narrowednbsp;to both ends, the lateral ones oblique and the basal ones shorter;nbsp;apex more or less gradually narrowed in a slightly tapering, 7.5—10nbsp;mm long and 3 mm wide, obtuse acumen; base acutely cuneate;nbsp;margin entire; subcoriaceous, glabrous and smooth, nitidulous; withnbsp;17 (16—19) pairs of sec. nerves; prim, nerves rather densely butnbsp;minutely pilose, above grooved on each side, beneath distinctlynbsp;prominent, sec. and tert. nerves above conspicuous and glabrous,nbsp;beneath prominent, sparsely and minutely pilose. Inflorescencesnbsp;axillary, laxly branched from the base, many-flowered, 12.5 (7—15)nbsp;cm long; sec. branchlets up to 4 cm long. The axes slender, like thenbsp;slender, terete, 4.5 mm long pedicels, the ovate-triangular, obtuse.
-ocr page 156-0-75—0-5 mm long bracts and bractlets and the outside of the calyx and the corolla sparsely and minutely puberulous. Flowers 5-merous5nbsp;4 mm long. Calyx cupuliform, i mm high; its lobes broadly triangular, acutely subacuminate, as long as the tube. Petals oblong-triangular, acute, inflexed-apiculate subcarnose. Stamens 1.5—2 mm long;nbsp;filaments subulate, at the base dilated; anthers oblong, 0.5 mm long.nbsp;Disc annular, lo-lobed, 0.5 mm high, glabrous. Pistil in the fem.fl.nbsp;as long as the stamens, 2 mm high, at the base surrounded by thenbsp;disc, rather densely puberulous; ovary depressedly globose, 5-lobed,nbsp;5-celled, as high as the cylindrical, 5-sulcate style, crowned by anbsp;5-lobed stigma.
Type: Spruce 3304 in h.P.
Distribution: once collected.
VENEZUELA: Amazonas Terr., on R. Casiquari, R. Vasiva and R. Pacimoni, Spruce 3304 (1854) fl. fern. Jan. (B, BM, BR, G, K, LE, NY,nbsp;P, W).
Anatomy: Guill. in Ann. Sc. nat., S.9, X, p.210 (1909).
61. Protium Pittierii (Rose) Engl, in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. ed.2, XlXa, p.413 (1931); Standi, in Field Mus.N.H., Bot.S. XVIII,nbsp;P-576 (1937)-
Idea Pittierii Rose in N. Am. Fl. XXV, 3, p.260 (1911).
Probably a tree. Branchlets rather stout, 4 mm in diam., when young angulose and densely but minutely ferrugineous pilose, whennbsp;adult terete, glabrescent, pale brown and dotted with oblong lenticels.nbsp;Leaves 2-jugate or, sometimes, trifoliolate, 25—37 cm long; petiolesnbsp;semiterete, above sulcate and dilated, at the base subincrassate,^_ionbsp;(5—11.5) cm long, like the rhachis and the petiolules rather denselynbsp;and minutely to shortly and patently pubescent, when adultnbsp;glabrescent and scabridulous; interjuga terete, striate, at the nodesnbsp;incrassate, 8 (4—8.5) cm long; petiolules semiterete, striate, canaliculate, at both ends incrassate, 1.5 (i—2) cm long, the terminalnbsp;ones 4 (3—5) cm; leaflets oblong-elliptic to elliptic, mostly somewhat narrowed to the apex, usually 15 (12—22) cm long and 7nbsp;(5.5—10.5) cm wide, but the terminal ones wider and mostly narrowed to the base, the lateral ones subsymmetric and the basalnbsp;ones smaller; apex rather abruptly acuminate; acumen tapering,nbsp;about as long as wide, 5—10 mm long and 5—7.5 mm wide, obtuse;nbsp;base round; margin entire, repandous, undulate; pergamentaceous,nbsp;scattered with minute hairs, smooth and dull; with ii (10—12)nbsp;pairs of sec. nerves; prim, nerves pilose like the petioles, above
-ocr page 157-grooved on each side, beneath distinctly prominent, sec. and tert. nerves sparsely and minutely pilose, above prominulous, beneathnbsp;prominent. Inflorescences axillary, branched from the base, up tonbsp;II cm long; sec. branchlets up to 6 cm, tert. ones up to 7.5 mm long.nbsp;The axes slender, angulose, like the terete, striate, 1.5—1.75 mm longnbsp;pedicels, the elliptic-ovate, subobtuse, about 0.5 mm long bractsnbsp;and bractlets and the outside of the calyx and corolla rather denselynbsp;hirtellous. Flowers 4-merous, 4 mm long. Calyx cupuliform, 1.5 mmnbsp;high; its lobes triangular, acute, slightly longer than the tube. Petalsnbsp;oblong-ovate, acute, inflexed-apiculate, inside puberulous, on thenbsp;margins papillose, carnose. Stamens 1.75 mm long; filaments subulate, about as long as the oblong-elliptic anthers. Disc annular,nbsp;8-lobed, glabrous, 0.5 mm high. Pistil in the fern. fl. rather morenbsp;than I mm high, rather densely appressed-puberulous; ovarynbsp;depressedly globose, 4-lobed, 4-celled3 at the base surrounded by thenbsp;disc, tapering in a short, conical style, crowned by a 4-lobed stigma.nbsp;Drupe oblong-ovoid, with narrowed base and acute apex, sparselynbsp;hirtellous, 2.5—3.5 cm long and i—2 cm in diam.; mesocarp thick,nbsp;carnose; endocarp thin, woody, brittle; pyrenes 2 or 3.
Type : Pittier 13426 in h.US 1380510.
Distribution: Central America.
MEXICO: Oaxaca, Jocotepex, Reto 4062 (1919) alt. 300 m, fl. fem. and fr. March (US).
COSTA RICA: R. Blanco, Llanuras de Santa Clara, Pittier 13426 (1899) alt. 300 m, fl. fem. and fr. July (B, US).
This species is related to P. Copal (S. et C.) Engl, but the latter differs by its glabrous and smaller leaves and by its narrower andnbsp;nitidous leaflets which are distinctly tapering and which are providednbsp;with more sec. nerves. P. Pittierii (Rose)Engl. also resemblesnbsp;P. costaricense (Rose) Engl., but the latter differs by the rather longnbsp;indumentum covering its vegetative parts, by its much shorternbsp;petioles, interjuga and petiolules, by its smaller and oblong leafletsnbsp;and by its much shorter inflorescences.
62. Protium opacum Swart in Rec. Trav. bot. néerl. XXXIX, p.200 (1942).
Large tree, 15—30 m high. Branchlets rather stout, terete, striate, when young densely but minutely ferrugineous pilose, when adultnbsp;glabrescent, cinereous to fuscous and dotted with elliptic, ferrugineous lenticels. Leaves 2- or 3-jugate, rarely 4-jugate, 30—40nbsp;(22—42) cm long; petioles semiterete, alate, at the base incrassate.
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7—9 (S—ii) cm long, like the rhachis and the petiolules densely but minutely and patently pilose; interjuga subterete, striate, at thenbsp;nodes incrassate, 3.5—4.5 (3—5) cm long; petiolules semiterete,nbsp;canaliculate, at both ends incrassate, 10 (7.5—12.5) mm long, thenbsp;terminal ones 25 (20—35) mm; leaflets oblong-lanceolate to oblong-elliptic, slightly narrowed to the apex, usually 13—17.5 (ii—20) cmnbsp;long and 4.75—6 (4.5—7) cm wide, but the terminal ones wider andnbsp;distinctly narrowed to the base, the lateral ones oblique and mostlynbsp;narrowed to the base, and the basal ones smaller; apex rather abruptly acuminate; acumen sublinear, 15 (10—20) mm long andnbsp;2.5—3 mm wide, obtuse; base cuneate; margin entire; subcoriaceous,nbsp;scabridulous and dull, above glabrous, beneath scattered withnbsp;minute hairs; with 12—14 (ii—15) pairs of sec. nerves; prim,nbsp;nerves pilose like the petioles, above grooved on each side, beneathnbsp;distinctly prominent, sec. nerves above depressed and glabrous,nbsp;beneath prominent and sparsely and minutely pilose, tert. nervesnbsp;above invisible, beneath prominent and scattered with minute hairs.nbsp;Inflorescences subterminal, fasciculate in the axils, laxly branchednbsp;from the base, many-flowered, 20 (15—30) cm long; sec. branchletsnbsp;up to II cm, tert. ones up to 2.5 cm. The axes terete, striate, likenbsp;the terete, short, about i mm long pedicels and the triangular, acute,nbsp;0.5—I mm long bracts and bractlets rather densely puberulous.nbsp;Flowers 4-merous, 4 mm long, white. Calyx broadly cupuliform,nbsp;sparsely puberulous, 0.5 mm high; its lobes triangular, acute slightlynbsp;longer than the tube. Petals elliptic-ovate, acute, inflexed-apiculate,nbsp;outside sparsely puberulous, inside glabrous, carnose. Stamens innbsp;the masc. fl. 2.5 mm long; filaments subulate, 2 mm long; anthersnbsp;elliptic. Disc annular, 8-lobed, glabrous, 0.5 mm high. Pistil in thenbsp;masc. fl. 0.75 mm high; ovary embedded in the disc, depressedlynbsp;globose, 4-lobed, rather densely appressed-puberulous, tapering innbsp;a subsessile, 4-lobed stigma. Drupe ovoid, unfurrowed to 4-lobed,nbsp;with acute apex, rather densely ferrugineous appressed-puberulous,nbsp;2 cm long and 1.5—2 cm in diam.; mesocarp rather thick, carnose;nbsp;endocarp thin, crustaceous and brittle; pyrenes i to 4.
Type : Krukoff 4816 in h.U 15954A.
Distribution: Brazil (southern Amazonas).
BRAZIL: Amazonas, basin R. Jurua, near mouth R. Embira, trib. of R. Tarauaca, Krukoff 4816 (1933) fl. masc. June (F, NY, U); id., id. 4911nbsp;(1933) fl. masc. June (F, NY, U); id., basin R. Madeira, Humayta, on plateaunbsp;between R. Livramento and R. Ipixuna, Krukoff 7131 (1934) fr. Nov. (NY,nbsp;U); id., id. 7173 (1934) fr. Nov. (NY, U).
This species is recognizable by its scabridulous leaflets, a feature
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which rarely occurs in Protium, and its related to P. paniculatum Engl.em. Swart, but the latter differs by its glabrous vegetativenbsp;parts, by its smooth and nitidous leaflets which are graduallynbsp;acuminate, and which are provided with a somewhat larger numbernbsp;of sec. nerves.
63. Protium Schomburgkianum Engl, in Mart. FI. Bras. XII, 2, p.276 (1874) excl. syn.
Protium decandrum (Aubl.) March, in errore Engl, in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.82 (1883) excl. syn. Idea enneandra Aubl. et Amyrisnbsp;enneandra Willd. cum mat. Aubl.
Tree, up to 17 m high. Branchlets terete, glabrous, smooth, castaneous and dotted with small, elliptic lenticels, when adultnbsp;cinereous and scabridulous. Leaves i-jugate, rarely unifoliolate ornbsp;2-jugate, 17.5—25 cm long; petioles semiterete, above dilated, atnbsp;the base subincrassate, 2.5 (i—4) cm long, like the terete, striate,nbsp;4—5 cm long interjuga and the petiolules rather densely but minutelynbsp;and patently pilose, but when adult sometimes glabrescent; petiolulesnbsp;semiterete, canaliculate, at both ends incrassate, 7.5—10 (5—12.5)nbsp;mm long, the terminal ones 15—25 mm; leaflets lanceolate-oblong,nbsp;mostly narrowed to the base, 12—13 (10—15.5) cm long and 4—4.75nbsp;(3.5—5.25) cm wide, the lateral ones suboblique; apex graduallynbsp;narrowed in a slightly tapering, 7.5—10 mm long and 2.5—3 mmnbsp;wide, obtuse acumen; base acutely cuneate; margin entire, undulate;nbsp;pergamentaceous, glabrous, smooth and nitidulous; with 12—14nbsp;pairs of sec. nerves; prim, and sec. nerves above grooved on eachnbsp;side and glabrous or nearly so, beneath prominent and glabrous,nbsp;tert. ones glabrous, above hardly visible, beneath prominulous.nbsp;Inflorescences pseudoterminal and up to 10 cm long or subterminalnbsp;axillary, sometimes fasciculate in the axils, and 4.5—6 cm long;nbsp;sec. branchlets few, 5 mm long. The axes terete, striate, sparselynbsp;appressed-puberulous. Pedicels rather stout, terete, striate, i—1.25nbsp;mm long, like the outside of the calyx and the corolla sparsely andnbsp;minutely puberulous to glabrous; bracts and bractlets broadlynbsp;triangular, 0.5 mm long rather densely puberulous. Flowers 5-merous, 2.5—3 mm long. Calyx broadly cupuliform, 0.8—i mmnbsp;high; its lobes semiorbicular, acutely subacuminate, about as longnbsp;as the tube. Petals elliptic-ovate, acute, inflexed-apiculate, insidenbsp;puberulous, carnose. Stamens 1.5 mm long; filaments subulate,nbsp;flattened, about twice as long as the oblong anthers. Disc annular,nbsp;lo-lobed, glabrous, 0.4 mm high. Pistil in the masc. fl. 0.75 mm highnbsp;and embedded in the disc,, in the fern. fl. 1.5 mm high and at thenbsp;base surrounded by the disc; ovary depressedly globose, 5-lobed,
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5-celled, rather densely appressed-puberulous, tapering in a sub-sessile 5-lobed stigma. Drupe ellipsoid, 2- or 3-lobed, with acute apex and narrowed base, sparsely puberulous, 2.5 cm long andnbsp;1.25—1.75 cm in diam.; pyrenes 2 or 3.
Type: Schomburgk 1468 in h.B.
Distribution: the Guianas and northern Brazil.
BR.GUIANA: Roraima Mts., Schomburgk 898 (1842—1843) fl. masc. (G, P, W)i Sururu R., Schomburgk 1468 (1843) fl. masc. Sept. (B, BRSL)nbsp;(type).
ró.GUIANA: Cayenne, Richard (no date) fl. fern. (G, L).
BRAZIL: Amazonas, basin R. Solimoes, Sao Paulo de 01iven9a, near Palmares, Krukoff 8535 (1936) on high lands, fr. Sept.-Oct. (NY).
This species is very similar to P. decandrum (Aubl.) March, and might be considered a mere variety of it, differing by the minutenbsp;but distinct and dense indumentum of its petioles and petiolulesnbsp;and by the slightly longer acuminate apex of the leaflets. Engler,
1. c. 1874, founded this species on Schomburgk 1468 and referrednbsp;to it Icica enneandra Aubl. and Amyris enneandra Willd. Althoughnbsp;he did not doubt that Icica decandra Aubl., (Amyris decandranbsp;Willd.), would belong to the same species he did not definitivelynbsp;express an opinion as to their identity, evidently because he nevernbsp;saw the Aublet-material. In 1883 however he transferred P. Schom-burgkianum Engl., accompanied by its former diagnosis and syno-nymes to P. decandrum March., again omitting Icica decandra Aubl.nbsp;amongst the synonymes.
64. Protium Hostmannii (MiQ.) Engl, in Mart. Fl. Bras. XII,
2, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;p.266 (1874); id. in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.8i (1883); id. innbsp;E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. Ill, 4, p.237 (1897) et ed.2, XlXa, p.412nbsp;(1931); Pulle, Enum. Vase. PI. Surin. p.245 (1906).
Icica Hostmanii Miq., Stirp. Sur. Sel. p.66 (1850); Walp., Ann. Bot. Syst. II, p.289 (1851—1852).
Tingulonga Hostmannii OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.io8 (1891).
Protium heptaphyllum (Aubl.) March, var. puberulum Engl, in Mart. Fl. Bras. XII, 2, p.263 (1874); id. in DC. Mon. Phan. IV,nbsp;p.64 (1883); Pulle, Enum. Vase. PI. Surin. p.245 (1906); PHoehnenbsp;in Comm. Lin. Tel. Estr. Matto Grosso ao Amazonas, Bot. VI,nbsp;Annexe 5, p.32 (1915).
Tree, usually small, up to 17 m high. Branchlets slender, 2—2.5 mm in diam., terete, when young smooth and rather densely ferru-gineous tomentellous, when adult glabrescent, scabridulous, greynbsp;and dotted with elliptic lenticels. Leaves i- to 3-jugate, mostly
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2-jugate, rarely unifoliolate, 15—17.5 (ii—22) cm long; petioles semiterete, base hardly incrassate, 1.5—2 (i—3) cm long, like thenbsp;rhachis and the petiolules rather densely puberulous; interjuganbsp;terete, striate, at the nodes incrassate, 2.5—3 (1.5—4) cm long;nbsp;petiolules semiterete, canaliculate, at both ends slightly incrassate,nbsp;5—6 (3—10) mm long, the terminal ones 2—3 cm; leaflets oblongnbsp;to oblong-elliptic, usually 8—9 (5—10) cm long and 3—3.5 (2—4)nbsp;cm wide, but the terminal ones wider and slightly narrowed to thenbsp;base, the lateral ones suboblique and slightly narrowed to the apex,nbsp;and the basal ones shorter; apex mostly gradually, but sometimesnbsp;rather abruptly acuminate; acumen sublinear, 7.5 (5—12.5) mm longnbsp;and 2.5—4 (2—6) mm wide, obtuse; base cuneate; margin entire;nbsp;subcoriaceous to pergamentaceous, glabrous, smooth and dull; withnbsp;10 (8—12) pairs of sec. nerves; prim, and sec. nerves sparsely andnbsp;minutely pilose, above grooved on each side, beneath prominent,nbsp;tert. nerves glabrous, above invisible, beneath hardly visible. Inflorescences axillary, richly branched from the base, few-flowered,
1— 1.5 (0.75—2.5) cm in diam. The axes slender, angulose, likenbsp;the terete, 1.75—2 mm long pedicels, the semi orbicular to elliptic,nbsp;0.25 mm long bracts and bractlets and the outside of the calyxnbsp;sparsely and minutely puberulous. Flowers 4-merous, 2 mm long,nbsp;yellowish white. Calyx cupuliform, 0.5 mm high, minutely 4-lobednbsp;to 4-dentate. Petals triangular-ovate, subacute, inflexed-apiculate,nbsp;outside scattered with minute hairs, inside glabrous, on the marginsnbsp;papillose, subcarnose. Stamens in the masc. fl. 1.75, in the fern. fl.nbsp;1.25 mm long; filaments subulate, dilated; anthers oblong-elliptic,nbsp;about 0.5 mm long. Disc annular, 8-lobed, glabrous, 0.25—0.35 mmnbsp;high. Pistil at the base surrounded by the disc, in the masc. fl. 0.75nbsp;mm high, in the fem. fl. about 1.5 mm high; ovary globose-ovoid,nbsp;sub-4-lobed, 4-celled, rather densely puberulous, tapering in a 4-sulcate, glabrous style half as long as the ovary, crowned by a 4-lobednbsp;stigma. Drupe either oblique-ellipsoid and monopyrenous or globose,
2- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;or 3-lobed and 2- or 3-pyrenous, 1.25 cm long and 0.75—1.25nbsp;cm in diam., glabrescent; exocarp deep red; mesocarp rather thick,nbsp;carnose; endocarp thin, crustaceous.
Type (lecto-type): Hostmann and Kappler 1247 in h.U.
Distribution: the Guianas.
BR.GUIANA: Cuyuni R., Oko Creek, For. Dept. Br. G. 2336 (1932) in mora-forest, fl. fem. Nov. (K, U)i id., id. 2341 (1933) alt. 100 m, in mora-forest, fr. March (K)i without loc., Persaud 86 (1924) fr. Aug. (F).
SURINAME: Wilhelmina Mts., Stahel 423, = BW. 7072 (1926) fl. fem. June (U); Saramacca R., Pulle 133 (1902) fl. masc. Dec. (U)i id.. Sectie O,
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tree n. $66, BW. 785 (1915) (U), BW. 5997 (1922) fl. masc. Nov. (U); Para R., Zandery I, tree n. 76, BW. 434 (1914) fl. fern. Nov. (U), BW. 438 (1915)nbsp;fr. March (U), BW. 1583 (1916) fl. fern, and fr. Jan. (U); id., tree n. 181,nbsp;BW. 1418 (1915) (U), BW. 4047 (1918) fl. fern, and fr. Nov. (U), BW. 6043nbsp;(1923) fl. fern, and fr. Jan. (U); without loc., Hostmann 1247 (no date) fl.nbsp;masc. (BM, C, GOET, K, P, U, W); id., Kappler 1247 (no date) fl. masc.nbsp;(S)t Hostmann and Kappler 1247 (no date) fl. masc. (G, U, W) (type)^ id.,nbsp;Hostmann 1292 (no date) fl. fem. (G, GOET, K, NY, U, W); id., Kapplernbsp;1292 (no date) fl. fem. (P) (type of P. heptaphyllum (Aubl.) March, var.nbsp;puberulum Engl.).
FR.GUIANA: without loc., Leprieur 279 (1839) fr. (B, P); id., id. 279 (1839) in bud (B, G)^ id., Mélinon (1863) fl. fem. (B, LE)j id., id. (1864)nbsp;fr. (B).
Vern. names; BR.GUIANA: haiowa (Arow.), mahaica-balli; SURINAME : tiengi-monni (N.E.) hajawa balli (Arow.), pakiria sipiolo, miejoelwa,, koeséwé iekolju (Car.).
This species resembles P. heptaphyllum (Aubl.)March. and P. guianense (Aubl.)March., but differs from these species chieflynbsp;by the indumentum of its vegetative parts, by its petiole being shorternbsp;than the interjuga and by its smaller flowers provided with a pilosenbsp;ovary.
Hoehne, l.c., quotes this species, viz. P. heptaphyllum March, var. puberulum Engl., from Matto Grosso, but as the cited specimen,nbsp;Kuhlmann 512—515, could not be studied I was unable to confirmnbsp;this statement which seems, from a geographic point of view, dubious.
65. Protium Schippii Lundell in Field and Lab. VI, p.12
Tree, up to 15 m high. Branchlets slender, 2.5 mm in diam., terete, striate, when young rather densely but minutely ferrugineousnbsp;pilose but soon glabrescent, grey, scabridulous and dotted withnbsp;ferrugineous lenticels. Leaves unifoliolate to 3-jugate, mostlynbsp;trifoliolate, 16—20 (7.5—29) cm long; petioles semiterete, abovenbsp;dilated, at the base subincrassate, 2—3 (1.5—5) cm long, like thenbsp;rhachis and the petiolules rather densely but minutely pilose; interjuga subterete, above carinate or bisulcate, at the nodes subincrassate,nbsp;2.5—3 (2—3.5) cm long; petiolules semiterete, canaliculate, at bothnbsp;ends incrassate, 6—7.5 (4—to) mm long, the terminal ones 15—20nbsp;(to—25) mm; leaflets lanceolate-oblong to oblong, usually 9—iinbsp;(6.5—13.5) cm long and 3—4.25 (2.5—4.75) cm wide, but the terminal ones larger and obovate, the lateral ones subsymmetric andnbsp;mostly slightly narrowed to both ends, and the basal ones shorter;nbsp;apex rather abruptly to rather gradually acuminate; acumen subli-near, 10 (7—15) mm long and 3 (2.5—4) mm wide, obtuse; basenbsp;acutely cuneate; margin entire, undulate; pergamentaceous, glabrous.
-ocr page 163-smooth, nitidulous to dull; with ii—13 pairs of sec. nerves; prim, nerves above grooved on each side and rather densely but minutelynbsp;pilose, beneath distinctly prominent, sparsely and minutely pilose,nbsp;sec. and tert. nerves above hardly visible and glabrous, beneathnbsp;prominulous and subglabrous. Inflorescences axillary, laxly brachednbsp;from the base, few-flowered, mostly as long as the petiole of thenbsp;subtending leaves, 2—3.5 cm long; sec. branchlets up to 2 cm long.nbsp;The axes slender, angulose, like the terete, i—1.5 mm long pedicels,nbsp;the broadly triangular, obtusely acuminate, 0.3 mm long bracts andnbsp;bractlets and the outside of the calyx and the corolla sparsely puberu-lous. Flowers 4-merous, 2.5—3 mm long, yellowish white. Calyxnbsp;cupuliform, 0.8 mm high; its lobes triangular to semiorbicular, acute,nbsp;about as long as the tube. Petals elliptic-ovate, acute, inflexed-apiculate, inside puberulous, carnose. Stamens about 1.5 mm long;nbsp;filaments subulate, dilated; anthers oblong, 0.4 mm long. Discnbsp;annular, 8-lobed, glabrous, 0.3 mm high. Pistil in the masc. fl. 0.6nbsp;mm high and embedded in the disc, in the fem. fl. 1.5 mm high andnbsp;at the base surrounded by the disc; ovary ovoid, 4-sulcate, 4-celled,nbsp;rather densely and appressedly pubescent, tapering in a short style,nbsp;crowned by a 4-lobed stigma. Drupe ovoid, 2- or 3-lobed, withnbsp;narrowed base and acute apex, glabrescent, 2 cm long and i cm innbsp;diam.; exocarp red; mesocarp carnose; endocarp .woody.
Type: Schipp 973 in h.Univ. Michigan.
Distribution: Central America.
MEXICO: Yucatan, near Hae Chuca, Schott 757 (1866) fl. fem. March (BM, F).
BR.HONDURAS: Orange Walk Distr., Hillbank, Winzerling VIII-3 (1936) fr. (F, US)t Middlesex, Schipp 229 (1929) alt. 60 m, fl. fem. and fr.nbsp;July (B, F, G, GH, NY, S, US); Stann Creek Distr., Stann Creek R., Schippnbsp;973 (1932) alt. 75 m, in open places, fl. masc. June (BM, F, G, NY, S) (type);nbsp;Punta Gorda, Schipp 1038 (1932) alt. 60 m, in wet forest, fl. masc. Sept.nbsp;(F, K, NY).
Vern. names: MEXICO: copal (Yuc.), pom (Maya); BR.HONDURAS: mancho copal.
This species resembles P. Pittierii (Rose) Engl, and is therefore also related to P. Copal (S. et C.) Engl.
66. Protium costaricense (Rose) Engl, in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. ed.2, XlXa, p.413 (1931); Standi, in Field Mus. N.H., Bot.S.nbsp;XVIII, p.576 (1937)-
Idea costaricensis Rose in N. Am. Fl. XXV, 3, p.259 (1911). Idea confusa Rose in N. Am. Fl. XXV, 3, p.260 (1911); Standi,nbsp;in Field Mus. N.H., Bot.S. XVIII, p.575 (i937)-
-ocr page 164-Protium confusum Pittier in Contr. U.S.N.H. XX, p.479 (1922); Engl. in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. ed.2, XlXa, p.413 (1931)-
Protium Salvozae Standl. in Journ. Arn. Arb. XI, p.122 (1930)
^Protium Copal (S. et C.) Engl. in errore Pitt., Ens. PI. us. de Costa Rica p.83 (1908).
Small tree. BranchJets slender, terete, striate, when young rather densely and patently puberulous, when adult glabrescent. Leavesnbsp;2- or 3-jugate, 23—28 cm long; petioles semiterete, at the base sub-incrassate, 4—5 (2.5—6) cm long, like the rhachis and the petiolulesnbsp;rather densely villose, but when adult sometimes glabrescent;nbsp;interjuga subterete, above sulcate, at the nodes hardly incrassate,nbsp;about as long as the petioles, 4—5 (2—5.5) cm; petiolules semiterete, canaliculate, at the ends hardly incrassate, 7.5—10 (5—15) mmnbsp;long, the terminal ones 25 (17.5—30) mm; leaflets lanceolate-oblongnbsp;to oblong-elliptic, usually 12 (10—12.5) cm long and 4.75 (3—5) cmnbsp;wide, but the terminal ones wider and narrowed to the base, thenbsp;lateral ones slightly narrowed to the apex and the basal ones smallernbsp;and subovate; apex more or less gradually narrowed in a sublinearnbsp;to tapering, 7.5—10 mm long and 2.5—5 mm wide, obtuse acumen;nbsp;base cuneate; margin entire; pergamentaceous, dull, above sparselynbsp;puberulous, beneath glabrous; with 12 (10—14) pairs of sec. nerves;nbsp;prim, nerves villose like the petioles, above grooved on each side,nbsp;beneath prominent, sec. nerves subglabrous, above prominulous,nbsp;beneath prominent, tert. ones above visible, beneath prominulous.nbsp;Inflorescences axillary, laxly branched from the base, few-flowered,nbsp;up to 4 cm long; sec. branchlets up to i cm. The axes angulose,nbsp;more or less densely and patently pubescent. Pedicels terete, 2—3nbsp;mm long, like the triangular, acute, 0.5 mm long bracts and bractletsnbsp;and the outside of the calyx and the corolla sparsely puberulous.nbsp;Flowers 4-merous, 3—4 mm long, yellow. Calyx broadly cupuli-form, I mm high; its lobes broadly triangular, acutely subacuminatenbsp;about as long as the tube. Petals oblong-triangular, acute, inflexed-apiculate, inside glabrous, on the margins papillose. Stamens 1.75nbsp;mm long; filaments subulate, at the base dilated; anthers oblong,nbsp;0.5 mm long. Disc annular, 8-lobed, glabrous, 0.5 mm high. Pistilnbsp;at the base surrounded by the disc, in the masc. fl. i mm high, innbsp;the fern. fl. 2.5 mm; ovary globose-ovoid, sub-4-lobed, 4-celled,nbsp;rather densely pubescent, tapering in a short, 4-sulcate, subglabrousnbsp;style, crowned by a 4-lobed stigma. Drupe ellipsoid, at both endsnbsp;acute, sparsely puberulous, 1.25—1.5 cm long and i—1.5 cm innbsp;diam.; exocarp red; mesocarp thin, carnose; endocarp thin, crus-taceous.
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Type: Biolley 10665 in h.US 1380504.
Distribution: Costa Rica and Panama.
COSTA RICA: Santa Clara, Las Delicias, Biolley 10665 (1897) ait- 500 m, fl. fern. Febr. (M, US) (type); between R. Volcan and R. Convento, Diquisnbsp;Valley, Pittier 12106 (1898) alt. 300 m, fl. masc. March (US) (type of Icicanbsp;confusa Rose).
PANAMA: Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island, Bangham 513 (1929) fr. Sept. (F, S, US) (type of P. Salvozae Standi.); id., Salvoza 948 (1929)nbsp;fr. Sept. (F) (cotype of P. Salvozae Standi.); id., Woodworth and Vestal 605nbsp;(1932) fl. fern. Febr. (F).
Vern. name: COSTA RICA: copal.
Like most of the Central American species of Protium this species resembles P. Copal (S. et C.) Engl., but the latter differs by itsnbsp;glabrous vegetative parts, by its longer petioles and petiolules, bynbsp;its ovate and nitidous leaflets and by its larger inflorescences.
Pittier, l.c. (1908), evidently refers to Pittier 12106, which is the only one of Pittier’s specimens collected in Costa Rica and labellednbsp;“Protium Copal Engl.”.
67. Protium pilosissimum Engl, in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.80 (1883); id. in E.-Pr. Nat. Pf.fam. Ill, 4, p.237 (1897) et ed.2,nbsp;XlXa, p.412 (1931).
Tingulonga pilosissima OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.io8 (1891).
Small tree. Branchlets slender, terete, densely ferrugineous villose. Leaves unifoliolate to 4-jugate, mostly i- or 2-jugate, 12—17nbsp;(9—34) cm long; petioles semiterete, at the base subincrassate,nbsp;2—4.5 (1.25—6.5) cm long, like the rhachis and the petiolulesnbsp;densely ferrugineous villose; interjuga subangulose, at the nodesnbsp;slightly incrassate, 2—3.5 (1.75—5) cm long; petiolules semiterete,nbsp;canaliculate, at both ends hardly incrassate, 5 (3—8) mm long, thenbsp;terminal ones 17.5—25 (10—30) mm; leaflets lanceolate to oblong-ovate, more or less narrowed to the apex, usually 6—10 (5—13) cmnbsp;long and 2.5—3.5 (2.5—4.5 cm) wide, but the terminal ones largernbsp;and distinctly narrowed to the base and the lateral ones obliquenbsp;and sometimes slightly narrowed to the base; apex more or lessnbsp;gradually narrowed in a tapering, 5 (3—8) mm long and 3 (2—4) mmnbsp;wide, subobtuse acumen; base acutely cuneate; margin entire;nbsp;pergamentaceous, sparsely and minutely pilose or nearly glabrousnbsp;smooth, dull or nitidulous; with 10—12 pairs of sec. nerves; prim,nbsp;nerves villose like the petioles, above depressed, beneath prominent,nbsp;sec. ones sparsely villose, above prominulous, beneath prominent,nbsp;tert. ones above invisible and glabrous, beneath hardly prominent
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and sparsely villose. Inflorescences axillary, glomeruliform, few-flowered, I cm in diam. Branchlets up to 5 mm long, terete, like the terete, 1.5—2 mm long pedicels, the oblong-triangular, acute, 0.5nbsp;mm long bracts and bractlets and the outside of the calyx rathernbsp;densely and patently ferrugineous pubescent or puberulous. Flowersnbsp;4-merous, 2.5—3.5 mm long. Calyx broadly cupuliform, about i mmnbsp;high; its lobes broadly triangular, distinctly shorter than the tube.nbsp;Petals oblong-triangular, acute, inflexed-apiculate, subcarnose, outside sparsely pubescent or puberulous, inside glabrous, on thenbsp;margins papillose. Stamens in the masc. fl. 2 mm, in the fern. fl.nbsp;1.25 mm long; filaments subulate, dilated; anthers oblong, 0.5 mmnbsp;long. Disc annular 8-lobed glabrous 0.25—0.5 mm high. Pistilnbsp;in the masc fl 0.5—0.75 mm high and embedded in the disc, innbsp;the fern fl. 1.25—1.75 mm high and at the base surrounded by thenbsp;disc; ovary globose-conical, densely and appressedly fulvousnbsp;pubescent, tapering in a distinct, glabrous style of about half thenbsp;length of the ovary, crowned by a 4-lobed stigma.
Type: Burchell 7890 in h.P.
Distribution: Brazil.
BRAZIL: Para, R. Cumina, Cachoeiro do Mel, Sampaio 5142 (1928) fl. fern. Oct. (B); Matto Grosso, Santa Anna da Chapada, Malme 2364 (1902)nbsp;fl. masc. Sept. (S)j id., id. 2436 (1902) fl. masc. Oct. (S); without loc., Burchell 7890 (no date) fl. fern. (B, GH, K) (type).
This species resembles P. costaricense (Rose) Engl., but the latter differs by the less dense and shorter indumentum of its vegetativenbsp;parts and by its lax and long inflorescences.
Whereas the indumentum of the generative parts is distinctly more developed in the type specimen than in the other ones, theynbsp;all agree in their more important characters. There is however alsonbsp;a rather large range of variability in regard to the number, the sizenbsp;and the width of their leaflets.
Sectio Icicopsis (Engl.) Swart Icicopsis Engl, in Mart. Fl. Bras. XII, 2, p.254 (1874).
Trees with imparipinnate leaves. Petiolules at both ends incrassate-articulate. Inflorescences pseudospicate. Flowers usually sessile, but at times pedicellate. Disc and ovary pilose and in the masc. fl. mostlynbsp;confluent in a globose pilose rudiment.
68. Protium fragans (Rose)Urb. in Fedde Repert. XXII,
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p.362 (1926); Engl, in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. ed.2, XlXa, p.413 (1931).
Idea fragans Rose in N. Am. El. XXV, 3, p.241 (1911).
Shrub or tree, from 3 m up to 13 m high. Branchlets rather stout, 3—4 mm in diam., terete, striate, when young densely but minutelynbsp;pilose, when adult glabrescent, smooth and fuliginose. Leaves i-jugate, rarely 2-jugate, 20—25 (20—28) cm long, in all parts glabrous;nbsp;petioles semiterete, near the subincrassate base when adult transversely rimose, 6—9 (4.5—9.5) cm long; interjuga terete, 4 (2.5—6)nbsp;cm long; petiolules slender, semiterete and striate, canaliculate, atnbsp;both ends slightly incrassate, when adult transversely rimose,nbsp;2—2.5 (1.5—3) cm long, the terminal ones 3.5 (2.5—4) cm; leafletsnbsp;rhomboid, usually 9—11.5 (8—14) cm long and 4.5—5.5 (3.5—7)nbsp;cm wide, but the terminal ones slightly longer, the lateral onesnbsp;symmetric; apex rather abruptly acuminate; acumen tapering,nbsp;10—15 mm long and 4—5 mm wide, acute; base cuneate; marginnbsp;entire; subcoriaceous, glabrous and smooth, above nitidous, beneathnbsp;nitidulous; with 6—7 pairs of sec. nerves; prim, and sec. nervesnbsp;above impressed, beneath distinctly prominent, tert. ones on bothnbsp;sides prominulous. Inflorescences subterminal, axillary, branchednbsp;from near the base, 6—9 (4—10) cm long, few-flowered. Pedunclesnbsp;short; sec. branchlets few, up to 1.25 cm long. The axes rathernbsp;slender, terete, striate, like the slender, terete, 1.5 mm long pedicels,nbsp;the broadly triangular acute 0.5 mm long bracts and bractlets andnbsp;the outside of the calyx rather densely to sparsely and minutelynbsp;pilose. Flowers 4-merous, 2 m^m long, greenish. Calyx cupuliform,nbsp;0.8 mm high, carnose; its lobes triangular to semiorbicular, acutelynbsp;subacuminate, about as long as the tube. Petals oblong-triangular,nbsp;acute, inflexed-apiculate, distinctly carnose, glabrous, with papillosenbsp;margins. Stamens about 1.5 mm long; filaments terete, carnose,nbsp;nearly i mm long; anthers oblong. Disc densely ferrugineous tomen-tose, in the masc. fl. confluent with the rudiment of the pistil in annbsp;obtuse,! mm high cone; in the fern. fl. annular, 8-lobed, 0.2 mm high.nbsp;Pistil in the fern. fl. at the base surrounded by the disc, about i mmnbsp;high, rather densely ferrugineous tomentose; ovary ovoid, sub-4-lobed, tapering in a subsessile, 4-lobed stigma. Drupe ovoid withnbsp;acute apex, rather densely pilose, but when maturing glabrescent,nbsp;2 cm long and 1.25 cm in diam.; exocarp scabrous; mesocarp carnose;nbsp;endocarp thin, brittle, woody; pyrenes i to 3.
Type: Shafer 4240 in h.NY.
Distribution: eastern Cuba.
CUBA: prov. Oriente, R. Yamaniquey, Shafer 4240 (1910) on riverbank,
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fr. Febr.-March (K, NY, US) (type); id.. Sierra de Nipe, near Arrayo del Medio, Ekman 15288 (1922) in forest, fl. mase. Sept. (B, S); id., east of R.nbsp;Moa, on Moa Bay, Shafer 8344 (1911) fl. fern. Jan. (B, GH, K, NY, US);nbsp;id., between Moa and Baracoa, Roig 36 (1917) fl. masc. Aug. (NY); id.nbsp;near Baracoa, Maravi, Ekman 4036 fl. masc. Dec. (B, S).
Vern. names; incensio, incienso.
This species resembles P. cubense (Rose)Urb., but the latter has smaller leaves, shorter petioles and petiolules, elliptic andnbsp;obtusely acuminate leaflets provided with 9—14 pairs of sec. nervesnbsp;and a glabrous disc and ovary, that are always distinctly separatednbsp;from each other.
69. Protium apiculatum Swart in Rec. Trav. bot. néerl. XXXIX, p.20i (1942).
Tree. Branchlets stout, 7.5 mm in diam., angulose, when young densely ferrugineous tomentellous, when adult glabrescent, ferru-gineous to fuscous and dotted with many elliptic lenticels. Leavesnbsp;2- to 5-jugate, mostly 3-jugate, 35—40 (34—43) cm long; petiolesnbsp;semiterete, at the base incrassate, 9—17 (7.5—23) cm long, like thenbsp;rhachis and the petiolules rather densely but minutely and patentlynbsp;pilose; interjuga angulose, 3.5—4.5 (1.5—6) cm long, the basal onenbsp;shorter than the other ones; petiolules semiterete, striate, at bothnbsp;ends slightly incrassate, 10 (7.5—15) mm long, the terminal onesnbsp;30—35 (25—40) mm; leaflets lanceolate-oblong to oblong-elliptic,nbsp;usually 15 (13—20) cm long and 5 (4—6.25) cm wide, but the terminal ones wider and narrowed from the middle to the base, nearlynbsp;obovate, the lateral ones suboblique and at most slightly narrowednbsp;to the apex but those of the apical jugum mostly narrowed to thenbsp;base, and the basal ones much smaller; apex rather abruptlynbsp;acuminate; acumen sublinear, 6—9 mm long and 2—5 mm wide,nbsp;obtuse but ending in a 0.25—0.5 mm long apiculus; base cuneate;nbsp;margin entire, undulate; subcoriaceous, smooth, above glabrous andnbsp;nitidulous, beneath subglabrous and dull; with 15 (ic—17) pairsnbsp;of sec. nerves; prim, and sec. nerves sparsely and minutely pilose,nbsp;above prominulous, beneath distinctly prominent, tert. nervesnbsp;prominulous and glabrous. Inflorescences pseudoterminal, in thenbsp;axil of deciduous, semiorbicular, 2.5 mm long bracts, stiffly branchednbsp;from the base, many-flowered, 12.5 (10—20) cm long; sec. branchletsnbsp;2 (i—5) cm long. The axes rather stout, angulose, like the stout,nbsp;terete, 1.6—2.5 mm long pedicels, the elliptic, acutely acuminate,nbsp;I mm long bracts, the semiorbicular acuminate 0.35 mm long bract-lets and the outside of the calyx and the corolla densely but minutelynbsp;ferrugineous pubescent. Flowers 5-merous, 2.5—3 mm long, yel-
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lowish green. Calyx broadly cupuliform, 0.75 mm high; its lobes broadly triangular, obtusely subacuminate, about one third the lengthnbsp;of the tube. Petals oblong-ovate to elliptic-ovate, acute, inflexed-apiculate, carnose, inside glabrous, on the margins papillose. Stamensnbsp;about 1.5 mm long; filaments slender, subulate; anthers oblong,nbsp;0.5 mm long. Disc annular, lo-lobed, 0.5 mm high, rather denselynbsp;ferrugineous tomentellous. Pistil densely and appressedly ferru-gineous pubescent, in the masc. fl. entirely immersed in the discnbsp;and nearly confluent with it, in the fern. fl. at the base surroundednbsp;by the disc and 2 mm high; ovary ovoid, sub-5-lobed, 5-celled,nbsp;tapering in a sessile, 5-lobed stigma.
Type: Stahel 125 in h.U.
Distribution: northern South America.
SURINAME; upper Suriname R., near Goddo, Stahel 125 (1926) fl. fern. Jan. (U) (type)i id., id. 60 (1926) fl. fern. Jan. (U).
PERU: upper R. Maranon, near mouth R. Santiago, Tessmann4i58 (1924) fl. masc. Sept. (B).
This species is related to P. neglectum Swart, but the latter differs by its glabrous vegetative parts, by the not apiculate acumen of itsnbsp;leaflets and by its sessile flowers.
Though Tessmann 4158 differ slightly from the specimens collected by Stahel, it agrees, in spite of the important geographic difference, on the whole quite well with the latter.
70. Protium Sagotianum March, in Adans. VIII, t.i (1867— 1868); Engl, in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.78 (1883) p.p.; id. in E.-Pr.nbsp;Nat. PfI.fam. Ill, 4, P-237 (1897) et ed.2, XlXa, p.412 (1931J;nbsp;Sandwith in Kew Bull. 1933, p.327 (1933). Non apud Pulle, Enum.nbsp;Vase. PI. Surin. p.245 (1906) quod p.p. ad P. insgine Engl., p.p.nbsp;ad P. neglectum Swart pertinet, nec apud Standi, in Trop. Woodsnbsp;XXXIII, p.15 (1933) nec apud LeCointe, Arv. e. PI. ut. a Amaz.nbsp;bras. Ill, p.64 quae ad Protium sp. diversas pertinent.
Icicopsis caudata Engl, in Mart. Fl. Bras. XII, 2, p.257 (1874) p.p.
Idea decandra Aubl. in errore Sagot in Ann. Sc. nat., S.6, XIII, p.291 (1882).
Idea Sagotiana Sagot l.c.
Tingulonga caudata OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.107 (1891) quoad syn. P. Sagotianum March.
Large tree, 20—30 m high. Branchlets rather stout, 3—5 mm n diam., when young angulose and densely but minutely ferru-ine ous pilose but soon terete, glabrescent, scabrous, fuscous and
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dotted with elliptic lenticels. Leaves 2- to 5-jugate, usually 4-jugate, 30—37.51(27—40)cm long, when very young in all parts rather denselynbsp;but minutely ferrugineous pilose but soon glabrescent; petioles semi-terete, at the base subincrassate, 9 (7.5—10) cm long, like the petio-lules when adult transversely rimose; interjuga terete, striate, abovenbsp;slightly carinate, at the nodes subincrassate, 3.5 (2.5—4) cm long;nbsp;petiolules terete, sometimes sulcate above, at both ends incrassate,nbsp;10—15 (6—18) mm long, the terminal ones 20—35 mm; leafletsnbsp;oblong-lanceolate to oblong-elliptic, more or less narrowed to thenbsp;base, usually ii—15 (10—17.5) cm long and 3.25—4 (3—4.25) cmnbsp;wide, but the terminal ones slightly shorter, the lateral ones sub-symmetric and the basal ones shorter; apex abruptly acuminate;nbsp;acumen linear, 15—30 mm long and i—2 mm wide, obtuse; basenbsp;acutely cuneate; margin entire, undulate; pergamentaceous, nearlynbsp;smooth or scabridulous, nitidulous; with ii (9—13) pairs of sec.nbsp;nerves; prim, and sec. nerves above grooved on each side, beneathnbsp;distinctly prominent, tert. ones above hardly visible, beneathnbsp;prominent. Inflorescences fasciculate in the axils and 3—7.5 cm longnbsp;with sec. branchlets up to 2 cm long, at times terminal, paniculatenbsp;and up to 17 cm long with sec. branchlets up to 8 cm and tert. onesnbsp;up to 3 cm long, laxly branched. The axes slender, angulose, likenbsp;the broadly triangular subobtuse, 0.75—i mm long bracts and bract-lets and the outside of the calyx rather densely ferrugineous tomen-tellous. Flowers glomerate, sessile or subsessile, 5-merous, 3—4 mmnbsp;long, white. Calyx cupuliform, i mm high; its lobes triangular,nbsp;acute, once and half the length of the tube. Petals oblong-lanceolate,nbsp;triangular, narrowed to the acute apex, inflexed-apiculate, sub-carnose, glabrous, on the margins papillose. Stamens 1.5—2.25 mmnbsp;long; filaments subulate, twice as long as the oblong anthers. Discnbsp;in the masc. fl. confluent with the rudiment of the pistil in a depressed, 0.75 mm high, densely ferrugineous tomentose globule,nbsp;in the fern. fl. annular and rather densely ferrugineous pubescent,nbsp;0.5 mm high. Pistil in the fern. fl. rather densely ferrugineousnbsp;pubescent, 3 mm high; ovary at the base surrounded by the disc,nbsp;globose, y-lobed, 5-celled, 1.5 mm high, tapering in a long, terete,nbsp;5-sulcate style, crowned by a 5-lobed stigma.
Type: Sagot 1191 in h.P.
Distribution: northern South America.
BR. GUIANA: Rupununi R., Simuni Creek, For. Dept. B.G. 2126 (1931) alt. 130 m, fl. Aug. (K); id., id. 2139 (1931) alt. 120 m, fl. masc. Aug. (K, U).
SURINAME: Coppename R., Raleigh Falls, Pulle 327 (1920) fl. masc. Aug. (U)i Saramacca R., Sectie O, tree n. 524, BW.1159 (1915) (U), BW.
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3931 (i9i8) fl. masc. Aug. (U), BW.4671 (1920) in bud May (U).
FR. GUIANA; Aracouany, Sagot 1191 (1858) fl. fem. Aug. (B, K, P, W) (type).
BRAZIL: Amazonas, basin R. Jurua, near mouth of R. Embira, trib. of R. Tarauaca, Krukoff 5063 (1935) fl. masc. June (B, F, K, NY, U).
Vern. names: BR.GUIANA: kurokai (Arow.); SURINAME: hajawabaUi (Arow.), imjawara motapo ajawa (Car.).
This species is recognizable by the e.^tremely long acumen of its leaflets and by the slender habit of its inflorescences.
Though P. Sagotianum March, was published by its author as a figure of the type specimen, this figure is quite clear. Confusionnbsp;arose when Engler, l.c. 1874, referred the type specimen to Icicopsisnbsp;caudata (Turcz.) Engl. This species was based by Turczaninow, innbsp;1863, partly on Kappler 2009, now referred to P. insigne Engl.,nbsp;and partly on Hostmann and Kappler 1039, now referred to P.nbsp;neglectum Swart; its name, therefore, must be regarded as a “nomennbsp;confusum”. When Engler, l.c. 1883, reduced the genus Icicopsisnbsp;to Protium, I. caudata could moreover, on account of P. caudatumnbsp;W. et A. (1834), now referred to Commiphora caudata Engl., notnbsp;retain its specific epithet. As, in Engler’s delimination of the speciesnbsp;it included P. Sagotianum March., this name, which was not mentioned by him in 1874, had to be accepted. Engler’s diagnosis,nbsp;however, is based on the specimens named Icica caudata by Turczaninow, and is therefore not applicable to Marchand’s species.
Anatomy: Pfeiffer in Med. Kon. kol. Inst. XXII, p. 324 (1926),
71. Protium insigne (Tr. et Pl.) Engl, in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.77 (1883); id in E.-Pr. Nat. PfI.fam. Ill, 4, p.237 (1897) etnbsp;ed.2, XlXa, p.412 (1931). Non apud Marshall, Trees of Trin.nbsp;and Tob. p. 25 (1934) quod ad P. neglectum Swart var. tenuifoliumnbsp;Swart pertinet.
Icica insignis Tr. et PI. in Ann. Sc. nat. S.5, XIV, p.299 (1872).
Icicopsis insignis Engl, in Mart. Fl. Bras. XII, 2. p.256 (1874).
Tingulonga insignis OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.io8 (1891).
Bursera {Icicc^ caudata Turcz. in Bull. Soc. imp. Nat. Mosc. XXXVI, I, p.614 (1863) quoad spec. Kappler 2009.
Icicopsis caudata Engl, in Mart. Fl. Bras. XII, 2, p.257 (1874) quoad descr. p.p. et spec. Wullschlaegel 1663.
Tingulonga caudata OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.107 (1891) quoad syn. Bursera caudata Turcz. p.p.
Protium Sagotianum March, apud Engl, in DC. Mon. Phan. IV. p.78 (1883) quoad descr. p.p. et spec. Wullschlaegel 1663 et Kapplernbsp;2009.
-ocr page 172-Large tree, 20—25 m high. Branchlets stout, 5—9 mm in diam., terete, when young densely but minutely pilose, when adult glabrousnbsp;and fuscous, or at times scabrous, dotted with elliptic, ferrugineousnbsp;lenticels. Leaves 5- or 6-jugate, rarely 3- or 4-jugate, 40 (35—50)nbsp;cm long; petioles semiterete, at the base subincrassate, 9—12 cmnbsp;long, like the rhachis and the petiolules when young rather denselynbsp;but minutely pilose, when adult glabrous; interjuga terete, striate,nbsp;at the nodes slightly incrassate, 3—5 cm long, the basal ones shorternbsp;than the other ones; petiolules terete, above sulcate, at both endsnbsp;incrassate, 15 (7.5—25) mm long, the terminal ones 30 (20—40)nbsp;mm; leaflets lanceolate to oblong, more or less narrowed to the base,nbsp;usually 14—17.5 (12.5—20) cm long and 4.5—6 (4—7) cm wide,nbsp;but the terminal ones slightly shorter and like those of the apicalnbsp;jugum narrowed near the apex, the lateral ones suboblique and thenbsp;basal ones shorter; apex abruptly acuminate; acumen linear, 15—20nbsp;mm long and 1.5—2 mm wide, obtuse; base cuneate; margin entire,nbsp;undulate; subcoriaceous, glabrous, above smooth and nitidous,nbsp;beneath nearly smooth, papillose and dull to nitidulous; with 12nbsp;(10—14) pairs of sec. nerves; prim, nerves on both sides distinctlynbsp;prominent, sec. ones above grooved on each side, beneath distinctlynbsp;prominent, tert. ones prominulous. Inflorescences solitary in thenbsp;axils, divaricately and stiffly branched, 10—14 cm long, at timesnbsp;only 5—8 cm; sec. branchlets up to 7 cm; tert. ones up to 2 cm long.nbsp;The axes robust, densely but minutely pilose. Bracts and bractletsnbsp;broadly triangular, acute, about 0.5 mm long, like the outside ofnbsp;the calyx sparsely and minutely pilose. Flowers 5-merous, 3—4 mmnbsp;long, yellowish. Calyx cupuliform, i—1.5 mm high; its lobesnbsp;triangular, acute, once to twice as long as the tube. Petals lanceolate-triangular to ovate-triangular, acute, inflexed-apiculate, glabrous, ornbsp;rarely outside subglabrous, subcarnose. Stamens in the masc. fl.nbsp;2.5—3 mm, in the fern. fl. 1.5—2 mm long; filaments subulate;nbsp;anthers elliptic, about 0.5 mm long. Disc in the masc. fl. confluentnbsp;with the rudiment of the pistil to a depressed, densely ferrugineousnbsp;tomentose, 0.75 mm high globule; in the fern. fl. annular and denselynbsp;ferrugineous villose. Drupe obliquely ovoid to globose, 4- to 5-lobed,nbsp;with acute apex, sparsely and shortly pilose, 2.5 cm long and 1.5-2.25nbsp;cm in diam.; mesocarp rather thick, carnose; endocarp rather thick,nbsp;brittle, woody; pyrenes 4 to 5.
Type: Triana 5932 in h.BM.
Distribution: equatorial South America.
COLOMBIA: Bogota, Villavicensio, Karsten (no date) alt. 460 m, fr. (B, W); id.. Llano de San Martin, Triana 5932 (1856) alt. 450 m, fr. (BM)nbsp;(type).
-ocr page 173-TRINIDAD: PMount Tamana, Britton, Britton and Hazen 1931 (1920) (GH, NY, US).
SURINAME: Marowyne R., Kappler 2009 (no date) fl. masc. Nov. (S, U)i id., Albina, Wullschlaegel 1663 (1853) D. masc. Oct. (BR, W); Kepienbsp;Ligtenberg, Boschbeheer 16 (1905) (U).
BRAZIL: Amazonas, basin R. Solimoes, Sao Paulo de Oliven^a, near Palmares, Krukoff 8213 (1936) high land, fl. masc. Sept.-Oct. (NY); id.,nbsp;basin Creek Belem, Krukoff 8661 (1936) high forest (U); terr. de Acre,nbsp;basin R. Purus, near mouth R. Macauhan, trib. of R. Yaco, Krukoff 5558nbsp;(1933) fl. masc. Aug. (B, F, K, NY, U) (a 3-jugate form).
BOLIVIA: R. Beni, near Rurrenabaque, Cardenas 1152 (1921) alt. 300 m, fl. fern, and fr. Nov. (B, GH, K, US) (Idea ornithorhymens Rusby mss.,nbsp;I. rhynchophylla Rusby mss.).
Vern. name: SURINAME: tiengi monnie (N.-E.).
This species resembles P. Sagotianum March, and P. neglectum Swart, but the latter differs by its usually smaller 3- to 4-jugatenbsp;leaves and by its oblong to elliptic leaflets provided with an acumennbsp;which is at most 4 times as long as wide.
Especially with regard to the long and narrow acumen of the leaflets the Kars ten’s incomplete material (no date) (W) fromnbsp;Colombia,*Santa Marta, Valle de Upas, Tamaraco, which served asnbsp;the type specimen of Icicopsis tenuifolia Engl. var. multijuga Engl,nbsp;in Mart. Fl. Bras. XII, 2, p.256 (1874), now referred to Protiumnbsp;. tenuifolium Engl. var. multijugum Engl., I am inclined to considernbsp;this variety as a large-leaved, paueijugate form of P. insigne Engl.
Turezaninow, l.c. 1863, indicated as types of Bursera (Icica) caudata “riostmann 1039, Kappler 2009”. I have referred the formernbsp;collection to P. neglectum Swart and the latter one to P. insignenbsp;Engl., but I did not find any specimen signed “Bursera (Icica)nbsp;caudata” by the author and the diagnosis is too brief to decidenbsp;whether it was based on the one or the other of these specimens,nbsp;and I have therefore assumed that it included both and was to benbsp;treated therefore as a confused species.
72. Protium tenuifolium Engl, in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.76 (1883); id. in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. Ill, 4, p.237 (1897) et ed.2.nbsp;XlXa, p.412 (1931); L. Williams in Field Mus. N.H., Bot.S. XV,nbsp;p.236 (1936).
Icicopsis tenuifolia Engl, in Mart. Fl. Bras. XII, 2, p.255 (1874).
Tingulonga tenuifolia OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.io8 (1891).
Protium Carana March, in errore L. Williams l.c. p.233 quoad spec. cit. 5056 et 5356.
Shrub or small tree, but sometimes up to 18 m high. Branchlets stout, 4 mm in diam., terete, striate, when very young sparsely
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ferrugineous puberulous but soon glabrous, fuscescent and dotted with elliptic, ferrugineous lenticels. Leaves 3- or 4-jugate, sometimes 2-jugate or rarely trifoliolate to unifoliolate, 30 (25—40) cmnbsp;long, in all parts glabrous; petioles semiterete, 9 (7.5—15) cm long;nbsp;interjuga terete, striate, above carinate, at the nodes slightly in-crassate, 3.5 (3—5) cm long, the basal one as long as the other ones,nbsp;rarely slightly shorter but in this case the leaflets lanceolate andnbsp;provided with an up to 13 mm long acumen and up to 19 pairs ofnbsp;sec. nerves; petiolules semiterete, striate, canaliculate, at both endsnbsp;incrassate, 10 (6—15) mm long, the terminal ones 25—^40 (20—50)nbsp;mm; leaflets lanceolate-oblong to oblong-elliptic, usually 14 (12—25)nbsp;cm long and 5 (3.25—8.5) cm wide, but the terminal ones largernbsp;and like those of the apical jugum near the base slightly narrowed,nbsp;the lateral ones oblique and the basal ones shorter; apex abruptlynbsp;acuminate; acumen linear, 7.5 (5—10) mm long and 2.5 (2—3) mmnbsp;wide, obtuse; base cuneate; margin entire, repand, undulate; per-gamentaceous, nitidulous, above papillose and scabridulous, beneathnbsp;nearly smooth; with 12—16 pairs of sec. nerves; prim, and sec.nbsp;nerves above grooved on each side, beneath prominent,' tert. onesnbsp;above visible, beneath prominulous. Inflorescences fasciculate innbsp;the axils, 5—9 cm long, pseudospicate or with but few, up to 2.5nbsp;cm long sec. branchlets, or pseudoterminal and laxly paniculatenbsp;and up to 20 cm long. The axes rather slender, angulose, like thenbsp;triangular acute, 0.25 mm long bracts and bractlets and the outsidenbsp;of the calyx rather densely to sparsely and minutely ferrugineousnbsp;pubescent. Flowers glomerate, sessile, 5-merous, rarely 4-merous,nbsp;3—4 mm long, yellowish white. Calyx cupuliform, about i mmnbsp;high; its lobes triangular, acute, as long as the tube. Petals lanceolate-triangular, acute, inflexed-apiculate, outside scattered with minutenbsp;hairs, inside glabrous, on the margins papillose. Stamens 2—2.5nbsp;mm long; filaments subulate, at the base dilated; anthers elliptic-ovoid, 0.4 mm long. Disc in the masc. fl. confluent with the rudimentary pistil in a densely ferrugineous tomentellous, about i mmnbsp;high globule. Pistil in the fern. fl. at the base surrounded by thenbsp;annular, crenate, densely tomentellous, 0.35 mm high disc, 2.5 mmnbsp;high; ovary globose-ovoid, densely ferrugineous puberulous, aboutnbsp;2 mm high; style terete, glabrous; stigma 5-lobed. Drupe oblique-ovoid to globose, with acute apex, sparsely and shortly pilose,nbsp;I—1.5 cm long and 0.5—1.5 cm in diam.
Type : Spruce 4194 in h.BR.
Distribution: eastern slopes of the Andes.
COLOMBIA: Santa Marta, Calarasa, H. H. Smith 405 “A” (1898) alt.
-ocr page 175-i6o m, fl. masc. Dec. (B, BM, BR, F, G, GH, K, L, NY, P, S, U, US).
PERU: Loreto, lower R. Huallaga, between Yurimagtias and Balsapuerto, Killip and Smith 28227 (1929) alt. 135—150 m, in bud Aug. (F, US)i id.,nbsp;below Yurimaguas, Santa Rosa, Killip and Smith 28938 and 28962 (1929)nbsp;alt. 135 m, in dense forest, fl. fern. Sept. (F, US); id., Puerto Actino, L.nbsp;Wilhams 5056 (1929) alt. 155—210 m, fr. Nov. (F, US); id., id. 5356 (1929)nbsp;alt. 155—210 m, fr. Oct.-Nov. (F, US); San Martin, upper R. Huallaga,nbsp;near Tarapoto, Lamas, L. Williams 6423 (1929) alt. 840 m, fr. Dec. (F, US);nbsp;id., near Tarapoto, Spruce 4194 (1855—1856) fl. masc. (B, BM, BR, K)nbsp;(type); id., Ule 6414 (1902) fl. masc. Sept. (B, G, K, L); id., L. Williamsnbsp;5458 (1929) alt. 750 m, fr. Dec. (F); id., id. 5578 (1929) alt. 360—900 m,nbsp;fr. Dec. (F); id., id. 5708 (1929) alt. 360—900 m, fr. Dec. (F, G, U); id., id.nbsp;5845 (1929) fr. Dec. (F); id., id. 6138 (1929) alt. 360—900 m, fl. masc. Dec.nbsp;(F, US); id., id. 6289 (1929) alt. 360—900 m, fr. Dec. (F, US); id., Juannbsp;Guerra, L. Williams 6819 (1929) alt. 720 m, fl. masc. Dec. (F, G, US); id.,nbsp;Juan Jui, Klug 3786 (1934) alt. 400 m, fl. masc. Sept. (B, BM, F, K, S);nbsp;id., R. Ucayali, Chorillos, Tessmann 3085 (1923) fl. masc. Aug. (B, G, S).
BOLIVIA: R. Beni, Rurrenabaque, near Reyes, Fleischmann 583 (1930) fl. masc. Oct.-Dec. (S).
The material referred to this species shows all transitions between specimens provided with interjuga of equal length, with oblongnbsp;leaflets possessing 12—13 pairs of sec. nerves and a 7.5 mm longnbsp;and 2.5 mm wide acumen and with strictly pseudospicate inflorescences, for example Spruce 4194, and others provided with a basalnbsp;interjugum being slightly shorter than the other ones, with lanceolatenbsp;leaflets possessing 15—19 pairs of sec. nerves and a 10 mm longnbsp;and 2 mm wide acumen and with laxly branched inflorescences,nbsp;for example Smith 405 “A”. The latter form strongly remembersnbsp;P. neglectum Swart var. tenuifolium Swart, but it is differentnbsp;by its fasciculate inflorescences.
The material belonging to H. H. Smith 405, all named “Protium insigne Engl.” is a mixture of three different collections, which Inbsp;marked A, B and C. H. H. Smith 405 “A”, collected 16 Dec. 1898,nbsp;is marked by its lanceolate leaflets with 15—19 pairs of sec. nervesnbsp;and by its fasciculate inflorescences; it represents the ultimatenbsp;variation of P. tenuifolium Engl. H. H. Smith 405 “B”, collectednbsp;May 1899, and “C”, collected Jan. 1899, are marked by their oblongnbsp;to elliptic leaflets with 8—ii pairs of sec. nerves and by theirnbsp;solitary inflorescences; in my opinion they belong to P. neglectumnbsp;Swart.
73. Protium peruvianum Swart in Rec. Trav. bot. néerl. XXXIX, p.202 (1942).
Icicopsis tenuifolia Engl. var. brevicalyx Engl, in Mart. Fl. Bras. XII, 2, p.255 (1874).
Protium tenuifolium Engl. var. brevicalyx Engl, in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.76 (1883).
-ocr page 176-High tree. Branchlets rather stout, 2.5 mm in diam., terete, striate, when young rather densely but shortly pilose and soonnbsp;glabrescent, cinereous and dotted with elliptic ferrugineous len-ticels. Leaves 3-jugate, rarely 2-jugate, 24 cm long, in all partsnbsp;glabrous; petioles semiterete, at the base incrassate, 6 (5—8) cmnbsp;long, like the rhachis and the petiolules when adult transverselynbsp;rimose; interjuga terete, striate, above slightly carinate, at the nodesnbsp;incrassate, 3 (2.5—4.5) cm long; petiolules terete, striate, at bothnbsp;ends incrassate. i—^1.5 cm long, the terminal ones 2.5 (2—4) cm;nbsp;leaflets oblong, variable in size and shape, usually 9 (8—ii) cm longnbsp;and 3.5 (2.75—4.75) cm wide, but the terminal ones narrowed fromnbsp;the middle to the base, the lateral ones oblique and as a rule distinctly narrowed near the base and the basal ones shorter; apexnbsp;rather abruptly to rather gradually acuminate; acumen sublinear,nbsp;5—7.5 mm long and 2.5 mm wide, obtuse; base cuneate; marginnbsp;entire, repand, undulate; pergamentaceous, above subpapillose,nbsp;scabridulous and dull, beneath nearly smooth and nitidulous;nbsp;with 8—10 pairs of sec. nerves; prim, and sec. nerves above groovednbsp;on each side, beneath prominent, tert. ones above visible, beneathnbsp;prominulous. Inflorescences fasciculate in the axils and pseudo-spicate, 2 (1.5—4) cm long, or pseudoterminal with pseudospicatenbsp;sec. branchlets. The axes robust, angulose, like the triangularnbsp;subobtuse, 0.5—0.75 mm long bracts and bractlets and the calyxnbsp;and corolla rather densely but minutely ferrugineous puberulous.nbsp;Flowers sessile, 5-merous, 3 mm long. Calyx cupuliform, 1.5—1.75nbsp;mm high; its lobes broadly triangular, subobtuse, at most onenbsp;fourth the length of the calyx. Petals oblong-triangular, acute,nbsp;inflexed-apiculate, carnose. Stamens in the fern. fl. 1.5—1.75 mmnbsp;long; filaments subulate; anthers elliptic-oblong, hardly 0.5 mmnbsp;long. Pistil in the fern. fl. at the base surrounded by the annular,nbsp;densely ferrugineous pubescent, 0.6 mm high disc, 2 mm high;nbsp;ovary ovoid, 5-celled, rather densely and adpressedly fulvousnbsp;pubescent, 1.25 mm high, tapering in a terete, 0.4 mm long style,nbsp;crowned by a 5-lobed stigma.
Type: Spruce 4473 in h.BR.
Distribution: north-eastern Peru.
PERU; San Martin, near Tarapoto, Spruce 4473 (1855) fl. fern. Dec. (B, BM, BR, K, W) (type of Icicopsis tenuifolia Engl. var. brevicalyx Engl.,nbsp;Icicopsis peruviana Engl, mss.); id., between Moyobamba and Tarapoto,nbsp;Raimondi 227 (1869) in bud Febr. (B).
Though this species is perhaps most nearly related to P. tenui-folium Engl, and to P. Warmingianum March., the differences
-ocr page 177-between these specimens are almost as large as they are between other species in the section Icicopsis.
74. Protium Warmingianum March, in Vid. Medd. Kjbhvn. 1873, p.48 (1873—1874); Engl, in Mart. FI. Bras. XII, 2, p.278nbsp;(1874); id. in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.86 (1883); id. in E.-Pr. Nat.nbsp;Pfl.fam. Ill, 4, p.237 (1897) et ed.2, XlXa, p.413 (1931).
Tingulonga Warmingiana OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.io8 (1891).
Idea brasiliensis Mart. mss. in sched. ex Engl, in Mart. FI. Bras. XII, 2, p.257 (1874).
Icicopsis brasiliensis Engl. l.c. et tab. 50 (1874).
Protium Blanchetii Engl, in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.79 (1883); id. in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. Ill, 4, p.237 (i897) et ed.2, XlXa,nbsp;p.412 (1931).
Tingulonga Blanchetii OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.io8 (1891).
Tree. Branchlets stout, 7.5 mm in diam., when young angulose and densely but minutely ferrugineous pilose, when adult terete,nbsp;striate, glabrescent and dotted with elliptic ferrugineous lenticels.nbsp;Leaves 4- or 5-jugate, rarely 6-jugate, 30—35 (25—40) cm long;nbsp;petioles near the incrassate base semiterete, 7.5—10 (6—12.5) cmnbsp;long, like the rhachis and the petiolules when young densely butnbsp;minutely ferrugineous pilose and when adult glabrescent; interjuganbsp;stout, terete, striate, above carinate, at the nodes subincrassate,nbsp;usually 2.5—3 (2—4.5) cm long, but the basal ones about twonbsp;third the length of the other ones and 1.5—3 cm long; petiolulesnbsp;semiterete, striate, canaliculate, at both ends slightly incrassate,nbsp;like the petioles when adult transversely rimose, 10 (5—12.5) mmnbsp;long, the terminal ones 15—30 mm; leaflets lanceolate-oblong tonbsp;oblong-elliptic, usually 12 (10—15) cm long and 4 (3.25—4.75)nbsp;cm wide, but the terminal ones and those of the apical jugumnbsp;shorter and narrowed from the middle to the base, the lateral onesnbsp;oblique, as a rule slightly narrowed to the apex and the basal onesnbsp;shorter and subovate; apex more or less gradually narrowed in anbsp;slightly tapering, 5—10 mm long and 2.5—3 mm wide, obtusenbsp;acumen; base cuneate; margin entire, repand, undulate; sub-coriaceous, when young sparsely and minutely pilose but soonnbsp;glabrescent and subpapillose, nearly smooth, above subopaque,nbsp;beneath nitidous; with 15—16 (12—18) pairs of sec. nerves; prim,nbsp;and sec. nerves above grooved on each side, beneath prominent,nbsp;tert. ones above hardly prominulous, beneath prominulous. Inflorescences fasciculate in the axils, the masc. infl. 5—8 cm, thenbsp;fern. infl. about 2.5 cm long; sec. branchlets more or less numerous,nbsp;pseudospicate, 2.5 (1.25—4) cm long. The axes stout, angulose.
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like the triangular, acute, 0.5—0.75 mm long bracts and bractlets and the calyx rather densely but minutely ferrugineous pilose.nbsp;Flowers sessile, glomerate, 5-merous, 4 (3—5) mm long. Calyxnbsp;cupuliform, i—1.5 mm high; its lobes triangular, acute, as long asnbsp;the tube. Petals oblong- to lanceolate-triangular, incrassate at thenbsp;acute apex, carnose, outside subglabrous, inside glabrous, on thenbsp;margins papillose. Stamens in the masc. fl. 2.75—3.25 mm, in thenbsp;fern. fl. 1.5—2 mm long; filaments subulate, at the base dilated;nbsp;anthers elliptic-oblong, 0.5 mm long. Disc in the masc. fl. confluent with the rudimentary pistil in a 1.5 mm high, densely fer-rugirieous pubescent cone. Pistil in the fern. fl. at the base surrounded by the annular, densely ferrugineous tomentose, 0.75 mmnbsp;high disc, 2 mm high; ovary ovoid-conical, 5-celled, rather denselynbsp;ferrugineous pubescent, about 1.25 mm high, tapering in a 5-sulcate glabrous, 0.5 mm long style, crowned by a 5-lobed stigma.
Typer Warming in h.C.
Distribution: south eastern Brazil (Bahia and Minas Geraes).
BRAZIL: Bahia, basin R. Grongogy, Curran 17 (1915) alt. 100—500 m, fl. fern. Oct.-Nov. (US): id., near Ilheos, Blanchet 82] (1835) fl. masc. (BR)nbsp;(Idea brasiliensis Mart, mss., I, bahiensis Mart, mss.) (type of Icicopsisnbsp;brasiliensis Engl.): id., id. 178 (1835) (BM, BR): id., id. 2360 (no date) fl.nbsp;masc. (B, BR, K, LE, P): Minas Geraes, at Lagoa Santa, Warming (1865)nbsp;fl. fern. Sept. (C) (Idea lenticellata Warming mss.) (type): id., Vicosa, roadnbsp;to Sao Miguel, Mexia 5139, (1930) alt. 700 m, fl. masc. Oct. (B, BM, F,nbsp;GH, K, NY).
Anatomy: Engl, in Abh. naturf. Ges. Halle XIII, 2, tab. XIII, f. 12—13 (1874).
75. Protium neglectum Swart in Rec. Trav. bot. néerl. XXXIX, p.203 (1942).
Bursera (Idea) caudata Turez. in Bull. Soc. imp. Nat. Mosc. XXXVI, I, p.614 (1863) quoad spec. Hostmann 1039.
ideopsis caudata Engl, in Mart. Fl. Bras. XII, 2, p.257 (1874) quoad descr. p.p. et spec. Hostmann et Kappler 1039.
Tingulonga caudata OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.107 (1891) quoad syn. Bursera candata Turez. p.p.
Protium Sagotianum March, apud Engl, in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.78 (1883) quoad descr. p.p. cum spec. Hostmann et Kapplernbsp;1039 et Poiteau.
Shrub or tree, 6—21 m high. Branchlets stout, 5—10 mm in diam., terete, striate, glabrous, or when young minutely ferrugineous
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pilose, when adult rimose, cinereous to fuscous and dotted with large lenticels. Leaves 3- to 4-jugate, at times 5- or 6-jugate, rarelynbsp;I- or 2-jugate, 25—35 (20—40) cm long, in all parts glabrous;nbsp;petioles near the slightly incrassate base semiterete, 9—10 (5—13)nbsp;cm long; interjuga terete, striate, at the nodes subincrassate, 2.5—3.5nbsp;(2—6) cm long, but the basal ones mostly shorter than the othernbsp;ones; petiolules terete, striate, above subcanaliculate, at both endsnbsp;slightly incrassate, when adult transversely rimose, 10—12.5 (5—20)nbsp;mm long, the terminal ones 20—30 (15—35) mm; leaflets oblong-elliptic to oblong, usually 10—13 (8.5—15.5) cm long and 3.5—4.5
(3—6) cm wide, but the terminal ones shorter and like those of the apical jugum narrowed from the middle to the base, the lateralnbsp;ones oblique and not or hardly, narrowed to the base, and the basalnbsp;ones shorter; apex abruptly acuminate; acumen linear 7.5 (6—12.5)nbsp;mm long and 2.5 (2—3) mm wide, obtuse; base broadly cuneatenbsp;to nearly rounded; margin entire, undulate; subcoriaceous, on bothnbsp;sides subpapillose, nearly smooth and nitidulous; with 10—12nbsp;(8—13) pairs of sec. nerves; prim, and sec. nerves above groovednbsp;on each side, beneath distinctly prominent, tert. ones above conspicuous, beneath prominulous. Inflorescences solitary in the axils,nbsp;10—12 (5—18) cm long; peduncles short; sec. branchlets few,nbsp;divaricate, up to 8 cm long, tert. ones up to 2.5 cm. The axes stout,nbsp;terete, striate and like the broadly triangular to semiorbicular,nbsp;acutely subacuminate, 0.3—0.6 mm long bracts and bractlets
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rather densely but minutely ferrugineous pilose. Flowers 5-merous, 3—4 mm long, greenish white. Calyx cupuliform, sparsely andnbsp;minutely pilose, i mm high; its lobes broadly triangular, acute,nbsp;as long as the tube. Petals oblong-triangular, acute, inflexed-apiculate, subcarnose, outside scattered with some minute hairs,nbsp;inside glabrous, on the margins papillose. Stamens in the masc. fl.nbsp;2—2.5 mm, in the fern. fl. 1.5 mm long; filaments subulate; anthersnbsp;elliptic, about 0.5 mm long. Disc in the masc. fl. confluent withnbsp;the rudimentary pistil in a densely brunnescent-tomentose, 0.75nbsp;mm high globule. Pistil in the fern. fl. at the base surrounded bynbsp;the annular, densely ferrugineous pubescent, 0.5 mm high disc,nbsp;rather densely ferrugineous pubescent, 1.5 mm high; ovary ovoid,nbsp;5-celled, 0.75 mm high, tapering in a 0.5 mm long style, crownednbsp;by a 5-lobed stigma. Drupe ovoid, 2- to 4-lobed, with acute apex,nbsp;1.75—2 cm long and 1.25—2 cm in diam.; exocarp subglabrous;nbsp;mesocarp rather thick, carnose; endocarp rather thick, woody;nbsp;pyrenes 2 to 4.
Type: BW. (Suriname) 5920 in h.U.
Distribution: tropical South America, east of the Andes.
COLOMBIA: Magdalena, R. Frio, near Ciénaga de Santa Marta, Pittier 1628 (1906) alt. o—too m, fr. June (US)i Santa Marta, H. H. Smith 405nbsp;“B” (1899) alt. 500 m, fl. masc. May (F, NY, U); id., near Mamatoca, H. H.nbsp;Smith 405 “C” (1899) fl. masc. Jan. (G, U).
VENEZUELA: Barinitas, Karsten (no date) fl. masc. (F, W).
TRINIDAD: ?Hart mis. sub n. 1637 (no date) in bud (B, G, S).
BR. GUIANA: western extr. of Kanuku Mts., Takutu R., A. C. Smith 3108 (1938) alt. 250 m, fr. March (U); id., id. 3223 (1938) fl. masc. Marchnbsp;(U); id., Moku-moku Creek, A. C. Smith 3531 (1938) alt. 150—400 m,nbsp;fr. Apr. (U); basin Rupununi R., Yupukari, A. C. Smith 2271 (1937) innbsp;scrub-savannah, fl. masc. Oct. (U).
SURINAME: Corantyne R., Kaboeri, tree n. 539, BW. 5022 (1920) fl. masc. Sept. (U), BW. 5908 (1922) fl. masc. June (U); id., tree n. 601,nbsp;BW. 5009 (1920) fl. masc. Oct. (U), BW. 5920 (1922) fl. masc. July (U)nbsp;(type); upper Suriname R., Junker 522 (1926) fl. masc. (Delft); without loc.,nbsp;Hostmann 1039 (no date) fl. masc. (B, G, K, U, W); id., Hostmann andnbsp;Kappler 1039 (no date) fl. masc. (W).
FR. GUIANA: Poiteau (1819—1821) in bud (B, G).
BRAZIL: terr. de Acre, basin R. Purus, near mouth R. Macauhan, trib. of R. Yaco, Krukoff 5736 (1933) fl. masc. Sept. (B, F, K, NY, U); id., id.nbsp;5789 (1933) fl. masc. Sept. (K, NY); Amazonas, basin R. Madeira, Humayta,nbsp;near Tres Casas, Krukoff 6459 (1934) fl. masc. Oct. (K, NY, U); id., on R.nbsp;Livramento, near Livramento, Krukoff 6598 (1934) fl. masc. Oct. (K, NY, U);nbsp;Espirito Santo, between Victoria and Bahia, Sello (no date) fl. masc. (B, US);nbsp;Rio de Janeiro, near Paineinas, Corcovado, Schwacke 7174 (1891) (B).
Vern. names: VENEZUELA: anime; SURINi^ME: roode salie.
This species resembles P. insigne Engl., but the latter differs
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by its usually 5- or 6-jugate and 35—50 cm long leaves and, especially, by the acumen of its lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate leaflets which is 10 times as long as wide.
In regard to the identity of Bursera (Icica) caudata Turcz. I refer to the remarks made under P. insigne Engl.
I have distinguished the following varieties:
1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;tenuifolium Swart: leaflets lanceolate to lanceolate-oblong, provided with 14—15 pairs of sec. nerves.
2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;robustum Swart: leaves twice as large, 70—too cm long; leafletsnbsp;provided with 15—18 pairs of sec. nerves.
3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;panamense Swart: leaves rather large, 45—50 cm long; leafletsnbsp;ending in a slightly tapering acumen and provided with 16—17nbsp;pairs of sec. nerves.
4. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;sessiliflorum (Rose) Swart: leaves rather large, 40 cm long;nbsp;leaflets ending in an acumen which is as long as wide andnbsp;provided with 16—18 pairs of sec. nerves.
I. var. tenuifolium Swart in Rec. Trav. bot. néerl. XXXIX, p.204 (1942).
Icica heptaphylla Aubl. in errore Hart, Herb. List Bot. Dept. Trin. p.io (1908).
Protium insigne Engl, in errore Marshall, Trees of Trin. and Tob. p.25 (1934).
Leaves usually 3- to 4-jugate, but sometimes 5- or 6-jugate, rather large, 40 cm long; leaflets lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate,nbsp;slightly narrowed to the apex, usually 12 (9.5—17) cm long andnbsp;3-5 (2-5—4-5) cm wide; apex rather abruptly to rather graduallynbsp;acuminate; acumen sublinear; pergamentaceous; with 14—15nbsp;(12—16) pairs of sec. nerves. Inflorescences with rather rigidnbsp;branches; the axes varying between rather robust and rather slender.
Type: H. H. Smith 1741 in h.U 74846.
Distribution: north-western South America.
COLOMBIA: Magdalena, Dugand and Petén 364/812 (1935) fl. masc. May (F); Santa Marta, Maria Theresia Plantation, H. H. Smith 1741 (1899)nbsp;alt. 1100 m, mountain forest, fl. masc. Jan. (B, BM, BR, F, G, GH, K, L,nbsp;NY, P, S, U, US) (type); id., R. Sevilla, Record 12 (1930) fl. masc. Jan.nbsp;(F, GH, NY); without loc.. Muds 4220 (1783—1808) fl. fern. (F, K, S).
VENEZUELA: near Cristobal Colon, near Blue Basin, Lamalong, Broadway 779 (1923) fl. masc. Jan.-Febr. (NY, US).
TRINIDAD: Chatham, Jackson Trace, Broadway 8577 (1916) fl. fern, and fr. Nov. (NY); Southern Watershed Reserve, Marshall 12158 (1929)nbsp;fl. masc. May (F, K); without loc.. Hart mis. sub. n. 3032 (no date) fr. (B);nbsp;?San Fernando Hill, Britton and Hazen 1041 (1910) in bud March (GH,nbsp;K, NY, US).
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BR, GUIANA: basin Kuyuwimi R., trib. of Essequebo R.j A. C. Smith 2582 (1937) fl. masc. Nov. (U).
Vern. names; COLOMBIA: vara blancai TRINIDAD: gommier.
This variety strongly resembles P. tenuifolium Engl, and P. insigne Engl., but the former differs by its relatively wider andnbsp;larger leaflets and by its fasciculate inflorescences, and the latternbsp;differs by its relatively wider leaflets provided with a long andnbsp;linear acumen and by the more rigid and robust branches of thenbsp;inflorescences.
2. var. robustum Swart in Rec. Trav. bot. néerl. XXXIX p.204 (1942).
Branchlets very stout. Leaves 2- to 4-jugate, 70—too cm long; petioles 20—30 cm long; interjuga 7.5—12.5 cm long; petiolules
17.5— 25 mm long, the terminal ones 55—90 mm; leaflets 25—40 cm long and 10—18 cm wide; acumen linear, 10—15 mm long and
2.5— 3 mm wide; with 15—18 (14—20) pairs of sec. nerves. Inflorescences richly and rather laxly branched, 12—22 cm long; sec. branchlets up to 12.5 cm, tert. ones up to 3 cm long. The axesnbsp;very robust. Flowers abundant, yellowish.
Type: Stahel 144 in h.U.
Distribution: north-eastern South America.
SURINAME: Saramacca R., Sectie O, BW. lA (1906) fl. masc. Nov. (U); id., tree n. 804, BW. 2307 (1916) (U), BW. 3655 (1918) fr. Febr. (U),nbsp;BW. 4519 (1919) fr. Dec. (U), BW. 6105 (1923) fr. Febr. (U); upper Surinamenbsp;R., Tresling 397 (1908) in bud Sept. (U); id., near Goddo, Stahel 144 (1926)nbsp;fl. fern, and fr. Jan. (U) (type)t Tapanahoni R., BW. 4131 (1918) fl. masc.nbsp;Nov. (U).
BRAZIL: Para, R. Tapajoz, Boa Vista, Monteiro da Costa 58 (1931) fl. masc. (F); id., upper R. Cupary, on plateau between R. Xingy and R.nbsp;Tapajoz, Krukoff 1126 (1921) fl. masc. Sept. (U).
Vern. names: SURINAME: aloe mansingi; BRAZIL: breu branco.
This variety differs from the species itself by the fact that the dimensions of its vegetative parts and of the inflorescences arenbsp;twice as large and also by the more numerous sec. nerves of itsnbsp;leaflets.
f. intermedium Swart.
Vegetative parts smaller. Leaves 40—80 cm long; leaflets 22 (14—37) cm long and 7.5 (5—10) cm wide.
Type: BW. (Suriname) 2597 in h.U.
Distribution: Suriname.
-ocr page 183-385
SURINAME: Saramacca R., Sectie O, tree n. 648, B\V. 1323 (1915) (U), BW. 2597 (1917) fl. masc. Jan. (U).
name: joeliballi (N.-E.), fiere bewe banna (Arow.), troesinan
V e r n.
3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;var. panamense Swart in Rec. Trav. bot. néerl. XXXIX,nbsp;p.205 (1942)
Leaves 4-jugate, rather large, 50 (45—70) cm long; leaflets 17—24 (14—30) cm long and 6.5—8.5 (5—10) cm wide; apexnbsp;rather gradually narrowed in a slightly tapering, 7.5—12.5 (5—15)nbsp;mm long and 3—4 (2—5) mm wide acumen; with 16—17 (15—20)nbsp;pairs of sec. nerves. Inflorescences 10—12 cm long.
Type; Bailey and Bailey 294 in h.F 643071.
Distribution: Panama.
PANAMA: Chiriqui, Progreso, Cooper and Slater 169 (1927) fr. July-Aug. (NY, US); id., id. 259 (1927) fr. July-Aug. (F, NY, US); R. Chagres, above Alhajuela, Pittier 3522 (1911) alt. 30—100 m, on dry limestone, fl.nbsp;masc. March (NY, US); Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island, Standleynbsp;40984 (1925) (US); id., Kenoyer 422 (1927) fr. Aug. (US); id., Banghamnbsp;427 (1929) fr. Aug. (F); id., Bailey and Bailey 294 (1931) fr. June (F) (type).
Vern. names: anime, chutras, comida de mono.
This variety strongly resembles the var. robustum Swart, but it is different by its smaller leaves and by its tapering acumen. Itnbsp;also shows a different distribution.
All specimens cited above were formerly named Protium sessili-florum (Rose) Standi.
4. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;var. sessiliflorum (Rose) Swart nov. comb.
Idea sessiliflora Rose in N. Am. Fl. XXV, 3, p.259 (1911).
Protium sessiliflorum Standi, in Contr. U.S.N.H. XXVII, p.224 (1928); id. in Field Mus. N.H., Bot.S. X, p.239 (1931); id. innbsp;Field Mus. N.H., Bot.S. XVIII, p.576 (1937); Engl, in E.-Pr.Nat.nbsp;Pfl.fam. ed.2, XlXa, p.413 (1931).
Leaves rather large, 40 (22—58) cm long; petioles 10 (5.5—15) cm long, like the 5 (3.5—7) cm long interjuga sparsely and minutelynbsp;ferrugineous pilose; petiolules of the terminal leaflets 32.5 (20—^45)nbsp;mm long; leaflets 18 (15—24) cm long and 7.5 (5—9.5) cm wide;nbsp;acumen rather abruptly acuminate; acumen about as long as wide,nbsp;4—5 mm long; with 16—18 (15—^20) pairs of sec. nerves. Inflorescences rather robust, rarely provided with tert. branchlets.
Type: Tonduz 6989 in h.US 398230.
-ocr page 184-386
Distribution: once collected.
COSTA RICA: Santo Domingo de Golfo Dulce, Tonduz 6989 (in Herb, nat. Costar. 9952) (1896) fl. masc. March (B, F, G, GH, K, M, NY, P,nbsp;US, W).
This variety, which strongly resembles the var. panamense Swart, is different from the species and its other varieties by thenbsp;short acumen of its leaflets.
76. Protium subserratum Engl, in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.89 (1883); id. in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. Ill, 4, p.237 (1897) et ed.nbsp;2, XlXa, p.413 (1931); L. Williams in Field. Mus. N.H., Bot.S.nbsp;XV, p.235 (1936).
Icicopsis subserrata Engl, in Mart. Fl. Bras. XII, 2, p.259 (1874).
Tingulonga subserrata OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.108 (1891).
Tree, 6—30 m high. Branchlets very stout, 10—15 mm in diam., terete, striate, when young rather densely ferrugineous puberulous,nbsp;when adult glabrescent and dotted with lanceolate lenticels. Leavesnbsp;8- to i2-jugate, at times 7-jugate, 55 (40—75) cm long; petiolesnbsp;semiterete, at the base subincrassate, 10—13 (7—17) cm long,nbsp;like the rhachis and the petiolules rather densely to sparsely andnbsp;minutely ferrugineous tomentose; interjuga semiterete, above sub-sulcate, at the nodes slightly incrassate, 2.5—3.5 (2—^4) cm long;nbsp;petiolules semiterete, canaliculate, at both ends hardly incrassate,nbsp;2.5—5 mm long, the terminal ones 10—15 mm; leaflets lanceolatenbsp;to lanceolate-oblong, distinctly narrowed from above the middlenbsp;to the apex, usually 11.5—14 (10—17.5) cm long and 3.25—3.75nbsp;(2.5—4) cm wide, but the terminal ones shorter and slightly wider,nbsp;the lateral ones oblique and the basal ones much shorter; apexnbsp;gradually narrowed in a sublinear, 10—15 mm long and 2.5 mmnbsp;wide, obtuse acumen; base broadly cuneate to nearly rounded;nbsp;margin, especially in the apical part, remotely but distinctly sub-serrate; pergamentaceous, on both sides glabrous, smooth and dull;nbsp;with 14—15 pairs of sec. nerves; prim, nerves on both sides distinctly prominent and pilose like the petioles, sec. nerves abovenbsp;grooved on each side and glabrous, beneath similar to the prim,nbsp;ones, tert. nerves prominulous and glabrous. Inflorescences axillary,nbsp;pseudospicate, 20 (10—24) cm long, not or sparsely branched; sec.nbsp;branchlets i—2 cm, rarely up to 7 cm, long. The axes angulosenbsp;and rather densely and minutely ferrugineous tomentose. Pedicelsnbsp;very short, hardly 0.5 mm long, like the ovate, 0.5 mm long bractsnbsp;and bractlets rather densely and adpressedly puberulous. Flowersnbsp;sessile or subsessile, glomerate, 5-merous, 5 mm long, yellowish
-ocr page 185-green to white. Calyx cupuliform, 1.25 mm high, outside like the corolla sparsely and adpressedly puberulous; its lobes oblong-triangular, acute, 3 times as long as the tube. Petals linear-lanceolate,nbsp;acute, inflexed-apiculate, carnose, inside on the upper half, especially on the midrib, densely white villose, on the margins papillose.nbsp;Stamens 1.5—2 mm long; filaments subulate; anthers oblong,nbsp;0.5 mm long. Disc in the masc. fl. confluent with the rudimentarynbsp;pistil in a depressed, 0.5 mm high, tomentellous globule providednbsp;with a central, 0.25 mm long style-remmant. Pistil in the fern. fl.nbsp;at the base surrounded by the annular, tomentellous, 0.25 mmnbsp;high disc; ovary globose, 5-celled, densely sericeous, i mm high,nbsp;crowned by a very short glabrous style and a subsessile 5-lobednbsp;stigma. Drupe ovoid with acute apex, 1.25 cm long and i cm innbsp;diam.; exocarp sparsely puberulous, smooth; mesocarp thin,nbsp;carnose; endocarp rather thick, woody; pyrenes i to 3.
Type: Spruce 2620 in h.P.
Distribution: western tropical South America, east of the Andes.
BR. GUIANA: between Bartica and Potaro, Tutin 231 (1933) alt. 130 m, fl. fern. June (K, U).
PERU: Loreto, basin R. Maranon, near mouth R. Santiago, at Pongo de Manseriche, Tessmann 4107 (1924) alt. r6o m, fl. masc. Sept. (B, G); id.,nbsp;id. 4129 (1924) fl. Sept. (B); id., lower R. Huallaga, Yurimaguas, Fortalega,nbsp;L. Williams 4417 (1929) alt. 155 m, fr. Oct. (F, US).
BRAZIL: Amazonas, basin R. Negro, on R. Uaupés, near Panuré, Spruce 2620 (1852) fl. fern, and fr. Oct. (B, BM, BR, G, K, LE, P, W) (type); id.,nbsp;basin R. Junta, near mouth R. Embira, trib. of R. Tarauaca, Krukoff 5083nbsp;(1933) fl- masc. June (B, F, K, NY, U) (P. rigidum A. C. Smith mss.); id..nbsp;Basin R. Madeira, Humayta, between R. Livramento and R. Ipixuna, Krukoffnbsp;7063 (1934) fr. Nov. (K, NY, U).
This species is easily recognizable by its subserrate and apically narrowed leaflets and by the villose indumentum on the inside ofnbsp;its long petals.
77. Protium ferrugineum Engl, in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.79 (1883); id. in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. Ill, 4, p.237 (1897) et ed.2,nbsp;XlXa, p.412 (1931); Pittier in Trab. Mus. com. Venez. VIII,nbsp;p.364 (1931)-
Icicopsis ferruginea Engl, in Mart. Fl. Bras. XII, 2, p.258 (1874).
Tingulonga ferruginea OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.io8 (1891).
Slender tree, 10 m high. Branchlets rather slender, 3—4 mm in diam., angulose, when young densely ferrugineous tomentose,nbsp;when adult glabrescent and grey. Leaves 3- or 4-jugate, sometimes
-ocr page 186-2-jugate, 26—30 (17—35) cm long; petioles near the incrassate base semiterete, 7 (4.5—9.5) cm long, like the rhachis and thenbsp;petiolules when young densely but minutely pilose and whennbsp;adult glabrescent and transversely rimose; interjuga terete, striate,nbsp;above carinate, at the nodes subincrassate, 3—3.5 cm long; petiolulesnbsp;semiterete, canaliculate, at both ends incrassate, 7.5—10 mm long,nbsp;the terminal ones 25 mm; leaflets oblong-elliptic, irregular andnbsp;oblique, usually 10.5 cm long and 4.25 cm wide, but the terminalnbsp;ones shorter and slightly wider and the basal ones smaller; apexnbsp;gradually narrowed in a sublinear, 12.5 mm long and 3 mm wide,nbsp;obtuse acumen; base obliquely cuneate; margin entire, repand,nbsp;undulate; subcoriaceous, glabrous and smooth, above nitidulous,nbsp;beneath dull; with 10 (8—ii) pairs of sec. nerves; prim, and sec.nbsp;nerves above grooved on each side and glabrous, beneath distinctlynbsp;prominent and near the base sparsely and minutely pilose, tert.nbsp;ones glabrous, above hardly prominent, beneath prominulous.nbsp;Inflorescences axillary, pseudospicate, 2—3.5 cm long, not branchednbsp;or, rarely, with some very short branchlets. The axes angulose andnbsp;like the stout and short, up to i mm long pedicels, the triangular,nbsp;acute, 1.25—1.5 mm long bracts and bractlets and the outside ofnbsp;the calyx and the corolla rather densely ferrugineous tomentose.nbsp;Flowers subsessile, 5-merous, 5 mm long. Calyx cupuliform,nbsp;1.5 mm high; its lobes triangular, acute, about twice the lengthnbsp;of the tube. Petals lanceolate-triangular, acute, inflexed-apiculate,nbsp;carnose, inside ferrugineous puberulous. Stamens in the fern. fl.nbsp;1.5—2 mm long; filaments subulate, slightly dilated; anthers oblong,nbsp;0.5 mm long. Disc in the fern. fl. annular, ferrugineous, tomen-tellous. Drupe oblong-ovoid, oblique or 2- or 3-lobed, acute atnbsp;both ends, at the base mostly narrowed, rather densely and shortlynbsp;ferrugineous pilose, when mature glabrescent, 2.5 cm long andnbsp;1.25 cm in diam.; mesocarp thin, carnose; endocarp thin, woody;nbsp;pyrenes i to 3.
Type: Spruce 3494 in h.P.
Distribution: once collected.
VENEZUELA: Amazonas-terr., R. Negro, near San Carlos, Spruce 3494 (1854) fr. May (B, BM, BR, C, G, K, LE, NY, P, W).
This species is remarkable, amongst those of the section Icicopsis, by the strongly developed indumentum on its generative parts andnbsp;by its large, subsessile flowers.
78. Protium reticulatum Engl, in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.79.
-ocr page 187-t.2, f.4—7 (1883); id. in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. Ill, 4, p.237 (1897) et ed.2, XlXa, p.412 (1931).
Icicopsis reticulata Engl, in Mart. FI. Bras. XII, 2, p.258, t.51 (1874).
Tingulonga reticulata OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.io8 (1891).
Erect tree, 16 m high. Branchlets stout, 3—5 mm in diam., subterete, densely ferrugineous puberulous. Leaves mostly 5-jugate, at times 4-jugate, rarely 3-jugate, 20 (14—23) cm long;nbsp;petioles semiterete, at the base incrassate, 6 (5—7.5) cm long,nbsp;like the rhachis and the petiolules densely and minutely canescentnbsp;pilose; interjuga angulose, at the nodes hardly incrassate, 2 (1.5—nbsp;2.5) cm long; petiolules angulose, above bisulcate, at both endsnbsp;subincrassate, 5 (3—6) mm long, the terminal ones 12.5 (7.5—15)nbsp;mm; leaflets oblong-ovate to elliptic-ovate, mostly narrowed fromnbsp;below the middle to the apex, usually 6 (5—6.5) cm long and 2.5nbsp;(1.75—2.75) cm wide, but the terminal ones and those of the apicalnbsp;jugum shorter; apex rather gradually narrowed in a sublinear,nbsp;10 (7-5—15)nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;long and 2.5 mm wide, obtuse acumen; base
broadly cuneate to nearly rounded; margin entire, undulate; sub-coriaceous, glabrous, slightly papillose and nearly smooth, above nitidulous, beneath dull; with 7 (6—8) pairs of sec. nerves; prim,nbsp;nerves above grooved on each side and glabrous, beneath distinctlynbsp;prominent and subglabrous, sec. ones glabrous, above groovednbsp;on each side, beneath prominent, tert. ones glabrous, above hardlynbsp;prominent, beneath prominent., sec. and tert. ones forming beneath anbsp;conspicuously pale green reticulation. Inflorescenses axillary,nbsp;pseudospicate, not branched, 1.5 (i—2) cm long. The pedunclesnbsp;stout, terete, striate, like the semiorbicular, about i mm long bractsnbsp;and bractlets and the outside and inside of the calyx and the corollanbsp;densely ferrugineous puberulous. Flowers sessile or subsessile,nbsp;5-merous, 4 mm long. Calyx shallowly cupuliform, about 2 mmnbsp;long; its lobes oblong-triangular, acute, 2 to 3 times as long as thenbsp;tube. Petals lanceolate-triangular, acute, carnose. Stamens in thenbsp;fern. fl. about 2 mm long; filaments subulate; anthers oblong, 0.5nbsp;mm long. Disc in the fern. fl. annular, densely ferrugineous tomen-tellous. Drupe either oblique-ovoid and monopyrenous or broadlynbsp;globose, 2- to 5-lobed and 2- to 5-pyrenous, with subacute apex,nbsp;crowned by the rudiments of a sessile stigma, densely to sparselynbsp;ferrugineous puberulous, 1.25 cm long and 1.25—1.75 cm in diam.;nbsp;mesocarp rather thick, carnose; endocarp thick, woody.
Type: Spruce 3476 in h.P.
Distribution: once collected.
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VENEZUELA: Amazonas-terr., R. Negro, near San Carlos, Spruce 3476 (1854) fr. Apr. (B, BM, BR, G, K, LE, NY, P, W).
Like P. ferrugineum Engl., this species is different from the other species of the section Icicopsis by the strongly developednbsp;indumentum on its generative parts, and also by its small, ovatenbsp;leaflets.
Anatomy: Guill. in Ann. Sc. nat., S.9, X, p.209 (1909).
Doubtful species
Protium Carana March, in Adans. VIII, p.51 (1867—1868); Engl, in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. Ill, 4, p.237 (1897) et ed.2, XlXa,nbsp;p.413 (.1931). Non apud Engl, in Mart. FI. Bras. XII, 2, p.277nbsp;(1874) et id. in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.84 (.1883) quod quoad descr.nbsp;et spec. Poeppig 2830 ad P. Poeppigianum Swart pertinet, eadumnbsp;modo Pittier in Trab. Mus. com. Venez. VII, p.364 (1931), necnbsp;apud L. Williams in Field Mus. N.H., Bot.S. XV, p.236 (1936)nbsp;quod ad P. tenuifolium Engl, pertinet.
Amyris Carana Humb., Voyage Rég. équin. I, Relat. hist. II, p.421, 435 (1819) nomen; Spreng., Linn. Syst. Veg. ed.i6, IV, 2,nbsp;p.148 (1827).
Idea ? Carana H.B.K., Nov. Gen. et Spec. PI. VII, p.27 (1825); Kunth. Syn. PI. IV, p.163 (1825); DeCand., Prodr. II, p.78nbsp;(1825); Don, Gen. Hist. Diehl. PI. II, p.83 (1832); Tr. et PI. in Ann.nbsp;Sc. nat., S.5, XIV, p.299 (1872).
Elaphrium Carana Spr. ex Dietr. Syn. PI. II, p.1271 (1840).
Bursera Carana Baill., Hist. d. PI. V, p.296 (1874); id., Tr. Bot. méd. phan. p.951 (1884).
Tingulonga Carana OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.io8 (1891).
Protium altissimum March, apud Pitt, in Trab. Mus. com. Venez. VIII, p.367 (1931) p.p.
Large and balsamiferous tree, more than 30 m high (Humb.). Leaves at least trifoliolate, probably 2-jugate or multijugate, innbsp;all parts glabrous; interjuga terete, striate, at the nodes slightlynbsp;incrassate, more than 5 cm long; petiolules terete, striate, at bothnbsp;ends incrassate, 13 mm long; leaflets oblong-ovate, narrowed fromnbsp;below the middle to the apex, slightly asymmetric, 23—24 cm longnbsp;and 9—II cm wide; apex rather abruptly acuminate; acumennbsp;sublinear, 17.5 mm long and 4 mm wide, obtuse; base cuneate;nbsp;margin entire, repand, undulate; subcoriaceous, smooth, abovenbsp;nitidous, beneath dull; with 16 pairs of sec. nerves; prim, nervesnbsp;on both sides distinctly prominent; sec. nerves above immersed
-ocr page 189-beneath prominent, tert. ones above hardly prominent, beneath prominulous.
Type: Humboldt 960 in h.B.
Distribution: once collected.
VENEZUELA; Amazonas-terr., R. Temi, near Javita, Humboldt 960 (1799—1804) (B).
Vern. names; carana, mararo.
The type collection consists of only three lateral leaflets and a part of an interjugum. Although these fragments agree with Protiumnbsp;in general aspect, they do not agree with any other species of thenbsp;genus, nor with any of the specimens referred to P. Carana March,nbsp;by other authors.
Engler, who did not see the type-specimen, based his diagnosis on Poeppig 2830, which is distinctly different and on which Inbsp;founded P. Poeppigianum Swart.
Pittier’s diagnosis of P. altissimum (Aubl.) March., l.c. p.367, which I have referred to Tetragastris altissima (Aubl.) Swart,nbsp;is an exerpt of that given by Engler, which does not pertain tonbsp;this species, but is founded on a Poiteau specimen now referrednbsp;to Talisia (Sapindac.). The vern. names “carana” and “mararo”,nbsp;quoted by Pittier, and the last sentence of his comment, however,nbsp;are taken from Kunth’s description of Icica Carana, the vern. namenbsp;“jacifate” and the last but one sentence of his comment fromnbsp;Kunth’s description of Icica cuspidata and the distribution is thatnbsp;of the two last-named species combined.
Uses; Humboldt, l.c. p.435, already stated that the name “Carana” is used for various plants and resins, and therefore the scources of “carana”-resin given in the literature are untrustworthy. (Cf.; Humb. l.c.j Tr. et PI.nbsp;l.c.; Baill. l.c., Engl, l.c.; Cordemoy in Ann. Inst. col. Mars. VI, p.205nbsp;(1899); Wiesn. und Bamb. in Wiesn. Rohst. ed.2, I, p.175 (1900); Guill.nbsp;in Agr. Pays ch. IX, i, p.358 and 2, p.145 (1909); Tschirch, Handb. Phar-mak. Ill, 2, p.1136 (1925).
Protium tonkinense Engl, in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. ed.2, XlXa, p.413 (1931); Lam in Ann. Jard. bot. Btz. XLII, p.201 (1932);nbsp;id. in Bull. Jard. bot. Btz., S.3, XII, p.321 (1932).
Bursera tonkinensis Guill. in Rev. gén. Bot. XIX, p.i6i, t.ii (1907)5 id- in LeComte FI. gén. Indo-ch. I, p.718 (1911).
Tree, 6—8 m high. Leaves 3- to 5-jugate, about 40 cm long; petioles about 7 cm long; interjuga 2.5—4 cm long; petiolules 2—7nbsp;mm long, the terminal ones about 25 mm; leaflets elliptic-ovate.
-ocr page 190-392
about 7 cm long, asymmetric; apex gradually narrowed in a 7—8 mm long and 4—5 mm wide, obtuse acumen; base rounded; marginnbsp;entire; membranaceous, glabrous; with 5—6 pairs of sec. nerves;nbsp;sec. nerves prominent, tert. ones prominulous. Inflorescencesnbsp;subterminal, axillary, 7—12 cm long, laxly branched. Pedicelsnbsp;slightly longer than the 5-merous, about i mm long flowers. Calyxnbsp;nearly as long as the corolla; its lobes acute, about 3 times as longnbsp;as the tube. Petals acute, whitish. Stamens 10, the episepalous onesnbsp;nearly as long as the petals, the epipetalous ones shorter, anthersnbsp;oblong. Pistil at the base surrounded by the disc, consisting of annbsp;ovoid 3-celled ovary, containing 2 collateral, epitropous ovules innbsp;each cell, and crowned by a short style and a 3-lobed stigma.
Type: Balansa.
Distribution: once collected.
INDO-CHINA: Tonkin, Haï Nam, Phu Ly, Ké So, Balansa (1855— 1889) fl. fem.(?) May. (ex Guill.).
As I did not see the type specimen, I had to rely on the description given by Guillaumin, which, however, is not sufficiently explicit and I was therefore unable to check the opinion expressed by Engler and by Lam, that this species should be referred to thenbsp;genus Protium.
Neglected species
Protium coriaceum Engl, in Mart. Fl. Bras. XII, 2, p.281 (1874).
This species, based on a fruiting specimen collected by Schom-burgk (without number or date) in Br. Guiana, has never again been mentioned, not even in Engler’s monograph of 1883 and Inbsp;have seen no specimen bearing this name.
Icica acuminata De Cand., Prodr. II, p.78 (1825); Don, Gen. Hist. Diehl. PI. II, p.83 (1832); Klotzsch in Schomb. Reisen innbsp;Br. Guiana III, p.ii88 (1848).
This species has not been mentioned subsequently in the literature and I did not see any specimen bearing its name.
Icica? cuspidata H.B.K., Nov. Gen. et Spec. PI. VII, p.27 (1825); Kunth, Syn. PI. IV, p.163 (1825); DeCand., Prodr. II,nbsp;p.78 (1825); Don, Gen. Hist. Diehl. PI. II, p.83 (1832); Engl, innbsp;DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p. 90 (1883).
Elaphrium cuspidatum Spr. ex Dietr., Syn. PI. II, p.1271 (1840).
-ocr page 191-Protium altissimtim March, in errore Pittier in Trab. Mus. com. Venez. VIII, p.367 (1931) p.p. (Cf. sub P. Carana March.).
The type specimen of this species, which is indicated as “negli-genda” by Engler, was collected by Humboldt in Venezuela, near Javita, on the bords of the R. Temi and consisted of leaves only.nbsp;I neither saw a specimen inscribed with the name “Icica ? cuspidata,”nbsp;nor with the vern. name “jacifate”.
Bursera (Icica) macrostachya Turcz. in Bull. Soc. imp. Nat. Mosc. XXXVI, I, p.613 (1863); Engl, in DC. Mon. Phan. IV,nbsp;p.60 (1883).
I have not found Schomburgk I, 333, the type specimen of this species, which is mentioned by the author and by Engler, undernbsp;“Bursera; Species excl.”, only. The short diagnosis makes furthernbsp;identification impossible.
Icica Schomburgkii Klotzsch in Schomb. Reisen in Br. Guiana III, p.ii88 (1848) nomen.
I did not see any specimen bearing this name and the brief comment of the author made it impossible to trace the type.
Icica ? serrata DeCand., Prodr. II, p.77 (1825); Don, Gen. Hist. Diehl. PI. II, p.83 (1832).
Amyris ambrosiaca Moc. et Sessé (non L.), El. Mex. Ic. et Descr. ined.
I saw two copies of the original drawing, by Alph. de Candolle inscribed “Amyris serrata DC.”, but there is no conformity withnbsp;any Central American species which I studied.
Excluded species
Protium africanum Harv. in Harv. et Sond. FI. Cap. H, p.592 (1861—1862)
— Commiphora Harveyi Engl, in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.25 (1883).
Protium australasicum (Bailey) Sprague in Kew Bull. 1912, p.370 (1912); Francis, Austr. Rain For. Trees p.175, f 112—113nbsp;(1929); Engl, in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. ed.2, XlXa, p.413; Lam innbsp;Ann. Jard. bot. Btz. XLH, p.201 (1932); id. in Bull. Jard. bot.nbsp;Btz., S.3, XII, p.321 (1932).
Bursera australasica Bailey in Queensl. Dept. Agr. Bull. XVIH, p.8 (1892); id. in Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensl. XI, p.14 (1895); id.,nbsp;Queensl. FI. I, p.223 (1899); id., Compr. Cat. Queensl. PI. p.85.
-ocr page 192-394
f.yi (1909)-
= Santiria ? sp.
The type specimen, J. M. Bailey, May 1892, in the herbarium at Kew, possesses a drupe with a thin and fleshy mesocarp and anbsp;thick and woody endocarp with 4 cells, two of which are fertile.nbsp;These cells are firmly united by solid tissue and form a singlenbsp;plurilocular pyrene, instead of the separate pyrenes found in Pro-tium. The additional material, Simmonds and Bailey, Nov. 1894,nbsp;in the herbaria of the British Museum and at Kew shows masculinenbsp;flowers, which are mostly 3-merous with soft petals provided with anbsp;thin and slightly imbricate margin and a minute, rudimentarynbsp;ovaryj such features are never met with in Protium. Most probablynbsp;this material belongs to the genus Santiria, though no Australiannbsp;species of this genus are yet known.
Protium holivianum Britton in Bull. Tor. bot. Cl. XVI, p. 189 (1889); Engl, in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl. fam. ed. 2, XlXa, p. 412 (1931)
= Mauria ferruginea Tul. (Anacardiac.).
Protium caudatum W. et A., Prodr. FI. Pen. Ind. Or. I, p.177 (1834)
=Commiphora caudata Engl. inDC. Mon. Phan.IV,p.27(i883).
Protium gileadense W. et A., Prodr. FI. Pen. Ind. Or. I, p.177 (i934)
=Commiphora Berryi Engl, in DC.Mon. Phan. IV, p.17 (1883).
Protium Klugii Macbride in Candollea V, p.378 (1934)
= Bursera sp.
Protium lucidum (Rose) Engl, in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl. fam. ed.2, XlXa, p.414 (1931)-
Idea lucida Rose in N. Am. FI. XXV, 3, p.260 (1911)
= Mauria sp. (Anacardiac.) (Cf. Standl. in Field Mus. N.H., Bot.S. XVIII, p.576 (1937).
Protium} mossamhicense Oliver, FI. Trop. Afr. I, p.329 (1868)
= Commiphora mossambicensis Engl, in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.26 (1883).
Protium pubescens W. et A., Prodr. FI. Pen. Or. I, p.176 (1834)
= Commiphora pubescens Engl, in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.2I (1883).
Protium Roxburghianum W. et A., Prodr. FI. Pen. Ind. Or. I, p.176 (1834)
-ocr page 193-= Commiphora caudata Engl. var. Roxburghiana Engl, in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.28 (1883).
Idea Ahilo Blanco, FI. Philipp, ed.2, p.256 (1845)
= Garuga floribunda Decne in Nouv. Ann. Mus. Par. Ill, p. 477 (1834).
Idea? dentata DC., Prodr. II, p.78 (1825); Don, Gen. Hist. Diehl. PI. II, p.83 (1832).
Amyris dentata Willd., Linn. Sp. PI. ed.4, II, p.337 (1799)
= Clausena dentata M. Roem., Syn. I, p.44 (1846).
Icica ? dentata DC. was referred by Blume, Mus. Lugd. Bat. I, p.229 (1849—1851), to Protium javanicum Burnt, and this viewnbsp;was reproduced by Walp., Ann. Bot. Syst. II, p.288 (1851—1852),nbsp;by Miquel, El. Ned. Indie I, 2, p.654 (1859) and by Reorders ennbsp;Valeton in Med. s’Lands Pitt. XVII, 4, p.22 (1896). Hook., FI. Br.nbsp;Ind. I, p.506 (1875) however recognized the identity of Icicanbsp;dentata DC. with Clausena Willdenowii W. et A. (1834), and fornbsp;this species now the correct name Clausena dentata Roem. hasnbsp;been reestablished.
Idea leptostaehya Turez. in Bull. Soc. imp. Nat. Mosc. XXXI, I, p.473; Engl, in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.90 (1883); Rose in N.nbsp;Am. FI. XXV, 3, p.261 (1911).
Tingulonga leptostaehya OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.io8 (1891).
A dupheate of the type specimen, Galeotti 3493 in the herbarium at Brussels, consists of young inflorescences only, and these certainly do not belong to Protium, and probably not even to a Bur-seraceous genus.
leiea ? timoriensis DC;, Prodr. H, p.78 (1825); Don, Gen. Hist. Diehl. PI. H, p.83 (1832).
A specimen in the herbarium at Geneva, signed with this name, and probably either the type or a duplicate of the type, is providednbsp;with young flowers, which do not belong to Protium and probablynbsp;not even to a Bur setaceous genus.
II. HEMICREPIDOSPERMUM Swart Hemicrepidospermum Swart in Rec.Trav. bot. néerl. XXXIX,
p.205 (1942)-
Trees. Bark balsamiferous. Leaves scattered, imparipinnate; petiolules short; leaflets oblong to elliptic, obtusely acuminate.
-ocr page 194-396
serrulate. Inflorescences subterminal, axillary, the main ramifications racemose but the flowers arranged in terminal cymes, rather large, not or but slightly branched. Peduncles and branchletsnbsp;slender. Flowers polygamous-dioecious, small, 5-merous. Calyxnbsp;synsepalous. Petals free, subinduplicate-valvate in aestivation,nbsp;with incrassate inflexed apex. Stamens 10, obdiplostemonous, thenbsp;episepalous ones somewhat longer. Disc annular, lO-lobed, glabrous.nbsp;Pistil appressedly puberulous, in the masc. flowers rudimentary,nbsp;embedded in the disc, in the fern, flowers as high as the stamens,nbsp;at the base surrounded by the disc; style short; stigmas 5; ovarynbsp;with 5 epipetalous locules, each with 2 subapical collateral epitropousnbsp;pendulous ovules. Drupe with pilose exocarp, carnose balsamiferousnbsp;mesocarp and thin crustaceous endocarp; pyrenes separated by anbsp;thin layer of mesocarp, one-seeded. Seed ovoid with brittle testa,nbsp;exalbuminous; embryo subhippocrepiform, apex of the cotyledonsnbsp;uncinate, the inner cotyledon with a short recurved part, % tonbsp;the length of the basal part, the outer one with a very short incurved part, at most the length of the basal part, overlappingnbsp;the inner one.
Type-species of the genus: Hemicrepidospermum rhoi-folium (Benth.) Swart.
I species; equatorial South America, east
Distribution of the Andes.
The genus Crepidospermum has been founded in 1862 by Hooker f. and is based on Spruce 4193 as the type of C. Sprucei. Thisnbsp;specimen has been identified by Triana and Planchon in 1872,nbsp;with Goudot A no. 2, on which Tulasne in 1846 had based his Icicanbsp;Goudotiana Tul., and in this way the name C. Goudotiana (Tul.)nbsp;Tr. et PI. originated. This identification could be confirmed tonbsp;be right. The principal characters of this genus are its isostemonynbsp;and its cotyledons, replicate in the midst of their length.
In the same publication Triana and Planchon rightly identified Spruce 1344, the type of Hedwigia rhoifolia Benth., with Triananbsp;3699 and with a specimen of Mélinon, named by L. Marchand innbsp;manuscript Crepidospermum guyanense. These specimens consistnbsp;merely of fruiting branches, but already in 1852 Bentham statednbsp;“Stamina 10”, and that this is true can be seen on the other specimens too. Triana and Planchon pay no attention to this fact,nbsp;but they stated that the distinctly uncinate inner cotyledon, isnbsp;provided with a recurved part, which is but % to ’/g the lengthnbsp;of the basal part, and that the outer cotyledon has but a very shortnbsp;incurved part. Bentham also says: cotyledones apice inferae pro-
-ocr page 195-ductae in acumen breve radiculaeforme tenue incurvum, in dorsum alterius cotyledonis incumbens. So Triana and Planchon placednbsp;these specimens in the genus Crepidospermum as C. rhoifoliumnbsp;(Benth.) Tr. et PI. But they suggested that perhaps a separate section of the genus for this species should be formed, for which theynbsp;proposed the name Hemicrepidospermum.
In the ample description of the genus given by Engler in his monograph of the Burseraceae (1883), and in his other publicationsnbsp;(1874, 1897, 1931) no attention is paid to the difference in thenbsp;number of stamens and in the folding of the cotyledons. Thenbsp;difference in the relative length of the folded top of the cotyledonsnbsp;may perhaps, as suggested by Triana and Planchon, be treated asnbsp;of slight importance, but the difference in the number of stamensnbsp;is in my opinion of generic value.
I. Hemicrepidospermum rhoifolium (Benth.) Swart n. comb.
Hedwigia rhoifoUa Benth. in Hook. Journ. of Bot. IV, p.17 (1852); Mueller in Walp. Ann. IV, p.450 (1857).
Crepidospermum rhoifolium Tr. et PI. in Ann. Sc. nat. S.5, XIV, p.300 (1872); Engl, in Mart. Flor. Bras. XII, 2, p.290,nbsp;t.6i, f I (1874); id. in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.94, t.2, f.20—^24nbsp;(1883); id. in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. Ill, 4, p.235 (1897) et ed.2,nbsp;XlXa, p.415 (1931); Sagot in Ann. Sc. nat. S.6, XIII, p.290nbsp;(1882); Huber in Bol. Mus. Goeldi V, p.431 (1908); Benoist innbsp;Bull. Soc. bot. Fr. LXVI, p.360 (1909); LeCointe, Arv. e. PI.nbsp;ut. a. Amaz. Bras. Ill, p.64 (1934); Sampaio in Bol. Mus. nac.nbsp;R. d. Jan. X, p.13 (1934).
Crepidospermum guianense March, mss. in h.P (Mélinon 1887); Tr. et PI. l.c.; Sagot l.c.
Tree. Branchlets thick, 0.5 cm in diam., terete, striate, when young ferrugineous tomentellous, when adult glabrescent, scabrousnbsp;and grey. Leaves 2- to 4-, mostly 3-jugate, 30—40 cm long; petiolesnbsp;at the base semiterete, 9—to cm long, like the rhachis and thenbsp;petiolules when young densely ferrugineous puberulous, whennbsp;adult glabrescent, greyish and at the base slightly transverselynbsp;rimose; interjuga terete, striate, 3—4 cm long; petiolules semiterete, above sulcate, 5—7.5 mm long, the terminal ones 3 cm;nbsp;leaflets elliptic, sometimes narrowed to the apex, usually ii—14 cmnbsp;long and 5.5—-6.$ cm wide, but the terminal ones larger, the lateralnbsp;ones slightly asymmetric and the basal ones much smaller; apexnbsp;gradually narrowed in a tapering, 7.5 mm long and 5—7 mm wide,nbsp;obtuse acumen; base cuneate; margin remotely but distinctly
-ocr page 196-398
serrulate; pergamentaceous, on both sides nitidulous, scabriusculous and nearly glabrous; with 8—lo pairs of sec. nerves; prim, nervesnbsp;densely ferrugineous puberulous, above grooved on each side,nbsp;beneath prominent, sec. ones similar to the prim, ones but sparselynbsp;puberulous, tert. ones above visible and glabrous, beneath prominent provided with some hairs. Inflorescences subterminalnbsp;axillary, mixed, 9—18 cm long, always shorter than the subtendingnbsp;leaves. Peduncles and the few, on an average 2 cm long, sec. branchletsnbsp;terete, striate, densely ferrugineous puberulous. Pedicels terete,nbsp;puberulous, about half as long as the flowers; bracts oblong-lanceo-
a. male flowers;
late, acute, sparsely puberulous, about i mm long; bractlets elliptic, 0.5 mm long. Flowers 5-merous, 2.5 mm long, whitish. Calyxnbsp;cupuliform to campanulate, half the length of the flower, puberulous;nbsp;its lobes triangular, acute, once to once and half as long as thenbsp;tube. Petals free, oblong-elliptic, acute, subcarnose, outside sparselynbsp;pubescent to glabrous, and villose on the midrib, inside glabrous,nbsp;on the margins papillose. Stamens 10, 1.5 mm long; filamentsnbsp;short, 0.35—0.5 mm long, broadly subulate; anthers oblong. Discnbsp;annular, glabrous, 0.35 mm high. Pistil in the masc. fl. rudimentarynbsp;and embedded in the disc, 0.5 mm high, in the fem.fl. about asnbsp;high as the stamens; ovary ovoid, 5-sulcategt; 5-celled, adpressedly
-ocr page 197-puberulous, tapering in a short 5-sulcate style, crowned by a 5-lobed stigma. Drupe oblique-ovoid to globulose and 2- to 5-lobed, withnbsp;acute apex crowned by the rudiments of the style, densely ferru-gineous tomentellous, 1.5 cm long and 1.25—2 cm in diam.; pyrenesnbsp;I to 5.
Type: Spruce 1344 in h.BM.
Distribution: equatorial South America, east of the Andes.
COLOMBIA: Bogota, Llanos de San Martin, Triana 3699 (1851—1857) alt. 300 m, fr. (B, BM, K, P, W); without loc., Karsten (no date) fr. (W).
SURINAME: Corantyne R., Kaboeri, Pulle 519 (1920) virgin forest, fl. masc. Sept. (U); Saramacca R., Watramiri, tree n. 1641, BW. 2006 (1916)nbsp;(U), BW. 2506 (1916) fr. Dec. (U); id.. Sectie O, tree n. 507, BW. 344 (1915)nbsp;fl. fern, and fr. Apr. (U), BW. 1134 (1915) fr. Oct. (U), BW. 1291 (1915)nbsp;fr. Oct. (U), BW. 2380 (1916) fr. Nov. (U)j upper Suriname R., Treslingnbsp;457 (1908) fr. Sept. (U).
FR. GUIANA: Maroni R., Mélinon (1864) fr. (B, BM, BR, BZ, G, K, LE, NY, P): id., St. Jean, Benoist 901 (1914) fl. masc. March. (P).
BRAZIL: Para, R. Maloquinha, Mapuere, Ducke 9080 (1907) (ex Huber 1908); Amazonas, R. Negro, near Barra, Spruce 1344 (1851) fr. Febr. (BM,nbsp;G, K, LE, M, NY, P, W) (type); id., basin R. SoUmoes, Sao Paulo de Oli-venga, near Palmares, Krukoff 8283 (1936) fr. Sept.-Oct. (NY); id., basinnbsp;R. Madeira, Humayta, near Tres Casas, Krukoff 6392 (1934) virgin forest,nbsp;low land, fr. Oct. (K, NY, U); id., id. 6485 (1934) virgin forest, low land,nbsp;in bud Oct. (K, NY, U).
Vern. names: SURINAME: salie (N.E.), joriballi-béléro (Arow.)‘ pokiria sipioli (Car.); BRAZIL: breu branco (Ducke, ex Huber).
Anatomy: Solereder, Syst. Anat. Die. p.218, £436 (1899); Guill. in Ann. Sc. nat., S.9, X, p.206, f.i (1909)
Crepidospermum Hook.f. in Benth. et Hook. Gen. PI. I, i, p.325 (1862); Marchand in Adans. VHI, p.17, p.65 (1867—1868);nbsp;Baillon, Hist. d. PI. V, p.260, p.310 (1874); Engl, in Mart. Fl.nbsp;Bras. XH, 2, p.290 (1874); idem in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.93nbsp;(1883); Baillon, Diet. Bot. II, p.266 (1886); Engl, in E.-Pr. Nat.nbsp;Pfl.fam. HI, 4, p.325 (1897) et ed.2, XlXa, p.415 (1931); Guill.nbsp;in Ann. Sc. nat., S.9, X, p.206 (1909); Lemée, Diet. H, p.368nbsp;(1930); Benoist in Arch. d. Bot. V, Mém.i, p.154 (1931).
Shrubs, rarely trees. Branches and branchlets balsamiferous. Leaves scattered, imparipinnate; petiolules short. Leaflets lanceolatenbsp;to elliptic, acuminate, serrate. Inflorescences subterminal, axillary,nbsp;the main ramifications racemose but the flowers arranged in ter-
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minal cymes, rather large, much-branched, many-flowered; peduncles and branchlets slender. Flowers polygamous-dioecious, small, 5-merous or rarely 4-merous. Calyx synsepalous; its lobesnbsp;imbricate in bud. Petals free, subinduplicate-valvate in aestivation,nbsp;carnose, with incrassate and inflexed apex. Stamens episepalous.nbsp;Disc annular, lobed, glabrous. Pistil glabrous, in the masc. flowersnbsp;rudimentary, in the fern, flowers at the base surrounded by thenbsp;disc; ovary with epipetalous locules, each with 2 subapical collateralnbsp;epitropous pendulous ovules. Drupe with glabrous thin exocarp,nbsp;rather carnose balsamiferous mesocarp and thin crustaceous endo-carp; pyrenes separated by a thin layer of mesocarp, one-seeded.nbsp;Seed ellipsoid with brittle testa, exalbuminous; embryo hippo-crepiform with uncinate cotyledons, the latter both curved to thenbsp;same side, their upper and lower parts equal in length or nearly so.
Type-species of the genus: Crepidospermum Sprucei Hook.f. which is now reduced to C. Goudotianum (Tul.) Tr. et PI.
Distribution: eastern slopes of the Andes, from Colombia to Bolivia.
Though the original description of the genus was published by Hooker f. and the latter is everywhere credited with it the labelnbsp;of the type specimen in the Herbarium at Kew reads Crepidospermum Sprucei Bentham and the sheet moreover bears an analysisnbsp;in Bentham’s handwriting.
Key to the species.
la. - leaves 3- to 4-jugate; leaflets with 9—12 pairs of sec. nerves; both pedicel and calyx about half as long as the flower
..........I. C. Goudotianum (Tul.) Tr. et Pl.
ib. - leaves 6- to 8-jugate; leaflets with about 15 pairs of sec. nerves; pedicel nearly as long as the flower, calyx one fifth the lengthnbsp;of the flower ....... 2. C. multijugum Swart
I. Crepidospermum Goudotianum (Tul.) Tr. etPL. in Ann. Sc. nat. S.5, XIV, p.300 (1872); Engl, in Mart. Flor. Bras. XII,nbsp;2, p.289, t.6i, f.2 (1874); id. in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.93, t. 2,nbsp;f.15—19 (1883); id. in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. HI, 4, p.235 (1897)nbsp;et ed.2, XlXa, p.415 (1931); Williams in Field Mus. N.H., Bot.nbsp;S. XV, p.232 (1936).
Idea Goudotiana Tul. in Ann. Sc. nat. S.3, VI, p.372 (1846); Walp., Ann. Bot. Syst. I, p.201 (1848—1849).
Crepidospermum Sprucei Hook.f. in Benth. et Hook. Gen. PI. I, I, p.325 (1882).
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Shrub, or, rarely, tree. Branchlets rather stout, polygonous, when young densely ferrugineous pubescent, when adult glabrescentnbsp;and lurid. Leaves 3- to 4-jugate, 20 (15—30) cm long; petioles nearnbsp;the slightly incrassate base semiterete, 4—6 cm long, like the rhachisnbsp;and the petiolules when young rather densely brown tomentose butnbsp;when adult glabrescent and ferrugineous; interjuga terete, striate,nbsp;2—3.5 cm long; petiolules semiterete, 2.5—3.5 mm long, the terminal ones 20—25 mm; leaflets oblong to elliptic, usually 7—10 cmnbsp;long and 3—3.5 cm wide, but the lateral ones oblique and the basalnbsp;ones much smaller; apex gradually narrowed in a short acumen;nbsp;base broadly cuneate; margin rather densely serrate; pergamenta-ceous, above glabrous and nitidulous, beneath puberulous andnbsp;dull, with 9—12 pairs of sec. nerves;nbsp;prim, nerves on both sides prominent,nbsp;above tomentellous, beneath puberulous,nbsp;sec. ones above slightly immersed andnbsp;subglabrous, beneath prominent, tert. onesnbsp;above hardly visible, beneath prominulous.
Inflorescences subterminal, axillary, mixed,
8—10 (5—13) cm long, with but few short branchlets, up to i (i—3) cm long, endingnbsp;in many-flowered clusters; bracts lanceolate. Peduncles mostly half as long as thenbsp;inflorescences and like the branchletsnbsp;densely puberulous. Pedicels half as longnbsp;as the flowers, i—1.5 mm, sparsely puberulous; bracts and bractlets lanceolate.
Flowers 5-merous, or rarely 4-merous,
2—3 mm long. Calyx infundibuliform, about I mm long, nearly half as long as the corolla; its lobes oncenbsp;to twice as long as the tube, acute. Petals free, oblong, acute,nbsp;outside near the top with some patent, rather long hairs, insidenbsp;glabrous, margins papillose. Stamens 5, episepalous, about halfnbsp;the length of the corolla; filaments broadly subulate, about as longnbsp;as the oblong anthers. Disc 0.3 mm high. Pistil in the masc. fl. 0.3nbsp;mm high, sunken in the disc; in the fern. fl. as high as the stamens,nbsp;1.2 mm high, and consisting of a globulose, slightly 5-lobed, 5-celled, glabrous, 0.7 mm high ovary, and a cylindrical style of 0.5nbsp;mm length. Drupe oblique-ovoid to compressed-ellipsoid, glabrous,nbsp;about 1.5 cm long and 0.75 cm in diam.; pyrenes mostly i,nbsp;sometimes 2.
Type: Goudot A no. 2 in h.P.
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Distribution: eastern slopes of the Andes, from Colombia to Bolivia.
COLOMBIA: Upper Orinoco, Goudot A no. 2 (1844) fr. (P) (type). PERU: dept. San Martin, Tarapoto, Spruce 4193 (1855—56) fl. masc.nbsp;(B, BM, BR, C, F, G, K, LE, P, S, W) (type of C. Sprucei Hook, f.); id.,nbsp;L. Williams 5390 (1929) alt. 750 m, on sandy soil, fr. March (F, US); uppernbsp;Rio Huallaga, L. Williams 5636 (1929), alt. 360—900 m, fr. Dec. (F): id.,nbsp;L. Williams 5869 (1929) alt. 750 m, fr. Dec. (F, U)j id., Klug 3771 (1934)nbsp;alt. 400 m, fl. masc. Oct. (B, BM, F, K); id., San Roque, L. Williams 7193nbsp;(1930) alt. 1350—1500 m, fr. Jan. (F, G, US): dept, Loreto, Ule 6413 (1902)nbsp;fl. masc. Sept. (B, G, K, L): dept. Loreto, prov. Moyobamba, Weberbauernbsp;4502 (1904) alt. 800—900 m, in savannah, fl. fern. Aug. (B, G):id., id.,Weberbauer 4579 (no date) alt. 800—^900 m, fl. fern. (B, G).
BRAZIL: terr. de Acre, basin R. Purus, near mouth R. Macauhan in R. Yaco, Krukoff 5715 (1933) fl. masc. Aug. (B, K, NY, S, U); Amazonas,nbsp;S. Fransisco, Ule 9507 (1911) fl. masc. Sept. (B, G, K).
Vern. names: PERU: isula micunan, trompetero caspi (ex Wilhams
Anatomy: Guill. in Ann. Sc. nat., S.9, X, p.215 (1909).
2. Crepidospermum multijugum Swart in Rec. Trav. bot. néerl. XXXIX, p.205 (1942).
Small tree. Branchlets rather stout, terete, sulcate, when young densely ferrugineous puberulous, when adult glabrescent andnbsp;smooth. Leaves 6- to 8-jugate, 25—30 cm long; petioles terete, nearnbsp;the thickened base semiterete, 6 cm long, like the rhachis and thenbsp;petiolules rather densely tomentellous; interjuga 2.5 cm long;nbsp;petiolules semiterete, above subalate, 2.5 mm long, the terminalnbsp;ones 15 mm; leaflets mostly oblong to lanceolate, but the basalnbsp;ones oblong to elliptic, slightly asymmetrical, 6.5 cm long andnbsp;2 cm wide; apex gradually and rather shortly acuminate; acumennbsp;4 mm long and 3 mm wide, acute; base acute; margin rather denselynbsp;and acutely serrate; pergamentaceous, scabriusculous and dull,nbsp;above glabrescent, beneath sparsely puberulous; with 15 pairsnbsp;of sec. nerves; prim, nerves prominent and pubescent, sec. nervesnbsp;above prominulous and provided with some scattered hairs, beneathnbsp;prominent and sparsely puberulous, tert. nerves above indistinct,nbsp;beneath prominulous and provided with some scattered hairs.nbsp;Inflorescences subterminal, axillary, laxly paniculate, many-flowered, 12 cm long; peduncles and branchlets slender, terete, striate,nbsp;rather densely pubescent. Pedicels as long as the flowers; 2.5 mmnbsp;long, like the lanceolate, 0.5 mm long bracts and bractlets sparselynbsp;puberulous. Flowers 5-merous, 2.5 mm long. Calyx short, cupuli-form, 0.5 mm high; its lobes semiorbicular, acuminate, as long as
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the tube. Petals lanceolate-oblong, acute, outside near the top with some rather long patent hairs, glabrous for the rest, margins papillose.nbsp;Stamens 5, episepalous, half the length of the corolla; filamentsnbsp;broadly subulate, about as long as the oblong anthers. Disc annular,nbsp;0.35 mm high, 5-lobed, glabrous. Pistil in the masc. fl. rudimentary,nbsp;embedded in the disc, 0.5 mm high, provided with a short style.
Type: Klug 2284 in h.F 668750.
Distribution : eastern Ecuador.
ECUADOR: Loreto, Florida, R. Putumayo at mouth of R. Zubineta, Klug 2284 (1931) alt. 180 m, fl. masc. (BM, F, K); id., id. 2004 (1931) alt.nbsp;200 m, fl. masc. (F).
This species resembles C. Goudotianum (Tul.) Tr. et PI. in general appearance, but is distinctly different by its multijugatenbsp;leaves, its smaller and narrower leaflets, its much longer pedicelsnbsp;and its much shorter calyx.
Tetragastris Gaertn., Fr. et Sem. II, p.130, t.109, f.5 (1802); Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.io6 (1891); Engl, in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.nbsp;fam. Ill, 4, p.238 (1897) et id., ed.2, XlXa, p.415 (1931); Guill.nbsp;in Ann. Sc. nat., S.9, X, p.213 (1909); Pulle in Bull. Kol. Mus.nbsp;Haarl. XLVII, p.ii8 (1911); Rose in N. Am. Fl. XXV, 3, p.241nbsp;(1911); Britton and Wilson, Bot. of P.Rico and the Virg. Isl. V,nbsp;p.461 (1924); Benoist in Arch. d. Bot. V, Mem.I, p.154 (1931);nbsp;Lemée, Diet. VI, p.505 (1935); Backer,Verkl.Woordenb. p.578 (1936).
Hedwigia Swartz, Prodr. Veg. Ind. Occ. p.62 (1788); id., Fl. Ind. Occ. II, p.670 (1800); Willd., Linn. Sp. PI. ed.4, II, p.332 (1799);nbsp;Persoon, Syn. PI. I, p.414 (1805); Kunth in Ann. Sc. nat. S.i, II,nbsp;P-353 (1824); DeCand., Prodr. II, p.80 (1825); Sprengel, Linn.nbsp;Syst. Veg. ed.i6, II, p.170 (1825); id., Linn. Gen. PI. ed.9, I,nbsp;p.301 (1830); Don, Gen. Hist. Diehl. PI. II, p.80 (1832); Meisner,nbsp;PI. Vase. Gen. I, p.77 et II, p.56 (1836—1843); Endl., Gen. PI.nbsp;p.1137 (1836—1840); Dietr., Syn. PI. II, p.1227 (1840); Blume,nbsp;Mus.L.B. I, p.226 (1849—1851); Hook.f. in Benth. et Hook.nbsp;Gen. PI. I, I, p.326 (1862); Griseb., Fl. Br. W. Ind. Isl. p.174nbsp;(1864); March, in Adans. VHI, p.65 (1867—1868); Tr. et PI.nbsp;in Ann. Sc. nat. S.5, XIV, p.301 (1872); Baillon, Hist. d. PI. V,nbsp;p.262, 314 (1874); id.. Diet. Bot. Ill, p.22 (1891) and IV, p.165nbsp;(1892); Engl, in Mart. Fl. Bras. XH, 2, p.284 (1874); id., in DC.nbsp;Mon. Phan. IV, p.95 (1883).
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Caproxylon Tussac, FI. d. Ant. IV, p.87 (1827).
Schwagrichenia Reichb., Consp. I, p.147 (1828).
Knorrea Moc. et Sessé, FI. Mex. Icon. ined. ex DeCand., Prodr.
Trees or shrubs; the bark provided with balsamiferous ducts. Leaves scattered, imparipinnate, 2- to 5-jugate; petioles semiterete;nbsp;interjuga above carinate, at both ends incrassate; petiolules semi-terete, above sulcate and subalate; leaflets elliptic to lanceolate,nbsp;the terminal ones narrowed to the base, the lateral ones slightlynbsp;oblique; apex acuminate; base slightly decurrent; margin entire;nbsp;glabrous. Inflorescences axillary and subterminal or terminal, thenbsp;main ramifications racemose but the flowers arranged in terminalnbsp;cymes. Flowers 4- to 5-merous, or rarely 6-merous, dioeciousnbsp;or polygamous. Calyx cupuliform; its lobes imbricate in aestivation.nbsp;Corolla sympetalous, tubular, carnose; its lobes induplicate-valvatenbsp;in aestivation, ending in an incrassate inflexed apex. Stamensnbsp;obdiplostemonous, inserted below the disc; filaments dilated,nbsp;especially at the base; anthers oblong, apiculate introrse. Discnbsp;annular, glabrous, lobed. Pistil in the masc. fl. rudimentary, forming with the disc a cone nearly as high as the stamens; in the fern,nbsp;fl. at the base surrounded by the disc and consisting of a 4- to 5-celled ovary and a 4- to 5-lobed subsessile stigma; each cell withnbsp;2 subapical collateral epitropous pendulous ovules. Fruit a drupenbsp;with a membranaceous exocarp, a carnose balsamiferous mesocarpnbsp;and a smooth brittle woody endocarp, when fully ripe sometimesnbsp;septicidal dehiscent; pyrenes up to 5, separated from each other by anbsp;distinct layer of mesocarp, i-seeded. Seed exalbuminous; embryonbsp;with plane-convex cotyledons.
Type-species of the genus: Hedwigia balsamifera Swartz, now reduced to Tetragastris balsamifera (Swartz) OK.
Distribution: tropical America, but chiefly north of the equator.
Persoon (1805) already recognized the identity of Hedwigia Swartz and Tetragrastris Gaertn., and Kunth, DeCandolle, Reichen-bach, Endlicher, Dietrich and Hooker f. agreed with him. Asnbsp;Hedwigia had priority they all conserved this name, exceptednbsp;Reichenbach who choose a new generic name. Tussac, in a remarknbsp;added to his diagnosis of Caproxylon, realized that the generic,nbsp;name Hedwigia should be conserved for Ehrhart’s genus Hedwigianbsp;(1781).
Baillon l.c. enlarged the genus by including Trattinickia Mart.,
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but as this genus differs from Tetragastris by its 3-merous flowers, its nearly connate, corrugate pyrenes and the presence of vascularnbsp;bundles in the medulla of its petioles it should be kept apart.
In the herbarium most of the species of this genus are at first view recognizable by their chestnut-brown, usually lustrous leafletsnbsp;dotted with nearly black spots and slightly decurrent at their basenbsp;by the absence of an articulation at the top of the petiolules andnbsp;by their large, usually more or less cracked, fruits whose fleshynbsp;mesocarp also separates the pyrenes.
Anatomy: Solereder, Syst. Anat. Die. p.216 (1899); Pfeiffer in Med. kon. kol. Inst. Amsterdam XXII, p.319 (1926).
Key to the species.
la. - inflorescences rather long, many-flowered, branched above
the middle only; calyx glabrous...........2
b. - inflorescences branched from the base; calyx and corolla pilose.......................4
2a. - leaflets subcoriaceous, with 14 pairs of sec. nerves, abruptly acuminate; acumen 3-times as long as wide; limb of the calyxnbsp;the length of the tube; corolla pilose; ovary sparsely pilose
........... I. T. mucronata (Rusby) Swart
b. - leaflets chartaceous, with 9—12 pairs of sec. nerves; ovary glabrous......................3
3a. - leaflets rather abruptly acuminate, with 9—10 pairs of sec. nerves; acumen once or twice as long as wide; the calyx
minutely 4- to 5-toothed; corolla glabrous.......
............2. T. Hostmannii (Engl.) OK.
b.-leaflets gradually acuminate, on the average with ii pairs of sec. nerves; acumen 2 to 3 times as long as wide; limb ofnbsp;the calyx ^/g—% the length of the tube; corolla pilose . .nbsp;...........3- T. balsamifera (Swartz) OK.
4a. - leaflets chartaceous, smooth, with 10 pairs of sec. nerves; sec. and tert. nerves on both sides distinctly prominent;nbsp;acumen at most as long as wide; inflorescences rather short,nbsp;many-flowered; flowers 4-merous; calyx the length of thenbsp;flower, its lobes as long as the tube; lobes of the corolla half
the length of the tube; ovary glabrous..........
............ 4. T. breviacuminata Swart
b. - leaflets subcoriaceous to coriaceous; sec. nerves above pro-minulous; acumen i l to 3 times as long as wide; flowers 5-merous......................5
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5a. - leaves large, 35—60 cm long; leaflets rather abruptly acuminate, on the average with 15 pairs of sec. nerves, smooth and shining; acumen relatively short; inflorescences nearly twicenbsp;as long as the petioles, many-flowered; bracts and bractletsnbsp;large, as long as the calyx; calyx large, half the length of thenbsp;flower, its lobes as long as the tube; corolla-lobes as longnbsp;as the tube; ovary pilose . 5. T. altissima (Aubl.) Swartnbsp;b. - leaves rather small, 20—30 cm long; leaflets rather graduallynbsp;acuminate, on the average with 10—12 pairs of sec. nerves,nbsp;generally scabridulous; inflorescences variable in length;nbsp;bracts and bractlets small, shorter than the calyx; calyxnbsp;small, V4—Vsnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;length of the flower, with very short lobes;
corolla-lobes % the length of the tube; ovary glabrous or, sometimes, hirtellous . . . 6. T. panamensis (Engl.) OK.
I. Tetragastris mucronata (Rusby) Swart nov. comb.
Protium mucronatum Rusby, Descr. new sp. S. Americ. plants p.34 (1920); Engl, in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. ed.2, XIXa,p.4i3(i93i).
Tree, up to 15 m high. Branchlets stout, terete, striate, when young densely ferrugineous tomentellous, when adult glabrousnbsp;and smooth. Leaves mostly 4-, sometimes 2- or 3-jugate, 50 cmnbsp;long, in all parts glabrous; petioles semiterete, 12 cm long; interjuganbsp;angulose, above carinate, 5 cm long; petiolules sulcate, subalate,nbsp;transversely rimose, i cm long, the terminal ones 3.5 cm long;nbsp;leaflets lanceolate-oblong to oblong-elliptic, usually 19 cm long andnbsp;7 cm wide, but the terminal ones larger and narrowed to the base,nbsp;the lateral ones oblique and sometimes narrowed to the apex, andnbsp;the basal ones shorter; apex abruptly acuminate; acumen taperingnbsp;and acute, 15 mm long and 5 mm wide; subcoriaceous, on bothnbsp;sides smooth and nitidulous; with 14 pairs of sec. nerves; prim, andnbsp;sec. nerves above grooved on each side, beneath distinctly prominent, tert. nerves above just visible, beneath prominulous. Inflorescences subterminal axillary, 20 (9—25) cm long, the sec.nbsp;branchlets up to 9 cm, the tert. ones up to 2.5 cm long, ending innbsp;many-flowered clusters. Peduncle half the length of the inflorescence, like the branchlets and the pedicels terete, striate and sparselynbsp;fuscous puberulous. Pedicels i mm long; bracts and bractletsnbsp;triangular, 0.5 mm long. Flowers 4-merous, 4 mm long, whitish.nbsp;Calyx cupuliform, glabrous, carnose, 1.25 mm high; its lobesnbsp;short, broadly triangular, acute, 0.25 mm long. Corolla 3 times asnbsp;long as the calyx, tubular, outside rather densely adpressed-puberu-
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lous, inside glabrous, carnose; its lobes longer than the tube, ovate-triangular, acute. Stamens 2 mm long; filaments 1.3 mm long; anthers dorsifixed, 1.3 mm long. Disc glabrous, 0.75 mm high.nbsp;Pistil rudimentary, forming with the disc a 2 mm high sparselynbsp;puberulous cone.
Type: H. H. Smith 2743 in h.NY.
Distribution: northern Colombia.
COLOMBIA: Santa Marta, Don Diego, H. H. Smith 2743 (1899) damp forest near the coast, fl. masc. May (B, F, G, K, NY, U, US).
This species is nearly related to Tetragastris balsamifera OK., but differs from the latter by its larger, usually 4-, instead of 3-jugate leaves, the more numerous sec. nerves of its leaflets, thenbsp;longer branchlets of its inflorescences, its shorter calyx and itsnbsp;puberulous pistil.
2. Tetragastris Hostmannii (Engl.) OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.io6 (1891); Engl, in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fkm. Ill, 4, p.238 (1897) etnbsp;ed.2, XlXa, p.415 (1931); Pulle, Enum. Vase. PI. Surin. p.246nbsp;(1906).
Hedwigia Hostmannii Engl, in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.97 (1883).
Tree. Branchlets rather stout, terete, striate, when young sparsely and minutely pilose, when adult glabrous, slightly rugose, castan-cous and dotted with oblong, fuscous lenticels and marked withnbsp;large cicatrices. Leaves usually 3- or 4-, rarely 1-, 2- or 5-jugate,nbsp;24 (20—35) cm long; petioles semiterete, at the base incrassate,nbsp;6—7.5 (5—10) cm long, like the rhachis glabrous or nearly so,nbsp;castaneous; interjuga terete, striate, above carinate, 3—4 (2.5—5)nbsp;cm long; petiolules semiterete, subalate, glabrous, sometimes transversely rimose, 5 (3—8) mm long, the terminal ones 15—20 mmnbsp;long; leaflets oblong-elliptic to elliptic to subovate, usually 8—12 cmnbsp;long and 3—5 cm wide, but the terminal ones wider and narrowednbsp;to the base, the lateral ones mostly narrowed to the apex and thenbsp;basal ones shorter; apex rather abruptly acuminate; acumen taperingnbsp;or slightly tapering, acute to subobtuse, 6—10 mm long and 3—6nbsp;mm wide; base broadly cuneate; chartaceous, on both sides glabrousnbsp;and nitidous; with 9—10 pairs of sec. nerves; prim, nerves abovenbsp;grooved on each side, beneath distinctly prominent, sec. andtert.nbsp;nerves above prominulous, beneath prominent. Inflorescencesnbsp;subterminal axillary, with a fairly large number of flowers, masc.nbsp;infl. 10 (6—15) cm, fern, ones 4—7.5 cm long; sec. branchlets upnbsp;to 3 cm, tert. ones up to i cm long. Peduncle half the length of
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the inflorescence, like the branchlets and the pedicels slender, terete, striate and glabrous. Pedicels from as long as the calyx tonbsp;twice as long as the calyx, i—2 mm; bracts and bractlets triangular-ovate, acute to subobtuse, 0.5 mm long, glabrous but with pubescentnbsp;margins. Flowers 4- or 5-merous, 5 mm long, whitish to greenish.nbsp;Calyx broadly cupuliform, 1.25 mm long, glabrous, rather indistinctly 4- or 5-denticulate. Corolla tubular, glabrous, carnose; itsnbsp;lobes oblong-ovate, acute, the margins papillose, % the length ofnbsp;the tube to nearly as long as the tube, 2—2.5 mm. Stamens in masc.nbsp;fl. about half the length of the corolla, 2 mm; filaments short, 0.5nbsp;mm long; stamens in fern. fl. 1.5 mm long. Disc annular, lobed,nbsp;glabrous, somewhat higher than the filaments. Pistil provided withnbsp;some scattered hairs or nearly glabrous, in the masc. fl. rudimentary,nbsp;broadly conical, in the fern. fl. as long as the tube of the corollanbsp;and consisting of a conical, basally narrowed, 4- or 5-celled, carnosenbsp;ovary, a short, terete style and a lobed stigma. Drupe either oblique-ovoid and monopyrenous or subglobose-cordiform, 2- to 4-lobednbsp;and 2- to 4-perenous, top acute, 17—20 mm long and 12—20 mmnbsp;in diam.
Type: Hostmann 1161 in h.K.
Distribution: Suriname and the adjacent Guianas.
BR. GUIANA: Schomburgk (1842) fr. (B); Persaud 91 (1924) forest, on clayey soil, fr. Aug. (F).
SURINAME: Coppename R., near Raleigh Falls, Lanjouw 1003 (1933) fl. fem. Sept. (U); Saramacca R., Watramiri, tree n. 1515, BW. 1987 (1916)nbsp;(U), BW. 3877 (1918) fl. masc. July (U), BW. 5156 (1921) fl. masc. Junenbsp;(U), BW. 5575 (1921) fl. masc. Dec. (U); id., Watermolenkreek, BW. 441nbsp;(1913) fr. Oct. (U); id.. Sectie O, Boschbeheer 12 (1907) (U); id., tree n. 586,nbsp;BW. 1156 (1915) (U), BW. 5354 (1921) (U); id., tree n. 761, BW. 2417 (1916)nbsp;fr. Sept. (U), BW. 3830 (1918) fr. May (U), BW. 4778 (1920) fr. Nov. (U);nbsp;id., BW. 4332 (1919) (U); id., BW. 6407 (1924) (U); Para R., Zandery I,nbsp;tree n. 70, BW. 1553 (1915) (U); Beaumontlyn, Junker 583 (1927) (Delft);nbsp;upper Suriname R., Tresling 453 (1908) fl. masc. Sept. (U); Cottica R.,nbsp;near Moengo, Lanjouw 412 (1933) fl. masc. Aug. (U); Marataba, BW. 3444nbsp;(1917) fr. Nov. (U); without locality, Hostmann 1161 (no date) fl. masc.nbsp;(B, K, U, W) (type); id., Boschbeheer “12” (1905) (U).
FR. GUIANA: Poiteau (1819—1821) fr. (G).
Vern. names: BR.GUIANA: simiri; SURINAME: salie, witte salie (N.E.), joUiballie, jorieballie tataro (Arow.), poehkoh, apotona pereka (Car.).
3. Tetragastris balsamifera (Swartz) OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.io6 (1891); Engl, in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. Ill, 4, p.238, f.134nbsp;F-J (1897) et ed.2, XlXa, p.415, f.191 F-J (1931); Urb., Symb.nbsp;Ant. IV, p.323 (1905) et VIII, p.238 (1920); Guillaumin in Agric.nbsp;Pays chauds IX, 2, p.150 tab. (1909); Rose in N. Am. Fl. XXV,
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3, P-257 (1911)5 Britton and Wilson, Bot. of P.Rico and the Virg. Isl. V, p.461 (1924); Domin in FI. Photogr. I, p.22 (1929).
Hedwigia balsamifera Swartz, Prodr. Veg. Ind. Occ. p.62 (1788); id., FI. Ind. Occ. II, p.670, t.i3(i8oo); Willd., Linn. Sp. PI. ed 4,nbsp;II, p.332 (1799); Pers., Syn. PI. I, p.414 (1805); DeCand., Prodr.nbsp;II, p.80 (1825); Sprengel, Linn. Syst. Veg. ed.i6, II, p.202 (1825);nbsp;Descourtilz, FI. pitt. et méd. d. Ant. Ill, p.263, t.2C9 (1827);nbsp;Don, Gen. Hist. Diehl. PL II, p.85 (1832); Dietrich, Syn. PI. II,nbsp;p.85 (1840); Bancroft in HooL Journ. of Bot. IV, p.136 (1842);nbsp;Blume, Mus. L.B. I, p.227 (1849—1851); Walp., Ann. Bot. Syst.nbsp;II, p.293 (1851—1852); Griseb., FI. Br. W. Ind. Isl. p. 174 (1864);nbsp;id.. Cat. PI. Cub. p.66 (1866); Marchand in Adans. VIII, p.54nbsp;(1867—1868); Baillon, Hist. d. PI. V, p.296, f.284—293 (1874); id..nbsp;Diet. Bot. I, p.i8i fig. (1876) et III, p.22 fig. (1891); id.. Traiténbsp;bot. méd. phan. II, p.957, fig. 2709—2718 (1884); Radlkofer innbsp;Sitz.b. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., Math. phys. Cl. 1878, p.312, 382nbsp;(1878) et 1879, p.531, 535, 639 (1879); Engl, in DC. Mon. Phan.nbsp;IV, p.96, t.2, f.32—34 (1883); Urb. in Jahrb. Bot. Gart. und Mus.nbsp;IV, p.244 (1886); id., in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. XXI, p.612 (1896). Nonnbsp;apud Tr. et PI. in Ann. Sc. nat. S.5, XIV, p.301 (1872) quod adnbsp;T. panamensis OK. pertinet, nec apud Glaz. in Bull. Soc. bot. Fr.nbsp;LH, Mém.3, p.92 (1905) quod ad Protium sp. pertinet, nec apudnbsp;Mart. Obs. 1782 quod ad P. Almecega March, pertinet.
Bursera balsamifera Pers., Syn. PI. I, p.414 (1805); Wikstr. in Kon. Vet. Ac. Handl. 1827, p.63 (1828).
Caproxylon Hedwigii TvlSszc, FI. d. Antilles IV, p.87,t.30 (1827). Hedwigia Tussacii Walp., Rep. Bot. Syst. I, p.559 (1842).
Idea Edwigia Rich., Ess. FI. Cuba, p.388 (1842); id., in Dela Sagra, Hist. Cuba, X, p.i6i (1845).
Amyris toxifera Willd., Linn. Sp. PI. ed.4, II, p.336 (1799) (excl. syn.) et herb. n. 7290.
Tetragastris ossea Gaertn., Fr. et Sem. II, p.130, t.109, f.5 (1802). Matayba guianensis Aubl. in errore DeCand., Prodr. I, p.609nbsp;(1824) quoad sp. Bert, in S.Dom. lect.
Ephielis fraxinea Willd. in errore Bertero ex Camb. in Mém. Mus. Hist. nat. XVHI, p.36 (1829); Sprengel, Linn. Syst. Veg.nbsp;ed.i6, H, p.223 (1825) quoad sp. Antill.
Amyris altissima Aubl. in errore Wikstr. in Kon. Vet. Ac. Handl. 1827, p.63 (1828).
Idea altissima L. in errore Eggers in Vid. Med. Nat. For. 1876, p.iio (1876).
Tree, 6 to 20 m high. Brarchlets rather stout, terete, striate.
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when young sparsely covered with appressed ferrugineous hairs, when adult glabrescent, fuscous, slightly rimose and dotted withnbsp;elliptic brownish lenticells and marked with large prominent cicatrices. Leaves 2- to 4-, usually 3-jugate, 30 (25—^40) cm long,nbsp;glabrous; petioles semiterete, 8 (5—12) cm long; interjuga abovenbsp;distinctly carinate, 3.5 (2—4) cm long; petiolules above sulcate andnbsp;subalate, 5 (3—10) mm long, but the terminal ones i—3 cm; leafletsnbsp;oblong to elliptic, usually • narrowed from below the middle tonbsp;the apex, mostly 13 (10—15) cm long and 4.5 (3.5—5) cm wide,nbsp;but the terminal ones larger and sometimes narrowed near thenbsp;base, the lateral ones slightly oblique and the basal ones muchnbsp;shorter; apex gradually narrowed in a nearly linear, 10 mm longnbsp;and 3—5 mm wide, subacute acumen; base cuneate; chartaceous,nbsp;above smooth and nitidous, beneath nitidulous; with ii (10—12)nbsp;pairs of sec. nerves; nerves above prominulous, beneath prominent.nbsp;Inflorescences, subterminal or pseudoterminal, axillary, 15nbsp;(7.5—25) cm long. Peduncle half the length of the inflorescence,nbsp;like the branchlets terete, striate and sparsely to rather denselynbsp;puberulous; sec. branchlets up to 5 cm long. Pedicels terete, striatenbsp;and scarcely puberulous, about half the length of the calyx, i mmnbsp;long; bracts and bractlets ovate, acuminate, hardly half the lengthnbsp;of the pedicels. Flowers 4-merous, rarely 5-merous (?), about 4 mmnbsp;long, white. Calyx cupuliform, glabrous. Vs to % the length ofnbsp;the corolla, 1.5—2 mm long; its lobes triangular, obtusely acuminate,nbsp;% to Vs the length of the tube. Corolla tubular, carnose, sparselynbsp;puberulous, 4 mm long; its lobes oblong-ovate, acute, inside glabrous,nbsp;from Vs the length of the tube to nearly as long as the tube. Stamensnbsp;1.75 mm long; filaments 0.5 mm; anthers i mm long, basifixed.nbsp;Disc in the masc.fl. 0.5 mm high, in the fem.fl. i mm high. Pistilnbsp;glabrous, in the masc.fl. rudimentary and nearly as high as thenbsp;stamens, in the fem.fl. 2.5 mm high; ovary conical but the basenbsp;narrowed and surrounded by the disc, slightly 8-sulcate, carnose,nbsp;4-celled; style 4-ridged, short; stigma 4-lobed. Drupe oblique-ovoid to subglobose, furrowed along the dissepimental lines, withnbsp;acute top, smooth, glabrous, 2—2.5 cm long and i—2 cm in diam;nbsp;pyrenes usually i or 2, rarely 3 or 4.
Type (lecto-type): Swartz in h.M.
Distribution: Antilles (isl. of Haiti, Porto Rico and St. Croix).
HAITI; Rep. HAITI: Tortue Isl., La Vallée, Leonard and Leonard 11625 (1929) fl. masc. Jan. (NY, US); Massif du Nord, Port Margot, Ekmannbsp;H 2919 (1924) fl. fem. Dec. (S, US); dept, du Nord, Bayeux, Ekman H 2697
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(1924) (B, S)5 Massif des Cahos, Hinche, Morne, Ekman H 6130 (1926) fl. masc. May (B, S, US)j near Porte au Prince, Gorge de la Marianne,nbsp;Christ 2074 (1909) fl. Aug. (B); dept. du Sud, Trouin, Ekman H 2390 (1924)nbsp;alt. 300 m, fl. masc. Nov. (B, S); id.. Port a Piment, Ekman H 440 (1917)nbsp;fr. Aug. (B, S)i Pilate, Nash 602 (1903) alt. 500 m, fr. Aug. (NY).
HAITI; Rep. St. DOMINGO: Moncion, Arroyo, Valeur 469 (1930) fr. Oct. (C, F, G, K, S, US); near Altamira, Eggers 2414b (1887) alt. 325 m,nbsp;fl. June (B); Santiago, Eggers 2400 (1887) alt 350 m, fl. masc. June (B, BRSL,nbsp;BM, G, K, L, LE, M, NY, S, US); prov. DelaVega, Cotuy, Abbott 851nbsp;(1921) alt. 300 m, fr. Jan.-Febr. (B, US); prov. Pacificador, San Francisconbsp;de Macoris, La Bracito, Abbott 2165 (1922) alt. 400—1000 m, fl. masc. Apr.nbsp;(B, US); prov. Seibo, Higuey, Taylor 416 (1909) edge of savannah, fr. Dec.nbsp;(B, NY); prov. Barahona, near Barahona, Fuertes 237 (1910) alt. 250 m, fl.nbsp;masc. May (B, BM, C, F, G, GH, K, L, LE, M, NY, P, S, U, US, W);nbsp;Jovero, Abbott 2514 (1913) alt. o m, fl. masc. Feb. (B, US); Liali, Abbottnbsp;2615 (1923) alt. too—500 m, fr. Feb. (B, US); Las Canitas, Abbott 2724nbsp;(1923) alt. o m, fl. masc. Feb. (US); without locality, Bertero 1023 (no date)nbsp;fl. masc. (B, M); id., Poiteau (no date) fr. (P); id., Poiteau (1802) fr. (B,nbsp;BM, G); id., Poiteau (1815) fl. masc. (G, LE, P); id., Schomburgk 77 (1852)nbsp;(B); id., Schomburgk 134 (1852) fl. (B); id., Schomburgk (1853) fl. (K);nbsp;id., Swartz (no date) fl. masc. (BM, C, M) (type); id., Wright, Parry andnbsp;Brummel 197 (1871) fr. Jan.-Mar. (K, US).
PORTO RICO: Cabo Rojo, Sintenis 793 (1885) fr. Jan. (B); San Germain, Casa Maria, Velez 820 (1936) fl. masc. May (NY); Utuado, near Jayuga, Gundlach 244 (1876) (B); near Utuado, San André, Sintenis 6312nbsp;(1887) fl. fern, and fr. Feb. (B, BR); near Utuado, Paso Palma, Sintenisnbsp;6346 (1887) (B); Adjuntas, Mt. Bahaja, Sintenis 4228 (1886) fr. Apr. (B, C,nbsp;W); Coamo, Sintenis 3287 (1885) fr. Dec. (B, US); Coamo Springs, Britton,nbsp;Britton and Brown 5811 (1922) fr. Jan. (G, NY); Aibonito, Britton andnbsp;Britton 9787 (1931) fl. Dec. (NY); Cayey, Sintenis 2072 (1885) (B, NY);nbsp;Bayamom, Stahl 452 (1886) in forest, fl. fern. Apr. (B, L, S); Sierra denbsp;Yabucoa, Mt. Cerro Sardo, Sintenis 2779 (1885) fr. Sept. (B); id., Mt.nbsp;Guayaca, Sintenis 7017 (1886) fl. Oct. (B); Juncos, Mt. Goyo, Sintenisnbsp;1938 (1885) fl. fern, and fr. Aug. (B, G, L, NY, P, US); Carolina, Herb.nbsp;Willd. 7290 (no date) fl. (B) (type of Amyris toxifera Willd.); Sierra denbsp;Luquillo, Mt. Jimenes, Sintenis 1519 (1885) fl. June (B, BRSL, F, K, LE,nbsp;M, S, US); id., Heller 732 (1899) (B, NY); Algarrobio, Britton and Brittonnbsp;10038 (1932) fl. Apr. (NY); Casa Maria, Britton and Britton 10097 (1933)nbsp;(NY); Colonia San Miguel, Britton and Shafer i6r6 (1913) fr. Mar. (F,nbsp;NY, US); without locality, Cowles 308 (1912) fl. (NY); id.. Plee 804 (no date)nbsp;fl. masc. (P); id., Richard (no date) fl. fern, and fr. (P); id., Stahl (1873)nbsp;fl. (B).
St. CROIX: Ryan (no date) fl. (BM, C).
WITHOUT LOCALITY: Herb. Persoon (no date) fr. (L); id., fl. fern. (L); Herb. Willd. 7269 (no date) fr. (B).
V e r n. n a m e s : St. DOMINGO: bois cochon, sucrier, sucrier de mon-tagne (Haiti); amacey (St. Domingo); PORTO RICO: masa, masa Colorado, palo de masa, palo de aceite.
Though Bancroft l.c., refering to Pouppé-Desportes, Traité d. PI. us. de St. Dominque p. 32, 215 (1770) and to Nicholson, Essai sur I’Hist. nat. denbsp;St. Domingo p. 176 (1776), states that “Sucrier de montagne” is the onlynbsp;reliable vern. name and that “Bois cochon” is used erroneously, both namesnbsp;have in later years too been regularly recorded.
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Tussac l.c. describes and figures his Caproxylon Hedwigii (Hedwigia Tussacii Walp.) with y-merous flowers. Though I nevernbsp;saw a y-merous specimen I am nevertheless convinced that thisnbsp;diagnosis refers to Tetragastris balsamifera OK. (cf. Walp. l.c.nbsp;(i8yi—i8y2); Griseb. l.c.; Engl. l.c. (1883) and Rose l.c.).
The record from Guadeloupe, cf Engl. l.c. (1883), Urban l.c. (i9oy, 1920) and Bitton and Wilson l.c., is based on a specimen ofnbsp;Duchassaing in h.B., but this specimen is not a Tetragastris.
S.9, X, p.213 (1909);
Anatomy: Guill. in Ann Sc. nat.
Solereder, Syst. Anat. Die. p.216 (1899).
Uses: The resin exuding from the bark of this tree, known as “Baume de cochon”, “Baume a cochon” or “Résine de Sucrier de montagne” andnbsp;classified with the Elémi-resins, is mentioned as an unguent for dressingnbsp;wounds and as a febrifuge. The wood is said to be used for sugar barrels.
Lit.; Descourtilz l.c.; Marchand l.c.; Baillon l.c.; Engler l.c.; Guillaumin l.c. I, p. 358, 494 et 2, p. 150; Tschirch, Handb. Pharm. Ill, 2, p. 1153nbsp;(1925); V. Brehmer in Wiesn. Rohst. ed.4, II, p.1239 (1928).
var. lanceifolia Swart in Rec. Trav. bot. néerl. XXXIX, p.206 (1942).
Leaves 2- to 4-, rarely i-jugate, 20 (14—21) cm long; petioles 6 (4—6) cm; interjuga 2 (i.y—3) cm long; leaflets lanceolate,nbsp;usually 8.y (8—9.y) cm long and 2.y cm wide, but the terminalnbsp;ones larger and distinctly narrowed to the base and the basal onesnbsp;ovate and shorter; firmly chartaceous, on both sides dull. Pedunclenbsp;the length of the rather short, y cm long, inflorescence. Pedicelnbsp;about as long as the calyx, i mm.
Type: Sintenis 4486 in h.B.
Distribution; St. Domingo and Porto Rico.
St. DOMINGO: prov. Azua, Sierra de Ocea, Ekman H 11669 (1929) alt. 450 m (B, S).
PORTO RICO: near Utuado, Mt. Pellejas, Sintenis 4486 (1886) fl. masc. June (B, BM, K) (type); Rio Portugues, Britton and Britton 7419 (1923) fr.nbsp;Febr. (G, NY).
ANTILLES: Riedlé (no date) fr. (P).
4. Tetragastris breviacuminata Swart in Rec. Trav. bot. néerl. XXXIX, p.206 (1942).
Shrub. Branchlets terete, striate, pale brown, sparsely puberulous. Leaves 2- to 4-jugate, 17—27 cm long, glabrous; petioles semiterete,nbsp;above subalate, 4.y—7.y cm long; interjuga terete, striate, abovenbsp;carinate, 2.y—y.y cm long; petiolules above sulcate, y—7 mm,nbsp;the terminal ones 10—12 mm long; leaflets oblong, usually y.y—8.y
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cm long and 2.5—3 cm wide but, the terminal ones obovate and the basal ones shorter; acumen 2.5—5 mm long and 5 mm wide,nbsp;obtuse; base cuneate; chartaceous, on both sides smooth and nitidous;nbsp;with 10 (9—ii) pairs of sec. nerves; prim, and sec. nerves on bothnbsp;sides distinctly prominent, tert. ones above prominulous, beneathnbsp;prominent. Inflorescences subterminal, axillary, branched fromnbsp;the base, up to 5 cm long, many-flowered; sec. branchlets usuallynbsp;branched above the middle only, up to 4 cm, tert. ones up to 2nbsp;cm long, like the pedicels terete, striate and sparsely and minutelynbsp;puberulous. Pedicels stout, longer than the calyx, 1.25—1.5 mm;nbsp;bracts and bractlets oblong-triangular, acute, 0.75 mm long. Flowersnbsp;4-merous, more than 4 mm long, yellowish. Calyx cupuliform,nbsp;sparsely and minutely puberulous, hardly the length of thenbsp;corolla, I mm long; its lobes broadly triangular, subacute, as longnbsp;as the tube. Corolla tubular, outside sparsely papillose to nearlynbsp;glabrous, inside glabrous; its lobes ovate-triangular, acute, aboutnbsp;half the length of the tube. Stamens in the masc.fl. as long as thenbsp;corolla-tube, more than 2 mm long; filaments dilated, 0.5 mm long;nbsp;anthers oblong, nearly 2 mm long. Disc glabrous, 0.5 mm high.nbsp;Pistil in the masc.fl. rudimentary, conical, 4-ridged, glabrous,nbsp;2 mm high.
Type: Riedel 1070 in h.LE.
Distribution: Brazil (Rio de Janeiro).
BRAZIL: near Rio de Janeiro, Riedel 1070 (1832) in mountain forest, fl. masc. Oct. (B, BR, K, L, LE, M, NY, S, US, W); id., Glaziou 8332nbsp;(1876) (C, G, LE).
This species, which from a geographic point of view occupies an isolated position differs from the other species by its but slightlynbsp;acuminate leaflets.
5. Tetragastris altissima (Aubl.) Swart nov. comb.
Idea altissima Aubl., Hist. d. PI. Guian. fr. I, p.342, t.132 (1775); Lamarck, Enc. méth.. Bot. Ill, p.225 (1789); DeCand., Prodr.nbsp;II, p.77 (1825); Don, Gen. Hist. Diehl. PI. H, p.83 (1832); Villa-Franca in Bull. d. Thérap. méd. et chirurg. 1880, p.4, 9 (1880);nbsp;Spruce, Not. of a bot. on the Amaz. and the Andes I, p.104, 105nbsp;(1908). Non apud Blume, Mus. Bot. Lugd. Bat. I, p.207 (1849—nbsp;1851) cf. Protium giganteum Engl., nec apud Eggers in Vid. Medd.nbsp;Nat. For. p.iio (1876) cf T. balsamifera OK., nec apud Sagotnbsp;in Ann. Sc. nat. S.6, XIH, p.291 (1882) quod ad Talisiam (Sapind.)nbsp;pertinet.
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Amyris altissima Willd., Linn. Sp. PI. ed.4,II, p.336 (1799); Pers., Syn. PI. I, p.415 (1805); Sprengel, Linn. Syst. Veg. ed.i6, II, p.218nbsp;(1825) and IV, 2, p.148 (excl. syn.) (1827). Non apud Wikstr. innbsp;Kon. Vet. Ac. Handl. 1827, p.63 (1828) cf. T. balsamifera OK.
Elaphrium altissimum Spr. ex Dietr., Syn. PI. II, p.1273 (1840).
Protium altissimum March, in Adans. VIII, p.51 (1867—1868); Engl, in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. Ill, 4, p.237 (1897) et ed.2, XlXa,nbsp;p.413, 414 (1931); Guill. in Agr. Pays ch. IX, i, p.358 tab. (1909);nbsp;Stone and Freeman. The timbers of Br. Guiana p.70 (1914). Nonnbsp;apud Engl, in Mart. FI. Bras. XII, 2, p.280 (1874) et id. in DC.nbsp;Mon. Phan. IV, p.90 (1883) quae ad Talisiam (Sapindac.) pertinent, nec apud Pitt, in Trab. Mus. com. Venez. VIII, p.367 (1931)nbsp;quod p.p. ad Talisiam (Sapindac.), p.p. ad Protium Carana March.,nbsp;p.p. ad Icica cuspidata H.B.K. pertinet (Cf. sub P. Carana March.).
Bursera altissima Bail!., Hist. d. PI. V, p.296 (1874); id.. Traité Bot. méd. phan. p.951 (1884).
Tingulonga altissima OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.io8 (1891).
Tetragastris phanerosepala Sandw. in Kew Bull. 1932, 5, p.209 (1932); Smith in Brittonia II, 2, p.154 (1936).
Tree. Branchlets stout, when young densely and minutely fer-rugineous pilose, when adult glabrescent and dotted with prominent lenticels. Leaves 2- to 5-, mostly 3- or 4-jugate, 35—55 (—80) cmnbsp;long; petioles semiterete with incrassate base, 12 (8—14) cm long,nbsp;like the rhachis glabrous or with some scattered, short hairs; inter-juga above carinate, 4—6 (3.5—7.5) cm long, the basal ones shorternbsp;than the other ones; petiolules above, sulcate and subalate, glabrous,nbsp;3—5 (2—7) mm, the terminal ones 30 (25—50) mm long; leafletsnbsp;oblong to nearly elliptic, the terminal ones narrowed to the base,nbsp;the lateral ones oblique, 16 (12—21) cm long and 6.5 (4.5—8) cmnbsp;wide, but the basal ones much smaller, 10x5 cm; apex rathernbsp;abruptly acuminate; acumen tapering and acute to subobtuse, 8—11nbsp;mm long and 4—5 mm wide; base cuneate to rounded; subcoria-ceous, on both sides smooth and nitidulous; with 12—16 pairs ofnbsp;sec. nerves; prim, nerves. above grooved on each side, beneathnbsp;distinctly prominent, sec. nerves above prominulous, beneath,nbsp;prominent, tert. nerves above hardly visible, beneath prominulous.nbsp;Inflorescences terminal or axillary, stout, up to 20 cm long, richlynbsp;branched from the base, flowers abundant in terminal cymes.nbsp;The axes terete, striate and sparsely to densely puberulous.nbsp;Pedicels stout, terete, striate, 0.2 mm long, like the broadly triangular, acute, 3 mm long bracts and bractlets and the calyx and corollanbsp;sparsely and minutely puberulous. Flowers 5-merous, 5—6 mm.
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be nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;d
Fig. 7. Tetragastris altissima (Aubl.) Swart — a. flowers^ b. male flower; c. detail of male flower; d. female flower.
rarely 7 mm, long. Calyx cupuliform, nearly half the length of the flower, carnose; its lobes triangular, nearly as long as the tube.nbsp;Corolla tubular, carnose; its lobes oblong-triangular, acute, aboutnbsp;as long as the tube. Stamens 1.5—2 mm; filaments 0.5 mm; anthersnbsp;oblong, in the masc. fl. 1.5 mm, in the fern. fl. i mm long. Discnbsp;annular, glabrous, 0.6—0.8 mm high. Pistil sparsely and rathernbsp;long puberulous to nearly glabrous, in the masc.fl. rudimentary,nbsp;conical, 1.5—2 mm high, in the fem.fl. over 2 mm high; ovarynbsp;subglobose, 5-lobed and 5-celled, at the base surrounded by thenbsp;disc, about 1.5 mm high; style short, 5-grooved; stigma 5-lobed.nbsp;Drupe either oblique-ovoid and monopyrenous or subglobose,nbsp;2- to 5-lobed and 2- to 5-pyrenous, with acute top, glabrescent,nbsp;2—2.5 cm long and 1.5—2.5 cm in diam.
Type: Aublet in h.BM.
Distribution: the Guianas and western Brazil.
BR. GUIANA: N.-W. slopes of Mt. Kanuku, in drainage of Moku-moku creek, A. C. Smith 3429 (1938) alt. 150—400 m, dense forest, fr. Apr. (U);nbsp;Demerara R., Jenman 4928 (1880) fl. fern. May (K) (type of T. phanero-sepala Sandw.); basin Essequibo R., Shodikarcreek, A. C. Smith 2844 (1938)nbsp;on low land, fr. Jan. (U); Winipero, Persaud 59 (1924) clayey soil, forest,nbsp;fr. July (B, F, K, NY, S).
SURINAME: Saramacca R., Sectie O, tree n. in, BW. 2412 (1916) (U); basin Suriname R., Casipora R., Junker 518 (1926) (Delft); id., upper Casiporanbsp;R., BW. 5527 (1921) (U); id., near Goddo, Stahel 80 (1926) fr. Jan. (U);nbsp;without locality. Junker 486 (1927) (Delft).
FR. GUIANA: Aublet (no date) (fr. ex fig. Aubl.) (BM) (type).
BRAZIL: terr. de Acre, basin R. Purus, near mouth R. Macauhan,Krukoff 5608 (1933) on terra firma, fl. masc. Aug. (F, K, NY); Amazonas, basin R.nbsp;Madeira, region R. Machado, Krukoff 1563 (1931) on terra firma, fr. Dec.nbsp;(B, BM, G, K, NY, P, U).
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Vern. names: BR.GUIANA: oolüj SURINAME: salie (N.E.); FR. GUIANA: iciquier cèdre (ex Marchand), cèdre blanc, cèdre rouge (ex Aublet);nbsp;BRAZIL: almesca.
Tetragastris altissima Swart is easily distinguishable from the other species of this genus by its large bracts and bractlets. Fromnbsp;the related T. panamensis OK. it differs by its large calyx, its shortnbsp;calyx- and corolla-lobes and its smooth leaflets.
Amyris altissima Aubl. is mentioned by Wikstr. l.c. and Icica altissima L. by Eggers l.c. from the Antilles, but both recordsnbsp;obviously refer to Tetragastris balsamifera (Sw.) OK.
The description of Icica altissima Aubl. given by Blume l.c. is founded on a specimen, in h.L, collected by Martin (Cayenne,nbsp;1819) which had to be referred to Protium giganteum Engl. Engler’snbsp;description of Protium altissimum (Aubl.) March, l.c. (1874) andnbsp;(1883) is based exclusively on specimens collected by Poiteau (Fr.nbsp;Guiana, 1819—1821). The latter had to be referred to the genusnbsp;Talisia (Sapindac.); they have been mentioned by Sagot l.c. too.
Uses: The wood of this tree, which sometimes is said to be common, is praized as quite suitable for furniture making and carpentering and fornbsp;canoes and boatsj that of the Cèdre rouge is believed by the natives to benbsp;more durable than that of the Cèdre blanc, but in the herbarium I am unablenbsp;to see any difference between these “Cèdres”. The resin “Carana blanche”nbsp;and, according to Holmes, the Cayenne Linaloë oil also are thought to benbsp;derived from this species.
Lit.: Aublet l.c.^ Don l.c.j Marchand l.c.; Baillon l.c.; Cordemoy in Ann. Inst. col. Marseille VI, p. 205 (1899); Tschirch und Saal in Arch Pharm.nbsp;CCXLII, p. 366, 395 (1904); Guill. l.c. I, p. 358 et 2, p. 143; Holmes innbsp;Perfum. and Essent. Oil Rec. I, p. 32 (1910); Stone and Freeman l.c.; Recordnbsp;and Mell, Timb. trop Amer. p. 335 (1924); Wolff in Wiesn. Rohst. ed 4, I,nbsp;p. 1040 (1927) and Brehmer in id. II, p. 1239, 1470 (1928); Engler l.c. (1931).
6. Tetragastris panamensis (Engl.) OK., Rev. Gen. PI. I, p.io6 (1891); Engl, in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. Ill, 4, p.238 (1897) etnbsp;ed.2 XlXa, p.415 (1931); Rose in N. Am. PI. XXV, 3, p.258 (1911);nbsp;Benoist in Bull. Soc. bot. Fr. LXVI, p.360 (1919); id. in Arch. d.nbsp;Bot. V, Mém. I, p.154 (1931); Standley in Contr. U.S.N.H. XXVII,nbsp;p.224 (1928) Sandwith in Kew Bull. 1933, 7, p.327 (1933).
Hedwigia balsamifera Swartz in errore Tr. et PI. in Ann. Sc. nat. S.5, XIV, p.301 (1872) (excl. syn.).
Hedwigia balsamifera Swartz in errore Engl, in Mart. FI. Bras. XII, 2, p.285, t.60 (1874) (excl. syn. et spec. Antill.).
Hedwigia panamensis Engl, in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. I, p.42 (1881); id., in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.96, t. II, f.30, 31 (1883).
Tetragastris Stevensonii Standi, in Field Mus. N. H., Bot.S. IV, 8, p.2i6 (1929); id. in Trop. Woods XVII, p.23 (1929); id., in
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Field Mus. N. H., Bot.S. X, p.239 (1931); Engl, in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. ed.2, XlXa, p.415 (1931)-
Tree, up to 25 m high. Branchlets rather stout, when young densely ferrugineous puberulous, when adult scabrous, greyishnbsp;brown, glabrous and dotted with elliptic, ferrugineous lenticels.nbsp;Leaves 2- to 5-, mostly 3- or 4-jugate, 20—25 (15—35) cm long;nbsp;petioles semiterete, above flattened, 6—10 cm long, like the rhachis,nbsp;the petiolules and the prim, nerves glabrous or provided with somenbsp;scattered, minute hairs; interjuga terete, above carinate, at bothnbsp;ends incrassate, 2—3.5 cm long; petiolules above canaliculate andnbsp;subalate, transversely rimose, 5 (3—7) mm long, the terminal onesnbsp;20 (15—25) mm; leaflets oblong-lanceolate to oblong-elliptic,nbsp;distinctly to slightly narrowed to the apex, usually ii (6—14.5) cmnbsp;long and 4 (2—5) cm wide, but the terminal ones larger, the lateralnbsp;ones suboblique and the basal ones shorter; apex more or lessnbsp;gradually narrowed in a slightly tapering, acute to subobtuse,nbsp;mucronulate, 7.5—15 mm long and 3—5 mm wide acumen; basenbsp;broadly cuneate; coriaceous to subcoriaceous, glabrous, when youngnbsp;scabridulous and dull, when adult nearly smooth and nitidulous;nbsp;with 10—12 (8—14) pairs of sec. nerves; prim, and sec. nervesnbsp;above grooved on each side, beneath prominent, tert. nerves abovenbsp;hardly visible, beneath prominulous. Inflorescences subterminal andnbsp;axillary, usually about as long as the petioles, rarely about as longnbsp;as the leaves, branched from the base. Branchlets slender terete,nbsp;striate and sparsely to rather densely ferrugineous puberulous.nbsp;Pedicels angulose, about as long as the calyx, i—1.5 mm, rathernbsp;densely puberulous; bracts and bractlets ovate-triangular, acute,nbsp;0.5—0.7 mm long. Flowers 5-merous, rarely 6-merous, 5—7 mmnbsp;long, pale green to reddish brown. Calyx broadly cupuliform,nbsp;Yg—Y4 the length of the flower, like the corolla carnose and sparselynbsp;and minutely ferrugineous puberulous; its lobes triangular, Ys—V4nbsp;the length of the tube or smaller, sometimes denticulate. Corollanbsp;tubular; its lobes the length of the tube, oblong-triangular, acute.nbsp;Stamens half the length of the corolla-tube; filaments short; anthersnbsp;2 to 3 times as long as the filaments. Disc annular, lo-lobed, glabrous,nbsp;as high as the filaments. Pistil glabrous, in the masc. fl. rudimentary,nbsp;in the fem.fl. reaching above the stamens, at the base surroundednbsp;by the disc; ovary ovoid, 5-lobed, 5-celled, as high as the stamens,nbsp;carnose; style terete, short; stigma 5-lobed. Drupe either ovoidnbsp;and monopyrenous or subglobose, 2- to 5-lobed and 2- to 5-py-renous, acute, glabrous, 2 (1.5—2.52) cm long and 1.25—2.5 cmnbsp;in diam.
-ocr page 216-Type; Sutton Hayes 342 in h.BR.
Distribution: Central America and the Guianas.
BR. HONDURAS: Punta Gorda, Stevenson I-II (1927) fr. (F); Mullins River Road, Schipp 861 (1931) alt. 30 m fl. Dec. (BM, F, G, GH, K, S)jnbsp;Stan Creek Railway, Schipp 863 (1929) alt. 30 m, fr. Nov. (F, G); withoutnbsp;locality, Stevenson 9 (1928) fl. masc. Sept. (F, US) (type of Stevensoniinbsp;Standi.).
HONDURAS: dept. Atlantida, Lancetilla Valley, near Tela, Standley 53542 (1927—1928) (F, US) and 55385 (1927—1928) fr. (F, US).
NICARAGUA: region of Braggman’s Bluff, Englesing 265 (1928) fl. Aug. (F, GH, K, NY) and 278 (1928) fl. (F, K); id., id. 272 (ex Standi.).
PANAMA: Penonome, Williams 201 (1908) fr. Febr.-Mar. (NY, US)j near City of Panama, Sutton Hayes 342 (r86i) in woods, fl. masc. Julynbsp;(B, BM, BR, K, P, W) (type); San Bias-district, Perme, Cooper HI 265nbsp;(1933) fr. Apr. (F, NY) and HI 290 (1933) fr. Apr. (NY); Rio Grande, Suttonnbsp;Hayes 773 (1859) fr. Dec. (NY); Juan Diez, Standley 30647 (1924) fr. Jan.nbsp;(US).
BR. GUIANA: N.-side of Kanaku Mt., E. of Takutu R., For. Dept. B.G. 2197 (1931) alt. 150 m, fl. Oct. (K).
SURINAME: Corantyne, R., Kaboeri, tree n. 531, BW. 4944 (1920) fl. fern. Sept. (U); Saramacca R., Sectie O, Karreweg, Boschbeheer 12 (XH)nbsp;(1905) (U); id., BW. 5840 (1922) (U); Suriname R., Brownsberg, tree n.nbsp;1127, BW. 1693 (1916) (U), BW. 4003 (1918) fl. fern. Sept. (U), BW. 6122nbsp;(1923) fr. May (U); id., tree n. 1013, BW. 1778 (1916) (U), BW. 3256 (1917)nbsp;fl. fern. Sept. (U), BW. 3266 (1917) fl. fern. Sept. (U), BW. 3443 (1917)nbsp;fr. Nov. (tJ).
FR. GUIANA: Maroni, Mélinon (1864) fl. masc. (P); Gourdonville, Benoist 1636 (1914) fl. Oct. (P).
Vern. names : BR. HONDURAS: carbon, copal(?); BR. GUIANA: haiowaballi (Arow.); SURINAME: salie, witte sahe (N.E.).
This species is nearly related to Tetragastris altissima (Aubl.) Swart but differs from the latter by its smaller leaves, its graduallynbsp;and rather long acuminate, scabridulous leaflets with less numerousnbsp;sec. nerves, its small bracts and bractlets and its short calyces.
According to Standley l.c. (1929) Tetragastris Stevensonii Standi, chiefly differs from T. panamensis OK. by the larger size of itsnbsp;flowers. In comparing the type specimens I could however notnbsp;confirm this view. The other differences too are unreliable as thenbsp;rather abundant material which I could investigate shows an almostnbsp;unbroken range of variability.
var. hirtella Swart in Rec. Trav. bot. neerl. XXXIX, p.207 (i942)._
Protium crassifolium Engl, in errore L. Williams in Field Mus. N.H., Bot. S. XV, p.233 (1936).
Leaflets coriaceous. Inflorescences short and few-flowered.
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Flowers containing a sparsely hirtellous ovary. Drupe sparsely hirtellous.
Type: BW. (Suriname) 4777 in h.U.
Distribution: Suriname, Fr. Guiana and northern Peru.
SURINAME: Coppename R., Boon 1103 (1901) fl. fern, and fr. Sept. (U); id.. Boon 1220 (1901) fl. fern, and fr. Oct. (U); Saramacca R., Sectie O,nbsp;tree n. XIII, BW. 3980 (1918) (U), BW. 4514 (1919) fr. Dec. (U), BW.nbsp;4777 (1920) fl. fem. and fr. Nov. (U), BW. 6080 (1923) fr. Mar. (U).
FR. GUIANA: Mélinon (1862) fr. (P)i id. (1865) fr. (B, P).
PERU: dept. Loreto, lower R. Huallaga, Jurimaguas, L. Williams 4564 (1929) alt. 150—200 m, fr. Nov. (F, US).
Vern. names: FR. GUIANA: jaoua; PERU: copal caspi. Doubtful species
Hedwigia mexicana DC., Prodr. II, p.80 (1825); Rose in N. Am. Fl. XXV, 3, p.258 (1911).
Knorrea mexicana Moc. et Sessé, Fl. Mex. Icon. ined. t.204. No material of this species could be studied, but judging fromnbsp;other authors I cannot believe that it belongs to this genus.
Trattinickia Willd., Linn. Sp. pi. ed.4, IV, p.887 (1805); DeCand., Prodr. II, p.89 (1825); Sprengel, Linn. Syst. Veg. ed.nbsp;16, I, p.504 (1825); id., Linn. Gen. PI. ed.9, I, p.i6i (1830);nbsp;Mart., Nov. Gen. et Sp. Ill, p.92 (1829); Don, Gen. Hist. Diehl.nbsp;PI. II, p.62, 77 (1832) Endl., Gen. PL, p.1137 (1836—1840);nbsp;Meisner, PI. Vase. Gen. I, p.75 et II, p.54 (1836—1843); Dietrich,nbsp;Syn.j PI. I, p.568 (1839); Didrichsen in Vid. Medd. Kjbhn. 1857,nbsp;p.124 (1857); Hooker in Benth. et Hook. Gen. PI. I, i, p.326 (1862);nbsp;Marchand in Adans. VIII, p.66 (1867—1868); Baillon, Hist. d.nbsp;PI. V, p.314, 362 (1874); id.. Diet. Bot. IV, p.211 (1892); Engl,nbsp;in Mart. Fl. Bras. XII, 2, p.282 (1874); id. in DC. Mon. Phan.nbsp;IV, p.98 (1883); id. in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. HI, 4, p.238 (1897) etnbsp;ed.2, XlXa, p.415 (i93i)i Guill. in Ann. Sc. nat., S.9, X, p.215nbsp;(1909); Benoist in Arch. d. Bot. V, Mém. i, p.155 (1931)) Pittiernbsp;in Trab. Mus. com. Venez. VIII, p.361 (1931); Lemée, Diet. VI,nbsp;P-653 (1935)-
Trees. Branches usually stout; the bark provided with balsamiferous ducts. Leaves scattered, imparipinnate, 2- to lO-jugate;
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petioles with inverted vascular bundles in the medulla; interjuga, like the petiolules mostly at both ends incrassate; leaflets lanceolatenbsp;to elliptic, ovate to obovate, lateral ones but slightly oblique; sub-coriaceous to coriaceous; margin entire. Inflorescences axillary andnbsp;subterminal to pseudoterminal or terminal, the main ramificationsnbsp;racemose but the branchlets usually ending in densely clusterednbsp;cymes. Flowers 3-merous, polygamous-dioecious to monoecious.nbsp;Calyx irregulary 3-fid; its lobes in the bud imbricate. Petals connate,nbsp;rarely nearly free, longer than the sepals, carnose; their lobesnbsp;induplicate-valvate in bud and ending in an incrassate, inflexednbsp;apex. Stamens 6, in the masc.fl. inserted on the basal part of thenbsp;disc, in the fem.fl. inserted on its margin; filaments very short andnbsp;much dilated; anthers apiculate. Disc annular, 6-sulcate. Pistil innbsp;the masc.fl. rudimentary, forming with the disc a hexagonousnbsp;pyramid, in the fem.fl. at the base surrounded by the disc, longernbsp;than the stamens, and consisting of a 2- to 3-celled, carnose ovarynbsp;and a 2- to 3-lobed, nearly sessile stigma; each cell with 2 subapicalnbsp;collateral epitropous pendulous ovules. Fruit a drupe with membranaceous exocarp; carnose, balsamiferous mesocarp and corrugate,nbsp;thick woody endocarp; pyrenes either 2 and then nearly connate,nbsp;separated by a very thin layer of mesocarp only, or i, i-seeded.nbsp;Seed exalbuminous; embryo with contortuplicate cotyledons.
Type-species of the genus: Trattinickia rhoifolia Willd.
Distribution: equatorial South America, from Isthmus of Panama to Peru.
Baillon l.c. joins this genus with Hedwigia Swartz, but retains the name Trattinickia for a separate section; this conception isnbsp;never shared.
Anatomy: Solereder, ,Syst. Anat. Die., p.217, 218 (1899).
Key to the species.
I a. - leaflets lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate to oblong-elliptic, always narrowed to the apex, distinctly acuminate; flowersnbsp;large (5 mm or more); corolla adpressedly puberulous; fruitnbsp;globose, at both ends slightly acute, i cm or more in length
.........Sectio Rhoifoliae Swart......2
ib. - leaflets oblong-elliptic to orbicular-elliptic, never narrowed to the apex, not or hardly acuminate, above smooth and beneath mostly scabridulous................
.........Sectio Burserifoliae Swart.....7
-ocr page 219-J.2I
2a. - leaflets with cuneate base, on both sides smooth or nearly so
...............I. T. demerarae Sandw.
2b. - leaflets on both sides scabrous to scabridulous.....3
3a. - leaflets with rounded to cordate base, distinctly scabrous; petiolules and prim, nerves sparsely and minutely pilose;nbsp;fruits longer than their stalks. .nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;2. T. rhoifolia Willd.
3b. - leaflets with cuneate base...............4
4a. - leaves very large; leaflets with about 35 pairs of sec. nerves
on both sides very scabrous..............
............ 3. T. aspera (Standl.) Swart
4b. - leaflets with less then 25 pairs of sec. nerves, scabridulous
5a. - branchlets densely pilose; petioles, rhachis, petiolules and prim, nerves densely but shortly pilose; leaflets on both sides
shortly pilose; fruits longer than their stalks.......
................ 4. T. peruviana Loes.
5b. - branchlets and leaflets glabrous; petioles, rhachis and petiolules glabrous or nearly so.................6
6a. - leaves 6- to 9-jugate; leaflets large (15x5 cm).....
.............. 5- T. Lawrancei Standl.
6b. - leaves 4- to 6-jugate; leaflets small (10 X 3 cm).....
............... 6. T. Glaziovii Swart
ya. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;- inflorescenses few-flowered, lax; flowers large (5 mm); sepals
connate up to ^/g, petals up to % of their length; corolla very shortly pilose to papillose; fruits ellipsoid, at both ends subacute ............ 7- T. laxiflora Swart
yb. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;- inflorescences many-flowered, flowers more or less densely
clustered at the end of the branchlets; flowers small (3—4 mm); corolla papillose; fruits globose, less than i cm in diam. . . 8
8a. - sepals and petals connate up to % to Vs of their length . .
............. 8. T. burserifolia Mart.
8b. - sepals connate up to Vi of their length; petals scarcely connate ............ 9- T. subchoripetala Swart
Sectio Rhoifoliae Swart in Rec. Trav. bot. néerl. XXXIX, p. 2oy (1942).
Leaflets lanceolate to oblong, sometimes oblong-elliptic, always narrowed towards the apex, distinctly acuminate.
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I. Trattinickia demerarae Sandw. in Kew Bull. 1931, 4, p.185 (1931); Engl, in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. ed.2,XIXa5p.4i5 (1931).
Tree, usually large, up to 40 m high. Branchlets terete, slightly grooved, smooth, glabrous and fuscescent, when adult dotted withnbsp;elliptic, ferrugineous lenticels. Leaves 3- to 4-, rarely, up to 8-jugate,nbsp;30—40 cm long; petioles semiterete, subalate, when adult scabrous,
7.5— 12 cm long; interjuga terete, carinate, striate, nearly glabrous,
2.5— 4.5 cm long; petiolules semiterete, canaliculate, tranverselynbsp;rimose, scabrous, when young slightly pilose, when adult glabrous,nbsp;4—8 mm long, the terminal ones 15—25 mm long; leaflets lanceolate to oblong, narrowed to the top, mostly 12.5—17.5 (10—22)nbsp;cm long and 4.5 (3.5—5) cm wide, but the terminal ones wider andnbsp;the basal ones shorter; top rather gradually acuminate; acumennbsp;tapering, ending obtusely, 15—8 mm long and 10—4 mm wide;nbsp;base broadly cuneate, acute; coriaceous, glabrous, smooth or nearlynbsp;smooth, above nitidous, beneath dull; with 16—19 (12—22) pairsnbsp;of sec. nerves; prim, nerves above grooved on each side, beneathnbsp;prominent, sec. and tert. nerves prominent. Inflorescences terminal, much-branched, fern. infl. 20 cm and their branchlets up tonbsp;14 cm long, masc. infl. 6—9 cm and their branchlets up to 4 cm long.nbsp;Peduncles and branchlets angulose, densely cinereous tomentellous.nbsp;Pedicels rather stout, polygonous, rather densely puberulous, i—5nbsp;mm long, at the base with deciduous ovate, acute, puberulous, 5 mmnbsp;long bracts and oblong bractlets. Flowers 3-merous, pinkish-brownnbsp;to red, the masc. ones 5 mm, the fern, ones 6 mm long. Calyxnbsp;campanulate to tubular, rather densely but minutely pubescent,nbsp;Va the length of the flower; its lobes triangular, obtuse, about asnbsp;long as the tube. Corolla tubular, outside pubescent similar to thenbsp;calyx, inside glabrous but with some long hairs near the apex,nbsp;carnose; tube as long as the calyx and twice the length of thenbsp;triangular, acute lobes. Stamens in the masc.fl. 1.5 mm, in thenbsp;fem.fl. I mm long. Disc glabrous, 0.25 mm high. Pistil glabrous,nbsp;in the masc.fl. as high as the stamens, in the fem.fl. ovoid, 2 mmnbsp;high, 1.5 mm in diam. Drupe ovoid-globose, subacute, glabrous,nbsp;I cm long and i cm in diam.
Type : For. Dept. Br. Guiana 915 in h.K.
Distribution: British Guiana and Suriname.
BR. GUIANA: N.W. Distr., Yarkita R., For. Dept. B.G. 915 (1929) in mixed forest, very plentiful, fl. masc. Apr. (K) (type); Mazaruni-station,nbsp;Tutin 464 (1933), mixed forest, fl. masc. Aug. (K, U).
SURINAME: Corantyne R., Kaboeri, tree n. 633, BW. 4841 (1920) (U),
-ocr page 221-BW. 5925 (1922) f!. masc. Aug. (U); Para R., Zandery I, tree n. 29, BW. 1406 (1915) (U); id., tree n. 182, BW. 1449 (1915) (U), BW. 3912 (1918)nbsp;fl. masc. Aug. (U), BW. 4373 (1919) fl. masc. and fr. Aug. (U); id., treenbsp;n. 208, BW. 1515 (1915) (U); id., BW. 6193 (1923) fl. fem. and fr. Sept.nbsp;(U); Saramacca R., Sectie O, tree no. 16, BW. 4638 (1920) (U); id., treenbsp;n. 516, BW. 1325 (1915) (U); near Plantage Mariepastor, Kegel 1293 (1846)nbsp;fr. May (GOET).
Vern. names: BR. GUIANA: ulu (Arow.)j SURINAME: tiengi-monnie (N.E.), oio (Arow.), ajawa, apoto-ajawa, ihoeloe-ilanao-ajawa (Car.).
This species is nearly related to T. rhoifolia Willd. and to T Lawrancei Standi, but it differs from both by the smooth surfacenbsp;of its leaflets and their prominent tertiary nerves; moreover fromnbsp;T. rhoifolia by its terete and smooth branchlets and by its usuallynbsp;less numerous leaflets, which are narrower and provided with anbsp;cuneate base, and from T. Lawrencei by its smaller leaves whichnbsp;are always provided with a smaller number of leaflets.
var. latifolia Swart in Rec. Trav. bot. néerl. XXXIX, p. 207 {1942).
Leaves very large, 50 cm long; petiole and rhachis very long, together 26 cm; petiolules of the terminal leaflets 5 cm long; leaflets elliptic-oblong to oblong, ovate, 20 cm long, 8.5 cm wide;nbsp;acumen rather short and only slightly tapering, i cm long, 0.5 cmnbsp;wide.
Type: Krukoff 8855 in h.NY.
Distribution: Brazil, near the border of Ecuador and Peru.
BRAZIL: Amazonas, basin R. Solimoes, Sao Paulo de Olivenca, creek of Belem, Krukoff 8855 (1936) planted by Indians, fr. Nov.-Dec. (NY).
Though its relation to T. demerarae Sandw. is from the geographic point of view rather unexpected Krukoff 8855 comes in its characters nearer tonbsp;this species than to T. Lawrancei Standi.
2. Trattinickia rhoifolia Willd., Linn. Sp. pi. ed.4, IV, p.975 (1805); DeCand., Prodr. II, p.89 (1825); Sprengel, Linn. Syst.nbsp;Veg. ed.i6, I, p.583 (1825); Don, Gen. Hist. Diehl. PI. II, p.77nbsp;(1832); Dietrich, Syn. PI. I, p.715 (1839); Engl, in Mart. Fl. Bras.nbsp;XII, 2, p.282 (1874); id. in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.99 (1883);nbsp;id. in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. Ill, 4, p.238 (1897) et ed.2, XlXa,nbsp;p.415 (1931); Sagot in Ann. Sc. nat. S.6, XIII, p.290 (1882).
Hedwigia rhotjolia Baillon, Hist. d. PI. V, f.294—295 (1874); id.. Diet. Bot. Ill, p.22 fig. (1891).
Tree, rather large or even very large. Branchlets stout, i cm in
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diam., polygonous, sulcate, when young densely covered with pale-ferrugineous hairs, when adult glabrescent, fuscous and rugose. Leaves 4- to y-juagte, 35—50 cm long, rarely larger; petioles stout,nbsp;semiterete, subalate, with thickened base, rimose; interjuga terete,nbsp;striate, carinate, like the petioles rather deilsely to sparsely ferru-gineous pubescent; petiolules semiterete, canaliculate, scarcelynbsp;pubescent to nearly glabrous, rimose, 7.5 (2—15) mm, the terminalnbsp;ones 2 (i—4) cm long; leaflets lanceolate-ovate to oblong-ovate,nbsp;narrowed towards the apex, gradually or rather abruptly acuminate;nbsp;acumen long, tapering and acute; base usually more or less cordate;nbsp;margin entire; coriaceous, glabrous, distinctly scabrous, abovenbsp;nitidulous, beneath dull; with 15 (12—18) pairs of sec. nerves;nbsp;prim, nerves above grooved on each side and glabrous, beneathnbsp;distinctly prominent and scarcely pubescent, sec. and tert. nervesnbsp;above hardly visible, beneath prominulous. Inflorescences subterminal axillary, much-branched, many-flowered, 7—22 cm long.nbsp;Peduncles and branchlets stout, striate, densely and minutelynbsp;ferrugineous pubescent, when fruiting glabrescent and rimose.nbsp;Pedicels short to very short, polygonous, rather densely and minutely pubescent; bracts elliptic-oblong, acute, about 5 mm long;nbsp;bractlets oblong-lanceolate, 2 mm long. Flowers 3-merous, 5—7 mmnbsp;long, pale-green to pinkish. Calyx campanulate, densely and minutely pubescent; its lobes as long as the tube. Corolla tubular,nbsp;outside densely and minutely adpressedly pubescent, inside glabrousnbsp;but with some long hairs near the apex. Stamens 6. Disc glabrous.nbsp;Pistil glabrous, in the masc.fl. 1.5 mm high, in the fem.fl. ovoid,nbsp;indistinctly 6-gonous, 3 mm high, 2 mm in diam., 2-celled. Drupenbsp;globose to subglobose, at both ends subacute, i—1.25 cm in diam.
Type : Hoffmannsegg in Herb. Willdenow 18950 in h.B.
subsp. Willdenowii Engl, in Mart. FI. Bras. XII, 2, p.282, t.58 (1874); id. in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.99, t.II, f25—29 (1883);nbsp;id. in E.-Pr. Nat. PfI.fam. Ill, 4, f.134 D-E (1897) et ed.2, XlXa,nbsp;f.412 D-E (1931).
Trattinickia Ryanii Didr. in Vid. Medd. Kjbhn. 1857, p.125
Leaves 5 (4- to 7-)-jugate, 40 (35—50) cm long; petioles 12 (8.5—15) cm long; interjuga 4 (2—6) cm long, petioles and rhachisnbsp;24—30 cm long; leaflets narrowed from the middle or from belownbsp;the middle to the apex, 13 cm long and 4.5 cm wide; acumen 1.5—2nbsp;cm long and i cm wide. Inflorescences 17 (12—22) cm long, branch-lets 3—7 cm long. Flowers 6—7 mm long. Calyx 4 mm long; itsnbsp;lobes oblong-triangular, acute. Corolla iVa-tinaes as long as the
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calyx; its lobes oblong-triangular, % to % the length of the tube. Stamens in the masc.fl. half the length of the corolla, 3 mm.
Type: Hoffmannsegg in Herb. Willdenow 18950 in herb.B.
Distribution: Trinidad, the Guianas and northern Brazil.
TRINIDAD; Kugler and Williams 13098 (1934) white lands, forest fr. Dec. (K).
BR. GUIANA: Pomeroon-distr., Jenman 1918 (1882) fl. Aug. (K, NY); id., Moruka R., DelaCruz 4555 (1927), fl. masc. July (F, NY, US); N.W.nbsp;-distr., Waini R., For. Dept. B. G. 625 (1910) (K); RupumuniR., Yupukari,nbsp;For. Dept. B. G. 2178 (1931) at edge of savannah, fl. fem. Sept. (K, U).
SURINAME: Para R., Zandery I, BW. 6372 (1924) fl. masc. Febr. (U); Suriname R., Brownsberg, tree n. 1128, BW. 2513 (1916) fr. Nov. (U),nbsp;BW. 2849 (1917) fr. May (U), BW. 6456 and 6629 (1924) fl. fem. Apr. (U);nbsp;id., tree n.1148, BW. 2935 (1917) fr. June (U).
FR. GUIANA: near Cayenne, Martin (K); id., Broadway 597 (1921) fr. June (BM, K).
BRAZIL: basin R. Solimoes, near Ega, Poeppig 2524 (1831) in forest, fl. fem. Sept. (W); without locality, Hoffmannsegg, herb. Willd. 18950,nbsp;fl. masc. (B) (type).
subsp. Sprucei Engl, in Mart. Fl. Bras. XII, 2, p.282 (1874); id. in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.99 (1883).
Leaves 6- to 7-jugate, rarely 4- or 5-jugate, 35 cm long; petioles 9 cm; interjuga 2.5 cm long, petioles and rhachis 21 cm long; leafletsnbsp;narrowed from above the middle to the apex, 11 cm long and 4 cmnbsp;wide; acumen 1.5 mm long and 7.5 mm wide. Inflorescences 9 cmnbsp;long. Flowers 5 mm long. Calyx 1.75 mm long; its lobes broadlynbsp;triangular, subobtuse. Corolla 2^12-timQS as long as the calyx; itsnbsp;lobes ovate-triangular. Vs to 34 the length of the tube. Stamens innbsp;the masc.fl. V3 the length of the corolla, 1.5 mm.
Type : (lecto-type): Spruce 1168 in h.P.
Distribution: equatorial Brazil (Amazonas and Para).
BRAZIL: Rio Negro, near Barra, Spruce 1125 (1850—1851) fl. masc. Dec.-March (B, BM, C, G, K, LE, M, NY, W); Amazone R., near mouthnbsp;R. Solimoes, Spruce 1168 (1851) fl. fem. March (B, BM, K, M, P, W);nbsp;basin R. Tapajoz, upper R. Cupary, Krukoff 1195 )i93r) fr. Sept. (B, BM,nbsp;G, K, NY, U).
Vern. names: BR. GUIANA: ulu, ooloo (Arow.), ahis-ali (Narrou); SURINAME: tiengi-monnie (N.E.); BRAZIL: jucuruba (ex Krukoff).
Trattinickia Ryanii Didr. has amply been described on a fruiting specimen “inter spirituosa Vahliana 148”. I have been informednbsp;that in the Univ. Botan. Museum at Copenhague today this specimennbsp;is not to be found, neither in the collection of plants on liquor.
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nor in the herbarium, but Didrichsen’s diagnosis corresponds quite well with that of Trattinickia rhoifolia Willd. ssp. Willdenowiinbsp;Engl, and in the locality where the specimen described by Didrichsennbsp;was collectedj “Insula Trinidad, Ryan”, this subspecies too isnbsp;known to occur.
Anatomy; Guill. in Ann. Sc. nat., S.9, X, p.aiy, f.6, 7—i (1909).
3. Trattinickia aspera (Standl.) Swart nov.comb.
Protium asperum Standi, in Trop. Woods 1926, 8, p.4 (1926); id. in Contr. U.S.N.H. 27, p.224 (1928); Engl, in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.nbsp;fam. ed.2, XlXa, p.414 (1931).
Tree, 10—20 m high; bole covered with a scabrous, greyish bark. Leaves 6-jugate, large; petioles semiterete, subalate, rimose, 30 cmnbsp;long; interjuga similar to the petioles, 5.5 cm long; petiolules semiterete, canaliculate, rimose, 5 mm long, the terminal ones 35 mm;nbsp;leaflets lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, sometimes narrowed tonbsp;the apex, the lateral ones slightly oblique, 17—23 cm long andnbsp;5.5—7.5 cm wide; apex gradually narrowed in a tapering, acute,nbsp;1.5 cm long and i cm wide acumen; base cuneate; margin slightlynbsp;emarginate; subcoriaceous, on both sides glabrous and very scabrous,nbsp;above nitidulous, beneath dull; with about 35 pairs of sec. nerves;nbsp;prim, nerves on both sides prominent and provided with some longnbsp;hairs, sec. and tert. nerves sparsely hispidulous, above prominulous,nbsp;beneath distinctly prominent. Inflorescences subterminal, axillary,nbsp;laxly paniculate, 17 cm long. Peduncles and branchletsnbsp;angulose, sparsely hispidulous. Pedicels similar to the peduncles,nbsp;8—18 mm long. Flowers 3-merous. Drupe both in longitudinalnbsp;and transverse section rhomboid, 10—ii mm long and 9—10 mmnbsp;in diam., apex acute; pyrenes usually 2.
Type: Standley 41161 in h.US 1251938 and 1251939.
Distribution: Panama.
PANAMA: Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island, Standley 41161 (1925) fr. Nov. (US)j id., id. 40815 (1925) (US).
Vern. name: carano.
This species, which according to Standley occurs frequently on Barro Colorado Island, has the corrugate, nearly connate pyrenesnbsp;of Trattinickia, but differs from all other species of the genus bynbsp;the large size of its leaves and by the very scabrous surface and thenbsp;large number of sec. nerves of the leaflets.
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4- Trattinickia peruviana Loes. in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. XXXVII. p.569 (1906); Engl, in E.-Pr. Nat. Pfl.fam. ed.2, XIXa,p.4i5 (1931).
Tree. Branches stout, terete, slightly striate, very densely tomen-tellous, when adult glabrescent and scabrous. Leaves 6- to 7-jugate, about 35 cm long; petioles semiterete, near the incrassate basenbsp;subalate, 8 cm long, like the rhachis and petiolules very denselynbsp;ferrugineous-tomentellous; interjuga terete, above carinate, 2.5 cmnbsp;long; petiolules semiterete, canaliculate, 2—4 mm long, the terminal ones 2 cm; leaflets oblong to oblong-ovate, mostly narrowednbsp;to the apex and the lateral ones slightly oblique, usually 11 cm longnbsp;and 3.5 cm wide, but the terminal ones wider and the basal onesnbsp;about half as long; apex gradually narrowed in a tapering, acute,nbsp;17.5 mm long and 5 mm wide acumen; base cimeate to rounded;nbsp;subcoriaceous, on both sides scabridous and dull, above rathernbsp;densely fuscous puberulous, beneath sparsely ferrugineous pubescent; with about 16 pairs of sec. nerves; prim, nerves above groovednbsp;on each side, beneath distinctly prominent, sec. and tert. nervesnbsp;above hardly visible, beneath prominent. Inflorescences terminal,nbsp;rather many-flowered, 15 cm long. Peduncles and branchlets stoutnbsp;terete, striate to angulose, densely ferrugineous puberulous, whennbsp;adult sometimes glabrescent; sec. branchlets up to 5.5 cm, tert.nbsp;ones up to 2.5 cm long. Flowers 3-merous. Pedicel of the fruitsnbsp;5 mm long, similar to the peduncles. Disc glabrous. Drupe globosenbsp;to ovoid, glabrous or provided with some hairs, i cm in diam;nbsp;pyrenes 2.
Type: Weberbauer (without number) in h.B.
Distribution: Peru (dept. Loreto).
PERU: dept. Loreto, prov. Moyobamba, Weberbauer (1904) alt. 800— 900 m, in savannahforest, fr. Nov. (B).
Vern. name: carana.
This species differs from all other species of the genus by its strongly developed indumentum.
5. Trattinickia Lawrancei Standl. in Rec. Trav. bot. néerl. XXXIX, p.208 (1942).
Tree, mostly large, 20 to 60 m high. Branches stout, i cm diam., smooth, glabrous, fuscous, provided with elliptic, ferrugineousnbsp;lenticels. Leaves 7- to 9-jugate, 45—70 cm long; petioles semiterete,nbsp;above subalate, 10—20 cm long, like the rhachis nearly glabrous;nbsp;interjuga terete, above carinate, 3—5 cm long; petiolules semiterete.
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canaliculate, scabrous, tranversely rimose, glabrous, 5—7.5 mm long, the terminal ones 2—4 cm long; leaflets lanceolate to oblong,nbsp;the lateral ones slightly oblique and narrowed to the apex, 13—17nbsp;cm long and 4—6 cm wide; apex gradually narrowed in a tapering,nbsp;acute, 15—20 mm long and 7.5 mm wide acumen; base cuneate;nbsp;coriaceous, scabridous to scabridulous, glabrous, above nitidulous,nbsp;beneath dull; with about 20 pairs of sec. nerves; prim, and sec.nbsp;nerves above grooved on each side, beneath prominent, tert. nervesnbsp;above hardly visible, beneath prominulous. Inflorescences pseudoterminal or terminal, many-flowered, 15—25 cm long. Pedunclesnbsp;very stout, like the branchlets angulose, striate, when young sparsely pubescent, when adult glabrescent and scabrous; sec. branchletsnbsp;10—15 cm, tert. ones 2 cm long. Pedicels, when fruiting, 5—15 mmnbsp;long. Flowers 3-merous. Calyx cupuliform. Drupe globose, at bothnbsp;ends subacute, at the top provided centraly with a short rudiment ofnbsp;the stigmata, glabrous, 12 mm long, 10—12 mm in diam.; pyrenes 2.
Type; Lawrance 825 in h.F 756502 and 756503.
Distribution: eastern slopes of the Andes.
COLOMBIA: Boyaca, north of Bogota, El Umbo, Lawrance 825 (1934) alt. 1000 m, in high forest, fr. Sept. (F).
BRAZIL: Amazonas, basin. R. Madeira, Humayta, near Tres Casas, Krukoff 6315 (1934) on varzea-land, fr. Sept. (NY, U); id., id. 6442 (1934)nbsp;on low terra firma, fr. Oct. (K, NY, U); id., near Livramento, Krukoff 6639nbsp;(1934) on terra firma, fr. Oct. (NY, U).
This species is related to T. rhoifolia Willd. but differs from the latter by its terete and smooth branchlets, its multijugate leaves,nbsp;the glabrous petiolules and midrib of its slightly rough leaflets withnbsp;cuneate base. From T. demerarae Sandw. it differs by the greaternbsp;number of its scabridulous and indistinctly reticulate leaflets.
The name Trattinickia Lawrancei Standi. I only met in manuscript and the war made it impossible for me to get answer on my request whether the diagnosis was published already.
Among the Suriname-material is a specimen, Watramiri, tree n. 1644, BW. 2020 (1916) (U), consisting of some incomplete leavesnbsp;only, which agree fairly well with those of this species.
6. Trattinickia Glaziovii Swart in Rec. Trav. bot. néerl. XXXIX, p. 208 (1942).
Trattinickia Schwackeana Glaziou in Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 52, Mém. 3, p.92 (1905) (nomen nudum); Guill. in Ann. Sc. nat.,nbsp;S.9, X, p.215 (1909).
Large tree. Branchlets rather stout, terete, slightly sulcate.
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glabrous, smooth to scabridulous, cinereous, provided with elliptic rufescent lenticels. Leaves 4- to 6-jugate, 22—32 cm long, in allnbsp;parts glabrous; petioles semiterete, at the base slightly incrassate,nbsp;5—6 cm long, like the rhachis scabridulous, interjuga terete, striate,nbsp;2.5—3.5 cm long; petiolules semiterete, canaliculate, 3—5 mm long,nbsp;the terminal ones 15—20 mm; leaflets lanceolate to oblong, mostlynbsp;narrowed from above the middle to the apex, usually 6.5—ii cmnbsp;long and 2.75—3 cm wide, but the terminal ones smaller and narrowed near the base, the lateral ones oblique and the basal onesnbsp;shorter; apex gradually narrowed in a tapering, acute, 15 mm longnbsp;and 5 mm wide acumen; base cuneate; coriaceous, scabridulousnbsp;at both sides, above nitidous, beneath dull; with ii—12 pairs ofnbsp;sec. nerves; prim, nerves on both sides prominent, sec. and. tert.nbsp;nerves above prominulous, beneath prominent. Inflorescencesnbsp;pseudoterminal axillary, branched from the base, many-flowered,nbsp;15 cm long. Branchlets stout, terete, like the pedicels, bracts,nbsp;bractlets, calyx and outer side of the corolla sparsely and minutelynbsp;fuscous pilose, sec. branchlets up to 8 cm long, tert. ones up tonbsp;1.5 cm. Pedicels nearly as long as the flowers; bracts oblong, obtusenbsp;half the length of the pedicels. Flowers 3-merous, brunnescent,nbsp;5 mm long. Calyx cupuliform, hardly the length of the flower;nbsp;its lobes broadly triangular, obtuse, as long as the tube. Corollanbsp;urceolate, 3 mm in diam., carnose; its lobes ovate, acute, as longnbsp;as the tube. Stamens in the masc.fl. 1.4 mm long; anthers basifixed,nbsp;oblong, 1.3 mm long. Disc annular, glabrous. Pistil in the masc.fl.nbsp;rudimentary, ovoid-conical, i mm high, sub-3-lobed and providednbsp;with -short hairs. Drupe a 4- to 5-angular glabrous pyramid, apexnbsp;acute, 12 mm long, nearly 10 mm in diam.; pyrenes 2.
Type: Glaziou 13675 in h.P.
Distribution: Brazil.
BRAZIL: basin R. Madeira, Humayta, near Livramento, Krukoff 6891 (1934) on terra firma, fr. Oct. (K, NY, U); Quinta de Sao Christavao, Glaziounbsp;13675 (1880) fl. masc. July (B, C, K, P).
As the name T. Schwackeana is found only in Glaziou’s “Liste” it is merely a nomen nudum and as no relation between the type-specimen and Schwacke could be traced in order to avoid troublenbsp;in the nomenclature a new specific epithet was chosen. Glaziounbsp;l.c. adds “Quinta da Boa Vista, Rio Jan. Grand arbre cultivé”.nbsp;The locality on the label of the type therefore is uncertain and thenbsp;type-specimen has to be considered as cultivated.
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Sectio Burserifoliae Swart in Ree. Trav. bot. néerl. XXXIX, p.207 (1942).
Leaflets oblong-elliptic to orbicular-elliptic, never narrowed towards the apex, not or slightly acuminate.
7. Trattinickia laxiflora Swart in Rec. Trav. bot. néerl. XXXIX, p.209 (1942).
Small tree, 4.5—7.5 m high. Branchlets rather stout, 5 mm in diam., glabrous, scabrous, fuscous, provided with elliptic ferru-gineous lenticels. Leaves of variable aspect, mostly 3- to 4-iugate,nbsp;rarely 2-jugate, 32.5—40 cm long, in all parts glabrous; petiolesnbsp;semiterete, subalate, at the base incrassate, 7.5 cm long, like thenbsp;rhachis smooth; interjuga terete, striate, above subcarinate, 5.5—6nbsp;cm long; petiolules semiterete, canaliculate, when adult scabrous,nbsp;I—1.5 cm, the terminal ones 2.5—3.5 cm long; leaflets broadlynbsp;elliptic, symmetrical, mostly ii—12.5 cm long and 6—7 cm wide,nbsp;but the terminal ones wider and the basal ones smaller; apex obtusenbsp;but abruptly acuminate; acumen about 5 mm long and wide, obtuse;nbsp;base nearly rounded; coriaceous, above nitidous and smoothsnbsp;beneath scabridulous; with 10—12 pairs of sec. nerves; nerves,nbsp;above grooved on each side, beneath prominent. Inflorescencesnbsp;axillary or terminal, laxly branched, few-flowered, 25 cm long;nbsp;branchlets 10 cm long, like the peduncles angulose and glabrous.nbsp;Pedicels slender, 4.5 mm long, terete, striate, like the calyx sparselynbsp;and minutely puberulous bracts deciduous, lanceolate, 2.5 mmnbsp;long; bractlets ovate, 5 mm long. Flowers 3-merous, 5 mm long.nbsp;Calyx campanulate, 2.75 mm long; its lobes ovate-triangular, kcute,nbsp;nearly 5 times as long as the tube. Corolla tubular to urceolate,nbsp;nearly 2 times the length of the calyx, outside sparsely and minutelynbsp;puberulous to papillose, inside glabrous, carnose, deep red; itsnbsp;lobes ovate, nearly as long as the tube. Stamens 6, in the fem.fl.nbsp;I mm long; filaments much dilated, 0.35 mm long; anthers elliptic,nbsp;apiculate, 0.65 mm long. Disc annular, glabrous, 0.35 mm high.nbsp;Pistil in the fem.fl. glabrous, 2.5 mm high; ovary conical; stylenbsp;thick, 0.75 mm long; stigma 2-lobed. Drupe ellipsoid, at both endsnbsp;acute, glabrous, 12 mm long and 8 mm in diam.; pyrenes 2.
Type: Killip and Smith 24795 in h.US 1359108.
Distribution: central Peru.
PERU: dept. Junin, San Romon, Killip and Smith 24795 (1929) alt. 900—1300 m, fl. fern, and fr. June (F, NY, US); id., id. 24906 (1929) id.,nbsp;id. (F, NY, US).
This species is related to T. burserifolia Mart., but differs from
-ocr page 229-431
the latter by its wider leaflets, laxly branched and few-flowered inflorescences, longer pedicels, larger flowers and very short calyx-tube.
8. Trattinickia burserifolia (burseraefolia) Mart., Nov. Gen. et Sp. Ill, p.93, t.239 (1829); Engl, in Mart. FI. Bras. XII, 2,nbsp;p.283 (1874); id. in DC. Mon. Phan. IV, p.99 (1883); id. in E.-Pr.nbsp;Nat. Pfl.fam. Ill, 4, p.238 (1897) et ed.2, XlXa, p.415 (1931);'nbsp;Benoist in Bull. Soc. bot. Fr. LXVI, p.357 (1919); Pittier in Trab.nbsp;Mus. com. Venez. VIII, p.361 (1931). Non apud Gleason in Bull.nbsp;Tor. bot. Cl. LVIII, p.377 (1931) quod ad T. subchoripetalanbsp;Swart pertinet.
Trattinickia burseraefolia Mart, subsp. obtusa Engl. l.c. (1874, 1883); Pulle, Enum. Vase. PL Surin. p.246 (1906).
Trattinickia burseraefolia Mart, subsp. quinquejuga Engl. l.c. (1874, 1883). Non apud Gleason in Bull. Tor. bot. Cl. LVIIInbsp;p.377 (i93i)_.
Trattinickia Schomburgkii Klotzsch in R. Schomb. Reisen in Br. Guiana III, p.ii88) nomen nudum.
Trattinickia guianensis Klotzsch l.c. nomen nudum.
Trattinickia humilis Spruce mss. in sched. Spruce 2964 and 3252; Engl. l.c. (1874, 1883).
Tree, usually small and no over 10 m high. Branchlets rather stout, 5 mm in diam., terete, striate, glabrous, when young olivaceous, when adult squamaceous, fuscous and provided withnbsp;lanceolate ferrugineous lenticels. Leaves mostly 3- or q-jugate,nbsp;sometimes 2- or 5-jugate, usually 20—25 cm long; petioles semi-terete, at the base incrassate, 5—8 (2.5—9) cm long, like the rhachisnbsp;and the petiolules fuscous and when adult transversely rimose;nbsp;interjuga terete, striate, above carinate, 3.5—4 (1.5—6) cm long;nbsp;petiolules semiterete, canaliculate, 10—15 mm long, the terminalnbsp;ones 20—25 (15—40) mm; leaflets elliptic-oblong to elliptic, 9—iinbsp;(6—14) cm long and 4—5.5 2.75—6) cm wide, the lateral onesnbsp;slightly oblique; apex gradually to rather abruptly acuminate;nbsp;acumen 5—10 mm long and 5—7.5 mm wide, obtuse; base broadlynbsp;cuneate; coriaceous, above glabrous, smooth, nitidous and deepnbsp;green, beneath sparsely puberulous, scabridulous, dull and glauces-cent; with about 12 pairs of sec. nerves; prim, nerves above groovednbsp;on each side, beneath distinctly prominent, sec. and tert. ones onnbsp;both sides prominulous, all nerves glabrous. Inflorescences axillarynbsp;or terminal, branched from the base, 20 (10—25) cm long. Branchletsnbsp;few, patent, angulose, striate, glabrous and scabridulous, up tonbsp;20 cm long, many-flowered. Pedicels angulose, 0.75—1.75 mm
-ocr page 230-432
long, like the small, oblong-lanceolate bracts and bractlets, the ultimate branchlets and the calyx rather densely and minutelynbsp;puberulous. Flowers 3-merous, 3—4 mm long and 2—2.5 mm innbsp;diam. Calyx cupuliform, nearly half as long as the flower; its lobesnbsp;triangular, obtuse, as long as the tube. Corolla tubular, outsidenbsp;papillose, inside glabrous but near the apex provided with somenbsp;hairs, carnose, red; its lobes ovate-triangular, acute, about as longnbsp;as the tube. Stamens in the masc.fl. as long as the tube of the corolla,nbsp;in the fem.fl. shorter; filaments very short, much dilated; anthersnbsp;elliptic, apiculate. Disc annular, ó-lobed, glabrous, 0.25 mm high.
Pistil glabrous, in the masc.fl. forming with the disc a hardly i mm high cone, in the fem.fl. 2 mm high; ovary conical-ovoid, 1.5 mmnbsp;high; stigma. 2-lobed, sessile. Drupe globose, glabrous, smooth,nbsp;black, 0.75 cm in diam.; pyrenes 2.
Type: Martins (Obs. 3141) in h.M.
Distribution: equatorial South America, east of the Andes.
COLOMBIA: Mt. Araracoara, near Rio Yapura, Martius Obs. 3141, (no date) alt. 360 m, fl. masc. Jan. (M) (type); near San Carlos, Spruce 2964nbsp;{1853) in low forest, fl. fern, and fr. Apr. (BM, K, W).
VENEZUELA: Esmeralda, Spruce 3252 (1853) fr. Dec. (K, P).
St. VINCENT: Caley, fr. (W).
BR. GUIANA: Mt. Roraima, Schomburgk 595 (1842—43) fl. fern, and fr. (BM, G, K, M, W); id., id. 746 (1842—43) fl. masc. (BM, G, K, P, W);nbsp;id., Tate 282 (1927) alt. 1600—1800 m (NY); Kaieteur Falls, Turin 500nbsp;(1933) alt- 330 rn, small thickets in savannah, fl. masc. Aug. (BM, K, U);nbsp;id., Sandwith 1401 (1937) alt. 300 m, open rocky ground, fl. Sept. (K);nbsp;basin Essequibo R., near mouth Onoro Creek, A. C. Smith 2705 (1937) onnbsp;high land, dense forest, fr. Dec. (U); Demerara R., Wainibini Creek, For.
-ocr page 231-Dept. 2431 (1935) alt. 60 m, in open scrub, fl. Sept. (K); Demerara-Berbice-watershed. For. Dept. 827 (1919) fr. Oct. (K); Demerara R., Malali, DelaCruz 2654 (1922) fl. fem. Oct.-Nov. (GH, NY, US); Hyde Park, Persaud 153nbsp;(1924) sandhill in forest, fl. Sept. (K); Pacaraima Mt., Schomburgk 903nbsp;(no date) fl. fem. (B, BRSL, L) (type of T. Schomburgkii Kltz., T. Schom-burgkiana Kltz.); without loc., Schomburgk 1339 (1842) fl. masc. Aug.nbsp;(B, BRSL) (type of T. guianensis Kltz.); id., id. 223 (1839) (BM); id.. Jenmannbsp;4855 fl. masc. (B, K).
SURINAME; Para R., Zandery I, tree n. 207, BW. 2264 (1916) (U); Zandery I, BW. 364 (1913) fl. masc. Oct. (U); Plantage Berlyn, Wullschlaegelnbsp;1686 (no date) fr. (BR, W); Saramacca R., Sectie O, tree n. 22, BW. 314nbsp;(1915) fl. fem. and fr. May (U); id., tree n. 83, BW. 331 (1915) fl. fem. andnbsp;fr. (U); id., tree n. 785, BW. 2451 (1916) fl. masc. Sept. (U), BW. 2884nbsp;(1917) (U), BW. 3368 (1917) fl. fem. and fr. Oct. (U); Marowyne R., Albina,nbsp;Herb. L.ambert (1819) fl. (K); without loc., Hostmann 668a (1846) fl. masc. (P).
FR. GUIANA; Gourdonville, Benoist 1529 (1914) fl. masc. Oct. (P).
BRAZIL; Amazonas, R. Branco, R. Surumi, Ule 8412 (1909) alt. 1000— 1400 m, fl. fem. Sept. (B, G, K, L); id., R. Negro, Manaos, near Aleixo,nbsp;Krukoff 7936 (1936) fl. masc. Aug.-Sept. (NY); id., id. 8028 (1936) fr. Aug.-Sept. (NY); id., R. Madeira, near Borba, Riedel 1492 (1828) fl. fem. and fr.nbsp;July (B, K, LE); Para, Herb. Lusit., fl. masc. (P); without loc., Newmann,nbsp;fl. masc. (G).
Vern. names; BR. GUIANA; ulu (Arow.); SURINAME; tingie-monnie, saly (N.E.), oio, ioellie-ballie (Arow.), ajawé, patjera-siepjorie (Car.); BRAZIL; almesca, breu (ex Krukoff).
The seize of variability shown by the abundant material now at our disposition makes it impossible to retain the subdivision ofnbsp;this species proposed by Engler l.c.; between his subsp. obtusanbsp;and quinquejuga all transitions are present.
Anatomy: Guill. in Ann. Sc. nat., S.9, X, p.215, f.y—2 (1909).
9. Trattinickia subchoripetala Swart in Rec. Trav. bot. néerl. XXXIX, p. 210 (1942).
Trattinickia burseraefolia Mart, in errore Gleason in Bull. Tor. bot. Cl. LVIII, p.377 (1931).
Probably a tree. Branchlets slender, terete, glabrous, scabrous, cinerascent. Leaves mostly 3- to 4-jugate, rarely i- or 2-jugate,nbsp;in all parts glabrous, 15 cm long; petioles semiterete, subalate,nbsp;at the base incrassate, 3 cm long, like the rhachis smooth and fuscous; interjuga terete, striate, above slightly carinate, 3 cm long;nbsp;petiolules terete, canaliculate, transversely rimose, scabrous, 6 mmnbsp;long, the terminal ones i cm; leaflets broadly elliptic to obovate,nbsp;slightly oblique, about 5.5 cm long and 3.5 cm wide; apex slightlynbsp;emarginate to subobtuse but sometimes provided with a very short,nbsp;I mm long and 2 mm wide, acute acumen; base broadly cuneate;
-ocr page 232-coriaceous, above smooth and nitidous, beneath scabridulous and dull; with about lo pairs of sec. nerves; prim, nerves above distinctly grooved on each side, beneath distinctly prominent, sec. andnbsp;tert. nerves prominent. Inflorescences terminal, rather laxly branched, 12 cm long. Peduncles and branchlets terete, striate, scarcelynbsp;and minutely puberulous. Pedicels stout, teretiusculous, half thenbsp;length of the flower, as long as the oblong-triangular, acute bracts,nbsp;twice the length of the ovate bractlets, like the calyx all sparselynbsp;and minutely puberulous. Flowers 3-merous, 3.5 mm long. Calyxnbsp;cupuliform, half the length of the corolla; its lobes broadly triangular, subobtuse, as long as the tube. Corolla campanulate-tubular,nbsp;outside papillose, inside glabrous, carnose, deep red; tube verynbsp;short; petals nearly free, elliptic-ovate, acute. Stamens 6, in thenbsp;fern. fl. I mm long; filaments much dilated; anthers elliptic, 0.75 mmnbsp;long. Disc annular, glabrous, 0,4 mm high. Pistil the in fem.fl.nbsp;glabrous; ovary globose, 2 mm high, 2.5 mm in diam.; stigmanbsp;subsessile, 2-lobed. Drupe globose, glabrous, 6 mm in diam.
Type: Tate 210 in h.NY.
Distribution: southern Venezuela.
VENEZUELA: Esmeralda, Tate 210 (1928) alt. no m, rocky top, fl. fern, and fr. Oct. (NY).
This species is closely related to T. burserifolia Mart., but differs from the latter by its nearly free petals and moreover by its smallernbsp;and wider leaflets.
-ocr page 233-Unnumbered specimens are indicated “s.n.”. In parentheses the name of the genus is abbreviated: C. = Crepidospermum, H. =nbsp;Hemicrepidospermum, P. = Protium, Te. = Tetragastris and Tr.nbsp;= Trattinickia; the number refers to the number of the speciesnbsp;concerned.
Abbott 851, 2i6s, 2514, 26r5, 2724 (Te. 3). Ackermann s.n. (P. 8). Altmann r33 (P. i). Altona 6305 (P. i). Altson 529 (P. 57). Anderson 28 (P. 2); s.n. (P. ii, 18). Aublet s.n. (P. 13, 18, 19, 48; Te. 5).nbsp;Aubriz le Comte s.n. (P. 54). Ayres s.n. (P. 4). B.W. (Suriname) lA (P. 75); 314, 331 (Tr. 8)j 344 (H. i)i 364nbsp;(Tr. 8)j 434, 438 (P. 64); 441nbsp;(Te. 2); 785 (P. 64); 1134 (H. i);nbsp;1135 (P- 50)i 1156 (Te. 2); 1159nbsp;(P. 70); 1208 (P. 50); 1235 (P. 47);nbsp;1245 (P. 18); 1291 (H. i); 1323nbsp;(P. 75); 1325 (Tr. I); 1406 (Tr. r);nbsp;I4r8 (P. 64); t449, 1515 (Tr. i);nbsp;1553 (Te. 2); 1583 (P. 64); 1693nbsp;(Te. 6); r697 (P- 5°); 1778 (Te. 6);nbsp;1817, 1859 (P. 5o)j 1900 (P. I3)jnbsp;1949 (P. 47); 1987 (Te. 2); 2006nbsp;(H. i)j 2020 (Tr. 5); 2284 (Tr. 8);nbsp;2307 (P. 75); 2320 (P. 13); 2380nbsp;(H. r); 2412 (Te. 5); 2417 (Te. 2);nbsp;245T (Tr. 8)i 2506 (H. i); 2513nbsp;(Tr. 2); 2597 (P. 75); 2849 (Tr. 2);nbsp;2884 (Tr. 8)i 2935 (Tr. 2); 2959nbsp;(P. 47); 3229 (P. 50); 32565 3266nbsp;(Te. 6)j 3364 (P. 50); 3368 (Tr. 8)inbsp;3388 (P. 13); 3443 (Te. 6); 3444nbsp;(Te. 2)i 3612 (P. 50); 3655 (P- 75);nbsp;3790 (P. i8)5 3830, 3877 (Te. 2);nbsp;3912 (Tr. i)i 3931 (P. 70); 3944nbsp;(P. 50); 3958 (P. 47); 3980, 4003nbsp;(Te. 6); 4047 (P. 64); 4071 (P- 18);nbsp;413T (P. 75); 4218 (P. 18); 4332nbsp;(Te. 2)i 4373 (Tr. i)i 4394 (P- I3); |
4404 (P. 47); 4471 (P. i8)j 4514 (Te. 6); 4519 (P. 75); 4638 (Tr. r);nbsp;4671 (P. 70); 4740 (P. i9)j 4777nbsp;(Te. 6); 4778 (Te. 2); 4823 (P. 47);nbsp;4841 (Tr. i); 4944 (Te. 6); 5009,nbsp;5022 (P. 75)i 5156, 5354 (Te. 2);nbsp;5480 (P. i8)i 5527 (Te. 5); 5575nbsp;(Te. 2); 5840 (Te. 6); 5908, 5920nbsp;(P- 75); 5925 (Tr. I); 5997, 6043nbsp;(P. 64); 6080 (Te. 6); 6105 (P. 75);nbsp;6122 (Te. 6); 6176 (P. 50); 6193nbsp;(Tr. i); 6372 (Tr. 2); 6407 (Te. 2);nbsp;6456, 6629 (Tr. 2); 7072 (P. 64).nbsp;Backer 23, 4708, 9447, 15414, 16400,nbsp;17895,17896,19192,19549^20458,nbsp;20931, 21170, 24956, 27002, 28T17,nbsp;28523, 28763, 29446, 29919, 33601,nbsp;33602, 33603, 33604, 33605 (P. i).nbsp;Bailey and Bailey 294 (P. 75); 319nbsp;(P. 21); 1370 (P. 18); 1681 (P. 19).nbsp;Balansa 2529 (P. 18). Bangham 405, 424 (P. 21); 427 (P. 75); 513 (P. 66). Barclay s.n. (P. 4). Bartlett 8257 (P. 19)^ 12143 (P. 43). Becking 28, 153 (P. i). Beddington 3 (P. 54). Bélanger s.n. (P. 4). Benoist 368 (P. 54); 901 (H. i); 1529 (Tr. 8); 1636 (Te. 6). Bernier 214 (P. 6); 238 (P. 7).nbsp;Bertero 1023 (Te. 3). Beumée 115, 251, 517, 985, 1104, 4475, 5125 (P- !)• Biolley 10665 (P- 66). Blain 7, 35, 161 (P. 20). Blanchet 82), 178 (P. 74); 1060, 1661, 2060 (P. i8)j 2360 (P. 74)inbsp;3204 (P. 18). |
Korthals s.n. (P. i). Krukoff 1126 (P. 75)i 1195 (Tr. 2); 1378 (P. 36); 1378 (P. 36); 1433,nbsp;1460 (P. 34); 1563 (Te. 5); 1902nbsp;(P. 18); 4624 (P. 51); 4703 (P. 55);nbsp;4816, 4911 (P. 62); 4968 (P. 51);nbsp;5063 (P. 70); 5064 (P. 55); 5083nbsp;(P. 76); 5486 (P. 35); 5558 (P. 71);nbsp;5608 (Te. 5); 5715 (C. I); 5736,nbsp;5789 (P. 75); 6083 (P. 35); 6315nbsp;(Tr. 5); 6392 (H. I); 6395 (P. 45);nbsp;6442 (Tr. 5); 6459 (P. 75); 6485nbsp;(H. I); 6598 (P. 75); 6637 (P. i3)jnbsp;6639 (Tr. 5); 6686 (P. 45); 6891nbsp;(Tr. 6); 7027 (P. 13)5 7063 (P. 76);nbsp;7069 (P. 36)i 7131, 7173 (P. 62);nbsp;7226 (P. 36); 7936, 8028 (Tr. 8);nbsp;8031 (P. 37); 8071 (P. 45); 8108nbsp;(P. 31); 8154 (P. 45)j 8186 (P. 23);nbsp;8195 (P. 36)i 8197 (P. S9); 8212nbsp;(P. 39); 8213 (P. 71); 8283 (H. I);nbsp;8288, 8377 (P. 26); 8389 (P. 52);nbsp;8419 (P. 59); 8535 (P. 63); 8661nbsp;(P. 71); 8855 (Tr. i); 8870 (P. 26)nbsp;8890 (P. 59). Kugler and Williams 13098 (Tr. 2). Kunt2e 17, 7994, s.n. (P. 18). Kurz 50 (P. 2). ded. Lamarck s.n. (P. 4). Lane s.n. (P. i). Lanjouw 402 (Te. 2); 556 (P. 18); 820 (P. 19); 905 (P. 50); 1003nbsp;(Te. 2); 1147 (P. 19). Lawrance 825 (Tr. 5). Leblond, Gabriel et Poiteau s.n. (P. 32). Léon and Roig 13560 (P. 20). Leonard and Leonard 11625 (Te. 3).nbsp;Leprieur 279 (P. 64); 322 (P. 49).nbsp;Leschenault s.n. (P. i, 26).nbsp;Liebmann 12315,nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;12334,nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;12335, 12336, 12337 (P. 43). Linden 732 (P. 43). Loefgren 138 (P. 15); 1014 (P. 18); 1389 (P. 15). Luetzelburg 271 (P. 18); 22152, 22730 (P. 13). Lund 953 (P. 15); s.n. (P. 14, 40). Lundell 1283, 2481 (P. 43).nbsp;Luschnath 155, s.n. (P. 18). Malme 1730, 1862 (P. 18); 2043 (P. 40); 2142 (P. 16); 2270 (P. 18);nbsp;2364 (P. 67); 2429 (P. 40); 2436nbsp;(P. 67); s.n. (P. 40). |
Mann 14 (P. 2). Manso 127 (P. 18). Marshall 12158 (P. 75). Martin s.n. (P. 18, 19, 44; Tr. 2). Martins 1277 (P. 18); 1782 (P. 40);nbsp;2144, 2154 (P. 18); 2918 (P. 27);nbsp;3141 (Tr. 8); s.n. (P. 18, 26).nbsp;Mc. Lean s.n. (P. 18). Melinon 34, 86 (P. 18); 250 (P. 33); 315 (P. 19); s.n. (H. i; P. 18, 26,nbsp;54, 64; Te. 6). Mente 1689 (P. i). Merrill 787 (P. 3). Meyer 52 (P. 43). Mexia 5139 (P. 74). Monteiro da Costa 58 (P. 75); 230 (P. 18). Moritz 899 (P. 24). Mosén 452, 453 (P. 15); 3854 (P. 40); 4167, 4486 (P. 15). Moses 44 (P. 18). Mousset 1085 (P. i). Mutis 4220 (P. 75). Narayanaswami 330, 393 (P. 2). Nash 602 (Te. 3). Néraud s.n. (P. 4). Netto 207 (P. 18). Neuwied s.n. (P. 18). Newman s.n. (Tr. 8). Noltée 4037 (P. i). Otto 940 (P. 18). Paardt 52 (P. i). Palmer 84 1/2, 634 (P. 43). Parkin s.n. (P. 18). Peck 670 (P. 43). Perrottet s.n. (P. 4, 5, 18, 19). Persaud 59 (Te. 5); 86 (P. 64); 91nbsp;(Te. 2); 122 (P. i8); 153 (Tr. 8).nbsp;Pickel 923, 2269 (P. 18). Pierre 1798, 4250 (P. 2). Pittier 123 (P. 24); 1628 (P. 75); 3350 (P. 43)1 3522 (P. 75); 3949nbsp;(P. 43); 4082 (P. 21); 4190, 4191nbsp;(P. 43); 8300 (P. 24); 8945 (P. 18);nbsp;8986, 10053, 10064 (P. 24); 10630anbsp;(P.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;19);nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;10637nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(P.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;18);nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;10800 (P. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;47);nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;12015nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(P.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;18);nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;12106 (P. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;66);nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;13308nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(P.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;18);nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;13426 (P. 61). Plée 143 (P. 18); 804 (Te. 3). Poeppig 252 (Tr. 2); 2703, 2704,nbsp;2815 (P. 55); 2830, 2832 (P. 58);nbsp;2888 (P. 27). Pohl 2287 (P. 18); s.n. (P. 8, 9, 18). |
Poiteau s.n. (P. 18, 75; Te. 3). Prain s.n. (P. 2). Prazer s.n. (P. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;2). Pulle 133 (P. 64); 327 (P. 70)j 519 (H. I). Purpus 7127, 7719 (P. 43). Raben 793 (P. 18). Raimondi 227 (P. 73). Ramage s.n. (P. ii). Record 12 (P. 75). Regnell II 55 a-i (P. 15). Reinwardt s.n. (P. i). Reto 4062 (P. 61). Richard s.n. (P. 8, 9, 14, 49, 63; Te. 3). Riedel 60 (P. 18)5 442 (P. 14)^ 473, 492 (P. 8); 656 (P. 18); 692 (P. 13);nbsp;1070 (Te. 4); 1362 (P. 55); 1402nbsp;(P. 52); 1492 (Tr. 8); 1561 (P. 44);nbsp;1588, 1589, 2479 (P. 18); s.n.nbsp;(P. 8, 14, 18). Riedlé s.n. (Te. 3). Rodschied 41 (P. 18). Rohr s.n. (P. 18). Roig 35 (P- 3o)i 36 (P. 68); 158 (P. 30). Roxburgh 176, s.n. (P. 2). Rusby 1335 (P- 18); 2578 (P. 27). Rusby and Squires 133 (P. 48); s.n. (P. 18). Ryan s.n. (Te. 3). Sagot 797 (P. 18); 1191 (P. 70)1 s.n. (P. 18, 49). Sagra s.n. (P. 20). Saint Hilaire 385 (P. 18); 890 (P. 40). Salvoza 858, 884 (P. 21); 948 (P. 66).nbsp;Salzmann s.n. (P. 18). Sampaio 5142 (P. 67); 5222, 5618 Sandwith 1401 (Tr. 8).nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[(P. 18). Schenk 3881 (P. 9). Schiede 6 (P. 43). Schiede et Deppe 147, 716 (P. 43). Schipp 229 (P. 65); 861, 863 (Te. 6;)nbsp;973 (P- 65); 1021 (P. 22); 1038nbsp;(P. 65); 1167 (P. 43)-Schlechter 16755 (P- 3)-Schomburgk 41 (P. 18); 77, 134nbsp;(Te. 3); 223 (Tr. 8); 504 (P. 18);nbsp;5745 583 (P- 19)1 5955 746 (Tr. 8);nbsp;894 (P. 19); 898 (P. 63); 903nbsp;(Tr. 8); 954 (P. 54); 1339 (Tr. 8);nbsp;1468 (P. 63); s.n. (P. 191 Te. 2, 3).nbsp;Schott 757 (P. 65); 4397 (P- 18);nbsp;4406 (P. 8); s.n. (P. 9)- |
Schwacke 773 (P. 27); 5823 (P. 8); 7174 (P. 75)1 8772, 8871, 9451nbsp;(P. 8); 10138, 10182 (P. 15); 12115nbsp;(P. 40); 12374, 12397 (P. 15);nbsp;13481 (P. 8). Seler 172 (P. 43). Sello I (P. 13); 7 (P. 15); 7a (P. 18); 83 (P- 9); 108 (P. 13); 167 (P. 18);nbsp;169 (P. 9); 170 (P. 15)1 224 (P. 13);nbsp;229 (P. 18); 230 (P. 9); 251, 264nbsp;(P. 8); 306 (P. 18); 307 (P. 9)1nbsp;334 (P- 8); 348 (P. 40); 428 (P. 18);nbsp;429 (P. 8); 604 (P. 13); 987 (P. 40);nbsp;1007 (P. 18); 1057 (P. 9); 1109,nbsp;1207 (P. 8); 2012, 2013 (P. 40);nbsp;2014, 2015 (P. 15); 2060, 2061nbsp;(P. 40); 2062 (P. 18); 2063 (P. 15);nbsp;sn. (P. 9, 18, 75). Shafer 3528 (P. 30); 4206 (P. 20); 4240 (P. 68); 7828 (P. 20); 8344nbsp;(P. 68). Shattuck 1172 (P. 21). Sieber 199, II 68, II 326, 377, s.n. (P- 4). Sintems 793, 1519, 1938, 2072, 27795 3287, 4228, 4486, 6312,nbsp;6346, 7017 (Te. 3). A. C. Smith 2144 (P. 18); 2271, 2582 (P. 75); 2705 (Tr. 8); 2728nbsp;(P. 44); 2844 (Te. 5); 3108, 3223nbsp;(P- 75)1 3429 (Te. 5); 3531 (P. 75).nbsp;Dorien Smith 327 (P. 14). H. H. Smith 405a (P. 72); 405b 405C5 1741 (P. 75); 2743 (Te. i).nbsp;Soubiron s.n. (P. 19). Spruce 373, 608a, 608b, 994 (P. 18); 1122 (P. 38); 1123 (P. 37); 1125nbsp;(Tr. 2); 1142 (P. 38); 1168 (Tr. 2);nbsp;1319 (P. 37)1 1344 (H. I); 1889nbsp;(P. 25); i960 (P. 27); 2179 (P. 13);nbsp;2321 (P. 54); 2620 (P. 76); 2662nbsp;(P. 52); 2692, 2699 (P. 37); 2^770nbsp;(P. 52); 2824 (P. 32); 2845 (P. 26);nbsp;29645 3252 (Tr. 8); 3304 (P. 60);nbsp;3476 (P. 78); 3494 (P- 77); 3679nbsp;(P- 13); 3787 (P- 18); 4193 (C. I);nbsp;4194 (P. 72); 4473 (P. 73); s.n.nbsp;(P. 18). Stahel 60 (P. 69); 80 (Te. 5); 125 (P. 69); 144 (P. 75); 423 (P. 64).nbsp;Stahl 452, s.n. (Te. 3). Standley 30647 (Te. 6); 40815 (Tr. 3); 40984 (P. 75); 41161 (Tr. 3);nbsp;535425 55385 (Te. 6). |
Steinbach 2383 (P. 14); 6504 (P. i8)i 6744 (P. 15). Stevens 583, 1269 (P. 21). Stevenson I-III, 9 (Te. 6). Sutton Hayes “1” (P. 21); 342 (Te. 6)i 462 (P. 21); 773 (Te. 6).nbsp;Swartz s.n. (Te. 3). Tate 210 (Tr. 9); 282 (Tr. 8); 329 (P. 19); 348, 957 (P. 59); 962nbsp;(P. 17). Tavares 267 (P. 18). Taylor 416 (Te. 3). Tejera 254, 259 (P. 18). Tessmann 3085 (P. 72); 3456 (P. 12); 4107, 4129 (P. 76); 4158 (P. 69). Teysmann s.n. (P. i). Thorel s.n. (P. 2). Thorenaar 135 (P. i). Tonduz 6682 (P. 43); 6989 (P. 75). Trail 109 (P. 55). Tresling 397 (P. 75)5 453 (Te. 2)1 457 (H. I). Treub s.n. (P. 2). Triana 3696 (P. i8)i 3697 (P. 13); 3699 (H. I); 3700 (P. 10); 5932nbsp;(P. 71). Tulleken 395, 521 (P. 18). Tutin 113 (P. 48); 231 (P. 76); 464 (Tr. I); 500 (Tr. 8). Ule 786 (P. 18) 4709 (P. 8)j 4710 (P. 9); 6413 (C. i)j 6414 (P. 72);nbsp;7729 (P. i5)i 8412 (Tr. 8); 8891nbsp;(P. 40); 9507 (C. r). Usteri i (P. i8)i s.n. (P. 15). Valeur 469 (Te. 3). Vaughan 288 (P. 4). Vélez 820 (Te. 3). Vincent 4674a (P. i). |
Voigt s.n. (P. 2). Wachenheim 32 (P. 18); 203 (P. 54). Wallich 8492, ‘Too”j s.n. (P. 2).nbsp;Wallis s.n. (P. 18). Warburg 4513, 4524 (P. i). Warming 2402/1, 2402/2, 2403,nbsp;2403/1, 2403/2 (P. 4o)i 2404, 2405,nbsp;2407 (P. i8)i s.n. (P. 18, 40, 14).nbsp;Webb s.n. (P. 4). Weberbauer 4502, 4579 (C. i); s.n. (Tr. 4). Weddel 696 (P. 9); s.n. (P. 18). Widgren 1127 (P. 18); s.n. (P. 15).nbsp;Williams 201 (Te. 6). L. Williams 1521 (P. 26); 3704 (P- 59)1 3792 (P- 53)1 4417 (P. 76);nbsp;4564 (Te. 6); 4625 (P. 12); 4772nbsp;(P. 28); 4861 (P. 12) 5056, 5356nbsp;(P. 72); 5390 (C. I); 5458, 5578nbsp;(P. 72); 5636 (C. I); 5708, 5845nbsp;(P. 72); 5869 (C. i); 6138, 6289.nbsp;6423, 6819 (P. 72); 7193 (C. I).nbsp;Wilson 125 (P. 21). Winzerling VIII-3 (P. 65). Wisse 663 (P. i). Woodworth and Vestal 425, 462, 490, 559 (P- 21); 6o5(P.66).nbsp;Wright 1156, 1157, 1158, 1603nbsp;(P. 20). Wright, Parry and Brummel 197 (Te. 3). Wullschlaegel 803, 826, 1405, 1406, 1407 (P. 18)5 1663 (P. 71); 1686nbsp;(Tr. 8); 2037 (P. 19); 2038 (P. 18);nbsp;2039 (P. 19); s.n. (P. 18). Zetex 3467 (P. 21). Zollinger 655, 1698 (P. 1). |
The names have been spelled according to the orthography of the collector’s notes on the labels or in the literature. In parentheses the name of the genus is abbreviated: P. = Protium, H. =nbsp;Hemicrepidospermum, C. = Crepidospermum, Te. = Tetragastris,nbsp;Tr. = Trattinickia; the number indicates the number of the speciesnbsp;concerned.
Ahis ali (Tr. 2); (h)ajawa (balli) (P. 18, 64, 70; Tr. 1, 8); apoto ajawa (Tr. i); ihoeloe ilanao ajawa (Tr. i)j imjawara motapo ajawa (P. 70); tapoekjannbsp;ajawa (P. 47); almeceg(ueir)a (P. 9, 15, 18, 40)^ almecica (vermelha) (P. 18,nbsp;40); almeixeigueiro (P. i8)j almesca (P. 13, 18, 35, 45; Te. 5; Tr. 8);nbsp;almiscar (P. 18); amacey (Te. 3); anba fanguehanba (P. 5); anime (bianco)nbsp;(P. 18, 75); aloe mansingi (P. 75); apotona pereka (Te. 2); arouaou (P. 18,nbsp;48); arracosary (P. 19).
Bé-andou (P. 7); bejuco (P. 26)5 bernang (P. i)i bois cochon (Te. 3); bois de colophane (batard), bois de marigni (P. 4); bois d’encens (P. ii, 18,19);nbsp;breu (P. 23, 37, 45, 59; Te. 8) breu almecega (P. 13); breu branco (P. 18,nbsp;27, 42, 44, 75; H. i); breu jauaricica (P. 9).
Carana, carano (Tr. 3, 4); carbon (P. 43; Te. 6); (iciquier) cèdre (blanc, rouge) (Te. 5); chitreka (P. 2); chutra(s) (P. 43, 75); comida de mononbsp;(P. 75); copal (P. 20, 43, 56, 66; Te. 6); — caspi (Te. 6);—colorado(P. 22);nbsp;curucai (P. 18).
Fên som (P. 2); fiere bewe banna (P. 75); fosforito (P. 56).
Goeloen (bernang) (P. i); gommart (P. 4); gommier (P. 75); — blanc, — jaune, — 1’incens (P. ii); guacamayo, guacharaco (P. 10).
Haiowa (balli) (P. 18, 64; Te. 6); hajawa, see ajawa; hiawa hisi (P. 18); iba-jawa (P. 47); icicariba (P. 9); incense tree (P. 18); inc(i)ens(i)o (P. 68); isigo (P. 18); isula micunan (C. i).
Jaoua (Te. 6); jo(e)llie balli (P. 75; Te. 2; Tr. 8); joriebaUi (kolero) (P. 50); — béléro (H. i); — tataro (Te. 2); jucuruba (Tr. 2).
Kandior, kapok ma (P. 2); katos, ketimis, ketos (P. i); koeséwé iekolju (P. 64);
k(u)rokai (P. 46, 48, 70).
Loa, Iowa (P. i).
Mafên (P. 2); mahaica balli (P. 64); mat pheu (P. 2); mancho copal (P. 65);
marangub (P. 3); (palo de) masa (Colorado) (Te. 3); miejoelwa (P. 64). Najor, neyar, neyor (P. 2).
Olo, ooloo, olu (P. 18; Tr. i, 2, 5, 8).
Pakir(i)a sipioli (P. 50, 64; H. i); palo de aceite (Te. 3); patjera siepjorie (Tr. 8); peraka (P. 50); pi sê (P. 2); poelikoh (Te. 2); pom (P. 65).nbsp;(Witte) salie (P. 50; H. i; Te. 2, 5, 6; Tr. 8); roode salie (P. 75); siep(i)onbsp;(P. 18, 47); siewa arna (P. 18); simiri (Te. 2); sorupotri moi (P. 2); sucriernbsp;(de montagne) (Te. 3).
Tacamahaca (macho) (P. 18, 19, 24, 47); tang(g)o(e)lo(e)n(g), tangkhoelo(e)n, teng(g)o(e)lo(e)n(g), tengkhoeloen (P. 1); thadi (P. 2); tingie monnienbsp;(P. 13, 18, 47, 64, 71; Tr. I, 2, 8); tinggoeloe(e)n(g), tranggoeloen, treng-(g)oelo(e)n, trengkhoeloen (P. i); troesinan (P. 75); trompetero caspinbsp;(C. i); tsepur (P. 57); tsiramiramy (P. 6).
Ulu, see olo.
Vara blanca (P. 75); voiré matata (P. 5).
Yit padi (P. 2).
-ocr page 240-Synonyms are printed in italics; the page on which the diagnosis of the group is to be found is underlined, the other pages are thosenbsp;where the group is mentioned otherwise. This index refers to thenbsp;Taxonomic Part only.
Ailanthus Desf. lanceolata Roxb.......254 Amyris L..........229 altissima Aubl.....409,416 altissima Willd.....274,414 ambrosiaca Moc. et Sessé . . 393 ambrosiaca L. . .nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;270,272,286, 295, 300 brasiliensis Spreng nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;267,269 brasiliensis Willd. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;295,296 Carana Humb.......390 decandra Willd.....339, 362 dentata Willd........395 elemifera Mart.....290,294 enneandra Willd......339 guyanensis Willd......300 heterophylla Willd. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;274,277 lateriflora Willd.......292 Protium L.........249 serrata DC.........393 toxifera Willd........409 altissima Baill........414 Aracouchili Baill......278 australasica Bailey.....393 balsamifèra Pers.......409 Carana Baill........390 caudata Turcz. 373, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;375, 380, 383 decandra Baill.......339 guianensis Baill.......300 Icicariba Baill........270 javanica Baill........249 macrostachya Turcz.....393 obtusifolia Lam.......260 Sellowii Turcz.....271, 272 serrata Wall, ex Colebr. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;. . 254 Tacamahaca Baill......287 Tonkinensis Guill......391 Burseria Dietr. serrata Dietr........254 |
Canarium L. connarifolium Perk.....258 Caproxylon Tussac.....404 Hedzvigii Tussac .... 409,412 Claus ena Burm. f. Commiphora Jacq. var. Roxburghiana Engl. . 395 mossambicensis Engl. . . . 394 pubescens Engl.....325,394 Connarus L. confertiflorus Baker .... 341 Crepidospermeae Engl.....227 Crepidospermum Hook.f. . . . 399 Goudotianum Tr. et PI. 400,403nbsp;guianense March. . . . 396,397 rhoifolium Tr. et PI.....397 Sprucei Hook.f.....396,400 Dammara Gaertn.......229 graveolens Gaertn......261 Elaphrium Jacq........230 altissimum Spreng......414 Carana Spreng.......390 Copal Schiede.......330 cuspidatum Spreng.....392 decandrum Spreng.....339 enneandrum Spreng.....339 gujanense Spreng......300 heptaphyllum Spreng. . . . 286 heterophyllum Spreng. . . . 278 Icflcariba Spreng......270 macrocarpum Schiede . . . 330 macrophyllum Spreng. . . . 273 |
heterophylla DC......278
Hostmannii Miq......362
Icicariba DC........270
indicayW. et A.......254
insignis Tr. et PI......373
lenticellata Warm......380
leptostachya Turez.....395
lucida Rose........394
macrophylla H.B.K.....273
maritima Casaretto.....269
obovata Turez.......330
ornithorhymens Rusby nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;373
Pal'meri Rose ....... nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;330
panamensis Rose......303
paniculata Engl.......345
parviflora Benth......349
parvifolia Spruce.....349
pentandra Aubl.......339
Pittierii Rose.......358
polybotrya Turez......342
pubescent Benth.......324
rhynchophylla Rusby.... nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;375
Sagotiana March......371
Salzmannii^ Turez. . . nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;295,297
schinoides Mart.......296
Sellowii Turez.....271, 272
sessiliflora Rose......385
simplicifolia Mart......311
Spruceand Benth......323
surinamensis Miq......298
Tacamahaca H.B.K. . nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;286,292
timoriensis DC.......395
Trianensis March......278
unifoliolata Spruce.....311
viridiflora Lam.......299
Icipopsis Engl.......230, 368
brasiliensis Engl.......379
caudata Engl. . . . 371,373,380
ferruginea Engl.......387
insignis Engl........373
peruviana Engl.......378
reticulata Engl.......389
subserrata Engl.......386
tenujfolia Engl.......375
var. brevicalyx Engl. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;377
var. multijuga Engl. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;375
Knorrea Moc. et Sessé .... nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;404
mexicana Moc. et Sessé nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;419
Limonia L.
Tacamahaca Spreng.....286
Ephielis Schreb.
fraxinea Willd.......409
Evodia Forst.
divaricata Poepp. . . . 350,351
Hedwigia Swartz . . . 403,404,420 hahamifera Swartz . 327,409,416
Hostmdnnii Engl......407
panamensis Engl......416
rhoifolia Baill........423
rhoifolia Benth.......397
Tussacii Walp.....409,412
Hedwigieae March......227
Hemicrepidospermum Swart . 395 rhoifolium Swart . . . 337,397nbsp;Hypelate P. Br.
geniculata Don.....278, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;279
Idea Aubl..........229
Abilo Blanco.......395
acuminata DC. ...... 392
altissima Aubl. . . 334,413,416
altissima L.......409,416
angustifolia Benth......294
Aracouchini Aubl......277
aromatica Spreng......294
attenuata Rose.......274
bahiensis Mart.......380
brasiliensis Mart.......379
Carana fl.B.K.......390
caudata Turez. 373, 375, 380, 383
confusa Rose.......365
Copal Rich.........302
Copal S. et C.......330
costari^ense Rose......365
crassifblia Rich.......34i
cubensis Rose.......302
cuspidata H.B.K. . 391, 392,414 decandra Aubl. . . 339, 362, 371
dentata DC........395
divaricata Engl.......351
Edwigia Rich........409
enneahdra Aubl..... 3393 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;362
fragans Rose.......368
glabra Rose........332
Goudotiana Tul.....39^3 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;4°°
guianensis Aubl. . . 274,287,299 Guilleminiana March. . . . 272nbsp;heptaphylla Aubl. . 286,299, 302
-ocr page 242-pentagyna Roxb......254
polygyna Radik.......254
Marignia Comm, ex Kunth 230,260
acutifolia DC........261
obtusifolia DC.......260
Matayba Aubl.
guianensis Aubl.......409
Mauria Kunth
Melicocca L.
geniculata Spreng. . . . 278,279
Protieae March........227
Protieae March, em. Engl. . . 227
afriiCanum Harvey.....393
Almecega March. .314,315,321, 326, 328,409
altissimum March. . 390, 391,414,
ambrosiacum Druce 271,272,286 angustifolium Swart .... 283
Aracouchini March. 277,317,318, 3495 350
aromaticum Engl......294
asperum Standi.......426
attenuatum Urb.....274,299
australasicum Sprague . 260, 393
avilense Pittier.......307
Beandou Engl.....264,265
Blanchetii Engl.......379
bolivianum Britton.....394
var. obtusifolium Swart . 270 var. subacuminatum Engl. 269,
var. subserratum Swart. . 269 Carana March. . . 375, 390,414
caribaeum Urb.......275
carnosum A. C. Smith . . . 344
caudatum W. et A.....394
confusum Pittier......366
Copal Engl. . . 305,^5 352^ 353gt;
359» 366,367 var. glabrum Swart . . . 332
var. inconforme Swart . . 333 var. ternatum Swart . . . 333
costaricense Engl. . 359,365,368 crassifolium Engl. .335,341,344,
cubense Urb. . 276,302,316,370
decandrum March.. 333, 339, 361,
var. intermedium Swart . 350,
var. Krukoffii Swart . . .351 Duckei Hub......334, 335
.... ^
279,1^2 323
¦ nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;¦ 387,390
¦ nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;• 303,369nbsp;333’ 336,342,
gileadense W. et A.....394
glabrum Engl........332
grandifolium Engl. . . . 355,357 guianense March. . 274,285, 287,nbsp;291,nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;302, 339, 364
heptaphyllum March. . 272,278, 281, 284, 286, 299, 302, 303, 320,nbsp;326, 328, 364nbsp;var. angustifolium Engl. . 293,
295 295,
var. puberulum Engl. . 362, 364
ecuadorense Ben. elegans Engl. . .nbsp;ferrugineum Engl,nbsp;fragans Urb. . .nbsp;giganteum Engl. .
var. aromaticum Swart var. brasiliense Engl. . .nbsp;var. floribundum Swartnbsp;var. grandifolium Engl. .nbsp;var. multiflorum Swart
342 324 394 276 388 345= 347 387 394 325 • nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;377 • nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;375 • nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;333nbsp;. 310 • nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;391nbsp;305= 3_07nbsp;298,309 295=311 445var. surinamensis Swart . 298, 309 var. unifoliolatum Swart . 294, 311^312 Hostmannii Engl. . . . 354,3^ Icicariba March. . . 270,292,295, 304 var. glahrescens Engl. . . . 307 inconforme Pittier.....333 insigne Engl. . 371, 373. 377= 384 javanicum Burm.f. . . . 248= 395 Klugii Macbr........394 laxiflorum Engl.....299, 308 var. Fendlerii Engl. . . . 307 Llewelynii Macbr. . . . 345,355 lucidum Engl........394 macrosepalum Swart .... 285 ¦ madagascariense Engl. . . . 264nbsp;var. ellipticum Engl. . . . 263 mariquitensê Drake.....295 Martianum Engl......309 mossambicense Oliv.....394 mucronatum Rusby .... 406 multiflorum Engl. . . . 297,311nbsp;multiramiflorum Lundell 305, 307nbsp;neglectum Swart. .371=373=375=nbsp;377=3^ var. panamense Swart . . 3^ var. robustum Swart . . . 384nbsp;var. sessiliflorum Swart . 3^5nbsp;var. tenuifolium Swart . . 373, 377=383 nicaraguense Swart 303, 330, 352 nitidum Engl......345, 347 obtusifolium March. . . 260,266 Orinocense Rusby.....339 ovatum Engl......269,280 Palmeri Engl........330 panamense Johnst. . 303, 307, 352 paniculatum Engl. em. Swart 336, |
345= 348, 356= 361 var. pentamerum Swart . 347 pedicellatum Swart .... 322 philippinense Elm......258 Pittierii Engl. . . . 353=358,365 plagiocarpium Ben. 279, 348, 352nbsp;Poeppigianum Swart 354, 390, 391 polybotryum Engl.. . pubescens Engl. . . .nbsp;pubescens W. et A.nbsp;puncticulatum Macbr.nbsp;reticulatum Engl. . .nbsp;Riedelianum Engl. . .nbsp;rigidum A. C. Smith.nbsp;Roxburghianum W. et A. .nbsp;Sagotianum March. 339= 371= 373,nbsp;375= 380 Salvozae Standl.......366 Schomburgkianum Engl. . . 339, 341=3^ sessiliflorum Standl.....385 Spruceanum Engl. . . .319,323 subacuminatum Swart . . .315 Tacamahaca March.....287 tenuifolium Engl. . 375, 378, 384, 390 var. brevicalyx Engl. var. multfjugum Englnbsp;ternatum Pittier .nbsp;titubans Macbr. .nbsp;tonkinense Engl. .nbsp;tovariense Pittiernbsp;trifoliolatum Engl.nbsp;unifoliolatum Engl. var. macrophyllum Hub. . 312 var. puberulum Hoehne . 313nbsp;var. subserratum quot;Engl. 311,312 venosum Engl......269,327 var. racemosum Engl. . . 269 Vincentinum Domin .... 293 |
laxiflcra OK........308
leptostachya OK......395
macrophylla OK......273
madagascariense OK.....264
Martiana OK.......310
Melinonis OK.......319
mulriflora OK.......297
nitida .OK.........345
obtusifoba OK.......260
ovata OK.........280
paniculata OK.......345
pilosissima OK.......367
polybotrya OK.......342
Protium OK........249
pubescent OK........324
reticulata OK........389
Riedeliana OK.......345
serrata OK.........254
simplicifolia OK.......311
Spruceana OK.......323
subserrata OK.......386
tenuifolia OK........375
trifoliolata OK.......309
venosa OK.........269
Warmingiana OK......379
Widgrenii OK.......281
Zollingerii OK.......249
Trattinickia Willd.....404,419
burserifolia Mart. . 430,431,4333
ssp. obtusa Engl.....431
ssp. quinquejuga Engl. . . 43^ demerarae Sandw. . . . 422,428nbsp;var. latifolia Swart.... 423
guianensis Kltz.......431
humilis Spruce......431
Lawrancei Standi. . . . 423,427
rhoifolia Willd.....423,428
ssp. Willdenowii Engl. . . 4^4
Ryanii Didr......424, 425
Schomburgkiana Kltz. ... 433
Schomburgkii Kltz......431
Schwackeana Glaz. . . 428,429 subchoripetala Swart . . 431,433
Warmingianum March. . . . 379
var. puberulum Swart 283,284
Zollingerii Engl.......249
Santiria Bl.
Schlechteri Laut. . . . 258,260 Schinus L.
bengalensis Ham......254
Niara Ham.........254
Saheria Ham........254
Schwagrichenia Rchb.....404
altissima Swart . . 391,413, 418 balsamifera OK. . 407,408,413,
var. lanceifolia Swart. . . 412 breviacuminata Swart . . .412
cubensis Urb........302
ossea Gaertn........409
panamensis OK.....409,416
var. hirtella Swart . . 341,418 phanerosepala Sandw. . . . 414nbsp;Stevensonii Standi. . . . 416,418
Tingulonga OK........229
Almacega OK.......326
altissima OK........414
Aracuchini OK.......278
Beandu OK........265
Blanchetii OK.......379
brasiliensis OK.......267
Carana OK........390
caudata OK. . . . 371,373,380
Copal OK........ 330
crassifolia OK.......341
divaricata OK.......350
elegatis OK.........317
enneandra OK.......339
ferruginea OK.......387
gigantea OK........334
grandifolia OK.......357
guianensis OK.......300
heptaphylla OK.......286
Hostmannii OK.......362
Icicariba OK........270
insignis OK........373
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Het bezit van een metanephros is niet beperkt tot de Amnioten.
Het is niet noodzakelijk ter verklaring van het ontstaan van kweenen bij de vorming der hormonen van beide partners verschilnbsp;in tijd of in quantum aan te nemen.
De aardappel is niet de oorspronkelijke waardplant van Phytoph-thora infestans.
Het schadelijk optreden van Helopeltis Antonii bij de thee is het gevolg van de cultuurmaatregelen.
Het practisch ontbreken van parasieten bij de rupsen van de Deli-tabak is een gevolg van de wijze waarop deze cultuur wordt gedreven.
Immuniteit blijkt geen eisch meer te zijn bij de selectie van het suikerriet.
Generatio spontanea is door de proeven van Elfving geenszins bewezen.
F. Elfving, Elternlose Bacteriën, Comm.
Biol. Soc. Sc. Fenn. IX, i. p. i (1941).
-ocr page 248-De indikkingsreactie, welke optreedt bij het uitvloeien van het melksap van Hevea brasiliensis, is door Frey-Wyssling niet afdoendenbsp;verklaard.
Indien bladstanden volgens de Schimper-Braunsche divergentie-reeks voorkomen, zoo vertegenwoordigen zij secundaire verschijnselen.
De terminologie der heterotactische inflorescenties is onbruikbaar.
De taxonomie dient zich niet met hybriden in te laten.
Engler’s indeeling der Burseraceae is niet in overeenstemming met de natuurlijke verwantschappen in die familie.
Tetragastris en Trattinickia zijn slechts in geringe mate met elkaar verwant.
Het is noodzakelijk dat bij de opleiding van den bioloog meer aandacht wordt geschonken aan de practische en economische aspecten der biologie.
Onderricht in de didactiek is voor den toekomstigen leeraar overbodig.
Het nut van het verzamelen is niet gelegen in de geestelijke of materieele waarde van de verzameling, doch in de psychologischenbsp;beteekenis ervan voor den verzamelaar.
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