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A. G. van HAMEL


International University Booksellers Ltd. 94 Gower Street, London, W.C. i

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Late Fellow of Gonville and Cains Collegenbsp;Cambridge

Edited by J. FRASER

Jesus Professor of Celtic in the University of Oxford





Instituut voor

Keltische taal —en letterkunde der Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht

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Cambridge University Press





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1555 1793

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Peeface nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;page vii

E. C. Quiggin nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ix

Publications of E. C. Quiggin nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;xi

Text of the Poems nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;1

Notes on the Text nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;85

Catalogue of the Book of the Dean of Lismore 95 Index of First Linesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;107

Index OF Authors nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;112

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Instituut voor

Keltische taal—en letterkunde der Rijkstjniversiisit te Utreclrf


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Qüiggin ’S plan included (1) transcripts of all the poems in the Dean’s Book that had not been published by M’Lauchlan, The Dean ofnbsp;Lismore’s Book, 1862, or by Cameron, Reliquiae Gelticae i, 1892, withnbsp;critical editions of such of these poems as have been preserved in othernbsp;MSS.; (2) a translation into English, and (3) a commentary on the matternbsp;of the poemsh A large number of Dublin MSS. had been collated, butnbsp;an edition of only one poem had been completed. The translation wasnbsp;still being revised at the time of the author’s death; and the commentarynbsp;had not taken definite shape.

Of the present publication Quiggin passed for press only the text of the poems. The Catalogue of the Dean’s Book, which contains a greatnbsp;deal of matter not to be found in earlier descriptions of the MS., wasnbsp;found among his papers and is printed without change, apart from thenbsp;omission of scraps of poems in Scots, notes of various kinds in Scotsnbsp;and Latin, and long lists of obits already published in Archaeologianbsp;Scotica III, 318 ff. The Notes on the Text, too, were left in manuscript.

The manuscript transcript of the Dean’s text made by Mr Walter Macleod (Mackinnon, Catalogue, p. 228^) was consulted by Quiggin, andnbsp;alternative readings recorded in the Catalogue and in the Notes to thenbsp;Text come from it.

In the preparation of the Indexes Professor 0’Rahilly's important article, “Indexes to the Book of the Dean of Lismore” in Scottish Gaelicnbsp;Studies IV, 31 ff., has been of great use.

Mrs Quiggin has kindly helped in various ways in the preparation of this book. To her and to the Syndics of the Cambridge University Pressnbsp;are due the thanks of all to whom the publication of Quiggin’s Reliquiaenbsp;will be welcome.



' Quiggin had originally intended to add a transliteration into normal orthography of the pieces known only from the Dean’s Book, but this part of the plan was abandoned asnbsp;impracticable.

^ Of the two transcripts made by Ewen Maclachlan about the beginning of last century one is deposited in the National Library of Scotland and the other is the property of thenbsp;Aberdeen University Library. The latter, which the courtesy of the Librarian has enablednbsp;me to examine, is incomplete and shows occasional attempts at emendation of the original.nbsp;Quiggin appears not to have made much use of Maclaehlan’s transcripts.

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The death of Edmund Crosby Qiiiggin' on the 4th of January 1920 put an end to a short career of scientific activity which had achievednbsp;much and which promised much more. At the time of his death Quigginnbsp;occupied a unique position among Celtic scholars. The trend of Celticnbsp;studies has alwaj^s been in the direction of specialisation in Irish, andnbsp;most students who have approached the subject from the outside, thatnbsp;is, almost exclusively, from the linguistic side, have been content to treatnbsp;the other Celtic languages as subsidiary. The appearance of Quiggin’snbsp;contributions to the 11th edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica showednbsp;that he was advancing along the whole front of Celtic studies, investigatingnbsp;not only the external form of the languages but the development of theirnbsp;literature as well.

Quiggin sometimes insisted modestly that he was not a “philologist,” and it is true that he had no great interest in the more airy sort ofnbsp;etymological speculation. But he was an observer of unrivalled skill ofnbsp;the actual facts of language. His Dialect of Donegal presented Celticnbsp;scholars with an instrument of research new in their field, and has servednbsp;as a model for brilliant work by others. Other works of the same kindnbsp;were planned. In the course of visits to the Hebrides and to Brittanynbsp;Quiggin made collections from local dialects, but his investigations intonbsp;the sound systems of Scottish Gaelic and Breton are represented onlynbsp;by short notes published in the Revue Celtique and the Transactions ofnbsp;the Cambridge Philological Society. He had made considerable progressnbsp;with an elaborate study of the spoken Welsh of North Pembrokeshire.nbsp;Wherever Quiggin went in districts of Celtic speech he immediately gotnbsp;into touch with those from whom he could learn, accompanying countrynbsp;postmen on their rounds, or taking the place of the village shopkeepernbsp;at his counter.

^ Notices appeared in The Caian, xxviii (Sir William Eidgeway), Revue Celtique, xxxviii (J. Vendryes), Indogermanisches Jahrbuch, vii (E. Ban). Quiggin was born in Cheadle,nbsp;Staffordshire, in 1873 of a family of Manx origin. From Kingswood School, Bath, he wentnbsp;up to Cambridge in 1893 as a Scholar of Cains College (Modern Language Tripos, Germanicnbsp;Philology, 1897). He spent the years 1898—1900 at the Universities of Greifswald andnbsp;Leipzig, and returned in the latter year to Cambridge as Fellow of Caius. Thenceforwardnbsp;he taught for the College and the University in the Faculty of Modem Languages. In 1909nbsp;Caius College founded for him the Munro Lectureship in Celtic.

During the War Quiggin served first at Le Havre and, from 1916, at the Admiralty. Later, he was attached to the British Delegation to the Peace Conference.

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X nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Edmund Crosby Qiiiggin

Side by side with his studies of the living languages Quiggin was carrying on investigations connected with the literary history of Irelandnbsp;and Wales. About 1919 he spoke of plans for securing the co-operationnbsp;of a number of young Welsh scholars for a systematic study of thenbsp;Cynfeirdd; he evidently felt that for discovery of new material earlynbsp;Welsh literature now offered a more promising field than Irish. Butnbsp;these were plans for the future. At the time he was immersed, as henbsp;had been for over ten years, in the preparation of editions of two collections of Irish bardic verse, the unpublished religious and encomiasticnbsp;poems in the Book of the Dean of Lismore, and, as a sort of supplementnbsp;to them, the Duanaire in the Yellow Book of Lecan. Some idea of thenbsp;scope and extent of his long study of Irish MSS. can be got from hisnbsp;Prolegomena, an admirable survey of the history of a literary formnbsp;scarcely known at the time except to readers of Manuscripts. But thenbsp;Prolegomena does not utilise at all the vast mass of illustrative materialnbsp;which Quiggin had collected from the popular religious and devotionalnbsp;literature of mediaeval Europe. This was to have been incorporated innbsp;a Commentary on the poems from the Dean’s Book. The Prolegomenanbsp;appeared in 1913, and in the following year Quiggin had to turn hisnbsp;energies also to other pursuits remote from scholarship, and wore himselfnbsp;out in serving learning and his country.

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A Dialect of Donegal, heitig the Speech of Meenawannia in the Parish of Glenties. Phonology and Texts. Cambridge University Press. 1906.nbsp;Prolegomena to the Study of the Poetry of the Later Irish Bards, 1200—1500.

Proceedings of the British Academy. 1913.

Uber die lautliche Geltung der vortonigen Worter und Silhen in der Book of Leinster Version der Tain Bo Cüaïlnge. Dissertation. Greifswald. 1900.nbsp;Articles in the Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1911— Celts, Language and Literature (with the exception of the section on Welsh literature).

Ireland—Early History.

Columba. Druids. Finn. Saint Patrick.

In the Zeitschrift far celtische Philologie A case of Stress-shifting in the dialect of Treguier, vii, 354 ff.

A fragment of an Old Welsh Computus in the Cambridge University Library (the oldest specimen of Welsh prose, discovered in 1911), viii, 407 If.

In Eriu

The Middle Irish S-Preterite, iv, 191 ff.

A Book of O’Reilly poems in Cambridge, vi, 125 ff.

In the Bevue Celtique

A case of Vowel-breaking in Irish, xxxiv, 61 ff.

Two Old Welsh Glosses in a Valenciennes MS., xxxiii, 100.

An Caoch O Clumhain, xxxiii, 462.

An Old Welsh Gloss, xxxviii, 15.

Armon Armenia, xxxvni, 16.

Initial q in Welsh, xxxviii, 17.

In Mannin

The Language of the Manx Oarvals, i, 35 ff.

In Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society Initial Mutation in Skye and the Outer Hebrides. 1907, p. 16.

Notes on some Celtic River-names, chiefly Welsh. 1914, p. 4.

A thirteenth-century Poem by Gilbride Macnamee in praise of Cathal Redhand. Meyer Miscellany.

A fourteenth-century poem in praise of O’Connor’s House at Cloonfree.

Essays and Studies presented to William Ridgeway.

The Influence of Irish upon English Literature. The Glories of Ireland. Washington. 1914.

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Puhlications of E. C. Quiggin

Description of the Irish MSS. in the National Library of Wales. Bibliotheca Celtica. Aberystwyth.

On the outbreak of war the following were in various stages of completion.

The Dean of Lismore’s Book. An edition of the unpublished portion.

The Dean’s text (in type), critical text of all the Irish poems occurring in other MSS. with English translation and notes, together with a restored textnbsp;of a number of the remaining Irish and Scotch compositions. (The papernbsp;entitled Prolegomena mentioned above is intended as an introduction tonbsp;this work.)

Das Keltische Brittannien, a lengthy article in Hoops’ Eealenzyklopadie der germanischen Altertumskunde.

The Poems of Tadhg Ög O Higinn (d. 1448) from the Song-book inserted in the Yellow Book of Lecan. Critical Text with English translation andnbsp;notes.

A Study of the Spoken Welsh of North Pembrokeshire.

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Gorree Finn,

(MS. p. 12.)

Mark maillis mvrn in theil gar wiris boig a woryny, mark noth roochevin e er ree in droth heil dekry.

Flavoniss riior ar nivrn vyg, bea heyr er hal zerryde, treeksin Dee as deinoy an dail er ree demoy in doynann.

A zenna za dalt’ rath less na'^ beg maid ir myri*quot; ffyr soig in swna as sloir leif gyn soig is sulle zaksin.

Soig na soigrade neoyf at ta foass fan teyrne gach soig fa neyf sacha sin as baa yr in noywy.

Da zarwyg sen ag so skail vonnis riss di rair eyrane, scail a traay bynto’’ noif ga baa scryftour vor screyf.

Ben torrach ag toaar bradda de wee in presone fennidda; bairrir zi chad zee nyn nwle la lannof beg sin breissonn.

Arna wree di we in makaw nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;a fass myr gach fochlagann;

da eygny mor gw beig zone nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;sell dy bleigny sin breissonn.

In nynin ag toaar breeda, menna in lanvo neir Iwidda, e za rair ga di wee in bradda myr wree gyn fane gyn fyn...,nbsp;Di holse leith neir leyr royf ath a v.agsin faa a dothbroonenbsp;di zrwme ygin in nathi tre inny hool harrocher.

Mon?i nvrchur neir vynnyn dail dyn wayir is din vakawe, dathre dalve da drath zile sin lanvo a bree pissy*quot;.

An lanvo dollony^ ann di barda ag wiling,

neir leer din varhass og our nor od parris in preissone.

Essin ag bree roak rawre isse ag dol er dovannymin, marg traa na‘ dwryg za iignbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;inrow ni mna si vakkeive.

Yr fagsin dayr da drath zil nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;raziss in lanvo la eggin,

“ 0 harle wyl er moye clwnwnn dawny*^ dy‘ zoobrone.”

“ Noyf eny*^ ag ath ga nynn myg,” ar sisse, “ a lanvo lanveig, is rayin cwng na cla*^ done tath dwlling pane se phresson.”



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The Dean’s Text

“Wille,” er see, “soig elle is sevyjjne na ir nynvy?me ? na vil ne solse na soo oo zenee \n torsa thromsoo?”

“ Inriabra ne heny‘ dette, ar m neyn, “ a ogevake, ffyezeef in trayf a hoyzis tyig elle ne hakoygis.

A vaka a vaka misse tra er heth in teig zorcha soo, di we dothwanfia ort annnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;is fort ollony‘, hannamm.”

“ Os akkid is far a zarve, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;a neynw,” erssin toge lawwo,

“na kel ornn hynwachtyn zaa do wornn ymmy‘chre orna.”

as see hariss er dosse, a yr chome, is kynnowin.”nbsp;“ga tei‘ brony*, a venr? od.

“ Losse in theil vor soo moyg ma in dyg zorcha no zeye,

“ Er linn,” erss in lanvo oge, is leyr zwnea ir neil solse, na beig er hwe athorss.”

Er clathtin dagkirra da na‘ doar see soig bi evynna, neir zhess a groyg zreissour zlann er a vreisson foar falloig.nbsp;Barrowle di varir rown is di lanvo i wee si bressone,

Iwtb a wai ka in cowlpla in rai is bea phressone.

flay is ag wil boonnree, sloig a waa is pressoneni.nbsp;satht mvrnn neif noachreig,nbsp;a‘ myr hollass clar choolle.

Ta edd’ noyf nyn neyg graye is evynnis talvonn tonevann a wille edd’ oyf zorra zowf amp; tolchy* in nor eny‘g.

Is far na losssi lowo evynnis riss na* inchurri, ne boone inve a vorn so moee toyr inve in tolso honni.nbsp;Torskal teyg neif as si vrow ard anglinbsp;go dee yn braa agws bea reiss neir ree la cac a daryss.

Mac ny cronny er chommis doyf ag neof ane oar zayzin^ di legfi mee in mach sin woymm er e zaksin in nane oar.nbsp;An tallow gin ne dig zee de reeksin er heeth neve,nbsp;is gin agsin downa Zei zoif ach mai er cowliv a choalle.nbsp;Gestacht re heanlaa neif is cwt din choal anglinbsp;ni hoynne is de roig zaa ferroo choal ni cronwy.

Imny orrydycht oonne veinn ag mak neyn Eaym?n no*cha leyr zin zlor sin gow* na* saysycht in paen phekkow.nbsp;Imni in neiffrin na zei nee da gwrri fa clioaveranne,nbsp;gulla agis wllaa arda o vill voyve er inarbaa.

Iffrin attryf nyn dawin prfssone deyrry* in dwloyin, rochtin ilfeann treal dyn tyg ymkane oraann one rehyg.

Da vesteis fir in doyin schaile iffrin orchorr, re clastin di bi choor schanma dave is gin agsin iffrin.

Ke faksin meyry*' v'’ Zee soig broone bea gi downinbsp;Ne wi in tolse soo in theilnbsp;teif re dail is dowes dotht


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The Dean’s Text

Di bi neof la gi nach ann bos dawail is ne aywzinn, ne dul ne tarnow is ste, brow* gin invrow* aithin.

Mynna gy‘ gooss acht a zaw losk ann is imbaoit, smaal blayth na ba*fee locht, snaath na* traufe tessycht.

Ige wrch achtyg heymm pest a ter terssschee ififrin, da vaig e ig ryeirk hi fer achee is cwntwirt.

Brow ifFrin nor vakka ina a gaynna vog nan vagsy*,

Re nyn nowle, ga cvnni di cherre si downa a vill gi vachyr ? Ne tress er Dea an du/ina tran na in bocht di veiss na herran,nbsp;ne lair tanna teyr er noif, farri a horre gi hailzean.

Cree vrissil owle tig dee dwnna zardow, is loyeit is loir dir goyllezeit oyee is angil.

Bea gin eiss gin vrchur doyve er sonna inn ygyrra, slanta gyn orkill d’rew faltee chotkin corddwoil.

Mark a threikfee teeg neif er ir moca bregginne, ca hard na* beil a wos in sseil is morg a wallis.

Nar waltyr ma ter Mvrra lor ym zeni di deyzoe, goe oye Woirri is lor lym, oyg is glorworri zoeymm.

Corle Mvrre morra di ne mak ni mor oye,

lay ni tress in dig noy ne zle mess mevanma. Marg.


(MS. p. 294.)

Oir ractin ryig in cronnig ffbar in trur vynaclic voknbsp;Neir aysit gin dnl is stactnbsp;sin readla conlac corbognbsp;Gom bee faridd’ is steenbsp;na brwne de we in gal zaanbsp;Dilsid a glwnne galla anbsp;dan tee ga bagan gi wlenbsp;Dugsid anna er gruss zilnbsp;oyg heyf zal re bea ir sur

din molssoid re reatlynne, wle igynty* nor erssit.nbsp;in trearsin go Dea dullac,nbsp;lonrac hannta hwlle zroda.nbsp;an targ’re in neiss lennwf,

Re ne cronny cacyrra. dugsid a trea haskaignbsp;o bee ayir gi ane trur. Trur.nbsp;Mvrre mayr an Dwlluf,nbsp;fyaly i roif gac ean trur.

Trur roie.


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The Bean's Text


Te^ ok 0 huggin seqf textvts.

(MS. p. 260.)

Id ta tre corrik ym chind zone nj‘ tra*^ zane dugssnbsp;Ne dove na*' dorve in nobyrnbsp;ne sai ir raneny*^ na rai sen,nbsp;Ga bai dy*^ vep er a heenbsp;0 zloa in treirsen ne hegfei''nbsp;Cosk inlai ne hey byquot; latnbsp;lai dyquot; temsir zir no zatnbsp;Gyn mo ley yquot; leggin veme

far die ma mewmai eisil, noe er chaiquot; nyquot; coriksen.nbsp;togquot; onyt tre corikgew,nbsp;ir rai rai cheil cattyr.nbsp;in louth corik yquot; clwnefee,nbsp;boa acht la elsyquot; aggyntyquot;.nbsp;syn nermsen ag irr ymlat,nbsp;is ryne x^yn narnie sen innit.nbsp;ra hey leyquot; done no zanvone,

corroquot; go vywnyw in vil nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;bly innvine dyquot; rnyquot; hormew.

6 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A Collin yquot; corik rwmenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;syn team ta er iSyrn

syn sell sess ir golly* missyquot; menyr edtryquot;.

7 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Doggyr zym narmyw eyzin dul voa gyn amswyquot;,

er te hywlit nyquot; hanmyn. na henir gyn ir pertyquot;,nbsp;syr nawa deir dane teve.nbsp;choss zeme, Dea dyquot; horsa,nbsp;sin dess choalss chommyth.nbsp;zemone in drotheil,

id ta tre boe na bone In tarrim is oknyquot; zenbsp;ir glenyquot; sir garrit zeilnbsp;Id ta trur naquot; toling manbsp;yquot; chollin soo ves gym vraquot;nbsp;Id ta roythin barn veil brak







is gor myquot; zoyquot; zyn doynn ca noequot; kand dyn choquot;ow. Sirrit myntyquot; woa heiss lennew tylyquot; hye Lucifer,nbsp;ir goat ne beg in vrat kat foregin o nacht vait.

Keyquot; lai dyquot; we kat in chwrp aggyquot; fa achtyn dermit, kaffe ma athchad dawel no caffit ai din gawel.

In bone dyquot; we sin noyth’ dymm zein ir ynquot; goow, sin damn dyquot; fane vir nyquot; tre fymyquot; gyquot; wlgyr.

Dea aithir ne villar roe heth chuggfm dym chossnow, mir yquot; tee taymin in gyle is da nawa no treir dymcbil.nbsp;Da balamm, latrome in cor, gyn deazin dyquot; Zea aithir,

da bail lamm in lai el Ne dlevm gai derrinn sonbsp;da bai lai gyn rae rinnyquot;

eiquot; tannyquot; ass yquot; royquot;kirryquot;. gyn doe aggvm ai Essso,nbsp;ir granyquot; ta ma hymchil.


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The Dean's Text

17 Go bai^ lym lai ny‘ brai*'







tnak no hoa dirre,

0 ley*^ ir faiyr selim.

Ben Aw in nor y*^ hwle ferg Zei fane deachew awil, a geil rind ne rove is do rindny*^ tenne troikgirry^

Ben Aw onar vail covait awla no hannycht,

fa reir is neir vail la hAwe caine in re do realycht.

Ne sirphei*^ erik el orth areine acht athree,

brissy'' any* Zei zone deiss dy* waith sai ath gy* sirdeis.

moid in tavir ymawyr, do zave ecla dAwe.

airss gone neve dympow, ka do coige fame chomric.nbsp;lass'' erg hyntywnicht,

gaa go na*' seir a‘




Innynti?i gane gir athre, re frigry* dawail do annbsp;Tanic ere chynd ny* nvlenbsp;do rae de in do a matnbsp;“ In twle far rass rindnbsp;ne mee dy* ven, gai teve zoe, len er in vrei*




Da chwey dakgalow Eave da wee Eawe ass y* hally*nbsp;Da ba rowne Re nyre nvlnbsp;we laiss er lot ny* hawly*nbsp;Da chellitdyr in gynty*nbsp;dul seir ne by* dekkir rave

mak Dei in doe ny* hai*\valy*, er tee* san hayre.nbsp;myr hanik y rokirrhe,nbsp;is dy* log daiss y* haggylly*.nbsp;dy* hug ass in neggynticht,nbsp;sy*




Id dorde zove, gar zorve lass, a gur o chrannew perriss, dul er eth’ew lai er lai er son gone techt ra tally*.

Da chaithfeine ere t'ssy* is me er mentene awryssy*, nair bynnyn is Eave niainbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nynny* ny* haithvaly*.

Errew see er sone ir locht invin lai Eiss howly*, id ta er te rare rwe dar wanew re in rehai.

Ohoa soss da sethna maa ne na y* rindny* roa, innathvir ne voeit sine dulle in tathin ymmynteine.

Is sai kert ny* gowle corit in negna dympow

in ta zy* we sin ta tai

amp; is sai in te testa.

Ita tre corik.


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The Dean’s Text


A Houd’ so Teig Ook 0 Huggin.

(MS. p. 252.)

1 Cart ey seithane ac seil Awzeve, oyn Muir dy*^ vath a icht, dy‘ wea na nawe zul Eawe, da wul ranik seil in seicht.

Da vaa‘ in Comme kin Awzeve, da chowreve seith assy'' senchinnbsp;Dy' rynny' Dea in neil ir gintenbsp;dy* we rae er chind y* choggenbsp;Gor in teve zar deg ir bran's,nbsp;dy rynnei' seith ne by' noevenbsp;Dy' cbodyr in gyntowe dess Deanbsp;dy' chor seil er in she rioesen,nbsp;Grand ny' hannith sai vo derry'nbsp;dy' huit eland Awzeve fane nerry'

vssit zave zul na hecht, er zneve gy' ir warfir braa.nbsp;in coggei' chur in dluss,nbsp;ind fein dy' hugge huss.nbsp;na bammyn ze nor navit ne soi,nbsp;ma bei' fei' zone ac Dea.

voyne inir y' dynniss fai, skail in rey' in glosswy' cai.

doe gy' afveir vor soy,

' gir laneith crand el...

oriss ead ne hobbir dissi.







Hussy' in crand sen, y' chrocht Eiss, is tow huggeith mir eik sin nawilnbsp;Gummy' lyiss er lot Eave aggit, y* chrand ny' v sroo,nbsp;yn bei' cai trea vrei' dy' mil wei' sai gir kenny' y chr...

Huggis dy' chaich' cart in seith er son ny' gloo y' quhy' thr..., gyr henny' in Ree y' chorp raid clarew, dy' wey' oik Aw gyn...

Is tow yn chart er cury' seil nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;is seicht ny' cany*, chroicht De,

y' chro* vl ag caich na cartta nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;cur er skai' dy' warke me.

Y' chort heithane heil Awzeve hannik sein syn sle chamy', id tow fa chowyr ny' carta, is tow covir is fask and.

Is tow zy' cosk cogny' hawle, ne el torry' na* teg zeit, id tai see and as y' hally' dy' fre crand ny' ha?iny' eik.

Is tow zy' chevin eland Eawe dess in nowle er erk Zey, ass owcht chroynd dy' zoeve grassy', far y' cloynd ny' mnaa so mai.nbsp;Cuss troe ra hoi'yrt darry' ra hucht Christ dy' chur fan leik,nbsp;mir y' veith Mor ery' vonsy' is da wne el tursy' threid.

Is tow in crand rane churry' y'm Dwllew dromm y' wass, beil don; is lit dy' hil crow ass y' chre, how o hin tolly' in vr.

Kin Eawe in nye in Dwllew nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;dorve tarny' o hud no gend,

dy' ver mee y' chroch' one cheid chin oochne ai na' lekfir lem.

deit y' rukw' callin...


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The Dean’s Text

17 No*' dy*^ clirand, y‘ Chome Eissy‘, y*' eich‘ huggin ga cuw roive,







in Grand derk dim vrrel er,

y‘ chro‘ Zei, far dorty‘ chrowe‘, rovait molk hozim bow.

dy*’ wee in gangl id clar breik, sy*quot; cle foie dy re rute.nbsp;in nerim ga zals gorve,nbsp;in nanner za zlak gonety‘ farrel dy* vak ocht orm.

Is tow zy* chrei* in laicht cogge nar chred daea zil sy* grand, hawir mir y‘ raddis rove cawyr aggrs el and.

Dy* we* dy ebrand da chaid bleyn, batai dy* obir ir skiss, onad dy* chwye er in grand sennbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;na* toir oik na arse is.

Y* chro* Eissy* dy* bocht chuggin o ze tayr er techt rwe*, dess in tloe ewil id tally* hor rei*in raid tawy* how.

ga mvale erk no'^cha mirrel Lai ny*quot; braa bey‘ gyn chenei'^,nbsp;gave or my‘ chovait is choilnbsp;Cwne zonene drone ny‘ bassy''nbsp;cwne in boie dy* we er sneenbsp;Hwrrel missy‘ er vak ny‘ hoe

24 Ted er choggy* in gre* newil, dulling gy* vlk y* wor reid,





ner cloy* in ven dy* weegit toyre gir ven sche dy* zawir zeid. Iliggir how, terg dy* hidd’, in noe chowing, class nar zoe,nbsp;da chrand is in noe id tothir hor m tan vir ho*il tow.

Dy* rae Eillin, “ ny?i ne hanneim er osgle din neyme do* ath mir myr hole de zamsy* cai din toyr cranso chro*.”

Teg in manmyn er v“ no hoe, errissy* cass dy* churrei*, fiss in dre gronensy* dar govir gyr olsy* Re in doyin de.nbsp;Folsyr re zul dane doykzale iii cvrpe y chury* in noye.


hwle y* chrone sen... dan in da chro* y* churryde...


dy vokse in trwer sen a talvone Fer zyn truer sen tukg rai tyenbsp;y* challin dy* ehovye* id zor hor in ta?ium roe riss.

Ag sen phai* as in de* fre annyt marrin er hy* de bal lym, myr zor how chro* in cassin ocht id tow re id zrass...

Y* croith Eissy* hannik miss, mai mir vrawit veiss in lave, ne anny* in crony* dar gory* ym mar vrry* dewly* airry*.

Carta saithtan.


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The Dean's Text


Autor hujus Mvrrei* Albana^.

(MS. p. 2.55.)

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Marrin dut chro*' Chomeme, y* chiynny*' Dey in dwl voke,nbsp;er in vodso is doe ir nyil, poksy* s coyr no zeie zvt.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;¥*¦ chroquot; Zei zleiis cais dy‘ dyne Awe aythir chaye,

is mor mak kyntycht y*' kenchy‘ nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;let irty‘ venzlan vlaye.

3 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Pekky*^ ny‘ cronny*^ dy'' chenchis,nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;y*^ chro‘ zrawic gast in roik,

dyquot;^ fre cowir y'^ chroynny*quot; zraa zy* cloynd chol Aw boit.

4 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Innosit ort derre neve ne did skaillev, skail gyn noss,nbsp;gyn glwnne re galchaiss grenny‘ ne zai henchis feine'' fo.ss.

5 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Dy*' ronny*' cha're ard evin aithir nyn sloye syr nyn glandnbsp;na levin vrglan gyn zarve gyr zave trow ny'' hangle and.

6 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Do i?iarbe, trane in noyvir, angil neve nar in cliort,

er chur ass nyn najigil growy‘ fa hannew glan sowy* swork.

7 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Da rinny*^ Dea Eave is Aw or ass deine y* dal gone chroiss,nbsp;dar sely*^ amp; dar snee dy*' leneith y* hee* hoiss.

8 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Da hare Eave gy* hoyry* aithir nyn nowle, dolle loynd,nbsp;is see dy* lot is loe gor hot a seil vlly* ynd.

9 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Inarbyr Eave dod perris ny* hurt gaigy* glan y* teenbsp;ymoss nyn slat, swork in tynrow, fa chort vac is innyn ee.

10 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Marveis Cayne mor m® Aw Abel derky*, dekyr yn mod,nbsp;dy* lakkin lowir chroy chavil in stow rawe nalin ook.

11 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Berra Seth fa swork in gilnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;try mir elly* vcht mir wlay*,

gyn mir ai ne frei* no iye, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;is sai heil dy* chawir cai*.

12 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Gloss roy* derre farriss, prap in nacht’ iss neir chort clae,nbsp;sy* verrin mein crevy* crossy* sy teir breny* dossy* Dei.

13 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Dy* chonnik voa ane chrand lomwan in gre pharris, prap in chort,

is trane dy* zaw crottil creine nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;yn bokchrand glann seicht swork.

14 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Dy chonnik ane vakcayve alinnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;er vd a chroynd sor is scher,

gyr lane dy* chross y* crand lomane noss o var vollane veir.

15 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Tuttis tre grane gaik awly* in nvch Hecht dy* hechin mort,nbsp;beggane crosse m^* ra vei* dyn lai* ossil eyle oik.

16 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Glossis roe sy* roid kadin a cree perris ny* hurt gryny*,nbsp;hor gy* swork ny* grane y* gal aid na cort Eawe ynd.

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The Dean’s Text

17 Dynnis dAwe da aithir iiitiil perris purt nyn roid,

“dy*' chonnik in chrand sy« newe,” er in teir chrand invin oik.

“ Dy chonnik mis,” er v' Ave, “ in vakaive and sneir heym tlae, gyn darny'' in tarry*' vie dy?i. veiltammyn voe vlae.”

“ Ynd feine y* chreine*^ in crand sen,” coara Ave, sneir vai hoir,

“is sai in be din chrand, y* charry*, gyn eithand gyn anny‘ voy.

Mak re neve neye alin dy* zoir sine, ne haithmeit daive, gyr chrand our in tathrand edrome o choule ska*chain gaikzonn gla...”nbsp;A teg in taik gow Awe andsen, dal in turris trow in chort,nbsp;da ba vaid gyw bley derrole skal aik no hannor swork.

Erre Seth, fa swork in gil, ook nar yzil chelg,

din stoe datty* dachzlan derg. cawir chae noss dy* naid,nbsp;dy* chaire Seth eyzin ead.

24 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ffasse thre gaigy* assny* grany*, fa gvrt voe iwi beggane seil,nbsp;orrik foss fane gronne grossy* noss gy* bone dossy* dewe.

25 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Tussy* in thress crand din ny* chrannew, y* chro* Zei fane dleyr move,







aggis tathlys oye da aithir A thre grane gawis chwg,nbsp;ym bail Awe sath gy* annyt

dy* vass gid hargyre* o hosse 26 Berrir in sen Mvrry* vairnbsp;a folt drongy* mir oir eirny*,nbsp;Berre Mvrry* makcaive orriknbsp;ay*ir nyn sloe fai saine boenbsp;Tuggy* huggitsy* da chro*nbsp;in ta lar kynneith ir gowirnbsp;Tuggy* huggit, a chro* invin,




id zland villy* dosse dloy*e. may*r C’st dy* chossin blyi*,nbsp;torry* innoe zreve zlainn.nbsp;Eiss C’st y* chreve fai* vlae,nbsp;in skail mor dy* choly* caich.nbsp;ter kand dein dea zai eik,nbsp;dy* milly* Re in doy*in deit.



awry* glei zow is groe breik, dy* we newe chross cheve ym chre seir voss meicbt za re reit.nbsp;Hay* dy* croe* ner hoir Eiss, gai beym cholty* classnair,nbsp;y* chro* neve reyve no gy* ranik gir clyn Dea yn brait bann.nbsp;In corrone y* chur in twil

y* volt Dei, ne vor y* loith.





o zy* churry* fa chul vynny*

Dy* henny* rit in Rey* naillin dy* skeil tort y* venny* voey*

In tley y* foilly* teve in Doille troyi* na* aoid in nvvne y* er vnbsp;Invy* cheivy* dy* choy innitnbsp;seir chrand sy* heve ga hoiss

vorty* fa our vor claithty* myr chroi*.

Ess C’st fai chewy* lowyne, in folt glany* dollitt dowynn.

ne zarny* neyve gneve by* voo, vut mo* hvgynn pole zor chorkyr chro.nbsp;collin Eiss, illyr doss,nbsp;raid neve chrand cheve sollis soss.

Invin cai* dy chro* innit, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;invin arm, invin corp,

re mo chre is mo charry* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;dy ve snee ally* ort.

Gyr gar aiss keir ort na owle ar ny* cowry* na know, y* zein eland deyvan in doyn darve is crand torry* how.


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The Dean's Text









Is tow hoir Meiss, mor in conath, tra kand Ave eve in folt, dy‘ von havle tra o' uy*' hoe dy*^ vor na cloa oyny‘ ort.

Is tow hoir Dave sin derrew in dei Meiss, movir less, ma‘ y‘ chort dagsin in assenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ask y*' hor in laith sen less.

Is tussy*' in crand dy‘ chur Solli'^ soss na hampil, tosk nar eik, is tawle dy‘ banne^ ir tosse dy*^ vor lovyr dossy*^ zeit.

Is tow ir dedin is tow er dermi?i, is tow er lyiss loyn vrat, is tow in crand fane chur in Chomme fully*^ vawle dy*' chowe cha..nbsp;Is tow ir skai*^ syr glai‘ kode, y*^ chro‘ Zei fane dorty*^ chrow,nbsp;no‘cha clvnemmm hoym ny‘ havin or na*^ churrim hirrini h...

Is tow lynny* ta‘'e in talvon, is tov ir gaslan oss kyw deik, is tov in lomman Ian dy*^ horry‘, slann follan in doyn deit.

Is tow er sesky*^ is tow er bly’^ty*, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;is tow er govil syr grony*' meil,

is tow ir gna'^boe, is tow ir novvle, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;is in mvn cowry'' keve.

Is assit dy‘ choe in Comme er chrey' evrin othtyr sworve,


hawly' ne fol in



is tow hug y' chavir chalm nye ny‘

Tuss is Mvr mai'r Eiss dy' zoir syn, a chross cheve neir chein dy‘ havilt seve y' rein dy' chawyr ca'.nbsp;Seth m® Ave hor how er dosse in gre pe»’ris ny' hurt neve,nbsp;fa lor halt is hey' y' chole id zrane gal koyndy' keve.



47 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Fa loir aid dy' vend kody' ga cro' zon how in deve sin nei,nbsp;fa cro' corkyr how zar dermyn dy* chrow ocht is dorny* Dei.

48 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Faddy' losky' er lar naarmy'nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;innill hye, invin lymm,

mir attil soil ra loo greny' snoo' dy' lakkin rae rymm. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.

49 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Dully' lym gyn dy' la el awal chutgy', chro' neve,

gyn bae in soud coat y' Chomme dy' ehrand ro vok chor zal cheve.

50 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Gerrit lom rai herry' mor my' haltor chross y' Chone nyn said,nbsp;y‘ phupbil coir sisk sow'y' chist zone doilly' dait.

51 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ne akkit in bort dynny' portew pupbil mir phupvil snae,

ne akkit te' mir y' hampil, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;y' zatty' zal ven chir vlae.

52 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Pecky' soud slay'tin chugyt,nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ne cor mobby' ga zolk inai,

torrin is tovir pok zin fekgy' fai ly'i mod zagry' Dei.

53 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Kad slane bei'lane, y ven choamm, commil doss doiss my' raid,nbsp;mir y' ruggfs deirzew vaie' ruggfs derrew bai' mor fr...

54 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Maithrin dut, y' Vur vair in aithir, Eissy' aithir nyn drai',nbsp;y' chro' Zei zrawe gy' seinchis slanene mai o chenchis chai'.

55 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Dlee Mvrry' mair Essy' honnor awail one re rai',

dey vac in re y' chnov chroye dy' heil aie brow macht.

Mathrin dut y' chro'.

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The Dean's Text


Autor hujus Duncha Mor O Daly.

(MS. p. 296.)

Garf orffid in a wrai* ne bo hanwig eantraa,

gac syan myr a traig roffe di scrive gi caar Kyrrin.

Kyrrin is cac ga hoym foar a ys ag feafwryg,

seal in laa loan tra lawwon foar in tye in san lawryg.

Atar an braa sonn slyi di wre ne foar Kyrrin,

mas feir Kirrin is cart sen targ er slymne ag sanchcaf.

A dag Kyrrin ag cac xv roif in loan?i wraa playg tromma di hoyacht tonac trayg ag teacht’icht.

Da fycid covad cart do foar Kirrin si chade loo, go bee in narg was gi est’ gom bea a hard in ast’.

Traig mvrre erna ihachry‘ go iganath illany'quot;

gon roo ga baan uska er bonna sin loa hanist’ er traigin.

In tress lai leinfe gach aye mvr higguss maddin mvthrai gom bea narg na hy?inid gin ard gin eilswy.

Berre gi pest sin mvrre moir an cacrow laa gi lanchor, ne idd’ na‘'ne id dyr as reig na bree reig nyn reigtyeg.

An cogow laa bi laanw dnskga nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;gac coann is gi callann,

baig glass murre royg gi rynn nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lasse gi choam mir chellynn.

An sessw lai bi lanw dul gi ne hukis tra halvonn, ne we creif na carree clact gin wrein fallic ga fallac.

An saétow lai leane balie o Zea in laisin leckiffyr no clocca arda eggyr anba faa in vorkiddil.

An toctow lai lochte din drong di nead na clacca couffrin, di nead gin card agis cred tree charga dy*' gi carrik.

Troddet gac trear trair olle mor wai clacca keille, roohee agfs too na tee gloo gac clocca ra keil.

An neyf laa as kane di class keikskeif an tallow trommglass, tyksyf sin myg torrin tranenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;cryi orrin roig ym nvrceill.

An dachow laa lakchur zee nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mvrfeir enwk no cronny,

gin ayan sin cronny kyn keym gin vie ac na clar confreig. An tennow la deig a dry a hoyguf is a hallwfnbsp;ymmig bail er lar in lasin o zawif as wo owaf assywe.



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The Dean’s Text

17 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Lagwir sin nolla lai neig di realane as ranna nyffe,nbsp;tottit a gawle won grayene go talvon crokkin confreig.

18 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Cart sin tress lai deig id dry coward in ard in noynwf,nbsp;ne keal far tassa na teig re beel gi classa churrid.

19 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Neir eaddin na*' ne di raig acnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;weanbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;er schrein is ernbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;schacrann,

ga daksit ige gi fir ne law’ in nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nacnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ra neyn.

20 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;An carrow la deig zaif marfyrnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;cacnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;vile dane flae,

no‘ cha wea dwnna in dermit na‘ rea wile in nane trwallit.

21 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;An coigow la deig za dail lasse talwon na tamnail,nbsp;o sean braccayr inayrac wo ba cac gi cwllany*.

22 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Curry Dea a zyeg vak de loanw di wessry*^ chyg in morloyeg,nbsp;loan di cwmma Dea di wess ni marf o sea in tress oyfour aggorf.

23 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Di warig C’st, troig in nark,nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;zonna in tachissan arrik,

Ree nyn nvlle a daryg rwnne earre zwnta tra zoithil.

24 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“ Catta will aggin tearre ? ” feeffroinoid tra acwail,

“di wearmoid ir moid salve da vaigmost how hearne.”

25 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“ As mee in boct di wi is dorriss in nyttow sin akkirriss,nbsp;gin muir agis gin dywe zauf dy wein is sewe gy‘ seschir.

26 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Mee an tooglac di wea boete, mee in wanschal di we torno''nbsp;mee gy‘ ean boct di bear zoif di we teifno‘ gin togwail.

27 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A Iwct er mee awlig sin, ergwf in dreallw in deawillnbsp;as cayf mor is cowige a cayr di chanwyig.”


A Houd' so Teyé Ooyè 0 Hwggin,

(MS. p. 293.)

Imgy skeall mach er Mvr di zoyve er in noy neynnbsp;Oglaa di wee ag Mvr mornbsp;lass nar wail din nwll wannbsp;Ar fassach faddi voo cacnbsp;mvr bi znaa dwnni deyanbsp;In ry‘ mna da walli sennbsp;an tea si harme nar vinray.

fa moltyr a merwlli; skail is coor a creddem.nbsp;gin dug fretty‘ no honnoirnbsp;a wayn ac Mvr wayr.nbsp;di we attrevv in noglay*,nbsp;o chayc vlli in nymzaynow.nbsp;tyg yich zis in derrew

snaym is a no eskolbor.

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is tawloo zalle zranich.



12 Tre

The Demi’s Text

Oslyth er cowle ni coyle earris dowle bannollyth, di wei*' in nyich gi for floch di law'' gi troyg tursyth.nbsp;“Ben eintei ne horkis doyf rymm,” erssin toglay eygin,nbsp;“a wen, ga beyg buss mi heyg ne hay hoyllissi.”

“ A chwng di cwrrfs orrwm ne weit mai ga me chugin, ben reyve im hey ne hikkow, a wen a dear oslow.”


k Howd’ soo Teyg ook.

(MS. p. 166.)

Ffewill bannich brow Mvr, ewchir zoyr soythin, glass gi dwnni a wei bred, is she wlli zi zoslyk.

Ne hawir gill er in zwrt toyr mir horri ni bennicht, noch cha ley in torri hig nowe agus tallow throyvic.

Skayle lamm er loss ni bennicbt din doir Mvrri mor chennith, neir chor schinn er in ninn oe ach skaill o vinn in vannoe.nbsp;Lay zEame aybr Mvrri re in wonnis za invirre,nbsp;da chew nenor gin naew zlyn sy*^ wreyn wy rae gor rothtin.nbsp;Crek a wo ziss aychti da chwnow a chwtdichti.

lesga la far a waall wo ma*'

Feymmis Eame gar weym zoo kennyth a cheuni a bane wo ne hay in kennich nar zeywe gryme di warri in taalli*' zea.nbsp;In ix bennith er in bonni tugsid doo in nwth a eddenbsp;benith in nenor oe inn di bi loyr zayne vonni Eayme.

Eayis owcht vmpiquot; sin tead in ven loo sin lebbi, bentyr rea sin leppi less mir a chedde Dea in deyis.nbsp;Teggwss in sen, swork in grym, Mvrri wor zi wreeayn,nbsp;dey hea'^nayss di be a heyg senayi^r Dey fa zerriknbsp;Da reessni benichtin binninbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;graw Eiss zi nein Eaym,

surre riss di roynith scbee, neir wriss a oe in tard ree. Gawis Gawrell gay gew one ayr gow oe Wur,nbsp;tug sannis di Wur woyr, goywis na cree in gead doyr.

raye‘ in mayane Wur gen soythir nin soithin, in seir zanni di wei‘ na broonne ra tre heyleyve di zwrsin.


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The Dean's Text

13 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Rug in noosgi weyn zall Wur oywn corkri*^ in groy*' assill.nbsp;innit foyr dokkir neir zlee si hoyvvine gorkri*' fane geirri.

14 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ruggi si Beair wuk ardre neiwe fa nollik,

tukg rich greynni zin zinni gir heyg in bei‘ za wroein.

15 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ffoskoll ter re hwth in skoole fwnnok easga is eaoyr,

di wei*^ zraynn gin torssi zea di leith ni soilsi reyve roei*'.

16 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Di wei* tayar ree lossi di burriss a wrmissni,nbsp;ossken ix Mvrri zi noew na inni er a in?i nangill.

17 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ni phae di folsi doyve ardre wea fane vannoe,nbsp;lynnir oskenn a bocht annir inn ni hoyecht.

18 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Touss er zeytb daale zlannnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;oyr er a reicha rukgi

di linni na*' de rae re tart nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mirri na zail is dennicht.

19 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Insisfir dirwoe in sin gir rug benni ansi Beair

in teo schanti*' cass corkrich dar lass readly a reichti.

20 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Gloisss a hyli‘ za hour ra armit is ra hynnownbsp;zeare Dey gin gar olt is ay nenor ni deyichdich.

21 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Marwoir gi‘ mak mor in gnew da roye in neiss in nardree,nbsp;di warve Dey gin gar zle di bea awir in narle.

22 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Tugsi beaill fane gort a lane er my sochri schork,

is sea lein di niarwe ann di wakkei‘ sawli seir clann.

23 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ma‘ di hey*^ Mvrri lay' mak fadda a hey*quot; si hymmich,nbsp;chortich sche in weayll fa thre a teei*^ lessin nard re.

24 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Lay elli enwin Mvrnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;muritir Irwoe ewle

harle in glinni i»i groe chorkri*' si hoyn finni er fallichti.

25 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Di we Greor ansi zlanni dalti Irwoe nyn noir faale,

di chew in stoyg chenn zlan chorkri* woe dalri* in deyichti*.

26 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Hug Greor graw anmi din neyn oig oskirre

gloyr Zreor gin raith ne royve gar vin a cha* ga chossnow.

27 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Cayd Zreor di choye in royvenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;is say maiss feir zin chanown,

Greor sin Royve shall or sen nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;far innit Feyle is Pheddir.

28 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Lay za royve er mvn Mur di ryni* in mak mairrwle,

di rynni* in ley* feir zlan firtti di heil keil ni croithnity.

29 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Innis agus ay gay er di chonnik gir ay sin nathnbsp;min tra sin er lorg a woon asse collg si connil.

30 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Hig in noyr sin treid in nar mvntyr Irrwoe na yrri*,

gar frab sin di wass gay woynn er fass in nor re ane oy(r).

31 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Harli lay moeh di Wur mayne wess a chryne chourrenbsp;a war gir lomny* la layve, crommis a crann na coylle.

32 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Mur myr a cha* si chyill a loyr di wess in wor chroyn

mir a chammi zin wenn zill woyr deirreis in chranni in gaoddor.

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The Dean’s Text


33 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Goyss lanim er losgi manmithnbsp;tenni agus ay er mi hankgei‘

34 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Gi seyddi iii drei^ynnith zeyninbsp;sin drwmmi er in deachi mvn

85 A chey‘t layr bea mak Dey nynni fa toll erwe Zea zawe

36 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Eddrwme amp; creiss ni croyniclinbsp;know weo moggill gi tnvnni

37 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Dawy*^ zlanti*^ zi‘ gilli forrigi*'

giant’ ass in dawe gi dram

awlli lommi lassawle silli is Dey er drillinnew.nbsp;yn beall di wea in tardreenbsp;dimvuk o zeache in deowill.nbsp;eddruni is iffirn arm zeyrnbsp;me er chorithni kei*'.

gi royve mak ni moroe. eo hobbir ni troikirre.nbsp;ni feirrinnithnbsp;na sawil fley si fwill.



Morreith Albannych.

(MS. p. 150.)

Est rwmsy‘ a Wvvr rhor di zw is Iwmsy*^ bi lowich, di zrwu rayd wrair na beyt,nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;a wair reich zwnn nin now.

Skayle di wayr moeyr Iwm nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;na zeye id ta er traale,

inyn willis rhally*' none triilis tromm clyich fa chenn.

Anni sin senvayr rey vo galwrair di zin reic

neir zaall yn myir la mneit gir eit la trair zarrow eit.

Rug an yn gi zey ir zeiwe geywe ac in nyn zill owr

tre hynnynne ac an heir Gorm in sowle sork in gna,nbsp;ni sloe wile ta er in deitnbsp;Tugsit iii fir hei*^ in trurnbsp;gvr a thra waale torry*^nbsp;Rugsi treir makki ni mnanbsp;ca sessir meine di bi woo*^nbsp;Mayr lacok ynin deve

sleme zale in deive cam a gowlit. a goyrt noc ca choyrt gin r...nbsp;tre mna is Mvrri er gi me...nbsp;ni tre Mur o neive nyn neive,nbsp;in trair na geyve drongy*' sna...nbsp;acca ripbi lea is a leanbsp;essir ripbi so zeyve Dea.nbsp;ska doyt ergi nymne oyr,

ben deive Mur mayr Oyne, skoyle nor zna dwn ..

Tussi Mur mayr rey dwnni neir znaeic di zneit re willi er ni royne er a threnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;re feir neive id w...

Missi er vir nannyth a threin nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;id zey heacht agis id zow.

a annwm a Mvr mor a ooyr boe a awille our.


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Aweyg a eaddi a heicht a cheyve za gy‘ mir in gort a wayr a hur a harkg star gi cart in brayr bocht.

Brair zawsi di vac mor, a lat waalsi wayir heir, deyg wrayr chen er ir gowle schen vayr our noew a ze reinn.

Gwn name mymnir a her a ynn vur a harle twit ymmi yn chre creir zow meic zwle da neic in dwit.

A wair Zey, danwm seyt, ossi zley zown gna di cheyve cuinichg harg, a Wur woyri,nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ooyr darg in gwr chreig.

Di neiwe hanaka heyve gale nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;a layrik seir mir a schreive,

ca beg Iwm zowsis doyvf, a chowle chass zlan inn o tir.

A Threnoit wur wane tulli gi gloor at fir gloor a chay‘'rir castew reim zoyn ne gayvir woyve assge ooyr.

A 00 wur awrit dow, a wor woyni a garri galle, tugga a chenn bayg ni ban/i doyve ter kenn mi nair noyve.

Di clonn Dayve how, a waale woor, gin chran mur how ravir dowr, di clonn awrane hwrle cleine gawlane a chreive gowra er a (choll).nbsp;Her is dy wak er a wunn, gal a zlaka is gal a reit,

ag senn tein zallin tir. agus zi tult in zlan owrnbsp;a laic her zall er a zlowin.

Di wawr deyss yve ann nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;da vir gewneit o zlinn di zlinn

mak mallith zow doit zalle down oyk ven tron a?i allow inn.

22 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Dinbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;neenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ay cassy*' a cheyvenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;di dowe ay ernbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;zassal da zein

di nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;wassnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ok wur our, dinbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;chass chowle roydnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;woe in reit.

23 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Tow zinbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;heir di hawf lessnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;is di chei*quot; banenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;er ri woss,

in nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;noyrri neyffa in greyvenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;gass di leic aynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;in baiss geivi si goiss.

24 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ffreic boe er hour war mir hoyr, a Wur howle waal a hur,

keich gelweine trome ass di heive lenvin seir donn za dwle in veg.

25 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Marg zole harle tw dolle or ne zarni kin,

mynni buirik di wrow, a wen, ne hey know er finlate.

26 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Espy* clann lat darn zit lavic, a lag war fiessgy* cam clyn,nbsp;awrys di bolk a chaill ort, a cheyve clyg ollis cheyve.

27 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Di wrow a neiss bi lowmlane lat mir veiss a wrone lanesi vritnbsp;a conne is giji lai lat mak mvrre zi rynit rwte.

28 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Act how feynn, a Wur wor, nac char layr di zunnith a zeir,nbsp;swa.ey* er her a olt fayr nac bey is ben oik a rein.

29 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Coswil hein wac rayd chowle gan a heir lat in da howlenbsp;di zlak ag in zilli hang is tingi hann zattyth zownn.

30 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Cwnlayth gormwlych di zroyg awric down zlwny* ga zeny*nbsp;galzagy* loyvir di lawe dane name brakgy* i zlayr reim.












ter ayr rayd heiwe is steic Daltaa eny* zid twcht banenbsp;di wak agus ter a threine

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Gian fallann. boe di war myr vonwe cawimane fad chenn,

glan di wass cheill wayrri chorre as chass down heir zanny*quot; hang.

Ne zachee zayk hay‘chin wna di harroe ni brak na weaa,

ner wlass beoe ben mir how, a wrow zall in deacht dea.

Tiigi down lawe is lanni, a chowle riss nac deggow tonn, in wraikley er nat bee kenn nar bi lamm ee a zayd zald(oy..)nbsp;Gwit gow hane hawri dow er zraw ir nammi a zraw glan,nbsp;awur ne hadur herr fod zw a zal zad zlan dawf.

A olt boe clyit cam, a Wurri ni mallith sang, na lega di wree olli inn, feit lin di chroith fa kenn.

Damin fess a warra mor, is di lane dea teive ra teive, gaw moythrin dey ran is donn woyee a zalle waale...

gimmi tuss oss hir er a vill doss rew na royg.nbsp;na in skovrew, a zess zlan,nbsp;orm in skor blay is a bann.

amp; in nye mir wlli leith, in gaywe royde slayt inn seir.nbsp;agfus in kowl down gin ness,








Na rowe ben ac tuss ym heic ne mna falss a chew sni crewnbsp;Gin spess in gonnow na grofnbsp;essew chorn chay is a gonnbsp;Togow a malli now zownitnbsp;toggwss gur is fagkin fanenbsp;Togow downe a bonn sin boiss




igloss rayd chayve dess gow vobrin fess.


gwss a swle nekgrwn a geyr


A houd' so RobertLymon a gassgaik.

(MS. p. 170.)

Gar gow coyvir re nin rei*' zowir a hei*^ ma zail lewe, mir howirt Mvr gin dail miss a hwr na ray re we.

Er atticht’ Wur a deif C’st ag gin duggir a chess doif math din phopbill a erk gin togri*^ na chelg ni mot.

Ane dane mist ass a hoo soiss toll in rei*' gay ni bom rath di zomist wile ir rair a dourt Mvr nyn mane math.

Ane deachovv erran did neith hoyir in leith morray hoa ma zaailt wei‘ boeith wo zea na soyiclit feath er a soeyg.nbsp;Cody* ni kellin laid toir seachin gooi* is kow* feyllnbsp;er rith choy*irth ss na danne faeU na begl* tay assit fenn.nbsp;Q-

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Na vei* gi hoyVch er vocht, na loye girwolle m tayn be gi howill di gi neach, mir adovvirt recht \n reich.

In creawetour weis gin chaill da roywe aggin er a chorpnbsp;Na dayn kessid er di chwt,nbsp;caith ne will aggit lay keyle

na hette sen ar zrawe tuggi gifeada we ort teann.nbsp;ne leggir zut wea re (ken),nbsp;mass fadda di ra mass....



A Howd' SO Gillec’st Talzar etc.

(MS. p. 275.)

Raatla na croneny* corp C’st nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mynny‘ voas mynna na morcheiss;

an corp Dei saenta inyr sen nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;sa in reatla voas na rigguff.

Arrin corp di chaiss cath ag sen tammil noaig noynacht, bearle is bymny'^ gy meiffir skaii bynny‘ breklovyr.

Harla ben awfzlik onena er ridd’it Ra*' Chroye, ffarda tnaa feil a firsse foa a keil a kedriffe.

Eddyr in tcmpil sin techt harla foa kowlae callacht, mor ve^ayr fa racbt gone rowne re feaw chark is chepone.

Dvrd a cballach churst: nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“ A neyn ynd arrissty'',

cred, a graig, a inyl di vassy* chi slane acht tyntaw(f) ?

Ffoacht di cheil ort a choneny'^ vrss orta ajiny*' arrorae mo zla neir alsa zinsse dawssa is cor di choyfvorse.

Gavf myr zawis caicht in corp nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ar chask yn chreve nyn longvrt,

gone leanna, a graig chorgra, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;dwnn ad weal noyathorra in navlin.

Leig vod veal tanny*' tosty*^ in corp, a zal zorm rosklgy'-, mor bed a wlaa di villenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;er skae* vreig id vonchille.

Tawyr lat, a annyr alin, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;in corp Dei ad zallawin,

bei no leig im chwle cbe^y... gy?i vay how hachonyth.”



Ben in ridd’e storg dra*^ di ryn myr chan y‘ chally'^, tanig ga port feyn gyquot;^ fail agus corp Dei no deslave.

Di ryn a challach gneve glonne, glakg’ lai neve in nawlin, ben se folt er gna zranda di corp Dei bo dorgnaw.

Erriss in chally*^ zoe zeir, nochtyr lai snaaid slyncheil, di hale in delk cheil chvle, ne darga heve vo boss...


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13 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In gossra beg bolgy*' ban carir corp C’st ne colanwe,nbsp;duntar org er ville er vathe mark la kyn nycht i?;. cvig.

14 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Adurd treath in te as e er chasg in goyne ;

“Di vi lanvvan sin zor zule sarman na*' tair lamm clossewe.”

15 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ad durd a kheil knys;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“Lannof go acb ad teayst

ad churd voag as alda oir, ne chool knad a chomor.

16 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Did cloyn feine na cblawnow chai*' neir fidd’ maa a creif.nbsp;id vroig feille olt sleym nyig dy both neir heillim,

Errevir lyf syn la od tale curryf lassir er lochrand, currif lawe in denna daf, gar in lennof gom lossga.”

Samyr mor a gile glen syrfy seaid corta is keair, di vee in flayer keil chunse ga braa is a ser turss.

Ffoaradda nyi gal gounty*' in gossra slym snoy cliorkra rig ny chronny vone tress is tyn is twlle knyss vo croye(gh).nbsp;“In lanvan so, a ven ville, cred di cwr e id coiffryge?nbsp;innis, a creif a gvrt glass, ar geil a cvrp zor cavass.”

“Corp a Chorny,” chan siss, “di churriss im lave chisty, a voy a dea a deanna duf e no nyig er na ne vyg.”

Glossidd’ chonna pbape la corp Dei go devalta, quboy in far dosinyath donna sy ven ossnaat awvin.

Scaala is milss vakkar dwss is in sir ata in hwss dyn phoppa gvn bar glwnac fachassa in myn meirruly‘.

Adurd in papa fynn fyir, “ A van di rynn in mor kneiyff, dyn corp fa dy avour dy gaid na lek peanny no pennyd.nbsp;Gloir a hayir so bed o thoir halla feissyddenbsp;gyn gis gon gran gin garrig briss as kain corp lannow.”nbsp;Brissis in twle zorm horka‘ in vii gal gorm garkac;nbsp;di quhi C’st nyny bort grentanbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;a ryis na corp crunnacht.

Is sai in Sperrit Neif er noif nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;is sa in Mak is sa in ta*yir,

mor kaed di veiss fane vethsin cred ach C’st in cronny‘sen. Quboy in lanone zal zryoquot;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ga brow farssing fynn lyig,

flfagis caythir ni hurt glan er cayf cwrpe a Chomme.

Errit in laythirn varrycht lossgir loa gi loathirrych ffa leineour sloyg in faychi fa neyve cheirrow cheillicht.

Gin ger neirrik is ann loskir a crea si collin; ne foar a Comme a gnee chwrpe leg oyr zea ga zeilt.

A corp sen, a Zea, zawsa re hoar wass gi waymsi, gim wree gow aythir zrinn Zea si cathir is binn boynree.

















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A Howd' so Meildony^ Venis Vullicht a lee Mvrri hourd a soo etc.






(MS. p. 51.)

Na leg ini wellith, a Wurri, a way*ir reye dani‘ bayg; ne willi‘ mi chroige gin kensith curri‘, a Wurri, Iwmsi zi layve.nbsp;Er mi hermmi ma ta furri ne faddi tbiss weasa gin teacht,nbsp;sol tei*^ mi ree er wile aygoir, stwir maye in geadoir gi ti'er.

Tea* yvfrin arris ni bekki peyane ua meska ne mainar hw, ffer in tei* er teith mi.welli*nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;beym ere is benny* mi wule.

Mee ort a gearre mi vontee, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;a wai‘r rey a zra* mir zreiss,

cay sy®** da ille maywur mi rayvar a royvf a reiss.

Is heggill Iwmmi lay ni hagrith, a nein Anni in nolt tass, in nye Dey ne vill evinniss, gir me o mayvliss er mass.

Na leg kert a chur fa marmmim, abbir na* coir is coir lat, ota ferg Zey riss gi zwnni no herbi mee, a Vur, reid wak.

Tagri* chai* gin cheddi, a wai‘r, a v“ Eawe ka ver a (zo), dwnn a glann dwnni er ni zanni* da roi Mvr ag (lavr ..).

Is se is caslane di dyne Eave er erg Eiss in noir a wr..., a wa*ir is ee er yge is ee er faye we cayvir cliaye.

Beayis er lai* laye ni connew gar gossnow ga ken ley ynvea; er sley kay zi wei* na wane oucht benni* a nei daiy* (arze).nbsp;Teym dane dleyir i cbody*nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;fa coir credew da key* clane,

is annit doif, o noeg oissill nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;coir a char in glossew chaye.

Ffer roi ga roive derfir di zalwe mi a lawry* lucht fiss di wei* a nei* wlli* er a hein zow* is ee leitha gewit a kniss.

Ga bee a wea ga heggisk, ne terve zoith, dorve in sterri, nei* churri re woa voyg in ninnynn,nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;troyg in koye di zymme er.

Di smein in fer foir in tintlith er eggill zimme zea wei*, part re mai*r Zey gir zantee gin znain see dergky* zei*.

Kinra zerfir zrwm oywir gith hoir a neid fa noiss brass, di rad honnair oir awfrell hoir on vanhoe affaye ass.

Atra* di choye° chorp deind deiv bea wei* na zaill wei* na zealli zoo agin deoil croe* ni bayne de zea* zay.


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in neiffrin is a er ni zrutt invr woae a reygin di rug.

si chorp chad in di cleacht see, di chorre sche in nor sen ae.nbsp;deess a waiss mir wrattir zowne,nbsp;na gir churri sche chin or gvo(ss).

16 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Lwssur neir laiffeir osti*nbsp;ffer nar zvvnw oir eggin

17 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In tannim is ae di chortei*nbsp;seill Awzeve sche zi zosle

16 Foil' a reiss, o nein Ann, far a chwle ra reym skrutti

19 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Neir glakgy* reiss ach reym neif, a nei‘ er tallow neir hug spess,nbsp;de zeill or noir a oik royf, ne smoynw locht olli za eess.

20 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Hoir bass, no‘ char veg in keicloo, in darwni cort di bee oir,nbsp;ga di wei* fer oir in nan. chaiss foir noeve in nat wass di loir.

21 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ferti mir a frei* in loyrrewnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;loy‘ a zeeirk dea zi walli,

tuggi ra teif a hei* ni gloir nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ag sen tenn ni hoye er.

22 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Uanew wlk a eiss lennow o layn wray* da bee in glei‘,nbsp;mvr a ssalawe noe chai legy* dwnni er dail a zerky* zeei*.

23 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Mir gi legfe lay wo zegginnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mannim ra boss mir vlay sla,

ga tow reyve is kelg ym chree di we ferg Vurri ra...

24 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Selim peyne gyn woeim cayvir a cosk erga raa zaill lee,

ga ta re in chrunnith gi chreeti* di wei* mummith zerkki* Zey.

25 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Er waida ter in nessew oelis egin a ra rut, a rosk mawle,nbsp;troyg, a Vur, mir a vuntir sloyg no giroye mintit nawle.

Na leg.


A howd’ so Gillec'st Tailz''.

(MS. p. 120.)

Lynn law’is lew’ Mvrr sawir sloy ga scheir zoe, ga wll glor croynda cree mor zloyr rynna in reyach.nbsp;Ymga sin lowir wrek vynn di zloyr neyne Eawyme,nbsp;wood wael, a Mwr mair, skaell er dulli dach alda.

Di meroil dy* blast boyl ne tark me in ney in norskol, tugfs grayg dyn woeyr vynn ter lair gi lowyr leyn.nbsp;Adta sin lowir ynd oda os er mannac neyf in nossodnbsp;as er aenay inse in Dwllew skaell is milsi werowllew.nbsp;Oct blyin din vannach vynn ag rear neyne Eayme,nbsp;mir dar zane an Dwlwf ga scheir zwe er zesszlonew.

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Din mvrn tak er neyf nayly*^ ach gloir oyne trilse trommnbsp;Laa zaa deac in ma?inacnbsp;di foar evymnis farty* fwnenbsp;Di cwoall er layr in lissnbsp;goo oone fa wynn di lawrinbsp;Ne royf er drum clar doy^n

neir eayr in far feirany‘, di choyl insse oyg Mvre.nbsp;woa vrow neyf nyffryjiny*,nbsp;na wrinliss naltac nallinn.nbsp;coyal woss gi coyal commisse,nbsp;fa rynn cwle e chellawry*'.nbsp;a hawwl na hynnoyl,

delf a cochil re raa bi herwe na ocliir or zanna.

10 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;iiii hoirrin reym rac ag feachy*^ ni anelaych,

a cwr choil si wriwliss wlaa fa loyr deiwywnis a...

11 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Bailleis dol na char clooc da chaass di wei*^ er a vamnac,nbsp;din frewayg bi zallir less skarryc ree feirane pharts.

12 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Di quhoy a mac a mawnac voa vrinliss or ossnoyth

tark a carda in dey in nonree er tryle domnard in nayve.

13 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ffaygis re mannist’ vrik cowadis e yg ryirk

an fynn wrow di wein swnna is eny*' a er aye chwma.

14 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Amac di chongy as neir choir an tee bi chann din caannonenbsp;ffee dee zrynn darry* dwnne mannac ree vynne oygin.

15 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ffeareit fir gi faac kea in inaw.nac og iynaach,

as draac mna na zroyg dwnne as aid na in sloyg nae

16 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“Ag so in raa in royvis reyve,”nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;di ray in feata feir aell,

“ffadda as nair sin downe dawf nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mo congwal er cowl cool.

17 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ane drast di quhoyis a mac ca wul in boone braarry‘?nbsp;a ness a loyg ni faacha nac troyg miss er in?irychin ?

18 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Di waigis iiii oyr ym liss cranzal creif oynnythnbsp;ffoyrris coyil gawlanych grynn ag ayn orzany* evynn.

19 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Di bar leyve estych oyr na seyd in talwone teif oynny‘nbsp;mo gaale da znaa gin alsa gor far see no in seilsoo.”

20 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Errid mawnac gin woeill as leyad soas ni sannlowirnbsp;ffoar far nar ally*^ a is schel a wannyc si wreinliss.

21 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Tre feizeit bleyin tre ebayd tulli agus tre bleyn degnbsp;di we er fer rhogzil zlwnmas ag ayn phoppil o’ pharrfs.

22 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Aygfryn in layirn varri‘ cant’ less gi loairry‘

di quhoy mir callwme voa hei* cloc a amnii?), er neif naillol

23 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Na gin narrivyr woir noyor fear glass in talwon theifroygnbsp;dekraananw in narrow vile ferta alda oyg Mvr.

24 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Mur ruk Mvrr in mawnac so wrow ewin ocht’ach

her mee a zna zawla in zrynn sin raa or



Lynn law'is.

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A Houdyr Gillec’st Taizor.

(MS. p. 271.)

“ Avir brone broddyr balk dy chol ma er raoa myird, tair, y* clere, rair chave les, erre is ber braouis.

Dy* clionna ma math sy‘ mye ag seir marve sele nAwg... tra glan veil rai ryirk anve is ai er inirk.

Rwme chur pest y* chwlkg naeve me in dy tev rome talve iwnoyve er lome ath Iwme troil na* comre yn chollin.

Dy‘ chonna ma fassna‘ foile creve zatty* zeirry* zarkoyr loyr dy*^ zeine my chome in crand agus crony* feny* no feir vir.nbsp;Dreggin is nathir neve ag drap rwme gyn dremirenbsp;cong rocht nar charda zavvsa is locht farga fomesa.

Ag garry* my* chrynd choudy* aky* fa loyr lawhoye hanik ben zawriddy* zlass is far sawridda sollas.

Id durd fai' coyr commy* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;is me in carry* coffra

ne connyr kelle in crand nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;gove in dremre delin.

Ffurry* gyn bonea miss mess cowra ny* creve so cong rad tessy* in tair trale mo zave is dess dwlling.

0 nar zave mai in tairry* trai o nar sen modda mvrskai dy* hut mai lame chnossy* cwlenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ym bail doyssy* in drekgin.”

“ Dy* berra ma, borbe in phass, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;bra er hasslang ard hovass

myr chei* na torrin tress crei* orrim ra hynnissy*.

Is se in noye in neve above marg y* cbwye sy* cheil da ...

is se zaik awle in nawle. vthirnH mir ay id tarclnbsp;beil y* war fad vone now.nbsp;crone zarve yvfirnn ova(ssy)nbsp;rane chrone zerve sin dy*...

Lussefeir trea in tee is sal in dreggin nevne scaa na* dyvass don drong trea ny* feyny* so foynm.

Laa is oyth mone er vone dy* zor aexle seil... loir dy* zaw in bad bone is seaid lanone in...

Derk ennacht enta hoir nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;gw chomeme sy* chawor

craw gim ckenne wes y* chind is se in tary* in tyve.

Avar dyne awzlic Awzeve re C’st vlly* ym paiewe dy* ver gy* done is doe lind in noe vlly* er in nasling.

Atta in seal mor so move gy* lai ag ssrnone dar sloew druddew vone ebrand dy* clynny* tuggew bawl y* rone awir.”

Avir brone.

is se in tanve in tag trome

12 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Is sa in loch* doyssy* do*yinnbsp;is sa in seil in crand cwl

13 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Cred ach naithir in nassy*nbsp;rathad sloy er myme sy* wor






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Autor hujus Murreich lessin Dyle o Dayle.

(MS. p. 20.)


Cred aggew Ee ingayn, a zilli zast a zawle skaive, a zrarn zeilta zauld neywta hanga herclaiita ?

A chonnew so ta nor dee nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;er toy* in gayn choggew,

bi clacht daive eine deve nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;a laive re na ridd’ri.

Mennik a chathsit in gud di laive ab na espik; ne woyrit gailty* za in glor, uocha chanty* in gooyll.

Missi mast’ monti mennik ma in mesk gawlt churt; beg gi charrew churrwme zeime, soynn in nye nordree.nbsp;Torrwme mir gi re roonert, evin doy* er doary*,nbsp;ossil my* ry* is teir hore, neveine gin kny* ym chomraie.

Ne dai sen in drost id tow, a v° Wllamm, a onchow ; na lawrit sai, a lac Layin, in ta fa mac molfeir.

Er teei* hanik in noss hucgyt on loo nar loowiss bea fa chossew clonni Coyne er loss Dorre Doynil.

Donil Derri is Trvmemi Cleyve, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;na treyg goy* me v“ Wiley;

nach gaym be gi chroy id chen nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;in re toye no cha dreyg.

Beg ir valli ris yn verre, balli a vea gym chanee*, ac mee warve a woy,nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;a Zea, in nyvyr annolli ?

...Essy* Roye zi rinni nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;baggir oi nna tra annynni;



di zanni tra ni zylti zoive Er hanni* ser henni* zawlenbsp;a nathir hang zlan zergssy*,nbsp;Ca fiss nach deggow id teenbsp;ffeary* ca heine oym is ferri

mi vail ra saiggw Saschin. gi na* ymreis tearrin,nbsp;gaw fad kenn mi chormmingsy*.nbsp;eiss dan ny* goik cogew ?nbsp;di loye heir ayirrir Earrin,


Ne sei* gi* filli re fass, no*cha nowd' gi* eykgis; in gness di chemm gyn annew, da dran fess fearwym.nbsp;Beg is aggew, is doy linni, ca miss zerrow Errin;nbsp;spess mi zanni diee dee, o Daile Me missee.


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15 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Hussi ken di chirrne feymmii, v“ Wllam oorvan,

in ta is farri di gi* atma is sai is kenn er clan vakni.

16 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A Rikgart oik in nonni zlonni, oss marve Wllam haithiV,nbsp;bi zeale Clan Vllan vlli di varne crun eyl chroHwoe.

17 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Lat on lo sen in lai ravrri‘a vor m' Koss ;

port croying chonty* ni goyn, roy‘ ne choali‘ a choaloyt.

18 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Slatsy* mvr v“ yn Doyn










zor varnni Caslan e Chonyg; dar zave M“ Coss in cad.

Tawr is tow id tervrn; mi chen det, a choiggeve.nbsp;in lai fa zoe de zeigsinn;nbsp;ne agga soile sliis tee ga viss down bi deat zill.

Teacht bi loyvir zilli laive, tea* bi hanni try vevy, tea* bi choulee cloive olte, bi lonre lavarrit lag.

A Reggort Benni Blymmi, na treggi in teiss allinne; ga bi orvirte in na na*, ne horrik ai gyn anni*.

Na ber la vrac, a lac zawle, na treg er thran in tanvin schail athy* na byyr raa, na tavvir brair breggi.

Ne woe no be gi meine, na be gi buss ra hordre; na be er tee chagge ir clagga; na be ir ab na ir espik.nbsp;Na be er vuille gi metty*, na be er wree gi* mellyte,nbsp;na be er fille gi* fortil, a re kymne Conny*te.

Ca meche zeive eath elli, a Rekg’t, a reddtVe, ath looi* a zoolle er glakni ni coyv gor gi* gowarclaa.nbsp;Tea* bi zille goillj* is vcht, tea* bi veal chorgry,nbsp;tea* be chor na le cwle bi zorm awre glasssole.

slat in noss in cleyg clac, Is lat Croy‘in vor Voyeve;nbsp;OSS si sai di hee Tawyrnbsp;Alin slass dy‘ he hawle


Turn 0 Meilchonnir,

(MS. p. 246.)

1 Tossy* feyly* farsing, dwille Feylle fokyl;

ne hymmy* zar nannynnyt na* is vrry* zyn tossy*.

dintee zleis dayn diynsyth, tossy* in teggiss reig.

Ne hik tossy* fayanty* ne mor ro zo varranta

3 Is do is ferri hik in tossy* sen, di Voilroone ree Keess terk na* ffey in doynso is fersing no is feyily*.

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4 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Diwerri m' Dermoida a howle er kenn a anneych ;nbsp;da bee fer a hearredis iie essin fer a hettyth.

5 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Nei* er doy‘in ne ha?itoin ach bei‘ ga zail di gith dwn;nbsp;noth cha neyil in gawle vollin, nor leggir a fa vsga.

6 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Toymvldy‘ Dermit, me ni reithny‘ o Raa Croy‘nea,nbsp;ca sey mayd a ayrredis is gir mow di chaa a knoss...

7 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ag rei‘ vaknei*' Vole vor Royne ga taa in tenny‘ in gortew,nbsp;ffene ga eiwe a hoyr choi‘ew er o vaddin gow maddin.

8 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Is ossil in tyirreit ataa agga er in nennyth;nbsp;ne akka foss eane dwn id dull woa fa ettyth.

9 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Gerri weiss woyn a innossin mir a wei‘ Dea za vrtych;nbsp;layve agga ga hylegy‘ is laive elly*^ ga wronnytb.

10 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ni he cwd ni cayd eicht di werri Dea da zrai^..

ach we deil gi ayne chonnew weiss na chass er ra ra...

11 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A bei* nac fa zayn layth sin dave er bord in locht,nbsp;di rac flaa Faynachee da way er eggill zoy.

12 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In degrm m“ Conchoyrnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;is gi‘ a weyin chwig,

ag ne el a chochassule nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ach trae agfs twlli.

13 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Tommvltyth m“ Coinchoyr v“ Eyi nyn nea‘ nakanbsp;vec Chonchoyr choyfirre v° Homvltee oyk ella.

14 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Vec Mhoilroyne roy*'woscle riss na‘ royva feym formit,nbsp;vec Illec’st Connychry* v‘ Conchowyr v” Cormik.

15 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Skail beg er in Gormik sen it ta agwm re aythris;nbsp;ar tee wea domblast dlee vrskail vea gerrit.

16 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Laa egin dar errissin er tulle law ra longwrt,nbsp;herry‘tyss gi in emiit, da chwnga er a bei‘ Cormik.

17 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ar twlle ni choalli dichei‘ chwkki mun traise

ben lee keith roye roozrand is in v’ lein ma brayht.

18 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Glosse fey in neynn sen na gir ranik sin bale;nbsp;ze nir eafre ayndwnn ka ee na caitta in roif.

19 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Gow Carrik Vquot; Dermittanbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;in tanu di quhoy in ven sen,

ne hw in dwle doyllidda nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;na gir coyrry* laa labe.

20 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ellythane beg oyksoyl aik in nvllane in tee ;nbsp;bleyn dee ir in daroo sen gin essew be no deif.

21 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Er cayf ni bleyn sen, no ken di rinni in ny?imne,nbsp;ben no fer za fay'^re ne foir er fey no Carga.

22 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Heik a chei‘ roy cheyve ade er cor ni bleyn herst,nbsp;di zinse V' Dermoyd, is banneiss do a halle.

23 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Go dynnissa a hymmichta za o hossyth gow derri;

ne skail so nacht inlonte, teym is holsa er in nennicht.

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24 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“A vleyn gwss a nemssir so hawgiss o hwss see dwe,nbsp;er foikty*^ o heir harg’ree ben mee er curri clwcht.

25 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A brow Awin awle di cwrre mai faa zassew

gyw dole in deir hargirre gi beinn bleyin da hessew.

26 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Neir goyf a wleyn sin voymse gyn, wee in neywteenbsp;gyn dwnni ann dim eafifre er fey in daa weiss deig sin.

27 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;It tam riss a wleyn sen im gurt Locha Cane colwanenbsp;gin dwn and dyw meaflfre agfs di wee in trom zaif.

28 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A Cormik vquot; Homvlte, ne elli er fey a wea

teach a beine a choyfad soo gin neafre ag do hath see.

29 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Be?iny‘ agfs bei*^ve?inyth fagvvm vile ag de hylycht;nbsp;neyw darne is ne dywnidyr eeyrn a holse na in darne.

30 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;De neymsych zut fasteny* o taym ym waye‘ grandyth,nbsp;go be in tewny*^ zairre ag de heill gow lay a wraa.

31 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Di heyiss, a Hommulde, a ree Bwile is boynn inyir,nbsp;a zwl te od zorrissy‘ sraerke er a be de zassw.”

32 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A zass oyd di fossle is ee gynni.ssin no hetbre,nbsp;gon dymmy* in roye chally‘; ne da tame o zeste.

33 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A re feyly‘ fyitnee! is rwt vonnis in skail soo;nbsp;id wTow ne ell coyisse re dwn zin teil Eazowe.

34 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Er waissew no er we waisse quho dewlt’ nac oo tei* fei‘;nbsp;cho legg ach feirany‘ a wane in deyist neive.

35 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Zoywir id wrow meyrry‘syth skol ryss gy‘ kerd in nEirrin ;nbsp;cho nayir in dei* Minchortta ac dwn riss gy‘ incharda.

36 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Neir vossi‘ zin chelly‘ sen weP mir a wei*^ in gurt Cormik,nbsp;na weP an it vallissi*, a re Locbcayn corwoik.

37 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;O tegwailsy*^, a Hommulde, ne heiggw dwn er doynn,nbsp;a Choochullin ChonnyMy*, a Cbonnil chogew Mowin.

38 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Di cBayth is di ymliddy*nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;a bemoist vlli‘ za vassnes,

cha bi twaling ane dwnn nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;in dea‘zew cut di‘ chai‘ra.

39 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In narew ne faiteir lai na dram ym beit a wall,

is gyn seil gy‘ ane dwue gar ber feyn weiss fir narri.

40 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Is furriss ir nymollP a rei'quot; kort wrayquot; Keessa,nbsp;cha deggin er ymme'^syth tossy*quot; ach tossy*^ feyli.

41 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A zaik rei*nyth roo chinnalde di zwl ardre is erle,nbsp;ga mor a zeyve Cattelene conil ak ach a eissych.

42 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Di zeawe in torke heeole na*^ etty*quot; nei*^ zoollew.


sloe woir sin re charre

er nach vl crei*quot; na tossych.


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Teig ook 0 Huggin.

(MS. p. 106.)

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Kaa di zoywin gow Grayn^ di wakcaa dei‘ D’waill,

er mi coy‘rlyth a beine wen ? mvrracla cay woyn greddy‘ ?

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Mass feir Grane in gla.sschow na‘ furriss a osslow,nbsp;tay orrwm na er goying ni mna mamne.

3 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Twggew na*^ yvyr tursssi dwllwir in dooynsoo ;

gyn gawit say Zrany* gryme is skaill ay no sassling.

4 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Bea mir helwm or hoa machtnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ag reybn raa Tawrych^

mi chayd wile acht gai glwne nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;aygwne er a hollchirrychh

5 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Bass a mekcaa, ga moor a chraw di rey‘in Rossa Chwmna,nbsp;ark di hi dolli dii a charda di ro*'yni Royree.

6 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Maass say yvyr a skeissy‘ skarrin ra ny‘ Royreissych'',nbsp;ne awir skeiss in skarry*quot;, fayr doiss gin dellychow.

7 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Mir hurchir huggi dii noocharri no reeny‘ Royree,nbsp;in ta rug ay syth hallycht say hug in turchir.

8 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Mak er essit may hoor sen oone Dwllew aye*^ egin,nbsp;abir ra Derwail as mwtht na‘ salve a bail din nessit.

9 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Di wee ag mnei*quot; di mnawe Chonny*, faa cowi‘'e in gonlywnycht,



mak mir sen di hoor hoee Ciirrim mir churri a dessnbsp;gow neyn Teyg oor ellinbsp;Heist cayd roo ni coybii

ber lat woym na hynseicht. M“ Cossa kenn in neiggissnbsp;sin nard hoye me hetht’ich.nbsp;rwg ee rei* ni Crew Roye;

in varne a choye si dyne sin Deirwaill no^char wllnig sin.

ag neyn Teyg nyn eacht oirik; re Olli di bea ay‘r is ay na oyr zWlty‘chew.

Ey m“ Donil Downe Monne rath Elle no vrchoyr, ay bei zaw er 011i‘ naill bi‘ shoy‘ lane a layit.

“Na be wrri‘, ainny‘ zeit, cow mek,” er V'quot; Cossi,

“abir zawss ra Dirwail gir sal we alsycht awzail.”

Sal we er twss lay gir lawry*^ teggisk in ir allinnycht ga zey di ray turssi Dirwaill rissni brairrew sin.

Tug i Zoa neac dany‘ sin inyn re Croithin cowe; markga neac dany in name inyn Teyg za Teamy‘.

12 Neir weny* eagin a mak





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di Zea ayHr mir honar na yr Donil deissi.

ne bi zeyvin lay agni; slonsy‘ hawle a heachtirrybnbsp;er Zrany*, soo mympee,nbsp;ga lesga zeb gift doowawnac.

Danew in narni Dirwaill a Chroying coth dolli zei''


18 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ne harli er iieac gwss in dewnbsp;nac cwss torssi in namm elli

19 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Scar roith a clioa raid chrei*^,nbsp;dess di v“ a leskga Lawny*',

20 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Daiss elli zarfeiis mea tug in nownor din neagscha;nbsp;da bei* rownw meyrri aggew, danew tnow ra dugsiddir.

21 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Bee er hoe ayhiss sin ne foir Ayhrn woa Oethee,nbsp;oethir a chosga di chow, rosga Oechee din nollow.

22 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Soilli Oeche no onftor sin, is kennis Wanvy* ra bleyn,nbsp;awzail assa chess chow tress onnor ni hallinnycht.

23 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In nairrew neym in noss, a wullnig lewe ir lawriss ?

rair a kaddi er channi toollew ca beg zawf in nourritnir?

24 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Gow chuggew in nabrwme rwe, y* rei^zin di raive Chaalli,nbsp;ga ta is graw ag dwnni zei*, tulle amp; traye gi tokka.

Ka di.


A Houd' so is Gorre Finn 0 Daiy.

(MS. p. 124.)

Teach carrit di chew follow, a wei* mir a taa is gei* chrei*.nbsp;Mat a far lar togy* in teac.

teac di binsi ollichei*;

mat brooyn di wei* in swn.

is di vei* lay bi leineorych. mat in teyg taa gi honngnyth,nbsp;gir churri e in achwm.

Conchoyr o Brean Warrow din teyg so bi team; rane in tyg mir a taa mi chree ym cleyve di keychlay.

Ga taa ne hawe allow nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;broyn chowplyc Chonchoyr,

di wee ley er a layr sen a lane royve di reowe.

Menkey* a wee meowir wor sin tyg so chew er annoyve; harri mei* gin g’ sen sin gin tyg mir ay in Errinn.

A lane ann sin lay soo woss dollonew, fa vcht sollis, ffarbre wawe in dram vm awyr ardre Errin.

Annsin la oyd haal din tey^g di veddeiss leichre Lwnni, gi filli ga zeil din drongga, feinn ga ewa gow hursinn.

Sin nvrssin er mye sorri di wei* reic Raa Coychee, ay greye gin charri in neilsi in ger O Wrayane di vemos..nbsp;A ille, a eiss zrawge, a wreeow, wannalle,nbsp;gi soycwe ni nvrsin elle fa claa wasszlyn Woirrew.

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The Dean’s Text

10 In lay sin gar lane in teig tyg Moeg er Ferta folio wic

zaygsin m dew ne nar seilley*quot;; lap ire teyg er drellow.

11 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Gin wra ire voychir ni vorenoyk, gin nytremirt sin nvrssinoyd,nbsp;gin noil, gin ygny‘ soolsi, mor in tyvyr ach torssi.

12 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ffochin mir sin rug i Roywe in“ Gillecham di for honor,nbsp;di zawf in nyrenis a bar di skar re hyrenis Errinn.

13 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ffley tingsky^ni weachd olle in longort Wrane vo...;nbsp;ire ley noyr a babee ni sloyg na heyg hangidir.

14 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In longort Wrane ni bark scheng vii laa zarrow...,

in genn vii laa din ley nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ni maac tocht za se‘ew d...

15 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Makk Gillecham di chew ir tocht is fir nErrin er nymmycht,nbsp;tyg Wrane mir a taa in tygsin in lave zea sin deyr soo.

16 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Zawis eggiss Inchsi Fail teass niss chwss sew in geddoyr,nbsp;kellorrew di Wrane ni menn is dea ayvir zlan Errin.

17 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Adurt a teac is steach a fille ossil arskgych:

“raitharra in seil mir sin, na mir id taa in teyg soo.”

18 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Aychris in ille royf rochtin gow Royve nanglee

is sea fest bi deir doyf, athesta zeym gin a danowe.

19 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Owyr elli ra vvnych rame taig cur Chonchoyr:

gav Royve di bi zwlteig nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;zaa da in dugtee zoo ir nyrewe.

20 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Cwdycht ronssmir a rein,nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;is sin in neis na vagkey ve;

a hoyrss er in cowle mi chorri is stygh soo zwne ga zaneich.

21 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Is sea veich zoyssin dea ran di gi doyin dar dannycht;nbsp;eacht gi blany‘ di wefi zoyve; rei*^ Laynyth noch cha lo‘ggi‘.

22 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Mak Torzalwe tathchraghe Iwm neir leg Dea di zein Errin,nbsp;resse yn maorhangh feal feiliycht feygh Errin bi zear geyityh


A houd’ so Dunca moor o Daalyg.

(MS. p. 122.)

Bleygin di cowall, kaenre voyg, is di wei*quot; na bleyn ra croy re rewis in neirane sin ire namsir neif Neal Rossic.

Di be ire noar sin seach gi near as re Errin ire nwn ire noair as maa in nwnre wrein royg vreyg sin keifraa chur ag caeif.nbsp;Seacht espek sen di vei‘nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;in nein commeit sin tardreyc,

tarle na^yir wynn Vare.na nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;sin ca^yir inn ettryte.

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4 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;An tolso bi zeyn din drong bayis lassir in loochrynn,nbsp;smale doon chorryc noor di zoyve leanw dorchordz's in dovvni.

5 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Re Errin gar host da chute is neir ansidd’ ni espyk,

an nettric nowr neaszane nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;sin mvr bratzael woyilwane.

6 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ig ygoyr da skean skaefnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;gid dryn in bynn bossneaf,

ffir heir fa datta drac g’ zon keif zlag ny gleirric.

7 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Di cheic ardre in nawricb liiyil er ess lassir in loochrynn

an mil na dean rassw dear nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;rae fael wassew ni weirane.

8 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Keiclys gnaa di lekin gil,nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;byggis Neal is neir veyngnych,

in teir lat nar air nac er gon keif zlag ni gleyrrac.

9 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Tug cowss nac caffi beyg rii ny vomneach feireall,

grooss choi'gree dar chruoo gal feyg gon voryg gorta a geyll.

10 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Tugsid in cwss cheadna ne cleryc vynn vossneaf,nbsp;gom bea gon weyg lee er lee Neal is a carrit clerac.

11 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ar beit zoyve na drask traale Neal Frossi ardre Errin,nbsp;chur Dea angil da is in tee nar aal in cardiss.

12 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Hanik cawir cac in Neeil, di raw in tangil anseann,nbsp;gin warr feyg na foir glon gin doyr moalla or ihaddin.

13 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Onar foryc frassi malla ea Banwa is blaa forguee,

an creif woa charric da heic cayf neir heym in tardre.

14 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“Eirrych foss is cayc di chwd,” di raw in tangil orrig,

“innis wolgac vonwane vryg as lomlane d’git anezal.”

15 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Tuk boyd na caif ay chwdnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ga di zoyve froiss argyd,

cwiss bi choir din eal yiid nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;o nac foryc ea Errinn.

16 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Gloir in teacht’a in tress qoayrt, “ cayc in ness a eal armroy,nbsp;ffa laan di cronnachta corkgraa gac claar srwgall sootholta.”

17 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Neal Frassich ir fiss nyn skail, “ caaeis fest,” ir in neirane,

“ as Banna Cwnn er ni cawir quheil is awlaa ag ossnowga.”

18 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ag sin mir oirrin cayc Neal Frassich ni vras noefneac,nbsp;gon gorta wei‘ na wrwf gonn dol er chreac nor chaggowb.


Swyn Mor.

(MS. p. 41.)

Dome edd’ zane is dassy*^ gar verris a voynassycht, fulling nyn davve Dea zi raa, ka riss in dane na‘ demsy ?nbsp;Mi zanni agiis mi zorn dessnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;deyss is ympei*^ ir maiveless;

is howllew mi zornn dess is sonni orm maivless.

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Is demiss a dearri zave di voil, a varri Groin, sai der a lane ass a loss, di ver in dane in demiss.

Mor in doyziss di zvn dorn tort, a hvrri eilwoe, a lach Croe, is gin a chur hart di hi voo zei a zaysycht.

Hucis, Eyg in nolt tasssi, da legga orm, a claa Chwlt,nbsp;Fane dorn sen hogts at teenbsp;bonni deini in dorn na zleenbsp;Da banni in La Mow a inoenbsp;ermmi a dergfe ass in dorn,nbsp;Churri na gi leggir linni

dorn dut is neir zeillis; it teacht, ne dorn gyn deilt.nbsp;na hynbar mee, v'^ Evin;nbsp;is na be orm na horvirri.nbsp;a vearri a na nVltewe,nbsp;a vyve haigfe hwle.nbsp;tulli an noyvir innynn;





smac* er inoyvir di bair zoyve, di woil ga lam leggin.

Lat di vonni demm ass in dornn in laive zess, a zork mawlzor..,; na loye zeime zane mir zlee na in lave, in zneive Zairwe.

Ne bai'^ ne neith ne nor cerd zyltyr zw‘, a zrath feni derk; noe^cha lave chenni na choss zoyve, ach dan assne in dern...

Ne zarni ollew Vllecht a chommoir er Chonchoir; ne boil ree zi reny*^ der len oyvir Ay‘irnni.

Neir woyil in Torn in teive zil Neil Teawry* na Cork (ree);

Neil is Cork ra zoeve na naltewe, mow zi nay(m) or...

Brainni m Kennade Choyvil da beansy aga zoll... terga a chreddee a chin Miss gir legga Iwm mir...

in noyvir la tollone(ith); nei*' zollony*^ er hay'^ris.

E Chonchowir na claea*quot; gyn dane far nEyrrin desty‘, fo hai loya er leggis linni, doyn gi eggis in nEirrin.

Is me herri gnawe, a zaik Etht’, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;is me reiss harri ane labby‘,

is me far zi zoillin gil, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;a noewar gal Garre.

Na bemyn niss fait, olt finni, gyn lea a renni er in philli; na bem, a villi Siikki, gin ein deve a eine chwppi.

Is tow ze ver ne di gy‘ nacht, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;is tow in tress odny'^ dyn a...;

14 Legga, a vailchorkry* vorzlynni.





ma‘, a zei‘ down awry‘ dess.

ne el, a vonni mir eil, anni

Eyg is Down is Donnall.

19 Da veym, o Eyg, a ma‘ aggi rei‘ el fein fra(nit)



usgi inche finni Fail ’ mel.sy'^ linni er la lawe.

In brone di fagy taithir, a Eyg e Chwyni ceadcha...; gi ein gai ra, a re Cwlt, dEig wei*^ d.. zeilt.

Ne merg aythir a zaiggis mak in bronnow, a worre ni v..., skaile Iwmmi gai zawene deve nar fer san loyvir sanchis.nbsp;Rei‘ ar zoive Banve blye dor vanmy‘ Fearei* Fynalwe;nbsp;is doy‘ bi banezilli ni baa airre boP ny*quot; Banvai^


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23 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Aithi* woa wane veilli, dar varvesty* Feary* Foltinni,nbsp;dar inarbi anni vll clanni inardzlan Evin.

24 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Fforbi Finni fane veil, Sonve mak Etteachze Anchenn,nbsp;mak Fealwm nar an de, na gor zave Eirrin vile.

25 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Gin spess m Banve na bleith ac Feillwm rany*' anneich,nbsp;gym torreF er ess in neilli, gym dess nar olle zEylwm.

26 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Cyn vak agga na inmy‘ dar hut Feary*quot; Finalve,

ne ath zin vak a veeith im broneni, in flat gim kneeith gi?i cbrob.

27 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ffowgw Errin, fa hae less, benm rei‘ Tawry* lai torchis;nbsp;gow rayith in Albin Amnee gim argin zai hymmre.

28 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Kug neym ardre Albin mak riss nor chor coardeF;:

rug in flat zorm zargy*' zlanm im mak torverty* Toythel.

29 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Feithit bleyin do idirrit im Albin gai elloynm;

hwc royvir narthor in nyr ToyHl TeachiF gow Taywir.

30 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Loss di cburreF in keaid each, less di m’ve m“ Conracht;

Feylwm zor hut lai Toybl, dor lot Erri zane roywir.

31 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Varwe ay ree Mowin immoe, varve a re Alvin Oochee,

di varve Toybl o teissi nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Sanve Crochin a chooessi.

32 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Di ch.........sen im neilli ree gi en cboga Errin ;

di ga.........syt voyil, boonni im ginni da gogow.

33 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Tesgais Toyil in teive zil maye kinni gia cogee ;nbsp;gerrir Meith din vy sin, ra vil zal zorm Vsneith.

34 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Neir zerri reyve roy‘ a sen Meith di vy ard Vssneicht ;nbsp;gerrir Meith di vy Sanve, a hur Lwinni, ney less arma.

35 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Innyn cwmma coslo loyg zetta is dy*^ Hoyhl Tetht’;nbsp;galla di heive, a Eig Vssny^ is di bein teive in Toyil s...

36 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Finni chowl woi voytlyt ort, a varzil valledoe;nbsp;croeyni bar im bar sen, cam bwnchert am pun...

87 A re Teawry‘, ata fout try zeess da gwmir che..., ata glan try oik el fold, a varga Vonwoe.

38 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Derg ooynna it tye mir vlli, malli ^donni oss di zerk;

bar meitcham oss di vallo‘, a heirclanni clann Chonchow..

39 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Eig e Chomchoyir Glaa, derga fai ea Errin toyrskay,nbsp;derga fan naa awry* gorm gawle zai* gi Ian it latd(orn).

40 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Raiss it valli drwmmy* doe, a neym ail a Erreil,

ben nor cleinni innis ornna, a creive milliss Mowthirnna.

41 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Itta malla cherrow chama aggit, a Rynilt rosga vaill,nbsp;malla zi chama im gona acham, a vaala Vowirni. D.

42 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A zow Essa, olt tassa, a nei* veaka VeFneiss,

mat ranni gia doyna assin dorna, a creive Moya agus Mowar....

Q. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;3

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Autor hui’ Cochondy* m^Kerta woe.

(MS. p. 16.)

ca stoyg no'' cha stoyg fa my, raa nyn glaie nay...nbsp;o chwle garm.. gow sliss lem,nbsp;mir raa Cwoin in awro...

Tosss mvr Chroy''in Clone Frei'', brow nyn skea maynlei* mlaye,

Tosss mvr* Hawry'' o liss Lynn caithyr wlaa charwllgil croneninbsp;Tosss mvr Chassil fa chossnbsp;er err vie gron nale glass gw mass Cwrk dow...

Neir zaw Moyve na Cork na Con port er nar halve port (na) di walli cheive na zi chronenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;neir chom seir hall war.

Trawe is haildi zar aige swle nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;is skaille gal ra bail b...

no'' chai vest neF za nawe nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;gonn lemm ass er a dey.

Sra clary'' vene nolyquot; nloyquot; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;na stoyawg cherae na...

sly'' ord rytiny* er i rae blaa slym

... verkgy'' sloygy'' zai snoig nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;na myr zeilt is derkgny* clair

... one chabi gi crann keil nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;slay vin a heive hawle on tal.

.. hassny'' glan don ryr'' a dlwss na'' gawe tonn lasry'' za loss .. syge tenni er a te heiss mynni bee greiss nawe anoss.

Swore in dagin anmiquot; a zeF no^char vannir vaam reyve sai mir leyvin cass clair glass lawe is gawin fir geyl.

na dowwnow glassin fa zeis

10 Ffer za telgin genn gir terk no''cha derg’ chney*' in gorp





lynge colk sley za sly'' bra* neive nyn nord na hucht.

... chay^ir zrevan er zrane ne lawyr meithhalch a mvir .. aythyr braieh ni drave ra teive mir clac eil gb teyg tur.nbsp;Na braa'' benn gi braac ee in raa zale ra each crainbsp;.. lair lingi an treg er vreig di kynni daig ai.

... tra zrine ir gi lair laiss a tillL clair mir a coss mil ni gullin o tole teissnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;one chrone veiss no zone in noss.

.a deggi Low Vanne Vraneni na in dei'' zeille da dremm ..a in tyly*' a* mir terk loyna gin nert sloe lannvir za lem.nbsp;A liss condy' chachrow bann is steyge gaow ra gollenbsp;brow slattyquot; finnogyquot; finn braddy'' slym nollogyquot; none.


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The Dean’s Text

Stoag vrak zalwy‘ vmtn in downe er lat mir how ker?.ri‘ keive immzorris si tey* damm srey* clar is tyrmhollis teve.

Coilli hollis ca foyme dord ris in dorm nar vole bord ni foy kergil clar nark gyn latrom lerg zan no zord.

Caichyr Ind is ard mvr oss is kinni is gord a zrainni gormling vmini a liss di lawze sliss clar coive leme oss criss crey.nbsp;A cay*re Ey in nerm noig er germ gi a dendy* zoenbsp;gile deyvrog don e deil ni lai vm hanvoik romme Za Hot.

Teath re CroyHn cu«imy‘ a loyg is na‘ foew vr wmm Eyg raa zlasslynwi ody‘ mir oor farsing a soyve tra a teive.

Teath na‘ ard fynn teach Flynn ony* gard slyntry* soynni nar leg Eyg na attil ynd na‘ cleyni rynni dotte zo drume.

Tea‘ leith er na* layn smaile er ua* currin gei* glor a fryi voilli* o derri zey is na* glynni naive eny* hor.

Neive gi* dornchir wlai si brow nar zorcha reyve in raa gel gawyr lai treilsi vroik mam in rod glanm term sig.

Far gei* na gave greyme na varre dley* za drwme gin churt coly*e assni ind fane skinny chowe hastnbsp;A deil inny* foe frei* dywny* mir na* dloy* skainbsp;seir zai trovry* is zai taacht lor dalve snar keil a claa.

Srai chowply* gorkry* oss a in ginn er dochta vooklowg gass gy* gawle zawly* ner gor awlworre limmi grassnbsp;In choly* chriss namly* nardnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;tarvy* a sliss ne sliss barb

mir chein ayg cwp oo chord nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;gi lorg lucht hally nord.

Mir cheine moyil is brak far brak noyvor brak teive a teg ffei* ni colwess a churry* brow vil zormm ryn zess is zall.

Myr thrawry* er teive hange dairy* keille oss a kinni Srai di kely* vane gow mar clar waale grewy* oss a ginnbsp;Teach e Chonchoir Chnok Loain gow lonechorrow er a zrac k...nbsp;gin doe moyil gin vulk strey* nac torom naive chwir cheil

sy* draich* gal o wei* vinni gi mor claa sroyg voenbsp;drok keil dyn tei* innnbsp;Go ma boonn in teath mir ataa gi* na* agga lowg er loo

.....gaa quhey* id chve Iwe in charre gi* dlwe do.








20 21nbsp;22











Tei* lann trawre is lonn na stoy zere in tyg haillenbsp;____ dul rei* na hele gy*


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Dunca Moir o Dayly.

(MS. p. 101.)

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ga malli, a Chathil, di chriss gow gath a reess,

di bi head soyg one chard in criss, a zroy nark ness.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ga malli in criss baallzlan boynre gin slawrycht seir,nbsp;gi malli maid liss a wass wane in criss cass keill.

3 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Dow cath in criss mone ymmil oik nac ling in lubnbsp;di hay and er veiny*quot; is ir vaid baall seezig swd.

4 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Garda di criss a zast zlyn is blast balli,nbsp;littrichin oor ra heive is stig oe ind wanre er.

5 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Lwm no‘cha nell dallry* sy‘ grissnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lann na* ir lass,

kenrycht oor gi a ken din kryss nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;na goor ang ass.

6 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ymmi dath sin tead hurry* heir na* gwrm goill,nbsp;agis dath na glezill a zrane soywe in snoyit.

7 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Di chowm a chard nein cham a class di war,nbsp;alt a lathin gorkri si griss si nathgi asse.

8 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A clach rany* chawli a chenn din nawri zoonn,nbsp;cosswle a teive a won gow bair ra sow greive ga.

9 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Is ymmi graiss gin nis a wile sin griss keil croye,nbsp;bukkil trane derk sin darny* teive is ane delg...


Ga bey in griss dalwy* dart nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mor wreyit vorbe,

basslyt clo*re hassni gi hard nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mir wassli bolk.


Ni aggwme doyg zath brey woss er gin a iss, di chriss a zaik chone di mir doss said chody*.


Argid gi soym gin roive i moeve na skoy* rwme

agis oor na alindow er aive ...............................


Lassir ard di walgow oor mir walgi brenyth, and it criss, a Cha*il, di chaym cla* olsy* heir.


(MS. p. 97.)

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Mak sowd er slycht fin Vannynnane ¦ ag soud er slycht seyzour allane,nbsp;gin darne dlwy* drwme zlanallan cwy* ra darne deyg Wannynnane.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Cay sei* fin din woid zil wro er findin zrei* zaik voyn layvin,

cwy* in try wlay wroik voyn layvin gin loe glan ay eddrwme loyvir.

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The Dean's Text


Cwy* in cass gal glor awir dy* zar lass in tye teive wane altycht gar Iwb in keive creive our altyh fa gaale soud er seir awir dy‘.nbsp;Hug less glakta gall chor wokga mir ni slatta slym cherin addanbsp;keyve bokga barcham lagga fodda feor find cherin adda.

Caa in clair slatty* soyve zallair ca wratti lane layn vurny*^ ca in wass chalm chrevir naywny'^

Seay our donezalle nalzach walli‘ stead roywar done dyig lai wongy*

Ffer skay oyne in ner zley zill gyn loth loie na loywir laweenbsp;Ag coyne e Chwne horrin wreitnbsp;cress er tur crand rawir dery*^nbsp;Saill wok crone is bearnenbsp;fekka na war bay‘11 woe

mone zaale chass iiii zrwn... corley ra koule boneraa zlonny*nbsp;claive cor dyig dowlochlinnyhnbsp;gin roye na reyin ray*nenbsp;ne oik a wowne myir levin.

sloye er a Iwng layvin rawy* class and ag Low lowir lawy‘nbsp;nar ob tone da trayil virnbsp;OSS bak’laggin layin zill.

Mak Riccard ynd eygin chowm glic gark a bing law’honny* cass croy di lay lowir chrany*^ dar woyir ma malli*^ zoneleyhnbsp;Seil dyig wanny'' is dyig ridd’y*^ gneive bar zlan in ban zaddy*nbsp;finvil seir senn ligge leich neyn awry*quot; doe.

Bille Gawlwe gosside balwe gille graiss altee

bar corny*^ carta gossalt woe derga mir zorin zath caissaidde.

Kane low seir oik ynd Waninwnane nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;gin broik dow deil drwme zlan allane

m“ our foltchass fin zlan Wllamm nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;halt riss er Low Wanninnane.

Trany‘ rawry‘ roi‘ war croi* Iwry'' wary* vin ermy* ckeill igny* lawy* Iwir choudy* ayldy* na ny* hoewir keir.

Gaik zale one voye veine zairwe gilli ane stroy* er sor vaynny* dawik sinny* er seir zoy*rinny* gilli brawid bane zlay zill.

Llub chass keyve war zoill chwbpi ffar lass leyny* zalwey* zrantych igny‘ datty* doneweith chorkry* glakka mir in galwei* snacht.

Clar daid finlwme forrin dekrych* ymrwme is a zak zalle ind d’kych hue a clairre choyfinnilda dane osgy‘ dyig ymmrdy*.

Snawe meine ag barri wo‘ir zalwa nach seyimyn in bairri waichill zrunny* he in vnmy‘ layne layn charwy' icht snawth ling lathin zwrmy*.

Lawe agga er churri zawle phellaga na nawe ossgi hard turradow oyne ga gwnny* tra zorme vnnagew ohurri choil di zaall varragow.nbsp;Hugga a zaikga galwary* na yn bray dyth hug gorme lwry*ow

rei* ny* seirrsoy* zallwy^eich keiwy* greiwy'

gorme wlly*ych.

hay hwlle seyand.


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The Dean's Text


A Houd’ so 0 Milchonenor.

(MS. p. 269.)

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ca dy* carry‘ ra kird in dyist ChaHI Chroerg

0 Toyil mone drome zave hor in Groy^y cholvane chaHl

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Er dy‘ we ia Groy‘in ny» nath none o chur nyn is fa cawnynmnbsp;fai ma* fery*^ ny*' fornny‘ seiVe agus sorle.

3 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ne i« goy gy*' gloyr nonwe syn Groithin vm Chonchoyrnbsp;agis tenchyr nyn neve in nochfc in senche syr in saggirt.

4 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Er sw zin churry* re cardnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;faireis Caithil Croark

zramm hoye gane re loynd nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;cai in re is far hor Eirin.

5 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ta vrskail aggim er coyr y*^ rifctil dy‘ reew,

y*quot; laiquot; ny‘ vodvane vary‘ is ma*^ oggane vrskalycht.

6 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Neil hor cayiss one Chomeme is sai sen ai er sorle

dy* hor Neil frossy*^ dy‘ neve nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;noss isoir ane nayrrew.

hoyr Neil gyn gar dowe Dea dy* nev frass mally‘ milsy‘.

7 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Y* clave lai class dy*' chred agfs frass el argit

hoir osar zil dy*quot; cla*corm in tress frass dy* neve nailzorm.

8 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Lane gy‘ my ochty‘ fai eicht dy‘ zrann chorg is de chrony*quot;,nbsp;saggirt in lai loy* zy'^ raie a?tsy* nymmir vaie anvaie.

9 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Re in gend Chonnyr y*' churry*^ done in dram id darry*^,nbsp;cai hoir ardre reyve roye togge mir harve Gotiirrei‘.

10 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Y‘ he zy* hawle re ris ne nei* a‘ ivyr anviss,

cai for ardre reyve royve fog’gy*^ myr harve Gonnirry*.

11 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Hone dy*quot; zesgy*' eacht oily* fa* Ha wry* darve Gonnirry*nbsp;hare veyi* vail vinny* za nar vl zai in nErrin.

12 Nor clwmly* in tarve sen zrome

dy* we y* lane knoo er gy* kowl 13 Far Coyne Kedchai* nyn grai*

nass sy* Connir y* churn vrm


Hor Cowne Kadchai* fane secht lane gy* rasg bane da billirnbsp;Hor gy* darry* fa dlwe dynbsp;hor cowle cowlvanny* clachty*

re cawl mokgil zal, fa mow no mawm gy* moggil.nbsp;id dowirt schere sorychtnbsp;sin terve hone ne hothir torry*.nbsp;nane dermev tessgevnbsp;lane deskeve ny* hymvirre.nbsp;vess varrome vonvoe

cam drolvanny* deilly*ty*.


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16 Cad croyng er gy‘ creve chwle




c crow choddy*^ er gy*^ er... fai chone and dy* hyjinissy*'.

Myr hor Neil nevy*^ dy‘ neve dy*quot; hoir Cone knoss 'm goltew, sark ny* dave soss myr sennbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;noi't lave agus croiss clave.

Rug in gave gyle din treir nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lai Brane boyr heve barve...

wone trair dy*^ wrone gy‘ bally*^ Nail Conny‘ Conwyr. Rug bavind ga brone bane dy‘ chemnyde clair chrathane,nbsp;syrlat dar zail gy*quot; zone zi« vak Vrane Vorry^

gy*^ cowle sy*^ var gai


20 Dy* we ea Erin vie yn bred er Wraine Vorry*



Wanve sy*^ fonny*^ za fally*^ zarry*quot; long Lothlywny*.

Dy*quot; laddeis tempil gyw toir, dy‘ leddeis eld er altoir, id tuggy* beacht barny*^ hamnew nart zawle dynny'' gail...nbsp;Glo.ssit gow Ard Vathy*^ vor, tennol Vrann beg in tennoil,nbsp;za clery*^ zeyk vm chend chrai'' far no caid gy‘ y*^ cleryquot;.



In sen rekkyr loa in lowyr is er Iwry^chow lovyr isnbsp;Cai*quot; er eithit lai orrychtnbsp;drome re levin cai de dave

far no caid gy‘ y*^ er clyew er chorlyewnbsp;er vrethow orry‘ zei*^.nbsp;hut er dul da zorey‘

agis ere Eyrin dadwale.

lai zair hw iiii.


Ai/tor huius Gillec'st Browlingyth Bard in Ley mm.

(MS. p. 153.)

er awwon Zeill is Gawle, ere gale sy*^ onicb ann.nbsp;is er angnow in. neyag in neynnbsp;makcave teia: Tawraa trane.

Law ire ir zorfis in neyr fflat ni ver bil bonwlaanbsp;Er ereny‘ agis er areny*nbsp;gil zlak ra bil Banvanbsp;Olyth zewssyth erlyth ossil ooyris eyr er chaat clayrnbsp;braddane sinni nyn schreyve solt gil gal di skolt skay.

Arenit doss in feygith fullith keyve ollane zlan ag ire zillinbsp;Low Lawaddi mor m“ Kellinnbsp;lith soylitb er boye a weymirenbsp;Er Homildy* keyve ni Carganbsp;goyvir mi leith er meess roytbwmnbsp;Crurenycht derk er my meineny'

in fersin chowis a zeill, mvng ane ni ban siwni seir.nbsp;ardre leno’’ Lotha Kay,nbsp;loyvin de choyn Eyrrin ay.nbsp;cur mee mareny* ma yve,

gow reit o Chess (chorrin cheve). fa Homildy*' chossniss kees.

bee er clair collewane Etbole lome lane a drome er gi dees.

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8 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Laicht millis ag boyve in boltew branner fa fewe a foonn,nbsp;ffa arrill weine is faa monyth teir allin fa torritb tromm.

9 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Cwrn is cwoai is coppan chody*quot;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;in gwrt leno'' Loth a Cay,

evir fenyth si chonphort chnosse nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;is longwrt re ossil ay.

10 Einny‘ a hylith aliu ossil a eddee si ethre ard



M° Dermot Mew Lurgi leno'' cosse gach groym a zrany*nbsp;Dermot is a reym roichnbsp;farda is in oymy* immil wreo

lane charri kawle agts cross, flat er boyin a wayr a woss.nbsp;ree ni Carga in gross a chwlgee,nbsp;tearne a er vy leno'' Lwrgee.


A chur*^ is eyvny‘ er drummy'' doyii downy*^ V Dermot is gall gna, castil finn er braa woygin os kinn Lotha chondy* Cay.



Emyth slyg is lann is Iwrith gawe vmme in ter meich rollenbsp;Aymir harve twnnith in drwm

is fer mawac glwny‘ garg Mak Dermont is nosso'' nert.nbsp;toyrryth la bulli corri crayve cart












Awne vmmy*' in cottwn dangin nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;a zeine ni reith o Rath Deya,

in tor dark er cross agw clawe nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ferg er a voss ro zall raea.

Skayne chass dark er a chreiss code, cath Iwryquot; mi cheyve ni goytb, cloggass osss kinn skawall skayve man vinni awe neyve anoo.

Slyg addiagni weille vassyth ag Mak Dermit Myg zah Eith, skay nan gy* er cliort ni gwrri sarry‘ swork er follow fei*^.

Hany‘ inissi, math in tyvir, a tiss a hAlbni cwss choyr, ma test a Chonnithtythquot; chass zill, a Hollmilty* wasseith woor.nbsp;Hanic zairre hachon orrew a liAlbin, a olt myr oor,nbsp;er in choyny‘ zaggany* zalwy* or wraddaany* wyrry‘ woor.

Clarsyth er leith dyn zane dossi hoithir mir eorrwm a lach, gnwss mir wlaa ni hawlith abbi on heic harle aggew eith.

Vquot; Chonchor coyne Charga cowe rut deilli'' nin dawe, hay tut di skaew za skrreyve eir zutte er lene lawe.

Ne 'Wayter a Burgk brey ben nosso'' nozann vm nee, folt cleyith cowlzlan nyn geyvin ry owrwane Eyrrin ee.

Darny‘ ayllin addi aynyth ag Cattelene nyn bass bane, emle derga soltty*' seir is ingny*' corkry* leiny*' lawe.

Donil Mquot; Rynild re Mee ra“ Allpe ni brow bane slat Eorpaa fa zlowneny'' gin lagga mat er cowle a lynnith la..nbsp;Meilchon zarga er eyllow oyrre ag Tomildych chory* awe enyr rei,nbsp;skwrre gi mvch si nenyth oylich ma loth vrenith voygith wlaa.

In greig V Dermit donnerk darkgis donne treive ni gran, in gon classi er chowle i»i gagge gi mess g’ ho Albe ann.


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kutor huius Browlingych Bard in Lem{e).

(MS. p. 244.)

Da vrre in nea Eirrin crepil sen gortyth galdnbsp;Ne lintay re cheyl in gurnbsp;slat din neiyth arna airnbsp;Vrre Vlty*quot; loymmy lochty*nbsp;gilli gal sothlyth sowythnbsp;M“ Dermont Mew Lurginbsp;in neggir is clein kert

dewiquot;quot; is ryi ra varing, is fer soithry'^ seirchland.

slat arna agus slat ewir, is mey*' fairra feireale.

is rei* croye Connychty'^, is fer doicly'quot; dwltowi^nbsp;is Maagwil in na?inurd,nbsp;seggil keil agus cronycht.

5 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Tonwldy*quot; re gask glan thomas re oik is re hoyvir,nbsp;da croff gin wayi*^ er maa gir lowf laya*^ me leich.

6 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Mele is fail feaohta ne coir in gwrri cwtdachtee,

gilli ma treyn keith mo cron agus leich lane trane lenn.

7 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Maagwil is gann di zin coillich m“ woil waaenbsp;M° ruslyn di baa hawil mvsly‘ mea no h3wnoil.

8 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Is sa Tomvlty‘ in twrri Neil Frossy‘ m“ feil Fairill

a oyr m° Colman groye zal loym layn doyl agus dagny''. Verre Magwil a ma*^ in garranji bakky‘ bronnycbt




a fillin crynni*^ a cvrre Beirre M° Dermit a macnbsp;ber belly'' din zeF zlynninbsp;Maguile gin low no leenbsp;is deibd in tra tayniknbsp;Lwry*' zal anyquot; addanbsp;re trotdass di hagriquot;

fa vyjmey vronecht vallich. ssry* soul alynw sougychnbsp;sang ayth in leich er loyvin.nbsp;er a zerrane vraynyquot; vronbsp;is seithid m fayquot;nbsp;fa vak dazal D’mitdanbsp;er skabil is claggass c(ry).




Neir wuanith feir Iwss a fass Tomwldy* a zeyve (gleyrrych) chomas chrrwm one zeir zlyne creyve zin thullin ch...

Lwryquot; wergic is deir drea skabbil me skeyvy*^ salliquot;, bee ma Vagwil chrein clawf na*^ durre re deil dawnir.

Skaye oyrre ra wcht mir zlyn ag re Mew Lurga lenoquot;, curre ra heive rozal gal claive keil agus corley.

Di werri tomass a troyle doe sann vellin awzair arsse hayg Makgwil halve a woss arm naquot; furryquot; re m“ Awzoye.


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The Dean's Text

17 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ffer myr hwny‘ na berri boye is fer mir erroe awzisnbsp;seith na* stratty* gow lawy* is dei* vatty* wee lawycht.

18 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ffer mir Chayvin colli* culli* is fer inir Awail m“ Awzewnbsp;re Lotha Cay fer oss ferrew is say is gena dy* zullew.

19 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Re lad’ awnycht oyllycht is dei* awvin aw troyrrychtnbsp;is ferri seith holly* re skol na dei* zolly* in dwltei*.

20 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ranni durry* dlee deym a znoiss na* derga \n doynein

Dermit cowle ni glyig slat kefade o’quot; ossil.

21 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Hug Tomildy* na* myn moid zoffe a wey is a vroikgoydnbsp;is clarsy* loym er mi loss in lawsin is fer lioyrfs.

22 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Magwil moid a wayly* pest awnarycht no zandychtnbsp;no* cha nywnyn balk nyn broyve agfs illin ard ossill.

23 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Magwil fawn ir fann droich zei* antrorycht aavin

it ta mor ass din nolk ann thomas gin chorp gi« challin.

24 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Magwil is mywni mewni slat din wonni wei* arnni

don Dermida.

Da wrre.

glak oyllyth ny voynni fade iiF doyly*


A Howd’ soo M^eith Albanacht.

(MS. p. 307.)

Marrwm di scarre rwmsy* a ryir nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;callin zlan di bynnsy* sin noye,

ruggy* a brwne ni meyry* mey*n nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;is ein via leine vmmi voyn.

Di toggi skai* eyvyg inn math er a veine zatht vayn lei* mi creissi di chrowme creive rom in te soo haale.

Menir in no* doosy*, a Zea, oik in seil cam so di chee. di balin trwmmi a teive nei* di vee swn in ryir, a ree.

Mo za inyn invin Iwme in x^eyn zew orf... mir we dai lei* vm zawf noone gya ny tromch...

Troy lymmi in labsoo hair mi falli* scheddi za snaw, harrimir corp scheddi seir is folt cleyn a leb ad la(ir).

Di wee dwnni gin dracht myle na low er lea mi feil -gin warrol acht blai cwle din skai* dwne vaanoil vane.

Cran bea* er ni ergin malli eath er ni ergin mi hey, gin Yeilwey hawle.nar tey ag so in cran mall gan vil.

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The Dean's Text


Meilwey ni malli*' none mi zawytht vey a rein rowm mi cree in skai*quot; di scor rowm blay vyn er na‘ arr di crom.nbsp;Traan da hor bow in waale vorne gann rovin zarre...nbsp;Meilwey di bi vyn swie di bal our inni da haal.

Tanik 'm come ossir cwng agis di royny*^ mir a roynni corp edd’ da assil inni er totht din nynm vasse vyil.

La mi crey is la mo heeve, a drach mir in dryn baan, ne eisle na*quot; zee na zwne lai mi howle ee la mi laive.

La mi cwrp in chynnil ney*^ is gort rwm di royni, a ree, gai lawre is martny*^ raai is di bai kert la mormy ee.

Mi cheaddi zraw a zarg wawle vor deadwan agus cam at... no'' char wenni a collin keive na teive re far roym reyve.

Fei'' blayn inni a rein fai binni sy* bymni ir glor gir rwg ane lanna deig zonni a zaig our var loyvr (vor).

15 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;......cha nvilum ann o di horrin er gnow gorre

... skarri dyn roo zraw rvvm falli Ivvm in donyn d...

16 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ni carrim deach na gonw eive na bonni ga deaith (eosche)nbsp;ne vew di ane id any* oor di quhy braik bi zaalt voyny.

17 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ne var roltit ee gin noolnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ner awirry* di wee reyve,

na goy^e cor de yny'' deny neir skoy* stonu sceyd schir.

18 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ni alle eadol a fir, . neir lawir aiggor na alii,

ga mor hugis trea* ga hey hug sche balli a za eay'' er.

19 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;On lai di sayeth cla* chor in hey no cha raye rwm,




ne twg iye dwrry'' ann A ze ny‘ na cassgw doyvenbsp;hanik leyr creath rom nornbsp;Doyrrei* gair wai* de wreenbsp;beg dymirdy* di bail lai

da bar ney'' norry* none, feyi* re clastin ni gwlli,nbsp;tey a wrany'' zal non ir nwlli.nbsp;no* cha charrdy* di cbai* ree,nbsp;gir bee crea inalve ee.

22 Scayan oynni haw ry* zlyuni harli gin a hoyve ir



keir is loyvir id tarn hee tralie sen din wree na* mir.

Meilwey fai merry* gloor nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;gin allyin mir i hoymmi

inyn agis skoll dy* skeil nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;er dol din veil ynni vey vonni.

Is sai rwg woyimi one is ne grwt re nyn sloy is ree nyw rood beg in kin dy chowle nyji gaik a haik o fir gi hour ook.

In vyn law bik di we swnni, a re nyn glok is ne gaale,

ach in lawe sen nar chor Iwmyn craw lym gin a cur fa mi kann.


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The Dean's Text


h Howd’ za so Gillipat’k Mac Lachlyne.

(MS. p. 158.)

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Hoam royg nin noyk breournbsp;huk drwm re seith ni gawle

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Maye calleine ni golga tyvvri*'nbsp;rug gyle er zassga is er zeindy*

3 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Derkith ni go grei*^ a wrattich,nbsp;crea* is gaeilli* in noe cur tay^hir

4 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Tylich Hatnis in drying artlichnbsp;faynith toyth mawnith masslacb

5 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Drammi veiss er wewee gi fartlithnbsp;ffym croyth niw narme skattich

6 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ethrirani*^ techt la nin gentdthnbsp;inney in deirrith wei*quot; gin neelliquot;

7 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Glak a zassgi is mowi'quot; meyirnbsp;crea* agis gaeyle gin woeyn

fifer tray we foyd nawa... cowl ad veydew gi*^ gyle,nbsp;fer garga ra zrinni naaritnbsp;tann dethrenow*^a za...nbsp;ne merge oglei'' burseicb,nbsp;la sloeg sayntich swlt(ow).nbsp;nyn lann fywrith fultith,nbsp;sloeih nin darmin durtith.

is ga bei'^ m dow so(la) garg loyntith lonnith.nbsp;nach zeiwe cha nair tawnbsp;earrHdis sei*' in gno.nbsp;a clovvi*^ nassga neaytbirnbsp;teacbt la faynow lawir.





Sloei‘ is grane zarwe royig‘ in nyge dail in narm (soyquot;'d) agoyle eme*^ in downP in deyir inour na‘ evynnith lawe.

Samis Oyne nin lann tannith kenni nin dawe is ni zaillew ess garrit ra zley ne aninn, casswle ay is Coquhwllin follatb.nbsp;Nor helfeis sea wcht er zawlleiv toyr malt za luthnbsp;tvvrri zlaggour wreississ er zajinir caste brissy (chim)...

Eolair rnor wamnith a charrit in a gloe‘ gryile chai‘ c'’ry(ith), laywe is boyn din dawe a tarrei'^ for lane ayg is wrrwm.

Lawe lane darkgir gorm lann tanni*^ gin forlan roive skollew tanith in norwzais loa gow calleich gar fouzh ga mollei*.nbsp;Tursith na zoo a lucht cogge o wussgil mvli ma duithnbsp;in turr chay‘ is blaa woynn cot drew fla‘ lane doyle is dagnith.



Samis for gyle woss gili deyg lath cwif a nawle a teath ga inn wrownbsp;Trommi a hor a tea*^ gih tentoillnbsp;shroyle oss leithew dark mir zoywnnbsp;Mac Oyne vir nin sloyg is nin gwnnbsp;nar leg Oyine di heirrow Dowzaale

sywriss dalve chrow a zaal... creath ni gawle gor zow.nbsp;creah er ne in doye a hympoynbsp;crow frei* is ferga fa (nonchow),nbsp;lane gi royd dew sin lomlanenbsp;fer zeil doyn in drom zal.


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The Dean's Text


Atmea‘ zawe Errin ga hyn rai nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Oyne keyle in glau loye

lawe mir neiss nin nilwoyge a dal chreissich Cray Royg.

Di hoyr Saymis is deine down sywriss zeil gi*quot; clayrri*^ a zeil raa‘ is ere is our flaa*^ er slee niw fayle.

Seil ny« rei* gin grawe er chwnith seir zeil dawe ni hEirrin mir W“ Colman a bar bwle dar lomlan din nayle.

Oyr la ollonew si hantyn is gi bronith zoive smyenttith dy downe in leich mar na‘ cayrityr bran forni‘ na*' skolt...

sloye fa chowe in noik ir di heill Artur V“ ew d...

Far a weiss ra chor rit partith is o bei*quot; dannir skeiltith oir gin chwrith a rar chantith o dwne fayle faltith^

Hoir one rei‘ a zalwe gF dwle nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;gyle oss reF ni feany*^

Oyne chur flayis is fa howlith nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lane inathis is keyle.

Mak Oyne boae bass zalle boewnP bar gaskei^ gi fynicht cur zarga or si cheyle gi*^ cwuicht bar fayle ne mor meyir.nbsp;Bar rintih ni grei*^ a zargnith farroyle fei‘'eith feymichtnbsp;loyn knasszell awour armitb is tress gnaa hylith.

Ni golkga foyr gin neicht nawdith toyr bleith in nord ol... dimmoyn ethtrynn woni*^ arlith is o ress gyrt a om?)inith.nbsp;Kenni nin nollew sini ban lanvith a wron mar ni tolgicht,nbsp;sai mi royivh woa zrai‘ mannithnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;eath is boyve is dorlicht.

Trane leich garg toggridi*^ nayrrich chur rith gT dowe fa nith ayrrithnbsp;Oa Challeine di reyk gi hanwisnbsp;hoy^zis er serk as er zreiwenbsp;Marrayd wale darg in naile

21 Snoy‘ ni soe na zroig gley gille

lei*^ nartur zawe teirri* reygin










ard aggintyth oyrrth ¦ za wewe ne swnitht.nbsp;a cha^reime gin wreyg chol,nbsp;Saymis royve V’reich lion's (hok).nbsp;inrik glanzaik ni geywe ganla,


wcht nar channee teiwe tlay*quot; tromm bok try taym sail chrav. Gal oya glann hir Dunca forss’' deywen chwnleF chnesswognbsp;drea*quot; mir zreyn na wen sin doithchoyr deadgal is bail r...




creiwe chowri'’ ne hoylith baile beei* gin foyir ri'' horn,nbsp;re faile ossil geillnbsp;is ne choghy sea in seill.nbsp;ard wrrmth breour


Eywe is owle za gnwss nairre, di reyk see gi nei*’ fa tayrrenbsp;Earlith deraisith dosswor awirnbsp;churrT gi cogry* fa ni'’ rawhenbsp;Erlea garga currintith croithnbsp;flaa ni sei'’ is ni ga*’reym toy'^h Calleine rei'’ Ossreith.nbsp;Narssi ergoyk wrei'’ mo zane zarleyquot; zal gi doynithtnbsp;din reith rwk gyle gi bairriquot;

Marrwm er heicht, a cbommi, a re a ter noewe toyr see zwn

na* bee rw... gi foyr a zowle at fa chowre

mi zon.


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failta rinni ra teacht it cbenn, a zraw clar si chri kaale.nbsp;bratta her gi cwss bed t’kellnbsp;is gi« dea lentin ferga er fer.




The Dean's Text


A Houd’ so Finlay Royg in Bard maath.

(MS. p. 281.)

Gaiwe reim chonire V'^ Cregar, hugt's lawe fane rair gin nanwinbsp;Ne knesta corre er chwnwwailnbsp;drwtn re dalty* bi chad chelgi

Wssit a waa*^ car corta gir hannow zoyvir za kin treithe fa zoe ferga gi flaa ne foye zarg is caythew er.

Fada chorre is gin ma ky»tyth, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;a V“ Gregor niw Ian gortu,

ga tame schel a moe er hoyvin nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;da lenn di vwnw oyvir orm.

Ga ba neach la c\irri eddrin awless brega na*' boyn skeiwe, awraig fa zoae di bi zaiwirnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;creid a‘ skoyle fir werzail sen.

Dalta ChoMchowir re Wlly‘ nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Cownyll cloggy*^ neir waa keylle

a fregry* awiaa my*^ nossi beg nath sawlaa zoissi a reaille.

0 ChoMchowir essi Chrewroy, ni faa chardaa sa clioy, ffa zeawrow gin Iwcht a lyss bleyzin gin tocht dyss a loye.

Ga mor a wurnn er rowyd aryne cvdlin cloggy*^ di chlocht k... di bacht is cha bardill keilla tacht ga ardlaa fan a r...

Myr senn mischi in dey mi realli, o W Cregar nyn arm nocht, ne torri mi reaill o choissyr donny‘ a choaill doissi gin locht.nbsp;Dewanne di naith a raa rumsa starsin re hoyne nyn rosk gorin,nbsp;my*^ reaill a wrannan ny‘' geill dy'^ leyne annar awill orm.

Hertaa rut in dey e chailli da ga naa cayth reward nocht churrfs srayne fa ayg ny*^ hAlbin a rair daw is ward is wo*^.nbsp;Merg za bewe tacht a teygeenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;innynn dut is di weyf chleaa,

ne dach o tee ach fer gontaa nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;oid law zill a skoltfs skeaa.

Barrandi ny*^ heissi dany‘ M” Cregar a fronnis baa wrri zawis fer ny* scheallyggaa a law zell a zergts gaa.

Gaa reyme chomree.


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The Dean's Text


A Houd’ soo Gorre Finn o Daly.

(MS. p. 53.)

Math di hillith Gormlee zarri, ma‘ Goi-mlee di holli ann, der manmin ne habra limminbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Gormle zarri ne galwy*^ gan.

Mass wreggi ee nar zeilith dea zea ed nar zelith raym laa, ska*gith folli is vmpi zi*' chewnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;is vmpi is leewy* mayi*quot; mna.

Kay in dawre or ziti a zeayk ? nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;cay zar zirnii a Zormle owd ?

fwll reirre is re zin ook no seill broik or seilli sowid.

Kelli‘ Wurri si mak sen curri*^ gi« wratti is gin wonni neir wewy*^ sayn zeill dar zinni ag sin deiw in fraive zyn will.

Ter gwmi malli'^ ter wnawe nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;tylym er zerrith a groyis

coir gaywaill er gayve in neir a‘ neir zavf gin lei'^h dawall voym. Benni er ymme kead colli*, ben rair erre ead no banni,nbsp;foir a clow ffa chenni erri* ben is farri Mowni* za marri.

Dess ter chwkgalla chowle tromrni a glown fa chw.. di chamm, ka hein ven ywour is farri Gormle zarri ver zall waill.

Ben er farri lein di loay di zyilli my* reill mir a da... da chei* laye is sy* da heiwe keill a snaei* mein a mair.

Benni in nir is farri fa neive in zarri is tirm zlynni try, or loyelt er less ir grew dess di ch'' byirre er vomm.

Invin bass is bail mir vlli er na* glass skail a* skall fir, minis glor s is tlay try is gay vill saith vor di ver.

Invin corpan lair waeyn meir gin vro*ane neir wea za doyn, Gormlay zar neir heilli mi hwb dwle rar var in teim sin noyll.

a chreive no* char cloo on cherc, mummi ir gark sir noyn sir nark,nbsp;loyrth is neei* zi* neith

Mummi* ir lei* sir boi blicht, ymmchir ir goyll wrrich zachtnbsp;Neir swoiry* sinni fane wnei*nbsp;ew*ir in gnae vlli ei*, a Zea bi wnei* vnni ee.

Di nei* boyki* a^z's braycht, wer in toyn in tei* zi chryithnbsp;15 Mor a kessith er a gayth*,nbsp;feawe aelle ze wei* a moe

di bi zoyllith er wnei* wee, di nei* gi ma* broy* zewlee.nbsp;loirra kessich er a glee,nbsp;banni fa doe gin wnei*.



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The Dean's Text


(MS. p. 36.)

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Raitlai ny* crwneni Katreine oom Greiggi*,nbsp;oom orkil clann gi* cogvv* ann er aggw.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;An ir aggew tulchor a gw gi grewe banoye Woirry*nbsp;rai zloor ni crwn» Katerenne.

3 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Is se Katreine ne chossninbsp;gvrt mir vlay a hawle wrri*

4 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Awry* oynni ag neym re greignbsp;oe it ta fai* groy* zil snoy* a soe.

5 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Snoy* a soe sawry* greyn na groy chorkry*,nbsp;ymmit glowny* is freave is fegga na geyve choppe.

6 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Er zelve gorhwle a keive gattry*nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nor cheineni groeg van,

swle chor no cbor aye er oik er, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;bail down deat zal,

7 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Gnwss mir eilin ucht mir el, oghe nar troillyht,

ne gil a chnow na bass vane zal swle zlass zroig zal.

8 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Wei*se gyre vey keigeiss coolane,nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;croye ire payny*,

areggil Dei nyre neve da neve grayne da zrarenow.

9 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Grane de zranew ir sleive Sseannbsp;mir cheynni er troir ny* troye

creive ny'' moyoe, awry*' oynni.nbsp;narzaw...,

na sliss greyn, koil ny* clarri.

10 A reythgidd’ keigit folsy* nor heymmi* fregry*,


mir cheynni* er teyrny* tagry* doe gyre negny*.

Brei* Errin agis Albin oyge nyre nellan,

isse blay breine zal nyre banre oyge keinre collor.




Kearrane Keivin Collwm kil, Pat’k Martin Moggane mawnynnbsp;In Treno* vor Mvr is Meichtalnbsp;Eone meildeig bareneive voynny*nbsp;Aary* er orvirt nyre deiyny*,

keive in norrin, commane corril.nbsp;is mak ny* greyn,nbsp;glanneve glairri*.nbsp;loor a deany*.



is varenee vvllin voilly* chwonlin keirri*.

Teggit er yreipe vo nosen ir ny* hatty* ne bee fer ansi glee grotty* neyre beyre bagky*.nbsp;Bagky* is aslane is anvin biat na hyry*,nbsp;no* char hwly* in grt gawlzlan corpe na* cawrin.nbsp;Mvr mvr goeyit vl is noch a sautyrnbsp;re croneni vee na bronni rinni ire reatla.



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The Dean’s Text



(MS. p. 6.)

Cor fai‘w er olswe Albin sche nye din a zoe gi maid, mass lann laive a cheym \n g’ gaif in dem ella ead.nbsp;Ne cor ferg in duss gy*' agry*^nbsp;niyr hai gy*' raa reyve in negrenbsp;In tyvyr fa ville my‘ hathrenbsp;ma ta bree in danea na nynsk

ga civvneni na*^ ne nat doe, ne ma*^ keel gy« regry* chor.nbsp;ne math glor gin keel re coss,nbsp;de chom t’ za hynsa noss.

4 Ac so geil di clinn zalt’ ag rair fille farda a zna,

ga ta misse er dail o wronnw One Stewart a creith Ranny*nbsp;gawe a leith is folt in gaganbsp;Hangiss tuggit V“ Ssir Robert,nbsp;bera claa na* myw fa woyirnbsp;Ffeya mir a tacta ma4n Albin

is kist dawe is ollow ai. a lave geil is far boe,nbsp;leith volt agus bagre voymm,nbsp;a One Stewart nya rosk gormm.nbsp;braa is sin de zeyr ormm.

romssa a zeil na*' men mornn.


ahur war zask zegni lenn Gaf di ry V'' Sir Robertnbsp;na how tyr laye yn loggirnbsp;Mass se di corle vonne veanbsp;a law rane nyn geil sonnwnbsp;A Ohocullin clynna zalt’nbsp;alat is trane gnwss re calle

ane nast caddna ornn. tally* rvma ga beg mi hort,nbsp;is me in vir clair coggi ort.nbsp;gyn etta a olta rea,nbsp;fa sayn uir id chonnw ai.nbsp;one lair nar wer nort serve,nbsp;ne zane cuss falie orve.






Ne we tee er hoon na er hErrin gyn eir lomsa a lacht taal, na hannit lai in nai alt na in tayc zair zranta zaeg.

Ne wee myr a zornon tally*, ga deggir linn dul san noss, ach far er in vaid air a bagre din vaid dein id taggit foss.nbsp;Dearsy* ruttfs V° Sir Robert a geil na* crein vm croyve,nbsp;ffa mow in dee zut mi hegwail na see agfs beggan doif.

Gna bi tussa a hollis orrim neve nyn neir neyn goggi serve, is far zut gi roo zail won tena na zawal n)yr erri orve.

Ga zani me mir is cosswil di chany* mass devry* lynn, beg in faich mi vart ra veith a thraie* lat nyn geyl grinn.

Beg in gyil dwsssy* rair neirre marrum se fa heyrik chronn, beg a wree gi mak ag matyr a heil slat o chaac choonn.



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50 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The Dean's Text

17 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ne hawil senw id ta suss V“ caltyr is far kyil,

a laiwe thraynn o inni in doyn na‘ dair filli roymm reyvi.

18 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Math mi zyil re my*^ zeymma orril di heve schedda is solsa,nbsp;di zai woss myr eilla gin wrail si chossa nar ymma teac royle.

19 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Loir nave mo hanga gin zressicnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;marg a a zreissy*^ ee reim binn,

a zaid is gal rownena is gair is nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;far gin sow narre sinna.


A Howd’ soo Finlai in Bard Royeg.

(MS. p. 304.)

Hoariss mo ry heath vor ym be ni clairre a chooalli, mor dave la in doyvyr in teath na*' fayir lai gi hoyknyhnbsp;Meithe miss is cac in tee rai zregyn Zowne a Monnee,nbsp;gy‘ rac zorrfs blace fane teath zor choyhollis lai is yig.

.................................... sley is ra farssing a forgin

...glair na cowyng in teath ga cowing ee za hylycht.

Woy*^ zneery*^ a chonna is a loye menky*^ la one armroye, ...hacli ny‘ saiga woa in teacht gi feath derg vonnoyicht.nbsp;Mir sen zaik ni seir er chor broy nein chowply'^ V“ Gregor,nbsp;gin locht seyrssy* reir linna er tocht zeivess er a hairrin.nbsp;Ffeinni go eeve ag mna maalli Vec Gregor id vorhall,nbsp;id vrow trane farssin er linna keir er lassa gow hursinn.nbsp;Hoarfe teath commis id hee, V° Gregor, ood voyne,nbsp;rea teath nyn vyvyr faddi, teath Eyg V“ Kermitta.

Inni lai zor inrowne voik di V'’ Dermit si Gharrik harlai best harsi na hee er lemmi gassre zowne.

Soigthir er teacht za heacht la M® Dermynt ni kelly*' er teif astneyf in tee a wyve chasslai chaallee.



Dairre zir se wronein vane lab zin nealy* vrlair gin nearre zi rein teach bleyn de na heine lai.

Nar errit innath zis ka teir assin royithviss er fad ni blyin na wrow ac M® Dermint sin downyhnbsp;Er se in gann ni bleynnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;skail er a vil fer avin

in kelly* gin chor zalwo* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;na hawnir ook inalve.


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The Dean’s Text

13 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ne mow zultyr voar deysy*nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Vquot; Gregor fir neysy*quot;

id wrow lanwy*' kai na*^ twg nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;na kelly*^ lai won chorryt.

14 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Mo heacht i'ene curnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;raainbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;teachnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Eyg ganbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;toar vrrwme,

ne tayvem er Errin nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;sinnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;palleisnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ni gleirnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;in Albin.

15 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;. .r mair in teach so no in gayf o is

na leggyr a reine a nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;rissnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;eddyrnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;in treiHnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;si phaleiss.

16 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ffarsing da heive de henbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;leno’’nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;in Iwchtnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;coone,

reihoole in gad er a lar mor a head is di hanndanm.

17 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Nissi ner veme zai doy*^ mac mi hurchir choad roythvenbsp;er tey* goil a voss mo ry zeme teac horriss hoaris me.

18 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ellissait ni negni voik iniw Gone v® Illespek

no‘cha nearrir dave no teacht ben« lann deil amp; denacht.

19 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Mumemi ni glair is ni gon Ellissait a Glenlevinnbsp;ben veine is faille zi wnaave dar leine keil nayth.

Hoaris mor.


Gilli Breid beg Nomee.

(MS. p. 226.)

Gyle chur lir aye* er nail, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;gil er nacht sanfeir soilt,

da rai re cath is ner chel nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;reyve in tra ma \n be neve er noil.

Da chew sin ner nail nor nard er in fer zor sorreme sord, bey* sane ally* in snoyve dork, a gair sark is bone borbe.nbsp;Ffrekre ny* sloy aithty* er er in brone ne sanctyr senn.

dy* voyne* gey*

is nail dy*


ffer gey* sey* vail rae mvrry*

er in ver zai veynn gail fae in mye noss in nair.

nane draew myr vy tone gar, lassyr zai mor andsy* men.nbsp;no Fynwor er na* roo rowd

Glor zonn er zeisin ny* nail nochar chelsy* er zvnn nae, gyn na clai* is coir in neymm na naa we zove in dann.nbsp;Myr senn neir skeilfeit my* skailnbsp;agus caye* sin boss ra in vailnbsp;Sloye and gy* laynn trome toyvenbsp;schroil mey* lassy* gy* mar gey*

Neir wo no Seymul nane seyd no Myir no Mak-in-ok zlak rod sle myr sowd.

No sche aithre voe zy ver rass chrathre gy* mvrn vir na grie hannaile heil Breynn na gree re lannalle lir.


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The Dean's Text.

9 Nass far tyil dar hue reP er mil o challin gow era..,nbsp;nass ker myw nar zin o wnee dermit oss gnee gy* fir a.

10 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;No sai fer hoir \n neye sen o Cheve dy' venw ra boyn rewenbsp;id deddyr is ai nar skur gyr chur ass fix negour.

11 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Er falli'' a zail zeve gyw tawy* danw er o dail

lawe zal Chonechoir e Chewe gyr skeil dorchirew for fal.

12 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Mass feir zin nail so is noe crowtht by‘ gneve no ey‘ dyn vail bra.nbsp;rathis o Cheve rane ir gacht claicht cathre zeve ane noeth.

13 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Id tay sloy croith vm o Chew na‘ be ony*quot; glor gy*^ gley,nbsp;myr assit \n duss in tloye sassit zoe dluss none dey.

14 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Derkgit temy* loicht lech sekk zai vey4n ne boa laa,nbsp;mark bernw er in soil schee dy*^ we dawe sy noil in dey.

15 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Mai ta o Chewe na'^char cloy gnee er in tloe myr y*' wee mai,nbsp;no*^chor lawe zor zin in gre in ne taw mir senm ach ai.

16 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Y‘ howne vammynw is mark far woe hawne syn nord yn mornbsp;vee newesy*^ zae sy‘ zoe is ne vil chreow aye er.

17 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Dy‘ rae far y* farrit skail sy*quot; thrawe oss Chorrik-ny*^-gone,

cai is farry*^ sy* gowe in crand keil y* vor seir toye na towye.

18 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Slane sowle dy* lowy* nerin and stow war hang za mil drong,

ane er is dawe drang nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;sang glezal deyre downe.

19 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ffa prap lyevin y* lemm barn fai vak Evin nor air cormm,nbsp;barle cwle ny* bail byve oss re zer armm gar gormm.

20 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Sestil y* lye is y* loy^e y* vess gow fer mir er neye,nbsp;slane gey* in noiiechone gyn oe Conhow mor seith sai fey.

21 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Lir and zonechow tew schroil sley Chonechor in grand sen,nbsp;skai hanty* chuwsy* er o Chew na* solss zeve radly* roe.

22 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Skai zleazal dy* zow in re gyn in er is gar zae gnei*,nbsp;mynt cath in galclair gy* gnaa lachlawe clai* ne fla* fei*.

23 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Dy* hynry* lawy* in leicht fane clair dy* hinly* fane nacht,nbsp;ne owny fer ach fer clai fane skai zal dy* che re cacht.

24 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Skai zlezal roe sy rin gyn eazinw er ir na zey,

bratty* ve assny* zin oir, shroil danw lassy* geicht is granw.

25 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Derry* tw laythin leine crai* ag in er za by* zem doi*nbsp;tossy* twkeil ag y* charcht keve y* zath in dw o noebt.

26 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Gili* hollis cath o Cheve, gil zoniiis gath in grey,nbsp;gyly* alin gy* maid vor er ayrin sloy gyn brek bey.

27 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Gilly* hayis rai teve banw, gil rai* o Cheve vm chrow*,nbsp;gilly* done groyechorkrei* gal zar venn dronk noyvolty* loo.

28 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Gil ane girtir brow oss borne, gilly‘ y*quot; lentyr gow tye nail,nbsp;gilly*.. V .. a zrome gilly* far skeil kaidvan chwme.

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The Dean's Text


................... .. d er finny* chi vee,

trot cholinty* ra okganne, dreme folinty* sen re seei*.

Gilly* ane leyir oyr er a^m, gill ane gavil kerd cornn,

Boye er delve is er danow, er zail zrye er chonirt gevenbsp;Er znoiss veine er vally* seng,nbsp;er gaive our goylavin gronny*,nbsp;Mawle er vaid vawimyw voir vai*nbsp;gi drei* deliss di coil aye ainbsp;Id ta fer and gyn. rac renbsp;in turre za sly*kit ny* sloyenbsp;Itta in tonechow is ard awze

gil ane gyvir er sloy salve, gilly* re boyve derk zalve.nbsp;rei* eme is er aydin sloye,nbsp;er chone dy* teve gal.

er heir er na* cawyr rym, er swle gvr monloyvir.nbsp;rei* dyw lath lair zarve,nbsp;di zowny* sai er zrane is er znei*.

sy* cha* amp; clann e Chew, sin mvr inor tacgil ra heve.nbsp;a zoneclowe in gend nog,

itta feynna gy* verk vor Bee fyve fla* nawra chrand,nbsp;bee cholawy* sley in soudnbsp;Said fir we ne mill chranninbsp;salt sow ni veincheir vinninbsp;In noor niche is dalli zoyvenbsp;ga blaa nooy* inche noyilnbsp;Bei* sai na foyill [mass feir

in lene a roil derg no zei. bee gor vive cha* fa chan,nbsp;fane zal done toy zraw.nbsp;dwnni ni gwr na genni,nbsp;linni ra werchein dowin gy* dram,nbsp;fley knoowills}'* er a keine,nbsp;milsy* [glor choly* e Chowe].nbsp;fo sanni do choivir ni gale].

tegfei* ni [vyve charpair e Chewe ne teive armm no*air ri in neir].

A zannir a hecht ni deir hursin dir chogge e Cheiwenbsp;Gin a essew hor na haar inbsp;di chew in danti ra chlewinnbsp;Mak Evin cheille e Chéiwenbsp;in lay galle di chassi gleynbsp;Mak Ewin chrowzill e Chewenbsp;in tley za pronfeit in boyenbsp;Hug Conchowir m“ Ewin innnbsp;ne in dwga o Cheive zoye a zrwmenbsp;No in gylle

fa hetht’ re ye aawze,

neir is meine topber gi trae. wya treess zon nyn deiwe,nbsp;rompi amp; na rew si renyth.

00 hAywir oo hEwin wooir, in dey ni werri braa* gow booynn.

a zoirri churfeit in geill, di quhyei* in gall down na dey.nbsp;glaccaa loyvin er a lynni,

gin toyir in gur cheil. Gylle di churri.


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The Dean's Text


(MS. p. 75.)







Coany*^ renich rug Eadin, mor anir one zanssidir trair chalmnii farchontih farrnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;bay we gallchorkri*' ge(w)...

Trair m'kith Myg Limnitb, thre gaskgi Zairre tork galli in nyg mir wllith mergih charri chonchor.

Immir deoyr in doybn conly*^ choikgow Conchoyr, trair deirris granenollP glanw daillowme in wowss.

Trair ni» dre mak maithir croying delas darwibraa trair varwoye boe zwne Wrye loywin glawwoe geyle.

Mek renith Zownith Dalgin, tre coollwall knoozerge, tre feine wlli gin chrann chreine, is clann iwin ardre.

Mwrthirdy* myg Linnith, Ey Quoilgin corp schaywe, bar goyvloiskgith groye mir hwenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;in stoyg gormroskgy* Gorre.

Smscbir niw greive sang scherkT nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mak mir woirrin Mvirhe..

oah nyw dre bane oyd wrye lane oyok seill nyw synsir.

Ey m“ Eadin a hAyvin mak maanich Mvrre

stoyg nyn sowle gormevongith glan a downe doywnlongy*^ Dalg(in) Sossir no clonnith keiwe Gorre foltchass fosscheyve,nbsp;terk geyl is oo no senm noe chai woyh eine er dwltow.

Sawlowyme trair ell ay hAywine rea tre mak Mvrre slattyth garkgih gi glek vir mek attih arde Vssnith.

Neisssith m*’ Wssnith ni neach er angneh amp; er ewnith a chowle drwmlatty doaly‘ mir Wircerdy*^ rnarkloywT.

Far mir vak Vssnith elli Ey mair zalle m*’ Eddm(nith) cree is dangnith a downe cla*a elu er low..

(Ar)dane in makoyg elli er angnew is er airrewe,

(r)osk naevvzarrith glass mir zlyne in cass galwairrich Gorre. (M)ekk Wurre e Wornenith tree slattich sowle zormemith,nbsp;dram in neith coeih gith crwe, tree cloyewe is farrib in nVltew.nbsp;Tre schaywik Sleywe Goirrich, tre chwllane ni Creive Roye,nbsp;trair noe gaskhwill glann gaskgeih Zownith Dalgin.

(T)re onechonn Eirrin wllith, trair naithry*chT newnithchyth,

(t)rair beathry*chith er y.mbei* neive, tre gallclaiwe ra in goilnew.


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The Dean's Text


(T)re loyvin Errin wllith, tre mek eildith Eddiwiiitht, trair coaneith gi gnaa zill,nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;say gormeeilli* oiss m groeew.

Say colpi*' mir cloei*^ nelli, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;say teive zasti* zley zallith,

say glakgith slimmith slaywnith slattith fianith feineewlith.

Say mallith deil sy* donnith, say bwne aith eadrwme,

say rosk oanith sin graa er zlyn, say groygh sith gna er greissi.

Say brwinenith mir wlaa nelli mallith dow deir awneith,

cwrpe er choythzaith in treathti, fwlti mir choulith croanithtyb

Rosk gi glass groye slaywnith, otht gallith gaissawnitht,

moir zatti woggith waynith slattich foddy* follanith.

Dawleim re gneith leith loywir, yge e tre mak Mvrree, er lat is swir din zreane zilli in trwir dair zail gaskg.

Truir dair zaaill lowi* is lawyth, trwir schawky* soany*,

(tra)ir gronggi*' dar zaaill gy dramm, trair dair zaaill ewny*^ Err(in). Trair dair zeallih ewnith wllith, trair er slitht nya senchwrrith,nbsp;(trai)r mek Eddin wrye brye,nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;dreggiw glannith nith Geyill.

... (is) Ey ay hAywin Mvrthhirdith m“ Mvrre,

.... er Sleywe Goyrrit er lamm peynni is feirchoany*.

Coany*' reenith rwg.











A Howd’ soo Gilli Hwrsse o Steyvin.

(MS. p. 65.)

Da zleye ag Mvrch Zlynne, invin cryne di chreat(orch) faill, ne zeach neach reyve no dailnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;na bea za mnawe yvir gwlle.

Da wak ag Mvrche M“ Lyne nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;na gawe o zroyng si weyg,

nocho nakadyr mo zawe deess vi woy*^ awge is di bar eicht.

“Na habir,” er Leyg lir, “ne hormsy* it ta syn di claich, ta eandon is farri no ead der in ne ak is doe ym wrea*'.”

“ Can in tean dvnni, a V“ Leag lir, is ferri no in deess itderr mai ? di zow moir oo teei‘ gai rai‘ innis doyf er zrawge wek Zeai.”

Ne mess lammi anwis ort, ne weT nocht gid churre er chaell, faa reir no‘cha dess di zloyr ir zayne nyn sloyge saywe.

Da drane cbane ny* neall in nocht beit no in docht no in lawric feynn, agts in trean is mess zeive is fferri no gi reith fane zreyne.

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The Dean's Text

Ar y«, nirrin diu zloynn neall derri ym vnlli doe peynw zaynw neyn t... zonwoir zin daynw loyth di lagywsy* slane soyrrey.

Ne m‘'feir aggin aye, di raye Koissi gi kai in claiss, is ferr liim i legvm voynni, is dee veiss or nor a less.

Coggywmis orrin i?) lawe gawis baethe lynee cloyth, boyalmy M' Cos.se zi zorne neir ir lyne loeth mo legin woi^

Ffaegzifc re Lyigin ormm vinmy* dornu ni woy*' in leeF, mi a wee gi bool ann re Lyin is lamm zi wei*quot;.

Ffangyth M'’ Coisse is M“ Lean gis in teche i wray imtha gis dawe is di reF Leyngh loght yrve wur

(an) cheyth nar zitht vin chrygert wan let jraynith nin noyn tanik o lowyg wily*' wr.

o Clynene Nealle gay maach in sowe, agis Tayvir ni wleyg woyr.

Anwin a woss aggin feeyne Alwe agis WssnF nin neacht


(MS. p. 8.)

... ard la reclita gow re Braivin nyn brow .. zin glass in broein nalle nalin wleye veindonenbsp;Nan ra dany*quot; na ra schemhis is dolta zony**nbsp;nan ra seirsy*' a chrayin gi gely** gi bar boely**.

Nan ra goony*' na ra seimray*^ na sechna bannale .. dolt za cheyve cla or nar ear aneawenbsp;.. ra cardy* na ra crossany*' wiyni voyneFnbsp;.. dolt gow oo rork roy*in is cort choenbsp;Glass see crossany* my* chardsy* ne card owyrnbsp;.... chmy* la freF ir wywir gow lei* loonei*

Miss yn crossane ag oo chowee nyn golk scharr(y*) (la)sgyr ba bar brey ny* broeny* ïeyg ny* Tawry*nbsp;Teyg ni Tewra* Teyg teive oyllei* id ti in nvlt(ew)nbsp;triir nar chur in nanny* er eltew carri* cwmhirnbsp;Agis car cwbir in car coerawyr doe* wea in go...nbsp;Chonchowir v** Ness agis ni lae fail finn Ha wry* hug.nbsp;Er twss in nEyrrin agis di wee* in vasteny Varchannbsp;.. gesga do* dynnei* clothewsey fa Oo Rork sin

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The Dean’s Text

(M“) rei‘ ffyn bea cogew neyve morrei* gyji nail eilli .. bei*^ sail is cart ni brani‘ in glak ni greivenbsp;.. nacht leawdeus Clynni Nail daa drenalenbsp;(ag)is eny‘ in lem er lenni di nei‘ neillim er in..

.. horle toya deiskirdi dywassi dalcheny* da (is) chee grammony* zany* ir a chur wyir aanbsp;Deichi* gy* haw wallir dy* na hywzryma ra na.. .nbsp;dwnni in dew fatei* ny* feilyj?.ni ne mir sen di


14 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Oo Eork a choggi er ny cogrei*chew a* in gassnbsp;stora^y* a,gis in machirra dilomni ga agzs tannally

15 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Aewsetha detty* wor di chor woss a gemni denbsp;di chonwa fey a fei dyn ney ella

16 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Di chonna ina fei a fwnny* er mye inenny*

di hor Oo Rok creach is corra teach is tenny*

17 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Teggiss gorra gir zawe Oo Ro^k it deil danbsp;gill glassy* galy* geyly* nawny* cory*


(MS. p. 286.)

Di chonnik caithrir rawsee si mannist......

caithrir seir rissni soill troyg ym boyle...

Caithrir kinni di chonnik ann vagwss caith(rir) gollin a wasgin is fith kneich skay* gassga in geeill.

Kenn Cha*ill nar cloo o cha* tre chinn a thrur in“ (morzy*) lasgi Iwnni in caithry* kinni la ga we gi angi z(er).

Is see er twssi togi doof kenn Cal*yl ni greach naywe(ir), kenn Teig zar haywir illi inarg fygin zar hwrnow.

Toggowr zownn no zey sin nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;kenn Ve*nis v” vec Caihill,

di noth* ken Royre rwmnii nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;soyli Iwm gi a loywme.

Coppane her a chut daill woyni di Royre roskwawld, di bi heim minnis erre kenn mo chreissi in kennsin.

Di chreddi za glwni* feyn nek in geine er a zwssi glan, fad lamm tallow harrit, ayge in neir charrit.

Seywe Iwm Caithill a kness zlynni is in mek chrei*ch nane lann senn greiw oyni* gor er fad ane oye zar rin.

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The Dean’s Text

9 Caithill Tawra si thrair m“ torchis ossill fa ane leg,nbsp;fayir lane ane oye is farr er clayr air oynich (er).

10 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Invin kinni di chardeis mna nar chur yre zanera*' la,nbsp;er cur ynni orri sin invin coolli ne g(ensin).

11 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Invin a kginni gelli do ve bree di wree gilli

tre rere zavvny* agis re feyn er tei* ane waile zei‘k.

12 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.... soywic sleyve bry ne rei*^ agki ac Ernenbsp;.... reithin erri sin veiss a rolli rei*re.

13 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Caithri* twrri wor Weayve, caithri* claa clynne Tawra,nbsp;caithri'^ naithry‘chi zi neif noechar waa clay*quot; eaididdoyr.

14 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Caithri‘ ba'^ richt baywe, caithri*' loywm lane chalm,nbsp;caithri'^ dreggin one woynw wuggi di beggil erchor.

15 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Caithri*^ bi chalm er chowle creatht, ead beoy*^ noe*^ layi*quot; neaw*',nbsp;lowithi a barri er chowle \n sleyg is di bew ead caithri (egi‘).

16 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Caithri coskgirri‘ croT, caithrir naary* noe oonyth,

ne roT er each wyg Vssni caithrir mir in cathrow sin.

17 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Is moyd is gi coyr a gein caithri gawli*quot; glane zaill,nbsp;a mak sawli na*^ cha nwlli si Wanve aggw zayssin.

18 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Di chonnik o Chro'^chane Chwn is dail cha‘ chneT chuggin,nbsp;fHwch in nyge zai‘ri in ir halli in cathri zi chonnik.

Di ch.


(MS. p. 117.)


Mor in feym freggirt ni wyag hie fane scheacht an drong guss in deggit go ayflac er gi laa.nbsp;Nach zane nairrad bead ga aywflych scheac ga‘nbsp;owyle zar chur dwn« in dyffrfs gwss a weg.nbsp;Beggane di lonmych ni wyag slonensich dewfnbsp;nor tiggit fyr ny fyag zyac crwe.

Beid gow mein cardol cayfnych mar is dlewe as near currir ead ar chardis cay nac tug.

Gawit mee zann rewayn zarfy agfs rwde crommid knoffyd a mallyn mvn er mwnn.

Go braa noc cha charra kangnaa sin na zutt seyg ni waa raan weas nam agny tugga mee.

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The Dean's Text


Gai zolk a waddin noir is leyr na ga maa di neid erry grad go ra zrad ree nyw raa.

Cant’ loo cho linn nac arrych ir dosk feynne ffeir gi sanvrear ta dasky am bea spes.

Kact nyn droct charrit er ast’ big in ganee errymsi in sin er skay nar is bo gna wrnde.

Is di wearrwme zoyve lane no layve dim chwdch. cawnit rwmsi la zan gair ra mayn voge.

Er in dall is mor ym bray huggi dute hean?i v® sawlla ag mak aanre noch chin nwle.nbsp;Beggane di lonffa ni wyag slonffae maanbsp;mek e hwlych m'’ e amrnych ead in gaynw.

Mek e wothcaryth laa sawry* zeyrts grayne mek e hirry*^ mek e hanty*^ ead gy*^ leyr.

Tigfeid mna zeif zyag cheari* orm fane sach gow to''noy‘ sancty'' sheiry‘ hit gi banna.

Gwn deillit essit eissur ar ri hacha wearre sheirry*quot; na zaa heirry*^ laa mir nert.

Agfs gil weass fo hedy* din tress far agfs innile di ne deyndych er gi nac.

Is mor awyd fyg cheirry*quot; woyme lay gann di nead bagry* agus freichach gin wei beg.

Say anma bagra in daa herrach faa fedda tigfeit fyig zeive re hottill ree ny« ree.

Gille mo zryg re choggir drut in nayr innis fokkill no da okkill zof gi deanw.

Ga heach is far hag in nollew see d’ schead cunnis a zerris ay sin tossych keid a each.

Mean learn zillissy* re wroskill cornyw clayr gac eac zinssis ay re hottil zeyfmir weas.

Errir ormsi halli heggisk haal nor dyi in tein eac booysly zeacew di wei er zryeg.

Beg nac fyg vek is aythir e mir sin creddi in nis a zant’ aggin vmmy sin.

Ruggid’ ar baa is er gabpil as ir dy is keal is farri id ta aggin tryle ra gossi.

Gow fynta coyc is far agcwng re dol er tosk, gow tei Oyne v' Donil dawy*^ chorkis rynn.

Zyg er in nar lyniskir lawyc rachoyd synn gi nei‘ tuggomor gi strasta commo lynn.


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The Dean’s Text

27 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ma say tn'’ Ayne in nolt aynvog zeikts riniinbsp;gai cart camm lat, a rei Barnis nyn armm noct

28 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Aytheik ni fyg nac d’nis a chur ortnbsp;sweac mee er a zalwoss a hort zawf.

29 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Did mwntersse ihek Eargis hugiss cryifnbsp;mujitir dut agis e in nAlbin gi flat feall.

30 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Muwtir dut ni fyag awfly a olt fear

an deiss in fer a franguff scheacad schear.

31 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Canni ay red znwss zerg zlyn is mac neafnbsp;mu'wtir miss zOyn og arne aggi weame.

32 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Munt’ zwt o mwrri gow monni dya za deiynnbsp;gommo tow zawis in sollic dley eiak.

S3 Gin g’ deikfs kin da d’nit er a gann

cawny rwmsi m swle zormm sang wog ag oil wann.

34 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Aytheik ny fyag nac d’nis hekkir leammnbsp;dy zoywir woyme e gi horlow na neiss far.

35 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ni baa is na cappil di skeillis as di heyg

mor a beg lat vome di zeineach boo er a won«.

36 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(De)arrych slaywin sangwoir seiach er ri zryegnbsp;dearninsi nes royag molta did znoyss ree.

37 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;As tow is croy in gness chrotda cawfee mea

as tow is bugga wronnna longa rada lynn feyn.

38 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;As tow is far faa clyew cor is mac feych

as to is far faa toir is fa tynnows di clonn Chwnn.

39 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Noc cha wo ort na wske inlit di wossi chwrrinbsp;ffar noynfl is fir derk re imlit drwmm er zrwmm.

40 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;As tow is croy ag cossnow teirri nac bee id telfnbsp;bee id tyge a re Eillyc mor in feymm.


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(MS. p. 177.)

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A clairsich Chnok e Chosgirre churns swoyn er seirrossge,nbsp;a nowlayni* winni wlasstdi zrinn oarranich arristdy*.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A clair boyge is blay meine derk, a wonvirry* veine virzerk,

a zoyllirry* a chelga sinn, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;a zerkga lowinni*quot; lawzrinn.

3 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A wraikgi* oyone o eltew,nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;a innoyrri^ chei*quot; aggintyquot;,

a zownn vinokly*quot; wallycht, a lomm ezinty* eillinnith.

4 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A waa*^ gi a crynni chwli, a chranni taiwy*^ wle,

a choynei*' edd’ clann Dvrnni, a chrani down voey dewwn.

5 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A leyis gi* a lei* zonty*, a hoyge braikgi* baantrith,nbsp;a choye gruaa* oss gormling, a choyle faa* foir winn.

6 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A eine lennane nin noilli*, a chrnt woyith vinn choyllich,nbsp;a radly* chorkrith osskin tei*, a vinn ocht nyn nardree.

7 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A skoi* binni* bog, a clarsich zown D’mitdy*,

a chrowth gin noya o ygin, a zowth coy* in geyto ..

8 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ne choyll coyill mir a grann, er ess Toa Deydim,

a heir zownn leich zatti*, a heywe mowirri* awlity*.

9 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ffoyr traichty* re twnn chwn, a chran tatwei* ta*wr,

ffleyg gane ooill id toychir nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mir zloir elli* oss fincloth.

10 A noyllane schei* schee Lirnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;gin choil a cur id toy,

od troir is teydvvynn git teach, a cheyd winchoyl ne glarsith.

A clairsich.


(MS. p. 30.)

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Maact a tee in sen, a Neil, gyn donenna act how feyn is tee,nbsp;ga bi zerre vee in mesk chae myn anyr it ta mir senn.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Myr nanyr id ta mir sen ir veg is twggin peynna,

di quhoye eysa feynea da zone ea si feanna vor in vil e nail.

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Vrschal aggin er in derka sin cvrra in geil di chaict, aggi's er owyr nyn botht, ne far we in dost na raact.

Bocht di quhoye ai hErin voyne turriss troe zul raha (il), zaig a cwtdy'^ a fa reir in Ramis nyw ryg sin Rank.

Gowis gallir in far bocht nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;da nar ead sai zul in vad,

chai in skail sen fai reir nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;is ranik in re ga bo zad.

“ Cur ai som’’,” erssin ree, “ moddow bre in doyna vocht, anne za nerin a vail huggyr ro gin lane gyn locht.”

Currir in som’’ in bocht nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;sne roithe locht er a rerir,

ane ne za nary*^ za znaa nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;de zoeve o chait a vaynn.

A charrit a barre sin Rank degg ne no gend da cwrra ree Frank feine si venna vak marre sin techdow.

In techtdow di bi zarre zeve vagwss in ree vaann, in gac nyn newle gi a lai de ve fene curre in nar.

In nor nar hug in donenna dorve a vorn vor agga voa cac, ig gare coss in neith zoenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ner annitsa zul gi brae.

A lucht frestil a durt riss, “ ane de, gow sen er a wail; di vyilt sinna ga loth yn vilmyn o throy gow tranne.”

“ Ca fiss doyna nac ai Dea zearfs a veanna ? ” erssin ree, “din neth zow bonnew a choss agus tuggew zin vocht ee.”nbsp;Iss sa durd yn bo*^ nor twggi in choss daa:nbsp;foal chappil di chai fair,nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nac rey na vail gi braa.

Neir zone aygwail in ree nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;is neir zoeve threid sen,

dy*^ zass coss oyr er in nacht di vod nert in nir.

Agsen vrskal er in derk zut, a nech na* cacrynn baa(c), aggfs er owyr ni bo* sne mow is oik ai na smacht.



(MS. p. 57.)

Mor tubbisti no tablisk, terga dunni da na* annit, meovir lomse zarre skail beg vrre ra ay*ins.

Lay egin dar royse ag sweill crei* Foytle, ballyth skayvy* skoy* alynn harle zoy* sin tra nony*.nbsp;Einennyn wail derk wastann harle chwkgym si char(n)nbsp;a sche durrel orrymsy* clwe dymmirt no hye.

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The Dean's Text


Harly* tablisk aggise, za clar riss nor choir chomy*.., loir a wad sith warsingy‘ aggywsi for e worrin.

di wei*^ za chnokbo‘ chrwnni,

Aggwmm in doe ymm’te ymmirt ree gi driKnissi*^

Ne royf zorrin aggumsy* neir we nimmirt aithwaltenbsp;Morrin seiss di hokreissnbsp;huggiss tress er zonneithnbsp;A la clarsi lane tilte harle is morrinsy‘ bayttinbsp;ath tei*' heine no tablisk follow is m’si nard.

Mar gontith ga daynsi seiss less gith wlli*' wrchir, clwei* Iwmmi ne legfe gi brai* er cry* no er chrniry^nbsp;Gar wath miss mir ymmirdy*quot;, ga loy* di zlossin morrin,nbsp;in neim cbeyme neir chinnemir yrry* di chonnis cotchin.nbsp;Di zayve annoynn ymmirtee miss in derry* a clwe*^,nbsp;a tablisk di g’ wreississe makkeiwe ne bossi bwkgi.

Di quhoye fer dyji morrinsi a mow is sto fa dowe, is mow di chur wrry*^ ssi

forry/ra se quhoye 'm clwei*. ach trur in dwssa clwe,nbsp;de zon siss in tress duwnith.nbsp;is crai‘is mo za zeist,nbsp;woy*^ gir tillei*^ no teith.

na brissy'' a clair coy‘dee. di haskis mo rur forny*',nbsp;go waywm clar cwmsy*quot;.nbsp;a heynymm di weirmiss,nbsp;da dreyne munny* meine zayge rwss is v cwle no kille.nbsp;Me re cay‘ neir chommist mimmirt gow kayna is coy4n,nbsp;in veyg warrit morrin si cho d’nvin ywir tubbisti.


Er fagaill no caithry*^ sen atayt o hen aggumsinbsp;Benn gin neintin eirenny*'


A Howd’ so Dermoyd 0 Ifprnann.

(MS. p. 112.)

Cayne o nac waka in voem, ne linni na*^ lane dwlle, ni carffi er cloo in nirt gin lanvin doil no dymmirt.nbsp;Ffada lam cann ni boynni Teyg finn foa ni coy411yth,nbsp;a kayr a tre o tyg faew deyve as gi inard.

Ffadda lamm cryy corryth, fadd lamm in Lothlynnyth coyr masssyg cwneF ar ChayHll far boeny‘ zi vayachin.

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1'far dow in gany* clog in downy'' play yn peyin sim p®or, in farronw Charn Cwnei'' lynn synn Banbf bwny'' o borrynn.nbsp;Di chownis is coy^in Iwme math ymmirdy'' iyrrynnnbsp;gurla marri follew o fynni na choy'^ir ca nac cwrfinni.

Dio Iwcht swill meenys meine is dew in drolane sin daltein saw far cardycht taw ra twnn si m’gi meil or morrin.

As dew far coewait a claar a,gus in mvlt o mewnenair, as dew ni fir weilla nac mar, bead sin iw greive knossye.

As deif iw gay^ane goonfi, is deif foiss foo ni ssmoniquot;, Willeam phille as tlaam iw dool as lane elli na'' abbrwm.nbsp;Girrydde is Gormla creiffa brillin soychta san cheirryth,

is tullin caltych keippi.

Wilzam dreiquot; deist deirrytht, a chomme cread fa galfynw.nbsp;m“ no laaryth is law allachnbsp;agis skobe chair er dowf ooly.nbsp;toole feach is in feylligane,nbsp;fegsi no cleyrri iw carfoi''.nbsp;gaer in dreggin is in doeane,nbsp;fa dymmoyin a zyg vrchir.

mor cantach a chwnniw tee Donil foyr sin far so steachnbsp;inillyquot; forna is far ar fyille,nbsp;An far gath sin far so machnbsp;Maagnoadda is Neal yn bollenbsp;An brok is braag er wegganenbsp;cow reawee faa geyrri gowcnbsp;Ffoo nyw scottog skawfnbsp;assnyth in oar ni hwlcha






Peyn is cornil is kyill an bygir ry'' syn boachill cakka mowin giw inarrin as Lw m'’ Mawnarra.

An seyve nosych is in swrry* a choy* is in coy''irlich convelon dea er gi eane teach Donil shear sin san leyntac.nbsp;Am byggirra sin bwlli* in gydich sin glenwwlych,

Dermit lawzar bert gin wall tark nac armin iw (nyzin).

In clookca far gin vrri as in cwllane coyach toy^wog rooyn teive affus toolenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;meil in noyer sin daa arbill.

Teyffane eichdir ayrrewis maa, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;teitfane ocht’ anma ella,

an tres teiffane treane ni war annew iw trair ra durr(y'').


(MS. p. 32.)

Enyth____ is ma er nyilt ra mile zow

o rewrow voir gow schee vrow schroil di vyw orrew. Lwm hie fer beg gw brow vdane o innawinwnbsp;re wrow mir senw a‘ schee wrow ne vlli a hywnawle.nbsp;Skailleit ann doynnei* sskoil aynei*'nbsp;cawleP chwle chornei chwne is clairrei*.

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The Dean's Text

4 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A hwrlar blae di fleiskew ir vee aynnoenbsp;a toee vein detty*^ ayn fynni ni fewe.

5 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A heny* ra hoil a keily*^ doir is diwdronenbsp;sork in te dalk is yge er in done skoogge.

6 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A solse ra schaive si dorse er in greine gaarggenbsp;dorris er ched er in drave dalgor deve holl..

7 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Gi monwor mor is koil or gi ane dorr(as)nbsp;re ossil ann gi eith gin oath giw alchei''.

8 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Giw delve zoo gyn teinn cloo gyn tawtei‘

gim weiss gin wrek gin eiss giw eed gim al(chei'^).

9 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Is mevoyynni ra ven vdane in vanchurre

ne vein zaig zale gin iii“ benn na bane churre.

10 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Bantry* bevoo beg loyic vlk na*' torrw(nit)nbsp;roo zil in gwrp riggi in wit in wib.

11 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ollew in ree erskg''idy'' lege v® boyenbsp;rosgow gormm lye na dornw in donyrre.

12 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ben in nollew gley vinni gi glor za gannit scheenbsp;benw alyn oog yn lawin or zi chedlit sche.

13 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Trane er in ree glare mor m® Glass v® Gloyrenbsp;ffar glorrur gark sei'^we ire foownji ordda aynvil.

14 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Dalown ire reig ire nwl for chom chorn deivenbsp;invin firryn di we ire villin mi vouchille.

15 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;xvii I’egis deik ire mouchsy* ire Iwth cleive chommi senrenbsp;cay'^rir im chriss fer ren gire niss ire mwlchwiss.

16 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;RaTwak in ree er mvnni meil moyg marckiHrnbsp;fer folt chass fail dany* coo anmi fage folthollis.

17 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Sai derteis oge agfs wrri ire te gyreni sloge suirnbsp;wthe is mor og® ir weircharri i.

18 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Agsen mathty’ zut a v® letta nir mor mewenbsp;a arreiss aille Iwm hanyc feyn lir mor neny*.


Elle nyn dre brairrin.

(MS. p. 87.)

Igh hi downre charrit hyrayn, ne elli my cheymm a*^ yg mawle dwll or astyr bi lesk lamm ir wastaa noe‘ cha naymyn.

Noeth chai naeymynre ir vastaa noicht is arevin maist’, broik chroye hann gire hesk feskgir croye lommi gire loskga.

Q. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;5

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sy‘ morran awwinny‘. naissy*^ longy*^ gi raavoir,nbsp;fardi cormm a choyoyll.nbsp;is farr* fally*' na gawfi,

Ard sleyve no gi slea*’, is far keylli no coraiiTi‘, is farr zin na* beggane fin nanbsp;Is farr zin chorp long gi loyrrinbsp;is farr*^ fer keylle na in toyr, isnbsp;Is farda kney* a kness na*^ cli,

berrei*' gi*^ layi*^ lessichy*' . netyr mor er skay‘ nayr.

6 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Tinnollit na*^ gin narriwn ma*^ commyn gow ymskorrnbsp;ffaell gi dwn a*quot; gi rei‘ less is fayty* nea‘ gow hagriss.

7 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Mir eithir fairnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ninbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;faei* faissi fair elli rompei‘,

ga nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;royve narthnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;renbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;hoyr doithly‘, hik hoyr hoithly*nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;na hallei'quot;.

8 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ffaissee slatti er fyig fonni is g’rit garri fin chwill,

is oiss lat fair is foyni, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mark a nei‘ sayr er seir clonni.

9 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Is blaeP brat no blaalein, is dlwith derri no dryneine,

is farr goyve no card nair deir, is awsyth cari* na chonveir.

10 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Isnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Iwich birrfinbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nanbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;corrp, is ferrfi anny* no erwirrfi,

is nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;far far faellnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nonbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;far gann, , commy* enny*^ is amnvin.

11 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Dewich gi a chonny* farnn o’’, deuch gia schemy*^ flw'^rwicbt,nbsp;dewich gi a bey milli maiss schen, dewch gia deny*^ dro'^wen.

12 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Da dreane dewe darry* dron, da drane schenfi sy*^ vownith,nbsp;da dreane geltae re glenow, da dreane serki seir hellith.

13 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Da dreane leskga laive re lair, da drane meskga deoch rawoir,nbsp;da dreane failla fer gin chroyve, da dreane daeny‘ sy'^ loywyr.

14 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Da dreane flwi*^ re far naa, da dreane cawf re bar we,nbsp;da dreane gefi re darry*quot;, da dreane gallir sinneithb

Igh in etc.


Gorre Finn.

(MS. p. 165.)

1 Nefiyr leinte in lein din teill neityr in linn,

is mor ni sloe vei‘ ag Finn, varrin kane na corre glinn,nbsp;ne ma‘ blass ne geir.nbsp;mor in teaicht Mvrch m“ Wrane,nbsp;cli churri far er in tleyve.

ne he a choirre a negi far, di chojinik fea* gin ve gall.

ymmi try ass soo go Roie,

Itta zei* sin nard nair, ne mengy* hue dwnni zaa einenbsp;Ffadda sorch gow mvr Greig,nbsp;is iftvin lay dw/ini a wennnbsp;Neichir yvvirnw ansith Royve,nbsp;ne we dwnni beoa gin veyg,

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The Dean's Text

It ta clwg ym belli ay clai*, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;fad wea mi skaye m geyll,

is dorcba in neich na in lay*, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;re dane a wei* Gorre Finn.

It ta Cwllin in gyyle faill de we flawze in ball ay loynn it dymreis clwcht trair is ymmi askgi er a moe.

Di quhoy Pat’k er a groi* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;gaw di zoynn a w“ way crath

ansy* narri* weiss a chask nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;di churri caynn erni knaa*.

Wrrwm o chai* ag clyne Neyl, neir obbis in ryr mi chwd(i), id ta far goo teir in deir in naie, sokre in trae na ni knok.nbsp;Di neyn troyve lay cay* it ta in tayk in genn ni sloye,nbsp;di cbonnik ma caslane clo* is di chonnik locht na zoo.



Is my nanir wei* fa zeyni ga bea fer ymbei* in dane, gay bea dwni na* twk rinni* may mi chutti d’dane.



Autor huius Dunca Mquot; Calleine etc.

(MS. p. 149.)

Teacht’i churris i gayne, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;marg me feyn quhy no far irt,

di rinnich zoyss za zoyn nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;teacht’ith in noenn o nark.

Ag rnnae will arlin mir oor churris gay mor yn bayd mi chompany* is mar rowne, ne liiacht haynit zowny* in da hayd.nbsp;Ne haynic zynnissi nyn skayl a bayl ra ne bail di zrut,nbsp;di rinn er ayris in nane at nar chaych foyl mir chwtte.

Gi nee zar cart’s er raa ree ni dreat ree, da feyn i rinnytht gi dess agis d’mitt’ less mee.

Di baddi missi nir noor da ea.show voyme in gayne, arg anwone ra heth reiss gin gin dany* no heime peynn.

Nor mir a lei* a feyth dow er a chorp a doll o nargk, da bayg schea orth less feyne di chor less mi a Xt.

Gow sleyve Scheane lay loynn far in deik in sloyg voor leacht, rner cunin in gonnew Creist na a basse veis a teacht. T.

yn nab Donil g’ gille croy* gark er fecht, is schaa senn techt’ is far is schee is gor veyss yth teach.



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(MS. p. 161.)

Fadda a tei*^ in nessew eviwnis, fad a holim be woye, mir a tamsi na vrling ca vil cuwrith is croye.

Scelli fa nanneit menteine inleicht dine may vonnicht, nor a weiss cai*quot; a gayvnisnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;di neymsi gar cowe.

Dim zarlkith hanpa eneih mir a taymmi is enich levvissi, nem duttim loa is ne marrin neiw boa is ner challi missi,

Selim na*^ wil er talwonm eine vaksawlla mi zallir, ga tei'quot; mi chorp er m’rin taymmi er skarrin re m’rwmm.nbsp;Einenea*^ za wil er doybn di choey*' na zi charrit,nbsp;cha chlwnnum is cha nakgwmm (e)innei* is ait Iwm na is avinit.nbsp;Noe‘ cha nwl me zee ag kin einne is atte Iwrnm sin na?i soo,nbsp;cha winni Iwmm einnei‘ chewm cha dwle is cha dein davsa.

Mur oe is Katreine a greywe is mei*' zi weithis, fforreit missa west diquot;* fada tei*' in nessew evinnis. Ff.


A howd’ soo Oyne m‘ W(urreith).

(MS. p. 49.)

Ma di chwddi*^ a charbit well ga zi churrei* meih gow bayssnbsp;Macht in tannit vakkeive oignbsp;troyg na*^ inni dar da zow*'nbsp;Neir zlostir scheiffin is steFnbsp;na gir werenis deyme mi hosk,nbsp;Twkgin na‘

rayny'^ toive o zow(ow)... troyg na'^ willum gow lay id..nbsp;poyik re poik is sliss re sliss,nbsp;cor gin weadin dull id raht.nbsp;na'^ currin tow sen in gall,

a wakkeiwe gin choiss (g)in (t)ayv.

tow Orrill linn fer a weF gin eylli gin mna, gay robwor a leggir lag anneymm na*quot; tow mak re Greyg.nbsp;Mak ree Errin ne tow feynn, a vakkeiwe oid gi?i gryv (gall),nbsp;ne twss in daynee teyni gay zey foiss di barri ni so.. ,

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The Dean's Text

Ne in dow Ossgir nin narmwi gorri, ne in to Gowle Morni mo(ir), ne in tow Ossin nar ayr na* far ri* pronny*^ eacht is oir ?

Ne in tow Eachtir fa hard gnei*quot;, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ne in tow Cowrei‘ nin sleyg (g...),

ga zeyg ne in tow cow nin glass nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;far na‘ be er lass nin nane ?

Creyd in fa*^ fa leggir lat iye zall amp; bayle darg, hwss gin nane eaykill hoiss gay roi‘ loy‘ a zayvir ferg ?

Ne in tow Manni?rnane m“ Lir fer er ym bey neive in gaich, na Meygir na Mek in noik fir lay dantir morri wach ?

Ma‘ di chwt.


Autor huius Dunca Ook Albanacht.

(MS. p. 273.)

Da zawlo* zeig is sy‘ dane, ne chotchin ead re nymrai, dlee dave hecht harst vii grae ille orrimseyknbsp;Inneir na molly* mak brone myr na* be iss aggimnbsp;ir inynnissin arm itmyss ewe holloneny*.

Ne doil mar ag mak brone fiss aithir vlli* aggvme .... lait lannew mir sen barrir in mak gyn va*ir.

Tre rai* torry* id tame, hanik mynve gy* hymlane, trome teve o nolchis ollei* torchis heir ag hollew.

Ag sen anymm wcht gal mak brone in nollew il nar in tee holle wis in neir is se in torchis in tatheir.nbsp;...* er nenow mir veeis ben dleyr in nollew ilnbsp;.... ne wrai* gyn niss rai clai* is trowme gy* torchis.nbsp;Vrskail wenis ra wre senn milgoilly* ag na* be br..nbsp;dy* choil er choi*keil brye coy* o heve Taltynn.

Lai eggin in de ha wry* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;in rowe coy* caythrny*,

Dy* hark vlly* issy*oil, wmemy* zy* len coy* keil

10 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Heggit chuggy* choilly*nbsp;gar y* zanniddyr gai hiss

11 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Troye in tynnis id ta er,nbsp;torchis fynnil agus feil

gyr ling er lair y* chrei* graw feilly* agis fynnilly*.

agsen wir in norskeil,

dy* choy* var in vakkew. mai ley Errynny* vlly*nbsp;ner lawiddyr y* lyiss.nbsp;dy* rai ley dyn ny* leyew,nbsp;ga innynry* na enteine.

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The Dean's Text

Bee marve nor marve less in sisseik ka din dy*^ channbsp;Marve coy*quot; nar claith stolenbsp;ffyMneil nar dlee da innei*^nbsp;Dro* horchis choy'^cheil brye

y*' wrair borbe in nayss, radly* vissy* ny'^ bait*^.nbsp;y*^ wrair feine in vynnilnbsp;in syrry*^ slanety*^.nbsp;is mak brone in nollew il

in da horchis dy* hoe ma horchis in gor la cheilly^

id ta neir ge gar nabbr(e..) torchis nyn neir is albe.nbsp;sen tearnn ossil egginnbsp;is see nolch annathin.

torchis id ta in vrone


Ig faddo is ste fame hwne ny*^ fokchis in teve is stee

16 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ne vait ga chelt sath y‘nbsp;dyn horchis iss sai is sair

17 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Skeilly'^ vme my'^ eggin de



zeggynny* horrim ny‘ heir zaddai.

Da zallotht.

zone ne horchis y‘

leggit foeve torchis ny*quot; trothy‘ 18 Ne chaggoil geil no gawlenbsp;nayhr newe zeme in dane

mark y tenny*


A Hud’ so Dunca Campbel.

(MS. p. 10.)

Fadda o walle dea na mnae, ne heny‘ ra‘y va gy‘ hoik, o hawd re milly‘ gy‘ sloye o Essroye gow Hynnis Ork.

0 Chapud Fenis mo zess nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;guss y* Verve by* wress cvrm

ne el oik ven no ben lai riss nor ympo Dea zrwme.

We Yrriss Awye in nir gow hirris dy‘ chra*^ M“Roye ne ellF ben sne royve reyve nac da walle Dea fane.

(Y*') chadwin dy*' wally*^ Dea nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Eaw, nir vai sen (less),

chreid mir vavle yn wen doy‘ Aw in serenor troy gin cin. Da vi ben roF Eawe and athgai dossy^' by*^ cla(n) er sin,nbsp;ne he zy*quot; wallezy* Dea ath ven dy*^ wea er dess.

Woo ta mna mallei*^ reyve is dy*^ zoyne dea gy‘ b..,

is myr sen dy‘ na* gor zin

bi gane deggiss ne el fa. ... walle Dea.

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{ovud)yr soo Kn Bard M” Ynteir.

(MS. p. 266.)

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Da zanyth longga er Loth Ranny*' gy* hvrchody‘ hynnseychtnbsp;ga hastrh’s edrome arlovv fassing dedly* doydalve.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In long sen da loyir lind neir chom connd doyr roy‘in,nbsp;coirrit a heny*quot; dinsy‘ ka feiry*quot; da forrinsycht.

3 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Burd da dulloga drissy‘ oo chorrewy* keyve liss,

ard ey*quot; vone a mest mowe nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;targny*^ drissy‘ za dlovy*.

4 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ranga lair da lothyr creinnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;tow‘tymm cossoga clar weine,

raive di skalby* rawny*' royve ra graney‘ farg fywnoyr.

•5 Grand swille di cvlkna chalma re mvr doyrra dannira, slat vrane er kowl i cryne cwlane dour er a done..

6 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Cabla di caith orna er sroi‘ew ga seir hoilla,

soil srayvin riss in carve zoe, dawif sarve agna sroi^'ew.

7 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Long nyre dro'^wan a der cat



coyr twlla sy*^ lucht sin Iwng Ni mnaa mess gaca morranbsp;sail ter in less ansan Iwngnbsp;Ni mnaa lomma nar rew sennbsp;tym*^ her in goss andsy*' gervenbsp;Ni mna lawry* erga la deinbsp;in gwry*' re teve toynenbsp;Ni mna cotkin coirsenn

rissin Iwng gyn grow' noy(nigh), re hwch twnny‘ za torr(in).nbsp;na derri er dro'^coyr,nbsp;frestil gin awgin vrrwme.nbsp;er lappi drym degvir,nbsp;brossne er in geith gley zerve.nbsp;er kenknem carve,

;ei* fuyly* fokkil.

OSS kinn cat ansy*^ gransin,






in derry‘ re gei*^ glann dlei*^ tomy‘ fann den(ich).

Ni mna oyry‘ vlly‘ in dop crann ni cheve Iwnge gin caddo gin ca'ga zai ac farg fada o fergi.

Torrin trane ansy‘ mvrre mor fark er eir vmtew in nayor, cwthy*quot; er cargw clac, srow farg go fallyhnbsp;Ffrassi garve re gei‘ varte, cargy‘ lommi mann lowark,nbsp;frei‘ er tossgirrew tonn, gei‘ y* brossny* maim dymchil.

Onnow garve re gei‘ natht za gasy‘ mann cwtdyHa, gow mvr taat asssna* teg long sal y*^ taita man dymchil.

Edd’ kenn is cossi is laif gyn de deilli er ni droth ihna er cheF chone er charda mat er varga vrei*^ won vaddi. Dy‘.nbsp;Tai Ian lesswer mi longnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;m’’ Challann Dunca Derchor

er zalrai er znaig er zat nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;di wna nyn darna datta.



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A Howd’ soo S'quot; Duncann Kermont.

(MS. p. 106.)

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(T)ug gir a fergi in teadda is nac fvvin schaa ayg gi braa,

is in drinsay zomblass er mnawe is nar zoyve in layve ay traa.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Er in gorrone a taa ym chend da wewin ay ir lamm fame heive,

di zeik gissay cut da locht na nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ssay a chorp in lawe.

3 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Is fergy‘ a weiss a ir

is di byid cor za gaell Is fersing choyg fane teirnbsp;eny‘ in sant ir in naidnbsp;Ni hoyslyn ne skarrit riss,nbsp;in neadsin vinpi ne mynrenbsp;Ni burvvassi is in toycht

is vmmi sin di wei^ii doyS di choylaa ma fain?i. zoo.

edd’ gi rei*' is gi flaa, is gin essin na hayd mnaa.nbsp;is awle in nissa id taa,nbsp;gin ger smenit kyn yn mnaa.nbsp;neillit yve woa fa nead,nbsp;is ne eaddir loa skarrin riss mir a zani naa ness braak.nbsp;A ferrew weiss gi sen agfs aggissin ben?i oog,nbsp;ne annissa vmpi gayd na gi gurrir ay fay hood.

In wen ten isin fer oog Iwim er in royd fame wrai, nac annit sche. vinni gayd zw gin dany‘ in teag da laa.nbsp;Awiss elli hag ni mnawe, is eny*^ dayve ir in grueit,nbsp;nac lowit zanit ead ga di ri?init bayd agus tug tug.


Is say massni er Wur ooe a zwit slooe er in gwi mi heir ra ewirn oair lay wraa de loyn agus tuggi.


A howd’ Dunca mquot; Challeine in ridd'e mat.

(MS. p. 111.)

1 Kyrda da d’na Donil donn na will isse ag na* in gree

na ca poolein royve a wane, cred in ee za d’na ea.

Gi Iwe arenosil si wei* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;quhy sen quhwke kenn a genn,

men togil agfs lin roeg cak madda Agus foil menn. Laynn cleyf a woyth’ no boo benit vor in royve tort,nbsp;ross a zawfin cut da wane is deane brane weiss in gort.

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Bwn a chassarwenw is a war domblass eyg agi's gar ma(rt) quhoe m'' loa hugge gi loyr is cwrm voor di chak mwk.nbsp;Branane broy‘ agws knayf is Iwss lawe weis sin looynwnbsp;gallany‘ zowis a wail is oik in naill ter a hooyn??,.

Mak y?i lest’ gill a crwe cur missi zwe a gail

is di gi dwHui* will er wiyquot;^ Lwffit annwm Zonil dwn?inbsp;nach faga aynji dwn woss

gi?i dee sin a rmni‘ ea. sin talwin so cwm Deynbsp;bo zeir corp agis crey.



A Howd' so Donil leith Mquot; Cowle T Gregar.

(MS. p. 199.)

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ta trur callin is ssne glor ym bally‘ moor in noyt weine,nbsp;in trur eachlych is deir dath in neir gi maith in neyme.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Trur hay giii neady‘ gin ra*^, trur is keyr dayth is leith,nbsp;truir id taa faa wroskill wryyill gyve vosklyth as a genn teiss.

3 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Oss eggin in gorre er folwe in trur zorm a loyis meih,nbsp;hug sawir a goyme culli ta‘win er gi conni is teir.

4 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Hug aildeis in duilli wowne diw trur ga dany‘ ma neir

ni buidda zeista chorri is steach na gin deiska math i?? dein.

5 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Mir sen tuk darri in doolie agus balli trome in schreillinbsp;a,gus sawTr in dolli mowna na‘ fay dir row me si cheilli.

6 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ness ony*^ zeyry‘ merg legge may ossnard mi rowne,

din trur wantry'^ na*^ math mayne is tayve zensy*^ Dea nyn Do(ole).

7 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Hee oonne ga in dowich ni coyni, a Dowlle ni skol issni glaar,nbsp;tynnall di zyir is di chonni da vyit in norri si near.

8 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ach gi lawrwm rut in narm»?i yw bandtryth garve id ta drow,nbsp;cowe tow gillin ga rair na linge orth a feyn di chow.

9 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A mare nekgille zvynni ganbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;tanbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;di wurnre assit feyyn,

is mor makgirle fane wrowcht nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;di fit royne fowk trie ernbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ry''t.. .

10 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Soynet ni dalli in wen gai bayllinbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lai bi* schelli fa steim

hay tess ni greissi na toolli nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;brow cheik ry*^ loomm ninbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;meil.

11 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A zawak ga in dane may in neir, a zlawak veidl ni meil gorm,nbsp;awrow ni bajinycht neach straycht di hout ca derk is deve.

12 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Annew a chellyn dar gayl ossi essa sen ta fir drayne

fair bitny‘ Iwdny*' gin tla‘ is clwggany'^ diw chak raym bay!.

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Mir zalli hyich fa wlay a tyill gi raa is gi mvrri sawilt gi kelli*^ zin trair dany‘ walli* Dea nyw dowle.

Truir a zawe darri na doyn, trur zar walli*^ coil is cla(ir), truir a weissi a gewy* er hard,

Is coor in gur tammil o nwlli truir is loich nayn brak laynnbsp;Ben gow part ni bryill derga,










truir rair deyry*^ ferga. in truir gair walli* gi*^ minn,nbsp;toichin is caka is (slyre).nbsp;na cwmmew kelga ma ny... inna,nbsp;a slukca gi layi.

Donoyit ni dalli lay toyn gow parti voor ni bryill tee, o zaw schee in glennym sa mass ga genngi di chaa fa claa.

Gow heawlak is math fein in darni benn seis din ni mnawe, gow bei* sche faa eggin droole ga raibi si toole re lair.

Gow heawelak nyn doath trayne nor a heyd dawok feyn no... hay tessin tewni na toolle si derri gi troomm er crih.

Her kyn gorrin njn doone mer cormyn schalli ne kille zvyne gow trae leichti ni warri dess na gin neissli tess a twle.

Gow Downe Eaddin is mach cwrm nar hee di neille zvnn na za gi cow is gi gyir na lorga re sygith borbe a da wassi.

Nor in nei*quot; schead chonnir da pit is na* fayin sche disk zin(ni), gow mosssillnircht nawray twnni croske neillzwne gow t(inn).nbsp;Nair hir my4t in dwle nische ma zus grwnt nin skaillnbsp;na wuill balli is clodda gi calli na trot wa thrae.

In nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;truir callin is scherve glornbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;isnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;glengor roy mornbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nanbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;baw(le)

ga nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;di hogry* teach nar deirnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;achnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;na tuggew meirnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nanbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;genn.

In nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;trur za driwiii ma in neirnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ernbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;linni cha chenwinbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ninbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mnaa,

drowis agfs ygill agis colli nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;tygiHnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;era mon id ta.


gow waye sassi a curp a say'^e


A Howd’ so in Persons.

(MS. p. 267.)

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Cred fane sethinsa surry* ? ka fai fai vilgin feine*

gin surry* er wna smei* ym less gy* myr gi bein barty* sprei ?

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Kai farry* zarri bei* syvir na vi gi dyvir dalli ?

acht bod is shraine is swssin ne roeve ag login derre.

3 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ane deggow go bei* din vramtry* banna gin a hansy* d’ renbsp;da verree hansy* herriss der awniss gyw alvin.

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4 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;0 tayd mir sen gy*quot; soy'^ry* fai holsy'quot; ga maid mvrnn,

ath gai tamsy*quot; ga noth cronn, ka fai fai sethnyn surry'


wna doy‘in dawe one chaid ar zi heilnawe.

a luct nyw bane kness breyg, is gyr chur ai nait yme ?nbsp;di heyny‘ Iwe no eady‘nbsp;cred for chelk swe in grekgybnbsp;Mass far er zeiss is ir zlikkisnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;y* zramm zerk less dai balew,

cred far elswe in re roth zlik nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Solle Solle orrik m“ Dawe ?

In phalsi Erristotil doct’ sin nalle levin,

cred far elswe a vranty‘ dann ir nansy* in gleir chwe ?

Mass sy'^ cowyHhy'quot; mir chawnan fir mane lannane rair noik, cred far elsew er alcur in glakcour o vord boynne ?

Dar alin da bi fir ne gni cred hwg fir gadrew corry‘ re eine zaik berk ni surry*quot; ordoyne nyn gave drongy*'.

Dar vynn da bi fir nansy*quot;, a wrantry*quot; in olt ear woike, cred far elsw gy*quot; hokle er orodde er zermit ?

Trey gy‘ nac zor lawrfs a bi awle ag yn nor gai wnee ne moid ajjsy*quot; teve re brawtry*' na danew.

Ilwit mangan?ie da baischow is da skallew id fair ymmchil, ne clwnvin cor za gorrew veis orrim na enewcht.

Hor f nar arre na miss gin zley gin vrissy*quot; bo'’ne

Cred ee iflay so voil orrew nic dorsew fir deil deinarnbsp;Dar croic dan hi fir naliss,nbsp;cred far elsw er v“ Cowlenbsp;Hirkil tress trane in talvonenbsp;mass far rothrane dy bar lew







ca fai fai sactsinsa surry*quot;. Cred fai sactsin surry*'.

reyg zin sy*quot; gna mir zaltone


A houdir so Gerroyd Erie.

(MS. p. 307.)

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Marg a der oik riss ni mrae, bea ga neigni*quot; ne dail crwm,

.. farrid’ di zowth reyve di mawni ne ead di hoolle.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Milliss a brearirreth binni in gloor aikma rair na mor mo vaenbsp;a ga ni is marg nor lok, mark a der oik ris ni mnave.

3 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ne zanit fymnil no faell no nee er am bee grayna no grane,nbsp;no*'cha sairreit keill no clok, marg a der oik ris ni mnaive.

4 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ger esgeine in nawir neive na pinge eir ne darni dawe,nbsp;di willfi*quot; in norrwm na in gorp, marg a d etc.

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76 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The Dean's Text

5 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ag in gree bee in geille invin loo dwnea seang slane,nbsp;fadda gin gawit deiss o cholla, marg etc.

6 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Dwnni eisde layne lae nea mean dwl na zail,

ga bi wor a ebonjiaath si cheiss der in loyvir vess ym laive. ass ansi loo in barre skoo‘, mark a der etc.

7 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Math agus sprey in wea ne few loo a derin nail,

mir aydyr er colk in bod, marg a der oik riss ni mnawe.


Autor huius Dunca mquot; Callann in dy^ ridd’e.

(MS. p. 306.)

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Oyhz is miss in gilli mor ga ta mi gin loone in noss,

bi zolony*^ miss in dey, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ruk in seil a feme less.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Hugge fir narry*' gi mor a zrammi ga vil oar is croyve,nbsp;in seil soo Ian di zoo mir harli zoo amp; doitht.

3 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In dei ga bi wat mi noyg in mesk nyn sloy is me gi brass,nbsp;ne ell aggin in doeyf zi zyle ac skurd zar is cota glass.

4 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ne zamesi doo nee fa nee er in rei*^ a chommi gy'^ (chot),

ga lomny*^ a ta mo clee nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;no‘'cha nabbir me acbt oyhz.


Autor huius Gerroid Eria.

(MS. p. 303.)

Marg a quhwrrig gyle a mnee ga gal a gnei^ is a gloor, gyle ast ne cwrry*^ zarr agis is sesin a choor.

Ma waggom ban nan na binna gyn ... achee firr cburrin mi zyle is lieillin na ...

Tanig farra gin ynimit class as in teif a dass din te.., gor zaf see cor amp; port na farri*^ in no‘ si chrei^

Farri marg a dy heil hork gon di zassus da bethaa st.,, noar dy smynny a croy‘ galgon eymmy ze zor gi braa.nbsp;Mar sin voa maddin gi laanbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;me ag arry‘ ne mna gin ziss

salli ma in deyry‘ a zraim nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;gin dryu in noigveii treal less.

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Gach donna dair gowal ir sheal tingat miss in near so naa, gach ennach dar voal ar bort eadsin a knaid orn fa ca.nbsp;Clyssgom agfs keichlam nail re clastin nyn skail gi borb,nbsp;glaggom arma na*^ daig a weem amp; vearim kemm nane lorg.nbsp;Beromsi er kny*^ nyn long sin noigven chrom er a essa,nbsp;lawry*^ rwm gy*^ gnow''e, a ven, na me in far in roif a speiss.nbsp;A goyvin lat canna maig, a go via lat scliaa a zort,nbsp;a goyvin lat i?mis nyw nane, immit nyw skaal aggom ort.



A ness one la ziddriss tycht ymmy^ less a kny* voass ort, tark ben ag a wil di keal, ber lat er a threall ga*^ merk.


Duncan Campbell In riddere mach.

(MS. pp. 37 and 157.)

Bode breour a tag Duncaa, fadda, faytb, feir zorchaa, rayvir, drumlayin, deirry*quot;, slayvin, curny*, kirtenyth.

Closlaymi, kennrayvir, cromm, gi dezinty*, dattytb, dow zormme, ata bryyle ag in leskyth si kensy gi connythty‘.

Meil ronyth, maal zormycht, glass, foycbi, forranyth, feircbass, gy*^ cronanith, kennzorm, croy, mor wemnith a mesga bawloy.

In namm hag Diinca reoth er lammi nocbai twl s^ayvy*quot;) seir olwitb ym moe si ma‘ feir cbroi‘, fergy*, (fywnow).

Ffoyaoquot;^ flw^'hwlP fai*^ styllit stoyvg staray*

bann lawass a walg a ma‘ in na?i lorg ergy^aiy^).

[Igy*^ colly‘s cayvy*quot; kerkly*^ donna c''st cuslyny‘,

is fad rawy‘ sys rod is awsy* lywn in ray*^ wod. Bod.]


Issbell ne Vek Galleln.

(MS. p. 285.)

Ta fleskgy* er mo hei‘, a wea seintith reamm wroeynn

amp; o clmoyima raymm chness.

Da ym bea gi nee mir my*' wayn?i ne wcith cbayn oddrim gi biay*^.

ga beg sen da chur in geyl Acb ne edromm gin a long,nbsp;essin sortli amp; misssi schear

IS naquot;

twgin se a fein mir a ta.

skail is troyge linn er dess, mir na*^ dig er rair a riss.

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Autor huius Contissa Ergadien Issobell.

(MS. p. 251.)

Estyf, a lucht in ti so, re skail na bod breour, dy hantyth mo chreissy cwt dane shallow dy screyf.nbsp;Ga leneour bod braiwilljcht dy vy sin amsyr royn,nbsp;tak far in nvrd crawe so bod is caf mor roynree.

Bod mo haggird horistil ga ty go fad sessowyh otha keynw an quhallavir in reyf ata na vackanw.nbsp;Atta reyf roiravyr an sin sne skail breg,nbsp;no‘cha cholai choyravyr woa vod arriss es.



Autor huius Dunca Cambell ridd’yth.

(MS. p. 251.)

A bagyrt no hanefoik amp; na meille bane, vm gych pit is tal ogga dy cawle twss dy nar.

Ne edfe'' in ingavail ory‘ no pitte mae dy zenteis in ymlat sei‘ lacail is pitte sacht.

Er chend pitte for Iwcbt di vaie hamy clyssy*' di rach fai fa tormissai coykmeil is meil eritte.

Dai be lowyr zeychta sin ti is ger it zorris di zeare mnessit a ne ratha fa cwte it zoniss.

In bevil blae bindzlory'^ a wee aggit said chommiss is pitte arsing yn nocht se zlak fee er tossy*.

Pitte ook no pite arse nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ona* wltow ga caggilt,

gach nyr sperit amse gyra de hwgy* a haggyrt.

A h...


howd’ soo G’royd.

(MS. p. 88.)

gai moir lat di chroywe, gin wnnnith inni no zoe.

A wenni ny?i dre boi*, bay benn a barr linninbsp;Tiggew arrithann huggit mir is doenbsp;twtte boo her tommi baae pool a zoa.

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3 Is keill camm di chass, is ass glass di chenn, is cass tye ort mir weissbok zaa wenn.

A wenni.


A howdir soo Dunchaa M a Pharsone.

(MS. pp. 88 and l7l.)

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A wen ga will chroywe, na dane orn di woit,nbsp;hay benre in nolt inn nae*quot; dany‘ rinn grwik.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Adowirt Gerroit keif riss a wneith gi maith.nbsp;hay gallir tomm is loygk a goyir choyik bai*quot;.

3 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ta miss oyk glass, it ta hwssi* casss shen,

in traa chei*' mai folt noyh heyd mai voyd a wen.

A wenn.


Per eiggin surreycht.

(MS. p. 225.)

hr is dulle‘ sen nane fane zreyin, trow it ta mai ?

Hugis roy* znaw zy*' wne amp; gyn is y lowye is beg,

Gyn foil’ in da espil deik ny« ven is ansyth Iwmenbsp;Y'' ven so derry*' mainbsp;sy'^ toi^rd dy'^ zunea rame cherd


orrin peyn fa chend ny*^ mnaa.

lawymm y*' hamy*”



vec Dei na* ee my*

V® Mur is mark na* hugis.


Duncha Campbell.

(MS. p. 225.)

Id ta awyr fa ne mna er y* lave y* vakka hawle imbuss da ba zevaine ne dawte tryly* ach tryly* mawle.

Ane dane tryl na thryly* locht hekga ga bee foa no zei ag mnee zoithno agginn ze agsen ne nacht foim ley.

Dane roym rohad tryl ga vai bann in, ben mo vann, lai fer el an rathed sche dy* vera snewe er mo chel.

Keid nis is denta zoith nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;vaka nor heeth roicht zave

in dryil roywale no in dryl loth no durn?^ soss din maua.

Versa corle zut amp; tuk na* and er hoye

dy* rae in gyle reimrn charry* no dann einene go rai lothe.

Na graweir lat gy* mor nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ed gy* dae oir is bacht

da wnae doyn rane reve nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ne hymm zewe it inta macht

Id ta.

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Autor huius A Hein Readdy.

(MS. p. 71.)

Skaill beg haggiwi er ni meawe, ga bee fierfa nabrim ae, ne hinnassim vlli‘ in locht da in deggow gim bolk a znae.

Halt aed dymmowin cotcbin, bei'^ marg a werry‘ teyve ra in gorri eine each za gilly‘nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;bei‘ bonn cha ne ead or er a honn.

Nein wenni lair ha?isy‘ a ferri nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ga in vakki tow barna hayr

zeatty*' gi*^ wakky‘ sin ley'quot; fer no za a beei*^ a meyn.

Her eiss teggisk a fir, tugge essin sen gi*^ kwny‘,

“iwill zarrow foyim zreyn mo rynn feyn dew is tow.”

Commyne seini der sea, “is twssy*^ mo waynw di wnawe, da bei*^ in cruwny'^ faym wreenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;warrin dwti a lee id laiwe.”

“Werri mei‘ a loith sen dwt, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;amp; twkgi ga mor in caiss,

eine erri cbai leith lame chorp a‘ ga day*' tow no*' baiss.”

“Is ferri a chreddiss missy*' senn na in tylic her Iwcht ni breyk, royfidsy* cha wei* mo skay*, is cha dane me gi brai* rit ead.”

“ Cha twssy* na* dany* ead chai nay*ir eine dvnny* boyenbsp;“Zeywin argit, zeyvin spreynbsp;o neiss dudsy* wa mo zeillnbsp;“Fissry* meit er sin, a wenn,nbsp;a band no miss sa chead


a* mee feyn na* kerri* riss ga in dwg me my foyk gin niss.”nbsp;a dvggin me feynn do chinninbsp;cha bard zw/my* heive rimm.”nbsp;gin weym tow fer no zovy*nbsp;da bi zail lat feyn dol doyve.”


Duncha w* Cowle woyle Eoyne reawe. (MS. p. 223.)

Mark beu nac beit ag ein sagirt min noe saggirt trit gin er freggry* ene akkill lay tleywe er kcnn aky.

Ga wee clerry* carrasith ua twotycht zawis tren ag mnee beg in barrasith is weit gin saggirt laintle.nbsp;Oa tow ach in gyle cawfra seill Eawe in tanfan tagirtnbsp;ca ben wus in lawrycht is gin wea na sessi saggirt.

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The Dean's Text


4 Id der lyg ni canony*' er boilly*' y* mass tony*'

gin wayd in boychille popbill pit y‘ newy* gy‘

5 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Is da roye sai na viccoirnbsp;Daphit o rind phiccady*' newy*^ gp‘ cassgy.

6 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ter in viccor voy'' sin volliss teny* gy‘ tessour

newj^r a‘ gy*^ noe wassagyr pitty*' dy* var less in persse.

7 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Done nor dyn ny*^ collistew dy*quot; chongyttyr ny* faienbsp;gy*^ voddee bot phroistee pit er new gy* y*^ raieb

8 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ne nior in y^ porew is eaid reyve er in gearenbsp;eg cur bod za greallew pit innew gyw anewee.

9 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Deane amp; argatdy*^ dy vrrdeiss ea gy*' glenny*

ok fit ass y* hard phekkew is pred er pit y* (varry*).

fade gyn cheddy*^ y‘



ach gy‘ beny* meil rane mas(sea)




Ny* hab is ny* hessbiggy* ne wee ben za peekeu*^ nocht wei*^ cawyr cassee,nbsp;Dy** chowtew in ard espeknbsp;lar glaew na galggessewnbsp;Ta beg zoyne iw dowrimirnbsp;rae kerfit za growhey* newnbsp;Gy*quot; saggirt dair loymir

inir zarme zonneir zlein dy*' verdeis pit (aey*r).nbsp;is na*^ ryne in clery* vskenbsp;er boylly* is y* (plvt).nbsp;agy* vil gyn raye**

aggy*^ pit ane boillit dy‘ is dan bollid gy* lai is ai.

14 Be newmir cholle vir dyn inir neve mach’ eiss angle geve ne gloir vally* in trae kirt it ga gin sancte geil is e zor.


“A wewni*^ za dwgis i grawg, innossit dwtti fiss ar ro*winnbsp;Kai sansy* lat fer gin vodnbsp;na gilly* a wud wreo* chroyenbsp;“A wakkaiwe churris a chest,

Autor MacCallein erle of Ergyle.

(MS p. 73.)

hoggis o lair mo chest, agus foskill dowin* gy* dess,nbsp;aggis ee gyill ort din znawz,

weiss*quot; a giwimy*^ voyd gi*^ lay?” innassim gi* dess mir a taym.

na c* orrim ee mir lotht, “Ne hawle an neiw og,nbsp;c^rim in girry* my*^ rann.

s a?isy* lamm in bod sin grawyg.” cha doskill tow foiss my nod,nbsp;kay sansy* lat graw no bod?”

“A chest sin ta how gay toyg er lat feyn ga croy is bog, oig na eisty* zinny* mnaae, keid yvir in grayge a* bod.”

“Loy* gin tyill er a wreyk benny* woynn clair zwt layn genni. is benny* wo wair vek Dei is my* vany* feyn zwtsi*, a wen.”

A wen.

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The Dean's Text


Autor huius Du gal I m° Ane i'quot; Ion

(MS. p. 35.)

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Innis downe a cruppane chrotty*^ chrov a wultane

a weacht skail throw,

cha nakkis er moyane dy* layt a throyane gass tanik how.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ga bea slee as danik mae cha dlei'' ym paer male

is feil er mi zrwme,

is mis a mult g’sinn wa huss ga zlastin di neyu a chrwme.

3 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Na twggws pask Zee cha doar is naske me

mi lak ga loyme,

huggi e zora vorna dy« chyj2si ne barza da wraggakis boyne.

4 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Dyw trait er in della mae chor hairrin trow ella ach mee

ga tany*^ me boa,

dy zow ny‘ gery‘ mee hirgee er in nely*' mee syn narry*^ oone roya.

5 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In deggow na*^ mast ai gawew v° ynlestor

iiy‘ ryn soe zy‘ rynnis,

na clunttyr myr chennoll ag mvntyr in nellane my'' skaalsy' ga innis. etc.


A houd’ so Gerrold erle.

(MS. p. 11.)

Tor is ste zrolan veg amp; cortei*^ feine dy*quot; neit (di') varin dut cluk nyn gail na' danyn falli' ortnbsp;Ka how feine oglye vor? na ka teirass ville dy' ly?nbsp;ka how y' clanny' ny glann nor higgin in nawle er hei'?nbsp;Mak vek me vorth m® Vrane nor elly' reyve messk gawltnbsp;nar wein is teir hor is dem zerry' trea' nyn dorry'.


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The Dean's Text


(MS. p. 310.)

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Dursin tosg Dunce V“ Vrane da olliry* gow ardzlenbsp;insi gon a heatht da heith ath gar vac la ni na dew.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Fflayss Eyrin, mor in moyve, dess Vrane di ve ag Dunnbsp;gyr smonten toyth er mvr er wac rani aymynn,

3 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Teggy*^ fir Eyrin vl gow hAc Claa fa chooli,nbsp;dasda Dunca, borb a vra, si leine ossil ollerytht.

4 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Tergidd’ teorssny'- doo ar awvin ne hymmirzoo

si reich er Tawry* rome one lai na‘ mor Meilsachl.

5 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ma sussi in sloye is garg gallnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;di bannit dove er dim...

marg roo reygy*' royve nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;roozlas er teine di abyr t..

6 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Tymchil rolgy*^ feddyr da beine inta mir zleyid

noch cha treykfin ken ni keyni er sloy nyn mody* ne

7 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Di rae Dunchi, is darve linn,nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mally* ea seil Veils.. .


(MS. p. 310.)

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Invin meil dai mel in skein mi creive fai chaeivenbsp;invin bor di varin feyin o keyve clan noyn go cam gvle

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ki henny*^ a wowanw mor im noyrran fe dawy*' doyn

a willi mor haig’ fir vail banna di wnawe Eyrin fa towr.

3 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Di wraa wlly*^ din vor wylle fa ka powir dyvenbsp;invin gaik a hawin inn di wraik sinn gi laive.

4 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Sloy aywny*^ mathy*' man wree vo liss caail layvinnbsp;inyw zali a hawynn. vy ven mir ee di wey‘r maa.

5 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Meil yn zal vey mi vei* inzyji heir si dalli* doyve,nbsp;gass di loythir mye brey*^ royeg it ver boy‘il ir mann.


D' Campbel in ridd’i* ma* etc.

(MS. p. 202.)

1 Marg o dai‘ a lem?w loe creid a ver gin moe er key‘ ar ess ne harle zoif peyn m’ g a ver a maane dy‘ vre



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The Demi's Text

In dowss my vea rai sel by* wai* mi zenn is mo z.. na gyn dea* er mi lemm loenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;gi bevin doynny* (gi* a be).

Ne cossloo my hoyve re cai*, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ne hyanyw in drast mir a...

gi bi vennik mil er my vaiss gin dea* vom pey...

Neir aig brohoit bit zir, ner aige feim dirk (noga..) ag eine na* a vee fian» zreine na woe aggin» fann—

So in sel de law’ mee, tuggi gi* nac ai nac bi

a vad di var low my vnd by wa* mi____

My ven ter gi* wnee* ei zit wraeew correw ... chai sharve lai tachird na throt a vad dawal.

Neir aig speisrei na plow, neir aig® essone fane zreinenbsp;...i zoygin gi loo fa threnbsp;ysove by vilsy* fane zreinenbsp;Da nabbrin g’ zonna dea,

neir aige esg oor er bay'', na* faigin mi vanw dew.nbsp;in vad di dee my ...

o mook wrei* feine er m... da nabrin gir weyg nat bea git mynn menbsp;da nabbrin gir a wat gai deit a d’ siss a cheive is fer.

Da nabri?z gi’ zall in feach, da nabrya nach wea* mynn, derry* mi van gir a feer da nabrin gir bein git* lem.

Ocht in ness da d’ gin dee gy cwle nee fane vei* vane OSS my* vod o choye slow d’re shee o trow ne hail.

Da bi Iwme wlli* sche hwmm in tallow o hwne zoo onard nor gwss in neer no*chai nedin rair my wra..

.. in ort V® ewee a ir is ree er gi relg

(mo) vod a varsin dy* zrai* dy* chasg mi* wrai* on vir.





ymmy* teir lai ane lawe

gin wei* doy* a Zee is m’kg.


14 .. rrid erle nea* a vaane lane noil mir a wei* schee


Gerroid Erla etc.

Ffalliganw beg, failligaim, magny* feyn is dolligan?i, is sa in turri mi vannigane, is me rei* na vakkane.nbsp;Achane mis in dudigane ay*reim er gi atteganenbsp;gi ban chassil chwlliganw fa hatta la mi zairrigan.nbsp;Vurri veyi* oirrigane, a wair ni verigane,

. . roive maa er nocif neivgane is nair g . ve faill...


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(Mol. refers to the transcript of the MS. by Macleod.)

fa nivrN. 2® mvrN; zeMoy. 4® soig? fasr teyrNe. 9^1 harroclier. ISd clwNwnn, zoobroNe. 16® hoyzis. 17*^ ‘er’ is crossed out. 18lt;i orNa.nbsp;19lt;i kynnowiisr. 221' bressoNe. 28® mao. 31*1 paeN. 331) pressone, in.nbsp;34I) orchorr, MS. irchorr with ‘0’ written over ‘i’.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;361* The last word is

uncertain. Something very faint is substituted in the margin for imbaath which is crossed out. 39^ traN j lt;1 hailzeaN. 421) moca. This is uncertain, veainbsp;has been crossed out. Above has been written what may be moca, mvca ornbsp;moian (Mcl. mvian). 431) MS. zenid ‘i'; ® lyM.


Catchword at end might be reie.


' barN.

21) onyi. 3^^ veil, pi) iffyrN. T*! hanmyN.


9®chaicht; gyw. IStdroM. 16®chrocht. ]8i)chrowie. 19'idyi. 20‘iorM. 22® seN; *1 arse or orse. '22fi techt or hetht. 25® as; 28® vokse with wavy linenbsp;over the ‘0’; *1 at the end of the line perhaps ale oor. 29^ seN. 31® croNy*.


Title; hums.

9I) glaN; ® tynnrow. 12® glosss; lt;1 syh lö^ dy«. 16^ grynny^; ® granEy*. 19® din. 22® aggis. Amen written at the end of this line. 27*1 caicht. 291) breiknbsp;with dotted ‘b’. 301) choltty*. 2)2^ dollith 331) neyve, MS. ne reyve with ‘e’nbsp;of ‘ne’ and ‘r’ of following word crossed out. 37)1 var. 39® er. 40® ir.nbsp;42*1 slann. 43® ir (bis); i) ir, gronwyi. 44® chalM. 47® dermyN. 53® or derzew.nbsp;55I) hownoir. Catchword, MathriN.


4)1 trayg with dotted ‘g’. 8® burre. 91) coanm. 10® creif. 12® locte with dotted ‘c’. 13'! clocca with second and third ‘c’ dotted. 14® tyksyf or tekfys;nbsp;lt;1 roig; nvrceill with ‘s’ perhaps superscribed over ‘rc’.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;18® teig. 19)1 neyN.

21® seaN. 23I) orrik. 201) tarno*. At the end there is a fragment of another stanza:

Osymmi insen noal gwle ag luct dollachin diawil ac lucht dallochin deowill.

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Notes on the Text


2^1 wayN. 6^ horkis; weN. 7^ orrwM.


4® neno’’; wreyN. 5*5 chwNow. 6^ feymmis, weymM; ^ last word is probably zeaiM. 7*gt; edde with probably another letter; ® neno''. tead withnbsp;‘h’ probably substituted for ‘t’.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;9® seN, gryM; wreeayN. 10*^ beNichtin;

EayM. 13^ weyN; I* oywN. 14® greynsi; *1 heyg with ‘r’ mark over ‘y’. 17® lyNnir. 18®' zlan-n; reicht a. 20® or zaare; neno’’; or deyithdith.nbsp;21'! \n. 22 Written above the line is di bea yvir in nerli. 22®- beaill, the firstnbsp;letter is uncertain as also the ‘w’ of weayll in 23®; clanN. 24*1 hoys.nbsp;25® zlaN. 27® seN. 28® zlaN. 29®' The first word seems to be innis but isnbsp;uncertain, Mcl. n'inis; ® won. 32® wenN or IweyN; lt;liM (first one); gaoddo''.nbsp;33lt;i is. 34® zeyNi; ® mvN. 36® croynith; ® mvnNi. 37® draM.


The title is very faint. It seems to run Auto*’ huiws Murreith AlbaNycht. !*gt; Last word quite uncertain, Mcl. bowic; might be lowir, lowie; *1 nowl.nbsp;2*1 chenN. 3** reic; ® y^i; ** last word uncertain. 4® Mcl. raig B zy. 5®. gorn;nbsp;® last word might be dyrit with ‘e’ written over ‘y’; *1 is; last word perhapsnbsp;mneii. 6*1 Last word probably sna^ath. 8lt;i Last word dwnne or dwnni?nbsp;9® royNe; *1 last word wro or wi'o..d. 10tgt; Last word may be zowch. 12® cheN.nbsp;13®’*1 In MS. the division between the lines is after zow; *i \n. 141* Mcl. oss.nbsp;zowN. 16® zoyN. 17*1 kenN. 201* zlaN. 211* or gawneit;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;d veN ; or

trom; inN. 221* Mcl. dewe, ‘d’ may be crossed out. 251* ne or me. 26*1 clyg. 27® Mcl. coMenis. 28® Mcl. swaneyi; lt;i beN. 29** after howle possibly gor.nbsp;30i*awric. 31i*chennN; ®wayrrii'; *ldowN; hangorheinn. 32® beN. 33®kenN.nbsp;34®awur; lt;i fad. 35*1 kenN. 361* or teyve; ® Mcl. omits is, much blotted;nbsp;or doyN; ^ last word both? Over this and under teive is written somethingnbsp;like‘ir’. 37® beN. 381* zlaN; ® goN. 39® zownit. 401* dowN; ® nekgrwN. Innbsp;MS. the division is after igloss.


Title: LymoN.

21* doif, Mcl. doss (not likely). 4i* hoa, Mcl. toll; *1 soeyg, Mcl. soend, might be soon with another letter after ‘n’. 61*’*1 Last word uncertain. 7®cr6awetour;nbsp;1* grawe, perhaps zraw d..; ^ or teoN. 8® dayN; i* ro kenn or ro trenn.


1® cronewyi. 21* tawimil. 6® zIa. 71* yw should be‘y’. 9® Mcl. che^yd, the word is blotted; *ihachonyi. 12i* slynchail. 13‘icvrg. 15i*lannof. 19i*go£fi'a;nbsp;*1 Ewen Maclachlan read the last 2 letters of the line as ‘gh’. They are nownbsp;hidden in the stitching. 21® gvrt glass. 22*1 ossnaah 23*1nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;24*1 peranyd.

25® Gloir might be Is loir. 26i* vii or viii; lt;i crvnnacht. 27*1 cronwyiseN. 31® A corp, more probably It corp.

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Notes on the Text


Sd beym MS. be y. 5® eviNniss. 6®- kert, Mcl. trerc; last word ‘v’ uncertain, may be vac. 8® is ee, Mcl. o ee. 9*1 or dani*; last word may be arzea. lOiJ keyi, perhaps keyl or keyv; the last word is doubtful. ISf sterri*.nbsp;14*1 zerfir, Mcl. erwin. IT*! tanniM. zowse; ® reyM; *1 last word perhapsnbsp;gvoll. 20lt;i na**; loir, MS. foir. 22*1 a, MS. o; lewnow. 231' mAni. 24*1nbsp;mumith.


1®'or leu’. Sb or norskoile; *i last word uncertain. 4® low’; t^oras; ®aeNay. 5® vajinac; ^ EayMe; last 2 letters of last word not now visible. 12''o'';nbsp;*1 nayve, might be nayoi or nanoa(r). 13'' cowadfs. 14*1 oygin, so Mcl. butnbsp;perhaps incomplete. 15*1 iiae or nail... 16*' cool, MS. coole. 17'' There isnbsp;some kind of compendium at the end of the line. 21® feizeit; ® or inogzil;nbsp;*1 o^. 23® or noyar; I' talwoN. 24® zawla in, MS. zawlAni.


lb dy'. 2'' nawg®. 10'' hassling; *1 hynnissy**. 11“ neve, Mcl. nove; i' last word might be dare. 14® din. 15® or iyth, mvne; sexle, Mcl. fezle. Thenbsp;end of 15*' is torn. IG*! The end of the line is in the stitching. It may benbsp;tvvecrin.


3® Dow; in; *' seezig. 6*' saywe. 7® lathin or bathin; *' nothgi. 8® o won; *' go. 9*' possibly ane delg ooir. 10® probably dark. 12*' the first word isnbsp;either chaivill or o ha will.


in; gale; ® zar. 5® zallair, zallny** Mcl. 6** claive or clawe. 8® tur or cur. 9*' ballaggin Mcl. (probable). 10® eygin; ® or chramy'; *' ma with anbsp;curious letter over ‘m’ which is often written over the ‘n’ in mna. It probablynbsp;represents ‘r’, zoneny' Mcl. (probable). 13® zlaN; *' hale Mcl. lit* viN; ® ornbsp;chondy'. 15*' zleyzille Mcl. 16® ffub Mcl. 18'' nach, na', seyimyn or seynnY.


Stanzas 7-10 are wrongly numbered, v. p. 174.

1*'or Groy'in. agus. G** naytrew Mcl. 9''ire. lO** or toggy'. 11*'Erin. 12*' mawm or mawin. 17® The first word is a muddle.


P arewoN. 2'' neyn or neyy. 3® zewssylh, a muddle, something perhaps crossed out, os.syth Mcl. 5® lith,‘1’uncertain; *'choyN. 8® moNyth. 10 Afternbsp;®''' a line is drawn seemingly to show that something is missing. 11® groym,nbsp;either groyme or groyrne (Mcl.).nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;13'* gna, with mark for ‘r’ over ‘n’; ® fin;

*' or choudy'. 15'’ croyve. 17® skalball (Mcl.). 18'* zah Eith, za hei' (Mcl.) uncertain; *' fowllow. 19'* choyr or choir. 21'’ a lach or aleith. 24'’ beN,

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Notes on the Text

noezann; c cowlzlaN; lt;1 leiny* or leniy^ 25^ Allpe, Allxr (Mcl.) with ‘r’ above the line; ^ lyMnyth. Line drawn in MS. below 25. Between 25lt;i and 26^ ornbsp;(os?) chaath.


Title: Gillac’st scarcely legible in the upper margin. Gillecrist has been crossed out. Browlingy*. The last word might be lene.

1*1 seircland. 2igt; agus. 5*1 gir, git (Mcl.). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;6*= mA. 8** oyr, doyr (Mcl.);

ColmaN. 9lgt; ira; *^ crywnii; *i perhaps vywneY vroNytht. lli’vro; *i last word uncertain, possibly in fayi fAys or fAno. 13** chomas, thomas (Mcl.); *i lastnbsp;word chb’wm. 18® or ferrewt. 19*^ oylicht. 20*1 qj. keafade; oissil.nbsp;21® Tomuldyi. 23® or fannir. 24*1 Jqn.


2*1 roM. 4igt; zhew; perhaps of____ 6*1 vane, last 3 letters uncertain. 7® This

line is not complete as there is something missing after ergin. The division should be before malli; ®gan; *i malli. 8i’'®rowji. Oliver ne; roviNorrowM;nbsp;® vyK. 10® coMe. 121' rovni; ® mortiiyi, mormT. 13igt; deadwan; *i royM.nbsp;14® blayN. 15® The first word is possibly Tawra or Cawra; ® rwM; *1 IwM,nbsp;last word perhaps dayN. 16® eive, something crossed out, perhaps leive; *i ornbsp;voynn. 17® The second and third words are very uncertain, perhaps varrotri*;nbsp;*1 or steyd. 18® ga seems substituted for kve. lO*’ no*; rWM. 20*1 noN.nbsp;211' chardyi. 22® hawryi. 231' allyiN. 24® one, oie Mcl. (uncertain).nbsp;25® InvyN ; ® nar, last letter uncertain; *i kann, only the first letter is visible.


Title: soo, Mac clachlyne, etc.

1® niw; 1' last word nawit? ® hut Mcl.; drwM. 2*1 last word zanith? 3® or gogreib 6*1 gno, gwt Mcl. I*! In the last word there is nothing now visiblenbsp;after ‘y’.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;8® downi*''; *1 la we, taw Mcl. 91* zaillew, is aillew Mcl.; ® ra, oa

Mcl. The division after this line is uncertain. 10® helseis Mcl.; orzawllew; igt; or meilt; za, zar Mcl.; *i brissy, beriss y Mcl. (uncertain); chim, possiblj^nbsp;chr.. with the stroke for ‘m’ or ‘n’. 11® waMnith; igt; the edge is frayed awaynbsp;after ‘y’ of the last word; ® boyN; *1 ‘m’ of last word uncertain. 12® gorM;nbsp;*1 fouzh, fouzhe Mcl. 13® zoe; n mvli with ‘o’ written over ‘rn’. 14*1 creah.nbsp;15® zoywN; *i nonchow is above the line. 16® M**; 1* lomlaNe; *1 in or ni.nbsp;18® or deme; c ere with the curious‘r’mark over‘cr’. 19® ColmaN; *i lomlaN.nbsp;20® hawtyN; *gt; broNith; ®dy, oyMcl.; *1 braN; skolt, skelt Mcl. The nextnbsp;letter is perhaps‘i’. 21®zroige. 23*i keyli. 24lgt; gasgei*; ® or,‘r’superscribednbsp;(similarly in mor in following line); ^ ni, probably meyri. 26® diwmoyN;nbsp;d omwnitht. 27® mawnith. 29® as, es; *i horis, ‘r’ and compendium for ‘is’nbsp;superscribed. 30lgt; ganla, gayle Mcl.; *1 for the last word Mcl. has chrwvo.nbsp;31quot; deyweN; ® zreyN, weN. 35® Nearssi; ^ rw with stroke over ‘w’.nbsp;36® MarrwM, chomme; ® zwn.

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Notes on the Text


. S'’ boyN. 6® tregry' Mcl. 7’’ sa ; ® wraMnaN; ^ orM. 11'’ gaNaa.

Title: soo, after maath etc.

2^ or t’kill; c drwM. 4^ giw; ^ gorM; ^ oriu thoy Mcl. Sdorfam; ar.. lOi* hoyNe, gorM;


1® habra, hAkra Mcl., may be hAbra; •' or gann. 2'’ ed may be crossed out; laa, laan Mcl. (doubtful); last word uncertain, niir Mcl. (impossible).nbsp;S'! seilli, salli Mcl. 5®' wnawe with the curious ‘r’ over ‘n’; t* groyis, groysnbsp;Mcl.; ® grayve; ‘l voyM. 7®chwkgalla; '’glowin or glowm; chamm, chaanninbsp;Mcl. S'* da.., perhaps dr..; lt;1 snaei' or sneei'. 9*' vomm, voNi Mcl. 10*' ver,nbsp;be Mcl. 11® corpaN, waeyN; '’ doyN; ® siN. 12lt;' a»i, sir Mcl. (probable).nbsp;13® gnae with ‘r’ mark over ‘n’. 14® toyN.


2 Katrenne. 5® ymi*. 6'’ vajr; ® no'. 7® Gnvss, vcht; '’ oge with dotted ‘g’. 9® da, ir or er, sseaN; grcyN. 11*’nellaN. 13*’greyN. 16® gawlzlan.


It* deiM. 2® niyr or myr, or nogre. 4'* or ollew ai. 5® ranny'. 7® lenw, perhaps laN. 10® Chooullin; ® a lat. 11® nai. 12'’san or fon. 13® Ssfr.nbsp;15'’ or dewry'.


2® cac. 3® ne. 6® ga; ® farsssin. 9*1 chaslai. 10® or so wroneni. 13*' won. 14® tayveM; palleiss. 16® or heve; '’ covne with dotted ‘c’. 19® Mwmemi;nbsp;lt;1 keeil.


I** soilt, last letter uncertain. 2'’ ally' or ally'. I*quot; zvnw or zoN. 6'’ vy'. 7® Seylmul (1). 8® zy'; ® perhaps hawnalle. lO*! Above the last word ‘ew’ isnbsp;written. 14® or Dorkgit; *1 dawe or dalve. 17® gai. 18'’ mil with ‘o’ abovenbsp;‘m’. 19® barN. 20*'seith or feith. 23'’or hinlly'; ® ownY. 24® sy. 25® twnbsp;keil, or chaicht. 28® or gortir. 31lt;' gal or gav. 36’’ chan or cham. 37*’ gur.nbsp;42'’ Hayvir.

The last 8 stanzas also occur on p. 40 and the gaps towards the end of the poem as it stands on p. 229 are made good from this. Other noteworthy variantsnbsp;are:

38® niche, nite; ® nooy', noyith. 40'’ fa, foo; re bye oye; d ne hiss meine topbir gi traye. 41® ra chlewin, aira clew; in clar rwnipi is na rwsi rein.nbsp;42lt;i verri brach. 43*’chursee (= churfee?); ® in boye, ny'boye. 44®neduggi;nbsp;lt;* after cheil add no gyil.


3lt;' daillowne. 4*’ delis. 9® clownith. 17*’ or aildith. 18'' feineawlith. 19® graa or gnaa. 23® dramm or draym.

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Notes on the Text


llt;i mnave. perhaps shaell. 6® treaN; zreywe. 7^ legywsy*. 9® zorNe. 10'gt; vinmy* or vmmy*^; c bool blotted, may be boolkee or bowee. 11^ or Leang;nbsp;** in teche -wraynyth agis. 12. vin, vm. A number of fragmentary lines follow:nbsp;a wawaill sen doy‘ no in drear ansy* (last word crossed out)nbsp;Donnith mo thryill er nell (or noil) swoyge can hognbsp;gwiss feyne di neith mir a nei* rei'' Tawry*nbsp;horri* gin a wei*^ za thrwiss no lawenbsp;peynïi ach a zeyll agis a chonni in vin lave (crossed out)

Iwmmi lyne go leyr ga zaw syth dyne neall

no chaey*^ ffoy*^ za i\yn neiss re hwtht dawe invin

wa* (or na‘) in dran so gai ta

bee chei*' lai gai dear is di wei*'

eiss meyssy* m'^a heth a woe sea bea*^ ny*- kaill

These last 3 lines may belong to another poem.


1 The first word might be Tay or Cay; last word in line boyin or bozin ? 2 Nan or Wan. 3 Before dolt ira; cIa. 4 wiyni or winni. 5 zachmj’b Sfinnilnbsp;hugisl 9 neyrin; vasteny*; clothewsev or -seN. 10 neyve or meyve; brany*.nbsp;11 leawdeiis (1); lemi (1).nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;12 da perhaps daie. 14 or dilonui; tamnally*.

15 gemni or gemne. 16 chonwa; fei or fer; menny''. 17 or caryb


In very faint letters at the head stands Teig oog o Hwggin.

lb At end of line possibly mor...loyg; a at end of line ...me class____

3b morzy*, perhaps inE y*^; ^ lesgi. S'! soyle. 6b or woym; ^ erri. 7b iwgeine so McL, quite uncertain, might be mErgeine; after glan r... IQb or zuN ernbsp;a* lai. 11® feyN; first two words might be e tritht.


In the margin is written A howd’ so Gillecome ook y...;

1 seaót. 3 loimych with dotted ‘c’. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;4 ar, er. 8 spes or stoes. 10 zaN.

14scheiryb ISheirrach. 22 weib 29 mwntersse with dotted‘in’. SOfranguss.


lb swoyN. 4*1 or chrain. 5® or grnaab 7*1 gayto...


or zonEna. 8b or degg’.


4» aggisse; *1 aggynsib 6b clwe with ‘o’ above ‘w’. 8b bayHi. 9® or legse. 14b or hennyji.

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Notes on the Text


peyin or peym; or Banvf. 9® cantach with first ‘c’ dotted; chwnni. 13c in oar or moar.


6 gaavgge. 10 wyb. 15 ren, rew. 17 og®, eg®. 18 lir or lor.


1^ naymyN. 2^ Noeth, noe‘. 3lt;i morraN. 6^* Tinnolli*. 7^ faisse. 10® faeill. 11® scheN. 12® glKnow.


2® glinn or genn. 3lt;^ tleywe. 4® ansithy or ansithn. 8® Perhaps fargaa. 9®' neyrt or neir; underneath the last word of the line cayfithg is written;nbsp;lt;1 looht or loth. 10® zeyni or zenni.


5® nir noor or mi noor. fi** nargl or nargk; ® hayg or layg. Si* fecht or setht.


3® Perhaps zarllrith. 6® Between kin and einne perhaps im.


ligt; toive or teiwe. 2'^ raht or ritht. 5'’ or gry ve gill; ® teyni or tenni; so or fo. fi*’ moir or morri.


Iti or orrimsy*. 9® isssy'^oil. 16*’ tearnisr.


1® Rawny*. 10*’ Perhaps kenkneni.


Title: Ss®.

4® naid appears to be substituted for naik which is crossed out; mnaa, the MS has maa with each ‘a’ dotted. S'* kyn jn. 10*’ slooe or skooe (Mcl.).


4d deini or demi or deim. S'* Last word probably correct, in MS. it looks like ctreilli. 7® coyni or conni. 11® a wrow; '* deve or devr...nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;19® tesss in,

21*’ One or two letters may have stood after za, 22® mosssillnircht or mosssilburtht; •* tinn or tr... 23*’ zus, zue (Mcl.).


2® swsssin. S'* Last word is probably correct though the MS. may have ‘n’ for ‘w’. 11** ordoyne (Mcl.), perhaps oodoyne.

-ocr page 108-


Notes on the Text


!'gt;' mnae with mark for essgeine. ne a meaN.

'r’ over ‘n’; crwM with ‘o’over ‘m’. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;4^ geir



2*gt; croyve perhaps with dotted ‘c’; laN. S'* cota, probably cot with dotted



or \n mo'

2^ ban nan na or bAn A na; “or achufirr. 3igt; te.teir? d no* I*. 5d noigveN. 6d ca, perhaps cac. 7** nyN. IQd threal.


There are two copies of this poem in the MS., one at p. 37 and the other at p. 157. The text given is that on the latter page with the exception of stanzanbsp;6 which is wanting in the other copy. At p. 37 the title runs A houd’ Duncanbsp;m“ CallaN. I give the first 5 stanzas of the earlier copy to show the inconsistency of Macgregor’s orthography:

Bod breor a teg Dunca fad faiy* feir zoirch rauir drome layN dery* slayvin cvrny* kirteny*

Gloss loyN ken ravir crone gi* deziii dattic dowgorm ta bleeyl aggin lassgy* so keiisy* gi* cosachtchnbsp;Melrony* mal zormy* glass feychy* forrany* feir chassnbsp;gy* cronany* kengorm croy morvenny* i mesg banloyenbsp;In nam hag [Dunca] reith her Iwm no cha twl skayvy*nbsp;ser ollwy* v mw* sy* ma* feir chroig fargy* fywnownbsp;Ffowo'' Aw^hwly* fai* stylly* stowy* sterhay* (or sterhoy*)nbsp;ban law as a valg amacht in nan lorg orgy* aiy*.

Two other stanzas on p. 37 seem to belong to the poem:

Gy* sowo’' saitty* sally* lowo*' laddyr lym chAre rye cean (1) raivr borheo borbe drwmni deole in dov lorgnbsp;SrnE alsy* soyole in sonni woychis cac is colinnnbsp;gy* teist ... teilkiïT tei to’eawore fei* ny* fie sgai

On p. 157 the following stanza occurs though it does not form part of the above:

Ne himcayN pit agis pit vinmit a vek way in sloe in bod a varvis a fit haey* di wor fit way.


Id o, a; rayM. 2'gt; wei*; “ seN.


Title: ErgadieN.

I** in. 4d is.


1^ hanefoik uncertain, might be hanesoik or hawesoik. 2“ Yinlat. 3*^ clissy*. 6“ gych; nyr, might be yt or nyt.

-ocr page 109-


Notes on the Text


1*gt; orN.


Hugis; seN; gyji, y. 2^ peyN; mnaa, tnaa with ‘r’ mark over ‘m’; ® veN, 3^ veN; c gyt qj. gyt^ perhaps znnic.


Title: Dunca with dotted ‘c’.

2*1 nacht or eatht. 3‘gt;' daNe royM; ^ vai, hai. mana, maaa with ‘r’ mark over first ‘a’. 6® doyN.


lb fierfa uncertain, farfa (Mcl.) or feafa. 3lt;i meyN. 4® zreyN. 5^ fayM. fif' seN; tow or tew. 8^ fevN. 10^ weyM; zovy* or zooy‘; “ sa, might be fa,nbsp;Mcl. ta.


1^ nac perhaps with dotted ‘o’; b niirt. 2^1’® carrAsith, barrAsith. 3^ in; b taNfan; c beN. 4b in; c hoilly*. 5^ da with dotted ‘d’; ^ da phit. 8®' porewnbsp;with ‘e’ written above ‘p’; b in geare or Egeare; ^ cur or cure, fib dy*^ var-deiss er. 10® wee, we or wor (Mol.), beN. 11b zarme or zreme or zlem, zonneirnbsp;or zoyN neir. 12b pjvt, plut (Mcl.), uncertain, perhaps phekke. 14 tamir neve;nbsp;vally*' or valt y*; kirt it ga or kert ir gA.


Title; M^Oallein.

lb hoggis; b agus; dowin*^ or downi*; desss. 2b znawz with ‘r’ mark over ‘n’. 3® ch’^ris; b tayM. 5® sen.


2® or smontew; ^ aymynn. 3® or teggyr; b Ac with dotted ‘c’. 5b bannit;

teine or teme. fib beine or beie; ® keyni or kenni.

The remainder of the poem is very faint. It is given here almost without alteration from Macleod’s transcript.

.. borbe in nybl clonne dar by

.....ni gon is bwmm® billy* bra

downe invyr wle is ag downe tre laig . ...har da i neyrin oyr ne hai y bra ac in deachnbsp;. hme mvrth tor zalwy* tanni teg beis gin downe lachnbsp;Da m’rig in seachtyr sen de vemesi neirrin vrrenbsp;mor gi seir er sang fei*git deve innis erznbsp;Z.. dunchi na zey taikg is mor chowi* facheynbsp;er dwl I longew ter linn leggir iii z*airre in neinbsp;gwlle mua mastin din voie gwlle mfia seilli* hewinnbsp;gwlle mfia feith clen in charne mfia seith hawny* is mëanbsp;Mfia ni seith oss loch dergirt derg is mna chassill gin cleme

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Notes on the Text

gwlle sen bay‘... lai mave seichir re mowme

tre leith is tre cheith gin wloyin boo ben weith

.... speess in vng na in eacht dess vre eirrm

ffaggir innis fail in wloyg edd’ ess ag Invir

tey da Dunchi claac .. clairrig gow ymgurry*^ ni hospan

... z kead leith a lemechir lort dalwar richu glan geyil

.... enggai gi far foss ra sown mac syi i groysssi goylyn

tarli cogga inteir horri ag wddillew fan mansen

ree c’stow morrin moive scail sen fai diss la dunchw

sai fa ypirre* zoive in sen m° rosorche fa sayve

math hanik in neirrin wile re rea wra

ffar nayth less dunchi er dea di .... neylow .. sse

faille less in ree gi blyg is de we nieichir rai w


I'’creive with dotted‘c’; ^ can. im or mi, noyrraN, fe or he. 3igt; fa seems crossed out; after powir thei'e are 2 or 3 illegible letters. 5c brey; ^ royegnbsp;with dotted ‘g’; mann or mayN.


2b The last word is perhaps zna. 3 peY. or brokoit; ^ dirk or dork. 5 var or vor. Last word may be chind. 6 zit*, correw perhaps cvrrew d...nbsp;7^ speisrei*^, plow’’; ^ bay*. 8® or y sooe. 9*gt; nat bea and mynn are perhapsnbsp;crossed out. One or two illegible letters after me. ll^gy*. 12 zoo perhapsnbsp;goo. 14®' noa* or na*.

-ocr page 111-



pp. 1

p. 3.

p. 4. p. 5.

p. 6.

p. 7,

p. 8. p. 10.

p. 11.

p. 12. p. 16.

p. 19.

p. 20.

p. 23.

(For an account of the MS. of. Mackinnon A Catalogue of Oaelic MSS.

in Scotland)

-2. Broken and illegible save for a few words. On p. 1, London 5th January 1803.

Very faint ti’aces; contents apparently Ossianic.

Very faint.

First four lines very faint.

Invin toe lawe zouzhe.

Gerroid erla; Faaligan beg.

Something illegible at foot. Reverse of 5 is blank.

Cor faPiv er olswe albin, to middle of page 7. foot. DuncAa mac Oowle veil ;

Marvin woyme gow oone da chree chim oss gy*quot; firnbsp;Ard la rechta, to middle of p. 9.

. Idta fane tully*^ so.

A howd’ so Duncha Campbell etc.; Fodda o walle Dea.

A houd’ so Gerroid Erie; Tor iste zrolan veg.

A howd’ so Duncha mor o Daly etc.; Draane one invin fai* ir gordy*. Mark maillis mvrn in theil, to middle of p. 15.

Challe gave coane a reiss ir meilsyh

Autor huius Cochondy* mao Kerla woe; Tosss mvr chroy^in, to top of p. 19.

Autor Mvrrei*' Albana'^; Meith doch treyl gow teig pharris.

Murreith ut supra: Bai*^ ym cAre vec zey.

Autor huius Murreith lessin dyle o Dayle: Cred aggew Ee ingayn. Note at foot: Dwne donil E wrayiie

mac knesszil challen chamboil bea choi‘ aggfs marvyn.

p. 25.

p. 26.

p. 27.

twrri gi bi cort waa zown is dwte.

A howd’ so Duncha mor voe Lawenacht; Mark dwnna a cayl a Zoo. A howd’ so Gillecrist Talz’ etc. Bod in stuyk; Benny*quot; di hyly‘ anbsp;threnoite, to foot of p. 24.

A Zorri tryillmyt gow Find.

Fragment of a Latin document.

Gyt si zowle terk a saw!si.

Six lines in Latin on Scottish kings.

-ocr page 112-

96 Catalogue of the Booh of the Dean of Lismore

De wee laa eigin ella gir bai locht alen no'' Master I comme Na* skail er in sel fowd ia evir fae in srowd.

A legal deed in Scots.

Quatrain: Is farri skeiss coss 3 lines at top of p. 28.

Bean’s autograph.

p. 28.

p. 30. p. 31.nbsp;p. 32.nbsp;p. 33.

p. 35.

p. 36.

p. 37. p. 38.nbsp;p. 39.

p. 40.

p. 41. p. 44.

p. 45. p. 46.nbsp;p. 48.nbsp;p. 49.

p. 50. p. 51.

p. 53.

p. 54. p. 55.

Duncha mac Cowle voyl; Cakkor in commyn.

A howdir so Grille call’ mac yn alle: Ne heyvynnis gin dyne Donil Maacht atee in sen a neil, to middle of p. 31.

Di chonna mee tyly‘ finn.

Eny*..... is ma er nyilt ra milezow, to foot of p. 33.

Di foar hesga is a rabaa di rynni skanein ur‘chir churri nach bass ma edecfAa*' ane vinn.

Autor huius Dugall mac ane vtc ion: Innis downe a cruppane.

At foot: Med. the xx dai of Auguste the zeir of God 1512 the barrow of Keirchoue ves ackit ut sequitur.

Raiclai ny*' crwneni, to middle of p. 37.

At foot: Dow ferth’ ga dow.

A houd’ so Duncha Me Callann: Bod breor ateg Duncha.

A note in Scots on the three perilous days in each season.

Dymmy*' me zin zei‘.

Cready* sen a waggawe wor. 8 lines.

Sait fo mee. Appears crossed out. At end Gyle di cheir. This poem in full at p. 226. Superscr. Gille breid macnamee...

Swyn mor: Dome eddir zane is dassy*, to middle of p. 44.

2 lines illegible. Di pooli (? gooli) crann palma sei* di va... mquot; moyda (2 anoyda) is slane desslayve ....

A note in Latin.

Innis dy* zowle nath d^wr nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;din zilli sin is o’quot; mayifi

oyne wuntir di wei* fay claa gi wor miss mi wree.

In Mod. hand: 1480, 328 years ago this year 1808.

Ochagane is sai so in kenn. is, at foot, marked 47.

Notes in Latin and verses in Scots.

A howder soo Oyne mac Murreith: Ma di chwddi*.

Ave Regina caelorum mater Regis.

A howdtr so Ossin: Is fadda no* ni nelli.

A howdir so Meildony* mac Venis Vullicht: A lee Murri hourd a soo etc.; Na leg mi wellith a Wurri, to top of p. 53.

A howdir soo Gorre finn o Daly: Math di hillith Gormlee, to top of p. 54.

Autor Gillepatrik mac Lachlynne: Er lumm ne swork in koyl.

A howdir so Dayanne chnoiddurt: A chinn Dermit echarbe.

Autor huius Gormly nein Lyne: Dwrsin wr er hwtht a Neill.

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Catalogue of the Booh of the Dean of Lismore 97

p. 56. A chert feynn one wre.

Autor Neill mac aie vig: Ga ta miss laydr \oyth.

Di woyall ormm ayve zor rolis. p. 57. Gormlay nein Lyne: Ber a vanne lett di choss.

Mor tubbisti no tablisk. p. 58. Di quhoye missi robert feyn.nbsp;p. 59. Crea^tith sin a vakkeiwe voir.

Quatrain: Ne hireni choydir si cha* gyle geall taewryth

leynte meithroill fa clann goynin is gyle na nein wroy. A howdir so Feylwmwi mac Dowle: Ne math swille sin doni*.nbsp;p. 59a is blank. 59b has memoranda in English,nbsp;p. 60. Torriskalle tyllith zown nolle.

At foot; Noc' math ee is mak gi zoone in far na*^ doyr wree er clair (? clad)

is and di woerith aye gi hoik mir zoylis i brok a cheyr ath mi chrea* a wei* mir layth na*^ leg is stea* ga*^ din zreynw.nbsp;p. 61. A howdiV so Gone mac Wurreit: Nawy* zoo in danwe.nbsp;p. 62. Autor huius Wilzam mac Laohlynn: er rwmm raymm re na* Maanbsp;quhoyis chwkki in dei.

Gormlay neyn Lyne in ven watht etc.: Oythegane my* zallir. p. 63. Aut(or huius) Ossin: La zay deatha Finn,nbsp;p. 64. Di bimmi leith fulli* fair

Dunchaa mac Cowle weill: fei* one feiwe a clanny* cwlli Dunca mac a pharsone: er waithew is oik hannithnbsp;Allex* in di threig tow in zroyme.

p. 65. A howdir soo Gilli Hwrss o Sleyvin: Da zleye ag Mvrch mac Zlynne, to top of p. 67.nbsp;p. 67. A for missi mi zeill.nbsp;p. 68. Ffoyath lam vei* annit.

Gerroyd Erie etc.: Marga a leymis herry* a eath.

At foot:

Na bei* rawe di zroymm may gavir a eiymm in glüë (1 gayue) na bei* ga binny* di chai* mir twggi ni maa eenbsp;na heyr id chag*gir a reiss ga bea a laggis a pquot;iss feeynn.nbsp;p. 69. Autor huius And^ Toschy*:

Stoyd neyn Dunche err{1)a, hayd eane stoyd is mow pleyd (er) sloywg

st ag dae is a wneei* st ni gei* a harboll roy(ch) heill ni toythin mi vea halve is ni tre hoyvir gin rannnbsp;woyane* (?).

p. 70. Autor huius in bard Mac Ynteir: Cred in long soo er loth inchshy*. p. 71. Autor huius Allein mac Readdy*: Skaill beg haggim er ni meawe.nbsp;p. 72. At foot: er lat feyn.

* E. Maclachlan read nee. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* M'Leod read woyne.

Q. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;7

-ocr page 114-

98 Catalogue of the Booh of the Dean of Lismore p. 73. Regula mutacionis Lione.

Autor Mac Oalleiri Erie of Ergyle: A weni*^ za dwgis i grawg. p. 74. In Aprile anno 1527 : meal tane.

Notes of purchase.s in Dunkeld. wrri* bert aa doiss. Very faint,nbsp;p. 75. Corny* reaich.

p. 77. Verses in Scots: Richt as the biche in lolying in hir raige.

A howdiV soo Dunchaa mac e Wallane: Trwir ih storek.

Ne eddrwmsich na* ill leineh.

Trowyr ih sporekgyss

ways ee maw y* na gowd can and na gvu (1?) wyll yow leyr. p. 78. Notes in Scots, names of all “scottis kingis” down to James V.nbsp;p. 82. Of Malcolm Kenmoir and qweine Margret; 10 lines which are repeatednbsp;on p. 83.

p. 84. Ayne mac Cowzhe roy a howdir so: Down sleyve me Conill doe. p. 85. Caithrir wei* er oye.

p. 87. Elle nyn dre brairrin: Igh in downw charrit hymyn. p. 88. A howdir soo Gerroyd: A wenni nyn dre boi*.

A howdir soo Ferchir mac Eadrik Grant: A wen ga will chroywe.

A howd'ir soo Ooyne mac Wurreit: Ffir Albin is ne eayd a wayne. p. 89. A how(dir) soo Dunchaa mac a pharsone:

In dayg oyne reaith in trwss in di hesti*

Dunchi dow moir in dey illeneaw a chroe yw bea* a rnoryhs sthai mi zoee miss weissnbsp;in weanissyth zea oiss mea reyve a roynich a choyr etc.

A note in Scots.

p. 90. Wnny* za in leyr mi locht agus zeyvis ort kay mea ... zraw hene terr is fey eddrit agus laiss how feynw.

Dissree neyn in noilt inn di pharsone phannaevin in dei breilli weski* na cloiss utrum estis sacerdos (sic).

Anny* tra tryle zwt Er gawell strylle innit.

Wek e cheng a de zonich (? zoung) how mo chonyg no be bok na ell is agninn in neinvinn pain no nein it fainnbsp;han (? haw) do wod.

Jesus Maria sit semper mecum in vita, pp. 91—93a. Lists of names, computations etc.

p. 92. Oik (? ole) reanissione is maill is deyg peyn din chrow ayr in dey chagge is chrea* a zea is faddi zin nereohyn ...nbsp;p. 92c. Flann mac Loulanne:

? gan

Bennytht voyme er anmyn loynn Mac Loulane di bi choole chroonbsp;twk frettycht na* bea gay chreagnbsp;fa wnee ni* dwrri* graw zoe etc.

-ocr page 115-

Catalogue of the Booh of the Dean of Lismore 99

Autor huius Gille Neif mac Warkis:

Tarly^ mairre ra mayne derre din vayn ary* ne meich ymni gilly*nbsp;ne elli feyllich maiss feir annnbsp;di zeyll cheyllich na chouryn.

Claywnis cardis inche gawle con wrawit ny* mengi zi wei*nbsp;is say con vonwe in nwlknbsp;laywri is clwkgi is cardis Crist.

p. 9 2d. Various notes in Latin and Scots, p. 93. La)' z deach say zai keitl.

p. 94a. Verses in Scots: Luffaris be war and tak gwd heid ...

Gill na* goyve dayn ayus na*' sywnicha lawi* tead ja chatreine ta ernbsp;ywe kyranis a wraik gy* a venn

ach la breill wir.

pp. 95-96. Ossianio.

p. 97. Mak sowd er slycht fin Vannynnane, to p. 100.

p. 101. Dunca moir o Dayly; Ga malli a Chathil di chriss, to top of p. 102; rest of 102 blank.

p. 103. Pinlay yn bard royg say howdir so* e: Gylly* gi* seith, to middle of p. 104.

p. 104. Finlay royg in bard: Pfadda id tau gin woyg, to foot of p. 105. p. 106. Teige oog o Hwggin: Oa di zeywin.

A houdfr soo 8“' Duncann mac Kermont: Tug gir a fergi in teadda. p. 107. Aber ra Derwail (continuing Ca di zeywin), to top of p. 109.nbsp;p. 109. A houdir soo Duncha mac Challin in riddire Mat: Kay din phleydda.nbsp;to middle of p. 111.

p. 111. A howdir Duncha mac Challeine in riddire mat: Kyrda da derna Donil donn.

112. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A howdir so Dermoyd O Iffirnann: Cayne o nach waka in voem.

113. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Autor huius Murreych Albanacb: Saytht feychit meillych.

114. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A houdir soo: Llaa zane deach Finn, to foot of p. 115.

115. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Some faint lines: A compane is na* dr ss let chach.

116. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Latin tags.

Mo chass ansin churchan cholyth mo ere foa fam olytht is fann dwnni* far nach troryth is dawle vlli* gy* an olyth.

A houdir so Aane mac Ynneis: Rathzany* zutte aye in seny* lawe.

Some faint lines beginning: Loor woynw a zylsi* owir

troye a corp saa sew zowir.


-ocr page 116-

100 Catalogue of the Book of the Dean of Lismore

p. 117. A howdir so Gillecome ooky; Mor in feym freggirt, to top of

p. 120.

p. 120. A howdir so Gillecrist TailziV: Lynn law’is lew’ Mvrr, to middle of

p. 122.

p. 122. A houdiV so Duncha Morr o Daalyg: Bleygin di cowall kaenw voyg, to middle of p. 124.

p. 124. A houdir so Gorre Finn o Daly etc; Teach carrit di chew follow, to middle of p. 126.

p. 126. Autor huius Osseane mac Fynn: Anvin in no* nert mo lawe, to foot of p. 127.

p. 128. Gerroyd Erie : Ne wlli in teak mir a hest.

In marg. Cha weirrir nach gin neic less era vee ma ness gin mi haa. p. 129. A houdir soo Dunca mac Caybba: A veo dowle toyir attane.nbsp;p. 130. Autor huius Ane mac Evin mhio Eaychirnw: Daary* schaynra, to footnbsp;of p. 133.

p. 133. A howdir soo Keilt mac Ronane: Leym tosk zoskla Fynn. The printed text seems to end atp. 140, but p. 141 is also Ossianic; thisnbsp;poem ends at top of p. 143.

p. 143. Autor huius Finlay mac Ynnab: Daynnirre nyn strakkirre. p. 144. Gerroyd Erie; Mark a zwltis corle choyr.

Eone mac Phadrik etc. Genealogj'. Anno Domini 1512.

Two verses in Scots.

p. 145. A howdir so seis Ffarris filli: Ard agni Zwlle, to p. 147. p. 147. A houdir so Allanree mac Royre; Glenn Schee in glenn so rame heiv,nbsp;to p. 148.

p. 148 (should be 149). A(utor) huius Effrioh neyn Corgitill: A fadrin a zusk mi zair, to p. 149.

p. 149. Autor huius Dunca mac Calleine: Teathtire chuirris i gayne. p. 150. Autor huius Murreich Albanych : Est rwmsy* a Wvvr mhor, to topnbsp;of p. 153.

p. 153. Autor huius Gillecrist browlingyth bard in Leymm; Law in ir zorfis in neyr, to p. 154.

p. 155. A houdir soo Dowgall mac Illezlass: Reicht zaasge (yricht ooyne), to foot of p. 156.

p. 157. Autor huius Dunca Campbell in riddire math: Bod breour. p. 158. A howdir za soo Gillepatrik mac Clachlyne; Hoaris royg nin noyknbsp;breour, to p. 160.

p. 161. Fadda a tei* in nessew evinnis.

Kellith zoni* eir ossil, to foot of p. 162. p. 163. Six lines faint:

Cha nanra er eath ben vie Wllam my kellithey* is wthin fayr

sche neissith wei* na doyear rinni beiddi* din cho vane chayrre

-ocr page 117-

Catalogue of the Book of the Dean of Lismore 101

ma (? mi) hwille in trow bi chotkin drow scharwe (is 1'i) wa na lowyr troyg gi hoywr croye menwenbsp;na fakkir e id fort a hoik oss sai zarwenbsp;is cha nei* in tliss zall tork ga bee hor a sbalwe.

Notes in English on Adam’s family, Cayne and Oalmana, Abell and Delbora, Seith.

p. 164. Coya Iwm yOTmich othtyr. p. 165. Gorre Finn: NeFyr leinte in lein.

p. 166. A howdfr soo Teyg Ook: Ffewill bawnicli brow Mvr, to p. 169. Between p. 169 and p. 170:

Eik ra missione is mail is deyth peynji din chrownar er ess cbagge is chreach a zea is fadda zin nernbsp;ohy?iniclit na ess etc.

A letter in Scots.

p. 170. A howdfr so Robert mac Laymonn amp;n gassgaik: Gar gow coyvir re nirt rei'’.

At foot:

Ne heddir may cay maid la?inane layd (? layr) ley droggin (1) drommy* rayenbsp;Neira gest mai er chornn ec jrewenbsp;ne roynsay ree cheaille is chai‘.nbsp;p. 171. Binn gow duni yn teyr in oir.

Date in Latin, 1526.

A wenni gai will croywe.

p. 172. Nenor a quhyne fa chyill, to foot of p. 174. p. 174 (bis). Skaile oiknith er cheyle cassill.

Ffleyg woir rinni lay Finni, to p. 176. p. 175. Tigfeiv a zeni is estew gir zyil Royre Roddessy*nbsp;gi gursei* sea in seill dea fiew is gin ee aggi.nbsp;p. 177. A clairsicb Chnok e Chosgirre.

p. 179 (should be 178). A howdir in barrone arwm' mac Corny: Fadda zawf a loith soo.

A houdfr soo Oslynwe: In soo chonraich maa in nayne. p. 180. Gillepatrik o Nathtan; Moo zolle ayk na moo hoytcht as.

A wen lay bye ewir di bye ee deive gy*' dalwe agus dea mor si goywii' in ferri layr boyve o farla.nbsp;p. 181. Fill, fuge ebrietatem ...

Ne loir zeivesy* mor (i mir) zane doif swrri agus selga gin sey*r graw deivniss agus doil fleyg loir yn zevis fa zirri* (?) feynn.

' E. Maclaehlan read Ewin.

-ocr page 118-

102 Catalogue of the Book of the Dean of Lismore

Autor huius And’’ Tossicht:

Moir in nynse zin wnee wlay o chaaile ee staw a farnbsp;agMs frair willzaji gi tinninbsp;bi waa*^ bo’eelle ra linn feyw.

Mor in my»nsa zin wne wlay Gille .stee mac Neill Skail cheale in keill mo chedde zag sen kned ernbsp;layr mo cleywe gin dwg mo lawna?i sy*^ beynnbsp;is twrsy* mo zenw no zen ga zeyone weinsy*^nbsp;slayne da bei*^ in dayne gin waein leyn etc.

Note in Latin on drunkenness.

p. 182.

p. 183. p. 184.

p. 185.

p. 186.

p. 195. p. 198.

p. 199.

p. 202.

p. 203.

Note in Latin on Anna, mother of the B.V.M., followed by traces of a version in Gaelic: Tre neyw w. | oissil \n g. | nein e.

Note in Scots on the divisions of Ireland ....“in vi partis viz. Cogow Which, Cogow Layin, Cogow Chonnicht, the tua Mowims and theenbsp;Mee...”

Quod boches anent Dalyda and Sampson. Scots; part of a dialogue in verse.

Caichir Donill fa dyeach chorkry*^ cogyr mvrchir sessir eyg is vii seir Neill ker er teachta.

Physiological notes in Latin. Et ego Jacobus Gregorii.

Scottish Chronicle, in Latin and Scots, to p. 197.

Finlay Nab de bowane 1625.

Hoirrts mi wane zane er saymis mac Oyne vie Callane hoiris ry min seir er ho^ fer eyve ennichtnbsp;is invin Iwmm clan vie Gwnn mvntyr nach tulfin tayvenbsp;forts mi wane di zane er saj^mis

ga di weine ga durri vlli cha do is ir me er zvn tayve foris mi wane d. z. er saymis mac Oyne vek challennbsp;mass wor hey 11 mee zalbin di zardil er gi manbsp;di horts fer mir harlis saymis

hug ay zoif falling wei* zerg gin geowis zow zi. . is f. is ymmi nea* clanni is choill horts mi wane di zame ....

Gillespy senw mac Coll mtc Kayve sowz'' is ay granin ... ga faddi tamsy*^ woyg horis my wane da ... etc.

Noah’s Ark; Scots.

A houdtr so Donil leith mac Cowle vie Gregar: Ta trur callin is ssne glor.

Dunctia Campbell in riddiri*^ ma*' etc.; Marg o dai* a \%mm loe.

At foot:

Fane zei neir annes mess in ry zi ruggis

ter zea er tee mi heiggis tayg mea soil tee in tubbist.

-ocr page 119-

Catalogue of the Book of the Dean of Lismore 103

Da nabriw gin zall in feach da nabryn nach’ wea* mynn erry* my ven gira, fir.nbsp;p. 204. Er sleycht geil o zwrt Greyk.

p. 205. A houdir soo Connil Carnyth mac Eddirschol: A chonnil cha salve no kinn, to top of p. 208.

p. 208. A houdir so Duncha mac Dhulle voil etc.; Aythris raive rown oonna. p. 209. A howdtV soo Mac Gillindak' in fardan: Boye beam eor hoissithew,nbsp;to foot of p. 211.

p. 212. Ne skay zoymm er mi clow creddwm zi crista ...

miwmirche ass ni ewinn gar vmwnw Iwm ne weym?;i ...

gar wadda mi leymsi bar in dawir lotbra ni way ...

is fadda in laym rugns ter xx kead in dawr

in sin fa lowwr mi leym in wagassi viddir cheyn

gin ach bar mi choss a geill raawl gi* tosk er di Teym tosk.

Troyg Iwm twlly* ni fayni*, to p. 214. p. 215. A houdtr so Ossin mac Finn: Innis downe a Pbadrik.nbsp;p. 216. A houd'ir soo yn bard royg Finlay: Hest ein doyll ni geyll.nbsp;p. 217. Finlay royg in bard: Fferd a creith; Mare neyn naylle. Quatrains.nbsp;Hoaris mak mir in taayr.

p. 219. Latin scraps: Nill temere credis uxoris super querelis: ne pudeat queri qui nesciat arte doceri; mulier est bominis confucio, and tbenbsp;like.

p. 220. A howdir soo Ossein: Annit doif skayle beg. p. 222. Mir wee kegit leicb garwe.

p. 223. Er mac Doncbee quhoye a chwngi callen a ere chewing

gin soyss er a clowich a churri a*quot; shoynni si wrowi* lenich*'

Autor huius My(l)

Ian (1 lay) eyggin za deachee in reithin zawell aynir in ness

di leine cawe in wen waulda calleine di fre zanew ass

erri braydalbin layr moid ga rnor ir skayd as fir geyle

far ym beaynn orritht eis llaF cha nell chattew mach zqiv peynn

dawiss zi challaine a zreiss gir hay is bayith zin leisge gi layr.

A line in Latin.

In feichit iiiiquot;^ caithrow bleanith darve deag

.. lay ruggith Finni (1 linni) nin wleyg gwss a vaddy roF “rwth^

(is) e ewith me zi vak aichin ne mee ollew is mir doyss nar womich deyme trane in treir soo er wea calleis teir so hoyss.nbsp;Duncha mac Cowle woyle vie Eoyne reawe: Mark ben nac beit agnbsp;ein sagirt.

p. 225. Duncha Campbell: Idta awyr fa ne mna.

Fer eiggin surreycht: Hugis roy* znaw zy‘ wne.

* E. Maclachlan read Gillimarak. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ mcK^vlli.

-ocr page 120-

104 Catalogue of the Booh of the Dean of Lismore

p. 226. Gilli Breid beg mac Nomee: Gyle chur Hr aye* er nail, p. 230. A howdir soo Farris fill; Innis downe a erris ille.nbsp;p. 232. Mor innocht my chow feyn.

p. 236. Gille Calliwi mac ynnolletht in turskail so seiss: Di choala ma fad o hen.

p. 238. At foot:

Is mach di zerrin in teakga do woem cowl dim choywait re oyair irre in neakga beill gin chowl goywait.nbsp;p. 239. A howdir soo Duncaa Ogga: Seathta seyda ter mo hee.nbsp;p. 240. A howdir soo Gille Callim, mac ynn Ollew: Hanic yvyr mi hwrss.nbsp;p. 242. Genilogia Malcolmi Kenmoir ....nbsp;p. 243. At foot: moral in Scots.

p. 244. Autor huius Gillecrist Browlingy* bard in Lem(e): Da vrre in nea Eirrin.

p. 245. At foot: Cane* ('? Bane*) o goyni* keymm ard Thomas ken eissill cleichweid (1 werd).

ffar raw na way* metty* ffa'r cathy* mor meillinticht. p. 246. Twrn o Meilchonir: Tossy* feyly* farsing.nbsp;p. 249. Autor huius Finlay Boyg: Woar a tenis morraik sporry*.

At foot: Cuneym ger hann in genn xxi Junii Rusgirry* er ni tyvreic et gi dany dea deyg anno etc.

p. 250. Boy er zewe er zanow rey* er Erne is er ayzin sloye

er zail zri er chonirt gorve er chondy* teve gol is groye* er znoiss vane er vally* seng er heir er na* tawyr ryngnbsp;er gave our goy layvin grone er sowl gur monk lowyr myilenbsp;er vaid vanmyn vor va*rei* dyra lai* lair zarve gy* drei*chnbsp;Deliss dy* choyle aye ai dy* fowny*^ sai er zrane is er znei*

Idtai far and gyn ra*re enich sy* chai* et eland echewe in turry* zain slaykit ny* sloye sin mur mor tay* gil ra hevenbsp;idta in tonechow is hard aye* y* zonechowy* in kend ny* gleynbsp;idta feme ny* gy* vark vor in leme roil derk no zeynnbsp;Bee feyve flai* nawra chrand be gair vyve chai* fai ka ...

Bee choylaw sley in soud fane zal done toy z(row*y ...) seid fir we ny*mil chrand done ny* ne gurry* na gendnbsp;is said sow ny* wyrtheir um lind rane vir cher done gy* drei*

Mac oye how is sy* inak mnaa dy* rony* wrat et vow zane sy* athre roe ley* nyn boo® tachre hownbsp;Hanik Patrik mor mac Alpin durtit Erin in neidveynwnbsp;an tann de va»ne in van no clann challe ne horle is teir

.......nc mac via carde chlosse foy mor din na mywdossone'*

____oss is lye na tann trome ne dae ag dol o zonil

At foot, inverted, Dunca mac Kerlyoht derg.

1 ? gowe. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;2 Qorr. from zowing.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® ? voo.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ ? dossoee.

-ocr page 121-

Catalogue of the Boole of the Dean of Lismore 105

p. 251.

p. 252. p. 255.

p. 260.

p. 263.

p. 266.

p. 267. p. 269.nbsp;p. 271.





280. 281.



p. 284. p. 285.

p. 286.

p. 287.

Autor huius Comitissa Ergadien. Issobella: Estyf a lutht in ti so.

Alitor huius Duncha Campbell riddiryth: A hagyrt no hanefoik.

A howdir so Teig Ook o Huggin: Cart ey seithane ac seil Awzeve. Autor huius Mvrrei*' Albana‘: Marrin dut y*' chro* Chomeme.

A howdir so Teg Ok o Huggin. Sequitur textus: Idta tre corrik yw chind.

Artour dawle mak Gvrky*: Hail chawle er chastel soyne.

Owdyr soo yn bard mac yn teir: Da zanyth longga er loth rannyth. A howdiV so in persone: Cred fane sethinsa surry*!

A houdir so O Milchonenor: La dy* carry*^ ra kird.

A houdyr Gillecrist talzir: Avir brone broddyr balk, to p. 273.

At foot of 271; Ga ta wemm (? weiin). Autor huiu.s Mac Callein moir id est Callein ma*^.

Autor huius Duncha Ook Albanatht: Da zawlo* zeig.

A howdir so Gillecrist talzar: Raatla na croneny* corp Crist.

A houdir so in Gille glass mac yn talzir: Pharris torre in deisirt. Gerroyd erle; Ne eaddowmme cawle zlass.

Dy*^ wylelyss myschi a Zranny*.

A houdir soo Finlay Royg in bard maath: Gaiwe reim chomre Vic Cregar.

Tree zarri choillaa gi miranyg in donne ard in neyf teyss cwrme gar stayd ga in daill vmmi in deyg er gar hayd is gar (? har) zavr ...nbsp;zwrme.

A howdir soo in bard Mac ynteir: Ffoylschee dy* chowythtith a cheeddi.

At foot:

Da bei* zo wny* mir by* choir neir tam et Ian woir so is ter cha daig gin ei* layn zenni*

Her veir ry* a wen er scheill Da hi* lam ben weski* wor rasky* si tonenbsp;Si twn« gin dein werryn ei* laymoe zannbsp;Her weir ry* a wen er scheill.

A houdir so Murreith Albany*: Dane mi heggisk a Threnot.

Isbell ne vek Callein; Ta flesgy* er mo heissa.

Yn bard mac Yntyr;

A zonill zlass is garg geell a vie Wlza oygk invinnbsp;Mac Ynteir dawle raid choissnbsp;mir ell tow er essew a leissnbsp;in dut schei* na* nair in rynnenbsp;essaith er dane donill etc.

Teig Ook o Hwggin; Di chonnik caithrir rawsee.

(L)ay a roy* in Dundalgin.

-ocr page 122-

106 Catalogue of the Booh of the Dean of Lismore

p. 290. Etates Mundi, to foot of next page.

At foot:

Di clann duwzhe gow deith ennir mitta foiss (? forss) gin voe meenbsp;na leg zin chlonn seyw (? senw) fass foynni'^nbsp;fFolsy di zrass zoenith a zeya.

p. 290 (bis). Ne eirfee neall reichin Royze da maw dli deyney* reir si* oyle ooer na wyill eir gin zeill doym gan ernbsp;syenw awzar \n tra teatht oynn zawle cloyth ginnbsp;zraw molt mark fayne woaill tann irnbsp;dart foyr gart gyle ny* gortnbsp;cha di hollith in neir soo etc.

Ysbell na vie Kellanra; Margi za gallir in grawg. p. 293 (next page). Three fragmentary lines in Scots.

Mawle Rownni in nastir as twtht re tagsin a chow(b) (z) ... mna na drongow a doll tart a cur alt di zrommow (ker)nbsp;bon troill derga a leei* let gin delga oyr woo na beanbsp;mna dey zall a dilnew mak da wairrew glass re al(t).

Corle ir ec matht

Annit er skay'-in menitht is mer goi* ni garwe anih (? anil) ebay wei* wenith wlay* gin woye losgkir in naacli re hein oar.

A howdir so Teyg ooyg o Hwggin: Imgy skeall mach er Mvr.

At foot four lines, very faint.


Oir rachtin ryig in cronwig.

Autor huius Ossane mac Einn; Sai la guss in dei.


Autor huius Duncha Mor O Daly: Garf orffidin a wrai*, to top of p. (not numbered) following 297.

300. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;At top: Schir Tormeid To zowand zywaess zo____

301. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Is say a verri a hossni gi trome frei* mac fei*ni golksen.

Autor huius in Keith o Cloanre: Hossna charrit a clean, to foot of p. 303.

At foot: a memorandum of 1516 in Latin and Scots.


304. 306.

Autor huius Gerroyd Erie: Marg a quhwrrig gyle a mnee.

A howdir soo Finlai in. bard royeg; Hoariss mo ry heath vor.

Autor huius Duncha mac Ohallann in dyg riddire : Oyhz is miss in

gilli mor.

p. 307. A houdir so Gerroyd Erie: Marg a der oik riss ni mnae.

A howdir soo Murreith Albanatht: Mariwm di scarre rwmsy*a ryir.


Dursin tosg Dunche vie Vrane.

-ocr page 123-



First lines are followed by numbers in brackets indicating the number of quatrains in the poems, when this is known, and by references to the pages of the B(ook of the Dean ofnbsp;Dismore) and of the editions of M(’Lauchlan), C{ameron), and Q(uiggin). Entries or partsnbsp;of entries in w'hich the spelling of the Dean’s Book has been retained are printed in italics.





A Alastair, an do thréig tu an ghruaim (2)



A bhean da dtugussa gradh (6)



A bhean dan léir mo locht


A bhean ’ga bhfuil erodh (3)

88, 171


A bhean ler shaobhadh (?) Éibhear (1)



A bhean na dtrl mbó (3)



A cheart féin ón bhreithimh


A chinn Diarmada I Chairbre (7)



A chlairseach Chnuic I Chosgair (10)



A chompain is nach dr ss let cliach


A Chonaill, ca sealbh na cinn (24)




A Dhomhnaill ghlais as garg gail


Adhbhar bróin bruadar bailo (18)



A, fóir mise, mo Dhé dhil

A Ghoraidh, triallmaoid gu Finn (7)





Aithnid ar skayHn menitht


Aithnidh domh sgeul beag ar Fionn (36?)




Aithris fhréimhe ruanaidh Eóin (?) (17)



A leith Muire adubhairt so


A mhic, a ehuing, a Dhé dhaonaigh (?)


A mhic Dubhghaill, t’oidhre attane (11)




Anbhfann anocht neart mo lamh (12)




An ceathramhadh bliadhain dearg déag


An d’éag Eóin riabhach in trwss


Anmoch (?) trath trialla dhuit


Ann so chonnaic mé an fhian (9)




A phaidrin do dhiiisg mo dhéar (16)




Ard aigneadh Ghuill (36)




Ar Horn ni suairc an ceól (1)


Ar mao Donnehaidh ehuaidh an ehuing


Ar maithibh is ole th’aithne (3)


Ar rochtain Eiogh na cruinne (4)



Ar slioeht Gaoidheal ó ghort Gréag (19J)



A shagairt na haonphóige (6)



Até, adhbhar fa na mnaibh (6)



Ata fan tulaighse thuaidh (5)



Ata fleasgach ar mo thi (3)



Ataid tri comhraig im chionn (31)



im chroidhe, a mhic Dhé (4)




Beannacht uaim ar anmain Fhloinn

92 c

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;There have been included isolated single lines and the first lines of fragments.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ed. Watson, An De7gt; Gréine, May 1922.

® Ed. Watson, Gaidheal, January 1924.

¦* Ed. Watson, A71 Deo Gréine, January 1922.

-ocr page 124-
















37, 157 250





















92 e




39, 59




















































280 •*












Index of First Lines

Beannuigh do theaghlach, a Thrionóid (16) Beir, a mhanaigh, leat do chos (5)

Binn guth duine i dtir an óir (4)

Bliadhain do chuala cian uaidh (18)

Bod brioghmhar ató ag Donnchadh (6)

Buaidh ar dheilbh (?) ar dhéanamli riogh (7) Buaidb thighearna ar thóiseachaibh (22)nbsp;Cailidheacht dhona (?) ar nasal (14)

Cairt a siothchana ag slol Adhaimb (31) Ceatbrar do bbl ar uaigb an fbir (10)

Ceatbrar Dombnall la dreaeb eorcra (184)

Cba bbeirear neacb gan ioo leis Cba n-an ar iatb (?) bean mbic Uilliamnbsp;Challa gave coane a reiss ir 'ineihy‘

Cia do gbeóbbainn go Grainne (24)

Cia don pbléid as oeann uidbe (23)

Cian 0 nacb bblaoa an bbuidbin (18) Cleambneaa cairdeas Inse Gall (2)

Cogar an cumann

Cóir feitbeamb ar uaislibb Alban (19) Créacbtacb sin, a mbacaoimb mbóir (4)

Créad agaibb aoigbidb i gcéin (27)

Créad da ndearnadb Dombnall Bonn (7)

Créad fa seacbainnse suirgbe (15)

Créad 1 an longsa ar Locb Innse (13)

Cuaine rlogbdba rug Eadaoin (25)

Cumbain born imtbeacbt ocbtair (14)

Da gbabbladb dbeag insan dan (18)

Dal cbabblaidb ar Cbaisteal Suibbne (28)

Da mbéadb dbo mbnaoi mar bn cboir Da n-abrainn gur gbeal an fiaobnbsp;Da sbleigb ag Donncbadb mac Pbloinn (13)nbsp;Da urradb i n-iatb Eireann (24)

Déan mo tbeagosg, a Tbrlonóid (12) D’fbiosraigb ingbean an fhuilt fhinnnbsp;Diomdbach me don gbaoitb a ndeas (7)

Do atbraigb séan ar slol gCuinn (33)

Do bbl Ié, éigin eile

Dob iomdba laocb fuileacb fior (?)

Dob uallacb (?) crann pailme Do bbuail orm ambgbar dbólaisnbsp;Do cblainn Donnebaidb go dtéigb anairnbsp;Do cbonnac ceitbre rabbaidb (18)

Do chonnaic mé teaghlacb Finn (4)

Do cbuaidb mise Eoibeard féin (1)

Do cbuala mé fada ó sboin (25j)

Do dbéanadb (?) long ar Locb Eaitbneacb (17) Do fuar hesga is a rabaanbsp;Do mbillis mise, a Gbrainne (10)

Do nitbear lionta don lion (10)

Donn sleibbe mac Dbombnaill duibb Dorn eidir dban is dasacbt (42)

Draane one ionmbuin fatb ar gceirde (?) Duanaire na strécaire (9)

' Ed. MacFarlane, Celtic Monthly, May 1913. ^ Ed. Watson, An Deb Grêine, Feb. 1924.

3 Ed. Watson, SOS, i, 145 ff.

^ Ed. Bergin and Lloyd, R.G., xxxiii, 52 ff.

® Ed. Watson, Voices from the Hills, 64.

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Index of First Lines


M. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;C.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Q.





92, 169






















60 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;84



112 100







78 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;94















94 a




























290 bis
















Dursan toisg Donnchaidh mhio Bhriain (8J) Dursan uir ar th-ucht, a Néill (9)

Eik (?) ra missione is mail Eistidh, a lucht an tighese (4)

Eistidh riomsa, a Mhuire mhór (40)

Er rwmm raymm re na‘

Fada ataim gan bhogha (13)

Fada atd a n-easbhaidh aoibhnis (7)

Fada dhomh an luighese (6)

Fada ó mhalluigh Dia na mnéi (6)

Failleagan beag failleagan (3)

Fane zei neir annes mess (1)

Feairrde, a chroidhe is a ruin (1)

FfeV one feiwe a clanny* cwlli (1)

Fir Alban’s ni h-iad amhain (1)

Fleadh mhór do-rinneadh la Fionn (21) Foillsigh do chumhachd, a Chéadfaidh (?)nbsp;Fuaras mao mar an t-athair (17)

Fuaras mo mhian do dhdn air (6)

Fuaras mo rogha do theagh mór (19)

Fuaras mo rogha na n-óg mbrioghmhar (36) Fuath Horn bheith ionnat ag triall (6)nbsp;Fuidheall beannaoht brii Mhuire (37)

Gabh mo chomairghe, a Mhic Ghriogoir (13) Garbh eirghid iodhna an bhratha (27)nbsp;Gealladh gach saoi dhon each odhar (14)nbsp;Geall do chuir Ur aye‘ er nail (44)

Gearr go gcobhra Ei na rlogh (8)

Ge ta, a bhean____

Ge ta mise laidir luath Giolla nach gaibh dan’s naoh seinnnbsp;Gleann Sidh an gleann so rem thaoibh (26)nbsp;Go meala, a Chathail, do chrios (13)

Gyt si, a Dhubhghaill (?), tearc a samhailse Innis do Gholl (?) nach...

Innis diiinn, a ohrupan (5)

Innis diiinn, a Fhearghuis (14)

Innis diiinn, a Phadraig (11) lomdha sgéal maith ar Muire (7)nbsp;Iongnadh...is mé ar ndeaghailt (l8)nbsp;lonmhuin maol da mel an sgian (5)nbsp;lonmhuin tii, a lamh Dhonnchaidh (?)

Is fada anooht a n-Ail Finn (9)

Is learr soios cos...

Is é bheir osnadh gu trom Is mairg dan galar an gradh (3)

Is mairg léimeas thar a each (10)

Is maith do dh’aoirfinn (?) an t-éag (1)

La da ndeachaidh Fionn do dh’ól (21)

La dé; ndeachaidh Fionn mo thriath (17)

Lé, da, ndeachaidh sé da chill (42)

La da ndeachaidh an rioghain La da rabhamar...®

Ed. Watson, An Gaidheal, April 1924.

Ed. Watson, An Deo Gréine, July-Aug. 1921. Ed. Watson, An Gaidheal, July 1924.

Ed. Watson, An Gaidheal, June 1924.

Ed. Watson, An Gaidheal, March 1924.

Vide 0’Eahilly, SGS iv, 45.

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Index of First Lines





La, da raibii i nDun Dealgan (14)




La dar shuidh ceathrar re eeird,(24)



Lamh an thir dh’fhóirfeas a n-Birinn (26)



Linn labhras leabhar Muire (24)



Loor uainn, a zylsi odhair


Mao óighe thii is sy* mao mna


Mac Slid ar sliooht fionnMhananain (20)



Maire inghean Néill Stiubhard


Mairg adeir ole ris na mnaibh (7)



Mairg bean nach bi ag aonshagart (14)




Mairg dhiültas comhairle chóir (3)



Mairg do ehuirfeadh geall a mnaoi (10)



Mairg duine do chaill a ghuth (5)




Mairg mheallas muirn an tsaoghail (44)



Mairg ó ndeachaidh a léim luith (14)



Maith ataoi ann sin, a Néill (15)



Maith do chuadhas chuige andé


Maith do chuid, a oharbaid mhaoil (9)



Maith do hoileadh Gormlaith ghearr (15)



Mall riin (?) an astair as t-ucht


M’anam do sgar riomsa aréir (25)



Marbhnadh uainne go h-Eóghain


Mar do bhi caoga laoeh ngarbh


Marthain duit, a chrooh an Choimdheadh (55)



Meata fos gan mhaithe (?) mé


Mithigh domh triall gu tigh Parrthais (7)




Mo chas (?) annsan ehurchan cheólach

Mo dhol éag na mo theaoht as (1)




Mór an feidhm freagairt na bhfaighdheadh (40)



Mór an maidhm so don mhnaoi bhlaith


Mór anocht mo chumha féin (58)




Mór tubaist na taiblisge (15)



Na biodh rawe do ghruaim


Na léig mo mhealladh, a Mhuire (25)



Namha domh an dén (10)



Naonbhar do-chuamar fa ehoill (31)




Ne eddrumsich na* ill leineli


Ne eirfee Neall richin Royze

290 bis

N1 fhéadaim cobhlach do ghléas



N1 fheadar mé cé méad leannan


Nf fhuil an t-éag mar a theist



N1 h-aoibhneas gan chloinn Domhnaill (17)




Ni h-ionann chuadar san ehath


Ni leór zeivesy* mar dhan domh


Ni maith é, is mao gidh nan


Ni maith siiibhal san Domhnach (11)




Ochagan is é seo an ceann (7)




Ochagan mo ghalar féin (3)



Och is mise an giolla mór (4)



Oidhche i ndiln carad thagham (?) (14)



Osnadh carad i goluain Eraoich (33)




Parrthas toraidh an Diseart (24)



Eathzany* zutte aye in seny* lawe


Eéadla na cruinne Caitriona (17)



Eéadla na cruinne Corp Crfosd (31)



Eioghachd ghaisgidh oighreachd Bóin (23)



Seachd fiohead mile (?) ...


Seachd saighde ata ar mo thi (10)




' Ed. Watson, 8G8 i, 17.

2 Ed. Watson, SG8, ii, 202.

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Index of First Lines


Sé la gus andé (30)

Sgéal beag agam ar na mnaibh (10)

Sgéal cheale in keill mo chedde Sgéal uaigneacb ar chéile Casail (?) (10)nbsp;Stoyd (sgoyd) neyn Donnchaidh ar a h-oidenbsp;Thainig adhbhar mo thuirse (24)

Thainig Padraig mór mac Alpuin Tar isteach, a dhreólain bhig (3)

Tarlay mairre ra mayne derre Ta triiir cailin is ssne glóir (25)

Teach carad do-chlu folamh (22)

Teaohtaire chuireas 1 gcéin (8)

Theasta aondiabhal na nGaoidheal (17) Théighim toisg d’fhuasgladh Finn (72)nbsp;Tigidh, a dhaoine, is éistidhnbsp;Tomhas mhuir Chruachan i gCluain Fraoichnbsp;(c. 33)

Tosach félle fairsinge (42)

Tri ghartha chuala go minig (?)

Truagh Horn Tualach na Féine (24)

Triur aoigheadh is tuar éigse (?)

Tuarasgbhail teaghlaigh Dhiiin Ollaigh (1) Thugas rdghradh do mhnaoi fir (3)

Tuig gura fearg an t-éad (10)

Twrri gi hi cort bheith dhiiinn is duit Woar a tonis moraik sporry‘

.....ard la rechta gow re Braivin

.....ne mac mhie cearda chlosse

......o goyni* keymm ard
































133, 212 176












249 8

250 245








' Ed. Watson, An Deo Grêine, April 1922. 2 Ed. Watson, An Gaidheal, May 1924.


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J ~\



(The references are to the pages of the Dean’s Book.)

Aifric nighean Chorcadail, 148 Ailéin mac Eiada, 71nbsp;Artur Dall mac Mhurchaidh (?), 263nbsp;Anonymous, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 16, 25, 30, 31,nbsp;32, 33, 39, 44, 45, 58, 59, 60, 68, 93, 97,nbsp;114, 161, 164, 171, 172, 174, 177, 180,nbsp;204, 212, 222, 280, 286, 310

Bard an Léim {‘!),vide Giolla Crlosd Bruiling-each

Caoilte mac Eonain, 133

Conall Cearnach mac Eidirsceóil, 205

Cü Chonnacht mac Cearbhaill Bhuidhe, 16

Deadhan Chnóideart, 55 Donncha Caimbéul (mac Cailin, an Eidirenbsp;maith), 10, 37, 109, 111, 149, 157, 202,nbsp;225, 251, 306

Donncha mac an Mhaolain, vide Mac Millan Donncha mac Dhubhghaill Mhaoil, 7, 28,nbsp;64, 208, 223. (Obit 1512, p. 188)

Donncha Mór ó Leamhnach, 23 Donncha Óg, 239nbsp;Donncha Og Albanach, 273nbsp;Dubhghall mac Ghiolla Ghlais, 155nbsp;Dubhghall mac lain mhio Bóghain, 35

Eóghan mac Muireadhaigh, 49, 61, 88

Fearghus File, 145, 230 Félim mac Dubhghaill, 59nbsp;Fionnlaoch Euadh an Bard, 103, 104, 216,nbsp;217, 249, 281, 304

Gearóid larla, 5, 11, 68, 88, 128, 144, 279, 303, 307

Giolla Brighde mac Con Midhe, 40 Giolla Brighde Beag Mac Con Midhe, 226nbsp;Giolla Caluim mac an Ollaimh, 28, 236,nbsp;240

Giolla Coimdheadh Og, 117 Giolla Crfosd Bruilingeach, 153, 244nbsp;Giolla Crlosd Tailear, 23, 120, 271, 275nbsp;Giolla Glas mac an Tailir, 278nbsp;Giolla losa ó Sléibhin, 65nbsp;Giolla Naoimh mac Mharcuis, 92 onbsp;Gormlaith nighean Fhloinn, 55, 57, 62nbsp;Grant, Fearohar mac Phadraig, 88nbsp;lain mac Aodha (?) Euaidh, 84nbsp;Isobella Countess of Argyll, 251nbsp;Isobella NI mhio Chailin, 285, 290 bis

Mac an tSaoir an Bard, 70, 266, 282, 285 Mac Cabe, Donncha, 129nbsp;Mac Cailin, Barl of Argyll, 73, 271nbsp;Mac Combie, Eóghan, 179nbsp;Mac Clymont, Eobert, 170nbsp;Mac Eaohairn, lain mac Bóghain, 130nbsp;Mac Giolla Fhionntóg, an fear dé,na, 209nbsp;Mac Gregor, Domhnal liath, 199nbsp;Maointyre, vide Mac an tSaoirnbsp;Mac Innes, lain, 116nbsp;Mac lutosh, Andrew, 69, 181nbsp;Mac Kermont, Donncha, 106nbsp;Mac Lachlan, Giolla Padraig, 54, 158nbsp;Mac Lachlan, William, 62nbsp;Mac Lamont, Eobert, 170nbsp;Mac Loughlin, Flann, 92onbsp;Mac Millan, Donncha, 77nbsp;Mac Nab, Finlay, 143. (Obit 1525, p. 195)nbsp;Mac Eory, Alan, 147nbsp;Mac Pherson, Duncan, 64, 89nbsp;Maol Domhnaigh mac Mhaghnuis mholl-aigh (?), 51

Maire nighean Neill (?), 217

Niall mac Aoidh Bhig, 56

O Clumhain, an Caoch, 301 Ó Dalaigh, Donncha Mor, 11, 101, 122, 296nbsp;Ó Dalaigh, Gofraidh Fionn, 12, 53, 124, 165nbsp;O Dalaigh, Muireadhach Albanach, 19, 113,nbsp;, 150, 255, 284, 307

O Dalaigh, Muireadhach Leasa an Doill, 20 O Hifernan, Diarmaid, 112nbsp;Ó Huiggin, Tadhg Og, 106, 166, 252, 260,nbsp;, 286, 293

Ó Maolchonaire, 269 Ó Maolchonaire, Torna, 246nbsp;O Neachtain, Giolla Padraig, 180nbsp;Oisin, 50, 63, 126, 179, 215, 220, 294

An Pearsan, 267

Seaan Mór, 41

Trf Braithrean (? Ealaidh nan t. b.), 87


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