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Introdnction................................................................ 405
Historical review of opinion........................................ 403
Nature and extent of tlio Laramie group..................................... 433
Vegetation of the Laramie age.............................................. 436
Explanation of the table of distribution..................................... 440
Table of distribution of .Laramie, Senoniaii, and Eocene plants............... 443
Discussion of the table of distribution....................................... 515
Recent collections of fossil plants from the Laramie group.................... 536
Collections from the Lower Laramie strata................................... 537
Collections from the Eort Union group....... ............................... 542
List of species illustrated.................................................... 540
Illustrations................................................................ 559
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XXXI. Cryptogams and conifer®................................... 559
XXXII. Monocotyledons.............. 563
XXXIII. Dicotyledons........ ...................................... 567
XXXIV. Dicotyledons............................................... 571
XXXV. Dicotyledons.............................................. 575
XXXVI. Dicotyledons............................................... 579
XXXVII. Dicotyledons............................................... 583
XXXVIII. Dicotyledons............................................... 587
XXXIX. Dicotyledons................ 591
- XL. Dicotyledons...................-........................... 595
XLI. Dicotyledons.........................................-..... 599
XLII. Dicotyledons............................................... 603
XLIII. Dicotyledons........................................... ... nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;607
XLIV. Dicotyledons............................................... 611
XLV. Dicotyledons............................................... 615
XLVI. Dicotyledons............................................... 619
XLVII. Dicotyledons.............................................. 623
XLVIII. Dicotyledons.............................................'.. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;627
XLIX. Dicotyledons............................................... 631
L. Dicotyledons.............................................. 635
LI. Dicotyledons............................................... 639
LII. Dicotyledons .............................................. 643
LIII. Dicotyledons............................................... 645
LIV. Dicotyledons............ 649
LV. Dicotyledons............. 553
LVI. Dicotyledons............................................... 657
LVII. Dicotyledons............................................... 661
LVIII. Dicotyjedons............................................... 665
LIX. Dicotyledons............................................... 669
LX. Dicotyledons............................................... 673
LXI. Dicotyledons............................................... 677
LXII. Dicotyledons............................................... 681
LXIII. Dicotyledons............................................... 685
LXIV. Dicotyledons............................................... 689
LXV. Dicotyledons............................................... 693
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The object of this paper is twofold: first, to offer, as its title implies, a synopsis, or condensed account, of the flora of the Laramie group, as that formation is now understood; and, secondly, to give anbsp;few illustrations of this flora from new material or from material morenbsp;ample and abundant than has heretofore existed.
Mr. Leo Lesquereux, in his “Tertiary Flora,”' describes a large number of plants belonging to this group, but he here argues for thenbsp;Tertiary age of these plants and regards the group as Eocene; henbsp;therefore makes no attempt to keep them separate from those derivednbsp;from higher and still acknowledged Tertiary beds. In his last work,nbsp;on “ The Cretaceous and Tertiary Floras,”^ he attempts to introduce anbsp;“table of distribution” of the plants of the Laramie group, but in doingnbsp;so he fails to recognize the Fort Union forms as belonging to that group,nbsp;although the identity of the two groups had been admitted by Dr.nbsp;Hayden in his annual reports and was reasserted in his letter transmitting Mr. Lesquereux’s “ Tertiary Flora ” to the Secretary of the Interior for publication. He preferred to accept the view of Mr. Clarencenbsp;King (who admitted that he had not visited the Fort Union beds), asnbsp;expressed in his Eeport of the Geological Exploration of the Fortiethnbsp;Parallel, Volume I, pp. 353, 354, and which rested upon the determinations by Dr. Kewberry of certain vegetable remains of Miocene type.nbsp;Mr. King believed this formation to be equivalent to the White Eivernbsp;Miocene, and Dr. Eewberry referred all his Fort Union plants to thenbsp;Miocene. The only localities which he admits as constituting the jdantnbsp;beds of the Laramie group known at that date are those of Colorado,nbsp;the Eaton Mountains, Placière, Henry’s Pork, Barrel Springs, Fortnbsp;Ellis, Spring Cailon, Black Buttes, Point of Eocks, and Yellowstonenbsp;Lake. This excludes Carbon and Evanston, which I shall also embracenbsp;in the Laramie, and there are several other localities from which fossilnbsp;plants have been obtained that belong with little doubt to the samenbsp;great system.
* Contributions to the Fossil Flora of the Western Territories, Part II. The Tertiary Flora. By Leo Lesquereux. Eeport of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories, F. V. Hayden, United States geologist-in-charge. Vol. VII. Washington, 1878.
® Contributions to the Fossil Flora of the Western Territories, Part HI. The Cretaceous and Tertiary Floras. By Leo Lesquereux. Eeport of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories, F. V. Hayden, geologist-in-charge. Vol. VIII. Washington, 1883.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(405)
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The history of the Laramie group, as now understood, is a long one, and the literature is scattered through a series of reports in a mannernbsp;very perplexing to any one who desires to gain a comprehensive knowledge of it. From the circumstance that at nearly all places where itnbsp;has been recognized it consists to a greater or less extent of deposits ofnbsp;lignite or coal, this condition was for a time inseparably associatednbsp;with it to such an extent that there was a disposition to regard all thenbsp;lignitic deposits of the West as belonging to the same geologic formation ; but when this had been disproved by the discovery of extensivenbsp;beds of coal in the middle Cretaceous, the reaction against this viewnbsp;carried many too far, and resulted in the quite general belief that thenbsp;lignite beds of the Upper Missouri Eiver were of widely different agenbsp;from those of Colorado and Wyoming. Even Mr. King, who correlatednbsp;all the beds along the 40th parallel, and first gave them the name ofnbsp;“Laramie group,” still denied the identity of the Fort Union beds withnbsp;them, and as late as 1878 regarded these as Miocene and the equivalentnbsp;of those of the White Eiver. It is remarkable that he should have expressed such an opinion in so prominent a place as his final report (Ee-port of the Geological Survey of the Fortieth Parallel, Vol. I, p. 353),nbsp;while admitting that he had not personally examined this region.
The northern portion of the extensive area now embraced under the name Laramie group was the first to attract atiention. It was natural that the earliest transcontinental voyages should follow the largestnbsp;water-ways, and notwithstanding tne extremely slow development ofnbsp;the Upper Missouri Eiver region we find that its exploration was begunnbsp;in the first decade of the century by parties provided with appliancesnbsp;for scientific observation and has been continued at intervals evernbsp;since. Leaving the merely geographical aspects out of the account, wenbsp;find that the coal beds attracted the attention of Lewis and Clarke innbsp;1803 and of every subsequent expedition down to the epoch of truenbsp;geologic investigation, which dates from the commencement of thenbsp;protracted researches of Messrs. Meek and Hayden in the year 1854,nbsp;the earliest publications of which are contained in Volume VIII of thenbsp;Proceedings of the Philadelphia Academy of Sciences, 1856. The investigations of Harris and Audubon in 1844* added scarcely anythingnbsp;to the knowledge of the geological age of these regions. As muchnbsp;might be said of the explorations of Frémont, who observed the lignitenbsp;beds of Wyoming in 1842, and of the expedition of General Emorynbsp;who noted those of Eastern New Mexico in 1848. But the large collections brought by Hayden from Nebraska and the Upper Missouri andnbsp;Yellowstone regions in 1854 furnished the data for profitable scientific in-
‘ Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Vol. II, 1845, pp. SJ35-240.
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vestigation, which they soon received at the competent hands of Messrs. Meek and Leidy. In the first of the papers above referred to/ in whichnbsp;all the species described are mentioned as Cretaceous, the authorsnbsp;remark: “ It is worthj’ of note that some of the species contained in thenbsp;collection from the most recent Cretaceous beds of the Upper Missourinbsp;country appear referable to genera which, according to high Europeannbsp;authority, date no farther back than the true chalk, while many of themnbsp;are closely analogous to Tertiary forms; so close, indeed, that, had theynbsp;not been found associated in the same beds with Ammonites, Scaphites,nbsp;and other genera everywhere regarded as having become extinct at thenbsp;close of the Cretaceous epoch, we would have considered them Tertiarynbsp;species.” A section is given, at the top of which 400 to 600 feet ofnbsp;“ Tertiary” are placed, which is described as “ beds of clay, sandstone,nbsp;lignite, amp;c., containing remains of vertebrata, and at places vast numbers of plants, with land, fresh-water, and some times marine or estuarynbsp;mollusca.”
At the next meeting of the Academy, Dr. Joseph Leidy read a paper in which he described the vertebrate remains which Dr. Hayden hadnbsp;obtained from the Bad Lands of the Judith River. He is silent as tonbsp;the age which these remains indicate until the close of the paper, wherenbsp;he names a species of Lepidotus in honor of the discoverer, and says:nbsp;“This species is named in honor of Dr. Hayden, who collected the remains characterized in this paper ; and which remains, I suspect, indicate the existence of a formation like that of the Wealden of Europe;”nbsp;a remark which has since been much quoted in support of the Mesozoicnbsp;age of the Judith River beds.
On June 10th of the same year a second paper was presented to the Academy by Messi’s. Meek and Hayden, entitled “ Descriptions of newnbsp;species of Acephala and Gasteropoda, from the Tertiary formations ofnbsp;Nebraska Territory, with some general remarks on the Geology of thenbsp;country about the sources of the Missouri River.”
These “ general remarks,” which were “based upon the observations and collections of Dr. Hayden,” contain some very interesting statements and certain somewhat remarkable adumbrations of the conclusions to which the latest investigations have led respecting the geologynbsp;of this region. The lignitic deposits are regarded as Tertiary, but theynbsp;are very clearly distinguished from the fresh-water deposits of thenbsp;White River group as well as from the underlying Cretaceous formation.nbsp;“Although there can be no doubt,” the authors say, “ that these depositsnbsp;hold a rather low position in the Tertiary system, we have as yet beennbsp;able to arrive at no very definite conclusions as to their exact synchronism with any particular minor subdivision of Tertiary, not havingnbsp;been able to identify any of the mollusca found in them with those ofnbsp;any well marked geological horizon in other countries. Their general
‘ Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Vol. VIII, 1856, p. 63. (Read March 11.)
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resemblance to the fossils of the Woolwich and Beading series of English geologists, as well as to those of the great Lignite formations of the southeast of France, would seem to point to the lower Eocene asnbsp;their position.” In view of the fact that eminent geologists with abundant material before them have until very recently regarded the Fortnbsp;Union group as of Miocene age, this early hint at their lower positionnbsp;seems to deserve mention in passing. On the other hand, the extremesnbsp;to which certain vertebrate remains from the Judith Eiver beds farthernbsp;up the Missouri had led paleontologists in the opposite direction werenbsp;fairly anticipated in this early paper. After commenting upon thenbsp;facts which prompted Dr. Leidy to liken the Judith Biver deposits tonbsp;the Wealden of Europe, the authors add:. “Inasmuch, however, asnbsp;there certainly are some outliers of fresh-water Tertiary in these Badnbsp;Lands, we would suggest that it is barely possible these remains maynbsp;belong to that epoch, though the shells appear to be all distinct speciesnbsp;from those found in the Tertiary at all the other localities in thisnbsp;region.”
In a subsequent paper, read November 11th of that year and published in the same volume (pp. 265-286), yielding to the weight of authority of the eminent paleontologists who had studied the vertebrate and vegetable remains, these authors, in the section drawn up on page 269,nbsp;place the yellowish sandstones of the Judith in their lowest member ofnbsp;the Cretaceous (No. 1), along with the darker sandstones of the Bignbsp;Sioux, now so well known to characterize the Dakota group,' while thenbsp;lignite deposits of the Lower Yellowstone and Fort Union region are putnbsp;at the fop of the Tertiary system and designated as Miocene. In annbsp;elaborate paper by Messrs. James Hall and F. B. Meek in the “Memoirsnbsp;of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences” communicated Junenbsp;27,1854,^ a section is given in which the Cretaceous series is subdividednbsp;into live members, corresponding substantially with that published in thenbsp;Proceedings of the Philadelphia Academy by Messrs. Meek and Haydennbsp;(Vol. VIII, 1856, p. 269), as also with that which appeared in the samenbsp;publication for December, 1861 (Vol. XIII, p. 419), and was reproducednbsp;jn Hayden’s First Annual Beport of the United States Geological Surveynbsp;of the Territories for 1867, where, for the first time, the names by whichnbsp;the groups have since become so widely known were attached. In thisnbsp;earliest section of Meek and Hall the Bad Land formation of the Uppernbsp;Missouri is i»laced above the Cretaceous series, and is not subdividednbsp;but is designated as “ Eocene Tertiary ” and assigned a maximum thickness of 250 feet.
On May 26, 1857, Dr. F. Y. Hayden laid before the Philadelphia
* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;This view seems to have been maintained by Mr. Meek as late as 1860. See Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Vol. XII (April), 1860,nbsp;p. 130.
* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Descriptions of new species of fossils from the Cretaceous formations of Nebraska,nbsp;amp;c., Vol. V, 18.53, Part II, Art. xvii (extras dated 1856).
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Academy a rough geological itiaj) of the country bordering on the Missouri Eiver, from the mouth of the Platte to Port Benton, withnbsp;explanations.' According to this map the “ Great Lignitic Tertiarynbsp;Basin ” begins at the mouth of Heart Eiver and extends to near the Muscle Shell. It also stretches back on the Little Missouri to near the basenbsp;of the Black Hills and on the Yellowstone to the mouth of the Bignbsp;Horn. Ho also lays down an extensive “ Tertiary ” tract lying betweennbsp;the South Pork of the Cheyenne and the Platte and extending east andnbsp;west from the 100th meridian to Port Laramie. The Judith Eiver Badnbsp;Lauds are also treated as Tertiary, the too deep coloring of the map beingnbsp;explained in a foot note on page 110. Of the Great Lignitic deposit henbsp;remarks that “ the collections of fossils now obtained show most conclusively *nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;*nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* that it cannot be older than the Miocene period.”
Of the Judith Eiver basin he says that “the impurity of the lignite forms the most essential lithological difference between this deposit andnbsp;the Great Lignite basin below Port Union.”
Immediately following this communication in the same volume is a more extended one by Messrs. Meek and Hayden, devoted primarily tonbsp;the description of new paleontological matei ial from the same generalnbsp;region, but containing an introductory discussion of the geologicalnbsp;problems involved. Besides sections of the beds above Port Clarke,nbsp;and near the mouth of the Judith, this paper gives a general one fornbsp;the whole of this country, in which the “ Tertiary system ” is now classednbsp;as Miocene.
The first comjilete section of the “Tertiary” formations of the West was drawn up by Messrs. Meek and Hayden, and also published in thenbsp;Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, fornbsp;December, 1861 (Yol. XIII, p. 433). The series is subdivided into the fournbsp;familiar groups; 1, Port Union, or Great Lignitic; 2, Wind Eiver; 3,nbsp;White Eiver; 4, Loup Eiver. We are concerned here only with the first,nbsp;or lowest member of this series, the so-called Great Lignitic. This isnbsp;defined as “Beds of clay and sand, with round ferruginous concretions,nbsp;and numerous beds, seams, and local deposits of lignite; great numbers of dicotyledonous leaves, stems, etc., of the genera Platanus, Acer,nbsp;Ulmus, Populus, etc., with very large leaves of true fan iralms. Also,nbsp;Helix, Melania, Vivipara, Corbicula, Unio, Ostrea, Potamomya, andnbsp;scales of Lepidotus, with bones of Trionyx, Emys, Compsemys, Croco-dilus, etc.; thickness; 2,000 feet or more; localities; occupies the wholenbsp;country around Port Union, extending north into the British possessions to unknown distances; also southward to Port Clarke. Seen under the White Eiver group on North Platte Eiver above Port Laramie.nbsp;Also on west side Wind Eiver Mountains.”
Although nothing is said either here or in the more general description which follows of the relation of the Judith Eiver beds to this formation, we learn from a foot note appended to page 417 that the
' Soo Proceedings of (lie Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Vol. IX, p. 109.
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idea that it could be Jurassic had uow been wholly given up by the authors, who had come to regard it as the lower part of the Fort Unionnbsp;group. This note is as follows: “At the time we published these facts,nbsp;we were led by the discovery here of fresh-water shells in such a position to think that some estuary deposits of doubtful age near thenbsp;mouth of the Judith Eiver on the Missouri, from which Dr. Leidy hadnbsp;described some saurian remains resembling Wealden types, might benbsp;older than Tertiary. Later examinations, however, have demonstratednbsp;that the Judith beds contaiu an entirely different group of fossils fromnbsp;those found in the rock under consideration, and that they are reallynbsp;of Tertiary age, and hold a position at the base of the Great Lignitenbsp;series of the Northwest.”
In discussing this same section in the First Annual Eeport of the Geological Survey of the Territories, 1867, Dr. Hayden distinctly classes the Judith Eiver basin with the Fort Union group, and says: “ Thisnbsp;basin is one of much interest, as it marks the dawn of the Tertiary period in the West by means of the transition from brackish to strictlynbsp;fresh-water types. It is also remarkable for containing the remains ofnbsp;some curious reptiles and animals, reminding the paleontologist of thosenbsp;of the Wealden of England.”
By this time the more southern extension of the coal-bearing beds had begun to receive the attention of geologists, and they had beennbsp;traced into Wyoming and Colorado and as far south as Eaton Passnbsp;in New Mexico. Fossil plants had been found at nearly all points, andnbsp;tlieir testimony was considered the most unanswerable for the Tertiarynbsp;age of the entire group. Indeed, down to 1868, with the single exception of the alleged Wealden facies of the Judith vertebrates, there wasnbsp;substantial harmony upon this jioint. The array of names of thosenbsp;who had committed themselves to this view after thorough study ofnbsp;the different kinds of fossils is truly formidable, and there can be nonbsp;wonder that when their position was at length challenged and the Cretaceous age of this great series asserted the conflict of opinion resultingnbsp;was sharp and the resistance stubborn. Messrs. Meek, Hayden, Les-quereux, and, as Dr. Hayden states,' Beidy, all conceded this. Capt. B.nbsp;L. Berthoud had studied the formation in Colorado and inclined to takenbsp;the same view.^ He says: “Everything that I have so far seen pointsnbsp;out that the coal is either Cretaceous or Tertiary, but I believe it to benbsp;Tertiary, or of the same age as the coal near Cologne, on the Ehine.”nbsp;In an article contributed by Dr. Hayden to the American Journal ofnbsp;Science for March, 1868 (Vol. XLV, p. 198), he reiterates his views in anbsp;form that indicates that thus far they had met with no serious opposition.
The first dissenting voice to this general current of belief seems to have been raised by Dr. John L. LeConte, who had investigated the
‘ Annual Report United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, 1874, p. 21.
* First Annual Eeport United States Geological and Geographical Survey, 1867, p. 57.
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coal and plant bearing beds lying along the Smoky Hill Fork of the Kansas Eiver. In his report of a survey of this region ^ he gives it asnbsp;his opinion that the lignitic strata of this region are older than thosenbsp;of the Upper Missouri, which he admits to be Miocene (p. 65). Henbsp;states that specimens of Inoceramus were found with the coal in Batonnbsp;Pass, indicating its Cretaceous age, and then proceeds to adduce reasons for discrediting the evidence furnished by vegetable remains.
The following year (1869) Prof. E. D. Cope, in an exhaustiv^é paper on the vertebrate paleontology of America, published in the Transactions of the American Philosophical Society (Vol. XIV), in commenting upon Ischyrosaurus antiquiis, Leidy, from Moreau Eiver, Great Lig-nitic of Nebraska, speaks of that formation as “perhaps of the Cretaceous age” (p. 40), and with more confidence later on assigns Hadro-saurus ? occidentalis, Leidy, to the “ ? Cretaceous beds of Xebraska,”nbsp;although Palceoscincus costatus, Leidy, is still kept in the “ upper Jurassic Bad Lands of Judith Eiver.” In the tabular exhibit at the close ofnbsp;this memoir the first of these species is placed in the Cretaceous column ; the second is also placed in that column, but with an accompanying mark of interrogation, while the third is assigned to the Jurassicnbsp;column.
The Third Volume of the United States Geological Exploration of the 40th Parallel, relating to Mining Industry, bears date 1870, and contains an important chapter (VII) from the pen of Mr. King on the Greennbsp;Eiv^er Coal Basin, in which he maintains that the extensive coal-bearing deposits of this region are chiefly of Cretaceous age, but admitsnbsp;that the uppermost strata pass into the Tertiary and become freshwater beds. He also declares that the true fresh-water Tertiary stratanbsp;of the Green Eiver group overlie the coal beds unconformably at allnbsp;points. “ The fossil life,” says Mr. King, “ which clearly indicates anbsp;Cretaceous age for the deepest members up to and including the firstnbsp;two or three important coal beds, from that point gradually changesnbsp;with a corresponding alteration of the sediments, indicating a transitionnbsp;to a fresh water period. The coal continued to be deposited some timenbsp;after the marine fauna had been succeeded by fresh-water types. Thenbsp;species of fossils are in no case identical with the California Cretaceousnbsp;beds, which occupy a similar geological position on the west of thenbsp;Sierra Xevada, Their affinities decidedly approach those of the Atlaüticnbsp;slopes, while the fresh-water species, which are found in connection withnbsp;the uppermost coal beds, seem to belong to the early Tertiary period.”nbsp;And, speaking of the unconformity of strata above referred to, he remarks : “ Whatever may be the relations of these beds in other places,nbsp;it is absolutely certain that within the region lying between the Greennbsp;Eiver and the Wahsatch, and bounded on the south by the Uintah
’ Notes on the Geology of the Survey for the extension of the Union Pacific Railway, E. D.jfrom the Smoky Hill River, Kansas, to the Rio Grande. By John L. LeConte, M. U. Philadelphia, February, 18fi8.
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range, there is no single instance of coufonnity between the coal beds and the horizontal fresh-water strata above them.”
This chapter also contains a list of the fossil invertebrata collected in that region and named by Mr. Meek, accompanied by an interesting letter explanatory of their geologic significance. The fact thatnbsp;several species of Inoceramus, and some which seemed referable tonbsp;Anchura, were positivelj' credited to the coal series, led Mr. Meek tonbsp;speak with the greatest caution as to the age of these rocks; but it isnbsp;clear that, but for these facts, coupled with the stratigraphical considerations urged by Mr. King, he would have scarcely hesitated to pronounce it Tertiary. But he lays great stress upon “the fact that thesenbsp;fossils are all marine types,” and says: “ From all the facts now knownnbsp;I can, therefore, scarcely doubt that you are right in referring thesenbsp;beds to the Cretaceous.” A paragraph on page 462 gives his reasonsnbsp;for this conclusion more in full, together with certain qualifications -which he feels obliged to make, and closes with the remark that thenbsp;facts seem to indicate “that these beds belong to one of the very latestnbsp;members of the Cretaceous; or, in other words, that they were probablynbsp;deposited when the physical conditions favorable to the existence ofnbsp;those forms of Molluscan life peculiarly characteristic of the Cretaceousnbsp;period were drawing to a close or had in part ceased to exist.”
Eelative to the age of the so called Bear Eiver estuary beds, Mr. Meek expressed himself in this communication with still greater reserve.nbsp;These beds had been referred by him and Mr. Henry Engelmann to thenbsp;Tertiary in 1860, in a communication made by them to Capt. J. H.nbsp;Simpson, and published in the Proceedings of the Academy of Naturalnbsp;Sciences of Philadelphia for April of that year (Vol. XII, p. 130). Henbsp;admits, however, that they may be Cretaceous, as they belong to thenbsp;lower disturbed system elsewhere regarded as Cretaceous. He saysnbsp;that some of the fossils deseribed by him from the mouth of the Judithnbsp;Eiver “areidentical with those found in these Bear Eiver estuary beds,”nbsp;expresses doubt that the saurian remains from there were really fromnbsp;the same horizon, and concludes as follows: “While I am, therefore,nbsp;willing to admit that facts may yet be discovered that will warrant thenbsp;conclusion that some of these estuary beds, so widely distributed here,nbsp;should be included rather in the Cretaceous than in the Tertiary, itnbsp;seems to me that such evidence must either come from included vertebrate remains or from further discoveries respecting the stratigraphicalnbsp;position of these beds with relation to other established horizons, sincenbsp;all the molluscan remains yet known from them (my own opinions arenbsp;entirely based on the latter) seem to point to a later origin.”'
Prof. O. C. Marsh, in giving an account, in the American Journal of Science for March, 1871, of an expedition conducted by him the previous season through a portion of the Green Eiver Valley and Easternnbsp;Utah, describes the coal deposits met with by the party on Brush Creeknbsp;with special reference to their geologie age. He says (p. 195): “As the
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age of the coal deposits of the Eocky Mountain region has of late been much discussed, a careful examination was made of the series of stratanbsp;containing the present bed and their Cretaceous age established beyondnbsp;a doubt. In a stratum of yellow calcareous shale which overlies thenbsp;coal series conformably, a thin layer was found full of Ostrea congesta,nbsp;Conrad, a typical Cretaceóus fossil; and just above, a new and interesting crinoid, allied apparently to the Marsupites of the English Chalk.nbsp;In the shales directly below the coal bed, cycloidal fish scales andnbsp;coprolites were abundant; and lower down, remains of turtles of Cretaceous types, and teeth of a Dinosanrian reptile, resembling those ofnbsp;Megalosavrus, were also discovered.”
The gradual acceptance of the Cretaceous character of the coal-bear ing series of the central and southern districts did not thus far shakenbsp;the opinion of geologists as to the Tertiary age of the Fort Union group.nbsp;This is reaffirmed in a very positive manner in the Fourth Annual Ee-port of the Geological Survey of the Territories, 1870 (published innbsp;1871), by Ur. J. S. Fewberry, who had been long and carefully studyingnbsp;the vegetable remains collected near Fort Union and along the lowernbsp;Yellowstone, and had already pnblished descriptions of the species.^nbsp;At the time this paper was presented there was no difference of opinionnbsp;and the evidence of the plants was regarded as simply confirmatory ofnbsp;Meek’s conclusions as to the Miocene age of these beds.
Further on in tliis report (pp. 164,165) Dr. Hayden discusses the age of the Wyoming coal strata, and says: “ So far as we can determine, thenbsp;coal beds of the Laramie plains are of Eocene age, although the plantsnbsp;are more closely allied to those of the Miocene period of the Old World;”nbsp;and again: “That there is a connection between all the coal beds ofnbsp;the West I firmly believe, and I am convinced that in due time thatnbsp;relation will be worked out and the links in the chain of evidence joinednbsp;together. That some of the older beds may be of upper Cretaceousnbsp;age I am prepared to believe, yet until much clearer light is thrownnbsp;upon their origin than any we have yet secured I shall regard them asnbsp;belonging to my transition series, or beds of passage, between the truenbsp;Cretaceous and the Tertiary.”
In the same report Mr. Lesquereux discusses the fossil plants from Eaton Pass, collected by Dr. LeConte, whose views have already beennbsp;stated, as well as those brought in from points along the line of thenbsp;Union Pacific Eailroad and from other parts of the West. He considersnbsp;them all Tertiary and ranging from the Eocene to the Miocene.
In the corresponding report for 1871, published in 1872, Mr. Lesquereux describes a mass of new material, and from all the data at hand essays a number of important generalizations. As he still regardsnbsp;all the localities in the great coal bearing series of the West as belong-
* Notes on the Later Extinct Floras of North America, with Descriptions of some New Species of Fossil Plants from the Cretaceous and Tertiary Strata. Annals of thenbsp;Lyceum of Natural History, New York (April), 1868. (Read April 22, 1867.)
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ing to tbe Tertiary formatiou, the only point of special interest brought forth is his attempt to subdivide the American Tertiary into subordinbsp;nate groups based upon the analogies afforded by their floras quot;withnbsp;those of established horizons in Europe and elsewhere. Thus to thenbsp;Eocene he refers Eaton Pass and Purgatory Canon, in New Mexico;nbsp;Marshall’s Mine, in Colorado; Washakie Station and Evanston, in Wyoming; and Spring Canon, near Fort Ellis, in Montana, as well as Yellowstone Lake, which also belongs tb the upper district. To the Lowernbsp;Miocene he refers Carbon Station, Junction Station, Medicine Bow,nbsp;Rock Creek, and the Washakie group, in Wyoming; and the Fort Unionnbsp;group, in Montana and Dakota. To the Middle Miocene are referrednbsp;Barrel Springs and Muddy Creek, in Wyoming; Henry’s Fork of Snakenbsp;River; and Elko Station, Nevada. Among the localities the geologicalnbsp;position of which is marked as unknown are the important, and nownbsp;well known ones. Point of Rocks and Green River. In a table of distribution the data are assumed to exist to justify this classification.
Notwithstanding these efforts to sustain the argument for the Tertiary age of the central coal formation of the West, it had been so weakened by the blows of King and Marsh, coupled with the admissions of Meek, that little remained but the evidence afforded by the fossil plantsnbsp;in its support, and this, though abundant in quantity, was naturally distrusted, and had been enfeebled by the considerations urged against itnbsp;by Le Conte. Meek himself did not hesitate to refer forms of Ostreanbsp;and Anomia, from Point of Rocks on the Union Pacific Railroad and innbsp;the typical Bitter Creek district, to the Cretaceous,’ and now there wasnbsp;destined to come forward a new discoA'ery of great importance, the fullnbsp;weight of which fell upon that side of the question. In the summer ofnbsp;1872 Messrs. Meek and Bannister discovered the bones of a large sauriannbsp;near Black Buttes Station in the Bitter Creek series, and Professor Copenbsp;soon after visited the spot and studied the fossils. He laid his resultsnbsp;before the American Association for the Advancement of Science atnbsp;Dubuque in August of that year, and published his descriptions in thenbsp;Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society for September 19.nbsp;In this paper he remarks (p. 483): “ From the above description it is evident that the animal of Black Buttes is a Dinosaurian reptile. 1 1 1nbsp;It is thus conclusively proven that the coal strata of the Bitter Creeknbsp;Basin of Wyoming Territory, rvliich embraces the greater area yet discovered, were deposited during the Cretaceous period, and not duringnbsp;the Tertiary, though not long preceding the latter.” And, commentingnbsp;upon the same subject in the American Naturalist for November, 1872, henbsp;says: “ This discovery places this group without doubt within the limitsnbsp;of the Cretaceous period.”
Mr. Lesquereux was also in the field this year (1872), and his investigations, at the request of Dr. Hayden, were specially directed to “ posi-
Fifth Annual Report United States Geological Survey of the Territories, 1871, p.
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tively ascertaining the age of the lignitic formations.” He visited most of the important points in Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico, andnbsp;prepared an elaborate report, in which, it is needless to say, he confirmednbsp;and reasserted his former conclusions as to the Tertiary age of the entire coal bearing series, which he denominates the American Eocene.^
The reports of Messrs. Meek and Bannister were also published in the same volume. The former expresses himself with his usual caution,nbsp;admitting that the invertebrate fossils were inadequate to determinenbsp;the age of this group, and that his former reference of certain speciesnbsp;to the Cretaceous was not prompted by the evidence afforded by thenbsp;forms tbemselvec (pp. 457, 458). Some of the statements made in thisnbsp;report have acquired special interest in the light of recent investigations and in view of the gradual settlement of opinion which seems tonbsp;be now going on respecting this much discussed question. He saysnbsp;(p. 460): “The most surprising fact to me, supposing this to be a Cretaceous formation, is, that we found directly associated with the reptilian remains at Black Buttes a shell I cannot distinguish from Viviparusnbsp;troehiformis, originally described from the Lignitic formation at Fortnbsp;Clarke, on the Upper Missouri, a formation that has always been regarded as Tertiary by all who have studied its fossils, both animal andnbsp;vegetable. * * * The occurrence of this last mentioned species here,nbsp;along with a Cretaceous type of reptilian, and a Gorhicula apparentlynbsp;identical with C. cytheriformis of the Judith Eiver brackish-water beds,nbsp;together with the presence of Corbiculas very closely allied to Judithnbsp;Eiver species, at lower horizons in this series, and the occurrence ofnbsp;some vertebrates of Cretaceous affinities at the Judith Eiver localities,nbsp;would certainly strongly favor the conclusion, not only that this Judithnbsp;formation, the age of which has so long been in doubt, is also Cretaceous, but that even the higher fresh-water lignite formation at Fortnbsp;Clarke and other Upper Missouri localities may also be Upper Cretaceous instead of Lower Tertiary.”
From these and other expressions in this report Mr. Meek may be fairly said to have conceded the Cretaceous age of the Bitter Creeknbsp;series, but he insists that the Judith Eiver deposits must go with itnbsp;into that formation, while of the Fort Union group his position may benbsp;summed up by quoting his remark that it would take very strong evidence to convince him “that the higher fresh-water Lignite series ofnbsp;the Upper Missouri is more ancient than the Lower Eocene.”
The year 1874 found the discussion of the age of the so-called American Lignitic at its height. A paper in the American Journal of Science for April of that year, by Dr. Newberry, and a reply to it by Mr. Lesque-reux in the same journal for June, deserve special attention. The former makes bold to say that to his “ certain knowledge ” a considerablenbsp;portion [that of New Mexico] of the flora which the latter had called
‘Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories, 1872, pp. 33!), 343.
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Eocene in his last report is Cretaceous, and that another considerable portion [that of the Upper Missouri] is of Miocene age, and he deniesnbsp;that the flora of any part of the American coal series possesses an Eocene facies. Mr. Lesquereux’s reply is of course a defense of his formernbsp;position and is supported by a vast array of facts.
In the first bulletin of the Geological Survey of the Territories, published in 1874, Professor Cope, from evidence supplied by vertebrate remains, refers the Great Lignitic of the Upper Missouri to the samenbsp;section of geologic time as the Bitter Creek coal series, now settled innbsp;his mind as Cretaceous, and in Bulletin No. 2 (pp. 5-19) appeared annbsp;elaborate report by the same author (reproduced, apparently withoutnbsp;change, in the Annual Eeport for 1873, also published in 1874 andnbsp;later than the Bulletins, pp. 431-446), in which he sums up the evidencenbsp;from the side of vertebrate paleontology. In this report Professor Copenbsp;gives Mr. Lesquereux full credit for accurately co-ordinating the datanbsp;furnished by the vegetable remains, and concludes “ that a Tertiarynbsp;-flora vas con(em})oraneous with a Cretaceous fauna, establishing an uninterrupted succession of life across what is generally regarded as one ofnbsp;the greatest breaks in geologic time.” His further remark that “thenbsp;appearance of mammalia and sudden disappearance of the large Mesozoic types of reptiles may be regarded as evidence of migration and notnbsp;of creation,” embodies a thought that has been since revived and extended.
To this report of Professor Cope, as published in the Annual Eeport for 1873, he appends a short discussion, not contained in the Bulletin,nbsp;in the nature of a reply to the article of Dr. Newberry above referrednbsp;to. In the course of this discussion the following remarks occur: “ Ifnbsp;a flora below the Cretaceous of New Mexico resembles a Tertiary one,nbsp;how much more probable is it that the floras of the Lignites of Coloradonbsp;and Wyoming are such, as they are known to be of later age than thosenbsp;of New Mexico, and to be at the summit of the Cretaceous series, as indicated by animal remains; and if the flora of the Fort Union beds benbsp;Miocene, that of the identical horizon in Colorado must be Miocenenbsp;also; and if the vegetation below this flora be so distinct from it, whatnbsp;is more probable, according to the evidence adduced by Dr. Newberry,nbsp;than that they are Eocene, as maintained by Mr. Lesquereux? Thatnbsp;such should be the case is in harmony rather than in conflict with thenbsp;facts presented by the existing life of the earth, where we have thenbsp;modern fauna of the northern hemisphere contemporary with a partlynbsp;Eocene and partly Mesozoic fauna in the southern.”
The same volume contains a report by Mr. Archibald Marvine of his operations during the season of 1873 in the park districts of Colorado.nbsp;In treating the “Lignitic formation,” as observed by him, he reviewsnbsp;the evidence from the plant remains, as interpreted by Lesquereux, asnbsp;well as that furnished by vertebrate life, and says : “ It must be supposed, then, that either a Cretaceous fauna extended forward into the
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Eocene period, and existed contemporaneously with an Eocene flora, or else that a flora wonderfully prophetic of Eocene times anticipated itsnbsp;age and flourished in the Cretaceous period to the exclusion of all Cretaceous plant forms. * * ? In either case, the fact remains thatnbsp;here the physical and other conditions were such that one of the greatnbsp;kingdoms of life, in its progress of development, either lost or gainednbsp;upon the other, thus destroying relations and associations which existed between them in those regions from which were derived the firstnbsp;ideas of the life boundaries of geological time, causing here apparentnbsp;anomalies.” He adds the following important paragraph: “Much ofnbsp;the confusion and discrepancy has, in my opinion, arisen from regarding different horizons as one and the same thing. It must be distinctly understood that this group as it exists east of the mountainsnbsp;in Colorado is very different from, and must not be confounded with,nbsp;the horizon iu which much of the Utah and New Mexican lignitenbsp;occurs, and which belongs undoubtedly to the Lower Cretaceous; and,nbsp;further, that the extended explorations of Hayden and others wouldnbsp;seem to prove almost conclusively that the Colorado lignitic group isnbsp;the direct southern stratigraphical equiv'alent of the Fort Union groupnbsp;of the Upper Missouri, which is considered generally to be no oldernbsp;than the Eocene, while Newberry asserts it to be Miocene.”
Mr. Lesquereux returns again, in his contribution to this same volume, to the defeuse of his former position. He disposes in a manner of the statement that characteristic Cretaceous molluscan fossilsnbsp;had been found “above the beds of the lignitic formatious” by quoting Messrs. Cox and Berthoud, the collectors of the specimens aboutnbsp;which so much had been said, who both show that the conditions undernbsp;which they occurred were such as to render their stratigraphical position too doubtful to form the basis for such important generalizations.nbsp;He reasserts his belief in “ the unity of the Lignitic formation in itsnbsp;whole,” and reargues the whole case. He also revises his “ groups” andnbsp;gives lists of all the species found in each.
In Voliime VII of the Canadian Naturalist, p. 241, published in 1874, Mr. George M. Dawson discusses “The Lignite Formatiom- of the West,”nbsp;now discovered to extend far up into Canadian territory. He regardsnbsp;them as of later age than the Cretaceous and accepts the view of Messrs.nbsp;Hayden and Lesquereux that the Fort Union group is Eocene. Ee-ferring to the oi)iuions of Cope, he says: “ The evidence does not appearnbsp;to show that the Cretaceous species were of themselves becoming rapidlynbsp;extinct, but that over the Western region, now forming part of thisnbsp;continent, the physical conditions changing drove the Cretaceousnbsp;marine animals to other regions, and it is impossible at present to tellnbsp;how long they may have endured in oceanic areas in other parts of thenbsp;world. This being so, and in view of the evidence of the preponderantnbsp;animal and vegetable forms, it seems reasonable to take the well markednbsp;base of the Lignite series as that of the lowest Tertiary, at least atnbsp;6 GEOL-27
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preseut. The formation described belongs to this lowest Tertiary, being, in fact, an extension of Hayden’s Fort Union group, and fromnbsp;analogy may be called Eocene.’’^
In a more formal paper’ published the same year, he also says: “The formation is, however, undoubtedly an extension of the Greatnbsp;Lignitp or Fort Union group of strata of Hayden, as developed in thenbsp;Western States and Territories. 1 1 1 These strata immediately succeeding the Cretaceous rocks are the lowest American representatives ofnbsp;the Tertiary series and have been called for this reason Eocene, thoughnbsp;it is impossible to aiSrm that their deposit was more than approximately synchronous with that of the Eocene as constituted in Europe”
(p. 20).
lieturning to the same subject a year later in his final report of the Northwest Boundary Commission,after familiarizing himself with thenbsp;discussions going on in the United States, the same author adheres tonbsp;his previous views and remarks: “There seems little doubt, however,nbsp;that the general tenor of the evidence of these beds, when considerednbsp;alone, favors tneir Lower Eocene age. Their exact synchronism with thenbsp;European Eocene is a question apart from the preseut inquiry” (p. 186),
Early in 1875 Professor Cope, who had examined the vertebrate remains sent him by Mr. Dawson from near Milk Eiver, on the boundaiy of the British possessions, published a note upon them,^ in which henbsp;says: “The genus of tortoises Compsemys, Leidy, is peculiar to thenbsp;Fort Union epoch, while Plastomenus, Cope, belongs to the Eocene. Itsnbsp;presence in this fauna would constitute an important assimilation to thenbsp;Lower Tertiary, but the specimens are not complete in some pointsnbsp;necessary to a final reference. The species are in any case nearly alliednbsp;to that genus. There are, however, gar scales included in the collectionnbsp;which closely resemble those of the genus Glastes of the lower Eocenesnbsp;of the Kocky Mountains. This is empirically another indication of nearnbsp;connection with Tertiary time, but not conclusive, since allied genera havenbsp;a much earlier origin in Mesozoic time. 1 1 1 Nevertheless, the list ofnbsp;species, short as it is, indicates the future discovery of a completenbsp;transition from Cretaceous to Eocene life more clearly than any collection yet obtained marking this horizon in the West.”
Report on the Tertiary Lignite Formation in the Vicinity of the forty-ninth parallel. By George M. Dawson. Addressed to Capt. 1 gt;. R. Cameron, R. A., H. M. Boundary Commissioner. British North American Boundary Commission. Geological Report ofnbsp;Progress for the year 1873 [in part], Montreal, 1874.
^British North American Boundary Commission. Report on the Geology and Resources of the Region in the Vicinity of the forty-ninth parallel, from the Lake of the Woods to the Rocky Mountains, with lists of plants and animals collected, and notesnbsp;on the fossils. By George Mercer Dawson, geologist and botanist to the Commission.nbsp;Addressed to Maj. D. R. Cameron, R. A., H.M. Boundary Commissioner. Montreal,nbsp;1875.
^Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Jan. 5, 1875, Vol. XXVII, pp. 9,10.
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Professor Cope’s article, from which we made quotations a few pages back, appeared for the third time in his final report on fossil vertebrates’ with very few changes. It is to be noted, however, that henbsp;no longer proposes to call the lignite deposit the sixth member of thenbsp;Cretaceous formation of the West, and referring to the fossils from thenbsp;Milk Eiver district last mentioned we find him saying ” that there arenbsp;present two genera in this collection which are diagnostic of the Fortnbsp;Union epoch, but no species certainly so, though two species are probably identical with species of that epoch; also * * * that the speciesnbsp;referred to Plastomenus constitute an indication of affinity with corresponding Eocene forms. The presence of gar fishes of the genus Glastesnbsp;in this formation is as yet peculiar to this and the Jndith Eiver localities.nbsp;As these gars have not heretofore been found m üorth America belownbsp;the Eocene, they constitute the first case of apparent commingling of Tertiary and Cretaceous animal life yet clearly determined.” He is carefulnbsp;to add, however, that the evidence of the Dinosaurs outweighs thesenbsp;considerations.
At this time, when at least one vertebrate paleontologist was beginning to concede that this formation, though apparently Mesozoic, yet possessed a marked Tertiary facies, Mr. John J. Stevenson came forwardnbsp;with several papers * from the stratigraphical side in support of thenbsp;Cretaceous theory. His language is the most positive of any yet employed, but a careful examination of his statements shows that hisnbsp;argument acquired its chief force from the form in which it was putnbsp;forward. Such statements as that “ everywhere the sandstones of thenbsp;Upper Cretaceous present the same lithological character;” that ’‘notnbsp;a single Tertiary species occurs in the whole series; ” that “ wherevernbsp;animal remains occur with this fucoid [Halymenites] they are invariably characteristic Cretaceous species;” that “the evidence in favor ofnbsp;Cretaceous age is abundant; ” that the record of plant life is “little better than a blank, with here and there a few markings, many of which arenbsp;too indistinct to be deciphered ; ” that “ the only fossils characteristic ofnbsp;Ho. 5 ever obtained from Colorado were procured from rocks which arenbsp;most probably the very highest strata of the Lignitic series”—would, ifnbsp;the question were at all one of credibility, as it is not, clearly invalidatenbsp;this witness and make his own charge, “/«Isms in, uno, falsus in omnibus,'” peculiarly applicable to himself. Mr. Stevenson’s writings, however, have the merit of defending the essential unity of all the ligniticnbsp;deposits.
gt; Report of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories, Vol. II, 4°, 1875, pp. 25-41.
^ Proceedings of the Society of Natural History, New York, 2d ser.. No. 4,1874, p. 93; Age of the Colorado Lignites, Reports upon Geographical and Geological Explorationnbsp;and Survey West of the One Hundredth Meridian, in charge of First Lieut. Geo. M.nbsp;Wheeler, Vol. Ill, 1875, pp. 404-410; The Geological Relations of the Lignitic Groups,nbsp;Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. XIV, pp. 447-475.
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The Annual Keport of the Geological Survey of the Territories under Dr. Hayden for 1874, published in 1876, contains three very importantnbsp;papers upon this subject. The first is by Dr. Hayden himself, whonbsp;labors effectively to “ connect the coal-bearing, beds of the Laramienbsp;Plains and Colorado with the vast group in the Northwest,” but concedes the Cretaceous age of the Bear River and Coalville deposits. Henbsp;says that “ above the upper Fox Hills group there are about 200 feet ofnbsp;barren beds which may be regarded as beds of passage to the Ligniticnbsp;group, which more properly belong with the Fox Hills group below. Innbsp;this group of transition beds all trace of the abundant invertebrate lifenbsp;of the great Cretaceous series below has disappeared. * * * Whatevernbsp;view we may take with regard to the age of the Lignitic group, we maynbsp;certainly claim that it forms one of the time boundaries in the geologicalnbsp;history of our western continent. It may matter little whether we callnbsp;it Upper Cretaceous or Lower Eocene, so far as the final result is concerned. *nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;*nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* Even the vertebrate paleontologists, who pronounce
with great positiveness the Cretaceous age of the Lignitic group, do not claim that a single species of vertebrate animal passes above the horizonnbsp;I have defined from the well marked Cretaceous group below.”
The second of these papers is by Dr. A. C. Peale, who has here performed good service in jireparing tables to illustrate the progress of opinion on this subject. lu addition to this, however, after stating thenbsp;character of his own investigations, he gives it as his opinion that “thenbsp;lignite-bearing beds east of the mountains in Colorado are the equivalent of the Fort Union group of the Upper Missouri, and are Eocene-Tertiary ; also, that the lower part of the group, at least at the localitynbsp;two hundred miles east of the mountains, is the equivalent of a part ofnbsp;the lignitic strata of Wyoming;” but he thinks that “ the Judith Rivernbsp;beds have their equivalent along the eastern edge of the mountains,nbsp;below the Lignite or Fort Union groupj and also in Wyoming, and arenbsp;Cretaceous, although of a higher horizon than the coal-bearing stratanbsp;of Coalville and Bear River, Utah. They form either the upper partnbsp;of the Fox Hills group (No. 5) or a group to be called No. 6.”
Finally we have another exhaustive paper by Mr. Lesquereux, in which he divides the arguments against the Tertiary theory into fivenbsp;propositions and answers each in detail. Important discoveries of fossil plants had been made during the year at Point of Rocks, and thesenbsp;are made to lend their weight to his argument. It is needless to saynbsp;that his conclusions remained unchanged.
The ninth volume of the final quarto reports of the Geological Survey of the Territories, consisting of Mr. Meek’s report on the invertebrate Cretaceous and Tertiary fossils of the Upper Missouri country, appeared in 1876. In this report Mr. Meek takes the ground that thenbsp;Judith River beds are distinct from the Fort Union group proper andnbsp;of Cretaceous age, or at least probably so; but he is inclined to believe,nbsp;from the occurrence of similar forms in both, that they are the equiva-
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lent of the Bitter Creek series in Wyoming. As to the Fort Union beds, he adheres to his former opinion, that they represent the lower Eocene.nbsp;He deprecates the attempt to unify all the lignite-bearing rocks, andnbsp;remarks: “The presence or absence of lignite proves nothing of itself,nbsp;as lignite undoubtedly occurs in both Cretaceous and Tertiary rocks innbsp;the far West.” In his comparisons of the Port Union with the Wyomingnbsp;deposits he states that the species of the former are all different fromnbsp;those of the Bitter Creek group, and concludes that these groups atnbsp;least cannot be equivalents. Mr. Meek’s concluding remarks upon thenbsp;conflicting testimony of fossils and its lessons (pp. lx, Ixi) are a modelnbsp;of scientific reasoning, and doubtless went far to mitigate the acerbitynbsp;of this prolonged debate.
Powell’s Geology of the Uintah Mountains was published the same year (1876) as the rex)ort last mentioned, and contains an important contribution to the present subject. Professor Powell and Dr. C. A. Whitenbsp;had gone carefully over the disputed ground of the Bitter Creek district, tracing it up to its junction with the Washakie and Green Rivernbsp;beds on the west, and in this volume both these authorities record theirnbsp;conclusions, which are in substantial accord. The former remarks (p.nbsp;67); “The relation of these groups to those established by Professorsnbsp;Meek and Hayden on the Upper Missouri is not well determined. * * *nbsp;All the evidence that has been published by Dr. Hayden and membersnbsp;of his corx)s concerning the Park Province, and all my own observationsnbsp;in that region, lead me to the conclusion that a long chain of islandsnbsp;stretched in a northerly and southerly direction through that region ofnbsp;country, separating the Cretaceous sea of the Plateau Province fromnbsp;the Cretaceous sea of the Upper Missouri.”
Between Black Buttes Station and Point of Rocks Station, on the Union Pacific Railroad, these gentlemen discovered a “physical break”nbsp;in the series, exposing at the latter point a lower formation; and at thisnbsp;point they fixed the line between Mesozoic and Cenozoic strata, assigning, iu the table of groups on page 40, the Point of Rocks group to thenbsp;Cretaceous and the Bitter Creek grouj) to the Tertiary. On this subjectnbsp;Professor Powell says (p. 71): “On account of the discussions whichnbsp;have arisen concerning the age of certain beds of lignitic coal, the planenbsp;of demarkation between the Cenozoic and Mesozoic may subject me tonbsp;criticism; but, geologically, the plane is important, as it represents anbsp;decided physical change, and it certainly harmonizes with the opinionnbsp;of paleontologists to a degree that is somewhat surprising. All of thenbsp;plants described by Professor Lesquereux and collected by himself andnbsp;others within this province have been referred by him to divisions in thenbsp;Tertiary, and are found in strata above this physical break, and hencenbsp;1 agree with him in considering them Tertiary. * * * The conclusionsnbsp;reached from a study of the vertebrate paleontology by Professorsnbsp;Leidy, Marsh, and Cope entirely harmonize with this division of thenbsp;Cenozoic and Mesozoic. There is a single exception to this: Professor
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Cope described a Dinosaur found near Black Buttes Station as Cretaceous. I have verified the determination of the stratigraphic horizon by examining the place and finding other Dinosaur bones; but this horizon is above the physical break, and the evidence of the Dinosaur seemsnbsp;to be contradicted by the evidence furnished by many other speciesnbsp;described by Professor Cope from about the same horizon.”
Dr. White also discusses this question in the same volume, and states his reasons for regarding the Point of Bocks beds as Cretaceous in thenbsp;following words (pp. 83, 84): “There is no physical break between thisnbsp;group and the Salt Wells group below it. Its strata contain at leastnbsp;three species of Inoceramus, which genus has never been known innbsp;strata of later date than the Cretaceous period. Odontobasis, a speciesnbsp;of which has been obtained from near the summit of the group, is regarded as a Cretaceous genus ; and in view of the facts before stated,nbsp;that land and fresh- and brackish-water mollusks are comparativelynbsp;valueless as indices of the passage of geological time, the presence ofnbsp;no known forms in its strata forbids the reference of this group to thenbsp;Cretaceous period.”
On the other hand, the Bitter Creek series proper is referred to the Eocene, and to the question “ Why has the dividing line between thenbsp;strata of the Tertiary and Cretaceous periods been drawn where it isnbsp;rather than at some horizon either above or below it?” his answer is :nbsp;“ There is no physical break in the Cretaceous strata from the base ofnbsp;the series to the top of the upper, or Point of Bocks group, at whichnbsp;horizon there is at all observed points, extending over a large region, anbsp;considerable unconformability by erosion of the lower strata of thenbsp;Bitter Creek group upon the upper strata of the Point of Bocks groupnbsp;(p. 87)-.”
The second volume of the Eeports of the Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel by Mr. Clarence King, which appeared in 1877, containsnbsp;exhaustive papers upon the geology of this region by Messrs. Arnoldnbsp;Hague and S. P. Emmons, who had studied the rocks with great care.nbsp;Both these gentlemen agree in referring the entire lignite-bearing seriesnbsp;to the Cretaceous. They do not draw the nice distinction made bynbsp;Messrs. King, Powell, and White, but Mr. Hague seems to have nonbsp;doubt that even the Carbon coals belong there, while Mr. Emmons similarly disposes of those of Evanston. In this report the term Ligniticnbsp;is abandoned altogether and the term Laramie is applied to this formation. Mr. Emmons constantly speaks of the “ Laramie Cretaceous” andnbsp;the “ Laramie group,” the latter of which terms has now been generallynbsp;adopted and extended over a much wider area.
In his vice-presidential address, delivered before the American Association for the Advancement of Science, at Kashville, Teun., August 30, 1877, Prof. O. C. Marsh expressed himself as follows upon the generalnbsp;subject under discussion : “ The boundary line between the Cretaceousnbsp;and Tertiary in the region of the Bocky Mountains has been much in
dispute during the last few years, mainly in consequence of the uncertain geological bearings of the fossil plants found near this horizon. The accompanying invertebrate fossils have thrown little light on thenbsp;question, which is essentially, whether the great lignite series of thenbsp;West is uppermost Cretaceous or lowest Eocene. The evidence of thenbsp;numerous vertebrate remains is, in my judgment, decisive, and in favornbsp;of the former view.” *
At about this time the researches of Dr. C. A. White, who had become deeply interested in this formation, began to bring forth important results. His “Paleontological Papers” commenced to appear in 1877,nbsp;as contributions to the Bulletins of Dr. Hayden’s Survey, in the third ofnbsp;which he drew up tables of the groups of the Green Eiver and Uppernbsp;Missouri Eiver regions. It was here that he employed the term “Post-Cretaceous,” to include the Laramie group of the King Eeports and thenbsp;lower third of the Wasatch group, and correlating the Judith Eivernbsp;with the Laramie and the Fort Union with the Wasatch group. Innbsp;the fifth of these papers, published the same year, he enters morenbsp;fully into the discussion of the age of these groups and remarks:nbsp;“With a few doubtful exceptions, none of the strata of the Laramienbsp;gronp were deposited in open sea waters; and, with equally few exceptions, none have yet furnished invertebrate fossils that indicate thenbsp;Cretaceous rather than the Tertiary age of the group. These latternbsp;exceptions are some Inocerami that have been obtained upon the lowernbsp;confines of the group, and doubtfully referred to it rather than to thenbsp;Fox Hills group below; and also a species of Odontohasis from stratanbsp;near the top of the group, two miles west of Point of Eoeks Station,nbsp;Wyoming. The latter genus, established by Mr. Meek, is comparatively little known, but it was regarded by him as characteristic of thenbsp;Cretaceous period. This constitutes the slender evidence of the Cre-taceons age of the Laramie group that invertebrate paleontology hasnbsp;yet afforded.
“Again, the brackish- and fresh-water types of Mollusca that are afforded by the Laramie and the lower portion of the Wahsatch groupnbsp;are in most cases remarkably similar, and some of the species of eachnbsp;group respectively approach each other so nearly in their characteristics that it is often difficult to say in what respect they materially differ.nbsp;Moreover, they give the same uncertain indication as to their geological age that all fossils of fresh- and brackish-water origin are knownnbsp;to do.
“ It is in view of the facts here stated, and also because I believe that a proper interpretation of them shows the strata of flie Laramie groupnbsp;and the base of the Wahsatch to be of later date than any others thatnbsp;have hitherto been referred to the Cretaceous period, and also earlier
' Proceediugs of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1877, page 229.
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thau the Eocene epoch, that I have decided to designate those strata as Post-Cretaceous, at least provisionally.”
By a remarkable coincidence this term Post-Cretaceous was applied to the lignitic beds of the Trinidad district, ïlew Mexico, by Dr. F. M.nbsp;Bndlich, in the Annual Eeport of the Geological Survey of the Territories for 1875 (p. 206), published in 1877; but it is impossible to saynbsp;which of these reports should have priority, and as the term has nownbsp;been generally abandoned this is quite unimportant.
In the death of Mr. F. B. Meek the science of invertebrate paleontology lost one of its ablest votaries, and but for the fact that Dr. C. A. White had already entered the field in this role as well as in that ofnbsp;stratigraphical geologist, this department of research in our westernnbsp;formations might have been sadly neglected. But the now rapidly increasing writings of the latter author fully supplied the place of thenbsp;former, and the contest went on. In the Annual Eeport of Dr. Hayden’s Survey for 1876, published in 1878, Dr. White reports his operations during the years 1876 and 1877 in Colorado, in which paper henbsp;takes occasion to draw up a section of the rocks and to prepare a tablenbsp;of correlated general sections which are highly instrnctive. Confiningnbsp;ourselves to the Laramie group, we see that he adopts that term andnbsp;makes it commensurate with his Post-Cretaceous, to which he still adheres, and also with the Laramie of King and the Lignitic of Meek andnbsp;Hayden. The Point of Eocks group of Powell begins with the Laramie,nbsp;but stops at a lower horizon, his Bitter Creek group occupying the remainder, and the whole of the Wasatch (the Vermilion Creek groupnbsp;of King). In defense of his course in receding from his foi’mer position, in which his views agreed with those of Powell, he says: “Afternbsp;a careful examiuafion of the extensive exposures of this series of strata,nbsp;as well as those of the Wasatch group above it in this district, I havenbsp;failed to discover any unconformity such as exists in the valley of Bitter Creek. Therefore, the greatest unconformity that is now known tonbsp;exist among any of the strata from the base of the Cretaceous to thenbsp;top of what I here designate as the Post-Cretaceous, is found amongnbsp;the strata of the latter group, and not at its top. In this district andnbsp;the region immediately adjoining it, whatever catastrophal or secularnbsp;changes may have meanwhile taken place elsewhere, or even extendingnbsp;within its limits, sedimentation was evidently continuous and unbroken,nbsp;not only through this series itself, but also into and through the wholenbsp;Wasatch grouii.
“ The fact that this series passes insensibly into the Fox Hills group below, and into the Wasatch group above, renders it difiQcult to fixnbsp;upon a stratigraphical plane of demarkation, either for its base or summit. I have, therefore, decided to regard this group as essentially anbsp;brackish-water one, referring all strata below that contain any marinenbsp;Cretaceous invertebrate forms to the Fox Hills group, beginning thisnbsp;series with those strata that contain brackish- and fresh-water forms.
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and ending it above witli those strata in which the brackish-water forms finally cease. Thus defined, the whole series seems to form one naturalnbsp;paleontological group, as well as to be a sufficiently distinct strati-graphical one, for which I have adopted the name of Laramie group ofnbsp;King.”
In giving his reasons for adhering to the name Post-Cretaceous, Dr. White further says: “The flora of this group is understood to be wliollj’nbsp;of Tertiary types, according to Professor Lesquereux. None of its invertebrate fossils are of distinctive Cretaceous types, although fossilsnbsp;of similar types are known to occur in Cretaceous as well as Tertiarynbsp;strata. So far, then, as the flora and invertebrate fauna are concerned,nbsp;there is nothing to indicate the Cretaceous age of the group. In fact,nbsp;invertebrate i)aleonto]ogy is utterly silent upon the subject. On thenbsp;contrary. Professor Cope finds reptilian remains, even in the uppermostnbsp;strata of the group, that he regards as of Cretaceous type. I believenbsp;that, upon the evidence of invertebrate paleontology, the Fox Hillsnbsp;group is later than the latest Cretaceous strata of Europe; and I therefore regard the Laramie group as occupying transitional ground between the well marked Cretaceous and Tertiary groups, but this opinionnbsp;is only tentatively held until further facts are obtained.”
The term Post-Cretaceous is employed by both Endlich and Peale in their reports in this volume (pp. 77, 109, 181).
In his seventh Paleontological Paper (Bulletin TJ. S. Geological Survey of the Territories, Vol. IV, No. 3), distributed in 1878, Dr. White greatly extends the boundaries of the Laramie group, making it embrace “both the Judith Eiver and Port Union series of the Upper Missouri River; the Liguitic series east of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado;nbsp;the Bitter Creek series of Southern Wyoming and the adjacent partsnbsp;of Colorado; and also the ‘Bear Eiver estuary beds,’ together with thenbsp;Evanston coal series of the valley of Bear River and adjacent partsnbsp;of Utah,” as well as strata known to exist in other large and widelynbsp;separated districts of the western portion of the National domain, andnbsp;he gives a list of species characteristic of the group, showing their distribution throughout these several districts.
Mr. Leo Lesquereux’s so-called “Tertiary Flora” constitutes the seventh volume of the final reports of the Geological Survey of the Territories under Dr. P. Y. Hayden, which, of course, embraces the plantsnbsp;of the Laramie group. In it Mr. Lesquereux has given full scope to thenbsp;expression of his views upon the age of this group, and it is naturallynbsp;here that we must look for the most able and exhaustive treatment of thenbsp;subject thus far presented by this author. In the letter of Dr. Haydennbsp;to the Secretary of the Interior transmitting this report, and which bearsnbsp;date January 1,1878, he again reviews this subject and remarks: “Thenbsp;author states that his final conclusions do not differ materially fromnbsp;those already advanced by myself, and he regards the evidence as conclusive that the Liguitic group is of Tertiary age. This result is grati-
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fyiug, not only as settling the question at issue, but as silencing criticism of the value and reliability of the general work accomplished by the survey under my direction.” But in this same letter Dr. Haydennbsp;also declares his conviction, more than once before expressed, but notnbsp;as yet, so far as I know, accepted by either Lesquereux or Newberry,
that the Port Union beds of the Tipper Missouri Eiver are the equivalent of the Lignitic formation as it exists along the base of the Rocky Mountains, in Colorado,” as well as of the Bitter Creek series west ofnbsp;the Rocky Mountains, as argued by Dr. White, and he says: “ It isnbsp;also probable that the brackish-waterbeds on the Tipper Missouri mustnbsp;be correlated with the Laramie, and that the Wahsatch group as nownbsp;defined and the Port Union group are identical as a whole, or in partnbsp;at least.”
As Mr. Lesquereux’s conclusions expressed in this report are the same as he had held throughout the discussion, and the arguments not new,nbsp;no further elucidation of them is necessary.
Volume I of Mr. Clarence King’s Geological Reports of the Survey of the Portieth Parallel, treating of the systematic geology, and written bynbsp;Mr. King himself, did not appear until 1878. His views upon this question were looked for with great interest, though it was, of course, to benbsp;expected that they would coincide generally with those of his assistantsnbsp;already published in other volumes. Notwithstanding the tendency,nbsp;which had been marked for several years, to regard the attempt to assign the Laramie group to either the Cretaceous or Tertiary age as notnbsp;only profitless but rather puerile, inasmuch as its relative position in thenbsp;western American system was so well settled, Mr. King did not considernbsp;it beneath the dignity of this stately report to approach the subjectnbsp;much from the old standpoint and record his position in nearly conventional terms. He says (i). 350): “Aside from the Laconic system, nonbsp;single geological feature in all America has ever given rise to a morenbsp;extended controversy than the true assignment of the age of this group.nbsp;On data which will presently be set forth, it is assumed by us to be thenbsp;closing member of the Cretaceous series, and the last group of thenbsp;great conformable system which east of the Wahsatch stretches upwardnbsp;from the base of the Cambrian.”
The views that had been put forth in opposition to this he then arranges into a series of seven “ assumptions,” which he proceeds to consider and dispose of in the order laid down. As some of these points are admitted and others not vital, they need not be noticed seriatim; anbsp;few extracts must suffice. He says (p. 352): “A complete refutation ofnbsp;assumption three, that the fauna proves a Tertiary, not a Cretaceous age,nbsp;is found in the fact that the evidence of a meagre molluscan life and anbsp;large range of plants cannot be held to weigh against the actual presence of Dinosauria in the very uppermost Laramie beds, and, as willnbsp;appear in the sequel, of an abundant lowest Eocene mammalian fauna innbsp;the unconformably overlying Vermilion Creek group. * * * As-
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sumption number five, as to the conformity of the Laramie with the Wahsatch group, I shall presently proceed to show, is based upon imperfect knowledge, and is abundantly disproved by repeated sections.”
Relative to the Fort Union group, he admits that he had never visited that locality, but notes the conflicting evidence of vertebrate and vegetable remains, and Mr. Lesquereux’s silence upon the latter in his Tertiarynbsp;Flora, and remarks (p. 353) that “the further correlation of the uppernbsp;plant-beds of Fort Union with the Wahsatch (my Vermilion Creek) seemsnbsp;the most prodigious strain. The Wahsatch (Vermilion Creek), or unmistakable lowest Eocene, is noncouformable with the Laramie. Thenbsp;relations of conformity or nonconformity between the plant-bearingnbsp;beds of Fort Union and the Dinosaurian beds are not given, and therenbsp;is reason to believe that the plant beds represent a horizon of the greatnbsp;White River Miocene series, which underlies the Pliocene over so large anbsp;part of the Creat Plains. *nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;*nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* i apprehend that the plant horizon
at Fort Union will be found to be nothing but the northward extension of the White River Miocene.”
Professor Cope’s paper on horizons of extinct vertebrata, in the fifth volume of the Bulletins of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories (No. I, Art. II), which appeared earlynbsp;in the year 1879, is of special value as the first attempt to correlate thenbsp;Laramie group with European strata upon the evidence of vertebratenbsp;remains. This discussion was rei)eated without essential change in hisnbsp;great work which forms Book I of the third volume of the final quartonbsp;reports of that Survey, published in 1884. The general result is a stillnbsp;further yielding on the part of the writer to the views of the invertebrate and vegetable paleontologists against the decidedly Cretaceousnbsp;character of the group. He shows iu an instructive way that it bearsnbsp;a very close relation to the Sables of Bracheux and Conglomeratesnbsp;of Ceruy, which are Eocene, but with this difference, “ that the characteristic genera of reptiles and fishes of the Laramie of North America are in America associated with Cretaceous Dinosauria and notnbsp;with Mammalia ; while in Europe they are associated with Mammalia andnbsp;not with Dinosauria.” And he adds: “In arranging the Laramie group,nbsp;its necessary position is between Tertiary and Cretaceous, but on thenbsp;Cretaceous side of the boundary, if we retain those grand divisions, whichnbsp;it appears to me to be desirable to do;” and he admits “that anothernbsp;formation must be added to the series already recognized iu France,nbsp;viz, the Laramie, or Post-Cretaceous.” This he does iu his table ofnbsp;correlated general sections, on page 50, making the Post-Cretaceousnbsp;embrace the Laramie and the Puerco, the former in turn being equivalent to the combined strata of-the Judith River and Fort Unionnbsp;deposits.
Dr. C. A. White’s elaborate report upon his extensive field researches made in 1877 appeared in the Annual Report of the Geological Survey ofnbsp;the Territories for that year, which, however, did not see the light till
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1879. Dr. White had spent the entire season in the exhaustive study of the various outcrops of the Laramie in Colorado and Wyoming onnbsp;both sides of the Rocky Mountains, and had made large and valuablenbsp;collections, which he had worked up with care, and which form the substantial basis for his conclusions as here set forth. In his “ generalnbsp;discussion,” which follows the detailed report, starting with “ the unitynbsp;of all the principal brackish-water deposits hitherto known in thenbsp;Western Territories, and * * * their recognition as a comprehensivenbsp;group of strata under the name of the Laramie group, which representsnbsp;a great period in geological time, and especially such in the geologicalnbsp;history of North America,” he proceeds to discuss, not so much the agenbsp;of the group, as the conditions of its deposition and the geologicalnbsp;history of the western part of the continent following the close of truenbsp;Cretaceous time. Into this discussion, though confessing its superiornbsp;importance, we cannot here enter, but must be content to cite a passagenbsp;or two to show to wliat conclusions he had now come relative to the agenbsp;of the Laramie group, its geographical boundaries, and the thicknessnbsp;of its deposits. He says:
“ Resting directly upon the strata of the Fox Hills group are those of the Laramie group, the latter, as already shown, having been, atnbsp;least in part, deposited continuously with the former. The geographical boundaries of the great Laramie formation are not known, but itsnbsp;area embraces many thousand square miles, for it is known to extendnbsp;from Southern Colorado and Utah northward beyond the northernnbsp;boundary of the United States, and from the Wahsatch Mountains eastward far out on the great plains. It reaches a maximum tliickness ofnbsp;about 4,000 feet, and its general lithological characteristics are similarnbsp;to those of the Fox Hills group, a kuown marine formation. Its fauna,nbsp;however, has been shown to be largely of brackish- and partly of freshwater origin, and not marine. Furthermore, the brackish-water speciesnbsp;are distributed throughout its entire thickness and its whole geographical extent. These facts, together with the absence from all the stratanbsp;yet examined of any true estuary characters, show that the Laramienbsp;group was deposited in a great brackish-water sea. * » »
“In the foregoing report I have purposely avoided an expression of opinion as to the true geological age of the Laramie group, because,nbsp;notwithstanding the positive opinions that have been expressed by others ujion that subject, I regard it as still an oi)en question. * * * Thenbsp;claim that Cretaceous types of vertebrates are found in even the highernbsp;strata of the Laramie group is freely conceded, and I have no occasionnbsp;to question the reference that has been made of its fossil plants, evennbsp;those of the lowest strata, to Tertiary types. The invertebrate fossilsnbsp;of the group itself, as I have elsewhere shown, are silent upon thisnbsp;subject, because the types are either unique, are known to exist in bothnbsp;•Vlesozoic and Tertiary strata, or pertain to living as well as fossil forms.nbsp;Every species found in the Laramie group is no doubt extinct, but
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the types liaTO collectively an aspect so modern, that one almost instinctively regards them as Tertiary; and yet some of these types are now known to have existed in the Cretaceous and even in the Jurassicnbsp;period.
“ In view of the conflicting and silent character, respectively, of these paleontological oracles the following suggestions are offered: It is anbsp;well-known fact that we have in North America no strata which are,nbsp;according to European standai’ds, equivalent with the Lower Cretaceous of Europe, but that all North American strata of the Cretaceousnbsp;period are equivalent with those of the Upper Cretaceous of that partnbsp;of the world. That the Fox Hills group is of Upper Cretaceous agenbsp;no one disputes, the oidy question being as to its place in the series.nbsp;A comparison of its fossil invertebrate types with those of the European Cretaceous indicates that it is at least as late as, if not later than,nbsp;the latest known Cretaceous strata in Europe. If, therefore, that parallelism is correctly drawn, and the Laramie group is of Cretaceousnbsp;age, we have represented in America a great and important period ofnbsp;that age which is j^et unknown in any other part of the world. Besides this, we may reasonably conclude that the Fox Hills group ofnbsp;the West is equivalent with the Upper Cretaceous strata of the Atlantic and Gulf coasts, between which and the Eocene Tertiary of thosenbsp;regions there is no known equivalent of the Laramie group.
“ If paleontologists should finally agree upon regarding the Laramie group as of Cretaceous age, it must be because of the continuance ofnbsp;certain vei tebrate Cretaceous types to the close of that period, andnbsp;the presence of mammalian Tertiary types in the strata immediatelynbsp;following; but the following facts, in addition to those which have beennbsp;already stated, should be carefully con.sidered before any such agreement is made:
“With rare and obscure exceptions no mammalian remains are known in North American strata of earlier date than that of those which werenbsp;deposited immediately after the close of the Laramie period and upon itsnbsp;strata. Immediately from and after the close of the Laramie periodnbsp;their abundant remains in the fresh-water Tertiaries of the West shownbsp;that highly-organized mammals existed in great variety and abundance; all of which ma\ be properly regarded as constituents of a Tertiary fauna, and many of which are by accepted standards of distinctnbsp;ively Tertiary types. If the presence of these forms in the strata referred to, and their absence from the Laramie strata immediately beneath them, together with the presence of Dinosaurians there, be heldnbsp;to prove the Tertiary age of the former strata, then was the Tertiarynbsp;period ushered in with most unnatural suddenness. Sedimentation was,nbsp;at least in part, unbroken between the Laramie group and the stratanbsp;which contain the mammalian remains referred to, so that the local conditions of the origin of all of them were substantially the same, and
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yet, so far as any accumulated evidence shows, those mammalia were not pi’eceded in the Laramie period by any related forms. Such suddenness of introduction makes it almost certain that it was caused bynbsp;the removal of some physical barrier, so that ground which was beforenbsp;potentially Tertiary became so by actual faunal occupancjL In othernbsp;words, it seems certain that those Tertiary mammalian types werenbsp;evolved in some other region before the close of the Laramie period,nbsp;where they existed contemporaneously with at least the later Laramienbsp;Dinosaurians of Cretaceous types, and that the barrier which separatednbsp;the faunae was removed by some one of the various movements connected with the evolution of the continent. The climate and othernbsp;I)hysical conditions which were essential to the existence of the Dinosaurians of the Laramie period having evidently been continued intonbsp;the Tertiary epochs that are represented by the Wahsatch, Green Eiver,nbsp;and Bridger groups, they might doubtless have continued their existence through those epochs as well as through the Laramie period, but fornbsp;the irruption of the mammalian horde, to which they probably soonnbsp;succumbed in an unequal struggle for existence.”
From the above extracts it will at once be seen that Dr. White had now succeeded in raising this discussion from the comparatively trivialnbsp;question as to the name which should be given to the age occupied bynbsp;the Laramie group to one involving not only the manner in which thenbsp;continent was formed, but also the origin, development, extinction, andnbsp;succession of the different forms of life which have left in the rocks anbsp;trace of their former presence as constituting its inhabitants. Thenbsp;consider ations last urged have an especial interest from the point of viewnbsp;of vegetable paleontology, which presents a close parallel, though at anbsp;considerably lower horizon.
In the next annual report Dr. White goes over the same ground and sets forth his views anew, supported by fresh facts. In fixing thenbsp;boundaries of the Laramie sea, he says(p. 49): “The geographical limitsnbsp;of the Laramie group are not yet fully known, but strata bearing itsnbsp;characteristic invertebrate fossils have been found at various localitiesnbsp;within a great area, whose northern limit is within the British Possessions and whose southern limit is not further north than Southern Utahnbsp;and Northern New Mexico. ’ Its western limit, so far as known, may benbsp;stated as approximately upon the meridian of the Wahsatch range ofnbsp;mountains, but extending as far to the southwestward as the southwestnbsp;corner of Utah, and its eastern limit is far out on the great plains, eastnbsp;of the Eocky Mountains, where it is covered from view by late formations and the prevailing debris of the plains. These limits indicate fornbsp;the ancient Laramie sea a length of about one thousand miles northnbsp;and south, and a maximum width of not less than live hundred miles.nbsp;Its real dimensions were no doubt greater than those here indicated, especially its length ; and we may safely assume that this great brackish-water sea had an area of not less than fifty thousand square miles.”
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He reiterates his statement that “ With the exception of one species of Axinwa, oue of Wuculana, and one or two of Odontobasis, no speciesnbsp;usually regarded as of marine types have been found in any of thenbsp;strata of the Laramie group,” and pronounces all statements in conflictnbsp;with this, even though made by himself, as the result of errors in strati-graphical determination. He also repeats the remark (p. 51) that “ amongnbsp;all the invertebrate fossils which have yet been discovered in the strata ofnbsp;the Laramie group, none of the types are distinctively characteristic ofnbsp;the Cretaceous period according to any hitherto recognized standai’d,”nbsp;and he adduces a mass of facts in support of the view previously advocated, “ that the Laramie is I’eally a transitional group between thenbsp;Cretaceous beneath and the Tertiary above (p. 52).”
In the sixth volume of Prof. Oswald Heer’s gréat work on the Arctic fossil flora,1 the eminent Swiss paleontologist approaches this questionnbsp;of the age of the American plant-bearing beds. As might be expected,nbsp;he strongly defends Mr. Lesquereux’s position as to the Eocene age ofnbsp;the Laramie grouji against the arguments of those who would refer itnbsp;to the Cretaceous. He characterizes the doctrine that the Dinosaursnbsp;became extinct at the close of the Mesozoic as a “ dogma,” and, speakingnbsp;of Cope’s Agathaumas, says that it by no means proves that a Tertiarynbsp;flora was contemporary with a Cretaceous fauna, “ for a single animalnbsp;does not make a fauna any more than one plant makes a flora,” andnbsp;instances the animal forms also found by Cope and others at the samenbsp;horizon, which agree better with the Eocene faunas of France.
In the supplement to the third volume of the reports of Lieutenant Wheeler’s Survey, which bears date 1881, Mr. John J. Stevenson againnbsp;discusses the age of the Laramie group, adhering as warmly as ever tonbsp;his previous views. As in his former reports, notwithstanding frequentnbsp;denials in the meantime, he still insists (p.154) that “farther north in Colorado characteristic Fox Hills fossils were obtained in abundance nearnbsp;the summit of the fully recognized Laramie.’’’’ This and the further statement (p. 154) that “the fauna is either marine or brackish-water” arenbsp;both contrary to the definition of the Laramie group as laid down bynbsp;Dr. White, and indicate that this geologist had been unable to distinguish the marine from the brackish-water strata. In his final conclusion that the Laramie merely constitutes the upper part of the Foxnbsp;Hills group (p. 158), Mr. Stevenson seems to be sustained by no othernbsp;authority, even the stratigraphical geologists, fully aware of the conformity of the deposition, not being willing to regard a marine and anbsp;brackish-water deposit as a single homcgeneotis group.
The Third Annual Eeport of the United States Geological Survey, published in 1883, contains Dr. White’s “Eeview of the non-marinenbsp;fossil mollusca of North America,” illustrated by 32 plates, 22 of whichnbsp;are devoted to species of the Laramie group, all of which are described
¦ Beitriige znr niiooeneu Flora von Nord-Canada. Zürich, 1880, pp. 6-10.
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in the text, and which furnish a thorough and complete account of the invertebrate fauna of that group. In the “ Introductory remarks ” whichnbsp;precede and the “General discussion” that follows this “Annotatednbsp;Catalogue,” Dr. White again sets forth his views upon this great seriesnbsp;of rocks, which, however, had undergone no change. Although he nownbsp;drops the term Post Cretaceous^ he still regards the Laramie group “asnbsp;a transitional group between the Cretaceous and Tertiary series, andnbsp;therefore as representing a period partaking of both the Mesozoic andnbsp;Cenozoic ages.” In defining the group anew, he says that “the ‘Judithnbsp;River group,’ ‘Fort Union group,’ ‘Liguitic group,’ ‘Bitter Cquot;eek coalnbsp;series,’ ‘Point of Rocks group,’ and ‘Bear River estuary beds,’ are allnbsp;parts of the great Laramie group,” but that “the ‘Wahsatch group,’nbsp;‘Vermilion Creek group,’ and ‘Bitter Creek group’ are regarded as atnbsp;least approximately equivalent strata, constituting the oldest membernbsp;of the purely fresh-water Eocene Tertiary series of deposits in the West.”
The most important part of this paper is the acute and suggestive geogiiostico biological discussion it contains respecting the origin andnbsp;evolution of these brackish- and fresh-water invertebrate forms, but thisnbsp;is outside of our present limits, and need only be referred to.
The appearance of Prof. Archibald Geikie’s new Text-Book of Geology, containing allusions to western American deposits, called forth from Dr. White a vigorous protest in his article on “Late Observationsnbsp;concerning the Molluscan Fanna, and the Geographical extent of thenbsp;Laramie Group,” in the American Journal of Science for March, 1883,nbsp;in which he pronounces some of these statements erroneous, and says:nbsp;“ I do not hesitate to assert that not one of the molluscan species mentioned in that statement was ever found in strata of the Laramie group,nbsp;the non-marine forms which he mentions being evidently those whichnbsp;were discovered bj' Mr. Meek in an estuary deposit of true Cretaceousnbsp;age, at Coalville, Utah. Furthermore, not one of the numerous speciesnbsp;which do characterize that group are anywhere mentioned in the book;”nbsp;and, referring to Mr. Stevenson’s writings, he says in the same article:nbsp;“That any true Laramie strata ever alternate with those of the Foxnbsp;Hills group, or any other marine Cretaceous group, or that any truenbsp;marine fossils were ever collected from any strata of the Laramie group,nbsp;I cannot admit. I regard all such statements as the result of a misunderstanding of the stratigraphical geology of the region in which suchnbsp;observations are said to have been made.”
Having received a collection of typical Laramie fossils from the State of Uuevo Leon, Mexico, Dr. White is now able to extend the southernnbsp;limit of the Laramie group to that point, and he states that the factsnbsp;“show more and more clearly the integrity of the molluscan fauna ofnbsp;the great ancient intra-continental sea in which the Laramie group wasnbsp;deposited, and its separateness from the launm of all other North American groups of strata (op. cit., p. 209).”
The latest utterance of this protracted debate is that of Mr. Lesque-
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reux, in his new work just issued from the press on the “ Cretaceous and Tertiary Floras of the Western Territories.”'^ He here consents, innbsp;harmony with the general tendency of the time, to drop the term Eocenenbsp;from the title of this chapter and treat simply of the “Flora of thenbsp;Laramie group,” without, however, surrendering his conviction that thatnbsp;group belongs to Eocene time, which he reasserts, although he nownbsp;admits that “the flora of the Laramie group has a relation, remarkablynbsp;well defined, with that of Sezanne,” to the east of Paris, where the plantnbsp;bearing travertines of the Lac de Eillj- yield, according ro the Marquisnbsp;Sai)orta, the oldest Tertiary flora yet discovered. He reviews the recently expressed views of White, Cope, and others, and seems quitenbsp;well satisfied with the state of opinion at the date of writing with respect to the age of the Laramie group.
In the foregoing review of opinion I have sought to illustrate the history of our knowledge of this remarkable formation of Americannbsp;rocks, and to show how, as that knowledge increased, the wide fluctuations which characterized the period of general ignorance and limitednbsp;information gave way to a gradual convergence of views, an equilibration, as it were, of ideas, w'hich is still going on and tending steadilynbsp;toward the final settlement of opinion in harmony with all the facts.
I have given special prominence to the evidence furnished by animal remains and by stratigraphy, purposely leaving that from vegetablenbsp;remains, generally consistent with itself, undiscussed, because they formnbsp;the principal subject of this paper and can better be treated by themselves iu a future place and in connection with other problems of greaternbsp;real importance than that of their geological age.
One of the advantages of the historical method here employed is that it obviates the necessity of offering any special description of the groupnbsp;under consideration as introductory to the treatment of its flora, thenbsp;reader being now much better prepared to understand such treatmentnbsp;than any preliminary explanations of my own could have rendered him.
He perceives, from what has been said, that the Laramie group is an extensive brackish-water deposit situated on both sides of the Rockynbsp;Mountains and extending from Mexico far into the British ISTorthnbsp;American territory, having a breadth of hundreds of miles and representing some 4,000 feet thickness of strata. Ho can readily see thatnbsp;when this deposit was made an immense inland sea must have existednbsp;whose wmters occupied the territory now covered by the Rocky Mountains. These waters were iiartially cut off from the ocean by interveningnbsp;land areas, through which, however, one or more outlets existed communicating with the open sea at that time occupying the territory of
'Report of the United States Geological Survey of tlie Territories (Hayden), Vol. VIII, 1883, pp. 109-114.
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the Lower Mississippi and Lower Eio Grande Valleys. That this great inland sea spread over this entire territory is not at all disproved bynbsp;the absence of Laramie strata from large parts of it, since these partsnbsp;are situated, in most cases, in mountainous regions where the uppernbsp;strata might be expected to have been generally eroded away.
This Laramie sea existed during an immense period of time and was finally but very gradually drained by the elevation of its bed, throughnbsp;nearly the middle of which longitudinally the Eocby Mountains andnbsp;Black Hills now run. The exceeding slowness of this event is shownnbsp;by the fact, so clearly brought out by Dr. White, that the marine formsnbsp;of the Fox Hills strata, as they gradually found themselves surroundednbsp;by a less and less saline medium on the rising of the intervening landnbsp;area, had time to become transformed and adapted to brackish-waternbsp;existence, while these new-formed brackish-water species, when the seanbsp;at length became a chain of fresh-water lakes, had time again to takenbsp;on the characters necessary to fresh water life.
Dr. White recognizes the fact that the upheaval of the strata that formed thebottom of this sea took place, not in one uniform process of elevation, but in a prolonged series of rhythmic fluctuations of level, whosenbsp;algebraic sum constituted at length a mountain uplift. But the numerous coal seams one above another that characterize the greater part ofnbsp;these beds, and equally the successive deposits of vegetable remains atnbsp;different horizons, speak even more eloquently than any animal remainsnbsp;can do of the oscillatory history of the bed of this sheet of water.
There may have been, and doubtless were, as Major Powell believed, many islands scattered over the surface of this sea in Laramie time, andnbsp;the evidence generally warrants us in assuming that a low, level countrynbsp;surrounded the sea, with marshy and swampy tracts. The islands andnbsp;shores were heavily wooded with timber that can be as certainly knownnbsp;in its general character as we can know the timber of our present forests. But that for the greater part of the Laramie period there alsonbsp;existed at no great distance a large amount of elevated land, there cannbsp;be no doubt. The deposits are chiefly siliceous in the southern districtsnbsp;and argillaceous in the northern, but the nature of their depositionnbsp;points unmistakably to the existence of large and turbulent rivers thatnbsp;fell into the quiet sea and brought down from areas of rapid erosionnbsp;immense quantities of silt corresponding to the nature of the countrynbsp;over which they flowed in their course. Where these elevated sourcesnbsp;of this abundant detritus were then located is one of the great problemsnbsp;for the present and the future geologist to work out.
The deposition of this material was almost always quiet, the jjarticles suspended in the turbid waters of the streams silently settling fromnbsp;the buoyant waters of the sea as fast as they became distributed aboutnbsp;the mouths of the rivers, and thus embedding the leaves that periodicallynbsp;fell in vast numbers into it. The marked absence of fruits, stems, andnbsp;other objects that possess considerable thickness shows that this was
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the case, and also affords a rude index to the rate of deposition, since only such objects could be preserved as succeeded in being covered up.nbsp;Thus by ascertaining the average rate of decay of vegetable substancesnbsp;and noting the objects of maximum thickness which are found preserved, the time necessary to form a deposit of that thickness becomesnbsp;approximately known.
The discussions with regard to the age of the Laramie group which have been rapidly passed in review have, perhaps, sufficiently shownnbsp;that it is impossible to refer that group either to the Cretaceous or tonbsp;the Tertiary and in so doing harmonize all the facts that the groupnbsp;presents with those in conformity with which other deposits in othernbsp;countries of the world have been so referred; but they have also sufficiently shown that this is not the fault of the investigators, but, so tonbsp;speak, of the facts, and that the real disagreement is in the organicnbsp;forms and the nature of the deposits, so that omniscience itself couldnbsp;never harmonize them with all kinds of forms and deposits in all partsnbsp;of the world. It is, therefore, futile, and indeed puerile, longer to discuss this question, and we can well afford to dismiss it altogether andnbsp;settle down to the more serious study of the real problems which stillnbsp;lie before us.
One of these problems is often confounded with the question of age, which should be rigidly distinguished from it. This is the question ofnbsp;synchronism. If it could be satisfactorily proved that the Laramienbsp;group was deposited at the same absolute time as the iron sands ofnbsp;Aix la-Ghapelle, the Credneria beds of Blankenburg, or the travertinesnbsp;of Sézanue, this would indeed be a great gain to science. But as thenbsp;animal and vegetable remains cannot be made to agree, it seems hopeless to attempt to arrive at complete harmony in this respect. Thenbsp;most that can be profitably undertaken is to find two or more depositsnbsp;widely separated geographically in which either the floras, the invertebrate faunas, or the vertebrate faunas substantially agree. With regardnbsp;to the invertebrate faunas this seems hopeless so far as the Laramienbsp;grouj) is concerned. If that group was deposited in the manner abovenbsp;described, it would be difficult to find another which owed its existencenbsp;to identical conditions; and if this state of things has occurred at morenbsp;than one point ui)on the globe, the chances are again greatly diminished for it to have occurred at the same period of geologic time. Butnbsp;even supposing such a combination of coincidences possible, if thenbsp;Laramie forms are the modified descendants of antecedent marinenbsp;forms, there is no probability that the conditions at any other point onnbsp;the earth’s surface could be so nearly identical with those obtainingnbsp;there that precisely the same modifications would take place to adapt,nbsp;the marine foi'ms to the brackish-water habitat. The chances arenbsp;therefore infinity to one against the existence of other beds that shallnbsp;contain an invertebrate fauna identical with that of the Laramie group,.
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It is therefore truly surprising to learn that “ several of the species found in the brackish-water layers at the base of the Bitter Creeknbsp;group are closely related to species found in similar deposits in Slavonianbsp;and referred to the Eocene Tertiary by Brusina.”^
With regard to vertebrate remains, this objection does not apply, and could they be made to harmonize with themselves they might, perhaps,nbsp;be trusted to some extent as indices of synchronism in widely separatednbsp;localities. But, as shown by Cope, they do not thus agree, for the Laramie forms include genera that are regarded as characteristic of Cretaceous and others that are regarded as characteristic of Tertiary strata.nbsp;This should surprise no one. The law that has been laid down bynbsp;paleontologists, that the same epochs in geologic time produced thenbsp;same living forms — which is the converse of the assumption commonlynbsp;acted upon, that the occurrence of the same forms proves the bedsnbsp;containing them to be of the same age—is contrary to the now wellnbsp;established principles of geographical distribution, according to whichnbsp;the earth is subdivided into a large number of faunal areas more or lessnbsp;clearly marked off one from another. The peculiarity of this principlenbsp;which is of most importance to paleontology is that these territorialnbsp;subdivisions represent faunas not merely different from one another,nbsp;but showing different degrees of biologic development as developmentnbsp;is supposed to have gone on in the animal kingdom. Every one knowsnbsp;that the fauna of Australia belongs to an undeveloped type, beingnbsp;marsupial in aspect so far as its mammals are concerned. The typesnbsp;of South America are lower than those of North America, and the latter lower than those of Asia and Europe. If all the present faunas ofnbsp;the globe were buried under its soil it is clear that it would not onlynbsp;be impossible to harmonize the deposits of different continents, butnbsp;that the inference now freely drawn by paleontologists that the lessnbsp;developed forms demonstrate their existence at earlier epochs wouldnbsp;lead to grave mistakes and be generally false. New Zealand is now innbsp;its age of birds, while the Galapagos Islands are still in that of reptiles,nbsp;or the Mesozoic age.
Confining ourselves, then, for the future to the other kind of land life and the only remaining form of life, that of plants, we may look atnbsp;the question of synchronism by the light of this class of data from thenbsp;same general point of view as we have done by the light of the twonbsp;kinds of animal life which we have just considered. And, first, whatnbsp;ought we to exjiect the flora of the Laramie grouj) to teach respectingnbsp;the synchronism of its deposits with those of other parts of the world!nbsp;¦Clearly, as in the land vertebrate life, there is no special obstacle to thisnbsp;form of inquiry, such as the invertebrate aquatic life presents, arising
' Dr. White, in “ Geology of the Uinta Mountains,” p. 86.
-ocr page 39-437
out of the manner in which the Laramie sea was produced and the changing constituents of its waters. But all the other difficulties present themselves here as in the case last considered. While the vegetable remains seem to be more harmonious in pointing to a somewhatnbsp;later period of time for their deposition than do those of vertebratenbsp;animals, the impropriety of inferring absolute synchronism from substantial agreement of forms is here even greater than in the other case.nbsp;Taking the present flora of the globe as a criterion, we find that thenbsp;geographical distribution of plants is more uneven than that of animals.nbsp;Floral realms are more numerous and distinct than faunal realms, andnbsp;the more serious obstacle that some areas furnish types representingnbsp;less developed floras than others exists here as in the case of animals.nbsp;The Proteaceous and Myrtaceous flora of Australia may be regarded asnbsp;rudely corresponding to its marsupial fauna.
It is true that the paleontological doctrine of synchronism already stated is supported, as against the facts of geographical distribution,nbsp;by the well established principle that older faunas and floras were characterized by less variety and greater uniformity of distribution overnbsp;the earth’s surface, which is verified iu a remarkable manner by thenbsp;well known uniformity of the flora of the Carboniferous epoch at allnbsp;points where it has been discovered. And Baron Ettingshausen hasnbsp;shown that this principle continued iu operation down to the close ofnbsp;the Tertiary age, though, of course, in a reduced degree, so that thenbsp;])reseut extraordinary variety in the floras of different countries mustnbsp;be largely attributed to the agency of the successive glacial epochsnbsp;which have occurred since Tertiary time in driving the floras south-w'ard and out on the southern plains to be destroyed on the return ofnbsp;warmer climatic influences or compelled to intrench themselves uponnbsp;the summits of the mountain ranges, while new and constantly varying forms became developed to take their places iu the lowlands. Still,nbsp;the uniformitariau law, that in its more general aspects the phenomenanbsp;taking j)lace on the earth iu i)ast geologic ages were the same as thosenbsp;which are still taking place, forbids us to assume that even as far backnbsp;as Laramie time the same or any very similar flora occupied differentnbsp;hemispheres of the globe.
This much, however, can be said in favor of the flora of the Laramie group as affording data for the study of its deposits: that its remainsnbsp;occur far more abundantly than do those of any of the other forms ofnbsp;life. The low forest-clad shores and islands of the Laramie sea, whichnbsp;probably extended back at many points into extensive lagoons and vastnbsp;swamps, were peculiarly adapted for receiving, as its muddy watersnbsp;were for embedding, the various kinds of vegetable matter that foundnbsp;their way into them. The swamps formed extensive beds of peat, andnbsp;vast marshes densely covered with cane, bamboo, and scouring rushnbsp;left thick annual accumulations of vegetable matter which, at points ofnbsp;slow temporary subsidence, formed the coal beds. The plant beds which
-ocr page 40-438
usually overlie these coal beds tell us that the rate of subsidence had now exceeded that of the growth of the deposit and the shallow sea hadnbsp;gained access, burying the last of the plants under its siliceous or argillaceous precipitations where they were preserved. Almost everywhere,nbsp;even when no leaves or twigs are present, we find the stout subterranean rhizomas of the cane and the scouring rush, which, not having tonbsp;be covered up, stood a far better chance to be preserved. But in numberless places the profusion of leaves is so great that there is too littlenbsp;rock between them to render it easy or even possible to separate themnbsp;and obtain complete specimens. Above the plant beds, and occupyingnbsp;the intermediate strata between these more carbonaceous deposits ofnbsp;coal, reeds, and leaves, we find thicker and often massive beds of sandstone or marl, which seem to denote the presence over the former deposits of deep water produced by continued subsidence and the recession of the shore lines to distances too great for the access of the fallingnbsp;leaves, and the continuance of these conditions through prolonged periods of time.
If now we compare the flora of the great Laramie group, as thus described, with its invertebrate fauna, as elaborated by Dr. White, we find that in its ensemble the former is much more variable than the latter. The dicotyledonous species differ greatly at different parts of thenbsp;area covered by the rocks of this group, so greatly, indeed, that it isnbsp;not surprising that both Mr. Lesquereux and Dr. Newberry regard thenbsp;Fort Union plants as belonging to a different age from those of thenbsp;Wyoming and Colorado Laramie. Still, as 1 shall endeavor to show,nbsp;this difference is not so great as it at first appears, and not sufficientnbsp;to warrant this conclusion. In the first place, this difference appearsnbsp;chiefly in the dicotyledonous species, the onlyquot; marked exception beingnbsp;that palms occur much more abundantly in the southern than in thenbsp;northern districts. The same forms of reed-like plants are common atnbsp;all points, while the Ooniferse do not differ more than might be expected on the theory of synchronism. The same is true of the abundant Bquisetums, while very few ferns are found within the group.
Aside from the presence of palms the flora of the lower districts indicates a difference of climate greater than can be accounted for by the small difference of latitude. This is proved by the great prevalence ofnbsp;the genus Ficus and the presence of Cinnamomum, both of which arenbsp;rare or wanting in the Fort Union group, while in the latter occur anbsp;great variety of Bopulus common to cold climates and the genus Corylusnbsp;in abundance, absent from the Wyoming and Colorado beds. There arenbsp;two ways in which these differences may be explained, or at least annbsp;explanation of them attempted, without denying the great differencenbsp;of climate. In the first place, it is probable that the more southernnbsp;parts of the Laramie sea were also much nearer the ocean on both thenbsp;east and the west sides, and hence enjoyed a more equable climate, asnbsp;well as one more moist, such that few of the trees and shrubs would
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lose their leaves by the action of frosts and that subtropical species, like the palms, the figs, and the cinnamons, could subsist. In the secondnbsp;place, it must be remembered that the Laramie period was a very prolonged one, and within it there was time for considerable alteration ofnbsp;climate on this continent or even on the whole globe. But even admitting that this was too slight to be perceptible, the changes that took ¦nbsp;place in the form of the continent and the distribution of land andnbsp;water on it during that time might have been sufficient to producenbsp;marked effects and render the later floras of the Laramie age quite different from its earlier floras.
The Fort IJuion beds, containing the genera Corylus, Sapindus, and other forms of recent aspect not found in the Bitter Creek and Goldennbsp;deposits, are believed to be high up in the series; and I have myselfnbsp;found and explored others within the general district included by thatnbsp;group which I have proved stratigraphically to occupy a considerablynbsp;lower horizon, and in which these forms of recent aspect not only donbsp;not occur, but some of the most characteristic Laramie types, such asnbsp;Trapa microphylla and Pistia corrugata, do occur, together with othernbsp;forms not previously known as Laramie. In fact, it is well known thatnbsp;the Port Union Laramie is everywhere thinner than the more southernnbsp;dei)Osits, none of the sections making it over 3,000 feet in thickness.nbsp;The beds to which I refer rest immediately upon the typical Fox Hills,nbsp;and therefore represent the lowest strata present in that section. I amnbsp;not yet prepared to speak upon the precise affinities of this lower Portnbsp;Union flora, not having completed the elaboration of my material, butnbsp;I can say this much, that besides containing some of the more southernnbsp;Laramie forms, its general aspect indicates a much warmer climate thannbsp;that which prevailed at the time of the deposition of the (Jorylus andnbsp;Viburnum beds above.
Fully conceding, as I do, that the geological age of the Laramie group cannot, for the reasons stated, be proved by its flora alone, andnbsp;holding that even great similarity of flora would not be conclusive asnbsp;to synchronism of deposit, I have still thought it instructive, in viewnbsp;of the warmth with which the Cretaceous and Tertiary theories fornbsp;the age of this group have been respectively advocated, to make somenbsp;general comparisons of its flora with those of the extreme upper Cretaceous and lower Tertiary of those parts of the world where the strati-graphical position has been settled. In the several elaborate tables ofnbsp;distribution of the species of the Laramie group which Mr. Lesque-reux has drawn up and employed to demonstrate its Eocene age, it isnbsp;noticeable that he has seemed to ignore almost altogether the existencenbsp;of a large upper Cretaceous flora lying entirely above the Cenomaniannbsp;and its American equivalent, the Dakota group. In a paper which appeared in the American Journal of Science for April, 1884,1 succeedednbsp;in getting together 260 species of Dicotyledons alone from this formation, which I designated as Senoniau, and in a table published in the
-ocr page 42-440
last Annual Eeport of the Geological Survey (1883-84, p. 440) I showed that 354 Senonian species were then known, a flora slightly larger thannbsp;that of the Laramie group. The principal localities from which thisnbsp;flora is derived are: the Iron sands of Aix-la-Ohapelle, the Crednerianbsp;beds of Blankenburg and Quedlinburg in the Harz Mountains, numerous deposits in Westphalia, the Gosau formation in Austria, the Lignites of Fuveau in Provence, France, the beds of Patoot, Greenland,nbsp;and those of the Peace and Pine Eivers, British America, and of Vancouver and Orcas Islands on the Pacific coast. All of these beds arenbsp;quite definitely fixed in the upper Cretaceous, those of Europe beingnbsp;well known. As regards the others, Professor Heer states that those ofnbsp;Patoot possess a molluscan fauna identical with that of the Pox Hillsnbsp;group of North America, and Mr. G. M. Dawson correlates those of thenbsp;interior of British America with the Niobrara of Meek and Hayden, andnbsp;those of the Pacific coast with the Fox Hills. All authorities agree,nbsp;however, that all these beds are lower than the Laramie, and Dawsonnbsp;makes our Pox Hills the equivalent of the Maestricht and Faxoe beds,nbsp;the white chalk, Daiiiau, or extreme upper Cretaceous of Europe.
The ,following table aims to give all the fossil plants which have been thus far authentically described and recorded (1) in the Laramienbsp;group as above defined, (2) in the Senonian as last described, and (3)nbsp;from the beds that have been unanimously referred to the Eocene.nbsp;This last naturally excludes the Green Eiver group, which is regardednbsp;as the American Eocene of the West by nearly all authorities exceptnbsp;Mr. Lesquereux. As this one prominent author assigns the Laramienbsp;group (as defined by him) to the Eocene and places the Green Eivernbsp;deposits in a higher formation, and as it is chiefly to test this questionnbsp;that the table and its discussion are intended, it would manifestly vitiate the argument to prejudge the question by adding the Green Eivernbsp;group to the accepted Eocene.
In preparing this extensive table it has been my aim to embody in it as large an amount of information bearing not only upon the age andnbsp;synchronism of the Laramie group but also upon all the collateralnbsp;problems arising out of a study of the flora of that group as could benbsp;condensed into that amount of space. The plants are systematicallynbsp;arranged according to the latest botanical classifications, the names ofnbsp;the subordinate groups being entered in their proper places and distinguished by different type. The genera occupy separate lines andnbsp;the number of species represented in each genus is given in each column on those lines, the occurrence of species in the several formationsnbsp;being denoted by the customary sign (-f) employed by most authorsnbsp;for this object.
In the vertical arrangement the Laramie group is placed first merely
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because it is the group under immediate consideration, the Senonian next, because lowest, and because it is to its flora that it is especiallynbsp;desired to direct attention; the Eocene properly coming last. The firstnbsp;subdivision of the Laramie is intended to cover all the beds recognizednbsp;by Mr. Lesquereux as belonging to that group. The Carbon and Evanston coal beds, excluded by him, follow, the two columns covering allnbsp;the plants from the central and southern areas, the third being reservednbsp;for those of the northern districts, generally included under the namenbsp;of Fort Union group. To this latter group, as undoubtedly belongingnbsp;to a still more northern extension of it, I have assigned the speciesnbsp;named by Sir J. W. Dawson,^ as having been found in the Laramie ofnbsp;the British Provinces. These I have distinguished by the letters B. A.nbsp;and the frequent coincidence of these letters with the regular sign fornbsp;the species sufflciently attests the correctness of this conclusion. Mostnbsp;of the interrogation points occurring in this column represent casesnbsp;where the fossils have been reported from the localities denominatednbsp;“ Six miles above Spring OaEion, near Fort Ellis, Montana,” “ Yellowstone Lake,” “ Elk Creek,” and “Snake River.” These plants are allnbsp;classed by Mr. Lesquereux in his first and lowest group, or true Laramie,nbsp;but upon careful investigation I am tolerably well satisfied that theynbsp;belong to the Fort Union deposits. Their northern position and thenbsp;known fact that these deposits extend far up the Yellowstone and Missouri Rivers would naturally favor this view, but it is the internalnbsp;evidence afforded by the species themselves which is most convincing.nbsp;A large proportion of the forms from this locality are also found in thenbsp;true Fort Union beds and among these occurs Platanus nobilis, otherwise wholly characteristic of these beds. It is true that one species ofnbsp;Ficus and one palm occur here, but the genus Ficus is no longer excluded from the Fort Union group, while the occurrence of palms innbsp;that group has been recognized from the first.
The several acknowledged upper Cretaceous beds enumerated on a previous page are each given a separate column, and five of the mostnbsp;characteristic Eocene localities are also thus distinguished, the sixthnbsp;column being devoted to several less important and some outlying bedsnbsp;referred to that age. In the last column the several localities whichnbsp;have been set off by some authors from the true Eocene and classed asnbsp;Paleocene are grouped together. The principal beds of this class arenbsp;the Travertines of the Lac de Rilly near Sézanne, to the east of Paris;nbsp;the supra-lignitic deposits about Soissons, the “ Sables de Bracheux;”nbsp;and the so-called “Marnes Heersiennes” of Gelinden, all situated innbsp;Northern France and adjacent Belgian territory and immediately joining the only slightly lower Maestricht deposits.
The three broader columns which complete the body of the table
* On tlie Cretaceous and Tertiary Floras of British Columbia and the Northwest Territory. Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, 1883, pp. 15-34, PI. I-VIIInbsp;(see list of Laramie plants on page 32).
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merely sum up the data contained in these more detailed entries and exhibit the three formations side by side in compact form for readynbsp;comparison.
To this are added eleven columns for the purpose of indicating the vertical range of both the genera and the species. The first of these,nbsp;in which the letter referring to the foot-note is substituted for the conventional sign, shows those forms which occur below the Cretaceous,nbsp;the foot-notes showing the formations in which found. The headingsnbsp;of the other ten columns sufficiently explain themselves.
The geographical distribution of living genera, so far as practicable, and of genera closely allied to extinct ones, is also given in foot-notes, andnbsp;the number of species of living phenogamons genera, as estimated bynbsp;the highest botanical authorities, is indicated by figures in parenthesis.nbsp;The importance and significance of this feature will be discussed in thenbsp;proper place.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
«quot;Wealdeii. 6 Tropical seas. |
-ocr page 46-Species represented.
TaMc of distribution of Laramie, Senonian, and Eocene plants—Continued.
Summary of thenbsp;foregoing.
Other formations in which found.
d Ö
t* Q
(D a
.t §
O) cgt;
.2 S
p X
c3 5 ©1^nbsp;PQ-cnbsp;a
X *
c c;
© p o Pnbsp;-2 p
ce P
Caulerpites, Schp..............
Araucaria, M...............
bryoides, Ett...............
filiformis, Heer.............
incrassatiis, Lx............
pyramidalis, St.............
Sphaerococcites, Schp...........
csespitosus, F-0............
Chondrites, St..................
afflnis, Heer...............
antipathes, M..............
bulbosus, Lx ..............
Dalmaticus, Ktt........
divaricatus, Deb. amp; Ett.....
elegans, Deb. amp; Ett........
equisetoides, M............
furcillatus, St..............
inclinatus, St.............
intricatus, Schp............
intricatus Fischeri, Heer...
jugiformis, Deb. amp; Ett......
patulus, F-0.............
polymorphus, Hos. amp; Mck.
rhytiphloeoides, M.........
rigidus, Deb. amp; Ett........
rigidus, M..................
sphacelatus, M.............
subcurvatus, Hos. amp; Mck.. subintricatus. Deb. amp; Ett...nbsp;subsimplex, Lx............
a Silurian, Devonian.
i Lias, Coral.
2 ...
0 Musclielkalk, Lias, Oolite, Coral.
2iquot; C- $5 |
•Koiinaiaisia vio aaavx
Table of distributio n of Laramie, Senonian, and Locene plants—Continued.
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
a Lias. b Coral. cRhetic. |
t!- w f O | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
a Silurian, Lias. b Lias, Oolite. 0 Throughout temperate and tropical latitudes. d Oolite. |
Summary of thenbsp;foregoing.
Other formations in whicli found.
Species represented.
lt;9 9
a «
B o'
o 2
, lt;5 w «5 'Ca ®
S •r'o ft ®xnbsp;i? 9 ®quot; .2
, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;9nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;H B
o |MS m
I ®
Chara, Vaill. — Continued.
minima, Sap..........
onerata, Wat.........
Sparnacensis, Wat----
Marcliantia, La..........
gracilis, Sap .........
Sezannensis, Sap......
Muscites, Brongn.........
pereger, Sap..........
redivivus, Sap........
Sphenopteris, Brongn............
elougata, Xewby.............
eocenica, Ett................
Lakesii, Lx..................
membranarea, Lx............
nigricans, Lx................
Davalfia, Sm. c...................
tenuifolia, Sw................
Davallites, Daws.................
Richardsoni, Daws...........
Hynienopliylliini, Kaulf.ti........
confusum. Lxe..............
Neuropteris, Brongn ............
a Chiefly tropical.
6 Subcarboniferous, Carboniferous, Permian, Rhetic, Lias, Oolite, Coral, Wealden. c Tropical Asia, Japan, Malay Archipelago, New Zealand.
B. A.
(Z America, Mexico, and West Indies to Patagonia, India, and East India Islands, Australasia, Mascarene Islands, Saint Helena, Pacific Islands.
« Carboniferous.
ƒ Subc.arboniferous, Carboniferous, Permian, Kenper, Oolite.
H f K O ?^1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
a Rlietic. amp; Sabcarl»oniferoii3, Carboniferous, Permian, Keaper, Rhetic, Lias, Oolite, quot;Wealden. c Carboniferous, Permian. d Carboniferous. |
Table of distribution of Laramie, Senonian, and Locene plants—Continued.
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
a Permian. h Ehetic, Oolite, Wealden. |
W o | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
aNearly cosmopolitan. b Most tropical and warm regions; this section chiefly in Old World. c Temperate and tropical America, Asia, Mediterranean region, Indian and Mali^ Archipelagos, Africa, Canaries and Madeiras, Bourbon. d Nearly all temperate and tropical regions, chiefly in tropical South America.nbsp;e Subcarboniferous, Carboniferous. |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
aAraerica (Mexico and -Florida to Chiloe), Southern China, Himalayas, Malay Archipelago, temperatenbsp;Australia, New Caledonia, Pacific Islands. b Nearly all parts of the world, passing the Arctic Circle in Lapland. c Nearly cosmopolitan, cliiefiy tropical and temperate. |
Species represented.
Suinmary of thenbsp;foregoing.
Other formation in which found.
ec o o h
! o iO
Aspleninm, L.— Continued.
Foersteri, Deb. amp; Ett........
Pengelianum, Heer.........
scrobiculatum, Heer.........
tenerum, Lx.................
Wegmanni. Brongn..........
Asplenites, Gopp................
praeallosuroides, Ett. amp;. Gard .
Meniphyllum, Ett..............
elegans. Ett. amp;• Gard.........
Aspidium, Sw a...................
Kennerlii, Newby............
Oerstedi, Heer............ ..
Eeichianuin, St..............
Woodwardia, Sin h...............
latiloba, Lx...................
latiloba minor, Lx............
? venosa, Ett. amp; Gard.........
Dicksonia, L’Her c...............
Grcenlandica, Heer...........
Diplazium, Sw d.................
Miilleri, Heer.................
Lastrea, Presl e...................
Goldiana, Lx.................
intermedia, Lx...............
Gymnogramme, Deav ƒ .
a Nearly cosmopolitan. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;b Temperate and tropical North America, Southern Europe, Eastern Asia, Madeiras, and Canaries.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;c Tropical America, temperate
North America, Southern Europe, Pacific islands, Madeiras, Azores, Bourbon, Asia, Australasia, East India Islands, South Africa, New Hebrides. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;d Southern Asia,
Himalayas, Japan, Indian and Malay Archipelagos, Angola, Mascarene Islands, Pacific islands, tropical America, Mexico, West Indies. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;cNearly cosmopolitan. Species
sometimes referred to Aspidium and Nephrodium. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ƒ All tropical regions, west coast North America to Vancouver Island, Cape Colony, Japan, Himalayas.
w ïgt; g K o W O c| gt;13 aWeateiTi America, Mexico to Chili and Juan Fernandez, “West Indies, India, Indian and Malay Archipelagos, Australia, New Zealand, tropical Africa. 6 Southeastern Asia, Malay Archipelago, Australia, New Zealand, Pacific islands, tropical America. |
c Mexico and'West Indies to tropical South America, East India Islands, Australia, New Caledonia,nbsp;Pacific islands, South Africa,nbsp;d Tropical America, Mexico, West Indies, Indiannbsp;Archipelago, South Pacific islands, New Zealand,nbsp;South Africa, Madagascar. |
Species represented.
Anemia, Sw.—Continued.
subcretacea (Sap.) Ett. amp;. Gard
Didymosorna, Deb. amp; Ett..........
quot;comptouiajfolms, Deb. A Ett.. .
gleichenioides, Deb. Sc Ett.....
varians. Deb. amp; Ett............
Lygodium, Sw a ..................
capillare, quot;Wat.................
compactum, Lx................
crassicostatum, Wat...........
cretaceuni, Deb. Sc Ett.........
Kaulfusai, Heer................
Marvinei, Lx...................
neuropteioides, Lx............
Osmunda, Lb......................
affinis. Lx......................
arctica, Heer...................
eocenioa, Sap .............
Haldemiana, Hos. Sc Mck......
lignituni, (riebel sp............
major, Lx......................
Osmundites, Carr ................
Dowkeri. Carr.................
Ophioglossum, Lc.................
eocenicum (M.) Scbp..........
graniilatuni, Heer.............
a Tropical America, Eastern United States, West Indies, Southern and Eastern Asia, East Indianbsp;Islands. Australia, New Zealand, Angola, Madagascar, Pacific islands.
Summary of thenbsp;foregoing.
Other formations in which found.
ei i*S j 9 P'.SI®
O'Hi O
b America from Canada to Brazil, Northern Europe, Northern Asia, •Eastern and Southeastern Asia,nbsp;Barbary, Mascarene Islands, South Africa, Azoresnbsp;(few tropical and only 1 south temperate).
c Temperate and tropical America, West Indies, Lapland to Japan and India, East India Islands,nbsp;Australia, New Zealand, New Caledonia, eastnbsp;tropical and Southern Africa, Mascarene andnbsp;Pacific islands.
o-s cChiefly north temperate regions; absent from nearly the whole Southern Hemisphere.nbsp;d Keuper, Khetic, Lias, Oolite, Wealden. Species represented. Tempsliya, Corda....... cretacea, Hob. amp; Mck. Onoolea, La........... Hebraidica, Forbes____ sensibilis, L.................... Ivhizocarpege: Salvinia, Mich b...................... 1 attenuata, Lx..................... -f- Equiaetaceae: Equisetum, L c.................... amissum, Heer............... Erbreichii (Ett.) Schp.......... globulosum, Lx............... Haydenii, Lx.................. laivigatum, Lx.................... -j- limosum, L.................... species, Daws.................. Physagenia. Heer e ............... ’ Parlatorii, Heer................ Lycopodiace®: Psilotites, Gold.................... inemiis (Newby) Schp......... Selaginellii, Beauv g................. 3 Berthoudi, Lx..................... faicata, Lx........................ laciniata, Lx...................... a Temperate Eastern North America (Florida to (Jauada), Northern and Central Europe and Asia,nbsp;Japan, mountains of Southeastern Asia,nbsp;h Northern Hemisphere, tropical South America. |
e Regarded by Schimper as a form of Equisetum. /Carboniferous.nbsp;g Most cold countries. |
cl H l-H O 525 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
a (Zamia 30.) Tropical and subtropical North America. bLias, Oolite, Coral, Wealden.nbsp;c Oolite, Coral, Wealden.nbsp;d (Dioon 2.) Mexico. e Permian, Keuper, Rhetic, Lias, Oolite, Wealden. /Keuper^ Rhetic. Oolite, Wealden. g Carboniferous, Rhetic, Lias, Oolite, Wealden.nbsp;h (Abies 18.) Extratropical, Northern Hemisphere. i Wealden. j (5) 2 Asia, 3 North America. k (70) Extratropical, North America. Verynbsp;few tropical Eastern Asia, West Indies,nbsp;and Central America. |
Table of distrihution of Laramie^ Nenonian, and Eocene plants—Continued.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
a (10) South America, Australia, New Caledonia, and South Pacific islands. b Oolite, Wealden gt; c (8-10) Malay Archipelago, Fiji Islands, New Caledonia, New Zealand, and tropical East Australia. d (Cunninghamia 1.) Japan and China- |
bs K cc H W HH Cd d HH O 0^ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
a (60) Extratropical Southern Hemisphere, mountainous and Eastern Asia, mountains of tropical America (rare); absent from Southern Europe,nbsp;Western Asia.. Northern Africa, and North America. h (1) China. c(3-4) North America, Japan, China. d (6-8) Temperate Northern Hemisphere.nbsp;e (4) 3 Japan, 1 China. |
Species represented.
Table of distribution of Laramie, Senonian, and Eocene plants — Continued.
Eocene. |
• Summary ' of the |
foregoing. |
Other formations in which found.
a 6 !.§'«nbsp;'o a
c? o
Athrotaxis, Don a.................
Couttsia) (Heer) Ett. lt;fe Gard.
sabnlata, Ett. amp; Gard........
Taxoxylon, Kraus................
Haltemianum, Hos. amp;. Mck ..
Solenostrobus, Endl. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;......
corrufcatus (Bow.) Endl......
seroiplotuB (Bow.) Endl......
sulcatiis (Bow.) Endl........
Frenelopsis, Schenk..............
Konigii, Hos. amp; Mck.........
Cyparissidium, Heer.............
cretaceum, Schenk..........
gracile, Heer.................
mucronatum, Heer...........
Suessii, Schenk..............
Sequoia, Endl. c..................
acuminata, Lx...............
biformis, Lx .............
brevifolia, Heer..............
concinna, Heer...............
Couttsi», Heer................
fasti^iata, Heer..............
Heeni, Lx....................
Langsdorfii, Brongn.....
Legden sis, Hos. amp; Mck.
longifolia. Lx...........
macrolepis, Heer........
pectinata, Heer.........
B. A.
a (3) Tasmania.
b Oolite.
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
c (25) Temperate and frigid and mountainous tropical Northern Hemisphere. d (12) Temperate Asia, Southeastern Europe, North America,and Mexico. ? (12) Extratropical North America and Eastern Asia. a:) |
Species represented.
Sequoia, Endl.—Continued.
Keichenbachi (Gein.) Heer.......
rigida, Heer.......................
Sternberg! (Göpp.) Heer..........
subulata, Heer....................
Tournalii, Brongn................
Taxodiuni. Rich, (including Glyptos-
trobus,Endl.) a ....................
cnneatum, Hewby................
disticbum miocenum, Heer........
Europaeum, Brongn...............
intermedium. Heer................
occidentale, Newby...............
species, Daws....................
Cryptomeria, Don b. .................
Sternbergii, Göpp.................
Geinitzia, Endl .....................
ci-etacea, Endl....................
fonnosa. Heer ...................
hyperborea. Heer.................
Juniperus, L c .......................
ambigua (Sap.) Schp.............
Cupressus, L d........................
Pritcbardi (Göpp.)Ett. amp; Gard ...
taxiformis, Ung.................
Thuya, L. (including Cbamaecyparis,
Belgica, Sap. sp...................
a (3) 2 North America and Mexico, 1 China. b (1) Japau and China.
-ocr page 64-
Table of distribution of Laramie, Senonian, and Eocene plants—Continued. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
tr- O W a K a P3 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
a lt;8) 2 Chile, 2 New Zealand, 1 New Caledonia, 1 Japan, 1 China, and 1 California. b (14) Africa, Madagascar, Australia, and New Caledonia. |
K W O | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
a (2) Temperate and sulstropical regions; rare in the tropics. b (6-7) Mediterranean region, East Indies, ti opical America, Malay Archipelago,nbsp;Madagascar, Hew Zealand, Andes, and Antarctic America. c Lias. d (280) In all warm and temperate regions; least abundant in Asia and temperate North America. |
Species represented.
Table of distribution of Laramie^ Senonian, and Eocene plants—CoDtiuued.
Summary of tbe *nbsp;foregoing.
Other formations in which found.
Poacites, Brongn.—Continued.
distichus. Sap...............
glumaceus, Sap.............
nervosus, Sap ..............
obsoletus, Wat..............
ovatiis, Sap.................
paucinervis, Wat...........
protogaeus, Wat............
refertus, Sap................
restiaceus, Sap..............
Koginei, Wat...............
Scbimperi, Heer............
triticeus, Sap...............
Carex, La......................
Bertboudi, Lx..............
Scirpus, L Ö.................—
species, Daws...............
Cyperacites, Schp...............
Bolceusis, M............
palaeostachyus, Sap.........
scboeuoides, Sap............
Sezanuensis, Sap............
Rbizocaulon, Sap...............
gypsoruro, Sap ...........
macropbyllum, Sap.........
Eriocaulon, L c.................
porosum, Lx.
B. A.
a (500) Temperate and frigid regions, mountains in tropics. b (300) All parts of the -world.
; (100) All warmer parts of the world, except Northern Africa and Southern Europe; chiefly tropical.
Species represented.
o c O re
Zosterites, Brongn a.......
atiinis, Ett............
Lamberti, Wat.........
Thalaasocharis, Deb.......
Bosqueti, Deb..........
MUlleri, Deb...........
9 Westfalica, Hos. amp; Mck
Halochloris, Ung ----
cyinodoceoides, Eng ...
Poeidonia, Koen c..........
cretacea, Hos. amp; Mck..
Caulinites, Brongn ........
Catuli, M .........
digitatua, Wat........
fecundus, Lx...........
loiopitys, M ...........
nodosus, XTng...........
Parisiensis, Brongn_____
rhizonia, M ............
sparganioides, Lx......
Sphmnophora, M...........
crassa, M ..............
Ettingshauseni, Vis----
frracilis, M
acisioides, M..................
Potamogeton, L d..................
ctespitans, Sap..................
crebrinervis, Wat..............
cretaceus, Heer...............
a (Zo8tera4) Temperate seas of the Old World.
Senonian Eocene. Summary of thenbsp;foregoing. Other formations in which found. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
’5 .2 |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
c (2) 1 MediteiTanean region; 1 Australia. d (50) Kearly all parts of the world. |
h Lias.
Species represented.
Summary of thenbsp;foregoing.
Otker formations in which found.
«cc a ^
— ® I
® fe IS o
Potamoueton, L.— Continued.
enervis, Wat...................
eocenicus, Wat................
erectus, Sap...................
extinctus, Wat.................
* filiforniis, ••'ap..................
niicrophyrius. Wat.............
niultinervis, Bfon^n...........
najadum, tJnjr ................
qnadrilaterus, Wat..............
T-arinervis, Wat................
thalictroides, Wat.............
Tritonis, tTng..................
Alismacites, Sap a.................
lancitblius, Sap.................
Lenina, L6........................
scutata, Daws.................
Pistia, Lc..........................
coiTiigata, Lx..................
Pistites, Hos. amp; Mck ............
loriformia, Hos. amp; Mck..........
Liiniioph.x liuni, Hos. amp; Mck........
lanceolatuin. Hos. amp; Mck.......
pdinjevum, Hos. amp;, Mck........
Typhadoipum, Ung(i..............
«(Alisnia 10) Europe, Northern Asia, h (7) Temperate and tropical regions.
B. A.
tropical Africa, North America, Airstralia.
c(l) Tropical freah waters, except Australia and Pacific islands. d (Typha 10) Temperate and tropical regions.
Species represented.
O « .. a
Summary of thenbsp;foregoing.
Other formations in which found.
Typha3loipuni, TJng.~
priJutBvum, Sap____
Spargauium, L a.......
strictnm, Sap.......
Stjgiuin, Heer.....
Pandanus, L b.........
Siuiildae, Stiehl.....
Ludovnopsis, Sap c.....
discerpta, Sap......
geonoraaefolia, Sap.
Kaidacarpiim, Carr____
cretaceum, Heer...
Latanites, M.d.........
parvulus, M........
Calamopsis, Heere.....
Daiiai, Lx .........
Sabal, Adans. (incl. Sabalites.Lx.) ƒ...
Andegaviensis, Schp.....
Campbellii, Newby......
fructifer, Lx. sp.........
Grayana, Lx. sp .........
Hseriugiana (Ung.) Schp.
imperialis, Daws.........
Lalania, Rossm. sp.......
major, Ung..............
a (6) Temperate and subfrigid Northern Hemisphere and Australia. b (50) Malay ArchipeJagn, Mascarene and Seychelles Islands, Australia andnbsp;Oceanica (few); West Indies 1.nbsp;c (Carludovica 30) Tropical America, West Indies.
d (Latauia 3) Mascarene Islands.
e (Calamus 200) Tropical and subtropical Asia, Africa (few); Australia (few). / (6) Tropical and subtropical North America, West Indies, Venezuela.
Species represented.
q »
'o a Os
Sabal, Adans. (incl. Sabalites, Lx.)-Continued.
miciophylla, Sap................
prfecursoria (Sap.) Schp........
priuiaeva, Schp..................
Suessionensis (Wat.) Schp......
species, Newby.................
Flabellaria, St.....................
cbainteropifolia, Gopp...........
costata, Sap....................
eocenica, Lx....................
Goupili, Wat ...................
Lamanonis, Brongu.............
litigiosa, Sap....................
Zinkeni, Heer...................
Palaeophoenix. Sap a................
Aymardi, Sap...................
Nipadites, Bow b...................
Burtini, Brongn.................
curtus, Sap.....................
Heberti, Wat ..................
Parkinsonis, Bow...............
provincialis, Sap................
semiteres, Bow.................
Castellina, M........................
ambigua, M.....................
compressa, M..................
elliptica, M.....................
incurva, M......................
macrocarpa, M..................
a (Phcenix 12) Tropical and subtropical Asia and Africa.
Summary of thenbsp;foregoing.
CM a 0(5
OS s8
O €gt;
A 5 « S
other formations in which found. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
b (Nipa 1) Tropical Asia, Ceylon, Philippine Islands, New Guinea, tropical Australia.
GO H W I—( W | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
a (Geonoma 100) Tropical America. h (Oreodoxa 5) Tropical America. |
Species represented.
Table of distribution of Laramie, Senonian, and Eocene plants—Continued.
Summary of thenbsp;foregoing.
other formations in which found.
9 Ö
'o pquot; O'S
'^’'2 O O
p « o
•-I =3
§ jgo
^ i « O , « 'CQnbsp;.2 ; ci
amp;¦ !§ gi
® I R
Palmocarpon, Lx. — Continued.
subcylindricum, Lx........
truncatum, Lx.............
Eolirion, Schenk...............
nervosum, Hos. amp;. Mck.....
Dracaenites, Sap a..............
Brongniaj tii, Sap...........
sepullus. Sap............
Majanthemophyllum, Webb ...
athesimum, M .............
cretaceum, Heer............
lanceolatum, Heer..........
fmsillum, Heer.............
ax, Lc.....................
grandifolia, Ung............
Lyellii, Wat. sp............
rotundiloba (Sap.) Schp_____
Musophyllum, Goppd...........
Axonense, Wat.............
longaevum, Sap..............
speciosum, Sap ............
Cannophyllites, Brongn e.......
TTngeri, Wat................
Zingiberites. Heer ƒ............
dubius, Lx..................
a (Dracmna 35) Warmer regions of the Old World. b (Maiantheraum 1) Temperate Northern Hemisphere,nbsp;c (187) Tropicai and temperate regions.
d(Mu8a 20) Tropical regions of the Old World. e (Ganna 30) Tropical and suhtropical America.
/(Zingiber 30) East Indies, Malay Archipelago, Mascarene and
Pacific islands.
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
a (Amomum 50) Tropical Asia, Africa, Australia, aiilt;l Pacific islands. h (7) Tropical Asia, Japan, Australia, Mascarene Islauds; tropical and subtropical Africa, BrazU. c(18) Europe, middle and northern Asia, and mountains of tropical Asia, North America, Mexico. |
Species represented.
Populua, L.—Continued.
longior, Daws....................
melanaria, Heer..................
inelanarioides, Lx................
modesta, Wat....................
aiionodon, Lx............... .....
iimtabilis ovalis, Heer..........
iiiutabilis repando-crenata, Heer .
Nebrascensis, Newby............
nervosa, Newby.................
primigenia, Sap..................
protozaddachli, Daws............
rectinervata, Daws..............
rhomboidea, Lx.................
Richardsoni, Heer...............
rotundifolia, Newby.............
smilacifolia, Newby..............
Styuia, Heer.....................
subrotundata, Lx................
Suessionensis, Wat...............
tremulseiorrais, Hos. amp; Mck......
trinervis. Daws..................
Uugeii, Lx.......................
Zaddacbi, Heer..................
species. Daw'S....................
Populites, M. emend................
CNcIophylla, Heer................
Salix, La............................
angusta? Al. Br.................
Laramie. B. A. -h
(?) |
tquot; W ft- V | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(1060) Temperateaud frigid Northern Hemisphere; more rare in tropics; very few in Southern Hemisphere; 1 Chile; none in Malay Archipelago or South Pacific islands. |
Cd t-i W o | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ff (15) Tempel ate and more frigid regions of both Hemispheres. b (2) TemperateNorthernHemisphere, Asia, Europe, North America. c(25) India, China, Malay Archipelago, 1 California. |
Table of distribution of Laramie, Senonian, and Eocene plants—Continued. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
a (300) Europe, temperate aud tropical Asia, Iforth America, mountaius of Central America and United States of Colombia; Africa except Mediterranean region; Masca-rene Islands, Australia, Pacific islanoe, and New Guinea. |
Species reprevsented.
Table of distribution of Laramie, Senonian, and Eocene plants—Continued.
o o
b. B lt;D Onbsp;quot;bnbsp;fpps
Snmmary of thenbsp;foregoing.
Other formations in which found.
Q Liercus — CoDtinued.
fraxinifolia, Lx...........
furciueivia (Kosam.) ting.
Godeti, Heer..............
^acilis, Newby...........
Haydenii, Lx.............
liieracifolia, Hos. amp; Mck .
Hookeri, Ett..............
iliciformis, Hos. amp; Mck...
Jobnstoai, Heer..........
Lamberti, Wat...........
latissima, Hos............
Langeana, Heer..........
iaurit'olia, Newby.........
Legdensis, Hos...........
Lonchitis, Ung...........
longifolia, Hos............
Loozi. Sap. amp; Mar..........
Lyellii, Heer..............
macilenta, Sap............
Marcoui, Heer............
multinervis, Lx............
myrtillus. Heer...........
negundoides, Lx..........
neriifolia, Al. Br..........
Olafseni, Heer............
palseopbellos. Sap..........
parallelinervis, Wat......
parceserrata, Sap. amp; Mar..
Patootensis, Heer..........
Daucinervis, Wat..........
Species represented.
Table of distribution of Laramie, Senonian, and Eocene plants—Coiitiuued.
Quercus — Continued.
paucinervis, Hos............
Pealei, Lx..................
platania, Heer..............
platinofvis, Lx..............
praephilippiuensis, Ett......
retracta. Lx................
rhomboidalis, Hos. amp; Mck..
salii ina, Sap................
Salyorum, Sap .............
apathulata, quot;W at.............
aphenobasia, Hos. amp; Mck—
atraminea, Lx...............
Sully i, Newby...............
tfeniata, Sap..... nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;....
eurypbylla, Hos. amp; Mck_____
Valdensis, Heer.............
vibumifolia, Lx.............
Victoriai, Daws............
Westfalica, Ho.s. amp; Mck.....
Wilmsii, Hos..............
Dryophyllum, Deb.............
Aqdiagranense, Deb *.......
Alberti-Magni, Deb.........
Beuthianum, Deb...........
campteroneurmu, Deb......
crenatum. Lx...............
Crepini, Deb................
cretaceuni, Deb ............
curticellense, (Wat.) Sap — Dethimusianum, Deb.......
Laramie. ! -i |
Sigt;ecies represenfe»!.
Summary of thenbsp;foregoing.
Other formations in which found.
fl ® § ©nbsp;SZ o
5-© ®
Dryophjllum, Deb.— Continued.
Dewalquei, Sap..............
Eodrys, Deb.................
exijruura. Deb...............
^rracile, Deb.... ............
Ilananianni, (Dunk.) Sap.....
Heerii, Deb..................
integrum, Sap...............
laxinerve, Sap .............
Lerschianum, Deb...........
Lesquerenxiannm, Deb......
lineare, Sap..................
Palaeocastanea, Sap..........
regaliaquense, Deb..........
subcretaceum, Sap...........
subfalcatum, Lx.............
tenuifolium, Deb.............
vittatum, Sap................
Pasaniopsis, Sap. amp; Mar..........
rectinervis, Sap. amp; Mar.......
Corylus, IL a.....................
Americana, W alt............
grandifolia, INewby.........
Mac Quarrii (Forbes) Heer orbiculata, Newby..........
B. A.
rostrata, Ait...................
Oatrj'a, Scop ft......................
niimilis, Sap....................
a (7) Temperate Northern Hemisphere, Europe, Asia, North America.
ft (2) Temperate Northern Hemisphere, Europe, Asia, North America.
I i
Species represented.
Carpinus, La............
I^brunii, TVat........
Snessionensis, Wat...
Carpinites, Göpp........
microphylla, Heer____
Alnus, Gaertn b...........
antiquorum, Sap.....
cardiophj*lla, Sap-----
Keferstemii, Göpp...
MüUeri, Ett..........
praecursor (Gey.)Ett.
propinqua, Wat......
protofraea, Heer......
serrata, !Newby......
trinervis, Wat.......
Alnites, Göpp............
insiffnis, Daws.......
Eetula, L c...............
atavina, Heer.........
Daltoniana, Ett......
Gcepperti, Lx........
gracilis, Ludw.......
gypsicola, Sap........
ostryeefolia, Sap......
nerantiqua,Daws. ...
Sezaunensis, Wat_____
Stevensoni, Lx.......
Suessionensis, Wat- --
tremula, Heer........
vetusta, Heer........
Table of distribution of Laramie^ Senonian, and Eocene plants — Continued.
Summary of thenbsp;foregoing.
Other formations in which found.
i.-eM ^
« o
s .!
o M
¦3^ ® §
a. a:gt; ?*•, 6-
^ s a s 3 .s I ® a O 3 Ph O' i4 O
a (9) Temperate Northern Hemisphere, Europe, Asia, North America.
b (14) Europe, Mi(i(Ue and Northern Asia, North America, Andes (I South Africa?).
c (25) Europe, Middle and America.
Northern Asia, North
Species represented.
Table of distribution of Laramie, Senonian,and Eocene lüants—Continued.
9 Ü
¦quot;o qquot;
I © ©
I fc- 9
I © ©
Summary of thenbsp;foregoing.
i© © ealfc.
£ 2’a cc
! t. 0
, so o %
Betnla, L.—Continued.
species, Daws.................
Myrica, L. (Comptonia, Banks) a
aemula, Heer..................
aculeata, Sap..................
angustata, Schp...............
angustissima, Wat...........
apiculata, Sap.................
Aquensis, Sap................
arguta, Sap...................
attenuata, Wat...............
banksiajfolia, Ung............
concisa, Wat..................
crenulata, Sap................
crenulata (Heer) Schp........
cretacea, Heer ............
dillenise folia, Schp............
German, Heer................
gracilis, Sap..................
Hasringiana, Ung............
hakeaefolia (Ung.) Sap........
ilicifolia. Sap..................
laevigata (Heer) Sap..........
leiophylla, Hos. lt;fc mck........
Lessigii, Lx...................
longa. Heer...................
longifolia, Ung................
magnihca, Wat...............
Marceauxi, Wat..............
2 11
7 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;10
2 ' 7
a (35) Temperate and warmer regions of the world, except Australia.
Other formations in which found. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
l-H CO c\ H O |
Species represented.
Table of distribution of Laramie, Senonian, and Eocene plants—Continued.
fl o
lt;a ^
I o o' jO*Snbsp;a
I o : lt;u o
Summary ot thenbsp;foregoing.
Other formations in which found.
Myrica, L. (Comptonia, Banks)—Continued.
Matkeroniana, Sap...............
Meissueri (Heer) Schp............
Meneghiuii, Üng..................
palseoceriiera, Sap................
parvula, Heer.....................
pednnculata, Wat.................
platyphylla, Sap.................
prajcox, Heer.....................
primseva, flos. amp;• Mck.............
pseudodrymeia, Sap..............
saiicina, ting.....................
Saportana, Schp...................
Scnenkiana, fleer.................
sinuata. Sap......................
subhaeringiana, Sap..............
subincisa, Sap....................
Suessionensis, Wat..............
Torreyi, Lx.......................
Vinayi, Sap.......................
Jnglans, ha..........................• 4
appregt;sa, Lx.........................
(f) cinerea, L .................... ...
crassipes, Heer...................!...
denticulata, fleer.................j...
Harwoodensis, Daws.................
Leconteana, Lx...................! -f-
a (8) Temperate and subtropical Northern Hemisphere; 1 Europe and Middle Asia Indies and Mexico.
. 2
W -A
2 Eastern Asia and Japan; 4 or 5 North America, Canada, and California, to West
H gt; td trquot; O GO | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
a (10) North America (1 Mexico). b{Q) Temperate and subtropical Northern Hemisphere; 2 Eastern Europe and Asia; 2 America. |
Species represented.
Platanus, L.— Continued.
liaynoldsii integrifolia, Lx.
ihomboidea, Lx............
Artocarpus, Forst a............
uudulata, Hos ...........
Artocarpoides, Sap 6...........
conocephaloidea, Sap......
pouroumaeformis, Sap......
Artocarpidium, Uug...........
Ephlaltae, Étt .............
Stuarti, Ett...............
Ficus, Lc .....................
angulata, Hos. amp; Mck......
angustifolia, Hos..........
arcinervis (Kossm.) Heer...
artica, Heer..............
arenacea, Lx...............
artocarpoides. Lx..........
asarifolia, Ltt..............
atavina, Heer...............
auriculata, Lx.............
cinnamomoides, Lx........
crassinervis, Hos..........
cretacea, Hos.............
cuneata, Newby...........
Dalmatica, Ett.............
densinervia, Hos. amp; Mck...
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
North America, except Mexico. |
b (Artocarpus, cf. Coassapoa 18 and Pourouma 20) Tropical South America.
Species represented.
Summary of thenbsp;foregoing.
Other formations in which found.
. a ¦ a c
s i. c
Picus, L.—Continued.
deiitata, Hos...................
elongata, Hos..................
Giebeli, Heer..................
gracilis, Hos...................
Haydenii, Lx..................
Horneri, Heer.................
irregularis, Lx................
Jynx, Ung.....................
lanceolata, Heer ...........
laurifolia, Hos. lt;fc Mck.........
longifolia, Hos.................
maxima, Daw.s.................
Morloti, Ung...... ............
MoiTisii, He la Harpe..........
nervosa, Hewby...............
oblanceolata, Lx...............
obscurata. Sup.................
occidentalis. Lx...................j nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;
pianicostata, Lx...................
planicostata Goldiana, Lx.........
pianicostata latifolia, Lx..........I nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;H-
platanifolia, Sap......................
pseudopopulus, Lx ...............[ nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;—
pulcberrima. Sap..................j----
Reuschii, Hos.....................'----
Schimpen, Lx.....................'----
Schlechteudali, Heer..................
Smitlisoniana, Lx................. 4*
B. A.?.
o ^ ®
¦n r-l (;^ rt sê .nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^
Ë'E = I
I o a
If* ®
¦2 a
' lt;£gt; ^
I ^ O © —
Species represented.
Ficus, L.—Continued, tenuilblia, Hos.....
tilifefolia, Al. Br...
Summary of thenbsp;foregoing.
Other formations in which found.
o g;
^ o
ee o
a a
£g ounbsp;S fenbsp;S.2
: B. A.
treraula, Heer..................
trilobata, Heer.................
uncata, Lx.....................
Tenusta, Sap...................
Verbeekiana, Heer.............
Protoficus, Sap....................
crenulata, Sap.................
insigiiis, Sap...................
lacera, Saj).....................
Sezannensis, Sap...............
Ficonium, Ett......................
Solandri, Ett...................
Planera, Gmel a....................
autiqua, Heer...................
microphylla, Newby............
Ulmus, LÖ.........................
antiquissima, Sap..............
betulacea, Sap.................
Bronguiartii, Pom.............
dubia, Laws...................
Marioni, Sap...................
modesta, wat..................
oppositinervis, Wat............
pluriuervia, TJng...............
Leptomeria, B. Brc................
a (1) Southern United States.
b (16) Temperate Northern Hemisphere, mountains of tropical Asia.
c (14) Australia.
Species represented.
Summary of thenbsp;foregoing.
d o dsnbsp;o o
'T Ö
' !d“ ' [ ® ®
'2 ° ' d anbsp;! ® §nbsp;I«
Leptomeria, R. Br.— Continued.
tlexuosa, Ett...................
prisca, Sap.....................
Osyris, La.........................
priraaeva. Sap.................
Santalum, L 6 .. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.............
Acheronticum, Ett.............
salicinum, Ett..................
osyrinura, Ett..................
Pimelea, Banks c ........-........
borealis, Heer..................
Dryandra, R. Br d..................
Michloti (Wat.) Sap............
Dryandroides, ................
Haldemiana, Hos. amp;¦ Mck......
mierophylla, Hos. amp;. Mck.......
Rogdnei, Wat..................
Banksia, Le.......................
Helvetica, Heer................
Banksites, Sap.....................
Aquensis, Sap...................
linearis, Sap...................
repertus, Sap...................
Knightia, R. Br/....................
Haltoniana, Ett................
Knightites, Sap.....................
Oaudini, Sap...................
a (5-6) Southern Europe, Africa (nearly all parts), East Indies. b (8) East Indies, Malay Archipelago, Australia, Pacific islands.nbsp;c (76) Australia and New Zealand.
d (47) Extratropical Western Australia. e (46) Australia, mostly extratropical.nbsp;ƒ (3) 1 New Zealand. 2 New Caledonia.
Other formations in which found. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
•^3 gt;- |
Summary of thenbsp;foregoing.
Other formations in which found.
CO s
! 3.2
' nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;3
CÖ S ®:E C
I P © © —
© Ö O’rt
M'S ® ©nbsp;o S
Species represented.
a »’
ei S
Embothrites, TJng a................
Aquensis, Sap..................
stenopteris, Sap................
Lomatia, R. Br 6...................
Bolcensis, Ung.................
latior, Heer....................
Lomatites, Sap ...................
acerosus. Sap...................
Aquensis, Sap..................
Aquensis acuminatus, Sap.....
Aquensis brevier, Sap..........
Aquensis coriaceus, Sap.......
Aquensis intermedius, Sap.....
sinuatus, Sap.................
Grevillea, R. Br. c..................
coriacea, Sap...................
elliptica. Sap..................
myrtifolia, Sap..................
nervosa, Heer...................
provincialis, Sap................
rigida, Sap......................
Persoonia, Sm d....................
Kunzii, Heer...................
Adenantbos, Labiil. e..............
2 .................... 2
d(60) Australia, 1 Kew Zealand. e (15) Extratropical Westem Australia.nbsp;/(Petrophila 35) Australia.
species, Sap....................
Petrophiloides, Bow. ƒ.............
imbricatus, Bow...............
Richardsoni, Bow..............
a(Embothrium 4) South America, extratropical or Andes. b (9) 3 Chile, 6 Australia,nbsp;c (160) Australia; 7 hiew Caledonia.
-ocr page 89-Species represented.
Table of distribution of Laramiej Senonian, and Eocene plants—Continued.
Summary of thenbsp;foregoing.
Other formations in which found.
Proteoides, Heer a...............
ilicoides, Heer...............
lancifolius, Heer.............
lougus, Heer.................
PalfDodendron, Sap ...........
gypsophilum, ^ap.............
longissimum. Sap............
Leucadendrites, Sap b............
extinctus, Sap................
Oleracites, Sap....................
Beta prisca, Sap..............
convolvuloides, Sap...........
Laurus, L c......................
aciiminata, Newby...........
atflnis, Hos. amp; Mck.........
angusta, Heer...............
ApoUinis, Heer..............
assimilis, Sap ............
Australiensis, Ett...........
Brossiana, Lx.................
crassinervis, Daws..........
Delessii, Sap .................
Forbesii, De la Harpe........
Forbesii angustior, Sap.......
gypsorum, Sap ...............
lïeersiensis, Sap..............
Hollae, Heer...................
Lalages, Ung.................
a (Protea 60) Extratropical Africa, 1 or 2 tropical Africa.
M I 4, fl ‘ fl Snbsp;ic .tS C
^ la'^ o iS'C
c8 ® ”
0^ .Ph
b (Leucadendron 70) South Africa.
c (2) 1 MediteiTanean region,
1 Canary Islands.
trquot; O W !gt; O | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
c (50) Tropical and Eaatem Asia, Japan, Horth America. 6(140) Tropical and Eastern Asia, Japan, Malay Archipelago, tropical and subtropical Austra-lia. New Zealand, New Caledonia. c (1) North America. |
Laramie. |
Senonian. |
Eocene. |
Summary of thenbsp;foregoing. |
Other formations in which found. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
o o' 'O ee ® o 53 «- g O S |
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-1- . |
-h | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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J_ |
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3 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;3 |
3 |
4 |
a | ||||||||||||||||||
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•-3 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4- |
4 4 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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4 |
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(?) |
3 c |
4 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
4 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 |
7 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 |
.... (50) A |
4 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 |
...J ... |
a |
9 |
1 tra* s. |
ropi |
Ja |
gt;a |
u, tro |
pit |
^ .al 00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
few in Canary Islands. |
i(10C tr |
) Tropical an opical Americ |
d subtropical Asia, tropical and es a, Virginia, Chile; 1 Canary Islam |
Tropical and ustralia. |
sub1 |
3al Asia, |
Species represented.
Sassafras, Xees.—Continued.
primigenium, Sap.................
Selwynil, Daws.............
species, Daws....................
Ocotea, Aubl. (Oreodaphne Nees) a..
apicifolia, Sap. amp; Mar.............
Persea, Gaertn h......................
lancifolia, Lx......................
palaeomorpba. Sap. amp; Mar.........
pedata, Lx.....................
vetnsta, Sap ......................
Cinnamoraum, J3hime c..............
affine, Lx.........................
Aquense, Sap....................
camphoraefolium, Sap .............
ellipsoideura, Sap.................
emarginalum, Sap................
gandifolium (Ett.) Schp.........
eerii, Lx.......................
lanceolatnm (Ung.) Heer ........
Leichardtii, Ett...................
Mississippiense, Lx...............
ovale, Sap.........................
polymorphum, Al. Br.............
polymorphoides, McCoy..........
Scbeucbzcri, Heer................
Sextianum, S^...................
Sezannense, vVat.................
Dapbnogene, Ung. emend.............
a(200) Tropical and subtropical America; Islands, Soatb Africa, and Mascarene
-ocr page 92-Summary of the’nbsp;foregoing.
Other fonnations in which found.
; X ©
®‘-i. U3 sc
es oi
P . o
i k c8 JH
;S.5i O ® ènbsp;:.S s
IÖ ®
o P O'S
Species represented.
S ® : eö'P 1
fc: «
! cSpq
I ®
Daphnogene, Ung. emend—Continued.
An^ica, Heer.....................
coriacea, Sap..........................
eiegans, Wat..................
longinqua. Sap................
parvula, Sap .................
Kaincourtii, Sap..............
Veronensis, M................
Monimiopsis, Sap a...............
abscoudita. Sot...............
amborsefolia, Sap..............
fraterna, Sap..................
Arislolochia, Lamp;..................
cordifolia, Newby............
Coccoloba, JjC....................
laevigata, Lx..................
Fisonia, Ld......................
eocenica, Ett..................
racemosa. Lx..................
Division II.—Polypetalce.
Nyssa, Le .........................
lanceolata, Lx....... ..........
a (Monimia 3) Mascarene Islands. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;6(180) Wanner and temperate regions of the whole globe. c (80) America, chiefly tropical: fewinMexicoand Florida.
d (60) Tropical America; few in Asia, Pacific and Mascarene Islands. e (5-6) Temperate and warm Eastern North America, Eastern Himalayas, Malay Archipelago.
-ocr page 93-Summary of thenbsp;foregoing.
Other formations in which found.
Species represented.
o. a «nbsp;S.M.
1-1 s-
Comus, La......................
confusa, Sap.................
Hulmiana, Heer..............
Nebrascensis, Scbp..........
platyphylla, Sap.............
rhamnifolia, Web............
Studeri, Heer .............
saborbifera. Lx..............
Thulensis, Heer.............
Hedera, L amp;......................
cuneata, Heer................
Philiberti, Sap...............
prisca. Sap...................
Cussonia. Thunb c.............rr
rediviva, Sap.................
rectiuervis, Sap...............
Panax, L d.......................
globulifera, Heer ............
macrocarpa, Heer............
Aralia, Le.......................
acerifolia, Lx................
argutidens, Sap..............
bicornis, Sap.................
calyptrocarpa, Sap...........
cordifolia, Sap...............
d(25) Trcmical and Eastern Asia to Mantchooria, tropical Africa, Pacific Islands, New Zealand, Australia.
c (30) Tropical and Eastern temperate Asia, North America, Mexico, Japan, Malay Archipelago.
crenata. Sap.................
a (25) Europe, Asia, temperate America; few in Mexico; 1 Peru. b (2) 1 temperate and subtropical Horthem Hemisphere from Canaries to Japan;
1 Australia.
c (11) Tropical and Southern A frica, Mascarene Islands.
-ocr page 94-Aralia, L.—Continued.
demersa, Sap........
denticulata, Hos, amp; Mck.
hederacea, Sap........
liooziaiia. Sap. amp; Mar. micropliylla, Hos, amp; Mck .
multitida. Sap......
notata, Lx..........
pungens, Lx.........
racemifera, Sap......
redux, Sap...........
robusta, Sap........
Sezaiinensis, Sap____
spinulosa, Sap.......
triloba. Newby.....
tripartita, Sap.......
venulosa. Sap.......
¦Waigattensis, Heer. Onagrarie®:
Trapa, La..............
raicrophylla, Lx.....
borealis, Heer.......
Melastomites, TTng ft ... cuneiformis, Hos. amp; Mcknbsp;Myrtace®:
Eugenia, L c.......
Apoilinis, Ung.
Holl®, Ung.
Species represented. |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
b (Melastoma, 40) Tropical Asia, ^Northern Australia, Oceanica, 1 Seychelles. c(700) Tropical and subtropical America, tropical Asia; few Australia and Africa, |
a (2-3) Middle and Eastern Europe, tropical and subtropical Asia and Africa.
Species represented.
Summary of the’nbsp;foregoing.
-d .
a o tinbsp;a
M “
hJ 3
Myrtus L a.....................
Aquenvsis, Sap ..............
coriugata, Sap..............
rugosa, Sap ................
MjTtophylluin, Heer............
? cryptoneuron, Sap. amp; Mar .
pusilliim, Heer ...........
Metrosideros, Banks b...........
Saxonum. Heer.............
Eucalyptus, L’Herc.............
Haldemiana, Deb............
Delftii, Ett ...........
Hierin giana, Ett............
ina;quilatera, Marck........
oceanica, TTng..............
Verbeeki, Heer.............
Callistemophyllum. Ett d.......
diosiuoides, Ett.............
Giebeli. Heer...........
melaleucse forme, Ett........
priscuni, Sap................
Leptospermites, Sap e...,',......
repertus, Sap...............
Terminalia, L ƒ.................
elegans, Heer
a (100) Extratrcpical Western South America, tropical America (fewer); 8 Australia, 4 New Zealand, 1 Southern Eui^e and Western Asia.
6(18) Pacific Islands (New Zealand—Hawaii); 1 tropical Australia. 1 Indian Archipelago, 1 South Africa,nbsp;c (100) Australia, Indian Archipelago (few).
• 1.
Other formations in which found. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
d hH O ^2! |
d (Callistemon 12) Australia; 1 or 2 New Caledonia.
e (Leptospermum 25) Australia ; New Zealand, New Caledonia, Indian Archipelago (few),
f (80-90) Tropical Eastern Hemisphere, few tropical America.
Table of distribution of Laramie, Senonian, and Eocene plants — Continued.
Summary of thenbsp;foregoing.
Other formations in which found.
a « ^ ’nbsp;.a '
2 £
iquot;? OS'
Ph s ^gt;2nbsp;«s
O pH
i XI §
H o'
Species represented.
iP3 s:
; © © I
o a I
i © S I
Termiualia, L. —Continued.
^rypaorum, Sap.................
Liquidambar, La..................
(icepperti, Wat................
Hamanielites, ?ap h................
fothergilloides, Sap............
Ribes, L c.........................
Celtorum, Sap..................
Ceratopetalum, Sm d...............
myricinum, De la Harpe.......
Amelanchier, Lindl«..............
ainulis, Newby.................
Cotoneasier, Medik ƒ..............
assiinilanda, Sap...............
major, Sap.....................
minula, Sap....................
obscurata, .................
primordialis, Sap...............
protogtea, Sap..................
socia, Sap......................
Cratajgus, Ij g......................
asquidentata, Lx...............
atavina, Heer..................
f (15) Europe, Eortlieru Africa, Middle and Western Asia, Siberia, mountains of the East Indies, Mexico.
g (65) Europe, Western and Northern Asia, Japan. North America (Canada to Mexico); 1 Andes, New Grenada.
a (2) 1 tropical to temperate North America, 1 Asia Minor. h (Hamamelis 2) 1 Eastern Nortli America, 1 Japan,nbsp;c (56) Temperate Europe, Asia and America; Andes.nbsp;d (2) Temperate Eastern Australia.
€ (4) Asia Minor, Japan, North America.
-ocr page 97-Species represented.
Crataegus, L.—Continued.
fragsrioides, Heer.....
nobilis, Sap...........
Acacia. Willd a...........
ambigua, Sap.........
Aqueusis, Sap.........
brevior, Sap ........
Corsacensis, Sap......
iulibrizoides, Sap......
lacerata, Sap...........
longinqua. Sap........
pleiasperma, Sap......
poincianoides, Sap.....
seminifera, Sap........
Mimosa, L 6...............
deperdita, Sap.........
Cercis, L c.............
antiqua. Sap...........
borealis, Newby.......
truncata. Lx..........
Podogoniiim, Heer.......
Americanum, Lx......
Cassia, L d...............
ambigua, Ung.........
austrabs, Heer........
concinna. Heer........
Cookii, Ett ...........
Table of distribution of Laramie, Senonian, and Locene plants—Contmuecl.
Summary of thenbsp;foregoing.
Other formations in which found.
!c8pQ §
I .8
. C8 O ' o ti
A of « Pnbsp;ee ©
^ CO
CQ S ©
® © © Pnbsp;® P
^ d
i P.®
1-5 O |0 pH B,® B bC C?i^ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cl H O |
a (420) Africa (chiefly), Australia, and other warm regions. b (230) America (wanner regions), Africa and Asia (few),nbsp;c (3-4) Europe, temperate Asia, Japan, North America.
d (400) Warm (all parts),
regions Bonaria and Chile to Mexico, Eastern United States, Africa tropical Asia, Australia (not in New Zealand nor Tasmania).
Species represented.
Table of distribution of Taramie, Senonia^i, and Eocene plants — (Jontiiiued.
I V 3 ® O
i. s © c
Summary of thenbsp;foregoing.
agt; (i
.2 © O
I es
I O'c
o ©
¦« o
(a ®
' 900
a . © ©
O fl
Cassia. L.— Coutinusd.
Dioues, Ett......................
Ettingshauseni, Heer............
hypei^orea, Uug.................
1’haseolites, Ung.................
C^salpinia, La.......................
miiiula, Heer.....................
Haidingeri, Ett..................
Korica, Ung.....................
Cfesalpinites, Sap....................
cassiieforrais. Sap................
depressus, Sap...................
gracilis. Sap ..................
lalifolius, Sap....................
obscurus, Sap....................
proximus, Sap....................
SopUor^ L 6.........................
assimilis, Sap....................
brevissima, Sap..................
Europaea, Ung...................
Pongamia, Vent c....................
protogaïa, M ...............
Drepanocai-pus, Mey d...............
Uecampii, M nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.............
Dalbergia, Linn, fe..................
Diemenii, Ett...............
Jimgliuhniana, Heer...........
Pastellina, M ...................
priniajva, Ung...................
a (38) Warmer regions of both hemispheres. b (22) Warmer regions of both hemispheres
Other formations in which found. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
t-* o w |
c (1) Tropical Asia and Australia. d (8) Tropical America; 1 tropical Africa.
«(Ö4) Tropical America, Africa, Asia; 2 Australia.
Speoiei represented.
Summary of thenbsp;foregoing.
« I'
Dalbergia. Linn, f—Continued.
pumilio, Heer..................
Micropodium, Sap.................
attiue, Sap......................
oligoaperrnum, Sap.............
Pliaseolites, Un^ a................
clitoriaeformis, Sap.............
obconicus, S^ ................
orbicularis, Dng...............
Ervites, Sap b.....................
primsevns, Sap.................
Colutea, L c........................
parcsefoliata, Sap..............
protogaea, Heer.................
Leguminosites, Brongn.............
arachioides, Lx................
dentatus, Heer.................
frigidus, Heer...................
gastrolobianus, Sap............
Kennedyi, Ett ................
orbiculatns, Heer...............
Patootensis, Heer..............
Sprengeli, Heer.................
species (fructus, etc.)...........
Faboidea, Bow......................
25 species.......................
Pistacia, It d.......................
a (Phaseolus 60) Warmer regions (including temperate ïfortb America). b (Vicia 180) Temperate Northern Hemisphere and South America.
D tO
.9 a
©amp;Hi Mrönbsp;a I
03 «3
a o'!
® © o a
^ i
Other formations in which found. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
c (7-8) Middle and Southern Europe, temperate and subtropical Asia. d (6) Mediterranean region, Canary Islands, warmer Western Asia, Mexico.
-ocr page 100-Species represeuted.
Pistacia, L.—Continued.
Aquenais, Sap........
Rhus, La...............
abbreviata, Sap......
adscripta, Sap........
bidens, Heer .........
Blituii), Sap ..........
cretacea, Heer........
distracta. Sap.........
Evansii, Lx...........
membranacea, Lx_____
minutissima, Sap.....
nervosa, Newby......
paheopliylla, Sap.....
Meriani, Lx...........
reddita. Sap...........
rbomboidalis, Sap.....
Winchellii, Lx........
Anacardites, Sap b.......
aluifolius, Sap........
Trilobium, Sap............
Ungeri, Sap..........
Negundo, Moencbc.......
triloba, Newby......
Acer, L d................
ampelophyllum, Sap..
arcticum, Heer........
caudatum, Heer......
Table of rlistrihulion of Laramie^ Senonian, and Eocene plants — Contmued.
Laramie. |
o a t-* gt;- | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
b (Anacardiura 6) Tropical America, c (2-4) Temperate North America, Japan. d (50) Europe, North America, Northern Asia. |
a (120) Cape Colony (most numerous); warmer extratropical regions of both hemispheres; few tropical.
Senonian. Eocene. Summary of thenbsp;foregoing. Other formations in which found. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 IB. A. 1 B. A. |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
c (14) iforth America, Mexico, mountains of Kew Granada, Himalayas, Persia, Malay Peninsula. ^nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;cS |
Species represented.
p ó !r- lt;lt;5
f-‘ P
Acer L.— Continued.
edentatum, Heer..............
ffracilesccns, Lx...............
Sextianum, Sap................
trilobatuni productum, Lx.....
Sapindus, La .....................
mmulus, Heer..................
anceps, Heer...................
affinis, Hewby.................
caudatus, Lx...................
drepanophyllus, Sap...........
membranaceus, i^ewby........
Morisoni, Heer.................
obtusifolius, Lx................
undulatus, Al. Br..............
Vellavensis, Sap...............
Cupanioides, Bow 6................
corrugatus, Bow................
depressua, Bow................
prandis, Bow....................
inflatus, Bow....................
lobatus, Bow...................
pygmmus, Bow................
STibangulatus, Bow............
tumidus, Bow..................
.^scidus, L c......................
antiqua, Daws ................
a (40) Tropical regions of both hemispheres; subtropical, more rare. h (Cupania30) Tropical regions of both hemispheres; rarest in Africa.
Species represented.
Tahle of distribution of Laramie, Senonian, and Eocene plants—Continued.
Summary of thenbsp;foregoing.
n o ? onbsp;i«i
, ® S
® o
3d O)
Ph pm
Vitis, L. (including Cissus, L.)a-.
ampelopsidea, Sap.............
l£evigata, Lx.................
lobato-crenata, Lx...........
Olriki, Heer..................
primgeva, Sap................
Sezannensis, Sap..............
sparsa, Lx...................
tricuspidata, Heer............
Cissites, Heer...................
lacerus, Sap....... nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.......
Chondrophyllum, Broun.........
hederseforme, Heer..........
Pomadei rites, Ett b..............
Banksii. Ett..................
Ceanothus, Lc...................
cretaceus, Daws..............
prodromus, Heer.............
species? Hos. amp; Mck.........
Rbamnus, Ld....................
alaternoides, Heer...........
argutidens, Sap..............
Clebumi, Lx......................
defoimatus, Lx.................... 4-
discoloi-, Lx.......................
Guldianus, Lx.....................i
a (230) Tropical, subtropical, and temperate regions; rarest in America. b (Poraaderris, 16) Southern and Eastern Australia, New Zealand.nbsp;c (28) Tropical and temperate North America, especially westward.
Other formations in which found. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
d (60) Warm and temperate Europe, Asia, and America (rarer in tropics); tropical Africa, Australia, Pacific isiands.
Species represented.
Summary of thenbsp;foregoing.
Other formations in which found.
'-quot;c 9U2nbsp;P .nbsp;« snbsp;« anbsp;o C
Kbamnus, L.—Continued. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;i
inmqualis, Lx.....................j
marginatus, Lx....................j...
parvifolius. Newby...............[...
Plafllianus, Heer......................
rectinervia, ideer..................
Roesleri, Ett......................' nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;—
Rossmassleri, Ung................; d-
species, Hos. amp; Mck...........
species, Daws..................
Rhamnites, Newby.................
B. A. 2
B. A. nbsp;
(ïiegans, Newby..............
Berchemia, Neck a................
multinervis, Al. Br...........
Zizyphus, Juss b ................
Beckwitbii, Lx................
distortus, Lx.................
fibrillosus, Lx................
Groenlandieus, Heer.........
hyperboreus, Heer...........
integrifolius, Heer............
Meekii, Lx..................
Meigsii (Lx.), Schp............
paradisiacus, Heer. _____....
pseudo-Uïigeri, Sap.........
a (10) Northern India, Java, China, eastern tropical Africa, tropical and temperate North America.
b (50) Tropical Asia and America, Africa (rarer), Australia (very rare); warm, extratropical regions of both Hemispheres.
Species represented.
Table of distribution of Laramie, Senonian, and Eocene plants — Goutinued.
Summary of thenbsp;foregoing.
Other formations in which found.
; .S « onbsp;' t-
I *0 ^
Zizj;phu8, Juss.—Continued.
Kaincourtii, Sap.............
remotidens. Sap,.............
XJngeri, Heer.................
vetuatus, Heer...............
Paliurus, Ju.ss a.................
aliinis, Heer..................
Colombi, Heer...............
tenuifolius, Heer.............
zizyphoides, Lx..............
Celaatrinejc :
Celastrus, L6....................
Andromeda;, TJng............
arctica, Heer................
banksia3foi’mis, Sap..........
oreopbilus, Ung..............
Phlegethontis, Ett...........
pseudo-Bruckmannj, Sap.....
Celastrinites, Sap......... ......
artocarpoidea, Lx............
fallax, Sap...................
Hartogianus, Sap............
laevigatus, Lx................
legitimus, Sap...............
venulosna, Sap...............
Celastrophyllura, Ett............
Benedeni, Sap...............
crenatum, Heer..............
Cunningbami, Ett............
lanceolatum, Hos.............
a (2) 1 Southern Europe and Western Asia; 1 Southern China.
.1 3
b (18) Mountains of India, Clhina, Japan;
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
a (145) Temperate and tropical regions, chiefly South American; rarest in Africa and Australia. 6(3) £!a.st Indies and China. c(Gruaiacum 8) Tropical and subtropical North America. d (Malpighia 20) Tropical America.nbsp;e (Apeiba 5) Tropical America. |
Laramie. Senonian. Eocene. Summary of thenbsp;foregoing. Other formations in which found. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
g s 'o n i J eS
-f |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
h (Grewia 60) Warmer regions of the Old World. c (Dombeya 24) Africa and Mascarene Islands, |
Species represented.
Apeibopsis, Heer.—Contiuued.
discolor, Lx.....................
Symondsii, De la Harpe.........
Tilia, ha............................
antiqua, Kewby................
Grewiopsis, Sapamp;...................
anisomera, Sap..................
Cleburni, Lx....................
credneriieformis. Sap...........
orbiculata, Sap..................
Saportana, Lx...................
sidaefolia. Sap...................
tiliacea, Sap.....................
tremulaefolia, Sap...............
Dombeyopsis, TJngc.................
affinis, M........................
auriculata, M....................
Bolcensia, M.....................
ceanothifolia, M.................
(•occolob£efolia, M................
doformis, M......................
Granadilla, M....................
grandifolia, Uug.................
hibiscifulia, M...................
incerta, M.......................
kleinhovifefolia, M...............
obtusa, Lx.......................
Padangiana, Heer................
platanoides, Lx..................
a (8) North temperate zone.
-ocr page 107-
Table of dietrihution of Laramie, Senonian, and Eocene plants—Coutinued. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
r CC o | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
I Asia. b (60) Warmer regions of the globe, chiefly tropical Asia. |
-ocr page 108-
hj iri o W o K t- Q O cl | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
a (10) Tropical America; 1 tropical Africa, 1 tropical Asia. b (60) Tropical and subtropical Asia and America. j (50) Africa, warmerparts of Asia; Pacific Islands, Australia, Xew Zealand. |
H W w o ?ri | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
a (2) America, Asia, tropical Australia. h (20) Tropics and Northern Hemisphere, few South Africa and Australia,nbsp;c (Menispermum 2) 1 North America, 1 temperate Eastern Asia. d (10) Tropical Africa and Asia; China; 2 warmer parts of North America. e (50) Tropical America; 2-3 tropical Africa and Asia. |
Species represented.
Summary of thenbsp;foregoing.
other formations in which found.
fSg . anbsp;® gt;
Ah Ah
Auona, L.—Continued.
lifxnitum, Ung.........................
robusta, Lx.......................
Asimina, Adans a.....................; —
eocenica, Lx.
leiocarpa, Lx................
Liriodendron. L amp; ................
Meekii, Heer................
Magnolia, Lc....................
angnstifolia, Newby.........
attenuata, Web..............
Brownii, Ett.................
cordifolia, Lx................
Hilgardiaiia, Lx..............
ineequalis, Sap...............
laurifolia, Lx................
Lealeyaua, Lx...............
Ligerina, Sap.................
magnidca, Daws.............
ovalls, Lx....................
rotundifolia, Newby.........
tenuinervif^ Lx..............
tenuifolia. Lx................
Torresii, Ett..................
Dewalquea, Sap. lt;fc Mar..........
Gelindensis, Sap. amp; Mar......
Grcenlandica, Heer...........
Ilaldemiana, Sap. amp;. Mar......
a{7-8) North America (including Mexico), Central America (Cuba?).
b (1) North America.
c(14) North America, Mexico, Japan, China, Himalayas.
Table of distribution of Laramie^ Senonian, and Eocene plants—Continued.
Summary of thénbsp;foregoing.
Other formations in which found.
Species represented.
Dewalquea, Sap. amp; Mar.—Continued. Haidemiana angustifolia, Hos. amp;
Haidemiana latifolia, Hos. amp; Mck.. insignia, Hos. amp; Mck..............
Division III.—Gamopetdlce. Bignoniacese:
Catalpa, Juss a......................
crassifolia, Newby...............
macrosperma, Sap...............
Solanites, Sap........................
Brongniartii, Sap................
Porana, Barm amp;......................
Bolcensis (Ting.) Schp...........
potentilloides (M.) Schp.........
Gomphocarpus, R. Br. (including Ace-
rates, Ell.) c ........................
arctica, Heer.....................
Echitonium, Ungd..................
Sezannenae, Wat.................
Apocynophyllum, Ung e.............
cuneatum, Hos. amp; Mck..........
a (6) China, Japan, North America, West Indies. b (6) East Indies, Malay Archipelago, Australia. c (80) Southern and tropical Africa; Arabia; North and Central America. |
d (Echites 35) Tropical America. e (Apocynum 5) Southern Europe, temperate Asia, North America. Or O |
Species represented.
Table of distribution of Laramie, Senonian, and Eocene plants—Continued.
Apocynophyllum, TTng.—Continued.
Etlieridgii, Ett...................
neriifolium. Heer................
plumerisefolium, Ett.............
subrepandum, Marck............
Sumatrense, Heer................
Herium, ha.........................
Parisiense, Sap .................
repertum. Sap...................
Hohlii, Marck...................
Tabemtemontana, L amp;................
primigenia, Ett.................
Olea, L c..............................
proxiiua, Sap....................
Notelaea, Ventd.....................
eocenica, Ett....................
Fraxinus, L e........................
denticulata, Heer................
eocenica, Lx.....................
exilis, Sap.......................
praecox, Heer....................
Symplocos, L ƒ......................
Bureauana, Sap..................
Diospyros, hg......................
a (2-3) Mediterranean regions, subtropical Asia, Japan. b (110) Tropical regions of the world.
c (35) Tropical and Middle Asia, Mediterranean region, tropical and South Africa, Mascaiene Islands, Hew Zealand.
Summary of thenbsp;foregoing.
other formations in which found.
« . gt; I
g-g ® ®nbsp;.2 a
m -A
4; 11
d (8) Australia.
e (30) Temperate and subtropical Hortbern Hemisphere.
/(16o) Warmer retiions of Asia, Australia, and America (none in Africa). g (153) Tropical regions of the world; temperate Asia and America.
Table of distribution of Laramie, Senonian, and Eocene plants—Continued.
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
a (20) Tropical and North America. |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
a (80) Tropical Asia, Africa, and America; a few in Japan, extratropical Africa, Auatialia, Atlantic islands, and New Zealand.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* b (130) Mountains of Europe, Asia, Malay Archipelago, and North America. (Most abundant in the Himalayas.) c (1) Temperate and subarctic regionsof the Northern Hemisphere. (Genus gen-erally made to include Lyonia, Zenobia, and Pieris, ranging to Mexico, west Indies, and Malay peninsula.)nbsp;d (8) Eastern North America and Japan. |
§ o t-^ |
a (90) North America, Andes, mountains of India, and Malaj' Archipelago; few in c (Parthenium, 6). North and Central America, and West Indies. (Reference very Australia and New Zealand; 1 Japan.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;doubtful.)
6(100) Temperate Northern Hemisphere; mountains of the tropics. (None in nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(Valeriaiiella, 47). Europe, Northern Africa, Western Asia, and North America,
south temperate zone.) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(Most abundant in Mediterranean region.)
e (60) Tropical and subtropical regions of the Old World; Pacific Islands.
-ocr page 116-
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
a (80) Temperate and aubtemperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere, Andes; rare in West Indies and Madagascar. |
In attempting to compare and discuss a few of the more salient points which this table brings to light, it will perhajis be most convenient tonbsp;consider the several groups of the systematic arrangement in their descending order from the primary subdivision into the two great seriesnbsp;down to tbe ultimate subdivision into species. Preliminary to this anbsp;few of the leading facts need to be set down.
The whole number of species enumerated in the table is 1,540, of which 286 are Cryptogams and 1,254 are Phanerogams. The Cryptogams consist of 119 cellular and 167 vascular, and the Phanerogams ofnbsp;115 Gymnosperms and 1,139 Angiosperms. The Angiosperms embracenbsp;160 Monocotyledons and 979 Dicotyledons, and this last subclass isnbsp;made up of 467 apetalous, 406 polypetalous, and 106 gamopetalousnbsp;plants. These are the primary groups into which the vegetable kingdomnbsp;is divided in the natural system, and, with the occasional exception of thenbsp;last two, vegetable paleontologists almost unanimously adopt the order innbsp;which they have just been stated, which is also that of the table. Theynbsp;do this chiefly because it best represents the order in which these groupsnbsp;have appeared in the geological history of the earth, and their relativenbsp;abundance in the several ascending strata. This, however, is true onlynbsp;as a general proposition, and may not hold in special cases, particularlynbsp;when adjacent formations are compared. It cannot, therefore, be expected to prove literally true of the three formations we are here considering, nor to have any very great weight in determining the age of thenbsp;Laramie group. Doubtless if we knew the entire flora of that group, andnbsp;also the floras of the upper Cretaceous and the Eocene, such a comparison would have considerable weight and serve in large measure to fixnbsp;the time at which th e first of these floras flourished relative to that ofnbsp;the other two. But while we need not anticipate great results in thisnbsp;direction with things as they are, our table enables us to make this comparison, and it will be interesting, to say the least, to do so.
In comparing the leading floral elements of these three formations, however, it is evident that we cannot use the net figures as given above,nbsp;on account of the occurrence of a considerable number of species innbsp;more than one of them, sometimes in all three. The number of suchnbsp;coincidences amounts in our table to twenty-four, making the gross entries in the three columns 1,564 instead of 1,540, and the former of thesenbsp;numbers must betaken as a basis of comparison. These slight additionsnbsp;will be scattered through the different groups, affecting them all more ornbsp;less. The changes will not, however, at all vitiate the conclusions to benbsp;drawn. It is clear that the element to which we must attend is thenbsp;proportion which the several vegetable groups bear to the total number from each formation, and that a comparison of these percentages innbsp;the same group for the three formations will afford us all the basis there,nbsp;is from which to draw conclusions.
-ocr page 118-516 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;PLOEA OP THE LARAMIE GROUP.
The data may be condensed in the following form:
Systematic groups. |
Laramie. |
Senonian. |
Eocene. | |||
Kumber. |
Per cent. |
Number. |
Per cent. |
Number. |
Per cent. | |
All plants.............................. |
323 |
100.0 |
362 |
100.0 |
879 |
100.0 |
Cryptogams....................... |
48 |
14.9 |
97 |
26.8 |
143 |
16.2 |
Cellular........................ |
13 |
4.0 |
18 |
5.0 |
89 |
10.1 |
Vascular........................ |
35 |
10.9 |
79 |
21.8 |
54 |
6.1 |
Phfenogams......................... |
275 |
85.1 |
265 |
73.2 |
736 |
83.8 |
Gymnosperms .................. |
18 |
5.6 |
43 |
12.2 |
58 |
6.6 |
Angiosperms................... |
257 |
79.5 |
222 |
61.0 |
678 |
77.2 |
Monocotyledons............ |
31 |
.9.6 |
23 |
6.4 |
107 |
12.2 |
Dicotyledons............... |
226 |
69,9 |
199 |
54.6 |
571 |
65.0 |
Apetalse................ |
119 |
36.9 |
116 |
31.7 |
241 |
27.5 |
Polypetalae............. |
84 |
26.0 |
66 |
18.2 |
263 |
29.9 |
Gamopetalae............ |
23 |
7.0 |
17 |
4.7 |
67 |
7.6 |
An examination of these percentages shows that little light is thrown by them npon the relative age of the Laramie group. While in the Se-nonian, as theory would require, the Cryptogams have a higher proportion than in the other formations, it will be observed that they have anbsp;smaller proportion in the Laramie than in the Eocene, which is contrarynbsp;to theory. This anomaly, however, is caused by the irregular representation of the cellular Cryptogams, which generally have increased withnbsp;the later epochs and do not,represent the waning types of the ancientnbsp;floras. The vascular Cryptogams, however, do this, and it is to them thatnbsp;we must look for the couflrmation of the theory, if it is to be confirmed.nbsp;We find that it is here confirmed with sufficient accuracy, the Laramienbsp;occupying a position intermediate between the Senonian and the Eocene,nbsp;though considerably nearer to the latter.
In the Gymnosperms we find the same anomaly as in the total Cryptogams, which in both cases is evidently due to the great predominance in the Laramie group of dicotyledonous forms. That group is, however,nbsp;exceptionally rich in Monocotyledons, approaching the Eocene in thisnbsp;respect, while this type is meagerly developed in the Senonian. It isnbsp;the great predominance of palms in the lower Laramie that has led Mr.nbsp;Lesquereux to insist upon its Eocene facies, and this is certainly evidence not to be ignored. It is known that this type reaches its maximumnbsp;development in the Eocene, and that to its predominance the specialnbsp;(Character of the Eocene flora is largely due. If, however, the Laramienbsp;group includes the Fort Union beds in one great deposit, with an extensive north and south range, its combined flora will certainly greatlynbsp;reduce the percentage of these Eocene types, for we must recollect, andnbsp;I hope soon to demonstrate this fully, that, so far as now published, thenbsp;flora of the southern districts is given a wholly undue prominence andnbsp;that of the northern remains as yet for the most part undescribed. Still,nbsp;this is an anticipation which is out of place here, since the object of
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our present research is to inquire into the characteristics of the Laramie flora as hitherto published and made known.
The great profusion with which the Dicotyledons are represented in all these floras—amounting to considerably over half the species evennbsp;in the Senonian, over two-thirds in the Laramie, and nearly two-thirdsnbsp;in the Eocene—makes this group of j)lants a somewhat more reliablenbsp;term of comparison than any of the less abundantly represented typesnbsp;thus far considered. Whatever may be thought of the proper place ofnbsp;the Gamopetal®, so sparingly j)reserved for us in the fossil state, it isnbsp;universally admitted that the Apetal8e,or Monochlamydese, with their numerous amentaceous genera, furnished the earliest representatives ofnbsp;dicotyledonous vegetation, and that the forms with two floral envelopesnbsp;(Dichlamydese) came later and form a higher type of plants. If we examine the percentages here, we find that the law holds true for the Poly-petalm and Gamopetalse, which are the rising forms, or at least werenbsp;so during all three of the epochs under consideration. The percentagenbsp;is least in the Senonian, intermediate in the Laramie, and highest in thenbsp;Eocene. In the Apetalse, however, the maximum development appearsnbsp;in the Laramie instead of in the Eocene, which is not easily explainednbsp;and probably will not continue to hold true with the more completenbsp;elaboration of that flora. These comparisons are with the total florasnbsp;of the several groups, but perhaps a more interesting residt will be obtained if we consider the Dicotyledons by themselves, and then find thenbsp;relative proportions which the subdivisions bear to the whole in thenbsp;three formations. Such a comiiarison will show that in the Laramienbsp;group the Apetalse are 53, the Polypetalse 37, and the Gamopetalsenbsp;10 per cent, of the Dicotyledons; that in the Senonian the Apetalse arenbsp;58.5, the Polypetalse 33, and the Gamopetalse 8.5 per cent, of the Dicotyledons ; and that in the Eocene the Apetalse are 42, the Polypetalsenbsp;46, and the Gamopetalae 12 per cent, of the Dicotyledons. On the theorynbsp;that these types progressed in the order named and that the Laramienbsp;is intermediate between the other two formations, the relative numbernbsp;of apetalous species should diminish as we pass from the Senonian tonbsp;the Eocene, which is the case, viz: Senonian, 58.5; Laramie, 53; Eocene,nbsp;42. The relative number of Polypetalse, on the other hand, should risenbsp;with the age of the strata, and this we also find to be the case : Senonian,nbsp;33; Laramie, 37; Eocene, 46. The Gamopetalse should also rise with thenbsp;strata, but more rapidly. The figures are: Senonian, 8.5; Laramie, 10;nbsp;Eocene, 12. These coincidences of fact with theory are interesting, andnbsp;in view of the circumstance that they continue to hold from the Cenomanian below to the Miocene above,^ they can scarcely be regarded asnbsp;wholly without significance.
The advantage of comparing such large classes consists in the tend-
* See Fifth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey, 1883-’84, pp. 449, 450. For similar data for the comparison of the floras of other formations, see tablenbsp;on pages 440 and 441.
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ency of this method to eliminate the disturbing element of geographical distribution, which, as we shall soon see, is the chief obstacle to exactnbsp;results in the consideration of genera and species. The species may allnbsp;differ, the genera may be more or less local, even the orders may prevail in certain continents or hemispheres, but the relative predominancenbsp;of such great types as the vascular Cryptogams, the Gymnosperms, ornbsp;the Dicotyledons may depend chiefly upon the period in the history ofnbsp;their development, and, therefore, afford a measure of time which is asnbsp;much more reliable as it is more rude and general than that afforded bynbsp;the narrower groups of vegetation. Viewed in this light, the data thusnbsp;far considered, while suggesting nothing more definite, may be fairlynbsp;claimed to prove that the Laramie age was considerably later than thatnbsp;of the Senonian, and somewhat earlier than that of the Eocene flora.
In the classification of plants according to the natural method the next subdivision after the ones we have just considered is that intonbsp;natural families or Orders. In certain iarge systematic works, it is true,nbsp;an intermediate group is often introduced, usually called the Cohort,nbsp;but it will not be necessary or convenient in the present case to treatnbsp;this subdivision separate from the Order. In the cellular Cryptogamsnbsp;the classificatiou is very unsettled, and the several groups receive different systematic values. The Fungi, Lichens, and Algse are not alwaysnbsp;regarded as orders, but they are so rare in a fossil state and of so smallnbsp;importance from the chronological point of view that they may be conveniently so regarded here. Four species of Fungi, consisting chieflynbsp;of spots on dicotyledonous leaves (Sphwria, Hall) have been describednbsp;from Laramie strata, while only one such has been reported from thenbsp;Senonian and oidy two from the Eocene. The only lichen referred tonbsp;any of these formations is an Opegrapha from the Laramie. Nearly anbsp;hundred species of supposed Algse have been published from the threenbsp;horizons, three-fourths of which are Eocene, embracing a large numbernbsp;of doubtful forms described (and often not figured) by Massalongo fromnbsp;Monte Bolca, etc. The Laramie furnishes only eight and the Senoniannbsp;seventeen. Their diagnostic value may be set down as nil. Twelvenbsp;Characese (all belonging to Chara) and four Muscineae all from thenbsp;Eocene, complete the cellular Cryptogams, which, for our present purpose, might as well have been omitted from the table.
The Filices, or Fern family, constitute an important order from the point of view of this discussion, furnishing 154 species. As the waningnbsp;descendants of Carboniferous types that predominated throughout thenbsp;earlier history of the globe, we naturally expect them to continue tonbsp;bear in point of abundance some relation to the age in which they arenbsp;found, the earlier to have precedence over the later. The assumednbsp;position of the Laramie group between the other two is borne out bynbsp;this order, for, although a larger actual number of species occurs in thenbsp;Eocene than in the Laramie, this number is less in proportion to the
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total of the two floras. The Laramie flora is 21 per cent, of the three combined floras, the Senonian is 23 per cent., and the Eocene 56 per cent.nbsp;The quota of each, therefore, were they all of the same age, would be:nbsp;Laramie, 32; Senonian, 36; Eocene, 87. It will be seen that the Senonian far exceeds its proportion, even assuming for it a considerablynbsp;lower position. We are thus forced to see in the Senonian flora a muchnbsp;stronger Mesozoic facies than in either óf the other groups. No familynbsp;of plants brings out this fact more clearly than that of the Ferns, but itnbsp;also speaks with equal authority upon the position of the Laramie belownbsp;the recognized Eocene plant beds as thus far known.
The Ehizocarpeae, Equisetacese, and Lycopodiaceic can best be mentioned when we come to consider the genera, and we will now pass to the two gymuospermous orders, the Cycadacese and the Coniferse. Thenbsp;Oycadacese, although they have barely survived into modern time, are,nbsp;as is well known, a characteristic Mesozoic type of vegetation, havingnbsp;attained their maximum development in the Jurassic. They form annbsp;insignificant igt;art of the Cretaceous flora and nearly disappear withnbsp;the Tertiary. The only Laramie species rests upon a single specimennbsp;found at Golden, Colorado, and referred by Mr. Lesquereux to thenbsp;genus Zamiostrobus. Yet seven species belonging to almost as manynbsp;genera are recorded from the Senonian, again reminding us of the Mesozoic age of this flora.
We are thus brought to the consideration of the Conifer*, which is one of the most important orders in the vegetable kingdom for the paleontologist. In the three formations under consideration this order hasnbsp;thus far yielded 107 species, of which 17 are found in the Laramie, 36 innbsp;the Senonian, and 58 in the Eocene, there being four coincidences.nbsp;The even quota of each would be: Laramie, 23; Senonian, 26; andnbsp;Eocene, 62. As the Conifer* probably attained their maximum development in the middle Cretaceous, that is, earlier than any of the threenbsp;epochs we are considering, the older of these epochs should show annbsp;excess over this quota and the younger a deficit. The Senonian showsnbsp;such an excess and the Eocene such a deficit, but the Laramie also fallsnbsp;below even farther than the Eocene, which, in so far as the evidence ofnbsp;this order goes, gives it a more modern aspect than the Eocene.
Passing to the monocotyledonons orders, we find them, with the exception of the Palm Family, too small to afford any reliable criterion for the settlement of questions of age. The Naiadace* and Gramine*nbsp;are the only other orders at all approaching the palms, and both thesenbsp;display decidedly modern characteristies, compared with any of the typesnbsp;hitherto considered. If the palms reached their highest state and greatest abundance in Eocene time, the grasses did not probably attain thisnbsp;position before the close of the Miocene, and it may be doubted whethernbsp;they have attained it at the present time. The same may be said fornbsp;the Cyperace* and perhaps for the Naiadace*. The Liliace* and Sci-
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tamiiiese may have declined somewhat, as have more probably the Aroidese. It is at least evident that in considering the monocotyledo-nous orders we are confronted by a set of conditions the reverse of thosenbsp;we met with in the ferns anti the Coniferse, viz: all our formations arenbsp;now below the period of maximum development of the group undernbsp;consideration, and the opposite results must be expected. These, innbsp;fact, we find. The palms furnish 60 species, which, evenly distributed,nbsp;would give the Senoniau 14, the Laramie 13, and the Eocene 33; butnbsp;the Senonian gets only 4, while the Laramie gets 17, the Eocene affording the remaining 39. In this important order, therefore, the Laramienbsp;is about as fully represented as the Eocene, a fact which has been usednbsp;to its full extent in arguing for the Eocene age of the Laramie group.nbsp;If, however, we take the other monoootyledonous orders together, wenbsp;fiud that the Laramie (14) falls considerably more below its quota (21)nbsp;than the Senonian (19) falls below its quota (23), which might equallynbsp;be taken to argue its Cretaceous age.
In discussing the numerous dicotyledonous orders, we can only select those which are most important, either from their abundance in the fossil state or from certain peculiarities or anomalies which they present.nbsp;As all trace of the earliest beginnings of this great subclass is still withheld from human observation, it is difficult to describe the rise and decline of its several subdivisions, but it seems probable that the mono-chlamydeous forms were not only the earliest to appear, but that at thenbsp;period when we first make their acquaintance (the middle Cretaceous)nbsp;they had nearly attained their acme of growth and diversity. We thennbsp;fiud the large families Salicinem, Cupuliferm, Urticacem, and Laurinemnbsp;in great profusion and highly developed, while many forms which arenbsp;now dichlamydeous, though they might not then have been so, hadnbsp;already come upon the scene. In examining some of these large orders,nbsp;the principal question we have to ask is. Does their occurrence innbsp;the Laramie group more nearly resemble that in the Eocene or in thenbsp;Senonian, or rather, assuming that the divergence of the Senonian andnbsp;Eocene; as known quantities, indicates difference of age, tloes the divergence of the Laramie from the Eocene indicate for that group an age atnbsp;all earlier than the latter? The comparison, as in former cases, mustnbsp;be with even quotas and not with the actual figures. The Salicinesenbsp;furnish 56 species to the three formations. The quota of the Eocenenbsp;would be 31, and we find 16; that of the Senonian should be 13, and wenbsp;find 14. An intermediate position would make the Laramie fall somewhat short of its quota (12). As a matter of fact it more than doublesnbsp;it (26). So far as this order would indicate, therefore, the Laramienbsp;would be decidedly sub Senonian. This is due to the great predominance of the genus Populus in the Laramie group, of which more willnbsp;be said hereafter.
The Cupuliferm furnish 146 species. Of these the Eocene has 58,
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a number about oue-tbird below its quota (82), while the Senonian has 52, a number as much above. The Laramie occupies a strictly intermediate iiosition, yielding 36 species, or live more than its quota. In thenbsp;Urticacese the Laramie deviates more from the Eocene than does thenbsp;Senonian and in the same direction as in the Salicinese, while in thenbsp;Laurine® the deviation is again intermediate. In the Juglande® wenbsp;again have the Laramie showing an exaggerated Mesozoic tendency.
We thus see that none of the apetalous orders give the Laramie the same position, from this numerical point of view, as the Eocene, allnbsp;placing it lower and either intermediate between the Eocene and thenbsp;Senonian or below the latter.
The principal polypetalous orders are the Araliace®, the Myrtace®, the Eosace®, the Anacardiace®, the Sapindace®, the Ehamne®, thenbsp;Celastrine®, the Sterculiace®, and the Magnoliaoe®. They are muchnbsp;more decidedly Eocene in aspect than the apetalous orders, but less sonbsp;than they appear with the proportionally large figures in that column.nbsp;In fact, the Eocene generally only slightly exceeds its quota for the threenbsp;groups after equalization as explained above, and in the Ehamne® andnbsp;Magnoliace® it falls below it. A careful inspection of these nine ordersnbsp;shows that in two cases (the Eosace® and the Sterculiace®) the Laramienbsp;holds an intermediate place between the Eocene and the Senonian, thatnbsp;in four cases it holds a place below the Senonian, while in three casesnbsp;(the Anacardiace®, Sapindace®, and Magnoliace®) its position is indicated as slightly higher than the Eocene.
The gamopetalous orders are small and their indications are readily deduced from a casual inspection of the table. The two largest, thenbsp;Ebenace® and Oaprifoliace®, consist entirely of the two genera, Diospy-ros and Viburnum, respectively, and can be treated under the head ofnbsp;genera. Takiug all the gamopetalous orders together, the Laramie isnbsp;seen to occupy an intermediate ijosition between the Senonian and thenbsp;Eocene.
In examining the orders represented in the three formations under consideration, especially the smaller orders, a marked tendency is visible toward the confiuement of entire ones to one formation. This isnbsp;due to geographical peculiarities, a characteristic which, when we comenbsp;to study the genera, can be no longer ignored.
We are now prepared to consider our subject from the point of view of the genera, and before going further it will be necessary to pointnbsp;out some of the difficulties of this method. In vertebrate paleontologynbsp;the genera are nearly all extinct, and therefore the paleontologistnbsp;may here legitimately employ his genera as reliable data for thenbsp;determination of the age of the formations to w'hich they are confined.nbsp;In vegetable paleontology this is by no means the case. Of the 354nbsp;genera represented in the three formations only 165 are extinct, and
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many of these are so similar to living genera as to be designated by the same names with modified terminations, such as ites, opsis, etc., andnbsp;such forms are, with better material and more careful study, being constantly made to take their places as true living genera. The vertebratenbsp;paleontologist, therefore, deals with genera as the paleobotanist doesnbsp;with species, and in fact, as is well known, in this department of zoologynbsp;the term “genus’’ is given a much more limited meaning than it is innbsp;botany, aud a rank not far above that of “ species” among plants. Thisnbsp;is doubtless in great part necessary, and due to nature having drawnnbsp;classificatory lines, so to speak, at somewhat different points in diifereutnbsp;scales of beiug. But it is clear that the paleobotanist cannot comparenbsp;his genera as the vertebrate paleontologist compares his for the soLule-ment of questions of geologic age. It is, however, true that certainnbsp;genera which flourish at the present day predominate iu certain formations aud are rare or absent in others of later age, so as iu a true sensenbsp;to be characteristic of such formations. This does not prove that theynbsp;subsequently dwindled away aud then revived at a still later date,nbsp;although this might, and probably sometimes does, occur. But the explanation is that several beds of different age are usually iu differentnbsp;parts of the world, and the flora of the globe in past time, as at present,nbsp;has sustained different types of vegetation at different points on itsnbsp;surface. Or, if the beds are nearly over each other, i. e., not far separated geographically, the predominance of certain genera in lower thatnbsp;are rare or absent in higher strata must be explained on the hypothesisnbsp;of migration or by supposing that the nature of the country at the twonbsp;points was very different at the time of the respective deposits. Itnbsp;thus comes about that when we speak of the Laramie flora we refer to anbsp;definite geograifliical area at a definite period of time, and when we speaknbsp;of the Eocene flora we mean the beds occurring at the localities namednbsp;on our table and a few others grouped together in the last column butnbsp;one. If the reader will take the trouble to inspect the columns of thenbsp;table in which the Seiionian species are set down he will find that a verynbsp;marked distinction exists between those of Europe on the one hand andnbsp;those of America and the Arctic regions on the other, and that the latter resemble much more closely those of the Laramie group. This isnbsp;entirely because they are in nearer geographical relationship with them.
But it must not be forgotten that genera are capable of great modifications without rendering a change of name necessary, and the practice among paleobotanists has been to crowd everything into living genera that they will contain without doing violence to their accepted attributes. Therefore, an Eocene ora Cretaceous genus, though still living, may embrace forms widely divergent from those now recognized undernbsp;the same name, so that such genera may really be characteristic of thosenbsp;formations as strictly as though they had become extinct at their close.nbsp;The principal interest, therefore, centers upon these characteristic
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genera, by which term we do not here mean either that they are extinct genera, or that they do not occur in higher strata (e. g., Miocene), ornbsp;in lower [e. g., Cenomanian), or that they are wholly excluded fromnbsp;either of the three formations, but simply that they predominate in somenbsp;one relatively to the other two.
As already stated, the whole number of genera represented in the three formations is 354. Of these, 32 are confined exclusively (so farnbsp;as these formations are concerned) to the Laramie group, 62 to the Se-nonian, and 155 to the Eocene; 49 are common to all three formations,nbsp;6 are found in the Laramie and Senonian, but not in the Eocene, 23 arenbsp;found in the Laramie and Eocene and not in the Senonian, and 27 arenbsp;absent from the Laramie and found in both the other formations. Thenbsp;number found at only one horizon is therefore 249, the number occurring at two horizons 56, and the number at all three 49. The numbernbsp;ranging from the Senonian to the Eocene, and therefore, regardless ofnbsp;the Laramie, certainly belonging to both Mesozoic and Oenozoic time,nbsp;is 76.
The discussion of the genera may be conveniently separated into two parts, one of which shall be devoted to the consideration of the evidence in favor of synchronism, and the other to the subject of geographical distribution. The first of these subdivisions will have nothing tonbsp;do with any of those genera which are, in the sense here employed,nbsp;characteristic of any one of the three formations, but must be confined tonbsp;those that are common to two or all three. Such genera, moreover, asnbsp;are nearly equally represented in each of the three formations can havenbsp;no weight in establishing the affinity of the Laramie with the one rathernbsp;than the other, and must also be excluded from our primary comparisons. A further exclusion must be made of those genera which arenbsp;common to the Senonian and the Eocene but absent from the Laramie,nbsp;since both these formations are treated as known quantities, and comparison of their common elements could lead to no new results. We arenbsp;therefore really reduced to such genera as are either confined to thenbsp;Laramie and Senonian or to the Laramie and Eocene, or are so nearlynbsp;thns confined as to bo fairly characteristic of the two. In deciding suchnbsp;cases we may also properly exclude very small genera, such for instancenbsp;as are represented by only one or two species in each formation, unlessnbsp;these species be specially diagnostic or very abundant; but we mustnbsp;not at any time lose sight of the fact that it requires about two and anbsp;half species in the Eocene to have the same weight as one in either ofnbsp;the other formations.
After carefully scanning the table, I have selected such genera as I think fairly illustrate this point, and they may be set down in their
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systematic order iu two opposing columns, with the number of species belonging to each:
Laramie and Senonian. |
Laramie and Eocene. | ||||||
Genera. |
L. |
S. |
E. |
Genera. |
L. |
S. |
E. |
1 |
1 |
3 |
4 | ||||
2 |
1 |
2 |
6 | ||||
2 |
1 |
4 |
1 |
9 | |||
6 |
9 |
4 |
2 |
1 |
4 | ||
3 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
6 | ||
3 |
1 |
5 |
1 |
9 | |||
23 |
9 |
7 |
4 |
1 |
5 | ||
8 |
2 |
2 |
Vitis (Ï).................. |
3 | |||
8 |
2 |
Zizyplius................. |
5 |
1 |
8 | ||
4 |
2 |
2 |
Celastrinites.............. |
2 |
4 | ||
3 |
2 |
2 |
Grewiopsis................ |
2 |
6 | ||
12 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
14 | |||
2 |
1 |
1 |
6 |
2 |
9 | ||
2 |
1 |
1 | |||||
15 |
4 |
2 | |||||
We thus have fifteen genera belonging to the first class and thirteen to the second. Both lists would admit of reduction, but some goodnbsp;reason can be urged in each case for retaining it.
We may examine these several characteristic genera somewhat in detail. Beginning with the first list we find a single species of Zami-ostrobus in the Laramie and in the Senonian. The latter occurs in thenbsp;Grosau formation at St. Wolfgang, Austria, the geological position ofnbsp;which is now believed to be definitely settled as upper Cretaceous. Thenbsp;Laramie plant is of a somewhat doubtful character, but is clearly cyca-daceous. It was found at Golden, Colorado, lying on the surface innbsp;the vicinity of Laramie beds, and is believed to belong to that formation.nbsp;The genus, like all fossil cycadaceous genera, is strongly Mesozoic, beingnbsp;found as low as the Oolite.
Abietites, two species of which occur in the Laramie, one being found in both the lower and the upper district, is one of the most ancient ofnbsp;the typical coniferous forms, being found all the way from the Wealdennbsp;to the Miocene, except in the Eocene, where it is,thus far absent. Thenbsp;only Senonian species comes from the Harz district.
The form distinguished as Taxites seems to belong to the northern , portion of the western hemisphere, the two Laramie species being reported from British America, and the Senonian species from the beds ofnbsp;Patoot, Greenland. A true Taxus occurs in the London clay, and thisnbsp;seems to be a geographical variety.
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N'o coniferous form is more abundant in the Laramie than Sequoia, six species of which are distinguished. Of the nine sj^ecies from uppernbsp;Cretaceous strata all but one are found in the western hemisphere. Thisnbsp;furnishes an excellent illustration of the extent to which certain typesnbsp;persist with modification in the same or adjacent territorial areas. Therenbsp;is no doubt that should upper Cretaceous beds be found within thenbsp;United States these forms will occur as the direct ancestors of the Laramie species. Their rarity in the Old World is seen also to be a fact ofnbsp;geographical and not of geological significance, for it is true of both thenbsp;Cretaceous and the Eocene.
The genus Taxodium, two of the species of which are so abundant in the Laramie, Senoniau, and Miocene, is curiously scarce in the Eocene,nbsp;and therefore claims a j)lace in our first column.
It is in the Gymnosperms, therefore, that those characters appear which give to the Laramie flora such a strong Cretaceous facies. Wenbsp;find this quite otherwise in the next group, the Monocotyledons. Onlynbsp;in one genus (Phragmites) of this subclass do we find the Eocene wanting. This genus occurs abundantly in the Laramie, and the only Seno-nian species reported is from the Pacific coast of America, so that itnbsp;seems that in pre-Miocene time the type was confined to the westernnbsp;hemisphere.
It is, however, among the Dicotyledons, and chiefly in the Amentacese, that the most notable examples occur to show the similarity of the Laramie to the Senonian flora, and also its unique character as comparednbsp;with any other formation. Its 23 species of Populus form one of thenbsp;greatest of its anomalies, and stamp it with a special character. Thenbsp;nine species of the Senonian cause that formation to partake somewhatnbsp;of this character, but when we see that all but two of these come fromnbsp;the Vancouver beds or from Greenland we see that this is a distinctlynbsp;American type.
The genus Juglans, with its eight Laramie, one Vancouver, and one Patoot species, is of special interest in the light of the numerous formsnbsp;of Carya and Juglans which persist in the American flora. The fossilnbsp;forms of Juglans may well have been the ancestors of our hickories asnbsp;well as of our walnuts.
Neither of the two last-named genera, however, can claim as great a share of our interest as does the genus Platanus. With its eight Laramie and two Greenland species, and its entire absence from the Eocene,nbsp;it seemed to constitute in pre-Miocene time one of the characteristicnbsp;vegetable types of America.
Passing over the two polypetalous genera, Oornus and Acer, which in like manner belonged during this epoch almost entirely to the west, wenbsp;come to Ehamnus, with twelve Laramie species; one of the Senoniannbsp;species is also western (Patoot). Paliurus is an allied genus and isnbsp;similar in its range to Pihamnus.
Of gamopetalous genera, Praxinus, though small, belongs to the class
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we are considering, while Viburnum is, next to Populus and Platanus, the largest and most characteristic of that class. With fifteen speciesnbsp;in the Laramie, four in the Senonian, and the two Eocene species fromnbsp;the lowest beds of that age, it seems to be a very ancient type, and onenbsp;which goes far to separate the Laramie flora from that of the Eocene.
If there were no cases which could be cited to offset this array of evidence, it might seem that no two floras could be more distinct than those of the Eocene and the Laramie, but as we pass rapidly down the opposite column we shall see that there certainly are some bonds of union.
It was long maintained that the peculiar fucoids called Halymenites were characteristic of the Eocene, being so abundant in the Flysch ofnbsp;Switzerland, and their presence in the Laramie strata was put forwardnbsp;as a proof of the Eocene age of that group, but they are now known tonbsp;occur in the Cretaceous, though absent from the Senonian beds, and asnbsp;low as the Jurassic. They also extend upward to the Miocene.
The two species of Caulinites from the Laramie differ widely from those of the Paris Basin, but probably belong to that type of plant andnbsp;in so far assimilate the Laramie to the Eocene flora. It is, however,nbsp;the palms that have been chiefly relied upon to establish the Eocenenbsp;character of the Laramie. The evidence here must be admitted to benbsp;strong, and their absence from the Senonian beds serves to add to itsnbsp;force. The Eocene was the age of palms. The numerous fruits referable to that family found in the London clay and also at Monte Bolca,nbsp;constitute one of the leading features of the flora of that epoch, andnbsp;these are in a manner paralleled in some parts of the Laramie, notablynbsp;in the tufa beds at Golden, by the many nut-like bodies which Mr.nbsp;Lesquereux has designated by the term Pahnocarpon. But aside fromnbsp;these, and probably from the same trees that bore them, we have fournbsp;species of Sabal and two of Elabellaria represented by leaves in the Laramie flora, though nearly all these palms are found in the lower districts.nbsp;It is only this lower Laramie that has been claimed as Eocene, and ifnbsp;we restrict the term to this flora its affinity to that of the Europeannbsp;Eocene is greatly strengthened.
The genus Aluus is well represented in the Eocene, especially in the Paleocene, and one abundant species is found in the Laramie group.nbsp;The Senonian species is from Greenland and may have been the progenitor of the wide-spread arctic form A. Kefersteinii, Göpp., so celebratednbsp;in the Miocene beds of the North.
The Marquis Saporta finds eight species of Ehus in the gypsum beds of Aix in Provence, and the genus also occurs in all the Laramie horizons. The type therefore is common to the two formations and servesnbsp;to assimilate the two floras. The one Senonian species is from thenbsp;Quedlinburg beds.
Sapindus predominates in the Port Union group and in various Eocene localities, and in so far tends to identify the upper Laramie with
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the Eocene; but such evidence is very feeble. Yitis is a strong Laramie genus, but it occurs sparingly in the Eocene. It therefore scarcelynbsp;belongs iu this list. Zizyphus differs from the other two prominentnbsp;rhamnaceous genera, Ehainnus and Paliurus, in extending into the Eocene. It is a fair representative of the class we are now consideringnbsp;that indicate a resemblance between the Laramie and the Eocene floras.
The Celastracere are highly characteristic of the Eocene, and one form which has been distinguished as Oelastrinites is found in thenbsp;Laramie. The Eocene species of this genus are all from Sezanne, andnbsp;furnish another evidence of the truth of Mr. Lesquereux’s statement innbsp;his “ Cretaceous and Tertiary Flora” that the flora of the Laramie resembles that of Sézanne more closely than it does that of the Eocenenbsp;proper. A still more striking illustration of the same fact is found innbsp;Grewiopsis, which is the Paleocene form of the Miocene genus Grewia,nbsp;also occurring in the Laramie.
Dombeyopsis is one of the best marked Eocene genera, but it is almost exclusively confined to Monte Bolca. Its occurrence in the Laramie group is a singular fact and one that has often been bronght forward in support of the Eocene age of that group.
The MagnoliacefB are a very ancient type of plants, species of Lirio-dendron being abundant in the Cenomanian. The genus Magnolia, which occurs in the upper Cretaceous beds of the Peace and Pinenbsp;Rivers in British America, is abundant in both the Laramie and thenbsp;Eocene. It is simply a persistent type.
We have thus rapidly run over the evidence furnished by these two classes of genera for and against the view that the Laramie flora bearsnbsp;such a resemblance to the Eocene flora as to suggest the substantialnbsp;synchronism of the two series of deposits. It is perhaps best to leavenbsp;the reader to form his own judgment as to the result, but in the light ofnbsp;former discussion of this question the caution against mistaking horizontal for vertical distribution, may not be ont of place. In the greatnbsp;majority of cases, as has been pointed ont under each genus, the typesnbsp;persist through different ages in the same or adjacent parts of thenbsp;the world, and the absence of Laramie types in the Eocene, and vicenbsp;verm, is due to the wide geographical separation of the beds of thenbsp;two formations. Closer stndy of the table will show that most ofnbsp;the European genera can be traced from the Cenomanian up to thenbsp;Miocene of that continent, while most of the American genera can benbsp;traced from the Dakota group up to the Miocene of Alaska and Greenland. That some genera should be common to both hemispheres wasnbsp;to be expected, but that these distinctly argue either the Eocene or thenbsp;Cretaceous age of the Laramie beds cannot be reasonably maintained.
This is the proper place, before descending to specific details, to consider this interesting subject of geographical distribution in its relation to the iiresent plant life of the globe. The present distribution of vege-
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table forms upon the earth’s surface, as all know, is very varied, and several learned and largely successful attempts have been made tonbsp;trace the lines of migration of plants during their long and often tortuous pilgrimages since Miocene times, driven as they have been bynbsp;successive alterations of climate, of sea and land surface, and of mountain and plain. But we have seen that the flora of the globe, even asnbsp;early as the Cretaceous, was far from uniform at all points, and thatnbsp;that of the eastern and western hemispheres in late Cretaceous andnbsp;early Tertiary time was widely different. We now find that the degree of change since those epochs has been different at different pointsnbsp;and far greater in Europe than in America. The data contained in thenbsp;foot-notes to our table enable ns to demonstrate this, and also to show whatnbsp;parts of the globe contain at the present time the leading elements ofnbsp;each of the fossil floras under consideration. If we exclnde those genera which are abundant in all three formations, and take only those thatnbsp;are either wholly or principally confined to one of them, we shall perceive that the greater part of the properly Laramie genera are represented to their fullest extent in the present flora of North America ornbsp;eastern Asia, though many belong to the warmer parts of America,nbsp;and to India. On the other hand we are struck by the very large number of Australian and African forms in the Eocene flora. The Pro-teacese and Myrtace® abound in the Eocene as do the Leguminos®,nbsp;the latter chiefly of South African types. We also find that the Seno-nian flora must be separated into two classes, those from British America and Greenland falling into the same general geographical group asnbsp;those of the Laramie, while those of the European beds resemble thenbsp;Eocene flora in this respect. I had intended to elaborate these chore-logical features more at length and to give a detailed analysis of thenbsp;three floras from this point of view, but space will not admit of this innbsp;the present paper, and as all the data for such an analysis exist in thenbsp;preceding table of distribution the work of compilation may be left tonbsp;such as are particularly interested in this feature of the discussion. Thenbsp;results upon their face fully bear out the statement already made thatnbsp;the flora of the Laramie group furnishes evidence ot having descendednbsp;more or less directly from that of the Cretaceous of this continent, andnbsp;in many cases the lines of descent can be traced through the upper, ornbsp;Senonian beds to those of the Dakota group, or American Cenomanian.
We are now prepared to comjiare the three floras under consideration from the usual point of view of their specific relationships, and if the treatment of this part of the subject is brief it is for the very reason that it has already been largely accomplished by others. Still, asnbsp;already remarked, Mr. Lesquereux only embraces the flora of the lowernbsp;districts, exclusive of Carbon and Evanston and a few Upper Yellowstone localities, in his Laramie group, while our table combines allnbsp;these beds with the entire Fort Union deposit of the Upper Missouri
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aud Lower Yellowstone. As these latter were, and by many are still, regarded as Miocene, and certainly contain a flora diSering in many respects from the rest, the general complexion of the whole will be considerably modified by including them.
By inspecting the table we observe that only a single species. Sequoia Langsclorjii, is common to all three of the formations. This species isnbsp;generally northern in the western hemisphere, but it is found in thenbsp;Laramie at Black Buttes, in the Fort Union grouj), and in the northernnbsp;extension of this latter in British America. It also occurs in the Cretaceous deposits of Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, and in the Senoniannbsp;beds of Patoot, Greenland. Professor Gardner finds it in the Eocenenbsp;deposits of the Isle of Mull, and Massalougo enumerates it in his Miocene flora of Senegal.
Only one other Laramie species, GinTcgopolymorpha, is found in any of the Senonian beds, and this occurs also at Nanaimo. Its Laramie locality is the place near Fort Ellis in Montana designated as “ six milesnbsp;above Spring Canon,” which we have seen reason to regard as a western member of the great Fort Union deposit.
The number of Laramie species that also occur in the Eocene as defined in the table is quite large, amounting in all to thirteen or fourteen. Seven of these are confined to these two formations, which might affordnbsp;strong prima facie evidence of the close affinities of the Laramie audnbsp;Eocene floras. This evidence, however, is greatly weakened when wenbsp;perceive that of these seven four occur in the supposed Eocene bedsnbsp;of Mississippi and not in any of the Old World deposits. This is certainly strong proof of the close relationship of these Mississippi bedsnbsp;to those of the Laramie, as well as of their similarity of age, but itnbsp;is more interesting as showing that in those early times one great homogeneous flora stretched all the way across the North American continent, and that similar forests fringed the waters of the Gulf of Mexico during their southward retreat, and those of the Laramie Sea as itnbsp;shrunk to the proportions of inland lakes. The difference of time between the two deposits, though it might have been great, was not sufficient to alter the specific identity of these four forms and doubtlessnbsp;of very many others, while in other cases the Laramie species maynbsp;represent the ancestors of the Eocene species found or to be found innbsp;the more eastern deposits. These species are, Sahal Grayanus, Populusnbsp;monodon, Magnolia Hilgardiana, and M. Lesleyana, all of Lesquereux.nbsp;All except Magnolia Hilgardiana occur only in the typical Laramienbsp;deposits of the more southern districts, but this species has now beennbsp;reported also from the Yellowstone Valley, which, of course, relegatesnbsp;it to the Fort Union group.
The other three Laramie species which are otherwise confined to the Eocene are Halymenites minor^ found in the Flysch of Switzerland, Ficusnbsp;Balmatica, found in the supposed upper Eocene beds of Monte Prominanbsp;in Dalmatia, which some authors place higher, and Sterculia modesta ofnbsp;6 GEOL-34
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Saporta (not of Heer) found at Sézanne. These three Eocene localities represent the highest and lowest Eocene, and fairly exhibit the degreenbsp;of homotaxy subsisting between these formationsr
The remaining six species that occur in the Laramie and the Eocene, possess less force in this direction from the fact that they are all foundnbsp;in other and higher formations also. Most of them are plants thatnbsp;are abundantly represented in nearly all the more recent deposits, suchnbsp;as Taxodium Europceum, found all the way from the Middle Bagshot ofnbsp;Bournemouth to the Pliocene of Meximieux, Ficus tilicefolia, Laurusnbsp;primigenia, and Cinnmnomum lanceolatum, abundant in nearly all thenbsp;Oligocene and Miocene beds of Europe. Qnercus chlorophylla occursnbsp;in the Mississippi Tertiary as well as at Skopau in Sachs-Thiiringen,nbsp;and is also abundant in the Miocene, and Ficus tilicefolia is found in thenbsp;Green Eiver formation at Florissant, Colorado. The only other speciesnbsp;belonging to this class is Goniopteris polypodioides, which occurs atnbsp;Monte Promina and in the Miocene of Eivaz. Alnus Kefersteinii, oncenbsp;reported from Aix in Provence, is considered doubtful, and should probably be excluded from the list of Eocene plants, but it is found in thenbsp;American Eocene of both Florissant and Green Eiver. In the Laramienbsp;it is only known from the Evanston coal beds, and is most abundantnbsp;in the arctic Miocene of Alaska, Spitzbergen, etc., but it is also commonnbsp;in the Miocenes of Iforthern and Central Europe.
This is all that can be said in favor of the Eocene character of the Laramie flora, and were it not capable of being further weakened, thenbsp;case might be regarded as somewhat stronger than that of the genera; but there still remain many important considerations which affectnbsp;the legitimacy of some of these facts. For example, we have seen thatnbsp;fourteen species altogether occur in the Laramie and the Eocene; butnbsp;the number occurring in the Laramie and formations higher than Eocenenbsp;is sixty-two. Thirty-five of these are confined to the Laramie and Miocene. Two (Diplazium Millleri and Flabellaria Zinkeni) are confined to thenbsp;Laramie and Oligocene, while twelve occur in Laramie, Oligocene, andnbsp;Miocene strata. These species are by no means confined to those thatnbsp;have only been found in the northern districts, but, as any one can seenbsp;by examining the table, they come largely from the typical beds, andnbsp;include such species as t^abal Camphellif Salix integra, Betula gracilis.nbsp;Ficus asarifolia, Bhamnus alaternoides, etc.
It would certainly be very unsafe from this to argue that the lower Laramie is Miocene. With such a vast flora as the Miocene, numberingnbsp;as it does (including the Oligocene beds) nearly 4,000 species, it is reasonable to expect that as many Laramie forms as are fouud eommon tonbsp;the two formations (about 1^ per cent.) should persist nearly unchangednbsp;from one epoch to the other. As a matter of fact, a much larger percentage of forms thus persists where the two deposits oecupy nearly thenbsp;same geographic area. Some four or five of the Laramie species arenbsp;still found in the living flora, most of them in North America, un-
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changed, so far as can be judged by the organs (chiefly appendicular) that have been found in the fossil state. The two species of hazel, andnbsp;also the sensitive fern from the Fort Union deposits regarded by Dr.nbsp;Newberry as identical with the living forms, must be specifically so referred until fruits or other parts are found to show the contrary. Thenbsp;bald-cypress of the Laramie swamps seems not to have been specifically distinct from that of the swamps of the Southern States, and, as Inbsp;shall soon show, forms of the Ginkgo tree occur not only in the Fortnbsp;Union beds, but in the lower Laramie beds at Point of Eocks, Wyomingnbsp;Territory, which differ inappreciably except in size of leaf from the livingnbsp;species.
To the strong evidence against the Eocene age of the Laramie group afforded by the persistence of so many of its types into periods muchnbsp;more recent than Eocene may perhaps be added evidence equally adverse but of the opposite nature. A few Laramie forms occur in Cretaceous strata. Sequoia Langsdorfii is found, as we have already seen,nbsp;in the Cretaceous of both British Columbia and Greenland, and Qinkgonbsp;polymorpha in the former of these localities. Cinnamomum Scheuchzerinbsp;occurs in the Dakota group of Western Kansas as well as at Fort Ellis.nbsp;Sir William Dawson detects in strata regarded as Laramie by Prof. G.nbsp;M. Dawson, of the Geological Survey of Canada, a form which he considers to be allied to Quereus antiqua, Newby., from Eio Dolores, Utah,nbsp;in strata positively declared to be the equivalent of the Dakota group.
Besides these cases there are several in which the same species occurs in the Eocene and the Cretaceous, though wanting in the Laramie. Cinnamomum Sezannense, of the Paleocene of Sézanne and Gelin-den, was found by Heer, not only in the upper Cretaceous of Patoot, but in the Cenomanian of Atane, in Greenland. Myrtophyllum cryptoneuronnbsp;is common to the Paleocene of Gelinden and the Senonian of Westphalia, and the same is true of Deioalquea Gelindensis. Sterculia vari-abilis is another case of a Sézanne species occurring in the upper Cretaceous of Greenland, and Heer rediscovers in this same Senonian bed thenbsp;Eocene plant, Sapotacites reticulatus, which he originally described fromnbsp;Skopau in the Sachs-Thiiringen lignite beds.
Before commencing this discussion from the point of view of specific relationship it was remarked that it would differ from that just closed,nbsp;where the subject was treated from the point of view of generic relationship, in dealing with geological, or time relations, rather than withnbsp;geographical, or space relations. But we have already seen that thenbsp;latter considerations could not be kept wholly out of view, and we shallnbsp;now see that they really form a very important part of this mode of treatment, if it is to be made at all complete. Of the seven species confinednbsp;to the Laramie and Eocene it was seen that four were also confined tonbsp;this continent. This anomaly arose from having irlaced the Mississippinbsp;Tertiary in the last column of Eocene localities. But the Green Eivernbsp;group, which is by most geologists regarded as the Eocene of Western
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America, was purposely left out of the body of the table, for reasons which have been stated. A column, however, was employed to recordnbsp;the occurrence in that group of species belonging to any of the threenbsp;formations. A.n inspection of this column shows that 21 species arenbsp;common to the Laramie and the Green Eiver groups. Admitting thisnbsp;to be Eocene, as well as the Mississippi Tertiaries, we have 26 speciesnbsp;common to the Laramie and American Eocene against 10 that arenbsp;common to the Laramie and European Eocme; this notwithstandingnbsp;that the American Eocene embraces less than a third as many speciesnbsp;as the European.
We may carry this analysis further. There are 39 species common and confined to the Laramie and the Miocene (inclusive of the Oligo-cene). Of this number 21 are found in the American Miocene. Threenbsp;others occur in the arctic flora of Spitzbergen, Siberia, and other localities not in the western hemisphere, but the complete unity of the arcticnbsp;Miocene, and its almost total dissimilarity from the Miocene of Europe,nbsp;fairly warrant their addition to the American flora. Fifteen of thesenbsp;are not found at all in the Miocene flora of Europe. This is surprisingnbsp;when we consider how very small this combined North American andnbsp;arctic Miocene flora is compared with that of Europe.
If we now divide the Laramie species that are also found in other formations and localities into two classes, one of which shall embracenbsp;all those occurring in American beds other than Laramie and the othernbsp;those occurring in no other American strata than those of the Laramie, we shall have 55 such species out of a total of 80, 30 of which arenbsp;confined exclusively to the western hemisphere. The significance ofnbsp;these figures, let me repeat, is greatly increased when we consider innbsp;the same connection the magnitude of the European Tertiary flora, asnbsp;compared with that of America.
We are thus brought once more face to face with the fact that while the floras of Europe and America differed widely in character during latenbsp;Cretaceous aud Tertiary tune, the beds of different age in each, respectively, contained floras resembling each other to such an extent as tonbsp;warrant the conclusion that the later ones had descended from thenbsp;earlier without more than the natural amount of modification. When,nbsp;therefore, we coui)le these facts with those presented above as to thenbsp;relationships of the fossil to the living flora of the globe (where it appeared that the American fossil flora resembles that of eastern Northnbsp;America and southeastern Asia, while the European fossil flora resembles that now found in Australia and the eastern half of the southern hemisphere generally), we must conclude that some great disturbing agencies have been at work since Miocene times which have causednbsp;extensive migrations and profound alterations in the plant life of thenbsp;globe. It is no part of my purpose at present to discuss this problem,nbsp;and I need scarcely say that it is to the influence of a series of greatnbsp;fluctuations of temperature, causing glacial epochs, that these changes
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are principally attributed, and that a thorough study of the living flora in comparison with the Tertiary flora not only bears out this conclusion to a remarkable degree, but renders it possible to trace many ofnbsp;the lines of migration and to fix with some precision both the spacenbsp;and the time relations of glacial phenomena.
We may now briefly revert once more, and for the last time, to the question of the age of the Laramie group, in so far as this is indicatednbsp;by the similarity of its flora to that of other formations. Thus far Inbsp;have conflned myself to the published flora of that group in order tonbsp;ascertain how the case stood at the close of the prolonged discussion which has been outlined relative to its age, in which discussionnbsp;Mr. Lesquereux has had the last word in his recent great work on thenbsp;Cretaceous and Tertiary Floras of the West. But I should admit thatnbsp;I was led to consider this side of the subject by the occurrence in mynbsp;own collections from both the northern and the southern districts — innbsp;the Lower Yellowstone Valley and along the Upper Missouri, at Goldennbsp;and other points in Colorado, at Carbon, Black Buttes, and Point ofnbsp;Bocks, Wyoming, and at other localities—of new forms, some of themnbsp;unique and remarkable, but some bearing a striking resemblance to, ornbsp;identical with, forms already figured from other localities whose strati-graphical position is definitively settled. While some of this latter classnbsp;have a Miocene aspect, as does the Fort Union flora in general, therenbsp;are others embodying the characters that are usually associated withnbsp;the Cretaceous flora. As already remarked, it is too early for me tonbsp;discuss these forms fully or in detail, although some of the more remarkable or representative ones are figured in the illustrations at thenbsp;close of the paper. At present I can merely call attention to some ofnbsp;these forms of Cretaceous aspect, as showing that the more familiarnbsp;we become with this flora the more closely we find it linked with thenbsp;Cretaceous floras below it, and particularly with those of America.
There seems some reason to believe that we now have in Fort Union strata a somewhat modified representative of the hitherto exclusivelynbsp;Cretaceous genus Credneria, so long known from the upper Cretaceousnbsp;beds of Blankenburg, in the Harz Mountains, since found in other European strata of the same or earlier age, and now added by Heer to thenbsp;middle Cretaceous flora of Greenlaud. Credneria is the original formnbsp;upon which have since been erected the additional genera of the groupnbsp;Ettingsliausenia, Protophyllum, and Aspidiophyllum. These are all characteristic Cretaceous genera, Credneria and Protophyllum being foundnbsp;both in the Senonian and the Cenomanian, and Aspidiophyllum beingnbsp;conflned to the Dakota group. Our form (Plates LVH and LVIII)nbsp;differs somewhat from all that have thus far been described, and maynbsp;be sufficiently divergent to warrant the establishment of a new genus,nbsp;or it may be necessary to refer it to some other genus, but its resemblance to Credneria is sufficient at least to make it a strongly Cretaceous type, and should its relationship to that genus be finally settled
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it must certainly possess weight in the general problem of geologic age. It is also noteworthy that this form comes from the Fort Union bedsnbsp;on the Lower Yellowstone, and from one of the highest strata of thisnbsp;formation that are represented in that section.
There occur in the collections a large number of querciform leaves, probably for the most part referable to the Cretaceous genus Dryophyllum,nbsp;established by Debey as the receptacle for the numerous archaic oaksnbsp;which he found in the iron sands of Aix-la-Chapelle. Until quite latelynbsp;this genus was very little known, and chiefly from specimens furnishednbsp;by him to different museums in Europe, but within the past two yearsnbsp;he has published a small pamphlet with one plate, illustrating several ofnbsp;the forms.' The material seemed rather obscure and fragmentary, andnbsp;the figures are very rude, but they enable us to gain a better idea ofnbsp;the limits of the genus than was otherwise possible. We have fromnbsp;the Laramie group forms closely allied to several of Debey’s species ofnbsp;Dryophyllum, such as D. Uodrys, D. graeile, D. cretaceum, D. Aquisgra-nense, etc., although it is hardly probable that any of these speciesnbsp;actually flourished in America.
There can scarcely be a doubt that we have in Pigs. 8 and 9, Plate XL, the Cretaceous species Platanus Heerii of the Dakota group and arcticnbsp;Cenomanian strata. Compare, for example, flg. 1 of plate vii, in thenbsp;sixth volume of Heer’s “ Flora fossilis arctica,” Part II, Cretaceous floranbsp;of Greenland.
Several forms of Hedera have a Cretaceous aspect, and it is quite probable that S. primordialis, Heer, from the Greenland beds at Atane,nbsp;may be represented by our Fig. 4, Plate XLYIII.
In Fig. 1, Plate LX, we have a form which, for so much of the leaf as is present, resembles the figures of similar portions of Heer’s Populusnbsp;Stygia (PI. foss. arct., Vol. Ill, Kreidefl. v. Grönland, plate xxix, fig.nbsp;10; Yol. YI, Abth. II, Kreidefl. v. Grönland, plate xvii, figs. 5, 7;nbsp;plate xxxix, flg. 5). But for the great resemblance to these figures, Inbsp;should have certainly regarded it as a Liriodendron, and notwithstanding this resemblance I am inclined to refer it to that genus. But Liriodendron is rather a Cretaceous genus, although the broad-leaved formsnbsp;like this occur also in later strata and form the type to which the livingnbsp;species belongs.
I have not mentioned the singular cryptogamous form that was collected both at Iron Bluff and at Burns’s Eanch, although I am now convinced that it is a Cretaceous form, because up to the time when it was necessary to submit this paper it had not been sufficiently studied andnbsp;the drawings were incomplete; but upon careful comparison I am satisfied that it is the same plant that is figured by Dawson in his papernbsp;in the Transactions of the Eojml Society of Canada (plate i, fig. 3) as
* Sur les feuilles querciformes des sables d’Aix-la-Chapelle, par le Dr. M. Debey, d’Aix-la-Chapelle. Extrait du Compte rendu du Congrès de botanique et d’horticul-ture de 1880. Deuxième partie. Bruxelles, 1881.
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Carpolithes horridus. To the parts represented there our specimens add the complete rays showing what is probably the spore-bearing portionnbsp;at their extremities.
' Other Cretaceous forms might be mentioned, but the above-named types are sufficient to show that the flora of the Laramie group certainlynbsp;possesses a strong Cretaceous facies, and in very many respects agreesnbsp;with that of the Seuonian or highest member of that formation where-ever this is known to contain vegetable remains. I do not wish to benbsp;understood as arguing that the Laramie is a Cretaceous deposit, butnbsp;rather against the view maintained by Mr. Lesquereux that it is necessarily Eocene. I am still free to admit that, so far at least as the Fortnbsp;Union group is concerned, the flora is closely in accord with that of thenbsp;European Miocene, in which nearly all its genera and many of its species are represented; and but for the occurrence of these anomalous,nbsp;archaic forms, which become more and more frequent as the materialnbsp;for study increases, it would be impossible to deny that the flora atnbsp;least was Miocene. In this, however, one fallacy should be avoided,nbsp;which is, I think, the one that so strongly biased Professor Heer innbsp;favor of referring new and imperfectly known floras to the Miocene.nbsp;The immense number of fossil plants that are known from that formation— over 3,000 species — greatly increases the chances of finding thenbsp;analogue of any new form among its representatives. While, for example, there are probably many more Laramie forms that have nearernbsp;allies in the Miocene flora than in that of any other age, still, relativelynbsp;to the number of Miocene species, the Eocene or Senonian types wouldnbsp;outweigh them. But the same canon must be applied in comparing thenbsp;Laramie with these latter. If the relationships were about equal wenbsp;should require a larger absolute number of Eocene forms, because thenbsp;Eocene flora is larger
Taking all these facts into consideration, therefore, I do not hesitate to say that the Laramie flora as closely resembles the Senonian flora asnbsp;it does either the Eocene or the Miocene flora. But again, I would insist that this does not necessarily prove either the Cretaceous age of thenbsp;Laramie group or its simultaneous deposit with any of the upper Cretaceous beds. The laws of variation and geographical distribution forbid us to make any such sweeping deductions. With regard to thenbsp;first point it is wholly immaterial whether we call the Laramie Cretaceous or Tertiary, so long as we correctly understand its relations tonbsp;the beds below and above it. We know that the strata immediatelynbsp;beneath are recognized upper Cretaceous and we equally know thatnbsp;the strata above are recognized lower Tertiary. Whether this greatnbsp;intermediate deposit be known as Cretaceous or Tertiary is thereforenbsp;merely a question of a name, and its decision one way or another cannot advance our knowledge in the least.
With regard to the synchronism, as already remarked, it would certainly be interesting and important if we could know with certainty
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what other deposits on the earth’s surface were being made at the same time with those of the Laramie. But we have seen that this cannot benbsp;known for any very widely separated areas. Within the Laramie group,nbsp;however, conclusions of this nature are comparatively reliable, andnbsp;when more is known of this flora and of the characteristic types ofnbsp;different horizons within it, and different areas occupied by it, therenbsp;can be no doubt that its value in the determination of the precise horizon of new beds both within and without that group must be verynbsp;great. The following words of Mr. Meek, after a careful survey of thenbsp;question from the point of view of the invertebrate paleontologist, arenbsp;equally true for fossil plants: “But it may be asked,” he says, “are wenbsp;to regard all such fossils as of no use whatever in the determination ofnbsp;the ages of strata? Certainly not, because, even in case future discoveries in this country and the Old World should never modify thenbsp;present conclusions in regard to the geological range of 1 1 1 thesenbsp;types 1 1 1 so as to enable us to use them with more certaintynbsp;as a means of drawing parallels on opposite sides of the Atlantic, theynbsp;will undoubtedly be useful, when viewed in their specific relations, fornbsp;the identification of strata within more limited areas. That is, when allnbsp;or most of the details of the stratigraphy of the whole Eocky Mountainnbsp;region and the vertical range of species have become well known, thesenbsp;fossils will perhaps be found nearly as safe guides in identifying stratanbsp;at one locality with those of others there, as many other kinds.” ^
But there is a higher ground on which investigations of this nature may be justified. However negative the results may prove, in seekingnbsp;to make wide generalizations, either for geology or for biology, every newnbsp;form discovered widens our knowledge of what has been taking place onnbsp;the surface of the earth since its crust was formed, and the additionalnbsp;knowledge we thus gain of the history of the globe is worth for its ownnbsp;sake all that its laborious pursuit costs, and this quite aside from thenbsp;added value it possesses in furnishing an ever wfldening basis for thenbsp;true laws of both geologic and biologic development.
I have now completed the review of the flora of the Laramie group which, as stated at the outset, would constitute the first part of thisnbsp;memoir, and will now present the concluding portion, also outlined atnbsp;the beginning, which will be of a somewhat personal character, and willnbsp;consist of an attempt to record so much of the little that I have beennbsp;able to contribute to the stock of knowledge relative to the Laramienbsp;flora as has thus far assumed a sufficiently definite form. It is, however,
Report of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories. F. V. Hayden, Geologist-in-charge. Vol. IX. A Report on the Invertebrate Cretaceous and Tertiary Fossils of the Upper Missouri country. By F. B. Meek, p. Ixi.
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jiroper to state that the record I have made will not be complete until I shall have bestowed a large amount of attention and study upon thenbsp;material in hand. The specimens figured can scarcely be said to havenbsp;been selected as representative of my collections, although they are sonbsp;to some extent, but they rather indicate what forms had been sufficiently studied at the time I began to prepare this paper to warrantnbsp;publishing the figures. The names which I havm affixed to them arenbsp;therefore provisional only, and subject to alteration in the course ofnbsp;the preparation of my final report, which has been merely arrested longnbsp;enough to enable me to prepare and present in the present synopsis somenbsp;general considerations which would necessarily be crowded out of thenbsp;detailed work.
My collections were all made in two seasons, that of 1881 and that of 1883. On the first of these occasions I visited a number of the localities belonging to the lower series situated in Colorado and Wyoming.nbsp;On the second occasion I visited the valleys of the Lower Yellowstonenbsp;and Upper Missouri Kivers, and found fossil plants in what are undoubtedly typical Fort Union strata. The itinerary and a general description of the field work of these two seasons have been given in mynbsp;administrative reports for those years.^
The collections made at Golden, Colorado, have not proved particularly rich, and probably very little will be found in them that has not already been reported from that locality. Large palm leaves (Sabalnbsp;Canipbellii) and numerous fragments of leaves of Platanus, Ficus, etc.,nbsp;were found in a coarse friable sandstone, either ferruginous and lightnbsp;red, or siliceous, and gray or white, in the valley between the Frontnbsp;Eange and the basaltic Table Mountain on the east. These stratanbsp;stand nearly vertical and are in immediate juxtaposition to the productive coal beds on the west. The coal mines themselves are workednbsp;in vertical beds which have Cretaceous strata on the west and thesenbsp;coarse sandstones on the east, showing that the direction from eastnbsp;to west represents the descent through the several layers and thatnbsp;the coal veins are at the very base of the Laramie at this place. Thenbsp;strata are conformable, and both the Cretaceous and the Laramie arenbsp;tilted so as to be approximately vertical. At the base of South Tablenbsp;Mountain the strata are horizontal, and the line dividing the verticalnbsp;from the horizontal strata could be detected at certain points. A measurement from this line to the base of the coal seam was made at onenbsp;place and showed 1,700 feet of the upturned edges of Laramie strata.nbsp;It is probable that we here ha\m the very base of the formation.
The geology of Golden is very complicated, but my observations led
1 Third Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey, I881-’82; pp. 26-29. Fifth do., 1883-’84, pp. 55-59.
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me to conclude that during the upheaval of the Front Eange a break must have occurred along a line near the western base of Table Mountain, forming a crevice through which issued the matter that forms thenbsp;basaltic cap of these hills. The eastern edge of a broad strip of landnbsp;lying to the west of this break dropped down until the entire strip ofnbsp;land assumed a vertical position or was tilted somewhat beyond thenbsp;perpendicular. This brought the Laramie on the east side of the Cretaceous with its upper strata at the extreme eastern, while the coal seamnbsp;at its base occupied the extreme western side of the displaced rock.nbsp;The degree of inversion varies slightly at different points and maynbsp;have been much greater in some places. This will probably accountnbsp;for the discovery at one time of a certain Cretaceous shell (Mactra) abovenbsp;a vein of coal in a shaft about 4 miles north of Golden, and about whichnbsp;considerable has been said in discussing the age of the Laramie group.nbsp;I visited the spot, but found the strata so covered by wash that I wasnbsp;unable to determine their nature.
The collections made at the base of South Table Mountain in a dark and very soft, fine-grained, siliceous-ferruginous sandstone, commonlynbsp;called tufa, were both more abundant and better preserved than thosenbsp;from the valley, and in them have been found several rare and interesting forms. Ficus irregularis was one of the most common, and Berolie-mia multinervis was found. Palms abounded, but only as fragments ofnbsp;narrow portions of leaves. On the surface of the ground, quite wellnbsp;down toward the bottom of the valley, were found numerous fragmentsnbsp;of palm wood in the silicified state, as chert, very hard and admittingnbsp;a high polish. The leaf scars are clearly exhibited, and the vascular bundles and ducts are beautifully shown in cross and longitudinal sections.
At the locality known as Girardot’s coal mine, some 5 miles east of Greeley, Colorado, on the open plains, Laramie strata were found containing characteristic mollusks in great abundance, but no plants except the wide-spread Halymenites major, which occurred in profusionnbsp;immediately over the shell beds. Large branching forms were found,nbsp;as well as forms variously curved and crooked. They seem to be tonbsp;some extent concretionary, and are composed of iron oxide and sandnbsp;with a little calcite.
At the mouth of the Saint Vrain, near Platteville, where a day was spent, these forms occurred again in equal abundanee and variety. Twonbsp;species were found here, and perhaps three. Specimens of petrified woodnbsp;from a large stump, probably coniferous, were collected, but no tracesnbsp;of any other form of plant life were detected. At this point we seemnbsp;again to have the very base of the Laramie overlying a bluish Creta-eeous el ay.
The eollections from Carbon Station, Wyo., are much more satisfactory than those from the Colorado beds. The station and adjacent track ofnbsp;the Union Pacific Eailroad at this point are located in a monoclinal valley running north and south, or at right angles to the railroad. A fault
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occurs near the station by which the strata on the southwest are lower than those on the northeast. The coal seams on the east and north arenbsp;close to the surface aud sometimes crop out. They pass downward fromnbsp;south to north with a dip of about 15 degrees, reaching across the mono-clinal valley through which the railroad runs. On the west and south theynbsp;grow deeper and have mostly ceased to be worked. The fossil plants,nbsp;which are very abundant, are always above the coal, aud the strata innbsp;which they are richest lie five to ten feet from the highest coal seams.nbsp;Immediately above the coal is a layer of arenaceous limestone, which isnbsp;generally shaly, but sometimes solid and very hard (“ fire clay”). Evennbsp;in this a few plants occur, but it was nearly impossible to obtain them.nbsp;The plant beds proper are fine-grained more or less ferruginous andnbsp;calcareous sandstone shales, quite easily worked, and from them somenbsp;beautiful specimens of Cissus, Paliurus, and other genera were obtained.nbsp;These beds are doubtless somewhat higher than those of Black Buttesnbsp;and Point of Eocks, but they are probably within the limits of the Laramie formation and seem to be the equivalent of the Evanston coal.
The locality denominated Black Buttes always refers to the station of this name on the Union Pacific Railroad, 140 miles west of Carbonnbsp;Station aud in full view of the black rock from which it takes its name.nbsp;This had been reduced to a mere section house at the time of my visit,nbsp;and all traffic was bj^ freight trains. It is in the valley of the Bitternbsp;Creek, and typical Bitter Creek strata are alone seen. The railroad herenbsp;runs nearly north and south. The strata dip to the southeast. Opposite the station on the east there are about 100 feet of fucoidal sandstonenbsp;at the base, above which are two prominent coal seams separated by shales.nbsp;The coal varies in thickness in both seams and is from three to eightnbsp;feet thick, the lower seam being perhaps the better in quality. Rot morenbsp;than two feet above the lower coal seam the rocks commence to be plantbearing. They are reddish on the exposed outer surface, but bluish-graynbsp;within, somewhat laminated, and consist of a hard, compact, and verynbsp;arenaceous limestone. They yield beautifully preserved specimens ofnbsp;leaves, which form the only planes of cleavage.
Above the upper coal the shales are very thin, and their surfaces, where not exposed to the weather, are generally covered with a profusion of very small prints of leaves, stems, culms, fronds, etc., but sonbsp;fragmentary that little can be done with them. Half a mile north ofnbsp;the station the lower coal seam descends to near the level of the railroad,nbsp;but the succession of the strata can still be made out. The finest specimens found came from beds a mile or more to the northeast of the station, above a coal mine. The fucoids in the sandstone below the coalnbsp;at Black Buttes are peculiar and instructive. They seem to consistnbsp;chiefly of Halymenites major^ which is often weathered out so as to exhibit good specimens, but more frequently these are incased in concretions which attain huge proportions, sometimes having a diameter ofnbsp;six inches. Prom the ends of these pod-like bodies short sections of
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the typical fucoid, with its verrucose surface, often project. These inflated concretions vary in shape from cylindrical to globular, and when the projecting fucoid is absent we have the simple spherical concretionnbsp;which is familiar to all. By careful selection I succeeded in securing anbsp;good series of these forms, which seem very clearly to point to the fu-coidal origin of this class of concretions.
Point of Eocks has become a familiar name to paleontologists since the discovery there of a thin bed of white sandstone containing verynbsp;perfectly preserved specimens of fossil plants that proved, upon examination, to constitute a tlorala somewhat different from that of anynbsp;other locality in the West. This spot was visited and most of the muchnbsp;discussed forms — Pistia corrugata, Lenina scutata, Trapa micropliylla^nbsp;Ficus asarifolia, etc. — were found, but little was added to the previousnbsp;discoveries of others. This locality is a mile or more ea.st of the station,nbsp;and is situated quite high up the cliff, which is here steep, and the placenbsp;is difficult of access. The lower portion of the cliff at most points nearnbsp;the railroad consists of white fucoidal sandstone, the fucoids being innbsp;a much less perfect state of preservation than at Black Buttes and morenbsp;concretionary. Below the fucoidal sandstone, at one point northwestnbsp;of the station, there occurs a bed of light gray or nearly lavender colorednbsp;clay containing fragments of ferns and conifers, together with Pistianbsp;corrugata, Sequoia hiformis, and other species found in the white sandstone stratum last described. It does not seem possible that this stratum can dip sufficiently to the west to bring it to the base of the bluff',nbsp;and no evidence of a fault was discovered. The color and fine-grainednbsp;character of the rock are similar, but the mineral constitution is verynbsp;different in the two beds, so that the question as to their possible strati-graphical identity is still open. If the fucoidal sandstone forms thenbsp;base of the Laramie, these clay beds must occupy the summit of thenbsp;Cretaceous.
Above tie massive white sandstone are several coal seams of good quality. They vary in thickness and disappear at some points so asnbsp;to vary also in number, but about five such seams can usually be seen.nbsp;Very few dicotyledonous or phenogamous plants exist in the stratanbsp;between the coal beds, although these resemble those at Black Buttesnbsp;in all other respects. On the contrary, the fucoids abound throughoutnbsp;all these strata, including those that overlie the highest coal beds.
At one point, nearly opposite the station to the north, a bed was discovered which contained fine specimens of dicotyledonous and other plants. This bed is located just above the lowest coal seam, and is about halfnbsp;way Irom the base to the summit of the escarpment. The plants seemed,nbsp;therefore, to occupy a position very similar to those at Black Buttes,nbsp;and they occur in the same hard gray very arenaceous limestone. Theynbsp;were found only at this one point and in a single layer a foot or morenbsp;thick, and rocks a few feet distant in either direction were barren ofnbsp;them. This florula proved very interesting and yielded a number of
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forms not elsewhere found. Among these was the small Ginkgo leaf, which I have called Ginkgo Laramiensis.^ (Plate XXXI, Figure 4.)
Several localities within the Green Eiver group were visited, especially in the vicinity of Green Eiver Station and of Granger, but the description of these will be omitted, and an account given only of localities belonging, with considerable certainty, to the Laramie group as itnbsp;has been defined. But one other such locality was visited in the yearnbsp;1881, and respecting the geological position of this there is some donbt.nbsp;This locality lies very near the boundary line between Wyoming andnbsp;Utah, some forty miles northwest of Granger, on the divide between thenbsp;Green and Bear Eiver valleys. The Oregon branch of the Union Pacificnbsp;Eailroad was then in course of construction, and construction trainsnbsp;were running sixteen or eighteen miles out from Granger. The line ofnbsp;the railroad snrvey was followed from this point, and the plant bedsnbsp;occurred in the ridge through which the tunnel was being excavated.nbsp;The place was then known as Hodges Pass, and my specimens are sonbsp;labeled. Fresh-water Tertiary deposits prevailed for the first thirtynbsp;miles or more, but they were observed to dip perceptibly to the east,nbsp;and at last disappeared about seven miles east of the divide. Theynbsp;w'ere succeeded here by coal seams, with which they were not conformable, the latter dipping strongly to the northwest. Very heavynbsp;beds of coal occur in the vicinity of the pass, and some were reportednbsp;to have a thickness of sixty feet. The ridge through which the tunnelnbsp;was being constructed contained fossil plants at nearly all points. Thenbsp;rock consists of a coarse, very arenaceous limestone, or calcareonsnbsp;sandstone, the leaves being either scattered without much stratificationnbsp;through the mass and lying at various angles to one another, often muchnbsp;crumpled or folded, or else in matted layers upon one another in parallel planes, and sometimes so abundant that the rock seems to consistnbsp;almost wholly of them. In either case it was difficult to obtain perfectnbsp;specimens. The impressions are very distinct, being of a dark colornbsp;npon the light matrix, and showing the presence of the silicified leaf-substance. Notwithstanding the coarseness of the material the finernbsp;details of nervation are often clearly exhibited. At first sight this floranbsp;seemed to be exceedingly monotonous, owing to the prevalence of certain lanceolate or linear willow-shaped forms, but a close study of thesenbsp;reveals considerable variety and the presence of several species andnbsp;two or three genera. With these, however, occur numerous less abundant forms which lend considerable diversity to the flora of this locality.
There are good reasons for believing that these beds belong to the uppermost series of Laramie strata, and until more is known of themnbsp;they may be regarded as forming a northern member of the Evanstonnbsp;coal field; the plants, however, differ widely from any found elsewhere.
'Science, Vol. V, June 19, 1885, p. 496, fig. 7.
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The several localities from which the principal collections made in the season of 1883 were obtained lie along the Yellowstone Eiver, abovenbsp;and below the town of Glendive, which is situated three miles abovenbsp;old Fort Glendive and on the opposite or right bank of the river, atnbsp;the point where the Northern Pacific Eailroad first enters the valleynbsp;from the east. Sufficiently precise descriptions of the geographicalnbsp;position of each of these beds were given in my administrative re-liort for that year, and these need not be repeated.
The several beds worked for fossils represent, I am convinced, a number of quite distinct epochs separated far enough in time to have allowed important changes in the vegetation to take place. The localities are not far enough apart geographically to account for the great differences in the different florulas, the extreme distance between thenbsp;remotest beds not exceeding fifty miles. There were only two of thenbsp;beds that I was tolerably well satisfied were actually synchronous, andnbsp;these were among the most remote from each other. These beds arenbsp;those of Iron Bluff and Burns’s Eanch. The plant-bearing stratum atnbsp;Iron Bluff is situated about fifty feet above the level of the river at lownbsp;water, while that at Burns’s Eanch is at the very water’s edge and anbsp;few feet above and below. If the beds at Burns’s Eanch represent anbsp;simple continuation of the strata that appear at Iron Bluff, the dip tonbsp;the north must be somewhat greater than the natural fall in the river,nbsp;but the distance is about forty miles. Between Iron Bluff and Glendive,nbsp;however, there occurs an outcrop of marine Cretaceous strata, containing characteristic Fox Hills shells. This forms an anticlinal of some fivenbsp;or six miles along the right bank of the Yellowstone, and again disappearsnbsp;beneath true Laramie strata some distance above the town. On the sidenbsp;toward Iron Bluff the Cretaceous seems to lie entirely below the railroad eutting at the base of the bluff, but the talus of red blocks of ferruginous baked marl obscured this portion and prevented its study.nbsp;This is the only outcrop of Cretaceous rocks in the entire district visitednbsp;by me.
The reasons for regarding the Iron Bluff and Burns’s Eanch beds as equivalent are chiefly paleontological. The characteristic plant of thenbsp;Iron Bluff strata was the large cordate leaf which I have designated asnbsp;Cocculus Raydenianus. This occurs also at Burns’s Eanch and has beennbsp;found only in these two localities. The characteristic plant of thenbsp;Burns’s Eanch locality is Trapa microphylla, and this also occurs atnbsp;Iron Bluff and at no other place in the Fort Union group. The remarkable Cryptogam mentioned above occurs in both beds and several ofnbsp;the celastroid leaves are common to the two localities. Hone of thenbsp;forms found at these two localities occur at any of the others. Thenbsp;rock differs greatly in appearance, but this difference is mainly due tonbsp;the former having been subjected to heat, its carbon driven out, and
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its iron oxidized, turning it bright red, so that it may be regarded as a ferruginous marl; the other is very calcareous, and may be classed asnbsp;an argillaceous limestone.
The Iron Bluff stratum yielded a considerable variety of plant forms. Besides the large Cocculus leaves, which were present in great abundancenbsp;(though, owing to their great size, usually in a fragmentary condition),nbsp;there occurred an immense quantity of stems of a gigantic Equisetumnbsp;and of luonocotyledonous plants. One of the most striking features ofnbsp;this bed was the occurrence almost everywhere of the stems of certainnbsp;plants marked all over with very distinct diagonal meshes or cross-lines.nbsp;These lines consist entirely of deeper colored fine streaks, crossing onenbsp;another with great regularity at a constant angle. They have the appearance of having wound spirally round the stems in two directions,nbsp;those of each set being all parallel to one another, and thus formingnbsp;little rhombs where the systems cross. There is no apparent elevationnbsp;nor depression, but the fine lines of deeper red are seen in cross-sectionnbsp;to penetrate the general surface of light buff, showing that they possessnbsp;some thickness. The diagonal meshes thus formed vary very much innbsp;size, from a millimeter to nearly two centimeters across, and this finenessnbsp;or coarseness seems to be approximately proportional to the size of thenbsp;stem on which it occurs. This structure first reminded me of the peculiarnbsp;cross-lines that occur in the broader stems of certain Monocotyledons,nbsp;such as Sagittaria, Eriocaulon, etc., and Heer has figured a fossil Sparga-nium stem exhibiting such a structure. Gaulinites sparganioides of Les-quereux (“Tertiary Flora,” platexiv, figs. 4 and 10) exhibits somethingnbsp;faintly analogous to our plant, and Mr. Lesquereux has sought to explain the oecurrenee of the cross-lines (p. 100). But the resemblancenbsp;is too distant to be of any service in the solution of the problem. Certain specimens showing a transition to the normal epidermis, with verynbsp;fine longitudinal striation, make it next to eertain that the parts exhibiting this structure are decorticated, and some evidence exists tonbsp;prove that the lines may represent the cell walls of the loose cambiumnbsp;tissue of an exogenous plant. The peculiar mode of branching of somenbsp;specimens also suggests the exogenous rather than the endogenousnbsp;mode of growth. Certain it is that the diagonal meshes always occurnbsp;in connection with definite vegetable structure, and even should theynbsp;prove to be themselves inorganic and to have no connection with thenbsp;tissues of the plants on which they occur, still the fact must remainnbsp;that they exist in consequence of such tissues, and are in so far of vegetable origin. I leave the question unsettled for the present and intrust its solution to further research.
The matrix in which the leaf prints found at Burns’s Eanch are embedded is an exceedingly fine-grained argillaceous limestone of a bluish-gray color, weathering reddish-brown, and having no regular stratification, but vmry brittle, and easily breaking at any point with conchoidal fracture, leaving very sharp edges. The degree of friability is much in-
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creased by saturation, which was well shown in those fragments that were taken from below the surface of the water in the river. The surfaces of the leaves often form planes of cleavage, and thus many beautiful specimens were obtained, but the tendency to forsake these planesnbsp;and break out at other places rendered many of the specimens fragmentary. Some very perfect specimens of Trapa were obtained. Thisnbsp;plant, as is well known, grows in deep water, from a long submergednbsp;stem, which reaches the surface and bears at its summit a cluster ofnbsp;small roundish leaves on petioles of different lengths, which are so arranged upon the stem that all the leaves can lie upon the surface ofnbsp;still water. The longest petioles bear the outer circle of leaves andnbsp;successively shorter ones those of circles nearer and nearer the center, where the leav^es are small and sessile. Several of my specimensnbsp;as well as some of those collected the year previous by Dr. Whitenbsp;show these concentric rosettes of leaves in an interesting way.
The Cocculus leaves are rare in these beds, but several of the best specimens were nevertheless found here. Numerous fine specimens ofnbsp;Populus were obtained, only a few of which are figured for this paper.nbsp;The sharply serrate, more or less elongated, leaves that seem to belongnbsp;to the order Celastrinege were among the most numerous and are nearlynbsp;or quite all new to science. A few very fine specimens of the remarkable tapeworm-like Cryptogam mentioned above were found here, but thisnbsp;form is not yet figured. The bulbous tufted base is much smaller thannbsp;in the Iron Bluff specimens, but the remarkable serpent-like rays, withnbsp;inflated transversely-ribbed heads and finely-toothed middle portion,nbsp;are shown with great clearness.
These two beds (Iron Bluff and Burns’s Eanch) appear to me to form the base of the Fort Union deposit, and present a flora entirely differentnbsp;from that of any other yet discovered. It is remarkable that the Trapanbsp;found in both of them appears to be the same species as that found sonbsp;sparingly in the fine white sandstone layer at Point of Rocks, and whatnbsp;is still more remarkable, I also found at Burns’s Eanch a few specimensnbsp;of the characteristic Point of Eocks plant Pistia corrugata. I am inclined to regard these two beds as synchronous, and the differences innbsp;the rest of their floras may be accounted for by differences of latitudenbsp;and the other conditions previously pointed out. Both seem to occupynbsp;the base of the Laramie and to overlie the same marine Cretaceous deposit.
In ascending the Yellowstone the next locality is that known as Seven Mile Creek, or Gleason’s Eanch. The little stream called Sevennbsp;Mile Creek, five or six miles above the mouth of which the ranch isnbsp;located, is situated about seven miles below old Port Glendive, makingnbsp;it about ten miles below the village of Glendive. Its lower valley isnbsp;open and shows no exposures, but at Gleason’s Eanch it has narrowed,nbsp;and is bounded by hills that rise on the left bank, by a series of terraces,
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to a height of about 600 feet. At numerous points along this escarpment good exposures occur, and vegetable remains of one form or another were seen at nearly all elevations. The lowest of the plant beds was notnbsp;over forty or üfty feet above the valley of the creek, and the plants herenbsp;consisted almost wholly of the large-leaved Sapindus which is figurednbsp;on Plate L, Figs. 4-8. A few feet above this occurs a bed of coniferous plants, and immediately above this one yielding a variety of Dicotyledons. Next in order is a stratum of heavy ironstone. This contained a great number of seeds and fruits which are exceedingly curious,nbsp;but which are as yet wholly undetermined. Mixed with them are leavesnbsp;in a bad state of preservation belonging to the genus Platanus, andnbsp;probably to several other genera.
The next bed that proved profitable to work was some 400 feet higher. It was literally filled with leaf impressions, and among thesenbsp;was the immense Platanus leaf, which is here figured natural size, Platenbsp;XLI, Fig. 1. Here, too, were found the specimens of Ginkgo, which arenbsp;also reproduced in our illustrations, and which appear nearly identicalnbsp;with O. adianloides of Gnger and quite too near the living plant. Notnbsp;less interesting was the discovery of the very perfect Sparganium heads,nbsp;especially those borne on the original stem, one of the specimens of whichnbsp;is shown in the illustrations (Plate XXXII, Fig. 6).
Finally, in the white marl cliff that forms the summit of the series of terraces another florula was found, differing widely from all the restnbsp;and characterized by the presence in great abundance of the remarkable leaf which I have called Credneria daturcefolia (Plate LVII, Platenbsp;LV^lII, Figs. 1-5). Associated with this form were many leaves of Poxvnbsp;ulus and Corylus, which were obtained in profusion and in great perfection. This cliff showed evidence of having once been capped by anbsp;yellow ferrnginous sandstone containing fucoids. One much weatherworn specimen was obtained.
This remarkable series of plant-bearing beds begins at the base with a light-colored and slightly arenaceous limestone, grows less calcareousnbsp;and more argillaceous and ferruginous until the iron-stone bed is reached.nbsp;It then presents a series of alternating beds of limestone and ferruginous marl to the Sparganium bed, which is scarcely at all ferruginous.nbsp;The Credneria cliff consists of a soft, white, and nearly pure marl,nbsp;slightly tinted on weathered surfaces with iron oxide. The substancenbsp;of the leaves imbedded in this matrix is clearly visible, and gives thenbsp;impressions a very dark carbonaceous or lighter brown or lignite colored appearance.
Judging from the slight northerly dip of the strata from the base of the Laramie below Iron Bluff, where it is seen to rest on the Fox Hills,nbsp;and from Burns’s Rauch, where the lowest strata lie beneath the bednbsp;of the river, it seems probable that the summit of the Credneria cliff isnbsp;from 1,200 to 1,500 feet above the base of the Laramie.
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Tbe locality ou Clear Creek, fifteen miles above Glendive and about three miles back from the river, yielded the largest quantity of fossilnbsp;plants, but the flora was more uniform than that of other points andnbsp;consisted chiefly of Viburnum leaves, which seemed when collected tonbsp;belong almost entirely to one species, but upon closer study they provenbsp;to vary considerably and embrace a number of distinct forma. Thenbsp;other kinds of plants, too, which in comparison seemed very few andnbsp;meager, prove, when separated from the Viburnum leaves and carefully studied, to be quite numerous and varied. Very large and somenbsp;quite perfect leaves of Platanus noMlis, and of the species that possessesnbsp;the remarkable basal lobe (P. basilobata, Plates XLII and XLIII),nbsp;occurred here, as well as Ulmus leaves, Equisetum tubers, and Legu-minosites fruits. In intimate connection with the abundant Viburnumnbsp;leaves, and not always easy to distinguish from Equisetum and Legu-miuosites, there were scattered through the shales, always in singlenbsp;detached form, many ovate or elliptical lanceolate fruits, with deepnbsp;longitudinal furrows (Plate LXII, Figs. 2-6), which, upon careful comparison, I am convinced are the seeds of the Viburnum. This factnbsp;would not possess so great importance were it not that certain leavesnbsp;apparently identical with the most abundant kind found at Clear Creeknbsp;had been previously collected from the Port Union group and referrednbsp;to a different genus. The discovery of these fruits in such immediatenbsp;relation to the leaves confirms in a very satisfactory manner the conclusion which I had previously reached and expressed that the leavesnbsp;published by Dr. Xewberry as Tilia antiqua belonged really to thenbsp;genus Viburnum.
Most of the plants collected on Clear Creek came from a single stratum about three feet in thickness, which could be traced for long distances along the cliff on the left bank of the creek valley and within from twenty to fifty feet of its summit. The rocks consist of a limestonenbsp;shale which is so argillaceous as almost to deserve the name of marl,nbsp;slightly ferruginous, light gray, and very compact. The layers are quitenbsp;thick, sometimes almost massive, so that very heavy specimens had tonbsp;be transported; but at some points a true compact marl occurs, whichnbsp;breaks with ease in both directions and has a conchoidal fracture.
Some nine miles farther up the broad valley of Clear Creek occur some elevated ledges, which were visited. On the top of an isolated butte innbsp;this locality a bed of compact marl of very friable character was found,nbsp;containing leaf impressions. This florula was entirely different fromnbsp;that of the locality farther down, and in fact from any other met withnbsp;on the Vellowstone. The impressions were very clear, but it was difficult to obtain entire leaves, owing to the ease with which the rocknbsp;would break across the plane of stratification. It was here that werenbsp;found the very remarkable digitate Aralia-like leaves figured belownbsp;(Plate XLVIII, Figs. 10-12, Plate XLIX, Pig. 1). Some of the finestnbsp;specimens of Corylus also came from this bed, and a peculiar fucoid (8pi-
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raxis bivalvis, Plate XXXI, Fig. 3) was abundant, having spiral stria-tious, as if twisted. This fucoid always exhibited a tendency to split open longitudinally into two equal valves, and many of the segmentsnbsp;lay around in halves, the plane of division being always smooth and evennbsp;and passing directly through the center of the specimen. Only a smallnbsp;collection was made at this point.
The characteristic fossil of the Cracker Box Creek beds was a species (or two very closely related species) of Viburnum (V. aspernm, Xewby.,nbsp;Plate LXIV, Figs. 4-9, V. JSfewberrianum, Plate LXIV, Figs. 10-12, Platenbsp;LXV, Pigs. 1-3), which, however, dilfers very much from the abundant forms of Clear Creek and does not occur there, nor does thenbsp;Clear Creek form occur at Cracker Box Creek, although the two localities are only five miles apart and very similarly situated. On the rightnbsp;bank of the valley occurred beds containing Populus leaves, masses ofnbsp;Taxodium Uuropceum, not elsewhere met with, and an abundance ofnbsp;both Equisetum and cane (Arundo?), the latter very large. On thenbsp;left bank occurred the principal Viburnum bed, and in this a few othernbsp;plants were found.
The rock in which the specimens from this locality were embedded is a highly calcareous marl, sometimes amounting to argillaceous limestonenbsp;and slightly ferruginous. At certain points it is of a dark blue color,nbsp;sometimes nearly black, and in one fossiliferous bed the outer portion ofnbsp;a small butte which was cut through by a gulch was of a red color, likenbsp;that of Iron Bluff, while the interior was blue or dark. This was ofnbsp;course due to combustion of the carbonaceous matter, the effect ofnbsp;which had not penetrated to the center of the butte. This combustionnbsp;did not affect the character of the plant impressions, but the unburnednbsp;portion was much more easily worked and much heavier. In a few ofnbsp;the oxidized buff' specimens from this place, the peculiar diagonal marking, so striking at Iron Bluff', appears. It seems in these cases to occurnbsp;on the large gramineous culms.
The several localities on the Yellowstone River above described were all visited by Dr. C. A. White and his party the year previous, and theirnbsp;stratigraphical position determined; but, nevertheless, wherever it wasnbsp;possible I observed and collected the molluscan forms, which, howev^er,nbsp;were very rare. The following shells accompany my collections andnbsp;have been kindly named for me by Dr. White;
Prom Iron Bluff; Sphserinm (planum?) ; Physa (Canadensis?).
From Biu'us’s Ranch: Acroloxus minutus.
From Seven Mile Creek: Ironstone bed: Viviparns (species indeterminable); Unio (species indeterminable); scale of a gar. Sparganium bed; SphEerium (species indeterminable).
From Clear Creek: Physa Canadensis, Whiteaves, ined.: Helix (Patula) (species undescribed).
From Cracker Box Creek: Viviparus prudentins, White ; fragments of gasteropoda.
Very few fossil plants were collected during the journey that was
-ocr page 150-548
made in August and September down the Missouri River from Fort Benton to Bismarck; but observations that were made upon the Laramie strata as seen at different i)oints, and upon the vegetable remainsnbsp;found in them during that journey, may üttiugly be recorded here.
This formation was first met with as the Judith River group, near Birch Creek, about 100 miles below Fort Benton. It here presentednbsp;the massive sandstone stratum at its base similar to that of the Bitternbsp;Creek deposits and appeared about 600 feet above the river, restingnbsp;upon the Cretaceous. Above this sandstone a few plant remains werenbsp;found in a soft, whitish-gray marl bed, too imperfect for specific identification, but showing the presence of Bquisetum and coniferous andnbsp;monocotyledonons plants.
Before reaching this point, and much of the way from Coal Banks, an extensive system of dikes of micaceous basalt was observed cuttingnbsp;through the white Cretaceous sandstone in all directions and formingnbsp;picturesque objects along the river. These seemed to disappear as thenbsp;Judith River beds came into view, leaving the question of their agenbsp;relative to that of these beds unsettled; but at a point 18 miles belownbsp;Claggett a single one of these dikes was observed to rise entirelynbsp;through the Cretaceous and Laramie strata, both of which were herenbsp;exposed, thus iiroviug conclusively that the upthrow of lava whichnbsp;produced these dikes occurred posterior to the deposit of at least a largenbsp;liorfion of the Judith River strata.
From a point about fifteen miles below Grand Island, where the Judith River group may be said to end, to the Muscle Shell, where the Fortnbsp;Union group proper may be said to begin, no Laramie strata can benbsp;seen, and for much of the distance from the mouth of the Muscle Shellnbsp;to Poplar Creek, 100 miles above the mouth of the Yellowstone, theynbsp;merely cap the hills or are wanting altogether. Below Poplar Creek theynbsp;come down to the level of the river, and some twenty or thirty miles belownbsp;that point fossil plants were found, including Populus and other Dicotyledons, as well as Conifers, at three different horizons in the cliffs onnbsp;the right bank of the river. At other points between this and Fortnbsp;Union, stems of cane and Equisetum were common, but no rich plantnbsp;beds were found. The Laramie hills here often form nearly perpendicular walls along the south bank of the river and thick beds of coalnbsp;may be traced for great distances. Much of the Carbonaceous rocknbsp;has been burned; and at one point the fire was still burning, the rocksnbsp;in the vicinity of a smoking crevasse being hot, but no actual ignitionnbsp;being visible from without. The progress of this combustion could oftennbsp;be easily traced along a vertical escarpment and the lines clearly seennbsp;which were formed by its cessation. At one place the transition fromnbsp;brick-red to dark slate color was abrupt along a vertical line extendingnbsp;from top to bottom of a wall several hundred feet high, forming a verynbsp;striking contrast.
At a point about thirty miles below Fort Buford an interesting bed of
-ocr page 151-549
northern drift was observed, forming a layer about two feet thick, close down to the water’s edge. One hundred miles below Fort Buford a finenbsp;deposit of typical Fort Union plants was found, the light slate-colorednbsp;marl containing them being, however, quite soft. At Little Knife Creeknbsp;another bed was examined. The Fort Union group is the only depositnbsp;in view throughout all this region. Plants were seen at nearly all pointsnbsp;that were examined, and at Fort Stevenson I visited a range of low rednbsp;buttes three miles east of the fort, where I collected a number of goodnbsp;specimens. They closely resembled the forms of the Lower Yellowstonenbsp;and those previously described from various points within the Fortnbsp;Union group.
Below' this point the country is more flat, the hills are lower and more distant from the river, and there is evidence that the Laramie deposits are passing below' the surface. Square Butte, eight or ninenbsp;miles above Bismarck, is capped by strata that appear to occupy thenbsp;summit of the formation.
The proportions which this paper has assumed preclude any explanatory remarks upon the figures which I have selected to illustrate the recent collections above described from the Laramie group, and all thatnbsp;can be added in explanation of them is a simple list of the names of thenbsp;species as they have been decided upon up to this time, leaving morenbsp;ample discussion of the nice points involved, and the statement of thenbsp;evidence for or against these determinations, for a subsequent publication. This effort must be regarded as tentative, and subject to muchnbsp;alteration as more thorough study of all the material in hand shallnbsp;throw additional light upon the many knotty problems involved.
Fucus lignitmn, Lx. Plate XXXI, Figs. 1, 2.
Point of Rocks, Wyoming ; white sandstone hed east of station (Fig. I). Burns’s Ranch, Montana (Fig. 2).
Spiraxin hivalvis, n. sp. Plate XXXI, Fig. 3.
Head of Clear Creek, Montana.
Ginkgo Lar(miensis,yVaTd, Science, Vol. V, June 19,1885, p. 496, fig. 7. Plate XXXI, Fig. 4.
Poiufc of Rocks, Wyoming; gra^’ sandstone bed north of station.
Ginkgo adiantoides, Ung. Plate XXXI, Figs. 5, 6.
Seven Mile Creek, Montana; Sparganium hed.
-ocr page 152-550
Sequoia hiformis, Lx. Plate XXXI, Figs. 7-12.
Point of Rocks, Wyoming; white sandstone bed east of station (Figs. 7, 8); white marl bed northwest of station (Figs. 9-12).
Pliragmites Alaskana, Heer. Plate XXXII, Figs. 1-3.
Burns’s Ranch, Montana.
Lemna scutata, Dawson. Plate XXXII, Pigs. 4, 5.
Burns’s Ranch, Montana.
Sparganium Stygium, Heer. Plate XXXII, Figs. 6, 7.
Seven Mile Creek, Montana.
Populus glandulifera, Heer. Plate XXXIII, Figs. 1-4. Pig. 3a, enlarged.
Burns’s Ranch, Montana.
Populua cuneata, Xewby. Plate XXXIII, Figs. 5-11.
Seven Mile Creek, Montana; Sparganinm bed (Figs. .'i-lO;. Clear Creek, Montana (Fig. 11).
Populus speciosa, n. sp. Plate XXXIV, Figs. 1-4.
Clear Creek, Montana.
Populus amhlyrhyncha, n. sp. Plate XXXIV, Figs. 5-9; Plate XXXV, Pigs. 1-6.
Seven Mile Creek, Montana; white marl bed.
Populus daphnogenoides, n. sp. Plate XXXV, Figs. 7-9.
Seven Mile Creek, Montana ; white mar! bed.
Populus oxyrhyncha, n. sp. Plate XXXV, Figs. 10, 11.
Seven Mile Creek, Montana; white marl bed.
Populus craspedodroma, n. sp. Plate XXXVI, Fig. 1.
Burns’s Ranch, Montana.
Populus Whitei, n. sp. Plate XXXVI, Fig. 2.
Bnrus’s Ranch, Montana; collected by Dr. C. A. White in 1882 and named in his honor.
Populus hederoides, ii. sp. Plate XXXVI, Fig. 3.
Seven Mile Creek, Montana; white marl bed.
Populus Bichardsoni, Heer. Plate XXXVI, Fig. 4.
Burns’s Ranch, Montana.
Populus anomala, ii. sp. Plate XXXVI, Pig. 5.
Burns’s Rauch, Montana.
Populus Grewiopsis, ii. sp. Plate XXXVI, Fig. 6.
Seven Mile Creek, Montana ; white marl bed.
Populus inwqualis, u. sp. Plate XXXVI, Fig. 7.
Burns’s Ranch, Montana.
-ocr page 153-WARIgt;.]
Seven Mile Creek, Montana; bed below the ironstone.
Black Buttes Station, Wyoming.
Carbon Station, Wyoming.
Point of Eocks, Wjmniing ; gray sandstone bed north of station.
Black Buttes Station, Wyoming.
Point of Eocks, Wyoming; gray sandstone bed (Figs. 6, 7). Hodges Pass, Wyoming (Figs. 8, 9). Named in honor of Prof. Lawrence Bruuer.i
Hodges Pass, Wyoming.
Carbon Station, Wyoming.
Seven Mile Creek, Montana ; white marl bed.
Seven Mile Creek, Montana ; white marl bed.
Head of Clear Creek, Montana (Fig. 5); Clear Creek, Montana (Fig. 6); the latter collected in 1882 by Dr. White’s party; the first by Mr. Eichard Foster,nbsp;for whom it is named.
Seven Mile Creek, Montana; bed below the ironstone.
Hodges Pass, Wyoming.
Seven Mile Creek, Montana; bed below the ironstone.
Seven Mile Creek, Montana; white marl bed.
Seven Mile Creek, Montana ; white marl bed.
Black Buttes Station, Wyoming.
Burns’s Eanch, Montana.
' Professor Bruner’s valuable services on this expedition are otherwise acknowledged in my administrative report for that year. (See Third Annual Eeport United Statesnbsp;Geological Survey, 1881-’8'1, p. 29).
-ocr page 154-552
Juglans nigella, Heer. Plate XL, Fig. 6.
Burns’s Ranch, Montana.
Garya antiquorum, Xewby. Plate XL, Fig. 7.
Carbon Station, Wyoming.
Platanus Heerii, Lx. Plate XL, Figs. 8, 9.
Black Buttes Station, Wyoming.
Platanus nohilis, Xewby. Plate XLI, Fig. 1.
Seven Mile Creek, Montana; Sparganium bed.
Platanus hasilohata, ii. sp. Plate XLII, Figs. 1-4. Fig. 4a, enlarged. Plate XLIII, Fig. 1.
Seven Mile Creek, Montana; Sparganium bed (Plate XLII). Clear Creek, Montana (Plate XLIII).
Platanus Ouillelnm, Göpp. Plate XLIV, Pig. 1.
Burns’s Ranch, Montana.
Platanus Baynoldsii, Xewby. Plate XLIV, Pigs. 2, 3.
Clear Creek, Montana; collected in 1882 by Dr. White’s party.
Ficus irregularis, Lx. Plate XLIV, Figs. 4, 5.
Golden, Colorado.
Ficus spectabilis. Lx. Plate XLIV, Fig. 6.
Golden, Colorado; collected in November, 1881, by Mr. C. W. Cross for Mr. S. F. Emmons.
Ficus Crossii, n. sp. Plate XLIV, Pig. 7.
Golden, Colorado; collected in 1881 by Mr. C. W. Cross for Mr. S. F. Emmons. Fictis speciosissima, u. sp. Plate XLV, Pig. 1.
Point of Rocks, Wyoming ; gray sandstone bed north of station.
Ficus tilwfolia. Heer. Plate XLV, Fig. 2.
Burns’s Ranch, Wyoming.
Fictis sinuosa, n. sp. Plate XLV, Fig. 3.
Black Buttes Station, VVyoming.
Ficus limpida, n. sp. Plate XLV, Pig. 4.
Clear Creek, Montana.
Ficus viburnifolia, n. sp.
Clear Creek, Montana.
Ulmus planeroides, n. sp.
Ch ar Creek, Montana.
Ulmus minima, n. sp. Plate XLVI, Pigs. 3, 4. Clear Creek, Montana.
Ulmus rhamnifolia, n. sp. Plate XLVI, Fig. 5. Clear Creek, Montana.
Plate XLV, Figs. 5-9.
Plate XLVI, Figs. 1, 2.
-ocr page 155-WARD.]
Clear Creek, Montana.
Bull Mountains, Montana ; collected by Dr. A. C. Peale in 188:t.
Carbon Station, Wyoming (Fig. 8). Point of Rocks, Wyoming; wbite sandstone bed east of station (Figs. 9, 10).
Carbon Station, Wyoming.
Hodges Pass, Wyoming.
Black Buttes Station, Wyoming.
Black Buttes Station, Wyoming.
Seven Mile Creek, Montana; Sapindus bed.
Seven Mile Creek, Montana ; bed below the ironstone.
Hodges Pass, Wyoming. Named in honor of Mr. J. Budd, superintendent of construction of the Oregon branch of the Union Pacific Railroad, whonbsp;directed me to this locality.
Upper Seven Mile Creek, ten miles above Glendive, Montana; collected by Mr. Richard Foster, of Dr. White’s part}', in 1882.
Point of Rocks, Wyoming ; gray sandstone bed north of station.
Golden, Colorado (Fig. 2); collected by Mr. S. F. Emmons, in July, 1882. Point of Rocks, Wyoming ; gray sandstone bed north of station (Fig. 3).
Clear Creek, Montana.
Head of Clear Creek, Montana.
Black Buttes Station, Wyoming.
Black Buttes Station, Wyoming.
Clear Creek, Montana.
-ocr page 156-554
Aralia Looziana, Sap. amp; Mar. Plate XLVIII, Fig. 9.
Clear Creek, Montana.
Aralia digitata, n. sp. Plate XLVIII, Figs. 10-12; Plate XLIX, Fig, 1.
Head of Clear Creek, Montana.
Trapa mierophyïla, Lx. Plate XLIX, Figs. 2-5.
Bnrus’s Ranch, Wyoming.
Hamamelites fothergilloides, Sap. Plate XLIX, Pig. 6.
Seven Mile Creek, Montana; bed below the ironstone.
Leguminosites arachioides, Lx. Plate XLIX, Fig. 7.
Clear Creek, Montana-
Acer trilobatum tricuspidatum, Heer. Plate XLIX, Figs. 8, 9.
Clear Creek, Montana (Fig. 8); collected by Dr. Whitets party in 1882. Little Missouri River, Dakota (Fig. 9); collected by Hayden and Peale in 1883.
Acer indivisum, Web. Plate L, Fig. 1.
Carbon Station, Wyoming.
Sapindvs affirm, Xewby. Plate L, Figs. 2, 3.
Gladstone, Dakota; collected by Hayden and Pealequot;in 1883. bapindus grandifoliolus, d. sp. Plate L, Figs. 4-8.
Seven Mile Creek, Montana ; Sapindns bed.
Sapindm alaius, ii. sp. Plate L, Pigs. 9, 10.
Seven Mile Creek, Montana ; Sapindns bed.
Sapindus angustifoUus, Lx. Plate LI, Figs. 1-3.
Seven Mile Creek, Montana ; Sapindns bed.
Vitis Bruneri, ii. sp. Plate LI, Figs. 4, 5.
Carbon Station, Wjmming.
Vitis Carhonensis, n. sp. Plate LI, Fig. 6.
Carbon Station, Wyoming.
Vitis Xantholithensis, n. sp. Plate LI, Figs. 7, 8.
Burns’s Ranch, Montana.
Vitis cuspidata, u. sp. Plate LI, Figs. 9-11.
Burns’s Ranch, Montana.
Berchernia multinervis, Al. Br. Plate LI, Figs. 12, 13.
Golden, Colorado.
Zizyphus serr ulata, u. sp. Plate LI, Figs. 14,15.
Burns’s Ranch, Montana.
Zizyphus Meehii, Lx. Plate LII, Pigs. 1, 2.
Carbon Station, Wyoming (Fig. 1). Bozeman Coal Mines, Montana (Fig. 2); collected by Hayden and Peale in 1883.
Zizyphus einnamomoides, Lx. Plate LII, Fig. 3.
Seven Mile Creek, Montana; white marl bed.
-ocr page 157-WAKD.1
Paliurun Golombi, Heer. Plate LII, Figs. 4-6.
Burns’s Ranch, Montana (Figs. 4,5). Carbon Station, Wyoming (Fig. 6). Paliurus pulcherrima, n. sp. Plate LII, Pig. 7.
Carbon Station, Wyoming.
Faliurus Fealei, n. sp. Plate LII, Figs. 8-10.
Little Missouri River, Dakota; collected by Dr. A. C. Peale in 1883. Oelastrus ferrugineus, ii. sp. Plate LII, Figs. 11-14.
Burns’s Ranch, Montana (Pig. 11); Iron Bluff, Montana (Figs.
Oelastrus Taurinensis, ii. sp. Plate LII, Figs. 15, 16.
Bull Mountains, Montana (Figs. 15); Burns’s Ranch, Montana (Fig. 16). Oelastrus alnifolius, u. sp. Plate LIII, Figs, 1, 2.
Burns’s Ranch, Montana.
Oelastrus pterospermoides, n. sp. Plate LIII, Figs. 3-6.
Burns’s Ranch, Montana.
Oelastrus ovatus, n. sp. Plate LIII, Fig. 7.
Iron Bluff, Montana.
Oelastrus grewiopsis, n. sp. Plate LIII, Pig. 8.
Burns’s Ranch, Montana.
Oelastrus curmnervis, ii. sp. Plate LIII, Figs. 9, 10.
Burns’s Ranch, Montana.
Euonymus Xantholithensis, n. sp. Plate LIV, Figs. 1, 2.
Burns’s Ranch, Montana.
Elmodendron serrulatum, ii. sp. Plate LIV, Figs. 3-5.
Burns’s Ranch, Montana (Figs. 3, 4). Seven Mile Creek, Montana (Fig. 5).
Elaiodendron polymorphum, n. sp. Plate LIV, Figs. 6-12.
Burns's Ranch, Montana.
Grewia crenata (Ung.) Heer. Plate LIV, Fig. 13.
Bull Mountains, Montana; collected by Hayden and Peale in 1883.
Oreu-ia celastroides, n. sp. Plate LIV, Fig. 14.
Iron Bluft', Montaua.
Orewia Fealei^ ii. sp. Plate LV, Figs. 1-3.
Bull Mountains, Montana; collected by Dr. A. C. Peale in 1883,
Grewia obovata, Heer. Plate LV, Figs. 4, 5,
Seven Mile Creek, Montana; white marl bed.
Grewiopsis platanifoUa, ii. sp. Plate LV, Fig. 6.
Seven Mile Creek, Montana; Sparganium bed.
Greunopsis viburnifolia, u. sp. Plate LV, Fig. 7.
Burns’s Ranch, Montana.
-ocr page 158-556
Burns’s Ranch, Montana.
Black Buttes Station, Wyoming.
Black Buttes Station, Wyoming.
Seven Mile Creek, Montana; bed below the ironstone.
Burns’s Rauch, Montana; collected by Dr. C. A. White in 1882,
Burns’s Ranch, Montana.
Seven Mile Creek, Montana ; white marl bed
Plate LVIII, Fig. 6, represents a leaf of Datura Stramonium, L., introduced to illustrate, the similarity of its nervation to that of the fossil leaves.
Burns’s Ranch, Montana (Figs. 1-4). Iron Bluff, Montana (Fig. 5i.
Named in honor of Ensign Everett Hayden, U. S. N., who has taken a special interest in this plant.
Point of Rocks Station, Wyoming; -gray sandstone bed north of station.
Point of Rocks StatioOj Wyoming; gray sandstone bed north of station.
IMospyros bracJiysepala, Al. Br. Plate LX, Pigs. 4, 5.
Burns’s Ranch, Montana (Fig. 4). Seven Mile Creek, Montana (Fig. 5).
Burns’s Ranch, Montana (Fig. 6). Clear Creek, Montana (Fig. 7).
Seven Mile Creek, Montana; bed below the ironstone.
Clear Creek, Montana.
Clear Creek, Montana.
Viburnum maerodontum, u. sp. Plate LXII, Pig. 10.
Clear Creek, Montana.
Clear Creek, Montana.
-ocr page 159-557
Clear Creek, Montana.
Burns’s Rancli, Montana; collected by Dr. White’s party in 1882.
Clear Creek, Montana.
Clear Creek, Montana.
Clear Creek, Montana.
Cracker Box Creek, Montana (Figs. 4-8). Seven Mile Creek, Montana ; Spar-ganium bed (Fig. 9).
Cracker Box Creek, Montana.
Clear Creek, Montana (Fig. 4). Little Missouri Kiver, Dakota (Fig. 6). Gladstone, Dakota, (Fig. 5). The last two were collected by Dr. A. C. Peale in 1883.
Burns’s Ranch, Montana; collected by Dr. White’s party in 1882.
Iron Bluff, Montana,
-ocr page 160- -ocr page 161- -ocr page 162-ü. 8. GEOLOGICAL SURVE7
. f
Figs. 1, 2. Fucus lignituin, Lx. Fig 3. Spiraxis bivaKis, n. sp.
Fig. 4. Giukgo Laramieusis, Ward.
Figs. 5, 6. G. adiautoides, tJiig
Figs. 7-12. Sequoia bifoi mis, Lx.
-ocr page 163-rj. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY
Figs. 1-3. Phragraitea Alaskana, Heer. |
M0N0C0''YLED0NS. Figs. 4, 5. Lemi®- scutata, Dawson. Figs. 6, 7. Sparganium Stygiura, Heer. |
Figs. 1-4. Populus apeciosa, n. sp- ^ïgs. 5-9. P. amblyrbyncha, n. sp.
Figs. 1-6. Populus amblyiliyncha, n. sp. Figs. 7-9. P.'^^^^genoides, n. sp. Figs. 10, 11. P. oxyrhyncba. n. sp.
Figs. 1-4. Corylus roatrata, Ait. Figs. 5, 6. C. Fosteri, n. ' ¦ ?C. McQuarrii, Heer. Fig. 8. Alnua Grewiopais, n. sp.
-ocr page 171-U. 8. GEOLOGICAL SUBVET
O\0^ ''^'^ONS.
-ocr page 172-? ICOT'^^-EOONS,
Figs. 1-4. Platanus T)asiloba(ii^ nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;FiG. 4a. Enlarged detail.
Fig. 1. Ficus speciosissima, n. sp. Fig. 2. F tiliaefolia, Heer. Fig. 3. F. sinuosa, n. sp. Fig. 4. F. limpida, u. sp. Figs. 5-9. F. viburuifolia, n. sp.
-ocr page 177-D S GEOLOC31CAL SUBVEÏ
Fins. 1, 2. Plinns plaiiet'oides, n. sp. Fios. 3, 4. U. iiiiiiinia, ii ap. Pio. 5. U. iLamnifolia, n. sp. Fio. 6. IT. orbicularis, u. sp. Fio. 7. Laurus resurgens, Sap. Fios. 8-10. L primigeiiia, Ung. Fig. 11. Litsaea Carbonensis, ii. sp. Fig. 12 Cmuaniomum lauceolatura, Heer.
-ocr page 178-Sa]). Pig. 7 Nyasa Buddiaiia, n. sp. Pig. 8. Cornus Fosieri, n, sp.
Fir.s. 1-3, Ciiinamomiim afiine, Lx. Fir.. 4. D.aplmogene elegans, AYat. Fin. 5. ?Moiiimiopsis anibor#^'^’*’ nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Kkj. 6. ? M. fraterna, Sap,
-ocr page 179-sp.
Figs. 3-5. Trapa raicropliylla, Lx. Fig. 0. Hanianielites nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Sap. pie 7^ Leguminoaites arachioides, Lx.
Figs. 8, 9. Acer trilobatuin tricuspidatum, Heer.
Figs. 1-3. Sapindus angnstifolius, Lx.
Figs. 4, 5. Titi.s Lrniieii, ii. sp. Fig. fi. V. Carboneusis, n. sp. Figs. 7, 8. V. Xaulbolithe^sis, n. sp. Figs. 9-11. cuspidata. ii. a]). Fins. 12, 13. Bercbeniia multinervia, Al. Kr.
Figs. 14, 15. Zizyphna serrnlata, n. ap.
FkiS. 1, 2. Zizyplms Meekii, Lx. Fig. 3. Z. cinuamomoidea, Lx. |
dicotyledons. Figs. 4-6. Paliurus Colombi, Heer. Fig. 7. P. pulcberrima, d. sp. Figs. 8-10. P. Pealei, u. sp. Figs. 11-14. Celastrus femigineus, d. sp. Figs. 15, 16. C. Taurinensis, n. sp. |
Figs. 1, 2. Cdastnis alnifolins, ii. sp.
Figs. 3-6. C. pferospormoides, n. ap. Fig. 7. C. ovatna, n. sp. Fig. 8. C. growiopsia, n. sp. Figs. 9, 10. C. cnrvinervia, n. sp.
-ocr page 185-ü. H. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY
Fig8. 1, 2. Euonymiia Xaiitliolithensis, ii. ap.
Figs. 3-5. Elasodendron aerrulatum, n. sp. Figs. 6-12. E polyniorphuni, ii. ap.
-ocr page 186-
Figs. 1-3. Grewia I^ealei, ii. sp. Figs. 4, 5. G. obovala, Heer. |
Fig, 7. G. viburnifolia, n. sp. Ftgs. 8-10. G. populifolia, ii. sp. |
iiGS. 1, 2. Grewiopsia ficifolia, ii. sp. Fin. 3. G. paliurifulita, ii. ap. Fkj. 4 rieroaperniites cordatus, n. ap. Flos quot;gt;, 6. P. Wliitei, n. sp. Fins. 7-9. P. minor, n. ap.
-ocr page 188-DICOTYLEDONS.
Figs. 1-5. Crcducria? datura-folia, n. sp.
Figb 1-5. Credneria? daturaefolia, n. sp. Fig. 6. Datura Stramoniiira, h
-ocr page 190-DICOTYLEDONS.
Fios. 1-5. Cocculu3 naj'denianus, n. sp.
Figs. 4, 5. I^iospyroa bracbj^sepala, Al. Br. Figs. 6, 7. D. flcoidea, Lx. Fir.. 8. D. ? obtusata. n. sp.
-ocr page 192-DICOTYLEDONS
Pigs. 1-C. Viburniiin tilioides. Figs. 7-9. T. perfectum, u. sp. Fig. 10. V. macrodoiitum, n. sp.
-ocr page 194-U. 8. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY
Figs. 1-4 Vibiimuni lirapidum, n. sp.
Figs. 1, 2. Viburnum oppositinerve, n. sp. Fig. 3. V. erectum, n. sp. Fins. 4-9. V. asperum, Newbj’. FlG.s. 10-12. V. Newberrianum, n. sp.
-ocr page 196-D. S, QEOLOOICAL SUBVEY
Fifl. 7. V. betulifolium, n. sp. Fig 8. V. finale, n. sp.
-ocr page 199-560
Canons in Upper Mississippi Valley, ancient, 223, 231, 263. Cape Cod beach, 370. Cape Cod moraine, 215. Cape Pofre, 371. Carbon and Evanston, fossil plants from, table, 443-514. Carboniferous nonconformity in the Rocky Mountains, 65, 66. Carboniferous of the Plateau region, 132,133, 142, 157,158,160. Carbon Station, fossil plants from, 538. Carpolithes horridus, Daws., 535. Carya antiquorum, Newby., 552; PI. XL, Eig. 7. Celastrinese of the Laramie Group, 521, 527.nbsp;Celastrus alnifolius,Ward, 555; PL LlII, Figs. 1,2.nbsp;Celastrus curvinervis, Ward, 555; PI. LIII, Figs.nbsp;9,10, Celastrus ferrugineus, Ward, 555; PL LII, Figs. 11-14. Celastrus grewiopsis, Ward, 555; PL LIII, Fig. 8. Celastrus ovatns, Ward, 555; PL LIII, Fig. 7.nbsp;Celastrus pterospermoides, Ward, 555; PI. LIII,nbsp;Figs. 3-6. Celastrus Taurinensis, Ward, 555; PL LII, Figs. 15,16. Cellular cryptogams (cellulares), fossil, table, 443-448. Cenomanian fossil plants, table, 443-514. Cenozoic invertebrates, division of, 78-80. Chamberlin, T. C., work of, xxiii, 33, 40. and R. D. Salisbury, on driftless area of Upper Mississippi Valley, 199-322. Champlain beds, 212. Charles River inlet, 376. Charles River marsh, 377. Chatiird, T. M., work of, 86, 87. Chaiivenet, W. M., work of, 40,42-44. Chaves Station, geologic features near, 149,151. Cheat Valley, investigations in, 30, 31. Chelsea beach, 370. Chemistry and Physics Division, 86-88. Chert of driftless area of the Upper Mississippi, 251-254. Chimneys, geologic, in limestone, 256. Chippewa River Valley, 262,308,310. Choiska (Chuska) Plateau, 130, 140,150,188. Cinder cones of Plateau region, 165. Cinnamomum, occurrence of, in the Laramienbsp;Group, 438, 439, 531. Cinnamomum affine, Lx., 553; PL XLVII, Figs. 1-3. Cinnamomum lanceolatum, Heer, 530, 553; PI. XLVI, Fig. 12. Cinnamomum Scheuchzeri, Heer, 531. Cinnamomum Sezannense, Sap., 531. Clarke, F. W., administrative report, 86-88. Clays, analyses, 249,250. Clays of drift regions, 255,266. Clear Creek, Montana, fossil plants from, 546. Coal, Evanston, 541. Laramie, 411,437. Montana, 52. Rocky Mountain, Cretaceous, 413. Coal beds, Colorado, 537, 538, 53». fossils, 538, 539, 540. |
Coal beds, Narragansett, 19,20. Coal traced to New Mexico, 410. Cobscook Bay district, 19. Cocculus Haydenianus, Ward, 542, 543, 544, 556; PI. LIX, Figs. 1-5. Colorado, geologic work in, 71, 72. mountains of, 117.nbsp;rocks of, 132. . fossils of the Grand Canon of, 183. coal in, 410.nbsp;lignite in, 415. Colorado Chiquito, 129,146. Colorado River, navigated by Lieutenant Ives, 123. Columbus, Ky., gravels, 213. Condon, Thomas, fossils presented to Survey, 73. Coniferaj, fossil, list of species illustrated, 549,550.nbsp;Conifer® of the Laramie Group, 519. Conuecticiit, work in feldspar quarries in, 87. Continental divide, the, 129. Contours of moraines, 264. Cope, E. D:, in Wheeler expeditions, 124,140. cited on New Mexico fossils, 138,184.nbsp;on the age of the Laramie Group. 411,414,418,nbsp;419, 427, on the Cretaceous age of Upper Missouri strata, 411,416, 419. on correlation of Laramie with European strata, 427. Copper, drift, in Eastern Michigan, 318. Cordilleras, form of, 116. Cornus Eramonsii, Ward, 553; PL XLVIIT, Figs. 2, 3. Cornus Fosteri, Ward, 553; PL XLVII, Fig. 8. Covims Studer’’, Heer, 553; PI. XLVIII, Fig. 1.nbsp;Corrasion, glacial, 224. Coruudura mines, 87. Corylus, occurrence of, in the Laramie Group, 438,439. Corylus Americana, Walt., 551; PL XXXVIII, Figs. 1-5 Corylus Foster), Ward, 551; PL XXXIX, Figs. 5, 6. Corylus McQiiarrii, Heer, 551; PI. XXXIX, Fig. 7. Corylus rostrata, Ait., 551; PL XXXIX, Figs. 1-4.nbsp;Covero. See Cubero. Cracker-box Creek, fossil plants from, 547. Crawford County, Wisconsin, quartzose pebblesnbsp;in, 275. Crednoria, probable occurrence of, in tbe Laramie Group. 533, 545. Gredneria beds of the Harz Mountains, 440. Credneria daturaefoiia, Ward, 545, 5^6; PL LVII,nbsp;Pigs. 1-5; PI. LVIII, Figs. 1-5. Cretaceous drift, 275. Cretaceous fossil plants, table, 443-514. Cretaceous of the Plateau region, 138,139,148,157.nbsp;Cretaceous vs. Tertiary origin of Laramie bedsnbsp;discussed, 406,433,435,533-536. Crosby, W. 0., work of, 31. Cross, W., work of, 62, 63. Crowe, J. B., work of, 78-80. Crust changes, 211, 224,291,300-303. Crytogamia, fossil, table, 443-456. Cryptogams, fossil, listof species, illustrated, 549. Cubero, geologic features near, 171,179.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* |
Fort Buford, geologic features near, 549. Fort Defiance, geologic features near, 123,147,148. Fort Stevenson, fossil plants near, 549. Fort Union deposits later than Southern Laramie, 439. Fort Union fossil plants, 405, 439. collection of, 542-549.nbsp;table, 443-514. Fort Union Group, age of the, 408, 420, 421. Fort Union or great lignite fossils, 409. Fort quot;Wingate, geologic features near, 123,129,134, 137,146,149,150, 152,160,188. Fossil plants, genera extinct, table, 443-514. living species, table, 443-514.nbsp;table of distribution, 443-514.nbsp;discussion, 515-536. recent collections from Laramie strata, 536-549. list of Laramie species illustrated, 549-557.nbsp;Fossil shells of Plateau region, identified by C. D.nbsp;Walcott, 134. Fossils in Rocky Mountain coal, 413. Fringing deposits, glacial waters, 261,262. ponded waters, 262, 263. Fucoids, fossil, 539, 540, 546. Fucus lignitum, Lx., 549; PI. XXXI, Figs. 1, 2. Fungi of the Laramie Group, 518. Fuveau, lignites of, 440. fossil plants of, table, 443-514. G. Galena loess, 281,282. Gallapagos Islands now in age of reptiles, 436. Gallup, geologic features near, 123,143, 145.nbsp;coal near, 140. Gamopetalm, fossil, table, 509, 514. Gamopetake of the Laramie Group, 521. Gannett, Henry, administrative report, 3-17. Gannett, S. S., work of, 8, 9, 10. Gary moraine, 215. Gay Head alum clays, 22. Geiger, H. R., work of, 24, 25. Geikie, A., reference to Western American fossils, 432. Gelinden, Marnes Heersiennes of, 441. Genera of fossil plants, number represented in the Laramie, Senonian, and Eocene formations, 523. table of the principal, 524. Geographical distribution of genera of fossil plants, 523-527. Geographical distribution of life as related to present plant life, 527,528. Geographical distribution of life vs. synchronism, 435, 436. Geographical Division, 3-17. Geological Survey, organization of the, xix-xxil. amounts appropriated for, in 1885, xxviil. Georgia, topographic work in, 9, 10. geologic reconnaissance in, 24. Georgian Bay Valley, 318. Geysers, 54-59. Gibson, A. M., work of, 75. Gilbert, G. K., work of, xxiv, 22-25. on Henry Mountains, 113, 121, 142, 197. in Wheelerexpedition, 124.nbsp;cited on Nutria section, 143. |
Gilbert, G. K., cited on Western Mountain degradation, 226. Ginkgo, occurrence of, in the Laramie Group, 529, 531,541,545. Ginkgo adiantoides, Uug., 545, 549; PI. XXXI, Figs. 5, 6. Ginkgo Laramiensis, Ward, 541, 549; PI. XXXT, Fig. 4. Ginkgo polymorpha. Lx., 529, 531. Girardot’s coal mine, Colorado, fossil plants collected at, 538. Glacial corrasion, 224. Glacial dams, 211. Glacial Division, 33-40. Glacial epochs, 212,214, 532. Glacial erosion in New England, 362. Glacial geology. See Driftless'area of the Upper Mississippi Valley. Glacial planation, 207, 214. Glacial ponding, 227. Glacial wastage area, 210, 319, 822. Glacial waters, fringing deposits, 261-263. Glaciated district favorable to swamp formation,nbsp;363. Glaciation, topographic agencies determining, 322. Gleason’s Ranch, Montana, fossil plants from, 544, 545. Glendive, fossil plants collected near, 542-549. Golden, Colorado, fossil plants of, table, 443-514. geology of, complicated, 537, 538. Goniopteris polypodioides, Ett., 530. Gooch, F. A., work of, 54,55,56,57,86,88. Goode, R. U., work of, 11. Gosau formation, plants of the, table, 440,443-514. Grand Canon of the Colorado, 117,132,183,191. geology of, 144,183. Grand Wash fault, 191. Grant Station, geologic features near, 151,153. 157. Great Basin, 186,187,194,195. Great Basin Division of Geology, 22, 23. Great Lignitic or Fort Union Group, 409,416. Great Ree Valley, 318. Green Bay glacier, 260. Green Harbor River, diked lands of, 384-388. area of marshes, 385.nbsp;artificial entrance to, 385. Greenland, observations on ice-fields of, 320,321. Green River, explorations of, 113,115. age of coal basin of, 411,412. Green River group, fossil plants of the, table, 443-514. Grewia celastroides, Ward, 555; PI. LIV, Fig. 14. Grewia crenata (Ung.), Heer, 555; PI. LIV, Fig. 13.nbsp;Grewia obovata, Heer, 555; PL LV, Figs. 4,5.nbsp;Grewia Pealei, Ward, 555; PI. LV, Figs. 1-3.nbsp;Grewiopais flcifoUa, Ward, 556; PL LVI, Figs. 1,2.nbsp;Grewiopsis paliurifolia, Ward, 556; PL LVI, Fig. 3.nbsp;Grewiopsis platanifolia. Ward, 555; PL LV, Fig. 6.nbsp;Grewiopsis populifolia, Ward, 556; PL LV, Figs.nbsp;8-10. Grewiopais viburnifolia. Ward, 555; PL LV, Fig. 7. Griswold, W. T., work of, 8,10. Gymnospermae, fossil, table, 457-462. Gymnosperms, fossil, 515,516. |
Silt. See, also, Loess. Silt-bottomed valleys, 226,227. Silt in Laramie sea, 434. Silt in swamp making, 360. Silver, quantitative determination of, by means of tbe microscope, 323-352. Silver assays, tables, 348-352. Silver-beads, calculation of, 342-345. Sluices, automatic, in reclaiming marshes, 379. Smoky Hill Fork coal older than Upper Missourinbsp;coal, 411. Snake River Valley, 171. Soissons. See Paleocene plants, table. South Table Mountain, Colorado, fossil plants from, 538. Soutbwestem Division of Geography, 10-14. Sparganiura Stygium, Heer, 545, 550; PL XXXTI,nbsp;Pigs. 6,7. Species of fossil plants illustrated, list of, 549-557. Sphseria, species of, from tbe Laramie Group, 518.nbsp;Spiraxis bivalvi8,'W‘ard, 547,549; PI. XXXI, Fig. 3.nbsp;Squier, G. H., cited on driftless area, 205. Stearns, R. E.C., work of, 78-80. Sterculiacem of the Laramie Group, 521. Sterculia modesta, Sap., 529. Sterculia variabilis, Sap., 531. Stevenson, J. J., on the age of tbe Laramie Group, 419,431. Stone, George H., work of, 36. Strong, Moses, cited on driftless area, 205. cited on geology of Wisconsin, 275, 276,316. Subsidence and elevation of coast, 371, 372, 373.nbsp;Subsidence in swamps from decay of vegetablenbsp;matter, 388. Sugar Loaf at Winona, 233, 234. Surveys, history of American State, 29. Swamp lands, value of, 388. Swamps, 20,21. estuarine, fresh, and salt water, 361. agricultural utilization of, 376.nbsp;reclamation of, 376-380. Swamps of the eastern United States coast, 353-398. “ Swell ” defined as a geologic term, 191. Synchronism of Laramie deposits, 432,435.nbsp;Synchronism vs. geographical distribntiou, 435,nbsp;436, 437, 523-527. “ Synclinal ” inapplicable in Plateau region, 196. Synopsis of tbe flora of the Laramie Group, 399-557. Table of distribution of Laramie, Senonian, and Eocene plants, 443-514.nbsp;explanation of, 440.nbsp;discussion of, 515. Taxodium Europfenm, Brongn., 530, 547 Tennessee, topographic work in, 9,10.nbsp;geologic work in, 24, 25, 39.nbsp;geologic features of, 289. Terrace epoch, 212,215, 216. Terraces of glacial flood deposits, 308-311. Tertiary, American, subdivided, 414. Tertiary of tbe Plateau region, 177. Tertiary vs. Cretaceous origin of Laramie beds, discussed, 406-433,435, 533-536. Texas, area surveyed in the season, 3. topographic work in, 10,12,13.nbsp;geologic sketch of, 29.nbsp;geologic work in, 72,75,76. Thompson, A. H., work of, 10-14. Thompson, Gilbert, work of, 8,16, 60. Tidal action, in swamp making, 360,366-368. in harbors, 374, 375. Tidal mud flat formation due to animal and plant life, 374. Tides produced by gravitation, 373. Tilia antiqua, Xewby., 546, 556. Till, 212. Till-and-bowlder formation, 259,264-277. Tintero, 180,181. Todd, J. E., work of, 33,34. cited on Pliocene in Nebraska, 212. cited on atriation in Nebraska, 313. Toyalané, 149. Trapa micropbylla. Lx., 540, 542, 544, 554j PI. XLIX, Figs. 2-5. Trempealeau River, 218, 227,310. Triassio system of Plateau region, 135-137, 148, 157. Turkey River Valley, 310. Turner, H. W., work of, 67, 70. U. Uinta Mountains, 115,188. Ulmus minima, Ward, 552; PI. XLVI, Figs. 3, 4. TJlmua orbicularis, Ward, 553; PI. XLVI, Fig. 6.nbsp;Ulmus plaueroides, Ward, 552; PL XLVI, Figs.nbsp;1, 2. Ulmus rbamnifolia, Ward, 552; PL XLVI, Fig. 5. Union Pacific Railroad, coal on, 538, 539, 541.nbsp;United States, area surveyed by Geological Survey in 1885, XV.nbsp;geologic map of, xvi-xix.nbsp;organization of the Geological Survey of the,nbsp;xix-xxii, xxni-xxv.nbsp;table of mineral products of, 89-92. United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, aid of, 9. United States Signal Service, aid of, 9. Upbam, Warren, glacial studies of, 39. Upper Mississippi Valley, driftless area of the, 199-322. sandstone of the, 236. limestone of the, 256, 267.nbsp;fossils in loess of the, 285, 286. Upper Missouri River region, coal and lignite of the, 406. history of geological discovery in the, 406. Urticaceas of tbe Laramie Group, 520,521. Utah, geologic work in, 71. Utah coal, Cretaceous, 413. Utah Division, 71. V. Valleys, flat bottomed, 226. silt bottomed, 226,227.nbsp;longitudinal profile of, 228. Valleys of simple erosion, 225. Valleys of the Mississippi and the Wisconsin, capacity of, 257, 258. |
Valley sculpture, 230-239. Vancouver and Orcas Islands, fossil plants, table, 440, 443-514. Van Hise, C. K., work of, 40,44,45,46. cited on mineral identification, 245, 253. Vascular cryptogams (Vasculares), fossil, table, 448-456. Vegetable matter in swamps tested, 378, 379. Vegetal deposits in drift, 212, 264, 314. Vermilion Cliff, 148. Vermont, geologic work in, 74,75. Vertebrate paleontology, division of, 71-72. Viburnum, occurrence of, in the Laramie Group, 439, 524, 526, 546, 547. Viburnum asperum, Hewby., 547, 557; PI. LXIV, Figs. 4-9. Viburnum betulaefolium. Ward, 557; PI. LXV, Fig. 7. Viburnum elongatum, Ward, 557; PI. LXIII, Figs. 8, 9. Viburnum erectum, Ward, 557; PI. LXIV, Fig. 3. Viburnum finale, Ward, 557; PI. LXV, Fig.‘8. Viburnum limpidum. Ward, 556; PI. LXIII, Figs. 1-4. Viburnum macrodontum, Ward, 556; PI. LXII, Fig. 10. Viburnum Hewberrianura, Ward, 547, 557; PI. LXIV, Figs. 10-12; PI. LXV, Figs. 1-3. Viburnum Nordenskjbldi, Heer, 557; PI. LXV, Figs. 4-6. Viburnum oppositinerve, Ward, 557 ; PI. LXIV, Figs. 1, 2. Viburnum perfectum, Ward, 556; PI. LXII, Figs. 7-9. Viburnum perplexum, Ward, 557; PI. LXIII,Figs. 6, 7. Viburnum tilioides, Ward, 556; PI. LXI, Figs. 1-7 ; PI. LXII, Figs. 1-6. Viburnum Whymperi, Heer, 557; PI. LXIII, Fig. 5. Vicksburg gravels, 213. Vicksburg loess, 279, 280,281, 282. Virginia, topographic work in, 8,10. geologic work in, 24,31, 85, 86, 93. Vitis Bruneri, Ward, 554; PI. LI, Figs. 4, 5. Vitis Carbonensis, Ward, 554; PI. LT, Fig. 6. Vitis cuspidata, Ward, 554; PI. LI, Figs. 9-11. Vitis Xantholithensis,Ward, 554; PI. LI, Figs. 7, 8. Volcanic Division, 59-62. W. Walcott, C. D., identification of Montana fossils, 51. administrative report, 74-78. cited on fos.sils of Plate«au region, 134. on fossils of the Grand Caiion, 183. Walker, Francis A., appointment of, as Massachusetts commissioner, 4. Ward, Lester F., administrative report, 81-85. synopsis of the flora of the Laramie Group,nbsp;399-557. Warren, G. K., cited on Mississippi Iliver, 223, 232, 233. cited on Lake Pepin, 315. Wasatch Mountain formation, 194,195. |
Watersheds of the Upper Mississippi, 218,234. Wave action, on shores, 363-368nbsp;in harbors, 374. Waves produced by solar heat, 373. Wells as tests of depth of drift, 207,223,255,264, 301,303. West Kaibab fault, 144. Westphalia, Cretaceous plant beds of, 440. fossil plants of, table, 443-514. West Virginia, topographic work in, 8, 9,10. * geologic work in, 24, 25, 31, 36, 93. Wheeler, Lieut. G. M., expedition of, 124,130,140, 143. Whipple, Lieut. A. W., expedition of, 123. White, C. A., work of, 67-70. administrative report, 72-74. cited on Mesozoic shells, 184.nbsp;cited on driftless area, 205.nbsp;cited on stiiation in Iowa. 313.nbsp;on geology of lignite formation, 421,422.nbsp;contributions to geologic determination ofnbsp;Laramie beds, 421, 422, 423, 424, 425, 427-433.nbsp;applies term Post-Cretaceous to Laramie, amp;c.,nbsp;423. services in invertebrate paleontology, 424. bounds Laramie Group, 425.nbsp;reports on Laramie Group quoted, 427-431,432,nbsp;436. extends Laramie Group to Mexico, 432. reply to A. Geikio on Laramie fossils, 432.nbsp;on the Laramie sea, 434.nbsp;identification of Laramie shells by, 547.nbsp;White, I. C., work of, 24, 25. Whiting, H. L., appointment of, as Massachusetts commissioner, 4. Whitney, J. D., cited on ice action, 290. Williams, Albert, jr., administrative report, 88-93. Williams, George H., work of, 31. Williams, H. S., work of, 75. Willis, Bailey, work of, xxv, 24. Wilson, H. M., work of, 14. Winchell, N. H., cited on geology of Minnesota, 273, 284. cited on driftless area, 312, 314, 316. Wingate sandstone, 137, 146, 150, 157. Wisconsin, investigations in, 31, 32, 37, 38. geologic work in, 74,75.nbsp;driftless area of, 205, 217.nbsp;geologic features of, 252, 260, 270, 313.nbsp;loess in, 285, 286. Wisconsin Iliver dells, 229, 230. Wisconsin Iliver Valley, 206, 218, 227,232, 308, 310, capacity of, 257, 258. Wolf, J. E., collection of loess particles by, 280. Woodward, R. S., work of, 11. on glacial phenomena. 291-298. Wright, G. F., work of, 35, 36. Wyoming, geologic work in, 71, 72. lignite in, 406, 414, 415.nbsp;coal in, 410. Y. Teates, C. M., work of, 8, 9. Yellowstone Division of Geography, 14,15. Yellowstone lignite, 406, 408. |
Yellowstone Park, area surveyed in the season, 3. Yellowstone Park Division of Geology, 54, 59.nbsp;Yellowstone Iliver, fossil plants collected on, 542-549. Z. Zamiostrobus mirabilis, Lx., 519, 524. Zandia range defined, 125. Zizyphus cinnamomoides, Lx., 554; PI. LII, Fig. 3. |
Zizypbus Meekii, Lx., 554 ; PI. LII, Figs. 1, 2. Zizyphus serrulata. Ward, 554; PI. LI, Figs. 14,nbsp;15. Zumbro Kiver Valley, 262, 310. Zuni, geologic formations near, 137,145,147,160. Zuiii Canon, 156, 158, 160, 163. Zuni Plateau, C. E. Dutton on, 105-198. Zuni River, 146. Zuni sandstone, 146, 157. |
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