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The present volume forms No. 3 of a series of Reprints of Welsh Prose Worksnbsp;of the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenthnbsp;centuries, for the issue of which arrangements have been made by the Guild ofnbsp;Graduates of the University of Wales. It isnbsp;hoped that the publication of OH Synnwyrnbsp;pen Kembero, which is a literal reproductionnbsp;of the original and only edition, may to somenbsp;extent supply a want and extend the limitednbsp;facilities now enjoyed by students of Welshnbsp;prose.

The Guild desire it to be understood that, while they are responsible for the generalnbsp;lines on which the series is issued, and alsonbsp;for the choice of books and of editors, thenbsp;.sole responsibility for the contents of eachnbsp;volume lies with its editor.

March 1902.

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1556 8664

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Bli pen



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Edited by J. Q’smenogvryn Evans

Hon. üd.'A., Hon. O. Lift. (Oxon.J

Bangor: 9[arbtÖ f JFoster. London :

31. 95. 2Dmt Ï Co.

Instituut voor

l^eltische taal — en letterlcunde Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht

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Instituut voor

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Sir 'John Williams, 'Bart.,

m. Tgt;.,Hon.Ll.Tgt;. of the

'Bias, Llan Stephan.

Hear Sir John,

The little boo\ here reproduced has sojourned long, with sealed lips,nbsp;among the stranger. You, mo’tied bynbsp;l(ftgt;e of country, restored it to itsnbsp;friends, and promptly enabled me tonbsp;introduce it and its message to ournbsp;fellow-countrymen. On behalf of my-telf, and all lo’hers of the past, Inbsp;desire therefore to thanl{_ you; and Inbsp;Would solicit your acceptance of thisnbsp;reprint, not only as an expressionnbsp;of my admiration for your quiet,nbsp;effective labours on behalf of Wales,nbsp;but also as a tribute of regard andnbsp;affection for you personally. Bendith-ion yr Hael vo'ch rhan

Bywyd llawen presennol,

A gwlad nef ar glod yn ol.

J. Qwenog^ryn Eygt;ans.

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JT would appear that the printing of 0// Syntfvyr pen Kembero ygyd^nbsp;Was originally due to an accident.nbsp;William Salesbury tells us, in hisnbsp;preface, that he was one day fumblingnbsp;leisurely among those of his books,nbsp;which were not in constant use.nbsp;“ Suddenly ” he came upon a collection of Welsh Proverbs which henbsp;had “copied with his own hand”nbsp;from one of the manuscripts ofnbsp;Griffith Hiraethog, chief bard ofnbsp;Gwynedd. This copy had beennbsp;taken, “half by stealth,” during anbsp;journey made in company with thenbsp;Bard from the banks of the Conwynbsp;to those of the Thames, “ nownbsp;three years agone since last May-lt;lay.” These words make it clearnbsp;that the Preface was written at leastnbsp;three years after Salesbury had beennbsp;to London. It may also be notednbsp;that when something is done “suddenly,” there is usually a deus ex


* This quaint title may be translated as The suffi of Ky?nric wisdom. Literally itnbsp;means 2'he whole sense of a Welshtfian^snbsp;head.

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X nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Introductory Note.

machina. Most men give free lodgings to more plans than theynbsp;can ever accomplish, and the principle of selection is not seldomnbsp;governed by outside causes of thenbsp;sudden kind. Among the mostnbsp;common of these is the spirit ofnbsp;imitation or emulation, and sometimes of rivalry or jealousy. Somenbsp;minds cannot endure the thought ofnbsp;anybody doing anything withoutnbsp;their doing it too. Others discovernbsp;suddenly that ideas are born in pairs,nbsp;and that work they have had in theirnbsp;mind is being done by another.nbsp;This was the case of Erasmus whennbsp;Polydore Virgil published a collectionnbsp;of Proverbs in 1498. The Adagianbsp;of these scholars grew in popularitynbsp;as edition after edition was pourednbsp;forth by the printing presses ofnbsp;Europe.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Sales bury was familiar ^

with the Proverbs and commentaries

= Besides the allusion in the preface of Synnwyr pen. we find in A briefe and anbsp;playne introduction, teachyng hotv to pronounce the letters in the British tong (1550),nbsp;Salesbury quoting Erasmus as holding thatnbsp;“ there is not written fo yll a boke, but itnbsp;is worthy the reading for some confidera-tion.”

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Introductory Note.

taries of Erasmus. Erasmus had been to Oxford “ to learn the Greeknbsp;which he taught at Cambridge,” andnbsp;had left friends at both Universities.nbsp;When he died in 1536, there isnbsp;reason for believing, as we shallnbsp;presently see, that William Salesburynbsp;was then a student at Oxford,nbsp;where he would hear the praises ofnbsp;the reformer, whose teachings hadnbsp;probably been among the influencesnbsp;which detached him from the Romannbsp;Catholicism of his youth. The ideanbsp;suggests itself that, while yet anbsp;student on the banks of the Isis, henbsp;had visions of becoming in his daynbsp;a Welsh Erasmus,—of beginningnbsp;with editing proverbs, and of endingnbsp;with translating the New Testamentnbsp;into Welsh. Read the prefacenbsp;printed below, and you will findnbsp;that he cannot write about proverbsnbsp;without putting in a plea for anbsp;translation of the Scripture intonbsp;Welsh ; he even urges his fellow-countrymen to go on pilgrimagesnbsp;to solicit the King and his Councilnbsp;to grant them this boon. Thenbsp;visions of youth play no smallnbsp;part in the after-life of the man.


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xii Introductory Note.

The eagerness with which Salesburj copies the proverbs, without the fullnbsp;and free sanction of Griffith Hir-aethog, looks like the action of a mannbsp;trying to realize his ideal at anynbsp;cost. And when three years later,nbsp;in 1546, John Hey wood publishednbsp;his collection of English proverbs,nbsp;the impulse to go and do likewisenbsp;for Wales seems to have over-mastered Salesbury, though his materialnbsp;was not the fruit of his own industry.3nbsp;Synn'wyr peti appeared, and Salesburynbsp;having once put his hand to thenbsp;plough, felt he must go on. Beforenbsp;the year is out he obtains permissionnbsp;to print several works. Hencenbsp;djenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;gives notice

ail jidiidrs bokffi’llcrö. .... to tinïiErCanö tljat ot' ournbsp;gracr rfpecial, toe Ijatir ö'rattntrönbsp;anO {Tfufit piitiileliffe anö licencenbsp;to our loelbeloueti fubiecteö


3 Salesbury gives credit to Griffith Ilir-aethog for collecting and arranging the Proverbs alphabetically, whereas G. H. hadnbsp;done hardly more than take a copy from oldernbsp;collections. Whether the dedicatory prefacenbsp;to Richard Mostyn had then been writtennbsp;does not appear. See Reports on Peniarthnbsp;MS. 155, Mostyn MS. 112, the Red Booknbsp;of Hergest, White Book of Rhydderch.

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Introductory Note, xiii

feialrfburp anb

ÏSlalcp to pjint 01 catife to be Wiutcb Olive booke entitleb anbsp;aDictionarie botbe in englpffie $nbsp;toelcbe. tcljecebp our inelbelouebnbsp;fubiectg in fellale^ inaj tljenbsp;foner atta^ne anb learne ournbsp;niere* eiifflpflbe touffe. . . . ^nbnbsp;that none other perfon oj perfon^nbsp;of toljateaate, beffre oj conbicionnbsp;fo euer the? be, bo pjtnte ojnbsp;taufe to be pjtnteb anp othernbsp;booke oj bookestohjeh ourefajbenbsp;Cubiette0 dxUiUiam anb 3!hon ojnbsp;^?ther of them, hereafter bo ojnbsp;fi)al firft tranüate anb fetfojthnbsp;burtng: feuen ^eres nert enCuinjnbsp;the fjJttt pjinting of ang fuelnbsp;oooke oj-bokeö .... (IBeuennbsp;St our ^@alare of MleCminGernbsp;the. riii baj? of 2Derember. in tljenbsp;wvbli jere of our raijne.’'-»

Here we have early evidence of Salesbury’s intention to translate^ andnbsp;the King’s licence to publish apparently as many translations as henbsp;pleased. If Synn’vyr pen was printed


* A copy op the Kynges rnofte gracious ^i'^iledgc, printed at the end of Lliih anbsp;Ban, This licence secured copyright if itnbsp;d.id nothing more. *nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;merry.

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xiv Introductory Note.

after December 1546, would the “ bare-footed pilgrimages ” to thenbsp;King and his Council be necessarynbsp;to obtain a right which had alreadynbsp;been granted ? The onus probandinbsp;rests on the shoulders of those whonbsp;answer “yes.” The translation actually published under the above licencenbsp;was the Lectionary of 1551, entitled

KYNNIVER lUtf) a ban oj

t5)ur Ian ac a Sarlleir p? fficclcis pfpS elommiin / v. Sulieu a’r ®ö)ilieu trtop ’rnbsp;0 Camberciciat / Wl,

The New Testament did not appear till 15^7- It is to the shame ofnbsp;Wales that the whole of Salesbury’snbsp;works have not long ago beennbsp;collected together, and carefully reproduced in the same style of typesnbsp;as those originally used. Clothesnbsp;are not without their importance innbsp;estimating the man. 'I'he translations of Salesbury are largely the verynbsp;words in which every Welshmannbsp;still reads his New Testament. Wenbsp;have received with both hands fromnbsp;him, but what have we done innbsp;return Truly does the proverbnbsp;rebuke us: “A Welshman seeksnbsp;with both hands, but gives with


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Introductory Note. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;xv

one,” and that as little and as seldom as he can. We can buy a “wholenbsp;Bible for a few pence.” Why,nbsp;then,should we contribute in order tonbsp;preserve the form of the work of thenbsp;man who laboured for our good, ornbsp;Seek inspiration from the way ournbsp;benefactor battled with dilEculties,nbsp;vanquishing them one by one, evennbsp;to the borrowing of one hundrednbsp;pounds in order to print the Newnbsp;Testament ?

It was said above that Salesbury began with the Proverbs. It mustnbsp;be added that the book bears no date,nbsp;beyond the internal evidence of thenbsp;Preface. We have seen that therenbsp;IS a reference to John Heywood’snbsp;Collection of English Proverbs andnbsp;to the “ King,” who must be eithernbsp;Henry VIIl., or his son, Edward VI.nbsp;Syrurwyr pen cannot therefore benbsp;earlier than 1546, or later than Julynbsp;6th, 1553.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;known date of the

printer 5 coincides with the same


5 Aiber gives 1548 as his earliest date, hut this proves nothing beyond the carelessnbsp;in which the early Registers were kept.nbsp;A copy of VV. Peryn’s Thre Godly and notablenbsp;bief?/;ons, printed by Nicholas Hyll in 154^1nbsp;can be still seen at the Bodleian Library.

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xvi Introductory Note.

limit of years. The Editor of Tny Ihyvyr hwnn, speaks of his bantlingnbsp;as the “first-born” of the Welshnbsp;press. It may be that Mr. Daviesnbsp;is right, or Tny Ihyvyr hwnn may benbsp;merely the first-born of twins, \ifirstnbsp;born at all. The point is not easynbsp;of solution. But various considerations tend to confirm the inferencenbsp;that 1546 was the year which sawnbsp;the publication of Synn'Otyr pen.nbsp;Certain peculiarities of orthographynbsp;are worthy of consideration. Tnynbsp;Ihyvyr hwnn has and Ö for thenbsp;usual U and dd. Examine Synn'wyrnbsp;pen and the Dictionary (which wasnbsp;licensed in 1546), and you seek innbsp;vain for a single instance of thenbsp;use of either. Turn to the Ban 0nbsp;gyfreith Howel dda., 1550, and thenbsp;Lectionary oi 1551» and you meetnbsp;with instances of the employment ofnbsp;both. There can be no doubt thatnbsp;these innovations were derived fromnbsp;Tny Ihyvyr hwnn. Salesbury mustnbsp;therefore have seen it after thenbsp;printing of his two earlier works.nbsp;Again, if we limit our examinationnbsp;to a comparison of the Prefaces^


“ Tbe readers must bear in mind that the

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Introductory Note. xvii

of Synn-wyr pen and of the Dictionary (1547), we find former has nonbsp;instance of a plural in -au, and thatnbsp;with few exceptions the first andnbsp;third persons singular of verbs endnbsp;regularly in -^is and -e\, whereas -aisnbsp;and -ai are the prevailing forms innbsp;the latter, which has also silltau,nbsp;ymaith, eraill, damwain, darllain,nbsp;perphaith, gyfraith, rhufain, sant-aidd, wreigaidd, etc. Such endings,nbsp;in words of two or more syllables,


orthography of the Proverbs is that of Griffith Iliraethog in its main features. Salesburynbsp;copied and printed them very nearly as henbsp;found them, but in his preface he attemptsnbsp;to emancipate himself from the orthographynbsp;of his contemporaries, and to hark backnbsp;to the practice of the fourteenth century.nbsp;Hence his absurd retention of radical formsnbsp;where mutations should take place. Bishopnbsp;Morgan recognised what was good in Sales-bury’s orthography, but brushed most of hisnbsp;absurdities aside. Unfortunately Bishopnbsp;Parry followed, with a Grammarian at hisnbsp;elbow. Grammarians, in their eagerness tonbsp;feduce everything to rule, forget that languagenbsp;IS a living thing. There is no such thingnbsp;as plenary inspiration or finality in thisnbsp;matter. In France, the Academy revisesnbsp;French spelling from age to age. In Wales,nbsp;every printing press follows its own whimsnbsp;and follies in defiance of history, phonetics,nbsp;example of standard MSS. like thenbsp;White Book of Rhydderch, and the Red Booknbsp;of Ilergest.

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xviii Introductory Note.

owe their origin to ignorant love of uniformity, and the exigencies ofnbsp;rhyme have helped to perpetuatenbsp;them 7: the legitimate influencenbsp;of accent is ignored, as well as thenbsp;historic growth and representationnbsp;of sound. True forms like henafi^it,nbsp;aniveili’it, tybii'it, bendig^it, Brytan-n^idd, perftVith, henlt;?int, er^ill, are,nbsp;with four exceptions, the spellings ofnbsp;Synn'wyr pen: they also appear innbsp;Salesbury’s later works, but withnbsp;-ak, -akh, -«int, and -«ill as thenbsp;prevailing forms. The New Testament exhibits still further corruptions, such as ~ae and -ay as pluralnbsp;terminations, etn and eich as pluralnbsp;possessives. Salesbury was nevernbsp;apparently able to distinguish between the sounds of eu and ei, i andnbsp;y. He uses all four indifferently.nbsp;As a matter of fact, we do notnbsp;today, in our daily speech, distinguish between the sounds of thenbsp;possessives y, eu; and our manuscripts prove that this has been


7 Lewis Glynn Cothi and others wrote en^id to rhyme with jhmd; modern W'ill do thenbsp;same if the rhyme dt es not happtn to mdnbsp;the lines, as if that made any diflference.

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Introductory Note, xix

the case ever since the thirteenth century.

The modern form ei is found first of all in Salesbury’s books, as far asnbsp;the writer’s personal observationnbsp;goes. But that its use was due innbsp;the earlier instances to inability tonbsp;distinguish between i or and eunbsp;is manifest, not only from thenbsp;passages® where it occurs, but alsonbsp;from the Dictionary, which gives eunbsp;as the only form of “ his.” It wasnbsp;an after-thought which led to thenbsp;employment of “ ei ” for his, hers,nbsp;in place of the only rational form /,nbsp;represented in mediaeval manuscriptsnbsp;by y (his, hers, their). The modernnbsp;forms ein and etch, which havenbsp;replaced the phonetic and historic ynnbsp;andjch, appear to have arisen similarly. There are no instances of


' Pwy o hanoch chwi y fyrth i afin ne eu ych mewn pwli, amp;c. Llith aban,io\.(gt;^. Anbsp;phan weladd lefhu yhi / e tofturiacld yn ynbsp;calon wrtheu Ibid fol. 63^^. Compare also:nbsp;Mair e vam ei . . , . y nerth ef . . . eunbsp;feren ef . . . . deillon yn cael i g^^lwcnbsp;• ¦ . . ef a Mair eu wraic .... a roeffonnbsp;y dillad i hunein . . . etbyir y law ....nbsp;amArmeibon . . . die » thymp i escor. Ynonbsp;ydd aeth at lefhu mam plant Dhfebedi / ynbsp;gyd Aei meibon / can e addoly.

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XX nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Introductory Note.

them in Synn'wyr pen., or in the Dictionary, but Llith a Ban hasnbsp;numerous examples of ewn and ewz\\9nbsp;as mediate forms on the “ downnbsp;grade.” Whether ein and eich.nbsp;occur also, the writer cannot say,nbsp;as he has only read parts of thenbsp;Lectionary. Richard Davies, Bishopnbsp;of St, David’s, also used “ ein ” innbsp;his autograph MS. of one of thenbsp;epistles translated by him.

The above considerations all tend in the same direction, and make itnbsp;more than probable that what isnbsp;happening in 1902 happened alsonbsp;in 1546, to wit, Synny/yr pen andnbsp;Tny Ihyvyr hwnn appeared, in pointnbsp;of time, twin-like together. Thenbsp;analogy would be more completenbsp;had both the modern editors beennbsp;also luminaries of the law, as Air.nbsp;Davies, with pardonable professionalnbsp;pride, has pointed out was the casenbsp;with the original editors.

It would be interesting to sketch the life of William Salesbury, but


s Here Salesbury apparently uses w for u. I Compare “ Selef yn ew oil ogoniant ”nbsp;(fol. 624), and “ ew dody ” from Preface ofnbsp;Synnwyrpen. En and ech are also frequentlynbsp;employed.

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that would require months, if not years, of continuous labour. Thenbsp;known facts are few, as is often thenbsp;case with the benefactors of the race.nbsp;It has been supposed that Williamnbsp;Salesbury was born in 1517; andnbsp;if the Robert Salysburie, who supplicated for the B.A. degree atnbsp;Oxford in May 1534, and deter-ntined in the Lent of 1535, wasnbsp;the elder brother of William, therenbsp;Cannot be much doubt that 1517nbsp;tnust be the approximate date of hisnbsp;kirth. In the usual course of thingsnbsp;William would come to Oxfordnbsp;when his brother was about to leave,nbsp;and he would be 18 years of age innbsp;^535, when Robert became a full-fledged graduate. William wouldnbsp;thus be at Oxford when Erasmusnbsp;died. Unfortunately, the Universitynbsp;Register is silent about him. Henbsp;evidently did not take his degree.nbsp;His new Protestant faith was boundnbsp;to lead to trouble at home. Thenbsp;father, it is said, died a Romannbsp;Catholic. And if this was the case,nbsp;the father would have no sympathynbsp;with the aims of the son, especiallynbsp;when these were directed to the


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xxii Introductory Note.

uprooting of the elder’s cherished faith. The old man commanded thenbsp;purse-strings. From the son’s wailnbsp;in the preface, it is clear the stringsnbsp;were left tied by Foulke Salusbury,nbsp;who is*spoken of as “lately dead”nbsp;in a document now in the possessionnbsp;of Colonel Howard of Wigvair,nbsp;bearing the date of April i, 1546.nbsp;This document makes over tonbsp;William Salusbury certain tenementsnbsp;in Llai\ Sannan and Llan Gerniw,nbsp;as well as Brynn Gwyn, in thenbsp;township of Hendrevenick. Thisnbsp;latter had been rented by Howellnbsp;ap Meredith ap Rys from “ Robertnbsp;Salusbury senior, of Llanrwst,” thenbsp;grandfather of William. This reference to Robert “senior” impliesnbsp;that the grandson, Robert junior,nbsp;was alive in 1546. Robert thenbsp;elder lived at Plas isa, near Llanrwst,nbsp;and Foulke the son at Cae du, innbsp;the parish of Llan Sannan, wherenbsp;William was born. When Robertnbsp;the elder died, Foulke would naturally succeed to Plas isa, leaving hisnbsp;own heir, Robert the younger, atnbsp;Cae du, who in turn succeeded hisnbsp;father at Plas isa, leaving Cae du to


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William. It was only after his brother’s death that William removednbsp;to Plas isa.^° There is no reasonnbsp;for supposing that Foulke Salusburynbsp;held both places at the same time;nbsp;nor is it necessary to believe thatnbsp;gavel-kind had anything to do withnbsp;the oppositions and unkindnessesnbsp;alluded to in Synn'vyr pen. Theological differences at home were quitenbsp;enough; they had probably drivennbsp;William to London soon after, ifnbsp;not before, his student days at Oxfordnbsp;Were over. And the Will of Foulkenbsp;Salusbury would be likely to emphasise the consequences of the divergence in matters of faith” between


“ tv. S. lived at Plas isa, probably as tenant; and gavel-kind may account for hisnbsp;apparent poverty, as illustrated by the borrowing of the hundred pounds to print thenbsp;New Testament. The bards ignored him,nbsp;and it was ‘heir habit to ignore the foor.nbsp;They might also dislike his Protestantism,nbsp;yhich would be an added reason for theirnbsp;silence. But had he been free with hisnbsp;ts’ine there would have been plenty of Cy-quot;Oiyddeti Moliani and Marwnadeu, his Protestantism notwithstanding.

” There is evidence that as late as even the reign of James I. the Roman Catholic faithnbsp;'''as tenaciously held in the Vale of Clwyd.nbsp;See Mostyn MS. 131.

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xxiv Introductory Note.

himself and his son. Hence we find William returning to Londonnbsp;in 1546 full of disappointment. Asnbsp;his own kin were out of sympathynbsp;with him, and less than kind, henbsp;has no longer any motive fornbsp;suppressing his zeal on behalf of hisnbsp;Protestant faith, and we find himnbsp;at once applying for and obtainingnbsp;from Henry Vin. a licence to translate part or whole of the Scripture.nbsp;A sense of injustice and unfairnbsp;treatment would naturally hasten hisnbsp;action, and lead to such a work asnbsp;The baterie of the Pope's , . . .nbsp;high Altare in ISS®- Leastwise,nbsp;that is how the writer reads thenbsp;riddle of the early life of Williamnbsp;Salesbury. The story of his laternbsp;years has no reference to Synnsoyrnbsp;pen., but it may be said in passingnbsp;that the date of his death,i^ like thenbsp;date of his birth, is unknown. Thenbsp;writer has examined a huge mass ofnbsp;material left by the contemporariesnbsp;of William Salesbury, and has been


He was alive in 1594, for his name occurs first among the signatories to thenbsp;petition to Queen Elizabeth for permissionnbsp;to hold another Eisteddvod. See Report onnbsp;Mostyn MSS., p. 295.

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struck with the seeming conspiracy of silence regarding him. Of thenbsp;nonentities of the time there is muchnbsp;chanticleering on the part of thenbsp;bards, but of Salesbury hardly anbsp;word. And yet there is no reasonnbsp;to be surprised. If a man toilsnbsp;steadily at any piece of solid andnbsp;enduring work, his friends willnbsp;“ wish ” he would do somethingnbsp;quite different, “which is wantednbsp;much more.” Somehow, it isnbsp;always friends who plunge daggersnbsp;into our hearts, and sap the source ofnbsp;whatever strength we have for unselfish ends. Small wonder thennbsp;that Salesbury prayed “ to be defended frome the cancred malitiousnbsp;checkes of all thofe, who at all timesnbsp;canne be at better layfure to rebukenbsp;other mens doinges, than to do oughtnbsp;them felues.”*3

Like the de Blakeburnes and the de Rosendales, the de Salesburiesnbsp;came originally from Lancashire.nbsp;The township of Salesbury, on thenbsp;banks of the Ribble, a little to thenbsp;north of Blackburn, was a manornbsp;in the fee of Henry de Lacy, earl of


A btiefe andplayne introduction. See., I55^-

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xxvi Introductory Note.

Lincoln, so that men from that neighbourhood were naturally foundnbsp;among his retinue, when he wasnbsp;appointed custodian of Denbigh,nbsp;Rhos, and Rhuvoniog, Baines, thenbsp;historian of Lancashire, tells us thatnbsp;about this time a certain familynbsp;assumed the name of Salesbury, andnbsp;grew to some importance locally.nbsp;Salesbury Hall remains still a dumbnbsp;witness of this family. It is fromnbsp;here, it would appear, that the Welshnbsp;Salesburies came.H The first of thenbsp;clan was a man of no importance,nbsp;' or we should find him among thenbsp;original burgesses of Denbigh. Thenbsp;name first emerges in the Extent ofnbsp;Denbigh as holder of forty or fiftynbsp;acres.ISnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;These forty acres were


Since putting this introduction in type, the writer has found that John Williams innbsp;The Records of Denbigh and its Lordship,nbsp;(Wrexham, i860,) has anticipated this conclusion in a note on page 185.

'S In Extenta Castri et Honoris de Den-beigh, facta per Hugonem de Bekele, 1334, Alice, the widow of Thomas de Salbury,nbsp;holds ten [? 20] acres; J ohn de Salesbury, 20nbsp;acres, 3j roods ; and Henry, son of Adamnbsp;de Salesbury, 9 acres. John Williams suggestsnbsp;that this Adam was possibly the first comer,nbsp;and points out that Gilbert de Salesbury of

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added to by discreet marriages, and sometimes by purchases as testifiednbsp;by existing documents,till in thenbsp;sixteenth century it became one ofnbsp;the most influential families innbsp;North Wales. It was then, and notnbsp;till then, that the purely fictitiousnbsp;claim of a descent from a puppetnbsp;Duke of Saltzburg, in Bavaria, wasnbsp;made. The older MSS. of Welshnbsp;pedigrees know nothing of thisnbsp;fanciful fabrication of wealth in itsnbsp;pride. The claim also that a Johnnbsp;Salusburie founded the Carmelitenbsp;priory near Denbigh is equally baseless, the true founder being,accordingnbsp;to Speed, John Suinmore, who builtnbsp;it in 1339. The name of Adam denbsp;Swynmor is the very first to occurnbsp;in the list of Henry de Lacy’s


Clitheroe had a son Adam living in 42 Henry III., or 1257. (See p. 184).

The writer bought from Mr. Williams, the book.seller at Ruthin, one such documentnbsp;recording the purchase of land by Thomasnbsp;Salbury, son of Henry Salbury, from Edmundnbsp;Grey, “ Uominus de Ruthin ” on the loth ofnbsp;February, 1440. The family name is variously spelt in various documents. In thenbsp;older references in Welsh MSS. we find “ onbsp;Salbri.” William, the scholar and glory ofnbsp;the family, followed the Lancashire model.

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xxviii Introductory Note.

burgesses of Denbigh, and in 1334 the land held by the Swinmores wasnbsp;extensive, making Speed’s statementnbsp;more than probable. We have thusnbsp;seen how, in the course of six centuries, the Clwydian race of Sales-buries emerged from the darkness innbsp;the fourteenth, to sink again intonbsp;darkness in the nineteenth : itnbsp;produced one man tall enough tonbsp;be seen of later generations; his namenbsp;was William, and the work he didnbsp;the world will not willingly let die.

The writer promised years ago to re-issuenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;and Llith a Ban.

The first part of that promise is now redeemed. The present reprint reproduces the original in all itsnbsp;characteristic features, page for page,nbsp;relative spaces between words, andnbsp;all peculiarities, including errors,nbsp;mirror the original as far as possible.nbsp;The style of type is also the same,nbsp;but the original uses Small Pica fornbsp;the preface and English for thenbsp;proverbs, where the reprint has Longnbsp;Primer and Pica respectively. Thenbsp;editor, trusting too much to memory,nbsp;is to blame for this ; and he offersnbsp;his sincere apologies for this departure


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Introductory Note. xxix

from the standard that all should follow. The exact size of a leafnbsp;of the only surviving copy of thenbsp;original edition is 5^^- x 3! inchesnbsp;full. The printed page measuresnbsp;4f inches from the top of the headline to the bottom of the catchword,nbsp;and the lines are 2jg- inches full innbsp;length. The binder has shaved thenbsp;margins shamefully, especially at thenbsp;top, where the tall letters havenbsp;narrowly escaped decapitation herenbsp;and there, particularly in the Preface. The volume is delightfullynbsp;bound in crushed dark red morocco,nbsp;gilt pannelled at the back, and giltnbsp;rolled on the edges as well as onnbsp;inside and outside margins. In short,nbsp;it is one of those pure joys of thenbsp;bibliophile which adds the tenthnbsp;commandment to the enigmas ofnbsp;life.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;__


St. David's Dayy

Oxford, 1902.

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Syr Thomas

Syr John



ulrri [alive 1440] Thomas Hen Salbri

Tho. dv




Harri Salbri Harri goch


ffwc Robert [died 1540] I





Syr W. Parr x merch Pigod x merch Katrin

Syr Robert Lan x merch

Syr Robert Lan hediw 1561.



Robert John

John nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Gwen Elin

*Died about the end of 1545.—J.G.E.

Robert William Edw. Raff


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A Uit of the more misleading pecu~ liarities and misprints in the original^nbsp;edition of Synnwyr Pen.


a bydd


0 bydd

a dolur



a gedwch eb an-


0 gedwch heb i



a gatwydd



a ny, a nyd, anys,


oni, onid, onis.




a rac wybot


0 rac wybot


a rodd


rrodd(r.«. rhodd)














anc-j anck-




























byd dyddbrawd


bydd dyddbrawd


















cennau tan


cynneu tin









t Unfortunately the present

editor and printer

, between them, added to the list the words asterisked.*

* Can y bregnach ar y primaith, amp;c., apparently jaeans “on account of the vulgarity that affects thenbsp;brief vocabulary at your command generally, cp.nbsp;ir. breig=rustic, boor. Prof. Rhys quotes bregliachnbsp;= chatter^) in his Welsh Folklore, p. 277.

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xxxii Peculiaritits and Misprints.

Por chyrtith

readl cherthith = cher-ddith

„ claf!^, clafcadd

casclu, casclodd

,, coffadariareth


„ coggleu


,, ¦'Cwell



,, ‘cymexth



„ cynarth-add i


cyvarlhodd i

„ cyflull


cyssul f counsel)

,, daer-copio


dargopio (cp. dar-guddio

,, daoni, daonus


daeoni, daeonus

,, ddamwnyniadd



,, ddell



,, ddiariebion



,, *ddiolchwrh



,, ddywaewyf



,, dichaen


dich\vein(/e/, hap)

,, diddarwbot



„ diniawcd


( °^)

,, diwrafwn



» drygwarcb



» diiy






„ Eaatig



» eb



,, ech


ych (your)

,, eccleis, ecclwys



„ eddunet, edduno


eidduned, eidd-uno (wish)

„ eheng, -af


ehang, -af

„ Embris


Emrys a’i vawrhau

,, ei vawrhay


,, Eaeruin



,, eftran



„ Exafmus



,, eu enw ehanain


eu henweu hunein

,, ew



,, *ffynne die



„ gan hwyr


can h^yr

,, gam yn Rb


cam (step) yn Ro

.. gafiiy



-ocr page 41-

Peculiarities and Misprints, xxxiii

For geir ych bron „ giffill

„ glafcadd

read ger ych bron » PPPill [diminutive of cyfi'\



* (Smell

„ (Stocll



,, gochel



,, gormodd


Gurthod gohadd

„ gwrthod gwahodd

vel gwawdd


gwahanadd adolur

,, gwahanodd ddolur


*gwe let

» gwelet






,, “garrio”









„ gymhell



99 gynihorth



.. gyttal



}, hancs


han yw

,, henyw


hedd-eo, -io, -yo

„ heddiw



,, heuir


ben deric

„ enderig f calf)





*i [kV] bo i

„ y bo i wreiddyn




» halog



,, hffna



„ ehud


ken na bych

,, kyn na bych [


Knawd, Knawdd

„ Gnawd


*®0f a

„ Kof a


Uraefatl) nac

„ Clraffacl) f nar


Kyd ar ci

„ Gyd ar ci



,, kyfoethoc

® Cwnu = “ to give the general aid of a neighbourhood to an individual for building a house,” amp;c. {Pughe).

3gwrracbotas“books” [Richards, Pughe, Silvan Ezfans]. t heaps.

4weithwr gMnrddlan=sturdy, respectable workman. Gwrddss Stout, strong.

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xxxiv Peculiarities and Misprints.

read kystal ,, kyvareddionnbsp;(charms)

,, llawn ,, Ileshadnbsp;„ [g]olochwydnbsp;„ Llatin

,, llawch (to fondle) ,, lyveu (pi. oflUsf)nbsp;,, Meugantnbsp;„ medyr ve! medr,nbsp;,, medrantnbsp;,, pi. of Met (marrow)


,, na’r hon a dorro ,, nawdd ynghyscotnbsp;ni hüna eiddigeddnbsp;nid hawdd ... anbsp;“ Loyirerf W.S.nbsp;wahoddernbsp;boll

pregethwr a gynnullwytnbsp;swn§nbsp;tylalheunbsp;tragwyddawl


Vrytanneit vawadau® (gusts)nbsp;vyngwrthnebwj'rnbsp;vreuannbsp;vyngbrysnbsp;vynghinbsp;vynnei rnbsp;velltith

wedi eu plethu noise of birds.

For kyftadl ,, kyvaereddion

,, llawm ,, llefahadnbsp;,, lochwydnbsp;„ Ltatinnbsp;,, lluwchnbsp;,, Uyuaunbsp;,, Maugantnbsp;„ meidyr, veidyrnbsp;,, meidrantnbsp;,, Merion

,, meuvy ,, na bon a dorronbsp;,, naw ynghyfcotnbsp;,, nyhynafeiddigeddnbsp;„ Nyda hawdd...a ynbsp;,, odechwrnbsp;„ ohoddernbsp;„ oil

,, prechethwr » P^T gynnullwytnbsp;„ firmwntsnbsp;,, thuylathenbsp;,, tragyvythawlnbsp;gt;, tuy

,, Uxytanneit ,, vawadawnbsp;,, vecgwrthnebwyrnbsp;„ vreunbsp;„ vyccrysnbsp;,, vycckinbsp;,, vynner rnbsp;,, vellithnbsp;,, we-/eu plethu [sic] „

Sfirmwnt adar=the chirm Sirntwnt is borrowed from M. E., chirmend. Seenbsp;chiirn and chirmini, in The English Dialectnbsp;Dictionary,

6 See Mawaid in Pughe’s Dictionary. Red Book of Hergest reads “ y cychwyn.quot;

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Peculiarities and Misprints.

For weirglood ,, werthvytnbsp;„ wneutliynbsp;„ wyddnbsp;,, ydlainnbsp;,, yn dericnbsp;,, yfchrythurnbsp;,, yfclethan?nbsp;„ yfcyarnnbsp;„ Yydiw

read weirglodd „ werthytnbsp;,, wneuthurnbsp;„ vyddnbsp;,, ydlannbsp;,, en derignbsp;,, yfcrythurnbsp;gt;gt;

,, yfcyvarn ( = clust) ,, ?Odid

The following mistakes, in the original edition, are due to the printer misplacingnbsp;letters which had '‘dropped out'” duringnbsp;making ready.”





i deunydd...fl?dio-gel

«ac y perchenogy ymgled^darnbsp;Agynullernbsp;r ien, dan i dor ƒ

read ddel ... amhwyl/ ,, Gormodd ... beu-nydi/

,, i ^/deunydd... dio-gel

,, ac y« perchenogi gt;» ymgledd^ar

? AgynuJIer..,nia-\ Ien, dan i dorr ydd a

Certain peculiarities in Salesbury’s orthography, such as any, anyd, and, as, Deo, heddeo, duy, tuy, ftiylu, and Caniheraec,nbsp;furnish examples of the theorist run mad.nbsp;What the theory was on which were basednbsp;such forms as any, Deo, duyesiA iuy doesnbsp;not appear but Caniheraec is still comprehensible to a certain class of Welsh “ intelligence.” The orthography of wordsnbsp;like allar, estran, natalie, naturial, pechaf,nbsp;yffernal, ysprytal, owes its origin tonbsp;Salesbury’s knowledge of the Latin altare,nbsp;extraneus, natalis, naturalis, peccatum,nbsp;infernalis, spiritualis, but he apparentlynbsp;7 ysclethan=? knavish, vicious.

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xxxvi Peculiarities and Misprints.

did not kmw that Latin a in such positions appears in Welsh as aw=o. He erred fromnbsp;some similar theory in such preterites asnbsp;gohadd, llavunadd, llygradd, amp;c. Readersnbsp;of modern Welsh should be able to helpnbsp;themselves in all these cases, as well as innbsp;those of non-mutated forms. But it maynbsp;help beginners to be told that (l) u = v innbsp;such words as dyual, dauat, euaU, kynniuer,nbsp;pendeuic, Uergilius, Uerwyn, Uoruydd;nbsp;(2) /=y^initially as for example in fawd, fol,nbsp;fraeth, lut —v medially and finally as innbsp;anafus, olaf, though it sometimes = ff finallynbsp;as in Hof; (3) sv occasionally appears for vnbsp;as in drygviarch, Po kynaf vcydd, and for unbsp;as in ew; (4) rr (and sometimes r) initiallynbsp;=^rh (which was not written before thenbsp;sixteenth century). In these cases Salesburynbsp;is simply following the practice of his predecessors. But he is original in transposingnbsp;the h in the following examples: hi aruer,nbsp;hi e hoi, hi edau, hi ewinedd, hi ewyllys, hinbsp;ysud, for i harver, i hehol, i hedeu, i hewinedd,nbsp;i hewyllus, i huwd.

The following proverbs are not clear in the text:

A vo marw er bygwth a’i vaw y kymuner. Dedwydd y rhai a wel a’u car.

Dewis ai ’r iau ai ’r vwyell.

Ef vynnei ’r gath byscod,

Ni vynnei wlychu i throd.

Eled y wrach i’r vreuan,

Er i geneu i hunan.

Gwell pren cyhiiddiad, na dyn cyhuddgar. Nid hawdd chwythu tan, a blawd yngeneu.

Pan dywysso r enderig i braidd, ni bydd da i’r yscrubi y dydd hwnuw.

Odid corn heb yscyvarn.

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W?dy rgynnull, etgynnVpys ae gyfanfoddime'Vpn crynodab ddofinbsp;part hu s a threfn odida Vpc dr’Voynbsp;ddyual yfiry’Vp,

raetï)oc o “mp


30 Contöp.

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Sarn fynn'^yr pen Cambro am ddyfc^ doeththineb a fynn°9pyr.

Lie ni bo dyfc ni bydd da’Ven.

Map eb ddyfc^ tuy a lyfc Deuparth bonedd yVD dyjcnbsp;Deuparth dyfc yn hyder.

Yr oen yn dyfcy yr ddauat bori. Mteb araf gan ddyfcetic.

A gymero dyfc^ cat Voet.

G'VPell map ieuank doeth^ na bren-hin hen ynuyd

Niuer pen, cynniuer fynntoyr.

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William Salejbury Vprth y darlleydd Camberaec-gar.


Etl) rpto bjatoCtijei»

elo Bgfpmmtotl) ar bs lip freu Gofccsur: e DSanitong»nbsp;niaim g mgug caffact €opinbsp;0 Böiatebion ffiambetaec, gnbsp;bbaroeWi g mgug g fiacr^capto am Itatonbsp;bg punan o bn o igfrcu. ®gt;uffgtb ftira»nbsp;Etboc, pjif pjgbgbb 0 JaHgnebb. ® bleftnbsp;tu a tpair blgncBb tocttban i iBalamnbsp;SlSai bttoetbaft g SgcinglibabS arnonbsp;egttall tgbgmtibaitb fojbb a mgug onbsp;ffigmb?g bgb gma. ac gno g bjitp letre»nbsp;tcis copio bgn o bbtaticbitm oc Igfg? efnbsp;mecsga g Boebcfs gr atorpon gm blaen*nbsp;Ilab). ac 0 Hatreteta ngb etoaetp g Igfcrnbsp;ef bbtm (o bleit e tnefaW i bcnffgc etnbsp;bbarflen ac ei Bcimlo etffaea) ac ngb an»nbsp;Ilai ntuer g biarcbgon angb gnt btng : ebnbsp;fata cabael tttog t Hatrat gma meubg,nbsp;mil 0 ®gmb?g bbgfccibaetb» llefabab, anbsp;Bibbantocb a gtortbata: ©tag ret (anbsp;nga barbu gbbgn bbigenetlg gn rgbeil)nbsp;a bbaebant beugb {^abibb amar etta inbsp;®ruffgtl) {^iraetpac braa g bbiarebiannbsp;ac acp bbea (mebbaf bt) na bgbbci cgn»nbsp;a» it. niuer

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niuer ar a beDli oil ®cmb?? n Ijfreu of taiti) (rei s bei etaita) toclip r llabjata o?nbsp;most) i)?nn?. ac c b^SSct bahis inbsp;b?o SSeall ? pjeeetbtor, tortl) pjecsctbpnbsp;csair Deo. ® bgSSei bates o lateer, irnbsp;p?ecJ)etbter traptb? catr Deo pn SBeal»nbsp;lus, ac a fagSSei bates t ter SgfceStc onbsp;eEamb?o teeSp bob pn btr allan oe telaS,nbsp;ac anebpnefino ar taitb, cpfiettbp iattbnbsp;arall, ar taitb einpm. ac ambpnng ato=nbsp;Itee s cbtep npS er bp mtepn i, anpS ernbsp;mtepn Deo, npB er plefer na fercb arnonbsp;fat, anpS er carat ar SBeo, er lies pcb cneinbsp;tteu pcb bimein, er traepbptbatel uIoSnbsp;ptecb (p fatel ae gtenel) a Stancb o pte»nbsp;rtb poeneu pffernal, pop bn o banatecbnbsp;PS pSS pn meSSp nac p percbenoep lip»nbsp;freu n p bps 0 taitb «Tamberaec, atto»nbsp;Iteö ete cluSo at ptep rpte fatel (gpm»nbsp;bfp ppnac a bo bPfppa eentecb i boS pnnbsp;SatboS pn naturial tros pmcelcSS 8te»nbsp;laSterietb p? bnrpte iaitb* ®b ? panbsp;petb pSS pnseneis i am telaStefiaetb,nbsp;can na ps Btepf Kpmbjo b^HSPa o panbsp;ban pte ctelaStefiaetb. ®nS ettea er»nbsp;upn ac atoltee pcbtop cluSo pcb llpfreunbsp;(biS tepn SSa biS pn SS?tec) at p rptenbsp;pmeleSSoar telaStep? a bpnnp. 3D bleitnbsp;meeps p meiSp? p teenpncn bria mel arnbsp;pr bn Ilpfeun at p? bela p p?pcoppnnbsp;taentepn : bellp p melS?ant teptbe tene»nbsp;utbP SefnpSS Sa melpftoite, oj Ilpfpj


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Cstoaptljaf ac o? aratt^ biiölaf ac otier-af 2 fjöti ar pet) elto melon efertuen. 3f ba betb p seötocb iet) Ifpfreu itopBo me»nbsp;hm eoesleu, a pi^pfeUp mehm cifle, aenbsp;öarcutiaio rae ctoeleli o neb, a niö ebtonbsp;pebtop eeb bunatn f 2D bleit o ran pcbnbsp;boö eblnt pn Bareuhhio ^en Ipfreu pcbnbsp;iaitb, ac pn entoehic p ret o? pfcrptljurnbsp;lan, nph bphi r elembm er hpfcctiicbetnbsp;bo, a beihp? iahm a?aptbP r pfcrptljurnbsp;ian p cbhip pn eTamberaec, can p bK6=nbsp;nacb ar p pfintattb Pbb pci) ebtoi p? oesnbsp;bon pn cspflfrehin. a ptpep ebtoi pn tpbi»nbsp;¦eit nat rait amsenacb etrieu, na mtopnbsp;amtpto ar amahjohhion p iD?aptbP 5p»nbsp;fceitiaetb, ac p aIi?obli atb?atoattb anbsp;cbelfpBhotieu, nas fpltoeentocb ebtoi pnnbsp;aruereöic tortb öarali beunpSB pn bfp»nbsp;np aetoertbP a btopta ac pfeö f ac ohnbsp;pcb ebtoi pn tpbpeit bPnnp hneb tiipilernbsp;a cbpmertocb bPn pn He rpbptih p cenpfnbsp;bi ! a nph acbubtocb ebtoi a ebtoeirio anbsp;hberfeitbio r iaitb 6pn batuoh am p tonbsp;P0 pito bfbhio, p bpiïi tpbtopf p etoaitbnbsp;GtoeSp, ac a np bpSh öpfc, stopboïiaetbnbsp;Doctbineb, a hptooltocb melon iaitb, panbsp;toell bi ita Otmtont aUar Gtopiltion, nenbsp;ruat aniueilieit a btopöuitoeSti i 2D ble»nbsp;it e beihpf p? ahat at aniueileit , tttop ennbsp;Ciarat ae bugat, hlipall p spIPSh pn bPfnbsp;OP0 pm pop cbtocBpI a bo pn pcttbpnnbsp;pnGbPicb i trtophhet ai bPntHoHb a ba*nbsp;a.iii. naa

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nas i cpfp!): ac a totiïiant pm=blaen ïlata pn bicH naos p Gtopiitioc!) cptoi , pa rptanbsp;artemsncr bgiiö ar pj pin , a Haloer onbsp;rgto InjbptiPictp a pgnnp. ffif log? Hagt;nbsp;loer J!2aÖon g fattp gelfgDtipt, o? nj cp»nbsp;Igpu er oen o i;loftp ®pfta» S!Ze lopPP»nbsp;oep eploi er ecp epuïi ejmmenBot , nasnbsp;bn QeïfpOöHt petfettp , na Sim pn talonnbsp;ïïtilOQSgj o fgïiS öpftö» DnP clojantie»nbsp;loep cplot etto pa petp a tUptoeOaf btnbsp;loftppep eploi , V falol np Po eoPeitp p»nbsp;loep ar öBgfep faefnec ne tattp arafi vnbsp;Po Ppfe pntpei ; ®lojanPelacp (mePPaf)nbsp;pa PPptoaelojf to?tpi?cp :nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;3 np bgnlocp

bpnet gn loaetp nacs antuellieit (s rain ns anet v PPgalI mal P?n) msnuep PP?fcnbsp;pn pep iaitp ; a nj bgnnlocp boP pn b»nbsp;tos annaturiaï na naöon s pan patil,nbsp;pofflocp sep iaitp ac ae potïb* Sc np bs»nbsp;nloep smaPo sn Palerlon Pee a fjPPnbsp;apjia, a ns bsnlotp gn lan fgtp na Ponbsp;Sloep PPim a toneioep ac ef, ac ans bsn»nbsp;nloep trof eofi ac cP?sfS8S » elosHss efnbsp;S esP acplan , msnlocp Sf sfetstpur lannbsp;sn sep iaitp, mal ac s Pn Pi S ean sep Penbsp;PlosPP penafieit s? pen SJpstanneit, ®i»nbsp;tps? ohiePs iDsnt los , pan pPecp?eoPnbsp;sep ®ieni eploi , ae gopelstp losnt , (malnbsp;SPP psfpsfa pen Cronicls) PPigUsJS anbsp;Pttiralos am sf sfepfstpur lan , a caPa»nbsp;cl i Ilsfrcti pi s otloePP sn atoraepot Hsnbsp;cplgt melon conaleu PiP?eiel PPsn , ac


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jftctoj a molfant Deo, a {joff? clDöuofg CU ento cjjunain: eö actl) Deo ac a 6ar»nbsp;aöa eSBgnt saci i ealta m aïifema ac gnnbsp;cöron cscnetï en e cancCic tolat eljunainnbsp;ac a baraöïi etiüent gafae a ficiliiiio fa»nbsp;ttl) t mammcu , rac ligfce o ijanent ïi?to»nbsp;eïiSiji, e taton aïinabot cf, a rac bot ertoenbsp;benne en cattocötc. a lïcna tocöötll e?nbsp;ben bcHttb Sïco cr en oes ÏEaa»toalalifnbsp;benbiesetr. 2DnIi o tnentoeb enttottbotnbsp;ar bir baitb bclltttb bono , ecflencstocbnbsp;ar bal csïtntcii ecb talon e trebi eras arnbsp;bbeo* ©ercrtnbottocb en b?otbnoctb » atnbsp;ras e 'B?cnbtn ac ®enco? e bbctfef caclnbsp;cennat e cael e? efcretbur lan en ecb ra»nbsp;ttb ) cr mtoen e centucr obanocb o? nebnbsp;eto n abel gt; nac meton beffleptoriaetb enbsp;bbefce êafnacc. 2Dnb pc beftf rei omnbsp;Ctoïab mof btoenton a eabe ar be citonbsp;e? cino bebnn , mi a tonctbton (a cat»nbsp;toebb) o bubb ac o les fieftreben metonnbsp;fiitot betbcu a bcb?efton a reto elcm»nbsp;b?o arall» 2Dnb e? nto?bon can ebbtnt benbsp;anrcttbto atn cfpeilto mo? llteejetobl,nbsp;en He ctotitbJtt ne b allaf bi baeacbnbsp;onb etoeHefe ttorn ba tm etolab, ae er»nbsp;tien e bbeo bbanfon efp?et otoell en ea»nbsp;Icneu becetortbnebtoer* ac am bPn onbsp;toestbfct fef am geffrebino bsn o bbia»nbsp;rebton , ne bbelaf bt bbim anetoancenbsp;biolcb centocb mtee nae bn a eobci enbsp;Ctoerebef ne caeab o ear fate ne pbtal anbsp;a. tiü» bbee»

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Döpcsfft gep? set) b?on, (ffftbpr (pe bet ns tfjal na Btolcb pn Sf oes |)etH)p amnbsp;batb petbeu) e WiHlee ®riifi:gtb (^trae»nbsp;tbnc (phip «top Söpual s afrtfeö atpjo*nbsp;fptpp? a poentop pn tiafep, pn cpnull atnbsp;pn bclfepB sf oll BBiarebion ppn pj bnl»nbsp;Ie) gabel p tpto BBioIcI) at s papUticinbsp;pton a bpBIiet pn 6p«bp ar tratos bpt,nbsp;ac pn attotin pop rpto o?eufatc at eto Bonbsp;Bp pn rat gepf pcb bjon. 'Bpeban ac o»nbsp;net gentocb eptot ptoaitp ef ar ppn pmanbsp;o ojcptopl, tu ac at pctfettpto r iattp.

2DnB tm tpb t , npB fapepan o gpmpo?tp tu ac at aBetlat tup, pto tluBo p fpluctnt,nbsp;ae goct, ae gtonio, ae goBp, ae roBBp Bannbsp;p topBB* ac atoltoc (o cpfeftppcp pn BBa)nbsp;pa petp amgenacp pto Biartbion metonnbsp;taitp, na fpluetnt, na gtoaBne, na Biöte,nbsp;na ceG, na cppple a tpfatoflc, na tpupla»nbsp;tpe a nenbfennt meton tup i a npB pf bnnbsp;nertp pto Biarebton p gpnal pgt; tattp, a rnbsp;efeprn p gpnnal p co?pp f a npB p? bnnbsp;p?pBuertptocp pto Biatebion meton ia»nbsp;itp, ar fer pf fpMiauen f ac a npB pf bn fpnbsp;npt pto Biatebion meton iaitp a geme ,nbsp;a main gtoprtpuator pmplitp caregognbsp;fatpjeBic f Je pa betp pto Biatebion anbsp;npB rpto to?eicpion o anueiBjatol BBoe»nbsp;tpineb Deo, p at BBangoa gtoneptppfnbsp;Bpn gpnt ar lun p antraetpatol BBtItonbsp;ef i ac pbp?pap, pa petp amgenacp me»nbsp;BBaf pto Biatebion, anpB BptoeBiaBeunbsp;gt;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;bpttion

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bHttion fpnntojtol fepncsoftiB o ret np cbabaTi bn er ocï pn palictitc! gn p rbctnnbsp;Pf pmc^fifrcti ac p cpnntapQr oJI fpnhj»nbsp;pt a Boetbineb pf iaitb nc r naöon ae Bp^nbsp;cbpmpcsabiBB pn epntaf. ac am bPnp pnbsp;oaltDCiB p Ilpfct btnn o BBtarebion damnbsp;beraec, pn fpnntopr pen «Tcmbjo. anbsp;alleftnn (ac np befet tpbeil cbhiattb onbsp;ptortb P teöpn) p alto pn ffinctt p? iaitbnbsp;ne pn 2©erion aambetaec: anpB bot pnnbsp;cpCTonatb p tenpf bi pr enin atall. ®rnbsp;bpnnp p cpt, a bpBB anuoBBua na cbP?»nbsp;titb p tan nep pr ento, netoiBet pn p ba»nbsp;tpBB efcop. öefpB a bpBB bn BBiareb onbsp;banpnt mo? tptopil (pn aill ai p can be=nbsp;mint Pf iaitb» ai o ran HeBiaitb P bro,nbsp;ai o neuHturinpBB fpnntopr p Bpcbpmpnbsp;CPBB bpntaf, ai o cam traetbtaB tauoBnbsp;pr anBpfceBic, ae pnte o ba rpto acbosnbsp;ppnac araH) csoiipnntocb pf pen atoBurnbsp;bton a laburiaBB pn p petp: ac npB an»nbsp;bpffelpp bpBBtocb p csabel ctopbpBBi»nbsp;etb Beonsfiia a fpnntopr BBeaiïim p cannbsp;tbato. D bleit mecspa (oB pfpitocb pnnbsp;BBa) p Barpattoa cf pnBBpfccBic tortb,nbsp;Qspnull p Biarebion bEH «H» ^ topnbsp;meton cstocBB ac ofBf tra tbfcfnua. bellpnbsp;map n BBiocsel, na bu ef mof anpnatnbsp;nac mof fceulua naB pmcbtoetltoa e pnnbsp;banolaraff pmpafe, a pbtop, a pba am»nbsp;fer p traetbtopt pop bn o naBBpnt; ac fa»nbsp;ton bana» epB a ^pnnp, ac ettoa bptb»


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tl)8c H cl)lD? tpbicttt bot etoaitb g Kern b;o QhiIabtDcailib bton at pgn a;cbb)Flnbsp;mo; toael, tno; bbifgnnto^r, ac mo; angt;nbsp;toHto ac na bo?bboi bntoaitb etamecQ,nbsp;(StopbHbbtocb cbtai gn bUtnam gf ijennbsp;brptanieit DgfccBic ttauailto gml)gcnbsp;leb Sf bnrjto toattb. 0®tet0 g Ohjnactbnbsp;Btoebill gf atbjaon öpfccBit pto? bp»nbsp;nulltopt g ioneptbp öpfraitb iamp;oclnbsp;tJba . a mtesa at g sinnactb g Bp*nbsp;fccBic barBB ptop a cant ffinolpnionnbsp;gt eirg: ac dEnctuin igtDotnBrpBBnbsp;ph3p cant dEnctpnion g mitbcBB, g ngnnbsp;oll fpBB pn Haten Biartbion, eitbpt tee»nbsp;CU plctbn moj btepn at mo? cctfpBBp»nbsp;Bpa a fpnnteprcu fatb?cBtcion (mal pnnbsp;tepBBo? ar BjaetbateB ir popul anllp»nbsp;tbPfcnnatec) ac na tep? nemoj o BBpnnbsp;batnt o parpttol Bptepfooaetb coffaBu»nbsp;riaretb fpBB pntbpnt. flltilp p ctenactbnbsp;Ctet BpfccBic (a eltoit Jobn (SeptooB)nbsp;pn ®arncc er mtopn p SSafon otepj pnbsp;toïat Cf. ffittbp? ff)DlpBo?u0 aïcroilinanbsp;eter a ban pte o; Jtal fcf o tolat ©uue»nbsp;in at bn oj BptccBicbaf btbbP o tep? Hennbsp;Uloett, (bpB naB Ba t air i öembjo) e anbsp;OlafcaBB fatoet o BBiarebinn pn ILtatinnbsp;ir bnlle. dEitber dEpafmus EotetoBagt;nbsp;mus gf atb?o BpfeeBiebaf, buotlaf, acnbsp;ateBuriifaf pn CteB oll o; a bu in nes ninbsp;ac P0 Hatoer oes oj blapn, efe a clafcaBBnbsp;npB cant, npB mil, npB llcnc, npB mp?BB


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npö iRiallu, ac niö buna anjö taterua batot o bliiarebton (Sroec a ILlatfn,nbsp;ac ae bjfanfoBliesi pn bnllpft, ntc(sp0 acnbsp;p Ctonactb cn barliti ni pma* ac a Spbp»nbsp;etncb cbtat 2 bpMct stop? 6pn ptopüo^nbsp;c6ct a teint, 6pn IrtipfccSicbct a rein, anbsp;cbpn atbennicftet a bton, moj ibitnaitbnbsp;a pboent pn ctolpmmp tnptrocli eotii»nbsp;Hoc, ac pn cfcriucnp Ilpfreu Iluofatnc, anbsp;np bpfei pBöpnt a rac tnpbot a beallnbsp;ptn blaenliatn bob bitbator profit, bubbnbsp;anueib?atol, a IleSiab afriuct pn tpfp pjnbsp;batüeobfon ae pmatuerpnt f ac toellpnbsp;00 pnupb p rein acbtn, pnfpb pto bton:nbsp;ie ac 80 boetbia p rein acbto, paam nabnbsp;boetb bton, ac pnte pn bplpn p? bn atitr»nbsp;aloactb ac topnctop i ©op oep a abate»nbsp;abb ^aucant, ^erbbin ({Emb;i0, anbsp;®:balicOn ef a S©erbbin tepllt eu bbif»nbsp;cipl, ac laflubuacb barbb pn bboetpionnbsp;pn bbpfcebic ac pn cpmen, a map o teanbsp;itb p barbb bten, amrpte bpbjoebb ei»nbsp;tbp? pn elemberaec pn cpöal eu beu»nbsp;npbb ae bpual, anpb bot pn teell eu cpt»nbsp;can, ac pn banplacb 2 cserbb na pgt; einonbsp;p? ben TBiptanait p pteplltept o banpntnbsp;bebot : bpt bpbbei tra can moiebic eu etenbsp;aitb» ac 00 ie, paam o bbieitbP? pcb bobnbsp;pn aniueiiieit, na bbiolcbterb 2 bbtonbsp;bob pn pcb nc0 p rpte atb?o 6elfpbbu0 pnbsp;abburnate pcb iaitb f Jl2p bu ac npb ptenbsp;pfpbpbbion ereill anpb pn canp bctnpn

o cp»

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o ephiputi (t 6tap bpnat bn) o cbtoant Utrbjn! llE npb pto tf pn bnic ae atoe’nbsp;npSSeerDb Hfpjptnl pn mole pcnbeui=nbsp;cston BtblcSeUS, o ran eu fannebli ïll£»nbsp;I)?eto, ac rintoelilieti atbliercbatac: ei=nbsp;tt)£t bob b£feO Pn lgt;tlps, en 6emmogt;tbnbsp;at en acbiip e? iattb rat Iltblt anefcoja»nbsp;tol, a Biuantnll tracseuetbatol, at amnbsp;benne, o oflitotb tbtol en bblbbartobotnbsp;am Sano, a etïtot!) tb anrtee, ti bato»nbsp;rbae, at boleanne, pan Itotl ar ecb tn»nbsp;tbï, neb ban eto bbtm bonotb oj tolab=nbsp;toriattb ©fitantlbb, ne bbtirtbetb a»nbsp;fretoot tampt, at baomm csenntbbft; acnbsp;80 e? bn tal febb etntocb e obtcbtor ef'nbsp;clttban, at e totltbtor etorbblan. at a0nbsp;cbtottbtu a tonttocb ecb ran acb beto»nbsp;ti, fef eto bene; benal o banocb e bef*nbsp;ctbtcuarbb bton tf at tuelu, mo? parcbtnbsp;bic anrebtbbua, ac e niae tf en barpatnbsp;ptri ecb tattb: a bob moj emclcbebarnbsp;bbarbobua o bono tf en ecb plitb) ac etonbsp;tf, neb en bntc o banocb cbtotr oil tolatnbsp;o? to febb btbbeto, anb troo ecb plant,nbsp;ecb toe?ion, ecb cofcfctnebb, ecb eo?*nbsp;cbttfn, acb csofcibbin, acb cobtletb bebnbsp;beb bebbbjiatob, ac 00 cbtocbtoe bcfebnbsp;a bbelentacb ptoell blartblon e Hati*nbsp;ntoe? ess tf {amp;ono0 oltt artt0 ac fHirtimnbsp;laiibata crtfctt pa eto, antbebtbb nt ba*nbsp;torbant a bacfta etlfebbobtii, a IRin*nbsp;totbb o cbanmolit a csenebba: tf allti e


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fe^nnprcIjEt at ? lletD^cljei nttop o HHgf ceiïact?) BSa, ac o eclfgtiïiotieu atben»nbsp;ntc a ctoFipöötft?) pfprptat gtt pcpnbsp;mpfc rac Ilato, trbip nertj) Oen cofu»nbsp;cljaf. ac bcllp 1)0, pöt) arc^et pop Cem»nbsp;b)io «Tambetact cat. 2D ïibco na alictnbsp;pop öpfcclitc bbocögt am ei iattb mal enbsp;Bpuob Dautb ap ®toilim am flïoju»nbsp;pbti : nib amocn,

Cof am gariad talalt;hvy Ni ddyly hi y mi m!Wy.

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Synn'Voyr pen.

löpl i pop petamp; ae


Slb^l i patop i g^ïiiaö iacïjOiS bjcöan ^ïgt; aïo


iSlctio^ eb acbo0 o bonab) acbbajix rac acbbjjn racbbonbsp;Si acbtonno eb acboö. gtonelernbsp;acboö löba

acbtoanektt mefpl mobjeaic Slcbub mae0 mabir a bj^gtoa»nbsp;abb)?tb öïrait eb acboö (rcbnbsp;SLbaïl bebbj^bli gn btiibbo0nbsp;aönau bebjjgn gann gatbnbsp;^ iabbiaen mab ae llubacb ac niönbsp;aötoaeti ae ear.nbsp;autokoe cae anbbjCmonnbsp;jabiuar cup^öït am bjaulnbsp;g[ïiujö pop öir trittbjrbnbsp;abbabj motor, a robb becbannbsp;abbato maen, abbato mapnbsp;abbato tec a tona gnfgb gn Ua=nbsp;^abbetoit gtojaic, obit ?to (toen


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aööasr t tatop t ffpöjaöö SLööuc pr ir maeö matornbsp;a öö^fc^ct) itï) öap ööptoCul efnbsp;ai caiö ööptollunnbsp;aöö^f. a öaunbsp;aaPueö angau i Ijnxnbsp;aöïiunet iieriör, Ijirnojanbsp;a el i rijtoare gaöeö i groen garnbsp;tref

SL el i ööaïilau eb negeö , a btiato a negeö abjef.nbsp;aertop bjnn butocb.nbsp;afiacb pop trtom galonnnbsp;afieitbuö pop maetbnbsp;aftauar pop tatoebocnbsp;afllopbötannö pop öiriaitnbsp;aflebnaiö pop gtojUtnbsp;aftan öiïiplabj öloiogDortbnbsp;aflan genau anubonolnbsp;afeto^bö pop bjj?0nbsp;a bo ampl i faara . ban gan? aebnbsp;i laetba

a bo amgl i beibton, bib bjac i


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Synn Ti’yr pen plUÖÏItOtt.

a bo am^l i bol, rroeb pn i ptob SL bo tm^af troiüotnbsp;a bo neCaC it occlïo^ö, p^Uaf onbsp;?b3rtö paraöbjjö.

SL bo ba gan bb^o ^0 bir SL bo marbo n? ocïieUrnbsp;SI bo marb) ornbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;a p


SL bjnno dob, bib barbj ^ SL b^nno 2Dro a bjbbnbsp;SL ftol, nib bortb ^mr^Connbsp;Si ffbj^no febo^n b^röan, febo^nnbsp;mabor a bbarogan.

Si ptborr, a gair boctb rait Si area r bran babor, a crra rnbsp;bjan brcban.

Si ff^mrro bjCc, catboet Si gpnullrr ar grfgn march ma=nbsp;r Icn. ban i boj ^bb anbsp;Si l^grabb 2Dco. a l^grabb bgnnbsp;SiUan 0 olboc, allan 0 bcbbbolnbsp;Simcu pop annbojbot


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amrafaeïu0 pop ^mlaööffar amff^lrtiö g fel am p ctoö fealennbsp;am ffiopmp fem, j cljïoaröti B-tio=nbsp;en gioaö

amoö a ö?? Oeuoö amoö a öj? feefeettönbsp;amcan a öj^öö can batobnbsp;am caro ï, cam ti^cfeinbsp;amaerïD^ biriait, ö?pc aniannbsp;amtoc bai, Ile n^ cfeamnbsp;amlaf cïojtof tra bitlernbsp;amraint, pop toj öeuotnbsp;amparat pop anallunbsp;ambcutbun pop bieitfejbtoptnbsp;amCer Cgbö ï pop petï)nbsp;amCer i bïo^t, amfer i locbtojtnbsp;a anraitb ffuCtubbito^ïi ta^ocnbsp;bH i ffsipbö

anatujs pop öOTboeCatoc annoc bp Cl. ac na ret cantonbsp;annoc ci j cell egojetnbsp;anbjbgn pop aft^ïojocnbsp;anbappu0 pop trtoclj

12).i. an=

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Synn Voyr pen, anöael pop cuppiïP

can potop a gac antoaöal popnbsp;anöpöccuö pop oCnocnbsp;anffcl pen fojïia. a öiauol pen=nbsp;angen a Upr öeööfnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(tan

anjen a ?tc öen i tePet angen a ^enPjjacö i Put^ionbsp;angen a bj?n ac a toertpnbsp;angenua pop tlabjtnbsp;anc^nnea pop oetnbsp;anctob^l pop eiCtenbsp;ancaciaöuö pop biraitnbsp;ancgmen pop folnbsp;antue W latrat eb bblalnbsp;anboetö, Uttöiic I bauotnbsp;all 2 mobj^t*nbsp;a arbeto i öacö. arbetet t g^nocnbsp;a ranno I llatogf, canet gn tHn=nbsp;atoc^

araC ban. a tona bjag mel^o ac ttl toano gn bbcaen, nj loannbsp;pn glfflll


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Hr np roööo a pra, np cïjaiff a ööamutto

Si rp bojtlio p catö . pojtliet i l^= pt

artojöö^iijtoc, mtor j?n öiffattlj iaröö tra bpcl), artiö fern na bjcl)nbsp;ïiöitDtöïi ^ ma? barn?nbsp;arian a b??n ac a tombnbsp;a roöbo öojtb i öattb ef a 001=nbsp;buöb a tontl 1 toaitbnbsp;a fftodlf ? Ua0 ? torirglooïtnbsp;ar0lto?b a 0?mprUnbsp;arfflto?bö fftoan gtoar i toa0nbsp;ar0lto?öïi potop ar a brööonbsp;aCCaetb n? pbl?cfeo, n?ö banbsp;afctorn brn ?n angtnnbsp;aftruö pop anafnbsp;attat brb?nnbsp;aatraö öirriö ö?nnbsp;attrb araf tan bb?toöitnbsp;atbjo potop ?n i tu? 'nbsp;atbjoötoaitb o grnbtgrnnbsp;aur can patop a cbtocn?cb

3M. au*

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Synn ’Vstyr pen. arf, a rilUo

atoUur pop keröP ai jiunel atojöö. a i toPPtofnbsp;atogcpm, pabjp niefnbsp;SL ioabanoöö cnatoO , gtaalia»nbsp;naöö a Uolur

Si tonel map. maP a PPglg Si tonel tJi'mc arboeP bn arallnbsp;Si tonel ^ motorppjbjc a ïona ?nbsp;mabJiUb)

ab3j ppjbjc caffaeliat ffalDoj Si puo ojmoPP, biP bePPbj

ait^Per eb Pjo^P Bara ac rmrnHn ?ïonbsp;bn tamrit

Bai ac to^ac^ Poji i


Br caffai babjb a bjnnai, rf a bgPPci g^uoetlamp;ocnbsp;Be cafiEei babib a bjnnei ni b^P*nbsp;Pei biraetbuö

BenPit^ ir Sbjcf) bieu r blonec


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Bellatö bfUacö bal clibjrtjl p barfeut

Bit gbjaCtat gbjjalc cbarer Bit jbjpbj fftor eb bagborletbnbsp;Blö öjtoc gbjjalc , o b^necbnbsp;toartb

Bit ebuö brub er elibjertbm Bit aba b^böarnbsp;Blö anbaaöal ebuönbsp;Bit n^cb bbjjn clafnbsp;Blltt jbj boö gn bllnnbsp;BlabJö p glttnbsp;Bloöau b^n mal, goje na balnbsp;Blaen^ar ^maöjoöö folnbsp;Bieuöötojt glajatb bjjtb bl t-

Bjltb i ffoö a ffjnull Bojeu corb . a motojebb ffbsjalcnbsp;Boneöö a öjbj^s: ölUat a ffpn*nbsp;nbj^ö

Bu ffbjell Ir gbDj aetb l btl? at banec . nac Ir gbjj aetb arnbsp;Buan l barn pop b?buö (facbnbsp;B. lil. 2503»

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Synn Vayr pen.

BtDjto at^ bnllaio: cars at|gt; Hbtojlab)

Bbajto p gboööi ol i\ Ijtojaiö Bbjjb) btofpj am ben fftoj ma^nbsp;rto

Bbjjto catl) I cptbjaul Btojto beU jn ^ mo?

Bpcban jtD mam ^ c^nnen Bpcban jb) mam j benuUnbsp;B?r Ijoebloc öjgafoc faintnbsp;Bpööar a gatff ffpffeljp

'^^toare ac na briio: feelltoa» AT ir ac na ctitDcl^Ubianbsp;Cbbiarbbebic pjjli b)?t|gt;nbsp;a ffarer

Cfjbiarööiat öbaf^j ban ia Cbtoanoc trtocb i bjinnbsp;Cbtoanoc map pin bpnt. a ebb)»nbsp;not j bjef a bo fegntnbsp;Cbtoeb^l cbb)eöftonnbsp;Cbbiefroj a cbb)gtf), neib^j oenbsp;tiptb.


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atilc gïoetij bjaïDïi 3Daïileu ffïoelij barnnbsp;2Da pto? maen i gpbnbsp;ar (Cuangrlnbsp;S)a fftoeöDrt r brr tr g-alto^tjjnbsp;2Da ffïona 2Deo roi cpjn bgjon inbsp;butocl) ötojliornbsp;2Da co£ mapnbsp;SDall pap anc^farïopöbnbsp;SDamtoain pop èel^

SDauffos öirïaiï) i gbjn SDanpö ffojöö i ancjfactopöönbsp;2Dau ib^jb nrtopnoc. a tonarnbsp;tr^b^öb gn gtotönbsp;2Daupart^ clob j»mpenclognbsp;2Daupartö fftoaitli i bbrc^jaunbsp;SDaupartö fojbb i gtojbobnbsp;2Daupart5 £?öb ?n calonnbsp;2)aupartö pipö gn trtoQatnbsp;SDaupartö parc^ pn aruernbsp;SDaupart^ bonebbnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;b?ff:

SDaupartö öpCc ^pbrr 2)aupartlj taitlamp; gmbjbjfionbsp;25aupartö tref i öaruerru

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Synn Voyr pen. SDaupartl) femti i gïDjanöonbsp;SDaupartö EoPönbsp;aDrtïöjtiö a I gtogl, at carnbsp;SDcötopöö öof^öö a rjöö raönbsp;iïiöo

2DcfnjP0 öator pop ankclujïiö 2DCÏOP0 a tau a bïo^aU.nbsp;SDctopö oj öötog bacöööu ötocönbsp;2Dtl)ccl) öjtopö, gtopn i bpönbsp;jSD^ggaubb öcuruPï! öagraunbsp;SDtgon o grtotl) a töcl^nnbsp;SDïgon ötgon o fficacrnbsp;SDigloD pop anöaïDöögarnbsp;SDiffattö llpffant ban rctonbsp;2Dgcnciö rgtoan o Uö rg gaöarnnbsp;iaDtratt a gaCcl tr öcöto^öbnbsp;2Diraïö a gabjl i o^cunbsp;2Dirm^cfecr. boeiernbsp;SDHf^mtotl) bgöïi öjpglatD am=


a o^ob= üer

2Dlet ar pabop l aïibabo 2DjbDC fan öjboc a railnbsp;SDjboc pabop oe bojbotnbsp;SD^boc llgö ater, onö

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2D?tör I ffojöö niü tiet iliöi onïö tntoattö

SDjtoc pio öjjgtoaö, ffïoaftö p) bot tböbo

2DJÏDC peebat oe bb^l^ii SDjbJc gb) bjbjc , stoaetb ?bo tnbsp;jtoaetbaC

2Djb)c tortb öjanoetb

3Dj?0;b3attb öbijbjattb ? ffbo» nair

2Druö a boftb I ofttong 2Djjdj i öïij’n i gjö^maitbnbsp;5DJHdjjUbacb bjtoc i ööitbaennbsp;2D?^tb?ll pop öïraitnbsp;2Doït btntbic t nottb, utö cat öjanbsp;noctb

SDoctb ö^n tra batoo SDoctb a DbïjlUr öcïrgbjcitbnbsp;1X2 tbïDjlUr öjüïi onb bn*nbsp;toaitb

2Doticïiïc pop angljofuö SDoff^it rjgt;öïi ar pop petb


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Synn ’9oyr pen

SDoluruö talon oualbalor 2Dto a fajjtö I bufffrtllnbsp;SDto a tiam: ïjn a lebairnbsp;SDeo a rannoöö, nt£ a gafaïiönbsp;2Dto a rann anlo^ö bal pnbsp;rljan j öillat

SDto cabarn a barn pop tabjn 2DH atl) rrljn

ö^n 0 prewar SD^felb 2Dro ba o lab)nbsp;iaDgfeer nl torlrr i rannbsp;SD^toebbl 0 agogf . galanaönbsp;pril

2D^?glIuef ^ gartSrn 2DhCc? crafg i Ijrn barcamp;

2Da ^b) SDro, a f)ir ?b)

€aang ^b)r bpb I batop (Kbbunrt brrtor btrnogfnbsp;(Ef a bbab) baf Ir ct cocbnbsp;Cf a bbab) rbrb) ^ l^ffantnbsp;(Cf artb bpnnp ar p^n a pblbru


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Cf a l twap noetij ac cöïo^r^ g map mtopocnbsp;Cf a tojj tj’n pan el ac nj topinbsp;pan ööcll

Cf tojj I cat§ pa bacjf a Igf Cf bennet* r catö pgfcat, acnbsp;tunnel ioljeèj l tamp;joctnbsp;Cirlacb lab) ac nac clciacl) öjoctnbsp;Cltlol nl cliacct nt cögngalnnbsp;C lajs a ffaua^ rgbjöö , ac ngnbsp;lagf al c^mcctönbsp;CUö jfcupoj can ööjjcüojtbnbsp;CUb ^ tojacb Ir bjeu cc l genaunbsp;CUö fiJHti Hn ol bjcuöbtojtnbsp;Cllt gb)jalc gn ol i bcnlllbnbsp;Cllt r^b) ac bactb pan gtonbsp;Cllt Ilab) can öjoctnbsp;Cnb) cö fenb)

Cnb)0c mctcblaö ol öocamp;

Cntolc ölbcnbolc l blant Cbcffc b^öö öjHfflab) i amioglnbsp;Cfclt öj^fföö^n pn tup acallnbsp;CCmïDjtöaf ölm |?b) metb?


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Synn quot;VDyr pen (E boUr patop 'arti) i ioaitl)

€ gaiff ö^n Pgfc oe beb^t b^b i b^naint

^j^abjb pabjp pit i bal jfol pop tlabjtnbsp;jfojbb b^U i bor o Btnllpnnbsp;jFo rac bitter, ac na fo rac bjbjcnbsp;argltopbb

i^iaibb pop pnb np cbarer

; Slbael p noib bbpboaptbaf pn olaC

.(Bait gbjr o caftrll (Bair gboraic bal gbopnt pn ba*nbsp;boababt

(Brlpn i bbpn i bba (Beltons bjpgboi i pCcupojnbsp;gbirba

(Bocbel tauern ac na ocbel ilbio (Bobbtoebbit bbjpj buannbsp;(Bobal bpn, beo ae gbjerpbnbsp;(Boganp r btopt ae bbjpta


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(Boltöc beo ar ab^n (Boltoc fereljoc fpber b^bbnbsp;CBojau can bp mam i Uabbnbsp;(Bojau jb)j fftoarau tra aternbsp;(Bojau enb) 9^1 piaunbsp;CBojeu 0:b3rtbb3jnep , gb3jtbb)j=nbsp;nep etebojn

(Bojeu gbDjtbbjpnep 0bDrtbb)?= nep kïö^gi

CBojbmobb bb3 ar ebol (Kraton cuppbb a ^0 gltotbnbsp;(Btoac tuj eb bapnbsp;(Btoae a bjo o glun i glun ac njnbsp;bebbo petb I bmtnbsp;(Etoae a bgnn mefjl er pecbatnbsp;(Btoae a bo ibefpl ^n t bonboeönbsp;(Bbjae a gabjbb 2Deo , ac ntó crebnbsp;(Bbjae a to^l t argtogbb beungbnbsp;(Bioae a tonel ba i bbtocnbsp;(Btoae ouerbjr pn cjnapfnbsp;(Btoae a gaffo b?ppir ?n ie*nbsp;uanfe

(Btoae i'euank a ebbuno benamt


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SynnTpyr pen (Ktoae ïDi a gaffo öj^g; to^aicnbsp;(Kioajtöaf it rjfel teifbannbsp;(Btoa^t^af jJlIoj. Co? o t^rcf)nbsp;(Ktoaetl)taaft^ . öal map raftnbsp;(Btoaö öa a gaiff i Irnbsp;(Btoattoar öjöö am toaitf) j noönbsp;(BiaaitS no0. ö^öö at öangpönbsp;(Btoajto pncalon can Jiraetï)nbsp;(Btoalanbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;fftoraic bnbcn

(BtocböïU map iacö (Btöcööto crrfft eb i batonnbsp;(Btoebbto pto^U eb ampebbnbsp;(BtoeUuö nib bibboluenbsp;(Btoelet beubetb oi bnnbsp;(Btoelet i clutt ae I^ffatnbsp;(Btoell aro0 , no me%l jecbbetnbsp;(Btoell am ? paret a bettopbb nacnbsp;am j tan a biriaitnbsp;(Btoell bebb na bucbebb angbt’nbsp;uol

(Btoell eibib fftoertb nac bn pj^n (Btoell ? bb^n ? bjtoc, a to^j narnbsp;bjtoc ngss gtoji


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(BtocU i töjaic I pjfcotïDj nac \ toraic I gtD^ntJjötDjnbsp;(BtofU can ïiïojj na c-^an bo^cunbsp;(BtocU 0Ocl)cU mcfjl na t böialnbsp;(BtöcU I fftöc a böcutb jmpcn ^nbsp;bltopööp nar nt ïiïirutl)nbsp;bjtb

(Btorll fftoar bl na gbjac ni (BtocU 5b)tcl)to oj roluöb nanbsp;cboci^i oj ööcuruöönbsp;(Btorll ffbjrffil car. nac bjpnrp t-öran

(Kb)cU gior na ffïo^j Cbjcll p t?nn gbjjatc na Eaffnbsp;(Bbjcll I)cn öbirt na brn ala=nbsp;nas

(Bbjcll 5ir bDcöötot na bybic b)ja

(BbJcU car jn U^s nac aur ar b?s

(Btoell fejngoj ö^n na i ba^ööp (Bbjrll cliDt na «jtoll


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Synn 'Voyr pen.

(Bajell cpfftnaetö na bielitnaetlj (Bojell map I'cuanb Poctlj nanbsp;b^^itbln Sen jnb^Iinbsp;(Btoell magn gacïo am attalionbsp;nar maen llpfn am gellpngonbsp;(BtocU marP) no mjnjct) PPift--(Btoell naac, no gau aOOetoit (obnbsp;dStoell nectb btogPoiacb nac bnnbsp;(I5b3eU penlojn jn Uab), na I)b3p=nbsp;ab jn abjpj

(Bbjell pien, na bpn fejljnbbgar (Bbjcll rrann ÉDQn.na ranl^argnbsp;(Btoell biigair pm blaen, na bannbsp;(Bioell bn feoibtoab. na ban (pn olnbsp;pmUbiab

(Bbjell bn ï^bjbe. no ban %i gai gbjell pdjpbic gan rat. no llabjrrnbsp;gan afrat

(Bbjell pnrfepfrot p gabjncn, nac cb bbim

(BbjcU pm blapnpi ^PJtÖot. nac pn ol PI Hipbbot

(BbjcU p ïolalcn a blpcfio na bon

a bo^ro

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Q amber o

a öojro

öBtocU jii) öj^ffCaer na tiitog: of ÖBtoell jïo öjjfffaer na öjtocnbsp;Daltor

(Btoell pbj? ki a roöio nar ci a eu Crööo

(Bioell pto toUato na öuciaïo (Bmeii jto 2Deo na öjtoc obaitönbsp;(Btorll 2Dro n pr, na Uu ^nbsp;ööaiar

(Btojrtöbaïoj pop oDiöoc (KïorrtöH ctc torcö a pö??n? ticnbsp;öïocö

(Btonrutö^j öruööjtoc oj bn CBuctliob ffojatiö , a bjuot i torttnbsp;(Bjj bap , cai nacnbsp;CBjirj bjan i grtCo tirnbsp;? cpn a pröDo.

arl €)b3am o bbojs ? b)= lab

^ap bbro bbebjj^n li?arbb pop nrbjjbb

C.l. ï^an»

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Synn quot;Voyr pen. il^annn: i bïföönbsp;l^atoïö eirtal ar a garernbsp;!^atoti0 tiarigoö Dirart i ctonnbsp;^atoDö , a ïogU iorlgnbsp;l^atoïiö pto ofng ofaacnbsp;lïiatoüïi tiigio ïitcnbsp;^atotilj pit) ctogfo clafnbsp;^atoDö öorö^t ppmt^rcnbsp;ï^atoöti JÏO t^nti^ cleööpf bpj uinbsp;team

l^alötiö JÏD t^nn^ rarrai Ipban 0 groen bn arallnbsp;^abDöb p) tjnnj gtoaet onbsp;gracö

^atoöïi pto c^moö lie i bo earlat lialiiïiö ptD cennau tan pn lienbsp;tanlltoptb

ï^atoöb nab) pngbHfcot goj=

l^abjbb jb) perl 5 blngam to^lo l^abjö bjlngo na blCclnnbsp;l^aioef bableu 0 goet nag 0 ca=nbsp;aell


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ïortpt m^n^ïiD na mj-mö trottaïö

ï^aïtJÊf pn nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;na c^an boie

^^atöö eau a nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nac a ötojn

^atoö bïojb) tu^ g labaj na^ a= ö^ilaö

l^ato^ tto^ïlo maban na tljto^l^ lo gtojacjannbsp;^eb öö^o ^b öbim

picbat a tona egtoU^bb nr-tojbb

!^rn bbï^j batobb i ojbbtoe0 . batobb t oiuotnbsp;ï^cubbg annmb car^nbsp;antbb nï bbato ^n bbanbsp;elftebb t ogannbsp;CeC^U I bjtomnbsp;!^ir loiiffbjjiaetè i baïobbnbsp;latrat t trotnbsp;ï^tr ebbrbjlt g nacnbsp;!^lc ngcb l angaunbsp;^ir g bgbb tttareb bacb gn cbalnbsp;l^lr g bgbb bittoon gn mjfnrb ^nnbsp;C. tt. ^In

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Synn yvyr pen.

|)m falatöö

l|tr j bgöö pn öeric öj^gïor l^ir ^ b^öö ^ mut Httipojtb ? b?önbsp;bar

l^ir ^ bjbbir ^nrnoi tamritc^bj^ rrto

^ir ? bjbb cbborrb) firn alanaö l^ir ? bjbb Ï cupjbb i gablnbsp;l^ir bjrbbinbot i brfplnbsp;l^ir bjttnie gan bbiriaitnbsp;li^ir bun Uarlgïon EO0nbsp;l?tr bi ^bau gtojaic buCgrellnbsp;liir i gof bgnpcb rgbbnbsp;l^ir pop aro0nbsp;i^off can jnfpb 1 gnbspanbsp;l^of can pop cbjn i laiönbsp;Ifof can angcnoc t gorlonbsp;l^ocb g bjn n^ cbal^n ^ banbsp;l^in^ ^to dob na golubnbsp;0 bbial. bial 2Dro

bjtt , oj biniabjcb pabjp at i bapCant (bunbsp;patop jn abfrn of^n


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pop cottoc ar i öomrn i öurt

3a[cl) rpöïi r^uiöö pa gtojn 3Ir pant j rrö ?

3Iro Monjiogm 3Iaton i patop \ gaPto \ 5un

SUjarnacl) jto r röau j?n g^ froörttö

Iamp;aïi mal^ , caö i torrtl) i^auaö öa nï r^aua^ tijtocnbsp;IvalrPacib glrto. no mamnbsp;I^alon röran tojtö (B^mronbsp;Itam to^anöo a tona tam ööor=nbsp;Ikan^ rb g^ïo^öönbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(opt

Ikatö pn j mtoltoc liai0barcboc öan bjart t barcljnbsp;I^aïGrt potop ötof^j jto longnbsp;Ivalöo üoUt pgtoalfa blalöïinbsp;Ikarrt öjtogtbtoarr b^n nl cba=nbsp;I^arrt^jafttntjnnblte^n (rrrnbsp;ööu^ bit ^n to^nnbsp;l^aö b^n pna . caö 2Dro bjj

C. ui. 2^af=

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Synn VDyr pen. I^affecdoff, doff Ijie bolnbsp;lk{l0 gfflElEt a gfIffonbsp;^a0 gtotc ni cbarcrnbsp;l^ariat a ojcö ö^cca pop potbnbsp;Jk.a0 m^bar^ii, mierinbsp;Eau r gojOOlan mptut ^nbsp;öeueit allati

l^au r rttabjl toetii ^

I^au tm taeb^ bjam^ (matcb l^tUillt blaibb bugail btognbsp;lamp;elu^bb feelrt i aruaetbnbsp;l^ell argltopbb gio ? ioeilginbsp;lamp;dl öauoöioj gïo i buartbnbsp;I^tnat but bjut ae crebnbsp;lamp;cnau mUgi a mojtojn. at mac-feo. ug cbatff i mbjjnnbsp;Ittmtiacb bjdrj» bjabjtnbsp;lierbbotib a rio^mobbnbsp;111 cbiatuoc boloc i baïönbsp;lamp;^b at fei ? cerbb i g^uffon

at g bjtttbb^t at at g bellfu: tttt cogelnbsp;lllpbjlt cojtt feju nl bidet


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I^luöD l)eU tr moj linaïciö tueöj traöa trancknbsp;ï^naifier ïöeö^ pïatöönbsp;I^naif 2Dauaï! bartonbsp;ü^ntUTO jng^nau öenöïocönbsp;I^naïDö o fffin meitijjïn öaönbsp;litnatoD afltöjJöb can Dtttnaitnbsp;lamp;natoö anaf ar ööiriaïtnbsp;I^naiöbö o ben öjjJtJjiIi öjaljanbsp;I^nabjï) c^lIuU öcbbj^bïi jn öbo-ï^nabjb bigaraïi p 11^0nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(ctt)

I^naïDö ïDCïij? traba trarngbo; I^nabjö buan o bainnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(jöïi

I^natöïi ffo o fractb I^natDö actogt böiff^bö , jn böt=nbsp;ffattb

l^nabjt fftoartb o b^nedj 2^oc0 j?n llc mojöbto^tnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(Üöjn

I^of a Utb?, U^tbt a ffciötö I^of gan faaïop a garnbsp;gb3a0 ötoc

ï^offa bg bin pan ^ötrciogcl) Iamp;ogoï iar ^n jblam

C. mi. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;MoCp

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Syn7i H?j'r pe?i.

Ikofp ar ben ïar üioCp j Ueio jiö maböj? r artbnbsp;ISoCpï r artlj jn0ïo5l)b ^ Ueïonbsp;1^00 bin tajoc, ef a garb itljnbsp;2amp;raffacl) nac euail (bbbjrnnbsp;I^recijtoen j^ngenau jnf^bnbsp;Isol mebb j’ bran pan gaffo bbi=nbsp;gon

Brpin^n fe^n mocb , moclj kjn a bbamtoain

lir^b ar bm. angeu j’S bir lirj’njj bal ^ boj toialennbsp;ï^bjlbjm angenoc ar ^ geniocnbsp;libjltom oebibc a bbet^bnbsp;I^bj^mp ^ gbjr pn ^ Kpcbnbsp;l^bD^arp ar galeblabj',

Ik^ïj boeb ba. nib Sl^ojba I^jib bbjjta a bonnebbic ac nanbsp;cb?b cijbjarau

i^jjb gboicljio p benn bi a bbbjc i Itoptb

lamp;jbleö i babjb pbj galb) ^cben Ikp beier notonoö nj cbelir no=


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Ikjöpmïiaitï) can ci ei lofjy^xijn I^guatlijacö i öiö^ta, fecnrtl inbsp;^mlaïiö

I^jbacrcauion gbjjac^ toactlj^ töactö

l^jfocb bj^bb ba a bcbbjjbb l^^met^oc i bimljp. a t^labjt tnbsp;b??nnp.

Ik^üns ac cöcnff pb3 bcbjïö I^^fbctöbc pop bcbbjjbbnbsp;pop rcbjjbb

'M^n cbjïo^bbcb b^nb iv barcö= nat, crocn oen a cöjoen jnbsp;bbauat

Bjnniuec pen, fepnntuer Cpnb3= I^^nffoj ^n olnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(?j

I^jnt ^ U^Cc objn na r ^Ccu^ amp;?nt crup^l na e biaönbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(poj

l^^nt mebbbjl na gbjeitöjet bal ^ pat^eb)

I^^ttabl ^ba maecö ae baeciamp;b3= ertè


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Synn Vayr pen feerööet ar öjart a mar=nbsp;clioffartï) ffonnbsp;I^jftatl l^oïorl anbsp;I^^ïoir mg ^ gïorUrnbsp;w- öEtlai I^mrit gajafnbsp;-Jl Elrölrïi r^aau: toartStoa»nbsp;ïiïtrtiafru

Elaïü I gtoaöjn bal ^ bo r trort Elabjrn mrlclilaö pan ba gto^ntnbsp;illatorr a bbgfpntogt . pcbjöicnbsp;a bbrbjiCbj^t

Elabjrr am babjl bu n bjlg Elabjrr a bjeöölU o brbbbjl cbbj»nbsp;annabjc

Elabjrr gbjïr bjbjc \ öborb^t Elabjrr trc öjbjc l örunjöDnbsp;Elabjrr bagjr bpgar b^öönbsp;Elabjer öbjfjj a b^iblo rb b)g=nbsp;bot Ir mrlmpöönbsp;Elab) map llaborö \ batnbsp;%\a)xgt; lan öblogrl l pörtc^rnnbsp;Elabj llatoö ar toaltli


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Elaïo patop ar i anarlr.

Elaïöit i bobi

%\z ba ^ bolur j bgöö ^ Haïo Ele ba i pabjp h p carrrnbsp;Ele0 pabop pan farbbj^grrnbsp;EIrtaf b^bb ^ biCtorl^n or Ca=nbsp;EUf auon ïimbba bjbbnbsp;Elon colto^n ar arffrt i brtttrrönbsp;Elon llj0ot Ur bo catönbsp;Etom ttr i pojo bauatnbsp;ï^Iiofr llabb i ffjb^maitönbsp;ElbojJt pop brnnbsp;Eltojt gtoj barcbnatnbsp;El^gat SDro ar ab^nnbsp;Elpmat bgbb ? gboa^bo or bla^nnbsp;Eljma r marö llpmar ^f0?far=


tttg a IpCc cöboilrrjn ^mmonnbsp;.. .. b3r0

öl^ar ac^ci0 tt b^ffrn i bot ar ? bartö

3@ar gbjrbiUon tr gbjrnitö

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Synn’Vpyr pen.

St^aeïiïi^ tulluan tortl) g mam

fi^am ÖJO0 ia^n

Sl^ai oer a ïona ^Crupoj fflet

9^ al angmor eb getnoc

9@al ball pn taflj l ffon

Sl^al bjjjguonrbtilc al balcb

Sl^al ö^jnot pm

9^al gloalcb troö bin ell^n

Sl^al cogall gba^alc buCgrell

Sl^al rof gbjjacli

Sl^al lljgotm ban balf g catb

Sl^al Ujn melln ar b^al

Sl^al Upffant ban i\ oc

S^al Ugffant ban i mam

95 al lltognoc am g Qrlan

9^ al m^n magot

9?al rrabj jmlftorll

9^al ebrrgn ar 5 canfe

9pal I b^bb j bjn p bjbb p lbj=

9^al g cl ar bbDcb nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(b^n

9^al p mocb am ^ ffabjjbb

9^al i\ ap am l cl)mau

9^al H P^Cc gn ^ btoC^


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Qambero Sip al aran am lnbsp;Slpal öan ^ biojallnbsp;Sipal j rljtfc am j p?mnbsp;Sipal I fa^tl) o? lUn^nnbsp;Sip al p tan ar aelo^tnbsp;Sipal ? tan pn 5 cartönbsp;Sipam brc^an a bölbanbj plantnbsp;Siparcl) a C^jtö o öö^ar i brti»nbsp;toarcarnnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(car

Slparcö a tojl pö ac nl to^l g Sipatöröetilc penörult caCrllnbsp;SIpatoj gb) tojrtf) aflto^ïiönbsp;Sipabjjtl) a latiö: (CpjUl a bllngnbsp;Siprf^I tr COC n? l^fo t laionbsp;Sipcfjl Ir ll^goöcn bntbjllnbsp;S^du0 gait öa am a peernbsp;Sipcl^Caf clc po neCaf Ir aC»nbsp;Slpcluö. mocjS ettonbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(ctojn

Slpclu0 pan gacr cöïocrto pan Sipi a pbm a b^Ptict gan (balernbsp;bp mam. oc np c^abjn acöpc»nbsp;bel Ir llan

Sipi abtoacn torci^ cr nasf ball-


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Synn'^yr pen

2ipoe0 pop tut jn i tut a^oUant fficicö^ martonbsp;a^oltt patop j rï)pt mal i caffonbsp;fi^urfm 0 lor, mal o loraicnbsp;a^iop na r brl Pan yi öumocnbsp;a^toj na r afr tr lian5O0 I t^lnnbsp;a^lop na r rrgen pn ^ r^cönbsp;S^lop nag ? bptiti öa blaiïiö . n?nbsp;bpöö ba mol iCcrll

nag bn ci am j CHitattl) a^gneïi ar gogoj Ir afon (aöö inbsp;a^^nrcl) rb rait, bot ar loallnbsp;a^jnrcl) j öab) öjloc bugall.

SI cJoU bp örnfojbö rr ö?

ffojbö nriDjbb ' iiJa öörffro ? ct 1% u c^rc?nbsp;|5a öborö a gtor lortlj ^ ö?prbnbsp;i|5a blö öjpgloralc bj g^frlnnbsp;i|2a b?am an^tli iotjlrrnbsp;Ü5a b^bb rp bto^tbu0 lie gallernbsp;bp liepcoj


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Qambero j]5a ffur Itoftnbsp;iliailt ai Ito^noc ai iliöjn reïij^nnbsp;ilïatur it)töcö a ögöö poi=


i^a nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;parrè pan ^ cjn?

M^g;e0 penueuk pn rat (ferr MeCaf i batop i nrfafnbsp;^kn nar arööiornnbsp;i mi bjctr^js nam patónbsp;iB.tfnr;^ jtoj llrtain ir bjrfnbsp;Mg ab anortS i ojbotnbsp;Mg ain öcu öjaö jn önCatènbsp;Mg bu r^ gu na bai r^ gagfnbsp;M^ bu artbur onö tra bunbsp;Mg bjbö marbgt; marcb er bn=nbsp;Mg b^öb gïor tojtb öbim (no0nbsp;Mg bjbb b^bartb rr? gjnefinnbsp;Mg bgPïi g bi?b). eb g Igbinbsp;Mg bgöb btbeneit eb i beiernbsp;Mg b?bb bubb o gebsbienbsp;Mg cbjebir g moei oni bjeler i e-men^bb

Mg cbljb) boilfegn, betb ng0 m^n

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Synn 'Uyr pen maöjn i ööjpfffator

i öutt

il3^ cljljn Uato ar bapöïigfc ïitatoj öiofn

/I3p bpöö bjun öau (Bjmro il^H bgbti H fb t gabamnbsp;iRj bjbb mofoglctc maen a bj=nbsp;necb psfmutetnbsp;cbar butocb b^Cb lonbsp;cbaiff rj bobbatoc rjbarcbnbsp;0^ cbaiff rbbjeb^l nib oe bupnbsp;iI2p cbair bebDigf gam ffonbsp;cbair gan ^ Ubjjnoc onb inbsp;gro^n

Ms cba‘1^ a bbiobaitb bb^o Ms cbair gïolan rjbooc ar glunnbsp;cafr

Ms cbaii^ S ntrlu0 rb g cbbicrïD Ms fbaiï bïD^b ta^oc ratnbsp;Ms tbair anal prr ar pjm Curnbsp;Ms rbaibïü I^^mbjo oni goUonbsp;Ms cbtl gtubb t^ftubb talonnbsp;Ms tbJtb rtbblc. er a brcbarr


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cijlïterp catö öjos i MtoPtfti. iI3? lav i ^irnoö (^n glafnbsp;il5g cijtöjn tar toii p gtoalc:^nbsp;0^ c^'to^n ti n i öaro ac afriornnbsp;j]3? ci^toCc gofaluö, ac cf a gtofcnbsp;ijijö actl) viW i (galaruönbsp;il^pö a rct a piff ? buöDnbsp;a bj^l öpn ac p^tönbsp;aötona 2Dco öüti a ïonactf)nbsp;iI5pö a gtoa^ïD jngrcmjnnbsp;i^pö a cofp ar pnbptnbsp;^pö a ön trcto na öau i angaunbsp;IJpö a cpnic ^rglïopöö ir Uaïornbsp;^pö cI)iDarc a bo crc^pJInbsp;^pö c^iuarc. cljtoarc a tfian nacnbsp;a öur nac a öaparnnbsp;i^pït öa rp o ööimnbsp;ilipö pjtoc ïDj , tojtl) ööibjc toratcnbsp;^pö öjïDC argltopöö , nampnnbsp;ilipö öiüojtö nep öioc (öjtoc toaönbsp;iIJpö eïijpcïn'r banncDD marcDnbsp;roöö

i^pö cfflur p öjpcö pn p tptopl= Sd.i. Itocö

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Synn quot;^yr pen.


iliïï! btojt onö i bjoui jmg^aogi

^iö gtoell öim no öigon (c^an jliiö gtocll gojmotiO nanbsp;/IJ^Oa ïiatoöti cöiDgtèj tan a ?

blatot jngmtu ilJib batobö bUngo call^ttrnbsp;ili^b btojracb p bartbttat,nbsp;crotn oen. na cbjotn j bauatnbsp;jlJib languor ncp atnbsp;/IJib bjmttnt blrbb^n ae bitottnbsp;iliib fejmfin cat^ a cbaplftrnbsp;ilS^b cof can gj offcirat bot ^nnbsp;glocbjbti

ilJtt kjtun bun a batnt j]igb kjïDCttbaö cb brabjtnbsp;ilJjb cgboactboc onb ac c^mcronbsp;jlipbmocl gbar gn aco3 gtoalltnbsp;ilJpb llafucuö Ilaio g^tojaintnbsp;jl^jab Ilai gbacctb mcfgl na fatobnbsp;iI3?b Hat c^jcb b^n i laitb nonbsp;gpacba^S


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iI2tïi moefatoc mojtojn a lief cetloc t tfjat

/|3pö mïDj fftoaitï) COC na c^anp iRjïi mpcti, a Uöcl eitoaitönbsp;jIJjti OC0 nep cb t bainbsp;iI2jb OC0 ar bffern onö ciCDiau inbsp;tifnefn?nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(merer

/!5i0 oi0 o öötm onö bal p fep* ypiö pjop^ïojt neb ^n i lolat eï)unbsp;ilJït rait i ööeötopöö onö i eninbsp;0it rait roi clocb b^rtl) burfennbsp;i]5ït reit öangoö öireit i jbinnbsp;0^1 rbjööa nep i ioaCanaptb?nbsp;Ü2^t tbj^li tbjpllo tïDjltor (ebunnbsp;jl^ft ïort^ i bie j mae pjjnp c^f=nbsp;fploc

g boje ^ ma^ canmol ö^öö amtopö a bjnel ïoartb (tecnbsp;ilipt ^n bnögöö göö aöeito^tnbsp;Euuein

ilJpt ^n iacb onö a bo marbj Jl2it ett^n Uab) niö rrjbueb calönbsp;jIJp ööab) öjbjc i bn , niööel ba 1nbsp;2D.Ü. (arall

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Synn lgt;igt;yr pen. öbator ctwlan pa ffa= (arallnbsp;ööaïor nelujnoc pa ^0 (b^lnbsp;öPaïör putain pa ^nucSnbsp;ööioldj Ugn, 1 boit^lnbsp;ööplj öllöc öolp , nampnnbsp;öjbc

meöö a c^up^ïi i]3? pbell anrregir tiatotnbsp;jli? pljisf boMPbic ebuiinbsp;b?na£ ^ibbtfffbljnbsp;0^ Ijjita ïiaïol er t boebinbsp;0^ la0 cennat er oebnbsp;0f lubb antoeirbeb ffabjbnbsp;02 lubb parot i ffgmrgtnbsp;02 togr ^ ba ar ? Hall (bbobbnbsp;02 lb)jbbobb. oab a bjam^bj? =nbsp;02 Ibj^bb gbjen^n t geUiornbsp;02 roeb gbjlab i butnbsp;02 tbabjbb blet er t baroönbsp;02 tb?tc lltttr er na bo üaïonnbsp;tM boebgt ?it beenbsp;02 b^nno SDeo np Ibi^bbnbsp;02 butra btojia er gbsneutb?


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Qambero ïia i ööo i öunnbsp;bjnn öj^gïojacè ïiöal inbsp;bjn ^ Cant moj catogf (rliïötinbsp;tofletó lam riojïiïi i etolcnbsp;tona t moj toartl) na boööinbsp;töMl fejitffoj i bant, gtonaeönbsp;cjitffoi i I^Cfamnbsp;ilig ïojl Ijatoöö boö gn baïotiönbsp;onl ö tl baïDöö ^it anSaiöïiïinbsp;ïD^ïsölr mbjjnlant g ff^nnonnbsp;onlö el jn blCpgïiïinbsp;bDjj ^ el llatom pa gjCaetbnbsp;g cl fbjacnbsp;ilij iogi n^ togl

il2j? ööator lar bat j gbaalcb ^n fflaC

iR? bajj tar neCaf It cellat ilJa bjbjc b?n ^0 gbjell fel banbsp;il^oCbD^l lar gïoae ae cae

©jöö cell l cl. mjngcfe gbb a Ibbl

SD bjöo nep gn ol bib ?

2D. Hl. ba^

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SynnVpyr pen.


bop trïom, trjmacl) b^naïnt AD cbaïff K öjnot iv mloiönbsp;bi a tr allar

€) cb^jreöö brj n? bbato obj? flDöiö arcboU eb toaeönbsp;Obit o cant cjbjmaitbnbsp;Obit clbo cb antutnbsp;Obit ba bitoraftonnbsp;O boten ni, ni bbotennbsp;O boten cr. riiii. ni bboten cr rb.nbsp;Offeren patep jn i pionnbsp;O0 gtej mater catej. 00 gtej b^nbsp;Oni bebie ni bebir (cban cojnbsp;Oni bjbbi grgf, bjbb pfrtej0nbsp;Oni cljai eenin, btec bjeC^cbnbsp;O mpi bob ^n ijjebei ti a neib?nbsp;^n teell

O boenen i boenen . pbb a ee» pbjl jn ctetanbsp;Oer ^te ifpU lyi alana0nbsp;Oeb I bjn, np cbal^n ^ banbsp;O Uabb p catb lapten, ar bj50


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Qambero U ap i ^unnbsp;SD bn tüjeicamp;ioiteii p c^nne tattnbsp;iSDöit taUïDj DttoagCab) (maïojnbsp;€) Cul i Cul jbïi ar boibjgnnbsp;€) bletojn i blriopn jöö (ïojacljnbsp;ar prn gn borl

JÖD l^miit i l^msit i barbu r ratal

SLn b^ta^Co r ball ball a= Jrall , j bbau a bbjgtajbbnbsp;.. tr ptallnbsp;pan bjtajCo fjrn brrlr i bja=nbsp;Ibb ni bpbb jCrrublnbsp;Panb fftaartb ? bjlng g ffatb onbsp;bojl U rtalnrbbnbsp;Pan prr m0 nl r^alr m^hanbsp;Pan rorr pojcamp;rll rpi b^nbsp;pan bo morliri ar brn ma= (gtabnbsp;lurlat, 2 bjbb rCcub afcrll fftapl=nbsp;Pan boj bol? n llatan ? m?n (atnbsp;?? tCcm o?ff?ta?0nbsp;Pan bo trcbaf ? cbtaarr, trchafnbsp;b?bb prlblo

2D. üü Patap

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Synn Voyr pen. ïSaïöp a gttitö teïiciinbsp;^@atopnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;rantijo

païop a c^toenpc!) anrpöePö d Uatron inbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;,

p caiff fe^toirtatt p öa carlo at jCg^farnocnbsp;fell ar boiau gtoanlo^nnbsp;punt, a llofglorn öimcnbsp;i@mfaer pop pcrcfemocnbsp;rro0 paiop lie nigf carernbsp;^crefet gtor cr t batoctnbsp;^aetban ïifbjm nj bbj^tabjn bur?nbsp;puio b3^ c^nnp rollionbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(gin

^@op enbjir biuentoir t blant ?aop biarcb gbjtrnbsp;^app cod cdbjpbbnbsp;pop gbjlat pn fei arucrnbsp;pop c^ffdpp a jmgciönbsp;pop petfe ?n t amfernbsp;pop cabarn gboan i öötocbönbsp;po topaf bo o ööcuctt b?utafnbsp;b^öö p gbolan

po iJb^fnaf boj moi öiogdaf


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'-ca, cqa p3q anflaj i oiBiSnj qa inj R qoq aE^

2 uaeiq o ujoajSgt uoj2aiu2 qa 3a

auiu 1 ‘ aiBïcq qa qq2j aeuHq 2cq@t i2j 1 3B}ti2j uixiin a oqjüxiu^j 0#nbsp;isaj 2 Qq2q

3D2cqui cquBii a oq 3B2cqui o@t Qon^oS 2 Qq2q

3B2tqiu qoajiQ ?oq 3B2(qut o@t aiBïjan 2 QQ2q

3B2cqm ‘ 02?q ïoq 3D2cqiu o@t oaqq uca joBuaqanbsp;QQ2q) ‘ u2qq uca 3Bfiu232q ogtnbsp;3Bj2nu2 oaui2^ ïoq 3Du2q o@tnbsp;Q2qi

aq2q 3Bq32qaj q2 a oq 3Bu2q oet n2cqq 1 QQ2q

3Bqa2ocqfl u2q qQ2cq 3Bxi2q o@t cqoiaiad cq2

na^ofl ‘ noaocqS ioq ne^ofl o@t fluon ai qQ2q


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Synn'Wyr pen

IBlctt troppian k^n kerPkct IBlaittortk ammto^U pto^ll karnbsp;ISltono: I W!amp;i (Ï0l ^ïiö a r (otnbsp;kin i lakjr

Ean kkjtoc ran o kja^an Ean ? gtoagf o tic ^r larnbsp;Eantt? r^n0 ^ bol? ar crf?nnbsp;Eann? r gïoak?n kal ? bo r tro*nbsp;E,ln trib?n cann?n ae cl?k) (rbnbsp;Kol ? carr o bla?n ? marcbnbsp;Kk)?bö pop prtb n? fao b?j?0nbsp;K? b?nn. a ö?rrnbsp;E? laion a 0?llnbsp;E? bc^rl a f?rtbnbsp;E? gag r? torllrnbsp;E?k) l kap ?jS 0?rc5lam?

E?t§?l mamartb Eoöö ar aöjobö a robk backtennbsp;^effrr plaur trort, Crföenbsp;plan r bkjgallnbsp;êgt;oml 2Dro a manacS ma»nbsp;ègt;onlo am akjtt killleu na» (rkjnbsp;êilckraf ?kjj Ockraf (talk


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fetortl) pop öioc

i l^uau

^^tlTanam i nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(to^öö

.„tirauot aur pmpon öaD= •^afl atö bnUatn , ca{0 atï) ööto^nbsp;'^C^atrgtoattö p ögtoait mu* (lalanbsp;rfen bonöltö ööeo gn tupnbsp;%zbk ooöö coin blacïj i carcclnbsp;^ebk ocöö cioö inbsp;%zc pop öianaCnbsp;Ccc pop Ijacöö

Ccc pop cblxiclijl nj bo glartl)» 'ÏIE.ra bo r jö jn tp p (lagncpnbsp;bgbö matrbj p marcbnbsp;'i;ra bo? ct n caci)?. jöb a rpfgj»nbsp;uarnoc Ir coztnbsp;'Erccb a gataf nag a gclbtonbsp;Cmb 2DCO na ö?^c obaltl)nbsp;'Ecclglct macn laaHatnbsp;%nQ. pop galaruönbsp;Ctoi o poptn^ Ir facrtf)

%m V catb jn y? Jaul Carlo bal p? abbat am ? couclt


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Synn'Wyr pen

'ïiroH öecöan a tana toll tatoi 'Eto barcö btnffjc

JÏDJ c^^bjtöjl tr eiigl^n

B tar pn pCcu» ®lmpj^lj p celloc ar (pojnbsp;.« S tPJi ffiomltönbsp;llitUato ar tan, canllalo ar tolanbsp;HJnllatoloc b^PP mamartl)nbsp;aintoaitö artö arglto^Ptirgnbsp;p nofio ar toaltS liono ? boDW

mmiaetS toartö bal map ca» öjQlactl) toactpacnCa» (frnbsp;er. tocll tocll faicnCacrnbsp;flEcll tocll pop ffijnncblcnbsp;aai^JtljnojS ? lltojnotnbsp;Pcnöjo tolbto?nnbsp;' è bubb a lubö ? lluöbctnbsp;^cbcnalt fftoiacb gn ol 51nbsp;gcbcnalt at bboctbnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(?tob

gc5?öïc lactb a bjnnj cn» f cjlölc ?n ampl, a tona (topnnbsp;llatocr

g bcfttjn a bjU g caret. npö o


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gi-jjtïif'r onö o b^necö CFitÖto. g öjtoc a tontler pn p nant a ögnbsp;topnir pnfftDjöö cant,nbsp;g ligtoa^tï)af a oiöDitocDöct* arnbsp;ttnnnto p Dtatcrnbsp;f ^öïtö cojn cb pCcprnnbsp;g bojto^n a ato t pl)?oui, ötop? tnbsp;Dato cto plijiottt

^ fftor pn cctCa i caCrc. ar caCrc j Dano

g gton a rocD i pnntor, ac npö ar gton 0 Dup r fftornbsp;g llr r ^msvemsio r marcfj pnbsp;geii^ beth oe bletonbsp;gmguDDro ar grfjn p ciönbsp;gmpop öaonï ? ma? gobjto?nbsp;^mpop Djïffïoni ? ma? pccbatnbsp;gmpop Dctoi0 ? ma? c?f?ng=nbsp;gmpop ferlf?DD?t ? ma? (Dtornbsp;gmpop ritl) t Dato an» (ffalftrrnbsp;gmpop r?ucl ? ma? gafal (gaunbsp;gmpop prcpat ? ma? ffolDrrnbsp;gmpop clto?£ ? ma? pcricl


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Synn^Dyr pen

gmpop t tnap cnett gmpop zmit ? map ü^allnbsp;gmpop öeall p map rnmtolnbsp;gmpop mcPPtol p map natU aenbsp;D^toc a e Pa

g mut a ööpioait p gtoir g marcö a bjam a PPtoc p ptomtnbsp;@ maccö a pjtcö pö tt a laöönbsp;g matcf) a topi p^ pP ac np topi pnbsp;ca^

gmrpCon ar gof pn I efall gmrpfon a Poet§ tl a bpPPpnbsp;PPoet^acI

gmrpCon a fol tl a PpPPp tolac^

gnalll tocntopn a laPP p Hall g nep a bo a marcö ar ei elto, anbsp;galff benffie marebnbsp;g nep a bo marto er falgtotb |cnbsp;g nep ae rp bottlo ebun. a bato pnbsp;coioner

gnupP a ffabl I tortbban

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gn ceiao r falrtti^n glas i boïi» beö ? cato

gn g erom ? saner g ci g öjöö marto

g car c^ioiv. gn ïng p gïo» cUr

g ci a banner i laöli a böocïitr e boö ?n cmööctrioc

g ct a banner i grogi, a bbjb)c= öir c bot p Ilaöii ? bmcit

g cpn a cl a ojötiïr

g cjntaf ai cljfau ban i bin p barfu

g cgntaf t oc. cpntaf t gr^» man

f r c^ntaC ir bclin maler ^n gjntaf

g pojcbell a bo bj?b) bjbbet man

gj afr bbu^ a las bal a labbobb btotb

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gr öiöcli a öau a r Core gj orn pn öjCcu ir ööauat boeinbsp;gr bn aCgtorn ar talnbsp;ggf bit bitoc, rac öjtoc arallnbsp;g0 rf a labö a ff^bubbnbsp;gCcafnUïDjtb a gluö cortnbsp;gfcafn j öortf) ^Cgafn artbnbsp;gfffloöun fftorrn ^inprn p ptbnbsp;gö marto a bo ölobaltl)nbsp;gö jytorll ? llpCc öau trtopnnbsp;nar bn

gs ölr mtbto nt bo put gö öjbjc a örc rbiln oj pboj=nbsp;tf)0 bn ff^lbin

yypys y dengys y dyn,

O ba radd y bo i 'wreiddyn

SST ^rrupn jbs

tSB- Imprynted at London in faynt lohns Jirete, by Nycholasnbsp;Hyll.

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