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drukkerij J. van boekhoven - UTRECHT - AMSTERDAM

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Bij het beëindigen van mijn academische studie wensch ik U, Hoog-leetaten en Lectoren der Faculteit der Wis- en Natuurkunde, die leiding aan mijn studie hebt gegeven en wier onderwijs ik mocht volgen, mijnnbsp;oprechten dank uit te spreken.

Mijn dank geldt in het bijzonder U, Hooggeleerde Kutten, Hooggeachte Promotor. Uw nimmer verflauwend enthousiasme en Uw hulpvaardigheid zijn mij tijdens mijn studie tot grooten steun geweest.

Hooggeleerde Schmutzer, door Uw afwezigheid heb ik de laatste jaren Uw kennis en steun moeten ontberen. Het is mijn oprechte wensch, datnbsp;Gij weer spoedig, in Uw werkkring moogt terugkeeren.

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INTRODUCTION ........................................... 1


Aptychi Formation......................................... 6

Tuff Series ............................................... 8

Serpentines ............................................... 12

Diorites................................................... 13

Habana Formation......................................... 16

Eocene................................................... 22

Guines Formation ......................................... 24

Quaternary deposits.................. 27

tectonics................................................. 28


General................................................... 30

Lists of Smaller Foraminijera ............................... 32

Lists of Larger Foraminifera................................. 40

Descriptions of Smaller Foraminifera................ 41

Descriptions of Larger Foraminifera.......................... 52

Descriptions of Rudistids................................... 57

Descriptions of Lamellibranchiata and Gastropoda............... 58


Ciego de Avila-La Florida.................................. 60

The environment of Ciego de Avila......................... 62

Ciego de Avila-Moron..................................... 67

The country to the left of this road ........................ 68

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The country East of the road Ciego de Avila-Moron......... 68

Isla Turiguanao ........................................... 69

The country South of Central nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Puntanbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Alegre.................. 70

The country South of the Carretera Central in the neighbourhood of Baragua and Vicenta................................. 72

The country North and South of the Carretera Central in the central part of the district..................................... 72

The country in the neighbourhood of Piedrecitas............. 74

The country in the neighbourhood of Cespedes.............. 77

The country South and North of La Florida................. 79

The area of Magarabomba.................................. 79

Woodin-Magarabomba...................................... 80

The environment of Donato................................ 80

The roads North and South of Jaronu...................... 81

PREVIOUS LITERATURE................................... 82



LITERATURE ON RUDISTIDS ............................. 87

LITERATURE ON LAMELLIBRANCHIATA AND GASTROPODA ............................................... 87

GENERAL LITERATURE................................... 87

PLATES 1, 2 AND 3 WITH EXPLANATIONS.............. 89

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In December 1938 an expedition of the Utrecht University went to Cuba to explore the geology of this island. The leader of the expedition wasnbsp;Prof. Dr. L. M. R. Rutten, accompanied by six of his students: Mr. J. J.nbsp;Hermes,Mr. F. G. Keyzer, Mr. Th. J. Kingma, Mr. B. van Raadshooven,nbsp;Mr. D. R. DE Vletter and the author of this paper.

The purpose of this expedition was first of all to study the geology of the region between the province of Santa Clara, the northern and southernnbsp;part of which had been described, respectively by Dr. M. G. Rutten (121)nbsp;and Dr. A. A. Thiadens (123), and the eastern part of the province ofnbsp;Camaguey, described by Dr. H. J. Mac Gillavry(120). In the second placenbsp;we would visit the province of Oriente in order to give a geological accountnbsp;of parts of that region too.

From the 8th of January 1939 until the 5th of February we worked in the eastern part of the province of Santa Clara and in the western part ofnbsp;Camaguey Province. This large area was divided into two pieces by a linenbsp;about 5 km West of Ciego de Avila, running due North. Mr. B. vannbsp;Raadshooven will describe the western part of this area. The samples, whichnbsp;Were taken in the eastern part, were handed over to me, together with thenbsp;notes and maps; they have provided the material for this paper.

Most of the work was done from our camp at Majagua, where we camped about 2^ week on the beautiful estate of Mr. Mario Arteaga. Later onnbsp;several trips were made from our second base at Moron.

In the field we had the military maps of Cuba at our disposal. These tnaps, on the scale of one inch to a mile, appeared to be insufficiently accuratenbsp;in detail, so we had to survey the country and draw our own maps. Azimutsnbsp;of the roads were taken with a geological hand-compass, while the distancesnbsp;Were measured by counting our paces or by noting down the distances givennbsp;by the hodometer of our motor-car. A slight correction was made in thenbsp;distances as given by the hodometer, the error of this instrument provingnbsp;to be systematical. The errors, which were made in compass-reading asnbsp;well as in measuring by the paces of the several members, are certainly notnbsp;systematical, but they are likely to neutralize each other in the end.

The topographical map, which forms the base of our geological map, was constructed in the following way: the map of Dr. Thiadens gives usnbsp;the position of Sancti Spiritus and Jatibonico, the map of Dr. Mac Gillavrynbsp;the position of La Florida. The distance between Sancti Spiritus and Lanbsp;Florida is exactly known from the kilometerstones of the Carretera Central,nbsp;while the several azimuts were measured with great accuracy. So this stretchnbsp;of the Carretera could be plotted and put into position. The other courses

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were then mapped out and it appeared that nowhere very great corrections had to be made in order to link up the several courses. On the map of Macnbsp;Gillavry we can see that the distance between La Florida and the greatnbsp;fault between the Sierra de Cubitas and the Serpentine is 38,2 km as thenbsp;crow flies in a direction N 37 E from La Florida. When our map is drawnnbsp;independently of Mac Gillavry’s map, the same distance is 36,5 km, anbsp;difference of less than 5 percent. To link up our district with that of Macnbsp;Gillavry, we have presumed that Mac Gillavry’s map is correct. Thenbsp;position of Jucaro on the South Coast is by no means quite sure, as we havenbsp;not visited that town ourselves, but copied it from the map of Dr. Tschopp.

The area surveyed has by no means been exhaustively explored, as our work had the nature of a pre]iminar3r survey. As the reader may seenbsp;from the map, the courses surveyed form a maze, sometimes with rathernbsp;wide gaps. From this network of roads the reader will at once be able tonbsp;judge where the author leaves the path of direct observation and beginsnbsp;to interpolate. Where interpolation becomes too hazardous, blank spacesnbsp;are left on the map. Boundaries between the formations have been drawnnbsp;only in those cases, where there was sufficient evidence for their probability.nbsp;All findspotnumbers, strikes and dips are indicated on the geological map,nbsp;except in the areas around Ciego de Avila and Estrella. In these two areasnbsp;the network of roads and observations was so dense, that separate mapsnbsp;were drawn, on which the observations were indicated.

As this paper is the first geological description of Central Camaguey, a separate chapter has been devoted to the description ofthe surveyed courses.nbsp;So the reader will be able to check the statements made in the general partnbsp;of the paper.

Being indebted to many, both in Cuba and in Holland, for their help and kindness, I should like to express my sincere thanks and acknowledgementsnbsp;here. In the first place I wish to express my gratitude to the members of thenbsp;expedition:

To Prof. Dr. L. M. R. Rutten, the leader of the expedition, whose large experience in field-work, whose enthusiasm and constructive criticism,nbsp;when treating several geological problems in this paper, have been ofnbsp;invaluable help to me.

To my colleagues J. J. Hermes, F. G. Keyzer, J. Th. Kingma, B. van Raadshooven and D. R. de Vletter. The perfect mutual understanding,nbsp;in gay as well as in dark hours, may be regarded as one of the most importantnbsp;factors for the success of our expedition.

Further I wish to express my thanks to:

The „MoLENGRAAFF”-Fonds, for the financial support it gave to our expedition.

The Cuban Government and the SociedAd Geografica de Cuba, whose assistance was always at our disposal.

The „Bataafsche Petroleum Maatschappij”, which put the collections of Dr. Tschopp at my disposal.

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Ir. Baggelaar, who sampled some interesting limestones near C. Punta Alegre.

Ingenior Felix Malberti, whose keen interest and valuable assistance were a great stimulus to us.

The Compania Shell Mex. de Cuba and its director, Mr. Poliakoff, for their readiness to help.

Mr. Mario Arteaga for giving us permission to pitch our camp on his estate.

Dr. Th. Raven, curator of our Institute, for his advices at the preparation of the manuscript.

My fiancée. Miss Anny M. Siliaku», who took care of the manuscript and corrected the proofs.

Mr. J. H. M. VAN Dijk, who, with great accuracy, took care of the photographic illustrations and the map.

Mr. J. Grootveld, Mr. J. Vermeer, Mr. G. van Rooyen and Mr. A. VAN Doorn, who made the enormous number of thin-sections.

Mr. H. Schutte, who revised the English text of this paper.

Last but certainly not least I wish to express my gratitude to the Cuban people. We have always met with the greatest kindness and hospitality.

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The greater part of Central Camaguey is occupied by young sediments as the district forms the eastern part of the Moron Basin. At its eastern sidenbsp;this basin is bordered by older deposits, while on a structural „high”,nbsp;ranging from La Florida to the West, the older formations are also outcropping over large distances.

The oldest rocks we find in our district, belong to the Aptychi Limestone Formation. They are exposed in the north-eastern and northern strip ofnbsp;the area surveyed. The formation is built up by limestones, calcareousnbsp;sandstones, cherts, clay-shales and thick layers of gypsum. The only fossilsnbsp;found in the formation, are Radiolaria. For this reason it is impossible tonbsp;establish the proper age of the rocks regarded as Aptychi Limestones. Wenbsp;regard it, however, as very probable, that they are of the same age as innbsp;Eastern Camaguey, viz. Lower Cretaceous, for habitually there is not anynbsp;difference between limestones of that region and ours.

After the sedimentation of the strata of the Aptychi Formation, a period of volcanity sets in with the deposition of the beds of the Tuff Series. Theynbsp;are for the greater part built up by volcanic products: porphyrites, porphyrite-breccias and crystal-tuffs. Alternating with these volcanic products, we findnbsp;limestones. In one of these limestones, a Rudist, Barrettia sparcilirata, wasnbsp;found. That points to the possibility of parts of the Tuff Series reaching asnbsp;far up as Lower Senonian or Barrettia sparcilirata reaching as far down asnbsp;the Turonian. At any rate the formation is of a pre-Diorite age as thenbsp;limestones have been contactmetamorphically altered by the Diorite intrusion.

Following up the sedimentation of this formation, a time of orogenetic activity began. During this orogenetic phase, the rocks of the Aptychinbsp;Formation and Tuff Series were strongly folded and at the same time,nbsp;harzburgites, wehrlites and eclogites intruded, which in their turn werenbsp;followed by the intrusion of Diorite and other rocks, belonging to thenbsp;Diorite Series. The harzburgites and wehrlites have been serpentinized fornbsp;the greater part in later stages. In our district we cannot prove that thenbsp;Serpentines are older than the Diorite, but we do not see any reason why thenbsp;Serpentines should not be of the same age as in Eastern Camaguey, wherenbsp;rocks of dioritic origin intruded the Serpentines.

After this period of intrusions and orogenesis the older rocks were denuded and in the Upper Cretaceous the Habana Formation was deposited.nbsp;The Habana Formation is transgressive with regard to the Diorite and Tuffnbsp;Series, numerous fragments of which are found in the conglomerates ofnbsp;the Habana Formation. The formation is very rich in fossils; Larger as wellnbsp;as Smaller Foraminijera and Rudists are abundant. The fauna as a whole

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points to a Maestrichtian age, the Molluscs, however, possibly indicating a somewhat older age of the formation. Besides Orbitoidal and Rudistnbsp;limestones, we find calcareous sandstones, conglomerates, tuffs, tuffites,nbsp;porphyrites and tuff-porphyrite breccias. While in Santa Clara volcanicnbsp;products form only a minor part of the formation, they are of far greaternbsp;importance in Central Camaguey, whereas in Eastern Camaguey they formnbsp;the major part of the Habana Formation. In our district the rocks of thenbsp;Habana Formation are considered to have been deposited in a shallow sea,nbsp;although deposits of somewhat deeper water are also encountered.

After the deposition of the Upper Cretaceous rocks of the Habana Formation a second orogenesis took place between the Maestrichtian andnbsp;the Eocene. There follows again a period of denudation and after this thenbsp;beds of the Eocene were deposited, which are unconformably overlyingnbsp;the tuffs of the Habana Formation.

Judging from the tectonical style of the rocks of the Habana Formation, this second orogenesis was more intensive in the eastern part of the districtnbsp;than in its western part; the observations are, however, rather poor.

The Eocene in our district is divided over two separate areas. In the first place we find limestones of eocene age in the Sierra de Cubitas andnbsp;secondly eocene marls, limestones and conglomerates are found in thenbsp;southern part of the described area. A different facies between the twonbsp;regions is apparent; some difference of age may exist as well.

The Cubitas Limestones are dense, white rocks, occasionally rich in fossils, especially in Miliolidae, but we find also DiscocjcUna, Dlctjoconus andnbsp;Alveolinidae. In the limestones we find, though rarely, detritic material ofnbsp;Serpentines, Diorites and porphyrites. The opinion of Mac Gillavry, thatnbsp;the Cubitas Limestones would be somewhat older than Upper Eocene,nbsp;cannot be affirmed nor contested by our observations. The deposits in thenbsp;southern area are of an uppereocene age as they contain several genera ofnbsp;Larger Foraminijera, which, in combination, are typical for upper eocenenbsp;deposits e.g. DiscocjcUna, Lepidocjclina, Camerina, Pellatispirella and Dictjoco-nus. In the conglomeratic members of the Eocene in this area pebbles ofnbsp;dioritic material and Habana-porphyrites are found.

After the sedimentation of these upper eocene strata there followed third orogenetic phase, which caused gentle structures in the eocene beds.nbsp;The age of this orogenesis must be pre-Guines, as these oligo-miocene^ stratanbsp;are found in an almost horizontal position everywhere. The oligo-miocenenbsp;formation is built up by limestones and marls, which contain several typicalnbsp;Foraminifera e.g. Archaias, Peneroplis, Manginopora, Aniphisorus and Miogypsina.nbsp;It is possible that a fourth, post-Guines orogenesis occurred, as we find,nbsp;although very small, dips in the limestones at some places. This orogenesis,nbsp;however, was of little importance.

On Isla Turiguanao very coarse breccias were found at some places. They contain fragments of Aptychi Limestones and fragments of gypsum.nbsp;They are considered to be of quaternary age.

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Aptychi Formation.

This formation is exposed in the north-eastern corner of our district, where it forms low ridges. These ridges trend in a direction N.W.—S.E.nbsp;On Isla Turiguanao the formation is outcropping again and at last we findnbsp;it on the western side of Bahia Buena vista in the Loma de Yeso, a low ridge,nbsp;whose general direction is also about South-East. The Aptychi Eormationnbsp;is built up of limestones, calcareous sandstones, cherts, clayshales and thicknbsp;layers of gypsum.

The age of the formation could not be established with certainty, since the only fossils we had at our disposal were Radiolaria and somenbsp;Smaller Foraminifera which, however, were indeterminable. After the habitnbsp;of the limestones, however, there is a striking resemblance with the Aptychinbsp;Limestones from Eastern Camaguey and Northern Santa Clara, which werenbsp;collected in 1933 and described by M. G. Rutten (121) and H. J. Macnbsp;Gillavry (120). They reported also limestones rich in Radiolaria. The abovenbsp;mentioned reasons, combined with the tectonical style of the formation,nbsp;make it highly probable, that the Aptychi Formation is of the same age asnbsp;in the adjacent areas.

The limestones are blue, grey to nearly black, dense rocks which often show a good stratification. Very thinly bedded rocks are not unfrequent.nbsp;Detritic material occurs as small quartzgrains, but always in small quantities.nbsp;A few samples proved to be very rich in Radiolaria and occasionally a badlynbsp;preserved Globigerina and Miliolid was found. Many limestones are coarselynbsp;crystalline and cut by numerous small veinlets, filled up with calcite. Ooliticnbsp;structures are found in a few cases. Magnetite and limonite are nearly alwaysnbsp;present, but never in large quantities. At V 116, on Isla Turiguanao, wenbsp;find limestones which are very rich in hematite. It is not impossible, thatnbsp;this ore is of pneumatolytic origin, caused by an intrusion of magmatic rocksnbsp;in the neighbourhood. Later on when describing the gypsum layers we shallnbsp;have another opportunity to see that there are more reasons which lead usnbsp;to suppose the existence of intrusive activity in the neighbourhood. B 13nbsp;is an aberrant limestone. It is very cavernous and though it has been mappednbsp;as an „Aptychi Limestone”, this remains questionable.

Calcareous sandstones are only found at one place (K 59). The rocks are built up of fragments of quartz, plagioclase, muscovite, biotite,nbsp;epidote, magnetite and zircon; these fragments are cemented by calcite.nbsp;Most of the same minerals are found in the Habana Formation and Eocenenbsp;as detritic products, originating from the Diorites. As the Diorites arenbsp;younger than the Aptychi Formation, it is obvious, that the crystal fragments

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in the Aptychi Formation must be derived from another source; their habit, indeed, is quite a different one. Since no detritic material of any kind hasnbsp;been found in the Aptychi Limestones from Eastern Camaguey, it is notnbsp;likely, that we will find our „source” in that region. Neither on Isla Turigua-nao, nor West of Bahia Buena vista, detritic material of the kind above mentioned was found in the limestones. Thus we are inclined to assume, that thenbsp;old region, which furnished the material for the Aptychi sandstones, wasnbsp;situated in the centre of Camaguey, the area, which is now covered by thenbsp;younger sediments of the Moron Basin. It is hardly necessary to say, thatnbsp;this assumption is a speculative one.

Cherts were only found South-West of Donato. They are compact, dark coloured rocks.

Gypsum was found in thick layers on Isla Turiguanao and near Central Punta Alegre. The gypsum is light-green or white; macroscopically we seenbsp;small folds in some samples. Other samples contain fragments of Aptychinbsp;Limestones. These breccias obviously came into existence when folding tooknbsp;place. Microscopically the gypsum is seen to be rather pure, but in a numbernbsp;of samples, we observe beautiful rhombohedrons of calcite. Occasionallynbsp;a grain of zircon and some apatite needles are found. Remarkable, however,nbsp;is the occurrence of a good many idiomorphic quartzcrystals and thenbsp;appearance of tourmaline in small, strongly pleochroitic columns. It is notnbsp;impossible, that the quartz came into existence in situ, but one wondersnbsp;where the tourmaline came from. Apparently it has not been transportednbsp;over a long distance as the tourmaline does not show traces of such a longnbsp;transport. A neighbouring area, which supplied the tourmaline, is thus probable. It may be noticed that the richness in tourmaline becomes still greaternbsp;in the gypsum-layers and clay-shales West of Bahia Buenavista. As thisnbsp;last mentioned area lies to the North-West of Isla Turiguanao, one is inclinednbsp;to seek our tourmaline supplying area to the North, in the direction of thenbsp;Bahamas.

The limestones in this region do not contain detritic material. An explanation for this phenomenon may be the fact, that the sea at the time whennbsp;limestones were deposited, also covered the „tourmaline-area”. Later on,nbsp;when regression took place, this area could be denuded and furnish thenbsp;detritic material for the remaining desiccating basins, in which the gypsumnbsp;was deposited.

The clay-shales, found near Central Punta Alegre, are very finegrained, thin-bedded rocks, with an intense red colour, caused by limonite. They consist for the greater part of clay minerals, quartz, limonite and verynbsp;much tourmaline. We regard them as rocks which were formed during localnbsp;transgressions in the above mentioned area.

The Aptychi Formation has been intensely folded. The exact time of this folding could not be established, but must certainly have been in preeocene times, for South of Donato we find only little disturbed Cubitasnbsp;Limestones, whereas the Aptychi Limestones have been intensely folded. On

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8 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;STRATIGRAPHY

Isla Turiguanao and near Punta Alegre tectonics are very complicated. From the map it can be seen, that strikes and dips run in all directions and for thisnbsp;reason it is impossible to say, whether the gypsum is intercalated between thenbsp;limestones or that it forms the upper parts of the Aptychi Formation. Thenbsp;last supposition is taken as the most probable one. Breccias of tectonicalnbsp;origin, gypsum with limestone fragments, are frequently met with.

The structural discordance between clay-shales and covering limestones (see the reproduction of the profile drawn by Ir. Baggelaar, page 71) isnbsp;considered not to be a true angular disconformity, but to have been producednbsp;by disharmonie folding. Here, too, the gypsum played an important rolenbsp;when the formation was folded. The above mentioned opinion is strengthened by the fact that the limestones, lower in the profile, can not be distinguished from those, which unconformably overlie the clay shales.

Tuff Series.

From the map we can see that the rocks of this formation are found at several places in the district. In the neighbourhood of Magarabomba thicknbsp;layers of porphyrites and tuffs are found. More to the West, North of thenbsp;Carretera Central, the formation is outcropping again. The Loma Carolina,nbsp;to the North-East of Ciego de Avila, seems to consist wholly of alterednbsp;rocks belonging to the Tuff Series, and finally the formation is found aboutnbsp;two kilometers West of Ciego de Avila.

Nothing can be said with certainty about the absolute thickness of the formation. The fact, however, that the tuffs and porphyrites near Magarabomba show the same strike and dip over great distances makes it probablenbsp;that the formation reaches a considerable thickness here.

Both volcanic and sedimentary rocks are comprised in the Tuff Series. The volcanic rocks are represented by porphyrites, porphyrite-breccias,nbsp;tuffs and strongly altered rocks, the nature of which could not always benbsp;identified with certainty but which in a single case show a porphyriticnbsp;texture. The sedimentary rocks are rare; only a small number of limestones,nbsp;more or less altered by the later Diorite intrusion have been found. Thenbsp;limestones are alternating with the porphyrites and tuffs. A. A. Thiadensnbsp;(123) has given them the name of „Provincial limestones”. This namenbsp;will henceforth be used in this description.

The age of the Tuff Series is not quite certain in our district as, only at one place fossils were found in the formation. Corals which were foundnbsp;could not be determined as we could study them only in thin-section. According to D0UVILLÉ a Rudist, Barrettia sparcilirata, points to a Campanian age.nbsp;H. J. Mac Gillavry and H. Boissevain (103) describing this species fromnbsp;Pinar del Rio also assume a Senonian age. It would thus appear that thenbsp;youngest parts of the Tuff Series range as high as the Lower Senonian. Onnbsp;account of its statigraphical position a pre-Diorite age is certain as the lime-

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Stones, in which the above mentioned fossils were found, have been contact-metamorphically altered by the Diorite intrusion.

Petrographic description.

The porphyrites are mostly weathered rocks although several samples of fresh rocks were taken. When in the neighbourhood of beddednbsp;tuffs, they are found to occur in concordant beds. Mostly the rocks arenbsp;dark-green to dark-grey, fine-grained with a clearly porphyritic texture.nbsp;Macroscopically small, white or greenish-white felspar-phenocrysts can benbsp;seen. When the rocks are weathered, they get a brown colour. Sometimesnbsp;we find amygdaloidal rocks, the amygdules filled up with epidote or quartz.nbsp;Under the microscope, we observe a well developed porphyritic texture;nbsp;the amount of the groundmass is in most cases larger than that of the pheno-crysts. The phenocrysts are plagioclase and augite; plagioclase-phenocrystsnbsp;are always found, augite-phenocrysts on the contrary are rather scarce. Thenbsp;plagioclase- phenocrysts are often found drifted together. When they formnbsp;the only phenocrysts in the rock, their composition is rather acid, aboutnbsp;albite-oligoclase, but when they occur together with augite a more basicnbsp;composition is found, andesine-labradorite or labradorite. These basicnbsp;felspars are rather fresh and often show beautiful zonal crystals with a basicnbsp;core and an acid periphery. Polysynthetic twinning is often observed innbsp;them. Albitisation is often met with. The more acid felspars are idiomorphic,nbsp;dusty, simply twinned. Apatite is often found as inclusion in the felspar-phenocrysts. As secondary products of the felspars we see sericite, chlorite,nbsp;epidote, zoisite, clinozoisite and dust.

The pyroxene is a colourless diopsidic augite. It occurs in large, clear idiomorphic phenocrysts, which in some cases show beautiful twins. Smallernbsp;grains, which gradually pass into the augite microlites of the groundmass,nbsp;are also found. Sometimes the augite is completely replaced by aggregatesnbsp;of chlorite and epidote. In one case (D 24193) we observe contours ofnbsp;phenocrysts, which might have been amphibole ^). Owing to strongnbsp;chloritisation, it is impossible to become certain of this point.

The groundmass is holocrystalline and is built up of the following components. Plagioclase occurs in small laths, which may become fluidallynbsp;arranged (D 24196), giving the rock a trachytic habit. Their compositionnbsp;varies from albite to albite-oligoclase. When occurring together with augite,nbsp;they have an oligoclase or oligoclase-andesine composition. Chlorite,nbsp;Zoisite, epidote and sericite can be regarded as their alteration products.nbsp;Augite has been in most cases completely replaced by chlorite and epidote.nbsp;The amount of magnetite and limonite varies considerably; sometimes itnbsp;Is predominating over the other minerals and the rocks become black ornbsp;dark-red. Apatite in small needles is often found in the groundmass.

In W 59 (D 24196) we observe rockfragments of porphyrites, which

The numbers with D ,,in parentheses” indicate the number in the thin-section collection of the Mineralogical-Geological Institute of the State University at Utrecht,

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are particularly rich in magnetite. This rock, a brecciaceous porphyrite, is also rather strongly silicified, a phenomenon, which is very often found,nbsp;resulting in the occurrence of secondary quartz throughout the groundmassnbsp;and sometimes in silicification of the plagioclases. Some rocks are alsonbsp;strongly epidotised and chloritised. These two minerals, together withnbsp;quartz, are often found in the amygdules.

Tuffs and tuff-porphyrite breccias. Starting from fine cryptocrystalline and microcrystalline tuffs, we gradually pass into coarser crystal-tuffs, which often contain rock-fragments and thus give rise to the very coarse tuff-porphyrite breccias. While in the fine-grained tuffs an often well-developed stratification can be seen, there is not a single trace of bedding innbsp;the coarse breccias. Joints perpendicular to the bedding are often observednbsp;in the fine-grained tuffs. The colour varies from dark-green to greyish-greennbsp;in the breccias while the tuffs are blue, grey or yellow. When weathered thenbsp;rocks get a brownish colour, caused by limonite. Microscopically the rocksnbsp;are found to vary over a wide range. We find rocks, which consist almostnbsp;entirely of crystal- and rock-fragments, while in other rocks the groundmassnbsp;predominates and only dimunitive crystal fragments are found. When thesenbsp;last mentioned tuffs become more or less silicified they get a cherty habit.

The dense cryptocrystalline tuffs consist of fine volcanic dust with a small number of tiny plagioclase laths and their alteration products.

The coarser crystal-tuffs possess a „groundmass” built up of acid plagioclase, chlorite, limonite, magnetite, zoisite and epidote. Thisnbsp;„groundmass” is often strongly silicified. Under the fragments of pheno-crysts acid plagioclase, mainly albite-oligoclase, takes the first place. In mostnbsp;cases they are cloudy and considerably altered; zoisite, epidote and sericitenbsp;are often seen to replace them. In one case (W 54) a plagioclase-phenocrystnbsp;was found in which a large titanite-grain was enclosed, the outlines of thenbsp;plagioclase being neatly parallel to those of the titanite. Occasionally annbsp;amphibole-phenocryst is found, and these phenocrysts too are often stronglynbsp;altered. Epidote, chlorite and magnetite may be regarded as their weatheringnbsp;products.

The tuff-porphyrite breccias are built up of many large fragments of phenocrysts and rocks. The fragments are cemented by secondary mineralsnbsp;as quartz, limonite, chlorite, epidote and calcite. The rocks undergo alsonbsp;chloritisation and epidotisation. Crystal-fragments are mainly, often solely,nbsp;represented by acid plagioclases with their alteration products. The embeddednbsp;fragments of porphyrites found in the coarsest breccias are lumps of ground-mass, silicified or not, of true porphyrites with clearly visible plagioclase-phenocrysts.

North of km 488 of the Carretera Central we find rocks of the Tuff Series exposed over large distances. These rocks, however, have for thenbsp;greater part so greatly changed, that it is very difficult to ascertain what theynbsp;originally were. Mostly the rocks are totally silicified, sometimes verynbsp;fine-grained, so that they become cherty; in other cases when the quartz-

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grains become coarser, one gets the impression of a quartzitic rock. In one thin-section (D 24270), we observed peculiar streaks throughout the rock.nbsp;We did not succeed in determining the nature of those streaks. In D 24281nbsp;we see large quartz-grains with strings of sericite across them; they arenbsp;probably sericitised plagioclases, which in a later stage were silicified. Innbsp;a few cases outlines of more or less altered plagioclase-phenocrysts arenbsp;observed, and so we can be pretty sure that all these rocks belong to thenbsp;Tuff Series. Moreover we find patches of epidote and chlorite, probablynbsp;pseudomorphic after plagioclases. Limonite and magnetite are always found,nbsp;sometimes in very large amounts. At W 100 we found rocks with a considerable amount of prehnite and some muscovite. At T 926 we found anbsp;benthonitic rock. This rock is regarded to be a heavily weathered tuff.

At the Loma Carolina these silicified rocks are found again. Here the rocks contain very much alunite. The refractive index of this mineral isnbsp;1,57—1,59. It is uniaxial positive and the character of the principal sectionnbsp;is negative. It shows a well-developed cleavage after (0001) and a straightnbsp;extinction. When heated it smells of SOg. It is quite uncertain where thisnbsp;mineral originated from. It is not impossible that all these traces of metamorphism in the afore-mentioned rocks are caused by Diorite-intrusions,nbsp;which at the moment are hidden in the underground. At H 58, the mostnbsp;easterly tip of the large area of Tuff Series rocks in W. Camaguey, whichnbsp;will be described later by Mr. B. van Raadshooven, we find a tuffite withnbsp;calcareous cement. Fragments and phenocrysts of albite-oligoclase withnbsp;its alteration products are clearly visible. Moreover a few quartz grains arenbsp;seen. The rock has been chloritised and epidotised. Sponge needles are oftennbsp;found.

Cataclastic phenomena are often encountered in the rocks of the Tuff Series, especially in those which have been silicified. Quartz and plagioclasenbsp;grains have often been broken, and nearly always undulatory extinctionnbsp;can be observed.

The Provincial limestones are outcropping at only two places. To the West of Magarabomba the limestones are found clearly intercalatednbsp;in the porphyrites and tuffs. They are dark-yellow limestones with manynbsp;Rudist-fragments. West of Ciego de Avila at K 40, K 41 and R 16 we findnbsp;tuffs and porphyrites alternating with dark-blue, strongly recrystallizednbsp;limestones. One of these limestones consists for the greater part of Rudist-fragments and it is here that one specimen of BarrettiasparciUrata^2amp;iovivA.nbsp;Moreover we find here contactmetamorphic limestones. Their weatheringnbsp;colour varies from greyish-white to light-green. In some cases such quantitiesnbsp;of garnet are observed microscopically that we may speak of a garnet-rock.nbsp;The garnet occurs in large crystals which are colourless or light-yellow.nbsp;Often hexagonal sections are seen; the refractive index is about 1,75. Zonalnbsp;structure is often met with. Generally the garnet is isotropic, but we findnbsp;also crystals which are anomalously birefringent. In that case they shownbsp;bluish polarisation-colours. Obviously, we have to do here with „common

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garnet”. Sometimes considerable amounts of the primary calcite has been left. Epidotisation, zoisitisation and silicification are observed in manynbsp;samples. A single magnetite-grain and some limonite are found.


Exposures of Serpentine are found in the north-eastern corner of our district, where it joins up with the district described by H. J. Mac Gillavry.nbsp;The western margin of its large Serpentine mass has been indicated on ournbsp;map. H. J. Mac Gillavry was obliged to assume a fault between the Serpentines and the Cubitas Limestones in order to explain the observed facts.nbsp;In our district these same facts exist. South-East of Donato the Cubitasnbsp;Limestones are in a nearly horizontal position or are gently dipping towardsnbsp;the South and South-West, that is to say towards the contact. In consequencenbsp;we have also drawn a fault between the two formations. South of Donatonbsp;and Woodin we find the Serpentines in contact with Aptychi Limestonesnbsp;and we believe that these contacts are also tectonical ones.

Near K59 e.g. we find Aptychi Limestones which show a strike of about N 30 E. As we may see from the map, the general „strike” of the Serpentinesnbsp;is N 120—130 E, thus cutting the bedding of the Aptychi Limestones atnbsp;an almost right angle. The fact that Jiowhere contactmetamorphicallynbsp;altered limestones were found, although we took many samples in thisnbsp;region, seems to support this opinion. So the several contacts between thenbsp;two formations in this region are thought to be of a tectonical nature, formednbsp;by faulting.

As for the age of the Serpentines nothing can be said with certainty, but there is no reason why we should not assume the same age as was provednbsp;by H. J. Mac Gillavry in the neighbouring district.

Vegetation is very scarce in these Serpentine-areas and this, combined with the absence of roads and tracks, does not make a walk very enjoyable.

Macroscopically the Serpentines are dark-green rocks with large discernable grains of bastite. Under the microscope, they appear to consistnbsp;of antigorite, whose fibres are arranged in more or less regular patches.nbsp;Rests of the olivine crystals from which the antigorite has arisen are alsonbsp;found. The olivine is more idiomorphic than the diallage. The latter hasnbsp;often been replaced by large patches of bastite. Besides Serpentines withnbsp;diallage, we find also rocks with bronzite, which also has been weatherednbsp;into bastite. The last mentioned Serpentines have clearly originated fromnbsp;harzburgites, while the rocks containing diallage have originated fromnbsp;wehrlites.

Magnetite sometimes occurs in considerable amounts, by preference aong the patches closed in by the antigorite fibres. Several times Serpentine-residuals, consisting of quartz, limonite, occasionally accompanied bynbsp;magnetite, were found. Magnesite, magnetite and quartz (also chalcedony)

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can also be regarded as secondary products, coming into existence when the olivine-crystals were weathering. Once, in a rather fresh rock, largenbsp;grains of chromite were found.

Near K 59 we found a dark-green coloured rock. Under the microscope we see a rock without any texture, very rich in small idiomorphic grains ofnbsp;garnet. Besides garnet, we find small, always allotriomorphic grains ofnbsp;colourless to light-green pyroxenes; these pyroxenes have often beennbsp;replaced by chlorite. Further we find large, more or less idiomorphicnbsp;amphiboles, which in part have been weathered to epidote or clinozoisite.nbsp;Magnetite occurs in small quantities. Surveying the composing minerals,nbsp;we must rank this rock with the Eclogites, and regard it as an inclusion innbsp;the Serpentine (see M. G. Rutten (121) and H. 1. Mac Gillavry (120)).


Considerable masses of dioritic rocks and other rocks belonging to the quartz-diorite intrusion are found outcropping near Ciego de Avila and innbsp;the south-eastern corner of the described area.

The age of the dioritic rocks is Upper Cretaceous. At km 459, East of Ciego de Avila, we find the above mentioned contact-metamorphicallynbsp;altered limestones of the Tuff Formation where these are in contact with thenbsp;Diorite; in consequence the intrusion must be younger than the Tuff Formation. On the other hand it must be older than the Flabana Formationnbsp;as the latter contains pebbles of dioritic rocks.

The Diorite intrusion is strongly differentiated. We find quartz-diorites, granodiorites, diorite-porphyrites, quartz-diorite-porphyrites, albiti-sed rocks, malchite, plagiaplites, granodiorite-aplites and aplite.

It is a remarkable fact that so many aplitic rocks are found. This may be caused by the fact that the aplitic rocks are singled out by selective erosionnbsp;as they are rather resistent, but it is also possible, that we are in more acidnbsp;parts of the Diorite intrusion. The quartz-diorite-porphyrites, diorite-porphyrites, leucocratic and melanocratic rocks are especially found in thenbsp;neighbourhood of Piedrecitas and Cespedes, where they occur as dikes innbsp;the larger intrusions.

The rocks of the dioritic intrusion have been affected only to a slight degree by cataclasis. Only in a single case broken crystals have been found.nbsp;Undulatory extinction of the quartz- and felspar-phenocrysts occurs. Erosionnbsp;and denudation are acting very rapidly on these Diorite masses. All thatnbsp;remains is a brownish loose diorite-sand, which permits only a scarcenbsp;vegetation and one has to look very carefully for a fresh sample.

Quartz-Diorites. The quartz-diorites are medium- to coarse-grained rocks, white or pinkish-white with dark spots of the amphibole and biotitenbsp;grains. The texture is holocrystalline and hypidiomorphic-granulose.nbsp;Depending on the presence or absence of biotite and amphibole, we can

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distinguish quartz-amphibole-diorite, quartz-biotite-diorite and quartz-biotite-amphibole-diorite. In some cases, when the quantity of biotite and amphibole becomes very small, the rocks get an aplitic habit. Besides amphi-bole and biotite, the most important minerals are plagioclase and quartz.nbsp;The plagioclase is more or less idiomorphic, tabular or lath-shaped innbsp;section. Simple and polysynthetic twinning is often met with, while zonalnbsp;structure is often found; the peripheric zones consist of albite-oligoclase,nbsp;while the core is formed by oligoclase-andesine or andesine. The non-zonalnbsp;unaltered plagioclases have a composition, ranging from oligoclase-andesinenbsp;to andesine. In nearly all samples, we see a sometimes rather coarse, almostnbsp;graphic, granophyric intergrowth of plagioclase and quartz. Myrmekite isnbsp;also found in one case. Sometimes small amphibole crystals are enclosednbsp;in the plagioclase. Mostly the plagioifelases are very clear; when they arenbsp;weathered, they become dusty, and small sericite plates are found. Zoisitenbsp;has replaced the plagioclase to a large extent in D 24156. Albite is alwaysnbsp;present in allotriomorphic grains. Orthoclase is of little importance.

The amphiboles are more idiomorphic than the plagioclases. They are often drifted together in groups, but occur also regularly distributed in thenbsp;rock. Their form is mostly prismatic, cleavage is often well developed andnbsp;twins can be observed. Pleochroism, colour and extinction point to thenbsp;common green hornblende. Very often the amphiboles are replaced bynbsp;chlorite, epidote and iron-ore. The lavenderblue polarisation-colours of thenbsp;chlorite point to pennin.

When biotite occurs, it is found in large, broad, tabular, idiomorphic prisms. Its colour varies from brown to brownish-green and pleochroismnbsp;is strong (D 24174). As its alteration products we find chlorite and ore.

Quartz in allotriomorphic crystals fills the spaces between the other minerals. Sometimes we see fine inclusions in it. Its amount varies strongly.

As the eldest components of the rock, we find the following accessory minerals: titanite in large idiomorphic or angular grains, apatite needlesnbsp;and magnetite grains. Zircon is rare.

Granodiorites. In two cases, V 76 (D 24151) and H71 (D 24118), we have to deal with rocks of a granodioritic composition. Besides plagioclase, these rocks possess a considerable amount of orthoclase. In D 24151,nbsp;we observe that nearly all the orthoclase forms a perthitic intergrowthnbsp;with the plagioclase. For the rest these rocks are of the same type as thenbsp;quartz-diorites. They also contain biotite, amphibole and the same accessories.nbsp;As already stated above, cataclastic phenomena are rare in these rocks.

Quartz-diorite-porphyrites. Most rocks of this type were sampled in the area of Piedrecitas and Estrella. Some of these rocks, e.g. V 43(Z,nbsp;R 44^, H 61 and H 75, might have been called quartz-porphyrites as theynbsp;have an originally glassy matrix with a perlitic texture. Very often thisnbsp;texture was more or less effaced by a secondary silicification. Near H 70nbsp;and somewhat to the North silicified tuffs and quartz-porphyrites are found.nbsp;In these quartz-porphyrites, however, pebbles of granophyric aplite were

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found and so we must assume a younger age for these tuffs and porphyrites; they are considered to belong to the Habana Formation.

Macroscopically the quartz-diorite-porphyrites are gray to white rocks. If weathered, their colour varies from brownish-green to dark-green. In anbsp;fine-grained groundmass plagioclase and quartz-phenocrysts are visible.

Microscopically the following details can be observed: the plagioclase phenocrysts are tabular or lath-shaped in section; they are often simplynbsp;twinned. Their composition ranges from albite through albite-oligoclasenbsp;to oligoclase-andesine. Most crystals are dusty, and alteration-productsnbsp;occur frequently. We see chlorite, sericite, epidote and zoisite as theirnbsp;weathering-products. Silicification and albitisation can also be observed.

Quartz occurs in clear, idiomorphic to hypidiomorphic crystals, often carrying tiny inclusions. Corrosion phenomena are often seen. Sometimesnbsp;the quartz-phenocrysts are broken, the fragments lying close to each othernbsp;with the groundmass between them. Here we find an indication for thenbsp;occurrence of stresses during the consolidation of the magma.

In some thin-sections relics of amphibole-phenocrysts are found. They have been nearly always strongly altered and pass into aggregates of chloritenbsp;and epidote. With the exception of the above-mentioned four „quartz-porphyrites” (V 43j, R 44^, H61 and H 75), which have a partly gkssynbsp;groundmass, the quartz-diorite-porphyrites possess a holocrystalline, medium-to fine-grained groundmass with a panallotriomorphic-granulose texture.nbsp;It is built up of quartz, plagioclase, chlorite, epidote, zoisite and iron-ore.nbsp;Very often the groundmass is strongly silicified.

Diorite-porphyrites. In these rocks, which are marked by a distinct holocrystalline porphyritic texture, we find phenocrysts of plagioclase andnbsp;sometimes of augite. The plagioclase phenocrysts form large idiomorphicnbsp;crystals with simple or polysynthetic twins. The average compositionnbsp;ranges from oligoclase to andesine. As a rule they are dusty and chlorite,nbsp;epidote and sericite are often seen as their alteration products. In one sample,nbsp;H 72 (D 24119), we observe an almost complete albitisation of the smallnbsp;plagioclase-laths.

The augite-phenocrysts are in most cases uralitised. Chlorite and epidote are found as its alteration products.

The groundmass is holocrystalline and is built up of plagioclase, augite, epidote, chlorite, apatite and magnetite. In D 24062 a trachytic texture wasnbsp;found and in D 24119 a sub-ophitic texture can be seen. Silicification ofnbsp;the groundmass is very common. These diorite-porphyrites can be distinguished from the porphyrites of the Tuff Series and of the Habana Formationnbsp;by the coarseness of their groundmass.

Melanocratic dike rocks. Only at one place, near H 72, alamprophyric dike rock was found. The dike is formed by a very fine-grained greenishnbsp;rock, which microscopically proves to be a malchite. The rock has a panallo-triomorphic-granular texture and consists mainly of amphibole and plagioclase with a certain amount of quartz. The plagioclase is albite, very clear

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and allotriomorphic. The amphibole is hypidiomorphic or allotriomorphic, has a green colour and is rather strongly pleochroitic. Quartz fills the interstices between the other components. Magnetite is an accessory. The rocknbsp;has been silicified to a certain extent.

Leucocratic dike rocks. Several samples of these rocks were taken and, after microscopical research, we can divide them into two groups, viz.nbsp;the granodiorite-aplites and the plagiaplites. Owing to weathering conditionsnbsp;and the lack of good exposures, only in one or two cases the rocks werenbsp;found to occur as true dikes, cutting the quartz-diorites. Generally, the rocksnbsp;have a white or pinkish-white colour, which becomes brownish if they arenbsp;weathered. Microscopically we see medium- to coarse-grained, holocrystalline,nbsp;panallotriomorphic rocks, mainly built up of felspars and quartz.

The granodiorite-aplites are built up of the following components. Felspars are represented by orthoclase, albite, albite-oligoclase and oligoclase-andesine. The more basic felspars are fresh, show fine polysynthertic twinning,nbsp;and often zonal crystals are seen, the core being of an oligoclase-andesinenbsp;composition. Albite and especially orthoclase are dusty and nearly alwaysnbsp;these two minerals form a granophyric intergrowth with quartz. Thisnbsp;intergrowth is sometimes developed over large distances and in some casesnbsp;it may be very coarse. In V 72 spherulites of this granophyric intergrowthnbsp;are well developed throughout the whole rock. Sericite, epidote and chloritenbsp;are found as weathering products of the felspars.

Quartz occurs in large amounts in clear, xenomorphic crystals. Biotite occurs accessorily in small, pleochroitic flakes with inclusions of zircon-grains.nbsp;Other accessories are magnetite, apatite, titanite and zircon.

The plagiaplites differ from the granodiorite-aplites in having no kalifelspars. They have the same plagioclases with the exception of a singlenbsp;rock, the felspars of which are of a more basic composition. Biotite maynbsp;occur. It has been altered into chlorite, epidote and magnetite. In K 24nbsp;amphibole was observed. This amphibole was replaced by chlorite to a largenbsp;extent. Moreover we find the same accessories and the same weatheringnbsp;products as in the granodiorite-aplites. The aplites are affected by cataclasis,nbsp;but only to a slight degree. Undulatory extinction occurs, sometimes crystalsnbsp;are broken, but nowhere has mortar structure or even recrystallization beennbsp;observed.

Contactmetamorphism. As was stated already at the beginning of this chapter, the Diorite-intrusions have altered limestones of the Tuffnbsp;Series. Garnetisation took place in these limestones and at other placesnbsp;porphyrites and tuffs from the Tuff Formation were silicified and epidotised.

Habana Formation.

In Central Camaguey we find outcrops of this formation in several places. The extension of the formation now is rather small, but as we may

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see from the map, e.g. near Ciego de Avila and Cespedes, it is likely that in former times its rocks have outcropped over large parts of the district.

The age of the Habana Formation is Upper Cretaceous, which statement is based on the following evidence. The Larger Foraminifera of the generanbsp;Orbitoides and Lepidorhitoides are found in Europe in the Maestrichtian beds.nbsp;Lepidorhitoides minima, several specimens of which were found in our district,nbsp;was also found in the Upper Cretaceous of Mexico; Lepidorhitoides nortcninbsp;was described from the Upper Cretaceous of Louisiana.

The two Rudist species we found, Titanosarcolithes giganteus and Mitro-caprina tschoppi are also well-known species from the Upper Cretaceous of Cuba. Both have been recorded and described by H. J. Mac Gillavry fromnbsp;Eastern Camaguey, but they occur also in other parts of the island. Thenbsp;marls, sampled at V 36, V 78 and V Tèa, proved to be very rich in Smallernbsp;Foraminifera. In chapter IV we will give a complete list and a description ofnbsp;some known and other new species, but a careful examination of this faunanbsp;as a whole, and a comparison with other faunas may be given here.

When we examine the quantitative composition of the fauna, the richness in Glohotruncanas and Giimbelinas is striking and these genera are notnbsp;only rich in individuals, but also in species. Besides these two genera, whichnbsp;are excellent indices for Upper Cretaceous strata, several other characteristicnbsp;genera are found e.g. Pseudotextularia, Planoglobulina, Eouvigerina, Ventila-hrella etc. Pelagic forms, such as Globigerinas, are represented, but only verynbsp;few specimens were found. The greater part of the genera which werenbsp;found, are animals which by preference live in shallow to fairly deep, warmnbsp;waters.

When we compare the fauna, described by G. H. Voorwijk from the province of Habana, with ours, the resemblance is conspicuous.

A fauna of Smaller Foraminifera from the Upper Cretaceous of Antigua, described by J. A. Cushman, may be regarded as an equivalent of the Cubannbsp;fauna. A comparison with Upper Cretaceous Foraminifera from Trinidad,nbsp;described by J. A. Cushman and P. W. Jarvis (45,46), reveals also a certainnbsp;relationship, but as was already emphasized by Dr. Cushman, this faunanbsp;seems to be somewhat higher in the section than the fauna of Antigua.

Mexico offers us several possibilities for comparison. In the Tampico embayment extensive and detailed work has been done by AI. P. Whitenbsp;(86, 87). From this region several hundreds of species are recorded; ofnbsp;one hundred and forty-three species, which are regarded to be index-ir^ra-minifera, a full description has been given. These descriptions are accompanied by tables, showing the ranges and the relative abundance of thesenbsp;species. After a careful examination of these tables, we came to the conclusionnbsp;that there is a very close relationship between the Mexican and Cuban faunasnbsp;and that especially the Alendez-fauna shows much affinity with Cuba. Somenbsp;characteristic species, which the Mendez-fauna has in common with thatnbsp;of Cuba may be enumerated: Bolivina incrassata, Bolivinoides draco, Giimbelinanbsp;excolata, Planoglobulina acervulinoides, Flabellina interpmctata and Pseudotextularia

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varians. This is only a short and incomplete enumeration, but a significant one. Bolivinoides draco, Gümbelina excolata and Pseudotextularia rarians withnbsp;its varieties, e.g., occur only in the Mendez or even in parts of that. Gloho-trmcana area is not mentioned by White, but Cushman (12) reports annbsp;abundant occurrence of this species in the Mendez.

In the Gulf States of the U.S.A. we find again comparable faunas. From the Annona Chalk, the middle part of the Taylor-formation, whichnbsp;several authors regard as an equivalent of the Mendez in Mexico, the samenbsp;typical Upper Cretaceous species have been recorded e.g. Cibicides excolata,nbsp;Globotruncana area, Flabellina interpmetata, etc. The resemblance with thenbsp;Saratoga Chalk — Upper Taylor — is only small. In this part of the Taylornbsp;Gibicides excolata becomes very rare, while it is abundant in the Annonanbsp;Chalk and our material.

From Western Alabama and Kansas comparable faunas have been described respectively by Morrow (62) and Sandidge (79).

With Europe finally, there are less distinct but undeniable affinities. Several species we found in Cuba were described from Bohemia by Reuss,nbsp;from the Bavarian Alps by Egger and from Pomerania by Franke. All thesenbsp;facts point, as we have seen, to the same — Upper Cretaceous — age andnbsp;we feel rather sure, that the Cuban-, Antiguan-, Mendez- and Taylor-faunanbsp;belong to the same complex.

Near T 1426 and T 1427 Dr. Tschopp sampled some Mollusca from Habanamarls. Th.amp;th.ttamp;Pectmdae,P.irregularis, P. hellula andP.georgetownensisnbsp;have also been described from Texas and Mexico, but there they occur innbsp;the lower parts of the Cretaceous, Middle- and Upper Albian. That wouldnbsp;mean that the Habana Formation might be slightly older or that we havenbsp;to assume that the above mentioned species persisted during the Uppernbsp;Cretaceous. The last supposition is regarded as highly probable.

As was already pointed out, the composition of the fauna at the find-spots V 78 and V 79^?, indicates a shallow to fairly deep sea. Rudists and Larger Foraminijera cannot be expected in such deeper basins, nor have theynbsp;been found here. Indications for a littoral sedimentation during the Habana-time, however, are found at several places. West of Piedrecitas and East ofnbsp;Ciego de Avila e.g. we find coarse brecciaceous limestones with largenbsp;pebbles from the Diorite and the Tuff Series. In these deposits very manynbsp;Larger Foraminijera and Rudists are found, whereas Smaller Foraminijeranbsp;are very scarce.

The rocks of the Habana Formation are transgressive over the Diorites and the Tuff Series. Detritic material of these two formations is found innbsp;the conglomerates of the Habana Formation. As we have already mentioned,nbsp;these fragments are often found together with typical Upper Cretaceousnbsp;fossils.

At F 52, about two kilometers E. of Ciego de Avila, on a small hill a very coarse conglomerate is found. In the field one gets the impression ofnbsp;finding oneself in an outcrop of dioritic rocks or of the Tuff Series. This

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impression is further strengthened by the fact that the components of this conglomerate are found in enormous loose blocks, the diameter of whichnbsp;may reach a yard or more. Moreover the cementing material of the conglomerate was not found. Under the microscope, however, the variegationnbsp;of this assembly of rocks is clear. The following rocks were found in thenbsp;conglomerate: porphyrite-breccias, amphibole-porphyrites, quartz-amphi-bole-diorites, granodiorite-aplites, tuff-porphyrite-breccias, tuffs, quartz-diorite-porphyrites and diabases.

A stratigraphical gap between the Habana Formation on the one side and the Diorite and the Tuff Series on the other is thus clear.

On the Carretera Central at km 513 we see that there is a structural discordance between the Habana Formation and the Eocene. Here thenbsp;strikes of the Tertiary and Upper Cretaceous strata are diverging. Whilenbsp;the structures of the Habana Formation in the western part of Centralnbsp;Camaguey are simple, the folding in the eastern part has been more intensenbsp;and rather steep dips are found here. Just North of Cespedes, the layersnbsp;are nearly vertical.

The Habana Formation includes porphyrites, porphyrite-breccias, quartz-porphyrites, tuffs, tuffites, limestones (conglomeratic or not), calcareous sandstones and marls. As already was pointed out by Mac Gillavry,nbsp;it is often very difficult to distinguish the tuffs and porphyrites from thosenbsp;of the Tuff Series. M. G. Rutten attaches great importance to the occurrencenbsp;of primary quartz in the tuffs of the Habana Formation and this characteristicnbsp;was also found in our district. At any rate, not a single rock, clearly belongingnbsp;to the Tuff Series, was found to possess a primary quartz-grain, whereasnbsp;several tuffs and porphyrites, the Habana age of which for several othernbsp;reasons could not be doubted, proved to contain primary quartz.

The occurrence of detritic material of dioritic rocks in tuffs and porphyrites, belonging to the Habana Formation, is one of the most valuable indications.

Porphyrites. Most porphyrites we find in the Habana Formation are dense, green or brownish-gray rocks. Their porphyritic texture is evident;nbsp;white felspar-phenocrysts and sometimes dark green ones, likely of augite,nbsp;ate clearly visible. Rocks with amygdules were found several times.

Microscopically we see a holocrystalline porphyritic texture. Plagioclase, augite and biotite are seen to occur as phenocrysts in a fine-grained ground-mass. The plagioclase is found in large, tabular, idiomorphic to hypidio-morphic crystals. Lamellar twinning is frequent. The composition of thenbsp;unaltered plagioclases ranges from andesine-labradorite to labradorite-bytownite. The phenocrysts often show magnificent zonal structure, thenbsp;core being distinctly of a more basic composition than the periphery. Thenbsp;tooth of time, however, has gnawed tremendously on the plagioclases.nbsp;Albitisation is often encountered just as sericitisation. With these processesnbsp;quartz and calcite have come into existence. Saussurite, epidote and chloritenbsp;are also often met with as their weathering products. Sometimes we find

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inclusions of augite and magnetite in the plagioclases and in D 23981 we find numerous small needles, also hexagonal sections of apatite in thenbsp;plagioclase. The augite occurs in colourless to light-green crystals. In mostnbsp;cases they are nicely idiomorphic. Twins are often seen. As their alterationnbsp;products we find chlorite, sometimes in large quantities, zoisite and ore.nbsp;Biotite was found only in two cases. Here it occurs in idiomorphic, largenbsp;flakes. Some crystals still have their original brown colour and in consequencenbsp;they are strongly pleothroitic. In many cases, however, strong chloritisationnbsp;of the biotite took place and here the brownish-green polarisation-coloursnbsp;of the chlorite betray its origin. Besides chlorite, oxydic ore has originatednbsp;from the biotite.

The groundmass is holocrystalline, fine-grained and mainly built up of tiny laths of plagioclase and augite. The alteration products of thesenbsp;two minerals are also found, sometimes in large quantities. We see chlorite,nbsp;epidote, sericite and also limonite, apatite, leucoxene and magnetite. Especially magnetite may occur in large quantities. The groundmass has oftennbsp;undergone strong alterations. Silicification is very common, but sericitisa-tion, epidotisation and calcitisation are also encountered. Calcite andnbsp;quartz are sometimes seen to occur is small veinlets throughout thenbsp;whole rock.

The amygdules, which occasionally are found in the rocks, are filled up of quartz, calcite or epidote. In one case secondary quartz in the ground-mass occurs in beautiful spherulites. Cataclastic phenomena are rarelynbsp;found. Only in D 23980 we find traces of stress. Here the plagioclase-phenocrysts are broken for the greater part.

The quartz-porphyrites differ from the porphyrites by the occurrence of primary quartz. It is found as more or less idiomorphic phenocrysts. One of these quartz-porphyrites (D 24117) contains a large xenolith of annbsp;aplite with the characteristic granophyric intergrowth of quartz and orthoclase.nbsp;Sometimes we observe very minute gas-inclusions in the quartz-phenocrysts.nbsp;For the rest the rocks have the same phenocrysts and the groundmass isnbsp;built up of the same components, together with quartz. Silicification is alsonbsp;common in these rocks.

Tuff-porphyrite-breccias. These rocks are mainly built up by large fragments of porphyrites and phenocrysts or fragments of them. Amongnbsp;the latter, plagioclase takes a predominant place, but quartz-grains are alsonbsp;encountered. The plagioclases are represented by albite-oligoclase, oligoclasenbsp;as well as by more basic ones, such as andesine-labradorite. Only in a fewnbsp;cases the plagioclases are fresh. Mostly they are strongly weathered, dusty,nbsp;and for a great part replaced by their weathering products as e.g. chlorite,nbsp;epidote, zoisite, sericite, etc. Rock-fragments take an important place.nbsp;Large porphyrite-fragments, silicified or not, occur. In these porphyrite-fragments plagioclase-phenocrysts of an intermediate composition arenbsp;readily observed. The porphyrite-fragments are often marked by theirnbsp;richness in magnetite. In D 23965 CK 44) we see a fragment of a tuffite with

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calcareous cement. In this tuffite idiomorphic quartz-grains, showing corrosion-phenomena, are observed. The „groundmass” which by the large quantities of crystal- and rock-fragments may fall into the background, isnbsp;composed of plagioclase, quartz, chlorite, epidote, zoisite, limonite, magnetite, apatite and leucoxene. Again we find often silicification in these rocks.nbsp;There are also coarse porphyrite-breccias which are cemented by calcitenbsp;(K 44, K 46). •

The tuffs are for the greater part fresh-looking, light-coloured, greenish or reddish rocks. If weathered, their colour becomes brown andnbsp;that is the reason why in the field they are so readily confounded with tuffsnbsp;from the Tuff Series. Microscopically the tuffs consist of a microcrystallinenbsp;basis with splinters and fragments of crystals. These crystal-fragments are:nbsp;plagioclase, average composition about andesine-labrador, often twinned,nbsp;albitisation not rare, with their alteration products chlorite, epidote, sericite,nbsp;etc. Quartz, especially in D 23972 and D 23991, occurs in pretty large quantities, sometimes with corrosion-phenomena.

The groundmass consists of plagioclase, quartz, chlorite, zoisite, epidote and limonite. Silicification of the groundmass occurs frequently. H 70 isnbsp;a very fine-bedded tuff, which has been nearly completely silicified.

Tuffites were found at only two places. Both are strongly calcified Tocks with many splinters and crystal-fragments of plagioclase and quartz.nbsp;In D 23982, we find moreover rounded fragments of porphyrites.

From the foregoing it may be clear that the volcanic activity during Habana times was still great in Central Camaguey. This is in accordancenbsp;with the fact that during this time volcanic activity increased, going fromnbsp;West to East on Cuba.

The clastic sediments, conglomerates and calcareous sandstones, sometimes contain very much detritic material: fragments of quartz-diorite, quartz-diorite-porphyrite, diorite-porphyrite, granophyric ^ aplite,nbsp;tuffs and porphyrites from the Tuff Series and grains of plagioclase,nbsp;quartz, biotite, epidote and chlorite. Occasionally these conglomeratesnbsp;contain also fragments of Rudists. In F 49 we observe that the calcite,nbsp;which cements the coarse rock-fragments, extinguishes over large distancesnbsp;at the same time.

The limestones of the Habana Formation are yellow, if weathered, brownish-yellow rocks with many fossils. In the landscape these limestonesnbsp;give rise to a black or grayish soil, which occasionally may become rathernbsp;sandy and which is in sharp contrast with the soils which we encounter onnbsp;Tertiary rocks. Under the microscope we see brownish-yellow rocks withnbsp;an oolitic or suboolitic structure. This feature was found to be very commonnbsp;and even when the rock does not contain any fossil, one may be rather surenbsp;about the age of the rock. Often the limestones carry small grains of quartznbsp;and plagioclase.

In thin-sections we found the following fossils: Orbitoides,Lepidorbitoides, Vau^anina, Sulcoperculina dickersoni, Corals, Lithothamnia, Rudist-fragments,

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^nr/^aMs-likc fossils and another new genus, belonging to the Peneroplidae. The marls are white, contain also detritic material and most of them provednbsp;to be rich in Smaller Foraminifera as well as in Larger Foraminijera. Macrofossils such as Echinidae, Pectinidae, Inoceramus and Actaeomlla were oftennbsp;sampled in these marls. The fossils which could be determined will benbsp;described in Chapter IV.


In Central Camaguey this formation crops out in two separate areas; firstly in the north-eastern corner of the district, in the so-called Sierra denbsp;Cubitas and secondly in the South. As there is a distinct difference in faciesnbsp;between these two regions, we will discuss them separately.

The Cubitas Limestones are white or yellowish-white, mostly finegrained rocks, which at some places become marly. Occasionally anbsp;coarse-crystalline rock is met with. Some rocks proved to have a well-developed oolitic structure. It is striking that these limestones are so extraordinarily rich in MilioUdae, several samples are crowded with them and donbsp;not contain any other fossil. There are, however, rocks where they are foundnbsp;together with Discocjclina, Dictyocoms, Camerina-Yike fossils, Alveolinidae,nbsp;Gastropoda and several genera of Smaller Foraminijera, such as Globigerina andnbsp;Globorotalia. In T 1461 (D 24255) we find several species of Radiclarianbsp;together with sponge needles and Smaller Foraminifera.

Calcareous sandstones, although scarce, also occur in the Sierra de Cubitas. Near K 58 (D 24226 and D 24227) we find rocks, which on microscopical examination prove to consist of detritic material, originating fromnbsp;Serpentines, Diorites and porphyrites. The fragments are cemented bynbsp;calcite. In D 24226 we find, together with these fragments, some specimensnbsp;of Discocjclina.

The Cubitas Limestones have been disturbed only to a slight degree. Frequently we found the rocks in an almost horizontal position and wenbsp;never found dips exceeding 35 degrees. As was already mentioned in describing the Serpentines, these dips show all a southern or south-westernnbsp;direction, where the Cubitas Limestones are bordered by the Serpentines.nbsp;H. J. Mac Gillavry explained this fact in that way, that the Cubitas Limestones have been brought into tectonical contact with the Serpentines.nbsp;Although there are only a few measurements in the Cubitas limestones ofnbsp;our district, as may be seen from the map, we do not hesitate to extend thenbsp;fault from Eastern into Central Camaguey. Although we have only twonbsp;samples from the stretch Donato-Woodin, one of which contained a doubtfulnbsp;Discocjclina, and a limestone, sampled just South of Woodin, not containingnbsp;any fossil, we reckon this whole area to belong to the Cubitas Limestones.nbsp;As the evidence of a fault South and South-East of Woodin is weak, thenbsp;fault in this region has been indicated as hypothetical.

The age of the Cubitas Limestones is without doubt Eocene, on the

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ground of the faunal assemblage. Our observations, paleontologically as well as stratigraphically, do not allow of giving a judgment about Macnbsp;Gillavry’s opinion, that the Cubitas Limestones possibly are somewhatnbsp;older than Upper Eocene.

In the southern part of our district we find outcrops of eocene rocks in a broad tongue, extending from La Florida to the West. Tectonicallynbsp;this tongue must be regarded as a „high”, for in the „axis” of the tongue,nbsp;we find the older formations, Habana Formation and Diorite, exposed.nbsp;North of km 488 of the Carretera Central a large area of Tuff Series rocksnbsp;is surrounded by rocks of eocene age. In this area of Tuff Series rocks wenbsp;find small strips of eocene rocks, while, at last. North of this region thenbsp;Eocene pierces the Guines Limestones in a small anticline.

The Eocene in this region is transgressive over Tuff Series, Diorite and Habana Formation. At several places fragments or pebbles of these formationsnbsp;are found in the conglomeratical limestones and marls of the Eocene. Thenbsp;structural discordance between the Habana Formation and Eocene isnbsp;clearly demonstrated near V 42 on the Carretera Central. On the southern sidenbsp;of the road we find a small hill of about 150 m long. The core of the hillnbsp;is formed by green tuffs, which belong to the Habana Formation. The strikenbsp;of these tuffs is about N 70 E and their dip 60 degrees to the South. Thenbsp;western flank of the hill consists of dirty eocene marls; these show a northeastern strike and a dip of 10 degrees to the North-West. On the easternnbsp;flank of the hill we find the basal conglomerate of the marls with workednbsp;elements of the Habana-tuffs. These last mentioned marls possess a smallnbsp;dip to the South-East.

The Eocene in this region, too, is marked by very gentle structures. Dips exceeding 10 degrees are rare. When we compare the structures ofnbsp;this region with those found in the north-eastern area and the adjacent partnbsp;of Camaguey, it seems that the orogenesis causing these structures was lessnbsp;active in the southern than in the northern part of Camaguey.

The Eocene in this area comprises limestones, sandy limestones, marls and conglomerates. The limestones are white, sometimes coarsely crystallinenbsp;rocks with varying amounts of detritic material. Quartz is often encounterednbsp;in angular or rounded grains, but we find also fragments of felspar, biotite,nbsp;epidote and rock-fragments of porphyrites and tuffs. The soil on the eocenenbsp;limestones and marls is grayish-black, clayey; as a rule it contains only littlenbsp;quartz-sand. Sugar cane seems to thrive on this soil.

The limestones are sometimes rich in fossils. We found the following genera and species: Discocyclina, Lepidocjclina (among others L. maracaibensis),nbsp;Pellatispirella bermude^i, Pellatispirella antillea, Camerina pellatispiroides (andnbsp;several other Camerinaé), Dicfjoconus americams, Amphlstegina, AlveoUnae,nbsp;Corals, Oysters, Lithothamnia, Miliolidae and several other genera of Smallernbsp;Foraminifera. Near V 89 we find limestones which are completely silicified.nbsp;They also contain Larger Foraminifera such as Discocyclina and Dictyoconus,nbsp;accompanied by numerous Miliolidae.

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The marls are dirty white, contain but little detritic material and some of them contain many Larger and Smaller Foraminifera e.g. at V 39 andnbsp;H 77. A list of species, together with descriptions of some known and newnbsp;species will be given in the chapter on Paleontology. An ample discussionnbsp;of this fauna may be omitted here. Species, typical for eocene deposits in thenbsp;West Indies, Mexico and the Gulf States of the U.S.A., are also found in thenbsp;Eocene of Central Camaguey e.g. Glohorotalia spinulosa, Globorotalia aragonen-sis, Glavulinoides guayahalensis and Giimhelina wilcoxensis. A remarkable factnbsp;is the occurrence, though infrequent, of Globotruncana area. We are in doubtnbsp;whether the Globotrmcanas are a secondary deposit or that this genus persistednbsp;in the Eocene.

The sandy limestones and conglomerates contain much detritic material from older formations. At K 20 and K 21, in a very coarse conglomerate,nbsp;we find large pebbles of Habana tuffs and limestones. At H 98 we findnbsp;pebbles of Habana limestones (containing Orbitoides palmeri, O. browni,nbsp;Vaughanina cubensis and Rudist fragments) in a coarse eocene conglomerate.

The age of the rocks described above is without any doubt Eocene; to be more exact Upper Eocene. The joint occurrence of Discocjclina, Lepido-cyclina, Dictyoconns and Pellatispirella (especially P. antilkd) is typical fornbsp;deposits of this age.

Guines Formation.

From the map it may be seen that this formation is the most common geological element in Central Camaguey. We find it exposed over the wholenbsp;area, but especially in the western part, as there the Moron Basin has itsnbsp;deeper parts. The eastern border of this Basin coincides almost with thenbsp;eastern boundary of our district, where the older formations are exposed,nbsp;and to the West the Basin reaches as far as the eastern part of the province ofnbsp;Santa Clara.

Age of the Guines Formation. Palmer (120^), who gives a summary of the former opinions on the age of the Guines Limestones, reckonsnbsp;these beds to be a „transitional phase between the Upper Oligocene andnbsp;the Lower Miocene”. The combination Miogjpsina-Lepidocjclina, which,nbsp;according to Palmer, is typical for the Guines Formation, was not found innbsp;our district. We did find Miogjpsina and Lepidocjclina indeed, but never together. Near H 134 we found limestones, crowded with Lepidocjclinae andnbsp;without DiscoejeUnae. One of these Lepidocjclinae was determined as L.nbsp;maracaibensis and the limestones therefore were mapped as Eocene. As thisnbsp;determination is not quite certain, the possibility remains that the limestonesnbsp;at H 134 belong to the Lower Oligocene.

The determination of the age of the Guines Limestones in our district is based upon Miogjpsina harvkinsi and a number of Smaller Foraminiferanbsp;which, however, are very characteristic for the oligo-miocene beds. In thin-sections we recognized: Amphisorus matleji., Archaias, Marginopora, Sorites^

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Peneroplis^ SpiroUna and several other less characteristic ones. Miogypsina han-'kinsi, Amphmrus matleji and Anhaias have also been described hynbsp;Thiadens from the oligo-miocene beds of Southern Santa Clara, andnbsp;Vermunt reports the occurrence of Amphisorus matleji and Anhaias in thenbsp;Guines Limestones of Pinar del Rio. The Smaller Foraminifera, found in thenbsp;marlsamples, seem to indicate the same age; the fauna, however, is rathernbsp;poor. The frequent occurrence of several species of the genus Elphidium^nbsp;Clavuhna tricarinata and Gypsina globulus must, according to my colleagues,nbsp;who have all a richer oligo-miocene fauna at their disposal, be regarded asnbsp;very characteristic for strata of this age.

Tectonics of the Guines Formation.

The Guines Limestones cover the more or less strongly folded older formations unconformably. The position of the beds is at most places nearlynbsp;horizontal and dips of more than 10 degrees are scarce. The only place wherenbsp;they are more strongly folded is the Loma Cunagua. On the southern flanknbsp;of this ridge, which has a general trend of N 250 E and a lenght of aboutnbsp;5 kilometers, we measured dips up to 20—25 degrees. Here we have annbsp;example that the post-lower-miocene orogenesis locally shows a greaternbsp;intensity. The drainage of the I.oma Cunagua takes place by the eastwardnbsp;running Rio Yeso and, although this name seems to contain a promise fornbsp;the presence of older formations in the Loma, these were not found. Anbsp;peculiarity of the Loma Cunagua is that its top consists of vast, flat grounds.

Petrographic description.

The limestones of the Guines Formation are white or yellowish-white, porous rocks with a typical cavernous habit caused by the weathering outnbsp;of abundant Gastropoda, Lamellihranchiata and other fossils. Moulds andnbsp;casts of these fossils were found almost everywhere. Very often the limestones become more or less crystalline and the outlines of the fossils arenbsp;wiped out in such cases. The recrystallization of the limestones can reachnbsp;such an extent, that the fossils they contain „disappear” as it were. In ordernbsp;to give expression to this fact, all those find-spots, where limestones withnbsp;well-preserved and determinable fossils were found, have been marked onnbsp;our map by a special sign. (With the discussion of the age of the Guinesnbsp;Formation we mentioned already the occurrence of several characteristicnbsp;fossils in the limestones e.g. Amphisorus matleji, Archaias, Marginopora,nbsp;Peneroplis, etc.). Habitually, there is a great difference between limestonesnbsp;from the Habana and the Guines Formation, but in many cases it is verynbsp;difficult to distinguish them from eocene limestones, especially when thenbsp;last mentioned ones are also non-fossiliferous. The boundary between thenbsp;Eocene and Oligo-Miocene is at many places based on habitual differencesnbsp;and for this reason it is quite possible that it does not give the true localnbsp;demarcation.

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At some places the limestones become sandy and pass gradually into true sandstones. These sandstones, chiefly composed of quartz-grains, arenbsp;found in the region West and North-West of Geballos. It is almost certainnbsp;that this quartz has been derived from the Diorite-area, which lies to thenbsp;South in the environment of Ciego de Avila. Other detritic material ofnbsp;Diorites, felspars and grains of epidote is also encountered, but never innbsp;large quantities. Sometimes we find limestones, which are completely silici-fied, e.g. near K7.

At T 935, W. from Moron, a very remarkable limestone was sampled. This limestone belongs without any doubt to the Guines Formation, as itnbsp;contains Amphisorus matleyi and Archaias. We found, however, also fragmentsnbsp;of Rudists and well-preserved specimens of DiscocycUna in this sample. Innbsp;this case we are quite sure, that the Rudists and DiscocycUnae are on a secondary deposit. Moreover this limestone contains coarse fragments of tuffsnbsp;and granophyric material, originating from the Diorite Series, besides crystal-fragments of quartz and felspar. The coarseness of the detritic material andnbsp;the soundness of the DiscocycUnae suggest a short transport, but nowadaysnbsp;the older formations in this region have been covered by the younger limestones of the Guines Formation.

When the limestones are weathered, they have a reddish colour caused by limonite, which is also seen in small, round concretions in the weatheringnbsp;rock. The residuum of these limestones is a red or purple, lateritic clay,nbsp;which covers large areas of the district; only sporadically outcrops ofnbsp;limestones are found in this soil. Often the clay is very rich in „perdigon”,nbsp;a local name for the limonitic iron concretions just mentioned. The limonitenbsp;grains sometimes are luted and a true iron-ore is formed. The perdigonnbsp;seems to be relatively independent of the underground in Cuba, as we findnbsp;it on oligo-miocene limestones as well as on schists and Serpentines. It isnbsp;quite possible that the perdigon is a result of typical climatological factors.nbsp;In this region of the Caribbean Sea we have an alternating dry and wetnbsp;season. In the wet season there is a descending movement of water, whichnbsp;transports calcite and iron downwards, but in the dry season an ascendingnbsp;movement of water carries them upwards and they become precipitatednbsp;around numberless „nuclei”, and in several cases we observed the perdigonnbsp;in „statu nascendD.

The thickness of the limestone beds from which the weathering-soil originates, must have been very considerable. Owing to the low elevationnbsp;of most of the country under discussion, natural sections in the red eluvialnbsp;soils are rare. When they are found, we observe a covering layer, no lessnbsp;than 5—7 m thick, over the Guines Limestones. Several hundreds of metersnbsp;of limestones must have been denuded in order to yield such a thick weathering soil. Sugar cane seems to prefer this soil, as most of the sugar-factories in Central Camaguey are found on Guines Limestones.

The marls are yellow or white. Only in a few cases, H 67, K 255 and V 121, they contain Smaller Foraminifera. A list of genera and species will

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be given in Chapter IV. On Isla Turiguanao a Guines-marl was sampled which proved to be very rich in gypsum.

Quaternary Deposits.

At only two places we found deposits which were reckoned to be of Quaternary age. In the eastern tip of the I.oma Cunagua, North of K 64,nbsp;we found a coarse breccia, consisting of large limestone-fragments, cementednbsp;by calcite. In these breccias we observed almost recent Gastropoda. A determination of them was not possible, as we had only fragmentary specimensnbsp;at our disposal. The breccias are certainly of Quaternary age.

On Isla Turiguanao we find again limestone-breccias, e.g. at V 112 and V 117. They contain several large, angular fragments of Aptychi Limestones and also fragments of gypsum. A Quaternary age of these brecciasnbsp;is highly probable.

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In Central Camaguey we can distinguish four different phases of orogenesis, namely:

1°. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Thenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;postnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Tuff Seriesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;—nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;prenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Habana orogenesis.

2°. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Thenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;postnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Habananbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;—nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;prenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Upper Eocene orogenesis.

3°. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Thenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;postnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Eocenenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;—nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;prenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Guines orogenesis.

4°. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;postnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Guines movements.

The first three of these orogenetic phases are also known from the eastern part of the Province of Camaguey, while in Southern Santa Claranbsp;they were all found.

The first period of orogenetic activity in this area was before the Habana Formation became deposited, during the Upper Cretaceous. Thisnbsp;orogenesis must have been rather strong in our district as may be concludednbsp;from the steep dips in the Aptychi Limestones in the north-eastern part ofnbsp;the described area. Just the same is found on Isla Turiguanao and Westnbsp;of Bahia Buenavista. Often the beds are found in a nearly vertical position.nbsp;Owing to the plasticity of the gypsum, the structures are very complicatednbsp;here and it is impossible to say from which direction the movement came.nbsp;We did not find a structural discordance between the Habana Formationnbsp;and the underlying Tuff Series where these two formations are exposednbsp;West of Ciego de Avila. We are, however, under the impression that thenbsp;Tuff Series is rather strongly folded here, whereas the Habana Formation,nbsp;just East of Ciego de Avila, is marked by very gentle structures. At any rate,nbsp;the existence of a stratigraphical gap between the two formations is provednbsp;by the occurrence of coarse conglomerates at the base of the Habana Formation. These conglomerates contain large pebbles of porphyrites andnbsp;tuffs from the Tuff Series, together with fragments of rocks from the Dioritenbsp;intrusion. Moreover, the Habana Formation overlaps the older formationsnbsp;in several parts of the district, e.g. East of Ciego de Avila and in the environment of Piedrecitas and Estrella. While this first orogenesis took place,nbsp;considerable masses of Diorite and related rocks intruded.

The second phase of orogenetic activity was in Lower Eocene times. As for this orogenesis there seems to be a marked difference in intensitynbsp;between the western and eastern part of Central Camaguey. In the westernnbsp;part, near Ciego de Avila, the beds of the Habana Formation have beennbsp;disturbed only to a slight degree, and they show very low dips, not exceedingnbsp;10 or 15 degrees. In the eastern part on the contrary, folding was much morenbsp;intense. Dips of forty or fifty degrees are common and at some places layersnbsp;were found in an almost vertical position. In the last mentioned area wenbsp;find also a proof of the structural unconformity between the Habana For-

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mation and the Upper Eocene. On the Carretera Central, near km 513, we find steep-dipping tuffs of the Habana Formation disconformably overlainnbsp;by marls of the Upper Eocene, which show a rather low dip. The discordancenbsp;between the two formations is further brought to light by the occurrencenbsp;of pebbles of porphyrites, tuffs and limestones from the Habana Formationnbsp;in the conglomeratic members of the Upper Eocene. On a closer view, thenbsp;strikes and dips in the eastern part seem to indicate that the direction ofnbsp;this lower or middle eocene movement was from South to North.

The third orogenesis took place before the Guines Limestones were deposited, in the Lower- or Middle Oligocene. Just as there is a differencenbsp;in facies between the eocene deposits of the north-eastern and south-easternnbsp;part of our district, there is also one in the way in which they have beennbsp;tectonically affected. In the South-East the upper eocene beds have onlynbsp;been slightly disturbed, but distinctly enough to make it clear that they arenbsp;unconformably overlain by the Guines Limestones, the latter being in annbsp;almost horizontal position in this part of the district. In the North-East,nbsp;however, we find dips of 20 to 30 degrees in the Cubitas Limestones andnbsp;on the map of Mac Gillavry, which in the North-West almost joins upnbsp;with our map, we find dips even of 40—50 degrees. It is clear that thenbsp;orogenesis was rather strong here.

As was already mentioned in describing the eocene deposits, the limestones of the Sierra Cubitas dip towards the contact with the Serpentines. In order to explain this fact, we assumed a fault between the Cubitas Limestones and the Serpentines. The age of this fault is clearly post Eocene.nbsp;Whether the faults between the Aptychi Limestones and the Serpentines,nbsp;also found in this area, are of the same age or older cannot be said.

The fourth orogenesis finds expression in the very gentle dipping of the Guines Limestones, which are so widespread in our district. At mostnbsp;places the intensity of this orogenesis must have been very weak, sincenbsp;the beds of the formation seldom show dips exceeding 5 degrees. Thenbsp;Loma Cunagua is the only instance where the orogenetic forces were morenbsp;active. Here dips of 20 to 25 degrees are found.

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In this chapter we will give lists of Smaller and Larger Foraminijera, respectively from the Upper Cretaceous, Upper Eocene and Oligo-Miocene.

The lists, in which the localities are indicated, are accompanied by descriptions of the new species as well as of some species already known,nbsp;which in one or more respects differ from the holotypes. All species, whichnbsp;are described or commented upon, are figured.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Praerhapydionina aéana,

which was studied in thin-sections, all other species have been determined as complete specimens.

Lists of Smaller and Larger Foraminifera see page 3240.

Descriptions of the smaller Foraminifera.

a) Upper Cretaceous species.

Gatdrjina cretacea (Karrer).

Plate 1, figures 1, 2.

Gaudryina cretacea (Karrer), Cushman, 1937, Contr. Cushm. Lab. For. Res. Spec. Publ. no. 7, p. 40, pi. 6,

figs. 3—9.

When we look at the figures given by Cushman, we observe great differences between some specimens e.g. fig. 5 and fig. 8. The differencesnbsp;are so great that it would be better to separate them.

Length 0,7 mm, breadth 0,55 mm. Upper Cretaceous, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 22367.

Pseudoclavulina camaguejensis van Wessem nov. sp.

Plate 1, figures 3, 4.

Test elongate, the early stage distinctly triserial and somewhat larger than the following uniserial stage. The triserial portion is bordered by threenbsp;planes, which are flat or even somewhat concave. The angles between thenbsp;intersecting planes are sharp. Chambers in the triserial as well as in thenbsp;uniserial stage indistinct. Sutures can hardly be distinguished. Wall coarselynbsp;arenaceous; aperture terminal with a distinct neck.

Max. length 1,3 mm, max. diameter 0,35 mm. Type locality. Upper Cretaceous, Loc. V 79ö, Camaguey, Cuba. Syntypes, Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ.nbsp;Utrecht, D 22376.

Dorothia ncv. sp.

Plate 1, figures 6, 7.

diameter I|-

In transverse section nearly circular. Ratio between length and maximum 1. Initial chambers rounded with about five chambers in the

-ocr page 45-


first whorl. Only two biserial chambers. Periphery very smooth; chambers only slightly inflated, sutures somewhat depressed. Wall finely arenaceous.nbsp;Aperture of the Karreriella-t^^f. neck-shaped, but distinct at the base ofnbsp;the inner margin. Obviously we have to deal with a new species of Dorothia.

Lenght 0,75 mm, maximum diameter 0,5 mm. Type locality. Upper Cretaceous, Loc. V 79a, Camaguey, Cuba, flolotype. Min.-Geol. Inst.nbsp;Univ. Utrecht, D 22386.

Dorothia sp.

Plate 1, figures 8, 9.

Test elongate, length 21 times as long as breadth, circular in transverse section. Chambers distinct, early stages multiserial, in the adult biserial.nbsp;Chambers gradually enlarging and somewhat inflated. Sutures slightlynbsp;depressed, nearly horizontal. Wall finely arenaceous. Aperture a low, broadnbsp;slit at the base of the last chamber.

Diameter 0,35 mm, length 0,9 mm. Upper Cretaceous, Loc. V 79a, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 22387.

Textulariella sp.

Plate 1, figure 5.

Test elongate, more or less conical, length about twice as long as breadth. Initial stage multiserial, bluntly pointed. Chambers very graduallynbsp;enlarging; the largest diameter is reached towards the apertural end.

The adult stage is biserial, chambers somewhat inflated and subdivided towards the periphery. Sutures depressed. Wall rather coarsely arenaceous.nbsp;Aperture cannot be seen. This species resembles in many respects Textulariella miocenica Cushman.

Length 1,4 mm, diameter 0,75 mm. Upper Cretaceous, Loc. V 78, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 22388.

Rohulus excisu^ (Bornemann).

Plate 1, figures 10, 11.

Cm/e//ar/a Bornemann, 1855, Zeitschr. d. deutsch. Geol. Gesell. vol. 7, p. 328, pi. 13, figs. 19 20.

There is only a slight difference from Bornemann’s figures. Our specimens do not have a distinct keel, but this may have been worn off, as they show a rather bad preservation. Diameter up to 1 mm.

Upper Cretaceous, Camaguey, Cuba. Geol.-Min. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 22491.

Robulus stephensoni Cushman.

Plate 1, figures 12, 13.

Rohulus stephensoni Cushman, 1939, Contr. Cushm. Lab. For. Res. vol. 15, pt. 4, p. 90, pi. 16, figs. 2 3.

Our specimens are somewhat more evolute than those of Cushman, but in other respects they show a striking resemblance. The diameter of ournbsp;specimen is rather small, about 0,65 mm.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Continued on page 41.

-ocr page 46-



Lists of Smaller Foraminifera.

a) From the Habana Formation.











mississippiensis Cushm. var. ala^anensis

Nutt ALL



cretosa Cushm.



limhata Cushm.



tricarinata (Rss).




cretacea (Karrer)



pjramidata Cushm.


P seudoclavulina

camaguejensis v. Wessem nov. sp.



aspera (Cushm.)



trilatera (Cushm.)



americana Cushm.


austinana Cushm.



cmeata Sandidge



parisiensis d’Orb.



americana Cushm.



brevicona (Perner)



d’orbignji (Rss.)



preslii (Rss.)




indentata (Cushm. a. Jarvis)



oxjcona (Rss.)








bulletta (Carsey)




conula (Rss.)




pupa (Rss.)



nov. sp.






aldrichi SANornGE.
























/ convergens (Bornemann)

X /

cultratus Monti-ort


declivis (Bornemann)


discrepans (Rss.)


excisus (Bornemann)


gibbus (d’Orb.)


incomptus (Rss.)


inornatus (d’Orb.)


limbosus (Rss.) var. hocklejensis

Cushm. a. Applin


midwajensis (Plummer)


orbicularis (d’Orb.)


stephensoni Cushm.


subangulatus (Rss.)




nuda (Rss.)


rotulata (Lam.)


crepidulus (Fichtel u. Moll)


cooperensis Cushm.


parallela (Rss.)



arteagai v. Wessem nov. sp.


wilcoxensis Cushm. a. Ponton


interpunctata von der Marck


archiaciana d’Orb.


gracilis Franke


bullata Rss.


ekngata d’Orb.


^ata (Rss.)


inaequalis Rss.


laeviuscula Cushm. a. Berm.


navarroana Cushm.


regularis d’Orb.


scitula (Berthelin)


siliqua Cushm.


soluta Rss.












-ocr page 47-










Lists of Smaller Foraminifera.

a) From the Habana Formation.











mississippiensis Cushm. var. ala^anensis




cretosa Cushm.



limhata Cushm.



tricarinata (Rss).




cretacea (Karrer)



pyramidata Cushm.



camagyiejensis v. Wessem nov. sp.



aspera (Cushm.)



trilatera (Cushm.)



americana Cushm.



austinana Cushm.



cmeata Sandidge



parisiensis d’Orb.



americana Cushm.



hrevicona (Perner)



d’orbignji (Rss.)



pres Hi (Rss.)




indentata (Cushm. a. Jarvis)



oxjcona (Rss.)








hulletta (Carsey)




conula (Rss.)




pupa (Rss.)



nov. sp.






aldrichi SATsmiTiGV.
















/„ f

coftvergens (Bornemann)


cultratus Monte ort


declivis (Bornemann)


discrepans (Rss.)


excisus (Bornemann)


gibbus (d’Orb.)


incomptus (Rss.)


inornatus (d’Orb.)


limhosus (Rss.) var. hocklejensis

Cushm. a. Applin


midwayensis (Plummer)


orbicularis (d’Orb.)


stephensoni Cushm.


subangulatus (Rss.)




nuda (Rss.)


rotulata (Lam.)


crepidulus (Fichtel u. Moll)


cooperensis Cushm.


parallela (Rss.)



arteagai v. Wessem nov. sp.


wilcoxensis Cushm. a. Ponton


interpunctata von der Marck


archiaciana d’Orb.


gracilis Franke


bullata Rss.


elongata d’Orb.


g-ata (Rss.)


inaequalis Rss.


laeviuscula Cushm. a. Berm.


navarroana Cushm.


regularis d’Orb.


scitula (Berthelin)


siliqua Cushm.


soluta Rss.












-ocr page 48-

Lists of Smaller Foraminifera.

a) From the Habana Formation.







V 78b



tenuis Bornemann



tumida Rss.






proximocostata v. Wessem nov. sp.



bierigi Berm.



communis d’Orb.



inornata d’Orb.


legumen Rss.


mucronata Neugeboren



semilaevis Hantken


siliqua Rss.



ajp. boffalore Martinotti



bohemiensis (van Bellen)



concinna Rss.



cylindroides (Rss.)




hispida d’Orb.



grandis Rss.



latejugata GÜmbel



limbata d’Orb.



oligostegia Rss.



paupercula Rss.



polygona Rss.



radicula (Linn.)



schlichti Rss.



simplex Silvestri



tenuicaudata (Rss.)



tenuicollis (Rss.quot;)




velascoensis (Cushm.)




vermiculum Rss.


vertebralis (Batsch)



bistegia (Olszewski)


cjlindracea (Rss.)


aff. laevigata (d’Orb.) var. injlata Bornemann


parallela (Marsson) var. cylindrica Alth.


radicula (Linn.)



orbignyana (Seguenza)


aff. L. orbignyana (Seg.) var. Nuttall 1928


sulcata Walker a. Jacob



apiculata Rss.


emaciata Rss.


simplex (Rss.)


simplex (Rss.) var. lacrima White


Lagena {Fissurind)

?narginata (Walker a. Boys)



dimorpha (Bornemann)



dickersoni (Palmer)



carinata Cushm.


costulata Cushm.



excolata Cushm.



globifera (Rss.)



globulosa (Ehrenberg)



moremani Cushm.



nuttalli VooRWijK



plummerae Loetterle

X ¦


pseudotessera Cushm.



punctulata Cushm.



pupa (Rss.)


reussi Cushm.


striata (Ehrenberg)



ultimatumida White


P seudotextularia

varians Rzehak


varians Rz. var. mende^^ensis White



varians Rz. var. textulariformis White






























-ocr page 49-


Lists of Smaller Foraminifera.

a) From the Habana Formation.






V 78b




tenuis Bornemann



tumida Rss.






proximocostata v. Wessem nov. sp.



bierigi Berm.


communis d’Orb.



inornata d’Orb.


legumen Rss.



mucronata Neugeboren



semilaevis Hantken



siliqua Rss.



aff. boffalore Martinotti



bohemiensis (van Bellen)



concinna Rss.



cylindroides (Rss.)




hispida d’Orb.



grandis Rss.



latejugata Gumbel



limhata d’Orb.



oligostegia Rss.



paupercula Rss.



polygona Rss.



radicula (Linn.)



schlichti Rss.



simplex Silvestri



tenuicaudata (Rss.)



^ tenuicollis (Rss.^





velascoensis (Cushm.)






vermiculum Rss.


vertehralis (Batsch)



histegia (Olszewski)


cjlindracea (Rss.)


aff. laevigata (d’Orb.) var. injlata Bornemann


parallela (Marsson) var. cjlindrica Alth.


radicula (Linn.)



orbignyana (Seguenza)


aff. L. orbignyana (Seg.) var. Nuttall 1928


sulcata Walker a. Jacob



apiculata Rss.


emaciata Rss.


simplex (Rss.)


simplex (Rss.) var. Iacrif7ta White


Lagena {Fissurind)

fnarginata (Walker a. Boys)



dimorpha (Bornemann)



dickersoni (Palmer)




carinata Cushm.


costulata Cushm.



excolata Cushm.



globifera (Rss.)



globulosa (Ehrenberg)



moremani Cushm.



nuttalli VooRWijK



plummerae Loetterle

X ¦


pseudotessera Cushm.



punctulata Cushm.



pupa (Rss.)


reussi Cushm.


striata (Ehrenberg)



ultimatumida White



varians Rzehak


varians Rz. var. mende’yensis White



varians Rz. var. textulariformis W’hite


























-ocr page 50-



Lists of Smaller Foraminifera.

a) From the Habana Formation.











acervulinoides (Egger)




austlnana Cushm.




carseyae Plummer



decurrens (Chapman)



draco (Marsson)



lobatula v. Wessem nov. sp.



brevis d’Orb.



intermedia Rss.



mende^iensis White




ovula Rss.



eggeri Cushm.



incrassata Reuss




primatumida White



acus Cushm. a. Berm.



constricta Cushm. a. Berm.




morrowi v. Wessem



subnodosa (Guppy)



lepida (Rss.)


torrei Palmer a. Berm.



subcretacea Cushm. a. Alexander



obtusa (d’Orb.)



nov. sp.



alabamensis Sandidge


anomalinoides White



depressa (Alth.)



guayabalensis Cole


minuta White


vortex White nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;/



beccarii (Linn.)



minima Cushm.


umhonatus (Rss.)



culter (Parker a. Jones)



allomorphinoides (Rss.)


globulosa Plummer



jarvisi Cushm.


quinqueloba Rss.


nov. sp.



cretacea d’Orb.


Me-, kannai White


afj. quadrata White


voluta White



area (Cushm.)



area (Cushm.) var. contusa Cushm.


convexa Sandidge


cretacea Cushm.


nov. sp.



menardii (d’Orb.)


velascoensis (Cushm.)


nov. sp.



ammonoides (Rss.)


avilensis v. Wessem nov. sp.


bentonensis Morrow


clementiana (d’Orb.)


? ornata (Costa)



polyrraphes (Rss.)



rubiginosa Cushm.




arteagai v. Wessem nov. sp.



camaguejensis v. Wessem nov. sp.



excolata (Cushm.)


lobatulus (Walker a. Jacob)



trinitatensis (Nuttall)






















-ocr page 51-

Lists of Smaller Foraminifera.

a) From the Habana Formation.













acervulinoides (Egger)




austinana Cushm.



carsejae Plummer




decurrens (Chapman)



draco (Marsson)



lobatula v. Wessem nov. sp.



brevis d’Orb.



intermedia Rss.



mende^i^ensis White



ovula Rss.



eggeri Cushm.



incrassata Reuss




primatumida White



acus Cushm. a. Berm.


constricta Cushm. a. Berm.




morrowi v. Wessem



subnodosa (Guppy)



lepida (Rss.)



torrei Palmer a. Berm.



subcretacea Cushm. a. Alexander



obtusa (d’Orb.)



nov. sp.



alabamensis Sandidge



anomalinoides White



depressa (Alth.)



guajabalensis Cole




) ¦¦ /

gt; V

/ / vortex Whitenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;/

- /


beccarii (Linn.)



minima Cushm.


umbonatus (Rss.)



cidter (Parker a. Jones)



allomorphinoides (Rss.)


globulosa Plummer



jarvisi Cushm.


quinqueloba Rss.


nov. sp.



cretacea d’Orb.


Me. kannai White


ajj. quadrat a White


voluta White



area (Cushm.)



area (Cushm.) var. contusa Cushm.


convexa Sandidge


cretacea Cushm.


nov. sp.



menardii (d’Orb.)


velascoensis (Cushm.)


nov. sp.

^ X


ammonoides (Rss.)


avilensis v. Wessem nov. sp.


bentonensis Morrow


clementiana (d’Orb.)


? ornata (Costa)



polyrraphes (Rss.)



rubiginosa Cushm.




arteagai v. Wessem nov. sp.



camaguejensis v. Wessem nov. sp.



excolata (Cushm.)


lobatulus (Walker a. Jacob)



trinitatensis (Nuttall)


























-ocr page 52-



Lists of Smaller Foraminifera.

b) From the Upper Eocene.



Locality V 39.


pennatula (Batsch)



gmjabaknsis (Cole)



ewaldi Rss.



wilcoxensis Cushm. a. Ponton



ovata d’Orb.


pupoides d’Orb.



verneuili (d’Orb.)






camaguejensis v. Wessem nov. sp.



ovicula Nuttall



bulloides d’Orb.


conglomerata Schwager


trilobata Rss.



area (Cushm.)



aragonensis Nuttall



spinulosa Cushm.



floridanus (Cushm.)











c) From the Oligo-Miocene.





V 121



nov. sp.



oviedoiana d’Orb.



tricarinata d’Orb.





glomerata d’Orb.



plana d’Orb.



seminulum (Linn.)


venusta Karrer



affine (Rss.)


cubense v. Wessem nov. sp.



antoninum (d’Orb.)



minuttm (Rss.)


rotum Ellis



rugosum (d’Orb.)


rutteni EIermes





sp. I



sp. II



valvulata (d’Orb.)



punchdatus (d’Orb.)



globulus (Rss.)

















-ocr page 53-

Lists of Smaller Foraminifera.

b) From the Upper Eocene.




Locality V 39.


pennatula (Batsch)



guayabalensis (Cole)



ewaldi Rss.



wilcoxensis Cushm. a. Ponton



ovata d’Orb.


pupoides d’Orb.



verneuili (d’Orb.)






camagueyensis v. Wessem nov. sp.



ovicula Nuttall



bulloides d’Orb.



conglomerata Schwager


trilobata Rss.



area (Cushm.)



aragonensis Nuttall



spinulosa Cushm.



jloridanus (Cushm.)









c) From the Oligo-Miocene.





V 121



nov. sp.



oviedoiana d’Orb.



tricarinata d’Orb.





glomerata d’Orb.


plana d’Orb.


seminulum (Linn.)


venusta Karrer



ajfine (Rss.)


cubense v. Wessem nov. sp.



antonimm (d’Orb.)


minuttm (Rss.)


rotum Ellis


rugosum (d’Orb.)


rutteni Hermes





sp. I



sp. II



valvulata (d’Orb.)



pmctulatus (d’Orb.)



globulus (Rss.)















-ocr page 54-

Lists of Larger Foraminifera.

a) From the Habana Formation.





F 49a

F 50a




T 1425


estrellae v. Wessem nov. sp.



minima Douvillé



minor (Schlumberger)



nortoni (Vaughan)


palmeri Thiadens




tschoppi V. Wessem noiK sp.





browni (Ellis)






palmeri Gravell



b) From the Upper Eocene.



Locality H 77 B.


pellatispiroides Wright Barker



bermude':(i (Palmer)



sp. A



sp. B

c) Erom the Oligo-Miocene.




Locality K 255


haivkinsi Hodson












-ocr page 55-


Upper Cretaceous, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 22343.

Rfibulus sp.

Plate 1, figures 14, 15.

Test strongly compressed, closely coiled; the last chambers, however, are uncoiling. Periphery bluntly keeled. Fourteen to sixteen chambers innbsp;the last whorl, gradually increasing in size and somewhat inflated. Suturesnbsp;broad, somewhat raised and slightly curved. On both sides a rather largenbsp;flat umbonal knob. Aperture terminal with a median slit.

Length 1,8 mm, breadth 1,4 mm, thickness 0,45 mm. Upper Cretaceous, Loc. V 36, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 22493.

Lenticulina nuda (Reuss).

Plate 1, figures 16, 17.

Cristellaria nuda Reuss, 1862, Sitz. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 46, (I), 1862 (1863), p. 72, pi. 8, figs. 2a-b. Lenticulina nuda (Reuss), Cushman and Jarvis, 1932, Proc. U.S.N.M. vol. 80, art. 14, p. 24, pi. 7, figs.6a-b.

This species differs only in one respect from Robulus discrepans (Rss.)

The latter reaches its maximum thickness in the last chamber, whereas Lenticulina nuda reaches its maximum thickness in the umbilical region.

Length 0,9 mm, breadth 0,6 mm, thickness 0,35 mm.

Upper Cretaceous, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 22434.

Marginulina sp.

Plate 1, figure 23.

The initial chamber globular, the following two or three chambers very slightly inflated, the last chamber on the contrary again rather stronglynbsp;inflated. Sutures in the early stages slightly, in the later stages, however,nbsp;very strongly depressed. Sutures rather broad and limbate. Last chambernbsp;somewhat oblique. Aperture terminal, eccentric, spout-like. This speciesnbsp;represents obviously a macrospheric form.

Length up to 1,5 mm. Upper Cretaceous, Loc. V 19a, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 22422.

Nodosaria concinna Reuss.

Plate 1, figure 26.

Nodosaria concinna Reuss, 1860, Sitz. Ak. Wiss. Wien, vol. 40, p. 178, pi. 1, fig. 3.

Nodosaria concinna Reuss, Cushman and Jarvis, 1928, Contr. Cushm. Lab. For, Res., vol. 4, p. 97, pi. 14, figs. 5, 11.

In most respects there is a striking resemblance with the original description and figures of Reuss. The American specimens, however, havenbsp;a rather strongly inflated initial chamber, which, in most cases, lacks anbsp;distinct spine.

-ocr page 56-


Length up to 1 mm. Upper Cretaceous, Camagucy, Cuba. Min.-Gcol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 22351.

Saracenaria proximocostata van Wessem nov. sp.

Plate 1, figures 24, 25.

The test consists of five to six visible chambers; not swollen, except the last one. Sutures slightly curved and somewhat limbate. Between thenbsp;last two chambers, the suture is depressed. The early chambers have a smallnbsp;keel and the periphery is sharp-angled. The apertural face is broad, somewhatnbsp;rounded, frontally strongly arched and ornamented with costae, which runnbsp;up towards the aperture.

Height 0,5 mm, breadth 0,35 mm, thickness 0,3 mm. Type locality. Upper Cretaceous, Loc. V 79^, Camaguey, Cuba. Holotype Min.-Geol.nbsp;Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 22436.

Lingulina arteagai van Wessem nov. sp.

Plate 1, figures 18, 19.

Test large, elongate, compressed. The periphery is rather sharp, somewhat rounded; maximum thickness in the middle of the test. In the adult the sides of the test are nearly parallel. The first four chambers are planispiral,nbsp;the following five chambers in a rectilinear series. On the ventral side allnbsp;chambers show a lobe, in the direction of the spiral. The chambers show anbsp;strong increase in size and overlap to some extent. The sutures are distinct,nbsp;depressed, arcuate, with their lowest end pointing towards the spiral.nbsp;Aperture terminal, a narrow slit.

The species is named in honour of Mr. M. Arteaga, Majagua, Cuba. Type locality. Upper Cretaceous, Loc. V 36, Camaguey, Cuba. Syn-types Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 22487.

Flabellina interpmctata von der Marck.

Plate, 1, figure 20.

Flabellina interpmctata v. D. Marck, White, 1928, Joum. Pal. vol. 2, p. 204, pi. 29, fig. 1.

Flabellina interpmctata v. D. Marck, Wedekind, 1940, N. Jahrb. Bd. 84, p. 190, pi. 10, fig. 11.

White’s figures give the impression that we are dealing with Flabellina sphenoidalis, as his specimens are distinctly lozenge-shaped.

Length 0,8 mm, breadth 0,35 mm, thickness 0,18 mm. Upper Cretaceous, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 22398.

Frondicularia gracilis Franke.

Plate 1, figures 21, 22.

Frondicularia gracilis Franke, 1925, Abh. Geol. Pal. Inst. Univ. Grcifswald, vol. 6, p. 50, pi. 4, fig. 9. Frondicularia gracilis Franke, Cushman, 1930, Contr. Cushm. Lab. For. Res. vol. 6, pt. 2, p. 37.

The characteristics enumerated by Cushman are present in our specimens. The ornamentation, which, according to Cushman, in the later stages is restricted to the chambers, is actually limited to the sutures. This species.

-ocr page 57-



as may be seen from his figures, shows a great variation; the same is true for the number of chambers.

Length 1,8 mm, max. breadth 0,5 mm.

Upper Cretaceous, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 22397.

Sulcoperadina dickersoni (Palmer).

Plate 1, figures 27, 28.

Camerim dkkersotii Palmer, 1934, Mem. Soc. Cub. Hist. Nat. vol. 8, p. p. 243—^245, textfigures 4,5, pi. 14, figs. 1, 2, 4, 6, 8.

Camerina dickersoni Palmer, Voorwijk, 1937, Proc. Kon. Akad. Wetensch. A’dam, vol. 40, p.p. 191^—192, pi. 2, figs. 11—16, pi. 3, figs. 3, 6.

Sukoperculina dickersoni (Palmer), Thalmann, 1938, Eel. Geol. Helv., vol. 31, p. 330.

VooRwijK noticed the occurrence of a groove in the spiral suture of this species, but found it unnecessary to distinguish it from the othernbsp;„Camerinae”, which, however, do not possess such a groove. It was pointednbsp;out by Thalmann that this difference is of such importance, that it justifiesnbsp;the creation of a new genus. This opinion is shared by the author and sonbsp;we used the new generic name of Sukoperculina.

Upper Cretaceous, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 22498 and D 24473—24475.

Praerhapydionina cuhana van Wessem nov. gen.., nov. sp.

Plate 3, figures 2—7.

Test elongate, round in transverse section, conical; chambers in the early stages planispirally coiled, later in a rectilinear series, uniserial, entirelynbsp;divided into chamberlets by septa radiating inward from the outer wall.nbsp;Wall porcellaneous. One central aperture, terminal. The external featuresnbsp;can not be given as we studied the genus in thin-section. It was found innbsp;Upper Cretaceous limestones together with Lepidorbitoides. The abovenbsp;mentioned characteristics leave no doubt as to the place of this new genus.nbsp;It certainly belongs to the Peneroplidae. It differs from Rhapydionina in havingnbsp;only one central aperture. The latter may have arisen from our new genus.nbsp;Length up to 1 mm, diameter 0,4—0,5 mm.

Type locality. Upper Cretaceous, Loc. F 51 a, Camaguey, Cuba. Geno-holotype. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 25255—25258.

Giimhelina costulata Cushman.

Plate 1, figures 29, 30.

Giimbelina costulata Cushman, 1938, Contr. Cushm. Lab. For. Res. vol. 14, pt. 1, pi. 3, figs. 7—9.

This species differs from Giimhelina excolata in having a smaller test and very fine costae. The periphery of the initial end has a small keel.

Upper Cretaceous, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst, Univ. Utrecht, D 22329.

-ocr page 58-



Gümhelina glohulosa (Ehrenberg).

Plate 1, figures 31, 32.

Gümhelina glohulosa (Ehrenberg), Voorwijk, 1937, Proc. Kon. Ak. Wetensch. A’dam vol. 40, p.p. 192—194. Giimbelina glohulosa (Ehrenberg), Cushman, 1938, Contr. Cushm. Lab. For. Res., vol. 14, pt. 1, p. 6, pi. 1,nbsp;figs. 28—33.

VooRWijK emphasizes that it would be better to comprise Gümhelina glohulosa, G. glohifera and G. pupa in one species, but he did not carry throughnbsp;this combination. To the combination of the three above mentioned speciesnbsp;we have the following objections.

Although G. glohulosa in many ways resembles G. glohifera and G. pupa, we see some characteristic differences: the outline of G. glohulosa has thenbsp;shape of a V with concave sides, whereas the „V” of G. glohifera and G. pupanbsp;has convex sides. Moreover it differs from the other two by its smallernbsp;dimensions (the specimens figured by Ehrenberg do not even exceednbsp;0,06 mm) and the convexity of its chambers. A combination of G. glohiferanbsp;and G. pupa, however, seems justified. This may be elucidated by thenbsp;dimensions of the three species (together with the dimensions as given bynbsp;VooRWijK and by White).

Our material nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Voorwijk’s materialnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;White’s material

G. glohulosa nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;0,3 x0,22x0,15mmnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;0,3x0,25x0,15nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mmnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;0,4x0,3 x0,17 mm

G. glohifera nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;0,45x0,26x0,2nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;„nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;0,4x0,24x0,18nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;„nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;0,6x0,35x0,23 „

G.pupa nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;0,35x0,2 x0,2nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;„nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;0,4x0,26x0,26nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;„nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;0,6x0,3 x0,25 „

Upper Cretaceous, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 22323.

Gümhelina moremani Cushman.

Plate 1, figures 33, 34.

Gümhelina moremani Cushman, 1938, Contr. Cushm. Lab. For. Res. vol. 14, pt. 1, p. 10, pi. 2, figs. 1—3.

The ratio between length and breadth is characteristic for this species. The thickness of our specimens is greater than the dimensions given bynbsp;Cushman. One of our specimens shows an abnormal adult stage.nbsp;Length 0,45 mm, breadth 0,22 mm, thickness 0,15 mm.

Upper Cretaceous, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 22330.

Gümhelina nuttalli Voorwijk.

Plate 1, figures 35, 36.

Gümhelina nuttalli Voorwijk, 1937, Kon. Ak. Wetensch. A’dam. Proc. vol. 40, no. 2, p. 192, pi. II, figs. 1—9.

Looking over Voorwijk’s material, many specimens appeared to be distinctly ornamented, they sometimes even possess coarse costae. He doesnbsp;not mention this in his description and his pictures do not show this ornamentation. It is therefore rather certain, that the material described bynbsp;Voorwijk as G. nuttalli belongs to more than one species. Without anynbsp;doubt much of his material belongs to the new species, but we saw also

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representatives of Gümbelina striata (Ehrenberg) and Giimbelina plummerae Loetterle. As for the measurements of G. nuttalli, these vary strongly.

Upper Cretaceous, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 22328.

Giimbelina plummerae Loetterle.

Plate 1, figures 37, 38.

Giimbelina plummerae Loetterle, Cushman, 1938, Contr. Cushm. Lab. Fof. Res. vol. 14, pt. 1, p. 15, pi. 3, figs. 3—5.

This species in many respects resembles Giimbelina nuttalli Voorwijk of which it possibly may be derived. Giimbelina plummerae, however, hasnbsp;a coarse ornamentation, is keeled in the early stages and its chambers arenbsp;sometimes irregularly sausage-shaped.

Length 0,4—0,6 mm, breadth 0,25—04 mm, thickness 0,3—0,45 mm. Upper Cretaceous, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht.nbsp;D 22327.

Giimbelina striata (Ehrenberg).

Plate 1, figures 39, 40.

Giimhelina striata (Ehrenberg), Voorwijk, 1937, Proc. Kon. Akad. Wetensch. vol. 40, p. 194, pi. l,figs. 9—10.

Gümbelina striata (Ehrenberg), Cushman, 1938, Contf. Cushm. Lab. For. Res. vol. 14, pt. 1, p. 8, pi. 1, figs. 34-^0.

The figures given by Voorwijk and Cushman are rather different. Those of Cushman are more elongate specimens. The ratio between lengthnbsp;and breadth is two to one in Cushman’s figures and one and a half to onenbsp;in Voorwijk’s figures. Our specimens resemble closely the description andnbsp;figures given by Cushman. I am under the impression that the specimensnbsp;of Voorwijk, ascribed to G. striata, belong to another new species.nbsp;Length 0,45—0,55 mm, breadth 0,25 mm, thickness 0,15 mm.

Upper Cretaceous, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 22324.

Ventilabrella carseyae Plummer.

Plate I, figures 41, 42.

Ventilabrella carseyae Plummer, 1926, Univ. Texas Bull. no. 2644, p. 172, pi. 2, figs. 1, 4.

Ventilabrella carseyae Plummer, Cushman, 1938, Contr. Cushm. Lab. For. Res. vol. 14, pt. 1, p. 26, pi. 4, figs. 20—24.

One of our specimens has two chambers towards the apertural end, while the other ones have more chambers in the adult stage. All specimensnbsp;are distinctly striated.

Length 0,55 mm, breadth 0,4 mm, thickness 0,2 mm.

Upper Cretaceous, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 22341.

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Ventilahrella decurrens (Chapman).

Plate I, figures 43, 44.

Textularia decurrens Chapman, 1892, Quart. Joum. Geol. Soc. vol. 48, p. 515, pi. 15, fig. 6.

Ventilahrella decurrens (Chapman), Cushman, 1938, Contr. Cushm. Lab. For. Res. vol. 14, pt. 1, p. 27, pi. 4,

fig. 18.

This species resembles in many respects V. austinana. V. decurrens, however, has the adult chambers arranged round a distinct depression.

Length 0,5 mm, breadth 0,35 mm, thickness 0,15 mm.

Upper Cretaceous, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 22340.

Eouvigerina lohatula van Wessem nov. sp.

Plate 1, figure 45.

Test elongate, subelliptical in outline, slightly tapering towards the apertural end; the initial chambers planispiral, very soon uncoiling andnbsp;followed by an indistinct biserial stage. In this stage the chambers are verynbsp;small and separated by nearly horizontal, slightly depressed sutures. Thenbsp;adult chambers are large, irregularly triserial, overlapping completely andnbsp;separated by heavily curved, deeply depressed sutures. Wall very finelynbsp;striated. Aperture circular, terminal, at the end of a neck with a lip.

Length 0,45 mm, max. breath 0,15 mm, thickness 0,1 mm.

This species differs from E. americana by its strongly depressed, broad and heavily curved sutures.

Type locality. Upper Cretaceous, Loc. V 79ö, Camaguey, Cuba. Syn-types Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 22445.

Bolivina incrassata Reuss.

Plate 1, figure 46.

Bolivina incrassata Reuss, 1851, Haidingers Nat. Abh. Bd. 4, p. 45, pi. 4, fig. 13.

Bolivina incrassata Reuss, Cushman, 1937, Contr. Cushm. Lab. For. Res. Spec. Publ. no. 9, p. 38, pi. 5,

figs. 19—28.

'As it appears from the figures of several authors, the exterior shape of this species varies strongly. The ten specimens figured by Cushmannbsp;differ distinctly from each other and a ratio length to breadth seems thereforenbsp;rather out of place. Generally the chambers are somewhat inflated, suturesnbsp;somewhat depressed and very oblique. Our specimens vary also rathernbsp;strongly, but the above mentioned features can always be recognized.

Length about 1 mm, breadt 0,23—0,4 mm.

Upper Cretaceous, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 22408.

Bolivina primatumida White.

Plate 1, figure 47.

Bolivina primatumida White, 1929, Joum. of Pal. vol. 3, p. 44, pi. 4, fig. 20.

According to Cushman this species must be reckoned to B. incrassata Reuss. In my opinion the differences between the two species are too great

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to allow this identification. B. primatumida has a swollen initial chamber, sutures slightly oblique and moreover broad and strongly limbate.nbsp;Length 0,7 mm, breadth 0,20 mm.

Upper Cretaceous, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 22409.

Nodosarella morrowi van Wessem.

Plate 1, figure 48.

Nodosarella nov. sp. Morrow, 1934, Journ. of Pal. vol. 8, p. 197, pi. 29, figs. 2—3.

This species was described by Morrow as Nodosarella nov. sp. from the Upper Cretaceous of Kansas. His description and figures closely agree withnbsp;our specimens. The species is named in honour of A. L. Morrow.nbsp;Length 1,2 mm.

Upper Cretaceous, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 22403.

Valvulineria nov. sp.

Plate 1, figures 49^—51.

Test somewhat longer than broad; periphery broadly rounded. Chambers few in number; five in the last whorl. The last-formed chamber somewhat inflated with an elongation over the umbilicus. Umbilicus with a plug. Sutures distinct, the last one slightly depressed; radiate and limbatenbsp;on l30th ventral and dorsal side. Aperture on the ventral side, in the vicinitynbsp;of the umbilicus.

Length 0,4 mm, breadth 0,2 mm, thickness 0,3 mm.

Type locality, Upper Cretaceous, Loc. V 79lt;2, Camaguey, Cuba. Holo-type, Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 22494.

Pullenia nov. sp.

Plate 1, figures 52, 53.

Test planispiral, only slightly compressed, completely involute. Periphery rounded, somewhat lobulate. Five or six chambers in the last whorl, verynbsp;rapidly enlarging; they are indistinct, somewhat inflated, except the last one,nbsp;which is strongly inflated. Umbilicus nearly invisible. Sutures indistinct,nbsp;depressed, slightly curved. Aperture an elongate crescentic opening fromnbsp;one umbilicus to the other. Apertural face rounded, rather high and stronglynbsp;bent backwards.

Length 0,4 mm, breadth 0,35 mm, thickness 0,28 mm.

Type locality. Upper Cretaceous, Loc. V 78, Camaguey, Cuba. Holo-type, Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 22484.

Glohotruncana area (Cushman) var. contusa Cushman.

Plate 1, figures 54—56.

Pulvinulina area Cushman var. contusa Cushm., Cushman, 1926, Contr. Cushm. Lab. For. Res. vol. 2, pt. 1,

p. 23.

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Cushman gives a full description of this species, but no figures. As the characteristics in his description agree with our specimen, we do not doubtnbsp;but we are dealing with the same species.

Diameter up to 0,9 mm.

Upper Cretaceous, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 22472.

Glohotruncana nov. sp.

Plate 1, figure 57; plate 2, figures 1, 2.

Test strongly plano-convex, dorsal side flattened, ventral side strongly convex. Five chambers in the last whorl, which are rapidly enlarging.nbsp;Periphery with a double keel on dorsal and ventral sides, lobulate. Suturesnbsp;on both sides depressed, slightly curved, on the ventral side radiate. Thenbsp;umbilicus is large. Aperture ventral, extending towards the umbilicus. Firstnbsp;chambers and periphery rough and cancellated.

Length 0,4 mm, breadth 0,32 mm, thickness 0,2 mm.

Type locality. Upper Cretaceous, Loc. V IQ a, Camaguey, Cuba. Syn-types, Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 22475.

Glohorotalia nov. sp.

Plate 2, figures 3, 4.

Test biconvex, the dorsal side strongly convex, the ventral side to a less degree. Periphery acute, later chambers somewhat rounded. Chambersnbsp;distinct, five in the last whorl, gradually increasing in size, separated bynbsp;rather strongly depressed sutures, which extend nearly radially; they appearnbsp;as compressed spheres. Chambers perforated and ornamented with smallnbsp;spines. Aperture ventral, at the base of the last formed chamber extendingnbsp;towards the umbilicus. In some respects this species resembles Glohorotalianbsp;mlcoxensis Cushman and Ponton; the latter, however, is thicker, flat onnbsp;its dorsal side, strongly convex on its ventral side.

Length 0,45 mm, breadth 0,38 mm, thickness 0,15 mm.

Type locality. Upper Cretaceous, Loc. V 79^?, Camaguey, Cuba. Holotype, Min.-Geol. Inst. UnA. Utrecht, D 22481.

Anomalina avilensis van Wessem nov. sp.

Plate 2, figures 5—7.

Test biconvex, strongly compressed, periphery acute. Both sides evolute, especially so on the dorsal side, where 2|- to 3 whorls are visible. The whorlsnbsp;descend at right angles to the umbilicus, which is strongly developed ventrallynbsp;as well as dorsally. Eleven chambers in the last whorl, which overlap likenbsp;scales; their foreside dips underneath the following younger chamber. Thenbsp;chambers have an irregularly, quadrangular form and run towards thenbsp;periphery in a pointed lobe. The periphery thus gets a dentated aspect.nbsp;Sutures broad, depressed and rather strongly curved. Aperture at the basenbsp;of the last chamber.

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Length 1,2 mm, breadth 1 mm, thickness 0,35 mm.

Type locality. Upper Cretaceous, Loc. V 36, Camaguey, Cuba. Syntypes, Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 22499.

Anomalina ?ornata (Costa).

Plate 2, figures 8—10.

Anomalina omata (Costa), Cushman and Jarvis, 1930, Journ. of Pal. vol. 4, p. 367, pi. 34, figs. 9a-c.

This species resembles in many respects Cibicides trinitatensis (Nuttall). C. trinitatensis, however, has a greater thickness and has more depressednbsp;sutures. Compared with the figures, given by Cushman and Jarvis, wenbsp;note the following differences: our specimens have a far less developednbsp;umbonal knob, a rather sharp periphery and often somewhat broader andnbsp;limbate sutures. Because we could not consult the original figures of Costa,nbsp;we have put a question-mark before the species.

Length 0,65 mm, breadth 0,55 mm, thickness 0,2 mm.

Upper Cretaceous, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 22460.

Anomalina polyrraphes (Reuss).

Plate 2, figures 11—13.

Rotalina polyrraphes Reuss, 1846, die Versteinerungen der Bohmischen Kreideformadon, pt. 1, p. 35, pi. 12, fig. 18.

Anomalina polyrraphes (Reuss), Cushman and Jarvis, 1932, Proc. U.S.N.M. vol. 80, art. 14, p. 51—52, pi. 16, figs. 2a-c.

This species, in some respects, resembles Anomalina ammonoides (Reuss). Anomalina polyrraphes, however, has a narrow umbilicus and is strongernbsp;involute. The American representatives of this species have somewhatnbsp;broader, limbate and raised sutures.

Length 0,5 mm, breadth 0,4 mm, thickness 0,25 mm.

Upper Cretaceous, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 22463.

Cibicides arteagai van Wessem mv. sp.

Plate 2, figures 14—16.

Test planoconvex, periphery sharply rounded. On the flattened dorsal side ten chambers are visible in the last whorl; they enlarge very gradually.nbsp;Sutures on the dorsal side broad, limbate, slightly curved, assembling in anbsp;flat umbonal knob. Ventral side convex, ten chambers visible. Sutures onnbsp;this side broad, limbate and rather strongly curved; only the last two somewhat depressed. Ventrally a large, spherical umbonal knob. Aperture onnbsp;the periphery, extending somewhat ventrally.

Length up to 0,65 mm, breadth 0,5 mm, thickness 0,25 mm.

This species shows some resemblance to Cibicides sp. Cushman a. Garrett 1939. This species is named in honour of Mr. M. Arteaga,nbsp;Majagua, Cuba.

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Type localities. Upper Cretaceous, Locs. V 36 and H 94 b, Camaguey, Cuba. Syntypes, Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 22495.

Cibicides camaguejensis van Wessem nov. sp.

Plate 2, figures 17—19.

Test plano-convex; dorsal side flattened and evolute, ventral side strongly convex and involute. Periphery rounded. On the ventral side aboutnbsp;ten indistinct chambers can be observed in the last whorl, which graduallynbsp;increase in size. Sutures flat, except the last one, which is depressed; theynbsp;are faintly curved and somewhat limbate. The dorsal side is marked by thick,nbsp;raised, curved sutures and a nice, regular, spiralshaped thickening, whichnbsp;follows the coiling of the chambers. Aperture peripheral, at the base of thenbsp;last-formed chamber, extending somewhat dorsally.

Length up to 0,65 mm, breadth up to 0,55 mm, thickness 0,35 mm.

Type localities. Upper Cretaceous, Locs. V 78 and V 79ö, Camaguey, Cuba. Syntypes, Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 22458.

b) Upper Eocene species.

Ellipsonodosaria sp.

Plate 2, figure 20.

Test fragmentary, consisting of three chambers. Chambers longer than broad, somewhat pear-shaped. Sutures depressed. All chambers, exceptnbsp;the last one, ornamented with coarse, high, plate-like costae, which pass overnbsp;the sutures. Aperture narrow, terminal, subelliptical.

Length of broken test 1,25 mm.

Upper Eocene, Loc. V 39, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 23096.

Pulvimlinella camaguejensis van Wessem nov. sp.

Plate 2, figures 21—23.

Test biconvex. On the dorsal side six chambers in the last whorl. The preceding whorls can not be observed as they are covered by a mass of clearnbsp;shell substance. Sutures on the dorsal side rather broad, limbate and stronglynbsp;oblique. Periphery with a narrow blunt keel. Ventrally six chambers, rapidlynbsp;increasing in size, flattened. Sutures limbate and oblique. Aperture at thenbsp;base of the last chamber on the ventral side of the peripheral face, elongatenbsp;and nearly parallel to the plane of coiling. On the ventral side a small umbonalnbsp;boss.

Diameter 0,75 mm, thickness 0,40 mm.

Type locality. Upper Eocene, Loc. V 39, Camaguey, Cuba. Syntypes, Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 23105.

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c) Oligo-Miocene species.

VernemUna nov. sp.

Plate 2, figures 24, 25.

Test triserial, forming an isosceles triangle in transverse section, pointed in the early stages, greatest transverse section reached towards the aperturalnbsp;end. Sides of the test slightly concave, the angles between them are sharp.nbsp;Chambers not inflated, gradually enlarging. Sutures flat, nearly horizontal.nbsp;Test rather coarsely arenaceous. Aperture textularian, a low opening at thenbsp;base of the inner margin of the last-formed chamber.

Length 0,8 mm, breadth 0,65 mm.

Type locality, Oligo-Miocene, Loc. H 67, Camaguey, Cuba. Holotype, Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 23089.

Nonion cnbense van Wessem nov. sp.

Plate 2, figures 26, 27.

Test involute, strongly compressed, periphery rounded. Ten to twelve chambers in the last whorl, gradually increasing in size and somewhatnbsp;swollen. Sides of the test nearly parallel, last chamber high and rather broad.nbsp;Sutures depressed, slightly curved. In consequence the periphery is somewhat lobulate. Umbilicus depressed, sometimes filled up with clear shellnbsp;material. Aperture a slit at the base of the last-formed chamber.

Length 0,5 mm, breadth 0,4 mm, maximum thickness 0,3 mm.

Type locality, Oligo-Miocene, Loc. H 67, Camaguey, Cuba. Syntypes, Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 23082.

Elphidium nitteni Hermes.

This new species will be fully described by my colleague Mr. J. J. Hermes in the description of the Geology and Paleontology of the westernnbsp;part of the Province of Oriente, Cuba.

Oligo-Miocene, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 23076.

Elphidium sp. I.

Plate 2, figures 28, 29.

Test completely involute, somewhat compressed, periphery rounded. Chambers numerous, fourteen or fifteen in the last whorl, perforate, narrownbsp;and slightly curved; the last one is low and broad. Sutures radial, verynbsp;slightly curved to almost straight, very distinctly raised. Aperture a rownbsp;of fine openings at the base of the apertural face.

Diameter 0,6 mm, thickness 0,35 mm.

Oligo-Miocene, Loc. H 67, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 23077.

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Elphidium sp. II.

Plate 2, figures 30, 31.

Test involute, strongly compressed. Periphery in the early stages with a narrow keel, in the adult rounded. Eleven chambers in the last whorl,nbsp;rapidly increasing in size and especially also in breadth. Last chamber broadnbsp;and rounded. Sutures raised, slightly curved. Umbilicus filled up with shellnbsp;material. Aperture a narrow, elongate opening at the base of the last-formednbsp;chamber.

Diameter 0,5 mm, greatest thickness 0,3 mm.

Oligo-Miocene, Loc. H 67, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 23078.

Descriptions of the Larger Foraminifera.

a) Upper Cretaceous species.

Orbitoides hroivni (Ellis).

Plate 2, figure 34; plate 3, figures 21, 22.

Gallowaytna hronini Ellis, 1932, Am. Mus. Novitates, no. 568, p.p. 1—8, 9 figs, in text.

D. Palmer, 1934, Journ. of Pal. vol. 8, no. 1, p.p. 68—70.

Orbitoides browni Vaughan, 1933, in Cushman J. A.; Foraminifera, Key to Genera and Species, pi. 40, figs. 3, 4; 1934, Journ. of Pal. vol. 8, no. 1, p.p. 70—72.

M. G. Rutten, Journ. of Pal. vol. 9, no. 6, p.p. 527—545, pis. 59—62, 1935.

This form is rather abundant in the Upper Cretaceous. It is characterized by its size, strong pillars and dome-shaped equatorial layer.

Diameter 3 tot 5 mm, thickness 2,5 mm to 3 mm, embryonal apparatus 240—320 fj. X 170—240 fi; its wall is about 40 /x in thickness.

Upper Cretaceous, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 24438—24444.

Orbitoides palmeri Gravell.

Plate 3, figures 23, 24.

Orbitoides palmeri Gravell, 1930, Journ. of Pal. vol. 4, p.p. 269, 270, pi. 22, figs. 1—10.

A. A. Thiadens, Journ. of Pal. vol. 11, no. 2, 1937, p.p. 91—109, pis. 15—19 text figs. 1—3.

The embryonic apparatus is somewhat smaller than indicated by Gravell. The ornamentation of the test cannot be seen in our forms, owingnbsp;to the state of preservation.

Measurements of Orbitoides palmeri.

Diameter.................. 2—2,5 mm.

Thickness................. 1—1,25 mm.

Embryonic apparatus 320—^240 ju. to 440 x 300 jx.

Equatorial chambers horizontally about 100 x 65 /x.

Height of equatorial chambers 80—160 ^x (periphery).

This form differs from Orbitoides bronmi by the absence of the strong pillars, smaller diameter, thickness and its larger embryonic apparatus.

Upper Cretaceous, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 24445—D 24450.

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Lepidorhitoides estrellae van Wessem nov. sp.

Plate 2, figure 32; plate 3, figures 12, 13.

Test of small size, circular, symmetrical with regard to the equatorial layer. Surface very finely papillate, pillars about 40 ju, in thickness. In cross-section about ten layers of lateral chambers can be distinguished. Equatorialnbsp;chambers truncate, ogival to short-hexagonal. Measurements 50 fj, (radial)nbsp;X 65 /X (tangential) to 80 x 105 /x. On vertical section the equatorial layernbsp;increases in height from 26 in the centre to 40 /x on the periphery. Embryonic apparatus consisting of one, nearly spherical chamber, measuringnbsp;80 X 80 /X to 70 X 105 /X, followed by a larger reniform second one, measuring from 70 x 105 /x to 105 x 170 ^x. The two initial chambers arenbsp;followed by five to eight chambers, gradually diminishing in size, but allnbsp;larger than the other equatorial chambers, spirally arranged. Measurementsnbsp;of the test: diameter 1,5—2 mm, thickness 0,7—0,8 mm.

Remarks: this species differs from L. macgillavrji and L. planasi in having distinct pillars, from L. macgillavrji in having a smaller and thicker test andnbsp;from L. planasi in having a larger embryonic apparatus.

Type locality. Upper Cretaceous, Locs. H 94 and H 94^, Camaguey, Cuba. Syntypes, Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 24466—24472.

Lepidorhitoides minima Douville.

Plate 3, figure 14.

Lepidorhitoides minima H. DouvinA, 1927, C. R. Soc. Géol. France, février 2], p. 34. — M. G. Rutten,

Journ. Pal. vol. 9, no. 6, p.p. 527—545, pis. 59—62, 1935.

Orhitocyclina minima Vaughan, 1929, Journ. Pal. vol. 3, no. 2, p.p. 174, 175, pi. 22, figs. 3—6.

Measurements of Lepidorhitoides minima.

Diameter............................ 1,6 to 3,2 mm.

Thickness........................... 1,1 mm.

Diam. first embryonic chamber ....... 80 to 110 /x.

Diam. second chamber............... 110 x 80 tot 160 x 110 /x.

Equatorial chambers horizontally...... 70 x 55 ft.

Height of equatorial chambers......... 20 to 60 ^x.

Upper Cretaceous, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht. D 24456.

Lepidorhitoides minor (Schlumberger).

Plate 3, figure 15.

Orbitoides minor Schlumberger, 1901, Bull. Soc. Géol. de France, vol. I,4me série, p.p. 459—467, pls.VII-IX. Lepidorhitoides sodalis race minor Douvillé, 1920, Bull. Soc. Géol. de France, vol. XX, 4me série, p.p. 220—nbsp;226, pi. 8, figs. 3, 4.

Lepidorhitoides minor (Schlumberger), M. G. Rutten, 1935, Kon. Akad. Wetensch. A’dam, Proc. vol. 38, no. 2, p.p. 186, 187, pi.

The determination of this species is based upon the external features of the test and a median section, as we had only one specimen at our disposal.nbsp;The large test and the strong pillars, added to the measurements of the

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embryonic apparatus and the form of the equatorial chambers, however, are very characteristic.

Measurements of Lepidorbitoides minor.

Diameter............................ 5 mm.

Thickness........................... 1,5 mm.

Pillars.............................. 150—180

Diameter first nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;embryonicnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;chamber..... 148 x 148 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;/x.

Diameter second nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;embryonicnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;chamber .. 120 x 200nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[i.

Equatorial chambers are diamond-shaped to ogival, 105 (radial) x 150;^, (tangential).

Upper Cretaceous, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 24459.

Lepidorbitoides nor toni (Vaughan).

Plate 3, figure 16.

Orbitocyclina nortoni Vaughan, 1929, Journ. Pal. vol. 3, no. 2, p.p. 170—175, pi. 22.

Having only one specimen, the determination of this species is based upon its external features and a median section. The flatness of the test, itsnbsp;very finely papillate surface combined with the very small embryonic apparatus, make it fairly probable, that we have to do with Lepidorbitoides nortoni.

Measurements of Lepidorbitoides nortoni.

Diameter............................ 3,5 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mm.

Thickness........................... 0,5 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mm

Papillae............................. 35 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;fj,.

Diam. first embryonic chamber ....... 60 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;fi.

Diam. second embryonic chamber..... 50 x 80 /x.

Equatorial chambers horizontally...... 75 x 85 ^x.

Upper Cretaceous, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 24458.

Lepidorbitoides palmeri Thiadens.

Plate 3, figure 17.

L.epidorbitoides palmeri Thiadens, 1937, Journ. Pal. vol. 11, p. 101, pi. 17, figs. 2, 9, 10.

Our forms agree closely with the description and figures given by Thiadens. There is only a small difference in the size of the embryonicnbsp;apparatus.

Measurements of Lepidorbitoides palmeri.

Diameter........................ 3,5 to 5 mm.

Thickness....................... 1 to 1,8 mm.

Diam. first embryonic chamber ... 135 to 150 /x.

Diam. second chambers.......... 95 x 160 to 110 x 180 /x.

Equatorial chambers horizontally . 70 to 110 /x (radial) x 80 to 115 /x


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Upper Cretaceous, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 24451—24455.

Lepidorbitoides tschoppi van Wessem nov. sp.

Plate 2, figure 33; plate 3, figures 18, 19.

Test of small size, very flat, circular, symmetrical with regard to the equatorial layer, discoid, slightly thicker in the centre than on the periphery.nbsp;Surface smooth, reticulate, no papillae and no pillars. Lateral chambersnbsp;open, thick-walled, ten to twelve layers, in vertical section measuring aboutnbsp;40 X 80 /X. Equatorial chambers diamond shaped to hexagonal or ogival.nbsp;Measurements 110 /x (radial) x 95 ^ (tangential) to 80 /x x 65 jtx. On verticalnbsp;section the equatorial layer increases in height from 30 /x in the centre tonbsp;70 /X on the periphery. Embryonic apparatus consisting of one, nearlynbsp;spherical, chamber, measuring 107 x 107 |tx to 135 x 135 /x, followed bynbsp;a larger, reniform, second one, measuring 95 x 135 ^x to 115 x 17 5/x. Thenbsp;two initial chambers are followed by a number of chambers, graduallynbsp;diminishing in size, but all larger than the other equatorial chambers,nbsp;spirally arranged.

Both microspheric and megalospheric forms were found. Measurements of the microspheric form: diameter 2—2,6 mm, thickness 0,4—0,7 mm.nbsp;Diameter of macrospheric form 3—3,5 mm.

Remarks: this new species resembles in many respects L. rutteni Thiadens. There are, however, striking differences: L. rutteni has a muchnbsp;smaller embryonic apparatus, fewer lateral layers and the dimensions ofnbsp;the test are larger.

Type locality. Upper Cretaceous, Loc. V 36, Camaguey, Cuba. Syntypes, Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 24461—24465.

Lepidorbitoides sp.

Plate 3, figure 20.

As we had only one specimen, only a description of the external features of the test and of the equatorial layer can be given. Test flat, thin, circularnbsp;in outline, greatest thickness towards the centre; diameter 8 mm, thicknessnbsp;in the centre 0,7 mm. In horizontal section we observed a tripled embryon.nbsp;It consists of two subequal chambers, the wall between them is slightlynbsp;curved. The greatest diameter is 300 fx, the lesser 240 The wall is aboutnbsp;50 /X in thickness. The eqautorial chambers are short-hexagonal to hexagonal.nbsp;The tangential diameter and the radial are nearly equal at the periphery;nbsp;they are about 110 fi in diam.

Upper Cretaceous, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 24460.

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b) Upper Eocene species.

Camerina pellatispiroides Barker.

Plate 2, figure 35; plate 3, figures 8, 9.

Camerina pellatispiroides R. Wright Barker, Proc. U.S.N.M. 86, 1939, no. 3052, p. 326, pi. 20, fig. 10, pi. 22, fig. 4.

Our forms closely resemble the description and figures given by Wright Barker. The large initial chamber, the thick walls and septa and the thicknessnbsp;of the test compared with its diameter are very characteristic.

Upper Eocene, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 24476—24479.

Pellatispirella hermtideap (Palmer).

Plate 2, figures 36, 37; plate 3, figures 10, 11.

Operculina hermudes^i Palmer 1934, Mem. Soc. Cub. Hist. Nat. 8, 1934, p. 238—240, pi. 12, figs. 3, 6, 9. Pellatispirella bermude^ii (Palmer), Hans E. Thalmann, Eel. Geol. Helv. 1938, p. 331.

Our material closely resembles the description and figures given by Palmer.

Upper Eocene, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 24482—24487.

Discocyclina sp. A.

Plate 3, figure 26.

Owing to the fact, that we had only one specimen, a full description cannot be given.

Test circular without umbo or raised central part. The whole surface is covered with papillae with a diameter of about 120 /1.. Diameter 2,8 mm,nbsp;thickness 0,8 mm. The equatorial chambers near the periphery have anbsp;radial diameter of 50 /j, and a tangential diameter of20—25 /x. Thenucleoconchnbsp;is composed of a round embryonic chamber, partly embraced by a secondnbsp;one. Measurements of the embryon are 110 x 110 /x. The wall measuresnbsp;about 25 /X.

Upper Eocene, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 24480.

Discocyclina sp. B.

Plate 3, figure 27.

Test circular, flat, surface covered with papillae with a diameter of about 100 /X. Diameter 1,75 mm, thickness 0,4 mm. The equatorial chambers havenbsp;a radial diameter near the periphery of about 70 /x and a tangential diameternbsp;of 30 /X. The embryonic apparatus consists of one nearly spherical chamber,nbsp;almost entirely embraced by a reniform second one. Measurements of thenbsp;nucleoconch: 360 x 360 /x. This species may belong to Discocyclina hlumen-thali Gorter and v. d. Vlerk, 1932. This cannot be proved with certainty.

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however, owing to the fact, that we could not make a vertical section, having only one specimen.

Upper Eocene, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 24481.

c) Oligo-Miocene species.

Miogypsina hawkinsi Hodson.

Plate 3, figure 25.

Miogypsina hawkinsi Hodson, 1926, Bull. Am. Pal., vol. 12, no. 47, p.p. 28,29, pi. 7, fig. 9 ; pi. 8, figs. 1,2. — A. A. Thiadens, J. Pal. 11, 1937, p. 107, pi. 17, fig. 4; pi. 18, fig. 3 ; pi. 19, figs. 2, 3, 6, 7.

Our forms closely resemble the material of Thiadens. There is a great variation in the diameter of the papillae, but they are for the greater partnbsp;rather coarse, measuring up to 110 /x.

Oligo-Miocene, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geoh Inst. Univ. Utrecht, D 24488—24490.


Mitrocaprina tschoppi (Palmer).

Plagioptychus tschoppi Palmer, 1933, Rev. Agric. Habana, 14, nos. 15, 16, p.p. 103, 104, pi. 10, figs. 1—3. Mitrocaprina tschoppi (Palmer), Thiadens, 1937, Geol. Geogr. Med. Utrecht, no. 12, p. 43.nbsp;Mitrocaprina tschoppi (Palmer), Mac Gillavry, 1937, Geol. Geogr. Med. Utrecht, no. 14, p.p. 158—163,nbsp;pi. 7, figs. 1, 4, 5, 7, 8.

The material was given to us by Tschopp and comes from Ciego de Avila, probably from the type locality of Palmer. Mac Gillavry has given annbsp;extensive description of this species. His material also comes from Ciegonbsp;de Avila and we were able to compare it with ours. As there is not thenbsp;slightest difference between them, no further details are given here.

Locality: T 1425, Upper Cretaceous, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, M.C. 61.

Titanosarcelithes giganteus (Whitfield).

Caprinula giganten Whitfield, 1897, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 9, p.p. 194—196, pis. 18, 19 (figs. 1—2), 20, 21, 22 (figs. 1—3).

Titanosarcolithes giganteus (Whitfield), Trechmann, 1924, Geol. Mag. vol. 61, p.p. 397—400, pi. 23, figs. 1—2, text fig. 1.

Titanosarcolithes giganteus (Whitfield), Mac Gillavry, 1937. Geol. Geogr. Med. Utrecht, no. 14, p.p. 85—92.

The outer shell-layer of this species is characterized by many canals, a feature, which makes cross-sections almost superfluous.

Localities: V 36, V 69, K 12, K 17, H 95 often together with Orbitoi-didae, Vaughanina and SulcopercuUna.

Upper Cretaceous, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, M.C. 4, 293, 429, 608.

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Barrettia sparcilirata Whitfield.

Barreltiasparcilirata'^nrmEL'D, 1897, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. vol. 9, p.p. 245—246, pis. 36, 37. Aöfre//» j-AaraVIra/a Whitfield, BossevAIN and Mac Gillavry, 1932, Proc. Kon. Ak. Wetensch. A’dam,nbsp;vol. 35 no. 10, p.p. 1303—1308, with 3 text figs.

We had the disposal of only one incomplete, rather heavily recrystallized specimen. It has a small living room and a thick outer shell-layer. Wenbsp;counted 18 infoldings of the outer shell-layer over a distance of aboutnbsp;f part of the circumference. Further details could not be observed.

Locality R 16. Cretaceous, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, M.C. 611.

Lamellibranchiata and Gastropoda.

Ostrea sp. aff. O. cjmhula Lamk. or 0. jlahellula Lamk.

Owing to the fact that we could not consult all the literature on Cretaceous Ostreae of America, the determination of this species was almost impossible. It was compared with Ostrea cjmhula Lamk. and O. flahellidanbsp;Lamk. from the eocene deposits of Paris, described by Deshayes (113).nbsp;Our species shows close affinity with the European species. The hinge areanbsp;of the latter species, however, is sharply pointed, while our species showsnbsp;a more rounded hinge.

Locality T 1426, Upper Cretaceous, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, M.C. 619.

Pecten irregularis (Bose).

Vola irregularis Bose, 1910, Instituto geológico de Mexico, p. 97, pi. 15, figs. 10—18.

Pecten irregularis (Bose), Adkins and Winton, 1919, Univ. Texas Bull. no. 1945, p. 67, pi. 11, figs. 11—15. Pecten irregularis (Bose), Adkins, 1928, Univ. Texas Bull. no. 2838, p. 126, pi. 17, fig. 8.

The occurrence of tertiary ribs cannot be seen in our specimen. After the original description of Bose (112), these tertiaries are indeed seldomnbsp;seen, in contrary with the Texan material of Adkins (110).

Locality T 1427, Upper Cretaceous, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, M.C. 616.

Pecten georgetownensis (Kniker).

Neithea georgetownensis Kniker. 1918, Univ. Texas Bull no. 1817, p. 31, pi. 6, figs. 1—3.

Pecten georgetownensis (Kniker), Adkins and Winton, 1919, Univ. Texas Bull. no. 1945, p. 70, pi. 12, figs. 5—6.

The rather strongly elevated right valve with its six prominent primary ribs and the two lower secondaries in each interspace, all divided by onenbsp;or two small linear furrows, is very characteristic.

Locality T 1427, Upper Cretaceous, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, M.C. 615.

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Pec ten bellula (Cragin).

Pecten bellula (Cragin), Adkins, 1919, Univ. Texas Bull. no. 1945, p. 69, pi. 11, figs. 3—1.

Pecten bellula (Cragin), Adkins and Winton, 1928, Univ. Texas Bull. no. ^38, p. 125, pi. 17, fig. 5.

This species is recognized by its sharply recurved umbo, strong convexity and its numerous fine, nearly equal ribs. Adkins and Winton say that every sixth or seventh rib is more elevated or differs in another waynbsp;from the others. This feature was not observed in our specimens.

Locality T 1427, Upper Cretaceous, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, M.C. 617.

Harpagodes sp.

As we had only casts at our disposal, w.e cannot give a specific determination of these Gastropoda.

Locality T 1426 and T 1427, Upper Cretaceous, Camaguey, Cuba. Min.-Geol. Inst. Univ. Utrecht, M.C. 618.

In Texas and Mexico the above mentioned Pectinidae occur in the Lower Cretaceous, and in the Upper and Middle Albian. In Cuba, however,nbsp;they are found in the Upper Cretaceous, together with Orhitoides browni,nbsp;SulcopercuUna dickersoni and Vaughanina.

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Ciego de Avila — La Florida.

The Carretera Central leaves Ciego de Avila in its eastern part and we find decomposed sandy Diorite as far as the first curve in the road. Herenbsp;we pass into the Habana Formation. At F 48 in a quarry, just South ofnbsp;the road, we find limestones and marls with Orhitoides palmeri, Vaughaninanbsp;cubensis, Stdcoperculina dkkersoni, fragments of Rudists, Inoceramus, Oysters,nbsp;Gastropoda and Echinids. On microscopical examination the rocks are foundnbsp;to contain a certain amount of dioritic material. The quartz- and plagioclase-fragments are not rounded but show sharp angles; this can be easily explained from the fact, that they have been transported over a very short distance,nbsp;as the Diorite lies in the direct vicinity. At V 35 we find again outcropsnbsp;of limestones, also with detritus of dioritic rocks and with several Largernbsp;Foraminipera e.g. Orhitoides hrowni, Sulcoperculina dkkersoni and Rudist-frag-ments. Between km 464,4 and km 464,9 the road is cutting a small hill innbsp;which we found the following section:

km 464,44 Fragments of Rudists e.g. Mitrocaprina tschoppi. km 464,47 Limestones with Orhitoides hrowni, Lepidorbitoides andnbsp;Sulcoperculina dkkersoni (D 23923). Strike of the limestonesnbsp;N 65 E, dip 10—15° N.

km 464,5 Limestones, dipping 10 degrees to the West, with fragments of Rudists, Sulcoperculina dkkersoni, a great number of Lepidorbitoides, Corals and Lithothamnia.nbsp;km 464,6 Limestones with Rudist-fragments, probably of Durania.

Further a marl sample was taken at this point which proved to be very rich in Larger and Smaller Foraminipera.nbsp;It contains Orhitoides hrowni, Lepidorbitoides minor, L.nbsp;nortoni, L. minima, L. palmeri, Sulcoperculina dkkersoni,nbsp;S. sp. and many Smaller Foraminipera, belonging to thenbsp;genera Marssonella, Cristellaria, Frondkularia etc.nbsp;km 464,61 Marls and coralreefs.

km 464,74 Limestones containing Larger Foraminipera. km 464,87 Marls and limestones with Sulcoperculina dkkersoni.nbsp;km 464,94 Calcareous sandstones and limestones with Sulcoperculinanbsp;dkkersoni.

Until km 466 is reached, several exposures of Habana limestones can be seen e.g. near V 36lt;2. These limestones contain the same characteristicnbsp;Upper Cretaceous fossils as mentioned above. In the following 3 km, however,nbsp;we do not find outcrops, but the soil, which has a red or purple colour, and

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the occurrence of much „perdigon” make it pretty sure, that we are in Tertiary deposits.

At V37, Y 37 a, Y 37 b and T 922 we find yellowish-white limestones which are somewhat crystalline. We cannot prove their Guines age, as theynbsp;do not contain any organism, but we do not see any habitual difference fromnbsp;the limestones, exposed near V 37/. The limestones from the last-mentionednbsp;find-spot are rich in characteristic oligo-miocene genera, such as Marginopora,nbsp;Archaias and Sorites. All these limestones seem to lie nearly horizontal.nbsp;Further on, up to V 37j, we find the same cavernous, red-weathering limestones, the same red or brown soil and locally much perdigon, but nearnbsp;km 491,7, in a small valley, we see platy limestones under a covering layernbsp;of yellow soil, containing perdigon. The limestones are gently dippingnbsp;southwards and contain rather much detritus of dioritic rocks. This, combined with the fact that the soil in the last one or two kilometers has becomenbsp;more sandy, makes it likely that we have passed into older, eocene, deposits.

Near km 496 there occur light-green, heavily weathered rocks, so called bentonites, which originate from tuffs. They are considered to belong to thenbsp;Tuff Series. East of this small area of Tuff Series rocks at V 39, we find dirty,nbsp;white marls, which are rather rich in Smaller Foraminijera, though poor innbsp;genera and species. The genus Glohorotalia is represented by the speciesnbsp;G. spinulosa and G. aragonensis. These two species, together with Gümhelinanbsp;wilcoxensis and Glavulinoides guajabalensis, make it more than probable thatnbsp;we are in the Eocene. Certainty about this subject is obtained in the 3 kilometers, which now follow. On this stretch one encounters several outcropsnbsp;of white or yellowish-white limestones and marls. These limestones andnbsp;marls present an unmistakable eocene fauna: Discocjclina, Dictjocoms, Pella-tispirella hermude^i, P. antillea, Gamerinae and Smaller Foraminijera. As a rulenbsp;the limestones are rich in detritic material of Diorite, tuffs and porphyrites.

At km 513 we find a small hill of about 150 meters long, on the right side of the Carretera Central. The western side of this hill consists of non-fossiliferous white marls, dipping gently to the North-West. They uncon-formably overlie red and green tuffs and silicified porphyrites of the Habananbsp;Formation, which have a strike of about N 70 E and a dip of 70 degreesnbsp;to the South. The south-eastern flank of the hill consists of the same dirtynbsp;white marls as were found on the western flank, this time, however, withnbsp;large boulders of the tuffs and porphyrites. These marls and conglomeratesnbsp;have a small dip to the South-East. Obviously they represent the basal partnbsp;of the Eocene.

Following the Carretera Central to the South-East, we now pass into an area, in which volcanic rocks of the Habana Formation are exposed. Wenbsp;find several outcrops of light- to dark-green or brownish-green porphyrites,nbsp;porphyrite-breccias andtuff-porphyrite-breccias. Often these rocks have beennbsp;silicified to a considerable degree.

From km 514,8 onwards we see some quarries in which quartz-diorite-porphyrites, regarded to belong to the dioritic sequence, are outcropping.

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Under the microscope we can distinguish the quartz-diorite-porphyrites from the quartz-porphyrites of the Habana Formation by their much coarsernbsp;groundmass. In the field, however, it is often very difficult to establishnbsp;whether a porphyrite occurs in a dike or not. The distinction between thenbsp;quartz-porphyrites and quartz-diorite-porphyrites is thus based upon thenbsp;difference in the coarseness of the groundmass and sometimes upon theirnbsp;geological occurrence in the field. Mineralogically the differences betweennbsp;the two types of rocks are minimal.

Just East of R 44 we are again in tuffs, tuff-porphyrite-breccias and porphyrites of the Habana Formation, the eastern limit of which is reachednbsp;at R43. At this point we find an outcrop of limestone-breccias, which arenbsp;fossiliferous in part. The occurrence of DiscocycUna removes any doubt as tonbsp;the age of the limestones. They are certainly eocene.

The next kilometers we find gray to black soil, clayish and without any outcrop. This continues until km 519; here we find yellow limestones,nbsp;which on account of their habit are considered to belong to the Habananbsp;Formation and two kilometers further on we find the same brownish-yellownbsp;limestones, this time with typical Upper Cretaceous fossils e.g. Orhitoidesnbsp;hrowni. Sulcoperculina dickersoni and Rudist-fragments. Somewhat further wenbsp;again find rocks of the Diorite Series exposed. At V 44i? there is an outcropnbsp;of aplitic quartz-amphibole-diorites and at V 44c, in a small dike, a grano-phyric granodiorite-aplite was sampled. Immediately after this point we arenbsp;again in the grayish-black soil, which we also saw between km 517 andnbsp;km 519 and which proved to be a weathering soil on eocene deposits and,nbsp;indeed, at V 44^7 we find white limestones, strike N 15 E, crowded withnbsp;Discocjlinae and Camerinae.

At km 526, where the highroad turns to the South, we encounter the same limestones, this time again full of organisms: Discocyclinae, Camerinaenbsp;and Pellatispirella antillea. A limestone sampled by Dr. Tschopp at T 943nbsp;contains the same faunal assemblage, accompanied here by some doubtfulnbsp;Lepidocyclinae. The eocene limestones in this region possess rather muchnbsp;detritic material of Diorites. The last kilometers, as far back as V 44d, werenbsp;already surveyed in 1933 by Mac Gillavry and his observations exactlynbsp;fit in with ours, as may be concluded from a comparison of the two maps.

The environment of Ciego de Avila.

As for the findspot-numbers in this area we refer to the special map of this region on page 63.

I. We leave the Carretera Central a few hundred meters East of the boundary of the Diorites and we go in the direction of the railway, whichnbsp;runs roughly parallel with the Carretera Central to Florida. A hundrednbsp;meters South of the Carretera we meet with conglomeratic calcareousnbsp;sandstones with rounded pebbles of porphyrites and rocks of dioritic

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origin e.g. porphyrites and amphibole-porphyrites. This basal Habana conglomerate is followed to the South by marls and limestones. In the fieldnbsp;we sampled several loose Larger Foraminifera e.g. South of F 49 and Eastnbsp;of F 50. They belong to Orhitoides hrowni and Lepidorhitoides pahneri. Thesenbsp;fossils, characteristic for Upper Cretaceous deposits, are also found in thenbsp;limestones, together with the rarely wanting Sulcoperculina dickersoni andnbsp;Rudist-fragments. In F51 we find A.rchaiasFPamp;amp; fossils. Probably these arenbsp;the same as described by Thiadens from the Upper Cretaceous of Southernnbsp;Santa Clara. They are found together with Lepidorhitoides and a new genus,nbsp;belonging to the Peneroplidae.

Still going eastwards we reach a small hill at F 52, which is wholly built up of boulders and pebbles of the older formations, in a very coarse conglomerate. The assemblage of pebbles comprises rocks from the Tuff Seriesnbsp;as well as from the Diorites. We sampled albitised porphyrite-breccias,nbsp;amphibole-porphyrites, quartz-amphibole-diorites, granophyric granodiorite-aplites, uralitised porphyrites, strongly silicified porphyrites, tuff-porphyrite-breccias, aplitic quartz-diorite-porphyrites, quartz-containing diabases, silicified tuffs and porphyrites with a glassy matrix.

At all sides this hill is surrounded by limestones, which, on account of the fossils they yielded, must belong to the Habana Formation. At F 55 wenbsp;still find rocks, which do not contain fossils, it is true, but by their habitnbsp;must be considered to belong to the Upper Cretaceous. When we approachnbsp;the railway, rocks have ceased to outcrop and the only rock, we find here,nbsp;is a granodiorite-aplite, clearly originating from the railway-embankment,nbsp;which is built up by such rocks.

At F 56 the railway is reached and till F 57 we walk over red-brown soil with perdigon and numerous single limestone-fragments. They do notnbsp;give the impression of having been supplied from other places. The fossilsnbsp;they contain, Amphisorus matleyi and Archaias, place these rocks in thenbsp;Guines Formation. South of the railroad we found them several times andnbsp;they have always the same cavernous habit, caused by the weatheringnbsp;out of Gastropoda and Lamellibranchiata. Their moulds and casts, with thosenbsp;of Amphisorus and Archaias, are very often met with, without permitting,nbsp;however, a more close determination.

Going north-westwards from F 57 we again find white and yellow limestones of the Habana Formation and at K 12 we find large quantitiesnbsp;of Rudists, all belonging to Titanosarcolithes giganteus.

Before the Carretera is reached, we pass through Habana limestones, always with characteristic fossils, such as Orhitoides hrowni. Crossing thenbsp;Carretera Central at km 465, we pursue the road in a northerly direction.nbsp;During the first 500 meters we still are in Habana limestones with an occasional single Rudist, but then we pass into yellowish-grey Diorite sands,nbsp;alternating with loose Diorite blocks. At R33 there is a small lake, surroundednbsp;by aplitic quartz-amphibole-diorites, which are also found to the West.nbsp;Somewhat further we come upon a dike, cutting the Diorites. It consists

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of a dark-coloured rock, which, on microscopical examination, proves to be a strongly uralitised diorite-porphyrite.

Only a hundred meters North of this dike we reach the boundary between the Diorites and the Tertiary. This boundary is as sharp as a knifenbsp;and marked by the appearance of sugar cane and the typical red soil withnbsp;perdigon. We follow this boundary to the South-East, always walking innbsp;the Diorites. A narrow cross-road, to the North, brings us at once in thenbsp;Guines Limestones at R35. Returning from this path, we pursue our waynbsp;to the South and then again to the South-East. For a considerable distance,nbsp;about one kilometer, we have to go through loose Diorite sands, beforenbsp;the Guines Limestones are reached. Here again the soil is red and coverednbsp;with numerous loose limestone-fragments. We reach the Carretera Centralnbsp;about 200 meters West of km 467.

II. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;We start at the „Plaza” of Ciego de Avila and leave the town in annbsp;easterly direction. Owing to the „pavement” of the streets, being not alwaysnbsp;in an excellent condition, and which allows a glance at the „underground”nbsp;of the town at many places, we are sure that the town, at any rate its easternnbsp;part, is built upon solid fundaments, namely upon Diorite. The Dioritenbsp;sands continue until V 68, where we cross the boundary between the Dioritesnbsp;and the Habana Formation. Here this formation is represented by limestones,nbsp;which are rich in fossils e.g. SukopermUna dickersoni and Vau^anina cubensis.

At V 70 we turn to the East and in the following 600 meters we encounter several times outcrops of yellow fossiliferous Habana limestones. Then our road leads us into a strip of ground, which is marked by an intenselynbsp;red colour. Loose limestone-fragments are found here. Their habit unquestionably points to the Guines age. Our road coincides for a small stretchnbsp;with the Ciego de Avila — Santa Theresa road, but we very soon leave thisnbsp;highway.

At V 71 the Habana Formation is found again; limestones with Orhi-toides palmeri, Vaughanina cubensis and Rudist-fragments are outcropping here, but only a hundred meters further on we pass into the Diorites and thisnbsp;point marks the most north-western tip of this Diorite mass. At V 72 wenbsp;sampled light coloured rooks, which prove to be granodiorite-aplites andnbsp;these rocks are also found to the East of this point. A good 500 meters Westnbsp;of the eastern boundary of the Diorite mass, we turn southwards to findnbsp;the boundary between the Diorites and Habana Formation in this part. Thisnbsp;boundary appears to lie just North of V 74. From this point, until thenbsp;Carretera Central is reached, we find Habana limestones with much detriticnbsp;material of the Diorites and crowded with Orbitoides, Rudist-fragments andnbsp;Sulcoperculina dickersoni.

III. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;From the „Club de Cazadores” at km 459 on the Carretera Central,nbsp;West of Ciego de Avila we go to the East. At the very beginning we alreadynbsp;find dark-blue, strongly recrystallized limestones, some of which contain

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fragments of Rudists. One of these larger fragments could be determined 2amp;Barrettia sparcilirata. East of the Club we find outcrops of heavily weathered,nbsp;lightgreen rocks. These rocks are very heavy and they contain very muchnbsp;garnet. We are dealing with quartz-garnet-calcite rocks, often epidotisednbsp;and zoisitised. The garnet may be regarded as a product of contactmeta-morphism, caused by the Diorites. The same contactmetamorphically alterednbsp;Provincial limestones are found North of K 40, alternating withnbsp;augite-porphyrites and silicified tuffs, all belonging to the Tuff Series. Northnbsp;of K 40^ the road bifurcates. The south-eastern branch goes in the directionnbsp;of Ciego de Avila and passes through contactmetamorphic limestones,nbsp;again with garnet and porphyritic rocks.

The north-western branch leads at first through black soil without any outcrop. A clay-sample taken at K 42 yielded some characteristic Uppernbsp;Cretaceous Foraminifera e.g. Meandropsina rutteni and Orhitolinall From thisnbsp;point up to K 47 we find numerous outcrops of volcanic rocks, belongingnbsp;to the Habana Formation: porphyrites, porphyrite-breccias, quartz-containing tuffs and quartz-porphyrites. The porphyrite-breccias and conglomeratesnbsp;have often been strongly calcified and are cut by veins of calcite, a characteristic, which is mentioned by M. G. Rutten from the same rocks ofnbsp;Northern Santa Clara and which he regards as a very distinguishing feature,nbsp;in contrast with the tuffs and porphyrites of the Tuff Series.

At K 47 we find the porphyrites alternating with conglomerates and calcareous sandstones with dioritic and porphyritic material. As a proofnbsp;of their age, the conglomerates contain also fragments of Rudists. The nextnbsp;hundred meters are occupied by yellow limestones with Orbitoides, Sulcoper-culina dlckersoni and Rudist-fragments, which, in their turn, are followed bynbsp;more or less silicified porphyrites and accompanied by tuffites with calcareousnbsp;cement (K 49ö).

At K 50 we again find Flabana limestones with Orbitoids and Rudists, just as at K 51, where the same limestones crop out over a short distance.nbsp;Then we again find porphyrite-breccias, silicified porphyrites, quartz-containing tuffs, quartz-porphyrites and tuffites with calcareous cement.nbsp;These volcanic rocks continue to outcrop over a long distance, graduallynbsp;they disappear and near K 53 the Diorites begin to outcrop.

At K53 we find a broad dike of a white rock, strike N 100 E, which turns out to be a plagiaplite. From this point until we entered Ciego denbsp;Avila from the West, we saw several times dioritic rocks. Now we turn tonbsp;the South, cross the Carretera Central and with the railway on the left, wenbsp;go in the direction of Silveira and Jucaro. Already in the beginning thenbsp;Diorites disappear and we reach a very monotonous landscape. Only nownbsp;and then we find an outcrop of cavernous, red-weathering limestone,nbsp;belonging to the Guines Formation. This formation continues till Silveira.

IV. We leave the road Ciego de Avila — Moron where this road turns to the North-East at T 938 and we go to the North-West. The soil is red

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and covered with perdigon and loose limestone-fragments and it is beyond doubt that we are in the Guines Formation. This soil continues duringnbsp;two kilometers, then we come to a road junction. The northern road leadsnbsp;to El Masio and passes through sugar-cane fields. Oh this road we findnbsp;only red soil and perdigon. The western road, however, immediately bringsnbsp;us into an older formation, the Habana Formation. This formation isnbsp;represented by limestones, marls and conglomerates with pebbles of dioriticnbsp;rocks, tuffs, diabases and porphyrites. Here the soil is black. At H 57 wenbsp;sampled a limestone which contained Orbitoids, Vau^anina, Sulcoperculinanbsp;dickersoni and Rudist-fragments. Directly after this point our road turns tonbsp;the South in the direction of the Carretera. During a kilometer we find thenbsp;same Habana limestones, but then the soil becomes red instead of black,nbsp;perdigon appears and we are again in the Guines Limestones; 300 metersnbsp;before the Carretera Central we meet beds of tuffs and calcareous tuffitesnbsp;with sponge needles (H 58). These Tuff Series rocks can be followed duringnbsp;a six or seven hundred meters, when we reach again the Guines Formation,nbsp;characterized by its red soil and cavernous limestones. We turn eastwardsnbsp;and walk in the direction of Ciego de Avila with the railway on our rightnbsp;hand. Just before the highroad, we reach the boundary with the Diorite,nbsp;marked by gray or yellow, sandy soil. Following the Carretera in a westerlynbsp;direction, we cut the Tuff Series between km 460 and 459, but further onnbsp;we always are in the Guines Formation until the Tuff Series at H 58 isnbsp;reached.

Ciego de Avila — Moron.

From the centre of the town to the water-tower of Ciego de Avila, which is situated near K 4, we are in Diorites. At this point we find grano-diorite-aplites. Somewhat to the North-West we are already in the Habananbsp;Formation (T 932). We cross the railway, the soil has a brownish colournbsp;and we do not see any outcrop until T 938, where we find outcrops of marlsnbsp;and limestones. In the marls we found some Larger Foraminifera, typical fornbsp;the Upper Cretaceous: Orbitoides palmeri and Sulcoperculina dickersoni. Thenbsp;limestones contain the same fossils. Here the road turns sharply to the Northnbsp;and at once we reach the brownish-red soil of the Guines Limestones,nbsp;„sprinkled” with perdigon. This continues until Ceballos, to the North ofnbsp;which we find more outcrops. At W 30 we find whitish, porous, ooliticnbsp;Guines Limestones without recognizable Foraminifera. North of the villagenbsp;Fontanals we find loose fragments of dioritic rocks, but we are certain, thatnbsp;they have come from the railway-embankment, which is in the immediatenbsp;vicinity. We continue to walk in the red soil with an occasional outcrop ofnbsp;recrystallized Guines Limestones without a chance of finding fossils in suchnbsp;limestones, but at W 34, in the neighbourhood of El Manguito, wenbsp;find outcrops of very fine-grained limestones with a characteristic oligo-miocene fauna: Amphisorus matleji, Archaias, Peneroplis, Sorites, Marginopora.

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These fossiliferous limestones continue to outcrop along the road till the town of Moron is reached. At W 36ö and F 47 we took groundsamplesnbsp;which proved to be rather rich in quartz with much perdigon, the soilnbsp;becoming more and more sandy as we proceed from W 3öa to the North.

The country to the left of this road.

From Geballos there is a small road to the West. It leads through sugarcane fields and offers but few opportunities for good outcrops. At R 29 and R 30 we found limestones, somewhat recrystallized, reddish weatherednbsp;and with traces of organisms. From the sugar-factory „Moron” we go againnbsp;to the West. On this road we find limestones, sometimes strongly recrystallized (W 41 and R17), occasionally with fossils e.g. at W 39, wherenbsp;we find Peneroplis, which indicates an oligo-miocene age of the limestones.nbsp;Together with limestones and marls we find here also calcareous sandstonesnbsp;and quartzitic ! ! sandstones. The quartz probably originated from the,nbsp;Diorite masses in the neighbourhood of Ciego de Avila.

On the road which leads from Moron to Adelaide Dr. Tschopp took three samples. At T 935 a very remarkable limestone was sampled. The agenbsp;of the limestone, oligo-miocene, is certain, as it contains A.mphisorus matlejinbsp;and Archaias. Together with those fossils we also observe in thin sectionnbsp;Discocjclinae and Rudist-fragments. Moreover detritic material of dioriticnbsp;rocks and tuffs is seen. The Discocjclinae and Rudists are without any doubtnbsp;a secondary deposit. More to the West we find Guines Limestones withnbsp;Peneroplis, Amphisorus matleji and other Smaller Foraminijera.

The country East of the road Ciego de Avila — Moron.

We start at the railway-station of Moron and go to the East to reach the LomaCunagua. In the first ten or twelve kilometers we do not find anynbsp;outcrop. The soil is intensely red and occasionally a single limestone-fragment is found. They are reddish-weathered, sometimes rather crystallinenbsp;and do not contain recognizable fossils. At T1151, however, we findnbsp;oligo-miocene fossils in outcropping rocks: Amphisorus matleji, Archaiasnbsp;and Peneroplis. The limestones often also contain moulds and casts ofnbsp;Gastropoda and Lamellihranchiata. All along the road we find the same cavernous limestones, occasionally somewhat brecciaceous and when we ascendnbsp;the Loma Cunagua we do not find any trace of older formations. At thenbsp;eastern tip of the Loma Cunagua we sampled Guines Limestones with thenbsp;same oligo-miocene fossils as mentioned above. At K 64^, however, anbsp;brecciaceous limestone was found with fragments of almost recent Gastropoda.nbsp;This breccia is considered to be younger than the Guines Limestones,nbsp;plistocene or even younger.

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The road, which runs due South of Moron and which passes through the hamlets Eden and Desengaho to reach the road Moron — Ciego denbsp;Avila about three kilometers North of the sugar-factory „Moron”, yields nonbsp;new facts. All rocks we find are the same, red-weathered, cavernous limestones, occasionally with the fossils (R 32), which are so typical for thenbsp;Guines Formation.

The same monotonous landscape, an endless plain covered with sugarcane, is seen when we go to the South-East from the Central ,,Moron”. This road passes Francisco and Santa Theresa before Ciego de Avila isnbsp;reached. A few samples were taken of more or less strongly recrystallizednbsp;limestones, which do not contain fossils, but which from their habit arenbsp;likely to belong to the Guines Formation. Locally the red soil is very richnbsp;in perdigon e.g. near K6. At K7, which is approximately at the junctionnbsp;of roads, one of which runs straight on to Ciego de Avila, we find verynbsp;many yellowish-blue rocks. They consist entirely of quartz and chalcedony.nbsp;We are pretty sure, that we have to do with silicified limestones from thenbsp;Guines Formation. At the junction itself we find limestones of the Habananbsp;Formation, but to the West we pass again into red soil and at K 8 we findnbsp;Guines Limestones. After this point we come imm.ediately in the Habananbsp;Formation, while the last stretch passes through dioritic rocks.

When we take the road, just South of Geballos, we remain in the red soil, which is also found on the road Ciego de Avila — Moron. The soil isnbsp;covered with limestone-fragments, which, by the characteristic fossils, foundnbsp;in V 56 {Marginopora and Archaias) belong to the Guines Limestones. Wenbsp;do not find anything else until, taking a cross-road, we reach the Loma Carolina. This hill forms a small ridge, its length is about 2 kilometers. Althoughnbsp;we did not visit it at its western end, it seems to consist entirely of whitishnbsp;or pink, rather porous rocks with a brecciaceous habit. Under the microscopenbsp;we observe strongly silicified rocks, which contain considerable amountsnbsp;of alunite ! ! The Loma Carolina is thought to be a large exposure ofnbsp;Tuff Series rocks. From V 58, where we find Guines Limestones, the roadnbsp;runs to the South to Santa Theresa.

Isla Turiguanao.

This island can only be reached by boat from San Fernando. The way from Moron to San Fernando leads through a swampy country and not anbsp;single outcrop was found on this stretch. On the other side of the „Lagunanbsp;de Leche” we first pass into a red-brown soil with outcrops of white limestones,nbsp;which on account of their habit are reckoned to belong to the Guines Formation. These limestones, sometimes rather coarsely crystalline and occasionallynbsp;very rich in limonite, continue until V 102, for here the white limestonesnbsp;are replaced by blue and gray, fine-grained limestones, which contain tracesnbsp;of organisms, the preservation of which is too bad to permit a determination.

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These limestones are exposed in a low ridge, which trends from South-East to North-West, its length being several kilometers. Tectonics are verynbsp;complicated here, owing to the plasticity of the gypsum, which is foundnbsp;alternating with the Aptychi Limestones. Over a short distance we find thenbsp;following strikes and dips: N 150 E, layers nearly vertical; N 165 E, verynbsp;steep dips; N 110 E, 70 S; N 130 E, 65 S; N 100 E, very steep; N 130 E andnbsp;N 150 E, both with a steep dip to the South. The blue limestones becomenbsp;sometimes brown-coloured, which is caused by limonite. For this reason theynbsp;resemble the Guines Limestones at V 101. The tectonical style of the limestones at V 103 and V 104 being taken into account, a Guines age of thesenbsp;limestones, however, is out of the question. At V 105, where we find anbsp;strike of N 180 E, there occur thick layers of gypsum. At the „contact” ofnbsp;limestones and gypsum we see coarse crush-breccias, mostly large fragmentsnbsp;of the limestones, cemented by gypsum.

Further to the N.E. we find the same blue limestones and gypsumlayers. The limestones, being the more resistent rocks, are singled out by selectivenbsp;erosion and form small hills, wheras the soft gypsum is roughly confined tonbsp;the depressions between those hills. It is a remarkable fact, that the gypsumnbsp;contains numerous small needles of tourmaline!!! As it is not likely, thatnbsp;the tourmaline has come into existence in situ, we have to accept the supposition, that it came from another region, probably from the North. At V 109nbsp;we leave the Aptychi Formation to pass into an area where we find marls,nbsp;rich in gypsum and the same brecciaceous, brownish-weathering limestonesnbsp;as near V 100, which we take for Guines Limestones.

When we follow the small path, branching off near V 100, we first encounter porous, brown limestones, somewhat brecciaceous, whichnbsp;evidently are the equivalent of the limestones at V 100 and V 101. Duringnbsp;the following 500 meters we meet with red breccias, consisting of lutednbsp;limestone- and gypsum-fragments and covered with a reddish crust. Wenbsp;regard these breccias as very young: plistocene or possibly even younger.nbsp;After these young breccias we find white or yellow limestones with an oligo-miocene fauna: Marginopora, Amphisorus matieji, Archaias and Peneroplis.nbsp;These limestones are exposed only over a very short distance, then theynbsp;have to make room again for the Aptychi Limestones. These are the samenbsp;blue and gray rocks, as found to the East, near V 105; we find them alternating with gypsum layers, which here also are rich in tourmaline as well as innbsp;quartz and beautiful rhombohedrons of calcite. At V 116 we find brownishnbsp;limestones wich are very rich in hematite. At the end of this path, near V 117,nbsp;we again find young breccias with elements of the Aptychi Limestones andnbsp;gypsum-fragments.

The country South of Central Punta Alegre.

This area was not visited by us and the data given below come from Ir. H. Baggelaar, who had been kindly permitted by Mr. Poliakoff to

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visit this region. The samples which he took there, were studied by us in Utrecht. A description of the rocks follows in brief. All particulars arenbsp;adopted from the extensive account of Ir. Baggelaar, which accompaniednbsp;his samples.

About one kilometer to the W.S.W. of the sugar-factory „Punta Alegre”, there is a detached hill, the so-called „Lorna de Piedra”, which lies somewhatnbsp;to the North of the „Lorna de Yeso”. From this hill we have got threenbsp;samples, B 10—12, which do not contain any organism, but which onnbsp;account of their habit are reckoned to belong to the Aptychi Formation.nbsp;Some twelve hundred meters to the South-East of Punta Alegre, there is anbsp;quarry, from which Baggelaar gives the following profile:

On a very coarse crystalline limestone, B 1, which has a strikenbsp;of N 125 E and a dip of 60 degreesnbsp;to the S.S.W., there rests a rathernbsp;thin layer of the same coarse crystalline limestone, which, however,nbsp;contains some quarta. Then follownbsp;strongly undulating, very soft,nbsp;blood-red clayshales, conformablynbsp;resting upon these limestones. Thenbsp;clayshales are exceptionally rich innbsp;tourmaline-needles. The fact may benbsp;remembered, that this same featurenbsp;was also found on Isla Turiguanaonbsp;in the gypsum-layers. Indeed, thenbsp;gypsum-layers or „stöcke”, foundnbsp;in the clayshales, are also rich innbsp;this mineral, but also in idiomor-phic quartz-grains and apatite. Thenbsp;clayshales are covered unconforma-bly by limestones (B 5), their strike varies from NlOOE to NllOEnbsp;and the dip is about 13 degrees to the South. Macroscopically as well asnbsp;microscopically we do not see any difference between the limestones at thenbsp;base of the profile TB 1 and B 2) and the limestones of the covering layer.nbsp;Mindful of the complicated structures we found on Isla Turiguanao, wenbsp;believe, that the discordance, drawn by Baggelaar, is only apparent andnbsp;that it is the result of disharmonie folding, caused by the plasticity of thenbsp;underlying w^eak sediments.

The loose limestone B 7 which was found at the base of the quarry is a typical Aptychi Limestone. Baggelaar makes the same suppostion. Thenbsp;limestone B 13, South of this quarry, beyond the Loma, is a recrystallizednbsp;limestone, the same as B 1 and B 2. Although in discovering fossils in thesenbsp;limestones we had no more success than Ir. Baggelaar, and for that reason,nbsp;no paleontogical support can be given to our supposition, we firmly believe

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that the whole complex, including the discordant layer of limestones at B 5, belongs to the same formation, namely the Aptychi Formation. Accordingnbsp;to Baggeraar, the formation is not restricted to this small area, but maynbsp;be found far to the South of Punta Alegre.

The country South of the Carretera Central in the neighbourhood of Baragua and Vicenta.

ITere the country is very flat and only now and then we find outcrops of limestones. These limestones are sometimes rather coarsely crystalline,nbsp;very porous, reddish-weathered and often rich in limonite. They do notnbsp;contain any fossil, except moulds and casts of Lamellihranchiata, a verynbsp;characteristic feature of the limestones, belonging to the Guines Formation.

The country North and South of the Carretera Central in the central part of the district.

When we leave the highroad, near km 486,5 and go northwards, we start in red soil with an occasional single limestone fragment and coverednbsp;with much perdigon. Judging from the scarce facts we have at our disposal,nbsp;the first km at least leads us through the Guines Formation. Afterwards thenbsp;soil looses its red colour and becomes more grey and sandy. This fact, combined with the occurrence of eocene fossils in a limestone, found at V 45,nbsp;makes it sure, that we have already passed the boundary between Oligo-Miocene and Eocene. The sandy soil continues to K 46, where we reachnbsp;silicified rocks, which are exposed on small hills. These silicified rocks arenbsp;sometimes rich in magnetite; one sample contains much sericite. Thenbsp;composition of the last mentioned rocks does not allow of a statementnbsp;about their genesis and age, but as we shall see somewhat further on thenbsp;road, it is pretty sure, that they belong to the Tulf Series.

At one of these hills the road splits up and we go to the right. For nearly one kilometer we remain in the silicified rocks, which are followednbsp;by a strip of sandy soil, where eocene limestones are exposed. In the limestones we found some specimens of Dictjoconus americams. Beyond the limestones we come again to a hill, on which we find outcrops of quartz-sericite-epidote rocks. In the following depression near a complex of houses at V 49nbsp;we find very much limestone, which contains characteristic eocene fossilsnbsp;e.g. Dictyoconidae and Camerinae. As the limestones are restricted to thenbsp;direct environment of the houses, it is not quite sure whether they occurnbsp;at the place itself or have been transported from elsewhere. As may be seennbsp;from the map, we regard the first supposition as the most probable one.

Hereafter we meet with rocks, which, on microscopical examination, prove to be more or less strongly silicified tuffs and porphyrites. Sometim.es

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they have also been strongly epidotised and chloritised. They are much like the rocks found at V 46, whose age we could not establish. Here, however,nbsp;it is clear, that we are dealing with altered rocks of the Tuff Series.'

Now, we leave the Tuff Series definitely and come to the Tertiary. It becomes evident that the Tuff Series in this region is bordered bynbsp;eocene rocks, as we find limestones everywhere, one of which was samplednbsp;at V 51, containing the following fossils: Dictyoconus, several Camerinae andnbsp;many Miliolids. These limestones, sprinkled in a brown, somewhat sandynbsp;soil, continue a good kilometer, then they become scarce and at last disappear.nbsp;Now we come to sugar cane fields with intensely red soil and a single limestone-fragment. Although it cannot be proved by fossils, we are almostnbsp;sure, that we are again in the oligo-miocene deposits of the Guinesnbsp;Formation.

We leave the Carretera Central again, somewhat East of km 488. As we do not find outcrops in the first two kilometers, it is not sure whethernbsp;we are in oligo-miocene or in eocene sediments. At K 35, however,nbsp;this problem is solved, for here there occur white limestones withnbsp;unmistakable eocene fossils: Discocyclinae. The soil has now become morenbsp;sandy and outcrops are almost wanting. This goes on for some 2500 meters,nbsp;when we reach the Tuff Series: silicified tuffs and porphyrites. Obviouslynbsp;we are in the most easterly tip of the area, which is occupied by the Tuffnbsp;Series, for the tuffs and porphyrites continue only for some six or sevennbsp;hundred meters, where they have to make room for white limestones andnbsp;marls of the Eocene. In accordance with other areas, where eocene depositsnbsp;are encountered, the soil is here also grayish-black and rather sandy. Atnbsp;K 38 we probably are already in the Oligo-Miocene as the soil has a distinctnbsp;red colour. Fossils, supporting this opinion, are not found before K 39 andnbsp;K 39^ where we find At7iphisorus matleji and Archaias in porous, red-weatherednbsp;limestones.

A small path in this area starts at km 491,4 on the Carretera Central. The first part of it, about one kilometer, leads over a red-brown soil, withnbsp;much perdigon and not a single outcrop. At W 104 and W 100 we encounternbsp;the same silicified rocks as were found at V 46 and K 36. One of the samplesnbsp;contains very much prehnite and muscovite, others are very rich in magnetitenbsp;and limonite. These rocks apparently represent altered rocks of the Tuffnbsp;Series. Then there is another stretch where outcrops are scarce till wenbsp;reach W 91. Here we find several fragments of limestones and as we do notnbsp;see any reason why they should have been brought from elsewhere, theynbsp;are considered to belong to the underground. In W 91 as well as in W 89nbsp;and W 86 we found characteristic eocene fossils: Dictyoconus and Discocyclinaenbsp;together with calcareous belonging to the genus Meminella. At W 84nbsp;we already are at the eastern margin of the afore mentioned strip of thenbsp;porphyrites and tuffs and somewhat to the West we cross the road, whichnbsp;leaves the Carretera Central at km 488,2.

After the cross-road we still are in the tuffs and porphyrites, but at

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V 87 the Eocene covers the road over a small distance. The limestones are fossiliferous e.g. Discocjctinae and Camerinae and they also contain rathernbsp;much detritic material of tuffs and porphyrites. Apart from another smallnbsp;strip of ground, where we find almost wholly silicified eocene limestonesnbsp;with Dictyoconus and Discocyclina, we remain in the rocks of the Tuff Seriesnbsp;until the trifurcation near V 49.

The north-western branch of the trifurcation. North of V 46, passes first through quartz-limonite-rocks of the Tuff Series. About one kilometernbsp;after F 89 has been passed, we come to dark-red or brown soil with outcropsnbsp;of white limestones, the eocene age of which is proved by the occurrencenbsp;of DiscocycUnae and Dictyoconus. We have the impression that the eocenenbsp;limestones to the North-West are bordered by the Guines Limestones. Thisnbsp;impression is based upon the colour of the soil and the habit of the limestones.

The roads, leading to the South from km 488,2 and km 497,6, lead us through a country where we do not find a single outcrop, apart from F 87,nbsp;where there occur limestones, which for their cavernous habit with mouldsnbsp;and casts of Gastropoda are considered to belong to the Guines Formation.nbsp;North of km 497,6 we enter grayish-black sandy soil with some perdigon.nbsp;At R 47 there occur bentonite-like rocks, probably the result of weatheringnbsp;of tuffs. The same rocks were found near T 926 on the Carretera Central.

The country in the neighbourhood of Piedrecitas.

For findspot-numbers in this area, see the map on page 75.

We begin North of K 16, on the road, which runs due North from km 513,8 on the Carretera Central and go to the South. The soil has a blacknbsp;colour, is clayey and only at some places do we find single plate-like limestone-fragments. One of these limestones contains eocene fossils, namely Discocyclina, but whether the boundary between the Eocene and the Habananbsp;Formation has to be drawn more northward than is indicated on the map,nbsp;or not, cannot be said, as the limestones at K 15 do not contain fossils.nbsp;Anyhow at K 14 and K 13 we find limestones and conglomerates of thenbsp;Habana Formation with intercalated layers of silicified tuffs. On the road,nbsp;which is running to the West from K 13, we first find several Rudists,nbsp;belonging to Titanosarcolithes giganteus. The Rudist limestones are followednbsp;by a zone of tuffs, which in their turn are followed again by Rudists.

When we continue our way to the South of K 13, we are passing black soil with loose fragments of Habana limestones. The Carretera Central isnbsp;crossed a little to the West of km 514 and immediately to the South ofnbsp;it, we come to tuffs and tuff-porphyrite-breccias, also belonging to thenbsp;Habana Formation. More to the South, however, we find silicified quartz-diorite-porphyrites, which can only be distinguished from the quartz-porphyrites of the Habana Formation by the coarseness of the groundmass,nbsp;while, as a rule, the plagioclase-phenocrysts of the quartz-diorite-porphyrites

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are cloudy and more weathered than those of the quartz-porphyrites. This characteristic, however, should not be overestimated.

For a short distance we leave the Diorites and find ourselves in sandy limestones and calcareous sandstones of the Habana Formation. The strikenbsp;of the limestones is N 180 E, the dip 30 W. They contain much detriticnbsp;material of the Diorites and with this material several Larger Foraminifera-.nbsp;Orbitoides hrowni, O. palmeri and Sulcoperculina. Moreover we find herenbsp;several fragments of TitanosarcoUthes giganteus. At H 62^/ we are again innbsp;the Diorites. At this point we find plagiaplites with beautiful granophyricnbsp;intergrowths and a little further to the South we sampled quartz-amphibole-diorites also with granophyric intergrowths. This phenonemon is indeednbsp;very common in all dioritic rocks of the described area. 150 meters furthernbsp;on we cross a road and then pass through the village of Piedrecitas. Thenbsp;railway-station of this village lies in the Habana Formation. Outcrops arenbsp;very scarce when we have passed the railroad. At H 64 there occur limestonesnbsp;with Orbitoides, Sulcoperculina dickersoni and Rudist-fragments, but from thisnbsp;point on we only find a dark soil, which later on becomes very sandy. Notnbsp;until H 65 is reached, do we find an outcrop of calcareous sandstones, exposednbsp;in a fresh well. These resemble very closely the sandstones found near H 62nbsp;and, though the sandstones at H 65 did not contain fossils, we reckon themnbsp;to belong to the Habana Formation. Hereafter we pass a strip of groundnbsp;which has a clayey, black soil and at last we pass into the Guines Formation.nbsp;At H 67 we took a sample of white marls, which yielded a rather rich faunanbsp;of Smaller Foraminifera among which large quantities of Elphidium, Clavulinanbsp;and Nonion.

Now we leave the Carretera Central about 200 meters to the West of km 513 at the boundary between the Eocene and the Habana. South of thenbsp;contact we are first in silicified tuffs, but soon we find the limestones of thenbsp;Eocene, which separate several small hills, consisting of Habana tuffs. Thennbsp;we find successively Habana limestones (H 90) with Rudists, eocene limestones (H 91 and H 92) with Discocyclinae and then again the Habana Formation. The eocene limestones have a strike N125 E, 10—15 S, they are white,nbsp;often sub-oolitic and contain sometimes relics of Corals. At H 92 we leavenbsp;the boundary between Habana and Eocene and reach the limestones andnbsp;marls of the Habana Formation. The marlsamples at H 94 are very richnbsp;in Larger Foraminifera. We found the following characteristic Upper Cretaceous species: Orbitoides bronmi, O. palmeri, Lepidorbitoides minima, L. estrellaenbsp;and Sulcoperculina dickersoni. The limestones are also rich in fossils.

After H 95, where we find enormous quantities of TitanosarcoUthes giganteus, together with Actaeonella-\irae.^tQxxe.% and Gastropoda, we comenbsp;upon a bifurcation. The south-western road leads through Habana marlsnbsp;and limestones, always with fragments of Rudists and the easily recognizablenbsp;Sulcoperculina dickersoni. The limestones here have a strike N 180 E, 20 W.nbsp;To the North-West of the above-mentioned bifurcation we very soon passnbsp;into the Diorites. Having crossed this Diorite strip, we find purple and pink

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tuffs with a distinctly flowing texture. Together with these tuffs we find quartz-porphyrites; one sample contained a large fragment of granophyricnbsp;material. Evidently both the quartz-porphyrites and the tuffs belong to thenbsp;Habana Formation. At H 75, however, we find quartz-diorite-porphyritesnbsp;and still more to the North aplitic biotite-granodiorites. It becomes clear,nbsp;that we are again in the Diorite Series. At H 72 we find dikes of diorite-porphyrite, quartz-amphibole-diorite-porphyrite and a dike of very finegrained malchite. Continuing our way northward, we cross the Carreteranbsp;Central 200 meters East of km 515. Near the intersection we find diorite-porphyrites, but now we are very soon in the Habana Formation. At R 45nbsp;we already find coarse porphyrite breccias. The Habana Formation, however,nbsp;forms only a narrow margin along the Diorites, for some three hundrednbsp;meters from R45, we reach eocene deposits. At R46 we find white limestones with rather much detritic material and eocene fossils e.g. Discocjclinae,nbsp;Pellatispirella antilka and Camerinae.

Our next road starts to the North-East of km 516 in eocene deposits. The highroad is crossed near km 516 and we come at once in silicified andnbsp;chloritised porphyrite-breccias and silicified quartz-augite-porphyrites. Thenbsp;margin of Habana rocks along the Diorites proves to be very narrow here,nbsp;for 700 meters further on we find quartz-diorite-porphyrites, which are alsonbsp;encountered near H 74. South-West of this point we come upon a bifurcation.nbsp;We go to the South along the road, which has already been described, untilnbsp;the railway-station of Piedrecitas, where we turn to the left, following thenbsp;railroad. At first we walk in Rudist limestones of the Habana Formation,nbsp;but after some 1300 meters, we come to a small hill, on which we samplednbsp;quartz-diorite-porphyrites. After the descent we are in eocene deposits,nbsp;consisting of limestones and marls. In the marls we found specimens of twonbsp;species of Discocjclina, together with Camerina pellatispiroides and Pellatispirella hermude\i. Going northward through the fields in the direction ofnbsp;the Carretera Central, we find eocene limestones and conglomerates withnbsp;large pebbles of Habana limestones. The eocene limestones are rich in fossilsnbsp;e.gi Discocjclinae, Pellatispirella bermude^i and Corals and occasionally wenbsp;find Lepidocyclinae. Before we reach the highroad we cross the Habana Formation, after this the quartz-diorite-porphyrites of the Diorite Series andnbsp;then again the Habana Formation, which consists here of coarse porphyrite-agglomerates.

The country in the neighbourhood of Cespedes.

For findspot-numbers in this area, see the map on page 75.

We start at a point South oi¥l\a in black, sandy soil. Although we do not find any outcrop, we are pretty sure, that this soil represents thenbsp;weathering-products of Tertiary rocks, to be more exact, of eocene deposits.nbsp;This goes on to F 710, where the soil becomes yellowish-brown and morenbsp;sandy. This betrays the presence of dioritic rocks in the underground and

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at some places we indeed find outcrops of plagiaplites and quartz-amphibole-diorites. F 70 lies already in the Eocene; here we find sandy marls with very badly preserved Smaller Foraminifera. The Diorites continue until we crossnbsp;the railroad just S. of Cespedes, where the Flabana Formation crops out.nbsp;The limestones have a strike of N 115 E and a dip of about 90 degrees. Atnbsp;R 40 we find calcareous sandstones with pebbles of the Diorites e.g. fragments of plagiaplites. They also contain fossils, such as Sulcoperculina dkker-soni, Rudists and Inoceramus. The limestones continue to outcrop during somenbsp;700 meters. Then we pass into rocks of the Diorite Series of which we tooknbsp;samples at K 26 and R 39, respectively a quartz-biotite-diorite and a gra-nophyric plagiaplite. Still being in dioritic rocks we cross the Carretera Central at km 521,6 and North of this road we find outcrops of aplitic quartz-amphibole-diorites and strongly silicified diorite-porphyrites.

After this area of dioritic rocks we do not find outcrops over a considerable distance. Not until we have reached R 38 do we find limestones with much quartz and some badly preserved Foraminifera. Somewhatnbsp;further to the North there occur marls, which are rich in detritic materialnbsp;of Diorites and still further northward, there are sandy limestones withnbsp;Lepidorbitoides and Sulcoperculina dickersoni. It is therefore pretty certain,nbsp;that we are in the Habana Formation, as far back as H38.

Going southward from km 518 on the Carretera Central, we come immediately to conglomerates of the Eocene; they contain pebbles of Habana porphyrites. The conglomerates are followed by limestones with Discocj-clinae and after the limestones we encounter the conglomerates again. Anbsp;narrow strip of Habana limestones and calcareous sandstones is then metnbsp;with on the road, but very soon they again have to make room for thenbsp;eocene limestones. At K 22 we ascend a small hill, which proves to consistnbsp;of dioritic rocks. Among other rocks we sampled a granodiorite-aplite. Innbsp;the neighbourhood of K 23 we find eocene limestones, which are very richnbsp;in fossils. We only mention the occurrence of Discocyclina, Pellatispirellanbsp;bermude^f Camerinae and Alveolinae. At K 24 we cross the boundary betweennbsp;Eocene and Diorites. Here, the Diorite Series is represented by plagiaplitesnbsp;and quartz-amphibole-diorite, both with granophyric intergrowths. Justnbsp;before we reach the cross-road, near K 25, we touch the boundary betweennbsp;Diorites and Habana Formation. On our right hand we find Habana limestones with Rudists, while to the left occur quartz-amphibole-biotite-diorites.nbsp;Some distance after the intersection we pass the boundary between Dioritesnbsp;and Habana Formation again, just as near V 76, where we find amphibole-biotite-granodiorites. We walk to the South-East till we reach the boundarynbsp;with the Tertiary, then turn to the West and now follow the railroad tonbsp;find the southeastern boundary between Diorites and Habana Formation.nbsp;This is found near V 78, where we come upon steep dipping limestones andnbsp;marls. The limestones contain Orbitoides browni, Lepidorbitoides cavA Sulcoperculina dickersoni. The marls, which we sampled at V 78 and Y l%a (near thenbsp;northern boundary of the Habana Formation) are exceptionally rich in

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Giimhelina, Globotrmcana,

Smaller Foraminifera, especially in the genera Pseudotextularia and PlanoglohuUna.

The country South and North of La Florida.

The road, which leads from La Florida over San Jeronimo to Banos, was not surveyed by our party. The Diorite mass South of La Florida wasnbsp;drawn after the map of Mac Gillavry. It may be noted, that the southernnbsp;boundary of this Diorite mass is by no means certain, as Mac Gillavrynbsp;did not reach this boundary. At any rate, near T 1140 there occur limestones,nbsp;which on account of their cavernous habit are reckoned to belong to thenbsp;Guines Formation.

North of La Florida, we are first in Diorites, but soon pass into upper eocene or lower oligocene limestones with Lepidocjclinae {L. maracaihensis)nbsp;2Mdi Lithothamnia. At H 133, however, we find limestones with Sulcoperculinanbsp;dickersoni and Rudist-fragments, and it becomes evident, that we are in thenbsp;Habana Formation. The Habana limestones occupy only a very narrownbsp;strip of ground; we very soon reach loose Diorite sands. Plagiaplites werenbsp;sampled near H 132. About one kilometer to the South of San Rafael, thenbsp;Diorite ceases to outcrop and we enter grayish-black soil with very scarcenbsp;outcrops of limestones. One of these limestones was sampled near H 131.nbsp;It contains Discocjclinae and Gamerinae. As far as La Quinta, we find thenbsp;same gray-black, locally sandy, soil.

The area of Magarabomba.

The road, which leaves Magarabomba to the West, passes over a very considerable distance through tuffs and porphyrites. The monotonynbsp;of these volcanic rocks is interrupted at one place only, viz. near K 254,nbsp;where we find intercalated layers of blue Provincial limestones between thenbsp;tuffs and porphyrites of the Tuff Series. To the West and North-West, thenbsp;Tuff Series is bordered by the Guines Formation. At K 255 we find whitenbsp;marls, containing Miogypsina hawktnsi as well as a number of Smaller Fora-minifera. The eastern boundary of the Tuff Formation lies some kilometersnbsp;East of Magarabomba. Here the formation is also bordered by youngernbsp;sediments.

The southern boundary lies somewhat to the North of the point, where the road is crossed by the railway, which links up La Florida with Magarabomba. When we continue our way in a northern direction, we pass a hillynbsp;landscape, where we find numberless outcrops of volcanic rocks. We samplednbsp;deeply weathered, green and brown tuffs as well as porphyrites and porphyrite-breccias. All these rocks are more or less strongly silicified, chloritised andnbsp;epidotised. The tuff-layers show often steep dips. Compared with the tuffs

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and porphyrites of the Habana Formation, they have an old, weathered habit. About 1J kilometer North of Magarabomba we reach a flat landscapenbsp;with black and brown soils and without any outcrop.


Just South of the place, where the railway branches off, we find marly limestones, without fossils. Habitually they can not be distinguished fromnbsp;the Cubitas Limestones which are found further to the East. In a quicknbsp;succession we then pass Serpentines, Aptychi Limestones, Serpentines andnbsp;again Aptychi Limestones. The Serpentines in this area have originated fromnbsp;harzburgites as may be inferred from their composition. Besides rathernbsp;fresh Serpentines, we also find residual rocks of the Serpentines, such asnbsp;quartz-magnesite-magnetite and quartz-limonite rocks. The Aptychi Limestones are well-bedded rocks, sometimes with traces of organisms, which,nbsp;however, cannot be determined, owing to their recrystallization. At onenbsp;place we found a strike N 10 E, the dip being about vertical. The strikenbsp;is almost perpendicular to the trend of the Serpentine masses. This phenomenon may point to a tectonical contact between Aptychi Limestones andnbsp;Serpentines.

After these older rocks we come to deposits of the Guines Formation. At V 120 and V 121 we find marls with Smaller Foraminijera, indicatingnbsp;an oligo-miocene age. Some 500 meters further South there occur brownnbsp;and gray limestones, which habitually belong to the Aptychi Formation,nbsp;but after this the soil becomes grayish and outcrops are scarce. Withoutnbsp;any doubt we are again in oligo-miocene deposits.

The environment of Donato.

The road which runs to the South from Donato first passes through limestones with Miliolids, Discocyclinae, Cajiierinae and Alveolinae, a faunalnbsp;assemblage which is also reported by Mac Gillavryfrom Eastern Camaguey.nbsp;The typical Cubitas Limestones are followed by calcareous sandstones withnbsp;DiscocjcUna and much detritic material of Serpentines, Diorites and porphyrites. The limestones and sandstones dip southward, towards the contactnbsp;with the Serpentines, thus indicating a tectonical contact. The Serpentinesnbsp;are rather fresh rocks. Judging after their composition, they originated fromnbsp;wehrlites. Together with the Serpentines we also find outcrops of ultra-basic rocks, eclogites (K 58). The road, which now has a westerly direction,nbsp;follows the Serpentines until the trifurcation at K 59. At this point we findnbsp;blue, thin-bedded Aptychi Limestones, which have a strike of N 30 E andnbsp;show a steep dip to the West. Here we again find an indication that thenbsp;Serpentines have been brought into tectonical contact with the Aptychi

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limestones, as the „strike” of the Serpentines is nearly perpendicular to the strike of the limestones. South of the trifurcation, where, besides ooliticnbsp;limestones, there occur also calcareous sandstones as well as Radiolaria-containing limestones (a remarkable combination); we find zones of Aptychinbsp;Limestones and cherts alternating with strips of Serpentine.

Going northward from K 59, we are first, for some 1300 m in the Serpentines, then we pass the fault between the Serpentines and Cubitas Limestones and these are still outcropping when we are back in Donato.

Dr. Tschopp sampled two limestones between Woodin and Donato, which habitually as well as paleontologically also belong to the Cubitasnbsp;Limestones. At T 1468, apparently somewhat to the South of Donato,nbsp;amidst the Cubitas Limestones, there seems to be a small area, where thenbsp;Aptychi Formation crops out.

The roads North and South of Jaronu.

The road running to the North of this place as well as that running southward, was surveyed by Dr. Tschopp. On both roads he met only onenbsp;formation, namely Eocene. The Cubitas Limestones in this area do not differnbsp;in any way from those which were found near Donato, apart from thenbsp;amount of detritic material, which is very small here. We find the followingnbsp;fossils: Discocyclinae, Dictyoconidae, Aliliolidae, Camrinae, Radiolaria andnbsp;sponge needles.

The road far to the South of Jaronu, in the large Serpentine area, was also surveyed by Dr. Tschopp. Sample T 1127 is a residuum of Serpentines.

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There is a rather extensive literature treating of the geology and paleontology of Cuba, but as far as our district is concerned, it is of little importance. C. W. Hayes, T. W. Vaughan and A. C. Spencer (118) gave a report of the geology of Cuba in 1901. The map of de Castro-Salterain has beennbsp;added to their description, but it is not in accordance with the text.

According to Hayes c.s. Serpentines which are thought to be of Paleozoic age are widespread in Camaguey and they also report fossiliferous Cretaceous limestones from this area. The map of de Castro and Salterainnbsp;is only of historic value.

A rather recent report on the geology of Cuba comes from J. Whitney Lewis (119). Although Lewis made his flying survey only 11 years ago, thenbsp;difference between his map and ours is astonishing. Serpentines, eo-oligocenenbsp;and miocene deposits are distributed in his map in a rather queer way.nbsp;According to Lewis, Cretaceous rocks are not found in our district.

Mario Sanchez Roig (122) mentions several Cretaceous Rudists from the central part of Cuba.

The work which was done in Eastern Camaguey and Santa Clara, respectively by Mac Gillavry (120), Thiadens (123) and M. G. Ruttennbsp;(121), has been of great value to us. They have given an extensive description of the several formations with their paleontological and petro-graphical features. Nearly all formations which were mentioned by themnbsp;are also found in our district, as the reader may already have noticed.

Bennett and Allison (116) in 1928 gave an extensive description of all weathering soils of Cuba.

Literature on Smaller Foraminifera.

1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Bermudez, P. J. : „Estudio micropalaeontologico de dos formaciones de las

cercanias de la Habana, Cuba.” Mem. Soc. Cub. Hist. Nat. vol. 11, no. 3, 1937, p.p. 153—180.

2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, : „Nuevas especies de foraminiferos del eoceno de las cercanias de Guanajay,

Province Pinar del Rio, Cuba.” Mem. Soc. Cub. Hist. Nat. vol. 11, no. 4, 1937, p.p. 237—247, pis. 20—21.

3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Bornemann, j. G. : „Die mikroskopische Fauna des Septharienthones von Herms-

dorf bei Berlin.” Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Gesell. vol. 7, 1855, p.p. 307—371, pis. 12—21.

4. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Brady, H. B. : „Report on the scientific results of the voyage of H. M. S. Challenger;

Zoology.” vol. IX, 1884, Text 814 p.p. with pis. 1—115.

Together with Thalmann, H. : „Nomenclator zu den Tafeln 1 bis 115 in H. B. Brady’s Werk fiber den Foraminiferen der Challenger-Expedition,nbsp;London 1884.” Ed. Geol. Helv. vol. 25, 1932, p.p. 293—312 and vol. 26,nbsp;1933, p.p. 251—255.

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5. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Carsey, D. O. : „The Foraminifera of the Cretaceous of Central Texas.” Univ. of

Texas Bull. no. 2612, 1926, text with pis. 1—8.

6. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Chapman, F. : „Micro^oa from the phosphatic chalk of Taplow.”

Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. 48, 1892, p.p. 514—518, pi. 15.

7. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Cole, W. S. : „A foraminiferal Fauna from the Guayabal-formation in Mexico.”

Bull. Am. Pal. vol. 14, no. 51, 1927, p.p. 3—36, pis. 1—5.

8. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;- and Gillespie, R. : „Some small Foraminifera from the Meson formation of

Mexico.” Bull. Am. Pal. vol. 15, no. 57 B, 1930, p.p. 1—15, pis. 1—4.

9. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Coryell, H. N. and Embich, J. R. : „The Tranquilla shale (Upper Eocene) of Panama

and its foraminiferal Fauna.” Journ. of Pal. vol. 11, 1937, p.p. 289—305, pis. 41—43.

10. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Cushman, J. A. : „Some new Foraminifera from the Velasco shale of Mexico.” Contr.

Cushm. Lab. For. Res. vol. 1, pt. 1, 1925, p.p. 18—22, pi. 3.

11. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, : „Eocene Foraminifera from the Cocoa sands of Alabama.” Contr. Cushm.

Lab. For. Res. vol. 1, pt. 3, 1925, p.p. 66—68, pi. 10.

12. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, : „Some Foraminifera from the Mendez shale of Eastern Mexico.” Contr.

Cushm. Lab. For. Res. vol. 2, pt. 1, 1926, p.p. 16—27, pis. 2—3.

13. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, : „New and interesting Foraminifera from Mexico and Texas.” Contr. Cushm.

Lab. For. Res. vol. 3, pt. 2, 1927, p.p. 111—116, pi. 23.

14. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, : „On. Quinqueloculina seminula (Linn.).” Contr. Cushm. Lab. For. Res. vol. 5,

pt. 3, 1929, p.p. 59—60, pi. 9.

15. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, : ,,A late Tertiary Fauna of Venezuela and other related regions.” Contr.

Cushm. Lab. For. Res. vol. 5, pt. 4, 1929, p.p. 77—105, pis. 12—15.

16. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, : „Notes on Upper Cretaceous species of Vaginulina, Flabellina and Frondicularia

from Texas and Arkansas.” Contr. Cushm. Lab. For. Res. vol. 6, pt. 2, 1930, p.p. 25—38, pis. 4—5.

17. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;---, : The microspheric and megalospheric forms of Valvulina oviedoiana d’Orb.”

Contr. Cushm. Lab. For. Res. vol. 7, pt. 1, 1931, p.p. 17—20, pi. 3.

18. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, : „Cretaceous Foraminifera from Antigua (Br. W. 1.).” Contr. Cushm. Lab.

For. Res. vol. 7, pt. 2, 1931, p.p. 33—46, pis. 5—6.

19. --, : „The genus Valvulina and its species.” Contr. Cushm. Lab. For. Res. vol. 8,

pt. 4, 1932, p.p. 75—86, pi. 10.

20. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, : „Textularia and related forms from the Cretaceous.” Contr. Cushm. Lab.

For. Res. vol. 8, pt. 4, 1932, p.p. 86—97, pi. 11.

21. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, ; „New Foraminifera from the Upper Jackson Eocene of the Southeastern

Coastal Plain region of the U.S.A.” Contr. Cushm. Lab. For. Res. vol. 9, pt. 1, 1933, p.p. 1—21, pis. 1—2.

22. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, : „New American Cretaceous Foraminifera.” Contr. Cushm. Lab. For. Res. vol.

9, pt. 3, 1933, p.p. 49—64, pis. 5—6.

23. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, : „Cretaceous Foraminifera of the family Chilostomellidae.” Contr. Cush. Lab.

For. Res. vol. 12, pt. 4, 1936, p.p. 71—78, pi. 13.

24. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, : „Some notes on Cretaceous species of Marginulina.” Contr. Cushm. Lab.

For. Res. vol. 13, pt. 4, 1937, p.p. 91—99, pis. 13—14.

25. --, : „Cretaceous species of Giimhelina and related genera.” Contr. Cushm. Lab.

For. Res. vol. 14, pt. 1, 1938, p.p. 2—28, pis. 1—4.

26. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, : „Additional new species of American Cretaceous Foraminifera.” Contr. Cushm.

Lab. For. Res. vol. 14, pt. 2, 1938, p.p. 31—50, pis. 5—8.

27. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, : „Eocene Foraminifera from submarine cores of the East coast of North-

America.” Contr. Cushm. Lab. For. Res. vol. 15, pt. 3, 1939, p.p. 49—76, pis. 9—12.

28. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, : „New American Cretaceous Foraminifera.” Contr. Cushm. Lab. For. Res.

vol. 15, pt. 4, 1939, p.p. 89—93, pi. 16.

29. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, : ,,A monograph of the foraminiferal family Verneuilinidae.” Contr. Cushm.

Lab. For. Res. Spec. Publ. no. 7, 1937, text 148 p.p., pis. 1—20.

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30. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, : „A monograph of the foraminiferal family Valvulinidae.” Contr. Cushm.

Lab. For. Res. Spec. Publ. no. 8, 1937, text 197 p.p., pis. 1—24.

31. --, : „A monograph of the foraminiferal subfamily Virgulmidae.” Contr. Cushm.

Lab. For. Res. Spec. Publ. no. 9, 1937.

32. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;——, : „A monograph of the foraminiferal family Nonionidae.” U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof.

Paper 191, 1939, p.p. 1—69, pis. 1—20.

33. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, : „Upper Eocene Foraminifera of the Southeastern United States.” U.S. Geol.

Surv. Prof. Pap. 181, 1935, p.p. 1—60, pis. 1—23.

34. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, : „Some Miocene and Pliocene Foraminifera of the Coastal Plain of the U.S. A.”

Bull. U.S. Geol. Surv. 676, 1918, p.p. 1—100, pis. 1—31.

35. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, : ,,A monograph of the Foraminifera of the North Pacific Ocean.” U.S. Nat.

Mus. Bull. 71, 1910, Text with plates.

36. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, : „The Foraminifera of the Atlantic Ocean.” U.S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 104—105,

1923. Text with plates.

37. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, : „The Foraminifera of the Velasco shale of the Tampico-embayment.” Bull.

Am. Ass. Petr. Geol. vol. 10, 1926, p.p. 581—612, pis. 15—21.

38. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, : „Some characteristic Mexican fossil Foraminifera.” Journ. of Pal. vol. 1, no. 2,

1927, p.p. 147—172, pis. 23—28.

39. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, : „The American Cretaceous Foraminifera figured by Ehrenberg.” Journ. of

Pal. vol. 1, no. 3, 1927, p.p. 213—217, pis. 34—36.

40. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, : „Foraminifera of the Saratoga Chalk.” Journ. of Pal. vol. 5, 1931, p.p. 297—

328, pis. 34—36.

41. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, : „The Foraminifera of the Annona Chalk.” Journ. of Pal. vol. 6, 1932, p.p.

330—345, pis. 50—51.

42. --and Alexander, C. I. : „Some Vaginulinas and other Foraminifera from the

Lower Cretaceous of Texas.” Contr. Cushm. Lab. For. Res. vol. 6, pt. 1, 1930, p.p. 1—10, pis. 1—2.

43. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;- and Bermudez, P. J.: „Further new species of Foraminifera from the Eocene

of Cuba.” Contr. Cushm. Lab. For. Res. vol. 13, pt. 1, 1937, p.p. 1—29, pis. 1—3.

44. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;- and Church, C. C. : „Some Upper Cretaceous Foraminifera from near Coalinga,

California.” Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci. ser. 4, vol. 18, 1929, p.p. 497—530, pis. 36—41.

45. --and Jarvis, P. W. : „Cretaceous Foraminifera from Trinidad.” Contr. Cushm.

Lab. For. Res. vol. 4, pt. 4, 1928, p.p. 85—103, pis. 12—14.

46. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;- and Jarvis, P. W. : „Upper Cretaceous Foraminifera from Trinidad.” Proc.

U.S. Nat. Mus. vol. 80, art. 14, 1931, p.p. 1—60, pis. 1—16.

47. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;- and Jarvis, P. W. : „Miocene Foraminifera from Buff Bay, Jamaica.” Journ.

of Pal. vol. 4, no. 4, 1930, p.p. 353—368, pis. 32—34.

48. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;- and Ozawa, Y. : „A monograph of the foraminiferal family Polymorphinidae,

recent and fossil.” Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. vol. 77, art. 6, 1930, p.p. 1—145, pis. 1—40.

49. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;- and Parker, F. A. : „Miocene Foraminifera from the Temblor of the East

side of the San Joaquin Valley, California.” Contr. Cushm. Lab. For. Res. vol. 7, pt. 1, 1931, p.p. 1—16, pis. 1—2.

50. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;- and Ponton, G. M. : „An Eocene foraminiferal Fauna of Wilcox age from

Alabama.” Contr. Cushm. Lab. For. Res. vol. 8, pt. 3, 1932, p.p. 51—12, pis. 7—9.

51. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Egger, J. G. : „Foraminiferen aus Meeresgrundproben, gelothet von 1871 bis 1876.”

Abh. kön. bay. Ak. Wiss. München Cl. II, vol. 21, 1899, p.p. 195—458, pis. 1—21.

52. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ehrenberg, C. G. : „Verbreitung und Einfluss des mikroskopischen Lebens in

Süd- und Nord-Amerika.” Abh. kön. preuss. Ak. Wiss. 1838. Text with 4 plates.

-ocr page 99-



53. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ellis, A. D. : „Significant Foraminifera from the Chickasawhay beds of Wayne County,

Mississippi.” Journ. of Pal. vol. 13, 1939, p.p. 423—^24, pi. 48.

54. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Franke, A. : „Die Foraminiferen der Pommerschen Kreide.” Abb. geol. pal. Inst.

der Univ. Greifswald VI, 1925, p.p. 1—96, pis. 1—-8.

55. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, : „Die Foraminiferen der Oberen Kreide Nord- und Mitteldeutschlands.”

Abh. der preuss. geol. Landesanst. 1928, Heft 111, p.p. 1—207, pis. 1—18.

56. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Galloway, J. J. and Morrey, M. : „Late Cretaceous Foraminifera from Tabasco,

Mexico.” Journ. of Pal. vol. 5, 1931, p.p. 329—354, pis. 37—40.

57. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;GÜMBEL, C. W. : „Beitrage zur Foraminiferenfauna der nordalpinen Eocangebilde.”

Abh. k. bayer. Ak. der Wiss. math.-phys. Classe X, 1870, p.p. 582—738, pis. 1—4.

58. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Hadley, W. H. : „Some Tertiary Foraminifera from the North Coast of Cuba.”

Bull. Am. Pal. vol. 20, 70 A, 1934, p.p. 3—40 (107—144), pis. 1—5 (12—16).

59. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Hedberg, H. D. : „Foraminifera of the Middle Tertiary Carapita formation of North-

Eastern Venezuela.” Journ. of Pal. vol. 11, 1937, p.p. 661—697, pis. 90—92.

60. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Karrer, F. : „Die Miocene Foraminiferenfauna von Kostej in Banat.” Sitz. Ber.

Akad. Wiss. Wien, Bd. 58, 1868, p.p. Ill—193, pis. 1—5.

61. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Matthes, H. W. : „Die Lagenen des deutschen Tertiairs.” Palaeontographica Bd. 90,

Abth. A, 1939, p.p. 49—108, pis. 3—8.

62. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Morrow, A. L. : „Foraminifera and Ostracoda from the Upper Cretaceous of Kansas.”

Journ. of Pal. vol. 8, 1934, p.p. 186—205, pis. 29—31.

63. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Neugeboren, J. L. ; „Die Foraminiferen aus der Ordnung der Stichostegiër.” Denk-

schr. Ak. Wiss. Wien, 1856, vol. 12, pt. 2, p.p. 65—108, pis. 1—5.

64. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Nuttall, W. L. F. : „Lower Oligocene Foraminifera from Mexico.” Journ. of Pal.

vol. 6, 1932, p.p. 3—35, pis. 1—9.

65. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, : „Eocene Foraminifera iiom Mexico.” Journ. of Pal. vol. 4,1930, p.p. 271-—293,

pis. 23—25.

66. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, : „Tertiary Foraminifera from the Naparima-region of Trinidad (Br. W. I.).”

Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, vol. 84, 1928, p.p. 57—115, pis. 3—8.

67. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;d’Orbigny, a. : „In ,,de la Sagra” Histoire Physique, Politique et Naturelle de Cuba.”

Foraminifères 1839, p.p. 1—224, pis. 1—12.

68. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, : „Foraminifères fossiles du bassin tertiaire de Vienne (Autriche).” 1846,

p.p. 1—132, pis. 1—21.

69. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Palmer, D. K. : „Some large fossil Foraminifera from Cuba.” Mem. Soc. Cub. Hist.

Nat. vol. 8, 1934, p.p. 235—264, pis. 12—16.

70. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;- and Bermudez, P. J. : „An Oligocene foraminiferal fauna from Cuba.” Mem.

Soc. Cub. Hist. Nat. vol. 10, 1936, p.p. 227—316, pis. 13—20.

71. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Plummer, H. J. : „Foraminifera of the Midway formation in Texas.” Univ. Texas

Bull. no. 2644, 1926, text with 15 plates.

72. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Reuss, A. E. : „Die Foraminiferen-Familie der Lageniden.” Sitz. Ber. Ak. Wiss.

Wien, Bd. 46, 1862, p.p. 308—340, pis. 1—7.

73. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, : ,,Ein Beitrag zur genaueren Kenntnis der Kreidegebildes Mecklenburgs.”

Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Gesell. vol. 7, 1855, p.p. 261—291, pis. 8—11.

74. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, : „Die Foraminiferen, Anthozoën und Bryozoën des deutschen Septarientho-

nes.” Denkschr. der Math.-Naturw. Classe d. kais. Ak. Wiss. Wien, Bd. 25, 1865, p.p. 1—98, pis. 1—11.

75. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, : „Die Foraminiferen des norddeutschen Hils und Gault.” Sitz. Ber. Ak.

Wiss. Wien, math.-naturw. Classe, Bd. 46, 1862, p.p. 5—100, pis. 1—13.

76. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, : „Uber die fossilen Foraminiferen und Entomostraceeën der Septharienthone

der Umgegend von Berlin.” Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Gesell. vol. 3, 1851, p.p. 49—92, pis. 3—7.

77. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, : „Die Foraminiferen der Westphalischen Kreideformation.” Sitz. Ber. Ak.

Wiss. Wien, Bd. 40, 1860, p.p. 147—238, pis. 1—13.

-ocr page 100-



78. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, : „Die Versteinerungen der Böhmischen Kreideformation.” Ie Abth., 1845,

p.p. 25—40, pis. 8, 12, 13.

79. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Sandidge, R. J. : „Foraminifera from the Ripley-formation of Western Alabama.”

Journ. of Pal. vol. 6, 1932, p.p. 265—287, pis. 41—44.

80. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ScHWAGER, C. : „Fossile Foraminiferen von Kar Nikobar.” Novara-Expedition,

Geol. Theil, Bd. 2, 2e Abth., 1866, p.p. 187—268, pis. 4—7.

81. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ScHLiCHT, E. von: „Die Foraminiferen des Septarienthones von Pietzpuhl.” 1870,

p.p. 1—98, pis. 1—38.

- and Reuss, A. E. : „Die Foraminiferen des Septarienthones von Pietzpuhl.”

Sitz. Ber. Ak. Wiss. Wien, math.-naturw. Classe, Bd. 62, Ie Abth., 1870, p.p. 455—493.

82. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Terquem, M. : „Les Foraminifères de l’Éocène des environs de Paris.” Mem. Soc.

Géol. France, série 3, tome 2, 1882, p.p. 1—193, pis. 1—20.

83. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Thalmann, H. e. : „Mitteilungen über Foraminiferen IV. Bemerkung zur Frage

des Vorkommens kretazischer Nummuliten.” Ecl. Geol. Helv. vol. 31, 1938, p.p. 327—332.

84. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Voorwijk, H. G. : „Foraminifera from the Upper Cretaceous of Habana, Cuba.”

Proc. Kon. Ak. Wetensch. A’dam, vol. 40, 1937, p.p. 190—198, pis. 1—3.

85. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Wedekind, R. : „Die papillaten Flabellinen der Kreide und die Stufengliederung

des Senons.” N. Jahrbuch Bd. 84, 1940, p.p. 177—204, with 11 textfigs.

86. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;White, M. P. : „Some index Foraminifera of the Tampico-embayment area of Mexico.”

Journ. of Pal. vol. 2, 1928, p.p. 177—215, pis. 27—29 and p.p. 280—317, pis. 38—42.

87. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, : „Some index Foraminifera of the Tampico-embayment area of Mexico.”

Journ. of Pal. vol. 3, 1929, p.p. 30—58, pis. 4—5.

Literature on Larger Foraminifera.

88. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Barker, R. W. : Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. vol. 86, 1939, no. 3052, p. 326, pis. 20—22.

89. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Douvillé, H. : „Révision des Orbitoides.” Soc. Géol. France, Bull, série 4, vol. 20,

1920, p.p. 220—226, pl. 8.

90. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, : „Lepidorhitoides minimaP C. R. Soc. Géol. France, février 21, 1927, p. 34.

91. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ellis, B. F. : „Gallowajina hrowni, a new genus and species of orbitoid from Cuba.”

Am. Mus. Novitates, no. 568, 1932, p.p. 1—8 with 9 fig.

92. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Gravell, D. W. : „The genus Orbitoides in America with description of a new

species from Cuba.” Journ. of Pal. vol. 4, 1930, p.p. 268—270, pl. 22.

93. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Hodson, H. K. : „Foraminifera from Venezuela and Trinidad.” Bull. Am. Pal. vol.

12, no. 47, p.p. 1—46, pis. 1—8.

94. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Palmer, D. K. : „The Upper Cretaceous age of the orbitoidal genus Gallowajina

EllisF Journ. of Pal. vol. 8, 1934, p.p. 68—70.

95. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, : Some large fossil Foraminifera from Cuba.” Mem. Soc. Cub. Hist. Nat.

vol. 8, 1934, p.p. 238—264, pis. 12—16.

96. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Rutten, M. G. : „Large Foraminifera of Northern Santa Clara province, Cuba.”

Journ. of Pal. vol. 9, 1935, p.p. 527—545, pis. 59—62.

97. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, : „Orbitocjclina Vaughan, a synonym of Lepidorbitoides Silvestri.” Kon.

Akad. Wetensch. A’dam, Proc. vol. 38, 1935, no. 2, p.p. 186—187.

98. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ScHLUMBERGER, Ch. : „Première note sur les Orbitoides.” Soc. Géol. France, Bull.

série 4, tome 1, 1901, p.p. 459—467, pis. 7—9.

99. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Thalmann, H. E. : „Mitteilungen fiber Foraminiferen IV. Bemerkungen zur Frage

des Vorkommens kretazischer Nummuliten.” Ecl. Geol. Helv. vol. 31, 1938, p.p. 329—333.

100. Thiadens, a. a. : „Cretaceous and Tertiary Foraminifera from Southern Santanbsp;Clara province, Cuba.” Journ. of Pal. vol. 11, 1937, p.p. 91—109, pis. 15—19.

-ocr page 101-



101. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Vaughan, T. W. : ,,Species of Orhitocyclina, a genus of American orbitoid Foramini-

feraitom the Upper Cretaceous of Mexico and Louisiana.” Journ. of Pal. vol. 3, 1929, p.p. 170—175, pi. 22.

102. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, : „A note on Orhitoides browni (Ellis) Vaughan.” Journ. of Pal. vol. 8, 1934,

p.p. 70—72.

Literature on Rudistids.

103. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Boissevain, H. and Mac Gillavry, H. J. : „Some remarks on Barrettia sparcilirata

Whitfield etc.” Proc. Kon. Ak. Wetensch. A’dam, vol. 35, no. 10, 1932, p.p. 1303—1312, 6 text fig.

104. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Mac Gillavry, H. J. : „Geology of the Province of Camaguey, Cuba, with revisional

studies in Rudist palaeontology.” Geol. Geogr. Med. no. 14, 1937, text with plates.

105. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Palmer, R. H. : „Nuevos Rudistos de Cuba.” Rev. de Agric., Habana, vol. 14, 1933,

p.p. 95—125.

106. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Thiadens, a. a. : „Geology of the Southern part of the Province Santa Clara,

Cuba.” Geol. Geogr. Med. no. 12, 1937, text with plates.

107. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Trechmann, C. T. : „The Cretaceous limestones of Jamaica and their MolluscaF

Geol. Mag. vol. 61, 1924, p.p. 385—410.

108. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Whitfield, R. P. : „Description of species of Rudistae from the Cretaceous Rocks

of Jamaica.” Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. vol. 9, 1897, p.p. 185—196.

109. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, : „Observations on the genus Barettia Woodward with descriptions of two

new species.” Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. vol. 9, art. 20, 1897.

Literature on Lamellibranchiata and Gastropoda.

110. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Adkins, W. S. : „Handbook of Texas Cretaceous fossils.” Univ. Texas Bull. no. 2838,

1928, 385 p.p. with plates.

111. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, and WiNTON, W. M. : „Paleontological Correlation of the Fredericksburg

and Washita Formations in Texas.” Univ. Texas Bull. no. 1945, 1919, 124 p.p. with plates.

112. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Bose, E. : „Monografia geologica y palaeontologica del Cerro de Muleros cerca

de ciudad Juarez, Estado de Chihuahua etc.” Instituto Geológico de Mexico, 1910. Text with plates.

113. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Deshayes, G. P. ; „Description de coquilles fossiles des environs de Paris, tome

premier.” 1824, text with plates.

114. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Roemer, F. : „Die Kreidebildungen von Texas und ihre organische Einschliisse.”

Bonn, 1852.

115. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Shattuck, G. B. : „The mollusca of the Buda Limestone.” U.S. Geol. Surv. Bull.

205, 1903.

General Literature.

116. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Bennett, H. H. and Allison, R. V.: „The soils of Cuba.” Washington 1928,

Tropical Plants Research Foundation, XXIV, text with 2 maps.

117. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-, ; „Some new Cuban soils.” A Supplement to the „Soils of Cuba.” Tropical

Plants Research Foundation. Washington, 1932. Scient. Contr. no. 2, p.p. 64.

118. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Hayes, C. W., Vaughan, T. W. and Spencer, A. C.: „Report on a geological

reconnaissance of Cuba, made under the direction of General Leonard Wood. ” In Civel Report of Brig.-Gen. Leonard Wood, military governor of Cuba,nbsp;for the period from January 1 to December 31, vol. 1, 123 p.p.

-ocr page 102-



119. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Lewis, J. W. : „Geology of Cuba.” Bull. Am. Ass. Petr. Geol. vol. 16, 1932, p.p.


120. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Mac Gillavry, H. J. : „Geology of the Province of Camaguey, Cuba with Revis-

ional studies in Rudist Paleontology.” 1937. Geogr. en Geol. Med., Utrecht, no. 14.

120a. Palmer, R. H. : „Geology of Habana, Cuba, and vicinity.” 1934. Journ. Geol. vol. 42, p.p. 123—145.

121. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Rutten, M. G. : „Geology of the Northern Part of the Province Santa Clara, Cuba.”

Geogr. en Geol. Med., Utrecht, no. 11.

122. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Sanchez Roig, M. ; „La Fauna Cretacica de la Region Central de Cuba.” Mem. Soc.

Cub. Hist. Nat. vol. 7, p.p. 83—102.

123. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Thiadens, a. a. : „Geology of the Southern Part of the Province Santa Clara,

Cuba.” Geogr. en Geol, Med., Utrecht, no. 12.

124. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Vermunt, L. W. J. : „Geology of the Province of Pinar del Rio, Cuba.” Geogr.

en Geol. Med., Utrecht, no. 13.

-ocr page 103- -ocr page 104- -ocr page 105-


Plate I.

All figures on plate I are of Upper Cretaceous species.

Gaudrjina cretacea (Karrer), front view X 35.

Gaudrjina cretacea (Karrer), apertural view X 105.

Pseudoclavulina camaguejensis van Wessem nov. sp., front view X 35. Pseudoclavulina camaguejensis van Wessem nov. sp., apertural view X 85.nbsp;Textulariella sp. Xnbsp;Dorothia nov. sp., side view X 22.

Dorothia nov. sp., front view X 22.

Dorothia sp., side view X 22.

Dorothia sp., apertural view X 55.

Rohulus excisus (Bornemann), side view X 35.

Robulus excisus (Bornemann), apertural view X 35.

Rohulus stephensoni Cushman, side view X 50.

Rohulus stephensoni Cushman, apertural view X 50.

Robulus sp., side view X 10.

Robulus sp., apertural view X 10.

Renticulina nuda (Reuss), side view X 22.

Renticulina nuda (Reuss), apertural view X 22.

Ringulina arteagai van Wessem nov. sp., front view X 22.

Ringulina arteagai van Wessem nov. sp., apertural view X 22.

Flahellina interpunctata von der Marck X 22.

Frondicularia gracilis Franke, front view X 27.

Frondicularia gracilis Franke, side view X 27.

Marginulina sp. X 22.

Saracenaria proximocostata van Wessem nov. sp., side view X 60. Saracenaria proximocostata van Wessem nov. sp., apertural view X 60.nbsp;Nodosaria concinna Reuss X 22.

Sulcoperculina dickersoni (Palmer), front view X 10.

Sulcoperculina dickersoni (Palmer), side view X 15.

Giimhelina costulata Cushman, front view X 70.

Giimbelina costulata Cushman, side view X 70.

Giimhelina globulosa (Ehrenberg), front view X 70.

Giimhelina globulosa (Ehrenberg), side view X 70.

Giimbelina moremani Cushman, front view X 60.

Giimhelina moremani Cushman, side view X 60.

Giimhelina nuttalli Voorwijk, front view X 60.

Giimhelina nuttalli Voorwijk, side view X 60.

Giimhelina plummerae Loetterle, front view X 60.

Giimhelina plummerae Loetterle, side view X 60.

Giimhelina striata (Ehrenberg), front view X 60.

Giimhelina striata (Ehrenberg), side view X 60.

Ventilahrella carsejae Plummer, front view X 50.

Ventilahrella carsejae Plummer, side view X 50.

Ventilahrella decurrens (Chapman), front view X 50.

Ventilahrella decurrens (Chapman), side view X 50.

Eouvigerina lohatula van Wessem nov. sp. X 50.

Bolivina incrassata Reuss X 22.

Bolivina primatumida White X 55.

Nodosarella morrowi van Wessem X 22.

Valvulineria nov. sp., ventral view X 50.

Valvulineria nov. sp., dorsal view X 50.

Valvulineria nov. sp., side view X 50.

Pullenia nov. sp., side view X 50.

Pullenia nov. sp., apertural view X 50.

Glohotruncana area (Cushman) var. contusa Cushman, ventr. v. X 16. Glohotruncana area (Cushman) var. contusa Cushman, dorsal view X 16nbsp;Glohotruncana area (Cushman) var. contusa Cushman, side view X 16.nbsp;Glohotruncana nov. sp., ventral view X 60.










Fig. 10. Fig. 11.nbsp;Fig. 12.nbsp;Fig. 13.nbsp;Fig. 14.nbsp;Fig. 15.nbsp;Fig. 16.nbsp;Fig. 17.nbsp;Fig. 18.nbsp;Fig. 19.nbsp;Fig. 20.nbsp;Fig. 21.nbsp;Fig. 22.nbsp;Fig. 23.nbsp;Fig. 24.nbsp;Fig. 25.nbsp;Fig. 26.nbsp;Fig. 27.nbsp;Fig. 28.nbsp;Fig. 29.nbsp;Fig. 30.nbsp;Fig. 31.nbsp;Fig. 32.nbsp;Fig. 33.nbsp;Fig. 34.nbsp;Fig. 35.nbsp;Fig. 36.nbsp;Fig. 37.nbsp;Fig. 38.nbsp;Fig. 39.nbsp;Fig. 40.nbsp;Fig. 41.nbsp;Fig. 42.nbsp;Fig. 43.nbsp;Fig. 44.nbsp;Fig. 45.nbsp;Fig. 46.nbsp;Fig. 47.nbsp;Fig. 48.nbsp;Fig. 49.nbsp;Fig. 50.nbsp;Fig. 51.nbsp;Fig. 52.nbsp;Fig. 53.nbsp;Fig. 54.nbsp;Fig. 55.nbsp;Fig. 56.nbsp;Fig. 57.

-ocr page 106-


Plate II.

-23 and

The nos 1—19 and 32—34 are from the Upper Cretaceous; the nos. 20-35—37 from the Upper Eocene; the nos. 24—31 from the Oligo-Miocene.











































































Glohotrmcana nov. sp., dorsal view X 50.

Globotrmcana nov. sp., side view X 50.

Glohorotalia nov. sp., ventral view X 50.

Globorotalia nov. sp., dorsal view X 50.

Anomalina avilensis van Wessem nov. sp., ventral view X 22. Anomalina avilensis van Wessem nov. sp., dorsal view X 22.nbsp;Anomalina avilensis van Wessem nov. sp., side view X 22.

Anomalina ? ornata (Costa), ventral view X 22.

Anomalina ? ornata (Costa), dorsal view X 22.

Anomalina ? ornata (Costa), side view X 22.

Anomalina polyrraphes (Reuss), ventral view X 50.

Anomalina polyrraphes (Reuss), dorsal view X 50.

Anomalina polyrraphes (Reuss), side view X 50.

Gihicides arteagai van Wessem nov. sp., ventral view X 50.

Gihicides arteagai van Wessem nov. sp., dorsal view X 50.

Gihicides arteagai van Wessem nov. sp., side view X 50.

Gihicides camagueyensis van Wessem nov. sp., ventral view X 50. Gihicides camagueyensis van Wessem nov. sp., dorsal view X 50.nbsp;Gihicides camagueyensis van Wessem nov. sp., side view X 50.nbsp;Ellipsonodosaria sp. X 30.

Pulvinulinella camagueyensis van Wessem nov. sp., ventral view X 22. Pulvinulinella camagueyensis van Wessem nov. sp., dorsal view X 22.nbsp;Pulvinulinella camagueyensis van Wessem nov. sp., side view X 22.nbsp;Verneuilina nov. sp., side view X 22.

Verneuilina nov. sp., apertural view X 22.

Nonion cubense van Wessem nov. sp., side view X 52.

Nonion cubense van WessIem nov. sp., apertural view X 52.

Elphidium sp. I, side view X 55.

Elphidium sp. I, apertural view X 55.

Elphidium sp. II, side view X 50.

Elphidium sp. II, apertural view X 50.

Lepidorbitoides estrellae van Wessem nov. sp., external view X 22. Lepidorhitoides tschoppi van Wessem nov. sp., external view X 16.nbsp;Orbitoides browni (Ellis), external view X 6.

Camerina pellatispiroides Barker, external view X 9.

Pellatispirella bermude^i (Palmer), external view X ¦lO.

Pellatispirella hermude^i (Palmer), partly ground off X 10.

-ocr page 107- -ocr page 108-


-ocr page 109-


Plate III.

-11 and

The nos. 1—7 and 12—24 are from the Upper Cretaceous ; the nos. 8-26—27 from the Upper Eocene; no. 25 from the Oligo-Miocene.

Fig. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;? Arcbaias sp. X 22.

Fig. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;2.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Praerhapjdioninanbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;cuhananbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;vannbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Wessemnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nov. gen. nov. sp., vertical sectionnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;X 22.

Fig. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;3.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Praerhapjdioninanbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;cuhananbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;vannbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Wessemnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nov. gen. nov. sp., vertical sectionnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;X 22.

Fig. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;4.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Praerhapjdioninanbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;cuhananbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;VANnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Wessemnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nov. gen. nov. sp., vertical sectionnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;X 22.

Fig. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;5.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Praerhapjdioninanbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;cuhananbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;vannbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Wessemnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nov. gen. nov. sp., cross section Xnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;22.

Fig. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;6.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Praerhapjdioninanbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;cuhananbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;vannbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Wessemnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nov. gen. nov. sp., cross section Xnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;22.

Fig. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;7.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Praerhapjdioninanbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;cuhananbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;vannbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Wessemnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nov. gen. nov. sp., cross section Xnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;22.

Fig. 8. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Camerina pellatispiroidesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Barker, hor.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;sectionnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Xnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;15.

Fig. 9. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Camerina pellatispiroidesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Barker, vert,nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;sectionnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Xnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;15.

Fig. 10. Pellatispirella hermudes(i (Palmer), hor. section X 10.

Fig. 11. Pellatispirella hermude^i (Palmer), vert, section X 8.



Fig. 12. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Lepidorhitoidesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;estrellaenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;vannbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Wessemnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nov.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;sp.,nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;hor.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;sectionnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;X

Fig. 13. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Lepidorhitoidesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;estrellaenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;vannbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Wessemnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nov.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;sp.,nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;vert,nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;sectionnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;X

Fig. 14. Lepidorhitoides minima Douville, vert, section X 18.

Fig. 15. Lepidorhitoides minor (Schlumberger), hor. section X 10.

Fig. 16. Lepidorhitoides nortoni (Vaughan), hor. section X 10.



Fig. 17. Lepidorhitoides palmeri Thiadens, hor. section X 10.

Fig. 18. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Lepidorhitoidesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;tschoppinbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;vannbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Wessemnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nov.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;sp.,nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;hor.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;sectionnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;X

Fig. 19. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Lepidorhitoidesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;tschoppinbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;vannbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Wessemnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nov.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;sp.,nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;vert,nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;sectionnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;X

Fig. 20. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Lepidorhitoides sp., hor.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;section X

Fig. 21. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Orhitoides hrowni (Ellis), hor. sectionnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;x 10.

Fig. 22. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Orhitoides hrowni'nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;vert, sectionnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;X 10.

Fig. 23. Orhitoides palmeri Gravell, hor. section X 12.

Fig. 24. Orhitoides palmeri Gravell, vert, section X 18.

Fig. 25. Miogypsina hawkinsi Hodson, hor. section X 10.

Fig. 26. Dtscocjclina sp. A, hor. section X 10.

Fig. 27. Discocjclina sp. B, hor. section X 10.

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Voor zoover denudatieniveau’s van beperkte oppervlakte in een gebied niet kennelijk de resten van een schiervlaktenbsp;vormen, mogen zij niet gebruikt worden als basis voornbsp;tectonische beschouwingen.


Ten onrechte heeft men tot nu toe bij de beschouwingen omtrent de oorspronkelijke samenstelling der aarde geennbsp;rekening gehouden met de radioactieve omzetting van K 40nbsp;in Ca 40.


De opvatting van Kuhn en Rittmann over de samenstelling van de aardkern is waarschijnlijk onjuist. Een uit vrijwel onveranderde „zonnematerie” bestaande aardkern isnbsp;met het gemiddelde soortelijk gewicht der aarde niet irnbsp;overeenstemming.

W. Kühn und A. Rittmann : „Uebet den Zustand des Erdinnern und seine Entstehxing aus einetn homogenen Urzustand.”nbsp;Geol. Rundschau, Bd. 32, H. 3, 1941.


Wanneer men in de toekomst in Noord-\merika, Zuid-Amerika, Europa en Afrika over nauwkeurige lengte- en breedtegraadsbepalingen beschikt zal men zijn oordeel kunnennbsp;uitspreken over de vraag of de door Dreher, op grond vannbsp;recente loodingen, aangeno* horizontale verschuivingennbsp;onder den Atlantischen ^nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;berusten op verschillen in

snelheid, waarmee d^ nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;n zich verplaatsen.

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Frank heeft aangetoond, dat in de Zuid-Duitsche en kalk-alpine Trias synchrone lijnen de facieslijnen scheef snijden.

M. Frank: „Der Faziescharakter der Schtcbtgrenzen der süd-deutschen und kalkalpinen Trias.’’

Zentralblatt f. Min., Geol. und Pal. Abt. B, 1936. *


Het ontstaan van „perdigon” (boonerts) op Cuba is hoogstwaarschijnlijk een gevolg van typisch klimatologische factoren. De ondergrond is hierbij van weinig belang.


De ellipsvormige bassins in de kuststrook van Zuid-Carolina zijn hoogstwaarschijnlijk ontstaan door inslag van meteorietennbsp;en niet het gevolg van de werking van den wind, zooals Cookenbsp;aanneemt.

C. Wythe Cooke: „Discussion of the origin of the supposed meteorite scars of South-Carolina”. Joum. of Geol. vol. 42,nbsp;1934.


Wanneer men het veelvuldig voorkomen van kalium-mineralen in de aardkorst in aanmerking neemt, komt de door K 40 radioactief ontwikkelde warmte, vooral in het geologischnbsp;verleden, een even belangrijke, zoo niet belangrijker plaatsnbsp;toe als de door Uraan en Thorium ontwikkelde warmte.

W. Wahi,: „Die Bedeutung der Isotopenforschung für die Geologie,” Geol. Rundschau, Bd. 32, H. 4, 5, 1942.


De door Birot gegeven verklaring voor de waargenomen verschijnselen in het Ampollino-dal is in lijnrechte tegenspraaknbsp;met de door hem geteekende dwarsprofielen van dit dal.

P. Birot; ,,Réflexioos sur Ie problème des Piedmonttreppen.” Comptes Rendus du Congrès International de Géographienbsp;Amsterdam, tome 2, 1938.

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De sprongsgewijze afname in de snelheid der longitudinale en het geheel verdwijnen der transversale bevingsgolven opnbsp;ongeveer 2900 km diepte in de aarde berust niet op een stoffelijke discontinuiteit, doch is het gevolg van geleidelijk veranderende eigenschappen der materie.

W. Kuhn und A. Rittmann; Ueber den Zustand des Erdinnern und seine Entstehung aus einem homogenen Urzustand.”nbsp;Geol. Rundschau, Bd. 32, H. 3, 1941.


De beteekenis van de nuttige delfstoffen op zichzelf en de met hun geografische verspreiding samenhangende problemennbsp;hebben de laatste tientallen jaren dermate aan belangrijkheidnbsp;gewonnen, dat het invoeren van geologie als onderwijs vaknbsp;aan de middelbare scholen alleszins gerechtvaardigd zou zijn.

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