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5-onBon: H. K. LEWIS AND CO. Ltd., LSe, GOWER STREET, W.C. JLontJon: WILLIAM WESLEY AND SON, 28, ESSEX STREET, STRANDnbsp;jjleto lotamp;: G. P. PUTNAM’S SONSnbsp;IBomfcng, Calcutta anU UKatrag: MACMILLAN AND CO., Ltd.nbsp;Coronto: J. M. DENT AND SONS, Ltd.


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Membre de I’lnstitut Inspecteur general des Minesnbsp;Professeur a l’École Nat*® Supérieure des Minesnbsp;(1847—1915)

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¦ nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Goo





M.A., F.R.S., Hon. Sc.D. Dublin



Bibliotheek nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-

Instituut voor aardwetenschappQII Budapestlaan 4nbsp;3684 CD Utrecht



rijksuniversiteit UTRECHT 1577 0740

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TN the Preface to Volume II published in 1910 I rashly stated that it was my intention “to devote such space as is available within the limits of a text-book to the neglected subjectnbsp;of the geographical distribution of plants at different stagesnbsp;in the history of the earth,” also that Volume III would benbsp;completed with as little delay as possible. Though nearly sevennbsp;years have elapsed since the publication of the second volume itnbsp;may fairly be said that the delay is not entirely due to causesnbsp;which it was in my power to control. The subj ect of geographicalnbsp;distribution receives no connected treatment in Volumes IIInbsp;and IV for the simple reason that I underestimated the spacenbsp;required for the description of the Gymnosperms. The alternatives were either to insert a greatly compressed survey of thenbsp;successive floras of the world at the end of Volume IV or tonbsp;attempt a fuller and less technical treatment of the subject innbsp;a separate book. In choosing the latter course I am consciousnbsp;that a further obligation is undertaken which it may not benbsp;possible to fulfil; but the risk is deliberately taken. Volumenbsp;IV is in the press and will, it is hoped, be published before thenbsp;eud of 1917.

It is a pleasant duty to repeat my thanks to many friends who have helped me in various ways. Dr Kidston generouslynbsp;and without reserve allowed me access to his splendid collectionnbsp;of Palaeozoic plants, and the frequent occurrence of his name innbsp;the list of illustrations shows how freely I have availed myself

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of his kindness. He has read some of the chapters and greatly-assisted me by his friendly criticism and encouragement. By reading the proofs of this volume Dr Scott has further increasednbsp;my already large debt to him. It is impossible to thank himnbsp;adequately; he not only corrected many careless mistakes butnbsp;by -wise counsel and advice he rendered me a service -whichnbsp;I greatly appreciate.

The exchange of views with Prof. Zeiller has been a constant source of profit and enjoyment, and it is hard to realise that thenbsp;completed book will not receive his kindly criticism. He wasnbsp;a singularly unselfish and generous colleague, always ready tonbsp;help fellow workers, and he had the faculty in an unusual degreenbsp;of influencing those who had the privilege of his friendshipnbsp;by his sound advice and lovable personality.

The death of Count Solms-Laubach has deprived Palaeo-botany of one of its most learned and strongest supporters. In common with all students of fossil plants I owe much tonbsp;the critical treatment of the subject in the Einleitung in dienbsp;Paldofhytologie. Prof. Jeffrey has very kindly given me severalnbsp;photographs and sections which have been of great service, andnbsp;I am similarly indebted to Prof. Zalessky. To Prof. Nathorstnbsp;my thanks are due for the great interest he has taken in mynbsp;work and for his generosity in providing drawings and showingnbsp;to me many of the treasures in the famous Stockholm Museum..nbsp;Prof. Bertrand and Prof. Lignier freely supplied photographsnbsp;and drawings of specimens in their possession, and I amnbsp;particularly grateful to them for the willingness with whichnbsp;they always responded to my requests.

Through the death of Prof. Lignier in March 1916 Palaeo-botany has been deprived of another original thinker who devoted himself with whole-hearted enthusiasm to botanicalnbsp;research and for many years faithfully served the University

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of Caen: he was a generous friend to whom one never appealed in vain for assistance. Through the kindness of the Directornbsp;of the Indian Geological Survey I have been able to examinenbsp;several fossils from the Calcutta Museum described by Oldhamnbsp;and Morris and by Feistmantel. With the Director’s permissionnbsp;several photographs and drawings made for a forthcomingnbsp;paper to be published by the Indian Survey are reproducednbsp;in this volume. I take this opportunity of thanking friendsnbsp;in Australia who recently afforded me facilities for examiningnbsp;fossil plants in their charge, and I would especially thanknbsp;Mr A. B. Walkom of the University of Brisbane, who hasnbsp;recently undertaken an investigation of the rich plant-bedsnbsp;in the Ipswich district, for all that he did to enable me to makenbsp;the most of a very short time available for palaeobotanicalnbsp;work.

For the loan of specimens and for other help I am indebted to Prof. Bayly Balfour, Prof. Bower, Prof. Margaret Benson,nbsp;Prof. Oliver, Sir David Prain, Dr Smith Woodward, Prof. Weiss,nbsp;the Director of the Geological Survey, Dr A. H. Church, Drnbsp;Arber, and other friends. I would also acknowledge a debt,nbsp;by no means inconsiderable, to my Colleague Mr Hamshawnbsp;Thomas. Among younger friends in the Cambridge Botanynbsp;School to whom I am indebted I wish particularly to thanknbsp;Miss Ruth Holden, Miss Bancroft, Mr Sayers, Mr Dutt andnbsp;others who have rendered me willing help.

In the List of Illustrations mention is made of Corporate Bodies and individuals from whom blocks have been obtained,nbsp;and I am grateful to them for readily responding to mynbsp;apphcations.

My Wife, though prevented by more urgent calls in the later stages of my task from giving as much time to the illustrations as in the two former volumes, has contributed several


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•drawings, and my daughter Phyllis Seward has also given me much help in preparing drawings from previously publishednbsp;figures.

In spite of the vigilance and wise counsel of many friends numerous blemishes remain and for these the author is alonenbsp;responsible.


Downing College Lodge,

February 10, 1917.

Note. The letters A and B added to references in the footnotes indicate that the works will be found in the Bibliographies at the endnbsp;of Volumes I and II.

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CYC AD ALES (Recent). Pp. 1—34.


PTERIDOSPERMEAE (continued from Volume ii.). Pp. 35—85.















TelaMgium 54, 55 ; Lagenostoma 55-64 ; Lagenospermimi 64-66 ; Pterüpermostrobus 66, 67.


Sphaerostoma 78-81.




Medullosa........ 86-109,

Myeloxylon lOd-llO •, Neuropteris 110-117; Alethopteris ¦awA Linopteris \1Z •, Trigonocarpusnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Codono-

theca 124-126 ; Schiltzia 126-128 ; Whittleseya 128-131 ; Dolerophylluni 132-139; Ottokaria 139-141 ; Strohilites 141, 142.







General considerations svggested by the anatomical features of Medullosa .......



' nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;CHAPTER XXXI

PTERIDOSPERMEAE. (Foliage and seeds.) Pp. 166—174. Pecopteru Pluckeneti 166-168 ; Eremopteris artemisaefolianbsp;169-172 ; Wardia 172, 173 ; Adiantites helliduhis andnbsp;Pagenospernium Arheri 173, 174.

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I. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;MEGALOXYLEAE

Megaloxylon .

II. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;RHETINANGIEAE


III. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;STENOMYELEAE

Stenomyelon .

IV. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;CYCADOXYLEAE



V. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;CALAMOPITYEAE

Calamopitys Kalymma .nbsp;Eristophyton .

VI. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;CLADOXYLEAE

Cladoxylon Völkelia .

VII. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;PROTOPITYEAE



CORDAITALES. Pp. 214—299.
























Noeggeratinopsis 238-243; Rhiptozanütes 244,245 Phylladoderma 244 ; Euryphyllum 245 ; Artisianbsp;246-248 ; Dadoxylon 248-260; Metacordaitesnbsp;260, 261 ; Cordaianthus 264-270; Mesoxylonnbsp;270-275 ; Pelourdea 277-281; Niponophyllumnbsp;282, 283 ; Titanophyllum 283, 284.









Archaeopitys Callixylonnbsp;Coenoxylonnbsp;Parapitysnbsp;Mesopitysnbsp;Antarcticoxylon





293, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;294

294, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;295

295, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;296nbsp;296-299




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I. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Lagenostomales...... . nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;¦

Physostoma 309-312; Conostoma 313-316 ;Sphae-rostoma 316; Lagenostoma 316 ; Gnetopsis 317, 318.

II. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Trigonocakpalbs ........

Trigonocarpus 319-321; Tripterospermum 321; Ptychotesta 321 ; Hexapterospemum 321-323;nbsp;Polypterospermum 323 ; Pachytesta 323-326 ;nbsp;Stephanospermum 326-329; Polylophospermumnbsp;329, 330; Codonospermum 330, 331; Aetheo-testa 331, 332 ; Eriotesta 332 ; Gaudrya 332.

III. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Cardiocarpales........

Cardiocarpus 338-340; Cyclospermum 340, 341 ; Cycadinocarpus 341; Rhabdocarptis and Rhab-dospermum 341-345 ; Mitrospermum 345, 346 ;nbsp;Diplotesta 346; Leptocaryon 346, 347 ; Taxo-spermum 347 ; Compsotesta 347, 348 ; Sama-ropsis 348-354; Cordaicarpus 354-356.

IV. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Miscellaneous Seeds .......

i. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Hexagonocarpus 356,357; Decagonocarpus 357;nbsp;Polypterocarpus 357, 358; Rhynchogoniumnbsp;358-360 ; Boroviczia 360 ; Diplopterotesta 360,nbsp;361; Musocarpus 361; Holcospermnm 361-363.

ii. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Malacotesta 363 ; Tbysanotesta 364; Carpo-lithus 364, 365 ; Microspermum 365.


CYCADOPHYTA (Fossil). Pp. 366—420.


Cycadeoidea Cycadellanbsp;Amphibennettitesnbsp;Vectia.


bennettitales (eontimmd)

Williamsonia Wielandiellanbsp;Williamsoniellanbsp;Cycadocephalusnbsp;Weltricbia .






367-420 367-417nbsp;417, 418nbsp;418nbsp;419, 420







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i. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Bucklandia 480-490; Cycadeomyelon 490, 491;nbsp;Colymbetes 491-494 ; Cycadeolepis 494-496.

ii. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Carpolithus 497-500; Cycadospadix 500, 501;nbsp;Beania 502; Zamiostrobus, Cycadeostrobus 503-505; Androstrobus 505, 506.


CYCADOPHYTA (Fronds). Pp. 507—591.

I. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Bennettitales........

Ptilophyllum 512-529; Zamites 529-537; Otoza-mites 537-545 ; Dictyozamites 546-548; Ptero-phyllum 548-558; Cycadites and Pseudocycas


II. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Nilssoniales........

Nilssonia 566-578; Ctenis 578-583; Pseudoctenis


III. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Incbrtab sbdis........

Sphenozamites 587-589 ; Plagiozamites 589, 590 ; Cycadorachis 590, 591.

List of Works referred to in the Text (Vols. Ill amp; IV). Index..... .....







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Several of the illustrations are printed from blocks for which I am indebted to learned societies or to individuals. The sources from whichnbsp;clichés were obtained are mentioned within square brackets. Thenbsp;names of donors of photographs or drawings are added after thenbsp;descriptions of the figures.

Fkontispibcb. Charles René ZeUler. From a photograph given to me by Madame Zeiller.






5 11nbsp;12


14 16nbsp;16


18 18nbsp;20











377. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Cycas circinalis. A. Mahns Smith

378. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Cycas revoluta. [G. B. Wieland.]

379. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Encephalartos horridus.....

380. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Cycas circinalis. [Encyclopaedia Britannioa.]

381. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Cycas revoluta and Zamia Loddigesii .

382. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Encephalartos Ohellinchii. [Camb. Phü. Soc.]

383. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Cycas siamensis. [Encyclopaedia Britannica.]

384. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Cycas circinalis ......

385. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Cycas Micholitzii and Zamia angustifolia

386. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Encephalartos Altensteinii ; Dioon edule. S. M. Wadham

387. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Cycadean Fronds .

388. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Zamia Wallisii

[Camb. Univ. Press.]

389. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Zamia integrifolia.

390. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Zamia Loddigesii .

[Encyclopaedia Britannica.] Biuminiana, C. angulata, Encephalartos

391. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Bcnvenia spectabilis.

392. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Cycas pectinata, C.

and Stangeria.....

393. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Stangeria, Encephalartos, and Ceratozamia

394. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Macrozamia Preissii. [Camb. Univ. Press.]

395. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Zamia fioridana. [G. R. Wieland.]

396. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Dioon edule, Cycas circinalis, etc., Encephalartos, Bowenia

Macrozamia, Microcycas.....

397. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Stangeria paradoxa. [New Phytologist; A. G. Tansley.]

398. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Macrozamia.........

399. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Cycadean fohar bundles......

400. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Cycas Micholitzii. [Camb. Phü. Soc.]

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401. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Lyginodendron Landsburgii. R. Kidston

402. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Lyginopteris oldhamia. [Camb. Phil. Soc.]

403—405. Lyginopteris oldhamia nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.41,

406. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Lyginopteris oldhamia. P. W. Oliver

407. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Crossotheca Hoeninghausi. B. Kidston and other sources

408. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Lagenospermun Sindairi; Lagenostoma; Calymmatotheea

Stangeri ; Crossotheca Hoeninghausi

409. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Lagenostoma.......

410. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Lyginopteris oldhamia.....


37 39nbsp;44, 48nbsp;49nbsp;53


411, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;412.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Heterangium Orievii

413. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Sphenopteris elegans

414. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Sphaerostoma ovale

415. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Heterangium Orievii; H. tiliaeoides

416. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Medullosa (stem-anatomy)

417. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Medullosa eentrofilis

418. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Myeloxylon radiatum ; Medullosa stellata; M. Leuckarti

419. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Medullosa Leuckarti .......

420. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Myeloxylon radiatum,; Medullosa anglica, and Medullosa sp,

421. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Potoniea adiantiformis; Linopferis obliqua; Neuropteris


422. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Neuropterocarpus Kidstoni. [Edinburgh Royal Society.]

423^26. Trigonocarpus Parkinsoni .... nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;118, 120,

427. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Codonotheca caduca. [New Phytologist.

428. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Whittleseya elegans ; W. brevifolia

429. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Whittleseya elegans ....

430-432. Dolerophyllum Ooepperti..... nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;133,

433. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ottokaria bengalensis. [Indian Geol. Survey.]

434. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Strobilites Milleryensis .....

435. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;436.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Colpoxylon aeduensenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;...

437, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;438.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Rhexoxylon africanumnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;...

439, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;440.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Sutcliffia insignisnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;....

Lyginopteris root


58 69nbsp;76


79 82nbsp;92nbsp;96


104 107

441. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Steloxylon Ludwigii .....

442. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Pecopteris Pluckeneti .....

443. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Eremopteris artemisaefolia ; Samaropsis acuta

444. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Samaropsis acuta. R. Kidston

445. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Wardia fertilis......

446-448. Megaloxylon Scotti. [Camb. Phil. Soc.]

449, 450. Mhetinangium Arberi. W. T. Gordon

451. ' Stenomyelon tuedianum ....

452. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Stenomyelon tuedianum. R. Kidston .

453. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ptychoxylon Levyi ; Gyeadoxylon Fremyi ; 0 rdbustum,

454. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;455. Calamopitys Saturni. M. Zalesskynbsp;456. Kalymma grandis .....

111 114nbsp;121nbsp;125nbsp;128nbsp;130nbsp;134, 137


141 143

146, 148 150, 151nbsp;163nbsp;167



172 176-178

182 183nbsp;185nbsp;188nbsp;191, 192nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;195

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Eristophyton fasciculare Eristophyton Beinertianwm. M. Zalesskynbsp;Cladozylon mirabile ; C. dubium ; 0. taeniatum ; Syncardianbsp;pusilla

Cladozylon Kidstoni ; C. mirabile Volkelia refracta

Protopitys Buehiana.......

Porozylon Edwardsii. 0. E. Bertrand and F. W. Oliver Poroxylon Edwardsii ; P. Boysseti. C. E. Bertrand .nbsp;Cordaites leaf. {C. Felicis.) R. Kidstonnbsp;Cordaites principalis ; Artisia transversa. R. Kidston

Cordaites Kngulatus.......

Cordaites (Rhizo-Cordaites) ; Cordaites circularis ; Cordaites sp. cf. C. Lacoei; C. crassifolius ....nbsp;Cordaites aeqvalis; C. Clerci. M. Zalesskynbsp;Cordaites (Noeggerathiopsis) Hislopi. G. R. Wieland .nbsp;Cordaites (Noeggerathiopsis) Hislopi. [Geological Society.]nbsp;Cordaites (Noeggerathiopsis) Hislopi. [Geol. Surv. India.]nbsp;Cordaites stemnbsp;475. Dadoxylon materiarumnbsp;Dadoxylon Pedroinbsp;Cordaites root

Cordaites ? root. T. N. Leslie Cordaianthus. E. E. Weiss .

Cordaianthus Pitcairniae; C. Volkmanni Cordaianthus Grand'Euryi ; C. Williamsoni ;

C. E. Bertrand Cordaianthus microsporangia .

Mesoxylon Sutcliffii

Pelourdea vogesiaca. [Geologists’ Assoc.]

Titanophyllum Grand'Ewryi .

487. Pitys antiqua ....

Pitys primaeva .....

Callixylon Trifdievi. M. Zalessky Mesopitys Tchihatcheffi, ....

Antarcticoxylon Priestleyi Diagram of a synthetic type of seed .



Lagenostoma ovoides; L.Lomaxi; Physostoma elegans; Telan glum Scotti; Stephanospermum akenioidesnbsp;Stephanospermum akenioides; Conostoma oblonga; Onetop-sis elliptica; Physostoma elegans; Mitrospermum compres-sum ...........

Polypterospermum Renaultii; Ptychotesta tenuis; Polylopho-



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spermumstephanense; Hexapterospermum stenopterum; D% plotésta avellana ; D. Grand’Euryana; Taxo-spermwm Griinernbsp;Pachytesta incrassata; Polypterocarpua anglicus


Codonospermum olivaeforme; Aetheotesta elliptica Samaropsis emarginatanbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.....

Cardiocarpus drupaceus var. expansua .

Cardiocarpua aderotesta; Bhabdocarpus cyclocaryon Samaropais fluitans; S. emarginata;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;8. bicandata;

8eixasi; 8. barcdloaa; 8. Newberryi; Cordaicarpu


8amaropaia Leslii.......

8amaropsis Milleri. [Geol. Surv. India.]

Cordaicarpus Gordai nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.......

Holcospermum aulcatum; Codonospermum anomalum; Di plopterotesta spitzbergensis; Onetopsia dliptica; Thysanonbsp;testa sagittula; Rhynchogonium costatum; Boroviczianbsp;Karpinskii; Hexagonocarpus Noeggerathi; Rhabdosper-mwm tunicatwmnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.....

Cycadeoidea marylandica. [G. B. Wieland.]

508, 509. Cycadeoidea Wielandi. [G. B. Wieland.]

610. Cycadeoidea sp. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.....

511. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Cycadeoidea Qibsoniana ....

512. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Cycadeoidea ingens. [G. B. Wieland.]

513-615. Cycadeoidea. [G. B. Wieland.]

516. Cycadeoidea Dartoni.....

517-523. Cycadeoidea Oibsoniana

524-527. Cycadeoidea (Bennettitea) Morierei. [0. Ligm(

528-632. Cycadeoidea dacotensis. [G. B. Wieland.]

533. Cycadeoidea colossalis. [G. B. Wieland.]

634. Cycadeoidea Beichenbachiana. [A. Bothpletz.]

636-537. Cycadeoidea gigantea. [Geological Soo.]

538. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Cycadeoidea micromyela. ....

539. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Cycadeoidea Jenneyana (?)nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[G. B. Wieland.]

540. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Vectia luccombenaia. [Trustees of the British Museum

641-643. Williamaonia gigas.....

544. Williamaonia gigaa. [Yorkshire Nat. Union.]

645. Williamaonia gigas. A. G. Nathorst. .

546, 647. Williamaonia gigas ....

648. Williamaonia gigas. 0. Lignier. .

549, 560. Williamaonia gigas. [Cambridge Phil. Soc._

651. Williamaonia spectabilia. A. G. Nathorst. .

552. Williamaonia spectabilia. [Geological Soe.] .
























353 355

. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;359

. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;373

375, 376 .nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;377

. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;377

378 380-383nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;384

387-394 397^02nbsp;404-408nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;410

. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;411

413, 414 .nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;415

. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;416

. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;419

424^27 .nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;428

. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;429

430, 431 .nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;432

435, 436 .nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;437

. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;438

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439, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;440

. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;441

. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;444

. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;446




[Boyal Society.] . nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;451-453

W. whitbiensis; W. mexicana . nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;459

. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;463,nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;464

. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;466

553, 554. Williamsonia Leckeribyi. A. G. Nathorst. 555, 556. Williamsonia ivhitbiemis. A. G. Nathorst.






Williamsonia sp. [Indian Geol. Survey.]

Williamsonia Blandfordi.

Williamsonia Garruihersi Williamsonia Bwkhmdinbsp;Williamsonia scoticanbsp;562-564. Williamsonia scotica.

565. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Williamsonia spectabilis ;

566, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;567. Widandiella angustifolia

568. Wielandiella angustifolia. A. G. Nathorst.

[Indian Geol. Survey.]

569-573. Williamsoniella coronata. [Eoyal Society.]







Cycadocephalus Sewardi. Bucklaridia anomalanbsp;Bucklandia Milleriana .nbsp;Bucklandia Yatesiinbsp;Bucklandia buzzardensis.


A. G. Nathorst.....474




[Trustees of the British Museum.] 486

Bucklandia indica. [Trustees of the British Museum.]

580, 581. Colymbetes Edwardsi......

[Trustees of the British Museum.]

582, 583. Cycadolepis sp........

584, 585. Carpolithus conicus......

[Trustees of the British Museum.]

586. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Beania gracilis. [W. G. Carruthers.]

587. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ptilophyllum pecten. [Trustees of the British Museum.]

588. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;589. Ptilophyllum pecten ......

[Geological Surv. India.]

590. Ptilophyllum pecten and Williamsonia Blandfordi

[Geological Surv. India.] Ptilophyllum cutchense. [Geological Society.]

Ptilophyllum pecten.......

[Geological Society.] .

. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;488

492, 493

. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;495

. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;498

. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;502

. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;513

514, 516

. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;517










600. 601.nbsp;602.



Ptilophyllum pecten. Ptilophyllum pectennbsp;Ptilophyllum pectennbsp;Ptilophyllum- pecten.nbsp;Ptilophyllum boreale.

[Trustees of the British Museum.] A, G. Nathorst.

Ptilophyllum antarcticum ; P. Anderssoni Zamites gigas. [Encyclopaedia Britannica.]

Zamites recta........

Zamites Buchianus; Z. Carruthersi; Z. Zitteli .

Zamites Buchianus.......

Otozamites Ooeppertianus; O. Bechei .... Otozamites Bechei........




520 523nbsp;523









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610. 611.nbsp;612.








620. 621.nbsp;622.


624, 626.


628. 629.

Otommites Bechei Otozamites Beani ;


O. Bunburyanua [Encyclopaedia Britannica.]nbsp;Otommites bengalensis. [Geological Surv. India.]nbsp;Otommites Kliptsteini. [Geological Society.]nbsp;Dictyommites Hawelli ....

PteropJiyllum Jaegeri ....

Pterophyllum Nilasoni ; Nilssonia mediana Pterophyllum Fayoli ....

Pterophyllum Braunianum Pterophyllum Nafhorsti ; Nilssonia tenuicaulisnbsp;[Royal Society of Scotland.]

Pterophyllum Nilssoni.....

[Trustees of the British Museum.] Pterophyllum Lyellianum

[Trustees of the British Museum.] Pseudocycas insignis ......

Pseudocycas Saportae. [Encyclopaedia Britaimica.] Nilssonia pterophylloides ; N. brevis ; N. polymorphanbsp;Nilssonia brevis ; N. saighensis ....

Nilssonia rajmahalensis. [Geological Surv. India.] Nilssonia compta. [Trustees of the British Museum.]nbsp;Nilssonia princeps. [Geological Surv. India.]

625. Gtenis sp. [Manchester Phil. Lit. Society.]

Ctenis sulcicaulis .......

Pseudoctenis eathiensis ......

[Trustees of the British Museum.]

Sphenommites Roehei.......

Sphenozamites Belli. [Trustees of the British Museum.]









552 554








571 574nbsp;677nbsp;579nbsp;583nbsp;684



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Among the fossil genera described in the last chapter of the second volume some were spoken of as true Ferns though mostnbsp;of them, it was added, ‘may safely be regarded as plants whichnbsp;will ultimately be shown to belong to some other group, in mostnbsp;cases that of the Pteridosperms.’ Since this was written additionalnbsp;evidence has been obtained in favour of the inclusion of certainnbsp;genera in the Pteridosperms. In the case of Taeniofteris, onenbsp;of the genera already described, there is reason to believe thatnbsp;at least one species is a member of the Cycadales and not a truenbsp;Fern as formerly supposed.

The Pteridosperms so far described are represented for the most part by sterile leaves preserved as impressions, the generanbsp;founded on more satisfactory material having been reserved fornbsp;treatment in this volume. As these genera are founded to anbsp;large extent on anatomical characters oscillating in their essentialnbsp;features between recent Ferns and Cycads, it is important thatnbsp;the student should be in possession of the anatomical characteristics of both of these classes; and for this reason a general accountnbsp;of recent Cycads is intercalated between the Pteridospermsnbsp;already described and those reserved for treatment in this volume.

The section of the Gymnosperms known as the Cycadales, J'epresented by nine recent genera and less than 100 species, is ofnbsp;exceptional importance phylogenetically and demands specialnbsp;attention from palaeobotanical students. Familiarity with thenbsp;®iorphology of recent forms is essential not only in relation to extinctnbsp;eycadean plants but also to types which, though not sufficiently close

S. Ill nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;1

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to surviving species to be included with them in one class, exhibit features regarded by many botanists as indications of an affinitynbsp;either to true Cycads or to some generalised stock of which theynbsp;are an offshoot. The Cycads of to-day may fairly be spoken ofnbsp;as anachronisms, plants appropriate to a former age but out ofnbsp;harmony with the present. They are confined to tropical andnbsp;sub-troJ)ical regions in both the old and new world. In habit

Fig. 377.

many of them resemble tree-ferns, but the columnar stem, which may live to a great age and attain a height of 20 metres, differsnbsp;from that of ferns in its gradually tapered form consequent onnbsp;the presence of one or more cambial cylinders. Though oftennbsp;unbranched (fig. 377) branching of the main trunk is by no means


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unusual (fig. 378; fig. 381, B). Many Cycads are geophilous and have short tuberous stems (figs. 383, 395, 1 a; 396, E): the genusnbsp;Zamia includes a few epiphytic forms’-. The typical cycadeannbsp;stem is covered with persistent petiole-bases with or without annbsp;admixture of smaller scale-leaf bases (figs. 379, 380), while innbsp;several species a transversely wrinkled or irregularly fissurednbsp;periderm forms the superficial tissue (figs. 381, B; 383). Thenbsp;foliage-leaves are relatively large and, with the exception of thenbsp;bipinnate fronds of Bowenia (fig. 391), they are always pinnate.nbsp;The fronds usually form a terminal crown (figs. 377, 379) and

Fig. 380. Cycas circinalis. Stem sho-vving alternate zones of leaf-bases (F) and scale-leaf bases (S). (From the Encyclopaedia Britannica.)

as many as 100 may be produced from one bud. In Zamia pygmaea^ the fronds are only 10—12 cm. long, but in some cycadsnbsp;they reach a length of several metres. On both young foliage-leaves and scale-leaves long and very rarely branched® unicellularnbsp;hairs (fig. 396, N) form a characteristic feature and take the placenbsp;of the ramental scales of the majority of ferns. The apex of thenbsp;stem shown in fig. 386, A is covered with a mass of woolly hairsnbsp;and several scale-leaves are seen on the lower part of the bud.

All recent Cycads are dioecious. The reproductive shoots, except the megasporophylls of Cycas—which have departed to anbsp;less extent than those of other genera from the foliage-leaf plannbsp;(fig. 381, A; fig. 392, A—C) and are borne in a terminal cluster

Wieland (06) p. 190.

» Matte (04) PI. xi. fig. 185 (Microcycas).

2 Botanical Magazine, Tab. 1741.

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through which the stem subsequently pushes its way—consist of a varying number of micro- or mega-sporophylls in densenbsp;spirals on the axis of an elongated or oval strobilus (figs. 386, B,nbsp;393, 394). The microsporophylls are occasionally verticillate^.

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lateral strobili bas recently been described by Chamberlain^ who figures a stem of Macrozamia Moorei with fertile shoots wedgednbsp;among the persistent petiole-bases, a condition very similar tonbsp;that in the Mesozoic Bennettitales. Pearson has also describednbsp;clear cases of laterally-borne cones in Encephalartos. Cycasnbsp;exhibits two kinds of branching, the female plants being mono-podial while in the male the branching is sympodial. The microspores are produced in sporangia grouped in more or less wellnbsp;defined sori (figs. 389, A; 392, E—G). There is no definitenbsp;annulus, but in the occurrence of groups of thick-walled cellsnbsp;some microsporangia recall those of certain ferns^. The ovulesnbsp;vary considerably in size, sometimes exceeding 5 cm. in diameter:nbsp;there are usually two on each megasporophyll (figs. 393, C;nbsp;394; 395, Id) but in most species of Cycas (fig. 392, B) andnbsp;occasionally in other genera the number is larger®. A thicknbsp;integument encloses the nucellus with which it is fused exceptnbsp;in the apical region (fig. 396, A, B). Below the comparativelynbsp;long micropylar tube is a well-developed pollen-chamber (fig. 396,nbsp;B', p), a striking feature of Cycadean ovules, immediately abovenbsp;the megaspore; the latter is filled with prothallus-tissue andnbsp;bears a small apical group of archegonia on the floor of a depressionnbsp;(fig. 396, A—B'). In Microcycas'^ as many as 200 archegonianbsp;are recorded—a very exceptional case—and these are not confinednbsp;to the apical region, though only the apical archegonia arenbsp;functional. Each archegonium is characterised by a very largenbsp;oval egg-cell and a much reduced neck®. The microspores usuallynbsp;produce a single prothallus-cell, a stalk-cell, and body-cell, andnbsp;from the body-cell are developed two spirally ciliated spermato-zoids (fig. 396, M). In this respect also the monotypic genusnbsp;Microcycas is peculiar; it may have as many as 8 body-cellsnbsp;and 16 male gametes in a single pollen-tube (fig. 396, G), whilenbsp;in Geratozamia^ 4 gametes have been seen in one tirbe. Thenbsp;pollen-tube grows like a fungal mycelium into the nucellar tissuenbsp;and the male gametes are formed in the distended proximal end

^ Chamberlain (13). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Lang (97); (00).

“ Chamberlain (09) p. 410. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* Caldwell (07).

® For figures and references, see Coulter and Chamberlain (10).

“ Chamberlain (12) p. 11.

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which on bursting liberates the motile sperms with the watery cell-sap. Fertilisation is succeeded by the development of anbsp;homogeneous proembryo partially or completely filling the zygotenbsp;(fertilised egg): by the formation of long suspensors the embryonbsp;Js brought into contact with the food-store of the prothallus.nbsp;In some Cycads, e.g. Encephalarios, the embryogeny exhibits anbsp;close resemblance to that of Ginkgo'^. The embryo is dicotyle-donous^.

The single stele of the stem is characterised by a large pith which in some genera {e.g. Encephalartos, Macrozamia) contains

anastomosing system of collateral bundles. The vascular •tissue of a cycadean stem forms a cylinder of secondary xylemnbsp;^nd phloem, the primary xylem being represented only by a few,nbsp;Usually crushed, protoxylem elements on the inner margin ofnbsp;the reticulately pitted or scalariform tracheids. Both xylemnbsp;uud phloem are traversed by numerous broad and deep medullarynbsp;rays®. The looser texture and more parenchymatous structurenbsp;cf Cycadean wood afford a ready means of distinguishing it fromnbsp;the Wood of Conifers: for the Cycadean type the term manoxylicnbsp;18 proposed and pycnoxylic for the more compact coniferousnbsp;Wood*. Eims (or ‘bars’) of Sanio, of which much has been saidnbsp;111 discussions on the phylogeny of Conifers, have recently beennbsp;described in the petiolar xylem of Cycas revoluta: the rims arenbsp;8liort and ‘cling closely to the borders of the pits,’ features whichnbsp;also characterise the rims found in the cones of the Araucarineaenbsp;^ud in the root- and cone-wood of certain Pines®. In somenbsp;Cycads the secondary xylem and phloem form a single cylinder,nbsp;but in others {Cycas, Encephalartos, Macrozamia, Bowenid) thenbsp;cambium is succeeded by one or several concentric cylindersnbsp;of meristem which have their origin in the pericycle. Thenbsp;spasmodic occurrence of separate arcs of inversely orientatednbsp;secondary xylem and phloem between the normal cylinders isnbsp;u feature of importance from the point of view of comparison

1 Saxton (10*).

for an explanation of the occurrence of a single cotyledon in Ceratommia, see Dorety (08).

® Worsdell (00); (01); Chamberlain (11).

porous, loose in texture; ttvkvÓs, compact.

Sifton (15).

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with the Palaeozoic Medulloseae^. The occurrence of concentric cauline strands in the cortex of Cycas is also a peculiarity worthynbsp;of notice. Successive bands of periderm, and occasionally anbsp;considerable amount of phelloderm^, are formed in the peripheralnbsp;region of the stem.

The leaf-traces in an adult stem exhibit a striking feature in their indirect or girdle-like course to the leaves (fig. 396, H, g)nbsp;and in the gradual change from an endarch (fig. 396, 0) to annbsp;apparently mesarch structure (fig. 400) as they pass from thenbsp;perimedullary zone to the petiole: except at the base of thenbsp;petiole the vascular bundles of the frond-axis consist of (i) centri-petally developed xylem with a median protoxylem and a muchnbsp;smaller amount of centrifugal xylem (fig. 400) separated by a fewnbsp;parenchymatous elements from the centripetal xylem, (ii) annbsp;external arc of protophloem and within this metaphloem andnbsp;parenchyma®. In the slender petiole of Bowenia there are a fewnbsp;collateral bundles arranged in the form of a circle or ellipse^; innbsp;Cycas and some other genera the more numerous bundles form anbsp;pattern like an inverted U, and in some species of Encephalartosnbsp;the number is greater and the strands more irregularly scattered®.nbsp;In the vegetative stems there is no centripetal xylem in the stele,nbsp;but scattered centripetal tracheids occasionally occur internal tonbsp;the protoxylem in the steles of the peduncles®.

Cycadeae. Megasporophylls each bearing 2—8 ovules, borne separately like foliage-leaves and not in strobili. Pinnae have a midrib but no lateralnbsp;veins (figs. 384, 387, A). Cycas (fig. 377).

Zamieae. Both kinds of sporophylls form strobili. Pinnae have several dichotomously branched, more or less parallel veins. Zamia (figs. 388—390),nbsp;Macrozamia, Encephalartos (figs. 379, 386, C), Ceratozamia, Dioon (fig. 386, B),nbsp;Microcycas.

Stangerieae. Strobili as in Zamieae. Pinnae fern-like, numerous dichotomously branched lateral veins given off from a midrib. Stangeria.

Bowenieae. Leaves bipinnate (fig. 391), strobili as in Zamieae. Bowenia.

Distribution. The most widely spread genus, Cycas, occurs in Siam, India, the Nicobar Islands, Ceylon, Madagascar, and

1 Worsdell (00); (06). See postea, Chap. xxx. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Worsdell (98“).

^ For figures, see Mettenius (60) B.; de Bary (84) A.; le Goo (14); Marsh (14).

^ Wieland (06) pp. 62, 63.

5 Matte (04) PI. vii. fig. 111. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;« Scott (97); Matte (04) p. 164.

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Australia, in many of the islands in the Indian and Pacific oceans, in New Guinea, Borneo, New Caledonia, New Britain, China andnbsp;Japan^. Zamia, the most northerly genus, extends from Northnbsp;Mexico and Florida through Central America and some of thenbsp;M^est Indian islands to Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, and Peru. Dioonnbsp;and Ceratozamia are confined to South Mexico, and Microcycasnbsp;flourishes on the Cuban mountains. The continent of Africanbsp;possesses two endemic genera Encephalartos and Stangeria. Ence-phalartos extends from Cape Colony through Natal and Zululandnbsp;to Zanzibar and Mombasa^; a specimen in the Kew Herbariumnbsp;(probably E. Hildebrandti) is said to have been collected as farnbsp;north as the Soudan. Two species are recorded from the Congo®nbsp;and E. Barteri, discovered by Barter in Central Africa, is recordednbsp;from the Gold Coast^. Stangeria has a much more limited rangenbsp;in S.E. Africa®; Australia possesses Macrozaniia, represented bynbsp;Several species in Western Australia, New South Wales andnbsp;Queensland, Oycas in Queensland and the Northern territorynbsp;and the Queensland genus Bowenia. There are no Cycads innbsp;New Zealand. As a whole Cycads have a limited range and withnbsp;the exception of Cycas and Zamia none of them extend beyondnbsp;the limits of a single continent. They are as a rule not gregariousnbsp;plants and play a subordinate part in the facies of the vegetation,nbsp;flfacrozamw forms dense thickets® in some districts and occursnbsp;both in exposed situations and in association with Palms innbsp;flamp Queensland forests. Chamberlain^ speaks of 100 plants ofnbsp;Jdioon edule as visible in one view in South Mexico where thenbsp;apecies forms a mountain forest. In Florida Zamia -pumila^nbsp;grows in dense moist woods, a habitat in contrast to that of manynbsp;fllycads. The Mexican Ceratozamia is associated with luxuriantnbsp;'^egetation, while its compatriot Dioon^ lives in blazing sunshine.

^ The species Cycas taiwanensis was founded by Mr Carruthers (93) on material rota Formosa, and C. revoluta has also been recorded from Formosa [Thiselton-yer (02) p. 559], but according to Mr Elwes it is very doubtful whether anynbsp;native Cycad occurs on the island.

' Engler (95) p. 92; Stapf (14).

Card. Chron. June 11, 1904, p. 370.

* Bot. Mag. 1909, Tab. 8232. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Pearson (06).

Chamberlain (12^). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;’ Chamberlain (06).

Webber (01). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* Chamberlain (09).

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Sir Joseph Hooker^ speaks of Cycas living in the deepest and hottest valleys in Sikkim. Encephalartos is essentially a xero-philous genus. Stangeria paradoxa is said to be confined to forestsnbsp;in Cape Colony, and another species grows among the grass ofnbsp;the Park-lands in open country^. While it is true that manynbsp;Cycads are characteristic of dry regions some species flourishnbsp;in places where shade and moisture are abundant.

Though it is impossible in many cases to form an estimate of the age of individual plants, there are clear indications thatnbsp;some specimens afford notable instances of longevity. Chamber-lain estimates the age of some plants of Dioon spinulosum asnbsp;exceeding 400 years and mentions an example of D. ednle thatnbsp;is probably 1000 years old. An unusually tall plant of Encephalartos in the Botanic Garden of Amsterdam is believed by Prof, denbsp;Vries to have reached the venerable age of 2000 years®. Thenbsp;restricted range and in many cases the solitary existence of recentnbsp;Cycads, with their tall stems clothed with the persistent cork-covered stumps of thousands of fronds, deepens the impressionnbsp;of antiquity derived from a study of the geological history ofnbsp;this dwindling race.

Stems. The tall columnar stems of some species of Cycas, often branched or bearing numerous ovoid buds like enlargednbsp;bulbils^, are characterised by the regular alternation of large andnbsp;small leaf-bases as seen in the stem of C. circinalis reproducednbsp;in fig. 380. In older stems of this species the leaf-bases arenbsp;exfoliated and the stem is covered with wrinkled and fissurednbsp;cork; but in Cycas revoluta the leaf-bases are even more persistent.nbsp;The columnar but relatively stout stems of Encephalartos (figs.nbsp;379, 382, 386, A) and Ceratozamia are similarly encased in anbsp;covering of petiole-bases, but in these genera the differencesnbsp;between foliage-leaves and bud-scales is much less obvious andnbsp;there is no zonal alternation. On the stems of Macrozamia thenbsp;rhomboidal leaf-bases are more uniform in size and there are nonbsp;scale-leaves. The tall and often palm-like stems of Microcycas

’ Hooker, J. D. (91) A. p. 98 (footnote). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Pearson (06).

^ Prof, de Vries kindly informed me in a letter that this estimate is not to be regarded as anything more than a rough guess.

* Stopes (10).

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sometimes show ti'ansverse rings on the bark marking the position of former terminal bnds, and in older trunks these may disappear,nbsp;leaving a fissured bark^. In Cycas siamensis the tuberous stem

is similarly covered with a rough bark (fig. 383) and the stems of Zamia are also characterised by an absence of persistent leaf-bases (figs. 381, B; 39-5, In, a). It is pertinent to remind the

1 Caldwell (07).

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palaeobotanical student of the occurrence of flowering plants with stems closely simulating those of some Cycads. Prof. Bower^nbsp;in describing Rhynchopetalum montanum, an Abyssinian Lobelia-ceous plant, drew attention to the similarity in surface-featuresnbsp;and to some extent in anatomical structure to cycadean stems.nbsp;The resemblances are further emphasised in a more recentlynbsp;published account of the same species under a different name,nbsp;Lobelia Rhynchopetalum^.

Fronds. A general acquaintance with the various types of fronds illustrated by recent Cycads is important to the studentnbsp;of fossils not only to enable him to compare existing and extinctnbsp;forms but as affording safeguards against possible sources of errornbsp;in the description and identification of impressions®. The vernation exhibits less uniformity than in Ferns: in Cycas the rachisnbsp;is straight and the pinnae circinately coiled (fig. 220, B, vol. ii.nbsp;p. 283); in Zamia and Stangeria the rachis is bent and the pinnaenbsp;straight, while in Ceratozamia and other genera both the axisnbsp;and leaflets are straight. As Braun pointed out, there is as anbsp;rule no terminal leaflet, or it may be pushed to one side givingnbsp;a forked appearance to the frond apex^.

2 Rosen (11).

* Braun, A. (75).

1 Bower (84).

® Seward (95) A. pp. 15 et seq.

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are forked as in Cycas Micholitzii^ (fig. 385). Several years ago I noticed a similar instance of concrescence in a small plant of C. circinalis in the Royalnbsp;Gardens, Kew (fig. 387, I). In Cycas Micholitzii the pinnae, reaching a lengthnbsp;of 20 cm., are repeatedly and deeply forked (fig. 385, A, B; fig. 400): thenbsp;pinnae of C. Rumpliii var. bifida^ are also deeply dissected. Cycas Beddomeinbsp;has very narrow pinnae (15 cm. x 2 mm.) similar to those of the Wealden

Mag. 1909, Tab. 8242.

Thiselton-Dyer (6S) B.; Bot. Thiselton-Dyer (02) p. 560.

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species Cycadites Saportae, and it is noteworthy that narrow leaflets with a strongly revolute lamina would produce casts with two parallel ribs (thenbsp;grooves between the midrib and the edge of the lamina) simulating the doublenbsp;midrib of the fossil genus Pseudocycas. In some fronds, e.g. C. Cairnsiana,nbsp;the midrib is hardly visible on the upper face of a dried pinna which shows anbsp;longitudinal wrinkling simulating parallel venation.

Fig. 385. A,Ti, Cycas Micholitzii. (After Thiselton-Dyer.) C, Zamia angustifolia.

Encephalartos. The fronds of this genus, in Encephalartos Lanrentianus^ reaching the exceptional length of 7 metres, bear alternate pinnae exhibitingnbsp;a considerable range in form and breadth. In E. longifolius, E. Altensteiniinbsp;(fig. 386, C), E. Lehmanni, etc., the pinnae are for the most part linear, reachingnbsp;a length of 20 cm. and a breadth of 2 cm.: in E. cajfer (fig. 387, D), E. latifolius,nbsp;and others the pinnae are broader and shorter and often spinous. A frond ofnbsp;E. longifolius or E. Altensteinii may bear both entire and lobed, spinousnbsp;pinnae. In E. Frederici-Guilielmi (fig. 387, G) and E. GheUinclcii^ (fig. 382)nbsp;the pinnae are very narrow and almost filiform, with revolute edges. Thenbsp;thick and leathery pinnae of some species are attached obliquely to the edge or

Seward (97).

Gard. Chron. 1904, June 11, p. 370.

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to the upper sloping sides of the rachis which forms a prominent ridge between the rows of leaflets, and characteristic oval scars are left on the fall of thenbsp;pinnae (fig. 387, D, G'). The lamina in most species contains several veinsnbsp;more or less parallel to the margins and often much more prominent on thenbsp;lower than on the upper surface.

I'lG. 387. Cycadean fronds. A, Cycas circinalis; B, Macrozamia Fraseri; C, Macrozamia Dcnisoni-, D, Encephalartos cajfer; E, P, Dioon edule fromnbsp;below and above; G, Encephalartos Frederici-Guilielmi, G', side-view;nbsp;H, Ceratozamia mexicana; I, Cycas circinalis, lower part of young frond.

Zamia. In Zaniia angustifolia (fig. 385, C) and Z. linifolia the pinnae are long and very narrow: the other extreme is represented by Z. Wallisii^nbsp;(fig. 388) with broad ovate segments reaching a length of nearly -5 metrenbsp;and attached to the rachis by a short stalk; the veins are prominentnbsp;and dichotomously branched. Other forms of pinnae are represented bynbsp;Z. integrifoUa, Z. floridana, and Z. Loddigesii (figs. 389, 390, 395). Thenbsp;1 Braun, A. (75®) p. 376.

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Fig. 390. Small frond of Zamia Loddigesii. (f nat. size.)

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broad and short pinnae of Z. furftiracea^ bear a close resemblance, except in the absence of an auriculate base, to those of some species of the fossil gennsnbsp;Otozamites. The broadly linear pinnae ofnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(45 cm. x 3 cm.)

often show longitudinal wrinklings on drying which suggest comparison with the corrugated lamina of the fossil species Nilssonia brevis. A basal pad ornbsp;callosity on the slender bases of the pinnae is characteristic of many Zamianbsp;fronds.

Ceratozamia. The fronds bear a fairly close resemblance to those of Macrozainia: in Ceratozamia mexicana the linear pinnae reach a length ofnbsp;over 30 cm. and a breadth of 2—3 cm.; the lamina tapers to a narrow apexnbsp;and is more abruptly contracted at the base (fig. 387, H). The veins innbsp;Ceratozamia are sub-parallel and dichotomy occurs up to the middle of thenbsp;lamina^. A striking feature is the occurrence of two opposite stipule-likenbsp;projections a short distance above the base of the petiole.

Macrozamia. A noteworthy feature in some species is the attachment of the linear pinnae along the middle line of the rachis (fig. 387, C); in othersnbsp;(fig. 387, B) the leaflets are attached laterally and may have a basal callosity.nbsp;The parallel veins, which branch dichotomously near the base of the lamina,nbsp;are often much more prominent on the lower than on the upper face. Innbsp;M. heteromera^ (fig. 396, F, F') the narrow pinnae are deeply forked andnbsp;strongly revolute. The spirally twisted rachis of M. spirahs, M. heteromera,nbsp;®tc., is a striking feature recalling the Bhaetic fern Camptopteris spiralis


Dioon. The arrangement of the linear pinnae of D. edule (fig. 386, B), -D. spinulosum, and D. Purpusii^ forms a ready means of distinguishing thenbsp;fronds of this genus: the pinnae, often contiguous and at right-angles tonbsp;the rachis, are attached in a lateral groove by an expanded and slightlynbsp;deourrent base. The difference between the lower and upper face of a frondnbsp;(fig. 387, E, F) affords a good illustration of a common source of error in thenbsp;identification of fossil specimens. The leaflets of D. spinulosum, whichnbsp;except in their spinous margin are very similar to those of D. edule, maynbsp;reach a length of 15 cm. and a breadth of 8 mm. The parallel veins are


Microcycas’’. The pinnae of this genus, very like those of the Wealden species Zamites Buchianus, reach a length of 20 cm. and a breadth of 8 mm.:nbsp;on falling they leave oblong scars resembling those on the rachis of Encepha-lartos.

Etangeria. This genus is particularly interesting because of its fern-like habit and venation. The large fronds of S. paradoxa^ bear broadly linear

1 Bot. Mag. 1818, Tab. 1969. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* Matte (04) p. .34.

® Seward (95) A. p. 5; Robertson (02) fig. 4.

‘ Vol. II. fig. 287, p. 389. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Chamberlain (09).

® Braun, A. (75); Bornemann (56) A. PI. x.

’ Caldwell (07); Caldwell and Baker (07).

* Bot. Mag. 1859, Tab. 5121.


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diverge slightly. Both entire and serrate pinnae may occur on the same plant, but Chamberlain has revived André’s specific term serrulata in preferencenbsp;to the generally adopted designation for the serrate forms, B. spectabilisnbsp;var. serrata^.

Reproductive shoots^. In Cycas circinalis, C. Rumphii, and other species the megasporophylls reach a considerable length andnbsp;bear several lateral ovules each of which may be as large as a

^ Vol. n. p. 485. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;2 ijgnier (94).

* Chamberlain (12®).

For information on the anatomy of reproductive shoots, see Thibout (96); Scott (97); Worsdell (98); Matte (04).

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goose’s egg: the sterile distal end has the form of a spear-point with an irregularly serrate edge. In G. revoluta, C. pectinata, etc.,nbsp;the sterile part is deeply dissected and may break off (fig. 392, A)nbsp;from the fertile portion of the sporophyll. The megasporophylls

of C. Riuminiana exhibit a striking variation in form (fig. 392, B, C); some are 15 cm. long with several ovules, while others,nbsp;reduced to 8 cm., bear only two ovules and resemble the sporo-phylls of Dioon. In all other genera the megasporophylls are

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aggregated into cones, but in Dioon the strobili are characterised by their more ovoid form and by the looser arrangement of thenbsp;sporophylls (fig. 386, B), each of which consists of a horizontalnbsp;stalk expanded distally into a broadly lanceolate upturned endnbsp;covered with a thick felt of hairs and bearing at its base usuallynbsp;2, rarely 5—6, ovules on cushion-like swellings. In Dioon sfinu-losum the cones may be 50 cm. long. Between the cones ofnbsp;Microcycas, over 90 cm. long, and those of some Zamias, a fewnbsp;centimetres long, there are many intermediate forms. The



Fie. 394. Macrozamia Preissii, megastrobilus and (A) single megasporophyll; a, axis of cone; JJ, stalk of megasporophyll; s, unripe seeds. (After Rendle.)

large strobilus of an Encephalartos reproduced in fig. 393, D, shows the convex ends of the sporophylls with a jagged edge,nbsp;and in monstrous cones the marginal lobes may be abnormallynbsp;developed and assume the appearance of pinnae^. Each megasporophyll bears two large ovules (fig. 393, B). In certain speciesnbsp;of Encephalartos the swollen ends of the sporophylls have a truncate centre like the flattened umbo of some Pines (fig. 392, D).nbsp;The presence of two divergent spines is a peculiarity of the mega-

^ Thiselton-Dyer (01); Bot. Mag. 1915, Tab. 8592, 8593. For instances of monstrous cones, see Miquel (69), Wieland (02).

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sporophylls of Geratozamia (fig. 393, C): in Macrozamia (fig. 394) the distal ends are prolonged as tapered processes. The surfacenbsp;of the strobilus of Stangeria is formed by imbricate and rounded

ends of sporophylls (fig. 392, H) not unlike the cone-scales of Pinus excelsa or P. cembra. The megasporophylls of Zamia arenbsp;expanded into regular cushion-like hexagons with a flat centralnbsp;area (figs. 389, B; 395, 16).

The microsporophylls (figs. 389, A; 392, E) are in all genera

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aggregated into strobili which often bear a close resemblance to seed-cones (fig. 393, A). On a single sporophyll of Cycas circinalisnbsp;there may be as many as 700 sporangia while in Zamia floridananbsp;there are only two microsporangia. The spore-output is largenbsp;and in extreme cases, e.g. in Dioon spinulosum, the average numbernbsp;of spores in a sporangium is said to be 30,000^.

Seeds. In the great majority of recent species the seeds may be described as large and afford a striking contrast to the smallnbsp;seeds of the Mesozoic Bennettitales. A feature of interest fromnbsp;the point of view of comparison with Palaeozoic seeds is thenbsp;absence of a resting stage, germination in some cases followingnbsp;seed-fall without an interval. As Warming pointed out, thenbsp;embryo is often undeveloped when the seeds are shed. Annbsp;interesting fact is recorded by Capt. Dorrien-Smith^ with regardnbsp;to seed-dispersal: he describes the heavy pebble-like seeds of anbsp;Macrozamia as being hurled from the ripe cones a distance of 12 ft.nbsp;The seeds of Cycas are platyspermic; the woody shell exposednbsp;on removal of the outer flesh is slightly flattened and has twonbsp;prominent angles, but three-angled seeds may occur as in Ginkgonbsp;biloba (fig. 631, C). In other genera the seeds are radiospermic.nbsp;The seed of Encephalartos Altensteinii^ (fig. 396, T)) has a square-cut distal end with a small papiUa at the summit of the unusuallynbsp;long micropylar canal (17 mm.). The stone of this seed (fig. 396, C)nbsp;shows parallel curved ridges which mark the position of vascularnbsp;strands in the inner region of the outer flesh. The large oyulesnbsp;of Cycas circinalis^ have an integument 1 cm. thick consisting ofnbsp;s-n outer and inner flesh and an intervening stony layer whichnbsp;reaches its greatest development at the base and apex. Threenbsp;vascular strands enter the base of the seed, the concentric strandnbsp;breaks up in the broad inner flesh into a group of bundles whichnbsp;cnibrace but do not penetrate the lower end of the nucellus.nbsp;Each of the two lateral strands branches in the outer flesh nearnbsp;its entrance into the seed; the outer and larger collateral andnbsp;mesarch bundle passes up close to the surface of the shell to thenbsp;seed-apex, while the inner branch penetrates the shell and,nbsp;occasionally branching, passes up the inner region of the inner

Chamberlain (09). ^ Stopes (04) p. 467.

® Dorrien-Smith (11) p. 287.

^ Stopes (04) p. 438, fig. 1; Warming (77) PI. III.

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flesh as far as the micropyle. In other seeds the tracheal supply of the outer flesh consists of several bundles and not two as innbsp;Cycas. The inner flesh abuts on the nucellus and is connectednbsp;with it except at the apex (fig. 396, B). In ripe seeds the nucellusnbsp;is reduced to a thin membrane enclosing the large megaspore atnbsp;the upper end of which is a depression (fig. 396, B') or sometimesnbsp;two depressions (fig. 396, I) in the prothallus containing thenbsp;archegonia. In the seed of Dioon edule^ (fig. 396, A) the positionnbsp;of the absciss-layer (s) is indicated by a slight transverse constriction. In the seeds of Bowenia, constructed on the samenbsp;plan, the inner series of vascular strands appears to be nucellarnbsp;in position, thus differing from the strands in Dioon, Cycas, andnbsp;other genera which are confined to the integument. Miss Kershaw^nbsp;in describing Bowenia speaks of an upper and a lower pollen-chamber ; the former serves as a storage-place for the microspores

2 Kershaw (12).

^ Chamberlain (06).

Eig. 396. A. Seed of Dioon edule in longitudinal section; a, integument;

V, vascular tissue; m, prothallus; n, nucellus; p, pollen-chamber; s, absciss-layer; ar, archegonia. (After Chamberlain.)

B, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;W. Seed of Cycas circinalis; a, v, integumefit (sarcotesta) and

vascular tissue; 6, sclerotesta; c, inner sarcotesta; m, n, prothallus and nucellus. (After Stopes.)

B'. Apex of nucellus; p, pollen-chamber; i, integument; n, nucellus; eh, archegonial chamber; ar, archegonia.

C, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;D. Seed of Encephalartos Altensteinii; C, surface of stone. (After


E. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Stem of Bowenia serrulata; g, level of ground. (After Chamber-

lain. )

F, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;F'. Pinnae of Macrozamia heteromera.

6. PoUen-tube of Microcycas Calocoma. (After Caldwell.)

H. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Transverse section of stem of Encephalartos horridus; s, stele;

g, girdle-bundles. (After Mettenius.)

I. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Apical view of prothallus of Cycas showing two archegonial chambers

{eh). (After Treub.)

K. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Encephalartos Barteri. Transverse section of stem; x, xylem;

?, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;phloem. (After Matte.)

L. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Cycas siamensis. Transverse section of vascular tissue of young

stem. (After Matte.)

M. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Cycas revoluta-, two motile sperms. (After Miyake.)

N. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Long hair with short basal cell from the petiole of Macrozamia

heteromera. (After Robertson.)

O. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Vascular bundle of Dioon edule from base of petiole; p, phloem;

?, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;cambium. (After Mettenius.)

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prior to their further development in the lower chamber. Dr Stopes^ regards the integument as double in origin, a viewnbsp;suggested by Griffith^ in 1835, and as homologous with the singlenbsp;integument plus the cupule of Lagenostoma. This view is supportednbsp;by Mrs Thoday®: on the other hand Miss Kershaw’s investigationnbsp;of Bowenia seeds leads her to regard the integument as single.nbsp;Although there would seem to be a prima facie case in favour ofnbsp;the dual nature of the integument, the arguments on the othernbsp;side have greater weight'^.

Recent observations point to the probability that insects play a part in the pollination of cycadean ovules. Kraus® drewnbsp;attention to the strong smell emitted by the microstrobili ofnbsp;Dioon edule and noticed that small bees were attracted to thenbsp;ripe strobili of Macrozamia, while odourless cones of a neighbouringnbsp;Ceratozamia received no attention. Pearson® and Rattray^ havenbsp;obtained evidence that beetles and weevils act as pollinators tonbsp;species of Encephalartos.

Anatomical features. Allusion has already been made to some of the more striking anatomical features; the large pith, thenbsp;occasional occurrence of medullary vascular bundles, the presencenbsp;of one or more cambiums, the large size of the medullary rays,nbsp;etc. It is worthy of remark that the occurrence of an anastomosingnbsp;system of medullary bundles is not a constant feature within anbsp;genus; in Macrozamia Fraseri such a system is present, butnbsp;absent in M. Denisoni^. In the pith of stems with no medullarynbsp;bundles cylinders of collateral bundles may occur in connexionnbsp;with a fertile shoot. These bundles arise from the inner face ofnbsp;the main cylinder and pass upwards as a domical system intonbsp;the base of the terminal strobilus which is eventually pushed tonbsp;one side by the growth of a lateral bud®. The secondary xylemnbsp;tracheids are usually provided with several rows of borderednbsp;pits on the radial walls and resemble those of the Araucarieaei®,nbsp;but in Cycads the pits are often not contiguous and less compact

1 Stopes (04). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;2 Oliver (13).

® Thoday (Sykes) (11); Sykes (10); Thoday (Sykes) and Berridge (12).

« Salisbury (14) p. 72. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;s Kraus (96)'.

® Pearson (06). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;’ Rattray (13).

* Worsdell (96); (01). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;» gee ante, p. 5.

Chamberlain (11); Wieland (06).

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in tKeir distribution. The wood of Stangeria is peculiar in consisting of scalariform tracheids^ (fig. 397). Chamberlain describes growth-rings in the wood of Dioon; but this is exceptional. Innbsp;tangential sections of the stele leaf-trace bundles are constantlynbsp;seen passing horizontally through the broad and deep medullarynbsp;rays. The pith-cast of a cycadean stem reproduced in fig. 398nbsp;shows the wide meshes in the reticulum of tracheal tissue originallynbsp;occupied by parenchyma, which on decay left lenticular depressions


Pig. 398. Pith-cast of a Maerozamia stem, (f nat. size.)

represented on the cast by tapered convex areas occasionally bearing the impress of an outgoing trace in the form of a narrownbsp;groove. The secondary phloem often rivals the xylem in breadthnbsp;and is not always easily distinguishable from it; it consists ofnbsp;sieve-tubes, parenchyma, and fibres. The secondary cambialnbsp;cylinders characteristic of Cycas, Encephalartos, Maerozamia, andnbsp;Bowenia, to which reference was made in the summary ofnbsp;anatomical features, arise in the pericycle, and a few layers of

^ Pavolini (09); Marsh (14).

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pericyclic parenchyma occur between adjacent extrafascicular cylinders of xyleni and phloem. In a stem of Cycas media 35 cm.nbsp;in diameter examined by Worsdell there were 12 concentricnbsp;cylinders. Matte^ and Miss Dorety^ have described partiallynbsp;flattened arcs of extrafascicular xylem and phloem in the hypo-cotyl of Ceratozamia mexicana. Worsdell® first drew attentionnbsp;to the occasional occurrence of short tracheids on the inner edgenbsp;of the secondary wood and to the spasmodic development ofnbsp;cambial arcs in the tissue between the extrafascicular cylindersnbsp;forming strands of inversely orientated xylem and phloem. Morenbsp;recent work by Matte gives support to Worsdell’s comparisonnbsp;between Medullosean stems and those of recent Cycads withnbsp;inversely orientated arcs or concentric vascular cylinders. Thenbsp;French author draws attention to the close resemblance betweennbsp;the seedling stems of such species as Encephalartos Barterinbsp;(fig. 396, K) and Cycas siamensis (fig. 396, L) with their polystelicnbsp;type of structure and the adult stems of Medullosa^. In thenbsp;stems of Dioon, Microcycas, Stangeria, and Zamia no extrafascicular cylinders are recorded. Two main vascular bundles enternbsp;the cortex from each leaf-base and in most stems these divergenbsp;right and left and more or less completely encircle the stele beforenbsp;passing through the medullary rays and joining the inner portionnbsp;of the xylem of the stele either as double or single bundles. Thesenbsp;girdle-bundles (fig. 396, H) first described by Karsten and Metteniusnbsp;form a very characteristic cycadean feature®. Adjacent girdlesnbsp;are joined by connecting cortical bundles and, in addition, therenbsp;are cauline collateral bundles in the cortex which form annbsp;anastomosing system. In some cases, e.g. species of Macrozamianbsp;and occasionally in Stangeria, the female peduncle of a Ceratozamia, and in seedlings of Bowenia and Cycas revoluta^, the leaf-traces pursue a direct course from petiole to stele as in stems ofnbsp;Bennettitales. It is noteworthy that in seedlings of Microcycas’’,nbsp;a .genus characterised by a large number of male gametes—nbsp;presumably a primitive feature—the leaf-traces are of the girdle-type. The two bundles at the base of a petiole by repeated

1 Matte (08). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Dorety (08^); (09).nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Worsdell (96).

^ Matte (04) especially pp. 185—202. See also Worsdell (00); (06) etc.

5 Matte (04) p. 210. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;« Worsdell (98^).nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;' Caldwell (07).

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subdivision give rise to the numerous collateral strands of the rachis. A leaf-trace in its passage to the leaf is like that of a Conifer innbsp;having the protoxylem on its inner edge, whereas in the petiolenbsp;and elsewhere in the frond it is characterised by an arrangementnbsp;of the xylem that has usually been described as mesarch. A typicalnbsp;Vascular bundle from a cycadean frond is seen in fig. 399, C; bynbsp;far the greater part of the xylem is centripetal, the centrifugalnbsp;xylem being confined to an arc of scattered tracheids or a smallnbsp;strand separated by a few parenchymatous cells from thenbsp;protoxylem.


O ogt;.v

399. Sketches illustrating the changes in the structure of Cycadean vascular bundles in their course from stem to leaf: cp, cf, centripetal and centrifugalnbsp;xylem; p, phloem; px, protoxylem. (After Marsh.)

As considerable stress has been laid on the anatomical features of the cycadean foliar bundles in discussions on the affinities andnbsp;Phylogeny of certain Palaeozoic genera, it is important to considernbsp;the facts more closely^. French anatomists described the cycadeannbsp;bundle as diploxylic on the ground that the centripetal andnbsp;centrifugal xylems are distinctly different things, the centripetalnbsp;Xylem being primary—a relic of a former organisation—andnbsp;fhe centrifugal xylem secondary and homologous with the normal

^ Carano (04); le Goc (14); Marsh (14).

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wood of the cauline bundle. The term mesarch has in recent years been applied to the cycadean type of bundle. A mesarchnbsp;bundle is, however, one in which centripetal and centrifugalnbsp;xylem are alike in origin, both being primary structures derivednbsp;from a desmogen strand. Typical mesarch bundles occur innbsp;several recent ferns; in the stele of the Osmundaceae, Gleichenia,nbsp;and other genera; but in these plants the xylem is all producednbsp;directly from one primary desmogen region and there is nonbsp;question of ‘primary’ and ‘secondary’ as in the two portions ofnbsp;the xylem of a cycadean bundle. Eecent researches into thenbsp;development of cycadean foliar bundles show that they do notnbsp;conform to the mesarch type as generally understood. A leaf-trace at the base of. a petiole (fig. 399, A) comprises centrifugalnbsp;xylem only, and this consists of regular rows of tracheids separatednbsp;by medullary rays; in the lower part of the petiole the structurenbsp;is gradually modified, the centrifugal xylem is reduced andnbsp;the formation of centripetal xylem is initiated. At a highernbsp;level (fig. 399, B) the centripetal xylem is in excess of thenbsp;centrifugal and the latter, for a time connected with the former,nbsp;eventually becomes separated by a few parenchymatous cellsnbsp;from the protoxylem and persists as a small strand or arc ofnbsp;tracheids. Fig. 399 illustrates stages in the transformation ofnbsp;a typical collateral bundle, at the base of a Stangeria petiole,nbsp;into one in which the xylem is almost wholly centripetal at anbsp;higher level in the axis of the frond. A cambium is present innbsp;all: in B the centrifugal xylem is more or less clearly differentiatednbsp;into two portions, loosely arranged tracheids near the phloem,nbsp;and the more compact groups abutting on the centripetal xylem:nbsp;figs. C—E show a further reduction in the centrifugal tracheids.nbsp;The conclusion drawn from developmental study is that the twonbsp;xylem portions of the bundle are independent in origin^. Marshnbsp;has, however, shown that in Stangeria bundles near the base ofnbsp;the petiole the centrifugal xylem consists of rows of secondarynbsp;tracheids and an inner portion not in rows which connects thenbsp;centrifugal with the centripetal elements; this connecting portion,nbsp;he adds, is ‘probably primary and connects up the Cycadean foliarnbsp;bundle with the truly mesarch bundle of the Cycadofilices.’

* Le Goc (14); Marsh (14).

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petiole is abundantly supplied with secretory canals and in the liypodermal region is a cylinder of stereome. In some petioles,nbsp;^¦9- Macrozamia heteromera^, the ground-tissue cells are lignifiednbsp;and reticulately pitted, a feature met with in some Mesozoicnbsp;cycadean leaves®. In Cycas media Worsdell noticed a tendencynbsp;^ Seward (06).nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Robertson (02).nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Seward (12^).

S. Ill nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;3

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of the leaf-trace bundles towards a concentric arrangement and similar vascular strands are recorded in the peduncle of Dioonnbsp;edule, in various sporophylls^ and in other cases. It is possible,nbsp;as Worsdell believes, that the fairly frequent occurrence of concentric bundles in plants characterised by collateral bundles maynbsp;have a phylogenetic significance.

The pinnae are dorsiventral and the veins exarch or pseudo-mesarch: secretory canals occur between {Ence-phalartos), above, or below the veins. The mesophyll of Cycas is characterised bynbsp;the presence of isolated xylem-elements passing from the midribnbsp;to the edge of the lamina and, as Lignier^ suggests, these may benbsp;regarded as a reduced system of lateral conducting strands.

The epidermal cells of the leaflets have straight or slightly curved walls except in Stangeria where they are undulate and fernlike®. The stomata, with few exceptions confined to the lowernbsp;epidermis, are larger than in other gymnosperms (on the averagenbsp;•075 X -034 mm.) and are more or less depressed below the surface;nbsp;the guard-cells are usually surrounded by 4—6 subsidiary cells.

The roots exhibit no feature to which attention need be called; the pericycle is several cells broad and as in the stem there maynbsp;be extrafascicular cylinders of xylem and phloem.

1 Worsdell (98). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;2 Lignier (92).

^ Nestler (95); Porsoh (05); Thomas and Bancroft (13); Dusanek (13).

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The genus Lyginopteris is selected for the first place in this chapter simply on the ground that we have a fuller knowledge ofnbsp;its morphology than in the case of other types. It is not regardednbsp;as the most primitive member of its class. Lyginopteris may benbsp;described in a few words as a plant having the habit and to a largenbsp;extent the anatomical features of a Fern, but differing from existingnbsp;ferns in the possession of integumented megasporangia or seedsnbsp;and in the power of secondary growth in thickness by means ofnbsp;a cambium in both stem and root. The seed (Lagenostoma)nbsp;agrees with those of recent Cycads and Gnetales more closelynbsp;than with the corresponding organs in Conifers or any other group,nbsp;while the structure of the secondary wood is practically identicalnbsp;with that of Cycads. The microsporangia occur as groups ofnbsp;small bilocular sporangia, or synangia, at the tips of fertile pinnaenbsp;of highly compound fronds.

Nomenclature and Historical Summary. In 1866 E. W. Binney'^ of Manchester published a short description of a small petrifiednbsp;stem from the Lower Coal Measures of Lancashire and named itnbsp;Dadoxylon oldhamium, employing Endlicher’s term Dadoxylonnbsp;which that author substituted for Pinites as previously used bynbsp;Withani^. Three years later Wilhamson® drew attention tonbsp;certain features in which Binney’s type differs from the genusnbsp;Dadoxylon and substituted a new name Dictyoxylon, suggestednbsp;by the reticulate pitting on the walls of the tracheids. In anbsp;1 Binney (66).nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Unger (SO) A. p. 378.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Williamson (69).


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subsequent paper Williamson^ gave a fuller description of Binney’s species and spoke of it as ‘ one of the most common plants in thenbsp;calcareous nodules of the Lower Coal Measures’ of Lancashirenbsp;and Yorkshire. He connected certain casts of arborescentnbsp;dimensions with Binney’s type on the ground that the surface-features of the casts are such as would be produced, by partiallynbsp;decorticated stems having a hypodermal reticulum of mechanicalnbsp;tissue like that preserved in the small petrified specimen describednbsp;by Binney (fig. 402). Mr Carruthers called Williamson’s attentionnbsp;to a paper by Mr Gourlie^ in which the generic name Lyginodendronnbsp;is instituted for stem-casts identical in surface-features with thenbsp;fossils figured by Williamson. In spite of the much larger dimensions of the reticulum on the casts described by Gourlie as comparednbsp;with that in the outer cortex of Binney’s stem, Williamson concluded that Lyginodendron is ‘undoubtedly an inorganic cast ofnbsp;the prosenchymatous layer of the bark of Dictyoxylond It is butnbsp;fair to add that Williamson was influenced in coming to thisnbsp;conclusion by a discovery by Mr Yield of a piece of a large petrifiednbsp;stem believed to be generically identical with Binney’s type,nbsp;but subsequently referred to a distinct genus®, which was comparable in size with the stems responsible for Gourlie’s Lyginodendron casts. The type-specimen of Gourlie’s Lyginodendronnbsp;iMndsburgii^, from Carboniferous rocks at Stevenston in Ayrshire,nbsp;Scotland, is represented in fig. 401. The convex areas representnbsp;casts of depressions in a reticulum of cortical tissue, originallynbsp;occupied by comparatively delicate cells, which decayed or shrunknbsp;more quickly than the enclosing framework of stronger fibrousnbsp;elements that remained as a prominent reticulum and producednbsp;the depressions bounding the raised portions of the cast. Suchnbsp;a cast would undoubtedly be formed by the stem on which Binneynbsp;founded his species: the radially disposed bands of thick-wallednbsp;cells seen in the outer part of the section (fig. 402) are portionsnbsp;of an irregular anastomosing mechanical system, the reticulatenbsp;arrangement of which is seen in the impression of a rachis of anbsp;Lijginofteris frond shown in fig. 405, E, and indicated in the morenbsp;slender axis reproduced in fig. 404, A,. 6. This reticulate form of

1 Williamson (73) A. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Gourlie (44).nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* See page 186.

Solms-Laubach (91) A. pp. 8, 217, 218.

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cannot be regarded as a safe criterion of botanical affinity. The largest example of Gourlie’s Lyginodendron that has come undernbsp;ttiy notice is an incomplete sandstone cast from Upper Carboni-ferous strata near Harrogate reaching a length of 100 cm. andnbsp;Solms-Laubaoli (91) A. pp. 8, 217, 218.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;2 Vol. n. p. 220.

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with convex areas 13 cm. long. A similar cast, 36 cm. broad, has recently been figured by Nathorst^ from the Culm of Spitz-bergen, and from the Upper Devonian of Ellesmere Land thenbsp;same author has described impressions of a cortical reticulumnbsp;under the name Lyginodendron Sverdriipi^. These specimens arenbsp;interesting as pointing to the former occurrence in the Arcticnbsp;regions of stems—probably Lepidodendroid—reaching the dimensions of a fairly large tree. As Potonié® pointed out, Gourlie’snbsp;generic name serves a useful purpose for casts of stems of thenbsp;type shown in fig. 401 that cannot be assigned to a definitenbsp;systematic position. The genus was first used for a specimennbsp;which has nothing to do with the plant usually spoken of asnbsp;Lyginodendron oldhamium (Binney). Though loath to give upnbsp;a name by which Binney’s type has long been known, in spite ofnbsp;its retention in the second volume of this work I feel compellednbsp;so far to conform to the recognised principles governing nomenclature as to adopt Potonie’s generic term Lyginopteris.

Lyginopteris oldhamia (Binney).

i. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Stem.

1866. Dadoocylon oldhamium, Binney, Proo. Lit. Phil. Manchester, vol. v. p. 113.

1869. Dictyoxylon oldhamium, Williamson, Monthly Micros. Journ. vol. ii.

p. 66.

1873. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Lyginodendron oldhamium, Williamson, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. vol.

CLxm. p. 404.

1899. Lyginopteris oldhamia, Potonié, Lehrbuch der Pfianzenpalaeontologie, p. 171.

ii. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Leaf.

1828. Sphenopteris Hoeninghausi, Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 51.

1872. Edraxylon, Williamson, Proc. R. Soc. vol. xx. p. 438.

1874. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Bachiopteris aspera, Williamson, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. vol. clxiv. p. 684.nbsp;1877. Calymmatotheca Hoeninghausi, Stur, Culm Flora, ii. p. 266.

1905. Crossotheca Hoeninghausi, Kidston, Proc. R. Soc. vol. nxxvi. p. 358.

iii. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Seed.

1877. Lagenoatoma, Williamson, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. vol. cnxvii. p. 234. 1903. Lagenostoma Lomaxi, Oliver and Scott, Proc. R. Soc. vol. lxxi. p. 477.

iv. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Root.

1876. Kaloxylon Hoolceri, Williamson, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. vol. clxvi. p. 23. ^ Nathorst(14)Pl. VII. fig. 1.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Nathorst(04) B. p. 11.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Potonié (99) B. p. 171.

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i. Stem.

The petrified stem on which Binney founded the species was first figured by Dr Arber^ from a section in the Binney collectionnbsp;in the Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge: this section (13mm. innbsp;diameter) is reproduced in fig. 402. The most striking featuresnbsp;are; (i) the pith consisting of an unusually large and irregularnbsp;group of dark thick-walled parenchyma, (ii) the broad cylindernbsp;of manoxylic secondary xylem characterised by multiseriatenbsp;medullary rays, (iii) the outer cortex composed of dark radially



I'lG. 402. Lyginopteris oldhamia. Transverse section of the type-specimen in the Binney Collection, Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge. (After Arber.)

disposed and oblique bands of mechanical tissue separated from one another by partially destroyed and tangentially elongatednbsp;parenchymatous elements. It is this outer cortex that Williamsonnbsp;aptly compared with the Eoman numerals on a clock-face. Innbsp;the perimedullary region and in contact with the inner edge ofnbsp;tbe secondary-xylem cylinder are six strands of primary xylem

1 Arber, E. A. N. (02).

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representing the xylem halves of collateral bundles separated from the primary phloem strands by the intervening cylindernbsp;of secondary wood. Two of the primary xylem.strands in lateralnbsp;contact are seen in fig. 404, C; the other four occur as separatenbsp;bundles. Each primary xylem strand contains a small group ofnbsp;spirally thickened protoxylem elements (fx) associated with .anbsp;few parenchymatous cells. The large primary tracheids internalnbsp;to the protoxylem are characterised by multiseriate borderednbsp;pits on their walls, while those external to the protoxylem, whichnbsp;are in contact with the innermost secondary tracheids, havenbsp;scalariform pitting. The dark patch s (fig. 404, C) is a portion ofnbsp;the large group of sclerenchymatous cells, shown in figs. 402, 403.nbsp;The perimedullary xylem strands of mesarch structure are thenbsp;lower portions of leaf-traces and, as Scott points out, ‘each ofnbsp;the bundles surrounding the pith is, in fact, a sympodium, composed of the united lower ends of successive adjacent leaf-traces.’nbsp;The larger of the two bundles shown in fig. 404, C, is on the pointnbsp;of passing out to a leaf, while the smaller strand is on its waynbsp;to a higher level before bending outwards through the secondarynbsp;wood. Slightly beyond the middle of the secondary xylem therenbsp;is an arc of narrower tracheids comparable with an incompletenbsp;annual ring. Although zones or arcs of narrow tracheids are notnbsp;uncommon in the wood of Lyginopteris there is no satisfactorynbsp;evidence of regularly recurring seasonal changes. On the outernbsp;face of the secondary wood are a few leaf-trace strands pursuingnbsp;a vertical course in the pericycle region; but the structure andnbsp;behaviour of these bundles are more clearly illustrated in thenbsp;stem reproduced in fig. 403. The tissue between the crushednbsp;phloem and pericycle and the outer cortex (fig. 402) consists ofnbsp;radially compressed parenchyma with scattered secretory cellsnbsp;separated from the more internal tissue by a narrow band ofnbsp;periderm formed by a phellogen in the outer part of the pericycle.

A larger and better preserved stem, 3-7 cm. in diameter, is seen in fig. 403. In this stem the pith of parenchyma and scatterednbsp;sclerenchymatous nests is larger in proportion to the stele thannbsp;in Binney’s type-specimen. From the inner edge of the secondarynbsp;xylem several primary xylem-strands project as rounded wedgesnbsp;or tangentially elongated groups where two traces are laterally

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ï'iG. 403. Lyginopteris oUhamia. a—c, foliar bundles; ƒ, decurrent base of petiole; r, r', roots; s, seed (Lagenostoma). (x 3. Kidston Coll. 592, B.)

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united in the perimedullary zone. The cylinder of secondary wood is partially interrupted at r by the bending outwards ofnbsp;the stele of an adventitious root cut across transversely as itnbsp;bends down after emerging from the outer cortical region. Innbsp;more or less close association with the outer surface of the secondarynbsp;xylem are four pairs of leaf-trace bundles and one larger tracenbsp;at d containing two widely separated protoxylem strands andnbsp;faced externally with an arc of secondary xylem: this is a leaf-trace which shows by the slight constriction on the outer edgenbsp;of its primary xylem that it is beginning to divide into a pairnbsp;of equal strands. A precisely similar strand is shown on a largernbsp;scale in fig. 404, D. The twin bundles seen at b, fig. 403,nbsp;represent a divided leaf-trace at a slightly higher level than thenbsp;partially severed trace at d, and the arcs of secondary xylemnbsp;are narrower. The appearance of the double leaf-trace at anbsp;still higher level is shown at c: the two strands are farthernbsp;apart and the secondary xylem has almost disappeared, whilenbsp;those at e, nearer their entrance into the leaf-stalk, consist exclusively of primary xylem and phloem. At a the two strands ofnbsp;a leaf-trace, still nearer to the petiole, are inclined towards onenbsp;another preparatory to reunion after reaching the leaf-stalk.nbsp;A slender root is seen in transverse section at r' immediatelynbsp;outside the two leaf-bundles. As Williamson and Scott^ havenbsp;pointed out, there are always five leaf-traces beyond the xylemnbsp;cylinder of a Lyginopteris stem as seen in transverse section, andnbsp;these traces in the pericycle, separated from one another by |nbsp;of the circumference, alternate in position with the lower portionsnbsp;of leaf-traces in the perimedullary region of the same stem. Thenbsp;phyllotaxis is thus seen to be |.

The secondary wood is succeeded by a cambium of normal structure passing gradually into a narrow band of secondarynbsp;phloem which in well-preserved stems is seen to consist of sieve-tubes and parenchyma with medullary rays rather broader thannbsp;those in the xylem. Beyond the phloem is the comparativelynbsp;broad pericycle consisting of parenchyma with nests of scleren-chyma like those in the pith and scattered secretory cells. Innbsp;the outer layers of the pericycle a phellogen was formed at annbsp;1 Williamson and Scott (95).

-ocr page 69-




early stage in tlie growth of the nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;forms a

of secondary tissue, which is regarded a p nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^

conspicuous feature in nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;f ^hmids outwards to wrap

paratively dark sinuous band where nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;tProiish the

»gt;u,d a, W-tace. m tWr .Imost ve«.l «»quot; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;J;

perioydic legion (fig. 403). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ameling W-»»'®

close to the crushed secondary phloem o nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;beyond the

in fig. 404, D. All the leaf-traces seen m fig. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;J

secondary wood are still within the deep-sea ®

Williamson and Scott showed, each leaf-txac nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lonsth of

the secondary wood remains in the pericyc e zone o nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Once

five internodes as it very gradually nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;towarL

free from this region the twin bundles bend moie s a P

the petiole. Stated briefly, the history nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^e

the perimedullary region to the leaf-base is as ®

outer edge of the pith a single trace consis s o

bundle with one protoxylem strand, P nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;the

five internodes and then bends out throug a nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;in...nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;from

xylem-cyhuder, and the primary trachei^ nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;trace leaves

the cambium of the stele on their outer face. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; lt;7 fi» 403

the secondary xylem it bends upwards and, as seen a , nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;. ,

begins to divide into twin bundles. As the trace pass the bisection of the protoxylem and metaxylemnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;apnarate

the secondary xylem-arcs are gradually lost uuti e nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^

strands of each pair are reduced to single mesarch nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^

wholly of primary tracheids. As the trace bends ontwar nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;j. „„u

the cortex the phloem gradually encircles eac ^ ®^^ , i-until a concentric structure is substituted for the co a position of the conducting tissue. At the same time enbsp;xylem strands divide and occupy a position near t e inne

of the metaxylem. On reaching the petiole or after passm

distance up the axis of the frond, the twin bund es usually form a V-shaped vascular strand (figs. 404,nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;,

The single meristele subsequently divides into two equa p preparatory to the bifurcation of the petiole (fig. 406).

The inner cortex, consisting of parenchymatous many secretory cells with an occasional group of sclerenc ymnbsp;elements in place of the abundant nests of this tissue in e pe

-ocr page 70-

A, B. Frond fragments; a, pinnule; b, reticulum of sclerenchyma.

C. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;portion of stele of the stem reproduced in fag. 402.

D. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;px, protoxylem; 5, sclerenchyma; leaf-trace close to the edge of the

secondary xylem; p, peridei'm.

E. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Petiole; m, meristele.

(A, Kidston Coll. 664 B; B, Camb. Botany School 508; C, Binney Coll. 179; D, B, Camb. Botany School, 93, 159.)

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cycle, has been invaded in the stem shown in fig., 403 by numerous rootlets of Stigmaria and Lyginopteris, some of which are seennbsp;interrupting the continuity of the outer cortex. The greaternbsp;¦width of the cortical region at ƒ, fig. 403, is due to the decurrentnbsp;base of a petiole the meristele of which is not included in thenbsp;section. The lighter and broader bands between the cross-sectionsnbsp;of the stereome-network in the outer cortex are occupied by remains of tangentially stretched parenchymatous cells, and beyondnbsp;this zone in a younger stem there are a few layers of parenchymanbsp;forming the superficial tissue, but there appears to be no well-defined epidermal layer.

Young stems have been recognised in which there is very little secondary xylem and phloem: in these the stereome bandsnbsp;m the outer cortex are closer together than in the stretched hypo-dermal tissue of older shoots and the scattered sclerous nests arenbsp;represented by unthickened cells. In addition to young stemsnbsp;Williamson and Scott described a distinct type of small stem innbsp;which the primary xylem forms an almost complete ring^ comparable with the primary xylem of some adult Sigillarian stemsnbsp;(vol. II. p. 220) but distinguished by its mesarch structure and bynbsp;the reticulate pitting of the centripetal xylem.

A characteristic feature of the stem is the occurrence of emergences from the outer cortex which have the structure eithernbsp;of spinous processes, broadly linear or flask-shaped, or of stalkednbsp;glands^. A portion of a glandular emergence is shown in fig. 405, B:nbsp;the group of small cells immediately below the blunt apex is innbsp;this instance still intact though showing signs of disorganisationnbsp;in the centre; but in many cases the secretory tissue has not beennbsp;preserved and the head of the emergence is occupied by a space.nbsp;A single stoma is seen at s in longitudinal section. Furthernbsp;reference to the emergences is made in the description of the leaf.

It occasionally happens that a meristematic layer is formed in the parenchymatous tissue immediately internal to some ofnbsp;the perimedullary xylem strands of a Lyginopteris stem fromnbsp;which either secondary parenchyma is produced or a zone ofnbsp;secondary xylem and phloem, the phloem facing the centre ofnbsp;the pith. An example of such internal xylem was figured by

^ WiUiamson and Scott (95) p. 720. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ 'Williamson (90) PI. xii. fig. 6.

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Williamson^ and similar occurrences are more fully dealt with by Williamson and Scott^ who consider that the perimedullarynbsp;cambium may represent an internal extension through a leaf-gapnbsp;of the normal cambial cylinder. In the stem represented in fig.nbsp;403 there are two perimedullary xylem strands to the left of thenbsp;bottom of the V-shaped gap in the secondary xylem-cylinder, r,nbsp;and on the inner face of one of these, as shown in fig. 405, C,nbsp;there is a narrow arc of internal secondary xylem, c, between thenbsp;xylem-strand and the outer edge of one of the sclerous nests.nbsp;The sporadic occurrence of arcs of inversely orientated secondarynbsp;vascular tissue affords an interesting parallel with a similar morphological feature in some recent Dicotyledonous genera suchnbsp;as Tecoma and lodes. As Williamson and Scott point out, thisnbsp;similarity affords ‘a striking warning against the indiscriminatenbsp;use of even conspicuous anatomical characters®.’ While admittingnbsp;the necessity of guarding against the danger of attaching importance to occasional and abnormal characters they may have somenbsp;significance as collateral evidence in comparisons of differentnbsp;types of stems. It is conceivable that these anomalous arcs ofnbsp;secondary tissue on the inner side of the primary xylem strandsnbsp;may, as WorsdelD maintains, be reversions to an ancestral characternbsp;and in this sense comparable with the strands of inverted vascularnbsp;tissue in some recent Cycadean stems. The question of relationship of Lyginofteris and allied types to recent Cycads and thenbsp;Palaeozoic Medulloseae is considered in a later chapter.

In 1902 Lomax® described two branching specimens of Lygin-ofteris, and more recently two others have been discovered at a locality near Bacup in Lancashire which have been thoroughlynbsp;investigated by Miss Brenchley® who constructed models fromnbsp;drawings of serial sections’^. One specimen shows six leaf-basesnbsp;in a length of 4| inches and branches spring from the axils of fivenbsp;of them: some of the branches show secondary ramifications.nbsp;The phyllotaxis of the leaf-bases on a branch is always the reversenbsp;of that on the main stem, a divergence to which no parallel was

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;WilKamson (90) PI. xiii. fig. 3, b.

Ibid. p. 722.

® Brenchley (13).

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Williamson and Scott (95) PI. xxiii. fig. 8.

* WorsdeU (06) pp. 140 et seq. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Lomax (02).

’ For a description of the method, see Salisbury (13).

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found in a selection of trees and shrubs examined by Miss Brenchley. The secondary wood of the stem swells below thenbsp;point of exit of a branch and frequently a fairly large amount

of Wood

occurs in the pith when a branch is given off: this

anomalous wood may help to close the branch-gap.


In his


account of Lyginopteris stems published in 1873 William-

suggested that the vascular bundles met with outside the

¦cylinder might be the leaf-traces of large fronds and

xpressed the opinion that the ‘stems or petioles’ previously

^ ribed by him under the generic name Edmxylon might belong

^0 Lyginopteris. A year later he substituted the name Rachi-

npten’s aspera for the petioles previously referred to Edraxylon

inclined to the view that this type of Rachiopteris may be the ¦ -


Ilie occurrence of emergences on Rachiopteris aspera (fig. 404, E) preserved as petrifactions like those on impressions of Sphen-^Pteris Hoeninghausi as figured by Brongniart (figs. 404, A;nbsp;D, D'). In 1890 Williamson was able to demonstrate thenbsp;^fh of the surmise that Rachiopteris aspera and Lyginopterisnbsp;^(imia are respectively the petiole and stem of the samenbsp;P a-nt, which he believed to be an arborescent fern^. Thenbsp;Petioles of Lyginopteris fronds, which may reach a diameter ofnbsp;'^ni., are attached by a broad base to the stem, and as alreadynbsp;®'^ggested by the number of internodes traversed by each leaf-the leaves are comparatively far apart. A transversenbsp;®®ction of a petiole is shown diagrammatically in fig. 405 A. Thenbsp;quot; Podermal stereome is a prominent feature, but the narrownbsp;^^dial plates of the stem-cortex tend to be replaced in the rachisnbsp;and confluent masses of strengthening elements:nbsp;® Upper surface of the petiole is slightly grooved. Glandularnbsp;spinous emergences are often very abundant, as in the sectionnbsp;^^^Produced in fig. 404, E. A glandular emergence is seen at anbsp;fig- 405, A. The spinous emergences may be compared with


petiole of the Carboniferous fronds known as Sphenopteris '^ninghausi Brongn., an inference based to a large extent on

Williamson (73) A. p. 403.

’ Williamson (90).

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those of Davallia {Odontosoria) aculeata?-, a West Indian fern of climbing habit and with the prickles on Hemitelia and othernbsp;recent Cyatheaceous fronds^, while capitate glands, though simplernbsp;than those of Lyginopteris, occur on the leaf-stalks of some recentnbsp;Polypodiaceous species®. The concentric meristele may consist

in the lower part of the petiole of two separate and slightly curved strands like those seen in fig. 404, E, m\ sooner or laternbsp;the two strands unite to form a wide-open V or a W-shapednbsp;bundle with several slightly internal protoxylem groups close tonbsp;the lower edge. The two sections represented in fig. 406, A and

1 Vol. n. p. 299, fig. 232. 3 Hohlke (02).

Bower (12) Pis. xxx. xxxiii.

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B show the gradual divergence of the two meristeles ^ J as they approach the level where it divides into t-onbsp;a characteristic feature of Sflienofteris Hoen^ngUus^ m nnbsp;fronds. At a lower level than that represented m fig^ 40^^^nbsp;vascular strand of the petiole would have t enbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^

figured hy Williamson in one of his earlier memoirs . r , i with scattered secretory sacs and the adjacent tissue onbsp;stalk are occasionally preserved in wonderful per ec 'nbsp;endodermis has been recognised. Sclerous nests are amp;cnbsp;the ground-tissue as are also secretory sacs (figs- 40 ,nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;, i'

A small root r has penetrated the parenchyma of t e rac in fig. 40.5, A.

Sfhenopteris HoeninghausiTixongn.^,iou.nAed on mat '

English Coal Measures, was regarded by Williamson as e yy,pv. of Lyginofteris chiefly on the ground of the occurrence onbsp;genees on the axes (figs. 404, A, B) and laminae of t enbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;,

like those on the petrified stems, and this comparison recei support from the resemblance of the fragments of pinnu es ^nbsp;dated with Lyginopteris and its petioles in the calcareous nnbsp;’¦ Williamson (74) PI. Li. fig. 1.

^ Scott (09) B. fig. 139, p. 375. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ 42.

“ Brongniart (28) A. p. 199, PI. ui. For synonymy, see Kids nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^

s. Ill

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to the leaflets of Brongniart’s type. This identification is supported by subsequent work. The quadripinnate fronds, which attain a considerable size, resemble those of recent species ofnbsp;Davallia and other ferns, but the forking of the rachis and branchesnbsp;of the frond is a striking feature; the pinnae may reach a lengthnbsp;of 15 cm.^ The portion of carbonised rachis shown in fig. 405, E,nbsp;reveals the existence of a hypodermal reticulum like that in thenbsp;outer cortex of a Lyginofteris stem and the same feature is seennbsp;in the more slender axis represented in fig. 404, A, at 6.^ Thenbsp;pinnules are usually deeply lobed and the segments may benbsp;comparatively broad and blunt or narrow® (fig. 290, C, vol. ii.nbsp;p. 399; fig. 404, A, a, B; fig. 405, D'). The lamina has a wellnbsp;marked dorsiventral structure: the palisade-tissue next thenbsp;upper surface is separated from the epidermis by small hypo-dermal cells, possibly functioning as a water-storage layer, andnbsp;the central part of the mesophyll consists of loose aerenchyma;nbsp;the veins are collateral as in recent ferns and stomata occur innbsp;the lower epidermis. Emergences are seen both on impressionsnbsp;(fig. 405, D') and on petrified specimens. A striking feature ofnbsp;the pinnules is the rounded surface caused by the revolute edgenbsp;of the lamina as seen in the section reproduced in fig. 404, B.nbsp;This character coupled with the occasional occurrence of groupsnbsp;of short tracheal elements at the termination of the veins denotesnbsp;a tendency to a xerophilous habit.

On the strength of a very close resemblance between Sfhenof-teris Hoeninghausi and Calymmatotheca Stangeri (fig. 408, E, F) —characterised by fertile pinnules bearing stellate groups ofnbsp;small linear valves, regarded by Stur as the open lobes of annbsp;indusium—Zeiller included Brongniart’s type in the genus Calymmatotheca. The resemblance in general habit between the twonbsp;species extends to the presence in their rachises of the Dictyoxylonnbsp;form of cortex^. The view formerly held by some authors thatnbsp;the valve-like appendages to the fertile segments of Calymmatotheca are sporangia is incorrect: a re-examination of Stur’s

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Zeiller (88) A. p. 82, PI. vi.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;See also Kidston (06) B, fig. 5, p. 417; Renier (lOq, Pis. 60, 70.nbsp;® Kidston (06) B.

0 Star (77) p. 267, Pis. xxv. xxvi.

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remains of a stellate group of cupular segments. An examination of the specimen in Dublin convinced me that there is no satisfactory evidence of the seed-nature of the appearance on thenbsp;rock believed by Johnson to be an elliptical Lagenostoma-YikQnbsp;seed. The actual attachment of the stellate lobes to the pinnae ofnbsp;the frond is not clearly demonstrated.

iii. Microsfomngia.

In 1905 Kidston^ announced the discovery of microsporangia on fronds of Lyginopteris: he described specimens from the Coalnbsp;Measures of Dudley identified by him with Sphenopteris Hoening-hausi showing sterile and fertile pinnae in organic connexion.nbsp;The fertile pinnules (fig. 407, B) are slightly expanded distallynbsp;into an oval limb about 2 mm. long bearing 6 to 7 bilocularnbsp;fusiform microsporangia 3 mm. long and 1-5 mm. broad: in thenbsp;immature condition the sorus is hemispherical, the summit beingnbsp;formed of the incurved apices of the sporangia. At maturitynbsp;the sporangia spread out, the sorus assuming the form of annbsp;epaulet. Fig. 408, H, shows a sorus in transverse section and innbsp;fig. 408, G, the limb and two pendulous sporangia are shown.nbsp;The microspores, 50—70 g in diameter, are studded with numerousnbsp;blunt spines and each spore shows a triradiate ridge. The sectionnbsp;reproduced ¦ in fig. 407, A, from the Coal Measures of Oldham isnbsp;probably a bilocular sporangium of the same type as thosenbsp;described by Kidston from Dudley. Dr Kidston^ describes anbsp;second type of microsporangial sorus as Crossotheca Hughesiananbsp;which agrees closely with C. Hoeninghausi, but the fertile segmentsnbsp;are not associated with any sterile pinnae. The generic namenbsp;Crossotheca, founded by Zeiller® in 1883, was substituted fornbsp;Sphenopteris on the ground that Brongniart’s species S. Hoeninghausi is shown to possess sporangia of the Crossotheca type. Ifnbsp;Kidston’s specific determination is correct, his discovery demonstrates that Lyginopteris fronds bore microsporangia having thenbsp;characters of Crossotheca, a type characteristic of several Carboniferous species belonging both to the form-genera Sphenopterisnbsp;and Pecopteris. Eeference has already been made to the difficultynbsp;of distinguishing between impressions of fronds of the Sphenopteris

1 Kidston (05).

2 Kidston (06) B.

3 ZeiUer (83) B.

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xxix] nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lygixoptebideae

HoeningUusi group, a difficulty tliat is nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;not

statementi that the Dudley specimens ot Lrossomec identical in the character of the sterile pinnules with ^nbsp;Hoeninghausi. An examination of Dr Eddston snbsp;me to agree with his determination; but, it maj

Eig. 407. A, B. Crossotheca Hoeninghausi.

C. Pinnule with a sporangium, s.

(A, Kidston CoU. 1277; B, after Kidstou; C, Camb. Botany Schoo .

we any evidence of the association with Lyginofteris ^ Pj,q£ sporangia other than those of the Crossotheca typ •nbsp;Chodat^ believes that certain petrified fragments o pnbsp;occasionally met with in the calcareous nodulesnbsp;8'nd apparently annulate sporangia belong to Lygmoftennbsp;These sporangia appear to be identical with those nam J

‘ Gothan (13)

2 Chodat (08) B.

p. 49.

-ocr page 80-




Scott Pteridotheca Butterworthp and regarded by him as filicean sporangia that cannot be referred to any known Carboniferousnbsp;genus. The piece of lamina bearing an empty sporangium,nbsp;which may or may not have possessed an annulus, reproducednbsp;in fig. 407, C, occurs in association with the larger specimennbsp;shown in fig. 404, B, and it would seem not unreasonable tonbsp;regard both as parts of the same frond, namely a frond of Lyginop-teris. As Prof. Weiss^ points out, the accurate determination ofnbsp;small pieces of petrified pinnules is exceedingly difficult and withoutnbsp;more decisive evidence we are hardly justified in asserting thatnbsp;the sporangia figured by Chodat and Scott and that shown innbsp;fig. 407 belong to the genus Lyginopteris. Although the availablenbsp;data appear to favour the view generally held that Kidston’snbsp;conclusion is correct additional evidence would be welcome.

Telangium. Reference was made in vol. ii.® to the genus Telangium instituted by Dr Benson for some petrified sporangianbsp;from the Coal Measures regarded by her as the microsporangianbsp;of a Pteridosperm, probabh^ Lyginopteris. The sporangia ofnbsp;Telangium are similar to those of Crossotheca. Scott points outnbsp;that they are borne on a flat disc or lamina ‘quite comparablenbsp;to a fertile pinna of Crossotheca^,' and he concludes that thesenbsp;sporangia are not generically distinct from the impressions onnbsp;which the genus Crossotheca was founded. Kidston® regardsnbsp;Telangium ScotH, Benson, as the microsporangium of a Pteridospermnbsp;though not of Lyginopteris, on the ground that the microsporangianbsp;described by Miss Benson are not attached to a limb and thatnbsp;they have a single loculus in place of the double loculus (fig. 407, A)nbsp;of Crossotheca. The presence of a limb in Telangium recognisednbsp;by Scott removes one of these distinguishing features. Therenbsp;are, however, no adequate reasons for regarding Telangium Scottinbsp;as specifically identical with Crossotheca Hoeninghausi. Thenbsp;synangium of Telangium Scotti, 5 mm. in length, consists of 6—12nbsp;sporangia united basally and opening when ripe by longitudinalnbsp;dehiscence. Pig. 493, E, shows eight sporangia of a synangium innbsp;transverse section: the two sporangia at the lower end of thenbsp;section are less distinct than the others, some are full of spores

^ Scott (08) B. p. 292. ^ Scott (09) B. p. 400.

2 Weiss, F. E. (12). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* Vol. n. p. 532.

® Kidston (06) B.

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was the first to recognise as the megaspore-bearing organ of Lyginopteris oldhamia. Its structure has been thoroughly describednbsp;by Oliver and Scottand these authors contribute a judicialnbsp;summary of the evidence on which Lagenostoma and Lyginopterisnbsp;are believed to stand for one and the same plant. The evidencenbsp;is based chiefly on the following considerations: an agreementnbsp;in the structure of the vascular bundles in the investments of thenbsp;seed with those in the leaves of T^yginopteris; the presence innbsp;the outer envelope of the seed of stalked glands identical withnbsp;those on the stems and petioles. The evidence does not as yetnbsp;amount to absolute proof, as the seeds, which occur either withnbsp;or without a stalk, have not been found attached to a Lyginopterisnbsp;frond. But ‘ where vegetative and reproductive organs presentingnbsp;identical structural features, not known to occur in other plants,nbsp;are thus found in close and constant association, the inferencenbsp;that the one belonged to the other appears irresistible.’ Whilenbsp;most botanists believe that a satisfactory case is established therenbsp;are a few^ who refuse to believe in a connexion between Lagenostomanbsp;and Lyginopteris until an actual union has been demonstrated.nbsp;The discovery by Kidston® of seeds attached to pinnae bearingnbsp;Neuropteris pinnules and the demonstration of organic continuitynbsp;between seeds and the pinnules of other Palaeozoic fern-likenbsp;fronds supply abundant confirmatory evidence that leaves nonbsp;doubt as to the occurrence of seeds on modified pinnae of Sphenop-teris Hoeninghausi and of other closely allied fronds which representnbsp;the foliage of different forms of Lyginopteris. In this connexionnbsp;it is pertinent to add that Grand’Eury* has found seeds of thenbsp;Lagenostoma type in close association with impressions of Sphenop-teris Dubuissonis and other leaves of similar habit.

A seed of Lagenostoma Lomaxi reaches a length of 5-5 mm. with a maximum diameter of 4-4 mm.; it is broadly oval or barrellike (fig. 408, C) and when immature was invested by a loosenbsp;irregularly lobed glandular envelope (fig. 408, B) from which thenbsp;seed eventually freed itself by a natural process of abscission. Thenbsp;central body or nucellus, except in the apical region, is concrescentnbsp;with a fairly stout integument or testa (fig. 408, C, ƒ) the outer

* Hörich (06) p. 48. Grand’Eury (05*) B.

1 Oliver and Scott (03); (04). ® Kidston (05*) B.

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C A nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;J d rlt;/



408. A, Lagamp;nO’Spermwn Sinclairi, B, hage-nostoma^ restoration. C, Lage.-^ostoTna Lomaxi; c, micropyle; d, space between integument and nucellus; e, cupule; ƒ, integument; ch, chalaza. D, microspores of Lagmostmnanbsp;ovoides. E, E, Calymmatotheca Stangeri. G, H, Grossotheca Hoeninghaiisi.nbsp;H, section of G in line of arrow. (A, after Arber; B, C, E, F, after Oliver;nbsp;D, after Benson; G, H, after Kidston.)

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portion of which is characterised by regular longitudinal rows of palisade-like cells comparable with the broad palisade-layernbsp;in the sporocarp of Pilularia. On the exposed surface of thisnbsp;palisade-tissue are small dark structureless pegs^, possibly thenbsp;remains of a mucilaginous layer such as occurs on the seed-coatsnbsp;of some recent Flowering plants. At the base of the nucellusnbsp;the chalazal region, fig. 408, C, ch, is provided with sclerousnbsp;elements and forms a hard investment to the axial vascular strandnbsp;from the pedicel. It is at the base of this chalazal region thatnbsp;the seed is eventually cut off by an absciss-layer. The integumentnbsp;is supplied throughout its length by nine vascular bundles of

endarch, or approximately endarch, structure. The free portion of the integument seen from the outside (fig. 408, B) has the formnbsp;of a fluted cone with a circular opening at its summit. Thenbsp;greater part of this domical apex, as seen in longitudinal sectionnbsp;in fig. 408, C, appears to be hollow, but in the living state the dome,nbsp;or canopy as Williamson called it, was filled with parenchymanbsp;in which the vascular bundles were embedded and, as shown innbsp;the transverse section in fig. 409, the canopy is divided intonbsp;compartments by radial septa which in its basal region are replaced

1 Oliver and Scott (04) PI. x. fig. 28; McLean (12).

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by regular and deep furrows on the inner face. Enclosed by the canopy, with its outer surface fluted as the result of the partialnbsp;collapse of the outer 'wall of each compartment due to the decaynbsp;of the filling tissue, is the flask-shaped apex of the nucellus,nbsp;between the apical cone of nucellar parenchyma and the superficial layer is an annular cavity which Williamson^ called thenbsp;lagenostome. The parenchymatous core tapers to a narrownbsp;summit which slightly overtops the integument and is constrictednbsp;at the broad base (fig. 493, A, B; page 311). The bottle-shapednbsp;apical tissue is separated by an annular space, c, fig. 493, B,nbsp;from the limiting layer of the nucellus; this space is the pollen-chamber formed in the living seed by the disorganisation of thenbsp;subepidermal cells of the nucellar apex. The pollen-chamber isnbsp;a feature characteristic of recent cycadean ovules (see p. 6).nbsp;In Lagenostoma the annular form of the pollen-chamber is anbsp;peculiarity distinguishing this type of seed from those of recentnbsp;%mnosperms and most other Palaeozoic seeds. As Oliver says,nbsp;it marks an ‘advance in precision’^ over other forms as the microspores which fall into the chamber are brought direct to the surfacenbsp;of the underlying megaspore and presumably to the archegonianbsp;wfiich, it is reasonable to believe, were disposed m a circle at thenbsp;base of the annular crevice. Microspores frequently occur mnbsp;tfie pollen-chamber and some have been discovered apparentlynbsp;lU the act of liberating male gametes®.

*/ •/

similar circular space (d, figs. 408, C; 493, B) which separates it from the domical canopy. In the great majority of specimensnbsp;Ibe central tissue of the seed is not preserved and an empty sacnbsp;supported from the base of the nucellus-apex occupies nearlynbsp;the whole of the interior: the shrunken wall of the sac is all thatnbsp;remains of the large megaspore. It would seem, then, that thenbsp;nucellus was almost completely destroyed as a consequence ofnbsp;the growth of the megaspore or embryo-sac, which eventuallynbsp;Occupied nearly the whole of the seed-body.

In an exceptionally well preserved specimen recently described and admirably illustrated by Mr McLean^ part of the parenchy-naatous tissue of the prothallus which originally filled the megasporenbsp;^ Williamson (76).nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Oliver (03) p. 462.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“ Benson (08).nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* McLean (12).

outer wall of the nucellus is bounded externally by a

-ocr page 86-




is clearly seen: its surface-layer consists of small cells succeeded by a broad band of radially elongated elements closely resemblingnbsp;the alveoli in the prothalli of some recent Gymnosperms, particularly certain Conifers. No archegonia have been discovered.nbsp;The cupular envelope of immature seeds, compared by Olivernbsp;and Scott with the lobed and glandular husk of Oorylus colurnanbsp;L.^, receives several vascular bundles of collateral and mesarchnbsp;structure from the axial strand, and these subdivide as theynbsp;ascend. The glands which occur on all parts of the cupule arenbsp;sessile or stalked and identical with those on the vegetative organsnbsp;of Lyginopteris. Assuming that pollination occurred at a comparatively early stage in the development of the seed when thenbsp;cupule was still intact, it is conceivable, as Sir Joseph Hookernbsp;suggested, that the glandular secretion may have attracted insectsnbsp;and so aided in the transport of pollen which were perhaps drawnnbsp;down the narrow pollen-chamber by exuded mucilage as in recentnbsp;Conifers. The evidence obtained in recent years in favour ofnbsp;insect-pollination in certain Cycads and in Welwitschia lendsnbsp;support to this view: the dragon flies hovering over a fertilenbsp;Lyginopteris frond in a recent restoration^ may be a legitimatenbsp;addition.

A striking feature of Lagenostoma as of other Palaeozoic seeds is the absence of an embryo; this and other considerationsnbsp;have led certain authors, notably Chodat®, to question the justification for the use of the term seed. Various suggestions havenbsp;been offered in explanation of this fact. In recent Cycads, asnbsp;already pointed out, the development of the embryo does notnbsp;always occur before seed-fall. It may be that these older seedsnbsp;had no resting-period or there may have been a period of restnbsp;after fertilisation and not as now at a stage subsequent to thenbsp;formation of the embryo^; it is also suggested by Scott thatnbsp;‘the nursing of the embryo had not yet come to be one of thenbsp;functions of the seed, and that the whole embryonic developmentnbsp;was relegated to the germination stage®.’ In this connexion

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Bor figure, see Lotsy (09) p. 714.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Scott (11) p. 105.

3 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Chodat (08) B.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;i Scott (03).

® Scott (09) B. p. 220. See also Ofiver (05); Oliver and Scott (04) p. 231.

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erence may be made to a statement by Miss Gribbs^ who speaks o seeds of a Podocarpus picked up from the ground in apparentlynbsp;mature state and with the associated bracts coloured and swollennbsp;O'S though ready to aid in dispersal but with no embryo: thenbsp;s had matured before fertilisation and fell from the tree afternbsp;Po mation. Whatever may be the true explanation of thenbsp;^ sence of embryos this negative character should not be allowednbsp;outweigh the evidence furnished by morphological featuresnbsp;Hh^'^ applicability of the term seed. As Prof. Oliver says,nbsp;®re IS a long chapter in evolution to be deciphered before wenbsp;connect...the seed of Lyginodendron wdth the sporangium ofnbsp;Th™ PJ’^sent known to us’^.

oute ^ nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;of Lagenostoma has been homologised with the

of the integument of a recent cycadean seed® which, havnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;consists of an inner and an outer envelope that

anoth nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;concrescent, and this hypothesis is supported by

Gn author by a comparison between Lagenostoma and ffie coll^^ ®6eds^. A comparison has also been made betweennbsp;of 7°nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Ginkgo seed and the much more conspicuous cupule

com nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Dr Benson and Miss Welsford® institute a

of the^^**^'^ between the vascular supply of the outer integument Laa ^nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;°f Carpinus and Morus and that of the cupule of

on the ¦ nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ comparison suggested by Miss Kershaw’s remarks^

Mv ¦ ^ nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;between the vascular system of the ovules of

some * nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^'^'igonocarpus. In 1908 Dr Benson® described

®pecie^^^T^^^^^^^ niicrospores in the pollen-chamber of another believed ° ^^S^^ostoma, L. ovoides, and recognised what shenbsp;for all^nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;antherozoids. I am indebted to this author

Two nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;f® make a drawing from her section (fig. 408, D).

holes nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^^0 ®6en with thick outer wmlls showing irregular

reticul^^*^ nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;secondary origin and not part of a regular

is a h'^^' Benson suggests. Close to the upper microspore np erical body, s, described as a male gamete, and a

Oliver (06).

^ Gibbs (12) p. 46. f opes (05); Prankerd (12).


^ykes (10) p. 219; Thoday (Sykes, M. G.) (11) p. bhaw (08).

^ Benson and Welsford (09) p. 633.

® Benson (08).

JSershaw (09) p. 359.

-ocr page 88-




similar body is seen still enclosed by the lower microspore. It is by no means improbable that these are antherozoids: theynbsp;were presumably ciliate like those of Ginkgo and recent Cycadsnbsp;(fig. 396, M). The microspores are approximately 70 in lengthnbsp;and the supposed antherozoids have a maximum diameter ofnbsp;45 fjL, the latter being about | the size of the sperms of Microcycasnbsp;and g the diameter of those of Zamia. The smaller and morenbsp;delicate cells near the lower microspore (fig. 408, D) are no doubtnbsp;fungal cells as Miss Benson suggests. With reference to thenbsp;difficulty of determining the nature of Miss Benson’s supposednbsp;gametes it is worth calling attention to some figures given bynbsp;Zopf^ of vesicular cells and sporangia of the Phycomycetousnbsp;genera Rhizophidium and Lagenidium in the pollen of Floweringnbsp;plants and Pines. It has been suggested by Burlingame^ thatnbsp;the ‘gametes’ may be prothallial cells ; but this is very improbable.

Lagenostoma ovoides Williamson.

In the memoir in which the genus was founded Williamson described two species from the Lower Coal Measures of Lancashire,nbsp;Lagenostoma ovoides and L. physoides^. The seeds described undernbsp;the latter name had previously been assigned by him to anothernbsp;new genus, Physostoma, and named P. elegans*. Lagenostomanbsp;physoides was afterwards figured by Butterworth® who recognisednbsp;some new features. For this species Prof. Oliver® has adoptednbsp;Williamson’s earlier name, Physostoma elegans. The formernbsp;species, which has recently received exhaustive treatment bynbsp;Miss Prankerd'^, agrees generally in its morphological charactersnbsp;with L. Lomaxi, but differs in the structure of the surface-tissuenbsp;of the integument and in some anatomical features. Moreovernbsp;no cupules have been found and there is ‘very little trace of anbsp;layer of separation’ such as occurs in L. Lomaxi. Over thenbsp;surface of the integument is a layer of prismatic cells, much shorternbsp;and less palisade-like than those in L. Lomaxi, and there are nonenbsp;of the pegs which are a constant feature in that species. There

^ Burlingame (15).

^ Williamson (76) p. 160. * Oliver (09) p. 74.

1 Zopf (92) Pis. I. II. ® Williamson (77) B.nbsp;® Butterworth (97).

’ Prankerd (12).

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^re, however, indications that mucilage was poured out by the rupture of the distended cells. Some microspores were foundnbsp;lu the pollen-chamber with an average size of 72 x 53 p; theynbsp;may be as much as 90 p, long. None were observed with sperm-ike contents like those described by Dr Benson. Miss Prankerdnbsp;iscusses the morphology of the integument in relation to thatnbsp;cycadean seeds and makes an instructive comparison betweennbsp;the lagenostome (that is the modified nucellar apex) and suchnbsp;n sporangia as those of Angiopteris, Osmunda, and Schizaea,nbsp;especially the sporangia of Senftenbergia^ with their multiseriate


when the

^n interesting feature is shown in the longitudinal section reproduced in fig. 493, A (p. 311). The apex of the nucellarnbsp;eone appears to be composed of thick-walled, dark cells and itnbsp;^®^®^ggested that this may have served as a stopper blocking upnbsp;^ ^ circular orifice of the pollen-chamber (seen below the apexnbsp;een the nucellar cone and the thick surface-layer of thenbsp;nucellus) and serving as a protection to the embryo. A comparablenbsp;’]§'Up of the micropyle occurs in the seeds of Gnetum Gnemon^nbsp;in the beak of cycadean seeds. At the time of pollination.

pollen-chamber must have extended to the apex of

tke lagenostome, the tip of the nucellar cone may have secreted some sticky substance to which the microspores would adhere.

Prof. Lignier^ has recently described some large megasporangia from the Westphalian Coalfield of Ostrau in Austrian Silesianbsp;which he made the type of a new genus Mittagia, after Herrnbsp;Mittag, Director of Mines. Two sporangia, between 2 and 3 mm.nbsp;in diameter, were found in close association as though belongingnbsp;to a single sorus; one was empty and the other contained fournbsp;megaspores. The structure of the thick wall of the sporangianbsp;is very similar to that of the testa of Lagenostoma Lomax%, butnbsp;it apparently split into two valves. Lignier refers the new type,nbsp;Mittagia seminiformis, to some unknown Palaeozoic group ofnbsp;beterosporous Filicineae, possibly the ancestral stock of thenbsp;Pteridosperms, and he thinks it probable that the sporangianbsp;resembled seeds in their facilities for dispersal. In the structure

Vol. II. p. 364, fig. 270. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Berridge (11).

* Lignier (13*).

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of the sporangial wall Mittagia also resembles the sporocarp of Püularia.

Seeds presented as impressions, without internal structure, superficially resembling Lagenostoma.

Lagenospermum Nathorst.

This generic name is adopted for seeds represented by casts or impressions agreeing in external features with Lagenostomanbsp;but which on the available evidence cannot be confidentlynbsp;assigned to that genus^. Two types of seed were described bynbsp;Arber^ from the Lower Coal Measures of Scotland as Lagenostomanbsp;Kidstoni and L. Sinclairi: the former has been removed bynbsp;Oliver® to Physostoma and both are included by Arber^ in anbsp;recent paper in the genus Radiospermum. This new generic termnbsp;is proposed by Arber for a number of small sub-cylindrical seedsnbsp;founded on impressions including ‘small seeds which, when thenbsp;structure is preserved, are known as lagenostoma, Physostoma,nbsp;and Conostoma.' The question of nomenclature is invariablynbsp;raised by cases in which impressions resemble in their superficialnbsp;characters genera founded on anatomical characters; the seedsnbsp;originally referred to Lagenostoma Sinclairi afford a good examplenbsp;of this difficulty. Nathorst has recently proposed the genericnbsp;name Lagenospermum as preferable to Lagenostoma and Radiospermum in the case of Lagenostoma Sinclairi and similar seedsnbsp;which afford no proof of the possession of such morphologicalnbsp;characters as would justify their inclusion in the genus Lagenostomanbsp;but which may be examples of that genus. As Nathorst pointsnbsp;out, the adoption of Radiospermum for L. Sinclairi is inadvisablenbsp;on the ground that it is also applied to seeds of a different type.nbsp;The type-species of Lagenospermum is L. Sinclairi and Nathorst'nbsp;describes additional species from Lower Carboniferous rocks innbsp;Spitzbergen.

Lagenospermum Sinclairi (Arber ex Kidston ms.).

Although it is not certain that these seeds are morphologically identical with the genus Lagenostoma, a brief description is inter-

1 Nathorst (14) p. 29. ® Oliver (09).

2 Arber (05).

‘ Arber (14) p. 102.

-ocr page 91-




calated here as the habit of the seed-bearing axes supplies a probable key to the habit of the fertile fronds of Lyginofteris. The

were collected by Mr Sinclair from the Lower

gt;~’3 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;rl d bv Kidston as

Coal Measures of Ayrshire, Scotland, and recor nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;manu-

Lagenostonia sp. •. they were afterwards name nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;, •nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ppe

script L. Sindairi and handed to Dr Arber ,, ,, „^^etrical seeds are elliptical-oblong, 4-5-5 X 1-5-3nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Jm tibbed and

and enclosed by a loose envelope which is ° nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;4^03^nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A')-

divided distally into several lineai-lanceo a nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Jj^^enostoma

This covering, though much longer than t P ^ interesting

Lowaxf, is probably a homologous structure. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;branches of a

point is the attachment of the seeds to nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;„ppds were

compoimd aris (Sg. 408, A). It is

Wne on a frond claracterised by the re uc 1

abortion of the sterile lamina or perhaps, as m (.ojnpound

Thyrsofteris elegans^, some of the pinnae o a g

frond were fertile. It i, worthy of “lt;gt;« .‘“““y, »»lt;«”.

cance irx proximity to the

pinnules of Bfhenofteris obtusiloba^ in associa nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;oisnifi-

a fact. » he eaya, in iteeif of no vatae b.t wh.e “^rireloee canr..nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;discovery by Carpentier or c i-

e a Clrtpcimens described by

„ -.,00X0 same species of fron - P nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;as Pten-

Dr Stopes from Westphalian rocks of nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A Sindairi-

sfermostrobus bifurcatus^ bear a close resem an

Lagenosjgt;ermum oUongum (Kidston). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Lagenostoina

The species recently described by Dr i s ppgars to be ohlonga from the South Staffordshire coa enbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;l^y pairs

closely allied to Arber’s L. Sindairi'. it is nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;seed is 2-5 mm.

of seeds borne at the ends of forked branchlets. longer oblong long by 1-5 mm. broad and is surrounde y

cupnle divided distally into 6 free nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;, -g described

A larger type of seed, 3 cm. long and 2- cm.

T7-* 1


XX0444 tne same coal-held as Lagenostoma-^ urceolmis. A. characteristic feature is the truncate apex suiroun e y

prominent nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;¦¦

y Kidston® from the

Voi. ]

2 Vol. II. p. 529, fig. 352. * See page 66.

canopy formed of the expanded apical free portion of H. pp. 294, 295.

Carpentier (11) p. 3.

Widston (14) p. 160, PI. vn. figs. X, 2.

Ib^d. p. 161^ PI S. II

-ocr page 92-




the integument. The lack of anatomical data in both these seeds is a reason for the substitution of some less committal term thannbsp;Lagenostoma.

Grand’Eury^ and Carpentier^ have published accounts of impressions of seeds from the Coal Measures of France comparednbsp;by them with species of Lagenostoma though not assigned to newnbsp;species. These and similar seeds should be referred to Nathorst’snbsp;genus Lagenospermum.

The difficulty of recognising the true nature of seed-like impressions is illustrated by some specimens in the Goldenbergnbsp;collection in Stockholm described by Arber® as Carpolithusnbsp;Nathorsti: these consist of pieces of Sphenopteris pinnae probably,nbsp;as Zeiller suggested, Sphenopteris Schaumburg-Lippeana (Stur)nbsp;bearing at the ends of the segments of deeply divided pinnulesnbsp;what appeared to be seeds 1 mm. long, oval and longitudinallynbsp;ribbed, and possibly enclosed in a cupide. Arber considerednbsp;the ‘seeds’ to be related to Lagenostoma, probably belonging tonbsp;some member of the Lyginopterideae. An examination of thenbsp;specimens by Nathorst* showed that the supposed seeds arenbsp;collections of spores; but whether the spores of a true Fernnbsp;or the microspores of a Pteridosperm cannot be determined.

Pterispermostrobus Stopes.

Plerispermostrobus bifurcatus Stopes.

Dr Stopes® has recently called attention to a resemblance between specimens from the Westphalian of New Brunswick,nbsp;described by her as Pterispermostrobus bifurcatus, and Lagenospermum Sinclairi. The New Brunswick fossil is made the typenbsp;of a new genus Pterispermostrobus, which is employed for fructifications of Pteridosperms that cannot be associated with a knownnbsp;species of parent and may be either seeds or complex male organsnbsp;borne on a definitely branched rachis. The type-species is represented by a slender axis bearing lateral branches divided intonbsp;two widely divergent arms each of which bears a terminal body,

Carpentier (11).

Grand’Eury (05^) B.

^ Arber, E. A. N. (08).

* Nathorst (08) p. 10, PI. ii. figs. 19—21.

^ Stopes (14) p. 74, Pis. xvii. fig. 45, xxv. fig. 69, text-fig. 15.

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4x3 mm., characterised by 3—5 apical lobes extending 2 mm. beyond the distal end of the seed-like organ and resembling anbsp;cupule. In this as in many other cases it is impossible to determinenbsp;the true nature of the reproductive bodies, whether they arenbsp;small seeds or groups of microsporangia: the new generic namenbsp;serves a useful purpose though it is not always possible definitelynbsp;to refer doubtful fructifications of this kind to a Pteridosperm.nbsp;The organs in question may also be compared with Codonotheca^.

Pterispermostrobus pusillus (Nathorst).

The name, Codonotheca pusilla, is given by Nathorst^ to some doubtful specimens from the Culm of Spitzbergen representingnbsp;short stalks bearing linear-lanceolate scale-like bodies, 9—10 mm.nbsp;long by 1 mm. broad, coalescent at the base. Nathorst comparesnbsp;them with Sellard’s species, Codonotheca caduca, but adds that theynbsp;may be cupules of some Pteridosperm and calls attention tonbsp;their resemblance to some fossils figured by Carpentier asnbsp;^olymmatotheca acuta. Both Nathorst’s species and the Frenchnbsp;specimens described by Carpentier® as cupules may be referrednbsp;to Dr Slopes’ genus Pterispermostrobus as their morphologicalnbsp;mature cannot be determined.

V. Roots.

In 1876 Williamson^ described some petrified vegetative organs from the Lower Coal Measures of Lancashire under thenbsp;name Kaloxylon Hooheri characterised by a division of thenbsp;secondary xylem into cuneate masses (fig. 415, C) like those innbsp;some recent Bignoniaceous stems. Williamson at first believednbsp;Kaloxylon to be a stem, but in a later memoir he expressed thenbsp;opinion that ‘it is difficult to believe that these organs have beennbsp;other than roots’®. Felix® had meanwhile described a specimennbsp;from the Coal Measures of Westphalia as Kaloxylon cj. Hooherinbsp;nnd suggested that it might be a waterplant. In 1894 Williamsonnbsp;nnd Scotf^ demonstrated that Kaloxylon Hooheri is the root ofnbsp;Lyginofteris, a conclusion independently reached by Hick®.

^ See page 124:.

® Carpentier (13) p. 391. « Felix (86) A. p. 51.

^ Nathorst (14) p. 23, PI. sv. fig. 43.

^ Williamson (76) B. ® Williamson (87) p. 297. ' Williamson and Scott (94).nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Hick (95) p. 114.


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The roots of Lyginopteris arise on all sides of the radially symmetrical stem in the pericycle region; they are copiously branched as is shown by the abundance of roots of various sizes in closenbsp;association. No roots have been discovered exceeding 1 cm. innbsp;diameter nor have any been recorded with secondary periderm-tissue. The absence of root-hairs and the more or less lacunarnbsp;structure of the cortex are indicative of swampy ground. Itnbsp;is seldom that the palaeobotanist has an opportunity of investigating the growing-points of Palaeozoic plants, and for this reasonnbsp;some well-preserved apices of Lyginopteris roots, attributed tonbsp;that genus on the ground of constant association with fragmentsnbsp;of stems in the calcareous nodules of Dulesgate, are of specialnbsp;interest. One of these specimens was figured by Dr Stopes andnbsp;Mr Watson^ in their account of plant-bearing nodules, and a description of that and other examples has since been published bynbsp;Prof. Weiss^. A longitudinal section of a root-tip, -21 mm. innbsp;diameter at its broadest part, shows a root-cap which suggestsnbsp;an origin from a single cell, but an examination of the plerome-cylinder in a slightly tangential section does not afford conclusivenbsp;evidence of the occurrence of a single initial cell. Weiss on thenbsp;whole inclines to the view that Lyginopteris possessed a singlenbsp;apical cell like the roots of Leptosporangiate Ferns, though henbsp;prefers to leave the decision open. Attention is drawn to thenbsp;fact that the plate of tracheidal tissue in emerging lateral rootletsnbsp;is vertical as in Phanerogams and not horizontal as in recentnbsp;Pteridophyta.

The vascular tissue of a Lyginopteris root (fig. 410) consists of from three to eight alternate strands of centripetal xylemnbsp;and phloem, and with the metaxylem is associated a small amountnbsp;of conjunctive parenchyma which does not form a central pith.nbsp;The pericycle, one to several layers broad, is succeeded by annbsp;endodermis which occasionally shows the characteristic thickeningsnbsp;on the radial walls. A broad cortex of thin-walled lacunar tissuenbsp;with numerous secretory cells is bounded externally by a superficial cylinder of two or more layers of comparatively large andnbsp;thin cells, the outermost of which are radially elongated. This

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Stopes and Watson (08) PI. xvii. fig. 1.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Weiss, F. E. (13).

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ouperficial tissue forms a striking feature by which a Lyginopteris root may often be recognised at a glance. The root representednbsp;in fig. 410, approximately 2 mm. in diameter, has a heptarchnbsp;stele divided into seven xylem-groups by crushed bands ofnbsp;parenchyma and a protoxylem strand occupies the apex of eachnbsp;projecting angle (fig. 410, px). The superficial cylinder of clearnbsp;cells is seen at a. A very small root is seen at r in fig. 410.


Pro. 410. Lyginopttris oUhamia. young root, X 30. (Kidston Coll. 403.)

Fig. 415, C, represents part of an older root in which the pent-arch primary xylem is enclosed by broad wedge-like groups of secondary xylem and phloem separated by conspicuous medullarynbsp;rays opposite the protoxylem strands {px). Crushed primarynbsp;phloem arcs, p, are often clearly recognisable beyond the cambium.nbsp;The secondary thickening, as Williamson and Scott state, takesnbsp;place exactly in the manner typical of roots of Dicotyledons,nbsp;so that this fossil might very well be used for purposes of demonnbsp;stration as illustrating the secondary growth of a root withnbsp;diagrammatic clearness’r. The young roots of Lyginopterisnbsp;resemble in many respects those of Marattiaceous Ferns, thoughnbsp;the presence of a single apical cell, if such occurs, is a distinguishing

^ Williamson and Scott (95) p. 739.

-ocr page 96-




feature; but in the presence of secondary conducting tissue they agree with those of Phanerogams.

Distribution of Lyginofteris.

The frequency with which petrified fragments of Lyginofteris stems occur in the calcareous nodules of the English coal seamsnbsp;shows that the genus must have been plentifully represented innbsp;the Upper Carboniferous vegetation, and the occurrence in bothnbsp;North American^ and European localities of fronds identical withnbsp;or closely resembling Sfhenofteris Hoeninghausi affords evidencenbsp;of wide geographical range. Petrified specimens were recordednbsp;by Felix^ from Westphalia in 1886, and Zalessky^ has recentlynbsp;discovered Lyginofteris in the Donetz coal-basin of Russia. Annbsp;investigation by Kubart^ of the calcareous nodules, to whichnbsp;attention was first drawn by Stur, in the Ostrau Coal Measuresnbsp;led to the discovery of several examples of Lyginofteris stems.nbsp;The descriptions and figures so far published are hardly sufficientnbsp;to enable us to estimate the degree of relationship to the Englishnbsp;type, but some of the stems appear to be new species and Kubartnbsp;considers them all to be specifically distinct from Lyginofterisnbsp;oldhamia. Lyginofteris heterangioides contains scattered tracheidsnbsp;in the pith and thus affords an interesting transitional type betweennbsp;Lyginofteris and Heterangium. In L. lacunosum the inner cortexnbsp;is lacunar and the primary xylem bundles pursue an independentnbsp;course in the stele in contrast to the anastomosing arrangementnbsp;in L. oldhamia and in another Hungarian species L. tristichum.nbsp;The species recorded by Kubart occur in the Millstone grit andnbsp;the Coal Measures.

The geological range of Lyginofteris as represented by petrified stems does not extend beyond the limits of the Carboniferousnbsp;system.


The generic name Heterangium was first used by Corda® for a piece of stem from the Coal Measures of Radnitz, Bohemia,nbsp;represented by part of the vascular axis of a stem consisting

1 White (99) B. p. 40. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ j-elix (86) A.

s Zalessky (10). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* Kubart (14); (11).

^ Corda (45) A. PI. xvi.

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of strands of large reticulately pitted tracheids intermixed with parenchyma and exhibiting structural features differing apparentlynbsp;from those of any known type. Corda’s material has beennbsp;re-examined by Kubart^ who figures a section from it. Heteran-giiini is a genus closely allied to Lyginopteris both in habit and innbsp;general anatomical characters. The stem is monostelic; thenbsp;Vascular cylinder prior to secondary thickening resembles thenbsp;protostele of certain recent species of Gleichenia and may be compared also with Trichomanes scandens^. It agrees with that *ofnbsp;Lyginopteris in the possession of primary mesarch bundles butnbsp;differs in the substitution of a cauline axial mass of metaxylemnbsp;for the pith of Lyginopteris. The secondary vascular tissue agreesnbsp;closely with that of recent Cycads and Lyginopteris. A characteristic feature is the occurrence of numerous horizontal bands ofnbsp;sclerous cells in the cortex (fig. 412) of the stem and in the ground-tissue of the rachis and larger branches of the fronds. The stemnbsp;quot;quot;^as erect and rarely branched ‘ giving off large foliar appendagesnbsp;^t somewhat distant intervals and from its entire circumferencenbsp;Our knowledge of the reproductive organs is less precise than innbsp;tffe case of Lyginopteris) but we are justified in asserting thatnbsp;^Bterangium is a Pteridosperm which in all probability bore fern-fike microsporangia and seeds similar in general plan to Lageno-



The two species Heterangium Grievii and H. tiliaeoides are described in illustration of the genus and reference is made to anbsp;few other types.

^ Kubart (08) fig. 3.

2 Vol. II. p. 310, fig. 237, C; p. 311, fig. 238.

® Williamson (73) A. p. 403.

^ Benson (14).

The association of some seeds included in Williamson’s genus Lonostoma with Heterangium Grievii in the Pettycur beds andnbsp;their resemblance to Lagenostoma, the seed of Lyginopteris,nbsp;suggested the possibility of actual connexion; further evidencenbsp;in support of this view has recently been brought forward bynbsp;T*r Benson* in the case of a species of Gonostoma which she transfers

a new genus Sphaerostoma.

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' Heterangium Grievii Williamson. {Stem.)

'.~y nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;1872. Dictyoxylon Orievii, Williamson, Brit. Ass. Rep. (Edinburgh Meeting),

p. 112.

1873. Heterangium GneTO, Williamson, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Vol. 162, p. 404.








Fumaria officinalis, Volkmann, Silesia subterranea, p. 111, PI. XIV. fig- 2.]

Filicites (Sphenopteris) elegans, Brongniart, Class. Vég. p. 233. Sphenopteris elegans, Brongniart, Hist. Vég. Ross. p. 172.nbsp;Cheilanthites elegans, Goeppert, Eoss. Farnkr. p. 233.

Diplothmema elegans, Stur, Culm Flora, ii. p. 130.


At the Edinburgh meeting of the British Association William


gave a brief account of some petrified stems from the Lower

Carboniferous strata of Burntisland on the Firth of Forth which he included in the genus Dictyoxylon. One of these was namednbsp;D. Grievii after Mr Grieve the discoverer of the specimens. Innbsp;.1 later and more complete description Williamson adopted Corda’snbsp;generic name on the ground of the close resemblance of the Scotchnbsp;stem to the Bohemian fragment Heterangium paradoxum. Innbsp;1873^ Williamson added new facts in regard to H. Grievii andnbsp;in 1890® he described a very closely allied type from the Lowernbsp;.Coal Measures of Lancashire. Five years later his descriptionsnbsp;were considerably extended and modified in the joint memoirnbsp;with Dr Scott*.

The great difference in age between the English Upper Carboniferous stem and the Scotch specimens from the Lower Carboniferous beds of Burntisland suggests a probable specificnbsp;, difference. Dr Scott has recently adopted the name Heterangiumnbsp;Lomaxi, proposed but not published by Williamson, for the Englishnbsp;oype. Though in the following account the species Heterangiumnbsp;Grievii is treated in the, broader sense it should be recognised thatnbsp;the geologically younger stem is worthy of specific recognition;nbsp;' it is characterised, to quote Scott®, by ‘the great distinctness ofnbsp;l;he primary xylem strands, by their nearly exarch structure,

¦ nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* Williamson (72^).nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Williamson (73) A.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Williamson (90).

* Williamson and Scott (95). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Scott (15).

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with little primary centrifugal wood, by the abundant secretory sacs of the stele, and by the rather scattered leaves.’

Heterangium Grievii has a radially symmetrical stem bearing compound leaves with decurrent petioles which give to the otherwise cylindrical axis an angular outline as seen in transversenbsp;section (fig. 411, A). The phyllotaxis appears to be |. The

IXo. 411. Hüerangium Grievii. U, c, leaf-traces; J’’r, root; ph, phloem; x\ primary and secondary xylem, px, proto ynbsp;s, sclerous tissue.

Stem rarely exceeds 1-5 cm. in diameter; in the

paratively large stele consisting in young stems o nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;pvlinder

and phloem, but in older stems these are separated by ^

of secondary vascular tissue which in this species is a nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;,nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.

than in Lyginopteris oldhamia and, as Williamson poi

often of unequal thickness on different radii. The me u a

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• I




of Lyginopteris is replaced by a solid xylem-cylinder consisting mainly of groups of large tracheids, reaching -3 mm. in diameter,nbsp;with multiseriate bordered pits (fig. 411, D) embedded in annbsp;anastomosing parenchymatous tissue-system. In the stele reproduced in fig. 411, B, which with the exception of a very narrownbsp;zone of secondary xylem, x^, consists entirely of primary xylem,.

the parenchyma is represented by a darker reticulum {cf..

fig. 415, B) dividing the metaxylem into islands as in Gleichenia. In the peripheral portion of the xylem the tracheids are rathernbsp;narrower and arranged in more definite groups in many of whichnbsp;is a single strand of narrow spiral elements (fig. 411, A', px) closenbsp;to the outer margin. These peripheral primary bundles in whichnbsp;protoxylem is recognisable may be described as leaf-traces ofnbsp;mesarch structure consisting of centripetal xylem and, to a muchnbsp;less extent, of smaller centrifugal elements for the most part withnbsp;. dense spiral bands in place of the multiseriate pits of the rest ofnbsp;the metaxylem. The structure of these leaf-traces is practicallynbsp;identical with that of the primary bundles of Lyginopteris. Therenbsp;is, however, a difference to which attention is drawn by Williamsonnbsp;and Scott. While in Lyginopteris in any transverse section thenbsp;primary bundles in the stele are equal in number to the leaf-traces in the pericycle and cortex, in Heterangium the peripheralnbsp;groups in the stele may be as many as twenty, a number considerably in excess of the leaf-traces beyond the limits of the primarynbsp;xylem of the stele. It may be that the leaf-trace of each leaf,nbsp;which joins the stele at a distance of 6—10 internodes below itsnbsp;entrance into the cortex from the leaf-stalk, may branch in itsnbsp;descent in the axial region, or some of the primary groups ofnbsp;xylem may be confined to the axial region and independent ofnbsp;the leaf-traces. Portions of the peripheral region of the stelenbsp;may be occupied by metaxylem groups without protoxylem andnbsp;identical with those which make up the bulk of the metaxylem.

Scott^ has recently published a note in which he states that most of the British Coal Measures Heterangiums were polydesmic.nbsp;Two bundles, and not a single strand as in the Scotch H. Grievii,nbsp;leave the stele for each leaf, and these divide into four, in somenbsp;cases at least, before entering the petiole.

^ Scott (15).

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The secondary xylem is continuous at its inner edge with the outermost primary tracheids (fig. 411, A') and consists of rows ofnbsp;tracheids, 1—3 elements broad, alternating with numerous broadnbsp;medullary rays of radially elongated parenchyma. Beyond anbsp;typical cambium-zone the secondaryphloem consists of parenchymanbsp;and sieve-tubes bounded by crushed arcs of primary phloem.nbsp;Abutting on the phloem is a pericycle composed of several layersnbsp;of small parenchymatous cells (fig. 411, A, p) and in the outernbsp;layers of this tissue a phellogen (fig. 411, C, p) and some peridermnbsp;are usually present though, as Williamson and Scott point out,nbsp;the periderm is less regular and narrower than in Lyginopteris.nbsp;The inner cortex, composed of short parenchymatous cells, isnbsp;traversed by numerous narrow bands of dark, thick-walled cellsnbsp;similar in the structure of the elements, though peculiar in thenbsp;horizontal elongation of the groups, to the sclerous nests in thenbsp;pericycle and pith of Lyginofteris. These characteristic bandsnbsp;are chiefly seen in the oblique longitudinal section of a stemnbsp;represented in fig. 412. In this section, 25 mm. in length, thenbsp;lighter band, p, is the pericycle and in it a few obliquely cut leaf-traces are shown as dark patches. The horizontal bands arenbsp;similar in structure and shape to the diaphragms of thick cellsnbsp;in the pith of Abies magnificat, and in both plants they probablynbsp;serve as supports to the softer parenchyma. There may be asnbsp;many as 46 bands in a vertical length of cortex of 1 inch (aboutnbsp;19 per centimetre). It was the occurrence of precisely similarnbsp;transverse lines on the carbonised impressions of the rachis ofnbsp;Spheno'pteris elegans that led Kidston^ to suggest a connexionnbsp;between that species and the stem of Heterangium Grievii.

The outer cortex, consisting of alternate strands of parenchyma and stereome similar to that of Lyginofteris, is much narrower andnbsp;a less conspicuous feature than in Heterangium', the stereomenbsp;bands do not form so regular a hypodermal network and extendnbsp;touch further vertically without anastomosing. The epidermisnbsp;has been described as a layer of fairly thick cells showing in onenbsp;Case an appearance of a depressed stoma®. There are no secretorynbsp;Canals like those of Cycads but, as in Lyginofteris, scattered cells

t Jeffrey (05) PL in. fig. 21. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Kidston (91*) B. p. 49.

® Williamson and Scott (95) p. 753.

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with dark contents in the stem-tissues probably represent secretory sacs.

The leaf-traces on leaving the stele pursue a very gradually ascending course to the petiole; they retain their collateralnbsp;structure in the pericycle and cortex and have no secondarynbsp;xylem, but become concentric as they enter the base of a leaf.

Before passing to the description of the leaves, the more striking features in the stem may be summarised with reference to thenbsp;diagrammatic sketches shown in fig. 411. Fig. 411, A, representsnbsp;a section of Heterangium Grievii approximately 2 cm. in itsnbsp;maximum diameter; at the periphery of the primary xylem, x^,nbsp;and close to its outer margin are several protoxylem groups,nbsp;not shown in the drawing, each of which marks the position ofnbsp;a mesarch trace. The zone of secondary xylem, x^, is interruptednbsp;bv the exit of leaf-traces and one of these is seen at a in fig. 415, A,nbsp;separated from the central primary xylem by a foliar gap fillednbsp;with parenchyma. The pericycle is shown at p in fig- 412 and

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Xxix] nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;HBTBRAX6IXJM

its outer boundary at p in fig. dll, Beyond the pericycle is the broad parenchymatous cortex with leaf-traces, U, annbsp;some sclerenchymatous patches, s. The vascular strand a isnbsp;passing into the base of a leaf-stalk. In the stem shown in fig.nbsp;dll, B, 14 cm. X 7 mm., a decurrent petiole is seen at the uppernbsp;end with its single vascular strand, a, and two sclerous nests,nbsp;a similar though detached leaf-base occurs at the opposite end ofnbsp;the long diameter. Other leaf-traces are seen at b and c. Fromnbsp;the left-hand side of the stele a curved strand of tracheids is

passing out to supply a root, r. ii. Root.

Adventitious roots of endogenous origin are occasionally met with in Heterangium stems, but we have less information as tonbsp;their anatomy than in the case of Lyginofteris. In a specimen ofnbsp;Heterangium Lornaxi figured by Williamson and Scott^ three rootsnbsp;are seen in a vertical series growing outwards through the cortexnbsp;of a stem. The roots agree generally with those of Lyginofterisnbsp;but the outermost cortical layers possess no special features.

iii. Leaf.

The iMge compound fronds long known .s were recognised by Kidston ss the leaves o ^nbsp;closely arranged transverse striae or narrnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;• t ¦ orirpssions

and pinnae which are the expression on the carbonise nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;stems

of the horizontal plates of sclerous tissue in the petri and petioles of Heterangium. The dichotomously brandiednbsp;are included by Stur in his genus Diflotmema and t anbsp;figures several typical examples in his Culm Flora .nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ i

shows a forked axis with the bases of more slen er ranc

the characteristic transverse bands and in fig. 413, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® rratinn

is reproduced. In general appearance, except in t e i pinnae, the fronds resemble those of DamKanbsp;which Brongniart compared the Palaeozoic species.nbsp;little doubt that S-phenofteris dissecta and some other SPnbsp;were also borne on Heterangium stems. The rachis an p

^ Williamsoii and Scott (95) PI- xxvil, fig- 28.

2 Stur (77) p. 236, Pis. xm. xiv.

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difïer from those of Lyginopteris fronds in the absence of emergences (cf. fig. 404, E). The petioles (fig. 411, B, a) have a single concentric vascular bundle with internal protoxylem.

iv. Reproductive organs.

As yet no satisfactory evidence has been published with regard to the nature of the microsporangia but in all probability thesenbsp;were constructed on the same plan as those of Lyginopteris.nbsp;There is a strong prima facie case for assigning the seed Sphaero-stoma to Heterangium: absolute proof of organic connexion isnbsp;still lacking though Dr Benson’s recent account of the seeds

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associated with Heterangiuni Grievii almost amounts to demonstration of continuity between vegetative organs and seeds.

^'phaerostoma ovale (Williamson).

In 1877 Williamson described some detached petrified seeds from the Lower Carboniferous rocks of Fifeshire, Scotland, asnbsp;Conostoma ovale and C. intermedium. Dr Benson’s investigation^nbsp;^f these two forms leads her to confirm Williamson’s doubts asnbsp;to the validity of a specific separation and she assigns the single


ï'w. 414. Sphmrostoma ovate. A. Longitudinal section showing the cupule, c, integument, e, ƒ, with vascular bundle, v, the upper part of the nucellus, n,nbsp;and uiegaspore, m; a, archegonia. B. Transverse section through the roofnbsp;of the pollen-chamber, pc, and the summit of the nucellus, n. (After Benson.)

type to the new genus Sphaerostoma. The seeds are always associated with the vegetative organs of Heterangium Grievii.nbsp;In 1909 Oliver^ expressed the opinion that the Burntisland speciesnbsp;of Oonostoma (= Sphaerostoma) is probably the seed of Heterangium.nbsp;The seed consists of a central body representing the nucellus, annbsp;inner integument, and an enveloping cupule or outer integument.nbsp;naost specimens have lost the cupule and in this condition theynbsp;S'le 3-5 mm. long with a maximum breadth of 2-2 mm. In the

Benson (14).

^ Oliver (09) p. 111.

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middle the seed is circular in transverse section and octagonal near the base and apex. The free apical part of the integumentnbsp;forms a frill (canopy) round the micropyle and extends beyondnbsp;the nucellar apex which consists of a relatively flat plinth surmounted by a central dome or lagenostome (fig. 414). Thenbsp;lagenostome is surrounded by an annular pollen-chamber on tonbsp;the lower surface of which abuts the large embryo-sac, andnbsp;remains of archegonia were noticed below the pollen-chamber.nbsp;The roof of the chamber in the young, state consists of a layer ofnbsp;thin-walled cells extending across the flattened apex of thenbsp;nucellus, n, but as the pollen-chamber becomes differentiatednbsp;from the nucellar tissue by the disorganisation of the zone ofnbsp;cells its roof-cells thicken their vertical walls and assume thenbsp;structure of a multiseriate annulus, which acts as a mechanismnbsp;for opening the pollen-chamber by a circular dehiscence in suchnbsp;a way that the edge of the ruptured roof of the pollen-chambernbsp;slightly overlaps the periphery of the central column of nucellarnbsp;tissue after it has returned to its original position subsequent tonbsp;the entrance of the microspores. The micropylar region is surrounded by eight lobes of the integument and each is characterisednbsp;by a crest of radially elongated cells, fig. 414,/, especially prominent on the outer side. External to this is the slightly longernbsp;cupular sheath (fig. 414, c) which may also have been lobed. Thenbsp;surface of the integument below the terminal crests consists ofnbsp;a layer of cells with small papillae which eventually rupturednbsp;and discharged mucilage. Both integuments have a vascularnbsp;supply, that of the inner integument being represented by eightnbsp;vascular bundles, some of which were found to have mesarchnbsp;xylem, given off from the single strand in the pedicel. Eig. 414nbsp;shows the apical region of a seed of Sfhaerostoma: the flat-toppednbsp;nucellar cap, n, is surrounded by the annular pollen-chamber, pc,nbsp;below which are indicated the archegonia: the wall of the megaspore (embryo-sac) is seen at m and external to this vascularnbsp;bundles, v, run up the inner portion of the integument accompanied by some large cells (aqueous tissue). The elongatednbsp;epidermal cells at the apices of the lobes of the integument formnbsp;the frill,/, and at a lower level the cells of the same layer are muchnbsp;smaller and papillate (e): the outer integument, c, forms the

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so-called cupule. The transverse section shown in fig. 414, B, is taken at the level of the roof of the pollen-chamber and ofnbsp;the nucellar cap; it illustrates the contrast between the multi-seriate annulus’ and the central column of small parenchyma.

SpJiaerostonia differs from Lagmostoma in the whorl of crests around the micropyle, in the nearly hemispherical form of thenbsp;lagenostome and in the relatively wider pollen-chamber wrihnbsp;its peculiar form of dehiscence. Miss Benson, while regardingnbsp;Sphaerostoma as similar to Lagenostoma in general plan, believesnbsp;the distinguishing features of the former to be such as are con

sistent with a more primitive form.

An important argument in support of connecting this seed ¦'^ith Heterangium is derived from the juxtaposition of somenbsp;seeds and portions of Heterangium petioles, a juxtaposition thatnbsp;is believed to demonstrate original continuity.

Grand’Eury^ has recorded the association of two species of leaves, Sphenopteris elegans and S. dissecta, with small seedsnbsp;Compared by him with Lagenostoma. In the absence of petrifiednbsp;specimens it would be practically impossible to distinguish betweennbsp;lagenostoma and Conostoma or Sphaerostoma.

Carpentier^ has described some impressions from French Westphalian beds as Conostoma and he records cupules withoutnbsp;seeds on fronds of Sphenopteris obtusifolia which he speaks of asnbsp;having transverse striations like those of Heterangium. Dr Kidstonnbsp;pointed out to me that the surface-features of the Sphenopterisnbsp;i^s-chis are probably due to ramental scales and not to the presencenbsp;of horizontal sclerous bands. Carpentier’s seeds may be comparednbsp;with Lagenospermum Sinclairi.

Heterangium tiliaeoides Williamson, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Vol. 178, P. 289.

This species, founded by Williamson on material from the Lower Coal Measures of Halifax, Yorkshire, while agreeing innbsp;fhe structure of the primary stele and in the general featuresnbsp;of the cortex with the older Heterangium Grieviiy is clearly dis-finguished by certain well-marked characters. Sclerous groupsnbsp;occur in the inner cortex as in H. Grievii but they are present also

Carpentiei (11) PI. xil. fig. 1-

I Grand’Eury (OS^).


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in the pericycle. The peripheral leaf-traces in the stele show the mesarch structure rather more distinctly than in H. Grievii, andnbsp;the secondary xylem, which forms a much broader cylindernbsp;than in the Scotch type, is divided by broad medullary raysnbsp;into characteristic cuneate masses each of which rests at its basenbsp;on the centrifugal tracheids of a leaf-trace strand of xylemnbsp;(fig. 415, B). The most striking distinctive feature is affordednbsp;by the secondary phloem, which is often preserved in wonderfulnbsp;perfection; this is unusually thick and owing to the tangentialnbsp;expansion of the principal medullary rays the secondary phloemnbsp;IS divided into separate masses which decrease in breadth towardsnbsp;the external arcs of primary phloem. The triangular form ofnbsp;the phloem rays, composed of tangentially stretched parenchyma,nbsp;suggested the specific name tiliaeoides on account of their strikingnbsp;resemblance to the rays of Tilia. The leaf-traces are nearlynbsp;always in pairs as they pass out through the cortex; they subsequently divide and appear as four vascular strands in thenbsp;petiole. The portion of stem reproduced in fig. 415, B, 8 mm.nbsp;broad, shows clearly the separation of the secondary xylenj andnbsp;phloem into wedge-shaped groups; in each group there are severalnbsp;Harrow medullary rays. The extrastelar tissues are representednbsp;by a few fragments only. Several layers of crushed peridermnbsp;uccur in the pericyclic region but the more external tissues havenbsp;been almost completely exfoliatedr.

Reference has already been made to Heterangium Lomaxi, the English type originally included by Williamson in Heterangiumnbsp;Grievii. The provisional species Heterangium cylindricum Williamson and Scott^ differs, as Scott says, in no important respect fromnbsp;Lomaxi and should not be retained. A new species, H. mini-Scott®, has been founded on a very small stem from thenbsp;Coal Measures of Dulesgate in which the leaf-traces leave thenbsp;stele as single bundles as in the Scotch H. Grievii.

The French species Heterangium DuchartreH Ren. from Permian rocks was originally referred by Renault to the genus Poroxylon:nbsp;rt is represented by little more than the xylem of the stele and

^ For a fuller description, see Williamson and Scott (95).

, Scott (09) B. p. 410; (15). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;s goott (15).

Renault (79) B. p. 276, PI. xiv. figs. 4—8; (96) A. p. 251, PI. LXV. figs. 1, 2.


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bears a close resemblance to H. tiliaeoides. Heterangium punctatum Ren. and H. Renaulti^ (Brongn.) also from tbe Permian of Francenbsp;were originally placed in the genus Lycopodium and afterwardsnbsp;recognised as stems of Heterangium. A fourth French Permiannbsp;species, H. bibractense^, is peculiar in the possession of a verynbsp;small primary stele encircled by deep wedges of secondary xylem,nbsp;but without more information it is impossible to speak withnbsp;confidence as to its systematic position. Kubart® has recentlynbsp;published brief descriptions of some stems from the Ostrauernbsp;coal-basin in Moravia all of which he regards as specifically distinctnbsp;from the English types. In Heterangium Sturi the primary xylemnbsp;is almost exarch and the peripheral xylem groups are not verynbsp;clearly defined: in H. alatum, so called from the presence of lateralnbsp;wings on the petioles, the leaf-trace strands are more sharplynbsp;differentiated from the rest of the stele. H. polystichum is anbsp;similar type, and H. Andrei, with a relatively larger amountnbsp;of parenchyma in the stele and thicker stems forms an additionalnbsp;link between Heterangium and Lyginopteris*'. Prof. Johnson® hasnbsp;described a species of Heterangium, H. hibernicum, from Uppernbsp;Devonian and Lower Carboniferous beds in Co. Cork, Ireland, basednbsp;on some impressions of frond fragments without any pinnules. Thenbsp;occurrence of numerous transverse striae on the rachis and lateralnbsp;branches suggests comparison with Heterangium fronds, but an examination of the specimens led me to suspect that some at least ofnbsp;the striae are cracks and not original features. The presence ofnbsp;spur-like appendages from the lower surface of the pinnae near theirnbsp;origin from the rachis is recorded as a peculiar character, and somenbsp;obscure oval bodies, the nature of which is extremely doubtful,nbsp;are considered to be seeds. The imperfection of the materialnbsp;hardly justifies the institution of a new species of Heterangium.

Heterangium ranges from the Lower Carboniferous to the Permian strata and is thus older than Lyginopteris which in thenbsp;form of petrified stems is not recorded from the Lower beds ofnbsp;the Carboniferous system. Heterangium has been described as

1 Renault (96) A. pp. 253, 255. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Ibid. p. 252, PL Lxv. figs. 3, 6.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Kubart (14).

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Dr Scott who has seen sections of this species tells me that it is a strikingnbsp;intermediate form.

“ Johnson (12).

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having a ‘great preponderance of fern-like characters,’ but having regard to the resemblance of the primary xylem of the latter tonbsp;that of the Osmundaceae it would seem doubtful whether innbsp;their relation to the Ferns there is any important difference.nbsp;Heterangium may safely be spoken of as the more primitive genus.nbsp;The polydesmic character of the petioles of most species is particularly interesting as it brings the genus nearer to the Medulloseaenbsp;and to Rhetinangium'^.

Scott (15),

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The term Medulloseae was first employed by Goeppert and StenzeP for a family of Palaeozoic plants that appears to havenbsp;reached its maximum development in the Permian period: thenbsp;oldest representatives so far discovered are of Upper Carboniferousnbsp;age. Our knowledge of the family is chiefly derived from a studynbsp;of the anatomical characters of stems, and it is therefore on thisnbsp;basis that any grouping of genera or species should be attempted.nbsp;Although there is little information with regard to the reproductivenbsp;organs of Medullosa, the type-genus, it is certain that the Medulloseae are Pteridosperms differing from members of that groupnbsp;included in the Lyginopterideae in the presence of more than onenbsp;stele in the stem, in the habit of the fronds, and in the structurenbsp;of the rachis, as also in the structure of the seeds, though thesenbsp;organs bear a fairly close resemblance to the seeds of Lyginopterisnbsp;and Heterangium. The fronds of the Lyginopterideae are of thenbsp;Sphenopteris type while in the case of such species of Medullosanbsp;as afford evidence of connexion between stems and leaves thenbsp;latter have the characters of Neuropteris, Alethopteris, Odonto-pteris, Linopteris, and other form-genera usually included innbsp;the Neuropterideae. Dr Lotsy^ speaks of Lyginopteris andnbsp;Heterangium as members of the Sphenopteridophylla and assignsnbsp;species of Medullosa either to the Neuropteridophylla or to thenbsp;Pecopteridophylla, the latter subdivision including species withnbsp;fronds of the Alethopteris type. There is, however, little doubtnbsp;that other forms of leaves, such as Odontopteris and possiblynbsp;Taeniopteris, were borne on Medullosan stems. It is undesirable

2 Lotsy (09) p. 723-

Goeppert and Stenzel (81).

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except in the absence of more trustworthy criteria to make use of so protean a feature as leaf-form as a basis of classification.nbsp;The name Neuropterideae has been frequently employed fornbsp;Pteridosperms other than the Lyginopterideae on the ground thatnbsp;the foliage of Medullosa is represented by species assigned to;nbsp;form-genera included in the Neuropterideae. It is, however,nbsp;preferable to restrict the family-name Neuropterideae to fronds and.nbsp;to speak of the second family of Pteridosperms as the Medulloseae,nbsp;including the genera Medullosa, Sutcliffia, and Rhexoxylon.


Some species of Medullosa probably resembled in habit Angio-¦pteris evecta and the larger Marattias; they had short and relatively thick stems clothed with the large decurrent bases of long compound fronds superficially like those of some recent Ferns andnbsp;the leaves of the Cycad Bowenia. It is probable that, as Zeiller^^nbsp;has pointed out, the fronds of Medullosa and of other Pteridospermsnbsp;had a greater tendency than those of true Ferns to a dichotomynbsp;of the rachis. In other types the stems reached a considerablenbsp;length and leaves and branches were separated by several feet ofnbsp;bare stem. The large size of the leaf-stalks in proportion to thenbsp;diameter of the stem as shown by such species as Medullosa *nbsp;anglica and M. Leuckarti (fig. 416) suggests either a short andnbsp;thick main axis or, in the case of long stems bearing scatterednbsp;leaves, a plant that supported itself partially at least by a habitnbsp;of growth comparable with that of tropical Aroids or other lianes.nbsp;While Medullosa anglica with its contiguous leaf-bases affordsnbsp;an example of the first type, the occurrence of stems of a Permiannbsp;species, M. stellata, 3| metres long without branches or leaf-scars,nbsp;suggests the habit of a liane; similarly a specimen of Medullosanbsp;Leuckarti in the Chemnitz Museum bearing a few spreading petiolesnbsp;but little narrower than the stem and given off at a wide anglenbsp;Would seem to favour the view that some species were ill adaptednbsp;to be mechanically self-supporting plants. The longest piece ofnbsp;stem that has come under my notice is a specimen of M. stellatanbsp;in the Chemnitz Museum reaching a length of nearly 8 metres:nbsp;some species attained a diameter of about 50 centimetres.

1 Zeiller (05) B. p. 725.

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Medullosa is always polystelic: the plan of the vascular system varies considerably as regards both the number and form of thenbsp;steles, but there is a uniform type of structure within the limitsnbsp;of each stele that recalls the single stele of Heterangium. Thenbsp;steles consist of a central region composed of primary xylem,nbsp;originally surrounded by phloem, which in its mesarch or exarchnbsp;structure agrees with the vascular tissue of some species ofnbsp;Gleichenia or Lygodium. To this central region a cambiumnbsp;added secondary xylem and phloem either in the form of a cylindernbsp;of uniform breadth, or more frequently the centrifugally developednbsp;xylem exceeded in amount the secondary conducting tissue addednbsp;to the inner side of the primary region. Apart from anatomicalnbsp;details a Medullosan stem with its several steles, each withnbsp;secondary tissue, embedded in parenchymatous ground-tissuenbsp;resembles the stems of some Dicotyledonous climbers such asnbsp;Thinouia scandens, species of Serjania and Paullinia^.

Anatomically the main features of the stelar system of Medullosa, neglecting the secondary xylem and phloem, are in closer agreement with the stems of Ferns than with those of any othernbsp;plants. It has been shown that the genus Heterangium bearsnbsp;a close resemblance to Gleichenia in the structure of the primarynbsp;stele (fig. 418, C): one of the oldest types of Medullosa, M. anglica,nbsp;may be described as a Heterangium with three steles and may benbsp;compared with a dictyostelic Fern in which the irregular vascularnbsp;framework is made up of three main strands. In certain typesnbsp;of Medullosa (fig. 416) the ground-plan of the vascular systemnbsp;recalls that of a solenostelic Fern, while in others the greaternbsp;complexity suggests comparison with such Ferns as Matonia,nbsp;Angiofteris, Psaronius, or Cyathea', ‘it is as though Nature werenbsp;at the Carboniferous moment in the midst of a series of amazingnbsp;engineering experiments, most of which were either buried deepnbsp;in Palaeozoic oblivion, or permitted to survive only as vestigialnbsp;relics and atavistic ghosts’^. Though many Medullosae resemblenbsp;Ferns there is an important difference between the two groupsnbsp;in the origin of the various plans of Medullosan stelar systems:nbsp;in Ferns the leaf is the determining factor in the evolution ofnbsp;stelar arrangement, while in Medullosa the occasional interruption

1 Schenck (93) B. Pis. i—v, etc. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“ White, D. (OS^) B. p. 389.

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of a solenostele or the development of an apparently complex dictyostele are features independent of the leaf and leaf-traces.nbsp;In the structure of the secondary xylem and phloem and in root-structure Medullosa agrees with recent Cycads. The genus is innbsp;short a generalised type with filicinean and cycadean affinities.nbsp;In the possession of seeds borne on modified pinnae of compoundnbsp;fronds, Medullosa resembles both Cycas and the Lyginopterideae.nbsp;The seeds exhibit a fairly close agreement with those of Lygino-pteris, Heterangium and recent Cycads, but they appear to havenbsp;advanced further towards the cycadean type than is the casenbsp;with the closely related seeds of the Lyginopterideae. Thenbsp;naicrosporophylls are very imperfectly known but they werenbsp;undoubtedly much less advanced and more fern-like than thenbsp;naegasporophylls.

The genus Medullosa is recorded from the Permian strata of Saxony, France, and Bohemia^; also from the Coal Measuresnbsp;of England, and the discovery of petrified petioles of Myeloxylon,nbsp;the type borne on Medullosan stems in European species, maynbsp;be taken as evidence of the existence of the genus in North Americanbsp;during the Carboniferous period^.

The name Medullosa was applied by Cotta® to three types, Medullosa elegans, M. stellata, and M. porosa, from the Koth-begende of the Chemnitz district. The first of these was recognisednbsp;by Brongniart^ as a distinct genus for which he proposed thenbsp;designation Myeloxylon and this was afterwards identified bynbsp;Renault, Williamson, and other palaeobotanists as a petiole andnbsp;not a stem. Further reference is made to Myeloxylon on a laternbsp;page. Cotta spoke of Medullosa as the most puzzling of thenbsp;genera dealt with in his ‘Dendrolithen,’ and in spite of the manynbsp;additions to our knowledge the position of this Palaeozoic genusnbsp;IS still a fertile source of speculation. The generic designationnbsp;Medullosa is applied to stems, with or without petioles; petiolesnbsp;nr rachises of fronds that frequently occur apart from stems arenbsp;referred to the genus Myeloxylon. The leaves of Medullosanbsp;include several well-known species of Carboniferous and Permiannbsp;genera such as Alethopteris, Neuropteris and others that have in

^ Penhallow (97).

^ Brongniart (49) A. p. 57.

Solms-Laubacli (97) PI. vi. fig. 3. Cotta (32) B. p. 59.

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recent years been transferred from the Filicales to the Pterido-sperms. In a few instances seeds have been found in organic connexion with Medullosean foliage, and there can be no reasonablenbsp;doubt that Trigonocarpus, some forms of Rhabdocarpus, Pachytesta,nbsp;and other seeds represent the integumented megasporangia ofnbsp;Medullosa or some closely allied genus.

Before attempting to summarise the salient features of Medullosa a description of a few selected types will serve to placenbsp;us in a better position to consider the genus as a whole. Thenbsp;British species are placed first on the ground that they are bothnbsp;geologically the oldest though, historically, the most recentlynbsp;described, representatives of the genus; and in the organisationnbsp;of the stem they are simpler than the continental species. Theirnbsp;resemblance to Heterangium serves to some extent to bridge thenbsp;gap between the majority of species of Medullosa and the simplernbsp;types of Pteridosperms represented by Heterangium and Lygino-pteris.

Medullosa anglica Scott^.

Prior to the discovery of this species the genus Medullosa had not been recorded from Britain. A section in the Williamsonnbsp;collection recognised by Scott as that of a Medullosa had beennbsp;identified by Williamson as a large Heterangium stem. Annbsp;undescribed specimen was found by Arber® in the Binney collectionnbsp;at Cambridge which afforded some additional information as tonbsp;the structure of the roots.

The specimens on which Scott’s thorough description is based were obtained by Messrs Wilde and Lomax from the Lower Coalnbsp;Measures of Lancashire. The stem of this oldest species has thenbsp;habit of a tree-fern and is almost completely invested by thenbsp;stout decurrent bases of the petioles of large spirally disposednbsp;compound fronds with a phyllotaxis of |, the leaves of the samenbsp;orthostichy being separated from one another by a vertical distancenbsp;of approximately 10 cm.

A transverse section of a slightly flattened stem is shown in fig. 416, A, the bases of three petioles give to it an angular form.nbsp;Its dimensions are approximately 10 x 4 cm. The ground-tissuenbsp;1 Scott (99).nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;2 Arber, E. A. N. (03).

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of two of the petioles is continuous with that of the stem, while that of the third leaf-stalk is cut through near its separation fromnbsp;the stem and its adaxial face is already defined by a hypodermalnbsp;band of stereome, d. The surface of the stem is characterisednbsp;by fine longitudinal ribs caused by the slightly projecting stereomenbsp;in the outer cortex, and from the narrow furrows between thenbsp;leaf-bases adventitious roots emerge in vertical series. Thenbsp;position of an interfoliar furrow is shown by a small arrownbsp;in fig. 416, A. There are three steles, 2-3 cm. x 6-10 mm. innbsp;diameter: each agrees very closely in structure with the singlenbsp;stele of Heterangium. Medullosa anglica may be described asnbsp;a polystelic Heterangium and as having the same relation tonbsp;Heterangium as regards the stelar system as Primula auriculanbsp;bears to the monostelic Primula. The central core of the stelenbsp;(the black patches in the diagram, fig. 416, A) consists of annbsp;anastomosing system of tracheal groups embedded in an irregularnbsp;parenchymatous reticulum. The large primary tracheids reachnbsp;a diameter of 150 p. and have multiseriate pitting: at the peripherynbsp;of the primary xylem there is a more definite grouping of tracheidsnbsp;as in Heterangium, and the slightly internal (mesarch) protoxylemnbsp;elements are associated with scalariform and densely spiralnbsp;tracheids (fig. 416, B, C) narrower than the more internal reticulatenbsp;elements. The secondary xylem is manoxylic as in Cycads,nbsp;tracheids in 2-4 radial series alternating with medullary raysnbsp;1-3 cells broad and usually of considerable, depth (fig. 416, B).nbsp;The principal rays are continuous with the parenchymatous matrixnbsp;of the central core. Thick-walled tubular elements, no doubt ofnbsp;the nature of sieve-tubes, form a conspicuous feature in thenbsp;phloem.

The three steles occasionally divide and fuse with one another. The tissue between the steles is crushed and disorganised and innbsp;the living plant was probably small in amount. In the imperfectly preserved inner cortical region there is a sinuous band ofnbsp;secondary parenchyma (periderm; fig. 416, A, c) developed fromnbsp;a deep-seated phellogen; in older stems this formed the superficial tissue after the fall of the leaves. There is no definitenbsp;boundary between the cortex of the stem and the petiole-basesnbsp;except when the hypoderm cuts across the cortex preparatory to

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the separation of a leaf-stalk. The stem-cortex and the ground-tissue of the petioles consist of parenchyma with numerous secretory canals, not sacs only as in Heterangium, and arenbsp;abundantly supplied with scattered vascular bundles of collateralnbsp;and exarch structure.

The leaf-traces are furnished by the peripheral tracheal groups at the free surface of the primary portion of each stele: eachnbsp;trace is at first concentric and consists of primary xylem withnbsp;one or more protoxylem strands near the outer surface and isnbsp;completely or partially enclosed by secondary xylem and phloem.nbsp;In the course of its passage to the leaf a leaf-trace loses its secondarynbsp;tissues, which were added by the cambium during the traversenbsp;of the zone of secondary wood, and divides into small collateralnbsp;bundles consisting mainly of spiral and scalariform tracheids.nbsp;The collateral bundles accompanied by some narrow fibres are ofnbsp;the Myeloxylon type (fig. 420), the xylem being wholly centripetal.nbsp;In the behaviour of the leaf-traces and in the vascular systemnbsp;of the petioles Medullosa differs from Heterangium and Lyginofteris.nbsp;Each leaf-base is supplied by sets of vascular strands which passnbsp;into it from the stem at different levels; a large leaf-base reachingnbsp;4 cm. in diameter receives as many as 70-80 bundles. Thenbsp;hypoderm is like that first described in the French species Myeloxylon Landriotii^ and often spoken of as the Sparganum type ofnbsp;hypoderm. The branching of the rachises points to a compoundnbsp;frond, and the occurrence of numerous linear pinnules withnbsp;revolute margins (fig. 420, D) in association with the stem suggestsnbsp;that the ultimate segments were of the Alethopteris form. Thisnbsp;inference receives confirmation from the occurrence of petrifiednbsp;specimens of undoubted Alethopteris rachises with the structure,nbsp;of Myeloxylon. It is practically certain that the leaves bornenbsp;on the stems of Medullosa anglica are those long known asnbsp;Alethopteris lonchitica (Vol. ii. A, p. 553, fig. 364).

An interesting feature in the stems is the occurrence of cortical '''¦ascular strands (fig. 416, A, a, h), reaching a diameter of 7 mm.,nbsp;containing scattered tracheids in a parenchymatous core surroundednbsp;hy secondary xylem and phloem. These cauline bundles arenbsp;almost identical both in structure and distribution with the

^ Renault (76) B.

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accessory steles in the stem of a recent Cycas, and the agreement is emphasised by the presence of short square-ended tracheidsnbsp;in the primary xylem.

The roots branch freely and may attain a diameter of more than 1 cm.: they are generally triarch and the triangular primarynbsp;xylem is enclosed by secondary xylem except opposite the proto-xylem. The cortex is like that of Lyginopteris roots and a conspicuous double layer of superficial tissue is another feature commonnbsp;to both {cf. fig. 410). The exceptionally well preserved specimensnbsp;described by Arber^ show very clearly the thick zone of peridermnbsp;which forms the covering of older roots, and in some of the sieve-tubes groups of dark brown patches show the form and arrangement of the sieve-plates.

Refroductive organs. We have as yet no precise information in regard to the reproductive organs of Medullosa anglica, butnbsp;there can be little or no doubt that the fronds bore seeds thatnbsp;have long been known under the generic name of Trigonocarfus.nbsp;Many years ago Mr Hemingway noticed the almost constantnbsp;association of the fronds of Alethopteris lonchitica with Trigonocarfus, and Dr Kidston’s discovery^ of seed-bearing Neurofterisnbsp;pinnae considerably strengthened the evidence derived from merenbsp;association. The structure of Trigonocarfus is described laternbsp;(p. 117) in a section devoted to reproductive organs attributednbsp;to Medullosa. Nothing is known as to the microspore-bearingnbsp;organs.

While in the structure of each of the steles Medullosa anglica agrees very closely with Heterangium, it differs from that genusnbsp;in the presence of three steles and in the structure of the petiolesnbsp;which are much less fern-like than the simpler petioles of Heterangium and Lyginofteris. From the continental species thenbsp;British species is distinguished by its simpler stelar system, thoughnbsp;there is a close correspondence as regards individual steles.

Medullosa fusilla Scott.

This species, briefly referred to by Scott in 1909® and fully described in a recent paper*, is founded on material from the

Kidston (05®) B. Scott (14).

1 Arber, E. A. N. (03).

® Scott (09) B. p. 441 (footnote).

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Lower Coal Measures of Colne, Lancashire. It agrees in essential features with Medullosa anglica, but differs in the following particulars; the linear dimensions of the stem are about one quarternbsp;those of a typical stem of the older species; the leaf-traces possessnbsp;little or no secondary xylem and the relatively large decurrentnbsp;leaf-bases have a narrower and simpler hypoderm. The stemnbsp;has a tri-stelar vascular system enclosed in a ring of internalnbsp;periderm, and each stele (3 mm. in diameter) consists of a roughlynbsp;triangular strand of reticulate tracheids and a small amount ofnbsp;scattered parenchyma. The protox3dem is either exarch or, asnbsp;in M. anglica, niesarch, the exact position being difficult to determine in the available material. The secondary xylem closelynbsp;resembles that of M. anglica.

Scott suggests the possibility that Alethopteris decurrens may be the foliage of Medulhsa fusilla. It is possible that there isnbsp;no specific difference between M. pusilla and M. anglica, butnbsp;on the present evidence the employment of a distinctive namenbsp;is desirable.

Medullosa centrofilis de Fraine.

This species was founded by Miss de Fraine^ on a petrified stem from the Lower Coal Measures of Lancashire. The maximumnbsp;diameter of the flattened stem including four decurrent leaf-basesnbsp;is 5 cm. The vascular system consists of an outer group of fournbsp;steles, reduced to three by fusion in the upper part of the specimen,nbsp;enclosing a central smaller stele or star-ring (fig. 417). It is thenbsp;presence of the star-ring that distinguishes this type from thenbsp;other two British species and forms a connecting link with certainnbsp;continental Medullosae. The peripheral steles agree with thenbsp;steles of M. anglica but, as in M. pusilla, there is some doubt as tonbsp;the exarch or mesarch position of the protoxylem. In the structure of the xylem the central stele conforms to the rest of thenbsp;Vascular system and a strand of protoxylem is preserved that isnbsp;almost certainly exarch. There is evidence that the peripheralnbsp;steles occasionally anastomose, but the central stele follows annbsp;independent course at least in the piece of stem examined. Leaf-traces are furnished by the primary xylem of the outer steles, and

^ De Fraine (14).

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they appear to be without secondary tracheids as in M. pusilla. A zone of secondary cortex encloses the vascular system as in thenbsp;other British stems: it is pointed out by Miss de Fraine^ thatnbsp;this tissue, usually described as a deep-seated periderm, mustnbsp;have differed from cork in that there is no sign of drying up ornbsp;decay in the tissues external to it. The leaf-bases are of the usualnbsp;Myeloxylon type. In size this species is intermediate betweennbsp;Medullosa anglica and M. pusilla.

Medullosa stellata Cotta.

Cotta^ described Medullosa stellata as a stem characterised by the occurrence of several many-rayed stellate columns (‘viel-strahlige Sternsaule’) in a pith enclosed by a double cylinder ofnbsp;secondary xylem. The so-called pith is the central ground-tissuenbsp;of the stem and the double ‘striated ring’ of Cotta is a cylindricalnbsp;stele identical in structure with each of the steles of Medullosanbsp;anglica but having a tubular form instead of forming a relativelynbsp;broad and short band [cf. fig. 416, D and A). Goeppert® in hisnbsp;Permian Flora gave a detailed account of the species, some ofnbsp;his sections being cut from Cotta’s material, and by the employment of varietal epithets emphasised the range of variationnbsp;within the limits of the type. Goeppert and StenzeG and, several

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;De F’laine (14) p. 259. See also Kisch (13).

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Cotta (32) B. p. 66, PI. xiii. The well-preserved specimen figured by Cottanbsp;in his PI. XIII. fig. 2 is in the Dresden Museum.

2 Goeppert (66) A. p. 209, Pis. XL.—xuii.

* Goeppert and Stenzel (81).

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years later, Weber and SterzeP adopted the same plan as a convenient method of drawing attention to differences in anatomical characters. As Schenk^ pointed out, there is a considerable risknbsp;in the case of small pieces of stems of attaching excessive importance to structural variations, and it is by no means improbable,nbsp;as he said, that differences which are the expression of statesnbsp;of preservation or stages in development have been incorrectlynbsp;regarded as distinguishing marks of individual plants. It is,nbsp;however, . convenient to recognise some of the more strikingnbsp;deviations from the type-species by speaking of the differentnbsp;forms as varieties though, as Weber and Sterzel fully admit,nbsp;such varieties and even some of the species must be looked uponnbsp;as provisional. Weber and Sterzel give expression to the provisional nature of their grouping by classifying the species withnbsp;their varieties into form-cycles. Under the form-cycle Medullosanbsp;stellata five more or less well defined forms are recognised, thenbsp;type-species being Medullosa stellata var. typica^.


Medullosa stellata var. typica.

Part of a transverse section of a cylindrical stem is represented diagrammatically in fig. 416, D. Very little of the cortex is preserved: a parenchymatous axial region with scattered secretorynbsp;canals contains four oval or cylindrical vascular steles, the stellatenbsp;columns of Cotta or star-rings of later authors. These are of thenbsp;same nature as the small central stele in the English Medullosanbsp;centrofilis. The central region of the stem in this specimen isnbsp;Completely surrounded by a narrow cylinder of inversely orientatednbsp;secondary xylem and phloem (fig. 416, D), the phloem being onnbsp;the inner side of the xylem. Beyond the xylem is a parenchymatous band containing scattered groups of primary xylemnbsp;tracheids with spiral, scalariform, and reticulate pitting, andnbsp;this zone, which is usually designated the ‘partial pith,’ isnbsp;succeeded by a second and broader, normally orientated, cylindernbsp;of secondary xylem and phloem. In this section the two concentric cylinders separated by the partial pith form a solenostelenbsp;like that of several recent Ferns except in the presence of secondary

1 Weber and Sterzel (96) B. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;2 Schenk (89).

* Weber and Sterzel (96) -B. p. 51; Schenk (89).

s. Ill nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;7

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tissue. The term ‘partial pith’ applied to the tissue between the two cylinders of secondary tissue is misleading: this tissuenbsp;(fig. 416, D, f) is the primary xylem of the stele and is homologousnbsp;with the primary portion of the stele of Hetemngium and of thenbsp;steles of M. anglica. In many sections the continuity of thenbsp;tubular stele is broken. In a section in the British Museum cutnbsp;from one of Cotta’s specimens^, 6 x 3-5 cm. in diameter to thenbsp;outer edge of the vascular tissue, the cylindrical stele is interruptednbsp;at two places. An example of the interrupted type of stele isnbsp;shown in fig. 416, F, and in fig. 416, H: the latter belongs to anbsp;distinct species. The complete type of cylindrical stele is exceptional and occurs occasionally at different levels in the stem.nbsp;An important point is that the frequent breaks in the cylinder arenbsp;not connected with the exit of leaf-traces and do not, therefore,nbsp;correspond to the foliar gaps in the solenostele or dictyostelenbsp;of a Fern.

The secondary xylem is of the cycadean type (fig. 418, B, D) like that of Heterangium and Lyginofteris and several other stems.nbsp;Each of the star-rings in the axial region consists of a parenchymatous core with scattered primary tracheids enclosed bynbsp;'secondary vascular tissue (fig. 418, B). The star-ring shown innbsp;fig. 418, B, from a Chemnitz stem illustrates the characteristicnbsp;cycadean character of the secondary xylem with broad medullary-rays; some of the innermost elements are in contact with thenbsp;primary tracheids. The phloem is rendered conspicuous by thenbsp;black contents in some of the elements. Both the star-rings andnbsp;the larger peripheral steles are constructed on the same plan andnbsp;agree with the steles of M. anglica. The star-rings occasionallynbsp;branch and anastomose with one another and with the encirclingnbsp;stele. The star-ring in fig. 416, D at a is about to give off a smallnbsp;strand.

Leaf-traces are furnished by the primary xylem at the edge of the ‘partial pith’ of the outer stele: as a leaf-trace passesnbsp;outwards through the outer cylinder of secondary xylem thenbsp;cambium invests it with secondary xylem and phloem, but as itnbsp;passes through the cortex of the stem it becomes reduced to itsnbsp;primary elements, and by successive branching gives rise to

1 No. V. 8093.

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small collateral bundles which enter the petioles. The piece of stem shown in fig. 416, Gl, illustrates the exit of leaf-traces fromnbsp;the stele and their subsequent division into several small bundles,nbsp;u, which are scattered in the cortex with strands of sclerenchyma.nbsp;In a specimen identified with MeduUosa stellata, Schenk^ foundnbsp;part of a leaf-base attached to the stem: its vascular system wasnbsp;of the Myeloxylon type, the bundles being identical with thosenbsp;in the cortex of the stem seen in fig. 416, G.

In some stems of M. stellata the outer, centrifugally developed, portion of the main stele is very much broader than in the examplenbsp;represented in fig. 416, D. The diagrammatic sketch reproducednbsp;in fig. 416, F, represents a section of a Chemnitz specimen in thenbsp;British Museum^ in which the axial region containing severalnbsp;star-rings is almost enclosed by an inner zone of secondary xylem,nbsp;and beyond the narrow primary xylem (black in the sketch) thenbsp;rest of the block consists exclusively of secondary xylem 5-5 cm.nbsp;broad. This example illustrates a common tendency in MeduUosanbsp;towards a large excess of centrifugal over centripetal secondarynbsp;vascular tissue. A similar specimen of MeduUosa stellata isnbsp;figured by Mougeot® from the Vosges showing a considerablenbsp;development of centrifugal xylem comparable with that in thenbsp;British Museum stem. Weber and SterzeF describe stems ofnbsp;MeduUosa stellata showing slight periodic swellings which it isnbsp;suggested, though there is no evidence in support of the opinion,nbsp;may be connected with reproductive organs.

MeduUosa stellata var. corticata^. The specimen referred to this variety, represented in fig. 416, G, has already been quoted asnbsp;affording data with regard to the origin and behaviour of the leaf-traces. In this type of stem the outer portion of the main stelenbsp;is narrower than in M. stellata var. typica and the stele never formsnbsp;a complete tube. The star-rings in the centre of the stem arenbsp;more numerous than in the type-species of the genus. In thenbsp;axial region of some stems included in the form-cycle to which

Schenk (82). See also ZeUler (90) B. p. 286.

^ No. 13767, probably identical with M. stellata var. lignosa Weber and Sterzel.

“ Mougeot (52) A. p. 36, PI. iii. figs. 8—10.

* Weber and Sterzel (96) B. p. 108.

^ Ibid. p. 56.


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M. stellata belongs there may be flatter and tangentially elongated vascular strands in addition to the cylindrical star-rings; thesenbsp;are termed plate-rings.

In MeduUosa stellata var. lignosa^ the outer xylem reaches, a breadth of 4 cm. and the star-rings are reduced to one. Thenbsp;form M. stellata var. gigantea^ (fig. 416, K) is of special interestnbsp;as an example of a stem reaching a diameter of nearly 50 cm.nbsp;and having as many as 43 large and small star-rings in the axialnbsp;region. A large tubular stele like that of the type-species (fig-416, D) surrounds the central region, but in this form the cylindrical stole a is succeeded by concentric cylinders of normallynbsp;orientated xylem and phloem (fig. 416, K, bb) produced bynbsp;successive cambiums either cortical or pericyclic in origin. Thisnbsp;type of stem presents a striking resemblance to stems of Cycasnbsp;and Macrozamia except in the possession of a double cylindricalnbsp;stele consisting of both centripetal and centrifugal secondarynbsp;xylem and phloem separated by a zone of primary xylem (partialnbsp;pith).

MeduUosa gigas Renault.

This species was founded on a piece of stem from the Permian of Autun®, consisting almost entirely of secondary xylem, whichnbsp;Brongniart had previously placed in his genus Palaeoxylon*.nbsp;The secondary xylem reaches a diameter of 45—50 cm. and innbsp;the portion of the central region preserved there are a few vascularnbsp;strands like the star-rings of other species. The considerablenbsp;development of secondary xylem indicates a form of stem similarnbsp;to some forms of M. stellata {e.g. fig. 416, F), but as the availablenbsp;data are insufficient for accurate determination Renault’s specificnbsp;name is retained. Renault describes the internal xylem cylindernbsp;(i.e. the centripetal xylem) as very slightly developed or as hardlynbsp;visible, a feature in which the French specimen shows a nearernbsp;approach to the structure of a recent Cycad.

^ Weber and Sterzel (96) B. p. 63. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Ibid. p. 66.

® Renault (96) A. p. 297; (93) A. PI. lxxi. figs. 1—6.

^ Brongniart (49) A. p. 77.

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Medullosa porosa Cotta.

The second of Cotta’s species^, which has been fully investigated by Weber and Sterzel, is constructed on the same plan as that ofnbsp;M. stellata, but the stem is distinguished by the greater numbernbsp;of star-rings and, more especially, by the presence of an outernbsp;system of vascular strands in the axial region (fig. 416, M): thesenbsp;form a frequently interrupted cylinder of anastomosing strandsnbsp;characterised by the feeble development of secondary xylem andnbsp;phloem or by the absence of this tissue on the outer face of thenbsp;strands. The component parts of this outer series occasionallynbsp;fuse with the internal star-rings.

Medullosa Solmsi Schenk^ var. typica Web. and Ster.®

This type has a large axial region containing several very small star-rings enclosed by two concentric zones of separatenbsp;plate-rings (fig. 416, E) each consisting of a complete flattenednbsp;cylinder of secondary xylem and phloem enclosing primary xylem.nbsp;As the complete cylindrical stele of the stem of Medullosa stellatanbsp;shown in fig. 416, D, was compared with the solenostele of anbsp;Eern, so in this stem (fig. 416, E) the vascular cylinder may benbsp;compared at least superficially with a dictyostele. From thenbsp;inner circle of plate-rings strands are given off in the form ofnbsp;star-rings and these pass through the gaps in the outer system,nbsp;eventually breaking up in the cortex into numerous collateralnbsp;bundles. In another form of this species, var. lignosa (fig. 416, L),nbsp;the axial region is enclosed by a circle of plate-rings like thosenbsp;in the type-form, but these are succeeded by a circle of verynbsp;asymmetrically developed and large steles with the outer xylemnbsp;and phloem much broader than the inner. Moreover in thisnbsp;form additional cylinders of normally orientated vascular tissuenbsp;are added as in M. stellata var. gigantea and in some recent Cycads.nbsp;It is noteworthy that the secondary wood of Medullosa Solmsinbsp;IS rather more compact than in other species, anbsp;it to some extent agrees with the South African ;

1 Cotta (32) B. p. 63, PL xii. Bgs. 6, 7

® Schenk (89) p. 339.

® Weber and Sterzel (96) B. p. 541, Pis lii


voor aardwetenschappen ^ -dapestlaan 4nbsp;--4 CD Utrecht

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Medullosa Leuckarti Goeppert and Stenzel.

In this species also from the Permian of Saxony, the central region including some star-rings is surrounded by sinuous flattenednbsp;concentric steles (snake-rings) agreeing anatomically with thenbsp;steles of other species and characterised by the comparativelynbsp;small breadth of the secondary xylem and phloem (fig;' 416, H).nbsp;Leaf-traces are given off, as in M. anglica and other species, fromnbsp;the outer edge of the primary xylem. In some forms there isnbsp;a single set of snake-rings; in others there is a double series.nbsp;Fig. 418, D, shows part of the secondary xylem of a stele of thisnbsp;species from Chemnitz; the tracheids are in some places continuous with the primary xylem, and on the outer edge of thenbsp;secondary, wood is a cylinder of phloem. A section of Medullosanbsp;Leuckarti figured by Goeppert and StenzeP shows some radialnbsp;rows of very thick-walled elements in the secondary phloemnbsp;which they describe as bast sclerenchyma, but Solms-Laubach®nbsp;believes them to be sieve-tubes. Precisely similar elements arenbsp;figured by Scott^ in M. anglica and as this author suggests the thicknbsp;walls are probably not an original feature. The structure of thenbsp;primary xylem is more clearly seen in fig. 418, C, and the relationnbsp;between primary and secondary xylem is shown in fig. 416, I,nbsp;where the position of the protoxylem may be either exarch ornbsp;mesarch. The protoxylem is only occasionally recognisable butnbsp;some of the peripheral primary tracheal groups are undoubtedlynbsp;mesarch. External to the stele, a part of which is reproduced innbsp;fig. 418, D, are strands of stereome elements and beyond themnbsp;a band of radially elongated cells that may be ‘ periderm ’: stillnbsp;farther out there are some imperfectly preserved vascular bundlesnbsp;that are leaf-traces. This species is important as affording anbsp;complete demonstration of the organic connexion between thenbsp;stem and petioles of the Myeloxylon Landrioti type which indicatenbsp;that the fronds were probably Alethopteroid.

The specimen on which the diagrammatic drawing reproduced

s. 13—15; Solms-Laubach (97);

1 Goeppert and Stenzel (81) p. 123, PI. xvi. fi Weber and Sterzel (96) B. p. 79, Pis. iv. v. ix.

^ Goeppert and Stenzel (81) Pi. iii, fig. 15.

* Solms-Laubach (97) p. 179. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;»

« Scott (99) p. 90.

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Fio. 418. A, itfj/ÉÜoxj/iora ro*'a(Mm, part of petiole. B, Medullosa stellata; starring; X 14. C,Tl,MedullosaLenckarti; C, primary xylem; D, part of primary stelar tissues and secondary xylem and phloem; x 6.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(A—D, Kidston

Coll.. 1014, 1307, 1238.)

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in fig. 419 is based has been investigated by Weber and SterzeP and by Solms-Laubach^. The figure is a slightly simplifiednbsp;version of that given by Weber and Sterzel; it represents thenbsp;stem of MeduUosa Leucharti as a transparent object, the twonbsp;lower transverse sections, B andC, being seen in perspective through

the longitudinal faces. The steles are shaded obliquely in the longitudinal sections, and in the three transverse sections, A, B, C,nbsp;the primary xylem (partial pith) is black and the enclosingnbsp;secondary vascular tissue radially shaded. The whole block isnbsp;9 cm. in length and 6 cm. broad. Only a part of the axial regionnbsp;is shown internal to the peripheral snake-rings and in it are thenbsp;star-rings 8, 8, h, and c. Outside the main steles is the narrow

Solms-Laubach (97).

Weber and Sterzel (96) B. p. 95, PI. ix.

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cortex R and portions of leaf-bases IIV. The lowest section, C, shows part of a peripheral snake-ring with a slight swelling atnbsp;ƒ on its inner side which, as seen in sections B and A, foreshadowsnbsp;the separation of the star-ring S and the consequent break innbsp;the continuity of the snake-ring {d, e, sect. B). In section Anbsp;the gap is closed: in the longitudinal section between B and Anbsp;the star-ring S is seen to form two branches, a and b, the branchnbsp;« closing the gap between d and e in section B. These sectionsnbsp;demonstrate the formation of a star-ring from the main peripheralnbsp;stele and the formation of additional star-rings by branching.

l^umerous vascular bundles destined for the leaves are scattered in the cortex. The course of the decurrent leaf-base I is shown on the longitudinal faces, its boundary being marked bynbsp;crowded stereome strands (of the Myeloxylon Landriotii type);nbsp;other leaf-bases are represented by II, III, and 7F.

In habit MeduUosa Leucharti differs from such a type as M. in its relatively shorter and stouter stem and in the shorternbsp;iuternodes.

Leaves and Reproductive Organs.

1- Leaves. It has already been stated that in some cases petioles occur in organic connexion with Medullosan stems,nbsp;ootably in M. anglica and M. Leucharti: in the exceptionallynbsp;Tich collection in the Chemnitz Museum, which forms a fittingnbsp;ïnemorial of the work of the late Prof. Sterzel, there is a stemnbsp;-M. Leucharti bearing large petioles of the type known asnbsp;^ yeloxylon radiatmn. The occurrence of vascular bundles innbsp;c cortex of other species of stem identical with those in thenbsp;attached petioles points to a uniform type of leaf-structure so farnbsp;regards the petioles and rachises of MeduUosa. While it isnbsp;arly unnecessary to distinguish by a special generic title thenbsp;petrified portions of fronds known to belong to certain speciesnbsp;stems, the frequent occurrence of detached petioles necessitatesnbsp;some distinctive term. The name employed is Myeloxylon: thenbsp;genus Was instituted by Brongniart in 1849 for Cotta’s species

osa elegans the petiolar nature of which was suspected by

Linney m 1872.

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Myeloxylon (Medullosan leaf-stalks).

1832. Medullosa elegans Cotta. 1865. Stenzelia Goeppert. 1876. Myelo-pteris Renault^; 1877, Aulacopteris Grand’Eury^.

There is a very close agreement in general anatomical structure between the numerous specimens of Myeloxylon from the Permiannbsp;strata of Saxony and France and the Coal Measures and Millstonenbsp;Grit of England®; the genus is also recorded from the Uppernbsp;Carboniferous of Kansas^. Two well-defined types instituted bynbsp;Kenault are, however, readily distinguished by the form of thenbsp;hypodermal stereome strands. Myeloxylon may be defined asnbsp;follows: Oval or cylindrical branched axes, reaching a diameternbsp;of 15 cm., bearing pinnae having the characters of Alethopteris^nbsp;Neurofteris, Odontofteris, and some other genera that were formerlynbsp;classed as Ferns. Below a single-layered epidermis, in whichnbsp;stomata have been recognised, occur a few layers of parenchyma:nbsp;this superficial tissue, which is rarely preserved, is succeeded bynbsp;a hypodermal region consisting of parenchymatous tissue andnbsp;numerous vertical groups of narrow thick-walled fibres arrangednbsp;as radial plates or circular, oval, or reniform strands (thenbsp;Sfarganum type of cortex). In the hypoderm as in the ground-tissue generally secretory canals, often accompanied by stereome,nbsp;are a characteristic feature. The vascular system is represented bynbsp;a considerable number of collateral bundles scattered throughnbsp;the ground-tissue and especially abundant in the outer region:nbsp;the bundles sometimes assume a more or less regular dispositionnbsp;in concentric circles. Each bundle consists of a small group ofnbsp;xylem tracheids, for the most part spiral or scalariform, thoughnbsp;reticulately pitted elements are by no means rare, with a singlenbsp;protoxylem group on the outer face next the phloem (fig. 420, B, C).nbsp;As a rule the xylem is wholly centripetal, but occasionally thenbsp;exarch structure becomes mesarch by the occurrence of a fewnbsp;centrifugal tracheids. The phloem, rarely preserved (fig. 420, B),nbsp;consists of narrow sieve-tubes with parenchyma, and the bundlenbsp;as a whole is often partially enclosed by a sheath of fibres.

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Renault (76) B. p. 7.

^ Penhallow (97).

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Grand’Eury (77) A. p. 122; (90) A. p. 287:nbsp;^ Seward (93).

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Superficially the anatomical structure is similar to that of the petioles of Angiopteris or Marattia, and both Williamson^ andnbsp;Renault placed Myeloxylon in the Ferns; but the collateral formnbsp;of the vascular bundles, the position of the protoxylem, and thenbsp;arrangement of the hypoderm tissues, are cycadean features.

Myeloxylon radiatum (Renault).

This type is characterised by the radially elongated stereome of the hypoderm. Prof. Zeiller^, who has given a very clear and

ooncise description of Myeloxylon, is disposed to regard Cotta’s ^^dullosa elegans as a specifically distinct form on the groundnbsp;that there are two concentric zones of stereome in the hypoderm;

2 Zeiller (90) B.

^ Williamson (76) B. p. 8.

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but this feature is shown only in one of Cotta’s figures, and Weber and SterzeP point out that a doubhng of the hypoderm zonenbsp;may be caused by accidental juxtaposition of two faulted piecesnbsp;of peripheral tissue. The drawing reproduced in fig. 420, A,nbsp;show’s the structural plan of an unusually large petiole from thenbsp;Permian of Autun: a portion of the outer tissue is seen in fig. 418, A-The vascular bundle, fig. 420, C, from a Millstone Grit specimen^,nbsp;shows the centripetal nature of the xylem and fragments of phloemnbsp;in the outer half of the bundle, with imperfectly preserved fibresnbsp;abutting on the xylem. The characteristic hypoderm is shownnbsp;also in fig. 418, A; the double xylem strand on the left illustratesnbsp;a common feature caused by the branching of vascular bundles.nbsp;Several secretory canals are scattered in the ground-tissue. Thenbsp;pinnules of Myeloxylon mdiatum, or at least of some specimens,nbsp;have been shown by Renault to be of the Neuropteris type.

Myeloxylon Landrioti (Renault)®.

In this species the distinguishing feature is the occurrence of the hypodermal stereome in the form of circular, oval, or reniformnbsp;strands in place of the radial plates of M. radiatum. It is thisnbsp;form of petiole that was borne by the stems of Medullosa anglicanbsp;and M. Leuckarti. In M. anglica the pinnules (fig. 420, D) arenbsp;of the Alethopteris type, almost certainly A. lonchitica. Renaultnbsp;and Zeiller have described French specimens of Myeloxylonnbsp;Landrioti bearing pinnules like those of Alethopteris aquilina andnbsp;A. Grandini.

Myeloxylon topekense (Penhallow).

The occurrence of Myeloxylon petioles in the New' World was recorded by the late Prof. Penhallow’^ who founded thisnbsp;species on some imperfectly petrified specimens from Uppernbsp;Carboniferous strata at Topeka, Kansas. Enough material w’aSnbsp;available to show the Myeloxylon characters, but the preservationnbsp;is too imperfect to admit of a complete diagnosis. The hypodermalnbsp;stereome shows a tendency to form tangentially extended strandsnbsp;in place of the more circular or radially elongated groups in thenbsp;European species.

1 Weber and Sterzel (96) B. p. 102, fig. 26. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Seward (93).

3 Renault (76) B. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;¦nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;*' Penhallow (97

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In addition to Akthopteris, Neuropteris (including Cyclopteris) 9^nd Odontopieris fronds, which are known to possess rachises withnbsp;tte Myeloxylon features, there is reason to believe that the Permiannbsp;Collipteris fronds and possibly some of the older Taeniopteris leavesnbsp;Diay also belong to Medullosa^. It is, however, unsafe to assumenbsp;that the occurrence of Myeloxylon petioles necessarily denotesnbsp;the existence of Medullosa. The French stem Colpoxylon aeduensenbsp;Urongn.^ bore leaves with the same general anatomical featuresnbsp;those of a typical Myeloxylon, and there can be little doubtnbsp;that other genera of the Medulloseae also possessed fronds constructed on the same plan as those known to have been bornenbsp;Medullosa. An interesting illustration of an injured organnbsp;that had produced a wound-cambium is afforded by a Myeloxylonnbsp;petiole from the Coal Measures described by Mr Holden®.

^Reproductive Organs.

Reference was made in volume ii. to the reasons which led to the removal of several genera of Carboniferous and Permiannbsp;Ronds from the Filicales to the Pteridosperms, and in Chapter xxix.nbsp;the present volume certain species of Sphenopteris are describednbsp;the foliage of Lyginopteris and Heterangium. It is with suchnbsp;gORera as Neuropteris, Alethopteris, Linopteris and others that wenbsp;now more especially concerned, as they represent some ofnbsp;the types of leaves borne by Medullosa and other members of thenbsp;^ledulloseae. The absence of any specimens among the largenbsp;Eumber of these common genera bearing undoubted sporangianbsp;^-roused suspicion as to the correctness of the generally acceptednbsp;that these fern-like fossils were the leaves of Palaeozoic Ferns.nbsp;Subsequently the suspicion based on negative evidence was con-hïnied by researches into the anatomical structure of the leaf-R’uses, petioles, and fragments of pinnae attached to and associatednbsp;^’dh stems of Medullosa. It is only in a few cases that actualnbsp;'Organic connexion between reproductive organs and Medullosannbsp;Reaves has been demonstrated, but from such facts as are established it is safe to make the general statement that stems ofnbsp;Medullosa—a generic term that undoubtedly includes plants

Page 142.

^ Weber and Sterzel (96) B. p. 139. * Holden, H. S. (10).

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which, had we a fuller knowledge of them as complete individuals, would be assigned to more than one generic type—possessednbsp;fronds simulating in habit those of certain Ferns with some ofnbsp;the pinnae bearing seeds often of considerable size and in allnbsp;cases of complex structure, agreeing in many respects with thosenbsp;of existing Cycads, while other fronds, or in some cases it may benbsp;other pinnae, bore microsporangia similar in form to the sporangianbsp;of Ferns.

a. Microsporangia.

Neuropteris. A. Neuropteris Jieterophylla^.

Several examples of supposed fertile specimens of Neuropteris are recorded in palaeobotanical literature, but it was not untilnbsp;1887 that any satisfactory specimen was discovered. In that yearnbsp;Kidston^ described a specimen of Neuropteris heterophylla fromnbsp;the Lower Coal Measures of Scotland in which slender forkednbsp;branchlets bear small bodies at their tips some of which appearnbsp;to represent four-valved organs (fig. 421, D), though the imperfectnbsp;state of preservation renders impossible any definite pronouncement as to their structure. To the specimen are attached a fewnbsp;sterile pinnules, showing that it is a portion of a frond of N. hetero-phylla characterised by the substitution of reproductive organsnbsp;for pinnules. The subsequent discovery of seeds attached tonbsp;pinnae of the same species afforded strong presumptive evidence,nbsp;almost amounting to proof, of the microsporangial nature of thenbsp;Scotch specimen. For this specimen, although no precise diagnosisnbsp;is possible. Dr P. Bertrand® has proposed the generic namenbsp;Neurotheca. In 1911 the Abbé Carpentier* described some smallnbsp;ovoid bodies, 1—1-5 mm. long, from the Coal Measures of Francenbsp;arranged in groups of 4 to 6 and in some cases said to be bornenbsp;on a slender pedicel which he found in association with N. hetero-phylla and compared with sporangia described by Lesquereuxnbsp;from the Coal Measures of Arkansas as Sorocladus stellata^. Thesenbsp;supposed microsporangia have recently been assigned by Bertrand®nbsp;to Sphenophyllum.

2 Kidston (87) B.

^ Carpentier (11) p. 10.

* Bertrand, P. (13) p. 120.

1 Vol. II. p. 568, fig. 371.

3 Bertrand, P. (13) p. 117.

^ Lesquereux (80) A. p. 328, PI. XLViii.

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B. Neuropteris gigantea, etc. Potoniea, Zeiller.

In 1899 Zeiller’- instituted the name Potoniea for some peculiar fertile leaves found in the Coal Measures of Heraclea consistingnbsp;of a branched axis with cuneate segments, 7—10 x 6—8 mm.,nbsp;hearing numerous fusiform bodies, 1—1-5 mm. long, at the uppernbsp;odge (lig. 421, A). These marginal bodies he regarded as sporangia

Pig. 421






(A, C, E, after P. Bertrand; B, after Carpentier; D, after Kidston.)

some form of Neuropteris, Mariopteris or Alethopteris. Car-P^ntier^ afterwards described similar though rather larger examples

expressed the opinion that Potoniea may be the fructification of .Q/vw,-. P „nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;--


er (99) B. p. 52, PI. iv. fig. 19. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Carpentier (11) p. 12, Pis xvi. xvil.

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from the Pas-de-Calais coal-field as microsporophyll fragments of some Pteridosperm: he stated that similar specimens hadnbsp;been found by Kidston in England. In a later work Carpentier^nbsp;described the sporangia as crowded in groups (fig. 421, B) in thenbsp;substance of the thick lamina of Potoniea, and he connected thenbsp;fertile segments with Neuropteris gigantea, N. pseudogiganteanbsp;Pot. and Linopteris obliqua (Bunb.). Similar specimens are saidnbsp;to have been found in Holland and Silesia. Bertrand^ alsonbsp;records the association of Potoniea with Neuropteris gigantea andnbsp;N. pseudogigantea: he describes some specimens as belonging tonbsp;N. gigantea Sternb. while others, distinguished only by smallnbsp;differences, he attributes to N. pseudogigantea. Kidston® hasnbsp;recently drawn attention to the inconstancy of the charactersnbsp;mentioned by Potonié as distinguishing features of N. pseudogigantea, and he shows good cause for referring the examples sonbsp;named to N. gigantea. The fertile lamina is almost orbicularnbsp;in surface-view and attached to a slightly excentric pedicel; thenbsp;microsporangia are borne on the low^er surface and probably innbsp;groups as described by Carpentier.

Neuropteris Oarpentieri Kidston. Kidston^ has recently described some fertile leaflets under this name from the Westphalian series of South Staffordshire which he identifies with Frenchnbsp;examples referred by Carpentier® to Potoniea adiantiformis Zeill.nbsp;The fertile pinnules are thick and sub-cyclopteroid in form; thenbsp;upper surface bears densely packed, narrow and long, microsporangia, 4 X 0-5 mm., containing more or less spherical microspores 45—60 g in diameter; the ventral face of the lamina onnbsp;the removal of the spores shows several strong veins. Withnbsp;these are associated sterile pinnules of the Neuropteroid type,nbsp;and examples are described intermediate between the sterile andnbsp;fertile leaflets. Kidston believes the specimens to be micro-sporophylls of some species of Neuropteris, but as the materialnbsp;does not suffice for identification with any known species anbsp;new name is proposed. It is pointed out that in some states of

Kidston (14) p. 108.

1 Carpentier (13) p. 387, PI. x. figs. 1—6. Bertrand, P. (13) p. 125.

Ibid. p. 112, PI. viii. figs. 1—7.

® Carpentier (11) p. 13, PI. XVI. fig.1.

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preservation the leaflets resemble Goeppert’s Permian species Dictyothalamus Schrollianus^.

Alethopteris. Linopteris.

No specimens of Alethopteris fronds have so far been described that afford any information as to the nature of the microsporangia,nbsp;and we have no means of knowing whether they were borne onnbsp;naked pedicels as in Neuropteris heterophylla, or on modifiednbsp;pinnules as in N. gigantea.

Zeiller in 1888^ described some fertile pinnules of Dictyopteris Schützii Roem. from Commentry bearing two rows of longnbsp;sporangia: he subsequently transferred this species to the genusnbsp;Linopteris^ and expressed the opinion that the sporangia occurnbsp;singly and not in groups as he originally believed. Zeiller comparesnbsp;the fertile pinnules with the type Crossotheca. Bertrand*, asnbsp;the result of examining similar specimens, has suggested thatnbsp;the fringe of pendulous bodies regarded by Zeiller as sporangianbsp;may be tooth-like lobes of modified pinnules which served tonbsp;protect microsporangia borne on the lower surface of the lamina.nbsp;The nature of the impressions is not clear, though there is littlenbsp;doubt that they are microsporophylls. The fertile pinnae ofnbsp;Linopteris obliqua (Bunb.) described by Carpentier® and Bert^hnd®nbsp;closely resemble the microspore-bearing organs which have beennbsp;referred to Neuropteris gigantea) they have the characters ofnbsp;Potoniea and consist of oval laminae similar to the sterile pinnulesnbsp;but about half their size: the lamina was attached excentricallynbsp;to a slender stalk (fig. 421, C, E) and traversed by numerousnbsp;occasionally anastomosing veins. No actual microsporangia havenbsp;been discovered in organic conne.xion with the lamina.

b. Megasporangia.


Kidston’s discovery of undoubted seeds attached to pinnae of Neuropteris'^ marked an important step in our more exact

^ See page 127. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Renault and Zeiller (88) A. p. 273, PI. xxxi. figs. 2, 4.

’ Zeiller (90) B. PI. XI. fig. 9; (00)quot; B. p. 108, fig. 83. See Vol. ii. p. 572.

^ Bertrand, P. (13) p. 132, PI. vi. fig. 7.

^ Carpentier (13) p. 375, PI. vm. fig. 1.

® Bertrand, P. (13) p. 135, pi. vi. figs. 2—4.

’ Kidston (04); (04quot;); (14) p. 107, fig. 5.

S. in nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;8

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knowledge of the morphology of Medullosan sporophylls. Specimens from the ironstone balls (Coal Measures) of Coseley near Dudley showed seeds attached to portions of pinnae bearingnbsp;pinnules of Neuropteris heterophylla. The seeds are approximatelynbsp;3 cm. long and from TIO to 1-40 cm. broad; oblong and gradually

Fig. 422. Neuropterocarpus Kidstoni (Arber). (After Kidston; x 3.)

tapering from the middle to a slightly curved and obtuse apical snout (fig. 422). The outer surface shows numerous longitudinalnbsp;ribs which no doubt represent hypodermal fibres. The preservationnbsp;of the seeds, which appear to be circular in section, is not suchnbsp;as to render possible a description of structural features. In theirnbsp;asymmetrical form the seeds agree with the genus Platyspermumnbsp;as recently defined by Arber, but Kidston’s specimens are in allnbsp;probability radiospermic. Kidston compares the Neuropteris seeds

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with Rhabdocarpus tunicatus as figured from the Commentry coalfield^ and with specimens from Gard named by Grand’Eurynbsp;-5. subtunicatus^.

Additional proof of the occurrence of seeds on Neuroptens fronds is furnished by examples from the Coal Measures of Hollandnbsp;described by Kidston and Jongmans®; these seeds are of the samenbsp;general type as those from Coseley but nearly twice as large, andnbsp;they were borne at the tips of a dichotomously branched pedicelnbsp;Neuropteris obliqua. Grand’Eury in 1904^ recorded the association of radiospermic seeds with Neuropteris fronds though no casenbsp;of actual attachment was found. It is, however, noteworthynbsp;that he speaks of the frequent association with Neuropteris ofnbsp;Seeds characterised by six or rarely twelve longitudinal keels,nbsp;S' feature recalling the sclerotesta of Trigonocarpus and alliednbsp;seeds. Until petrified specimens are available it is impossible tonbsp;refer the seeds of Neuropteris to a generic type founded on structuralnbsp;features: the seeds described by Kidston are, as he says, verynbsp;similar in external characters to species assigned to Rhabdocarpus,nbsp;^od there can be little doubt as to the generic identity of thenbsp;Neuropteris seeds and some of the impressions referred to Rhabdo-^arpus which are characterised by a similarity in form, an apicalnbsp;Snout that gives an asymmetrical appearance to the specimensnbsp;and the presence of numerous longitudinal striations®. It is,nbsp;however, by no means certain that these seeds possessed thenbsp;]norphological features of Rhabdocarpus as described by Brongniartnbsp;^n petrified examples from St Étienne®.

The seeds of Neuropteris may, as Kidston suggests, agree ana-foinically more closely with P achy tesla'^, a type that Grand’Eury associates with Alethopteris fronds. With a view to avoid thenbsp;Tanger of incorrectly identifying petrified specimens and impressions that cannot be proved to belong to the same genericnbsp;fype, I have suggested the restriction of the name Rhabdocarpus^

^ Renault and Zeiller (88) A. PI. LXXii. fig. 19. ¦ Grand’Eur3' (90) A. PI. vi. fig. 6.

^ Kidston and Jongmans (11).

5 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;'

Grand’Eury (04); (04®).

pj nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Rtmbdocarpus amicus and other forma figured by Renault (93) A.


I Srongniart (74) PI. xxi.; Sue Chapter xxxv.

(81) Pis. IX.—XI.

See Chapter xxxv.


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to seeds that do not furnish evidence as to internal structure, and the employment of the designation Rhabdospermum for seedsnbsp;that conform to those described by Brongniart as Rhahdocarpus.nbsp;The seeds of Neuropteris may be of the Rhabdospermum typenbsp;or they may agree anatomically more closely with Trigono-carpus or Pachytesta] they are members of either the Trigono-carpales or the Cardiocarpales, probably the former group.nbsp;Dr P. Bertrand^ assigns to Neuropteris gigantea some seedsnbsp;of the Hexapterospermum (= Hexagonocarpus'^) type which occurnbsp;in association with cupule-like organs. These supposed cupulesnbsp;resemble the Potoniea leaflets with microsporangia also referrednbsp;to the same species of Neuropteris-, they are characterised bynbsp;a laciniate edge and may be compared with the Indian fossilnbsp;described by Zeiller as OttoJcaria bengalensis^ (fig. 433). Dr Arber^nbsp;and Dr P. Bertrand® have independently proposed the genericnbsp;name Neurospermum for the seeds of Neuropteris heterophyllanbsp;and N. obliqua in preference to Rhabdocarpus: the former authornbsp;speaks of the seeds of N. heterophylla as Neurospermum Kidstoni.nbsp;The generic term Neuropterocarpus used by Grand’Eury in 1904®,nbsp;though not defined by him, has priority and avoids the adoptionnbsp;of a new designation for seeds attached to Neuropteris fronds.nbsp;In his definition of Neurospermum Arber makes no reference tonbsp;the obliquity of the apical snout that is clearly shown in fig. 422.nbsp;There is no evidence that Neuropterocarpus possessed a cupularnbsp;investment comparable with that of Lagenostoma. Additionalnbsp;instances of the association of seeds with Neuropteris fronds arenbsp;recorded by Renier from the Belgian Coal Measures, also bynbsp;Bertrand and Chodat from France; Renier found seeds associatednbsp;with N. Schlehani Stur and with the same species of frond Bertrandnbsp;found impressions of oval ribbed seeds. Prof. Chodat’ hasnbsp;figured some fragments of Neuropteris pinnules referred to N.nbsp;auriculata Brongn. from the Stephanian of France which shownbsp;small seed-like bodies apparently in organic connexion withnbsp;the lamina; but the specimens are too imperfect to afford any

1 P. Bertrand (13) p. 129, PI. vii. figs. 1, 2, 7. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ See Chapter xxxv.

3 See page 139. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Arber (14) pp. 93, 103, PI. vm. fig. 47.

P. Bertrand (13) p. 121. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;« Grand’Eury (04^) p. 78Ö (footnote).

' Chodat (08) B. p. 33, fig. 15.

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satisfactory evidence as to the nature of the reproductive organs.

Lotsyi has expressed the opinion that the bodies attached to Neuropteris pinnae described by Kidston and other authors asnbsp;seeds may possibly be vegetative buds, but if this were the casenbsp;one would expect to find some evidence of the bud-nature innbsp;some at least of the specimens that have already been found.

It would seem that the microsporophylls of Neuropteris were constructed on different plans, some being of the type describednbsp;by Zeiller and other observers as Potoniea, while others borenbsp;sporangia on pinnae without any accompanying laminae; but ournbsp;knowledge of the latter form represented by Kidston’s specimennbsp;of Neuropteris heterophylla (fig. 421, D) is very incomplete. Onnbsp;Ike other hand the seeds appear to have been characterised bynbsp;features suggesting a close affinity to Trigonocarpus and pointingnbsp;lo membership of the same family.


Although no specimens have been discovered showing actual connexion between fronds and seeds, it is practically /certainnbsp;that Alethopteris leaves, or at least some species of the genus,nbsp;tore seeds of the Trigonocarpus type. The association of Trigono-lt;^arpus Parlcinsoni with Alethopteris lonchihca is too frequent tonbsp;he fortuitous and there is further evidence afforded by certainnbsp;anatomical resemblances. In Trance other species of Alethopteris,nbsp;^¦9- Alethopteris Serlii and A. Grandini, occur in association withnbsp;^O'Chytesta^, a large seed similar to Trigonocarpus, and Trigonocarpus is found in the Pas-de-Calais coal-field with Alethopterisnbsp;Serlii,

Trigonocarpus. Brongmart.

The generic name Trigonocarpum was instituted by Brongniart


1828® for ovoid longitudinally ribbed ‘fruits’ from Upper ^arboniferous strata, the type-species being named T. Parkinsoni.nbsp;generic name is often altered to Trigonocarpon; Williamson^,

^ Lotsy (09) p. 72. carpon as having been used by Brongniart in 1849.

2 Grand’Eury (04); (04) B.

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who adopted this form, states that Brongniart substituted Trigono-carpon for Trigonocarpum in his Tableau?-, but in that work the original termination is used, the form Trigonocarpon, probablynbsp;the result of a slip, appearing only in the index. In his laternbsp;work on seeds Brongniart adopted the name Trigonocatpus, andnbsp;in recent years this has been widely employed. Among othernbsp;species named by Brongniart are two previously referred bynbsp;Sternberg to Palmacites. Several examples of Brongniart’s genusnbsp;were described by Bindley and Hutton, and in their description of T. Noeggeralhii the statement is made that a fracturednbsp;specimen demonstrated that ‘the fossil in its ordinary state is

an interior part divested of fleshy covering’^; this suspicion of the true nature of the nut-like fossils was afterwards provednbsp;correct by the investigations of Hooker and Binney® and by thenbsp;later work of Williamson. The specimens on which the genusnbsp;was founded are casts of seed-cavities and it is in this state thatnbsp;the seeds are usually preserved, often in large numbers, in thenbsp;sandstones of the Coal Measures, as in the block shown in fig. 423nbsp;from the famous quarry at Peel near Bolton, Lancashire. Anothernbsp;type of preservation is represented by the seeds figured by Bindleynbsp;and Hutton as Carpolithes alata^^, but the generic identity of thenbsp;two states was not recognised until the discovery of petrifiednbsp;material afforded the clue. Figs. 424,1, 425 illustrate the appearance of Trigonocarpus when preserved as a carbonised impression

^ Brongniart (49) A. p. 91. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Bindley and Hutton (35) A. p. 172.

^ Hooker and Binney (55). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;‘ ^ Bindley and Hutton (33) A. PI. 87.

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showing a thick fleshy envelope enclosing an oval kernel with ^ hard wall prolonged upwards as a longer or shorter micro-Pyle. Casts of the seed-cavity are represented in figs. 423;nbsp;424, 2, 3. The surface of these casts occasionally shows one ornbsp;more short cylindrical projections which are probably extensionsnbsp;of the sand or mud into holes formed in the testa by boring insects.nbsp;The view that Trigonocarpus seeds are ‘obviously Palm fruitsnbsp;'vas not accepted by Hooker and Binney who inclined to regardnbsp;them as the seeds of Conifers and compared them especially withnbsp;the similar nuts of Ginkgo seeds {cf. fig. 631, C). It was Mr Wildnbsp;who was first struck by the association of Tfigonoca/rpus andnbsp;tfie petioles of Medullosa (Myeloxylon) and by some resemblancesnbsp;in structure between the testa and the hypoderm of the petioles;nbsp;though, as Scott and Maslen^ point out, the agreement is not sonbsp;close as Wild believed, his view of a possible connexion betweennbsp;the reproductive and vegetative organs has been confirmed.nbsp;Williamson extended our knowledge of the genus by his accountnbsp;of Trigonocarpus olivaeformis Lind, and Hutt., a form that isnbsp;specifically identical with T. Parkinsoni Brongn. This authornbsp;also drew attention to the close resemblance between BroU^niart snbsp;three genera Trigonocarpus, Hexapterospermum, Tripterospermumnbsp;and expressed doubts as to the possibility of founding spcifionbsp;differences on casts of the Trigonocarpus type without the evidencenbsp;of anatomy. Our knowledge of the structure of Trigonocarpusnbsp;has in recent years been considerably extended by the researchesnbsp;of Oliver, Scott and Maslen, and Salisbury.

TnponocarpMs Parkinsoni^ Brongniart.

The seeds of this species like all examples of the genus are ïadiospermic, that is radially symmetrical in contrast to thenbsp;flattened or platyspermic seeds. The complete seed is elongatenbsp;Oval in form when preserved as an impression (fig. 425, A) andnbsp;reaches a length of 4—5 cm.: the casts of the seed-cavity arenbsp;ovoid and provided with three prominent ridges (fig. 424, 2, 3).nbsp;The testa forms a thick covering differentiated into three regions,nbsp;an outer flesh or sarcotesta, a sclerous shell or sclerotesta, and

^ Wild (00). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;2 Scott and Maslen (07) p. 96.

^ Scott and Maslen (07).

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an inner flesh. Transverse sections show that the sclerotesta has three sharp longitudinal keels with corresponding furrowsnbsp;on the inner face, and between each pair of main ribs are 2—3nbsp;less prominent ridges, usually 12 in all (fig. 426). The sarcotestanbsp;consists of thin-walled parenchyma passing externally into a

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öiore lacunar tissue with a palisade-like hypoderm: the sclerotesta consists of thick cells which interlace and form an efhcient protective shell. Both the sarcotesta and sclerotesta are continuednbsp;into the apical region as the wall of the long micropyle, thenbsp;sarcotesta being prolonged beyond the sclerotesta at the apex of

• 126. Trigonocurpus PaTkinsoni. A, longitudinal section; Set, Sc, if, sarcotesta, sclerotesta, inner flesh; mi, micropyle; Pc, pollen-chamber; v, vascular bundles; m, megaspore and prothallus; t, tracheal disc; nt, tracheids in thenbsp;nucellus. B, transverse section of the upper region showing the sarcotesta,nbsp;sclerotesta (black) and the micropyle. C, transverse section of T. Parkinsoni.nbsp;1^, transverse section of Trigonocarpus shorensis, (A, C, after Scott; B, afternbsp;Wild; D, after Salisbury.)

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the integument^. The micropyle is triangular in section and may exceed in length the whole seed (figs. 425; 426, A). Its formnbsp;as seen in transverse section (fig. 426, B) suggests the presencenbsp;of wings: this appearance may be deceptive and due to pressurenbsp;or, more probably, it represents an original feature. The seed-body, that is the portion enclosed by the integument, consistsnbsp;of the nucellus, represented by a few crushed layers of cells,nbsp;bounded by a well-defined epidermis; the nucellus is separatednbsp;from the integument from the base of the seed upwards, annbsp;important feature in which this and some other Palaeozoic seedsnbsp;differ from Lagenostoma and the seeds of recent Cycads whichnbsp;are characterised by an integument adnate to the nucellus upnbsp;to the level of the shoulder; the seeds of the Conifer Phyllocladusnbsp;afford an example of separation of integument and nucellus asnbsp;in Trigonocarpus. The innermost layer of the nucellus consistsnbsp;mainly of tracheal tissue investing the large megaspore (fig. 426,nbsp;A, C, m) which is preserved as a contracted membrane detachednbsp;from the nucellus after the death of the seed. At the summitnbsp;of the nucellus is a relatively small pollen-chamber (fig. 426, A, Pc)nbsp;like a broad and low cupola bearing a terminal beak which extendednbsp;some distance into the micropylar tube. No microspores havenbsp;been found in this species, but Oliver^ records the occurrence ofnbsp;multicellular microspores in Trigonocarpus pusillus. The pedicelnbsp;of the seed had a central strand of sclerous tissue penetrated bynbsp;a concentric vascular bundle which gives off six strands to supplynbsp;the sarcotesta (fig. 426, C, v) and then passes into the nucellusnbsp;where it forms a tracheal sheath (fig. 426, A, nt) surrounding thenbsp;lower part of the megaspore and at a higher level breaks up intonbsp;anastomosing strands of tracheids which reach up to the plane ofnbsp;insertion of the pollen-chamber.

A second species described by Scott and Maslen as Trigonocarpus Oliveri has been further investigated by Salisbury who finds that it is an 8-angled seed which cannot be retained in the genusnbsp;Trigonocarpus-. its systematic position ‘must for the presentnbsp;remain uncertain®.’ Dr Arber has recently described a new' speciesnbsp;of Trigonocarpus, T. Moyseyi^, from the Nottingham Coal-field

* Arber, A (14).

® Salisbury (14) p.

2 Oliver (04) p. 97.

65. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* Arber, E. A. N. (14) p. 95, PI. vi. fig. 1.

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(Middle Coal Measures), similar to T. Parkinsoni but much broader in proportion to its length; this species is founded onnbsp;impression without structure.

The species Trigonocarpus Dawesi Lind, and Hutt.^, from the Middle Coal Measures of Lancashire, was founded on castsnbsp;lt;hSering in their large dimensions from those of T. ParUnsom:^nbsp;specimens referred to this species were described by Fiedler^nbsp;from Saxony in 1857 and Lesquereux® figures similar casts fromnbsp;the Upper Carboniferous and Permian rocks of North America.

'^figonocarpus shorensis Salisbury.

This species, founded on specimens from the Lower Coal Measures of Shore, Lancashire*, may exceed 4 cm. in length andnbsp;has a breadth of 2-5 cm. In general plan it agrees with T. ParUn-but there are certain well-marked differences: the micropylenbsp;is much shorter; the thick sarcotesta, attaining a breadth ofnbsp;^ öim. at the base of the micropyle, is characterised by the presencenbsp;of six peripherally placed vascular bundles (fig. 426, D, v) innbsp;contrast to the deeply embedded bundles of T. Parkinsoni.nbsp;Lelow the epidermis of the sarcotesta is a hypoderm formed ofnbsp;indially disposed plates of sclerous tissue similar to that of Myelo-^ylon and different from the palisade-like hypoderm of the type-species. Within the sarcotesta is a hard shell, the sclerotesta,nbsp;characterised by three prominent ribs extending from base tonbsp;^pex and three shorter ribs which reach from the chalaza tonbsp;^hout a third of the length of the seed. The fact that the sarcotesta and sclerotesta pass gradually into one another is a pointnbsp;in favour of the view that the integument is a single structure.nbsp;There appears to be good evidence of the restriction of an innernbsp;flesh to the micropylar region, whereas this tissue in T. Parkinsoninbsp;Was probably continuous over the whole inner face of the sclerotesta. The sarcotesta is lacunar in its outer part as in some othernbsp;types of Palaeozoic seeds, a feature probably connected withnbsp;floating efficiency. Trigonocarpus shorensis occurs in associationnbsp;with Myeloxylon petioles, and there is a resemblance between

' Lindley and Hutton (37) A. PI. 221; Arber loc. cit. p. 95, PI. vi. fig. 8.

1 Salisbury (14).

I Fiedler (57) PI. xxvii. fig. 39.

Lesquereux (80) A. Pi. 85; (84) A. PI. in.

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the seed and the vegetative organs in the structure of the hypoderm as also in the structure of the secretory sacs which are particularlynbsp;numerous in this species. Salisbury draws attention to the closenbsp;resemblance between the form of T. shorensis and the seeds foundnbsp;in organic connexion with pinnae of Neuropteris ohliqua^.

The species T. corrugatus described by Renault^ bears a close resemblance to T. shorensis.

Other Genera founded in part on Reproductive Organs


Codonotheca, Schiitzia, Whittleseya, Dolerophyllum, Otto-

karia, Strobilites.


Codonotheca caduca Sellards. This genus was founded on some spore-bearing bodies from the Coal Measures of Illinois®:nbsp;nothing is known as to the plant which bore them, but Sellardsnbsp;is inclined to associate them with Neuropteris decipiens Lesq.^,nbsp;a species abundant in the same coal-field. Whatever may havenbsp;been the parent-plant it is probable, as the author of the genusnbsp;believes, that Codonotheca is the microspore-bearing organ of anbsp;Pteridosperm. As shown in fig. 427, 5, the form is that of a stalkednbsp;cup consisting in the basal portion of a stout axis, the peripheralnbsp;tissue of which is believed to have been fleshy, containing annbsp;axial rod of conducting tissue running up to the floor of the cup,nbsp;c, and then dividing into six vascular strands, each of which forksnbsp;into two branches. The upper part is composed of six linearnbsp;segments united basally to form the sloping surface of the cup.nbsp;On the inner face of each segment is a more or less well-definednbsp;depression covered with large elliptical spores -29—31 mm. longnbsp;by -18—19 mm. broad (fig. 427, 6, 8). The presence of a mediannbsp;ridge (fig. 427, 8) indicates a bilateral origin. ‘ There is no groupingnbsp;of the spores or other indication of the location of the sporangia,nbsp;which were doubtless more or less completely immersed in thenbsp;tissue, the dividing wall disappearing at maturity.’ The spores

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;See page 115.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Renault (96) A. p. 399; (93) A. PI. Lxxxv. fig. 9; Salisbury (14) p. 66.

= Sellards (03) p. 90; (07).

* Lesquereux (80) A. p. 93; (84) A. p. 733, PI. xoiv. figs. 1, 2.

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^re seen in fig. 427, 2, 3, on the inner face of the lobes. Some of the specimens have a fairly long pedicel: in the example shownnbsp;in fig. 427^ the fleshy part of the basal portion is not preserved,nbsp;only the more resistant vascular core. In a later account of thesenbsp;Organs Sellards speaks of several lying by the side of a centralnbsp;stalk to which he thinks they were originally attached by slendernbsp;pedicels. In view of Dr Benson’s interpretation of the morphology of Telangium it is permissible to suggest that if a central

II 111 IV V VI




Do. 427. Codonotheca caduca. 1. The vascular tissue preserved as a conical base which was originally surrounded by fleshy tissue icf. 5); I III, VI,nbsp;vascular bundles (x 2).nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;2, 3. Segments with spores; c, floor of cup (nat.

size). 4. Vascular tissue as a cone in the middle of the fleshy base (nat. size). 5, Plan of the whole organ opened out flat (nat. size). 6. Sporesnbsp;(x 28). 8. A single spore showing median slit (x 84). (After Sellards.)

sporangium in such a synangium as that of Codonotheca developed ^ megaspore and the peripheral sporogenous lobes were sterilised,nbsp;the result would be an arrangement not unlike the apical regionnbsp;of the seed Physostoma, the tentacles of which have been homo-logised with the canopy of Lagenostoma. There are obvious difficulties in the way of this, perhaps strained, comparison: thenbsp;larger size of the spore-bearing linear segments of Codonotheca

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led Sellards to regard each as a synangium rather than a single sporangium. But precise information as to the structure of thenbsp;American fossils is not as yet available. If the association ofnbsp;Codonotheca with Neuropteris fronds has any significance it wouldnbsp;favour a reference of these organs to the Medulloseae. In thenbsp;absence of anatomical data it is impossible in some cases to distinguish microspore-bearing organs of the Codonotheca type fromnbsp;small seeds enclosed in a lobed cupule or even seeds with a lobednbsp;integument: a case in point is the New Brunswick speciesnbsp;Pterispermostrohus bifurcatus Stopes^.

A Spitzbergen, Culm, fossil recently described by Nathorst^ as Codonotheca (?) pusilla is briefly referred to under the genusnbsp;Pterispermostrohus.

SCHÜTZIA. Geinitz.

This generic name was instituted by Geinitz® for some Permian fossils obtained by Bergmeister Schütz and regarded by the authornbsp;of the genus as probably fertile branches of some Conifer. A morenbsp;complete account was published by Goeppert^ in his ‘Permiannbsp;Flora/ where the name Anthodiopsis Beinertiana occurs onnbsp;the Plates, printed before the publication of Geinitz’s description, but in the text the specimens are referred to Schiitzianbsp;anomala.

Schützia anomala Geinitz.

The type-species, recorded from Bohemia and Silesia, is represented by fertile shoots consisting of a thick main axis bearing apparently two-ranked though probably spirally disposed shortnbsp;lateral branches, each of which terminates in a receptacle withnbsp;numerous crowded linear-lanceolate bracts superficially resemblingnbsp;a partially expanded inflorescence of a Composite. Goeppertnbsp;believed that the branches bore seeds and he refers to this speciesnbsp;a number of detached, longitudinally striated and bluntly terminated, seeds. The same author describes other specimens from

^ Stopes (14) p. 74. See page 66.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Nathorst (14) p. 23. See page 67.

3 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Geinitz (63) p. 525, PI. vi.

* Goeppert (65) p. 161, Pis. xxiii—iv. The specimens figured by Goeppert, which I saw some years ago in the Breslau Museum, do not show the finernbsp;characters very clearly.

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tKe same localities associated with Schütz%a anomala, which he names Dictyothalamus SchrolUanus^: in habit these agree closelynbsp;with Schützia but the receptacles, the reticulate appearance ofnbsp;which suggested the generic name Dictyothalcimus, bear a largenbsp;number of small bodies regarded as seeds. The preservation ofnbsp;the fossils is not such as to enable us to determine their truenbsp;nature but it is probable that Schützia and Dictyothalamus arenbsp;not generically distinct. In his description of Dictyothalamusnbsp;^oeppert suggests that the two associated types may be thenbsp;niale and female shoots of one plant, but he speaks of seeds innbsp;both cases. Schimper^, who unites Dictyothalamus with Schützia,nbsp;regards the latter as female and the former as male.

Schützia Bennieana Kidston.

This species, described by Kidston® from the Calciferous series of Scotland, differs from S. anomala in its much more slendernbsp;axis and in the relatively narrower and less globular clusters ofnbsp;bract-like appendages. The principal axis bears three lateralnbsp;branches with terminal clusters of acute and narrow linear scale-leaves. No seeds were found in association with the spegimens.

Schützia permiensis (Renault).

Renault founded this Permian species as Antholithus permiensis^ on a specimen from Lodèveit consists of an incompletenbsp;inflorescence 64 cm. long bearing four lateral branches with stalksnbsp;1’5 to 2 cm. long terminated by clusters of small oval bracts 5 mm.nbsp;fong. Renault compares the fossil with the recent Conifersnbsp;^hptostrobus and Tsuga, but it exhibits a much closer resemblancenbsp;fo Schützia anomala.

The genus Schützia, originally described from Permian strata, 1® recorded also from Westphalian strata in North Africa® as wellnbsp;ns from Lower Carboniferous rocks in Scotland. The data atnbsp;present available are insufhcient to determine the morphologicalnbsp;nature of the fertile branches: the evidence adduced by Goeppertnbsp;rn support of the occurrence of seeds is not convincing and the

^ Ooeppert (65) p. 164, Hs. xxiv—v. ^ Kidston (84) PI. v. fig- 2.

^ Zeiller in DouviUe and Zeiller (08).

2 Schimper (72) A. p. 358.

^ Renault (96) A. p. 379, fig. 73.

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interpretation of the bract-like appendages is still an open question; they may have formed a cupular investment to seeds, but in thenbsp;Scotch species the general appearance rather suggests that theynbsp;may be microspore-bearing organs comparable with those ofnbsp;Codonotheca^. There are no adequate grounds for supposingnbsp;SchUtzia to belong to the Coniferales, a view advanced by somenbsp;authors; it is much more likely to represent the fertile shootsnbsp;of a Pteridosperm.


The genus Whittlesey a, referred by many authors to the Ginhgoales, has no substantial claim to be regarded as allied tonbsp;that group: its position is still uncertain, but the recent discoverynbsp;of fertile specimens suggests the probability of a relationship tonbsp;Potoniea and an identification of Whittleseya as another form ofnbsp;microsporophyll of a Pteridosperm.


The generic name was given by Newberry^ to some leaves, or possibly leaflets, originally described by C. Whittlesey from

1 See page 124. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Newberry (54).

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the Coal Measures of Ohio. 'Whittleseya is represented by species from several North American localities^ in Ohio, Pennsylvania,nbsp;Arkansas, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick^; it occurs in Silesianbsp;®'öd has recently been found in the English Coal Measures®.nbsp;The genus is confined to Upper Carboniferous strata.

The leaves are fairly thick; the lamina is oblong, cuneate, broadly triangular or linear, usually rounded and truncate (fig. 428,nbsp;C), generally dentate at the distal end, the proximal portionnbsp;being gradually or abruptly contracted and occasionally prolongednbsp;into a short pedicel. The veins or ribs are parallel to the sidesnbsp;the lamina and except near the base unbranched.

Whittleseya elegans Newberry.

The type-species, from North America and Europe, is characterised by its shovel-like lamina from 3 to 6 cm. long closely resembling in shape some lepidopterous scales; the surface isnbsp;ribbed, each rib corresponding to a tooth on the distal margin;;nbsp;en each of the parallel ridges are 4—5 longitudinal lines indicatingnbsp;either veins or stereome strands (fig. 428, A, C). The examinationnbsp;ef preparations made by Dr Kidston from a leaflet of this speciesnbsp;enables me to add a few facts with regard to the microspores.nbsp;The spores, which cover almost the whole surface of the lamina,nbsp;®how a tendency to a more or less definite arrangement in longi-fndinal rows. Two types of cuticularised membrane are represented among the associated fragments: in some pieces of cuticlenbsp;fhe cells are short and have straight walls while in others thenbsp;preservation is inferior and the cells appear to be longer andnbsp;narrower. One or both of these membranes probably belong tonbsp;® sporangia. The oval slit, which is a striking feature onnbsp;^ci^eral of the spores (fig. 429), points to their bilateral naturenbsp;^¦nd dehiscence along the major axis. A comparison of thesenbsp;“^ores with those obtained by Kidston from the English speciesnbsp;i^ttleseya fertilis reveals a very close agreement both in sizenbsp;^nd shape and confirms the identification of the Staffordshirenbsp;pecimens as leaflets of Whittleseya. The large size of the micro-Pores and the gaping oval aperture in some of them are features

‘ White, D. (01).quot; S. ni

quereux (80) A. p. 523, Pi. iv; (84). For other references see Potonie (04).

^ Thomas, H. H. (12); Kidston (14) p. 166.


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in which they agree closely with the spores of Dolerophyllum fertile described by Kenault^. In both cases the spores tend tonbsp;be arranged in long groups and they are practically identicalnbsp;in form and in the nature of the exine; those of Dolerophyllumnbsp;are 280jli long while those of W. fertilis reach a length of 220ja.nbsp;In some of the Whittleseya spores the exine has split as in thenbsp;specimen shown in fig. 429, but in others there are two curvednbsp;lines along which dehiscence has begun, a character in whichnbsp;the spores appear to be identical with those of Dolerophyllum


Big. 429. Microspores of Whittleseya eleyans. A, a group of spores; B, a single spore. (Preparations made from an American specimen, No. 2314, innbsp;Dr Kidston’s Collection.)

described by Renault who speaks of dehiscence by means of an operculum. There is, I venture to think, little doubt as to thenbsp;very close affinity of the two types. The systematic positionnbsp;of Dolerophyllum is not certainly established; if the genericnbsp;identity of the leaves described as D. Berthieri Ren. and thenbsp;petrified specimens named D. fertile is assumed, it is a legitimatenbsp;inference that the genus is founded on fertile pinnules of a Pterido-sperm with foliage of the Neuropteris or Cyclopteris form. Itnbsp;would seem probable that both Whittleseya and Dolerophyllum

1 Renault (93) A. PI. Lxxii; (96) A. p. 268. See page 137.

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fertile are microspore-bearing leaflets of Pteridosperms, possibly of some Medullosan plants. The leaflets of Whittleseya agree innbsp;form fairly closely with those of Potoniea adiantiformis Zeill.nbsp;described on a previous page^ as the male organs of a Pteridosperm.nbsp;The specimens described by Lesquereux from Pennsylvanianbsp;W. integrifolia and W. undulata are less satisfactory thannbsp;elegans. The Arkansas species W. microphylla^, characterisednbsp;fcy the obcuneate form of the lamina, is said to occur not onlynbsp;detached leaflets but in loose bunches at the ends of slendernbsp;^xes, a circumstance favourable to the suggestion, based on thenbsp;recently described English specimens, that the Whittleseya leavesnbsp;rira-y be fertile pinnules of a Pteridosperm frond. Among othernbsp;species attributed to Newberry’s genus is W. hrevifolia Wh. fromnbsp;^ova Scotia^ with much smaller broadly triangular leaves 7 mm.nbsp;long exclusive of the petiole and 8 mm. broad at the distal endnbsp;(%• 428, B). Dr Matthew* has also described a Canadian speciesnbsp;concinna from New Brunswick in beds assigned by Dr Stopes®nbsp;fo the Westphalian series.

Whittleseya Jertilis Kidston.

Since the discovery of Whittleseya elegans in the Coal Measures ®f Staffordshire recorded by Mr Thomas, Dr Kidston has publishednbsp;account of some specimens from the same district under thenbsp;name Whittleseya (1) fertilis^: these consist of smaller cuneatenbsp;scale-leaves or leaflets 1-4—2-4 cm. long and 8—9 mm. broad;nbsp;f'fio lamina has a dentate upper margin and is longitudinallynbsp;i^ibbed. The scales occur in superposed pairs, closely fitting butnbsp;not organically connected, at least in the state in which they arenbsp;preserved; each pair forms a sporangium-like case enclosingnbsp;numerous spores but the actual sporangia or synangia have notnbsp;een preserved. Kidston describes the spores as 210—222/x innbsp;gth, elliptical, and characterised in many cases by an oval

* gt; they are practicallv identical with the microspores of W. elegans.

^ Page 111. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;2 White (01) p. 108.

Ibid. p. 104, PI. VII. figs. 3, 3«. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* Matthew (10).

Stopes (14) p. 78. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;« Kidston (14) p. 166, PI. xv. figs. 1—10.


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This name was proposed^ primarily for a large ovoid petrified bud composed of rolled Cyclopteroid leaves from Permian rocksnbsp;in the Ural Mountains, which had been previously described bynbsp;more than one writer under different names and regarded as anbsp;young shoot of a Palm or other Monocotyledon. Eichwald^,nbsp;who published good drawings, called the fossil Noeggerathianbsp;Goe-pperti. Saporta connected with this species some leaf-impressions from the Permian of Bohemia described by Goeppert® asnbsp;Noeggerathia cyclopteroides: in his family Dolerophylleae'* thenbsp;French author included other leaves which are probably notnbsp;closely related to the type-species, Dolerophyllum Goepperti.nbsp;The Dolerophylleae are spoken of by Saporta and Marion® asnbsp;Progymnosperms. Before the publication of Saporta’s notenbsp;Grand’Eury had instituted the genus Doleropteris^ and the familynbsp;Doleropteroideae; in the former he included several forms ofnbsp;leaves agreeing generally with Goeppert’s Noeggerathia cyclopteroides. Zeiller’^ adopts Grand’Eury’s designation for thenbsp;B,ussian fossil in preference to Dolerophyllum, a choice justifiednbsp;by considerations of priority; but the latter name is retainednbsp;in this account as it was assigned by Saporta to the specimen ofnbsp;greatest botanical interest, namely Dolerophyllum Goepperti, andnbsp;because it does not suggest affinity to Eerns.

Dolerophyllum Goepperti (Eichwald).

The type-species is from the Zechstein of Orenburg in the Urals and no specimens having precisely the same structure havenbsp;been found elsewhere. Eichwald assigned it, with leaf-impressionsnbsp;of various kinds, to the Noeggerathieae and named it Noeggerathianbsp;Goepperti: it had previously been described by Kutorga® asnbsp;Araides crassispatha and Unger® included it among the Palms asnbsp;Palaeospathe aroidea. The species has been described also bynbsp;Saporta and Marion and by Renault^®. The following account is

^ Saporta (78). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Eichwald (55) PI. xviil. fig. 18; (60) p. 252.

® Goeppert (65) p. 157, PI. xxi. fig. 4. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Saporta (78^).

^ Saporta and Marion (85) pp. 16, 68.

8 Grand’Eury (77) A. p. 192. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;’ ZeiUer (00=) B. p. 217.

8 Kutorga (42). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;8 Unger (50) A. p. 334.

Renault (96) A. p. 262.

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based on sections cut from a specimen in the British Museum^ which, though assigned on the label (within a query) to France andnbsp;named Dolerophyllum Berthieri, is undoubtedly Eichwald’s speciesnbsp;from East Eussia.

The specimen (fig. 430) is 9 cm. long and 4-2 cm. broad: at the slightly contracted and broken base is a piece of immaturenbsp;axis (fig. 430, B, a) 12 mm. in diameter overtopped by a mass ofnbsp;olosely packed leaves encircling one another like the bulb-scalesnbsp;nf an Onion (fig. 430 A, C)^. Most of the leaves included in the

bud were attached to the axis below the broken base. The lt;iurved, dichotomously branched, veins are seen on some of thenbsp;pieces of lamina on the surface of the bud (fig. 430, A). Thenbsp;considerable breadth of the leaves is demonstrated by the longitudinal and transverse sections. In fig. C most of the laminaenbsp;can be traced through the whole height of each of the steep-sidednbsp;ui'ches: a few overlapping margins are seen in fig. D. The veinsnbsp;for the most part imperfectly preserved and appear as clearnbsp;^ No. V. 8114.

^ A specimen from Orenburg in the Dresden Museum shows the same surface-Watures as the British Museum specimen and agrees with the originals of Goeppert’s gures which are in the Breslau University Museum.

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spaces at regular intervals in the brown niesophyll. The axis of the shoot consists of homogeneous parenchyma except nearnbsp;the sloping sides where narrow dark bands (fig. 430, B, a) marknbsp;the position of desmogen-strands of thin-walled elongated elements




Fig. 431. Dolerophyllum Goepperti. Transverse sections of leaves, e, epidermis; s, secretory ceils; t, transfusion-tracheids; px^ protoxylem. (British. Museum.)

representing an early stage in the development of vascular bundles some of which have already produced spiral tracheids. Shortnbsp;secretory cells accompany the immature conducting elements.nbsp;The lamina slightly exceeds 2 mm. in thickness in the broadestnbsp;part; the mesophyll is composed of large parenchymatous cells

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of elliptical or spherical form often loosely attached owing to the ''^ell-developed system of intercellular spaces. The lower epidermis, assuming that the outer face of the rolled leaves is thenbsp;morphologically lower surface, forms a uniform layer of palisadenbsp;Cells characterised by their free conical ends (fig. 431, A, B, e)nbsp;quot;quot;hich in some oblique sections appear as sharply pointed papillaenbsp;quot;^ith almost filiform apices; but while the cells were doubtlessnbsp;papillose like those of the epidermis of a velvety petal, the pointednbsp;form is due in part to the greater distinctness of the dark contentsnbsp;as compared with the lighter cell-walls. The upper epidermisnbsp;is much less distinct; it consists of smaller flattened cells withnbsp;Occasional stomata. Renault' figures a specimen with stomatanbsp;iquot; a better state of preservation. The vascular bundles arenbsp;rendered conspicuous by large secretory cells on the lower side,nbsp;in the larger veins in the form of an arc or irregular group (fig.nbsp;d32. A), but in the finer veins as single cells (fig. 431, A, B). Thesenbsp;Sacs resemble the tannin cells accompanying the veins in a leafnbsp;of Ginkgo {cf. fig. 631, Gl). The xylem-elements are of two kinds,nbsp;(i) elongated spiral and scalariform conducting elements, formingnbsp;® vertical plate of a few rows in the larger veins (figs. 431, 432)nbsp;or a small compact group in the more slender veins (fig. 413, A, B);nbsp;(if) much larger isodiametric cells with reticulate or spiralnbsp;thickening resembling the transfusion-tracheids of Conifers or,nbsp;perhaps more closely, similar elements in the leaves of Lepido-dendron. These short tracheids are especially abundant on thenbsp;flanks of the conducting tracheids (figs. 431, t; 432, A, t), butnbsp;ffley sometimes form a complete investment. In the obliquelynbsp;cut vein reproduced in fig. 431, D, the transfusion-tracheids arenbsp;abundant: a few are enlarged in fig. 431, E. In the smaller veinsnbsp;(flg- 431, A, B) they are represented by the larger elements, t,nbsp;cu the sides of the conducting strands. The protoxylem liesnbsp;close to the upper edge in the middle line (px, figs. 431, A; 432, A);nbsp;'f IS difficult to determine its precise position, but it would seemnbsp;fc be shghtly internal, the bundle being not quite endarch. Nonbsp;phloem was recognised in the British Museum specimen, but itnbsp;presumably occurred, if present, where the black patch is shown

Renault (96) A. p. 265, fig. 43.

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in fig. 432, A. Renault describes some phloem in sections which he examined.

The mesophyll next the upper surface is in most cases represented by spaces between the veins which give a crenulated outline to the parenchyma (fig. 430, C, D); in some places thenbsp;spaces contain remains of very loose and crowded cells suggestingnbsp;the original presence of very lacunar tissue or possibly of thin-walled storage-cells. The confinement of stomata to what isnbsp;assumed to be the upper surface may, as Renault and othersnbsp;have suggested, indicate leaves which floated on water, annbsp;inference opposed to the view that the gaps in the mesophyllnbsp;mark the position of water-tissue.

No specimens have been described which enable us to correlate with certainty mature leaves or foliage-shoots with the petrifiednbsp;bud. It is, however, not improbable that the impression fromnbsp;Mount Pelé near Epinac named by Renault Dolerophyllumnbsp;Berthieri^ may be correctly referred to the same genus. Thenbsp;type-specimen consists of an axis, whether a rachis of a compoundnbsp;leaf or a shoot with simple leaves cannot be determined, bearingnbsp;partially overlapping more or less orbicular leaves 18—20 cm. innbsp;diameter, with a Cydopteris venation. Among other leaves ofnbsp;unknown affinity referred to the same genus attention is drawnnbsp;to Dolerophyllum pseudopeltatum (Grand’Eury)^ with an orbicularnbsp;lamina reaching in some specimens 22 x 19 cm. Specimensnbsp;of Dolerophyllum pseudopeltatum are figured by Renault from thenbsp;Commentry coal-field®, some of which reach a diameter of 12 cm.nbsp;The only British specimen of a leaflet of this type which I havenbsp;seen is one in Dr Kidston’s collection from the Stephanian series,nbsp;Glamorganshire. It is probable that some at least of thenbsp;impressions assigned to Dolerophyllum or Doleropteris would benbsp;more appropriately included in Cydopteris or Cardiopteris andnbsp;may have been borne on the axis of large Pteridosperm fronds.nbsp;Grand’Eury^ has also called attention to the difficulty of distinguishing the larger Cydopteris leaflets from Dolerophyllum. Some

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Renault (96) A. p. 262, PI. xxii. fig. 1.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Grand’Eury (77) A. p. 196, PI. xvi; (90) A. PI. viii. fig. 1; Zeiller (06) B. p. 192.nbsp;® Renault and Zeiller (90) A. p. 556, PI. LVii.

« Grand’Eury (04).

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of the Cyclopteroid leaflets figured by RoehP on Neuropteris fronds differ but slightly from those of D. pseudopeltatum. The shootnbsp;showing large leaf-scars figured by Saporta and Marion^ as proba-fgt;ly the axis of'a Dolerophyllum may well be a piece of Cordaites.

^licrosporophylls assigned to Dolerophyllum.

Certain problematical fossils found in association with the sterile leaves of Dolerophyllum Berthieri have been described by

quot;IG. 432



^ Saporta and Marion (85) fig. 29.

euault as the male organs of that species. These are elliptical os, 6x5 cm., with an excentrically placed stalk: embeddednbsp;^ carbonised lamina are numerous rows of elliptical bodies,nbsp;quot; Roehl (69) B. PI. XVII.

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410/x X 280/x, characterised by two curved longitudinal grooves on the surface and regarded by Eenault as pollen-grains. Thenbsp;chains of these microspores radiate outwards from the neighbourhood of the stalk and cover most of the surface of the disc (fig.nbsp;432, B). Some silicified pieces of similar spore-bearing discsnbsp;from Grand’ Croix named Dolerophyllum fertile'^- afford additionalnbsp;information as to these remarkable reproductive organs. Thenbsp;earlier account of this species by Renault is confirmed by Solms-Laubach^ who examined the original sections. The peltatenbsp;fleshy discs preserved as incomplete specimens consist of lacunarnbsp;parenchyma 15—18 mm. thick traversed at right angles to thenbsp;surface by numerous loculi (fig. 432, C), circular or oval in transverse section, containing large numbers of microspores, s, similarnbsp;in size and form to those on the carbonised discs of the Mt Pelénbsp;specimen. Vascular strands occur between and parallel to thenbsp;spore-chambers. The spores contain 8—10 cells (fig. 432, D)nbsp;and Renault believes that dehiscence of the exine occurred alongnbsp;the two deep grooves which mark the limits of an operculum.nbsp;He emphasises the peculiar structure of the microspores bynbsp;speaking of them as prepollinia: in size and in the presence ofnbsp;internal cells (? male prothallus) they resemble the spores foundnbsp;in the pollen-chamber of a seed described by Renault as Aetheo-testa elliptical which he thinks may belong to a member of thenbsp;Dolerophylleae. It has also been suggested that Codonospermumnbsp;may be a seed of Dolerophyllum*. An unconvincing specimennbsp;described by Saporta and Marion® as a seed-bearing bract isnbsp;regarded by them as referable to Dolerophyllum, but the evidencenbsp;for any connexion is far from satisfactory.

There is nothing definite to be said with regard to the affinity of Dolerophyllum Goepperti or the microsporophylls representednbsp;by D. fertile and the specimens associated with D. Berthieri.nbsp;Renault considers that both sterile and fertile specimens belongnbsp;to the same genus, which he assigns to a position between Pterido-phytes and Cycads. As Solms-Laubach says, the evidence supplied by the structure of the veins of D. Goepperti in favour of a

^ Solms-Laubach (91) A. p. 126. 1 Zeiller (06) B. p. 227.

1 Renault (96) A, p. 267, PI. lxxii.

^ See Chapter xxxv

^ Saporta and Marion (85) fig. 37, p. 76.

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cycadean alliance is not convincing. The type of vernation is unlike that of any known Cycad or indeed of any Gymnosperm;nbsp;the large size of the leaves is another though weaker objectionnbsp;to this comparison, as the pinnae of Bowenia (fig. 391) and especiallynbsp;those of some species of Zamia (fig. 388), are of equal or largernbsp;dimensions. If, as seems probable, the xylem-strands are mesarchnbsp;that is a point of contact with recent Cycads, but the bundle asnbsp;a whole bears but a remote resemblance to that of a cycadeannbsp;leaf and is much more like the veins of Ginkgo. The bud shownnbsp;iu fig. 430, A, is probably a young shoot and not merely a largenbsp;compound leaf. If it were an unexpanded frond of Neuropterisnbsp;bearing Cyclopteris pinnules we should expect to find indicationsnbsp;of scattered desmogen-strands such as would occur in the Myelo-^ylon type of rachis. The resemblance to most forms of Cordaitesnbsp;IS by no means close though a few leaves referred to that genusnbsp;(c-5'. C. circularis, fig. 468, B) are similar to those of Dolerophyllum^.

The male organs are unlike those of any other plant: they Olay be described as sporophylls with microsporangia or perhapsnbsp;®ynangia embedded in the mesophyll and containing microgporesnbsp;siuiilar to those of some Pteridosperms or true Gymnosperms.nbsp;Attention has been called to the close resemblance of the sporesnbsp;shown in fig. 432, C, D to those recently discovered by Kidstonnbsp;^ud referred to the genus Whittleseya (fig. 429), and it is very probable that the striking similarity is an index of affinity.

Ottokaria. Zeiller.

Ottokaria bengalensis Zeiller. A specimen of doubtful affinity from the Lower Gondwana (Karharbari beds) of Passerabhia,nbsp;fodia, was originally described b}^ Zeiller^ as Feistmantelianbsp;^^ngalensis, but in a postscript he substitnted the name Ottokarianbsp;cri the ground that Feistmantelia had previously been employednbsp;by Lester Ward. Fig. 433 is drawn from the original specimen:nbsp;A consists of a stalk attached in a slightly excentric position tonbsp;^11 almost orbicular lamina, 2-5 cm. in diameter, with subacutenbsp;’narginal teeth and traversed by numerous radially disposed

^ ^ Schmalhausen (87) PI. v. figs. 7—9: this specimen, figured as Dolerophyllum °^Pperti, is very similar to Cordaites circularis [Grand’Eury (90) A. PI. vi. fig. 15].

quot; Zeiller (02) B. p. 34, PI. iv. figs. 9, 10.

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striations. Zeiller compares the fossil with Whittleseya elegans and Rhipidopsis ginkgoides and assigns it with some hesitationnbsp;to the Salisburieae. An examination of the type-specimen lednbsp;me to form the opinion that it may be a cupular organ of a Pterido-sperm that enclosed a seed. The lamina is slightly concave andnbsp;has the form of a shallow cup; moreover the surface-featuresnbsp;resemble those of a bract rather than the regularly veined lamina

Fig. 433. Ottokaria bengalenais. (Nat. size; drawn from the type-specimen.) of a foliage-leaf. The specimen bears a very close resemblancenbsp;to one figured by Bertrand^ as the cupule of Hexapterospermumnbsp;modestae which he connects with fronds of Neuropteris gigantea.

Ottokaria occurs in association with fronds of Glossopteris indica and with the large seeds described by Zeiller^ as Cardio-carpus indicus. I have lately obtained some evidence in favour

^ Bertrand, P. (13) p. 131, PI. vii. fig. 6. ^ Zeiller, loc. cit. p. 37.

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of assigning Feistmantel’s seeds Carpolithes Milleri^ to the genus Glossopteris: among several specimens from the Lower Gondwananbsp;rocks of India I found an example showing a seed partially coverednbsp;hy a scale-leaf in its natural position which appears to be identicalnbsp;with scale-leaves of Glossopteris. It may be that the specimennbsp;represented in fig. 433 belongs to Cardiocarpus Jndicus, thoughnbsp;this is a mere guess: my belief is that Ottokaria is a cupularnbsp;organ that enclosed the base of a seed borne on a Pteridosperm.nbsp;There is little doubt that as additional data are obtained it willnbsp;be found that Pteridosperms played no inconsiderable part innbsp;the vegetation of Gondwana Land.

Strobilites. Schimper and Mougeot.

Strobilites Milleryensis (Renault).

This species, from the Permian of France, was placed by Itenault in Cycadospadix^, but having regard to the fact that it

Fig. 434. Strobilites Milleryensis. (Natural size; after Renault.)

'differs essentially in habit from Mesozoic examples of that genus tbe provisional name Strobilites^ is suggested. The type-specimensnbsp;^re long and narrow spikes or loose strobili, 8—16 cm. long andnbsp;^^2-6 cm. broad; a stout axis bears spirally disposed bractsnbsp;mm. long attached by a slender decurrent pedicel expandednbsp;•iistally into a fan-shaped laciniate lamina with a convex upper

^ Feistmantel (79) B. p. 30; (81) A. p. 59, PI. xxx. fig. 14; (82) B. p. 43, thnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;°Arber [(05) B. p. 205] has substituted for Carpolithes

Wore appropriate designation Cardiocarpus.

^ Renault (96) A. p. 329; (93) A. PI . Lxxm.

Schimper and Mougeot (44) A. p. 31. Seward (08) B. p. 101.

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face, and there are said to be two seeds attached to the sides of each pedicel (fig. 434). The oval seeds appear to be platy-spermic and resemble Samaropsis fluitans Daws. Two of thenbsp;strobili figured by Eenault are attached at right angles to anbsp;second axis, a habit suggesting comparison with that of a largenbsp;compound frond. Renault is inclined to regard these fertilenbsp;shoots as cycadean and suggests a possible connexion with thenbsp;Permian stems Ptychoxylon or Poroxylon, both of which are knownnbsp;to have produced fairly numerous branches. In habit the spikesnbsp;are similar to some of the longer examples of Cordaianthus, butnbsp;their preservation is not sufficiently good to afford accuratenbsp;information as to the relation of seed to sporophyll. Strohilitesnbsp;Milleryensis is, perhaps, more likely to be the fertile branch of anbsp;compound frond of a Pteridosperm, and it is significant that thenbsp;seeds have been found in association with Callipteris leaves.

COLPOXYLON. Brongniart.

Colpoxylon aeduense Brongniart. The genus was founded by

Brongniart^ on a piece of stem 15 cm. in diameter from the Permian of the Autun district and regarded by him as a distinctnbsp;type, with certain resemblances to recent Cycads. A thick sectionnbsp;in the British Museum, 13 cm. in diameter (fig. 435, A), illustratesnbsp;the main anatomical features described by Renault^, to whomnbsp;our knowledge of the genus is chiefly due. There are two largenbsp;steles of irregular outline closely resembling those of Medullosanbsp;Leuckarti {cf. fig. 416, H); each consists of a band of secondarynbsp;xylem with broad medullary rays and a narrow zone of phloemnbsp;enclosing a central region composed of parenchyma, in w'hichnbsp;strands of primary tracheids, both reticulate and spiral, pursuenbsp;a more or less horizontal course, associated with a few small groupsnbsp;of vertical xylem-strands at the inner edge of the secondarynbsp;wood. The manoxylic nature of the wood is clearly shown innbsp;fig. 436; the continuous ink-line marks the position of the cambiumnbsp;and the dots show the internal protoxylem. Homogeneousnbsp;parenchyma surrounds the steles and beyond this is crushednbsp;tissue containing large secretory canals and nests of stereome

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Brongniart (49) A. p. 60.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Renault (96) A. p. 299; (93) A. Pis. 66, 67.

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I'm. 435. Colpoxylon aeduense. A. Diagram of a transverse section of a specimen in the British Museum. (V. 9393. | nat. size.) B. Stele; much reducednbsp;from Renault’s figure. C, D. Secretory canal with fibres and collateralnbsp;vascular bundle (Kidston CoU., 1946).

436. Colpoxylon aeduense. Transverse section of half of the stem; a, stele of branch. Slightly enlarged. (Kidston Coll., 1946.)

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fibres either as separate groups or in contact with the canals (fig. 435, C). In the same peripheral tissue occur scatterednbsp;collateral vascular bundles (fig. 435, D) identical with those ofnbsp;Myeloxylon. The outer cortex of the stem is marked off fromnbsp;the more homogeneous inner region by a fairly distinct linenbsp;where there is some indication of periderm. The anatomicalnbsp;features are clearly shown in fig. 436, a photograph from a sectionnbsp;in Dr Kidston’s collection. At a is an imperfectly preservednbsp;vascular bundle with a crescentic group of secondary xylemnbsp;which is probably a leaf-trace that has just emerged from thenbsp;secondary cylinder. Renault speaks of these more or less circularnbsp;strands as possibly connected with reproductive shoots, but itnbsp;is more probable that they are homologous with the strands innbsp;the pericycle and inner cortex of Medullosa and represent leaf-traces before division into smaller collateral strands. Renaultnbsp;describes the stem as possessing seven vascular cylinders in thenbsp;apical region and suggests branching of the main axis as the causenbsp;of the increase in number: there is, however, no evidence tonbsp;support such correlation. The two steles seen in fig. 435, A,nbsp;become merged at a lower level into a single stele of sinuous formnbsp;(fig. 435, B).

Beyond the facts furnished by the leaf-trace bundles in the outer cortex and the occurrence of two large scars about 5 cm.nbsp;in breadth on a stem figured by Renault, we have no positivenbsp;information as to the form of the leaves or the structure of thenbsp;reproductive organs. There is little doubt that the fronds werenbsp;large and compound like those of most species of Medullosa.nbsp;There is, however, some slight evidence that Alethopteris Grandininbsp;Brongn. and seeds of the Pachytesta type (fig. 497) were bornenbsp;on Colpoxylon stems; this rests solely on the association in thenbsp;Loire coal-basin^ of Alethopteris fronds with stems presentingnbsp;structural resemblances to Colpoxylon aeduense.

The striking resemblance between Colpoxylon and Medullosa Leuckarti has led certain authors^ to propose the substitution of

1 Grand’Eury (08) B. p. 1242.

^ Goeppert and Stenzel (81) p. 125; Weber and Sterzel (96) B. p. 79. Solms-Laubach [(97) p. 196] draws attention to the resemblances between the leaf-scars of Colpoxylon and Medullosa.

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Medullosa for Colpoxylon. The resemblances though close are hardly sufficient to warrant this course. In Colpoxylon the stelarnbsp;system is simpler; there is no central region with star- or plate-ringsnbsp;in Medullosa Leuckarti but, as in Medullosa anglica, the vascularnbsp;tissue consists only of large steles without a medullary system.nbsp;Colpoxylon difiers from M. anglica in the reduction in some partsnbsp;of the stem of the vascular system to a single stele and, moreover,nbsp;the primary portion of the steles is much more parenchymatousnbsp;in structure and contains more irregularly anastomosing trachealnbsp;strands than is the case in M. anglica.

The alteration in the pattern formed by the vascular system ^t different levels in some Medullosan stems, especially in Golpo-^ylon, may be compared with the varying disposition of thenbsp;xascular strands in the thick dorsiventral rhizomes of Polypodiumnbsp;^^^acleum Kunz. and P. quercifolium L. In the rhizome ofnbsp;¦P- heracleum there are two vascular systems, an outer, cortical,nbsp;system in the form of a hollow cylinder composed of a lattice-worknbsp;^ith polygonal meshes from which branches are given off to thenbsp;roots, and a more complex medullary system that is concernednbsp;^ith the emission of leaf-traces. As shown by a series of drawingsnbsp;reproduced in an account by Kleffir of the anatomy of thesenbsp;®pecies of Poly podium, the inner system of steles consists of twonbsp;cylinders connected towards the upper surface of the stem by anbsp;rounded arch of vascular strands; nearer the leaf-base the twonbsp;cylinders meet and eventually a larger cylinder is produced partlynbsp;^rorn the upper halves of the two cylinders of the previous sectionnbsp;in part from the connecting arch: the remains of the twonbsp;smaller cylinders become connected with the outer vascular system,nbsp;quot;^hese and other changes suggest comparison with Colpoxylon asnbsp;^^so with the stelar changes in the stem of Ptychoxylon. Thenbsp;comparison cannot be carried beyond the grosser features and isnbsp;chiefly interesting as affording a further illustration of a similaritynbsp;plan between some recent Ferns and extinct Pteridospermsnbsp;other Palaeozoic genera.

1 Klein (81) Hs. xxii.—xxiv.



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Rhexoxylon africanum Bancroft. The genus Rhexoxylon was instituted for a new type of stem represented by a single incompletenbsp;specimen from the Karroo series of South Africa: its precisenbsp;geological horizon is not known but it may be referred provisionally

to the lower or Palaeozoic portion of the series. Though our knowledge of the morphological features of the type-species isnbsp;far from complete owing in part to the method of preservationnbsp;of the specimen and in part to the destruction of the outer portion

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of the vascular tissue and the whole of the cortex. Miss Bancroft’s careful description^ demonstrates the existence of charactersnbsp;which justify the employment of a new generic name. Bhexoxylonnbsp;is more nearly related to the Medulloseae than to any other groupnbsp;^nd is particularly interesting as the first recorded example ofnbsp;this group from the Southern Hemisphere.

Fig. 437 shows a transverse section (7x5 cm.) of the stem. The ground-tissue consists of fairly large-celled parenchyma withnbsp;sclerous nests and a few bands of periderm. At the peripherynbsp;cf the stem are radially disposed groups of vascular tissue varyingnbsp;in size and to some extent in shape. Unfortunately the stem isnbsp;incomplete and it is impossible to say how much vascular or othernbsp;tissue originally existed beyond the present corroded edge. Thenbsp;Vascular groups, or steles as they may legitimately be called,nbsp;follow a vertical course through the length of the block (6-5 cm.)nbsp;nnd afford only slight evidence of branching or anastomosing.nbsp;A close examination of the steles shows that they consist of portionsnbsp;of two series, an inner and outer set; there is also a curved va^ularnbsp;band in the central ground-tissue (fig. 437, c) and some isolatednbsp;nnd scattered patches of vascular elements. Each stele of thenbsp;inner series is made up of two parts, an outer smaller and normallynbsp;orientated group of secondary xylem and a larger inverselynbsp;orientated inner group of identical structure. A single stele ofnbsp;the inner series is shown in fig. 438, B, C; the larger inner portionnbsp;Consists of slightly divergent rows of tracheids and uniseriatenbsp;oiedullary rays and is separated from the smaller portion by anbsp;narrow space, a, occupied by crushed tissue which may correspondnbsp;to the ‘partial pith’ or primary xylem of a Medullosan stele.nbsp;The two groups of xylem are no doubt the products of two cambiumnbsp;^I’cs, the protoxylem of each group being situated on the flatnbsp;inner face. The cambium and phloem are represented only bynbsp;crushed brown cells on the curved outer edge of the xylem. Thenbsp;separate individuality of the two portions of each stele is indicatednbsp;O-ot only by the presence of the ‘partial pith’ but by the discontinuity of the tissue at the ends of the narrow space. The tracheidsnbsp;®cen at 6, fig. C, are in oblique longitudinal section and are probablynbsp;cing detached to form a leaf-trace. This type of stele may be

^ Bancroft (13).


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compared with the steles of Medullosa Solmsi (fig. 416, L) but those of Rhexoxylon differ in the lack of continuity of the secondarynbsp;xylem round the narrow band of crushed primary xylem. Thenbsp;other steles of the inner ring exhibit the same dual nature thoughnbsp;with local modifications. In the stele seen in fig. 438, B, therenbsp;is a close approach to a continuous cylinder of secondary xylemnbsp;especially on the right-hand side. External to the inner series arenbsp;several portions of normally orientated secondary xylem-groupsnbsp;(fig. 437): these probably represent a second series of stelesnbsp;separated from the inner series by a narrow crushed arc of tissuenbsp;on which the protoxylem strands of the outer groups abut. Thenbsp;xylem of the outer steles agrees in its normal orientation with

A nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Bnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;c

Fig. 438. Rhexoxylon africanum. A, radial wall of tracheid; B, C, peripheral steles; a, primary portion of stele; b, lateral strand. (After Bancroft.)

the outer and smaller part of the inner steles and, as there is no accompanying group of inversely orientated xylem correspondingnbsp;to the larger mass of secondary xylem of the inner series, thenbsp;outer strands are designated partial steles. The central stelenbsp;consists of two curved irregular bands composed of verticallynbsp;and obliquely running tracheids; the central part of this stelenbsp;consists of crushed tissue that probably represents primary xylemnbsp;like that between the two parts of each of the peripheral steles.

Rhexoxylon differs from the usual Medullosan type in the structure of the secondary xylem which is composed of tracheidsnbsp;with an Araucarian form of pitting: there are usually two alternatenbsp;rows of contiguous pits (fig. 438, A) and occasionally one or threenbsp;rows. The medullary rays are uniseriate and 3 to 15 cells in depth,nbsp;a feature characteristic of coniferous wood and not of the woodnbsp;of the Medulloseae.

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In the absence of more complete information as to the anatomical structure of this stem and of all information as to thenbsp;leaves or reproductive organs it is impossible to fix with precisionnbsp;the systematic position of the genus. It is, however, clear thatnbsp;Rhexoxylon is closely connected with MeduUosa in certain featuresnbsp;though in the structure of the wood it exhibits important peculiarities. The imperfectly known stem Cladoxylon Kidstoni^ showsnbsp;a fairly close agreement with the African plant in the form ofnbsp;the steles (fig. 460) but the pitting is scalariform.


Rutcliffia insignis Scott.

The generic name Sutcliffia was given by Dr Scott^ to a peculiar type of stem from the Lower Coal Measures of Shore, Lancashire,nbsp;m recognition of the valuable services rendered to Palaeobotanynbsp;by the late Mr W. H. Sutcliffe, the owner of the colliery fromnbsp;'Which several new types of plants have been obtained. Twonbsp;stems are recorded, the type-specimen and a more recentlynbsp;discovered stem, also from Shore, described by Miss de Fraine®,nbsp;which differs in several particulars from Dr Scott’s species. Innbsp;wiew of the well-marked peculiarities of the second stem it isnbsp;lt;^onveuient to speak of it as forma )3 instead of including it withoutnbsp;S' distinctive epithet in Sutcliffia insignis. We know nothing ofnbsp;the reproductive organs of the genus.

T Sutcliffia insignis, forma a.

This consists of a piece of stem approximately 12 x 7 cm.

diameter characterised by a broad cortex of parenchyma with secretory sacs and ducts and strands of mechanical tissue (fig.nbsp;^39, A). Decurrent and massive leaf-bases form a prominentnbsp;feature as in the stem of MeduUosa anglica. The stele, thoughnbsp;compressed before petrifaction, was probably not quite cylindricalnbsp;but more or less polygonal or broadly triangular in section; it consists of groups of large primary tracheids {350g in diameter) withnbsp;Numerous bordered pits (fig. 439, B, and fig. 440) embedded in annbsp;O'Oastomosing system of parenchyma containing scattered secretorynbsp;Sacs, a type of protostele like that of Heterangium. and MeduUosa

^ I’age 205. ^ Scott (06).nbsp;® de Frame (12).

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Fiq. 439. Sutclijfia insignis Scott. A, B, E, forma a. (After Scott.) C, D, forma /3. (After de Fraine.)

A. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Transverse section of stem; a, 6, double rows of leaf-trace bundles.

The larger black masses are the meristeles; the smaller patches represent bundles derived from the meristeles.

B. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Longitudinal section of a radially symmetrical bundle from a


C. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The junction between the primary and secondary xylem.nbsp;Vascular system in transverse section: m, m', meristeles; s, main

stele; e, extra-fascicular strands; It, leaf-traces; c, secondary cortex.

E. Vascular bundle from petiole showing a ring of large sieve-tubes surrounding the xylem, and portions of stereome strands.

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anglica except in tlie possession of exarch protoxylem strands. The metaxylem tracheids contiguous to the external protoxylemnbsp;elements have a dense spiral or scalariform type of pitting. Innbsp;the lower part of the stem the primary xylem is enclosed by anbsp;cambium which has added a few secondary tracheids (120/t innbsp;diameter), but in the upper part of the specimen the cambium isnbsp;only partially developed and the addition of secondary xylem hasnbsp;hardly begun (fig. 440). A narrow band of secondary phloemnbsp;¦quot;^as recognised in places- consisting of small-celled parenchymanbsp;''^ith some sieve-tubes and medullary rays continuous internally

quot;'ith the parenchyma of the primary stele. In close association ^'^d occasionally in organic connexion with the surface of thenbsp;®tele are several tangentially elongated and large groups of vascularnbsp;tissue associated with smaller oval strands varying considerablynbsp;size. These groups, designated meristeles (Fig. 439, A), arenbsp;identical in structure with the main stele and are occasionallynbsp;invested by a feebly developed zone of secondary xylem andnbsp;phloem. The meristeles are detached at intervals from the parentnbsp;®tele around which they form by anastomoses an irregular network:nbsp;the larger meristeles give off smaller strands and from these the

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actual leaf-traces are produced bv subdivision. It appears, however, that in this type the meristeles are not completely usednbsp;up in the production of the leaf-traces, portions of them behavingnbsp;as cauline vascular strands. A protoxylem of a meristele stillnbsp;attached to the central protostele occupies an internal position,nbsp;and at a higher level, as separation of the meristele is effected,nbsp;the spiral tracheids occur on the inner face. New meristeles arenbsp;given off at intervals from the main stele to compensate for thosenbsp;parts of the reticulum which were used up in the formation ofnbsp;leaf-trace strands^.’ The meristeles form the starting-point fornbsp;the leaf-traces, an intermediate system between the main stelenbsp;and the actual leaf-traces; they differ, therefore, from the parentnbsp;leaf-traces of Medullosa anglica, which are completely used up bynbsp;repeated subdivision. Moreover in Sutcliffia the leaf-bundles arenbsp;concentric and not collateral.

A conspicuous feature of the stem of forma a is the occurrence of two double rows of vascular strands stretching across the cortexnbsp;(fig. 439, A, a, b). These are interpreted by Scott as downwardnbsp;continuations in the stem of the inner surface of leaf-bases. Thenbsp;outer cortex of the stem and leaf-bases has hypodermal strandsnbsp;of stereome which remain separate or rarely anastomose, and formnbsp;a superficial zone exactly like that of some species of Medullosa.

The leaf-trace bundles may be radially symmetrical or unilateral in the arrangement of the xylem which is in all cases completely surrounded by phloem. Fig. 439, B, shows part ofnbsp;a longitudinal section of a large leaf-trace bundle: spiral protoxylem elements {fx) abut on the phloem (pA) and are succeedednbsp;to the left by narrow scalariform and large reticulately pittednbsp;tracheids. In the larger and radially constructed traces therenbsp;are several protoxylem-strands distributed over the surface ofnbsp;the xylem, while in the smaller unilateral traces there may benbsp;one or two protoxylem strands. A characteristic feature ofnbsp;the xylem of the leaf-traces is the admixture of parenchymanbsp;with the tracheids (fig. 439, B, E) and another noteworthynbsp;character is the occurrence of large thin-walled tubes in thenbsp;phloem described by Scott as sieve-tubes and compared with thenbsp;large sieve-tubes in Marattiaceous leaf-bundles. Immediately

1 Scott (06) p. 53.

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internal to the hypoderm is a row of leaf-bundles (fig. 439, A) «ach of which is accompanied by stereome strands.

The petioles, which reach a diameter of 12 cm., contain numerous, occasionally anastomosing, concentric bundles. Nothingnbsp;is known of the fronds as a whole beyond the fact that they arenbsp;spirally disposed and had decurrent bases of large dimensions innbsp;proportion to the stem.

Sutcliffia insignis, forma jS.

This form, described by Miss de Fraine as SutcUffia insignis^, is represented by a stem rather smaller than the type-specimennbsp;described by Scott, though it is probably an older example of thenbsp;®ame species. It is distinguished by a greater development ofnbsp;Secondary xylem and phloem both on the main stele and thenbsp;öieristeles; it differs also in the absence of the greater part ofnbsp;the cortex and leaf-bases which have been cut off as the resultnbsp;of the formation of a deep-seated periderm (fig. 439, D, C). Thenbsp;Kieristeles are smaller and fewer than in the larger form and arenbsp;distinguished by some other peculiarities. At m' in fig. 439, D,nbsp;meristele is seen attached to the main stele. In SutcUffianbsp;^'^signis forma a the main stele is enclosed by an irregular networknbsp;of subsidiary steles or meristeles and these form the points ofnbsp;lt;feparture of the leaf-traces, but the meristeles are not completelynbsp;^sed up in the process of conversion into leaf-traces. In SutcUffianbsp;'^''nsignis forma ^ the meristeles agree in structure with the mainnbsp;stele except in the smaller amount of secondary tissue: theynbsp;'io not, however, form a network as m forma a but occur as strandsnbsp;parallel to the central stele, ‘ giving off leaf-traces and ultimatelynbsp;dividing up into smaller strands, often unequal in size, the primarynbsp;''Vood of the meristeles being entirely used up in the productionnbsp;of radially symmetrical or unilateral bundles.’ In this respect.

Miss de Fraine points out, forma ^ agrees more closely than forma a with Medullosa anglica and supports Scott’s view thatnbsp;^'^^cliffia is a primitive type of Medullosan stem. The leaves werenbsp;§i’'^en ofi at fairly long intervals as in some species of Medullosa;nbsp;ffie leaf-traces are exarch and similar to those of the type-species.nbsp;The most striking feature of the new stem is the presence of a

1 de Fraine (12).

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vascular network (fig. 439, D, e) which encloses both the main steles and the meristeles; it consists of extrafascicular strandsnbsp;composed of normally orientated bands of secondary xylem andnbsp;phloem often assuming a fan-like arrangement and occasionallynbsp;almost concentric or inversely orientated. These strands arenbsp;always accompanied by short, usually reticulate, tracheids on thenbsp;inner margin of the xylem: similar isodiametric tracheids alsonbsp;occur in the pericyclic region. The extrafascicular strands arenbsp;believed to be secondary structures phylogenetically independentnbsp;of the meristeles and main stele, comparable with the successivenbsp;cylinders or arcs of secondary xylem and phloem in some recentnbsp;Cycads and in some species of Medullosa^.

The stele is exarch and roughly triangular; except in the broader zone of secondary tissue it agrees with the protostelenbsp;oi forma a. The secondary xylem (fig. 439, C) possesses numerousnbsp;medullary rays 3—4 cells broad and of considerable depth: thenbsp;secondary phloem is characterised by the presence of thick-wallednbsp;elements, presumably sieve-tubes, like those of Medullosa Leuchartinbsp;and M. anglica.

The ground-tissue is rich in secretory tissue and the stem-surface, from which the leaf-bases have been detached, is limited by a wide zone of secondary tissue produced by a phellogen.

Sutcliffia Williamsoni (Seward).

1876. Myelopteris (pars) Williamson, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Vol. 166, PI. II. figs. 7, 8; PI. IV. fig. 17.

1893. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Eachiopteris Williamsoni Seward, Ann. Bot. Vol. vii. p. I.

1894. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Eachiopteris Williamsoni Seward, ibid. Vol. viii. p. 207, PI. xiii.

1906. SutcUffia Williamsoni Scott, Trans. Linn. Soc. Vol. vii. pt iv.

p. 62.

In an account of Myelopteris {= Myeloxylon) published in 1876 Williamson included some sections of petioles from thenbsp;Lower Coal Measures which I afterwards with his concurrencenbsp;transferred to the genus Rachiopteris as R. Williamsoni. Innbsp;RacJiiopteris Williamsoni the vascular bundles are concentricnbsp;and not collateral, and are further distinguished from those ofnbsp;Myeloxylon by the association of parenchyma with the tracheids.

^ Reference should be made to the helpful drawings of models of the vascular system in Miss de Frame’s paper.

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In the arrangement of the bundles and in the structure of the ground-tissue the petioles of Rachiopteris Williamsoninbsp;agree with those of Myeloxylon. An outstanding feature ofnbsp;tbe vascular strands of the former is the occurrence at fairlynbsp;regular intervals in the peripheral part of the phloem of comparatively large tubes described by me as secretory canals on thenbsp;ground that evidence was furnished of their development by thenbsp;schizogenous separation of cells to form a central canal. Thenbsp;canals were compared with the large sieve-tubes of the Marattia-ceae, but with the quahfication that ‘ their mature form and theirnbsp;manner of development are strongly suggestive of small secretorynbsp;canals.’ Nothing was known as to the stem which bore thesenbsp;petioles until Scott’s discovery of SutcUjfia with vascular bundlesnbsp;m the, cortex and leaf-bases of the same type as those of Rachio-pferis Williamsoni. As Scott says, there are a few distinguishingnbsp;features which suggest that R. Williamsoni is not specificallynbsp;identical with the petioles of Sutcliffia insignis, though the agreement is such as to justify the substitution of Sutcliffia for Rachio-pf-cris. The tubular elements in the phloem which I considferednbsp;fo be secretory canals are regarded by Scott and Miss de Fraine


Miss de Fraine gives an excellent summary of our knowledge cf the genus and discusses, in the light of the additional factsnbsp;furnished by the second stem, the position of Sutcliffia in a phylogenetic series. The new form strengthens the comparison insti-futed by Scott between Sutcliffia and Medullosa and gives supportnbsp;fc a close connexion between the Medulloseae and the Cycadaceae.nbsp;^cott lays stress on the fact that the Medulloseae, except Sutcliffia,nbsp;^re polystelic, while the Cycads, at least the adult stems, arenbsp;®mnostelic. The views of Worsdell and other botanists whonbsp;Iielieve that the Medulloseae and the Cycads are intimately relatednbsp;discussed on another page: in reference to these views Missnbsp;jl® Fraine adds a caveat as to the danger of attaching excessivenbsp;importance to evidence based on seedling anatomy when we arenbsp;i^oncerned with broad phylogenetic questions. The stele of anbsp;iiycadean stem may be derived from a protostelic type such asnbsp;ffiat of SutcUjfia by the gradual disappearance of the internalnbsp;fmcheids: in Sutcliffia, as in some Cycads and species of Medullosa,

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extrafascicular strands and cylinders are a characteristic feature and these may well have arisen independently of the central stelenbsp;in response to physiological requirements. From such a typenbsp;as Sutcliffia evolution may have proceeded along two lines; innbsp;one direction new types were produced in which increasing complexity, as represented by a multiplication of steles, was annbsp;outstanding feature. These forms, illustrated by MeduIIosanbsp;anglica and other more elaborate species, proved inefficient andnbsp;were unproductive. Along another line the protostelic conditionnbsp;was maintained, though in some cases extrafascicular strands ornbsp;cylinders and cortical steles were superadded: it was this linenbsp;that led to the recent Cycads.

General considerations suggested by the anatomical features of MeduIIosa.

A comparison of the stems described under the generic name MeduIIosa reveals a considerable range in the grosser anatomicalnbsp;features superadded to certain fundamental characters denoting

a common origin^

If additional data were available giving us

a fuller knowledge of individual plants differences between species would be more clearly defined and would provide adequate groundsnbsp;for the institution of new genera for some of the types now includednbsp;in the comprehensive genus MeduIIosa. A proposal by Dr Lotsy^nbsp;to adopt the names Pecofteromedullosa and Neuropteromedullosanbsp;rests primarily on the relatively unimportant difference betweennbsp;the fronds associated with certain Medullosan stems and, as Scott®nbsp;points out, this two-fold division if applied to such a species asnbsp;MeduIIosa LeucJcarti would result in its separation from speciesnbsp;which anatomically are clearly of the same generic type. Innbsp;Medidlosa anglica, one of the oldest and simplest types, therenbsp;are three steles of equal importance, and each of them is practically identical with the single stele of Heterangium. Each stele—nbsp;as indeed all Medullosan steles—consists of a strand of primarynbsp;xylem enclosed by secondary xylem and phloem, and it is obviousnbsp;that the development of a constantly increasing cylinder of

^ For additional figures of the principal types of MeduIIosa, see Miss Bancroft’s paper (14).

2 Lotsy (09) p. 719.

Scott (14) p. 998.

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secondary conducting tissue about three centres would lead to serious mechanical difficulty: a stem constructed on the plan ofnbsp;Medullosa anglica or the smaller M. fusilla could not increase thenbsp;thickness of its secondary vascular tissue beyond a certain pointnbsp;¦without detriment to its efficiency. In some types this difficultynbsp;IS partially overcome by the production of complete concentricnbsp;cylinders of centrifugally developed conducting tissue externalnbsp;tc an inner system of concentric steles agreeing individually withnbsp;those of Heterangium (fig. 415, B). Medullosa anglica, regardednbsp;from the point of view of the architectural efficiency of its vascularnbsp;system, affords a much less promising point d’appui for furthernbsp;C’^^olution than some of the forms described under Medullosanbsp;stellata in which the mechanical impasse is avoided by the adoptionnbsp;of the cycadean plan as represented by such genera as Cycasnbsp;and Macrozamia. The English species Medullosa centrofilisnbsp;(fig. 417) affords the first example of a characteristic Medullosannbsp;feature, namely the presence of a small concentric stele in thenbsp;Central region of the stem: this so-called star-ring differs not onlynbsp;m its smaller dimensions but in its more cylindrical form Tromnbsp;file larger peripheral steles. In the later Permian species, e.g.nbsp;Medullosa porosa and M. Solmsi, the single star-ring of the oldernbsp;M. centrofilis is replaced by a large number of precisely similarnbsp;Conducting strands. These star-rings are structurally comparablenbsp;''^ith the cortical steles of Cycas and, in position, with the medullarynbsp;system of bundles in a Macrozamia \ they are essentially caulinenbsp;^nd take no part in the emission of leaf-traces. Medullosanbsp;Leuckarti (fig. 416, H) resembles in its vascular plan M. centrofilis,nbsp;fiut in this larger stem there are several star-rings and the en-larged peripheral steles are more or less sinuous. In Medullosanbsp;Solmsi (fig. 416, E) the star-rings are still more numerous andnbsp;ffie main vascular system consists of a double series of concentric steles, each agreeing with the larger peripheral stelesnbsp;’^f M. Leuckarti.

Some of the forms included in Medullosa stellata appear to fie very different from M. anglica and M. Leuckarti {cf. fig. 416,

A, H), but their similarity is apparent if we imagine Medul-^osa anglica with only one main stele (with the addition of ®tar-rings) which is stretched tangentially until it becomes a

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long and narrow plate-ring and is then rolled into a hollow cylinder like that in fig. 416, D. A modification of the tubularnbsp;type of stele is seen in Medullosa stellata var. corticata (fig. 416, G-)nbsp;in which the vascular cylinder is broken up into two or more curvednbsp;plate-rings, a change superficially similar to that by which anbsp;dictyostele is produced from a solenostele, but in Medullosa itnbsp;is not the overlapping of leaf-gaps that is the cause of the change.nbsp;A striking feature in the stem of Medullosa stellata representednbsp;in fig. 416, D and F (especially F), is the inequality in breadthnbsp;of the centrifugal and centripetal xylem: this inequality is annbsp;expression of the difficulty caused by the presence of an internalnbsp;as well as an external addition of secondary conducting tissue.nbsp;A limit is set to the production of secondary centripetal xylem bynbsp;the space available for extension, whereas there is unlimited roomnbsp;for increase in the case of the centrifugal tissue. This tendencynbsp;to a greater development of xylem and phloem on the outer sidenbsp;of the primary portion of the steles is illustrated also in M. Solmsinbsp;var. lignosa (fig. 416, L) where the outer of the two series ofnbsp;peripheral steles has a much larger proportion of centrifugalnbsp;xylem. In M. anglica the secondary xylem on the inner side ofnbsp;the steles is not infrequently broader than the correspondingnbsp;tissue on the abaxial side^; but this is exceptional in the genus.nbsp;A further development of centrifugal conducting tissue withoutnbsp;any corresponding development of centripetal tissue is effectednbsp;in certain cases (fig. 416, K, L) by the addition of concentricnbsp;cylinders of centrifugal xylem and phloem beyond the originalnbsp;concentric steles. The type illustrated by Medullosa Solmsi var.nbsp;lignosa and M. stellata var. gigantea (fig. 416, L, K) at once suggestsnbsp;comparison with stems of Cycas, Macrozamia, and Encephalartos,nbsp;the chief difference being the presence in Medullosa of an innernbsp;series of concentric steles and a central ground-tissue containingnbsp;star-rings, though the latter may be regarded as correspondingnbsp;to the medullary system of bundles in Macrozamia. In Macrozamia the central region of the stem is considered to be the pithnbsp;of a monostelic stem, whereas in Medullosa the stem is polystelic.nbsp;In recent cycadean stems it is not uncommon to find patches ofnbsp;inversely orientated xylem and phloem internal to one or more

^ Scott (99) p. 89.

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of tl^e cylinders of centrifugal vascular tissue. These abnormal developments are considered by WorsdelP to be relics of the innernbsp;portions of concentric steles possessed by the Medullosan ancestorsnbsp;of recent Cycads. This interpretation affords a means of bringingnbsp;into closer relationship the polystelic Medulloseae and the mono-stelic Cycadaceae, the apparent simplicity of the latter being thenbsp;result of the progressive loss of centripetal xylem and phloem,nbsp;the normal cycadean cylinder being therefore regarded as a onesided remnant of a concentric Medullosan stele. In other words,nbsp;the Cycads are descended from polystelic ancestors. As furthernbsp;evidence in support of this view Worsdell points to the occurrencenbsp;of concentric steles in the cortex of Cycas and their occasionalnbsp;presence in the pith of other genera. Matte^ has shown that innbsp;the seedling stem of Encephalartos Barteri (fig. 396, K) there arenbsp;three concentric steles each similar to a normal Medullosan stele:nbsp;at a higher level in the axis the steles become ‘unrolled’ andnbsp;assume the form of one-sided cylinders of centrifugal xylemnbsp;and phloem.

In the peduncles of some recent Cycads, e.g. Stangeria, there 1® a tendency towards a somewhat irregular orientation of thenbsp;Collateral bundles that constitute the vascular cylinder, andnbsp;fracheids occasionally occur internal to the protoxylem of thenbsp;individual bundles^. Worsdell regards these features as evidencenbsp;cf a Medullosan ancestry. If the sinuous plate-rings of a stemnbsp;cf Medullosa Leuckarti (fig. 416, H) were broken up into separatenbsp;portions and wholly or in part deprived of the centripetal xylem,nbsp;the result would be an arrangement of bundles comparable withnbsp;that in a Stangeria peduncle^. The scattered centripetal tracheidsnbsp;itiscovered by Scott in Stangeria and other cycadean pedunclesnbsp;®'re interpreted by Scott and by Worsdell as rehcs of somenbsp;ancestral centripetal xylem, but with this important difference innbsp;the point of view; Scott believes that they represent the almostnbsp;i^OQipletely aborted centripetal xylem of a single stele like that ofnbsp;^yginopteris, while Worsdell sees in them fragmentary vestiges ofnbsp;the central primary xylem of two or more Medullosan steles.

1 Worsdell (96); (98); (00); (06) etc.

^ Matte (04); (08). See also Bancroft (14); Dorety (09).

^ Scott (97). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* Worsdell (06).

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An abnormal seedling of Araucaria Bidwillii described by ^haw^ exhibits features analogous to those in some cycadean seedlings:nbsp;within the normal stele a cambium forms an inversely orientatednbsp;vascular cylinder which at a lower level becomes continuous withnbsp;the outer centrifugal tissue, the whole vascular system beingnbsp;eventually represented by two concentric steles. The polystelicnbsp;stage is a development of a monostelic condition, and the innernbsp;or inverted portion of each of the two concentric steles is derivednbsp;from an inversely orientated cylinder in the central region of thenbsp;root. This abnormal root does not, however, supply an argumentnbsp;in favour of the derivation of a monostelic type of stem from onenbsp;that was polystelic, but it shows a close relation between the twonbsp;plans in one organ. The seedling is not altogether normal innbsp;form apart from structure and it is not improbable that the anatomical abnormality is connected with some pathological cause.

It has been suggested^ that Worsdell attaches too much phylogenetic significance to the irregularities in the dispositionnbsp;and form of the vascular bundles in the peduncle of Stangeria,nbsp;and the criticism that insufficient allowance is made for thenbsp;possible reaction on structure of the special physiological requirements of reproductive shoots is well founded. Granting annbsp;overestimate of the arguments drawn from the occasional occurrence of concentric vascular strands, a considerable body ofnbsp;evidence remains in favour of Worsdell’s main contention.

Mrs Thoday® has drawn attention to certain features exhibited by the inflorescence-axes of Welwitschia, particularly the occurrence of concentric and inversely orientated bundles, similar tonbsp;those characteristic of the seedling of Cycas siamensis^ describednbsp;by Matte, and to anatomical characters occasionally present innbsp;adult cycadean stems and normally represented in Medullosa.nbsp;She is of opinion that the occurrence in Welwitschia of certainnbsp;Medullosan features has a phylogenetic significance. The differences between the Gnetales, Medulloseae, and Cycadales arenbsp;considerable, and it would seem unlikely that the anatomicalnbsp;resemblances described by Mrs Thoday are of great value as criterianbsp;of close relationship. The comparison of Lagenostoma with

Shaw (09).

Sykes, M. G. (lO^); (10).

de Fraine (12) p. 1060. Matte (04) Pis. xv. xvi.

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gnetalean seeds is alluded to elsewhere. To the statement that the presence of concentric and inversely orientated steles innbsp;WelwilscMia are reminiscent of the polystelic Medulloseae, Mrsnbsp;Thoday adds the qualifying remark that the occurrence of fournbsp;concentric groups of vascular tissue in the hypocotyl of Welwitschianbsp;is not sufhcient to justify the conclusion that the ancestral typenbsp;Was polystelic. This reservation accords with the contention ofnbsp;Scott and other botanists, that the occasional occurrence innbsp;cycadean seedlings and adult stems of anatomical features suggestive of polystely does not in itself furnish an adequate reasonnbsp;for doubting that the apparent monostely of Cycads is phylo-genetically what it seems to be, namely, an indication of monostelicnbsp;ancestry. This brings us to the question of a possible m.ono-stelic ancestor. It may be that the Upper Carboniferous genusnbsp;^yidiffia affords a clue to the problem of the origin of the polystelicnbsp;fype illustrated in various forms by Medullosa. The protostelenbsp;of Sutdijfia bears a close resemblance to each of the three stelesnbsp;of Medullosa anglica-, the fact that Sutdiffia is exarch and thatnbsp;Medullosa anglica has mesarch xylem is of secondary importance,nbsp;particularly as exarchy is represented within the genus Medullosa.nbsp;'f'he extrafascicular strands of xylem and phloem and the accessorynbsp;®frands are points in which Sutdiffia and Medullosa anglica agreenbsp;^od, as Miss de Fraine^ adds, the meristeles of Sutdiffia may benbsp;f^omologous with the leaf-trace strands of Medullosa. Scott^nbsp;gave expression to the characters shared by these two types bynbsp;describing Sutdiffia as the most primitive of the Medulloseae.nbsp;ff is suggested that the protostelic axis of Sutdiffia may be regardednbsp;the starting-point of the monostelic Cycads, the central mass ofnbsp;tracheal tissue being replaced by a parenchymatous pith, whilenbsp;file extrafascicular and accessory strands arose independentlynbsp;of the central stele in response to increased physiological demandsnbsp;'Consequent on the increase in size of the stem. From the samenbsp;starting-point evolution may have progressed along another linenbsp;through such a type as Medullosa anglica leading to the morenbsp;oomplex Permian species of Medullosa. Chodat’s view^ that thenbsp;^ledulloseae are Protocycadaceae, if we include Sutdiffia as well

de Praine (12). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Scott (08) p. 84

Chodat (08) B. p. 38.

S. Ill 11

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as Meduüosa in the Medulloseae, is probably correct. There is clear evidence of a close bond of union between recent Cycadsnbsp;and the Medulloseae, and SutcUffia offers a possible means ofnbsp;deriving complex polystelic types from a monostehc ancestor.

Worsdell’s opinion^ that the stele of Lyginopteris affords evidence of derivation from a polystehc ancestor and is not homologous with the true monostele of Heterangium is opposed to thenbsp;undoubted signs of intimate connexion exhibited by these genera.nbsp;The Lyginopterideae are, as Scott^ says, a less advanced groupnbsp;than the Medulloseae and, it may be added, they are more remotenbsp;from the modern representatives of the Cycadales. The Lyginopterideae and the Medulloseae are probably offshoots of a commonnbsp;stock, but the Medulloseae occupy a position farther removednbsp;from the fihcinean ancestry than Heterangium and Lyginopteris^.

The relative meagreness of our knowledge of the reproductive organs of the Medulloseae gives precedence to anatomical datanbsp;in phylogenetic considerations, but the evidence furnished bynbsp;Trigonocarpus and other seeds that may fairly be assigned tonbsp;Medullosan plants is in harmony with the conclusions based onnbsp;vegetative characters with regard to a close affinity between thenbsp;Medulloseae and Cycads.

The comparative examination of recent Cycads naturally suggested by any attempt to compare the group as a whole withnbsp;Palaeozoic types leads to some apparently contradictory results.nbsp;The habit of the megasporophyll of Cycas is usually quoted asnbsp;a primitive attribute: the close resemblance in plan and in mannernbsp;of occurrence on the stem between megasporophylls and foliagenbsp;leaves recalls both Ferns and Medullosan fronds. On the othernbsp;hand the production of eight body-cells in the pollen-tube ofnbsp;Microcycas^ in place of the usual single cell may also be regardednbsp;as a primitive character. It is perhaps possible, as Miss Dorety^nbsp;says, that the polyspermy may be a case of recurrence and notnbsp;a direct inheritance. Microcycas differs from Cycas in havingnbsp;only one vascular cylinder, and if the presence of several concentric

1 Worsdell (06) pp. 140 et seq. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Scott (09) B. p. 464.

® For a general summary of ‘ Pteridosperm anatomy and its relation to that of the Cycads’ see Bancroft (14).

4 See p, 6. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Dorety (09^) p. 144.

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cylinders in Cycas be interpreted as an indication of a closer connexion with a Medullosan ancestry, the Microcycas type would represent a more advanced stage in evolution. Attempts tonbsp;arrange plants according to a natural sequence are frequentlynbsp;frustrated by instances of unequal progress in the developmentnbsp;of vegetative and reproductive organs ; one or other set of membersnbsp;lags behind; some characters point to the retention of primitivenbsp;traits while others indicate a marked progressive tendency. It isnbsp;noteworthy that the Mesozoic Bennettitales are characterised bynbsp;a greater simplicity of stem-structure than is the rnle in recentnbsp;Cycads, and both in their vegetative features and in the structnrenbsp;of the seeds they are further removed from the Medullosan type.


Steloxylon. Solms-Laubach.

Steloxylon Ludwigii (Goeppert and Stenzel). The genus is founded on a piece of stem from Siberia, possibly of Permian


¦ 441. Steloxylon Ludwigii. A, surface-view (longitudinal) of stem showing haf-bases. (After Solms-Laubach.) B, longitudinal section showing anasto-üiosing vascular strands. C, steles, the lower one showing the emission of anbsp;leaf-trace. (B, 0, after Schenk.)

^§6 though not improbably older, which was originally described as MeduUosa Ludwigii^. It is characterised by numerous ^ Goeppert and Stenzel (81) p. 126, PI. xvii.


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cylindrical and band-like vascular strands forming an irregular anastomosing system (fig. 441, B) and by crowded spiral leaf-scars on the exposed face. The appearance presented by thenbsp;transverse section figured by these authors, while suggestingnbsp;comparison with Medullosa, reveals a distinctive character, namelynbsp;the absence of a definite peripheral system of vascular rings suchnbsp;as forms a striking feature of the continental Medullosae. A morenbsp;complete description was afterwards published by Schenk^ whonbsp;recognised more fully the peculiar features and hinted at thenbsp;possibility that the species might more appropriately be regardednbsp;as a member of a distinct group. Solms-Laubach^ went a stepnbsp;further and instituted the generic name Steloxylon, and in a laternbsp;publication gave a fuller accormt of the anatomical characters.nbsp;The complete stem must have reached a diameter of approximatelynbsp;13 cm. The homogeneous ground-tissue forms a matrix enclosingnbsp;an anastomosing vascular system of cylindrical or oval stelesnbsp;(fig. 441, C). Each strand consists of a band of secondary xylemnbsp;tracheids with one or several rows of circular or oval borderednbsp;pits on the radial walls and narrow medullary rays usually 1—2nbsp;cells broad and 1—4 cells deep, though occasionally deeper. Nonbsp;phloem is preserved. The tissue in the centre of each stele isnbsp;very imperfectly preserved, but it is clear that the secondarynbsp;xylem enclosed a central region (‘partial pith’) like that in thenbsp;steles of a Medullosa, doubtless consisting of primary xylem andnbsp;conjunctive parenchyma.

The stem is covered with leaf-bases of oval or circular section and between them are small organs, probably multicellular hairsnbsp;(fig. 441, A). A leaf-base consists of an outer zone of strengtheningnbsp;tissue and a parenchymatous ground-tissue traversed by two ornbsp;more small vascular strands which assume various forms. Thesenbsp;petiolar strands are simply portions of the main vascular systemnbsp;which bend outwards at the periphery of the anastomosing network.nbsp;The more noteworthy features in which Steloxylon differs fromnbsp;Medullosa, particularly such species as M. stellata and M. Leuckarti,nbsp;are (i) the crowded and comparatively small leaf-bases in placenbsp;of the massive decurrent petioles of Medullosa] (ii) the supply

Schenk (89) p. 525, PI. i. figs. 1—16.

Solms-Laubach (96) B. p. 62; (97) p. 197; (10) p. 542, PI. m. fig. 9.

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of the leaves by compact branches of the stelar network instead of the bundles detached as leaf-traces from a stem-stele ofnbsp;Medullosa (the origin of a leaf-trace in Steloxylon is shown innbsp;fig. 441, C); (iii) the absence of a peripheral system of vascularnbsp;plate-rings and the irregular distribution of cylindrical and plate-steles in the ground-tissue. Nothing is known of the reproductivenbsp;organs or leaves beyond the structure of the attached leaf-bases.nbsp;The opinion expressed by P. Bertrand^ that the fossil describednbsp;by Stenzel as Asterochlaena (Clepsydropsis) hirgisica is the petiolenbsp;of Steloxylon was abandoned after the additional facts publishednbsp;by Solms-Laubach.

As regards the affinities of Steloxylon: the structure of the steles agrees closely with that of the star- and plate-rings of anbsp;Medullosa, while the pitting of the tracheids is more like that innbsp;Medullosa than Cladoxylon. In the tendency to a more radialnbsp;than tangential disposition of the band-like steles Steloxylonnbsp;recalls Cladoxylon rather than Medullosa, but in Cladoxylon thenbsp;vascular system does not form an irregular network as in Steloxylon.nbsp;The information as to the structure of the primary xylem is verynbsp;meagre, but it points do a closer connexion with Medullosa thannbsp;with Cladoxylon. On the whole Steloxylon may perhaps be,nbsp;defined as a genus allied to the Medulloseae in the anatomicalnbsp;features of the stem more closely than to other genera, but sufficiently distinct to be excluded from the Medulloseae as at presentnbsp;Understood

^ P. Bertrand (08); (11) p. 47 (footnote).

^ In a recent note on Steloxylon to which Dr Scott has drawn my attention Bertrand records the genus from Saalfeld (Upper Devonian) and expresses thenbsp;opinion that Steloxylon may be a condition of Cladoxylon and not a distinct type—nbsp;B. Bertrand (14) p. 448.

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Before describing other genera represented by petrified vegetative organs exhibiting in their anatomical features pointsnbsp;of contact with the Medulloseae, a short account is intercalatednbsp;of some imperfectly known seed-bearing fronds and seeds belongingnbsp;to the Pteridosperms but which do not afford sufficient data tonbsp;admit of their reference to a fnore precise position in a naturalnbsp;classification.

Pecopteris PlucJceneti (Schlotheim).

In the section in Volume ii. devoted to the genus Pecopteris reference was made to the species P. PlucJcenetP, further treatmentnbsp;being deferred until other Pteridosperms had been described.nbsp;The fern-like fronds originally described by Schlotheim as Filicitesnbsp;PlucJceneti^ and afterwards transferred by Brongniart and othernbsp;authors to Pecopteris^ are now recognised as the leaves of anbsp;Pteridosperm. Some doubt has been expressed as to the specificnbsp;identity of the specimens figured by Schlotheim and Brongniartnbsp;respectively, but Potonié’s examination of the type-specimennbsp;of the earlier author convinced him that Brongniart’s leaves werenbsp;correctly named. The large fronds of Pecopteris PlucJceneti arenbsp;characterised by the bifurcation of the principal axis which bearsnbsp;opposite pairs of bi- or tri-pinnate branches and in the angles ofnbsp;the bifurcations-of the rachis undeveloped buds occur on prolongations of the axis, a habit recalling recent species of GleicJienia^

^ Vol, II. p. S76. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;2 Schlotheim (04) A. PI. x, fig. 19.

^ For synonomy, see Kidston (86) A. p. 125 and Potonié (93) A. p. 81.

4 Sterzel (83); (86^) B.; Zeiller (06) B. p. 60.

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(figs. 225 and 226, vol. ii.). The variation in the form of the pinnules is shown in fig. 442, A, which represents both the apicalnbsp;portion and parts of pinnae 10 cm. lower on the rachis of a largenbsp;leaf from the Coal Measures of Radstock. The species is characteristic of the Upper Coal Measures and is recorded also from Permiannbsp;strata. In 1883 Sterzel adopted for this species the genericnbsp;name Dicksonites because of the occurrence of shallow circularnbsp;cups at the end of the lowest lateral vein on some of the pinnulesnbsp;which he believed to be sori of the Cyatheaceous type. The cups

442. Pecopteris Pluckeneti. A, apex and lower pinnae (Kidston Coll., 234); B, pinnule with supposed sorus (after Sterzel); C, pinnule with seedsnbsp;(after Zeiller).

fiave an involute margin and occasionally a small scar in the centre (fig. 442, B). Stur^ declined to accept Sterzel’s evidence asnbsp;satisfactory and suggested a fungal origin for the sorus-likenbsp;^Impressions, a view, as Sterzel objected, that is rendered improbablenbsp;y the constant position of the single cups on several pinnules,nbsp;mo nature of Sterzel’s ‘sori’ has not been demonstrated: it isnbsp;®mggested by Grand’Eury^ that they mark the position of micro-

Stur (85) B. p. 293.

2 Grand’Eury (05).

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sporangia. Some seed-bearing specimens in Dr Kidston’s collection show cups, like those figured by Sterzel, on pinnules from which the seeds have fallen, and it is not improbable that theynbsp;are the scars of seeds. In 1905 Grand’Eury published a descriptionnbsp;and photographs of specimens of P. Pluckeneti from the St Etiennenbsp;coal-field showing hundreds of well-preserved seeds, many ofnbsp;them attached to pinnules characterised by a very slightly reducednbsp;lamina. Some fronds were found to be entirely fertile, whilenbsp;others bore both sterile and fertile pinnae. The smallest seeds,nbsp;5 mm. long and 3 mm. broad, were found at the tips of unexpandednbsp;leaves: the mature seeds, only slightly larger, agree in theirnbsp;broadly oval form and narrow marginal ‘ wing’ with small examplesnbsp;of Samaropsis^. The seeds were figured by Grand’Eury^ in annbsp;earlier work as Carpoliihes granulatus. They are believed to havenbsp;hung free from the lamina, a conclusion based on the position ofnbsp;the seeds relative to the plane of the pinnule in well-preservednbsp;examples. Prof. Zeiller informs me that he is by no meansnbsp;certain that Grand’Eury’s seed-bearing fronds should not benbsp;referred to Pecopteris Sterzeli; but as that species and P. Pluckenetinbsp;are very closely allied forms and may well have borne the samenbsp;general type of fructification, the question of specific differencenbsp;does not affect the significance of Grand’Eury’s discovery. Anbsp;statement was made in vol. ii.®, quoted from Grand’Eury, thatnbsp;the fronds of P. Sterzeli were borne on a Psaronius stem, butnbsp;Prof. Zeiller told me that in his opinion the fronds and stem arenbsp;merely in association and not in organic contact. It is probablenbsp;that the Psaronius stem bore fronds of some species of Pecopterisnbsp;with sori of the Asterotheca or Scolecopteris type and not seeds.nbsp;Pecopteris Pluckeneti and P. Sterzeli are no doubt the frondsnbsp;of a Pteridosperm but apart from the seed-impressions there isnbsp;no evidence as to the nature of the reproductive organs or stem.nbsp;The form of the seeds with a fairly thick sarcotesta, which givesnbsp;them a winged appearance, suggests a member of the Medulloseaenbsp;rather than a plant with seeds like those of Lyginopteris andnbsp;Heterangium.

® Vol. II. p. 419, fig. 297.

See also Zeiller (05) B. p. 725. Grand'Eury (77) A. PI. xxxiii. fig.nbsp;Zeiller (06) B. p. 63.

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Eremofteris artemisaefoUa Sternberg with Samaropsisacuta Lindley and Hutton.

The generic name Eremofteris was instituted by Schimper for S' type of frond from the Coal Measures of Newcastle describednbsp;Sternberg as Sfhenofteris artemisaefoUa. He included alsonbsp;s second species, E. Neesii, from the Permian of Bohemia; thisnbsp;Was removed by Zeiller to Callifteris. The type-species ofnbsp;Ereniofteris is included in this chapter on the ground that thenbsp;slmost constant association with the fronds of seeds comparablenbsp;with those described by White as Aneimites (Wardia) fertilisnbsp;sSords a strong argument in favour of assigning Eremofterisnbsp;^'I'temisaefolia to the Pteridpsperms.







Sphenopteris artemisaefoUa Sternberg, Plor. Vorwelt, Ease IV. p,

PI. LVI. fig. 1.

Sphenopteris crithmifolia Lindley and Hutton, Foss. Flor. Vol. i, PI. XLVI.

Cardiocarpon acuium, Ibid. PI. Lxxvi.

Eremopteris artemisaefoUa Schimper, Trait. Pal. Vég. Vol. r. p. 416. Samaropsis acuta Kidston, Trans. R. Soc. Edinb. Vol. l. Pt i. p. 156.

The large compound fronds of this species^^ are characterised ^y the regular dichotomy of the main branches, a feature frequentlynbsp;’^öt with in Palaeozoic fern-like leaves: the cuneate or oval-tïuneiform pinnules (fig. 443, A, C) vary considerably in breadthnbsp;the typical cuneate type of segment as figured by Brongniart^nbsp;narrow, almost linear, leaflets like those of Sfhenofteris crithmi-folia. Several spreading veins traverse the lamina. Lindleynbsp;Hutton, while admitting a very close resemblance betweennbsp;^®ir species and S. artemisaefoUa, adopted a distinctive name.nbsp;® only evidence so far obtained as to the stem of the plant isnbsp;rnished by some specimens in the Hutton collection (Newcastle-^Pon-Tyne) one of which shows a piece of rhizome bearing severalnbsp;petioles (fig. 443, B); there are no pinnules attached to thenbsp;^achises but some occur in close association. Brongniart noticednbsp;e frequent association of Eremofteris fronds with small seeds,nbsp;he regarded it as accidental. Dr Kidston® has recently

^ For a more complete synonymy, see Kidston (03) B. p. 770.

3 Brongniart (28^) A, Pis. xlvi., xlvii. ; Lebour (77) Pis. xxxiii.—iv.

Kidston (14) p. 156; Duns (72).

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drawn attention to a note by Prof. Duns published in 1872 on the juxtaposition of seeds and fronds, and Mr Howse^ in hisnbsp;Catalogue of the Hutton plants considers that the seeds werenbsp;borne on the Eremopteris leaves; in his synonymy of E. artemisae-folia he includes Cardiocarpon acutum Lind, and Hutt. as thenbsp;‘spore-cases or sporangia.’ The Eremopteris seeds are of thenbsp;platyspermic (Samaropsis) type, broadly oval and about 7 mm.

long with an obtuse base and two slightly divergent acute processes at the apex (fig. 444). Some specimens in Dr Kidston’s collectionnbsp;from the Lower Coal Measures of Midlothian, which were associatednbsp;with Eremopteris fronds, are preserved as mummified cuticularnbsp;membranes and on microscopical examination they show clearlynbsp;the presence of a pollen-chamber. The seeds are of the Samaropsis type. The drawings reproduced in fig. 444 were madenbsp;for me by Dr Kidston from two specimens, in his collection,

^ Howse (88) p. 45.

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of exceptionally well-preserved seeds from Midlothian: the Seeds of this species vary considerably in size and form; somenbsp;are almost orbicular and show no distinction between nucule andnbsp;border (fig. 444, A) while in others (B) the impression of thenbsp;flattened and longitudinally striated sarcotesta is clearly distinguished. Kidston is of opinion that in younger seeds there isnbsp;a single apical point replaced in a later stage of development bynbsp;fwo cusps, as seen in figs. A and B, formed by the opening of thenbsp;Uiicropylar tube. A ridge in the middle of the flattened surfacenbsp;indicates the position of the vascular bundles in the principalnbsp;plane as in Cardiocarfus. The fully developed seeds are 8—9 mm.nbsp;long. The correlation of the seeds represented in figs. 443 andnbsp;444 with Eremofteris fronds furnishes an additional illustration

Fig. 444. Samaropsis acuta. (From drawings by Dr Kidston of specimens in his collection, 3475 (A), 3316 (B); x 2.)

nf the impossibility of trusting to external form as a criterion of affinity, for it is known that seeds of the Samaropsis type werenbsp;produced by Pteridosperms with foliage represented by Eremopterisnbsp;^^i^misaefolia and Pecopt eris Pluckeneti, also by some membersnbsp;*^f 41ie Cordaitales {e.g. fig. 480). Dr Arberi has recently proposednbsp;new generic name Cornucarpus for Cardiocarpon acutum, butnbsp;e drawings that he gives of seeds from the Kent coal-fieldnbsp;referred to this species suggest a type distinct from that of Bindleynbsp;^nd Hutton. In the absence of specimens showing actual attach-^6nt it is impossible to say how the seeds were borne, but thenbsp;analogy of Wardia fertilis and Pecopteris Pluckeneti lends supportnbsp;o the view that the seeds were attached to pinnules with anbsp;lumina. Eremopteris artemisaefolia occurs in the Lowernbsp;Middle Coal Measures of England: a species recorded by

^ Arber, E. A. N. (14) p. 97; (09) p. 29, PI. i. fig. 5.

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Kidston from the Calciferous sandstone of Scotland as E. Mac-conocJin^ is now believed by that author to be generically distinct^. With the exception of the unsatisfactory specimen reproduced innbsp;fig. 443, B, we have no information with regard to the habit ofnbsp;the stem to which the Eremopteris leaves were attached.

WARDIA. White.

Wardia fertilis (White). Another example of a fern-like frond bearing seeds is afforded by specimens front the Lower

Pottsville series of Virginia (correlated with the Millstone grit of British geologists) described by Mr David White^ as Aneimitesnbsp;[Wardia) fertilis. The compound fronds usually referred to the

1 Kidston (83) B. p. 540, PI. xxxii. fig. 3.

^ White refers some fronds from the Missouri Coal Measures to Eremopteris, but their generic identity with the type-species is open to doubt. White (99)B.nbsp;p. 16.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® White (04) B.

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genus Adiantides or Adiantites^ are characterised by cuneate pinnules with a thin lamina and forked, slightly divergent veinsnbsp;(fig. 445, A, D). White discards the name Adiantides in favournbsp;of Dawson’s genus Aneimites on the ground that Goeppert^, whonbsp;instituted the former term, applied it in the first instance to leavesnbsp;of Ginkgo which he identified as simple Fern fronds. In spitenbsp;of this misapplication of the name it has been constantly usednbsp;^nd is well established. The discovery of seeds is, however, anbsp;reason for the adoption of a new generic name, and as Whitenbsp;proposed Wardia for the seeds it may appropriately be extendednbsp;fo the fronds in place of the provisional term Aneimites. Thenbsp;seeds which occur at the apices of slender pedicels on pinnaenbsp;bearing relatively small pinnules with a reduced lamina (fig. 445,nbsp;ïfj C) are rhomboidal in shape, 4-5 mm. long and 2-5 mm. broad.nbsp;Tfie bilaterally symmetrical seeds were probably enclosed, asnbsp;^hite suggests, in a fleshy integument which on pressure becamenbsp;f^terally extended as a wing-like border. In some of the seedsnbsp;ffiere is an indication of a ‘slight collapse within the apex of thenbsp;nutlet,’ which may mean the presence of a pollen-chamber; butnbsp;^hile the preservation is too imperfect to afford any decisivenbsp;®Xidence as to anatomical features, there is no reason to doubtnbsp;ffie conclusion as to the seed-nature of the organs described bynbsp;^fiite. Nothing is known of the stem, though the opinion maynbsp;be hazarded that Wardia is a member of the Medulloseae.

^^diantites belUdulus Heer and Lagenosfermum Arberi Nathorst.

Reference is made to the genus Lagenospermum in the account nf Lagenostoma^. The species Lagenospermum Arberi has recentlynbsp;been founded by Dr Nathorst^ on some seeds obtained fromnbsp;^ower Carboniferous rocks in Spitzbergen: a brief description isnbsp;'Utercalated here because it is probable that they were borne onnbsp;fronds of the Adiantites type similar to those on which Whitenbsp;frund the seeds described by him as Wardia. The seeds ofnbsp;fr' Arberi, 14—18x5 mm., are spindle-shaped with an obtusenbsp;^pex and longitudinally ribbed with a stalk at least 7 mm. long,nbsp;uthorst considers that a cupule was probably present: the

I'ol. II. p. 370. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;2 Goeppert (36^) A. p. 216.

See page 64. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Nathorst (14) p. 30, Pi. xv. figs. 18, 60—68.

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specimens do not convey the impression of naked seeds and in some examples there are indications of an investing envelope,nbsp;though this may be the result of tearing of the testa. Nathorstnbsp;regards the Spitzbergen seeds as probably specifically identicalnbsp;with a specimen described by Schmalhausen^ from Carboniferousnbsp;rocks in the Urals as Rhabdocarpus orientalis Eich., a species whichnbsp;agrees closely with Lagenospermum nitidulum as described bynbsp;Heer^ (under the name Carpolithes nitidulus) and Nathorst® fromnbsp;Spitzbergen. It is also possible that Kidston’s Rhabdocarpusnbsp;elongatus^, from the Lanarkshire coal-field and elsewhere, recentlynbsp;transferred by Arber® to Platyspermum, is an example of thenbsp;same species. The chief interest of Lagenospermum lies in thenbsp;fact, assuming Nathorst’s correlation of the seeds with Adiantitesnbsp;bellidulus Heer to be correct, that it is a typical radiospermicnbsp;seed, while Wardia, borne on foliage of the same general type,nbsp;is an equally typical platyspermic seed.

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Schmalhausen (83) PI. iv. figs. 13—15.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Heer (77) A. PI. v. pp. 23—25.

® Nathorst (14) p. 30, PI. xv. fig. 59.

* Kidston (86) p. 70, PI. iii. fig. 6.

5 Arber, E. A. N. (14) p, 96, PI. vi. fig. 12.

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In this chapter are included several types represented by stems, but which in the absence of definite information withnbsp;J’egard to the reproductive organs cannot be assigned to thenbsp;I^teridosperms.


I^egaloxylon. Seward.

This genus is represented by a single species founded on a piece of stem from the Lower Coal Measures of Lancashirenbsp;discovered in the Binney Collection in the Sedgwick Museum,nbsp;Cambridge^. Nothing is known as to the leaves, reproductivenbsp;organs, or roots. The type-specimen consists exclusively ofnbsp;primary and secondary xylem.

^egaloxylon Scotti Seward.

The type-specimen, reproduced natural size in fig. 446, A, B, Consists of a fragment of stem which at first sight bears a closenbsp;resemblance to Cordaites, but the apparent pith, 1-9 cm. innbsp;diameter, is the primary xylem of the stele and is enclosed bynbsp;incomplete cylinder of secondary xylem 2 cm. broad. Thenbsp;distinction between the lighter primary xylem and the darkernbsp;secondary cyhnder is especially well marked in the longitudinalnbsp;lection (fig. 446, B). The central region, shown on a larger scalenbsp;in fig. 447^ is occupied by groups of tracheids varying in size andnbsp;®^npe associated with thin-walled parenchyma: the latter isnbsp;represented by lighter patches in the section. The majority ofnbsp;i'iie tracheids are characterised by their great breadth—in some

1 Seward (99) B.

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simulating tlie discoid pith of a Cordaites. The walls of these tracheal cells are covered with multiseriate pits. With thenbsp;short and sometimes flattened xylem elements occur others ofnbsp;greater length, but these are chiefly met with in the more peripheral part of the central region where some of the tracheids are

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much narrower and have the form of ordinary water-conducting elements. On one side of the primary xylem in fig. 447 an ovalnbsp;and more compact group of narrow and longer tracheids is seennbsp;at ; this is a leaf-trace about to enter the secondary-xylem

cylinder on its outward course. The same leaf-trace is shown at It in fig. 446, B; as it descends the trace becomes less distinctnbsp;and its elongated elements gradually merge into the generalnbsp;mass of metaxylem. A portion of this leaf-trace is seen in fig-

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448, B, It, close to the inner edge of the secondary xylem, x^, and abutting internally on the contracted tissue, m, which consistsnbsp;mainly of large and short tracheae with remains of associatednbsp;parenchyma. The trace includes some conjunctive parenchymanbsp;interspersed with the tracheids: on its outer surface, that is onnbsp;the abaxial edge of the ovate xylem strand as shown at innbsp;fig. 447, there are six external protoxylem strands. In the peripheral region of the primary xylem of the section reproducednbsp;m fig. 447 there are several more or less well-defined leaf-traces,nbsp;these differ from that seen at It^ in their greaternbsp;tangential breadth and in the less compact arrangement of thenbsp;tracheids. As each trace is followed downwards in the primarynbsp;^6gion of the stele it tends to become broader, especially in anbsp;tangential direction; the spiral protoxylem strands are morenbsp;''quot;idely separated (fig. 448, A, px) and the elongated and comparatively narrow tracheids as they spread out fan-wise arenbsp;reduced in length, finally passing over into the broad and shortnbsp;reticulately pitted cells. Each leaf-trace can be followed throughnbsp;Approximately four internodes before its individuality is lostnbsp;m the general mass of metaxylem. The disposition of the peripheral traces is such as to justify the conclusion that the phyllo-^axis of the stem is f.r

The secondary xylem (fig. 446, C) resembles that of Lyginopteris And Heterangium though it is less parenchymatous. The medullarynbsp;^^ys are numerous and vary in breadth from 1 to 5 cells, whilenbsp;® tracheids, with multiseriate bordered pits on their radialnbsp;''^alls^ form bands 1 to 8 elements in breadth. There are nonbsp;^Aguiar rings of growth but occasional arcs of narrow tracheidsnbsp;^terfere slightly with the otherwise uniform structure of the wood.nbsp;^ leaf-trace in its oblique outward course through the woodnbsp;®eomes completely enclosed by a cylinder of secondary xylemnbsp;A^fi thus appears to be concentric. Owing to the absence of anynbsp;as ^^I'e^nal to the secondary xylem of the stem, statementsnbsp;fronbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;subsequent behaviour of the leaf-traces on emerging

the stele are purely hypothetical. It is, however, not P obable that each concentric trace lost its secondary tissue

^ For additional figures, see Seward (99) B.


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and broke up into several collateral strands, a suggestion based on the behaviour of the leaf-traces in Medullosa anglica.

The most striking characteristics of Megaloxylon are: (i) the structure of the primary xylem, particularly the unusual formnbsp;of the majority of the metaxylem tracheids, a form obviouslynbsp;correlated with storage rather than with conduction of water;nbsp;(ii) the gradual spreading of the leaf-traces and their absorptionnbsp;as they descend into the main mass of the xylem; (iii) the exarchnbsp;structure of the primary xylem. Confining our attention to thenbsp;primary region of the stele; a comparison is at once suggestednbsp;with Heterangium. In Megaloxylon the peculiarities are thenbsp;substitution of the large storage-tracheids for the normal xylem-elements; the greater irregularity in the groups of metaxylem;nbsp;and an exarch instead of a mesarch structure. In these lastnbsp;features the primary xylem agrees with that of recent speciesnbsp;of the Schizaeaceous Fern Lygodium and the external protoxylemnbsp;is a character shared with Rhetinangium. The occurrence ofnbsp;short tracheids similar to those of Megaloxylon in the inner portionnbsp;of the stele of the Osmundaceous Fern Zalessky a gracilis (Eich.)^nbsp;may be quoted as an example of parallel modification but, asnbsp;Scott^ points out, the resemblance has no phylogenetic significance. The secondary xylem though less parenchymatous thannbsp;in recent Cycads agrees more closely with the manoxylic thannbsp;with the pycnoxylic type.

Megaloxylon affords an interesting example of a combination of primary stelar anatomical features, comparable in the exarchnbsp;position of the protoxylem with the stele of Lygodium, andnbsp;secondary wood similar to that of Lyginopteris and Heterangium.nbsp;The large metaxylem tracheids may be regarded as derivativesnbsp;of elements which in some ancestral type were structurally fittednbsp;for the role of water-transport and made up the xylem of anbsp;Lygodium-like stele with little or no secondary xylem. As thenbsp;cambial activity increased and centrifugal xylem became anbsp;prominent feature, usurping the function of the centripetal xylem,nbsp;the latter became modified and fitted for a new service.

^ Vol. II. p. 326.

2 Scott (09) B. p. 476.

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Rhetinangium. Gordon.

Rhetinangium Arberi Gordon.

The stem on which this genus is founded was discovered by Dr Gordon^ in the Calciferous Sandstone series of Pettycur: a specimennbsp;collected by Dr Kidston in Berwickshire may be specificallynbsp;identical with the Pettycur plant. We know nothing of thenbsp;leaves or reproductive organs of Rhetinangium. The stem,nbsp;approximately 2 cm. in diameter, w'as probably cylindrical; itnbsp;possesses a single stele consisting mainly of a central primarynbsp;region occupied by anastomosing groups of tracheids, 130—ISOp.nbsp;in diameter, embedded in parenchyma containing numerousnbsp;secretory sacs and ducts. In the peripheral region of the stelenbsp;the groups of tracheids consist of narrower elements characterisednbsp;liy exarch protoxylem. Each peripheral group forms the base ofnbsp;a wedge of secondary xylem (fig. 450, x'^), the primary medullarynbsp;rays being in direct connexion with some of the parenchyma ofnbsp;the primary xylem. The secondary tracheids, 45—85/x in diameter,nbsp;bave multiseriate bordered pits on their radial walls and thenbsp;rays are broad and deep as in Heterangium and Lyginoptéris.nbsp;^Tith the exception of the external position of the protoxylem,nbsp;the stele of Rhetinangium is practically identical with that ofnbsp;Reterangium, though in Rhetinangium. the primary tracheids formnbsp;larger and fewer groups. The inner cortex is composed of thin-rrailed cells with many secretory sacs: there are no stereomenbsp;elements. In the outer cortex (fig. 449, cr) radially disposednbsp;bands of stereome form a reticulum with narrow and very longnbsp;meshes like that of Medullosean petioles.

The recently recorded occurrence of polydesmic petioles^ in Reterangium is of special interest from the point of view of thenbsp;lt;^oniparison of that genus with Rhetinangium and the Medulloseae.

The very broad decurrent petiole-bases are a striking feature, bhe major diameter of the pulvinus-like base of the leaf-stalknbsp;exceeding that of the stem (fig. 449, p). Several xylem-strands

' Gordon (12). The rich development of secretory tissue suggested the name ^^^tinangium {prjTivri, resinous gum): the same prefix had previously beennbsp;adopted by Renault in his genus Jtefinodendron [Renault (96) A. p. 36.5].

“ Scott (15).

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from the peripheral region of the primary xylem go to form a single leaf-trace: these U -shaped strands of xylem destined fornbsp;a leaf are connected laterally by parenchyma and form an irregularly corrugated band. Fig. 450 shows a petiole-trace still enclosednbsp;on each side by the secondary xylem cylinder x^.

Fig. 449. Rlietinangium Arberi Gord. Transverse section of stem with large leaf-base; cr, outer cortex of stem; p, petiole. (After Gordon; x 1;|.)

There are several protoxylem groups in a leaf-trace, one on the outer face of each xylem-strand. In the petiole the xylemnbsp;groups are more intimately connected and the trace has the formnbsp;of a flat band with abaxial protoxylem. There is no indicationnbsp;that a leaf-trace undergoes division into separate strands. Thenbsp;roots are described as tetrarch with well-developed secondary xylem.

The primary xylem of Bhetinangium^ agrees in its exarch structure with the Palaeozoic genera Sutcliffia, Megaloxylon andnbsp;Stenomyelon, also with Lygodium and some other recent Ferns:nbsp;the secondary wood is of the manoxylic type like that of Lygino-fteris, Heterangium and other genera. In the general structurenbsp;of the stele Rhetinangium agrees with Sutcliffia and, except innbsp;the exarch structure of the primary xylem, with the stelesnbsp;of Heterangium and Medullosa anglica^; but the structurenbsp;and origin of the leaf-traces are characters which mark it off

^ Page 90.

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from Sutcliffia. The sclerenchj^matous bands in the inner cortex of Heterangium are unrepresented in Rhetinangium, and in thenbsp;latter genus the abundance of secretory sacs and ducts is anbsp;characteristic feature, moreover in Rhetinangium, the leaf-tracenbsp;consists of several groups of primary xylem-elements. Dr Gordonnbsp;regards Megaloxylon as the type which comes nearest to Rhetin-gt;^ngium; but the differences in the structure of the secondarynbsp;Wood and the marked contrast between the leaf-traces are toonbsp;pronounced to justify a preference for Megaloxylon over Heter-^ngiuni in the order of affinity. Gordon considers that thenbsp;Undivided leaf-trace of Rhetinangium may represent a formnbsp;transitional between the simple leaf-trace of Lyginofteris and thenbsp;Uiuch divided type in Medullosa. The external position of thenbsp;Protoxylem is a character to which too much weight may easilynbsp;fie attached: the difference in position between the protoxylemnbsp;cf Rhetinangium and Heterangium is in some examples of thenbsp;latter genus hardly perceptible. Kubart^ speaks of the stele ofnbsp;his species Heterangium Sturi as being almost exarch. The inconstancy in the position of the protoxylem in the xylem of Osmun-•iaceous stems and in the primary bundles of Eristophyton and othernbsp;I'alaeozoic genera is worthy of consideration in this connexion.


^tenomyelon. Kidston.

Stenomyelon tuedianum Kidston. The specimens on which this monotypic genus is founded^ were obtained from the Lower


h'Urboniferous rocks (Calciferous Sandstone series) at Norham tfridge, Berwickshire, Scotland. They consist of petrified piecesnbsp;^f u flattened stem, a fragment of a rachis and portions of laminae;

^ Kubart (14).

2 Kidston and Gwynne-Vaughan (12).

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there is no evidence as to the nature of the reproductive organs. The original form of the stem is obscured by the destruction ofnbsp;a considerable part of the cortex and the consequent flatteningnbsp;of the whole with the production of wing-like extensions of thenbsp;imperfectly preserved tissues enclosing the almost cylindricalnbsp;stele (figs. 451, 452).

The stele consists of a bluntly triangular core of primary xylem, 3—4 mm. in diameter, composed almost entirely of reticu-lately pitted tracheids reaching a diameter of 160p-: a few parenchymatous cells occur in the peripheral region and a band ofnbsp;parenchyma extends from the middle of each of the three sidesnbsp;of the xylem to the centre of the stele, thus dividing the primarynbsp;conducting tissue into three groups which are the expression ofnbsp;a phyllotaxis of The tracheids near the outer face of eachnbsp;xylem-group are narrower than the others and have scalariformnbsp;pitting. The secondary xylem first appears along the slightlynbsp;concave sides of the primary stele, eventually enclosing the whole;nbsp;it consists of tracheids with multiseriate pits on the radial wallsnbsp;and numerous deep medullary rays 1 —6 cells broad. No phloemnbsp;is preserved though it is probable that a narrow band was originallynbsp;present. A characteristic feature is afforded by a zone of thick-walled cells, regarded as periderm, encircling the stele and formednbsp;by a deep-seated phellogen. On the outer face of this band therenbsp;are projecting bosses, and similar sclerous nests are scattered innbsp;the cortex. The outer cortex has a Sfarganum^ typ® of hypoderm,nbsp;that is long vertical strands of fibres alternating with parenchyma.nbsp;The leaf-traces are formed from the blunt angles of the primarynbsp;xylem; an angle becomes nipped off as a more or less cylindricalnbsp;strand enclosed by a zone of secondary tracheids which is verynbsp;narrow on the adaxial side (fig. 452). Protoxylem was recognisednbsp;only in the leaf-traces and not in the rest of the stele. A pairnbsp;of protoxylem strands occurs on the outer edge of a prominentnbsp;angle of xylem before it becomes detached from the stele, andnbsp;these form a single strand at a lower level. As a leaf-trace passesnbsp;outwards, the exarch xylem strand becomes mesarch and therenbsp;is a single protoxylem group except at a point near the bifurcation

^ Similar to the Dictyoocylon type except in the independent and not anasto* mosing course of the stereome strands.

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of a trace. In its passage through the cortex a leaf-trace divides repeatedly, the secondary xylem on the outer face of each strandnbsp;being retained for a considerable time.

Our meagre knowledge of the nature of the leaves is based on incomplete fragments found in association with the stem.nbsp;The leaf is believed to have been simple and characterised bynbsp;a thick lamina with a hypodermal zone of sclerous strands andnbsp;several vascular bundles.

Pig. 452. Sienomyelon tuedianum. Transverse section of stele.

(After Kidston; x 7.)

As Kidston and Gwynne-Vaughan^ remark, Sienomyelon is a ^6ry distinct type; while resembling Sutclijfia in some respectsnbsp;It differs from that genus not only in the structure of the primarynbsp;®tele but in the absence of the system of meristeles which form sonbsp;characteristic a feature of the latter genus.


^ycadoxylon. Eenault.

This generic term^ is applied to a few types of Permian and ^Pper Carboniferous stems possessing a vascular cylinder, which

^ Kidston and Gwynne-Vaughan (12) p. 269.

2 Renault (96) A. p. 307.

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may reach a considerahle breadth, of secondary centrifugally developed xylem and phloem enclosing a large pith containingnbsp;either a narrow, peripherally placed, and more or less continuousnbsp;cylinder of inversely orientated conducting tissue or scatterednbsp;bands of centripetal xylem and phloem. The secondary xylemnbsp;is manoxylic, while the internal vascular tissue recalls that ofnbsp;Ptychoxylon and to a less extent the inverted arcs that are rarelynbsp;met with in Lyginopteris stems. A brief diagnosis of two speciesnbsp;may serve to illustrate the genus: a third species is included innbsp;Cycadoxylon, but it is founded on material too incomplete tonbsp;admit of satisfactory diagnosis.

Cycadoxylon Fremyi Eenault.

This Permian species^is represented by a pieceof stem 2—2-5cm.. in diameter (fig. 453, B) characterised by (i) a fairly broadnbsp;parenchymatous cortex with secretory canals and several hypo-dermal nests of sclerous tissue, (ii) a cylinder of secondary xylemnbsp;and phloem nearly the whole of which is centrifugal, (iii) a largenbsp;pith containing several scattered narrower bands or arcs ofnbsp;centripetally developed xylem and phloem. The tracheids, withnbsp;4—6 series of hexagonal pits, form radially disposed rows, 1—4nbsp;elements broad, separated by broad and deep medullary rays.nbsp;Eenault does not mention the occurrence of any primary xylemnbsp;as distinct from the secondary centrifugal xylem, but in a sectionnbsp;which I examined some years ago in his laboratory therenbsp;appeared to be a group of primary tracheids. There are nonbsp;anastomoses between the main cylinder and the internal bandsnbsp;of inversely orientated tissue.

Cycadoxylon robustum (Seward).

This species^ is based on a piece of stem from the Lower Coal Measures of Lancashire first described by Williamson and identified as an unusually large example of Lyginopteris. Williamsoirnbsp;and Scott, while recognising certain features in addition to thenbsp;large size of the stem, which must have reached 14 cm. in diameter,nbsp;expressed the view that ‘there is a presumption that it reallynbsp;belonged to a Lyginodendron, or to some plant of the same typenbsp;of structure.’ The examination of additional material led me tonbsp;^ Renault (96) A. p. 308, figs. 55, 56.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Seward (97^).

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adopt the name Lyginodendron robustum, though I suggested that possibly Cycadoxylon might be the more appropriate genus.nbsp;Subsequently Scott^ proposed the substitution of Cycadoxylonnbsp;for Lyginodendron.

The type-specimen consists of secondary xylem agreeing closely in structure with Lyginofteris and recent Cycads: thenbsp;pith, 2-9 cm. in breadth, is incompletely preserved; there is anbsp;narrow band of centripetal xylem ^ at the periphery of the peri-medullary region and close to the inner face of the main mass ofnbsp;Wood (fig. 453, C; the black line marks the position of the centripetal xylem). Nests of sclerous tissue and secretory canals arenbsp;scattered in the medullary parenchyma and deeper in this regionnbsp;are arcs of secondary parenchyma, possibly periderm. In placesnbsp;the centripetal and centrifugal xylem are in contact and occasionally the tapered ends of the rows of centrifugal tracheids mergenbsp;into groups of primary xylem elements. The preservation in thenbsp;central region is far from complete, and although the occurrencenbsp;of primary xylem groups is probable it cannot be said to benbsp;positively established. At the inner edge of the centrifugalnbsp;xylem and in tangential longitudinal sections a few leaf-tracesnbsp;are seen, but nothing is known as to the nature of the leaf-tracesnbsp;m their course beyond the stele nor have we any data with regardnbsp;to the leaves or reproductive organs.

This older species differs from Cycadoxylon Fremyi in the limitation of the centripetal xylem to the outer portion of thenbsp;pith and in the presence of sclerous nests in the medullary region,nbsp;though the latter character is probably of no great taxonomicnbsp;xalue. Cycadoxylon robustum approaches more closely to Lygino-fteris, and although the differences are sufficient to justify anbsp;•iistinctive generic name, there can be little doubt as to a fairlynbsp;intimate relationship between this type of Cycadoxylon andnbsp;lyginofteris.

^tychoxylon. Renault.

Ptychoxylon^ Levyi Renault. Like many Palaeozoic genera bounded on anatomical features, Ptychoxylon^ is represented only

^ Scott (00) B. p. 364.

A second band is sometimes present. Scott (00) B. p. 484.

^ nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;a fold.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Renault (89); (96) A; (93) A. PI. Lxix.

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by stems, our knowledge of the leaves being confined to the leaf-traces in the stem which appears to have a phyllotaxis of |. The stem of this Permian species has a diameter of 5—6 cm.: thenbsp;comparatively broad cortex contains numerous secretory canals,nbsp;but in place of hypodermal strands of stereome there is a superficial periderm. The vascular tissue, consisting of secondary

xylem and phloem, assumes different patterns at different levels. There is an outer vascular cylinder of centrifugally developednbsp;xylem and phloem; the xylem is manoxylic and the tracheids

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have 3—5 rows of bordered pits on the radial walls. At intervals the continuity of the main stele is broken by the formation ofnbsp;leaf-gaps and before one gap is repaired a second may be produced,nbsp;thus converting the cylinder into two crescentic and infoldednbsp;hands (fig. 453, A). A striking character is the occurrence in thenbsp;large parenchymatous central region of internal vascular bandsnbsp;or arcs varying in size and number at different levels and composed of centripetally developed secondary xylem and phloem.nbsp;These internal bands difier from the outer and broader cylindernbsp;both in their inverse orientation and their limited vertical range.nbsp;The connexion between the inner and outer vascular tissue andnbsp;the alteration in plan of the conducting tissue at different levelsnbsp;are illustrated by fig. 453,1—4, simplified from some of Eenault’snbsp;figures of successive sections through a vertical distance of 4—5 cm.nbsp;In section 1 the main cylinder is continuous except for a smallnbsp;gap where a leaf-trace is about to be given off: there are threenbsp;internal vascular bands similar in structure to the outer stelenbsp;hut inversely orientated. At a higher level (section 2) the leaf-gapnbsp;is larger and in it is a double leaf-trace of two collateral strandsnbsp;Consisting of primary centripetal xylem and a fan-like group ofnbsp;secondary xylem and phloem. The free edges of the outer sCelenbsp;uf section 1 have curved inwards and united with the two lateralnbsp;niedullary bands, while the lower internal band of section 1 hasnbsp;increased in extent and forms a discontinuous arc with the uppernbsp;portions enclosed by the loops formed by the infolded ends ofnbsp;Ihe outer vascular tissue. In section 3 a second leaf-gap hasnbsp;heen formed in the outer stele and its invaginated ends havenbsp;fused with the internal bands. In section 4 the first leaf-gap isnbsp;closed and the invaginated bands of section 3 have broken upnbsp;into an irregular circle of shorter bands. The section reproducednbsp;in fig. 453, A, shows the main cylinder in the form of two curvednbsp;nnd flattened loops, each composed partly of the centrifugallynbsp;developed xylem and phloem of the main stele and in part of thenbsp;inversely orientated tissue of the inner bands. At a lower levelnbsp;the two bands h, h, will become detached as the upper leaf-gapnbsp;1® closed and form part of an inner cylinder like the discontinuousnbsp;ellipse formed by the two bands c. The section of a branch-stelenbsp;i® seen at a.

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Ptychoxylon differs considerably from Medullosa, which Renault included in the Cycadoxyleae, in the plan of the vascularnbsp;system: there is nothing corresponding to the ‘partial pith’ ornbsp;primary region which forms the central portion of the plate-and snake-rings in Medullosa. The double leaf-trace and thenbsp;absence of the Medullosa type of hypoderm are other distinguishing features. The paired leaf-bundles suggest comparisonnbsp;with Lyginopteris among other genera and, as Scott^ points out,nbsp;the internal arcs of inversely orientated tissue which sometimesnbsp;occur in the peripheral region of the pith of Lyginopterisnbsp;(fig. 405, C, c) behave like the internal bands of Ptychoxylon innbsp;occasionally joining the main cylinder at a leaf-gap; but thenbsp;differences outweigh the resemblances. As regards the generalnbsp;arrangement of the vascular tissue in two irregular concentricnbsp;circles and their connexions with one another, but not in thenbsp;structure of the xylem and phloem, there is a similarity betweennbsp;this genus and such a Fern as Matonia. In the varying patternsnbsp;formed by the vascular system at different levels in the stemnbsp;Ptychoxylon resembles the Ferns Polypodium quercifolium andnbsp;P. heracleum^.


Calamopitys. Unger.

In 1856 Unger® described several fragmentary petrifactions from Thuringian strata of Upper Devonian age, the majority ofnbsp;which he referred to the Calamarieae and the Rhachiopterideae.nbsp;In an earlier publication^ he gave a list of species including twonbsp;families, the Haplocalameae and the Calamoxyleae, assigned bynbsp;him to the group Calamarieae: in the Haplocalameae he placednbsp;the new genera Kalymma, Calamosyrix, Calamopteris, and Haplo-calamus. These were subsequently examined by Graf Solms-Laubach and identified as portions of petioles, for the most partnbsp;belonging to unknown stems. In his second family, the Calamoxyleae, Unger included the single genus Calamopitys representednbsp;by the type-species C. Saturni. The type-specimens have beennbsp;thoroughly investigated by Solms-Laubach® who instituted the

2 Klein (81).

* Unger (54) p. 599.

1 Scott (09) B. p. 492.

® Richter and Unger (56) B. ® Solms-Laubach (96) B.

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family-name Calamopityeae and recognised a close anatomical affinity between Calamopitys and Lyginopteris, a conclnsion whichnbsp;led to the incorporation of Unger’s genus in the Pteridosperms.nbsp;Further data have been supplied by Zalessky^ and, more recently,nbsp;by Scott and Jeffrey^ who have recognised Calamofitys in Lowernbsp;Carboniferous beds in Kentucky.

’Calamopitys Saturni Unger.

Our knowledge of this and other species is confined to stems and petioles. One of the largest examples of the species is anbsp;piece of stem with a diameter of 1-5 cm.; the single stele consistsnbsp;of a parenchymatous pith enclosed by secondary xylem madenbsp;of tracheids with 4—8 rows of bordered pits and medullary


i^ays more than one cell broad and of considerable depth. Between file inner edge of the wood and the pith are groups of primarynbsp;i^ylem (fig. 454^ B, x) which, like those in Lyginopteris, constitutenbsp;file leaf-traces: each has a single internal protoxylem strandnbsp;^lig- 455, B). The comparatively wide cortex consists of paren-^Fyma with a hypoderm of the Sparganum type. Each primarynbsp;^ylem-strand passes out as a single leaf-trace through the secondarynbsp;^ylem and on emerging divides into two as in Lyginopteris: thesenbsp;ranch in the cortex and the two are replaced by six in thenbsp;^af-base (fig. 454^ B—D). As seen in figs. 454, C, 455, A, thenbsp;oundary between the stem proper and the decurrent leaf-basenbsp;r® marked by a line of stereome strands. The petioles of Calamo-^ Zale.ssky (11).nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Scott and Jeffrey (14).

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pitys Saturni agree generally in structure with the imperfect specimens on which Unger founded his genus Kalymma^, sonbsp;named in reference to the structure of the hypodermal zone.nbsp;A specimen described by Solms-Laubach as a Kalymma petiolenbsp;occurs in organic connexion with a stem of Calamopitys (fig. 454,nbsp;C: a detached petiole is shown in fig. 454, D). The identificationnbsp;by White^ of this attached petiole with Unger’s K. grandis hasnbsp;been confirmed by Scott and Jeffrey. A fuller account of Kalymmanbsp;(fig. 456) is given on a later page, as the petioles so named belongnbsp;to more than one species of stem.

Fig. 455. Calamopitya Saturni. A, stem with leaf-bases; x 5. B, stele showing leaf-trace after emerging from the secondary xylem; x 16. (Afternbsp;Zalessky.)

In Calamofitys Saturni we have a plant agreeing with Lygino-fleris in the possession of secondary xylem of the manoxylic type and in the structure of the common primary bundles, whilenbsp;it is distinguished from Lyginopteris by the greater number andnbsp;by the structure of the bundles in the axis of the leaf.

^ nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;a veil or covering.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ White (OS'*) B. p 384.

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Galamofitys annularis (Unger)

This species, originally assigned to the genus Stigmaria, has ^ more strongly developed primary vascular system and tliere isnbsp;a more decided tendency towards the formation of a continuousnbsp;Zone of primary xylem on the inner edge of the secondary wood;nbsp;but where the protoxylem tracheids occur the metaxylem elementsnbsp;form definite strands, like those of C. Saturni. It has been pointednbsp;out by Scott and Jeffrey that there is some evidence of thenbsp;Occurrence of tracheids in the parenchymatous pith of this species,nbsp;3'H important feature distinguishing it from C. Saturni and connecting it with C. americana. Information with regard to thenbsp;behaviour of the leaf-traces is far from complete, but there arenbsp;indications that each trace divides into two before emerging fromnbsp;fbe secondary xylem^. The leaf-traces in the cortex are concentric as in C. Saturni.

^^lamofitys americana Scott and Jeffrey.

This Lower Carboniferous species® from the Waverley shales nf Kentucky is represented by portions of stems and leaf-basesnbsp;nod detached petioles. The secondary wood consists of tracheids,nbsp;—60p, in diameter, with deep and broad rays; the small pits onnbsp;tbe tracheids form 5—6 alternating series. Phloem and cambiumnbsp;are very imperfectly preserved. The outer cortex is of the samenbsp;type as in other species. At the inner edge of the secondarynbsp;^ylem there is a ring of primary xylem strands of mesaichnbsp;structure composed of rather larger tracheids, 80—120/1 in diameter,nbsp;®®Parated from one another by narrow strips of parenchyma.

far the vascular tissue agrees with that of C. annularis. In

American species the axial region is not a parenchymatous pith but a protostele, consisting of parenchyma and a larger ornbsp;®iiialler number of tracheal groups, the number being less in stemsnbsp;'1^1 th a larger central region. The peripheral strands alone arenbsp;^oucerned with the emission of leaf-traces, as in Heterangium.

s-ch primary xylem strand divides into two as it leaves the peri-^®dullary zone and passes through the secondary xylem as two

Richter and Unger (56) B. p. 174, PI. x. figs. 1—3; Solms-Laubaoh (96) B. 1^’ Scott (12) p. 1027.

Ibid. s. m

Scott and Jeffrey (14) p. 326.

p. 317, Pis. 27, 28, 30, 31.


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bundles, each being accompanied by an arc of secondary tracheids which, in the cortical region, completely surrounds the primarynbsp;elements. At a later stage the single protoxylem of each tracenbsp;divides into two and before entering the leaf-base there is a furthernbsp;division. In some specimens leaf-bases of the Kalymma typenbsp;were found attached to the stem. Thé occurrence of tracheidsnbsp;in the axial region is a distinguishing feature and suggests anbsp;comparison with Hetemngium, while C. Saturni agrees more closelynbsp;with Lyginofteris; the species C. annularis would appear, fromnbsp;the recent observations of Scott and Jeffrey, to occupy an intermediate position.

Calamopitys, as the generic designation is here employed, is confined to central Germany and Kentucky and occurs in Uppernbsp;Devonian and Lower Carboniferous strata. There is, however,nbsp;some doubt as to the exact geological horizon of the rocks innbsp;both countries though in neither case is there any question of annbsp;horizon higher than Lower Carboniferous'. Certain specimensnbsp;from the Lower Carboniferous of Scotland described by Scott^nbsp;as species of Calamopitys have been made by Zalessky the typenbsp;of a new genus, Eristophyton, and are dealt with under that name.

Kalymma. Unger.

Kalymma grandis (petiole of Calamopitys). Under the generic name Kalymma Unger described specimens from Thuringia ofnbsp;Upper Devonian age which he assigned to two species, K. grandisnbsp;and K. striatum. Solms-Laubach has shown that Kalymma isnbsp;not an independent stem as Unger believed but a petiole ofnbsp;Calamopitys, and this has been confirmed by Scott and Jeffreynbsp;who found a leaf-base with the Kalymma type of structure innbsp;connexion with a piece of Calamopitys stem, probably C. americana.nbsp;An examination of a section (2-3 cm. broad) of Unger’s K. grandisnbsp;in the collection of the Geological Survey enables me to confirmnbsp;the conclusions recently published by Scott and Jeffrey. Thenbsp;best specimens of Kalymma, which appear to be identical innbsp;essential features with Unger’s type-species, are from Kentucky,nbsp;some from the Genessee shales of Upper Devonian age and othersnbsp;from beds (Waverley shales) believed to be Lower Carboniferous.

^ Scott (02).

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Fig. 466. Kalymma grandü. (From a section in the possession of Prof. Bower; x 4.)



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Through the kindness of Prof. Bower I have had an opportunity of examining sections from the older horizon in his possession.nbsp;The transverse section reproduced in fig. 456 has a diameter ofnbsp;3-8 X 2-2 cm.i: on one side the radially placed plates of stereomenbsp;are clearly shown, and in the outer portion of the ground-tissuenbsp;is a ring of vascular bundles varying in size and shape hut withnbsp;a general tendency to a radially elongated form. The ground-tissue consists of homogeneous parenchyma: in one place Inbsp;noticed what appeared to be a large secretory canal, but secretorynbsp;tissue, generally at least, is unrepresented. The xylem is composed of imperfectly preserved elements, which appear to havenbsp;scalariform pits; spiral protoxylem strands, embedded in thenbsp;metaxylem as two or four groups, occur near the ends of thenbsp;long axis of the bundle and in some cases also near the centre.nbsp;The phloem probably surrounded the xylem, though it is notnbsp;certain whether the arrangement was collateral or concentric:nbsp;there are no secondary-xylem tracheids, though in some placesnbsp;I noticed a tendency to a radial disposition of cells at the peripherynbsp;of the vascular tissue simulating an early stage of secondary growth.nbsp;Unger’s second species Kalymma striata is characterised by annbsp;arrangement of the bundles similar to that in a petiole describednbsp;by Scott and Jeffrey as Calamofteris Hiffocrefis which differsnbsp;from Kalymma in the partial substitution of bands of vascularnbsp;tissue for separate bundles and to some extent in the dispositionnbsp;of the bundles. The two types of petiole Kalymma and Cala-mofteris, as Scott and Jeffrey state, are very closely alhed. Dawsonnbsp;and Penhallow^ have also described Kalymma grandis fromnbsp;Kentucky but they, like Unger, mistook the hypodermal stereomenbsp;for an outer zone of vascular bundles. The petioles from Germanynbsp;and North America included under the name Kalymma grandis,nbsp;though too similar to be referred to different species, no doubtnbsp;represent petioles of stems which are unquestionably distinctnbsp;types: as in the case of Myeloxylon in its relation to the genusnbsp;MeduUosa, Kalymma stands for several closely allied forms ofnbsp;petioles belonging to several species of Calamofitys.

1 Scott and Jeffrey (14) p. 328, refer to a specimen over 6 cm. in diameter: these authors give several excellent figures of Kalymma.

® Dawson and Penhallow (91).

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Eristophyton. Zalessky.

Eristofhyton fasciculare (Scott). The generic name Eristo-fhyton^ was proposed by Zalessky^ for two incomplete stems of Lower Carboniferous age provisionally® referred by Scott tonbsp;Araucarioxylon and subsequently to Calamofitys^. The speciesnbsp;E. fasciculare was founded on material obtained by Dr Kidstonnbsp;from the Lower Carboniferous of Dumbarton, Scotland, and onnbsp;a specimen in the Williamson collection from Northumberland.nbsp;There is a small pith of parenchyma, 2—3 mm. in diameter, withnbsp;eight strands of primary xylem of varying diameter (fig. 457)

^nd in each a single protoxylem-group. The primary xylem elements are considerably larger than the secondary tracheids.nbsp;These xylem-bundles are leaf-traces and their disposition pointsnbsp;^0 a phyllotaxis of f. The traces attain their maximum sizenbsp;'^lien about to pass out through the secondary xylem. Thenbsp;l^racheids are reticulate and scalariform while some have annbsp;intermediate type of pitting. A leaf-trace on reaching the pithnbsp;S^adually moves further from the xylem-cylinder and may benbsp;®®Parated from it by 2—6 layers of parenchyma: as it passesnbsp;*iown the pith the protoxylem strand assumes an almost endarchnbsp;position consequent on the reduction of the centripetal xylem.nbsp;n Scott’s words, ‘each circummedullary strand branches at regular

2 Zalessky (11). * Scott (02).

^ êpiarós, to be disputed. ® Scott (992).

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intervals; the one branch, that on the anodic side [turned towards the course of the genetic spiral], becomes the leaf-trace and passesnbsp;out, while the other continues its course up the stem as a reparatorynbsp;strand, until the next leaf of the orthostichy has to be supplied^.’nbsp;The secondary xylem consists almost entirely of tracheids withnbsp;3—4 rows of pits on the radial walls and medullary rays usuallynbsp;one cell broad varying in depth from 1 or 2 to 16 or more cells.nbsp;A characteristic feature of the secondary xylem is the occurrencenbsp;on its inner face of numerous short and broad tracheae similarnbsp;to the still larger tracheae in the primary stele of Megaloxylon^.nbsp;Nothing is known as to the behaviour of the leaf-trace in thenbsp;extrastelar region, but the fact that an outgoing trace was foundnbsp;to have two protoxylems points to a subdivision similar to thatnbsp;of the foliar bundles of Calamofitys Saturni. A well-markednbsp;difference between Eristophyton fasciculare and Calamopitys andnbsp;Lyginopteris is the more compact structure of the secondary wood;nbsp;it is pycnoxylic and not manoxylic. Prof. Zalessky in criticisingnbsp;the use of the generic title Calamopitys puts forward severalnbsp;arguments in support of his institution of a new designation:nbsp;(i) the primary xylem strands of Eristophyton are not confinednbsp;to the periphery of the pith as is the case in Calamopitys Saturni,nbsp;though he speaks of one leaf-trace in the latter species separatednbsp;by several layers of cells from the xylem-cylinder; (ii) some ofnbsp;the pith-cells have thick walls and dark contents in distinctionnbsp;to the homogeneous parenchyma of Calamopitys, a feature ofnbsp;little importance; (iii) the difference in the structure of thenbsp;secondary wood already alluded to, though this loses some ofnbsp;its significance by the occurrence of narrower rays, more likenbsp;those of Eristophyton, in C. annularis; (iv) the more ellipticalnbsp;and broader pits in the secondary tracheids in place of the morenbsp;regular hexagonal form in Calamopitys. While admitting anbsp;certain degree of relationship between the two types, Zalesskynbsp;asserts that as yet we have insufficient evidence to justify theirnbsp;generic union. Scott® maintains that Zalessky does not attachnbsp;sufficient weight to the form and mesarch structure of the primarynbsp;xylem bundles as a feature common to both genera.

Scott (02) p. 336.

3 Scott (12) p. 1027.

Page 175.

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Eristophyton Beinertianum (Goeppert).

1850. Araiicarites Beinertianus Goeppert, Mon. Poss. Conif. p. 233, Pis. 42, 43. 1872. Araucarioxylon Beinertianum Kraus, in Schimper’s Trait. Pal. Vol. ii.nbsp;p. 381.


1888. Araucaritea Beinertianus Goeppert and Stenzel, Abh. K. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. p. 30, PI. iv.

Calamopitys Beinertiana Scott, Trans. R. Soc. Edinb. Vol. 40, p. 341, Pis. I., IV., V.


Ullmannites Beinertianus Tuzson, Result. Wiss. Erforsch. Balatonsees, Bd I. Teil i. p. 24.

1911. Eristophyton Beinertianum Zalessky, Com. Geol. St Petersb. p. 24.

The pith, 13—15 mm. in diameter, is rather larger than in E. fasciculare and is characterised by the occurrence of darknbsp;sclerotic nests surrounded by radially disposed rows of parenchyma.nbsp;The primary xylem strands are more numerous and smaller thannbsp;in E. fasciculare and these increase in diameter as they approachnbsp;the secondary wood. In places the primary xylem elementsnbsp;form a more or less continuous band as in Calamofitys annularis.

The largest leaf-trace bundles at the periphery of the pith are Qiesarch (fig. 458), but as each trace passes down the pith thenbsp;reduction in the centripetal xylem is carried further than innbsp;E. fasciculare until the xylem-strand becomes endarch in thenbsp;lower part of its course. The secondary tracheids have usuallynbsp;fwo contiguous rows of pits and the medullary rays are one cellnbsp;broad.

There can be no doubt as to the generic identity of the two r Tuzson (09).

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species referred to Eristofhyton, but the question as to the degree of affinity to Calamofitys is more difficult to settle. There isnbsp;force in Zalessky’s contention that these two stems should notnbsp;be retained in Calamofitys: the recently described Americannbsp;species, C. americana Scott and Jeffrey, gives emphasis to thenbsp;view that the restriction of Calamofitys to the German (andnbsp;American) types is the safer course. While Calamofitys as thusnbsp;restricted is almost certainly a Pteridosperm, the inclusion ofnbsp;the types referred to Eristofhyton in the same category rests onnbsp;a more slender basis.


This order was founded by Unger^ for some imperfectly preserved stems from Palaeozoic strata in Thuringia and in itnbsp;he included the two genera Cladoxylon and Schizoxylon. Therenbsp;is some doubt as to the precise age of the Thuringian beds; theynbsp;were assigned by Richter to the Devonian system and subsequently placed in the Culm: Solms-Laubach in his later referencenbsp;to Unger’s plants favours a Devonian horizon^. Unger includednbsp;the Cladoxyleae in the Lycopodiales, and though this conclusionnbsp;is not accepted the position of the order is still uncertain. Hisnbsp;genus Schizoxylon has no claim to generic separation from Cladoxylon. An inspection of the illustrations in the memoir by Richternbsp;and Unger reveals a striking resemblance in the main anatomicalnbsp;features between several types assigned to different genera andnbsp;distributed among the Cladoxyleae and Rhachiopterideae (a termnbsp;first used by Corda for petrified rachises or petioles of ferns) andnbsp;other orders. Solms-Laubach®, to whom our more accuratenbsp;information as to Unger’s plants is chiefly due, is inclined tonbsp;regard the specimens referred by Unger to the genus Arctofodiumnbsp;as young stems of Cladoxylon, and he draws attention to a closenbsp;similarity between Hierogramma, another of Unger’s genera, andnbsp;Cladoxylon. Paul Bertrand^ goes further in considering that thenbsp;following genera represent one generic type, namely Syncardianbsp;(fig. 459, F), Hierogramma, Arctofodium, Cladoxylon, and Schizoxylon. The same author interprets the fossils so named by

® Scott and Jeffrey (14) p. 364. ‘ P. Bertrand (08).

^ Unger and Richter (56) B. p. 178. ® Solms-Laubach (96) B.

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Unger as stems and does not agree with the inclusion of any of them in the Rhachiopterideae. Without losing sight of the factnbsp;that Bertrand’s conclusion is not based on proof but is thenbsp;expression of a view suggested by a close agreement in generalnbsp;a^natomical plan, I venture to adopt the designation Cladoxylonnbsp;m a wide sense primarily on the ground that Bertrand’s view isnbsp;probably correct and in part for the sake of convenience ofnbsp;description. As Unger’s species of Cladoxylon differ from onenbsp;^-nother in features which may fairly be regarded as of minornbsp;importance, they are included under one specific name.

Cladoxylon. Unger.

Cladoxylon mirabile Ungeri. The following are regarded as specifically identical with or closely allied to Cladoxylon mirabile:nbsp;U. dubium, Schizoxylon taeniatum, Hierogramma mysticum, Syn-^ardia fusilla, Arctofodium insigne and A. radiatum^.

i- Stems. The stems assigned to Cladoxylon are characterised a complex system of steles, either simple or branched andnbsp;occasionally anastomosing, presenting in transverse section thenbsp;^orm of oval or cylindrical strands or narrow, straight or curvednbsp;^ands arranged on a more or less clearly marked radial plannbsp;(fig- 459, A, B, D). In some stems the primary vascular tissuenbsp;enclosed by secondary xylem and phloem (fig. 460, B), whilenbsp;others (Unger’s Arctofodium, Hierogramma^, Syncardia) therenbsp;no evidence of secondary thickening. The diagrammaticnbsp;drawing represented in fig. 459, B, shows a section of a smallnbsp;^xis, regarded by Unger and Solms as a petiole (3 mm. in diameter),nbsp;Containing four vascular strands composed exclusively of primarynbsp;^ylem, each with one or, in the case of a double strand, twonbsp;protoxylem groups. This type may be a slender stem or branchnbsp;cr possibly a petiole. The other extreme, as regards complexitynbsp;vascular structure, is represented by such stems as those shownnbsp;m fig. 459^nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Unger’s Cladoxylon mirabile (fig. 459, A;

fig- 460, B) the stem reaches a diameter of 3 cm. and consists of several radially disposed plates of vascular tissue with an

Unger and Richter (56) B. p. 179, PI. xii. figs. 6, 7; Solms-Laubach (96) B. P- 52 PI. u. fig,nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;13(,)

^ Unger and Richter, PI. xn. figs. 3, 4; Solms-Laubach (96) B. PI. xi. fig. 10. See footnote 3, p. 205.

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occasional smaller oval or cylindrical stele embedded in a ground-tissue composed of thick-walled cells. The plates are curved like a U or sinuous and not infrequently anastomosing. In anbsp;section of this type figured by Unger the vascular plates appearnbsp;to form a complex anastomosing system, but Solms^ states thatnbsp;the drawing exaggerates the amount of fusion between the strands,

and an examination of a section in the collection of the English Geological Survey cut from Unger’s specimen enables me tonbsp;confirm this statement. Each vascular plate consists of a narrownbsp;median region composed of primary tracheids with a scalariformnbsp;type of pitting surrounded by secondary tracheids with interspersed medullary rays one cell broad. The thickness of thenbsp;1 Solms (96) B. p. 53.


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secondary xylem varies considerably in the same specimen and in places this tissue is hardly represented, a fact of importancenbsp;in view of the very striking resemblance between Arctofodiumnbsp;nnd Cladoxylon, the sections referred by Unger to the formernbsp;genus having steles without any secondary xylem. The occurrence of one or two elongated spaces (shown in black in fig. 459, A)nbsp;near the distal end of each plate mark the position of the proto-Xylem tracheids. Fig. 459, C, represents a stele of a stem referrednbsp;iry Unger and by Solms to Cladoxylon dubium which shows thenbsp;typical Cladoxylon structure, namely the central primary xylemnbsp;quot;ndth distally placed protoxylem and the enclosing sheath ofnbsp;Secondary xylem. In the stem shown in fig. 459, D {C. dubium)nbsp;there are 12 steles, each constructed on the plan already described,nbsp;rliffering in their relatively broader and shorter form and in thenbsp;greater breadth of the secondary xylem from those seen in fig.nbsp;4-59, A (C. mirabile). The black areas in fig. 459, A, show thenbsp;primary xylem, and the protoxylem is seen in fig. 459, C. A stemnbsp;described by Dawson^ as Asterofteris noveboracensis from Devoniannbsp;^fids is compared by him with Unger’s Cladoxylon mirabile andnbsp;ï^egarded as possibly allied to it. The radial plates of xylem innbsp;Dawson’s plant meet in the centre like those of Asterochlaenanbsp;^nd the leaf-traces are of the Clepsydropsoid type.

The type of stem for which Unger founded his genus Schizoxylon is represented in fig. 459, B; there are five small steles in thenbsp;lt;^entre and external to these eleven radially arranged plates,nbsp;quot;nth oval steles between them, in the peripheral region of thenbsp;stem. Each stele consists of primary (black in the figure) andnbsp;Secondary xylem and agrees with the steles in the other stems.

Prom the type of stem illustrated by Cladoxylon mirabile to that on which the genera Arctopodium^ and Hierogramma^ werenbsp;founded is a very small step: the vascular tissue has the samenbsp;characters both as regards gross and minute anatomy, but therenbsp;is no evidence of cambial activity in the stems referred to thenbsp;fquot;'o latter genera, a difference in itself hardly worthy of generic


Dawson (81) A. p. 299, PI. xn. figs. 1—9; Solms-Laubach (91) A. pp. 173,188 ^ This type is represented in the Geological Survey Collection (No. 16871).

Tor figures, see Solms-Laubach (96) B. PI. n.

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ii. Leaves. Before describing a second type of stem referred to Cladoxylon it is important to consider briefly such evidencenbsp;as we have as to the vascular supply of the leaves. Nothing isnbsp;known of the reproductive organs and there is no satisfactorynbsp;information with regard to the form of the fronds. Solms-Laubachnbsp;has described the only known example of a lateral branch of anbsp;Cladoxylon stem (fig. 459, E); this has a single concentric vascularnbsp;strand of plate-like form with two blunt projections and therenbsp;are four protoxylem-groups, two in the angle of the plate andnbsp;two at the base of the projections. The structure is essentiallynbsp;fern-like; the xylem is wholly primary. This type of vascularnbsp;strand agrees fairly closely with that of a petiole described bynbsp;Unger as Megalorhachis elliptica, a section of which is in the Museumnbsp;of the Geological Survey^. The petiole is oval in section andnbsp;laterally winged, and the meristele is tangentially elongated andnbsp;has two blunt projections almost identical with those in fig. 459, E.nbsp;There is no evidence as to the nature of the supporting stem,nbsp;but there can be little doubt as to the close connexion withnbsp;Megalorhachis and the section shown in fig. 459, F. In a notenbsp;published in 1908 P. Bertrand stated that he had identifiednbsp;several of Unger’s genera as stems which bore leaf-traces havingnbsp;the form and structure of Clefsydropsis, one of the types referrednbsp;by Unger to the Ehachiopterideae and described in the secondnbsp;volume of this work^ as a Coenopteridean petiole. Bertrandnbsp;points out that in the oval or plate-like steles of Cladoxylon,nbsp;Arctofodium, Hierogramma, etc., there is a single protoxylemnbsp;group near the distal end of the primary xylem, and he addsnbsp;that the leaf-traces were formed of strands cut off from the distalnbsp;portions of the vascular plates. Similarly the hour-glass-likenbsp;leaf-trace in the primary rachis of Clefsydropsis gives off fromnbsp;each end a ring of xylem to supply a secondary rachis. Thesenbsp;laterally detached annular strands are, he believes, similar tonbsp;the leaf-trace cut off from the steles in a Cladoxylon stem. Thenbsp;conclusion is that Cladoxylon is a fern stem and its leaf-tracenbsp;represents the simplest form of the Clepsydropsis type, namelynbsp;an oval bundle of xylem with a central protoxylem, which is

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;No. 15870. Unger and Richter (56) B. H. vn. figs. 19—-21.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Page 472, fig. 324.

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also the form of the trace given off from the stem of Asterochlaena. Solms^, while admitting that Bertrand may be correct in unitingnbsp;under one genus Cladoxylon and such types as Syncardia, Hiero-granima, and Arctofodium, disagrees with the view that theynbsp;are Clefsydrofsis stems. A Clepsydropsoid leaf-trace has nevernbsp;been found in direct association with any of the stems of thenbsp;Gladoxylon type and such evidence as there is indicates a leaf-trace of an entirely different form (fig. 459, E). In his morenbsp;recent memoir on Asterochlaena Bertrand^ draws attention tonbsp;Solms’ figures of a stele of Cladoxylon (fig. 459, C) in which thenbsp;distal portion is on the point of being separated as a small annularnbsp;strand. This, Bertrand considers, would gradually become concerted into a Clepsydropsis form of stele as it passed to thenbsp;petiole. Bertrand’s drawings made from a section of Cladoxylonnbsp;iaeniatum (Ung.) (fig. 459, G) illustrate successive stages in thenbsp;departure of a leaf-trace from one of the plate-like steles of thenbsp;stem (fig. 459, B). In fig. 459, G, 1, a piece of the stele is detachednbsp;und near its extremity is a group of thin-walled cells with proto-^ylem: a later stage is seen in fig. 2, and in fig. 3 a small nj^g ofnbsp;^ylem is being detached which, Bertrand assumes, would later in itsnbsp;course be converted into the Clepsydropsoid strand (fig. 4), whichnbsp;Consists of primary tissue. The weak point inBertrand’s contention®nbsp;the absence of any proof of a true Clepsydropsoid trace in con-’icxion with a Cladoxylon stem, and there is a strong probability thatnbsp;tbe leaf-trace of Cladoxylon has the form shown in fig. 459, E.

^^ddoxyhn Kidstoni Solms-Laubach^.

This species, founded on imperfectly preserved material in

Kidsto n’s collection from Lower Carboniferous rocks in Berwickshire, is referred to Cladoxylon on evidence that cannot be regarded

^ Solms-Laubach (10) p. S40. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Bertrand, P. (11) p. 47.

Since this account was printed my attention has been drawn by Dr Scott to ^*iote by Bertrand in which he considerably modifies his views. He finds thatnbsp;^fogramma and Syncardia are probably different states of the petiole ofnbsp;^ ^doxylon and while agreeing with Solms-Laubaoh’s conclusions he has been ablenbsp;° ^dd important new facts. Bertrand has now given up the opinion that Olep-^dropsis is the petiole of Cladoxylon. For further details students should consultnbsp;® preliminary note which it is hoped will be followed by a fully illustratednbsp;®iemoir [Bertrand, P. (14)].

* Solms-Laubach (10) p. 537, PI. in. figs. 7, 11, 13.

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as convincing. The type-specimen consists of a small piece of stem about 3 cm. in breadth showing three complete oval stelesnbsp;and portions of two others which seem to be in their originalnbsp;position and probably formed part of a series of peripheral steles

such as those shown in fig. 459, D. Each stele consists mainly of secondary xylem (fig. 460, A) with some crushed tissue, presumably phloem, on its outer face. The secondary xylem is

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narrower on the inner side of each stele where a wedge-shaped piece is partially detached. In the centre there is a narrow areanbsp;parallel to the long axis of the stele containing crushed tissuenbsp;which probably consists of parenchyma and primary xylem, butnbsp;the preservation is very imperfect. The secondary xylem hasnbsp;a fairly compact structure and the rays are narrow, 1—10 cellsnbsp;in depth. The pits of the tracheids are described by Solms asnbsp;scalariform with occasionally two rows of elliptical pits on thenbsp;radial walls. A careful examination of the type-specimen leadsnbsp;me to describe the pits as uniseriate and transversely elongated,nbsp;very like those of Protopitys, or biseriate and almost circular likenbsp;those of Conifers, the pits of the two rows being alternate ornbsp;sometimes opposite (fig. 460, C): in places three rows of borderednbsp;pits are present. There is a certain degree of resemblance betweennbsp;the steles of this species and those of the South African stemnbsp;Rhexoxylon^, but the data are inadequate for a satisfactorynbsp;comparison.

There is a close similarity between the vascular systems of Cladoxylon and Medullosa, but an obvious difference is the substitution of the oval, transversely elongated, pits on the xylemnbsp;elements for the multiseriate pitting of Medullosa. In Cladoxylon^nbsp;Kidstoni the pitting shows transitional forms between a narrownbsp;scalariform uniseriate type and a biseriate or triseriate arrangement similar to that in the Araucarineae and Oordaitales. Innbsp;Cladoxylon, as limited by Unger, the presence of secondary woodnbsp;is a generic feature, but by the inclusion of Arctopodium andnbsp;other forms this character no longer holds good. The inclusion ofnbsp;these more fern-like stems without secondary xylem brings Cladoxylon (in the wider sense) into closer contact with Asterochlaena,nbsp;a comparison previously suggested by more than one author.nbsp;In Medullosa the development of secondary xylem is on anbsp;larger scale than in Cladoxylon, and the vascular system of thenbsp;former genus assumes a more complex form. Moreover thenbsp;Myeloxylon type of petiole, which is a distinctive feature ofnbsp;Medullosa, differs widely from any form of leaf-trace associatednbsp;¦with Cladoxylon.

1 Bancroft (13).

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Völkelia. Solms-Laubach.

Völkelia refracta (Goeppert). The generic name Völkelia'^ was proposed by Solms-Laubach^ as a substitute for Sfhenofteris^ innbsp;the case of some petrified stems or petioles associated with fragmentary impressions of fronds from Lower Carboniferous rocks innbsp;Silesia. Both leaf-impressions and petrifactions were includednbsp;in the genus Sfhenofteris: Solms, while retaining Goeppert’snbsp;designation for the leaf fragments, proposed a new generic namenbsp;for the petrifactions on the ground that there is insufficientnbsp;evidence of their connexion with the leaves. The short accountnbsp;of Goeppert’s petrified specimen given by Graf Solms-Laubachnbsp;in his ‘Fossil Botany*’ is supplemented by a fuller description innbsp;a later paper. The fragments of highly compound fronds arenbsp;characterised by very small filiform ultimate segments, but thenbsp;specimens are too imperfect to afford a clear idea of the habit ofnbsp;the leaf. The ‘stem’ bears a close superficial resemblance tonbsp;that described by Unger as Cladoxylon dubium (fig. 459, C, D)nbsp;and was regarded by him as an example of that species: it containsnbsp;several radially placed steles represented by fairly well-preservednbsp;xylem, but no phloem has been recognised. The steles vary innbsp;size and shape: five reach almost to the centre (fig. 461, A) andnbsp;smaller xylem groups occupy a peripheral position. Each stelenbsp;is excentric in structure and consists of (i) an outer zone ofnbsp;secondary tracheids of horse-shoe form in transverse section, butnbsp;the apparent gap in the secondary xylem on the outer edge ofnbsp;each stele is due to the crushing of the tracheal tissue and to itsnbsp;smaller breadth in the distal part of each group; this is shownnbsp;in fig. 461, B, where the apparent gap is seen to be occupied bynbsp;distorted and crushed tracheids, a, identical with those whichnbsp;form the rest of the outer zone (fig. 461, B, h); (ii) a zone ofnbsp;tracheal tissue continuous with and originally identical in appearance—except that the elements are rather narrower—with thenbsp;outer secondary xylem; (iii) an excentrically situated islandnbsp;composed of tracheids enclosing a small central area occupiednbsp;by thin-walled parenchyma. This third region, represented by

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;After the late Herr Völkel of Neurode.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Solms-Laubaoh (10), PI. m. figs. 1—4.

* Solms-Laubach (91) A. p. 164.

Goeppert (52) PI. xil.

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black patches in fig. 461, A, in all probability represents the primary part of each stele to which the rest of the tissue has beennbsp;added by the cambium. A striking feature of the secondarynbsp;xylem is the absence of medullary rays; the tracheids resemblenbsp;those of Cladoxylon and Protopitys in the transverse elongationnbsp;of the pits (fig. 461, D) which form either a single row or severalnbsp;irregularly distributed rows. The primary xylem consists in thenbsp;peripheral region of tracheids with very narrow scalariformnbsp;pitting which at first sight suggest close spiral bands (fig. 461, C),



461. Völlcelia refracta. A. Transverse section of a specimen in the Breslau Museum. B. Portion of a stele; a, the crushed xylem on the outer side;nbsp;the inner side. C. Longitudinal section showing the median protoxylem.nbsp;Tracheid from the secondary xylem. (After Solms-Laubach.)

^hile the inner tracheids are either annular or reticulate and Associated with elongated parenchyma. The imperfectly preservednbsp;§romi(j.^jggy^g appears to consist of homogeneous parenchymanbsp;quot;'ith radially disposed bands of stereome in the outer cortex.nbsp;Our knowledge of VolMia, though far from complete, justifiesnbsp;generic separation from Cladoxylon from which it differs innbsp;lack of medullary rays and in the structure of the primarynbsp;portion of each stele. In the form and arrangement of the pitsnbsp;the secondary tracheids Volkelia differs from Medullosa and



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resembles Cladoxylon. The opinion expressed by P. Bertrand^ that Volkelia is probably the stem of one of the Zygopterideaenbsp;is based on the older accounts of the genus and not on the fullernbsp;description of 1910.


Protopitys. Goeppert.

The only species so far described is that for which Goeppert founded the genus in 1850, substituting Protofitys^ for the namenbsp;Araucarites, adopted in an earlier paper, on the ground that thenbsp;structure of the xylem denoted a distinct generic type. The type-species is from the Upper Devonian rocks of Falkenberg in Silesia.

Protopitys Buchiana Goeppert.

1845. Araucarites Buchianus Goeppert, in Wimmer’s Flor. Schlesien (edit. II.) p. 218.

1847. Pinites Ooepperti Unger, Chlor. Prolog, p. 31.

1847. Dadoxylon Buchianum Endlicher, Syn. Conif. p. 300.

1850. Protopitys Buchiana Goeppert, Foss. Conif. p. 229, PI. xxxvii. figs. 4—7; PI. xxxviii. figs. 1, 2.

In his Monograph of Fossil Conifers Goeppert figured a large piece of stem consisting mainly of secondary wood and describednbsp;the more important anatomical features. He recognised thenbsp;narrow, transversely elongated, pits on the radial walls of thenbsp;tracheids as a feature of special interest indicating a type of pittingnbsp;transitional between that of Ferns and Conifers. A furthernbsp;description was given by Kraus® who included under Goeppert’snbsp;name both the Falkenberg stem and a second specimen from Baselnbsp;though the latter is Triassic in age and a distinct plant; he suggested a comparison of Protopitys with Sigillaria and Stigmaridnbsp;rather than with Conifers. It is, however, to Graf Solms-Laubach'*nbsp;that we owe the most thorough account of this species. Nothingnbsp;is known of the leaves or reproductive organs. The largest piecenbsp;of stem is nearly 1 ft in diameter and consists mainly of secondarynbsp;xylem resembling that of Conifers and Cordaites except in tb®

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;P. Bertrand (08).

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The name Palaeopitys, with which Protopitys might he confused, was usednbsp;by McNab for an imperfect specimen from the Old Bed Sandstone of Scotlandnbsp;described as Palaeopitys Milleri; McNab (70).

® Kraus (92). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* Solms-Laubach (93).

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form of the bordered pits on the radial walls of the tracheids (fig. 462, D). The centre of the stem is occupied by a parenchy-öiatous pith, elliptical in transverse section, enclosed by a band









o o






,, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Protopitys ¦ Buchiana. A, B. Central region of the stem showing

^ ® pith, the primary xylem (black in fig. A) and (A) the inner part of the ®condary xylem; a, shoulders of xylem at the leaf-gaps; It leaf-trace;

protoxylem. C. Secondary, x^, and primary xylem, x^. D. Radial flgitudinal section of the secondary xylem. E. Scalariform tracheid of thenbsp;Pumary xylem. F. Pits on the medullary-ray cells. (After Solms-Laubach.)

C nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;xylem composed of large polygonal tracheids (fig. 462,

* ) characterised by a delicate scalariform pitting on all their

''^alls (fi„ 4 CO rrx m,______=________ ^ nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;®


(fig. 462, E). The primary xylem forms a narrow layer on

®ifies of the ellipse, 1—3 elements broad (fig. 462, A, B), but


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it increases in breadth at the ends of the long axis where the tracheids are intermixed with parenchyma. The primary xylemnbsp;and pith-tissue at the ends of the major axis of the central regionnbsp;assume different forms at different levels, owing to the detachment of leaf-traces and the consequent formation of foliar gapsnbsp;as portions of the primary xylem pass obliquely outwards intonbsp;the secondary xylem on the way to the distichously arrangednbsp;alternate leaves. The diagram, fig. 462, A, shows the innernbsp;part of the secondary xylem (see also fig. 462, C, x^) which atnbsp;one end, It, has formed an oval group about to pass out as a leaf-trace: at the opposite end the strand is detached and dividednbsp;into two equal branches. The two swellings of the primarynbsp;xylem ellipse shown at a in figs. 462, A and B, area characteristicnbsp;feature: these are clearly seen after the leaf-trace has becomenbsp;detached; at the inner edge of each of them there appears tonbsp;be a protoxylem strand. After the formation of a foliar gap thesenbsp;swellings of the xylem gradually meet and so re-establish continuity below the outgoing leaf-trace. No protoxylem has beennbsp;detected in the actual trace, which is believed to be concentric.nbsp;The formation of the leaf-gap and the shoulders bordering itnbsp;constitute interesting filicinean features, recalling correspondingnbsp;characters in solenostelic Terns. At the upper end of the diagram,nbsp;fig. 462, B, the outgoing leaf-trace is undergoing dichotomy whilenbsp;at the opposite end the trace has passed out of view. Thenbsp;secondary xylem shows incomplete rings or arcs of narrowernbsp;elements, which at first sight give the impression of annual rings:nbsp;the occurrence of similar incomplete or pseudo-rings is a commonnbsp;feature in Lepidodendron and other Palaeozoic stems. Thenbsp;secondary tracheids (54-4p. in tangential diameter, 68-5ju, in radialnbsp;diameter) have usually a single series of broadly oval borderednbsp;pits on the radial walls with here and there two rows (fig. 462, D)'nbsp;In one case only were the pits of the medullary rays recognisednbsp;(fig. 462, T). The rays are uniseriate, generally 1—2 cells deep,nbsp;but occasionally 3 cells in depth and very rarely deeper. Thenbsp;cambium is of the normal type, and in some specimens secondarynbsp;phloem was found consisting of bands, 4—5 layers broad, ofnbsp;stone-cells alternating with tubular thin-'walled elements, pi®'nbsp;sumably sieve-tubes.

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As Solms-Laubach says, it is highly probable that each leaf-trace, which forks close to its exit from the primary xylem, became further subdivided before reaching the leaf. Morphologically,nbsp;Proto'pitys is of special importance as a type possessing charactersnbsp;that indicate a connexion with Conifers or Cordaitean genera,nbsp;notably the structure of the secondary wood, while the presence ofnbsp;foliar gaps is a feature reminiscent of Ferns. The primary xylemnbsp;resembles that of some of the Palaeozoic arborescent Lycopodiales,nbsp;but in Protofitys the interruptions in this tissue are due to thenbsp;emission of leaf-bundles, whereas in the discontinuous primarynbsp;xylem of some Sigillarias’^ the gaps have no connexion withnbsp;leaf-traces. Moreover the distichous leaves of Protopitys andnbsp;the larger, branched, leaf-traces are other distinguishing features.nbsp;The pitting of the primary xylem is like that in the Lycopodialesnbsp;and Filicales, while that of the secondary wood shows a closernbsp;approach to the coniferous type. A comparison may also be madenbsp;with the transversely elongated pits of Cladoxylon Kidstoni^.

A piece of wood agreeing anatomically with the Silesian species of Protopitys has been found in the Yotedale rocks ofnbsp;England®.

The peculiarities of the genus have been emphasised by Solms-Laubach by the institution of a family-name Protopityeae: the genus is essentially a generalised type exhibiting in the structurenbsp;of its stem both Filicean and Coniferous features. The borderednbsp;pits differ from those in recent Conifers in their flatter form,nbsp;Lut in this respect they exhibit a closer agreement with the transversely stretched pits of Xenoxylon phyllocladoides Goth.*, anbsp;Mesozoic species.

Vol. II. p. 212, fig. 200, A, B.

^ See page 206.

® In the form of the pits on the tracheids and in the structure of the medullary ’’8'ys the Enghsh species (as represented in Dr Kidston’s Collection) agrees verynbsp;closely with Goeppert’s type.

* Gothan (07®) p. 10.

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Poroxylon. Renault.

In 1879 Renault^ briefly summarised the anatomical features of some silicified vegetative shoots from the Permian of Autunnbsp;for which he instituted a new family, the Poroxyleae. The morenbsp;complete account contains a description of two species, Poroxylonnbsp;Boysseti and P. Dtichartrei: the latter was afterwards recognisednbsp;as a stem of Heterangium. Renault considered this new genusnbsp;to be closely allied to Sigillaria and Sigillariopsis and pointednbsp;out its resemblance to Cordaites. Additional species have sincenbsp;been described but as yet the genus has not been found outsidenbsp;France in Permo-Carboniferous strata of Autun and the St Etiennenbsp;district. The results of a more detailed investigation of thenbsp;anatomy of the genus were published by Bertrand and Renaultnbsp;in 1882 and since then^ Bertrand, Renault, and Scott have addednbsp;to our knowledge of this interesting type. In several respectsnbsp;Poroxylon stems present a striking resemblance to Lyginofteris,nbsp;but the recent discovery of the genus Mesoxylon has given greaternbsp;significance to the characters in which Poroxylon agrees withnbsp;representatives of the Cordaitales. Our knowledge of the genus,nbsp;though exceptionally full with regard to the anatomy of vegetativenbsp;shoots, does not include any precise information as to the reproductive organs.

1 Renault (79) B. p. 272, Pla. xni. xiv.

Bertrand and Renault (82); Bertrand, C. E. (89); Renault (96) A. p. 279, (93) A. Pis. Lxxiv. Lxxv; Scott (09) B. p. 500. See also Scott and Maslen (10)nbsp;Maslen (11) p. 409.

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The slender cylindrical stems, not exceeding 2—3 cm. in diameter in specimens so far recorded, bore large broadly linearnbsp;leaves similar in form and venation to those of some species ofnbsp;Cordaites which were attached singly to slightly swollen nodesnbsp;separated from one another by internodes several centimetresnbsp;long. The base of the rather fleshy lamina passes imperceptiblynbsp;from the narrow lower portion into a tangentially expandednbsp;petiole which forms a decurrent ridge on the stem. Axillarynbsp;buds frequently occur. Little is known of the leaf-impressions,nbsp;but if Grand’Euryi is correct in his identification of certain specimens from French Stephanian beds as the leaves of Poroxylon,nbsp;the lamina reached a length of 1 met. and a breadth of 15—20 cm.nbsp;In habit the stems probably resembled some of the larger-leavednbsp;Bamboos. The only, evidence bearing on the nature of the reproductive organs is furnished by Grand’Eury who believes thatnbsp;some RJiabdocarfus seeds and bractless inflorescences associatednbsp;with the leaves assigned to Poroxylon belong to that genus.

The single cylindrical stele has a relatively large solid pith, the perimedullary region being characterised by the occurrencenbsp;of a row of primary crescentic strands of centripetal xylem «fnbsp;exarch type, though not improbably in some cases slightly mesarch,nbsp;Varying in size and shape and forming single or paired bundles.nbsp;These strands represent the xylem of collateral leaf-traces similarnbsp;to those of Lyginopteris but differing in the absence of well-defined centrifugal elements; the curved form of some of thenbsp;xylem strands gives them an appearance similar to that ofnbsp;the leaf-traces of Lyginofteris. The leaf-traces, except in thenbsp;lower part of their course through the pith, are double and passnbsp;through several internodes before the centripetal tracheids dienbsp;out. The secondary xylem (fig. 463) is manoxylic and very similarnbsp;to that of Lyginofteris though rather less parenchymatous. Thenbsp;Secondary phloem and cambium are often very well preserved.nbsp;^0 endodermis and no distinct pericycle has been recognised.nbsp;The cortex is parenchymatous and, like the pith and to somenbsp;®xtent the phloem, contains numerous secretory sacs; in thenbsp;Outer cortex the presence of hypodermal strands is a prominent

1 Grand’F.ury (05).

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feature. At an early stage in the growth of the stem a deep-seated phellogen forms secondary tissue both externally and internally and decortication ensues.

The bundle of each leaf-trace is accompanied by an arc of secondary centrifugal xylem as it passes through the secondarynbsp;wood and this is retained in the leaf except in the finer veins-After entering the petiole the leaf-trace branches and an arc of

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bundles is produced, the concave side facing the upper surface of the thick lamina (fig. 464, A). Further reference is made tonbsp;the structure of the leaves in the description of Poroxylonnbsp;stephanense. The specimens of roots so far described are characterised by a diarch plate of primary xyleni and two masses ofnbsp;secondary vascular tissue separated by two medullary raysnbsp;opposite the protoxylems. Bertrand mentions the occurrence ofnbsp;roots of P. stephanense with more than two protoxylem strands.nbsp;The phellogen was produced in the pericycle as in the roots ofnbsp;recent Gymnosperms. It is suggested by Lignier^ that somenbsp;silicified rootlets from Grand’ Croix (Loire) described by him asnbsp;Radiculites reticulatus and at first compared with roots of Sequoianbsp;Olay belong to some Cordaitalean plant, possibly Poroxylon.

Poroxylon Edwardsii Renault.

This species^ affords a good illustration of the generic characters already summarised. The strap-like leaves are fleshy and thenbsp;occasionally forked, parallel or slightly divergent, veins arenbsp;embedded in a homogeneous mesophyll with hypodermal strandsnbsp;of mechanical tissue. The pith consists of parenchyma in verticalnbsp;series with scattered secretory sacs and differs from that' ofnbsp;Cordaites and Mesoxylon in the absence of transverse discs. Therenbsp;are 13 primary-xylem strands close to the inner edge of the secondary wood: the centripetal tracheids are scalariform or havenbsp;multiseriate pitting like that in the secondary xylem. Thenbsp;structure of the leaf-traces is clearly shown in fig. 464: the doublenbsp;trace seen in fig. 464, C, has two protoxylem-strands accompaniednbsp;by some parenchyma, and these are almost enveloped by thenbsp;metaxylem tracheids which abut on the secondary wood. Atnbsp;this stage in its course, that is just before bending outwards, thenbsp;centripetal xylem reaches its maximum development and thenbsp;trace forms a prominent and broad twin-strand in striking contrast to the two narrower and tangentially extended strandsnbsp;shown in fig. 464, E, D. Each of these strands with a singlenbsp;protoxylem-group would at a higher level assume the broadernbsp;^nd more compact form and contain two protoxylems as in fig.nbsp;464, C. The tracheids of the secondary xylem have 4—7 alternate

^ Renault (80).

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rows of contiguous alternate pits on the radial walls: the medullary rays are 2—3 cells broad and may be 60 cells deep. Accordingnbsp;to Renaultr several small oblique pits occur on the radial wallsnbsp;of the ray cells. The secondary phloem, separated by a normalnbsp;Cambium from the xylem, forms a broad band of sieve-tubesnbsp;with lateral sieve-plates like those in Medullosa anglica alternatingnbsp;with tangential rows of parenchyma. The cortex is relativelynbsp;Harrow and in older stems is chiefly occupied by secondary tissuenbsp;formed from deep-seated phellogens.

Poroxylon Boysseti Renault.

The stems of this species agree closely with those of P. Edwardsii, the chief difference being in the structure of thenbsp;secondary phloem which does not show the regular concentricnbsp;alternation of sieve-tubes and parenchyma.

Poroxylon stephanense Bertrand and Renault.

This the oldest species, from Stephanian beds at Grand’ Croix, *iiffers in no essential features from the other representatives ofnbsp;the genus. It is from a study of the leaves of this type thatnbsp;f^ertrand and Renault have obtained most of the facts withnbsp;Regard to the anatomy of Poroxylon foliage. In the mediannbsp;Region of the fleshy leaf the bundles are characterised by a comparatively large amount of centripetal xylem accompanied bynbsp;^ considerable development of secondary centrifugal tracheids:nbsp;f'fic bundles are connected laterally by both centripetal andnbsp;Centrifugal xylem and thus at certain levels in the lamina thenbsp;Vascular tissue has the form of a continuous plate (fig. 464, A, B).nbsp;The veins become independent on branching and near the edgenbsp;cf the lamina they consist only of primary elements. Secretorynbsp;®acs of elongated form are scattered in the homogeneous meso-P, and thick stereome-strands underlie the epidermis. Thenbsp;epidermal cells are rectangular and rows of stomata occur onnbsp;Doth surfaces.


Cordaites. Unger.

E- preliminary statement with regard to nomenclature may ®crve to remove possible misconceptions in connexion with thenbsp;^ Renault (93) A. PI. Lxxiv. fig. 8.

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application of the generic name Gordaites. It has heen the general practice to apply this name to certain forms of linear leavesnbsp;which are particularly abundant in Carboniferous and Permiannbsp;strata in Europe and North America, and in recent years a fewnbsp;palaeobotanists have substituted Gordaites for Noeggerathiopsisnbsp;as the more suitable designation for Permo-Carboniferous specimensnbsp;abundant in the rocks of Gondwana Land. It has been customarynbsp;to assign to Gordaites certain reproductive shoots, seeds, andnbsp;stems described under the generic names Gordaianthus, Gordai-carpus, Gordaicladus, Gordaioxylon, etc. Stems agreeing anatomically in their main features with those of recent Araucarineaenbsp;have long been attributed to Gordaites, but a few years ago a newnbsp;type of stem was discovered which, though almost identicalnbsp;with that of Gordaites, is distinguished by the character of thenbsp;primary xylem. For this new type the name Mesoxylon^ wasnbsp;proposed. Nothing is known as to the reproductive organs bornenbsp;on Mesoxylon stems, but the leaves are externally at least indistinguishable from those referred to Gordaites. It is thereforenbsp;obvious that when we apply the name Gordaites to leaves ornbsp;other plant-organs, under that designation are undoubtedlynbsp;included specimens belonging both to Mesoxylon stems and tonbsp;stems with the characters of Gordaites (Gordaioxylon). Furthernbsp;research may enable us to subdivide Gordaites into more pre-isely defined types distinguished by well-marked morphological

characters, but at present the only course would seem to be to restrict the term Mesoxylon to petrified stems exhibiting thenbsp;features of that genus and to retain Gordaites as a comprehensivenbsp;designation in accordance with the general account of the genusnbsp;given in the following pages. This widely distributed and mainlynbsp;Palaeozoic genus is especially well represented in the coalfield®nbsp;of France where in some localities it contributed largely to thenbsp;formation of seams of coaP, and it is chiefly from the researchesnbsp;of French Palaeobotanists that our knowledge of its morphologynbsp;is derived. Gordaites has shared the fate of most other abundantnbsp;fossil plants in the distribution of its disjuncta membra amongnbsp;several genera and classes, but on the whole the information that

^ See page 270.

See Vol. I. p. 76, fig. 13.

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IS now available enables us to reconstruct the complete plant with a greater degree of confidence than is usually attainable.

Cordaites may be described as a forest-tree closely resembling m habit and probably in size the recent Conifer Agathis, morenbsp;especially such species as A. macrophyllus, A. vitiensis and othersnbsp;with leaves considerably longer than those of the Kauri Pinenbsp;{A. australis)^. The main stem reached a considerable heightnbsp;before giving off scattered branches bearing spirally disposed,nbsp;sessile, and often crowded leaves^ like the foliage of Agathis. Thenbsp;absence of any evidence of a two-ranked arrangement of leavesnbsp;on lateral branches suggests a general tendency towards a verticalnbsp;lather than a horizontal direction of growth. The sessile andnbsp;closely set leaves for the most part of leathery texture varynbsp;considerably in length and breadth in different types (figs. 466—nbsp;472): in some the broadly linear lamina with its parallel veinsnbsp;and perfectly constructed I-shaped girders (fig. 465) reachednbsp;a length of nearly 100 cm., in shape like the blade of a straightnbsp;broad-sword or the leaves of a Yucca, torn by the wind intonbsp;strips; in other forms the lamina is shorter and more obovate,nbsp;while in some the leafy shoots must have looked like slendernbsp;stems of the smaller-leaved Bamboos. There is no proof thatnbsp;young vegetative branches with their spirally rolled leaves® werenbsp;protected by bud-scales, but some oval triangular scales (fig. 468, C),nbsp;occasionally found in association with larger foliage-leaves, maynbsp;bave served that purpose. The branches from which leaves hadnbsp;recently fallen at the time of fossilisation are characterised bynbsp;transversely elongated oval scars, occasionally showing a slightlynbsp;curved row of pits like the marks of leaf-traces on the scars of

Horse Chestnut, sometimes terminating a feebly projecting decurrent leaf-cushion (fig. 466, C). The leaves persisted for anbsp;Comparatively long period as in Araucaria imbricata, and onnbsp;older leafless branches the scars are transversely stretched;nbsp;the leaf-cushion loses its individuality and eventually the develop-

^ See Vol. IV.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;For restorations, see Grand’Eury (77) A. PI. D; good examples of foliage-shoots are figured by Renault and Zeiller (88) A. Pis. Lxvt. Lxxxi.; Grand’Eurynbsp;(hO) A. PI. Lxrv.; Kidston (02) B. PI. Lxiv. fig. 2.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Renault (79) B. PI. xvi, fig. 1; Lignier (13^). Of. Dolerophyllum, p. 133.

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ment of secondary cortical tissue causes the exfoliation of the superficial bark.

In the form and structure of the fertile shoots Cordaites parts company with Agathis; the trees bore no cones in the ordinarynbsp;sense, but unisexual inflorescences—whether on one plant or onnbsp;different individuals is uncertain—were produced in the axils ornbsp;from a supra-axillary position as compound spikes or compactnbsp;racemes. Both the longer female shoots and the shorter andnbsp;more compact male branches are constructed on a similar plan.nbsp;The ovulate inflorescence may exceed 30 cm. in length (fig. 479);nbsp;a stout axis bears two-ranked linear bracts subtending shortnbsp;lateral bud-like shoots with one or several sessile or stalkednbsp;ovules (fig. 480) between the sterile scales. The seeds are platy-spermic and agree much more closely with those of Cycads andnbsp;Gingko than with the seeds of Conifers. The male inflorescencenbsp;is on a smaller scale, in habit not unlike the elongated male shootnbsp;of Ceghalotaxus fedunculata and some other Conifers; eachnbsp;bract subtends a small oval bud composed of imbricate scalesnbsp;and highly modified microsporophylls borne singly or in clustersnbsp;(figs. 481, F; 482). A microsporophyll consists of a comparativelynbsp;long pedicel bearing at its apex a few long microsporangia. Thenbsp;term microsporophyll implies a morphological interpretationnbsp;which is not accepted by all palaeobotanists, some of whomnbsp;prefer to regard the microsporangia as stamens or microsporophylls reduced to their simplest terms and sessile on an elongatednbsp;flower-stalk.

The stem agrees very closely in its more important features with that of an Araucaria or an Agathis: the primary xylemnbsp;forms the inner surface of the thick cylinder of secondary wood,nbsp;merging gradually into it as in recent Conifers; there are nonbsp;separate bundles of primary centripetal xylem. The medullarynbsp;rays are narrow: in other words the secondary xylem is of thenbsp;pycnoxylic type. The pitting of the tracheids is Araucarian and,nbsp;as in Agathis, the leaf-traces arise as twin-bundles. The pithnbsp;is larger than in the Araucarineae and more homogeneous mnbsp;structure; it shares with the pith of Juglans and some othernbsp;recent plants an almost constant tendency to assume a discoidnbsp;structure. Anatomically the leaves agree more closely in the

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structure of the vascular bundles with Cycads than with Conifers though there are points of contact with both of these classes.nbsp;The roots branch freely and their horizontally extended armsnbsp;(figs. 468, A; 478) suggest growth in swampy ground; anatomically they conform to the recent Gymnospermous type and therenbsp;is good evidence that in some cases fungal mycelia lived symbio-tically in the cortex of coralline rootlets.

Sternberg! figured some leaves of Cordaites from Carboniferous locks in Bohemia under the generic name Flabellaria in the beliefnbsp;that they belonged to a Palm. Brongniart substituted a newnbsp;name Pycnophyllum^ on the ground that Corda had disprovednbsp;the supposed relationship with Monocotyledons. The namenbsp;Cordaites was instituted by Unger®, his definition being based onnbsp;leaf-form as well as on stem-anatomy. It has recently beennbsp;proposed to revive the forgotten designation Pycnophyllum^, butnbsp;the reasons given are hardly likely to induce botanists to discardnbsp;the familiar generic name which perpetuates the memory ofnbsp;Corda. As already pointed out, the name Cordaites, even thoughnbsp;employed in what has always been regarded a legitimate sense,nbsp;is no doubt often given to specimens of some other allied membernbsp;nf the Cordaitales which can only be recognised as such in thenbsp;Case of more completely preserved material. The naming ofnbsp;'I'ood of the Cordaitean type, but which may equally well belongnbsp;to another genus, raises a difficult question: if there is satisfactorynbsp;evidence from collateral sources that the wood is that of anbsp;Cordaites Grand’Eury’s name Cordaixylon^ or Schenk’s formnbsp;Cordaioxylon^ may be used, though there seems to be no adequatenbsp;reason against the use of the name Cordaites. If there is no confirmatory evidence available and it is impossible to say whethernbsp;the wood is that of a Conifer or a Cordaites, or some other plantnbsp;^ith the same type of secondary xylem, Endlicher’s term Dado-^ylo-nP is most conveniently employed. The confusion liable tonbsp;tcllow from the use of the twm generic names Dadoxylon and

^ Brongniart (49) A. p. 65. ‘ Tuzson (09) p. 18.

’ Sternberg (23) A. PL xvm.

“ Unger (50) A. p. 277.

® Grand’Èury (77) A. p. 257.

* Schenk in Schimper and Schenk (90) A. ’ Endlieher (47) p. 298.


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Araucarioxylon for wood of the same type differing only in geological age is an argument in favour of extending Dadoxylonnbsp;to all specimens having certain anatomical characters, whichnbsp;cannot be certainly assigned either to the Araucarineae or thenbsp;Cordaitales, irrespective of geological age. The term Cordaicladusnbsp;sometimes applied to branches is hardly necessary, but the subgeneric names Eu-Cordaites, Dory-Cordaites, and Poa-Cordaites,nbsp;instituted by Grand’Eury for different forms of leaf, are frequentlynbsp;employed and serve a useful purpose as descriptive terms thoughnbsp;the characters which they connote are of small importance andnbsp;by no means always well defined or constant. For inflorescencesnbsp;it is customary to adopt the name Cordaianthus suggested bynbsp;Grand’Eury as a substitute for Aniholithus and some other terms.nbsp;The same author uses Rhizo-Cordaites for roots.

The nomenclature of seeds is more difficult; in a few instances seeds occur in organic connexion with Cordaitean shoots, butnbsp;there is no doubt that many platyspermic Palaeozoic seedsnbsp;preserved as detached fossils belong to Cordaites or some othernbsp;member of the group. The difficulty is that in the present statenbsp;of knowledge we cannot definitely determine in many cases whethernbsp;a seed is Cordaitean or whether it belonged to a genus of Pterido-sperms. For this reason the account of several seeds that werenbsp;probably borne on Cordaites or some alhed genus is given in anbsp;later chapter devoted to Gymnospermous seeds. There is nonbsp;doubt that under the generic names Cardiocarfus, Cordaicarfus,nbsp;and Samarofsis are included true Cordaitean seeds, though itnbsp;would be incorrect to say that all the seeds so named belong tonbsp;members of the Cordaitales.

Cordaites reached its maximum development in the Carboniferous and Permian periods; the genus or some closely allied types persisted into the Triassic and Rhaetic periods, and therenbsp;is reason to believe that the group was represented in some post-Rhaetic floras. The genus is one of many remarkable examplesnbsp;of the high degree of specialisation attained by Palaeozoic plants-The complex mechanisms represented by Cordaites and similarnbsp;types give force to the conviction that we cannot hope to penetratenbsp;below the higher branches of the genealogical tree which had itsnbsp;roots in a period of the earth’s history inaccessible to botanical

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investigation. The plants of the present age are to a large extent the result of evolutionary tendencies more correctly describednbsp;as the result of degeneration or simplification than as the latestnbsp;phase in a series composed of a succession of types graduallynbsp;growing in complexity. Cordaites is essentially a generalisednbsp;type, a composite product of an age characterised by an activitynbsp;in the elaboration of the complex from the simple. Botanicalnbsp;records furnished by the geological series available for investigationnbsp;furnish evidence of the sorting of characters among graduallynbsp;diverging races and of changes in plant-organisation tendingnbsp;towards simplification and increased efficiency.

Cordaites, using the generic designation in a wide sense, occurs in Carboniferous and Permian strata in Europe, North America,nbsp;and China; it is recorded from several localities in Russia andnbsp;Siberia for the most part from Permian rocks, from Permo-Carboniferous (Lower Gondwana) beds in India, Australia, Southnbsp;Africa, and South America. Wood agreeing generally in thenbsp;structure of its secondary tracheids with that of Cordaites isnbsp;represented in Devonian rocks, and there can be no doubt as tonbsp;the existence of Cordaitalean plants in pre-Carboniferous floras.nbsp;It is represented in the Rhaetic flora of Tonkin and has recentlynbsp;been discovered in strata probably of Rhaetic age in Mexico.


It is important to recognise the fact that leaves included Under the generic name Cordaites were in many cases not bornenbsp;*^11 stems or branches with the anatomical characters of Cordaites.nbsp;Scott in his account of the genus Mesoxylon saj^s, ‘ I feel no doubtnbsp;that most of the British specimens of Cordaitean leaves reallynbsp;belong to Mesoxylon, which is a much commoner type of stemnbsp;^*1 the Coal Measure petrifications than that of Cordaites itself^.’nbsp;^oaie of the Cordaitean leaves were probably attached to stems

the Poroxylon type^ and it is not improbable that, as investigations are extended, additional genera of vegetative shoots will I*c discovered provided with leaves similar at least in externalnbsp;'characters to those which it is customary to refer to Cordaites.nbsp;I'' the present state of our knowledge we cannot make use of

^ Grand’Eury (05).

' Scott (12) p. 1024. s. Ill


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anatomical characters as criteria by which to distribute the foliage of the Cordaites form among the genera Cordaites, Mesoxylon,nbsp;and Poroxylon, using these names as designations of certain typesnbsp;of anatomical structure. The specimen reproduced in fig. 465nbsp;is in all probability a piece of a leaf of Cordaites principalis, butnbsp;on anatomical grounds Miss Benson^ has made it the type of anbsp;new species, C. Felicis, and more recently Scott^ has broughtnbsp;forward evidence supporting the view^ that it is a leaf of Mesoxylon.nbsp;As, therefore, neither impressions nor petrifications of Cordaiteannbsp;leaves can in the great majority of cases be referred with confidencenbsp;to their respective genera of stems, pending fuller informationnbsp;the only course would seem to be to use the name Cordaites innbsp;a comprehensive sense indicating in special cases where evidencenbsp;is available the more precise systematic position of the specimen.nbsp;The classification of Cordaitean leaves proposed by Grand’Eury®nbsp;is based partly on the form of the lamina and in part on the equalitynbsp;or inequality of the ‘ veins.’ The actual veins, which are embeddednbsp;in the fairly thick mesophyll, do not directly affect the superficial ribbing on the carbonised impression of the leaves and, asnbsp;seen in fig. 465, the most prominent hypodermal strands of supporting tissue which would appear as the main veins or primarynbsp;ribs on an impression do not correspond in position wdth thenbsp;vascular bundles. Although in some cases the largest stereome-strands coincide with the veins, forming the upper and lowernbsp;parts of I-shaped girders the centre of which is occupied by thenbsp;veins, this is by no means always the case. Grand’Bury hasnbsp;drawn attention to the difference between the upper and lowernbsp;surface of some carbonised leaves: in C. crassifolius (fig. 468, D)^nbsp;there are five to seven finer ribs between each pair of primarynbsp;ribs on one face while the other shows ridges and grooves withnbsp;a rib corresponding to each. Attention is called on a later pagenbsp;to the variable character of the ribbing even on different parts ofnbsp;the same lamina. The lower surface of the leaf, seen in sectio»nbsp;in fig. 465, would show a number of approximately equal ribs,nbsp;or possibly primary ribs (midway betwnen the veins) separatednbsp;by two interstitial ribs, while on the upper face there would be

Benson (12).

Grand’Eury (77) A. p. 208.

2 Scott (12) p. 1022.

* Grand’Eury (90) A. p.


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three rather smaller secondary ribs. In a section of a leaf called by Eenault C. crassus^, a specific name used also by Lesquereux^nbsp;for an impression of a leaf originally described by Goeppert asnbsp;Noeggerathia crassa, there are deep stereome-strands between thenbsp;veins next the lower epidermis alternating with single smallernbsp;strands, while on the upper surface the hypodermal strandsnbsp;occur only immediately above the veins. In a section figurednbsp;by Felix® from North Germany as C. rohustus, the hypodermalnbsp;stereome forms continuous bands; on the upper face the bandsnbsp;are uniform in thickness but next the lower epidermis they formnbsp;a series of ribs.

Grand’Eury’s subgeneric terms Cordaites, Dory-Cordaites, and Poa-Cordaites have therefore very little value as regards differencesnbsp;m the ribbing of leaf-impressions: the large size of leaves includednbsp;111 Dory-Gordaites and the more acute apex of the lamina asnbsp;compared with the obtuse apex of smaller leaves of Cordaitesnbsp;are features of limited application and of minor importance asnbsp;diagnostic characters. The name Poa-Cordaites is, however,nbsp;nsefulljr employed for the narrower linear leaves with an obtusenbsp;apex.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^

The structure of a Cordaites leaf is clearly shown in fig. 465; fbe lamina is approximately 1 mm. thick and there are aboutnbsp;•^0 Veins in a breadth of 2 cm. Strong I-shaped girders with thenbsp;^i^ebbing composed of thick-walled cells divide the mesophyllnbsp;into rectangular compartments: the intervening hypodermalnbsp;strands differ in number and size on the two faces. The epidermisnbsp;is not preserved; specimens of other leaves show that the stomata'^nbsp;cccur in rows on the lower surface. The mesophyll shows nonbsp;differentiation into palisade and spongy parenchyma, and innbsp;this respect the leaf agrees with many other forms; but in somenbsp;leaves the palisade-tissue is well developed, as in C. lingulatusnbsp;Ifen.5nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;central region of the lamina consisted of lacunar

tissue, portions of which are preserved, with a more compact ®heath of parenchyma enclosing each vein. In some leaves there

Lesquereux (78) p. 318.

^ Renault (79) A. PI. xvi. fig. 7.

^ Pelix (86) A. PI. m. fig. 1-

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Renault (79) A. PI. xvi. fig. 11 bis; Wills, L. (14).

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Renault (79) A. PI. xvi. fig. 5; Stopes (03) PL ix. fig. 1; Ligmer (13 ).


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is a narrower sheath of thick-walled cells more sharply contrasted with the mesophyll. The vascular bundles agree in structurenbsp;with those in the rachis of a Cycadean frond more closely thannbsp;with the veins of an Araucarian or other Coniferous leaf. Thenbsp;xylem consists mainly of centripetal elements which form anbsp;deltoid strand with the protoxylem at the apex, and in closenbsp;association with this is a larger or smaller amount of narrowernbsp;centrifugal tracheids: in the section shown in fig. 465 the centrifugal xylem may extend all round the centripetal tracheids, butnbsp;it usually forms an irregular arch with its base attached to thenbsp;sides of the larger tracheal strand, cp, separated, except at the


Fig. 465. Cordaites leaf (Cordaites Felicis Bens.), probably borne on a Mesoxylon stem, cp, centripetal xylem; ph, phloem; px, protoxylem. (Kidston Coll-No. 2194.)

base of the arch, by a small amount of conjunctive parenchyma, from the centripetal xylem. The phloem is not preserved and isnbsp;represented only by a few patches, fh, below' the centrifugalnbsp;tracheids. Dr Benson’^ in her account of this type of leaf givesnbsp;additional details and compares the anatomical features withnbsp;those in other species. The dual nature of the xylem like thatnbsp;characteristic of recent Cycads has usually been regarded as anbsp;definite feature of Cordaites leaves; Dr Stopes, on the other hand?

^ Benson (12),

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interprets the narrower tracheids (occupying a position similar to those in fig. 465) in some sections of a leaf identified with C.nbsp;frincifalis from Grand’ Croix, as an inner sheath of transfusionnbsp;elements (‘primitive transfusion tissue’) possibly derived fromnbsp;the centripetal xylem with which it is clearly connected at thenbsp;sides precisely as in fig. 465; but in the Grand’ Croix leaf thenbsp;phloem is enclosed within the sheath of narrower tracheids andnbsp;not external to it as it is in the section shown in fig. 465 and innbsp;a section of C. lingulatus figured by Dr Stopes. It is, however,nbsp;difficult to recognise any fundamental difference between thenbsp;inner transfusion tissue’ and centripetal xylem. The cells ofnbsp;fhe outer sheath in Dr Stopes’s specimens of C. principalis havenbsp;bordered pits on their walls and this character is mentioned alsonbsp;by Renault in other specimens.

Prof. Lignier^ has described the structure of fragments of s^dult leaves from the Stephanian of Grand’ Croix (Loire) whichnbsp;be refers to Cordaites lingulatus, and the same author gives annbsp;interesting account of the anatomical features of a bud of thenbsp;®ame species. The bud, which resembles in general appearancenbsp;that of Dolerophyllum (fig. 430, p. 133) is 3 cm. long, oval innbsp;transverse section—as the result of compression—and consistsnbsp;of four convolute leaves and a piece of a fifth. The outer leavesnbsp;have 75 to 80 veins: the inner laminae are sinistral in theirnbsp;ourvature while the three outer leaves are dextral. In the second,nbsp;the first in which the tissues are recognisable, the small desmogen-®trands afford some evidence that the phloem preceded thenbsp;^ylem in the order of differentiation as is often the case in recentnbsp;plants. The first tracheids occur almost in the centre of thenbsp;besmogen-strand and to these are added the other tracheids ofnbsp;l^be centripetal xylem, the oldest elements being spiral, the nextnbsp;®calariform and the later tracheids reticulate. The centrifugalnbsp;^ylem is formed at a later stage, and at about the same time arenbsp;differentiated the elements called by Dr Stopes the inner sheathnbsp;by Lignier the ‘bois diaphragmatique.’ Lignier also describesnbsp;I'be development and structural features of the other tissues ofnbsp;I'be young leaves and compares the anatomical features of the

^ Lignier (13^).

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French leaves with those of Cordaites Felicis described by Prof. Benson.

The main features of Cordaites leaves are (i) the presence of two kinds of xylem in the veins, the larger centripetal tracheids,nbsp;or chief water-conducting elements, and the narrower tracheids,nbsp;in some cases attached to the sides of the centripetal xylem, innbsp;others forming free groups, usually between the protoxylem andnbsp;the phloem, but sometimes enclosing the phloem; (ii) the frequentnbsp;presence of a well-defined sheath of cells round each vein composednbsp;of comparatively thick-walled elements comparable with thenbsp;transfusion-tracheids in Conifers; (iii) the presence of lacunarnbsp;tissue in the centre of the mesophyll and in some cases of transversely extended tracheids similar to those in some Podocarpnbsp;leaves; (iv) a well-developed system of stereome-strands andnbsp;I-shaped girders. The structural features on the whole suggestnbsp;a xerophilous type, and the frequent absence or feeble development of palisade tissue points to diffused rather than to brilliantnbsp;sunlight.

The considerable range in size and form among Cordaitean leaves as well as the obvious dependence on conditions of preservation or growth of such a relatively unimportant feature as thenbsp;presence or absence of the so-called false or interstitial veins—nbsp;the variability of which has been demonstrated in several instancesnbsp;—renders specific determination exceedingly difficult. The following species are briefly described rather with a view to illustratenbsp;the nature of the characters employed by authors than as implying the existence of so many well-defined types.

Cordaites principalis (Germar).

This species was founded^ on a large specimen from the Coal Measures of Wettin showing a fan-like cluster of longitudinallynbsp;torn and partially overlapping leaves spread out in the positionnbsp;that would be assumed on the compression of a shoot with anbsp;close spiral phyllotaxis. This form of Cordaites is the mostnbsp;abundant in the British Coal Measures. The broadly linearnbsp;lamina is characterised by an obtuse apex (fig. 466, A), a tendencynbsp;to split into strips, close-set parallel ribs, the stouter ribs or veins

' Germar (48) B. p. 55, PI. xxiii.

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466. A. Cordaites principalis, part of leaf. B. A'rtisia transversa, pith-cast. C. Cordaites principalis, branch with leaf-scars. (A, f nat. size; C, nat. size; Kidston Coll.)

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separated from one another by 2—3 or it may be as many as 5 finer ribs or interstitial ‘veins.’ A statement by Weiss that innbsp;Germar’s type-specimen the longitudinal ribbing of the laminanbsp;is very imperfectly preserved confirms the scepticism that is justlynbsp;felt as to the validity of this character as a satisfactory specificnbsp;criterion.

The incomplete example shown in fig. 466, A, is 19-5 cm. long and has a maximum breadth of 3-5 cm., but the completenbsp;leaf was much larger and tapered gradually to the comparativelynbsp;broad and slightly concave or amplexicaul base. The narrownbsp;elliptical proximal end of a specimen figured by Kidston^ fromnbsp;the Middle Coal Measures of Yorkshire is 2-8 cm. broad indicatingnbsp;that the tangentially expanded leaf-scars on a branch recentlynbsp;deprived of its foliage must have been a conspicuous feature. Innbsp;his synonymy of this species Kidston^ includes Knorria taxina,nbsp;a species founded by Lindley and Hutton® on a piece of stem fromnbsp;the Coal Measures of Newcastle. The type-specimen, as Mrnbsp;Howse^ states, is much larger than the published drawing andnbsp;closely resembles in the decurrent leaf-bases with broad apicesnbsp;the piece of stem represented in fig. 466, C, which Kidston identifiesnbsp;as C. princifolis. Geinitz® refers to this species the seeds namednbsp;Cordaicarpus Cordai (Gein.), but there is no evidence of connexion.nbsp;Kidston® points out that this seed is rare in Britain: he believesnbsp;that Cordaianthus Pitcairnae (Lind, and Hutt.) is probably thenbsp;inflorescence of C. principalis.

Cordaites principalis occurs in both Carboniferous and Permian strata. The leaves described by Lesquereux’^ from Pennsylvanianbsp;as C. Mansfieldi agree closely with C. principalis. Anothernbsp;similar or possibly identical form is represented by C. Ottonisnbsp;Gein. ®

(02) B. PI. Lxiv. fig. 3.

® Lindley and Hutton (33) A. PI. 95.

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Kidston (93) A. PI. iv. fig. 16

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Kidston (93) A. p. 352.

^ Howse (88) p. 112, fig. 7.

5 Geinitz (55) A. p. 40, PI. xxi. figs. 7—16, ® Kidston (93) A. p. 355.

’ Lesquereux (80) A. p. 537, PI. lxxviii.

® Geinitz (62) p. 148, PI. xxxv.

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Cordaites horassifolius (Sternberg).

The leaves of this species, originally referred to Flabellaria^, resemble those of C. principalis but differ in the ovate-lanceolatenbsp;and less ohtuse apex and in the presence of only one or rarelynbsp;two finer striations between the stronger ribs. Corda’s drawing^nbsp;affords a good illustration of the crowded spiral disposition ofnbsp;the foliage comparable with that on an Agathis shoot. Thenbsp;lamina is usually 4—8 cm. broad but in exceptional cases maynbsp;reach a breadth of 12 cm. The species occurs in the Coal Measures,nbsp;especially in the Westphalian series and in Permian rocks.nbsp;FeistmanteP unites with this type Cordaianthus Pitcairniae (fig.nbsp;480, A), but as in other cases there may be a confusion betweennbsp;C- horassifolius and C. principalis. Leaves described by Les-Tuereux as C. communis'^ are, as White says, not distinguishednbsp;by any well-marked characters from this species. White® figuresnbsp;Some good examples of C. horassifolius from Missouri, reachingnbsp;m one case a length of 40 cm., showing on the lamina the fructifications of a fungus, Hysterites cordaitis^ Grand’Eury. The leavesnbsp;described from Canada and the United States as C. RohhiP Daws,nbsp;^re closely allied to if not identical with Sternberg’s type. Amöngnbsp;other species differing in no definite character from C. horassifolius is C. lancifolius described by SchmalhausenS from thenbsp;I^ermian of Eussia.

Cordaites lingulatus Grand’Bury.

The leaves of this species® are characterised by the obovate ^^mina and bluntly rounded or almost truncate apex; it affordsnbsp;^ good illustration of the uncertainty of the ribbing as a diagnosticnbsp;'character. The lamina of a well-preserved specimen from thenbsp;®lanzy coalfield described by Zeiller^® reaches a length of 35 cm.nbsp;^od a breadth of 10—11 era. decreasing to 4 cm. at the basenbsp;(fig- 467). In the lower part of the lamina Zeiller describes the

* Sternberg (23) A. PI. xvin. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Corda (4.5) A. PI. xxiv. flg. 8.

® Teistmantel (72) p. 293. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Lesquereux (78).

® White (99) B. p. 260, Pis. in. xvi, xLvi.

Zeiller records the same fungus on leaves of Cordaites (Noeggerathiopsis) i^lopi from Tonkin; Zeiller (03) B. p. ISl.

Stopes (14) p. 82. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* Schmalhausen (87) PI. vi.

^ Grand’Eury (77) A. p. 218, PI. XX. figs. 1—4.

Zeiller (06) B. p. 182, PI. XLVi.; Grand’Eury (90) A. PI. vii. figs. 1, 2.

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1?IG 467. Cordaites lingulatus. (After Zeiller; f nat. size.gt;

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ribs as unequal in prominence, the stronger ones being separated by 1—3 finer ribs, while in the middle and upper portions thenbsp;ribs appear to be of equal size. Some of the finer ribs are duenbsp;to folding of the lamina and are not represented, as are the ribsnbsp;due to the presence of stereome-strands, by dark streaks in thenbsp;detached cuticle.

Reference has already been made to the anatomical features of leaves of this species described by Lignier^ and other authors.

Cordaites grandifolius Lesquereux.

The leaves so named by Lesquereux^, from the Coal Measures of Pennsylvania, are distinguished by the elongate cuneatenbsp;lamina, which reaches a length of 38 cm. with a narrow base andnbsp;a slightly rounded truncate distal end, 16 cm. broad, characterisednbsp;by a few broad and shallow crenulations. By contrast with somenbsp;American specimens in Dr Kidston’s collection Lesquereux’snbsp;figures convey an imperfect idea of the size of the leaf. A largenbsp;leaf from the Coal Measures of Belgium described by Cambiernbsp;^nd Renier as a new species of Psygtnophyllum, P. DelvalP, isnbsp;perhaps identical with the American type; the lamina of ^b-triangular form has approximately the same dimensions; thenbsp;^eins are numerous and repeatedly forked. The leaf is muchnbsp;longer than any known Psygmophyllum and the veins are muchnbsp;loore numerous than in P. majus Arb.‘*, the largest representative

that genus. Palaeobotanists who have seen the type-specimen inform me that they have no doubt as to the Cordaitean naturenbsp;'ll the Belgian specimens, which may be designated Cordaitesnbsp;^dvali. It is, however, not impossible that Psygmophyllum andnbsp;Cordaites are alhed genera: our knowledge of the former is limitednbsp;lo Unimportant characters.

Cordaites {Dory-Cordaites) palmaeformis (Goeppert).

This, Permian type, originally described by Goeppert® as ^oeggerathia palmaeformis, is characterised by numerous slendernbsp;: according to Weiss® there may be as many as 3—5 in 1 mm.

^ Lignier (ISq. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;2 Lesquereux (78) p. 318; (80) A. H. lxxyii.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Cambier and Renier (10); Renier (10^) PI. 118.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;See poslea.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Goeppert (64) A. PI. xx.n. fig. 2.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Weiss, C. E. (72) p. 199.

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The leaf is broadly lanceolate; it tapers gradually to an acute apex reaching a length of 80 cm. and a breadth of 10 cm. Innbsp;habit the young foliage-shoots^ resemble those of C. frinci-palisnbsp;and C. bomssifolius. Grand’Eury records the frequent associationnbsp;of Samaropsis seeds with this species; it occurs in Upper Carboniferous and in Permian strata and is recorded from a few Britishnbsp;localities.

Cordaites {Poa-Cordaites) microsiachys Goldenberg.

Weiss ^ first figured this species from drawings supplied by Goldenberg at whose suggestion the name C. microstachys wasnbsp;adopted. The type-specimen consists of a slender axis bearingnbsp;numerous narrow linear leaves and a few imperfect fertile axillarynbsp;shoots. A specimen is figured by Kidston® from the Uppernbsp;Coal Measures of Radstock: it is a rare type in Britain. Thenbsp;species is readily distinguished from C. frincipalis and similarnbsp;forms by the narrow lamina which varies considerably in length,nbsp;rarely as long as 30 cm. and not exceeding 1 cm. in breadth.nbsp;The apex is obtuse and the ribs are either equal in strength ornbsp;1—2 finer striae may alternate with the stronger ribs. The basenbsp;of the lamina is 3—4 mm. wide and the leaf-scars have a slightlynbsp;arched upper margin and an almost straight lower edge*. Thenbsp;foliage of this species, generally regarded as identical withnbsp;C. linearis Grand’Eury, bears a close resemblance to that of thenbsp;Mesozoic genus Phoenicopsis from which it is distinguished bynbsp;the occurrence of the leaves in bunches.

C. gracilis Lesq.® is a similar type. The shoot on which Lesquereux founded his genus Desmiophyllum^ may perhaps benbsp;an example of Poa-Cordaites. Poa-Cordaites tenuifolius Schmal.^nbsp;from the Permian of Russia may be identical with C. microstachys-

As examples of other forms of leaf referred to Cordaites, though as in other cases without any proof of connexion withnbsp;branches having the anatomical features of the genus, reference

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Grand’Eury (77) A. PI. xvin.; Renault and Zeiller (88) A. PI. Lxvi.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Weiss. C. E. (72) p. 19S.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;= Kidston (02) B. PI. lxiv. fig. 2.

’ Zeiller (80) A. p. 146, PI. CLXXv. fig. 1; Grand’Eury (77) A. p. 22.5; (90) A-PI. VII. fig. 5; Renault and Zeiller (88) A. PI. LXVil. figs. 1, 2.

® Lesquereux (80) A. p. .539. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Lesquereux (78) p. 322.

’ Schmalhausen (87) PI. VI. figs. 4—6.

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be made to Cordaites circularis Grand’Eury^ from Gard (fig- 468, B) and a smaller leaf from tbe same locality comparednbsp;¦«quot;ith C. Lacoei (fig. 468, C) Lesq. Cordaites circularis is characterisednbsp;^y the almost orbicular lamina traversed by slightly spreadingnbsp;'^eins ; it recalls some of the larger Cyclopteris pinnules of Pterido-sperm fronds and is indistinguishable from some leaves assignednbsp;to the genus Uolerofhyllum^.


C- 468. A, Cordaites root-system {Bhizo-Cordaites); B, Cordaites circularis leaf; c, Cordaites sp., cf. Cordaites Lacoei; D, Cordaites crassifolius, uppernbsp;lower surface of leaf. (After Grand’Eury.)

I'he species C. Lacoei was founded by Lesquereux® on some ^etached specimens 3—12 cm. long and 1-5—5 cm. broad; it isnbsp;y Bo means certain that a specimen referred by Grand’Eury*nbsp;'^ith some hesitation to this species is Cordaitean.

The generic name Scuto-Cordaites was proposed by Eenault® a specimen from Commentry consisting of a flattened branchnbsp;faring a few imperfectly preserved leaves. The surface of thenbsp;ranch shows semicircular leaf-scars on decurrent, spirally disposednbsp;^-t-cushions and bears a certain resemblance to a slender stem

^ Grand’Eury (90) A. p. 325, PI. vi. fig. 15.

^ Sohmalhausen (87) PI. V. figs. 7—9.

Lesquereux (80) A. p. 535, PI. Lxxxvn. figs. 2—4.

Grand’Eury, loc. cit. p. 324, PI. iv. fig. 14.

® Renault and ZeiUer (88) A. p. 603, PI. rxiii. fig. 6.

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of a Clathrarian Sigillaria. The leaves of the type-specimen of Scuto-Cordaites Grand’Euryi appear to be broadly hnear, 13 cm.nbsp;long, the breadth gradually increasing from the base: a shortnbsp;distance from the proximal end the lamina is broken up intonbsp;narrow segments; the veins are -5 mm. apart with finer striationsnbsp;between them.

Some specimens from Pennsylvania made by Dawson^ the type of a new sub-genus and named Dictyo-Cordaites Lecoi agreenbsp;in shape and arrangement with some species of Cordaites, butnbsp;differ in an occasional anastomosis of the veins as in Psygmo-'phyllum flabellatum. It is, however, impossible to determine thenbsp;true nature of the fossils from the published figures.


AND Siberia. Noeggeratjiiopsis, PmsTMA^Tie:.!^; Rhipto-


\ Cordaites aequalis Goeppert,

\Cordaites (Noeggerathiopsis) Hislopi (Bunbury).

In 1845 Goeppert^ instituted the species Noeggerathia aequalis (fig. 469) and N. distans for incomplete broadly linear and obovatenbsp;leaves, from Siberian Permian strata, having a contracted basenbsp;and equal parallel veins. The specimens so named are no doubtnbsp;specifically identical. Goeppert’s species N. aequalis has recentlynbsp;been carefully investigated by Zalessky® who agrees withnbsp;Kosmovsky^ in identifying it with Noeggerathiopsis Hislopinbsp;(Bunb.) and Rhiptozamites Goepperti Schmal. Schmalhausen®nbsp;had previously pointed out the probable identity of his speciesnbsp;with Noeggerathia palmaeformis Goepp. (= Cordaites). Thenbsp;question of specific identity of these leaves from different localitiesnbsp;and of other hardly distinguishable forms is of secondary importance ; the main point is that they are all examples of Cordaiteannbsp;leaves, Cordaites or some allied genus, and point to the existencenbsp;of this group of Gymnosperms during Permo-Carboniferousnbsp;times in Siberia, China, India, Australia, South Africa, and

1 Dawson (90) p. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* Goeppert (45^) p. 7, Pis. xxvii. xxviii.

® Zalessky (12) p. 36; (12^). See also Gothan (11).

quot; Kosmovsky (92). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;« Schmalhausen (79) A. p. 32; Zeiller (96) A.

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S. America, also in the Rhaetic floras of Tonkin^ and Mexico^. The fragments from Devonian strata at Iguana Creek, Australia,nbsp;named by McCoy® Cordaites australis are probably pieces of thenbsp;rachis of some large frond.

Wieland* recently discovered Cordaitean leaves exhibiting a wide range in size and shape in the Mixteca flora of Mexiconbsp;in the lower members of a series which extends from the ‘uppernbsp;borders of the Rhaetic’ through the Liassic to the lower beds ofnbsp;the Inferior Oolite. These leaves are referred to Noeggerathiofsisnbsp;Hislofi, and it is clear from an examination of photographsnbsp;received from Dr Wieland, one of which is reproduced in fig. 470,nbsp;that the Mexican Cordaites cannot be specifically distinguishednbsp;from Bunbury’s type as represented by specimens described fromnbsp;India, South Africa, Siberia, Tonkin, and elsewhere.

The occurrence of Noeggerathiofsis is also recorded by Newberry from the Rhaetic series of Honduras®.

Noeggerathiofsis. This genus was founded by Feistmantel® for some leaves from Lower Gondwana rocks in India originallynbsp;described by Bunbury’ as Noeggerathia (Cyclofterisl) Hislofinbsp;(figs. 470—472) and regarded by him as probably Cycadean.nbsp;Several authors have added to our knowledge of this widelynbsp;spread southern type and in many localities the leaves occurnbsp;in association with platyspermic seeds of the Samarofsis ornbsp;Cordaicarfus type, pieces of stems with Cordaitean leaf-scars,nbsp;and petrified wood agreeing in the structure of the secondarynbsp;xylem with that of European species of Cordaites. In somenbsp;Permo-Carboniferous sandstones at Vereeniging, South Africa,nbsp;stumps and spreading roots (fig. 478) resembling those describednbsp;from France by Grand’Eury (cf. fig. 468, A) have also beennbsp;discovered. A remarkable occurrence of roots and prostratenbsp;stems of some forest-tree was recorded some years ago in thenbsp;bed of the Vaal river near Vereeniging where the surface of a seamnbsp;of coal was exposed over an area of more than two acres®. Large

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Zeiller (03) B. For other references see Seward (14).

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Wieland (13).nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® McCoy (74) B. Decade iv. p. 22.

^ Wieland (13). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Newberry (88) p. 350.

® Feistmantel (79^) p. 23; (80^). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;’ Bunbury (61) B. p. 334.

* Mellor and Leslie (06) B.

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branched roots (fig. 478) spreading over the coal for a distance of several feet and thick stems 40—50 ft in length with verynbsp;few branches and but little decrease in diameter afford a strikingnbsp;picture of a forest-floor. The frequent occurrence of Cordaitesnbsp;{Noeggerathiofsis) Hislopi in the associated strata suggests anbsp;reference of the stems and roots to that species. Moreover the

J:gt;'gt; d


Fro. 472.

structure of the secondary xylem of some petrified pieces of stem sent to me by Mr Leslie from Vereeniging agrees closelynbsp;with that of a European Cordaitean stem.

The leaves of Cordaites (Noeggerathiopsis) Hislopi vary considerably in size, in some cases reaching a length of 80 cm. (fig- 471),

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the lamina tapeis gradually from a short distance behind the obtuse apex to a relatively narrow base; in venation and formnbsp;the leaves are very similar to those of C. principalis and othernbsp;European and North American species. The specimen fromnbsp;India represented in fig. 472 shows several spathulate leavesnbsp;attached in a close spiral to a branch. As White^ and Zalesskynbsp;have shown, the stronger ribs are separated by less prominentnbsp;striations indicating the presence of two sizes of hypodermalnbsp;strands. The obvious resemblance between Noeggerathiopsisnbsp;Hislopi and species of Cordaites has long been recognised andnbsp;Ettany authors have included Feistmantel’s genus in the Cordai-tales^. Prof. Zeiller® preferred to retain the name Noeggerathiopsisnbsp;a precautionary measure, chiefly on the ground that thenbsp;stomata appeared to be less definitely arranged in rows and morenbsp;scattered than in the European leaves of Cordaites, and becausenbsp;of the absence of interstitial veins. We have as yet little information as to the arrangement of the stomata, but in view of thenbsp;irregularity in stomatal grouping in recent leaves this feature is,nbsp;perhaps, of minor importance. The presence of interstitialnbsp;Veins' has now been established in Indian^ and South American®nbsp;leaves. In a paper published in 1908® the name Cordaites wasnbsp;Substituted for Noeggerathiopsis and Zalessky’s recent w«rknbsp;supports this step. The description by Zalessky of the ribbingnbsp;lu doeppert’s species Cordaites aequalis from Siberia shows hownbsp;uucertain and variable a character the venation is even in differentnbsp;parts of the same leaf.

Cordaites Clerci Zalessky.

This species (fig. 469, D) was instituted for some small lanceo-ate or spathulate leaves from the Petschora basin (Adzva River) ^ ^^uching a length of 6 cm. and a breadth of 1 cm. It is separatednbsp;lorn Cordaites aequalis on the ground that the veins are morenbsp;*iumerous, as many as 44 in a breadth of 1 cm.

recent investigation by Miss Holden* of the carbonised

^ White (08) B. p. 549.

^ Arber (03) B. p. 178, gives references to other authors.

^ Zeiller (03) B. p. 149, PI. xl. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;» Zalessky (12).

, White (08) B. p. 549. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* Seward and Leslie (08) B. p. 120.

, Zalessky (13) p. 20, PI. n. hgs. 4r-6.

Q6 results have not yet been published (September, 1915).


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cuticles of some Indian specimens, sent to Cambridge by tbe Director of the Indian Geological Survey, and a comparison ofnbsp;them with preparations made from European Cordaites leaves, havenbsp;revealed certain distinguishing features which support Zeiller’snbsp;view that the Gondwana-Land leaves, though similar superficiallynbsp;to those of Cordaites, are probably distinct. It is, however,nbsp;impossible in many cases to obtain any information with regardnbsp;to epidermal characters, and though it would seem probable thatnbsp;had we a fuller knowledge of the Indian and southern hemispherenbsp;plants represented for the most part by leaf-impressions well-defined distinguishing features would be recognised, the comprehensive name Cordaites may conveniently be retained on thenbsp;ground that in the absence of well-preserved cuticles no satisfactory distinguishing features are exhibited by the impressionsnbsp;of Noeggerathiofsis.

Phylladoderma. Zalessky.


Phylladoderma Arberi Zalessky.

Zalessky^ founded this genus on some Permian leaves from the Petschora basin (Adzva River) which closely resemble those ofnbsp;Cordaites but are characterised by a coarser venation. Thenbsp;lanceolate lamina reaches a length of 18 cm. and a breadth ofnbsp;4-2 cm.; the veins are 2 mm. apart and occasionally forked nearnbsp;the base of the leaf. The epidermal cells have straight walls andnbsp;stomata are abundant on the lower surface. As Zalessky says,nbsp;tbe systematic position of the leaves is uncertain though they arenbsp;probably Cordaitean. The coarseness of the venation is a featurenbsp;of minor importance and hardly worthy of generic recognition.

Rhiptozamites Schmalhausen.

This genus was instituted by Schmalhausen^ for leaves from beds in the Kusnezk basin regarded by him as Jurassic. Thesenbsp;strata are now recognised as Permian® and homotaxial with thosenbsp;from which Schmalhausen^ subsequent!}^ recorded the samenbsp;species. The leaves, though smaller than many of the India»nbsp;and South African specimens of Cordaites {Noeggerathiofsis)

s. 7, 9; ni. figs. 3, 5—8, 10, 11-3 Zeiller (96) A; (02).

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Zalessky (13) p. 23, Pis. i. fig. 4; ii. :

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Schmalhausen (79) A. p. 29.

^ Schmalhausen (87) B. p. 37.

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Hislopi, may belong to that species. Zeiller and others definitely assigned the Russian leaves to Cordaites.

Euryphyllum. The Indian leaves for which FeistmanteR proposed this name are, as several writers have pointed out, innbsp;all probability referable to Cordaites.

The general conclusion to be drawn from this imperfect summary of an extensive literature is that the employment ofnbsp;the generic names Noeggeraihiopsis, Rhiptozamites, Eurypliyllum,nbsp;and others has tended to exaggerate the difference between thenbsp;European and Southern botanical provinces during the Permo-Carboniferous period.

Scale-leaves, seeds, and stems.

The occurrence of small scale-like leaves of the type represented in fig. 468, C,in association with Cordaites {NoeggeratMopsis)Hislopi^nbsp;in India, Brazil, Siberia, and elsewhere may mean that thesenbsp;organs are scales of large foliar buds. The occurrence of severalnbsp;forms of platyspermic seeds, in some cases apparently identicalnbsp;quot;^ith European forms and sometimes distinct types, in closenbsp;association with Cordaites (Noeggerathiopsis) Hislopi has alreadynbsp;been mentioned. Examples of such seeds are described innbsp;Chapter xxxv. under the genus Samaropsis.

There are very few satisfactory examples of Cordaitean brarfches from the southern hemisphere. Schmalhausen® figures goodnbsp;specimens from Siberian rocks from which his Rhiptozamitesnbsp;foaves were obtained. Branches with spirally disposed leaf-scarsnbsp;figured by Zeiller* from the Rhaetic of Tonkin closely resemblenbsp;^wdaicladus. Feistmantel’s drawing of a fossil from the Kar-barbari series, compared by him with a Fern rhizome®, may benbsp;Cordaitean branch, and the same author describes a stem®nbsp;from New South Wales as Caulopteris Adamsi which bears a closenbsp;resemblance to a branch of Cordaites. Similarly a leafy shootnbsp;described from India by Zeiller as Araucarites Oldhami’’ may benbsp;Compared with branches of the Poa-Cordaites type.

^ Teistmantel p. 26; Arber (05) B. p. 186.

ï'eistmantel (82) p. 42, PI. xiv.; White (08) B. PI. x; Schmalhausen (87) B. j Schmalhausen (87) B. Pis. v., vn.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* Zeiller (03) B. PI. xL.

j Teistmantel (79^) PI. xm. fig. 6.

r’eistmautel (90) A. PI. xxi. figs. 1, 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;’ Zeiller (02) B. PI. vn. fig. 6.

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Stems, i. Pith-casts.

Artisia. Stemberg.

A character to which authors tend to attach excessive importance as a diagnostic feature is the almost invariable tendency of the parenchymatous pith of Cordaites to break up on contractionnbsp;into transverse diaphragms, thus producing what is known asnbsp;a discoid pith. In the stem shown in fig. 473 the pith is represented by a more or less cylindrical cast characterised by fairlynbsp;regular transverse ribs and narrow grooves; in the upper part

Fig. 473. Cordaites (or Mesoxylont) stem showing the discoid pith partially enclosed by wood. (J nat. size.) M. S.

of the fossil the peripheral tissue of the pith is preserved in the form of narrow plates projecting from the inner face of the wood.nbsp;As Renault^ pointed out, this type of pith is the expression ofnbsp;certain conditions of growth and is not a satisfactory distinguishingnbsp;feature of any particular genus or family. The same tendencynbsp;to form a discoid pith is characteristic of Mesoxylon, and it occursnbsp;also in some other Palaeozoic genera. Corda long ago figurednbsp;a stem attributed by him to Lomatofioyos with a typical discoidnbsp;pith, and a similar pith is recorded in a stem of Dicranophylluw^-Among recent plants Juglans regia affords perhaps the mostnbsp;familiar instance of an identical form of pith; the same typ®

Renault f79) B. p. 287.

2 Renault and Zeiller (88) A. PI LXXi*

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Occurs in the white Jasmine, in Ceropegia peltata, and some other flowering plants. An interesting case is that of the tree Groundsel,nbsp;Senecio praecox D.C.^, of Mexico: in this plant, which grows innbsp;arid districts, the pith serves as a water-store and as the waternbsp;is drawn ofi^ the thick turgescent discs contract and form thinnbsp;transverse diaphragms separated by wide spaces, as is also thenbsp;case on drying in some succulent Euphorbia stems. It may benbsp;that in Cordaites the medullary region also served as a waterreservoir and the depth of the medullary discs would vary accordingnbsp;to the state of their contents.

The earlier writers regarded the pith-casts as stems with scars of amplexicaul leaves: Artis^ described specimens fromnbsp;the English Coal Measures as Sternbergia, one of which he statednbsp;to be 6 ft long; a few years later Sternberg® proposed the namenbsp;Artisia and this has been generally used on the ground thatnbsp;Sternbergia is the name of a recent flowering plant. A specimennbsp;of Artisia transversa (Art.) from the Coal Measures of Yorkshirenbsp;is shown in fig. 466, B, and similar specimens varying considerablynbsp;in diameter up to about 10 cm. are abundant in European andnbsp;American Coal Measures. The prominence and depth of thenbsp;transverse ridges, the presence or absence of anastomoses betweennbsp;s-djacent discs are, as Zeiller^ says, of very doubtful valug asnbsp;Specific characters. Dawson in 1846® spoke of Artisia as probablynbsp;the pith of a tree, a view suggested to him by Mr Dawes. Innbsp;1851 Williamson® published a description of some specimens innbsp;''^hich a pith-cast, Artisia approximata Lind, and Hutt., wasnbsp;inclosed by wood showing very clearly Cordaitean characters,nbsp;ï'urther demonstration of the true nature of Artisia was supplied

Grand’Eury from St Etienne material. If the generic name Artisia is applied to all pith-casts showing the transverse ridgesnbsp;and grooves like those seen in fig. 466, B, it must be rememberednbsp;that it is not safe to assume a connexion with Cordaites or Meso-^ylon. A Liassic species described by Lignier’ from France as

^ Harahberger (98).

* Sternberg (38) A, p. 192. ZeiUer (88) A. p. 581, PI- lxv.

‘ Zeiller (06) B. p. 189.

® Williamson (51).

2 Artis (25) A. PI. vm.

For examples of Artisiay see also Renault and

^ Dawson (46) p. 135.

^ Lignier (95) PL vn. fig. 13

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Artisia alternans is quoted by authors as evidence of the persistence of Cordaites into the Jurassic period; but in view of the factnbsp;that the discoid type of pith is not by any means confined tonbsp;Cordaites or even to the Cordaitales the occurrence of Artisia isnbsp;in itself of no great botanical significance.

It is also true that a discoid pith is not an invariable attribute of stems closely allied to the genus Cordaites; but if these reservationsnbsp;are made the use of the generic term Artisia serves a useful purpose.

ii. Petrified stems.

Dadoxylon. Endlicher.

Palaeobotanical literature contains numerous descriptions of Palaeozoic petrified wood occasionally enclosing an Artisia pith-cast described under such names as Dadoxylon, Cordaioxylon,nbsp;Araucarioxylon, etc., and regarded as portions of Cordaiteannbsp;stems. It is, however, certain that much of this material belongednbsp;to stems other than those of Cordaites. Recent research hasnbsp;demonstrated the insufficiency of the secondary xylem alone,nbsp;however well preserved, as a safe guide to generic position: stemsnbsp;identical in the structure of the secondary xylem differ in thatnbsp;of the primary portion of the stele, and it is on the characters ofnbsp;the latter tissues that several genera have recently been founded.nbsp;Mesoxylon affords a striking example of the importance of thenbsp;primary xylem as a distinctive feature. As Gothan^ points out,nbsp;the species of Calamofitys recently made the type of a new genusnbsp;Eristofhyton'^ would, in the absence of the primary xylem, probablynbsp;be regarded as Cordaitean. It is important to recognise thenbsp;limitations imposed by the imperfection of the material; wenbsp;cannot in most cases determine whether a specimen should benbsp;referred to Cordaites or Mesoxylon, and while it may be describednbsp;as probably Cordaitean in affinity there remains the possibilitynbsp;that some of the Palaeozoic plants with secondary wood like thatnbsp;of Cordaites, if their reproductive organs were known, would notnbsp;be included in the Cordaitales. Goeppert’s species Araucaritesnbsp;Tchihatcheffi, which Renault® quotes as Cordaites, has recentlynbsp;been assigned to a new genus Mesopitys'^ because of certain

^ See page 199. * See page 295.

Gothan (05) p. 28. Renault (79) B. p. 288.

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distinctive features of the primary xylem. Additional examples might be quoted pointing to the tendency of recent and morenbsp;thorough investigation to establish the fact that the occurrencenbsp;of Permo-Carboniferous wood of the Araucarian type does notnbsp;necessarily denote the existence of Cordaites. The question ofnbsp;nomenclature is necessarily raised in this connexion.

In recent years it has been customary to assign Palaeozoic Wood with Araucarian pitting to the genus Dadoxylon, whilenbsp;Wood of the same general type from more recent strata is bynbsp;many authors referred to Araucarioxylon}. This arbitrary distinction based on a difference in age is open to serious objection.nbsp;Possil wood of the Araucarian type is widely scattered in stratanbsp;ranging from Carboniferous to Jurassic periods; it also occursnbsp;in later formations. The fact that on the one hand Araucariannbsp;plants, as recognised by cones and foHage-shoots, are especiallynbsp;characteristic of Jurassic floras and occur more rarely in Rhaeticnbsp;and Triassic floras, and on the other hand that Cordaites and itsnbsp;allies reached their greatest development in Permo-Carboniferousnbsp;times, renders it probable that in the majority of cases a distinctive name based on geological age would be in accordance withnbsp;botanical differences. But we have no satisfactory data as tonbsp;tbe upper limits of the Cordaiteae or the lower limits olgt;thenbsp;Araucarineae; in all probability the two families overlapped andnbsp;Co-existed for more than one geological period. It is, moreover,nbsp;tbe plants from formations where overlapping occurred that arenbsp;tbe most critical from a botanical standpoint. The age-distinctionnbsp;therefore at best an artificial one and may be seriously misleading. Potonié^ and Gothan® have emphasised the desirabilitynbsp;ef adopting the name Dadoxylon for all wood of the Araucarian typenbsp;irrespective of age. If a particular specimen can be correlatednbsp;ilefinitely with Cordaites or some other genus it should be sonbsp;designated, but the fragmentary nature of the records usuallynbsp;precludes this simple course. The most logical plan is to use thenbsp;^ame Dadoxylon for all woods with Araucarian characters if therenbsp;is no sufficient reason for employing a less provisional term. If

p nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(86) A. p. 56; Knowlton (90); Zeiller (95) B. p. 627; PenhaUow (00)

Potonié (02) p. 229.

Gothan (05) p. 13.

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250 COKDAITBAEnbsp;[CH.,

the evidence clearly points to the Araucarineae the generic name Araucarioxylon should be added in parentheses after Dadoxylon,nbsp;but whether or not this is done, a statement as to the geologicalnbsp;age of the fossil will in itself be some assistance in enabling thenbsp;student to form an opinion on the balance of probability in favournbsp;of a Cordaitean or an Araucarian affinity. The course suggestednbsp;by Gothan^, namely to add Cordaites after Dadoxylon if an Artisianbsp;pith is present, is rendered inoperative now that we know that anbsp;discoid pith occurs in more than one genus. In this chapter wenbsp;are concerned primarily with Cordaites and with such stems asnbsp;may fairly be regarded as Cordaitean: examples of fossil woodnbsp;from later formations are dealt with in another place. A distinction between Araucarioxylon and Cordaioxylon stems has beennbsp;based by Felix on the nature of the pith-casts; those of thenbsp;Artisia type he refers to Cordaioxylon, while Palaeozoic stemsnbsp;with Tylodendron pith-casts are assigned to Araucarioxylon^.nbsp;This distinction can, however, only be made in the comparativelynbsp;few cases in which the pith-cast is preserved. Its validity is,nbsp;moreover, open to question. A Tylodendron (= Schizodendron)nbsp;cast shows on its surface the characters of the inner face of thenbsp;secondary xylem, projecting spindle-shaped areas representingnbsp;the inner ends of medullary rays and a reticulum of groovesnbsp;formed by the more resistant and prominent inner edges of thenbsp;rows of tracheids (fig. 746). A pith-cast of a stem in which thenbsp;destruction by decay of the medullary parenchyma had notnbsp;extended to the edge of the xylem-cylinder might show transversenbsp;diaphragms. The occurrence of Tylodendron casts means thatnbsp;decay had extended to the surface of the wood. But in view ofnbsp;the occurrence of Tylodendron casts in stems that are not thosenbsp;of Cordaites a short account of the genus is given on another page®.

The main features of the stem of Cordaites have already been enumerated. The stele agrees with that of Araucaria and Agathisnbsp;and especially with Agathis in the double nature of the leaf-trace.nbsp;Williamson^ in 1877 described pieces of wood from the English

1 Gothan (05) p. 15. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;2 gterzel (03).

® See Chap. XLv.

* WilHamson (77) A. p. 226, Pis. vii.—ix.; (80) A. p. 516, PI. xx. fig. 16; (83quot;) A. p. 470.

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Coal Measures and the Lower Carboniferous of Scotland which he referred to Dadoxylon but without any specific name. Thesenbsp;include the Coalbrookdale stem in which he had previouslynbsp;demonstrated the connexion between Artisia and Dadoxylon.nbsp;The structure of the xylem is like that in D. Brandlingii and thenbsp;specimens may belong to that species. The most interestingnbsp;fact recorded by Williamson is the occurrence of double leaf-traces, a feature which led him to suspect a remote generic affinitynbsp;to Ginhgo. This double trace may be an important diagnosticnbsp;feature but unfortunately the majority of descriptions of speciesnbsp;of Dadoxylon throw no light on the character of the foliar bundles.

Thomson and Alhn^ have recently pointed out that a double leaf-trace occurs in a stem from the Permian of Kansas describednbsp;by Penhallow^ as Pityoxylon chasense and referred to that genusnbsp;because of the supposed occurrence of resin-canals in some ofnbsp;the medullary rays: the canals are apparently leaf-traces traversingnbsp;broad rays in the secondary wood.

The primary xylem of Cordaites is in direct continuity with the secondary tracheids and does not form mesarch strands asnbsp;in Mesoxylon. The pith is usually discoid. The pitting on thenbsp;tracheids is a character of special importance: while it is truenbsp;to sa}^ that as a rule the number of pits on the radial walls «f anbsp;single tracheid is larger than in the Araucarineae, this is not alwaysnbsp;the case. In Araucaria there are occasionally as many as fivenbsp;rows of alternate polygonal pits (fig. 691, A) and in some Palaeozoic Dadoxylons there are only one® or two rows. The verynbsp;broad zone of transitional elements at the inner edge of the xylem-'^ylinder is a characteristic feature shared by the Araucarineae^;nbsp;bbe spiral protoxylem-tracheids are succeeded by scalariformnbsp;elements and these, by the gradual anastomosing of the transversenbsp;^^-rs, pass into tracheids with multiseriate pitting. In this broadnbsp;Zone we probably have a primitive feature, an epitome in anbsp;single stem of the course of development of multiseriate fromnbsp;®calariform pitting. In some Palaeozoic species with wood ofnbsp;the pycnoxylic type and agreeing generally with typical Cordaites

* Thomson and Allin (12); Thomson (13) p. 14.

“ Penhallow (00) p. 76. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® White (08) B. p. 583.

Seward and Ford (06) B. p. 341.

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the bordered pits are sometimes separate and circular, and opposite pits occasionally replace the usual alternate arrangement. Anothernbsp;feature on which stress has been laid is that in Cordaites the pitsnbsp;occupy the whole breadth of the tracheal wall; but this, thoughnbsp;frequently the case, is by no means a constant feature. Innbsp;Dadoxylon Newherryi^ the pits tend to form groups, leavingnbsp;unpitted areas, as in the genus Coenoxylon^. In the stem ofnbsp;Dadoxylon materiarum Daws, represented in fig. 475 the pits donbsp;not always cover the whole of the tracheid-walls: this stem isnbsp;also instructive as an example of the different appearance presentednbsp;by pitted tracheids according to the state of preservation. Innbsp;some places an oblique pore is well shown while in others onlynbsp;the outer border of the pit is seen. Gothan® has described anbsp;specimen in which some of the pits are circular and occupy onlynbsp;the central area of the xylem elements: separate circular pitsnbsp;occur also in D. Pedroi Zeill.* (fig. 476). Similar departures fromnbsp;the normal are illustrated by recent species of Araucarineae.nbsp;The absence of a torus is another feature shared by Dadoxylonnbsp;^ and true Araucarian wood. Annual rings other than incompletenbsp;\ and spasmodically formed rows of narrower tracheids are not asnbsp;, a rule present, and in this respect also Araucaria affords a closenbsp;analogy. Thomson® has figured a transverse section of a rootnbsp;from English Coal Measures in which rings of growth are wellnbsp;defined; and other instances are recorded. In an Australiannbsp;species named by Arber D. australe^, there are well-marked ringsnbsp;of growth, and this is equally the case in some Indian wood^ ofnbsp;Permo-Carboniferous age, more nearly allied to Mesoxylon thannbsp;to Cordaites, and in a Dadoxylon of similar age from South Africa.nbsp;On the other hand the statement that annual rings occur innbsp;Palaeozoic wood is often incorrect, partial rings having beennbsp;confused with regular concentric cylinders of summer elements.nbsp;Dawson and Matthew® described rings in D. ouangondianum,nbsp;and Goeppert and StenzeP, who examined the Canadian material,

1 Penhallow (00) p. 64, fig. 12. 3 Gothan (0.5) p. 16.

2 See page 293.

* See page 259.

^ Thomson (13) p. 19. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“ Arber (05) B. p. 191. See posiea, p. 255.

’ An account of this wood is being published by Miss Holden.

* Matthew (10) p. 77, Pis. i., ii.

® Goeppert and Stenzel (88) p. 10.

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refer to circles like annual rings; but Penhallow^ states that there is no evidence of true growth-rings.

The medullary rays are uniseriate and consist of thin parenchymatous cells with unpitted walls; they vary considerably in depth, usually comparatively shallow but in some cases 40 ornbsp;50 cells deep. In recent Araucarineae the rays are generallynbsp;shallower. The absence of special receptacles, other thannbsp;occasional resiniferous tracheids, for products of secretion is anbsp;feature common to Dadoxylon and the Araucarineae. The phloemnbsp;presents no features of special interest, but our knowledge of thisnbsp;tissue is comparatively meagre.

Among other examples of large Dadoxylon stems some of which no doubt bore Cordaitean foliage—though as a rule wenbsp;have insufficient information as regards anatomical charactersnbsp;to enable a decision to be made between Cordaites and Mesoxylon—nbsp;reference should be made to the imposing array of silicified trunksnbsp;in the grounds of the Chemnitz Museum^. These were obtainednbsp;from Lower Permian strata at Hilbersdorf near Chemnitz fromnbsp;beds overlain by porphyry tuff and resting on quartz porphyry,nbsp;the volcanic material which furnished the siliceous solutions.nbsp;Several large pieces of wood were found in association with stemsnbsp;of Medullosa and Psaronius, leaves of Cordaites, Artisia pith-casts, and Cardiocarpus seeds with specimens of Walchia, Gompho-strohus and other plants. Sterzel describes a stem 16-5 met.nbsp;long and 1-5 met. in diameter; on the main trunk the branch-scars are scattered but on some branches there is a tendency tonbsp;a whorled arrangement. This and many other stems are referrednbsp;to Araucarioxylon (or Dadoxylon) saxonicum, a species first described by Reichenbach as Megadendron saxonicum. In onenbsp;specimen Sterzel states that the bordered pits are generally innbsp;1 2 rows, though rarely in 3—4 rows, on the radial walls of thenbsp;tracheids which they do not completely cover: the medullarynbsp;rays reach a depth of between 20 and 30 cells. It is noteworthynbsp;that the stem 1.6-5 met. long has a pith-cast of the Tylodendronnbsp;type.

Penhallow (00) p. 67. Sterzel (00); (03); (12).

See also Goeppert (80).

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Dadoxylon (Cordaites) Brandlingii (Lindley and Hutton).

1831. Pinites Brandlingii Lindley and Hutton, Loss. Mor. Vol. i. PI. i. 1850. Araucarites Brandlingii Goeppert, Loss. Conif. p. 232, Pis. xxxix.—xli.nbsp;1890. Cordaioxylon Brandlingii Schenk, in Schimper and Schenk, p. 853,nbsp;flg. 408.

This species was founded on ‘a fossil giant of the vegetable kingdom ’ discovered at Wideopen near Newcastle in Carboniferousnbsp;strata on the estate of Mr Brandling. The stem, 72 ft long andnbsp;far from complete, showed an irregular and not a whorled distribution of branch-scars. It is noteworthy that in D. medullarisnbsp;(Goepp.)^, a Permian species from Saxony, the branch-scars,nbsp;while for the most part irregularly scattered, in one case showednbsp;an approach to a whorled disposition as in recent Araucarias.nbsp;Witham^ gave a fuller account of the structure of the stem thannbsp;is included in the original description, and the species has beennbsp;described by many later authors from both Permian and Carboniferous localities. The pith is discoid and the broad transitionalnbsp;region at the inner edge of the wood is a characteristic feature®.nbsp;Thomson^ points out that there is a tendency to a retention ofnbsp;the scalariform type of pitting in the region of the medullarynbsp;rays. There are 1—5 rows of pits on the radial walls of thenbsp;tracheids. The rays may reach a depth of 40 cells; they arenbsp;usually one cell broad. It has recently been shown that as manynbsp;as six vascular strands® may form one leaf-trace instead of thenbsp;customary pair, a feature suggesting comparison with Meta-cordaites Bigolloti Een. with its five foliar bundles. Other speciesnbsp;agree very closely with D. Brandlingii and it is impossible tonbsp;determine with accuracy the precise specific limits of stemsnbsp;agreeing generally with this type; but for the sake of emphasisingnbsp;the variation in anatomical structure it is worth while to drawnbsp;attention to a few more or less divergent forms from differentnbsp;geographical areas.

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Goeppert and Stenzel (88) PI. ii. fig. 14,

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Witkam (33) A.

2 Scott (09) B. p. 528, fig. 190. See also Penhallow (00) p. 62, with references to literature.

* Thomson (13) p. 19 2 Ibid. p. 16.

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Dadoxylon profopityoides Felix.

An interesting feature in this Westphalian type from Germany is the occurrence of transversely elongated pits on the tracheids^nbsp;associated with those of normal form closely simulating the pitsnbsp;in the xylem elements of Protopitys.

Dadoxylon nummularium White.

In this Brazilian wood^ from Permo-Carboniferous beds the medullary rays are very numerous, mostly uniseriate and 1—30nbsp;cells in depth. The pits on the tracheids are in 1—2 rows and arenbsp;often contiguous. In another type, D. meridionale, described bynbsp;the same author®, the pits are strictly uniseriate and generallynbsp;contiguous. As White says, the absence of the pith and cortexnbsp;and of any evidence as to the structure of the primary xylemnbsp;renders impossible any definite expression of opinion as to thenbsp;affinity of these and many other species.

Dadoxylon Nicoli Seward.

Dr Arber^ in naming this species, from the Newcastle (Permo-Carboniferous) Series of New South Wales, Dadoxylon australe, *ioes not mention Crié’s earlier account of some wood from Newnbsp;Caledonia under the name Araucarioxylon australe^. The latternbsp;generic name according to the usage adopted in this volumenbsp;should be superseded by Dadoxylon, and this necessitates a freshnbsp;specific name for Arber’s specimens. The name Nicoli is suggestednbsp;m place of australe, as the sections on which Arber founded hisnbsp;species form part of the Nicol collection in the British Museum.

The xylem shows distinct rings of growth, a feature also seen iQ Indian stems of approximately the same geological age andnbsp;recorded by Shirley® in wood from Queensland which needs morenbsp;eareful examination. The bordered pits, usually multiseriatenbsp;^nd contiguous, are not infrequently in 1—2 rows and separate.


uniseriate medullary rays are very numerous as in White’s

^razilian species D. nummularium, and as a rule 6—12 cells deep.


rne well-preserved specimens from Permo-Carboniferous strata

^ Felix (86) A. PI. v. fig. “ Ibid. p. 583, PI. XIV.

^ Crié (89).

2 White (08) B. p. 579, PI. xiii.

* Arber (05) B. p. 191, figs. 40—43.

« Shirley (98) p. 14; Arber (05) B. p. 201.

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in Natal and Zululand have been described by Warren^ as Bado-xylon australe Arb., showing interesting anatomical features, but the material almost certainly includes more than one specificnbsp;type and would repay more detailed investigation.

Dadoxylon materiarum Dawson.

This species was described by Dawson^ from Carboniferous strata in Nova Scotia and afterwards referred by Penhallow® tonbsp;the genus Cordaites. In the transverse section reproduced innbsp;fig. 474, A, the tracheid-walls have been reduced in thicknessnbsp;by partial decay, but some of the bordered pits are clearly shownnbsp;on the radial walls; the pits usually form 2—4 contiguous rowsnbsp;(fig. 475) in some cases with an oblique pore while others arenbsp;represented either by the outer border of the pit or by the porenbsp;only. The narrow medullary rays are as a rule uniseriate andnbsp;may be 60 cells deep (fig. 474, B). Dawson states that somenbsp;specimens have large Artisia pith-casts, a fact that formerlynbsp;would have been regarded as proof of the Cordaites nature of thenbsp;wood, but in the absence of evidence with regard to the naturenbsp;of the primary xylem it is impossible to say whether the stemnbsp;is Cordaites or Mesoxylon.

Dadoxylon sp.

Some wood received from Mr Leslie, collected at Vereeniging, South Africa, in Permo-Carboniferous rocks, shows well-definednbsp;rings of growth. The pits form either a single row, a double,nbsp;alternate and contiguous row, or rarely three series on the tracheidnbsp;walls. The medullary rays are usually uniseriate and 1—30 cellsnbsp;deep.

Dadoxylon Kayi Arber.

This species is represented by some large trunks, in some cases with a diameter of 40 cm., discovered by Mr Kay in the Coalnbsp;Measures of Worcestershire^. The pith is very small and shows nonbsp;indication of a discoid structure, but owing to its poor preservation no sections could be obtained of this region. The secondarynbsp;wood is characterised by the large number of uniseriate medullary

® Dawson (63^).

^ Arber, E. A. N. (13q.

1 Warren (12).

^ Penhallow (00) figs. 13, 14, 17.

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A nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;B

ï’iG. 474. Dadoxylon materiarum. Transverse (A) and tangential (B) sections of the secondary xylem. (Kidston Coll. 222, 224.)

A nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Bnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;C

¦ 4/5. Dadoxylon materiarum. A—C radial longitudinal sections of the secondary xylem. (Kidston Coll. 225.)


S. Ill

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rays 1—27 cells in depth; the tracheids have usually two or sometimes three rows of alternate and contiguous bordered pitsnbsp;on the radial walls. Arber regards the absence of a discoid pithnbsp;as a fatal objection to a reference of the stems to Cordaites andnbsp;speaks of them as affording further evidence of the occurrencenbsp;of Coniferae in the higher Coal Measures of the Midlands. It is,nbsp;however, impossible to determine the position of the species innbsp;the absence of any data with regard to the structure of the peri-medullary region, and without such information we are hardlynbsp;justified in regarding Dadoxylon Kayi as a member of the Coni-ferales.

Dadoxylon Pedroi Zeiller.

This species from Upper Carboniferous or possibly Lower Permian strata in BraziP has a pith 3-8 cm. in diameter composednbsp;of parenchyma with scattered secretory sacs and characterisednbsp;by the occurrence of three equidistant bays projecting into thenbsp;cylinder of wood (fig. 476, A) which extend through the lengthnbsp;of the specimen (6 cm.); these, as Zeiller suggests, may be connected with the departure of leaf-traces or branches. The xylemnbsp;is entirely composed of centrifugal elements and shows a broadnbsp;transitional zone (fig. 476, B) including spiral, scalariform, andnbsp;reticulate tracheids, but the bordered pits are less numerous andnbsp;less crowded than in many species of Dadoxylon. The rays arenbsp;1—2 cells broad and reach a depth of 50 cells. The most strikingnbsp;features are the solid and not discoid pith with its three roundednbsp;bays and secretory canals, also the smaller number and frequentlynbsp;circular form of the pits on the tracheids. Zeiller considers thatnbsp;the stem is that of some Cordaitean plant though probably notnbsp;a true Cordaites. White^ questions the advisability of adoptingnbsp;the generic name Dadoxylon and suggests the possibility, thoughnbsp;without any satisfactory evidence, that it is the stem of a GangO’'nbsp;mofteris. Failing further information, there would seem to h®nbsp;no sufficient reason for the institution of a distinctive genericnbsp;name.

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Zeiller (95) B. p. 619, PI. ix. figs. 8—19.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;White (08) B. p. 577.

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“medullary lays. The tracheids have 3—4 rows of pits of the visual type. Spirally disposed, decurrent, leaf-bases occur on thenbsp;surface of the stem, and the cortex includes secretory canals andnbsp;^ttands of hypodermal stereome. A small number of veins passnbsp;the median part of the lamina which in this respect and in its

Renault (96) A. p. 350; (93) A. PI. Lxxvii.


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greater thickness differs from that of Cordaites leaves. Eenault speaks of the rays as a cycadean feature, but they are only twonbsp;cells in width and shorter than in recent Cycads.

Dadoxylon spetsbergense Gothan.

In this species^ from Spitzbergen, of doubtful age though probably Palaeozoic, there is no xylem-parenchyma and thenbsp;medullary rays are from 2 to 5 cells deep; the bordered pitsnbsp;occur in 1—2 or rarely 3 rows on the radial walls of the tracheids;nbsp;they are alternate but not flattened and characterised by theirnbsp;small size (7g high); they do not cover the whole face of thenbsp;tracheids. It is pointed out that in many Palaeozoic and Mesozoicnbsp;Dadoxylons the pits are larger than in recent species (16—17-5p.nbsp;as compared with 9—12/x) while in D. spetsbergense they are stillnbsp;smaller. The large size of the medullary-ray cells is anothernbsp;noteworthy feature, also the absence of annual rings, a characternbsp;possibly connected with conditions of growth in northern regions.nbsp;It is, however, pointed out by Nathorst^ that the fossil was notnbsp;found in situ and, as he says, it may have been carried by currentsnbsp;from a more southern locality.

Metacordaites. Eenault.

Metacordaites Rigolloti Eenault.

Eenault founded this species® and genus on a stem from Autun which, like D. Pedroi, differs in certain respects from stemsnbsp;usually attributed to Cordaites. The pith is solid and containsnbsp;secretory ducts and cells; the tracheids have often a single rownbsp;of pits, and multiseriate pitting is, much less common than mnbsp;Dadoxylon. The medullary rays are generally 1—6 cells deep-A striking feature is the occurrence of groups of five vascularnbsp;bundles penetrating the secondary wood in V-shaped groups»nbsp;each group being regarded as a multiple leaf-trace, a type recentlynbsp;recognised by Thomson in D. Brandlingii. In one of Eenault snbsp;figures a larger scar, presumably a branch-scar, is shown immediately above a group of foliar bundles. The genus Metacordaitesnbsp;is considered by its author to be intermediate between Conifers

Renault (96)

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Gothan (10) p. 5, PI. i. figs. ]—3.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Nathorst (IP) p. 222.

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and the Cordaitales, but nearer to the former. This conclusion IS, however, based on insufficient evidence, as nothing is knownnbsp;of the reproductive organs.


In 1871 Williamson^ gave an account of a petrified plant from the Lancashire Coal Measures which he named Dictyoxylon radicans,nbsp;but he afterwards came to the conclusion that the specimens sonbsp;named were portions of the subterranean axis of some othernbsp;plant, possibly Asterophyllites, and proposed a new generic termnbsp;Amyelon^. In 1874 he brought forward fresh evidence in supportnbsp;of connecting Amyelon radicans with Asterophyllites or Spheno-phyllum, genera which Williamson believed to be very closelynbsp;related. It has since been recognised that Amyelon is the rootnbsp;of Cordaites or of some closely allied member of the Cordaitales.nbsp;Our knowledge of Cordaitean roots is based chiefly on the worknbsp;of Williamson and Renault®, and more recently Osborne^ hasnbsp;added new facts of considerable interest. In the larger rootsnbsp;the primary xylem may be diarch or there may be as many asnbsp;four or five protoxylem groups (fig. 477). The primary tracheidsnbsp;are spiral or scalariform and the space, s, separating them fromnbsp;the surrounding secondary xylem seen in fig. 477, B, was''nonbsp;doubt originally occupied by conjunctive parenchyma. Thenbsp;secondary wood is composed of tracheids, with contiguous borderednbsp;pits identical with those in the xylem of the stem, and narrownbsp;medullary rays. The section, 4 mm. in diameter, represented innbsp;fig. 477, A, shows a tetrarch primary xylem strand enclosed bynbsp;secondary wood composed of rather thin-walled elements succeedednbsp;by a zone of phloem including some secretory sacs, and beyondnbsp;this is a cylinder of periderm, p. In a section of a root figurednbsp;by Renault from Autun the periderm is separated from the stelenbsp;by a broad band of parenchyma which appears to be cortical,nbsp;but in the British specimens the deep-seated origin of the peridermnbsp;IS clearly shown: Osborne states that it arises in a layer immediately outside the endodermis. In one of the specimens figured

^ Williamson (72-).

® Renault (79) B. p. fig- 191.

* Osborne (09).

^ Williamson (74) A. p. 67.

294, Pi. XV. figs. 13—17. See also Scott (09) B. p. 531,

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by Williamson^ the secondary wood shows clearly marked irregular concentric lines simulating rings of growth, but there is no evidencenbsp;of any regularly recurring variation in the diameter of the xylem-elements. From the descriptions of Williamson and Osborne it



Pig. 477, A, root of Oordaites. B, centre of the root enlarged; p, periderm; s, space. (Kidston Coll. 1906.)

is evident that the roots of Cordaites were profusely branched and, as the latter author has shown, the method of branching pointsnbsp;to the formation of coralline roots like those of recent Cycads,nbsp;some Conifers and Dicotyledons. Osborne found that the cortex

1 Williamson (74) A. PI. is. fig. 56.

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of small rootlets is composed of two zones, an outer parenchyma without cell-contents and an inner parenchymatous tissue characterised by the occurrence in some of the cells of tangled massesnbsp;of fungal hyphae almost always unseptate. In some cases thenbsp;hyphae bear terminal vesicles similar to those observed on fungalnbsp;hyphae in the cortex of Podocarpus roots. Osborne makes outnbsp;a good case for regarding the fungus as symhiotically related tonbsp;the tissues of the lateral roots, a relationship identical with thatnbsp;in many existing trees, particularly Myrica and Alnus. It isnbsp;suggested that the formation of the coralline root-tubercles is anbsp;feature consistent with the view that Cordaites lived in salinenbsp;marshes, a physiologically dry habitat favourable to the occurrencenbsp;of mycorhiza.

Reference has already been made to the habit of Cordaitean ^oots in the general account of the genus (figs. 468, A, 478). Thenbsp;specimen shown in fig. 478 may be a root of Cordaites {Noegger-^thiofsis) Hislopi, but nothing is known as to its structure^.

^ Mellor and Leslie (06) B.

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Eeproductive Organs.

Cordaianthus. Grand’Eury.

We have as yet no definite knowledge of the nature of the reproductive organs of Mesoxylon and Poroxylon, hut having regard to their close resemblance in other respects to Cordaites, particularlynbsp;in the case of Mesoxylon, the presumption is that some of the seedsnbsp;and fertile shoots attributed to Cordaites may belong to othernbsp;members of the Cordaitales. Despite the abundance of Cordaites,nbsp;or at least of material assigned to that genus, and the comparativenbsp;frequency of fertile shoots in actual connexion with foliage-shoots,nbsp;the practical identity of Mesoxylon and Cordaites leaves precludesnbsp;any confident use of the latter name in a strict sense.

In 1822 Brongniart^ described a small bud-like fossil of Tertiary age as Antholithes liliacea, and this generic name in the formnbsp;AntJiolitlius became widely used for fertile shoots or flowers fromnbsp;different geological horizons. As knowledge became more precisenbsp;other names replaced AntJiolithus, though Renault^ retained itnbsp;for some inflorescences from Commentry which could not definitelynbsp;be included in Cordaites. Bindley and Hutton® employed thenbsp;genus for a specimen, now recognised as a Cordaitean fertile shoot,nbsp;from the Coal Measures which they called AntJiolithus Pitcairniae,nbsp;the specific name being chosen to indicate a possible afhnity tonbsp;the Bromeliaceous genus Pitcairnia. A few years later Morris^nbsp;described a similar inflorescence as A. anomalus. In 1872nbsp;Carruthers® substituted Brongniart’s term Cardiocarpon fornbsp;Antholithus and called A. Pitcairniae Cardiocarpon Lindleyi andnbsp;Morris’s species G. anomalum. The specific name Lindleyi' hasnbsp;been widely adopted, but there would séem to be no adequatenbsp;reason for disregarding the priority-rule. It is, however, customary to use Grand’Eury’s term Cordaianthus for all Cordaiteannbsp;inflorescences. Goeppert* suggested the name Botryoconus fornbsp;an inflorescence similar to G. Pitcairniae and for this C. E. Weiss’nbsp;substituted Noeggerathianthus on the ground that he considerednbsp;Goeppert’s specimen to be the male inflorescence of Noeggeraihia-

I Brongniart (22) A. PI. xiv. fig. 7. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Renault and Zeiller (90) A. p. 593-

^ Bindley and Hutton (33) A. PI. lxxxii.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Morris (40) A. Pi. xxvin. fig. 5.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Carruthera (72®) B.,

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Goeppert (65) p. 152.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;’ Weiss, C. E. (69) B. p. 201.

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Grrand’Eurj resuscitated Botryoconus^ for some spikes from the Gard coalfield connected by him with Dory-Cordaites. Thenbsp;nature of the seeds borne by the inflorescences has largely influencednbsp;authors in the choice of a generic name: Carruthers used Cardio-carpon while Zeiller^ speaks of Samaropsis Pitcairniae. The genusnbsp;Cardiocarpon was founded by Brongniart fornbsp;compressed cordiform seeds, but it was notnbsp;until later that their gymnospermous naturenbsp;Was recognised. Further reference to thenbsp;nomenclature of seeds of the Cardiocarponnbsp;type will be found in Chapter xxxv. Thenbsp;correlation by Grand’Eury and other authorsnbsp;of different species of inflorescences and speciesnbsp;of Cordaites is frequently based on association,nbsp;and in the absence of more satisfactory evidencenbsp;the safer course is to deal with Cordaiteannbsp;fertile shoots in a general sense.

{a) Ovulate shoots. These are represented by a considerable number of forms in bothnbsp;European and American localities. In rarenbsp;oases the compound shoot reaches a length of

cm. (fig. 479), but it is usually much shorter; file lateral compact buds may be more or lessnbsp;widely separated: the seeds have long pedicelsnbsp;(fig. 480, A) or appear to be sessile (fig. 480, B)

^ud there may be one or several seeds on a Single lateral shoot. The seeds are platy-spermic and, as seen in fig. 480, A, in somenbsp;inflorescences they show very clearly thenbsp;^o.niaropsis features. It would, however, benbsp;^safe to assume that all Samaropsis seedsnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Oordaianthus.

borne on Cordaitean plants. Among From the Middle Coal other types of seed referred by authors to Measures of Lanoa-^ordaites are Cardiocarpus, Cordaicarpus, Sarco-nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.^rnat^slze^)

^O'Xus, Taxospermum, Diplotesta, and Lepto-^^i^yon. But in most cases there is no evidence of actnal connexion

Zeiller (00^) B. p. 211.

^ Grand’Eury (77) A. p. 299; (90) A. p. 330.

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between seeds and vegetative organs, and while it is possible to state with confidence that many of the seeds represented bynbsp;impressions described as species of Samarofsis and Cordaicarpusnbsp;are undoubtedly Cordaitean, it is certain that not all seeds referable to these genera were borne by Cordaitalean plants. Cordaiteannbsp;seeds are characterised by certain morphological features recallingnbsp;those found in recent Cycads and in the seeds of Ginkgo asnbsp;illustrated by species of Cardiocarpus and some allied types.nbsp;As most of the Palaeozoic seeds known in a petrified state cannotnbsp;be assigned to their parent-plants they are dealt with in a separatenbsp;chapter^.

Cordaianthus Pitcairniae (Lindley and Hutton).

This type of inflorescence^ is considered by Kidston to belong to the tree which bore leaves known as Cordaites principalis, butnbsp;if this is the case it is probable that the stem possessed thenbsp;anatomical characters of Mesoxylon.

The portion of an inflorescence shown in fig. 480, A, from th® Middle Coal Measures of Yorkshire, illustrates the occurrence ofnbsp;1 See Chap. xxxv.

^ Lindley and Hutton (33) A. PI. lxxxii. ; Carruthers (72®) B. p. 7; KidstoD (03) B. p. 782; (11) p. 235.

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the bud-like fertile shoots and the stalked Samaropsis seeds. A species described by Renault^ from Comrtientry as Gordaianthusnbsp;dcicularis may be identical with the British species.

Gordaianthus Volhmanni Ettingshausen.

The example of this species^ seen in fig. 480, B, shows the relatively small size of the lateral buds, presumably unexpanded,nbsp;compared with the large subtending bracts.

Petrified specimens of Gordaianthus.

Our knowledge of the structure of Gordaianthus is based cn the researches of Renault®, supplemented by those of Prof.nbsp;Bertrand* to whose kindness I owe the photographs reproducednbsp;in fig. 431 'pfie inflorescences described by Renault are referrednbsp;him to different species, but in the following brief accountnbsp;these are treated from a generic standpoint. The tangentialnbsp;Section of Gordaianthus Williamsoni Ren. shown in fig. 481, D,nbsp;^as originally figured by Renault and more recently by Bertrand;nbsp;It shows the spirally disposed leaf-traces in the lower part of anbsp;®tout axis, and at the sides some vascular bundles are seen pass-^**8 up into the bracts. A very small proportion of the bractsnbsp;®cibtend ovules; two are seen at a and b, and at c is the tangenthillynbsp;Cut micropylar canal of a third borne near the apex and coverednbsp;the terminal cluster of bracts. The ovule a, separated by anbsp;burrow space from its short stalk, consists of a thick single integu-Uient—not two as stated by Renault—extended at the apex asnbsp;® micropylar canal; the apical extension is more completelynbsp;shown in the tangentially cut ovule b. The central body is muchnbsp;^cutracted and the two spaces, s, at the base are regarded bynbsp;^crtrand as cavities in the integument separated from one anothernbsp;y a central strand of conducting tissue which gives off twonbsp;undies to the integument, one at each end of the long axis ofnbsp;seed (fig. 481, A, v). The dark patch, n (fig. D); is the uppernbsp;uud broader end of the shrunken nucellus the apex of whichnbsp;Extends upwards as a slender beak, and this originally no doubtnbsp;Tted into the micropyle. Fig. 481, C, shows a female inflorescence

^ Renault and Zeiller (90) A. p. 592, PI. i-xxiii. fig. 31.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(522) p 5, PI. V.

Bertrand, C. E. (11).

“ Renault (79) B. p 304.

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rn o









Fig. 481. A, B, Cordaiantfms Grand’Ewryi, ovule showing apex of nucellus, p with microspores, p; pc, pollen-chamber; b, beak of nucellus; v, vasculanbsp;bundle. C, transverse section of flower-bud with ovules, a, b. D, Gcyrdaianttpnbsp;Williamsoni, longitudinal section; a—c ovules; s, spaces; n, nucellus-E, Gordaianthus Zeilleri, transverse section showing four large ovules and on ^nbsp;aborted ovule (a); v, vascular bundle. F, transverse section of male flower»nbsp;m, microsporangia. (From photographs supphed by Prof. Bertrand.)

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in transverse section; the stele consists of a ring of bundles separated by broad medullary rays and enclosing a comparativelynbsp;large pith: the leaf-traces are seen in the cortex and one is cutnbsp;through as it bends out into a bract which is not yet free fromnbsp;the axis. Two ovules, seen in section at a and h, are representednbsp;liy the bilaterally symmetrical and compressed integumentnbsp;enclosing small pieces of nucellar tissue. Fig. 481, B, is a transverse section of an inflorescence at a higher level and above thenbsp;apex of the axis: there are four large ovules and one abortednbsp;ovule, a. Bertrand describes two vascular bundles in the integu-nient of the ovule a, one at each end of the long axis.

Fig. 481, A, B, Cordaianthus Grand’Euryi Ren., shows a longitudinal section of the nucellus, 1-5 x -7 mm., and part ofnbsp;the integument of an ovule at the time of pollination, which wasnbsp;probably aided by the secretion of a drop of mucilage as in thenbsp;ovules of recent Conifers. The integument, separated by anbsp;Inroad space from the nucellus, is cut in the plane of the twonbsp;vascular strands, v. From the centre of its broad upper surfacenbsp;the nucellus projects upwards as a beak, b, and this originallynbsp;OQgaged with the micropylar canal formed by the integument:nbsp;the hghter patch below the beak is the pollen-chamber (fig. ^81,nbsp;pc) containing two microspores, and two more, p, are seennbsp;^bove the nucellar beak. In another species described by Renault,nbsp;0. Lacattii, the nucellus fills the space bounded by the integument.

{b) Staminate inflorescences. The male inflorescence, though snialler, is similar in habit to the ovulate shoot: the secondarynbsp;branch consists of a short axis bearing crowded, spirally disposed,nbsp;bracts, and the actual flowers are represented by single stamensnbsp;groups of 2—3 highly speciahsed microsporophylls. Eachnbsp;^icrosporophyll consists of a long filament with a central vascularnbsp;®trand bearing at its apex 3—4 long microsporangia (fig. 481, F, m)nbsp;'vhich open longitudinally as seen in fig. 482, A. The micro-®Porangia are 2-5—3 mm. long covered by dark palisade cellsnbsp;^iid thin-walled parenchyma, shown as indistinct patches in thenbsp;photograph. Some of the elliptical and comparatively largenbsp;Qiicrospores are seen in fig. 482, B; the exine is finely punctatenbsp;^*d inside are the remains of a few thin cells in which presumably

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spermatozoids were developed. The microspores shown in fig. 482, B, have a maximum length of 0-1 mm.: Renault describesnbsp;some as 0-9 mm. long while others are much smaller. Fig. 481, F,nbsp;is a transverse section of a staminate inflorescence showing nearnbsp;the centre five groups of microsporangia, each sporangium havingnbsp;the form of a curved incomplete dark band indicating that dehiscence has occurred.


Fig. 482. Cordaianthus. Microsporangia, A, and Microspores, B.

(University College Collection, London.)

Mesoxylon. Scott and Maslen.

This generic name was instituted for stems obtained by Messrs Lomax from the Lower Coal Measures of Lancashire^nbsp;previously referred by Scott^ to Cordaites and Poroxylon. Furthernbsp;investigation showed that while agreeing closely with thosenbsp;genera they possessed certain distinctive features demandingnbsp;recognition. The name chosen suggests the intermediate naturenbsp;of the stems. The more striking features may be summarisednbsp;as follows: In the largest specimens so far described the stem.

2 Scott (09) B. pp. 511, 526.

Scott and Maslen (10); Scott (12).

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including leaf-bases, reaches a diameter of 5 or 6 cm.; the large pith consists in the central region of diaphragms of parenchymanbsp;separated by horizontal spaces produced by splitting and shrinkagenbsp;consequent on the failure of the tissue to keep pace with thenbsp;general growth of the stem. The secondary xylem is of thenbsp;Araucarian type and has narrow medullary rays varying innbsp;depth from 1 to 25 cells. The leaf-traces are represented by twin-bundles which fuse in the downward direction, the level at whichnbsp;fusion occurs being regarded as a specific character. The presencenbsp;of centripetal xylem is an essential feature of the traces: thenbsp;occurrence of single or double traces consisting of centripetalnbsp;elements and, externally, a large amount of centrifugal xylemnbsp;IS an important feature in which Mesoxylon differs from Gordaites.nbsp;The double leaf-traces divide after emerging from the secondarynbsp;quot;Wood and each strap-like leaf receives several collateral bundlesnbsp;(fig. 483, C). An axillary bud may occur at the base of eachnbsp;leaf (fig. 483, A, h). The phloem, including sieve-tubes andnbsp;secretory sacs, is succeeded by a broad pericycle, and the comparatively narrow cortex is traversed by successive bands ofnbsp;periderm. In the outer region of the cortex the presence ofnbsp;radial bands of fibres is a characteristic feature. The reproductivenbsp;organs are unknown. The anatomical features are well illustratednbsp;by M. Sutcliffii first described by Scott, who provisionally placednbsp;It in Poroxylon, and afterwards more fully investigated by Maslen^.

Mesoxylon Sutclijfii Scott.

The average diameter of the stem is 3 cm.: the section repro-duced in fig. 483, A, has a maximum breadth of 3-5 cm.; the leaf-bases cut at different levels give an irregular contour to thenbsp;surface like that of a Lepidodendron. An axillary bud, eithernbsp;reproductive or vegetative, is seen at b consisting of a short axisnbsp;bearing crowded bud-scales. The leaves are crowded and accordingnbsp;to Maslen have a phyllotaxis of ^: the lamina is linear like thatnbsp;of Gordaites with 16 collateral bundles in the petiole. The presencenbsp;of a meristematic band at the base of the lamina affords evidencenbsp;of a deciduous habit. The large size of the pith is a strikingnbsp;feature with its central tissues in the form of transverse diaphragms

^ Maslen (H).

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PiG. 483. Mesoxylon Sutcliffii. Transverse sections of stem. A. a, outer pith i 6, axillary bud; secondary xylem. B. cp, cf, centripetal and centrifugalnbsp;xylem; px, protoxylem. C. It, leaf-traces in the cortex; s, stele of axillarynbsp;branch; ph\ secondary phloem. D. Leaf-trace bundles. It, external to thenbsp;phloem, pTi^. (A, C, D, seetions in the Manchester Collection, .717 b; B, Cambridge Botany School, 530.)

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and a narrower peripheral zone of solid parenchyma (fig. 483, A, a). The secondary wood of the stele is composed of tracheids withnbsp;2—3 contiguous alternate rows of bordered pits on the radialnbsp;Walls, but none on the tangential walls. In the stem shown innbsp;fig. 483, A, the secondary wood is preserved only in patches.nbsp;Numerous blunt teeth varying in prominence project into thenbsp;pith; these consist chiefly of serially disposed centrifugal tracheidsnbsp;distinguished by their spiral and scalariform structure and bynbsp;the medullary rays which are broader than those in the morenbsp;external xylem. Further reference is made to these perimedullarynbsp;strands in the description of the leaf-traces. The medullarynbsp;rays are uniseriate and usually 1—6 cells in depth: beyond thenbsp;Secondary wood is a cambium and a cylinder of secondary phloemnbsp;(fig. 483, D, fh^) consisting of tubular elements, presumablynbsp;sieve-tubes, and elongated secretory sacs. The pericycle is composed of several rows of rather large and short cells and has annbsp;ill-defined outer boundary. A succession of arcs of periderm-likenbsp;tissue and phellogen, which may invade the pericycle and phloem,nbsp;lorms a prominent feature in the cortex; radially placed bandsnbsp;of fibres similar to those in Lyginofteris and other genera occurnbsp;10 the outer cortex. At the edge of the pith the more prominentnbsp;projections of xylem are arranged in pairs (fig. 483, B) and asnbsp;oach pair travels downwards the component strands graduallynbsp;fosei. Each bundle of a double trace consists internally of annbsp;ore of centripetal xylem, the elements of which are arranged innbsp;rows (fig. 483, B, cp), with a single protoxylem group in thenbsp;oiiddle of the inner face, px. It is not clear whether any primarynbsp;centrifugal tracheids are present, but there are indications thatnbsp;oiich are occasionally represented. In most cases the primarynbsp;^ylem of the leaf-traces is exarch, but the existence of mesarchnbsp;fiiindles is not improbable. The bulk of each foliar bundle isnbsp;formed of a fan-shaped mass of secondary centrifugal xylemnbsp;(fig- 483, B, cf) and an island of parenchyma occurs next thenbsp;protoxylem. There is no clearly defined boundary between thenbsp;enter or centrifugal xylem of the leaf-traces and the tracheids ofnbsp;ffie stem-wood; the latter may consist exclusively of tracheids

Maslen (11) PI. xxxiii. figs. 3—5.


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with bordered pits or the inner rows of the xylem-cylinder may be of the scalariform or spiral type. Differences shown in transversenbsp;sections of the inner portion of the xylem are due to the circumstance that in certain parts of the inner face of the secondarynbsp;wood leaf-traces are unrepresented, while in other places thenbsp;dwindled remains of the outer, centrifugal, portions of a trace arenbsp;still recognisable. As each double leaf-trace passes down thenbsp;pith the bundles fuse and the single strand retains for a timenbsp;some centripetal xylem; this gradually disappears and at anbsp;lower level the centripetal xylem also dies out. The spacenbsp;enclosing the obtuse apices of the bundles shown in fig. 483, B,nbsp;was originally occupied by thin-walled tissue which accompaniednbsp;the trace in its outward course. In Mesoxylon Sutcliffii the leaf-strands pass almost horizontally through the secondary wood,nbsp;bend outwards in the phloem and follow a steeply ascendingnbsp;course to the leaves. In fig. 483, B, a double leaf-trace is seennbsp;at the inner edge of the secondary wood with the centrifugalnbsp;xylem, cf, continuous with that of the stele: fig. 483, D, It,nbsp;shows a leaf-trace in the pericycle where one of the bundles hasnbsp;divided and the other is tangentially extended and partiallynbsp;divided. The branching is carried further in the cortex, as seennbsp;in fig. 483, C, where the trace is represented by a curved row ofnbsp;six bundles. It, and at a higher level further subdivision maynbsp;occur. The leaf-bundles are collateral and in the leaf retain bothnbsp;centripetal and centrifugal tracheids. In the section shown innbsp;fig. 483, C, the oval stele of an axillary shoot is seen at s subtendednbsp;by the row of collateral bundles: the stele has a fairly large pithnbsp;surrounded by a zone of secondary xylem with broad medullarynbsp;rays.

Among other species of Mesoxylon mention may be made of M. Lomaxi and M. foroxyloides. M. Lomaxi Scott and Maslennbsp;generally resembles M. Sutcliffii but shows the following distinctivenbsp;features; the leaves are more scattered and less crowded; fli®nbsp;twin-bundles of the leaf-traces fuse immediately on entering thenbsp;pith, thus appearing for the most part as single and not double

1 Scott (12) p. 1012, Pis. Lxxxvn., lxxxix.

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strands in the perimedullary zone; the centripetal xylem is Well developed, the medullary rays are deeper and the outernbsp;cortex has shorter bands of mechanical tissue.

In Mesoxylon foroxyloides Scott and Maslen^, the twin-bundles of the traces unite soon after reaching the pith as in M. Lomaxi) the secondary tracheids have only two rows, ornbsp;sometimes a single row, of bordered pits and the tracheids arenbsp;rather smaller than in M. Lomaxi (20—40/x as compared withnbsp;30—60/x) and the medullary rays are shallower. There is anbsp;particularly broad zone of spiral and reticulate transitionalnbsp;tracheids at the inner edge of the wood as in Cordaites and innbsp;Jdadoxylon Pedroi (fig. 476). The leaves of this species are believednbsp;to be represented by the type described by Dr Benson as Cordaitesnbsp;t’elicis (fig. 465)^, but, as already suggested, it is very probablenbsp;that many or possibly nearly all the leaves from British Coalnbsp;Measures described as Cordaites may belong to Mesoxylon.

The chief interest of the genus Mesoxylon is its close resemblance rrr certain characters to Cordaites and Poroxylon: the presencenbsp;of strands of centripetal xylem in the perimedullary region isnbsp;important feature in which Mesoxylon differs from stemsnbsp;assigned (under the generic name Dadoxylon) to Cordaites. Meso-^ylon differs from Poroxylon in having a discoid pith like that ofnbsp;Cordaites, but a more important difference is the absence in thenbsp;loaf-trace xylem of Mesoxylon of bordered pits of the Araucariannbsp;type, whereas in Poroxylon Araucarian pits occur in both thenbsp;oentripetal and centrifugal tracheids. In Poroxylon the secondarynbsp;^ylem is manoxylic; in Mesoxylon, as in Cordaites, it is pycnoxylic.

'^be range of Cordaites and a consideration of other imperfectly known genera.


An increased precision in knowledge derived from anatomical investigation often tends to demonstrate the untrustworthinessnbsp;criteria based on external features previously employed withnbsp;i^nnfidence. This inevitable though, from the point of view of

systematist, inconvenient result of intensive study is well

Benson (12). 18—2

Lxxxvni., xc.

illustrated by the recent discovery of the stems named by ‘ Scott (12) p. 1017, Pis.

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Scott and Maslen Mesoxylon^. A separation of Cordaites from Mesoxylon, which no doubt extended far beyond the Britishnbsp;area, is possible only if well-preserved petrified material isnbsp;available. The leaves of Mesoxylon, so far as our imperfectnbsp;knowledge of them enables us to express an opinion, are constructed on a plan almost identical with those of Cordaites and,nbsp;as already stated, it is almost certain that many of the impressionsnbsp;referred to Cordaites were borne on Mesoxylon stems. An additional source of confusion is supplied by the Cordaites-like leavesnbsp;of Poroxylon. It is evident, therefore, that even within the limitsnbsp;of the Carboniferous and Permian formations the recognition ofnbsp;true Cordaites leaves must often be attended with considerablenbsp;risk of error. Apart from the possible confusion between thenbsp;foliage of Cordaites and Mesoxylon there are other difficulties asnbsp;regards detached leaves which depart more or less widely fromnbsp;the typical Cordaitean form. Leaves such as C. circularis (fig-468, B) and C. grandifolius emphasise the lack of any thoroughlynbsp;satisfactory dividing line separating single pinnules of Cardio-fteris or Cyclopteris on the one hand and leaves of PsygmofhylluWnbsp;on the other from Cordaites. The petrified buds described asnbsp;DoleropJiyllum^ have been quoted by several authors as examplesnbsp;of unexpanded shoots of Cordaites though anatomical evidencenbsp;warrants a generic separation. In the case of species founded onnbsp;leaves described in this chapter as Cordaites it should be remem-bered that further research may necessitate an alteration ionbsp;nomenclature.


Among the species included in Cordaites is NoeggerathiofS'i^ Hislopi^ (figs. 470—472), a type widely spread in India and iHnbsp;other parts of Gondwana-Land: if the change of generic name isnbsp;accepted it involves the extension of the geographical range ofnbsp;Cordaites from Northern Europe and North America to the southeiD

botanical province. We have as yet no proof of the existence

Cordaites in the Arctic regions. The range in time of Cordaites or of the Cordaitales has generally been stated to be from lb®nbsp;Upper Devonian to the Permian. It is, however, by no mean®


certain that the genus flourished before the Carboniferous perio

though it is clear that closely allied types must have lived * See page 270.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ See page 132.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® See page 238.

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pre-Carboniferous floras. The strata in New Brunswick from which Dawson recorded his supposed Devonian Cordaites havenbsp;been shown to be Upper Carboniferous in age^. As regards thenbsp;length of time during which the Cordaitales existed we have nonbsp;decisive evidence. In recent years the tendency has been tonbsp;extend their range into the Mesozoic era, and there are severalnbsp;pieces of evidence in favour of this. There is no doubt thatnbsp;considerations of age based on the arbitrary divisions of thenbsp;geological scale sometimes insinuate themselves too thoroughlynbsp;into questions connected with the duration of plant-types whethernbsp;represented by famihes or genera. We have been accustomed tonbsp;regard Cordaites as a genus confined to the Palaeozoic period,nbsp;n type which with many others carried on the tradition of Uppernbsp;Carboniferous forests to the Permian floras and then made waynbsp;^or the precursors of Mesozoic types. There is, however, nonbsp;Valid reason for supposing that Cordaites and other Palaeozoicnbsp;§enera did not survive as less prominent members in succeedingnbsp;doras. It must be admitted that evidence in support of Mesozoicnbsp;Cordaitales is not above suspicion, though the probability is thatnbsp;Cordaites or some allied genera still flourished in the earlier stagesnbsp;the Mesozoic era. The data on which this opinion is basednbsp;cannot be fully discussed in a general treatise, but a few of thenbsp;lacts may be briefly considered. Zeiller^ and other authorsnbsp;have expressed the view that the Cordaitales were not exclusivelynbsp;Palaeozoic. In addition to Cordaites (Noeggerathiopsis) Hislopinbsp;recorded from Rhaetic floras, other possible representatives ofnbsp;the group are illustrated by specimens included in such generanbsp;Yuccites, Bambusium and Krammera.

Pelourdea gen. nov.


The name Yuccites^ was given to some detached, broad, linear leaves from the Bunter sandstone of the Vosges which were compared with the foliage of Yucca and classed among Monocotyledons.

c authors of the genus also described a cylindrical cast as a ¦ 'Recites stem, including both stem and leaves in Yuccites vogesiacus.

2 Zeiller (00®) B. p, 213.

'8topes(14); Kidston (02) B. p. 363. Schimper and Mougeot (44) A. p. 42, PI. xxi.

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The supposed stem, as Tliche^ has shown, is a pith-cast and is appropriately named by him Endolepis vogesiacus. The Vosgesnbsp;leaves are assigned by this author to the genus Cordaites, a changenbsp;of name which may eventually he justified though as yet basednbsp;on insufficient evidence. There are objections to the institutionnbsp;of a new name in place of Yuccites, but it is undesirable to retainnbsp;a designation suggesting false ideas with regard to affinity. A newnbsp;name Pelourdea (after M. Pelourde of Paris, whose recent deathnbsp;deprives Palaeobotany of an able and promising investigator)nbsp;is therefore proposed for leaves of the Yuccites type which innbsp;form, venation, and spiral phyllotaxis agree with those of Cordaites but cannot confidently be assigned to that genus or evennbsp;to the Cordaitales. For linear leaves, especially from Jurassicnbsp;strata, resembling those of Phoenicopsis the name Desmiophyllum^nbsp;is employed: these are very similar to those of Pelourdea; theynbsp;are characterised by their fairly uniform breadth and afford nonbsp;indication of their arrangement on the supporting axis.

Pelourdea vogesiaca (Schimper and Mougeot).

The linear-lanceolate leaves described by Schimper and Mougeot as Yuccites vogesiacus and transferred by Fliche tonbsp;Cordaites are probably specifically identical with specimeirsnbsp;described by Mr Wills® from Lower Keuper rocks in Worcestershire. The English leaves were described by Arber* as Zamitesnbsp;grandis,—the name Zamites vogesiacus having been previouslynbsp;used by Schimper and Mougeot,—on the ground that the supposednbsp;leaves were probably pinnae of a cycadean frond, a view innbsp;agreement with an opinion previously expressed with regard tonbsp;similar leaves from Stonesfield®. A later discovery by Wills ofnbsp;specimens, on which the drawing reproduced in fig. 484 is based,nbsp;of the same type of leaf showing the foliar nature of the fossilsnbsp;necessitated the abandonment of the pinna-hypothesis, and thenbsp;original name Yuccites vogesiacus was resuscitated®. The leavesnbsp;reach a length of 50 cm. and a maximum breadth of 6'5 cm- gt;nbsp;the lamina is entire, lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, the ape^^

See poètea.

* Arber (07) Pis. xvii.—xix-« Arber (09^).

1 FUohe (10) p. 218, PI. xx. fig. 2. * Wills, L. T. (10), p. 296, fig. 26.nbsp;® Seward (04) B. p.


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XXXIIl] nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;PELOT7EDEAnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;279

acuminate, and the lower part rather abruptly contracted and attached by a broad crescentic base; veins numerous, parallel,nbsp;and occasionally forked. Fliche records the occurrence of anbsp;atuall Artisia-^Q pith-cast and pieces of stem with leaf-scarsnbsp;(4; X 3 mm.) in association with leaves of Pelourdea vogesiaca in

I’m. 484. Pelourdea vogesiaca. Reconstruction of a foliage-shoot.

(After Wills.)


lassie strata in Lorraine. An imperfectly preserved specimen )^®scribed by Fliche as Cordaianthus MinierP resembles annbsp;inflorescence of Cordaites. It consists of an axis 15 cm. long,nbsp;j. ® lower part forming a peduncle, and on the upper portion arenbsp;Hear bracts subtending oblong bodies which may be lateralnbsp;shoots.

1 Fliche (10) p. 264, PI. xxvii. fig. 2.

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Pélourdea hadroclada (Halle).

Dr Halle^ recently published an account of some imperfect leaves and stem-fragments from the Rhaetic of Scania which henbsp;named Phyllotenia (?) hadroclada, the generic name provisionallynbsp;adopted having been proposed by Salfeld^ for some rather obscurenbsp;remains from the Corallian of Germany. It appears to havenbsp;escaped the notice of both authors that Saporta® in 1894 hadnbsp;adopted the designation Phyllotenia for some examples of broadnbsp;parallel-veined leaves from Lower Cretaceous rocks in Portugalnbsp;very similar to Velenovsky’s Krammera mirabilis^. Some othernbsp;generic name must therefore be used. Por the Rhaetic speciesnbsp;the name Pelourdea would seem appropriate. The type-specimennbsp;consists of an axis 10—12 mm. in diameter with spirally disposednbsp;transversely elongated leaf-scars bearing sessile linear leavesnbsp;similar to Poa-Cordaites; none of them are complete, the largestnbsp;is 6 cm. long and 5—7 mm. broad with 8—12 parallel veins.nbsp;An examination of the original specimens in the Stockholmnbsp;Museum satisfied me that Dr Halle is justified in the opinionnbsp;that they may be fragments of some Cordaitalean plant and thatnbsp;he was well advised to avoid the use of the name Cordaites.nbsp;Salfeld’s species, Phyllotenia longifolia, may be an imperfectlynbsp;preserved example of Phoenicopsis^, but the material is too incomplete to be identified with any degree of confidence.

Pelourdea Imhofi (Heer).

The Triassic leaves from Switzerland described by Heer®, and more recently by Leuthardt'^, as Bambusium Imhofi, were referrednbsp;by Fliche® to the genus Cordaites. The lamina is ensiform»nbsp;25 cm. long with a maximum breadth of 2-4 cm. Leuthardt snbsp;photograph of aerial stems and rhizomes of this supposed Monocotyledon are far from convincing.

Pelourdea keuperiana (Compter).

The leaves from the Lower Keuper of Thuringia assigned by Compter® to Cordaites without adequate evidence resemble those

1 Halle (10).

® Saporta (94) B. p. 216, PI. xxxviii. ‘ Velenovsky (85) B. p. 1, Pis. i., iv.nbsp;* Heer (76) A. p. 86, Pi. xxx. fig. 10.

® Fliche (10) p. 175, Pis. xvi., xvii.

2 Salfeld (09) B. p. 26.

^ See postea.

’’ Leuthardt (03), p. 6, PI. I-® Compter, G. (94), PI. ly. fig-

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of P. vogesiaca, but there is no evidence as to their manner of attachment; they are 30—40cm. long and from 1-5 to 2 cm.nbsp;broad.

Pelourdea megaphylla (PhilHps).

This species was first described by Phillips^ from the Middle Jurassic Stonesfield Slate and afterwards referred to Zamites^:nbsp;the leaves bear a striking resemblance to foliage of the typenbsp;Cordaites borassifoUus; the lamina is 30 cm. long and attainsnbsp;a'breadth of 3 cm., the apex is acuminate and slightly contractednbsp;towards the broad concave base. My former comparison of thesenbsp;Stonesfield leaves with the long pinnae of Ceratozamia mexicananbsp;seemed to be supported by Phillips’s type-specimen of Palaeozamianbsp;^ngifolia. It may be that the supposed pinnae in Phillips’snbsp;type are spirally disposed leaves; if this is the case the specimennbsp;®iay be a fragment of a Podozamites; its specific identity withnbsp;the larger detached specimens, though probable, cannot be demonstrated. Some leaves figured by Zigno® from Jurassic rocks ofnbsp;Italy as Yuccites ScMniferianus may be identical with P. niega-V^ylla.

^dlourdea mirabilis (Velenovsky ex Corda ms.).

The generic name Krammera, suggested by Corda, was employed Velenovsky^ for large Cordaites-\ike leaves from the Lowernbsp;I^retaceous of Bohemia, for casts of cones regarded by him asnbsp;sterns, and for fruit-like bodies. The leaves, previously describednbsp;^s Flabellana chamaerofifoUa Goepp., Dammara albens Presl, etc.,nbsp;^®ar a close resemblance to the large broadly linear leaves ofnbsp;Cordaites; the lamina reaches a length of 40 cm. and betweennbsp;Veins occur 1—4 finer striations. The fossils identified bynbsp;y®lenovsky as stems bearing crowded imbricate scales, whichnbsp;® regarded as the persistent bases of Krammera leaves, arenbsp;probably cones; they agree very closely in size and shape, alsonbsp;the form of the scales, with cones of Agathis and some othernbsp;^®cent Conifers. As the designation Krammera was institutednbsp;Prinaarily for cones and not leaves the name Pelourdea is substi-for it.

^ I*hillips (71) p. 169. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Seward (04) B. p. 110; Arber, E. A. N. (07) p. 117.

2igno (85), p. 7, PL xxvi. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Velenovsky (85) B. Pis. i.—iii.

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Niponophyllum. Stopes and Fujii.

Nifonophyllum cordaitiforme Stopes and Fujii.

The generic name Niponophyllum^ was proposed for some petrified specimens of leaves or possibly leaflets from Uppernbsp;Cretaceous beds in Japan which, though not definitely assignednbsp;to a group or family, are considered by the authors of the genusnbsp;‘to lie [anatomically] somewhere between Cordaites and Cyca~nbsp;deoidea’ ‘with a closer similarity to the former than to the latternbsp;if we compare the whole Cordaites leaf with our blade.’ The datanbsp;on which this conclusion is based are, however, insufficient tonbsp;justify a reference of Niponophyllum to the Cordaitales or indeednbsp;to lend any substantial support to the opinion that the Japanesenbsp;specimens are anatomically more akin to Cordaites than to othernbsp;plants. The type-species is represented by two specimens ofnbsp;leaf-fragments about 0-4 mm. thick and from 6 to 9 mm. broadnbsp;containing from 21 to 33 vascular bundles; the upper part ofnbsp;the mesophyll is composed of palisade tissue and the stomatanbsp;appear to be confined to the lower epidermis. Bach bundle isnbsp;accompanied by an I-shaped girder, and small patches of scleren-chyma occur next the upper epidermis between the girders;nbsp;there are no resin-canals: the vascular bundles are collateral,nbsp;the xylem is said to be almost entirely centripetal and exarch,nbsp;but in the absence of evidence afforded by longitudinal sectionsnbsp;the details of structure cannot be definitely determined. A comparison is made with Cycadean leaves and with leaves of Arau-carineae and Podocarpeae, also with Cordaites-, another typ®nbsp;with which Niponophyllum may be compared is Desmiophyllurnnbsp;SolmsP.

The genus is interesting as an example of a petrified gymno-spermous type of leaf characterised by the absence of resin-ductS and transfusion-tracheids, the possession of collateral, apparentlynbsp;exarch, bundles enclosed in a double sheath; but the data supplie^^nbsp;are insufficient to enable us to allocate the specimens to a positionnbsp;within the class.

1 Stopes and Pujii (10) p. 16, PI. iii. figs. 14—16. ^ See postea.

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A specimen described by Schenk^ as Eolirion primigenium from Lower Cretaceous beds in the Carpathian mountains closelynbsp;resembles in habit a foliage-shoot of Poa-Cordaites; the leavesnbsp;are narrow and linear with obtuse apices and attached, apparently,nbsp;m a close spiral. Schenk assigns the plant to the Monocotyledons,nbsp;but its systematic position must be left unsettled.

The hst of Mesozoic specimens resembhng Cordaites leaves might be extended. Apart from some Triassic and Ehaeticnbsp;examples which may well be Cordaitalean, there are many othersnbsp;^hich, though similar in form and venation to Cordaites, are innbsp;^11 probability more closely related to Agaihis and other genera;nbsp;tbe species Dammarites Bayeri recently described by Zeiller^nbsp;from the Upper Cretaceous of Bulgaria is a case in point. Thenbsp;Araucarian character of the wood of Cordaites precludes anynbsp;satisfactory discrimination between Mesozoic Araucarian stémsnbsp;and those of Cordaitalean species, at least in the case of suchnbsp;material as is usually available.

^itanophyllum. Eenault. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;x


Titanophyllum Grand’Euryi Eenault. The remarkable leaves °n which this genus and species are founded® were discoverednbsp;the Commentry coalfield; they occur as detached specimensnbsp;and cannot be correlated with any known stem. Eenault suggestsnbsp;^bat the Autun stems referred to Colpoxylon may have bornenbsp;^be Titanophyllum leaves, but this correlation rests only on thenbsp;*bmensions of the stems and the occurrence of transverselynbsp;elongated scars on the surface. The lamina is thick and coriaceous,nbsp;75 cm. long and 20—25 cm. in breadth; the veins are parallelnbsp;not branched; numerous longitudinal striations on the uppernbsp;®mface indicate the presence of hypodermal stereome-strands;nbsp;®toniata are abundant on the lower surface and the more or lessnbsp;*®ctaugular cells in the neighbourhood of the stomata appear tonbsp;papillose (fig. 485, A, B). The distal region of the lamina

^ Schenk (71) p. 20, PI. vn. fig. 4.

2 ZeiUer (00=) p. 17, PI. vii. figs. 8—11.

® Renault and ZeiUer (90) A. p. 627, PI. lxix. figs. 1—4.

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[CH. xxxm

is often torn into strips (fig. 485, A); the approximately rectangular leaf has a broad elliptical base 9—10 x 3—4 cm.

Dr White’- describes a specimen from the Lower Coal Measures of Missouri as % Titanofhyllum Brittsii which he speaks of as thenbsp;thick base of a leaf similar to that described by Eenault but, asnbsp;White says, no formal diagnosis is possible without more satisfactory material. Such evidence as is available suggests thatnbsp;Titanofhyllum is a type of Cordaitalean leaf probably closelynbsp;allied to Cordaites.

1 White (99) B. p. 271.


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Pitys. Witham.

This generic name in the form Pitus was first used by Witham^ for some petrified pieces of large stems from Lower Carboniferousnbsp;strata in the south of Scotland (Berwickshire). In an earliernbsp;paper Witham^ gives an account of the beds on the banks of thenbsp;Tweed from which the specimens of Pitys and other plants werenbsp;obtained. The name was revived by Goeppert® as a substitutenbsp;for Pissadendron^ adopted by Endlicher and Unger: Scott®nbsp;employed the older name in the account of his investigations,nbsp;which have added greatly to our knowledge of Witham’s types.nbsp;The distinguishing characters of Pitys are; the Araucariannbsp;pitting of the secondary xylem, the large pith, the occurrencenbsp;of numerous small primary xylem strands of mesarch structurenbsp;in the peripheral region of the pith, and the simple nature of thenbsp;leaf-traces. Nothing is known of the extra-stelar tissues, andnbsp;fieyond the fact that the species were arborescent we have nonbsp;information with regard to the foliar® or reproductive organs.

Pitys antiqua Witham.

In 1899 ScotU published a preliminary description of some sections in the possession of Dr Kidston from Lennel Braesnbsp;(Berwickshire; Calciferous series) under the name Araucarioxylonnbsp;antiquum, but in the more complete account the name Pitys^nbsp;is adopted. The following description is based on Scott’s paper

* Witham (33) A. pp. 37, 71. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Witham (30).

“ Goeppert (81) p. 403. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* Endlicher (47) p. 297.

® Scott (02) p. 346. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® See footnote p. 288.

’ Scott (99^); Witham (33) A. Pis. ni.—viii. xvi.

® Scott (02), p. 346, Pis. I., n., v., vi.

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and on the examination of the sections. Fig. 486 represents a diagrammatic sketch of a section (2-7 x 2-7 cm.) of the centralnbsp;region of a stem which had lost most of its secondary wood.nbsp;In some cases the pith reaches a diameter of 3 cm.; it consistsnbsp;of large parenchymatous cells broadernbsp;than deep, several of which contain anbsp;black substance and are probablynbsp;secretory elements: the intercellularnbsp;spaces are fairly large. Horizontallynbsp;extended gaps, due to shrinkage andnbsp;collapse, occur in the pith and give tonbsp;it an appearance not unlike that ofnbsp;Cordaites. Numerous small ellipticalnbsp;strands of primary xylem,0-15—0-3mm.nbsp;in diameter, are scattered in the peripheral region (fig. 486) at varyingnbsp;distances from the inner edge ofnbsp;the secondary wood and occasionally,

when about to bend outwards as a leaf-trace, a primary xylem-strand abuts directly on the secondary xylem. The protoxylem occupies a more or less central position in each mesarch strandnbsp;(fig. 487, B, px): the centrifugal tracheids have the Araucariannbsp;pitting while the centripetal elements are spiral. A few parenchymatous cells are associated with the more central tracheids.nbsp;A leaf-trace about to bend outwards into the zone of secondarynbsp;wood is double, but at a slightly higher level in its course it assumesnbsp;the form of a single strand. The fohar bundles are thus singlenbsp;and not true double traces. Scott recognised, at the extremenbsp;edge of the pith, an association with outgoing leaf-traces of anbsp;single reparatory strand deeper in the medullary tissue. In thisnbsp;species there is no evidence that an outgoing trace is accompaniednbsp;by an arc of secondary xylem, but that such was the case is renderednbsp;highly probable by the discovery of an arc of wood added by thenbsp;cambium to a leaf-trace in Pitys WithamP. The radial dispositionnbsp;of the pith-cells, many of which appear to be secretory, aroundnbsp;each primary xylem-strand (fig. 487, B) is a characteristic feature.nbsp;A difficult problem, namely the relation of primary xylem and

Scott (02) p. 355.

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phloem, is raised by the fact that the primary strands are composed exclusively of xylem and are in most cases separated from thenbsp;secondary wood by several parenchymatous cells. Scott favoursnbsp;the view that the primary phloem was originally at some distancenbsp;from the primary xylem, the cambium being formed nearer tonbsp;the phloem, an arrangement foreign to recent Gymnosperms.nbsp;It is perhaps conceivable that the primary conducting strandsnbsp;included no true phloem.

The secondary xylem consists of tracheids with 4—5 alternate rows of hexagonal pits on the radial walls (fig. 487, A) and notnbsp;infrequently on the tangential faces. Near the ends of thenbsp;tracheids the pits are occasionally more scattered and separatenbsp;and may be reduced to a single row^, but on the whole the pittingnbsp;is essentially Araucarian. The medullary rays are generallynbsp;4 cells in breadth, but may be 7 cells broad. In depth the raysnbsp;extend to 70 cells. As seen in fig. 487, B, the inner ends of thenbsp;rays are especially broad owing to the tangential dilatation ofnbsp;the cells. The innermost secondary tracheids are characterisednbsp;by pitting intermediate between spiral and reticulate. Therenbsp;are no regular rings of growth in the wood.

Pii^s primaeva Witham. This species^, also founded on oiaterial from the Calciferous sandstone of Berwickshire, differs

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Witham (33) A. PI. vm. fig. 2.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ibid. p. 39, Pis. vni., xvi.; Scott (02) p. 355, Pis. ii., vi.

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from P. antiqua in the broader and shorter form and greater breadth of the medullary rays (fig. 488, A, B), also in the largernbsp;tracheids and in the less crowded arrangement of the borderednbsp;pits in which the circular form sometimes replaces the hexagonal

A nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;B

Fio. 488. Pitys primaeva. A, transverse section of the secondary xylem; B, tangential section of the secondary xylem. (from sections of the type-specimen in the Edinburgh University Botanical Department.)

type. The structure of the pith is not known, but Scott was able to recognise in the partially preserved pith of a branch indications of primary-xylem groups and other features pointing to anbsp;close resemblance to P. antiqua^. A piece of stem originally

1 Since this chapter was written Prof. W. T. Gordon has kindly supplied the following summary of his unpublished work on the genus Pitys.

‘The re-examination of Pitys primaeva and P. antiqua in the light of the structure exhibited by numerous specimens of a new species recently discoverednbsp;in Haddingtonshire has shown that all three types are similar as regards thenbsp;structure of the primary wood. In each case the primary cylinder is comparablenbsp;with that in Archaeopitys Eastmanii [see p. 290], i.e., there are medullary as wcUnbsp;as circum-medullary xylem-strands. In certain specimens of the new species,nbsp;Pitys Dayii, the bark and leaves are preserved and thus the details of leaf-trae®nbsp;emission from the stem have been determined. The leaves are short and stoutnbsp;and taper gradually to a point, quite distinct from the long, thin, spatulate Cordai-tean foliage. The internal structure of the leaf renders it easily distinguishablenbsp;from the Cordaites type while it tends to accentuate the possible relationship otnbsp;Pitys with the Lyginodendreae.’

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described by Williamson^ as Lyginodendron (?) anomalum from the Lower Carboniferous volcanic ash of the Isle of Arran wouldnbsp;appear to be closely related to, if not specifically identical with,nbsp;P. 'primaeva and, as Scott says, it should at least be included innbsp;the same genus.

Pitys Withanii (Lindley and Hutton). The Craiglieth Tree.

1831. Pinites Withami Lindley and Hutton, Foss. Flora, Vol. I. PI. II.

1831. Pinites medv,Haris, Ibid. PL III.

1902. Pitys Withami Scott, Trans. R. Soc. Edinb. Vo). XL. p. 354, PL rr. fig. 10: PL VI. fig. 21.

This species was founded on some sections cut from an incomplete stem 36 feet long obtained in 1826 from the Calciferous sandstone of the Craigleith quarry near Edinburgh. The specimennbsp;named by Lindley and Hutton Pinites medullaris is no doubtnbsp;specifically identical with the larger stem. In the same yearnbsp;(1831) Witham^ published an account of a still larger stem fromnbsp;the same locahty, 47 ft long and 5 ft in diameter in the lower part,nbsp;and in his book the name Pinites Withami is adopted. A largenbsp;specimen of this tree is erected in the grounds of the Naturalnbsp;History Museum, London, and other specimens are preserved innbsp;the Edinburgh Botanic Garden. Goeppert in 1850 referred thenbsp;species to Dadoxylon and later to Pttys^, while Brongniart^ assignednbsp;It to his genus Palaeoxylon. Scott® who examined Witham’snbsp;Sections placed it in Pitys. The pitting of the secondary tracheidsnbsp;often multiseriate, but the medullary rays are narrower than innbsp;^itys antiqua and P. primaeva, rarely exceeding 4 cells in breadth,nbsp;though still of the manoxylic type. Primary-xylem strands occurnbsp;'’i the peripheral region of the pith agreeing closely with thosenbsp;P. antiqua. There are no regular and continuous annual ringsnbsp;though as Witham stated there are concentric markings on thenbsp;^ood which superficially resemble true rings. The leaf-traces arenbsp;®iiigle and in their passage through the cylinder of wood an arc ofnbsp;Secondary tracheids is added to the primary elements.

^ Williamson (78) A. p. 352, PL xxv. fig.s. 90—92; Wilfiamson and Scott (95) P- HO; Seward (97^) p. 80.

Witham (31) A. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Goeppert (50) p. 251; (81).

‘ Brongniart (49) A. 77. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;= ggott (02) p. 354.

s. Ill nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;19

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Archaeopitys. Scott and Jeffrey.

Archaeofitys Eastmanii Scott and Jeffrey. The genus Archaeo-fitys^ has recently been instituted for a specimen of a stem from the Lower Carboniferous rocks of Kentucky which differs fromnbsp;Pitys antiqua, the type with which it is most closely allied, innbsp;the position and behaviour of the primary vascular strands innbsp;the pith. The type-specimen is a piece of stem 2-7 cm. in diameternbsp;including a solid parenchymatous pith 5-5 mm. broad and a cylindernbsp;of secondary wood. The wood is similar to that of Cordaites;nbsp;the tracheids have 2—3 rows of pits but for the most part thenbsp;details of structure are not preserved; the medullary rays arenbsp;both uniseriate and multiseriate and not very deep; the structurenbsp;is more Cordaitean than Cycadean. A characteristic feature isnbsp;the occurrence of about 30 vascular bundles in the medullarynbsp;region: these mesarch strands, with the protoxylem near thenbsp;centre, are scattered through the pith and several lie on the outernbsp;edge in contact with the secondary xylem or are partially embeddednbsp;in the xylem-cylinder. The examination of a series of sectionsnbsp;demonstrated the fusion of perimedullary with medullary strandsnbsp;and the occasional union of the strands of both regions with onenbsp;another. It appears that the perimedullary strands are the leaf-traces while the strands deeper in the pith are merely branchesnbsp;from the peripheral leaf-trace strands.

In Pitys antiqua the medullary xylem strands are confined to the outer zone of the pith and constitute the leaf-traces: iönbsp;Archaeopitys, on the other hand, the medullary strands are scattered through the pith and the leaf-traces are restricted to thenbsp;circummedullary region in actual contact with the secondarynbsp;xylem. In the Devonian genus Callixylon there are similarnbsp;strands but they are confined to the edge of the pith and arenbsp;usually in contact with the wood as are the circummedullarynbsp;strands in Archaeopitys. The grouping of the secondary xyleiönbsp;of Callixylon into wedge-shaped masses at the inner edge of fd®nbsp;cylinder is a characteristic feature; this feature is less definif®nbsp;in Archaeopitys and absent from Pitys.

1 Scott and Jeffrey (14) p. 345, PI. xxxi. figs. 31—36; text-figs. 4, 5.

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Callixylon. Zalessky.

Callixylon Trifilievi Zalessky. This genus is represented by a single species^, originally referred to Dadoxylon, founded onnbsp;material from Upper Devonian rocks in the Donetz basin, Russia,nbsp;and based solely on the anatomical characters of the secondarynbsp;wood and central region of an arborescent stem. The wood isnbsp;pycnoxylic and of the Arauoarian type; the inner portion of thenbsp;xylem-cylinder is divided into groups, similar to the regularnbsp;Wedges in a Calamite stem, consisting of tracheids convergingnbsp;towards an obtuse apex occupied by a primary xylem strand,nbsp;fig. 489, A, a, b. On the radial walls of the tracheids the borderednbsp;pits not infrequently form a single row of flattened ovals, but morenbsp;Usually there are two or sometimes three rows of alternate contiguous pits (fig. 489, B): circular and separate pits also occur.nbsp;As Zalessky states, the pits do not always occupy the wholenbsp;radial face; unpitted patches sometimes interrupt the continuitynbsp;of the pitted areas^. Similar circular and more scattered pitsnbsp;ure unusually abundant on the tangential walls. There are nonbsp;Complete rings of growth. The medullary rays are narrow and,nbsp;except at their dilated inner ends, uniseriate; usually one or afnbsp;few cells deep, they may reach a depth of 12 or more cells. Thenbsp;pits on the radial walls of the ray-cells are said to be 4—7 in thenbsp;field. The pith consists of thin-walled flattened parenchymanbsp;frequently elongated in a radial direction. At the inner edge ofnbsp;ffie secondary xylem and generally in contact with it are severalnbsp;^-Uastomosing strands of primary xylem, mesarch in structurenbsp;f’ut with the protoxylem nearer the inner edge. These bundlesnbsp;'^uy be single (fig. 489, A, a) or double (fig. 489, A, b, and C)nbsp;^ud closely resemble those of Pitys antiqua except in their closernbsp;^elation to the secondary wood. The leaf-traces have not beennbsp;fiescribed, but the occurrence of twin-bundles like those in fig.


Connecting the multiseriate and scalariform types.

Callixylon, though conveniently and justly regarded as a distinct Sdius, exhibits in its primary xylem a fairly close agreement

C, suggests that they were double. The primary-xylem

rnents show particularly well transitional forms of pitting

1 Zalessky (09); (11) p. 29, PI. rv. ^ Zalessky (11) PI. iv. fig. 3.


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with Pitys^. The above account is based in part on Zalessky’s description and partly on specimens in Dr Kidston’s possession.

Miss Elkins and W. Wieland^ have recently described some Upper Devonian wood from Indiana characterised by a grouping

B nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;C

Fig. 489. Callixylon Trifilievi. A, C, the inner margin of the secondary xylem showing strands of primary xylem, a, b, and C. B, tracheids of thenbsp;secondary xylem. (A, C, from photographs supplied by Prof. Zalessky;nbsp;B, Cambridge Botany School.)

of the circular or elliptical bordered pits in the radial walls of the tracheids similar to those in Callixylon Trifilievi which they includenbsp;1 Scott (12) p. 1024.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Elkins and Wieland (14).

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together with the Middle Devonian species Cordaites Newbenyi^ in Zalessky’s genus. Though these two American species arenbsp;comparable in the discontinuous arrangement of the tracheal pitsnbsp;with the Russian type the latter is characterised by the presencenbsp;of primary xylem-strands, a feature that has not been recognisednbsp;in the American stems: it would seem, then, undesirable tonbsp;adopt the designation Callixylon in preference to Dadoxylonnbsp;unless there is evidence as to similar characters in the primarynbsp;region of the xylem.

Coenoxylon. Zalessky.

Coenoxylon Scotti Zalessky. Prof. Zalessky^ gave the name Coenoxylon to a small and incomplete piece of stem of doubtfulnbsp;provenance but possibly from the Ural Permian beds. The pith,nbsp;2 cm. broad, consists of parenchyma associated in the centralnbsp;region with numerous large sclerous cells. In one section anbsp;sinuous band of meristematic tissue was observed near thenbsp;periphery of the pith: the appearance of this tissue in a photograph given to me by Prof. Zalessky suggests comparison withnbsp;occasional strips of similar dividing cells in the pith of Lyginopteris.nbsp;The secondary wood is composed of tracheids with 1—2 rows ofnbsp;flattened or hexagonal pits on the radial walls and narrow uni-seriate medullary rays reaching a depth of 15 cells^nd with 2—7nbsp;oval pits in the field. As in the wood of Mesopitys Tchihatchejffi^nbsp;there are distinct and apparently complete rings of growth.

It is on the ground of the arrangement and structure of the primary xylem that Zalessky instituted a new generic name.nbsp;The primary xylem forms teeth of variable size which projectnbsp;into the pith from the edge of the secondary xylem: the prominent portions of the main mass of primary xylem give off branches,nbsp;differing considerably in size and shape, some of which becomenbsp;Separated by a comparatively broad band of parenchyma fromnbsp;the parent xylem-tissue. These bundles anastomose in theirnbsp;course through the pith and in doing so incorporate between themnbsp;patches of parenchyma. The bundles of primary xylem arenbsp;endarch. From the centrifugal strands at the periphery of the


^ Penhallow (00) pp. 64, PI. xii. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Zalessky (ll^) p. 13, figs.

* See page 295.

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pith double leaf-traces are produced which pass almost horizontally through the secondary wood. As Zalessky points out, the leaf-traces in their dual nature and in the elongated and narrownbsp;form of the tracheal groups, as seen in tangential section of thenbsp;secondary wood, bear a close resemblance to those of Ginkgo biloba.

This Russian genus agrees in its double leaf-trace with Meso-xylon, Mesofitys, and Antarcticoxylon: among recent plants Ginkgo would seem to be the most closely allied type.

Parapitys. Zalessky.

The designation Parafitys^ has been proposed for a single Upper Carboniferous species characterised by the possession ofnbsp;secondary wood like that of Cordaites, double leaf-traces, andnbsp;small mesarch primary xylem-strands. Nothing is known of thenbsp;leaves or reproductive organs.

Parafitys Spenceri (Scott).

In 1880 Williamson^ published a short account of a transverse section of a specimen found by Mr J. Spencer in Upper Carboniferous strata near Halifax in Yorkshire which afforded evidencenbsp;of the occurrence of double leaf-traces. The following descriptionnbsp;is taken from Scott’s account® of the species, which he namednbsp;Dadoxylon Spenceri. The parenchymatous pith, 5—6 mm. innbsp;diameter, is obtusely pentagonal, the prominent angles corresponding to the points of exit of paired leaf-traces like those ofnbsp;Mesoxylon, Ginkgo, and other genera. The secondary xylemnbsp;consists of narrow tracheids with crowded multiseriate pits onnbsp;the radial walls and narrow medullary rays one-cell broad andnbsp;1—8 cells deep. In contact with the inner margin of the secondarynbsp;wood are a few small mesarch strands of primary xylem, thenbsp;protoxylem and some parenchyma occupying a more or less centralnbsp;position. A leaf-trace about to enter the secondary xylemnbsp;is represented by twin-bundles which retain their double naturenbsp;as they traverse the stele, but at a lower level the two components fuse and appear as single bundles at the outer edge ofnbsp;the pith. The division of a leaf-trace into two before passing

* Zalessky (11) p. 28.

^ Williamson (80) A. p. 516, PI. xx. fig. 60.

® Scott (02) p. 357, Pis. n., vi.

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out, as in Poroxylon, constitutes a difference from Lygino'pteris in which the division occurs later.

Zalessky’s generic name Parapitys is an appropriate substitute for Dadoxylon in view of the presence of separate primary xylemnbsp;strands, a feature foreign to typical Dadoxylons which agreenbsp;with recent Conifers and Cycads in the absence of vascular strandsnbsp;distinct from the endarch centrifugal wood. As Scott^ says,nbsp;Parapitys ‘is best regarded as a near ally of Mesoxylon.’

Mesopitys. Zalessky.

Mesopitys TchihatcJieffi (Goeppert). The genus Mesopitys was instituted by Zalessky for a Permian species founded bynbsp;Goeppert^ on a piece of decorticated stem from the Kousnetzknbsp;basin in Siberia and afterwards more fully described by Goeppertnbsp;and Stenzel®. The structure of the secondary wood led Goeppertnbsp;to adopt the name Araucarites for which Kraus^ substitutednbsp;Araucarioxylon. A recent investigation of additional materialnbsp;by Zalessky brought to light the existence of groups of primarynbsp;xylem abutting on the secondary xylem and projecting into thenbsp;pith, characterised by the occurrence of spiral protoxylem elementsnbsp;on the inner edge. The recognition of this important featurenbsp;justified Zalessky in the adoption of a new generic term. Innbsp;general anatomical characters Mesopitys agrees with Eristophytonnbsp;Beinertianum (Goepp.) but is distinguished by tfie more feeblynbsp;developed primary-xylem groups and by their endarch structure.

The examination of sections from some of Prof. Zalessky’s material lent to me by Dr Kidston enables me to confirmnbsp;Zalessky’s description, though I am not convinced that the primarynbsp;xylem-strands are exclusively endarch: in most of the primarynbsp;groups the protoxylem is clearly on the inner edge, but in a fewnbsp;cases there may be a small amount of centripetal xylem present.nbsp;The characters of Mesopitys Tchihatcheffi, may be summarisednbsp;as follows:

Annual rings well defined, varying considerably in breadth; tlie summer wood is represented by several rows of narrower

1 Scott (12) p. 1028.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Goeppert (4.5^) p. 11, Pis. xxix.—xxxv.; Zalessky (11).

^ Goeppert and Stenzel (88) p. 33, Pis. v., vi.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Kraus in Schimper (72) A. p. 381.

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tracheids (fig. 490, A). In the piece of stem shown in the figure the breadth of the wood from the flattened and crushed pith tonbsp;the broken outer edge is 6 cm. The medullary rays are numerous,nbsp;uniseriate, rarely 2 cells in breadth; the pits on the radial wallsnbsp;of the ray-cells, 7—10 in the field, are apparently simple, oval,nbsp;and oblique: the rays are generally 3—4 cells in depth but maynbsp;be deeper. There are 1—3 rows of hexagonal alternate rows ofnbsp;pits on the radial walls of the tracheids. The primary xylemnbsp;consists of groups, varying in size and sometimes reduced to anbsp;very few elements, in contact with the secondary xylem, usuallynbsp;though probably not invariably endarch. In the two narrownbsp;radially elongated and partially destroyed primary strands shownnbsp;in fig. 490, B, the protoxylem, fx, is on the inner edge. Thenbsp;leaf-trace passes through the secondary wood as a single strand.

Fig. 490. Mesopitys Tchihatcheffi. A, transverse section showing rings of growth in the wood. B, primary xylem with protoxylem, px, and thenbsp;edge of the secondary xylem, x^. (Kidston collection, 2156.)

In the section reproduced in fig. 490, A, the crushed and flattened pith measures 9 by 2 mm.; it consists of thin-walled parenchymanbsp;with a few scattered thicker-walled cells.

Nothing is known as to the structure of the cortical tissue or leaves.

Antarcticoxylon. Seward.

Antarcticoxylon Priestleyi Seward. The specimen on which this genus was founded was discovered by Mr Raymond Priestleynbsp;in a boulder, probably derived from the Upper Beacon sandstone,

1 Seward (14) p. 17, Pis. IV.—vni;

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on the Priestley Glacier south of 74° S. lat. in the course of the journey of the Northern Party of Capt. Scott’s second Antarcticnbsp;Expedition. The type-specimen is a piece of silicified stem 1 ftnbsp;long and 3 ins. in diameter; there were no tissues preservednbsp;external to the secondary wood and it is impossible to say whatnbsp;proportion of the original thickness is represented. Annualnbsp;rings are clearly marked at least macroscopically (fig. 491, C)nbsp;though there is very little difference between the spring andnbsp;summer tracheids: the centre of the compressed stem is occupiednbsp;by a lighter coloured elliptical area 7x2 mm. which superficiallynbsp;resembles a pith, but in the peripheral region it consists of portionsnbsp;of a cylinder of spiral and scalariform tracheids, the actual pithnbsp;being not more than 2—3 mm. in breadth. The pith consists ofnbsp;lacunar parenchyma separated by horizontal bands of dark cellsnbsp;containing some secreted substance (fig. 491, F): the preservation is,nbsp;however, not sufficiently good to enable one to describe it in detail.nbsp;The secondary xylem is of the pycnoxylic type; the tracheidsnbsp;have either a single row of contiguous and partially flattenednbsp;pits on their radial walls or a double row of alternate polygonalnbsp;pits; the medullary rays are nearly always uniseriate (fig. 491, E)nbsp;and from 1 to 24 cells in depth. At the inner edge of the secondarynbsp;wood there was a fairly broad zone of more delicate tracheidsnbsp;(fig. 491, A, x) characterised by spiral or scalariform bands andnbsp;by their relatively small diameter. This innermost zone, whichnbsp;supplies the leaf-traces, is spoken of as the primary xylem; itnbsp;appears to be endarch though this cannot be definitely determined.nbsp;A characteristic feature of the primary xylem in the perimedullarynbsp;region, as also in the leaf-traces on their way through the secondarynbsp;Wood, is the presence of short and broad tracheids (fig. 491, D, t)nbsp;with reticulate thickening bands: these short elements maynbsp;represent centripetal xylem and are similar to the short tracheidsnbsp;described by ScotG in the sheath of Mesoxylon Lomaxi and tonbsp;the larger elements in the stem of Megaloxylon^.

An interesting feature seen in transverse sections of the secondary wood is the occurrence of light bands concentric withnbsp;the rings of growth which are broadest near the long axis of thenbsp;stem (fig. 491, C). In their narrower parts these bands are clearlynbsp;1 Scott (12).nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;2 See page 175.

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Bia. 491. A—F, Antarcticoxylon Priestleyi. A, B, transverse sections of the xylem; a, small tracheids simulating protoxylem; x, xylem at the edge ofnbsp;the pith. C, transverse section showing leaf-traces, I, a, b. D, leaf-tracenbsp;with short tracheids, t, in the pith; s, sclerous cells. E, tangential section.nbsp;F, pith in longitudinal section. G, Pityosporites antarcticus; see Vol. IV.nbsp;(All the sections are in the British Museum.)

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due to the partial destruction of the secondary tracheids, but in other places crushed parenchymatous tissue occurs which maynbsp;be a traumatic phenomenon or possibly comparable with Nörd-linger’s ‘medullary spots^’ formed by local hypertrophy ofnbsp;medullary tissue. Although the structure of the leaf-traces cannotnbsp;be definitely determined, it would seem that each trace passednbsp;into the perimedullary region as a single bundle of relativelynbsp;large size composed of spiral and scalariform tracheids narrowernbsp;than the secondary elements. The traces during their outwardnbsp;course were accompanied by some parenchymatous tissue continuous with that in the pith, and the inner spiral tracheids ofnbsp;the trace were connected with isodiametric reticulate elements.nbsp;The dimensions of the leaf-traces point to leaves of fairly largenbsp;size.

In the structure of the secondary wood Antarcticoxylon agrees on the whole with an Araucarian stem: the broad zone of xylemnbsp;composed of spiral and scalariform tracheids at the edge of thenbsp;pith is a feature common to Mesoxylon, Cordaites, and Araucaria.nbsp;There is no evidence of the occurrence of double leaf-traces suchnbsp;as characterise certain Cordaitalean genera and some existingnbsp;members of the Araucarineae. In the single nature of the leaf-traces the Antarctic stem resembles Mesopitys Tchihatcheffi alsonbsp;in the presence of rings of growth^, but in Arttarcticoxylon thenbsp;preservation of the primary xylem is too imperfect to admitnbsp;of any satisfactory comparison as regards this important tissuenbsp;with other types.

The precise age of the Beacon sandstone has not been determined, but the probability is that the upper beds from which the boulder containing Antarcticoxylon was derived are not older thannbsp;the Rhaetic period. The chief interest of this imperfectly preserved stem with undoubted Araucarian affinities is its occurrencenbsp;m the rocks of Antarctica in association with other remains ofnbsp;comparatively large stems.

* De Bary (84) A. p. 492; Grossenbacher (15).

^ See Scott, Nature, August 26, 1915.

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Seeds are abundantly represented as fossils from Carboniferous to Post-Tertiary deposits. The importance of fossil and sub-fossil species in the later geological series has been demonstrated by the investigations of Mr and Mrs Clement Reid and anbsp;few other workers in this neglected field. In cases where it isnbsp;possible to assign seeds to their parent-plants the descriptions ofnbsp;casts, impressions, or petrifactions are added to the account ofnbsp;vegetative organs; but it frequently happens that seeds arenbsp;preserved only as detached specimens many of which have littlenbsp;or no value as botanical records, while others that afford strikingnbsp;examples of the possibilities of petrifaction as a means of preservingnbsp;the most delicate structures, are of great importance. In Volumenbsp;II. an account was given of such Palaeozoic seed-bearing organsnbsp;as Lepidocarpon and Miadesmia, and the genera Lagenostoma,nbsp;Sphaerostoma, and Trigonocarpus are dealt with in this volumenbsp;under Lyginopteris, Heterangium, and Medullosa. Certain seedsnbsp;afEord some evidence as to the systematic position of the parent-plants though insufficient to warrant more than a surmise as tonbsp;the nature of the vegetative organs: in several cases it is onlynbsp;from the resemblance of detached seeds to types that on thenbsp;strength of more or less convincing evidence are referred tonbsp;definite parent-plants that any conclusions can be drawn withnbsp;regard to precise systematic position. In view of the occurrencenbsp;of several different types of seeds that retain their morphologicalnbsp;features, but cannot be assigned with any degree of certainty tonbsp;genera founded on vegetative organs, a special chapter is devotednbsp;to a comparative study of selected examples with the object of

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directing attention to data bearing on evolutionary problems. The chief interest of Palaeozoic seeds to the botanist lies in thenbsp;facts they contribute towards the elucidation of questions connected with the promotion of the megasporangium and megasporenbsp;of the Pteridophyta to the higher stage represented by the integu-mented megasporangium (nucellus) and single megaspore that innbsp;the main fulfil the definition of a seed^. ‘With the evolution ofnbsp;the seed,’ as Oliver says, ‘the plant rose at a bound to a highernbsp;plane, and this structure in its perfected form has become thenbsp;very centre of the plant’s existence^.’ We can as yet form a verynbsp;partial conception of the successive stages in the adoption of thenbsp;seed-habit, but since 1855, the year in which Hooker and Binney®nbsp;published their paper on the structure of Trigonocarpus, amplenbsp;proof has been furnished of the importance of Palaeozoic seedsnbsp;from the standpoint of affinity between recent Gymnospermsnbsp;and extinct seed-bearing plants, and of the modus operandi ofnbsp;evolutionary tendencies. A cursory examination of Palaeozoicnbsp;seeds suffices to demonstrate their resemblance to those of recentnbsp;Cycads and the seed of Ginkgo biloba; but while it is clearly withnbsp;these Gymnosperms that the majority of the seeds described innbsp;the following pages are most closely allied, the extinct typesnbsp;possess many distinguishing features that throw light on somenbsp;at least of the factors concerned in the production of the modernnbsp;type. In many of the Palaeozoic seeds the nucellus stands freenbsp;within the integument, to which it is attached only in the chalazalnbsp;region, in contrast to the lateral union between integument andnbsp;nucellus in the ovules of recent Cycads. It has been suggestednbsp;by Oliver^ that the seed of the Conifer Toney a affords a clue tonbsp;the interpretation of this difference and that the lower part ofnbsp;the seed in Cycads and Torreya represents a later intercalation innbsp;the basal portion of the ovule, the ancient type having a freenbsp;nucellus in contrast to the nucellus of modern seeds which is freenbsp;Only at the apex. It has been objected® that there are no adequatenbsp;grounds for assuming the addition of an intercalated zone or ofnbsp;the elongation of the ovule that this implies, the more probable

^ Oliver (06) p. 726. * OUver (03).

1 See Vol. II. p. .56.

® Hooker and Binney (55).

® Worsdell (05) p. 58; Salisbury (14) p. 67.

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view being that the lateral union of nucellus and integument represents congenital fusion in the ancestral type, a fusion comparable with that of the coherent petals of a gamopetalous corolla.nbsp;In the presence of a pollen-chamber most of the Palaeozoic seedsnbsp;agree with those of recent Cycads, but in the extinct forms it isnbsp;usually a more highly developed structure. The name pollen-chamber was given by Brongniart^ to the pollen-containingnbsp;cavity in the free region of the nucellus in the petrified seeds fromnbsp;St Etienne in ignorance of the use of the same term by Griffith^nbsp;in a posthumous work published in 1852 for the nucellar chambernbsp;in Cycas^. The genus Stefhanosfermum (fig. 494, A) illustratesnbsp;the means by which the pollen-chamber was liberally suppliednbsp;with water and thus adapted to the requirements of fertilisationnbsp;by motile gametes. The pollen-chamber and its vascular supplynbsp;paved the way for siphonogamy, that is the development of anbsp;pollen-tube for the more direct transmission of the male sperms.nbsp;The highly developed mantle of tracheal tissue at the peripherynbsp;of the nucellus in StepJianospermum, represented on a reducednbsp;scale by the separate vascular strands of other seeds, may benbsp;compared with the tracheal investment to the nucellus in thenbsp;recent Dicotyledonous genus Cassytha'^. The presence of anbsp;nucellar vascular system in several Palaeozoic seeds is a featurenbsp;in which they differ from those of recent Cycads with the exceptionnbsp;of Bowenia. The retreat of the vascular supply from the immediate neighbourhood of the pollen-chamber in recent Cycads may,nbsp;as Oliver points out, be correlated with the evolution of the pollen-tube—the substitution of siphonogamy for zoidiogamy. Thenbsp;diagram reproduced in fig. 492 represents a synthetic type basednbsp;on such seeds as Stephanospermum and Cardiocarpus whichnbsp;illustrate an arrangement of conducting tissue frequently foundnbsp;in Palaeozoic seeds: the main strand gives ofi a pair of bundlesnbsp;in the sarcotesta in the principal plane, as in Cardiocarpus^; fromnbsp;the tracheal mass in the chalazal region numerous bundles passnbsp;up the nucellus as far as the floor of the pollen-chamber. The

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Brongniart (81) p. 31.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;For an account of the work of this author see Lang in OUver (]3) p. 178.

® See Scott (09) B. p. 543, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Mirande (05).

® For definition of Cardiocarpus^ see page 338.

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nature of the vascular supply in this generalised type and in individual genera should be compared with that in the seeds of recent Cycads^ described in Chapter xxviii.


Eecent research has revealed the not unexpected fact that in such Upper Carboniferous petrified seeds as have been investigatednbsp;—a small proportion of the largenbsp;number produced in the Palaeozoicnbsp;forests—there was a remarkablenbsp;range in the mechanism connectednbsp;with pollination and the maturation of the microspores. A comparison of the genera Physostoma,

Pig. 492. ‘A conjectural synthetic type of seed embodying the charactersnbsp;of such a seed as Stephanospermumnbsp;with those of a Cardiocarpus ’;nbsp;n, nuceUus; pc, pollen-chamber.nbsp;(After Oliver.)

Lagenostoma, Conostoma, Trigo-nocarpus, Stephanospermum and others reveals the occurrence ofnbsp;very different though not unrelatednbsp;structural features especially in thenbsp;apical region of the seed. Thesenbsp;seeds, including Physostoma probably the most archaic type,nbsp;represent a stage in evolutionnbsp;already far removed from thenbsp;starting-point: the diversity of plan recalls the variety in thenbsp;form of the chloroplasts in the Green Algae, and in both casesnbsp;We are in touch with an experimental phase representing anbsp;tentative advance towards greater efficiency.

In its differentiation into an outer fleshy region, the sarcotesta, a stony layer, the sclerotesta, and in many cases an inner flesh,nbsp;the Palaeozoic seeds resemble recent Cycads: in both extinct andnbsp;modern seeds the balance of evidence would seem to be in favournbsp;of attributing a single rather than a double origin to the integument.

Among the numerous types of Palaeozoic seeds are several which invite comparison with the fruits or carpels, apart fromnbsp;the seeds, of Angiosperms. Impressions of Samaropsis seedsnbsp;(figs. 502, B—K; 503; 504) bear a close resemblance to thenbsp;laterally expanded fruits of the common Crucifer Thlaspi arvense;nbsp;the ribbed testa of Hexagonocarpus (fig. 506, H) and other genera

^ See page 25.

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recalls the fruit-wall of Alstroemeria; the recently described Lower Carboniferous seed Thysanotesta sagittula Nath. (fig. 506, F)nbsp;simulates a carpel of Erodium. These and similar instances ofnbsp;a close parallelism in external features between organs that arenbsp;not homologous, though in themselves of no morphologicalnbsp;significance, are at least interesting as illustrating the plasticitynbsp;displayed by reproductive structures, which in the Palaeozoicnbsp;period marked a morphological achievement comparable in itsnbsp;importance with the still greater achievement represented by thenbsp;highly specialised fruits of the modern Flowering plants. Thenbsp;range in form and surface-features of Angiospermous fruits wasnbsp;foreshadowed by Palaeozoic seeds. Structural types and in somenbsp;cases, superadded to these, features which may reasonably benbsp;supposed to have facilitated dispersal had been acquired by thenbsp;seeds of Palaeozoic plants in forms that in a much later periodnbsp;were adopted by fruits even to a greater degree than by seeds.nbsp;Characters useful in seed-dispersal, that are now shared by fruitsnbsp;and seeds, are illustrated by the fleshy and possibly edible seedsnbsp;of extinct Gymnosperms, the plumes and hairy beak of Gnetopsisnbsp;(fig. 494, E) and Thysanotesta (fig. 506, F) suggestive of featherynbsp;stigmas and other appendages. The lacunar sarcotesta of Aetheo-testa, the thick endotesta of Pachytesta (fig. 497), and the air-chamber of Codonospermum (fig. 498), are strictly comparable withnbsp;aids to buoyancy in fruits of existing Flowering plants. Thenbsp;mucilage-hairs and superficial cells in Physostoma (fig. 494,1) andnbsp;Stephanospermum may be compared with the thick mucilaginousnbsp;investment of the megaspores of recent water-ferns and withnbsp;similar tissues of some Angiospermous seeds.

The bionomics of Palaeozoic plants is a subject worthy of more serious attention than it has so far received. The searchnbsp;for morphological characters that may have facilitated thenbsp;wanderings of widely distributed genera and species and a closernbsp;investigation of physiological-anatomical problems presented bynbsp;the vegetative organs of petrified plants would not only extendnbsp;our knowledge of the morphology of ancient types but wouldnbsp;stimulate comparative study and, incidentally, relieve the dullnessnbsp;of pure description. It may be argued that we should firstnbsp;establish a more sohd foundation by further observations on

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living plants; but even at the risk of allowing speculation too free a hand the attempt is worth making, and it may be urgednbsp;that, as in phylogenetic enquiries so in other branches of botany,nbsp;facts obtained from plants of other ages may serve to supplynbsp;deficiencies in knowledge based only on existing forms. One ofnbsp;the difficulties inseparable from the study of fossil plants, namelynbsp;the identification of impressions and casts with specimens exhibiting anatomical characters, is particularly well illustratednbsp;by seeds. The description of a genus based on mere externalnbsp;form may sometimes be extended without great risk of error tonbsp;include species founded on anatomical characters, but on thenbsp;other hand, there are many instances in which—despite a generalnbsp;resemblance in form and size between petrifactions and impressions—lack of evidence of generic identity requires the employmentnbsp;of distinctive names. The determination of impressions is, asnbsp;Lesquereux recognised, ‘subject to a great deal of uncertainty,’nbsp;and many of the genera founded on external features are purelynbsp;artificial and include species that have no essential features innbsp;common. Moreover in the case of petrified specimens the apparentnbsp;absence of an external fleshy layer is often due to destructionnbsp;before preservation; as Solms-Laubach^ points out, it is obviouslynbsp;impossible to be certain as to the number of integumental layersnbsp;in seeds that are not well preserved in all their parts. Goeppertnbsp;founded a new genus, Acanthocarpus, on a Permian seed describednbsp;as A. xanthioides^, because of the occurrence of spinous processesnbsp;attached to an obcordate kernel: these apparent spines are innbsp;all probability the remains of a very imperfectly preserved sarco-testa. The preservation of the central portion of a seed, thatnbsp;is the seed-cavity with the enclosing shell, conveniently callednbsp;the nucule, has often led to an unnecessary multiplication ofnbsp;generic terms. Other examples of confusion resulting fromnbsp;different states of preservation are quoted in the accounts ofnbsp;some of the selected types.

Williamson in 1877 pointed out that we learn from the large number of different kinds of Palaeozoic seeds that ‘there werenbsp;in the Carboniferous forests many gymnospermous stems clothed

Solms-Laubach (91) A. p. 118.

Goeppert (65) p. 177, PI. xxvi. figs. 27, 28.


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with foliage of which we have not yet discovered any traces, probably because these Gymnosperms did not flourish upon thenbsp;low swampy grounds which were the homes of the great massnbsp;of the coal-producing plants^.’ Prof. Zeiller^ has also drawnnbsp;attention to the numerical excess of seeds over vegetative organs.nbsp;This discrepancy has to a large extent been explained by thenbsp;discovery that many of the supposed Ferns were seed-bearingnbsp;plants, and a further explanation is suggested by the superioritynbsp;of seeds over stems and leaves in their adaptation to dispersalnbsp;by water.

In 1874 Brongniart® described several petrified seeds from material discovered by Grand’Eury in the St Etienne coal-field,nbsp;and seven years later his descriptions were republished*, with thenbsp;addition of several beautifully executed drawings, as a posthumousnbsp;volume edited by his distinguished pupil Renault. Wilhamson’snbsp;researches supplied much additional information, and in recentnbsp;years the more detailed study of French and English seeds bynbsp;Bertrand and particularly by Oliver and his pupils has furthernbsp;emphasised the interest and importance of this field of work.nbsp;Brongniart proposed a two-fold classification of French seeds:nbsp;(i) bilaterally symmetrical seeds, more or less flattened in section,nbsp;which he believed to be Cordaitean; (ii) radially symmetricalnbsp;seeds, circular in transverse section; the latter group he considerednbsp;to be less closely allied to recent types. The employment of thenbsp;terms Platyspermeae and Radiospermeae, proposed by Oliver®nbsp;for Brongniart’s divisions, serves a useful purpose if due regardnbsp;is paid to the adequacy of the evidence as to symmetry and ifnbsp;it is recognised that this classification cannot be rigidly employednbsp;in all cases. It was pointed out by Brongniart that the occasionalnbsp;occurrence of tricarinate seeds of Ginkgo (fig. 631) and Taxusnbsp;is an exception to the general rule of bilateral symmetry: seedsnbsp;of Cycas are normally bilateral, but radially symmetrical formsnbsp;also occur®. The genus Conostoma (fig. 494, B) represents annbsp;intermediate type which, though almost radially symmetrical,nbsp;exhibits a shght tendency towards platyspermy. Evidence

1 Williamson (77) B. p. ® Brongniart (74).

6 Oliver (04) B. p. 389.

2 Zeiller (88) A. p. 642.

¦* Brongniart (81).

® Affourtit and La Rivière (15).


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recently brought forward by Nathorst^ renders probable a connexion of a presumably radiospermic seed Lagenospermum Arherï^ with the Lower Carboniferous fronds Adiantites bellidulus Heer,nbsp;and this furnishes an interesting illustration of the association ofnbsp;both platyspermic and radiospermic seeds with the same genericnbsp;type of foliage. While retaining Radiosperm and Platysperm asnbsp;convenient descriptive terms, I have not adopted them as group-designations on the ground that they do not in themselves servenbsp;as trustworthy criteria of relationship. Attention is called bynbsp;Salisbury® to the occurrence of bilaterally and radially symmetricalnbsp;fruits among British Carices and to a similar mixture in the familynbsp;Polygonaceae.

The acquisition of more detailed and accurate knowledge of Palaeozoic seeds led to an extension of the two-fold division ofnbsp;Brongniart and Oliver which is based on such characters as thenbsp;position of the vascular tissue in relation to the integument andnbsp;nucellus, the form of the pollen-chamber, and other features.nbsp;The division Lagenostomales has been instituted for Lagenostomanbsp;and some other Radiosperms connected by certain importantnbsp;characters: these seeds may be referred to the Pteridospermeaenbsp;though it is only in the case of Lagenostoma, and to a less extentnbsp;Sphaerostoma, that a correlation between vegetative organs andnbsp;seeds has been rendered sufficiently probable to justify an assumption of generic identity. The name Trigonocarpeae^ has recentlynbsp;been used for a section of Radiosperms represented by Trigono-carpus, Stephanospermum, and other genera. Although the genusnbsp;Stephanospermum, as Oliver® says, may be regarded as the type-genus of a group of seeds, it is more fitting, as the samenbsp;author® insists, to adopt a divisional term based on the genericnbsp;name of the much more widely spread and more familiar Trigono-carpus. For the sake of uniformity in nomenclature it is proposednbsp;to adopt the name Trigonocarpales instead of Trigonocarpeae tonbsp;rank with Lagenostomales.

The Platyspermeae comprise such seeds as Cardiocarpus, Mitrospermum, and Rhabdospermum, genera characterised by

Natliorst (14) p. 32. Salisbury (14) p. 71.nbsp;Oliver (04) B. p. 392.

See page 173.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Salisbury (14).

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Oliver (07).


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well-marked anatomical features and probably Cordaitean; it has, however, been shown that typical Platysperms were alsonbsp;borne on leaves of Pteridosperms and, as Mrs Arber^ says, thenbsp;notion that every member of the Platyspermeae was necessarilynbsp;a Cordaitean seed has been discredited by the discovery of thenbsp;seeds of Aneimites {Wardia) and Pecopteris Pluckeneti^. Fornbsp;general purposes it is hardly necessary to adopt the subdivisionsnbsp;of the Lagenostomales used by Oliver and Salisbury®, though asnbsp;facts accumulate we shall no doubt be able to make furthernbsp;advances towards a natural system of classification. The followingnbsp;three divisions of Permo-Carboniferous seeds include generanbsp;founded on petrified specimens and thus afiord valuable morphological data. The groups Lagenostomales and Trigonocarpalesnbsp;include types belonging to closely related plants, a relationshipnbsp;clearly expressed in the seed-characters.

I. Lagenostomales.

The seeds included in this group are for the most part Radiosperms, but in its slightly developed bilateral symmetry Conostoma oblongum is a type transitional between Radiosperms and Platysperms. The testa may be ribbed and the ribs vary in number.nbsp;The nucellus (megasporangium) is united to the integument notnbsp;only at the base but laterally as far as the shoulder of the seed upnbsp;to a level corresponding to the base of the pollen-chamber (lageno-stome) as in all recent Cycads and in the majority of Conifers.nbsp;The seeds proper apart from the cupule are supplied with a singlenbsp;set of vascular bundles; there is no vascular tissue in the nucellus,nbsp;a feature no doubt correlated with the fusion of nucellus andnbsp;integument^. The free portion of the integument is more or lessnbsp;deeply lobed or, in Lagenostoma, it forms a pyramidal canopynbsp;of fused lobes enclosing the lagenostome. The presence of anbsp;tapetal zone surrounding the megaspore is believed to be a featurenbsp;characteristic of the group®. The testa, wholly or partiallynbsp;ribbed, is relatively thinner than in the Trigonocarpales andnbsp;Cardiocarpales, and in its dilferentiation agrees less closely withnbsp;the testa of recent Cycadean seeds. In Lagenostoma and possibly

1 Arber, A. (10) p. 505. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ See Chapter xxxi.

® Oliver and Salisbury (11). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;¦* Salisbury (14) p. 67.

5 Oliver (09), p. 99.

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in other genera a loose sheath or cnpule surrounded the ovule, while in Gnetopsis a similar envelope enclosed two to four seeds.

The microspores are multicellular and smaller than those of Trigonocarpales, the average dimensions {Conostoma, Physostoma,nbsp;Lagenostoma) being 67p, x 52p,.

Genera. Physostoma; Conostoma; Sphaerostoma; Lagenostoma ; Gnetopsis.

Lagenostoma may safely be referred to Lyginopteris, and Sphaerostoma with but httle risk of error to Heterangium: thenbsp;parent-plants of the other genera are unknown, but all may benbsp;regarded as the seeds of Pteridosperms and probably of generanbsp;more nearly allied to the Lyginopterideae than to the Medulloseae.nbsp;The genus Lagenospermum, recently instituted by Nathorst^, isnbsp;dealt with in Chapter xxxi.

Physostoma. Williamson.

Physostoma elegans Williamson.

The generic name Physostoma^ was applied by Wilhamson® to a seed from the Lower Coal Measures of Lancashire whichnbsp;he named P. elegans ] he afterwards described it as Lagenostoma physoides, but the original name has been revived bynbsp;Oliver* to whom our knowledge of this type is chiefly due.nbsp;The specimens figured by Williamson® as Sporocarpon ornatumnbsp;also belong to Physostoma elegans. The seeds are circular innbsp;section, approximately 6 mm. long with a maximum diameternbsp;of 2 mm. The testa has about 10 longitudinal ribs passing in thenbsp;apical region into a ring of free lobes or tentacles surrounding andnbsp;considerably overtopping the nucellar apex: these tentaclesnbsp;take the place of a micropylar tube (fig. 494, I; fig. 493, D) andnbsp;are a feature ‘in which this seed differs from all other knownnbsp;seeds, fossil or recent®.’ A single vascular strand passes throughnbsp;the chalazal region and divides into 10 bundles, one to each

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Nathorst (14) p. 29.

^ mvaaw, to blow; (pvca, a bladder.

® Williamson (76) p. 160; (17) B. p. 241, PI. xi. figs. 77, 78; PI. xii. fig. 79.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Oliver (09); Oliver and Salisbury (11) passim; Salisbury (14) p. 74.

“ Williamson (80) A. PI. xvii. figs. 24—28; (83^) A. PI. xxxi. fig. 27 (called in this case Sporocarpon anomalum, no doubt a slip of the pen).

® Oliver (09) p. 76.

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rib and tentacle. The single integument consists of a few layers of cells, those of the epidermis being prolonged into clavatenbsp;mucilaginous hairs, fig. 494, I, h, that may reach a length ofnbsp;•5 mm. and in the hving seed almost covered the whole surfacenbsp;of the testa, being especially long on the ribs and tentacles.nbsp;There is no special development of sclerous tissue, the vascularnbsp;bundles, v, being embedded in parenchyma in the inner portionnbsp;of the integument. The nucellus is represented by a zone richnbsp;in secretory cells, and internal to this is a tapetum. Integumentnbsp;and nucellus are coalescent up to the apical region where thenbsp;former sphts into 10 tentacles. The nucellar apex has the formnbsp;of a tall dome surrounded by a bell-shaped pollen-chamber (fig.nbsp;494,1, pc; fig. 493, C, D, c) into which it projects like the basenbsp;of a wine-bottle. The circular opening of the pollen-chambernbsp;overtops the roof of the dome formed of the secretory tissue ofnbsp;the nucellus and the carbonised remains of the tapetum: thisnbsp;dark band surrounds the large megaspore-cavity (fig. 494,1).nbsp;Physostoma is the only member of the Lagenostomales in whichnbsp;the megaspore projects into the free nucellar apex; in othernbsp;genera intercalary growth has produced a more or less prominentnbsp;plinth, the name given to the free portion of the nucellus betweennbsp;the megaspore and the pollen-chamber. Williamson^ describednbsp;the mammillated apex of the nucellus as pushed up into thenbsp;base of the lagenostome which ‘looks like a bladder half full ofnbsp;fluid resting upon and overhanging the end of a soda-water bottle ’:nbsp;it was this appearance that suggested the name Physostoma.nbsp;The section reproduced in fig. 493, D, shows in the centre thenbsp;limiting tissue of the nucellus surrounded by the pollen-chamber,nbsp;c, and external to this are the tentacles with their groups of longnbsp;hairs: the vascular bundles are represented by spaces in thenbsp;more internal small-celled tissue (see also fig. 494,1). A characteristic feature is the presence of a tapetum or megaspore-jacket^nbsp;in the nucellus; immediately internal to the vascular bundlesnbsp;stretching from the chalaza to the apex of the megaspore-cavity isnbsp;a layer of delicate cells with secretory sacs, and this is succeedednbsp;by a broad black layer of rather larger cells, a tissue which wasnbsp;probably in full activity in a younger stage of development.

* Williamson (76) p. 160. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Oliver (09) p. 106.

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Fig 493. A, Lagenostonui ovoid longitudinal section of the lageno-stome. B, Lagenostoma Lomaxi,nbsp;transverse section of thelagenostomenbsp;and canopy; c, pollen-chamber;nbsp;df space between the nucellus and integument. (A, after Miss Prankerd;nbsp;B, from a section in the Manchesternbsp;Museum, R 1048.) C, Physostomanbsp;elegans, longitudinal section showingnbsp;microspores in the pollen-chamber, c.nbsp;(From a section in the Universitynbsp;College Collection.) D, Physostomanbsp;elegans, transverse section of thenbsp;apical region showing the tentacles,nbsp;pollen-chamber, c, etc. E, Telan-gium Scotiiy transverse section ofnbsp;sporangia (Manchester Coll. R 1047).nbsp;F, G, Siephanosperynum akenioides.nbsp;F, section of sclerotesta. G, tra-cheids from the nucellus. (University College Coll.)

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A comparable tapetal layer is described by Lang^ in the ovule of Stangeria: the majority of the sporogenous cells surrounding thenbsp;megaspore become disentegrated and are absorbed, but thenbsp;outermost zone forms a more definite tapetal layer: as alreadynbsp;suggested, this tissue in Physostoma may be a group-character.nbsp;No archegonia have been found, but in a few cases some of thenbsp;delicate prothallus-tissue occurs in the interior of the seed. Microspores are often abundant in the pollen-chamber (fig. 493, C, c);nbsp;in one seed 80 are recorded. The occurrence of so many microspores suggested to Oliver that insect-agency may have beennbsp;responsible for the precision in pollination that is greater thannbsp;one would expect in anemophilous plants. The spores are smallernbsp;than those of Lagenostoma (55/a x ibg) and in several of themnbsp;the remains of a cellular tissue are preserved (fig. 494, N), alsonbsp;some sub-reniform bodies (fig. 494, M) similar to those describednbsp;as spermatozoids by Dr Benson in Lagenostoma (fig. 408, D).

The most interesting features of Physostoma are: the absence of a continuous micropylar tube and its replacement by a circlenbsp;of integumental lobes; the apical prolongation of the nucellarnbsp;apex into the pollen-chamber, and the presence of long mucilaginous hairs on the integument. The large pollen-chamber isnbsp;a character which distinguishes Physostoma from Conostoma andnbsp;its form is very different from that in Lagenostoma.

The tentacles of the integument and the form of the nucellar apex are features consistent with Oliver’s view that Physostomanbsp;is the most primitive of Palaeozoic seeds though, as Burlingame^nbsp;says, the elaborate form of the encasing envelope marks a considerable advance beyond the earliest type of megasporangiumnbsp;integument.

A new type of Physostoma has been briefly described by Gordon®, without a specific designation, from the Lower Carboniferous beds of Pettycur (Fife): it was found in association withnbsp;Heterangium and Sphaerostoma ovale.

We have no knowledge of the plant to which Physostoma belonged, but the general plan of organisation of the seed pointsnbsp;to a near relationship to Lagenostoma and presumably, as regardsnbsp;the parent-plant, to a genus related to Lyginopteris.

1 Lang (00) p. 288. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Burlingame (15) p. 19.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;• Gordon, W. T. (10).


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Conostoma. Williamson.

This name!, suggested by the funnel-hke pollen-chamber or lagenostome, was apphed by Wilhamson^ to some seeds from thenbsp;Lower Coal Measures of Lancashire and Yorkshire and fromnbsp;the Lower Carboniferous beds of Burntisland. The Burntislandnbsp;seeds, referred by Wilhamson to two species, have recently beennbsp;united and described by Miss Benson as Sphaerostoma ovale^.nbsp;The Enghsh species has been thoroughly investigated by Ohvernbsp;and Salisbury^ who have also described a second species, C. anglo-germanicum, from the Coal Measures of Lancashire and Germany.

Conostoma oblongum Williamson.

This rare type is represented by approximately cyhndrical seeds with an average length of 5mm. and a maximum breadth of 2-3mm.nbsp;borne on a relatively stout stalk and tapering to a blunt apexnbsp;characterised by a canopy of six short lobes (fig. 494, B, C) innbsp;marked contrast to the long tentacles of Physostoma. In the basalnbsp;region the integument has six prominent ribs which soon die outnbsp;when traced upwards; a transverse section through the body of thenbsp;seed is hexagonal (fig. 494, D), the angles corresponding to the basalnbsp;ribs, and there is a shght tendency to platyspermy. The testanbsp;has an epidermal mucilaginous layer which becomes exfoliatednbsp;through the lifting-up of the cuticle by the underlying mucilage:nbsp;below this, at the apex of the seed, is a cap of fleshy tissue (fig.nbsp;494, B, sa) which, it is suggested, may have had a secretorynbsp;function in connexion with a drop-mechanism in pollination likenbsp;that in recent Conifers. No microspores have been found in thenbsp;pollen-chamber. The epidermis, called by Oliver and Salisburynbsp;the blow-off layer (fig 494, B, m), together with the cap of softnbsp;tissue constitute a feebly developed sarcotesta. A sclerotestanbsp;consisting of a pahsade-layer and a fibrous hypoderm extendsnbsp;over the main body of the seed below the epidermis; it forms thenbsp;basal ribs and increases considerably in breadth at the apicalnbsp;region to form a sclerous cone penetrated by six strands ofnbsp;parenchyma enclosing vascular bundles (fig. 494, D) which passnbsp;up from the conducting tissue immediately external to the nucellus.

2 Williamson (77) B. p. 241, Pis. xi., xii. * Oliver and Salisbury (11).




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SC ¦

Fi6. 494. A, Stephanospermum akenioides; s, space between integument and nucellus; n, nucellus; e, inner part of testa; sc, sclerotesta; t, t, tracheidalnbsp;mantle; pc,pollen-chamber; a,archegonia; (d, tracheidal pad. B—D, Conostoma oblongum; a, level of the transverse section shown in fig. C; b, levelnbsp;of transverse section D; m, lobes of tissue surrounding the micropyle;nbsp;so, sarcotesta; v, vascular bundles; p, plinth. B', section of lagenostomenbsp;and part of the integument;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;flanges; I', wall of micropyle-funnel.

E, E, G, Onetopsis elUptica; t, tent-pole. P, section of the plumes. G, section through the lagenostome. H, Onetopsis from Barnsley, Yorkshire, slightly enlarged. I, Physostoma elegans; h. hairs. K, L, Mitro-spermum compressum; cf, inner flesh; n, nucellus and megaspore. L, transverse section. M, microspores and (?) male gametes of Physostoma elegans.nbsp;N, microspore of Physostoma showing part of exine and the internal cells.nbsp;(A—I, N, M, after Ohver; H, Kidston Coll. No. 1255; K, L, after Mrs Arber.)

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The nucellus is coalescent with the integument, as in Physostomq,, as far as the level of the domical free apex of the nucellus wherenbsp;the tapetal tissue that hues the seed-cavity passes across thenbsp;almost flat top of the central region originally occupied by thenbsp;megaspore. In some sections prothallus-tissue was found with annbsp;apical ‘tent-pole’ protuberance. A striking feature of Conostomanbsp;is the mechanism for the reception of the microspores. The freenbsp;part of the nucellus consists of the plinth, a broad taperingnbsp;region originally filled with parenchyma but in most cases represented only by its epidermis; the plinth, p, is seen in fig. 494, B,nbsp;to be twm-storeyed, the upper and narrower storey being a spacenbsp;formerly filled by a pad of tissue suspended from the floor ofnbsp;the superposed lagenostome (pollen-chamber)^. The greater development of the domical plinth is a feature in which Conostomanbsp;differs from Physostoma. At the apex of the plinth and restingnbsp;on a slight depression is a small lagenostome, bowl-shaped innbsp;section, and like the pollen-chamber of Lagenostoma, formed asnbsp;the result of enzyme-action on the apical papilla of the nucellusnbsp;(fig. 494, B, B', 1'). The mouth of the lagenostome engages withnbsp;the micropylar tube by a projecting flange (fig. 494, B', ƒ) ofnbsp;tissue lining the micropylar canal and by a second flange (ƒ') atnbsp;the base of the lagenostome where the roof of the plinth (fig. 494,nbsp;B', p) bends downwards and inwards. The walls of the lagenostome are formed by strong cells with thickening bands givingnbsp;them the appearance of tracheids (V), but the floor of the lagenostome is made of thinner cells which become disorganised, allowing the microspores to fall into the large plinth-cavity belownbsp;(p, fig. 494, B), an arrangement comparable with the two-storeyednbsp;pollen-chamber of Bowenia^ and, to a less extent, with the micro-pyle of the Conifer Tsuga. The microspores are multicellularnbsp;and ellipsoidal measuring 75/x x 65p,.

The species Conostoma anglo-germanicum agrees closely with C. ohlongum in general form and organisation, but it has eightnbsp;ribs, four more prominent than the others, and differs also in othernbsp;minor characters from the rather shorter seeds of the type-species.nbsp;Conostoma differs from Lagenostoma in the absence of the tubular

* For a detaUed account of the plinth see OHver and Salisbury (11).

^ Page 27.

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prolongation of the lagenostome, the micropyle being like that in recent Gymnosperms. In Conostoma the tracheid-like elementsnbsp;of the lateral wall of the lagenostome are a characteristic feature,nbsp;and no evidence has been found of the existence of a central corenbsp;of tissue such as occupies the centre of the seed-apex in Lageno-stoma. The long hairs of Physostoma are represented in Conostomanbsp;by the much smaller mucilaginous cells of the epidermis and innbsp;Lagenostoma by the less closely united mucilage-cells of thenbsp;superficial layer of the testa.

Sphaerostoma. Benson.

As already pointed out in Chapter xxix. where this genus is described as probably the seed of Heterangium, there is a fairlynbsp;close general resemblance between Sphaerostoma and Lagenostoma.nbsp;In the presence of free apical lobes the former genus resemblesnbsp;Conostoma, and while agreeing with Lagenostoma in its annularnbsp;pollen-chamber it is peculiar in the retention of an epidermisnbsp;over the roof of the pollen-chamber: as in Lagenostoma the seednbsp;is enclosed by an outer integument or cupule.

Lagenostoma. Williamson.

An account of this type of seed is included in the description of Lyginopteris^. The more striking peculiarities are exhibitednbsp;by the pollen-chamber and the free region of the integument:nbsp;the annular pollen-chamber (fig. 493, D, c; fig. 409) surroundsnbsp;a central nucellar cone and is prolonged upwards as a tubenbsp;engaging with the micropyle in contrast to the form of the pollen-chamber and the absence of a tubular prolongation in Conostoma.nbsp;The tentacles of Physostoma and the short apical lobes of Conostomanbsp;are replaced by an, apical cone formed by the coalescence of thenbsp;integument containing nine cavities originally filled with parenchyma (figs. 409; 493, B). The presence of a cupule is a characteristic feature of young seeds, but from negative evidence in thenbsp;case of most other seeds it is unsafe to assume that the cupulenbsp;of Lagenostoma is an exceptional feature. The nucellus and testanbsp;are united as far as the shoulders of the seed as in the seeds ofnbsp;recent Cycads and in contrast to their lateral independence innbsp;Trigonocarpus, Stephanospermum, ¦ and other genera.

^ Page 65.

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Gnetopsis. Renault.

This generic name was given by Renault^ to some small petrified seeds from the Stephanian of Grand’ Croix and tonbsp;impressions from the Commentry coal-field which he believednbsp;to belong to some Gnetaceous plant. Saporta and Marion^ andnbsp;other authors have accepted these seeds as evidence of thenbsp;existence of Palaeozoic Gnetales: it has, however, been shown®nbsp;that Gnetopsis has no claim to such relationship and is a type ofnbsp;seed closely allied to Conostoma. Renault described three species,nbsp;afterwards adding three from another locality^; the genus isnbsp;recorded also from Commentry® and Gard®. More recentlynbsp;Depape and Carpentier'^ have described examples from the Westphalian of Valenciennes which they place in the Pteridospermsnbsp;in accordance with the conclusion of Oliver and Salisbury.nbsp;Gnetopsis has also been discovered by Mr Hemingway in thenbsp;Middle Coal Measures of England® (fig. 494, H).

Gnetopsis elliptica Renault.

The seeds of this species, slightly oval in section, occur in groups of 2—4 in a cupular investment (fig. 506, E, p. 359)nbsp;described by Renault as an ovary but correlated by Oliver andnbsp;Salisbury with the cupule which surrounds the single ovule ofnbsp;Lagenostoma. The cupule is lined with hairs similar to thosenbsp;on the wall of the cupule of Lagenostoma. A characteristicnbsp;feature of the Erench seeds is the presence of three or fournbsp;long plumes of hairs at the apex (fig. 494, E, F). As seen innbsp;fig. 494, E, a small lagenostome (pollen-chamber) rests on thenbsp;roof of a broad plinth precisely as in Conostoma, and four vascularnbsp;bundles, corresponding to the six bundles in Conostoma, passnbsp;into the apical cap of sclerous tissue enclosed by a sarcotesta,nbsp;sa (fig. 494, E, G). A ‘tent-pole’ prolongation (fig. 494, E, t)nbsp;occurs at the apex of the prothallus. Renault described a portionnbsp;of the integument as consisting of lacunar tissue which Olivernbsp;and Salisbury homologise with the superficial mucilaginous layer

^ Renault (84) Pis. xix.—xxii. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Saporta and Marion (85) p. 181.

^ Oliver and Salisbury (11). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Renault (96) A. p. 85, PI. XLU.

^ Renault and Zeiller (88) A. p. 640, Pis. 72, 82.

® Grand’Eury (90) A. PI. vi. fig. 6.

’ Depape and Carpentier (13) PI. xii. figs. 1—3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Kidston (90) p. 64.

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of Conostoma: this is seen above the sclerotesta in the apical region of fig. 494, E, sa.

Gnetopsis anglica Kidston ms.

This species (fig. 494, H) is represented by seeds from the Middle Coal Measures near Barnsley, Yorkshire, 4 mm. long withnbsp;apical appendages at least 2-2 cm. in length and probably fournbsp;in number. The appendages, do not show the hairs which formnbsp;a prominent feature in the French specimens, but this is probablynbsp;the result of imperfect preservation: there are indications ofnbsp;hairs on other specimens in Dr Kidston’s Collection. The type-specimen, in Dr Kidston’s Collection, was generously lent to menbsp;for examination.

Gnetopsis, while agreeing with Conostoma in the more important features, is distinguished by the apical plumes, the very slightnbsp;development of a tent-pole prolongation of the nucellar apexnbsp;(fig. 494, E, t), the smaller number of vascular bundles, and bynbsp;the presence of an enclosing cupule (fig. 506, E). In its slightnbsp;departure from radial symmetry Gnetopsis forms a transitionnbsp;between the Radiospermeae and the Platyspermeae. It isnbsp;undoubtedly the seed of a Pteridosperm, but nothing is knownnbsp;as to the nature of the vegetative organs of the parent-plant.

II. Trigonocarpalbs.

In this group are included radially symmetrical seeds for the most part belonging to members of the Medulloseae. The peripheral zone of the nucellus is supplied with vascular tissue and thenbsp;nucellus is free within the integument except at the base; it isnbsp;superior and not semi-inferior^ as in recent Cycads and in Lageno-stomales. The ovule of Myrica Gale, in which the nucellusnbsp;stands free within the single integument, affords an interestingnbsp;parallel to seeds of this class in contrast to the usual Angio-spermous type with a laterally coalescent nucellus. In Myricanbsp;Gale^ the vascular supply is confined to the integument. Therenbsp;is a comparatively broad pollen-chamber and in some types thenbsp;lateral tissue of the nucellus is prolonged as a tube within thenbsp;micropyle. The usually ribbed testa is differentiated into an

‘ Kershaw (09).

OUver (02) p. 146.

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outer flesh, (sarcotesta), a sclerotesta, and probably in most cases an endotesta or inner flesh. The ribs of the sclerotesta are innbsp;the majority of genera in multiples of three and in position correspond to the outer ring of vascular bundles. The presence ofnbsp;lacunar tissue in the sarcotesta of several genera may be correlatednbsp;with dispersal by water. The apical region of the integumentnbsp;is not lobed but extends as a longer or shorter micropylar tubenbsp;above the summit of the nucellus. In the differentiation of thenbsp;testa, the form of the pollen-chamber, and in some other features,nbsp;the seeds of this group present a general agreement with those ofnbsp;recent Cycads.

The microspores are multicellular and larger than those of the Lagenostomales: in Stephanospermum akenioides they measurenbsp;160p, X 100/u,^ while in Aetheotesta^ th^y reach 360p, x 290/li.

Genera. Trigonocarpus; Tripterospermum; Ptychotesta; Hexapterospermum; Polypterospermum; Pachytesta; Stephaiw-spermum ; Polylophospermum; Codonospermum; Aetheotesta ;nbsp;Eriotesta; Gaudrya.

Trigonocarpus. Brongniart.

A description of the morphological features of Trigonocarpus Parkinsoni and T. shorensis is given in the chapter on Medullosanbsp;(p. 117), as there is good evidence that they are tjie seeds of thatnbsp;genus. There is considerable difference in size and to some extentnbsp;in the form of casts included in Trigonocarpus and, in the absencenbsp;of anatomical data, it is hardly possible to determine the actualnbsp;systematic position of many of the specimens so named. Dr Arber®nbsp;lias recently proposed a new generic name Schizospermum fornbsp;casts very like those of T. Parkinsoni, but distinguished by thenbsp;Splitting of the shell into three valves, a character which leadsnbsp;him to conclude that it is the external surface which is preservednbsp;^nd not a mere cast of the seed-cavity. It is, however, ¦ morenbsp;Pro-bable that the specimens are casts of a split sclerotesta. Innbsp;Trigonocarpus pusillus* the shell is divided into three valves,nbsp;the dividing lines being marked by greatly reduced ribs, andnbsp;111 T. schizocarpoides Grand’Eury®, a species that may not be a

^ Oliver (04) B. p. 376. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Renault (96) A. p. 272.

^ Arber, E. A. N. (14) p. 103, PL vin. figs. 48—50.

^ Brongniart (81) PI. B. fig. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Grand’Eury (77) A. PI. xv. fig. 1.

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true Trigonocarfus, there is also evidence of splitting. Arher points out that the species Rhabdocarpus Boschianus Berg, isnbsp;founded on a Trigonocarpus from which the outer flesh hasnbsp;disappeared leaving the shell as the external covering. Trigonocarpus seeds are widely distributed in Carboniferous and Permiannbsp;rocks in Europe and North America: from the latter continentnbsp;Newberry^ has described several different forms that affordnbsp;good examples of the abundance and variety of the genus. Somenbsp;of the specimens included by Newberry^ in Trigonocarpus arenbsp;probably distinct generic types: his species T. multicarinatusnbsp;may be identical with the ribbed cast shown in fig. 506, A.nbsp;The casts described by Bindley and Hutton and by other authorsnbsp;as T. Dawesi^ are nearly 5 cm. long, and if these are correctlynbsp;included in the genus they point to the occurrence of seeds muchnbsp;larger than the type-species. The French species Trigonocarpusnbsp;pusillus^ Brongn., one of the smallest Palaeozoic seeds, fromnbsp;6-5 to 15 mm. long, differs from Trigonocarpus Parhinsoni andnbsp;T. shorensis in the absence of prominent ribs and in the muchnbsp;feebler development of the sarcotesta. Specimens of the Germannbsp;type T. sporites Weiss, believed by some authors to be megaspores,nbsp;were described by Zeiller® from Valenciennes as seeds: thesenbsp;are from 2-5 to 3-5 mm. long and have three small ribs. Zeillernbsp;quotes the presence of cell-outlines on the surface as evidence ofnbsp;their seed-nature, but it may be that this feature represents anbsp;sculpturing of the exine of a spore. Typical Trigonocarpusnbsp;seeds agree in several morphological characters with those ofnbsp;recent Cycads. They differ in the lack of a lateral union betweennbsp;nucellus and integument; the presence of nucellar tracheids,nbsp;though a feature shared with Bowenia, distinguishes them fromnbsp;the majority of recent Cycadean seeds. In the comparativelynbsp;long and fleshy micropylar tube a seed of Encephalartos Lehmanninbsp;presents a fairly close resemblance to a Trigonocarpus. Salisburynbsp;has pointed out that the three species T. Parhinsoni, T. shorensis,nbsp;T. pusillus form a consecutive series illustrating the gradualnbsp;disappearance of the secondary ribs that form a prominent feature

Ibid. PI. xLii. fig. 8.

See also Renault (96) A. p. 398.

1 Newberry (73). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^

® Page 123. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* Oliver (04®) B.

s Zeiller (88) A. p. 652, PI. 94, fig. 17.

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in T. Parhinsoni; but for a comparison of these with other types of fossil and recent seeds the reader is referred to Salisbury’snbsp;summary^.

Tripterospermum. Brongniart.

The seed on which this genus was founded by Brongniart^ is clearly very closely related to Trigonocarpus and, as Oliver®nbsp;says, the distinguishing character described by the author of thenbsp;genus is unimportant. Brongniart describes the type species,nbsp;T. rostratum, as characterised by the presence of three prominentnbsp;wings composed of a testa differentiated into an inner hard tissuenbsp;and an outer lacunar tissue. It is, however, hardly possible tonbsp;say whether the outer soft tissue was originally flattened in thenbsp;form of ‘ wings ’ or pressed down on to the harder shell. Eenault*nbsp;notes the association of seeds that he refers to this genus withnbsp;the leaves of Dorycordaites, but apart from the improbability ofnbsp;any connexion between Tripterospermum and Cordaites, Eenault’snbsp;seeds are too imperfect to demonstrate their identity with Brong-niart’s genus. Kidston® has described an impression of a threewinged seed from the coal-field of Staffordshire as Tripterospermumnbsp;ellipticum, a form described on page 357 as Polypterocarpus anglicusnbsp;(fig. 496, B).

Ptychotesta. Brongniart. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;'

The type-species of this genus®, Ptychotesta tenuis'*, about 3 cm. long, is characterised by six very prominent flanges or wingsnbsp;formed by the fissured or folded sclerotesta (fig. 495, B). Therenbsp;is no information as to the vascular supply or other anatomicalnbsp;details. It is not at all improbable that there is no realnbsp;distinction between this genus and Brongniart’s genus Hexaptero-spermum.

Hexapterospermum. Brongniart.

In this genus Brongniart® included two species, Hexapterospermum stenopterum and H. pachypterum: the shell is hexagonal

^ Salisbury (14). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Brongniart (74) p. 252, PI. xxn. figs. 6—8.

® OHver (04) B. p. 391. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* Renault (96) A. p. 404.

® Kjdston (14) p. 157. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Trriif, a plate or fold.

’’ Brongniart (74) p. 253, PI. xxii. figs. 9—11; (81) p. 26.

® Ibid. p. 254, PI. XXII. figs. 12—14; (81) p. 26.

S. Ill nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;21

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in transverse section, each angle being prolonged as a narrow flange. In one of the sections figured by Brongniart (fig. 495, E)nbsp;the ribs are not fissured: this is said to be a feature distinguishingnbsp;Hexapterospermum from Ptychotesta, but the occurrence of anbsp;fissured rib in another section suggests that in the structnre of

sa. D

.r.. s--



sa. -

Pig. 495. A, Polypterospermum RenauUii. B, Ptychotesta tenuis. C, D, Poly lophosperniuTïi stephanense; sa, sarcotesta; s, spaces; v, vascular bundles.nbsp;E, Hexapterospermum stenopterum. F, Diplotesta avellana. G, Taxospermumnbsp;Orüneri. H, Diplotesta Grand’Euryana. (After Brongniart; C, after Oliver.)

the ribs there is no essential difference between the two genera. In Ptychotesta pachypterum the testa is prolonged at the chalazalnbsp;end as in Polylophospermum, and it is possible that there is nonbsp;generic difference. Williamson described a cast from the Coalnbsp;Measnres of Lancashire as Hexapterospermum [= Hexagonocarpus]nbsp;Noegerrathi^ (fig. 506, H), but in the absence of anatomicalnbsp;characters it is preferable to avoid the use of Brongniart’s termnbsp;and to assign them to Eenault’s genus Hexagonocarpus^. Similarlynbsp;1 Williamson (77) B. p. 253.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ See page 356.

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the seeds referred by Dr P. Bertrand^ to Hexapterospermum may appropriately be included in the genus Hexagonocarpus.

Polypterospermum. Brongniart.

This generic name was proposed for an ovoid seed from St Etienne described as Polypterospermum RenauUi^; hexagonal innbsp;section with six deep and sharp flanges at the angles alternatingnbsp;with six secondary ridges distinguished by their blunter edgesnbsp;and shghtly smaller depth (fig. 495^ A). Without further anatomical details it is hardly possible to say whether or not thenbsp;species represents a well-defined generic type, but it is notnbsp;improbable that a fuller knowledge would confirm Brongniart’snbsp;institution of a new generic designation. The seeds describednbsp;by Arber® and Kidston^ respectively as Radiospertnum ornatumnbsp;and Polypterospermum ornatum are transferred to Polygonocarpusnbsp;on the ground that they afford no evidence of anatomical charactersnbsp;of the Polypterospermum type.

Pachytesta. Brongniart.

Brongniart® established this genus for some unusually large seeds (fig. 496, A) from the Coal Measures of France reaching anbsp;length of 11—12 cm. and resembling in form and size a hen’snbsp;ogg. Petrified examples have been described by Brongniart andnbsp;Renault®, and Oliver'^ has given a lucid statement of the morenbsp;interesting features of this Permo-Carboniferous genus.

Pachytesta gigantea (Grand’Eury).

In the separation of nucellus and integument Pacþsfa agrees ii'ith Stephanospermum and Trigonocarpus. There is a double seriesnbsp;of vascular bundles in the outer part of the testa or exotesta (fig.

ex) consisting of a spongy tissue bounded externally and infernally by sclerotic layers: the exotesta is succeeded by a broader endotesta of spongy consistency which Eenault suggested may have

^ P. Bertrand (1.3) PI. vii.

^ Brongniart (74) p. 255, PI, xxiu. figs. 1—3; (81) p. 27, PI. C, figs. 1—3.

quot; Arber, E. A. N. (14) p. 102, PI. vii. figs. 38—41.

^ Kidston (14) p. 158, PI. x. figs. 6, 7; H. xrv, figs. 5—9.

® Brongniart (74) p. 249, PI. xxn. figs. 4, 5; (81) Pis. xvii.—xxi.

* Renault (96) A. p. 389, Pis. 83, 84.

’ Oliver (02).


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served as a floating mechanism, and this is intimately associated with the nucellus by means of grooves engaging with short ridgesnbsp;(fig. 497, nr) on the surface of the nucellar tissue. The exotestanbsp;is divided into three valves by radial extensions of the scleroticnbsp;tissue (6, c, fig. 497; at a the exotesta is shown in an unsplitnbsp;condition). In connexion with each radial plate are two curvednbsp;plates of fibrous tissue which extend towards the grooves in the

Fig. 496. A, Pachytesta incrassata. B, Polypterocarpus anglicus. (A, after Renault; B, after Kidston.)

endotesta (fig. 497, t): as Oliver suggests, these plates may have served a mechanical purpose for the support of the bulky nucellus.nbsp;The peripheral region of the nucellus is supplied by several vascularnbsp;bundles (fig. 497, n) from the tracheal chalazal disc. The exotesta is regarded by Oliver as corresponding to the sarcotestanbsp;and sclerotesta of other seeds, and the grooves in the endotestanbsp;interlocking with the nucellar ridges are compared with the

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interlocking of nucellns and canopy in Lagenostoma, as also with the rnminated endosperm of Torreya.

We have no definite information as to the plants which bore Pachytesta, but it is probable that they were members of thenbsp;Medulloseae. Grrand’Eury^ believes Pachytesta to be the seednbsp;of Alethopteris Grandini, though this view requires confirmation.nbsp;This author figures several Pachytesta seeds attached in two obliquenbsp;rows to a comparatively slender axis which may be the rachis of


Fig. 497. Pachytesta. Transverse section of a seed showing tlje exotesta, ex, with selerous layers and vascular strands (black), the endotesta (dotted), thenbsp;nucellus with its ring of vascular bundles, n, and the prothalJus, p. Thenbsp;three radial plates in the exotesta are seen at a, b, c, with the trabeculae, t,nbsp;and internal to these are the grooves in the endotesta engaging with ribs on thenbsp;nucellus, nr. (After Oliver.)

a large compound frond^. Renault and Zeiller® have figured specimens of P. gigantea and P. incrassata from Commentrynbsp;which afford a good idea of the form of these large seeds; thenbsp;genus is recorded also from Gard, Blanzy*, and other localities.nbsp;Kidston® described a large oval seed, blunt at each end, from thenbsp;Middle Coal Measures of Lancashire as CarpoUthus Wildii whichnbsp;lie thinks may be allied to Pachytesta, but adds, ‘I do not thinknbsp;We are justified in placing mere impressions of plants in genera,

^ Grand’Eury (04).

^ Grand’Eury (90) A. PI. vm. fig. 3; (77) A. PI. xvi. fig. 5.

^ Renault and ZeiUer (88) A. PI. 73.

^ ZeiUer (06) B. p. 229. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Kidston (92) p. 8.

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whose distinctive characters are derived from their internal organisation, unless there is conclusive evidence to show theirnbsp;identity.’ On this specimen Arber’- has founded a new genusnbsp;Megalospermum, but as the type-specimen shows no distinctivenbsp;features other than large dimensions it would seem preferablenbsp;to retain the more general designation Carpolithus^.

Another example of a seed that may be generically identical with Pachytesta is that described by Lesquereux from Northnbsp;American Coal Measures as Rhabdocarpus Mansfieldi and morenbsp;recently recorded by White from Missouri as Rhabdocarpus {Pachytesta) Mansfieldi^. There is httle doubt that this and other speciesnbsp;of seeds preserved as impressions are examples of Pachytesta but,nbsp;as Kidston says, it is preferable to reserve the name for specimensnbsp;showing anatomical features.

Stephanospermum. Brongniart.

The genus Stephanospermum, founded by Brongniart* on petrified specimens from French Stephanian beds, affords a goodnbsp;example of a radiospermic seed without ribs differing in certainnbsp;well-marked characters from such seeds as Lagenostoma, Physo-stoma, and Conostoma, notably in the complete separation of thenbsp;nucellus from the integument and in the possession of a nucellarnbsp;¦vascular system. The descriptions by Brongniart and Renault^nbsp;have been extended by the thorough investigations of Oliver®.

Stephanospermum akenioides Brongniart.

This species is represented by ellipsoidal seeds, 10 mm. long with a maximum breadth of 4—4-5 mm., circular in transverse section.nbsp;The integument consists of a thick sclerotesta lined internally by anbsp;thinner soft layer, the endotesta (fig. 494, A, sc, e), and in all proba-bihty covered by an outer flesh or sarcotesta as in Trigonocarpus,nbsp;though this tissue is not preserved and is omitted from the sectionnbsp;shown in fig. 494, A. The sclerotesta is composed of a broad outernbsp;band of thick-walled pahsade cells—the contracted contents ofnbsp;which are a striking feature in the silicified seeds (fig. 493, F); these

1 Arber, E. A. N. (14) p. 91, PI. vn. fig. 28. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ See page 364.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;White (99) B. p. 267; Lesquereux (79) A. PI. 85, fig. 21.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Brongniart (74) p. 259, PI. xxiii. figs. 12—15; (81) p. 29, Pi. xvi.

5 Renault (80^). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;« Oliver (04) B.

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are succeeded by an inner zone of longitudinal fibres. In tbe structure of the palisade-layer Stephanospermum bears a closenbsp;resemblance to the sporocarp wall of Pilularia^. In the apicalnbsp;region the shell forms a circular ridge surrounding a peri-micropylarnbsp;trough, a character expressed by the term ‘crown-seed^’ employednbsp;by Grand’Eury; the trough sometimes contains partially destroyednbsp;tissue that may be a remnant of a sarcotesta. A Stephanospermumnbsp;seed, with its apical core and surrounding depression with remnantsnbsp;of some partially destroyed tissue, may be compared with a fruitnbsp;of Attolia speciosa (Palmae) in which a tuft of fibrous tissue pickednbsp;out by decay from the mesocarp surmounts the conically pointednbsp;apex of the harder interior of the fruit-wall. The base of thenbsp;sclerotesta is perforated by a vascular strand which expands intonbsp;a tracheal disc, td, fig. 494, A, at the base of the megaspore fromnbsp;which a continuous mantle 2—3 cells broad, of short spiral andnbsp;scalariform tracheids (fig. 493, G), spreads over the whole of thenbsp;nucellus immediately below the nucellar epidermis as far as thenbsp;lower part of the sides of the pollen-chamber: this mantle formsnbsp;the floor of the large domical pollen-chamber excavated out ofnbsp;the nucellar cone (fig. 494, A, pc). The fact that in sections ofnbsp;older seeds the tracheal floor shows signs of splitting and disorganisation led Oliver to conclude that in the diving seed thenbsp;tracheids underwent a gradual disintegration prior to fertilisation,nbsp;thus allowing the passage of the antherozoids to the egg-cellsnbsp;(fig. 494, A, a). The presence of a continuous tracheal sheathnbsp;instead of separate vascular bundles is a special feature in whichnbsp;Stephanospermum differs from Trigonocarpus and other Palaeozoicnbsp;seeds as well as from those of recent Cycads; as Oliver suggests,nbsp;the apparent perfection of the vascular mantle in Stephanospermumnbsp;niay have proved an obstacle to further development®’ and wasnbsp;not retained by the more successful types. In its tracheal sheathnbsp;Stephanospermum resembles the seeds of Ginkgo. The nucellarnbsp;cone is prolonged as a beak into the micropyle formed by thenbsp;tubular integument. The megaspore occupies the central portionnbsp;of the seed and in the course of its development it compressednbsp;the megasporangium (nucellus) to such an extent that little more

(rréipavos, a crown.

Russow (72) Pis. III., IV. Oliver (04) B. p. 395.

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than the epidermis remains: there is a definite megaspore-membrane surrounding the prothallus-tissue in which there were probably two archegonia (fig. 494, A, a)^. The nucellus standsnbsp;free within the integument from which it is separated by a spacenbsp;(s, fig. 494, A). Microspores are frequently met with in the pollen-chamber in which they matured after their introduction throughnbsp;the micropyle, probably with the aid of a drop of mucilage:nbsp;they are large oval bodies with an average size of IGO/x x lOO/x,nbsp;some reaching over 200p, in length and, as Kenault was the firstnbsp;to point out, within a finely granulate exospore there are severalnbsp;thin-walled cells: this statement was not accepted by somenbsp;authors but Prof. Oliver’s researches have amply confirmed it,nbsp;and an examination of the original preparations convinced menbsp;that Renault had correctly described the structural features.nbsp;Oliver shows that there are about 20 cells within each microsporenbsp;regularly arranged as rows of five wedge-shaped elements withnbsp;their pointed ends directed towards the centre, and he thinksnbsp;that these cells may have undergone further division to producenbsp;sperm-mother-cells, though there is not such good evidence ofnbsp;this as in the differently constituted microspores of Stephano-spermum caryoides. No trace of pollen-tubes was found and itnbsp;is probable that the antherozoids were liberated by the rupturenbsp;of the delicate prothallus-tissue. The tracheal sheath affordednbsp;an adequate means of water-supply to the pollen-chamber andnbsp;this enabled the motile antherozoids to reach the archegonia.

Stephanospermum caryoides Oliver^.

This species, founded on a specimen from Grand’Croix, is a larger seed (15-5 X 12-5 mm.) and more globular than S. akenioides; therenbsp;is a shorter micropylar beak and a less developed peri-micropylarnbsp;trough. As in S. akenioides the nucellus is free from the base andnbsp;the two species conform to the same general type of construction.nbsp;The microspores are distinguished by the presence of only two internal cells which do not occupy the whole of the spore-cavity butnbsp;are surrounded by a large peripheral cell comparable with the tubecell in recent microspores, though there is no proof that a tube

1 Brongniart (81) PI. xvi. figs. 4, 6.

s. 36—43.

® Ibid. p. 373, PI. XLii. figs. 17—20; XLiv.

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was formed: in the case of S. akenioides Oliver considers that fertilisation was not assisted by the production of a pollen-tube.nbsp;The two cells by further division gave rise to a secondary cell-complex consisting of at least eight antherozoid-mother-cells.nbsp;No antherozoids have been found in the microspores but it isnbsp;possible that two small bodies, 17;u. x 15/r, met with in a pollen-chamber may represent the nuclei of sperms. Their small sizenbsp;differentiates them from the much larger male gametes of Cycadsnbsp;and from the supposed sperms of Physostoma and Lagenostoma.

We have no proof as to the nature of the plant which bore seeds of the Stephanospermum type, but it is significant that thenbsp;specimens occur in close association with fragments of Alethopterisnbsp;and Myeloxylon, a circumstance that favours the view, based onnbsp;the resemblance of these seeds to Trigonocarpus, that Stephano-spermum is the seed of a member of the Medulloseae.

Polylophospermum^. Brongniart.

The type-species Polylophospermum stephanense Brongn.^, founded on partially preserved material from Grand’Croix, isnbsp;a narrow hexagonal seed 15 mm. long. Additional facts as tonbsp;the structural features have been contributed by Oliver®. Thenbsp;testa is differentiated into an inner shell (sclerotesta) and annbsp;outer flesh {sa, fig. 495, C, D): the sclerotesta haalt; six prominent,nbsp;fissured, ribs, one at each angle, and between these are six solidnbsp;and less prominent secondary ribs. Oliver states that there isnbsp;an outer series of vascular bundles in the sarcotesta, one bundlenbsp;inimediately external to each secondary rib (fig. 495, C, v). Innbsp;the presence of two kinds of ribs and in the relation of ribs tonbsp;tracheal strands Polylophospermum agrees with Trigonocarpusnbsp;Parkinsoni. Strands of short tracheids supply the peripheral regionnbsp;of the nucellus and, as in Stephanospermum, reticulate elementsnbsp;oxtend as far as the floor of the large pollen-chamber. Therenbsp;'quot;'as probably no lateral union between nucellus and integument.

striking feature is the prolongation of the testa at each end of the seed to form an open chamber surrounding the micropylarnbsp;beak and the seed-base (fig. 495, D, s, s): the apical chamber,nbsp;^nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;a ridge.

^ Brongniart (74) p. 256, PI. xxiii. figs. 6—8; (81) PI. C, figs. 6—8,

® Oliver (042) g. pi_ jj. ggg 5—10; (07) fig. 1.

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though relatively more prominent, is comparable with that in Stephanospermum, while the basal chamber recalls that in thenbsp;seed named by Scott and Maslen Trigonocarpus Oliveri^ butnbsp;subsequently removed by Salisbury^ from that genus. There isnbsp;no evidence as to the parent-plant of Polylophospermum, but itnbsp;may be assumed to have been a Pteridosperm, probably one ofnbsp;the Medulloseae.

Codonospermum®. Brongniart.

Our knowledge of this pecuhar genus is derived from Brong-niart’s description of the type-species Codonospermum anomalum* (fig. 506, B, C) from St Étienne and from Eenault’s account ofnbsp;C. olivaeforme^. The seeds are globular or elhpsoidal and reachnbsp;a length of 2 cm.: the testa is differentiated into an outer flesh

and a sclerotesta and has usually eight ribs. The most striking feature is the division of the seed into two regions, an upper portionnbsp;containing the nucellus and megaspore and a lower portion innbsp;the form of an empty chamber that probably served as a float

1 Scott and Maslen (07) PI. xm. fig. 19.

“ Salisbury (14). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“ Kuidav, a bell.

^ Brongniart (74) p. 257, PI. xxiii. figs. 9-12; (81) p. 28, PI. C, figs. 9-12. * Renault (93) A. PI. Lxxxvii.; (96) A. p. 393.

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(fig. 498, A, s). Externally the upper half or seed-proper forms a depressed cupola with eight shghtly developed ribs, separatednbsp;by a circular transverse constriction from the basal chambernbsp;(fig. 498, B). There is a fairly large pollen-chamber, pc, in whichnbsp;Renault found multicellular microspores in C. olivaeforme. Innbsp;0. anomalum 16 vascular bundles (fig. 498, B, v) surround thenbsp;central region of the seed probably in the peripheral tissue of thenbsp;nucellus; these bundles unite in the chalazal region to form anbsp;strand that passes up the centre of the empty chamber. Innbsp;C. anomalum the testa of the lower half has eight ribs and corresponding with each rib is a strand of fibrous tissue (fig. 498, B, ƒ).nbsp;In C. olivaeforme the testa is thicker than in C. anomalum and thenbsp;lower region of the seed is smooth and circular in section.

Impressions of Codonospermum are described^ from Com-mentry, from the Loire—the Gard district^, and by Zeiller® from Blanzy. There is no decisive evidence as to the parent-plant, butnbsp;some French authors^ regard the frequent association of Godono-spermum with leaves of Dolerophyllum as significant.

Aetheotesta. Brongniart.

¦detheotesta elliptica Renault.

Brongniart instituted the genus Aetheotesta^ fcjr an incomplete seed (A. subglohosa) from Grand’Croix, and Renault® subsequentlynbsp;founded the species A. elliptica on much better material. The testanbsp;of the elliptical seed, 3 cm. long, consists of an outer region verynbsp;thin on the flanks but highly developed at the apex and base whichnbsp;forms a sarcotesta characterised in the apical region by largenbsp;radially disposed spaces, fig. 498, C, s; the sclerotesta, composednbsp;of harder tissue, is prolonged as an apical beak. There is a largenbsp;pollen-chamber, pc, in which Renault found multicellular micro-spores (320/a—400/x). In the chalazal region the main vascularnbsp;supply forms a cup-like investment, v, in the basal portion of the

^ Renault and Zeiller (88) A. p. 659, PI. 83, figs. 10-26.

“ Grand’Eury (77) A. p. 184, PI. xv. fig. 5; (90) A. p. 311, PI. iii. fig. 6.

“ ZeUler (06) B. p. 227.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;See also Grand’Eury (05^ B.

® Brongniart (74) p. 260, PI. xxm. pp. 16—18; (81) p. 30.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Renault 96 A. p. 272.

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nucellus, and at a higher level this breaks up into several nucellar strands. Renault thinks that Aetheotesta is the seed of Dolero-phyllum, but there is no proof of any connexion. The presencenbsp;of large spaces in the sarcotesta may he interpreted, as Renaultnbsp;suggests, as evidence of adaptation to dispersal by water.

Eriotesta. Brongniart.

Brongniart^ instituted this genus^ on an incomplete transverse section of a seed from Grand’Croix, 8 mm. in diameter, which henbsp;called Eriotesta velutina, characterised by a ribbed and probablynbsp;octagonal testa bearing numerous elongated hairs over the wholenbsp;surface. The material is, however, too meagre to throw anynbsp;light on the important features of the seed.

Gaudrya. Grand’Eury.

Gaudrya trivalvis Grand’Eury.

The generic name Gaudrya^ was proposed for two petrified seeds from the Gard coal-field briefly described as G. trivalvis, the type-species, and G. lagenaria. The testa of the former species showsnbsp;signs of splitting along three equidistant hnes; it consists of a sarcotesta enclosing an endotesta with six longitudinal ribs; Grand’Eurynbsp;speaks of lacunae between the endotesta and nucellus which henbsp;regards as spaces in a tissue which made the seed buoyant andnbsp;facilitated dispersal by water. It is not clear whether the nucellusnbsp;and integument were originally connected or laterally free; thenbsp;lacunae may be the remains of an inner flesh and not spaces innbsp;a spongy tissue. The genus is radiospermic and characterised bynbsp;a long micropyle and a broad pollen-chamber. On the availablenbsp;evidence it is difficult to assign the specimens to their systematicnbsp;position, but the genus is probably a member of the Trigonocarpales.

III. Cardiocarpales.

Platyspermic seeds for the most part belonging to Cordaitalean plants and agreeing in their plan of organisation, even more

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Brongniart (74) p. 256, PI. xxm. figs. 4, 5; (81) p. 27, PI. C, figs. 4, 5.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;èptov, wool.

^ Grand’Eury (90) A. p. 308, Pis. rv. fig. 12, vi. fig. 5.

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closely than the seeds of the Trigonocarpales, with those of recent Cycads. The nucellus is free laterally from the integument andnbsp;there is a series of vascular bundles in the nucellus. The testanbsp;consists of an outer flesh, the sarcotesta, which may reach anbsp;considerable thickness, a shell or sclerotesta, and in some generanbsp;an endotesta. In seeds preserved as impressions the sarcotestanbsp;often gives them a winged appearance (Samaropsis). The pollen-chamber is relatively small, resembhng in this respect the chambernbsp;in recent Cycads. A central prolongation of the prothallus-tissue in the form of a blunt column or ‘tent-pole’ is a characteristic feature; the same feature occurs in seeds of the Lageno-stomales, hut in the Cordaitales it resembles more nearly thenbsp;‘tent-pole,’ as it was called by Hirase, in recent Cycadean seedsnbsp;and in Ginkgo. The presence of two vascular strands in thenbsp;sarcotesta in the principal plane of the seeds is a character sharednbsp;with the seeds of Cycas: the position and course of these bundlesnbsp;are useful characters for distinguishing different types withinnbsp;the group. The microspores are multicellular.

Genera. Cardiocarpus; Cyclospermum; Cycadinocarpus; Rhahdospermum; Mitrospermum; Diplotesta ; Leptocaryon;nbsp;Taxospermum; Compsotesta. These generic names are all usednbsp;in the following pages for seeds known to possess certain anatomical features; there are also included in the Cardiocarpalesnbsp;the genera Samaropsis, Cordaicarpus, and Rhabdocarpus, butnbsp;It is proposed to limit their use to specimens which furnish nonbsp;anatomical data and cannot therefore be assigned with equalnbsp;confidence to a section of seeds based on definite morphologicalnbsp;characters. It is certain that some at least of the seeds describednbsp;nnder these names would, if preserved as petrified specimens,nbsp;be included in one or other of the genera named above.

There is ample proof that some of these seeds were borne on Cordaitean plants and that the group as a whole represents thenbsp;seeds of the Cordaitales^. It is, however, certain that somenbsp;Platyspermic seeds were produced by Pteridosperms. No littlenbsp;Confusion has been caused by the employment of the same genericnbsp;names for petrified seeds and for casts and impressions affordingnbsp;no evidence as to similarity in anatomical characters. With

1 See page 264.

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a view to avoid the risks necessarily entailed by following this practice it is suggested that a clearer distinction should be drawnnbsp;between genera based primarily on structural features and form-genera. The following notes on the genera Cardiocarfus, Cordai-carpus, Cydocarpon, Gycadinocarpus, Jordania, and Samaropsis,nbsp;may serve to illustrate some of the difficulties connected with thenbsp;terminology of Palaeozoic seeds.

Cardiocarpus. Brongniart^ proposed the name Cardiocarpon in 1828 for Upper Carboniferous seeds described as compressednbsp;lenticular, cordiform or reniform ‘fruits’ with an acute apex:nbsp;in his later work^ he recognised their true morphological naturenbsp;and gave an account of some exceptionally well-preserved examplesnbsp;from Grand’ Croix. Brongniart in common with other authorsnbsp;believed Cardiocarpus seeds to belong to Cordaitean plants, anbsp;view that in several cases is based on conclusive evidence. Thenbsp;specimen represented in fig. 501, D, illustrates the characteristicnbsp;form of a cast of a Cardiocarpus seed, and the sections shown innbsp;fig. 501, A and B, are from an identical or a very closely alliednbsp;species. The generic characters are: (i) the presence of a narrownbsp;flattened border or wing surrounding a platyspermic nucule,nbsp;(ii) the cordiform base and more or less pointed apex, (iii) thenbsp;differentiation of the testa into a sarcotesta and sclerotesta freenbsp;from the nucellus except at the base, (iv) the ‘ tent-pole ’ prolongation of the prothallus (fig. 510, A, 6) and the presence of a fairlynbsp;large pollen-chamber, pc, (v) the occurrence of two sets of vascularnbsp;bundles, an inner nucellar series and two double vascular strandsnbsp;(fig. 500, A, V, B) which are given off from the main supply beforenbsp;it reaches the sclerotesta. The term Cardiocarpus as used bynbsp;Brongniart signifies a type of seed possessing both certain anatomical and external characters. The proposal is to restrict thenbsp;generic appellation to seeds exhibiting definite structural featuresnbsp;agreeing in essentials with Cardiocarpus sclerotesta and C. drupaceus.

Cordaicarpus. This name was first employed by Geinitz® in the form Cordaicarpon, the type-species being C. Cordai (fig. 502,nbsp;C) from the Coal Measures of Germany, a seed referred by the

1 Brongniart (28) A. p. 87. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Brongniart (74) p. 245 (81).

* Geinitz (62) p. 150; Kidston (11) p. 240; Geinitz (55) A. PI. xxi. figs. 7—16.

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author of the genus to Cordaites principalis hut, as Kidston has pointed out, there is evidence that this correlation may be incorrect:nbsp;there is, however, no doubt as to its Cordaitean parentage.nbsp;Specimens included in this genus agree closely with species ofnbsp;Cardiocarpus, but they are usually described as being distinguishednbsp;by the absence of a flat border and by a more rounded and lessnbsp;cordate base. In the example of Cordaicarpus Cordai shown innbsp;fig. 502, C, and in other species assigned by authors to this genusnbsp;there is a narrow border and the form of the base is an inconstantnbsp;character. As Kidston^ and other authors point out, there arenbsp;no definite and constant characters by which to distinguishnbsp;Cardiocarpus from Cordaicarpus as regards the form of the seedsnbsp;preserved as casts or impressions. A further account of Cordaicarpus is given on a later page.

Cordaispermum. This designation was formerly adopted by Renault^ for seeds having the form and anatomical featuresnbsp;of Cardiocarpus which there is good reason for attributingnbsp;to Cordaites or to some allied genus. In view of the factnbsp;that the majority of the seeds under consideration are undoubtedly Cordaitean there is no need to employ this additionalnbsp;generic name.

Cyclocarpon. Fiedler® instituted this term for seeds previously described by Berger as Cardiocarpon emarginatifm (fig. 502, B,nbsp;now included in Samaropsis) and added a new species Cyclocarponnbsp;nummularium. Brongniart^ subsequently described the structurenbsp;of two species, C. tenue and C. nummulare, which he referred tonbsp;Fiedler’s genus, and Bertrand® has shown that these differ fromnbsp;the genus Cardiocarpus in the recurrent course of the bundlesnbsp;given ofi from the chalazal strand as in the genus Rhabdospermumnbsp;(cf. fig. 501, E). There are no good grounds for retaining thenbsp;designation Cyclocarpon for casts and impressions, as the specimens so named are indistinguishable from impressions referred tonbsp;Cordaicarpus. The generic name Cyclocarpus, retained by Bertrand only for C. tenuis and C. nummularis simply for anatomicalnbsp;reasons, is now altered to Cyclospermum on the ground that the

1 Kidston (94) B. p. 263. ® Fiedler (57) p. 291.

® Bertrand, C. E. (08®).

® Renault (80®), p. 102.

® Brongniart (81) Pis. iv., v.

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designation Cyclocarpon has been used for impressions affording no information with regard to anatomical features.

Cycadinocarpus. Eenault^ transferred to this genus Brong-niart’s species Gardiocarpus augustodunensis on the ground that the vascular system exhibits in a greater degree than the othernbsp;types included by Brongniart in Gardiocarpus a resemblance tonbsp;that in recent cycadean seeds. Bertrand^ confirms Eenault’snbsp;account and retains Gycadinocarpus augustodunensis as a speciesnbsp;worthy of generic distinction. A short account of this seed isnbsp;given on a later page.

Jordania. This name was given by Fiedler® to compressed ovate-cordate seeds characterised by a broad membranous bordernbsp;bearing a superficial resemblance to the seeds of Bignonia. Thenbsp;type-species, J. bignoniodes (fig. 502, I), from the Coal Measuresnbsp;of Saarbriicken has the form usually associated with the designation Samaropsis, and as the latter term is generally adopted therenbsp;are no adequate reasons for the retention of Jordania. Thenbsp;name Jordania has also been apphed, by Schenk^, to fossil Dicotyledonous wood and was previously used by Boissier®.

Samaropsis. Goeppert® defined Samaropsis as ‘Fructus samaroideus membranaceus, compressus, margine alatus, mono-spermus.’ The type-species, S. ulmiformis, from the Permian ofnbsp;Brenau, is a small seed with a broad wing or border, but a betternbsp;example of Samaropsis is figured by Goeppert as the wing of annbsp;insect^. Examples of the genus are shown in figs. 502, A—H;nbsp;503;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;504). Seeds included in Samaropsis differ from those

referred to Gordaicarpus in the presence of a broader and more clearly defined border which in some cases, as in the genus Mitro-spermum (fig. 494, K, L), undoubtedly represents a lateral winglike extension of the sarcotesta. In some instances the wing maynbsp;be a tangentially expanded integument comparable with thenbsp;perianth of Welwitschia, and in some Jurassic seeds referred bynbsp;Heer® to Samaropsis the lateral appendages are probably true

Bertrand, C. E. (08). Schenk (80) p. 660.

1 Eenault (96) A. p. 385.

3 Fiedler (57) p. 288, PI. xxvin.

5 Ward (88) p. 802.

® Goeppert (65) p. 177, PI. xxvin. figs. 10, 11.

Ibid. fig. 19.

® Heer (77) ü. PL xix. See also Nathorst (86) PL xxv. figs. 10—14

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wings. It is advisable to restrict the designation Samaropsis to Palaeozoic seeds. Nucules deprived of the broad border wouldnbsp;be referred to Cordaicarpus as usually employed for impressions.nbsp;The generic name Samaropsis serves a useful purpose as a distinctive term for platyspermic seeds preserved as casts or impressionsnbsp;characterised by the possession of a wide border or wing broadernbsp;than in typical examples of Cordaicarpus.

Pig. 499. Samaropsis emarginata, from thenbsp;Westphalian series,nbsp;Yorkshire. (Kidstonnbsp;CoU., 4227; X 2.)

The specimen represented in fig. 499 afiords a good illustration of the difference betweennbsp;Samaropsis and Cordaicarpus. In thisnbsp;specimen the border clearly consists of twonbsp;portions, an inner narrower border (black innbsp;the drawing) and an outer more delicatenbsp;portion; the former is the impression of thenbsp;sclerotesta and the outer represents the fleshynbsp;sarcotesta which in the living seed may havenbsp;formed a wing. If, as often happens, thenbsp;seed were preserved with the narrow bordernbsp;only it would be assigned to Cordaicarpus,nbsp;many species of which are undoubtedly incomplete Samaropsisnbsp;seeds.

The seeds described by Lindley and Hutton as Cardiocarpon acutum (fig. 444, p. 171) have been made by Arber^ the type ofnbsp;a new genus Cornucarpus, the distinguishing feature being thenbsp;triangular form and the apical horns of the wing. The seedsnbsp;figured by Arber^ from the Kent coalfield as Cornucarpus acutusnbsp;are, however, not identical with the type of Lindley and Hutton,nbsp;which has the characters of Samaropsis. Sama,ropsis is widelynbsp;distributed in Permo-Carboniferous rocks in Europe and Northnbsp;America and is recorded also from India^ (fig. 504), China^,nbsp;South Africa® (fig._ 503), South America® (fig. 502, F, G) andnbsp;quot;^ustralia'^. Some seeds of this form were certainly borne onnbsp;ffordaitean plants (cf. fig. 480, A), but seeds of similar type havenbsp;fieen found in organic connexion with the foliage of Pteridospermsnbsp;(figs. 442, 445, pp. 167, 172). The Permian ‘cone-scales’ bearing

^ Arber, E. A. N. (14) p. 97. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Arber, E. A. N. (09) H. i. fig. 5.

Peistmantel (79^) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Schenk (83) A. PI. xniv. fig. 8.

Seward (97^) A. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® White (08) B. ’ Eeistmantel (90) A. p. 164.

S. Ill nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;22

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seeds described by Geinitz as Cardiocarpon triangulare^, represented by well preserved impressions in the Dresden Museum^ appear to be of the Samaropsis type; the same author referrednbsp;some Samaropsis seeds to the Conifer Walchia, but Weiss^ dissentsnbsp;from this correlation as the seeds often occur in beds in whichnbsp;Walchia is not represented. Renault states that the seeds ofnbsp;the fertile shoot described by him as Cycadospadix Milleryensis^nbsp;from Autun [= Strobilites Milleryensis (Ren.)] closely resemblenbsp;Samaropsis fluitans Daws, as figured by Weiss. The suggestionnbsp;by White* that Samaropsis seeds were borne on fertile leaves ofnbsp;Gangamopteris adds a further difficulty to the use of the genericnbsp;charactèrs of Samaropsis as criteria of systematic position. Thenbsp;Permian seeds figured by Goeppert® as Oreodoxites Martianus arenbsp;possibly specimens of Samaropsis.

The designation Samaropsis, though usually restricted to Palaeozoic species, is applied by some authors to ‘winged’ seedsnbsp;from Mesozoic strata; but as some of the Jurassic seeds® sonbsp;named appear to have true wings like those of some recentnbsp;Conifers it is advisable to adhere to the more limited use of thenbsp;name.

It is safe to assert that many Samaropsis seeds agreed generally in structure with Cordaitean seeds such as the petrified examplesnbsp;described by Brongniart as Cardiocarpus. The species Mitro-spermum compressum’’ is an example of a petrified seed havingnbsp;the external features of Samaropsis.


This generic title I propose to restrict to petrified seeds exhibiting the characters described by Brongniart® and morenbsp;recently by Bertrand® in C. sclerotesta and C. drupaceus. Innbsp;general organisation seeds of this generic type agree with thosenbsp;of recent Cycads and with the seed of Ginkgo hiloba, but therenbsp;are certain distinguishing features. An important character is

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Geinitz (80) p. 22, PI. iii. figs. 11—15.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Weiss, C. E. (72) p. 208.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“ See page 141.

^ White (08) B. p. 563. See also Vol. ii. p. 517.

^ Goeppert (65) p. 146, PI. xxvi. fig. 6.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Heer (77) ii. PI. xiv.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;’’ See page 345.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Brongniart (81) p. 20, PI. ii.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* Bertrand, C. E. (OS^); (OS^).

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afforded by tbe course and place of origin of the lower vascular strands from the main supply at the base of the seed. The outernbsp;vascular system consists of two bundles given off from the mainnbsp;strand^ before it reaches the sclerotesta, which pass up the sarco-testa (fig. 500, B). In Rhabdospermum, on the other hand, thenbsp;corresponding bundles arise at anbsp;higher level and form recurrentnbsp;strands which penetrate thenbsp;sclerotesta before passing up thenbsp;fleshy part of the integumentnbsp;(cf. fig. 501, E).



Fig. 500. Cardiocarpus drupaceus va:r. expansus. A, transverse section ofnbsp;the testa approximately in the middlenbsp;of the seed; v, vascular bundles.nbsp;B, diagrammatic sketch, adaptednbsp;from Brongniart’s drawing of thenbsp;base of the seed showing the sarcotesta, say the sclerotesta, sc.^ and thenbsp;pad of vascular tissue, d, at the basenbsp;of the nucellus. {After Brongniart.)

Cardiocarpus sclerotesta Brong-niart. The testa is differentiated into an inner shell and an outernbsp;sarcotesta (fig. 501, A; the sclerotesta is shown in black); therenbsp;is a well developed pollen-chamber (pc) and below this thenbsp;prothallus-tissue is prolonged asnbsp;a blunt and short tent-pole, h,nbsp;as in Gingko and in several fossilnbsp;seeds. On each side of the apicalnbsp;tent-pole the slightly shrunkennbsp;prothallus shows two smallnbsp;archegonia, a, which in the relatively small size and sphericalnbsp;form of the egg-cells resemblenbsp;those of Ginkgo. In transversenbsp;section (fig. 501, B) the seed isnbsp;bi-convex and at each end of the major axis the sclerotesta forms anbsp;small keel. There are two sets of vascular bundles concerned in thenbsp;supply of material to the ovule; a lower pair of bundles given offnbsp;from the central strand in the sarcotesta (hg. 500, B) which passnbsp;to the apical region in the inner tissues of the sarcotesta in thenbsp;principal plane (fig. 500, A, v), and an inner set of bundles thatnbsp;pass up the peripheral tissue of the nucellus.

The species described by Brongniart as Cardiocarpus (Cyclo-carpus) tenuis and C. nummularis have been removed by


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Bertrand^ from Cardiocarpus on the ground that the integumental bundles pursue a course like that in Rhabdospermum ¦, it is nownbsp;referred to the new genus Cyclospermum^.

Fia. 501. A, Cardiocarpus sclerotesta in longitudinal section; pc, poUen-chamber, b, tent-pole, a, archegonia. B, transverse section; a, archegonia. D, castnbsp;of the same or a similar type of seed. C, E, Bhabdospermum cyclocaryon,nbsp;longitudinal section and a diagrammatic sketch of the seed-base; m, mioro-pyle; b, tent-pole; a, arehegonium. (A, B, C, after Brongniart; D, afternbsp;Renault and Zeiller; E, adapted from Brongniart.)

Cyclospermum. Gen. nov. (= Cyclocarpus Bertrand).

As stated on a previous page Bertrand=^ re-establishes the generic name Cyclocarpus, founded on impressions without referencenbsp;to anatomical characters, for two petrified seeds from St Étienne

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Bertrand, C. E. (08).

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;This name has been used for a section of a genus of recent Umbelliferaenbsp;but not as a generic name (De Candolle’s ‘Prodromus,’ Pars IV. p. 105, 1830).

3 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Bertrand (08^) p. 454; (08^) p. 392.

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described by Brongniart as Cardiocarpus tenuis and Cyclocarpus nummularis'^. These types differ from Rhabdospermum in thenbsp;absence of an apical snout but agree with that genus in the steeplynbsp;descending course of the vascular strands in the basal region of thenbsp;seed. As stated on a previous page, the name Cyclospermumnbsp;is proposed as a substitute for Cyclocarpus because of the employment of the latter term for impressions.

Cycadinocarpus. Schimper

Cycadinocarpus augustudunensis (Brongniart®). In the possession of two sets of vascular bundles this type agrees with Cardio-carpus, but the more internal strands pass up on the inner face of the sclerotesta without penetrating into the nucellus, a featurenbsp;in which Cycadinocarpus agrees with the majority of recent cyca-dean seeds: the outer bundles are given off from the main supplynbsp;after it has entered the sclerotesta and not before as in Cardio-carpus; they follow an oblique course in the sclerotesta and emergenbsp;into the sarcotesta at the shoulders of the basal curve of the seed.nbsp;As in Cardiocarpus and Rhabdospermum the two outer bundlesnbsp;lie in the principal plane of the seed. There is a pollen-chambernbsp;at the apex of the nucellus and the latter tissue is prolonged asnbsp;a tent-pole which engages with the micropyle. In the absencenbsp;of data as to the course of the vascular bundles in the chalazalnbsp;region it would not be possible to distinguish between this genusnbsp;and Cardiocarpus.

Rhabdocarpus Berger and Rhabdospermum gen. nov.

It is proposed to restrict the name Rhabdocarpus^ to impressions and casts of seeds of the type represented by R. tunicatus asnbsp;figured by Berger® and reproduced in fig. 506, K, the term Rhabdospermum being applied to seeds of similar form in which are shownnbsp;certain distinguishing anatomical features. Rhabdocarpus tunicatus Berger is a species founded on a specimen from the Coalnbsp;Measures of Silesia characterised by an outer carbonised testanbsp;prolonged apically as a blunt snout and, as seen in fig. 506, K,nbsp;covering an apparently ribbed nucule, but the ‘ribs’ are due to

^ Brongniart (81) Pis. iv. v. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Schimper (72) A. p. 208.

“ Brongniart (81) PI. m.; Bertrand, C. E. (08).

^ pdgdoi, a rod. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Berger (48) p. 20, PI. I. fig. 8.

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the presence of fibrous strands and are not ribs in the ordinary sense. The outer tissue shows numerous longitudinal striationsnbsp;due presumably to the presence of fibrous elements in the sarco-testa like those shown in the petrified seed represented in fig.nbsp;501^0. The genus is defined by Berger as follows; ‘Seminanbsp;ovata vel elliptico-oblonga secundum longitudinem parallelenbsp;nervosa vel tenuissime striata, putamine (interdum deficiente)nbsp;instructa.’ As used by Berger and many other authors Rhabdo-carpus includes a miscellaneous collection of seeds often differingnbsp;widely from the type-species. Many of the examples correctlynbsp;referred to Berger’s genus are platyspermic though a bilateralnbsp;symmetry is by no means always clear. Renault and Zeiller^nbsp;in their definition of Rhabdocarpus include bilateral symmetrynbsp;as a characteristic feature and speak of the seeds as oblong ornbsp;oval with a pointed or truncate apex and a rounded base. Impressions of Rhabdocarpus differ from those of Cardiocarpus ornbsp;Cordaicarpus in their more elongate form, always longer thannbsp;broad, and in the absence of a basal sinus. The seeds foundnbsp;attached to Neuropteris pinnae and, in external features, agreeingnbsp;with many specimens included in Berger’s genus, have beennbsp;transferred by P. Bertrand^ and Arber® to a new genus Neuro-spermum^. Arber® in his recent revision of British seeds proposesnbsp;to restrict the name Rhabdocarpus to platyspermic seeds havingnbsp;a ‘large unsymmetrical nucule enclosed in a large unsymmetrical*nbsp;wing or sarcotesta,’ that is to forms symmetrical in one plane.nbsp;In this category he includes Rhabdocarpus tunicatus Berg. (fig. 506,nbsp;K) and R. subtunicatus^ Grand’Eury, but it is not clear on whatnbsp;grounds Berger’s species is spoken of as symmetrical in only onenbsp;plane: in the species R. Lilleanus Axb.'^ the symmetry is hardlynbsp;sufficiently well defined to rank as a generic character. In thenbsp;case of the Neuropteris seeds the apical snout is slightly curved,nbsp;thus giving them an unsymmetrical appearance (cf. fig. 422, p. 114).nbsp;The Carboniferous and Permian seeds usually referred to Rhabdo-

^ Bertrand, P. (13).

1 Renault and Zeiller (88) A. p. 635.

* Arber (14) p. 103.

‘ See page 116. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;• Arber (14) p. 87.

“ Zeiller (92®) A. PI. xv. fig. 11.

’ Arber (14) PI. vii. fig. 21.

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carpus are transferred by Arber to his genus Platyspermum}, a designation for which it is proposed to substitute Nathorst’snbsp;genus Holcospermum^. In seeds preserved as more or lessnbsp;flattened impressions it is practically impossible in many casesnbsp;accurately to determine the symmetry: as fig. 506, A, shows,nbsp;casts indistinguishable from some examples of Platyspermum arenbsp;radially symmetrical. Brongniart^ extended the original definition of Rhabdocarpus to include certain anatomical characters, andnbsp;these have been more fully defined by Bertrand'^. It is for seedsnbsp;showing these anatomical features that the name Rhabdospermumnbsp;is now proposed. This course is followed on the ground that itnbsp;is advisable to avoid confusion between petrified specimens andnbsp;impressions which in spite of superficial resemblance may not benbsp;closely related. In some cases it is practically certain that annbsp;impression of the Rhabdocarpus type is generically identical withnbsp;a seed of similar form showing the anatomical structure of Rhabdospermum, but unless identity is established a distinct terminologynbsp;is preferable. The use of the generic name Rhabdospermumnbsp;carries with it an implication of platyspermy, but under Rhabdocarpus may be included seeds which are radiospermic and platy-spermic. Some seeds agreeing with Rhabdospermum are referrednbsp;by Grand’Eury® to Poroxylon, and it is probable that Rhabdospermum like Cardiocarpus is a Cordaitean seed. On the othernbsp;hand Rhabdocarpus may well include species, apart from those

^ In selecting a generic name for a fossil plant or part of a plant it has not been the universal practice to avoid the use of a designation previously employednbsp;for a recent plant. It is clearly in accordance with the Rules adopted by thenbsp;International Botanical Congress and with general convenience to avoid thenbsp;employment of the same name for two different generic types even if one is knownnbsp;only in a fossil state. My attention has been called by Mr W. N. Edwards of thenbsp;British Museum to the fact that the names Platyspermum, Microspermum, andnbsp;Pterospermum recently proposed by Dr Arber for Palaeozoic seeds have previouslynbsp;been given to recent flowering plants. Though I have often neglected to consultnbsp;the Index Kewensis and the Genera Siphonogamarum before proposing a ‘new’nbsp;generic term, I fully recognise the importance of avoiding the employment of namesnbsp;in current use or names which have ‘lapsed into synonymy1.’

^ See page 361.

® Brongniart (74) p. 246; (81) p. 21, Pis. ix.—xi.

^ Bertrand, C. E. (07). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;« Grand’Eury (05).


Régies Internationales de la nomenclature botanique adoptées par le Cong. Internat. Bot. de Vienne, 1905, etc. T. Briquet, Jena, 1912, p. 37.

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transferred to Neurospermum, that belong to Pteridosperms. A species, Rhabdocarpus Oliveri, recently described by Kidston^nbsp;from the Staffordshire coalfield is an example of a radiospermicnbsp;seed which may be assigned to a Pteridosperm. The type-specimen is an ovate seed 4 cm. long and 2 cm. broad agreeing in formnbsp;and surface-features with Rhabdocarpus as already defined, butnbsp;the evidence it affords of internal structure is insufficient tonbsp;determine its position with regard to genera founded on anatomicalnbsp;characters. Other examples of Rhabdocarpus are described bynbsp;Lesquereux^ and White® from American Coal Measures, bynbsp;Grand’Eury^ from the Loire, by Renault® from Autun, and bynbsp;many other authors.

Rhabdospermum. Gen. nov.

The platyspermic seeds included in this genus agree in size and form with impressions assigned to Rhabdocarpus and as regardsnbsp;the main features conform anatomically to Cardiocarpus; theynbsp;were probably borne on Cordaitean plants. Fig. 501, C, represents a longitudinal section of the species Rhabdospermum cyclo-caryon described by Brongniart as Rhabdocarpus cyclocaryon:nbsp;the sarcotesta is particularly well developed in the apical region;nbsp;at the apex a portion of the micropyle is seen at m and near thenbsp;nucellus are pieces of the solerotesta shown in black. The presencenbsp;of anastomosing fibres near the surface is a characteristic feature;nbsp;these, as Bertrand points out, do not form a hypodermal tissuenbsp;in the strict sense as they may be separated by some of the thin-walled parenchyma of the sarcotesta from the epidermis. Thenbsp;sclerotesta is only partially preserved but the inner portionnbsp;forms a dark line enclosing the nucellus, the superficial tissue ofnbsp;which is separated from the shrunken prothallus represented bynbsp;the almost spherical dotted region; the remains of an archegoniumnbsp;are seen at a (fig. 501, C) and the characteristic tent-pole apex ofnbsp;the prothallus is shown at b. While in shape and in the generalnbsp;plan of organisation Rhabdospermum agrees with Cardiocarpus,nbsp;the vascular system in the chalazal region constitutes a distinguishing feature. In Rhabdospermum the main vascular strand

^ Kidston (14) H. xvi. figs. 6—8.

2 Lesquereux (80) A. p. 574. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* White (99) B. p. 267.

* Grand’Eury (77) A. PI. xv. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Renault (93) A. PI. Lxxxvi.

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passes through the sclerotesta, e, e', fig. 501, E, before giving off two bundles which bend back (‘faisceaux recurrents’), traversenbsp;the shell, and then pass up the sarcotesta in correspondence withnbsp;the feebly developed lateral keels as far as the micropyle, whilenbsp;in Oardiocarfus (fig. 500, B) the bundles are given off before thenbsp;main strand reaches the sclerotesta. Similar recurrent bundlesnbsp;occur also in Mitrospermum (fig. 494, K)^.

Mitrospermum. A. Arber.

Mitrospermum compressum (Williamson). Mrs Arber^ proposed the name Mitrospermum^, suggested by the peculiar form of the seed-base, as a substitute for Cardiocarpon for Williamson’snbsp;species 0. compressum'^ from the Lower Coal Measures of Lancashire. The seed is platyspermic and there is some evidence thatnbsp;it split into two valves along the principal plane (the longernbsp;axis of the section, fig. 494, L). The diagrammatic and partiallynbsp;restored longitudinal section reproduced in fig. 494, K, showsnbsp;the main features: a sarcotesta, sa, covers the surface of the testanbsp;as a thin layer except at the edges of the flattened sides where itnbsp;forms a wing-like border; preserved as an impression the seednbsp;would be assigned to Samaropsis. The sclerotesta, sc, has anbsp;pointed apex which snrrounds the lower third of the micropylenbsp;and a broad base perforated by the chalazal fascular strand.nbsp;There was probably a narrow inner flesh as in Trigonocarpus andnbsp;recent Cycadean seeds (fig. 494, K, cf). The nucellus was freenbsp;from the integument except at the base, as in Trigonocarpus andnbsp;Stephanospermum (fig. 494, K, n): internal to the shrivellednbsp;remains of the inner flesh there was a nucellar tapetum surroundingnbsp;the megaspore. Details as to the pollen-chamber are lackingnbsp;though there are indications that it resembled that of somenbsp;species of Cordaitean seeds. The main vascular supply passesnbsp;through the sclerotesta and then forms a low cushion of shortnbsp;reticulate elements below the base of the nucellus from whichnbsp;two bundles are given off (fig. 494, K, v) in the principal plane.nbsp;The course of the bundles which pierce the sclerotesta led Mrsnbsp;Arber to remove this seed from Cardiocarpus, as recently definednbsp;by Bertrand®, since in that genus the integumental bundles have

^ See page 314. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Arber, A. (10).nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;®nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;a Persian cap.

* Williamson (77) B. p. 257, Pis. xv. xvi, ® Bertrand, 0. E. (08^).

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their origin below the sclerotesta. In the course of the vascular bundles Mitrospermum is intermediate between Rhabdospermumnbsp;and Taxospermum.

This genus is founded on a detached seed, but its resemblance to undoubted Cordaitean species favours its attribution to thatnbsp;group though, as Mrs Arber points out, some markedly platy-spermic seeds are known to have been borne on fern-like frondsnbsp;and Mitrospermum may belong to some genus of Pteridosperms.

Diplotesta. Brongniart.

Diplotesta Grand’Euryana Brongniart. The generic name Diplotesta, suggested by Grand’Eury, was given by Brongniart^ tonbsp;a Grand’Croix seed which he compared with that of the Conifernbsp;Cephalotaxus. The type-specimen is elliptical and platyspermicnbsp;(fig. 495, H, p. 322), and differs from Taxospermum in the cordatenbsp;form of the seed-cavity, also in the more restricted union of nucellusnbsp;and testa. The testa is differentiated into a sarcotesta {sa) andnbsp;sclerotesta, and the latter forms two feebly developed keels in thenbsp;principal plane: a characteristic feature shared with Mitrospermumnbsp;is the splitting of the shell into two equal valves (fig. 495, F).nbsp;Fig. 495, H, shows the contracted cylindrical nucellus and thenbsp;pollen-chamber: the sarcotesta {sa) is only partially preserved.nbsp;Diplotesta differs from Cardiocarpus in the course of the integu-mental vascular bundles which are of the type illustrated bynbsp;Rhabdospermum, Taxospermum, and Cyclocarpus, but from thesenbsp;genera it is distinguished by the dehiscence of the shell, also bynbsp;its form and certain anatomical features as described by Brong-niart and Bertrand^.

In this genus Bertrand includes Brongniart’s species Sarcotaxus avellana (fig. 495, F), a correlation suggested by the latter author.

Leptocaryon. Brongniart.

Brongniart® founded this genus for a single species, Leptocaryon avellana, represented by a Grand’Croix specimen 12 x 10 mm.,nbsp;which he believed to be related to Taxus. Leptocaryon differs

1 Brongniart (74) p. 247*P1. xxi. figs. 12—14; (81) p. 21, PI. A. fig. 12; PI. xiv; Renault (80q p. 106, PL xv. figs. 12, 13; Grand’Enry (77) A. p. 239, PLxxvi.nbsp;fig. 27.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;2 Bertrand, C. E. (07^.

“ Brongniart (74) p. 248, PI. xxi. fig. 17; (81) p. 22, PI. A. fig. 17; PL vi.

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from Taxosjpermum in the structure of the testa, hut resembles it in external features. Bertrand^ in his revision and extensionnbsp;of Brongniart’s account says that the sections throw no light onnbsp;the nature of the vascular supply, and it is therefore impossible tonbsp;form a satisfactory opinion as to the relationships of the genus.nbsp;Renault^ referred this genus to the Cordaitales, but we have nonbsp;evidence as to the parent-plant.

Taxospermum. Brongniart.

Brongniart® gave this name to a small elliptical seed, 15x9 mm., recalling in external features the seed of Taxus, a genus tonbsp;which he believed the Grand’Croix species to be related. Thenbsp;type-species Taxospermum Grüneri (fig. 495, G) has a comparatively thin testa characterised by the absence of a sub-chalazalnbsp;pad formed by the swelling of the sclerotesta. The nucellus isnbsp;attached by a broad base to the testa and the two regions appearnbsp;to be connected for a short distance on the flanks*; in thisnbsp;feature the seed is comparable with that of the Conifer Torreyanbsp;and differs from the other platysperms, Diplotesta, Rhabdospernium,nbsp;etc. Bertrand® states that the main vascular strand extendsnbsp;from the hilum to the chalaza before giving off the two oppositenbsp;bundles which ‘ follow the floor of the shell-cavity, and on reachingnbsp;the flanks traverse the shell obliquely from befow upwards®.’nbsp;In the course and position of the integumental bundles Taxospermum differs from Cardiocarpus, Cycadinocarpus, and Rhabdo-spermum. In this genus Bertrand includes Sarcotaxus angulosusnbsp;Rrongn. and S. olivaeformis Brongn.’

Compsotesta. Bertrand ex Brongniart ms.

Compsotesta Brongniarti Bertrand. The generic name Com-PsotestM^, though adopted by Brongniart for some incomplete specimens from Grand’ Croix, was not published either by him

Renault: it has recently been revived by Bertrand® in his

* Bertrand, C. E. (07*) compares Leplocaryon with Diplotesta as regards various structural features.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* Renault (80*) p. 108.

^ Brongniart (74) p. 249, PI. xxi. figs. 18—20; (81) p. 23, PI. A. figs. 18—20;

XV. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;4 Oliver (03) p. 457.

^ Bertrand, C. E. (07fl. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;« Bertrand, C. E. (07«).

’ Brongniart (74) p. 247.

® Koyfbs, elegant. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* Bertrand, C. E. (09).

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account of the anatomical details of Brongniart’s sections. This seed appears to be closely allied to the polypterous forms Ptycho-testa and Hexapterosfermum: the testa consists of a sarcotestanbsp;differentiated into two zones the outer of which contains vascularnbsp;bundles in correspondence with the ribs, and an inner shell. Therenbsp;is a nucellar vascular supply and the nucellus is free on the flanksnbsp;as in Stephanospermum and Trigonocarpus.

Samaropsis. Goeppert.

The characters of this Permian and Carboniferous genus have already been described: the name has reference only to superficial features especially the samara-like ‘wing/ and connotesnbsp;no special anatomical features.

Samaropsis jluitans (Dawson). The species described by Dawson^ as Cardiocarpum Jluitans from Carboniferous strata innbsp;Nova Scotia, is represented by oval seeds with a fairly broadnbsp;border usually showing an apical notch. Fig. 502, A, is a copynbsp;of Dawson’s figure: the apparent absence of an apical sinus innbsp;the ‘wing’ is probably due either to an error in interpretation ornbsp;to some imperfection in the specimen. As fig. 502, A, shows,nbsp;the type-specimens are far from satisfactory, and it may be thatnbsp;they are not specifically identical with the more complete specimensnbsp;from European strata referred to Dawson’s species. Zeiller^nbsp;points out that seeds of this species vary considerably in size, butnbsp;there is always in well-preserved examples a bifid beak at the apex.nbsp;Seeds of similar form though not specifically identical are describednbsp;from the Coal Measures of Missouri as Cardiocarpon {Samaropsis)nbsp;Branneri Fairch. and White®. Good examples of S. Jluitans arenbsp;figured by Weiss^ from the Coal Measures of Saarbriicken andnbsp;the species is widely distributed in Upper Carboniferous bedsnbsp;generally.

Samaropsis bicaudata Kidston. This species (fig. 502, E) originally described® from Lower Carboniferous rocks in Scotlandnbsp;as Cardiocarpus bicaudata and subsequently assigned to Samaropsis,

^ Dawson (66) A. p. 165, PI. xii. fig. 74; Zeiller (06) B. p. 226; Kidston (11) p. 236.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;2 Zeiller (88) A. p. 644.

2 White (99) B. p. 266, Pis. LXi. fig. 12, Lxxii. fig. 3.

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Weiss, G. E. (72) PI. xviii.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Kidston (94) B. PI. vi. fig. 3; (02) B. PI. LViii. figs. 5, 6.

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is characterised by a greater development of the flat wing-like border which is divided into two long tapering basal lobes. Seedsnbsp;of similar form are figured by Lesquereux^ from Pennsylvanianbsp;as Cardiocarpm (Ptilocarpus) bicornutus.

Samaropsis (Samarospermum) moravica (Helmhacher). This type^ (fig. 502, H) is characterised by the great length of thenbsp;wing-hke border and on that account it was transferred by Arbernbsp;to a new genus. It was originally described by Helmhachenbsp;from the Permian of Moravia as Jordania moravica and the type-specimen has been re-figured by Zeiller® who records the speciesnbsp;from Upper Carboniferous and Permian rocks in Prance; it isnbsp;recorded also from several localities in Germany*. Seeds figurednbsp;by Potonié® from the Permian of Thuringia as Samaropsis Crampiinbsp;(Hartt) are undoubtedly examples of S. moravica: the truenbsp;S. Crampii has recently been well illustrated by Dr Stopes® fromnbsp;the Westphalian of New Brunswick. The species is recorded bynbsp;Arberfrom the Kent coalfield.

Samaropsis emarginata (Goeppert and Barger).

The seed represented in fig. 502, B, from the Lower Coal Measures of Kilmarnock, Scotland®, affords a good example ofnbsp;the genus; the species was originally described, by Berger asnbsp;Cardiocarpon emarginatum and it was on this type that Fiedlernbsp;founded the genus Cychcarpon^. It has been referred by manynbsp;a^uthors to Cardiocarpon and might be regarded as a type intermediate between Cordaicarpus, as used in this chapter, andnbsp;Samaropsis, though the breadth of the border is more in keepingnbsp;quot;^th the latter designation. The figured specimen is 1-6 cm. longnbsp;and 1-4 cm. broad; the nucule has a slightly cordate base andnbsp;shows several faint converging ribs which are too inconspicrrousnbsp;fo be represented in a natural-size drawing. A narrow mediannbsp;groove in the apical region shows the position of a vascular strand.

^ Lesquereux (80) A. PI. Lxxxv. fig. 51. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Helmhacher (71).

“ Zeiller (92^ A. PI. xv. figs. 9, 10.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Geinitz (75) PI. i. figs. 10, 11; Weiss, C. E. (79) PI. iii. figs. 17—19.

^ Potonié (93) A. PI. xxxii. figs. 12, 13. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Slopes (14) PI. xxv. fig. 68.

’ Arber (14) PI. vi. figs. 19, 20; (Uq PI. xi. fig. 5.

® Por synonymy, see Kidston (11) p. 238, PI. xxii. figs. 3, 3 a.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Fiedler (57) p. 291.

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The species is recorded from several countries: similar though specifically distinct seeds, described by Dawson as Cardiocarponnbsp;cornutum, have recently been re-described by Dr Stopes^ fromnbsp;the Westphalian of New Brunswick where they occur in association with the leaves of Cordaites Robbii Daws.

Samaropsis Newberryi Andrews.

This species was originally described by Andrews^ from the Coal Measnres of Ohio: the specimen shown in fig. 502, K, wasnbsp;^ Slopes (14) p. 89, Pis. xxi.—xxiii.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Andrews (75) p. 425, PI. XLVI. fig- 2.

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sent to Dr Kidston by Mr Claypole. The whole seed is 5 cm. wide and 3-5 cm. in depth; it is characterised by a short andnbsp;relatively broad nucule surrounded by a very broad and flatnbsp;border showing faintly marked radially disposed lines and innbsp;places some irregularly distributed pits. The apex is emarginatenbsp;and there is a broad and deep sinus in the sarcotesta in the chalazalnbsp;region. The seed resembles Samaropsis alata Kidst.^ and S.nbsp;Baileyi (Daws.)^ but it differs from these in the greater breadth ofnbsp;the ‘wing’ and in the form of the nucule.

The seed described by Fiedler® as Jordania bignonioides (fig. 502, I) agrees closely with S. alata Kidst. but is probably specifically distinct.

Samaropsis barcellosa (White).

White^ described this species (fig. 502, G) from Permo-Carboniferous rocks in Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul) as Cardiocarpon barcel-losum. The nucule is said to be cordate but, as seen in the figure, there is no clear indication of a basal sinus: the presence of anbsp;relatively broad ‘wing,’ as Wlfite says, entitles the seed ‘to a placenbsp;in the Samaropsis section of the genus.’ The author of the speciesnbsp;compares it with seeds described from Westphalian rocks innbsp;Ohio® and Pennsylvania®. It is interesting to find a type whichnbsp;is common in both Europe and North America m the westernnbsp;portion of Gondwana Land. Seeds of similar form are recordednbsp;also from India, South Africa, and Australia^.

Samaropsis Seixasi (White).

This Brazilian species from the same beds is described by White as Gangamopteris {Samaropsis) Seixasi^; it is characterisednbsp;by a small ovate nucule 8—10 mm. long and 5 mm. broad, in somenbsp;specimens surrounded by a complete ‘wing’ extending above thenbsp;apex and below the base, giving the seed an appearance similar to

1 Kidston (11) p. 239, PI. xii. fig. 1.

® Dawson (71) A. PI. xix. fig. 219; Stopes (14) p. 92.

“ Fiedler (57) PI. xxviu. fig. 36.

* White (08) B. p. 567, PI. x. fig. 11.

® Newberry (73) PI. XMII. fig. 8; Lesquereux (80) A PI. lxxxv. figs. 36, 37.

“ Lesquereux (84) A PI. oix. figs. 13, 15.

’ Seward (97^) A p. 332; Arber (05) B. pp. 206, 207.

« White (08) B. p. 559, PI. x. figs. 5—8.

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that of Samaropsis (Samarospermum) moravica while sometimes, as in the example shown in fig. 502, F, the broad border is preserved only at the sides. These seeds are abundant in the Santanbsp;Catharina beds, where they were discovered by Dr Esdras donbsp;Prado Seixas, in association with leaves of Gangamopteris, andnbsp;White thinks that they were borne on the fertile leaves of thatnbsp;genus which he has named Arberia^. Although there is as yetnbsp;no proof of a connexion between Gangamopteris and seeds of thisnbsp;or any other type it is almost certain that it was a seed-producingnbsp;plant.

Samaropsis Leslii sp. nov.

The seed on which this species is founded was discovered by Mr T. N. Leslie in the Ecca beds (Permo-Carboniferous) ofnbsp;Vereeniging, South Africa, a localitynbsp;from which the same geologist hasnbsp;obtained leaves of Cordaites, Psyg-niophyllum, Glossopteris and othernbsp;genera^. In the slightly cordate has?nbsp;and tapered apex (fig. 503) the nuculenbsp;agrees closely with those of Europeannbsp;examples, but the Vereeniging type isnbsp;distinguished by its larger dimensionsnbsp;and by the wider border indicatingnbsp;a thick sarcotesta continued basallynbsp;into a stout stalk. The apex isnbsp;emarginate and a median rib marksnbsp;the position of a vascular strand.

There is no evidence as to the nature of the parent-plant.

Samaropsis indica (Zeiller).

Prof. Zeiller® described this species as Cardiocarpus indicusnbsp;from the Karharbari (Lower Gondwana) beds of India. Annbsp;examination of the type-specimens enables me to confirm the

1 Vol. II. p. 517.

“ Zeiller (02) B. p. 37, PI. vii.

^ Seward and Leslie (08) B. s. 7, 8; Arber (05) B. p. 205, fig. 44.

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accuracy of the original account. The platyspermic seed is 5-5 cm. long and 4-5 cm. broad; a cordate nucule is enclosed by a flatnbsp;border similar to that of Samaropsis Leslii but narrower especiallynbsp;on the sides of the nucule. At the apex there is a deep sinusnbsp;oxtending to the nucule, and at the base a fairly broad band ofnbsp;Carbonaceous matter shows the position of the chalazal vascularnbsp;strand. The seed is characterised by its large size and by itsnbsp;almost orbicular form; it occurs as a detached specimen in bedsnbsp;containing Cordaites {Noeggerathiopsis) and Glossopteris.

A species from Arkansas described by Lesquereux^ as Cardio-'^rpus ingens [= Cordaicarpus ingens (Lesq.)] affords another example of a large seed similar to C. indicus and, except in itsnbsp;Qiore orbicular form, to Samaropsis Leslii.

^o,maropsis Milleri (Feistmantel).


An examination of the type-specimen from the Calcutta ^useum enables me to amplify the original description in annbsp;]Qiportant particular. The species was foundnbsp;m Lower Gondwana (Katharbari) beds in Indianbsp;^nd referred by Feistmantel^ to the genusnbsp;^^'rpolithes. Arber^, who tentatively employednbsp;the generic name Cardiocarpus in place ofnbsp;^^'fpolithes, suggests that the seeds may benbsp;’^^diospermic, as Feistmantel’s drawings shownbsp;only

Fig. 504. Samaropsis Milleri. (Indiannbsp;Geological Survey,nbsp;Calcutta; nat. size.)

IS narrow at Leslii. The seed

^ Lesquereux (80) A. PI. 85, figs. 34, 35.

fiss f®®tmantel (79q p. 30; (81^) p, 59, PI. xxx. fig. 14; (82) p. 43, PI. xv.

Arber (05) B. p. 205.

a very narrow border to the nucule. The specimen reproduced in fig. 504 was figurednbsp;y Feistmantel without any indication of anbsp;^efinite sarcotesta or wing, but as seen in thenbsp;ï’awing the ovate cordate sclerotesta is sur-^cunded on one side and at the base by annbsp;quot;^'iter envelope; this is clearly seen at the apexnbsp;''quot;here it shows a rounded termination slopingnbsp;cwnwards towards the micropyle preciselynbsp;f'® In Samaropsis indica (Zeilb). The bordernbsp;® sides and broader at the base as in S.



S. in

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is 4-5 cm. long and 2-3 cm. broad, differing from S. indica in its rather smaller size and in the slightly narrower nucule.nbsp;Though there is no decisive evidence as to the parent-plant thenbsp;occurrence of a specimen of this species partially covered by anbsp;scale-leaf of a type^ very similar to that which is generally recognised as belonging to Glossopteris suggests the possibility that thenbsp;seeds may belong to that genus. Scale-leaves of Glossopterisnbsp;are described in Volume ii., but it may be added here that leavesnbsp;similar in form to those from India, Australia, and elsewhere arenbsp;figured by Geinitz^ from the Altai Mountains as Trigonocarpuslnbsp;actaeonelloides \ the specimens are represented with the basalnbsp;scar at the apex.

Cordaicarpus. Geinitz.

In view of the fact that the generic names Cardiocarpus, Cordaicarpus, and other designations have been applied to castsnbsp;and impressions which cannot be distinguished by any constantnbsp;or important feature it is proposed to adopt the name Cordaicarpusnbsp;for platyspermic seeds, preserved as casts or impressions, havingnbsp;a comparatively narrow border enclosing an ovate or cordate-ovate nucule; the base is either rounded or cordate. The choicenbsp;between Cordaicarpus and Samaropsis depends on the breadth ofnbsp;the border. Cordaicarpus, though more suggestive of a Cordaiteannbsp;alliance, may in some cases be a Pteridosperm seed.

Cordaicarpus Cordai (Geinitz). Lenticular seeds more or less orbicular or broadly ovate (fig. 502, C, D), often slightly cordatenbsp;at the base of the nucule and with a broadly acute apex: thenbsp;border is narrow or sometimes hardly represented as in the seedsnbsp;described by Berger as Rhabdocarpus ovoides, a species similar tonbsp;but more oval than Cordaicarpus Cordai. The latter speciesnbsp;occurs in several coalfields in Britain, France, Germany, andnbsp;elsewhere. Fig. 502, C, shows a good example from the Middl®nbsp;Coal Measures of Yorkshire, 9 mm. long by 8 mm. broad; on thenbsp;very slightly cordate nucule are several faint ribs convergingnbsp;towards the base and apex and between them fine striations-

^ Vol. II. p. 500. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Geinitz (71) p. 174, PI. iii. figs. 10, 11-

® Ibid. (55) A. PL xxi.; Zeiller (88) A. PL xoiv. fig. 13; (06) B. p. 22tgt; Kidston (11) p. 240; Arber (14) p. 100.

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characters too indistinct to be reproduced in the natural-size drawing. The flat border represents the sclerotesta. The seednbsp;shown in fig. 502, D, from the Westphalian series of Warwickshirenbsp;belongs to the same species or is a closely allied type: the faintnbsp;suggestion of reticulation on its surface might be regarded as anbsp;reason for referring it to C. areolatus Boul.r, a form characterised bynbsp;u reticulation on the testa, described by Zeiller^ and other authors.nbsp;This reticulation is, however, in some cases at least, formed bynbsp;crumphng and splitting of the superficial carbonised film into morenbsp;cr less regular meshes: the figured specimen occurs with severalnbsp;ether seeds of the same type, most of which have a smooth surface.nbsp;T^r Kidston tells me that a recent critical examination of seedsnbsp;lu his collection leads him to regard some specimens {e.g. fig. 502,nbsp;Tl) pre\dously referred by him to C. Cordai as identical with Carpo-lithes 7nembranaceus Goepp.®

Che: ^^rda\

The photograph reproduced in fig. 505 shows the result of 'icuiically treating the carbonised cuticle of a seed of Cordaicarpusnbsp;i, a method little used as yet in the case of Palaeozoic plants

^ Boulay (79) p. 34.

Zeüler (88) A. PI. xciv. fig. 12; Kidston (11) PI. v. figs. 5—7; Arber (14) p. 100. ^ Berger (48) PL ii. figs. 19, 20.


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but which may be useful in distinguishing seeds which cannot be satisfactorily separated by microscopic features. The superficialnbsp;cells have very thick walls and present an appearance similar tonbsp;that of the sclerous cells in the testas of some petrified specimens.

The larger seed shown in fig. 501, D, from Commentry, described by Renault and Zeiller^ as Cardiocarpus sclerotesta, isnbsp;another example of Cordaicarpus as now defined.

IV. Miscellaneous Seeds.

In this section are included genera based on characters of comparatively httle morphological importance; their claim tonbsp;treatment under a common heading is that we know httle ornbsp;nothing of their anatomical features or of the parent-plants.

i. Rihhed seeds.

The seeds represented by the following genera possess ribs or flanges usually in multiples of three; the transverse sectionnbsp;may be triangular, hexagonal, or polygonal. The symmetry isnbsp;generally radial, but it is difficult to determine whether a shghtnbsp;departure from the radiospermic form is an original feature or thenbsp;result of pressure. Some of the ribbed seeds with which we arenbsp;now concerned are no doubt closely alhed to Trigonocarpus andnbsp;should be included in the Trigonocarpales, but others may wellnbsp;be distinct forms.

Genera: Hexagonocarpus, Decagonocarpus, Polypterocarpus, Rhynchogonium, Boroviczia, Diplopterotesta, Musocarpus, Holco-spermum.

Hexagonocarpus. Renault.

This generic name is adopted by Renault^ for casts from Commentry which, while probably identical with Brongniart’snbsp;Hexapterospermum, afford no confirmatory anatomical evidence.nbsp;The species Hexagonocarpus crassus^ is represented by casts ornbsp;nucules characterised by six well-defined ribs and grooves withnbsp;a length of nearly 3 cm. In this genus may be included the castnbsp;from the Coal Measures of Lancashire described by Wilhamson

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Renault and Zeiller (88) A, PI. lxxii. fig. 3.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ibid. p. 649.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Ibid. PI. lxxii. figs. 53—55.

« Williamson (77) B. p. 253, PI. xvi. figs. 115 a, 115 6.

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Heocapterospermum Noeggerathi (fig. 506, H), and another British example is afforded by Hexagonocar'pus Hookeri Kidstd,nbsp;® rare fossil in the South Staffordshire coalfield. It is impossiblenbsp;confidently to assign these ribbed casts to genera founded onnbsp;petrified specimens as they almost certainly belong to differentnbsp;types, but the employment of the name Hexagonocarfus maynbsp;conveniently be used for casts or impressions of seeds with sixnbsp;Wgitudinal ribs differing in their relatively broader and lessnbsp;prominent form from the wing-like flanges of Polypterocarfusnbsp;(cf. fig_ 49g^nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Bhe seeds described by Dr P. Bertrand^ as

^exapterospermum modestae, and believed by him to belong to ^ plant with Neuropteris fronds, should be included in Hexagono-^'gt;'pus as we have no definite knowledge of their anatomicalnbsp;features.

f^ceagonocarpus. Renault.

This name, proposed by Renault®, is applied to seeds without petrified tissues characterised by ten ribs; an example is affordednbsp;^y Decagonocarpus olivaeformis from the Commentry coalfield,nbsp;^*1 elhptical seed which bears a close resemblance to Holcospermumnbsp;^'^Icatum (fig. 506, A) except in the smaller number of ribs.

Bolypterocarpus. Grand’Bury.

_ Grand’Eury* adopted this generic name for seeds from St Etienne characterised by the presence of three, six, or more deepnbsp;Wings

or flanges. The term Pterospermum has recently beempro-Posed by Arber® for a seed from the Coal Measures of Staffordshire, ^bich he names P. anglicum: the type-species of the genus hasnbsp;^*¦66 deep wings, one from each angle. For the same seednbsp;^idston® proposed the name Tripterospermum ellipticum, but asnbsp;peer’s account was pubhshed first his specific name has priority.nbsp;^fospermum had, however, been previously used for a genusnbsp;Stercuhaceae, and partly on this account but mainly becausenbsp;rand’Eury’s genus Polypterocarpus is available the latter designa-is adopted. In Polypterocarpus anglicus (fig. 496, B) the

Kidston (14) p. 165. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Bertrand, P. (13) PI. vn.

® Renault and ZeiUer (88) A. p. 651, PI. Lxxii. fig. 56 * Grand’Eury (77) A. p. 185, Pis. xv., xvi.

® Arber (14) pp. 93, 104, PI. Vlii. figs. 51, 52.

® Kidston (14) p. 157, PI. xiv. figs. 1, 2.

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flanges project slightly beyond the apex of the seed and there is a small notch at the base; the nucule is 6 cm. long and 1 cm,nbsp;broad. While it is not improbable that this seed is genericallynbsp;identical with Brongniart’s Trifterosfermum'^, it is safer, in thenbsp;absence of structural details, to employ the less committal term.nbsp;There is no information with regard to the nature of the parent-plants of species of Polypterocarfus. The English seed from thenbsp;Middle Coal Measures of Derbyshire and the Staffordshire coalfield described by Arber^ as Radiospermum ornatum and bynbsp;Kidston® as Polypterospermum ornatum affords another examplenbsp;of Polyfterocarfus as the generic name is here employed.

Rhynchogonium. Heer.

Heer* proposed this generic name for some globose, ovate, or oblong ‘ fruits ’ from Lower Carboniferous strata in Spitzbergen,nbsp;including also fragments of ‘leaves’ which without satisfactorynbsp;evidence he believed to belong to the same plant. The supposednbsp;frrdts are clearly seeds, and Nathorst regards the ‘leaves’ asnbsp;portions of a Fern rachis. Heer described four species, but thesenbsp;have since been reduced to two, and indeed it is probable thatnbsp;only one type, Rhynchogonium costatum, is represented. Nathorst®nbsp;compares Heer’s seeds with a Lower Carboniferous species describednbsp;by Young® as Trigonocarpum gloagianum, the resemblance of whichnbsp;to the Spitzbergen seeds was pointed out by Kidston. A seednbsp;of Rhynchogonium costatum is about the size of a hazel-nut andnbsp;may reach a length of 21 mm.; it is ovate, with a broad roundednbsp;base, and in the upper third is tapered and conical, the sides ofnbsp;the characteristic snout being distinguished from the smoothnbsp;surface of the rest of the seed by the presence of eight ribs converging towards the apex (506, G). Zalessky’ recorded closelynbsp;allied seeds from Lower Carboniferous beds in Northern Russia,nbsp;assigning them to a new genus Boroviczia, the type-species beingnbsp;B. Karpinskii] he adduced arguments in favour of Heer’s interpretation of the fossils as fruits but, according to Nathorst, thisnbsp;view has been abandoned. In his recent memoir on the Culm

1 See page 321.

® Arber, he. cit. p. 102. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Kidston, loc. cit. p. 158.

^ Heer (77) i. p. 19, PI. v. figs. 1—11. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Nathorst (94) A. p. 48, PI. iv. figs-

® Young (69) PI. IV. figs. 9, 10; (76) p. 36. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;' Zalessky (05).

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flora of Spitzbergen Natborst^ discusses the morphological nature of Rhynchogonium seeds and describes additional specimens.nbsp;Without the aid of petrified examples it is hardly possible tonbsp;determine the true nature of the fossils.

506. A, Holcospermum sulcatum. B, C, Godonospermum anomalum. D, Diplopteroiesta spitzbergensis (x 3). E, Onetopsis elliptica (cupule).nbsp;S', Thy-sanotesia sagittula. G, Rhynchogonium costatum. H, Hexagongcarpusnbsp;^oeggerathi. I, Boroviczia Karpinskii. K, Bhabdospermum tunicatum.nbsp;(A, Kidston Collection; B, after Grand’Eury; C, after Renault and Zeiller;nbsp;t*. F, G, after Nathorst; E, after Renault; H, after Williamson; I, afternbsp;Zalessky; K, after Berger.)

Some specimens of Rhynchogonium sulcatum in Dr Kidston’s Collection show the original surface-features: the carbonisednbsp;oitegument is divided in the upper region into linear lobes separatednbsp;^com one another at their origin by fairly wide sinuses, i type ofnbsp;^Qtegument suggesting comparison with Physostoma. This speciesnbsp;originally described by Lindley and Hutton as Carpolithesnbsp;^'^Icata^ from Lower Carboniferous rocks at Newhaven in Scotlandnbsp;^^d has recently been figured by Zalessky® from specimens innbsp;^ Nathorst (14) p. 23, PI. XV. figs. 44—51.

^ lindley and Hutton (37) A. PI. 220. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Zalessky (05).

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the Kidston collection from the Lower Calciferous sandstone of Midlothian. Nothing definite can be said as to the parent-plant,nbsp;but it is significant that in Midlothian RJiynchogonium sulcatumnbsp;occurs in a bed full of isolated pinnules of a Cardiopteris almostnbsp;to the exclusion of any other fossils^.

The seed figured by Nathorst^ from the Culm of Spitzbergen as Lagenosfermum ? glandiforme agrees closely with Rhynchogoniumnbsp;and Boroviczia, and it is impossible to decide whether the lobednbsp;appearance is due to the pr#senoe of a cupule or to the divisionsnbsp;of an integument.

Boroviczia. Zalessky.

The specimens from Lower Carboniferous beds in Russia® on which this genus was founded are perhaps unnecessarilynbsp;separated from Rhynchogonium) they are ovate and beaked,nbsp;10 mm. long with a maximum breadth of 6 mm. The type-species, Boroviczia Karpinskii (fig. 506, I), is represented both bynbsp;specimens in which the cast is complete and by others in whichnbsp;the apical snout of the integument is split into separate lobesnbsp;identical in form and apparently in number with those of Rhynchogonium. Nathorst*, who retains the generic name and describesnbsp;two additional species from Spitzbergen, points out that innbsp;Boroviczia the tapered apex is more sharply differentiated fromnbsp;the broader basal portion, a difference hardly worthy of genericnbsp;recognition. If Boroviczia is retained as a genus distinct fromnbsp;Rhynchogonium it should include the seeds described by Youngnbsp;as Trigonocarpum gloagianum.

Diplopterotesta. Nathorst.

Diplopterotesta spitzbergensis (Heer). Heer® included in Sama-ropsis some seeds, described as Samaropsis spitzbergensis, from Lower Carboniferous strata in Spitzbergen which differ considerably from typical examples of the genus. These have recentlynbsp;been made the type of a new genus Diplopterotesta^: they arenbsp;platyspermic seeds nearly twice as long as broad, 6—9x3-5—5mm-)

^ For this information I am indebted to Dr Kidston.

-22; PI. XV. fig-

2 Nathorst (14) p. 32, PI. xv. fig. ö8.

® Zalessky (05). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* Nathorst (14) p. 27, PI. v. figs. 19-

® Heer (77) i. p. 24, PI. v. figs. 18—22.

® Nathorst (14) p. 35, PI. xv. figs. 77—82.

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characterised by a thin sclerotesta expanded throughout the length of the seed into two prominent transversely striated wing-like ribs or flanges (fig. 506, D). At the apex, which is broadnbsp;in contrast to the pointed basal end of the seed, the sclerotestanbsp;Inrms a crown of eight lobes about the flat summit of the seed-lindy. As Nathorst points out, this species closely resemblesnbsp;I'he Carboniferous seeds figured by Urand’Euryi as Polyptero-but in the latter type there are more than two wings,nbsp;^athorst’s figures, one of which is reproduced in fig. 506, D,nbsp;®nggest a difficulty in determining the number of the flanges,nbsp;ii'hich would seem to be more than two, but this appearance isnbsp;i^cgarded by Nathorst as misleading and he believes that exceptnbsp;the apex there are only two wings.

l^nsocarpus. Brongniart.

Brongniart^ proposed this name for two species, M. prismaticus ^nd M. difformis, from French Coal Measures, but gave no descrip-I'lon of the specimens. The type-species, described from the Loirenbsp;Grand’Eury as Musocarpus prismaticus^, is an ovate seednbsp;nearly 3 cm. long with six longitudinal ribs, three being morenbsp;prominent than the others, and characterised by a ribbed pro-nngation of the base of uniform diameter spoken of as a carpophore,nbsp;ii^hich was apparently articulated to the lower part of the seed-Proper from which it was easily detached by a natural absciss-layer. Nothing is known of the structure or of the affinity ofnbsp;genus. Some specimens in Dr Kidston’s collection fromnbsp;estpkalian beds in Lanarkshire are closely allied to or perhapsnbsp;||^®ntical with M. prismaticus. In the presence of a distinctnbsp;nsal region Musocarpus resembles Codonospermum'^, thoughnbsp;^dhout any knowledge of the anatomy of the former type itnbsp;^Qipossible to say whether or not this resemblance has anynbsp;®^®rpkological importance.

^olcospermum. Nathorst.

g ^'^Icospermum sulcatum (Sternberg). The cast reproduced in 8- 506, A, affords a good example of a form of seed recorded

XVI. figs. 2—4. ongniart (28) A. p. 137.

Grand’Eury (77) A. p. 184, PI. xv. fig. 3.


2 Grand’Eury (77) A. PI.

See page 330.

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under several generic names and not uncommon in Upper Palaeozoic rocks in Europe and North America, which in most cases cannot be assigned to a genus implying the possession of certainnbsp;anatomical characters. This type was figured by Sternberg^ fromnbsp;the Coal Measures of Padnitz as Carpolites sulcatus. Somenbsp;‘fruits’ collected on the beach near Newhaven, Midlothian,nbsp;from the Calciferous Sandstone series, are figured by Lindleynbsp;and Hutton^ as Carpolithes sulcata, but as already stated thesenbsp;have been transferred® to the genus Rhynchogonium. Severalnbsp;authors have referred specimens of the type now included innbsp;Holcospermum to Rhabdocarpus, but that genus, as stated on anbsp;previous page, is restricted to seeds agreeing in form with R-tunicatus. Renault* instituted the genus Colpospermum for anbsp;partially petrified seed from Commentry agreeing externally withnbsp;Carpolites sulcatus Sternb. and regarded by him as specificallynbsp;identical, characterised by longitudinal ribs which represent foldsnbsp;of the testa, the intervening grooves being occupied by an irregularnbsp;reticulum formed by occasionally anastomosing smaller ribs.nbsp;The generic name Colpospermum should therefore be reservednbsp;for ribbed seeds showing the anatomical features described bynbsp;Renault and Zeiller: its application to Sternberg’s species isnbsp;inadvisable on the ground that we have no information withnbsp;regard to the morphological nature of the ribbing. More recentlynbsp;Arber® has proposed the name Platyspermum, a name previouslynbsp;applied to a Cruciferous plant, for Stephanian and Permian seedsnbsp;formerly assigned to Berger’s genus Rhabdocarpus, which arenbsp;symmetrical in two planes. In this genus he includes Platysper-mum sulcatum and among other species P. Kidstoni foundednbsp;on a seed originally identified by Kidston® as Rhabdocarpusnbsp;multistriatus Sternb. which, though probably a distinct species,nbsp;is of the same general type as C. sulcatus Sternb.

The cast represented in fig. 506, A, from the Middle Coal Measures of Yorkshire is 3-5 cm. long and has 18 regular longi'

1 Stemberg (38) A. PI. x. fig. 3.

^ Lindley and Hutton (37) A. PI. 220. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Zalessky (05) p. 119.

* Renault and Zeiller (88) A. p. 652, PI. LXXII. figs. 63—66; Renault (96) A-400; (93) A. PI. Lxxxiv. fig. 3.

^ Arber (14) p. 95, PI. vi. fig. 11.

® Kidston (88) B. PI. xxiii. fig. 4.

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tudinal ribs: it is radially symmetrical and does not conform in this respect to Arber’s definition of Platyspermum. In manynbsp;cases, e.g. the flattened seed figured by Kidston as Ehabdocarfusnbsp;''^ultistriatus, it is impossible to determine the symmetry of thenbsp;®ced. The old generic name Carfolites, CarpoUthes or CarpoUthusnbsp;tas been used in a very wide sense and does not connote any well-*iefined features; it should be reserved, in the form Carpolithusnbsp;Used by Linnaeus, for seeds that cannot be assigned to a systematic position or which do not exhibit any distinctive charactersnbsp;Worthy of emphasis by the institution of a special name. Thenbsp;§6ueric term Holcospermum, recently proposed by Nathorst^, isnbsp;f suitable name for this type of seed; as defined by the author,nbsp;includes seeds that may be radiospermic or platyspermic.nbsp;Specimens of the type-species, dubium‘^,ixom the Lower Carboniferous beds of Spitzbergen, agree closely in size and shape withnbsp;Some examples of Rhynchogonium and Boroviczia, but they arenbsp;'distinguished by prominent ribs extending the whole length ofnbsp;i'Jre cast. In some seeds similar to H. sulcatum the ribs form sharpnbsp;^I'dges, but the difference between rounded and sharp ridges isnbsp;cften determined by the method of preservation; a specimennbsp;deprived of its outer flesh would form a cast more sharply ribbednbsp;ddian a seed in which the sarcotesta had been moulded on to thenbsp;fibbed sclerotesta. On the other hand some ribs are formed bynbsp;fent sclerotestal folds as in Colpospermum: both types of ribbingnbsp;^re included in the genus Holcospermum.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;*

Other Genera.

d^S'lacotesta. Williamson.


This generic name was instituted by Wilhamson® for a petrified ®eed from the Coal Measures of Lancashire which he namednbsp;^^lacotesta oblonga: the type-specimen is a small seed 6—7 mm.nbsp;’^'^8 characterised by a thick fleshy integument. The struc-is however insufficiently known to admit of a satisfactorynbsp;^C'ttiparison of the imperfectly preserved specimen figured by

S'Dison with other types.

^ kathorst (14) p. 28. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Ibid. PI. xv. figs. 53, 54.

b^illiamson (77) B. p. 246, PI. xm. figs. 88—93.

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Thysanotesta. Nathorst.

Nathorst^ founded this genus on a single seed from the Lower Carboniferous plant-beds of Spitzbergen which exhibits featuresnbsp;sufficiently distinctive to justify its recognition as the type ofnbsp;a separate genus.

Thysanotesta sagittula Nathorst. The type-specimen is a long and narrow seed, 20 mm. long, ovate below and prolongednbsp;apically into a slender beak, 8 mm. in length, which probablynbsp;represents a micropylar tube; the beak bears numerous stiffnbsp;hairs (fig. 506, F). The seed closely resembles a carpel of Erodiuwnbsp;without the horizontal part of the awn. There is no evidencenbsp;as to the nature of the parent-plant but the species affords annbsp;interesting example of a Palaeozoic seed apparently adapted fornbsp;wind-dispersal, or possibly the bristles may have served the samenbsp;purpose as in the fruits of Efodium. Attention is called elsewhere®nbsp;to the frequent resemblance of Palaeozoic seeds such as Thysanotesta to fruits of recent flowering plants.

Carpolithus. Linnaeus.

Nathorst® has pointed out that this generic name was employed by Linnaeus for fossil fruits: in the form Carfolites (Sternberg)nbsp;or Carfolithes'^ it has been widely used and differently definednbsp;by authors, usually in a comprehensive sense including fossilnbsp;seeds from both Palaeozoic and Mesozoic strata which cannot benbsp;assigned to a definite position in the plant-kingdom. It is desirablenbsp;to adopt some designation for seeds from strata of different agesnbsp;which do not exhibit any features sufficiently distinctive to justifynbsp;the creation of a special genus. By employing such a name aSnbsp;Carfolithus, without attempting to define its characters withiOnbsp;prescribed hmits, for casts or impressions of seeds which are notnbsp;distinguished by any striking characters and cannot be allocatednbsp;to any particular section of seed-bearing plants the unnecessarynbsp;multiplication of generic titles is avoided: when any additionalnbsp;data are obtained differentiating particular types from other formsnbsp;of Carpolithus the provisional term should be superseded by somenbsp;distinctive generic name. Among seeds from the Coal Measures

1 Nathorst (14) p. 33. PI. xv. figs. 69, 70. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ See page 304.

® Nathorst (14) p. 33. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* Seward (93) A. p. 101.

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Xxxv] CARPOLITHUSnbsp;365

there are several examples of both large and small types without any regular ribs or lacking such features as serve to distinguishnbsp;the genera already described, which are appropriately includednbsp;in Oarpolithus. The two species Carpolithus Wildii Kidst.i andnbsp;bivalvis Goepp.^ are two examples of seeds from Upper Carboni-tsrous rocks which it is desirable to refer to this comprehensivenbsp;genus pending further discoveries as to their morphologicalnbsp;features. The Jurassic species C. conicus Lind, and Hutt.® isnbsp;another type which it has been customary to include in Carpolithus.nbsp;{Aliorospermum. Arber.)

The generic name Microspermum has recently been proposed Arber^ for some Westphalian seeds described by Carpentier®nbsp;feom the North of Trance as Carpolithesl samaroides and fornbsp;Similar fossils from the Middle Coal Measures of Nottingham,nbsp;quot;^he supposed seeds are small, ovate or pyriform bodies, 5—12 mm.


and 2-5—6 mm. broad, with one extremity broadly rounded ®nd the other acute: one side is keeled, the other grooved, andnbsp;^ large foramen occurs near the broader end and on the groovednbsp;surface. Arber emphasises the fact that the specimens are symmetrical in one plane only. As the author of the genus pointsnbsp;the morphological nature of the fossils is not thoroughlynbsp;estabhshed, nor is the parent-plant known. In view of the ill-^efiued characters of the specimens so far discovered it is hardlynbsp;•desirable to institute a new generic name implying their seed-•^ature; moreover Microspermum has previously been employed fornbsp;^ genus of Compositae. An examination of specimens leads menbsp;doubt their seed-nature and it would seem more likely thatnbsp;^®y are foliar organs, possibly bracts which originally bore seeds


examination of some of the specimens of supposed Permian ®®eds for which Geinitz® proposed the generic name Guilelmitesnbsp;f*^iivinced me that they are inorganic structures, probably nodulesnbsp;shale smoothed and ronnded by shckensiding.


2 Kidston (92) p. 8; Arber (14) PI. vn. fig. 28. j Tidaton (86*) B. PI. in. figs. 7 a—c; Berger (48) PI. n. figs. 30, 31.

* Arber (14) pp. 90, 100, PI. vji. figs. 22—27. Carpentier (11) p. 7, PI. XIV. fig. 3.

Ceinitz (62) p. 145, PI. xxv. figs. 7—9; Goeppert (64) A. p. 145.


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The term Cycadophyta, suggested by Nathorst^, is used in a comprehensive sense to include both recent Cycads and thenbsp;much larger number of extinct types which it is customary tonbsp;speak of as Cycadean plants or fossil Cycads. The designationnbsp;‘Cycads’ in the case of the majority of the fossil forms is, however,nbsp;open to criticism on the ground that they differ too widely fromnbsp;existing genera to be associated with them in one class. It wouldnbsp;be pedantic and inconvenient to give up the almost universalnbsp;practice of extending the term Cycad beyond the Kmits definednbsp;by the characters of recent species. The important point is tonbsp;adopt some classification which gives expression to our views aSnbsp;to the degree of affinity between recent and extinct types. In anbsp;considerable number of cases, especially impressions of presumablynbsp;Cycadean fronds and stems that occur without any fertile shoots,nbsp;it is impossible to determine the degree of relationship to modernnbsp;types. It was with a view to a rational group-designation fornbsp;such fossils that Nathorst proposed the term Cycadophyta,nbsp;including in it the two classes Cycadales and Bennettitales. Th®nbsp;Cycadales comprise the recent genera and such extinct types aSnbsp;may legitimately be included in the same class, but as we shallnbsp;see later there are hardly any fossil species that can be assignednbsp;to this section on thoroughly satisfactory grounds. The termnbsp;Bennettitales is used by Engler, Nathorst, and several othernbsp;authors as a class-designation for a large number of Mesozomnbsp;Cycads agreeing in their more important morphological charactersnbsp;with the Lower Cretaceous stems on which Carruthers^ founded

Nathorst (02) p. 3.

2 Carruthers (70) p. 694.

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the genus Bennettites, placing it in a new tribe, the Bennettiteae. Some authors have followed Carruthers in the use of the family-Qame Bennettiteae for a subdivision of the Cycadales equal innbsp;lank to the Cycadaceae, while others, wishing to give greaternbsp;emphasis to the difference between the extinct and recent plants,nbsp;prefer to adopt the class-name Bennettitales. Carruthers regardednbsp;bennettites as occupying the same position in relation to othernbsp;Cycads as Taxus holds with regard to the cone-bearing membersnbsp;the Coniferae. The adoption of Bennettitales is intended tonbsp;r^onvey the impression that the class is more distantly related tonbsp;the recent Cycads than is implied by the analogy of Taxus.nbsp;hTathorstr, as the result of his discovery of certain reproductivenbsp;organs associated with some Ehaetic fronds described as Bioonitesnbsp;^Vectabilis, proposed a third subdivision, the Dioonitales, but henbsp;subsequently^ restored the fronds to their original designationnbsp;^ilssonia fterofhylloides, and on further examination found thatnbsp;the supposed microspore-bearing organs were seeds. Nilssonianbsp;VteropJiylloides would therefore find a more natural place in thenbsp;^lass Nilssoniales instituted by Thomas®.


t^ycadeoidea. Buckland.

In 1827 Buckland^ proposed the generic name Cycadeoidea for ®erne petrified stems from the Purbeck beds in the Isle of Portlandnbsp;published a description of two species, Cycadeoidea megalo-'P^lla and C. microphylla. Brongniart® considered Buckland’snbsp;term Cycadeoidea inappropriate and proposed in its place Mantellia,nbsp;the type-species being Mantellia nidiformis Brongn., the Portlandnbsp;®tem which Buckland a month or two later called independentlynbsp;Cycadeoidea megalophylla. Subsequently Brongniart® withdrewnbsp;^cintellia as it had been previously used by Parkinson for anbsp;sponge and substituted Cycadites. Some years later Carruthers’nbsp;’^^vived Mantellia for a type of Cycadean stem from Portland

^ Nathorst (02) p. 23. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ ^^id. (092) pp. 21, 23.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Thomas and Bancroft (13) p. 196.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Bnckland (27) Proc. Oeol. Soc. London, Vol. i. No. 8, p. 80; (28).

' Brongniart (28) A. p. 96. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“ Ibid. (49) A. p. 69.

’ Carruthers (70) p. 678.

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thougli one species, apparently indistinguishable from those referred to Mantellia, he named Bennettites portlandicus. Therenbsp;is no adequate reason for the retention of the generic namenbsp;Mantellia. The close resemblance of the short and thick stemsnbsp;(12—30 cm. in height) described by Buckland to those of somenbsp;recent Cycads was recognised by Eobert Brown and Loddigesnbsp;and the former suggested to Buckland the inclusion of the fossilsnbsp;in a new family Cycadeoideae. It was this suggestion that lednbsp;Buckland to adopt Cycadeoidea as a generic name. In a laternbsp;account of the Portland stems Buckland^, in deference to Brong-niart’s opinion, substituted Brongniart’s name Cycadites fornbsp;Cycadeoidea. It is noteworthy that no reference is made in thenbsp;original description to the occurrence of lateral shoots among thenbsp;persistent petiole-bases that encase the Portland stems, but ionbsp;a later account such shoots are represented in one of the figurednbsp;stems and are compared with the buds occasionally produced ounbsp;stems of Cycas^. The subsequent researches of Carruthers®nbsp;demonstrated the reproductive nature of precisely similar lateralnbsp;shoots in the stem on which he founded the genus Bennettites-The generic name Echinostifes given by PomeP, who had a passionnbsp;for instituting new nomenclature, to Buckland’s Portland stemsnbsp;has not been adopted: his genus Crossozamia proposed for certainnbsp;stems and fronds was revived by Carruthers® but has not beennbsp;generally used. A further comphcation in the nomenclature ofnbsp;Cycadean stems was introduced by Saporta’s institution® ofnbsp;Bulbopodium and Cylindropodium: in the former genus he includednbsp;the small ovoid stem figured by Bindley and Hutton as CycO''nbsp;deoidea pygmaea’’ and two Prench Jurassic species which migh1nbsp;reasonably be assigned to Cycadeoidea. To Cylindropodium wer®nbsp;referred some large Prench stems from Jurassic strata: an examina'nbsp;tion of the type-specimens in Paris convinced me that they ai®nbsp;typical forms of Cycadeoidea. As Ward® has pointed out, bothnbsp;Saporta’s genera may be merged in Cycadeoidea. Fhche and

1 Buckland (37) p. 496, Pis. lx., lxi.


^ Ibid. (28), PL LXI. fig. 1. A specimen in the Oxford Museum may be tb® original of Buckland’s figure.

® Carruthers (70). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Pomel (49) p. 16.

e Saporta (75) A. pp. 256, 265, Pis. 118, 119. ’ Bindley and LIutton (35) A. PI. 143.

® Carruthers (70) P-


Ward (94).

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Zeiller^ also include the small globular stems named by Saporta ^'ulbo'podium in the older genus Cycadeoidea: one such type fromnbsp;Portlandian of Boulogne is described by these authors asnbsp;Cycadeoidea pumila. Saporta also proposed the name Platylepis^,nbsp;type-species being Cycadeoidea micromyela Mor., from thenbsp;Lias of Calvados, which has recently been investigated by Lignier®nbsp;^ho wisely adopts Morière’s designation. Another unnecessarynbsp;§6Qeric name is Schizopodium given by Morière to a stem, S.nbsp;^^naulti^^ regarded by Lignier as indistinguishable specificallynbsp;i^J’orn C. micromyela.

The two names Cycadeoidea and Bennettites have been used authors for stems which are unquestionably generically



®ntical and as is often the case much confusion has been caused


O---- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-

®ster Ward, a staunch advocate of the rule of priority, repeatedly Pointed out that Buckland’s name Cycadeoidea should takenbsp;precedence of Bennettites on the ground that stems for whichnbsp;ese genera were instituted are clearly of the same type, and henbsp;^*ided that the older genus, though abandoned by its author,nbsp;'Cannot be given up without violating the inexorable rules ofnbsp;priority. On the other hand it has been urged that the genusnbsp;^'^nettites as defined by Carruthers is characterised by thenbsp;P'^ssession of (i) fertile shoots bearing strobili and (ii) vegetativenbsp;^^Sa-ns exhibiting certain anatomical characters. Buckland’snbsp;^Pocies of Cycadeoidea, though bearing lateral shoots, are not wellnbsp;j^origh preserved to afford definite information as to the morpho-amp;cal features of the strobih, nor have we satisfactory datanbsp;fe ^ ^®§ard to the degree of resemblance between the vegetativenbsp;^^atures of Bennettites and the Portland stems. Carruthers laidnbsp;OSS on the elliptical section of the stele in Bennettites in contrastnbsp;cyhndrical cyhnder of Buckland’s Cycadeoidea trunks.nbsp;^ soquent research has shown that this difference is not in itselfnbsp;Xalid criterion either of generic or specific rank but, as Wielandnbsp;p ’ It is an open question to what extent the stem structure ofnbsp;and Bennettites agrees. The probabihty is that werenbsp;^ knowledge of the Portland stems less incomplete, they would

rough the failure of palaeobotanists to arrive at an agreement.

^ Fliche and Zeiller (04). ” lagnier (01).

S. m

2 Saporta (75) A. p. 276, PI. 120. « Ibid. (13) p. 93.


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be found to possess no anatomical features inconsistent with this generic union. Granting the correctness of this view, the adoptionnbsp;of the later generic term would be a reasonable course to follownbsp;on the ground that it stands for stems showing well preservednbsp;structure, while Cycadeoidea was in the first instance applied tonbsp;stems showing only partially preserved stumps of strobili, and thenbsp;name was not retained by its author. Graf Solms-Laubach^nbsp;and some other authors have used Bennettites for Cycadean stemsnbsp;possessing strobili of known structure such as those of Bennettitesnbsp;Gibsonianus, reserving Cycadeoidea for similar stems but withoutnbsp;strobili sufficiently well preserved to afford evidence of morphological characters. This practice I followed in 1895^, but mynbsp;usage of the two generic names has not been consistent, the namenbsp;Cycadeoidea being afterwards employed® in a more comprehensivenbsp;sense. The investigation of the reproductive shoots of Americannbsp;Lower Cretaceous and Upper Jurassic Cycadean sterns^ hasnbsp;demonstrated the practical identity of their ovulate strobili withnbsp;those of the English Bennettites. It is clear that the Americannbsp;stems as well as numerous specimens from Italy and other European localities are generically inseparable from Bennettites. Thenbsp;adoption of Cycadeoidea by Wieland, following Ward, has naturallynbsp;strengthened the claim of Buckland’s genus at least so far aSnbsp;wide usage is concerned, and with some reluctance I proposenbsp;to fall in with this terminology and for the sake of convenience tonbsp;give up the use of Bennettites. Among Mesozoic Cycadean sternsnbsp;agreeing with those of recent genera in habit and in the presencenbsp;of an armour of persistent leaf-bases are several which affordnbsp;no evidence either of the occurrence of fertile shoots or of lateralnbsp;shoots with terminal flowers. To such stems, the name Cycadeoideanbsp;has been applied, the designation Bennettites being restrictednbsp;stems with lateral fertile shoots: this practice of treating

absence of reproductive shoots as a characteristic feature

C^/cadeofdea is regarded by Wieland as illogical and artificial; and if, as seems probable, he is correct in believing that the majoritynbsp;of the Mesozoic Cycadean plants culminated their vegetativ®nbsp;period by prolific development of flowers, the absence of flowering

^ Solms-Laubach (91). 3 Ibid. (04) B. p. 44.

^ Seward (95) A. p. 139. * Wieland (06).

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branches would he contingent on a certain stage of development ^Qd not a generic character. Dr Slopes^ has recently publishednbsp;facts with regard to the anatomical features of Cycadean stemsnbsp;^hich have a bearing on the vexed question of nomenclature,nbsp;but are more important from a morphological point of view asnbsp;they indicate a closer agreement between certain types of Lowernbsp;b'retaceous stems and those of Öycas and other recent genera, innbsp;^hich successive rings of vascular tissue are developed, than hasnbsp;previously been recognised. In her diagnosis of Cymdeoideanbsp;®be includes the following statement; ‘In its internal anatomynbsp;fbe trunk shows two or more (up to eight are recorded) zones ofnbsp;Secondary wood, the zones composed of distinct series of tracheidsnbsp;each more or less regularly arranged in radial sequence.’ It isnbsp;claimed that the addition of this character constitutes for thenbsp;^rst time a clear distinction between Cycadeoidea and Bennettites.




r Stopes states that the two stems on which Buckland founded fhe genus Cycadeoidea are lost and adds that Buckland’s typenbsp;Us Certain anatomical features which are not found in Bennettites.nbsp;^iickland in his description of C. microphylla states that therenbsp;two laminated circles’ in the stem instead of the usual singlenbsp;cylinder, a character suggestive of Cycas. In the original figurenbsp;this species there are no indications of any lateral fertile shootsnbsp;°ugh, as Dr Stopes says, many of the Portland stems undoubtedlynbsp;possessed such flowers. This author makes no reference to Buck-up s later description of C. microphylla: in this it is statednbsp;ut the stem bears numerous buds rising from the axillae ofnbsp;petioles, and these are shown in the illustration^. Without accessnbsp;actual specimen it is impossible to say whether or not thenbsp;laminated circles’ described and figured by Buckland^ arenbsp;0 distinct cylinders or parts of one cylinder separated by thenbsp;^ tration of some inorganic substance. In his description ofnbsp;y^deoidea Yatesii Carruthers spoke of the occurrence of two

ers of wood, and this was confirmed in a subsequent account type-specimen*. Dr Stopes gives a fuller account of Car-type and re-confirms the existence of two vascular

^ Stopes (15) p. 309.

^ Buckland (.37) A. Vol. Ii. p. 98, PI. LXi. fig. 1.

Ibid. (28) PI. XLix. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* Seward (95) A. p. 166.


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cylinders; she also describes a new species, C. buzzardensis^ (fig. 578), in which there are 3—8 or more cyhnders. Neithernbsp;of these stems affords any evidence of the possession of fertilenbsp;shoots; they agree closely with stems of the BucMandia typenbsp;in their comparatively slender habit and differ in this respectnbsp;from Buckland’s Portland species. The occurrence of more thannbsp;one vascular cylinder in the stems Cycadeoidea (= BucMandia)nbsp;Yatesii and C. {= BucMandia) huzzardensis suggests the possibihtynbsp;that this feature was characteristic of other species includednbsp;in BucMandia.

It is clear that some at least of the stems referred to the genus BucMandia bore flowers of the Williamsonia type^, and it is notnbsp;improbable that the stems described by Dr Stopes as Cycadeoideanbsp;Yatesii and C. huzzardensis (fig. 578) possessed fertile shootsnbsp;comparable with those of the Middle Jurassic species W. gigo^^-Dr Stopes’s contribution, while establishing a close agreementnbsp;in anatomical features between some Lower Cretaceous stems andnbsp;those of Cycas, does not warrant the further conclusion that thesenbsp;stems were in other morphological characters closely alhed tonbsp;modern Cycads. The main features of Cycadeoidea maynbsp;summarised as follows: The principal trunk is generally un-branched (fig. 507) and identical in habit with some species ofnbsp;Macrozamia, Dioon, and Encephalartos (cf. figs. 379, 382);nbsp;some species, e.g. Cycadeoidea Marshiana, C. superba^, C. nana ?nbsp;the plant is represented by several approximately equal, thick;nbsp;tuberous stems, in some cases easily separated from one another-a similar clustered habit is exhibited by certain forms of Enc^'nbsp;phalartos. The size of a Cycadeoidea trunk varies from a f®''^nbsp;centimetres in length with a diameter of similar dimensions,nbsp;in C. pumila, to over a metre long as in C. gigantea (fig. 535);nbsp;or as much as 3—4 metres in C. Jenneyana with a diameter onbsp;about half a metre. The surface is covered with persistent 1®®'^nbsp;bases, exactly as in many recent Cycads, embedded in a tbi®f^nbsp;mass of ramental scales which often stand out as a promine^^nbsp;reticulum, the petioles having partially decayed before the peir®nbsp;tration of the mineralising solution through their harder tissu®®

1 Stopes (15) p..309.

“ Wieland (06) Pis. vi.—xiii.

^ See page 425.

^ Ibid. (12) p. 88, fig. 10-

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• «07. Cycadeoidm marylandica. The first American stem to be described. On the side of the stem shown in the photograph there are about 30 youngnbsp;strobUi scattered among the leaf-bases. (After Wieland; J nat. size.)

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(fig. 507). On the conioal terminal bud preserved in some stems (fig. 536) the foliage-leaves are replaced by linear scales. Thenbsp;leaf-bases often show the vascular bundles which form a simplernbsp;system than in the majority of recent species, their arrangementnbsp;being, as Wieland says, more Fern-like; they form a series ofnbsp;collateral strands following the outline of the petiole-base ^ with anbsp;U-shaped invagination in the middle of the upper face (fig. 517, A).nbsp;Beyond the structure of the bundles at the base of the fronds andnbsp;in the cortex of the stem our knowledge of the anatomy of thenbsp;vascular supply of the rachises is very meagre. At the petiole-base each bundle consists either entirely of radial rows of centrifugal scalariform tracheids and medullary rays usually one-cellnbsp;broad (fig. 519, B) or of centrifugal and centripetal xylemnbsp;in varying proportions. The ground-tissue is well suppliednbsp;with large secretory canals and in the larger leaf-bases therenbsp;is a considerable development of periderm at the surfacenbsp;(fig. 517, B) as in recent Cycads. The ramenta formed fromnbsp;the epidermal cells consist in most species of fairly broad scalesnbsp;one-cell thick at the edges and broader in the middle; innbsp;Cycadeoidea nigra^ they are generally one-cell thick throughoutnbsp;and similar ramenta are common in C. Gibsoniana (fig. 517, B).nbsp;In C. micromyela unicellular hairs replace the scaly ramenta,nbsp;but transitional forms occur between hairs and scales. Idnbsp;Williamsonia scotica (fig. 562) and in an Indian species of thatnbsp;genus the ramenta are exclusively long hairs as in recent Cycads,nbsp;the scale-form of the ramenta in Cycadeoidea being a Fern-character.nbsp;The degree of development of the ramental tissue varies in differentnbsp;species; in G. Stilwelli and C. excelsa it is feebly developed while iDnbsp;Cycadeoidea micromyela the ramenta almost cover the exposednbsp;leaf-base armour. The exceptional abundance of the ramentalnbsp;scales is a striking characteristic of some American stems referrednbsp;to a separate genus, Cycadella^. In the abundance of the ramentalnbsp;tissue, in the compact structure of the well protected cones, andnbsp;in the thickly cuticularised epidermis of the bracts and leavesnbsp;Cycadeoidea exhibits xerophilous characters in a very high degree.

1 Wieland (06) p. 63, fig. 33.

* See Wieland (06) for additional facts and illustrations.

® See page 417.

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With very few exceptions the stems of Cycadeoidea so far •iescribed afford no satisfactory evidence of the presence of morenbsp;than one vascular cylinder in the main stem: in this respectnbsp;Cycadeoidea agrees with such recent Cycads as Dioon, Ceratozamia,nbsp;^nd Stangeria. In the stem of 0. Jenneyana the secondary


508. Cycadeoidea Wielandi. Transverse sections of the secondary xylem of the stem. A, the middle region; B, the inner edge of the xylem. (Afternbsp;Wieland; x 100.)

^s-seular tissue reaches a considerable thickness and shows signs rings’ in the xylem, hut these are probably the result of somenbsp;Periodic interference with the uniform growth and not an indication of more than one xylem-cylinder. The secondary xylemnbsp;'Ogs. 508, 509) consists only of centrifugal traeheids with somenbsp;spiral elements on the inner edge; though manoxylic, Cycadeoidea

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has more compact wood than that of recent Cycads; the medullary rays are 1—2 cells broad except near the perimedullary regionnbsp;where they are broader and the individual cells are tangentiallynbsp;stretched (fig. 508, B). The tracheids are scalariform, but innbsp;C. micromyela, an exceptional type, some of the xylem-elementsnbsp;have 1—2 rows of separate bordered pits (fig. 538). The phloem


Fig. .509. Cycadeoidea Wielandi. Tangential section of secondary xylero of the stem. (After Wieland; x 100.)

(fig. 518, B) is characterised by an alternation of thick-wallet elements and thinner cells From the main stele branches arenbsp;given off to supply the flowering shoots in the form of a cylindricalnbsp;stele like that of the primary axis, and each leaf-trace arises as anbsp;single bundle which, in the form of a U-shaped strand (fig. 519, A);

1 Wieland (06) p. 76; Capellini and Solms-Laubach (92) PI. v. fig- 6.

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pursues a straight course to the leaf-base (fig. 510) where it breaks up into several branches (fig. 538, B). Both leaf-trace


510. Cycadeoidea sp. A piece of stem showing (A) the persistent leaf-bases in side-view and at b the scars where the bases have broken off, and (B)nbsp;the inner face of the same piece with the exposed leaf-traces passing intonbsp;the leaves; one of the traces is seen at t in fig. A. (From a specimen in thenbsp;British Museum; J nat. size.)

Pig. 511.

Cycadeoidea Gibsoniana. Stele in the cortex. (British Museum, 8406.)

peduncle stele are given off from the lower edge of a medullary ray. In the parenchymatous cortex large secretory canals (%• 518, B) are a conspicuous feature, and acaessory cortical

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steles similar to those in Cycas occasionally occur (fig. 511). The large pith consists of parenchyma and secretory canals^ andnbsp;internal periderm^ may he present; no medullary bundles havenbsp;been discovered.

Fig. 512. Cycadeoidea ingens. Transverse section of a young frond, above th® tip of the rachis, embedded in ramenta. The rachis is situated on the upp®ïnbsp;side of the two ranks of pinnae. The arrow points towards the axis of ft®nbsp;stem. (After Wieland; x 4.)

The correlation of the numerous fronds^ preserved in Meso' zoic strata with their parent-stems is seldom possible. Itnbsp;known that leaves of the Zamites type were borne on stemsnbsp;(Bucklandia) agreeing with Cycadeoidea in certain features butnbsp;1 Capellini and Solms-Laubach (92) PI. v. fig. 2.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ See Chapter xxxix.

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differing in the habit of the fertile shoots (fig? 542), and there is evidence that similar stems bore Ptilophyllum and Dictyozamitesnbsp;fronds^^; but only unexpanded leaves have been found in actualnbsp;Connexion with Cycadeoidea stems. Wieland^ discovered youngnbsp;pinnate fronds, agreeing in the form of the pinnae with Zamitesnbsp;s-ud Avith some forms of Encephalartos, embedded in a thick massnbsp;of ramental scales in the terminal bud of a stem: the rachisesnbsp;^ere erect and the two-ranked pinnae imbricate and foldednbsp;inwards (fig. 512), the vernation being hke that of Dioon and notnbsp;oircinate as in Cycas and Ferns. The mesophyll of the leatherynbsp;pinnae is differentiated into palisade and lacunar parenchyma,nbsp;nnd the bundles are said to be ‘mesarch’ though on this pointnbsp;Oiore information is desirable. Each bundle is surrounded bynbsp;® sheath of thick-walled cells and the same tissue forms I-shapednbsp;girders as in similar recent leaves. In one species, Cycadellanbsp;the rachis of a young frond found among the leaf-i^ases had a broad U-shaped vascular strand.

In most Cycadeoidea stems a characteristic feature is the Occurrence of reduced leaves, or bracts, arranged spirally aboutnbsp;Cone which sometimes projects slightly beyond the general levelnbsp;of the persistent leaf-bases, or the cones may be fully developednbsp;still more or less hidden within the armour of petiole-basesnbsp;(%¦ 517, C). These cones, or flowers, are borne at the apex ofnbsp;lateral axillary shoots, and it is characteristic of the genus thatnbsp;they never project more than a very short distance beyonS thenbsp;^luncate stumps of the old leaf-bases. The axis of a floweringnbsp;'ranch bears numerous linear, hairy, bracts (flgs. 513; 514, h)nbsp;'^'liich with their thick felt of ramenta constitute an efficientnbsp;protective investment. The summit of a fertile shoot forms anbsp;rounded hemispherical cushion (fig. 514), or the receptacle maynbsp;l^c more elongate and conical (fig. 513) and in some species pyri-lorm^. The flowers are generally bisporangiate, but the factnbsp;I'lrat in flowers with mature microsporophylls the ovules are smallnbsp;^rid apparently immature (fig. 513) makes it difficult to determinenbsp;''^fiether the megasporophylls are merely immature or functionlessnbsp;in the male flower of Welwitschia {cf. fig. 818). It would

^ See page 489. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Wieland (99); (06) p. 87.

^ Wieland in Ward (05) B. p. 200, H. LXin. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Wieland (14).

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seem, however, that in most cases the flowers were bisexual^ (fig. 513). A remarkable feature is the enormous number ofnbsp;flowers on a single stem; in Oycadeoidea Dartoni^, 54 cm.nbsp;long and 35 cm. broad, 500—600 flowers were counted on one

Bie. 513. Cycadeoidea. Restoration of an unexpanded bisporangiate strobilu® with some of the hairy bracts removed. Compare Cycadeoidea dacotenst^^nbsp;figs. 529, 530. (After Wieland; ca nat. size.)

side. On the other hand the large stem of C. gigantea (fig. 536) shows no flowers. All the flowers on a single trunk are approxi'nbsp;mately in the same stage of development: it would seem, a®

1 The flowers are frequently described as protandrous but, as Dr Scott pointed out to me, we have no definite evidence on this point.

^ Wieland (ID) p. 134; Coulter and Chamberlain (10) p. 67, fig. 55.

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XXXVl] nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;CYCADEOIDBA

Wieland points out, that after a vegetative period of some considerable duration the plant produced a large crop of flowers, and it is conceivable that as in CorypJict and some other recent Flowering

plants this supreme efiort set a limit to the plant s existence, i-ii the development of flowers from the old stem Cycadeoideanbsp;^-fiords a striking example of cauliflory.

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The structure of the flowers is one of the most obvious differences between Cycadeoidea and recent Cycads {cf. figs. 393, 394). The bisexual flowers of the fossil stems are comparatively small,nbsp;not exceeding a few centimetres in length, like a hen’s egg ornbsp;a medium-sized pear and in marked contrast to the male andnbsp;female cones of modern Cycads (cf. figs. 393, 394). A verticil ofnbsp;pinnate microsporophylls is attached by a circular collar formednbsp;of the concrescent bases of the sporophylls to the lower portionnbsp;of the receptacle; each pinnule bears several shortly-stalkednbsp;synangia divided into loculi containing microspores usually withnbsp;smooth walls and similar, except in their larger size, to those ofnbsp;modern Cycads (fig. 532). Sections of some microspores figurednbsp;by Wieland^ show what appear to be cells in the spore-cavity,nbsp;but they are larger than ordinary prothallial cells and their truenbsp;nature is doubtful. We lack information both as regards thenbsp;nature of the male gametes and the tissue formed on the germination of the spores. The free portions of the microsporophyll-whorl may consist of as many as 20 pinnate sporophylls, but thenbsp;number is generally smaller; these are much longer than thenbsp;ovulate part of the flower and in an immature state the ends ofnbsp;the sporophylls are bent inwards and downwards (fig. 513) betweennbsp;the bracts and the receptacle. After expanding and sheddingnbsp;the spores the whole male disc is thrown off leaving a narrow rimnbsp;below the hemispherical or conical receptacle (fig. 514, d). Thenbsp;sterile distal end of a microsporophyll is generally slightly expandednbsp;and spathulate; in G. colossalis^ it bears a parr of wing-likenbsp;appendages (fig. 533).

The upper part of the receptacle is covered with two kinds of organs which together form a layer of uniform depth; these arenbsp;believed to be homologous, foliar structures; the majority are sterilenbsp;and have the form of slender long and narrow appendages (fig. 514)nbsp;each normally with a single axial vascular strand. These so-callednbsp;interseminal scales increase in breadth in the apical region and formnbsp;polygonal summits less than a millimetre in breadth or exceedingnbsp;2 mm. The low pyramidal apices of the interseminal scales givenbsp;a mosaic-hke appearance to the surface of the ovulate receptaclenbsp;(fig. 515). In the lower part of the receptacle these sterilenbsp;1 Wieland (06) p, 160, fig. 84.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^

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sporophylls are the only appendages, but over the greater part of the receptacle they are intermixed with a smaller number ofnbsp;similar appendages which bear a single terminal orthotropousnbsp;ovule (fig. 514, s). Each ovule-bearing organ or megasporophyllnbsp;(seed-stalk) is surrounded by 5—6 interseminal scales, and thenbsp;narrow cylindrical micropylar tubes are readily distinguished

10- 515. Cycadeoidea sp. Surface-view of a young ovulate strobilus showing the swollen ends of interseminal scales grouped about the circular micropyles.nbsp;(After Wieland; x 10.)

from the’sterile sporophylls in surface-view (figs. 516, 564). The ®oeds appear to be exalbuminous and the embryo is dicotyledonousnbsp;(figs. 516, 521, 623)1. The seeds are very small in comparisonnbsp;I'^ith those of living Cycads. The structure of the megasporo-Pfiylls, both sterile and fertile, is described in more detail in thenbsp;account of Cycadeoidea Morierei and other forms. Fig. 516 repre-®onts a longitudinal section of one of the smallest seeds of Cyca-^idea, between' 3 and 4 mm. long; an embryo occupies thenbsp;1 See also Wieland (11^) p. 152, fig. 9.

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greater part of the seed-cavity: the micropylar tube is formed of three layers, a strong inner palisade-layer, a thin middle layer,nbsp;and an outer palisade-tissue, the interior of the tube being fillednbsp;with parenchyma; at the shoulder of thenbsp;seed above the root-end of the embryo thenbsp;surface of the testa is characterised by 5—6nbsp;wings formed by the radial extension ofnbsp;palisade-cells. After the shedding of thenbsp;spores and the abscission of the microsporo-phylls the flowering shoot probably increasednbsp;slightly in length, thus pushing the ripeningnbsp;seeds beyond the ends of the surroundingnbsp;leaf-bases. The ripe flowers were eventuallynbsp;cut off by an absciss-layer immediately belownbsp;the receptacle (figs. 521, 0, a\ 522, a), largenbsp;cuplike depressions being left on the surfacenbsp;of the stem (fig. 534). The ovulate cone onnbsp;which the species Cycadeoidea Morierei isnbsp;founded probably represents the conditionnbsp;of a naturally detached flower of a Gyca-deoidea. It is possible that the detachednbsp;flowers freed from their encircling bractsnbsp;may have been edible, the small seeds beingnbsp;dispersed by animal agency.

The splendid petrified stem, Cycadeoidea etrusca Cap.^, one of the treasures of the Bologna Museum, was found on a tombnbsp;20 miles west of that city where it was doubtless placed by thenbsp;Etruscans who obtained it from the Upper Jurassic scaly claysnbsp;in the Apennine Hills. It was in an imperfectly preservednbsp;flower of this fossil that Graf Solms-Laubach discovered somenbsp;microspores, but it was not until Wieland’s examination of thenbsp;more complete American stems that information was obtainednbsp;as to the spore-bearing organs. Another Italian stem, Cyca'nbsp;deoidea montiana Cap., was described in 1753 as a ‘congeries ofnbsp;barnacles^.’ The specimen named by Goeppert Raumeria Reichen'

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Capellini and Solms-Laubacli (92); Ward (96) p. 505.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ward (96) PI. civ.

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bachiana'^ was described in the middle of the eighteenth century as mass of Hiffurites or coral cups; this was found in a swamp innbsp;Galicia and is now one of the most striking objects in the Dresdennbsp;Museum; a brief account of it is given on page 409. In 1859nbsp;Tyson discovered two large trunks in the Potomac beds of Maryland for which Fontaine subsequently proposed the name Tysonianbsp;’’^rylandica^, but as Ward pointed out the species is clearly anbsp;^ycadeoidea (fig. 507). In 1894 Lester Ward® recorded severalnbsp;additional stems from Tyson’s locahty. It is, however, from thenbsp;Slack Hills of Dakota, an isolated spur of the Rocky Mountains,nbsp;formed of older rocks encircled by Lower Cretaceous strata^,nbsp;fliat the greatest number of Cycadean trunks have been obtained:nbsp;fte magnificent collection now in the Yale Museum is largelynbsp;'foe to the energy and munificence of the late Prof. Marsh. Fromnbsp;file Upper Jurassic beds in Carbon Co., Wyoming®, several stemsnbsp;liave been collected, and a preliminary study of their externalnbsp;features led Ward to institute 20 species of a new genus CycadeUa.nbsp;®tems have also been discovered in the Freezout Hills of Wyomingnbsp;^nd additional specimens have been found in the Potomac forma-fion of Maryland. The discovery of over 1000 specimens ofnbsp;flycadean stems in the Lower Cretaceous and Upper Jurassicnbsp;fi^ds of a few locahties in the United States bears striking testi-iHony to the abundance of these extinct Gymnosperms during thenbsp;latter part of the Mesozoic era. It is perhaps true that, as Lesternbsp;^ard wrote, ‘Cycads are to the vegetable kingdom what Öino-®^iirs are to the animal, each representing the culmination innbsp;Mesozoic times of the ruling Dynasties in the fife of their age®.’nbsp;j^lthough the number of stems obtained from European countriesnbsp;relatively small, the abundance of specimens in the Uppernbsp;Turassic strata of the Isle of Portland and Northern Italy andnbsp;fteir occurrence in Belgium L France, Germany, Austria, Poland,nbsp;ndia and elsewhere, together with an abundance of Cycadeannbsp;Jonds in practically all Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous plant-®aring beds, demonstrate the dominant position of the Ben-

® Ward (94®).

® Ward (05) B.

^ Ward (04); Wieland (08).

Fontaine (89) B. p. 193, Pis. CLXxiv,—OLXXX.

For an account of the stratigraphy, see Ward (94®). Ibid. (00).nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;’ Coemans (66).

S. Ill


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nettitales. The occurrence of the genus Williamsonia in many European localities as well as in India, Afghanistan, and othernbsp;countries, and the not infrequent occurrence of stems assigned tonbsp;Bucklandia, Yatesia, Cylindropodium, and other genera furnishnbsp;evidence of the rich development of the Bennettitales in laternbsp;Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous floras. Wieland’s recent discovery^nbsp;of numerous Cycadean fronds, Williamsonia flowers, and stems iunbsp;Liassic rocks in Mexico shows that the group had already assumednbsp;an important position in the early part of the Jurassic period.

The memoir by Carruthers^ on British Cycadean stems contains the first account of the morphological features of Bennettitaleannbsp;flowers based on petrified material. In 1891 Solms-Laubachnbsp;contributed an important paper on the Bennettitean flowernbsp;and several years later Lignier® contributed additional datanbsp;derived from a careful study of a well preserved strobilus^ fromnbsp;the Gault of Normandy. Wieland’s researches ® added verynbsp;greatly to our knowledge, particularly with regard to the morphology of the microsporophylls. Among the earlier descriptionsnbsp;of the reproductive organs of the Bennettitales is Buckland’snbsp;account® of a specimen from the Inferior Oolite of Charmouth,nbsp;Dorset (fig. 560), which he referred to the genus PodocaryC'nbsp;(= Williamsonia BucklandP): a thorough examination of the type-specimen, which unfortunately cannot be found, would probablynbsp;furnish many important facts.

\Cycadeoidea {Bennettites) Gibsoniana {Garruthers).

(Cycadeoidea {Bennettites) Saxhyana {Brown).

These two species serve to illustrate the type of stem for which Carruthers instituted the tribe Bennettiteae and the genusnbsp;Bennettites. Bennettites Gibsonianus is the most important of thenbsp;five species described by Carruthers®, as it was from its fertile shootsnbsp;that information was first obtained as to the nature of the ovulatenbsp;strobili of the Bennettitales. B. Saxbyanus^, originally described

1 Wieland (13). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Carruthers (10)-

3 Lignier (94®). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* See page 395.

3 Wieland (06). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* Buckland (37).nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;’ See page 448.

3 Carruthers (70).

3 Ibid. p. 698; for other references, see Seward (95) A. 139.

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xxxvi] CYCADBOIDBAnbsp;387

Cycadites Saxbyanus from a specimen found by Mr Saxby at Boncburcb in tbe Isle of Wight and represented by Wealdennbsp;examples from Brook Point, is chiefly interesting for the clearnbsp;preservation of the anatomical features of the stem. Three othernbsp;Species were also described by Carruthers; they are: Bennettitesnbsp;^ximus Carr., a large stem similar to B. Saxbyanus, in the Museumnbsp;the Geological Survey; B. fortlandicus from the Lower Purbecknbsp;the Isle of Portland, in the collection of the Geological Society;nbsp;^nd B. Peachianus, a piece of a compressed stem, in the Britishnbsp;Museum, from the Upper Jurassic of Helmsdale in N.E. Scotland.

^ycadeoidea {Bennettites) Gibsoniana.

This species was founded on a petrified portion of a large of Lower Greensand age discovered by Mr Gibson in Luccomb

fio - nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^

ol7. Cycadeoidea Gibsoniana. A, transverse section of petiole showing ’'^ascular bundles and ramenta; B, portion of A enlarged showing peridermnbsp;^ad ramenta. C, tangential section of stem with leaf-bases, ramenta (black)nbsp;^ad two flowers, 1, 2.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(A, slightly enlarged, Manchester Collection, R, 1069;

C- after Carruthers.)


. 'le in tjjg jgjg Qf Wight: the type-specimen is represented by b|®ces of the original block in the British Museum and in onenbsp;Museums at the Royal Gardens, Kew. The following


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description is based partly on tbe published accounts and in part on an examination of sections in the British Museum, the Manchester University Museum, and in Dr Scott’s collection.

The elliptical form of the stem and vascular cylinder as seen in transverse section, regarded by Carruthers^ as a feature characteristic of the genus, has no morphological significance and is innbsp;part at least due to compression. In the large pith, the armournbsp;of persistent petiole-bases separated by dense ramental scalesnbsp;(fig. 517, A, B), and in habit, Cycadeoidea Gibsoniana agreesnbsp;generally with the stems of many recent Cycads, but the resemblance of the vegetative organs is in marked contrast to thenbsp;differences exhibited by the reproductive shoots. The pith consists of parenchyma with scattered secretory ducts but nonbsp;medullary vascular bundles. In the pith of Cycadeoidea Peachiananbsp;there are patches of tissue superficially resembling vascular strands,nbsp;but these are probably bands of internal phloem like those described by Solms-Laubach^ in some Italian stems. In none ofnbsp;the English stems are there any clear indications of the occurrencenbsp;of more than one cambium in the stele. The secondary xylemnbsp;is entirely centrifugal with some smaller crushed elements,nbsp;presumably protoxylem, at the inner edge where the medullarynbsp;rays are especially broad. The xylem is of the manoxylic typ®nbsp;(fig. 518, A) as in recent Cycads; though the medullary rays,nbsp;1—2 cells broad, are rather smaller than in recent species. Th®nbsp;tracheids are scalariform as in Stangeria (fig. 397). As in recentnbsp;Cycads there is a broad cylinder of secondary phloem (fig. 518, B)nbsp;composed of alternate layers of thick-walled and thinner elementsnbsp;—sieve-tubes and parenchyma: traces of lateral sieve-plat®®nbsp;occur on some of the elongated elements. Each leaf-trace aris®®nbsp;as a single strand from the lower edge of a mesh formed by th®nbsp;large inner end of a medullary ray: on emerging into the inn®!nbsp;cortex the trace has the form of a U-shaped strand (fig. 519, A,nbsp;which passes direct to the petiole, following a steeply ascendioSnbsp;course in Cycadeoidea Saxbyana and almost horizontal in C.nbsp;soniana. Before entering the base of a leaf the trace breaks up

^ Carruthers (70) Pis. Lvn., Lviii.

^ CapelUni and Solms-Laubach (92) PI. v. fig. 2.

® See also Slopes (15) p. 47.

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—Cycadeoidea Gibsoniana. A, secondary xylem of stem; B, secondary phloem and part of the cortex with secretory ducts, s. (A, B, Britishnbsp;Museum, 13206.)

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into several collateral strands and these form a simple pattern as seen in a tangential section of the leaf-bases (fig. 517, A, C),nbsp;the central bundles on the upper side forming a U-shaped involution. There is no indication of any girdling of the foliar bundles.nbsp;The arrangement of the petiolar bundles is simpler and morenbsp;Fern-like than in the majority of existing Cycads. Each vascularnbsp;bundle consists in the petiole-base mainly of centrifugal secondarynbsp;xylem and medullary-ray tissue (fig. 519, B); a group of centripetalnbsp;tracheids is usually recognisable internal to the protoxylem; the




Fiq. 519. Cycadeoidea Gibsoniana. A, transverse section of the vascular cylinder of stem, with leaf-trace, It; c, cambium, px, protoxylem. B, vascular bundlenbsp;of petiole. (British Museum.)

structure is of the mesarch type with a variable amount of centripetal xylem, and agrees generally with that in recent Cycads.

The comparatively narrow cortex is composed of parenchyma with scattered secretory sacs (fig. 518, B, s), and occasionally annbsp;elliptical vascular strand (fig. 511) is present which is probablynbsp;cauUne as are the similar strands in Cycas. The persistent petiole-bases are covered with ramental scales which form a dense inter-foliar packing; these frequently consist of a single layer of fairlynbsp;thick-walled cells or, as seen in transverse section, of spindlelike scales one-cell thick at the edges and 2—3 cells broad in thenbsp;middle (fig. 517, B).

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The presence of fertile shoots, presumably axillary, is one of the most striking features of Bennettitean stems. The branchingnbsp;IS naonopodial and not sympodial as in most recent Cycads. Thenbsp;nearest approach to the method of branching in Cycadeoidea isnbsp;afforded by some stems of Macrozamia recently described bynbsp;Chamberlain^. It is not improbable that some of the floweringnbsp;branches of Cycadeoidea were branched. Solms-Laubach^ statesnbsp;that he observed certain characters in the secondary axes ofnbsp;Cycadeoidea Gibsoniana which led him to suspect that there maynbsp;have been fascicled systems of fertile shoots emerging in a bodynbsp;nr in close proximity to one another between the leaf-bases of thenbsp;®tem. An example of a branched flowering shoot is described innbsp;^illiamsonia scotica^. A fertile shoot agrees in structure withnbsp;tfle main axis and Scott^ statesnbsp;that the phloem is particularlynbsp;'^ell developed, a feature by nonbsp;Cleans unusual in fertile branches.

Fig. 520. Cycadeoidea Gibsoniana. Ground-tissue of bract. (Britishnbsp;Museum. 41388.)

Tbese lateral shoots (fig. 514) bear numerous linear bracts each withnbsp;three collateral vascular bundles,nbsp;and ground-tissue composed ofnbsp;thick-walled cells characterisednbsp;by scalariform pitting (fig. 520);nbsp;decretory sacs are abundant. Thenbsp;bypodermal stereome is especially

developed on the inner face of the bracts. The apex of a lateral shoot has the form of a rounded cushion (figs. 514;nbsp;d2l. A, C) similar to the receptacle of many Composites, and onnbsp;this are borne the sporophylls. It is characteristic of Cycadeoideanbsp;that the flowers project very slightly beyond the surface of thenbsp;®tem and the peduncles are not exposed except in tangentialnbsp;Sections through the leaf-base armour (fig. 517, C, 1, 2). Onnbsp;the fall of the flower or ripe ‘fruit,’ which is effected by an absciss-layer (figg. 521, C, a; 522, a), a cup-like scar is left on the stemnbsp;(cf- fig. 534). This method of flower-production suggests comparison, mutatis mutandis, with the phenomenon of cauliflory in

^ Chamberlain (13). See Chapter xxviii., page 6.

^ Solms-Laubach (91). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® See page 449.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* Scott (09) B, p. 571.

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certain recent Flowering plants; it is one of the distinguishing features between Cycadeoidea and stems bearing longer fertilenbsp;shoots with flowers of the Williamsonia type.




Fig. 521. Cycadeoidea [Bennettites) Gibscmiana. A, C, longitudinal sections; a, absciss-layer; h, bracts; pr, ‘pericarp’; s, scales, sterile and fertilo-B, transverse section of female flower; i, interseminal scales; m, megasporOquot;nbsp;phylls. D, transverse section of seed showing the testa, t, separated by ^nbsp;space, sp, from the embryo. E, embryo; r, radicle. (A, B. h, E, afternbsp;Solms-Laubach; C, section in the British Museum.)

Fig. 517, C, shows a tangentially cut surface of a portion oi the stem of Cycadeoidea Gibsoniana with two axillary fertile shoots;nbsp;one, 1, is cut across below the receptacle and shows the axisnbsp;surrounded by bracts while the other, 2, is seen at a higher levehnbsp;above the receptacle, where the section has exposed the numerous

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sporophylls. The rounded surface of the receptacle is covered ^th a dense cluster of long slender appendages, seed-stalks andnbsp;interseminal scales, the latter being much more numerous thannbsp;the former (fig. 521, A, B). These organs are believed to be homologous fohar structures, the seed-stalks being megasporophyllsnbsp;^od the interseminal scales abortive or potential sporophyllsnbsp;(see also figs. 562, 563). Fig. 514 shows the form of a single flowernbsp;from an American stem closely allied to Cycadeoidea Gibsoniana.


*'*0. ,022. Cycadeoidea Gibsoniana. Longitudinal section of flower showing half the receptacle with part of the absciss-layer, a. (British Museum.)

The megasporophylls are more or less polygonal in transverse ®Oction: there is a central concentric vascular strand surroundednbsp;V a thick cortex (fig. 527): at its upper end the sporophyllnbsp;'^ears a single orthotropous seed containing a dicotyledonousnbsp;^lïibryo (figs. 521, D, E; 523). The vascular strand pierces thenbsp;^^se of the testa and expands to form a shallow cup of trachealnbsp;frssue in the chalaza; there are no bundles in the single integument,nbsp;testa (fig. 521, D, t) consists of three regions, a median layernbsp;rather large rectangular or palisade-cells with an inner and outernbsp;''issue composed of much smaller cells. The testa is prolonged

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distally as a slender cylindrical column or micropylar tube at the base of which it becomes broader owing to the increase innbsp;breadth of the middle or palisade layer. A nucellar beak projectsnbsp;as a cone into the base of the micropylar tube. No pollen-chamber hasnbsp;been found. It is noteworthy thatnbsp;the micropyle is closed in the ripenbsp;seeds. Internal to the testa therenbsp;is a crushed membrane separatednbsp;from the embryo by a space (fig.

521, D, sp): this is the remains of the nucellus and, as Solms-Laubachnbsp;points out, there is no proof thatnbsp;any endosperm was present innbsp;the ripe seeds i. The embryo consists of a short axis, the conicalnbsp;radicle and the very short apex ofnbsp;the epicotyl, also two equal cotyledons each with a few vascularnbsp;bundles (fig. 521, D). The longnbsp;interseminal scales, as seen innbsp;transverse section in the lower partnbsp;of a flower between the sporophylls,nbsp;appear as compressed polygonal

organs (fig. 521, B, i) with an axial vascular strand surrounded by parenchyma and limited by a strong epidermis; they pass upnbsp;between the seed-stalks, m, and in the distal end become coB'nbsp;siderably enlarged (figs. 514, 515), gradually expanding to fordnbsp;a truncate or slightly pyramidal apex (figs. 553, 563).nbsp;swollen peltate apices of adjacent scales form a continuous coveringnbsp;to the flower interrupted, except in the lower sterile part of fli®nbsp;flower, by symmetrically disposed cylindrical micropylar tubesnbsp;(fig. 515). The peripheral interseminal scales form a homogeneousnbsp;parenchymatous tissue which springs from below the edge ofnbsp;receptacle (fig. 521, A, B, pr) and the individuality of the scalesnbsp;composing this ‘ pericarp ’ is indicated by occasional invagination®

^ It is possible that, as Scott suggests, a small patch of endosperm is rep’’® sented in a seed of this species figured by him. Scott (09) B. p. 569. fig. 203, D’

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of the epidermal layer which marks the boundary of the polygonal ^-reas. The structure of the megasporophylls and scales is morenbsp;fully described in the case of Cycadeoidea (Bennettites) Morierei^.

The flowers of Cycadeoidea Gihsoniana appear to be unisexual ^ud ovulate: in view of the discovery by Wieland of numerousnbsp;bisexual fertile shoots on American species of Cycadeoidea itnbsp;^ould be reasonable to regard the apparently unisexual flowers ofnbsp;ffie English species as originally bisexual but preserved at a stagenbsp;Subsequent to the loss, by abscission, of the disc of microsporo-Pfiylls. Fig. 514 shows a flower of an American Cycadeoideanbsp;PJ’uctically identical with those of C. Gihsoniana, but the remainsnbsp;®f the staminate disc are clearly seen at d below the swollen apex ofnbsp;I'fie flowering axis. In the photograph of half of the same regionnbsp;C. Gihsoniana reproduced in fig. 522 there is no indication ofnbsp;similar trace of a whorl of microsporophylls. Admittingnbsp;fact that a shrivelled remnant of the persistent base of a whorlnbsp;^f uaicrosporophylls might easily escape observation, it is difficultnbsp;fu believe that any fertile leaves ever existed in the flower represented in figs. 521, 522. It is equally difficult to regard thenbsp;Specimen represented in fig. 561 as other than a true unisexualnbsp;ffi'^ulate) flower.


y^adeoidea {Bennettites) Morierei (Saporta and Marion).


^ can be no reasonable doubt that Bennettites Morierei was ^^Ue on a lateral branch of a stem of the Cycadeoidea type:

* See page 396.

fgj '^^e age was at first believed to be Oxfordian, but Lignier subsequently (09) ^fred the rocks to a Lower Cretaceous horizon.

^ Morière (69).

5 ®^Porta and Marion (81) A.; (85) p. 244; Saporta (91) p. 168, Pis. 148, 149.

The name Bennettites was adopted by Lignier for this species ^hich Was founded on a detached flower from the Gault^ ofnbsp;^ uches-Noires, Normandy. It was first described by Morière thennbsp;ybaporta and Marion*, who named it Williamsonia Morierei, andnbsp;nas since been thoroughly investigated by Lignier®. There is nonbsp;S'^idence as to the nature of the parent-stem though Morièrenbsp;®^§gested a possible connexion with Zamia Brongniarti Mor.nbsp;gured by Saporta ® as Fittonia Brongniarti) from the same locality.


gnier(94q; (04); (09); (11).

Saporta (75) A. p. 328, PI. 123.

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it is constructed on essentially the same plan as the flowers of Cycadeoidea {Bennettites) Gibsoniana, and in both cases there isnbsp;no indication of the presence of microsporophylls. The type-specimen is 6-5 cm. long and 3-5 cm. broad, ovoid, and characterised by a depressed cushion-like receptacle as in Cycadeoideanbsp;Gibsoniana. The enveloping bracts with their ramental scalesnbsp;agree generally in structure with those of the English speciesnbsp;and, except as regards the ramenta, with Williamsonia scotica'.nbsp;numerous stomata occur on the lower surface; the ground-tissuenbsp;consists of thick-walled parenchyma and the narrow pit-canalsnbsp;simulate the scalariform bands in Cycadeoidea Gibsoniana (cf.nbsp;fig. 520). The pitted sclerous cells in the bracts of IT. scotica arenbsp;of the same type. There is an anastomosing system of secretorynbsp;canals, also several vascular bundles like those in C. Gibsoniananbsp;but more numerous; the latter are composed of a group ofnbsp;phloem-elements abutting externally on fibres, a well-definednbsp;cambium, and radially disposed scalariform tracheids: internalnbsp;to the protoxylem is a group of elements considered by Lignietnbsp;to be centripetal xylem. From the branching and slightlynbsp;divergent course of the bundles in the upper part of the bractsnbsp;Lignier concluded that these organs represent the basal portionsnbsp;of leaves originally provided with a terminal limb. It may benbsp;that the small lateral appendages to some of the bracts of William'nbsp;sonia scotica (fig. 561, 1) afford support to this view.

Megasporo'phylls (seed-stalks and seeds). These organs» 3—4-5 cm. long and approximately 1'5 mm. in diameter, are dxnbsp;most cases imperfectly preserved. In transverse section and at anbsp;level of 1 cm, above the receptacle a stalk bearing an atrophie*!nbsp;seed shows the following features: an epidermis with very thicl^nbsp;internal walls encloses a parenchymatous ground-tissue with aflnbsp;axial conducting strand. At a higher level the epidermal cell®nbsp;have walls of uniform thickness, and a hypodermal layer of cellsnbsp;with coloured contents is differentiated from the ground-tissue (fig’nbsp;524, D, ac). As the seed-base is approached the epidermal cell®nbsp;tend to separate from one another and divide longitudinally’nbsp;the compact epidermal layer being replaced by an envelope ^nbsp;tubular, dissociated, cells (fig. 524, D, Et). Similar tubula*’nbsp;elements occur in the seed-stalks of Cycadeoidea Gibsoniafgt;fi-

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Fig. 524. Cycadeoidea {Bennettües) Morierei.

A. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Transverse section of the micropylar tube containing the apex of the nucellus;

Ei, inner epidermis; Tf, ground-tissue; e, outer epidermis with the thickening of the walls shown in a few of the cells.

B. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Transverse section of the upper part of the micropylar tube; lettering as in

fig- A-

C. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Transverse section at the level of the wings formed by the fibrous layer and

corresponding to the angles of the seed, approximately at the level cp in fig. 525; CK, nucellar cavity; iJi, inner epidermis of seed-coat; c/, fibrousnbsp;layer of wings, ƒ, which extend across the fleshy layer, tch, to the radialnbsp;layer ar (cf. fig. 525); at, tubular layer; Ee, epidermis of adjacent scalenbsp;detached from the other tissues, ase, along the line of fracture d; EE, epidermis of two adjacent scales.

D. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Transverse section of peduncle; tr, tracheids; ^c, coloured subepidermal

layer; Et, tubular epidermis, double in places; EE, epidermis formed from neighbouring scales. (From Prof. Lignier’s drawings; A, B, D, x 118;nbsp;C, X 90.)






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A fully developed seed-stalk bearing a complete seed cut across in the middle region shows the following features; a concentricnbsp;vascular strand surrounded by thin-walled parenchyma and thenbsp;coloured hypodermal layer (fig. 524, D, ac), the whole beingnbsp;enclosed in the tubular envelope of epidermal origin {Et) whichnbsp;is more strongly developed than in the stalks of imperfect seeds:nbsp;there may be as many as 10—12 tubular cells on one radius. Whennbsp;traced downwards towards the receptacle the tubular envelopenbsp;decreases in breadth, though the cells become more numerousnbsp;and smaller, until in the immediate neighbourhood of thenbsp;receptacle the tubular tissue is transformed into a compactnbsp;parenchyma of large cells each of which corresponds to a groupnbsp;of tubes formed by the septation of the cells. Traced upwardsnbsp;this thin-walled parenchyma gradually passes into thick-wallednbsp;tubes, and near the seed-base the tubular envelope is reduced tonbsp;two layers, an inner consisting of relatively small cells with sinuousnbsp;radial walls (the folded layer of Lignier) and an outer tubularnbsp;layer. Lignier describes an interesting abnormality, a bifid seed-stalk enclosed in a common epidermis which he compares withnbsp;the occasional branching of the seed-stalks of Ginkgo biloha.

Seeds. The seeds (figs. 625, 526), 6—7 x 2-5—3 mm., are tetragonal or pentagonal in the upper half (fig. 527, 1, 2), thenbsp;angles being formed by thick but not very prominent wings ofnbsp;tissue (fig. 524, C, cf); they are orthotropous and have a singlenbsp;integument (figs. 525, 526). The tubular layer forming the outernbsp;portion of a seed-stalk near the seed-base is prolonged over thenbsp;surface of the testa as a discontinuous covering in the form ofnbsp;isolated or small groups of tubes, giving a striated appearancenbsp;to the seeds. This layer though apparently a part of the seednbsp;is derived from the neighbouring interseminal scales of which itnbsp;is the epidermal layer; it consists of elongated cells and scatterednbsp;stomata^. The folded layer persists only in the lower part ofnbsp;the seed, being replaced by a layer of radially extended cellsnbsp;(radial layer; ar, figs. 524, C; 525, ar; 527, c) in the upper region ofnbsp;the seed. In the micropylar region both the tubular and foldednbsp;layers undergo further change; the external, tubular, layer formsnbsp;a kind of epidermis (at, figs. 524, 525), the subepidermal layer,nbsp;1 Lignier (94) p. 57; (12).

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consisting of the radially elongated cells (figs. 524, 525, ar; 527, c). The superficial layer assumes a different aspect in the micropylarnbsp;region, its cells being thicker walled, as are also those of the sub-cpidermal layer (fig. 524, A and B). The micropylar canal

^%S. 524, 525, cm) is cylindrical in the lower part but at the ®'Pcx is reduced to a long and narrow slit bounded by annbsp;internal epidermis of radially stretched cells which in the lowernbsp;portion of the tube are thinner walled and isodiametric. Thenbsp;of the testa is differentiated into two regions; an outer

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fleshy region immediately internal to the folded (or radial) layer and an inner fibrons-negion next the nncellns, which is one-layernbsp;broad between the wings but opposite the wings it extendsnbsp;radially outwards across the fleshy tissue to the radial layer

Fig. 526. Cycadeoidea {Bennettites) Morierei. Longitudinal section of a seed and interseminal scales. (Prom a photograph supplied by Prof. Lignier.)

(figs. 524, C; 625; 527); in the winged portion of the seed this tissue forms the inner fibrous portion of the wings but in thenbsp;lower part of the seed below the wings it forms a single layer ofnbsp;uniform breadth finally spreading out as a basal cup in the chalazalnbsp;region where it is pierced by the vascular strand. The fleshynbsp;portion of the testa forms one layer in the proximal part of the

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seed and becomes several layers wide between the fibrous wings in the upper part. This fleshy tissue appears to be derived fromnbsp;the coloured, subepidermal, layer of the seed-stalk, while thenbsp;internal parenchyma is regarded by Lignier as the equivalent ofnbsp;the fibrous layer of the testa. In the micropylar tube the fibrousnbsp;layers are replaced by 2—3 layers of sclerous cells (fig. 524, A, B).nbsp;The testa has no vascular supply: the concentric strand of thenbsp;seed-stalk passes through the fibrous tissue at the base of the seednbsp;and reaches the base of the nucellus (fig. 525). The nucellar apexnbsp;extends into the lower part of the micropyle (fig. 525, n), and innbsp;some cases Lignier noticed an axial canal formed by the breaking-down of the cells which abutted below on a cavity above thenbsp;embryo, probably the remains of a pollen-chamber (figs. 525, 527).nbsp;No microspores have been found. Two dark spots shown at co,nbsp;fig. 525, may represent archegonia but this is doubtful, especiallynbsp;as the seed contains a well-developed embryo. The nucellus isnbsp;free from the testa only in the apical region and a dicotyledonousnbsp;embryo occupies the interior without any trace of endosperm.nbsp;Lignier points out that in some seeds containing embryos thenbsp;Qucellar beak is not completely perforated; in this fact and innbsp;the absence of microspores in the micropylar canals he is inclinednbsp;to see evidence of parthenogenesis^.

In several respects the seeds of Cycadeoidea agree with those of Gnetum: reference should be made to the account of the seednbsp;of Gnetum africanmn in Chapter lii. and to the papers referred tonbsp;in the footnote^.

Interseminal scales. The young seed-stalks agree very closely ^ith the interseminal scales: each seed-stalk is surrounded bynbsp;fi—^6 scales (fig. 527) as in other Bennettitean flowers (fig. 564).nbsp;Lor the greater part of their length the interseminal scales arenbsp;oompressed, but above the seeds, where they are free fromnbsp;pressure (fig. 526), they become much thicker and form a coveringnbsp;( pericarp’) as in Cycadeoidea Gibsoniana. In its upper region annbsp;rnterseminal scale consists of an epidermis with strongly thickenednbsp;inner walls, hypodermal thick-walled cells and parenchymatousnbsp;ground-tissue with a single axial bundle. In the lower part thenbsp;Scale is more flattened and the thick-walled hypoderm is replacednbsp;^ Lignier (11).nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* Berridge (11); Thoday, M. G. (11).

s. Ill nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;26

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by tbin-walled parenchyma. Some of the scales at the periphery of the receptacle where there are no seed-stalks are broader andnbsp;may have six vascular bundles; this, Lignier suggested, mightnbsp;be regarded as evidence of the reduction of the interseminalnbsp;scales from leaves possessing a terminal limb; but a furthernbsp;examination of scales at the periphery of the flower led him tonbsp;the conclusion that the distal swelling of the scales is solely duenbsp;to the hypertrophy of conjunctive tissue and is not the result ofnbsp;the modification of a reduced limb^.. The morphological valuenbsp;of the interseminal scales and seed-stalks has not been definitelynbsp;settled, though the probability is that they are homologous organs

Fig. 527. Cycadeoidea Morierei. Transverse section of interseminal scales and seeds near the apex of the latter; seeds 1 and 2 show the pollen-chamber, a;nbsp;the fibrous layer, b, forming wings and extending across the fleshy tissue;nbsp;c, the radial layer; seeds 3 and 4 are aborted. (After Lignier.)

The letters a, b, c, in this figure correspond to cp, cf, and ar in figs. 525, 526.

and foliar. Solms-Laubach^ suggested that both may be axial, the seed-stalks representing axes ending in a flower reduced to anbsp;single ovule; or, he adds, the seed-stalks may just as well benbsp;carpels, though in that case we should have the unusual phenomenon of terminal seeds. The interseminal scales may be abortednbsp;seed-stalks crushed between the latter; or if the seed-stalks arenbsp;axes, the scales may be foliar. He is inclined to see in the scalesnbsp;the bracts and prophylls of seed-stalks to which must be addednbsp;such bracteoles, preceding the seed or flower, as may happen tonbsp;spring from the seed-stalks. Pearson®, on the assumption thatnbsp;1 Lignier (04).nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Solms-Laubach (91).nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Pearson (09).

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the seed-stalks are axial structures, institutes a comparison between Welwitschia and Bennettites and regards each flower ofnbsp;Welwitschia as a much reduced Bennettitean strobilus. Ligniernbsp;believes the interseminal scales to be leaves borne on the swollennbsp;apex (receptacle) of an axis of the second order, while the seed-stalks are fertile leaves of a unifoliar bud of the third order possiblynbsp;axillary though not necessarily so to the interseminal scales. Mynbsp;own view, influenced by the examination of the immature flowernbsp;of Williamsonia scotica, is that the seed-stalks (megasporophylls)nbsp;and scales are homologous, the former being sporophylls and thenbsp;latter sterile foliage leaves, the whole flower, as Wettstein^ says,nbsp;Consisting of a conical axis bearing numerous fertile and sterilenbsp;carpels enclosed by a perianth of bracts. WorsdelP, who sharesnbsp;Celakovsky’s opinion that sporophylls were originally radiallynbsp;symmetrical organs bearing a terminal sporangium, regards thenbsp;flowers of Cycadeoidea Gibsoniana and other species as morenbsp;primitive than those of recent Cycads: he does not see any justi-flcation for the view that the Bennettitalean flowers are in advancenbsp;cf those of existing Cycadean plants as regards a supposed tendencynbsp;towards the Angiospermous type. He maintains that Bennettitesnbsp;shows absolutely no indication of such an advanced structure innbsp;^ts essential organs, the sporophylls, which remain primitivelynbsp;radial in structure, bearing the ovules in a terminal position.’

Cycadeoidea dacotensis (McBride).

McBride® first described this Lower Cretaceous species from ^flc Black Hills of South Dakota as Bennettites dacotensis, thenbsp;generic name Cycadeoidea being adopted by Ward* who distinguished some of McBride’s specimens as Cycadeoidea McBridei.nbsp;ï'fle stem is elliptical in section, 32 cm. long and 45 cm. in girth:nbsp;n^mg to the partial decay of the petiole-bases the ramentalnbsp;reticulum forms a prominent feature. Numerous flowers, all ofnbsp;^flich are approximately at the same stage of development,nbsp;project like conical buttons above the general level of the stem-®nrface®. The bisporangiate flowers consist of a conical receptaclenbsp;earing interseminal scales and megasporophylls, the whole being

^ Wettstein (11) p. 388. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;2 Worsdell (00quot;).

quot; McBride (93). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Ward (98) p. 205.

® Wieland (06) p. 185. See Wieland’s description for further details.


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^16. 529. Cycadeoidea dacotensis. Transverse sections of a young ovulate strobilus. A, near the summit of the strobilus 2 cm. below the surface ofnbsp;the armour of leaf-bases, showing numerous bracts surrounding the receptacle and embedded in a mass of ramenta, also sections of some leaf-basesnbsp;'quot;'ith vascular bundles. B, in this section, 2-5 cm. below A, the peduncle ofnbsp;the strobilus is seen with a cylinder of vascular bundles; b, a bract belongingnbsp;to an adjacent strobilus. (After Wieland; nat. size.)

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surrounded by spirally disposed bracts (fig. 529). A whorl of 18 or 19 nearly mature microsporophylls is attached to thenbsp;base of the receptacle (figs. 528, 530); each microsporophyllnbsp;has a strong rachis extending beyond the apex of the flower-axis

JFig. 530. Cycadeoidea dacotensis. Transverse sections through a bisporangiate strobilus. A, showing the receptacle with its interseminal scales and ovules,nbsp;the continuous disc of microsporophylls, w, with vascular bundles, and thenbsp;separate (m') infolded portions of the microsporophylls with some synangia;nbsp;bracts and ramenta. B, this section, cut above the apex of the receptacle,nbsp;shows the microsporophylls and synangia. (After Wieland.)

and bent inwards and downwards with the distal end tucked between the ascending rachis and the receptacle. The slendernbsp;pinnules, in two alternate series, are bent downwards and bear

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xxxvi] CYCADEOIDEAnbsp;407

synangia in rows. A transverse section just below the ovulate portion of the cone shows a continuous ring of tissue encirclingnbsp;the receptacle with vascular bundles parallel to the surfacenbsp;(fig. 530, A, m); at a higher level the bundles fall into groupsnbsp;preparatory to the breaking up of the disc into separate micro-sporophylls. Immediately above the apex of the central conenbsp;the coherent basal portion of the verticil of sporophylls is replacednbsp;by the separate rachises which in section have the form of isoscelesnbsp;triangles (fig. 530, B). Bach microsporophyll is approximatelynbsp;10 cm. long; the longest pinnule being 1-5 cm. in length and bearingnbsp;two lateral series of synangia, 10 in each row. At maturity the



Iho. 531. Cycadeoidea dacotensis. Synangia exposed by weathering and showing the radially disposed loculi. (After Wieland; x 6.)

QiicrosporophyUs probably spread out and the whole whorl was thrown off leaving an annular rim (fig. 514, d) such as is oftennbsp;seen at the base of older ovulate strobili. The immaturity ofnbsp;the ovules in this (fig. 528) and other specimens led to thenbsp;suggestion that the strobili of Cycadeoidea were protandrous.nbsp;The synangia (fig. 531) are several times broader than long andnbsp;similar in size to those of the Bern Marattia. In each synangiumnbsp;ure two rows of elongated loculi (fig. 532) containing oval microspores usually with a smooth exine and rather larger than thosenbsp;uf recent Cycads. The synangium-wall is composed of a palisade-layer of thick-walled cells and a layer of smaller and thinner cells:nbsp;the palisade-layer is narrowest at the apex where dehiscencenbsp;occurs and broadest at the base where the hypodermal tissue isnbsp;*uore abundant and forms a short thick pedicel. The two rows

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of loculi are bounded by flattened cells and there are 10—20 loculi in each of the two rows: dehiscence of the individual loculi occursnbsp;in the middle of the inner wall.

Cycadeoidea Marshiana Ward.

This Lower Cretaceous Black Hills species^ affords an admirable examplenbsp;of a method of branching exhibited bynbsp;some stems; as shown in Wieland’snbsp;photographs^ there may be five or sixnbsp;large and massive trunks all in thenbsp;same stage of fructification, differingnbsp;but little in size and forming a clusternbsp;resembling independent plants growingnbsp;in close proximity to one another.


There is apparently no central or major axis and the habit is thereforenbsp;very different from that of a branchingnbsp;Bucklandia. Cycadeoidea Marshiananbsp;bore large ovulate pyriform strobilinbsp;projecting slightly beyond the leaf-bases; they are 5 cm. long with anbsp;maximum diameter of 3-5 cm. andnbsp;have an elongated receptacle bearingnbsp;short scales and sporophylls. Thenbsp;apical bud of one of the trunks showsnbsp;particularly well in transverse sectionnbsp;the dense ramental packing between the bud-scales®,nbsp;clusters of short and thick trunks occur in Cycadeoidea superbanbsp;and other American species.

In the small bisporangiate flowers of this species* the micro-sporophylls, 11 or 12 in the verticil, are characterised by the presence of a ventral furrow which, as Wieland suggests, may benbsp;comparable on a much simpler scale with the winged sporophyllsnbsp;of Cycadeoidea colossalis (fig. 533). The disc splits up at a distance

Ward (98) p. 208. Ibid. PL XTX. fig, 5.

2 Wieland (06) Pis. vii.—ix., xti., xiii. ^ Ibid, 'passim; (12).

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of 1 cm. above the apex of the receptacle into the microsporophylls, oach of which is 5-5 cm. long and bears two rows of pinnules whichnbsp;In the middle region have a length of 1 cm.; a microsporophyllnbsp;^8 elongate, elhptical, and acuminate. In this species as in somenbsp;others there is a brush of sterile scales at the apex of the receptacle.

^ycadeoidea colossalis Ward.

Wieland^ has recently described some interesting features in fte microsporophylls of a bisporangiate flower assigned to thisnbsp;Lower Cretaceous species from the Black Hills illustrating anbsp;departure from the usual type. The hairy bracts extend considerably above the apex of the flower-proper; in fig. 533, A,nbsp;® transverse section above the receptacle, they are shown groupednbsp;^bout a circle of V-shaped structures, converging towards a centralnbsp;point, which are the sterile prolongations of the ten rachises ofnbsp;Jbe free portions of the staminate disc. Each rachis is dividednbsp;oy a deep ventral furrow into a pair of wings (fig. 533, B, C), andnbsp;is these pairs of wings that form the V-shaped structures innbsp;533, A. The wings form a dome-like group above the flower-(hg, 533^ E) The synangia are borne in two rows onnbsp;^be concrescent disc and on the free sporophylls, which in thisnbsp;Vpe are much simpler than in other species and agree in thenbsp;^bsence of pinnules with some forms of Williamsonia (cf. fig. 556).

be receptacle is pyriform and bears very short scales and seed-®f9^Iks; from its apex several interseminal scales are prolonged S' terminal brush, a feature of interest in connexion with flowersnbsp;Williamsonia. Wieland compares the wings of the micro-®Porophylls to the two horns on the distal surface of the corresponding organs of Ceratozamia and draws a comparison betweennbsp;^ ®iii and the canopy of some Palaeozoic seeds, but it isnbsp;iiubtful whether homologies can be estabhshed between thesenbsp;oorate sporophylls and the integuments of Pteridosperm seeds^.


y^^ideoidea Reichenbachiana (Goeppert).

Goeppert referred this species to his genus Raumeria^, a generic retained by Carruthers though, as Solms-Laubach* points

* l^ieland (14).

sin nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Subject is more fully dealt with by Wieland in the Volume published

was written [Wieland (16)].


tile above

Tpert (53).

* Solms-Laubach (91) A. p. 100

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the abundance of lateral fertile shoots among the leaf-bases ®hows it to be essentially similar to Cycadeoidea Gibsoniana.nbsp;The type-specimen in the Dresden Museum is a splendid examplenbsp;a fossil cycadean stem; it is probably of Lower Cretaceousnbsp;^¦§6, but was found in Galicia as an isolated specimen. It consistsnbsp;a portion of a cylindrical trunk similar in habit to C. gigantea,nbsp;‘S met. high and about the same in diameter. The pith, according


534. Cycadeoidea Reichenbachiana. Cup-like cavity on the stem showing axis and surrounding bracts of a lateral fertile shoot. (After Schuster,nbsp;fi'om a block kindly supplied by Prof. Rothpletz.)

^ Schuster^, is 13 cm. in diameter and the xylem 8 cm. broad, ^üere are many flowering shoots some of which are representednbsp;T cup-like depressions, the base of the cup consisting of thenbsp;^yliudrical axis and the sides bearing the impress of the encirclingnbsp;^^cts (fig, 534). Goeppert compared these lateral shoots withnbsp;. ® buds frequently produced on the stems of Cycas. It isnbsp;^tsresting to find that some of the cups correspond very closely

®®haster (11). An excellent photograph of the stem is reproduced in this

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in size with Williamsonia flowers, another indication of the very close agreement between the Williamsonia and Bennettites typesnbsp;of strobili. Some flowers still in place show 16 bipinnate micro-sporophylls that were petrified before the synangium-bearingnbsp;fronds unfolded^. The ramental scales and other tissues figurednbsp;by Schuster are of the usual type. A second specimen found as snbsp;boulder in Silesia and named by Goeppert Raumeria Schulziananbsp;may, as he suggests, be a younger example of C. Reichenbachiana-Another Galician stem, probably also Lower Cretaceous in agegt;nbsp;is described by Raciborski^ as Cycadeoidea Niedzwiedzkii.

Cycadeoidea gigantea Seward.

This species is founded on a large stem from the Upper Purbeck series of the Isle of Portland® where it was discovered in a shalynbsp;clay 17 ft above the great Dirt bed which yielded the trunksnbsp;described by Buckland and other authors (fig. 535). The stemnbsp;(fig. 554) is 1 met. 18 cm. high and has a maximum diameter ofnbsp;1 met. 7 cm. It is the tallest fossil Cycadean stem so far foundnbsp;in a single piece though Cycadeoidea Jenneyana probably reachednbsp;a greater height. The stem is elliptical in section (fig. 537), *nbsp;form due in part at least to compression. The only tissue®nbsp;preserved are in the superficial region of the persistent leaf'nbsp;bases. As the result of decay before mineralisation many of tk®nbsp;petiole-bases are represented by cavities or meshes in a prominentnbsp;reticulum of silicified ramental scales. Towards the apex tk®nbsp;leaf-bases are smaller and a conical bud surrounded by linealnbsp;scale-leaves occupies the summit: an irregular cap of rament®nbsp;scales forms the apex of the terminal bud. In section the budnbsp;would no doubt present an appearance like that shown in Wieland ®nbsp;photograph of the terminal cone of C. Marshiana^. There ^nbsp;a striking resemblance both in the ramental cap and in tk®nbsp;form of the protective scales between the fossil stem and suck ^nbsp;Cycad as Encephalartos Altensteinii^. A remarkable feature ®nbsp;C. gigantea is the absence of any fertile shoots among the leaf-bas®®'nbsp;In one tangential section a small bud was formd, but it afford®

1 Wieland (08) p. 96. ® Seward (97) A.

^ Raciborski (92^).

, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;,nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Wieland (06) PI. xix. fig. 5-

^ Seward (97) A. figs. 3, 4, pp. 24, 32.

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•öeam ^ stone

Shifting ruihle Top. slatenbsp;Shaley claynbsp;Shinglelednbsp;Soft slaiy stonenbsp;Seam of cla^

^^0- 335. Section of the quarry the Isle of Portland innbsp;'Which Gycadeoiiha giganteanbsp;Was found.

Pig. 536. Cycadeoidea gigantea. (The original is in the British Museum; nat. size.)

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no evidence of the presence of any reproductive organs. A similar bud is described by Lignier^ in the stem of C. micromyela. Thenbsp;absence of lateral flowers is, however, hardly a sufflcient reasonnbsp;for separating this stem generically from other species of Cycd'nbsp;deoidea: negative evidence in this case is of doubtful value-While it is possible that the strobih were terminal as in mostnbsp;recent Cycads, it is more probable that they were lateral. Thenbsp;surface-features, though not perfect, are for the most partnbsp;sufficiently well preserved to enable one to recognise the bract-encircled axes of strobili were any present. If as Wieland beUeves»nbsp;and he is probably correct, the production of flowers was thenbsp;culminating event in the fife of these Cycadean plants, the absencenbsp;of fertile shoots is merely an expression of immaturity. It

Fig. 5.37. Cyaxdeoidea gigantea. Transverse section of the stem.

however, difficult to understand how lateral branches could fio^^ their way to the surface among the crowded and cork-coverednbsp;leaf-bases of the stem. The absence of flowers may be due tonbsp;some unfavourable external conditions. The petioles consist ofnbsp;parenchymatous ground-tissue with many secretory sacs andnbsp;some cases twelve partially preserved vascular bundles; th®nbsp;xylem consists of radial rows of centrifugal tracheids and mednl'nbsp;lary rays, but it is not possible to say whether any centripetalnbsp;xylem was present. A fairly thick band of phelloderm andnbsp;periderm, apparently subepidermal in origin, forms the periphei^fnbsp;tissue, and in places epidermal cells with attached ramenta ai®nbsp;clearly preserved. The ramenta are of the type characteristi*^nbsp;of the majority of fossil Cycadean stems. Stomata were foundnbsp;showing a pair of guard-cells and apparently two subsidiary cell3 •nbsp;the epidermal cells have straight walls.

^ Lignier (01).

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^Xxvi] nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;CYCADEOIDBAnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;415

^ycadeoidea micromyela Morière.

This Liassic species from Normandy has been fully investigated Lignier^; originally referred to the Conifers, it was afterwardsnbsp;described by Morière^ as Cycadeoidea micromyela. As regardsnbsp;external features the stem is of the usual Cycadeoidea type;nbsp;^aporta® assigned it to the genus Platylepis. The secondarynbsp;^ylem consists of tracheids with bordered pits on the radial wallsnbsp;Arranged as single contiguous rows, resembling scalariform pitting,nbsp;as 1—2 rows of separate circular pits (fig. 538, A), a type

^6. 038_ Cycadeoidea micromyela. A, tracheids from the stele. B, course of the vascular bundles at the base of a leaf. C, section of a leaf-trace enteringnbsp;the stele; m, I, median and lateral lobes of the trace. (After Lignier.)

^fiereut from that of the great majority of Mesozoic species. The ’^niseriate medullary rays are 7—20 cells deep, a character recallingnbsp;compact wood of Indian Williamsonia stems. Ramentalnbsp;Scales are for the most part replaced by long unicellular hairsnbsp;^ke those of Williamsonia scotica and some Indian stems. Ligniernbsp;states that true ramenta occur on the young leaves and in oldernbsp;^’^ouds become transformed by separation of the cells into longnbsp;^’ibes. Each leaf-trace arises as a single bundle dividing intonbsp;^kree as it leaves the stele and eventually sphts up into severalnbsp;Collateral bundles (fig. 538, B, C). The stele is elliptical. No

^ Morière (69).

Lignier (01).

Saporta (75) A. PI. L.

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fertile shoots are preserved: a single axillary bud is described which agrees very closely with that in Cycadeoidea gigantea.

Cycadeoidea Jenneyana Ward.

The stems of this species, from the Black Hills of Dakota^) resemble those of Cycadeoidea gigantea and C. ReicJienhachianO'

in their thick columnar form but differ from the former in presence of bisporangiate flowers associated with the leaf-baseS-This species probably reached a length of 3—4 met. A strikingnbsp;feature^ is the unusual thickness of the xylem-cylinder, whi^^

Wieland (06) p. 79, PI. xiV-

Ward (94) p. 87; (98) p. 216.


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shows clear indications of concentric rings, probably the expression of seasonal changes during the production of secondary conductingnbsp;tissue by a single cambium. Similar concentric rings have beennbsp;described in the stems of the recent Cycad Dioon sfinulosum^.nbsp;Fig. 539 represents an ovulate strobilus referred to this speciesnbsp;hy Wieland.

Gycadeoidea pumila Fliche and Zeiller.

This French Portlandian species^ affords a good example of a very small bulbiform trunk, 3-5—4 by 2-5—3 cm., superficiallynbsp;I'osembhng a Pine-cone: the leaf-bases are, however, less uniformnbsp;m size and shape than Abietineous cone-scales; there are alsonbsp;Oidications of interpetiolar ramenta and a small lateral, presumablynbsp;tortile, branch. A stem of similar form is described by Saporta®nbsp;from Coralhan beds in France as Bulbopodium micromerum, andnbsp;^ycadeoidea nana Ward^ from Dakota is another example ofnbsp;^ small Zamia-like Mesozoic stem. A small tuberous stem,nbsp;^ X 7-5 cm., was described by Lindley and Hutton from Lymenbsp;Fegis as Cycadeoidea pygmaea^; no flowers are shown in thenbsp;drawing, but occasional irregularities in the arrangement of thenbsp;foaf-bases may be due to the presence of lateral fertile shoots.

f^ycadella. Ward.

This generic name was instituted by Lester Ward® for some Potrified stems from Jurassic beds in Wyoming of relativel)»'smallnbsp;®i2e, bulbous or more or less spherical, and characterised by thenbsp;presence of a thick layer (5—15 mm.) of dense ramental tissue.nbsp;Fhe unusually vigorous development of the ramental scales is

interesting feature, though it is perhaps questionable whether d is worthy of generic recognition. The flowers of Cycadella,nbsp;though less than those of most Cycadeoidea stems, are of the samenbsp;type. In a later account of the genus Ward^ describes a fewnbsp;additional species and in Cycadella ramentosa he notes the preservation of young fronds. The fronds are small and bear a few pinnae;

^ Chamberlain (09).

® Saporta (75) A. p. 262, PI. 118. Ward (99) B. p. 639, Pis. CLVi., CLvn.

Pliche and Zeiller (04) p. 789, PI. xix.

' Lindley and Hutton (35) A. PL 143. 'A- C. S.)

* Ward (OOq, Pis. XIV.

(I have not seen the actual specimen.

s. in

Ibid. (05) B. p. 198, Pis. XLVi.—LXiii.


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the xylem is said hy Wieland^ to be mesarch, hut in the absence of more details the foliar bundles cannot be fully described.nbsp;In some Cycadellas young flowers, less than 1 cm. in diameter,nbsp;are preserved, those of Cycadella wyomingensis (7 mm. in diameter)nbsp;being the smallest bisporangiate strobih so far recorded. Thenbsp;French species, Cycadeoidea micromyela Mor., resembles CycadeUanbsp;in the profuse development of ramental tissue which may covernbsp;the surface of the stem.

Amphibennettites. Fliche.

This generic name was instituted^ for two species founded on very imperfectly preserved ‘fruits’ of Lower Cretaceous (Albian)nbsp;age from the Argonne which, though in close agreement withnbsp;Bennettites as represented by B. Gihsonianus and B. Morierei,nbsp;are referred to a separate genus on the ground that the preservationnbsp;is not such as to establish their generic identity with those speciesnbsp;and because of certain distinctive features.

Amphibennettites Bleicheri Fliche. The ovulate strobili are sub-elliptical, 3-5 x 3 cm., with several elHptical pits close to thenbsp;surface originally occupied by seeds borne on short stalks andnbsp;larger than the seeds of other species of Cycadeoidea (Bennettites)-Interseminal scales occur between the seeds. The second species,nbsp;Amphibennettites Renaulti, is rather larger and more conical: thenbsp;seeds reach a length of 11 mm. greater than that of any of thenbsp;American seeds described by Wieland. In neither species is therenbsp;any indication of an involucre of bracts. The preservation ofnbsp;the specimens leaves much to be desired, but it would seem thatnbsp;the Argonne fossils agree in their main characters with Bennet'nbsp;titean strobih and it is doubtful whether a distinctive genericnbsp;name is necessary. The occurrence of seeds over the whole surface,nbsp;a feature that suggested the name Amphibennettites, may be onlynbsp;apparent and the result of cutting the cone transversely. Itnbsp;worthy of note that one of Fhche’s sections® bears a close resem'nbsp;blance to an Araucarian cone, and in the absence of structure tb®nbsp;two types of cone might easily be confused.

Wieland (06) p. 101.

2 Fliche (96) p. 48, PI. v. figs. 2, 3; PI. xiv. fig. 1. ^ Ibid. PL v. fig. 3.

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Vectia. Slopes. Genus incertae sedis. yectia luccombensis Slopes.

The generic name Vectia has been given by Dr Slopes^ lo some pelrihed secondary phloem discovered by her at Luccomb Chine innbsp;tbe Isle of Wight: the fossil is from Aptian beds. The mass ofnbsp;phloem is 26 mm. in breadth and consists of regularly alternatingnbsp;bauds of thin-walled sieve-tubes and very thick fibres associatednbsp;with a little parenchyma (fig. 540). To the naked eye the specimennbsp;presents an appearance suggestive of rings of growth but this is duenbsp;to the presence of bands of 2—3 narrow cells which are probably




rn. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^P-

t'lG. 54o_ Vectia luccombensis. Transverse section showing the alternation of fibres, «1, s^, and radial pairs of pitted elements, «1 and v^; m, medullary-raynbsp;cells; a, parenchyma cell between four thin-waUed elements; sp, pits betweennbsp;S'djacent fibres; I, much reduced lumen of fibre. (After Slopes.)

Cork. The whole is penetrated by uniseriate medullary rays.

striking feature is the regular alternation of single rows of fibres with two bands of sieve-tubes; in places the two bandsnbsp;sieve-tubes are separated by 2—4 rows of very flat, presumably,nbsp;oork-cells, and similar bands may be adjacent to or pass obliquelynbsp;^oross the fibres. The elongated elements described as sieve-^'ibes, though thin in comparison with the fibres, have thickenednbsp;and on their radial faces are single rows of circular pits,

C\il. -


in pairs; these are almost certainly sieve-areas which have

Slopes (15) p. 247, Pis. xxin.—xxv., lexl-figs. 72—75.



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lost the finer pitting of the sieve-plates. The fibres are more or less square in transverse section and have excessively thick walls,nbsp;the lumen being reduced to a small hole. Parenchymatous cellsnbsp;(fig. 540, a) occupy the angles between the sieve-tubes andnbsp;occasionally stretch tangentially between a pair of tubes: thesenbsp;are compared by Dr Stopes to companion-cells, but their mannernbsp;of occurrence hardly justifies the interesting suggestion that theynbsp;may be precursors of the Angiosperm companion-cells. Thenbsp;medullary rays may be as wide as the elements which they traverse;nbsp;they are characterised by their wavy walls, as seen in radialnbsp;longitudinal sections; no pitting was noticed. A remarkablenbsp;feature of the specimen is its considerable breadth; it is pointednbsp;out that in a giant stem of Sequoia with a girth of over 40 ftnbsp;the secondary phloem does not exceed 3—4 mm. in breadth.nbsp;The great thickness of the phloem in the fossil suggests comparisonnbsp;with the corresponding tissue in recent and fossil Cycadean stems,nbsp;and the alternation of hard and soft phloem is a feature exhibitednbsp;also by Cycadeoidea Gibsoniana (fig. 518, B). Dr Stopes concludes that the phloem is in the main similar to that in somenbsp;Cupressineae, Taxineae, and Taxodineae. It is noteworthy thatnbsp;similar phloem with sieve-tubes and fibres associated with corknbsp;is described by Graf Solms-Laubach^ from Upper Jurassic bedsnbsp;in Franz Josef Land. The systematic position of Vectia cannotnbsp;be definitely determined, but I believe that it is more closelynbsp;allied to Cycadean than to Coniferous phloem.


Note. It is unfortunate that Mr Wieland’s second voluin® dealing with American Cycads [Wieland (16)] did not come intonbsp;my hands until nearly the whole of this volume was in typ®'

Students will find in it many additions to onr knowledge

Cycadeoidea and Williamsonia, much theoretical discussion that i® suggestive and interesting, useful summaries of our knowledge ofnbsp;fossil Cycads, and many beautiful photographic plates illustratingnbsp;the morphology of American species of Cycadeoidea.

^ Solms-Laubach (04) p. 12, PI. ii. figs. 5, 6.

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WiLLIAMSONIA. Carruthers,

This genus was first figured by Young and Bird^ from specimens obtained from Lower Estuarine beds near Whitby: these authors compared the fossils to the head of an Artichokenbsp;{Gynara integrifolia), ‘the covering or calyx consisting of numerousnbsp;lanceolate and striated leaves’ (fig. 544). In 1840 Williamson^nbsp;Noticed the association with fronds of Zamia gigas Lind, andnbsp;Hutt. of ‘a remarkable fossil, apparently connected with thenbsp;fructification of a Cycas,’ and some years later Yates® expressednbsp;fbe opinion that the fructifications figured by Young and Birdnbsp;probably belonged to the plants which bore the fronds known asnbsp;^o-mites gigas. Leckenby* figured some leaves of Palaeozamianbsp;Vleten (= Ptilophyllum pecten) in close association with a smallnbsp;ffower of Williamsonia which was subsequently recognise(J as anbsp;yborl of microsporophylls. In 1870 two papers of exceptionalnbsp;interest were published, one by Wilhamson^ who was the first tonbsp;attempt an exhaustive account of the genus, and the other bynbsp;parruthers® who proposed the name Williamsonia, thus associatingnbsp;^ith a group of the most characteristic Yorkshire fossils twonbsp;(father and son) who have largely contributed to the expositionnbsp;nf Yorkshire geology.’ Carruthers instituted a new tribe William-®onieae for the genus Williamsonia, the type-species beingnbsp;Williamsonia gigas: the specific name had been previously givennbsp;% Lindley and Hutton to the fronds {Zamia gigas) of the plant

* Young and Bird (22) A. For a fuller account of the history of our knowledge ^ ^^ittiamsonia, see Seward (95) A. p. 146

^ Williamson (40) p. 230. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Yates (55).

‘ Leckenby, A. (64). See also Seward (00) B. p. 190.

^ Williamson (70). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Carruthers (70).

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which was believed to have borne the flowers for which the new designation was proposed. Two other species, WilUamsonianbsp;hastula and W. 'pecten, were assigned to the new genus. Thenbsp;conclusion arrived at by Wilhamson as to a connexion betweennbsp;Zamites gigas and WilUamsonia flowers was, however, not acceptednbsp;by Saporta^, who figured and described several exceptionallynbsp;good specimens from the Yorkshire coast which formed part ofnbsp;the Yates collection in the Paris Natural History Museum. Innbsp;1897 a short account was published^ of the Yates specimens, annbsp;examination of which convinced me of thé correctness of Williamson’s views as to an organic connexion between stems, peduncles,nbsp;flowers, and fronds. During a visit to Paris several photographsnbsp;were taken, but these were not published: similar photographsnbsp;have since been reproduced by Wieland® and reduced copies fromnbsp;two negatives in my possession are shown in figs. 541, 542. Thenbsp;restoration by Williamson in his well-known memoir is probablynbsp;correct so far as the general habit of the plant is concerned,nbsp;though the flowers which he speaks of as male are now known tonbsp;be ovulate. The position of the male organs, whether bornenbsp;separately or on the same axis as the megasporophylls, has notnbsp;been definitely settled.

In 1891 the Marquis of Saporta thus introduced his discussion on Williamsonia,—‘avec les WilUamsonia nous abordons un desnbsp;problèmes les plus difiiciles, un des sujets des plus controversés,nbsp;mais aussi les plus curieux, peut-etre même le plus remarquablenbsp;de tous ceux que nous offre I’ensemble des plantes jurassiques.nbsp;Wieland’s investigations have placed us in possession of manynbsp;important facts with regard to the closely allied flowers of Cyca-deoidea and have enabled us considerably to extend our knowledgenbsp;beyond the stage represented by the work of Carruthers, Wilham-son, and other authors; and more recently Nathorst’s importantnbsp;discoveries have demonstrated the close agreement betweennbsp;WilUamsonia and Bennettites {Cycadeoidea). Several problemsnbsp;still remain unsolved. Having regard to the deficiency of thenbsp;data concerning the morphology of the WilUamsonia type ofnbsp;flower and the wider question as to a phylogenetic relationshipnbsp;that some botanists believe to exist between the Bennettitales

Saporta (91).

^ Seward (97*).

3 Wieland (11).

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and the Angiosperms, Saporta’s words are still pertinent. Wieland’s discoveries in Mexico^ have furnished additionalnbsp;evidence of the wide geographical distribution of the Williamsonianbsp;type of flower in the Jurassic period, and it may be confidentlynbsp;asserted that the Bennettitales, including both Williamsonia andnbsp;Cycadeoidea, occupied a dominant position in the floras of thenbsp;world during the stage of plant-development immediately pre-ceeding the evolution and rapid spread of the Angiosperms, thenbsp;present dominant class.

There has been considerable uncertainty among authors with regard to the apphcation of the name Williamsonia. In formernbsp;accounts of the genus the name was employed by me both fornbsp;leaves and flowers on the ground that Williamson was correct innbsp;his opinion as to the connexion between Williamsonia gigas andnbsp;'iamites gigas. The type of frond to which the latter term isnbsp;apphed is by no means uncommon in Jurassic strata though it isnbsp;Hot always associated with flowers, and the use of the genericnbsp;term Williamsonia is therefore not invariably justifiable. Nathorst^nbsp;lias recently reiterated his opinion that it is inadvisable to employnbsp;the name Williamsonia except for the flowers or the completenbsp;plant and strongly urges palaeobotanists to retain the provisionalnbsp;genus Zatnites when the fronds only are in question. Whilenbsp;agreeing with the contention that the greatest care should benbsp;exercised to avoid the use of generic names implying a corrélationnbsp;of vegetative and reproductive organs that rests on any evidencenbsp;®liort of demonstration, it may be suggested that the better plannbsp;Is to add the name Williamsonia in parentheses after Zamites ornbsp;^iilophyllum in cases where there is no reason to doubt that thenbsp;fronds belong to a Williamsonia plant.

Williamsonia gigas (Williamson). •

The species selected for a rather detailed description is still mperfectly known, but it is particularly interesting as the typenbsp;OQ which the first scientific account of the genus was based. Thenbsp;name Williamsonia gigas is now generally employed for thenbsp;flowers which bore megasporophylls as the essential organs:nbsp;they may have been bisporangiate,—a yiew that seems to me

2 Nathorst (13).

^ Wieland (13).

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the more probable,—but this has not been demonstrated. There are very few cases in which fronds of Zamites gigas occur in

organic connexion with stems, and we cannot with safety employ other than a provisional generic term for fossil stems which il'

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Is believed bore flowers of the WilUamsonia type. For the imperfectly preserved piece of stem shown in fig. 541 the namenbsp;Williamsonia {Bucklandia) gigas is employed, as there is nonbsp;reasonable doubt that in addition to the fronds of Zamites gigasnbsp;it bore peduncles (fig. 541, a), with WilUamsonia flowers. This

Fig. 542. WilUamsonia gigas. Flowering shoot and flower-bud.

(Yates Collection, Paris.)

^^d other stems found in close association with WilUamsonia flowers in England, India, and Mexico are of the type known asnbsp;^'gt;^klandia^; but it would in most instances be unwise to addnbsp;WilUamsonia even as a subordinate title. Casts of stems innbsp;^iose association with fronds and flowers are not uncommon in

^ See page 480.

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collections of plants from tlie Yorkshire coast; the surface-features are of the type shown in fig. 576, rhomboidal or lozengeshaped bases of petioles as described under the genus Bucklandia^-The stem reproduced in fig. 541, about 5 cm. broad, is imperfectly preserved and the leaf-bases are not clearly seen. Saporta’snbsp;figure^ conveys but a poor idea of the actual specimen. To onenbsp;side of the stem, 5 cm. from the lower, broken, end, are attachednbsp;the petioles of two clearly preserved fronds of Zamites gigas, andnbsp;above these is part of a third frond apparently in its originalnbsp;position. The main axis is prolonged obliquely upwards to thenbsp;left as a branch, a, 3 cm. broad and 14 cm. long, covered withnbsp;hairy bracts and bearing distally several narrow, Hnear-lanceolate,nbsp;scale-leaves. This branch is undoubtedly a fertile shoot ornbsp;peduncle. A specimen figured (from a drawing) by Saporta®nbsp;as a peduncle of a Williamsonia flower and reproduced in fig. 542nbsp;is, in surface-features, identical with the branch a shown ionbsp;fig. 541, but at the apex it bears a bud covered with linear bractsnbsp;identical with those of Williamsonia gigas. This bud is almostnbsp;certainly a young flower. Similar peduncles are described bynbsp;Williamson, and he speaks of one which is bifurcated: this specimeunbsp;is probably that reproduced in fig. 543 and now in the Leedsnbsp;Museum: at the base the axis is 3-5 cm. in diameter; the twonbsp;divergent arms bear numerous bracts identical with those ofnbsp;Williamsonia gigas and in addition are a few shorter ovate scalesnbsp;recalling those figured by Nathorst as probably belonging tonbsp;Williamsonia pecten. The Leeds specimen is from the Lowernbsp;sandstone and shale near Scarborough. Similar branchednbsp;peduncles are represented in the Whitby Museum and in thenbsp;National Collection. Wieland^ has also figured a peduncle beariugnbsp;a ‘typical fruit bud’ of Williamsonia gigas similar to that repro'nbsp;duced in fig. 542. These specimens fully justify Williamson Snbsp;restoration published in his paper of 1870.

In a former account of this species^ the opinion was expressed that the flowers described by Wilhamson as male were ovulat®nbsp;and constructed on the plan of those of Bennettites Gibsonian^^

® Ibid. PI. XV.

5 Seward (95) A. p. 146-

^ Williamson (70) PI. liii. fig. 5; Seward (97^). 2 Saporta (75) A. PI. xi. fig. 1.

Wieland (11) p. 448, fig. 6.

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Carr. This conclusion has since been confirmed by Nathorst^ who succeeded in obtaining excellent preparations of the cuticularnbsp;membranes of interseminal scales and micropylar tubes (fig. 545),nbsp;demonstrating their very close agreement with those of the flowersnbsp;of Cycadeoidea.

One of Williamson’s ‘carpellary discs’ has been shown by Nathorst to be a verticil of microsporophylls bearing synangia,nbsp;but both this author and Lignier^ think that the two specimensnbsp;figured by Williamson as carpellary discs are distinct organs,nbsp;one being a staminate whorl and the other a sterile infxmdibuli'nbsp;form organ. My own view is that both are of the same naturenbsp;and consist of microsporophylls.

Fig. 544 represents the usual form in which the flowers oi W. gigas are found; it consists of linear bracts covered with hall®nbsp;identical with those on the peduncles shown in figs. 541—-543,nbsp;they surround a pyriform axis and form what Williamson call®*^nbsp;* Nathorst (09): (11).nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Lignier (07).

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involucrum. The base of the fossil is characterised by an Annular zone formed of crowded, radially disposed, narrownbsp;ridges now known to be casts of interseminal scales. At thenbsp;filter edge of this annular area impressions of the peltatenbsp;®iids of interseminal scales are not infrequently preserved.

545 is a photograph of one of Nathorst’s preparations show-*^g the very great similarity between a toicropylar tube of W. gigas and thenbsp;^corresponding structures in Cycadeoidea.

Tke small micropylar tubes are surrounded |cy 5—6 polygonal expanded apices ofnbsp;CQterseminal scales as in Cycadeoidea (fig.


Fig. 545. Williamsonia gigas. Micropylar tube.nbsp;(After Nathorst.)

^15; cf. also fig. 563), and the apex of oach peltate distal end projects slightlynbsp;a central papilla composed of morenbsp;strongly cuticularised cells. In mostnbsp;Specimens the megasporophylls and inter-seminal scales (sterile megasporophylls)

^'te preserved only as an annular zone at ^^e base of the receptacle (fig. 548, as),

^iit it is clear from some specimens of

^ Nathorst (09) PI. m.

® Krasser (12).

gigas and other species figured by Saporta^, Nathorst^, ^nd Krasser® that originally the whole surface of the pyriformnbsp;^xis was beset with these organs which fell off, presrfmably,nbsp;^ten the seeds had reached maturity. No satisfactory examplesnbsp;seeds have been found in English specimens. Krasser hasnbsp;described some specimens of Williamsonia from Jurassic rocksnbsp;Sardinia to which he assigns some associated seeds, but, asnbsp;admits, there is no proof of any connexion. In some casesnbsp;^ funnel-like depression is seen at the upper end of a strobilus ofnbsp;gigas (fig. 546, B, C, a) identical in the occurrence of radiallynbsp;disposed ridges with the annular zone at the base and due to thenbsp;preservation of interseminal scales and aborted megasporophyllsnbsp;the upper part of the receptacle; in this region also the impressions of polygonal apices of the scales are sometimes found. Thenbsp;probability is that while the greater part of the armour of scalesnbsp;und seeds was thrown off, at the upper and lower end of thenbsp;^ Saporta (91) PI. 248.

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receptacle some sterile megasporophylls and scales remained (fig. 548, as, dl).

'Williamson regarded the funnel-shaped depression as the impression of the lower surface of a laterally expanded portion of

the axis of the flower, and to this expansion he gave the naio® lenticular disc (figs. 546, 547, a). It is, however, much mor®nbsp;likely that the apparent extension of the axis is due to tb®

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preservation of the sterile zone of armour which formed a cluster of appendages, the impressions of which are seen on the sides ofnbsp;the funnel-like depression, the receptacle being prolonged as anbsp;slender axis (fig. 547, C). The next point to consider is the formnbsp;of the axis beyond the level of the collar of sterile armour.

— — r



547. Williamsonia gigas. A, flower in longitudinal section, showing, ^specially on the left side, interseminal scales and megasporophylls andnbsp;^ pyriform cavity representing the central axis (nat. size). A', the undernbsp;surface of the apical region. Aquot;, interseminal scales from A', B, castnbsp;ofA'. C, apical region of another specimen; a, interseminal scales; c, column;nbsp;r, ridge. (Williamson Collection, Botany School, Cambridge.)

Williamson described the axis as spreading out to form the lenti-*^War disc and then prolonged as a narrow conical pyramidal which is sMghtly extended horizontally immediately belownbsp;terminal mammilla: the apical mammilla he designated the

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corona (fig. 547, C, r). As already stated, the lenticular disc is probably not an expanded part of the axis but the result of thenbsp;preservation of a spreading mop-hke cluster of interseminal





Rg. 348. WilUamsonia gigas. Restoration showing an ovulate strobilus bearing a terminal infundibuhform appendage. Lignier, to whom the restorationnbsp;is due, points out that the apical portion of the axis at dl should be representenbsp;as straight and not, as in the figure, horizontally expanded, hi, bracts»nbsp;as, persistent interseminal scales forming the annular zone; r, receptad®’nbsp;cs, caducous megasporophylls and interseminal scales; dl, persistent internbsp;seminal scales, an extension of which formed the large funnel-like appendag®’nbsp;at; ap, apex of the receptacle. (After Lignier.)

scales. This is the view expressed by Lignier^ who kindly nished the block from which fig. 548 is reproduced. The lower

^ Lignier (03).

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face of Williamson’s lenticular disc is characterised by a series of spoke-like radiating ridges (fig. 547, A') between which arenbsp;less distinct radially disposed lines, and at the periphery there arenbsp;impressions (fig. 547, Aquot;), continuous with some of the radiatingnbsp;ridges, of the terminal shields of interseminal scales. In fig. 547,nbsp;drawn from one of the original specimens described by Williamson,nbsp;these features are shown at A' and B: fig. A' represents thenbsp;circular area, which is at right-angles to the axis of the flower,nbsp;in surface-view. In the centre of this circular area is a depression ending in a short papilla surrounded by a narrow basal rim:nbsp;this feature is shown on a cast of the specimen representednbsp;in fig. 547, B. In this case Williamson’s corona is seated onnbsp;a very short axis whereas in fig. 547, C, also from one ofnbsp;Williamson’s specimens, the corona forms the apex of a longernbsp;pyramidal axis. Wieland^ regarded the circular area seen innbsp;fig. 547, A, as the impression of the apical portion of a bi-sporangiate strobilus, the ridges marking the edges of the incurvednbsp;distal portions of microsporophylls bent over the apex of thenbsp;ovulate cone {cf. fig. 513), and he interpreted the polygonalnbsp;depressions at the periphery (fig. 547, Aquot;) as those of sori, annbsp;interpretation entirely different from that of Lignier. The latternbsp;nuthor^ in part reasserted his opinion but modified it as regardsnbsp;tfie meaning of the ridges on the circular area, agreeing so far withnbsp;^ieland as to consider them as having been formed by the folded-over rachises of microsporophylls attached as a concrescent collarnbsp;to the base of the ovulate cone. This interpretation does not,nbsp;however, explain the relation between the radial striations onnbsp;the circular area and the polygonal impressions at its periphery,nbsp;^^ieland still dissents from Lignier’s opinion and suggests thatnbsp;the circular area has not been demonstrated to belong to thenbsp;Epical end of a flower. Fig. 547 shows that its position is apical,nbsp;^ig. 548 represents Lignier’s view as to the nature of the rimnbsp;surrounding the apical mammilla: he suggested that severalnbsp;interseminal scales borne at the apical region of the receptaclenbsp;quot;’ure concrescent and formed hnear bracts the edges of whichnbsp;nre represented by the main ridges in fig. 547, A'. These con-ureseent scales bent upwards and were closely applied to or perhapsnbsp;^ Wieland (06) p. 152.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Lignier (07); Wieland (11) p. 462.

S. Ill nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;28

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concrescent with the pyramidal axis and were then prolonged as a wide infundihuliform apparatus (Williamson’s carpellarynbsp;disc). This organ was, however, easily detached, and the rimnbsp;seen at r in fig. 547, C, represents its narrow broken base. Withnbsp;this view I am in general agreement; but while Lignier regardsnbsp;the funnel-hke appendage as sterile and considers that similarnbsp;organs, but with a large central cavity at the base of the funnel,nbsp;may have been microsporophyll-discs which were borne belownbsp;the ovulate strobilus in the position occupied by the micro-sporophylls in Cycadeoidea (fig. 528)—my inclination is to see innbsp;the terminal appendage a whorl of concrescent microsporophylls.nbsp;This view lacks the support of demonstration. It is obviousnbsp;from Wilhamson’s specimens and from others described bynbsp;Saporta, Nathorst, and Lignier that the receptacle of WiUiamsoniO'nbsp;gigas was not so simple in its termination as that of the flowersnbsp;of Cycadeoidea. In Cycadeoidea dacotensis Wieland showed thatnbsp;the apex of the receptacle bore a tuft of long interseminal scales,nbsp;and it is readily conceivable that these apical appendages werenbsp;still further developed in some Williamsonia flowers to form anbsp;whorl of concrescent leaves borne on the prolonged apex of thenbsp;axis. There is little doubt as to the homology of interseminalnbsp;scales and microsporophylls, and there is no difficulty in supposingnbsp;that while in some flowers the foliar organs assumed the formnbsp;of interseminal scales of unusual length, in other species theynbsp;became microsporophylls.

It is noteworthy that the radiating ridges on the circular area shown in fig. 547, A', agree in position and approximately atnbsp;least in number with those on the sides of the cupular disc of thenbsp;microsporophyll-verticil of Williamsonia wliithiensis^. Nathorstnbsp;describes a specimen seen in a private collection in which annbsp;infundihuliform appendage appeared to be preserved in situ atnbsp;the apex of a flower of Williamsonia gigas- (cf. fig. 548, ut)-Thomas^, in his description of Williamsoniella, compares tfinnbsp;radial ridges on the apical sterile portion of a flower of Williamson'iC’nbsp;gigas to the ridges on his Williamsoniella which are formed by th®nbsp;tips of infolded microsporophylls.

^ Thomas (15^).

^ Nathorst (11) PI. n.

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It consists of an urn-shaped organ formed of the con-^ï’escent bases of 18—20 microsporophylls each 7—8 mm. wide; cup is 5—6 cm. broad, the base being torn but taperednbsp;549) as though originally prolonged downwards into a stalknbsp;in jp spectabilis. Along the middle hne of each sporophyllnbsp;^ series of depressions, probably the same in nature as thosenbsp;W. whiibiensis described by Nathorst, though it is not clearnbsp;Aether, in this case at least, they represent aborted synangia.

Thomas (15).


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Some reniform synangia (fig. 549, B) occur in the rock just above the cup. The sporophylls spread outwards from the base andnbsp;then curve inwards, bending outwards again as they becomenbsp;free. A portion of a microsporophyll is shown in fig. 650 bearingnbsp;segments projecting inwards asnbsp;in W. spectabilis (fig. 551). Thisnbsp;specimen, which occurs in association with female flowers, isnbsp;regarded by Mr Thomas as partnbsp;of a unisexual flower. He discussesnbsp;the possibility of its connexionnbsp;with an ovulate receptacle andnbsp;expresses the opinion that if itnbsp;were borne at the upper end ofnbsp;a bisporangiate flower the wholenbsp;would be top-heavy and thenbsp;arrangement uneconomical. Onnbsp;the other hand if, as suggestednbsp;on page 434, the flowers werenbsp;bisexual the staminate disc, whichnbsp;reached maturity before the ovules,nbsp;may have been thrown off, as innbsp;Gycadeoidea, before the seeds were


ripe. The form of the disc resembles that of the Indian

specimen described on another page as Williamsonia sp.;

W. setosa Nath.; it does not, I venture to think, afford an argument against the view that the microsporophyll-cup of sonJ®nbsp;Williamsonia flowers was attached near the apex of the receptad®nbsp;and was formed of modified foliar organs homologous with thos®nbsp;which, in the ovulate portion of the flower, constitute the internbsp;seminal scales and megasporophylls.

A further consideration of the microsporophylls of TT'iMww-soWf® will be found in a later section of this chapter.

Williamsonia spectabilis Nathorst.

This species^, the first example of undoubted microspor®^ bearing organs referred to Williamsonia, was founded on mateH

Nathorst (09) p. 6, Pis. i., il; (11) p. 5, Pis. i., iil; (12).

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discovered by Prof. Nathorst in the Lower Estuarine series of Whitby; it has also been obtained from beds of the same age atnbsp;Marske in the Cleveland district of Yorkshire^. WilUamsonianbsp;spectabilis, though indubitably a male organ, has not been foundnbsp;attached to a stem, and there is no decisive evidence as to itsnbsp;connexion with a particular species of frond. Nathorst believesnbsp;that it belongs to the plant which bore the leaves known as



551. WilUamsonia spectabilis and leaves of Ptilophyllum pecten. (After fJathorst; f nat. size.)

^iilophyllum pecten, an opinion based chiefly on association. The more complete specimens consist of a broad funnel-shapednbsp;organ prolonged below into a slender stalk and divided at thenbsp;®iargin into several linear-lanceolate segments (microsporophylls)nbsp;apices of which were rolled inwards like young fern-frondsnbsp;(figs. 551, 552). The synangia agree closely in form and in suchnbsp;structural features as can be made out from cuticular preparationsnbsp;^ith those described by Wieland in American species of Cyca-^oidea; they are slightly reniform, 5—6 mm. long and 2 mm.nbsp;^road and divided into several loculi by transverse partitions

1 Thomas (13^) p. 230, PI. xxiv. figs. 1—3.

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(fig. 552). The microspores, 58—65p, in length, are rather narrow, ovate and very similar to those described by Solms-Laubach^nbsp;in Cycadeoidea etrusca. The synangia are attached in two rowsnbsp;to slender lateral segments which appear to be given off from thenbsp;upper face near the median line of the broad linear sporophyllsnbsp;(fig. 565, A). Nathorst points out that the position of the fertilenbsp;pinnae brings the sporophylls into close relation with the vegetative fronds of Ptilophyllum pecten and other Cycadean fronds innbsp;which the pinnae are attached to the upper face of the rachis.

While the longer pinnae in the middle portion of a sporophyll bear several synangia, those near the base and apex are shorternbsp;and, in the proximal region nearer the broad cup formed by th®nbsp;coherent bases of the sporophylls, occur singly, thus approachingnbsp;the condition characteristic of W. whitbiensis (fig. 565, B) in whictnbsp;they are sessile on the simple microsporophylls. It is noteworthynbsp;that in some specimens figured by Nathorst there is a tendencynbsp;1 Capellini and Solms-Laubach (92) PI. v. fig. 7.

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of the lower part of the cup to break away from the coherent bases of the sporophylls (fig. 551)^, and it is not unlikely that somenbsp;of the impressions described as infundibuliform appendages arenbsp;incomplete examples of Williamsonia spectabilis.

^illiamsonia Leckenbyi Nathorst.

This species, founded on specimens from the Middle Estuarine beds exposed on the Yorkshire coast at Cloughton Wyke^, isnbsp;characterised by the almost spherical form of the strobilus,nbsp;^¦5—5 cm. in diameter. The relatively small receptacle is coverednbsp;by a thick mass of megasporophylls and interseminal scalesnbsp;except in the lower part which bears only sterile scales. Nathorstnbsp;beheves that the seeds were very small, but no undoubted examplesnbsp;have been found. A specimen in the British Museum, figurednbsp;in 1900®, shows the surface-view of an impression of the base of


Fig. 553. Williamsonia Leckenbyi. Surface-view and in sectioiv (Restoration after Nathorst.)

fbe flower; a small circular raised boss occupies the centre— the scar of the receptacle—and surrounding this is a reticulumnbsp;formed by the impression of the distal ends of the interseminalnbsp;Scales. The uniform nature of the reticulum, the meshes of whichnbsp;all of the same type, shows that in the basal region of thenbsp;bower the organs borne on the receptacle were all sterile asnbsp;Cycadeoidea (Bennettites) Morierei. Except in the smallernbsp;bianaeter of the receptacle this specimen is practically identicalnbsp;'^’ith that of Williamsonia Carruthersi Sew. reproduced in fig. 559.nbsp;b'be form of the strobilus is shown in Nathorst’s restoration*nbsp;i^epresented in fig. 553. The interseminal scales have broad peltate

^ Nathorst (09) PI. I. figs. 1—3.

p. 161, PI. 248.

^ Nathorst (09) p. 14, Pis. ii., iii.

^ Ibid. (80) p. 39. See also Saporta (91) “ Seward (00) B. p. 201, fig. 3.5.

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distal ends characterised by a patch of lighter and thinner-walled cells at the apex (fig. 554); the micropylar tubes are slightlynbsp;expanded at the summit and their epidermal cells are papillosenbsp;as in Williamsonia scotica (cf. fig. 563, B). Nathorst in 1909nbsp;adopted the name Williamsonia pecten Carr.^ for the specimensnbsp;originally referred to W. Leckenbyi as well as for microsporophyllsnbsp;that he believed to belong to the same plant as the ovulate strobili:nbsp;but in a later paper^ he restricts the. name Williamsonia pectennbsp;to the male strobili, reserving W. Leckenbyi for the ovulate forms,nbsp;as there is no proof that both were borne on the same plant.nbsp;From the evidence at present available it is reasonable to regardnbsp;W. Leckenbyi as a unisexual flower. In all probability the fronds

known as PtilopJiyllum pecten are the foliage of the parent-plant of W. Leckenbyi, though in the absence of proof it is advisable tonbsp;retain both names.

Williamsonia whitbiensis Nathorst.

Under this name Nathorst® described some interesting specimens of microsporophylls formerly attributed by him to IFfZfew»' sonia pecten, but the discovery of additional material led him Wnbsp;distinguish the Whitby (Lower Estuarine) fossils as W. whitbiensis,nbsp;retaining the name W. pecten for the type originally figured bynbsp;Leckenbyi from the Middle Estuarine series at Cloughton Wyk®nbsp;on the Yorkshire coast. In the type-specimen, 8—10 cm.

1 Carruthers (70) p. 694. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;2 lathorst (11) p. 19.

Nathorst (11) p. 9, Pis. n., ni. See also Nathorst (09) p. 8, Pis. i., n-^ Leckenby (64) A.

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diameter, there are 15 linear segments coalescent basally into a- thick cup difEering from that of W. spectabilis in the absence ofnbsp;a stalk (figs. 555, 556). A more important distinctive feature isnbsp;the production of synangia on the simple sporophylls (figs. 556, B;nbsp;h6o, B) and not on special fertile segments as in W. sfectabilis

Fig. 555. Williainsonia wkitbiensis. (After Nathorst; | nat. size.)

'^•556. WilUamsoma wkitbiensis. A, male flower. B, sporophyll with synangia.

(After Nathorst.)

552). The inner face of each sporophyll, as seen in im-h^'essions, shows two regular rows of small depressions, one each side of the median line; these become graduallynbsp;jailer towards the base of the cup-like disc (figs. 555, 556).

the actual carbonised surface of the inner face of the cup ^iHall and transversely elongated projections take the place of

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the depressions and these show the same decrease in size when traced from the free segments to the cupular organ. Nathorstnbsp;obtained microspores only from the larger projections and nonenbsp;from the smaller, a circumstance which may indicate that onlynbsp;the upper and larger synangia were fully developed^.

This species is especially interesting as throwing hght on the nature of one of the specimens (from the Whitby Museum) figurednbsp;by Wilhamson as a ‘carpellary disc^.’: the ‘seeds’ of Williamsonnbsp;are no doubt, as Nathorst believes, synangia, while the smallernbsp;pairs of markings figured by Williamson represent rudimentarynbsp;synangia and not ‘abortive ovules.’ Though the specific identitynbsp;of Williamson’s specimen and Williamsonia whitbiensis is notnbsp;certain, the latter is undoubtedly a closely allied form of a micro-sporophyll-verticil. A specimen figured in 1900 as a flower ofnbsp;Williamsonia pecten^, designated by Nathorst Williamsonia sp-gt;nbsp;is a very similar if not an identical type; it consists of a fairlynbsp;deep basal cup the surface of which is characterised by the presencenbsp;of several regular ridges between which are pairs of small depressions containing carbonaceous matter. In the light of Nathorst snbsp;researches it is clear that this is an incomplete example of a whorlnbsp;of microsporophylls. The base of the disc is incomplete, but itnbsp;is certain from the small size of the basal hole with torn edge®nbsp;that the cup could not have been attached to the base of a receptacle as are the microsporophylls in Wieland’s bisporangiat®nbsp;flowers of Cycadeoidea. The specimens referred by Nathorst tonbsp;Williamsonia pecten* (Leek, ex parte) are similar to those describednbsp;as W. whitbiensis, but differ in the texture of the cup and in th®nbsp;degree of cuticularisation of the synangial walls. The synangi®'nbsp;of W. pecten are of the usual reniform type and multicellular a®nbsp;in W. spectabilis.

1 Nathorst (12) p. 7. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Wilhamson (70) PI. m. fig. 1; PI. mi. fig- 2-

® Seward (00) B. p. 201, PI. ii. fig. 7.

* Nathorst (11) p. 19, PI. V. figs. 1—8; PL vi. figs. 1—3, The namePaZaet®®*”** pecten was applied by Leckenby [Leckenby (64) A. p. 77, PI. ix. fig. 47] both to tnbsp;fronds and an associated flower which is now recognised as a whorl of microspor®nbsp;phylls. I formerly employed the name Williamsonia pecten for fronds and floweiSinbsp;but in view of Nathorst’s work it is advisable to follow his example and to 09^nbsp;separate names for male and female flowers when there is no proof that theynbsp;to one type; similarly the fronds may conveniently be spoken of as .nbsp;pecten.

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XXXVIl] nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;WILLIAMSONIAnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;443

^illiamsonia setosa Nathorst.

The distinguishing features of this species^, founded on material collected by Dr Halle from Lower Estuarine beds at Whitby, arenbsp;(i) the greater number of linear sporophylls which bear numerousnbsp;tgt;ristles or stout hairs, (ii) the loose coherence of the contractednbsp;proximal portion of the hnear segments, and (iii) a narrowernbsp;basal disc in place of the deeper cup of other species. One of thenbsp;specimens referred to this species, formerly regarded by Nathorstnbsp;s-s an infundibuliform organ of an ovulate strobilus of W. gigas^,nbsp;bears a striking resemblance to an Indian fossil described bynbsp;ï’eistmantel from India®.

Indian species of Williamsonia (Flowers).

Several specimens of Williamsonia have been described from ^be Rajmahal and other Jurassic series in India, some of whichnbsp;exhibit a close agreement with Williamsonia gigas. It is, however,nbsp;•Noteworthy that no fronds of the Zamites gigas type have beennbsp;discovered in Indian beds; on the other hand the association ofnbsp;iNonds of the same type as Ptilofhyllum 'pecten with Williamsoniannbsp;etrobili is significant, as also the occurrence of stems apparentlynbsp;•dentical in surface-features with English and Mexican species.

Williamsonia sp. -

Oldham and Morris^ figured a specimen from the Rajufahal Hills consisting of a circular disc enclosed by a zone of ‘closelynbsp;PS'Cked tubes,’ the basal portion of an ovulate Williamsonianbsp;^tiobilus, which they regarded as a pressed mass of young leavesnbsp;probably related to Palaeozamia’ [Ptilophyllum']. The figurednbsp;specimen shows that the radially disposed ‘tubes’ surroundingnbsp;He circular area are interseminal scales some of which are seen

the periphery in surface-view as small polygonal areas as in

•iglish specimens. Feistmantel® refigured this specimen and referred it to Williamsonia gigas though on insufficient grounds.nbsp;quot;Iri the same species Feistmantel® assigns two other specimensnbsp;Horn the Rajmahal series, one of which consists of several narrow

^ Nathorst (11) p. 17, PI. iv. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Nathorst (09) PI. vn. fig. 1.

j See page 444.

j Oldham and Morris (63) B. PL xxxii. fig. 2.

Feistmantel (77^) p. 76: (77^1 PI. n. fig. 5. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;« Ibid. (77^) PI. xLiv. fig. 2.


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linear bracts partially enclosing a strobilus with a portion of the annular zone at the base in which the seminiferous scales arenbsp;shown in longitudinal-view and a few in apical-view.

Williamsonia sp. cf. Williamsonia setosa Nathorst.

A third example from tjie same locality (fig. 557) is described by Feistmantel^ as part of one of Williamson’s ‘carpellary discs^,’


Pig. 557. Williamsonia sp. A, whorl of microsporophylls; s, synangia(?)' C, side-view of the basal portion of A. B, part of a microsporophyll enlarged-(Indian Geological Survey; A, nat. size.)

a comparison that is fully justified. The accompanying drawing has been carefully made from the actual specimen: portions ofnbsp;10 very hairy bracts radiate in a horizontal plane from a con'nbsp;1 Feistmantel (772) pp xliv. figs. 3, 4.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Williamson (70) PI. Mi. fig-

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tinuous lamina with a wrinkled and ridged surface bent sharply ^ack at right-angles to the bracts and forming a double curve asnbsp;seen in the sectional view (fig. 557, C). The form assumed by thenbsp;¦'vertical part of the disc is, I believe, the result of compression.nbsp;Wieland^ regards this fossil as a whorl of microsporophyllsnbsp;originally attached to the lower portion of the receptacle of anbsp;bisexual flower. Close to the edge of one of the bracts is annbsp;imperfectly preserved structure (fig. 557, B, s) which may representnbsp;alternately arranged rows of synangia belonging to one ofnbsp;i'be hairy bracts; but we have no evidence as to the position ofnbsp;i'be microsporophylls on the flower-axis. The central spacenbsp;inclosed by the crushed concrescent portion of the disc is largenbsp;Enough to have embraced a receptacle but, on the other hand,nbsp;i'be portion preserved may have broken off from a proximal cupnbsp;bke that of W. spectabilis^, which, as Nathorst’s specimens show,nbsp;sometimes broken across near the upper edge of the basalnbsp;iutinel. This specimen is spoken of by Feistmantel as William-gigas. It is impossible to say whether these Kajmahalnbsp;specimens belong to one species, and they are therefore provisionally designated Williamsonia sp. and Williamsonia sp. cf. W.nbsp;^^tosa.

Williamsonia microps Feistmantel. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;,

This species is based on a compressed ovate strobilus surrounded by linear bracts and a portion of the cylindrical axis®. It isnbsp;possible that this smaller, bud-like, specimen may be a youngernbsp;Example of the species referred by Feistmantel to Williamsonianbsp;Sigas.

Williamsonia Blandfordi Feistmantel.

Founded on a small strobilus enclosed by linear bracts, from I'be Jurassic rocks of Cutch^, very similar to Williamsonia pecten;nbsp;seen in fig. 558, drawn from the original specimen, the flowernbsp;associated with a Ptilophyllum frond indistinguishable fromnbsp;''OQie examples of Ptilophyllum pecten.

^ Wieland (11) p. 460, fig. 16 B. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Nathorst 09) p. 6.

Feistmantel (77*) PI. XLI. fig. 4; (77) PI. i. fig. 6; PI. Ii. fig. 4.

Ihid. (Iffl) p. 52, PI. XII. figs. 5—7; (77®) PI. i. figs. 4, 5; PI. ii. fig. 6.

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WiUiamsonia indica, sp. nov.

This name is proposed for some imperfect specimens described by Feistmantel from the Godaveri district and named by himnbsp;WiUiamsonia sp. cf. WiUiamsonia gigas^. They differ fromnbsp;WiUiamsonia gigas in the larger size of the bracts which reachnbsp;a length of 13 cm. and may be compared with those of a largenbsp;specimen recorded from Mexico as WiUiamsonia Cuauhtemoc^.

It is almost certain that some at least of the Indian flowers were borne on stems with the foliage known as PtilophylluW^nbsp;acutifolium, an inference based not only on the almost constantnbsp;association of flowers and fronds but also on the juxtaposition ofnbsp;both kinds of organs with stems precisely similar to those describednbsp;from England and Mexico. Though none of the specimens arenbsp;sufficiently well preserved to afford much information as tonbsp;structural features, Miss Bancroft® has shown that the bracts of

^ Eeistmantel (77'') p. 181, PI. vn. figs. 1—I; (77^) PI. n. figs. 1—3.

^ My thanks are due to Mr Wieland for a photograph of this species that mentioned but not figured in his paper on the Mexican Flora, Wieland (13)-® Bancroft (13) p. 76, PI. vii. figs. 1—5.

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One of the examples assigned by Feistmantel to W. gigas are Similar anatomically to those of Williamsonia scotica and arenbsp;clothed with simple hairs. The important point is the verynbsp;close correspondence between the Indian and English types ofnbsp;Williamsonia, as regards flowers, fronds, and stems.

British Specimens.

Williamsonia Carruthersi Seward.

This species was founded on several specimens from Wealden l^cds on the Sussex coast none of which afford information as to

^Ratomical structurei. It is not improbable that more than one species is represented. The ovulate cone, 6 cm. long, is surroundednbsp;7 ^ci^eral linear bracts (fig. 559, A) and in shape resembles Bennet-cs Morierei Lign.; the bracts are broken across near the base,nbsp;is frequently the case in Williamsonia gigas, exposing an annularnbsp;^°iic formed by persistent interseminal scales. From the inner

^ Seward (95) A. p. 157, Pis. x., xi.

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face of some of the bracts project slender radiating plates (lig. 559, A') which no doubt mark the boundary of the superficial and relatively large interseminal scales, like those formingnbsp;the so-called pericarp in Bennettites Gihsonianus. The receptaclenbsp;appears to have been conical, a feature recalling Bennettitesnbsp;rather than Williamsonia. The saucer-like impression shown innbsp;fig. 559, B, is practically identical with the corresponding portionnbsp;of Williamsonia Leckenbyi: the centre is occupied by a raisednbsp;area, the basal part of the receptacle, on which a series of peripheral prominences represents the vascular strands; the sidesnbsp;of the saucer show very clearly the reticulum formed by thenbsp;distal ends of interseminal scales. One reason for assigning thisnbsp;species to Williamsonia rather than to Bennettites (or Cycadeoideo)nbsp;is the occurrence in the same bed of a peduncle 12 cm. long andnbsp;3 cm. broad which probably belonged to the parent-plant of thenbsp;cone. The surface of the peduncle shows spirally disposed scarsnbsp;of bracts crowded at the distal end and more widely separatednbsp;in the lower portion,

Williamsonia BucJclandi (Unger).

In 1837 Buckland^ gave an account of a ‘ unique and beautiful fossil fruit’ from Inferior Oolite beds at Charmouth in Dorsetshirenbsp;and stated that the type-specimen was in the Oxford MuseuiU’nbsp;Professor Sollas kindly searched for the specimen some yearsnbsp;ago but without success. Buckland considered that the fruif

was related to the Pandanaceae and described it as follows-

‘ The size of this fruit is that of a large orange, its surface is occupi®' by a stellated covering or epicarpium, composed of hexagonalnbsp;tubercles, forming the summits of cells, which occupy the entd®nbsp;circumference of the fruit. Within each cell is contained a singl®nbsp;seed, resembling a small grain of rice more or less compressed»nbsp;and usually hexagonal. When the epicarpium is removed,nbsp;points of the seeds are seen, thickly studded over the surface onbsp;the fruit. The bases of the cells are separated from the receptad®nbsp;by a congeries of foot-stalks formed of a dense mass of fibr®®’nbsp;resembling the fibres beneath the base of the seeds of the modeiUnbsp;Pandanus.’’ At the suggestion of Kobert Brown- he called


^ Buckland (37) Vol. i. p. 505, Vol. ii. p. 101, PI. LXin. figs. 2—10.

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‘fruit’ Podocarya, the specific name Bwklandi being afterwards given by Unger^. Brongniart^ called attention to the resemblancenbsp;of Buckland’s specimen to Williamsonia, and that name has beennbsp;S'dopted by Saporta®, Nathorst, and other authors*. Sowerby’snbsp;drawings illustrating the original description, one of which isnbsp;reproduced in fig. 560, show that this unusually fine specimen isnbsp;ovulate Bennettitean strobilus very similar in its thick conical


Fio. 560. Williamsonia Bucklandi. (After Buckland; f nat. size.^

’^®eeptacle to some of Wieland’s species of Cycadeoidea, e.g. C. ^^otensis (fig. 528): the armour of scales and megasporophyllsnbsp;^grees exactly with that of some species of Williamsonia fromnbsp;orkshire and with the flowers of Cycadeoidea. Though included innbsp;genus Williamsonia it would not be out of place in Cycadeoidea.


^ittuitnsonia scotica Seward.

The type-specimen was found by Hugh Miller near Cromarty Scotland) and figured as a cone of peculiar form^; it wasnbsp;'^tgt;tained from a limestone nodule probably derived from Uppernbsp;'^'irassic rocks. The fossil is 11 cm. long and has a maximum

Bnj 8 a

'ger (50) A. p. 327.

'aporta (91) p. 127, Pis. 238, 239.

5 other references, see Seward (04) B. p. 105.

(l')2j '^*tler(57) B. p. 480. For a detailed description and illustrations,

S. Ill

s Brongniart (49) A. p. 88.

see Seward


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breadth of 6 cm. (fig. 561); numerous linear bracts cover the surface and in the lower portion many of them are broken. A noteworthy feature is the absence of any clean-cut base, a fact pointingnbsp;to fracture rather than a natural abscission of the fertile axis.nbsp;The following description may serve to give a general idea of thenbsp;salient characters. Flowering shoot ovoid, covered with linearnbsp;bracts some of which are prolonged above the conical apex asnbsp;slender tapered organs and two of them bear a few short lateral

appendages (fig. 561, 1), probably reduced leaflets, near their distal ends. The cylindrical axis, completely hidden by bracts,nbsp;1-5 cm. in its widest part, bears in the lower or sterile regionnbsp;bracts and long hairs and in the upper part interseminal scalesnbsp;and immature megasporophylls which together form a narrownbsp;band (fig. 562, S) 2 mm. broad extending over the incompletelynbsp;preserved and conical apex, as in some of the American examples

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of Cycadeoidea. The strobilus was probably borne at the apex of a lateral branch given off from a stem covered with persistentnbsp;petiole-bases: there is no evidence that this was the case, but thenbsp;appearance of the ovoid cone suggests comparison with those ofnbsp;Williamsonia gigas which were terminal on fairly long branchesnbsp;and not partially hidden among the bases of fronds as in Cycadeoidea. It is, however, possible that the cone of Williamsonianbsp;scotica is a lateral structure: this suggestion is based on the occurrence of a small branch or bud, which may be the apex of thenbsp;whole fertile shoot, given off from the cone-axis but only revealed



trf. m3.

Pig. 562. Williamsonia scotica. Transverse section; S, scales and megasporo-phylls ; a, bract showing detached superficial tifesue on the inner side. (ca. x 2.)

in transverse sections. The interseminal scales, 2 mm. long and 0’23 mm. broad at the truncate distal end (fig. 563), are polygonalnbsp;in section and arranged as rosettes of 5—6 around each megasporo-Phyll (fig. 564, a section tangential to the peripheral layer ofnbsp;scales and sporophylls). The megasporophylls, equal in lengthnbsp;lo the scales, consist of a cylindrical axis bearing a terminalnbsp;iiiegasporangium, an undifferentiated nucellus, enclosed in anbsp;Single integument prolonged as a micropylar tube above thenbsp;conical end of the nucellus (fig. 563, B, C, a). Fig. 562 representsnbsp;S' transverse section through the cone showing the cylindricalnbsp;axis with its compact covering layer (fig. 563, A, s) of sterile andnbsp;fertile appendages, and beyond this sections of the envelopingnbsp;bi’acts embedded in a dense felt of long hairs. The tissue of thenbsp;sxis, though very imperfectly preserved, shows occasional groups


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of secretory sacs and a few patches of scalarifomi tracheids: there is evidence of the occurrence of peripheral conducting tissuenbsp;in the lower portion of the axis such as occurs in the pedunclesnbsp;of American species of Cycadeoidea described by Wieland. Thenbsp;bracts nearer the axis are more shrivelled than those farther away,nbsp;the result of the feebler development of hypodermal stereome innbsp;the more internal bracts. Sunken stomata occur on the lowernbsp;surface of some of the bracts; several collateral bundles arenbsp;present in each and large secretory ducts are abundant. The

564. Williamsonia scotica. Transverse section near the distal end of a micropylar tube and the surrounding polygonal interseminal scales, {ca. x 100.)

numerous hairs on the bracts and the sterile region of the cone 9're outgrowths of epidermal cells; most of them consist of anbsp;short basal cell and a very long thick-walled tubular hair reachingnbsp;n length of several centimetres. In some cases the basal cellnbsp;bears a group of short cells each of which is the starting-pointnbsp;of a long hair: this is worthy of notice from the point of view ofnbsp;Comparison with the ramenta of other Bennettitalean flowers.nbsp;The short proximal cell of a hair is surrounded by a cuticularnbsp;^iiig like a rounded base-moulding where it rests on the epidermis:nbsp;this has been aptly compared to the dark rings that form

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a striking feature of the cuticular membrane of Ptilophyllum leaflets^.

In the examination of the type-specimen the first section cut was transverse to the axis (fig. 562), and this happened to traversenbsp;the lowest part of the fertile region of the receptacle, as was shownnbsp;by the fact that in the next lower section the axis bore onlynbsp;bracts and hairs. , It is clear that the sterile portion of the receptacle passed abruptly upwards into the fertile region, and it isnbsp;extremely unlikely that any microsporophylls were borne at thenbsp;base of that portion of the cone-axis which produced the scalesnbsp;and megasporophylls. The cone was, in all probability, unisexual. On the analogy of the cones shown in figs. 513, 514, onenbsp;would expect to find between the sterile and fertile regions eithernbsp;a verticil of microsporophylls or the remains of an annular discnbsp;from which the effete sporophylls had been detached. There isnbsp;no trace of any such disc, and the fact of the immaturity of thenbsp;megasporophylls renders it unlikely that were the cone bisexualnbsp;the microsporophylls would have been detached. As previousnbsp;records show, there is nothing improbable in the occurrence of anbsp;unisexual Bennettitean flower. These remarks are made in view ofnbsp;an opinion expressed by Dr Wieland that the bracts with lateralnbsp;appendages (fig. 561, 1), to which allusion has been made, arenbsp;microsporophylls and that if the cone had been sliced longitudinallynbsp;the presence of a microsporophyll-disc would have been discovered.nbsp;The latter possibility has already been considered, and as regardsnbsp;the former there is nothing in the structure of the small lateralnbsp;appendages of the longest bracts to indicate that they were connected with spore-production. It is not unlikely that the bractsnbsp;with small outgrowths (fig. 561, 1) correspond to the more leaflike bracts of Wielandiella and WilUamsoniella. The two sets ofnbsp;organs spoken of as interseminal scales and megasporophyllsnbsp;are probably homologous, foliar, structures; in the one case leavesnbsp;transformed into cylindrical organs bearing terminal integumentednbsp;and undifferentiated megasporangia and, in the other, sterilenbsp;or sterilised sporophylls. The polygonal truncate distal end ofnbsp;an interseminal scale is flat or slightly concave and covered by

1 Thomas and Bancroft (13) p. 184.

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a thick epidermis^ and on the sides of the scale many of the surface-cells are strongly papillose (figs. 563, 564). The rest of the inter-seminal scale consists mainly of elongated cells, which in the lower portion of the axis of the scale assume a tubular form, presumablynbsp;immature conducting elements; in one scale only was any trachealnbsp;tissue found and that was represented by 2—3 scalariformnbsp;tracheids. The scales appear to arise from the axis like the bractsnbsp;as superficial outgrowths, and probably in a later stage of development the centre of each scale would be occupied by a vascularnbsp;strand. The megasporophylls bear a close resemblance to thenbsp;scales, but in transverse section they appear as smaller and circularnbsp;organs each the centre of a group of polygonal interseminalnbsp;scales precisely as in other Bennettitean flowers (fig. 564; cf.nbsp;fig. 515). The proximal part of a megasporophyll consists of anbsp;column of parenchyma (fig. 563, A, s) extending through half ofnbsp;the length; from this column is detached a narrow cylinder ofnbsp;small crushed cells which most likely represents the remains ofnbsp;tissue that originally occupied the space surrounding the axialnbsp;column. At a higher level the axial column becomes broader andnbsp;its short cells more elongated and slightly divergent towards thenbsp;sloping sides of the conical nucellus. The loose cylinder of tissuenbsp;is attached to the nucellar cone and prolonged beyond its apexnbsp;as a broad integument enclosing a very small micropyle (fig. 563, C).nbsp;The apex of the integument has the form of a shallow funnel:nbsp;its epidermal cells are papillose (fig. 563, B, C) and the presencenbsp;of short transversely elongated cells is a characteristic feature ofnbsp;the tissue lining the micropylar canal. The bracts agree generallynbsp;with those of Cycadeoidea Gibsoniana, Cycadeoidea Morierei, andnbsp;the American species. The ground tissue is composed of scleren-chyma comparable with the scalariform elements in the bractsnbsp;of Cycadeoidea Gibsoniana {cf. fig. 520). It is in the possessionnbsp;of long hairs like those on the leaves of Dioon and other recentnbsp;Cycads that Williamsonia scotica differs from previously describednbsp;flowers in all of which the fern-like ramental scales are a conspicuousnbsp;feature. It is interesting to find that similar hairs are substitutednbsp;for scales in some Indian stems described by Miss Bancroft^.nbsp;Lignier^ mentions the occurrence of long unicellular hairs onnbsp;^ Bancroft (13).nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Lignier (01).

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Cycadeoidea micromyela (p. 415), a Jurassic French species, hut the ramenta are in part multicellular lamellae and the presencenbsp;of transitional forms suggests a possible derivation of hairs fromnbsp;scales both in fossil species and in recent Cycads. The mega-sporophylls and interseminal scales are much shorter than innbsp;Cycadeoidea Gibsoniana and other species in which the axis of thenbsp;cone forms a depressed receptacle (cf. fig. 521, A, C), but theynbsp;correspond closely with those of several American species. Innbsp;Cycadeoidea Gibsoniana and C. Morierei the distal ends of thenbsp;interseminal scales are much broader and their diameter greatlynbsp;exceeds that of the micropylar tubes, 2-8 mm. as comparednbsp;with 0-25 mm., whereas in Williamsonia scotica the scales arenbsp;0-23 mm. broad and the micropylar tubes 0-15 mm. The mummified micropylar tubes of W. pecten bear a striking resemblance innbsp;form and in the papillose epidermal cells to those of the Scotchnbsp;species.

There are two additional points suggested by the structure of the fertile region, namely the possibility that the megasporo-phylls are arrested rather than immature organs and, secondly,nbsp;the method of pollination. In regard to the first there would seemnbsp;to be no adequate reason for doubting the correctness of the viewnbsp;that the sporophylls are potentially perfect ovules which werenbsp;petrified at a comparatively early stage in development. Thenbsp;dense woolly covering investing the surface of the scales andnbsp;megasporophylls recalls an inflorescence of Aesculus hippocastanumnbsp;in its winter-fur and hardly suggests a collection of ovules accessiblenbsp;to microspores. In all probability at a later stage the protectingnbsp;bracts with their felt of hairs would bend outwards leaving exposednbsp;the receptive micropyles.


In view of the association of microsporophylls and ovulate strobili in the flowers of Cycadeoidea described by Wieland, mostnbsp;of which are bisexual, it is reasonable to expect a similar associationnbsp;in the flowers of Williamsonia which agree closely in the essentialnbsp;features of both micro- and mega-sporophylls with those ofnbsp;Cycadeoidea. It is, therefore, surprising that in no single casenbsp;have the microsporophylls attributed to Williamsonia been found

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in actual connexion with a receptacle bearing interseminal scales and megasporophylls. The same statement holds good withnbsp;regard to the Williamsonias discovered in Mexico. Nathorstnbsp;believes that the miorosporophylls on which he has founded severalnbsp;species are unisexual flowers with the possible exception of W.nbsp;pyramidalis'^. This species, found by Dr Halle at Cloughton Wyke,nbsp;is represented by a small ovulate strobilus characterised by anbsp;conical receptacle with a blunt mucronate apex: with it is associated a microsporophyll bearing synangia. The orientation ofnbsp;the two specimens is such as to suggest an original connexion.nbsp;As Nathorst says, there is, however, no proof that the two belongnbsp;to one flower. Wieland^, though believing that the existencenbsp;of bisporangiate Williamsonia flowers is ‘reasonably certain,’nbsp;agrees with Nathorst’s conclusion as to the unisexual characternbsp;of W. ^pectabilis and W. pecten. On the other hand, he regardsnbsp;the microsporophyll-verticil which was first described by Williamson as a carpellary disc, then named by Nathorst® W. hituherculatanbsp;and afterwards identified as a microsporophyll-disc closely alliednbsp;to W. whitbiensis, as the staminate part of W. gigas. This viewnbsp;is, in my opinion, impossible to reconcile with the nature of thenbsp;specimen. If, as Wieland suggests, it is the staminal collar splitnbsp;off from the base of a large ovulate cone like that of Williamsonianbsp;gigas, one would expect to find a central space in the middle ofnbsp;the cupular base large enough to embrace the receptacle. Neithernbsp;in this specimen nor in several other forms of microsporophyll-verticils is there such a central space. It is clear that the discsnbsp;described as W. spectabilis, W. whitbiensis, and other speciesnbsp;were not borne as concrescent collars on a stout axis as are thenbsp;corresponding organs in Cycadeoidea. The Indian specimennbsp;reproduced in fig. 557 and the very closely allied type W. setosanbsp;are incomplete at the centre and may possibly have been bornenbsp;at the base of an ovulate bisporangiate strobilus, but there isnbsp;Qo definite evidence that this was the case. Moreover, in W.nbsp;spectabilis the lower part of the cup (fig. 551) easily splits awaynbsp;from the rest of the staminate disc, and this may explain thenbsp;central space in the specimen shown in fig. 549, A. If W. spectabilis.

2 Wieland (11) p. 462.

^ Nathorst (11) p. 24, PI. v. figs. 9—11. ^ Nathorst (09) p. 10; (11) pT 14.

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to take one example, is a complete flower there are certain difficulties which are not easily explained; as Nathorst has shown, in this type there is a short stalk, but in W. whitbienamp;is the basenbsp;of the funnel has no stalk and there is no interruption of thenbsp;stout lamina at the centre or any indication of a scar. Nathorstnbsp;compares the funnel-like region of W. whithiensis to a kind ofnbsp;cupule which became detached after flowering^. But a cupulenbsp;is supported on an axis and, though no scar is apparent on somenbsp;of the more complete specimens, it is obvious that the verticilnbsp;must have been supplied with vascular tissue from some axialnbsp;organ. This brings us to the consideration of a morphologicalnbsp;point which cannot be definitely answered. Nathorst has previously raised the question—is it possible that the microsporo-phylls were attached to the upper part of an ovulate strobilus;nbsp;were the flowers bisexual and epigynous ? He believes the answernbsp;to be in the negative. Reference has already been made to thenbsp;probable occurrence at the apex of the receptacle of Williamsonianbsp;gigas of a funnel-like organ of the type described by Williamsonnbsp;as ‘carpellary disc^,’ a term under which Nathorst® believesnbsp;that Williamson included two different things,—staminate discsnbsp;borne on separate, unisexual, flowers, and sterile organs callednbsp;by Lignier^ the infundibuliform apparatus. The latter, it isnbsp;believed, were attached to the apex of an ovulate strobilus asnbsp;shown in fig. 548, comparable in position with the leaves at thenbsp;summit of an inflorescence of Ananas. A comparison of thenbsp;fossils regarded as infundibuliform appendages with some of thenbsp;microsporophyll-verticils shows that they are identical in form,nbsp;the only difference being that on the former there are no synangia.nbsp;This fact can hardly be regarded as negative evidence fatal tonbsp;the morphological identity of these sterile and fertile organs.nbsp;The available evidence, though far from complete, is favourablenbsp;to the view that in some Williamsonia flowers, e.g. W. gigas, thenbsp;microsporophylls were produced at the apex of the axis in thenbsp;position shown in fig. 548. To cite a rough analogy,—in Cyca-deoidea the flower was hypogynous as in Erica-, in Williamsonia

1 Nathorst (09) p. 10.

^ WilKamson (70) PI. lii. : see also Seward (00) B, PI. vni. fig. 1.

^ Nathorst (09) p. 12, fig. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* Lignier (03^) p. 34.

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epigynous as in Vaccinium. This view does not exclude the possibility of the existence of unisexual flowers in some species,nbsp;but the evidence in favour of a separation of the sexes is by nonbsp;means decisive. Another difficulty is the absence of protectivenbsp;bracts in the case of the microsporophylls, a striking contrastnbsp;to the bract-enclosed ovulate strobili of Williamsonia or to thenbsp;bract-covered flowers of Cycadeoidea. Were the microsporophyllsnbsp;borne on a separate axis general considerations would lead us tonbsp;expect the association of bracts with the essential organs. The

fact that no such association has been recorded is a fact favourable to the view that the flowers were bisporangiate.

The student is warned that the opinion expressed with regard to the position of the microsporophylls is contrary to thatnbsp;which is held by several palaeobotanists^.

Williamsonia mexicana Wieland.

This species is one of the numerous types discovered by Wieland in Mexico^. It is distinguished by the deep campanulate

^ In addition to the papers already quoted, reference should also be made to Thomas (15^).

Wieland (09) p. 430 (the species is here referred to as the ‘El consuelo lia'); (11) p. 461, fig. 17 C.

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concrescent portioB of the whorl of microsporophylls and by the ten short free lobes which bear two rows of lateral synangianbsp;(fig. 565, C). Among the British forms Williamsonia whitbiensisnbsp;would appear to be the most closely allied type. W. mexicananbsp;ocfturs in association with Otozaniites fronds, as is the case withnbsp;an Italian specimen figured by Zigno^, but in the Mexican speciesnbsp;there is no conclusive evidence of organic connexion.

Other species oe Williamsonia.

Williamsonia Haydeni Seward.-

A Jurassic species from Afghanistan^ founded on a single specimen of a flattened broadly-oval flower similar to W. gigasnbsp;but smaller and enclosed by narrow linear bracts. An interestingnbsp;feature is the occurrence of a funnel-shaped depression at thenbsp;apex showing radiating lines on its surface as in the Williamsonianbsp;represented in fig. 546, A. In all probability these lines denote thenbsp;persistence of a collar of interseminal scales on the upper part ofnbsp;the elongated conical receptacle. An examination of the carbonaceous material revealed the presence of some short rods agreeingnbsp;in size and shape with the interseminal scales of other species.nbsp;Williamsonia Otozamitis (Zigno).

Zigno® instituted the generic name Blastolepis for some specimens from the Jurassic rocks of north Italy which he referred to three species, B. falcata, B. acuminata, and B. Otozamitis.nbsp;These are true Williamsonias closely allied to W. gigas. Annbsp;examination of the type-specimen of B. Otozamitis in the Paduanbsp;collection led me to the conclusion that Zigno was correct innbsp;representing the ovulate strobilus, which shows an annular areanbsp;like that in specimens of W. gigas, as being in organic connexionnbsp;with an Otozaniites frond. Wielaud has recently discovered speciesnbsp;of Williamsonia in Mexico that he correlates with Otozamites leaves.nbsp;Williamsonia sp. Seward.

Though by no means satisfactory as a trustworthy record of the genus, the specimens so designated from the Kimmeridgiannbsp;of Scotland* are probably imperfect examples of the genus.

^ Zigno (85) PI. XIII. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Seward (12) p. 26, PI. lu. fig. 44; PI. vn. fig. 8®'

=gt; Zigno (85) p. 173, PI. xm. figs. 9—11.

Seward (ll’*) p. 691, PI. v. fig. 99.

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Williamsonia oregonensis Fontaine.

The type-specimen from Jurassic rocks in Oregon^ consists of a stout axis bearing several contiguous linear bracts formingnbsp;a more or less spherical cluster 5 cm. broad. The form suggestsnbsp;a Williamsonia, but the evidence is hardly decisive.

Williamsonia Forchammeri Nathorst.

A Bornholm species^ from Lower Jurassic strata represented by an annular zone surrounding a central area, probably a portionnbsp;of an ovulate strobilus.

Williamsonia minima Saporta.

This Upper Jurassic species from Portugal® consists of a number of small bracts or leaves attached to a central axis and is of nonbsp;value as evidence of the occurrence of Williamsonia.

Williamsonia problematica (Newberry).

This species was first described from the Amboy clays as Palaeanthus {Williamsonia) problematica'^ and compared to anbsp;Composite inflorescence with long ray-florets. More recentlynbsp;Hollick ® has referred to this species specimens from the Cretaceousnbsp;of Long Island and Martha’s Vineyard, but none of them affordnbsp;Conclusive evidence of Williamsonian affinity. Some of thenbsp;examples, as suggested by Hollick,' g,gree fairly closely withnbsp;Williamsonia cretacea Heer.

Williamsonia Smockii Newberry.

The curious urn-like bodies from the Amboy clays® on which this species is based are not unlike the capsules of a Papavernbsp;but bear no real resemblance to a Williamsonia.

Williamsonia Riesii Hollick.

A species from the Cretaceous rocks of Martha’s Vineyard’ referred to Williamsonia on rather slender grounds and representednbsp;by imperfect material.

^ Fontaine in Ward (05) B. p. 118, PI. xxix. fig. 6.

^ Nathorst (80) p. 41, PI. viii. fig. 7. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Saporta (94) B. p. 105, PI. xix. fig. 9.

¦* Newberry and Hollick (95) p. 125, PI. xxxv. figs. 1—9.

^ HolUck (06) p. 107, PI. v. figs. 27—32; (12) p. 156, PI. CLXiii. fig.' 4.

^ Kewberry and Hollick (95) p. 127, PI. xxxvi. figs. 1—8.

’ Hollick (06) p. 107, PI. v. figs. 25, 26.

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Williamsonia (?) phoenicopsoides Ward.

This fossil from the Cretaceous of the Black Hills, Dakota^, is much too imperfect to be accepted as a record of Williamsonia.

Williamsonia elongata Lesquereux.

This species, founded on part of a conical receptacle with some appendages superficially resembling those of Williamsonia^, isnbsp;too incomplete to be determined with any confidence. Thenbsp;type-specimen is from Cenomanian beds in Kansas.

Williamsonia virginiensis Fontaine.

This is undoubtedly a true member of the genus; it is characterised by narrow ovate bracts bearing conspicuous hairsnbsp;surrounding the base of a receptacle which shows a portion of annbsp;annular zone of interseminal scales®.

Williamsonia (?) gallinacea Ward.

This species from the Potomac beds* is of no value as a record of Williamsonia.

Williamsonia (?) Bibbinsi Ward.

The imperfectly preserved specimen from the Potomac series so named by Ward® is probably part of an Abietineous cone asnbsp;stated by Berry® who includes Ward’s type with other specimensnbsp;referred to Abietites macrocarpus Font.

Williamsonia cretacea Heer.

Two specimens, figured by Heer^ from the Lower Cretaceous of Greenland, on which this species is founded, consist of an axisnbsp;covered with small scale-leaves and at the broad apex bearingnbsp;numerous narrow linear bracts forming a more or less sphericalnbsp;cluster 3-8 cm. in breadth. The species resembles TF. problematicanbsp;(Newb.).

^ Ward (99) B. p. 668, PI. CLXii. fig. 20.

^ Lesquereux (91) p. 87, PI. ii. fig. 9.

3 Fontaine (89) B. p. 273, Pis. 133, 165.

“ Fontaine in Ward (05) B. p. 485, PI. cvii. fig. 4. ^ Ward (05) B. p. 554, PI. cxv. fig. 11.

® Berry (11) p. 405, PI. Lxvii. figs. 1—4.

' Heer (82) B, p. 59, Pis. xii., xiii.

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Williamsonia recentior Dawson.

The specimens from the Middle Cretaceous of Canada figured by Dawsonunder this name are very imperfect and of no botaziicalnbsp;value.


The specimens on which this genus is founded were originally described by Nathorst from Hör in Scania as Williamsonia angusti-foliaquot;^: in a second paper® a restoration of the plant was published

Fig. 566. Wielandiella angustifolia. (After Nathorst.)

(fig. 566). The examination of additional specimens from the Rhaetic of Bjuf and of cuticular preparations led to the establishment of a new genus Wielandia'^ for which Wielandiella^ wasnbsp;afterwards substituted, Wielandia having been previously employednbsp;for an existing plant. Wielandiella agrees in the general morphology of its bisporangiate flowers with Cycadeoidea, but differsnbsp;widely from nearly all other members of the Bennettitales in thenbsp;repeatedly forked slender stem which is in marked contrast to thenbsp;vegetative axis of any recent Cycad. Among recent Cycads with

^ Dawson (85) p. 12, PI. iv. fig. 1. ^ Nathorst (80) p. 50.

* Ibid. (09) p. 22, Pis. v., vi.

^ Ibid. (88); (02) p. 9, Pis. i.-5 Ibid. p. 33.

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terminal strobili an indication of a primitive dichasium is afforded by the occurrence of an aborted bud in a stem of Dioon edulenbsp;described by South and Compton^; but in the habit of the stemnbsp;Wielandiella is far removed from any recent Cycadean type.nbsp;The microsporophylls are smaller and simpler than in Williamsonianbsp;or Cycadeoidea and the foliage-leaves are of the Anomozamites typenbsp;(c/. fig. 615).

Wielandiella angustifolia Nathorst.

In an account of this species in 1902 Nathorst described two types of strobilus, male and female, but a re-investigation of thenbsp;material led to a modification of the earlier conclusions. The

stem is slender, rarely exceeding 1-5 cm. in breadth, repeatedly branched as a dichasial system with a fertile shoot in the forksnbsp;formed by the equal and widely divergent branches. Nathorst’snbsp;restoration, as he points out, may exaggerate the regularity ofnbsp;the branching, but an examination of the original specimens innbsp;the Stockholm Museum convinced me that the habit representednbsp;in fig. 566 is substantially correct. The method of branching isnbsp;similar to that in the inflorescences of Gnetalean plants andnbsp;recalls some Gleichenia fronds. The surface of the thicker piecesnbsp;of stem shows fine longitudinal striae, while transverse striationsnbsp;like those on the axis of a Heterangium frond characterise thenbsp;1 South and Compton (08) p. 225, fig. 36.

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more slender specimens. Closely set polygonal leaf-scars cover the stem for a short distance below each bifurcation and thenbsp;surface of the short and relatively stout peduncles of the strobilinbsp;(fig. 567). Though for the most part confined to the region ofnbsp;false dichotomy, leaf-scars occasionally occur on other parts ofnbsp;the stem. Small fronds, 7—8 cm. long, agreeing closely withnbsp;Anomozamites minor Brongn., occur in the same beds at Bjuf,nbsp;and the striking resemblance between their long linear and wingednbsp;petioles and the transversely striated bracts enclosing the strobilinbsp;of Wielandiella amply justifies Nathorst’s conclusion that W^e-landiella bore fronds of the Anomozamites form^. Small scarsnbsp;marking the position of bracts occur immediately below eachnbsp;strobilus and occasionally form narrow zones between the largernbsp;foliage leaf-scars. The strobili are met with in two forms representing two states of preservation and, probably, different ages.nbsp;In one form the strobilus consists of a small pyriform axis separatednbsp;from the peduncle by an annular swelling characterised by parallelnbsp;striations (fig. 567), the so-called palisade-ring. From this ringnbsp;Nathorst obtained many microspores scattered and in groups onnbsp;the surface of short sporophylls, 2-5—3 mm. in length. It isnbsp;these sporophylls which form the parallel striations; they occurnbsp;as a circle of rather broad linear organs with irregularly toothednbsp;distal ends and an epidermis of papillose cells. The oval microspores, 32—-42^ long, vary in size and, as Nathorst says, thisnbsp;may indicate immaturity. The precise mode of occurrence ofnbsp;the spores has not been ascertained, but they were probablynbsp;produced in sporangia on the surface of the small microsporophylls.nbsp;These strobili have in all probability lost the female organs whichnbsp;were borne on the pyriform axis, and the inference is that thenbsp;strobili were protogynous. Thomas^ compares the ring at thenbsp;base of the flower-axis from which spores were obtained by Nathorstnbsp;to the whorl of microsporophylls of Williamsoniella, but innbsp;Wielandiella the sporophylls are greatly reduced and possiblynbsp;functionless. Wielandiella may be intermediate between thenbsp;bisexual Williamsoniella and the unisexual Williamsonia scotica.nbsp;In the second form of strobilus the pyriform axis is hidden and

^ For figures of the stem and flowers, see Nathorst (02); (09). ^ Thomas (15^).



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the specimens consist of a central ovate body, approximately 3 cm. long, surrounded by several linear bracts (fig. 568, A).nbsp;The carbonised surface of the central region revealed on chemicalnbsp;treatment a fairly regular pattern formed by the contiguousnbsp;polygonal ends of interseminal scales arranged round smallernbsp;cylindrical micropylar tubes which project beyond the level ofnbsp;the scales (fig. 568, B). This arrangement agrees closely withnbsp;that of the corresponding organs in Williamsonia and Cycadeoidea

{cf. figs. 515, 564). Tn Wielandiella the micropylar tubes are of uniform diameter and the cells of the epidermis have smoothnbsp;walls in contrast to the micropylar tubes of Williamsonia (fig. 563).nbsp;The strobilus in this state, before the scales and ovules have becomenbsp;detached from the axis, may be described as a small Williamsonia,nbsp;but the habit of the stem is in itself a sufficient reason for thenbsp;use of a distinctive generic namei.

A second species, Wielandiella functata, described by Nathorst^ from Scania is founded on pieces of forked stems associated withnbsp;fragments of a palisade-ring formed of contiguous segmentsnbsp;(microsporophylls) with microspores 58p. in length. Fronds ofnbsp;Anomozamites minor occur in the same beds.

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Nathorst retains the name Anomozamites minor for the leaves, restrictingnbsp;Wielandiella- to the plant as a whole including strobili and stems which usuallynbsp;occur in organic union [Nathorst (13)].

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Nathorst (09) p. 25, PI. vn. figs. 14—22.

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Mr HamsLaw Thomas^ described some specimens from the Middle Jurassic beds of Marske in Yorkshire which he suggestednbsp;might be pieces of a Wielandiella stem. Additional materialnbsp;was subsequently found and this enabled Thomas to producenbsp;evidence in favour of connecting the branched vegetative axisnbsp;with bisporangiate strobili and the fronds of Taeniopteris vittata.nbsp;For the stems and flowers the new designation Williamsoniellanbsp;has been proposed. Further research will no .doubt show thatnbsp;the Wielandiella type of stem was not exceptional in Rhaeticnbsp;and Jurassic floras.

Nathorst^ suggests the possibility that some specimens from the Solenhofen Slates described by Thiselton-Dyer® as Condylitesnbsp;squamatus may be allied to Wielandiella. The generic namenbsp;Condylites was suggested by the elbow-like branching of stemsnbsp;which bore imperfectly preserved and apparently terminal cones;nbsp;the surface of the branches is covered with the scars of leaves.nbsp;The resemblance to Wielandiella is, however, slight and it wouldnbsp;seem more probable that the Solenhofen fossils are Coniferous,nbsp;though, as Nathorst says, the supposed scale-like ‘leaves’ maynbsp;be scars of Cycadean fronds.

Wieland^ records the occurrence in Mexico of stems similar to those of Wielandiella associated with some Otozamites fronds.


This genus was instituted for specimens discovered by Mr Hamshaw Thomas^ in the Middle Estuarine series of the Middlenbsp;Jurassic plant-bed at Gristhorpe on the Yorkshire coast, and thenbsp;genus is recorded also from the Cleveland district in the samenbsp;county. Williamsoniella occurs in those parts of the Gristhorpenbsp;bed where fronds of Taeniopteris vittata are abundant.

Williamsoniella coronata Thomas.

The type-species is represented by fertile shoots consisting of ^ central axis bearing both megasporophylls and microsporophyllsnbsp;(figs. 569, 571, A). Below its crown-like sterile apex the pyriformnbsp;peduncle is covered with small interseminal scales and ovules

^ Thomas (13^), p. 239. ® Thiselton-Dyer (72).

^ Thomas (15^).

Nathorst (02) p. 16. Wieland (11) p 438.


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similar to those of Williamsonia: this portion is 6 mm. in diameter and 1 cm. long. A whorl of separate cuneate microsporophyllsnbsp;forms a hypogynous ring below the basal interseminal scales;nbsp;each sporophyll is attached by a narrow base (fig. 570) and bearsnbsp;5—6 reniform synangia containing microspores. The flower isnbsp;thus bisexual: it affords no conclusive evidence of the occurrencenbsp;of any covering bracts like those of most Bennettitalean flowers.nbsp;In young specimens the microsporophylls are closely packed

Fig. 569. Williamsoniella coronata.

Vertical section of the flower showing the pyriform axis withnbsp;small megasporophylls and inter-seminal scales and the microsporophylls with synangia. (Afternbsp;Thomas; x 2.)

round the axis (fig. 571, B). The flower-stalks reach a length of 3-5 cm. and are 3 mm. in diameter. Fig. 571, C, shows a receptaclenbsp;from which the sporophylls have fallen: the microsporophyllsnbsp;having been no doubt attached to the collar-like swelling at thenbsp;base. Towards the apex the axis becomes broader and at ^nbsp;few interseminal scales are left: above these is the apical discnbsp;(corona) characterised by longitudinal ribs. An apical disc i®

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reproduced in lig. 572; it has the form of a royal crown 1—2 mm. high with 12—16 vertical ridges separating flat surfaces formednbsp;by the pressure of microsporophyll apices in the unexpanded

ï'iG. 571. Williamsoniella coronata. A, flower showing two microsporophylls and the central axis with megasporophylls. B, apical view of an unexpandednbsp;flower. C, flower-axis showing the shallow grooves made by the infoldednbsp;microsporophylls, which have fallen, and a few megasporophylls, s. (Afternbsp;Thomas; A,xlJ; B, C,x3.)

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flower. The corona is surmounted by a small conical elevation which represents the apex of the fertile axis. An apical viewnbsp;of an unexpanded flower is shown in fig. 571, B; the tips of 12nbsp;sporophylls are closely pressed against the corona which probablynbsp;consists in part at least of fused inter-seminal scales. The raicrosporophyllsnbsp;were shed after the dehiscence of thenbsp;synangia. Each sporophyll is flattenednbsp;on the sides and thicker on the curvednbsp;outer edge; the synangia, usually in twonbsp;rows of three, are borne on the slopingnbsp;sides (figs. 569,570). The surface of a micro-sporophyll is covered with small roundednbsp;projections which produce a characteristicnbsp;appearance. The form of a microsporophyllnbsp;in section is shown in fig. 570; the synangianbsp;are similar in shape to those of Cycadeoideanbsp;and Williamsonia (cf. figs. 531, 549, etc.) but there are no externalnbsp;indications of septa like those seen in some other types. Onnbsp;macerating some specimens it was found that the spores occurnbsp;in about 20 groups. The circular or elliptical spores are 0-02 mm.nbsp;in diameter. The walls of the epidermal cells of the micro-sporophylls are straight: the stomata, which show the featuresnbsp;characteristic of the Bennettitales, agree closely with those ofnbsp;Taenopteris vittata.

The interseminal scales associated with the ovules and covering the pyriform axis above the microsporophylls are more or lessnbsp;flattened and hexagonal and the micropylar tubes often projectnbsp;far beyond the scales. Each micropyle-tube is surrounded bynbsp;5—6 interseminal scales {cf. fig. 564). The ovules differ fromnbsp;those of Cycadeoidea Gibsoniana in the absence of a distinctnbsp;pedicel and agree with the corresponding organs of Williamsonianbsp;scotica'^. In the absence of epidermal papillae the micropylarnbsp;tubes resemble those of Wielandiella angustifolia. As alreadynbsp;stated, the flowers appear to be without protective bracts, but innbsp;the shale from which the specimens were obtained a few bract-likenbsp;organs were discovered consisting of a lanceolate lamina 1'5 cm-

^ See page 449.

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ï’lG. 573. WilUamsoniella coronata. Restoration of part of a plant: the upper leaves are represented only by the petiole-bases. (After Thomas; ca. f nat.nbsp;size.)

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long, and 2—3 mm. broad near the base, and some showed a small oval lamina at the apex with a midrib and dichotomously branchednbsp;lateral veins. These bracts with the terminal lamina are regardednbsp;by Thomas as almost certainly reduced leaves of the Taeniopterisnbsp;vittata type: they are represented in the restoration (fig. 573)nbsp;as occurring at the base of the flower-peduncle. Stomata W’erenbsp;found on the bracts exactly like those on the microsporophylls,nbsp;and this affords a strong argument in support of the view thatnbsp;Williamsoniella belongs to the plant which bore Taeniopterisnbsp;fronds. There is a close parallelism between the bracts accompanying Williamsoniella flowers and those described by Nathorstnbsp;in connexion with Wielandiella^. It seems reasonable to regardnbsp;the bracts as serving the purpose of bud-scales.

An important point is the constant association with the flowers of Taeniopteris vittata fronds, a species described in Vol. ii.nbsp;and by most palaeobotanists regarded as a Fern frond. Taeniopteris leaves occasionally show a clean-cut base^ and in specimensnbsp;described by Thomas there are two small humps on the surfacenbsp;of the proximal end of the petiole which represent vascularnbsp;bundles. Humps of similar size occur on the leaf-scars of stemsnbsp;which are believed to have borne both Taeniopteris leaves andnbsp;Williamsoniella flowers. Fragments of the stems were found innbsp;association with flowers: they are 7 mm.—2 cm. in diameter andnbsp;frequently forked and there is evidence that the flowers werenbsp;borne at the forks, the shoot forming a dichasial system. Thenbsp;habit of the plant is represented in fig. 573 reproduced fromnbsp;Mr Thomas’s paper.

Williamsoniella Lignieri (Nathorst).

This species described by Nathorst as Williamsonial Lignieri from Whitby is regarded by Thomas as a Williamsoniella. Thenbsp;stomata on the microsporophylls agree with those of Taeniopterisnbsp;and the spores obtained from Nathorst’s flower-buds are likenbsp;those of Williamsoniella coronata. Evidence is adduced bynbsp;Thomas in favour of regarding W. Lignieri as bisexual and notnbsp;unisexual as Nathorst supposed.

1 See page 463.

^ Seward (00) B. xvi. fig. I; Thomas, H. H. (15*) PI. xiv. fig. 26.

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In habit Wiüiamsoniella resembles Wielandiella: in the latter genus the foliage-leaves were confined to portions of the stem nearnbsp;the forks, while in Williamsoniella they were more uniformlynbsp;scattered: Wielandiella bore leaves of the Anoniozamites formnbsp;while Williamsoniella flowers are always associated with Taenio-pteris fronds. The much greater spore-output of Williamsonianbsp;niay, it is suggested by Thomas, be correlated with the unisexualnbsp;nature of the flowers of that species. The microsporophylls ofnbsp;Williamsoniella differ in their more reduced form from the pinnatenbsp;microsporophylls of Williamsonia, e.g. W. spectabilis, and agreenbsp;more closely with those of Wielandiella. The microsporophyllsnbsp;of Williamsoniella are free and not connate at the base as innbsp;Cycadeoidea and Williamsonia. In its pyriform axis William-soniella resembles Williamsonia gigas and differs from Williamsonianbsp;Lechenhyi in the possession of a sterile apical corona: Williamsoniella has megasporophylls and microsporophylls both of whichnbsp;appear to be functional, while in Cycadeoidea fully developednbsp;microsporophylls occur in association with megasporophylls whichnbsp;are immature and must have matured much later than the microsporophylls. The new genus agrees with Williamsonia in itsnbsp;general features, but the flowers are smaller and are characterisednbsp;by the considerable reduction and simplification of the malenbsp;organs.


This genus was founded^ on a specimen from the Lower Hhaetic of Scania, at first regarded as a megastrobilus and onnbsp;further examination^ found to be a collection of microsporophyllsnbsp;resembling those of Williamsonia and Cycadeoidea. The type-species is Cycadocephalus Sewardi, and a second species, C. minor,nbsp;Was subsequently discovered by Dr Halle at a slightly highernbsp;horizon in the Rhaetic series. Prof. Nathorst’s most recentnbsp;account of the genus affords a striking illustration of the possibilities of the method, which he has employed with conspicuousnbsp;success, of investigating carbonised fossils by means of cuticularnbsp;preparations.

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Nathorst (02) p. 7, PI. 1.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ibid. (09) p. 27, PI. VIII.; (12^) Pis. i., ii; (12).

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Cycadoceflialus Sewardi Nathorst.

The type-specimen consists of an oval cluster of 16—18 linear inicrosporophylls, 9 cm. long, springing from a small circularnbsp;disc formed of their concrescent and narrow bases. Thenbsp;whole flower (fig. 574) exclusive of the peduncle is 10 cm. longnbsp;and 7 cm. broad. The portion of the comparatively slendernbsp;peduncle that is preserved shows no trace of leaf-scars. In the

middle of each linear microsporophyll is a keel-like midrib and on either side of this is a series of linear appendages (fig. 574)nbsp;2—3 cm. long lying in a radial direction towards the centre ofnbsp;the flower. These appendages were originally thought to benbsp;seeds (fig. 574, a), but it was suggested by Wieland that theynbsp;might be synangia, the circle of leaves being the male portion ofnbsp;a bisexual flower of the Cycadeoidea type. Nathorst’s more

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complete investigation of the specimen confirmed the first of these suggestions, but there is no evidence that there was annbsp;ovulate receptacle in the centre of the flower. The appendagesnbsp;are attached by a rather broad and slightly cordate base andnbsp;are represented by a thin carbonised cuticle of rectangular cellsnbsp;showing in one case a row of imperfectly preserved stomata:nbsp;on this are numerous groups of tetrahedral microspores, aboutnbsp;55/r in diameter, which show a more or less well marked arrangement in rows transverse to the long axis of the thin laminae.nbsp;It is clear from Nathorst’s researches that the groups were enclosednbsp;in loculi bounded by thin-walled cells^, the loculi being in transverse rows on each side of a midrib. Nathorst speaks of thenbsp;appendages as synangia characterised by the large number ofnbsp;the sporogenous compartments, and he compares them especiallynbsp;to the fertile leaflets of Danaea elliptica as described by Bower^,nbsp;each appendage being comparable with a revolute Da'naea pinnulenbsp;in which the edges of the lamina are united. This is illustrated by the section of an appendage (fig. 574, D) reproducednbsp;from Nathorst’s restoration of a Cycadocephalus microsporopfiyll.nbsp;Prom a morphological point of view it would seem more appropriate to speak of the appendages as highly modified pinnulesnbsp;rather than synangia. The second sppcies, C. minor, agreesnbsp;closely except in its smaller size with the type-species. Nathorstnbsp;regards Cycadocephalus as a unisexual flower differing from thosenbsp;of Williamsonia and from the microsporophyll-verticils of Cyca-deoidea in the structure of the synangia and in the tetrahedralnbsp;form of the spores, though the latter feature he considers to be ofnbsp;secondary importance, as both bilateral and radial spores occurnbsp;in recent Marattiaceae. He includes the genus in the Bennetti-tales but suggests that it should be referred to a separate familynbsp;as an indication of the possession of characters which mark itnbsp;off from Williamsonia, Weltrichia, Wielandiella, and Cycadeoidea.


The name Weltrichia was given by Braun® to some Rhaetic fossils discovered by Weltrich near Culmbach in Franconia which

^ See the photographs reproduced in Nathorst’s latest and most complete Account (12^).

^ Bower (97) B. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* Braun (49). (I have not seen this paper.)

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represent funnel-shaped structures, the lower part having the form of an incomplete cup made of the concrescent bases of aboutnbsp;20 broadly linear segments which in the upper part are separatenbsp;lanceolate lobes each with a midrib and slightly curved inwardsnbsp;at the apex. The whole, nearly 10 cm. long and 9 cm. in diameternbsp;at the upper edge, is very similar to the specimen of WilUamsonianbsp;spectabilis reproduced in fig. 551. Braun described three species,nbsp;but he realised the possibility that the different forms may benbsp;different stages in the development of a single type Weltrichianbsp;mirabilis. He assigned the genus to the Ehinantheae. Saporta^nbsp;drew attention to the resemblance of Braun’s species to somenbsp;examples of WilUamsonia from Yorkshire which he considerednbsp;to be portions of a sterile appendage borne at the apex of thenbsp;flower. Some account is given of two types of funnel-likenbsp;structures connected with WilUamsonia flowers on a previousnbsp;page^: one of these has been shown by Nathorst to be a whorlnbsp;of microsporophylls, and it is with this that Weltrichia agrees.nbsp;An important feature of Weltrichia is the occurrence of shortnbsp;linear segments, 5—8 mm. long, attached to the inner face ofnbsp;each of the free portions of the linear lobes: the lobes, or morenbsp;correctly the free apical portions of the fertile leaves, and theirnbsp;slender appendages are compared by Nathorst® to the microsporophylls and relatively long synangia-bearing appendages ofnbsp;Cycadocephalus. These, presumably fertile, segments of Weltrichianbsp;project in the flattened impressions beyond the edges of the freenbsp;lobes of the campanulate flower and look like marginal teeth,nbsp;though they are actually attached on each side of the midribnbsp;and originally extended, as in Cycadocephalus, towards the centrenbsp;of the funnel-shaped flower. The examination of one of the type-specimens acquired by Nathorst'^ for the Stockholm Museumnbsp;enabled him to confirm his earlier conclusion that Weltrichianbsp;represents the male portion of a flower, whether unisexual ornbsp;bisexual cannot be definitely determined, of a Bennettitaleannbsp;plant. There is, as Nathorst states, a close agreement in plannbsp;between Weltrichia, Cycadocephalus, and WilUamsonia, and indeednbsp;it is not clear in what respects Weltrichia is sufficiently distinct

Saporta (91) p. 191, Pis. 253-Nathorst (09) p. 28.


^ See page 428.

Ibid. (IP); (12q.

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from Cycadocephalus to be retained as a separate genus. Our knowledge of Weltrichia is, however, less complete than in thenbsp;case of Cycadocephalus and Williamsonia. It is noteworthy thatnbsp;Braun’s specimens and those on which Cycadocephalus wasnbsp;founded were obtained from Rhaetic rocks. An account ofnbsp;Weltrichia has also been published by Schuster^ who differsnbsp;from Nathorst in his interpretation of the type-specimens: henbsp;considers that another fossil described by Braun and namednbsp;by him Palaeoxyris microrhombea is the central, female, portionnbsp;of a Weltrichia flower, a view that is not supported by any substantial evidence. The specimens referred by Braun to Palaeoxyrisnbsp;and afterwards transferred by Schimper^ to the genus Lepidanthiumnbsp;are too obscurely preserved to be determined with any degree ofnbsp;confidence, and their connexion with Weltrichia is purely hypothetical. With Weltrichia Schuster also connects the frondsnbsp;known as Otozamites hrevifolius Braun and some impressions ofnbsp;stems, combining all in a restoration of a complete Weltrichianbsp;plant which rests more on imagination than on fact. Attentionnbsp;has elsewhere® been called to some wholly misleading and incorrect statements made by Schuster which vitiate the value ofnbsp;his descriptions.

Saporta^ described a species of W^trichia, W. Fabrei. from French Rhaetic strata at Mende (Lozère) which bears at least anbsp;close superficial resemblance to Williamsonia spectabilis, and thenbsp;same author founded another species, Weltrichia oolithica, on anbsp;drawing by Zigno of a specimen from Jurassic rocks in Italy;nbsp;but this appears to be too imperfect for accurate identification.

All that can be said as to the nature of Weltrichia, as illustrated by the type-species, is that it represents a Rhaetic example ofnbsp;a verticil of microsporophylls very similar to those of Williamsonianbsp;and Cycadocephalus, if not generically identical with the latternbsp;form.

^ Schuster (11^).

2 Schimper (72) A. p. 200.

® Zeitsch. ƒ. Bot. 1912, p. 456.

* Saporta (91) pp. 204, 206, Pis. 254, 255.

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I. Cycadean Stems other than Cycadeoidea.

Most of the stems now under consideration are represented by casts or impressions and afford no information with regard tonbsp;anatomical characters. They are in many cases more slendernbsp;and less tuberous than typical Cycadeoideas^ and a few arenbsp;characterised by an irregular form of branching, as is shown innbsp;some specimens of pith-casts from Wealden strata in Tilgatenbsp;Forest figured by MantelF and now in the British Museum, Thenbsp;genus Wielandiella^ (fig. 566) is an altogether distinct type represented by flowers as well as vegetative organs. Several genericnbsp;names have been proposed for Cycadean stems agreeing with thosenbsp;of many recent Cycads in the possession of an armour of persistentnbsp;leaf-bases, but distinguished from Cycadeoidea in the absence ofnbsp;any fertile lateral shoots intercalated among the petiole-bases.nbsp;It is, however, impossible in most cases to give any satisfactorynbsp;definition by which these genera can be distinguished from onenbsp;another; the characters employed by Carruthers®, Saporta^ andnbsp;other authors are of comparatively little importance as trustworthy criteria and to a large extent are merely the expressionnbsp;of different states of preservation or of differences in age. Attention has elsewhere been called to the absence of any clear dividingnbsp;line between stems referred to Bucklandia, Yatesia, Fittonia andnbsp;Cylindropodium. The species Cycadeoidea gigantea described onnbsp;a previous page affords an instructive example of the difficulty

^ Mantell (27).

® Carruthers (70).

See page 463.

Saporta (75) A. pp. 256 et seq.

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of drawing a generic distinction between certain types of Cycadean stems; in habit, in the form and structure of the leaf-bases, andnbsp;in the ramenta this species is identical with other species of Cyca-deoidea, but it differs in the absence of lateral fertile shoots, anbsp;feature that may have no morphological significance. It hasnbsp;already been pointed out that the absence of flowers intercalatednbsp;among the leaf-bases may simply mean that the plant had notnbsp;reached the stage of flower-production, or their absence may benbsp;due to some unfavourable conditions. Similarly the stems fornbsp;which Saporta proposed the generic name Clathropodium agreenbsp;in every respect with Cycadeoidea except in the absence, apparentnbsp;or real, of lateral flowering branches. Such types as Clathropodiumnbsp;foratum Sap. and C. sarlatense Sap.^, the latter probably fromnbsp;Upper Jurassic beds and the former from an unknown locality,nbsp;should be included in the genus Cycadeoidea. The stem referrednbsp;by Saporta to his genus Platylepis as P. micromyela‘^ was originallynbsp;assigned to Cycadeoidea and more recently Lignier has wiselynbsp;adopted the original generic name. The generic term Bolpopodium,nbsp;also instituted by Saporta®, is applied to small tuberous stemsnbsp;which appear to be identical with the Cycadeoidea type.

Having regard to the meagre data supplied by casts of stems preserved in various stages of defoliation, and in view of thenbsp;impossibility of drawing other than purely arbitrary genericnbsp;distinctions, it is preferable to employ one generic name in anbsp;liberal sense for stems that there is good reason to regard asnbsp;plants that cannot reasonably be referred to Cycadeoidea. Thenbsp;name Buchlandia is thus employed, and a few examples are described in illustration of the external features of stems that arenbsp;Undoubtedly Cycadean but in most cases readily distinguishednbsp;from Cycadeoidea. There are substantial grounds for stating thatnbsp;plants which bore flowers of the Williamsonia type possessednbsp;stems having the characters of Buchlandia. It should, however,nbsp;be remembered that we cannot always draw a clearly definednbsp;*iistinction between flowers included in Williamsonia and Bennet-tites, or Cycadeoidea, particularly when they are represented onlynbsp;by detached ovulate stro bill as in Cycadeoidea (Bennettites) Moriereinbsp;nnd Williamsonia scotica.

^ Saporta(75) A. p. 293, Pis. 123,124. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Seep. 415.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Saporta (75) A. p. 256.

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BucMandia was proposed by PresP for a plant described by MantelP from the Wealden of Tilgate Forest and compared bynbsp;him to the Euphorbiaceae and arborescent Ferns; the samenbsp;generic name was given by Robert Brown in 1832 to a recentnbsp;member of the Hamamelidaceae. Stokes and Webb® referrednbsp;the same fossil to Clathraria, a name applied by Brongniart^ tonbsp;certain types of Sigillarian stems and afterwards adopted by himnbsp;for the Tilgate Forest species, C. Lyelli. Presl ‘with remarkablenbsp;discrimination’ recognised the Cycadean nature of the specimen.nbsp;Carruthers® in his definition of Buchlandia includes a statementnbsp;as to the nature of the carpellary leaves and suggests that a conenbsp;associated with the stems may be a staminate strobilus: thenbsp;cone is undoubtedly a megastrobilus of an Araucarian plant andnbsp;there is no evidence with regard to the nature of either the malenbsp;or female reproductive organs in the material that he describesnbsp;though, as already pointed out, there are reasons for believingnbsp;that Williamsonia flowers were borne on branches of BucMandianbsp;stems. The flowering shoots were not short and intercalatednbsp;among the petiole-bases as in Cycadeoidea with the strobili barelynbsp;projecting beyond the surface of the leaf-base armour, but theynbsp;formed comparatively long branches, sometimes forked, at thenbsp;apex of the main stem (c/. figs. 541—543).

BucMandia is usually represented by casts, from Rhaetic to Lower Cretaceous strata, differing from Cycadeoidea in the absencenbsp;of numerous axillary short fertile shoots, in the more slender formnbsp;and greater length of the stems, and in the less uniform size ofnbsp;the persistent leaf-bases which assume various forms. Some ofnbsp;the specimens reach a length of 4 feet and afford evidence ofnbsp;occasional branching; the surface is covered with leaf-basesnbsp;preserved as imbricate, broad, and obtuse or truncate scalesnbsp;(fig. 575), or as slightly convex polygonal areas in some casesnbsp;showing a tendency towards an irregular zonal arrangement ofnbsp;larger and smaller leaf-bases (fig. 576). Within the armour ofnbsp;leaf-bases there may be a cast of the large pith the surface-features

1 Presl in Sternberg (25) A. p. xxxiii. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;- Mantell (27).

® Stokes and Webb (24). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;‘ Brongniart (22) A. p. 209; (28) A. p. 128.

® Carruthers (70) p. 682.

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of which are practically identical with the cast of a recent pith reproduced in fig. 398. Casts of the pith preserved as separatenbsp;fossils are included in the genus Cycadeomyelon.

There is evidence of the occurrence of more than one zone of vascular tissue in a stem from Lower Greensand beds of Bedfordshire described by Carruthers as Yatesia Morrisii^ (= Buck-landia Yatesii), and Dr Stopes^ has recently described a species,nbsp;B. huzzardensis (fig. 578), with several zones of conducting tissue.nbsp;This feature has not so far been satisfactorily demonstrated innbsp;Cycadeoidea. An Indian species, Bucklandia indica, shows thatnbsp;the secondary xylem is more compact than in typical Cycadeoideanbsp;stems, and the tracheids have multiseriate pitting.

Two long and narrow stems figured by Nathorst from the Rhaetic of Scania as Bucklandia Saportana^ differ from othernbsp;species in the irregular arrangement of the leaf-bases which innbsp;certain regions are crowded as in the typical example of thenbsp;genus shown in fig. 576, but in the intervening portions of thenbsp;stem they are few in number and widely separated by the finelynbsp;striated bark. This type, though similar to some specimens ofnbsp;English, Mexican, and Indian Bucklandias in the zonal differencesnbsp;in the leaf-bases, represents an extreme case of the -alternationnbsp;of smaller and crowded and larger ancR scattered leaf-scars. Itnbsp;IS by no means unlikely that Bucklandia Saportana forms a transition between Bucklandia and the stem of Wielandiella describednbsp;by Nathorst from the same region; in Wielandiella the leaf-scarsnbsp;are concentrated at the region of forking but a few occur elsewhere :nbsp;m B. Saportana there is no evidence of branching and in thisnbsp;respect it differs from Wielandiella.

J^ucklandia ano-inala (Stokes and Webb).

This species, from Wealden beds in Sussex, was first described by Stokes and Webb^ as Clathraria anomala, and the same typenbsp;Was figured by Mantell and other authors as Clathraria Lyelli.nbsp;The specimens referred by Carruthers to Bucklandia anomala and

Mantelli^ do not exhibit any well defined specific differences,

^ Carruthers (67); (70) p. 688. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Stopes (15) p. 309. See postea, p. 486.

® Nathorst (86) PI. xvin. fig. 6.

^ Stokes and Webb (24) Pis. xiv.—xvii.

^ Carruthers (70) p. 686, PI. Liv. See also Seward (95) A. p. 123.

S- III nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;31

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the generic name Gycadolepis. Pith-casts occur both in connexion with the Bucklandia stems and as detached specimens. Thenbsp;leaf-bases often show an irregular zonation of smaller and largernbsp;rhomboidal areas. The pith-cast in the lower part of the specimennbsp;from the Wealden of Cuckfield in Sussex shown in fig. 575 isnbsp;5 X 3-5 cm. in diameter.

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BucMandia Rujfordi Seward.

This species, from the Wealden beds on the Sussex coast^, was originally described as Fittonia Rujfordi, but in the absence ofnbsp;any well defined distinctive features that can be regarded as ofnbsp;morphological significance it is better to include it in BucJdandia.nbsp;The species affords a good example of a long and narrow type ofnbsp;stem, one specimen reaching a length of nearly 80 cm. with anbsp;breadth of about 10 cm.; the surface is covered with persistentnbsp;leaf-bases 1-7 cm. in depth with a scar agreeing in size and shapenbsp;with the base of a frond of Otozamites Goeppertianus (Dunk.)^nbsp;found in the same beds. There is no indication of any alternationnbsp;of large and small leaf-bases, and the species is characterised bynbsp;the uniform size and relatively greater depth in a vertical directionnbsp;of the leaf-base areas. In all probability the stem bore fertilenbsp;branches similar to those of Williamsonia gigas with flowers ofnbsp;the Williamsonia type; the fronds may have been those knownnbsp;as Otozamites Goeppertianus, but this has not been demonstrated.nbsp;A stem described by Carruthers from the Lias of Lyme Regisnbsp;as Yatesia gracilis^ and afterwards included by me in Cycadeoidea^nbsp;is very similar to B. Rujfordi in its long and narrow form and innbsp;the shape of the leaf-bases; it should be transferred to Bucklandianbsp;as B. gracilis (Carr.).

Bucklandia Milleriana Carruthers.

This species was founded on a cast from Lower Oolite beds at Brora in Sutherlandshire® characterised by leaf-bases verynbsp;similar to those of B. anomala but smaller. Casts from the samenbsp;locality were named by Carruthers Yatesia crassa and Y. Joas-siana^, but an examination of specimens in the Dunrobin Museumnbsp;loads me to regard these forms as indistinguishable from B.nbsp;Milleriana. The specimen reproduced in fig. 576 from the Greatnbsp;Oolite of Brora illustrates the external characters of a typicalnbsp;stem and shows the variation in the size of the leaf-bases.nbsp;^ portion of the pith-cast is exposed in the lower part ofnbsp;tile stem.

^ Seward (95) A. p. 132, PI. ix. fig. 6; (13) p. 101.

^ Ibid. PI. I. fig. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Carruthers (70) p. 689, PI. lv. fig. 2.

’ Seward (04) B. p. 45. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Carruthers (70) p. 687, PL lv. fig. 1.

® Carruthers, p. 689, PL lv. figs. 7—9.


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Bucklandia Yatesii (Carruthers).

This type from the Lower Greensand of Bedfordshire (fig. 577) was described by Carruthers as Cycadeoidea Yatesii and subsequently named Yalesia Morrisii^. Ward expressed the opinion

Pig. 576. BucUandia Milleriana. Brora, Scotland. (Manchester Museum,

L. 7229. ca. J nat. size.)

that the name should be Yatesia Yatesii, but as Bucklandia is now used to include Yatesia this combination is fortunately avoided-The stem is cylindrical, 20—30 cm. long and 12 cm. in diameter,

1 Carruthers (67); (70) p. 688, PI. LV. figs. 3—6. See also Seward (95) A. p-166-

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covered with rhomboidal leaf-bases separated from one another by a ramental reticulum. There are two concentric vascularnbsp;cylinders as stated by Carruthers. In a recent account of thisnbsp;species Dr Stopes^ adds further details: the xylem-cylinders are

5—8 mm. wide and the tracheids occur in single rows or there lUay be bands 4—5 elements broad; the circular bordered pitsnbsp;9*16 uniseriate or in two alternate series. The medullary rays

^ Stopes (15) p. 299, text-figs. 93—97.

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are broad but the cells are not preserved. The pith-cast is of the usual Cycadean type.

The type-specimen was presented by the Cirencester College to the British Museum.

BucMandia buzzardensis (Stopes).

This species, from Lower Greensand beds at Leighton Buzzard and believed to be derived from Wealden strata, is described bynbsp;Dr Stopesi as Cycadeoidea buzzardensis. Though agreeing generally

Fig. 578. Bucldandia buzzardensis. Kough sketch of a block of wood showing parts of at least eight concentrically arranged rings of secondary wood.nbsp;(After Stopes; x f.)

with B. Yatesii, the stem is specifically separated on the ground that the petiole-bases are more expanded laterally and becausenbsp;of the occurrence of several vascular cylinders (fig. 578), sometimesnbsp;as many as eight, each with a maximum diameter of 1 cm-Dr Stopes thinks it possible that B. buzzardensis is an older formnbsp;of B. Yatesii.

1 Stopes (15) p. 309, text-figs. 98—100.

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Bucklandia squamosa (Brongniart).

Sternberg first described this species as Conites BucklandB and regarded it as a cone bearing large imbricate cone-scales;nbsp;it was named by Brongniart Bucklandia squamosa'^' and Carruthers®nbsp;retained this designation. The type-specimen, in the Oxfordnbsp;Museum, from the Stonesfield Slate is 18 cm. long, showing innbsp;the lower part a cast of the pith. The surface of the stem isnbsp;covered with thick imbricate petiole-bases very like those onnbsp;the stem of a recent Encephalartos.

Bucklandia [Fittonia) squamata (Carruthers).

Carruthers^ founded the genus Fittonia on a single specimen from the Wealden beds of the Isle of Wight, separating it fromnbsp;Bucklandia on the ground of the occurrence on a portion of thenbsp;stem of large imbricate leaf-bases which are at first reflexed andnbsp;then ascending; the stem is also broader and more tuberous thannbsp;most species of Bucklandia. The type-specimen, in the Museumnbsp;of the Geological Survey (Jermyn street), bears a close resemblancenbsp;to a trunk of a recent Encephalartos, but the part of the stem fromnbsp;which the imbricate stumps have fallen is practically identical withnbsp;a Bucklandia. As in certain recent Cycads the surface-featuresnbsp;probably changed with the age of the ¦^rlant; when the foliage-leaves were first shed a portion of the ascending petiole remainednbsp;on the stem, and at a later stage this was cut off leaving a clean-cutnbsp;rhomboidal scar like those on the Bucklandia shown in fig. 576.nbsp;The difference between Fittonia and Bucklandia may, therefore,nbsp;be a question of age. While substituting Bucklandia for Fittonianbsp;as the generic name the latter designation is added in parenthesesnbsp;to denote the possession of certain features which, though possiblynbsp;of generic value, are not regarded as sufficiently important morphologically to warrant generic recognition.

The type-specimen of Saporta’s species Fittonia insignia^, in the Paris Museum, from the Oxfordian of Poitiers, appearsnbsp;hardly distinguishable from F. squamata Carr. Another typenbsp;with broader imbricate petiole stumps is described by Saportanbsp;from the Portlandian near Boxilogne as Fittonia Rigauxi^.

^ Sternberg (25) A. PI. 30. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Brongniart (28) A., p. 128.

^ Carruthers (70) p. 686. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;‘ Ibid. (70) p. 690, PI. LVi.

® Saporta (75) A. p. 308, Pis. 125, 126. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;« Ibid. p. 322, PI. 127, figs. 1—3

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Bucklandia indica sp. nov.

Oldham and Morris’^ and subsequently FeistmanteP described some specimens of Cycadeau stems from the Rajmahal Hills of

.7i \ I. .Sf--


Pig. 579. Bucklandia indica. A, side-view showing the leaf-bases and attached petioles of Plilophyllum, also {to the left) a fragment of a detached Ptilo-phyllum leaf. B, transverse section showing the pith, xylem cylinder,nbsp;cortex, and sections of petioles. (British Museum; nat. size.)

India of Lower Jurassic age: the latter author regarded them as stems of Williamsonia because of their association with flowersnbsp;of that type, a conclusion fully justified by the evidence. Feist-^ Oldham and Morris (63) B. PI. xxxiv.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Feistmantel (77^) p. 78.

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mantel also called attention to the resemblance of the Indian stems to specimens described from British strata as Bucklandianbsp;and Yatesia. Although the Indian examples are very similarnbsp;to stems from Mexico discovered by Wieland^ and to some ofnbsp;the English types, it seems desirable to refer to them under anbsp;specific name and I therefore suggest the institution of the specificnbsp;name indica, the type-specimen being that represented in fig. 579.nbsp;This specimen is particularly interesting because it affords somenbsp;information as to anatomical features and is one of the few fossilnbsp;stems preserved in organic connexion with leaves (fig. 579, B).nbsp;A short account of it was published in 1900^ and more recentlynbsp;Miss Bancroft® has made a fuller investigation of this and othernbsp;Indi^-n specimens. The stem shown in fig. 579 from the Rajmahalnbsp;Hills, and now in the British Museum, bears fronds of Ptilophyllumnbsp;cutchense Morr., a type that appears to be indistinguishable fromnbsp;P. pecten; and with similar stems from the same beds are associatednbsp;flowers of Williamsonia. Miss Bancroft describes a bract-coverednbsp;shoot which agrees very closely with those of English stems reproduced in figs. 541, 542. In addition to the evidence based onnbsp;close association, there is the more important argument furnishednbsp;by the discovery of ramental hairs like those on the bracts ofnbsp;Williamsonia smtica, and of anatomical characters in the bractsnbsp;similar to those in the Scotch strobilus. The persistent leaf-bases are far from uniform in size; in this respect and in theirnbsp;form they agree closely with those on BucMandia stems fromnbsp;English and Mexican localities. The secondary wood is morenbsp;compact than in recent Cycads or in Gycadeoidea, though itnbsp;resembles that of Gycadeoidea micromyela', the medullary raysnbsp;are uniseriate and the tracheids have multiseriate bordered pitsnbsp;on their radial walls instead of the scalariform pitting in thenbsp;majority of Gycadeoidea stems. Secretory canals are abundantnbsp;m the parenchymatous ground-tissue; the cambium and phloemnbsp;are not preserved^.

The transparent nature of the silicified material rendered very difficult the examination of the tissues, but enough was discovered

* Wieland (11) p. 440. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Seward (00) B. p. 194.

^ Bancroft (13).

^ For illustrations and further details see Bancroft (13)

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to show that these Indian stems are characterised by certain features, the more compact nature of the secondary xylem andnbsp;the presence of multiseriate pitting, which distinguish them fromnbsp;the Cycadeoidea type. Further knowledge of the anatomicalnbsp;features of the Williamsonia (Buchlandia) stems from othernbsp;localities might enable us to recognise these or other peculiaritiesnbsp;as constant distinguishing characters of Buchlandia in contrastnbsp;to the Cycadeoidea stems which bore the Bennettites type ofnbsp;flower.

Cycadeomyelon. Saporta.

Casts of the pith-cavity of Cycadean stems, like that shown in fig. 576 projecting beyond the armour of leaf-bases, are occasionallynbsp;found as separate fossils and cannot always be referred to anbsp;particular species of stem. For such detached casts Saporta^nbsp;instituted the name Cycadeomyelon: they are characterised bynbsp;their comparatively large diameter and by the possession ofnbsp;surface-features similar to those on the corresponding cast fromnbsp;a recent Cycadean stem shown in fig. 398, namely spirally disposed,nbsp;more or less prominent, lozenge-shaped areas formed by thenbsp;sand or mud filling the cavities left on the decay of the parenchymanbsp;of the broad medullary rays of a manoxylic stem. Occasionallynbsp;a slit at the lower end of a medullary ray area marks the positionnbsp;of the leaf-trace bending outwards from the lower angle of thenbsp;mesh in the xylem-lattice^. Lignier figures part of a pith-castnbsp;of Cycadeomyelon Apperti^ in which each medullary-ray areanbsp;has a circular depression and not a slit extending from the lowernbsp;angle: this may indicate that the surface shown on the cast isnbsp;slightly external to the inner edge of the stele and in a plane wherenbsp;the leaf-traces were embedded in the parenchyma of the rays andnbsp;free from the xylem-cylinder.

Large and branched examples of Cycadeomyelon were figured by some of the earlier authors from English Wealden bedsnbsp;as species of Clathraria^ and in many cases these are undoubtedlynbsp;pith-casts of Buchlandia stems: a similar cast is figured under

^ Saporta (75) A. p. 331, PI. 119, fig. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Lignier (95) p. 11, fig. 1.

® Ibid. p. 15, fig. 2.

* Stokes and Webb (24) PI. xlv. ; Mantell (27), etc. See Seward (95) A. pp. 126, 130, etc., for other references.

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this name by Scheuk from the Wealden of North Germany. From Liassic beds in Normandy Lignier figures two species ofnbsp;Cycadeomyelon, C. Apperti and C. densecristatum. The surface-features of Cycadeomyelon resemble those of the Palaeozoic genusnbsp;Tylodendron (see Vol. iv.), but in the latter genus the nodalnbsp;swellings are a characteristic peculiarity. Though medullarynbsp;casts of this type are of no great botanical importance and theirnbsp;specific distinctions are of little value, it is safe to assume thatnbsp;broad medullary casts with comparatively large lozenge-shapednbsp;areas belong to Cycadean stems, while narrower specimens withnbsp;smaller lozenges are more likely to be pith-casts of Coniferousnbsp;stems.

Lester Ward^ instituted the genus Feistmantelia for some Lower Cretaceous casts from the Black Hills which he comparednbsp;with an Indian fossil from Cutch described by Feistmantel asnbsp;‘the stem of a Coniferous plant^’ and with pith-casts figurednbsp;by Stokes and Webb as Clathraria anomala. It is impossible tonbsp;determine the systematic position of such imperfect specimensnbsp;as that on which Ward founded his species F. ohlonga: they may,nbsp;as Hollick and Jeffrey® suggest, be casts of the bark of somenbsp;Conifer; there is certainly no good reason for connecting themnbsp;with Cycads.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^


Colymbetes Edivardsi Stopes. This genus^ is founded on the inner portion of a petrified trunk which was probably cylindricalnbsp;and more than 12 cm. in diameter, consisting of a pith, 7-5 cm.nbsp;in diameter, and part of a vascular cylinder of remarkable structure.nbsp;The type-specimen is of Aptian age and may have come fromnbsp;Leighton Buzzard (Bedfordshire). The pith (fig. 580, p) consistsnbsp;of large parenchymatous cells and numerous secretory canals:nbsp;the perimedullary zone, pm, is characterised by the occurrencenbsp;of loosely disposed tracheids in groups and radial rows pursuingnbsp;a sinuous longitudinal course in the accompanying parenchyma.nbsp;The tracheids in this region are small in diameter and have oval,nbsp;scalariform, or circular pits. Abutting on the perimedullary

1 Ward (99) B. p. 693, PI. 169, fig. 19.

^ Feistmantel (76^) PI. x. fig. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Hollick and Jeffrey (09) B. p. 17.

* Stopes (15) p. 314, Pis. xxxi., xxxii., text-figs. 101—111.

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zone is the secondary xylem the inner edge of which forms bays, and this is composed of alternating zones of vertical and horizontalnbsp;tracheids (fig. 580,nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;—*5; fig. 581) with bordered, scalariform,

pits on their walls traversed by medullary rays generally biseriate and from 4 to 30 cells deep. The disposition of the tracheids isnbsp;such as to render transverse and radial longitudinal sections

practically identical in appearance; the first zone of secondary xylem with its bayed inner edge consists of vertically runningnbsp;elements; this is succeeded by a zone in which the tracheidsnbsp;pursue a horizontal course, and beyond this second zone is anothernbsp;band of vertical elements (fig. 581). ‘Where the one zone passes

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into the next, a curving of the elements is frequcDtly evident, and in a few cases it is quite possible to trace a single radial seriesnbsp;of tracheids through an angle of 90° running in the same section,nbsp;first as a transverse and then as a vertical series. One and thenbsp;same medullary ray also can sometimes be followed, first in transverse and then in radial longitudinal section, which later againnbsp;turns to true transverse. The inference is therefore drawn thatnbsp;there was but a single cambium, which had periodic changes of

b. X,


pm. ft X, y, X2,)2 X3 yj x^ y^ x^

Fig. 581. Colymbetes Edwardsi. Diagram of stem in transverse (A) and radial longitudinal (B) section, p, pith; pm, perimedullary xylem; b, bays ofnbsp;first, vertically running, secondary xylem;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;etc., zones of horizontally

running secondary xylem cut transversely in the radial and radially in the transverse section of the stem; y^, y.^, etc., longitudinally running xylemnbsp;cut transversely in the transverse and longitudinally in the radial section.nbsp;(After Stopes.)

direction.’ Leaf-traces (fig. 580, U) are large and numerous; they are spirally disposed and pass nearly straight throughnbsp;successive xylem-zones: each trace consists of a small-cellednbsp;ground-tissue including stone-cells and patches of tracheids innbsp;more or less regular radial rows. Tangential sections of the woodnbsp;show that the tracheids follow a sinuous course forming loopsnbsp;enclosing numerous medullary rays.

As the pith and xylem are the only tissues preserved it is on their structure that any speculation as to affinity must be based.nbsp;The close arrangement of the leaf-traces (about 1 cm. apart), as

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Dr Stopes says, indicates small leaf-bases, assuming that each leaf received a single trace. In some respects the xylem and medullary rays resemble those of Cycads, and the author of the genusnbsp;includes it in the Cycadophyta; but as she points out there arenbsp;many peculiar features, and it is clearly impossible to assign thenbsp;new type to a more precisely defined position. The possibility ofnbsp;any purely mechanical explanation of the course of the tracheidsnbsp;in the alternating zones is ruled out by the straight course of thenbsp;outgoing leaf-traces, and it would seem that the cambium mustnbsp;have turned over at right-angles at regular intervals during thenbsp;growth of the stem.

Cycadolepis. Saporta.

This name was used by Saporta^ for linear-lanceolate scales from Upper Jurassic rocks in France which he compared withnbsp;bud-scales of’ recent Cycads. The imperfect scale described asnbsp;Cycadolepis villosa bears a striking resemblance to the hairy bractsnbsp;of Williamsonia and may well belong to that genus. Saporta’snbsp;term may be usefully employed in a more extended sense, includingnbsp;not only lanceolate scales but larger and much broader scalesnbsp;resembling the flattened petiole-bases on stems of Macrozamia,nbsp;Encephalartos, and some other recent genera, as well as detachednbsp;carpellary scales, other than Cycadospadix, and microsporophyllsnbsp;which cannot be assigned to a particular stem. Two qualifyingnbsp;subgeneric terms have been proposed^:

i. Cycadolepis {Dory-Cycadolepis). Scales more or less linear-lanceolate like those described by Saporta and a specimen from Jurassic rocks of India named by Feistmantel® Cycadolepisnbsp;pilosa. This type of Cycadolepis may be identical with the bractsnbsp;of Williamsonia flowers, though in the absence of any definitenbsp;evidence of such affinity the provisional generic nanie is morenbsp;appropriate.

f.;:j ii. Cycadolepis {Eury-Cycadolepis). Broadly oval or orbicular thick scales (figs. 582, 583), the broadest part being frequentlynbsp;nearer the distal than the proximal end. These larger scalesnbsp;though usually found as detached fossils have in one instancenbsp;been obtained attached to an imperfectly preserved stem.

^ Saporta (75) A. p. 200, H. 114, figs. 4—6. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Seward (95) A. p. 96.

^ Feistmantel (76^) PI. vii. fig. 5.

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Eury-Cycadolepis sp.

This type of scale, represented by specimens from the Wealden

of Sussex^ (figs. 582, 583), reaches a length of 13 cm. and a breadth of 7 cm. and is sometimes almost orbicular. The lamina is convexnbsp;but shows no definite venation and bears a close resemblance tonbsp;the scale-like petiole-stumps on an old stem of Macrozamia. On

some of the smaller specimens (fig. 583) several forked veins extend vertically from the broad base. Since these specimensnbsp;were first described additional examples have been discoverednbsp;in the Wealden beds of Sussex, some of which are attached tonbsp;a piece of stem^ in such a manner as to give support to the view

1 Seward (95) A. p. 98, PI. v. figs. 2, 6; (03) B. p. 31. - Ihid. (13) p. 101, PI. xii. figs. 3, 4; PI. xiv. fig. 6.


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that they are leaf-bases very similar to those on such fossil stems as Bucklandia {Fittonia) Rigauxi (Sap.)^ and B. (Fittonia) squamatanbsp;(Carr.)^. One partially carbonised scale yielded pieces of cuticlenbsp;showing numerous stomata similar to those of recent Cycads andnbsp;the outlines of very thick-walled epidermal cells®.

Eary-Cycadolefis, Jenkinsiana (Tate).

The large and approximately orbicular or broadly ovate scales so named are believed to be identical with Tate’s Cyclojiterisnbsp;Jenkinsiana'^ from the Uitenhage series of Cape Colony (Wealden).nbsp;The scales reach a length of 12 cm. and were attached by a broadnbsp;base; the lamina, which may be strongly bent as though foldednbsp;over some immature organ as a protective bract, shows numerousnbsp;repeatedly forked veins of the Cyclofteris type and several anastomosing and irregular lines between the veins suggesting that thenbsp;scales were tomentose.

II. Reproductive Organs op Cycadean Plants other THAN THOSE OP THE BeNNETTIT-VLES.

The fact that practically all known Cycadean stems bore flowers either of the Bennettites or Williamsonia type preparesnbsp;us for the scarcity of reproductive organs like those of recentnbsp;Cycads. No specimens have been discovered in a petrified statenbsp;affording any evidence of their close affinity to the cones, sporo-phylls, or seeds of the Cycadales. Such genera as Cycadospadix,nbsp;Androstrobus, and Zamiostrobus, as the following descriptionsnbsp;show, are founded on material that is too imperfect to throw muchnbsp;light on their true morphological nature. The probability isnbsp;that some at least of the specimens included in these generanbsp;are the reproductive organs of Cycadean plants more closely alliednbsp;to the existing Cycads than to the Bennettitales. Among thenbsp;numerous fossil seeds referred to such genera as Cycadeospernmmnbsp;and Cycadinocarpus there are but few that can confidently benbsp;assigned to the Cycadales rather than to the Ginkgoales or Coni-

1 Saporta (75) A. PI. 127. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Carruthers (70) PI. LVi.

® I am indebted to Mr Edwards of the Geological Department of the British Museum for making a preparation of the cuticle.

, Tate (67) PI. vi. fig. 4; Seward (03) B. p. 29, PI. iv. figs. 3—-6.

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ferales. While the seeds of the Bennettitales are clearly distinguished by their much smaller size from those of modern Cycads, many of the latter agree in size and form with those of some othernbsp;Gymnosperms and in the absence of anatomical details could notnbsp;easily be identified as fossils. Some of the examples included innbsp;the miscellaneous collection described by authors as species ofnbsp;CarfolitJius or Carpolithes agree closely in external features withnbsp;the seeds of modern Cycads, but it is seldom possible to acceptnbsp;them as undoubted records of Cycadalean plants.

The general conclusion is that such meagre evidence as we possess affords strong confirmation of the conclusion based onnbsp;stems and foliage from Jurassic and Cretaceous strata, namelynbsp;that the present representatives of the Cycadophyta are a relatively late product of evolution, though retaining in their anatomical features many survivals from a remote antiquity. Thenbsp;occurrence of Cycadean characteristics in the vegetative organsnbsp;of the Medulloseae. and the recurrence of what may be callednbsp;the Cycadean seed-plan, with certain more or less striking peculiarities reminiscent of earlier stages of evolution, in several typesnbsp;of Palaeozoic seeds such as Cycadinocarpus, Stephanospermum,.nbsp;Lagenostoma and others bear testimony to the antiquity of thenbsp;Cycadean stock.


This generic name, as Nathorst^ has recently pointed out, was Used by Linnaeus in 1768 for ‘Phytolithus fructus’ and hasnbsp;therefore priority over Sternberg’s genus Carpolites employed innbsp;1825. Lester Ward® attributes Carpolithus to Stokes and Webbnbsp;(1824) and states that in the plural form the name was used bvnbsp;Walch in 1771. Carpolithus is a convenient term to apply tonbsp;lossil seeds that cannot be assigned to a particular group ofnbsp;plants and which do not exhibit any peculiarities of form sufficiently striking to deserve generic recognition. PomeP proposednbsp;the genus Ulospermum but it never came into general use.nbsp;Schimper’s genus Cycadinocarpus and Saporta’s Cycadeospermum

^ For further reference to this generic name, as applied to Palaeozoic seeds,

page 364.

® Nathorst (14) p. 33. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;» Ward (00) B. p. 363.

* Pomel (49) p. 16.

S. Ill nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;32

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(preferable in its morphological implication), though useful in the case of detached seeds of undoubted Cycadean affinity, can seldomnbsp;be employed \yithout an admission that they may imply a relationship that cannot be absolutely established. In the great majoritynbsp;of cases the better plan is to be content with the more non-committal term CarpoUthus with the addition of a family-namenbsp;when there are reasonably good grounds for a more definitenbsp;reference. No useful purpose would be served by attemptingnbsp;a complete survey of the numerous casts and impressions ofnbsp;supposed Cycadean seeds recorded in palaeobotanical literature,nbsp;but a few types are briefly described as examples of specimensnbsp;with fairly well defined characters, which are in all probabilitynbsp;Cycadean.

CarpoUthus conicus (Cycadales?) Lindley and Hutton.

The original specimen figured by Lindley and Hutton^ from the Coralline Oolite of Malton, Yorkshire, as Carpolithes conica

and now in the Manchester Museum, is represented in fig. 584-A second ‘species,’ CarpoUthus Bucklandi Lind, and Hutt. ex 1 Lindley and Hutton (36) A. PI. 189. See also Seward (04) B. p. 124.


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Will. Ms.i, from the same locality is no doubt specifically identical with G. conicus. The seeds are conical, broadly truncate at onenbsp;end, presumably the base, and tapered to a blunt apex; thenbsp;broad end is characterised by the presence of three ridges ornbsp;in some specimens by a single median ridge illustrating annbsp;oscillation between the radiospermic and platyspermic form similarnbsp;to that in Ginkgo hiloha. As usually obtained the seeds arenbsp;probably nucules or casts showing the surface-features of thenbsp;inner wall of the sclerotesta, the sarcotesta having been destroyednbsp;before fossilisation: the irregular marginal teeth at the truncatenbsp;end suggest casts of vascular bundles in the integument. Thenbsp;scattered tubercles on the sides of some of the seeds (fig. 584, a)nbsp;are probably casts of holes in the shell bored by insects and comparable with those occasionally preserved on the casts of Trigono-carpus. A specimen in the Malton Museum shown in fig. 586nbsp;¦which may be an example of this species illustrates the occurrence ofnbsp;an internal cast enclosed by the remains of a thick testa. Thesenbsp;Jurassic casts resemble the seeds of Macrozamia Fraseri, but it isnbsp;impossible to determine their systematic position with confidence.

Carpolithus sp. (Cycadales?) Seward.

An unusually well preserved specimen from the Wealden beds of the Sussex coast described under this name in 1895^nbsp;consists of a kernel and mould, 1-8 x 1-1 cm. The mould fromnbsp;which the kernel is readily removed is lined with a thin structurenbsp;representing part of the testa and between this and the surroundingnbsp;rock is a layer of coal. On the surface of the kernel, probablynbsp;the cast of the seed-cavity, a reticulum of narrow grooves indicatesnbsp;the course of the vascular bundles over the surface of the nucellus.

Carpolithus (Cycadales i) Pomelii (Saporta).

The specimen from the Upper Corallian of Chateauroux (ludre) on which this species was founded by Saporta® undernbsp;the name Cycadeospermum Pomelii is a large ovate cast, 5-5 cm.nbsp;long and 3-5 cm. broad, closely resembling some of the largernbsp;recent Cycadean seeds: it cannot be accepted as a true recordnbsp;of the group without reservation.

^ Lindley and Hutton (36) A. PI. 189, figs. 3, 5.

® Seward (95) A. p. 105, fig. 7. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;’ Saporta (75) A. p. 242, PI. 117, fig. 9.


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Saporta describes other species of Cycadeospermum but none of them are of any real importance from a botanical point of view:nbsp;the same remark applies to the seeds referred by Fontaine^^ fromnbsp;Potomac beds to the same genus, also to many other recordednbsp;examples of feeeds that afford no decisive evidence of affinity.

Some specimens described by Compter^ from the Lettenkohle of Apolda (Thuringia) as Cycadean fruits—too imperfect to benbsp;determined with accuracy—furnish an additional illustration ofnbsp;the slender foundation on which many of the records of supposednbsp;Cycadean reproductive organs are based.


This name was proposed by Schimper® for some French Jurassic fossils, described by PomeF as Crossozamia Hennocqueinbsp;and G. Moraeana, on the ground that they bear a close resemblancenbsp;to the megasporophylls of Cycas. Their occasional associationnbsp;with Otozamites fronds suggested a reference to the same parent-plant, but such data as we have point to Otozamites fronds havingnbsp;been borne by plants with the Williamsonia type of flower.nbsp;Schenk®, who figured a specimen of Cycadospadix from France asnbsp;the inflorescence of a Cycad, expresses the more probable opinionnbsp;that it belonged to a plant with Cycadites fronds. A Permiannbsp;species described by Renault as Cycadospadix Milleryensis is nownbsp;transferred to the genus Strobilites^.

Cycadospadix Pasinianus Zigno.

This species, first described from Jurassic strata in Northern Italy’, is recorded also from the Kimmeridgian of France® and-Scotland®. Zigno’s figures give a fairly accurate representationnbsp;of the type-specimens in the Padua Museum. The megasporophylls, almost identical in shape with those of some recent speciesnbsp;of Cycas (figs. 381; 392, A—C), consist of a broadly lanceolatenbsp;or triangular limb with deeply laciniate sides terminating anbsp;pedicel, or the distal expansion may be preserved without the

^ Fontaine (89) B. p. 270, Pis. 135, 136. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Compter, G. (03).

® Schimper (72) A. p. 207, PI. lxxii. figs. 18—23. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Pomel (49) p.

Schenk (67) A. p. 150, PL xxxiii. fig. 10. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® See page 141.

’ Zigno (85) p. 156, PI. xlii. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Saporta (91) p. 466, PL 298.

* Seward (ll^) p. 699, PL vii. fig. 18.


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stalk from which it was no doubt easily detached as in certain recent Cycads {cf. fig. 392, A). In the specimen from Scotlandnbsp;there are no clear indications of veins in the lamina, which maynbsp;have been woolly as in Cycas. In some of the specimens figurednbsp;by Saporta^ and now in the École des Mines, Paris, the stalk isnbsp;absent, but in pedicellate examples scars occur on the sides ofnbsp;the narrow axis and casts of seeds are found in the same beds.nbsp;A good example of Cycadospadix Hennocquei is figured by Saportanbsp;from a drawing supplied by Schimper showing two seed-scars nearnbsp;the base of the lamina: the same specimen, as figured by Saportanbsp;and Marion^, bears a seed, but this is presumably a partial restoration. The occurrence of Cycadites rectangularis Brauns at Hettangenbsp;in association with Cycadospadix strengthens the conclusion, basednbsp;on the form of the megasporophylls, that some of the Jurassicnbsp;€ycads bore megasporophylls very similar to those of existingnbsp;species of Cycas.

Cycadospadix integer Nathorst.

This Rhaetic species from the south of Sweden® was instituted for an imperfect broadly lanceolate lamina recalling the distalnbsp;end of the megasporophyll of a Cycas ^ the discovery of a morenbsp;complete example^ justifies Nathorst’s use of the name Cycadospadix, though without further evidence one hesitates to regardnbsp;the species as a thoroughly trustworthy record of a Cycadeannbsp;fertile leaf. The species is characterised by the entire margin ofnbsp;the broad and relatively short and thick terminal limb borne onnbsp;a broad stalk with alternate lateral proj ections presumably markingnbsp;the position of the seeds.

These species of Cycadospadix are particularly interesting as evidence—though not amounting to demonstration—of the production by some Jurassic and Rhaetic plants of fertile leavesnbsp;agreeing closely with those of Cycas. It would seem from thenbsp;abundance of Bennettitalean flowers and the very scanty remainsnbsp;of fertile leaves or cones like those of modern Cycads that thenbsp;existing type was exceptional in Mesozoic floras.

1 Saporta (75) A. H. 116; (91) PI. 298.

^ Saporta and Marion (85) p. 111.

^ Nathorst (86) p. 80, PI. xvii. fig. 7.

1 lUd. (02) p. 6, PI. I. fig. 11.

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BEANIA. Carruthers.

Beania gracilis Carruthers.

The generic name Beania^ was given to a branched fertile shoot (fig. 586) from the Middle Jurassic beds at Gristhorpe, Yorkshire, characterised by loosely disposednbsp;sporophylls bearing two sessile seeds;nbsp;each sporophyll is given off at a widenbsp;angle from a fairly stout axis and thenbsp;seeds are borne on the adaxial side of anbsp;peltate distal expansion. Carruthers compared the type-species with a cone ofnbsp;Zamia with which it agrees in the generalnbsp;plan of construction but differs in thenbsp;more open habit and in the longer andnbsp;more slender seed-bearing pedicels. Thenbsp;same type of shoot was figured by Lindleynbsp;and Hutton^ as SpJiaereda paradoxa.

Beania is generally regarded as a Cyca-dean reproductive shoot, but there is no doubt that the majority of Jurassic Cycadophyta possessed flowers of the Bennettitesnbsp;types, and it is clear that Beania differs considerably fromnbsp;Bennettites and Williamsonia. Another suggestion is that Beanianbsp;may belong to some member of the Ginkgoales^: though verynbsp;different from the normal ovuliferous shoot of a Ginkgo, it resemblesnbsp;some abnormal forms (e.g. fig. 631, D) in which the ovules occur onnbsp;elongated pedicels, but they are borne singly and the micropyle isnbsp;directed outwards, while in Beania the ovules are attached in pairsnbsp;to the inner face of a distal expansion. There is no conclusive evidence in support of either interpretation, though the general agreement between the Jurassic type and the cones of recent Cycadswoiddnbsp;seem to favour the inclusion of Beania among the Cycadophyta.

A specimen described by Nathorst^ from Upper Jurassic rocks in the North of Scotland as Beania Carruthersi closely resemblesnbsp;the type-species, differing chiefly in its smaller size and in the rathernbsp;closer arrangement of the sporophylls. The seed-like bodies

^ Carruthers (69). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Lindley and Hutton (35) A. H. 159.

® Seward and Gowan (00) B. p. 143; Seward (00) B. p. 275, PI. ix. fig. 11.

^ Nathorst (02) p. 21, PI. i. figs. 14, 15.

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borne in pairs on the adaxial side of the terminally expanded pedicels are covered with small granulations which Nathorstnbsp;thinks may be clusters of microspores, the apparent seeds beingnbsp;‘ antherangia.’ The granulations are, however, very similar tonbsp;those on the larger detached seed-like bodies originally describednbsp;by Nathorst from Rhaetic beds in Sweden as Antherangiopsisnbsp;rediviva^: subsequent examination of that species demonstratednbsp;that the granulations are due to the presence of resinous bodiesnbsp;in the tissues of true seeds^, and it is not improbable that a similarnbsp;interpretation may hold for the surface-features in the supposednbsp;male organs of Beania Carruthersi. Pending further evidence itnbsp;may be suggested that Beania Carruthersi is like B. gracilis anbsp;seed-bearing shoot. The Rhaetic specimens described by Nathorstnbsp;as Stenorrachis scanicus^ are similar in habit to Beania but differnbsp;in the forking of the sporophylls (fig. 656) and in the absencenbsp;of any terminal swelling on which the seeds are borne: Nathorstnbsp;considers that Stenorrachis may be the female organ of a Nilssonianbsp;and it is not improbable that that genus and Beania are closelynbsp;allied types. We have no definite information with regard tonbsp;the reproductive organs of the Nilssoniales: the closer resemblance which their fronds bear in the structure of the epidermalnbsp;cells to those of recent Cycads is consistent with the view thatnbsp;their fertile shoots were also more like those of existing types.nbsp;It is, however, still an unsettled point whether Beania is morenbsp;closely allied to the Cycadophyta or to the Ginkgoales, but thenbsp;balance of opinion is in favour of the former alliance.

Zamiostrobus. Endlicher.

Cycadeostrobus. Carruthers.

Though instituted by Endlicher^ for a cone figured by Lindley and Hutton as Zamia macrocephala^ which is almost certainlynbsp;Abietineous and has no claim to be included in the Cycadales,nbsp;the genus Zamiostrobus has been adopted by many authors fornbsp;Cycadean ovulate cones, not only such as are believed to benbsp;closely allied to those of Zamia but for Cycadean cones generally.

1 Nathorst (02) p. 20, PI. 1. figs. 22, 23.

^ Ibid. (09^) p. 23. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® See Vol. iv.

* Endlicher (40) p. 72. See also Schimper (72) A. p. 201.

^ Lindley and Hutton (35) A. PI. 125.

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Carruthers^ suggested Cycadeostrobus as a more suitable name on the ground that it is less limited in its implication of affinity; but,nbsp;as Eliobe points out, Endlicher’s generic name has been widelynbsp;adopted in a comprehensive sense as standing for Cycadeannbsp;megastrobili, excluding the supposed Cycas-like megasporophylls,nbsp;included under Cycadospadix.

Many of the specimens described as species of Zamiostrohus are of little or no value as records of Cycadean plants, e.g. Zamiostrohus orientalis Heer^ from the Jurassic beds of Amurland.nbsp;A Lower Cretaceous (Albian) species described by Fliche® asnbsp;Zamiostrohus Loppineti, though not entirely satisfactory, is morenbsp;likely to belong to the Cycadales. The type-specimen is an elliptical strobilus, 5-5 cm. x 3-2 cm., consisting of an axis bearingnbsp;at right-angles numerous snaall, contiguous, peltate megasporophylls each with two small seeds on the lower surface. The figuresnbsp;given by Fliche are, however, not convincing. An examination ofnbsp;specimens in the British Museum, from Wealden and Jurassic rocks,nbsp;described by Carruthers as species of Cycadeostrobus, convinced menbsp;that several are undoubtedly Araucarian cones^. Solms-Laubach®nbsp;called attention to the Araucarian appearance of Cycadeo-strohus Brunonis, a cone from an unknown locality, and thisnbsp;with other species, e.g. C. elegans, C. sphaericus, C. truncatus, etc.,nbsp;may safely be referred to Araucarites. The specimen figured bynbsp;Bindley and Hutton® as Zamia crassa from the Inferior Oolite ofnbsp;Towcester (Northamptonshire) affords, no satisfactory evidencenbsp;of Cycadean affinity. The Lower Cretaceous Bohemian specimensnbsp;described by Corda’^ and Velenovsky® as Microzamia gibba should-not be included in a genus implying Cycadean affinity: thoughnbsp;Velenovsky states that the megasporophylls bear a pair of seedsnbsp;his illustrations do not afford any satisfactory evidence of thisnbsp;Cycadean character. Similarly the fossil regarded by Carruthers®

1 Carruthers (67®) p. 104.

® Heer (77) ii. p. 47, PI. xiii. fig. 10.

® Fliche (96) p. 27, PI. i. fig. 3.

¦* Seward (95) A. pp. 113 et seq.; (96) A. p. 215; (04) B. pp. 138, 150.

’’ Solms-Laubach (91) A. p. 92.

Bindley and Hutton (35) A. PI. 136.

’ Corda in Heuss (46) B. PI. xlvi.

* Velenovsky (85) B. p. 6, Pis. in.—^v.

® Carruthers (70) PI. Liv. fig. 6.

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as probably a male flower of BucMandia is almost certainly an Araucarian cone. A small cone from the Lower Miocene ofnbsp;Armissan (Aude) named by Schimper Zamiostrohus Saportananbsp;and figured by Saporta and Marion^ may, as Solms-Laubach says,nbsp;be Cycadean, but we have no information with regard to thenbsp;internal structure or as to the presence or position of the seeds.

Androstrobus. Schimper.

Schimper^ instituted this genus for ‘amenta, cycadeacea antherifera, cylindrica, e squamis imbricatis, latere posticonbsp;antheras sessiles ferentibus efïormata.’ It may convenientlynbsp;be applied to fossils ^hich resemble the male cones of recentnbsp;Cycads sufficiently to justify the use of a name implying relationship’. As so defined, Androstrobus is used in a more restrictednbsp;sense than the word suggests, just as Masculostrobus^ has beennbsp;employed for fossils that are believed to be the correspondingnbsp;organs of Conifers. Among the few species assigned to Schimper’snbsp;genus reference may be made to A. Balduini Sap., originallynbsp;named by Schimper A. zamioides, from the Upper Bathonian ofnbsp;Etrochy, and A Guerangeri (Brongn.), another French type''.nbsp;Heer’s species A. sibirica^ of Jurassic age is represented by anbsp;slender axis bearing numerous appendamp;ges which in surface-view have the form of polygonal discs: there are no indicationsnbsp;of microsporangia and the evidence of Cycadean affinity is farnbsp;from convincing. Nathorst’s Ehaetic species A. borealis^ is nonbsp;niore satisfactory as a record of a Cycadean strobilus. A fossilnbsp;from the Lower Cretaceous of Bohemia described as Zamitesnbsp;familiaris and regarded by Corda’ and Carruthers® as a malenbsp;flower of a Cycad though not above suspicion may be includednbsp;in Androstrobus.

Under the name Friéia nobilis Velenovsky® described some oones from the Lower Cretaceous plant-beds of Bohemia which

^ Saporta and Marion (85) p. 116, fig. 61, B.

2 Schimper (72) A. p. 199. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ See Vol. iv.

* Saporta (75) A. p. 209, PI. 115, figs. 1, 2.

® Heer (77) ii. p. 47, PI. iv. figs. 14, 15.

® Nathorst (78“) B. p. 49, PI. ii. figs. 15, 16.

’’ Corda in Reuss (46) B. p. 86, PI. XLIX. figs. 10, 11.

® Carruthers (67^) p. 6.

® Velenovsky (85) B. p. 8, PI. iii. figs. 1—3, 6, 11.

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[cH. xxxvm

he regards as male strobili of some Cycadean plant: the cone, as shown in Velenovsky’s restoration, is 10 cm. long and 5 cm.nbsp;in diameter; it bears a close superficial resemblance to a largenbsp;cone of Zamia and consists of a stout axis bearing contiguousnbsp;peltate, hexagonal, scales gradually contracted towards the proximal end, similar, to those of Androstrobus. The evidence onnbsp;which this species is identified as a male cone rests on the occurrence of numerous pits on the surface of the scales; but no sporesnbsp;or sporangia were found and the pits as shown in the publishednbsp;figures do not present the appearance of scars of sporangia.

The Rhaetic specimen originally named by Nathorst Androstrobus Scotti and afterwards transferred to the genus Lycostrobus was described in Volume ii.^

Androstrobus NatJiorsti Seward.

The type-specimens were obtained from the Wealden beds of Sussex: they were referred to the genus Androstrobus onnbsp;evidence which cannot be regarded as decisive^. A fairly stoutnbsp;axis, 6-5 cm. long, bearing spirally disposed sub-triangular scalesnbsp;hexagonal in section and attached to the axis by a broad base;nbsp;the scales, or sporophylls, are 1—T5 cm. long and graduallynbsp;tapered towards a pointed or slightly rounded apex. Near thenbsp;proximal end of some of the sporophylls there are regularlynbsp;arranged polygonal depressions which may be impressions ofnbsp;microsporangia. The regular disposition of the depressions isnbsp;a striking feature and in contrast to the less regular reticulumnbsp;exposed after the removal of the sporangia from the microsporo-phyll of a recent Cycad. An examination of the cuticular membrane of the microsporophylls shows that the epidermal cellsnbsp;have thick and straight walls®, characters consistent with thenbsp;supposed Cycadean affinity of the strobilus.

^ Vol. II. p. 88. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Seward (95) A. p. 110, PI. ix. figs. 1—4.

^ I am indebted to Mr W. N. Edwards of the British Museum for the cuticular preparations.

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Occasional reference is made to Cycadean fronds in the account of flowers and stems but it is seldom that genera ornbsp;species founded on leaves can be definitely correlated with particular types of reproductive organs or stems. As in the case ofnbsp;Ferns and Pteridosperms so also with detached leaves believednbsp;to be Cycadean, a large number of generic names have beennbsp;employed for impressions which afford no information withnbsp;regard to anatomical characters except, in some of the morenbsp;favourably preserved specimens, a few facets as to the epidermalnbsp;cells. Though association often suggests original connexion it isnbsp;inadvisable except in well established cases to extend to frondsnbsp;generic terms based on reproductive shoots. The designationnbsp;Zamites has long been used for fronds that are clearly not closelynbsp;related to recent species of Zamia, and were it not an old established genus the significance of which is not likely to be misunderstood, it would be wiser to substitute for it some name implyingnbsp;no affinity with any existing type. On the other hand thenbsp;employment by some authors of such generic names as Encepha-lartos and Ceratozamia is not warranted by the evidence furnishednbsp;by the imperfect material. Prof. Newberry^ described as Encepha-lartos'i denticulatus a piece of a frond from Ehaetic beds in Honduras characterised by lanceolate pinnae (30 x 6 mm.) graduallynbsp;narrowed towards the acute apex and abruptly contracted atnbsp;the base: the method of attachment of the pinnae appears tonbsp;agree with that in the genus Zamites. In this case there is no

1 Newberry (88) p. 346, H. vm. fig. 5.

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valid reason for assuming a relationship with Encephalartos or with any recent type. An impression from Lower Cretaceous,nbsp;Dakota, beds in Kansas described as Encephalartos cretaceusnbsp;Knowlt. ex Lesq. ms.^ consists of a piece of lamina, 9x4 cm.,nbsp;obovate-oblong and with a cuneate base, a serrate margin andnbsp;thick diverging veins: the specimen is too incomplete to servenbsp;as a record of any Cycadean genus. The generic name Encepha-lartopsis was applied by Fontaine^ to some imperfect pinnae fromnbsp;the Potomac beds characterised by a linear-elliptical laminanbsp;with a spinous margin and slightly diverging and occasionallynbsp;anastomosing veins. The figured examples of the type-species,nbsp;E. nervosa, suggest pinnae like those of Ctenis; but in the absencenbsp;of a rachis the method of attachment of the segments cannotnbsp;be ascertained. Saporta® named a specimen from the Miocenenbsp;flora of Koumi, Greece, Encephalartos Gorceixianus because ofnbsp;its resemblance in habit to some species of the recent genus;nbsp;but the designation Zamites would be more appropriate. Ettings-hausen recorded an imperfect impression of a pinna from Tertiarynbsp;rocks in Styria as Ceratozamia Hofmanni* although it is by nonbsp;means certain that the fragment is even Cycadean. The genusnbsp;Taeniopteris was described in the second volume of this booknbsp;as probably a Pteridophyte, though of uncertain systematicnbsp;position: it has, however, been shown by Mr Thomas® that thenbsp;Jurassic species T. vittata was almost certainly borne on a stemnbsp;with reproductive organs constructed on the Bennettitaleannbsp;plan. Further research may enable us to fix the position ofnbsp;other species but as yet T. vittata is the only representative ofnbsp;the genus which there is good reason for assigning to the Bennet-titales.

It is undoubtedly true that Cycadean plants, using the term in a wide sense to include the Bennettitales as well as the Cycadales,nbsp;bulked largely in Upper Triassic, Ehaetic, Jurassic-Wealdennbsp;floras; the Bennettitales probably reached their maximumnbsp;development as regards wealth of form and geographical range

^ Lesquereux (91) p. 29, PI. i. flg. 12.

2 Fontaine (89) B. p. 174, PI. LXX. fig. 4; PI. Lxxi. figs. 3, 4, etc. ^ Saporta (74); Saporta and Marion (85) p. 116, fig. 61 C.

* Ettingshausen (88^) p. 272, PI. m. fig. 10.

® Thomas, H. H. (15^).

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xxxix] PALAEOZOIC ERONDSnbsp;50»

in the latter part of the Jurassic period and in the earliest phase of the Cretaceous epoch. In Triassic floras Cycadean plantsnbsp;are represented almost solely by fronds but the very close resemblance between Keuper species and forms that in Jurassic rocksnbsp;are found in association with fertile shoots leaves little doubtnbsp;as to the affinity of Keuper and Ehaetic species.

The evidence obtained from Permo-Carboniferous strata is much more meagre, at least as regards Cycadean leaves: thenbsp;occurrence of certain morphological Cycadean features is revealednbsp;by petrified vegetative organs of Palaeozoic plants, and thenbsp;Cycadean plan of organisation is conspicuous in many Carboniferous and Permian seeds. The discovery of frond-impressionsnbsp;identical in external characters with Mesozoic genera may benbsp;accepted as a substantial indication that genera already existednbsp;possessing foliage of the Cycadean type, though we have no certainnbsp;information with regard to the nature of the other organs of thenbsp;parent-plants. A few examples of Palaeozoic species are includednbsp;among those selected in illustration of the different genera,nbsp;namely Plagiozamites Planchardi, Sphenozamites Rochei, Ptero-phyllum Fayoli, P. Cambryi: among other recorded instances ofnbsp;Palaeozoic species aie Pterophyllum Cottaeanum Gutb.^, a Permiannbsp;type similar in habit to Ctenis but without, anastomosing veins,nbsp;a feature in which it resembles Pseudoctenis ] the Carboniferousnbsp;species Pterophyllum inflexum Eich.^ from the Altai mountains,nbsp;transferred by Zeiller to Dioonites) P. hlechnoides Sand.® fromnbsp;the Stephanian of Oppenau; Pterophyllum Grand’Euryanum'^nbsp;from Upper Carboniferous beds in France, and P. gonorrachisnbsp;Goepp.® from Silesia. An examination of the type-specimensnbsp;of the Carboniferous species Cycadites gyrosus Goepp. and C. taxo-dinus Goepp.® in the Breslau Museum led me to regard the materialnbsp;as too imperfect to determine.

A conclusion that is forced upon us by a consideration of the geological range of Cycadean fronds is that at the close of the

^ Gutbier (49) PI. viii. fig. 7. For a fuller account of Palaeozoic records, see Seward (93) A. p. 9.

^ Eichwald (55) Vol. I. PI. xv. figs. 5, 6; Zeiller (96) A. p. 474.

® Sandberger (64) PI. ii. figs. 1—4.

* Saporta and Marion (85) p. 109; Zeiller (06) B. p. 194.

Goeppert (44) PI. i. fig. 6. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;s Ibid. (66) PI. ii.

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Wealden period, a period very closely linked in the character of the vegetation with the preceding Jurassic floras, there appearsnbsp;to have been a relatively sudden decrease in the number of membersnbsp;of the Cycadophyta: the decline in the fortunes of Cycadeannbsp;plants is coincident with the rise and remarkably rapid extensionnbsp;of the Angiosperms. From Middle and Upper Cretaceous andnbsp;from Tertiary beds very few Cycadean remains have been obtainednbsp;and many of them are represented by fragmentary fossils thatnbsp;afford no definite evidence of affinity to recent genera. Thenbsp;antiquity of the Cycadales, that is the section represented bynbsp;existing Cycads, cannot be determined; but it would seem probablenbsp;that if the Cycads apart from the Bennettitales existed in Jurassicnbsp;and Lower Cretaceous floras they occupied a very subordinatenbsp;position in comparison with the extinct Bennettitales. There arenbsp;no data pointing to any widespread occurrence of the Cycadalesnbsp;in the Northern Hemisphere in Tertiary times at all comparablenbsp;with the geographical range of Tertiary ancestors of the solitarynbsp;survivor of the Ginkgoales.

The following records of Tertiary Cycadean fronds illustrate the paucity of the records. B,eference has already been made tonbsp;Encephalartos Gorceixianus Sap. of Miocene age, a species thatnbsp;has no claim to be regarded as an example of the recent Southnbsp;African genus. The specimen described by Saporta and Marionnbsp;as ? Zamites palaeocenicus'^ from the Eocene of Gelinden is toonbsp;imperfect to serve as a trustworthy record. A more satisfactory species, similar in habit to Zamites gigas, is that on whichnbsp;Saporta founded the species Zamites epihius^ from I.jOwer Miocenenbsp;beds at Bonnieux (Vaucluse), France. Another Tertiary speciesnbsp;is mentioned by Krasser® from Pliocene strata in Brazil as Zamianbsp;praecedens Krass, ex Ett. ms. Ettingshausen has described anbsp;Tertiary species from New South Wales, either Lower Miocenenbsp;or Upper Eocene in age, as Anomozamites Mmlleri^, characterisednbsp;by truncate segments with simple veins and set obliquely to thenbsp;rachis.

While certain form-genera of fronds can only be referred to

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Saporta and Marion (78) PL i. figs. 4, 5.

^ Krasser (03) p. 852. (88) PL vni. figs. 19—21.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ibid. (86) fig. 61, A, p. 116.

* Ettingshausen (86) PL viii. figs. 19—21;

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the Cycadophyta, in other cases it is possible to assign fronds to a section of this comprehensive group characterised by anbsp;particular type of fertile shoot and by certain well defined epidermal features.

The investigation of the cuticular structure of various Cycadean fronds by Nathorst^ and especially by Mr Thomas^ has suppliednbsp;a basis of classification which affords the best criterion of affinitynbsp;so far available. The majority of fronds are placed in the Bennet-titales while the three genera Ctenis, Nilssonia, and Ctenopterisnbsp;(or Ptilozamites^) are placed in the Nilssoniales.

I. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Bennettitales. Epidermal cells characterised by sinuousnbsp;walls and generally rectangular; the cuticle is thin; the stomata,nbsp;confined to the lower surface of the pinnae, tend to be arrangednbsp;at right-angles to the veins and are on a level with the epidermisnbsp;or very slightly depressed; two large laterally placed subsidiarynbsp;cells more or less surround the guard-cells and these are providednbsp;with thickenings of a definite shape (figs. 594, 609).

Genera: Ptilophyllum, Zainites, Otozamites, Dictyozamites, Pterophyllum and Anomozamites, Taeniopteris, Pseudocycas.

II. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Nilssoniales. Epidermal cells with straight walls, notnbsp;sinuous, irregular in form, rounded, hexagonal, or rectangular;nbsp;the stomata are below the level of the epidermis; the cuticlenbsp;may be thin or thick. There is no regular arrangement of thenbsp;stomata; the guard-cells are surrounded by 6—8 subsidiarynbsp;cells (fig. 625) which often form an overarching canopy; thickeningnbsp;lamellae like those on the guard-cells of the Bennettitales arenbsp;seldom present.

Genera: Nilssonia, Ctenis, Ctenopteris.

It is a noteworthy fact that the representatives of the smaller group, the Nilssoniales, in their cuticular features, are more akin

^ Nathorst (12®) p. 36. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Thomas and Bancroft (13).

® The genus Ptilozamites described briefly in Volume ii. has recently been fully investigated by Antevs* who had access to the rich material in the Stockholmnbsp;Museum from the Khaetic beds of Scania. He thinks that the genus is intermediatenbsp;between Anomozamites and Ctenopteris-, its systematic position has not beennbsp;definitely established but, as Antevs says, there seems to be no reason why itnbsp;should not be a member of the Cycadophyta. In some species, e.g. Ptilozamitesnbsp;Sallax Nath, and P. Nilssoni Nath., the rachis is forked, while in P. Heeri Nath,nbsp;with linear fronds reaching a length of 53 cm. the rachis is undivided,

* Antevs (14®).


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than the Bennettitales to modern Cycads. Until definite evidence is obtained as to the nature of the reproductive organs of Nilssonia,nbsp;Ctenis, and Ctenopteris it is impossible to say how closely thesenbsp;genera agree in essential characters with existing members of thenbsp;Cycadales. If, as has been suggested, the fertile shoots knownnbsp;as Beania^ belong to Nilssonia their resemblance in plan of construction to the cones of recent genera, much greater than in thenbsp;case of the flowers of the Bennettitales, is in accordance with thenbsp;evidence of the epidermal characters.

Reference was made in the second Volume of this book to several genera founded on fronds which through lack of evidencenbsp;as to the nature of the reproductive organs cannot be assignednbsp;with certainty either to Ferns or Cycads; it was stated thatnbsp;the genera Ptilozamites and Ctenopteris are probably Cycadean,nbsp;and the structure of the epidermal cells in the latter genus lendsnbsp;support to this view^. Among other genera of doubtful position.nbsp;not included in the following descriptions of fronds is Zamiopsisnbsp;of Fontaine^ founded on large compound fronds from the Potomacnbsp;formation: the venation and form of the pinnae are more Fernlike than in Ctenopteris, but in general habit the two genera arenbsp;not very dissimilar. The generic name Zamiopsis is misleadingnbsp;as the species bear no resemblance to Zamia or Zamites.

I. Bennettitales.


The generic name Ptilophyllum was instituted in 1840 for some specimens of pinnate fronds from Cutch: in this genusnbsp;Morris* included with the Indian leaves the English Jurassicnbsp;species Pterophyllum pecten Lind, and Hutt.® (figs. 587, etc.) andnbsp;some other forms. He defined Ptilophyllum as follows: ‘ Frondsnbsp;pinnate; pinnae closely approximated, linear, lanceolate, morenbsp;or less elongate, imbricate at the base, attached obliquely; basenbsp;semicircular or rounded; veins equal, slender, parallel.’ Morrisnbsp;adds that he instituted a new genus in preference to Zamites

1 See page 502.

^ Nathorst (08) PI. i. figs. 3- 5; Thomas and Bancroft (13) p. 194, PI. xx. fig. 12. ® Fontaine (89) B. p. 160, Pis. Lxi.—lxvi. ; Berry (11) p. 354.

4 Morris (40) PI. xxi. figs. 1—4. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Bindley and Hutton (34) A. PI. on.

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because of the ‘oblique insertion of the pinnae and their overlapping each other at the base.’ In a later paper Morris^ states that the pinnae of Ptilophyllum fronds are ‘sometimes auriculednbsp;in the upper and sometimes in the lower part’ of the base of the

Fig. 587. Ptilophyllum pecten. (British Museum, V. 3795; J iiat. size.)

lamina. In his catalogue^ he adopted Endlicher’s genus Palaeo-zumia instead of Ptilophyllum. Without discussing the generic nomenclature adopted by various authors for the Indian typesnbsp;and similar fronds it is important to refer briefly to the treatment

1 Morris (41) p. 116. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;2 Ibid. (54) p. 15.

• s. in nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;;!3

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of Morris’s species by Oldham and Morris and by Feistmantel. In the first of the series of Memoirs on Gondwana floras^ Ptilo-phyllum is retained for a section of Palaeozamia together withnbsp;Oiozamites and SfJienozamites as other sectional subdivisions:

in the subgenus Ptilophyllum are included Palaeozamia acutifolia and P. cutchensis (fig. 588, A, C), also P. affinis, P. rigida, andnbsp;P. bengalensis. The last species is in all probability an Oiozamites:nbsp;1 Oldham and Morris (63) B. p. 27.

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P. affinis and P. rigida are almost certainly indistinguishable from P. cutchensis. FeistmanteP dealt in detail with the genusnbsp;Ptilophyllum: he wrote, ‘with Schimper and Schenk I thereforenbsp;look upon this genus as an Indian type especially characterisednbsp;by its...more or less slender leaves, angustate towards the apexnbsp;and base, and petiolate, wuth regularly adfixed leaflets....Thenbsp;leaflets are equal to each other, for the most part elongate linear,nbsp;and auriculate and free at the upper angle at the haxe, but adfixednbsp;at the lower angle, and each is decurrent behind the upper anglenbsp;of the leaflet next below it, thus the leaflets are almost imbricate.nbsp;The veins are rather numerous, simple, and forked, and more ornbsp;less divergent^.’ Feistmantel distinguishes certain varieties ofnbsp;P. cuichense (fig. S88, A, C), none of which appear to be wellnbsp;defined. A specimen from the Rajmahal Hills with unusuallynbsp;long pinnae, the frond having a breadth of 8 cm., is describednbsp;as Ptilophyllum acutifolium var. maximum^, but it differs in nonbsp;important feature from the smaller and commoner form. Thenbsp;next point to be considered is the variability of certain speciesnbsp;referred by Feistmantel to Otozamites. He figures specimens fromnbsp;the Jabalpur group as 0. Hislopi Feist, ex Old. ms., 0. gracilisnbsp;(Kurr), 0. angustatus Feist, (fig, 588, B)''and 0. distans^. Annbsp;examination of the figured specimens leads me to regard 0. Hislopinbsp;and 0. gracilis as identical with the Ptilophyllum fronds: thenbsp;pinnae exhibit no distinguishing features and there is no reasonnbsp;for a specific, still less a generic, separation. Otozamites angustatusnbsp;is indistinguishable from Otozamites sp. as figured from the Madrasnbsp;coast and from Ptilophyllum cutchense, P. cutchense var. curvi-folium and var. minimum. The drawings reproduced in fig. 6a,nbsp;PI. X. of the Madras flora® and in fig. 8a, PL vi. of the Jabalpurnbsp;flora® showing auriculate bases are inaccurate: in all the frondsnbsp;named the pinnae are straight with rounded edges precisely asnbsp;in Ptilophyllum. The conclusion forced upon me by a comparison of the actual specimens is that the Indian frondsnbsp;are not separable into well-defined species and should all benbsp;included in Ptilophyllum cutchense. Moreover in this compre-

^ Feistmantel (76^).

^ Ibid. (77^) PI. XL. figs. 1, 2. 5 Ibid. (79).

2 Ibid. (762) p. 42.

^ Ibid. (772) p. 94^ pjg. y. yj. « Ibid. (77*).


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heDsive species should be included the specimens described by Feistmantel as Otozamites Hislopi (fig. 589), 0. angustatus, andnbsp;0. gracilis. It may well be that a more detailed investigationnbsp;of the numerous forms comprised in this protean species, particularly if specimens are obtained from which cuticular preparations can be made, may lead to the recognition of additionalnbsp;species or well-defined varieties. The resemblance between the



Fio. 589. Ptilophyllum pecten. A frond figured by Feistmantel as Otozamites Hislopi. A, I nat. size; B, enlarged (Calcutta Museum).

various forms of P. pecten from the Jurassic strata of Yorkshire and those of P. cutchense from India is very striking, and at leastnbsp;in many cases no specific separation is possible so far at least asnbsp;the form of the fronds and pinnae is concerned. The occasionalnbsp;close association of Ptilophyllum fronds and Williamsonia flowersnbsp;is an important agreement between the English and Indian frondsnbsp;(fig. 590).

In the first part of the Catalogue of Jurassic plants from lork-

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stire the opinion was expressed^, based on an examination of Morris’s type-specimen of Ptilophyllum cutchense and of a largenbsp;number of English and other fronds identical with or closelynbsp;allied to Pterophyllum pecten -Lind, and Hutt., that the Indiannbsp;and European fronds belong to the same genus. In a later paper^nbsp;it was maintained that P. cutchense and P. acutijolium are probablynbsp;identical with the English type, and a drawing was published—nbsp;reproduced in fig. 591—of Morris’s type-specimen. Dr Halle®nbsp;has discussed the genus Ptilophyllum and his investigations leadnbsp;him to a different conclusion; he, like Zeiller and some other

authors, employs Ptilophyllum in Feistmantel’s sense. The pinna-base is said to agree in its asymmetrical form with that innbsp;Otozamites, while it differs from the symmetrical base of Zamitesnbsp;pinnae. In Ptilophyllum both edges of the pinna-base are saidnbsp;to bend down in joining the rachis; at the upper corner the basenbsp;thus becomes rounded and for some distance free from the rachis;nbsp;it is also sometimes a little auriculate; at the lower edge the pinnanbsp;is decurrent on the upper surface of the rachis. In a subsequentnbsp;1 Seward (00) B. p. 193.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ lud. (03) p. 227.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;» Halle (13^).

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paper Halle^ repeats the view that the decurrence of the pinnae by their lower edges is an important distinguishing featnre ofnbsp;Ptilophyllum, thus agreeing with Feistmantel whose illustrationsnbsp;appear to be confirmatory. The drawings in Feistmantel’snbsp;memoirs are, however, misleading and in some cases incorrect.nbsp;An examination of a photograph of Morris’s type-specimen ofnbsp;P. cutchense led Halle to conclude that the two edges of the pinna-base bend downwards on joining the rachis as described bynbsp;Feistmantel. This feature is not shown in the drawing reproduced in fig. 591: it is clear that either the drawing is incorrect

or that there has been some mistake in the interpretation of the photograph. Through the courtesy of Dr Halle I have beennbsp;able to examine the actual print: when viewed in its correctnbsp;position the two edges of the pinnae appear to bend down asnbsp;described by Halle, but if it is examined in the reverse positionnbsp;the lower angle of the pinnae is seen to be slightly rounded as innbsp;fig. 591, the apparent decurrence being due to a confusion betweennbsp;the appressed lower edge of one pinna, which is faintly shown,nbsp;and the stronger downward trend of the upper edge of the pinnanbsp;next below. The upper edges of the pinnae are more prominent

1 Halle (132).

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because they are less appressed to the rachis while the lower half of the base is closer to the rachis aud is frequently, though notnbsp;in Morris’s specimen, overlapped by the upper edge of the nextnbsp;lower pinna. A re-examination of the type-specimen in thenbsp;British Museum confirms this interpretation. The pinnae ofnbsp;Ptilophyllum are characterised by their attachment to the uppernbsp;face of the rachis which they almostnbsp;completely cover; the upper angle isnbsp;rounded and in a few cases auriculatenbsp;(fig. 592); the lower angle of the basenbsp;is slightly rounded and not infrequentlynbsp;hidden by the imbrication of thenbsp;adjacent pinna; it is occasionallynbsp;auriculate (fig. 593). The pinnae arenbsp;attached by nearly the whole base,

but the upper angle is free. The veins are parallel, subparallel or, especially in the proximal portion of the lamina.

oblique. The pinnae are linear, varying considerably in relation of length to breadth and in the form of the apex; they are straightnbsp;or more or less falcate. The epidermal cells of such Ptilophyllum

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fronds as have been examined are characterised by strongly looped or sinuous walls; the stomata, confined to the lower surface, arenbsp;roughly circular and the guard-cells are at right-angles to the veinsnbsp;and not appreciably sunk. Fig. 594 represents the appearancenbsp;of a stoma in surface-view: ‘on either sidenbsp;of the central slit-like, pore are two ellipticalnbsp;or hemispherical structures; they are somewhat flattened when they abut on the pore,nbsp;and have rounded ends....Between these andnbsp;the subsidiary cells lie two other thickenednbsp;patches, more or less hemispherical in shape,nbsp;and apparently overlying the central structures.’ On the analogy of similar appearances in recent Cycads Mr Thomas^ interpretsnbsp;the two pairs of thickened patches as belonging to the upper andnbsp;lower sides of the highly inclined guard-cells. This author callsnbsp;special attention to the abundance on some of the fronds includednbsp;in the aggregate species P. pexten of regular rows of circular hair-scars preserved as small annulate projections, -03—04 mm. innbsp;diameter. A comparison of the cuticles of different forms ofnbsp;Ptilophyllum pecten enabled Thomas to recognise more than onenbsp;type: for one of these the name Ptilophyllum hirsutum is proposed.nbsp;It is by such work as this that we may hope to discover differentiating characters.

The different forms of Williamsonia flowers found in association with fronds of the Ptilophyllum habit also point to the inclusionnbsp;of more than a single species under the group-species P. pecten.nbsp;As additional evidence is obtained further analysis will be possible,nbsp;but in dealing with impressions which include specimens transitional from one form of frond to another, the most convenientnbsp;and to my mind the most logical course is to treat a species asnbsp;an aggregate- or group-species. Some authors believe that thenbsp;two fronds described by Phillips as Cycadites pecten and C. pecti-noides are distinct species^, but there would seem to be no adequatenbsp;reason for this view. The fronds described by Heer® from thenbsp;Lower Cretaceous of Greenland as species of Zamites and similar

^ Thomas and Bancroft (13) p. 184.

Heer (75) ii.

“ Phillips (29) A. PI. vii. fig. 22; PI. x. fig. 4.

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leaves from Graham Laud included in that genus by Halle^ are in my opinion inseparable from Ptilo'phyllum, and this appliesnbsp;equally to Otozamites Hislopi (Old.) (fig. 589) and 0. abbreviatusnbsp;as figured by Feistmantel and by Halle. The nomenclature ofnbsp;Cyoadean fronds having the habit of Ptilophyllum pecten is anbsp;great difficulty; after carefully reconsidering the whole questionnbsp;and comparing FeistmanteTs figured specimens with the largenbsp;series of English fronds the conclusion reached is that thenbsp;characters exhibited by ordinary impressions do not admit ofnbsp;any satisfactory grouping under well-defined specific types. Innbsp;the first place, as already indicated, the use by some authors ofnbsp;the generic names Ptilophyllum, Otozamites, and Zamites createsnbsp;a false impression of the degree of difference between the numerousnbsp;forms of frond agreeing more or less closely with the specimensnbsp;on which were founded the species Ptilophyllum acutifolium,nbsp;P. cutchense, P. pecten, and P. pectinoides (figs. 587, 591, 595, etc.).nbsp;In his important memoir on the Jurassic flora of Graham Landnbsp;Halle^ discusses the limitation of Ptilophyllum, Zamites, andnbsp;Otozamites. He employs Zamites for fronds with linear pinnaenbsp;attached to the upper face of the rachis by a base which is morenbsp;or less, but often very little, rounded and^ always asymmetrical,nbsp;with or without a basal callosity; fronds of the type Z. gigasnbsp;he includes in the section Euzamites, while Z. borealis and similarnbsp;forms (fig. 597) are referred to a second section, Subzamites. It isnbsp;in the sense of Halle’s section Euzamites that the generic namenbsp;Zamites is employed in this chapter. On the other hand the frondsnbsp;grouped by Halle as Subzamites have pinnae with the basal anglesnbsp;of the lamina very slightly rounded precisely as in Ptilophyllumnbsp;as seen in fig. 596 (of. fig. 598 which represents fronds referrednbsp;l3y Halle to Zamites); and they are not distinguished by anynbsp;feature of generic importance from Ptilophyllum as defined onnbsp;page 519. The species Zamites pusillus, Z. Anderssoni, andnbsp;Z. antarcticus (fig. 598) described by Halle from Graham Landnbsp;as well as Heer’s Arctic forms® Z. borealis (fig. 597), Z. speciosus,nbsp;Z. brevipennis, and others are transferred to Ptilophyllum asnbsp;fypes agreeing very closely with P. pecten and in some cases notnbsp;olearly distinguishable from it even specifically.

Halle (132).

2 Ibid.

Heer (75) ii. Pis. xiv.—xvi.

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Otozamites is the name employed by Halle for fronds with pinnae having contracted, asymmetrical and auriculate, bases,nbsp;the anterior lobe being more developed than the posterior. Thenbsp;asymmetry of the pinna-base is considered an essential feature.nbsp;As Halle states it is very difficult in some instances to draw anbsp;distinction between Otozamites and Ptilofhyllum. As used innbsp;this chapter Otozamites signifies fronds with pinnae characterisednbsp;by an auriculate base, a lamina usually broader than in Ptilophyl-lum, and by more spreading veins (fig. 604). The not infrequentnbsp;occurrence of auriculate pinnae on fronds (fig. 603, A) whichnbsp;cannot be separated from typical examples of P. pecten illustrates the narrow dividing line as regards the form of the pinna-base between Ptilophyllum and Otozamites. The Indian species 0.nbsp;Hislopi (fig. 589) and 0. abhreviatus, to which Halle refers somenbsp;Antarctic fronds, cannot be distinguished from the English P.nbsp;pecten or Feistmantel’s and Morris’s Indian fronds described asnbsp;P. cutchense and P. acutifolium: these forms are therefore includednbsp;in PtüophyUum.

Ptilophyllum {Williamsonia) pecten [Phillips).

This designation is employed in a wide sense for a group of fronds exhibiting a considerable range in size, in the relativenbsp;breadth and length of the linear pinnae, and in other features.nbsp;Under P. pecten are included (i) the English fronds from Yorkshirenbsp;first described by Phillips^ as Cycadites pecten and C. pectinoides,nbsp;the former from the Middle shale, the latter from the Lower shalenbsp;of the Yorkshire coast, together with the Stonesfield slate specimens named by Sternberg^ Polypodiolites pectiniformis (fig. 595)nbsp;and by Brongniart® and Bindley and Hutton^ Zamia pectinata;nbsp;(ii) the Indian specimens already considered and (iii) numerousnbsp;examples recorded under different names from Jurassic stratanbsp;in many countries. Fronds from the Yorkshire coast named bynbsp;Brongniart^ Zamia Goldiei, though regarded by some authors asnbsp;examples of Otozamites, are probably referable to P. pecten-

Phillips (29) A. PI. vii. fig. 22; PI. x. fig. 4.

^ Stemberg (23) A. PI. xxxiii. fig. 1. For other references, see Seward (00) p. 190; (04) B. p. 106.

^ Brongniart (28) A. p. 94.

Bindley and Hutton (35) A. PI. 172. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Brongniart (28) A. p. 94.

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Andrae’s Pterophyllum rigiduwP (fig. 596) from Steierdorf is almost certainly a form of Ptilophyllum pecten. The specimennbsp;shown in fig. 587 is one of the few examples of fronds apparentlynbsp;preserved in their original position attached in a cluster to anbsp;Williamsonia (BucUandia) type of stem. The range in size andnbsp;form of the pinnae is illustrated in figs. 588, 592, 593.

Fronds linear, tapering gradually towards the base and apex, often characterised by a marked uniformity in breadth. Thenbsp;pinnae, short or comparatively broad or long and narrow, arenbsp;straight or more or less falcate; the apex is obtuse or acute ornbsp;the upper margin of the lamina may be almost straight and the

1 Andrae (53) A. PI. xi. fig. 1.

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lower edge curved abruptly upwards at the apex; the pinnae are usually attached obliquely to the rachis but may be almostnbsp;at right-angles; with the exception of the upper angle, the wholenbsp;of the base is attached to the frond-axis; the base of the laminanbsp;may be symmetrical, both angles being slightly rounded, ornbsp;asymmetrical, the upper or less frequently the lower corner beingnbsp;auriculate (figs. 592, 593). There is no basal callosity on thenbsp;lamina nor is there a median sinus. The veins are more or lessnbsp;spreading at the base but for the most part parallel. The featuresnbsp;of the epidermal cells and stomata are mentioned in the generalnbsp;account of the genus. Fertile shoots of plants with this type ofnbsp;frond are described under Williamsonia. Very little is knownnbsp;of the stems which bore Ptilophyllum fronds, but as stated onnbsp;page 488 Indian specimens show leaves of Ptilophyllum cutchensenbsp;attached to a piece of stem (fig. 579) having the characters ofnbsp;Bucklandia and characterised by a xylem-cylinder denser thannbsp;in recent Cycads; the structure of the wood at least in the Indiannbsp;stem is rather pycnoxylic than manoxylic.

The fronds grouped under Ptilophyllum pecten are very widely distributed in Jurassic floras; they are recorded from manynbsp;localities in Europe, from Turkestan^, India, Graham Land^,nbsp;Patagonia®, and elsewhere.

As thus defined this ‘ species,’ or more correctly this group of forms, undoubtedly includes more than one species in the strictnbsp;sense, but without additional data it is maintained that thenbsp;recognition of clearly defined specific types or varieties is beyondnbsp;our power. It may be urged that in view of the wide geographicalnbsp;range of the Ptilophyllum pecten type of frond and the admittednbsp;probability that several species in the narrower sense are represented, distinctive specific names should be retained even thoughnbsp;under such designations are included forms that, so far as cannbsp;be seen from impressions, exhibit no constant distinguishingnbsp;features. My purpose is to emphasise the futility of attemptingnbsp;to found well-marked species on the available material. Thenbsp;student must decide for himself what course to pursue, whethernbsp;to retain such a specific name as cutchense for the Indian fronds

* Nathorst (04*) B; HaUe (13*).

^ Seward (07*) p. 29. * Halle (13).

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or to employ that and other specific names as designations of geographical types differing in no clearly defined or constantnbsp;characters from examples of the English Ptilophyllum pecten.nbsp;A comparative examination of the cuticular membranes in thenbsp;comparatively few cases where that is possible would probablynbsp;furnish a basis for a satisfactory subdivision of the group-species.

The names Ptilophyllum Anderssoni, P. boreale, and P. ant-arcticum are retained for certain forms selected from a number of closely allied types partly on the ground that these frondsnbsp;exhibit some more or less well-marked distinctive characters andnbsp;in part as a recognition of the existence of geographical forms.

Ptilophyllum boreale (Heer).

Heer^ described numerous well-preserved impressions of pinnate fronds from the Lower Cretaceous plant-beds of Kome, Greenland, which he referred to several species of Zamites thoughnbsp;the differences between them are hardly of specific rank. Annbsp;inspection of several of the figured specimens in the Stockholmnbsp;Museum showed that Heer’s drawings are in the main accurate.nbsp;Zamites borealis (fig. 597) is characterised by small linear pinnaenbsp;attached to the upper face of the rachis, The stoutness of whichnbsp;is a noteworthy feature; the veins are parallel and simple. Innbsp;the shape of the pinnae, including the base-characters, this speciesnbsp;agrees closely with P. pecten. The slightly falcate or straightnbsp;pinnae are 1-7—2 mm. broad and reach a length of 15 mm.;nbsp;in Z. speciosum Heer, probably specifically identical with P.nbsp;boreale, the pinnae are relatively longer, and in Z. brevipennisnbsp;Heer they resemble the shorter pinnae of some of the narrownbsp;fronds of P. pecten.

A preparation of the cuticle of a pinna of P. boreale made by Mr Thomas from a specimen in the Stockholm Museum showsnbsp;a marked difference between the upper and lower epidermis:nbsp;the cells on the upper surface of the lamina have very thick andnbsp;sinuous walls precisely as in P. pecten, but the cells are often broadernbsp;than long and not elongated parallel to the long axis of the pinna;nbsp;those of the lower epidermis are thinner and less clearly preserved:

1 Heer (75) li. p. 66, Hs. xiv., xv.

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Fid-. 597. PtilophylluiTi boTeale (Heer). Drawn from one of th.e specimens from the Lower Cretaceous beds at Ekkorfat, Greenland, figured by Heer.nbsp;(Stockholm Museum; nat. size and a few pinnae enlarged.)

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the stomata, which appear to be like those of P. pecten, are scattered and not in rows.

Ptilophyllum antarcticum (Halle).

The fronds from the Jurassic rocks of Graham Land, described by Halle as Zamites antarcticus'^, are very similar to some formsnbsp;of P. pecten and to P. boreale and other Greenland forms; thenbsp;linear subacute pinnae are attached to the upper face of the rachisnbsp;at a wide angle and the base of the lamina is truncate and maynbsp;be very slightly constricted. The veins are dense, as many asnbsp;5 in 1 mm., and they are occasionally forked near the base (fig.nbsp;598, A).

Ptilophyllum Anderssoni (Halle).

This Graham Land species (fig. 598, B), referred by Halle to Zamites'^, is of the same general type as P. pecten, but is characterised by a coarser venation and by the wider angle of attachmentnbsp;of the pinnae.

Ptilophyllum Dunkerianum (Goeppert).

Goeppert^ proposed the name Pterophyllum Dunkerianum for Some specimens from the Wealden of North Germany which were

Ibid. p. 56, PI. VII.

HaUe (132) p. 58, PI. vii. Goeppert (44) p. 52.

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afterwards figured by Dunker^. Miquel^ included the species in his genus Dioonites and this name has been adopted by othernbsp;authors. Attention has been drawn to the inconsistent use ofnbsp;the title Dioonites^, and I have previously employed the name innbsp;a sense similar to that in which it has been adopted by Nathorst,nbsp;that is for fronds with long and narrow pinnae without any basalnbsp;constriction and not auriculate, attached more or less at right-angles to the upper face of the rachis; but so defined Dioonitesnbsp;differs in no essential particular from forms of Ptilophyllum ornbsp;from fronds referred by authors to Schimper’s genus Ctenophyllum.nbsp;The name Ctenophyllum*^ was instituted for certain fronds differingnbsp;in some points from Otozamites and Dioonites. One such type isnbsp;Ctenophyllum (Ptilophyllum) pecten (Lind, and Hutt.): this isnbsp;quoted in Zittel’s Handhuch as a typical representative of the genus.nbsp;Schimper followed Feistmantel in his definition of Ptilophyllum,nbsp;a definition which is not in accordance with the characters of thenbsp;fronds on which it was founded by Morris. Fontaine, on thenbsp;other hand, has applied Ctenophyllum to fronds of a differentnbsp;type which are now included in the genus Pseudoctenis. Therenbsp;would seem to be no adequate ground for the retention of Ctenophyllum as a generic designation.

The Wealden species P. Dunherianum is characterised by the following features: rachis fairly stout, pinnae approximate,nbsp;linear 2—3 mm. broad and reaching a length of 11 cm. or more,nbsp;gradually narrowed towards the apex, attached in two almostnbsp;contiguous rows to the upper face of the frond-axis: the lowernbsp;margin of the lamina may be slightly decurrent, e.g. in the apicalnbsp;part of the frond or very slightly broadened and bluntly rounded.nbsp;The pinnae are attached at right-angles or, near the apex, obliquely;nbsp;veins 5—6, parallel. The epidermal cells as figured by Schenk®nbsp;have very sinuous walls and are identical with those of the Englishnbsp;and Indian forms of the group-species P. pecten; the stomata arenbsp;confined to the lower surface. If Schenk’s drawings of the stomatanbsp;are correct they differ from those of other species of the genusnbsp;in their simpler structure; there are no subsidiary cells and the

Dunker (46) A. p. 14, FI. n. fig. 3; PI. vi. fig. 4.

Miquel (51) p. 212. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Seward (95) A. p. 38.

Schimper (70) A. p. 127. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;= gchenk (71) B. FI. xxxvi.

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guard-cells show no cuticularised bands. In habit this species resembles Encephalartos GhellincMi Lehm. (fig. 382). The superficial resemblance of the narrow linear pinnae to those of Cycaditesnbsp;led Dunker and Schenk to refer to that genus some specimensnbsp;which have since been described as identical with P. Dunkerianum.

ZAMITES. Brongniart.

In the first instance the generic name Zamites was used in addition to Zamia for certain pinnate fronds including speciesnbsp;such as Z. Bechei, which are now regarded as typical examplesnbsp;of Otozamites. Subsequently Brongniart gave up Zamia fornbsp;fossil fronds and applied Zamites to fronds with entire pinnae,nbsp;not truncate at the apex and not decurrent but slightly constrictednbsp;at the base. Braun’s two genera Podozamites and Pterozamitesnbsp;were relegated to the position of subgenera. The name Podozamites has been employed by Schenk^ for specimens now includednbsp;in Zamites, and Zamites is used by him® for some fossils which arenbsp;examples of Podozamites as generally understood. Goeppert’snbsp;definition^ of Zamites includes fronds with pinnae of the Otozamitesnbsp;type, and this author pertinently compares Zamites with recentnbsp;Encephalartos leaves. Pomel® proposed the name Crossozamianbsp;for certain fronds of the Zamites type, but this genus with severalnbsp;others instituted by the same author has not been adopted.nbsp;Bornemann® described Zamites as comprising species with a greaternbsp;or less resemblance to the fronds of recent Zamias.

As defined below, Zamites fronds may be compared with those of some species of Encephalartos, Ceratozamia, and Macrozamia.nbsp;There has been considerable difference of opinion with regardnbsp;to the range of form in the pinnae that it is advisable to includenbsp;in Zamites. The name Zamiophylliim was proposed by Nathorst^nbsp;for a Wealden species, described by Ettingshausen as Pterophyllumnbsp;Buchianum (fig. 601, A—C), characterised by a decrease in thenbsp;breadth of the linear pinnae towards the point of attachmentnbsp;and, according to Nathorst’s description, by the lateral attachment of the pinnae. An examination of specimens of this type

Schenk (71) B. p. 8. Goeppert (44) p. 122.nbsp;Boruemann (56) A. p.



^ Brongniart (28) A. p. 94.

“ Schenk (67) A. Pis. xxxvi.—vii. ^ Pomel (47) p. 342.

’ Nathorst (90) A. p. 46.

S. Ill

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from English rocks^ enabled me to show that the pinnae are attached to the upper face of the rachis. Zeiller^ has also includednbsp;Zamiophyllum in Zamites, but Halle’s recent definition® of thenbsp;latter genus excludes fronds of the Zamiophyllum type. Schimpernbsp;instituted the name Glossozamites^ for fronds bearing pinnae withnbsp;rounded and slightly contracted bases and borne on grooves onnbsp;the upper surface of the rachis (fig. 601, F). In venation thenbsp;pinnae agree with those of Otozamites but the base is not auriculate.nbsp;Kurr’s Liassic species Pterophyllum oblongifolium^ included bynbsp;Schimper in Glossozamites is probably an Otozamites. Anothernbsp;species referred to this genus is Schenk’s Podozamites Zitteli^nbsp;from the Urgonian of Austria (fig. 601, F): in this species thenbsp;slightly falcate pinnae with obtuse apices have rounded and notnbsp;auriculate bases and there is some evidence of a basal callosity.nbsp;This species agrees so closely with such a typical Zamites asnbsp;Z. gigas that it is difficult to see on what grounds the retentionnbsp;of Glossozamites is desirable. A Portuguese specimen referred bynbsp;Saporta’ to Glossozamites, G. hrevis, is founded on a single specimennbsp;very like a leaflet of Otozamites Klipsteinii (Dunk.); and G. parvi-folia Yok.® from China has no claim to be included among Cycadeannbsp;fronds. Feistmantel’s Glossozamites Stoliczkanus^ is almost certainly a leaf of Cordaites. For certain fronds originally described as Zamites Zeiller^'' has instituted the genus Plagiozamites.nbsp;An important question as to the type of frond which may conveniently be included in the genus Zamites was raised by thenbsp;application of this name by Heer to some Lower Cretaceous frondsnbsp;from Greenland, Z. borealis (= Ptilophyllum boreale, fig. 597), andnbsp;others which differ in the form of the pinnae from species usuallynbsp;regarded as typical of the genus. Halle^’^ accepts the Greenlandnbsp;species as examples of Zamites though he distinguishes them bynbsp;a sectional name Sub-Zamites; he defines Zamites as including

» Halle (13q p. 55.

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Seward (95) A. p. 75.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Zeiller (03) B. p. 165.

^ Schimper (72) A. pp. 128, 163. e Kurr, J. G. (45) B. PI. i. fig. 5.

2 Saporta (94) B. PI. xvi.

“ Schenk (71) B. p. 8, PI. i. fig. 8.

® Yokoyama (94) PI. xxi. fig. 5.

» Feistmantel (79^) p. 18. This statement is based on an examination of the specimen.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Zeiller (94) B. p. 174.

11 Halle (132) p. 55.

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fronds with pinnae attached to the npper face of the rachis with a contracted and always symmetrical base though in some casesnbsp;the basal contraction is exceedingly small; there is a more ornbsp;less distinct basal callosity. He recognises two types, (i) Eu-Zamites, e.g. Zamites gigas (fig. 599), in which the pinnae are stronglynbsp;contracted basally and have a callosity, and (ii) Suh-Zamites,nbsp;e.g. Z. borealis^, etc., in which the pinnae are not so broadly roundednbsp;at the base and retain the same breadth to the point of insertionnbsp;where they are ‘very rapidly and very little contracted,’ withnbsp;or without a basal callosity. The basal callosity in these formsnbsp;is not shown in many of the pinnae and is at most but a slightnbsp;rounding of the angles of the truncate base. The specimensnbsp;referred by Halle to Suh-Zamites do not appear to differ in anynbsp;feature worthy of generic rank from Ptilophyllum.

In the following definition Zamites is employed in a sense more or less in accordance with Brongniart’s usage but with the inclusionnbsp;of such forms as Z. Buchianus, the type of Nathorst’s Zamiophyllum,nbsp;and the exclusion of Heer’s Arctic and Halle’s Antarctic frondsnbsp;referred by them to Zamites.

•Fronds broadly lanceolate reaching a length of over 60 cm.; pinnae more or less oblique or at right-aitgles to the rachis (fig.nbsp;599), attached to the upper surface but not completely coveringnbsp;it, linear or linear-lanceolate, acuminate or obtuse, usually abruptlynbsp;contracted at the rounded base and more rarely {e.g. Z. Buchianus,nbsp;fig. 601) gradually tapering to the proximal end, with or withoutnbsp;a callosity at the symmetrical base; veins divergent at the base,nbsp;simple or dichotomously branched, for the most part parallel tonbsp;the edges of the lamina and slightly divergent in the apical region.nbsp;The presence of a basal callosity, such as is best seen in the pinnaenbsp;of recent species of Macrozamia, is not a feature of great importance and cannot be easily recognised in many impressions.nbsp;In the process of fossilisation the pinnae are often flattened againstnbsp;the snrface of the rachis and this may produce transverse wrinklingsnbsp;of the lamina suggestive of a basal thickening. In some casesnbsp;stems of the BucMandia type occur in connexion with Zamitesnbsp;fronds (fig. 541). An account of these stems, and of inflorescencesnbsp;of Williamsonia which were borne by some at least of the plants

^ See page 525.


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with Zamites leaves is given in Chapter xxviii. In such examples of Zamites as have been examined the epidermal cells have sinuousnbsp;walls and the stomatah confined to the lower face of the lamina,nbsp;occur in rows with their long axis at right-angles to that of thenbsp;pinnae.

Zamites ranges from Ehaetic to Lower Cretaceous strata. Zamites truncatus Zeiller.

A Ehaetic species from Tonkin^ characterised by oval linear pinnae given off at a wide angle, alternate and not contiguous;nbsp;apex obtusely truncate, gradually narrowed to a cuneate basenbsp;which is rounded or elliptical and has a more or less definitenbsp;callosity. The pinnae vary from 3 to 5 cm. in length and fromnbsp;5 to 13 mm. in breadth.

Zamites gigas (Lindley and Hutton).

The specific name gigas is retained in preference to that of Mantelli employed by Brongniart® on the ground that he afterwards discarded it in favour of the designation proposed bynbsp;Lindley and Hutton^, and because their name has been generallynbsp;adopted.

Fronds large, exceeding 60 cm.; broadly linear lanceolate;' the comparatively slender rachis bears alternate linear lanceolatenbsp;pinnae with a rounded and usually slightly swollen base and annbsp;acuminate apex. At the apex of the frond the pinnae are narrownbsp;and linear (fig. 599) and almost parallel to the rachis; in thenbsp;lower part they are shorter and relatively broader and attachednbsp;approximately at right-angles. The numerous veins diverge fromnbsp;the centre of the base but for the most part are parallel to the edgenbsp;of the lamina. The form of the epidermal cells and the structurenbsp;of the stomata have recently been described by Mr Thomas.nbsp;The external features of the stem (fig. 541) are described undernbsp;the genus Williamsonia. In the case of fronds of this typenbsp;from English Jurassic rocks it would be legitimate to speak ofnbsp;them as Williamsonia gigas, but in view of the fact that such

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Thomas and Bancroft (13) p. 184.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Zeiller (03) B. p. 166, PI. xliii. figs. 3—6.

^ Brongniart (28) A. p. 94. See Seward (00) B. p. 178.

¦* Bindley and Hutton (38) A. PI. CLXV.

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fronds usually occur as detached specimens and without any associated flowers it is advisable, as Nathorst maintains, to retainnbsp;the non-committal genus Zamites.

This type of frond is widely distributed in Jurassic strata. The occurrence of many forms agreeing generally with the type-specimen but differing from it in features that are not constant

or of real morphological importance renders accurate specific delimitation very difficult. Species that appear to be indistinguishable from Zamites gigas by any well-marked characters are,nbsp;Zamites Feneonis'^ Brongn., Z. Moreaui^ Brongn., Z. Renevieri^

Ibid. Pis. Lxxxiv., Lxxxv.

1 Saporta (75) A. Pis. Lxxxvn.—xcii. 3 Ibid. PI. xcin.

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Heer, and Z. claravallensis''- Sap.; similarly Z. Schmiedelii And.^ is probably identical with Z. gigas. The Lower Cretaceous speciesnbsp;Zamites bohémiens^ Vel. and Z. iburgensis^ Hos. and von d. Marchnbsp;represent very similar forms.

Zamites recta (Tate). .

This species was originally described by Tate® as Palaeozamia {Otozamites) recta from Wealden strata in South Africa and subsequently transferred to Zamites^; it bears a very close resemblance to Z. gigas. The fronds bear alternate linear pinnaenbsp;attached to the upper face of the rachis by anbsp;slightly contracted and swollen base. The laminanbsp;has an acuminate asymmetrical apex and thenbsp;upper edge is slightly falcate; the larger pinnaenbsp;are over 6 cm. long and nearly 1cm. broad;nbsp;the veins are frequently forked as they convergenbsp;towards the base of the lamina. No clearnbsp;evidence of association of these fronds in thenbsp;Uitenhage series of South Africa with William-sonia flowers has been discovered, but a specimen’nbsp;in the Tate collection in the British Museumnbsp;may be a badly preserved cluster of bractsnbsp;belonging to a Williamsonia. The rachis of thisnbsp;species shows some peculiar features in the formnbsp;of two rows of alternate cushions in some partiallynbsp;decayed specimens. One of these is shown innbsp;fig. 600; the cushions are raised oval projectionsnbsp;with a flat top, and pieces of the rachis without

. , , nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-11nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;¦ , 1 rnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;• rnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;recta. (Uitenhage

pinnae might easily be mistaken tor a Coniferous nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;g j


Zamites Carruthersi Seward.

A species founded on specimens from the Wealden of Sussex® and recorded from Kimmeridge beds in Scotland®, characterised

1 Saporta (75) A. PL xcm. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Andrae (53) A. PI. ix.

® Fric and Bayer (01) B. fig. 43, p. 92.

* Hosius and von der March (80) B. PI. XLiv. fig. 202.

5 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Tate (67) PI. v. fig. 7.

6 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Seward (03) B. p. 21, Pis. iii. v.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;’’ No. 11117.

» Seward (96) A. p. 86, PI. vi. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;» Ibid. (11^) p. 694, PI. x. fig. 43.

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by linear or linear-elliptical pinnae attached obliquely to the outer part of the upper surface of the rachis, somewhat abruptlynbsp;narrowed at the proximal end but slightly broadened at the

actual base (fig. 601, D, E). The pinnae appear to have been caducous and, as in fig. 601, D, the position of an absciss-layer

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is occasionally visible. In habit the fronds bear a close resemblance to those of Encephalartos longifolius Lehm. The veins divergenbsp;from the base and are for the mostnbsp;part parallel, though divergent atnbsp;the bluntly rounded apex. If, asnbsp;may be the case, a specimen figurednbsp;by Hugh Miller’^ from Scotland asnbsp;Zamites and subsequently namednbsp;by Richards^ Podozamites Millerinbsp;is identical with Z. CarrutJiersi, thenbsp;specific name Milleri has priority.

Zamites Buchianus (Ettings-hausen).

AWealden and Lower Cretaceous species® (figs. 601, A—C; 602) represented in several European localities,nbsp;also in North America and Japan,nbsp;reaching a length of over 70 cm.;nbsp;in habit very similar to Ceratozamianbsp;mexicana, Macrozamia Macleayi andnbsp;some other recent Cycads. Thenbsp;rachis has a fairly broad mediannbsp;groove on the upper surface; pinnaenbsp;alternate, opposite or sub-opposite,nbsp;from 3 to 20 cm. long and from 1-5nbsp;to 2 cm. broad, linear, generallynbsp;narrowed towards the base, but innbsp;the more slender segments the reduction in breadth is less obvious;nbsp;attached obliquely to the rachis,nbsp;slightly thickened and broadenednbsp;at the base (fig. 601, C), separatednbsp;from the rachis by a distinct absciss-layer and leaving an elliptical scar;nbsp;usually inclined at about 45° but

Miller (57) B. fig. 136. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Richards (84) p. 120.

Ettingshausen (52) B. p. 21, PI. i. fig. 1; Seward (95) A. p. 79, Pis. m., iv., vrn.

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the angle varies considerably in different parts of a frond (fig. 602); apices generally tapering to a point, or more or lessnbsp;obtusely rounded; veins numerous, parallel, and not as a rulenbsp;prominent. It is by no means unlikely that specimens figurednbsp;by Goeppert^ and some other authors as Pterophyllum saxonicumnbsp;or Dioonites saxonicus are examples of this species. Fontaine^nbsp;speaks of Dioonites Buchianus as one of the most widely distributednbsp;and characteristic members of the Potomac flora and it is described from Japan by Yokoyama® and Nathorst*^. This typenbsp;appears to be especially characteristic of Wealden strata.


Braun® proposed the name Otozamites for certain Mesozoic fronds formerly included in Zamites, one of his types beingnbsp;Otozamites obtusus (Lind, and Hutt.) (fig. 603, B) originally regardednbsp;by Brongniart as a Fern and named Filicites Bucklandi^. Thenbsp;auriculate form of the base of the pinnae and the spreading veinsnbsp;were emphasised in the definition of the genus. As in the casenbsp;of many other Cycadean fronds the limits of the genus are notnbsp;always easy to define, but as described below the genus is on thenbsp;whole fairly distinctive. It is a very widely spread Jurassicnbsp;type and extends from Triassic to Lower Cretaceous rocks. Thenbsp;supposed Cretaceous species from Greenland, 0. groenlandicanbsp;Heer’^’, is probably not a plant-impression but a polished groovenbsp;in the rock.

Fronds pinnate, reaching a length of 50 cm. or more in some species; pinnae alternate, separate or contiguous and imbricate,nbsp;attached by a portion of the base to the upper surface of thenbsp;rachis, long and narrow (fig. 603, A), broadly oval or almostnbsp;orbicular, apex acute or obtuse, base auriculate and asymmetrical®,nbsp;the anterior lobe being more prominent than the posterior edgenbsp;of the lamina which is usually rounded. The veins radiate fromnbsp;the base and pass obliquely with occasional branching to the

1 Goeppert (47) PI. xxxviii.

^ Fontaine (89) B. p. 182, Pis. Lxviii.—lxxiv., etc.

® Yokoyama (94) p. 223, Pis. xx., xxiii., etc.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Nathorst (90) A. Pis. ii., in., v.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Braun in Münster (42) B. p. 36.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Seward (95) A. p. 56.

’ Heer (75) ii. PI. xxvi. fig. 2; the specimen is in the Stockholm Museum

« Halle (132) p. 55.

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edge of the pinna; in the more linear pinnae the veins may be parallel or nearly so. Zigno^ figured a piece of an Otozamites frondnbsp;from Jurassic Italian strata in connexion with a Williamsonianbsp;and the actual specimen in the Padua Museum amply justifiesnbsp;the impression produced by the published drawing. Wieland’snbsp;investigations^ in Mexico have brought to light many cases ofnbsp;association of Otozamites fronds and Williamsonia flowers.

The structure of the epidermis is partially described by Schenk® and more fully by Thomas*: the epidermal cells have sinuous

1 Zigno (85) PI. XLii. fig. 9. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ wieland (13).

® Schenk (67) A. PI. xxxiv. fig. 7.

^ Thomas and Bancroft (13) p. 186, PI. xix. figs. 3, 4.

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walls and the stomata, apparently confined to the lower surface, have guard-cells with hemispherical or spindle-shaped thickenednbsp;patches like those of some Zamites fronds. In one species, 0.nbsp;Feistmanteli Zig., Thomas found about 100 stomata in 1 sq. mm.nbsp;of lamina forming almost contiguous lines between the veins. Innbsp;the account of the genus Ptilophyllum reference is made to thenbsp;occurrence of pinnae with asymmetrical and auriculate bases,nbsp;and it is only by the comparison of a large number of specimensnbsp;that a distinction can be drawn between fronds that should benbsp;assigned to Otozamites and forms of Ptilophyllum which exhibitnbsp;a well-marked tendency towards the Otozamites type of pinnanbsp;(c/. figs. 592, 593). The variation in the form of the apices ofnbsp;pinnae and the relative position of the pinnae in different partsnbsp;of the same frond are features worthy of notice in the determination of species^. The different appearance presented by an

Tig. 604. Otozamites Bechei. A specimen in the Bristol Museum seen from below (A) and above (B). M. S.

Otozamites frond as viewed from the upper and lower face is illustrated in fig. 604. There are no recent Cycads in which thenbsp;segments have auriculate bases, but in this feature as in thenbsp;sinuous epidermal walls Otozamites agrees with some species of thenbsp;Fern Aneimia, e.g. A. rotundifolia Schrad. (fig. 223, Vol. ii. p. 288).

Otozamites Bechei Brongniart.

There is considerable confusion in the nomenclature of this species described by Brongniart^ from Jurassic strata as Filicites

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Seward (95) A. PI. i. figs. 1, 2.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Brongniart (26) PI. xix. fig. 4; Seward (00) B. p. 219; (04) B. p. 39.

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Bechei'. in it Brongniart included a specimen from the Lias of Axminster (Dorsetshire) previously figured by De la Beche asnbsp;a fossil Fern. It was on the Axminster specimen that Bindleynbsp;and Hntton founded the species Otofteris ohtusa^, and as there isnbsp;no doubt as to the specific identity of their type-specimen (fig.nbsp;603, B) and De la Beche’s fossil, Brongniart’s designation hasnbsp;prior claim Otozamites Bechei is, perhaps, best regarded as anbsp;comprehensive type or a group-species in which numerous Otozamites fronds described by anthors, on inadequate grounds, asnbsp;distinct species may well be included. Fronds agreeing generallynbsp;with 0. Bechei were very widely spread in Rhaetic and Jurassicnbsp;floras.

Specimens from the Middle Jurassic rocks of Yorkshire have been described as Otozamites obtusus var. ooliticus^ to denote anbsp;slight difference in the form of the pinnae from the Liassic frondsnbsp;from Dorsetshire; but the distinctive features of the varietynbsp;ooliticus are unimportant and hardly worthy of consideration innbsp;a general account of the species interpreted in a wide sense.


Fronds pinnate; pinnae usually more or less falcate, occasionally straight and with parallel sides, attached obliquely to the upper side of the rachis; imbricate or separate, the upper edgenbsp;of the base of the lamina strongly auriculate, the lower edgenbsp;rounded; apex obtuse; veins strongly divergent especially innbsp;the lobed base and extending obliquely to the upper and lowernbsp;edge of the lamina.

The specimen, from the Lias of Lyme Regis, drawn in outline in fig. 605, is an almost perfect frond; the pinnae are obtuselynbsp;pointed,, slightly falcate, and there is a prominent lobe on thenbsp;upper edge of the base of the laminae.

The Jurassic species Otozamites grafhicus'^ (Leek, ex Bean MS.), 0. vicetinus Zig.®, 0. Hennoequei^ (Pom.), 0. recurrens Sap-jnbsp;0. Terquemï^ Sap., 0. linearis^ Halle, are some of many examplesnbsp;of fronds agreeing closely with 0. Bechei, or in the case of 0-Terquemi with 0. grafhicus. The fronds described by Halle

1 Lindley and Hutton (34) A. PI. cxxviii.

^ Zeiller (12) p. 6; Halle (13®) p. 63 (footnote). ® Seward (00) B. p. 218.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Leokenby (64) A. PI. vni. fig. 5; Seward (00) B. p. 213, Pis. i., n.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Zigno (81) PI. XXXIII. figs. 3, 4.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;» Saporta (75) A. PI. 101.

Ibid. PI. 99. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;8 Halle (13®) PI. vn.

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from Graham Land as 0. linearis afford 7^ a good illustration of the range of variationnbsp;in the pinnae: a characteristic feature isnbsp;the considerable length, exceeding 20 cm.,nbsp;of the narrow linear fronds. The impressions from the Kome (Cretaceous)nbsp;beds of Greenland described by Heer asnbsp;Glossozamites Schenkii^ are probablynbsp;closely allied to 0. Bechei. The Rhaeticnbsp;species 0. Bucklandi Schenk^, 0. indosi-nensis ZeilL®, and 0. Polakii Krass^,nbsp;illustrate older examples of closely alliednbsp;types. Zeiller records Otozamites pinnaenbsp;similar to those of 0. indosinensis fromnbsp;Rhaetic beds in Persia®.

Otozamites Beani (Lindley and Hutton).

Founded on a specimen in the Scarborough Museum from the Middle Jurassic of Yorkshire® which is indistinguishable fromnbsp;Leckenby’s type - specimen of Otopterisnbsp;niediana'^ in the Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge. Long and narrow fronds exceedingnbsp;20 cm. in length, characterised by thenbsp;broadly oval, deltoid or sub-orbicularnbsp;pinnae, separate or partially imbricatenbsp;and attached by a broad auriculate base;nbsp;apex bluntly rounded; veins numerousnbsp;and spreading from the base of the lamina.

The pinnae, which may be 3-5 cm. long and nearly 2 cm. broad, are narrower andnbsp;longer in the distal part of the frondnbsp;(fig. 606).

Pig. 605. Otozamites Bechei. (British Museum, 40672;nbsp;f nat. size.)

® Schenk (67) A. Pis. xxxiii., xxxiv.

* Krasser (91) p. 12.

« Lindley and Hutton (32) A. PI. xLiv.

® Zigno (85) Pis. xxxv.—xxxvi.

The Italian Jurassic species Otozamites 'gt;nolianus Zig.®, recorded also from Bornholm, is a very similar type. The genericnbsp;name Cyclozamia suggested by Pomel fornbsp;this form of frond has not been

^ Heer (75) li. PL xvi. figs. 5—8. ® Zeiller (03) B. PI. XLiii. fig. 1.nbsp;® Zeiller (05).

’ Leokenby (64) A. PI. x. fig. 2.

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adopted though it is applied by Schimper to 0. Bunhuryanus Zig.

Otozamites Bunhuryanus Zigno.

A Jurassic species^ similar in the long and narrow form of the frond to 0. Beani but distinguished by the much smaller segments

Pig. 607. Otozamites bengalensis. (Indian Geological Survey, Calcutta; f nat. size.)

* Zigno (53) p. 11; Seward (00) B. p. 211.

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and by their more orbicular lamina (fig. 606, B). In habit the fronds agree closely with the Fern Nephrolepis Duffi. Leckenby’snbsp;species, Otopteris tenuata^, is probably the same as Zigno’s 0.nbsp;Bunburyanus, the type-specimen of which in the Padua Museumnbsp;consists of a long and narrow frond with leaflets not exceedingnbsp;8 cm. in length; the rachis is hidden by the imbricate auriculatenbsp;bases of the leaflets. FeistmanteP refers to this species somenbsp;pieces of very narrow fronds with overlapping pinnae fromnbsp;Upper Gondwana beds in India. A still smaller form is describednbsp;by Möller® from Bornholm as 0. tenuissimus, and 0. Bunburyanusnbsp;is recorded from the same flora. 0. Feistmanteli Zig.^ agreesnbsp;in the form of the frond and in its short and broad pinnae withnbsp;0. Bunburyanus.

Otozamites bengalensis (Oldham and Morris).

This Indian species from the Eajmahal Hills® and specimens of the same type from the Cutch flora described as 0. contiguusnbsp;Feist, afford another illustration of long and narrow fronds withnbsp;short and relatively broad pinnae. The drawings published bynbsp;Oldham and Morris accurately represent the specimens: thenbsp;longest frond is 21 cm. long and neither end is complete (fig. 607);nbsp;it is 9 mm. broad at the narrower end and 1-5 cm. at the broadernbsp;end. The rachis is represented by a deep and broad groove;nbsp;the actual bases of the leaflets are not preserved, but their positionnbsp;shows that they were attached to the upper face: this is clearlynbsp;seen in the specimen described by Feistmantel as 0. contiguusnbsp;which shows also that the lamina is auriculate at the upper edgenbsp;of the base. The pinnae vary in shape; the smaller ones arenbsp;characterised by a strongly curved lower margin and the uppernbsp;edge is slightly curved or straight, while the larger leaflets havenbsp;more parallel edges and blunter rounded apices: the latter formnbsp;is well shown in the specimens unnecessarily distinguished bynbsp;Oldham and Morris as var. obtusa.

^ Leckenby (64) A. PI. ix. fig. 3.

^ Feistmantel (79) Pis. vii., xvi.

® MöUer (03) PI. i.

* Zigno (81) PL XXIV.; Thomas and Bancroft (13) p. 186; Seward (00) B. P- 221.

° Oldham and Morris (63) B. p. 27, PI. xix.; Feistmantel (76“) PI. vii. fig. 4.

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Otozamites Klifsteinii (Dunker).

This Wealden species, first described by Dunker as Cyclopteris Klipsteinii^, is remarkable for the large pinnae. The rachis isnbsp;fairly stout; the broadly oval or oblong pinnae vary considerablynbsp;in size and in the relation of breadth to length, in rare casesnbsp;reaching a length of over 8 cm. and a breadth of 2-4 cm.; apexnbsp;obtuse, base shghtly auriculate and asymmetrical; veins numerous,nbsp;radiating from the point of attachment to the margin of thenbsp;lamina. The occurrence of finer lines between the more prominentnbsp;veins may indicate the presence of hypodermal stereome strands.nbsp;Fig. 608 illustrates the striking variation in the size of the pinnaenbsp;on a single frond and their attachment to the upper face of thenbsp;rachis. In the breadth of the segments 0. Klifsteinii resemblesnbsp;0. Beani (Lind, and Hutt.), 0. decorus Sap. 2, 0. lagotis Brongn.®nbsp;and two species from South Russia described by Thomas^ asnbsp;0. Izuimensis and 0. giganteus. The pinnae of 0. giganteusnbsp;exceed 10 cm. in length and 3 cm. in breadth, thus surpassingnbsp;the largest segments of 0. Klifsteinii. Some pinnae from thenbsp;Jurassic flora of Oregon made by Fontaine the type of a newnbsp;species, 0. oregonensis^, may be fragments of 0. Klifsteinii.nbsp;Nathorst® records the occurrence in Lower Cretaceous or Wealdennbsp;beds in Spitzbergen of Cycadean leaflets very like those of 0.nbsp;Klifsteinii.

Otozamites Goeffertianus (Dunker).

This Wealden species, named by Dunker^ Pterofhyllum Goeffertianum, agrees in habit with some of those to whichnbsp;reference is made under 0. Bechei, e.g. 0. linearis Halle, andnbsp;represents a type of the genus with unusually narrow pinnaenbsp;(fig. 603, A). The auriculate form of the lamina is feebly developed;nbsp;the linear-lanceolate pinnae are occasionally falcate and havenbsp;acute apices; as in many other species they were apparentlynbsp;deciduous. It is by no means easy to distinguish some of thesenbsp;fronds from specimens included in Ptilofhyllum fecten.

1 Dunker (46) A. p. 11, PI. ix. figs. 6, 7; Seward (95) A. p. 60.

^ Saporta (75) A. Pis. cx., ext. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Ibid. PI. cx.

0 Thomas (11) p. 83, Pis. v., vi.

5 Fontaine in Ward (05) B. PI. xxxviii. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;« Nathorst (13) p. 279.

’ Dunker (46) A. p. 14, PI. il. fig. 5; Seward (95) A. p. 70, PI. i.

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This generic name was instituted^ for pinnate fronds from the Rajmahal series of India, assigned by Feistmantel to a Lowernbsp;Jurassic horizon, but probably nearer in age to the Middle Jurassicnbsp;series. Morris, joint author with Oldham of the Memoir on thenbsp;Rajmahal plants, adopted the name Dictyo'pteris. Dictyozamitesnbsp;agrees very closely with Otozamites but is readily distinguishednbsp;by the anastomosing veins (fig. 609), while the absence of a midribnbsp;differentiates it from the Palaeozoic genus Dictyopteris. Thenbsp;genus is recorded also from Jurassic strata in England, Bornholm,nbsp;Japan^, Korea®, and from a locality 60 nautical miles N.W. ofnbsp;Cape Horn in Tierra del Fuego*: the specimens from these localitiesnbsp;differ only in unimportant details from the Indian type. Dictyo-zamites is confined to Jurassic floras and appears to be especiallynbsp;characteristic of Middle Jurassic floras. In India® fronds occurnbsp;in close association with stems of the Bucklandia type and, althoughnbsp;there is no proof of any connexion with stems or flowers, it isnbsp;probable that the fronds of this generic type were borne on stemsnbsp;similar to those of Bucklandia and that the flowers were constructednbsp;on the Williamsonia plan.

Dictyozamites falcatus (Morris).

Morris® described this Rajmahal species under the names Dictyopteris falcata and D.falcata var. ohtusa\ the specimens werenbsp;included by Feistmantel under the designation Dictyozamitesnbsp;indicus, the original tc,rm falcata being discarded without adequatenbsp;reason. An examination of several of the figured fronds enablesnbsp;me to confirm the accuracy of the published drawings and tonbsp;extend the description in a few particrdars. Fronds pinnatenbsp;of the habit of Otozamites-, pinnae comparatively thick, broadlynbsp;linear, alternate, varying considerably in size and in the formnbsp;of the apex which may be obtuse or acute. The pinnae arenbsp;attached by the middle part of the lamina only; the upper edgenbsp;of the base is slightly rounded or auriculate; the lower angl®

^ Seward (03).

® Bancroft (13). Feistmantel (76^) Pis. iv.—’

1 Oldham and Morris (63) B. p. 37.

= Yabe (05) B. PI. ii. figs. 2—7.

‘ Haüe (12); (13) p. 9, PI. v. figs. 29—33.

® Oldham and Morris (63) B. PI. xxiv. figs. 1, 2; (77) PI. II.

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is generally more definitely lobed. The imbricate bases completely cover the upper face of the comparatively slender rachis. Thenbsp;longest pinna seen on an Indian frond is 6 cm. with a breadth ofnbsp;2 cm. Some of the pinnae on magnification exhibit a finelynbsp;tuberculate appearance, due no doubt to the presence of papillaenbsp;on the epidermal cells like those on the pinnae of English andnbsp;Bornholm specimens. This species is recorded by Yokoyamainbsp;from Japan as D. faleatus var. distans, and a similar form, referrednbsp;by him to a distinct species, D. grossinervis, may be more appropriately named D. faleatus var. grossinervis^. The Indian typenbsp;occurs also in Jurassic rocks of Korea, and Halle has discoverednbsp;some Dictyozamites leaves in Tierra del Fuego® which he describesnbsp;as Dictyozamites sp. cf. D. faleatus: this record is of special interestnbsp;from a phytogeographical point of view.

Dictyozamites Johnstrupi Nathorst.

This species^, from rocks usually spoken of as Liassic but not improbably Middle Jurassic in age, differs from D. faleatus in thenbsp;slightly more falcate form of the pinnae and in the more stronglynbsp;auriculate upper angle of the base of the lamina. The stomata®nbsp;are confined to the lower epidermis and the Strongly cuticularisednbsp;guard-cells frequently lie at right-angles to the course of the veins.nbsp;The epidermal cells have very sinuous walls (fig. 609, C) and innbsp;the middle of each is a prominent papilla.

Dietyozamites Hawelli Seward.

This Middle Jurassic type from Marske®, Yorkshire, differs from D. faleatus in the relatively broader segments, their straighternbsp;form (fig. 609, B), and in the attachment to the rachis beingnbsp;slightly below the middle of the pinna base. Fig. 609, A, showsnbsp;the base of a pinna and an oval scar similar to those on the rachisnbsp;of some recent Cycads {cf. fig. 387). The epidermis is like that innbsp;D. dohnstrupi and as in that species the stomata are confined to

^ Yokoyama (89) B, PI. vii. fig. 10; Pis. x., xi. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;2 geward (03) p. 217.

“ The statement made by me [Seward (11'*) p. 3] that Dictyozamites occurs in the Palklands is incorrect.

* Nathorst (89); Moller (03) p. 25, PI. v.

® Nathorst (07^) PI. iii. figs. 2—8.

® Seward (03); Thomas (13^) p. 238; Thomas and Bancroft (13) p. 186, PI. xix. figs. 6—8.


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the lower surface. There are approximately 120 stomata per square milUmetre; each with two subsidiary cells (fig. 609, C)nbsp;of elongated form, and the guard-cells have small thickened outgrowths or papillae as in Z). Johnstrupi.

The epidermal features are described under D. Johnstrupi and B. Hawelli (fig. 609, C). a fuller account of those in the latternbsp;species will be found in the paper by Mr Thomas and Miss Bancroft.

Fig. 009. Dictyozamites Hawelli. (A, B, British Museum; C, after Thomas and Bancroft.)


The name Pterophyllum was first applied by Brongniart^ to some fronds from the Lias of Hör, which he named P. majusnbsp;and P. minus, species subsequently removed by Nathorst^ tonbsp;Schimper’s genus Anomozamites. Brongniart® defined Pterophyllum fronds, e.g. P. Jaegeri (fig. 610), as pinnate, bearingnbsp;pinnules of almost equal breadth attached by the whole widthnbsp;of the base and with a truncate apex; veins slender, equal, simplenbsp;and slightly arched. There has been considerable confusion andnbsp;laxity in regard to the application of the name Pterophyllumnbsp;and in many cases no clear distinction has been recognised betweennbsp;this genus and Nilssonia. In Nilssonia the distinctive featurenbsp;is the complete absence of any rachis uncovered by the lamina

Brongniart (28) A. p. 95.

^ Brongniart (25). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Nathorst (81) p. 61.

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xxxix] PTEROPHYLLTJMnbsp;549

on the upper face of well-preserved specimens, while in Ptero-•phyllum the continuity of the lamina is broken by a greater or less breadth of rachis in the middle line of the frond; the laminanbsp;does not cover the rachis but is attached laterally, or at least thenbsp;two laminae of the frond, whether entire or deeply dissected,nbsp;do not meet in the middle of the rachis. A specimen from thenbsp;Cretaceous of Greenland described by Heer as Pterophyllumnbsp;concinnunp and now in the Stockholm Museum is probably anbsp;piece of a Nilssonia; the rachis is not exposed on the surfacenbsp;of the frond. In Nilssonia the veins are with few exceptionsnbsp;simple; in Pterophyllum they are often branched especially nearnbsp;their origin from the rachis: in Nilssonia the segments are ofnbsp;unequal breadth; in Pterophyllum they are usually equal. Itnbsp;has been the practice of several authors to follow Schimper^nbsp;in the employment of the generic name Anomozamites for fronds

Fig. 610. Pterophyllum Jaegeri. From the Keuper of Lunz; part of a frond

23-0 cm. long and incomplete. (British Museum, V. 1044; nat. size.)

with a more or less entire or irregularly pinnatisect lamina which bear a very close resemblance to Nilssonia except that a portionnbsp;of the rachis is exposed on the upper face. Potonié® used Pterophyllum in a wider sense including both fronds with equal pinnaenbsp;and those of the Anomozamites type: this more extended use ofnbsp;Pterophyllum is adopted by Zeillerquot;^ who prefers to retain Anomozamites only as a sub-genus. It is in this sense that the followingnbsp;definition is framed.

Fronds pinnate; pinnae linear, attached by the whole base, which may be enlarged; the apex is truncate, rounded, or occasionally pointed; the veins are simple or dichotomously branchednbsp;and parallel to the edge of the lamina. In some fronds (sub-genusnbsp;Anomozamites) the segments are unequal (fig. 615), short, broad

Schimper (72) A. p. 140. ' Zeiller (03) B. p. 174.

^ Heer (75) ii. PI. xv. fig. 11. ^ Potonié (99) B. p. 281.

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and truncate, and the lamina may be entire or divided into a few very unequal segments. The surface of the rachis is never completely covered by the lamina on the upper face of the frond andnbsp;is often characterised by transverse wrinklings, possibly due tonbsp;the presence of ramental scales.

Some interesting xerophilous features have recently been described by Halle^ in the lamina of Pterofhyllum {Anomoza?nites)nbsp;marginatum, a Rhaetic species figured by Schenk and Nathorstnbsp;from Franconia and Scania. The pinnae were thick and succulent.nbsp;Stomata are confined to the lower surface and the edges of thenbsp;upper face of the lamina form a rounded curve causing the thicknbsp;upper cuticle to abut on the thinner stomatiferous lower cuticle, thusnbsp;producing in impressions the appearance of thickened margins.

There is no satisfactory evidence as to the nature of the reproductive organs or stems of the plants which bore fronds ofnbsp;the type represented by P. Jaegeri (fig. 610) and other forms withnbsp;equal segments. A stem referred by Heer^ and by Leuthardt®nbsp;to Pterofhyllum was not found in connexion with leaves, andnbsp;there is the same absence of any convincing evidence in the casenbsp;of the imperfect specimens from the Keuper of Basel believednbsp;by Leuthardt to be male and female inflorescences. On thenbsp;other hand leaves of Anomozamites are known to have been bornenbsp;on comparatively slender stems with dichasial branching, andnbsp;the reproductive shoots are of the same general type as thosenbsp;known as Bennettites. This discovery is due to Nathorst whonbsp;founded the genus Wielandiella^ on fertile stems with Anomozamites fronds. Mr Thomas® has recently obtained evidencenbsp;from Yorkshire Jurassic material pointing to a similar connexionnbsp;between Anomozamites fronds and Wielandiella stems. Pterofhyllum is further distinguished from Nilssonia by the foldednbsp;walls of the epidermal cells and by the presence of two crescenticnbsp;subsidiary cells (fig. 611, A) instead of the ring of cells which surrounds the guard-cells in Nilssonia (fig. 611, B). Schenk® figurednbsp;a few pieces of cuticle from fronds referred to Pterofhyllumnbsp;which the walls are more or less sinuous, but the cells of Pterofhyllum crassinerve Goepp.^ appear to have straight walls: this

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Halle (15) p. 515, PI. xiii. figs. 18—20, 22.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Heer (76) A. PI. xxxv. fig. 3.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Leuthardt (03) p. 20.

^ See page 463. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Thomas (13^) p. 237.

® Schenk (67) A. Pis. xxxvii.—viii. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;’’ Ibid. PI. xxxix. fig. 7.

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species is, however, probably a Nilssonia. The stoma represented in fig. 611, A, is from the lower epidermis of Pterophyllumnbsp;{Anomozamites) Nilssoni (Phill.)i.

Pterophyllum extends from Upper Carboniferous to Lower Cretaceous strata and is especially characteristic of Keuper andnbsp;Rhaetic floras. A possible representative of the sub-genusnbsp;Anomozamites is described by Ettingshausen from Tertiary bedsnbsp;in New South Wales as Anomozamites Muelleri^.

Pterophyllum Fayoli Renault and Zeiller. *

This species® was founded on a large frond from the Commentry coalfield with a stout rachis bearing linear pinnae, attached alongnbsp;a narrow groove on its outer edge, reaching a length of 12 cm.nbsp;and a breadth of 1 cm.; adjacent pinnae are united at the base.nbsp;The apices are pointed and there are 10-12 unbranched veins innbsp;the lamina. Eig. 612 shows a small piece of the large specimennbsp;in the Natural History Museum, Paris.

Pterophyllum sp. Arber.

The only representative of a Carboniferous frond of Cycadean habit discovered in Britain is that recorded by Arber^ fromnbsp;Westphalian strata at a depth of 1834 ft at Barfreston in Kent.nbsp;A fairly stout rachis bears incomplete pinnae the longest of whichnbsp;is slightly more than 1 cm. in length and 1—1-5 cm. broad; eachnbsp;segment, very slightly contracted at the base, has 3—4 occasionally

* Thomas and Bancroft (13) PI. xix. fig. 5.

2 Ettingshausen (86) PI. viii. figs. 19—21.

’ Arber, E. A. N. (12^).

® Renault and Zeiller (88) A. p, 619, PI. LXViii.

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forked veins. Arber compares the fragments with Pterophyllum blechnoides Sand, from Germany^.

Pterophyllum Cambryi Renault.

This Permian species from Autun^ is similar to P. Fayoli, but differs in the more slender rachis and in the finer venationnbsp;of the linear, acute, pinnae. The pinnae in Renault’s specimennbsp;reach a length of 4-8 cm. and are from 3-5—4 mm. broad; theynbsp;are slightly confluent at the base and the veins occasionally fork.

Among other Palaeozoic species are Pterophyllum Grand’’Eury-anum Sap. and Mar.® discovered by Grand’Eury in the Coal Measures of France, P. blechnoides Sand.* from the Upper Coalnbsp;Measures of Oppenau and recorded by Geinitz® from the Middlenbsp;Permian of Germany, P. Cottaeanum Gutb.®, a similar type, alsonbsp;from Permian rocks, but with coarser venation. The specimensnbsp;figured by Geinitz as P. blechnoides and P. Cottaeanum are innbsp;the Dresden Museum: the former species is represented by n

^ Sandberger (64) PL ii. figs. 1—4.

2 Renault (96) A. p. 322, fig. 64.

® Saporta and Marion (85) p. 109, fig. 58 A.

* Sandberger (64) PL ii. figs. 1—4. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Geinitz (73) PL in. fig. 9.

® Geinitz fig. 8.

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good impression on shale which shows the generic characters very clearly.

Pterofliyllum Jaegeri Brongniart.

Brongniart^ founded this species (fig. 610) on material from the Keuper of Stuttgart. The fronds are characterised by thenbsp;relatively narrow parallel-sided pinnae with rounded or truncatenbsp;apices and little or no basal contraction; the pinnae may benbsp;contiguous or separate. There are 14—16 veins in each pinna.nbsp;Leuthardt^, who figures several examples of this species fromnbsp;Keuper strata at Basel, speaks of the breadth-index of the pinnaenbsp;as 12, a term employed to denote the relation of the breadth tonbsp;the length of a segment. Pterophyllum longifolium^ is a verynbsp;similar Keuper type: in this species the pinnae are rather shorternbsp;and broader than in P. Jaegeri and contracted at the base; thenbsp;apex is truncate or obtuse. The differences between these speciesnbsp;is, however, very trifling. The imperfectly preserved fossilsnbsp;figured by Leuthardt^ as the inflorescences of Pterophyllum havenbsp;not been found in connexion with fronds and their nature isnbsp;problematical. This and other species are recorded by Krasser®nbsp;from the Lunz beds in Austria.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;*

Pterophyllum Bronni Schenk.

A Keuper species® from Raibl in Carinthia distinguished by its large pinnae, 15 cm. or more in length and 0-5 cm. broad,nbsp;and by their almost digitate disposition on the rachis. Thenbsp;fronds appear to be relatively short; the upper pinnae are highlynbsp;inclined while the lower are given off at an obtuse angle; theynbsp;are obcuneate or more or less oblanceolate, with a truncatenbsp;asymmetrical apex and rounded angles; the base is slightlynbsp;contracted. Arber'^ has figured some specimens from the Munichnbsp;Museum in one of which there are five spreading pinnae and anbsp;portion of the rachis; one pinna is undoubtedly attached andnbsp;the others, though probably in place, are not in actual connexion

1 Brongniart (28) p. 95.

^ Leuthardt (03) p. 14, PI. v. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Ibid. p. 16, PI. v.

^ Ibid. PI. VII. fig. 4; PI. viii. figs. 3—5. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Krasser (09).

® Schenk (67) PI. II. There are some fine examples from the Raibl beds in the Vienna Geological Survey Collection.

’ Arber (07).

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with the axis. There is a close resemblance between this species and Sphenozamites Rogersianus Font.^: in the American type thenbsp;fronds must have been 1 met. long; the leaflets, 19 x 9 cm.,nbsp;are elliptical, broadest near the apex and attached by the middlenbsp;of the rounded base. Between the divergent and forked veinsnbsp;there is a fine granulation probably due to the presence of papillae.nbsp;Pterophylluni Bronni and P. Rogersianum might be placed innbsp;Schimper’s genus Macropterygium^, though another Eaibl species,nbsp;originally described by Schenk as Pterophyllum giganteum^ andnbsp;referred by Schimper to Macropterygium, has much longer andnbsp;relatively narrow pinnae and agrees more closely with Pterophyllum as the genus is usually defined. In order to emphasisenbsp;the distinctive features of Pterophyllum Bronni and Fontaine’snbsp;Virginian species they may conveniently be spoken of as Pterophyllum {Macropterygium) Bronninbsp;and Pterophyllum {Macropterygium)


Pterophyllum Braunianum Goeppert.

Braunia^ enlarged;

In this Rhaetic species^ (fig. 613) the narrow linear pinnae, contiguousnbsp;or more or less distant, are 1—2 mm.nbsp;broad and may exceed 5 cm. in lengthnbsp;though they are usually shorter;nbsp;they are attached more or less atnbsp;right-angles to the sides of a transversely wrinkled rachis. The basenbsp;of the lamina is broadened and thenbsp;veins are parallel, simple or forked.

The epidermal cells have sinuous walls.

Pterophyllum Tietzei Schenk.

A Rhaetic species founded® on specimens from Persia and described also by Zeiller® from Tonkin represented by frondsnbsp;^ Fontaine (83) B. p. 80, Pis XLiii.—v.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“ Schimper (72) A. pp. 127, 132.

* Schenk (67) PI. ii. * Goeppert (44); Schenk (67) A. p. 164, PI. xxxviil.

® Schenk (87) B. p. 6, Pis. vi., ix.

® Zeiller (03) B. p. 189, PI. XLVii. fig. 1.

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1 met. long and at least 15 cm. broad. The segments, 3—7 cm. long and 8—18 mm. broad, are often set at right-angles to thenbsp;rachis; the edges are parallel but the lower edge bends upwardsnbsp;at the apex. The veins are simple or forked and approximatelynbsp;0-3 mm. apart.

Pterophyllum Bavieri Zeiller.

This Khaetic species from Tonkin^ and Persia^ is interesting as affording an example of a frond with exceptionally narrownbsp;and contiguous pinnae. The frond is narrow and lanceolate,nbsp;15—20 cm. long with pinnae normal to the rachis, -5—1 mm.nbsp;broad and 7—25 mm. long attached by the whole base which isnbsp;sometimes shghtly enlarged. The veins are simple or forked,nbsp;•15—25mm. apart: the apices of the segments are rounded ornbsp;truncate and the form of the whole is similar to that of Pterophyllum aequale but narrower.

Pterophyllum (Anomozamites) inconstans Braun.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Zeiller (03) B. p.

® Braun, F. (43).

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Zeiller (03) B. p. 177, PI. xliii. fig. 8;nbsp;® Schenk (67) A. PI. xxxviii. figs. 5—9.nbsp;® Zeiller (03) B. PI. xliii. fig. 7.

In habit this Rhaetic species® resembles Nilssonia compta. The linear-lanceolate fronds, as described by Zeiller^ in his Tonkinnbsp;memoir, attain a length of 20 cm. and a breadth of 4 cm. Thenbsp;rachis, characterised by numerous transverse ridges, bears alternatenbsp;or subopposite leaflets often at right-angles; they are almostnbsp;rectangular and hardly longe:^ than broad, attached by the wholenbsp;of the base, which may be broadened, to the upper face of thenbsp;rachis, but the lamina does not cover the whole of the rachis asnbsp;in Nilssonia. The pinnae vary in breadth on the same frond andnbsp;occasionally the lamina is continuous as in some forms of Nilssonia.nbsp;Schenk® figures examples from the Rhaetic of Franconia in whichnbsp;the lamina is very irregularly dissected and may be entire for anbsp;considerable distance. The epidermal cells have slightly sinuousnbsp;walls. A similar type is represented by Pterophyllum (Anomozamites) Schenki Zeill.®, but the segments are contracted basallynbsp;and become wider towards the apex where, as in P. inconstans,nbsp;the edges are parallel. Feistmantel’s species Platypterygiumnbsp;198, PI. xLix. figs. 1—3.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;2nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(05) p. 194.

PI. XLiv. figs. 1-5.

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Balli^, though superficially similar to PterofJiyllum, appears to agree more closely with Pseudoctenis.

Pterofhyllum Nathorsti Seward,

This species, founded on a specimen in the Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge, from the Middle Jurassic beds of Yorkshire, wasnbsp;formerly referred to the genus Dioonites^, but since the Yorkshirenbsp;specimens were supplemented by material from Kimmeridgenbsp;strata in Scotland® affording more definite information withnbsp;regard to the attachment of the pinnae it has been transferrednbsp;to Pterofhyllum. Pinnae laterally attached to the rachis whichnbsp;in some specimens shows a transverse wrinkling, narrow, linear,nbsp;3—4 mm. wide and reaching a length of 9 cm. The base of the

segments is slightly expanded; the apex is acuminate or bluntly pointed: there are approximately three veins in 1 mm. of lamina.nbsp;This type (fig. 614, A, B) is similar to Pterofhyllum aequale Brongn.nbsp;as figured by Zeiller* from the Ehaetic of Tonkin and agreesnbsp;closely with some of the large Ehaetic specimens referred bynbsp;Schenk to P. Braunianum. The Jurassic fronds from Oregonnbsp;described by Fontaine^ as Ctenophyllum angustifolium are similar

1 Feistmantel (86) PI. ii. A. figs. 4—8.

^ Seward (00) B. p. 239. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Seward (11^) p. 694, Pis. iv., v. etc.

^ Zeiller (03) B. PI. xix. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Fontaine in Ward (05) B. PI. xxii.

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forms and a specimen from the Wealden of Germany included by Schenk in P. DunherianunP should probably be included in this

Rg. 616. Pteropliyllum (Anomo-zamites) Lyellianum. (Geological Survey Museum,6396; nat. size.)

Fig. 615. Pterophyllum (Atio-mozamites)Nilssoni. (British Museum, 39,306; nat. size.)

species. Other closely allied forms are represented by P. distans Old. and Morr.^ and P. Pooteanum from India.

1 Schenk (71) B. PI. xxiv. fig. 5.

^ Oldham and Morris (63) B. PI. IX.; Feistmantel (77®) Pis. v., vi.

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Pterophyllum (Anomozamites) Niksoni (Phillips).

The type-specimen, from the Jurassic beds on the Yorkshire coast and now in the York Museum, was described by Phillips^nbsp;as Asfleniopteris Nilssoni and placed in Pterophyllum by Lindleynbsp;and Hutton and many , other authors^. The fronds are Hnear;nbsp;the lamina may be almost entire or divided into unequal deepnbsp;truncate segments; the veins are simple or dichotomously branchednbsp;(fig. 615). The leaves are very similar to those of Nilssonia;nbsp;they were probably borne on stems similar to those describednbsp;by Nathorst as Wielandiella. Reference is made to the structurenbsp;of the epidermal cells in the account of the genus.

Pterophyllum {Anomozamites) Lyellianum (Hunker).

This Wealden species, originally referred by Hunker® to Pterophyllum, was afterwards transferred to Anomozamites^. Thenbsp;fronds, in habit resembling the larger Ehaetic species P. Braunianumnbsp;Goepp.,are characterised by the narrow linear pinnae of almost equalnbsp;breadth attached approximately at right angles; there is a narrownbsp;line of rachis separating the two rows of segments (fig. 616).

CYCADITES. Sternberg.


The generic name Cycadites was first used by Sternberg® though it has since been shown that the specimens for which henbsp;proposed it belong to other genera. As employed by Brongniart®nbsp;and other authors Cycadites stands for fossil fronds agreeing innbsp;habit with the pinnate leaves of recent species of Cycas (fig. 387, A);nbsp;the presence of a single median in the linear pinnae is generallynbsp;regarded as an essential feature. Cycadites may be defined asnbsp;follows; Fronds pinnate; pinnae alternate or opposite, linearnbsp;entire, with a midrib and no lateral veins, attached to the rachisnbsp;by the entire base, the lower margin of which may be shghtlynbsp;decurrent or narrowed near the point of attachment. Epidermalnbsp;cells with straight walls and stomata agreeing in structure with

1 Phillips (29) A. PI. viii. fig. 4. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ ggg geward (00) B. p. 204.

® Dunker (46) A. p. 14, PI. vi. figs. 1, 2.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Seward (95) A. p. 91; see also Schenk (71) PI. xxxiv.

® Sternberg (25) A. p. xxxii.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Brongniart (28) A. p. 93. Specimens named by Brongniart Cycaditesnbsp;Nilssoniana are probably fragments of Diootyledonons leaves [Nathorst (81) p. 83].

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xxxix] PSBTJDOCYCASnbsp;559

those of the recent genus. As thus defined, including the characters of the epidermal cells, the genus has no representatives; but the generic name should also be applied, as Miss Holden^nbsp;has recently suggested, to fronds of the Cycas form which affordnbsp;no information with regard to the structure of the epidermis.nbsp;The resemblance of Cycadites fronds to those of Cycas, couplednbsp;with the fact that impressions superficially resembling megasporo-phylls of the recent genus are recorded from Mesozoic strata,nbsp;was considered sufficient justification for the employment of anbsp;name implying close affinity to or even generic identity withnbsp;Cycas. A fuller knowledge of the epidermal characters of some ofnbsp;the fronds hitherto included in Cycadites has necessitated thenbsp;substitution of a new genus for Cycadites. An examination bynbsp;Nathorst^ of Heer’s Lower Cretaceous Greenland species Cycaditesnbsp;Steenstrufi and of other fronds showed that the epidermal cell-walls are sinuous and the stomata arranged differently from thosenbsp;of Cycas. For these and other reasons Nathorst proposed a newnbsp;name Pseudocycas. He also pointed out that the pinnae in thenbsp;fossil fronds have as a rule a double ‘midrib.’ Nathorst’s discovery raised the question whether other tfonds described asnbsp;Cycadites should be transferred to Pseudocycas. Miss Holden’snbsp;investigation of other supposed Mesozoic representatives ofnbsp;Cycas leads to the conclusion that ‘it is not impossible that allnbsp;Mesozoic specimens of Cycadites will turn out to be Pseudocycas.’nbsp;This observer shows that Cycadites Saportae Sew. and C. Roemerinbsp;Schk. agree in the sinuous walls of the epidermal cells with Pseudocycas ; and so far no species of Cycadites, in which it was possiblenbsp;to examine the cuticular membrane, has been found that doesnbsp;not conform to Nathorst’s definition of Pseudocycas at least asnbsp;regards the structure of the epidermal cells. Nathorst definednbsp;Pseudocycas in the following sense: Fronds similar to those ofnbsp;Cycadites and Cycas but with pinnae characterised by a doublenbsp;‘midrib,’ the stomata being confined or almost confined to thenbsp;groove between the two ‘midribs.’ Nathorst also notes that innbsp;Pseudocycas the bases of the pinnae are not contracted as is oftennbsp;the case in Cycadites and Cycas, but this is a feature of secondarynbsp;importance. Miss Holden has, however, expressed the opinion

Nathorst (07®).

1 Holden, R. (14q.

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that the double ‘midrib’ is an untrustworthy character and that the stomata are not always arranged as in the fronds examinednbsp;by Nathorst. Nathorst states that in Pseudocycas Steenstrupinbsp;and P. insignis the midrib though usually double may be single:nbsp;the same variation occurs in P. Saportae. Miss Holden foundnbsp;that an impression made from a pinna of Cycas siamensis showednbsp;a double line on the upper face and a single rib on the lower;nbsp;that is Pseudocycas and Cycas characters occur on a single pinna.nbsp;On drying, the ridge on the lower face of the lamina collapses andnbsp;a groove is formed bounded by two ridges.

In a recently published and interesting paper on ‘Some Xerophytic Leaf-structures in Mesozoic Plants,’ Dr Halle^ makesnbsp;some important additions to our knowledge of Pseudocycas. Henbsp;agrees with Miss Holden’s views with regard to the use of the genericnbsp;names Pseudocycas and Cycadites, but dissents from her interpretation of the median groove as the result of shrinkage of anbsp;midrib. Part of the evidence presented by Halle is based on thenbsp;structure of the leaf-cuticle as shown in microtome sections^. Henbsp;found that a distinct median groove is always present on thenbsp;pinnae of Pseudocycas insignis and other species. If the groovenbsp;were due to collapse of the tissue of a true median rib the presencenbsp;of stomata—which in P. insignis are confined to the middlenbsp;line of the lamina—below the vein would be an unusual feature.nbsp;He found no indication of a median vein or of any vascular tissue.nbsp;All that is revealed by an examination of the cuticle is that thenbsp;lamina has a well-defined groove bounded by prominent ridges,nbsp;and in Pseudocycas Roemeri the groove is deeper and is formed bynbsp;the bending-back of the lamina. The stomata are practicallynbsp;confined to the groove and in P. insignis and P. Steenstrupi annbsp;additional protection against excessive transpiration was affordednbsp;by elongated papillae.

In the sinuous walls of the epidermal cells and in the structure of the stomata Pseudocycas agrees with the Bennettitalean typenbsp;as defined by Thomas and Bancroft®. The ‘ midrib ’ of the pinnaenbsp;marks the position of a pronounced groove and we have no information with regard to the venation. As Halle says, protection

Pis. XII., xm.

^ Halle (15).

® Thomas and Bancroft (13).

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against drought is afforded by ‘other means than those usual among existing Cycads,’ which provide against excessive transpiration by the sinking of the individual stomata below the surface.nbsp;The epidermal features of Pseudocycas afford a striking examplenbsp;of the danger of basing conclusions on mere impressions and theynbsp;further emphasise the great difference between Mesozoic Cycadeannbsp;fronds and those of recent genera.

We have no knowledge of the nature of the reproductive organs of the plants which bore Pseudocycas fronds, but the agreementnbsp;of the stomata and epidermal cells with those in some Bennettita-lean types favours the inclusion of the genus in that class. Itnbsp;has previously been pointed out that the impression figured bynbsp;Heer^ in close association with the Greenland specimens of Pseudocycas Steenstru-pi as a carpellary leaf of the Cycas type is muchnbsp;too imperfect to be identified and has no claim, as an examinationnbsp;of the actual specimen in the Copenhagen Museum convinced me,nbsp;to be compared with a megasporophyll of Cycas. This view isnbsp;shared by Nathorst.

In some cases the name Cycadites has been applied to fragments that might equally well belong to Conifers or other plants, andnbsp;not infrequently a careful examination of fossils referred tonbsp;Cycadites shows that the pinnae afford no evidence of a true midrib.nbsp;Casts of revolute pinnae like those of the recent species Encepha-lartos Ghellinckii (fig. 382) would present an appearance closelynbsp;resembling a strong midrib. Heer’s Siberian Jurassic speciesnbsp;Cycadites sibiricus^ is probably a piece of a Taeniopteris or Nilssonianbsp;frond, and C. gramineus Heer® should be referred to Taxites. Annbsp;examination of the Indian fronds described by Oldham and Morrisnbsp;and Feistmantel as species of Cycadites leads me to discard allnbsp;of them as trustworthy records of the genus: in Cycadites confertus*nbsp;and C. Blandfordianus,^ there appear to be several veins in thenbsp;pinnae and not a single midrib. Cycadites constrictus^ is almost

^ Heer (82) B. PI. v.

^ Ibid. (78) ii. PI. iv. fig. 1; Nathorst. (97^) p. 387.

^ Heer (77) ii. Pis. viii., xxiii., xxv.

* Oldham and Morris (63) B. Pis. vii., viii.; Feistmantel (77^) PI. XLViii. fig. 1;

drawing is very inaecurate.

® Oldham and Morris (63) B. PI. ix.

® Feistmantel (79) PI. vii. fig. 10; Nathorst (09) p. 5, note 2.

s. in nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;36

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certainly a Conifer as Nathorst has also suggested. No satisfactory example of Oycadites has been described from Palaeozoic strata; Goeppert’s Cycadites gyrosus^ is founded on material toonbsp;imperfect to determine, and an examination of his Culm speciesnbsp;C. taxodinus in the Breslau Museum led me to refer it to a Conifer.nbsp;The specimens figured^ by Zeiller from Lower Gondwana rocks

Fig. 617. Pseudocycas insignis. From the Lias of Hör. A, f nat. size; B, ca. x 2.

(After Nathorst.)

in India as Cycaditessp. are portions of linear leaves or leaflets 5 mm. broad with a median rib but they can hardly be accepted asnbsp;evidence of the presence of a Cycadean plant.

Pseudocycas insignis Nathorst.

The fronds of this Cenomanian species from the West of Greenland reach a breadth of 16 cm.; the rachis, 1 cm. broad, has two

^ Goeppert (66).

2 Zeiller (02) B. PI. rii.


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parallel ridges on the upper surface and to these are attached at a wide angle the broad bases of narrow Hnear pinnae reaching anbsp;length of 9 cm. and a breadth of 2—3 mm. (fig. 617). The pinnaenbsp;are thick and separate and each has a double ‘midrib’ consistingnbsp;of two parallel lines (fig. 617, B) which are occasionally replacednbsp;by one. The so-called double ‘midrib’ represents the two prominent ridges bordering the groove. The stomata, confined to thenbsp;median groove, are approximately circular and the short epidermalnbsp;cells have sinuous walls^.

Pseiidocycas Steenstrupi (Heer).

Nathorst refers this species, described by Heer as Cycadites, from the Cenomanian of Greenland, to Pseudocycas on the groundnbsp;that the epidermal cells are like those of P. Steenstrupi and thenbsp;stomata are confined to a median groove. Heer figures an impression in close association with the frond of this species whichnbsp;he identifies, without any adequate reason, as a carpellary leaf likenbsp;that of a Cycas.

Pseudocycas Saportae (Seward).

It has recently been shown by Miss Holden that this Wealden English species^ has the epidermal characters of Pseudocycas.nbsp;In external form it agrees closely with Cycadites tenuisectus Sap.®nbsp;from Lower Cretaceous rocks in Portugal, but nothing is knownnbsp;of the epidermal features of the latter type. The rachis is broadnbsp;and flattened and bears alternate or sub-opposite pinnae ofnbsp;uniform breadth attached at right-angles or obliquely to its uppernbsp;surface (fig. 618). The pinnae are 6—7 cm. long and aboutnbsp;1 mm. broad; their bases are slightly expanded and the apicesnbsp;sharply pointed. Miss Holden^ finds that the median rib is sometimes double and that the middle region of the lamina is coverednbsp;with stomata; the epidermal cells have sinuous walls and stomatanbsp;occasionally occur on each side of the main median stomatal area.nbsp;Hr Halle® of Stockholm, who has examined cuticular preparations made from English specimens, confirms Miss Holden’s

^ Xathorst (07® Pis. I.—ill.

® Seward (95) A. p 29, PI. ii. fig. 7; PI. vi. fig. 5; PI. viii. fig. 2.

® Saporta (94) B. p. 171, PI. xxxii. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* Holden, B.. (14®).

® HaUe (55), p. 502.


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observations as regards the stomata, but he shows that there is no evidence of the existence of a midrib in the strict sense, thenbsp;appearance of a single or double median vein being due to thenbsp;presence of a dorsal stomatiferous groove, the edges of which wouldnbsp;produce an impression on the matrix of a double vein or, if the

groove became narrower, the impression would suggest a single midrib.

Pseudocycas Roemeri (Schenk).

This Wealden species recorded from North Germany^ and the Sussex coast^ has broader pinnae laterally attached to the

1 Schenk (71) B. PI. xxxii. fig. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Seward (95) A. pp. 2—7.

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rachis. Miss Holden describes the stomata as covering the whole lower surface of the pinnae except over the midrib. Thisnbsp;description must be revised in the light of Halle’s results obtainednbsp;from an examination of the cuticle of the type-specimen of thenbsp;species in the Berlin Museum. He finds that the edges of thenbsp;pinnae are strongly revolute and thus form a deep dorsal canalnbsp;which is almost closed^, a form of lamina, as seen in section,nbsp;very similar to that of an Empetrum leaf. The stomata are confined to the groove. It may be that the specimen examined bynbsp;Miss Holden is specifically distinct or, as Halle also suggests,nbsp;the cuticle obtained from the English fossil may not represent thenbsp;whole surface but only the walls of the canal with possibly anbsp;portion of the cuticle of the outer dorsal surface. This type ofnbsp;leaf described by Halle is similar to that of P. insignis with thenbsp;xerophilous character intensified.

Cycadites Saladini ZeiUer.

This species was founded by Zeiller^ on fronds from the Hhaetic of Tonkin reaching a length of 40 cm. and 2—8'5 cm. broad withnbsp;a rachis 3—4 mm. wide bearing contiguous linear pinnae 1-5—4-5nbsp;cm. long and 1-5—3 mm. broad with a more or less contractednbsp;base and a rounded or obtusely pointed apex. The pinnae arenbsp;attached almost at right-angles or at an angle of 60°—80°. Therenbsp;is a clearly defined midrib.

It is not improbable that were the structure of the epidermal cells known this species would be found to be another examplenbsp;of Pseudocycas.

Cycadites rectangularis Brauns.

This species®, first recorded from Rhaetic strata in Germany, differs in the narrower and more acutely pointed pinnae fromnbsp;C. Saladini. Miss Holden describes the midrib as double, butnbsp;until specimens are found which admit of an examination of thenbsp;cuticles it is impossible to decide whether it should be transferrednbsp;to Pseudocycas, The species is widely distributed in Rhaetic

^ Halle (15), PI. xii. fig. 12.

““ Zeiller (03) B. p. 155, PI. XLi.

^ Brauns (66) p. 56, PI. xiv. fig. 7; Schenk (67) A. PI. xxxv. fig. 11; Seward (04) B. p. 37,'PI. IV. fig. 4; PI. ii. fig. 1.

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and Jurassic strata and specimens are recorded from the Lias of Lyme Regis on the south coast of England.

Cycadites Renaulti Lignier.

This species, from the Middle Lias of Normandy 1, is founded on fronds 2-2—2-6 cm. broad with a rachis 3 mm. in breadth bearingnbsp;laterally-inserted pinnae almost at right-angles 11—12 mm. longnbsp;and 1-25—1-50 mm. broad; it is very similar to C. rectangularisnbsp;which occurs in the same beds.

II. Nilssoniales.

NILSSONIA. Brongniart.

This genus^ was named after the Swedish naturahst Nilsson who had figured certain plants from the Lias of Hör referred bynbsp;Fries to the Ferns: these were named by Brongniart Nilssonianbsp;brevis and N. elongata and classed with the Cycads. The type-specimens of the latter species are regarded by Nathorst as anbsp;form of N. brevis. The history of the genus is fully discussednbsp;in Nathorst’s able monograph®. Nilssonia, founded on frondsnbsp;which with one exception are known only as casts or impressions,nbsp;may be thus defined: Fronds with circinate vernation, at leastnbsp;in the type-species Nilssonia brevis (fig. 619, C, D), similar innbsp;shape to the leaves of Scolofendrium vulgare and Polypodiumnbsp;irioides and to such unusual forms of Cycas fronds as thosenbsp;reproduced in figs. 384, 387, I^, in which the laminae of the pinnaenbsp;are concrescent and form a continuous or deeply cut lamina.nbsp;They may reach a length of 60 cm. and a breadth of 10 cm. andnbsp;some specimens are known in which the leaf is less than 1 cm. innbsp;width. The lamina is occasionally entire, but in the great majoritynbsp;of cases it is more or less deeply cut into segments of unequalnbsp;breadth varying considerably in size and shape even in the samenbsp;species, usually deep and truncate and sometimes long and narrownbsp;(e.g. N. 'ptero'phylloides, fig. 619, B). An important distinguishingnbsp;feature is the attachment of the lamina to the upper face of thenbsp;rachis which it covers: the extension of the lamina over thenbsp;surface of the frond axis and the rare occurrence of branching

^ Brongniart (25). ^ Pages 13, 16.

1 Lignier (13) p. 90, PJ. ix. figs. 18, 19. * Nathorst (09^).

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Pig. 619. A, seed (Nilssoniat)-, B, Nilssonia pterophylloides; C, D, Nilssonia brevis; E, N. polymorpha. (A—D j nat. size; E, slightly enlarged; afternbsp;Nathorst.)

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of the veins are characters in which Nilssonia differs from Taenio-pteris. The veins are given off at right-angles or obliquely from a very narrow groove occupying the median line of the rachis;nbsp;they are nearly always simple and in some of the more fleshynbsp;leaves, e.g. N. brevis, they are seldom visible. The surface of thenbsp;lamina may be smooth or transversely corrugated. The rachisnbsp;forms a prominent rib on the under surface of the frond (fig. 620, A)nbsp;and may be continued beyond the lamina as a short petiole.nbsp;Epidermal cells polygonal or rectangular, with straight walls innbsp;contrast to the sinuous walls of Taeniopteris', some of the cellsnbsp;bear strongly cuticularised papillae, possibly the bases of hairsnbsp;(compare the hairs on the fronds of Acrostichum crinitum, a Fernnbsp;with leaves similar in shape to some of the large entire fronds ofnbsp;N. orientalis though relatively broader and with anastomosingnbsp;veins). Stomata usually confined to the lower epidermis andnbsp;not very numerous; guard-cells of rounded contour and withoutnbsp;any special thickening surrounded by 6—8 accessory cells withnbsp;thickened walls (fig. 611, B) forming a chimney slightly raised overnbsp;the stomatal pore^. In Nilssonia the guard-cells do not exhibitnbsp;that regularity of orientation which characterises the stomatanbsp;of Ptilophyllum, Otozamites, and other Bennettitalean fronds.nbsp;Little is known of the anatomy of the leaves: in a petrified leafnbsp;of N. orientalis'^ from Upper Cretaceous rocks in Japan there isnbsp;no palisade-tissue and small groups of sclerenchyma occur abovenbsp;and below the veins. The xylem appears to be centripetal, butnbsp;the preservation is far from satisfactory. A few secretory canalsnbsp;were found near the edge of the leaf. We have no certain knowledge of the reproductive organs. The small circular projectionsnbsp;figured by Schenk® on some leaves of Nilssonia polymorpha asnbsp;sporangia have no claim to be so regarded. In the descriptionnbsp;of N. brevis reference is made to some seeds discovered by Nathorstnbsp;which may belong to that species. Nathorst suggests the possibility that the Rhaetic fossil Stenorrachis scanicus Nath, may benbsp;the seed-bearing shoot of a Nilssonia, either N. brevis or N. polymorpha, and if this surmise is correct it almost necessarily involvesnbsp;the genus Beania* which has been tentatively referred to the

^ Stopes (10^). * See vol. IV.

^ Nathorst (09^); Thomas and Bancroft (13). ® Schenk (67) A. PI. xxix. figs. 1, 2.

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Ginkgoales though without any convincing evidence to support such connexion. Nothing is known of the stems: the occasionalnbsp;occurrence of leaves converging towards a common supportnbsp;points to a Cycadean habit. It is possible, as Nathorst suggests,nbsp;that the Rhaetic species BucJdandia Saportana^ may be the stemnbsp;of a Nilssonia.

Nilssonia is especially characteristic of Jurassic and Rhaetic floras; it occurs also in Triassic beds and extends into Cretaceousnbsp;floras.

Nathorst instituted the genus Nilssoniopteris^ for some specimens from the Yorkshire coast which he beheved to be examples of Nilssonia tenuinervis on the ground that the veins are dichoto-mously branched and the epidermal cells have sinuous walls.nbsp;Mr Hamshaw Thomas® has, however, shown by an examinationnbsp;of the specimens in the Stockholm Museum that they belong tonbsp;Taeniopteris vittata, and Prof. Nathorst agrees with this conclusion.nbsp;The name Nilssoniopteris must therefore be abandoned. MiquePnbsp;proposed the name Hisingera for some Nilssonia fronds, but itnbsp;has not been adopted.


Nilssonia polymorpha Schenk.

Linear fronds varying considerably in breadth and in the degree of dissection of the lamina, which may be entire; the marginnbsp;may show broad and shallow crenulations or there may be anbsp;few narrow and deep sinuses cutting the otherwise entire laminanbsp;into long and narrow segments. More usually the lamina isnbsp;divided to the rachis into numerous tnmcate segments traversednbsp;by parallel, simple, veins extending from a narrow groove in thenbsp;middle of the rachis on the upper surface of the frond (fig. 619, E).nbsp;The veins run in very narrow grooves in the generally flat butnbsp;occasionally corrugated lamina®.

This species agrees very closely in habit with N. compta and N. brevis and, as Nathorst points out, it is in some cases almostnbsp;impossible to distinguish Nilssonia polymorpha from N. brevis.

^ Nathorst (86) PI. xviii. fig. 5. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Ihid. (09^ p. 28.

“ Thomas (13^) p. 241; Thomas and Bancroft (13) p. 193.

* iliquel (42) p. 61.

® Schenk (67) A. p. 127, Pis. xxix., xxx.; Nathorst (09®) p. 10, PI. v. figs. ^—13, etc.

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Some of the fronds from the Ehaetic of Franconia described by Schenk as N. polymorpha are examples of N. brevis. In N. poly-morpha the distal ends of the segments are blunter, the laminanbsp;is much less folded and when folds or corrugations occur they arenbsp;less regular than in N. brevis. The epidermal cells are polygonalnbsp;and have thick, straight, walls: oval or circular papillae occurnbsp;both on the lamina and rachis. The stomata, confined to thenbsp;lower surface, are between the veins and each is accompanied bynbsp;a ring of subsidiary cells (cf. fig. 611, B). N. polymorpha is anbsp;member of Ehaetic floras and is recorded also from Liassic rocksnbsp;at Hör^.

Nilssonia brevis Brongniart.

This species^ (fig. 619, C, D), one of those from Hör on which the genus was founded, has been very fully investigated bynbsp;Nathorst® whose researches have cleared up many obscure features.

Fig. 620. A, B, Nilssonia brevis; A, section of the frond; B, section of the lamin^^ parallel to the rachis. C, N. saighensis. {A, B, after Nathorst.)

The young fronds are circinate hke those of Ferns and Cycas-The linear fronds agree generally in habit with those of N. poly-morpJia and N. compta, but the lamina is thicker and is characterised by regular transverse corrugations; the veins are very rarelynbsp;visible except in young leaves which have not reached their fuUnbsp;thickness. The fronds may be 50 cm. long and vary in breadthnbsp;from 1-5 to 12 cm.; the petiole is very short or the frond may he

1 For other references see Nathorst (09®) p. 10.

® Brongniart (25) p. 218.

® Nathorst (09®) p. 12, PI. i. figs. 2—35. etc.

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sessile. Between the regular grooves on the upper surface the lamina is more or less convex; seen from below the grooves arenbsp;represented by ridges and between each pair of ridges there arenbsp;parallel folds, sometimes three (fig. 620, B) or as many as six;nbsp;and where the segments are narrow, that is the strips of laminanbsp;between two grooves (or ridges), there may be only a single foldnbsp;which gives the appearance of linear segments with a singlenbsp;midrib as in Cycadites, a misleading resemblance of special interestnbsp;in reference to the Nilssonia fronds described by Oldham andnbsp;Morris^ and by FeistmanteP as Cycadites rajmahalensis. Owingnbsp;to the fleshy nature of the leaf the difference between the uppernbsp;and lower side is particularly well marked in this species. Thenbsp;lamina may be more or less entire, but is usually divided by deepnbsp;sinuses extending to the rachis into truncate or distally taperednbsp;segments varying in breadth (fig. 619, C, D), the narrow segmentsnbsp;being characterised by a more pointed apex than in N. folymorpha.nbsp;The structure of the stomata and epidermal cells is of the typenbsp;described in the definition of the genus. Strongly cuticularisednbsp;papillae, incorrectly described by Schenk® in N. folymorfha asnbsp;stomata, occur on some of the epidermal cells: these may be thenbsp;bases of hairs. In some preparations Nathorst found patchesnbsp;of a resinous substance, an interesting discovery in view of thenbsp;occurrence of secretory canals in the petrified leaf of Nilssonianbsp;orientalis described by Dr Stopes^.

Nilssonia brevis occurs in Upper Ehaetic and Lower Liassic strata.

Nilssonia pterophylloides Nathorst.

A Rhaetic Scanian species originally referred by Nathorst® to Nilssonia but later removed by him to Dioonites^ and in 1909nbsp;reinstated in Nilssonia'^ on the ground that the lamina coversnbsp;the upper face of the rachis. The segments are fairly uniformnbsp;in breadth and linear; they reach 10 cm. in length and are usuallynbsp;5—7 mm. broad; the lamina is shghtly tapered towards thenbsp;apex (fig. 619, B). There are 3—10 parallel grooves on the upper

2 Feistmantel {11^) p. 124. * Slopes (10^).

« Ibid. (02) p. 18, PI. 1.

^ Oldham and Morris (63) Pis. vii,, vili. ® Schenk (67) A. PI. xxix. fig. 10.

® Nathorst (86) p. 72.

’’ Ibid. (09^) p. 21, Pis. VI., VII.

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face of the segments and between each pair is a single unbranched vein. In close association with portions of three fronds of thisnbsp;species Nathorst found several oval bodies, 1 cm. x 7 mm.,nbsp;which he at first regarded as ‘ antherangia ’ comparable with thenbsp;sporocarps of the Hydropterideae, but an examination of thenbsp;carbonised tissue demonstrated that the small rounded bodiesnbsp;contained in each of the ‘antherangia,’ originally believed to benbsp;pollen-sacs, are grains of resin internal to a cuticle of thick-wallednbsp;cells and probably formed by secretory sacs in a fleshy tissue.nbsp;Internal to the resin-bodies is a second cuticle which may be thenbsp;remains of a nucellus, the outer cuticle and the resin belongingnbsp;to the sarcotesta. Nathorst’s careful examination of these fossilsnbsp;shows that they are seeds (fig. 619, A) and were probably bornenbsp;on plants of N. pterophylloides, though an accidental associationnbsp;is not improbable.

Nilssonia compta (Phillips).

Broadly linear fronds varying considerably in size and in the breadth and number of the truncate segments. In some casesnbsp;the fronds exceeded 40 cm. in length and had a breadth of 9 cm.nbsp;(fig. 622). The veins are simple, parallel, and fairly prominentnbsp;and the lamina shows clearly the attachment to the upper surfacenbsp;of the rachis which is covered by it as in all species of the genus^.nbsp;The structure of the epidermis and stomata has recently beennbsp;described by Thomas^. Brongniart mentioned in the Prodromenbsp;a species from the Lower Oolite of Yorkshire under the namenbsp;Pterophyllum Williamsonis^, but in a later work this is given as anbsp;synonym of N. compta. Nilssonia compta bears a close resemblancenbsp;in habit to N. polymorpha; it agrees also with the large frondsnbsp;described from the Upper Gondwana of India as Pterophyllumnbsp;princeps^. Since attention was first called to this similarity annbsp;examination of several of the figured specimens has convincednbsp;nie that the Indian fronds are either identical with or at least

' Phillips (29) A. p. 148, PI. vit. fig. 20. See Seward (00) B, p. 223, PI iv. fig. 5; text-figs. 39, 40.

^ Thomas and Bancroft (13) p. 191.

“ A specimen in the Natural History Museum, Paris, labelled N. Williamsonis probably that mentioned by Brongniart.

* Oldham and Morris (63) B. Pis. x.—xiii.; Peistmantel (77) PI. xlvii.

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closely alUed to the European leaves. The apparent lateral attachment of the lamina in the drawings pubhshed by Oldhamnbsp;and Morris and Feistmantel is due to imperfect preservation; thenbsp;lamina ends in two raised ridges, and the discovery of a specimennbsp;in which the lamina completely covers the rachis confirmed thenbsp;impression made by the other specimens. The Amurland Jurassicnbsp;species Nilssonia Schmidtii'- Heer though probably not identical

with A. com'pta is a very similar type; it was originally described by Heer as Anomozamites Schmidtii and transferred by Nathorst^nbsp;to Nilssonia: the veins are occasionally forked near the rachisnbsp;and are rather farther apart (-6 mm.) than in N. com'pta and thenbsp;segments are broader and deeper than in the Enghsh species.nbsp;Nilssonia nipponensis Yok.® a Jurassic species recorded fromnbsp;Japan and North America is another similar type.

1 Heer (78) ii. Pis. xxiii., xxiv.; Seward (12^) p. 27, PI. ii.

^ Nathorst (97) p. 13.

“ Yokoyama (89) B. Pis. V., vii., xn., xm.; Ward (05) B. PI xvii.

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Nilssonia orientalis Heer.

In this Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous species, founded on material from Jurassic rocks in Siberia^, the lamina is generallynbsp;entire. The fronds exhibit a wide range in size and shape; theynbsp;may have the form of very narrow linear leaves barely 1 cm.nbsp;across or may reach a breadth of nearly 10 cm. The leaves fromnbsp;Middle Jurassic British strata named by Nathorst N. tenuinervis^nbsp;are probably identical with Heer’s type, and N. Johnstrupi^nbsp;Heer from the Lower Cretaceous of Greenland may also be referrednbsp;to N. orientalis.

The veins are at right-angles or oblique to the rachis and are very numerous, three or more in a breadth of 1 mm.^ A speciesnbsp;recently described by Halle® from Graham Land as N. taenio-pteroides agrees closely in habit with N. orientalis: in the southernnbsp;form the frond may have a length of 40—50 cm. and a breadthnbsp;of 3 cm. The entire lamina of N. taeniopteroides tapers graduallynbsp;towards the base and is more rapidly narrowed in the distal region;nbsp;the petiole is at least 6—7 cm. long: the simple or branched veins,nbsp;15—-20 in 1 cm., are given off from the axis at a wide angle. Thenbsp;more crowded veins in N. orientalis constitute one of the fewnbsp;features in which it differs from Halle’s species, but the fact thatnbsp;the degree of closeness of the veins is inconstant within the samenbsp;species renders this distinction of doubtful value. Halle comparesnbsp;his species also with N. densinervis (Font.) originally describednbsp;as Platypterigium densinerve from the Potomac beds® and afterwards transferred by Berry ^ to Nilssonia and considered by himnbsp;to be identical with Fontaine’s Platypterigium Rogersianum. Annbsp;examination of some of Fontaine’s specimens in the Washingtonnbsp;Museum led me to refer the fronds to Nilssonia^.

It is impossible to speak with confidence as to the absolute specific identity of N. orientalis Heer, N. Johnstrupi Heer,nbsp;N. taeniopteroides Halle, and some similar forms; but it is clearnbsp;that the linear fronds of this type characterised by an entire

' Heer (78) ii. p. 18, PI. IV. figs. 5—9.

- Seward (00) B. p. 230, fig. 41. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* Heer (82) B. PI. vi.

* For figures and references, see Seward (IP) p. 695; Thomas (11) p. 86.

'¦ Halle (13^) p. 47, Pis. v., vi.

' Fontaine (89) B. Pis. xxx.—xxxv.

’ Berry (11) p. 362, Pis. LVii., Lviii. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Seward (00) B. p. 224.

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or occasionally pinnatisect lamina were widely distributed in Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous strata and persisted to the Uppernbsp;Cretaceous series in Japan. This form of frond is recorded fromnbsp;England, Scotland, North America, Greenland, Spitzhergen^,nbsp;Siberia, Russia, Afghanistan^, Japan®, Graham Land, and elsewhere. Reference has already been made to a petrified specimennbsp;of N. orientalis described by Dr Stopes from Japan*.

Specimens described by Saif eld ® from the Corallian of Germany as Taeniopteris sp. may be N. orientalis; Bartholin’s N. polymorphanbsp;from Bornholm, Velenovsky’s Lower Cretaceous N. bohemica andnbsp;Yokoyama’s N. ozvana from Japan are other examples of frondsnbsp;which may be identical with N. orientalis^.

Nilssonia tenuicaulis (Phillips).

This Jurassic species, while agreeing generally in habit with N. compta, is characterised by the narrow and numerous hnearnbsp;segments with a more acuminate apex. The fronds reached anbsp;length of more than 20 cm.'^ Leckenby’s name Pterophyllumnbsp;medianum^ was given to a specimen from the Yorkshire coast andnbsp;now in the Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge, which, with Ptero-phyllum angustifolium, is clearly identical with Cycadites tenuicaulis Phillips. The specific name mediana frequently used*nbsp;for this type should be given up in favour of the older termnbsp;tenuicaulis. A species of similar habit is described but notnbsp;figured by Krasser*® as N. Sturii from the Lunz beds. N. tenuicaulis is fairly common in the Middle Jurassic beds near Scarborough and is recorded from the Kimmeridgian of Scotland undernbsp;the name A. mediana (fig. 614, C) **.

Nilssonia princeps (Oldham and Morris).

Oldham and Morris speak of Pterophyllum princeps^^ as one of the commonest plants in the Rajmahal beds in India. The

1 Nathorst (97) PI. i. fig. 18. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ geward (12) p.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;30.

® Yokoyama (89) B.; Nathorst nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(90) A.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;¦* Stopes (10^).

® Salfield (09) B. PI. in. figs. 5—7. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® For references, see Seward (12) p. 31-

’’ Phillips (29) A. p. 148, PI. vii. fig. 19.

® Leckenby (64) A. p. 77; Seward nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(00)nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;B.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;p.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;227, PI. iv. figs. 1—4.

Seward (00) B. p. 227. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Krasser (09) p. 120.

Seward (IP) p. 697.

Oldham and Morris (63) B. p, 23, Pis. x.—xiii.; Feistmantel (77) PI. xlvii-

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fronds are characterised by their large size and by the very broad oblong and distally truncate pinnae with parallel and occasionallynbsp;branched veins. In the specimens figured by Oldham and Morrisnbsp;and Feistmantel the pinnae are cut off at their bases (fig. 623),nbsp;which form ridges parallel to the rachis: this feature is not clearlynbsp;shown in the published drawings. By breaking some pieces of

Fig. 623. Nilssonia princeps. (Slightly reduced;

Indian Geological Survey, Calcutta.)

rock from a slab containing figured specimens other pieces were found in which the laminae of the bases of segments meet in thenbsp;Qiiddle of the upper face of the rachis. The pinnae vary innbsp;breadth from 1 cm. to 3-5 cm. and reach a length of 8 cm.; thenbsp;distal end is truncate, the lower edge being strongly curved:nbsp;fbe segments are slightly broadened at the base. The veins arenbsp;prominent and parallel, from 0-5 to 0-8 mm. apart. The Eajmahal

S. Ill 37

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fronds described as Pterophyllum Mornsianum^ appear to be indistinguishable from this species.

Nilssonia Schaumburgensis (Dunker).

This species, first described as Pterophyllum Schaumburgense^ from the Wealden of Germany, affords a good illustration of anbsp;small type of frond closely resembling the much larger speciesnbsp;N. compta. Examples from English Wealden rocks seldom exceednbsp;1 cm. in breadth and are often much narrower; the linear laminanbsp;is almost entire or divided into short and broad truncate segmentsnbsp;of unequal breadth: the veins are parallel and simple. Fornbsp;figures of this species, recorded from different European localitiesnbsp;and from Japan, reference should be made to the accounts bynbsp;Schenk®, Nathorst, Yokoyama, Yabe, and Fontaine.

CTENIS. Lindley and Hutton.

The genus denis'^ was founded on a piece of pinnate frond from the Middle Jurassic rocks of the Yorkshire coast previouslynbsp;figured by Phillips as Cycadites sulcicaulis. Lindley and Huttonnbsp;regarded the plant as probably Cycadean and proposed to applynbsp;the name Ctenis to all- leaves having the general characters ofnbsp;Cycadeae, but with ‘the veins connected by forks or transversenbsp;bars.’ While many authors have accepted Ctenis as a Cycadeannbsp;genus, by others® it has been placed among the Ferns, on thenbsp;ground that some small circular elevations on the lamina of thenbsp;segments of certain species are believed to be sori or sporangia-Since Ettingshausen® and Schenk^ first noticed this featurenbsp;Raciborski® has figured several examples from Poland and Staub®nbsp;records similar circular bodies on a Liassic Hungarian species.nbsp;In no single instance have sporangia been found. HathorsH-® prO'nbsp;posed the designation Anthrophyopsis (because of the resemblancenbsp;of the lamina in form and venation to the leaves of the Fern

1 Oldham and Morris (63) B. PI. xv. fig. 1.

^ Dunker (46) A. p. 15, PI. i. fig. 7, etc.; Seward (95) A. p. 53.

* Schenk (71) B.; Nathorst (90) A.; Yokoyama (94); Fontaine in Ward (05) B.; Yabe (13).

Lindley and Hutton (34) A. PI. ciir.; Phillips (29) A. PI. vii. fig. 21.

^ Zeiller (00) B. p. 115; Krasser (09) p. 113. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Ettingshamsen (51)-

’ Schenk (68^). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* Raciborski (94) A Pis. xvii.—xix-

® Staub (96). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ro Nathorst (86) p. 43.

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Anthropliyum) fox some Rhaetic specimens from Scania, but as they were subsequently found to be segments of a pinnate frondnbsp;he adopted the name Ctenis. An example in the Manchesternbsp;Museum^ (fig. 624) from Yorkshire, mentioned by Nathorst in


Pig. 624. Ctenis sp. Single pinna. (Manchester Museum, No. 53.) ?nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;/--A P

Pig. 625. Ctenis sp. The epidermis of the pinna shown in fig. 624. A, surface-view; p, papillae; s, stomata. B, side-view. (Manchester Museum, No. 63.)

an early paper as probably a new species of Anthrophyopsis, afforded good preparations of the cuticle (fig. 625) which revealednbsp;the existence of circular elevations on the outer walls of thenbsp;epidermal cells: these may explain the nature of some at leastnbsp;1 Seward (00) p 21; (00) B. p. 232, figs. 42, 43.


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of the supposed sporangia. The walls of the epidermal cells are straight. The name Ctenis is applied to pinnate fronds whichnbsp;are probably Cycadean though we have no evidence as to thenbsp;nature of the stem or the reproductive organs. Ctenis frondsnbsp;are among the largest Cycadean leaves from Mesozoic floras;nbsp;in Ctenis hungarica Staub the frond is said to have reached anbsp;length of 2 met. and in other species the dimensions exceed thosenbsp;of most pinnate leaves. The stout rachis bears linear or broad-oblong pinnae attached at a wide angle and varying considerablynbsp;in size and shape; the pinnae are attached by the whole basenbsp;which is usually broadened and decurrent but in a few casesnbsp;slightly contracted (e.g. C. Zeyschneri Rac.^). For some frondsnbsp;bearing broad and basally narrowed segments Raciborski proposed the name Ctenidiopsis in distinction from Emtenis which henbsp;applies to the typical forms. The pinnae may be long andnbsp;narrow reaching a length of over 12cm., or short and broad:nbsp;in some cases the frond would be more correctly described asnbsp;deeply pinnatisect; the apex of the segments is acute, bluntlynbsp;rounded or truncate. Several veins pass into the base of eachnbsp;pinna and pursue a course approximately parallel to the edgenbsp;of the lamina; a characteristic feature is the occasional occurrencenbsp;of oblique cross-connexions between the veins. It is possiblenbsp;that in some species the pinnae had spinous margins as in thenbsp;pinnae of uncertain affinity figured by Fontaine^ as Encephalar-topsis nervosa from the Potomac series. Our knowledge of thenbsp;epidermal cells is very meagre: in the specimen represented innbsp;fig. 625 the epidermal cells have straight walls and a centralnbsp;papilla. The genus extends from Triassic to Upper Jurassicnbsp;rocks.

Ctenis lunzensis Stur.

This species, first recorded by Stur from the Lunz Upper Triassic flora, has recently been examined by Krasser® and compared with the Jurassic species Ctenis sulcicaulis (Phill.) (= C-falcata Lind and Hutt.) and C. Potocki Rac. No figures or detailednbsp;descriptions have been published.

^ Raciborski (94) A. PI. xvi.

^ Fontaine (89) B. p. 174, Pis. Lxx.—Lxxn.

® Krasser (09) p. 113.

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Otenis fallax Nathorst.

This Scanian Rhaetic type^, including Anthrophyopsis crassi-nervis, A. Nilssoni, and probably A. obovata Nath., is characterised by very large obtusely pointed pinnae reaching at least 20 cm.nbsp;in length and over 3 cm. in breadth. The veins are often 2 mm.nbsp;apart and form long polygonal meshes. Nathorst figures smallnbsp;circular patches on the surface of the lamina. Raciborski^, onnbsp;slender evidence, refers a fragment from the Jurassic of Cracownbsp;to this species.

Ctenis hungarica Staub.

A species® characterised by very large fronds reaching 2 met., bearing broad linear pinnae almost at right-angles and attachednbsp;to the rachis by decurrent bases, attaining a length of 21 cm.nbsp;and a breadth at the base of the lamina of 3-5 cm. and 4 cm. anbsp;short distance from the acute apex. The veins are parallel tonbsp;the edge of the lamina, but Staub does not appear to have seennbsp;distinct anastomoses. It is not improbable that Staub’s speciesnbsp;may be identical with C. asplenioides (Ett.) from the Lias ofnbsp;Hrmgary, specimens of which are preserved ki the Ecole desnbsp;Mines, Paris.

Ctenis asplenioides (Ettingshausen).

This species was first described by Ettingshausen^ from Liassic strata in Austria as Taeniopteris asplenioides and comparednbsp;by him to large simple fronds of Asplenium nidus but distinguished by a deeply dissected lamina. Schenk® found that thenbsp;veins anastomose and adopted the name Ctenis. In habit verynbsp;similar to C. sulcicaulis, but the pinnae are much broader, exceedingnbsp;4 cm., and the veins are 3—5 mm. apart. Only the basal partnbsp;of the segments is figured by Ettingshausen. Specimens in thenbsp;Ecole des Mines, Paris, from Hungary have pinnae nearly 40 cm.nbsp;long and 2-5 cm. in breadth, the parallel veins being connectednbsp;by a few oblique branches. Both Ettingshausen and Schenknbsp;speak of small circular sori on the lower epidermis, though thesenbsp;are not figured nor were any sporangia obtained. This species

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Nathorst (86) p. 89, Pis. vii., viii., xi., xix.

- Raciborski (92) PI. Ii. fig. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Staub (96)

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ettingshausen (51) Pis. xi., xii.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Schenk (68^).

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and other examples of large Ctenis fronds are described by Eaci-borski from Lower Jurassic rocks in Poland. He figures part of a leaf of C. Zeyschneri ^ 40 cm. long bearing alternate pinnaenbsp;approximately 10 cm. long and nearly 4 cm. broad, characterisednbsp;by obtuse apices, a decurrent' lamina, and anastomosing veinsnbsp;closer together (16—24 per 1 cm.) than those of G. asplenioides.nbsp;In one Polish specimen, C. remotinervis^, with pinnae 5 cm.nbsp;broad the lamina is represented in the upper part of the frond asnbsp;continuous over the face of the rachis, and—if the drawing isnbsp;accurate—the frond in this respect differs from typical examplesnbsp;of Ctenis and agrees with Nilssonia. A species of Ctenis withnbsp;broad pinnae is described by Yokoyama® from the Jurassic ofnbsp;China as C. Kaneharai.

Ctenis sulcicaulis (Phillips).

This type^ is more familiar under the name Ctenis falcata given to it by Lindley®, but if we follow Lester Ward® in strictnbsp;observance of the rule of priority, a course from which I havenbsp;frequently deviated on the ground of long usage, the less familiarnbsp;designation must be adopted. Fronds pinnate; long and taperednbsp;linear pinnae sometimes exceeding 12 cm. in length and 1 cm. innbsp;breadth attached obliquely or almost at right-angles to a fairlynbsp;broad rachis (fig. 626). The lamina is broadest at the base and thenbsp;lower margin is strongly decurrent, tapering distally to an acutenbsp;apex. The parallel and frequently anastomosing veins divergenbsp;slightly in the basal region of the pinnae. Though usually separatenbsp;to the base, the laminae of adjacent pinnae may be continuousnbsp;as in a pinnatisect leaf’. This species is recorded also fromnbsp;North America, and fronds of similar habit are figured by Fontaine®nbsp;from the Jurassic of Oregon as Ctenis orovillensis: a fragmentnbsp;recorded from Jurassic rocks in Afghanistan as Ctenis sp. maynbsp;belong to C. sulcicaulis^.

^ Raciborski (92) PI. ii. fig. 2.

® Yokoyama (06) B. PI. ix.

Bindley and Hutton (34) A. PI. cm-

^ Ibid. (94) A. PI. xviiT. fig. 2.

^ Phillips (29) A. p. 148, PI. vii. fig. 21 « Ward (05) B. p. 113.

’’ Seward (00) B. p. 235, PI. viii. fig. 2; Zigno (56) A. PI. xxiv. ® Fontaine in Ward (05) B. Pis. xxvii.—xxviii.

* Seward (12) PI. in. fig. 43.


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Ctenis latifolia (Brongniart).

This species originally referred to Taeniopteris, was transferred to Ctenis as the result of the discovery of anastomosing veins in the type-specimen in the Oxford Museum. The segmentsnbsp;are shorter and broader than in C. sulcicauUs and very similarnbsp;to those of C. orovillensis Font.

Ctenis sp.

The pinna shown in fig. 624 from the Jurassic beds in Yorkshire^ is interesting as one of the few examples of the preservation of the cuticular membrane. The straight or curved walls ofnbsp;the epidermal cells agree with those of recent Cycads exceptnbsp;Stangeria, and each cell bears a large central papilla that givesnbsp;to the lamina the finely punctate appearance which has beennbsp;regarded as evidence of sporangia. The gaps in the cuticlenbsp;probably mark the position of sunken stomata.

^ Seward (04) B. p. 115. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Ibid. (00) p. 21.

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This genus^ was established for certain pinnate fronds agreeing in habit with Ctenis sulcicaulis but distinguished by the almostnbsp;complete absence of any cross-connexions between the veins.nbsp;Some of the forms with narrow pinnae closely resemble speciesnbsp;of Zamites, the distinguishing feature being the decurrent lowernbsp;margin of the leaflets. Though such fronds might not unreasonably be included in Ctenis, it is more convenient on the analogynbsp;of the occasional occurrence of Glossopteris fronds with very fewnbsp;anastomoses to employ a distinctive designation.

Fig. 027. Pseudoctenis eathiensin. (British Museum,

No. V. 2744; J nat. size.)

Pseudoctenis eathiensis (Richards).

Some of the specimens on which this species^ is founded were originally figured by Miller® from Upper Jurassic strata in Scotland and afterwards named by Richards'^ Zamites eathiensis.nbsp;The general appearance of the fronds is very like that of Ctenisnbsp;sulcicaulis; the pinnae vary in breadth from about 3 mm. tonbsp;1-5 cm.; they are attached at right-angles or, in the apical regioHj

^ Seward (11^) p. 691. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;p_ 792^ pjg, yji_^ viil., X.

3 Miller (57) B. figs. 133, 135. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Richards (84) p. 117.

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may be almost parallel to the rachis. The longest pinna recorded is 17 cm. and the lamina tapers to a slender apex; the veins arenbsp;parallel and occasionally forked, but cross-connexions are rare.nbsp;The partially petrified rachis of one specimen showed hypo-dermal stereome and some secretory canals as in recent Cycads.nbsp;The specimen from Wealden rocks near Hastings (fig. 627),nbsp;originally described as Zamites sp.^, is probably specificallynbsp;identical with Pseudoctenis eathiensis. The South African Wealdennbsp;species, originally described by Tate as Palaeozamia Rubidgei^,nbsp;agrees closely with Pseudoctenis and is probably an example ofnbsp;that genus. This type bears a close resemblance in the formnbsp;of the frond to Ctenophyllum grandifolium Font.® and C. WardPnbsp;Font, from American Trias and Jurassic rocks respectively.nbsp;Pseudoctenis crassinervis Sew.® is another Scotch form with coarsernbsp;veins.

A frond very similar in habit to P. eathiensis is represented, by Pseudoctenis ensiformis Halle® from the Jurassic strata ofnbsp;Graham Land originally referred by Nathorst to Pterophyllum.nbsp;An examination of the type-specimen in the Stockholm Museumnbsp;revealed its resemblance to the Scotch species quot;P. eathiensis:nbsp;a single anastomosis was noticed in one of the pinnae. Thenbsp;broadly ensiform obtuse pinnae, reaching a length of 7 cm. withnbsp;a maximum breadth of 3 cm. at their expanded bases, vary innbsp;breadth and are attached at right-angles to a slender rachis.nbsp;The veins, 1—1-5 mm. apart, are parallel and strong. The varyingnbsp;breadth of the pinnae irrespective of their position on the rachisnbsp;is a distinctive feature. Halle draws attention to a resemblancenbsp;of this Antarctic species to Ctenophyllum latifolium Font, a Potomacnbsp;type referred by Berry ^ to the genus Ctenopsis on the rather slendernbsp;ground that the veins are arranged in pairs. Berry in a footnotenbsp;expresses the opinion that Ctenopsis is very closely related to ornbsp;possibly identical with Pseudoctenis.

If the bases of the pinnae in the specimen of P. ensiformis figured by Halle are complete, as they appear to be, the frond

' Seward (95) A. p. 89, fig. 5.

Tate (67) PI. v. fig. 3; Seward (03) B. PI. v. fig. 3.

^ Fontaine (83) B. Pis. xxxix.—xlii. ‘ Fontaine in Ward (05) B. PI, xxiii.

Seward (IP) Pis. iv., vii. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Halle (13^) p. 51, PI. vi. fig 8.

’ Berry (11) p. 349.

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agrees very closely with Pterophyllum Carterianum Old. and Morr.i from India. A comparison of the Eajmahal specimennbsp;with Halle’s figure leads me to regard the two fronds as probablynbsp;identical. The veins in the Indian species, which should alsonbsp;be referred to Pseudoctenis, are prominent and from -5 to 1 mm.nbsp;apart; the base of the lamina is slightly broadened and the veinsnbsp;curve downwards towards the rachis in the lower decurrentnbsp;portion. The other Indian type, Pterophyllum Morrisianum'^,nbsp;with which Halle compares his species is, however, not a Pseudoctenis but should be included in Nilssonia and is probably identicalnbsp;with Pterophyllum princeps Old. and Morr.

Pseudoctenis Lanei Thomas.

This species®, recently described from Middle Jurassic beds at Marske, Yorkshire, has narrower linear lanceolate pinnae.nbsp;The linear pinnae reach a length of 10 cm. and a breadth of 9 mm.nbsp;The veins are numerous, 10 in a breadth of 6 mm., and only onenbsp;cross-vein was noticed. In the decurrent lower edge of thenbsp;laminae the fronds are identical with Ctenis sulcicaulis. A verynbsp;good example of this species^ in the York Museum is reproducednbsp;by Mr Thomas in his account of Cleveland Jurassic plants.

Pseudoctenis Balli (Feistmantel).

A species described originally by Feistmantel® as Anomozamites Balli from the Barakar group of the Damuda series and afterwardsnbsp;transferred to the genus Platypterygium, characterised by broadlynbsp;linear segments of unequal breadth attached obliquely or atnbsp;right-angles to a slender rachis. The apices of the segmentsnbsp;though usually imperfect appear to be truncate; the bases ofnbsp;the pinnae are decurrent by their lower edge. The veins arenbsp;approximately 3 per millimetre; they are generally forked atnbsp;the base and in one or two places show cross-connexions.nbsp;the middle of the frond the narrow rachis is exposed but in thenbsp;apical region it is covered by the laminae. The occurrence ofnbsp;two divergent pinnae at the apex of the frond is a feature met

1 Oldham and Morris (63) PI. xv. fig. 4.

^ Ibid. PI. XV. fig. I.; Feistmantel (77) PI. XLiii. fig. 1.

® Thomas (13^) p. 242, Pis. xxiv., xxvi. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* Ibid. PI. xxvi.

® Feistmantel (86) PI. ii. A. figs. 4—8.

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with also in Ctenis sulcicaulis. This description is based on an examination of the specimens figured by Feistmantel.

III. Cycadean Fronds which cannot be assigned to a



This name was proposed by Brongniart^ as a subgenus of Otozamites denoting pinnate fronds bearing leaflets without annbsp;auriculate base; he suggested that the subgenus might eventuallynbsp;be raised to generic rank and this was done by Zigno^ though innbsp;too wide a sense. In the case of Otozamites Beani (Lind, andnbsp;Hutt.), quoted by Brongniart in illustration of Sfhenozamites,nbsp;the latter designation is inapplicable as the pinnae are auriculate.nbsp;Another species, Zamites undulatus Sternb., to which Brongniartnbsp;apphed his new subgeneric term, is probably identical withnbsp;Otozamites acuminatus (L. and H.)®.

Although the distinction between Sfhenozamites and Otozamites is often ill defined the former name may be conveniently adopted for pinnate fronds similar to those of Zamia Shinnerinbsp;and some species of Encefhalartos characterised by leaflets ofnbsp;an asymmetrical, obovate, or rhomboidal form with a contractednbsp;or cuneate base and numerous branched divergent veins. Nothingnbsp;is known of the structure or reproductive organs of Sfhenozamites,nbsp;and the genus, though serving a useful descriptive purpose, isnbsp;founded solely on form, and in the absence of other data it wouldnbsp;fie rash to assume that its use implies close natural affinity. Innbsp;fhe case of many other genera of Cycadean fronds there is additional evidence of relationship, but this is not the case withnbsp;^phenozamites. The pinnae resemble those of such recent Cyca-ifean fronds as Zamia Shinneri and Z. muricata. The genusnbsp;ïauges from Lower Permian to Jurassic rocks.

^phenozamites Rochei Eenault.

This species*, from the Lower Permian of the Autun district, 1® founded on a pinnate frond bearing alternate pinnae, 2-5 x 1 cm.,nbsp;^ith an asymmetrical oblong lamina attached obliquely near

1 Brongniart (49) A. p. 61. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Zigno (8.5) p. 105.

* Seward (00) B. p. 215.

¦* Renault (96) A. p. 327; (93) A. PI. Lxxxi. fig. 1.

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the edge of the rachis with a cuneate base slightly decurrent below and a broadly rounded apex; the veins dichotomise oncenbsp;or twice as they diverge from thenbsp;narrow base (fig. 628). The pinnaenbsp;resemble the leaflets of Noeggeraihianbsp;foliosa Sternb. and are similar in shapenbsp;to those of the Jurassic species Sfheno-zamites Geylerianus Zig.

SpJienozamites Belli Seward.

This Middle Jurassic species from Stonesfield^ is founded on detachednbsp;pinnae possibly identical with a specimen figured by Buckman as INaiadeanbsp;obtusa^. The pinnae are wedge-shaped,nbsp;tapering gradually to an acute apexnbsp;and attached by a narrow base: thenbsp;leaflet shown in fig. 629 is 9 cm. long; the veins are numerousnbsp;and more divergent than in some leaves of similar formnbsp;referred to the genus Podozamites. With this species ma/

be compared several Italian Jurassic specimens described b/ Zigno® as four distinct species but more appropriately assign®*^nbsp;to a single type S. Geylerianus. An examination of Zign® ®nbsp;fronds in the Padua Museum, which he named S. Rossii, lead®

1 Seward (04) B. p. 119, PI. xi. fig. 4, text-fig. 12. ® Buckman (45) H. I. fig. 2.

® Zigno (85) Pis. xxxix., xl.


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me to regard the irregularly serrate edge of the pinnae as the result of tearing of an originally entire lamina and to comparenbsp;the specimens with Otozamites Beani (L. and H.). An imperfectnbsp;ovoid pinna recalling S. Belli is figured by Newberry from thenbsp;Rhaetic of Honduras as Sphenozamites rohustus^. A Frenchnbsp;Upper Jurassic species figured by Saporta as Sphenozamitesnbsp;latifolius bears a very close resemblance in the form of the leafletsnbsp;to the Wealden plant Sewardia latifolia^. Kurtz records thenbsp;occurrence of Sphenozamites, S. Geinitzianus, from Rhaetic stratanbsp;in Argentina®, but I have not seen any figures of this species.


The name Plagiozamites was proposed by Zeiller^ for some pinnate fronds and detached leaflets from the Stephanian ofnbsp;Commentry and the Lower Permian of the Vosges. The betternbsp;preservation of the Vosges material enabled him to recognisenbsp;certain features which led to the substitution of Plagiozamitesnbsp;for Zamites, the name originally employed by Renault for thenbsp;Commentry specimens. Plagiozamites bears a superfcial resemblance to Zamites and Otozamites and differs but little fromnbsp;Sphenozamites and Noeggerathia ] it stands for pinnate frondsnbsp;bearing ovate pinnae with a sub-amplexicaul oblique attachmentnbsp;to the rachis as is clearly shown in the species P. Planchardi (Ren.)®.nbsp;In the case of Palaeozoic fronds assigned to the Cycadophytanbsp;on the ground of the resemblance of their pinnae to those ofnbsp;Undoubted Cycadean species, it is particularly important tonbsp;recognise the fact that decisive evidence as to systematic positionnbsp;is lacking. We know nothing of the stem, the reproductivenbsp;organs, or the epidermal and stomatal characters of Plagiozamites,nbsp;and it is by no means certain that the genus is a true representativenbsp;of the group in which it is provisionally included.

Plagiozamites Planchardi (Renault).

Fronds pinnate; pinnae ovate-lanceolate reaching 5 cm. in length and 1-6 cm. in breadth, inserted obliquely on the rachis,

^ Newberry (88) PI. viii. fig. 14.

^ See vol. IV. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Bodenbender (02) p. 40 of the reprint.

Zeiller (94) B. p. 174, Pis. vili., ix.

® Renault and Zeiller (88) A. p. 614, PI. lxvii. fig. 8.

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but not along a line parallel to the long axis of the rachis as in Zamites, and partially embracing it: the edge of the lamina isnbsp;finely denticulate; veins slightly divergent and occasionallynbsp;branched. The leaflets are narrow and more acute than thosenbsp;of Noeggemthia and Sphenozamites Rochei Een. Plagiozamites isnbsp;recorded from the Stephanian of Commentry, the Coal Measuresnbsp;of Manchuria^, and the Lower Permian of the Vosges. Kenaultnbsp;described six species of Zamites from Commentry all, exceptnbsp;Z. carbonarius, based on detached pinnae. The type-specimennbsp;of Z. carbonarius consists of a piece of stout rachis bearing ovatenbsp;acute pinnae, 2-2 x 1 cm. Potonie^, who refers a piece of pinnatenbsp;frond from the Permian of Thuringia to Z. carbonarius, includesnbsp;the other species of Renault under that name. Whether or notnbsp;the differences in the venation and form of the pinnae are ofnbsp;specific significance cannot be definitely settled without betternbsp;material, but the important point is that these Permo-Carboniferous fronds are sufficiently distinct from Zamites to be placednbsp;in a separate genus. Plagiozamites carbonarius is recorded alsonbsp;by Zalessky^ from the Permian of Manchuria though the examplesnbsp;figured do not afford satisfactory evidence of the mode of insertionnbsp;of the segments on the rachis. P. Planchardi has recently beennbsp;recorded from the Coal Measures of Maryland; the discovery isnbsp;interesting both- on phytogeographical grounds and as the firsfnbsp;satisfactory record of a Palaeozoic Cycadophyte from Northnbsp;America*.

Cycadorachis. Saporta.

The employment of this generic name may serve a useful purpose if used for specimens, whether preserved as petrifactionsnbsp;or impressions, believed to be portions of Cycadean frond-axes,nbsp;but which in the absence of pinnae cannot be assigned to one ofnbsp;the recognised genera of fronds. Saporta® describes two speciesnbsp;from Kimmeridgian beds in France, Cycadorachis abscissa andnbsp;C. armata: the first may be the winged base of a Cycadean petiole)nbsp;but it agrees equally well with the broad base of an OsmundaceouS

Zalessky (05®) p. 401, fig. 13.

Bassler (16).

® Potonié (93) A. p. 210, PI. xxix. fig. 5.

® Zalessky (05®) p. 403, figs. 14, 15.

® Saporta (75) A. p. 193, PI. 114, fig. 3; PI, 117, fig. 1.

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leaf and should not be referred to a genus implying affinity with a particular class. The other species, C. armata, is probably anbsp;piece of a spinous axis like that of the Wealden plant Sewardianbsp;latifolia (Sap.). A fragment figured by Fliche and Bleicher^nbsp;from the Jurassic of Nancy as C. tuberculata is another examplenbsp;of a fossil which cannot be referred with any certainty to thenbsp;Cycads.

Dr Stopes^, inadvertently overlooking the previous institution of Cycadorachis, has recently proposed the name Cycadeorachisnbsp;for pinnately branched rachises of Cycadeanf ronds which, ‘ whilenbsp;indicating the general character of the frond, do not show thenbsp;shape of the pinnae well enough to be associated with any of thenbsp;many fohage-genera.’

® Slopes (15) p. 53.

Fliche and Bleicher (82) p. 21, fig. 4.

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LIST OF WOKKS EEFEEEED TO IN THE TEXT (Volumes III. and IV.)nbsp;[With a few exceptions this list does not include hooks and pajiersnbsp;given in the Bibliographies in volumes I. and /ƒ.]

The following are some of the Bibliographies which students will find useful for additional references;—Geological Literature added to thenbsp;Geological Society’s Library, published from time to time by the Society;nbsp;Prof. Zeiller’s lists in the ‘Bevue Générale de Botanique ’ (Paris); listsnbsp;given by Arber in the ‘Progressus Eei Botanicae’ (Leiden), vol. i. Heft i-p. 218, 1907; Jongman’s ‘Die Palaeobotanische Literatur’ (Jena), 1910-13;nbsp;also the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature (Botany andnbsp;Geology). For the Literature dealing with Cretaceous plants the studentnbsp;should refer to Dr Marie Stopes’ ‘Cretaceous Flora’ l. and il. (Britishnbsp;Museum Catalogues, 1913, 1915).

The dates of books published in parts given in the footnotes to this volume are as a rule those of the concluding part. For the datesnbsp;of separate parts of books relating to Palaeozoic floras the studentnbsp;referred to Prof. Zeiller’s valuable list at the end of the ‘Flore Fossile dunbsp;Bassin Houiller de Valenciennes.’ Useful bibliographies of the writings ofnbsp;Saporta, Heer, and Ettingshausen have been compiled by Zeiller (96),nbsp;Malloizel and Zeiller (N.D.), and Krasser (97).

Aase, Hannah C. (15) Vascular anatomy of the megasporophylls of Conifers. Botanical Gazette, vol. lx. p. 277.

Affourtit, M. F. A. and H. C. C. La Rivière. (15) On the ribbing of the seeds of Ginkgo. Annals of Botany, vol. xxix. p. 591.

Andersson, J. G. (10) Die Veranderungen des Klimas seit dem Maxünui» der letzten Eiszeit. (Collection of papers published by the Inf-Geol. Congress; edited by J. G. Andersson.) Stockholm.

Andrews, B. B. (75) Descriptions of Fossil Plants from the Coal Measures of Ohio. Geol. Surv. Ohio.

Antevs, E. (14) Lepidopteris Ottonis (Gopp.) Schimp, and Anthotith'US Zeilleri Nath. K. Svensh. Vetenskapsakad. Hand. Bd. li. No. 7.

- (14^) The Swedish Species of Ptilozamites Nath. Ihid. Bd. ul-

No. 10.

Arber, Agnes. (See also Bobertson, A.) (10) On the structure of

Palaeozoic seed Mitrospermum compressum (Will.). Ann. Bot. vol-XXIV. p. 491.

- (14) A note on Trigonocarpus. Ibid. vol. xxvni. p. 195.

-ocr page 619-



Arber, E. A. Newell. (02) Notes on the Binney collection of Coal-Measure Plants. Pt. ill. The type-specimens of Lyginodendron oldhamiumnbsp;(Binney). Proc. Camh. Phil. Soc. vol. xi. pt. iv. p. 281.

--(03) On the roots of Medullosa anglica. Ann. Bot. vol. xvil.

p. 425.

- (03^) Discussion on Dr Kurtz’s paper (1903). Quart. Journ. Qeol.

Soc. vol. Lix. p. 26.

- (04) Cupre,isino.vylon Hooheri sp. nov. a large silicified tree from

Tasmania. Gexjl. Mag. [v], vol. i. p. 7.

- (05) On some new species of Lagenostoma, a type of Pterido-

spermous seed from the Coal Measures. Proc. R. Soc. vol. LXXI. B, p. 245.

- (07) On Triassio species of the genera Zamites and Pterophyllum,

types of fronds belonging to the Cycadophyta. Trans. Linn. Soc. vol. vii. pt. vii. p. 109.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;•

- (08) On a new Pteridosperm possessing the Sphenopteris type of

foliage. Ann. Bot. vol. xxil. p. 57.

- (09) On the Fossil Plants of the Waldershare and Fredville series

of the Kent Coalfield. Quart, down. Geol. Soc. vol. Lxv. p. 21.

- (09^) On the affinities of the Triassio plant Yuccites vogesiacus

Schimp, and Moug. Geol. Mag. [v], vol. vi. p. 11.

- (12) On Psygmophyllum majus sp. nov. from the Lower Carboniferous rocks of Newfoundland, together with a Revision of the genus and Remarks on its affinities. Trans. Linn. Soc. vol. vii.nbsp;p. 391.

- (12^) Fossil Plants from the Kent Coalfield. Geol. Mag. [v],

vol. IX. p. 97.

- (13) A preliminary note on the Fossil Plants of the Mount Potts

beds, New Zealand, collected by Mr D. G. Lillie, Biologist to Capt. Scott’s Antarctic Expedition in the “Terra Nova.” Proc. R. Soc.nbsp;vol. Lxxxvi. p. 344.

- (132) Tthe strnotuie oi Dadoxylon Kayi. Quart. Jaurn. Geol. Soc.

vol. Lxix. p. 454.

- (14) A Revision of the Seed impressions of the British Coal

Measures. Ann. Bot. vol. xxvm. p. 81.

- (142) Qjj Fossil Flora of the Kent Coalfield. Quart. Journ.

Qeolt Soc. vol. Lxx. p. 54.

Arber, E. A. Newell and J. Parkin. (07) On the origin of Angiosperms. Journ. Linn. Soc. vol. xxxviii. p. 29.

-- (08) Studies on the Evolution of the Angiosperms. Ann. Bot.

vol. XXII. p. 489.

Arnoldi, W. (01) Beitrage zur Morphologic einiger Gymnospermen. Bull. Nat. Moscow, No. 4, 1900.

Bailey, I. W. (09) The structure of the wood in the Pineae. Bot. Gaz. vol. XLViii. p. 47.

'--(11) A Cretaceous Pityoxylon with marginal tracheids. Ann.

Bot. vol. XXV. p. 315.


s. nr

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Baily, W. H. (69; Notice of Plant-remains from Beds interstratified with the Basalts in the county of Antrim. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc.nbsp;vol. XXV. p. 357.

Bain, F. and Sir W. Dawson. (85) Notes on the Geology and Fossil Flora of Prince Edward Island. Canadian Rec. Sci. vol. I. (1884-85)nbsp;p. 154.

Baker, R. T. and H. C. Smith. (10) Research of the Pines on Australia. Dpt. Public Imtruction, Tech. Educ. Ser. No. 16. Sydney.

Bancroft, Nellie. (13) On some Indian Jurassic Gymnosperms and Rhexoxylon africanum, a new Medullosean stem. Trans. Linn. Soc.nbsp;vol. VIII. pt. ii. p. 69.

- (14) Pteridosperm Anatomy and its relation to that of the Cycads.

New Phyt. vol. xiii. p. 41.

Barber, C. A. (92) On the nature and development of the corky excrescences on stems of Zanthoxylum. Ann. Bot. vol. vi. p. 155.

--(98) Gupressionoxylon vectense; a fossil Conifer from the Lower

Greensand of Shanklin, in the Isle of Wight. Ann. Bot. vol. xii-p. 329.

Bartholin, 0. T. (94) Nogle i den bornholmske Juraformatioii fore-kommende Planteforsteninger. Bot. Tidskrift (Copenhagen), Bd. XIX. p. 87.

Bartlett, A. W. (13) Note on the occurrence of an abnormal bispo-I’angiate strobilus of Larix europaea DC. Ann. Bot. vol. xxvii-p. 575.

Bassler, H. (16) A Cycadophyte from the North American Coal Measures. Anner. Journ. Sci. vol. xlii. p. 21.

Bayer, A. (08) Zur Deutung der weiblichen Bliiten der Cupressineen nebst Bemerkungen iiber Cryptomeria. Beiheft Bot. Cent. Bd. xxiH-Abt. I. p. 27.

Beissner, L. (91) Handbuch der Nadelholzkunde. Berlin.

Bennett, J. J. and R. Brown. (52) Plantae Javanicae rariores. London, 1838-52.

Benson, Margaret. (08) On the contents of the pollen-chamber of a specimen of Lagenostoma ovoides. Bot. Oaz. vol. LV. p. 409.

- (12) Cordaites Felicia, sp. nov., a Cordaitean leaf from the Coal

Measures of England. Ann. Bot. vol. xxvi. p. 202.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(14) Sphaerostoma ovale (Conostoma ovale et intermediantim,

Williamson), a Lower Carboniferous ovule from Pettycur, Fife' shire, Scotland. Trans. R. Soc. Edinburgh, vol. L. pt. i. No. i-

p. 1.

Benson, M. and E. J. Welsford. (09) The morphology of the ovule ano female flower of Juglans regia and of a few allied genera. Ann. Bot-vol. XXIII. p. 623.

Berger, R. (48) De fructibus et seminilius ex formatione lithanthracuni-Disa. Inaug. Vratislnviae.

Bergeron, J. (84) Note sur les strobiles du Walchia piniformis. BnU-soc. geol. France 13], Tome xii. p. 583.

-ocr page 621-



Berridge, E. M. (11) On some points of resemblance between Gnetalean and Bennettitean seeds. New Phyt. vol. p. 140.

- (12) The structure of the female strobiliis in Gnehim Onemon.

Ann. Bot. vol. xxvi. p. 987.

Berridge, Emily M. and Elizabeth Sanday. (07) Oogenesis and embryo geny in Ephedra distachya. New Phyt. vol. vi. p. 127.

Berry, E. W. (03) The Flora of the Matawan Formation. Bull. New Yorl- Bot. Oard. vol. ill. No. 9, p. 45.

- (05) Additions to the fossil Flora from Cliffwood. Bull. Torrey

Bot. Club, vol. XXXII. p. 43.

- (06) Contributions to the Mesozoic Flora of the Atlantic Coastal

Plain. I. Ibid. vol. xxxiii. p. 33.

- (07) Coastal Plain Amber. Torreya. vol. vii. p. 4.

- (07^) Conti-ibutions to the Pleistocene Flora of North Carolina.

Journ. Geol. vol. xv. No. 4, p. 338.

- (08) Some Araucarian remains from the Atlantic Coastal Plain.

Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxv. p. 249.

- (08^) A Mid-Cretaceous species of Torreya. Amer. Jotirn. 8ci.

vol. XXV. p. 382.

- (09) A Miocene Flora from the Virginian Coastal Plain. Journ.

Geol. vol. xvn. p. 19.

- (09^) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Pleistocene Swamp deposits in Virginia. Amer. Nat.

vol. xLiii. p. 432. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;*

- (10) A revision of the Fossil Plants of the genus Nageiopsis of

Fontaine. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. vol. xxxvin. p. 185.

- (10‘) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The epidermal characters ofnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Bot.

Oaz. vol. L. p. 305.

- (W) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Additions to the Pleistocene Flora of New Jersey. Torreya,

vol. X. p. 261.

- (10^) Contributions to the Mesozoic Flora of the Atlantic Coastal

Plain. V. North Carolina. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxvii.

p. 181.

- (11) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The Lower Cretaceous deposits of Maryland. (Berry, Clark,

and Bibbin.) Maryland Geol. Surv.

- (11^) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A Lower Cretaceous species of Schizaeaceae from Eastern

North America. Ann. Bot. vol. xxv. p. 193.

-- (11®) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The Flora of the Raritan Formation. Geol. Surv. New

Jersey. Bull. 3.

¦ - (11*) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A Revision of several genera of Gym nospermous plants from

the Potomac group in Maryland and Virginia. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus. vol. XL. p. 289.

--(12) The age of the plant-bearing shales of the Richmond coalfield. Amer. Journ. Sci. vol. xxxiv. p. 224.

--(12®) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Notes on the genus XYiddringtoniles. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club,

vol. xxxix. p. 341.

¦ --(12®) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Contributions to the Mesozoic Flora of the Atlantic Coastal

Plain. VII. Texas. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. xxxix. p. 387.


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Berry, E. W. (12'*) Pleistocene plants from the Blue Ridge in Virginia. Amer. Journ. 8ci. vol. xxxiv. p. 218.

--(14) The Upper Cretaceous and Eocene floras of South Carolina

and Georgia. U. 8. Geol. 8urv. Professional papers. No. 84.

- (15) The Mississippi River Bluffs at Columbus and Hickman,

Kentucky, and their Fossil Flora. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus. vol. xlviii. p. 293.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(16)nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The Geological history of Gymnosperms. The Plant World,

vol. XIX. p. 27.

Bertrand, 0. E. (74) Anatomie comparée des tiges et des feuilles chez les Gnétacées et les Conifères. Ann. 8c,i. nat. [v], vol. xx. p. 5.

- (83) Note sur Ie genre Vesquia, Taxinée fossile du Terrain

Aachénien de Tournai. Buil. soc. hot. France [3], Tome v. p. 293.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(89) Les Poroxylons végétaux fossiles de l’époque houilhère.

Ann. soc. Belg. de Microscopie, Tome xni. Fase. i.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(98)nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Remarques sur la structure des grains de pollen de Cordaites.

Assoc. Frang. pour l’avanc. des Sci. Nantes (1898), p. 436.

- (07) Les caractéristiques du genre Bhahdocarpus d’après les

préparations de la collection B. Renault. Buil. soc. bot. [4], Tome VIL p. 654.

---- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(07^) Les caractéristiques du genre Diplotesta de Brongniart.

Buil. soc. hot. France [4], tome vii. p. 388.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(07^) Les caractéristiques du genre Leptocaryon de Brongniart.

Ibi,d. p. 452.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(07“*) Les caractéristiques du genre Taxospermum de Brongniart.

Ihid. p. 213.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(07^) Remarques sur Ie Taxospermum angulosum. Compt. rend-

d’assoc. Fraaie, pour Vavanc. des sci. (Reims, 1907), p. 410.

--(08) Los caractéristiques du Gycadinocarpus angustod,unensis de

B. Renault. Buil. soc. bot. France [4], tome viil. p. 326.

- (08^) Les caractéristiques du genre Cardiocarpus d’après les

graines silicifiées étudiées par Ad. Brongniart et B. Renault. p. 391.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(08®) La spécification des Cardiocarpus de la collection B. Renault.

Ihid. p. 454.

- (09) Sur Ie genre Compsotesta de Ad. Brongniart. Ann. Jard-

Bot. Btdt. [2], suppl. 3.

- (11) Le Bourgeon femeUe des Cordaites. Nancy.

Bertrand, C. E. et B. Renault. (82) Recherches sur les Poroxyloi*®’ Arch. bot. du Nord de la France, vol. ii. p. 243.

Bertrand, P. (08) Sur les stipes de CTep.s?/drqpsis. Compt. Re^ul.NoM-1908.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(11) Structure des stipes d’AsterocWaeiia tea Sterzel Mém.


terrain houiller du Nord de la France. Ann. soc. géol. Nord, Toin® XLII. p. 113.

géol. Nord, Tome vii. i.

(13) Les Fructifications de Neuroptéridées recueillies dans

-ocr page 623-



Bertrand, P. (14) État actuel de nos Connaissances siir les Genres ‘Cladoxylon’ et ‘ Steloxylon.’ Gompt. Rend, de Vassoe. frang. pournbsp;VAvancement des Sciences (Havre, 1914), p. 446.

Beust, F. (85) Untersuehung über fossile Hölzer aus Gronland. Neue Denlcsch. allgem. Schweiz. Oes. gesammt. Naturwiss. Bd. xxix.

Binney, E. W. (66) On Fossil wood in calcareous nodules found in the upper foot coal near Oldham. Proc. Lit. Phil. Soc. Manchester,nbsp;vol. V. p. 113.

Bleicher and Fliche. (92) Contribution a l’étude des Terrains Tertiaires d’Alsace. Bull. soc. geol. France [3], Tome xx. p. 375.

Bodenbender, W. (96) Beobachtungen nber Hevon- und Gondwana Schichten in der Argentinischen Republik. Zeitsch. Deutsch. geol.nbsp;Ge.s. Bd. XLViii. p. 743.

- (02) Contribucion al Conocimiento de la Precordillera de San Juan

de Mendoza. Bol. Acad. Nac. Cienc. Cordoba, vol. xvii. p. 203.

Boodle, L. A. (15) Concresoent and solitary Foliage leaves in Pinus. New Phyl. vol. xiv. p. 19.

Boodle, L. A. and W. C. Worsdell. (94) On the comparative anatomy of the Casuarineae, with special ¦ reference to the Gnetaceae andnbsp;Cupuliferae. Ann. Bol. vol. vm. p. 231.

Boulay. (79) Recherches de paleontologie végétale dans le terrain houiller du Nord de la Prance. Ann. soc. scient. Bruxelles, ann. iv.nbsp;pt. 2, 1880.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^

--(87) Notice sur la Flore tertiaire des environs de Privas (Ardiohe),

Bull. soc. hot. France, Tome xxxiv. p. 227.

- (88) Notice sur les Plantes fossiles des grès tertiaires de Saint-

Saturnin (Marne et Loire). Journ. Bot. Ann, 2, p. 921.

Bower, F. 0. (81) On the germination and histology of the seedhngs of Welwitschia mirabilis. Quart. Journ. Micr. soc. vol. xxi. pp. 15, 571.

- (82) The germination and embryogeny of Gnetum Gnemon. Ibid.

vol. XXII. [N.S.], p. 277.

- (84) On the structure of Rhynchopetalum monlanum. Journ.

Lin. Soc. vol. xx. p. 440.

¦- (12) Studies in the Phylogeny of the Pilicales. II. Lophosira,-

and its relation to the Cyatheoideae and other Ferns. Ann. Bot. vol. XXVI. p. 269.

Bowerbank, J. S. (40) History of the Fossil fruits and seeds of the London Olay. London.

Braun, A. (75) Die Frage naoh der Gymnospermie der Cycadeen. Monatsber. K. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, p. 289.

-- (75^) Die Diagnosen dreier im Jahre 1873 von G. Wallis in Neu

Granada entdeokter Cycadeen. Ibid. p. 376.

Braun, C.F.W. (43) Beitrage zur Petrefactenkunde Bayreuth (Graf zu Miinster), Heft vi. Bayreuth,

~- (47) Die Fossile Gewachse aus den Grenzschichten zwischen dem

Lias und Keuper des neu aufgefundenen Pflanzenlagers in dem Steinbriiche von Veitlahm bei Culmbach. Flora, p. 81.

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Braun, C. F. W. (49) Beitrage zur Urgeschichte der Pflanzen. VI. WeltricMa einb neue Gattung fossiler Rhizantheen. Progr. in-Jahresber. K. Kreis-Landwirlhsch. und Gea-erbschule zu Bayreuth.nbsp;Brauns, D. (66) Der Sandstein bei Seinstedt unweit des Pallsteins undnbsp;die in ihm vorkommeiiden Pflanzenreste. Paleout. Bd. ix. p. 47.nbsp;Brenchley, Winifred E. (13) On Branching specimens of Lyginodendronnbsp;Oldhamium Will. .Journ. Linn. Soc. vol. xli. p. 349.

Bristow, H. W. (62) The Geology of the Isle of Wight. Mem. Oeol. Surv. Great Britain.

Brongniart, A. (25) Observations sur les végétaux fossiles renforniés dans les grès de Hoer en Scanie. Ann. Sci. nat. vol. iv. p. 200.

- (28) Essai d’une Plore du grès bigarré. Ann. Sci. nat. vol. v

p. 435.

- (33) Notice sur une Conifère fossile du terrain d’eau douce de

File d’Iliodroma. Ann. Sci. nat. tome xxx. p. 175.

— nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(74) Études sur les graines fossiles trouvées a 1’état silicifié dans

Ie terrain Houiller de Saint Étienne. Ann. Sci. nat. tome xx. [5], p 234.

--(81) Recherches sur les graines fossiles silicifiées. Paris.

Bronn, H. G. (58) Beitrage zur triassischen Schiefer von Raibl. Neues .Jahrh. Min. p. 129.

Brooks, F. T. and A. Sharpies. (14) Pink disease. Bull. No. i\. Depart. Agric. Fed. Malay States.

Brooks, F. T. and W. Stiles. (10) The structure of Podocarpus spinulosiis (Smith) R. Br. Ann. Bot. vol. xxiv. p. 305.

Buchman, J. (45) Outline of the Geology of the neighbourhood of Cheltenham (in collaboration with R. I. Murchison and H. E.nbsp;Strickland). London.

Buckland, W. (28) On the Cycadeoideae, a Family of Fossil Plants found in the Oohte quarries of the Isle of Portland. Trans. Oeol. Soc. [SJjnbsp;vol. II. p. 395.

---(37) Geology and Mineralogy considered with reference to Natural

Theology. London.

Blirckhardt, C. (11) Bemerkungen zu einigen Arbeiten von W. Gothan

und A. G. Nathorst. Cent. Min. Oeol.; Paleont. p. 442. Burgestein, A. (06) Zur Holzanatomie der Tanne, Ficht^ und Larche.nbsp;Ber. deutsch. Bot. Ges. Bd. xxiv. Heft vi. p. 295.

- (08) Vergleichende Anatomie des Holzes der Koniferen. Wiesner-

Fe.stschrift, Wien.

Burlingame, L. (08) The staminate cone and male gametophyte oi Podocarpus. Bot. Oaz. vol. XLVi. p. 161.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(13) The Morphology of HraMcanonbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Bot. Gaz. vol. tN-

Ibid. vol.


p. 97.

- (15) The Morphology of Araucaria hrasilient

p. 1.

- (10^) The Origin and Relationships of the Araucarians.

vol. LX. p. 1.

-ocr page 625-



Butterworth, J. (97) Some further investigations of Fossil seeds of the genus Laqenostoma (Williamson) from the Lower Coal Measures,nbsp;Oldham. Mem. Proc. Manchester Lit. and Phil. Soc. vol. XLi. ix. p. 1.

Caldwell, 0. W. (07) Microcyeas calocoma. Bot. Gaz. vol. XLiv. p. 118.

Caldwell, 0. W. and C. F. Baker. (07) The identity of Microcyeas calocoma. Ibid. vol. XLiii. p. 130.

Cambier, K. et A. Renier. (10) Psygmophyllum Delvali n. sp. du Terrain houiller de Charleroi. Ann. soc. ge'ol. Belg. Tome ii. p. 23. (Mém.nbsp;in 4to.)

Capellini, G. and Conte E. Solms-Laubach. (92) I Tronchi di Bennettitee dei Musei Italiani. 3Iem. Reale Acad. Sci. Istit. Bologna [5],nbsp;tom. II. p. 161.

Carano, E. (04) Contribuzione alia conoscenza della Morfologia e dello sviluppo del fascio vascolare delle foghe delle Cicadacee. Ann. dinbsp;Bot. vol. I. p. 109 (Rome).

Carpentier, A. (11) Sur quelques fructifications et inflore.scencea du Westphalien du Nord de la France. Rev. Gén. Bot. tome xxiii. p. 1.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(13) Contribution a l’étude du Carbonifêre du Nord de la France.

Mém. soc. geol. du Nord, tome vii. ii. p. 1.

Carruthers, W. (66) On Araucarian cones from the Secondary beds of Britain. Oeol. Mag. vol. ill. p. 249.

- (66^) On some fossil Coniferous fruits. Ibid. vol. iii. p. 534.

- (67) On Cycadeoidea Yatesii sp. nov. a fossil Cycadeap. stem from

the. Potton sands, Bedfordshire. Ibid. vol. iv. p. 199.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(67^) On Gymnospermous Fruits from the Secondary rocks of

Britain. Journ. Bot. vol. v. p. 1.

- (67®) On some Cycadean Fruits from the Secondary rocks of

Britain. Geol. Mag. vol. iv. p. 101.

- (68) British Fossil Pandanaceae. Ibid. vol. v. p. 153.

- (69) On Beania, a new genus of Cycadean Fruit from the Yorkshire

Oolite. Ibid. vol. vi. p. 1.

- (69®) On some undescribed Coniferous fruits from the Secondary

rocks of Britain. Ibid. vol. vi. p. 1.

--(70) On Fossil Cycadean stems from the Secondary rocks of

Britain. Trans. Linn. Soc. vol. xxvi. p. 675.

- (71) On two undescribed Coniferous fruits from the Secondary

rocks of Britain. Oeol. Mag. vol. viii. p. 1.

¦- (77) Description of a new species of Araucarites from the Coralline

Oolite of Malton. Quart. Journ. Oeol. Soc. vol. xxxiii. p. 402.

- (93) On Cycas Taiwaniana, sp. nov. and O. Seemanni R. Br.

Journ. Bot. vol. xxxi. p. 1.

Carter, M. Geraldine. (11) A Reconsideration of the origin of Transfusion-tissue. Ann. Bot. vol. xxv. p. 975.

Caspary, R. and R. Triebel. (89) Einige fossile Hölzer Preussens. K. Preuss. Oeol. Landesanstalt, Bd. ix. Heft iii. p. 113.

Oelakovsky, L. (82) Zur Kritik der Ansichten von den Fruchtschuppe der Abietineen. Ahh. K. bohm. Oes. Wiss. Prog [vi], Bd ii.

-ocr page 626-



Chamberlain, C. J. (06) The ovule and female gametophyte of Dioon. Bot. Gaz. vol. XLii. p. 321.

- (09) Dioon spinulosum. Ibid. vol. xlviii. p. 401.

- (10) See Coulter and Chamberlain.

- (10®) Fertilization and embryogeny in Dioon eduU. Bot. Gaz.

vol. L. p. 415.

- (11) The adult Cycad Trunk. Ibid. vol. Lll. p. 81.

---(12) Morphology of Ceratozamia. Ibid. vol. Lill. p. 1.

- (12^) A round-the-world Botanical Excur.sion. Pop. Sci. Monthly,

vol. Lxxxi. p. 417.

- (12®) Two species of Bowenia. Bot. Gaz. vol. Liv. p, 419.

- (13) Macrozamia Moorei, a connecting link between living and

fossil Cycads. Bot. Gaz. vol. LV. p. 141.

Chapman, P. (09) Jurassic Plant-remains from Gippsland, Pt. ii. Bee.

Oeol. Surv. Victoria, vol. iii. pt. i. p. 103.

Chrysler, M. A. (15) The Medullary rays of nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Bot. Gaz. vol. ux.

p. 387.

Church, A. H. (14) On the Floral Morphology of Welwitschia mirahilis (Hooker). Phil. Trans. R. Soc. vol. 205, p. 115.

Cockerell, T. D. A. (06) The Fossil Flora and Fauna of the Florissant (Colorado) shales. Univ. Colorado Series, vol. tii. No. 3.

- (08) Description of Tertiary Plants. II. Amer. Journ. Sci.

vol. XXVI [4], p. 537.

- (08®). The Fossil Flora of Florissant, Colorado. Bull. Amer. Mus.

Nat. Hist. vol. xxiv. p. 71.

- (08®) Florissant; a Miocene Pompeii. Pop. Sci. Monthly (Aug-

1908, p. 112).

Coemans, E. (66) Description de la flore fossile du premier étage du terrain Crétaoé du Hainaut. Mém.. Acad. R. Belg., tomenbsp;XXXVI.

Coker, W. C. (03) On the gametophyte and embryo of Taxodium. Bot. Gaz. vol. XXXVI. p. 1.

- (09) Vitality of Pine seeds and the delayed opening of cones.

Amer. Nat. vol. xliii. p. 677.

Compter, G. (94) Die fossile Flora des untern Keupers von Ostthiiringen. Zeitsch. fiir Naturwiss. Leipzig, Bd. lxvii. p. 205.

- (03) Cycadeenfriichte aus der Lettenkohle von Apolda. Zeitsch.

fur Naturwiss. Stuttgart, Bd. lxxv. p. 171.

Compton, R. H. (08) See South and Compton.

Cowentz, H. (78) Ueber ein tertiares Vorkommen Cypressenartiger Holzer bei Calistoga in Californien. Neues Jahrb. Min. p. 800.

- (82) Fossile Holzer aus der Sammlung der König. geol. Landes-

anstalt zu Berlin. Jahrb. K. preuss. geol. Land. Bergakad. Berlin fiir das Jahr 1881, p. 144.

--(85) Sobre algunos arboles fosiles del Rio Negro. Bol. Acad. Nac-

Gienc. Cordoba, tom. vii. p. 575.

- (86) Die Angiospermen des Bernsteins. Danzig.

-ocr page 627-



Cowentz, IT. (89) Ueber Thyllen und Thyllen-ahnliche Bildungen, vornehmlich im Holze der Bernsteinbaume. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Oes.nbsp;Bd. VII. p. (34).

- (92) Untersuchungen über fossile Hölzer Schwedens. K. Svensk.

Vetenskapsakad. Hand. Bd. xxiv. No. 13.

- (01) The past history of the Yew in Great Britain and Ireland.

Rep. list Meeting Brit. Assoc. (Glasgoiv), p. 839.

Coulter, J. M. and C. J. Chamberlain. (03) The Embryogeny of Zamia. Bot. Oaz. vol. XXXV. p. 184.

---(10) Morphology of Gymnosperms. Chicago.

Cramer, C. (68) Fossile Hölzer der Arctischen Zone. Heer’s Foss. Flor. Arct. vol. I. p. 167.

Crié, L. (89) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der fossilen Flora einiger Inseln des Siidpaoinschen und Indischen Oceans. Pal. Abhand. (Dames andnbsp;Kayser) (N.F.), Bd. i. Heft ii.

Daguillon, A. (90) Recherches morphologiques sur les feuilles des Conifères. Rev. Gén. Bot. tome 11, p. 154.

Dawson, J. W. (46) Notices of some Fossils found in the Coal Formation of Nova Scotia. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. II. p. 132.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(62) On the Flora of the Devonian period in North-eastern

America. Ibid. vol. xviii. p. 296.

- (63) Further Observations on the Devonian Plants of Maine,

Gaspc, and New York. Ibid. vol. xix. p. 458. x

- (63^) Synopsis of the Flora of the Carboniferous Period in Nova

Scotia. The Canadian Nat. and Geologist, vol. viii. p. 431.

- (81) Notes on New Brian (Devonian) plants. Qicart. Journ. Geol.

Soc. vol. xxxvii. p. 299.

- (85) On the Mesozoic Floras of the Rooky Mountains Region of

Canada. Trans. R. Soc. Canada, sect. iv. p. 1.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(90) On new plants from the Brian and Carboniferous, and on the

characters and affinities of Palaeozoic Gymnosperms. Canadian Rec. Sci. vol. iv. p. 1.

- (93) On new species of Cretaceous plants from Vancouver Island.

Trans. R. Soc. Canada, sect. iv. p. 53.

Dawson, Sir J. W. and D. P. Penhallow. (91) Note on the specimens of Fossil wood from the Brian (Devonian) of New York and Kentucky.nbsp;The Canadian Rec. Sci. vol. iv. p. 242.

Depape, G. (13) Sur la presence du Ginkgo biloba L. dans le Pliocene inférieur de Saint-Marcel-d’Ardèche. Compt. Rend. vol. 157, p. 957.nbsp;Depape, G. and A. Carpentier. (13) Présence des genus Gnetopsis B.nbsp;Ren. and R. Zeill. et Urna-topteris Kidst. dans le Westphalien dunbsp;Nord de la France. Ann. soc. geol. du Nord, tome xi.il. p. 294.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(15) Sur quelques graines et fructifications du Westphalien du

Nord de la France. Rev. Gen. Bot. vol. xxvii. p. 321.

Dorety, Helen A. (08) The embryo of Ceratozamia, a physiological study. Bui. Oaz. vol. XLV. p. 412.

-- (08-) The seedling of Ceratozamia. Ibid. vol. XLVI. p. 205.

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Dorety, Helen A. (09) The extrafascioular cambium of Cerafozamia. Ibid. vol. xLvii. p. 149.

- (09^) Vascular anatomy of the seedling of Microcycas Galocoma.

Ibid. p. 139.

Dorrien-Sinith, A. A. (11) A Botanizing expedition to West Australia.

Journ. E. Hort. Soc. vol. xxxvi. p. 285.

Douvillé, H. et R. Zeiller. (08) Sur le terrain houiller du Sud Oranais.

Oompt. Rend, tome cxlvi. p. 732.

Drude, 0. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(90) Handbuch der Pflanzengeographie. Stuttgart.

Diimmer, R. (12) Podocarpus formosensis. Gard. Chron. Oct. 19, p. 295. Dun, W. S. (10) Notes on some Fossil plants from the roof of the coalnbsp;seam in the Sydney Harbour Colliery. .Journ. Proe. R. Soc. Newnbsp;South Wales, vol. XLiv. p. 615.

Duns, J. (72) On Cardiocarpon. Proc. R. Soc. Edinburgh, p. 692. Dusdnek, F. (13) Spaltöffnungen der Oycadaceen. (Abstract in thenbsp;Pot. Gent. Bd. cxxv. p. 340.)

Dusén, P. (99) Über die Tertiare Flora der Magellans-Liinder, IFiss. Ergeh. Schwed. Exped. nach den Magellanslandern unter Leitnng vonnbsp;O. Nordenskjold, Bd. I. No. iv. p. 87.

- (08) Tiber die Tertiare Flora der Seymour-Insel.. Wiss. Ergeh.

Schwed. siidpolar-Exped. 1901-03, Bd. iii. Lief. iii. p. 1.

Duthie, Augusta V. (12) Anatomy of Gnetum gfricanum. Ann. Bof. vnl. XXVI. p. 593.

Fames, A. J. (13) The Morphology of Agathis australis. Ann. Bof. vol. XXVII. p. 1.

Eberdt, 0. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(94) Hie Braunkohlen Ablagerungen in der Gegend von

Senftenberg. Jahrh. K. Preuss. Geol. Land. Bergakad. Berlin, Bd. XIV. p. 212.

Eicbler, A. W. (81) Tiber die weiblichen Bltithen der Coniferen. Monats-ber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, p. 1020.

- (82) Tiber Bildungabweichungen bei Fichtenzapfen. Sitzber. K.

Akad. Wiss. Berlin, p. 40.

- (89) Gyninospermae. Engler and Prantl; Die Natiirlichen

Pflanzenfamilien, Teil ii.

Eichwald, E. (53-68) Lethaea rossica, Stuttgart.

Elkins, Marion G. and G. R. Wieland. (14) Cordaitean wood from the Indiana Black Shale. Arner. Journ. Sci. vol. xxxviil. p. 65.

Elwes, H. J. (12) The Flora of Formosa. Gard. Chron. July 13, 1912, p. 25.

Elwes, H. J. and A. Henry. (60) The trees of Great Britain and Ireland, vol. I. Edinburgh.

Endlicher, S. (40) Genera plantarum secundum ordines natu rales disposita. Vindobonae, 1836-40.

---- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(47) Synopsis Coniferarum. Sangalli.

Engelhardt, H. (85) Hie Tertiarflora des Jesuitengrabens bei Kundratitz in Nordböhmen. Nov. Act. K. Leop.-Car. Deutsch. Akad. Natur-J'orsch. Bd. xlviii. No. 3, p. 299.

-ocr page 629- -ocr page 630- -ocr page 631-



Engelhardt, H. (91) Über Tertiarpflanzen von Chile. Ahh. Senckenherg. naturforsch. Oes. p. 629.

- (12) Weiterer Beitrag zur Kenntniss der fossilen Tertiarflora

Bosniens. IFiss. Mitt, am Bosnien und der Herzegoivina, Bd. xii. p. 593.

Engelhardt, H. and F. Kinkelin. (08) überpliocene Flora und Fauna des Unter-Maintales. Abh. Bench. Naturforsch. Ges. Bd. xxixnbsp;Heft iii. p. 151.

Engler, A. (89) Engler and Prantl; Die Hatiirliohen Pflanzenfainilien, Teil II. Abt. i.

- (95) Die Pflanzenwelt Öst Afrikas, etc. Th. C. Berlin.

- (97) Engler and Prantl; Die Xatiirliohen Pflanzenfainilien.

Nachtrag zu Teilen li-iv.

Essner, B. (86) Ueber den diagnostisohen Werth der Anzahl und Höhe der Markstrahlen bei den Coniferen. Abh. naturforsch. Ges. Halle,nbsp;Bd XVI. p. 1.

Etheridge, E. (93) On the occurrence of a plant allied to Bchizoneura in the Hawkesbury Sandstone. Bee. Oeol. Surv. New South Wales,nbsp;vol. III. pt. iii, p. 74.

Ettingshausen, C. von. (51) Ueber einige neue und interessante Taenio-pteris Arten aus den Sammlungen des Kais. Hof Mineralieii Cabinetes und der K.k. geol. Reiohsanstalt. Naturwiss. Abh. IT.nbsp;Haidinger, vol. iv. p. 95.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(52) Beitrag zur naheren Kenntniss der Flora der Wealdenperiode.

Abh. K.k. geol. Reichs. Wien, Bd. i. Abth. iii. No. 2, p. 1.

- (52^) Die Steinkohlenflora von Stradonitz. . Ibid. Bd. i. Abth. iii.

No. 4. (55)nbsp;No. 2.nbsp;(57)

Die Tertiare Flora von Haring in Tirol. Ibid, Bd. II. Abth. ii.

.lahrb. K.k,

Die Fossile Flora von Köflach in Steiermark. geol. Reichs. Bd. viii, p. 738.

(58) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der fossilen Flora von Sotzka in Untersteiermark. Sitz. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Bd. xxviii. p. 471.

(67) Die Kreideflora von Niederschoena in Sachsen. Ibid. Bd. lv. Abth. i. p. 235.

(67^) Die fossile Flora des Tertiar-Beohens von Bilin. Denksch, Wiss. Akad. Wien, Bd. xxvi. p. 79.

(70) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Tertiarflora Steiermarks. Sitz. K. Akad. Wien, Bd. lx. Abth. i. p. 17.

(72) Die Fossile Flora von Sagor in Krain. Denksch. Wiss. Akad. Wien, Bd. xxxii. p. 32.

(78) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Beitrag zur Erforsohung der Phylogenie der Pflanzenarten.nbsp;Ibid. Bd. XXXvni. p. 65.

(79) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Report on Phyto-Palaeontological Investigations of thenbsp;Fossil Flora of Sheppey. Proc. R. Soc. vol. xxix. p. 388.

(80) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Report on Phyto-Palaeontological Investigations of thenbsp;Fossil Flora of Alum Bay. Ibid. vol. xxx. p. 228.

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Ettillgshausen, C. von. (85) Die Possile Flora von Sagor in Krain. Denksch. Wiss. Akad. Wien, Bd. l. p. 1.

--(86) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Tertiarflora Australiens. Ibid.

Bd. Lin. p. 81.

--(87) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Possile Flora Neuseelands.

Denksch. K. Akad. IFiss. Wien, Bd. Liii. p. 3.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(88) Contributions to the Tertiary Flora of Australia. Mem. geol.

Surv. N.S.W. Pal. No. 2.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(88®) Die Possile Flora von Leoben in Steiermark. Denksch. K

Akad. Km. Wien Bd. liv. Abth. i. p. 261.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(90) Die Possile Flora von Sohoenegg bei Wies in Steiermark.

Ibid. Bd. Lvii. p. 61.

Ewart, A. J. (08) On the longevity of seeds. Proc. R. Soc. Victoria, vol. XXI. (N.S.], pt. i. p. 1.

Peistmantel, 0. (72) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Ausdehnung des sogen-nanten Wyraner Gassohiefers und seiner Flora. Jahrb. K.k. geol. Reichs. Wien, Bd. xxir. p. 289.

- (76) Notes on the age of some Fossil Floras in India. Bee. Oeol.

Surv. Ind. vol. ix. pt. iv. p. 115.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;C^d®) Jura,ssic (Oolitic) Flora of Kach. Fossil Flora of the Oond-

wana System, pt. i. vol. II. 1880.

- (77) Notes on Fossil Floras in India. Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind-

vol. X. pt. iv. p. 196.

- (77®) Jurassic (Liassic) Flora of the Rajmahal group in the

Rajmahal hills. Foss. Flor. Gond. Syst. vol. i. pt. ii.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(77®) Jurassic (Liassic) Flora of the Rajmahal group from Golapilu

near Ellore, S. Godaveri. Ibid. pt. iii.

- (77^) Flora of the Jabalpur group (Upper Gondwanas) in the

Son-Narbada region. Ibid. vol. ii. pt. ii.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(77®) Ueber die Gattung Williamsonia Carr, in Indien. Palaeon-

tolog. Beit. Palaeonlograph. Suppl. in. Lief. iii.

- (79) Upper Gondwana Flora of the outliers on the Madras coast.

Foss. Flor. Gond. Syst. vol. i. pt. iv.

- (79®) The Flora of the Talchir-Karharbari beds. 7M. vol. III. pt-i-

--(80) The Flora of the Damuda-Panchet Divisions. Ibid. vol. IR-

pt. ii.

- (80®) Note on the fossil genera Noeggerathia Sternberg, Noeggera-

thiopsis Feist, and Rhiptozamites Schmal. Rec. Geol. Surv. India, vol. XIII. pt. i. p. 61.

- (80®) Further notes on the correlation of the Gondwana Flora

with other Floras. Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind. vol. xiii. pt. iii. p. 19®’

- 181) Palaeontological notes from the Hazaribagh and Lohardagga

Districts. Ibid. vol. xiv. pt. iii. p. 241.

- (81®) The Flora of the Talchir-Karharbari beds. Foss. Flor-

Gond. Syst. vol. iii. pt. i.

- (81^) The Flora of the Damuda-Panchet Divisions. Ibid, vol- tit-

pt. iii.

-ocr page 635-



Feistmantel, 0. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(82) The Fossil Flora of the South Rewah Gondwana

Basin. Ibid. vol. iv. pt. i.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(86) The Fossil Flora of some of the Coalfields in Western Bengal.

Ibid. vol. IV. pt. ii.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(89) Übersichtliche Darstellung der geologisch-palaeontologisoher

Verhaltnisse Siid-Afrikas. Th. i. Abh.K. böhm. Ges. Wiss. [vii], Bd. ni. Felix, J. (82) Beitrage zur Kenntniss fossiler Coniferen-Hölzer. Engler’snbsp;Jahrb. Bd. ill. p. 260.

- (84) Die Holzopale Ungarns in Palaeophytologischen Hinsicht.

Mitt. Jahrb. K. Ung. geol. Anst. Bd. vii.

Zeitseh. Deutscli. geol.

Ibid. Heft I. p. 79. Ibid. Heft ii. p. 249.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(87) Untersuchungen fiber fossile Holzer.

Oes. p. 517.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(94) Untersuchungen fiber fossile Holzer.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(96) Untersuchungen fiber fossile Holzer.

Fiedler, H. (57) Die Fossile Frfichte der Steinkohlen-formation. Acad.

Cues. Leop. Nov. Acta, Bd. xxvi. p. 2.S9.

Fliche, P. (96) Étude sur la flore fossile de FArgonne (Albien-Ceno-manien). Btdl. soc. sci. Nancy.

- (97) Note sur les nodules et bois minéralisés trouvés a St Parres-

les-vaudes (Aube) dans les grès verts infraorétaoés. Mem. .soc. Acad, de VAube, tome lx.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(99) Note sur quelques fossiles végétaux de FOligocène dans les

Alpes Franjaises. Bull. soc. geol. France [3], tome xxviij'p. 466.

- (00) Contribution a la Flore fossile de la Haute-Marne (Infra-

crétacée). Bull. soc. sci. Nancy.

- (00^) Note sur un bois fossile de Madagascar. Bull. soc. geol.

France [3], tome xxviii. p. 470.

- (03) Note sur des bois silioifiés Permiens de la vallée de Celles


- (05) Note sur des bois fossiles de Madagascar. Bull. soc. geol.

Fra,nee [4], tome v, p. 346.

- (10) Flore Fossile du Trias en Lorraine et Franche-Comté aveo

des considérations finales par M. R. Zeiller. Paris.

Fliche, P. and Bleicher. (82) Étude sur la flore de Foolithe inférieure aux environs de Nancy. Bull. soc. sci. Nancy.

Fliche, P. and E. Zeiller. (04) Note sur une florule Portlandienne des environs de Boulogne-sur-mer. Bull. soc. geol. France [4], tome iv,nbsp;p. 787.

Fontaine, W. M. (93) Notes on some Fossil plants from the Trinity Division of the Comanche series of Texas. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus.nbsp;vol. XVI. p. 261.

Foxworthy, F. W. (11) Philippine Gymnosperms. Philipp. Journ. Sci. (C) Botany, vol. vi. No. 3, p. 149.

Fraine, E. de. (12' On the structure and affinities of Sutcliffia, in the light of a newly discovered specimen. .Ann. Bot. vol. xxvi. p. 1031.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(14) On Medullosa centrofilis, 3, new species, oi Medullosa irova fhe

Lower Coal Measures. Ibid. vol. xxviii. p. 251.

-ocr page 636-



Fritel, P. H. and R. Vignier. (II) Étude anatomique de deux bois Eocenes. Ann. sci. nat. [9], tome xiv. p. 63.

Fujii, K. (96) On the different views hitherto proposed regarding the morphology of the flowers of Ginkgo hiloba. Bot. Mag. Tokyo,nbsp;vo). X. No. 109, p. 13.

--(10) Some remarks on the Cretaceous Fossil Flora and the causes

of extinction. Bol. Mag. Tokyo, vol. xxiv. No. 284, p. 197.

Fujioka, M. (13) Studiën liber den anatomischen Ban des Hölzes der japanischen Nadelbaume. Journ. Coll. Agric. Imp. Univ. Tokyo,nbsp;vol. IV. No. 4, p. 201.

Gardner, J. S. (86) A monograph of the British Eocene Flora, vol. ii. Gymnospermae. Palaeont, Soc. London.

- (86^) Second Report of the Committee appointed for the purpose

of reporting on the Fossil Plants of the Tertiary and Secondary beds of the United Kingdom. Rep. of the .56th Meeting Brit. Assoc.

Geinitz, H. B. (42) Charakteristik der Schichten und Petrefaoten des Saohsisohen Kreidegebirges. Heft in. Dresden nnd Leipzig.

- (62) Dyas oder die Zechstein-formation und das Rothliegende,

Heft II. Leipzig.

- (63) Uber zwei neue Dyadische Pflanzen. Neues Jahrb. Min.

p. 525.

- (71) Uber fossile Pflanzen aus der Steinkohlen-Formation am

Altai. Leipzig.

- (73) Versteinerungen aus dem Brandsehiefer der unteren Dyas

von Weissig bei Pillnitz in Sachsen. Neues Jahrb. Min. p. 681.

- (75) Uber neue Aufschlusse im Brandsehiefer der unteren Dyas

von Weissig bei Pillnitz in Sachsen. Ibid. p. 1.

---(80) Nachtrage zur Dyas I. Miltheil. aus dem K. Min.-geol. und

Praehist, Mua. Dresden, Heft 3.

Gerry, E. (10) The distribution of the Bars of Sanio in the Coniferales. Ann. Bot. vol. xxiv. p. 119.

Geyler, T, and F. Kinkelin. (90) Oberpliocan Flora aus den Baugraben des Klarbeckens bei Niederrad etc. Ahh. Senck. Naturforsch. Oes.nbsp;Bd. XV. p. 1.

Gibbs, L. S. (12) On the Development of the female strobilus in Podo-carpus. Ann. Bot. vol. xxvi. p. 515.

Gliick, H. (02) Eine fossile Fichte aus dem Neckertahl. Mitt. Qrossh. Bad. geolog. Landesanst. Bd. iv. Heft iv. p. 399.

Goc, M. J. le. (14) Observations on the centripetal and centrifugal xylems in the petioles of Cycads. Ann. Bot. vol. xxviii. p. 183.

Goebel, K. (05) Organography of Plants. Pt. ii. Oxford.

Goeppert, H. R. (40) Uber die neulichst im Basalttuff des hohen Seelbach-kopfes bei Siegen entdeckten bituminosen und versteinerten Holzer, so wie über die der Braunkohlenformation überhaupt. Arch, furnbsp;Min., Oeog., etc. (Karsten und von Decken), Bd. xiv. p. 182.

- (41) Uber den Bernstein....[/eftemcAl den Arheiten und Verdn-

derungen der Schles. Ges. fur Vaterland. KuUur. Breslau.

-ocr page 637-



G-Oeppert, H. R. (41 To.xites scalariformis, eine neue Art fossilen Holzes. Arch, filr Min., Geog., etc. Bd. xv. p. 727.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(44) Ueber die fossilen Cycadeen überhaupt, mit Rücksicht auf

die in Schlesien vorkommenden Arten. Uebersicht Arbeit, und Vertind. Schlesiseh. Ges. vat. Kult. 1843, p. 114. Breslau.

- (45) F. Wimmer’s Flora von Schlesien nebst einer Uebersicht der

Fossilen Flora Schlesiens von H. R. Goeppert. Breslau.

- (45^) Description des végétaux fossiles recueillis par M. P. de

Tchihatcheff en Siberie. Voyage scientifique dans FAltai oriental, p. 379. Paris.

- (46) Ueber die fossile Flora der mittleren Jurasohichten in

Oberschlesien. Uehers. Arbeit, und Vertind. Schles. Ges. vat. Kultur im Jahre 1845, Breslau, 1846, p. 139.

- (47) Zur Flora des Quadersandsteins in Schlesien. Nachtrag. Nor.

.Act. Ac. Gaes. Leop.-Car. vol. xxii. p. 355.

- (50) Monographic der fossilen Coniferen. Naturirerkundige Verhand. Holland. Maatschap. Wettenschappen Haarlem. Leiden.

- (52) Fossile Flora des Übergangsgebirges. Nova Acta Caes.

Leop.-Carol. Nat. Cur. Bd. xxii. (supplement).

--(53) T^eber die gegenwartigen Verhaltnisse der Palaontologie in

Schlesien, so wie über fossile Cycadeen. Denhsch. Schles. Ges. filr Vaterltind. Kultur.

--(65) Die fossile Flora der Permischen Formation. VPalaeont.

Bd. n. p. 1.

- (65’^) Über die fossile Kreideflora und ihre Leitpflanzen. Zeit.

Deutsch. geol. Ges. Bd. xvii. p. 638.

- (66) Beitrage zur Kenntniss fossilen Cycadeen. Neues Jahrb.

Min. p. 129.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(80) Beitrage zur Pathologie und Morphologic fossiler Stamme.

Palaeontol. [N.P.], Bd. viii. iii. p. 131.

- (81) Revision meiner Arbeiten über die Stamme dor fossilen

Coniferen, insbesondere der Araucariten, und über die Descendenz-lehre. Bot. Cent. Bd. v., vi. p. 378.

Goeppert, H. R. and G. Stenzel. (81) Die Medulloseae. Palaeontol. [N.F.], Bd. VIII. p. 113.

- (88) .Xachtrage zur Kenntniss der Coniferenhölzer der Palaeo-

zoischen Formationen. Abh. K. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin.

Gomes, B. A. (65) Vegetaes Fosseis. Flora fo.ssil do Terrens Carbonifero das visinhan^as dio Porto, serra do Bussaio, e moinho d’ordemnbsp;proximo a alcacer do Sal. Comrn. geol. Portugal. Lisbon.

Gordon, Marjorie. (12) Ray-tracheids in Sequoia, sempervirens. New Phyt. voi. XI. p. 1.

Gordon, W. T. (10) On a new species of Physostoma from the Lower Carboniferous rocks of Pettycur (Fife). Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc.nbsp;vol. XV. pt. V. p. 395.

-- (12) On Rhetinangium Arberi., a new genus of Cycadofilicea from

the Calciferous sandstone series. Trans. R. Soc. Edinb. vol. xnviii. pt. iv. p. 813.

-ocr page 638-



6oth.ail, W. (05) Zur Anatomie lebender und fossiler Gymnospermer-Hölzer. Abh. K. Preuss. geol. Landes. [N.P ], Heft xliv. p. 1.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(06) Die fossilen Coniferenholzer von Senftenberg. Abh. K.

Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Bergakad. [N.F.], Heft xlvi. p. 155.

- (06^) Possile Hölzer aus dem Bathonien von Russisoh-Polen.

Verhand. K. Russ. Min. Ges. zu St Petersburg [ii], Bd. xliv. Lief. i. p. 435.

--(06^) Piceoxylon Pseudotsugae als fossiles Holz. Potonie’s Abbild.

und Beschreib. Foss. Pflanz. Lief. iv. 80.

--(07) Über die Wandlungen der Hoftiipfelung bei den Gymnosper-

men im Laufe der geologischen Epochen und ihre physiologische Bedeutung. Sitz. Ges. Naturforsch. Freunde, No. 2, p. 13.

- (07^) Die Possile Hölzer von Konig Karls Land. K. Svensk.

Vetenskapsakad. Hand. Bd. XLii. No. 10, p. 1.

--(08) Die Possile Hölzer von der Sevmour- und Snow Hill-Insel.

IViss. Ergeb. Schwedis. Siidpolar-Exped. 1901-03, Bd. iii. Lief. viii. Stockholm.

- (08^) Die Frage der Klima-differenzirung im Jura und in der

Kreideformation im Lichte palaobotanischen Tatsachen. Jahrb. K. Preuss. Geol. Landes, fiir 1908, Bd. xxix. Th. ii. Heft 2, p. 220.

- (09) Über Braunkohlenhölzer des rheinischen Tertiars. Jahrb.

K. Preuss. geol. Land. Bd. xxx. Teil i. Heft 3, p. 516.

- (10) Die Possile Holzreste von Spitzbergen. K. Svensk. Veten-

skap'Sakad. Hand. Bd. xlv. No. viii.

- (11) Über einige Permo-Carbonische Pflanzen von der unteien

Tunguska (Sibirien). Zeitsch. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Bd. lxiii. Heft 4. p. 418.

- (13) Die obersohlesische Steinkohlenflora. Teil i. K. Preuss.

geol. Landes. [N.F.], Heft lxxv.

Gourlie, W. (44) Notice of the Fossil Plants in the Glasgow Museum.

Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow, vol. i. 1844, p. 105.

Grand’Eury, C. (00) Sur les tiges debout, les souches et racines de Gordaites. Compt. Rend, tome cxxx. (April 30).

- (04) Sur les graines des Neuroptéridées. Compt. Rend, tome

cxxxix. p. 23.

--(04^) Sur les graines des Neuroptéridées. Ibid. p. 782.

- (05) Sur les Rhabdocarpus, les graines et Involution des Cordaitées.

Ibid, tome CXL. p. 995.

- (05^) Sur les graines de Sphenopteris, sur 1’attribut on des Co-

donospermum et sur l’extrême variété des ‘gra.nes de lougères.’ Ibid. p. 812.

- (13) Recherches géobotaniques sur les forêts et sols fossiles et sur

la végétation et la flore houillères, en deux parties et dix livraisons. Pt. I. Livr. ii.. Paris et Liège.

Graner, (94) Die geographische Verbreitung der Holzarten. I. Die Coniferen. Forstwissenschaft. Centralblatt, Berlin.

Grifhth, W. (59) Remarks on Gnetum. Trans. Linn. Soc. vol. xxii-pt. iv. p, 299.

-ocr page 639-



Groom, P. (10) Remarks on the Oecology of Coniferae. Ann. Bot. vol. XXIV. p. 241.

Groom, P. and W. Rushton. (13) The structure of the wood of Bast Indian species of Pinus. Journ. Linn. Soc. vol. XLi. p. 457.nbsp;Groppler, R. (94) Vergleichende Anatomie des Hölzes der Magnoliaceen.

Bihlioth. Bot. Bd. vi. Heft 31. Stuttgart.

Grossenbacher, J. G. (15) Medullary spots and their cause. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. XLii p. 227.

Guppy, H. B. (06) Observations of a Naturalist in the Pacific between 1896 and 1899. London.

Gutbier, A. von. (49) Die Versteinerungen des Zeohsteingebirges und Rothliegenden oder des Permischen Systems in Sachsen. Dresdennbsp;and Leipzig.

Halle, T. G. (10) A Gymnosperm with Cordaitean-like leaves from the Rhaetic beds of Scania. Arkiv for Bot. Upsala, Bd. ix. No. 14.

- (12) On the occurrence of Dietgozamites in South America.

Palaeobot. Zeitsch. Bd. i. Heft i. p. 40.

- (13) Some Mesozoic plant-bearing deposits in Patagonia and

Tierra del Buego and their Floras. K. Svensk. Vetenskapsakad. Hand. Bd. Li. No. 3.

- (13^) The Mesozoic Flora of Graham Land. IFiss. Ergeb. Schwed.

siidpolar. Exped. 1901-03, Bd. m. Lief. 14, p. 1.

- See Möller, H. J. and T. G. Halle (13). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^

- (15) Some xerophytic leaf-structures in Mesozoic plants. Geol.

Foren. Stockholm Forhand. Bd. xxxvii. H. v. p. 493.

Hallier, H. (05) Provisional scheme of the Natural (Phylogenetic) system of Flowering Plants. New Phyt. vol. iv. p. 151.nbsp;Harshberger, J. W. (98) Water-storage and conduction in Senecionbsp;praecox DC. from Mexico. Gontrib. Bot. Laht. {Univ. Pennsylvania), vol. II. No. 1.

--(11) Phytogeographic Survey of N. America. {Die Veget. der

Erde; Engler and Drude, xni. Leipzig.)

Harker, A. (06) The Geological structure of the Sgurr of Bigg. Quart. ¦Journ. Oeol. Soc. vol. lxii. p. 40.

- (08) The Geology of the small Isles of Inverness-shire. Mem.

Geol. Surv. Scotland.

Harpe, P. de la. (62) See Bristow, H. W.

Hartz, N. (96) Planteforsteninger fra Cap Stewart i 0stgr)iinland.

Meddel. om Orfinland, xix. Copenhagen.

Hayata, A. (06) On T’awaMia, a new genus of Coniferae from the Island of Formosa. Journ. Linn. Soc. vol. xxxvil. p. 330.

¦- (07) On Taiwania and its affinity to other genera. Bot. Mag.

(Tokyo), vol. XXI. p. 21.

- (10) Botanical Survey by the Govt, of Formosa. Oongr. Int. Bot.

(Bruxelles), p. 59.

Heer, O. (62) On the Fossil Flora of Bovey Tracey. Phil. Trans. B. Soc. vol. CLii. p. 1039.


s. m

-ocr page 640-



Heer, 0. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(68) i. Die in Nordgrönland, auf der Melville-Insel, im Banks-

land, an Mackenzie, im Island und in Spitzbergen entdeokten fossilen Pfianzen. Flor. Foss. Arct. vol. I. Zurich.

- (69) Beitrage zur Kreide-Plora. I. Flora von Moletein in

Mahren. Neue Denksch. Allgem. Schweiz. Oes. gesammt. Naturwiss. Bd. xxm.

- (71) iii. Die Miocene Flora und Fauna Spitzbergens. Flor.

Foss. Arct. vol. ii.

- (71^) Beitrage zur Kreide-Flora. II. Kreide Flora von Quedlinburg.

Neue Denksch. Allgem. Schweiz. Oes. gesammt. Naturwiss. Bd. xxiv.

- (75) ii. Die Kreide-Flora der arctisohen Zone. Flor. Foss. Arct.

vol. III.

- (75) üi. Nachtrage zur Miocenen Flora Grönlands. Ibid.

- (76) Flora Fossilis Helvetiae. Zurich.

- (76^) Über Permische Pfianzen von Fiinkkirchen in Ungarn.

Mitt. Jahrb. K. Ung. Qeol. Anst. Bd. v.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(77)nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;i. Beitrage zur fossilen Flora Spitzbergens. Flor. Foss.

Arct. vol. IV.

- (77) ii. Beitrage zur Jura-Flora Ost Sibiriens und des Amur-

landes. Ibid.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(78)nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ü. Beitrage zur fossilen Flora Sibiriens und des Ainurlandes.

Ibid. vol. IV.

- (81) Contributions a la Flore du Portugal. Sect. Trav. Geol. Port.


- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(8D) Zur Gesohichte der Ginkgo-artigen Baume. Engler’s Bot.

Jahrb. Bd. i. p. 1.

- (82) i. Flora fossilis Gronlandica. Flor. Foss. Arct. vol. vi.

- (83) Flora fossilis Gronlandica. Ibid. vol. vii.

Helmhacher, R. (71) Sitzber. d. K. Böhm. Oes. Wiss. p. 81.

Henry, A. (06) See Elwes and Henry.

Herzfeld, S. (10) Die Bntwicklungsgeschichte der weiblichen Bliite von Gryptomeria japonica Don. Ein Beitrag zur Deutung der Frucht-schuppe der Coniferen. Sitzber. Ahad. Wiss. Wien, Bd. cxix.nbsp;Abt. i. p. 807.

Hick, T. (95) On KaloxylonHookeri Will. stndLyginodendronOldhamiurn

Will. Mem. Proc. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. [4], vol. ix. p. 109. Hilderbrand, F. (61) Die Verbreitung der Coniferen. Rhein, undnbsp;Westphal. Verhand. Bd. xvill. p. 199.

Hill, T. G. and E. de Fraine. (10) On the seedling structure of Gymno-sperms. IV. Ann. Bot. vol. xxiv. p. 319.

Hirase, S. (98) Études sur la fécundation et I’embryogenie du Oinkgo biloba. Journ. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo, vol. xii. p. 103.nbsp;Höhlke, F. (02) Ueber die Harzbehalter und die Harzbildung bei dennbsp;Polypodiaceen und einigen Phanerogamen. Beiheft Bot. Cent.nbsp;Bd. xi. p. 8.

Holden, H.S. (10) Note on a wounded Alyeloxylon. New Phyt. vol. IX-p. 253.

-ocr page 641-



Holden, Euth. (13) Some fossil plants from Eastern Canada. Ann. Bot. vol. XXVII. p. 243.

- (13^) Contributions to the anatomy of Mesozoic Conifers. No. 1.

Jurassic Coniferous wood from Yorkshire. Ann. Bot. vol. xxvn. p. 533.

- (13^) Cretaceous Pityoxyla from Cliffwood, New Jersey. Proc.

Amer. Acad. Arts and Sci. vol. xvi. p. 609.

- (14) Contributions to the anatomy of Mesozoic Conifers. II.

Cretaceous Lignites from Cliffwood, N. Jersey. Bot. Oaz. vol. LViii. p. 168.

- (14:^) On the relation between Cycadites and Pseudocycas. New

Phyt. vol. xiii. p. 334.

- (15) A Jurassic wood from Scotland. Ibid. vol. xiv. p. 205.

- (15^) On the cuticles of some Indian Conifers. Bot. Gaz. vol. lx.

p. 215.

Hollick, A. (97) The Cretaceous clay marl exposed at Cliffwood, N. J. Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci. vol. xvi. p. 124.

- (04) Additions to the Palaeontology of the Cretaceous formation

on Long Island. No. II. Bull. N. Y. Bot. Gard. vol. m. No. 11, p. 403.

- (06) The Cretaceous Flora of southern N. Y. and New England.

U. 8. Geol. Sum. Mon. vol. l.

- (06^) Systematic Palaeontology of the Pleistocene depbsits of

Maryland. Ccmtrihutions from the New York Bot. Gard. No. 85.

- (12) Additions to the Palaeobotany of the Cretaceous formation

on liOng Island. Bull. N. Y. Bot. Gard. vol. viil. No. 28, p. 154. Hollick, A. and E. C. Jeffrey. (06) Affinities of certain Cretaceous plant-remains commonly referred to the genera Dammara and Brachy-phyllum. Amer. Nat. vol. XL. p. 189.

Holmes, W. H. (78) Fossil Forests of the Volcanic Tertiary formations of the Yellowstone National Park. Ann. Rep. Geol. Geogr. Surv.nbsp;U.8.A. pt. II. p. 47.

Hooker, J. D. (52) Dacrydium laxifoUum. leones Plant, vol. v. pi. 815. - (60) Flora Tasmanica. London.

- (62) On the Cedars of Lebanon, Taurus, Algeria, and India.

Nat. Hist. Rev. p. 11.

- (63) On Welwitschia, a new genus of Gnetaceae. Trans. Linn.

SOC. vol. XXIV. p, 1.

Hooker, J. D. and E. W. Binney. (55) On the structure of certain limestone nodules enclosed in seams of bituminous coal, with anbsp;description of some Trigonocarpons contained in them. Phil. Trans.nbsp;R. SoC. vol. CXLIX.

Horich, 0. (06) Potonié’s Abbildungen und Beschreibungen fossilen Pflanzen-Reste. Lief. iv. 69, 70.

Howse, R. (88) A catalogue of Fossil Plante from the Hutton collection. Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne, vol. X.


-ocr page 642-



HutcMnson, A. H. (14) The male gametophyte of Abies. Bot. Oaz. vol. i vn. p. 148.

- (15) On the male gametophyte of Picea canadensis. Ibid.

vol. Lix. p. 287.

Jeffrey, E. C. (03) The comparative anatomy and phylogeny of the Conifers. I. The genus Sequoia. Mem. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist.nbsp;vol. V. No. 10, p. 441.

- (04) A fossil Sequoia from the Sierra Nevada. Bot. Gaz. vol.

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- (05) The comparative anatomy and phylogeny of the Conifers.

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- (06) The wound Reactions of Brachyphyllum. Ann. Bot. vol. xx.

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- (07) Araucariopitys, a new genus of Araucarians. Bot.

vol. XLiv. p. 435.


- (08) Traumatic ray-traoheids in Gunninghamia sinensis.

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- (08^) On the structure of the leaf in Cretaceous Pines.

vol. XXII. p. 207.

- (10) A new Prepinus from Martha’s Vineyard. Proc. Boston Soc.

nat. Hist. vol. xxxiv. No. 10, p. 333.

--(10^) A new Araucarian genus from the Triassic. 7Wrf. vol. xxxiv.

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- (10®) On the affinities of Yezonia. Ann. Bot. vol. xxiv. p. 769.

- (11) The affinities of Geinitzia gracillima. Bot. Gaz. vol. n.

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- (12) The History, Comparative Anatomy and Evolution of the

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- (14) Spore-conditions in hybrids and the mutation hypothesis of

de Vries. Bot. Gaz. vol. lviii. p. 322.

Jeffrey, E. C. and M. A. Chrysler. (06) On Cretaceous Pityoxyla. Bot. Oaz. vol. xLii. p. 1.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(06®) The Lignites of Brandon. Oontrib. from the Phanerogamic

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- (07) The miorogametophyte of the Podocarpineae. Amer. Nat.

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Jeffrey, E. C. and Ruth D. Cole. (16) Experimental Investigations on the genus Drimys. Ann. Bot. vol. xxx. p. 359.

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- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(12) Heterangium hibernicum sp. nov. a seed-bearing Heterangium

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- (14) Ginlcgophyllum kiltorkense sp. nov. Ibid. vol. xiv. p. 169.

Johnston, R. H. (86) Fresh contributions to our knowledge of the

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Jones, W. S. (12) The structure of the Timbers of some common genera of Coniferous trees. Quart. Journ. Forestry, April

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- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(13^) Ray-tracheids in «Segitoia seTOpemrems and their pathological

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- (93) Untersuchungen fiber die Gattung Onetum. I. Ann. Jard.

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- (93^) Zur Entwickelungsgesohichte der Gattung Onetum. Cohn's

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- (12) Structure and development of the ovule of Bowenia spec-

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Kidston, E. (84) On a new species of Schützia from the Calciferous sandstone of Scotland. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. vol. xin.'^p. 77.

- (86) Notes on some fossil plants collected by Mr R. Dunlop,

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- (90) The Yorkshire Carboniferous Flora. Trans. Yorks. Nat.

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- (92) Notes on some fossil plants from the Lancashire Coal

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- (04) On the Fructification of Neuropteris heterophylla Brongn.

Phil. Trans. R. Soc. vol. cxcvii. p. 1.

- (04^) On the Fructification of Neuropteris heterophylla Brongn.

Proc. R. Soc. vol. lxxii. p. 487.

- (04^) Some Fossil Plants collected by Mr A. Sinclair from the

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- (05) Prehminary Note on the occurrence of Microsporangia in

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- (11) Les Végétaux houillers recueillis dans le Hainaut Beige.

Mém. Mus. Roy. d'hist. nat. Belg. tome iv.

- (14) On the Fossil Flora of the Staffordshire coalfields. Pt. iii.

The Fossil Flora of the Westphalian series of the S. Staffs, coalfield. Trans. R. Soc. Edinb. vol. L. pt. i. p. 73.

Kidston, K. and D. T. Gwynne-Vaughan. (12) On the Carboniferous Flora of Berwickshire. Pt. i. Stenomyelon tuedianum Kidst.nbsp;Trans. R. Soc. Edinb. vol. xnviii. pt. ii. p. 263.

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Kidston, K. and W. J. Jongmans. (11) Sur la Fructification de Neuro-pteris obliqua Brongn. Arch. Neerl. sci. exact, nat. [in. B], tome i. p. 25.

Kirby, J. W. (64) On some remains of Fishes and Plants from the ‘Upper limestone’ of the Permian series of Durham. Quart. .Journ.nbsp;Oeol. Soc. vol. XX. p. 349.

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Kirk, T. (89) The Forest Flora of New Zealand. Wellington.

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Kisch, Mabel H. (13) The Physiological Anatomy of the periderm of fossil Lycopodiales. Ann. Bot. vol. xxvii. p. 281.

Kleeberg, A. (85) Die Markstrahlen der Coniferen. {Inaug. Diss.) Bot. Zeit. Bd. xliii.

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- (90) A Revision of the genus Araucarioxylon of Kraus, with the

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- (93) The Laramie and the overlying Livingstone formation in

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— (99) Fossil Flora of the Yellowstone National Park. Monographs. XXXII. U. S. Oeol. Surv. pt. ii. chap. xiv.

- (00) Flora of the Montana formation. Bull. U. S. Oeol. Surv.

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- (05) The geology of the Perry basin in South-eastern Maine, with

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- (14) The Jurassic Flora of Cape Lisburne, Alaska. U. 8. Oeol-

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Krasser, F. (91) Über die fossile Flora der rhatisohen Schichten Persiens. Sitzber. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Bd. c. Abth. i. p. 413.

- (97) Constantine Freiherr von Ettingshausen. Oesterr. hot.

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- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(03) Konstantin von Ettingshausen’s Studiën über die fossile

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- (09) Zur Kenntniss der fossilen Flora der Lunzer Schichten.

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_ (12) Williamsonia in Sardinien. Sitzber. K. Akad. Wie7i, Bd.

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_ nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(13) Die fossile Flora der Williamsonien bergenden Juraschichten

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Kraus, G-. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(64) Mikroskopisohe Untersuohungen über der Ban lebenden

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- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(66) Über den Bau der Cycadeenfledern. Prings. Jahrb. Bd. iv.

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_ nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(83) Beitrage zur Kenntniss fossiler Holzer. I. Holzer aus den

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__ (92) Beitrage zur Kenntniss fossiler Holzer. Abh. Naturforsch.

Ges. Halle, Bd. xvii. p. 67. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;*

_ (96) Physiologisches aus den Tropen. Ann. Jard. Hot. Buit.

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KrÜUSel, R. (13) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Holzer aus der Schlesischen Braunkohle. Teili. {Inaiig. Hiss. Breslau.) Bot.Cent.Bd.Oxxiii.nbsp;p. 123.

Kryshtofovich, A. (10) Jurassic Plants from Ussuriland. Mem. Com. Geol. [N.S.], Livr. .gt;6.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(15) Plant remains from Jurassic lake-deposits of Transbaikalia.

Mém. Soc. Imp. Russe Mineralog. [2], Li.

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- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(11) Corda’s sphaerosiderite aus dem Steinkohlenbecken Radnitz-

Braz in Böhmen nebst Bemerkungen über Chorionopteris gleioheni-oides Corda. Ibid. Bd. cxx. Abt. i. p. 1035.

- (11^) Podoearpoxylon Schwendae, ein fossiles Holz von Altersee

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- (14) Über die Cycadofilicineen Heterangium und Lyginodendron

aus dem Ostrauer Kohlenbecken. Österr. hot. Zeitsch. No. i. ii. p. 8. Kurtz, F. (03) Remarks upon Mr E. A. Arber’s communication on thenbsp;Clarke collection of Fossil Plants from New South Wales. Quart.nbsp;¦Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. lix. p. 25.

Kutorga, S. (42) Beitrag zur Palaeontologie Russlands. Verhand. Buss.-Kais. Mineral. Ges. St Petersburg.

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Bot. Gaz. vol. xxxvm. p. 1.

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- (00) Studies in the Development and Morphology of Cycadean

sporangia. II. The ovule of Stangeria paradoxa. Ibid. vol. XIV.

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Lawson, A. A. (04) The gametophyte.s, fertilization, and embryo of Cryptom,eria japonica. Ann. Bot. vol. xviii. p. 417.

- (09) The gametophytes and embryo of Psendotsuga Douglasii.

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- (10) The gametophytes and embryo of Sciadopitys verticillata.

Ibid. vol. XXIV. p. 403.

Lebour, G. A. (77) Illustrations of Fossil Plants; being an autotype reproduction of selected drawings. London.

Lesctuereux, L. (74) Contributions to the Fossil Flora of the Western Territories, Pt. i. The Cretaceous Flora. Bep. O. S. Geol. Surv-Territ. vol. vi.

¦---(78) On the Cordaites and their related generic divisions, in the

Carboniferous formation of the United States. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. (Philadelphia), vol. xvii. p. 315.

- (83) Contributions to the Fossil Flora of the Western Territories.

Pt. iii. The Cretaceous and Tertiary Floras. U. 8. Geol. Surv. Territ. vol. in.

--(91) The Flora of the Dakota group. Monographs U. 8. Geol.

Surv. vol. xviT.

Leuthardt, F. (03) Die Keuper Flora von Neuewelt bei Basel. Abh.

Schweiz, palaeont. Ges. Bd. xxx. p. 1.

Lignier, O. (92) La nervation taenioptéridée de folioles de Cycas et le tissu de transfusion. Bull. soc. Linn. Normandie [4], vol. vi. fasc. 1.

- (94) La nervation des Cyoadées est dichotomique. Assoc. Fran^.

pour Vavancement de sci. (Caen).

- (94^) Végétaux Fossiles de Normandie. Structure et affinités do

Bennettites Morierei S. and M. sp. Mém. soc. Linn. Normand. tome XVIII. p. 1.

- (95) Wgétaux fossiles de Normandie. II. Contributions a la

flore liassique de Ste Honorine-la-Guillaume (Orne). Ibid. vol. xviii-

•- (01) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ibid. III. Étude anatomique du Cycadeoidea micromyela

Mor. Ibid. vol. xx. p. 331.

--(03) Le fruit du Williamsonia gigas Carr. Mém. soc. Linn.

Normand. vol. xxi. p. 19.

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Lignier, 0. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(03^) La Fleur des Gnétaoées est-celle intermédiaire entre

celle des Gymnospermes et celle des Angiospermes ? Bull. soc. Linn. Normand. [5], vol. vii. p. 65. '

- (04) Notes complémentaires sur la structure du Bennettites

Morierei S. and M. Bull. soc. Linn. Normand,. [5], vol. vill. p. 3.

- (06) Radiculites reticulatus, radicelle fossile de Séquoïnée. Bull.

soc. hot. France, tome vi. [ni.], p. 193.

- (07) Sur un moule litigieux de Williamsonia gigas (L. and H.)

Carr. Ihid. [6], vol. 1.

- (07^) Végétaux fossiles de Normandie. IV. Bois divers (sér. 1).

Mém. soc. Linn. Normand. vol. xxir. p. 239.

- (09) Le Bennettites Morierei (S. and M.) Lignier ne serait-il pas

d’origine infraorétacée ? Bull. soc. Linn. Normand. [6], vol. ii. p. 214.

- (11) Le Bennettites Morierei (S. and M.) Lign. se reproduisait

probablement par parthénogénèse. Bull. soc. hot. France [4], tome xi. p. 224.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(11^) Les “Radiculites reticulatus” Lign. soit probablement des

radicelles de Cordaitales. Assoc. Frang. Avanc. Sci. XL. (Dijon), p. 509. [See also Lignier (06).]

- (12) Stoxuates des écailles interséminales chez le Bennettites

Morierei (S. and M.). Ihid. tome xii. p. 426.

--(13) Végétaux fossiles de Normandie. VII. Contributions a la

Flore Jurassique. Mém. soc. Linn. Normand. voL xxiv. p. 69.

--(13^) Difïérenciation des tissus dans le Bourgeon végétatif du

Gordaites lingula,Urn B. Ben. Ann. sci. not. [7], vol. xvir. p. 233.

Lignier, 0. et A. Tison. (11) Les Gnétales sont des Angiospermes apétales. Gompt. Rend. Jan. 23.

-— (12) Les Gnétales, leurs fleurs et leur position systématique. Ann. sci. nat. [N.S.].

--(13) L’ovule tritégumenté des Qnetum est probablement un axe

d’infiorescence. Bull. soc. hot. France [4], tome xiii; p. 64.

- (13^) Un nouveau Sporange Séminiforme, Mittagia semini-

formis, gen. et sp. nov. Mém. Soc. Linn. Normandie, tome xxiv. p. 49.

Lima, W. de. (88) Flora Fossil de Portugal. Monographia do Genero Dicranophyllum. Gomm. dos Trab. geol. Portugal.

Lindley, J. See Murchison and Lyell (29).

Lingelsheim, A. (08) Über die Braunkohlenholzer von Saarau. Jahres-Ber. Schles. Ges. Vaterland. Gultur. Bd. Lxxxv.

Lloyd, F. E. (02) Vivipary in Podocarpus. Torreya, ii. p. 113.

Lomax, J. (02) On some features in relation to nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;oMAauïmTO.

Ann. Bof. vol. xvi. p. 601.

Lotsy, J. (99) Contributions to the life-history of the genus Gnetum. Ann. Jard. Bot. Buit. [2], vol. i. p. 46.

- (09) Vortrage fiber botanische Stammesgeschiohte. Bd. ii. Jena.

- (11) Ihid. Bd. m.

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Ludwig, R. (61) Fossile Pflanzen aus der altesten Abtheilung der Rheinisch-Wetterauer Tertiar-Formation. Palaeontograph. Bd. viii.nbsp;p. 39.

- (69) Fossile Pflanzenreste aus den palaolithisohen Formation der

Umgegend von Dillenburg, Bidenhopf und Friedberg und aus den Saalfeldischen. Ibid. Bd. xvii. p. 105.

Lyon, H. L. (04) The Embryogeny of Ginkgo. Minnesota Bot. Stud. xxiii. p. 275.

McBride, T. H. (93) A new Cyoad. Amer. Geologist, vol. xii. p. 248.

Mackie, S. J. (62) The Dragon Tree of the Kentish Rag. Geologist, vol. V. p. 401.

McLean, R. C. (12) Two Fossil prothalli from the Lower Coal Measures. New Phyt. vol. xi. p. 305.

McNab, W. R. (70) On the structure of a Lignite from the Old Red Sandstone. Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinburgh, vol. x. p. 312.

Mahlert, A. (85) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Anatomie der Laubblatter der Coniferen mit besonderer Beriohsichtigung des Spaltoffnungs-Apparates. Bot. Gent. Bd. xxiv. p. 54.

Malloizel, G. and R. Zeiller. (N.D.) Bibliographie et tables icono-graphiques (O. Heer). Stockholm.

Mansell-Pleydell, J. C. (85) Notes on a cone from the Inferior Oolite Beds of Sherborne. Proc. Dorset Nat. Hist. Antiq. Field Club,nbsp;vol. V. p. 141.

Mantell, G. (27) Illustrations of the Geology of Sussex. London.

- (43) Description of some fossil plants from the chalk formation

of the south-east of England. Proc. Geol. Soc. vol. iv. p. 34.

- (46) Description of some Fossil Fruits from the Chalk formation

of the south-east of England. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. ii. p. 51.

Marion, A. F. (84) Sur les caractères d’une Conifêre tertiaire, voisine des Dammarées (Doliostrohus Sternbergi). Compt. Rend. vol. XCIV. p. 821.

Marsh, A. S. (14) Notes on the Anatomy of Stangeria paradoxa. New Phyt. vol. XIII. p. 18.

Marty, P. (08) Sur la Flore fossile de Lugarde (Cantal). ¦ Compt. Rend. vol. cxLvii. p. 395.

Maslen, A. J. (10) See Scott and Maslen.

- (11) The structure of Mesoxylon Sutcliffi (Scott). Ann. Bot.

vol. XXV. p. 381.

Massalongo, A. (59) Studii sulla Flora Fossile e geologia stratigraflca del Senigalliese. Verona.

Massalongo, A. and G. Scarabelli. (58) Studii sulla Flora Fossile e geologia stratigraflca del Senigalliese. Verona.

Masters, M. T. (91) Review of some points in the comparative morphology, anatomy, and life-history of the Coniferae. Journ. Linn. Soc. vol. xxvin. p. 236.

- (93) Notes on the genera of Taxaceae and Coniferae. Ibid.

vol. XXX. p. 1.

quot;- (00) Taxodium and Olyptstrobus. Journ. Bot. (February, 1900).

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Matte, H. (04) Recherches surrappareillibéro-ligneux des Cycadées. Cam.

- (08) Sur Ie développement morphologique et anatomique des

Cycadacées. Mém. soc. Linn. Normand. tome xxni.

Matthew, Gr. F. (10) Revision of the Hora of the Little River group.

Trans. R. Soc. Canada, sect. iv. vol. lli. [3], p. 77.

Mercklin, C. E. von. (55) PalaeodendrologiconRossicum. 8t Petersburg. Miller, H. (58) The Cruise of the Betsey. Edinburgh.

Miquel, F. A. W. (42) Monographia Cycadearum.

- (47) Collectanea nova ad Cycadearum cognitionem. Linnaea,

Bd. XIX. p. 411.

- (51) Over de Rangschikking der fossiele Cycadeae. Tijdsch.

Wiss. Nat. Wet. vol. iv. p. 205.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(69) On the sexual organs of the Cycadaceae. Journ. Bot. vol. vii.

p. 64.

Mirande, M. (05) Recherches sur Ie développement et 1’anatomie de Cassythacées. Ann. Sci. nat. [ix], vol. i. p. 181.

Miyake, K. (06) Über die Spermatozoiden von Gycas revoluta. Ber. Deutsch. hot. Ges. Bd. xxiv. p. 78.

- (10) The Development of the gametophytes and embryogeny in

Gunninghamia sinensis. Beiheft Bot. Cent. Bd. xxxvii. Abt. i. Heft 1.

Mogan, L. (03) Untersuchungen über eine fossile Konifere. Sitzber. K.

Akad. Wiss. Wien, Bd. cxir. Abt. i. p. 829. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;'

Mohl, H. von. (62) Einige anatomische undphysiologischeBemerkungen über das Holz der Baumwurzeln. Bot. Zeit. p. 225.

Möller, H. (03) Bidrag till Bornholms Possila Plora (Rhat och Lias). Gymnospermer. AT. Svensk. Vetenskapsakad. Hand. Bd. xxxvi.nbsp;Ho. vi.

Möller, H. J. and T. Gr. Halle. (13) The Fossil Flora of the Coal-bearing deposits of south-eastern Scania. Arkiv Bol. (Stockholm), Bd. xiii.nbsp;Ho. 7.

Morière, J. (69) Hote sur deux végétaux trouvés dans Ie département du Calvados. Mém. soc. Linn. Normand. vol. xv.

Morris, J. (40) Memoir to illustrate a Geological map of Cutch (Grant, C. W.). Trans. Oeol. Soc. [2], vol. v. pt. ii. p. 289.

- (41) Remarks upon the Recent and Fossil Cycadeae. Ann. Mag.

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- (54) A Catalogue of British Fossils. London.

Miiller, C. (90) Ueber die Balken in den Holzelementen der Coniferen.

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-ocr page 650-



Nakamura, Y. (83) Ueber den anatomisehen Ban des Holzes der wichtigsten Japanischen Coniferen. {Inters, aus dem Forstbot.nbsp;Instit. zu München, iii. Berlin.

Nathorst, A. G. (75) Om en Cyoadékotte fran den ratiska formationens lager vid Tinkarp i SkS,ne. Öfver. K. Vetenskapsakad. Fork. No. 10.

- (78) Om Ginkgo crenata Brauns sp. fran sandstenen vid Senstedt

nara Braunschweg. Ibid. No. 3.

- (80) Nagraanmarkningarom IFïïZiamso»*», Carruthers. No. 9.

- (81) Berattelse, afgifven till Kongl. Vetenskaps-Akad. Ofver.

K. Vetenskapsakad. Förhand. No. 1.

- (86) Om Floran i Skanes kolforande Bildningar. I. Floran

vid Bjuf. 8ver. geol. {Inters, ser. C, Nos. 27, 33, 85 (1878-86).

- (88) Nya anmarkningar om Williamsonia. Ofver. K. Vetenskapsakad. Fork. No. 6.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(89) Sur la présence du Genre JNciyozamifes, Old. dans les Couches

Jurassiques de Bornholm. Overs. K. Dansk. Vidensk. Selsk. FÖrhandl. p. 96.

- (93) Beitrage zur Geologie und Palaeontologie der Bepublik

Mexico (Felix und Link), Th. ii. Heft i. Leipzig.

- (97) Zur Mesozoischen Flora Spitzbergens. K. Svensk. Veten-

skapsakad. Hand. Bd. xxx. No. 1, p. 5.

- (97^) Nachtragliche Bemerkungen über die Mesozoische Flora

Spitzbergens. Ofvers. K. Vet.-Akad. Förhand. No. 8.

- (99) The Norwegian North Polar Expedition 1893-96. Scientific

Results, edit. F. Nansen, III. Fossil Plants from Franz Josef Land. London and Christiania.

- (02) Beitrage zur Kenntniss einiger Mesozoischen Cyoadophyten.

K. Svensk. Vetenskapsakad. Hand. Bd. xxxvi. No. 4.

- (06) Om n4gra Ginkgoyaxter fran Kolgrufvorna vid Stabbarp

i Skane. Lunds TIniv. Arsskrift [N.F.], Afd. ii. Bd. n. No. 8.

- (07) Tiber Trias- und Jurapflanzen von der Insel Kotelny. Mém.

Acad. Imp. 8ci. St Petersburg, vol. xxi. No. 2.

—^— (07^) Palaobotanische Mitteilungen. 2. Die Kutikula der Blatter von Dictyozamites Johnstrupi Nath. K. Svensk. Vetenskapsakad. Hand. Bd. xlii. No. 5.

- (07^) Ibid. I. Pseudocycas, eine neue Cyoadophytengattung aus

den Cenomanen Kreideablagerungen Grönlands.

- (08) Tiber die Untersuchungen kutiniaierter fossiler Pflanzen-

teile. Palaobot. Mitt. 4-6. K. Svensk. Vetenskapsakad. Hand. Bd. XLiii. No. 6, p. 3.

- (08^) Palaobot. Mitt. 7. Tiber Palissya, Stachyotaxus and Palaeo-

taxus. Ibid. Bd. xliii. No. 8.

- (09) Palaobot. Mitt. 8. Tiber Williamsonia, Wielandia, Cycado-

cephalus und Weltrichia. Ibid. Bd. XLV. No. 4.

- (09^) Tiber die Gattung Nilssonia Brongn. mit besonderer Berück-

sichtung Schvredischen Arten. K. Svensk. Vetenskapsakad. Hand. Bd. XLIII. No. 12.

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Nathorst, A. G. (10) Excursion 0 3. Dépots fossiüfères (plantes) quater-naires de Skane. Compt. Rend, du Xle Congrès Oéol. Internat, p. 1353.

- (11) Palaobot. Mitt. 9. Neue Beitrage zur Kenntniss der

WiUiamsonia-Bliiten. K. Svensk. Vetenskapsakad. Hand. Bd. xlvi. No. 4.

- (11^) Bemerkungen iiber Weltrichia Pr. Braun. Arkiv Bot.

[K. Svensk. Vetenskapsakad. Stockholm], Bd. ii. No. 7, p. 1.

- (11^) Fossil floras of the Arctic Regions as evidence of geological

climates. Oeol. Mag. [v], vol. viii. p. 217.

- (11^) Palaobot. Mitt. 10. Über die Gattung Gycadocarpidium

Nath, nebst einigen Bemerkungen liber Podozamites. K. Svensk. Vetenskapsakad. Hand. Bd. xlvi. No. 8.

- (12) Die Mikrosporophylle von Wielandiella. Arkiv Bot. Stockholm, Bd. xn. No. 6, p. 1.

- (12®) Palaobot. Mitt. 11. Zur Kenntniss der Cycadocephalus

Bliite. K. Svensk. Vetenskapsakad. Hand. Bd. xlviii. No. 2.

- (12®) Einige palaobotanisohe Untersuchungs-methoden. Palaobot.

Zeitsch. Bd. i. Heft i. p. 26.

- (13) How are the names WilUamsonia and Wielandiella to be

used? A question of nomenclature. Geol. Foren. Stockholm Fork. Bd. 'S3-'SS. H. vi. p. 361.

- (13®) Die Pflanzenführenden Horizonte innerhalb der Grenz-

schichten des Jura und der Kreide Spitzbergens. OeSl. Foren. Stockholm Förh. Bd. xxxv. H. iv. p. 273.

- (14) Zur Fossilen Flora der Polarlander. Teil i. Lief. iv. Nachtrage zur Palaozoischen Flora Spitzbergens. Stockholm.

- (15) Zur Devonflora des westlichen Norwegens. Bergens Mus.

Aarbog, No. 7.

- (15®) Tertiare Pflanzenreste aus Ellesmere-Land. Rep. second

Norwegian Arct. Exped. in the “Fram ” 1898-02, No. 35. Kristiania. Negri, G. (14) Sopra alcuni legni fossili del Gebel Tripolitano. Boll. Soc.nbsp;geol. Ital. vol. xxxin. p. 321.

Nestler, A. (95) EinBeitrag zur Anatomie der Cycadeenfiedern. Prings-heim’s Jahrb. Bd. xxvn. p. 341.

Newberry, J. S. (54) New Fossil Plants from Ohio. Annals of Science; including the Transactions of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, vol. i. Cleveland, 1853-54, p. 116.

- (73) Report of the Geological Survey of Ohio, vol. i.

- (88) Rhaetic Plants from Honduras. Amer. Journ. Sci. vol.

XXXVI. p. 342.

Newberry, J. S. and A. Hollick. (95) The Flora of the Amboy clays.

U. 8. Oeol. Surv. Monographs, vol. xxvt.

Newton, E. T. and J. J. H. Teall. (97) Notes on a coUeotion of rocks and fossils from Franz Josef Land, made by the Jackson-Harmsworthnbsp;Exped. during 1894-96. Quart. Journ. Oeol. Soc. vol. Lin. p. 477.

- (98) Additional notes on rocks and fossils from Franz Josef Land.

Ibid. vol. Liv. p. 646.

-ocr page 652-



Noack, F. (87) Der Einfluss des Klimas aiif die Cuticularisation und Verholzung der Nadeln einiger Coniferen. Pringsheim’s Jahrb.nbsp;Bd. XVIII. p. 519.

Noelle, W. (10) Studiën zur vergleichenden Anatomie und Morphologie der Koniferen Wurzeln mit Riicksicht auf die Systematik. Bot.nbsp;Zeit. p. 169.

Norén, C. 0. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(08) Zur Kenntniss der Entwickelung von Saxegothaea

conspicua Lind. Svensk. Bot. Tids. Bd. ii. H. ii. p. 101.

Oliver, F. W. (02) On some points of apparent resemblance in certain Fossil and Recent Gymnosperm seeds. New Phyt. vol. I. p. 145.

- (03) The ovules of the older Gymnosperms. Ann. Bot. vol. xvii.

p. 461.

- (04) Notes on Trigonocarpus, Brongn. and Polylophospermum,

Brongn., two genera of Palaeozoic seeds. New Phyt. vol. III. p. 96.

- (05) Über die neuentdeckten Samen der Steinkohlenfarne.

Biolog. Centralblatt, Bd. xxv. No. 12, p. 401.

- (06) The seed, a chapter in Evolution. Rep. lamp;th Meeting Brit.

Assoc. {York), p. 725.

- (07) Niote on the Palaeozoic seeds Trigonocarpus and Polylophospermum. Ann. Bot. vol. xxi. p. 303.

- (09) On Physostoma elegans Will, an archaic type of seed from the

Palaeozoic rocks. Ibid. vol. xxiii. p. 73.

- (13) Makers of Modern Botany. A collection of Biographies by

living Botanists, edited by F. W. Oliver. Cambridge.

Oliver, F. W. and E. J. Salisbury. (11) On the structure and afiinities of the Conostoma group of Palaeozoic seeds. Ann. Bot. vol. xxv.nbsp;p. 1.

Oliver, F. W. and D. H. Scott. (03) On Lagenostoma Lomaxi, the seèd of Lyginodendron. Proc. B. Soc. vol. LXXi. p. 477.

---(04) On the structure of the Palaeozoic seed La.genostomxi Lomaxi,

with a statement of the evidence upon which it is referred to Lyginodendron. Phil. Trans. B. Soc. vol. oxcvii. p. 193.

Osborne, T. G. B. (09) The lateral roots of Amyelon radkans Will, and their Mycorhiza. Ann. Bot. vol. xxiii. p. 603.

Palibin, J. (01) Quelques données relatives aux debris végétaux contenus dans les sables Wanes et ies grès quartzeux de la Russie méridionale.nbsp;Bull. Com. Qeol. tome xx. p. 447.

--(04) Pflanzenreste vom Sichota-Alin Gebirge. Verhand. K. Russ.

Mineral. Ges. Bd. xlii. Lief. i. p. 31.

Patrick, J. S. (44) On the Fossil vegetables of the Sandstone of Ayrshire.

Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. vol. xin. p. 283.

Pavolini, A. F. (09) La Stangeria paradoxa Th. Moore. Nuov. Giorn.

Bot. Italiano [N.S.], vol. xvi. p. 335. Firenze.

Pax, F. (07) Beitrage zur fossilen Flora der Karpathen. Bugler's Bot. Jahrb. Bd. xxxvni. p. 272.

Pearson, H. H. W. (06) Notes on South African Cycads. 1. Trans. 8. Afr. Phil. Soc. vol. xvi. p. 341.

-ocr page 653-



Pearson, H. H. W. (06^) Some observations on Welwitschia mirabilis. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. vol. cxoviii. p. 265.

- (09) Further observations on Welwitschia. Ibid. vol. cc. p. 331.

- (12) On the Microsporangium and Microspore of Qnetum, with

some notes on the structure of the Inflorescence. Ann. Boi. vol. XXVI. p. 603.

- (15) A note on the inflorescence and flower of Qnetum. Ann.

Bolus Herb. vol. i. pt. iv. p. 152.

- (15^) Notes on the Morphology of certain Structures concerned in

Reproduction in the genus Gnetum. Trans. Linn. Soc. vol. viii. pt. viii. p. 311.

Penhallow, D. P. (91) See Dawson and Penhallow.

- (97) Myelopteris topekensis n. sp. a new Carboniferous Plant.

Bot. Gaz. vol. xxin. p. 15.

- (00) Notes on the North American species of Dadoxylon. Trans.

R. Soc. Canada [2], vol. vi. sect. iv. p. 51.

- (02) Notes on Cretaceous and Tertiary Plants of Canada. Trans.

E. Soc. Canada [2], vol. viii. sect. iv. p. 31.

- (03) Notes on Tertiary Plants. Ibid. vol. ix. sect. iv. p. 83.

- (04) The anatomy of the North American Coniferales together

with certain exotic species from Japan and Australia. Amer. Nat. vol. XXXVIII. pp. 243, 523.

- (07) A Manual of the North American Gymnosperms. ' Boston.

- (08) Report on a collection of Fossil woods from the Cretaceous

of Alberta. The Ottawa Naturalist, vol. xxii. No. iv. p. 82. Phillips, J. (71) The Geology of Oxford and the valley of the Thames.nbsp;Oxford.

Pilger, R. (03) Taxaceae. Das Pflanzenreich (A. Engler), Heft xviii (iv. 5). Leipzig.

Platen, P. (08) Untersuchungen fossiler Holzer aus dem Westen der Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika. Leipzig.

Pomel, A. (49) Matcriaux pour servir a la flore fossile des terrains jurassiques de la France. Amt. Ber. Versam. Oes. deutsch. Natur-forsch. wild Arzte. Aachen.

Porsch, C. (05) DerSpaltöfïnungsapparatim Lichte derPhylogenie. Jena.

- (10) Ephedra campylopoda C. A. Mey, eine entomophile Gymno-

^ sperme. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. Bd. xxviii. p. 404.

Potonié, H. (88) Die fossile Pflanzen-Gattung Tylodendron. Jahrb. K. Preuss. geol. Landes, p. 311.

- (96) Ueber Autochthonie von Carbonkohlen-Flotze und der

Senftenberger Braunkohlen-Flotze. Ibid. (1895), p. 1.

- (02) Fossile Holzer aus der oberen Kreide Deutsch-Östafrikas.

Die Reisen des Bergassessors Dr Dantz in Deutsch-Östafrika in den Jahren 1898-00. Mitt, aus den dewtschen Schwtzgebieten,nbsp;Bd. XV. Heft iv. p. 227.

- (03) Pflanzenreste aus der Jura-formation. DurchAsien. Bd. iii.

Lief. i. Berlin.

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Potonié, H. (04) Abbildungen und Beschreibungen fossilen Pflanzen-Reste. Lief. ii. No. 40. K. Preuss. geol. Landes. Bergakad.

Potonié, H. and C. Bernard. (04) Flore Dévoniemie de l’étage H. de Barrande. Leipzig.

Prankerd, T. L. (12) On the structure of the Palaeozoic seed Lagenostoma ovoides WiU. Journ. Linn. Soc. vol. XL. p. 461.

Prestwich, J. (54) On the structure of the strata between the London Clay and the Chalk in the London and Hampshire Tertiary systems.nbsp;Quart. Journ. Oeol. Soc. vol. x. p. 75.

Kaciborski, M. (91) Flora Retycka Pólnocnego Stoku Gór Swigtokr-zyskioh. Rozprawy Wydzialu Akad. Umiej. Krakowie, tom. xxm. - (92) Przyczynek do Flory Retyckiej Polski. Ihid. tom. xxil.

p. 1.

- (92^) Cycadeoidea Niedzwiedzkii nov. sp. Akad. wiss. Krak.

Oktober 18,92.

Radais, M. (94) L’anatomie comparée du fruit des Conifères. Ann. Sci. nat. [7], vol. xix. p. 165.

Ratte, F. (87) Note on two new fossil plants from the Wianametta shales. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. [2], vol. i. p. 1078.

- (88) Additional evidence on Fossil Salisburiae from Australia.

Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. [2], vol. ii. p. 159.

Rattray, C. (13) Notes on the pollination of some South African Cycads. Trans. R. Soc. S. Africa, vol. iii. p. 259.

Reid, Clement and Eleanor M. Reid. (08) On the Preglacial Flora of Britain. Journ. Linn. Soc. vol. xxxvm. p. 206.

- (lO) The Lignites of Bovey Tracey. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. vol. cci.

p. 161.

- (15) The Pliocene Floras of the Dutch-Prussian border. Meded.

Rijksopsporing Delfstoffen, No. 6. TAe Hague.

Renault, B. (79) Sur un nouveau groupe de tiges fossiles silicifiées de Fépoque houillière. Compt. Rend, tome Lxxxvin. p. 35.

- (80) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Sur une nouvelle espècenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;de Poroxylon.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Compt. Rend.

tome xoi. p. 860.

- (80^) Cours de Botanique fossile. Tome i. Paris.

- (83) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Cours denbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Botanique fossile.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Tome m.

- (85) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Cours denbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Botanique fossile.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Tome iv.

- (87) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Note surnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ie Gla*hropodiumnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Morieri. Buil. soc.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Linn. Nor-

mand. [4], vol. i. p. 3.

- (88) Les Plantes fossUes. Paris.

- (89) Sur un nouveau genre fossile de tige cycadéenne. Compt.

Rend. vol. oix. p. 1173.

- (96) Note sur Ie genre Métacordaite. iSoc. d’hist. nat. d’AuUm.

Renault, B. and R. Zeiller. (85) Sur un nouveau type de Cordaitée. Compt. Rend. vol. c. p. 867.

- (86) Sur quelques Cycadées houilhères. Ihid. vol. cn. p. 325.

Rendie, A. B. (96) Gymnospermae. The Plants of Milanji, Nyasa-Land, collected by Mr A. Whyte. Trans. Linn. Soc. vol. iv. [2], p. 60.

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Kendle, A. B. (04) The Classification of Flowering plants. Vol. i. Cambridge. Renier, A. (07) Trois espèoes nouvelles, Sphenopteris Dumonti, S. Cornetinbsp;et Dicranophylhim Riohiri du Honiller sans Houille de Bandonr,nbsp;Hainaut. Ann. soc. geol. Belg. vol. xxxiv. Mém. p. 181.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(10) Documents pour l’étude de la paléontologie du terrain

houiUer. Liège.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(10^) Paléontologie du Terrain HouiUer. Liège.

Renner, 0. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(04) liber zwitter Bltithen bei Juniperus communis. Flora,

Bd. xcii. p. 92.

Richards, J. T. (84) On Scottish Fossil Cycadaceous leaves contained in the Hugh Miller Collection. Proc. R. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh.nbsp;Robertson, Agnes. (02) Xotes on the anatomy of Macrozamia heteromeranbsp;Moore. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. vol. xii. pt. i. p. 1.

- (04) Studies in the Morphology of Torreya californica Torrey.

New Phyt. vol. m. p. 205.

- (06) Some points in the Morphology of Phyllocladus alpinus Hook.

Ann. Bot. vol. xx. p. 259.

- (07) The Taxoideae; a phylogenetic study. New Phyt. vol. vi.

p. 92.

Rosen, F. (11) Die biologische Stellung der abessinischen Baumlobelie (Lobelia Rhynchopetalnm). Beit. Biol. Pflanzen. Cohn und Rosen,nbsp;Bd. X. Heft ii. p. 265.

Rothert, W. (99) Ueber parenchymatische Tracheiden und Harfgange im Mark von Cephalotaxus Arten. Ber. deutsch. bot. Qes. Bd. xvil.nbsp;p. 275.

Rushton, W. (15) Structureof the wood of Himalayan Junipers. .Journ. Linn. Soc. vol. xmi. p. 1.

- (16) The Development of ‘Sanio’s Bars’ in Pinus Inops. Ann.

Bot. vol. XXX. p. 419.

RUSSOW, E. (72) Vergleichendelintersuchungende.r lieitbiindel-Krypto-gamen. 3Iem. VAcad. Imp. Sci. St Petersbourg [vii], tome xix. p. 1.

- (83) Zur Kenntniss des Holzes, insonderheit des Coniferenholzes.

Bot. Cent. Bd. xm. p. 20.

Salisbury, E. J. (13) Methods of Palaeobotanical reconstruction. Ann. Bot. vol. XXVII. p. 273.

- (14) On the structure and relationship of Trigonocarpus shorensis.

Ann. Bot. vol. xxviii. p. 39.

Sunday, Elizabeth. (07) See Berridge and Sanday.

Sandberger, F. von. (64) Die Flora der oberen Steinkohlenformation im badischer Schwarzwalde. Verh. Nat. Yer. Carlsruhe, vol. i. p. 30.

- (90) Ueber Steinkohlenformation und Rothliegendes im Schwarz-

wald und deren Flora. Jahrh. K.h. geol. Reichs. Bd. XL. Heft i. p. 77.

Sanio, K. (74) Anatomie der Gemeinen Kiefer (Pinus silvestris L.). Pringsheim's Jahrh. Bd. ix. p. 78.

Saporta, G. de. (62) Études sur la végétation du sud-est de la France a l’époque Tertiaire. Ann. Sci. Nat. tome xvi. [4], p. 309.nbsp;s. innbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;40

-ocr page 656-



Saporta, G. de. (62^) Ibid, tome xvii. p. 191.

- (65) Ibid, tome iii. [S], p. 5.

- (66^) Ibid, tome iv. p. 5.

- (68) Ibid, tome ix. p. 5.

- (68^) Note sur la flore fossile des regions arctiques. Bull. soc.

geol. France [2], tome xxv. p. 315.

- (73) Études sur la végétation du sud-est de la France a l’époque

Tertiaire. Ann. Sci. nat. tome xvii. [5], p. 81.

- (74) Sur la présence d’une Cycadée dans le dépot Miocène de

Koumi (Eubée). Conipt. Rend. vol. lxxviii. p. 1318.

—- (75) Sur la déoouverte de deux types nouveaux de Conifères dans

les schistes Permiens de Lodève (Hérault). Ibid. vol. lxxx. p. 1017.

- (78) Observations sur la nature des végétaux réunis dans le

groupe des NoeggeratMa; générabtés et type du Noeggerathiafoliosa Sternb. Ibid. vol. lxxxvi. p. 746.

- (78^) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ibid. Types du NoeggeratMa flabellata L. and H. et du

N. cyclopteroides Goepp. Ibid. vol. lxxxvi. p. 801.

- (78^) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ibid. Type des NoeggeratMa expansa et cuneifolia de

Brongniart. Ibid. vol. lxxxvi. p. 860.

¦- (78'*) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Sur le nouveau groupe Paléozoique des Dolerophyllées.

Ibid. vol. Lxxxvii. p. 393.

- (82) Sur quelques types de végétaux récemment observés a l’état

fossile. Ibid. vol. xliv. p. 922.

-- (84) Paleontologie Frangaise. Plantes Jurassiques, tome m.

•- (01) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ibid, tome iv. Types Proangiospermiques.

- (93) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Revue des travaux de Paléontologie végétale. Rev. Oe'n.

tome V. p. 1.

Saporta, G. de and A. F. Marion. (76) Recherches sur les végétaux fossiles de Meximieux. Arch. Mus. d’hist. nat. de Lyon. Lyon.

- (78) Révision de la flore Heersienne de Gehnden. Mém. cour. et

Mém,, sav. étrang. tome xli. {Acad. roy. sci. etc. Belg.).

- (85) L’Évolution du Règne végétal. Tome i. Les Phanérogames.


Saxton, W. T. (10) Contributions to the life-history of Widdringtonia cupressoides. Bot. Oaz. vol. l. p. 31.

- (10^) Contributions to the life-history of Callitris. Ann. Bot.

vol. XXIV. p. 557.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(10®) Notes on the anatomy of Widdringtonia and Callitris.

S. African Journ. Sci. p. 282.

- (10^) The development of the embryo of .SweepWartos. Bot. Oaz.

vol. XLIX. p. 13.

- (12) Note on an abnormal prothallus of Piwws wiantóma L. Ann.

Bot. vol. xxvi. p. 943.

- (13) Contributions to the life-history of nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;pyrawwdffto

Miq. Ann. Bot. vol. xxvii. p. 321.

- (13^) The classifleation of Conifers. New Phyt. vol. xii. p. 24,2.

- (13®) Contributions to the life-history of Tetraclinis articulata,

-ocr page 657-



Masters, with some notes on the Phylogeny of the Cupressoideae and the Callitroideae. Ann. Bot. vol. xxvii. p. 577.

Schauroth, C. von. (52) Herr von Sohauroth an Herrn Beyrieh. Zeit. Dewtóch. qeol. Ges. Bd. iv. p. 538.

Schenk, A. (67) Ueber die Flora der schwarzen Schiefer von Raibl. Wiirzburg. Naturwiss. Zeitsch. vol. vi. p. 10.

- (68) Ueber die Pflanzenreste des Muschelkalkes von Recoaro.

Benecke’s Oeog.-Pal. Beit. Bd. n. München.

- (68^) Beitrage zur Flora der Vorwelt. Palaeontol. Bd. xvi.

p. 218.

- (71) Die Fossilen Pflanzen der Wernsdorfer Schichten in der

Nordkarpathen. Ihid. Bd. xix. p. 1.

- (80) Ueber fossile Holzer aus der Lihyschen Wuste. Bot. Zeit.

Bd. xxxviir. p. 657.

- (82) Ueber Medullosa elegans. Engler’s Jahrh. Bd. ni. p. 156.

- (82^) Die von dem Gebriidern Schagintweit in Indien gesammelten

fossilen Holzer. Engler’s Bot. Jahrb. Bd. iii. p. 353.

- (83) Fos.sile Holzer der hbyschen Wüste (Die Lihysehe Wuste,

Bd. III.).

- (89) Ueber Medullosa Cotta. Abh. K. Sachs. Ges. Wiss. Bd. xv.

p. 523.

Schlechtendal, D. von. (02) Thuja occidentalis thuringiaca. Zeitsch.

Naturwiss. Stuttgart. Bd. Lxxv. p. 33.

Schmalhausen, J. (83) Die Pflanzenreste der Steinkohlenformation am östhohen Abhange des Ural Gebirges. Mém. Acad. S. Pétersbourg,nbsp;vol. XXXI. No. 13.

- (83^) Beitrage zur Tertiar Flora siid-west Busslands. Paleontol.

Abh. {Dames and Kayser), Bd. I. Heft iv. p. 285.

—— (87) Die Pflanzenreste der Artinskischen und Permisohen Ablagerungen im Osten des Europaischen Russlands. Mém.nbsp;Com. géot. St Pétersbourg, vol. ii. No. iv. p. 1.

- (90) Wissenschaftliche Resultate der von der Akad. der Wiss.

zur Erforschung des Janalandes und der Neusibirischen Inseln in den Jahren 1885, 1886 ausgesandten Expedition. Abt. li. Tertiarenbsp;Pflanzen der Insel Neusibirien. Mém. I’acad. Imp. Sci. St Pétersbourg [vii], vol. XXXVII. No. 5.

Schneider, W. (13) Vergleichend-morphologische Untersuchungen fiber die Kurztriebe einiger Arten von Pinus. Flora [N.P.], Bd. v.nbsp;p. 385.

Schroeter, C. (80) Untersuchung iiber fossile Holzer aus der arctisclien Zone. (Heer’s Flor. Foss. Arct. vol. vi. 1882.)

- (97) Ueber die Vielgestaltigkeit der Fichte {Picea excelsa Link.).

Vierteljahr. Naturforsch. Ges. Zurich. Jahrg. xlii. p. 125. Schuster, J. (11) Ueber Goeppert’s Baumeria im Zwinger zu Dresden.nbsp;Sitzber. K. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. p. 489.

- (11^) Welfrichia und die Bennettitales. K. Svensk. Vetenskaps-

akad. Hand. Bd. xlvi. No. 11.


-ocr page 658-



Schuster, J. (11®) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Weismarerai im unteren Hauptmuschel-

kalk von Würzburg. Geog. Jahresheft, Bd. xiii. p. 149.

- (11^) Bemerkungen iiber Podozamites. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Oes.

Bd. XIX. Heft 7, p. 450.

Schiitze, E. (01) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Triassischen Koniferen-Gattungen Pagiophyllum, Voltzia, Widdringtonites. Jahresheft Ver. Vat. Naturhunde, Stuttgart; p. 256.

Scott, D. H. (97) The anatomical characters presented by the peduncle of Cycadaceae. Ann. Bot. vol. xi. p. 399.

- (99) On the structure and affinities of Fossil Plants from the

Palaeozoic rocks. 111. On Medullosa anglica, a new representative of the Cycadofilioes. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. vol. cxci. p. 81.

- (99®) On the primary wood of certain Araucarioxylons. Ann.

Bot. vol. XIII. p. 615.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(02) On the Primary structure of,certain Palaeozoic stems with

the Dadoxylon type of wood. Trans. R. Soc. vol. xl. p. 331.

- (03) The origin of seed-bearing plants. R. Instit. Great Brit.

Weekly Evening meeting, Febry. 15.

- (06) On Svtcliffia insignis, a new type of Medulloseae from the

Lower Coal Measures. Trans. Linn. Soc. vol. vn. pt. iv. p. 45.

- (09) The Palaeontological Record. II. Plants. Darwin and

Modern Science, Art. xii. Cambridge.

--(12) The structure of Mesoxylon Lcmiaxi and M. poroxyloides.

Ann. Bot. vol. xxvi. p. 1011.

- (11) The Evolution of Plants. London.

- (14) On Medullosa pusilla. Proc. R. Soc. vol. lxxxvii. p. 221.

- (15) The Heterangiums of the British Coal Measures. British

Assoc. (Manchester Meeting 1915). (Abstract.)

Scott, D. H. and E. C. Jefirey. (14) On Fossil Plants showing structure, from the base of the Waverley shale of Kentucky. Phil. Tram.nbsp;R. Soc. vol. 205, p. 315.

Scott, D. H. and A. J. Maslen. (07) The structure of the Palaeozoic seeds Trigonocarpus Parkinsoni Brongn. and T. Oliveri sp. nov.nbsp;Ann. Bot. vol. xxi. p. 89.

- (10) On Mesoxylon, a new genus of Cordaitales. Ibid. vol. xxiv.

p. 236.

Sellards, E. H. (03) Codo?wtheca, a new type of spore-bearing organ from the Coal Measures. Amer. Journ. Sci. vol. xvi. p. 87.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(07)nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Notes on the spore-bearing organ Codonotheca and its relationship with the Cycadotilices. New Phyt. vol. vi. p. 175.

Sernander, R. (93) Hie Einwanderung der Fichte in Skandinavien. EngleVs Bot. Jahrb. Bd. xv. p. 1.

Seward, A. C. (90) Tylodendron Weiss and Voltzia heterophylla Brong. Geol. Mag. vol. vii. [3], p. 218.

- (93) On the genus Myeloxylon. Ann. Bot. vol. xxv. p. 1.

- (94) On Rachiopteris Williamsoni sp. nov., a new Fern from the

Coal-Measures. Ibid. vol. viii. p. 207.

-ocr page 659-



Seward, A. C. (96) A new species of Conifer, Pinites Eujfordi, from the English Wealden formation. Jown. Linn. Soc. vol. xxxir. p. 417.

- (96^) Notes on the geological history of Monocotyledons. Ann.

Bot. vol. X. p. 205.

- (97) On Encephalartos Ghellinckii Lem., a rare Cycad. Proc.

Camb. Phil. Soc. vol. ix. p. 340.

- (97^) A contribution to our knowledge of Lyginodendron. Ann.

But. vol. XI. p. 65.

- (97®) On the association of Sigillaria and Oiossopteris in S. Africa.

Quart. Journ. Oeol. Soc. vol. Lm. p. 315.

- (97^) On the leaves of Bennettites. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. vol. ix.

p. 273.

- (00) Notes on some Jurassic plants in the Manchester Museum.

Mem. Proc. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. vol. xliv. pt. iii. No. 8.

- (03) On the occurrence of Dietyozamites in England, with Remarks

on European and Eastern Mesozoic Floras. Quart. Journ. Oeol. Soc. vol. Lix. p. 217.

- (06) Notes on Cycads. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. vol. xiil. pt. v. p. 299.

- (07) Permo-Carboniferous plants from Kashmir. Bee. Oeol. Surv.

India, vol. xxxvr. pt. i. p. 57.

- (07®) Jurassic plants from Caucasia and Turkestan. Mém. com.

geol. St Pétershourg [N.S.], Livr. 38. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^

- (10) Article “Gymnosperms,” Encyclop. Brit. edit. 11, vol. xn.


- (11) Jurassic plants from Chinese Dzungaria. Mém. com. geol.

St Pétershourg [N.S.], Livr. 75.

- (11^) The Jurassic Flora of Sutherland. Trans. R. Soc. Edinb.

vol. XLVii. pt. iv. p. 643.

- (11^) Links with the Past in the Plant world. Cambridge.

- (11^) The Jurassic Flora of Yorkshire. The Naturalist, January,


- (12) Mesozoic plants from Afghanistan and Afghan-Turkestan.

Mem. Geol. Surv. India, Pal. Ind. [N.S.], vol. iv. mem. No. 4.

- (12®) A petrified Williamsonia iiom Scotland. Phil. Trans. R.

Soc. vol. com. p. 101.

- (12®) Jurassic plants from Amurland. Mém. com. geol. St Pétershourg [N.S.], Livr. 81.

- (13) A contribution to our knowledge of Wealden Floras, with

special reference to a collection of plants from Sussex. Quart. Journ. Oeol. Soc. vol. lxix. p. 85.

- (14) Antarctic Fossil plants. British Antarctic (Terra Nova)

Expedit. 1910. Nat. Hist. Report, Geology, vol. i. No. 1. London.

- (14®) Wealden Floras. Hastings and East Sussex Naturalist,

vol. n. No. 3, p. 126.

Seward, A. C. and N. Bancroft. (13) Jurassic Plants from Cromarty and Sutherland, Scotland. Trans. R. Soc. Edinb. vol. XLvm. pt. iv.nbsp;p. 867.

-ocr page 660-



Shaw, F. J. F. (08) A contribution to the anatomy of Ginkgo hiloha. New Phyt. vol. vn. p. 85.

- (09) The seedling structure of Araucaria BidwilHi. Ann. Bot.

vol. xxm. p. 321.

Shaw, W. R. (96) Contribution to the life-history of Sequoia sempervirens. Bot. Oaz. vol. XXI. p. 332.

Shirley, J. (98) Additions to the Fossil Flora of Queensland Geol. Surv. Bull. No. 7. Brisbane.

Siebold, P. F. von. (70) Flora Japonica, 1842-70. Leipzig.

Sifton, H. B. (15) On the occurrence and significance of “bars” or “rims” of Sanio in the Cycads. Bot. Gaz. vol. lx. p. 400.nbsp;Sigrianski, A. (13) Quelques observations sur VEphedra helvetica Mey.

Univ. Genève. Faculté des sciences. Prof. Chodat [8], Fasc. x. Sinnott, E. W. (09) Paracedroxylon, a new type of Araucarian wood.nbsp;Rhodora, vol. li. No. 129, p. 165.

- (11) Some features of the anatomy of the foliar bundle. Bot. Gaz.

vol. LI. p. 258.

- (13) The morphology of the reproductive structures in the

Podocarpineae. Ann. Bot. vol. xxvn. p. 39.

Smith, F. G. (07) Morphology of the trunk and development of the miorosporangium of Cycads. Bot. Gaz. vol. XLin. p. 187.

Smith, J. E. (1797) Characters of a new genus of plants named Salis-buria. Trans. Linn. Soc. vol. m. p. 330.

Solereder, H. (99) Systematische Anatomie derDicotyledonen. Stuttgart. - (08) Ibid. Brganzungsband.

Solms-Laubach, Graf zu. (84) Die Coniferenformen des Deutschen Kupferschiefers und Zechsteins. Pal. A hhand. (Dames and Kayser),nbsp;Bd. II. Heft ii. p. 81.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(90) Die Sprossfolge der Stangeria und der iibrigen Cycadeen.

Bot. Zeit. Jahrg. XLvm.

- (91) On the Fructification of Bennettites Gibsonianus Carr. Ann.

Bot. vol. V. p. 419.

- (92) See Capellini and Solms-Laubach.

- (93) Ueber die in den Kalksteinen des Kulm von Glatzisch-

Falkenberg in Schlesien enthaltenen Structur bietenden Pflanzen-reste. Bot. Zeit. .Jahrg. li. p. 197.

- (97) Ueber Medullosa Leuclcarti. Ibid. Heft x. p. 175.

--(99) Das Auftreten und die Flora der rhatischen Kohlen-schichten

von La Ternera (Chih). Neues Jahrb. Min. Beilage, Bd. xn. p. 581.

- (04) Die strukturbietenden Pfianzengesteine von Franz Josefs

Land. K. Svensk. Vetenslcapsakad. Hand. Bd. xxxvii. No. 7, p. 3.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(06) Die Bedeutung der Palaeophytologie fur die systematische

Botanik. Mitt. Philomath. Oes. in Elsass-Lothringen, Bd. m. p. 353.

--(10) Über die in den Kalksteinen des Culm von Glatzisoh-Falken-

berg in Schlesien erhaltenen structurbietenden Pflanzenreste. IV. Völkelia refracta, Steloxylon Ludwigii. Zeitsch. Bot. Jahrg.nbsp;n. Heft viii. p. 529.


-ocr page 661-



South, F. W. and E. H. Compton. (08) Notes on the anatomy of Dioon edule Lind. New Phyt. vol. vn. p. 222.

Spiess, Karl von. (02) Ginkgo, Cephalotaxug, und die Taxaceen. Eine phylogenetische Studie. Öster. Sot. Zeitsch. Jahrg. lii. p. 432.

- (03) Ibid. Jahrg. Lm. p. 1.

Sprecher, A. (07) Le Ginkgo hiloha L. Geneve.

Squinabol, S. (92) Contribuzioni alia flora fossile dei terreni terziarii deUa Liguria. Oênes, 1889-92.

Stapf, O. (89) Die Arten der Gattung Ephedra. Denksch. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Bd. lvi.

- (96) On the Flora of Mount Kinabalu in North Borneo. Trans.

Linn. Soc. [2], vol. iv. p. 69.

- (14) Encephalartos Hildebrandtii. Bull. Miscell. Information, B.

Sot. Gard. Kew, No. 10, p. 386.

Starr, Anna M. (10) The microsporophylls of Ginkgo. Sot. Oaz. vol. XLIX. p. 51.

Staub, M. (85) Finns palaeostrobus Etting. in der fossilen Flora Ungarns. Termeszetrajzi Fuzetek, ix. p. 47.

- (96) Die Fossilen Ctenis-Arten und Gtenis hungarica n. sp.

FöMtani Közlöny, vol. xxvi.

Stefani, C. de. (01) Flore Carbonifere e Permiane deUa Toscana.

R. Inst. Stud. sup. pratici e di perfezionamento in Firenze. Stenzel, G. (76) Beobachtungen an durchwachsenden Fichten^pfen.

Nov. Act. Leap. Carol. Bd. xxxvni.

- (88) See Goeppert and Stenzel.

Sterzel, J. T. (83) Ueber Dicksonia Pluckeneti (Schloth.). Sot. Cent. Bd. xm. p. 282.

- (00) Gruppe verkieselter Araucariten Stamme. Bericht Natur-

wiss. Ges. Chemnitz, Bd. xiv.

- (03) Ein verkieselter Riesenbaum aus dem RothMegenden von

Chemnitz. Ibid. Bd. xv. p. 23.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(07) Die Karbon-und Rotliegendfloren im Grossherzogtum Baden.

Mitt. Badisch. geol. Landes. Bd. v. Heft ii. p. 347.

- (12) Der “ verkieselte Wald ” im Garten des König Albert Museums

und des Orth-Denkmal in Chemnitz-Hilbersdorf. Berich^ Natur-wiss. Ges. Chemnitz, Bd. xviii. p. 51.

Stiles, W. (08) The anatomy oi Saxegothaea conspicua Lind. New Phyt. vol. vn. p. 209.

- (12) The Podocarpeae. Ann. Bot. vol. xxvi. p. 443.

Stirling, J. (00) Notes on the Fossil Flora of South Gippsland Jurassic beds. Rep. on the Viet, coal-fields. No. 7. (Dpt. Mines, Victoria.)nbsp;Stokes and Webb. (24) Descriptions of some fossil vegetables of thenbsp;Tilgate Forest in Sussex. Trans. Geol. Soc. [2], vol. li. p. 421.nbsp;Stopes, Marie C. (03) On the leaf of Cordaites. New Phyt. vol. ii.nbsp;p. 91.

- (04) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Fortpflanzungsorgane der

Cycadeen. Flora, Bd. xcm. Heft iv. p. 435.

-ocr page 662-



Stopes, Marie C. (05) On the double nature of the Cycadean integument. Ann. Hot. vol. xix. p. 561.

- (07) The Flora of the Inferior Oolite of Brora (Sutherland).

Quart. .Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. LXiii.- p. 375.

- (10) Adventitious budding and branching in Cycas. New Phyt.

vol. IX. p. 235.

- (10^) The internal anatomy of Nilssonia orientalis. Ann. Bot.

vol. XXIV. p. 389.

- (11) The Dragon tree of the Kentish Rag, with remarks on the

treatment of imperfectly petrified wood. Geol. Mag. [5], vol. vni. p. 55.

- (11^) The name of the Dragon tree. Ihid. p. 468.

- (11^) A reply to Prof. Jeffrey’s article on Yezonia and Crypto-

meriopsis. Ann. Bot. vol. xxv. p. 269.

- (11^) On the true nature of the Cretaceous plant OpJiioglossum

granulatum Hr. Ann. Bot. vol. xxv. p. 903.

- (14) The “Fern Ledges” Carboniferous Flora of St John, New

Brunswick. Dpt. Mines, Geol. Surv., Canada, Mem. 41, No. 38, Geol. Ser. Ottawa.

- (14^) A new Araucarioxylon from New Zealand. Ann. Bot.

vol. xxvm. p. 341.

- (15) Catalogue of the Mesozoic Plants in the British Museum

(Nat. Hist.). The Cretaceous Flora. Pt. ii. Lower Greensand (Aptian) plants of Britain. London.

- (16) An early type of the Abietineae (?) from the Cretaceous of

New Zealand. Ann. Bot. vol. xxx. p. 111.

Stopes, M. C. and K. Fujii. (10) Studies on the structure and affinities of Cretaceous Plants. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. vol. cci. p. 1.

Stopes, M. C. and E. M. Kershaw. (10) The anatomy of Cretaceous Pine leaves. Ann. Bot. vol. xxiv. p. 395.

Stopes, M. C. and D. M. S. Watson. (08) The present distribution and origin of the calcareous concretions in coal-seams known asnbsp;“coal-balls.” Phil. Trans. R. Soc. vol. cc. p. 167.

Strasburger, E. (66) Ein Beitrag zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Spaltoffnungen. Pringsheim’s Jahrb. Bd. v. p. 297.

- (91) Ueber den Bau und die Verriohtungen der Leitungsbahnen

in den Pflanzen. Histol. Beit. Heft iii. Jena.

Striibing, 0. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(88) Die Vertheilung der Spaltoffnungen bei den Coni

feren. {Inaug. Diss. Univ. Königsberg.)

Stur, D. (68) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der geologischen Verhaltnisse der Umgegend von Raibl und Kaltwasser. .Jahrb. K.h. geol. Reichs.nbsp;Wien, Bd. xviii. p. 71.

- (77) Die Culm Flora. Heft ii. Wien.

Suzuki, Y. (10) On the structure and affinities of two new Conifers and a new fungus from the Upper Cretaceous of Hokkaido (Yezo). Bot.nbsp;Mag. Tokyo, vol. xxiv. No. 284, p. 183.

Sykes, M. G. (10) (See also Thoday, M. G.) The anatomy of Wei-

-ocr page 663-



witschia mirabilis Hook. f. in the seedling and adult stages. Trans. Linn. Soc. vol. vii. pt. ii. p. 327.

Sykes, M. G-. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(10^) The anatomy and morphology of the leaves and

inflorescences of Welwitschia mirabilis. Phil. Trans. R. 8oc. vol. cci. p. 179.

Takeda, H. (13) A theory of transfusion-tissue. Ann. Bot. vol. xxvii. p. 359.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(13^) Some points in the anatomy of the leaf of Welwitschia

mirabilis. Ibid. vol. xxvn. p. 347.

Tate, E. (67). On the secondary fossils from S. Africa. Quart. Journ. Oeol. Soc. vol. xxm. p. 130.

Tenison Woods, J. E. (83) On a species of Brachyphyllnm from Mesozoic coal beds, Ipswich, Queensland. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. W.nbsp;vol. VII. p. 659.

Tkihout, E. (96) Recherches sur Fappareil male des Gymnospermes. Lille.

Thiselton-Dyer, W. T. (72) On some Coniferous remains from the Lithographic stone of Solenhofen. Geol. Mag. vol. ix. p. 1.

- (01) The ca.i'pophyll oi Enrephalartos. Ann. Bot. vol. xv. p. 518.

- (OH) Persistence of the leaf-traces in Araucaria. Ibid. vol. xv.

p. 547.

- (02) Enumeration of the plants known from Chin^ proper,

Formosa, etc. Cycadaceae. Journ. Linn. Soc. vol. xxvi. p. 559. Thoday, Mary G. (Sykes, M. G.). (11) The female inflorescence andnbsp;o\'ules of Gnetum africanum, with notes on 0. secundum. Ann.nbsp;Bot. vol. XXV. p. 1101.

Thoday, M. G. and Emily M. Berridge. (12) The anatomy and morphology of the Inflorescences and flowers of Ephedra. Ann. Bot. vol. XXVI. p. 953.

Tkomas, F. (66) Zur vergleichenden Anatomie der Coniferen-Laub-blatter. Pringsheimis Jahrb. Bd. iv. p. 23.

Thomas, H. Hamshaw. (11) The Jurassic Flora of Kamenka in the district of Isium. Mém. com. geol. St. Petersbourg [N.S.], Livr. 71.

- (12) Xote on the occurrence of Whittleseya elegans Newb. in

Britain. Palaeoboi. Zeitsch. Bd. i. Heft i. p. 46.

- (13) On some new and rare Jurassic plants from Yorkshire;

Eretmophyllum, a new type of Ginkgoalean leaf. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. vol. xvH. pt. iii. p. 256.

- (13^) The Fossil Flora of the Cleveland district of Yorkshire.

I. The Flora of the Marske quarry. Quart. Journ. Oeol. Soc. vol. Lxix. p. 223.

- (15) On some new and rare Jurassic plants from Yorkshire: The

male flower of Williamsonia gigas. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. vol. xviii. pt. iii. p. 105.

- (15^) On Williamsoniella, a Xew Type of Bennettitalean Flower.

Phil. Trans. R. Soc. vol. 207, p. 113.

Thomas, H. H. and Nellie Bancroft. (13) On the cuticles of some

-ocr page 664-



recent and fossil Cycadean fronds. Trans. Linn. 8oc. vol. vm. pt. v. p. 155.

Thompson, W. P. (10) The origin of ray-tracheids in the Coniferae. Bot. Oaz. vol. L. p. 101.

- (12) Ray-tracheids in Abies. Ibid. vol. Lirr. p. 53.

- (12^) The anatomy and relationship of the Gnetales. I. The

genus EphMra. Ann. Bot. vol. xxvi. p. 1077.

- (12^) The structure of the stomata of certain Cretaceous Conifers.

Bot.'Oaz. vol. Liv. p. 63.

- (16) The Morphology and Affinities of Gnetum. Artier. Joum.

Bot. vol. m. p. 135.

Thomson, R. B. (07) The Araucarineae, a Protosiphonogamic method of Fertilisation. Science [N.S.], vol. xxv. p. 272.

- (09) On the pollen of Microcachrys tetragona. Bot. Oaz. vol. xlvii.

p. 26.

- (13) On the comparative anatomy and affinities of the Araucarineae. Phil. Trans. B. Soc. vol. ociv. p. 1.

- (14) The spur-shoot of the Pines. Bot. Oaz. vol. Lvn. p. 362.

Thomson, R. B. and A. E. Allin. (12) Do the Abietineae extend to the Carboniferous? Bot. Oaz. vol. Llii. p. 339.

Tison, A. (09) Sur le Saxegothaea eonspicua Lind. Mém., soc. Linn. Normand. vol. xxiii. p. 139.

- (12) Sur la persistance de la nervation dichotomique chez les

Conifères. Bull. soc. Linn. Normandie [vi], vol. iv. p. 30.

- (12-) See Lignier and Tison.

Tupper, W. W. (11) Notes on Oinkgo biloba. Bot. Oaz. vol. LI. p. 374. Tuzson, J. (00) Monographie der fossilen Pflanzenreste der Balatonsee-gegend. Result, d.er Wms. Erforsch. des Balatonsees, Bd. i. TeU i.nbsp;Budapest.

- (09^) Beitramp;ge zur fossilen Flora Ungams. Mitt. Jahrh. K. Ung.

Oeol. Reichs. Bd. xxi. Heft viii. p. 233.

- (14) Beitrage zur fossilen Flora Ungarns. Mitt. Jahrb. K.

TJngariseh. Oeol. Reichs. Bd. xxi. Heft viii.

Unger, F. (46) Synopsis Plantarum Fossilium. Leipzig.

- (47) Chloris Protogaea. Leipzig.

- (49) Einige interessante Pflanzenabdrücke aus der K. Petre-

factensammlung in München. Bot. Zeit. p. 345.

- (51) Die Fossile Flora von Sotzka. Denksch. K,. Akad. Wiss.

Wien, Bd. ii. Abt. ii. p. 131.

- (52) Ueber einige fossile Pflanzen aus den lithographischen

Schiefer von Solenhofen. Palaeontograph. Bd. Ii. p. 251.

- (52^) Iconographia plantarum fossilium. Abbildungenund Beschrei-

bungen fossiler Pflanzen. Denksch. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Bd. iv. p. 73.

- (54) Zur Flora des Cypi-idinensohiefers. Sitzber. K. Akad. Wiss.

Wien, Bd. xii. p. 695.

—•— (54®) Jurassische Pflanzenreste. Palaeontograph. Bd, iv. p. 39.

-ocr page 665-



Unger, F. (59) Derversteinerte Wald bei Cairo. Sitzber. K. Akad. Wiss, Wien, Bd. xxxm. p. 209.

- (67) Die fossile Flora von Kumi. Denhsch. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien,

Bd. xxvn. p. 27.

Veitch’s Manual of the Conifers. (00) London.

Velenovsky, J. (81) Die Flora aus den Ausgebrannten Tertiaren Letten von Vrsovio bei Lann. Ahh. hohm. Ges. [vi], Bd. n.

- (87) Neue Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Pflanzen des böhmischen

Cenomans. Sitzber. K. hohm. Oes. Wiss. Jahrg. 1886, p. 633.

- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(88) Ueber einige nene Pflanzenformen der böhmischen Kreide-

formation. Ibid. Jahrg. 1887.

- (89) Kvetena, Ceského Cenomanu. Abh. K. böhm. Oes. Wiss.

[vü], Bd. ni.

- (07) Vergleichende Morphologie der Pflanzen. Teil ii. Prag.

Vernon, R. D. (12) On the geology and palaeontology of the Warwickshire coalfield. Quart. Journ. Oeol. Soc. vol. Lxvni. p. 587.

Vetters, K. L. (84) Die Blattsteile der Cycadeen. (Inaug. Diss.) Leipzig.

Vierhapper, F. (10) Entwurf eines neuen Systems der Coniferen. .Jena.

Ward, L. F. (85) S3mopsis of the Laramie group. Qth Ann. Rep. U. S. Oeol. Surv.

- (87) Types of the Laramie Flora. Bull. U. S. Oeol. Surv. xxxvii.

- (88) The geographical distribution of Fossil Plants. Ann.

Rep. U. S. Oeol. Surv. (1887-88).

- (94) Fossil Cycadean trunks of North America, with a revision of

the genus Gycadeoidea Buokland. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, vol. IX. p. 75.

- (94^) Recent discoveries of Cycadean trunks in the Potomac

formation of Maryland. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. XXI. No. vii. p. 291.

¦- (94®) The Cretaceous Pi.im of the Black Hills. -Journ. Oeol. vol. ii.

No. iii. p. 250.

- (96) Some analogies in the Lower Cretaceous of Europe and

America. \Qth Ann. Rep. U. S. Oeol. Surv.

- (98) Descriptions of the species of Gycadeoidea. or fossil Cycadean

trunks thus far determined from the Lower Cretaceous rim of the Black HUls. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. vol. xxi. p. 21.

- (00) Elaboration of the Fossil Cycads in the Yale Museum.

Amer. Journ. Sci. vol. x. p. 327.

- (00®) Description of a new genus and 20 new species of fossil

Cycadean trunks from the Jurassic of Wyoming. Proc. Washington Acad. Sci. vol. i. p. 253.

- (00®) Report on the petrified forests of Arizona. Depart, of the

Interior, Washington.

- (04) A famous fossil Cycad. Amer. Jowra. Sci. vol. xviii. p. 40.

Warming, E. (77) Recherches et remarques sur les Cycadées. Oversigt K. D. Vidensk. Selsk. Forh. {Copenhagen), p. 16.

Warren, E. (12) On some specimens of fossil woods in the Natal Museum. Ann. Natal Mus. vol. rt. pt. iii. p. 345.

-ocr page 666-



Webber, H. J. (01) Spermatogenesis and fecundation of Zamia. U. S.

Dpt. Agric. Bur. Plant Industry, Bull. No. ii.

Weiss, C. E. (72) Fossile Flora der jiingsten Steinkohlen-formation und des Rothliegenden im Saar-Rhein-Gebiet. Bonn, 1869-72.

--(74) Note in Zeitsch. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Bd. xxvi. p. 616.

- (79) Die Flora des Rothliegenden von Wünsohendorf bei Lauban

in Schlesien. Abh. geol. specialkarte von Preussen Bd. m. Heft i.

p. 1.

Weiss, F. E. (12) Report of the 80th meeting (Portsmouth) of the British Assoc, for the Advancement of Science, p. 560.

- (13) The root-apex and young root of Lyginodendron. Mem.

Proc. Manchester Lit. Phil. Snc. vol. lvii. .pt. iii.

- (13^) A Tylodendron-like fossil. Ibid. vol. Lvn. pt. iii.

Wernham, H. F. (11) Floral Evolution; with particular reference to the sympetalous Dicotyledons. New Phyt. vol. x. p. 73.nbsp;Wettstein, R. V. (90) Die Omorika-Fichte, Picea omorica (Pane.).nbsp;Sitzher. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Bd. xcvrn. Abt. i. p. 503.

- (11) Handbuch der systematischen Botanik. (Edit, ii.) Leipzig.

Wherry, E. T. (12) Silicified wood from the Triassic of Pennsylvania.

Proc. Acad. Sci. Philadelphia, vol. lxiv. pt. ii. p. 366.

White, D. (90) On Cretaceous Plants from Martha’s Vineyard. Anier. .Journ. Sci. vol. xxxix. p. 93.

- (01) The Canadian species of the genus Whittleseya and the

systematic relations. The Ottawa Naturalist, vol. xv. No. iv. p. 98. White, D. and C. Schuchert. (98) Cretaceous series of the West coastnbsp;of Greenland. Bull. Geol. Soc. America, vol. ix. p. 343.

Wieland, G. R. (99) A study of some American Fossil Cyoads. Pt. ii. The Leaf structure of Cycadeoidea. Amer. .Journ. sSci. vol. vn.nbsp;p. 305.

- (02) Notes on living Cycads. I. On the Zamias of Florida.

Ibid. vol. XIII. p. 331.

- (06) American Fossil Cycads. Washington.

- (08) Historic Fossil Cycads. Amer. Journ. Sci. vol. xxv. p. 93.

- (08^) Two new Araucarias from the Western Cretaceous. Geol.

Surv. South Dakota.

- (09) The Williamsonias of the Mixteca Alta. Bot. Gaz. vol. XLVin.

p. 427.

-- (11) On the Williamsonia Tribe. Amer. Journ. Sci. vol. xxxll.

p. 433.

- (11^) A study of some American Fos.sil Cycads. Pt. v. Ibid.

vol. xxxii. p. 133.

- (12) Ibid. pt. vi. On the smaller flower-buds of Cycadeoidea.

Ibid. vol. XXXIII. p. 73.

- (13) The Liassio Flora of the Mixteca Alta of Mexico, its composition, age, and source. Ibid. vol. xxxvi. p. 251.

- (14) A study of some American Fossil Cycads. Pt. vii. Further

notes on disk structure. Ibid. vol. xxxvm. p. 117.

- (16) American Fossil Cycads. Vol. n. Taxonomy. Washington.

-ocr page 667-



Wiesner, J. (03) Die Rohstoffe des Pflanzenreiches. Bd. ii. Leipzig. Wild, Gr. (00) On new and interesting features in Trigonocarpus olivae-formis. Trans. Manchester Geol. 8oc. vol. xxvi. pt. xv. p. 434.nbsp;Williamson, W. C. (40) On the Distribution of Fossil remains on thenbsp;Yorkshire coast from the Lower Lias to the Bath Oolite inclusive.nbsp;Trans. Geol. Soc. [2], vol. v. p. 223.

- (51) On the structure and affinities of the plants known as Stern-

bergiae. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. [2], vol. ix. p. 340.

- (69) On the structure and affinities of some exogens from the

Coal Measures. Monthly Micros. Journ. vol. ii. p. 66.

- (70) Contributions towards the history of Zamia gigas L. and H.

Trans. Linn. Soc. vol. xxvi. p. 663.

- (72) Kotioe of further researches among the plants of the Coal

Measures. Proc. R. Soc. vol. xx. p. 435.

- (72^) On the structure of the Dicotyledons of the Coal Measures.

Rep. 4.\st meeting (Edinburgh) of the Brit. .Assoc, p. 111.

- (74) On the Organisation of the Fossil Plants of the Coal Measures.

VI. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. vol. CLXii. p. 675.

- (76) On some fossil seeds from the Lower Carboniferous beds of

Lancashire. Rep. 4.5th meeting (Bristol) of the Brit. Hssoc. p. 159. - (86) On the morphology of Pinites oblongus. Mem. Proc. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. vol. X. [3], p. 189. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;,

- (87) On the Organisation of the Fossil Plants of the Coal Measures.

XIII. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. vol. 178.

- (90) Ibid. XVII. Ibid. vol. OLXxxi. p. 89.

Wiliamson, W. 0. and D. H. Scott. (94) The root of Lyginodendron oldhamium Will. Proc. R. Soc. vol. lvi. p. 128.

- (95) Further observations on the Organisation of the Fossil Plants

of the Coal Measures. III. Lyginodendron and Heterangium. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. vol. clxxxvi. p. 703.

Wills, Lucy. (14) Plant cuticles from the Coal Measures. Geol. Mag. [6], vol. I. p. 385.

Wills, L. T. (10) The fossihferous Lower Keuper rooks of Worcestershire. Proc. Geol. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;vol. xxi. p. 249.

Winkler, C. (72) Zur Anatomie von Araucaria brasiliensis. Bot. Zeit. Jahrg. XXX. p. 581.

Witham, H. (30) On the vegetable fossils from Lennel Braes near Coldstream, upon the banks of the Tweed in Berwickshire. Phil.nbsp;Mag. vol. vill. p. 16.

- (31) Observations on fossil vegetables accompanied by representations of their internal structure as seen through the microscope. Edinb. Journ. Sci. vol. v. p. 183.

Worsdell, W. C. (96) The anatomy of the stem of Macrozamia compared with that of other genera of Cycadeae. Ann. Bot. vol. x. p. 801.

--(97) On transfusion-tissue, its origin and function in the leaves of

Gymnospermous plants. Trans. Linn. Soc. vol. v. [2], p. 301.

- (98) The vascular structure of the sporophylls of the Cycadaceae.

Ann. Bot. vol. xii. p. 203.

-ocr page 668-



Worsdell, W. C. (98^) The comparative anatomy of certain genera of the Cycadaceae. Journ. Linn. Soc. vol. xxxm. p. 437.

- (99) Observations on the vascular system of the female flowers of

Conifers. Ann. Bot. vol. xm. p. 527.

- (00) The comparative anatomy of certain species of Encephalartos.

Trans. Linn. Soc. vol. v. pt. xiv. p. 445.

- (00^) The afflnities of the Mesozoic fossil Benneitites Oibaonianns

Carr. Ann. Bot. vol. xiv. p. 717.

-, (01) Contributions to the comparative anatomy of the Cycadaceae.

Trans. Linn. Soc. vol. vi. pt. ii. p. 109.

- (01^) The vascular structure of the flowers of the Gnetaceae.

Ann. Bot. vol. xv. p. 766.

- (04) The structure and morphology of the ovule. Ann. Bot.

vol. xvin. p. 57.

- (05) Fasciation, its meaning and origin. New Ptiyt. vol. iv. p. 55.

- (06) The structure and origin of the Cycadaceae. Ann. Bot.

vol. XX. p. 129.

Wright, W. B. (14) The Quaternary Ice Age. London.

Yabe, H. (13) Mesozoische Pflanzen von Omoto. Sci. Rep. of the Tokolcu Imp. Univ. (ser. ii. GeoL), Bd. i. Heft iv. p. 67.

Yates, J. (55) Notice oi Zamia gigas. Proc. Yorks. Phil. Soc. vol. i. p. 37. Yokoyama, M. (94) Mesozoic plants from Kozuke, Kii, Awa, and Tosa.nbsp;¦Journ. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Japan, vol. vii. pt. iii. p. 201.

- (05) Mesozoic plants from Nagato and Bitchu. Ihid. vol. xx.

Young, J. (69) Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow, vol. l. pi. iv. (No text.)

- (76) Catalogue of the Western Scottish fossils. Glasgow.

Young, Mary S. (07) The male gametophyte of Dacrydium. Bot. Gaz. vol. XLiv. p. 189.

- (10) The morphology of the Podocarpineae. Ihid. vol. l. p. 81.

Zalessky, M. (05) Über Prüchte aus den Unter Carbon-Ablagerungen des Mstabeckens in Nord Russland. Bull. acad. Imp. sci. St. Péters-hourg, tome xxii. No. iii. p. 113.

- (05^) Notiz über die obercarbonische Flora des Steinkohlenreviers

von Jantai in der südlichen Mandshurei. Verhand. K. Russ. Min. Oes. St. Pétershourg [2], Bd. xlii. p. 385.

- (09) Communication préliminaire sm? un nouveau Dadoxylon

provenant du Dévonien supérieur du bassin du Donetz. Buil. acad. Imp. sci. St. Pétershourg.

- (10) On the discovery of the calcareous concretions known as coal

balls in one of the seams of the Carboniferous strata of the Donetz basin. Ihid. p. 477.

- (11) Étude sur I’anatomie du Dadoxylon Tchihatcheffi Goepp. sp.

Mém. com. géol. St. Pétersb. [N.S.], Livr. 68, p. 1.

- (11^) Note préliminaire sur Ie Coenoxylon Scotti, nov. gen. et sp.

Études Paléohotaniquea, pt. i. St. Petersburg.

- (12) Sur le Gordaites aequalis Goepp. sp. de Sibérie et sur son

identité avec la Noeggerathiopsis Hislopi Bunb. sp. de la Flore du Gondwana. Mém. com. géol. St, Pétersb. [N.S.], Livr. 86.

-ocr page 669-



Zalessky, M. (12^) On the impressions of plants from the coal-bearing deposits of Sudzenka, Siberia. Bull. soc. Natural. Orel. pt. iv.

- (13) Flore Gondwanienne du Bassin de la Pétchora. I. Rivière

Adzva. Bull. soc. Oural. d’amis des Sci. Nat. a Ekaterinebourg, vol. XXXIII.

Zaug, W. (04) Die Anatomie der Kiefernadel und ihre Verwendung ziur systematischen Gliederung der Gattung Pinus. (Diss. Inaug.)nbsp;Oiessen.

Zeiller, K. (78) Sur une nouvelle espêce de Dicranophyllum. Bull. soc. geol. France [3], vol. vi. p. 611.

-- (80) Note sur quelques plantes fossiles du terrain permien de la

Corrèze. Ihid. vol. vin. [3], p. 196.

- (96) Le Marquis G. de Saporta, sa vie et ses travaux. Bull. soc.

géol. France [3], vol. xxiv. p. 197.

- (00) Sur les végétaux fossiles reoueiUis par M. Villiaume dans les

gites charbonneux du Nord-ouest de Madagascar. Gompt. Rend. Jun. 5.

- (02) NouveUes observations sur la flore fossile du bassin de

Kousnetzk (Siberie). Ihid. tome cxxxiv. p. 887.

- (05) Sur les plantes Rhétiennes de la Perse recueillies par M. J. de

Morgan. Bull. soc. géol. France [4], tome v. p. 190.

- (05^) Sur quelques empreintes végétales de la formation char-

bonneuse supraorétaoée des Balkans. Ann. Mines.

- (08) See Douvillé and Zeiller.

- (11) Note sur quelques végétaux infraliasiques des environs de

Niort. Bull. soc. géol. France [4], tome xi. p. 321.

- (11^) Sur une flore triasique découverte a Madagascar. Gompt.

Rend. vol. cnm. p. 230.

- (12) Sur quelques végétaux fossiles de la Grande Oolite de Marquise. Bull. soc. acad. Boulogne-sur-mer, tome IX. p. 5.

- (N.D.) See Malloizel and Zeiller.

Zeiller, R. and P. Fliche. (04) Découverte de strobiles de Sequoia et de Pin dans le Portlandien des environs de Boulogne-sur-mer. Gompt.nbsp;Rend, tome cxxxvii. p. 1020.

Zeiller, R. and L. M. Vidal. (02) Sobre algnnas impresiones vegetales del Kimeridgense de Santa Maria de Meyamp;. Mem. Real Acad.nbsp;Gienc. y Artes Barcelona, vol. iv. No. 26.

Zigno, A. de. (53) Découverte d’une flore Jurassique analogue a celle de Scarborough dans les couches oolitiques des Alpes Vénitiennes.nbsp;Bull. soc. géol. France [2], vol. x. p. 268.

- (73-85) Flora fossilis formationis Oolithicae. Vol. rr. Padua,


Zopf, W. (92) Ueber einige niedere Algenpilze (Phycomyceten) und eine neue Methode ihre Keime aus dem Wasser zu isoliren. Ahh. Natur-forsch. Ocs. Halle, Bd. xvn. p. 79.

-ocr page 670-


Abies 7nagnifica 75 Acanthocarpus 305nbsp;A. xanthioides 305nbsp;Acrostichum crinitum 568nbsp;Adiantides 173nbsp;Adiantites 173nbsp;A. belUdulus 173, 174, 307nbsp;Aetheotesta 304, 319, 331, 332nbsp;A. elliptica 138, 330-332nbsp;A. subglohosa 331nbsp;AgafMs 221, 222, 250, 283nbsp;A. australis 221nbsp;A. macrophyllus 221nbsp;A. vitiensis 221

Alethopteris 86, 89, 93, 106, 109, 111, 113, 115. 329nbsp;A. aquilina 108nbsp;A. decurrens 95

A. Grandini 108, 117, 144, 325

A. lonchitica 93, 108, 117

A. Serin. 117

Alnus 263

Alstroemeria 304

Amphibennettites 418

A. Bleicheri 418

A. Renaulti 418

Amyelon 261

A. radicans 261

Andrews, E. B. 305

Androstrobus 496, 505, 506

A. Balduini 505

A. borealis 505

A. Guerangeri 505

A. Nathorsti 506

A. Scotti 506

A. sibirica 505

A. zamioides 505

Aneimia rotundifolia 539

Aneimites 173

A. fertilis 169, 172 Angiopteris 87, 88, 107nbsp;Anomozamites 464, 465, 473, 548—551nbsp;A. Balli 586nbsp;A. minor 465, 466nbsp;A. Muelleri 510, 551nbsp;A. Schmidiii 574nbsp;Antarcticoxylon 294—299nbsp;A. Priestleyi 296-299nbsp;Antherangiopsis rediviva 503nbsp;Anthodiopsis Beinertiana 126nbsp;Antholithes liliacea- 264nbsp;Antholithus 224, 264nbsp;A. Pitcairniae 264nbsp;Anthrophyopsis 578, 579nbsp;A. crassinervis 581nbsp;A. Nilssoni 581nbsp;A. obovata 581

Araucaria 222, 250, 251, 299 A. BidwilUi 160nbsp;A. imbricata 221

Araucarioxylon 224, 248-250, 295

A. antiquum 285

A. australe 255

A. Beinerfianum 199

A. saxonicum 253

Araucarites 240, 295, 504

A. Beinertianus 199

A. Brandlingii 254

A. Buchianus 210

A. Oldhami 245

A. TcMhatchejfi 248

Arber, A. 308, 345, 346

Arber, E. A. N. Passim

Arberia, 352

Archaeopitys 290

A. Eastmanni 288, 290

Arctopodium 200-204, 207

A. insigne 201

-ocr page 671-



A. radiatum 201nbsp;Artis, P. E. 247nbsp;Artisia 246-251, 253, 256nbsp;A, alternans 248nbsp;A. transversa 231, 247nbsp;Aspleniopteris Nilssoni 558nbsp;Asplenium nidus 581nbsp;Asterochlaena 203, 205, 207

A. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;kirgisica 165nbsp;Asterophylliles 261nbsp;Asteropteris noveboracensis 203nbsp;Asierotheca 168

Attolia speciosa 327 Aulacopteris 106

Bambusium 277

B. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Imhofi 280

Bancroft, N. 147, 446, 455, 489 Beania 502, 503, 512, 568nbsp;B. Carrutkersi 502, 503nbsp;B. gracilis 502, 503nbsp;Bennetlites 367-371nbsp;B. dacctensis 403-408nbsp;B. Gibsonianus 370, 386, 448. Seenbsp;also Gycadeoidea Gibscmiananbsp;B. Morierei 383, 384, 429, 447. Seenbsp;also Cycadeoidea Morierei

B. portlandicus 368nbsp;B. Saxbyanus 386

Benson, M. 54, 55, 61-63, 71, 78-81, 125, 226, 228, 275, 313nbsp;Berger, B. 335, 341, 342, 349, 354nbsp;Berry, E. W. 575

Bertrand, C. E. 214, 267-269, 306, 340

Bertrand and Renault 219 Bertrand, P. 110-116, 140, 165, 200-205, 210, 323, 335, 342, 348, 357nbsp;Bignonia 336

Binney, B. W. 35, 36, 39, 105 Blastolepis 460nbsp;B. acuminata 460nbsp;B. falcata 460nbsp;B. Utozamitis 460nbsp;Boissier, E. 336nbsp;Bolpopodium 479nbsp;Baroviczia 358, 360, 363nbsp;B. Karpinskii 358-360nbsp;Botryoconus 264, 265nbsp;Bowenia 4, 7-9, 20, 27-29, 87, 139,nbsp;315

B. serrulata 27 B. spectabilis 20nbsp;B. spectabilis var. serrata 20nbsp;Bower, F. 0. 12, 196, 475nbsp;Braun, A. 12nbsp;Braun, F. 475, 477, 537nbsp;Brenchley, W. E. 46, 47nbsp;Brongniart, A. Passimnbsp;Brown, B. 368, 448, 480nbsp;Buokland, W. 367-371, 448nbsp;Bucldandia 372, 368, 408, 425, 426,nbsp;478-490, 523, 524, 531, 546nbsp;B. anomala 481-483nbsp;B. buzzardensis 486nbsp;B. indica 488, 489nbsp;B. Mantetti 481nbsp;B. Milleriana 483, 484nbsp;B. (Fitlonia) Bigauxi 496nbsp;B. Rujfordi 496nbsp;B. Saportana 481, 569nbsp;B. {Fittonia) squamata 487, 496nbsp;B. squamosa 487nbsp;B. Yatesii 484-486nbsp;Buckman, J. 588nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;*

Bulbopodium 368, 369, 479

B. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;micromerum 417nbsp;Bunbury, C. E. F. 240nbsp;Burlingame, L. 62, 312

Calamarieae 190 Calamopitys 190-197, 200, 248nbsp;O. americana 193, 200nbsp;O. annularis 193, 194, 198, 199

C. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Beinertiana 199

C. Batumi 190-194, 198nbsp;Galamopteris 190, 196nbsp;0. Hippocrepis 196nbsp;Galamosyrix 190nbsp;Oalamoxyleae 190nbsp;Gnllipteris 109 142, 169nbsp;Gallixylon 290-293nbsp;G. TriJiUevi 291-293nbsp;Galymmatotheca 50, 51nbsp;G. acuta 67nbsp;G. Stangeri 50, 57nbsp;Cambier and Benier 235nbsp;Gardiocarpon 264nbsp;C. acutum 169, 337nbsp;0. anomalum 264nbsp;0. barceMosum 351nbsp;G. Branneri 348


-ocr page 672-



C. compressum 345 C. emarginatum 335, 389nbsp;O. triangulare 338nbsp;Gardiocarpum fluitans 348nbsp;Cardioearpus 171, 224, 265, 302, 303,nbsp;307, 333-345, 354nbsp;C. angustodunensis 336, 341nbsp;C. areolatus 355nbsp;C. bicaudata 348nbsp;C. (Philocarpus) bicornutus 349nbsp;C. cornutus 350nbsp;C. drupaceus 334, 338nbsp;C. drupaceus var. expansus 339nbsp;C. indicus 140, 141, 352nbsp;G. ingens 353nbsp;G. nummularis 339nbsp;G. sderotesta 334, 338-340, 356nbsp;G. tenuis 339, 341nbsp;Gardiopteris 136, 360nbsp;Carpentier, A. 65-67, 81, 110-113,nbsp;365

Garpolites 363, 364 G. sulcatus 362nbsp;Garpolithes 353, 497nbsp;G. alata 118nbsp;G. conica 498nbsp;G. granulatus 168nbsp;G. Lindleyi 264nbsp;C. membranaceus 355nbsp;G. Milleri 141nbsp;C. nitidulus 174nbsp;G. samaroides 356nbsp;G. sulcata 359, 362nbsp;Garpolithus 326, 363-365, 497-500nbsp;G. bivalvis 365nbsp;G. Bucklandi 498nbsp;G. conicus 365, 498, 499nbsp;G. Nathorsti 66nbsp;G. Pomelii 499nbsp;G. Wildii 325, 365nbsp;Carruthers, W. Passimnbsp;Gassytha 302nbsp;Gaulopteris Adamsi 245nbsp;Gephalotaxus 346nbsp;G. pedunculata 222nbsp;Geratozamia 6, 9, 10, 19, 24, 28, 409,nbsp;507, 529

Geratozamia Hofmanni 508 G. mexicana 16,19, 21, 22, 30, 281, 536nbsp;Geropegia peltata 247nbsp;Chamberlain, C. J. 9, 29, 391

Gheilanthites elegans 72 Chodat, R. 53, 54, 60, 116, 161nbsp;Cladoxyleae 200-210nbsp;Gladoxylon 165, 200-207, 209, 210nbsp;G. dubium 201, 202nbsp;G. Kidstoni 149, 205, 206, 213nbsp;G. mirabile 201—203, 206nbsp;G. taeniatum 202, 205nbsp;Glaihraria 480, 490nbsp;G. anomala 481, 491nbsp;G. Lyelli 480, 481nbsp;Glathropodium foratum 479nbsp;G. sarlatense 479nbsp;Glepsydropsis 204, 205nbsp;Godonospermum 138, 304, 319, 330,nbsp;331. 361

C. anomalum 330, 331, 359 G. olivaeforme 330, 331nbsp;Godonotheca 67, 124-126, 128nbsp;G. caduca 67, 124, 125nbsp;G. pusilla 126nbsp;Goenoxylon 252, 293, 294nbsp;G. Scotti 293nbsp;Golpospermum 362, 363nbsp;Golpoxylon 109, 142-145, 283nbsp;G. aeduense 109, 142, 143nbsp;Golymbetes 491-494nbsp;G. Edwardsi 491-494nbsp;Gompsotesta 333, 347nbsp;G- Brongniarti 347nbsp;Compter, G. 280, 500nbsp;Gondylites 467nbsp;G. squamatus 467nbsp;Gonites Bucklandi 487nbsp;Gonostoma 64, 71, 79, 81, 303, 306,nbsp;309, 312-317, 326nbsp;G. anglogermanicum 315nbsp;C. intermedianum 79nbsp;G. dblongum 308, 313-315nbsp;G. ovale 79

Corda, A. J. 70, 200, 223, 281, 504, 505

Gordaianthus 142, 220, 224, 264-270 G. acicularis 267nbsp;G. Grand’Euryi 268, 269nbsp;G. Lacattii 268nbsp;G. Minieri 279

G. Pitcairniae 232, 233, 266, 267 G. Volkmanni 266, 267nbsp;G. Williamsoni 267, 268nbsp;C. Zeilleri 268

-ocr page 673-



Cordaicarpon 334 O. Cordai 334, 335nbsp;Cordaicarpus 220, 224, 240, 266, 333,nbsp;334, 335, 337, 342, 364nbsp;C. Cordai 232, 350, 354, 355nbsp;C. ingens 353nbsp;Cordaicladus 220, 224, -245nbsp;Cordaioxylon 220, 223, 248, 250nbsp;C. Brandlingii 254nbsp;Cordaispermum 335nbsp;Cordaitales 214-299nbsp;Cordaiteae 219-284nbsp;Cordaitex 137, 175, 176, 211, 214-217,nbsp;219-283 (passim), 294, 299, 335nbsp;C. aeqvMlis 238, 239, 243nbsp;C. australis 240nbsp;C. borassifolius 233, 236, 281nbsp;C. circularis 139, 237, 276nbsp;G. Glerci 239, 243nbsp;O. communis 233nbsp;O. crassifolius 226, 237nbsp;C. crassus 226nbsp;C. Delvali 235

C. Felicis 226, 228, 230, 275 C. gracilis 236nbsp;C. grandifolius 235, 276nbsp;C. (Noeggerathiopsis) Hislopi 238-245,nbsp;262

C Lacoei 237 C. lancifolius 233nbsp;lt;7. linearis 236

C. lingulalus 227, 229, 233-235

C. Mansfieldi 232

O. microstachys 236

C. Newberryi 293

C. Ottonis 232

C. palmmformis 236

C. principalis 226, 229-233, 266,335

C. Bobbii 233, 350

C. robustus 227

Cordaixylcm 223

Cornucarpus 337

C. aculus 337

Corylus colurna 60

Corypha 381

Cotta, C. B. 89, 96, 105

Crié, L. 255

Crossotheca 52-54, 113

C. Hoeninghausi 53, 54, 57

C. Hughesiana 52

Crossozamia 368, 500, 529

G. Hennocguei 600

G. Moraeana 500

Gtenidopsis 580

Gtenis 511, 512, 532, 578-583

G. asplenioides 581, 582

G. falcata 532, 580, 582

G. fallax 581

G. hungarica 580, 581

G. KaneJmrai 582

C. latifoUa 583

G. lunzensis 580

G. orovillensis 582, 583

G. PotocU 580, 582-584

G. remotinervis 582

G. sulcicaulis 580, 582—584, 586, 587

G. Zeyschneri 580, 582

Gtenophyllum 528

G, angusUfolium 556

G. grandifolium 585

G. latifolium 585

G. pecten 528

G. Wardi 585

Gtenopsis 585

Gtenopteris 511, 512 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;*

Gyathea 88 Cycadales 1-34nbsp;Cycadeae 8

Gycadella 374, 385, 417, 418 G. ramentosa 379, 417nbsp;G. wyomingensis 418nbsp;Gycadeoidea 282, 367-417nbsp;G buzzardensis 372, 486nbsp;G. colossalis 382, 408-410nbsp;G. dacotensis 403-408, 434, 449nbsp;C. Dartoni 380, 384nbsp;G. etrusca 384, 438nbsp;G. excelsa 374

G. Gibsoniana 374, 377, 386-395, 411, 420, 455, 456, 470nbsp;G. giganten 372, 380, 411-416, 478nbsp;G. ingens 378

G. Jenneyana 372, 375, 412, 416 G. McBridei 403nbsp;G. Marshiana 372, 408, 409, 412nbsp;G. marylandica 373nbsp;G. megalophylla 367nbsp;O. miaromyela 369, 374, 376, 415,nbsp;418, 456, 488nbsp;G. microphylla 367, 371nbsp;G. montiana 384

G. Morierei 395-403, 455, 456, 478 41—2

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C. nana 372

C. abscissa 590

C. Niüdzwiedzkii 412

G. armata 590

C. nigra 374

C. tuberculata 591

C. Peachiana 388

Cycadospadix 141, 494, 500, 501,504

C. pumila 369, 372, 417

C. Hennocquei 501

C. pygmaea 368, 417

C. integer 501

C. Reichenbachiana 409-412, 416

C. Milleryensis 338

C. Saxbyana 386, 388

G. Pasinianus 500

C. Stilwelli 374

Gycadoxylon 186-187

G. superba 372, 408

G. Fremyi 186, 187

C. Wielandi 375, 376

G. robustum 186, 187

C. Yatesii 371, 372, 484

Gycas 4-13, 27, 29, 34, 89, 94, 109,

Cycadeomyelon 481, 490, 491

157, etc.

C. Apperti 490, 491

G. angulata 21

C. densicristatnm 491

G. Beddomei 13

Cycadeorachis 591

G. Gairnsiana 14

Cycadeospermum 496, 497

G. circinalisi, 13,16, 20, 21, 24, 25,27

(7. Pomelii 499

G. media 30, 33

Cycadeostrobus 503, 504

G. Micholitzii 13, 14, 33

C. Brunonis 504

G. pectinata 21, 22

C. elegans 504

G. revoluta 5, 7, 10, 22, 27, 30

C. sphaericus 504

G. Ruiminiana 21, 22

C. truncatus 504

G. Rumphii 20

Cycadinocarpus 333, 334, 336,

341, G. Rumphii var. bifida 13

496, 497

G. siamensis 11, 12, 27, 30, 160

C. angustodunensis 326, 341

Gyclocarpon 334-336, 349

Cycadites 367, 368, 529, 558-572

G. nummularium 335

C. Blandfordianus 561

G. tenue 335

C. confertus 561

Cyclocarpus 340, 346

C. constrictus 561

G. nummularis 341

C. gramineus 561

Gyclopteris 109, 130, 136, 139, 276,

C. gyrosus 509, 562


G. pecten 520, 522

G. Jenksiniana 496

C. pectinoides 520, 522

G. Klipsteinii 544

C. rajmahalensis 571, 572

Gyclospermum 333, 335, 340, 341

G. reetangularis 501, 565, 566

Gyclozamia 541

C. Renaulii 566

Gylindropodium 368, 386, 478, 479

C. Roemeri 559

G. Saladini 565

Dadoxylon 223, 248-260, 289-295

G. Saportae 14, 559

D. australe 252, 255, 256

G, fiibiricus 561

D. Brandlingii 251, 254, 260

G. Steenstrupi 559

D. BucManum 220

C. sulcicaulis 578

D. Kayi 256, 258

G, taxodinus 509, 562

D. materiarum 252, 256, 257

G, tenuisectus 563, 576

D. medullaris 254

Cycadocephalus 473-477

D. meridionale 255

C. Sewardi 473-475

D. Newberryi 252

Gycadolepis 482, 494-496

D. Nicoli 255

C. pilosa 494

D. nummularium 255

C. villosa 494

D. oldhamium 35, 38

Cycadorachis 590, 591

D. ouangonidium 252

-ocr page 675-



D. Pedroi 252, 258, 259, 275 D. pamp;rmiense 259nbsp;D. protopityoides 255nbsp;D. Spenceri 294nbsp;D. spetzbergense 260nbsp;Dammara albens 281nbsp;Dammarites Bayeri 283nbsp;Danaea elUptica 475nbsp;Davallia aculeata 48nbsp;D. tenuifolia 77nbsp;Dawes, J. S. 247

Dawson, Sir J. W. 173, 203, 238, 247, 256, 277, 463

Dawson and Matthew 252 Dawson and Penhallow 196nbsp;De la Beohe 540nbsp;Decagonocarpus 357nbsp;D. olivaeformis 357nbsp;Depape and Carpentier 317nbsp;Besmiophyllum 236, 278nbsp;D. Solmsi 282nbsp;Dicksonites 167nbsp;Dicranophyllum 246nbsp;Dictyo-Gordaites Lecoi 238nbsp;Dictyopieris 546nbsp;D. falcata 546nbsp;D. Schittzii 113nbsp;Dictyothalamus 127nbsp;D. Sckrollianus 113, 127nbsp;Dictyoxylon 35, 36, 72nbsp;D. Grierii 72nbsp;D. oldhamium 38nbsp;D. radicnns 261

Dictyozamites 379, 511, 546—548

D. falcatus 546

D. falcatus var. distans 547

D. falcatus var. grossinervis 547

D. falcatus var. obtusa 546

D. grossinervis 547

D. Hawelli 547, 548

D. indicus 346

D. Johnstrupi 547, 548

Dioon 8, 9, 19, 29, 30, 455

D. edule 10, 15, 16, 19, 27, 28, 34, 464

D. Purpusii 19

D. spinulosum 10, 19, 23, 25, 417 Bioonites 509, 528, 556, 572nbsp;D. Buchianus 537nbsp;D. saxonicus 537nbsp;D. spectabilis 367nbsp;Diplopterotesta 360, 361

D. spitzbergensis 359, 360 Diplotesta 265, 333, 346, 347nbsp;D. aveUana 322nbsp;D. Grand’Euryana 322, 346nbsp;Diplotmema 77nbsp;D. elegans 72nbsp;Dolerophylleae 132nbsp;Dolerophyllum 124, 130-139, 22a, 237,nbsp;276, 331, 332

D. Berthieri 130, 133, 136-138 D. fertile 130, 131, 137, 138nbsp;D. Goepperti 132-134, 137, 138

D. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;pseudopeUatum 136, 137nbsp;Doleropteris 136nbsp;Doleropteroideae 132nbsp;Dorety, H. A. 30, 162nbsp;Dorrien-Smith, A. A. 25nbsp;Dory-Gordaites 224, 227, 265, 321nbsp;Dory-Oycadolepis 494

Dunker, W. 528, 529, 544, 558 Duns, J. 170

Echinostipes 368 Edraxylon 38, 47nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;*

Edwards, W. N. 343 Eichwald, E. 132nbsp;Elkins and Wieland 292nbsp;Encephalartopsis 608

E. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nervosa 608, 580nbsp;Encephalartos 6-10, 14, 23, 28, 29, 34,

158, 372, 487, 507, 508, 529, 587 E. Altensteinii 14, 15, 21, 25, 27, 412nbsp;E. Barteri 9, 27, 30, 158nbsp;E. cajfer 14, 16nbsp;E. cretaceus 508nbsp;E. denticulatus 507nbsp;E. Fredericki-Guilielmi 14, 16nbsp;E. GhdUnckii 11, 14, 529, 561nbsp;E. Gorciexianus 508, 510nbsp;E. Hildebrandti 9nbsp;E. horridus 27nbsp;E. Laurentianus 14nbsp;E. Lehmanni 14, 320nbsp;E. longifolia 14, 536nbsp;E. villosus 22nbsp;Endlicher, S. 285, 503nbsp;Endolepis vogesiacus 278nbsp;Eolirion primigenium 282nbsp;Eremopteris 169-172nbsp;E. artemisaefolia 169-171nbsp;E. Macconchii 172

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E. Neesii 169nbsp;Eriotesta 319, 332

E. vetutina 332

Eristophyton 194, 197, 200, 248 E. Beinertianum 199, 295nbsp;E. fasciculare 197-199nbsp;Erodium 304, 364

Ettingshausen, C. von 529, 551, 578, 581

Eu-Cordaites 224 Eu-Ctenis 580nbsp;Euphorbia 247nbsp;Eury-Gycadolepis 494-496

E. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Jenkinsiana 496nbsp;Euryphyllum 238, 245nbsp;Eu-Zamites 521, 531

Feistmantel, 0. 240, 443, 445, 494, 514-617, 546, 661, 572, 574, 577,nbsp;586

Eeistmantelia 139, 491

F. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;bengalensis 139

F. oblonqa 491

Felix, J. 67, 70, 227, 250 Fiedler, H. 123, 335, 336, 349, 351nbsp;Filicites Bechei 539, 540

F. Bucklandi 537nbsp;F. (Sphenopteris) elegans 72nbsp;F. Pluckeneti 166nbsp;Fittonia 478, 487nbsp;F. Brnngniarti 395nbsp;F. insignia 487nbsp;F. Bigauxi 487nbsp;F. Ruffordi 483nbsp;F. sguamata 487nbsp;Flabelkiria 223, 233nbsp;F. chamaeropifolia 281nbsp;Fliche, P. 278, 279, 280, 368, 504nbsp;Fontaine, W. M. 385, 500, 508, 578,nbsp;580, 582

Frame, E. de 95, 96, 149, 153, 155, 161

Fribia nobilis 505 Fries, E. 566nbsp;Fumaria officinalis 72

Oangamopteris 268, 338, 352 O. Seixasi 351nbsp;Oaudrya 319, 332nbsp;O. lagenaria 332nbsp;O. trivalvis 332

Geinitz, H. B. 334, 365, 552 Gibbs, L. S. 61

Ginkgo biloba 7, 61, 62, 119, 135, 139, 173, 222, 251, 266, 294, 301, 306,nbsp;327, 333, 338, 339, 398, 499, 502nbsp;Gleichenia 74, 88nbsp;Olossopteris 141, 354nbsp;0. indica 140nbsp;Olossozamites 530

G. brevis 630

G. Schenkii 541

G. Stoliczanus 530nbsp;Glyptostrobus 127nbsp;Gnetales 160

Gnetopsis 304, 309, 314, 317, 318 G. anglica 318

G. elliptica 314, 317, 318, 359 Gnetum 401nbsp;G. africanum 401

G. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Gnemon 63

Goeppert, H. R. 96, 126, 127, 173, 210, 264, 286, 289, 295, 305, 336,nbsp;411, 412, 527

Goeppert and Stenzel 86, 96, 102, 163, 252, 295

Goldenburg, F. 236 Gomphostrobus 253nbsp;Gordon, W. T. 181, 183, 288, 312nbsp;Gothan, W. 51, 248-252nbsp;Gourlie, W. 36, 37nbsp;Grand’Eury, C. Passimnbsp;Grieve, G. 72nbsp;Griffith, W. 28, 302nbsp;Ouilelmiies 365

Halle, T. G. 280, 443, 457, 473, 517, 518, 521, 522, 527, 540, 547, 550,nbsp;563, 565, 575nbsp;Haplocalamus 190

Heer, 0. 174, 280, 336, 358, 360, 462, 520, 525, 430, 641, 649, 563nbsp;Helmacher, R. 349nbsp;Hemingway, W. 94, 317nbsp;Hemitelia 48

Heterangium 51, 70-85, 86-94, 98, 109, 156, 157, 162, 168, 179-183,nbsp;193, 194, 214, 309, 312, 316

H. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;alatum 84

H. Andrei 84nbsp;if. bibractense 84

H. bohemicxim 84

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H. cylindricum 83 H. Duchartrei 83nbsp;H. Grievii 71-73, 79-82nbsp;H. hibemicum 84nbsp;H. Lomaxi 72, 83nbsp;H. minimum 83nbsp;U. paradoxum 72nbsp;H. polyslichum 84nbsp;H. punctatum 84nbsp;H. Senaulti 84nbsp;H. Sturi 84, 183nbsp;H. tiliaeoidea 71, 81-84nbsp;Hexagonocarpus 116, 303, 322, 323,nbsp;356

H. crassus 356 H. Hookeri 367nbsp;H. Noeggerathi 359nbsp;Hexapterospermum 116, 119, 140, 319,nbsp;321-323, 348, 356nbsp;H. modestae 357nbsp;H. Noeggerathii 322, 357nbsp;H. pachypterum 321nbsp;H. stenopterum 321, 322nbsp;Hick, T. 67nbsp;Hierogmmma 200-204nbsp;H. mysticum 201nbsp;Hisingera 569

Holccspermum 343, 361-363 B.. dubium 363

H. sulcatum 357, 359, 361-363

Holden, H. S. 109

Holden, B. 243, 559, 560, 563, 565

HolKck, A. 461

Hollick and Jeffrey 491

Hooker, Sir J. 10, 60

Hooker and Binney 118, 301

Howse, B. 170, 232

Hysterites Cordaitis 233

lodes 46

Johnson, T. 51, 52, 84 Jmdania 334, 336

J. bignonioides 336, 351

J. moravica 347nbsp;Juglans 222

J. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;regia 246

Kaloxylon 67

K. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Hookeri 38, 67nbsp;Kalymma 190, 192, 194-196

K. grandis 192, 195, 196

K. striata 196

Karsten, G. 30

Kershaw, E. M. 28, 61

Kidston, E. 51-53, 56, 110, 112, 168

Kidston and Gwynne-Vaughan 185

Klein, L. 145

Knorria taxina 232

Kosmoysky, C. 238

Krammera 277, 281

K. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mirabilis 280

Krasser, E. 420, 553, 576, 580 Kraus, G. 28, 210, 295nbsp;Kubart, B. 70, 71, 84, 183nbsp;Kurtz, F. 589nbsp;Kutorga, S. 132

Lagenidium 62

Lagenospermum 64^66, 174, 309

L, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Arberi 173, 307

L. glandiforme 360

L. nitidulum 174nbsp;L. oblongum 65, 66

L Sinclairi 57, 64, 66, 81 Lagenostoma 55-66, 71, 81, 116, 122,nbsp;125, 160, 173, 303, 307-317, 325,nbsp;326, 329, 497nbsp;L. Kidstoni 64nbsp;L. Lomaxi 51, 55-62, 311nbsp;L. oblonga 65nbsp;L. avoided 55, 62-64, 311nbsp;L. physoides 62, 301nbsp;L. Sinclairi 64, 65nbsp;L. urceolaris 65nbsp;Leckenby, J. 421nbsp;Lepidanthium 477nbsp;Lepidocaryon 265, 333, 346, 347nbsp;L. avellana 346nbsp;Lepidodendron 125, 212, 271nbsp;Leslie, T. N. 242, 256nbsp;Lesquereux, L. 110, 123, 131, 156,nbsp;232, 235, 305, 326nbsp;Leuthardt, E. 280, 550, 553nbsp;Lignier, O. 34, 63, 217, 229, 247, 386,nbsp;415, 428, 432-434, 455nbsp;Lindley and Hutton. Passimnbsp;Linnaeus 363, 364nbsp;Linopteris 86, 109, 113nbsp;L. obliqua 111, 113nbsp;Lobelia Rhynchopetalum 12nbsp;Loddiges, C. 368


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Lomax, J. 46, 90 Lotsy, J. 86, 117nbsp;Lycoslrobus 506nbsp;Lyginodendron 36nbsp;L. anomalum 289nbsp;L. Landsburgii 36, 37nbsp;L. oldhamium 38, 70. See also Ly-ginopteris oldhamianbsp;L. robustum 187nbsp;L. Sverdrupi 38nbsp;Lyginopterideae 35-85, 89, 162nbsp;Lyginopteris 35-70, 74-78, 84, 86-94,nbsp;98, 109, 186, 189-191, 194, 198,nbsp;214, 273, 293, 295, 309, 316, 369nbsp;L. lacunosum 70nbsp;L. oldhamia 38-51, 56, 72

L. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;tristichum 70nbsp;Lygodium 88, 180

McBride, T. H. 403 McCoy, Sir F. 240nbsp;McLean, K. C. 59nbsp;Macropterygium 554nbsp;Macrozamia 7, 9, 10, 19, 24, 28, 29,nbsp;100, 157, 158, 391, 529, 531

M. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Deniscmi 16, 28nbsp;M. Fraseri 16, 28, 499nbsp;M. gibba 504

M. heteromera 19, 27, 33 M. Maclcayi 536nbsp;M. Moorei 6nbsp;M. Preissii 23nbsp;M. spiralis 19nbsp;Malacotesta 363nbsp;M. oblonga 363nbsp;Manoxylic 7

Mantell, G. 478, 480, 481 Mantellia 367, 368nbsp;M. nidiformis 367nbsp;Marattia 107nbsp;Mariopteris 111nbsp;Marsli, A. S. 385nbsp;Masculoslrobus 505nbsp;Maslen, A. J. 271nbsp;Malania 88, 190nbsp;Matte, H. 30, 159, 160nbsp;Mednllosa 86-110, 119, 144, 149-157,nbsp;161, 164, 165, 183, 190, 196, 207,nbsp;209, 319

M. anglica 87-98, 102, 105, 107, 108, 145-158, 161, 180, 219

M. centrofilis 95-97, 157 M. degans 105-107nbsp;M. gigas 100

M. Leuckarti 87, 102-105, 108, 142-145, 154-159, 165 M. Ludwigii 163nbsp;M. porosa 89, 92, 157nbsp;M. pusilla 94-96nbsp;M. Solmsi 92, 148, 157nbsp;M. Solmsi var. gigantea 100, 101, 158nbsp;M. Solmsi var. lignosa 92nbsp;M. Solmsi var. typica 101nbsp;M. stellata 87, 89, 96, 97, 100-103,nbsp;157, 158, 164

M. stellata var. corticafa 92,99,100,158 M. stellata var. gigantea 92, 100nbsp;M. stellata var. lignosa 100nbsp;M. stellata var. typica 97-99nbsp;Medulloseae 86-165nbsp;Megadendron saxonicum 253nbsp;Megalorhacliis 204nbsp;M. elliptica 204nbsp;Megalospcrmum 326nbsp;Mcgaloxylon 175—180, 182, 183, 198,nbsp;297

M. Scotti 17.5-180 Mesopitys 248, 294^296nbsp;M. Tchihatcheffi 293-296, 299nbsp;Mesoxylon 214, 217, 220, 225, 226,nbsp;246, 248, 253, 256, 262, 266, 270-276, 294, 295, 299nbsp;M.Lomaxi 274, 275, 297nbsp;M. poroxyloides 274, 275nbsp;M. SutcUffi 271-274nbsp;Metacordaites 260nbsp;M. Rigolloti 254, 260nbsp;Mettenius, G. 30

Microcycas 6, 7, 10, 19, 23, 30, 62, 162, 163nbsp;M. Calocoma 27nbsp;Microspermum 343, 365nbsp;Miller, H. 449, 536, 584nbsp;Miquel, F. A. W. 528, 569nbsp;Mitrospermum 307, 333, 336, 345, 346nbsp;M. compressum 314, 338, 345nbsp;Mittagia 63, 64nbsp;M. seminiformis 63nbsp;Morière, J. 369, 395, 415nbsp;Morris, J. 264, 512, 514, 528nbsp;Mougeot, A. 99nbsp;Musocarpus 361

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M. difformis 361

M. prismaticus 361nbsp;Myelopteris 106, 154nbsp;Myeloxylon 89, 93, 96, 99, 105-108,nbsp;119, 123, 139, 144, 154, 155, 196,nbsp;207, 329

M. Landrioti 93, 102, 105, 108 M. radiatum 103, 105, 107, 108

M. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;topekense 108nbsp;llyrica 262

31. Gale 61, 318

Naiadea obtuaa 588 Nathorst, A. G. Passimnbsp;Nephrolepis Duffi 543nbsp;Neuropterideae 87nbsp;Neuropteridophylla 86nbsp;Neuropferis 56, 86, 89, 106, 109—112,nbsp;115, 117, 126, 130, 139, 342, 357

N. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;auriculata 116

N. Carpentieri 112

N. gigantea 110-113, 116, 140 N. heterophylla 110, 111, 11,3-117nbsp;N. obliqua 115, 116, 124

N. pseudogigantea 112nbsp;N. SrJilehani 116nbsp;Neuroplerocarpus 116nbsp;N. Kidstoni 114nbsp;Neuropteromedullosa 156nbsp;Neurospernmm 116, 344nbsp;Neurotheca 110

Newberry, J, S. 128, 131, 320, 507, 589

Nilssonia 511, 512, 548, 549, 551, 555, 566-578

N. hohemica 576 N. brevis 567-571

N. conipta 555, 569, 573, 574, 576, 578

N. densinervis 575

N. elongata 566

N. Jolmsirupi 575

N. mediana 551

N. nipponensis 574

N. orientalis 568, 572, 575, 576

N. ozvana 576

N. polymorpha 567-573

N. princeps 576, 577

N. pterophylloides 367, 567, 572, 573

N. rajmahalensis 571

N. saighensis 570

N. Sehaumburgensis 578

N. Schmidti 574 N. Sturii 576nbsp;N. taeniopteroides 575nbsp;N. temiicaulis 556, 576nbsp;N. tenuinervis 569, 575nbsp;Nilssoniales 511, 566-587nbsp;Nilssoniopteris 569nbsp;Niponophyllum 282, 283nbsp;N. cordaitiforme 282nbsp;Noeggerathia 589, 590nbsp;N. crassa 227nbsp;N. cyclopteroid.es 132nbsp;N. foliosa 588nbsp;N. Ooepperti 132nbsp;N. palmaeformis 235, 238nbsp;Noeggerathianthus 264nbsp;NoeggeratJiiopsis 220, 238-243

N. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Hislopi 238, 241, 276, 277: Seenbsp;also Cordaites (Noeggerathiopsis)nbsp;Hislopi

Odontopteris 86, 106, 109 Oldham and Morris 443, 488, 514. 561,nbsp;572, 574, 576, 577nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;'

Oliver, F. vV. 55, 61-64, 79, 119, 122, 301, 306-309, 321-326, 329nbsp;Oliver and Salisbury 308, 313, 317nbsp;Oliver and Scott 56, 60nbsp;Oreodoxites Martianus 338nbsp;Osborne, T. G. B. 261, 262nbsp;Otopteris mediana 541

O. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;tenuata 543

Otozamites 460, 467, 500, 511, 514, 517, 521, 522, .528, 530, 537-545,nbsp;546, 587, 589nbsp;0. abbreviatus 521, 522nbsp;0. angustatus 514-516nbsp;O. Beani 541-544, 587, 588nbsp;0. Bechei 538-541, 544

0. bengalensis 542

0. bengalensis var. obtusa 543nbsp;O. brevifoUtts 447

O. Bucklandi 641 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(

O. Bunburyanus 542, 543 O. contiguus 543nbsp;O. decorus 544nbsp;O. distans 515nbsp;O. Peistmanteli 539, 543nbsp;O. giganteus 544nbsp;O. Ooeppertianus 483, 538, 544nbsp;O. gracilis 515, 516

-ocr page 680-

650 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;IITBEX

o. graphicus 540

O. groenlandica 537

O. Hennocguei 540

O. Hislopi 515, 516, 521, 522

O. indosinensis 541

O. Izuimensis 544

O. KUpsteini 530, 543, 544

O. lagotis 544

O. linearis 541, 544

O. molianus 541

O. obtusus 537-541

O. obtusus var. ooliticus 540

O. oregonensis 544

O. Pólalcii 541

O. tenuissimus 543

O. Terquemi 540

O. vicetinus 540

Ottoharia 124, 139-141

O. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;bengalensis 116, 139, 140

Pacliytesta 90, 115-117, 144, 304, 319, 323-236

P. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;gigantea 323, 325nbsp;P. incrassata 324, 325nbsp;Palaeanthus problematica 461nbsp;Palaeopitys 210

P. Milleri 210

Palaeospathe aroidea 132

Palaeoxylon 100, 289

Palaeoxyris 477

P. micmhombea 477

Palaeqzamia 442, 443, 513, 514

P. acutifoUa 514

P. affinis 514, 515

P. bengalensis 514

P. cutckensis 514, 515

P. longifolia 281

P. pecten 421

P. rccla 534

P. rigida 514, 515

P. Bubidgei 585

Palmacites 118

Parapitys 294, 295

P. Speneeri 294, 295

Parkinson, J. 367

Paullinia 88

Pearson, H. H. W. 28, 402 Pecopteris Pluckeneti 166-168,171,308nbsp;P. Sterzeli 168nbsp;Pecopteromedullosa 156nbsp;Pelourdea 277-281

P. hadroclada 280

P. Imhofi 280

P. keuperiana 280

P. megaphylla 281

P. mirabilis 281

P. vogesiaca 278, 279, 281

Penhallow, Igt;. P. 108, 251

Phillips, J. 281, 520, 522, 558, 578

Phoenicopsis 236, 278, 280

Phylladoderma 244

P. Arberi 244

Phyïlocladus 122

Phyllotaenia 280

P. hadroclada 280

P. longifolia 280

Physostoma 62, 64, 125, 304, 309-316, 326, 329, 359

P. elegans 62, 309, 311, 314

Pilularia 58, 64, 327

Pinites 35

P. Brandlingii 254

P. Goepperti 210

P. medullaris 289

P. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;289

Pissadendron 285

Pitcairnia 264

Pityeae 285—299

Pityoxylon chasense 251

Pitys 183, 285-289, 290

P. antiqua 285-291

P. Dayii 288

P. primaeva 287-289

P. Wiihami 286, 289

Plagiozamites 530, 589, 590

P. carhonarius 590

P. Planchardi 509, 589, 590

Platylepis 369, 415, 478

P. micromyela 479

Platypterygium 586

P. Balli 555, 556

P. densinerve 575

P. Bogersianum 575

Platyspermum 114, 343, 362, 363

P. sulcatum 362

Poa-Oordaites 224, 227, 236, 280, 283

P. tenuifolius 236

Podoearpus 61, 262

Podocarya 386, 449

Podozamites 281, 529, 588

P. Milleri 536

P. Zitteli 530


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Polyhphospermum 319, 322, 329, 330 P. stephanense 322, 329nbsp;Polypodioides pecteniformis 522, 523nbsp;Polypodium heracleum 145, 190nbsp;P, irioide^ 566nbsp;P. quercifoUum 146, 190nbsp;Polypterocarpus 357, 358, 361nbsp;P. anglicus 321, 324, 357nbsp;Polypterospermum 319, 323nbsp;P. Benaulti 322, 323nbsp;Pomel, A. 368, 497, 500, 529, 541nbsp;Poroxyleae 214^219nbsp;Poroxylon 83, 142, 214-219, 226, 262,nbsp;270, 275, 276, 295, 343nbsp;P. Boysseti 214, 218, 219nbsp;P. Duchartrei 214nbsp;P. Edwardsii 216—219nbsp;P. stephanense 217, 219nbsp;Potonié, H. 38, 111, 112, 166, 249,nbsp;549, 590

Potlt;mim 113, 116, 117, 128, 129 P. adiantiformis 111, 112, 131nbsp;Prankerd, T. L. 62, 63nbsp;Priestley, R. 296nbsp;Primula auricula 91nbsp;Protoeycadaceae 161nbsp;Protopityeae 210-213nbsp;Protopitys 207, 209-213, 255nbsp;P. Buchiana 210-213nbsp;Psaronius 88, 168, 253nbsp;Pseudoctenis 528, 556, 584—587nbsp;P. Balli 586nbsp;P. crassinervis 585nbsp;P. eathiensis 584, 585nbsp;P. ensiformis 585nbsp;P, Lanei 586

Paeudocycas 14, 511, 558-565 P. insignis 560, 562, 565nbsp;P. Boemeri 560, 564nbsp;P. Saportae 560, 563, 564nbsp;P. Steenatrupi 560, 561, 563nbsp;Psygmophyllum 276nbsp;P. Delvali 235nbsp;P. flabellatum 238nbsp;P. tnajus 235

Pteridotheca Butterworthi 54 Pterispermostrobus 66, 67, 126nbsp;P. bifurcatus 65, 66, 126nbsp;Pterophyllum 511, 548-558nbsp;P. aequale 556nbsp;P. angustijolium 576

P. Bavieri 555 P. blechnoides 509, 552nbsp;P. Braunianum 554, 556, 558nbsp;P. Brcmni 553, 554nbsp;P. Buchianum 529nbsp;P. Cambryi 509, 552nbsp;P. Carterianum 586nbsp;P. concinnum 549nbsp;P. Coltaeanum 509, 552nbsp;P. crassinerve 550nbsp;P. distans 557

P. Dunkerianum 527, 528, 557 P. Paydli 509, 551, 552nbsp;P. Pooteanum 557nbsp;P. Ooeppertianum 544nbsp;P. gonorrachis 509nbsp;P. Grand’Euryanum 509, 552nbsp;P. inconstans 555nbsp;P. inflexum 509nbsp;P. Jaegeri 548-550, 553nbsp;P. longifolium 553nbsp;P. Lyellianum 557, 558nbsp;P. mujus 548nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^

P. marginatum 550 P. medianum 576nbsp;P. minus 548nbsp;P. Marrisianum 578, 586nbsp;P. Nathorsti 556nbsp;P. Nihsoni 551, 557, 558nbsp;P. dblongifoKum 530nbsp;P. pecten 512, 517nbsp;P. princeps 573, 576, 586nbsp;P. rigidum 523nbsp;P. Bogersianum 554, 575nbsp;P. saxomcum 537nbsp;P. Schaumburgense 578nbsp;P. Schenki 555nbsp;P. ;7’«e«2ei 554, 555nbsp;P. Williamsonis 573nbsp;Pterospermum 343, 357nbsp;P. anglicum 357nbsp;Pterozamites 529nbsp;Ptilophyllum 379, 512-529, 539nbsp;P. acutifolium 446, 517, 521, 522nbsp;P. acutifolium var. maximum 515nbsp;P. Arederssowi 525, 527nbsp;P. antarcticum 525, 527nbsp;P. boreale 525-527, 530nbsp;P. cutchense 478, 514-517, 521, 522,nbsp;524

P. cutchense var. curvijolium 515

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P. Dunkerianum 527 P. hirsutum 520

P. pecten 437-440, 443, 445, 512-525 Ptilozamites 511, 512nbsp;Ptychotesta 319, 321, 322, 348nbsp;P. pachyptemm 322nbsp;P. temiis 321, 322nbsp;Ptychoxylon 142, 145, 186-190nbsp;P. Levyi 187-190nbsp;Pychuoxylic 7nbsp;Pycnophyllum 223

Rachiopteris aspera 47 R. Williamsoni 154, 155nbsp;Raciborski, M. 412, 578, 581, 582nbsp;Radiculites reticulatus 217nbsp;Radiospermum 64nbsp;R. ornatum 323nbsp;Rattray, C. 28nbsp;Raumeria 409

R, Reichenbachiana 384, 385 R. ScTiulziana 412nbsp;Reichenbach, — 253nbsp;Reid, Mr and Mrs Clement 300nbsp;Renault, B. Passimnbsp;Renier, A. 116nbsp;Retinodendron 181nbsp;Rhdbdocarpos Mansjiddi 326nbsp;Rhabdocarpus 90, 115, 116, 215, 333,nbsp;341-344, 362, 364nbsp;R. Boschianus 320nbsp;R. elongatus 174nbsp;R. Lilleanus 342nbsp;R. Mansjieldi 326nbsp;R. multistriatus 362, 363nbsp;R. OUveri 344nbsp;R. orientalis 174nbsp;R. oroides 354nbsp;R. subtunicatus 115, 342nbsp;R. tunicatus 115, 341, 342, 362nbsp;Rhabdospermum 116, 307, 333, 335,nbsp;339-344, 347nbsp;R. cyclocaryon 340, 344nbsp;Rhetinangium 85, 181-183nbsp;R Arberi 181-183nbsp;Rhexoxylon 87, 101, 146-149, 207nbsp;R. africanum 146-149nbsp;RMpidopsis ginkgoides 140nbsp;RMptozamites Goepperti 238, 244, 245nbsp;Rhizo-Gordaites 224, 237nbsp;Rhizophidium 62

Rhynchogonium 358-363 R. costatum 358, 359

R. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;sulcatum 358, 360nbsp;Rhynchopetalum monlanum 12nbsp;Richards, J. T. 536, 584nbsp;Richter, P. B. 200

Roehl, von 136

Salisbury, E. ,1. 122, 307, 320 Samaropsis 168-171, 236, 245, 265-267, 303, 333-338, 345-354

S. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;acuta 167-171nbsp;S. alata 351

S. Baileyi 351 8. barceUosus 350, 351nbsp;8. bicaudata 348, 350nbsp;8. bignonioides 350nbsp;8. Orampii 349nbsp;8. emarginata 337, 349, 350nbsp;8. fluitans 142, 338, 348, 350nbsp;8. indica 352, 353nbsp;8. Leslii 352, 353nbsp;8. marginata 337nbsp;8. Milleri 353nbsp;8. moravica 349, 352nbsp;8. Newberryi 350nbsp;8. Pitcairniae 266nbsp;8. 8eixasi 350, 351nbsp;8. spitzbergensis 360nbsp;8. ulmiformis 336

Saporta, G. de 368, 369, 422, 429, 434, 449, 477^79, 494, 499, 500,nbsp;589

Saporta and Marion 132, 137, 138, 317, 395, 501, 505nbsp;8arcotaxus 265nbsp;8. angulosus 347nbsp;8. aveUana 346nbsp;8. olivaeformis 347nbsp;Schenk, A. 97, 164, 282, 336, 529, 550,nbsp;554, 555, 568, 578, 581nbsp;Schimper, W. P. 127, 477, 500, 501,nbsp;505, 530, 554

Schimper and Mougeot 278 8chizodendron 250nbsp;8chizopodium 369nbsp;8. Renaulti 369nbsp;8chizospermum 319nbsp;8chizoxylon 200, 203nbsp;8. taeUiatum 201nbsp;Schlotheim, E. F. von 166



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Schmaulhausen, J. 174, 233, 238, 244, 245

Schuster, J. 411, 412, 477

Sckützia 124-127

S. anomala 126, 127

S. Bennieana 127

iS'. permiensis 127

Scolopteris 168

Scott, D. H. Passim

Scott and Jeffrey 191, 196

Soott and Maslen 119, 122, 330

Scuto-Gordaiies 237

8. Grand’Buryi 238

Sellards, E. H. 126

Senecio praecox 287

Senftenbergia 63

Sequoia 217

Serjania 88

Sewardia latifolia 589, 591 Shaw, P. J. P. 160nbsp;Shirley, J. 255nbsp;Sigillaria 214nbsp;SigiUariopsis 214

Solms-Laubaoh, Graf zu. Passim Sorocladus stellata 110nbsp;Sparganum 93, 105, 184, 191nbsp;Spencer, J. 294nbsp;Sphaereda paradoxa 502nbsp;Sphaerostoma 71, 78-81, 307, 309, 316,nbsp;319

8. ovale 79, 80, 312, 313 Sphenophyllum 110

Sphenopteridophylla 86

Sphenopteris 109 8. artemisaefolia 169nbsp;8. crithmifolia 169, 170nbsp;8. dissecta 77, 81nbsp;•8. Dubuissonis 56nbsp;8. elegans 72, 75, 77, 78, 81nbsp;8. Hoeninghausi 47-53, 56, 70nbsp;8. Linkii 51nbsp;8. obtusifolia 81nbsp;8. obiusiloba 65nbsp;S. refracta 208nbsp;8. Schaumberg-Lippeana 66

Sphenozamites 587-589 8. BeUi 588, 589nbsp;8. Geinitzianus 589nbsp;8. Geylerianus 588nbsp;8. róbustus 589nbsp;8. Bochei 509, 587nbsp;8. Bossii 588nbsp;Sporocarpon ornatum 309nbsp;Stangeria paradoxa 8, 9, 12,16, 19—22,nbsp;29, 30, 32, 34, 159, 160, 312, 386nbsp;Staub, M. 578nbsp;Steloxylon 163-165nbsp;8, Ludivigii 163, 164nbsp;Stenomyelon 182—185nbsp;8. tuedianum 183-185nbsp;StenorracMs 503nbsp;8. scanicus 503, 568nbsp;Stenzel, G. 165nbsp;8ienzelia 106

Stephanospermum 302-304, 307, 323, 326-329, 345, 497

8. akenioides 311, 314, 319, 326-328 8. caryoides 328, 329nbsp;Sternberg, C. von 118, 362, 487, 522,nbsp;555

Sternbergia 247

Sterzel, J. T. 105, 167, 168

SHgmaria 193

Stokes and Webb 480, 481, 491, 497 Stopes, M. C. Passimnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;*

Strobilites 124, 141, 142, 500 8. Milleryensis 141, 142, 338nbsp;Stur, D. 70, 77, 167nbsp;8ub-Zamites 521, 530, 531nbsp;Sutcliffe, W. H. 149, 161, 162nbsp;8utcliffia 87, 149-156, 182-185nbsp;8. insignis 149-156nbsp;8. Williamsoni 154nbsp;Syncardia 200, 205nbsp;8. pmsilla 201, 202

Taeniopteris 1, 86, 511, 568, 576, 583 T. asplenioides 581nbsp;T. vittata 467,470,472,508,569nbsp;Tate, R. 534

Taxospermum 265, 333, 346, 347 T. Qrüneri 322, 347nbsp;Taxus 306, 347, 396nbsp;Teconia 46

Telangium 54, 55, 125 T. Scotti 54, 311nbsp;TMnouia scandens 88nbsp;Thiselton-Dyer, W. T. 467nbsp;Thlaspi arvense 303nbsp;Thoday, Mrs 28, 160, 161nbsp;Thomas, H. H. Passimnbsp;Thomas and Bancroft 560

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Thomson, R. B. 252, 254 Thomson and Allin 251nbsp;Thysanotesia 304, 364nbsp;T. sagittula 304, 314, 369, 364nbsp;Thysopteris elegans 65nbsp;Titanophyllum 283, 284nbsp;T. Brittsi 284nbsp;T. Grand’Buryi 283, 284nbsp;Torreya 301, 325, 347nbsp;Trigonocarpon 117, 118nbsp;Trigonocarpus 61, 90, 94, 115-123,nbsp;162, 301, 303, 307, 316-329, 345,nbsp;499

T. actaeonelloides 354 T. corrugatus 124nbsp;T. Dawesi 123, 320nbsp;T. Moyseyi 122nbsp;T. multicarinatus 320nbsp;T. olivaeformis 119nbsp;T. Oliveri 122

T. Parkinsoni 118-123, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;319-321,


T. pusillus 122, 319, 320 T. rostratum 321nbsp;T. schizocarpoides 319nbsp;T. shorensis 121-124, 319, 320nbsp;T. sporites 320

Trigonocarpum gloagianum 358, 360

TripterO'ipermum 119, 321, 358, 369

T. ellipticum 321, 357

Tsuga 127, 315

Tylodendron 250, 253, 491

Tyson, P. 385

Tysonia marylandica 385

Ullmannites Beinertianus 199 Ulospermum 497

Unger, F. 190, 194, 196, 200, 201, 203, 204, 285, 449

Vectia 419, 420 F. luccombensis 419nbsp;Velenovsky, J. 281, 504, 505nbsp;Völkelia 208-210nbsp;V. refracta 208, 209nbsp;Vries, H. de 10

Walch, J. E. J. 497 Wakhia 253, 338

Ward, L. F. 368, 369, 385, 409, 417, 491, 497, 582

Wardia 172-174 W. fertilis 171, 172nbsp;Warming, E. 25nbsp;Warren, E. 256nbsp;Watson, D. M. S. 68nbsp;Weber and Sterzel 97, 99, 101, 104,nbsp;108

Weiss, C. E. 264, 338 Weiss, F. E. 54, 68nbsp;Welsford, E. J. 61nbsp;Weltricliia 475-477nbsp;W. Fahrei 477nbsp;W. mirabilis 476nbsp;W. oolithica 477

Welmtschia 160, 161, 336, 380, 403 Wettstein, R. V. 403nbsp;White, D. 169, 172, 173, 192, 243,nbsp;255, 258, 284, 326nbsp;Whittleseya 124-131nbsp;W. brevifolia 128nbsp;W. concinna 131nbsp;W. elegans 128-131nbsp;W. fertilis 129, 130nbsp;W. integrifoUa 131nbsp;W. undulata 131nbsp;Wieland, G. R. Passimnbsp;Wielandia 463

Wielandiella 454, 463^67, 472, 473, 478, 481, 550

W. angustifolia 464, 466, 467, 470 W. punctata 446nbsp;Wild, G. 119

Williamson, W. C. Passim Williamson and Scott 42—46, 67, 69,nbsp;74, 75, 77

Williamsonia 372, 386, 409, 412, 421-463, 494, 516, 517, 520, 524,nbsp;531-534, 538, 546nbsp;IF. angustifolia 463nbsp;IF. Bibbinsi 462nbsp;IF. bituberculata 457nbsp;IF. Blandfordi 445, 446, 517nbsp;IF. Bucklandi 386, 448, 449nbsp;IF. Carruthersi 439, 447, 448nbsp;IF. cretacea 461, 462nbsp;IF. Cuauhtemoc 446nbsp;IF. elongata 462nbsp;IF. Forchammeri 461nbsp;IF. galUnacea 462

IF. gigas 421-436, 443-447, 451, 457, 460, 472, 483

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W. hasiula 422 W. Haydeni 460nbsp;W. indica 446

W. Leckenbyi 439, 440, 448, 473 W. Ligtiieri 472nbsp;W. mexicana 459, 460nbsp;W. microps 445nbsp;W. minima 461nbsp;W. Morieri 395nbsp;W. oregonensis 461nbsp;W. Otozamifis 460

W. pecten 422, 426, 440-442, 445, 456 W. phoenicopsoides 462nbsp;W. problematica 461, 462nbsp;W. pyramidalis 457nbsp;W. recentior 463nbsp;W. Riesii 461

TF. scotica 374, 391, 396, 403, 415, 440, 447, 449^56, 465, 478, 489nbsp;TF. setosa 436, 443—445nbsp;TF. Smockii 461nbsp;Williaimonia sp. 443—446, 460nbsp;TF. spectabilis 435-442, 457, 445, 450,nbsp;460, 473, 476nbsp;TF. virginiensis 462nbsp;TT^ whitbiensis 435, 438—442, 457, 458,nbsp;460

Williarmoniella 434, 454, 467-473 W. coronaia 467—472nbsp;TF. Lignieri 472nbsp;WUls, L. T. 278nbsp;Witliam, H. 35, 254, 285, 289nbsp;WorsdeU, W. C. 30, 33, 34, 46, 155,nbsp;159, 160, 162, 403

Xenoxylon phyllocladoides 213

Yabe, H. 578 Yates, J. 421nbsp;Yatesia 386, 478nbsp;Y. crassa 483nbsp;Y. gracilis 483nbsp;Y. -Toassiaiia 483nbsp;F. Morrisii 484nbsp;r. vogesiacus 277, 278, 483nbsp;Y. Yatesii 484

Yokoyama, M. 537, 578, 582

Young, 6. 421

Young, J. 358

Yucca 277

Yuccites 277, 278

Y. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Schimperianus 281

Zalessky, M. 70, 191, 194, 197, 198, 238, 243, 244, 291-295, 358, 359,nbsp;590

Zalesskya gracilis 180

Zamia 11, 12, 16, 24, 30, 62, 139, 507

Z. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;angustifolia 16nbsp;Z. Brongniarii 395nbsp;7j. crassa 504

Z. flaridana 16, 24, 25 Z. furfuracea 19nbsp;Z. gigas 421nbsp;Z. Goldiei 522nbsp;Z. integrifolia 16, 76nbsp;Z. linifolia 16nbsp;Z. Loddigesii 5, 18, 18nbsp;Z. macrocephala 503nbsp;Z. muricata 587nbsp;Z. pectinata 522nbsp;Z. praecedens 510nbsp;Z. pseudoparasitica 19nbsp;Z. pumila 9

Z. pygmaea 4 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^

Z. Skinneri 587 Z. WaUisii 16, 17nbsp;Zainieae 8

Zamiophyllum 529-531 Zamiopsis 512nbsp;Zamiostrohus 496, 503nbsp;Z. Loppineti 504nbsp;Z. orientalis 504nbsp;Z. Saportana 505

Zamites. 281, 378, 379, 507, 512, 517, 520, 521, 525, 527, 529-537, 589,nbsp;590

Z. Anderssoni 521 Z. antarctkus 521, 527nbsp;Z. bohémiens 534nbsp;Z. borealis 521, 525, 530, .531nbsp;Z. brevipennis 521, 525nbsp;Z. Buchianus 531, 535-537nbsp;Z. carhonarius 590nbsp;Z. Garruthersi 535, 536nbsp;Z. clamvallensis 534nbsp;Z. eatkiensis 584nbsp;Z. epibius 510nbsp;Z. familiaris 505nbsp;Z. Peneonis 533

Z. gigas 422-426, 443, 510, 521, 530-534

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