r Ta. f^fü
MAX NIEMEYER VERLAG * HALLE (SAALE) -x- 1936 Instituut voor
ZWEITER BAND Keltische taal-en letterkunde
ERSTE LIEPERUNG der nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;FIRST FASCICULUS
R L£ C H T,
Wörier, die mit H- anfangen, siehe unter A-, E-, I-, O-, U- (feoBtifiiJit voor
For words beginning with H-, see under A-, E-, I-, O-, U- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;letterkund*
der Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecbt
1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;i, I, a, in (nas.) praep. cum dat. et acc. innbsp;(... hinein); in, into; cum pron. person.nbsp;suS. 1 sg. indiumm, innemm, innamm; 2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;sg. indiutt, innett, innatt; 3 sg. D. m. n.nbsp;and, ann darin, dort, dann; therein, there,nbsp;then; 3 sg. D. f. indi; 3 sg. A. m. n. ind,nbsp;inn darin, dort, dann; therein, there, then; 3 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;sg. A. f. inte, inde; 1 pi. indiunn, inniunn,nbsp;innenn, innainn; 2 pi. indib, innib, innaib;nbsp;3 pi. D. indib, intib, innib; 3 pi. A. intiu,nbsp;inta; cum art. 3 sg. m. f. isin(n), isan, isintnbsp;(ante s), is (ante t), ansan, ansa, ’sin(n),nbsp;’san, ’sa; 3 sg. n. isa; 3 pi. isnaib isna,nbsp;ansna, ’sna; cum pron. rel. i, in, ina, ’na;nbsp;cum pron. poss. 1 sg. imm, amm; 2 sg.nbsp;it, at; 3 sg. amp; pi. in(n)a, ana, ’na; 1 pi.nbsp;in(n)ar, ’nar; 2 pi. ibar (ifar). Aso. ii, 86;nbsp;IT. I, 606—610; TBC. p. 994; PH. pp. 746nbsp;—751; Togail na Tebe, pp. 383, 384; TSh. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;i (leg. 1?) .1. isel. 0’CI.; cf. O’Don. p. 660. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;i = 2. in. -i pron. suff. 3 sg. m. n. post verbum, ihn, es; him, it; cf. Thurn. i, 267. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;i Insel; island; .i. inis. Aur. Éc. p. 342. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;i s. 3. eo, 1. ua amp; 1. si. .i. (=ed-ón) das heifit, namlich; that is, namely, s. ZCP. xviii, 427 amp; xix, 132. -i particula demons, post art.; cf. int-J. (ar-, con-, do-, ro-)[ praes. subj. s. (ar-, con-, do-, ro-)ic. ia ja?; yes?. TBC. p. 103, 1. 843; .i. ceinéla forggaUl in-sin. Cormac, 760. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;iach .i. ainmm caitt. 0’Dav. 1109; cf.nbsp;1. eo. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;iach s. 1. eo. Hassens Ir. Lexikon, Bd. II. iach-iinn gl. piscina. Aur. Éc. p. 342; cf. PH. p. 751. iacht Schrei, Aufschreien; cry, scream. Studies in Early Irish Law, p. 39. [(con-)iachta], (con-)échta gl. congemescit. Wb. 4a 22. iachtach seufzend, stohnend; aufschreiend; sighing, groaning; crying (out); subst.nbsp;Dsg. -taig /., Seufzen, StShnen; Aufschreien;nbsp;sighing, groaning; crying (out), screaming.nbsp;TSh.; Metr. Dindsh. iv, 248; Hogan, p. 94;nbsp;OF. p. 104; RC. xxvin, 310.nbsp;iachtaid seufzt, stohnt; schreit (auf); kliifft;nbsp;sighs, groans; cries (out), screams; yelps;nbsp;aftsir. iachtad m.; .i. éigem no glaed. 0’CI.;nbsp;cf. Ped. II, 609; Aur. Ec. p. 342; Togail nanbsp;Tebe, p. 384; ZCP. xiv, 221, 231; RC.nbsp;XIV, 446; Eriu, ii, 166; Death-Tales, p. 28.nbsp;iachtar, iachtarach = ichtar lt;amp; ichtaraoh.nbsp;iacingctis Hyazinth (ein Edelstein); hyacinth,nbsp;jacinth (a precious stone). ITS. xiv, 72.nbsp;-iad s. cenn-iad amp; trot-iad. (fo-)iada schliefit (ein); closes, encloses. SR. p. 5, 1. 288 amp; Plummer, Lives, i, 61. (for-)iada schlieftt (ein), sperrt ein; closes, shutsnbsp;in; part, foiriatta, abstr. foiriadad G.-iattanbsp;m. Einschliefiung; inclusion. Fél. p. 331;nbsp;Triads, p. 26; ZCP. xiii, 22; Aur. Ec.nbsp;p. 338; RC. XV, 487; IT. i, 669. (fris-)iada schliefit aus; shuts out. ZCP. iii,449. [(inini-)iada] umschliejSt; closes around. Eriu,nbsp;II, 124 c6 Metr. Dindsh. iii, 120.nbsp;iadach G. iadaige, Dsg. iadaig /., Behdlter,nbsp;Beutel; container, wallet; .i. tiag. 0’Dav.nbsp;1110 S 1134; cf. Laws, VI, 468. 1 |
iadaid — iarcomarc.
iarcomarcach — iarmar.
iarcomarcach — iarmar. of a poem; three syllables; .i. ainmin in tres déich. Cormac, 447; cf. IT. in, 1, 120, 129,nbsp;170 amp; Aur. ÉC. p. 342. iarcomarcach, iarcomraccach dreisilbig; trisyllabic. IT. in, 1,129. iarcomla Dsg. -comlaid, -comla(i) /., Hintertür, After; rear door, hind-quarters. MaoCon-glinne, p. 181; TBC. p. 995; IT. in, 1, 280. iarconaire Nebenioeg; by-way. Laws, i, 232, 1.19. iarconn nachtragliche Vernunft?; subsequent reason?. RC. xlv, 80. iarcua eine gewisse Dichtung; a particular kind of poetical composition. Ériu, v, 42. iarcuibdes Schlupreim der Strophe?; Schlufi-reim des ganzen Gedichts?; end-rhyme of the stanza; end-rhyme of the whole poem?.nbsp;ZCP. XVII, 285, n. 1. iarciiil {MS. etiam iargc-; leg. iargg-?) Dsg. id. /., entfemte Ecke; remote comer. ITS. v, 84nbsp;amp; TSh. iarcülach (MS. iargc-; leg. iargg-?) zuruck-gezogen, innerhalb befindlich; retired, inner. TSh. iarciilta (MS. iarg-; leg. iargg-?) ruckwdrtsge-richtet, grob; backward, churlish. ZCP. vi,282. iarddach m., .i. einecolann; .i. aithgein. O’Don. p. 660. iarddaige, iarddaide (iarddraige, iarddraide) G. id. n. m. /., etwas, das nach dem Ab-schlufi einer Handlung kommt; Folge, Er-gebnis; Nachzahlung, nachfolgende Haft-barkeit; spatere Nachkomrmnschaft, Kindes-kinder; something coming after the termination of an action; consequence, result; after-payment, subsequent liability; laternbsp;descendants, great-grandchildren; gl. iaram-dige (-dide, -dirge). Dire, p. 16; ZCP. xivnbsp;371; O’Don. p. 660; Plummer, Lives, i, 338nbsp;IT. 1,613; Arohiv, in, 295; PH. p. 753nbsp;TogaU na Tebe, p. 384; Hriu, xii, 68nbsp;ITS. V, 164 amp; XII, 186; 0’Dav. 1092, 1098nbsp;iarddaige clainne, hinterlassene Kindernbsp;surviving children. 0’Mulc. 327; iarddaigenbsp;goire (gaire), Alterspflege; care for the aged.nbsp;ZCP. XV, 239. iardorn, iarndorn (leg. iardd- ?) Asg. id., hinteres Schwertende?; rear end of the sword?. RC.nbsp;xxn, 187. iardruimm (leg. iardd-?) Asg. id., Rückenende?, unterster Teil des Rückgrats ?; end of thenbsp;back?, base of the spine ?. ITS. xxvin, 198. |
iardub (leg. iardd-?; v. 1. immdub) mitsehwarzer Seite?; having a black side?. Dindsh. p. 58.nbsp;iarduibe, iarduba, iarnduba (leg. iardd-?) /., nachtraglicher Kummer?; subsequent grief?. Triads, p. 51. iarfachta, iarfaiched, iarfaichthe, iarfaide, (-)iarfaig, iarfaige, iarfaiged, iarfaigid, iar-faigthe s. (iarmi-)foïg. iarfine G. id. /., Verwandte dritten Grades; relatives of the third degree. Laws, vi, 459;nbsp;O’Don. p. 660; Oóic Conara Fugül, p. 44;nbsp;Mac Neill, Celtic Ireland, pp. 156—176.nbsp;iarg- vide etiam iaxo-. iargaelad (leg. iargg-?) Zerlegung?; analysis?. Archiv, i, 85. iargaile (Dsg.; leg. iargg-?) ?. IT. in,247. iargats (leg. iargg-?) nachtragliche Wdsheit?;nbsp;subsequent wisdom?. ZCP. xvii, 69; cf.nbsp;iarngaesach. iargc-, iargg- vide etiam iarc-. iarglus, iarhglus (leg. iarggliis?) .i. iarsoilse. Laws, IV, 376; Cormac, 689; 0’Dav. 1024. iargno, iargni Dsg. id. m.. Rein, Qual, Kummer;nbsp;distress, anguish, grief. RC. xxix, 120;nbsp;Metr. Dindsh. iv, 258; Dan Dé, p. 156;nbsp;Philip Bocht, p. 238; TSh.nbsp;iargnoithech kummervoll; sorrowful. TSh.nbsp;iarla, erla, eirell, ieri G. id. m., Graf; earl,nbsp;count. Meyer Miscellany, p. 302; Irishnbsp;Abridgment, p. 114; Bezz. B. xvni, 123;nbsp;Bidrag, p. 77 f. iariacht G. -ta /., Grafschaft; earldom, county. Bezz. B. xviii, 123; Irish Abridgment, p.82;nbsp;Syllabic Poetry, p. 123.nbsp;iarlaib (Dpi.) ein bestimmter Teil eines Tieres; a definite part of an animal. RC. ix, 474. iarlann (MS. etiam iarionn) .i. iarthar a-mbinbsp;biad. Metr.; .i. iarthar tige mar a mbi biad.nbsp;0’CI. s. V. iorlann. iarlebar (MS. etiam iairlep-), hinten lang?; long behind?. IT. in, 400 lt;6 iv, 2, 515. iarles Asg. id., hinterer Teil eines erdumwalltennbsp;Gehöftes; rear part of a homestead enclosednbsp;by an earthen wall. TBC. (Str.), p. 19.nbsp;iarlinn (MS. \a.ir-)m.,Halbbier; smallbeer. TSh.nbsp;iarma, iarmal s. 1. iar amp; iarmua.nbsp;iarmaise (leg. iar maise?) ?. Laws, iv, 356. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;iarmar G. -mair m.. Rest, Überbleibsel;nbsp;remnant, remainder, leavings. Metr. Dindsh.nbsp;V, 266; Dan Dé, p. 156; PhUip Bocht, p. 257. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;iarmar subst.?. Bezz. B. xxni, 42; cf.nbsp;1. iarmar. |
-ocr page 10-iarmatt — iamotlaio.
lamu — lascaire.
iascairecht — (ar-)ic.
iascairecht /., Fischen; fishing. PH. p. 754; Aur. Éc. p. 342; Laws, v, 106. iascrad Npl. -crada coll. Fische; fishes. Trip.nbsp;1,144; Ériu, 11,156; Anecd. iii, 26; KZ.nbsp;XLViii, 64.nbsp;iascu s. iasc.nbsp;iat = 2. é. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;iath G. iatha, Apl. iathu, iatha».? (Hogan,nbsp;p. 136 amp; Horn. Leg. p. 109) m.. Land,nbsp;Landerei; Wiese?; land, domains; meadow?;nbsp;.i. ferann. Bezz. B. xix, 2, 3 amp; O’CL; iathnbsp;fuinid, Irland; Ireland. IT. iv, 1, 72; ef.nbsp;Laws, VI, 468; Asc. li, 78, 79; Aur. Éc.nbsp;p. 342; ZCP. XIV, 12; Tain. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;iath .i. minn. RC. xx, 156; .i. fethal.nbsp;0’Mulc. 469. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;iath .i. eochall. Bezz.B. xix, 3. 4. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;iath .i. cloc. Bezz.B. xix, 2, 3. 5. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;iath .i. cloth. Bezz.B. xix, 3. iathach Gsg. f. -aige, Idnderreich; wiesenreich?; rich in lands; meadowy?. IT. ii, 1, 185 amp;nbsp;Primer, p. 16. iathiu (MSS. etiam iatlu, iatia) Npl. -lanna /., Fledermaus; bat; .i. eitte lu .i. bee a (h-)eitte.nbsp;Cormac, 776; 0’Mulc. 771; Duil Dromanbsp;Ceta, p. 187; 0’CI.; cf. IT. ii, 2, 65 amp;nbsp;IV, 2, 68.nbsp;iatta s. iadaid. ib (TBC. p. 995; Vis. Tondale, p. 151; SyUabio Poetry, p. 123) = sib, s. 2. sf.nbsp;ib- vide etiam iub-. (-)ib, (as-, at-)ib praes. ind. S ro(= as)-praet. von, of ibid, ibaire == ebaire. ibad (MS. ibath) .i. bas. Bezz.B. xix, 88; cf. 1. bath. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ibar, i(u)bar G. -bair m., Eibe; yew(-tree);nbsp;gl. idad. Aur. Éc. p. 342; ibar caerach,nbsp;Pflamenname; name of a plant; gl. oo-liandrum, viola cicuta. Archiv, i, 335; ibarnbsp;craice, Pflamenname; name of a plant;nbsp;gl. iuniperus. RC. ix, 234 amp; Archiv, i, 342;nbsp;ibar léna, Pflamenname; name of a plant;nbsp;gl. pursibatum, timus, ballsamita, gaman-drie. Archiv, i, 334, 335; cf. Sg. 33bll;nbsp;rr. I, 613; Laws, vi, 468; Stories fromnbsp;Keating. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ibar, i(u)bar .i. galar. IT. iv, 2, 516; cf.nbsp;Cormac, 1203. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ibar s. 1. i. ibarda Eiben-, von Eibenholz; yewen, of yew. Anecd. ii, 58; cf. ibraide. |
ibas (leg. ib as?) .i. lestar co n-dig ann. 0’Mulc. 699. (as-)ibed ro(= as)-praet. pass, von, of ibid, ibfesta s. fecht.nbsp;ibfus s. 1. fos. ibid, (-)ib, oiaid trinht; drinks; abstr. ooi, ói, ibe Gr. óoil, óü, óla, Dsg. óul n. m. Trunk;nbsp;a drink; ól Féine (Pdtraic), Name für ver-schiedene Getrankemafie; name for variousnbsp;kinds of liquid measures. Laws, vi, 598 amp;nbsp;0’Dav. 807; cf. Asc. ll, 108,115; Ped. li,551,nbsp;552; IT. I, 613, 614; PH. pp. 754, 837; KZ.nbsp;XLViii, 59; ZCP. XIII, 103; Philip Bocht,nbsp;p. 257. ibnad .i. elbumgraece .i. medius color. 0’Mulc. 731. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ibrach mit Eiben; aus Eibenholz?; havingnbsp;yews; made of yew ?. Syllabic Poetry, p. 123nbsp;amp; Betha Colmain, p. 8, § 9. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ibrach, i(u)brach Q. -braige, -braide, Dsg.nbsp;-braig /., coll. Eiben; yews. Betha Colmain,nbsp;p. 18, § 19 amp; IT. IV, I, 124. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ibrach], i(u)brach hölzernes Gefafi?; woodennbsp;vessel?. O’Don. p. 666 amp; ITS. x, 202. 4. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ibrach gl. intimus (leg. intibus ?). Ir. Gl.nbsp;p. 25. [ibrachan, i(u)brachdn] Vsg. -chain, kleiner Eibenbaum; little yew-tree. ITS. xii, 66.nbsp;ibraide, i(u)braide aus Eibenholz; so hart wienbsp;Eibenholz?; made of yew; as hard as yew?.nbsp;Togail na Tebe, p. 164; ITS. xil, 70; IT.nbsp;IV, 2, 302; Metr. Dindsh. v, 266; cf. ibarda.nbsp;ibrdn, i(u)brdn Npl. -brain, kleiner Eibenbaum;nbsp;little yew-tree; gl. balaustia (MS. baluaisdia).nbsp;Archiv, i, 342. ibroracht, i(u)bróracht G. -ta /., Bearbeitung des Eibenholzes, Eibenholzarbeit; working innbsp;yew-wood, yew wood-work. Laws, vi, 468;nbsp;Aur. Éo. p. 342; O’Curry, iii, 57; O’Don. p. 660. (as-)ibset ro(= as)-praet. 3 pi. von, of ibid, ibthech gl. bibulus. Ml. 129dl3, 14.nbsp;ibus s. 1. fos. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ic = oc. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ic (Laws, ii, 116) = aic, imperat. 2 sg. s.nbsp;(ad-)guid. (ar-)ic, (-)airic, (-)airgg findet, erfindet; erhalt; finds, invents; obtains; part, airggthe, abstr.nbsp;airec G. airic, Asg. airec, airic, Npl. airggenbsp;m. f.? (IT. IV, 2, 453, 454 A PH. p. 836)nbsp;-f Aufwarten; attending upon. IT. i, 354 amp;nbsp;Contr. p. 122; airec menmttian, Erfindungs- |
{con-)ic — iohtar-deisoerddaoh.
gahe; mental inventiveness. Lism. L. p. 384; EC. XLIV, 20; 0’Don. p. 568; Anecd. ii, 42;nbsp;airec thuile, befriedigt werden, Befriedigung;nbsp;being satisfied, satisfaction. Contr. p. 122;nbsp;IT. 1,354; Ériu, i, 44; cf. Ped. il, 552; Aso.nbsp;II, 94, 95; Laws, vi, 36; Ériu, li, 148, 149. (con-)ic, (-)cumaic, (-)cumaing vermag, kann; hat Macht über; is able, can; has power over;nbsp;abstr. cumac, cumang, comang G. -maing nbsp;Macht, Kraft, Fahiglceit;power, force, ability;nbsp;(con-)ic nf dó, vermag etwas gegen ihn; isnbsp;able to do something to him. Thurn. ii, 72;nbsp;cf. Asc. 11,99—101; Ped. ll, 654; Laws,nbsp;VI, 179; Contr. pp. 473, 561; IT. i, 446;nbsp;Ériu, II, 150; PH. p. 608; Vis. Tondale,nbsp;p. 148. (do-)ic, (do-)fic, (-)tic, ticid, tecaid hommt; comes; gerund, teotha, (SyllabicPoetry, p. 128), abstr. tfchtu, tiachtain G. tichtan, tiaohtananbsp;/. Erreichen; attaining. Laws, vi, 715;nbsp;cum variis praep. ar, as, co (go), de, do,nbsp;dochumm, fo, for, fri (re), i, la, 6, tar (dar)nbsp;e. g. (do-)ic de, entspringt, vermag; arisesnbsp;from, is able. IT. iv, 2, 557; Togail na Tebe,nbsp;p. 218; TSh.; (do-)ic fo, macht ungültig;nbsp;invalidates. Laws, v, 182; cf. Asc. ii, 103,nbsp;104; Ped. 11,667, 658; Laws, vi, 715, 716;nbsp;IT. 1,822; TBC. pp. 1066, 1057; Togaünanbsp;Tebe, pp. 421, 422; PH. pp. 919, 920; ZCP.nbsp;XIV, 263. [(mos-)ic] cond. (mos-)iofed, hommt bald; comes soon. Thes. Pal. ii, 319. (ro-)ic, (-)ric gelangt, erreicht; hommt; arrives at, reaches; comes; abstr. rfchtu, rfchtain,nbsp;riachtain G. riachtana /.; (ro-)ic la (le),nbsp;gelingt; succeeds. TSh.; (ro-)ie (a)les, be-darf; needs. IT. iv, 2, 539; EC. xix, 333 amp;nbsp;XLV, 66, 67; cf. Asc. ii, 93, 94, 232; Ped.nbsp;II, 555,556; Laws, vi, 613—615; Fél. p.357;nbsp;IT. I, 739, 740; TBC. p. 1031; PH. pp. 849,nbsp;850; Togail na Tebe, p. 405. ica, icabar, icam, leaf s. oc. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;iccaid, (-)fcca heilt, erlöst; lost; zahlt, vergilt;nbsp;heals, saves; solves; pays, requites; part.nbsp;icetha, abstr. fee G. icce, icca /. m.? (TSh.);nbsp;cf. Asc. II, 106; Laws, VI, 468, 469; Fél.nbsp;p. 337; IT. I, 614; PH. p. 754; Philip Bocht,nbsp;p. 267. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Iccaid m., Heilender; healer. Fél. p. 273; cf.nbsp;slan-iccaid. Iccaidecht Asg. id. /., Bezahhmg; payment. Plummer, Lives, l, 338. |
[(do-)iccsa, (-iesa?)], {do-)fsca, (-)tÏ8ca, tïscaid nimmt auf, hebt auf; nimmt heraus, nimmtnbsp;weg; takes up, raises up; takes out, removes;nbsp;abstr. ticcsél, tïscéil (MS. etiam fix-) Dsg.nbsp;-dil; .i. tarraihg. 0’Dav. 1515; cf. Ped.nbsp;11,491; ZCP. XVIII, 313; Gwynn, Eule ofnbsp;Tallaght, p. 76; Mesca Ulad, p. 62.nbsp;fcc-éliinte G. id., Heilmittel; remedy. ZCP. I, 433 amp; IT. IV, 1,143. Icc-èldintech heilend; healing. TSh. (ar-, con-, do-, mos-, ro-)icfa fut. s. (ar-, con-, do-, mos-, ro-)ic.nbsp;ich, Ich s. 1. ech lt;amp; 1. eo. [ichain], i(u)chain (MS. -chdin) blafirot?; pale red?. ITS. xxviii, 198. [ichair], i(u)chair, i(u)chra (Tromdamh Guaire, p. 53) Dpi. i(u)chraib /., Fischrogen; fish-roe. Mac Conglinne, p. 183; IT. ill, 1, 69;nbsp;PH. p. 714 s. V. fonaithe. [ichanda], i(u)chanda, i(u)chanta blafirot?; pale red?. IT. i, 120, 1.3; Mac Conglinne,nbsp;p. 97,1.16; Joynt, Feis Tighe Chondin, p. 3.nbsp;[ichrach, i(u)chrach], fi(u)chracli mit Fischrogen; having fish-roe. IT. iv, 1,412. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;icht Barmherzigkeit, Freundliehkeit, Zu-trauen, Vertrauen; clemency, kindness, trust,nbsp;confidence; ar icht, unter dem Schutze von;nbsp;under the protection of. KZ. xxxv, 694;nbsp;PhiUp Bocht, p.267; TSh.; Metr. Dindsh.nbsp;V, 267. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;icht Handlung; action; .i. gnim. Cormac,nbsp;891 amp; 0’Mulc. 12,176; cf. TBC. p. 157 amp;nbsp;ZCP. XVII, 289. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;icht (leg. Icht?) m., Volk; people, race; .i.nbsp;ceinél (cinél) nó claim. Cormac, 527, 787;nbsp;Metr.; IT. in, 2, 324; cf. Keating’s History,nbsp;p. 150 lt;6 IT. II, 2, 18. (ar-)lcht praet. pass. s. (ar-)ic. Ichtar (iachtar) G. -tair n. m., der untere Teil, Boden; der Süden?; lower part, bottom; thenbsp;south?; iar (ar) n-fehtar, unterhalb; below.nbsp;TTr. p.38; cf. Aso. li, 84; Laws, vi,468;nbsp;ITS. XIV, 169; TSh. Ichtarach (iachtarach) compar. ichtarchu, adv. inn ichtarchu, unterer, unterster; lower,nbsp;lowest; subst. n., unterer Teil; lower part.nbsp;Aso. 11,84; Laws, vi, 458; IT. i, 614; PH.nbsp;p. 764; Mesca Ulad, p. 32. Ichtardn «., Tieferstehender, Untergeordneter; an inferior, a subordinate. TSh. Ichtar-deiscerddach rechts nach unten befind-lich; lower right. Thes. Pal. ii, 255. |
fchtar-thuaiscerddach — idnaccal.
ichtar-thuaiscerddach links noch unten befM-lich; lower left. Thes. Pal. ii, 266. ichtmar(ilf/S'. fchtmar) mitNachkommenschaft?;nbsp;having progeny?. Bezz.B. xix, 88 s. v. icht. icim s. oc. [cmar verdriefilich, empfindlich; peevish, testy. TSh. icna, icon s. oc. (do-)icsa = (do-)iccsa. id O. eda, ide n. m. /., Weidenring; Fessel; withe, band-, shackle-, id urchomaii (urchu-mail), Spannstrick; spaneel; gl. trica. Ir.nbsp;Gl. p. 64; cf. Cormac, 771; 0’Mulc. 702;nbsp;Laws, VI, 469; TBC. pp. 996, 1022; Ériu,nbsp;IX, 169; IT. II, 2, 264; ITS. v, 124; Metr.nbsp;Dindsh. iii, 104. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;id DAsg. id., Npl. Ida, Iden-, ides. Gomi.nbsp;p. 278 amp; PH. p. 764. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;id ?. SR. p. 97, 1. 6603. -id- pron. inf. (rel.) 3 sg. m. n., ihn, es; him, it. s. Thum. 1,248. Ida = idad amp; 1. idu. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;idacht = udacht. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(fri h-)idacht (a béis) in Erwartung seinesnbsp;Todes?; in expectation of his death?. IT. ii, 2,nbsp;88, 93, 107; cf. udacht. idad (Ida) 6. idaid. Name des filnften Vokals des Ogamm-Alphabets, i; Name eines (un-bestimmten) Baumes; name of the fifthnbsp;vowel of the Ogamm alphabet, i; name of annbsp;(unidentified) tree; .i. ibar. Aur. Ëc. p. 342;nbsp;Bergin, Dictionary, col. 63 s.v. edad; Laws,nbsp;IV, 146. idain s. 1. idu. idal, i(u)dal G. -dail, Apl. idlu m., Oötze, Götzendiener, z. B. heidnischer Wikinger;nbsp;Jude; idol, idolater, e. g. heathen Viking;nbsp;Jew. Vendryes, pp. 146, 148; Bruchstücke,nbsp;p. 13; Metr. Dindsh. v, 267; cf. iuda.nbsp;(dalach jüdisch; Jewish. ZCP. ii, 282.nbsp;idal-adarthach gbtzendienerisch; idolatrous. PH. p. 764 amp; Schirmer, p. 88. fdal-adrad m., Götzenverehrung; worship of idols. PH. p. 764; Hog. Lat. Lives, p. 93; TSh. idalda, fdalta gl. idolothytum (MS. -thitum).nbsp;Wb. 10 c 3,4. (dal-dathach adj.?. TTr. p. 38, 1.1668. Idal-teg G. -tige, -taige (gi.fani. Sg. 66al9) «.,nbsp;Götzentempel; tempel of idols. Horn. Leg.nbsp;p. 109; Schirmer, p. 88; RC. xli, 168.nbsp;(damda (iadamda) idumaisch, edomitiseh;nbsp;Idumean, Edomitish; subst. m., Idumaer, |
Edomiter; an Idumean, an Edomite. Asc. II, 107. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;idan, Idan rein, makellos; treu; klar?, hell?;nbsp;pure, undefiled; faithful; clear?, bright?. IT.nbsp;1,614; Laws, vi, 469; PH. p. 764; Syllabicnbsp;Poetry, p. 123. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;idan s. 1. idu. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Idas, i(u)das G. -dasa, Turm?; turret?.nbsp;Bidrag, pp. 16—17; cf. ZCP. xiii, 118. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Idas Asg. id., ?. Metr. Dindsh. in, 142,nbsp;604; cf. 1. idas. idata (Apl.?) subst.?. TBC. p. 367; cf. id. (-)idbbair, (do-)idbbair, idbbairt, idbbart, idbbar-tha, idbbartach, idbbrad, idbbraid s. (ad-)nbsp;opair, (do-)udbbair amp; udbbartach. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ide .i. cainnell. O’Dav. 1208; cf. 2. ide. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ide (leg. ithe?) .i. onnf as aedo. 0’Mulc.nbsp;707; cf. 1. ide. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ide s. id amp; 1. suide. idga eine Art Krankheit; Gicht?; an illness: rheumatism?, gout?; ailt idga gl. altina.nbsp;Medical Glossaries, C. 137; ITS. xxv, 318,nbsp;320; cf. 1. idu.nbsp;idimm = aidemm.nbsp;idimmréd s. aithimmraidid.nbsp;idlacaib (Dpi.) ?. IT. ii, 2, 67; cf. idalach?.nbsp;idlaccad, idlaccaid, idlaccan, idlaiccid s. (in-)nbsp;ainig amp; (ad-)ainig. fdlacht G. -ta /., Abgötterei; idolatry. Thes. Pal. II, 367; Lism. L. p. xxiii; Hog. Lat.nbsp;Lives, p. 130. idlaide, f(u)dlaide voll von (Götzen-)Bildern?; heidnisch; full of (idolatrous) images?; heathen.nbsp;TTr. p. 164; IT. iv, 1, 97; Stories fromnbsp;Keating. [idlang], idlann Dsg. -laihg, Apl. -langa Sprung?; leap?; .i. lihgemain no léimm.nbsp;0’CI.; cf. IT. IV, 2, 616.nbsp;idlannach adj. ?. ITS. xxiii, 211.nbsp;fdiu s. idal. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;idna DAsg. -nai, -na /., Reinheit, Makel-losigkeit; purity, immaculateness; .i. eine-cclaim. Metr.; .i. glaine. Triads, p. 38; cf.nbsp;Fél. p. 268; Laws, vi, 469; RC. xlv, 60. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;idna ein Mann, der mit seinen Verwandtennbsp;dreifiig Bewaffnete stellen kann; a man whonbsp;with his relatives can muster thirty armednbsp;men. Laws, iv, 344, 348; cf. indna. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;idna (v. 1. roidna; leg. ridna?) Ausdehnung?;nbsp;range?. Imr. Br. i, 13 amp; ZCP. xviii, 413. 4. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;idna s. 1. idu amp; indna.nbsp;idnaccal s. (in-)ainig amp; (ad-)ainig. |
idnach — ilardacht.
idnach = indnach. (do-)idnacht prael. act. amp; pass. s. (do-)ind-naig. fdnad Dsg. id., Reinigen; purifying. IT. i, 181, 1. 3. (do-)idnaicc, idnaiccid, (do-)idnaid, (do-)idnaig = (do-)indnaig amp; (ad-, in-)ainig.nbsp;idnaide, idnaidid, idnaige s. (in-)neat. (•)idnas fut. 1 sg. s. (in-)neat. (-)idnastar, (do-)idnastar praes. sulj. pass. s. (in-)ainig tÊ (do-)indnaig. idnu s. indna. idnugud in Géburiswèhen sein; travailing in hirth. Plummer, Lires, i, 191, n. 2.nbsp;id-ón — ed-ón. Idoth (leg. idad?) .i. abidor (= Hdeog), hoc est ab liquore. 0’Mulc. 704; cf. 1. idu. [idrad] G. -raid Flechtwerk?; wicker-work?. Bruchstüoke, pp. 31, 32. [idre]? Npl. id., Wassertopf?; water-pot?. ZCP. II, 16. idroipis (leg. -róippis?) O. -se /., Wassersucht; dropsy; gl. ismorfea. Medical Glossaries,nbsp;C. 136; cf. ZCP. 11,48; ITS. xxv, 376;nbsp;Ériu, X, 153; De Contemptu, p. 248. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;idu, (du, ida G. idan, Npl. idain, Apl.nbsp;idna /., (plötzlicher) Schmerz, (im PI.) Ge-hurtswehen; eine Ari Krankheit: Gicht?;nbsp;pang, pain, (in pl.) laior-pains; an illness:nbsp;rheumatism?, gout?; .i. on fliuchaidechtnbsp;do‘[g]iu a n-galar sin. Cormac, 770; .i.nbsp;tregat. 0’Dar. 1108; cf. Fél. p.337; ITS.nbsp;V, 216 amp; XXV, 376; Tromdamh Guaire,nbsp;p.52; TSh. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;idu, fidu Npl.fidait /., Pflanzenname: Efeu?;nbsp;name of a plant: ivy?; gl. cocleairia. Medicalnbsp;Glossaries, C. 40; cf. King and Hermit, p.25. lendir = Enair. ier = 1. iar. ieri = iarla. iern- vide etiam iarn-. (-)ierr fut. 2 sg. s. orggaid. iesper (leg. iaspar?) Jaspis; jasper. ZCP. II, 306. ifar s. 1. i. i-fgchta, i-fgcht-sa s. fecht. ifern (ifernd, iferd), ifrenn (ithfern) G. -fim, -frinn m.. Holle, Unterwelt,; hell, infernal regions. Vendryes, p. 146; IT. i, 615; Togailnbsp;na Tebe, pp. 384, 385.nbsp;ifernach (ithfernach) in der Hoik hefindlich, dernbsp;Holle verfallen; being in hell, condemned to |
hell; subst. m., Hollenbewohner; dweller in hell. Vendryes, p. 146; Fél. p.337; Threenbsp;Middle-Irish Homilies, p. 18; RC. xlv, 91.nbsp;ifernaide, ifernada, ifrennaide (ithfernaide)nbsp;höllisch, unterirdisch; hellish, infernal. Togail na Tebe, p. 386; IT. iv, 2, 516; Lism.L.nbsp;p. 108; Ir. Gl. 827. ifernda, iferna, ifrenda höllisch, unterirdisch; hellish, infernal. Togail na Tebe, p. 68;nbsp;SR. p. 122; TSh.nbsp;i-f$sta s. fecht. ifln(iph'(n)m.,Ogamm-Zeichenfuria, undandere mit i anlautende Diftonge; Ogamm sign fornbsp;ia and other diphthongs beginning with i;nbsp;.i. spinén; .i. pin. Aur. Éc. pp. 342, 344;nbsp;cf. ZCP. xvii, 280, 297, 298.nbsp;ifne (Npl.) eine Schlangenart; a species ofnbsp;serpent. IT. iv, 2, 310, 516.nbsp;iga gl. prissura. Ir. Gl. 244; cf. 1. idu amp; idga.nbsp;igra (kg. ugra?) .i. amra. Lecan Glossary,nbsp;122, n. 11. (-)iirr fut. 2 sg. s. orggaid. (con-)(is praes. subj. 2 sg. s. (con-)ic. ii (saepe in comp.) Npl. m. ile, aequat. lirnbsp;(kg. lir?), liridir, compar. lia, liriu (lia-te,nbsp;liaite), adv. inn il, viel, zahlreich; many,nbsp;numerous; subst. n., Vielheit, grofie Zahl;nbsp;multiplicity, numerousness. Asc. ii, 79, 80,nbsp;165; IT. I, 664; TBC. pp. 996, 1008, 1103.nbsp;iia = 1. ulad. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;iiach, eiach, ulach (commaidme, coscair)nbsp;Asg. -lach, -laig, Apl. ilchu, ilcha m. /.,nbsp;Siegesjubel; victorious jubilation. Archiv,nbsp;111,286; Fianaigecht, p. 24; ITS. v, 217;nbsp;RC. XU, 156 ,amp; XLiv, 182, 186; Ériu,nbsp;III, 102; Metr. Dindsh. v, 267. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;iiach (MS. iiuch) subst.?. RC. xuii, 50,nbsp;§60; cf. 1. iiach?. ilad = 1. ulad. iiaigid(ir), (-)iiaige(dar) vervielfaltigt; multiplies; part, ilaigthe, abstr. iiugud m. Asc. II, 80; Hib. Min. p. 98; Aur. Ec. p. 343. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;iiarG. üair n. m., Vielheit, Menge; Mehrzahl;nbsp;multiplicity, multitude, great number; pluralnbsp;number. Fél. p.337; Laws, vi,471; IT.nbsp;1,615; Aur. Eo. pp. 342, 343; Horn. Leg.nbsp;p. 109. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;iiar, iiarSn = irar amp; iraran. iiarda (iierda) mannigfaltig, vielfach; manifold, multifarious. Asc. ii, 80; Laws, vi, 471;nbsp;TBC. p. 996; Togail na Tebe, p. 386.nbsp;iiardacht Mehrzahl; plurality. Laws, v, 4. |
10 ilardatu — il-fuirech.
itardatu Vielheit; multiplicity. M. 28b9. ilbach (7 iida) .i. ó ailc[h]ib nominati sunt. 0’Mulc. 710; cf. ailbeoh?. il-béimm coll. viele Schlaqe; many a Mow.nbsp;Wb.4dl3. [il-bélrach], il-bérlach vielsprachig; speaking many languages. ITS. vii, 11.nbsp;il-blas (MS. il-mb-) von allerlei Geschmack?; of divers taste?. IT. ii, 1,173. il-bras (leg. oil-?) prdhlerisch?; boastful?.nbsp;PH. p. 269. il-brecc sehrgesprenkelt;very speckled. IT. iv,2, 516 amp; Togail na Tebe, p. 385. Il-brechtach mit vielen bunten Farben; having many variegated colors. Togail na Tebe,nbsp;p. 230. il-brechtrad (ll-brechtad), ll-mrechtrad n. (Hogan, p. 140), mannigfaltige Verschieden-heit; Vielfarbigkeit; great variety; variegation. Sg. 29b6; ZCP. i, 433; IT. iv, 2, 516.nbsp;il-buadach siegreich, vorziiglich; victorious,nbsp;excellent. ITS. vii, 21,63 amp; Syllabic Poetry,nbsp;p. 123. il-buaid coll, viele Siege; many a victory. ITS. x,202. Il-buidnech scharenreich; having many troops. Ériu, II, 124. ilcha s. 1. Uach.nbsp;ilchaigthlu s. ilchugud. Il-chennach vielköpfig; having many heads. RC. XXVIII, 318. il-cheolach melodienreich; having many melodies. TSh. il-cheolta melodienreich; having many melodies. RC. XXVIII, 322. il-cherdd /., coll, viele Kiinste; many a craft. Syllabic Poetry, p. 123 amp; IT. iv, 2, 296. il-chésad m., vielfaehes Leiden; suffering innbsp;many ways. TSh. il-chlannach mit vdelen Nachkommen, kinder-reich; haviru) many descendants, prolific. O’Don. p. 663; cf. 0’Dav. 350.nbsp;il-chlesach listenreich; having many wiles. TSh.nbsp;il-chobair coll, viel Hilfe; all kinds of help.nbsp;ITS. X, 202. il-chomarbbas Erbschaft Vieler; inheritance of many persons. Laws, iv, 68, 1.18.nbsp;Il-chonctch vielerlei Gliick; all sorts of luck.nbsp;IT. IV, 2,182. i\-chonda. „vielgrimmig“ wie ein Wolf ?; ferocious in many ways like a wolf?. Alt.Ir.Dichtung,nbsp;II, 38. |
Il-chrothach vielgestaltig; schon?; having divers shapes, multiform; beautiful?. Togail na Tebe, p. 385; IT. I, 223; TSh.; ITS. vii, 21.nbsp;ilchu s. 1. ilach. ilchugud Apl. ilchaigthlu, gl. iuhilatio (mUi-tum). Ml. 51c8; gl. ululatiis. Ml. 76dl3; cf. 1. ilach. ii-chumachtach mit vielerlei Macht; having many kinds of power. RC. xxviii, 322. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ilda mannigfaltig; Plural-; manifold; plural.nbsp;Aso. II, 80 amp; Hih. Min. p. 98. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ilda (7 ilbach) .i. ó ailc[h]ih nominati sunt.nbsp;0’Mulc. 710. il-ddnach (illanach) vielbegabt; very talented; .i.duine Ian d’eladnaib no d’il-cherddaib.nbsp;0’CI. s. V. iol-; cf. IT. i,219; Êriu, iv,52;nbsp;Laws, V, 108. il-dathach (illathach) vielfarMg; having many colors. IT. I, 615; Hogan, p. 16; Togail nanbsp;Tebe, p. 148; TSh. ildatu (illatu) G. -tad m., Mannigfaltigkeit, Mehrheit; multiplicity, plurality. Sg. 198b3nbsp;amp; IT. 1,170. il-delbach (il-delmach) vielgestaltig; having divers shapes, multiform. Ériu, il, 156; IT.nbsp;Ill, 2, 356; ITS. vii, 36; Plummer, Lives,nbsp;I, 218. il-dlrech Npl. m. -dirge, su vielen Bu^en be-rechtigt?; entitled to many fines?. Laws, V, 108. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;He /., Menge; multitude; .i. immat no Uarda.nbsp;0’CI.; cf. Plummer, Lives, i, 6. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;He s. il. Hec Steineiche; holm-oak. ITS. vi, 218. il-ecairthe vielfach eingelegt?, reich geschmUckt?;nbsp;much inlaid?, richly adorned?. Togail nanbsp;Tebe, p. 206. H-ecar G. -ecair m., coll, viele Einlegestiicke?, reiche Verzierung?; many an inlay?, richnbsp;ornamentation?. Togail na Tebe, p. 385 amp;nbsp;TTr. p. 41. ilecda steineichen; of holm-oak. Sg. 33b7, 9. Herda = ilarda. il-faebar Gsg. amp; Npl. -faebair m., coll. Waffen mit Schneide?; weapons with edges?. IT.nbsp;I, 535; TTr. p. 165; Togail na Tebe, p. 386;nbsp;RC. XXIX, 132. H-focclach wortreich; having many words. Aur. !Éc. p. 120. il-fuirech G. -fuirig, Sdumigkeit?; much delay?. Tecosca Cormaic, p. 60 tamp; IT. i, 213; cf.nbsp;ZCP. XV, 188. |
il-gnüiseeh — (fri fin n-)imborbag. 11
il-gnüisech mit verschiedenem Aussehen?; having divers aspects?. Aur. Éc. p. 60. jl-grés colt. allerlei Pferdeschmuck?; all marmernbsp;of caparisons?. ITS. x, 202.nbsp;il-iarainn (,Asg.) Genossin cities féinnid;nbsp;female companion of a féinnid. Ériu, iv, 124nbsp;amp; ZCP. xiii, 260,268. ilicnide {MS. ilig-) steineichen; of holm-oak. Sg. 33 b6, 8; cf. Uec amp; ilecda. il-immat O. -immait, grofie Anzahl, sehr viele;nbsp;great number, very many. Hom. Leg. p. 109;nbsp;RC. xxill, 422; TSh. il-iminréittech mit vielen Gedanken; full of many thoughts. ITS. vi, 112.nbsp;ill- vide etiam il-d-. illait eine Vogelart; a species of bird. Aur. Éc. p. 290. illg, illgi (alle, alg, ’Ie) adv. hierher; hither; lllg (illju, alliu, aliu) acas innunn (inunn,nbsp;angll), hin und her, auf dieser Seite und aufnbsp;jener; hither and thither, on this side and onnbsp;that. TTr. p. 165; Laws, lll, 210, 262;nbsp;ZCP. 1,426; 0 sin (sain) illg (allg), von danbsp;an, seitdem; from then until now, sincenbsp;then. IT. l, 616; Laws, vi, 66; TBC.nbsp;p. 996; cf. Asc. il, 82 amp; Metr. Dindsh.nbsp;IV, 396. il-mafn (amp; -main?) wohlhabend, reieh; opulent, rich. Fél. p. 337; subst. Npl. -ne, coll,nbsp;viele Schatze; many a treasure. Gorm.nbsp;p. 278; Metr. Dindsh. iv,322, 11.46, 60;nbsp;Syllabic Poetry, p. 123; .i. eitir (leg. éitir ?).nbsp;Archiv, iii, 275. il-malnech mit vielen Schdtzen; having many treasures. TSh. il-mianach wunschreich; having many desires. Teoosca Cormaic, p. 60. il-mrechtrad = il-brechtrad.nbsp;il-phianad to., vielfaches Qualen; torturing innbsp;many ways. TSh. il-phiast, il-phéist /., coll, viele JJngeheuer; many a monster. IT. iv,2,616; cf. Plummer,nbsp;Lives, 1,135. il-phiastach mit vielen Ungeheuern, Schlangen Oder Wurmern; having many monsters,nbsp;serpents or worms. Plummer, Lives, p. 131nbsp;lt;ÊTSh. ilrad Vielhdt; Mehrzahl; multitude; plural number. Plummer, Lives, p. 55; Bethanbsp;Colaim ChUle, p. 469; Ériu, viii, p. iv.nbsp;il-rathach gnadenreich; having many graces.nbsp;Fél. p. 286. |
il-rechtach vielgestaltig; having many multiform. RC. xxiv, 200 lt;fe Mesca Ulad,nbsp;p. 32. ilrugud Dsg. id., Vervielfaltigung; multiplying. Metr. Dindsh. iii, 414 amp; Betha Colaimnbsp;ChiUe, p. 8.nbsp;ilugud s. ilaigid(ir). im particula interrog, in amp; praes. subj. s. l.is. iméig (Imiig, iméid), iméigin G. -ge, -gine,nbsp;Npl. -ge, -gne /., Bildnis, Bild; image,nbsp;effigy. Vendryes, pp. 146, 147; IT. l, 616 amp;nbsp;IV, 2, 516; ITS. xiv, 76.nbsp;imdignid bildet sich ein; imagines. ITS. XXIX, 221. imiin = am4in.nbsp;imaire = ebaire.nbsp;imais, imas, imasa s. umas.nbsp;imb particula interrog, in amp; praes. subj. s. I. is.nbsp;imb- vide etiam imm-.nbsp;imba particula interrog, in vel praep. i (was.) amp;nbsp;fwt. s. I. is.nbsp;imbad = 2. immad. imbédad, imbdthad Dsg. id., (gegenseitiges) Er-tranken, (gegenseitiges) Untertauehen; JJm-kippen (eines Bootes); (mutual) drowning, (mutual) immersing; capsizing (of a boat).nbsp;IT. IV, 2, 616; ZCP. 1,406; Hog. Lat. Lives,nbsp;p. 99; Laws, III, 262. imbaide Dsg. id., (grope) Liebe?; (great) love?. Ériu, IV, 96. (-)imbina, imbanad s. (imm-)bana. i-mb4rach s. barach. imbe s. I. imm amp; (imm-)fen. (-)imbera, (-)imbéra praes. subj. amp; fut. s. (imm-)beir. imbi particula interrog, in vel praep. i (was.) amp; praes. cons. s. (ad-)ta lt;6 1. is. [imbialach]? Dsg. id., Axtstiel?; handle of an axe?. Fled Br. § 98.nbsp;imbil = aimbil. imbidith sehr schim?; very fair?. ITS. X, 202. imbocht Ernten; reaping. RC. xii, 106. imboigg G. -builgg to., LiehtmeP, Frühlings-anfang; Candlemas, beginning of spring.nbsp;Ériu, X, HO amp; Metr. Dindsh. V, 267; ef.nbsp;aimelgg. imboiggaid blast wie mit einem Blasebalg?; blows as if with bellows?; abstr. imboiggad.nbsp;IT. IV, 1, 287 amp; IV, 2, 94. (fri fin n-)imborbag ?. Imr. Br. i, 21; cf. immarbag ?. |
12 imbruach — (-)immair.
imbruach Asg. id.. Band?-, harder?. TBC. p. 904, n. 2. imbu particula interrog, in amp; praei. s. 1. is. imbualad G. -buaüte, -bualta m., gegenseitiges Schlagen; Kampf; mutual smiting; conflict.nbsp;TTr. p. 66; TBC. p. 997; Togail na Tebe,nbsp;p. 386; TSh. i-mbuarach s. 1. buarach. imles = aimles. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;imm, umm, uimm, amm, ’mm (te«.)praep.nbsp;cum aoc., um ... herum, auj, in hezug auf,nbsp;hei, zusammen mit; ahout, around, at, concerning, by, together with; cum pron. person,nbsp;suff. 1 sg. immamm, ummamm; 2sg. im-matt, ummatt; 3 sg. m. n. imbe, imme,nbsp;uimme, ummai; 3 sg. f. impe, uimpe; Ipl.nbsp;immann, immainn, ummainn; 2pi. immib,nbsp;ummaib; 3pi. impu, impa, umpu, umpa,nbsp;umpaib; cum art. 3 sg. m. f. immin, immunnbsp;(immuan), imman, immon; 3 sg. n. imma;nbsp;3 pi. immna; cum pron. rel. imma- (’mma-,nbsp;’mmo-), immo-, immu- (immua-) umma-;nbsp;cum pron.poss. Isg.immamm; 2sg. immdu,nbsp;immat; 3 sg. amp; pi. imma (’mma, ’mmoa),nbsp;imme, immo; imm aigiie, um einander;nbsp;cibout one another. Tain; cj. Aso. ii, 91,nbsp;417; IT. 1,618, 619; TBC. p. 996; PH.nbsp;pp. 766—767. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;imm 0. imme, Dsg. imm, immimm, Apl.nbsp;immenn n. m.. Butter. Asc. ii, 92; Laws,nbsp;VI, 471; IT. I, 617, 618; Horn. Leg. p. 109. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;imm particula interrog, in vel praep. i (nas.)nbsp;lt;amp; praes. suhj. s. 1. is. 4. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;imm s. 1. i. imma-, immó- (nas.) ante verba, gegenseitig; mutually; cf. 1. imm. immacailaim, immacailam, immacallma s. (imm- )acallat(ar). immacas, immtacas compar. -aicse, -faicse, sehr nahe, einander nahe; very near, near to onenbsp;another; suhst. Dsg. id., gro^e Nahe; closenbsp;proximity. Ériu, in, 166; Wb. 18d6; TBC.nbsp;p. 996; ZCP. I, 433; Fianaigecht, p. 92. [immacbdii]? Asg. id. (MS. imocbail), Üher-führen?; conveying?. Laws, ii, 128, 1.3. immacclaide {amp; immacciaid?) gegenseitig hufi-pflichtig machen; mutually causing liafbility to a fine. Laws, vi, 471. immach s. 1. mag. immachar (PH. p. 761; Lism. L. p. 394; Three Middle-Irish HomUies, p.70; TSh.) = imm-char, s. (imm-)cuirethar. |
1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;immad G. immtha, immaid, Hader?,nbsp;Streit?; contention?; .i. tnuth. O’CL; fernbsp;immaid, Streiter?; contender?. Philip Bocht,nbsp;p. 17; lucht immtha .i. lucht tnutha. 0’CI.;nbsp;Philip Bocht, pp. 76, 211; cj. immthach. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[immad], imbad (MS. -bath) .i. oician.nbsp;Cormac, 763; .i. muir thimmchill. 0’CI.;nbsp;cf. 0’Dav. 193 amp; RC. vii, 227, n. 2. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;immad = immed.nbsp;immada s. 1. mudu. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;immadaii Asg. id. n.?, Reisen, Reise;nbsp;travelling, journey. IT. i, 619. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;immadaii (immagail) Unrechi?, Misshand-lung?; a wrong?, maltreatment?; .i. cinta.nbsp;0’CI.; cf. RC. XXIV, 46. immadbai sehr grofi; sehr edel?; very great; very noble?. KZ. xxxiii, 82 amp; Metr. Dindsh. III, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;112. immaebda sehr sehön; very beautiful. TTr. p.29. immaes G. immaise, entsprechendes (gleiehes)nbsp;Alter; corresponding (equal) age. TBC.nbsp;p. 771 amp; RC. XXIX, 118, n. 7.nbsp;immaeth, immaetha s. immsaeth.nbsp;immaicher sehr scharf; very sharp. Ériu, iv, 30.nbsp;[immaicse], immfaicse sehenswert; remarkable. TBC. p. 241; cf. (imm-)aicce. [immaicsigid]. immfaicsigid wird nah; grows near. Fianaigecht, p. 90. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[immaicsiu], immfaicsiu, immfaicse grofienbsp;Nahe; close proximity. IT. iv, 2, 618 amp;nbsp;ZCP. I, 362. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;immaicsiu s. (imm-)aicce.nbsp;immaid s. 1. immad amp; immed.nbsp;immaifer = immaithber. immaig imperat. 2 sg. s. (imm-)aig. immgig s. 1. mag. [(do-)immaig] treibt; drives; abstr. timmdin (Dsg.) f. ZCP. XVIII, 306 amp; De Contemptu, p. 166. immaiiig = immalle. immdiiie s. immélainn.nbsp;immdiise (Npl.?) Urin?; urine?. IT. ii, 2, 60;nbsp;cf. alias?. immaimréid sehr uneben; very uneven. IT. IV, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;2, 286.nbsp;immain s. imman. immdin, immdinid s. (imm-)aig. immaine s. immfuinid.nbsp;immainn s. I. imm amp; imman.nbsp;immainse s. (imm-)naisc.nbsp;immdint s. (imm-)aig. (-)immair praet. s. (imm-)ra. |
immairbréc — [immalt]. 13
immairbréc (gro^e) Lüge; {great) lie. IT. iv, 1, 194; Mac Carthy, p. 148; Keating’s History,nbsp;p. 150. immairchid triigt (herum); carries (ahovi). Mulchrone, Caithréim Cellaig, pp. 3, 25;nbsp;cf. immarchuirid. immairchthe {Gsg.) ?. IT. iv, 1, 38, 1.1337; cf. immairggide ?. immairdirc siehtbar, (séhr) hervorragend; {very) visible, {very) conspicuous. LL. 28b 16. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;immaire Dsg. -airiu, -aire n.? (Hogan,nbsp;p. 193), m. (Dottin, ii, 212), Furchenriicken;nbsp;ein gemsses Landmafi; ridge {of a furrow);nbsp;a certain measure of land; gl. actus. 0’Dav.nbsp;117; c/.IT. 1,620lt;6 iv,l, 310; Laws,vi,472;nbsp;Trip. II, 652; ITS. XIV, 36; Ériu, ix, 157. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;immaire, immfaire Dsg. id. /., Wachen,nbsp;Wache; keeping watch, a watch. Tain;nbsp;ZCP. II, 306; RC. vil, 362. immairec s. (imm-)airic. i-mm^irech s. barach. [immairechtu], immairechtain {grope) Erfin-dungf; {great) invention?. Aur. !Éc. p. 193. [immSirem], imméirim, immairim G. -airme,nbsp;DAsg. -airim, -airim, groPe Zahl, {zu hohes)nbsp;Zahlen; great number, {excessive) estimate.nbsp;SR. pp. 62, 73; Metr. Dindsh. iv, 28; IT. iii,nbsp;2, 620; Mac Carthy, p. 26; Ériu, in, 102.nbsp;immairgg s. (imin-)airic. (ciata-)immairgg trifft zuerst zusammen mit; meets first with. Laws, i, 154, 1. 26. (do-)immairgg, (-)timmairgg, timmairggid, tim-marggaid engt ein, drdngt zusammen, treibtnbsp;zusammen, versammelt; hemmt; zwingt, legtnbsp;auf {= for, ar); weist zurecht, macht biipen;nbsp;kiirzt {Vokale, Silben usw.); constrains,nbsp;presses together, drives together, collects;nbsp;restrains; compels, levies upon (= for, ar);nbsp;corrects, chastizes; shortens {vowels, syllablesnbsp;etc.); part, timmarta, timmairggthe, compar.nbsp;timmartu; abstr. timmarggan, timmarg-gain, timmarggad (m.) G. -airggne /. Red.nbsp;II, 689, 590; Laws, vi, 717, 718; IT. I, 823,nbsp;824; TBC. p. 1057; ZCP. xviii, 333; Aur.nbsp;iSc. p. 331; Togail na Tebe, p. 422.nbsp;immairggid = (imm-)airic amp; (imm-)oirgg.nbsp;immairggide, immarggaide (immairchide. Monastery of Tallaght, p. 127) compar. -ggidiu,nbsp;adv. inn immairggidid, passend, angemessen;nbsp;fitting, appropriate. Asc. ii, 96, 418; Hib.nbsp;Min. p. 98; Aur. Êc. p. 38; Vis. Tondale,nbsp;p. 100; IT. II, 2, 52, 57. |
immairggidetu G. -tad m., Geeignetheit, An-gemessenheit, Übereinstimmung; fitness, appropriateness, congruity. Asc. ii, 96 cfe Hib. Min. p. 98. immairggnechas m., ? {von einem Ochsen ge-sagt; said in reference to an ox). Laws, III, 266, 1. 13.nbsp;immairic s. (imm-)airic.nbsp;immairiltniugud {MS. imairiltnig) beider-seitiges Verdienen; mutual deserving. Laws,nbsp;V, 320, 1. 26. immMrim, immairim = immairem. immairlén Asg. id., {grope) Terletzung?; {great)nbsp;injury?. IT. in, 2, 502. (do-)immairne ro-praet. s. (do-)immnai. immafse s. immaes. immaisec gegenseitiges ZurUckgeben; mutual restoring. IT. n, 1, 19. [immaisnéis], immfaisnéis gegenseitiges An-zeigen; mutual giving of notice. Laws, v, 186. immaisnise {MS. -aisndisse) gl. amfaticus {leg. emphaticus). Ml. 40 b 7. immait s. immed. [immaithbe] Asg. id. {MS. -aidbi), gegenseitiges Pladieren {vor Gericht); mutual pleadingnbsp;{in court). Laws, v, 354.nbsp;immaithber (immaithfer, immaifer) G. amp; Npl.nbsp;-bir, -fir m., gegenseitiges Tadeln, gegenseitiges Vorwerfen; mutual rebuking, mutualnbsp;recrimination. SR. p. 22; ITS. vi, 218;nbsp;TTr. p. 166; RC. xxvni, 314; TSh.nbsp;immaithigid /., gegenseitiges Besuehen; mutualnbsp;visiting. Trip, i, 176 amp; IT. iv, 2, 428.nbsp;immaithrechas Dsg. id. m., grope Reue; greatnbsp;repentance. PH. p. 757.nbsp;immaititiu Dsg. id., gegenseitige Anerkennung; mutual acknowledgment. Laws, v, 210. [immdiainn] Npl. m. immaUle, sehr schim; very beautiful. TTr. p. 26, 1.1039. [immalda] Apl. m. immaldu {MS. immalldu) ?.nbsp;Fled Br. § 63. immaiig, immelig, immaillg (ammalig, ’maiig, ’maiilg) adv. zugleich, zusammen; jointly,nbsp;together; immaiig (’mallg) fri (ré), {zusammen)nbsp;mit; wegen, durch; {along) with; because of,nbsp;by means of. Asc. n, 90; IT. i, 620, 679;nbsp;Laws, VI, 471, 549; TBC. p. 996; PH. pp. 757,nbsp;758; TSh. [immalt]? Dpi. -altaib {v. 1. -eltaib). Heft {eines Schwertes)?; haft {of a sword)?. TBC.nbsp;p. 803, 1.5665; cf. 2. elta?. |
14 immaltar — immargu.
i mm altar Asg. id., Mitte; middle; .i. cert-lar. 0’CI. s. V. iomalltar; tre immaltar, durch?;nbsp;hy means of?. IT. iv, 2, 617.nbsp;immaltóir Asg. id. tragbare Altarplatte?; portable altar-stone?. s. Hermathena, xxi, 9. immamainse Asg. id., gegenseitige ScMrfe; mutual acrimony. Laws, ii, 362. immamm s. 1. imm. immamnas sehr scharf, séhr grimmig; very sharp, very fierce. SR. p. 142; IT. i, 621;nbsp;Mac Carthy, p. 200; Anecd. ii, 66, 72. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;imman, immann (ummann, emman) G. -ain,nbsp;-ainn, Npl. immainn, immaima, immna m.,nbsp;geistliches Lied; hymn; immainn (immna)nbsp;anmma, Totenmesse; requiem. Vendryes,nbsp;p. 147; Asc. II, 91; Laws, vi, 472, 770; PH.nbsp;p. 761. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;imman s. 1. imm.nbsp;immén, immina s. (imm-)aig. immanad, imminaid s. (imm-)ana amp; (imm-)a-nai. (tabairt, torachtain) immangir adv. zustande (bringen), urirklich (werden); (to bring) about,nbsp;(to come) to pass. TTr. p. 165 amp; IT. iv, 2,302,nbsp;1.4042. immanetar, immenetar, ’manetar, ’manetir, ’monetir adv. gegenseitig; mutually; gl.nbsp;eturru (féin). Laws, vi, 482; cf. Asc. ii, 75;nbsp;IT. I, 621; O’Don. pp. 660, 664; RC. vi,169.nbsp;immanitir, ’man$tir überhaupt; after all. TBC.nbsp;p. 230, n. 7. immann s. imman amp; 1. imm. immannaire (ummannaire) um Erlaubnisnbsp;bitten?; asking leave?. Gwynn, Rule ofnbsp;Tallaght, p. 94.nbsp;immdnta s. (imm-)aig.nbsp;immar = amal amp; mar.nbsp;immarach (MSS. etiam immorach) DAsg. id.,nbsp;Rand?; border?; .i. immel. 0’CI.; cf.nbsp;TBC. p. 904, n. 2 CÊ Lism. L. p. 28, 1. 939.nbsp;i-mm|rach s. barach. immarggn (ammarggn) adv. gemeinschaftlich, zusammen; jointly, together. Laws, ii, 42,nbsp;1. 17; TBC. p. 861, n. 1; TBC. (Str.), p. 93;nbsp;IT. IV, 1,149, 1. 6440; cf. mar aen s. v. aen.nbsp;[immarba] Asg. id. n.? (Hogan, p. 184), Un-wahrheit?; falsehood?; .i. bréc. 0’CI.; cf.nbsp;IT. I, 621; RC. XX,267, n.4; Archiv, iii,24;nbsp;O’Don. p. 664 s. v. iomarbadh; Metr. Dindsh.nbsp;V, 268. immarbaes Asg. id., gro^e ToUheit; great frenzy. SR. p. 4, 1. 266. |
immarbdg, immarbéig (immarbMd) G. -bé,ga, -baige (-bdide), Npl. -b4ga (-bada, -baide) /.,nbsp;Wettstreit, Wettkampf, Streit; Komparativ;nbsp;contention, contest, dispute; comparative (ofnbsp;the adjective). IT. l, 621; TBC. p. 997; ITS. VII, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;6, 63; Keating’s History, p. 150; Hriu, VIII, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;p. VI. immarbais, immarbas s. (imm-)roimdethar. immarca, immarcach, immarcaid, immarcaig = immforcrach amp; immforcraid. immarchoir m.. Trager; carrier. ITS. xxv,nbsp;124, §8. immarchruas m., grofie Strenge; great rigor. ITS. XII, 38. immarchuirid tragt (herum), befördert; wirft sich herum; bietet an?; carries (about),nbsp;conveys; casts himself about; makes an offer?;nbsp;abstr. immarchorO. -chuir n. m. Auftrag;nbsp;errand; .i. merugud. 0’CI. amp; Metr. Dindsh.nbsp;IV, 391; .i. unfairt. O’CL; .i. immert. O’Don.nbsp;p. 666; .i. bréc. 0’Dav. 1082; cf. IT. l, 621;nbsp;TBC. (Str.), p.52; TBC. p.999; Tain; Laws,nbsp;VI, 473; Hogan, p. 162; PH. p. 761; TSh.nbsp;immarchuirthid, immarchoirthid Npl. -de m..nbsp;Trager; Fahrmann; bearer; ferryman.nbsp;Lism.L. p.4; IT. i, 621 amp; iv, 2, 312.nbsp;immarcra, immarcrach, immarcradach, im-marcraid, immarcraide s. immforcrach,nbsp;immforcradach amp; immforcraid.nbsp;[immardach]? Npl. immardaig (MSS. immor-;nbsp;leg. immfor- ?) ?. IT. iv, 2, 18, 1. 236. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;immardd sehr hoch; very high; subst. Asg.nbsp;id., Höhe, Hohepunkt; height, summit.nbsp;TTr. p. 4; De Contemptu, p. 248; Dindsh. p. 66. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;immardd Verschiedenheit?; disparity?.nbsp;Laws, v, 242, 1. 9. immarddal = immforddal. (ciato-)immargaet (Laws, i, 150) s. ceta- lt;h ro-praet. pass, von, of (imm-)goin.nbsp;immdrgain(As9.) Rand?; border?. TBC. p.904,nbsp;n. 2. immargal G. -gaUe ƒ., Streit, Zwist; strife, discord. IT. i, 621, in, 524, 526 amp; iv, 2,nbsp;517; Tain; Anecd. v, 3; Triads, p. 28.nbsp;(do-)immargg praes. ind. 1 sg. s. (do-)immairgg.nbsp;immarggaide = immairggide.nbsp;immargo, immargau Asg. -gó, -gau, -gai f.?,nbsp;(gro^e) Liige; (big) lie. SB. p. 42; Hogan,nbsp;p. 133; ITS. V, 30 amp; xii, 112; Mac Carthy,nbsp;p. 170; Metr. Dindsh. iv, 356.nbsp;immargu = immurgu. |
immarguin — immchian. 15
immarguin Dsg. id., gegenseitiger Kampf; mvtual fight. Fianaigecht, p. 12. immarmas, immarmasa s. (imm-)roim(lethar.nbsp;(do-)immarna ro-praet. s. (do-)immnai.nbsp;(do-)immarr fut. 1 sg. s. (do-)immairgg.nbsp;immarrin = immforran.nbsp;immarsaid sehr alt; very old. IT. iv, 2, 322nbsp;lt;Ê Metr. Dindsh. iil, 158.nbsp;immarscdil = immraBoail.nbsp;immarslaide gegenseitiges Schlagen; mutualnbsp;striking. Ml. 16 b 7. (do-)immart praet. s. (do-)immairgg. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;immas, imbas O. -ais m., Dichtergale;nbsp;poetical genius; immas far'osna(i), Weis-sagungsgabe, ein Zauber; Name eines Metrums; gift of prophecy, a magic; name ofnbsp;a meter. ZCP. xix, 163, 164; Metr. Dindsh.nbsp;V, 267; IT. Ill, 1,102. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[immas], imbas eine Art des Kindbett-Todes?; a species of death in child-birth?;nbsp;.i. nem-chuimgge. 0’Mulc. 713; cf. ZCP.nbsp;XV, 356, n. 3. immasgch, ’masgch adv. der Reihe nach, ab-wechselnd; in turn, alternately. SR. pp. 83, 142; PH. p. 768; TBC. p. 786, n. 3; IT. i,nbsp;621 amp; IV, 2, 160; ITS. xii, 66.nbsp;immastad (immnastad), immfastad DAsg. id.,nbsp;Zurüekhalten, Einschrdnken; fest machen?;nbsp;holding back, restraining; making fast?.nbsp;IT. IV, 2, 518; Togail na Tebe, p. 148;nbsp;Metr. Dindsb. iii, 212, 278.nbsp;immat = 1. imm amp; immed.nbsp;immathchor «., gegenseitige Rückgabe?; mutual restitution?. Anecd. m, 27, 1.10.nbsp;immathlam sehr geschickt, sehr behende; verynbsp;dexterous, very nimble. SR. p. 142; TBC.nbsp;p. 263; Metr. Dindsh. iv, 30.nbsp;immatt s. 1. imm. (-)immcai, immcaise, immcaisen, immcaisiu s. (imm-)aicce. immcaisnech, immchaisnech {MSS. -cisnech, •chisnech) betrachtend, wachsam; contemplative, watchful. 0’Dav. 1111, 1528;nbsp;ZCP. XVII, 65, 66.nbsp;immcasta, immcesta s. (imm-)aicce.nbsp;immchachad .i. fóohain. 0’CI.nbsp;immchael sehr schmal; very narrow. TBC.nbsp;p. 741 amp; TSh. (-)immchaemras praet. pass. s. (imm-)comairo. (-)immchai ro{= com)-praes. subj. s. (imm-)fen.nbsp;tmmchdinid tadeli (sehr); censures (greatly);nbsp;abstr. immchamp;ined 6. amp; Npl. -ohainte m. |
(gegenseitiges) Klagen, Zanken; (mutual) complaining, disputing. Wb.29bl0; PH.nbsp;p.768; Togail na Tebe, p. 385; ITS. xii, 142;nbsp;RC. XIX, 144; Metr. Dindsh. iii, 24.nbsp;immchaisiu s. (imm-)aicce.nbsp;immchalmma sehr tapfer; very brave. Maonbsp;Carthy, p. 178.nbsp;immchar s. (imm-)cuirethar. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;immchas sehr kraus; very curly. TBC. p. 741. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;immchas (MS. -chos) Umherstreifen?;nbsp;roaming?. Metr. Dindsh. ill, 464, 1. 68. immchasaft, immchasafte s. (imm-)cosalte. immchasaltech = immchosóitech.nbsp;immchasal Npl. -chasail (MS. -chosail),nbsp;? (von Tieren gesagt); ? (said of animals).nbsp;Mac Conglinne, p. 85 lt;6 Ériu, iv, 124.nbsp;immchéil ?. Ériu, vi, 149.nbsp;immchéimmnigid = (imm-)cmg.nbsp;immchéin s. immchian. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;immchéine Dsg. id. /., gro^e Entfernungnbsp;Oder lange Zeitdauer; great distance or longnbsp;period of time. Laws, vi, 475; TTr. p. 49;nbsp;Plummer, Lives, i, 231. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;immchéine s. immchian. (do-)immchella, (-[timmchelia, timmcheliaid, timmchillid, timmchellaigid geht ringsum, umgibt, umkreist; goes around, surrounds,nbsp;encircles; abstr. timmchell, timmcheilad,nbsp;timmchellugud m.; ar timmchell, ringsum?,nbsp;auf gleiche Weise?; all round?, in the samenbsp;way?. Laws, vi, 718; (i, a) timmchell,nbsp;um ... herum, umgebend; in Bezug auf;nbsp;around, encircling; in regard to. Laws,nbsp;VI, 718; PH. p. 921; Ped. li, 483; IT. i, 824;nbsp;TBC. p. 1057; Hib. Min. p. 96; Ériu, ii, 153;nbsp;Togail na Tebe, p. 422; TSh.nbsp;immchellacht Asg. id.f., Umstrickung?; ensna-rement?. Thes. Pal. ii, 357.nbsp;immchenda, immchenna doppelköpfig; doubleheaded; gl. anceps. Sg. 14b3; cf. IT. i, 622.nbsp;immchenn Doppelkopf?; double head?. SB.nbsp;p. 17, 1.1130. [immcherdd] Dpi. -cherddaib, kunstvolle Ver-zierung?; artistic ornamentation?. IT. iii, 1, 238. [immchialda], immchialla sehr vernunftig; very sensible. Mac Conglinne, p. 97. immchian compar. -chéine, sehr fern, sehr ent-fernt; sehr lang, allzw lang; very far, verynbsp;remote; very long, overlong; subst. Dsg.nbsp;-chéin, -chian, gro^e Entfernung oder langenbsp;Zeitdauer; great distance or long period of |
16 immchianugud — immchubaid.
time; i n-immchéin (immchian), weit weg jar away. Imr. Br. l, 94; Laws, vi, 475nbsp;IT. IV, 2, 516; Irish Abridgment, p. 78nbsp;TSh. immchianugud {MS. imchinuga) grojSe Ent-jernung; great distance. Laws, ii, 100, 1. 20. immchimm, (-)immching, immchingid s. (imm-)nbsp;cing. immchirad .i. imm[f]rism. IT. ni, 1,276. immchlaechlad,immchiaechiaigid,immchlaech-lód, immchlaechmad, immchiaemchlad,nbsp;(•)immchiaf s. (imm-)clai. [(con-}immchiai, (oi)], (-)caem(m)chiaf, caem-chiaid, ciaemchlaid, claechiaid, ciaechmaid trans, et intrans., wechselt, tauscht aus,nbsp;vertamcht; changes, exchanges, barters; abstr.nbsp;caem(m)chlóud (-lód, -iüd), claemchiodnbsp;(•iüd), claechlód (-Iüd), claechmód (-mud) G.nbsp;-óda, -óide (-óid, claemchlama) m. Ped.nbsp;11,494; Laws, vi, 117, 140; Dire, pp. 49—nbsp;52; IT. 1,436; Contr. pp. xxviil, 416, 474;nbsp;TTr. p.21; TBC. pp. 935, 939, 940; PH.nbsp;p. 587. [(imm-)immchlal, (oi)] ro-praet. pass. (imm-)-raemmchlad, wechselt, verandert; changes. Laws, I, 262, 1. 26. immchlaidbed, immchlaidmed O. -bid, mit Schwertem gegeneinander kampjen; fightingnbsp;mutually with swords; .i. bualad no comracnbsp;re claidmib. 0’CI.; cf. IT. iv, 2, 516, 517.nbsp;immchlaise ?. ZCP. xx, 164.nbsp;immchloithech {leg. -chlaithech?) verander-lich?; changeful?. SR. p. 1, 1. 14.nbsp;immchloud s. (imm-)clai. [immchobair] Bsg. id., grope Hilfe; great assistance. SR. p. 66, 1. 4556.nbsp;immchoimét, immchoiméta s. (imm-)comai.nbsp;immchoimmse sehr stark; very strong. IT.nbsp;IV, 2, 517. (-)immchoir (Laws, i, 174 amp; iv, 72; 0’Dav. 1493) = (-)immchae, ro{—com)-praes. subj.nbsp;s. (imm-)fen. (-)immchomairc, immchomaircid s. (imm-)co-mairc. immchomaircech fragend; questioning. IT. IV, 2, 517. immchomairsnech adv. inn immchomairsnech gl. interroganter. Ml. 78 b 16; adj. fragend;nbsp;questioning; subst. Npl. -snig, Fragewort;nbsp;interrogative particle {pronoun). Sg. 30al3nbsp;lt;6 203al9; Aur. Éc. p. 195.nbsp;immchomarc s. (imm-)comairc. |
(do-)immchomarr,(do-)immchomartro(=com)- praes. subj. S ro{ = com)-praet. act. lt;amp; pass, s. (do-)immairgg. immchombualad Dsg. id.m., Aufeinanderhauen; mutual smiting. Togail na Tebe, p. 198,nbsp;1. 3074. immchommailt Dsg. id., Aneinanderreiben; rubbing together. TBC. p. 997; IT. ii, 1, 28nbsp;amp; IV, 2, 346. immchommairggech sehr geséhütst; much protected. TTr. p. 51, 1. 2092. immchommairt {leg. -chomart?) Aufeirwmder-schlagen; mutual smiting. TTr. p. 49,nbsp;1. 1998. immchommas DAsg. id., {umfassende) Bemes-sung; Fahigkeit, AusUbung, Kontrolle; {comprehensive) estimation; power, ability, exercise, control; fo (fri, i, a) immchommas, im Verhaltnis zu, gemdP; in proportion to,nbsp;according to. Laws, vi, 476; Ériu, vii, 152,nbsp;164 amp; XII, 26; TBC. p. 357.nbsp;immchomnart .i. laitir. 0’CI.nbsp;immchomrac, immchomraic s. (imm-)coinraic.nbsp;immchomthuairggne, immchomthuarggan s.nbsp;(imm- )comthuairgg. immchongbdil Zusammerihalten; holding together. Bergin, Dictionary, col. 140. immchongnam(inchongnam)ge^ensei%eIIt7/e; mutual aid. Laws, i, 228, 1. 17 lt;6 Wb. 5d5. immchosail s. immcbasal.nbsp;immchosait, immchosafte s. (iinm-)cosaite.nbsp;immchosnam DAsg. id. m., Wettstreit, {gegen-seitiges) Erstreben; Verteidigen gegen {= ar);nbsp;{mutual) contention, {mutual) striving; defending against {= ar); .i. coimthengmdil.nbsp;0’Dav. 188; cf. IT. i, 623; Laws, vi, 476;nbsp;TBC. p. 997; Togail na Tebe, p. 385; TSh.nbsp;[immchosoitech], immchosaitech, immcha-saitech Zwietracht anstiftend, streitsuchtig;nbsp;promoting discord, quarrelsome; subst. Vsg.nbsp;-tig TO., Unheilstifter, Streitsiichtiger; mischief-maker, quarrelsome person. PH. p. 758; IT.nbsp;IV, 1, 61; De Contemptu, p. 57.nbsp;immchredbaid? umstrickl?; entwines?. TBC. p. 325, n. 11 lt;6 p. 997. immchres sehr eng; very narrow. SR. p. 142.nbsp;immchru G. -cbnii, Blutvergiepen?; bloodshed?.nbsp;Metr. Dindsh. ill, 286. (-)immchuat ro[= com)-praes. subj. 3 pi. s. (imm-)fen. immchubaid G's3./.-ohuibde,reiTOe«(i,2MsawTOew-stimmend; {sehr) passend, {sehr) geeignet. |
inimehmbde — immdibatta. 17
inimehmbde — immdibatta. 17 dugud G. -daigthe m. -p Adjektivum in -ach; adjective in -ach. Ériu, viil, p. iv;nbsp;cf. Asc. II, 93; Hib. Min. p. 32; ITS. xxv, 376; TTr. p. 17. immdaingen sehr fest, sehr stark; very firm, very strong. IT. iv, 2, 617; Aur. Éo. p. 260; Mesca Ulad, p. 40. {-)immde {MS. -imgé. Laws, iv, 136) praes. subj. s. (imm-)dfch. immdébas (ITS. xxii, 164) = immdégas, fut. rel. s. (inim-)tét. immdéchsain, immdéicse, immdéicsen, imm-déiesiu s. (imin-)déice. immdecht, immdechta s. (imm-)tét.nbsp;immdegail, immdegal, immdegia, immdeglaid s. (imin-)dloh. immdeiligid unterscheidet; distinguishes. Aur. Éc. p. 74, 1. 996. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[immdei] Dsg. immdel {MS. -deol), Ein-fassung?; binding?. IT. lii, 1,238, 1.102. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;immdel (Asg.; immdeil?) ?. SR. p. 42, 1. 2881. immdeiiaid, immdiliid berdtet zu; prepares; abstr. immdeil Asg. -dell, -dül -1- Hinterlist?, Arglist?; artifice?, guiU?; .i. celgg. 0’CI.; .i. éim-daü in-sin eiter coire acas dabaig. Cormac, 778 lt;£ 0’Mulc. 740; .i. fled. 0’CI.; cf. Ériu, 11,182; Hom. Leg. p. 109; Laws, IV, 310; ZCP. XVII, 163; Mulchrone, Cai-thréim Cellaig, p. 22. immdenach adj.?. LU. p. 281,1. 9334. (-)immdénai, immdénam,immdénmas.(imm-)-dénai. immdénmach verziert; adorned. TTr. p. 166 amp; ITS. VII, 26.nbsp;immderach = immdirech.nbsp;immderc = immtherc. immdergg hochrot; deep red. TTr. p. 42,1.1689; .i. aithfer. Metr.; briathar immdergg, dn Wort, das erröten macht; a word causing anbsp;blush. Arohiv, in, 300; crich immdergg,nbsp;feindliches Gebiet?; hostile territory?. Laws, VI, 477 amp; ZCP. IV, 232. (-)immdergga, immderggad, immderggaid, immderggtha s. (imm-)dergga. [immdérnam] Asg. id., BekUmmerung; distress; . nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;, .i. cengal. Laws, v, 498 amp; 0’Dav. 719,1133. (sehr) günsiig-, rhyming, harmonious-, {very) suitable, {very) proper, {very) favorable.nbsp;Aur. to. p. 219; PH. p. 768; IT. i, 623; Vis.nbsp;Tondale, p. 151; ITS. xiv, 170 S xxv, 376;nbsp;TSh. immchuibde DAsg. id., Übereinstimmung, Einklang; harmony. Trip, ii, 652. immchuibdes m., Einklang; harmony; gl. ar-moniam. IT. i, 623. (-)immchuirethar, immchuirid = (imm-)cuire-thar. immchumachtach sehr machtig; very mighty. IT. I, 623. immchumad {Gpl.?), mil groten Kümmer-nissen?; of great griefs?. Ériu, iv, 94. immchumang (immchumaing), immchumac {sehr) eng, {sehr)eingeschrankt; {very) narrow,nbsp;{very) confined; subst. DAsg. id.. Enge, engenbsp;Einsperrung, Blockade; narrowness, closenbsp;confinement, blockade. SR. p. 6; TBC.nbsp;p. 71; IT. IV, 2, 617; Togail na Tebe,nbsp;p.46; ITS. XII, 186. immchumarc s. (iinm-)comairo. immchumddach Dsg. id., gegenseitiges Schmiic-ken; mutual adorning. IT. ii, 1, 29 amp; 2, 27. itnmchummair sehr kurz; very brief. TTr. p. 23, 1. 923. immchutail idnamna .i. coibche do mnai. Laws, III, 52, 1. 4. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;immda (utnmda. Aur. Éc. p. 234) adv. innnbsp;immdu, compar. immdu, reichlich, zahlreich,nbsp;viel; lang, langweilig; abundant, numerous,nbsp;many; long, tedious; .i. fata. ZCP. v, 492;nbsp;cf. Asc. II, 92, 93; IT. l, 623; PH. p. 760;nbsp;Vis. Tondale, p. 161; Tecosca Cormaic, p.60. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;immda G. -da, -dad, -daide (-daige), Dsg.nbsp;-dai (-da), -daid (-daig) /., Ruhelager, Bett;nbsp;couch, bed. Asc. il, 90, 91; Laws, vi, 477;nbsp;IT. i, 617; Togail na Tebe, p. 385; Death-Tales, p. 40. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;immda Dw.Gpl.-da,-dad, Du. Dpi. -dadaib,nbsp;Schulterblatt?; shoulder-blade?; .i. slinnén.nbsp;0’CI.; .i. les. Br. D. D. §97; cf. IT. i, 617;nbsp;TBC. p. 790, n. 6; Anecd. in, 50. imm-daig s. 1. Ag. (do-)immdaige{dar) ist reichlich verhanden; abounds. Pokorny, p. 63. immdaigid(ir), (-)immdaige(dar) macht reichlich Oder zahlreich, vermehrt; ist reichlich verhanden; makes abundant or numerous,nbsp;increases, multiplies; abounds; abstr. imm- Hessens Ir. Lexikon, Bd. IL |
immdfbarggad, immdibracad, immdfbarggan G. -bairggthe, -braicthe, gegenseitiges Bewerfen; A mutual casting. Pled Br. § 82; TBC. pp. 997,nbsp;998; IT. IV, 2, 617.nbsp;immdibatta s. (imm-)dibdai. 2 /6. |
18 immdibe — immeclaigid.
immdfbe, (-)immdfben, immdfbid s. (imm-)-dlben. [(do-)immdfben], (-)timmdfben, timmdfbid schneidet (ringsum) ab; kiirzt, verkleinert; cuts off (around)-, curtails, diminishes; abstr.nbsp;timmdibe Asg. id., gl. ioorisis. Medical Glossaries, C. 126; cf. Ped. ii, 462; Laws, vi, 718;nbsp;IT. 1,824; 0’Dav. 1638; Ériu, ii, 134.nbsp;(-)immdfch = (imm-)dicli. (-)immdldna, immdidnad s. (imm-)didna. immdigid = (imm-)dioh amp; (imm-)tét.nbsp;imindil sehr lieb; very dear. SR. p. 70,1.4802.nbsp;immdfles beiderseitig zugehorig; beiderseitignbsp;verf alien; mutually belonging to; mutuallynbsp;forfeited. ZCP. xv, 325, 326.nbsp;immdillid = immdellaid. Immdfimain ganz uneingeschrankt, ganz un-bedriickt; wholly unrestricted, completely unoppressed. Monastery of Tallaght,nbsp;p. 156, 1. 4 lt;Ê Ériu, in, 207. Immdfise G. id., beiderseitige Zugehörigkeit; gegenseitiges Verf aliens ein; mutual possession; mutual forfeiture. ZCP. xv, 326 amp;nbsp;Ériu, VIII, 176. immdlrech, immderach »., (gegenseitiges) Ent-blöf5en; (mutual) stripping. Tain amp; IT. ii, 2, 208. Immdis (sehr) schwaeh; (very) weak. Thes. Pal. II, 293. immdtscir sehr wild, sehr heftig; very fierce, very impetuous. IT. iv, 1,410; TBC. p. 998;nbsp;Betha Colaim ChiUe, p. 382.nbsp;immdisin .i. éim-déchsam. 0’Dav. 1111.nbsp;immdfte, immdften, immdftiu s. (imm-)diin.nbsp;[immdiupart] Asg. -pairt /., (gegenseitiges)nbsp;Übervorteilen; (mutual) defrauding. Laws,nbsp;VI, 478 (Ê RC. XIII, 121.nbsp;immdiiiith (sehr) dicht; (very) compact, (very)nbsp;close. TTr. p. 166 S IT. iv, 2,617.nbsp;immdoiiig, immduilig sehr schuderig; in dnernbsp;sehr schwierigen Lage befindlich?; very difficult; placed in a very difficult position?.nbsp;Metr. Dindsh. in, 340 amp; TBC. p. 163, n. 8.nbsp;immdomain sehr tief; very deep; subst. Dpi.nbsp;-doimnib, dufSerste Tiefe; utmost depth.nbsp;Togail na Tebe, p.386; TBC. p. 998; IT.nbsp;IV, 2, 617; ITS. vii, 46.nbsp;immdoraid(^s^.), (grof3e)Schwierigkeit?; (great)nbsp;difficulty?. IT. i, 277, 310.nbsp;immdoras 0. -dorais, Npl. -doirse n. m., TiXr-rahmen, Torumfassung; door-frame, framenbsp;of a gate; .i. fordoras, O’CL; c/. IT, i, 624, |
II, 1, 68 amp; IV, 2,517; Hogan, p. 164; TBC. p. 998; Dottin, n, 212. immdorcha sehr dunkel; very dark. IT. iv, 2, 517; Mac Conglitme, p. 15; Togail na Tebe, p. 18. immdorn Dpi. -dornaib, -duirnib, Schwertgriff; hilt of a sword. ZCP. xix, 333, 334, n. Ï;nbsp;IT. 1,624 amp; HI, 2, 530; TBC. p. 998.nbsp;immdorn-chor Dpi. -choraib, Schwertgriff?; hilt of a sword?. TBC. p. 998. immdortad Asg. id., grofies Vergieren; greatnbsp;shedding. RC. xxii, 312, n. 6.nbsp;immdrong G. -druinge, Qedrdnge; crowd, throng;nbsp;.i. immthairaing. 0’CI.; cf. TBC. p. 715 t§nbsp;TTr. p. 7. immdruine Dsg. id., grofie Geschicklichkeit?; great skill?. SR. p. 9, 1. 666. immdu s. 1. imm amp; 1. immda.nbsp;immdub ganz schwarz; entirely black. IT.nbsp;1,624. immdugud s. unmdaigid(ir). immduibe Asg. id., Unehre?; dishonor?. Metr. Dindsh. iv, 322; cf. immdub. immduilig = immdoiiig.nbsp;immdunad Dsg. id., Umschlie^en; enclosing.nbsp;Cormac, 1059. imme s. 1. 2. imm lt;amp; (imm-)fen. immecal sehr furchtsam, sehr angstlich; verynbsp;fearful, very timorous. IT. i, 624; Tain;nbsp;PH. p. 769; Vis. Tondale, p. 100.nbsp;immechtar G. -tair. Dpi. -traib n. m., dasnbsp;Auflerste, das Aufiere; extremity, the outside; .i. foirceim. 0’Dav. 1086; cuingnbsp;immechtar, das duPere Joch?; the outernbsp;yoke?. ITS. xii, 170, 171; cf. Asc. ii, 68;nbsp;IT. 1,624 amp; 111,549 ; 0’Mulc. 226.nbsp;immechtrach compar. -trachu, duperer, auPer-halb befindlich, duPerster; outer, external,nbsp;extreme, final; cuing immechtrach, dasnbsp;duPere Joch?; the outer yoke?. IT. iv, 1,164;nbsp;cf. Asc. 11,69; PH. p. 759; IT. iv, 2, 517.nbsp;immechtraid, immechtraig m., .i. dam immilnbsp;na seisrige. 0’CI.; cf. Pél. p. 72.nbsp;immecia DAsg. -eclai/., (grope) Furcht; (great)nbsp;fear. IT. i, 624; PH. p. 759; ZCP. xiv, 260;nbsp;ITS. V, 132. immeclach (sehr) furchtsam, (sehr) angstlich; (very) fearful, (very) timorous. SR. p. 70;nbsp;TBC. p. 7; Togail na Tebe, p. 40; IT.nbsp;IV, 2, 517; Vis. Tondale, p. 99.nbsp;immeclaigid fiirchtet (sehr); fears (greatly);nbsp;abstr. immeclugud Dsg.id. m. Erschrecken; |
immecra — immfoohraicc. 19
terrifying. PH. p. 759; Trip, ii, 652; Betha Colaim Chille, p. 48.nbsp;immecra = immfecra, s. (imm-)freoair.nbsp;immed, immad, immat (ummat) 0. immid,nbsp;immaid, immait «. m., {grofie) Menge, Fülle,nbsp;Vielheit; {great) quantity, abundance, multitude. Asc. II, 92; Fél. p. 338; Laws, vi, 471,nbsp;474; IT. 1,616; PH. p.760; TSli.nbsp;immedain = immfedain, s. (imin-)feid.nbsp;imtnegail = immdegail, s. (imm-)dich.nbsp;immeirge = immirge. Imméite s. aimméit. iitimel, immell G. immil(l), Nfl. immle. Dpi. immlib n.? (Hogan, p. 155) m., Rand,nbsp;Kante-, border, edge. Pél. p. 338; Laws,nbsp;VI, 479; IT. i, 616, 617; TBC. p. 997; Togailnbsp;na Tebe, p. 385; TSb.nbsp;immelach, immellach {MS. etiam -élach) G.nbsp;-aig, Npl. -aig, -aige, Umfassung; enclosure.nbsp;TBC. p. 998; Togail na Tebe, p. 264; RC.nbsp;XXII, 394; Pél. p. 48. immel-bamp;n weifirandig; white-bordered. Mac Carthy, p. 164. [immel-bldith], immell-bliith glattrandig; smooth-bordered. ITS. x, 202. immel-bordd, immell-bordd Dpi. -borddaib m.,nbsp;Rand, Kante; border, edge. IT. iv, 2, 516,nbsp;517 amp; Togail na Tebe, p. 386.nbsp;immel-chain sehonrandig; prettily bordered. IT.nbsp;IV, 2, 366. immel-chrfch Dpi. -ohrichaib, Rand, duflere Grenze; border, outskirt. TTr. p. 32.nbsp;[immel-chrfn], immell-chrfn mil morschemnbsp;Rande; having a decayed border. IT. iv, 2,38.nbsp;immel-glas griinrandig; green-bordered. Macnbsp;Carthy, p. 192.nbsp;immellg = immalle. [immel-lethan], immell-lethan breitrandig; broad-bordered, ITS. x, 202. immel-mér Fingerspitze; finger-tip. Syllabicnbsp;Poetry, p. 123.nbsp;immengtar = immangtar.nbsp;immenn s. 2. imm. (dO')immerchell = (do-)iinmairchell, ro-praet. s. (do-)immchella. (-)lmmerr praes. ind. pass. s. (iinm-)beir. immert, immerta s. (imm-)beir.nbsp;immesarggain, immesarggan s. (inim-)esairgg.nbsp;immesbbaid Asg. id., {grower) Mangel; {great)nbsp;deficiency. SR. p. 72, 1.4966.nbsp;imméscaid sehr schnell; very quick. Pianaigecht,nbsp;p. 88 amp; ITS. 1,54. |
immeslin sehr unwohl; very unwell. IT.' IV, 1, 200. (-)immet = (-)immfet, praes. ind. 3pl. s. (iinin-)fen.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;' immetarlam {v. 1. immétromm) adj. ?. TBC. p. 119, n. 10. immétromm sehr leicht; very light. IT. iv, 2, 518 S Mesoa Ulad, p. 30. [immétromma], immétruimme Dpi.-trommaib, {grofie) Leichtheit?, {gro§e) Leichtigkeit ?;nbsp;{great) lightness?. TTr. p. 42, 1. 1710 lt;amp;nbsp;Mesca Ulad, p. 30. immétrommugud Dsg. id. m., {grofie) Erleich-terung; {great) alleviation. TBC. p. 427, I. 2956. immettia Asg. -lai /., {grope) Bekiimmernis?'; {great) affliction?. IT. ii, 2, 107. immfacas = immacas. immfaebair {MSS. etiam -bar) zweisclineidig, unfest; double-edged, unstable. Kuvfs, Vi, 479;nbsp;Dire, pp. 81, 82; RC. xxii, 186; LL. 189b9.nbsp;immfaebar Npl. -faebair. Dpi. -faebraib, zwei-schneidige Klinge; Reehtswidrigkeit; double-edged blade; illegality; .i. indlige[d]. Dullnbsp;Droma Ceta, p. 169; cf. IT. iii, 2, 535.nbsp;immfaebrach sehr scharf?; very sharp ?. Anecd. II, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;72, 73. immfaebrad {Asg.)?. Anecd. ii, 74. immfaicse, immfaicsigid, immfaicsiu s. immacas, immaicse, immaicsigid amp; 1. im-maicsiu. immfaire = 2. immaire. immfaisnéis == immaisnéis.nbsp;immfalach = immfolach.nbsp;immfdlach ringsum geschutzt; protected allnbsp;around. ITS. x, 202. immfann (ammfann) seAr schwach; very weak; subst. Apl. -fanna, sehr schwaFher Mensch;nbsp;very weak person. Pél. p. 255 S Lism. L.nbsp;p. 145. immfarcradach = immforcradaoh. immiarmmat = immformmat. immfartail sehr machtig?; very mighty?. Metr. Dindsh. iv, 300. immfastad = immastad.nbsp;immfedain, immfedan, immfedna, immfegnanbsp;s. (imm-)feid. immfochaid s. (imm-)fuich. immfochraib Dsg. id., grope Nahe; great proximity. IT. IV, 2, 518. immfochraicc Dpi. -fochraiccib, grope BeMt-nung; great reward. Mac Carthy, p. 42. |
-ocr page 26-20 [immfodail] — immfurail.
[immfodail] G. -fodla, -fogla, (gegenseitige) Tei-lung; (mutual) division. Laws, iv, 144,1.10. immiodnatn s. (imm-)fognai. immfogbaidetu Asg. -laid, gegenseitiges An-nehmen?; mutual acceptance?. Wb. 9dl6, 18; cf. Asc. 11,451. {-)immfagnai, immtognam, immfognama s. (imm-)fognai. lt;-)immfoich, immfoiched, immfoicheda s. (imm-)fiiioh. immioilngid, immfoilngide s. (iinm-)folngai. jmtnfolach, immfalach Asg.id.n.m., sich verbergen, Hiille; hiding, cover. TBC. p. 259; Téin; Trip, i, p. xxxix; ZCP. xx, 162. Immfolang, immfolngaid s. (imm-)folngai. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;immfoingaide adv. inn immfolngaidid, wirJc-sam; effective. Ml. 17a5, 27dl4, 55b 1. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;immfoingaide s. (imm-)folngai. lt;lucht an) immforaid Umgebung?; vicinity?. Lism. L. p. 126, 1.4228; cf. arrad?. Immforéil, immfurail (immuréil) ÜbersclmfS, méhr; surplus, more; .i. immarcaid. O’CL;nbsp;cf. RC. XVI, 49 amp; Laws, i, 60. [immfordin], immoréin gewaltsames Treiben?; forcible driving?. Laws, ii, 122, 1.12. Immforcrach, immarcrach, immarcach über-mafSig, überreichlich; anmafSend?; excessive, superabundant; arrogant?; subst. Dpi. -cra-nhaib, Übermafi, méhr; excess, more. IT. iv, 2,nbsp;518; Plummer, Lives, i, 192; ITS. ni, 242, V, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;66 lt;Ê XXV, 377; Ériu, x, 153; De Con-temptu, p. 248. iimmforcradach, immfarcradach, immarcra-dach übermdpig; excessive. Plummer, Lives, I, 67; IT. iv, 2, 618; PH. p. 266. limmforcraid, immarcraid, immarcaid (immar-caig, immarcra, immarca) G. -crada, -craide, -era /., Übermafi, Überschufi, Überflufi;nbsp;excess, superabundance, superfluity; di (do,nbsp;d’) immforcraid, überschüssig; in Überlegen-heit über, zum Nachteil von; in excess, extra;nbsp;in superiority to, to the disadvantage of.nbsp;ITS. XXIII, 206, 207; PH. p. 758; Laws, VI, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;480; TTr. p. 165; IT. iv, 2, 518; De Con-temptu, p. 248; TSh. immforddal (immarddal) Asg. id., (grower) Irr-tum?; (great) error?. SR. p. 142. Immforggab, immforggam Dsg. id., gegenseitiges Stofien; mutual thrusting. LU. 16a40 amp;nbsp;TBC. (Str.), p. 56. (•)immforlainged (Ml. 69d4; leg. imm-forlain-ged?) ro-praet. pass. s. (imm-)folngai. |
immforlann (immorlann, ammforlann; MS. anm-) Dberwaltigen?; overwhelming?. O’Don.nbsp;p. 664 amp; Lism.L. p. 384.nbsp;immformmat (immfarmmat, immormmat) G. -mmait n.? (Hogan p. 138), (gegenseitige oder grofSe) Eifersucht; (mutual or great) jealousy.nbsp;IT. 1,121; ZCP. XIV, 214; TBC. p.395;nbsp;Togail na Tebe, p. 14.nbsp;immforrach (grower) Streit?; (great) dispute?.nbsp;ZCP. 1,406. immforrdn (immorramp;n, immarrin, ammforramp;n ammarrin) G. -ain, Dsg. -an, -ain m. f.nbsp;(grofSe) Heftigkeit, Kampf, Anfall; Elendnbsp;Unglüeh; Komparativ; (great) violence, connbsp;test, onslaught; distress, misfortune; comnbsp;parative degree; .i. cathugud. 0’CI.; .i,nbsp;comprait. 0’CI.; cf. RC. xxiv, 186 lt;amp;nbsp;XLIV, 182; ZCP. 111,232; TSh.nbsp;immiortacht G. -ta, gegenseitige Hilfe; mutualnbsp;assistance. Ériu, vi, 149 S IT. ill, 1,198.nbsp;immfota (sehr) lang; (very) long. ZCP. xx, 181.nbsp;immfrecra, immfrecrai s. (imm-)frecair.nbsp;immfresain, immfresan, immfresana, imm-fresna, immfresnaigid s. (imm-)fresna.nbsp;[immfresnach], immresnach, immrisnech streit-siichtig, zankisch; quarrelsome, disputatious;nbsp;subst. V. -naig m., Streitsuchtiger; quarrelsome person. PH. p. 762; SR. p. 46; Vis.nbsp;Tondale, p. Ill; Lism.L. p. XL.nbsp;[immfresnaid], immresnaid m., Streitsuchtiger; quarrelsome person. Tecosca Cormaic, p. 60. immfrich .i. tuirseoh. ZCP. v, 487, n. 29.nbsp;immfrisne s. (imm-)fresna.nbsp;immfuar, immfuarad = immuar S immuarad.nbsp;(-)immfuich = (imm-)fuich.nbsp;immfuigell G. -gül, Prozefi; lawsuit. Dire,nbsp;p.34. immfuiling s. (imm-)folngai. immfuilned (immuilned, immuilled) Ausdeh-nung, Vergröperung; extension, augmentation. Laws, 111,44; cf. 0’Dav. 955.nbsp;immfuilngid s. (imm-)folngai.nbsp;immfuinid kocht; cooks; abstr. immfuine (im-maine) Asg. id. ZCP. i,433 amp; iii,234; Trom-damh Guaire, p. 52; Bruchstüeke, p. 71.nbsp;immfuirech Dsg. id. m., (langes) Aufhalten,nbsp;(langes) Verzögern; (long) delaying, (long)nbsp;procrastinating. TBC. p. 998; IT. iv, 2, 618;nbsp;St. Moling, p. 65. immfuirmid fuhrt aus?; performs?. Ériu, i, 114. immfulaing, immfulang s. (imm-)folhgai.nbsp;immfurdil = immforail. |
immgAbad — immisel. 21
immgébad G. -gabaid, grofie Gefaftr?; great danger?. Ériu, iil, 14; Pianaigecht, pp. 64,nbsp;82; Betha Colaim Chille, p. 366.nbsp;immgab4il, immgabcil s. (imm-)gaib.nbsp;{do-)immgaip, (-)timmgair, timmgairid, timm-garaid verlangt (zurück), fordert zurück;nbsp;requests (lack), reclaims; abstr. timmgairenbsp;.i. iarraid. Metr. amp; 0’CI.; cf. Ped. ii, 536;nbsp;Laws, VI, 718, 719; ZCP. xviil, 322;nbsp;Bezz. B. XIX, 114. immgairit sehr kurz; very short. IT. iv, 2, 308, 1. 4100. immgann (seJir) leengt?, (sehr) karg?; (very) confined.?, (very) niggardly?. SR. p. 142;nbsp;IT. IV, 1, 197, 1.7082; Ériti, iv, 102; Meti.nbsp;Dindsh. iii, 244, 248. immgarb sehr rauh; very rough. IT. iv, 2, 204, 1. 2657. immgargg sehr grimmig; very fierce. Ériu, III, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;194. (do-)immgart fraet. s. (do-)immgair. (-)immge (Laws, iv, 136) = (-)immde, praes. subj. s. (iinm-)dich. immgéir sehr schar); very sharp. IT. i, 625. immgéire Dsg. id., grofie Scharfe; great sharpness. IT. i, 626. i mm gel sehr weifi, sehr schön; very white, very fair. Metr. Dindsh. in, 30 amp; SB. p. 142.nbsp;immgellad sick verbiirgen?; pledging oneself?.nbsp;Triads, p. 12, § 101. immgén ?. Hogan, p. 36, §§26, 27; cf. imm-chian ?. (-)immgéna, (-)immgénat = (imin-)dénai. immgerr sehr kurz; very short. Plummer,nbsp;Lives, I, 338; IT. IV, 1,410; Mesca Ulad,nbsp;p. 40. (imm-)immggaib, (-)immggaib, (-)immggeib vermeidet, weicht aus; avoids, shuns; gerund. immggabthai, abstr. immggabdl, immgga-bdil O. -bala ƒ. Ped. ii, 531; Laws, vi, 481;nbsp;IT. I, 625; TBC. p. 998; PH. p. 769.nbsp;immgid = (imm-)tet. immglaicce (leg. immglaicc?) Handvoll; handful; .i. lAn duim. 0’Dav. 1124; cf. Laws, VI, 481. immglan sehr rein; very pure. SR. p. 96; Mac Carthy, p. 156; Metr. Dindsh. IV, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;264. immgleilin f., (wechselseitiger) Streit; (mutual) conflict. Metr. Dindsh. in, 314.nbsp;timmgleo] Asg. -gliaid, wechselseitiger Kampf;nbsp;mutual fight. TBC. p. 819. |
immgleod (leg. -gléöd?) Asg. id., Verwirk-lichung?; realization?. Laws, in, 132. immglicc sehr klug; very cunning. IT. ii, 2,nbsp;16, 96. immglinne ?. ZCP. xn, 364 amp; O’Don. p. 661. immgluaisecht grofie Bewegung, Einfall; greatnbsp;movement, inroad. ZCP. i, 433.nbsp;immgoin, immgona s. (imm-)guin.nbsp;immgonach ringsum schlagend; striking roundnbsp;about. Tecosca Cormaic, p. 26, n. 6.nbsp;immgonaid m., Schlagender; striker. Tecoscanbsp;Cormaic, p. 60. immgrds (MS. -grdsa) viele Gnade?; abundant grace?. ITS. x, 202. mmgnnn sehr schön?; very beautiful?, IT. iv, 1,201 amp; Mac Carthy, p. 180.nbsp;immguin s. (imm-)gum.nbsp;immib s. 1. hum. immid, immide s. immed lt;6 (imm-)fen. (ro-)immid (leg. -immthig?) ?. PH. p. 75,nbsp;1.1226; of. (imm-)tét?.nbsp;immigid = immthigid, s. (imm-)tét.nbsp;immil, immill s. immel. [immilled (leg. immfilled?)] Zuruckwenden?; returning?; cf. dliged immillid athgabdia, einenbsp;gewisse Rechtsregelung; a certain kind of legalnbsp;regulation. Laws, n, 130, 1.14.nbsp;immimm s. 2. imm.nbsp;immin s. 1. imm. imminmalla sehr langsam?; very slow?. Br. D. D. § 2, n. 10. imminóclach für Krieger sehr passend?; very suitable for warriors?. ZCP. ii, 306.nbsp;(-)immip = (imm-)beir. [(ar-)immir] praes. ind. pass, (-)airmmerthar .i. raitter. Archiv, in, 26, § 67.nbsp;[(mf-)immir] tduscht, betrugt; deceives; abstr. mi-immert Dsg. -immirt f. Ped. n, 468. immirge, immeirge, immirche, immirce, im-meirce (immirc) G. -ge, -che, -ce /., Umher-ziehen, unterwegs sein, Hindurchziehen, Fort-ziehen, Auswandern; (wandernder) Zug (vonnbsp;Menschen oder Tieren); shifting about, beingnbsp;on the move, traversing, migrating, emigrating; (wandering) company of persons or drovenbsp;of cattle. ZCP. ix, 341, 342; Laws, Vl, 482;nbsp;IT. I, 626 amp; IV, 2, 618; Keating’s History,nbsp;p. 149. immirt s. (imm-)beir. immisei (sehr) demiitig; (sehr) unvermerkt?; (very) lowly; (very) stealthy?. Hriu, in, 30nbsp;amp; ITS. XII, 114. |
22 immitecht — (do-)iminnai.
immitecht 6. -ta, vom Wege dbweichen; Nicht-Erscheinen su einem Gerichtstermin; deviating from the way; non-appearance at a hearing of the court; .i. ar immtheoht.nbsp;Laws, VI, 482; cf. 0’Dav. 1002 amp; IT.nbsp;1,225. immithe s. (imm-)ith amp; (imm-)fen. immitre, immitrice (Gsg.; MSS. iom-) Geometrie; geometry. ITS. xiv, 30, 48, 84.nbsp;immlabrad Dsg. id.,. Aniworten; ariswering.nbsp;Metr; Dindsh. iv, 218. immiéine Dsg. id. /., Oanzheit, Vollstandigkeit; wholeness, completeness. Plummer, Lives,nbsp;I, 338. immidines gl. plenitude. Cormac, 765. [immlainne]? G. id. /., starke Begierde?; strongnbsp;craving?. Ml. 62a2. immlaft 0. -kite, Austausch; exchange. ITS. VII, 21, 59 amp; Philip Bocht, pp. 99, 230; cf.nbsp;immlatt. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;immidn compar. immlaine, (gam) voll, gam,nbsp;vollstandig, makellos; {very) full, whole,nbsp;complete, perfect; subst. G. -lain m., dasnbsp;Game; the whole. PH. p. 760; Ir. Gl.nbsp;p. 142; Gorm. p. 2; Keating’s History,nbsp;p, 150; TSh. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;immidn = immslan. immidnad Vollendung?; completion?. ITS. X, 202. immlatt G. -laitt m., Austausch; exchange. Philip Bocht, p. 81 amp; Dan Dé, pp. 27, 41;nbsp;cf. immlait,nbsp;immie s. immel. immlebar sehr lang, sehr schlank; very long, very tall, IT. i, 626, iii, 464 amp; iv, 2, 202;nbsp;PH. p. 760; ZCP. 111,255.nbsp;immiécad s. (imm-)léice.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;, immlecdn, immiicén Dsg. id. m., Nobel, Mitte, Mittelpunkt; navel, middle, central point.nbsp;Hriu, VIII, 24; ITS. xix, 52 S xxv, 377.nbsp;immlech (nomen proprium?), G. -lecha n., annbsp;einen See grenzendes Land, Marsch; landnbsp;bordering on a lake, marsh; .i. imm loch,nbsp;loch imme imma chuairdd. Cormac, 743;nbsp;Hogan, pp. 177, 202; Joyce, i, 465.nbsp;immleigis {sehr) heilsam; {very) curative. TSh.nbsp;immiéimmnech fortwahrend springend, un-ruhig; leaping continuously, restive. BC.nbsp;XLViii, 331. immién Asg. id., grofie Sehwache?; great weakness?. SR. p. 142. immlenn, immlenna s. immliu. |
immleo {v. 1. imiiud; leg. -leod?) subst.?. Laws, V, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;146, 1. 8; c/. 0’Dav. 1146. immlesad {leg. -lésad?) G. -sta, gegenseitiges Hauen?, ZusammenstoP?; mutual beating?,nbsp;collision?. IT. iv, 2, 517.nbsp;immlesu = immlisiu. immlethan {sehr) breit; {very) broad. IT. iv, 2, 517. immletrad Dsg. id., gegenseitiges Zerfkischen; mutual lacerating. IT. i, 626. immlib s. immel.nbsp;immiicén = immlecan. immlige(le^. -\ige1)Dsg.id., TJmlecken; licking around. Mac Conghnne, p. 101, 1. 26.nbsp;[immlisiu, immlesu] 0. -lisen, -lesan, Augen-stern; iris of the eye; macc immlisen (imm-lesan, immresan), Pupille; pupil of the eye. BC. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;XL, 431, 432; Asc. ii,91; IT. 1,626;nbsp;cf. macc. immliu G. -lenn, DAsg. -linn, Npl. -lenna /., Nabel; Knauf, Buckel; navel; stud, boss.nbsp;IT. I, 617; TBC. p. 249; Pianaigecht, p. 106;nbsp;Tain. immlobar krank; sick; subst. Kranker; sick person. Thes. Pal. ii, 315.nbsp;immlochtad, immiuchtad G. -taid (-taig) m.,nbsp;Übersetzen; Verkehrsweg?; ferrying; trafficnbsp;route?. ZCP. ii,306; Plummer, Lives,i, 191;nbsp;Tromdamh Guaire, p. 52; Betha Colaimnbsp;Chille, p. 240.nbsp;immlod s. (imm-)luaide.nbsp;immlomm Asg. f. -luimm, gam blofi; very bare. Mac Conghnne, p. 63 amp; IT. i, 218. immlott Vernichtung; destruction. IT. iv,2,302.nbsp;immluad, immluaid, immluaidid, immluaitte s.nbsp;(imm-)luaide. immluaimnech herumflatternd; fluttering about. Togail na Tebe, p. 386. immluas grofie Schnelligkeit; great swiftness.nbsp;IT. IV, 2,414. immluath sehr schnell; very swift. IT. iv,2, 517; Togail na Tebe, p. 264; BC. IV, 252. immiuchtad — immlochtad.nbsp;immluimm s. immlomm.nbsp;immna, immnai s. 1. imm, imman amp; (imm-)nbsp;anai. immnddad = immsnadad. (do-)immnai, (-)timmnai, (-)timmain, timm-naid, timmnaigid, ti(u)mmnaigid vermocht; tragt auf, befiehlt; bequeathes; commissions,nbsp;enjoins, commands; abstr. timmna, ti(u)mm-na G. -nai n. /.; timmnaid ceilebrad, nimmt |
immnaidmin — immrasciil.
24 imuirascar — immscair.
immaoathad — 1. immthach. 25
immscathad s. immscothaid. immscemgail {aneinander) Klirren?; clashingnbsp;(together)?. TTr. p. 49, 1.1999. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;immscing (immsceng. Cormac, 1151) G.nbsp;-scinge, Bettraum; Teil (Umjassung?) desnbsp;Betts; Belt; hedroom; part (enclosure?) ofnbsp;the hed; hed; .i. teg beo a'talla immda.nbsp;Cormac, 790; .i. both beo imma-timmchellanbsp;immda. Cormac, 1151; .i. lepaid. ZCP. V, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;492; .i. garrda. PH. p. 762; .i. teg beonbsp;a-tmllenn lepa no ina-mbilepa. O’CL; cf.nbsp;IT. 11,2, 52, 55 amp; ni, 2,538; Togail nanbsp;Tebe, p. 28; Ériu, vin, 157. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[immscing (immscimm)] DAsg. id., Diadem.nbsp;RC. XII, 74 amp; XLiv, 369—371. immscith sehr müde; very tired. Togail na Tebe, p. 172. immscoich (leg. -scoith?) sehr schneidig?; very incisive?. Ériu, iv, 30.nbsp;immscoltad .i. ainimmat. 0’CI.; cf. Tecoscanbsp;Cormaic, p. 40. immscothaid heschneidet, schneidet ah; lops off, cuts off, trims; dbstr. immscothad (immsco-chad), immscathad DAsg. id. m. ITS. VI, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;218; BC. XXVI, 22; TBC. p. 999; IT.nbsp;IV, 2, 518. immscrfpgaii Dsg. id., Katzhalgen?; scuffling?. TBC. p. 145, 1.1199. immsechfaid Asg. id., Irrtum?, Versehen?; mistake?, error?. Arcbiv, iii, 300. immseiiad = immsUled.nbsp;immséna, immsénad Asg. id., (hefliges odernbsp;gegenseitiges) Leugnen; (violent or mutual)nbsp;denying. SR. p. 55; Ériu, xii, 50; Laws,nbsp;VI, 486. immserc gro^e Liehe; great love. ZCP. VIII, 318. immsergg Npl. -sergga m.. Rip?, Bruch?; rent?, rupture?. RC. xxiv, 206. immserggain, immserggna $. {imm-)esairgg.nbsp;immsiiied, immseiiad DAsg. id., gegenseitigesnbsp;Anblichen; mutual gazing. TTr. p. 26,nbsp;1.1044 amp; IT. II, 1,18. immsit (TBC. p. 67) praet. 3 pi. s. (imm-)fen. [immsitiu], immsitin Dpi. -sitnib, SamenerguP;nbsp;seminal discharge. Ped. ii, 624 amp; Gwynn,nbsp;Rule of TaUaght, pp. 76, 101. (CO n-)immsitnib (aingel) ?. Ériu, ii, 110. immsiaide gegenseitiges Schlagen; mutual smiting. TBC. p. 631, 1.3700.nbsp;immsi^inte Dsg. id., voile Gesundheit; co^npletenbsp;health. TBC. p. 27, 1.197. |
immsién (immidn) (ganz) gesund, (gam) heil, (gam) vollstandig; (quite) healthy, (quite)nbsp;whole, (quite) perfect. TTr. p. 22; ITS.nbsp;VI, 218; Togail na Tebe, p. 386; IT. iv, 1,nbsp;411. immsidnad s. (imm-)8lana. immsnddad (immnddad) Dsg. id., Schiitzen; protecting. IT. i, 628; cf. Laws, vi, 487. immsnaidmm s. (imm-)nai8c.nbsp;immsndm Vmherschwimmen, Schweben; swimming about, floating. Metr. Dindsh. v, 268nbsp;lt;amp; Hifa. Min. p. 47. imménim 0. amp; Npl. -snima m., (groPe) Sorge, (groper) Kwmmer; (grope) Miidigkeit?; (great)nbsp;anxiety, (great) grief; (great) fatigue?; .i.nbsp;tuirse no brón. 0’CI.; c/.Ped.ii, 633; Togailnbsp;na Tebe, p. 386; Hogan, p. 266; TSh.nbsp;immsnimach (sehr)sorgenvoll, (sehr) hekümmert;nbsp;(very) anxious, (very) distressed; gl. marcaohnbsp;(leg. -ggach?). Celtic Review, v, 293; cf.nbsp;Togail na Tebe, p. 386; Plummer, Lives,nbsp;i, 231; RC. XXIX, 136; TSh. [immsolas] Npl. m. -suilse, sehr hell; very bright. Dindsh. p. 56.nbsp;immspeiip (immspelp) eine Art Kahlheit;nbsp;a kind of baldness; .i. bid folt cechtar na danbsp;leth-chenn 7 bid immrót réid ó'tha inn étannbsp;co'rrice in dais in da chulad. Cormac, 1091.nbsp;immsreng Kampf?; fight?. Ériu, ii, 180.nbsp;immérengail Dsg. id., gegenseitiges Zerreipen; mutual rending. RC. xxiv, 174. [immsreth]? Apl. -sretha, umlaufender Strei-fen?; encircling band?. IT. i, 276, 1. 29.nbsp;imméroth, immsrotha s. immroth.nbsp;[immsruth]? Dsg. id., eine Art Krankheit:nbsp;Diarrhbe?; a kind of illness: diarrhoea?.nbsp;SR. p. 61, 1.4160.nbsp;immsuide s. (imm-)said.nbsp;immsuiise s. immsolas.nbsp;immtha ?; ben (ialches) immtha, Kebse; concubine; gl. pellex. Sg.68b9; KZ. xxxvill,nbsp;460; cf. 1. immad. immthaccmaingid, immthaccmaicid faptrings-wm ein, umgibt; encompasses on all sides, surrounds; abstr. immthaccmang, immthacc-mae(immthacciann) DAsg. id. UmhUllung,nbsp;Einfassung; covering, border; i n-immthacc-mahg, um ... herum; around. IT. iv, 2, 618;nbsp;ZCP. XIV, 267; IT. i,80; ITS. xii, 16; Metr.nbsp;Dindsh. iii, 144. 1. immthach .i. tnuthach. 0’CI. s. v. iomtha; cf. SR. p. 46, 1. 3176 amp; IT. 11, 1. 8. |
26 2. immthach — (do-)iinmthiret.
2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;immthach Dsg. id., Umhüllung (= eusdts-liche Leistung an Lebensmitteln); coveringnbsp;(= supplementary services rendered hy furnishing food supplies). Anecd. iii, 58,1. 25;nbsp;cf. timmthach. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;immthach s. (imm-)tomg. immthacht Besitz?; possession?. SR. p. 95, l. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;6503. immthacra Hin- und HerplMieren; pleading to and fro.. Schirmer, p. 11. (ÓP) immthiirc ?. SR. p. 63, 1.4314. immthairec Zusammentreffen; Versorgung, Vor-rat; a meeting; provision, supply; .i. lucht.nbsp;0’CI.; cf. Laws, v, 186, n. 2 th IT. i, 579nbsp;S. V. frithgnam. [(do-)immthairgg]? nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;fits?. SR. p. 79, II. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;5406, 5430. immthairmmesc Dsg. id., Hindern, Abhalten; hindering, deterring. TBC. p. 473. immthairrihg = immtharrang.nbsp;immthais {sehr) sehwach?; (very) weak?. TBC. p. 89, 1. 736 amp; Metr. Dindsh. iv. 78. immthaithbech, immthaithmech Asg. id., Auf-lösen; dissolving. Biirgschaft, p. 21 Snbsp;Laws, V, 368. immthaithmigid lost auf; dissolves. Laws, III, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;56. immthaitach = immtholtach. immthana (sehr) untief?; (very) shalloiv?. Metr. Dindsh. v, 268. immthdnad (immthinu. Ml. 21o3) Asg. id. n. m. , Wechsel; alternation.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Wh. 13a 10; M1.42c2, 68dl6, 93c7; Sg. 181a6. immtharrang, immtharraihg, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;immthairrihg Dsg. -(a)mg/., (gegenseitiges)Ziehen; (mutual) pulling; gl. immdrahg. 0’CI.; cf. TBC.nbsp;p. 121; IT. IV, 2, 518; Togail na Tebe, p. 14nbsp;(do-)immthasa, (-)timmthasa druckt zusamnbsp;men, zieht zusammen, vereinigt; faflt zusamnbsp;men?; presses together, contracts, unitesnbsp;comprises?; part, timmthasta. Ériu, ii, 153nbsp;Aur. Éc. p. 331; Mac Conglinne, p. 89;nbsp;Metr. Dindsh. ii, 38. é'Uu- fl. I Si i/-immthascartha s. (imm-)tascra.nbsp;[immthascarthaid] Npl. immthascarthaithenbsp;m., gl. palestritae. Thes. Pal. ii, 8.nbsp;immthascrad s. (iinm-)tascra. (con-)immthe fut. s. (con-)iinmthét. immthecht, immthechta s. (imm-)tét.nbsp;immtheciamad s. (imm-)tecmalla.nbsp;(con-)immthegat praes. ind. 3 pi. s. (con-)nbsp;immthét. |
immtheiched Dsg. id., Entfliehen; escaping. Lism. L. p. XII. immtheiigged s. (imm-)teilgge.nbsp;immtheimen sehr dunkel; very dark. Metr.nbsp;Dindsh. v, 268. (con-)immthéised praet. subj. s. (oon-)iinmthét. -immthei (MS. droch-imtei) Asg. id. ?. RC. XIII, 438; cf. 1. 2. immdel lt;£• immdellaid. immtheiggad s. (imin-)teilgge.nbsp;immthenn (sehr) fest, (sehr) stramm, (sehr)nbsp;stark; (sehr) streng?; (very) tight, (very) firm,nbsp;(very) strong; (very) strict?. Gorm. p. 278;nbsp;Metr. Dindsh. in, 156 amp; v, 119; ZCP.nbsp;xiii, 158; Ériu, iv, 102. (-)immtheocha fut. s. (imm-)tet. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;immtherc, immderc Reise?, Entfernung?;nbsp;journey?, distance?; .i. fata. ZCP. v, 492;nbsp;cf. Ériu, VIII, 61. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;immtherc sehr kurz?; very short?. RC.nbsp;XX, 274. immthesbbaid Asg. id., grofier Mangel, grower Fehler; great defect, great mistake. SR.nbsp;p. 67, 1. 4610. immthescaid schneidet (ringsherum, herunter); heschneidet; cuts (around, down); circumcises;nbsp;part, immthesotha, abstr. immthescad G.nbsp;-thesctha m. TTr. pp. 166, 167 S PH.nbsp;p. 104. (con-)immthét, (-)caimmthét geht zusammen mit, legleitet; goes along with, accompanies;nbsp;abstr. cafmmthecht, caemmthacht, coimimm-thecht G. -ta. Ped. ii, 644; Laws, vi, 117;nbsp;Contr. pp. 417, 474; ZCP. vi, 258.nbsp;[(for-)immthét] fut. pass, (for-)immregthar,nbsp;kommt zur Hilfe; comes to the help of. ZCP.nbsp;111,237, §27.nbsp;immthigid = (imm-)tet.nbsp;immthimmcheii, immthimmcheiiaid, imm*nbsp;thimmchili s. (iinm-)timmchella.nbsp;immthinfise Dsg. id., Aushauchen; breathingnbsp;out. IT. II, 2,43. immthinsaitin Ausstromen?; streaming forth?. TBC. p. 717. immthinscetal Anfangen, Unternehmen; beginning, undertaking. Ériu, vii, 172. [(do-)immthiret, (-)timmthiret], (do-)immthir-thenn, (da-)immthirenn, timmthirid bedient,nbsp;wartel auf; serves, waits on; abstr. timmthi-recht, timmdirecht, timmthrecht, timpirechtnbsp;G. amp; Npl. -ta /. Ped. II, 598; IT. 1,825;nbsp;PH. p. 922; ZCP. Ill, 251; TSh.; timm-thirecht (a chuirp). After; anus. TBC. (Str.), |
(-)immthised — immuaman. 27
p. 64,1.1735 £ ITS. xxv,412; timmthirecht ind lestair, öffnung am Bienenkorb?; entrancenbsp;to the beehive or skep?. Laws, ii, 120, 1. 26.nbsp;{-)immthised praet. subj. s. (imm-)tét.nbsp;immthidith sehr sanft; very soft. SB. p. 142.nbsp;immthnüth (gegenseitige) Eifersueht; {mutual)nbsp;jealousy. Plummer, Lives, l, 256; IT. iv, 2,nbsp;18, n. 4; Togail na Tebe, p. 14; Metr.Dindsh.nbsp;IV, 14. tmmthoGhmarc Asg. id., Werben; wooing. Folklore, iii, 510. [immthogu], immthoga, immthogad beider-seitigesEinverstandnis; mutual consent. Laws, VI, 489. tmmthoicell {leg. -chell?) Dsg. id., Eerum-gehen; circumambulating. IT. iv,2, 518, 519. (cride)immthaimnech adj.?. PH.p.221,1.6443.nbsp;immthoined {leg. -thoined?), Weehsel (desnbsp;Mondes)?; (alternating)phases {of the moon)?.nbsp;Ériu, II, 104, § 15; cf. immthanad.nbsp;immtholtach, immthaltach sehr begierig?; verynbsp;desirous?. Archiv, in, 315, n. 21 amp; SR.nbsp;p. 104, 1. 7094. immtholtanach seftr Jegieng; very desirous. IT. I, 206; TBC. (Str.), p. 113; Imr. Br. il, 291. immtholtu, immtholta 0. -tan, Erwiinscht-Sein?, Selbstandigkeii?; desirousness?, independence?. IT. I, 629; TBC. p. 762, n. 4;nbsp;RC. XVI, 158 amp; XLV, 39; Archiv, in, 320.nbsp;¦mmthomad Asg. id., (heftiges) Drohen?; (violent) threatening?. IT. ii, 2,20, 1.61. immthomailt gegenseitiges Verzehren; mutualnbsp;consumption. Triads, p. 20, § 149.nbsp;¦minthomas beiderseitige Bemessung; mutualnbsp;measurement. Laws, iv, 142, 1. 14.nbsp;¦mmthariTimach s. (imm-)tórmmaig.nbsp;immthothaiinm beiderseitiges Fallen; falling onnbsp;both sides. Horn. Leg. p. 110.nbsp;inimthrdgad Dsg. id., (starhes) Ebben; (strong)nbsp;ebbing. SR. p. 37, 1. 2548.nbsp;immthrascartha, immthrascrad s. (imm-)-tascra. immthrén sehr stark; very strong. SB. p. 142. immthrénugud s. (imm-)trénaige(dar).nbsp;immlhriall Dsg. id., Unternehmen?; undertaking?. IT, II, 2, 16, 96.nbsp;immthromm DAsg. f. -thruimm, compar.nbsp;-thrommu, -thruimme, sehr schwer; verynbsp;heavy. IT. i, 629, 630 amp; iv,2, 518; PH.nbsp;p. 272; Togail na Tebe, p. 164.nbsp;immthromma, immthrumma G. id., (grojie)nbsp;Schwere; Trachtigkeit?; (great) heaviness; |
pregnancy?. Fianaigecht, p. 78 amp; Lism.L. p. 75. [immthrot]? Dsg. -thrut (MS. -thrutt), (gegenseitiges) Kamp fen?; (mutual) fighting?. TBC. p. 179. mmthruag sehr elend; very wretched. SR.p. 19. immthruastad Dsg. id., aufeinander Einhauen; hewing one upon another. IT. iv, 2, 388. (fo) immthuach (v. 1. -thuch, -thoch) ?. Anecd. II, 61; ef. 3. immthach ?. (-)immthuairgg, immthuairggne s. (imm-) tuairgg. immthuairggnech aneinander Schlagen; smiting together. IT. iv, 2, 24. immthuarggaid, immthuarggan (imm-) tuairgg. immthuga, immthuige s. (imm-)tuigethar. immthuile flutumgeben; surrounded by the flood-tide. Plummer, Lives, i, 109. (tafb) immthuill (Npl.) gam durchlöchert?; completely riddled?. TBC. p. 831, 1. 5737. immthuilled Asg. id., Vermehren; increasing.nbsp;Metr. Dindsh. v, 269. immthuirsech sehr traurig; very sad. TBC. p. 293. immthuüs,imnithüsA’’p2. -thüsa, (abwechselnde) Filhrung; Umstellung, umgekehrteWortfolge;nbsp;Ereignis?, Geschichte?, Abenteuer?; (alternate) leadership; transposition, inversion;nbsp;event?, history?, adventure?; immthusa (pi.)nbsp;cum gen., mit Bezug auf, in betreff; asnbsp;regards, concerning. Ériu, in, 140; Maonbsp;Conglinne, p. 73; Ml. 47 a 14; IT. i, 630;nbsp;SR. p. 143; TBC. p. 1000; Togail na Tebe,nbsp;p. 387; Metr. Dindsh. v, 269.nbsp;immu, immua s. 1. imm.nbsp;immuaimm G. -uamma n., Ringsumndhen;nbsp;Saum; gegenseitige Verantwortlichkeit; wech-selseitige Angemessenheit; sewing all around;nbsp;seam; reciprocal responsibility; mutual correspondence. Ériu, 11,3; TBC. p. 799; Laws,nbsp;VI, 489, 490; RC. xx, 256; Metr. Dindsh.nbsp;IV, 134. V [immual]? Asg. -uail ?. SR. p. 9, 1. 556. immuallach sehr stolz; very proud. IT. i, 630;nbsp;Metr.Dindsh. iv, 152; ITS. V, 82; Anecd.nbsp;II, 72. [immuamain, immomain] Npl. -mna, schreck-lich; (very) fearful. RC. xxii, 40. immuaman, immóman G. -main m., grofienbsp;Furcht; great fear. Wb. 8 b I; RC. xxn, 424 amp;nbsp;XXVI, 160; Lism. L. p. 99; ZCP. xvii, 65. |
28 immuamnaoh — inaifrinn.
immuamnach angstvoll; very fearful. Plummer, Lives, I, 86.nbsp;immuan s. 1, imm. immuar, immfuarseArteK; verycoU. Plummer, Lives, 1,338 amp; ITS. vii, 19.nbsp;itnmuarad, immfuarad Dsg. id., RvMgbleiben?; quietly remaining ?. TBC. p. 165. immuathad G. -thaid, voltige ZuriieJcgeeogen-heit', utter seelusion. Metr. Dindsh. iii, 246.nbsp;immuca Wahl; choice. Aur. Éc. p. 38.nbsp;immucha, immychu s. 1. mudu.nbsp;immyda, immudu, immuga s. 1. mudu.nbsp;Immyich immyig s. 1. mag.nbsp;immuilled, immuilned = immiuUued.nbsp;immuilngid, immulang s. (imm-)folngai.nbsp;immun s. 1. imm.nbsp;imtnurdil = immforail. immurgu, immargu, immur(r)o, immor(r)u, inimor(r)o, immor(r)a (ummoro) aber, je-doch; but, however. Asc. ii, 91; Ériu, vii, 162;nbsp;Laws, VI, 483; Mac Conglirme, p. 182; IT.nbsp;Ill, 1,4.nbsp;imng = amein. imp partieula interrog, in vel praep. i (nas.) amp; praes. subj. s. 1. is. impa s. 1. imm. impadaib {Dpi.) Streiter?; contender?. ITS. XXII, 58 amp; XXIII, 227. (-)impaf, impald, impafdid etc. s. (imm-)sai. impafdech, impaithech drehend; wandelbar,nbsp;unstet; turning; changeable, inconstant; .i.nbsp;versus. Sg. 60a8; cf. PH. p. 120, 1. 2820.nbsp;(-)imparrd (Ériu, viii, 126) ro-praes. subj. 1 sg.nbsp;s. (imm-)saf. impartan Dsg. -tain, unpassendes Benehmen?; improper behavior?. SR. p. 22, 1.1482;nbsp;gl. immortan. Cormac, 749.nbsp;imps = s. 1. imm. [imperalda], imperalta {leg. -dlta?) kaiserlich; imperial. Sohirmer, p. 88. imper, impir, impire G. -pir, -pire m., Kaiser;nbsp;emperor. Fél. p. 251; Vendryes, p. 147;nbsp;IT. IV, 2, 518; ZCP. vi, 40.nbsp;imperda kaiserlich; imperial. De Contemptu,nbsp;p. 97. imperdacht, impirdecht G. -ta /., Kaisertum; empire. Schirmer, p. 88; De Contemptu,nbsp;p. 97; IT. II, 2, 29, 91.nbsp;impetoir Asg. id., ein Behaltnis fur die Patenanbsp;{und den Keleh); a case for the paten {and thenbsp;chaliee). s. Hermathena, xxi, 8—12. 1. impid .i. impidech. 0’CI. |
2. impid .i. slatt. 0’CI.nbsp;impide s. (imm-)said. impidech Dsg. id. m., Fürsprecher; intercessor;, gl. impid. 0’CI.; ef. Betha Colaim CMlle,nbsp;p. 469. impir, impirdecht, impire s. imper amp; imperdacht. impirecht G. -ta /., Kaisertum; empire. IT. IV, 2, 518; ZCP. II, 288; Schirmer, p. 88 jnbsp;cf. imperdacht. impires G. -resa, Kaiserin; empress. Bezz.B. XVIII, 129. impise s. (imm-)said. imped, impsoud, impsuide s. (imm-)sai. impu s. 1. imm. impiid, impuide, impiith s. (imm-)sai. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;in art. def. der, die, das; the; Nsg. m. in, int,,nbsp;ant (ante voc.), an(n); n. {nas.) a, an(n);nbsp;{ten.) in(d), int (ante s), an(n); Gsg. m. n.nbsp;{ten.) in(d), inn, int (ante s); /. {gem.) inna,nbsp;na; Dsg. m. n. f. {ten.) -(s)in(d), inn, -(s)inlnbsp;(ante s), -n; Asg. m. {nas.) in, -sin; n. {ruis.).nbsp;a, -sa; /. {nas.) in, -sin; Npl. m. {ten.) in(d),nbsp;int (ante s), inna, na; n. f. {gem.) inna, na;nbsp;Gpl. m. n. f. {nas.) inna, na; Dpi. m. n. f.nbsp;-(s)naib, -(s)na; Apt. m. n. f. {gem.) inna,nbsp;na, -sna. Thum. i, 279—282; Asc. ii, 35,nbsp;88; PH. pp. 763—766. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;in (saepe düs in), im (ante b-,p-), i (interdumnbsp;antef-), ’n, inn, an {nas.) partieula interrog.nbsp;utrum; in ... in (fS, to, bS, no), utrum ...nbsp;an. Thum. I, 276, 277, 513; Asc. ii, 85,nbsp;86; Laws, vi, 473; IT. l, 631; TBC. pp. 994,nbsp;1000, 1020; PH. p. 766. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;in s. 1. i. in- vide etiam inn-. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ina = indid, praep. i (ms.) amp; praes. ind. s.nbsp;1. is. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ina s. 5. a lt;£ 1. i. ini post compar. als {ist); than {is); ef. (ad-)ta. inad, inada s. ined. inadach Ersatz; substitute. Ériu, rv, 134. inae {MS. inae) .1. in usu {MS. inusse) non est. 0’Mulc. 722; cf. 2. anae?. inaenaig passend fiir eine Versammlungnbsp;{Messe, Feiertag), festlich; suitable for annbsp;assembly {fair, holiday), festive. IT. rv, 2,nbsp;521 amp; TSh.nbsp;inaid s. ined. inaifrinn passend, um die Messe zu lesen; fit to celebrate Mass. De Contemptu,nbsp;p. 73. |
indig — inbeogad. 29
indig zum Kampf geeignet?; fit for hattle?. ITS. VII, 6. indigthe (MS. inaigte) kampflvstig?-, combative?. IT. IV, 2, 272, 1. 3623. (inaill], inill, innill compar. inilliu, inille, sicker, gesichert; safe, safeguarded; subst.nbsp;sicherer Ort; safe place. Asc. ll, 82; Laws,nbsp;VI, 510; Bergin, Dictionary, col. 98; Monastery of Tallaght, pp. 146, 147, 152; cf.nbsp;KZ. xLViii, 56. Cinailles], inoilles, inilles Dsg. id., Sicherheit; safeguard. Ml. 55cl; Ir. Gl. p. 148; ITS.nbsp;XXIX, 114; cf. KZ. XLVIII, 56. Cinailligid], inilligid sichert; safeguards; abstr. inuilliugud, inilliugud DAsg. id. -|- Schütz;nbsp;protection. Asc. ii, 82; cf. KZ. xlviii, 56.nbsp;in{n)ailt, in(n)eilt, in(n)ill G. -alta, -ailte, -iltenbsp;/., Dienerin, Magd; maidservant, handmaid;nbsp;gl. ancilla. Ir. Gl. p. 4; gl. nen. Metr.nbsp;Dindsh. II, 89; cf. ITS. Vl, 219; TBC. p.1000;nbsp;Philip Bocht, p. 229.nbsp;inaimm s. inamm.nbsp;inair s. 1. inar. Indir = Enair. inairdes = anairdes. inairdrech Asg. id., ?. Tain; cf. 2. airdrech. indirme des Aufzahlens wert; worthy to benbsp;enumerated. TBC. p. 241, n. 5 Plummer,nbsp;Lives, 1,224. inairmm waffenfahig; fit to bear arms. Keating’s History, p. 150. inaistir reisefahig, reisefertig; able to travel, ready for a journey. ZCP. vi, 98 amp; TSh.nbsp;inait s. ined. iniit post compar. als sie sind; than they are; cf. (ad-)ta. inaithe (v. 1. i foircepai) ?. TBC. p. 235. inaittrebtha bewohnbar; habitable. IT. ii, l, 34. inali = anall. inaliaid, inaliaig riihmenswert?; fit for renown?. Hogan, p. 212 amp; Mac Carthy, p. 424. inaii-ana = anall-an. inallcaille (MS. inal-) geisterhaft?; spectral?. IT. IV, 2, 302, 1. 4023; cf. allcaille. inalta s. inailt. inaitas Dsg. id., Magdstellung; post of maidservant. RC. XIII, 375. inamm Dsg. inaimm (Ml. 16o5 amp; IT. i, 158) m. ? (IT. IV, 1,183), (passende) Zeit; (fitting)nbsp;time. IT. IV, 1,411; Meyer MisceUany,nbsp;p. 313; Syllabic Poetry, p. 123. |
inann, inannaigid, inannas — innann, innan-naigid amp; innannas. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;inar G. amp; Npl. inair m., kurzer Leibroek,nbsp;Warns; short upper-garment, jacket; gl. tunica.nbsp;Ir. Gl. p.4; cf. IT. i, 635; TBC. p. 1000;nbsp;PH. p. 767; Togail na Tebe, p. 387. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;inar praep. i (nas.) amp; ro-praet. s. 1. is. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;inar s. 1. i. inarach gl. tunicatus. Ir. Gl. p. 19. inarad Dsg. id., Kleidung?; clothing?. Bruch-stiicke, p. 25, § 56; cf. innarrad.nbsp;inarb praep. i (was.) amp; ro-praet. s. 1. is.nbsp;inar-bratt Asg. id.. Warns und Alantel; jacketnbsp;and cloak. Ériu, iv, 94. [inargg]? Dpi. inarggaib (MS. -argaib). Kasten?; hutch?. ZCP. i, 258.nbsp;inarmaige (leg. -drmaige?) fUr ein Schlachtfeldnbsp;geeignet?; fit for a battle-field?. IT. iv, 2,nbsp;314. inis post compar. als ist; than is; cf. (ad-)tA. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;inat praep. i (was.) amp; praes. ind. 3 pi. s. 1. is. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;inat, inata s. ined. init post compar. als sind; than are; cf. (ad-)td. inataid setzt; places. TSh.; cf. ined.nbsp;inathar G. -thair m., Eingeweide, Geddrme;nbsp;entrails, bowels; .i. ind téit each ni ethar.nbsp;Cormac, 757; cf. TBC. p.1000; PH. p.767;nbsp;Tromdamh Guaire, p. 52. [inathrach] Npl. -raige, Eingeweide; entrails. IT. IV, 2, 242; cf. inathar. inbadach schwanger, nahe dem Gebaren; pregnant, near to parturition. RC. xvi, 45. inbaid, inbaig, inmaid G. -aide, -aige, Npl.nbsp;-ada /., Zeit, besonderer Zeitraum; time,nbsp;particular period of time; .i. aimmser nonbsp;uair. 0’CI.; (ind, in, i n-)inbaid, zurZeit; als;nbsp;at the time; when. Asc. li, 90; Togail nanbsp;Tebe, p. 388; ZCP. vi, 90; Phibp Bocht,nbsp;p. 258. inbaig adj. ?. Mac Carthy, p. 208. inbanna weiblich?; female?. IT. iv, 2, 194,nbsp;1. 2526 amp; III, 354; Betha Colaim Chille,nbsp;p. 470. inbat praep. i (was.) lt;6 praes. subj. 3 pi. s. 1. is. inbechtain, infechtain .i. ingnad nó is ar éicin.nbsp;IT. Ill, 1,276; is inbechtain (md), kaum;nbsp;hardly. IT. iii, 2, 578 amp; iv,2, 519; RC.nbsp;IX, 455, n. 6 lt;6 xiii, 15, n. 3.nbsp;inbeithe = inbuithe. inbeogad Asg. id., Belebung?; vinification?. SR. p. 16, 1. 1044. |
30 1. inber — inchomraic.
1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;inber (innber) G. -bir, Npl. -bera, -bir,nbsp;Apl. -bera, -beru n. m., Flupmündung,nbsp;Fischplatz; Fluj}?; Tdch?-, niedrig liegendenbsp;Wiese?; estuary, fishing place; river?;nbsp;pond?; low-lying meadow?. Hom. Leg.nbsp;p. 110; IT. 1,635; RC. xliv,252; Syllabicnbsp;Poetry, p. 123; TSh. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;inber = 1. innber. inbid {leg. -bid?) zur Speise geeignel; jit for food. Laws, II, 250. inbir fur den Speer geeignet?, hriegerisch?; fit for the spear?, warlike?. Metr. Dindsh.nbsp;V, 269. inbie(o)gan s. (in-)ommlaig. inboiggaid schwilltan; swells; abstr. inboiggad.nbsp;IT. IV, 2, 519. inboth Apl. -botha, Hochzeit; wedding. ZCP. Ill, 469 amp; Otia Merseiana, ii, 100. inbothaigid(ir) heiratet; weds; abstr. inbodugudnbsp;m. Sg. 137b9 amp; Wb. 29a2.nbsp;inbrithe, inbreithe zum Traden geeignet, zunbsp;hringen; fit to he carried, to he brought.nbsp;0’Mulc. 311 S Ériu, xii, 6, 8,14, 34.nbsp;inbruithe zum Kochen geeignet; suitable fornbsp;being boiled. Laws, ii, 252.nbsp;inbuana erntbar; fit to be reaped. Bethanbsp;Colaim ChiUe, p. 70.nbsp;inbuiigg = inmuilgg. [inbuirbbe]? 0. id., Roheit; roughness, brutality. Mesca Ulad, p. 34. inbuithe, inbeithe geeignet zu sein; jit to be. Cain Adamnain, p. 24 amp; Laws, i, 156. (da-)incai, (do-)inca, (-)tincai, (-)tincann,nbsp;tincaid, tincaigid bliekt Tim (for); kommt ent-gegen, wartet auf, leistet; gewahrt, bietet dar;nbsp;looks at (for); responds to, attends to, carriesnbsp;out; grants, offers; abstr. tincad, tincaisiu,nbsp;tincaisin (tinchaisin), tincugud 0: -caigthenbsp;m. f. Ped. II, 488; Togail na Tebe, p. 422;nbsp;ZCP. xvm, 312; Laws, vi, 720; Biirgschaft,nbsp;pp. 32, 52, 68; Anecd. lii, 25; Ériu, xii, 87,nbsp;89, 90, 103, 125.nbsp;inchaib s. 1. einech. [(do-)inchain] praes. subj. S pi. (do-)inchanat, bezaubert; fixes a spell upon, enchants;nbsp;abstr. tinchetai, tinchantain Apl. -chetla n.nbsp; Zauberspruch; incantation, charm. Ml.nbsp;76a 18, 76 b2; Thes. Pal. ii, 357; Laws,nbsp;V, 294; Metr. Dindsh. iv, 310.nbsp;inchainte beklagenswert; lamentable. ITS. vii,47.nbsp;inchairigthe {MS. incciirighte) tadelnswert?;nbsp;blameworthy ?. Laws, m, 64. |
inchaithme (inchaithfe) efibar; edible. TSh. amp; Joynt, Peis Tighe Chonamp;in, p. 84.nbsp;inchasnaide {MS. incasnaidi) Teil der Hüllenbsp;eines Wurfspiefies?; part of the covering ofnbsp;a javelin?. IT. iv, 1, 47, 1.1658.nbsp;inchatha zum Ko/mpf geeignet, kriegerisch;nbsp;fit for battle, warlike. CP. p. 22 amp; Syllabicnbsp;Poetry, p. 123. inchéiie heiratsfahig; marriageable. ITS. x,202. inchertaigthe gl. corrigendus. O’Don. p. 661.nbsp;inching {v. 1. ancihg) ?. ZCP. iii, 234, n. 10;nbsp;ef. ainohing?. inchinn G. -chinne /., Gehirn; brain{s); inchinn chüii, Hinterhirn; posterior brain; inchinnnbsp;étain, Vorderhirn; anterior brain. IT.nbsp;1,635, 636; TBC. p. 1000; ITS. xxv,377;nbsp;RC. XXXVII, 327. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;inchfs {MSS. etiam incis, inncis) als Leistung gebührend?, zu einer bestimmten Leistung Berechtigter?; due as apportionment?, one entitled to a definite apportionment?. Laws, VI, 497; cf. cis. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;inchis = ihgchis. inchiannaid pflamt ein; implants; part, in-chlanta. IT. i, 636 amp; iv, 2, 188; PH. p. 270. inchiid, inchieith DAsg. id., Verborgenheit,nbsp;Heimlichkeit; concealment, secrecy. Bethanbsp;Colmain, p. 88 amp; Laws, lii, 4.nbsp;inchiide, inchiithe, inchieithe (inchieith) corn-par. -chlidiu, verborgen, heimlich; concealed,nbsp;secret; subst. Verborgenheit, Heimlichkeit;nbsp;concealment, secrecy. Ped. ii, 485; PH.nbsp;p. 767; Laws, vi, 498; ZCP. vi, 329.nbsp;inchoimétta zum Bewahren geeignet; suitablenbsp;to be kept. TSh. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;inchoisc s. (in-)coisig. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;inchoisc adj. ?. TBC. p. 785.nbsp;inchoiscid, (-)inchoisig = (in-)coisig.nbsp;incholnugud, inchoiiugud Dsg. id., Fleisch- werdung; incarnation. Trip. ii,550; Plummer, Lives, I, 24; ITS. xxiii, 211.nbsp;inchomartha bemerkenswert; worthy of note. TSh.; cf. innohomartha. inchomlainn zum Zweikampf geeignet; fit fornbsp;{single) combat. TBC. p. 1000; IT. ii, 2,nbsp;196; Laws, vi, 498; TSh.nbsp;inchommortas? vergleichlieh; comparable. ITS.nbsp;X, 202. inchomprdite (leg. -priitte?) vergleichlieh; comparable. De Contemptu, p. 80. inchomraic kampffdhig; able to combat. CP.nbsp;p. 104. |
inchonsnam — inderbas. 31
inchongnam (Wb. 5d5) = immchongaam. [inchongbéla], inchonnméla zm hewahren; to Ienbsp;leeft (retailed). ITS. xxix, 147, 213.nbsp;inchosc s. (m-)coisig. inchraes Schlund; gullet. TBC. p. 373; cf. gin-chr£ies. ((lo-)inchrecha tadelt?; 'blames?. Liadain and Curithir, p. 18. inchrechaid tadelt, wirftvor; blames, objects to; abstr. inchrechad G. -chaid m.; .i. diglaimmnbsp;no glanad. 0’CI.; cf. IT. i, 636; PH. p. 767;nbsp;Metr. Dindsh. iii, 58; Laws, li, 402; RC.nbsp;XX, 150. inchreitte zu glauben; to be believed. TSb. S ITS. XIX, 58. (-)inchren = (in-)oren. inchrud, inchrod Dsg. id., Ausstattung; equip-ment. Tbes. Pal. ii, 160, n. e. inchuban TJnverschdmiheit?; shamelessness?;nbsp;¦i. ar a meince mebla foraib (leg. for aib ?).nbsp;0’Mulc. 723 S 403; ef. Wb.5cl7.nbsp;inchuinge heimtsfahig?; marriageable?. ITS.nbsp;X, 202. inchuir zum Stellen geeignet; fit to be put. TBC. p. 423, n. 1 amp; TSh. inchuirtho zn setzen {stellen); to be put. Plummer, Lives, 1,156. inchumanta (leg. inchummanta?) Icampffahig?; able to fight?. ZCP. vi, 61, 330. inchürtha strafenswert; punishable. Laws, ii, 66.nbsp;L ind dort, darum; there, therefore; cf. 1. i.nbsp;2. ind s. 1. i lt;Ê 1. in.nbsp;ind- s. inn-. inda, anda, ata (até), ’da, indar, andar, atar, ’dar, ’tar cum praep. la, es scheint, schien,nbsp;sehiene; it seems, seemed, would seem. Mar-strander. Dictionary, cols. 98, 99.nbsp;in-di, in-dgas post compar. als (ist); than (is); cf. (ad-)tó. indad s. indothaid. (-)indail fut. s. (m-)dloing. in-ddit post compar. als sind; than are; ef. (ad-)ta. indala, indara, indarna s. 1. ala. indas = innas. in-d§s post compar. als {ist); than {is); cf. (ad-)tó. indat parttcula interrog, m vel praep i {nas.) amp; praes. ind. 3 pi. s. 1. is. in-déta post compar. als sind; than are; cf.nbsp;(ad-)ta. inde s. 1. i. |
1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;in-d^ (ind-hé), an-d^ (inn$, ann$, an$) gestern; yesterday. Sg. 148al3; Laws, ii, 254 amp; V, 22; cf. dia. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;in-dé (inné, iné) entzwei; in two {parts). IT.nbsp;I, 637; Laws, i, 130 amp; ii, 190; cf. d4. indeimin unsicher; sehrsicher?; uncertain; very certain?; gl. omnino. Wb. 9cl8; cf. Laws,nbsp;1,186 amp; RC. XXV, 244: subst. Unsieheres;nbsp;uncertain thing. RC. xlviii, 327.nbsp;indeimne Asg. id., Unsicherheit; uncertainty.nbsp;0’Dav. 1073. indeimnichthe Gl. debilitatus. Ml. 50a 3. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;indeinme {pi.; MS. -denmi) jl. inbiciles. Wb.nbsp;lldll. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[indeinme]? 0. indeinme /., gl. debilitatis.nbsp;Ped. I, 352. indeirbe Dsg. id., Unsicherheit; uncertainty. O’Don. p. 662 S 0’Dav. 61. indéirge s. (in-)déirig. indeithbir unentsehuldigt, bupfallig; not excused, subject to a fine. Ml. 97dl5; Ériu, vn, 168 amp; Laws, vi, 501.nbsp;indeithbire G. id., Unentschuldigtheit; the statenbsp;of not being excused; indeithbire (indeithbir)nbsp;torba(i), eine Klasse vonunabsichtliehen, dbernbsp;bupfalligen Schiidigungen; a category of in-,nbsp;advertent, but finable injuries. Cóio Conaranbsp;FugUl, p. 86; Ériu, ix, 32 amp; xii, 76, 89, 90.nbsp;indeithbires Asg. id., Unentschuldigtheit, etwasnbsp;Unentschuldigtes; the state of not being excused, something not excused. Laws, l, 300nbsp;amp; IV, 132. [indeib] Kpl. indelba .i. anmmann na n-altóra na n-idal sin .i. air-ind-i do'foimitis intibnbsp;delba na n-dula ad-orddais arm, uerbi gratianbsp;figura solis. Cormac, 752.nbsp;indénta zu tun; to be done; subst. Geschaffenss?; created thing?. PH. pp. 245, 246 amp; TSh. in-deo (inneo) Ausrufungswort; an interjection.nbsp;IT. I, 638; RC. xni,122; Dottin, ii, 214;nbsp;Mao Conglinne, p. 182; Merugud Uilix, p. 4.nbsp;indeon (Èriu, ii, 176) = aindeon.nbsp;indérachta nicht verlassen; not deserted. Ml.nbsp;18dl8. inderb (ainderb) unsicher; uncertain; subst., Unsieheres; something uncertain. Sg.nbsp;61a9, 66b9, 16,18, 209b30; Laws, vi, 602;nbsp;TBC. p. 1001; TSh. inderbas (andarbas, annarbas) 0. -bais m., Unsicherheit, Irrtum; uncertainty, error; .i. merugud. 0’Dav. 61; cf. Sg. 62 a 3, 66 b 14,nbsp;20; Contr. p. 96. |
32 indennill — (do-)indnaig.
indermill? subst.?. Bürgschaft, p. 24, §e, n. 1 amp; p. 28. ind-hi = 1. in-dé. ind-(h)I s. int-f.nbsp;indi s. 1. i. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;indib s. 1. i. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;indib praep. i {nas.) amp; praes. sub), s. 1. is.nbsp;indid praep. i (nas.) amp; praes. ind. s. 1. is.nbsp;indigu .i. negair a inn .i. ‘in’ io a diultad co naoh digu hi. Connac, 759. indiies = 1. indles. indilmain unrecht; unlawful. RC. xxv, 392 amp; PH. p. 233. indiise (aindiise) G. id., Unzugehorigheit; Un-verjalknheit; inappropriateness; non-forfeiture. Aur. Éc. pp. 62, 216; Laws, vi, 603; Aneod. i, 43, 44. indilsech (inniisech) ungehörig; inappropriate; subst. m., falsclilieh als die schuldige an-gesehene Person; a person falsely regardednbsp;as guilty. Laws, vi, 603.nbsp;indlisem s. 1. indies. indiisiugud gl. aidbred (molta). 0’Dav. 56 lt;Ê Diiil Droma Ceta, p. 168.nbsp;indimmoita zu tadeln; to be blamed. TSh.nbsp;indip particula interrog, in amp; praes. subj. s. l.is.nbsp;indfrech nicht gerade?; ungerecht?;not straight?;nbsp;unrighteous?. PH. p. 768 amp; ZCP. xvii, 64;nbsp;cf. indirgech. indirge G. id. /., Ungeradheit?; Ungerechtigkeit?; lack of straightness?; unrighteousness?; gl.nbsp;iniquitas. Wb. 4 c 16; cf. 0’Dav. 1073 lt;amp;nbsp;PH. p. 769. indirgech nicht gerade?; ungerecht?; not straight?; unrighteous?. Schirmer, p. 16;nbsp;cf. indfrech. in-dig, an-diy, innig, annig (anniyg, annigm) heute; to-day; cosindjy, bis heute; until to-day; o’ndfg, o’niy, von heute; from to-day;nbsp;cf. dia. indiumm, indiunn, indiutt s. 1. i. (inad) indiaicthe (leg. iniaigthe?) ein zum sich Hinlegen geeigneter (Platz)?; (a place) fitnbsp;to lie dawn in?. TBC. p. 546, n. 6.nbsp;indie (Apl.; leg. inie?) /., ein LandmafS?; anbsp;measure of land?. Thes. Pal. ii,239, 271.nbsp;1. indies, indiies (inies) superlat. indilsem,nbsp;unzugehorig, ungehörig; unverfallen; notnbsp;belonging, improper; unforfeited; subst. n.,nbsp;Herrenlosigkeit; being without a possessor.nbsp;Alt. It. Dichtung, ii, 24, n. 5; ZCP. xvi, 227;nbsp;Aur.Éc. p. 343; 0’Mulc. 403, 770. |
2. indies .i. cech maithes mór. Bezz.B. XIX, 2; cf. 1. indies?. indliged G. -dligid n., Ungesetzlichkeit, Ungerechtigkeit; illegality, injustice. IT. i, 639; Laws, VI, 504; PH. p. 769; RC. xliii, 18. indiigthech ungesetzlich, widerrechtlich; gesetz-los; unvernünftig (vom Tier gesagt)?; illegal, unlawful; lawless; irrational (said of animals)?; subst. m.. Nicht-Rechtlicher; anbsp;person without legal standing. Laws,nbsp;VI, 604; PH. p. 769; Mac Carthy, p. 83;nbsp;Dire, p. 68. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[indiis]? DAsg. id., Apl. indlesa (MS.nbsp;inlesa), Halle; hall; gl. atrium. PH. p. 769;nbsp;Togail na Tebe, p. 388; Hog. Lat. lives,nbsp;p. 96. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(cen dii n-)indlis ?. SR. p. 86, 1. 5818;nbsp;cf. 1. indies?. indiuigthe (Npl.?) Schisma; schism. PH. p. 769 s. V. indligtech; cf. (in-)dloihg. [indiuigthide]? Gpl. indluigthide (MS. indlaig-taide), gl. schismaticus. PH. pp. 231, 468, 769 s. V. indligtech. indiüith undicht, unfest; not compact, not firm. Betha Colmain, p. 90. indna (inna. O’Don. p. 663), idnaO. id., DAsg. -nu, -na, -naid, Waffe(n); Banner; Schlacht-reihe. Heer; weapon(s); banner; battle-array,nbsp;host; .i. iamda foraib. 0’Mulc. 737; .i.nbsp;sleg(a no armm). Metr. amp; 0’CI.; .i. gae (gai).nbsp;IT. Ill, 2, 340; cf. ZCP. xvii, 305; TBC.nbsp;pp. 762, 808; Bezz.B. xix, 88, 89; TTr.nbsp;p. 164; Archiv, 1,310; IT. lii,2, 577; RC.nbsp;XIII, 440,456; ITS. vi, 217; Metr. Dindsh.nbsp;v, 269. indnaccai gl. adnaccal. 0’Mulc. 24; cf. (in-) ainig. [indnach], idnach bewaffnet, mit Waffen oder Truppen in Schlachtreihen; armed, havingnbsp;weapons or troops in battle-array; .i. cathachnbsp;no armmach. O’d.; cf. Metr. Dindsh.nbsp;v, 267 c6 Primer, p. 61. [(ad-)indnaig] fuhrt; leads. Wb. 7a6 amp; Tain. (do-)indnaig, (do-)innaig, (do-)idnaig, (do-)id-naid, (do-)idnaicc, (-)tindnaig, (-)tinnaig, (-)tidnaig, (-)tidnaicc, tidnaiccid, tidiaiccid,nbsp;tiniaiccid teilt zu, (uber-) gibt; bestows, gives,nbsp;delivers up; part, tinnachta, abstr. tindnac-cai, tinnaccai, tidnaccai, tidnaccad, tidiaccad,nbsp;tiniaccad G. -ccail, -naiccthe, -laiccthem. Ped.nbsp;11,456, 457; Laws, vi, 716, 717; IT. i,823,nbsp;826; TBC. pp.963, 1057; PH. pp. 920, 922. |
indóig unwahrscheinlieh-, unlikely. Br.D.D. § 106.
indola, indula sum Géhen geeignei; fit jor going. IT. ui, 2,677 amp; 0’Mulo. 312.nbsp;indolta hineinsugehen; to ie entered. Kelt.nbsp;Wortkunde, § 207.
[indolhaid], (-)indotha (ZCP. xv, 243) wir^t (drinnen) d. h. wtihrend eines iestimmtennbsp;Zeitraums (vom Vieh gesagf); 'procreatesnbsp;(within), viz. during a certain period ojnbsp;time (said of cattle); dbstr. indad, innad G.nbsp;-ada, -aid m. Jungvieh; the young ofnbsp;cattle. Laws, vi, 499; O’Don. pp. 663, 666,nbsp;666; RC. XII, 122. i^d- ^nbsp;indron unfest, schwach; infirm, weak. Imr.nbsp;Br. 1,13.
indy post compar. als ieh bin; than I am; cf. (ad-)tó.
in-dul denn, weil; for, because. Laws, i, 250 S IV, 316; Fianaigecht, p. 21; Hib. Min. p. 98;nbsp;cf. téit.
indula = indola.
indüthracht (Dsg.) gl. indeuotione. Ml. 49d2. indOthrachtach ungem; unwilling. TBC. p.611.nbsp;iné = 2. in-dé.
inecclann m., Schutzen (gegen = ar); protecting (against = ai). TSh.; cf. einecclann.nbsp;inech-gres = einech-gres.nbsp;inéchta einer Gewalttat fdhig; tötbar?; capablenbsp;of a violent deed; slayable ?. IT. lii, 2, 578;nbsp;ITS. V, 52; Irish Abridgment, p. 86.nbsp;ineelaigthe compar. id., zu fürchten; to benbsp;feared; subsi. Furchtbarkeit; frightfulness.
inecnaig erkennbarf; recognizable?. TBC. p. 373.
inecras s. ecras.
ined, inad, inat G. -aid, -ait, Npl. -ada, -ata, -aid n.? (Horn. Leg. p. 110) m., Ort, Plats;nbsp;Stelle (in einem Text usw.); place, spot;nbsp;passage (in a text etc.); d’inad gl. difot.nbsp;O Dav. 754; j n-i^ad, anstatt; instead of.nbsp;PH. pp. 766, 767; Kelt. Wortkunde, § 164;nbsp;IT. I, 636; Laws, vi, 490; TBC. p. 1000.nbsp;ingich s. int-i.
ineillgid besetzt (Land); takes possession of (land). Laws, vi, 607 amp; 0’Dav. 1130; cf.nbsp;(in-)loihg.
inéirce zur Zahlung einer Eric-Bw/Se geeignet; zahlbar; fit for payment of an eric-fine;nbsp;payable. Friu, xii, 60, 62; cf. innéirceoh.nbsp;ineitchid = (in-)eitet.
HeBsens Ir. Lexikon, Bd. II.
indóig — inforbbraid.
inemail compar. inemla, fahig; capable. TSh. ineiignama zu kriegerischer Handlung geeignet;
fit for warlike action. TBC. p. 129. i neoch mS = i {n)neoch ma.nbsp;inersaid (leg. in ersaid?) gl. proprie (leg.
propere ?). Ml. 23 d 20. inesclann (MS. -iund) .i. esc uisce; in-esc-lonn didiu, uisce lonn ind .i. srib lonn .i.nbsp;srib luath nó trén. Cormac, 786.
Walsen, Rollen; wallouring, rolling; gl. im-marchor. 0’CI.; cf. TSh. infaitte s. (in-)fafde.
infechsana zu beachten; to be considered. Ériu,
X, 146.
infechtain = inbechtain.
(da-)infedam praes. ind. 1 pi. s. (do-)infet. infedmma zu luchtiger Handlung geeignet, fahig;nbsp;fit for efficient action, capable. ZCP. xiv, 261;
IT. IV, 2, 26; Philip Bocht, p. 257; TSh. infeich, infich, inich compar. inichu, inicha,nbsp;makellos, vollstandig; geeignet; perfect, complete; suitable. Plummer, Lives, l, 338.
[infeiches], iniches gl. inraccas. 0’Dav. 1114.
(do-)infet, (-)tinfet, tinfedaigld blast (ein); inspiriert; blows (in); inspires; part.nbsp;tinfestai gl. flatilem. Sg. 17b7; abstr.nbsp;tinted, tinfedugud G. -fid, -fedaigthe n. m.
-h Atem; Aspiration, aspirierter Laut; breath; aspiration, an aspirate. Ped. ii, 627; Aur.
Éc. p. 358; Hib. Min. p. 96; Ériu, ll, 163;
PH. p. 923.
infiadnaise zeugnisfahig; fit to bear witness.
Laws, VI, 508 amp; Ériu xii, 46.
(do-)infjder prazs. ind. pass. s. (do-)infet. infige gl. intextum. 0’Mulc. 717.nbsp;infinit G. -te /., Infinitiv; infinitive. Asc. ii,87;
Vendryes, p. 147; Ir. Gl. p. 136. infir = imur.
infise (infithse, oinfise) G. id., Aufblasen; inflating; .i. att no linad. 0’CI.; cf. TBC. pp. 544, 646.
[infolgaid] verbirgt, versteekt; conceals, hides; part, infolgaithe, infolgaide, infoUgide, in-foiligthe (infoüige), abstr. infolach DAsg.nbsp;id. -i Geheimnis; a secret. IT. iv, 2, 519,
520; Ped. ii, 573; PH. p. 770. inforais G. id., Wohnungs-Inhalt; householdnbsp;furnishings. ZCP. xix, 132; Laws, iv, 128 lt;amp;
V, 498.
inforbbraid, infoirbbrid wachst drinnen, ver- “if f’?il mehrt sich; grows xvithin, increases; abstr.
-ocr page 40-34 iniuilech — 2. ingei
inforbbart, inforbbairt (inorbbairt), DAsg. -bbairt /. IT. iv, 2, 520; Laws, vi, 508;nbsp;0’Don. p. 666. infuilech Uutig?-, Ihody?. Br.D.D. § 97 (App.). infulaing ertraglich-, endurable, maintainable.nbsp;Laws, I, 158 amp; Ériu, xii, 14,46. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ing DAsg. id.. Enge, Klemme, Schwierigkeit;nbsp;straits, fix, difficulty; .i. 6 eing .i. ar anbsp;chumggai. 0’Mulc. 744; cf. Thes. Pal. il,nbsp;301; Laws, VI, 608; Metr. Dindsh. ill, 108;nbsp;Mac Carthy, p. 172; is ing mS, kaum; hardly,nbsp;scarcely; .i. éicen, as ing .i. as ar éicen.nbsp;O’CL; cf. ITS. II, 165; IT. iv, 2, 376; ZCP.nbsp;XIV, 262. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ing = 2. eng.nbsp;inga = ingen. ingabdil, ingabamp;i, etc. s. (in-)gaib. ingabamp;ia singbar; annehmbar, greifbar; singable;nbsp;acceptable, seizable. RC. xv, 487; ZCP.nbsp;XVI, 216; Laws, vi, 508.nbsp;ingabras .i. gan abras. 0’CI.nbsp;ingabtha zu nehmen; to be taken. TSh.nbsp;ingaeth unklug; unwise. Metr. Dindsh. iii, 368.nbsp;ingaf = inngaf. [(ar-)ingaib]?, (-)urngaib (MS. -ern-) flieht, entkommt; flees, escapes; gerund, urngabthainbsp;(M8.em.-),absir.urttgabamp;il (Dsg.; MS.aim-).nbsp;Ped. II, 529. (as-)ingaib, (-)ei$ingaib, eisingbaid uberschrei-tet; exceeds, transgresses; part, esngabthai. Ped. II, 629; Laws, vi, 79, 80; 0’Dav. 1131;nbsp;ZCP. XV, 335 amp; XVI, 222. (di-)ingaib, (-)dingaib, dingbaid ro-praet. pass. (di-)rmgbad .i. (ro-)tesairgged. 0’Dav.nbsp;747, nimmt weg, entfemt; wehrt ah, schlagtnbsp;zurück; wiegt auf, kommt (jemandem) gleich,nbsp;ist (jemandem) gewachsen oder (jemandes)nbsp;würdig; takes away, removes; wards off, repels;nbsp;counterbalances, is a match for (a person), isnbsp;equal to or worthy of (a person); abstr.nbsp;dingbdil, diiigmdii 0. -bala, -mila /. Ped.nbsp;11,629; ZCP. XVIII, 321; PH. p. 646; To-gail na Tebe, p. 362; Ériu, xii, 8—100.nbsp;[(fris-)ingaib], fresggabaid steigt auf; ascends;nbsp;abstr. fresngabdi, frisngabii, fresggabdi,nbsp;fresggabdii, frescabdii, frescbdii G. -bdla f.nbsp; Himmelfahrt; Verbindung eines Substantive mit der Praposition ar; ascension;nbsp;collocation of a substantive with the preposition ar. Ped. II, 630; Hib. Min. p. 97;nbsp;Fél. p. 332; Aur. Éc. pp. 339, 340.nbsp;ingainte s. ingnad. |
ingair (ingir) betrubend?, schmerzlich?; afflicting?, grievous?; subst. Asg. id., Kummer?, Betrubnis?; affliction?, grief?; .i. amgar.nbsp;O’CL; cf. Pél. p.253; Wb. 4b28, 24a27;nbsp;TBC. p. 189; Anecd. iii, 27; IT. li, 1,48, 52;nbsp;Metr. Dindsh. iii, 84. (-)ingaip = (in-)gair. [(di-)ihgair], (-)dingair nennt; calls; part. dingartha, abstr. dingra Benennung; appellation. Kelt. Wortkunde, § 209 amp; Laws,nbsp;IV, 362, 1. 21. ingaire, ingairid, ingairiu s. 1. ingar amp; (iu-)gair. ingairgge Asg. id., Dringlichkeit?; urgency?. Togail na Tebe, p. 20, 1. 314. ingaiair krank; sick. IT. i, 126 amp; Priu, ii, 210.nbsp;inganta s. ingnad. ingantach compar.-tmge,ungewöhnlich, sonder-bar, wunderbar; unusual, strange, wonderful. IT. 1,640; PH. p. 771; Togail na Tebe,nbsp;p. 389; Keating’s History, p. 150; cf. in-gndthach. ingantaigid bewundert; wonders at. PH. p. 771; Sohirmer, p. 16; Vis. Tondale, p. 94. ingantas G. -tais m., Verwunderung, Erstaunen;nbsp;wonderment, astonishment. TBC. p. 1002;nbsp;PH. p. 771; Anecd. lii, 9.nbsp;ingantu s. ingnad. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ihgzif fern, weit-abliegend; unwahrscheinlich?,nbsp;wunderbar?, rdtselhaft?; distant, far removed;nbsp;unlikely?, wonderful?, enigmatical?; gl.nbsp;enigma. Ir. Gl. p. 27; cf. ITS. Vii, 19 lt;6nbsp;Dan Dé, p. 141. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;iiigamp;r compar. -gedim, passend?; convenient?.nbsp;Keating’s History, p. 150 amp; Laws, iii, 154. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ingap .i. ainmm in bid bruitter d’ingein.nbsp;0’Mulc. 768; cf. 2. ingir amp; ingnr. 4. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ingar = 1. 3. ingor. ingarach passend?; convenient?. Keating’s History, p. 160.nbsp;ingds = inngds. (as-)ingba prass. subj. s. (as-)ingaib. ingcert unsicher?, unrichtig?; uncertain?, incorrect ?. Ml. 61 b 15. ingchis, inchls Asg. id., Weihrauch; incense. Vendryes, p. 147 S Miscellanea Linguistica,nbsp;p. 387. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;inge praep. cum acc,, aufier (dafi), aus-genommen; except (that), save; .i. acht.nbsp;Laws, VI, 608; ZCP. xvi, 183; Asc. ll, 87;nbsp;TBC. p. 1002; RC. ix, 466; cf. anga. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;inge /., Enge?; narrowness?, tightness?.nbsp;Ériu, VII, 148, § 10. |
ingea — ingnech. 35
-ocr page 42-36 ingnima — inlabar.
ingnfma zum Handéln geeignet, tatjahig; fit for action, capable of deeds. CAin Adamnain,nbsp;p. 24; TBC. p. 140, n. 4; Laws, iii, 60.nbsp;ingnfmraid {MS. -ruigh) tatfdhig; capable ofnbsp;deeds. Laws, ii, 46.nbsp;ingo = angó. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ingor, ingar (anger, angar) unfromm, pflicU-vergessen; impious, undutiful; subsi. Vpl.nbsp;ingru m., Unfrommer, PflicMvergessener; impious person, undutiful person. Asc. ii, 460;nbsp;Laws, VI, 509; Hib. Min. p. 98; Triads, p. 47. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ingor Anker; anchor. Wb. 34a2; Sg. 22a5, ' 38a6; Thes. Pal. ii, 231; ef. 1. angcaire. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ingor (leg. -gar?) G. -guir, -gair m.. Biter;nbsp;pus; gl. sanies. Irish Texts, v, 32; cf. ITS.nbsp;XXV, 377 amp; Br.D.D. § 164. ingotha fdhig einen Speer (goth) zu fuhren; capable of wielding a spear (goth). BC.nbsp;XIX, 32, 387. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ingra Asg. id., Kummer?; affliction?. Ériu,nbsp;1,196; Fél. p. 338; KC. xiii, 460; cf. ingair. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ingra .i. ingar. Aur. Fc. p. 226; cf. 1. ingra.nbsp;ingraccas = engraccas. ingraige, ingraide (kg. ing-?) Eindringen?; entering by force?; .i. éirge inde (feg. inne?)nbsp;’sa tir. Diiil Droma Ceta, p. 186; cf. Laws,nbsp;IV, 48. iingraigid(ir) macht unfromm; renders impious. Ml. 100cl8, 127a9; cf. 1. ingor. ingraimm, ingraimme, (-)ingrainn, ingreimm,nbsp;ingreimme, ingreimmid, (-)ingreinn, ingrein-nid s. (in-)greinn. ingreintid, ingreintig, ingrintid m., Verfolger; persecutor. PH. p. 771; Hib. Min. p. 30;nbsp;ITS. XII, 122. ingrimm = ingreimm, s. (m-)greinn. ingru s. 1. ingor.nbsp;ingu = ingen.nbsp;ihguir s. 3. ingor. inguitte (MS. ingKuighthi) amufkhen; to be supplicated. ITS. xxix, 206. (Goh-)ingur? subst.?. Mac CongUnne, p. 99, 1. 30; cf. 3. ingar amp; 2. ingir.nbsp;iniar = aniar. iniarratta zu suchen; to be sought for. TSh. amp; ITS. XXIX, 206; cf. iniarrtha. iniarrattas Dsg. id., Suchen; seeking. DeCon-temptu, p. 249. liniarrtha zu suchen; to be sought for. TSh.; cf. iniarratta. Inich, inicha, iniches, inichu s. infeich amp; infeiches. |
inichin adj. ?. Mac Conglinne, p. 182; cf. infeich ?. inichtar DAsg. id. m., unterster Teil, Boden; kwest part, bottom. De Contemptu, p. 249. infchtarach unterer, unterster; lower, lowest. IT. IV, 2, 620 amp; IT. l, 641. inid praep. i (was.) lt;6 praes. ind. s. 1. is.nbsp;inidii, inithil gl. clandestinus. Ml. 80b8 amp;nbsp;Sg. 222 b3; .i. inmedónach .i. intreb tige inbsp;medón. Duü Droma Ceta, p. 186.nbsp;inidledn adv. inn inidlean gl. clanculum.nbsp;Sg. 222 b 2. inill, inilles, inilligid, inilliu, iniliiugud s. inaill, inaiUes amp; inaiUigid.nbsp;inilt = inailt. inim (Dsg.) .i. sen-elada. ZCP. v, 489, n. 2. inimbertha betrieben?; plied?. ITS. v, 76.nbsp;inimmrama zum Herumrudern geeignet, schiff-bar; fit for rowing about, navigable.. IT.nbsp;II, 1, 60. inimmthechta zum AusrUeken geeignet; be-schreitbar; fit to set out; traversabk. ITS. V, 216; TSh.; IT. ii, 1, 34. (h)inin gias (leg. hi n-inglas?) ?. Thes. Pal. II, 277; cf. ehglas. ininair (leg. innair?) adj.?. Ériu, iii, 136,1.25. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;inir .i. ab ira. 0’Midc. 721; cf. innir. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;inir, inire = innir lt;feinnire. inirt, inirte, inirfigid = énairt, énairte d, énairtigid. inirisech (MS. inn-) ungldubig; unbelieving. Togail na Tebe, p. 82. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;inis, inseO, inse, Dsg. inse, inis, ApJ. inse/.,nbsp;Insel; island. Asc. ii, 86; Laws, vi, 510;nbsp;IT. I, 642. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;inis = 2. innis. infsel compar.iDiale,{sehr) demütig, (sehr) unter-wiirfiq; (very) lowly, (very) humbk. Betha Colmain, p. 125; PH. p.771; TSh.nbsp;infsie 0. id. /., Demut, Unterwurfigkeit; lowliness, humility. PH. p. 771; Sohirmer,nbsp;p. 88; ITS. v, 112. inisligid demiitigt sich, erniedrigt sich; humbks oneself, abases oneself; abstr. inisliugud Dsg.nbsp;id. TO. PH. pp. 771, 772 c6 TSh.nbsp;initCr. inite/., Fastenanfang; Shrovetide. Ven-dryes, p. 147; Laws, vi, 510; Ériu, xii, 36.nbsp;inithil = inidii. inilte efibar; edible. Plummer, Lives, i, 239. iniiichad ? Dsg. id. to., genaues Untersuchen; closely examining. TSh. inlabar = inlobar. |
inlaccad — inmar. 37
inlaccad — inmar. 37 'nieigis heilbar-. niaccad s. (in-)ainig. inlach s. (in-)dlomg. 'nlad s. (m-)aim. inlddad {MS. ind-) Asg. id. ?. Ériu, i, 39, § 9. inlaechda gl. athlaechda {MS. ad-). 0’CI.nbsp;inlaeg 6sg. f. inlaige, Npl. f. inlaega, trachtignbsp;{KuJi); in-calf. Laws, vi, 510; Bürgschaft,nbsp;P.79; Lism. L. p. 302. (do-)inlaic {kg. -inla ic?) ?. 0’Dav. 1522; cf. (m-)la amp; tinneU?. inlaiccid s. (in-)ainig amp; (ad-)ainig.nbsp;inlaid s. {m-)aim amp; (in-)la.nbsp;inlaig s. (in-)dloing.nbsp;inlafge s. inlaeg.nbsp;inlait, inlat s. (in-)aim. (•)inle = (m-)lA. (con-)inl8 hringt sustande; irings about. Ériu, XII, 52. (fo-)inle schweijt herum, streift umher; roves about, roams around-, abstr. fa(nnel(l) G.nbsp;-il(l), Npl. -el(l)a, -il(l) n. m. Fed. ii, 511;nbsp;Laws, VI, 388, 326; Triads, p. 24; PH.nbsp;p. 709; Dindsh. p. 26. (fris-)inle entsprieht; lost?, fapt?; corresponds to; solves?, seises?; .i. frithAUid. 0’CI.;nbsp;abstr. frithinnell; aigne (aidne) fris'n-inienbsp;breth, eine Art Anwalt; a hind of lawyer.nbsp;Laws, VI, 419; ef. Thes. Pal. ii, 215, 351;nbsp;Pél. p.125; RC. XXV, 344; ZCP. Xii, 364;nbsp;Cormac, 825. [inlechas]? Dsg. id. {MS. indleochus), An-spruch erheben?; laying claim to?. Êriu, n, 178. 1- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;inled, intled, * intlaid (intslaid) Dsg. id.nbsp;®n*pe in composit. cum dergg-, {Gewebe-}nbsp;Einschlag; insertion {in woven fabric). IT. 2,191; ZCP. 111,295; TBC. pp. 957,1102; Hr.D.D. §§ 1, 121, 124. 2- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;inled s. ; curabk. TBC. p. 609 amp; CF. p. 105. -ar; curable. TBC. p. 609, n. 3;nbsp;RC. XIX, 66; CF. p. 106. inleman {Ms. in-) gi, ereocledus? {leg. hetero-clitis?). H.Gl. p.24. inlenta su folgen, zu befolgen; to be followed, to be imitated. TSh.nbsp;inles = 1. indies. (•)inlethar (Death-Tales, p. 6, § 6) praes. ind. dep. s. (in-)la,. inlid s. (in-)lA. inlimm sprungfahig?, elastisch?; capable of springing?, elastic?. ZCP. ix, 185. |
(-)inllnaige, initnaigthe s. (in-)lmaige. inlis .i. cainnel(l). 0’CI.; cf. Cormac, 825.nbsp;(fris-)inliu praes. ind. 1 sg. s. (fris-)inle.nbsp;inlobar (inlabar) kranh; schwach; sick; weak. ITS. VI, 164 lt;fe PH. p. 772. inlobra, inlubra Dsg. -bru (-bra), Krankheit;nbsp;Schwache; sickness; weakness. PH. p. 772nbsp;amp; Three Middle-Irish Homilies, p. 68.nbsp;inluaitte erwahnenswert; fit to be mentioned.nbsp;ITS. I, 64. inlüith? talig?, dienstbereit?; active?, fit for service ?. Keating, Dtota Amhrdin.nbsp;inlus, inlos G. -Inis, -lois, das drinnen {d. h.nbsp;wahrend einer bestimmten Zeit) geworfenenbsp;Jungvieh; the young of cattk born withinnbsp;{i. e. during a definite time). Laws, iii, 126,nbsp;328 amp; Trin. Coll. Dublin, MS. H. 4.22,nbsp;p.30. inmaid, inmaige s. inbaid. inmain compar. -niu, superlat. -nem, beliebt,nbsp;lieb; beloved, dear; subst. Liebe; love. Fél.nbsp;p. 339; Ériu, III, 31; IT. i, 642; PH. p. 772;nbsp;Fianaigecht, p. 36. inmaine 0. id. /., Idebe, Zuneigung; Liebens-würdigkeit?; love, affection; lovableness?. IT. I, 642; Fianaigecht, p. 16; Metr. Dindsh.nbsp;IV, 320; Togaü na Tebe, p. 389; TSh.nbsp;inmaine {MS. inmuine) wertvoll?; valudbk?.nbsp;Laws, V, 382. inmainecht Dsg. id. /., Liebe, Zuneigung; love, affection. PH. p. 260, 1. 7873.nbsp;inmainigthe {leg. inmain-?) gl. inmam. Cor-mao, 762. inmaire Dsq. id. /., Fettldbiqkeit?; obesity?. M1.20a23,26. inmaisnige gl. parsimonia. Sg. 51a6. inmaftte prdhUnswert; fit to be boasted of.nbsp;O’Don. p. 665. [inmalda]?, inmalla tewgsa»!?; slow?. Br.D.D. §2 amp; Fled Br. §20. l.inmali langsam; slow. ZCP. in, 43; IT. iv, 2, 620; ITS. XXVIII, 72. 2. inmall? .i. eolchaire(notoirse). O’Dav.1104; Stowe Glossaries, 444; 0’CI.; cf. Fél. p. 339nbsp;amp; RC. IV, 252. inmar saftig, fetthaltig; juicy, containing fat; subst. Q. inmair, saftige, durchfettete Speise;nbsp;Aufstrich, wie z. B. Schmalz, Fleischsaftnbsp;usw.?; juicy food soaked in fat; condiment,nbsp;as, for exampk, drippings, gravy-juice etc.?;nbsp;gl. obsonium. Lism.L. p. 395; cf. Maonbsp;Conglinne, p. 182; Plummer, Lives, 1,233, |
38 inmara — innaithmech.
n. 4; Gwyirn, The Rule of Tallaght, p. 74; Betha Colaim Chille, p. 448.nbsp;inmara seetüchtig; seaworthy.. IT. iv, 2, 520.nbsp;inmarbtha töthar; slayahle. TTr. p. 167; Togaü na Tebe, p. 264; ITS. v, 144. inmarda (inmarra, inmara) saftig, fetthaltig;nbsp;juicy, containing fat. Mac Conglinne, p. 29;nbsp;Lism. L. p. 76; IT. iv, 2, 224, 384.nbsp;inmbie(o)gan s. (in-)ommlaig.nbsp;inmedonach compar. -medónchu, in der Mittenbsp;lefindlich; innen hejindlich, innerlich; situated in the middle; internal, inward; subst.nbsp;Npl. -medónacha, Eingeweide; entrails. IT.nbsp;1,642 amp; IV, 2, 620; RC. xxii,394; ITS.nbsp;XIV, 170; TSh. [inmedónaige]? O. id., Inhalt?; contents?. IT. 1,170, 1.15. inmeidach, inmeiiach wonnig; delightful. Iior. Br. I, 21. inmesca berauschend; intoxicating. IT. i, 642. inmescad {Mg.; MS. imm-) Berauschung?; intoxication?. Fled Br. § 68. inmesta denkbar, zu bedenken; imaginable, tonbsp;be thought of. De Contemptu, p. 80;nbsp;Keating’s History, p. 150; TSh.nbsp;inmilte 6. id., Soldatentum; military profession. RC. XXIV, 206. (do-)inmmaii (Ml. 60bl) praes. subj. s. (do-) inmmlaig. [(do-)inmmlaig, (-)tinmmlaig] loekt hervor; promulgiert; sammelt; elicits; promulgates;nbsp;collects; abstr. tinmmlegan Dsg. id. n. ZCP.nbsp;XVI, 275. [(fo-)inmmiaig, (fo-)inbiaig], (•)faenblaig behandelt milde; treats mildly; abstr. fafnbie-gan, fafnbieogan .i. censacht. O’CL; cf. Tecosca Cormaic, p. 34 Br. D. D. § 168nbsp;(App.). inmmie(o)gan s. (in-)ommlaig. inmolta zu loben, lobenswert; to be praised,nbsp;praiseworthy. Èriu, v, 126 amp; x, 146;nbsp;Lism. L. p. XXII; TSh. (fo) inmuiigg {v. 1. inbuilgg) subst. ?. BC. XX, 272. inmuilied (inmuilie) G. -muilte m., von einem ¦Hunde gesagt: Hetzen?; said of a dog: settingnbsp;on?, inciting?. Laws, vi, 611. 1. inn DAsg. id., NApl. inna, enna n., (oberstes) Ende, Spitze, Gipfel; das Allergeringste odernbsp;Allerkleinste von etwas; {uppermost) end,nbsp;point, top; the very least or smallest part ofnbsp;something; go (cu) inn, jm, nach; to. IT. |
IV, 1, p. XIV; cf. ZCP. XVI, 267, 268; IF. XII, 192; Laws, vi, 498, 499; TBC. pp. 1000,nbsp;1001; IT. IV, 2, 619. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;inn .i. tenga. 0’Dav. 1084,1088; cf. 1. inn. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;inn s. 1. i, 1. 2. in, sinn amp; sni.nbsp;inn- vide etiam in-. (as-)inn praes. subj. s. (as-)innet. inna s. 1. i, 1. in lt;ê indna. inné post compar. als ist; than is; cf. (ad-)ta. in nach particula interrog, in cum neg. amp; praes. ind. s. 1. is. innachad s. innechaid. (do-)innacht praet. act. amp; pass. s. (do-)indnaig. innad s. indothaid. in-n4d particula interrog, in cum neg. nid. Wb. 6a21; Ml. 17 b 17; Thes. Pal. ll,4. innadad imperat. 3 sg. s. (in-)neat.nbsp;inna-(h)i s. int-Lnbsp;innai s. innua.nbsp;innaib s. 1. i. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;innaide s. (in-)neat. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;innaide {v. 1. indie) adj. ?. IT. ii, 2, 200,nbsp;n. 4; cf. innide. innaig imperat. 2 sg. s. (in-)aig. (-)innaig, (do-)innaig = (in-)ainig amp; (do-) indnaig. innaigid imperat. 2 pi. amp; abstr. s. (in-)aig amp; (in-)asaig. (-)innaii praet. s. (in-)aim. innaiit, innailte s. inadt. (•)innaim praet. s. (in-)aim. innain {MS. indain) gl. cratioula. Thes. Pal. 1,2, 1.26; cf. inneoin?. (ad-, do-)innain praes. subj. tamp; fut. s. (ad-, do-) indnaig.nbsp;innainn s. 1. i. innair DAsg. id., Aekerland; arable land; .i. int ar dergg no in gort. 0’Dav. 1120; cf. Anecd.nbsp;I, 1, 1. 8 lt;£ Laws, IV, 146.nbsp;innais s. innas. (-)innais praes. subj. 2 sg. s. (in-)neat. (do-)innais praes. subj. 2 sg. s. (do-)indnaig.nbsp;innaisc Asg. id., Tadel?; reproach?. TTr. p. 27, 1. 1076; cf. 2. aisc. (da-)innaiste praet. subj. 2 pi. s. (do-)indnaig. inngit post compar. als sind; than are; cf.nbsp;(ad-)ta. inniithe post compar. als ihr seid; than you are; cf. (ad-)tó. innaithmech G. -mige, Auflosung eines Wortes in seine Bestandteile?; analysis of a wordnbsp;into its component elements?; .i. taithmech |
innaittohid — 1. innber. 39
asa iimib. Lecan Glossary, 281; gl. imie. Lecan Glossary, 169; Laws, vi, 499; Cóionbsp;Conara Fugill, p. 27; A\ir. Éc. p. 343; c/.nbsp;innethaithmecli.nbsp;innaittohid = (m-)ottat.nbsp;innaitte imperat. 2 sg. dep. s. (in-)neat.nbsp;innall (ITS. i, 38) = innell, s. (iii-)la.nbsp;inn-8ll, ann-3li dorthin; zukünftig?; thither; innbsp;the future?. ZCP. xn, 410; KC. xxv, 242,nbsp;§ 14; 0’Dav. 817. innallaiie {leg. inn-ail ille?) dorthin {und) hierhin?; thither (and) hither?. ZCP. xii, 410.nbsp;innalta s. (in-)aini. innam Asg.id.,Yieh?; cattle?.Lavs, iv,272,1.4. innamail s. (m-)samla(tliar).nbsp;innamm s. 1. i.nbsp;innammél s. namma. innann, innan, inann, sinann der, die, das selbe Oder gleiche; the same, identical; suhst. innann aen (in aen-aen); innann ... acasnbsp;(ocas), dasselbe uiie; the same as. Thum.nbsp;I, 288; Asc. II, 86, 416; IT. i, 643; Laws,nbsp;VI, 491. innann = innann. innannaigid, inannaigid macht gleich; makes the same. Laws, ill, 170.nbsp;innannas, inannas DAsg. id. m., Oleichheii,nbsp;Einerleiheii; sameness, identity. Laws,nbsp;VI, 491; Aur. Éc. p. 343; Cóio Conara PugUl,nbsp;pp. 34, 36; Metr. Dindsh. iil, 180.nbsp;innar s. l. i. inndrbba, -bbad, -bbai, -bbaid, (-)innarbban, inndrbbanaid, -bbtha s. (in-)arbban.nbsp;[(lo-)inndrbban] unterwirft; subjects. Ml. 26al.nbsp;innamp;rbbthach verbarmt; banished; subst. m.,nbsp;Yerbannter; ouMaw. EC. xiv, 412 amp; li, 202.nbsp;innamp;rbbthoir m., Terbannter; outlaw. ZCP.nbsp;VI, 282. innarggain s. {in-)oiigg. innarrad m., Lohn, Belohnung; wages, reward;nbsp;•i. tuarastal. IT. iii,2,292; O’CL; EC. XXIV, 194; (.ƒ jjiarad. innarsan subst. ?. EC. xliii, 26, § 25. (do-)innarscansat ro-proei.3pZ.s. (do-)inscaima.nbsp;(-)innart praet. act. amp; pass. s. (in-)oirgg.nbsp;innas (indas) G. innasa, innais n. m.. Be-schaffenheit. Art und Weise; Schatzung ?;nbsp;state, manner, kind; estimate?; cia (ce, o’)nbsp;innas, me{?); how(?); cid ar innas, überhaupt; anyhow. IT. i, 137; cip innas, wienbsp;auch immer; howsoever. PH. p. 585; tonnbsp;innas so (sin, oétna), auf diese (jene, die- selbe) Art; in this (that, the same) way; innas (nas.), wie; as; innas co (go), soda^;nbsp;so that. Asc. 11,88; IT. i, 637; TAin; PH.nbsp;p. 770; TSh.nbsp;innds s. (m-)asa. innis post eompar. als ist; than is; cf. (ad-)ta. inngsa = iungsa.nbsp;inndsaid = (m-)ósa. innascda adj.?. Laws, vi, 508 s.v. ingabala; cf. innaiso?. (-)innastar praes. subj. dep. s. (in-)neat. (ad-, do-)innastar praes. subj. pass. s. (ad-, do-) indnaig. innat praep. i (nas.) S praes. ind. 3 pi. s. 1. is. innatt s. 1. i. innbad Dsg. id., Reichtum; wealth. Ui Echach, p. 93, § 23; cf. innbaid.nbsp;innbadaigid(ir), cond. 3 pi. (-)jnnbadaigfitisnbsp;gl. lucrificarent; gerund, inbadaigthe gl.nbsp;lucratiui. Ml. 15 o 8, 92 a 17.nbsp;innbaid (Npl. m.) reich?; rich?. Wb. 10d33;nbsp;cf. innbad. innbas, innmas G. -basa, -bais, -masa, -mais m., Reichtum, Schatz; wealth, treasure.nbsp;Asc. II, 90; IT. i, 639 lt;amp; iv, 2, 520; Togailnbsp;na Tebe, p. 388; He Contemptu, p. 249; cf.nbsp;inneb. [innbasach], innmasach reich; rich. Tecosca Cormaic, p. 28 amp; Keating’s History, p. 150. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;innbe, innme G. id. /., Reichtum; Stand?,nbsp;Würde?; wealth; estate?, rank?. ZCP. ii,264,nbsp;IV, 357 amp; VI, 330; ITS. xii, 134; Syllabicnbsp;Poetry, p. 123; TSh. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;innbe (MSS. inbe) DAsg. id., Einschnitt?,nbsp;Kerbe?; incision?, notch?. Ériu, ii, 3, n. 31nbsp;amp; XI, 51. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;innbe (MSS. etiam inbe) G. id., Eingeweide?,nbsp;Kutteln?; entrails?, tripe?; .i. caelan. Cor-mac, 791; cf. Mac Conglinne, p. 182. innbech, innmech (MSS. etiam in-) Gsg. f. -bige, eingesehnitten?, gekerbt?; incised?,nbsp;notched?; .i. ecach .i. óna hecaib bis ’sannbsp;ni. 0’CI.; cf. Cormac, 1050, 1053.nbsp;[(do-)innben], (-)tinnben, tinnbid, tinnmidnbsp;schneidet, zerschneidet, zerlegt; cuts, cuts up,nbsp;carves; part, tinnmthe, abstr. tinnbe, tinn-me G. id. TBC. p. 1058; Mac Conglinne,nbsp;p. 197; Bruchstiicke, p. 21; ITS. xix, 86. 1. innber (inber) Q. -bir m., dn zum Kessel gehoriges Instrument; an instrument appertaining to a cauldron. Mac Conglinne, |
40 innber — (-)innertha.
p. 182; Ériu, VI, 148; Mesca ülad, p. 46; Laws, IV, 310. 2. innber = 1. inber. innbertad Dsg. id., EntUndung, Qéburt-, delivery, iirth. ZCP. xvii, 163. (do-)innchoisc, tinnchoiscid unterrichtet; instructs; dbstr. tinnchosc DAsg. id. Monastery of TaHaght, p. 136; Ped. ll, 620; Tain; ZCP. XVIII, 338; PH. p. 922; IT. l, 826.nbsp;innchomartach zerhackt?; mangled?. PM.nbsp;anno 1604. innchomartha G. id., Zeichen, Merkmal; Denk-zeichen; sign, token; memorial. IT. iv, 2, 620; RC. XIV, 44; Laws, vi, 498; Mesca.nbsp;Ulad, p. 16; ITS. xix,I02; c/. inchomartha.nbsp;[innchreccj DAsg. -chreico ƒ., Zuriickhalten?; withholding?. iSriu, xi, 68; cj. {in-)cren. inncis = inchls. inn-doth letzter Wurf (von Tieren); last litter. ZCP. XVII, 301. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;inne ODAsg. id., Npl. inne, inneda, Gpl.nbsp;inned m. /., Inneres, Mitte; Eingeweide, Ge-ddrme; (Pferde-)Stall; interior part, center;nbsp;entrails, lowels; (horse) stall; .i. lar. O’Don.nbsp;p. 662; cf. Ml. 28a7; Laws, vi, 600; Togailnbsp;na Tebe, p. 388; IT. l, 637, 643; PH. p. 768. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;inne G. id. /., Bedeutung, Sinn; meaning,nbsp;sense; .i. innaithmech. Lecan Glossary, 169;nbsp;cf. Asc. II, 87; Hib. Min. p. 98; Laws,nbsp;VI, 600; Aur. Éo. p. 343. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;inne .i. dins (dliiith). 0’Dav. 1078; cf.nbsp;1. inne. 4. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;inne .i. echlaisc no bacc. 0’Dav. 1126nbsp;amp; 1300; cf. 1. inne. 6. inne .i. biseoh. O’Don. p. 662; cf. inneb. inni = 1. 2. in-dé. (as-)inne fut. s. (as-)innet. inneb, innem G. innib n., Reichtum; Zuwachs,nbsp;Gewinn; wealth; increase, profit; .i. bisech.nbsp;0’CI.; cf. Asc. 11,89; IT. iv, 2,180; Bethanbsp;Colmain, p. 126; RC. x, 87.nbsp;innebar (innebuar) Dsg. id.. Mist?; dung?; .i.nbsp;aileoh. 0’Dav. 1127; cf. Laws, vi, 600 amp;nbsp;PH. p. 244. innecach indisch; of or appertaining to India. ZCP. 11,284. innecda indisch; of or appertaining to India. IT. II, 2, 21, 63, 64, 66, 90, 93. innech G. innig, Einschlag, Einsehup; woof,nbsp;weft; .i. intextum. Cormac, 761 amp; 0’Mulo.nbsp;717; cf. Laws, i, 162 amp; iv, 144; Fianaigecht,nbsp;p. 106; IT. IV, 2, 398; Metr. Dindsh. V, 269. |
innechaid rdchi; avenges; abslr. innechad (inna-chad) G. innigthe, inniehthe, innechaid m. Laws, VI, 601; Togail na Tebe, p. 388; Irishnbsp;Abridgment, p. 106; Philip Bocht, p. 267;nbsp;TSh. innechta (Apl.; MS. ind-) Periode von 15 Jahren; period of 15 years. Thes. Pal.nbsp;II, 39. inn-scht-so = inn-fecht-so, s. fecht. inned, inneda s. 1. inne. (as-)innedar praes. ind. pass. s. (as-)innet. (do-)innedar (dailbach do triar) .i. d’innis.nbsp;0’Dav. 603. (picc) innegda ?. Irish Texts, v, 8, § 16. inngich s. int-L innéidid = (in-)fét. inneilt = inaüt. innéin = inneoin. innéircech der Zdhlung eitwr Eric-Bw^Se unter-worfen; liable to the payment of an eno-fine. Laws, 111,462, 1.20; cf. inéirce.nbsp;innéiricc s. (in-)éiren. inneithem, inneithmech s. (in-)feithe amp; inn-feithmech. (-)innéla fut. s. (in-)aim. inneli, inneilaid, inneita s. (m-)la.nbsp;inneiiach DAsg. -Uaig /., Schupbereiischaft?;nbsp;readiness to shoot?. RC. xxiii, 422 amp; IT.nbsp;IV, 2, 368. inneil-direch (inniil-dtrech) ganz gerade; perfectly straight. IT. i, 643 amp; iv, 2, 620; Br. D. D. §2; Fianaigecht, p. 66.nbsp;inneltas 6. -tais m., Bereitschaft?; readiness?. Betha Colaim ChUle, p. 470. innem = inneb.nbsp;innemm, innenn s. 1. i.nbsp;i (n)neoch mé, neoch mé conj. im Falie dap,nbsp;wenn; in case that, if. ZCP. xvi, 27011.;nbsp;cf. ma. inneo = in-deo. inneoin, inneuin (innéin), inniuin G. iimeona /., AmboP; Teil eii%er Miihle; Vorrichtungnbsp;zum Braten; Stiitze; anvil; part of a mill;nbsp;contrivance for broiling; prop; gl. incus.nbsp;Sg. IlObl; cf. Laws, vi, 601, 602; Lism. L.nbsp;p. 394; IT. I, 638 amp; iv, 2, 619; TBC. p. 1001;nbsp;Hogan, p. 43, n. 12; RC. xlvi, 270.nbsp;inneonaid brat; broils; abstr. inneonad. ZCP.nbsp;1,386; Lism. L. p. xliii; IT. iv, 1,43; RC.nbsp;X, 60, n. 2. inneosat fut. 1 sg. s. (in-)fét. (-)innertha praet. pass. 3 pi. s. (in-)reith. |
1. iimes — inninnell. 41
[inninraig] — (do-)in61a.
inQnn — inrid. 43
44 inrig — intadad.
inrfg (inrf) zum König geeignet, geeignet König zu werden; fit for a Icing, fit to he hing.nbsp;IT. IV, 1, 411 amp; IV, 2, 521; ITS. x, 202.nbsp;inrfgtha, inrfgda zum König geeignet, geeignetnbsp;König zu werden; fit for a hing, fit tonbsp;lecome hing. TBC. p. 197, n. 4; IT. ii, 2,nbsp;99 amp; IV, 1, 30; Syllabic Poetry, p. 123.nbsp;inrimm zumFahren geeignet?; fit for travelling?. Hogan, p. 10, 11.1 amp; 10. inrise s. (in-)reith. in ros O. inrois, groter WaU; large forest. Imr. Br. l, 25, § 53. Inrosc {v. l. clrinn-, rinn-) Nyl. -roisc, -ruisc, Wunsch?; wish?; .i. iim-arasc. Cormac,nbsp;747; .i. indeimin. 0’Dav. 1093; ZCP.nbsp;III, 251, 254; cf. drinrosc.nbsp;insa = 1. ansa. insaide, insaidid, (•)insaig, insaige, insaigid, insaigthe s. (in-)asaig. insaigthech angreifend; aggressive. IT. iv, 2, 394; Hogan, p. 236; Pianaigecht, pp. 78, 90.nbsp;(-)insairgg = (m-)esairgg. [{ar-)insairgg] ro-praet. 3 pl. (ar-)rinsartat (leg. -tatar?) gl. quaeserunt (= cesserunt). Ml.nbsp;99 o5. [(do-)insairgg] sehlagt?, stöfit?; strikes?, thrusts?. Dire, pp. 12, 13. insamail, insamlugud s. (in-)samla(thar). insamain .i. an-esamain .i. ni esamain. Cormac, 746. insarggain, (-)insart, (do-)insart, insarta dbstr., praet. amp; part. s. (in-)esairgg amp; (do-)insairgg.nbsp;inscaigthe s. (in-)oscai. {do-)inscanna, (do-)inscann (Wb. 17c8), (-)tins-canna, tinscnaid, tinscetlaid leginnt; ver-sucht?; begins; attempts?; part, tinscanta, abstr. tinscetal, tinscnam m. Ped. ii, 613;nbsp;Trip. 11,647; Togail na Tebe, p. 423; TBC.nbsp;p. 1058; TSh. insce (inscne) G. id. /., Rede; grammatisches Geschkcht; Pronomen; speech; grammaticalnbsp;gender; pronoun; .i. luige. 0’Dav. 1112;nbsp;cf. Aur. Éc. p. 344; Pél. p. 339; Laws,nbsp;VI, 512; PH. p. 772; Ériu, viii, p. iv.nbsp;inscech (Inscnech) redébegabt, beredt; endowednbsp;with speech, eloquent. Keating, Dantanbsp;Amhréin amp; Contr. p. 601 s. v. deg-.nbsp;inscrfbenn DAsg. id. m.. Inschrift; inscription. Ml. 74bl, 74dl3 amp; TTr. p. 22. inscuchaid, inscuchud s. (in-)oscai.nbsp;inscuir geeignet für ausgespannte Pferde?; fitnbsp;for unyoked horses?. Laws, ii, 116,1. 14. |
inse 8. inis amp; 1. innes. in-sg = in-sQ. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;insech mit Inseln; having islands. TTr.nbsp;p. 167 Syllabic Poetry, p. 123. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;insech reich an Viehhiirden?; having manynbsp;cattle-pens?. TTr. p. 14, 1. 536 S Metr.nbsp;Dindsh. ii, 10, 1. 8; cf. 1. innes. (no-)insechddais inipf. ind. 3 pl. s. (in-)secha. insegar imperat. pass. s. (in-)asaig. inserad m., coll. Inseln; islands. PoUdore, IV, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;477. (-)insetar praet. 3pl. s. (in-)fét. in-sln, in-sgin jener, jene, jenes; that.nbsp;insint s. (m-)fét. insitha zum Frieden fdhig; capable of peace. Dan Dé, p. 20 amp; RC. li, 201. insiubail zum Gehen geeignet oder fahig; fitnbsp;or able to go or to walk. Imr. Br. i, 66; ITS. V, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;98; Plummer, Lives, 1,298.nbsp;insluagaid so gut wie ein feindlicher Einfall?; as good as a hosting?. Syllabic Poetry, p. 123. [(ath-)insmma]? setzt wieder dn; resets; abstr. aithinsmmad. IT. iv, 2, 344 amp;, BC.nbsp;XII, 94, § 122. insmmaid setzt ein, fügt ein, stellt auf; sets, inserts, fixes; abstr. insmma Dsg. id. Ein-fiigungsstelle; Pfand der Liebe; place ofnbsp;insertion; pledge of love. Mac CongUnne,nbsp;p. 182; TBC. pp. 811, 1102; IT. iv, 1,411nbsp;amp; IV, 2, 620; Hogan, pp. 78, 195; Metr.nbsp;Dindsh. v, 269. insndma worin man schwimmen kann; wherein one can swim. Laws, vi, 613.nbsp;insnfthech (leg. iné-?) eingedreht, gewickeltnbsp;(Name eines Ogamm-Alphabets); twisted in,nbsp;wound round (name of an Ogamm alphabet).nbsp;Aur. He. p. 308, 1. 6060.nbsp;in-sg, in-sg dieser, diese, dieses; this.nbsp;(-)insorchaige, insorchaigid, insorchugud s.nbsp;(in-)sorchaige. insrengaid (leg. ins-?) zieht ein?; draws in?. TTr. p. 27, 1.1068. instruimint (leg. -mmint?) Werkzeug; instrument, tool. Ir. Gl. p. 23 S ZCP. xviii, 284. insuidigthe s. (in-)suidige.nbsp;insuitte = intuitte.nbsp;int s. 1. in.nbsp;inta s. 1. i. (-)int4 praet. s. (in-)sai. intabartha zu geben; to be given. ITS. xxix, 147. intddad s. (in-)saide. |
intaeba — intlechtach. 45
intaeba, intaebtha vertraummmdig-, trustworthy. ZCP. VI, 289; Philip Bocht, p. 114; TSh. {ath-)intaf ? {MS. atan-) dreht zuriick; turns back. ZCP. 111,254, §77. (do-)intai (-14), (¦)tintaf (-14) wendet, kehrt zu-riick; bekehrt; ubersdzt; macht {Verirage) ungiiltig; turns, returns; converts; translates;nbsp;renders {contracts) invalid; abstr. tintuiid,nbsp;tintüd, tinted (tintog) Q. -da m. Aso. ii, 262,nbsp;263; Laws, vi, 722, 723; IT. i, 827, 828;nbsp;PH. p. 923. intald, intaigid = (m-)sai. (-)intairbir = (in-)tairbir. int4irggide s. (m-)tairgge.nbsp;intamail, intanialta(i), intamla, (-)intamla-(thar), intamlaigid, intamlaigthe s. (in-)-samla(thar). [intamlaigthe], intsamlaigthe zu vergleichen, gleichzustellen; to be compared, to be put onnbsp;a par. TSh.; ef. (in-)samla(thar).nbsp;[intamlaigthech], intsamlaigthech vergleichbar; comparative. Ériu, xi, 178. [(di-)intamlathar], (-)deTntamlalhar dissimu-lat. Ml. 27 d 12, 69 d 8. (do-)intarrai ro-praet. s. (do-)intai. int4thad s. (m-)saide.nbsp;inte s. 1. i. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;intech G. intig w., Weg; Reise; way;nbsp;journey; .i. sét conaire. Duil Droma Ceta,nbsp;p. 186; .i. via. 0’Mulo. 736; .i. slige. 0’CI.;nbsp;cf. Ped. 11,645; PH. p.234; Aur. He. p.344. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;intech, fintech {v. 1. etiam tintech) 0. intig,nbsp;Z)Asj. intech (intig), Schwertseheide,Futteral;nbsp;scabbard, casing. TTr. pp. 159, 167; TBC.nbsp;p. 1003; RC. XII, 122 amp; xiv,441, 442; IT.nbsp;IV, 2, 520; cj. tintech. [intechanta], intsechanta zu vermeiden; to be avoided. TSh. intechta, intochta zu gehen, jdhig zu gehen; jit to go, capable of going. Br. D. D. § 131;nbsp;TTr. p. 32; ITS. VI, 38; IT. il, 2, 102.nbsp;[inteichinned], intseichinned {MS. -nnad) Eindringen?,nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Dazwischenkommen?; entering upon?, interfering?. ITS. xxix, 114. interiacht, interiecht, interecht Npl. -ta /., Ams-rufungswort; interjection. Aso. ii, 90; Ven-dryes, p. 147; Ir. Gl. p. 27; Aur. Éo. p. 344.nbsp;int-f {interdum int-h[), ant-[, ant-é {m.);nbsp;ind-(h)f, inn-(h)[ (/.); an-I (annf, innf) n.nbsp;-)- alles was; all that; cf. 1. ni; Gsg. n. ind-(h)[, inn-(h)[ (inngich, ingich, angich; cf. |
nech amp; 1. ni); m. ind-(h)j, inn-(h)i, int-J; /. inna-(h)i, na-(h)i; Dpi. donaib-(h)i, dona-fib, dona-hib, dieser, der besagte {adj.}; antenbsp;verbum rel.: der {welcher), das {was); he, thenbsp;aforementioned {adj.); ante verbum rel.: henbsp;who, that which; ar-ind-f, ar-inn-f, air-indf,nbsp;air-innf, weil; because; ónd-[, ónn-f, uand-f,nbsp;uann-i, davon her dap, weil; from {thenbsp;cause) that, because. Asc. li, 78, 414; IT.nbsp;I, 644; PH. pp. 745, 746; cf. I. ar amp; 1. Ó.nbsp;intib s. 1. i.nbsp;intig s. 1. 2. intech. intile {MS. etiam -tille) .i. lestar m-bec a'taUa dig. Cormac, 793 amp; Duil Droma Ceta,nbsp;p. 186; .i. lestar no tiag. Bezz.B. xix, 19nbsp;amp; 0’CI.; intile tire .i. inat i-taUad innbsp;comarbba. Diiil Droma Ceta, p. 186.nbsp;intinn G. intinne /., Absicht, Neigung; Gesin-nung; intention, inclination; mind. Vendryes,nbsp;p. 147; Plummer, Lives, i, 338; Schirmer,nbsp;p. 17; ZCP. XVIII, 284. intinnech, intinnach absichtlich; willig?; intentional; willing?; gl. intencio {leg. -tio). Ir. Gl. 876; cf. RC. xix, 387. [intinrem]? Dsg. -rim, Verzierung?, Aus-stattung?; ornamentation?, embellishment?. Ériu, IV, 26. intinscann, intinscanta, intinscatal, intinscetal s. (in-)tinsoanna. intintud? {v. 1. intuth) .i. nertad aim. Laws, I, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;8, n. 1. intiu s. 1. i. intlaid, intlaide s. 1. inled amp; (in-)slaid. (claidem) intl4is .i. fata. 0’CI.; cf. IT. iv, 1,nbsp;53, 305 amp; ITS. X, 6.nbsp;intlaise s. (m-)slaid. intl4s, intal4s, intl4is (menmman) m., Unter-haltung?, Belustigung?; entertainment?, amusement?. IT. iv, 1, 139; Mesca Ulad,nbsp;p. 12; Ériu, viii, 20, § 23; Joynt, Peis Tighenbsp;Chondin, p. 84; cf. antlas.nbsp;intleeht, intélecht G. -ta, Apl. -tu m. /. (TSh.),nbsp;Einsicht, Verstand, Intelligenz; Urteilskraft;nbsp;Sinn, Bedeutung; discernment, understanding,nbsp;intelligence; judgment; sense, meaning; gl.nbsp;ingenium. Ir. Gl. p. 23; .i. fri etarggnugudnbsp;tuicsena. 0’Dav. 755; cf. Fél. p. 339; Aso. II, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;278; Hib. Min. p. 98; IT. iv, 2, 352.nbsp;intlechtach mit Einsicht oder Intelligenz; having discernment or intelligence; subst. m., intelligente Person; intelligent person. SR.nbsp;p. 143 amp; Laws, I, 30. |
46 1. intled — irbball.
irdeoch — isamin. 47
irdeoch = airideoh. ire ((re) aiv., compar. iru (ireiu vel irea), superlat. 'frem (.i. is sia. 0’Dav. 1066),nbsp;weiter weg, langer; farther (off), longer. Asc. II, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;83 amp; ZCP. XVIII, 404, n. 1. (re, (renn s. iriu. [(con-)(re] giU; gives. Contr. p. 474. ires (eires), iris (eiris) G. irise, irse /., Glaule,nbsp;Vertrauen; Religion; faith, trust; religion.nbsp;Asc. II, 266; PH. p. 773; KZ. XLVIII, 72, 73;nbsp;TSh. iresach, irisech glaubig, vertrauensvoll, fromm; faithful, trusting, pious; suist. Glauliger;nbsp;believer. Asc. ii, 257; PH. p. 773; IT. i, 645.nbsp;irescha Dsg. iresohai /., Glaube; faith. Wb. 2c6,nbsp;32 a 9. iret (tegf. airét?) Eifer ?; zeal ?. Lism. L. p. 133, I. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;4488. irgna {v. l. irigna, idna) ?. Metr. Dindsh. III, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;110. (rinn s. iriu. irios (Dsg.) eine Art Pflanze: Iris?; a species of plant: iris?; gl. spatula. Medical Glossaries, A. 120. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;iris Npl. irse /., Riemen, Aufhanger; strap,nbsp;hanger; .i. eire as. Comiao, 758 amp; 0’CI.; cf.nbsp;IT. IV, 1, 411; Fél. p. 200; Cdin AdanmAin,nbsp;p. 4; CP. p. 46; ITS. vii, 6, 41. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;iris .i. cara. O’CL; cf. 1. eiris. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;iris .i. uma. 0’CI. 4. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;iris .i. dliged. 0’CI.; cf. ires. 5. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;iris, irise = ires amp; 1. eires.nbsp;irisech .i. dligthecb. 0’CI.; cf. iresacb.nbsp;iristinech = eiristmech. (riu G. irenn, Dsg. irirm, ire /., Land, Roden; land, ground; .i. ferann. 0’Dav. 1079, 1080nbsp;S O’CL; c/. Asc. ll,83; Trip. ii,653; Fianai-gecht, p. 106. irmar landerreich; rich in lands. Bruchstiicke, p. 61. irna (MS. hirna; leg. urna?) Gehirn?; brain?. BC. XXIV, 274, § 5. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(rna{d’ór) (Gold-)8trahne?; hank (of gold)?.nbsp;Br. D.D. §99 (App.) amp; ZCP. xx, 174; cf.nbsp;Dinneen, p. 616. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[Irna]? NApl. fmada, ?. Fianaigecht, p. 106. iroin (leg. (r-?) Dsg. id.. Ironic; irony. Asc. II, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;83 amp; IT. II, 2, 68.nbsp;irophin = iruphin. irr s. 1. err. irrad, irradach = 1.2. errad amp; erradach. |
irriir, irr^r, iriir (arréir, ariir, ar^ir, ar^r) letzte Nacht; last night. ZCP. xiv, 317, 318;nbsp;Contr. p. 119; PH. p. 848; Betha Colmain, p. 110. irraith = iarrad. i-rrgc s. rec. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;irse (v. 1. sirse, die) .i. gach n-étromm.nbsp;Bezz.B. XIX, 22. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;irse s. ires, 1. iris amp; 1. eires. irsech mit Riemen?; having a strap?. ITS. VII, 46, 1.21; cf. 1. iris. (con-)(rset praet. 3 pi. s. (con-)ire. irt .i. bAs. Connac, 37, 43, Hriu, viii, 186 Snbsp;O’CL; .i. orggain. Lecan Gossary, 52.nbsp;(-)irthar praes. ind. pass. s. iraid. iru s. ire. iruad (iruaid) m., ein gro/ter Raubvogel (lat. berodius?): ein Rether?; a large bird ofnbsp;prey (Lat. berodius?): a heron?. RC.nbsp;XXX, 186, 187. (rugud s. iraigid. iruphin, irophin (MS. hi-) NGpl. id.. Cherubim. SR. p. 63; Mac Conglinne, p. 41; PH. p. 105;nbsp;Mac Cartby, pp. 42, 66. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;is, ’s ist; is; ahstr. buith; cf. (ad-)tA; isnbsp;adbai ia, umndert sick; wonders; is aithrechnbsp;la, bereut, bedauert; repents, regrets; is cumannbsp;la, erinnert sich; remembers; is di (do), istnbsp;von, entspringt; gehort zu; wird genannt;nbsp;is of, comes from; belongs to; is called; is do,nbsp;hat; has; is doig la, denkt sich, vermutet;nbsp;imagines, supposes; is séilir (éitir) la, kann;nbsp;can; is ét la, ist eifersüchtig; is jealous; is ferrnbsp;la, zieht vor; prefers; is fochgn la, heifit will-kommen; welcomes; is ia, gehort; belongs to;nbsp;is maith la, hat gem; likes; is ole la, nuignbsp;nicht; dislikes. Ériu, vi, 1—102; Marstran-der. Dictionary, col. 141; PH. pp. 892—^906. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;is = 2. acas, 1. ós amp; 1. i. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;’is = fis, s. (ro-)£itir. is (few. ?) praep. cumdat. unterhalb; underneath, below; cum pron. person, suff. 1 sg. (samm;nbsp;3 sg. m. isa; 1 pi. (sainn. Fél. p. 339; Laws,nbsp;111,90; TBC. p. 1003; Ériu, vii, 160. (con-, ro-)(s praes. subj. 2 sg. s. (con-, ro-)ic, isa s. 1. i.nbsp;is-a = as-a.nbsp;isa s. is. (-)(sa, (said fut. s. itbid. (sainn s. is. isamm praes. ind. 1 sg. s. l.is. isamm s. is. |
48 isan — [(imm-)ith].
isan s. 1. ). (ar-, can-)fsar praes. subj. 1 sg. s. (ar-, con-)ic. isat praes. ind. 2 sg. amp; 3 pl. s. 1. is. (do-)ïsca = (do-)icosa. iscaite, iscat, iscata s. escat. (con-, do-, ro-)fsed praet. subj. amp; cond. s. (con-, do-, ro-)ic. iséiniu s. eisén. fsel compar. isliu, isle, niedrig {liegend); zum gemeinen VolJce gehorig; demütig; low (-lying);nbsp;plebeian; humble; subsi, ein Niedriger; anbsp;person of low status; os fsel, leise, im Geheimen; quietly, secretly. Irish Abridgment,nbsp;p. 78 S IT. II, 2, 111; cf. Fél. p. 339; Aso.nbsp;II, 83,84; Laws, VI, 514; Cóio Conara Fugill, p. 86. isenna = uisiime. (con-)f8id praes. subj. 2 pl. s. (oon-)ic. isimm praes. ind. 1 sg. s. 1. is.nbsp;f-sin post subst. cum art. dieser, diese, diesesnbsp;(erwahnte); that, those (aforementioned).nbsp;isin(n), isint s. 1. i.nbsp;isinn praes. ind. 1 pl. s. 1. is.nbsp;isit praes. ind. 2 sg. s. 1. is.nbsp;i-siu (MS. etiam I-) hier; here. Thum. i, 284.nbsp;f-siil post subst. cum art. dieser, dieses, diesenbsp;(auch pl.); this, these. l-siüt pron. demons, fern, jene; that (yonder). 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Isle Bsg. id. (gl. diuexitate. Tbes. Pal.nbsp;II, 11) /., Niedrigheit; Emiedrigung, Demut;nbsp;lowness; lowliness, humility. Fél. p. 281;nbsp;Mesoa Ulad, p. 28; CF. p. 36. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Isle s. isel. Isledn Bsg. id., Vertiefwng, Tiefe; a hollow, a deep place. ITS. l, 42. Isligid(ir), Islidid Idpt nieder, senkt (sich); er-niedrigt, demiitigt; lowers, subsides, abases; humiliates, humbles; part, isligthe, isUdthe,nbsp;abstr. fsliugud G. -bgthe, -btbe m. Abo.nbsp;II, 84; IT. IV, 2, 521; EO. xix, 387; ITS.nbsp;XIV, 170.nbsp;fsliu s. isel. (con-, ro-)lsmmals praet. subj. 1 pl. s. (con-, ro-)ic. Isna, isnaib s. 1. i. Isopp, Isoipp G. isóippe /., Ysop; hyssop. Vendryes, p. 148; ITS. xxv, 378; Miscellanea Linguistica, p. 387.nbsp;israëlda, israhelda, israëlta, israhelta (leg. -élda,nbsp;-élta?) israelitisch; Israelitish; subst. m.,nbsp;Israelit; an Israelite. Asc. ll, 84. Is-slsne und wir; and we; cf. 2. acas. |
Ista, istad, istadu = utsad. (ar-, con-, ro-)fsta praet. subj. pass. amp; cond. pass. s. (ar-, con-, ro-)ic. istalg im Hause; drinnen; in the house; inside,nbsp;within; cf. istig amp; teg.nbsp;istaigthe? gut bewirtet?; well entertained?. ITS. 1,50; cf. utsad. (-)lstais cond. 3 pl. s. ithid. Islam ail bewirtend ?, gastfreundlich ?; providing hospitality ?, hospitable ?. ITS. l, 50, n. 3 lt;£nbsp;164; cf. utsad. istas m., Versorgen, Bewirtung; accomodation, hospitality. TSh.; ef. utsad.nbsp;istgch ins Haus; hinein; into the house; in;nbsp;cf. teg. Istig im Hause; drinnen; in the house; inside, within; cf. istaig amp; teg.nbsp;istir ins Land; im Lande; into the land; in thenbsp;land. IT. i, 220, §§ 35, 36 amp; Bruchstiicke,nbsp;p. 34; cf. tir.nbsp;istrith-sa s. trétb. i-syidiu dort, dabei; damals; there, thereat, therewith; then; cf. suide.nbsp;i-synn, i-synna hier; here. Laws, iii, 26,1.28;nbsp;Lism.L. p. 77; Metr. Dindsh. v, 270. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;it praes. ind. 3 pl. s. 1. is. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;it = ot tb 1. i.nbsp;itar, iter = eiter. itfa esairne gl. oeinél daileman. Triads, p. 28, § 231.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^^ / d itfaid .i. sAitheoh. Tecosca Cormaic, p. 60. Itfaide (Hpl. /.) adj. ?. Tecosca Cormaic,nbsp;p. 28, §16; ef. itfaid. ith G. etha n. m. f.? (Keating’s History, p. 160), Getreide; grain; .i. arbar. 0’Dav. 745; ithnbsp;in arba gl. far. Ir. Gl. 1038; cf. Asc. ii, 107;nbsp;Laws, yi, 615; IT. i, 647; Horn. Leg. p. 110. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ith Brei, Briihe; pap, pottage; gl. puls.nbsp;Sg.20a2, 70a5, 113b6; cf. 2. ith?. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;1th G. itha, Fett; fat. Mac Conglinne, p. 183;nbsp;Laws, II, 252, 1.14; 0’Mulc. 766. (-)ith = ithid. [(ar-)ilh]7 if3t?; eats?. Hermatbena, xxi, 10, n. 2. [(con-)ilh] ifSt gemeinsam?, if3t auf?; eats mutually?, eats entirely?; abstr. coimithenbsp;Bsg. id.; gl. commensationes. Wb. 20b21;nbsp;cf. IT. II, 2, 66, III, 1, 237 amp; iv, 2, 264.nbsp;[(imm-)ith] verzehrt; consumes; abstr. immithenbsp;Bsg. id. sich gegenseitig fressen; mutuallynbsp;devouring one another. IT. i, 626 amp; iii, 1,nbsp;245; cf. O’Mulo.427. |
i-thall — f(u)dlaide. 49
f-thall post subst. cum art. jener, jenes, jene; that; gl. id temporis. Asc. ii, 22. ithamail gefrajiig; voracious. Mac Congliime,nbsp;p. 87, 1. 7. ftharda fettig; jatty. IT. iv, 2, 384, 1. 5217. ftharna Binsenlicht; rushlight; .i. ith aoasnbsp;feoma. Cormac, 735 amp; 0’Mulc. 766; .i.nbsp;cainnell. Düil Droma Ceta, p. 187; cf.nbsp;Laws, II, 250, 1. 29. [fthascach] Dsg. -oaia /. ?. Mac Conglinne, p. 77, 1.13; cf. 2. ith. ithchar fer ümsehreibung von coll ,Hazel‘, dem Ogamp;mm-Namen von C; paraphrase ofnbsp;coU ‘hazel’, the Ogamm name of C; .i. eachnbsp;ac ithe a cnó. Anecd. iii, 43; cf. Aur. Éc.nbsp;p. 233, 1. 4280.nbsp;ithe, ithed s. ithid. ithemar gefrafiig; voracious. Wh. 31b22. ithemraige Dsg. id. /., Gefr'dpigheit; voracity. Mac Conglinne, p. 183. ithfern, ithfernach, ilhfernaide = ifern, ifer-nach amp; ifemaide. ithid, (-)ith ipt; eats; part. eise, dbstr. ithe (ithed) DAsg. id. f. Ped. li, 558, 559;nbsp;Asc. II, 70, 108; ZCP. xii, 285, 286; KZ.nbsp;XLVlii, 57—59; Laws, vi, 515; IT. i, 647.nbsp;ithimmrid, ith immrdidid, ithimmraittech s. aithimmraidid amp; aithimmraittech. ithir Dsg. id. /., Aekerland; Qetreideland; arablenbsp;land; grain-growing-land. IT. i, 647; Laws,nbsp;VI, 515; Phüip Bocht, p. 93; TSh.nbsp;ithiann, ithia Dsg. -lainn, Npl. Janna ƒ.,nbsp;Tenne; Kornspeicher, Scheune; threshing-floor; granary, bam; gl. area. Sg. 68a6;nbsp;cf. Laws, VI, 515; Bruohstücke, p. 25; IT.nbsp;IV, 2, 438; TSh. [ithiir {leg. ith-iar?)] G. ithlair gl. areae. Ml. 137 a 2. ith-loihges G. Joihgis, eine Art Unhraut; a species of weed. Cóie Conara Fugill, p. 42.nbsp;ithmar (M8. ith-) adj. Getreide-; containingnbsp;grain. ZCP. xx, 164. ithrech mit Aekerland; having arable land. Ériu, X, 159 (Irish Gram. Tracts); cf. ithir. itiaid s. deod. itib praes. ind. 2 pi. s. 1. is. itir = citer. itirddeiugud = eitirddelugud, s. (etar-)deilige. (¦)itirddiben = (etar-)diben.nbsp;itire = 1. eitire. itropa? .i. cenn. 0’CI.; cf. Bezz.B. xix, 16,90. itsad = utsad. Hesaens Ir. Lexikon» Bd. II. |
Itta, ittad s. ittu. ittadach durstig; thirsty; subst. Durstiger; a thirsty person. IT. il, 2, 59 lt;6 iv, 2,521;nbsp;PH. p. 208; Lism. L. p. 145.nbsp;ittadaigid(ir) durstet; thirsts. TTr. p. 26,1.1032.nbsp;ittan s. ittu.nbsp;ittche s. ittgaid.nbsp;itte, Tttech = eitte tè 1. eittech. [ittech] NApl. ittige (MSS. itige, ith-tige) gl. horrea. Ml. 98 a4, 5.nbsp;itteoc = eitteóc. ittgaid bittet, ersucht, erfleht; petitions, requests, entreats; abstr. ittge, ittche DAsg. id.n.f.rrt.?.nbsp;Stories from Keating; Fél. p. 339; Archiv,nbsp;III, 294, § 10; PH. pp. 773, 774; Togail nanbsp;Tebe, p. 390. (¦)ittis impf. ind. 3 pi. s. ithid. ittmaire /., Durst; thirst. Mac Conglinne, p. 95.nbsp;fttmar durstig; thirsty. IT. ii, 2, 59, 60; LU.nbsp;p. 137; TSh. ittu, itta G. ittad, ittan /., Durst; thirst; gl. sitis. Asc. II, 108; cf. PH. p. 774; ITS.nbsp;XXV, 378; ZCP. i, 402; TSh.nbsp;ittugud m., Diirsten; thirsting. Ml. 62a3.nbsp;i(u)b- vide etiam ib-. iubaide Jude; a Jew. ZCP. i, 254, n. 3; cf. iudaide. iubaile (iubail) G. id. /., Jubilaum; Verjahrung; Ersitzung, endgültig zum Eigentum werden;nbsp;jubilee; prescription; usucaption, acquisition by prescription. Vendryes, p. 148;nbsp;Fianaigecht, p. 42; Laws, vi, 515, 516; Cóienbsp;Conara Fugill, p. 42; KC. XLiii, 18.nbsp;iubal Dpi. -balaib, Jude; a Jew. LBr. 280b39;nbsp;RC. XIX, 387; ITS. xix, 86; ZCP. vi,289;nbsp;cf. iuda lt;fe idal. iubalta (MS. iob-) jUdisch; Jewish. ZCP. XII, 381. iublaide (MS. iob-) jiidisch; Jewish. TSh. i(u)ch- vide etiam ich-.nbsp;iuda jüdisch; Jewish; subst. m., Jude; Judaa;nbsp;a Jew; Judea. Asc. ll, 79; Death-Tales,nbsp;p. 50; PH. p. 954; cf. idal.nbsp;iudaide jiidisch; Jewish; subst. G. id. to.,nbsp;Jude; a Jew. Asc. ii,79; Death-Tales, p.50;nbsp;PH. p. 954. [fudaidech], iudaigech jiidisch; Jewish. TSh. fudaigid lebt wie ein Jude; lives like a Jew. Wb. 19al3. i(u)dai = idal.nbsp;i(u)das, i(u)dasa s. Idas.nbsp;i(u)dlaide = idlaide. 4 |
50 iuech — (in-)la.
iuech s. 3. eo. iuidic (leg. luiticc?) Npl. -dice m., Richter; judge. PH. p. 774 amp; IT. iv, 2, 522. iuidicecht (leg. iuiticcecht?) /., Urteilen; adjudication. PH. p. 774 amp; IT. IV, 2, 522.nbsp;iuiger (lat.) .i. la ferainn no la air. 0’Dav. 1121; cf. Ériu, IX, 157,158. iuil s. 1. eol. [Alil] G. tuil (tul). Juli; July. Gorm. p. 278; The.s. Pal. ii, 18; PH. p. 87; 0’Dav. 1249. [fuin] G. id.. Juni; June. Vendryes, p. 148nbsp;amp; Laws, I, 30.nbsp;iuinnes = uinnes. iuistfs m.. Richter; a justice. Bezz.B. xviii, 78, 129; RC. LI, 51; 0’Don. p. 666; cf. giuistis.nbsp;iuistfsecht Amt eines Richters; office of anbsp;justiciary. Bezz.B. xviii, 129. |
iul = 1. eol. [iumaint]? Npl. -te, Lasttier; beast of burden. RC. xii, 465. iuin(m)- s. imm-. [iunach] Npl. iunaige. Eunuch. Fél. p. 98 amp; SR. p. 143. iunaid tritt (vom mannlichen Vogel gesagt); treads (said of a male bird); abstr. iunadnbsp;G. iunta m. Laws, vi, 516. -iunn = -uim. (di-)iupra(Laws, li,212) praes. subj. s. (di-)opair. {^)iurrat, (as-, con-, fris-)iurrat fut. Spl.s. orggaid amp; (as-, con-, £ris-)oirgg. iurthais praet, 3 sg. von, of?. ült.Ir.Dichtung,nbsp;1,41, 49. -ius = -us. lust .i. iusiurandum. O’Mulc. 767. |
Wörter, die mit K- anfangen, siehe unter C-. For words beginning with K-, see under C-.
la, IS (gem.) posterius ra, re, ri; cf. fri; praep. cum acc. bei, mit, durch, in der Meinung von,nbsp;im Besitz von; with, by, in the opinion of,nbsp;in the possession of; cum pron. pers, suff. 1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;sg. lemm, li(u)mm, lamm; 2sg. latt, lett;nbsp;3 sg. m. n. leis, les, lals 4- auch; abo; 3 sg. f.nbsp;lee. Ié, lea, léithe; 1 pi. linn, lenn, leinn; 2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;pi. Mb, leib; 3 pi. leu, leo, lethu; cum art.nbsp;3sg. m. f. lasin, lesin, leisin; 3 sg. n. lasa; 3 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;pi. lasna, lesna, leisna; cum pron. rel.nbsp;lasa-, las-, le(n-). PH.; lena; cum pron.nbsp;poss. 1 sg. lamm; 2sg. lalt; 3sg. amp; pi. lia,nbsp;lea, lena; 1 pi. liar; 11 algile (le’léile) beinbsp;dem andern; by the other. Thum. 1,474;nbsp;la-se indem, als, dadurch daf}, wahrend;nbsp;while, when, owing to the fact that, whereas.nbsp;Thum. 1,501,502. Id, laa, laS G. lai (leg. lai ?), Dsg. lau, lao, 1Ó, lou, loo. Dpi.laaib n.m.. Tag; day; ar(do) IÓnbsp;bei Tage; by day; Id aicenta Tag von 24 Stun-dem; day consisting of 24 hours; Id saerda |
Tag von 12Stunden; day consisting of 12 hours. Ériuxii, 75; Asc. 150, 151; Wi.;nbsp;SR.p. 119; TBC.; PH.; cf. laithe. ’la s. 1. ala. (-)ld praes. ind. amp; praes. subj. s. laaid; cf. (ro-)ld,. (con-)ld stellt susammen, vereinigt; combines; abstr. comal (comall) -f- Sammeln, Versamm-lung; gathering, assembly. Ped.; ZCP.nbsp;XIII, 187; O’Mulc. 456. (dl-)ld, (-)dlla, dllaid (dllid. Philip Bocht) vertreibt, fertigt ab, walzt ab, zahlt db; expels,nbsp;finishes off, clears himself of, pays off;nbsp;abstr, dll G. dfla m. ZCP. xili, 187 amp;nbsp;XV, 320; Ériu xii, 8. (in-)ld, (-)inle(thap), inlid, innellald bereikt, geht ein (einen Vertrag), spannt an (einennbsp;Wagen); prepares, enters into (a contract),nbsp;yokes (a chariot); part, inlithe, innelta,innilte;nbsp;abstr. innel(l) G. innil(l) m. -f Vorrichtung,nbsp;Ausrüstung, List; apparatus, equipment. |
(ro-)M — ladrach. 51
device; amp; inled. Wi.; Togail na Tebe; TSh. (ro-)ld {ro-)praet. s. {fo-)ceirdd. laa = la. laaid, (-)lé (saepius fo-ceirdd amp; -cuirethar) wirft, setzt, schicht; throws, puts, sends;nbsp;laaid for qualt; troubles. IT. iii, 2,578 amp;nbsp;IV, 2; Wi.; ITS. xviii.nbsp;laairgg, laairgge, laargg = loargg.nbsp;laba, la(u)ba .i. mala. Metr.nbsp;libaigid = lamaigid.nbsp;labair = lubair.nbsp;labairt s. labraid(lr). labandar Lavendel; lavender; gl. lavendula. Medical Glossaries. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;labar, lobar geschwdtzig, vorlaut; talkative,nbsp;arrogant. Wi; IT. iv, I; BC. xiv; 0’Dav.nbsp;1161; Mesca ülad, p. 24. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;labar = 1. lobar. labarda geschwdtzig?; talkative?. Egerton Glossary. labartha s. labraid(ir). labarthach compar. -thaige geschwdtzig, heredt, Idrmend; talkative, eloquent, noisy. PH.;nbsp;Ir. GL; Hogan, p. 257.nbsp;labra O. id. f. m. (ITS. xxi); Spreehen; speech. Wi.; PH.; Laws i, 302; ef. labraid(ir). labraid(ir), lobraid(ir) redet; speaks; dbstr.nbsp;labrad m., labairt /.; 6. m. labrada, labartha.nbsp;Ped.; Wi.; PH.; Laws; TSh.nbsp;(ar-)labrathar, (-)urlabrathar sprieht (für);nbsp;speaks {for); dbstr. uriabrad m., uriabra /.;nbsp;Q. m. -bartha. ZCP. xviii,326; Laws;0’Don.nbsp;(fo-)labrathar murmelt, murrt; murmurs, grumbles; dbstr. folabra. ZCP. xviii, 326.nbsp;(fris-)labrathar widersprieht; contradicts; gl.nbsp;obloquitur. Ped. labugud {leg. ledbbugud?) Asg. id., Peitsehen?; whipping?. ZCP. xiil, 116; c/. ledbbaid. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lac compar. laice (laeaite), schlaff, schwach;nbsp;languid, weak. Wi. S TSh. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lac = loc. lacaid macht {oder wird) schwach; makes {or grows) weak; dbstr. lacad G. lactha, lacaid.nbsp;TTr.; IT. iv, 2; ITS. xxv, 150; TSh.nbsp;lacaigid macht {oder wird) schwach; makesnbsp;{or grows) weak. Trip.; Togail na Tebe;nbsp;ZCP. V, 376. lacctn G. lacAin m'. kleine Höhlung; little hollow. Joyce i,432. lacar Schwdehe; weakness. ITS. iii amp; ZCP. v,376. |
laccdiste, loccdiste Ermdpigung {der Pacht); abatement {of rent). BC. xxxni lt;16 O’Don. lach = 1. loch. lacha, lachu, locha G. -an(n) /. Ente; duck. Wi.; TBC.; ITS. xxv. lachanta entenartig; ducklike. ZCP. v, 376.nbsp;lachar grower Raubvogel; large bird of prey; gl. sen-én. KZ. xxxiii, 82,85. lachs {MSS. lax), lasc schlaff, schioach, Idhm;nbsp;languid, weak, lame. Vendryes; Lism. L.;nbsp;BC. XXVIII. lachsa {MSS. laxa), lacsa, lasca, lalcse Dsg. -ai /. Schlaffheit, Erschlaffung; languidness, weakness. Vendryes; Erin vii, 172.nbsp;lacht G. -ta m. Milch, Flüssigkeit, Sippe?;nbsp;milk, fluid, sept?. Laws; Wi.; Vendryes;nbsp;ITS. Ill amp; X; ef. lucht,nbsp;lachtac {MS. -toe) Gpl. id. Lattich; lettuce. SB.nbsp;lachtach (in: bec-lachtach) Milch gebend; yielding milk. Metr. Dindsb. iv, 338.nbsp;lachtmaire G. id. f. Reichtum an Milch; abundance of milk. Tecosca Cormaic. lachtmar milehreich; rich in milk. Tecoscanbsp;Cormaic; Mac Conglinne; Plummer, Lives,nbsp;lachtna schmutzfarben {wie ungebleichte Wolk);nbsp;dirty-colored {like unbleached wool). Laws;nbsp;Wi.; TBC.; Lism. L.; Mesca Ulad, p. 32.nbsp;lacsa = lachsa. laesaine Asg. id. Milderung, ErmUpigung, Erleichterung; remission, abatement, relief;nbsp;g(. logda. 0’CI. s. v. loghdha; cf. ITS.xviii.nbsp;lactha s. lacaid. lacthach abfuhrend, entleert; laxative, relaxed. ITS. xxv, 64,150,288. lad BAsg. id. Niederschlag?; sediment? precipitate?. BC. ix; Plummer, Lives; ITS. xrv.nbsp;(-)ldd praet. pass. s. laaid; cf. (ro-)la.nbsp;ladar Dsg. ladair. Dpi. ladraib /. Gabel, Gabe-lung, Ast; fork, bifurcation, branch. Wi.;nbsp;TBC.; Trip.; Joyce I. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ladgg .i. snechta. O’CL; .i. ar a timme.nbsp;0’Mulc.; cf. ladhg, laog. Dinneen. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ladgg weich?; soft?. LL. 29b32.nbsp;ladggmann s. lagmann. ladggrach {MS. -gra) groflsprecherisch?; bragging?; cf. ladhgar. Dinneen; IT. Ill, 2,442., ladna Asg. -nai /. Stummheit?; dumbness?;nbsp;.i. baübe. 0’CI.; cf. Pél. amp; Metr. Dindsh.nbsp;IV, 220. ladrach, lagarach gegdbelt, mit {groten, dicken) Fingern oder Zehen; forked, havi'ng {large,nbsp;thick) fingers or toes. ITS. in amp; LL. 117bl6.. |
52 ladrdn — (a8-)lai.
Iadré.n (hleine) Gdbelung; (small) iifurcatüm. Joyce I, 530. ladróc (kleine) Gabel oder Gdbelung; (small) fork or bifurcation. Joyce iii, 493. Iaë = la. laeb schief, voreingenommen; oblique, partial; .i. a laeva; .i. lénad, ut est fiadnaise nanbsp;laeb-êerc. 0’Dav. 1174; .i. bó. 0’Mulc.;nbsp;(laevi boves sunt quorum comua terramnbsp;spectant); cf. RC. xliv.nbsp;laebaid verkéhrt?; perverts?; abstr. laebad. Laws; cf. 0’Dav. 1174. laeb-derc scheel; cross-eyed. Gorm.nbsp;laeb-ladrach schief gegabelt; obliquely forked. LL. 117b 16; cf. ladrach. laeb-éerc voreingenommen; partial. 0’Dav.nbsp;1174. laebthach verkéhrend?; perverting?. Laws, laech G. laich m. Laie, Krieger; layman,nbsp;warrior. Vendryes amp; O’Don.nbsp;laechacht G. -ta /. Kriegertum; warriorship. RC. XLV, 91; cf. laechdacht. laechda cowipar.laechdu kriegerisch; warrior-like. Wi.; Togail na Tebe; ITS. xi, 62.nbsp;'laechdacht G. -ta /. Kriegertum; warriorship. RC. XLV; van Hamel, Compert; IT. iv, 2. laechrad, laechraid (laechra) G. -raide /.nbsp;Krieger(schar), Helden(schar); (band of)nbsp;warriors or heroes. Wi.; Togail na Tebe;nbsp;O’Curry. taed, laid G. laide /. Lded; ein VersmaP des Dos; song; name of a meter proper to the Dos.nbsp;Laws; Wi.; TBC.; Aur. Éc. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;laeg G. laig m. Kalb; calf. Wi.; ZCP.nbsp;XX, 196. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;laeg? .i. linn b4n. Bezz. B. xix, 33, 90;nbsp;cf. 0’R. s. V. laodh (pith, marrow) amp;nbsp;laegan. laegdn Kdlbchen; little calf. ZCP. xx, 196. laegan, lalgen G. -gain, -gin m. Hark, Brei-^ masse, bester Teil, Mittelpunkt; marrow,nbsp;pulp, best part, center. Irish Texts v amp;nbsp;ITS. XXIX. laeglach, laeglaige s. lulgach. [laegthar]? G. -thair, coll.?, Kalber?; calves?. RC. L, 226. 1. laemm, lalmtn G. laemma, pi. laem-manna m. Auflodem, Aufleuchten,;. blaze, flash; laemm cotalta kurzer Schlaf; shortnbsp;sleep.. TBC. p. 476; .i. aimmser. O’Mulc.;nbsp;¦cf. van Hamel, Compert; Dull Droma Cetanbsp;p. 188; Horn. Leg. p. 111. 2. laemm .i. ainmm don chléith bis fon arbar oca thirad. O’Mulc. laemmaire G. id. m., leichtsinniger Kerl; reckless fellow. ITS. XI, 80. laemmda flammend?, glanzend?; blazing?,nbsp;bright ?. Bezz. B. xix, 90.nbsp;laemmscra? (MS. laomhscra) ivunderbar, herr-lich; prodigious. Meyer Miscellany, p. 360.nbsp;laemmscairecht G. -ta f. Erstaunlichkeit; prodigiousness; gl. allmairecht. Contr. p. 79.nbsp;laemm-scél glanzende, ausgezeichnete Ge-schichte?; brilliant, famous story?. Hogan,nbsp;p. 148. laes .i. fiach. Dull Droma Ceta, p. 188 lt;fe O’Mulc; cf. laisech. laes (-)laesat praes. ind. rel. amp; praet. 3 pi. s. laaid; cf. (ro-)la. laeschar Asg. id. Losen?, Befreien?; loosening?, delivering?. SR.; cf. cymr. Uaes.nbsp;laethamail taglich; daily. TSh. [lafan] Gpl. id. Frosch; frog. Ériu x, 163. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lag G. laga Gesetz, (richtige) Lage; law, (right)nbsp;position. Egerton Glossary S Bidrag. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[Ag (Asg.) Verfall?; decay?. Metr. Dindsh.nbsp;IV, 218. laga s. lug. lagad s. largad. [lagait]?, lagat, laiget, loiget, luiget Dsg. id. m. f.?, Khinheit, Wenigkeit, Verminderung; smallness, fewness, lessening. Asc. 150;nbsp;Laws; Aur. Éc.; Gorm.; IT. rv, 2; ITS.nbsp;xxv; Wi.;PH.; Archiv i, 185;RC. xxv, 258;nbsp;TSh. lagarach = ladrach. lagatas Kleinheit; smallness. PH.nbsp;lagddaid wird weniger; becomes less. Plummer,nbsp;Lives. lagddaigid, lagddugud s. laigddigid. lagmann (ladggmann) m. Gesetzessprecher,nbsp;Hauptling; proclaimer of the law, a chief.nbsp;Bidrag amp; Meyer Miscellany, p. 302.nbsp;lagu = lugu, s. lug-. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lal .i. molad. ZCP. v, 486; cf. franc-gall.nbsp;lai (Lied; song). 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;laf s. la, loa, 1. lua amp; 1. lu. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(-)lal = 1. lt;6 2. luaid. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(-)laf praet. s. laaid; cf. (ro-)la. (as-)lal (-lui), (-)élal, élafd, élaigid geht fort, entkommt, entzieht sich, unterlapt eine pflicht-mapigeLeistung; goes away, escapes, absconds,nbsp;omits a due service; abstr. éluuth, élüd, élód,nbsp;élad, élugud G. éliitha, élüda, élüid, élóid. |
{con-)lai — laimthenchas. 53
élafthe, élaide, élaigthe. Ped.; Wi.; Bergin, Dictionary; Ériu xii, 14. {con-)laf lost auf?, vermindert?; dissolves?, diminishes?. Laws. (di-)la( lost ab; solves; dbstr. dilüd, dflód, Npl. -lütha, -laithe (MS. -laithe). Laws. (fo-)laf, (fo-)luathar, (-)folaf, foluamnaigid be-loegt (sich), fliegt; moves, ilies; abstr. folua-main /., fulüd m.; G. f. -luamna. Bnich-stüoke, pp. 68, 69; Ped.; ZCP. xvili, 329.nbsp;[{for-)laf], (for-)luathar? bewegt (sich), fliegt;nbsp;moves, flies. Ériu il, 120 {leg. fo-lua-thar ?). (imm-)la( (-lui) geht fort; goes away. Wi. amp; Metr. Dindsh. ll, 97. (ro-)lal {ro-)praet. s. (fo-)ceirdd; cf. laaid. (-)laibeora, (-)laibéra fut. s. labraid(ir).nbsp;laibin G. id. m. Sawerteig; leaven. TSh. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;laice G. id. f. Schwdche; weakness. Fél. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;laice s. 1. lac.nbsp;laich s. laech. lafches Npl. -chesa /, Laiin, Weib eines Kriegers, Kriegerin; lay-woman, warrior’snbsp;wife, amazon. Wi.; Laws; Ériu vil, 194;nbsp;Metr. Dindsh. iii, 100.nbsp;lalchliu s. laigel. lalchthech? (MS. laichthech) vornehm (von Aussehen)?; well bred (of appearance)?.nbsp;Togail na Tebe. laichnech (MS. -ai-) voll Enten; full of ducks. LU. 2993. laicse = lachsa.nbsp;laid, lalde s. laed. laldech antreibend; animating, exciting. ZCP. XIV, 176 amp; 0’Dav. 1161. laldeng G. -dinge ƒ. Schiff, Flotte; ship, fleet.nbsp;IT. IV, 1; Hogan, p. 14; Ériu x, 87; ITS. v;nbsp;Meyer Miscellany, p. 293.nbsp;laldengach sehiffreich; rich in ships.nbsp;laid id treibt an, reizt, besingt; incites, celebratesnbsp;in song; abstr. laided (laiged). Gorm.; IT.nbsp;rv, 2; Togail na Tebe; Plummer, lives;nbsp;van Hamel, Compert; Philip Bocht,nbsp;laidrin {kleine) Gabelung; (small) bifurcation.nbsp;Joyce 1,630. (-)lalfe fut. s. laaid; cf. (ro-)14. laig s. 1. laeg. (-)laig = laigid. [(con-)laig] liegt bei (jemand); lies with (someone), cohabits with; abstr. coiblige (ex com-fo-lige?); comlaige G. id. f. Ped. II, 660; Contr. p. 403; ZCP. xx, 196. |
laigddech, luigddech unbedeutend, schwaeh; insignificant, weak. Aur. Éc. laigddigid, lagddaigid vermindert; lessens;nbsp;abstr. laigddiugud, lagddugud. Laws; Plummer, Lives; IT. IV, 2; Ériuv, 128; ITS.nbsp;XIV; TSh. laige s. laigid. Idige Spoten; spade. Egerton Glossary; cf. lua lt;amp; laidb, laigh. O’Don. laiged s. laidid. laigéiniu gl. minusculus. Asc. 160. [laigel] Apl. laichliu m. Edlbchen?; little calf?. UiEchach, p. 98. Idigen, laigen?, lalgen?, laigne (BC. v, 198) Apl. -gne /. Speer; spear; .i. gai. Ddil Droma Ceta, p. 188) cf. Fél.; Wi.; PH.;nbsp;Ériu, VI, 166; Metr. Dindsh. iv, 50.nbsp;laigen = laegan.nbsp;laiget = lagait. laigid, loigid, luigid, (-)laig legt (sich); lays, lies; abstr. lige, laige, luige G. id. ri. f.nbsp; Lager, Grab; couch, grave. Ped.; Laws;nbsp;O’Don.; Wi.; TBC.; Metr. Dindsh. rv, 66;nbsp;IT. IV, 1; ZCP. V, 483, 485; TSh.nbsp;laigiu s. lug-.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;' laigne s. Idigen. laignech mit Speeren; having spears. Wi. ’laile = alaile. lailgech = lulgach. Idim s. lam. Idimdechas Ergreifen, Gefangenschaft; seizing, captivity. Egerton Glossary,nbsp;laime, Idime .i. biail. KZ. xxxvii, 258. Idime s. lam. (ro-)iaimethar, (ro)lamathar, lamaid (Idmaid) wagt; dares; abstr. léitiu, léite G. -ten f.; lt;Ê laimed m. Ped.; Wi.; TBC.; PH.; Ériunbsp;11,157 amp; XII, 28; O’Don. Idimln G. id. Hdndchen; small hand. Idiminn = lamann. laimm = 1. laemm. laimnid m. verwegener Mensch?; audacious fellow ?. TBC. p. 781; cf. BC. v, 467.nbsp;laimnide, laimnige Asg. id. Vermessenheit?; audacity?. Laws lt;ê Anecd. lii, 20. laimthenach, Idimthenach, laimthinech, laim-thech (Tecosca Cormaic) wagemutig, wagbar,nbsp;eifrig, geschickt; audacious, dareable, eager,nbsp;dexterous. Wi.; Laws; IT. iv, 2; ITS. vi;nbsp;Br.D.D.§97(App.). laimthenchas, Idimthenchas Waghalsigkeit?, Geschicklichkeit?; audacity?, dexterity?. Wi. |
54 tóimtheóir — laith.
liimtheóir Hmdtuch-, towel; gl. mantile. Sg. 92a4. laimthinche G. id. f. Wagemut; audacity. Laws amp; Ériu xii, 28. laimthinech = laimthenach.nbsp;laindér G. -déra m. Laterne; lantern. Plummer,nbsp;Lives. Idine G. id. f. Fülle; fullness. Wb. 26d3 amp; Pél. laingén = loingén.nbsp;lainib s. 2. loan. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lainn, loign, luinn eompar. lainne, lumuenbsp;hegierig, schar f, freudig; keen, eager, joyous;nbsp;.1. solas nó taithnemach. 0’Dav. 1184;nbsp;is lainn li(u)min ich wünsche, ich lieie;nbsp;I desire, 1 love. Asc. 148; Wi.; IT. iv,2;nbsp;PH.; ITS. Ill; PhiUp Bocht. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lainn s. 1. 2. lann. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lainne O. id. f. Scharfe, ErwünscUheit?,nbsp;Freudigheit; keenness, desirableness ?, joy;nbsp;gl. acrimonia S alacritas. Asc. 148; Fél. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lainne s. 1. 2. laan. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lainnech gierig, scharf, glanzend; keen,nbsp;eager, bright. Alt. Ir. Dichtung; TogaUnbsp;na Tebe; 0’Dav. 474; cf. Ériu xii, 16. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lainnech = lannach. lainnéna G. id. Schlagel; mallet. Laws, lainnér gl. ligula (Bieme; strap). Ir. Gl. p. 5.nbsp;lainnerda, lainnertha, loinnerda, lonnardanbsp;(-errda) glanzend; bright. Wi.; SR.; TBC.;nbsp;Togail na Tebe; Betha Colméin; ITS.nbsp;VII, 63; ZCP. v,380 amp; vi,330.nbsp;lainnerdacht G. -ta /. Glanz; brightness. Ériunbsp;II, 157. lainnigid ist gierig noch; is eager for. Ml. 71d4. lainnin G. id. Schlagel; mallet. Laws,nbsp;lainnir, loinnir G. -lainrech /. Schein, Glanz;nbsp;shining, brightness. lainrech, loinrech, lonrach glanzend; resplendent; subst. Glanz; brilliance. TTr.; Fél.; Togail na Tebe; Plummer, Lives,nbsp;lainred, lonrad G. lonnartha, lonraid glanzendnbsp;machen, (jemand) Streifen, Glanz; makingnbsp;bright, brushing {against), brilliance. Ériunbsp;II, 157; TTr.; ITS. xi, 20; TSh.nbsp;lainregda glanzend; bright. Togail na Tebe.nbsp;lainrige, loinrige G. id. Glanz; brightness.nbsp;IT. IV, 2; Togail na Tebe; Magh Rath,nbsp;p. 114. lainrigid, loinrigid, lonraigid glanzt, macht glanzend; is or makes bright; abstr. lonrugud.nbsp;van Hamel, Compert; TBC.; TTr.; ZCP.nbsp;V, 380. |
Idinte s. lanaid. léip s. lap. 1, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Idir G. lara, larach, pi. laracha, lar(r)thaeha,nbsp;lairthecha Stute; mare. Wi.; Laws; Togailnbsp;naTebe; O’Don.; Mac Conglinne. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Idir s. lar. lairemm nahe bei mir; near to me. ITS. xviii; cf. Him re s. v. lam. Idiréna Stütchen; little mare; gl. equila. Sg. 49b4. lairgg, Idirgge s. loargg. lairggid = loirggid. Iciirin G. id. m. Stütchen; little mare. Idirthecha s. I. Idir. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lais (leg. lais ?) .i. laid. Dull Droma Ceta,nbsp;p. 188; cf. 1. lai. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lais s. la. laisc, laisce s. 1. lasc. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;laise, loise, luise G. id. f. plotzliches Lichtnbsp;Oder Rote, Flamme, Glanz; flash, flush,nbsp;flame, gleam. Laws; Aur. Éc.; Gorm.;nbsp;Ériu IV, 103; Three Middle-Irish Homilies,nbsp;p. 120; TSh. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[laise]? Asg. id.?. SR. p. 63, 1.4326; cf.nbsp;1. laise?. [laisech]? Aph -sechu»»., Schuldner?; deltor?. SR. p. 58, 1.3978; cf. laes. (-)lafset(ar) praet. 3 pi. s. laaid; cf. (ro-)M. laisne, loisne, luisne G. id. f. Aufleuchten,nbsp;Flamme; flash, flame. RC. xlix, 180 amp;nbsp;TSh. laisrén G. -réin Flammen; flaming, flashing. Illinois Studies; .i. lasamain. 0’Dav. 1198;nbsp;cf. lasar. laisrigid(ir) entzündet; inflames. Ml.43al2. laiste Klinke; latch. RC. xxxiii. Idistid wascht; washes. TSh. laiten G. -tne /. Latein; the Latin language.nbsp;Asc. 151; Laws; Aur. Éc.; Wi. p. 654;nbsp;cf. laitin. laitenda, laitenta = laitinde. laitendacht G. -ta f. Lateinertum; latinity.nbsp;Aur. Éc. [laiter] Npl. -tir. Dpi. -teraib Ziegel; brick; gl. later. Ml. 102 dll, 12. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;laith Asg. id. Flüssigkeit, Bier; liquid, ale;nbsp;.i. cuirmm. Cormac 675; laith finn Milch;nbsp;milk. Laws, VI, 519; Asc. 160; Wi. 652;nbsp;cf. 2. flaith. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;laith DAsg. id.. Held ?, Herr ?; hero ?, lord ?.nbsp;Metr. Dindsh. v, 271. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;laith s. 1. loth. |
lamp;ith — Mmaig. 55
1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;léith Afl. laithe Wagschah; balance.nbsp;Connac, 811. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;liith s. 1. 2. lath. laithe, Itiithe (Battle of Mag Bath, p. 108), laithe (van Hamel, Compert) O. id., Dsg.nbsp;laithiu n. m. Tag; day; laithe aicenta Tagnbsp;von 24 Stunden; day consisting of 24 hours;nbsp;laithe saerda Tag von 12 Stunden; day consisting of 12 hours. Aso. 160; Laws; Wi.;nbsp;PH.; cf. la. Idithe s. 2. Idth. laithe praet. pass. 3 pi. s. laaid. laithech — 1. lathaoh. laithertach berauscht; intoxicated; gl. crapu-latus. Ml. 100 a 10. laithide taglich, bei Tage; dayly, by day; subst. m. jemand, der nur einen Tag bleibt?;nbsp;a person remaining only a day?. ITS. vi;nbsp;cf. Ml. 62a8 t6 133hl5; Lism. L.; IT. iv, 2.nbsp;Idithir = lAthar. laithirt, lathairt Dsg. id. Rausch; intoxication; .1. laith ron-ort .1. 61 cormma. Cormao, 820;nbsp;gl. crapula. Ir. Gl.; cf. ITS. xxv.nbsp;laithre .1. bó. Metr. amp; 0’CI. Idithre s. Idthar. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Idithrech gegenwartig; present, ZCP. v, 376;nbsp;Keating, Ddnta Amhrain. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Idithrech s. 1. lathrach lt;amp; Idthar.nbsp;Idithrechas G. -chais m. Zerstörung; destruction. ITS. XXIV. Idithrén Lage, ebener Plate, Triimmer, Dresch-tenne; site, level spot, ruins, threshing-floor. idithrigid = lathraigid.nbsp;idithrin G. id. m. Lage; site. Joyce iii, 476.nbsp;laithrinn Dsg. id. zustehender Raum; allottednbsp;space. Laws. laitin lateinisch; Latin. Asc. 161; cf. laiten. laitinde, laitenda, laitenta, iaitianda lateinisch,nbsp;hubsch; Latin, comely. Sg. 6a9, 9a22;nbsp;IT. IV, 2; Plummer, Lives; ZCP. 1,433.nbsp;iaitir s. laiter. Iditir compar. laitire stark; strong. TBC.; Ir. Gl. p. 188; van Hamel, Compert. Iditire Starke; strength. Laws i, 22 amp; Ir. Gl. laitne s. laiten. laitnemail lateinisch; Latin. TSh. laitneoir G. -óra m. lateinisch Redender, Latein-kenner; speaker of Latin, Latinist. Asc. 161nbsp;lt;amp; Lecan Glossary. laitt? (amp; latt?; MSS. lait, lat) pi. -tte Ma^ von 36 Sehritten; measure of 36 paces.nbsp;Laws amp; O’Don. |
laittis G. -se /. Gitter; lattice. ZCP. vi, 291. 1dm G. lama, Idime, Dsg. Idim ƒ. Hand, Arm; Gewalt, Resits, Oewahr; hand, arm; power,nbsp;possession, surety; aes (lucht) Idime Tater,nbsp;Verletzende; perpetrators, injurers. Laws;nbsp;d’aen-ldim zusammen; together; fer Idimenbsp;wirklicher Tater; actual perpetrator; for Idimnbsp;theben, in der {die) Gewalt; beside, in{to) . the power, van Hamel, Compert amp; Wi.; fri Idim statt, bei Seite; instead of, aside.nbsp;Lism. L. amp; Pled Br. § 94; fri Idmaib zunbsp;Diensten {Handen); in the service {hands);nbsp;I Idim in Gefangenschaft, in Gewahrsam;nbsp;imprisoned, in custody; Idim fri (re) mit, bei;nbsp;with, near. Laws amp; TSh.; Idm ar culunbsp;Rückhalt; reserve. IT. iv, 2; sech Idim beinbsp;Seite; aside. Laws iii, 40, 1.7; téit donbsp;Idim kommt sum Abendmahl bei; takes communion from. Three Middle -Irish Homilies;nbsp;téit fo Idim la vnrd in die Hand genommennbsp;von; is taken in hand by. IT. rv, 2,1. 2389;nbsp;téit re Idim, leistet Bürgschaft; goes surety.nbsp;Asc. 149; Wi.; PH.; Laws; O’Don. (-)ldm praes. subj. 1 pi. s. laaid; cf. (ro-)la. Idmacdn auf Handen und Knieen kriechen; creeping on hands and knees; gl. remigatio.nbsp;Ir. Gl. amp; Egerton Glossary. Idmach mit Handen, frisch sur Tat, geschickt, schleudernd, sehiefiend; having hands, active,nbsp;handy, hurling, shooting; subst. G. lamaignbsp;m. die Hande benutsen, Geschicklichkeit,nbsp;Schleudern, Schiepen; using one’s hands,nbsp;dexterity, hurling, shooting. Wi.; TBC.;nbsp;ZCP. XIII,214; Horn. Leg. p. Ill; vannbsp;Hamel, Compert; Battle of Magh Rath,nbsp;p. 116; TSh. Idmachaid, Idmachaige m. Schulze; shooter. Idmachtad m. Beruhren, Handhaben, Be-handeln; touching, handling. Wi.; SR.; PH. Idmachtain Kiihnheit, Anmafhmg; daring, presumption. IT. rv, 2; c/. EC. xxviii, 430. (fo-)ldmadar = (fo-)lamathar. Idmaid = (ro-)laimethar. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Idmaid Werfer; thrower; aen-ldmaid ein-handig; one-handed. Metr. Dindsh. v, 271. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Idmaid nimmt in die Hand, handhdbt, behandelt, schleudert, schiept; takes in hand,nbsp;handles, hurls, shoots. Kelt. Wortkimde,nbsp;§ 179; cf. (ro-)laimethar. Idmaide — lamda. Idmaig s. Idmach. |
56 Mmaigid — lan-chuibdes.
limaigid (Idbalgid. CE.) handhdbt, behandelt, hemhrt, fajit, schiept, hestiirmt; handles,nbsp;treats, touches, seizes, shoots, assaults. ITS.nbsp;XII amp; TSh. (ro-)ldmair praet. s. (ro-)laimetliar. Idmaire Sehiitze?, Schupwaffe?; shooter ?, firearm?. MaoNeUl, Three Poems, lamais .i. file. 0’CI. lémann, Idmainn, léiminn /. Handschuh; glove, Wi.; Laws; Cormac, 808; PH.;nbsp;RC. XXXVI, 371; ITS. xxv.nbsp;lamanndn, lamndn Blase; bladder. Wi.nbsp;Idmanta s. Mmnaid. Idmas .i. fos laime. Cormao, 807; of. Mmasta. (fo-)llt;imas praet. pass. s. (fo-)lamathar.nbsp;Idmasta gedrmelt; sleeved; gl. manuleatus.nbsp;Sg. 60a 1. limatas Handhaben, Tapferkeit; handling, prowess. (fo-)ldmathar, (fo-)ldmadar, (-)folniathar ist nahe daran, versucht; is about to, tries; abstr. folmaise (falmaise) G. id., Dsg. -siunbsp; Qelegenheit?; opportunity?. Lism. L.;nbsp;Ped.; Wi.; TBC.; LU. 1.4242.nbsp;(ro-)lamathar = (ro-)laimethar. Idm-bratt, lam-brott Handtuch, Wisehtueh; towel, napkin. Asc. 149 amp; Ir. Gl. 740. Idmchaire G. id. Geschicklichkeit; dexterity.nbsp;Ériu VIII, 184. Idmchar, geschickt; dexterous; subst. mit der Hand, stofien; pushing with the hand. Laws;nbsp;TTr.; ITS. VI. Idm-chartad Selbstbejleckung; masturbation. 0’Dav. 1474 lt;amp; Ériu xii, 24, § 29. lam-chomart, l4m-chomairt Dsg. -chomairt /.nbsp;Handeklatschen aus Trauer; hand-clappingnbsp;out of sorrow; .i. basgaire. 0’Dav. 1193;nbsp;cf. PH. amp; Togail na Tebe. Idm-chrann Seite der Harfe zunachst dem Spieler; side of the harp next to the performer. O’Curry amp; Measgra Ddnta l.nbsp;Idmda, Idmaide G. id. f. Geschicklichkeit,nbsp;Handarbeit; dexterity, handiwork. Wi.;nbsp;Laws; Lism.L.; IT. rv, 1; van Hamel,nbsp;Compert; RC. XLV S xlvi.nbsp;lim-dea Npl. -dei, -dee, Apl. -deo Götze;nbsp;idol. SR.; Eriu ll, 11 s. v. huargus; ITS. vi;nbsp;TSh. [Idm-gaibid] praes. subj. (-)lamgaba, gl. man-cipat. Ml. 43 a2. lém-glés Hdnderingen?; wringing of hands?. IT. II, 2, 1. 389. |
lamm a. la. Iémnaid gebiert; gives birth to; abstr. Idmnad G. lamnada, lamanta. Thes. Pal. ii, 291; Wi.;nbsp;TBC.; IT, IV, 1 c6 2. Idmnaigid gebiert; gives birth to. Plummer, Lives. lamndn — lamaiman. Idm-nige eine Vermögensstrafe?; a kind of fine?. Laws, v, 4S8, 1. 7.nbsp;lampa Lampe; lamp. ZCP. ii, 306.nbsp;lam par .i. én. KZ. xxxiii, 82 (scot, kleinernbsp;Oder unfiügger Vogel; small ojr unfledgedfnbsp;bird). (-)Icimratar, (-)lamsatar praet. 3 pi. s. (ro-) laimethar. Idm-roite (-rota) .i. etar da slige .i. shge dar tuaiscerdd mennata, alaile tar a deiscerdd.nbsp;Cormac, 1082. Idm-scalled Freilassung; manumission. TSh. Idmtharggair .i. oiroe bee no mesan. 0’Dav.nbsp;1153. Idm-thorad (Ertrag der) Handarbeit; (product of) handiwork. Laws amp; RC. xlv, 56, 57. Idn voll(standig); full, complete; subst. Fiille, Flut; abundance, flood-tide; lin ré Vollmond;nbsp;full moon. ITS. xiv; cf. Asc. 146; Wi.;nbsp;IT. IV, 1; van Hamel, Compert.nbsp;lénaid füllt; fills; part. Minte; abstr. Idnad nbsp;Fülle; fullness. Asc. 146; Laws; O’Don.;nbsp;Mac Conglinne.nbsp;lénaide voll; fuU. SR. Idnamain, lénama G. -mna /, Paar, Ehepaar; pair, married couple. Asc. 148; Laws; PH.;nbsp;TSh. linamnacht G. -ta f. paarweise Beziehung; relationship between couples. Laws. ISnamnaide, ldnamanda(afe Paar)entsprechend;nbsp;correlated; subst. Gegenpaar; correlated pair.nbsp;Aur. Éc. amp; Laws. lénamnas G. -nasa, -nais m. paarweise Beziehung, wie z. B. Mann und Frau, Ehe, gesehlechtlicher Verkehr; relationship between couples, as, for example, man and wife,nbsp;marriage, sexual intercourse. Wb. lOalö, 18;nbsp;Laws; Ériu xii, 65; PH.nbsp;lén-cbrod voller Vieh oder Beichtümer; full ofnbsp;cattle or chattels. Dindsh. m, 450, 1.12.nbsp;lin-chubaid VoUreim; perfect rhyme; amp; = 14n-chuibdes. IT. in, 1,130; cf. Aur. Ec.nbsp;Idn-chuibdes Schlufireim einer Strophe odernbsp;Langzeile; end-rhyme of a stanza or long line.nbsp;Aur. ÉC. amp; IT. Ill, 1,130. |
lan-ohuang — lasar. 57
58 lasarda — la(u)ba.
lasarda flammend; flaming. PH. lasardacht G. -ta ƒ. Flammen, Olanz; flaming,nbsp;hriïliance. ITS. xxix. lasbad (TBC. p. 1005) praep. la lt;6 a (rel.) amp; praet. sulj. s. 1. is. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lasc, laisc G. laisce /. (in: ech-lasc) Gerte,nbsp;Peitsche; rod, whip. IT. iv, 2. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lasc, lasca = lachs amp; lachsa.nbsp;la-se s. la. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;iasin, lasinn praep. la lt;£ a (rel.) amp; praes.nbsp;ind. s. 1. is. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Iasin s. la. lasmar flammend; flaming. ITS. xi, 62. lasmbad, lasmmad praep. la a (rel.) amp;nbsp;praet. subj. s. 1. is. lasna s. la. iasnaige G. id. f. LeidenschafüichTceit; passionateness. Laws. laspad (TBC. p. 1006) praep. la lt;6 a (rel.) amp; praet. snij. s. 1. is.nbsp;lasra s. lasar. lasrach flammend; flaming; subst. G. -raig m. coll. Flammen; flames. Wi. S PH.nbsp;last Last, Ballast; load, ballast. TSh.nbsp;lastaire m. Lasltrager, Arbeiter; packman,nbsp;workman. ITS. xviii. ’lastiar = allastiar. lat Mühlgerinne; mill-race. Aur. Éc. (-)ldt, (con-)ldt praes. ind. 3 pl. s. laaid c£ (con-)lA. latar G. latrann m. Rduber; robber. Hogan, p. 267 amp; Êriu II, 167; cf. latrann.nbsp;lath = 1. loth. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;léth G. lAith m. Brunst; heat in animals.nbsp;Laws. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;léth G. laith, pl. laith, lAithe m. Krieger,nbsp;Held; warrior, hero; Idth gaile Krieger, Held;nbsp;warrior, hero. Wi.; Alt. Ir. Dichtung; Togailnbsp;na Tebe. (-)ldtha pass. praet. 3 pl. s. laaid; cf. (ro-)la. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lathach, laithech G. lathaige n.?, f. Schmutz,nbsp;Schlamm; mud, slough; lathach coisigenbsp;Wundreiben der Glieder durch Wandern;nbsp;abrasion of the limbs by wandering. ITS.nbsp;XXV, 62; cf. Wi.; Fél.; PH.; Horn. Leg.nbsp;p. Ill; TSh. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lathach (in: bil-Iathach) milchreich?; rich innbsp;milk?. Illinois Studies, p. 22, n. 17. Idthach briXnstig; in heat. Metr. Dindsh. iv, 198. lathairt = laithirt. Idthar, Idthair, Idithir G. lAthair, lathrach, laithrech, pl. laithre, Idthranna n. m. f. Plan, |
Ort, Lage, Anwesenheit, Einrichtung, Absicht, geheime Bedeutung, Kraft; plan, place, position, presence, arrangement, intention, secretnbsp;meaning, vigor; ar Idthair gegenwdrtig, an-gesichts; present, in sight of. Philip Bocht;nbsp;do Idthair vor, augenblicklich; before, on thenbsp;spot. TSh.; léthar taible Flache der brett-förmigen Holzschleuder; plane of the boardshaped wooden sling. IT. IV, 2; RC. xrv, 446nbsp;lt;£ IX; Aso. 141; Laws; Wi.; TBC.; vannbsp;Hamel, Compert; Tromdamh Guaire; Meas-gra Ddnta ii. Idthar-pholl geheime Höhle?; secret cave?. IT. IV, 1. Idthartha s. Idthraid. Idthas (gaile) Heldentum; heroism. Wi. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Idthrach, liithrech G. -raig, -raige. Dpi.nbsp;-raigib n.?, f.? m. Ort, Lage, Schlachtfeld,nbsp;Triimmer, Gegenwart, Spur, Starke; place,nbsp;site, battlefield, ruins, presence, track, strength.nbsp;Aso. 141; Fél.; Gorm.; Laws; Wi.; TBC.;nbsp;IT, 111,2,678; O’Don.; van Hamel, Compert; Horn. Leg. p. Ill; Measgra Danta li. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Idthrach s. lathar. lathrad G. -thraide /. Schmutz, Schlamm; mud, slough. Togail na Tebe. Idthraid verkilndet, erkldrt, ordnet an; sets forth, explains, orders; part. Mthartha.nbsp;Asc. 141; Alt. Ir. Diohtung; Br. D.D. 93;nbsp;Pbilol. Soc. Trans, xxix, 70. Idthraigid, Idithrigid wirft zu Boden, rotted aus, zerstort; throws to the ground, rootsnbsp;out, destroys; Idthraigid cum imm umkreist;nbsp;encircles. IT. ii, 2, p. 32 amp; Togail na Tebe. Idthranna s. Idthar. lat-ogamm (MS. lad-) dne Art Ogammschrift; a kind of Ogamm. Aur. Éc. latrach Lache, Sumpf, Brei?; puddle, morass, gruel?. Four Songs amp; Mac Conglinne. latrann G. latrainn m. Bauber; robber. Wi.; Bezz. B. XVIII, 74; PH.; ITS. Ill; TSh.;nbsp;cf. latar. latranta rauberisch, diebisch; robber-like, thievish. TSh. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;latt .i. troig. O’CL; cf. laitt. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;latt s. la. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lau .i. bó. Diiil Droma Ceta, p. 188. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lau s. Id, 1. 1Ü amp; 1. lua. (-)lau praes. ind. 1 sg. s. laaid. (as-)lau (KZ. xLviii, 69) = (as-)lü, ro-praes. subj. von, of ibid. Ia(u)ba = laba. |
la(u)bair — lecla. 59
la(u)bair = lubair. laU'éitrebad? {MS. -et-) kleine Aufzdhlung ?; little catalogus ?. Trip. laugu s. lug-, lauir, lauire s. lüir. Ia(u)lgach == lulgach. (ro-)la(u)mar praes. ind. 1 $g. s. (ro-)Iaimethar. Ia(u)rén = lurati. Ia(u)rchaire = lurehaire. lauta, lautu = lüta.nbsp;lax, laxa = lachs amp; lachsa.nbsp;lë = la. ’Ie = illg. (-)lé praes. subj. amp; jut. s. laigid égt; lingid. lea s. la. lebair = lubair. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lebar, libar G. libair, pl. libair, lebair, lebra,nbsp;Apl. libru, lebra Buck; book. Asc. 144;nbsp;Laws; LU. 1. 6390; TBC.; PH.; TSh. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lebar, lebair pl. lebra, libra, aequat. libri-thir, compar. Ubriu, libre lang, schlank;nbsp;long, slender. Asc. 164; Wi.; TBC.; Bethanbsp;Colaim ChiUe; Measgra Danta ll. lebar-choimét Bücherei; library. Ie bard a zu Büchem gehorig. Buck-; belonging to books, book-. Asc. 164; Laws; Aur. Éc.;nbsp;IT. IV, 2. lebar-laitsech (MS. -laidsech) lang und schwer?; long and heavy ?; cf. scot.-gael. luidseaoh =nbsp;clumsy. Fianaigecht, p. 98.nbsp;lebar-mongach mit langer Mahne; having anbsp;long mane. IT. iv, 2 amp; van Hamel, Com-pert. (-)leblacht (-)leblaing praet. pass. amp; act. s. lingid. lebra s. 1.2. lebar. lebrad Dsg. lebraid coll. Bucher; books. Bezz. B. XVIII, 74. (-)lebraing (Laws) = (-)leblaing, praet. s. lingid. lebrén O. -rain m. Büchlein; booklet. Wi. lebrar Dsg. -rair /. coll. Biicher; books. Threenbsp;Middle-Irish Homilies. lebroir m. Buchfuhrer, Schreiber; book-keeper, clerk. Bezz.B. xviii, 74.nbsp;léc = 1. lia. Idea = leoca. lécad s. léicid. lecaid bringt zu Boden, wirft nieder; brings doom, throws down; abstr. lecad, lecannbsp; Ordnung,Einrichtung; order, arrangement.nbsp;TBC.; Metr. Dindsh. lll, 644; van Hamel, |
Compert; Battle of Magh Rath, p. 114; TSh.; c/. léicid. lecén m. kleiner Stein; small stone; gl. lapülus. Sg. 46 b 11; cf. Togail na Tebe; O’Curry, lécaid, iécan s. léicid. iScéit, lëcditecht = 1. 2. légéit amp; légaitecht. lecc G. leioce, licce, Npl. lecca /. Steinplatte,nbsp;(unterster?) Teil einer Harfe; flagstone,nbsp;(lowest?) part oj a harp; lecc (ós cru) einnbsp;Defekt an Pferden; an equine defect; Lawsnbsp;S RC. xLviii, 331; lecca robaid (robaith,nbsp;robuith) Dinge von dauemder Beweiskraft;nbsp;things having enduring demonstrative power.nbsp;Laws; ef. Asc. 142; PH.; van Hamel,nbsp;Compert; Measgra Dénta l.nbsp;leccach steinig; stony; subst. G. leccaig m.,nbsp;coll. Steine, steiniger Ort; stones, stony place.nbsp;Gorm.; RC. viii; Dan Dé.nbsp;leccón kleine Steinplatte; small flagstone. Ériunbsp;V, 43. leccann, lecca (leccan. van Hamel, Compert); G. leccan, leccnach (leicone. Joyce in, 43),nbsp;DAsg. leccainn, pl. leiccne, leccainechanbsp;Wange, flache, schrage Oberflache, Bergseite;nbsp;cheek, flat, sloping surface, hill-side. Asc.nbsp;142; Cormao, 800, 843; Ériu ii, 66; Mescanbsp;Ulad, pp. 24, 26; PH.; Joyce ill, 465; KZ.nbsp;xLViii, 67. leeda, lectha (leceda) steinern; stony. Wi. S van Hamel, Compert. lécfat fut. 1 sg. s. léicid.nbsp;lechdach DAsg. -daig. /. Liquida; a liquidnbsp;(sound). Asc. 158. [lechdaigid, legthaigid] macht flüssig, lost auf; renders fluid, dissolves; part, lechdaigthenbsp; flüssig; fluid, liquid; abstr. legthugud.nbsp;Thes. Pal. i, 492, 1.18 S Aur. Éc.nbsp;lechs Apl. lechsa geistlicher Gesang; religiousnbsp;chant. Fél. lecht, lechta G. -ta, Npl. -tai, Apl. -tu m. Grab; grave. Fél.; Wi.; Hogan, p. 146;nbsp;van Hamel, Compert; Joyce in, 462,nbsp;463. lechtach grabreich; abounding in graves. Fél. p. 164, 1, 2. lechtén kleines Grab; small grave. Wi. lechtha s. legaid. lecht-lige, lecht-laige Leichenhaufen; heap of corpses. TTr. amp; IT. ii, 1, 36, 1.1113.nbsp;lecla (leclaid, leclaide) .i. luachair. Aur. Éc.;nbsp;O’CL; Egerton Glossary; cf. Laws iv, 150,nbsp;1.12. |
60 lecrad — léiche.
lecrad (leccrad) pl. -aide coll. Steine; Stein-platten; stones; flags. lécsa G. id. m. Gesels, Vertrag; law, eontraet. RC. XVII, 216 S Keating, Danta AmhiAin. lécsaire (MS. lexaire) m. Rechtsgelehrter; lawyer; gl. legista. Ir. Gl. § 11. led = 1. ïeth. ledbb G. leidbbe Streifen, Lumpen, Beule eines Schlags; Schlumpe; stripe, rag, welt; untidynbsp;person. Laws; Lism. L.; RC. xlv amp; xlvi;nbsp;Cormac, 832; ITS. xii s. n. crüaidhleidhb;nbsp;Joyce 111,464. ledbbach zerlumpt; ragged, in: cniaidhleadh-bach. ITS. xii. [ledbbaid] prügelt; trounces; cibstr. ledbbad. ITS. XI, 74. ledbbóc kleiner Streifen; little stripe. Joyce III, 459. ledbbugud?; cf. labugud. ledmachtach = leth-smachtach.nbsp;lee s. la. lega, lega s. lieig. (ar-)lega lost auf; dissolves. Bruohstiicke, §156. (di-)lega, (-)dnega, dflegaid, dfigennaigid lost auf, zerstört, verdaut; dissolves, destroys,nbsp;digests; dbstr. dilgenn, ddegad G. -ginn n. m.nbsp;Fed.; Wi.; Togail na Tebe; ITS. xxv;nbsp;Hogan, p. 167; Philip Bocht. (fo-)lega lauft aus?; runs out?. Fed. ii, 562. (ar-)léga, (-)airléga, airlégaid, airléigid liestnbsp;(vor); reads (out); dbstr. airléigenn G. -ginn n.nbsp;Fed.; Fél.; TBC.; Wi.; Aur.Éo. (ath-)léga, aithiéigid liest (wieder), führt an; reads (again), quotes. legaid, (-)Iega lost sick auf, zerschmilet, schmelzt; dissolves, melts; part, legtha, dbstr. legadnbsp;G. legtha, lechtha m.; .i. cengal. 0’CI.;nbsp;cf. RC. 1,226; Fed.; Togail na Tebe; PH.nbsp;légaid, léigid liest, treilt Wissenschaft; reads,nbsp;studies; dbstr. léigenn 6. léiginn, Dsgi. légannnbsp;n. m. -f (lateinische) Wissenschaft; (Latin)nbsp;learning; amp; légad. Fed.; Wi.; Laws; PH.;nbsp;TSh.; Ryan, Irish Monasticism, p. 379. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;légéit, !ëc4it Upl. -te m. Gesandter; ambassador, legate. Vendryes; Fél.; IT. iv, 2. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;légdit, lecdit 0. -te /. Auflage auf demnbsp;Vermachinis (besonders fur Seelenmessen);nbsp;legacy (especially for masses for the dead).nbsp;TSh. légditecht, lë’cditecht Q. -ta f. Gesandtschaft; embassy. Bezz. B. xviii, 74. |
legam, legmann, leoman, leogan Npl. legaim m. Motte; moth; .i. ligem .i. don lige liges innbsp;t-étaoh. Cormac, 799; cf. Teoosca Cormaic;.nbsp;DeContemptu; Egerton Glossary,nbsp;legtha, legthaigid s. legaid S lechdaigid.nbsp;légthóir, léigtheóir m. Leser; reader. Laws;^nbsp;Plummer, Lives; Philip Bocht; TSh.nbsp;legthugud s. lechdaigid.nbsp;leib 8. la. lelbeddn, libeddn (lifeddn) Npl. lifedna Leviathan, Walfisch; Leviathan, whale. Ml. 122a 7 r RC. XXII, 426; IT. iv, 2; PH. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lëlbenn G. -binn n.?, m. Plattform, flachesnbsp;Gerilst, Dreschtewne, Deck; platform, scaffold,,nbsp;threshing-floor, deck. Laws; IT. iv, 2; Erinnbsp;IV, 96; Horn. Leg. p. 111. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;léibenn ausgehobene Truppen; levy of soldiers. ITS. XVIII. Idle 8. 1. lia. léicc .i. faillige. 0’CI.; cf. léio, léig. Dinneen. leicce s. lecc.nbsp;leiccerdd = leth-cherdd.nbsp;leiccne s. leccann. Idice 8. 1. lia. {ar-)léice, (-)airlice, (-)airldlce, (-)urlaice, air-licid liiflt frei, erlaubt, leiht; sets free, allows,, laans; part, airléctha; abstr. airlécad,.nbsp;airlélced, airléieenn G. -licthe, -léicinn m.nbsp;Ped.; Contr.; Wi.; RC. xv, 296; Anecd.nbsp;Ill, 16. (do-)ldice, (•)teilgge, teiiggid, teiggald, tiiggid,. (do-)feilgge Iciflt kommen, liiflt los, wirft,nbsp;erwiigt; lets come, lets loose, throws, considers; abstr. teiigged, teiggad (taiigged,.nbsp;tuilgged), teiggan, teiiggen m.; (do-)léicenbsp;troscad fastet; fasts. Laws ii, 94,1.6; teilggnbsp;traigid damm weiche von mir; give way tonbsp;me. TBC; teiggad a rdthachais (aitirls) ar,nbsp;einen Burgen sitsen lassen; leaving a suretynbsp;in the lurch. Bürgschafl, p. 36; cf. Ped.;nbsp;Laws; TBC.; Erin 162; PH.; Togail nanbsp;Tebe; ITS. xxv; TSh. [(imm-)ldice] ro-praes. subj. 2 sg. {imm-)reilgge, erliiflt (gegenseitig); remits (mutually); abstr.nbsp;immidcad. Laws i, 96 amp; iii, 242. Idiced, Idicen s. léicid. lelcet, licet (-ccet) erlaubt; allowable. Ml. 69a23 amp; Erin VII, 194. Idich? (MSS. lelo, leith, leig) schön?; beautiful?. Alt. Ir. Dichtung i, 66; cf. léichet amp; léig. Idiche 8. liag. |
[léiohet] — leithe. 61
Oéichet] Dsg. id. Schönheit?; beauty?; .i. caime. Mesca ülad, p. 62 S Br. D. D. § 78. i(-)leichfe fut. s. legaid.nbsp;léicid, leicid, lécaid, lecaid, leocaid lapt, laptnbsp;los, wirft, enflapt; Iets, Iets loose, throws,nbsp;dismisses; part, léicthe, leicthe geschmeidig,nbsp;békend; lithe, active; abstr. léiced, lécad,nbsp;liced, lécan, léicen, leicen, leicin, léicint,nbsp;leocain, léicse Dsg. -sin; leicen, -in {D.) -fnbsp;AderlaP; letting a vein. Bed.; Laws; Wi.;nbsp;Togaü na Tebe; PH.; ITS. xxv; TSh;nbsp;léicid as, lapt heraus, stekt ab; lets out, desists.nbsp;TSh. £ Tromdamh Guaire; léicid de gannbsp;unterlapt; omits. TSh.; léicid élód eniziehtnbsp;sick, verlapt heimlich seinen Posten; absconds.nbsp;Laws; léicid eiter ... acas überlapt demnbsp;Kampf mit; leaves to contend with. ITS.nbsp;xxiii; léicid oc erlaubt; allows. Laws; cf.nbsp;lecaid. leidbbe s. ledbb. leidce 0. id. kilflose Masse; helpless mass. ITS. XI, 74. 'léig adj.?. Four Songs, p. 26; cf. léich. leige, léige s. lieig amp; liag.nbsp;léigenn s. légaid.nbsp;léigenta gelekrt; learned.nbsp;leigeon, léigeón, leigión, léigión Apl. -nanbsp;Legion. Vendiyes; Alt. Ir. Dichtung;nbsp;PH.; Betha Colaim,ChiEe.nbsp;leigesaid, leigisid keilt; heals; abstr. leiges,nbsp;leigised G. -gis, -giste m. Wi.; Plummer,nbsp;Lives; PH.; ITS. xxv; TSh.nbsp;leigfid fut. s. legaid.nbsp;léigid, léiginn s. légaid.nbsp;léignid Npl. -nide, Apl. -neda m. Leser,nbsp;Schiller, Gelehrter; reader, scholar. Vendryesnbsp;s. V. legend; Laws; Hib. Min.; Liadainnbsp;and Curithir, p. 20; Metr. Dindsh. iv, 344.nbsp;léigtheóir = légthóir. ’léile = alaUe. leim s. 1. lem. leime Q. id. f. Schalheit, Torheit, Zeugungs-unfahigheit; insipidity, folly, impotence. ITS. Ill, 18, 1.13 TSh.nbsp;léimm, léimmid, léimmimm s. lihgid. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;léimmnech, léimmennachspringend;leaping.nbsp;IT. IV, 2; van Hamel, Compert; Fled. Br.nbsp;§ 49; Bnichstüoke § 128. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;léimmnech s. lihgid. léimmnige G. id. Gewandtheit im Springen; dexterity in leaping. IT. iii, 2, 678. léimmrech s. lihgid. |
leimne .i. timme no buca. O’CL; cf. leime. leimnid? (MS. lemnith) gl. auceps amp; praesesnbsp;(= praesepis?). KZ. xxxv, 691; Thes. Pal.nbsp;II, 42. léin s. 1. lén. leinb s. lelap. leinbin Kindeken; little child. IT. iv, 1. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;léine G. -ne, -ned, Npl. léine, léinte /.nbsp;Hemd, Unterkleid; shirt, undergarment. Asc.nbsp;156; Wi.; TBC.; KZ. XLv, 361. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;léine .i. scéla (pi.). ZCP. v, 487.nbsp;léined s. 1. lénaid. leingid = lihgid. leinib, leinim s. lelap.nbsp;leinn s. la.nbsp;leinne s. 1. lenn.nbsp;léinte s. 1. léine. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;léir aequat. léirithir, compar. léiriu, eifrig,nbsp;emsig, fromm; zealous, diligent, pious; conbsp;léir ganz; totally; di léir eifrig; zealously.nbsp;Asc. 153; Wi.; TBC.; PH. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;léir = lér. léire, léra (Measgra Danta ii) G. id. f. Eifer, Frömmigkeit, Vollstandigkeit; Klarheit; zeal,nbsp;piety, completeness; clearness; di(do) léirenbsp;eifrig, angelegentlich; zealously, earnestly.nbsp;TBC.; cf. Asc. 153; Wi.; Laws; SR.; Togailnbsp;na Tebe; Anecd. in, 12,20; cf. 1. léir amp; lér.nbsp;leirgg, leirgge s. lergg. léirid macht klar, offenbart; makes clear, reveals. léirigid macht klar, bringt vor; makes clear,nbsp;produces. Laws; KZ. xxiii, 85; ITS. i.nbsp;léir-reicc f. sorgfaltiges Aufzahlen; accuratenbsp;enumeration. TSh. leis, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;léis, leise s. la, 3. les amp; 1. lias,nbsp;leisce, leiscech s. lesc, lesca amp; lescach.nbsp;(-)leised praet. subj. amp; cond. s. laigid.nbsp;(-)leiseoga fut. s. lesaigid. leisin, leisna s. la. ’leistjar = allastjar. leit, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;léit G. -te /. Bewegung, Begierde, Kühn-heit; movement, desire, audacity. léite, léiten s. (ro-)laimethar. léitenach kiihn; audacious. Sg. 50bl0 amp;nbsp;TBC. p. 780. (-)leitérthar fut. pass. s. letraid. leith, léith s. 1. 2. leth £ Hath,nbsp;leithbe G. id. Voreingenommenheit; partiality;nbsp;.i. olaen. 0’CI.; cf. 0’Mulc. s. v. laob £nbsp;0’Dav. 1187. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;leithe G. id. Seite; side. Laws. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;leithe G. id. Hdlfte; half. TBC. |
62 leithe — lén.
lén — leod. 63
64 leogan — lés.
lés — letha. 65
3. lés = 1. lias. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lesach vorteühaft; advantageous. Laws. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lesach mü Festungen; having forts. Bruch-stücke, § 111. lésach mit Blasen; Mistered. ITS. xxv, 379. lésaid schldgt heftig; heats violently. RC. XIX amp; XXX. lesaiges Asg. id. Nutzen, Erhaltung; benefit, upkeep. Plummer, Lives l, 128, § 21.nbsp;lesaigld sorgt für den Nutzen von, macht gut,nbsp;ziéht auf, düngt, erhalt, stellt wieder her,nbsp;heilt; looks after the good of, makes good,nbsp;rears, manures, maintains, repairs, heals;nbsp;aamp;slr.lesugud m.; lesaigid laid machteinLied;nbsp;composes a song. Magh Bath, pp. 84, 136;nbsp;cf. Wi.; PH.; ZCP. 1,433 amp; xx, 197;ITS. vi.nbsp;lesaigtheóir m. Verhesserer, Erzieher; corrector,nbsp;educator. TSh. lesaire m. Verhesserer, Erhalter; improver, preserver. lesairecht G. -ta f. Nutzen, Verhesserung, Erhaltung; advantage, improvement, support. Laws. lesén, lisén kleine Erdfestung; small earthwork. Joyce 1,273 amp; iii, 462. lésén .i. lés each bolgg i mbi linn. KZ. xxxvii,nbsp;259; cf. 2. lés. lésbaire (lésmaire), léspaire G. id. m. Licht, Lampe; light, lamp. Asc. 154; Ériu i, 142;nbsp;TBC.; Archiv 111,37; Betha Colaim Chille;nbsp;ITS. V. Jesc compar. leisce trage; sluggish; is lesc do mm es tut mir weh zu denken; I grieve tonbsp;think. Dén Dé; is lesc limm ieh hin unwillignbsp;zu; 1 am loath to. van Hamel, Compert Snbsp;TSh.; cf. Asc. 153; IT. iv,2; PH.nbsp;lesca, leisce G. id. f. Traghdt, Zögern; sloth,nbsp;reluctance. Laws; PH.; ITS. xxv.nbsp;lescach, leiscech trage; sluggish. IT. iv, 1 lt;6nbsp;Joyce III, 469,474.nbsp;lesin s. la. les-lergg offenes Land?, Weide?; open land?, pasture?. IT. iv, 1; cf. 1. les?.nbsp;lésmaire, léspaire ='*lé8baire.nbsp;lesna s. la. iesrach G. -raig, pl. lesraoha Lenden; loins. TSh. amp; Egerton Glossary. (-)le$tais (TBC. ed. Str. 1. 3451) praet. suhj. 3 pl. s. laigid. lestar G. -tair, pl. trai, -tair, -tra «. m. GefafS, Bienenkorb, Schiff; vessel, hee-hive, boat.nbsp;Wi.; Laws; PH. Hessens Ir. Lexikoo, Bd. 11. |
leslra DAsg. -trai f. coll. Bienenkörbe; beehives. Laws IV, 178 amp; V, 390. lesugud s. lesaigid.nbsp;let Haar; hair. Philip Bocht. (ro-)lét praet. {pass. amp;) act. s. (ro-)laimethar. 0’Dav. 1196. letairecht? {MS. legairecht) Zerreipen?; rending?. ITS. XII. letairt, letairthe s. letraid. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ietén Kardendistel, Beschimpfung; teasel,nbsp;abuse. Medical Glossaries; Irish Textsnbsp;v, 92; Joyce iii, 460; ITS. xvill. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ietén Liianei; litany. TSh. leténacht, liténacht G. -ta /. Litanei singer.; singing a litany. leténchar .i. laimthinech. 0’Dav. 1175; cf. 1. letan amp; car. letartha s. letraid. letarthach, letarrthach, letrathach zerflei-schend; rending; subst. Zerrei^en, schneiden-der Schmerz; rending, griping pain. ITS. xxv, 268; Wi.; TBC. p. 779; CP.; IT. iv, 2;nbsp;BC. XLiv, 182. letarthaige G. id. Neigung zum Reipen oder Zerreipen, reipender Schmerz, durch Schmah-lieder kranken; tearing quality, griping pain,nbsp;annoying by satire. Laws amp; ITS. xxv, 114,1.7,nbsp;létgaire G. id. f. Kraft; vigor. Fianaigecht c6nbsp;ITS. v. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;leth, led G. leithe, DAsg. leith n. f. Seite,nbsp;Richtung; side, direction; in composit. signi-ficat saepe alterum ex duobus (e. g. leth-chos ein Fup; one foot), inaequalitatem (e. g.nbsp;leth-ardd), injustitiam (e. g. leth-chuma);nbsp;leth andgs sUdlich; in the south. Wi. p. 168;nbsp;leth immgig (ammaig, ammgich) drauPen;nbsp;outside. IT. iv, 1; leth istig drinnen; inside.nbsp;TSh.; leth n-aill anderswohin; elsewhere; arnbsp;leith gesondert; separately. TSh.; each lethnbsp;uberallhin; everywhere. Wi.; cia leth wo-hin?; whither?. PH.; do leith was betrifft;nbsp;as to. TSh.; fo (for) leith besonders, ab-gesondert; separately, apart. Wi. S PH.;nbsp;i leith auf dieser Seite von, wegen; on thisnbsp;side of, because of. van Hamel, Compertnbsp;amp; Dan Dé; i leith fri, a leith fri (Thum.67),nbsp;was betrifft; as to. PH. amp; Mac Conglinne;nbsp;cf. Asc. 162; Wi.; Laws; PH.; TSh. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;leth G. leith n. Hiilfte; half. Asc. 162 amp;nbsp;Horn.Leg. p. HI; cf. 1. leth. 1. letha, leithe Dsg. -thu, -thiu, -the Breite, Schulterblatt; breadth, shoulder-blade. RC. |
-ocr page 72-66 letha — leth-renn.
III, 177 amp; VI,296; Lecan Glossary; TBC.;nbsp;Metr. Dindsh. ni, 491. 2. letha s. lethan. (imm-) letha Ireitet aus?; spreads out?. Metr. Dindsh. iil, 292. lethach doppelt, aus zwei gleichen Teilen le-stéhend; double, consisting of two equal parts. Keating’s History. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lethaid breitet {sick) aus, streckt (sich) aus,nbsp;serstreut (sieh); spreads (himself) out, stretches (himself), disperses; abstr. lethad Q.nbsp;letta m.; ar lethad in die Irre?; astray?.nbsp;ITS.XX; cf. Cormac, 825; O’Don.; PH.;nbsp;ITS. XIX. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lethaid teilt in zwei Hdlften; halves. Wi. amp;nbsp;0’Dav. 1160. leth-airdde G. id. f. ungleiche Eohe, Ungleich-heit; urwqual height, inequality. O’Don. lethan pi. lethna, aequat. leithidir (leithir),nbsp;compar. letha, leithe, leithne breit; broad.nbsp;Asc. 163; TBC.; Togail na Tehe; RC.nbsp;XLiv, 487. lethanach = leithenach. lethan-ainech breitgesichtig; broad-faced. Alt.nbsp;Ir. Dichtung. lethan-chenn brdtkopfig; broad-headed. IT. rv, 2. lethan-los breitschwanzig; broad-tailed. IT. iv,2. lethan-sluaistech mit breiten Füfien; broadfooted. RC. XXIV, 196. lethar G. lethair m. Leder, Tierhaut; lecUher, skin of animals. Wi.; TBC.; PH.; ITS.nbsp;XXV; TSh. leth-ardd ungleich (hoeh); unequal {in height); subst. abfallende Anhohe; sloping height.nbsp;Hogan, p. 205; Mac CongUnne; O’Don.nbsp;lethat = leithet. leth-hreth einseitiges TJrteil; partial judgment. IT. IV, 1. leth-briathar einseitige Anschuldigung?; partial imputation?. IT. iv, 1.nbsp;leth-chaechaid blendet halb; half blinds. Laws,nbsp;leth-chenn G. -chinn m. halber Kopf, eins vonnbsp;zwei Enden; half a head, one of two ends. IT. IV, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;2. leth-cherdd, leiccerdd, liccerdd ein Dichter {mit dem halben Wissen des Ollam?); anbsp;degree of poet {with half the knowledge of thenbsp;Ollam?). Wi.; Laws; RC. ix, 461, n. 1.nbsp;leth-choir n-urnadmma was die eine Seitenbsp;in eine ordentliche Ehe mitbringen muff; thatnbsp;which one member must bri'ng as a marriage- |
portion to a properly constituted marriage. Dire, p. 38, n. 7. leth-chuma G. -chumad einseitige Gahe, unehr-licher Vorteil; partial gift, unfair advantage; do leth-chumaid ungerecht; unfairly. TSh.;nbsp;cf. Plummer, Lives. leth-fiadnaise /. einseitiges Zeugnis; partial witness. PH. leth-fidchellacht die Hdlfte der Brettspiele; half the number of the plays at draughts. IT. IV, 1. [leth-gabdl] G. -gabala /. zur Halfte nehmen; taking a half; bo leth-gabdia Kuh, derennbsp;Wert gleich einer halben Bu^e ist?; a cownbsp;whose value equals the half of a fine?. Laws,nbsp;leth-gabar pi. -gahra, -gohra, auf einer Seitenbsp;weif}; white on one side; .i. leth-ech. RC.nbsp;XXII, 283, n. 6 t6 Fled Br. § 47.nbsp;leth-gleoir voll Glanz in einem Auge?; full ofnbsp;brightness in one eye?. TBC. p. 777,1. 5400nbsp;amp; RC. XXII, 283, n. 6. leth-gunna halbe Kartaune; demi-cannon. O’Don. leth-immell aufierer Rand; rim. ITS. xiv. leth-immellach, leth-immlllech dufferst; outmost. ITS. XIV lt;6 Egerton Glossary,nbsp;leth-itte (na lüirige) ein Schofi? {des Panzers);nbsp;orw skirt ? {of the hauberk). TTr. p. 50,nbsp;1.2031. leth-lacsa .i. heith lac acas liitir. 0’CI.; cf. lachsa. leth-ldmach einhdndig, einarmig; orw-handed, one-armed, van Hamel, Compert s. v. lam.nbsp;leth-lesach selbstisch; selfish. TSh.nbsp;lethmacht = leth-smacht.nbsp;lethna s. lethan. lethnaid verbreitert, breitet aus; widens, spreads. ITS. XIV. lethnaigid(lr) verbreitert, breitet aus, macht flach, zerstreut; widens, spreads, flattens,nbsp;scatters; abstr. lethnugud, lethnachad. Asc.nbsp;163; Wi.; Lism. L.; IT. iv, 1; ITS. XIV.nbsp;lethrach ledern; leathern.nbsp;leth-rannach einseitig, Ungerecht, hart?; biased, unjust, hard?. IT. iv, 1 amp; Egertonnbsp;Glossary. leth-rannaigecht mór ein Versmafi: Strophe von vier fünfsilbigen Versen mit einsilbigemnbsp;SchluP; a kind of meter: a stanza of fournbsp;verses with five syllables and a monosyllabicnbsp;ending. IT. iii, 1,141.nbsp;leth-renn .i. leth-chos. ZCP. v, 484. |
leth-rf — liag. 67
leth-rf m. einer von swei gemeinsam herr-schenden Königen; one of two coregents. Mac Neill, Celtic Ireland, p. 121.nbsp;leth-scél G. -sceoil ». m. einseitige Aussage,nbsp;Verteidigung, Entsehuldigung; one-sided evidence, defence, excuse. IT. iv, 1 amp; Plummer,nbsp;Lives. leth-smacht, lethmacht Einseitigkeit, Unge-rechtigheit; partiality, injustice. Herma-thena xx, 63. [leth-smachtach], ledmachtach einseitig, volhr Zank; partial, full of quarrels. Herma-thena xx, 63. leth-süilech einaugig; one-eyed. IT. iv, 1. leth-tacra m. einseitige Gerichtsrede; pleadingnbsp;of one side. Laws,nbsp;leth-taeb = let-taeb. leth-tomas Durehmesser; diameter. Asc. 163. leth-torad — let-torad. leth-tromm, leth-trommach = let-tromm amp; let-trommach.nbsp;lethu s. la amp; 1. letha.nbsp;letraid haekt; hacks; part, letartha, letairthe,nbsp;abstr. tetrad, letairt G. letartha. TBC.;nbsp;PMlol. Soc. Trans, xxix, 70; PH. pp. 781,nbsp;784; van Hamel, Compert; IT. iv, 2;nbsp;Lism. L. letrdn m. Beldstigen, Drangen; importuning. Stories from Keating, letrathach = letarthach.nbsp;lett s. la.nbsp;letta s. 1. lethaid. let-taeb, leth-taeb Dsg. -taib eine Seite; one side. TBC. p. 79, 1.651 amp; IT. iv, 2.nbsp;lettas (liattas), leittls, leittfs G. -ais m. Lattich;nbsp;lettuce. RC. ix, 236 amp; ITS. xxv s. v. lac-tuca. let-torad, leth-torad halber Ertrag; half yield. Lism. L. amp; Horn. Leg. p. 112. lettrach s. 1. leittir. lettrélm eine von zwei Spalten einer Seite; one of two columns of a page. KZ. xxxiii, 97,nbsp;n. 1. let-tromm, leth-tromm einseitig?; one-sided?; suist. Bedrückung, Ungerechtigkeit; oppression, injustice; ar leth-tromm ledrückt;nbsp;oppressed. MacConglinne; Plummer, Lives;nbsp;TSh. let-trommach, leth-trommach einseitig, le-drückend; one-sided, oppressive. Stories from Keating. leu $. la amp; 1. leo. |
Ie(u)bair = lubair. leuca = leoca.nbsp;leulc s. leoc.nbsp;lexaire = lécsaire.nbsp;li ante -a, = la. K, ifg G. lig, Dsg. li, lig, pi. liga Earle, Gesiehts-farle, Gians; color, complexion, brightness. Asc. 164; Wi.; Trip.; Lism. L.; BC. xlvi,nbsp;144; Horn. Leg. p. 112; Lecan Glossary;nbsp;Philip Bocht; ITS. x. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lia, lie, liac (léc) G. liac, leice (Battle ofnbsp;Magh Rath, p. 126), Dsg. lieic, lüc, lienbsp;(PMlip Bocht), liaic, leic, pi. leca m. f.nbsp;Stein; stone; dar lia (= dar Dia) wahrhaftig;nbsp;in sooth. Dan Dé; cf. Asc. 161; Fél.; Laws;nbsp;Wi.; Ir. Gl. §246; Joyce i, 416 S ill, 464;nbsp;lia logmar (iecc logmar. Togail na Tebe)nbsp;Edelstein; precious stone. Wi.; TSh. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lia, lie G. id.. Dpi. liaib Flut; flood; .i.nbsp;fliuch-derc. 0’Dav. 1166; cf. Wi.; Trip.;nbsp;IT. IV, 1 (6 2; Ped. ii,566; ZCP. xvi, 184;nbsp;BC. XLVi, 144. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lia .i. comarbba; .i. maoc. 0’Dav. 1165;nbsp;cf. 1. lia. 4. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lia .i. mucc (leg. macc) ?. 0’CI. 5. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lia s. la c6 il. (-)lia praes. sulj. s. lenaid. liac s. 1. lia. liacdn kleiner Stein, Steinpfeiler; small stone, pillar-stone. Wi amp; O’Don. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Mach compar. liachu (LU. 85b 12) traurig,nbsp;leklagenswert; sad, lamentable; subst. Weh,nbsp;Klage, Schade; woe, complaint, a pity;nbsp;(do-)beir Mach beklagt sich; complains.nbsp;Laws; cf. Thes. Pal. ii, 250; Wi.; TBC.;nbsp;Ériu IV, 94; RC. xlii; Mesca Ulad, p. 8. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Mach = liag. [Machrad] Npl. -rada coll. Löffel; ladles, spoons. O’Curry.; cf. liag. Macht Lesung; reading, lecture. Hogan, p. 124. Machtain .i. ainmm do fliuchad. Metr.nbsp;Machtreoir m. Vorleser, Leser; lector, reader. Laws; O’Don.; Ériuxil,8. Machtu, Machta G. -tan, pi. -tain, -tana /. Lesung, Lesestilek; lesson. Laws (6 PH. liachu s. 1. liach. Macoir G. -6ra m. Edelsteinschmuck?; ornament of precious stone?. SR. Mag, Machö.léige(léiche)/.Lö//el; ladle,spoon; Mach roite schwimmendes Laichkraut; pond-weed. ZCP. xrv,296; cf. Laws; O’Don.;nbsp;Irish Texts v, 92. |
-ocr page 74-68 liaib — ligdach.
liaib s. 2. lia. liaic 5. 1. lia.nbsp;liaid, liaig = lieig. liairne (= liagairne) m. jauler Lungerer; lazy lounger. ITS. xvm.nbsp;liaite s. il. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;liamain .i. cech so-chruth no cech suidech.nbsp;0’Mulc. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;liamain, liamna s. liïd. lian .i. lenis .i. ailgen. RC. xx, 266. lianchar miU; clement. Laws,nbsp;liar s. la. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lias, lés G. léis m. Schuppen {für Vieh); shednbsp;{for cattle). Laws.; TBC.; üiEchaoli, p. 98. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lias Grauheit; greyness. Laws. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;iias praes. subj. rel. 3 sg. s. lingid.nbsp;liasrad G. -raid n. (Hogan, p. 140) m. für Viehschuppen sorgen; procuring cattle sheds. Laws. (-)liat praes. subj. 3 pi. s. lenaid. Hath Dsg. f. léith, compar. léithiu grau; grey. Wi. liathaid macht oder wird grau-, makes or becomes grey. liathdn G. -thain m. {kleiner) grauer Mann; {little) grey man. Joyce i, 136. liathdnach, léithinech grau?, grauartig?; grey?,nbsp;greyish?; subst. graues Land; greyish land.nbsp;Joyce 1,136 amp; iii, 467.nbsp;liath-lus BeifuP; mugwort; iiath-ius bee Ruhr-kraut; mouse-ear, upright cudweed; gl.nbsp;poilum montanum; iiath-ius iocha Sade-baum; savin; liath-lus mara (trdga) Strand-beifufi; sea-mugwort; liath-lus mor echternbsp;BeifujS; great mugwort; gl. adiantos politri-cus. Medical Glossaries; RC. ix, 226; Irishnbsp;Texts IV, 92. liath-odar dunkelgrau; dark grey. Mesca Ulad, p.30. liathrSit, li{a)thróit G. -te /. Ball, Eugel; ball, globe. ZCP. xv,299; Wi.; TBC. p. 109,nbsp;n.17; TSh.nbsp;liattas = lettas.nbsp;lib s. la. Hibair s. 1. lebar. 1. libar (MS. ifbar) G. -bair Stange, Kniittel; pole, cudgel. ITS. vi. ;2. libar = 1. lebar. I[libarda] Dpi. libardaib gl. libralibus. Sg. la 1; cf. lebarda. libarn, libern Npl. libraine leichtes Schiff?, light ship? = lat. Libuma. Vendiyes; TTr.;nbsp;LBr. 119b; IT. iv, 2; Ériu ii, 167. |
libarnaeda wie cine libam; like a libam. LBr. 205b. libedain GUter?; chattels?; .i. cniid no clanna. 0’CI.; cf. Metr. Dindsh. in, 464, 1. 4. libeddn = leibedün.nbsp;libern = libam. lib-ernmas blutiges Gemetzel?; bloody carnage?. Metr. Dindsh. in, 268. libra s. 2. lebar.nbsp;libraine s. libam.nbsp;libré Dienertracht; livery. TSh.nbsp;libre, librithir, libriu, libru s. 1. 2. lebar.nbsp;lie s. 1. lia. Ifcad {M8. Head) Sdumigkeit; negligence. Biirgschaft; Laws; O’Don. Hear? {MS. ligar) .i. tenga. Lecan Glossary; cf. Dinneen. licce s. leoc.nbsp;liccerdd = leth-cherdd. liccóiris Supholz; licorice. ITS. xxv amp; RC. ix. [lieddigid] erlawbt, ermdehtigt; allows, authorizes; abstr. lieddiugud m. Monastery of Tallaght.nbsp;liced s. léicid.nbsp;licet = leicet. licthach, licthech sdumig; remiss. Laws amp; Biirgschaft. lictuaire, lichtuaire, lictabaire, lictabair, licta- bar Dpi. -rib Latwerge; electuary. ITS. XXV amp; XXIX; De Contemptu.nbsp;lidid = liïd.nbsp;lie, iieic s. 1. 2. lia. lieig, liaig (liaid) G. lega, pi. leige, lega (léga) m. Arzt; doctor, leech. Asc. 166; Wi.; PH.;nbsp;Ériu, xn, 16; TSh. lién {MS. lien)? Farbe?; color?. Ériu ii, 157. (go) life iin Überflup?; abundantly?. ITS. in.nbsp;lifeddn, lifedna s. leibedan.nbsp;lifting = liptihg.nbsp;lig, liga s. IL (imm-)lig umleckt?; licks around?. Fled. Br. §24. Ilgach farbig, schon; colored, beautiful. Pél. amp; Ériu 1,122. Ifgaide = ligda. [ligbad] Apl. -batha Farbe?, Sehdnheit?; color?, beauty?. Ériu n, 167. ligda, ligaide (SR.) farbig, schon; colored, beautiful. Wi.; Laws; TBC.; Ériu n, 167.nbsp;ligdach farbig, glanzend; colored, brilliant.nbsp;Fél. |
ligdata — (con-)linfadar. 69
Ifgdata Schönheü; heauty. Ériu ii, 167. lige s. 1. ligid amp; laigid. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ligid leekt; licks; dbstr. lige. Ped.; TBC.;nbsp;Plummer, Lives. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ligid s. liïd. ilgmar schön; heautijul. Pél. [iignit]? Npl. lignite eim Art wertvoïlen Steines; a kind of precious stone. IT. iii, 1,nbsp;280; cf. lat. lyohnïtes. ilgrad O. -aid n. eoll. Farhen, Schönheif; colors, leauty. Wi. amp; Hom. Leg. p. 112.nbsp;iiic s. 1. lia. liTd, iithid (iidid, ligid) legt sur Last; imputes; part. litte, dbstr. liud (liu), liamain (Apl.nbsp;liamna?. RC. xl, 62), Ifmnugud (CF.nbsp;p. 105); llth, Dpl.lithaih Anklager; suitor.nbsp;Laws; O’Don.; Wi.; PH.; Liadain andnbsp;Curithir; Betha Colaim ChiUe. {-)iii praet. s. lenaid. (fo-)lii fut. s. (fo-)loing. liiacca s. lulgaoh. (atas-)iiiad cond.? s. 1. ligid?. Ped. (fo-)iiia8tar fut. pass. s. (fo-)loing. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;MIe /. Lilie; lily. ITS. xxv; Medical Glossaries; TSh. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;MIe fut. 2 sg. s. lenaid. MIgach = lulgach. (-)Mlmatar? (M8. Mb-. Ml. 69b3) fut. 3pl. s. (ro-)laimethar. (fa-)Mlsat, MIsit fut. 3 pl. s. (fo-)loing S 1. ligid. Mm s. 1. lem. Mmaid wetst, schleift, glattet; whets, grinds, smoothes; part, limtha glait, poliert;nbsp;smooth, polished; dbstr. Mm ad m. Laws;nbsp;Togail na Tebe; TSh. Ilmaigid = Hmaid; aeguat. part.? limaig-thidir? {MS. limaigth-) gleich glait?; as smooth?. Pled. Br. § 80 v. 1. (fo-)Mmathar fut. s. (fo-)lamatliar. Ifmnugud s. liïd. Ifmtha s. limaid. Ilmthacht G. -ta /. Glattung, GTMte; polish, smoothness. (-)Mn praet. s. lenaid. 1. Iln G. lina n. m. {voile) Zahl, Schar, Klasse, Seite; {full) number, multitude, class, side; citnbsp;Una wieviele?; how many?; dib Ifnaib beider-seits, beide; on both sides, both; I cechtar danbsp;Mna beiderseits; on both sides; (in) Mn sovietnbsp;als ..., diejenigen...; as many as...,nbsp;those...; Iln creitmech die Gldubigen; thenbsp;faithful. Asc. 166, 167; Laws; Wi.; Hogan,nbsp;p.200; PH.; IT. iv, 1; TSh. |
2. iln G. id. n. m. Flachs, Linnen, Netz; flax, linen, net. Asc. 167; PH.; ITS. xxv. (do-)iin, tuilid flutet, uberflutet, hat die Oberhand; floods, overwhelms, prevails; part. tuUte, ahstr. tuile G. id., Npl. tuüe, tuiltenbsp;n. f. Ped.; Laws; IT. iv, 1; TBC.; Horn.nbsp;Leg. p. 123. (con-)i[na, coimilnaid fullt {aus), erfullt; fills {up), fulfills; part, coimlinta, dbstr. coim-llnad. SR. p. 118, 1. 8072 amp; ITS. xxv. (fo-)ilna, (-)fuiiie, (-)foiile, fuiiiid, foiilnaid macht voll, erganzt, fügt hinzu; makes full,nbsp;supplements, adds; part, fuilte, abstr. fuilned,nbsp;fuilied m. Ped.; Laws vi, 393,430; Aur. Éc.;nbsp;RC. XLiv, 181. (•)iinab (TBC. 1.2887) fut. 1 sg. s. lenaid. Mnachdn G. -chain m. Flachs; flax. iinaid = lenaid. Ilnaid, (-)i[na fiillt, wird voll; fills, becomes full; part, linta, abstr. Mnad G. llnta m.nbsp;-f FUlle, Schwellung {des Magens). Flut;nbsp;fullness, swelling {of the stomach), {flood-)nbsp;tide. Ped.; ZCP. ll, 306; ITS. xxv S xxix;nbsp;TSh. Mnaide = linda. Ifnaige G. id. m. Netzsteller, Fischer; setter of nets, fisherman. Imr. Br. ii, 292 S St.nbsp;Moling. (in-)ilnaige, (¦)inilnaige umstrickt; ensnares; part, inlinaigthe. Asc. 167. Mnén Teil der Seeküste, wo die Flut einflie^t; part of the coast where the tide flows in.nbsp;Joyce ’II, 407. (do-)iinat praes. ind. 3 pl. s. (do-)lin. Mnce, MneheO. id. Luchs; lynx. Togail na Tebe; IT. Ill, 2, 678 amp; IV, 2. Mnda, Mnaide linnen, linnenartig, glatt?; linen, like linen, smooth?; gl. linteum. Asc. 167;nbsp;cf. MacConglinne; TBC.; IT. iv, 1 amp; 2;nbsp;RC. XXII, 426. ilne G. id. f. Zeile, Eeihe, Abstammung; line, row, lineage; Mne meddnach in domainnbsp;Aquator; equator. ITS. xiv; cf. Fél.;nbsp;Wi.; PH.; TSh. Mnecda leinen; linen. Mesca Ulad, p. 30. Ifnech zeilenreich, gestreift; lined, striped. Asc. II, 168;Pianaigecht;RC. xxii, 426; IT. iv,2. (-)linestar praet. s. lenaid. (con-)iinfadar {MS. etiam -Mnd-. Ped. ii, 661) = (-)lilmadar ?, fut. s. (ro-)laimethar. |
70 (-)linfe(i — Ur.
Urach — loa. 71
Ifrach {MS. Wrach) DurchfaU; diarrhoea; gl.lii. ZCP. V, 489, n, 26; cf. Pliunmer, Livesnbsp;I, 286. liridir, liriu s. il. liru s. Ier.nbsp;lis s. 2. les. lisachctn O. -cMin m. kleine Erdfestung; small earth-work. Joyce iii, 483.nbsp;lisén = lesan. Usar Erdfestung; earth-ioork. Joyce iii, 485. Ilsin O. id. m. kleine Erdfestung; small earthwork. Joyce 1,273 amp; iii, 163, 474.nbsp;lista lastig, langweilig, langsam; troublesome,nbsp;tedious, slow. IT. iv, 2; TBC.; Mac Cong-liime; TSh. listacht G. -ta /. Lastigkeit, Saumigkeit; troublesomeness, slackness. Lism. L.; IT. iv, 1; Philip Bocht. listatas Dsg. id. Lastigkeit; troublesomeness. Three Middle-Irish Homilies, p. 78, 1.22. litach Uspelnd, zirpend; lisping, chirping. Egerton Glossary, liténacht = letónacht. litar (MS. lilor) .i. lobar no each n-immlebair. Dull Droma Ceta, p.188; cf. Dinneen. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ilth Q. litha n. m. Fest, Gluck, (gutes) For-zeiehen; FüUe?; festival, happiness, (good)nbsp;omen; plenty?; .i. senuaire, .i. liith. O’CL;nbsp;.i. etach. ZCP. V,486; Fél.; Laws; Wi.;nbsp;Horn. Leg. p. 112; Ériu ii, 17; ITS. v;nbsp;van Hamel, Compert; PH.; Festschriftnbsp;Wh. Stokes, p. 20; Br. D. D. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ilth s. lild. I It had fürchten machen; causing dismay. Laws s. V. lith. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;\\Waa\g\d'\versetztinFeststimmung; puts in anbsp;festive mood; part.lithaigthe (JfS.lithichthe)nbsp;gl. exultatione occupata. Ml. 68a 14. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ifthaigid, Ifthigid setzt in Schrecken; causesnbsp;dismay; abstr. Ilthlugud. Egerton Glossary;nbsp;cf. Laws s. V. lith. litharda(iHS. \\iaxtda)haarig?;hairy?.Y£. iv,2. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lithech festlich; festive. Laws. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lithech beschuldigt, verrufen; inerimiruited,nbsp;discredited. RC. xlv, 55; O’Don.; IT. lu,nbsp;I9I, 192. Ifthechas Bezichtigung; charge. ZCP. xiii, 250. lithid = lild. lithigid, lithróit s. 2. lithaigid amp; liathr^it. litranta = ditranda. litta festlich; festive. Gorm. [littatu] D. id. Fesflichkeit; festivity. Ml. 47bl5. |
litte s. littiu amp; lild. litter, littir, leittir G. -ttre, -ttrech, pi. -ttre Buchstabe, Brief, lateinisches Schrifttum, heilige Schrift; letter (of the alphabet), epistle,nbsp;Latin literature. Holy Scripture. Asc. 169;nbsp;Laws; Aur. Éc.; Ryan, Irish Monasticism,nbsp;p. 378. litterda = littride. litterdacht, littirdecht = littredacht. littis /. weifieFarbe; white color. Plummer,Lives,nbsp;littiu, litte, leitte G. -tten f. {Hafer)brei; mush,nbsp;gruel. Mac Conglinne; Ériu vil, 194; O’Don.;nbsp;Joyce 111,491. littrech, leittrech mit Buchstaben, Wissenschaft, Briefen versehen oder dazu gehorig; havingnbsp;or referring to letters, learning or epistles.nbsp;littred Dsg. id. n. (Hogan, p. 140) Buchstdben-folge?; letter-group?. Sg. 144b 1.nbsp;littredacht, littirdecht, litterdacht G. -ta /. Schrifttum; literature. Asc. 169 lt;6 Aur. Éc. littrid G. -reda m. Gelehrter, Schriftsteller; scholar, author. Asc. 169. littride, litterda aus Buchstaben bestehend, zumnbsp;Schrifttum gehorig; consisting of letters,nbsp;belonging to literature; cethar-littride gl.nbsp;tetragrammaton. Asc. 169 amp; Aur. Éc.nbsp;liud s. liid. liu(g)-goilid heult; howls. TSh. liuic s. leoc. liuin s. 1. amp; 2. lén. Ii(u)mm s. la. liunaid ist nachldssig (in Erfiillung von Pflieh-ten)?; is remiss (in fulfilling duties)?. Philol. Soc. Trans, xxix, 70; cf. 1. lénaid. Ilunaide? (MS. -nidhti) Eiterbeule?; abscess?. Irish Texts v, 92. liuntach = léntach. Iluntaige Trtigheit?; indolence?. RC. xlv, 61. Ilunu s. 1. lén. Ii(u)s Ekel; disgust. Asc. 165. {-)li(u)s praes. subj. 1 sg. s. laigid. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ié .i. faflid. 0’Mulc. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ié s. la amp; loa, (fo-)lé praes. subj. s. (fo-)loing. loa (lua), loe. Ié G. id., Dsg. lof, lai, 16, pi. loa.nbsp;Dpi. loaih Flocke; Wolle, Wollmantel, Yliefi;nbsp;poet. Wasser?; flock, flake; wool, woollennbsp;mantle, fleece; poet, water?. Wi.; Bidrag;nbsp;ZCP. XIII, 122, 123; Laws; Ériu, ii, 11nbsp;amp; IV, 94; Lism. L.; Ui Echach, p. 98;nbsp;0’Mulo.; .i. uisce. 0’CI.; cf. LU. 3052 amp;nbsp;Dinneen; (duo verba miscentur). |
72 (-)loa — loch.
(-)loa praes. suhj. s. 1. luaid. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;loan, loun, loon, lón G. loain, lóin, pl.nbsp;lóinte, lónta n.? (Hogan, p. 166) m. Proviant,nbsp;Nahrung; provisions, food; gl. adeps. Asc.nbsp;171; Wi.; Hogan, p. 237; Laws; PH.;nbsp;TSh. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;loan, luan, lón G. lóin, Apl. lunu (luna).nbsp;Dpi. lainib? (SR. p. 143) Lende; loin; .i.nbsp;taeb. ZCP. v, 488 amp; xil, 360; .i. macc.nbsp;ZCP. V, 483, 485 S 0’CI.; .i. cich. Leoannbsp;Glossary amp; RC. xxvi, 30, §121; lónnbsp;lóirgge .i. lón no leis acas lóargg. 0’CI.; cf.nbsp;Mac Conglinne; Laws; TBC.; IT. iv, 1;nbsp;ITS. XXV, 381. loardd G. loairdd m. Herr; lord. Bezz. B. XVIII, 129. loargg, laargg, laairgg (MS. ladhairg), lórgg, lórgg, lóirgg ?, lórac, lórac G. laairgge, lairgge,nbsp;Asg. laraic, pl. lairgge /. Gabel, Gdbelast,nbsp;Gabel der Sehenhel, Oberschenkel; fork,nbsp;prong of a fork, crotch of the legs, thigh. Wi.;nbsp;Laws; Gorm.; Cormac, 804; van Hamel,nbsp;Compert; Trip.; TBC.; Aur. Éc.; Lism. L.;nbsp;ITS. XXV; 0’Mulc.; Egerton Glossary,nbsp;loam .i. snimacb (leg. sinnach?). Bezz. B.nbsp;XXIII, 54. (-)loat praes. subj. 3 pl. s. 1. luaid. loathar, lóthar G. -thair n.? (Hogan, p. 159)nbsp;m. Trog, Becken; trough, basin; gl. oanalis.nbsp;Asc. 177; Wi.; PH.; Joyce iii, 487; .i. coire.nbsp;0’CI. [(do-)loba]? fut. (do-)lofa zerstort?; destroys?. Mac Neill, Three Poems, lobaid verfauU, verdirbt, schmndet hin, wirdnbsp;verwirkt; rots, spoils, vanishes, becomes forfeited; part, lobtha, abstr. lobad m. Asc. 177;nbsp;Laws; O’Don.; Biirgschaft; ITS. xxv.nbsp;(-)lobair (ZCP. xx, 196) = (-)labair, praet. s.nbsp;labraid(ir). 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lobar, lubar, labar pl. -bra, compar. lobrunbsp;schwach, krank, aussatzig; weak, sick, leprous.nbsp;Asc. 177; Wi.; O’Don.; TBC.; TSh. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lobar = 1. labar. lobarda schwachlich, kranklich; weakly, sickly. SR. lobra, lubra, luibre G. id. f. Schwache, Krank-heit, Aussatz; weakness, sickness, leprosy; .i. eslóinte. 0’CI.; ef. Asc. 178; Wi.; Fél.;nbsp;PH.; TSh. lobrach, lubrach krank, aussatzig; sick, leprous. Asc. 178 amp; SR. lobraid(ir) ='labraid(ir). |
lobraigid(ir) ist oder wird schwach oder krank; is or becomes weak or sick. Asc. 178. lobrin G. -briin m. (kleiner) Schwacher odernbsp;Aussatziger; (little) weakli'ng or leper. Wi. lobtha s. lobaid. lobthach pflichtvergessen, vertragsbriichig; unmindful of one’s duty, breaking one’s contract. Laws amp; O’Don. loo, lac G. Inic, Dsg. luc, Apl. lucu m. Ort, Grad, Höhlung; place, tomb, hollow; loonbsp;bee Grubchen; dimple. LBr. 148b; lac maranbsp;Ebbe; low tide. Ériu xi, 87; Asc. 177;nbsp;Plummer, Lives; IT. in, 2, 442; RC. xxxix;nbsp;Joyce III, 463,487; cf. 1. lac.nbsp;lócairecht G. -ta f. Jammern, laut Schreien;nbsp;lamenting, crying aloud. Cormac, 32 (LBr.);nbsp;cf. Dinneen s. v. lógóireacht.nbsp;locóis? Lager?; couch?. Betha Colaim Chüle.nbsp;locéise (MS. logaissi) G. id., Schwache; weakness; (debaid) localise .i. bréiee. Lism. L.nbsp;p. 93, 1.3093. lócaist(e), lóccaist(e) G. amp; Npl. -te Heu-schrecke, sagenhaf ter Vogel; locust, fabulous bird. Ériu ii, 194. locón G. -c4in m. kleiner Ort, kleine Hohlurtg, Zelle; little place. Utile hollow, cell. Fél.;nbsp;Erin II, 56 amp; ill, 104; Plummer, Lives,nbsp;loccaid hindert, steht ab von, verweigert (ar);nbsp;hinders, flinches from, refuses (ar); abstr.nbsp;loccad -f ganz kurzer Sehlaf?; a wink (ofnbsp;sleep)?. RC. vil, 363; IT. iv,2, 326, 1.4358;nbsp;cf. Metr. Dindsh. iii,458; CF.; IT. in,2nbsp;amp; IV, 2; ITS. XIV; Stories from Keating,nbsp;loccair Hobel; a plane. Bidrag,nbsp;loccdiste = laccaiste. loccraid hobelt; planes; part, loccairtbe. Bidrag, p. 124. loccrugud (MS. locr-) Asg. id. Hemmen?; checking?. Magh Rath p. 224, 1. 20. locdatu Ortlichkeit; locality; gl. localitas.nbsp;Asc. 177. loc-fiach .i. locax acas fiacb .i. fiach-labar; leg. loch-fiach .i. fiacb labar?; cf. 2. loch.nbsp;0’Mulc. 790. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;loch, lach G. locha n. m. See, Bucht, Hoh-lung; lake, sea-inlet, hole; loch blón (bléine)nbsp;Weiche; groin. ITS. xxv; Asc. 177; Wi.;nbsp;Horn. Leg. p. 112; TSh.; RC. xx, 150;nbsp;cf. loc. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;loch Schwarz, finster; black, dark; .i. dorcha.nbsp;Betha Colmiin, p. 10, 1. 4; Wi.; Aur. Ec.;nbsp;van Hamel, Compert. |
lóch — logtha. 73
1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lóch (luach) glanzend; Iright; .i. solas. Bethanbsp;Cobnóin, p.10,1. 4; IT. iv, 1;ZCP. xvn,301;nbsp;cj. luach-thé. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lóch m. Spreu; chaff. TSh.nbsp;locha = lacha. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lochad Dsg. id. Mausen; mousing. Laws. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lochad, lochald s. luch. lochaide finster?, grimmig?; darM, fierce?. IT. IV, 1,21, 1. 738; cf. 2. loch, lochairthe s. lochraid. loc hall eine Pflanze; a species of plant; gl. puUeghium planta Christi. Medical Glossaries, C. 26; cf. Diimeen.nbsp;lochón G. -chain m. kleiner See, Pfütze; einnbsp;Kunststück; small lake, puddle; a clevernbsp;feat. Joyce iii, 488 amp; van Hamel, Com-pert. lóchón G. -chain m. Spreu; chaff. TSh. lochar (Betha Colaim Chille, p. 364, 1. 3) s.nbsp;luchar ?. lochar-bldith milden Olanzes?; of gentle Iright-ness?. IT. iv, 1, 305. locharda welk, dbgezogen, blof}; withered, stripped, bare. TSh.; cf. loccraid?. lócharn, luacharn, lóchrann G. -airne, -aim /.nbsp;m. Leuchte, Lampe, Packet; lantern, lamp,nbsp;torch. Vendryes; Wi.; Ériu ii, 11; IT. iv, 2;nbsp;ITS. v; ZCP. Ill, 452. lócharnach, lóchrannach reieh an Lichtern, hell; having many lamps, bright; gl. lumi-nosus. Asc. 176 amp; Wi.nbsp;lóchat = lóichet. loch-brfga .i. laech-briga. LU. 3526. lochdda s. 1. luch. lochlannach nordisch; Scandinavian; subst. m. Nordgermane; a Scandinavian. IT. iv, 2. loch-lüirechda mit dunklem {?) Panzer; havingnbsp;dark {?) armor, van Hamel, Compert.nbsp;ló-cholnnell Lebenslicht?; light of life?. ITS.nbsp;XVIII, 84, § 13; cf. la. loch rad Asg. id. Überschwemmung; inundation. Metr. Dindsh. iii,450, 1.4; cf. ZCP. xvil,nbsp;155. [lochraid] zerreifit; lacerates; part, lochairthe, abstr. lochrad. TBC.; Togail na Tebe;nbsp;ITS. V; cf. loccraid?. lóchrann, lóchrannach = lócharn amp; lócharnach. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;locht G. -ta m. Fehler, Sünde, Prevel; fault,nbsp;sin, crime. Asc. 177; Wi.; PH.; vannbsp;Hamel, Compert; TSh. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;locht = lucht. |
lochta s. lucht. lochtach fehlerhaft, sündhaft, strafbar; faulty, sinful, punishable. Gorm.; RC. xxvill, 430;nbsp;TSh. lochtaigid tadeU; finds fault with. Asc. 177 lt;Ê De Contemptu. loc-lón ganz volt; quite full. Vis. Tondale. (-)lod, (-)lodatar, (-)lodbair praet. 1, 2 sg., 3nbsp;amp; 2 pl. s. téit. lodmma, ludfammar loir gehen, werden géhen; we go, shall go. TBC. p. 231, 1. 1801 tfenbsp;EC. XIV, 412, § 24; cf. téit.nbsp;loe = loa. (-)lofa (Fled Br. §6) fut. s. lobaid. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;log Asg. id., Verfall?; decay?. Aur. Éc. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;log = lug. lóg, luag, luach (luad) G. lóige, lóga, luaige, luacha, luaig n. m. Preis, Wert, Lohn,nbsp;Kaufen; price, value, wages, purchasing;nbsp;lóg n-einech „Ehrenpreis“; “honor-price”.nbsp;Asc. 176; Laws; Wi.; TBC.; PH.; Denbsp;Contemptu; TSh.; cf. lógaid.nbsp;loga, laga s. lug. (di-)loga praes. subj. s. (di-)luige. lógacht, luaigecht G. -ta f. Lohn, Wert; reward,nbsp;fee, value. Ériu xii, 89, 90 amp; ITS. xxix;nbsp;cf. lógaidecht.nbsp;logad s. 1. loigid. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;logaid erlangt; obtains; part, loigthe, abstr.nbsp;logad G. loichthe. Fél. lt;amp; Asc. 174. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;logaid verzeiht, vergipt?; forgives, forgets?;nbsp;part, logtha, abstr. logad. Metr. Dindsh.nbsp;Ill, 541; TBC.; PH.; Philip Bocht;nbsp;TSh. lógaid, luaigid bezahlt, kauft; pays, buys; part, lóigthe, abstr. iógad G. lóigthe. Laws;nbsp;TTr.; O’Don.; Lism. L.nbsp;lógaidecht, lóigidecht (lóididecht) luaigidechtnbsp;G. -ta /. Bezahlwng, Lohn, Preis, Wert,nbsp;Verdienstlichkeit; payment, wages, price,nbsp;value, merit. Laws; iSriuxii, 26; PH.;nbsp;IT. IV, 1; Betha Colaim Chille; ITS. xxix;nbsp;TSh.; cf. lógacht. logda .i. lacsaine ErlaP; abatement. 0’CI.; cf. Metr. Dindsh. iv, 200. lógmaire G. id. f. Kostbarkeit; costliness. Pled Br. § 1 lt;fe Betha Colaim Chille. lógmar, luachmar (iuach-mór) wertvoll, ver-dienstlich; precious, meritorious. Asc. 176;nbsp;Wi.; TSh.; cf. lia lógmar.nbsp;lógmarda wertvoll; precious. RC. xxiv, 206.nbsp;logtha s. 2. logaid. |
74 logthach — loirggid.
logthach, loigthech nachsichtig; indulgent. Gorm. amp; Contr. p. 562 s. v. cuzolachtach. légthanach Spender?. IT. m, 2,486.nbsp;lof s. loa. loichérthair fut. pass. s. lochraid. lóichet, luaichet, lóchat O. lóichet n. Blitz,nbsp;Glanz; lightning, brightness. ZCP. v, 20;nbsp;Wi.; EC. XXII, 426; Ériu ll, 158.nbsp;loichthe s. 1. logaid. (as-)loïd (MS. ciacloid; leg. ci a-t-?. Wb. 26 a 2) praes. subj. 2 pl. s. (as-)lai.nbsp;lóididecht = lógaidecht. (di-)loig praet. s. (di-)luige. lóige s. lóg.nbsp;loiget = lagait. loigic Denklehre; hgie. Vendryes. loigicid m. Denlcléhrer-, logician. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;loigid vernichtet?; annihilates?; abstr. logad.nbsp;Laws; Br. D. D. §110; Metr. Dindsh.nbsp;il, 58, 1. 3. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;loigid = laigid.nbsp;lóigidecht = lógaidecht. loigthe, lóigthe s. 1. logaid amp; lógaid. loigthech = logthach. (di-)loigther praes. subj. pass. s. (di-)lmge. lóigthinche O. id. Wert; valuableness, value.nbsp;Laws. loilgech = lulgach. (in-)loilig? praet. s. (in-)loihg. loimm, luimm G. lomma, pl. lonmianii(a) n.nbsp;Schluck, Tropfen, Wage, Milch; draught,nbsp;drop, wave, milk. Fél.; O’Don.; Horn.nbsp;Leg. p. 112; Archiv iii, 37; Wi.; TBC.; cf.nbsp;-lós. (-)loiminéra fut. s. lommraid. loin s. 1. 2. loan,nbsp;loinche s. lonach. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;loing langer Selbstlaut?; long vowel?. Sg.nbsp;187b3. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;loing s. 1. long. (fo-)loing, (-)fulaihg, fuilngid, fuilggid, fulaih-gid, fuilihgid triigt, stiitzt, ertrdgt, unterhdlt; bears, supports, endures, sustains; part.nbsp;fulachta, abstr. fulach, folach, fulahg, fuilehgnbsp;G. -laig, -laing, -ling n. m.; is fulling ist ge-stattet; is permitted. Bed.; Laws; TBC.;nbsp;Ériu 11,208, §28; PH.; TSh. (in-)loing, (-lellaihg, eillgid legt hinein, legt auf, fuut, bemannt, halt, fiigt hinzu, schldgtnbsp;auf (ein Lager), bringt ein (cine Forderung);nbsp;puts in, puts on, fills, mans, keeps, adds,nbsp;pitches (camp), sets forth (a claim); part. |
eUachta, cibstr. ellach, pl. eiUge, ellaig n.? m. -f Vereinigung, Verhindung, Masse,nbsp;Begegnung, in Besitz nehmen, Geschirr (einesnbsp;Pferdes), Eigentum, Rindvieh, Versma^?;nbsp;union, mass, encounter, taking possessionnbsp;of, harness (of a horse), property, cattle,nbsp;meter?. Ped.; Bergin, Dictionary, cols.nbsp;81, 82, 111, 112; ZCP XVIII, 328,nbsp;loihge s. 2. long. loihgén, laingén Knorpel?; cartilage?. 0’Dav. 1204 in; lón-loihgén. loihges, longas, luinges G loihgse, luihgse, loihgis /. m. Seefahrt, Flotte, Verbannung;nbsp;sea-voyage, fleet, banishment; .i. innarbba.nbsp;ZCP. V, 493; cf. Asc. 173; Hogan, p. 257;nbsp;Laws; TBC.; Wi.; Togail na Tebe; 0’Mulc.;nbsp;PH.; TSh. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;loingid, lohgaid verbannt, vertreibt; banishes,nbsp;expels. Anecd. in, 67,1.17; EC. xxii, 426;nbsp;Alt. Ir. Dichtung. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;loingid, longaid, langaid, (-)loihg ifit; eats;nbsp;abstr. lohgad G. loihgthe m. Laws; ZCP.nbsp;XVIII, 328; TBC.; PH.; van Hamel, Com-pert; Ped.; Battle of Magh Eath, p. 22. loihgsech, luingsech G. -sig m. Seefahrer, See-mann, Seerduber, Verbannter; seafarer, mariner, pirate, exile. Wi.; Laws; Togail na Tebe; ZCP. xix, 348; Joyce in, 480.nbsp;loihgseoir 0. -seóra m. Schiffer; shipman. ITS. xvni s. V. luamaire. loingseoirecht, loihgseoracht G. -ta /. Sehiff-fahrt, Seereise; navigation, sea-voyage. Plummer, Lives amp; TSh. loihgsid m. Verbannter; an exile. Fianaigecht. loingsigid verbannt; banishes. Ériu n, 158.nbsp;loihgthech essend; eating. Wb. 6c9.nbsp;loinid, luinid G. -neda, -netha Butterstössel; churn-dash. Laws amp; Contr. s. v. 2. bé. loinn = 1. lainn.nbsp;loinne = 1. luinne.nbsp;loinnec = luinnec. loinnech, luinnech froh; glad. Hogan, p. 257. loinnechas Freude; gladness. ITS. x. loinnerda === lainnerda. loinnid = lonnaid. loinnir = lainnir. loinniu s. 1. lonn. loinrech, loinrigid = lainrech amp; lainrigid. lointe s. 1. loan,nbsp;loirgge s. 2. lorgg. loirggid, lairggid spiirt nach, verfolgt; searches, pursues; abstr. lorggad. IT. n, 2,92,1.1093. |
lois — Ion. 75
lois s. 1. los. (fo-)lóis praes. subj. 2 sg. s. (fo-)lomg. (-)loisce, (fo-)loisce = loscaid amp; (fo-)loscai.nbsp;(fri8-)loisce {MS. -loisc) verbrennt; burns up. Fianaigecht. loiscenn = loscann.nbsp;loiscid = loscaid. loiscnech brennend; burning; siibst. verbranntes Land; land burnt over. Joyce iii, 493;nbsp;lism. L.; ITS. xrv; TSh.nbsp;loiscnige G. id. /. brennende Bitse; burningnbsp;heat. TSh. loiscrein, loistrein G. -redin m. in der Ahre verbranntes Korn; corn burnt off in the ear.nbsp;Joyce III, 469 amp; Measgra Danta l, 104.nbsp;loiscthe s. loscaid. loiscthech brennend; burning. IT. iv, 2; Togaü na Tebe; MaghRath, p. 112; TSh. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;loise {pL; Nsg. lois?) .i. sinnaig. O’CL; cf.nbsp;Dinneen. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;loise = 1. laise. (-)ióisem praes. subf. 1 pi. s. ibid, loisne = laisne.nbsp;loiste s. losat. loisttn G. id. m. Boden (eines Qef'djies); bottom {of a vessel). loislln G. id. m. Obdach; a lodging. ITS. xxiii. loistredn = loiscrean.nbsp;loitii s. 1. loth. lóith stammelnd?; stammering?. Four Songs; cf. 1. loithe S luith-guth. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;loithe G. id. f. Stummheit?, Stammeln?;nbsp;dumbness?, stammering?. Fél. Prol. 298. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;loithe s. 1. loth. loithid beschmiUzt; muddies. ITS. xviii; cf. lothaid. loithne G. id. f. Brise; breeze. ITS. iii. loittid verletzt; hurts; dbstr. lott n.? (Horn.nbsp;Leg. p. 112) m. Wi.; Togail na Tebe; IT.nbsp;IV, 2; van Hamel, Compert; ITS. xi, 50; TSh.nbsp;lóla s. lour. (in-)lolaig praet. s. (in-)loihg. ioman G. lomna, DAsg. lomain, pi. lomna /.nbsp;Seil, Stride, Koppel, Saite; rope, eord, leash,nbsp;string; .i. tét. 0’CI.; cf. Asc. 174; Wi.;nbsp;Laws; Aur. Êc.; TEC. p. 549; Ériu ii, 11nbsp;s. V. gailliaUa. lomanchar? Striche; ropes. Laws. lomar flockig, wollen; nappy, woollen. TTr.; RC. XXII, 430; Mao Conglinne. (ro-)lomar (Ml. 21b5) praes. ind. 1 sg. s. (ro-)lainiethar. |
lomm blof3, mager, abgetragen, unleniert; naked, thin, worn out, unlenited; in composit.nbsp;saepe intens, e. g. lomm-ldir sehr fleifiig;nbsp;very industrious. Gorm. amp; Fianaigecht;nbsp;suist. n. m. Bhfiheit, ihfi (cum. gen.), wn-gedeckter, dem Angriff gunstiger Punkt odernbsp;Gelegenheit; bareness, mere (cum gen.),nbsp;unprotected point or occasion favorable tonbsp;attack. Wi.; Laws; Ériu vill, p. iv; TSh.nbsp;lomma s. loimm amp; luimme.nbsp;lommaid macht nackt oder kohl, plundert,nbsp;schwdcht; makes naked or bare, plunders,nbsp;enfeebles; lommaid cluiche geioinnt ein Spielnbsp;vollstandig; wins a game completely. ITS. in.nbsp;lommain = lumman.nbsp;lommairt s. lommraid. lommdn m. entrindetes Boh, Bolzklotz; bark-stripped timber, log; lommdn comarbba Minderjahriger, der seinen Vater verlorennbsp;hat?; a mimr who has lost his father?. Wi.;nbsp;Laws; TSh. iommann, lommanna s. loimm. lommar .i. 16 mar. O’CL; cf. Dinneen.nbsp;lommartha s. lommraid.nbsp;lommas Fadenscheinigkeit; threadbare state.nbsp;Laws. iommdatu G. -tad m. Nacktheit, Kahlheit; nakedness, bareness. Laws, lomm-diultaid verweigert glatt; refuses flatly.nbsp;TSh. lomm-lén, lommnén ganz voll; quite full. Wi.; RC. VII, 363; Betha Colaim ChUle; Dan Dé. lomm-nochtach, lomm-nachtach ganz nackt; quite naked. SR. amp; ITS. vii, 62. lomm-nochtaige G. id. f. vollstdndige Nacktheit; complete nakedness. TSh.nbsp;[iomm-oirggid], lomm-airggid verwUstet ganz; devastates entirely. IT. ill, 2, 579. lommraid macht bloft, schalt, schert; lays bare,nbsp;peels, shears; dbstr. lommrad, lommairt G.nbsp;lommartha. Asc. 174; Wi.; Laws; Philol.nbsp;Soc. Trans, xxix, 70; Egerton Glossary,nbsp;lommraigid schert; shears.nbsp;lomm-tharr nacktbauchig; bare-bellied. 0’Dav.nbsp;1428. lomm-thrti dem Tode ganz und gar verfallen; quite doomed to death. RC. xiii, 472. lomna s. Ioman.nbsp;lomnach = luamnach. 1. Ion G. luin m. Amsel; blackbird; Ion crais (craes-lon) Freftteufel, Frefigier; {demon of)nbsp;voracity. Mac Conglinne amp; Wi. |
76 [Ion] ? — lórda.
2. [Ion]? Apl. lunu: co lunu méise .i. muilt brvdthe. Mac Conglinne; cf. scot.-gael. Ionnbsp;= Elch; elk. lón = 1. 2. loan amp; 2. luan. lona weil nicht; because not. ITS. xxv, 272,nbsp;1.17; cf. 1. losa. lonach Gsg. f. loinche amsélreieh; full of blackbirds. Ir. Gl. § 115. [lónaigid] versieht mit Vorraten; supplies with provisions; part, lónaichthe; gl. adipatus.nbsp;Ml. 20a 24.nbsp;londa mid; fierce. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;long G. lunga, luinge, DAsg. luing, lunga{i),nbsp;loing /. Sehiff, Gef 'dfi; ship, vessel; .1. teg, .1.nbsp;lepa. 0’CI.; long choire eine Art Kessel?;nbsp;a kind of kettle?. Laws; WL; Fianaigeclit;nbsp;IT. Ill, 2; O’Don.; Hog. Lat. Lives; ITS.nbsp;XVIII; van Hamel, Compert; PH. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;long G. loinge /. Knorpel?; cartilage?;nbsp;long bronn, long In ochta Eerzblatt; ensi-form cartilage. Wi.; Mac Conglinne; IT.nbsp;IV, 2. longa bronn .i. langan na bronn no an ochta. 0’CI.; cf. 2. long (bronn). longach schiffreich; abounding in ships. Fél.nbsp;longad, longaid s. 1. 2. loingid.nbsp;longair, lungair Schiffsmannschaft; crew of anbsp;ship; .i. foirenn luinge. 0’CI.; cf. Metr.nbsp;Dindsh. lii, 272. lon-gaire Amselgesa'ng, Vogelgesang, Singen, Rufen; song of (black-)birds, singing, crying.nbsp;Measgra Danta, l amp; Meyer Miscellany,nbsp;p. 318, § 11. (fo-, in-)longam praes. ind. 1 pi. s. (fo-, in-) loing. [longdn], langdn = 2. long amp; Teil des Mantels?; part of a mantle?. 0’CI. s. v. longa bronn amp; Mac Conglinne, p. 113, 1.10.nbsp;longdnach (MS. -anach) mit einem longdn?; wearing a longan.^. IT. in, 1, 98. lorigar, langar Venoirrung, Zerstorung; confusion, ruin. ITS. xviii.nbsp;longaraid, langaraid zerstreut sich in Ver-wirrung; breaks up in confusion. ITS. xviii.nbsp;lorigas = loinges. long-bardd G. -bairdd m. Glied eines bestimmten niedrigen Bardengrades; member of a certain low bardic order. RC. xliii, 134;nbsp;IT. 1, 110 c6 III, 2, 579; O’Don. \ohgia. sehiffdhnlich; ship-like. IT. iv, 2. long mar schiffreich; abounding innbsp;Measgra Danta ii, 119, 1. 3. |
long-phort G. -phuirt, -phoirt, -phairt Lager; camp. Wi.; TBC.; O’Don.; PH.; Mescanbsp;Ulad, p. 42. long-phortach voller Lager; full of camps. Primer. lon-gredan Geschrei?; shouting?. Meyer Miscellany, p. 318, § 11. long-sithel, long-élthal Becken; basin. IT. IV, 1,414. long-theg G. -thig, gl. telonium. Hogan,p. 129. lon-loingén, lon-lolrigln, lon-lairigén Schlund?;nbsp;gullet?; .i. staidgg brdgat. 0’CI.; .i. taeb.nbsp;0’Dav. 1204; cf. Mac Conglinne, p. 185. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lonn compar. luinniu, loinniu, luinne,nbsp;superlat. luinnem zornig, wild; angry, vrild;nbsp;in composit. saepe intens, e. g. lonn-bdnnbsp;sehr weifi; very white. IT. IV, 1; subst.nbsp;Zorn; anger; .i. fergg. O’CL; is lonn lanbsp;qudlt; vexes. PH.; Wi.; TBC. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lonn = 2. lann amp; 2. luan. lonnach stdrmisch; impetuous. ITS. xi, 52. lonnaid, loinnid wird zornig; becomes angry.nbsp;ITS. I amp; X. lonnaigid(ir) macht oder wird zornig; makes or becomes angry; abstr. lonnugud m.; lon-naigid (lonnaigthir) imme (fal) er wirdnbsp;zornig; he beeomes angry. Asc. 174; TBC.;nbsp;IT. IV, 2; van Hamel, Compert; ITS. i.nbsp;lonnarda = lainnerda.nbsp;lonnartha s. lainred. lonnas (t. lonnasa m. Zorn, Entriistung; anger, irtdignaiion. Asc. 174; IT. iv, 2; Lism. L.;nbsp;PH. lonn-ldth s. 2. luan; cf. 1. lonn. lonnmar wild; fierce. Wi. amp; van Hamel,nbsp;Compert. lonnugud s. lonnaigid(ir). lonr- s. lainr-.nbsp;lonta, loon s. 1. loan,nbsp;loor, lór = lour amp; Idr. (-)lór, (ro-)lór praes. subj. 1 sg. s. laaid; cf. (ro-)ló.. lórac = loargg. lorin = luran. loro G. luirc, .i. gargg. Bezz. B. xix, 92; .i. angbaid nó foirddiuclantaid. 0’Mulc. 780nbsp;amp; 454; .i. fingal. IT. ill, 2, 364, lt;amp; 176; cf.nbsp;RC. xxxix, 72, § 224. lór-choimét sicher Bewahren; securely guarding. TSh. lórda genUgend, reichlich; sufficient, ample. Gorm. amp; SR. |
lórdatu — lóth. 77
lórdatu, lórdata G. -tad m. Genüge; sufficiency. SR. amp; IT. II, 2, 47,1. 864. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lorgg G. luirgg, Dsg. lurgg m. Spur, Gefolge,nbsp;Schar, Naehkommenschaft, Nachspüren, Fol-gen; track, hand {of followers), troop, progeny,nbsp;searching, following-, .i. deired. 0’CI.; cf.nbsp;Aso. 170; Wi.; Laws; van Hamel, Com-pert; TBC.; IT.lv,2; PH.; TSh. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lorgg (largg) G. luirgge, loirgge, pl. lorgga,nbsp;lurgga /. Keule, Knuttel, Stdb, Griff, Pflock,nbsp;mannliches Glied; club, cudgel, staff, handle,nbsp;peg, penis; lorgg dna (4ine) Ballschlager;nbsp;hurley club; lorgg fosaigthe Stiltze; support.nbsp;IT. IV,2; MacConglinne; Èiiu iv, 37; Wi.;nbsp;Laws; Aur. Éc.; ZCP. xix, 309; O’Don.nbsp;s.v. larga: TBC. (Str.) 390. lorgg = loargg. lorgga s. 2. lorgg amp; 1. lurgga. lorggach keulenbewaffnet?; armed with a club?. ZCP. XVII, 61. lorggad s. loirggid. lorggaire G. id. m. Nachspürer, Folger, Ver-folger, Sucher; tracker, follower, pursuer, searcher. Wi. iorggairecht G. -ta /. Nachspüren, Suehen; tracking, investigating. Wi.; TBC.; TSh. lorggairechtdn {kleine) Spur; {small) track.nbsp;ITS. X. lorgg-dromma {pl.) Rückgrat; backbone; gl. spinas. Ir. Gl.; cf. 2. lorgg. lorgg-fersat, lorgg-fertas O. amp; Npl. -feirste /.nbsp;Spindelkeule?; spindle-like club?. Hogan,nbsp;p.237; TBC.; ZCP. i, 434.nbsp;lor-gnim, leor-gnfm Genugtuung; satisfaction;nbsp;gl. satisfaccio. Ir. Gl. 908; PH.; Bethanbsp;Colaim ChiUe. lornón .i. patu. DuilLaithne, § 125; cf. loam, lortnaigid genügt; is enough, satisfies. Monastery of Tallaght.nbsp;lortu = lourta. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;los G. luis, lois, Dsg. los, lus m. Schwanz,nbsp;Ende, Handgriff, Folge, Zuwachs, Ertrag,nbsp;Junge {coll.); tail, end, handle, result, increase, produce, young {coll.); a (i, ar) losnbsp;(lus) zufolge, wegen, durch, zu; because of,nbsp;by, to; a los a fuilt bei den Haaren; by thenbsp;hair; ar aen los mit der einen Absieht, ab-sichtlich; with the sole intention, deliberately.nbsp;Wi.; Laws; TBC.; Tain; PH.; IT. iv, 1nbsp;amp; 2; ITS. XII amp; XXV s. V. la. O’Don. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(fé, ba) los ?. TBC. p. 1009. (fo-)lós praes. subj. 1 sg. s. (fo-)loing. |
1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;losa weil {ist, sind); because {is, are). ITS.nbsp;XXV, 240, 1.18; cf. lona amp; 1. los. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;losa s. 1. lus. losaid hat Zuwachs oder Erfolg; increases, profits. TBC. amp; Egerton Glossary. [losól]? Dsg. losaU f. coll. Krauter; herbs. Lism. L. losat, losait G. amp; Npl. loiste /. Backtrog, gut bestelltes und tragendes Feld; kneading-trough, well tilled and productive field. Wi.;nbsp;Laws; TBC.; van Hamel, Compert; Joycenbsp;III, 487. (fo-)lósat praes. subj. 3 pl. s. (fo-)loing. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lose Apl. m. luscu lahm, krüppelhaft; lame,nbsp;crippled. Vendryes; Aur. Éc.; O’Don.;nbsp;ZCP. V, 484. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lose blind; subst. Dsg.lusc, lose das Dunkel,nbsp;Nicht-Beobachiung; darkness, non-observance.nbsp;Vendryes; Laws; Anecd. ii, 68. (fo-)loseai, (fo-)loisee verbrennt {unten), sengt; burns {underneath), consumes with fire, singes;nbsp;part, folsoaide, abstr. folsead (falsead), fo-losead. Wi.; Laws; PH.; RC. xv,439.nbsp;[(for-)loseai] brennt, sehmelzt, lautert; burns,nbsp;melts, purifies by fire; part, forloiscthe,nbsp;abstr. forlosead. Ped.; Laws; IT. iv, 2;TSh.nbsp;[(in-)loseai {MS. zdom-))! verbrennt?; consumesnbsp;{by fire)?. Ériu viii, 172.nbsp;loseaid, loiseid, (-)loseai, (-)loisee {ver)brennt;nbsp;burns; part, loisothe, abstr. losead G. amp;nbsp;Npl. Msetbe; amp; loseain {Dsg.). Ped.; Wi.;nbsp;IT. II, 1, 1.136; ITS. xxv; PH.; TSh.nbsp;losean {leg. losea?) .i. luasoanacht no len-baidecht. 0’CI.; cf. lusca.nbsp;loseann, loiseenn G. -cainn, -cinn m. Frosch; frog. Wi.; IT. iv, 2; Philip Bocht, losnaid? Du. id. einer, der leuchtet?; one whonbsp;shines?. TBC. p. 773, 1. 5375. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lót m. Ladunq, Bürde; load, burden. ITS.nbsp;IIIrfeTSh. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lót .i. quasi lott ar is lott do mnai meirddre-chas. Cormac, 817; .i. meirddrech. O’Cl. [lótaigid] ladt; loads; part, lótaigthe. TSh. lotón Pfuhl; puddle. Cormac, 842 amp; Trip. s. v.nbsp;tart. (-)lotar, (-)lotbair praet. 3 pl. amp; 2pl. s. téit. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;loth, lath G. loithe, Dsg. loith, laith n.?nbsp;(Hogan, p. 130) /. Schmutz, Sumpf; mud,nbsp;morass; .i. gach 14n-gargg. Metr.; cf. Asc.nbsp;177; Wi.; Laws; Pour Songs. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;loth Fohlen; foal. Ped. i, 135. 1. lóth .i. fésóe. IT. iii, 2,242; .i. cliiim, Metr. |
78 lóth — luaid.
2. lóth .i. alias. lothald schöpft aus; ladles out; Primer; cf. loithid. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[lothar] Dpi. lothraib Lumpen?; rag?. Mórnbsp;of Munster, p. 262, §2; .i. étach. 0’CI. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lothar .i. coimthinól. 0’CI.nbsp;lóthar = loathar. loth-én (MS. loithean) .i. lacha. ZCP. v, 488. loth-ommar, loth-amtnar Npl. -air Wasehtrog,nbsp;Waschkübel; washing trough, washing basin.nbsp;TBC. amp; Mae Conglinne.nbsp;lothrad (coll.?) gl. lotrad. Stokes, Three Irishnbsp;Glossaries, p. 27 s. v. lott; cf. 1. loth,nbsp;lothraib s. 1. lothar. [lothraigid] taueht ein; dips; aistr. lothrugud. lotrad (kg. lotrad?) .i. lothrad. Stokes, Threenbsp;Irish Glossaries, p. 27 s. v. lott; cf. 2. lót?,nbsp;lott s. loittid. lottar (MS. lotar) .i. letrad no gerrad. 0’CI.; cf. lott. lou s. la. louire (MS. loure) gl. sufficientia. Wb. 15al4. loan = 1. loan. lour, loor, lór, leór pi. lóra, lóla (Kelt. Wort-kunde, § 144) hinreichend; sufficient. Asc. 169; Laws; Wi.; TBC.; PH.; TSh.nbsp;lourta, lórtu, leórtu G. -tad m. Genüge; sufficiency. Ml. 98b9; Ériu vii, 194; Laws;nbsp;Monastery of Tallaght. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;IÜ, lau Gsg. m. lai Ickin; small; .i. caeh mbec.nbsp;Cormac, 797, 809 lt;6 0’Mulc. 771, 791; cf.nbsp;Laws; RC. xill, 444; IT. iv, 1 s. v. lu-barc;nbsp;.i. ole. 0’Mulc. 792. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lu = lugu, s. lug-. (as-)lu (KZ. xLvm, 69) ro-praes. subj. von, of ibid. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lua, lue, lal (Plummer, Lives) G. lai, lue,nbsp;DAsg. lua, lue, lu (lau), lai, luaid n.?nbsp;(Hogan, p. 195) /. Ferse, Fu§, Fu^tritt,nbsp;Schwanz, Steuerruder, Stock?, Ast?; heel, foot,nbsp;kick of the foot, tail, rudder, stick?, branch?;nbsp;lue (IÜ) Hath (Had, leith) Mile; spleen; gl.nbsp;splen. Asc. 181; Wi.; TBC.; Metr.; Có.innbsp;Adamnain; IT. iv, 1 lt;6 2; Laws; van Hamel,nbsp;Compert; ZCP. v, 484; Ériu i,72; ITS. vi lt;6 XII. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(tar) lua .i. (tar) naidin. ZCP. xii, 361; cf.nbsp;1. lua. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lua .i. uisce. 0’CI.; s. loa. 4. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lua = luga, s. lug-. luabainde gl. casiatum (kg. caseatum). Ml. 84b5; cf. luaibin. |
luabu G. -bann Kreuzbein?; chine-bone?. Mac Conglinne; ZCP. xin, 272 lt;6 xiv, 421. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;luach mit Ferse, Fufi oder Huf, tretend;nbsp;having heels, feet or hoofs, kicking. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;luach, luacha — 1. lóch lt;6 lóg.nbsp;luachaigid bekhnt, mietet, schlagt (zu einem Preise) an; rewards, hires, prices. luachairG. -chra, pi. -chra, -chrada /. (Knauel-)nbsp;Binse; (common) rush. Wi.; van Hamel,nbsp;Compert; Joyce ii.nbsp;luacharn = lócham. luacharnach G. -naig m. binsenbewachsener Ort; rushy place. luachmar = lógmar.nbsp;luachrach binsenreich; rushy.nbsp;luachras (MS. -chrais) binsenreiches Land; rushy land. Joyce lii, 490. luach-thó weifSglühend; whik-hot. Fél.; cf.nbsp;1. lóch?. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(in) luad Seuche?; plague?. Sitzbr. d.nbsp;Pr. Akad. 1917, p. 443; cf. luaidid lt;6nbsp;luaidre. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;luad s. luaidid lt;6 lóg. (imm-)luada = (imm-)luaide. luadaid — luaidid. luadaige G. id. m. Walker; fuller. Egerton Glossary. luadain Asg. id. Bewegung; movement. Liadain and Curithir p. 14, 1. 22. [luadal], luadail(l), luagal(l), luaigel(l), luaigil(l) G. -(l)le Bewegung, Benehmen; movement,nbsp;conduct. Wi.; TTr.; Plummer, Lives;nbsp;rr. Ill, 22, 1.1; Dan Dé; ITS. V; Ériunbsp;IX, 61 (Gram. Tracts); TSh.nbsp;luadam m. Wagenknker; charioteer. Kelt. Wortkunde, § 139. luad-rinne = luath-rinne.nbsp;luag = lóg.nbsp;luagal(l) = luadal. luaibin (MS. luahln) Kasekuchen?; cheese-cake?. Mac Conglinne; cf. luabainde. luaichddide, luaichddithe compar. -ddidiunbsp;strahknd; shining. Asc. 176 lt;6 Eriu ii, 158.nbsp;luaichet = lóichet. 1. luaid (lOTd), (•)lal bewegt (sich), setzt in Bewegung, treibt, fliegt; moves, sets in motion, drives, flies; abstr. luud, lüd, lóth lt;6 lua-main (/.) G. luda, liitha n.? (Hogan, pp. 135,nbsp;203) m. -\- Antrieb, Kraft; impulse, vigor.nbsp;Asc. 182; Ped.; Wi.; Gorm.; TBC.; Laws;nbsp;Metr. Dindsh. ii, 97 lt;6 ill, 486; CF.; Togailnbsp;na Tebe; ZCP. xvili, 328; TSh.; cf. laaid. |
[luaid]-lai — luasc. 79
80 [(do-)luasca] — luchair.
schmuck?; eine hesiimmte Strophe; oscillation, a swing, ornament of the hair dangling over thenbsp;forehead?; name of a stanza; gl. oscillum.nbsp;Sg.46a6; cf. EC. xxii,398; MacConglinne;nbsp;IT. HI, 1, 114, 118. [(do-)Iuasca] loekert; loosens; abstr. toluascad. Sg. 127 b 3. luascach wiegend, wogend, schaukelnd; rocking, waving, swinging. TBC.; Br. D. D. §119;nbsp;IT. Ill, 1,174; .i. ciabach. 0’Dav. 1199.nbsp;luascaid, luaiscid schaukelt, wiegt, schwingtnbsp;sich hin und her; rocks, oscillates to and fro;nbsp;abstr. luascad. TBC.; Br.D.D. §17;nbsp;ITS. v; IT. Ill, 1,174; TSh.nbsp;luascamp;n Schwingen, Schaukel, Wiege; swinging,nbsp;a siring, cradle. Joyce iii, 487 amp; EC.nbsp;IV, 332. luascdnacht bestandigesHin- undHerschwingen, continued swinging; gl. loscan. 0’CI.nbsp;(-)luat, (di-)luat praes. ind. 3 pi. s. 1. luaid amp;nbsp;(di-)lai. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;luath aequat. luaithithir, compar. luaithiunbsp;(luaithite) schnell, beweglich; swift, nimble.nbsp;Asc. 180; Wi.; TBC.; Laws; PH.; TSh. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;luath Fischoiter?; otter?. Plummer, Livesnbsp;I, 69, § 114; cf. lat. lutra amp; 1. luath. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;luath = luad, s. luaidid.nbsp;luatha s. luaith. luath-aicentach leichtsinnig, flatterhaft; light-minded, volatile. TSh. luathaigid besehleunigt, beeilt sich, eilt; accelerates, hastens. Laws amp; TTr.nbsp;luathdn .i. én. Düil Laithne, § 123.nbsp;(for-)luathar = (for-)lai.nbsp;luath-chride gl. cardiaous. Thes. Pal. ii, 231,nbsp;1.10. [luath-éc] Npl. luath-écai gl. mortlaid .i. quando plurimi pereunt uno morbo. IT.nbsp;1,50, n. 12 b. luathfSsach = luthbasach. luath-ferggald gerdt schnell inZorn; flies quicklynbsp;into a passion. ITS x.nbsp;luath-gabaid fafit schnell; seizes quickly. Metr.nbsp;Dindsh. iii, 224. luath-gdire DAsg. id. Freude, Fröhlichkeit; joy, gladness Plummer, Lives i, 339; cf.nbsp;lüth-géire. luath-gamp;lrech froh, freudig; joyful, glad; gl. nervosus. Ir. Gl. § 641; Plummer, Livesnbsp;1,339; cf. lüth-géirech.nbsp;luath-grinne schnelle Heerschar; swift phalanx.nbsp;IT IV, 1. |
luath-insaigid nahert sich schnell, greift schnell an; approaches quickly, attacks quickly.nbsp;TogaU na Tebe. luath-lonnaigid gerdt in heftige Wut; flies into a vehement passion. ITS. x.nbsp;luathramén 0. -main m. (gluhende) Asche,nbsp;Staub; anders, ashes, dust.nbsp;luath-rinne, luad-rinne 6. id. die (bewegliche)nbsp;Spitze des Zirkels; the (moveable) point of anbsp;pair of compasses; gl. plectas. Thes. Pal. i,l,nbsp;1.30; cf. Cormac, 323; Triads, §118; Ériunbsp;V, 72 amp; XI, 64. luath-t(h)onnach mit schnellen Wogen; having swift waves. TSh.nbsp;lub s. luib. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;luba Asg. amp; Opl. id.. Dpi. -aib .i. corp;nbsp;fo lubaib .i. fo feraib. LU. p. 124 infra;nbsp;cf. IT. Ill, 1, 61; Metr.; 0’CI.; Maca-lister and Mac NeUl, Leabhar Gabhala,nbsp;p. 264. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;luba s. luib. lubalr, la(u)balr, le(u)balrG. -bra Arbeit, MUh-sal, Fflicht. Amt; work, toil, duty, office. Asc. 152; Gorm.; ZCP. 111,460; Ériu vil, 194;nbsp;Laws; Bezz. B. xvill, 74; PH.; EC. XLV;nbsp;Metr. lubaitse Idebstöckel; lovage. ITS. xxv. luban (luiben) G. -ain Quaste; tassel; (pi), .i.nbsp;liipain (pi.). 0’CI.; cf. Metr. Dindsh. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;\\ibwr coll. Krduter; herbs. King and Hermit. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lubar = 1. lobar. [lub-gart], luib-gart, lub-gort, lugbart (lubart) O. -guirt Garten; garden; lub-gort gabdianbsp;eingehegtes Grasland; fenced-in paddock;nbsp;lub-gort seigga Jagdgehege; hunting-preserve.nbsp;IT. IV, 1; Asc. 181; Wi.; Laws; PH.;nbsp;Joyce II; TSh. lub-gartdn, lub-gortdn, lugbartdn m. kleiner Garten; little garden. Wi. amp; Joyce ii, 336.nbsp;lub-gartoir m. Gartner; gardener. Sg. 92bl.nbsp;lubra, lubrach s. lobra, 1. lobar amp; lobrach.nbsp;lub rad Arbeiten; working. Laws,nbsp;luc Dsg. s. loc; .i. bru. Metr.; cf. macc-locnbsp;= Mutterleib; womb. 1. luch G. lochad, luiche, pi. lochaid, lucha, luchain (lochdda) f. Maus; mouse; luchnbsp;Francach Batte; rat. Asc. 182; Cormac,nbsp;1059; Wi.; IT. ill, 2, 579; PH.; TSh.; .i.nbsp;braige. 0’CI. luchair compar. luchru glanzend, hell; glittering, bright; subst. Dpi. luchraib Glanz, (guter)nbsp;Ruf; brightness, renown. Wi.; TBC.; |
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“The American Council of Learned Societies” generously aided the publication of this fascicle by a grant of money.
Copyright by Max Niemeyer Verlag, Halle (Saaie), 1938. Printed in Germany
-ocr page 89-82 lugu — luinne.
in Tailtiu gefeiert; first of August, celebrated in honor of Lug at Tailtiu. Cormac, 796;nbsp;cf. Laws; van Hamel, Compert; 0’Curry.nbsp;lugu s. lug- amp; 1. luga.nbsp;lugugud s. lugaigid. luib, lub (Ir. Gl.) G. luba, luibe, pl. luibe, luibenna /. Kraut, herb; luib na pairilisenbsp;Sehlüsselblume; cowslip. Wi.; PH.; Bethanbsp;Colaim Chille; ITS. xxv.nbsp;luiben-chosach sechssilbig; consisting of sixnbsp;syllables; suist, m., sechssübiges Yersglied;nbsp;part of a verse consisting of six syllables.nbsp;IT. 111,1,174; Cormac, 447; Aur. Éc.; cf.nbsp;luban. luiberad = luibred. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;luibne Dsg. luibniu, Npl. luibne. Dpi.nbsp;luibnib Franse; fringe; gl. fimbria. 0’Mulo.nbsp;615; .i. mér. Metr.; .i. meoir. 0’CI.; cf.nbsp;Cormac,447; SR.; Aur. Éc.; LL.262b26. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;luibne Npl. id. Schild?; shield?; .i. sciath.nbsp;Wi. p. 162; .i. sleg. Wi. lt;è Metr. luibnech (in: brolhar-luibnech) mit Fransen; having fringes. BC. xv, 433. luibre = lobra. luibred, luiberad Q. -rid «. coll. Krauter; herbs. Hom. Leg. p. 112. luie s. loc.nbsp;luiche s. 1. lueb. (di-)luichfe fut. s. (di-)luige. luicin O. id. m. Scheitel; crown of the head.nbsp;ITS. in. (-)luid praet., luide réi. praet., luidid praes. ind. s. téit. Êriu i, 73; Metr. Dindsb. lüid = 1. luaid. (imm-)luid du gékst; thou goest. TBC. p. 231, 1.1800; cf. (imm-)tét. luide i,MS. lufdhe. TBC. p. 669, n. 13) = laige ?, s. laigid. luig (Laws) = luid, praet. s. téit. luigddech = laigddeoh.nbsp;luige s. laigid amp; toingid. (di-)luige, (di-)lugai, (-)dilgai, dilgaid verzeiht; forgives; abstr. dllgad (dllged) O. -gada,nbsp;-gatba, -gaid m. Ped.; ZCP. xviii, 329;nbsp;Contr. p. 647; Énn xii, 12; PH. (fo-)luige, (fo-)lugai, (-)folgai, (-)foilge, foilgid, failgid, folchaid, falchaid, folaigid, falaigidnbsp;verbirgt; hides; part. folgaide, falgaide,nbsp;abstr. folach, falach, folchad O. -aig n. m.nbsp;Ped.; Wi.; Laws; TBC.; IT. iv, 2; Togailnbsp;na Tebe; Aur. Éo.; Hom. Leg. p. 106; PH.;nbsp;TSh. |
luigechén G. -cbain m. im Hinterhalt liegen; lying in ambush. TSh. luigem s. lug-.nbsp;luiget = lagait.nbsp;luig ld = laigid amp; toingid.nbsp;luimm = loimm. luimme, lemma, lumma O. id. f. Nacktheit, Kahlhdt, Magerkeit, Armut; nakedness,nbsp;bareness, leanness, poverty. ZCP. iii, 460;nbsp;IT. IV, 2; Metr. Dindsb. iv, 70; Dan Dé.nbsp;luimmne s. lumman. luimmnech 0. -nig n. m. kohier Ort; bare spot. Horn. Leg. p. 113 amp; Joyce iii, 62. luimmnechda wie jemand, der einen Mantelnbsp;Oder Schild hat; like someone having a mantlenbsp;or shield; .i. lasa mbit bruitt. KZ. xxxiii,nbsp;82, 85; RC. XV, 463; Metr. Dindsb.nbsp;Ill, 274. [luimmnigid] bekleidet mit einem Mantel; arrays with a mantle; part, luimmnigthe.nbsp;Metr. Dindsb. In, 274.nbsp;luin s. 1. Ion. liiin Asg. id. f. Name eines bestimmten, dann auch jedes Speers; name of a particularnbsp;spear, later of any spear. Death-Tales;nbsp;O’Curry n,326; RC. xxxi, 378, 379.nbsp;luincech (leg. luingg-?) singend, schreiend;nbsp;singing, crying; gl. argutus. Tbes. Pal.nbsp;II, 47; cf. luincid amp; luinnec.nbsp;luincid (leg. luinggid?) schreit (vom Kranichnbsp;gesagt); cries (said of the crane). Arebivnbsp;in, 310; Syllabic Poetry, p. 87; cf. luincechnbsp;lt;amp; luinnec. [luinech]? 0. luinige, gl. merulae. Tbes. Pal. n, 6. (imm-)luinethar .i. (imm-)timmcbella. Cormac, 827. lullig, luinge s. 1. long. [luingét] Dpi. -étaib Teil eines Wagens; part of a chariot. TBC. p. 489, n. 1. I ui Ages — loinges. luingine Asg. id. Schifflein; little ship. Wi. luin git = lungait. luiiigse, luingsech s. loinges amp; loingseeb. luinid = loinid.nbsp;luinige s. luinech.nbsp;luinn, luinne s. 1. lainn. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;luinne, loinne G. id. f. Erregung, Grimm,nbsp;Wut, Wildheit; emotion, rage, wrath,nbsp;fierceness. Wi.; TBC.; IT. iv, 2; Laws;nbsp;RC. XLv; TSh. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;luinne, luinnem s. 1. lonn. |
luinnec — lüpAnaoh. 83
luinnec, loinnec Dsg. id. eine Art Gesang; a kind of song-, gl. diichann. 0’Dav. 606;nbsp;•i. ceol. O’CL; cf. Mac Congliime; ZCP.nbsp;XII, 361; PH,nbsp;luinnech = loinnech.nbsp;luinniu s. 1. lonn.nbsp;lüipe s. lüp. lüir O. lüire, lauire, lauir /. Lorbeer; laurel. Ir. Gl. §564; Medical Glossaries; ITS. vinbsp;amp; XXV.nbsp;luirc s. lore. [luirech]? Npl. -recha Trunk?; draught?. IT. IV, 2, 426, 1. 5835. luirech O. -rige, -rig f. m. Panzer; coat of mail. Wi.; IT. iv, 2; Togailna Tebe; TSh.nbsp;luirgg, luirgge s. 1.2. lorgg.nbsp;luirggne s. 1. lurgga. luirggnech mit langen Schienbeinen; having long shins. luirggnechóe O. -clióiee /. Kleiner mit langen Schienbeinen?; little long-shinned one?.nbsp;ITS. XII. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;luis der Ogamm-Buchstahe L, Vogelbeere?;nbsp;the Ogamm letter L, mountain-ash?; .i. caer-thann, .i. lem, .i. Idm. Aur. Éc. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;luis, luise s. 1. los, 1. lus amp; 1. laise.nbsp;luis s. lüs. (-)lijis(Ériu 11,56) praes. subj. 2 sg. von, o/ibid. luisech flammend; flaming. Bezz. B. xxiii, 53;nbsp;cf. 1. laise. (-)löiset (Imr. Br. ii, 302) praet. 3 pl. s. 1. luaid. luisin G. id. Flctmmchen?; little flame?. RC. xLiv, 182. luisne = laisne. luisnemail flammend; blazing. TSb. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lüith (G.?) ? {von Vögeln und Brücken gesagt);nbsp;? (said of birds and bridges). Pled Br. § 49nbsp;amp; TTr. p.41, 1.1675; cf. 2. lutb. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lüith s. 1. lütb. luithe G. id. f. Beweglichkeii?, Schnelligkeit?; mobility?, swiftness?. Pél. Prol. 299; cf.nbsp;1. loithe. lüithe (IT. IV, 2) pl. s. luud’. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lüithech, lüthach kraftvoll, froh?; strong,nbsp;joyous?. Laws lt;amp; Wi. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lüithech, lüthach Sehnen, Stock, Belagerungs-turm mit Sturmbock; sinews, stick, siege-towernbsp;equipped with a battering-ram. Laws; TTr.nbsp;p. 170; IT. Ill, 2,442 amp; iv, 2, p. 627. luith-guth stammelnde Stimme; stammering voice. Aur. !Éo.; cf. lóith. |
lüithige G. id. f. Sehnigkeit, Gewandtheit, Kraft; sinewiness, suppleness, strength. Pél.nbsp;CÊ Pled Br. §88. lüitin O. id. m. kleiner Finger; little finger. lulgach, la(u)lgach, loilgech, lailgech, lilgach,nbsp;laeglach G. lulaicce, lilacca, laeglaige, pl.nbsp;lulacca /. Milchkuh; milch-cow; .i. laech.nbsp;ZCP. V, 487; cf. Wi.; Laws; Plummer, Lives;nbsp;Lism. L.; Aur. 'Éc.; Mac Congliime.nbsp;lumma = luimme. iummair, lummar adj.?, subst.?, federlos?, Federlosigkeit?; unfledged?, unfledged state?,nbsp;Cormao, 611; cf. Stokes, Three Irishnbsp;Glossaries, p. 18 s. v. essine.nbsp;lumman, lummain, lommain G. amp; NApl. luim-mne f. rauhe Decke, groper Mantel, SaPkluch,nbsp;Schild; rough cover, large cloak, sack-cloth,nbsp;shield. Cormac, 819; Imr. Br.; TBC.; Macnbsp;Conglinne; LL. 193b 1; RC. xvi, 306; Metr.nbsp;Dindsh. iii, 274; O’Don. s. v. luamain; 0’CI.nbsp;lummar amp; lümthairecht = Iummair amp; luth-mairecht. lun .i. acas. ZCP. v, 490. luna s. 2. loan. lünüir (MS. lunüir) zum Monde gehorig; lunar; gl. lunaris. Asc. 181. [lünainn]? Asg. id. (MS. lunaind) ein Edel-stein; a precious stone. IT. ii, 2, 21, 1. 83; cf. lat. lapis lunaris.nbsp;lünürda zum Monde gehorig; lunar. (fo-)lung praes. ind. 1 sg. s. (fo-)loing. lunga, lungai s. 1. long. (fo-)lungainn impf. ind. 1 sg. s. (fo-)loing. lungair = lohgair. lungait, luingit Dsg. id. ein auslandisehes Heilkraut; a foreign medicinal herb. Laws,nbsp;lungu praes. ind. 1 sg. s. 2. loingid. [lunna]? Dsg. lunna, lunnai Woge; wave; •i. linn uisce. TBC. pp. 643 amp; 881. lunta Rudergriff; handle of an oar. Bidrag,nbsp;lunu s. 2. loan lt;fe 2. Ion.nbsp;lüp G. liiipe /. Schlinge, Biegung, Winkel,nbsp;Falte; loop, bend, angle, fold, van Hamel,nbsp;Compert S TSh. iüpach voll Biegungen, sich biegend, listig; full of loops, bending, crafty. IT. iv, 2. lüpaid biegt (sich), beugt (sich); bends, stoops; part, luptha. IT. iv, 2; TBC.; Wi. lüpün Bogen, Schlinge, Reif; bow, loop, hoop. IT. IV, 1; Br. D. D. § 116; RC. xvi, 73. lüpdnach mit Bogen Oder Schlingen; havingnbsp;bows or loops. |
-ocr page 92-84 lüpgal — lüstrad.
lüpgal (in: fiar-lüpgal) Dsg. -ail sich liegen, Biegung; lending, lend. IT. iv, 2.nbsp;lüpóc Q. -póice /. Reij; hoop. Laws,nbsp;luppait (MS. lupait) unum ex nominilus por-corum. 0’Dav. 360; .i. ahunm in bainbnbsp;marbthar imm féil Martan. 0’Dav. 1194.nbsp;luppraccdn = lü-chorpAn. Ifiptha s. lüpaid. luramp;n, la(u)rdn (laramp;n, lorin) O. -rain m. Fallen, Kind, Schwaehling; foal, child,nbsp;weaMing. Wi. amp; ITS. xviii.nbsp;lurchaire, la(u)rchaire 6. id. m. Fallen; foal. Wi. lt;amp; van Hamel, Compert. lurgg s. 1. lorgg. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lurgga, lurggu, lorgga, largga G. -ggan,nbsp;Npl. luirggne /. Schienlein, Stiel, Stal,nbsp;Griff; shin-lone, stalk, staff, handle; lurgganbsp;fuach swei unletonte SiHen zmschen stalendennbsp;Wörtern; two unaccented syllalles betweennbsp;alliterating words; .i. foccal da siUad nonbsp;iarmbérla dé, sillad. 0’CI.; cf. Asa. 181;nbsp;Wi.; Aur. ÉC.; Laws; O’Don.; TBC.; PH.;nbsp;ITS. XXV. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lurgga s. 2. lorgg. lurgganda mit langen Schienleinen?; long-shinned?. Aur. Éc. 1. lus 0. losa, luis, pi. losa Pflanze, Kraut; plant, herl; gl. porrum. RC. ix, 239; cf.Wi.;nbsp;TBC.; PH.; 0’Mulc.; lus Ailella (Oilella),nbsp;gl. tapsia iposÜina. Medical Glossaries; lusnbsp;blan ?. ITS. xii; lus In chenn-chosaig ?.nbsp;Irish Texts v, 93; lus na cndm mbriste, gl.nbsp;consolida maior. Medical Glossaries; lusnbsp;na cnó léna gl. uirgola fragbinairia amp; calamus et palustris. Medical Glossaries; lusnbsp;na corr-let4n gl. ropa .i. fed caUle. Medicalnbsp;Glossaries; lus cré (créide) Becherkraut?;nbsp;lumet?; gl. bumeta. RC. ix, 228; Irishnbsp;Texts V, 92; Medical Glossaries; lus nanbsp;crolche Fenchel; fennel. Irish Texts v, 92;nbsp;lus na féithiinne (deutsches) Geifillatt;nbsp;honeysuckle. ITS. xxv, 382, 383; lus nanbsp;fiad, gl. ferina. Ir. Gl. p. 8; lus na Francnbsp;(Frainc) wilder Rainfam; common tansy.nbsp;RC. ix,225 lt;6 Irish Texts v, 93; lus nanbsp;h-lmmlrce gl. barabastum uel tactus tamp;nbsp;astrologia longa. Medical Glossaries; lusnbsp;na laeg gl. barba ursina. RC. ix, 226; lusnbsp;na letdn Kardendistel; teasel. Irish Textsnbsp;v, 93 amp; Medical Glossaries; lus na leldn (leg.nbsp;meddn?) min gl. cardiones uirga pastorisnbsp;seluestiis. Medical Glossaries; lus liac |
Fingerhut; foxglove. Togail na Tebe, p. 30 lt;£ Mesca Ulad, p. 30; lus na macrallnbsp;Knalenkraut; orchis. ITS. xxv, 383; lus nanbsp;meccan, gl. ipoquisdidos. RC. ix, 236; lusnbsp;na mell, gl. satoirion (leg. satyrion). Medicalnbsp;Glossaries; lus na mell Muire, gl. altea.nbsp;Medical Glossaries; lus mide Mauseohr;nbsp;mouse-ear. Irish Texts v, 93 amp; Medicalnbsp;Glossaries; lus na monoc, gl. sanguinairianbsp;uel lactuca [uel] latucella [.i.] serban (MS.nbsp;seruan) mucc. Medical Glossaries; lus mórnbsp;Fingerhut; foxglove. Joyce ii, 329; lus nanbsp;mucc gl. crocus ecolicanus uel colica foetidanbsp;idem .i. griuans .i. Uath-lus. Medical Glossaries; lus na mucoired (füccóireP) gl. buritnbsp;erba fuUonum saponairia. Medical Glossaries; lus in phapa gl. eufracia alba. Medicalnbsp;Glossaries; lus na sengdn gl. serpiUmn.nbsp;Medical Glossaries; lus in spardln Hirten-tasche; shepherd’s purse; gl. tartuiri amp; bursanbsp;pastoris. Medical Glossaries; RC. ix, 227;nbsp;ITS. xxv, 382; lus splndn Slacheïbeere;nbsp;gooseberry; gl. poilum montanum bee .i.nbsp;liath-lus bee .i. pobual. Medical Glossaries;nbsp;lus na sub gl. dens leonis .i. caiserbdn.nbsp;Medical Glossaries; lus na sub talmannbsp;Erdbeere; strawberry; gl. fragaria (frangi-naria). RC. ix, 233 S Medical Glossaries;nbsp;cf. Dinneen. 2. lus 8. 1. los. [lus]? D. luis Geschmack?; taste?. Aur. Éo. p. 156, 1. 2061. (-)lus (ZCP. X, 349) praes. subj. 1 sg. von, of ibid. (gur-)lüs (MS. -lus) .i. gur ib sé. ZCP. v, 489; cf. (-)lüs. lusén Pflamchen; little plant; gl. cucurbita. Medical Glossaries. (-)lüsar praes. subj. pass, von, of ibid. lusc s. 2. lose. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lusca Uöhle?; cave?; .i. teg talman. 0’CI.;nbsp;cf. Joyce 111,493. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lusca (losca?)D. id., Kindheit?; childhood?;nbsp;.i. naidentacht. O’CL; asa lusca .i. asanbsp;chabaine. RC. xv, 468; cf. 1. lose. luscu s. 1. lose. iusrad G. -raid n. coll. Krauter; herbs. Horn. Leg. p. 113. lusta hell. Mar; bright, clear. RC. xiii, 472. (-)lustais praet. subj. 3 pi. von, of ibid. lüstrad .i. timmchellad. 0’CI.; cf. lat. lü-strare. |
liita — ma. 85
lüta, lütu, la(u)ta, \a.{\i)XüG.-\,a.nhleinerFinger-, little finger. Cormac, 809 S Laws. lütacdn O. -c4in m., kleiner Finger; little finger. Cormao (Stokes) p. 26 amp; Bethanbsp;Colaim Chille. \\i\a.\ngin1kleinerFinger; little finger. IT. iii,2, 362. lütanén (MS. litanan) G. -nain m. kleiner Finger; little finger. Laws. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lüth lüith, luth Tor?; gate?; .i. com-lad. O’Don. p. 673. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lüth, lütha, lüthach s. 1. luaid amp; 1. 2. liii-thech. luthaid = 1. luaid?. Cormac, 818, n. 13. luthain (Asg.) After?, weibliche Geschlechtsteile?; anus?, female genital organs?. Mesca Ulad,nbsp;p. 54; cf. fri lairgge luthain .i. fri torn nanbsp;gabla. 0’Dav. 1204. luthbas, luthbamp;s, lüthfüs G. -sa Ungestüm; impetuosity. IT. iii, 2, 679. lüthbasach, luathfSsach ungestüm, kraftig; impetuous, vigorous. TTr. amp; IT. iii, 2, 579. [luth-forrach]? Dpi. -forraigib (MS. -foraigib), ?. O’Don. p. 673 s. v. luth. |
lüth-güir G. -g4ra, -g4ire f. Freude; joy; gl. ilach. O’CL; Wi. 673; TSh.; cf. luath*nbsp;gaire. lüth-güirech froh; joyful. Wi.673; TSh.; cf. luath-gairech. lüthmairecht (lümthairecht) G. -ta /. Beweg-lichkeit, Tatigkamp;it; moUlity, activity. Plummer, Lives I, 339. lüthmar heweglich, tatig, stark; nimble, active, strong. Wi.; IT. iv, 2; TSh. luthmarda stark; strong. Todd, Cogadh Gaedhel re Gallaib, p. 168. luthrach Apl. -raige Rieqel; bolt, bar. PH. p. 149, 1. 3884. lütóc G. -tóioe /. kleiner Finger; little firtger. lutrach Drehpunkt?; pivot?. ITS. xiv, 126, 142, 144. lutrad Dsg. id. Bewegen, Umherwerfen; agitating, tossing. ITS. xi, 86, 1.2. lütu = Mta. luud s. 1. luaid; Stwrmbock, Wake?; battering-ram, roller? (Ml. 26d20 lt;amp; 102b7; IT. IV,2); luur praes. subj. 1 sg.; luus praet.nbsp;1 sg. s. 1. luaid; cf. luithe. |
-m (= -mm amp; -mh) pron. suff. 1 sg. .m-(= -mm-) pron. inf. 1 sg. ’m, ma (Joynt, Tromd^mh Guaire, 1. 668) = mo. 1. ma, md wenn; if (saepius mS dia, mata). Cum cop. praes. 2 sg. masat (Br.D.D.nbsp;p. 58,1. 3; Betha Colaim ChiUe, 372,1. 23)nbsp;wenn du bist; if thou art; 3 sg. masu,nbsp;maso, mSsa, mSs; 2 pi. masad (Togail nanbsp;Tebe, 1. 4261); 3 pi. matu (masitat); subj.nbsp;2 sg. madat; 3 sg. mSd; 3 pi. mat; praet.nbsp;subj. 3 sg. mSd; 3 pi. matis. Ante alianbsp;verba (ind.!) defioiente pron. infix., -dnbsp;additur ad praep.; defioiente praep. -no-proponitur; ma(nod) wenn; if, etc.; mat-chtnbsp;= ma(at-)olu; mdttd = ma(ad-)t4.; loco manbsp;saepe mSd (subj.) et vice versa; madimmnbsp;wenn mir ist, wenn %ch habe; if .. .is to me,nbsp;if I have; madlt wenn dir ist...; if .. .isnbsp;to thee, etc.; ma cum neg. man! (ante cop.nbsp;man!-, main-, man-, men-, mun-), mana,nbsp;manu, mainl, meni, mene, muni, mina, mine. |
min, moni, mona, mono, monu, muni, muno, munii, wenn nicht; if not; (mad do),nbsp;mad du, (ma du) cum dat., mad Immorro,nbsp;mad ille(th) immorro fri was artgeht; asnbsp;regards; mad tü was dich angeht; as regardsnbsp;thee; acht mad ausgenommen; save only;nbsp;mds ed, maised „wenn es das ist“, wie demnbsp;auch sei; “if it is that”, however. Aso. 364;nbsp;Thurni, §890; Wi.; TBC.; Laws; PH.;nbsp;Hibernica Minora; Togail na Tebe; B.C.nbsp;XXI,412ff. amp; XXXVIII, 98, § 3; Pél.; Hogan,nbsp;p. 239; 0’Dav. 1231; O’Don.; Philipnbsp;Bocht; TSh.; Death-Tales, p. 38, § 7;nbsp;Hogan, Latin Lives, p. 95, 1. 9; vannbsp;Hamel, Compert. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(ma-) s. maith. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ma (Mulchrone, Caithréim Cellaig) = fo,nbsp;imm; cum art. mun; (’mS-) = (immü-);nbsp;cf. Wi. s. V. nima-; Joynt, Tromdamhnbsp;Guaire amp; Peis Tighe Chond.in. md, mda, mdam (Wb. Io20 lt;fc 12a23; Sg. 40b7, 147a3, 150bl, 208b 15) s. md,r. |
86 (-)mé. — macc.
(-)mS (Ped.; Br.D.D., p. 179, 1.1) subj. 3 sg. s. aiaidid. rtiÉanu gl. maiusculus. Asc. 367. ttiic Dpi. -caib Pfote; paw. TBC. 1.1010.nbsp;[macaid] verspottet; mocks; dbstr. macadnbsp;G. -aid TO. -f Lacherlichkeii; absurdity.nbsp;Togail na Tebe, p. XVII, 1.2; Joyce l,nbsp;211. mdcaire m. Kerl mil groten Pfoten; big-pawed fellow. ITS. xi, 80, § 5. macairecht G. -ta. f. Spott; mocking. Watson,nbsp;Scottish Verse from the Dean of Lismore,nbsp;1. 2299. macairle — macraille. macairlfn Knabenkraut; orchid; gl. oenturio. Medical Glossaries, macarla = macraille. |
macarlén Knabenkraut; orchid. Irish Textsv. macc (ante vocalem nominis proprü etiamnbsp;mac) Gsg. amp; Npl. maico, meicc, micenbsp;Knabe, Sohn (Nackkomme); boy, son (descendant). Asc. 372; Wi.; TBC.; Laws; PH.nbsp;Togail na Tebe; Ui Eohach, p. 97, n. 4nbsp;TSh.; macc ailte auswdrts( ?) erzogenerSohnnbsp;son brought up outside(?). ZCP. xv,313nbsp;macc alia Widerhall; echo. Wi.; IT. iv, 1nbsp;Togail na Tebe; EC. xxiv, p. 69; cf. KZ. XL,nbsp;244 amp; ZCP. XVI, 368; macc bals, macc innbsp;b4is Sunder, Verworfener; sinner, reprobate.nbsp;Laws III, 24; EC. xv, 397; macc baistidnbsp;Patenkindf; godchild?. KZ. xxxii, 177;nbsp;macc bethad Auserwahlter; elect. EC.nbsp;XIII amp; xv; Hogan, Latin Lives; maccnbsp;builgg Findelkind (das heimlich in dnemnbsp;Sack gebracht wird); foundling (secretlynbsp;brought in a bag). Dire, p. 7, n. 1; maccnbsp;centa .i. macc éohta. 0’CI.; cf. mimata ibd.nbsp;(Sohn der Schuld?; son of the crime?);nbsp;macc coippe? coipe .i. caUle dub, maccnbsp;cope .i. do-nither re macc caille. 0’Dav.nbsp;415. (Sohn einer Nonne?; son of an nun?);nbsp;macc cor mbél angerwmmener Sohn;nbsp;adopted son. O’Dav. 1470; macc dil-(l)echta Waisenknabe; orphan-boy. Ir. Gl.nbsp;p. 74, §429; macc doirche heimlich er-zeugter Sohn; secretly begotten son; .i. do-gnither i tamp;ide sech fine. O’Don.; maccnbsp;ecalsa Geistlicher; cleric. Bergin, Dictionary; EC. XIV, 67; macc eorna Brannt-wein (aus Gerste); (barley) whisky. KZ.nbsp;XXXII, 177; macc faesaim Sohn, dernbsp;von dnem Alten von auperhaïb der Sippenbsp;angenommen und dadurch erbberechtigtnbsp;wird; son, adopted by an old man fromnbsp;without the sept and so having the right ofnbsp;inheritance. ZCP. xiv, p.371; macc faesma.nbsp;id. O’Don.; maccfogIammaScMler;slt;Mdenl.nbsp;0’Mulc.;' macc gor Sohn, der die Alters-pflege seiner Eltern pfiiehtgemamp;p leistet;nbsp;son duly taking care of his aged parents.nbsp;EC. X, 247; ZCP. xv, 312; macc greichenbsp;Nupkern; kernel of a nut. Ériuii, 12;nbsp;macc Immlisen, macc immlesan, maccnbsp;immresan Augapfel; pupil (apple) of the eye.nbsp;Asc. 372; Wi.; TBC.; O’Don.; Ir. Gl. p. 189;nbsp;Betha Colaim Chille; macc indligthechnbsp;seinen Pflichten nicht nachkommender Sohn;nbsp;son not fulfilling his duties. Dire, p. 74;nbsp;macc ingaire Hirt; herd. Merugud Uilix,nbsp;p. 5, 1.87; macc Ingor Sohn, der dienbsp;Altenpflege seiner Eltern nicht pflicht-gemamp;p leistet; son not duly taking carenbsp;of his aged parents. ZCP. xv, 312;nbsp;macc lebair Abschrift dues Buches; copynbsp;of a book. KZ. XXXII, 177; macc léiginnnbsp;Schuler; student. Laws; O’Don.; Hogan,nbsp;Latin Lives; macc meda Trinker; tippler.nbsp;Betha Colaim ChiUe; macc mucsalge Sohn,nbsp;dessen Mutter Tochter dnes Unfreien war?;nbsp;son, whose mother was daughter of an unfreenbsp;man?. Laws v,466, 2; macc na trathnbsp;licher (der die Tagzeiten betet); cleric (whonbsp;recites the canonical hours). IT. iv, 1;nbsp;macc oa Leber; liver. Ir. Gl. p. 141, n. 213;nbsp;macc ochta Liebling; darling. IT. ii, 1,nbsp;187 n. (É IV, 1; Betha Colaim Chille; maccnbsp;oige unverhdrateter, keuscher Mann; unmarried and chaste man. O’Don.; maccnbsp;saer-léiethe aus der vdterlichen Gewalt ent-lassener Sohn; son dismissed from paternalnbsp;authority. O’Don.; ZCP. xv, 313; maccnbsp;saile Salbe; salve. Thes. Pal. ii, 250; maccnbsp;salach grower Frosch, Kröte; big frog, toad.nbsp;Thes. Pal. ii, 236, ad f. 34b; macc samlanbsp;macc-samla macca-samla, macc-samail,nbsp;mACCA-samml gldcher,-gleichen; the like (of).nbsp;Illinois Studies p. 32; cf. IT. iv, 1, 1. 6063;nbsp;Laws; ITS. v amp; xiv; Togail na Tebe;nbsp;Philip Bocht; macc sanaise vermuteternbsp;Sohn?; suspected son?. O’Dav. 1044; O’Don.;nbsp;macc serine aus Blutschande erzeugternbsp;Sohn; incestuous son. O’Don.; Ériu xi,nbsp;98, n. 6; Dire, p. 74; macc soirche nichtnbsp;heimlich erzeugter Sohn; son iwt secretly |
macc — maocra. 87
begotten. O’Don.; ma.cc s\gt;\Ao}fenbarerSohn; notorious son. 0’Dav. 1245; macc tac-cair (macc toccair; MS. tocair) angenom-menes jremdes Kind; adopted alien child.nbsp;Dire, p. 7; macc tire Wolf; Wi.; IT. ii,nbsp;2,253; TBC.; RC. vi, 234, 243, 249, 252;nbsp;ITS. XII, 76,1. 3; RC. xi.ii; macc toimddennbsp;zweijelhajter Sohn; dubious son. 0’Dav. 62nbsp;amp; 1596; macc tuilige, -ithe unehelichernbsp;Sohn; bastard son. O’Don.; Lawsi, 192, 5;nbsp;macc uriai Sohn einer Sklavin?; son of anbsp;female slave?. Triads, § 152. 2. macc G. maicc m. Bürgschaft; guarantee. RO. XLV, 84; Ériu ix, 113f.; macc nas-caire Bürgschaft; guarantee. Laws; Ériunbsp;IX, 113 f.; Bürgschaft, p. 2.nbsp;maccacdn (MS. -ucan) Knablein; little boy.nbsp;KZ. XXXII, p. 178. maccachtd. -ta/.in: deg-maccachl gwieSoAn-schaft?; good sonship?. ZCP. viii. Ill, y. maccachta = maoodaoht.nbsp;maccaem, maccamp;m G. -aim m. Edelknabe,nbsp;Knappe, Kind; page, squire, child; maccaem mné Jungfrau; maiden. Wi.; TBC.;nbsp;PH.; Togail na Tebe; TSh. Trip.; ITS.nbsp;XXV S X s. V. aon-mhacaomh; Syllabicnbsp;Poetry; Ir. Gl. p. 189; Joynt, Peis Tighenbsp;Cbonain, 1. 983. maccaemacht, maccaemdacht G. -ta f. Jugend-lichkeit, Jugendblüte; youthfulness. ITS. vi. maccaemnacht G. -ta /. Jugendlichkeit, Jugendblüte; youthfulness. TTr. p. 16, 1. 622.nbsp;maccail, machall G. -aill m. Benediktenkraut; avens. ITS. xxv; Medical Glossaries, maccdm (ITS. xxv; Syllabic Poetry) = maccaem. maccdmdn? [ins', macam an (oglaigb)]. Knablein, gam junger Menseh; little boy,nbsp;very young man. ITS. xix, 4, 1. 6.nbsp;maccctn G. id. amp; -ain m. Knablein, Kindlein;nbsp;little boy, little child. Wi.; TBC.; Storiesnbsp;from the Tain; Trip.; Togail na Tebe;nbsp;Horn. Leg. p. 38; Metr.Dindsh.; KZ. xxxil,nbsp;178; Ir. Gl. p. 179. maccdnrad D. id. n. (?) Jugend?; youth?. Pianaigecht 16, §45. maccdnta kindlich, bescheiden, freundlich; childlike, modest, gentle. Plummer, lives;nbsp;RC. XXIX, 151; Egerton Glossary,nbsp;maccéntacht G. -ta /. Sanftmut, Freundlich-keit, Jugend; meekness, gentleness, youth.nbsp;TSb.; Plummer, Lives. |
maccasamail, maccasamla (Blinois Studies; Joynt, Peis Tighe Cbonain) = maccnbsp;(samla). macc-blaicce kleines Knablein; baby-boy. van Hamel, Compert. macc-caillech G. -llige /. eine jugendliche oder in der Jugend ina Kloster eingelretene Nonne;nbsp;a young nun or a nun who entered thenbsp;monastery in childhood. Laws; LL. 285b47.nbsp;macc-cleirech Geistlicher vor der Priesterweihe;nbsp;cleric before being consecrated priest. Hogan,nbsp;Latin Lives; KZ. xxxil, 178; O’Don.;nbsp;Stories from Keating. macc-comlann jugendfrischer Kampf; combat characterized by youthful vigor. ITS. vi.nbsp;[maccda], macctha knabenhaft; puerile. Wb.nbsp;12o9. maccdacht, maccdachta, maccachta pi. id. mannbar (von Mddchen), KnabertaUer?; marriageable (of girls), boyhood?. Asc. 372;nbsp;Wi.; IT. 11,1, p. 139; Laws; Dottin; Shaw,nbsp;Aislinge, 96; ITS. vi; Hogan, Latin Lives,nbsp;p. 64, 1.2 lt;Ê 103, 1.13.nbsp;macc-dalta junger Ziehsohn; young fosterling. Stories from the Tain, macc-dreittell jugendlicher Liebling; youthfulnbsp;darling. Wi. (= Byme-DiUon, TAin BÓnbsp;Prai'ch, 1. 262); Pled Br. 11.nbsp;macc-f uirmid G. -meda in. Didder des sechstennbsp;Grades; poet of the sixth degree. Laws i, 44,nbsp;22; Aur. Éc.; 0’Mulc. macc-gnfm Tat eines Knaben; feat of a boy. TBC. macc-gnlmrad pi. -ada, -gnimartha (n.; etiam ut pluralis verbi macc-gnim) coll.nbsp;Taten eines Knaben; feats of a boy. TBC.;nbsp;RC. V, 197; Hogan, 141.nbsp;macc-loc, macclac, macclach, macclin G.nbsp;-luio, -laic m. Mutterleib; womb. RC. xxvi,nbsp;28, n. 4; ITS. xxv; Irish Texts v, 93.nbsp;macc-nafdiu Knablein; baby-boy. RC. xxii,nbsp;426. maccnaisech ausgelassen, ausschweifend; riotous, luxurious. TSh. maccnas G. -asa, -ais m. Liebe, Nachsicht,nbsp;Sinnlichkeit, Wollust; love, indulgence, sensuality, luxury. PhUip Bocht, p. 47, §3;nbsp;Dan Dé; TSh.; Egerton Glossary,nbsp;maccra G. id.? amp; -ad Niedergeschlagenheit?,nbsp;Niedergedrücktheit (von Kindern)?; dejectionnbsp;(of children) ?. Laws s. v. macrad; .i. galar.nbsp;O’CL; 0’Dav. 1247. |
88 maccrad — mad-génair.
maccrad G. -aide /. coll. Kndben (Kinder); hoys (children). Asc. 372; Thes. Pal. ii,nbsp;312, 1.34; TBC.; Stories from the Tain;nbsp;PH.; Pél.; Bottin; cf. Laws i, 24, 13.nbsp;macc-samla, macc-samail (Illinois Studies)nbsp;= maoc (samla). macc-slabra (gaire) Geschenk (des Voters) an Kinder; gift (of a father) to children. Laws;nbsp;O’Don.; ZCP. xiil, 20, 1.24; Bürgsohaft,nbsp;p. 6, § 17. macc-slechta Rechtshestimmungen uber Sohne; legal regulations concerning sons. ZCP.nbsp;XVIII, 360.nbsp;macctha = macoda. macctu G. -tad m. Knabenalter; boyhood. Cormao (MS. Ui Maine), 322; Asc. 372. macc-thafsech junger Anführer; young chief.nbsp;RC. XVIII, 84. maccu (Thes. Pal. ii, 386; Aur. Éc.) = moocu. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;macha, machadG.macha, machaid m. Ebene,nbsp;Viehhof, Melkplatz; plain, cattle-yard, milking-place. Wi.; IT. IV, 2; TBC.; Lism.nbsp;L. 321, 25 (?); Hogan, 238; Joyce iii,495,nbsp;497; RC. XXXVI. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;macha = maiche. machaid unterdruckt?; quells?. 0’Dav. 1230. machaire G. id. (amp; -chrach?. Egerton Glossary), pi. amp; machairide (leg. machairi)nbsp;Ebene; plain. Aso. 371; IT. iv, 2, 1.5545nbsp;TBC.; Laws; PH.; Hogan, p. 42, 1.1nbsp;Joyce 1,426, in, 495ff.; Bottin; TSh.nbsp;Mesca Ulad, p. 14. machairfn? kleine Ebene; little plain. Joyce III, 495. machdad, magthad, machthad, machtad, macht-nad (machta) G. -aid, «. (Hogan, 143), m. Staunen, Wunder; astonishment, wonder.nbsp;Aso. 371 f.; IT. IV, 2; TBC.; Laws; PH.;nbsp;Bottin; Aur Éc.; Vis. Tond.; Lism. L.;nbsp;Plummer, Lives; Hogan, Latin Lives;nbsp;Irish Abridgment, 94, §43; TSh.; ZCP.nbsp;1,434; Ériu IV, 49, §2.nbsp;machdaigid, machtaigid, machtnaigid staunt,nbsp;beimndert; wonders (at); gerund, mach-daigthe, machtnaigthe; abstr. machtnugudnbsp;G. -aigthe m. Wi.; Laws; IT. iv, 2; PH.;nbsp;Togail na Tebe; Lism. L.; Hogan, Latinnbsp;Lives, p. 9,1.13; Bottin; TSh.nbsp;[(ad-)machdathar] 1 sg. (ad-)machdur wundertnbsp;sich; wonders; gl. miioi. Sg. 6a4.nbsp;machdual D. id. Schwamm; sponge. PH. 3363;nbsp;ZCP. XVII, 229, 1. 3. |
1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;macht .i. oinn-tonn mara, groffe Woge,nbsp;die (acht) anderen folgt; big wave, followingnbsp;(eight) others. 0’CI. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;macht nomen mortis. Metr. p. 3, n. 2;nbsp;cf. 1. macht. machtad = machdad. machtaid erschlagt, totet; slays, kills; abstr. machtad. Alt. Ir. Diohtung ii, 17, n. 3;nbsp;Metr. Dindsh.; O’CL; Vendryes.nbsp;machtaigid, = machdaigid.nbsp;machtatta wunderbar; admirable; gl. mirus.nbsp;Ml. 77 b 9. machthad, machtnad = machdad. machtnaigid = machdaigid.nbsp;macra Kriechen; creeping. Egerton Glossary,nbsp;macrailie, macralia, macairle, macarla (MS.nbsp;magarrla) G. id. f. ? (lt;amp; macrall) Hoden;nbsp;testicles. Thurneysen, Scéla Muicce Meicnbsp;Dathó; ZCP. ll, 242, §143; Irish Texts v,nbsp;p. 93. m^'cuairt rings umher; round about; cf. imm amp; cuairdd. Wi. p. 178, 1. 7. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mad amp; mad- (Fél.) s. maith. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mad, mdd s. ma. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mad = mag. (-)mad (D4n-fhooail) = (-)mbad, praet. subj. 3 sg. s. 1. is. mada (maga) vergeblich, zwecklos, grundlos; vain, without object or reason; D. mudunbsp;verloren, in die Irre; lost, astray; i (m)mada,nbsp;[i moda], i (m)mudu, a mudu, i muda, anbsp;muda, i muga, a muga, i (m)muchu,nbsp;i (m)mucha, a mucha, do muga (?), i ma(u)-du id.; adv. in mada, [muda]; mudu A.nbsp;id. amp; -daid subst. Zerstorung; destruction.nbsp;Metr. Dindsh.; cf. mudach. Asc. 373 amp; 403;nbsp;Wi.; TBC.; ZCP. iv, 353; IT. iv, 1; Lism.nbsp;L.; Archiv iii, 296, § 17 cÊ 296, §43; TBC.nbsp;(Str.) 1. 633;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;0’CI.; 0’Mulo.; MacNeill, Three Poems, p. 544, §19; Philip Bocht; Byme-Dillon, Tain BÓ Fraich, §§ 13 lt;6 14;nbsp;Shaw, Aislinge Oenguso; Metr. Dindsh.nbsp;madach Dpi. madachaib, Apl. madachu vergeblich; vain. Aso. 373 f.nbsp;madaigid, (-)madaige 3 pi. praet. pass. Snbsp;(-)madaichte enttauscht, vereitelt; frustrates.nbsp;Asc. 374; cf. mudaigid.nbsp;mad-bai (Rriu ii, 12) s. (mad-)ta.nbsp;mad-génair, mod-génair, ma-génair, ma-hgénair, ma-hgénar, mo-génair, mo-génar,nbsp;mo-ngénair, mo-ngénar, (ménair), mé-nar,nbsp;pl. mad-génatar ist selig, Heill; is blessed. |
madgg — maerda. 89
haill-, in M. I. praeter allocutionem is mad-génair etc. Asc. 373; IT. in, 2, 580nbsp;IT. IV, 1; PH.; TBC.; Hom. Leg. §78nbsp;Metr. Dindsh.; ITS. vi; RC. xxil lt;amp; xxvnbsp;Philip Bocht; Betha Oolaim Chille; Hriunbsp;IV, 66; cf. maith. madgg A. id. Meer; sea; .i. muir. ZCP. v, 487, 1. 3. madmma, madmmaigid (RC. xix, 370, 1.9); madmmann, madmmanna, madmmugud (Irish Abridgment, 104, § 74) s. maidid. mddramail = mathramail.nbsp;mael G. maüe /., mail m. (in nominibus pro-priis) Kahlheit, Glatse, kurz geschniüenesnbsp;Haar, Schur, ein Mensch mü Kahlheit etc.,nbsp;Kopf, hornlose Kuh, dbgeplatteter Berg;nbsp;SMave (in Eigennamen); baldness, bald spot,nbsp;hair clipped short, tonsure, a man withnbsp;baldness, etc., head, hornless cow, flat-topped hill; slave (in proper names);nbsp;adj. Jcahl, stmipf, gestutzt, entblofSt, nieder-gerissen; stumpfsinnig?; bald, blunt, cut short,nbsp;bare, dismantled, blwnt-mtted?; mael moch-éirge FrUhaufsteher; an early riser. KZ.nbsp;xxxii, 178; cf. Thes. Pal. ii, p. x, adnbsp;fol. 17b, p. 45, 1. 22 amp; p. 283, 1. 23;nbsp;IT. Ill, 2, p. 579 lt;fe IV, 1 (b 2; PH. 1. 376;nbsp;Laws; Togail na Tebe, 1. 3962; SR.;nbsp;Fél.; Mac Conglinne, 89, 1. 5lt;b6; Triads,nbsp;§ 114; ITS. Ill, V, p. 140, n. 1; Joyce i,nbsp;395f., Ill, 146 S 515; Bezz. B. xviil, 104;nbsp;KZ. XXXII, 167 ff.; ZCP. li, p. 256, §173;nbsp;XIX, p. 89, B. 10 amp; p. 92 G. 8, etc.; RC.nbsp;Ill, X, 362 f., XLiv, 294ff.; TSh.; Keating’snbsp;History; Keating, Danta Amhrain; vannbsp;Hamel, Compert. maelach kahler oder flacher Hügel; bald or flat hill. Joyce iii, 515.nbsp;maelaid (for) macht kdhl, stumpf oder schlaff,nbsp;beruhigt, vertreibt; makes bald, blunt or dull,nbsp;assuages, drives away; nir maelad forthonbsp;(Mulchrone, Cathréim Cellaig) kein Schwertnbsp;wurde an ihnen stumpf gemacht; not a swordnbsp;was dulled on them; abstr. maelad kahl,nbsp;stumpf werden; growing bald or blunt.nbsp;IT. iv, 1, 1. 7181 amp; IV, 2; Br.D.D., p. 292,nbsp;§118; TSh.; Philip Bocht. [maelaigid] macht kahl oder stumpf; makes bald or blunt. TSh.; Keating, Danta Amhrain.nbsp;maeldn D. id. m. Sandale, dbgeplatteter Berg,nbsp;grobe Gerste; sandal, flat-topped hill, coarsenbsp;barley; maeldn mulcha, maeldn molcha. |
maelén muilche ein Unkraut; a species of weed. Thes. Pal. ii, 363, § v; Cóic Conaranbsp;Pugill, p.69, §24; cf. Wi.; TBC. 1.6097;nbsp;Horn. Leg. p. 13, z; Mao Conglinne; KZ.nbsp;XXXII, 186 ff. mael-as pi. -asa Sandale; sandal. KZ. xxxii, 166ff.; Wi. mael-att an der Brunne befestigte, unter dem Helm getragene Haube; hood fastened tonbsp;the hauberk and worn under the helmet.nbsp;IT. IV, 2. mael-berach? (MS. milberach) stumpfhornig?; having blunt horns?. Thes. Pal. ii, 47, ad 14a. mael-chruithnecht G. -ta /. Buchweizen?; buck-wheat?; gl. ruadan. 0’Dav. 1369. mael-dergg abgestutzt wnd rot; cut short andnbsp;red. ITS. xii, 122, § 64.nbsp;mael-dorn geballte Faust, Fdustschlag, abge-rundeter Knauf, Schwert mit gerundetemnbsp;Knauf; clenched fist, blow with the fist,nbsp;rounded hilt, sword with rounded hilt. Lawsii,nbsp;240, 1.4; TBC. 1. 5211 amp; n.; Mesoa Ulad,nbsp;p. 38; cf. mul-dorn. mael-garb eine Hautkrankheit der Binder; a skin-disease of cattle; .i. claime. O’Don; cf.nbsp;bó-ar .i. scamach nó mael-garb nó galarnbsp;rigin. 0’Dav. 291. mael-lann glatte Platte (als Schmuckstiick fur Pferde)?; plain plate (being an ornament ofnbsp;horses)?. Wi. mael'tamnaigid stutzt kahl ab; truncates. Togail na Tebe, 1. 2826. maeltrdn kahler HUgel; bare hillock. Joyce,nbsp;maen stumm?; dumb?; .i. balb. Metr.; cf.nbsp;Metr. Dindsh. amp; KZ. xxxvii, p. 259; Meas-gra Danta ll, p. 159, 1. 9.nbsp;maer G. mair m. Verwalter, höchster Beamiernbsp;des Königs, (königlicher) Gerichtsdiener,nbsp;Pachteintreiber, Herr; steward, the highestnbsp;officer of a king, (royal) bailiff, rent-collector,nbsp;lord; maer (tobaig) tabaig Eintreiber der Ab-gaben; steward of tribute. Dan Dé, p. 25,nbsp;§ 5; cf. PH.; RC. xliv, 183; IT. iv, 2; Irishnbsp;Abridgment, p. 86, § 24; Joyce ll, 113f.;nbsp;Keating’s History; Vendryes; Philip Bocht,nbsp;p. 43, § 28; Metr. Dindsh. l, p. 4, 1. 2.nbsp;maerda wie ein königlicher Verwalter oder einnbsp;Herr, wiirdevoll, groffartig; like a royal steward or a lord, stately, majestic. Metr.nbsp;Dindsh. in, 166, 1. 35; Keating, Dantanbsp;Amhréin; Gorm.; cf, nem-maerda. PH.nbsp;p. 819. |
90 maeth — mag-réid.
rnag-ni — inaidid. 91
mag-rü D. id. eine Art Seep flame?; a species of sea-weed?; cf. rii. Laws i, 170,1. 24.nbsp;mag-sliab G. -sléibe w. {?) niedriger, breiternbsp;Berg; low, broad mountain. IT. iv, 1; RC.nbsp;X, 62, §38; Hogan, 125.nbsp;magthad = macMad. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;maf G. id. Mai; May. Fél.; Gorm. p. 88,nbsp;1. 1; ITS. XI, 100, 1.4; Hogan, p. 62, 1.4. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;maf (muf) indecl. mein; my, mine. Thum. i,nbsp;p. 265, §440; ZCP. xii, 439; Fianaigeoht,nbsp;16, §47(?). (¦)ma[ (Fed.; TBC.) subj. amp; fut. 3 sg. s. maidid. maibsech furchtbar?, aufriihrerisch?; dreadful?, tumultuous?. ITS. xxix, 194, 1. 20.nbsp;male pi. -oenna gékünstelte Haltung; affectednbsp;attitude. ITS. xviii. maicce G. id. f. Knabenalter, Kindheit; boyhood, childhood. Laws iv, 300, 1. 8; Fianaigeoht,nbsp;p. 32, 1. 3; Ériu xii, p. 8, § 7. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;maiccne, maicoine G. id. f. coll. Söhne,nbsp;Kinder, Nachhommenschaft; sons, children,nbsp;progeny. TBC.; Laws; Metr. Dindsh. iii,nbsp;16,1.198; Measgra Danta, p. 133, 1.20;nbsp;ITS. XI, p. 178, §93; Jo5mt, Feis Tighenbsp;Chonain. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;maiccne gefdrbtes Glas?; colored glass?.nbsp;Mac Neill, Celtic Ireland, 55. maich, miiich, mafth, muith D. id. Nieder-geschlagenheit, Kummer; dejection, sorrow. Laws V, 222, 1.11; miiich .i. toirse. 0’CI.;nbsp;cf. ITS. XII (118!); Syllabic Poetry; DAnnbsp;Dé, p. 25, 13; Measgra Danta ii; Bethanbsp;Colaim Chille; cf. much,nbsp;maiche, macha Aaskrahe; royston-crow. Uinbsp;Echach, p. 98, n. 19; macha .i. badb nónbsp;fermóc. 0’CI. maichne, mafthne G. id. Kummer; sorrow. RC. XIX, 378, § 255. mafchnech, mafgnech, maithnech, mafdnech traurig; sorrowful. IT. iv, 1, 1. 1185 «6nbsp;s. V. maithnige; PH.; Plummer, Lives,nbsp;p. 144, 1.36; Dottin; Horn. Leg. p. 81,nbsp;§ 104; TSh.; cf. Aur. Éo. s. v. maitneohas.nbsp;[mafchnechas], mafthnechas Trauer; sorrow.nbsp;Horn. Leg. p. 41. matchnige, mafthnige G. id. Trauer; sorrow. ITS. VI, p. 50, 1. 809; Ériu viii, p. 42, x. [maicre] G. id. Mauer; wall. Trulla, .i. liagnbsp;ieim bis oc dénam macre. KZ. xxx. 557nbsp;amp; 560; cf. lat. maoeria.nbsp;maid = maith. |
(-)maid praes. amp; (Laws iii, 176,1. 14) praet. s. maidid. (as-)maid, (as-)maith, (as-)maig bricht hervor; breaks forth. Metr. Dindsh. iii, p. 480nbsp;ad 26, 1.7; RC. xl, 130 1.41. (do-)maid bricht hervor; breaks forth; abstr. tomaidmm. Asc. 373; Friu ii, 120, 1.3;nbsp;ZCP. XVII, p. 258, n. 1. (con-)mafde, (-)commaide, commafdid prahlt; boasts; abstr. commaidem G. -maidme, D.nbsp;-dim, -dem /. m. Contr.; PH.; Togail nanbsp;Tebe. mafdechdn G. -é,in Prahlerd; boasting. Joyce III, 480. maidid, (-)maid, (-)maith, maigid, (¦)maig, moidid, (-)moid, (-)moith, moigid, muidid,nbsp;(-)muid, muigid, (¦)muig, mebaid (ITS. xx,nbsp;62, §68), madmmaigid bricht, hirst; breaks,nbsp;bursts; maidid as bricht hervor; breaks forth;nbsp;maidid for bricht auf nach, stürzt auf . .. zu;nbsp;starts for, rushes on; maidid for (ar)impers.nbsp;es bricht iiber (ihn, er) wird besiegt; it breaksnbsp;over (him, he) is conquered; maidid re esnbsp;bricht vor (ihm, er) siegt; it breaks beforenbsp;(him, he) conquers; maidid socht ar Schwei-gen befallt (ihn); silence falls upon (him);nbsp;ro-praet. pass. amp; (ro-)maided (= -raimed?).nbsp;Gorm. p. 234, §8; abstr. maidmm G.nbsp;madmma, pi. madmmann, madmmanna n.nbsp;m. -f geschlagenes Heer; conquered armynbsp;(Lism. L. 3253) amp; mebsain DA. id. f.nbsp;(Ériu IV, 58, §43; Metr. Dindsh. iv, 198,31);nbsp;(do-)maided maidmm for (ar) wurde ge-schlagen; was routed. Ped. ii, 574, §773;nbsp;Laws.; PH.; TBC.; RC. xii, 122; Storiesnbsp;from the Tain; Dottin; TSh.; Keating’s History; Keating, DAnta AmhrAin; ITS. xx,nbsp;p. 128, §26; Horn. Leg. p. 113; Bgertonnbsp;Glossary; Joynt, Tromdamh Guaire; Knott,nbsp;Togail Bruidne DA Derga; Mulchrone, Cath-réim Cellaig; Hogan, p. 78, 1.23; Bethanbsp;Colaim Chille; IT. iv, 2; O’Cl.; Hogan,nbsp;Latin Lives; Togail na Tebe; ZCP. xviii,nbsp;329, §773, XIX,22f.; O’Don.; Ériuli, 168nbsp;amp; IV, 37. mafdid, (-)maide (-of-) riihmt (sieh), verkilndet, ruft ins Gedachtnis, treibt an, tadelt, weistnbsp;zu (ar), verspricht (ar); vaunts, announces,nbsp;recalls, incites, upbraids, assigns (ar), promises (ar); amp; pron. suff. 2 sg. m. maitte, im-perf. sg. etc. (-)maitte, praet. 1 sg. maitsem,nbsp;part. amp; gerund, maitte, abstr. mafdem. |
92 maidinn — maille.
(mafthem, mafdeb) G. maidme m. f. amp; mafded. Asc. 397f.; Wi.; TBC.; Laws;nbsp;PH.; Metr. Dindsh.; TSh.; Battle ofnbsp;Magh Rath, p. 244, 1.21; RC. xili, 110,nbsp;§ 160; Primer, 16, § 12; Philip Bocht,nbsp;219, ad 9, 38; Dé,n Dé, p. 146, § xvn;nbsp;Egerton Glossary. maidinn A. id. .i. immaireo (Kampj; fight), .i. debaid nó cathugud. 0’CI. mafdmech, mafthmech, maithfech, mafttech prahlerisch; loastjul, vainglorious. vannbsp;Hamel, Compert; Gtorm.; Tecosoa Cormaic;nbsp;TSh. maidmige, mafdmiche G. id. f. Prahlerei; boasting. Wb. 17ol3; Three Middle-Irishnbsp;Homilies, p. 62, 1.2; PH.; De Contemptu. maidmm (RC. xix, 276,1. 2; Hom. Leg. p. 113) s. maidid. maidmm-chith G. -ohetha m. Wolkenbruch; deluge of rain. TSh. 1. 6635. mafdnech (Aur. Éc. s. v. maitnechas) = mai-chnech. maidnecht(malthnecht?) Erséhlaffung?, Nach-lassigkeit?; slackness?, negligence?. IT. iv, 1, p. 274, ad 287—289. (-)maig (Metr. Dindsh. iii, 26,1. 7) = maidid, (-)maid. maigdden G. -ddine /. Jungfrau; maiden. RC. XIX, 130, n. 8; ZCP. ii, 307; Bezz.B.nbsp;xvni, 127; Plummer, Lives, 120, § 61;nbsp;TSh. maigddenas D. id. Jungfemschaft; virginity. ZCP. 11,296, §262. maige grofi, machtig; great, mighty. Metr. Dindsh.; KZ. xli, p. 387; cf. mag- amp; mag (?). maigech, moigech eben?; level?; subst.Flach-land?; level land?. Joyce iii, 514; Measgra Danta ii, p. 162, 1. 61. maigen, maigin, magan G. maigne f. Ort, Baum; place, space; maigen digona Heimnbsp;mit einem bestimmten Umkreis, auf dem keinnbsp;Verbrechen begangen werden kann, ohne dienbsp;Ehre des Besitzers zu krdnken; home having anbsp;circuit of a certain extent on which no crimenbsp;can be committed without outraging the owner’snbsp;honor; di maigin auf der Stelle; on the spot;nbsp;noiil (naill) maigne auf der Stelle geleisteternbsp;Eid; oath taken on the spot; nach maigennbsp;wo (auch immer); where {soever). Asc. 371;nbsp;Wi.; Laws; O’Don.; PH.; TBC.; Trip, i,nbsp;230, 1. 23; Hib. Min.; King and Hermit,nbsp;p. 14, §13; Stories from the Tain; O’Curry; |
0’Dav. 1256 amp; 1273; 0’CI.; Dottin; Aur. Éc. 1. 6004; Dire; Joyce in, 616.nbsp;maigid = maidid. mSigister, mSigistir Gsg. mSigistir, -strech, DAsg. -ster, -stir, Fsgf. -stir, Npl. -stir,nbsp;Apl. -striu Meister, Lehrer; master, teacher.nbsp;Vendryes; Ascoli, 371; Laws; PH.; Ir.nbsp;Gl., § 1099; Irish Abridgment; Dottin;nbsp;Giorm.; Horn. Leg. p. 20, § 32.nbsp;maigne machtig?; mighty?; i. mór. 0’CI.;nbsp;cf. Metr. Dindsh. amp; maigen. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;maignech weitrdumig, dick; spacious, bulky.nbsp;Wi.; Pled Br. 49 lt;fe 50 c6 p. 310 1. 6 d 12;nbsp;Aur. Éo.; Metr. Dindsh; van Hamel,nbsp;Compert. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;maignech? kleine Ebene?; little plain?.nbsp;Joyce. maignech (LL. 184b34) = maichnech. maignes D. id. Feld, Land; field, land. ITS. x; Philip Bocht, p. 43, § 27. maignés m. Magnet. ZCP. ii, 242, 1.11.nbsp;maigre G. id. m. (junger) Lochs; (young)nbsp;salmon. Wi.; ITS. xxii, p. 125, 1.139;nbsp;Keating, Danta Amhrain; .i. bratan.nbsp;0’CI.; Syllabic Poetry,nbsp;maigrech lachsreich; rich in salmon. Plummer,nbsp;Lives, p. 79, §155; Metr. Dindsh. ill, 426,nbsp;1. 9; ITS. VII, p. 31, 1. 6; Syllabic Poetry,nbsp;maile Übel; evil; i. olc. Cormac, 698 (p. 69,nbsp;1.4). made G. id. f. Kahlheit; baldness. PH.; Cpr-mac, 1091; Metr. Dindsh. mailen n D. -linn f. kahle Flache oder Hohe;nbsp;bare plain or eminence. TBC.; CP. p. 68,nbsp;1. 347. mailge s. mala. méilin pi. -ni (-neda) Sackchen; little bag. TBC. p. 796, n. 1. maflln (?. id. kleine Anhöhe, Hammer eines Stein-hauers; small eminence, a quarrier’s hammer. Keating, Danta Amhrain; ITS. xiii, 232,1.2.nbsp;mailfs G. -se /. Bösartigkeit; malice. RC. xix,nbsp;387; ITS. xxv; gan mailfs (Joynt, Peisnbsp;Tighe Chonain): cf. (gan) maille.nbsp;mailfsech superlat. -sige bdsartig; malicious. RC. XIX, 387; ZCP. VI, 330; TSh. rnaill, moill G. -lie /. Zögem, Verzögerung,nbsp;Langsamkeit; delay, tardiness. TSh. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;maille, moille G. id. Langsamkeit; slovmess.nbsp;Pled Br. § 34; ITS. xiv, 16, 1.4; Lism, L.;nbsp;ZCP. 11,242, §141. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;maille s. muUenn. |
’maille — mamrech. 93
’maille (Betha Colaim Chille) = immalle; amp; art. pl. mailles na. ITS. xix, 22,7. mamp;ille (M8. miinie) pl. mAilli (méilleda)nbsp;Masche eines Keltmpanzers-, mesh of anbsp;coat of mail. ITS. xxiv, 60, 1.19.nbsp;mailléchat (PH. 1. 8262) fut. 1 sg. s. mal-dachaid. mailte gemakt; malted; mid maille Bier; leer. Primer, p. 15, § 12. [(do-)mailte], (-)tomalta treilt an; instigates; alstr. tomaltad. Asc. 366. mailtid treilt an, hetzt; instigates, incites.nbsp;Trip. I, p. 148, 1.1. mdimmfn kleiner Bergpa^; small mountain-pass. Joyce III, 500, 1. 3. mdimthe? {MS. maimthi) gro^ gemocht?;nbsp;enlarged?. Hogan, 10, 1. 8. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;main List; cunning. IT. iv, 2; MescaUlad,nbsp;p. 49; .i. airisle. Lecan Glossary. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;main = 1. muin.nbsp;main- s. ma. main Qsg. amp; Npl. maine Kostlarkeit, Geschenk precious thing, gift. Wi.; Laws; PH.; TBC.nbsp;RC. XXVI, 34, § 168; Monastery of TaUaghtnbsp;141, 11; Dottin; Togail na Tebe; TSh.nbsp;Keating’s History; Keating, Danta Amhnbsp;r4in; Pél.; Gorm.; Hogan, Latin Livesnbsp;Syllabic Poetry; Metr.; Mac NeUl, Threenbsp;Poems, §29; .i. elada {Kunst; art). ZCP.nbsp;V, 493 amp; XIII, 221, 1. 3.nbsp;mainbech = muinbech. [mainbed] Dpi. mambthib Reichtum; riches. Alt. Ir. Dichtung i, p. 54, § 19. mainbthech reich; rich. Alt. Ir. Dichtung i,nbsp;p. 41, §31; SR. p. 68, 1.4701; Fournbsp;Masters, II 720, 1.18; 0’Dav. 1270; mainbthech .i. celggach. 0’CI.nbsp;mainbthige A. id. Reichtum; wealth. Laws iv,nbsp;378, 1. 22. mainche = mancha. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mainches pl. -sa m. Dienstleistung?, Aus-stattung?; service?, endowment?. IT. iv, 1;nbsp;Plummer, Lives. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mainches 0. -chise /. Nonne; «Mn. Vendryes;nbsp;Lism. L. p. XV, 1.26; Plummer, Lives,nbsp;p.79, §163; Pél., p.88, 1.10; Hogan,nbsp;Latin Lives. mainchine = manchaine. maln-chiste {MS. -la) Sehatzlehdller; treasure-receptacle; gl. fiscus. Wi.nbsp;mafn-dénmaid freigeUg; munificent; gl. muni-ficus. M1.58dll. |
main-dénmaidetu Freigebigkeit; munificence; gl. munificentia. Ml. 146 a 2. mafnech reich, wertvoll, freigielig, ergieUg,nbsp;eintraglich; wealthy, valualk, munificent,nbsp;productive, yieUi'ng profit. Asc. 365; Lawsnbsp;IV, 24,1. 7, amp; V, 382, 3; RC. xxvi, 16, § 18;nbsp;Ériu XII, 26, § 32, n. 4; Alt. Ir. Dichtung;nbsp;Betha ColmAin, p. 6, 1. 3; Keating, Déntanbsp;Amhrdin; Pél.; O’Don.; Archiv iii, 294,1. 2.nbsp;(-)maine(thar) = moine(thar).nbsp;mainer Art; kind. ZCP. ii,262, § 163; ITS.nbsp;XXV, p. 330, § 16. mainér G. -néir m. Wohnung eines Herm; a lord’s domicile. Bezz.B. xviii, 74; Denbsp;Contemptu.nbsp;maing s. mong. maingléisech prahlerisch; ostentatious. ITS. XI, 18, § 1. main! s. ma. mainic f. in tan is lémainn, is ainmm ab eo quod est manica. Vendryes; Cormac, 261.nbsp;[mafnid] versieht wohl; provides well; praet. (-)mamestar. Laws i, 64, 1. 16. malnigid, ma[nichid(ir) versieht wohl; providesnbsp;well; alstr. malniugud. Wi.; Laws; O’Don.;nbsp;ZCP. Ill, 29, 1.1 t6 XII, 273.nbsp;mainip = manip. mainis Scherz; jest. ITS. xiii, §24. mainister, mainistir, mainistrech, mainistrechanbsp;s. moinister.nbsp;mSinn == maim. mainnecht G. -ta /. Nachldssigkeit; negligence. ITS. XXV; Plummer, Lives, p. 265, x. mainnechtnach rmchlassig; negligent. Eger-ton Glossary; cf. Lism. L.nbsp;mainnechtnaige G. id. f. Nachldssigkeit,nbsp;Trdgheit; negligence, sloth. ZCP. vi, 25,1. 2;nbsp;IT. IV, 1; RC. XIX, 280, n. 7; Lism. L.nbsp;1.1418; Plummer, Lives, p. 266, 1.4;nbsp;Hogan, Latin Lives; Betha Colaim Chille;nbsp;ITS. XXIX. 1. mainner, mainrech, mSnrach G. mainrech, mainrige, D. mainnir, mainrig, pl. main-recha, mSnracha /. Einfriedigung, JJm-sdunung, Gefdngnis; enclosure, prison. Laws;nbsp;O’Don.; Pianaigecht; Plummer, Lives,nbsp;p. 135, § IV; Metr. Dindsh.; Joyce iii, 210.nbsp;498 amp; 608; TSh.; RC. xii, 468.nbsp;(-)mainnéra (IT. ii, 1, p. 26,1. 777; SR. 1877)nbsp;fut. s. manraid. mainnigid versagt; fails. Egerton Glossary. mainrech, mainrecha, mainrige s. mainner. |
94 mamse — maise.
mainse O. id. Spielerei, Heiierheit; trifling, mirthfulness. ITS. xiii, 72, 1. 4.nbsp;tnainsérG. -éir m. Krippe-, manger. LBr. 130bnbsp;56; ZCP. II, 38, §58; Ir. Gl., p. 102, adnbsp;861; Joyce lil, 508. (-)mair = maraid(ir). (céin-)mair, {cén-)mair „lange lébt“, Heill; “long lives'', hail!. Contr. mairbe Lébhsigkeit, Erstarrung; mortification,nbsp;numlness. ITS. xxv, p. 178, § 23, 1.11.nbsp;[mairbell]?, muirbell, merball, (merbal), mer-fall, (merbar) G. merbaill, merbair m., D.nbsp;merball m. S merbaill f.? Schwindel, Be-taubung, Verwirrung, Irrtum, Fehler; giddiness, numbness, distraction, error, mistake;nbsp;mairbill .1. catb nó immecla. Cormac, 947;nbsp;Wi.; IT. iv,l; TBC. p. 896,n.4; ITS.nbsp;XIII, 30, 1.5 lt;6 XXI; Metr. Dindsb.; TSh.nbsp;(-)mairbfe (Wi. 100, n. 1; Togail na Tebe)nbsp;fut. s: marbaid. Maire, Muire 0. id. f. Maria; Mary. Aso. 367; TSh. p. 355. maire 0. id. m. Verwalter; steward. ITS. iii. miirech s. bdraoh.nbsp;mairechtain s. maraid(ir).nbsp;mairer = muirer. mairés A. mairéis 100(X)?. SR. 1.766 f. mairfid fut. s. marbaid.nbsp;mairgg = moirgg.nbsp;mairggennach = 2. mairggnech.nbsp;mairggid = morggaid. mairgg ne 0. id. Weh; woe. Plummer, Lives, p. 147, 1.18. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mairggnech 0. -nige /. Klage; lament. ITS.nbsp;VI amp; XII, 100, 1.10; PM. VI, p. 2288, 1. 21. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mairggnech, mairggennach traurig, klagend;nbsp;sad, lamenting. Laws v,64,y; MeasgraDamp;nta I, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;p. 30, 1. 32. mairggnid Leidbringer; bringer of woe. Alt.Ir. Dichtimg I, 40, § 15. mairggréit, mairggrent, mairggrét = mar-ggairét. mairggthenach DA. -aig Klage; lament. Monastery of TaUaght, 155, 1. 13; cf. Êriu II, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;222, X. mairid = maraid(ir). maim, (-)mairn s. maimid. [(fris-)mairn], praet. 1 pi. (fris-)mertammar verrat; betrays. 0’Dav. 1020. (-)mairne (SR. 7711) praet. s. maimid. mairnech verrdterisch?, zersiorend?; treacherous?, destructive?. Pled Br. § 52. |
mairnélach G. -aig m. Seemann; mariner. RC. VII, 363 = ZCP. II, 248, § 155; Plummer,nbsp;Lives, p. 60, § 78. mairnem .i. fer braith (Verrater; traitor). 0’CI. mSirnid, mairrnid, marnaid, braithid verrat, betrügt, schadigi, vernichtet,ersp'M,argwohnt,nbsp;denkt; betrays, deceives, harms, destroys,nbsp;spies out, suspects, considers; abstr. mrath,nbsp;bralh G. mraith, braith, pi. mratha Hoff-nung; hope (Metr. Dindsh. iv, 334,1. 74); Snbsp;maim (Metr. Dindsh.) amp; maimed (0’Dav.nbsp;1272). Ped. II, p. 575, § 774; Wi.; Laws;nbsp;O’Don.; PH.; TBC.; Br. D. D. p. 40,nbsp;§ 36 (6 n. 1; RC. xxvi, p. 40, § 207; ZCP.nbsp;xvili, 329, § 774; ITS. xxi, 212, § 20; Metr.nbsp;Dindsh. amp; s. v. mertaim; O’CL; Dottin;nbsp;Togail na Tebe; IP. Anzeiger, p. 35.nbsp;[mairntech?] G. -tig {MS. -tid) m. Kundsehafter; spy. Leabhar GabhAla, p. 82, § 60. mairntid m. Verrater; traitor. PH.; Dottin.nbsp;mSirt G. id. der Gott Mars, der Planet Mars,nbsp;Dienstag; the God Mars, the planet Mars,nbsp;Tuesday. Laws {amp; iv, 334, x); Vendryes;nbsp;TBC. 1.4183; Dottin; Keating’s History;nbsp;IT. IV, 2, 11. 1031 amp; 3704.nbsp;mairtlnech, mairtélach, (meirtinech) m. Kriip-pel;-cripple. Egerton Glossary; Joyce iil,nbsp;274; cf. mairtir, meirtnech.nbsp;mairtlr (marlar), mairtirech G. mairtir, mair-tice, mairtirech, mairtirig, Npl. mair-tire (mairtir -|- Überreste von Blutzeugen;nbsp;relics of maHyrs), mairtirig, Gpl. martar,nbsp;mairtirech m. Blutzeuge; martyr. Aso. 368;nbsp;Vendryes amp; s. v. martre; Ir. Gl. p. 179;nbsp;Betha Colmamp;in, p. 4, 1.14; Hogan, Latinnbsp;Lives; Three Middle-Irish HomiUes, p. 116,nbsp;1.12; Dan Dé, p. 60, § 62; TSh.nbsp;mairtiralaig = martarlaic.nbsp;mairtirech = mairtir.nbsp;mairtrid = martraid.nbsp;mais s. 1. amp; 2. mas.nbsp;maisclech = masolach. maise G. id. f. Schonheit, Pracht, Aivnehmlidt,-keit, Ehre; beauty, splendor, agreeableness, credit. Wb. 28c26; Thes. Pal. ii, 309;nbsp;Laws; PH.; TBC. 1. 6297; IT. iv, 2,nbsp;1. 3184; Ir. Gl. p. 110, ad. 927; Metr.nbsp;Dindsh.; Dottin; Togail na Tebe; TSh.;nbsp;Fél.; De Contemptu; Dén Dé, p. 62,nbsp;§21; Mesca Ulad, p. 18; Syllabic Poetry;nbsp;van Hamel, Compert. |
maisech — maithid. 95
maisech eompar. -sige schön, vorteiïhaft; leauti-ful, beneficial; gl. raas. 0’Dav. 1230; ef. Laws; TTr.; Togail na Tebe.; TSh.;nbsp;Gorm. maised, mds ed (= ma amp; is amp; ed) „wenn es das ist“, wie dem auch sei, in der Tat;nbsp;“if it is that”, howbeit, indeed. TSh.; ITS. x;nbsp;ef. ma. (-)maised praet. sitbj. {amp;fut.) s.maidid, (-)maid. maisige 0. id. f. Schönhdt; beauty. IT. iv, 1,nbsp;1. 6838. maisigid schmUchf, macht Ehre; adorns, does credit to; abstr. maisiugud. RC. xxv,nbsp;p. 390, § 3; Mil na mBeaoh, p. II4.nbsp;maisil D. id. Teil einer Axt, wahrscheinlichnbsp;das Stielloch; fart of an axe, probably thenbsp;socket. O’Don. maisled D. id. Abspalten?, dbgespaltenes Holz-stUck?; splitting off?, piece of wood split off?. Laws in, 274, 1.11. maiste Lunte; match. Bezz.B. xviii, 130. maisterda, maisterlha s. maistrid.nbsp;maistfn Bullenbeifier; mastiff. ITS. iii.nbsp;maistrid, maistrigid, buttert; churns; imperat.nbsp;maistir; abstr. maistred, G. maistertha,nbsp;maistreda, maisterda, S maistriugud. Wi.;nbsp;Laws; Three Middle-Irish Homilies; Lism. L.nbsp;p. 321, 1.28; Betha Colmdin, p. 60, 1.19;nbsp;Dottin; Hogan, Latin Lives,nbsp;méit = 1. mdt. maite, mata 6. id. m. Stock, Hole; stick, wood; maite in dorais Riegel; bolt; maite muirdenbsp;Mast?; maite seine Messerstiel; handle ofnbsp;a knife; gl. manubrium. Wi.; Death-Tales, p. 28, §10; TSh.; Keating, Dantanbsp;Amhrdin; Joyce ill, 494 amp; 495; Bezz. B.nbsp;XVIII, 64.nbsp;maite n = matan. maith (math, maid, mad) Npl. amp; matha. Dpi. amp; mathaib; compar. ferr, feamp;rr, ferranbsp;(ferr de, ferrdde, feirrdde) pi. amp; ferra (TBC.;nbsp;ZCP. XI, 86; Aneod. il, 62); superl. dechnbsp;(ferr); ante verba (mad-) (math-) (mod-)nbsp;(ma-) (mo-) (mu-) (man-) (mon-) eel.?nbsp;gut, edel; good, noble; subst. m. Adliger;nbsp;nobleman; n. Out, Wert, gate Tat; good thing,nbsp;value, good auction. Aso. 373, 374 amp; 309;nbsp;Wi-.; TBC.; Laws; PH.; Togail na Tebe;nbsp;Fél.; Gorm.; Ir. Gl. p. 179; IT. iv, 1, p. 183,nbsp;1. 6622; S IV, 2; Hib. Min. p. 28,235; Macnbsp;Conglinne; ITS. i, 158, 1.15, in, vi, xii,nbsp;p. 38, 1.10; Triads, p. 30, §236; Three |
Middle-Irish Homilies, 10, 1. 17; Metr. Dindsh.; Phihp Bocht, p. 77, §38; TSh.;nbsp;ZCP. V, 493; EC. in, 36, xxv, 258 Snbsp;XXVI, 170; Ériu iv, 52, § 13; ar maith frinbsp;2um Nuteen von; for the good of. Trip, n,nbsp;p. 466, 1.28; cf. mad-genair amp; Watson,nbsp;Scottish Verse, from the Dean of Lismore;nbsp;amp; cf. nem-maith. ITS. v, 180, 1.12.nbsp;(-)maith (RC. xi, 130,1. 41) = maidid,(-)maid.nbsp;maith (Syllabic Poetry) = maich.nbsp;maithe 0. id. f. Gate; goodness; ar maithe fri,nbsp;re, le sum Nutzen von; for the good of. Thes.nbsp;Pal. 11,314, ad 1.24; Laws; Cain Adamndin,nbsp;p. 6, § 11; Togaü na Tebe, p. 248, 1. 3857;nbsp;ITS. I. maithe G. id. f. Weichheit, Zarthdt, Schwache, Kummer, Mitleid; softness, tenderness, weakness, sorrow, compassion. Fél. p. 46, §18;nbsp;TBC.; RC. XLV, 46, §9; ITS. in, p. 180,nbsp;1.5; Tecosca Cormaic, p. 46, §30, 1.9;nbsp;0’Dav. 1205; TSh.; Keating, Danta Amh-rain. (do-)maithe, (-)tamaithe, tomaithid droht; threatens; abstr. to mad G. tomtha, D. A.nbsp;tomaid. Dpi. tomthaib, amp; tomaithem A. id.,nbsp;pi. -thim m. Ped. ii, p. 575, § 775; Laws;nbsp;IT. IV, 2; ArcMv in, 301; Trip.; Lecannbsp;Glossary; Dottin; Togail na Tebe; Asc.nbsp;374. maithem s. maithid. maithem (Egerton Glossary) abstr. s. maidid. maithemnas 0. -ais m. Vergebung; forgiveness.nbsp;Plummer, Lives. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;maithes (mathas) 0. -thesa, -thise m. (/.)nbsp;Gate, Vortrefflichkeit, gute Eigenschaft, Gutes,nbsp;Wohl; goodness, excellence, good quality,nbsp;weal. Laws; Wi.; TBC.; Betha Colmain, 6,nbsp;1.6; Vis. Tond.; PH.; Togail na Tebe;nbsp;Irish Abridgment, 100, §66; Horn. Leg.;nbsp;TSh.; Egerton Glossary; Watson, Scottishnbsp;Verse from the Dean of Lismore. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;maithes .i. draidecht; ruesat tré maithesnbsp;.i. tré draidecht. 0’CI. {Zauberei; sorcery);nbsp;cf. mathmarc. (-)mafthfe (Imr. Br. p. 24, §52). fut. 3 sg. s. maidid. maithfech = maidmech. maithfechas = maithmechas.nbsp;maithfedach = maithmedach.nbsp;maithfige = maithmige.nbsp;maithid, (-)maithe verzeiht, liiflt nach, gibtnbsp;sein Recht auf, lafit fahren, gestaitet; forgives, |
96 maithigid — malartaid.
remits, gives up his claim, lets off, concedes; part, maitte, ahstr. maithem, 6. maithme,nbsp;maithim, DA. maithim, maithem n. f. m.nbsp;(amp; mathad); maithem n-anaccail „Zu-gestandnis desSchutzes“: dasLeben schenken;nbsp;“grant of protection”: giving of quarter.nbsp;Ped. II, p. 675, § 775; Aso. 375; Wi.; Laws;nbsp;PH.; TBC.; BC. xiv, 34, §28; IT. iv, 2,nbsp;1.6766; Trip, ii, p. 518, 1.17; Watson,nbsp;Scottish Verse from the Dean of Lismore,nbsp;1. 1189; Mac Conglinne; Metr. Dindsh.;nbsp;Hogan, 207; O’Curry iii, 494, 1.3; Dottin;nbsp;Togail na Tebe; TSh.; Philip Bocht, p. 234,nbsp;ad 4d; Dan Dé, p. 4, 1.1; Hogan, Latinnbsp;Lives, p. 49, 1.11; ITS. xxi.nbsp;maithigid (fri) macht gut, entschadigt (einen);nbsp;compensates {somebody). Strachan, Verbalnbsp;System of S. E., p. 71; TTr. 19, 1. 768;nbsp;Gorm. p. 90, 1. 8; Horn. Leg. p. 26, §41.nbsp;maithme s. maithid. maithmech zum Vergeben gendgt, nachsichtig; forgiving, indulgent. Wi.; Gorm.; Metr.nbsp;Dindsh. in, 454, 1. 67.nbsp;maithmech = maidmech.nbsp;maithmechas, maithfechas 0. -ais m. Ver-gebung; forgiveness. Plummer, Lives,nbsp;p. 105, § 16; TSh. maithmedach, maithfedach zum Vergeben ge-neigt; inclined to be forgiving. Plummer, Lives, p. 20, n. 3. maithmige, maithfige/. Vergebung; forgiveness. Plummer, Lives, p. 237, § 162. maith-muine (MS. mathmuine) weichherzig?; softhearted ?. Metr. Dindsh. iv, 320, 1. 26. maithne G. id.? Schmelz?; enamel?. Knott,nbsp;Togail Bruidne Da Derga, p. 14,1. 466 amp; n.nbsp;maithne = maiohne.nbsp;maithnech = maichnech.nbsp;maithnechas = maichnechas. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mdithre Q. id. f. miitterliche Verwandtschaft; maternal kinsfolk. EC. xii, 62, §24 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;68, §36; C4in Adamnain, p. 6, §12; Pél. p. 286, 1. 474. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;maithre, mdithrech s. mathair.nbsp;mdithremail = mathramail.nbsp;maitin = matan. [maitin] ? pi. -ne (MS. maitine) Stockchen; small stick. KZ. xviii, 64, n. 1. maitinda morgenlieh. Morgen-; matutinal,nbsp;morning-; Asc. 375; SE.nbsp;maitir le so gut me; as good as. Ériu ix,nbsp;p. 12 f. |
maitne s. matan. maitnech frith aufstehend; early rising. ITS. XI, 168, § 67. maitrin 0. id. m. kleiner Hund; little dog. Joyce. (-)maltsem praet. 1 pi. s. maidid. maitte (EC. xii, 68, § 10) praes. 3 sg. amp; pron. suffix. 3 sg. (m. amp;) n. s. maidid. maittech = maidmech. (-)maltter pass. s. maidid. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mdi G. m4il m. (S f. 0’CI.) Fiirst, Dichternbsp;chief, prince, poet; adj. edel; noble; .i. ri, .inbsp;uasal, .i. milid, nó gaiscedach, .i. file. Lawsnbsp;EC. XVII, 319, ad xiii, 225, 21 amp; xxvi, 16,nbsp;§16; ZCP. V, 493; Ériu il, 6, n. 96; Macnbsp;Conglinne; Alt. Ir. Dichtung; 0’Dav. 1259nbsp;Metrical Glossaries; TSh.; Wi.; IT. in,2nbsp;p. 290, 1.1; Aur. Éc.; Bidrag; Metrnbsp;Dindsh.; Betha Colaim Chille, 22, 1.19nbsp;Egerton Glossary. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mdl 0. mdil Abgaben; tribute. Cormacnbsp;881; Bezz.B. xix, 94 (= Metrical Glossaries) maia (maiainn) G. malach (malann) Npl mailge (malaide; leg. mal[a]i) Brauenbsp;Wimper; eye-brow, eye-lash. Wi.; Laws innbsp;354, 1.8; O’Don. p. 674; PH.; Br.D.Dnbsp;§2; Joyce in, 497f.; Dottin; Aur. Éc.nbsp;ITS. X, XXV, p. 80, 1.2 lt;Ê 4; cf. Mescanbsp;Ulad, p. 28. mdia G. id. m. Sack; bag. TSh. malairt s. malartaid. malairtche = malartcha. maiairte, maiairtecha, maiairtigid, maiairtiugud s. malartaid. maiar zart; delicate; gl. deUcata. Ml. 139 c 1. malart, malaria s. malartaid.nbsp;malartach, malartnach veranderlich, unbestdn-dig, zerstörend, verschwenderiseh; changeable,nbsp;fickle, destructive, prodigal; subst. m. Zer-störer; destroyer. Wi.; PH.; Dottin; Keating,nbsp;Danta Amhriin. 1. malartaid, (-)malarta, malartaigid, malar* tnaigid, maiairtigid vertauseht, tauscht, an-dert (zum Schlimmern), entfemt, zerstört,nbsp;vierteilt, verliert; exchanges, barters, changesnbsp;(to the worse), removes, destroys, quarters,nbsp;loses; part, malarta; abstr. malart, malairtnbsp;0. -arta, -airte, pi. -arta, -airtecha Geschafte; dealings f. amp; malartnugud, maiairtiugud; a malairt etwas anderes; somethingnbsp;else. Asc. 365; Wi.; O’Don.; IT. in, 2,nbsp;579 ife IV, 2; Three Middle-Irish HomUies; |
makrtaid — mana. 97
Hib. Min. p. 32, 1. 5; Betha Colmain, p. 12, 1.22; Plummer, Lives, p. 41, §84;nbsp;Metr. Dindsh.; 0’Dav. 1236; Dottin; TSb.;nbsp;Hogan, Latin Lives, p. 61, 1.4; Horn. Leg.nbsp;p.23,y S 28, 1.3. 2. malartaid, malartnaid m.Zerstörer; destroyer. PH.; Ériu II, 158; Dottin. malartcha, malairtche Unbestandigkeit-, unsteadiness. ZCP. 111,460, 1.9; RC. XLV, 8,nbsp;§ 20 c6 p. 77.nbsp;malartnach = malartaoh.nbsp;malartnaid = malartaid.nbsp;maldachaid, (-)maldacha, mallachtaid, (-)mal-lachta, mallaigid {ver)flucht; {ac)curses; part.nbsp;maldachta, mallachta, mallachtha, mal-laigthe; oJstr. maldacht, mallacht, mallachtu,nbsp;0. -tan, -ta /., maldachad, mallachad,nbsp;mallugud. Vendryes; Asc. 366; Wi.; TBC.;nbsp;ITS. XII, p. 130, 1. 12; Hib. Min. p. 32,nbsp;1. 1; Dottin; TSb.; LU. 1. 122,127; Hogan,nbsp;Latin Lives. md-le (Joynt, Pois Tighe Chonain, 1.642; Mulehrone, Caithréim Cellaig) = immall§. mall compar. mailliu, maille (mailUte) lang-sam, trage, langweilig, schlaff, spat, gem'dch-lich, sanft, stattlicli, rmssig, grofi-, slow, lazy, tedious, indolent, late, easy-going, gentle, stately,nbsp;bulky, great. Wb. 24cl0; Asc. 366; Thes.nbsp;Pal. II, p. XXI, ad 199a; Wi.; Laws i, 72,z;nbsp;PH.; IT. IV, 2; ITS. x; Bruchstüoke,nbsp;p. 12, §20; Cormac, 906; Togail na Tebe,nbsp;1.3042; TSh.; Keating’s History; Mesoanbsp;Ulad, p. 22; IT. Il, 2, p.57,1. 619 = mula?;nbsp;Metr. Dindsh.; Joynt, Peis Tighe ChonMn;nbsp;Hogan, p. 96, § 38 c6 p. 266.nbsp;milla, m4nla (= rnMda) fürstlich, stattlich,nbsp;bescheiden, mild; princely, stately, modest,nbsp;gentle. RC. xxvin, 322, §49; Pianaigecht;nbsp;Plummer, Lives, p. 220, §111; Keating,nbsp;DAnta Amhrain. mallachad, mallacht s. maldachaid. mallachtach = mallachtnach.nbsp;mallachtaid s. maldachaid.nbsp;mallachtnach, mallachtach verflucht; accursed. PH.; Dottin; Togail na Tebe, 1.447;nbsp;Horn. Leg. p. 34, § 53.nbsp;mallachtu, mallaigid s. maldachaid.nbsp;[maiiaigid, (-)maliaige] verlangsamt; delays;nbsp;part, mallaigthe, gl. tardatus. Ml.nbsp;122 a 14. maliaigthecht 0. -ta f. Flueh; execration, malediction. TSh. 1. 216. Hessens Ir. Lexikon, Bd. II. |
maliann A. mallain Schlafenschlagader; temporal artery; .i. féith bis tar mullach anuas. Cormac, 856, 920; cf. IT. iv, 2, 1. 6079.nbsp;’malie = immalle. mall-roscach mit sanftem Auge; with gentle eye. ITS. x.nbsp;maiiugud s. mallaigid. mairach Knabe {amp; Pferdelast?); boy (and horse-load ?). Joyce. malrugud Spaltwng eines Diphthongs in zwei Selbstlawte wegen des Versmafles; splittingnbsp;of a diphthong into two vowels on accountnbsp;of the meter. ZCP. xvii, 2911. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mAm G. -ma, DA. mam, Npl. S mamanna,nbsp;Apl. mamu m. Dienstpflicht. Dienst, Ge-walt; official duty, service, power; fer mA-ma mod (= fer mod mama) Stellvertreter;nbsp;substitute; i n-a mAma mod als sein Stellvertreter; as his substitute. Asc. 369; Wi.;nbsp;Laws; SR. p.26, 1.1776; 0’Dav. 1243 Snbsp;1277; mAm .i. cummasnócumachta. 0’CI.;nbsp;Priu XII, 44, § 56, n. 6. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mAm (Sg. 77 a 5) s. mar. (fo-)mAmaige(dar) unterjoeht; subjugates. Asc. 369f. mAmas D. id. Dienstpf licht. Dienst, Gewalt; official duty, service, power. PH.; IT. iv, 2;nbsp;Metr. Dindsh. iv, 232, 1. 31.nbsp;mamm, mamma, pi. mamma /. (m.) Mutter-brust; pap; .i. cig, nó ciach. 0’CI.; cf.nbsp;Keating, Danta Amhrain. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mAmm Gsg. maimm, Npl. mAimm, mAm-manna Hand, Handvoll; hand, handful.nbsp;Laws IV, 98, 1.19; ITS. 1,34, x; Bethanbsp;ColmAin; Plummer, Lives, p. 232, § 146;nbsp;Metr. Dindsh. iv, 276, 18. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mAmm G. -mma. Dpi. mammannaib Berg-pap,Berg;mountain-pass, mountain; mAmm-thuicha mit Passen; hills with passes.nbsp;IT. IV, 2; Joyce i, 176, iii, 499f.; .i. tu-lach nó sliab. 0’CI.; Cogadh Gaedhel renbsp;Gallaib pp. 110, 112. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mAmugud unterwerfen; subjugating. Pianaigecht, p. 38, 1.20. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mAmugud, moamugud grofler machen;nbsp;enlarging; gl. mAm. Laws. man G. maine .i. lam (mane a réimm). Cormac, 866, 912, 956; 0’CI. 1. mana (manad) n. m. Anlap, Anzeichen, Vorzeichen; cause, token, presage. Laws;nbsp;TBC.; RC. XLiii, 18, § 12 lt;Ê 44, §42; ITS.nbsp;V, p. 58, 1. 22, XII, p. 62, l.B amp; xviii; lit. 7 |
98 mana — mant.
Ir. Dichtung i, p. 28, §14; TSh.; Mesca ülad, p. 22; Dan-fhooail; Metr. Dindsh.;nbsp;Joynt, TromdAmh Guaire. 2. mana s. ma. mÉna, manabail s. móin lt;amp; manuail. mamp;namp;oMönchlein;littlenu)nk. ZCP. vii,268, §3. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;manach Gsg. -aig, Dpi. manchaib, mana-ohaib, Apl. manobu m. Mönch, Kloster-bauer; monk, tenant of monastic lands;nbsp;manach gill do (dl) bds Untertan durch Er-rettung vom {verdienten) Tode; a subject onnbsp;account of being saved from {deserved) death.nbsp;Laws V, 206, 1.19; manach riagalta wirk-licher Mönch; real monk. Laws v, 356,nbsp;1.12; cf. Vendryes; Wi.; Ériu i, 207, adnbsp;V. 28 a; Ir. Gl. 436; Cormac, 867; Dottin;nbsp;Pél.; Ryan, Irisb Monasticism, 316; Hogan,nbsp;Latin Lives. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;manach = monach. manad .i. sug. (Saft; juice). Diiil Droma Ceta, p. 190, 1. 12. mSngir (IT. in, 2, p. 366, § 186) = immanair. manafs DA. id., pi. -se. /. {Wurfspeer mit)nbsp;Speereisen {von ungewohnlicher Breite?, mitnbsp;mehreren Spitzen?); {dart with) spear- headnbsp;{of unusual breadth?, having more than onenbsp;point?). TBC.; RC. xii, 96, § 127; IT. n,nbsp;1, p. 24, 1. 730 amp; IV, 2; ITS. l, p. 124, 1. 9;nbsp;Stories from tbe Tdin; O’Curry; Metr.;nbsp;Mesoa Ulad, p. 30; Einott, Togail Bruidnenbsp;Da Derga; Hogan, p. 74, 1. 22.nbsp;manaisech = monasacb.nbsp;mana md .i. lémacén. 0’CI.nbsp;mancha, mainche G. id. f. Stand des Mönchsnbsp;Oder Klosterbauers, Monchsgemeinschaft; position of a monk or monastic tenant, monasticnbsp;community. Vendryes; Laws; Ériu vii, 192;nbsp;Dottin. (con-)mancha leqt mit Hand an?; co-operates?. ZCP. Ill, 454. manchalb s. manaob. manchaine, mainchine G. id. f. persönlicher Dienst, Mönchslében, Monchsgemeinschaft;nbsp;personal service, monastic life, monasticnbsp;community. Plummer, Lives, p. 300, 1.4;nbsp;Laws {amp;1V, 210, 1.17); Betba Colm4in,nbsp;78, 1.15; Rriu xii, 71; IT. iv, 1; Threenbsp;Middle-Irisb Homilies, 118, 1.7; Trip.;nbsp;Lism. L. Lxxxvi; 0’Dav. 521.nbsp;manchén m. {kleiner) Mönch; {little) monk. Metr. Dindsb. manchu s. manacb. |
manddi, manddil G. -ala /. Gründonnerstag; Maundy Thursday. Vendryes; RC. Vii,nbsp;363 f. ’mangtar, ’mangtir = immanetar. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mahg A. maing f. Hirschkalb; deer-calf.nbsp;Mac Conglinne; .i. gamain fiada. 0’CI. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mahg (?. 0’CI.) = meng. mahgad (gaire) A. id. m. lautes{?) Lachen; loud {?) laughter. Betba Colmdin, p. 10,1. 1. mahgaire G. id. m. Hausierer; peddlar. Bidrag;nbsp;Joyce II, 120. mahgairecht G. -ta /. Hausieren; peddling. LL. 38 a 27. mahg-fdittbed lautes{?) Lachen; loud{?) laughter. RC. xiv, 404, 1. 2. manï(-) s. ma. manip, mainip = ma tê ni camp; subj. 3 sg. s. 1. is {wenn nicht etwa ist;if... be not). O’Don. mania = malla. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mann pi. manna TJnze; ounce. Vendryes;nbsp;0’Dav. 1224; Metrical Glossaries. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mdnn, mainn G. mainne, A. mainn (mdnn)nbsp;/. {m.?) amp; manna m. Manna, Nahmng,nbsp;Putter, Fülle, Segen; manna, food, fodder,nbsp;abundance, prosperity. Vendryes; Asc. 369;nbsp;Laws; O’Don.; ZCP. II, 22, 1. 9; Metricalnbsp;Glossaries; Dottin; Keating, Danta Amb-rdin; Horn. Leg. p. 22, 1.2; 0’Dav. 1233,nbsp;1270; Metr. Dindsb.; cf. mann-cbuile. vannbsp;Hamel, Compert. mannac (carna) quando manducatur. Cormac, 261. mannair s. manraid. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mannar, manar D. id. Behandlung, Ver-fahren; handling, way {of proceeding).nbsp;ITS. xviii; cf. monar, mainer amp; angl.nbsp;manner. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mannar, mannartha s. manraid.nbsp;manod = ma (nod-), s. ma.nbsp;manrach, manracha s. mainner. manraid lost, zerstört; loosens, destroys; abstr. manrad G. amp; pi. mannartba amp; mannar G.nbsp;-air m. van Hamel, Compert; O’Don.;nbsp;TBC.; Three Middle-Irisb HomUies, p. 8,nbsp;1.24; SR.; Primer; Alt. Ir. Dichtung;nbsp;Plummer, Lives, p. 219, §106; Metr.nbsp;Dindsb.; Aur. Éo. 1. 646; manras .i.nbsp;gluaises, manrad .i. milled, mannar .i.nbsp;soailed. 0’CI. mant Zahnfleisch; gum {of mouth). O’CL; cf. Watson, Scottish Verse from the Dean ofnbsp;Lismore, 1. 483. |
mantamp;Q — marbaid. 99
mantin O. -ain m. ein Zahnloser; a toothless •person. Joyce i, 109. manuail, manabail Q. -le /. Handbuch; handbook. Plummer, Lives, p. 328, §§ 56—58. map Apt. mapa(?) Quaste, Saum; tassel, fringe. TBC. p. 839, n. 5 (?); EC. xliv, 44. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mar Wurst; sausage. Supplement tonbsp;Thes. Pal., p. 65, ad xx, n. 4; Bidrag. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mar (amp; fi mar, do réir mar) = amal; marnbsp;aen (ITS. xxi) s. aen; i margen (ibd.) zu-gleich; at the same time; mar(at-)ti, pi. marnbsp;(at-)tctit namlich; vis.; mar go als, db; asnbsp;if; mar nach als db nicht; asifrwt; tar éisnbsp;mar nachdem; after; tré mar •weil; because.nbsp;Wi.; TBC.; Laws; PH.; Togail na Tebe;nbsp;TSh. mir, mór aequat. moair, móaithir, compar. [miu], mio, m4a, mi, móu, móo, móa,nbsp;mó (móite), superlat. móam, móom, miam,nbsp;mim, móab; adv. in mdr, in mór, co mórnbsp;grof}, viel; great, large, much; mór- S intens., vel grofs und ...; great and; a mmir,nbsp;a mmór gl. tantum. (Supplement to Tbes.nbsp;Pal. p. 5, 1.5); ciammgr (cia i mmór) gl.nbsp;in quantum. (Ml. 58b 10); mór n- gl. quanto.nbsp;(Ml. 96b 10); subst. mór n- cum Gen.,nbsp;mór di, do Viel von; much of. (Byme-DiUon,Tain BóPraicb); mór n-uair liaM/ig;nbsp;frequently (ITS. xxv, p.26, §9); (di)mórMmnbsp;irieles; by much (PH.,1.4140) nf...namm§r,nbsp;nl nammór (Wi. p. 137,1.12 lt;amp; 25) lt;ê nl mórnbsp;go haum; hardly. (TSh. 1.971); nf mór nSnbsp;(Br.D.D.), nf mór nach (TSh.) fcawm; scarcely;nbsp;nf mór ó sin immach nicht lange nachher;nbsp;not long after that (TSh.); as (is) mó cumnbsp;3 sg. rel., am meisten; most, e. g. in t-i asnbsp;mó éistes wer am meisten lauscht; he •whonbsp;listens most (Keating, Danta Amhriin);nbsp;mi ase mi, móo asa móo, mo asa mó mehrnbsp;und mehr; more and more (Bezz.B. xvii,nbsp;137); mó-sa-chich mehr als irgend etwas,nbsp;noch mehr; more than anything, still more;nbsp;nf mó, nach mó noch (weiter); nor (further.nbsp;Keating, Dinta Amhriin); is moom iemm,nbsp;is moam iamm das ist mir die Haupt-sache; that is the chief thing to me (Aur.nbsp;ÉC. 1461 amp; 4671); cf. Asc. 366f.; Wi.;nbsp;van Hamel, Compert; Laws; TBC.; PH.;nbsp;Togail na Tebe; ITS. xxi; TSh.; Measgranbsp;Dinta ii, p. 138, 1. 58; mir nl, mór nl gl.nbsp;quantum, quam, quanto. Ase. 369. mara s. muir. |
mara n- wo; where, van Hamel, Compert; TSh. (i) mirach s. birach. miraid, móraid, (-)móra macht grop, erhebt, ver-herrlicht; magnifies, elevates, glorifies; dbstr. mórad. Asc. 367; Wi.; Aur. Kc.; PH.;nbsp;Aneod. Ill, 14, 1. 6; Fél. p. 27, 1. 236;nbsp;Mesca Ulad, p. 30; TSh.; EC. xlv, 31, 65,nbsp;70; XLVi, 271; Hogan, 239 S 222 s. v.nbsp;commorais. maraidecht 0. -ta /. Seefahrt; natngation. TSh. maraid(ir), (-)mara(thar), mairid, {-)ma.\r bleibt (am Leben), dauert, lebt, wohnt; remainsnbsp;(alive), endures, lives, abides; céin mair, céfnnbsp;mo-mair (bóchin mair) Heil; hail; abstr.nbsp;marthain, mairechtain D.id.; ar marthainnbsp;kbend, bestehend; alive, in existence. Ped. ii,nbsp;p.676, §776; Wi.; Laws; TBC.; EC. xxv,nbsp;240, §12; IT. IV, 2, 1.6058; ITS. v, 16,nbsp;1. 20 lt;£ 22; XII amp; p. 64, 1.14; Trip. l, 86,nbsp;1. 30; Metr. Dindsh. in, 72,1. 91; Togail nanbsp;Tebe; TSh.; Keating’s History; Keating,nbsp;Dinta Amhriin; Philip Bocht, p. 9, § 32;nbsp;Syllabic Poetry. [maraige]? maraide m. Seemann; mariner. Plummer, Lives, p. 60, § 78. marascai, marascii G. -ail m. Pferdehnecht?, Pferdepfleger, Marschall; (horse-) groom?,nbsp;tender of horses, marshal. ZCP. xvii, 20,nbsp;n. 2; xviii, 256,1. 24; Bezz.B. xviil, 79. marascaiacht, marasciiacht 0. -ta f. Amt des Marschalls; office of a marshal. De Con-temptu, 1. 1664; ZCP. vi, 76, §31. marb compar. mairbe (Keating’s History) tot; dead; subst. m., pi. mairb, moirb Toter;nbsp;dead person; n.? amp; pron. poss.: a marb seinenbsp;Leiche; his corpse. (Togail na Tebe); donbsp;marb du als Toter; thou, being dead (TBC.);nbsp;Wi.; Laws; PH.; Fél.; Philip Bocht,nbsp;p.34, §24; TSh.; Hib. Min. p. 10, 1.329;nbsp;cf. EC. X, 176. (imm-)marba (cich dfb, a chéife), (imm-) marbat dóib sie toten einander; they kill eachnbsp;other; co S pron. infix, (comma-)marba.nbsp;Wi. 621. marbach (EC. xlix, 66, §24) = marbthach. marbacht G. -ta /. Starrheit oder Schlaffheit wie bei Toten; rigor or limpness (as of the dead).nbsp;IT. IV, 2, 1. 3928. marbaid, (-)marba, totet; kills; abstr. marbad G. -btha m.; peccaid marbtha (Gsy.? Philip 7* |
100 marb-alt — mé,r-chétlach.
Bocht, p. 4, § 39) Todsünden; mortal dns. Aso. 368; Wi.; Pokomy; TBC.; Laws;nbsp;van Hamel, Compert; PH.; Togail nanbsp;Tebe; TSh.; ITS. i, p. 184; RC. vn, 14,nbsp;n. 4; Betha Colaim ChiUe.nbsp;marb-alt Totenklage; dirge. Metr. Dindsh. iii,nbsp;p. 50, 1. 23. marbin m. Leiche, geistloser, trager Mensch; corpse, spiritless, sluggish, person. Anr.nbsp;ÉO. 1. 3187; TSh.; ITS. xviii, 40, § 6; Metr.nbsp;Dindsh. marb-chnaf Ylieji als Totenumhiillung?; fleece as cover for the dead?. Laws, i, 174.nbsp;marb-chr(a)idech schwachhereig; faint-hearted.nbsp;RC. XIX, 122, § 86. marbda sterhlich, lebhs; mortal, inanimate. PH. 1. 6761; Togail na Tebe, 1. 4701; Pél.nbsp;p. 193, § 8. marbdatu G. -tad m. Sterilichkeit; mortality. O’Don.; Priu il, 128, 1. 1; ZCP. xvi, 203. marb-dil pi. -dile leblose Kobe; inanimatenbsp;property. Wi.; Laws. marb-dilse G. id. f. leblose Habe; inanimate property. Laws v, 498, 1.4.nbsp;marb-draigen = mór-draigin (gro Per Gamander;nbsp;great germander). [marb-duil] pi. marb-duile lebloses Geschöpf; inanimate creature. PH. p. 135, 1. 3368. marb-élüd sich durch den Tod einer Pflichtnbsp;entziehen; escape from one’s duty by death.nbsp;ZCP. XIV, pp. 343 amp; 345.nbsp;marb-fdsc Band, um die Hdnde oder Füpenbsp;eines Toten zu binden; band, used in tyingnbsp;the hands or feet of a corpse. Egerton Glossary. marb-gabamp;il KUhe, die der Erbe des Eerrn dem Pachter wegnimmt; cows which are taken fromnbsp;the tenant by the heir of the lord. Laws,nbsp;marb-lamp;mach mit lahmer Hand; having anbsp;paralyzed hand. Plummer, lives, p. 296,nbsp;§28. marblach, muirbellach betdubt, leblos; stu-pified, inanimate. IT. iv, 1; Metr. Dindsh. i, p. 10, 1. 59. marb-lia Grabstein; grave stone. marbnad (marbnaid), G. -da, D. -aid Totenklage (im Lied); dirge, elegy. Wi. (LBr. 241a50); TBC. p. 637, 1. 4460; Dan Dé,nbsp;p. 51, §§ 1, 2 amp; 3; Jo3mt, Tromdamhnbsp;Guaire; cf. Bezz. B. xxi, 131.nbsp;marb-nentéc G. -óice /. Taubnessel; dead-nettle,nbsp;RC. X, 327. |
marb-riar Bestimmungen des toten Herm; stipulations of the dead lord. O’Don. marbthach tötend, tötlich; killing, deadly; peccad marbthach Todsunde; mortal sin;nbsp;athar-marbthachPalt;ermörde?-;pomcide;ben-marbthach Gattenmörder; murderer of hisnbsp;wife; brithar-marbthach Brudermörder; fratricide; cliamain-marbthach Morder seinesnbsp;Schwiegersohns; slayer of his son-in-law;nbsp;diin - marbthach Menschenmörder; man-slayer; méthar-marbthach Muitermörder;nbsp;matricide; slur-marbthach Schwestem-m'amp;rder; sororieide; gl. parricida, uxori-cida, fratricida, genericida, homicida, matri-oida, sororioida. Wi.; PH.; Dottin; TSh.;nbsp;RC. XIX, 48,1. 8; van Hamel, Compert. marbu (ZCP. xiii, 106, § 6) praes. 1 sg. s. marbaid. marb-uisce G. id. m. stehendes Wasser; stagnant water. Aur. Pc. marc G. mairc m. Pferd; horse; (téit) di mar-caib [reitet) auf Pferden; {rides) on horseback. Priu I, 72, § 3; cf. Wi.; Laws; 0’Mule.; 0’CI. marcach G. -aig m. Reiter, Ritter; horseman, knight; marcach duaine jemand, der dasnbsp;Gedicht eines Dichters vorzutragen hat; anbsp;man who is to recite the composition of anbsp;poet. Priu xii, 73; 0’Dav. 1226; marcachnbsp;na comlad ein Teil der TUr?; a part ofnbsp;the door?; gl. digma. Ir. Gl. p. 60, ad 127;nbsp;cf. Asc. 368; Wi.; Laws; Togail na Tebe;nbsp;Syllabic Poetry; TSh. marcachin m. kleiner Reiter oder Ritter; small horseman or knight. marcachas G. -ais m. Reiten, Reitkunst; riding, horsemanship. TBC.; PH.; RC.nbsp;XIV, 52, §63; Br.D.D. p. 282, 1.4; ITS.nbsp;XI, 178, § 94. marcachda sum Reiter gehorig; pertaining to a horseman; gl. equester. Sg. 54 b 1. marcadacht G. -ta /. Reiterei; cavalry; gl. equitatus. Ml. 72b28; cf. marcaigecht. marcaigecht G. -ta /. Reiten, Reitkunst; riding, horsemanship, van Hamel, Compert; Lawsnbsp;II, 154, 6; Plummer, Lives, 89, 1.3; TSh.;nbsp;ZCP. VI, 95; RC. XXII; cf. marcadacht. [marc-clr], (MS. marclr) Pferdekamm; horse-comb; gl. strigihs. Thes. Pal. il, 226, ad f. 30b. mar-chétiach reich an Gesang; very songful. Pokomy, 27. |
marcir — masclaoh. 101
marcfr = marc-oir. marclach Dpi. -aigib n. (Hom. Leg. 113) Pferdelast; horseload. Wi.; Metr. Dindsh.nbsp;marc-muilenn von einem Pferde gedrehtenbsp;Mühle; mill turned hy a horse. O’Mulc.nbsp;marc-sluag G. -sluaig m. Reiterei; cavalry.nbsp;IT. IV, 1; Laws l, 4, z; PH.; Togail nanbsp;Tebe; Keating, Danta Ambrain.nbsp;marc(u)éis (MiS. marquéis) Markgraf; marquis.nbsp;TSh. mdr-dinach hochiegalt; highly gifted. Po-komy, 27. mdr-draigen (Medical Glossaries s. v. murb-droigen) = mór-dairgin. margan D. id. Rand; margin. Fél. p. 30,nbsp;1. 307; KZ. XXXIII, 97, n. 1. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;margg m. Mark als Gewicht und Geldnbsp;mark as weight and money. Bidrag, 74nbsp;Betba Colaim Chille, p. 76, 1.26 amp; 30nbsp;Joynt, Tromdamh Guaire. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;margg 0. mairgge /. Qrenze; boundary.nbsp;EC. XI, 494. marggach .i. immsnimach (traurig; sad). Celtic Review, v, 293, ad 617. mSrggad G. -aid m. Markt, Markthandel; market,nbsp;marketing. PH.; TTr.; Dottin; Bidrag, 164;nbsp;Vendryes; Bezz.B. xviii, 130; ZCP. ii, 242,nbsp;§ 141 amp; VI, 77; EC. xi,494; Metr. Dindsh.nbsp;marggaid = morggaid.nbsp;marggdil /. Handel; bargain. ITS. iii.nbsp;marggairét? [mairggrét], mairggréit, mairg-grent?, mairggréc? (MS. margreg, D.)nbsp;0. mairggréite, pi. mairggréta Perle; pearl.nbsp;Vendryes; PH.; Fianaigeoht; Betba Colaimnbsp;Chille, p. 392, 1. 10. marggocdn Wehe; woe. Mao Conglinne, 96, I. 14; cf. moirgg. m4r-gneithe, mér-gneithid, mór-gneithid gl. magnificus. Aso. 499; Wi. martarlaic, martralaic D. id.; amp; [mairtfralaig]nbsp;Dpi. -aigib (MS. martirologib) Heiligenkalender; martyrology. Gorm.; Lism. L.nbsp;LX.xxvii; Martyrology of TaUagbt, p. 16.nbsp;marthanach dauernd; lasting. TBC. 1. 2994; Hogan, 34, y; Éiiu ix, 116. m4r-threlmach mit grower Rüstung; greatlynbsp;accoutred. Br.D.D. p. 65, § 68. [martlach]? pi.? martlaige (leg. marclaige?) Last von Leichen?; load of corpses?. IT. II, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;1, p. 31, 1. 964. martra (martrad) G. id. f. Martertod, Überrest(e) dues Blutzeugen, Ort, wo ein Heiliger be- |
graben liegt. Grab; martyrdom, reUc(s) of a martyr, place where a saint is buried, gravenbsp;les, li(u)s martra(d) Umwallung vonGrabernnbsp;circumvallation of graves. Laws iv, 86,1.19nbsp;cf. Vendryes; Asc. 368; Wi.; O’Don.; IT. iv, 2,nbsp;1. 2859; Dottin; Ir. Gl. p. 91, ad 738; Cóicnbsp;Conara Fugill, p. 66, § 17; Arobiv in, p. 37;nbsp;Philip Boobt, p. 62, § 16; cf. rigmartranbsp;Königsgraber; graves of kings. TBC. 1. 2759.nbsp;martrad G. -aide die Blutzeugen, Liste dernbsp;Blutzeugen (und anderer Hdligen); the martyrs, Martyrology. Dan Dé, p. 65, §66;nbsp;Laws; cf. martra. martraid, mairtrid, martraigid martert; martyrs, martyrizes; abstr. martrad. ZCP. i, 434;nbsp;O’Don.; Pél. p. 52, 1.16; D4n Dé, p. 149,nbsp;ad 66a; TSh. 1. 5532 ; 0’Eeilly.nbsp;martralaic = martarlaic. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mas?, mais G. maise /. Masse; mass; maisnbsp;ób .i. oaer óir. 0’CI.; cf. Vis. Tond. xi, 3;nbsp;Wi.; Laws; Ériu II, 158; 0’Dav. 1260;nbsp;Togail na Tebe, 1. 3082; Metr. Dindsh. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mas, mais compar. maisiu schön, ehrenvoll;nbsp;beautiful, creditable; subst. Schonheit; beauty;nbsp;.i. maiseoh. 0’Dav. 1230; O’CL; cf. Wi.;nbsp;TBC.; Fél.; ITS. xii, p. 20, 1.15 amp; xxi;nbsp;Trip. II, p. 630,1. 18; Lism. L. 1. 3580; Aur.nbsp;Éc.; De Contempt!!, 1. 1964. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;més G. mais Hinierbacke, langer, niedrigernbsp;Hügel, Boden; buttock, long, low hill,nbsp;bottom. Fianaigeoht; Joyce l, 526f.; ITS.nbsp;xxv; Metr. Dindsh.; Egerton Glossary. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;més Muskatbliite; mace. ZCP. n, 262,1.1;nbsp;ITS. xxv. mas, masa, masad s. ma. masén G. -ain Behinderung, Gerdztheit, Ver-driefilichkeit; hindrance, irritation, peevishness. ITS. XI, p. 98, 1. 6.nbsp;mascach mischend, brauend; mixing, brewing.nbsp;ITS. XI, 168, § 67. mascaiiinda (MS. -inda), mascailinna? (MSS. -inni pi., -ini sg.) mdnnlich; masculine. Sg.nbsp;66b 10 amp; 190b 6; Aur. Éc. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mascai G. -ail, D. -al amp; -ail( ?) n. (Hogan)nbsp;mannliches Geschlecht; masculine gender;nbsp;adj. (insce) mascai. Aur. Éo. 620; cf. Asc.nbsp;369 amp; Laws. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mascai (in: ro-mascal) = musoal.nbsp;masclach, mascalach, maisclech mannlich, stattlich; virile, stately. Keating, Danta Ambrain; Watson, Scottish Verse fromnbsp;the Dean of Lismore. |
102 masclaigid — matnamail.
matóo — meccan. 103
matóc Neunauge, Lamprete; lamprey; cf. Sg. 194 a in margine. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;matra Krapp; madder; gl. rubia maior.nbsp;RC. IX, 240, n. 202; Irish Texts, v, 93. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;matra, matrad = matad. matragair, matraigen, matraigin Alraun-wurzel; mandrake. Keltische Wortkunde, 142; Irish Texts v, p. 93; gl aorimonia.nbsp;Medical Glossaries. matramail wie ein Hwnd; like a dog. TBC. p. 125, n. 5; cf. IT. iv, 1. mdttg = ma (at-)ta. mattal O. -ail, Apl. mattlu m., f.? Mantel; mantle. ITS. iii, 2, p. 342, § 126; Philipnbsp;Bocht; TSh.; 0’Curry iii, 154; Ir. Gl.nbsp;p. 77, §490; RC. xi, 494; Bidrag. mé (me), mi (smé in: olsmé) (G. mai, [mui]; s. s. V.), A. id. (pariim mhé, mhe); (D.:nbsp;dom, dam), ich; 1; -f- pariicula augensinbsp;mé-se, meise, mise s. meise; infixum:nbsp;-mm- (= A. [amp; B.]); suffixwm: -mm amp;nbsp;-m (= D. amp; A.) (-)meba S mebaid fut. (amp; subj.) amp; praet. {amp; praes.) s. maidid. mebail = mebal {Schande; shame). 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mebair, mebar, memair, memar G. mebra,nbsp;mebrach, memrach, D. mebair, memair,nbsp;(memar [MS. memmur. Monasteiy ofnbsp;Tallaght p, 142, 24]) f. Gedachtnis, Er-innerung; memory, recollection; do (de)nbsp;mebair (memar) auswendig; by heart, bynbsp;rote. Monastery of Tallaght p. 142, 24;nbsp;PH. 4178; Philip Bocht, p. 125, 2; Silvanbsp;Gadelica, i, p. 279; a-té do mebair lais,nbsp;a-td lais do mebair, a-té aice do mebairnbsp;weif} auswendig, behdlt auswendig; knowsnbsp;by heart, retains by heart. PH. 2185;nbsp;ZCP. XI, p. 44, § 54 (Ê §60; IT. iv, 1,nbsp;1. 631. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mebair subst. amp; praed. adj.; (is) mebair,nbsp;mebar, memair, memar ieis pi. it mebranbsp;leis (TBC. p. 609 n. 5; Anecd. ii, 42, x;nbsp;43,3 (Ê 7f.) ist eingedenk, erinnert sich; isnbsp;mindful, remembers; (is mebair dó), pi (it)nbsp;mebra, mebair ndó {sic MS.!) id. Anecd. ii,nbsp;43,11; (isid) mebair id. TBC. 3552 amp; 3564;nbsp;(is) Idn-mebra ist wll erinnerlieh; is completely remembered. Metr. Dindsh. iii 366,nbsp;2; cf. 1. mebra. (-)mebais (Wi. p. 220, 1.26) praet. 3sg.; (-)mebaismmit (IT. ii, 2, 247, 1.75 [77]),nbsp;fut. 1 pi. s. maidid. |
mebal, mebaii G. -bla f. Schande; shame; .i. ball banda na mné. 0’Dav. 1264; cf.nbsp;Wi.; van Hamel, Compert; Togail nanbsp;Tebe; TSh. mebar = mebair. Wi. 39,18; Betha Colmain, 98,22; MacCarthy, 310 §2; Metr. Dindsh.nbsp;Ill, 28, 39. mebaraigid := mebraigid. (-)mebatar (Laws ii,4,1.6) amp; mebdatar (TBC.) praet. 3 pi; (-)mebddais (Stokes, Cormac,nbsp;p. 36, 1. 23) imperf. 3 pi. s. maidid.nbsp;mebla Gsg. s. mebal. mebiach verraterisch; treacherous. Measgra Danta ii, p. 189, 1. 10; TSh.nbsp;meblugud G. meblaigthe, DA. meblugudnbsp;Scharden, Verfiihren; shaming, seducing.nbsp;Laws 111,364, 3; v, 476, 26; Cain Adamnbsp;nain §50; ZCP. xiii, 272, 16 {MS. mebl-)nbsp;0’Dav. 1226; .i. dul co mnaf. 0’Dav. 1262 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[mebra] gian-mebra {Dsg.) sich genau ernbsp;innern; exactly remembering. IT. iv, 1nbsp;1. 3731; cf. lan-mebra {Gsg.?) Metr. Dindsh.nbsp;111,366,2; cf. 1. mebair. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mebra s. 1. mebair. TBC. p. 609; IT. iv, 1nbsp;1.630; Anecd. ii, 42f.; Metr. Dindsh. ill,nbsp;366, 2 amp; IV, 344, 84. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mebrach Dolch?; dagger?. ITS. i, 40, 26. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mebrach Gsg. s. 1. mebair. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mebrach {erinnerlieh),gelehrt?;{remembered),nbsp;learned?. Ml. 63b 3 {?; MS. inebrai Npl);nbsp;isamm mebrach (cum Gen.) bin eingedenk,nbsp;erinnere mich; I am mirdful, remember.nbsp;IT. IV, 1. mebraid fut. meibrébaid {v. 1. meibrégaid [Dan Dé]) erinnert, lernt, denkt an; remembers, learns, bears in mind. Dan Dé, xxv,nbsp;§76; Philip Bocht, p. 8, §21.nbsp;mebraigid(ir), memraigid(ir), mebaraigid fut.nbsp;mebraigfid (TBC. 6206), mebrógaid (PhUipnbsp;Bocht, p. 93, § 27), meibrégaid (Dan Dé,nbsp;p. 136, 11) erinriert, bewahrt im Gedachtnis,nbsp;lernt, überliefert, berichtet von, plant; remembers, has in mird, learns, memorises, tells of,nbsp;plans; abstr. mebrugud. Vendryes; Wi.;nbsp;TBC. 1. 6206; PH.; TSh. 1. 3042; ITS. ill.nbsp;(-)mebsad praet. fut. 3 sg.; mebsain {DA. id.nbsp;f. Metr. Dindsh.) abstr.; (-)mebsaitis praet.nbsp;fut. 3 pi; (-)mebsait, (-)mebsat praet. 3 pinbsp;s. maidid.nbsp;méc = medgg. meccan, (mecca [Ériu viii, Ir. Gram. Tracts, p. 49,18]) G. -ain. Dpi. meccnaib, Npl. |
104 (as-)meccnaigedar — med-miaoh.
meccain, A. pi. meconu, meocna (m.; cf. Ériu X, Ir. Gram. Tracts, p. 71,25) Wurzel,nbsp;Knolle(n), Pastinake, Rube; root, bulb, parsnip, turnip; meccan rtg Q. meocain rig Pasti-nalce; parsnip. Archiv l, 343; gl. aoorideban-cia (= ?) amp; pastinaoa {Pastinake; parsnip).nbsp;The Academy xlix, 16. May 1896, p. 406a,nbsp;§ 6a {MS. meccon righ; Osg.1); meccannbsp;tua gl. ardagia {leg. ardacha [eine Schling-pflame; a creeping plant}?). Medicalnbsp;Glossaries B. 14; gl. bordana {leg. bardananbsp;[Klette; burdock}). Archiv i, 343; meccannbsp;tuba gl. glas (= meccan tua). Medicalnbsp;Glossaries 0. 6; meccan tugan gl. bardananbsp;(Klette; burdock). RC. ix, p. 227, § 11bnbsp;(= meccan tua). (as-)meccnaigedar gl. eradicat [wurselt aus; roots out}. Ml. 2 a 8. med, (meth [Laws i, 128, 7]) G. meide, DA. meid, Gpl. med /. (Ériu x, Ir. Gram. Tracts,nbsp;p. 91,17) Waagschah, Waage, GMchgewicht,nbsp;Gegenstilck; scale, scales, balance, counterpart;nbsp;med n-erc .i. gort. Aur. Éc. 5641; Anecd.nbsp;Ill, 44,18. meda Gsg. s. mid. medach reich an Met; rich in mead. Metr. Dindsh. medaigid wdgt {ab), erwagt; weighs, balances, considers. Philip Bocht, p. 79, § 19; Egertonnbsp;Glossary. medair, medar, (meidir-) G. medra, medrach (Syllabic Poetry, p. 44, § 18), medair, DA.nbsp;medair, D. medar, Gpl. medar /. m. (Ériu x,nbsp;Ir. Gram.Tracts, p. 71,11), n.? {cf. SR. 5446nbsp;[iVsg.?]) fröhliches Geplauder, Unterhaltung,nbsp;Gesprach, Bede{n), Fröhlichkeit; merry chat,nbsp;conversation, talk, speech, mirth; .i. caintnbsp;no urlabra. 0’CI.; .i. urlabra. (Fél. Nov. 11,nbsp;gl.); adj.?: fröhlich?, munter?; mirthful?,nbsp;pleasant?. ITS. x; Hogan, p. 238 (B. ofnbsp;Pen. 416); in compositione: fröhlich, lustig;nbsp;mirthful, merry. (-)meda]T praet. s. medraid {verwirrt; confuses). medal gl. panca {leg. pantex \Wanst; belly}). Ir. Gl. 235; cf. ZCP. vii, 363, n. 2 medam G -ama[i]n (LL. 148a 12), D. -amain m. Richter, Beurteiler; judge. Laws iv,nbsp;266, 2; Bürgschaft, p. 20, §60; ZCP. vill,nbsp;197, § 10; LL. 29b48 = YBL. 419b41; LL.nbsp;148 a 12; {MS. medon) .i. oUam. O’Don.nbsp;p. 676 a. |
1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[medan] Dpi. medanaib {sic MS.) Met-getrank; mead-like drink. TTr. 164. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;meddn = medón {Mitte; midst). Ériu x,nbsp;Ir. Gram. Tracts, p. 83, y. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;medar? {kg. metar?) gl. parra (ein Vogel,nbsp;dessen Geschrei Unglück bedeutet; a birdnbsp;whose cry augurs bad luck). Ir. Gl. 66. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;medar = medair. medar-chain pi. -e fröhlich plaudernd, fröhlich, lustig; merrily chatting, mirthful, merry.nbsp;ITS. X. medar-chotaltach pi. -a durch Plaudern schlafrig; made skepy by chatting. Togaünbsp;na Tebe, 3942. medarda fröhlich; mirthful. TBC. 6516 {MS. C. VI, 3); RC. XIV, 30, § 12 {MS. medbartha);nbsp;.i. medrach nó luaimnech. 0’CI. medar-glorach, meidir-glorach mit lustiger Stimme; merry-voiced. Wi. p. 683b; ITS. i,nbsp;38, 26f. medar-meisce, (lustige) Trunkeriheit; (merry) drunkenness. Mesca Ulad, p. 42, 26f. (¦)medarsat praet. amp; pron. suff. 2 sg. {es ver-wirrte dich; it confused you), s. medraid. LL. 287 a 16. medb berauschend?; intoxicating?. Ériu ii, 12; Silva Gadehca i, 361, 35; .i. Serb. Diiilnbsp;Droma Ceta, p. 214, 26; 0’Mulc. 816. medbdn efibarer Seetang?; edible see-weed?. IT. IV, 1, 737; cf. Dinneen. med-dechnad n.? (Hogan, 143) ein Versma^; a meter. medgg (méc) G. meidgg, DA. medgg m. Molken; whey. Cormac902; Dull Droma Ceta, p. 199, 12; RC. xliii, 52, 12 lt;Ê 16; ITS.nbsp;XXV; R. Ir. Ac. Transactions xxiv, p. 203,nbsp;16 amp; 209, 11; TSh. 4108; Joyce iii, 472;nbsp;gl. serum (Molken; whey). Supplement tonbsp;Thes. Pal. 67, 23; Ir. Gl. 783; medgg (MS.nbsp;meag) eorna Brei aus Gersie und Molken?;nbsp;barky-whey?. Togail na Tebe, p. xv, 24;nbsp;medgg-uisce G. id. Molken-Wasset?; whey-water?. Fél. p. 64, 1. 28; ZCP. xi, p. 161,nbsp;§ 204; R. Ir. Ac. Transactions xxiv, p. 203,nbsp;28 f.; 204, 7; 206, 10; 208, 24. med-lin (in: med-lan glaicce) eine wie mitder Waage gemessene Handvoll?; a handful asnbsp;if measured with the scales?. RC. xxix,nbsp;136, §53. med-miach ein als Map dienender Sack; a bag serving as measure. ZCP. xiv,nbsp;349, 34. |
medón — (di-)meice(dar). 105
medón, (meodan, medón, meideón) G. -óin, pl. -óin m. (Ériu x, Ir. Gram. Tracts,nbsp;p. 83 f.) Mitte, {Hitte vom) Leib, Bauch,nbsp;Eingeweide; middle, midst, {midst of the)nbsp;body, helly, bowels. ITS. xxv {passim; e. g.nbsp;60, x; 64, 6; 286, 2); adv. {von?) drinnen;nbsp;{from?) within. IT. ii, 1, p. 173, 12; medon-mittlere; middle; a m-medon von innen;nbsp;from within. Thes. Pal. i, 486, 22f; arnbsp;medón adv. mitten drin, {da)rinnen, imnbsp;Innern, innerlieh; in the midst, within;nbsp;subst. -f ar medón einheimisch; native, home-.nbsp;TBC. 20; ZCP. XV, p. 364, § 49, gl. 3; eter...nbsp;ar medón mitten zwischen; in the midst of.nbsp;TBC. 696 lt;£ 6415; PH.; i... ar medónnbsp;mitten in... (hindn); into the midst of.nbsp;RC. IX, 468, 7f; i medón, i m-medón, anbsp;medón praep. G. S adv. inmitten; innbsp;the midst {of); medón aidche, medón oidchenbsp;G. medóin oidche m. Mitternacht {eine dernbsp;kanonischen Stunden); midnight {one of thenbsp;canonical hours); adv. um Mitternacht; atnbsp;midnight. EC. ix, 452, 13; Ériu ii, 100, 8nbsp;amp; 130, §103; medón laithe, medón laf,nbsp;(medón laf 7 laithe [IT. iv, 1, n. 1803,1804])nbsp;G. medóin lal Mittag, Mittagszeit {eine dernbsp;kanonischen Stunden); midday, noontidenbsp;{one of the canonical hours); adv. amnbsp;Mittag; at midday. Anecd. i, 8, 4; ZCP. iii,nbsp;216, §32; ef. medón-la. medónach Gsg. m. -aig, Gsg. f. medóncha, compar. medónaige mittlere, in der Mittenbsp;befindlich, innere, gemamp;pigt, durehschnitt-lich, Mittel-; middle, central, inner, moderate, average, mid-. IT. iv, 2; TBC. 6465;nbsp;Laws; PH.; TSh. medónda {mitten) dazwischen liegend, in der Mitte befindlich, mittlere; intermediate, central, middle. Sg. 10a2f., a6; IT. ill, 91,16nbsp;amp; 95, 22; Togail na Tebe, 2704. [medón-gat] in; fer medon-gaite ein Mann, der im Besitz gestohlenen Gutes ist; a mannbsp;who is in possession of stolen goods. Laws III, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;302,19. medón-ld {Dsg.), G. medan-lai Mittag, Mittagszeit; midday, noontide. TBC. 6066; IT. IV, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;2, 1.848; ITS. xiv, 64, II; leg. medónnbsp;lal, G. medóin lal.^; ef. medón. [medón-mór] G. -meoir Mittelfinger; middle-finger. IT. IV, 2, 1. 5308. medón-sfdaigthi[d] Mittler; mediator. Plummer, Lives, 23, § 1. |
med Ó n -smirda (pl.) gl. medulla {Mark; marrow]. Ml. 127b 14. medónta = medóntu. medóntacht (in: fo medóntacht;) in der Mitte; medially. Aur. Éo. 1369. medóntaid? {MS. mhedontaig, Vsg.) Mittler;nbsp;mediator. PH. 160. medón-tairismid nó [-jgabóltaid gl. mediasti-nuB {Knecht; servant). Sg. 37bl3. medon-teistimin Mitte der {Satz-)Periode;nbsp;middle of the period {of a sentence). Asc.nbsp;386. [medóntu], medónta D. (-taid), -taig, -ta Mitte, mittlere Höhe\ middle, middle amount.nbsp;Laws IV, 1521'. amp; 154,1; Aur. He. 1369 amp;nbsp;44241. medotaeda {MS. metotagdai) in; gaethlaigib miiot.?LedZi{Dpl.)mdotischeSumpfe;Maeotian marshes. Schirmer, p. 9, 1, 31; leg. méó-tagda?. medra, medrach Gsg. s. medair {Fröhliehkeit, Unterhaltung; mirth, conversation). Metr.nbsp;Dindsh. ii, 82, 31; SR. 2975; SyUabionbsp;Poetry, p. 44, § 18. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;medrach Gsg. f. -aige frohlich plaudernd,nbsp;frbhlich, lustig; merrily chatting, mirthful,nbsp;merry; .i. grednach. Bruchstücke 166 n;nbsp;cf. Metr. Dindsh; Laws. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;medrach s. medair. 1. medraid praes. 3 pl. rel. medardda, praet. (-)medairnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;MS. (-)metair. Hogan, p. 6, 14], pl. -medarsat verwirrt, bet'órt, bezaubert, tollt, plaudert heiter; confuses,nbsp;misleads, charms, frolics, chats merrily.nbsp;Bruchstücke, 157; abstr. medrad Torheit;nbsp;folly. Dan Dé, p. 152, Ilf; cf. TBC.nbsp;medraigid verwirrt; confuses. RC. xliii, 32,nbsp;24; abstr. [medrugud] G. medraigthe Ver-wirrung; confusion. ITS. x, p. 40, 1. 98 amp; p. 66, 1.11. med-toshgachtaigthid gl. libripens {einer, der die Waage halt; one who holds the scales).nbsp;Sg. 114al. (-)meglastar (Trip. 180,24) praet. s. mëighd. meibrébaid fut. s. mebraid {erinnert; remembers). DAn Dé, XXV, § 76.nbsp;meibrégaid fut. s. mebraigid(ir) {erinnert; remembers). Dan Dé, p. 136, 11. meicc s. 1. macc. (di-)meice(dar), (-)dimicedar, dfmicnigid ver-achtet, verschmdht, verwirft, entehrt; contemns, despises, reprobates, dishonors; part. |
106 [meicellach] — meilid.
amp; gerund, dimictlie; part. compar. dimictlüu absir. dlmicem G. -cme, DA. -cim /.nbsp;dfmicen, dfmicin G. -one, DA. -cin /.nbsp;dfmiciu, dfmice. Contr. [meicellach] D. -aig Blöken; bleating. ITS. XII, 152,16; ef. mëigM. méich Gsg. s. miach, (Sack; soek).nbsp;meichem ? .i. nem-mórad. Duil Droma Ceta,nbsp;189,33. meichlid = mëiglid (blokt; bleats). Lism.L.389. meiclech Blöken; bleating. Ériu xii, 18, §23;nbsp;cf. mëiglid. mélde DA. id., pl. id. amp; -eda, Gpl. -ed Nacken (genauer: der untere Teil des Halsesnbsp;an seiner Verbindungsstelle mit dem Rumpf),nbsp;Halsstummel; neck (more exactly: the lowernbsp;part of the neck at its junction with thenbsp;trunk), stump of neck. EO. xuv, 27, n. 6.nbsp;méidech (méigech) G. -ig m. Bumpf (ohnenbsp;Kopf); trunk (without head). TBC. 2254nbsp;(MSS.: C. 6. 3 = meidin, H. 1,13 [TBC.nbsp;p. 1107] = medigh; Gsg.); ITS. vii, p. 29,nbsp;U. 27 lt;ê 28 = EC. VII, p. 298, 1.140 amp;nbsp;1. 142; Eriu VI, p. 160. méidel abstr. s. mëiglid (blokt; bleats). Êriu x, Ir. Gram. Tracts, p. 105,19 amp; 107,4.nbsp;meidel-tromm = meigel-tromm.nbsp;meideon = medón (Mitte; midst). Ériu x,nbsp;Ir. Gram. Tracts, p. 83, y.nbsp;mëidil abstr. s. mëiglid {blokt; bleats). TSh.nbsp;2325. meidin G. id. Nacken; neck. TBC. meidir-glorach = medar-glórach. Wi. p. 683b.nbsp;meidlech abstr. s. mëiglid {blokt; bleats). Aur.nbsp;É0.1. 540 n. méigech = méidech (Bumpf; trunk). Ériu vi, p. 160. meigel-tromm, meidel-tromm mit wuchtigem Brullen oder Tosen; loud roaring. ITS. XXIII. mëiglid (meichlid) blokt, meckert; bleats. Trip. 180, 24; Lism.L. 389; abstr. a) mëigelnbsp;G. mëigle, D. mëigel, A. mëigil (Mac Con-glinne, 101, 11; iSriu x, Ir. Gram. Tracts,nbsp;p. 105, 19 amp; p. 107 1.1377; 0’Dav. 1246);nbsp;b) mëidel, mëidil (Ériu x, Ir. Gram. Tracts,nbsp;p. 105, 19 amp; 107, 4; TSh. 2325); c) lt;Ê d)nbsp;mëiglech lt;amp; mëidlech (Aur. Éc. 640 amp; 3170);nbsp;e) méilig (Dsg. amp; Nsg.?. ITS. xii, 152,16;nbsp;Egerton Glossary); cf. meioleoh amp; meioeUach.nbsp;[(ar-)meil], (-)airmil cum Aoo. rrmhlt fur;nbsp;for. Laws iv, 308,19; 310,24. |
(con-)meil, (-)commail, (-)cummail, coimmlid, cuimmlid, (cuimmilid [PH. p. 603]) rdbtnbsp;(an = do), zerreibt, (zer)mahlt, zermalmt,nbsp;reibt auf; rubs (on = do), grinds, crushes,nbsp;harasses; (con)-mélaid (fut.) .i. caithfid.nbsp;0’CI. (EC. V, 23,3); abstr. a) coimmlidnbsp;(MS. co(m)mlith; D. sg.)Ml. 118b3; b) com-mailt DA. id.; wirken auf (= re);nbsp;having an effect on (=re) TSh. 3332; c) coim-meilt G. ooimmelta, D. coimmeilt Fél.nbsp;p. 134,14; PH. 1144; Hib. Min. 71,21;nbsp;Ériu X, Ir. Gram. Tracts, p. 96, 3 lt;ê p. 97,nbsp;1.1194; d) coimmilt D. id. ITS. xxv (e. g.nbsp;p. 62, 21 amp; p. 206); Massage; massage.nbsp;ITS. XXV,p. 352; e) amp; f)(cummailt amp; cuim-milt) Ériu x, Ir. Gram. Tracts, p. 96, 3.nbsp;g) (cimmilt) ITS. xxv, p. 352 (MS. 3. B. 16).nbsp;(fo-)meil, [-fomail] wendel auf, braucht, ver-braucht, braucht auf, niXtzt ab, verzehrt;nbsp;spends, uses (up), wears (mt), consumes.nbsp;Laws V, 244, 20; ZCP. xvill, 330; H. 3.nbsp;17 col. 416; abstr. fomaiit, foimeilt G.nbsp;fomalta, foimelta /. Laws; O’Don. p. 647a;nbsp;-f Verbrauch, Verzehr; consumption, waste.nbsp;Bürgschaft, p. 24, § 67 cê p. 64, 6; (Bechtnbsp;auf) Gebrauch; (right to) use. Triads, 87.nbsp;meilbleith (Dsg.) Wetzen; grinding. IT. iv, 2,nbsp;1. 4638 amp; 4969. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;meile pl. id. Gaul, Klepper, Pferd; nag,nbsp;hack, horse. Br.D.D. §28; Ériu ii, 4,12nbsp;(v. 1. mile); .i. cappaU. Diiil Droma Ceta,nbsp;p. 190, 2; Ériu ii, 12 (H. 3, 18, p. 636d);nbsp;.i. gerran. Ériu li, 4, n. 61; EC. xxil, 427;nbsp;Archiv 1,314, s. v. meléni. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;meile DA. id. Mahlen?; grinding?. Co-gadh Gaedhelre GaUaibh, 116,13; c/. meile,nbsp;beile (na brón). Ériu viil, Ir. Gram. Tracts,nbsp;p. 39, 18; .i. bró. Metr.; O’CL; c/. meilidnbsp;(abstr.?). 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;meile Faulenzer, Tor?; sluggard?, fool?.nbsp;ZCP. XI, p. 161, § 209; .i. droch-laech. 0’CI.;nbsp;.i. lorgganach. H. 3,18, p. 661; 0’CI.; cf. s. v.nbsp;méla: ben méile .i. ammatan, amp; 1. meile. 4. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;meile pl. id. .i. copp-chaille. Cormac 953;nbsp;(pl.) .i. copp-chaile, callada nó bréite bitenbsp;ar chennaib ban. 0’CI. méile = méla. Wi. 73,1; Triads, 223. meiléine (Gsg.) .i. dioch-eioh. 0’Mulo. 762.nbsp;meilge .i. luige béis?. 0’CI.; cf. melgg.nbsp;meilid, (-)meil, (-)meilenn; (melaid [TBC.nbsp;2247; Lism.L. 2268]); milid [TBC. 3789; v. 1.nbsp;me(i)l]; bleithid? [MS. -bleidh (praet.). |
méilig — meirb-lige. 107
TBC. p. 95, n. 2]) mahlt, wetzt, schkijt, zer-reiit, zermahU, Iraucht (auf), verzehri, geniest, bringl hervor, berichtet, kctut wieder-, grinds, whets, sharpens, crushes, wears (out),nbsp;consumes, enjoys, produces, tells of, chews thenbsp;cud. TBC. (Str.), 3696; meilid a barainn fornbsp;JÖ/8J seinen Zorn aus an; gives vent to hisnbsp;anger on; abstr. a) bleth, lt;mlethgt;, bleith,nbsp;lt;mleithgt; G. bleithe, lt;mleithegt;, DA. With,nbsp;lt;mlithgt;, bleith, '(mleithgt; (/.; cf. Ériu x.nbsp;It. Gram. Tracts, p. 69, 5); Lohn; wages;nbsp;.i. in lóg fir fognama. O’Don. p. 684;a;nbsp;b) bleithe?. Metr.Dindsh. m,96,16; c) meiltnbsp;(milt [Lecan Glossary, M. 154]) D. meiltnbsp;(/.; cf. Ériux, Ir. Gram. Tracts, p. 69,6);nbsp;•i. caithem. Lecan Glossary, 340, M. 164;nbsp;0’CI.; d) meile?, s. 2. meile; e) meiad?;nbsp;cf. Lism. L. méilig (Dsg. amp; Nsg.) abstr. s. mëighd {blöM; bleats). ITS. xn, 162,16; Egerton Glossary. meilincech (MS. melingcech) melancholisch; melancholic. ITS. xxv, 132, 9 amp; 146, 1. [meille] G. id. eine (Art) Zwiebel; a (species of) onion. ZCP. xvin, 105f.; ITS. xii; Annalsnbsp;of Ulster, p. 809, 1. 9; TBC. (Str.) 1.1343. meillisa pi. pimintaria (leg. pigmentaria [Melisse; melissaj). Medical Glossaries A, 17;nbsp;cf. ITS. XXV, p. 394. meilt abstr. s. meilid. meilt-chomairt ZcmaZmew?; crushing?. ZCP. XIV, 240,14. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;meiltech amp; miltech .i. tech mellis (desnbsp;Honigs; of honey). Cormac 914. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;meiltech = miltech (zerstorend; destructive). Keating, Danta Amhrain. méim?? (sic MS.)? Thes. Pal. ii, 248, 4. mein s. ma. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;méin = mian (Verlangen; desire). 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;méin = mian (Erz; ore). (-)méin lernte; learnt; cf. ca halt don maoin naohar méin .i. ca haiste don eladainnbsp;nachar foglaimm. ZCP. v, 489, 1.1; cf.nbsp;(-)moinethar. (do-)mein? (Erin iv, 236, § 5) praet. 3 sg. s. (do-)moinethar ?. 1. meince, mince, minca DA. id. f. Haufig-keit; frequency. Wb. 17c24; Ml. 86dl; Laws III, 112, 11; Cormac, 870; TBC. 2265;nbsp;ZCP. Ill, 25,13 amp; 449, z; 0’Mulo.; Caithréimnbsp;Cellaig, 1. 18; gl. frequentatio. O’Mulc.nbsp;143; a minca ( Bel. Satz; rel. clause),nbsp;besonders, wsnn man bedenkt wie hou fig; |
especially, considering how often. TSh. 6913 S 8306; cd meince wie oft; how often. PH.nbsp;7329; gach a minca ( Rel. Satz; rel.nbsp;clause) so oft wie; as often as. TSh. 140,nbsp;6836 amp; 7492. 2. meince pi. S compar. s. meinicc (hiiufig; frequent). meincedn adv. in meincan (sic MS.); gl. slt;agt;epmsculo (ziemlich oft; pretty often).nbsp;Sg. 46 a 14. meincigid(ir), mincigid(ir) hauft sich, isthdufy; multiplies, is frequent. Ml. 36a40, 88b2;nbsp;meincigid (cinta) do dénam tut, begeht,nbsp;hdufig (Verfehlungen); does, commits frequently (faults). Laws iii, 380, z; abstr.nbsp;meinciugud hiiufige Wiederholung; fre-queni repetition. Ml. 47a4, 88d5.nbsp;meincigthech mit Vervielfaltigung; multipkx.nbsp;Sg. 173a 6. meinciu compar. s. meinicc. meing = mehg. ITS. i.nbsp;meinicc, minicc hiiufig, oft; frequent, often;nbsp;compar. meinciu, -ce, mincu, -ca. Wi.;nbsp;TBC.; Laws; PH.; Togaü na Tehe; TSh.nbsp;meiniccnigid, miniccnigid tut oft, kommthaufig;nbsp;does frequently, comes frequently. TTr. 208;nbsp;O’Don. p. 678a.nbsp;meinistir = meinstir. méin-legad (Erz-)Schmeken; smelting (of ore). TTr. 132. méinn = mian (Verlangen; desire). ITS. x, s. V. aoin-méinn. méinne du. id. Begleitung; company. Metr. Dindsh. meinstir (Thes. Pal. ii, 241, 17), meinistir, ministir G. meinistre, meinistrech, ministre,nbsp;DA. meinistir, ministir, pi. memistre,nbsp;Gpl. meinistrech m. (cf. Eriu x, Ir. Gram.nbsp;Tracts, p. 83, 3) Beliquienkapsel; reliquary;nbsp;cf. Plummer, Lives li, p. 356, § 232; Triadsnbsp;63: Heiligtum?; halidom?.nbsp;meirb, merb schwach, schlaff; weak, slack. Wi.; SR.: Schw'dche; weakness. meirbe, merba G. id. f. Schwache, Schlaffheit;nbsp;weakness, slackness. PH.; Gorm.; Metr.nbsp;Dindsh.; 0’CI.; Wi.nbsp;meirblide = meirb-lithe?.nbsp;meirblige G. id. unruhige Bewegung; restlessnbsp;motion. SR. meirb-lige (krank liegen), Kranhheit; (lying on one’s bed of) sickness. Ex glossario manunbsp;scripto quod Murphy composuit (adITS. vii). |
108 meirbligid — meism.
1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;meirbligid macht oder mrd schwaeh; makesnbsp;or becomes weak; part, meirbligthe sehlaff;nbsp;slack. IT. IV, 2, 4784. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;meirbligid = merblaigid.nbsp;meirb-lfthe, meirblide Ueich?; pale?. TSh.nbsp;meirb-nell Ohnmacht, Schwache; swoon, weakness. ITS. XII. meircit? (flsg. ?)?. 0’Mulc. 116. meirddrech G. -rige f. Hure; whore. Laws;nbsp;PH.; TSh. meirddrechas G. -ais, DA. -as Prostitution, Hurerei, Unzucht; prostitution, harlotry,nbsp;fornication. Laws i, 190, 28f.; Cormac,nbsp;817; PH.; LBr. 185a 17; TSh. 1507. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;meirgge pi. id. amp; -eda Pahne; flag. Wi.;nbsp;PH.; ITS. V. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;meirgge (H.) Rost{igkeit); rustlflness).nbsp;TogaU na Tebe; cf. mergg. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;meirggech, merggach N. pi. f. -acha mitnbsp;Bannern, Standarten versehen; having banners, standards. Plummer, Lives, p. 14nbsp;n. 8; ITS. V, 128, x; Bruchstücke §47. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;meirggech = 1. merggach (rostig; rusty).nbsp;TBC. p. 655, n. 6; IT. iv, 2, 1. 482; Metr.nbsp;Dindsh. meirgginech /. Dime; slut. ITS. xiii, 220,1. 9. më’irie G. id. Diebstahl; theft. Laws; Metr.nbsp;Dindsh. m^irlech G. -ig, pi. -ig m. (Hriu x, Ir. Gram. Tracts, p. 75, z) Dieb, Bauber, Rebell,nbsp;Schurke; thief, robber, rebel, rascal; .i. ga-taige. 0’CI.; Bgerton Glossary; Measgranbsp;Danta ii, p. 176, 1. 34.nbsp;më’irlechas G. -ais, D. -as Aufruhr, Wider-setzliehkeit; rebellion. TSh. p. 453b lt;£1. 7035.nbsp;meirsce? (pi.?) Narbe?; scar?. ITS. iv, 2,nbsp;1. 6069; cf. Dinneen s. v. méirscre.nbsp;meirse G. id. f.? (amp; meirsem) Sellerie; (wild)nbsp;celery, smallage. ITS. xxv; meirse gardanbsp;(MS. garrga. The Academy) gl. apium do-mesticum (MS. domis diccum. The Academy) [Sellerie; (wild) celery). ITS. xxv,nbsp;p. 386 (MS. 3. B. 16); The Academynbsp;XLix, 16. May 1896 p. 406b, § 12 a.nbsp;më’irse G. id. gl. mersiamentum (leg. meroia-mentum [Geldbufle; monetary atonement]);nbsp;amp; voile Gewalt; absolute power. Ir. Gl. 780;nbsp;c/.Dhmeen s.i). meirse; ITS. xviii; Measgranbsp;Danta i. meirsech in der vollen Gewald; being in the absolute power (von; of = do). Measgranbsp;Dénta ii. |
(-)meirt (Br.D.D. p. 40, n. 1) praet. 3 sg. s. mairnid. meirten, meirtin = mertan (Niedergeschlagen-heit; depression). meirtne (Dsg.) Niedergeschlagenheit; depression. Hogan p. 60, 3; cf. mertan. meirtnech Npl. m. -ig S -eoha niedergeschla-gen, ermüdet, erschopft, schwach; dispirited,nbsp;fatigued, exhausted, feeble; nem-meirtnechnbsp;urtermüdlich, unverdrossen; unwearied, indefatigable. IT. IV, 2,1.351; Togail na Tebe;nbsp;TTr.; Measgra Danta ii, p. 144, § 64, 1.16.nbsp;meirtnige G. id. f. Niedergeschlagenheit, Schlaff-heit; dejection, languor. Wi. 216, y; vannbsp;Hamel, Compert. meirtniugud (Dsg.) erschopft sein; act of being exhausted. Plummer, Lives, p. 54, 29.nbsp;meis Zerstorung; ruin. Metr. Dindsh.nbsp;meisce s. mesca (Trunkenheit; intoxication).nbsp;meiscech betrunken; drunken. ITS. x.nbsp;[meiscell] G. -cül eine Art Narr; a kind of fool. 0’Dav. 1267; cf. ZCP. X, 362. meiscemail (ITS. i) = mescamaü.nbsp;meiscétiach G. -aig .i. bis a cummas a chétailnbsp;.i. in maroach duaine. 0’Dav. 1226; cf.nbsp;ZCP. X, 352.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;• 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;meise part. amp; gerund, s. mididir (urteilt;nbsp;judges). 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;meise gekocht; boiled; .i. bruithe. Macnbsp;Conglinne. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;meise = 1. mesa. 4. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;meise (van Hamel, Compert; Laws) s. mé.nbsp;méise Osg. s. mias (Sehüssel; dish). meisech cum Gen. berechtigt, befdhigt, faihig; competent, capable, able. O’Don.; Laws. (-)meised subj. impf. s. mididir amp; (-)midedar.nbsp;meiseén (MS. mesean; Gsg.?) Schoflhund?; lap-dog?. IT. in 99, 4; cf. mesan. meisemnacht, mesamnacht, meisimnecht Recht-sprechwng, Schatzung; jurisdiction, estimation. Lecan Glossary. meisemnaigid urteilt, beurteilt, schatzt, miflt, regelt, plant; judges, adjudges, estimates,nbsp;measures, regulates, plans; abstr. meisem-nugud amp; -nad?. Lecan Glossary; IT. in, 2,nbsp;442; Laws. meisid, in mesid (sic MS.) adv. part. s. mididir (urteilt; judges).nbsp;meisimnecht = meisemnacht.nbsp;meisin? kleiner Zögling?; little fosterling?.nbsp;IT. Ill, p. 368, § 193 (Nsg.); ITS. ix,nbsp;p. 118,1.1871 (Gsg.)?. |
meisir — meldach. 109
meisir suij. pass. s. mididir (urtdlt-, j% Wi; O’Don. meisnech, misnech 0. -nig amp; -nige, DA. -nig, A. -neoh m. f. (cf. Ériu x, Ir. Gram. Tracts,nbsp;p. 109,4 amp; p. 61, 6) Mut, Absichten; courage, intentions. ITS. v, 102, 7; vii, p. 9,nbsp;28; RC. IX, 468, 2; XIX, p. 128, §96;nbsp;XLill, 60, 26f.; Ériu x, Ir. Gram. Tracts,nbsp;p.64, 1.671; Togail na Tebe, 2666; TSh.;nbsp;Keating, Danta Amhrdin; Cogadh Gaedbelnbsp;re Gallaibh, p. 70,z; [deg-meisnech] D. -nignbsp;Mut; courage. Four Masters v, p. 1322,12;nbsp;droch-meisnech Mutlosiglceit; discouragement. ITS. x,p. 138,1.143f; ar meisnig cumnbsp;Gen. vermoge; by force of. Kriu v, 190, 3.nbsp;[meisnigid] ermutigt; encourages; abstr. meis-niugud {MS. mesnugud). Togail na Tebe,nbsp;3760. meisrin {Dsg. amp; Ndu.) Map [Qefap von. bestimmtem Inhalt); measure {vessel of a definite capacity); .i. da 14n déc uige circe.nbsp;Laws III, 334, y.; cf. mesraine.nbsp;meisrine? Laws i, 184,22; s. s. v. meistin.nbsp;m eiste = 2. mesa {compar. s. ole) de; s. 2. mesa {schlimmer, schlechter; worse). meistech .i. cuntabairt. Dull Droma Ceta,nbsp;p. 189, X. meistin? {Dsg.) in: bo co n-a meistin {sic MS.) i {leg. .i. ?) meisrine Kdlbchen?; little calf?.nbsp;Laws 1,184,22; cf. bo gu n-a meisdin {sicnbsp;MS. H. 2,15, p. 6a [facs.]).nbsp;méit, mét G. méite D. amp; méite {n.) f. Menge,nbsp;QrBPe, Betrag, Entfernung; multitude, quantity, amount, distance; a mét je gröper... ist;nbsp;the greater ... is; d’a mét tde grop auch;nbsp;however great; ba méite es ware entsprechend,nbsp;es ist wahrscheinlich; it would be natural,nbsp;it is likely. ITS. xxi; Ériu x, 190; cf.nbsp;Asc.348; Wi.; TBC.; Laws; PH.; Togailnbsp;na Tebe; Metr. Dindsh.; TSb.; Horn. Leg.nbsp;p. 113. meith lt;ApZ. aithig m(e)itb = ?. TBC. (Str.) 2607 (= TBC. 3372)) s. mith. méith, méth fett; fat. Wi.; Four Songs; cf.nbsp;mith. méithe 0. id. f. Fettigkeit; fatness. Laws, meithel G. meithle Schar von Erntearbeitern;nbsp;band of reapers. Wi.; TSh.; Egertonnbsp;Glossary. meither (tê meitbir?) A. meither Kleidung; clothing. ITS. xii, 108, 23; MacConghnne. meithes = methas. |
méithigid rmcht fett; fattens. ITS. xxix. meithleoir Apl. -eórai m. Ernter; reaper. Ml.nbsp;136d9. méithred (ITS. xviii, 22, 7) = méthrad. méitigecht G. -ta f. Grope; quantity, size. Laws II, 232,16. méitigid (Laws) = métaigid.nbsp;meitithir (-ther) cum Acc. so grop wie; asnbsp;great as. Wi.; cum „re“ vide BethaColaimnbsp;Chille, 386, 29. meitrén amp; meitrïne kleines QefdP; small vessel. BC. XII, 466, mél? gl. pituita {Schnupfen; head cold). BC. XXIX, 269, §2. mela Gsg. s. mil {Honig; honey). méla (méiie) G. id. f. Schande, Schimpf,nbsp;Leid, Hummer, Arger; shame, reproach,nbsp;grief, sorrow, anger; .i. aithis. 0’CI.; [ben]nbsp;méiie, 0. mnd méiie Eure; harlot. Triads,nbsp;223; .i. ammatdn. Triads, 223 gl.; cf-Wi.; TBC.; Metr. Dindsh. (-)meia, (-)méla subj. amp; fut. s. meilid amp; (-)meil. mélacht DA. id. Schimpf, Schande; reproach, shame. Aso. 376; Wi. p. 684a; LÜ. 10911;nbsp;TTr. 389. mélachtach schimpflich, beschamt; disgraceful, ashamed, van Hamel, Compert p. 46, 23;nbsp;gl. contumehosus. Ml. 124 c 14.nbsp;mélachtnaigid bedecht mit Schmach; coversnbsp;with shame. Aur. Éo. 141 f. S 2430; abstr.nbsp;mélachtnugud. O’Don. p. 676a. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;melaid melodisch?; melodious?. Fél. Jul. 12;nbsp;cf. Hermathena xxii, 272. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[melaid] = meilid {mahlt; grinds). TBC.nbsp;2247; Lism. L. 2268; MaoCarthy, p. 62, z. melbaccén (Egerton Glossary) = mil-bocc4n. meld, mell G. mella? (Laws iii, 94, 6; cf.nbsp;mella), D. meild, Opl. meld, mell Wonne?;nbsp;happiness?. Thes. Pal. ii, 291,14; TBC.nbsp;(Str.) 849 = TBC. 1614 (meld-aitt); ZCP.nbsp;XI, p. 151, § 32 (mell-suide); Hail Brigitnbsp;§ 3 ?; .i. mil no airbite nó failte. 0’Dav.nbsp;1218; Mag Meld, Mag Mell G. Muige Mellnbsp;„Feld der Wonnen“? {Name einer Elfen-Landschaft); “field of raptures”? {name ofnbsp;a fairy countryside). Imr. Br. § 34 lt;amp; § 39;nbsp;Wi. 209, 30; ZCP. xvii, 196, 6; Fianaigechtnbsp;60, § 27; Silva Gadehca, i, 266f.; cf. 4. mellnbsp;amp; meU-gleo. meldach, mellach angenehm, Héb; agreeable, pleasant; .i. aibinn, .i. maith. 0’CI.; |
110 melgg — mell-gleo.
mell-irignecli — menadacli. Ill
112 (-)menaid — menn.
§ 45; Monastery of TaUaght, § 73f.; Anecd. I, 75; Ériu vii, p. 140, §3 cê xi, 98, 21;nbsp;R. Ir. Ac. Transactions xxiv, p. 204, 1nbsp;amp; 206,21; 0’Don. p. 676b; .i. garban.nbsp;ZCP. IV, 161, n. 2; cf. O’Onrry i, p. ccclx.nbsp;(-)iiienaids«ij.2p2.s.momid(ir), (-)mome(thar).nbsp;ménaigid gl. inhiat {öffnet sick Maffend;nbsp;gapes). Ml. 71d4; abstr. ménugud O. mé-naigtbe Hiat; hiatus. Sg. 8b 11; 40b 8.nbsp;(fo-)mBnainn {Pokorny) amp; (ro-)menainn (RO. XX, 416, 1.16) s. afamginn. (-)ménair (Thes. Pal. ii, 321, 1. 2) 3 sg. praet. s. moinid(ir), (-)moine(tbar). 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[menann]? {leg. mén...?) Dpi. menan-naib {amp; mennanibus [sic MS.]) gl. ginglt;(igt;visnbsp;(Zahnfleiseh; gum of mouth). 0’Mulc. 657;nbsp;Ir. Gl. p. 139, n. 22. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;menann, lt;menandgt; praed. adj. Mar, deut-lich, offenbar; clear, evident, manifest.nbsp;Wb. 5 c 16; Laws i, 18,18f.; Hib. Min. 1.134nbsp;lt;Ê 171; Pél. Prol. 286; Bruchstücke §76;nbsp;.i. follas. Fél. Prol. 286 gl.; Three Irishnbsp;Glossaries, p. 127, 3; 0’Dav. 1101; 0’Don.nbsp;p.676b (H. 3, 18, p.358b); 0’CI. ménar = mad-génair. ménar 1 sg. praet; (-)menatar subj. 3 pl.; (-)ménatar praei. 3pl.; (-)mena(thar) subj.nbsp;3 sg.s.momid(ir), (-)moine(thar). Ped.ii, § 182.nbsp;[menb], menm Mein?; small?. SR. 4369; cf. Thes. Pal. ii, 288, n. e. [menbach, minbach] Npl. -a Bruchstüclc; fragment. Anecd, iii, 55,3; LU. 9408. menbaigid, menmaigid zerMeinert, haul Mein,nbsp;zertrümmert; breaks or cuts to pieces, wrecks.nbsp;Cormac, 518; SR. 4149 amp; 8216; part.nbsp;menbaigthe. IT. iv, 2, 1.3632; abstr.nbsp;menbugud. Cormac, 518.nbsp;menchomarc = menmmarc.nbsp;mencu compar. s. meinicc (haufig; frequent).nbsp;Laws 111,402, 4; RC. xxx, 380, 11; LL.nbsp;201 b 57.nbsp;mene s, ma. menfad Freude?; gladness?. Togail na Tebe, 3842. ménfadach Oahnen; yawning. ITS. xxv, p.26,1 amp; 228, 7. 1. meng, (meing, ming) Q. meinge, mihg, BA. meihg, {A.mehg [Mao Carthy], mihg) f.?m.?nbsp;Betrug, List, Verrat; deceit, craft, treachery.nbsp;Cormac, 934; Diiil Droma Ceta, p. 198,28;nbsp;SR. 3063; IT. IV, 1, 1. 6902; ITS. i amp; v;nbsp;Mac Carthy p. 432, § 3; Metr. Dindsh. |
(hi, 84, 6: hinterlistige Frau; false woman); .i. celgg. 0’CI. 2. [meng] Gpl. id. Glied?; limb?. ITS. i, 42, I. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;23 cf. Dinneen s. v. mengadh amp; beangamp;n.nbsp;mengach betrügerisch, verraterisch; deceitful, treacherous. Togail na Tebe, 4318; TSh., (ed. 1890) p. 407b, (ed. 1931) 1. 2120.nbsp;mengal? (MS. mengul) .i. anart (Leintuch;nbsp;linen sheet). Dhil Droma Ceta, p. 190, x.;nbsp;cf. mehglach. 0’Dav. 1282.nbsp;menglach = mengal? {coll.?). 0’Dav. 1282.nbsp;meni s. ma. menm = menb {Mein?; small?). SR. 4369. menmaigid = meiihaipd{zerirümmert;wrecks).nbsp;SR. 4149, 8216. menmar, minmar reich an Mehl?; abundant in meal?. Tecosoa Cormaic § 13, 1.33.nbsp;menmaran jemand, reich an Mehl?; one whonbsp;is abundant in meal?. ITS. xii, 72, 5.nbsp;menm-chasach {v. 1. menm-chosach) .i. caihg-nech. Cormac, 871. menmma G. -an, pl. -ana, -anna /. Sirm, Geist; mind, spirit. Asc. 379; Wi.; TBC. 1.484;nbsp;Laws; PH.; Togail na Tebe; TSh.; ITS. xx,nbsp;p. 56, §§ 16 lt;Ê 28; O’Mulc.; Measgra Danta II, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;p. 152,1. 62; dar menmmain ohne {daran)nbsp;zu denken?; without heed?. IT. i, 1.748. menmmanrad G. -aid, AD. -ad amp; -aid n.? (Hogan, 141) f.? Sinn, Geist, Gedanke, Hoff-nung; mind, thought, hope. SR.; IT. ii, 2,nbsp;p. 228,4 amp; IV, 2, 1. 6365; ZCP. l, 246, 8 amp;nbsp;262, 4; Otia Mersiana iii, 49; Cogadhnbsp;Gaedhel re Gallaibh, p. 72, I; Four Mastersnbsp;V, p. 1278,2; is menmmanrad leis hofft;nbsp;hopes. Fianaigecht, p. 96,19.nbsp;menmmarc, menmm-serc, menchomarc G.nbsp;-airce, -airc f. m. Sehnsucht, Herzensmmsch,nbsp;Liebling; longing, heart’s desire, darling.nbsp;Kelt. Wortkunde; Wi.; Lism.L.; Bethanbsp;Colahn ChUle. menmmnach geistesfrisch, wohlgemut; spirited, cheerful. ITedBr. 33; TBC.; Togail nanbsp;Tebe; Metr. Dindsh.; ITS. vi.nbsp;menmmnaige, -aiche G. id. f. Geistesfrische; spiritedness. Wb. 18a21; IT. iv, 2. menmmnaigid bemerkt; takes notice of. Lawsnbsp;II, 6, 26. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;menn {0. pl.) Zicklein; kid. Laws ii, 152,nbsp;10; cf. Joyce il, 306. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;menn Gsg.m.n.mmaMar, hell, leuchtend,nbsp;glanzend; clear, limpid, bright, brilliant;nbsp;.i. follas. Thes. Pal. ii, 331, 16 amp; 342, 36; |
menn — mer-cherm. 113
Stowe Glossaries, 254; 0’CI; .i. foirreil. 0’Dav. 1276; [Muir Menn] G. Mara Minnnbsp;Irische See-, Irish Sea. Metr. Dindsh,. in,nbsp;122,22; cf. Thes. Pal. ii, 290, 6; ITS. v,nbsp;78, 22; EC. XIII, 74, 6; LU. 3000. 3. menn lt;mend?gt; Gsg. m. minn stammelnd, stotternd, stumm; stammering, stuttering,nbsp;dumb. IT. Ill, 404,14 lt;6 24; Hogan, p. 239a ?;nbsp;Metr. Dindsh. in, 392, 99 amp; iv, 16, 25;nbsp;Bruchstiicke §81; KZ. xxxni, 85, §28;nbsp;.i. balb. 0’CI.; cf. foirmenn (Br.D.D. 114)nbsp;amp; nomina propria ‘Cusoraid Mend’ amp;nbsp;‘Mend Macc Salcbada’.nbsp;mennaid macht berühmt; makes famous. Metr.nbsp;Dindsh. IV, 258,17. mennair, mennar A. id. Flecken; spot. SR. 211 (Ê 783; gl. macula {id.). Ml. 35 d 23.nbsp;[mennan?]. (Ir. Gl. p. 139, n. 122) s. 1. me-nann. menndn, minndn 0. -Ain amp; -an (IT. in), Npl. -Ain, Opt. -An m. Zicklein; kid. Laws in,nbsp;378,3; IT. in, 104,7; ITS. xxv, 104,15nbsp;amp; 17; Metr. Dindsh. iv, 240, B. T. 4;nbsp;TSh. 89551.; Joyce il, 305 amp; in, 217.nbsp;mennar = mennair {Flecken; spot). SE. 783.nbsp;mennat 0. -ta, D. mennat {n.?) Wohnung;nbsp;dwelling. Wi.; TBC. p. 267, n. 1; Laws;nbsp;ITS. xn, 118, 8; Horn. Leg. p. 113.nbsp;mennatAn G. -Ain kleine Wohnung; smallnbsp;dwelling. ITS. xn, 64,1 amp; 134,3; Kingnbsp;and Hermit, p. 14, § 12.nbsp;menn-chrott, (benn-chrolt? [IT. in, 417; MS.nbsp;mb ... c6 ITS. XXVI, 210,19; MS. mb ...],nbsp;benn-chroitt? [TBC. p. 29, n. 4; MS.nbsp;mb ...]) omnibus loois = Gpl., {eine Art)nbsp;Harfe; {a kind of) harp. Cormac, p. 94,7;nbsp;TBC.; IT. in, 324, z; 417 §138; 462,nbsp;1.15; IV, 1, n. 4080, n. 6831; iv, 2, 1. 4710;nbsp;ITS. XIII, 58, 14; Tromdamh Guaire, 442;nbsp;Syllabic Poetry, p. 57, § 17; Silva Gadelicaii,nbsp;485, y. mén-scailid klafft; gapes. TTr. 195. mensdir {MS. mensuir) Mafi; measure. ZCP.nbsp;xvn, 228,16. mentagal {MS. menntoghal) Betrug?; deceit?. Ériu X, It. Gram. Tracts, p. 86, 4; cf.nbsp;mental amp; Dinneen s. v. meang-thoil.nbsp;mentaglach {MS. menntoghlach) betrüge-risch?; deceitful?. Hriu X, Ir. Gram.nbsp;Tracts, p. 86, 1. 952; cf. mental amp; Dinneennbsp;s. V. meangtholach. Hessens Ir. Lexikon, Bd. II. |
[mental] G. -aile {MS. meanntoUe) Betrug?; deceit?. Ériu X, Ir. Gram. Tracts, p. 87, 6.nbsp;c/. Dinneen s. v. meang-thoil.nbsp;mentAn = mintAn {Meise; titmouse). TSh.;nbsp;Joyce n, 298. (- )m entar subj. 2sg.s. moinid(ir), (-)moine(thar). mentas = mintas {Mime; mint). ITS. xxv.nbsp;meoinne {v. 1. meoine) .i. ainmm caitt. 0’Dav.nbsp;1246; .i. catt ouiled. 0’Dav. 1246; Rawl.nbsp;B. 506, fob 28 a 2. meodan = medón {Mitte; midst). Hogan, 78, 3; EC. XLin, 280,22. (-)mera amp; (-)méra subj. s. maimid amp; fut. s. mairnid S maraid(ir). mer Gsg. f. mire toll, lebhaft; mad, sprightly. Wi.; IT. IV, 1 amp; 2; TBC.; Togail na Tebe;nbsp;TSh. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mér G. mfuir, meoir m. Finger; finger; méranbsp;a chos (Laws in, 350, 11) seine Zehen; hisnbsp;toes. Wi.; TBC.; Laws.; PH.; Togail nanbsp;Tebe; TSh. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mér = smér.nbsp;meracAnta = merggAnta. méraccAn Fingerhut; thimble, foxglove. Joycen. meracht 0. -ta f. Tollheit; insanity. Laws;nbsp;Wi. meraid macht toll, verwirrt, stort; maddens, perplexes, troubles. Measgra DAnta n;nbsp;meraithir imme er wird toll; he becomesnbsp;insane. IT. in, 2, 502,1.537; Laws v,298, 7. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;meraige 6. id. toller Mensch, Narr; insanenbsp;person, fool. Wi. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;meraige (Laws) = smeraige.nbsp;meraigecht G. -ta f. Verstortheit, Tollheit; insanity. TBC.; TTY. meraigid macht toll, fuhrt oder geht in die Irre; makes mad, leads or goes astray;nbsp;part, meraigthe. Egerton Glossary; Thes.nbsp;Pal. 11,42, 1. 5; Togail na Tebe.nbsp;meraigthech in die Irre gehend; going astray. IT. IV, 1. merb = meirb.nbsp;merba = meirbe.nbsp;merball, merbar = mairbell.nbsp;merballach {v. 1. muirbellach) verwirrt?; confused?. IT. iv, I, n. 4584. merblaigid, meirbligid verwirrt durch Zahl undnbsp;ruhehse Bewegung, schwarmt; bewilders bynbsp;great number and restlessness, swarms. IT.nbsp;11,2, 1.686 CÊ IV, 2; TBC.nbsp;mer-chenn mit ruheloser Oberflache; having anbsp;restless surface. Trip.; 0’CI. |
-ocr page 122-114 mercuir — mesaite.
-)mesammax — mesoda. 115
(-)mesammar fut. 1 pl. s. mididir, (-)mide-dar. mesamnacht = meisemnaclit {RecMsprechung; juridiction). mesén Schojïhund; lap-dog. Laws i, 144,10 5 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;152, z; LU. 7439 n.; 0’Dav. 788; Metr.nbsp;Dindsh.. iii, 32, 83; .i. aen as mesa de (v. l.nbsp;do) olt;hgt;onaib (é). Cormac, 879; Düilnbsp;Droma Ceta, p. 198,17 «ê 213,32; .i. cünbsp;beo. 0’CI.; ef. meisean. mesar, mesair G. mesracb, DA. mesair, (4. mesur [sic US'.] Vis. Tondale p. 102, 17),nbsp;pl. mesra (Laws iv, 36, 6), Ndu. mesair.nbsp;Dpi. mesraib (/.; ef. Ériu x, Ir. Gram. Tracts,nbsp;p. 159,4) iHa/8; measure. Bruchstücke §86:nbsp;TririkgefaP; drinking-vessel; for mesairnbsp;cum Gen. nach der Art wn; after thenbsp;manner of. Ériu vii, 225, 2; cf. 0’Mulc. (-)mesar sulj. pass. amp; fut. 1. sg. dep. s. mididir 6 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(-)midedar. mesarda mafSvoll, gemitpigt, mnpig, schlicht; measured, temperate, moderate, frugal. RC.nbsp;XIX, 388: reichlich?; large?; gl. modieusnbsp;{mapvoll; measured). Ir. Gl. 807; compar.nbsp;mesarda. ITS. xiv, 138,13 amp; 19. mesardacht O. -ta /. Maphalten, Mapigung, Mapigkeit, Gesetztheit,Regelmdpigkeit, Milde;nbsp;temperateness, moderation, temperance, steadiness, regularity, mildness. Laws i, 26,27;nbsp;PH.; ITS. XIV, 62,18 amp; 140, x; TSh. 837nbsp;amp; 8065; Philip Bocht, p. 67, §6. (-)mesatar suhj. pass. 3 pl. rel. s. mididir, (-)midedar. mesbaid D. id. gl.aim\xltas{Wetteifer; rivalry). Ml. 19 c 15 c6 50 c 18; cf. mesobaid. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mesc DA. id. Verwirrung; confusion.nbsp;IT. II, 1, p. 33,1. 1014; Trip. ll, 530,19 amp; 22. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mesc Gsg. f. mesca, Npl. m. meisc,nbsp;mesca {cf. 2. mesca), compar. mescu, mesca,nbsp;compar. de: mescaite (Laws ill, 202, 6)nbsp;trunken, letrunken, berauscht, verwirrt, be-rauschend; drunk, drunken, intoxicated,nbsp;confused, intoxicating. Wi.; TBC.; Laws;nbsp;Togail na Tebe, 1. 617. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mesc a) mesc ar mesc (adv.) vermengt;nbsp;confused. Cogadb Gaedhel re Gallaibh,nbsp;p. 198, 15; mesc ar mesc fri mitten unter;nbsp;in the midst of. IT. iv, 2, 1. 3489f.; b) inbsp;mesc, immesc, a mesc, ammesc (amusenbsp;[sic MS.; RC. XIX, 22,15]) cum Gen. in-mitten, zwischen, unter; amidst, between,nbsp;among. TSh. |
1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mesca, meisce G. id. f. {cf. Ériu viii, Ir.nbsp;Gram. Tracts, p. 44,5) Trunkenheit, Rausch,nbsp;Wahn; drunkenness, intoxication, frenzy.nbsp;Dire, p. 78, n. 3: BuPe fur Vergehen innbsp;Trunkenheit; penalty for offences in drunkenness; Gsg. {?) meisce betrunken; drunk. Wi.nbsp;p. 683 b, s. V. medar; gaibid meisce ëicirdnbsp;betrunken; gets drunk. ZCP. ii, p. 234,nbsp;§ 128; ar mesca, ar meisce trunken, berauscht, verstart, irre; drunk, intoxicated,nbsp;distraught, frenzied. Laws ii, 228,11 c6nbsp;V, 520, 22; Ériu vni, Ir. Gram. Tracts,nbsp;p. 45, 1.154; Metr. Dindsh. iii, 172, 74 lt;amp;nbsp;IV, 80, C. B. 3; TSh. 2006 amp; 8308; cuiridnbsp;ar meisce macht verstart; makes distraught.nbsp;Philip Bocht p. 18, j. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mesca (Vpl.; = meseda ?) verirrt; gonenbsp;astray. Merugud UiMx, p. 11, 1. 218, v. 1. mescaid mischt, verwirrt {durch Trunkenheit), erregt, taucht unter; mixes, confuses {throughnbsp;intoxication), excites, dips; part, mesetha;nbsp;abstr. mescad. Wi.; TBC.; Laws; PH.;nbsp;Togail na Tebe; TSh.; Mac Conglinne;nbsp;Metr. Dindsh. mescaigidir gl. inohiiat {berauscht; intoxicates). M1.81c4. mescamail, meiscemail leicht zu berausehen, berausehend, venoirrend; easily made drunk,nbsp;intoxicating, perturbing. TSh.; ZCP. ii,nbsp;240, 6. meseën, misedn G. -ain, D. -an, Gpl. -dn, Apl. -ana m. Klumpen, Butterballen; lumpnbsp;{of butter). Mac Conglinne; TSh. (ed. 1890),nbsp;p. 408a (Oss. IV, 216); O’Don. p. 676b amp;nbsp;678b; Joyce in, 154 amp; 558; gl. massanbsp;{Klumpen, Masse; lump, mass). Ir. Gl. 219;nbsp;.i. do mescad in lomma dsas. Cormao, 915;nbsp;Diiil Droma Cota, p. 199,29; mescan mer-baill G. mescain merbaill Irrtum, Ver-blendung; delusion, infatuation. TSh. [mescar] G. -air Streit?; conflict?. Joyce iii, 522. mesebaid Aufruhr; disturbance. Laws i, 230, y amp; 232, z; iv, 340,5 (cf. ZCP. xvi, 202);nbsp;cf. mesbaid. mesc-buaidrid praet. pl. -buaidirset verunrrt {durch Trunkenheit), benimmt den Verstand; confuses {through intoxication), dements. IT. IV, 1, 1.4963 S 7062; Pournbsp;Masters iv, p. 976, 11. meseda {Npl.; v. Z. mesca) verirrt; gone astray. Merugud Uilix, p. 11, 1.218. |
-ocr page 124-116 [mesohaire] — methacM.
[meschaire] Bfl. meschuirib leioaffnete Schar?; armed host?. RC. xv, 464,27; cf. Diimeennbsp;8.1). meascaire {Siörenfried; mar-peace).nbsp;meschorach Qsg. f. -oirche {MS. mescoiroe)nbsp;3um Vertrag lereditigt; capable of contract.nbsp;Laws IV, 38, 11; Anecd. lii, 61, 27; Studiesnbsp;in Early Irish Law, pp. 138f.nbsp;mes-chu Schophund; pet dog. Trip. 232,1. 21.nbsp;mescmar herausehend; intoxicating. Eled Br.nbsp;§53. mesc-merugud (Dsg.) TJmherirren; wandering astray. Merugud Uilix, p. 2, 1. 14.nbsp;mescrach verwirrt?, verwirrend?¦, confused?,nbsp;confusing ?. Laws v, 498, 8. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mescraid ? mischt; mixes. De Contemptunbsp;p. 146, § 47, n. 7. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mescraid ?. Lawsiv,330,6 (= 1.mescraid?).nbsp;mes-matra Lieblingshund, Schofihund?; pet dog, lap-dog?. ITS. iii, p. 170, 1.27; cf. mes-chu, mesamp;n S meisrn.nbsp;mesnugud {Dsg.) s. meisnigid.nbsp;mesoc Q. -dice, pi. -6ca Eichel; acorn. ITS. xxv;nbsp;Archiv i, 344 (H. 3, 15, p. 33b); mesocanbsp;lt;£- mesoca na ndarach gl. glans {id., leg.nbsp;glandes ?). Medical Glossaries A, 66; EC. ix,nbsp;p.226, §9b.nbsp;mesra s. mesair. mesrach Gsg. s. mesar. ZCP. iii, 36, 14. mesrad 0. -aid, D. -ad, Npl. -ada m. (Ériunbsp;VIII, It. Gram. Tracts, p. 56,14), {coll.) Früchtenbsp;{vonWaldiaumen), Eicheln, Eichelmast, Mast;nbsp;fruits {of forest-trees), acorns, acorn-mast,nbsp;mast. Laws IV, 340, 11; Diiil Droma Ceta,nbsp;p. 213,9; 0’Mulc. 810 S 813; Three Irishnbsp;Glossaries^ p. 29,42; ZCP. xi, p. 81, §16nbsp;S p. 89, §13; XIII, 260,20; Horn. Leg.nbsp;p. 113b (LC. 8); TSh. 905 amp; 7092; Leabharnbsp;na gCeart, p. 8, 16 amp; 28, 12; Wi.nbsp;mesraib Dpi. s. mesar. SR. 44; Dire, p. 44,nbsp;1. 3 CÊ n. 2. mesraigetu Manhallen, MdPigheit; temperance, moderation. PH.4608; RC. ii, 400, §42; cf. Hog. Lat. Lives, p. 133b.nbsp;mesraigid mafiigt, mischt, miflt zu, erkenntnbsp;zu, entscheidet; moderates, tempers, measures, adjudges; part, mesraigthe; -f maf}-voll; moderate; gl. modestus {mafivoll;nbsp;moderate). Sg. 60b2; subst. 0. id. m. ge-m'dfSigte Zone; temperate zone. Laws i, 28,nbsp;21; IT. IV, 2; ZCP. viii, p. 232, § 7 = Primer p. 11, §24; dbstr. mesrugud 0. mesraigthe m. MafShalten, Mafiigung, Gericht, |
Urteil; moderation, judgment; laithe in mesraigthe, id an mesraigthe Tag desnbsp;{Jiingsten) Gerichts; day of {the last)nbsp;Judgment. Metr. Dindsb. iv, p. 42, 1.46nbsp;Philip Bocht, p. 106, § 24; cf. Wi.nbsp;mesraigthid? {MS. mesrigthiu; Dsg.) glnbsp;moderator {Lenker; director). ZCP. vilnbsp;492,1. mesraine? {MS. mesrdini; Npl.) meisrin Masse?; meisim-measures?. ZCP. xviiinbsp;296, 1; cf. meisrin. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mesrugud abstr. s. mesraigid {matigtnbsp;moderates). 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mesrugud? {MS. mesrudug, mesrugudnbsp;mesrugud, mesrugun [Dsg.], mesradad?nbsp;mesradugud?) Mast; mast. IT. iii, p. 235nbsp;1. 21 amp; 23, p. 236, 1. 27 amp; 33 {v. 1. mes,nbsp;p. 244, 1. 21) amp; 41. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mesta voU von Mast; full of mast (sempernbsp;de süvis etc.). Metr. Dindsh. in, 136, 34nbsp;amp; IV, 214, 69. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mesta part., abstr. {Gsg.) amp; praet. pass.;nbsp;(-)mestar subj. s. mididir amp; (-)midedar. mesu = 2. mesa, mét = méit. (-)mét? (Pokomy, Altirische Grammatik, 87) praet. pass. s. moinid(ir), (-)mome(thar).nbsp;[métach] in; rig-métach, von königlicher Grö^e; of royal size. Metr. Dindsh. iii, 20,264. métaigid, méitigid macht oder wird gröfier;nbsp;increases. Wi.; PH.; Togail na Tebe; TSh.nbsp;1. 8658; Egerton Glossary; Laws; Aur. Êc.;nbsp;ITS. XIV. (-)metair [leg. (-)medair. Hogan, p. 6,14] s. medraid. métai G. métla, D. metal Bauch, Gedarme; belly, tripe. MacConglirme; ZCP. xiv,318;nbsp;cf. medal. metar, metair G. metair. Dpi. metraih f.? m.? Versmafi, Gefdfi, Eimer; meter, vessel, pail.nbsp;Vendryes; Laws; RC. xii,466.nbsp;metarda gl. metiicus. Ml. 27d24. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;meth G. amp; pi. metha n. m. Fehl, Ausfall,nbsp;Verf all; fail, shortcoming, decay. Wi.;nbsp;Laws; Metr. Dindsh.; ITS. xxi; TSh.;nbsp;Horn. Leg. p. 113. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;meth = med. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;meth = mith.nbsp;méth = méith. methach m. Schwdehling; weakling. ITS. xii. methacht G. -ta f. Schwachc; weakness.nbsp;ITS. X. |
methaid — mianas. 117
methaid lapt an sich féhlen; miprat, verfdïlt; jails, decays. Laws; Egerton Glossary;nbsp;part, metta. méthaid mdstet; fattens. Wi.; Laws, methas, (meithes) G. -sa lt;6 -ais m. Landschaft;nbsp;district. 0’Dav.; Laws, amp; iv, 17, n. 3;nbsp;Biirgschaft. méthas Fett(igkeit); fat(ness). méthasrad coll, fette Binge oder Teile; fatnbsp;things or parts. Egerton Glossary,nbsp;mdthrad, méithred D. id. n.? (Hogan, 139)nbsp;Fett, Schmoren; fat, roasting.nbsp;metrapail 0. -le HauptUrche; a metropolitannbsp;church. Vendryes. metrapailet4n? (MS. metrapolitan) G. id. Bischof an einer Hauptkirche; a metropolitan hishop.nbsp;PH. metta feige; cowardly. Togailna Tebe; TSh.; cf. methaid. mettacht G. -ta f. Feigheit; cowardice. TBC.; Togail na Tebe; ITS. v, 96. mi = mé (ich; I); e. g. TBC.nbsp;mi, mis G. mis, misa, pi. mis, misa, du. minbsp;m. f. Monat; month; mi aige Juli; July.nbsp;0’Dav. 1249; mi air Mdrs; March. 0’Dav.nbsp;1249; mibuanaSeptember;September. 0’Dav.nbsp;1249; mi deirid in tsamraid Juli; July.nbsp;RC. xxv; mi forbba Januar?; January?.nbsp;0’Dav. 1249; mi gaim November; November.nbsp;Wi.; mi medoin an fogmair Oktober?; October?. 0’Dav. 1249; mi medoin samraidnbsp;Juni; June. BC. xxv; mi mitheman (mithe-main) Juni; June. RC. xxii, 427; xxv.nbsp;mi- übel-, mip-, unrichtig; ill-, mis-, wrong.nbsp;Asc. 389, 390; Wi.; Laws; PH.; TBC.;nbsp;Togail na Tebe; TSh. mi-accobar abler Wunsch; evil desire. Monastery of Tallaght, 152, 1. 21. [mi-accobarach], mi-occobarach übelwollend;nbsp;malevolent. PH. miach G. méich m. Sack (QetreidemaP); sack (measure of grain). Wi.; TBC.; Laws, [mi-aicned], mi-aicnem Niedergeschlagenheit;nbsp;depression. ITS. x. [mi-4d], mi-4g G. ml-4ig Ungliick; misfortune. Keating, Danta Amhrain. miad n. m. Ehre, Achtung, Würde, Bang,nbsp;Stole; honor, respect, dignity, degree, pride;nbsp;ni miad leis es scheint ihm nicht ehren-voll; it does not seem honorable to him.nbsp;Laws; Wi.; TBC.; PH.; Togail na Tebe;nbsp;Horn. Leg. 113; Metr. Dindsh. |
miadach ehrenhaft, vornehm; honorable, noble. Fél.; Metr. Dindsh. miadamail ehrbar, vornehm; honorable, noble. O’Reilly. miadamla, miathamla G. id. f. Ehrbarkeit, Würde; honorableness, dignity. Wb. 23clS;nbsp;Mil na mBeach, 143. miadamlacht G. -ta, /. Ehrbarkeit, Würde; ho-orableness, dignity. ITS. iv, 2. miadamlatu G. -tad, m? Würde; dignity.nbsp;Laws; PH.; IT. iv, 2. [miad-slicht], miaidlecht Gsg. amp; NApl. -ta Rangstufe; grade. Laws,nbsp;mi-dg = mi-dd.nbsp;miaidlecht = miad-Slicht.nbsp;mi-dilges (bid) Mangel an (Ep)lust; lack ofnbsp;desire (for food). ITS. xxv. (-)miaipir (Ml. 56dl6) = (mi-)eipir; gl. male-dicit. mi-airde übles Zeichen; evil sign. IT. iv, 2, 74, 1. 967. mi-diriiled Dpi. -airiltib Mifiverdienst; ill-desert. Ml. 31c5; RC. xxv, 264, § 39. mi-airle abler Rat; evil counsel. Laws s. v.nbsp;mi-; RC. xlv. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mi-airlech B. id. iihles Niedermetzeln; evilnbsp;slaughtering. IT. ii, 1, p. 41, 1.1301. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mi-airlech schlechter Ratgeber; bad counsellor. RC. XLV. mi-airleigenn A. id. schlechtes Lesen; bad reading. Hib. Min. p. 30, § 297 f. mi-altar «.? (Hogan 168) schlechte Pflegevater-schaft; bad fostero,ge. Laws, s. i;. mi; O’Don.;nbsp;cf. ZCP. XV, 311, 1.17.nbsp;mialtoc = miltóo. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mian, miann, méin, méinn G. miana,nbsp;méine, méinn, pi. miana S mianta n. f. m.nbsp;Verlangen, Wunsch, Absicht; desire, wish,nbsp;intention; is méin leis wünséht; likes. ITS.i;nbsp;miann galair Gelust einer Sehwangeren; desirenbsp;of a pregnant woman. Laws, s. mir méinn,nbsp;s. V. mir; cf. Wi.; TBC.; Togail na Tebe;nbsp;TSh. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mian, miann (Laws), méin G. méin, miana,nbsp;méine m.? amp; f. Erz, Bergwerk; ore, mine.nbsp;Metr. Dindsh.; IT. iv, 2. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mianach, miannach G. -aigm.? Erz, Bergwerk; ore, mine. Wi.; ITS. xiv; TTr. 133. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mianach, miannach wünschend, verlangend;nbsp;desirous, longing. Wi.; Laws. mianaigid(ir), miannaigid begehrt; desires, TBC.; PH.; TSh.; Lism. L. |
118 mian-bruith — mi-choirthe.
mianas Bergwerb; mine. Joyce, iii, 600; cf. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mianach. mian-bruith /. Wollust; lust. TSb. mtan-gus G. -a m. Begierde; eagerness. TSh.nbsp;mian-gusach begierig; eager. TSb. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;miann = mian (Verlangen; desire). Laws. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;miann = mian (Erz; ore). Laws v, 474,6. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;miannach = mianacb (Erz, ore). TTr. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;miannach = mianach (wünschend; desirous). Laws. miannaigid = mianaigid. TBC. ml-aradu üble Behandlung oder Lage; evilnbsp;treatment or case. Plummer, Lives; gl.nbsp;meiridhin. 0’Dav. 1269.nbsp;mias (?. méise, /. Platte, Schüssel, Tiseh, Altar,nbsp;AUarplatte; plate, dish, table, altar, altar-slab. Vendryes; Laws; Togaü na Tebe; TSh.nbsp;mf-asc (= mi-fasc?) schlechtes Zeagnis?; badnbsp;testimony?. Laws v, 196,16. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;miasiach Danger; dung. Laws. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mi-aslach G. -aig Anstiftung zum Bösen;nbsp;incitation to evil; gl. malapersuasio. Ml. 28b 7. (-)miastar fut. s. mididir amp; (-)midedar. miathamla (Wb. 23 c 18) = miadamla.nbsp;miatta hervorragend; distinguished. O’Don.nbsp;mf-bal DA. -bal amp; -bail Dnheil; misfortune; .i. drochbail. 0’CI.; c/. Metr. Dindsh. mf-bés m. able Gewohnheit, ubles Benehmen;nbsp;evil custom or behavior. TTr.; PH.; Metr.nbsp;Dindsh. iv, 138, 1. 82. mf-bésach von ablen Bitten; ill-mannered, immoral. IT. iv, 2. mf-bethu G. -bethad schlechtes (armliches) Leben; bad (poor) life. Laws v, 80, 6.nbsp;mf-blas G. -blais m. abler Gesehmack, sehlechtenbsp;Bitten; bad taste, bad manners. CP.nbsp;mf-boiad D. id. abler Geruch; evil smell. IT. iv, 2, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;262, z. mf-brdithir m. falscher Bruder; false brother. Togail na Tebe. mf-briathrach falsch redend, falsch; falsespeaking, perfidious. Togail na Tebe. mi-buith? (MB. mibhaid) abler Zustand?; badnbsp;condition?. Lism.L. xxvi, n. 7. (mfcaide) mfc Buide = midaige. mice s. 1. maco. mi-chadasff. -aism. Unehrerbietigkeit,Schmach; irreverence, dishonor. ITS. xiii, 64, y; Storiesnbsp;from Keating,nbsp;michair = michar. ml-chairddech unfreundlich; unfriendly. Horn. Leg. p. 36, 1. 7. |
michaire G. id. Umganglichkeit, Freundlich-keit; affability, friendliness. ITS.!?; cf. michar. mfehairthe (0’CI.) = mi-choirthe. michar, michair gütig, freundlich; kind,nbsp;friendly. TSh.; Plummer, Lives,nbsp;micharda freundlidi; gentle. Measgra Danta i,nbsp;27, 1. 28. mf-chdttu, -chatta G. -chd.ttad Unehre, Ver-achtung, Unterschatzung; disgrace, disrespect, undervaluation. Wi.; Laws,nbsp;mf-chéill sinnlos; foolish. IT. iv, 2, p. 436,nbsp;1. 6010. mf-chéiliide sinnlos, racksichtslos, ubelgesinnt?; foolish, reckless, evil-minded?. RC. xix, 24,nbsp;§ 17; Irish Abridgment; Stories fromnbsp;Keating. mf-cheirddech base; wicked. ZCP. vi, 331. mf-chélmaine ables Vorzeichen; bad augury. EC. XXII, 427; van Hamel, Compert. mf-chen /. able Neigung oder Leidenschaft;nbsp;evil affection or passion. Keating, Dantanbsp;Amhrain. mf-chiail G. -ohéille /. Tollheit; folly. IT. iv, 2; Plummer, Lives; EC. xix, 388; ITS.nbsp;XXV; Metr. Dindsh. in, 362, 1.104.nbsp;mf-chinél m. Lieblosigkeit, Unfreundlichkeit; want of affection, wnkindness. TSh. mi-chlothach /. pi. mi-ohlothoha schmach-voll?; disgraceful ?; gl. nefarius. Ml.nbsp;134 d 4. (-)michiolhaigedar (Ml. 143 c3), michlothaiglhe (Sg. 34b 1) praes. 3 sg. amp; part. s. (mf-)clo-thaigedar (gl. diffamat amp; infaustus).nbsp;ml-chlQ D. id. f. abler Rwf, Schande; ill-fame,nbsp;disgrace. TBC. p. 529, n. 3; TSh.; RC. xix,nbsp;156, n. 5. mt-chliiach von ublem Rufe; infamous. Togail na Tebe; EC. xix, 156, n. 6. [michliiaid] fut. pass, (-)michiüifider bringt innbsp;Verruf; defames. RC. xlv, 44, I. 3.nbsp;mi-chiümar unruhmlich; inglorious; gl. di-famosus. Ir. Gl. p. 85, § 656.nbsp;mi-choimétaid bewahrt schlecht; preservesnbsp;badly. PH. ml-choirigid mishandelt, zerstört; maltreats, destroys; pari, mi-chóirigthe; abstr. mfehoi-riugud, mfehorugud. van Hamel, Compert;nbsp;TSh.; Stories from Keating; ZCP. vi, 57,nbsp;1. 3; RC. XXIX, 161. mi-choirthe, michairthe MiPgeburt, Ungetam; abortion, misbirth, monster. Trip. |
mi-cliomairlech — midchaine. 119
mi-chomairlechüamp;el ratend; giving evil counsels. TTr. mf-chomall D. id. n.? Nichterfüllung; non-fulfillment. IT. iv, 2; cf. Hogan, 152. inf-chomarbba unrechter Nachfolger; wrongnbsp;successor. Laws. mi-choinlabra pl. -ai böse Rede; bad speech; gl. maleloquium. Ml. 61 b 26. mf-chomthromm (Mil na mBeach, 114) = mi-chotromm. mf-chonich Unglück; misfortune. IT. iv, 2, p. 208, 1. 2713. mf-chor widerrecMlicher, umulassiger Vertrag, Fehltmrf; illegal, inadmissible contraet, futilenbsp;cast. ZCP. XIV, 373; RC. xlv, 84; Metr.nbsp;Dindsh. ra, p. 134,1. 14.nbsp;mi-chorach wer unberechtigt einen Vertragnbsp;schliefit; one, who makes a contract withoutnbsp;qualification. Laws s. v. mi-,nbsp;ml-chorugud s. mi-ohóirigid.nbsp;ml-choscar m. Niederlage; defeat, van Hamel,nbsp;Compert; TSh. ml-chostad D. id. n.? m. Unruhe, Verwirrung, Verdruf3, iibles Benehmen; commotion, disorder, trouble, misbehavior. IT. ii, 1, p. 59,nbsp;1.1901; TTr.; Bezz.B. XVIII, 74; RC.nbsp;XXIV, 46, n. 14 S xxv, 20, § 2; Metr.nbsp;Dindsb. [mi-chotromm], ml-chothramm, mf-chom-thromm DA. id. Verwirrung, Trostlosigkeit, Unglück; confusion, discomfort, misfortune.nbsp;Measgra Danta il, p. 173, 1. 96.nbsp;mf-chreitem Unglaube; unbelief. Wi.nbsp;mf-chreitmech Unglaubiger; unbeliever. Plummer, Lives. ml-chride n.? Bosheit; malice. Hogan, 187. ml-chrfstaige schlechter Christ; bad Christian.nbsp;RC. XIX, 46, 1. 3. mf-chruthaigthe miPgestaltet; ill-shaped; gl. informis. 8g. 6 a 7. micht Überumrf; wrapper; cf. lat. amiotus. ITS. VII, 65, 1.14. mi-chuimnech uneingedenk; unmindful; gl. immemor. Ir. Gl. 127, §1111; cf. RC. xix,nbsp;126 n.3. ml-chuirmm schlechtes Bier; bad ale. Laws s. V. mi-. [mf-chuirne] pl.id. elendesHauflein?; miserable little heap?. RC. xii, 86 § 91.nbsp;ml-chuit schlechter Anteil; bod portion. ITS.nbsp;XX, p. 122 § 23. |
ml-chumachtach Dpi. mi-cbumaclitgaib seine Macht mipbrauchend; misusing his power;nbsp;gl. male potentibus. Ml. 29 a 9.nbsp;mi-chummas m. Unfahigkeit; incapacity.nbsp;TSh. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mid 0. meda «. Met; mead. Wi.; TBC.;nbsp;cf. Metr. Dindsh. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mid Achtung, Würdigung, Ansehen, Würde;nbsp;respect, estimation, honor, dignity. Metr.nbsp;Dindsh. iv, 401; Keating’s History; cf.nbsp;med. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mid .i. leth. 0’Mulo.; cf. mid-. mid- mittlere, Mittel; central, mid- (nur in Komposition; only in composition). 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;midach G. -aig, m. Arzt; physician. Aur.nbsp;Éc.; Laws. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;midach Krieger; champion. 0’Dav.; RC. XXVI, 36, § 178; IT. iii, 2, 580 lt;fe iv, 1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;2. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;midach m. Hengst; stallion. IT. iv, 1 c6 2.nbsp;midachas Arzttum; office of a physician. O’Don. mf-daenacht 0. -ta /. Unmenschlichkeit; inhumanity. De Contemptu. mid-aes O. -aise mittleres Alter; middle age. IT. Ill, I, 273; ITS. v; TBC. p. 369, n. 14. midaige (micaide) mic buide Nachtschatten;nbsp;nightshade. Medical Glossaries; ITS. xxv;nbsp;Irish Texts v. (-)midair jnaet. s. mididir amp; (-)midedar. midaise (Knott, Br.D.D.) s. midise.nbsp;(-)mfdatar praet. 3 pl. s. mididir, (-)midedar.nbsp;midba D. -bu Durchschnitt; average; .i. grain-ne. 0’Mulc.; cf. Ériu x, 120.nbsp;mid-bacc (dromma), (midbach dromma) mittlere Krümmung {des Rückens); mid-bend {ofnbsp;the back). TBC. p. 587; RC. xiv, 67.nbsp;[midbach] 0. -aig .i. eorna na n-én. 0’Dav.nbsp;1213; leg. ibdaig? {ein Oetreide; a kind ofnbsp;grain); cf. Ebudae (= „Hebridae“). (fer) midbad (midboth, midbaid [mibaid], mid-botha) junger Mann, der sein Erbland noch nicht erhalten hat; young man who has notnbsp;yet received his heritage of land. Laws; Dire,nbsp;p. 83 f. mid-ben .i. leth-ben no leth-uag. O’Mulc.823. mid-boigg G. -buUgge, -boilgge Bauch; belly. Lism.L.; Mac Conglinne. mid-bun Name einer Pflanze?; name of anbsp;plant?. ITS. XII, 22,20; cf. medban?.nbsp;midchaine 6. id. f. Heilkunde, drztliche Be-handlung; medicine, medical treatment. ZCP,nbsp;XX, 362; RC. XII, 466; Mac Conglinne. |
120 mid-ohlais — midd(ir).
mid-chlais Mittel-Grdben; middle trench; .i. me-dón-clt;hgt;lais. Laws. mid-chlos (mid-chlas) 0. -6bla,js Gerueh, Duft; odor, scent. Ériu ii, 158 {cf. Laws iii, 202);nbsp;•i. boltnugud. 0’Dav. 1265. mid-choll HaselnuP-Met; hazelnut-mead. Wi. 77, 15. itiid-chraes mittlere Speiseröhre; mid-gullet. RC. XXII, 427. mid-chuairdd G. -ohuardda /. Festhalle; ian-quet-hall. Laws. mide Mitte; midst. TBO.; IT. iv, 1 amp; iv, 2. MideG.id. f. Meath; Meath. Ir.Heldensage, 76. mf-dé üUer Rauch; bad smoke; .1. droch-theine. 0’CI.; cf. RC. XV, 297, §7. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;midech auf Meath bezUglich?; relating zunbsp;Meath?. Metr. Dindsh,. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;midech stark?, tapfer?; strong?, brave?nbsp;(an subst.?; cf. midaoh). O’Don. (Bezz.B.nbsp;xxi); Metr. Dindsh. (ad-)midedar, (-)aimmdedar, aimmsid, aimmsi- gid versueht, zielt, greift an, trifft, bestimmt, urteilt; attempts, aims, attacks, hits, adjudges,nbsp;judges; abstr. 1) am mas G. aimmse m.nbsp; Angriff, Sturm, Versuchung; attack, onset, temptation; for, ar ammas G. zu er-reichen, nach; to reach, towards; cétam-mas, cétmmas (.i. don ohétna ammas,nbsp;Laws IV, 68,19) adv.zuerst; first; 2) aimm-sige LL. 62a 7; 3) aimmsiugud, G. -igthe.nbsp;Bed.; Contr.; Wi.; IT. iv, 1; ZCP.nbsp;xviii, 330. (ar-)midedar?, (-)urmadadar, urmaisid trifft, entdeckt, erreieht, bestimmt, ordnet an, setztnbsp;fest; hits (upon), attains, determines, ordains,nbsp;fixes; neg.: ist im Stands; is able; abstr.nbsp;1) urmaise D. id. amp; -sin Fahigkeit, Ge-walt; capacity, control; 2) urmas. Plummer,nbsp;Lives, 137,14; cf. Ped.; O’Don.; TSh. (as-)midedar 1) setzt fest; fixes; (kg. (ar-) midedar?). LL. 186b 41; 2) éimid (ver-weigert; refuses); 2 sg. imperat. éimide,nbsp;éimde, émda {hüte dich; beware); 3 sg. praet.nbsp;(cum Acc. subjecti) féimmid; 3 pl. praet.nbsp;(-)éimmdetar, (-getar). Ped.; ZCP. xviii,nbsp;330; TBC. 452 f. (con-)midedar, (-)coimmdedar, (-)coimmidedar; coimmsid herrscht, ist Herr, ist fahig, kommtnbsp;gkich, ordnet (an), befiéhlt, bestimmt, ent-scheidet, setzt fest, schreibt vor, schatzt (ab),nbsp;halt in Schranken; ruks, is master, is capabk,nbsp;equates, orders, arranges, appoints, decides, ad |
judges, fixes, prescribes, estimates, keeps in bounds; part, cuimmse amp; ooimmse (= adj.)nbsp;passend, entsprechend, angemessen, geniigend;nbsp;convenient, suitable, fit, sufficient; abstr.nbsp;commas, cummas, coimmes? (Ui Echach)nbsp;-f Macht, Gewalt, Zwang; power, control,nbsp;restraint. Ped.; Contr.; ZCP. xviii, 330.nbsp;(da-)midcdar, toimsid mifSt (ab), wagt ab,nbsp;mipt zu, erkennt zu; measures (off), weighs,nbsp;adjudges; part, toimse; abstr. to mas G.nbsp;toimse, tomais Map, Berechnung?; measure, calculation?; fo, (bS) thomas G. unternbsp;der Anweisung von, unter dem Schutze von;nbsp;under the direction of, under the protectionnbsp;of. Laws; Mesca Ulad, p. 44,6; Ped. li, p. 579,nbsp;§ 780,8; IT. li, 1, p. 11, 1.283 lt;Êiv,2;nbsp;Triads. (in-)midedar, (-)innmedadar strebt an, befleipigt sich, bemipt; strives for, applies oneself,nbsp;adjudges; abstr. innmas G. -asa Hingdbe,nbsp;Eifer; zeal. Laws li, 130,17; ZCP. xiii,nbsp;54; cf. innmes amp; ZCP. xviii, 330.nbsp;mi-deiscritech unklug; indiscreet, imprudent.nbsp;De Contemptu. mideise (ITS. ii, p. 58, n. 11) s. midise. mf-deismmrecht, ml-deismmirecht böses Bei-spiel; bad exampk. Ml. 30 d 13; O’Don.nbsp;mf-delb ubk Gestalt, ubks Aussehen; bad form,nbsp;bad appearance. TBC. 525, 1. 3651.nbsp;midem, midemain, midemnas abstr. s. mididir.nbsp;m!-dénam A. id. m. ubks Tun, Übeltat; evil-doing. Ml. 71b 9; PH.; O’Don.; O’Curry;nbsp;RC. XXII, 427.nbsp;mideng = mid-seng. midgla Schwdche?; weakness?. Trip. 166,5. [mid-glenn] Gsg. amp; Apl. -glinne Takohk?,nbsp;Talkessel?; bottom of a valky?, gorge?. Wi.nbsp;[mid-gualu] Dpi. -guaillib Mitte der Schutter;nbsp;mid-shoulder. TBC. (Str.) 1878 = TBC.nbsp;2536. mf-diach ubks Ende; bad end. IT. iv, 2. midid m. Richter; judge. Tecosca Cormaionbsp;p. 14, 1.45. midid(ir), (-)mide(dar), mesaid urteilt, schatzt (ab), erachtet (als gkichwertig = fri), mipt,nbsp;erwiigt, meint, denkt; judges, estimatesnbsp;(as equivaknt to = fri), measures, ponders,nbsp;deems, thinks; part. amp; gerund. 1) meisenbsp;-p berechtigt; competent; .i. cuimggeoh. Cor-mac, 951; 0’Dav. 1257; .i. breithem. 0’CI.;nbsp;adv. in meisid (MS. mesid) gl. judioialiternbsp;(richterlich; judicial). Ml. 51c 21; 2) mesta |
mi-dingbéla — mifrige. 121
122 mi-fui-taclit — milggetdn.
mf-furtacht iible Hilfe-, evil help. TBC. p. 665, 1. 3. mf-gnaf MiPfallen, Halilichkeit; displeasure, ugliness. Plummer, Lives, p. 214, § 84;nbsp;cf. mi-gné. mf-gné iïbles Aussehen, HapiichJceit; bad appearance, ugliness. ZCP. vi, p. 44; Togail na Tebe; TSb. mf-gnéach, mf-gnéithech von iiblem Aussehen, hapiich, ungeziemend; having a bad appearance, ugly, unseemly. Plummer, Lives, 165,nbsp;§ 36; ITS. XXIX, p. 139, 1. 9. [mf-gneithe] „Übeltat“; “evil deed”; mi-gneithe (pi.) gl. malefacta. M. 28 c 20.nbsp;mf-gnéithech = mi-gnéach.nbsp;mf-gnfm G. -ma m. Übeltat; evil deed. Ped. ii,nbsp;p. 544, § 744, 6; Laws s. v. mi; St. Moling,nbsp;p. 62, V. 9; O’Curry; PH.; Togail na Tebe.nbsp;mf-gnfmach ubel handelnd; acting badly. TSb.; Plummer, Lives, p. 166, n. 5. mf-gnfmrad pi. id. amp; mi-gnimartha, mi-gnim-rada n.? coU. uble Taten; evil deeds; pi.nbsp;etiam ut pi. ad mi-gnim. Plummer, Lives,nbsp;p. 165, n. 12; Horn. Leg. 114. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mf-grdd Abneigung; dislike. IT. iv, 2,nbsp;p. 188, 1. 2462. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mf-gréd Unehre; lack of honor. Laws v,nbsp;392, 23. mf-iarddaige A. id. Mifierfolg; failure. IT. ii,2, p. 78, I. 907. mf-immert, mf-immirtG. -immerta (Ped.;PH.; Dottin), abstr. s. (mi-)immir. mf-immrddad A. id. übles Denken; bad thought. Ml. 79 a 5; Monastery of Tallaght. mi-innithem A. id. uble Absieht; evil design.nbsp;IT. IV, 2, 1. 255. mil G. mela /. Honig; honey; mil gaibrfn, gl. filaguo I?; eine Medizinalpflame; anbsp;medicinal plant]. Medical Glossaries. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mil G. mil, pi. mila, müta w. m. Tier, Ease,nbsp;Laus; beast, hare, louse; mfl crfn Motte;nbsp;moth; mfl étaig Kleiderlaus; clothes-lousenbsp;gl. pedioulus. Ir. Gl.; mil maige (muige,nbsp;buide) Ease; hare; mil mor Walfisch; whale.nbsp;Wi.; TSb.; Egerton Glossary. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mil, mile, miled, milid G. -led, m. Krieger,nbsp;Soldat; warrior, soldier. Wi.; PH.; Egertonnbsp;Glossary. ml-labairt subst. übles Reden; evil speaking. ITS. X. mf-labartach adj. ubelredend; evil speaking. TBC. p. 809, 1. 6592. |
ml-labartha ubelredend; evil speaking. TSb. mflach, mllech tierreich, verlaust; aboundingnbsp;in beasts, lousy. Measgra Danta li, p. 119,nbsp;1.12; Ir. Gl. 648; Mao Conglinne, 11, 17.nbsp;mf-laech G. -laicb m. Feigling; coward; cf.nbsp;TBC. amp; midlacb. ml-laechas G. -ais m. Feigheit; cowardice. TBC. p. 459, 1. 3160; ITS. v, p. 96, 1.17;nbsp;cf. midlacbas. mf-laechda feige; cowardly. TBC.; TSb. ml-laechdacht, mll-laechtacht Feigheit; cowardice. TBC. p. 469, 1. 3157; ITS. x.nbsp;mflaidecht? /. Kriegsdienst; military service. Aur. Éc. 6801; leg. mibdecbt?. mflaire Teil einer Muhle; part of a mill. Lawsnbsp;I, 140,20. milan G. -ain Krug; jug. TBC.; Éiu iv, 166. mil-boccén, mil-bocin, mil-baccén, mel-baccan,nbsp;mil-mecc^'n 0. -Sin wilde MShre; wildnbsp;carrot. ITS. xxv; Egerton Glossary,nbsp;mile .i. bainne. 0’Dav. 1215.nbsp;milde (Mü na mBeacb, 68, 1. 236) = mibde.nbsp;mll-chü G. Jagdhund; greyhound. Wi.; Laws,nbsp;mfl-chumma (MS. -cuma) gl. cimex (Wanze;nbsp;bug). Sg. 69b2. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mile G. -ed, pi. mile, -eda, milte /. m. 1)nbsp;Tausend; thousand; 2) Meile; mile. Asc.nbsp;391; Wi.; TBC.; Laws; PPL; Togail nanbsp;Tebe; TSb. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mile = 2. mil (Krieger; warrior). TSb.nbsp;milecc tiefes, sumpfiges Land; low, marshy land. Joyce i, 466. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mllech Dpi. -ebaib Spange, Nadel; brooch,nbsp;pin. Wi.; Bezz.B. xxiii, 51; RC. xxii, 427. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mllech gl. pediculosus (verlaust; lousy). Ir.nbsp;Gl. 648; s. milacb. mlled = mil (Krieger; warrior). Keating, Danta Ambrain. ml-ién G. mi-]imnübleSchlaffheit; bad languor?. 0’Dav. 1160; cf. O’Don.; meirgg mllluinnbsp;cf. meirgg na miméine, etc. TSb. 1858, 6248.nbsp;mileoc (ITS. xviii, 206, 1. 10) = bileócnbsp;(Eippe; bill-hook). mlletta compar. -ttu kriegerisch, militarisch; warlike, military. IT. iv, 2, 1. 759. mllettacht G. -ta, /. Kriegsdienst; militarynbsp;service. ITS. vi; Eianaigeobt; TBC. 1. 3494nbsp;amp; p. 786, n. 3; Togail na Tebe.nbsp;milgge G. sg. s. melgg (Milch; milk). Tbes. Pal. II, 48, 30 amp; 363, 29. milggetén Sehlüsselbein; collar-bone. Cormac,nbsp;860; Dull Droma Ceta, 189,23. |
milid — mi-memnamach. 123
milid = meilid. TBC. 3789. mflid = mü. milide, milde honigsUP; honeyed. SR.; suist. Honigweide; honey-pasture. Hib. Min. 66,11. mf-lige {MS. milide) DA. id. schlechtes Lager;nbsp;had couch. Liadain and Curithir, 22, 1.13. mi-linn G. -linne unglückliche Zeit; unlucky Urne. Metr. Dindsb. lii, 276, 1. 4.nbsp;mills pl. milse sü/}; sweet; compar. milsiu,nbsp;milse; superlat. milsem; aequat. milsithir;nbsp;milis-geing /. Mikhstra/Se?; Milky Way?.nbsp;Keating, DAnta Amlirain; cf. Wi.; TBC.;nbsp;PH.; TSh. mf-IItiiacii von schlechier Gesichtsfarhe; having a had complexion. ITS. i, p. 18,1. 23.nbsp;ml-lithe? pl. {? MS. millithe) .i. esliinte. 0’CI.nbsp;schlechte Gesichtsfarhe?; ill complexion?,nbsp;s. V. mi'llitha. mill pl. amp; Dsg. s. 1. mell (Klumpen; lump). milla = minla. mille .i. brooóit. ZCP. v, 493. (con-)mille zerstört, schadigt; ruins, injures. 0’Dav. 467. millech = minlecb [Weide; pasture). ITS. iii. milleda?: miUitha .i. cnuicc millithe .i. esHintenbsp;[pl. s. mell (Klumpen; lump) ?]. 0’CI.nbsp;miiledach = mUtech. millen, (milledn, proprie Dsg.) Tadel; blame. Egerton Glossary; Keating, Danta Amhrain. millid(ir) zerstört, vernichtet, beschadigt; ruins,nbsp;destroys, damages; ahstr. milled G. milte m.nbsp;Asc. 391; TBC. 1. 1612; Laws; PH.; Togailnbsp;na Tebe; TSh. millin kkiner Knopf oder Klumpen, kkiner Hiigel; a little knob or lump, small hill.nbsp;Joyce I, 33, 394f. amp; ni, 604.nbsp;mil mad tausendste; thousandth. Bezz.B. xi, 173.nbsp;mil-meccan, mil-meccdn (Egerton Glossary)nbsp;= mil-boccan. milradG.-aid («.?) Jagd; hunt. Horn. Leg. p. 114; IT. Ill, 376, 3. mil-scoithe .i. mUis-briathraoh. 0’CI.nbsp;mil-scothach honigwortig; honey-worded. RC.nbsp;XXII, 427. milse G. id. f. SujKgkeit; sweetness. TSh. milsén m. eine sil^e Speise [aus friseher Milchnbsp;mit Butter gekocht); a sweet dish (made bynbsp;cooking new milk with butter). Laws ii,nbsp;264,3; Mac Conglinne; milsén móna(d)nbsp;gl. pulegium [Flohkraut; pennyroyal). Medical Glossaries. |
milséoc etwas SufSes, siifies Gras; anything sweet, sweet grass. Joyce in, 604.nbsp;milt praet. s. meilid. ZCP. viii, 308, 3.nbsp;mllta volt von Tieren; filled with animals. Keating, Danta Amhram. mille G. id., n. m. Kriegsdienst; military service. Asc, 391; van Hamel, Compert. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;miltech, meiltech, miiledach 1) zerstorend,nbsp;verderbend, betriigeriseh; destructive, corrupting, deceitful; 2) m. Zerstorer, Verderber;nbsp;destroyer, corrupter. TSh.; Keating, Damp;ntanbsp;Amhrain; TBC. 1.4843; RC. xii, 122?;nbsp;Br.D.D. p. 312, § 140. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;miltech amp; meiltech .i. tech melhs [desnbsp;Honigs; of honey). Cormac 914; cf. 1. iml-tech?. milten? Dpi. miltenaib Bienenstoek; beehive. Trip. 14,12; 436,2; Lism. L. 108; cf. Hog. Lat. Lives. miltén [in: an milltén m(e)icc] der verlorene Sohn; the prodigal son. TSh.nbsp;milteoir Zerstorer; destroyer. Egerton Glossary,nbsp;miiteoirecht Schadigung; injury.nbsp;miltne .i. miltnidecht no milettacht. 0’CI.nbsp;miltnecht, miltnidecht, miltnigecht G. -ta f.nbsp;Kriegsdienst; military service. Wi.; PH.;nbsp;Three Middle-Irish Homilies, 44, 26.nbsp;miltnigid tut Kriegsdienst; performs militarynbsp;service. Hog. Lat. Lives,nbsp;miltoc, mialtóc G. -dice /. MiXcke; gnat. PH.;nbsp;Egerton Glossary. mi-luad D. id. m. schlimme Rede; evil speech. Metr. Dmdsh. iv, p. 28, 1. 38. mi-maise G. id. f. Ha/Richkeit, Schande; ugliness, disgrace. PH.; TSh. mi-maisech hafilich, schimpflich; ugly, disgraceful. EC. XIX, p. 48, 1.19; TSh.nbsp;mi-mana ubles Vorzeichen; evil omen.nbsp;mimasc O. -aisc m.? Zapfen (z. B. Turzapfennbsp;Oder das verdünnte Speerende, das im Speer-eisen sitzt); plug (e.g. plug of the door, ornbsp;the tapered end of the spear-shaft which restsnbsp;in the iron spearhead). TBC.; Laws,nbsp;mimasclach Dpi. -aigib, n.? Türangel; hingenbsp;of a door. Hogan, 177 == Asc. 393; Ériunbsp;II, 168. mi-meisnech, mi-misnech G. -nig m. Ent-mutigung; discouragement. TSh. mi-menmma Niedergeschlagenheit; downheartedness. ITS. X. mi-menmmnach niedergeschhgen; down-hearted. TSh. |
124 mine.
mf-mes DA. id. m. Mifiachtung; disesteem. Metr. Dindsh.; Keating, Danta Amhrain. mf-mian Q. mi-méine ühle Neigung; evilnbsp;disposition. TSh. itif-mfr verzauberter Bissen; charmed morsel. Hogan, 124. mf-mod, mf-mog A. id. leleidigendes Beneh-men; insulting behavior, incivility. Betha Colaim CMlle. 1, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;min, min- compar. miniu; adv. co minnbsp;kldn, fein, ins Eimelne gehend, genau,nbsp;geizig, demiiiig; small, fine, minute, exact,nbsp;miserly, humble. Asc. 392; Laws; TBC.;nbsp;RC. XIX, 388; ZCP. i,434; IT. iv, 1,1. 6883nbsp;lt;Ê IV, 2; ITS. I, X, XII, p. 82, §41, xiv; Ir.nbsp;Gl. p. 74, ad 430; Hibemica Minora, p. 3,nbsp;1. 71; 0’CI.; Dottin; Togailna Tebe; TSh.;nbsp;Keating’s History; Keating, Danta Amh-rAin; Gorm.; Philip Bocht; Dan Dé, p. S7,nbsp;§22. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;min = 1. men (Mehl, Slaub; meal, dust).nbsp;min compar. mine, superlat. minem glatt, sanjt, gut(er Boden), fein; smooth, meek, good (soil), fine; subst.pl. minta «..^ glattesnbsp;Land; smooth land {amp;glattes Schlo^?; smoothnbsp;castle ?. Measgra Danta ii); Wi.; PH.; TBC.;nbsp;Laws; Br.D.D.; Pél. p. 66; IT. in, 2, p. 382,nbsp;§ 232 lt;£ IV, 1; ITS. V, 22, 1.10 S xii, 54,nbsp;1.9; St. Moling; Joyce ll amp; iii, 501 ff.;nbsp;Dottin; Togail na Tebe; TSh.; Keating’snbsp;History; Gorm.; Aur. Éc.; Lism. L. p. 332,nbsp;1.28; Syllabic Poetry,nbsp;mina $. ma. minach (in: cd minach) .i. cii do-ni minigecht. Laws III, 416, 6, 8. [minadach] = menadach {Brei; gruel). Cain Adamndin, p. 30, n. 8. [mfn-aelda], min-aella glatt und kaVcig; smooth and limed. Measgra Danta ii.nbsp;minaid zerkleinert, zerbricht; cuts in smallnbsp;bits, breaks. TBC. p. 95, n. 2; part, minta.nbsp;TBC.; Hogan 50, 8; TTr.nbsp;minaigid, minigid macht klein, verkleinert, zerkleinert, zerreibt, zerstückelt, zermalmt; makesnbsp;small, lessens, reduces to small pieces,nbsp;pulverizes, minces, crushes; part, minaigthe,nbsp;abstr. minugud, miniugud, G. minaigthe.nbsp;IT. IV, 2; Laws; PH.; Togailna Tebe,nbsp;4846; Metr. Dindsh.; Lism. L.nbsp;minaigid = minigid {macht glatt; makes smooth).nbsp;min-airbe {cerM) Genauigkeit {in den Dichier-regeln) ?; minuteness {in the laws of poetry) ?; |
.i. quasi minuitur. Cormac, 901; .i. aisteda beca bis isin eladain. 0’CI.; cj. RC. xxvi,24,nbsp;§83, 1. minastrdlacht D. id. Dienst, Dienen; service, serving. Lism. L. 1968, n.nbsp;mf-ndtiirda unnafürlich; unnatural. IT. iii,nbsp;2, p. 344, 1. 22; PH. p. 250, 1. 7502.nbsp;[minbach] = menbach {Bruchstück; fragment).nbsp;Anecd. iii, 55, 3. minbach, minmach Bergflachs; fairy-flax (Linmn catharticum). Medical Glossaries;nbsp;ITS. XXV. min-brisid bricht in kleine Stücke; breaks into small pieces. ITS. xiv.nbsp;min-bruitte zu kleinen Stücken zersto^en;nbsp;finely pounded. TSh. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;minca = 1. meince {Hdufigkeit; frequency).nbsp;Cormac, 870; TSh. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;minca pi. amp; compar. s. meinico {hdufig;nbsp;frequent). mincacht [Hiiufigkeit; frequency']; ca mincacht wie oft; how often. ITS. xxv, 144,4.nbsp;mince = 1. meince {Hiiufigkeit; frequency). Laws III, 112, 11; TBC. 2255; 0’Mulo. 143f. min-chésc, min-chaisc Sonntag nach Ostern; Low Sunday. Wi.; O’Don. min-chensaigid macht glatt und friedlich; makes smooth and peaceful. TTr. 1.178. min-chomairt, min-scomairt A. id. klein-gebrocheneMasse; mass broken to small pieces.nbsp;ITS. XII, p. 82, 1.11; TBC.nbsp;min-chert bar? mil glattem Bande; smooth-bordered?. Laws IV, 378, 1. 17.nbsp;min-chuarddugud genaue Untersuchung; closenbsp;examination. TSh.nbsp;mincigidir = meincigid.nbsp;mincu s. meinico. [min-dairech], min-doirech mit freundlichen {Eichen-fWdldern; having pleasant {oak)nbsp;woods. Syllabic Poetry,nbsp;mfn-dénmaide von feinem Aufbau; of finenbsp;making. ITS. x. min-derlaicid gibt sparsam; gives sparingly. Philip Bocht, p. 77, § 35. [min-duine] pi. min-dafne, unbedeutende Leute, Nichtkdmpfer; insignificant persons, non-combatants. TBC.; Togailna Tebe; TSh. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mine G. id. Kleinheit, Genauigkeit; smallness,nbsp;minuteness. Gorm. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mine s. ma. mine G. id. Sanftheit, Feinheit, glattes Land; gentleness, fineness, smooth land; tre mine |
mmecht — minta. 125
sanft-, gently. ITS. xn, p. 64, 1.3; Joyce III, 501f.; Dottin; Gorm.; Trip. l, 136,17.nbsp;mfnecht /. Sanftheit, Milde; gentleness, mildness.nbsp;minén Muire, gl. punctaferon oropium. Medical Glossaries; c/. Dinneen s. mionénnbsp;Muire = {Bockspetersilie; meadow saxifrage).nbsp;min-ergnas {kleine Weisheit; small wisdom);nbsp;.i. min-eolas. 0’CI. min-féith kleiner Prophet; minor prophet. Hibemica Minora, p. 3, 1. 71. min-féchaint genaues Ansehen oder ünter-suchen; close looking or examining. ITS. x.nbsp;ming A amp; 0.? s. meng (Betrug; deceit). Metr. Dindsh. iii, 84, 6 amp; IV, 262,33. mingar s. mingraid. min-gar {= min-gor) sanft und pfliehttreu; gentle and dutiful. IT. iii, 2, p. 382, § 232. mfn-glanaid reinigt und glattet; cleans andnbsp;smooths. Hogan 34, 1.1. [mingraid] nagt; gnaws; dbstr. mingar D. id. m. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ITS. xvin, 170, § xvii.nbsp;mini s. ma. minicc = meinico (haufig; frequent). miniccnigid = meinioonigid (tut oft; doesnbsp;frequently). O’Don. p. 678a.nbsp;minigechtri. id.V erkleinerung?, Klein-BeijSen?;nbsp;diminution?, biting into small pieces?.nbsp;Laws III, 416, 9.nbsp;minigid = minaigid. minigid, minaigid macht sanft, glatt, glattet, erkldrt, erldutert, legtaus, beschmchtigt, zdhmt;nbsp;makes gentle, smooth, polishes, explains,nbsp;expounds, interprets, soothes, tames; abstr.nbsp;mlniugud. PH.; TSh.; Egerton Glossary;nbsp;ZCP. VI, 319, n. 2. ministir = meinstir (Religuienkapsel; reliquary). minia, milla freundlich, mild; gentle, mild. Gorm.; Plummer, Lives; ZCP. vi,331; ITS.nbsp;XXI; Keating, Danta Amhrain; Measgranbsp;Danta ii, p. 122, 1.11,nbsp;mlnlech, millech m. Weide; pasture. ITS. iii; Keating, Ddnta Amhrdin. minmach = minbaoli. minmar = menmar (reich an Mehl?; abundant in meal?). Tecosca Cormaic, p. 23, n. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;19. min-mebrugud sich genau merken, genau er-lernen; closely committing to memory or acquiring. ITS. i, 50, n. 6. min-mer, binmer (benn mer), muinmer Schier-ling, Bilsenkraut; hemlock, henbane. Contr.; |
Egerton Glossary; cf. benn mer amp; mong mer, mongaoh mer. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;minn D. id., pi. minna n. m. Abzeichen,nbsp;Reliquie, Eid; badge or mark of distinction,nbsp;diadem, relic, oath. Asc. 392f.; Wi.; TBC.;nbsp;Laws; PH.; Togail na Tebe, 1.854; ITS.nbsp;XX, 108, § 13. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;minn Gsg. m. s. 2. menn (klar; clear).nbsp;Thes. Pal. II, 290,6; Metr. Dindsb. ill,nbsp;122, 22. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;minn 0. sg. m. s. 3. menn (stammelnd;nbsp;stammering). Bruchstiicke § 81. minnachaid = minnaigid. minnaid? schwört; swears. Vitae Sanctorum. minnaigid (minnachaid) schwört; swears. TSb.; Egerton Glossary; ITS. xx, 138, § 23. minnamp;n = mennén. Metr. Dindsh. iv, 240,nbsp;B. T. 4; Joyce in, 217.nbsp;minnchecht DA. id. Bediirftigkeit; poverty.nbsp;Asc. 393. mi n nchigidir macht erbarmlich; makes miserable; part, minnchichthe, compar. -thiu. Asc. 393. minn-chiiis Kapselmit Überresten von Heiligen;nbsp;case of saints’ relics; gl. fetal. Lism. L.nbsp;1.2463; cf. oiisal amp; lat. capsa. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;minne 0. id. f. Stammeln, Stottern, Murmeln;nbsp;stammering, stuttering, murmuring. Wi.;nbsp;Bruchstiicke, p. 67, z. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;minne A. id. Stciubchen, kleines Teilchen;nbsp;small particle, speck. MacConglinne, p. 11,15;nbsp;Betha Colaim Chille, 448,2. minnech armlich; poor. Wi. minnigid? = min(a)igid ?. Laws iv, 102, x.nbsp;min-occabarach? s. mi-occabarach.nbsp;min-oirnech kleine Bruchstiicke; small fragments. ITS. I. min-ordd m. Orden der Minderbrüder oder Franziskaner, die unteren Klassen; Order ofnbsp;the Friars Minor m Franciscans, the lowernbsp;classes. ITS. xvili. min-pheccad kleine oder Idfiliche SiXnde; minor or venial sin. TSh. [min-rann], min-rainn, min-roinn Unterteil; subdivision. Keating’s History; cf. Laws, min-ransugud genaues Durchsuchen; searchingnbsp;closely. ITS. x. min-scomairt (A. TBC.) = minchomairt. min-scomartach A. id. amp; -taig kleingebrochenenbsp;Masse; mass broken to small pieces. TBC. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;minta Mime; mint. RC. ix, 243; cf. mintas. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;minta pi., A. -tu kleiner Vogel; smallnbsp;bird. TBC.; IT. 111,680. |
126 minta — mf-stuaimm.
3. minla part. s. minaid. mintin, mentin m. Meise, Schnepfe?; titmouse, snipe?. Laws; TSh.; Joyce ii.nbsp;mintas, mentas Mime', mint. ITS. xxv;nbsp;ej. minta; mintas uisce Wassermime; water-mint. Medical Glossaries,nbsp;min-tslóg, min-tióg, min-tsluag, min-tiuagnbsp;Schar junger Leute; crowd of young people.nbsp;Keating, Danta Amhrain.nbsp;min-(t)siiilech Tdeinaugig; with small eyes; gl.nbsp;luscus. It. 61. 430. mi-phiirt 0. -te /. die feindliche Seite; the adverse side. Dan Dé, p. 28, §7. mir G. id., pi. -enn, -enna S mire, mira n. f.nbsp;Stuck, Anteil, Bruchteil, Bissen, eigenes Amt;nbsp;piece, portion, fraction, hit, proper function; m i rnbsp;méinn ein Bissen, nach demeine Schwangerenbsp;geliistet; a morsel for which a pregnant womannbsp;yearns; mfr plucc gl. rubigorium. Tr. Gl.nbsp;750; Laws; tres - mir uaire ein Drittelnbsp;einer Stunde; a third of an hour. ITS. xiv;nbsp;(curad-)mlr Heldenstilck, Preis; champion’snbsp;portion, prize. ITS. xviii; Asc. 391f.;nbsp;Wi.; Laws; Togail na Tebe, 1. 3064; TSh.;nbsp;Horn. Leg. p. 114. mf-ragu (= mi-rogu) iihle Wahl; evil choice. TEC. p. 242, n. 6. mi-rath (mi-rad) G. -raith n.?, m. Unglück; misfortune. ITS. iv, 1, p. 53, 1.1884; Horn.nbsp;Leg. p. 114; TSh. mirbaii G. -e, Gpl. -bal /. Wunder; miracle; adj. wunderhar; marvellous. Fél.; ef. Ven-dryes; Wi.; Laws; Togail na Tebe.nbsp;mirbailech imnderhar; marvellous. Plummer,nbsp;Lives; TSh. mfrbalda, mfrbalta, mirbaila wunderhar; marvellous. PH.; Lism. L. 3733. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mire G. id. f. ToUheit, Wut; madness, rage.nbsp;Togail na Tebe; Egerton Glossary. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mire s. mer. mi-réir 0. -réire /. Ungéhorsam, Mipfallen; disobedience, displeasure. TSh.; Measgranbsp;Dinta li, p. 187, 1. 5. mirin m. Bissen, ein hi^chen; morsel, little hit. Fél. mirr m. amp; f. Myrrhe; myrrh. PH.; Togail na Tebe; SR.; ITS. xxv; Ir. Gl. 1134. [mirt] pi. -e Myrte; myrtle. Togail na Tebe. mirt-chaill gl. myrtetum (Myrtenhain; myrtle-grove). Sg. 53 a 8. mf-rin G. mi-ruin m.üWe Absicht, Übelwollen, Bosheit; evil design, ill-mil, malice. ZOP. vi. |
241; IT. IV, 1; TTr.; Plummer, Lives; Hogan, p. 6, § 5; Togail na Tebe; TSh.nbsp;mi-runach iibelwollend; malevolent. TSh.nbsp;mis = mi {Monat; month).nbsp;mfsach Bergflachs; fairy flax. Medical Glossaries; cf. ITS. xxv s. V. minmaoh.nbsp;miscad?, mfscaid, DAsg. -aid Fluch; curse.nbsp;Wi.; 0’Dav. mfscadach verflucht; accursed. PH. miscaid = miscad. miscais G. miscsen, miscaise, miscaisne (C!or-mac, ed. Stokes, p. 11) EaP; hatred. Wi.; PH.; Togail na Tebe; Egerton Glossary,nbsp;miscdn = mescan (Butterklumpen; lump ofnbsp;butter). TSh. (ed. 1890) p. 408a (Oss. iv,nbsp;216); O’Don. p. 678b; Joyce ill, 154.nbsp;misceirdd {leg. mf-scéirdd?) s. ceirdd.nbsp;m(-scél G. -soeoil, -soiuil n. schlimme Nach-richt, falsche Erzdhlung; evil report, falsenbsp;tale. Wi.; Laws s. v. mi-; Horn. Leg. 114.nbsp;miscemail = mescamail {herauschend; intoxicating). ITS. X, p. 24, 1. 92. [misciu] G. -oen, pi. miscne amp; miscena Ha^; hatred. Wi.; Triads. miscnech verhafSt; hateful. Asc. 392; TogaU na Tebe; 962; Betha Colaim Chillo, 394,17.nbsp;miscnigid hafit; hates. IT. iv, 2; Tecosca Cor-maic. miscsech compar. miscsigiu verhaf3t; hateful. Asc. 392. miscsen s. miscais. miscsigid(ir) hafit; hates. Wb. 4ol6. mis-immert, mis-immirt .i. drooh-immirt. O’Ol.; cf. EC. XI, 446, 1.2 lt;6 (mi-)immir. misimmfn grUne Minze; spearmint. Joyce,nbsp;misir lleg. meiser) siibj. 2 sg. s. mididir.nbsp;0’Dav. 1442. misitér pi. -éir Sendling, Herold; emissary, herald. ITS. xxv; Irish Abridgment,nbsp;ml-énddad {MS. midshadhud) schlechtes Be-schUtzen; had protection. Fianaigeoht, p. 16,nbsp;§44. misnech = meisnech {Mut; courage). RC. XIX, p. 128, § 95; Keating, D4nta Amhréin. mf-snimach traurig; sorrowful. ZOP. vi, 64,nbsp;1. 18. mista monatlich, menstruierend; monthly, men-struant. Asc. 390; Laws, miste = mesa {compar. s. olo) amp; de, s.nbsp;2. mesa. mf-stuaimm A. id. Mangel an Geisteskraft; want of mental ability. Betha Colaim ChUle. |
mi-suaimnes — móaigid. 127
mi-suaimnes — móaigid. 127 mf-éuaitnnes G. -nis m. TJnnihe, Mi^behagen; unrest, discomfort. TSh. [misür] A. id. Ma^; measure. Betha Colaim ChiUe, 68, 24. mital SchmeicheUi; flattery. Egerton Glossary, [mith, meth] Npl. (aithig) mith.meith niedrig?;nbsp;low?. TBC. (Str.) 2607 = TBC. 3372; cf.nbsp;méith. Four Songs. mf-thaemm m. übler Anfall, Bosheit; evil fit, wickedness. Pianaigeoht, p. 70, 1.5; TSh.nbsp;ml-thaemmach, mf-tliaemmannach voïl üblernbsp;Anfalle, bescJiwerlich, b'óse; full of evil fits,nbsp;troublesome, wicked. ZCP. vi, p. 276,1.17.nbsp;ml-thaittnemach, mf-fhaithnemach mipjallend;nbsp;displeasing. TSh. mithal? Versammlung?; assembly?. 0’Curry I, 263. ml-than? {MS. mftan) .i. mi-aimmsir. Düil Droma Ceta. mf-thappad Unglüek; misfortune. Egerton Glossary. mf-thappaid trage, unglücklieh; sluggish, ill-fated. Togail na Tebe, p. xvii; TSh. mf-tharba Nutzlosigkeit; uselessness. RC. xiv,nbsp;400, §4. mf-tharbach nutzlos; unprofitable. RC. xiv,446. mi-thauraras = ml-thuraras.nbsp;ml-theimel A. id. üble Finsternis; evil darkness.nbsp;TBC. 1.3651. mf-theist Gsg. amp; Npl. -thesta übler Ruf; ill-fame, infamy. TSh. mithem G. -man (-ain) Juni; June. Br.D.D. p. 27, § 17. mithén mittleres Land; central land. Joyce. m!-thestach verrufen; infamous. TSh.nbsp;mithfir (0’CI.) = mifir.nbsp;mithig, mitbid, mithit (rechte) Zeit; (due) timenbsp;(meist pradikativ verwandt; used mostly asnbsp;predicate); is mithig es ist Zeit; it is time;nbsp;is mithig ieis = es scheint ihm Zeit; henbsp;thinks it time. Wi.; PH.nbsp;mithis G. {amp; A.) -se f. Zeit, Zeitfrist, Frist,nbsp;Waffenstillstand; time, period, respite, armistice. TBC.; ITS. XXI, 214, §29.nbsp;mithit = mithig. ml-thoimddenach (do) schlechteMeinung hegend (von); having a bad opinion (of). ZCP. xv,nbsp;188, §21. mi-thoimddiu falsche Meinung; wrong opinion. Wb. 24 d 22. ml-thoirter? Schreck?; terror?. St. Moling, p. 62, § 1. [mi-thol] G. -thuile baser Wille; ill-will; gl. mala voluntas. Ml. 33d3. mf-threorach richtungslos, sehwach; withoutnbsp;direction, feeble. ITS. iii, p. 4, 1. 22.nbsp;mi-throccaire /. TJnbarmherzigkeit, Lieblosig-keit; mercilessness, want of charity. TSh.nbsp;mf-throccairech unbarmherzig, lieblos; merciless, uncharitable. Plummer, Lives; TSh.nbsp;mi-throccar unbarmherzig; merciless. ZCP. vi,nbsp;57, b. 9. mi-thuicsech, ml-X\\v\as,\Aeunverstandig,dumm; unintelligent, stupid. RC. xix, 134, § 106,nbsp;n. 13 amp; 14. mf-thuraras, ml-thauraras, ml-thuras pi. mi-thurarasa, mi-thurrasa, mi-thurasa übles Abenteuer, Vorzeichen oder Vorgefuhl; evilnbsp;adventure, evil foreboding or misgiving.nbsp;Pled Br. 84; Br.D.D.; 0’CI.nbsp;mittaii, mittai G. -aill, D. -aill m. f. Metall,nbsp;Geisi, Mut; metal, mettle. ITS. iii; Ven-dryes. mittec Meckern (der Ziegen); bleating (of goats). Egerton Glossary. (-)mitter pass. s. mididir, (-)midedar. [mi-uaii], A. amp; Nsg. mi-uaiii (MS. miodhuaiil)nbsp;schreckliches Klagegeschrei; dismal lamentation. Ériu I, 18, 1. 43. ml ... s. bl---- (mieith, mleth, mlith G. mleithe abstr. s. meilid). -mm pron. infix. 1 sg. Thurn. i, §414 amp; 416; Betha Colaim ChiUe. ’mma- s. 1. imm. mnd Gsg. amp; NA. pi. s. ben.nbsp;mnaamlacht G. -ta /. weiblidte (weibische)nbsp;Art; womanly (womanish) ways. Bethanbsp;Colaim Chille. mnaf lt;amp; mndib, mndib (Dpi.), s. ben. mo, ma, m’ mein; my. Thum. i, p. 263. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mo- s. maith. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mo- s. mooh. mo (Laws) amp; móa s. mamp;r; ma mo (leis) .i. mad aU. ZCP. v, 489, § 14. mo ad s. 3. muad. móaid macht grof}, wird grof}; makes great, becomes great. AnCrinóg, p. 368, n. 1; Lawsnbsp;II, 192,17. móaigid, mógaid fut. amp; moaichfid macht grof}, wird grof}; makes great, becomes great; part.nbsp;móaigthe (Pled Br. §68); abstr. móugud,nbsp;mógud G. móaigthe. Triads; Aso. 399;nbsp;Laws; O’Don.; Hogan, 10, 1. 8?; ef.nbsp;moigid. |
128 móair — mogda.
{mo)génair — moirgg. 129
(mo)génair, {mo)génar (IT. iv, 1; TBC.; PH.; Metr. Dindsh.; Measgra Danta i, p. 44,1.92)nbsp;s. mad-génair.nbsp;mogna s. mugna.nbsp;mogsaine = mugsaine.nbsp;mogtha (Asc. 399) s. moigid.nbsp;mégud (Laws; 0’Don.) s. móaigid.nbsp;moichid? (Laws i, 64, 15) = moigid?. (-)nioid = maidid. moigech = maigech. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;moigid (moichid) versieht mit, sorgt jür;nbsp;furnishes with, endows, takes care for; part.nbsp;mogtha, mochtha, mochta. Aso. 399; Lecannbsp;Glossary; cf. RC. vii, 266 amp; xl, 380; amp;nbsp;móaigid. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;moigid = maidid. moil Dpi. moilib, molaib, Apl. moile Haufe; heap. IT. iv, 2. moill = mail!,nbsp;moille = 1. maiUe. moimment, moimmint, noimment DA. id. Augenblick; moment. ITS. i, 20; Vis. Tondale p. 119, § 3 lt;£ p. 143, §3; Hogan,nbsp;Latin Lives, p. 100. moin 0. móna, mónad (mfi.na?) DA. móin, mónai, pi. móinte /. Sumpf, Moor, Torf;nbsp;hog, moor, peat. Wi.; Laws; TBC.; Ir. Gl.nbsp;p. 49, ad 118; Lism. L.; TSh.; Keating,nbsp;Danta Amhrain. [(ar-)moine(thar)], (ar-)muine(thar) féid, air-mitnigid, airmitid (Trip, i, 162, 1.10) ehrt; honors; gerund, airmitnigthe féid; ahstr.nbsp;airmiliu (féid), airmite, airbitiu (O’Dav.45)nbsp;6. -ten /. -f- „Tahu“; “taboo” (geis). (Br.D.D.nbsp;p. 18, §16) amp; airmitniugud. Aso. 379f.;nbsp;Wi. 40, 1. 37; Contr.; Togail na Tebe, I. 2191; Laws; O’Don.; RC. XLV, 29, §5;nbsp;63, § 23; 69, § 3; 86, §65; 90, §7; Ériu II, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;7; Pokomy; TSh.; Hogan, Latin Lives.nbsp;[(ath-)moine(thar)], (ath-)muine(thar), (-)aith- mine(dar) ehrt, bewundert; honors, admires; abstr. aithmet G. -mit n. Ped. ii, p. 580, f.;nbsp;Contr. 152; ZCP. xviii, 331, §782,2.nbsp;(do-)moine(thap), (do-)muine(thar), (-)tomna-(thar), -aither, (-)tomainter, toimnid denkt,nbsp;meint; thinks, is of opinion; pari, toimdde,nbsp;abstr. toimddiu G. -dden f. Asc. 382f.; Ped. ii,nbsp;p. 581f.; Wi.; PH.; Laws; ZCP. xviii, 331;nbsp;Ériu II, 100, § 7, 116, § 49 (?) c6 iv, 236,nbsp;§5 (?); Trip. l, 100, 1.4. [(fo-)moine(thar)], (fo-)muine(thar), (-)fomna-(thar), -aither, foimddenaigid nimmt sich in Hessens Ir. Leidkon, Bd. II. |
acht, gibt acht; takes care, gives heed; part. amp; gerund, foimdde, foimnide, abstr. foimm-ddiu G. -dden /.; cf. foimhdin .i. airohill.nbsp;0’CI.; Ped. II, 581, §3; Three Middle-Irishnbsp;Homilies, 42, 1.24; Laws; PH.; O’Don.;nbsp;TBC.; Br.D.D. p.420; ZCP. lii,453, 1.4;nbsp;Lism. L.; Death-Tales; Dottin; Aur. Éc.;nbsp;Hogan, Latin Lives. [(for-)moine(thar)], (for-)muine(thar), formm-ddaigid, (-)formmddaig ( ?) beneidet; envies; abstr. formmat G. -ait n. m. Ped. ii,nbsp;p. 581, §4; Asc. 382; Wi.; PH.; Togailnbsp;na Tebe; TSh. 1. 7913; Keating, Dantanbsp;Amhrain. móin-fér 0. -éir m. Bergwiese; mountain-meadow. Joyce II, 338. [moinid(ir)], muinid(ir)], -nethar praet. (-)me-nair denkt; thinks. Thes. Pal. ii, 321, 1. 2; cf. 0’Dav. 1279. móinin, móintfn, móintean G. móintin kleiner Sumpf; little bog. Joyce i amp; in, 509, 510,nbsp;512, 513. moinister, mainister, mainistir G. mainistrech, pi. mainistrecha, Gpl. moinistre, mainistrechnbsp;Kloster; monastery. Vendryes; Wi.; RC.nbsp;XXIII, 435; ZCP. ii, 18, § 25 amp; vi, 330;nbsp;Lism. L. Lxxxvi; Hogan, Latin Lives;nbsp;TSh.; Pél. moint? D. .i. molad. Archiv iii, 14,9. móinteén s. móinin. móintech, móntach sumpfig; boggy; subst. G. -tig, -taig Sumpf land, Sumpf moos;nbsp;boggy land, bog-moss. Plummer, Lives,nbsp;p. 25, § 12; Joyce I, 466, 468, iii, 515;nbsp;O’Curry. móintin = móinin. móïr (moair) s. mdr. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;moirb pi. moirbe .i. sehgAn (Ameise; ant).nbsp;0’CI.; cf. KZ. xxxvi, 276, § xxill amp; Ped. l,nbsp;p. 163. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;moirb s. marb. moirecht G. -ta /. Wertschatzung, Freund-schaft; high esteem, friendship. ITS. V, 10, 3. moirgg, mairgg (G. m. mairgg. ZCP. xx, 224, § 18) Wehe; woe; amm mairgg de-sidenbsp;Weh mir daruml; woe to me on account ofnbsp;that!. LU. 4246 amp; 4252; (is) mairgg (cumnbsp;gen. vel do, velnom.) Wehe (dem)!; woe (to)!;nbsp;fo bith-mairgge (pi?) unter bestiindigemnbsp;Weh; in constant woe. ITS. iv, I, 1. 1856;nbsp;cf. Aso. 399; Wi.; TBC.; PH.; Alt. Ir. |
-ocr page 138-130 moim — monasach.
Dichtung ii, p. 15; Fél.; ITS. vi; TSh.; Mesoa Ulad, p. 18; ITS. iii, 142, 1. 62.nbsp;moipn = muim. moirtchenn, muirtchenn «. (Hogan 169) Aas, flotzlicher Tod-, carrion, sudden death.nbsp;Vendryes.nbsp;moirte = muirt. moirtél Mörser; (pounding-)mortar. ITS. xxv. moirtfn eine Art Krankheit (Lahmung?); anbsp;kind of disease (paralysis?). Plummer,nbsp;Lives, p. 286, 1.18.nbsp;mois = muis. móit (uóit, bóit) O. móite (-ted) f. Gelubde, Wunsch, Verwünschung, Zorn; vow, wish,nbsp;imprecation, anger. Vendryes; Vis. Tondalenbsp;XVII, 2; Betha Colmamp;in, 78,1.32; Plummer,nbsp;Lives; Cormac, 939; Keating, DAnta Amh-rdin; ITS. vii, p. 61, xxill; Philip Bocht;nbsp;Ddn Dé, amp; p. 60 §58; Alt. Ir. Dichtung,nbsp;p. 21, n. 6. móite (Laws s. v. mó; ZCP. vi, 4,22) s. mdr. (-)moith (Ml. llOdlO) = maidid. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mol (mul) G. moA m. Stange, Schaft; pole,nbsp;shaft; mol muilinn Mühlstange; mill shaft.nbsp;Wi.; Laws; TBC.; Egerton Glossary. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mol O. muil Gerede; talk. Cormac, 860;nbsp;0’Mulc. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mol = mul. molach redselig; talkative. Cormac,860; Trip. 1,32,1. 31; 0’Mulo.; Egerton Glossary; cf.nbsp;(ath-)muilnethar. molaid(ir) loht, billigt; praises, approves; part. molta, gerund, molta(i); abstr. molad G.nbsp;molta m. Eigenschaftswort; adjective.nbsp;Friu VIII, p. IV; molad na h-eclaise dasnbsp;kirchliche Stundengebet; the canonical hours.nbsp;Betha ColaimChUle; cf. Wi.; 0’Don.; TBC.;nbsp;Laws; PH.; Togail na Tebe; van Hamel,nbsp;Compert. molaigid preist; praises, van Hamel, Compert. molbad O. molbtha, molfa, pl. molbtha Preis;nbsp;praise. Betha Colaim Chille, 394, 1. 17;nbsp;Metr. Dindsh.; 0’Mulc. (MS. molthud).nbsp;moibda rühmenswert; praiseworthy. Gorm.nbsp;250, 1. 3. moibthach, molfach compar. -aige (PH. 605) preiswürdig; praiseworthy. Laws i, 4, 1.6nbsp;IT. Ill, 2, p. 328, § 94; Metr. Dindsh.nbsp;0’CI.; Lecan Glossary; subst.? Preislied?nbsp;laudatory song?; cf. Dpi. molbthogaib,nbsp;[-achaib, -agaib]. SR. 4324; PH. 6058.nbsp;molc .i. teine (?). ZCP. xvii, 32; Lecan Glossary. |
molchan = mulchan. molfa s. molbad.nbsp;molfach = moibthach. mol mar von dem viel geredet wird, berühmt; much spoken of, famed; .i. glórach. 0’CI.;nbsp;cf. SR. 1. 4671. molt G. muilt m. Widder; wether. Wi.;TBC. p. 373, n. 6; Laws; RC. xiv, 54, §66;nbsp;Dottin s. V. sen-muilt; LU. 1. 6461; moltnbsp;dén ma ein Oef af}?; a kind of vessel?. IT.nbsp;II, 1, p. 187. moltach preiswürdig; praiseworthy. Wi. 109,1.1. [moltaide] compar. moltaidiu (gl. lauda-bilior. Ml. 84c 13) preiswürdig; praiseworthy.nbsp;moltdn D. id. m. kleiner Widder; little wether. Vendryes. mómar = modmar. mon gewandte Tat, List; skillful act, wik; .i. des. 0’CI.; Aur. Éc.; Lecan Glossary; cf.nbsp;ITS. XX, 118, §3 (fe Imr. Br.nbsp;mona s. ma.nbsp;móna s. móin. monach, manach geschickt, listig; skillful, wily; subst. m. Gaukler; juggler. Laws v,nbsp;108, 1.20; RC. XI, 454; IT. Ill, 2, p. 372,nbsp;§205; Düil Droma Ceta, p. 189, 1.25;nbsp;0’CI.; van Hamel, Compert.nbsp;monad G. -aid m. Geld, Pragung, Art; money,nbsp;stamp, kind. Vendryes; IT. iv, 2; ITS. xrv;nbsp;Plummer, Lives, 177,1.9; Egerton Glossary,nbsp;monad, mónai s. móin.nbsp;monaib s. 3. muin. mónanda rot me Preiseïbeeren; red as moor-berries. ITS. xxii, p. 8, 1.191. mónann G. -ainn Preiselbeere; moor-berry.nbsp;RC. XIII, 46, §29; IT. iv, 1; ITS. xii, 116, I. 13 amp; XX, 42, §121; King and Hermit;nbsp;Measgra Ddnta l amp; li, p. 126, 1. 11; cf.nbsp;mónóc. monar, monair O. monra?, DA. -air n. f. (gute) Tat, Arbeit; (good) deed, work. Thes.nbsp;Pal. 11,304, 1.6; Laws ii, 36 1.9; O’Don.;nbsp;Br.D.D. p. 394, § 69; ITS. vi; SR.; Primer,nbsp;p. 6, § 10; Mór of Munster, p. 267, 1. 11;nbsp;Horn. Leg. p. 114; Metr.; Keating’s History; Aur. Éc.; Dan Dé; Measgra Ddnta II, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;p. 166, 1. 69. monarugud (D.) Arbeiten; working. LB. 261 marg. monasach, manaisech langsam?, eögernd?, nachschleppend?; slow?, lingering?, trailing?.nbsp;TBC. 6248. |
mónatamp;n — m6r-chr{a)ide. 131
mónatdn, mónaramp;n Preiselbeere; moor-berry. ITS. XII, 94, 1. 18; gl. moneta. Ir. Gl. p. 67,nbsp;ad 211; Ossianic Society iii, 60,3.nbsp;monatóir fl. -re Oeldwechsler-, money-changer.nbsp;PH. monc(a)f O. id. m. Affe; monkey. ITS. iii, 224, 1. 5. mong, moing, miiifig 6. muinge, moinge, D. railing, moing (maing) /. Haar, Mahne,nbsp;ianges, rauhes Gras, binsenbewachsener Ort,nbsp;Oébüsch, Walder; hair, mane, long, coarsenbsp;grass, sedgy place, bushes, forest. Asc. 399;nbsp;Wi.; Laws.; TBC.; IT. ii, 1, p. 177, 1. 94;nbsp;Ir. Gl. p. 62, ad 148; Lism. L.; King andnbsp;Hermit; Joyce iii, 612, 517 amp; 624; Cormac,nbsp;936; Togail na Tebe; Syllabic Poetry; Ériunbsp;II, 62; Hogan, Latin Lives; ITS. iv, 96, z;nbsp;TSh.; Measgra DAnta i, p.69, 1.10; mongnbsp;mer = beim mer. Irish Texts v, 93. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mongach behaart, bemahnt, begrast, be-buscht; haired, maned, grassy, overgrown withnbsp;thickets. IT. Ill, 1, p. 273, n. 105; TBC.nbsp;p. 816, n. 5; Br.D.D. p. 326, § 162; Metr.nbsp;Dindsh.; Measgra Danta ii; cf. Pél. p. 176,nbsp;§ 14. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mongach, (muingech?) A. -aig /. {binsenbewachsener) Sumpf; (sedgy) morass. Metr.nbsp;Dindsh.; Joyce ii, 340 lt;fe iii, 512, 616,nbsp;617{?). mongar, (mongar), mongdir G. -air, DA. mongar, mongéir Liirm, Oebriill; din,nbsp;roaring. IT. iv, 2; ITS. v, 86, 1.11, xix;nbsp;Pianaigeoht; Metr. Dindsh.; Egerton Glossary; Measgra Ddnta i, p. 56,1. 11 lt;ê ii.nbsp;mongardn in; fogar-mongardn (kleiner) Liirm; (little) noise. IT. iv, 2, 4166 mohgda langhaarig; long-haired. Metr.nbsp;Dindsh. iv, 98, 1. 79. mohg-süilech mit starken Wimpern und Brauen?; having well-marked eye-lashes andnbsp;brows?. ITS. I.nbsp;moni s. ma. monmarG. -air m. Murren; murmuring. Betha Colaim Chille.nbsp;mono s. ma. mónóc 0. -óice /. Preiselbeere; moor-berry. Medical Glossaries; O’Don.; Measgra Danta l; cf. mónarm.nbsp;monra s. monar.nbsp;montach = móintech. |
montar, miinlar, muinter,(muinlir)G.muntaire, muintire f. Hausstand, Oefolge, jemand, dernbsp;dazu gehort; family, retinue, somebody belonging to a family or retinm. Vendryes;nbsp;Wi.; Laws;PH.;TBC.; IT. iv, l;Lism.L.;nbsp;Vitae Sanctorum; Cormac, 931; 0’CI.;nbsp;Dottin; Togail na Tebe; TSh.; Keating’snbsp;History; Pél.; Ryan, Irish Monastioism,nbsp;246. monu s. ma. monyarWe/ie/; alasl. SR. p. 21,1.1425; Syllabic Poetry, s. v. nuar. monuarÉn Wehel; alasl. IT. iv, 2.nbsp;moo, moom, mor s. mdr.nbsp;mora s. muir. (in)móra Grope?; greatness?. Gorm. mor-aicentach, mop-aicintech hochsinnig, feu-rig, mutig; highspirited, fiery, courageous.nbsp;van Hamel, Compert; IT. iv, 2; ZCP. vi, 44.nbsp;moraid = mamp;raid. moraigid macht grop, preist; magnifies, praises. Egerton Glossary, mordil (PH.) s. móróU.nbsp;mór-aflech mit gropen Wangen; having bignbsp;cheeks. IT. iii, 2, 289, § 4.nbsp;mordlas (Vendryes; Asc. 399) s. mórólas.nbsp;[móréida], mórdlla, móralta sittlich, übertragen; moral, metaphoric. PH. 1.4599; Dinneen. mórdn G. -din n. (Hogan 165, Dottin) m.nbsp;cum do (= de) viel, viele; much, many.nbsp;Betha Colaim Chille; TSh.nbsp;mdr-bf (MS. morbi) .i. ségainn. Duil Dromanbsp;Ceta 190; cf. mór S 6. (-)bi.nbsp;[mór-borbbgar] DA. -air groPes, rohes Ge-twmmel; great, rude uproar. IT. iv, 2. 5136.nbsp;mór-brisid brichtgewaltig, siegt; breaks violently,nbsp;is victorious. ITS. x. mor-buaidrid stort gewaltig; perturbs greatly. IT. IV, 2. more Eber?; boar?; more mór-theined (-thi-ned) gropes Feuer; big fire; .i. tore, .i. mór. 0’CI.; Hogan, p. 240; Pianaigecht; cf. torenbsp;(teined). mór-chairddemail sehr freundlich; very friendly. ITS. X. mór-chSsc Gpl. id. der Ostertag selbst; the very Easter-day. EC. xxviii, 322, §49; cf.nbsp;cdsc. mór-chen groper Willkomm; great welcome; mo mor-ehen (cum nom.), is mo mór-chen do willkommen!; welcome!. IT. iv, 1; cf. fochgn, mochgn. mór-chr(a)ide D. id. Hochsinn; magnanimity. TBC. p. 763, n. 9. |
-ocr page 140-132 mór-chtiiteoli — móróil.
mór-chuitech mit gropem Anteil; having a great share. Laws. mórda groPartig, erhaben, in hoher Stellung, stole; grand, exalted, of high position, proud.nbsp;Wi.; Tecosca Cormaio; Fél.; Grorm.; TSh.;nbsp;RC. XLV. mordacht G. -ta /. Grö^e, Erhabenheit, Hoch-hereigkeit. Stole; greatness, majesty, magnanimity, haughtiness. TTr.; ITS. vi; Syllabic Poetry; Keating, Dénta Amhrain; Egertonnbsp;Glossary. mor-dairgfn, mdr-draigen, mur-draigen, itiarb-draigen grower Gamander; great germander. ITS. XXV; Medical Glossaries, s. v. murb-droigen. mor-ddi, mor-ddil 0. -dala /. gro§e Versamm-lung, Stole; great assembly, pride. Laws 1,40,8; Lism.L.; Keating’s History. mor-ddlach grope Versammlungen haltend?, prachtliebend, unirdevoll, stole; holding greatnbsp;assemblies ?, magnificent, majestic, proud.nbsp;Plummer, Lives; Togail na Tebe; Keating,nbsp;Danta Ambrain. mordatu, mordata G. -tad m. Stole, Hochmut; pride, haughtiness. Wi.; ZCP. ill, 449, n. 2S;nbsp;Dottin; Horn. Leg. p. S5, 1. 4. mór-déchaid uberblickt; surveys; abstr. mor-déchsain (D.). IT. iv, llt;b2. mór-étalach sehr reich; very wealthy, van Hamel, Comport. mór-étrocht sehr gldneend; very bright. ITS. xii. mór-faütigid (roim) begruptherelich; welcomes greatly. ITS. x. mór-féchaid uberblickt; surveys. Hogan, 72, § 22; abstr. mór-fégad. IT. iv, 1, p. 127, l. 4689; cj. mór-déchaid. mór-feis, mor-féis f. Stole; pride. De Con-temptn. mor-feiser, mor-seiser Q. -sir n. (Hogan, 159) m. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;sieben Mann; seven persons. Aso. 236;nbsp;Wi.; TBC.; Aur. Éc.; PH.; Dottin; RC.nbsp;XII, 119; Ir. Gl. p. 96, § 777; Friu VII, 188;nbsp;at'recht mor-feiser erhob sich mit seeks anderen; arose with six others. Imr. Br. 56,14. mor-ferggaid wird sehr eornig; becomes greatly enraged. ITS. x. mórgénaib (Dpi.) ?. in t-aér cona mórgénaib {leg. mór-gaaib.*) CP. p. 62, 1. 135. |
morggaid (marggaid, mairggid) verniehtet, macht verwesen, verwest; ruins, corrupts, isnbsp;corrupted; part, morggtha, abstr. morggad;nbsp;(romm-)margg7 (de), (romm-)mairgg wehenbsp;mir (darum); woe to me {on account of it).nbsp;Knott, Togail Bruidne Da Derga; IT.nbsp;Ill, 2, p. 306, 1. 19; PH. 1. 3837; Plummer,nbsp;Lives; Betha Colaim Chille; ZCP. ii, 62,1.3;nbsp;Vis. Tondale; ITS. xxv; Egerton Glossary;nbsp;cf. moirgg. [morggaigid] macht verwesen, verwest; corrupts, is corrupted; part, morggaigthe (morggaithe).nbsp;TSh.; Vis. Tondale xiii, 1.nbsp;morgganta {MS. morrgÉnta) stole, verwegen; proud, bold. ZCP. xviii, 258, 1. 31. mor-glan (IT. iv, 1; Dottin) = mar-glan.nbsp;mor-glonnach an groten Taten reich; rich innbsp;great deeds. IT. iv, 1; TBC.nbsp;mor-gneithetu Gropartigkeit; grandeur, magnificence; gl. magnificentia. MI. 25a 15.nbsp;mor-gneithid s. mar-gneithid.nbsp;mor-gnim grofie oder schlimme Tat; great ornbsp;grievous act. IT. iv, 2; Byrne-Dillon, Téinnbsp;Bó Fraich. mór-gnimach mit grofien Taten; of great deeds. van Hamel, Compert. mór-gor sehr fromm, voll kindlicher Liebe; very pious, of great filial love. EC. xxii, 428. mor-inlach {A.) grofie Vorbereitung, grofiernbsp;Vorbedacht; great preparation or premeditation. EC. XLiii, p. 120, § 124.nbsp;mor-lucbt groper Vorrat, Überflufi; great store,nbsp;abundance. ITS. iii, 126, 8.nbsp;mor-mada (A.) grofies Vergeblichmachen, volligenbsp;Zerstörung; utter frustration, complete destruction. Metr. Dindsh. m, P- 290, 1.56.nbsp;mór-medónach grofi und in der Mitte befind-lich; great and central. IT. iv, 2.nbsp;mor-menmmnach hochherzig; magnanimous. Pled Br. 33; IT. iv, 1 lt;6 2. mormmont, bormmont G. -óint Wermut;nbsp;wormwood. ITS. xxv (amp; 300, 1.1); Denbsp;Contemptu. mór-monarach schwer arbeitend; greatly toiling. ITS. XII. mór-mór compar. mór-mó (mó-mó. IT. Ill, 2, p. 288, § 1) besonders grofi; especiallynbsp;great; compar. = viel mehr; much more;nbsp;adv. CO (go) mór-mór besonders; especially.nbsp;IT. Ill, 2, p. 680 amp; IV, 2,1. 665; TTr.; TSh.nbsp;mór-müir .i. móin (grower Sumpf?; greatnbsp;puddle?). Metr. mor-muirnech mit grofien Scharen?; having great hosts?, van Hamel, Compert. móróil, móróil? {MSS. moroil, morail) „sitt-lich“; “moral”. Vendryes; cf. PH. 7190, |
mórólas — muad. 133
mórólas, mórólas (MSS. morolus, moralus) G. -sa m. süüiéhe {übertragene) Bedeutung {eines Bibeltextes); moral (metaphoric) meaningnbsp;(of a biblical text). Hib. Min.; Aso. 399;nbsp;Vendryes. IVIor-rIgu, Mor-rlgan, Mor-rlgain G. -gna /. „ Mahrenköniginquot;, weibliches Gespenst;nbsp;“queen of nightmares”, a female specter. IT.nbsp;IV, 1; TEC. p. 1090; BO. xv, 292, 1.8,nbsp;293 n.; Togail na Tebe.nbsp;mór-seiser (Wi.; Aur. Éc.) = mór-feiser.nbsp;mór-soideithbir sehr sachgemafi, sehr natUrlich; very meet, very natural. IT. iv, 2. mórtach tödlich, sterbend?, tot?; deadly,nbsp;dying?, dead?. ITS. xviii.nbsp;mór-thalta?(MiS'/S'.E. -thaltu;le3. mór-tholta?)nbsp;starh ausgehOhlt?, sehr geraumig?; muchnbsp;hollowed out?, spacious?. Br.D.D. §87.nbsp;mór-thonnach mit grofien Wogen; with bignbsp;waves. IT. iv, 1 amp; 2; Plummer, Lives,nbsp;mórthu Hochmut; haughtiness. Tecosca Cor-maio, p. 24, 1.18. mortlac Sterblichheit; mortality. Laws i, 60, 1. 18; cf. martarlao amp; mortlaid.nbsp;mortlaid, mortlad Sterblichkeit; mortality.nbsp;Vendryes; Aso. 431; Tbes. Pal. ii, 362,nbsp;1. 12; Bezz.B. xvili, p. 74; ZCP. xx, 227,nbsp;§ 36; Betha Colaim Chille, p. 68, 11. 30nbsp;c6 32. mortlaidecht G. -ta /. Tödlichkeit; deadliness, pestiferousness. IT. iv, 2.nbsp;mór-uasal Dpi. -uaislib hochedel; very noble. ZCP. VI, 44. (mos-) = moch. mós Gewohnheit, Weise; custom, mode. Vendryes; Metr. mosach rauh, borstig, schmutzig; rough, bristly, filthy. TBC. motartha, motarra triibsinnig, miirrisch; dejected, surly. ITS. xxv, 146, § 38; Oidhe Cbloiime Tuireann, §§ 6 S 7. [motarthacht], motarracht G. -ta /. Trubsinn; dejection. ITS. xxv. motat (Laws) = (in-)ottat?. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;moth (mod) D. mutb Staunen; amazement. Asc. 400; Br.r).D. p. 286, § 110. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;moth, mod mannliches Glied, Geschlechtnbsp;Oder Lebewesen?; male organ of generation,nbsp;male gender, sex or creature?; .i. gach ferda,nbsp;gach fer-insoe, et nomen virili membro .i.nbsp;ball ferda. Cormao, 866; cf. RC. xxvi, p. 62nbsp;§282; Metr. Dindsb. ?; 0’CI.. |
3. moth .i. guth (= Slimme; voice). Diiil Droma Ceta, p. 190, x.nbsp;mothach .i. torthaoh (hervorbringend; productive). IT. in, 1, p. 35, § 17; 0’CI.nbsp;mothaigid(ir) staunt (an), empfindet; is amazed (at), perceives; abstr. mothugud. Asc.nbsp;400; Ériu xi, 46,1.11; IT. iv, 1; ITS. xxv;nbsp;Vis. Tondale; Togail na Tebe; Gorm.; TSb.;nbsp;Keating’s History; 0’Mulc.; Philip Bocht,nbsp;mothaigthech fühlbar, Empfindungs-?; palpable, perceptible, sensitive?. ITS. xxv.nbsp;mothar G. -air. Dpi. -thraib, Apl. -thru n.?nbsp;(Horn. Leg. p. 114) m. Klumpen, Busch,nbsp;Baumgruppe, Trümmer einer Steinfestungnbsp;Oder eines Steinhauses, Steinzaun, Dunkel-heit. Dunst, hohe See; clump, bush, clusternbsp;of trees, ruins of a stone-fort or stone-house,nbsp;stone-inclosure, darkness, vapor, high sea.nbsp;Wi.; TBC.; BC. xiil, 18, n.2 S xvi, 34, z;nbsp;IT. IV, 1 cê 2; ITS. XII, 14, 1. 19, 24,1. 1 cênbsp;XIV, 150,1. 14; Betha Colmain, p. 62,1. 17;nbsp;Joyce I, 298 S iii, 606, 512; TTr.; CF.;nbsp;Metr. Dindsh.; Hogan, p. 258.nbsp;mothia (.i.) maeth. Metr.nbsp;mothlach zottig behaart; shaggy. ZCP. vi, 80,nbsp;1.19; Metr. Dindsh. iv, 26,17.nbsp;mothóchas (TSh. 6476) rel. fut. s. mothaigid.nbsp;mótta, bótta G. id., pi. mótaide (leg. mót[a]i)nbsp;Wallgraben; moat. Joyce iii, 506; Egertonnbsp;Glossary,nbsp;mr- = hr-,nbsp;mraith- = braith-. mraithemnacht G. -ta /. Verrat; betrayal. Asc. 404. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;¦ mrecht = breoht. mrecht-runcain D. bunt Hobeln; variegated planing. B3n’ne-Dillon, Tain BÓ Fraioh,nbsp;p. 3, § 7. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(mu-) s. maith. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(mu-) s. moch. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[muad]? DA. muaid, Apl. muaide Be-tdubung; stupor. TBC.; cf. 2. muad. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;muad DA. muaid (?) Mitte?, Hohepunkt?nbsp;middle?, highest point?; muadmullaig .i.menbsp;dón in mullaig. Cormac, 921; cf. 0’CI.nbsp;cairdde tar muaid grower (?) Aufschubnbsp;great (?) postponement. ITS. xiii, 66, 1.3nbsp;muad, muag .i. med. Aur. Êc. 1. 5463. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;muad, muaid weich?, zart?, edel, erhaben,nbsp;gewaUig; soft?, tender?, noble, exalted, mighty.nbsp;Wi.; TBC.; IT. iv, 2 (perperam 3387); ITS.nbsp;VI, 36, 11.27 amp; 29, XII, 44, 1.6; Primer; |
134 4. muad — 1. mucha.
2. mucha ^ muiccigecht. 135
136 muiccrecht — muin.
muiccrecht D. id. Masidarm?, schwarze Wurst mit Rainfarn, Zwiebel, Salz iisw.?; rectum?,nbsp;ilack pudding with tansy, onions, salt, etc.nbsp;introduced for seasoning?; .i. inni bis i richtnbsp;na muicoe .i. in caelan tóna. 0’Dav. 1210;nbsp;cf. O’Curry l, 369; ZCP. xv, 371, n. 3. (a) muich, (a) mmuich s. mag. miiich = maich.nbsp;muiche s. moch. müichnech finster, elend; gloomy, miserable. Wi. 191, 1.28; Lism. L. 1.3642; Plummer,nbsp;Lives; Horn. Leg. §53.nbsp;tniiichnechad? (MS. muccnechad) D. id. Ver-nichten; act of destroying. Plummer, Lives,nbsp;211, §70. inüichnechas Finsternis, Trubsinn, Rummer; gloom, melancholy, sorrow. ITS. xii, 118,1. 9. mtiichnide finster, trubselig, elend; gloomy,nbsp;melancholy, wretched. ITS. xii, 36, 1. 5.nbsp;miiichthe s. muchaid. (-)muid (Laws; Keating’s History) praes. S praet. s. maidid. muide, buide G. id. Gef'dfi mit enger Miindung; narrow-mouthed vessel. Laws; Ériu iv, 166,nbsp;ad § 10; Vendryes; ITS. xiii, 128, § x.nbsp;muidid (Togail na Tebe, 1. 2325) = maidid.nbsp;muig s. mag. (-)muig (Laws i, 66, 1.27; Betha Colaim Chille, p. 394, 1. 23)) praet. s. maidid.nbsp;muige, muigib s. mag. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;muigid (Laws iii,p. 6,1. 16, v. 1.) = mudaid. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;muigid = maidid. muilces Geldstrafe, Baclw; mulct, revenge. ITS. X. miiile MauUier; mule. muiienn (muilienn) G. -linn, Npl. muille (maille, muilte). Dpi. muillib m. Mühle;nbsp;mill. TBC.; Laws; TSh.; Joyce i, 375f.nbsp;(bill, 521 f.; Vendryes; Keating’s History,nbsp;miiiliech = munlach.nbsp;muilienn s. muUenn. muilleóracht G. -ta f. (Miillerhandwerk), Mühlenbau; (trade of a miller), millbuilding. Laws V, 94, 5. muillib s. muiienn. muillid, (-)muille treibt an, hetzt; excites, incites; abstr. muilled. 0’Cl.; Laws iii, 518, 1. 20; cf. V, 490, 1. 5. muilneoir, muilleoirl?. -eóra,-eórach m. Muller; miller. Vendryes; LIT. 1.1757; IT. iv, 1,nbsp;1.6332; Lism. L. lxxxvii; Triads, p. 30,nbsp;§234; TSh. 1.10073. |
(alh-)muilnethar sagt wieder; says again. Wb. 18ol2. muilte s. muiienn. muiltfn kleine Mühle?; Utle mill?. Joyce iii, 523. muimme, buimme G. id. (Gpl. S muimmed) /. Amme, ZiehrrW’tter; nurse. Wi.; Asc. 402;nbsp;Laws; Contr.; TBC.; Triads; Togail nanbsp;Tebe; Joynt, Tromdamh Guaire. muimmecdn kleine Ziehmutter; little nurse. Ériu III, 140. muimmech, buimmech DA. muimmig /. Amme, Ziehmutter; nurse. ITS. vi; Aur.Éc.;nbsp;Triads, § 130. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;muin, main A. id. List; trick. ZCP. ix,nbsp;294 amp; XVII, 197, 1.8 (?); Wi. 144, 1.31;nbsp;.i. celgg. O’Dav. 1242; Anecd. l, 22, n. 9;nbsp;LU. p. 140, 1. 4451. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;m u i n A. id. Verlangen, Liebe, Wertschdtzung;nbsp;desire, affection, esteem. Alt. Ir. Dichtung ii,nbsp;25, n. 10. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;muin G. muine. Dpi. monaib /. Nacken;nbsp;back of the neck; (do-)beir muin (es)nbsp;hebt den Stole (von); (it) increases the pridenbsp;(of). Wi. p. 144, 1.31; cuirid mo chéill asnbsp;mo muin verdreht mir den Verstand; disturbsnbsp;my senses. Measgra Danta il, p. 156, 1.30nbsp;immarbég a muin (cum Gen.) miteinandernbsp;Zanken oder wetteiferndes Prahlen betreffsnbsp;mutual contending or emulous boasting as tonbsp;Wi. 206,1.13; ar muin auf, uber, in Hinzunbsp;fügung zu; on, over, in addition to. Laws iiinbsp;458, 1. 22; ITS. xix, 94,1.28; TSh. 1. 8031nbsp;muin ar muin immer wieder; over and overnbsp;ITS. XX, 112, §29; di (do) mu\n zufolge vonnbsp;trotz des Schutzes von; in consequence ofnbsp;in spite of the protection of. Laws; ITS. xixnbsp;98,1.23; Irish Abridgment, p. 80, § 9; Triadsnbsp;30, § 232; di muin .i. de ohommairge. Marnbsp;strander, Dictionary, p. 157; Philip Bqohtnbsp;DanDé, p. 139, adni, Ic; do muin chomairlenbsp;absichtlich; on purpose. TSh. 1. 7705; donbsp;muin chr(o)ide aufrichtig; sincerely. TSh.nbsp;1.10147; for muin = ar muin amp; auf dienbsp;Bürgschaft hin; on the guarantee. Lawsnbsp;V, 144, 1.8; Death-Tales 26, §5; i muinnbsp;zugefügi; in addition to. Ériu vii, 154, §3nbsp;Laws; cf. Asc. 401; Trip, ii, 458, 1.4nbsp;TBC.; EC. Ill, 186f.; ZCP. ix, 294f.nbsp;IT. Ill, 2, 443; Stories from the Tdin, p. 6nbsp;1. 2 cb 3; Hogan, Latin Lives, p. 73, 1.4nbsp;Togail na Tebe; Aur. Éc.; Syllabic Poetry. |
4. muin — muinmech. 137
4. muin Rébe?, Ogam m; grapevine?, the Ogam letter m; .i. finemain. Aur. Éo; cf.nbsp;RC. XLiv, 1318. muinbech, muinmech, mainbech nJ (Hogan, 172) Betrug; deceit. Wi. muin-brecc mit huntem Nacken, mit Halsring oder -kette?; having a variegated neck, wearingnbsp;a collar?. RC. xxvi, 34, § 167(?); ZCP.nbsp;XVII, 196,1. 8. muince, muinche m.(?) f. {?) 0. id. Halsring, Halskette, Schmucklcetie; torque, necklace,nbsp;ornamental chain. Wi.; TBC.; cf. muincenbsp;doat .i. foilge. Ériu ii, 12; Betha Colm4in,nbsp;50, 1. 3; O’Curry; Dottin; Shaw, Aislingenbsp;Oenguso. muincech, (muncach?) mit Halsring; wearing a torque. TBC. (?); RC. xliii, 94, 1. 7. muinche = muince. muinchenn (muinchinn) G. -chinne /. Enge, Ausdehnung, Oherflache; strait, expanse,nbsp;surface. IT. ii, p. 4, 1. 43, in, p. 580 amp;nbsp;IV, 1 lt;Ê 2; ITS. XII, 44, § 31; TTr.; Hogan,nbsp;240; Horn. Leg. p. 5, §8; Betha Colaimnbsp;Chille, 394,1.3; LU. 1.79; Measgra Danta ii. muinchille, muirchilie Armel; sleeve. Cormac, 912; Joyce lii, 524. muinchiilech mit Armeln; having sleeves. Ir. Gl. p. 19, §598. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;muin-chorach, mun-chorach mit Halsringnbsp;Oder -kette; wearing a collar. Bruohstuoke,nbsp;p. 19, §38; suhst. (£ muin-chobrach?) Halsring Oder -kette; collar. TBC. p. 117, n. 4. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;muin-chorach Osg. f. muin-choirohe adj.nbsp;wer sich durch Vertrag in Dienst begebennbsp;hat?; one having contracted for service?.nbsp;Laws; Aneod. lii, 29, 1.3; cf. Studies innbsp;Early Irish Law, p. 152. muinde sum Halse gehorig; belonging to the neck; gl. coUarium. Sg. 35a6. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;muine6.id.,H.muiniu, Apl.muineda M.?, m.nbsp;f. Busch, (Hiigel); bush, (hill). Wi.; O’Don.;nbsp;TBC. p. 808, n. 11; ITS. xii, 14, § 12 S 68,nbsp;1. 3; Ir. Gl. p. 81, ad585; Lism.L.; Bezz.B.nbsp;XVIII, 106; Cormac, 923; Joyce l, 496f.;nbsp;Aur. Éc.; ITS. vii, 31, 1.1; Mesca Ulad,nbsp;22, 1.22; Stories from Keating; Joyce ill,nbsp;509 £ 511. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;muine D. id. das Fett, mit dem die Ein-geweide des Schweines ausgekleidet sind;nbsp;the lard which lines the intestines of a pig.nbsp;Ir. Gl. p. 166, ad p. 160, n. 220. (do-)müine lehrt; teaches. PH.; Dottin, |
muinech Busehwerk, Dornen; shrubbery, thorns. Egerton Glossary. muinechan m. kleines Busehwerk; little shrubbery. Joyce I, 497. muinél Osg. amp; Npl. muineoil, muinéil, Dsg. muineol, muinél Hals; neck; gl. muin.nbsp;0’CI.; c/. Wi.; TBC.; IT. iv, 2; Ir. Gl.nbsp;p. 189; Cormac, 899; Togail na Tebe, 3188;nbsp;Keating’s History. (-)muine{thar) = (-)moine(thar); c/.moinid(ir). muihg, muinge s. mong.nbsp;muingech = 2. mongach. [muin-gias, mun-glas] pi. munglasa .i. mui-nélglasa {Halsfesseln; neck-fetters). 0’CI. muiniccech steifnackig; stiff-necked. ITS. xiii,nbsp;P- 4. § V. miiinid, munaid (cum Dat. vel Acc. personae, Aoc. rei) lehrt; teaches; part, muinte {gl.mo-nitum. Ml. 70bl); abstr. munad G. munta,nbsp;muinte -f Erziehung; education. Asc. 401;nbsp;Wi.; Laws; PH.; TBC. 1.3753; ZCP. vi,nbsp;24, 1. 8; IT. IV, 1; Dottin; TSh.; Keating’snbsp;History; Keating, Danta Amhrain; Philipnbsp;Bocht, p.214, ad 38,f; O’Dav.635; Egertonnbsp;Glossary. muinid(ir)dew/cJ, überlegt,bestimmt{für); thinks, reflects, destines (/or); muinemar .i. bennach-mmait. RC.XX, 268, 288 ; 0’Dav.; Wb.nbsp;4c38; Ped. II, p. 580, §782; c/. moinid(ir).nbsp;muinigid (as) verlaat sich auf, vertraut auf;nbsp;relies on, trusts in; abstr. muiniugud. Philipnbsp;Bocht, p. 90, §30; Metr. Dindsh. Ill, 278,nbsp;1. 35. muinigin (muinidin) G. -gne (-gine) /. Ver-trauen, Zuflucht; trust, resort (auf, zu; in, to = as, vel cum Gen.); ao muinigin as ver-trauend auf; relying on; téit i muinigin (cumnbsp;Gen.) nimmt seine Zuflucht zu; resorts to.nbsp;Wi.; TBC.; ITS. iv, 2; ITS. v, 40, z lt;fe vi;nbsp;Three Middle-Irish Homilies, p. 72, 1.10;nbsp;TTr.; TSh.; Betha ColaimChüle, 26, 1.30;nbsp;Philip Bocht, p. 76, § 21; Dan Dé, p. 50,nbsp;§63; Hom.Leg. §98. muinignech (muiniginech) as sich verlassend (auf); relying (on). TSh.nbsp;muinire Gébüsch?; copse?. Joyce iii, 612.nbsp;muinision 0. -sióin to. Kriegsvorrat; munitionsnbsp;of war. Bezz. B. xviii, 130. [muinithir], (-)muinither (leg. imm-m?) zer-friflt, nagt; corrodes; .i. imma-timmeheUa meirgg acus imma-nith. Cormac, 536.nbsp;muinmech = muinbech. |
138 mummer
muinmer = minmer. [muinner]? N. du. muinnir eine Art GefdP; a kind of vessel; .i. paitt. Y C3mimrodornbsp;XIV, 118, § 18. muin-tenn [M8. (Dpi.) miiinn-tennaib] Joch; yoke. IT. n, 2, p. 31, 1.223. muinter = montar. muinterach Hausgenossenschaft oder Gefolge hesitzend; having a household or retinue.nbsp;IT. IV, 1; Betha Colmain, p. 98, 1. 18.nbsp;muinteras = mimtaras.nbsp;muinterda (-rrda) vertraut, freundlich; familiar, kind. IT. iv, 2,1.1709; ITS. xil,2, § 2;nbsp;Keating, Danta Amhréin; Mesca Ulad, 36, l. 29. muinlid (MS. miintith) Unterweiser; instructor; gl. eruditor. Wb. Id 11. muintir s. montar. muin-torc, mun-torc G. -tuirc, -toircm. Halsring; collar; g?. torques. Sg. 70a21; .i. sla-brad braiget. O’Don.; .i. slabrad. 0’CI.; cf. Togail na Tebe. muir G. mara, mora (muire), Npl. amp; muire, Gpl. amp; muirenn (RC. xxviii, 312, § 8) n. m. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ƒ., in compos, muir-, mor- (IT. iv, 1,nbsp;1.2475), itiur-, Meer; sea; di muir, do muirnbsp;zur See; by sea. Wi.; Laws; PH.; TBC.;nbsp;Ériu II, 124, § 68, 126, § 87; Hom. Leg.nbsp;pp. 114, 115; Cormao, 913; Marstrander,nbsp;Dictionary, col. 157; Dottin; Togail nanbsp;Tebe; TSh.; Fél.; Philip Bocht; Joyce ilnbsp;lt;fe 111,625; Keating’s History; Betha Colaimnbsp;ChiUe, 368, 1. 3; muir thécht proprie = ge-ronnene See; curdled sea, sed muir-théchtnbsp;(cona tonnaib!). ITS. v, p. 118,1. 26 = un-befahrbare See?; unrmvigable sea?. müir (Asg.) Mans; mouse. Trip. p. xxix, 1.23. (¦)muirbeb (O’Don.) 1 sg. fut. s. marbaid.nbsp;muirbech = murbach. muirbeil, muirbeliach == mairbeU amp; mar-blach. (-)muirbfe fut. s. marbaid. muir-boigg, mur-boigg Seebueht; sea-inlet.nbsp;Joyce II, 255; Gorm. muir-bran Seerdbe; sea-crow; gl. mergus. Sg. 65 b 9. muir-bretha (pi.) auf die SeebeziiglicheGesetze; laws referring to the sea. Laws; O’Don. muir-briicht, mur-briicht Einbruch der See,nbsp;Sturmflut; inroad of the sea, stormy flood.nbsp;LU. 1. 3021; RC. XV, 437, 1. 13; ITS. xx,nbsp;p. 20, § 20 p. 34, § 60. |
muirchiile = muinohille. muir-chrann, mur-chrann n.? (Hogan p.166), .i. seol-ohrann no crann giuis, ut est madnbsp;tascar aen-seoit i tir n6 mad murchrannnbsp;adamra. 0’Dav. 1263 (Strandgut?, standednbsp;goods?). muir-chrech, mur-chrech (mair-chreich, muir-chreth, mur-chreth) G. -chreiohe f. (Plünde-rung auf der See); Entfernung vom Lande, so weit, dafl alles gemeinsames Beutegut wird:nbsp;angeblich so weit, als ein weifler Schild ge-sehen wird (oder = neun W ogenlangen),nbsp;Ldngenmafl zur See und auf dem Lande;nbsp;(sea-plunder); the distance so far out at seanbsp;that any object found becomes common booty,nbsp;defined as the distance that a white shieldnbsp;may be seen (or the le'ngth of nine waves),nbsp;a measure of length used both at sea andnbsp;on land. Anecd. i, 6, 1.6; Duil Dromanbsp;Ceta, p. 196, 1. 32; IT. ii, 1, p. 181, 1.197;nbsp;Ériu XI, 98; .i. tonn. 0’CI.; Keating’snbsp;History ii, 86. muir-chuirthe, mur-chuirthe, muir-chortha, mur-chortha, murchaire G. id. m. Gestran-deter; stranded man. Laws; O’Don.; ZCP.nbsp;XIX, 60, 1.14; Cóic Conara Fuigill, p. 65,nbsp;§ 15; Dire. muir-diichu, mur-diichu, murdchu, murmdru (murduchann) G. -ohann /. Meerwdb; mermaid. Wi.; RC. XV, p. 433,1.1 lt;fe xlii, 204 f.;nbsp;Egerton Glossary. muire, muirecb G. muireoh, A. muirech. Dpi. muirib? m. Bezirksvorsteher, Sippen-vorstand; head of a district or a sept. RC.nbsp;xvili, p.76; ZCP. XVIII, 379; TBC. 1.459nbsp;amp;n; Bezz.B. xxi, 132; Primer; Metr.nbsp;Dindsh.; Tromdimh Guaire; cf. muiredaoh. Muire = Maire. muirecdn m. Herrchen; lordling. Bezz.B. xxi, 132. muirech (MS. murrech. Tromdamh Guaire) s. muire. muiredach (muirethach) G. -aig m. Bezirksvorsteher, Sippenvorstand; head of a district or a sept; .i. tigema. 0’CI.; c/. Biirgschaft,nbsp;p. 61, Asc. 401 amp; muire. muirenn Gsg. amp; Apl. muime Speereisen der Manais; spear-head of the Manaia; .i. ainmmnbsp;dano do gai. Cormac, 882; cf. TBC. p. 166, n. 2. muirer, mairer m. Biirde, Hausstand, Gefolge, Schar, Erzeugnisse; charge, burden, family. |
muirerach — muirt. 139
retinue, troop, products. IT. iii, 2, p. 639; Metr. Dindsh.; RC. xiv, 446; Plummer,nbsp;Lives, p. 242, § 181; Keating, Danta Amh-rain; Philip Bocht, p. 69, § 46.nbsp;muirerach mit groter Last (z. B. m Haar),nbsp;mit groPem Hausstand, lastig-, eneumlerednbsp;{as with hair), having a large household.,nbsp;burdensome. ITS. xi, 168, § 67 cê xix, 74,nbsp;1.16; Plummer, Lives, p. 223,1.26; Keating,nbsp;Danta Amhrain. muiresc, muiriscC. muirisce, muirisc, D. mui-riso /. m. amp; murrasc G. -aiso m. Seeküste, Sumpjland an der See; sea-coast, sea-marsh.nbsp;Trip, u, 322, 1.24; Joyce i, 466, iii, 626;nbsp;Metr. Dindsh. v, 198; PledBr. §32; TBC.nbsp;p. 1077. [muir-elhar] Gsg. amp; Npl. -ethair Seeschiff?; sea-vessel ?. Tromddmh Guaire, p. 46. (-)muirle (Betha ColaimChiUe, p. 110, 1. 23)nbsp;fut. s. marbaid. muir-techt n. ? Untemehmung mr See; naval expedition. Horn. Leg. p. 114.nbsp;muir-gabal, mur-gabal, muir-gobal G. -bail,nbsp;(-bla), Npl. -bail m. Meerarm, Flu^mun-dung; arm of the sea, mouth of a river.nbsp;BC. XV, 434 amp; 436, n. 6; Supplement tonbsp;Thes. Pal. p. 12; Metr. Dindsh.; cf. goibél.nbsp;0’CI. 7. [muir-ga(], muir-ga, mur-gaffarpane; harpoon. Lism. L. mulr-geilt /. Meerweib; mermaid. LU. 1. 3043. muir-gobal = muir-gabal. muir-gris, muir-dris (MS. -gris, -dris) A. id. ein Seeungehmer; a sea-monster. Laws, mulriall? (MS. -ial S -ill) Gpl. id. Wachtel; quail; gl. cotumix S ortygometra. Asc. 401. muirigen, muirigin D. -gin Bikde, Hausstand;nbsp;charge, family. IT. iv, 2, 1.128; Metr.nbsp;Dindsh.; Egerton Glossary; Mil na mBeach,nbsp;114; ITS. VI. [muirignech], muirinech schwer beladen; heavily laden. Joynt, Peis Tighe Chonain, 1.34. móirid = müraid. muiride zur See gehorig; mari-ne. Asc. 401; TBC. 1.6611; IT. IV, 2; ITS. vi, 2 amp; x;nbsp;Hogan, 240; Togail naTebe; Merugud UHix;nbsp;Keating, DantaAmhrdin; Fél.; LU. 1.30.nbsp;muirin, murén Seegras, rauhes, hartes Gras;nbsp;seagrass, coarse, hard grass. Laws; Joycenbsp;III, 626. 1. muirinech, muirnech? (eoU.) Seegras; sea-grass. O’Don.; Laws i, 170, 1. 24. |
2. muirinech = muirignech. muirisc = muiresc.nbsp;miiirithin = miiirthin. muir-i(u)cht D. id. Flotle; fleet. Bezz.B. xviii, 64. muirlech = murlach. muirleoc Korb zum Fang von Sa-ndaalen und Trompetenschneeken; basket to catch sand-eels and whelks. Joyce,nbsp;muir-mag, mur-mag G. -maige n.? Marsch; marsh. Horn. Leg. § 116. muir-mil G. -mil n.? (Hogan, 149) Wal; whale. Lism. L. 2223; Bezz.B. xxi, 132, 1.6. muirn, moirn G. -ne n., f. heitere, angeregtenbsp;Stimmung, Freude, Liebe, Mui, Gewalt?,nbsp;Ldrm, Geschrei, (Gesang), Idrmende Lust-barkeit. Schar; animated, high spirits, joy,nbsp;love, courage, power?, noise, clamor, (singing),nbsp;revelry, company. IT. iii, 2, p. 680; TBC.;nbsp;van Hamel, Compert; Dottin; TTr.; Togailnbsp;na Tebe; Joynt, Feis Tighe Chondin, 1.1064;nbsp;Plummer, Lives, p. 148, 6; Metr. Dindsh.;nbsp;Syllabic Poetry; TSh.; Hogan, p. 201;nbsp;ITS. VI, VII, 9, 28 lt;fe 36, 6 lt;Ê xii, p. 22, 6;nbsp;ZCP. 11,426, 1.3; Ériu viii, p. 187, §14;nbsp;Alt. Ir. Dichtung I, p. 41, §36; Cormac,nbsp;1224 ?; Measgra Danta ii, p. 152, 1. 55.nbsp;muirne s. muim amp; muirenn. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;muirnech mit muirenn; having a muirennnbsp;(dicitur de „manais“). IT. iv, 1, 1. 4853 n;nbsp;TBC.; Mesca Ulad, p. 30. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;milirnech hochgemut, liebevoll, geliebt, mutig,nbsp;larmend; high-spirited, affectionate, beloved,nbsp;courageous, noisy. IT. iv, 2; ITS. vi, 1. 629;nbsp;Togail na Tebe; Tromddmh Guaire;nbsp;RC. XXIII, 400, § 5; Hogan, p. 258; Measgranbsp;Ddnta ll, p. 191, 1.17. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;muirnech = 1. muirinech. muirnin Liebling, Liebchen; darling, sweetheart. TSh.; Keating, Ddnta Amhrdin; Joycenbsp;III, 625; Egerton Glossary. [muir-raith]?, mur-raith [muir-rathach], mur-rSthach G. murratha (MS. -thu), murra-thaige „Seefarnquot;; eirw Pflame mit efibarer Wurzel (Spitzklette?); “sea-femquot;: a plantnbsp;mth edible root (sea-burdock?). MacCong-linne; Medical Glossaries,nbsp;muir-seilche Meerschnecke, ein Meerungeheuer;nbsp;sea-snail, a sea-monster, van Hamel, Compert. muirt [moirt], moirleHe/e, Sdilamm, Schmutz, driickendesGewicht, Alp; dregs, mud, filth. |
140 muirtchenn — mür.
dead-weight, nightmare. ITS. xviii.; TSh.; Egerton Glossary; Measgra Danta i, p. 15, 1.23. muirtchenn = moirtcheim. [miiirthin], müirithfn Sumpfhoden; swampy ground. Joyce iii, 525.nbsp;muirtill schwerfallig, dumw, heavy, stupid.nbsp;TSh. [mCiis, móis] DpLmüi3ib,móisib(lfS'.moyisib) Muse. Togail na Tebe.nbsp;miiith = march. muitti (Wi.) praes. 3 sg. amp; pron. suffix. 3 sg. (m. amp;) n. s. maidid. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mul mull, mol Asg. moil, mul(?). Dpi.nbsp;moilib, molaib, Apl. mode f.? Klumpen,nbsp;rundliche Erhebung, Hiigel, Spitse; clump,nbsp;rounded elevation, hill, top. Wi.; TBC.;nbsp;Cain Adamnain § 2 ( ?); Joyce in, 517, 618,nbsp;523; RC. XI, 41f. lt;6 xxil, 41, n. 3; IT. iv,nbsp;2; 0’CI.; van Hamel, Compert; cf. 1. mol. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mul — 1. mol. mill 0. mnil m. Maultier; mule. Vendryes. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mulach G. -aig m. runder Ease?; roundnbsp;cheese?. Br.D.D. p. 428. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mulach .i. rón (Seehund; seal). 0’CI.; cf.nbsp;Egerton Glossary amp; mulba. mulba .i. rónmuir (Seehund?; seal?). 0’CI.; cf. Mac Conglinne, 123, 1.14. mulchdn, molchdn m. geprejiter und gebaekenernbsp;Quark; cheese-curds pressed and baked.nbsp;Plummer, Lives; Mac Conglinne.nbsp;mul-chenn G. -chinn massiger Keulenkopf?;nbsp;massive head of a club?. Cormac (W. Stokes,nbsp;p. 36, 1. 37). mul-chloch massiger Stein?; massive stone?. IT. IV, 2, 1. 5657. mul-chnocc wulstartige Anschwellung'; rounded swelling. LU. 1. 6452. mulda sum Maultier gehorig; pertaining to a mule; gl. mulinus. Sg. 33 b 5.nbsp;mul-dorn (mell-dorn, mael-dorn) Apl. -dumunbsp;massige, geballte Faust; massive, clenchednbsp;fist; mul-dom miled .i. dorn miled aoasnbsp;in dorn oruinn. O’CL; LU., 1. 6450; TBC.nbsp;1.2597; RC. XLiii, 28, 1.9.nbsp;mull = mul. [mul-elt] Dpi. -eltaib rundlicher Knauf; globular pommel. TBC. mullach G. -aig, pi. -aige ». m. Scheitel, höchsternbsp;Punkt, Gipfel; vertex, highest point, summit.nbsp;Aso. 400; Wi.; TBC.; Laws v, 208, 1.23;nbsp;PH.; Togail na Tebe; TSh.; Joyce i, 391 ff., |
Ill, 518ff.; IT. IV, 1 (6 2, 1. 2352; ITS. lii, 220,1.16, XIV, XIX, 86,1. 18; Tain; Cormac,nbsp;918 amp; 921. mullachdn (amp; mullchdn?) G. -Ain m. kleiner Gipfel; little summit. Joyce in, 393.nbsp;mullacrach voller Auswüchse; full of protuberances. ITS. in, p. 220, 1.14.nbsp;m ullainin kleiner Hügel; lütlehiïl. Joyce in, 507.nbsp;mullamp;n G. -ain m. Hügel, Haufe, Kelchsehüssel-chen (patena); hill, heap, the paten of a chalice. 0’CI. s. V. muilenn S mulann; Joyce l,nbsp;393, in, 5201.; Egerton Glossary,nbsp;mulloc Q. -dice f. Schitssel; bowl. Laws;nbsp;O’Don. [mul-scot] Dpi. mul-scóitib (MS. mull-scoi-dib) hügelgleiche Fliiche, (Wand)?; hill-like sheat, (wall)?. Meyer, Miscellany, 319,1. 6.nbsp;mun s. ma. miin G. miiine? Earn; urine; .i. a verbo mingo. Cormac, 941; cf. RC. xvi, 152, 1.1;nbsp;mun Condin gl. pinguedo terrae (ein Heil-kraut; a kind of medicinal herb). Medicalnbsp;Glossaries,nbsp;muna s. ma. munad, miinaid s. muinid. miinaigid upt Wasser, harnt; urinates; gl. mingit. Sg. 174 a 2. muncach = muincech. muhclamm D. id. ToUheit, Eochmut; folly, conceit. ITS. xi, 206, § xix.nbsp;muni s. ma. miinlach, miiinlech, müillech D. id. m. Tier-harn, Pfütze, Pfuhl; animal urine, puddle. Hogan p.201; TSh. 1. 10747.nbsp;mdntar = montar. muntaras, muinteras G. -ais Hausgenossen-sehaft, Freundsehaft; community, household, friendship. Vendryes; LU. 2314 amp; 2398;nbsp;Mil na mBeach, 143.nbsp;munu s. ma. mur- (mur-thonn, IT. iv, I; TBC.) s. muir. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;miir G. mhir, Npl. miiir n. (?), m. Wall,nbsp;Uniwallung, Mauer, Schlo^, Eaus, Grab;nbsp;mound, circumvallation, wall, castle, house,nbsp;grave. Vendryes; Laws; TBC.; IT. iv, 2;nbsp;SR.; Ir. Gl. p. 76, ad 476; Metr. Dindsh.;nbsp;Horn. Leg. p. 115; O’Curry; Cormacj 910;nbsp;Togail na Tebe; TSh.; Eel.; Syllabic Poetry;nbsp;ITS. XXI, 248, §13; Measgra Danta li. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mür Menge, Viel; abundance, much. TBC.;nbsp;KZ. XL, 249; Fianaigecht; Cormac, 905;nbsp;0’Dav. 1229; Metr. |
3. mür — nach. 141
3. mür G. müire, muir /. m. treilende oder stiébende Masse, Treilen, Sand, Sandlank,nbsp;Schlamm; drifting mass, drifting, sand, sand-lank, mire. TBC.; ITS. vi; Metr. Dindsh.;nbsp;Togail na Tebe. murach D.-sag f. Purpurschnecke, Seeschnecke Oder -muschel Oder deren Sehale{n), See-schlamm, Seetang; purple-fish, shell-fish ornbsp;shell{s) of the same, puddle on the sea-shore,nbsp;sea-wrack. Metr. Dindsh. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;miirach 0. -aig m. Maure, Mohr; Moor,nbsp;Blackamoor. TSb., p. 357. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;murach umwallt, lurgenreich; walled, richnbsp;in castles. Keating, Danta Amhrain. miiraid, muirid macht eben, macht dem Erdioden gleichj zerstort, hauft auf; makes level, razes,nbsp;destroys, heaps up; alstr. murad, müired.nbsp;IT. IV, 1 (è 2; TBC.; Laws iii, 254, 1. 22;nbsp;PH.; Togail na Tebé, 1.4233; Metr. Dindsh.;nbsp;O’Don.; ITS. V, p.52, 1.24; TTr.; Mescanbsp;Ulad, p. 14; Hogan, p. 60, 1. 14; Measgranbsp;D4nta ii, p. 160, 1. 5.nbsp;murdn (MS. -ain), s. muirin.nbsp;murann (MS. murunn) .i. dobarchii (Fisch-otter; otter). Diiil Droma Ceta, p. 190,1. 31.nbsp;murbach, murmach, muirbech G. -aig, D.nbsp;-ach, -eoh n. ? (Horn. Leg. 116) elener, mitnbsp;rauhem Gras lewachsener Landstrich an dernbsp;Seeküste; level trad of land on the sea-shore,nbsp;overgrown with coarse grass. Metr. Dindsh.;nbsp;Joyce I, 466 amp; in, 526; Measgra Dünta ii.nbsp;murchaire = muir-ohuirthe.nbsp;mur-draigen = mór-dairgin.nbsp;mur-diichann, mur-diichu s. muir-duchu. |
murgnaid see-erfahren; expert on the sea. Alt. Ir. Dichtung i, p. 42, § 39. murlach, mur-loch?, muirlech m.? salzigernbsp;Boden oder See an der Meeresküste, Marsch,nbsp;Laehe; salty ground or saltwater-lake onnbsp;the seashore, marsh, puddle. Thes. Pal. i,nbsp;p. 6, ad 78b; O’Don.nbsp;murmach = murbaoh.nbsp;mur-moru = muir-duohu.nbsp;murraith, murrathach = muir-raith amp; muir-rathach. murrasc = muiresc. [murthaid]? NGpl. murthaide Seemann, See-rauler; sailor, pirate. IT. iv, 2; Betha Col-main, p. 94, 1.11. muruchu = muir-duohu.nbsp;miiscach volt Faulnis, stinkend; full of rottenness, stinking. ITS. xi, 168, § Lxv.nbsp;musc(a)ét. Dpi. muso(a)étaib Muskete; musket.nbsp;Bezz.B. XVIII, 130. muscal, mascal DA. id. m. Angriff; onset. RC. XIII, p. 122; Metr. Dindsh. in, 462,nbsp;1.24. [musclaid] erwacht; awakes; alstr. musclad. Egerton Glossary. must DA. id. Most, junger 'Wein; must, new wine. Irish Texts v, 93.nbsp;mustardd Senf; mustard. Medical Glossaries,nbsp;miit stumm; mute; suist. f. (amp; miiit?), D. miiit = lat. muta. Asc. 404; Vendryes. mutt .i. each ngerr. Cormac, 967;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;0’CI.; Diiil Droma Ceta, 190, 1.32; ef. smut, Dinneen (anything short or stumpy) amp; mu-tach, scotice (short). |
’n, -n s. 1. 2. in. na, ’na s. 1. nach, 6. a, 1. i tê 1. in. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nS, nach nicht, welcher nicht, daji nicht;nbsp;not, who (which) not, that not. Lewis andnbsp;Pedersen, Celtic Gram. pp. 248—250; Asc. ll,nbsp;346, 347; IT. i, 700, 701; PH. pp. 811-814. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nS = nS. nd (gem.), nach, ndit (ante pi. suhst.) noch; nor. Aso. 11,360; Eél. p. 349; TSh. ’nd post compar. als (ist); than (is); cf. (ad-)td. (-)nd praes. suhj. s. nascaid amp; (-)naisc. |
na- = no-, nacc = naicc. nacca-dimm ein Nichtding; a non-thing. Ml. 76b20. 1. nach; na (w. gem.) Gsg. f. nacha, m. naich, nach irgendein, jeder; cum neg. kein; any,nbsp;each, every; cum neg. not any, no; nanbsp;(nach) af (hé) eins von ihnen; any (one) ofnbsp;them; na nt (nannf) irgend etwas, alles (was);nbsp;anything, all (that); nach géin (cum neg.)nbsp;nicht lange; not long; nach mor (Dsg.)nbsp;leinahe; almost. Ped. ii, 212; Asc. n, 366; |
142 nach — nafde
Fél. p. 349; IT. l, 701; PH. pp. 814, 815; Téin; cf. nech. 2. nach = né. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nSch neg. S praes. ind. s. 1. is. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nSch (PH. p. 815) = innach. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nSch = 1. nS.nbsp;nacha(n), nacho(n) = lif-con. nSchar(b) = 1. nS ro (b), praes. sulj., praei., etc. s. 1. is. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nSd nicki, wélcher nicht, dafi nicht-, not, whonbsp;{which) not, that not. Asc. li, 346, 347;nbsp;IT. I, 702; TBC. p. 1020; Hib. Min. p. 99. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nSd = 1. nS amp; praes. ind. s. 1. is.nbsp;nSdip = 1. nS amp; praes. subj. s. 1. is.nbsp;naditima, nadmmann s. nascaid. nae s. 1. 2. nai amp; né. naeb, naem (saepe in composit.) compar. naebu, superlat. naibem heilig, Sankt-,nbsp;holy, saint(ly); subst. 0. naib m., naibe /.nbsp;ein Heiliger; eine Heilige; a saint (male ornbsp;female). Pél. p.350; Asc. ii,360; IT. i, 711;nbsp;Hib. Min. p. 99. naebaid, naemaid macht heilig, heiligt; sanctifies, renders holy; abstr. naebad, naemad m. Pél. p.350; PH. p. 825; PhiUp Bochtnbsp;p. 259. naebin m. ein lieber Heiliger; a dear saint. Pél. p. 288. naebda, naemda, naemtha (naema) heilig; holy. Pél. p. 351; IT. i, 711; PH. p. 825;nbsp;TSh. naed Ki-nd; child. Alt. Ir. Dichtung ii, 10, 11; cf. naidiu. nielre = nóaire. naem, naemad, naemaid = naeb, naebaid amp; 1. 2. nómad. naemdacht, naemthacht 0. -ta f. Heiligkeit; holiness. PH. p. 208 amp; TSh. naemoc 0. -óice /. Nachen; small boat. Keating’s History, p. 154. naemthach heilig; holy. Plummer, Lives i, 196, §24. (lucht) naenaig (Besatzung) eines Schiffes?; (crew) of a boat?. RC. xiv, 60, § 75. naenbar = nónbar.nbsp;naesa s. noas. naescu Schnepfe; snipe; .i. én uisce hi. Cor-mao 986; Aur. Pc. p. 290. na-(h)l s. int-1. 1. nai, nae (nas.) neun; nine. Fél. p. 351; Asc. II, 361; IT. I, 711; Knott, Togailnbsp;Bruidne Da Derga p. 138. |
2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nai, nae .i. duine. Metr. p. 99; Aur. Pc.nbsp;p. 348; Laws v, 14; IT. iii, 2, 380; RC. xill,nbsp;226; ZCP. v,493; ef. né. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nai s. nau. -nai = -ni. (-)nal = nöaid. (as-)nai (-noi) schwört, gelobt; swears, vows; abstr. énod (leg. -od?), énud (leg. -üd?j 0.nbsp;-da; gl. coniurato. Sg. 194a 1; cf. Contr.nbsp;p. 137 CÊ Bergin, Dictionary, cols. 143, 144.nbsp;(ath-)naf (-noi), aithnid (aichnid), aithnigidnbsp;vertraut an, deponiert; bürgt, empfiehlt;nbsp;befiehlt; entrusts, gives in charge; standsnbsp;warrant for, commends; commands; abstr.nbsp;aithne 6. id., Npl. aithne, aithenta n. f.nbsp; Anvertrautes, Depositum; Awftrag; Garantie?; anything in trust, a deposit; anbsp;charge; a security?. Ped. ii,586; PH. p.535;nbsp;RC. XX, 283, n. 2; DAn Dé p. 138; Philipnbsp;Bocht p. 251. [(con-)nal (-noi)] 1. = (as-)nai. TBC. p. 887, 1. 6090. 2. = (ath)nai. Hogan p. 12, § 8.nbsp;[(fo-)nal (-noi)] kocht, backt; cooks, bakes;nbsp;part, fonaithe, abstr. fuine 0. id., Dsg.nbsp;fuiniu. Ped. ii, 586; RC. x, 88 amp; xxii, 52;nbsp;IT. 1,582. -nai = -ni. nSib = 1. nS (Ê praes. subj. s. 1. is. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;naib s. naeb. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(com’) naib .i. (com’) bróic. IT. i, 162.nbsp;-naib s. 1. in. naibe, naime 0. id. f. Heiligkeit; holiness. Pél. p. 351; Asc. n, 360; PH. p. 825. naibem s. naeb.nbsp;naibfid fut. s. naebaid.nbsp;naicc, naicce, nacc nein; no; .i. quasi nec.nbsp;Cormac 966; .i. non. O’Dav. 1280; cennbsp;nacc ohne Nein; without no. Diiil Dromanbsp;Ceta p. 191; Asc. ii, 347; Kleine Irischenbsp;Beitrage pp. 244—246; cf. acc.nbsp;naicce (Ml. 72b4) = naicc.nbsp;naich = 1. nach.nbsp;nSich neg. amp; praes. ind. s. 1. is.nbsp;naichddech aus 29 (Tagen) bestehend; consisting of 29 (days). Asc. ii, 328.nbsp;naichddige ein Zeitraum von 29 Tagen; a spacenbsp;of 29 days. Thes. Pal. ii, 10.nbsp;nai-chombAdad = nó-chombAdad. (ad-)naid = (ad-)naig. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;naide neun Dinge; nine things. Aur. Pc.nbsp;p. 348 amp; Biirgschaft, p. 30. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;naide = naidiu. |
nafdéoda — (-)né,is. 143
nafdécda aus neunzehn (Jahren) lestehend; consisting of nineteen (years); subst. O. id.nbsp;der neumehnjöfhrigeZyklus; the (Alexandrian)nbsp;nineteen year cycle, a decennoval cycle. Asc.nbsp;II, 361 amp; Metr. Dindsh. iv, 68.nbsp;naidenacht, nafdendacht, nafdentacht 0. -tanbsp;f. Kindheit; 'infancy. Aso. ii, 362; IT. I, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;711; RO. XXV, 390. naldendn m. Kindeken; little child. Aso. II, 362; Mac CongUnne p. 127; Plummer,nbsp;Lives 1,132. nafdenas G. -nais Kindheit, Kindlichkeit; infancy, childishness. ZCP. xix, 347. nafdenda, nafdenta kindlich, jugendlich; childish, youthful. Togail na Tebe p. 206;nbsp;RC. XXVI, 12; ITS. V, 14; Mesca IHad p.34.nbsp;nafdfn (MS. noedin) Dsg. id. Schiffehen; littlenbsp;boat. RO. XV, 301. naidiu, nalde 0. -den m. f. Kind; infant; nafdiu ciche Saugling; a nursing baby.nbsp;0’Mulc. 652; Fél. p. 361; IT. i, 711; TSh.;nbsp;cf. naed. naidmm, naidmmid s. nascaid. (fa-)naffide cond. pass. s. (fo-)nai. (ad-)naig, (ad-)naid, (-)atnaig trans, et in-trans. gibt; setzt sich in Bewegung, begibt sich; geht; ergibi sich; gives; sets out, betakesnbsp;oneself; goes; surrenders; (ad-)naig oc (ac, ic)nbsp;beginnt, macht sich an etwas; begins, fallsnbsp;to. RC. XXVIII, 68, 69; ITS. vi, 204; TBC.nbsp;pp. 886, 907; IT. i, 308; Lism.L. pp.3, 128;nbsp;cf. (ad-)aig amp; (ad-)ainig.nbsp;naf-laithe (MS. -léithe) ein Zeitraum von neunnbsp;Togen; a space of nine days; gl. nundinum.nbsp;Sg. 116bl. nalll 0. naiUe Bid; oath. Laws vi, 691; O’Don. p. 683; Triads p. 22, § 166. naillech G. nafllig Kid; oath; .i. luige. O’Don.nbsp;p. 683; Laws VI, 591; ZCP. xv, 361; Ériunbsp;XII, 30. nafilid (MS. ro-ndil) verpflichtet?, erlegt auf?; binds?, pledges?. Monastery of Tallagbtnbsp;p. 160; cf. nafll ?.nbsp;ndimdde s. nama. ndimddech feindlieh?; hostile?, van Hamel, Compert Con Culainn p. 200.nbsp;ndimddemail feindlieh; hostile. TBC. p. 871; IT. IV, 2, 28; Metr. Dindsh. iv, 208. ndimddenach feindlieh; hostile. Ml. 44a7,nbsp;66 b 10. ndimddenas Asg. ,id. Feindschaft; hostility, enmity. PH. p. 816. |
ndimddide, néumMlge feindlieh; hostile. Asc.ii, 348; Togail na Tebe p. 400; TSb.nbsp;ndimddine Feindschaft; hostility. Ml. 38d2,nbsp;79 b8. nafme = nalbe. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nainden, nafndin (nafnnin) DAsg. -in Kind-bettschwache; child-bed debility; .i. quasinbsp;novem dies. 0’Mulc. 836; asa nafndinnbsp;von Jugend auf; from youth up. Thum-eysen. Heldensage pp. 360, 361; TBC.nbsp;p. 1023; TBC. (Str.) p. 63; cf. ces (nafden,nbsp;nainden). 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nainden Asg. naindin Waffentat?; warlikenbsp;exploit?; .i. gaisced. 0’CI. amp; H. 3. 18nbsp;p.416; IT. II, 1,174; TBC. p. 617; cf.nbsp;1. nainden. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nainden .i. tinól. 0’Dav. 1296; cf. 1. 2.nbsp;nainden. nafndenach (nafnnenach) .i. gaiscedach. ZCP. V,486; H. 3. 18, p.416; Anecd. Ill,63;nbsp;cf. 2. nainden.nbsp;nafne = narma.nbsp;nafnnell .i. gaisced. Metr.nbsp;nafnnellach (leg. n-afnnellach?) lt;ap/er?; brave?.nbsp;ZCP. Ill, 257. nafnnenach, nafnnin = naindenach amp; 1. nainden. ndir s. 1. ndr. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;naire G. id. f. Scham; Schamhaftigkeit;nbsp;Adel?; shame; bashfulness; nobility?; .i.nbsp;in ruided tic isin gruaid. Cormac 983; .i.nbsp;glan. 0’CI.; Metr. Dindsh. v, 281; Ddnnbsp;Dé p. 150; TBC. p. 1020. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;naire s. 1. nar.nbsp;ndire = nóaire. ndirech, ndrach voU Scham; schamhaft, zilch-tig; edel; ashamed; bashful, modest; noble. Plummer, Lives i, 341; Togail na Tebenbsp;p. 400; Metr. Dindsh. v, 281.nbsp;ndiride schamhaft; bashful. Plummer, Lives i,nbsp;341. ndirine (leg. -fne?) Dsg. id. Scham; shame. IT. IV, 1,118. ndiriu s. 1. ndr. nairne sicherlich, gewif3; surely, indeed; .i. deimin. 0’CI.; .i. gldm. Cormac 972nbsp;(Laud 610); .i. aislihge no echtra. 0’Mnlc.nbsp;837; cf. 1. aime?. (urrann) nais ?. RC. xxvi, 24, § 80; cf. niSaa?. ndis s. 1. nds. nais (MS. ndis) .i. airdirc. 0’CI.; cf. nSas?. (-)ndis praes. subj. 2 sg. s. nascaid amp; (-)naisc. |
144 naisc — nar.
nSr — (cecttar) nS,tliar.
nar = 1. nS ro. 2. = 1. nS ro b (praes. subj., praei., etc.) s. 1. is. ’nSr = 2. in 1- nS ro. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;n4r Gsg. m. n. nair, compar. nairiu, nairenbsp;sehamhaft, eüchtig; edel; hashjul, modest;nbsp;nolle; .i. fial (no lan no naeb no idan).nbsp;0’Dav. 1290 lt;amp; Ëriu ii, 12; .i. nasal. O’Dav.nbsp;1283, ZCP. V, 493 S Mac Conglinne p. 189;nbsp;.i. maith. 0’CI.; is n4(i)r leis (dó) es dünhtnbsp;ihn eine Schmach, es ist eine Schmach fürnbsp;ihn; he deems it shameful, it is shamefulnbsp;for him. IT. i, 703; Togail na Tebe p. 400;nbsp;PH. p. 816; TBC. p. 1020. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nór .i. olc. ZCP. v, 487, n. 19 amp; 0’CI.;nbsp;cf. 1. nar. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(cechtar) nór s. sni. . nar- = n- = no {particula verb.) amp; ar (pron. inf. 1 pi.). nórach = naireoh. nairap, nSrb, nSrbsat, nSrbo = 1. nS, lt;£ ro-praes. subj., ro-praet. 3, 2, 3 sg. s. 1. is. nardd .i. fis. 0’CI. n^'rsat (IT. iv, 1, 18) = 1. nS c6 ro-praes. subj. 2 sg. s. 1. is. nas adj.?. Alt. Ir. Dicbtnng ii, 30,39. ’nas s. 5. a. (-)nas, (-)nasa praet. pass. 3 sg. amp; 3 pi. s. nas-caid amp; (-)naisc. ’nas post compar. als (ist); than (is); cf. (ad-)ta. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nós G. nais Tod?; death?; .i. bas; .i. ouim-niugud no féil bais. 0’CI.; .i. cel. Macnbsp;Conglinne p. 189. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nós (leg. nasad?) Festversammlung, Ver-sammlungsort; festive gathering, meeting-place. Joyce I, 207. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nasad G. nasaid n. eine Festversammlungnbsp;(urn Leichenspiele auszufuhren); Versamm-lung; Versammlungsort; a festive gatheringnbsp;(in order to hold funeral games); assembly;nbsp;place of assembly; .i. cluicbe no aenach.nbsp;Cormac 796; .i. aenach. 0’CI.; Hogannbsp;p. 144; RC. XVI, 306; IT. Ill, 546; Metr.nbsp;Dindsh. v, 281. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nasad .i. airdiic. Metr. amp; 0’CI.; c/. 1. nasad.nbsp;nósadach .i. urdarcach. Bernard amp; Atkinson, Liber Hymnorum i, 184. (-)ndsar praes. subj. pass. s. nascaid amp; (-)naiso. nasc 6. naisc. Apt naseu ein Yerbindungsmittelnbsp;wie z. B. ein Ring, usw.; die Mittel, die einnbsp;Garant besitzt und anwendet, um seinenbsp;Garantie wirksam zu machen; any agent fornbsp;effecting a connection, e. g. a ring, etc.; Hessens Ir. Lexikon, Bd. II. |
the means possessed and employed by a guarantor to render his guarantee effective.nbsp;Cormac 980; Laws vi, 683; Bürgschaftnbsp;p. 4; Lism. L. p. 68; Aur. Re. p. 348.nbsp;nascaid, naiscid, (-)naisc, naidmmid, snaidm-mid, snadmmaid lindet, verkniipft; ver-pflichtet, steltt unter Bürgschaft; verlobt;nbsp;binds, links together, knots; obligates, placesnbsp;under surety; betrothes; nascaid nl for (ar)nbsp;nech verpflichtet jemand zu eticas; obligatesnbsp;a person to do something; part, naise, abstr.nbsp;naidmm, snaidmm, snaidmmed, snadmmadnbsp;G. nadmma, snadmma, Npl. nadmmaim,nbsp;snadmmann n. m.; .i. conrad (leg. ounrad).nbsp;O’Cl.; -)- eine Art der Bürgschaft; Vertrag;nbsp;Burge; Knoten; Schwierigkeit; a kind ofnbsp;surety; contract; a surety; knot; difficulty.nbsp;Ped. 11,682; Bürgschaft p. 86; IT. i, 702,nbsp;703, 783 amp; IV, 2, 549; ZCP. xviii, 331;nbsp;Syllabic Poetry p. 127; TSh.nbsp;nascaire Q. id. m. Burge (Trager einer macc-oder nsddmm-Bürgschaft); Ringmacher?; anbsp;surety (one who stands a maco- or a naidmm-surety); a ring-maker?; .i. nrra. O’Ch;nbsp;Laws VI, 583, 584; Bürgschaft p. 88; ZCP.nbsp;XII, 360, n. 2. nascairecht G. -ta /. Tatigkeit eines nascaire; the function of a nascaire. Laws vi, 584 amp;nbsp;Bürgschaft p. 86. nascar Verbürgung; surety, warrant; .i.naidmm. Hogan p. 162; RC. xlv, 30, 69. (¦)nascar praes. ind. pass. s. nascaid amp; (-)naiso. nat Dsg. amp; Gpl. id. Hinterbacke; buttock; .i. tón. 0’Mulo. 836, ZCP. v, 493 S O’Cl. nat, natat = 1. na praes. ind, 3 sg. amp; 3 pi. s. l.is. nath (nath) G. amp; Npl. natha n. m. Gedicht, Lied; Name verschiedener VersmafSe, besondersnbsp;derer des an-sruth; Lob; poem, song; name ofnbsp;various meters, especially those proper to thenbsp;an-sruth; praise; .i. ainmm coittchenn donanbsp;huihb aistib éicsidib. Cormac 982, Aur.nbsp;Éo. p. 348, Leoan Glossary 34, 197 amp; O’Cl.;nbsp;.i. marbnad. Lecan Glossary 356; Alt. Ir.nbsp;Diohtung i, 12, 13 amp; ii, 14, 16; IT. i, 703nbsp;amp; III, 164; ZCP. XVII, 273.nbsp;nathach m. Verfasser von nath-Oedichten; a maker of nath-poms. Laws v, 68, 1. 23. nathair = naithir. nathdn .i. airdirc. Cormac 982 amp; O’Cl. (cechtar) nathar s. sni. 10 |
146 natharda — neoM.
1. nechta — neimthes. 147
amp; Celtic Review v, 293; cf. Aur. Êo. p. 290; Dindsh. p. 93; Death-Tales p. 51. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nechta Reinheit; purity. Ériu ii, 65. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nechta s. nigid. ’nechtair = angohtair. nechtar einer, -e, -es (von zweien); one (of two); nechtar de, nechtar n-a( einer, -e, -es vonnbsp;ihnen; one of them. Aso. n, 357; IT. i, 704;nbsp;TBC. p. 1021; PH. p.817.nbsp;nechtarda einer, -e, -es (von zweien); eithernbsp;(of two); nechtarda d(b einer, -e, -es vonnbsp;ihnen; one of them. Marstrander, Dictionary, col. 161.nbsp;net- == neb-. (-)negar praes. ind. pass. s. nigid amp; (-)nig. (con-)negatar (Contr. p. 477) praet. (?) 3 pi. s. (con-)nig. nei s. né. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(léimm tar) néib (néim) ? (ein Kunststücknbsp;von Cü Chulainn);? (a feat of Cü Chulainn).nbsp;TBC. (Str.) p. 55; TBC. p. 283; Ériu iv, 30. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;néib s. niam.nbsp;neicfnf = neb-ni.nbsp;neich, neiche s. neoh. (na nuall) neichech (MS. nechech) ?. Horn. Leg. p. 36, 1. 5. neif- = neb-,nbsp;neifnigid = neimnigid. neift, neipt (leg. neipht?) G. -te Katzenminze; catmint, catnip; gl. rostrum maratiUa.nbsp;Medical Glossaries, 0. 9; gl. nep[e]ta. RC.nbsp;IX, 238; Irish Texts v, 94. (ar-)neigdet praes. ind. 3 pi. s. (ar-)neiget. (ar-)neiget, urnaigdid (urnaigid) hetet; prays;nbsp;alstr. urnaigde, urnaigthe, urnaichthe 0.nbsp;id. f. Gebet; prayer; uisce urnaigthenbsp;Weihwasser; holy water. Lism. L. p. 17;nbsp;Pokomy p. 64; Ped. II, 551; IT. 1,356, 527,nbsp;645 amp; IV, 2, 372; PH. pp. 685, 686, 949.nbsp;néil(l) s. nél. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;neim (nem, nim) G. neime (nime) n. f.nbsp;Gift, Giftigkeit; Verderblichkeit; giftige feind-liche Absicht; scharfer Schmerz; poison,nbsp;virulence; destructiveness; venomous hostilenbsp;intention; keen pain; .i. nf deog hi. Cormacnbsp;991; gl. virus. 0’Mulc. p. 316; Pél. p. 349;nbsp;IT. 1,704; Dindsh. p. 34; TSh. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;neim (Asg.) .i. béimm. 0’Mulc. 830h.nbsp;néim s. 1. néib amp; niam. neim- = neb-, neime s. 1. nem.nbsp;néime s. niam. |
neimed (neimid, neime) G. neimid, Apl. neim-thiu n. m. Heiligtum; Vorrecht, Sonder-recht; bevorrechtigte Person; sanctuary; prerogative, particular privilege; privileged person; .i. talam as dligtheoh d’eclais. 0’CI.; .i. talam eolasta. Bezz.B. xvill, 64; Lawsnbsp;VI, 586, 587; IT. i, 705; Gorm. p. 284;nbsp;0’Mulc. p. 272. néimed Dsg. id. Abfall, Schmutz; garbage, dirt; .i. ainmm don uile salchar. 0’CI.;nbsp;RC. X, 216. neimedach = nimidech. neiméile, neiméia Dsg. id. f. Beklagen, Klage;nbsp;Leid; bemoaning, complaint; sorrow. ITS.nbsp;VI, 222; PH. p. 819; IT. iv, 2, 76.nbsp;neimélach klaglich; plaintive. Togail na Tebenbsp;p. 70 amp; Mulchrone, Caithréim Cellaig p. 52.nbsp;neimemail giftig; poisonous. TSh.nbsp;neimfnf = neb-ni. neimid himmlisch?; heavenly?; subst. m. ein Himmlischer?; a divine person?. Gorm.nbsp;p. 284; cf. neimed?. neimide giftig; poisonous. SR. p. 105; IT. IV, 2, 534; ITS. vi, 138. neimidecht Q. -ta /. Giftigkeit; virulence. IT.nbsp;IV, 2, 74. néimidecht .i. salchar. 0’CI. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;neimnech (nimnech) giftig; verderblich, un-heilvoll; poisonous, virulent; destructive,nbsp;baneful. IT. i, 704; LU. p. 137; PH.nbsp;pp. 817, 818; van Hamel, Compert Connbsp;Culainn p. 201; TSh. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ne\mneohhimmlisch?;heavenly?. Plummer,nbsp;Lives i, 251. neimnechas m. Heftigkeii; violent intensity. TSh. neimnf = neb-ni. neimnige DAsg. id. Giftigkeit, Verderblichkeit; virulence, banefulness. Lism. L. p. 67 amp;nbsp;RC. XIX, 120, n. 4. neimnigid, neifnigid vernichtet; annihilates; abstr. iieimniugud (neimthniugud) m. Schir-mer p. 12 amp; Aur. Éc. p. 348; cf. neb-ni.nbsp;neimpnf = neb-ni. neimthenchas (nimthenchas), neimtheinechas G. -chais m. der Stand eines neimed; Bevorrechtet-Sein, Vorrang; the state ofnbsp;being a neimed; the condition of possessing a prerogative, pre-eminence. 0’Mulc.nbsp;p. 272; Laws i, 62; O’Don. p. 682.nbsp;neimthes 0. -thesa der Stand eines neimed;nbsp;Bevorrechtet-Sein, Vorrang; the state ofnbsp;10* |
148 neimthigid(ir) — nem-insone.
nem-lé.thar — nertarbach.
150 nertmaire — nf.
nertmaire DAsg. id. Starke, Kraft, Macht; strength, force, might. IT. i, 706 amp; iv, 2,nbsp;226; TBC. p. 95; ITS. vi, 2. nertmairecht gl. noMlitas. Aur. Éo. p. 231. nertmar stark, kriiftig; strong, powerful; compar. nertmairiu, nertmaiiite um sonbsp;starker; the stronger; is nertmar leis esnbsp;dunkt ihn rechtskraftig?; he deems it valid?.nbsp;Laws VI, 588; TBC. p. 1021; PH. p. 175;nbsp;TSh. nert-sléine, nert-élamp;inte volle Gesundheit; complete health. Laws vi, 588. nert-tarbach {MS. nertarbach) sehr niitslich?; very profitable?. Plummer, Lives l, 341. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nes G. nis (neis) ein Stuck Eolz um das dernbsp;Schmiedeofen {aus Ton) geformt wird; Schmelz-ofen?; a piece of wood about which the smith'snbsp;furnace is fashioned (out of clay); a furnace?.nbsp;Cormac 975; Triads pp. 20, 52 ; 0’CI. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nes Wiesel; weasel; gl. mustela. Sg. 36a9;nbsp;cf. Cormac 975, 988 amp; Diiil Droma Cetanbsp;p. 191. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nes .i. mala oré. Triads p. 52; cf. 1. nes. 4. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nes .i. cnocc. Cormac 975 amp; O’CL; cf.nbsp;1. nes. 5. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nes .i. crécht. Cormac 975; 0’Dav. 1294;nbsp;Diiil Droma Ceta p. 191; Lecan Glossarynbsp;465; 0’CI ; cf. nise. 6. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nes .i. inis. 0’Mulc. 829. 7. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nes? Gpl. cum. art. innaimessoe. Thes. Pal.nbsp;il, 24, 1. 33. s. 1. es’. 8. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nes (nomen proprium?) .i. ainmm ratha.nbsp;Metr.; cf. RC. xv, 283, § 29. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nesa .i. airdirc. 0’CI. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nesa s. 1. acas. [(ad-)nesa], (-)4inse, dinsid klagt an, wirft vor; accuses, reproaches; abstr. ainsem 0. -sema.nbsp;Ped. II, 583; Laws vi, 32; O’Don. p. 566. (con-)nesa, (-)comainse, comainsigid tritt mit Fiipen, verachtet, verurteilt; tramples upon,nbsp;contemns, condemns; part, vet gerund.nbsp;comainside, abstr. comainsem, comain-siugud. Ped. ii, 583, 584; Contr. p. 429;nbsp;Ériu VII, 170. (di-)nesa, (-)d[nse, dinsigid, dinsemaid, dinsi-migid verachtet, mipachtet; contemns, despises; abstr. dinsem, dfnsiugud, dinsemad m. Ped. II, 584 amp; Contr. p. 656. (do-)nesa, (-)tuinse, (do-)uinse, tuinsid trans. tritt (auf etwas), stampft (auf etwas); zer-malmt, schmettert; treads (on something),nbsp;stamps (on something); crushes, smashes; |
abstr. tuinsem G. -sema, -sim m. Ped. ii, 584; IT. 1,501; Illinois Studies p. 40;nbsp;ZCP. X, 200, 201; Togail na Tebe p. 429.nbsp;(for-)nesa trans, tritt (auf etwas), stampft (aufnbsp;etwas); treads (on something), stamps (onnbsp;something); .i. tainsem. 0’Dav. 861; cf.nbsp;Ped. II, 677. nesacht Dsg. id. Nahe; nearness. ITS. xiv, 54. nesam s. 1. acas. (ar-)nesat fut. 3 pi. s. (ar-)neat. nescoit Npl. -cóite Beule; boil; .i. nes cnocc 7nbsp;sooit linn. Cormac 975; gl. apostema.nbsp;Ir. Gl. 843; ZCP. v, 483 amp; xviii, 270; ITS.nbsp;XIV, 46 amp; XXV, 389. (¦)nesla praet. subj. pass. s. nigid amp; (¦)nig. nesu s. 1. acas. net G. amp; Npl. nit, neit. Apt. nitu m. Nest .i. a nido. Cormac 977; Lism. L. p. 397nbsp;IT. IV, 1,419 CÊ IV, 2, 534; PH. p. 822nbsp;TSh. nét = 1. néit. netbas = neithes. (rom-)nett (v. 1. -net) .i. rommairg. Êriu ii, 3, 13, 28. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nétta neugierig, wipbegierig; curious, inquisitive. TSh. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nétta nett?; nice?. Keating, Danta Amh-rain. neuch s. neoh. ne(u)rt s. nert. (ar-, in-)neut(h) praes. ind. 1 sg. s. (ar-, in-)neat. neutar, neutarda = neotar amp; neotarda. ngéd (ngéig) Gans; goose. Aur. Éc. p. 290 Snbsp;Kelt. Wortkunde §235; s. géd.nbsp;ngetal (ngetar) Name des Ogamp;mm-Zeichensnbsp;fur ng; name of the Ogamm sign for ng.nbsp;Aur. Ko. p. 341 s. v. getal; RC. xxx, 337nbsp;amp; XLiv, 318; s. getal,nbsp;ni .i. olo, ut est; arsaid ni dic[h]enn .i. astarnbsp;ole do neooh a nglam dio[h]enn. Diiil Droma Ceta p. 169. -ni, -sni, -ne, -nai Verstarkungspartikel der I pi.; emphatic particle of the 1 pi. Thum. i,nbsp;240; Pél. p.349; IT. 1,706; TSh.; cf. sni. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nï (gem.; posterius len.) nicht; not. Pél.nbsp;p.349; IT. 1,707; TBC. p. 1021; PH.nbsp;pp. 820, 821; TSh.; nï- (len.) = cum pron.nbsp;infix. 3 sg. n.; nï- (nas.) = cum pron.nbsp;ir.fix. 3 sg. m. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nï neg. amp; praes. ind. s. 1. is.nbsp;ni s. nech. |
nia — nigid.
1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nia G. niath, niad m. Schwestersohn; a sister’s son; .i. maoc sethar. Cormac 959,nbsp;0’CI. amp; Laws VI, 590; TBC. p. 1022; BC.nbsp;XLVi, 266. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nia, niad (Keating’s History p. 154) G.nbsp;niath, niad, Npl. niaid, niïd (nid) m.nbsp;Kiimpe, Krieger; champion, warrior; .i.nbsp;trén-fer. Cormac 973, 978, Metr. amp; 0’CI.;nbsp;nia naisc gl, mües torquatus. ITS. vin, 404;nbsp;IT. 1,708; TBC. p. 1022; EC. xxii,307,nbsp;n. 6 (6 XLVi, 266. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;niab Apl. niaba n. Lebensicraft, Eegsamheit;nbsp;vital energy, vigorous activity. Kelt. Wort-kunde § 10; Aur. Èo. p. 348; SB. p. 146. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;niab = niam. niabach (leg. niamach?) ?. SB. p. 2, 1.112. niabaid erregt, reizt auf; stirs up, incites; abstr. niabad G. niabtba. Kelt. Wortkundenbsp;§10. niachas G. niachais m. Kraft eines Kriegers, Kriegstuchtigkeit; a warrior’s strength, warlikenbsp;prowess; .i. nert. Êriu viii, 172; TTr. p. 173;nbsp;TBC. p. 149; IT. iv, 2, 2; Aneod. Il, 54; cf.nbsp;niadachas. niach-macc (leg. niad-macc?) kriegerischer Sohn?; warlike son?. Alt. Ir. Diohtung ii,22. niad s. 1. 2. nia. niadach {in: nert-niadach) hriegerisch?; warlike?. Plummer, Lives i, 36. niadachas G. -chais Kraft eines Kriegers, Kriegstiichtigkeit; a warrior’s strength, ivarlikenbsp;prowess. TBC. p. 149, n. 6 S van Hamel,nbsp;Compert Con Culainn p. 201; cf. niachas. niad-nasc (v. 1. nascad niad) .i. gal trén-fer. BC. XV, 421 amp; xxii, 394; cf. 2. nia. niaid s. 2. nia. nialas, nihelas G. nialsa, nihelsa Kichtigkeit; nullity. Aso. ii, 360 amp; Aur. iSc. p. 348. niam (niab), saepe in composit. G. néime, DAsg. néim (néib) /. Glam; luster, brightness;nbsp;.i. dath. 0’Dav. 1296; TBC. p. 1022;nbsp;Lism. L. p. 397; PH. p. 822; Togail nanbsp;Tebe p. 194. niamach glanzend; lustrous, bright. IT. iv, 1, 31; cf. niabach. niamaid macht glanzend; renders lustrous or bright; abstr. niamad DAsg. id. m. -f glanzend gemacht werden; being rendered lustrousnbsp;or bright. Togail na Tebe p. 80; ZCP. i,nbsp;270; EC. XIX, 122. niamanda perlengleich; pearl-like. IT. iv, 1, 303; cf. némanda. |
niamann Apl. -nna Perle; perlenahnlicher Edel-stein?; pearl; precious stone resembling a pearl?. ITS. i, 116; ZCP. l, 386; Irishnbsp;Texts V, 46; cf. némann.nbsp;niamda glanzend; lustrous, bright; .i. taittne-mach. O’CL; IT. i, 708; TBC. p. 1022;nbsp;Togail na Tebe p. 402; TSh.nbsp;niamnait Blutwurz; tormentil; gl. tormintilla.nbsp;Medical Glossaries, A. 25; ITS. xxv, 389;nbsp;Irish Texts v, 7. (ro-)niastar (v. 1. -niasar) .i. insaiged no tairgg-sin. O’Dav. 1377; cf. Laws v, 74, 1. 3. niath s. 1. 2. nia. niatta kriegerisch, stark, wild; warlike, strong, fierce. PH. p. 822; Togail na Tebe p. 402;nbsp;TSh. nib, nïbad, nfbba neg. amp; praes. subj., cond., fut. s. 1. is. nïbo, n'fb(b)u neg. amp; praes. subj. amp; praet.; neg. S praet. s. 1. is. (-)nice = (-)n-dice = (-)tice, praes. ind. 2 sg. s. (do-)io. nich s. nech. nl-con, no-co(n), no-ca(n), nocho(n), nochu(n). nocha(n), nacho(n), nacha(n), nuchu (len,nbsp;et nas.) nicht, ist nicht; not, is not. Aso.nbsp;11,359; Pél. p. 360; IT. i, 708, 710; PH.nbsp;p. 594. -nid = -n-did = -did, praes. ind. s. 1. is. nid s. 2. nia. nTda neg. amp; praes. ind. 1, 2 sg. s. 1. is. nidachas, nidechas DAsg. id. KriegstiXchtig-keit; military prowess. ZCP. vi, 24 amp; Pianai-gecht p. 68; cf. niachas amp; niadachas.nbsp;nldad, nldan, nïdar, nldat neg. amp; praes. ind. 2 pi., 1 pi., 2 pi., 3 pi. s. 1. is. (-)nig = nigid. [(con-)nig] wiXscht; washes. Contr. p. 477. (di-)nig w'dscht ab, reinigt; washes off, cleanses;nbsp;abstr. dinech Dsg. dinig /. -f Waschwasser;nbsp;washing water. Ped. ii, 685 S ZCP. xx, 195.nbsp;{do-)nig wascht; washes; abstr tonach (tanach)nbsp;Q. toncha, Dsg. tonach (tanach) m. /., .i.nbsp;nige. O’Dav. 1583; Miscellanea Linguisticanbsp;p. 372; Ped. 11,686; EC. xliii, 132, 133;nbsp;ITS. XIII, 262. (fo-)nig, fuinigid wascht, reinigt; washes, purifies; part, fuinechta, abstr. fuinech Asg.nbsp;id., .i. glanad. IT. l, 563, 682; ZCP. lii, 448nbsp;amp; VI, 241. nigid, (- )nig wascht; washes; part, nechta -p rein, glanzend; clean, bright; abstr. nige G. id. f. |
152 nihelas — no-.
Ped. II, 585;Bruchstückep. 5; TBC. p.1022; TSh. nihelas, nihelsa s. nialas. nïl = rif fuil; cf. (ad-)ta.nbsp;nim, nime s. 1. nem amp; 1. neim.nbsp;nimidech, neimedacli im Himmel wohnend;nbsp;dwelling inHeamn-, subsi. Himmelsbewohner;nbsp;dweller in Heaven. IT. i, 705; Lism. L.nbsp;p. 304; Death-Tales p. 61.nbsp;nimm {MS. nimb) .i. braen. Cormao 971 amp;nbsp;0’CI.; .i. néll no braen. O’Dav. 1284.nbsp;nïmm neg. amp; praes. ind. 1 sg. s. 1. is.nbsp;nïmm- = rif imm-. nimmglice (MS. -glic; leg. n-immglicc?) .i. immdaingen. 0’CI. nïmmthS = rif-immtha, s. (imm-)ta.nbsp;nimnech = 1. neimnech.nbsp;nimthenchas = neimthenohas. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nin Apl. ninu, Dpi. ninaib der Ogamm-Buchsiabe N, (überhaupt) Buchstabe; einnbsp;Baum- Oder Pflamenname; the Ogammnbsp;letter n, (any) letter; name of a certain tree ornbsp;plant; gl. uinnes, ginól garmmna, nenaid.nbsp;Aur. Éo. p. 348; .i. litter (no ogamm nonbsp;frén ogaimm). Cormac 996, 0’Dav. 1288,nbsp;ZCP. v,493, Metr. amp; O’Ol.; .i. delb nonbsp;littir. Lecan Glossary; RC. xxvi, 14. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nin (nen) Dpi ninaib, Woge; wave; .i. tonn.nbsp;Cormac 961, 997, Aur. Éc. p. 187, Lecannbsp;Glossary, Metr. amp; 0’CI.; Ui Ecbaoh p. 93;nbsp;ZCP. XIII, 298; Metr. Dindsh. v, 282. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(for aimnin a ) nin .i. fan luige filed. ZCP.nbsp;V, 488, n. 27; cf. 1. nin. 4. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[nin]? Asg. id. ?. Laws iv, 378,1. 22. (nem, croch) ninach (MS. etiam ninach) ?; .i. gablaoh, .i. aibinn no gablaob, .i. glaccaob no crécbtaob no nin gabal, .i.nbsp;ginól .i. glaoc na gabla. IT. i, 709; .i.nbsp;aibinn. 0’CI.; .i. glaccaob, rennaob no ben-nacb no brecc. 0’CI.; SR. p. 118.nbsp;(-)ninas fwt. 1 sg. s. nigid.nbsp;ningir (leg. n-ifigir?) .i. goirt no tinn. 0’CI.nbsp;ninu s. 1. nin. nfp, nfpa, nfpad, nfpat, nfpddar, rifpddis, nfpinn, nfpo, nfpsa, nfptar, nfptlia, nfpu neg. amp; praes. subj. 3 sg. amp; praet. 1, 3 sg.; fut.; praet. subj.; praes. subj. 3 pi.; praet.nbsp;3 pi.; praet. subj. 3 pi.; praet. subj. 1 sg.;nbsp;praes. subj. amp; praet.; praet. 1 sg.; praet.nbsp;3 pi.; praet. subj. 2sg.; praes. subj. amp;nbsp;praet. s. 1. is.nbsp;nir s. ner. |
1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nfr = nf -f ro. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nfr = nfr(bo) neg. amp; ro-praet. s. 1. is.nbsp;nfra, nfrb, nfrbddap, nfrbo, nfrbommar, n'frbsa, nfrbtar, nfrbu (nfro), nfrsa, nfrsat neg. amp; ro-praet.; ro-praes. subj. amp; ro-praet.; ro-praet. 3 pi.; ro-praet.; ro-praet. 1 pi; ro-praet. 1 sg.; ro-praet. 3 pi; ro-praet.; ro-praet. 1 sg.; ro-praet. (subj.) 2 sg. amp; 3 pi. s. 1. is.nbsp;nirt s. nert.nbsp;nis s. 1. nes. nfs (ZCP. XX, 371, 372) neg. amp; praes. ind. 3 pi. s. 1. is. nis, nf-sa s. neob.nbsp;nise .i. crécbt. 0’CI.; cf. 5. nes.nbsp;nit s. net. nft, nfta, nftad, nftam, nftan, nftat neg. amp; praes. ind. 2 sg. amp; 3 pi; 1, 2 sg.; 2 pi; 1 sg. amp; 1 pi; 1 pi; 3 pi. s. 1. is. [(fo-)nite] fut. (fo-)nitfe gl. subsannabit, verhohnt; mocks at; abstr. foinited Dsg. id.nbsp;Ml. 17a4, 7. nitb G. amp; Apl. nitba n.? (Hogan p. 199), m. llampf; (seelischer) Schmerz; fight, conflict;nbsp;(mental) affliction; .i. hamp;g. ZCP. v, 493;nbsp;.i. ooinfbcbt. O’Don. p. 683; .i. debaid nonbsp;catbugud. 0’CI.; .i. guin (duine). Cormaonbsp;967, 973, Metr. amp; 0’CI.; TTr. p. 173; Imr.nbsp;Br. I, 95; TBC. p. 1022; Laws vi, 691.nbsp;(immid-)nith (v. 1. immith-) er lief} sieh nieder?; he alighted ?. Aneod. iii, 59, 11.24, 27. nithach kampfreich, kampflustig; abundantnbsp;in battles, battlesome, contentious. Alt. Ir.nbsp;Dichtung ii, 18; IT. ii, 1, 208, n. 1; PH.nbsp;p. 823 s. V. nitbaigim; Metr. Dindsb. v, 282.nbsp;nithad Dsg. id. Bekampfen; combating. PH. p. 823 s. V. nitbaigim. nithaigid totet; slays. PH. p. 243, 1. 7229.nbsp;(ar-)nithet = (ar-)neithet, praes. ind. 3 pinbsp;s. (ar-)neat.nbsp;nithg = nathó.nbsp;nitu s. net.nbsp;niu s. necb.nbsp;niuii(i), nfui(l)u s. nél.nbsp;ni(u)rt s. nert. -nn pron. suffix. 1 pi -n(n)- pron. inf. 1 pi.nbsp;no = dno = dang. no-, nu- (na-) bedeutungslose Verbalpartikel vor dem Verbum Simplex: a) vor dem Impf.,nbsp;Cond. und Prat. Subj., b) vor inf. Pronomina (na- = no-a-), c) zur Bildung vonnbsp;rel. Satzen; meaningless verbal particle occur- |
no — nochu(n).
ring before the uncompounded verb: a) before the imp/., coni, and pret. subj., b) beforenbsp;inf. pron. (na- = no-a-), c) in order to formnbsp;rel. sentences. Asc. li, 360; Pél. p. 350; IT. l, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;709; TEC. p. 1019; PH pp. 823, 824.nbsp;no, nil, na (len.) oder; (oder) vielmehr{um einen Fehlerzu verbessern); or; {or) rather {in order to correct a mistake). TEC. p. 1019; Asc. ii,nbsp;360; Pél. p. 350; IT. i, 710; PH. p. 823;nbsp;Ériu VII, 174. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;no = nan. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[no]? Vpl. m. id. berühmt?; famous?. IT. IV, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;2, 306, 1.4086. ’no = ’na post compar. als {ist); than {is); cf. (a(i-)tamp;. (as-)nó (Conti, p. 137) = (as-)nai, praet. s. (as-)nal. noa s. nau. (-)noa, (ath-, fo-)noa praes. subj. s. noaid amp; (atb-, fo-)nai. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;noad, nod Dsg. nóid /. Halle?; hall?; .i.nbsp;tegdais no dur-theg. 0’Dav. 1282; .i. cum-ddaoh. ZCP. V, 484, n. 49; Metr. Dindsb. V, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;282; cf. port-nóth amp; cymr. neuadd. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;noad {leg. n-oad?) ?. Priu xii, 42.nbsp;noad s. noaid. noad .i. ooimét. Aur. Po. p. 348 s. v. noaim. (fo-)noad praet. pass. s. (fo-)nai.nbsp;noaib s. nau. no aid, no id, {¦)naf macht békannt, verkündet, macht berühmt; makes known, proclaims,nbsp;renders famous; part, nöitbe (leg. naithe?);nbsp;abstr. noud, noad G. nSithe {leg. naithe?);nbsp;gl. urdarougud, métugud amp; athnugud.nbsp;Priu XII, 72, 76; Laws vi, 691, 693; O’Don.nbsp;pp. 680, 683, 684; Philol. Soc. Trans, xxix,nbsp;72; IT. I, 261, 1. 22; EC. xxvi, 24.nbsp;noaire, nóëre, nóïre, ndeïre, ndlre Npl. -re,nbsp;-reda {.i. loingseóire no maimelaig. 0’CI.) m. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Schiffer; shipman. Eetha Colmainnbsp;p. 94 amp; Togail na Tebe p. 400. noas, noes, nós(nuas)(T.nöïs,nóis,naise, naesa, Dsg. nöüs n. {?) m. neue Rechtsregelung,nbsp;{neue) Yerordnung, Bechtsbrauch; Oewohn-heit, Sitte, Art, Weise; Euf, Ruhm; newnbsp;legal ordinance, {new) regulation, legal practice; usage, custom, manner, mode; fame,nbsp;glory; .i. no-fis, fis nua amp; urdarougudnbsp;(nua). Laws vi, 581, 682, 592; .i. fis nónbair.nbsp;Cormac 970; .i. nai-fis .i. fis naenbair.nbsp;0’CI.; do nos (mar) wie (wenn); immer;nbsp;like {as); always. TSh.; Philip Eooht p. 231; |
Marstrander, Dictionary, col. 157; ZCP. 1,380, 381 amp; XVIII, 398; Metr. Dindsh.nbsp;V, 282; TEC. p. 1023; Plummer, Lives l, 140,nbsp;1.24. (con-)noathatar (Hogan p. 12, § 8) = (ath-) noatar?, praet. 3 pi. s. (ath-)nai.nbsp;nébad = 1. nomad.nbsp;no-ca(n) = hf-oon. no-car, no-carb = hf-oon S ro; etiam hf-oon amp; ro-praet. s. 1. is. noch und, ienn, jedoeh; and, for, however; noch is das heifit; that is. Asc. li,362;nbsp;Laws VI, 691; EC. xi, 446.nbsp;nocha(n) = hf-con. nocha (nochat) G. nóohat m. neumig; ninety; .i. deioh 7 ceithre fiohit. O’CL; TEC.nbsp;p.813; PH. p.824. nochar, nocharb = hf-oon amp; ro; etiam nf-con amp; ro-praet. s. 1. is.nbsp;nochar = nuaohar.nbsp;nocho(n) = ni-oon. no-chombddad, nai-chombadad {MS. noe-) Schiffbruch; shipwreck. Togail na Tebe p. 402 S Lism. L. p. 128.nbsp;nochor, nochorb(o) = hf-oon amp; ro; etiamnbsp;hf-con amp; ro-praes. subj. vel ro-praet. s.nbsp;1. is. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nocht nackt, entblofit; naked, bare. Asc. ii,nbsp;363; IT. I, 710; PH. p. 824; TSh. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nocht (non nisi in glossariis) Nacht; night;nbsp;.i. adaig (aidohe). Diiil Droma Ceta p. 190nbsp;amp; 0’Dav. 1286; cf. innQoht amp; midnooht. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nocht .i. nige. 0’Dav. 1298. 4. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nocht .i. denacht {leg. genacht?) no naire.nbsp;0’CI.; cf. noohta. nochta G. id. f. Nacktheit; nakedness. Asc. ii, 363; IT. I, 710; TEC. p. 167; PH. p. 824.nbsp;(di-)nochta eatblbpt, enthUllt; lays bare, uncovers; abstr. dfnochtad m. Ml. 64d23;nbsp;Thes. Pal. 11,252; TEC. (Str.) p.28.nbsp;nochtaid entblofSt, entkleiiet, zieht {der Scheide)nbsp;aus; deckt auf, enthUllt; lays bare, disrobes,nbsp;unsheathes; discloses, reveals; abstr. nochtadnbsp;DAsg. id. m. PH. p. 824; Togail na Tebenbsp;p. 402; IT. I, 710; TSh.nbsp;nocht-adaig 0. vel Asg. -aidohe Nachtpausenbsp;{zwischen den Tagewerken); night’s pausenbsp;(between two days of work). ZCP. xvi, 184, n. 2 lt;£ XX, 363; cf. 2. nocht amp; 1. adaig.nbsp;nocht-chenn barhiXuptig; bareheaded. Wb. Ilcl2, 18. nochu(n) = hf-oon. |
154 nopla.
noco, nóco {nas.) his; until. PH. p. 823; Togail na Tebe p. 402; TSh.; cf. co?, no-con = nï-oon.nbsp;nocor, nocur = noco amp; ro. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nód .i. airdirc. 0’CI.; c/. 2. nó?. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nód = 1. noad amp; 1. nua. nod- = no- ante et cum pron. inf. rel. noë s. nau amp; 1. nua.nbsp;noe- s. nae- amp; nai-. nóéine, nófne Ndu. (da) nóéine kleines Boot; little boat. RC. xxii, 187, n. 12. nóëre = nóaire. noes (leg. no es?) ?. Laws iv, 314,1. 3. noes = nöas. noes-bló eine gewisse Spur einer alten Grenee; a certain trace of an old boundary. Lawsnbsp;IV, 142, 1. 23. (srotha) no-fes .i. (immat) an fesa urdairc. ZGP. V, 488, n. 25; cf. noas. nof- s. nae- amp; naf-.nbsp;nolb s. nau. noibimber (nolmber, nouimber) 0. -bir m. November. Pél. p. 351 amp; PH. p. 955. noibitse, noibist (MS. etiam nouice, nouist)nbsp;Novize; novice. Bezz.B. xviii, 79.nbsp;noichddech (leg. nochddash?) neunzigjakrig; nonagenarian. Wb. 20a 6. noid = noaid.nbsp;noid s. 1. noad.nbsp;nóifit fut. 3 pi. s. noaid. (crett) nóiglinne (leg. nai-?) ?. IT. i, 276. noïmber = noibimber. {at-)noimed (: romer) ?. Metr. Dindsh. i, 6, 1.16. (gond-)noimm (TBC. p. 887, 1. 6090) = (at-) noimm, praes. ind. 1 sg. s. (as-)nai.nbsp;noimment = móimment.nbsp;nóin, noon (Thes. Pal. i, 3), neoin, nona (Keating, Danta Amhrain) 0. nona, DAsg.nbsp;nóin, nónaid, neonaid /. neunte (kanonische)nbsp;Stunde, Nachmittag (drei Uhr), Abend;nbsp;Nachnittagsgebet; rinth (canonical) hour,nbsp;afternoon (three o’clock), evening; afternoon-prayer; gl. uesper. Ir. Gl. 1077; cech(a)nbsp;nona, cach(a) nona jeden Nachmittag,nbsp;jeden Abend; every afternoon, every evening.nbsp;TBC. p. 1023 amp; IT. I, 711; ó nóin anonnnbsp;kurz vor Abend; seme time before evening.nbsp;Philip Bocht p. 260; Meyer Miscellanynbsp;pp. 150, 152, 160, 163; Laws vi,592; PH.nbsp;p. 55; Plummer, Lives i, 163; Lism. L.nbsp;p. 48; Syllabic Poetry p. 125. |
nófne = nóéine. nóinin, neoinin Ganseblümchen; daisy; gl. consohda minor, bellis perennis, circea,nbsp;elistropinus. ITS. xxv, 389, 390 amp; Medicalnbsp;Glossaries,nbsp;nóïre = nóaire.nbsp;nó’ïs, nóis s. nöas. (fo-)nóiset (leg. -naiset?) praet. 3 pl. s. (fo-)nai. noit = not. nóit .i. amióit .i. eclas. 0’CI. nóite s. nót.nbsp;noithe s. nöaid.nbsp;nóithe, nóitbib s. nau. noli, nail einAusruf: óhl; in Zusammensetzun-gen: grof}?, gewaltig?; an exclamation: ohl; in compounds: great?, mighty?; gl. mór,nbsp;adbal, uasal. Kelt. Wortkunde § 129; Pél.nbsp;p. 351; Illinois Studies p. 37; ZCP. xvii,nbsp;198, §4, n. 21; cf. 6. aiU.nbsp;noliac, noilaic = notlaio. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nómad (nóbad), naemad neunter; ninth;nbsp;subst. n. m. Neuntel; a ninth (part); conbsp;nómad n-au (n-ó) (bis) zur neunten Generation; (up) to the ninth generation. Cóicnbsp;Conara PugiU pp. 81, 82; IT. l, 711 S iv, 1,nbsp;107; Laws Vl,592; PH. p. 825; TSh. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nómad, naemad G. -maide, DAsg. -maid /.nbsp;Zeitraum von neun Tagen; neun Halbtage?;nbsp;period of nine days; nine half days?. ZCP.nbsp;xiv,350; IT. 1,711 amp; iv, 1, 419; Lawsnbsp;VI, 592; RC. xxv, 134, 135. nómaide Asg. id. f. Zeitraum von neun Tagen; period of r.ine days. Mac Conglinne p. 190;nbsp;Imr. Br. li, 292; ITS. vii, 82.nbsp;nomba = no- ni (nas. in sententiis ret.)nbsp; ba (praes. subj. 1, 2 sg.) s. 1. is. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nóna (pl.) Nonen; nones. Pél. p. 30; cf.nbsp;nóin. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nóna, nónaid s. nóin. nonamain .i.ainmm immerta oiuil do-niat sair. 0’Mulc. 833. nónbar (nónmar), naenbar G. -air n.(?) m. neun Leute; nine persons; .i. a nomine no-vem. Cormao 993; IT. i, 711; Hogan p. 160;nbsp;TBC. p. 1023; IP. iv, 294-299.nbsp;nonda, nondad, nondan = no- -f n (nas. innbsp;sententiis rel.) -f praes. ind. 1, 2 sg. amp;nbsp;2, 1 pl. s. 1. is. (ad-)n-oodur s. (ath-)ai. noon = nóin. nopia^ Nobel (eine Miinze); a noble (a coin). Plummer, Lives i, 203 amp; ZCP. vi, 331. |
nós — 1. nuall. 155
nos = noas. nósad (neue) Sitte?; (new) custom?. Metr. Dindsh. v, 282. nós-drech {MS. nóisdreach) ruhmvolles Ge-sicM?; glorious countenance?. ITS. m, 82, 1. 216. nósmar (gut-)gesittet; ierühmt; well-mannered; famous. Plummer, Lives l, 341 S Keating,nbsp;Danta Amhrain. not, noit Npl. nota /. Kenmeichen, Zeichen; note, mark, sign; .i. a nota. Cormac 979;nbsp;Asc. II, 363; Aur. Éc. p. 348. [nót] Npl. nóite Knoten; node, knot. ZCP. XVIII, 274. (renii-)nota merkt vorher an; notes beforehand. Ml. 18c 12. (ce) notad {conj. cia) no- -f praes. ind. 2 pi. s. 1. is. notaid merkt an; notes; abstr. notad Dsg. id. m. -P Rügen; censuring. Pél. p. 351 amp;nbsp;Vendryes p. 159 s. v. not.nbsp;notaire m. Schreiber; writer. Wb. 27dl6.nbsp;notairecht /. Amt eines notaire; function of anbsp;notaire. Aur. Pc. p. 296.nbsp;notal .i. comartba uaille hé. Cormac 979;nbsp;ef. Vendryes p. 159. notlaic (notlac), nollaic (nollac) G. id. f. Weih-naehten; Christmas; etar df notlaic ewischen Weihnachten und den Heiligen Brei Königen;nbsp;between Öhristmas and Epiphany; notlaicnbsp;bee Heilige Brei Könige; Epiphany;nbsp;notlaic mór Weihnachten; Christmas; notlaic steilie (stéili) Heilige Brei Könige;nbsp;Epiphany. Pél. p. 351; Monastery ofnbsp;Tallaght pp. 138, 148; Laws vi, 592; Priunbsp;11,208; Tromdamh Guaire p. 43.nbsp;noud s. noaid. nougud {leg. nó-?) Bsg. id. Verkünden; proclaiming. EC. XLiii, 58; cf. noaid. nouimber = noibimber. nous s. noas. nu = no. nü .i. Nouum Testamentum. RC. xx, 260; cf. mi-fiadnaise ?. nu- = no-. nü- (in composit. ante vocalis et JÉ) = 1. nua. 1. nua (nuad), naue, noë (nód), nuie (saepenbsp;in composit.) neu, frisch, jugendlich; new,nbsp;fresh, youthful; .i. quasi nova. Cormac 995;nbsp;Pél. p. 351; IT. IV, 1,419; PH. p. 825;nbsp;Syllabic Poetry p. 125; TSh.; Keating,nbsp;Danta Amhrain. |
2. nua Gsg. m. nul, .i. laitir. 0’CI.; .i. uasal. Metr.; RC. xx,286; TBC. p. 1023; Gorm.nbsp;p. 285; cf. 1. nua. nua-bailach mit hellen Flecken?; with bright spots ?. Syllabic Poetry p. 125. nuachar, nóchar Q. -chair m. Ehe; Ehegemahl, Brautigam, Braut; Freier?; wedlock; spouse,nbsp;bridegroom, bride; suitor?; .i. nua-chuar-ddach. 0’CI.; aes nuachair Ehepaar; married couple. Metr. Dindsh. v, 282; TBC.nbsp;p. 451; RC. XIX, 388; IT. iv, 1, 22; Keating,nbsp;Danta Amhrain. nuad = 1. nua. nuada (nuad) .i. cuimnid trén. van Hamel, Compert Con Culainn p. 42, § 51; Uinbsp;Echach p. 93, § 20. nuadugud s. nuaidigid. nuagad s. nuaigid. nuagair? himmlisch?; heavenly?. Keating, Danta Amlirain. nuaide, nulde, nüide superlat. nuïdem frisch; neuartig, neu; fresh; recent, new. Aso. ii,nbsp;361, 362; IT. 1,712; Philip Bocht p. 10;nbsp;TSh. nuaidecht /. Neugestaltung; Neuigkeit; innovation; news. Gwynn, The Rule of Tallaght, p. 26, n.lamp; Keating, Danta Amhrain. nuaidigid, nuidigid erneuert; renews; abstr. nuaidiugud, nuadugud {MS. -dachad) Bsg.nbsp;id. Philip Bocht p. 99 amp; Vis. Tondalenbsp;p. 94. nua(i)-fiadnaise = mi-fiadnaise. (ath-)nuaige(dar), (-)alhnuige(dar), athnuai-gigid, athnuaidigid, athnuaigid, athnuaidid, athnuidigid, atbnuigid erneuert; schreibtnbsp;ab; renews; copies; parb athnuigthe, abstr.nbsp;athnuagugud, athnuadugud, athnuagad, ath-nuadad, athnuidiugud, athnudugud, athnu-gud, athnud m. Asc. ii, 362; Contr. p. 152;nbsp;TTr. p. 135; ZCP. iv, 242; Aur. Pc. p. 182;nbsp;TSh. nuaigid, nuigid erneuert; renews; abstr. nuagad (nuided). RC. xxvi, 18; Laws i, 12; ITS.nbsp;VI, 102. nuaigide neu; new. Irish Texts v, 48; cf. nuaigid. nuaiann {MS. nualiann) .i. uasal. O’CL; cf. ualann. 1. nuaii, uail (saepe in composit.) G. nuaill, uaill, Apl. nualla, ualla n. f. Schrei, Zuruf,nbsp;{Weh-)Geschrei, Getöse, Larm; cry, shout,nbsp;acclamation, {woeful) clamor, uproar, noise; |
156 nuall — (-)nuu.
i. gul. O’CL; nuall gan gal .1. rad gannbsp;bréio. 0’CI.; Aso. ii,363; IT. i, 712, 861,nbsp;IV, 1,419 amp; IV, 2, 535, 564; SR. p. 146;nbsp;Togail na Tebe p. 402. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nuall .1. airdirc (urdairo). Metr., Lecannbsp;Glossary S 0’CI.; cf. 1. nuall. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nuall .1. err. Aur. Éc. p. 271. (con-)nualla {MS. -nuallai) 'jauchzt zu?; acclaims?. ZCP. xii, 235, § 53. nuallach, uallach larmend, schreiend-, clamorous, shouting. Asc. ii, 363 S ITS.nbsp;VI, 92. nuallaid schreit; beklagt; shouts, cries; bewails. IT. 1,191; PH. p. 826; Togail na Tebe p. 162. nuallaigid schreit (klagend); cries (in a lamenting manner). Ml. 114d3. nualldn Npl. nuallana jammerliches Geschrei;nbsp;wail. TBC. p. 329; Trip. p. 106; IT. iv, 2,nbsp;312; ITS. XII, 30. nuall-grith Rasselgerausch; rattling noise. TBC. p. 1023. nuall-guba Dsg. id. Wehgeschrei, Weheschreien; woeful outcry, crying out woefully. IT. i, 604nbsp;s. V. guba S IV, 2,170; Togail na Tebenbsp;p. 402; PH. p. 826; RC. XLIII, 88.nbsp;nuall-gubach (MS. nual-dubach) voll Wehgeschrei; full of woeful cries. TTr. p. 55,nbsp;1.2225. nuall-sa .i. oil inn-so .i. mór inn-so. Thurn-eysen, Snedgus und Mao Riagla p. 20 amp; Fél. p. 19, 1.54; cf. 1. nuall?.nbsp;nuas = noas.nbsp;nuchu = n'f-con. (ce) nuded (conj. cia) no- proes. ind. 2 pi. s. 1. is. nii-fiadnaise (nii-iadnaise), nua(i)-fiadnaise G. id. n. f. Neues Testament; neueres Hecht; New Testament; more recent law; .i. an rechtnbsp;nua no an nuai-recht. O’CL; Cóio Conaranbsp;FugiU p. 72; Aso. II, 333; Betha Colm4innbsp;p. 126; PH. p. 825; TSh.nbsp;nul s. 2. nua.nbsp;nulde, niilde = nuaide.nbsp;nüided s. nuaigid.nbsp;nuldem s. nuaide. |
niiidigid = nuaidigid. nuidlech, nuithlech G. -lige /. eine Milchkuh (nach dem Kalben); a milch-cow (afternbsp;calving). Laws vi, 592 amp; 0’Dav. 1498,nbsp;1499. nuidlechas G. -lechais Zustand (einer Milchkuh) nach dem Kalben; state (of being a milch-cow) after calving. Laws ill, 228.nbsp;nuie = 1. nua. nuie-tdnalc er ist neu gekommen; he has newly come. Wb. 7c7; cf. 1. nua amp; (do-)ic.nbsp;nuie-thicid Novize; novice. Wb. 28b29; cf. I. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nua. niiigid = nuaigid. nulmlr, nuimre, nuimrech s. numair. nuin .i. olc. Cormao 300, 698 amp; Duil Dromanbsp;Ceta p. 169.nbsp;nuis s. nus. (-)nuither praes. ind. pass. s. nöaid. nuithlech = nuidlech.nbsp;numaige adj. ?. ZCP. vi, 41.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ numair, nulmir, uimiT (uibir) O. nuimre, nuimrech, lumre, uimreoh /. Zahl; number. Vendryes pp. 159, 160; IT. i, 712, 865; Vis.nbsp;Tondale p. 153; Cormac 447.nbsp;numba, numma = no- -f m (nas. in sen-tentiis rel.) -f- ba (praes. subj. 1, 2 sg.)nbsp;s. 1. is. nuna = nauna. nunda, nundad, nundan, nundem = no- -f- n (nas. in sententiis rel.) praes. ind. 1, 2 sg.; 2 pi.; 1 pi. s. 1. is. nils G. niiis, niisa m. die erste (und fetteste) Milch nach dem Kalben, Biestmilch; thenbsp;first (and richest) milk after calving, biest-ings; .i. quasi novus. Cormac 995; gl.nbsp;onesta (leg. ouesta?). Ir. Gl. 256; gl. colostrum S lac nouum. KZ. xxxiii, 275; .i.nbsp;nuie-as, .i. tiug. 0’Mulc. 735, 827; Lawsnbsp;VI, 593; Philip Bocht p. 236; TSh. (ce) nutad, (ce) nutan (conj. cia) -t- no- -f-praes. ind. 2, 1 pi. s. 1. is. nuttmmaic, nuttammaic Dsg. id. Muskatnufi;nbsp;nutmeg. ITS. xxv, 390; RO.ix, 238; ZCP. II, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;307. (-)nuu praes. ind. 1 sg. s. nSaid amp; (-)nai. |
ó — obaid.
Wörter, die mit O- anfangen, siehe auch unter A-, F- und U-. For words ieginning with O-, see also under A-, F- and U-.
1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ó (hó), ua (hua), a, amp; (len.) praep. cum dat.nbsp;von... (her, weg, am); durch, mit; infolgenbsp;von; (away, out) from (thence); ly, with;nbsp;owing to; oum pron. person, suff. 1 sg.nbsp;oimm, uaimm, uamm (buaimm); 2sg. oitt,nbsp;uaitt, uatt; 3 sg. m. n. od (óod), uad, uath,nbsp;uaid (uathaid), uada, uatha; 3 sg. f. uaide,nbsp;uaithe (uadai); 1 pi. onn, uainn, uantinbsp;(buainn); 2 pi. uaib, uab; 3 pi. odaib, éadaib,nbsp;uadaib, uathaib, uaidib, uaithib, uathunbsp;(uatha); oum art. 3 sg. (h)ón(d), (h)uan(d),nbsp;ont (ante s), (h)uant (ante s); 3 pi. (h)ónaib,nbsp;(h)uanaib, ona; cum pron. rel. óa', (h)ó',nbsp;(h)ua'; cum pron. poss. 1 sg. dmm, (h)uamtn;nbsp;2sg. ót, (h)uat; 3sg. óa, (h)ua, (h)ó, óna;nbsp;1 pi. or. PH. p. 826; ef. Fél. pp. 351,nbsp;371; Aso. II, 110; IT. 1,712—714; TBC.nbsp;pp. 913, 1023; Contr. p. 283; TSb.; aennbsp;uaib, einer von euch; one of you. IT. i,nbsp;714; ÓS Ó, Wachsen an; growing in. Tbum.nbsp;II, 87; léicid uad, er Itiflt fahren; he gives up.nbsp;Thum. II, 87; 6 aimmsir, eine Zeitlang; fornbsp;a time. Ml. 21d4; o afs, (sein) games Leben?;nbsp;(his) whole life?. EC. x, 78; Ó chianaib,nbsp;vor hurzem, soeben; a short while ago, justnbsp;(now). ZCP. IV, 368 amp; v, 186; T4in; ó méitnbsp;.i. ón uair. 0’Dav. 1261; ua étrachtainbsp;(MS. et-), in Herrlichkeit; in splendor.nbsp;Ml. 84b 1. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ó, ua, amp; (len.) conj. seit; als, sobald als;nbsp;weil, da; oum subj. vel fut. (selbst) wenn;nbsp;cum perf. vel praet. nachdem; from thenbsp;time that, since; when, as soon as; inasmuchnbsp;as, because; oum subj. vel fut. (even) if;nbsp;cum perf. vel praet. after. Hermathena,nbsp;XXI, 12, 13; Eleanor Knott, Togail Bruidnenbsp;Da Derga, p. 138; TBC. p. 913; Fél.nbsp;p. 351; IT. I, 714; Togail na Tebe, p. 402;nbsp;TSb.; of. 1. 6. 3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ó s. óac, 1. 2. au amp; 1. ua. (cot-)ó imperat. 2 sg. amp; pron. infix. 3 sg. n. s. (con-)ai. 1. óa (óo), ae 0. ai (ae), Leber; liver; gl. jeour. Asc. ii, 110; gl. hepar (= rfnag).nbsp;Ir. Gl. 1032; ae aba(nn), Leberhraut; liverwort; gl. epaitioa (= hepatica). EC. ix, 231; |
cf. ITS. XXV, 340; domblas ai, Oalle; gall, bile; gl. fel. Ir. Gl. 975; cf. PH. p. 525;nbsp;PMbp Bocht, p. 208; macc af (MS. hoe)nbsp;gl. jaoor (= jecur). Ir. Gl. p. 141, n. 213;nbsp;cf. EC. VII, 221 amp; XLiv, 487. 2. óa s. 1. 6 lt;Ê 1. ua. (con-)óa, (con-)óaba praes. subj. amp; fut. s. (con-)ai. óa- vide etiam ua-. óac (óoc), óec, óc saepe in composit., jung; young; compar. óa (óu, óo, ó), óice, sónbsp;(sóu) kleiner; smaller; superlat. óamnbsp;(sóam, sóom) kleinster, -e, -es; smallest;nbsp;adv. inn óa, weniger; lesser (Thes. Pal. il,20);nbsp;subsi. G. óio, Npl. óio, óoa, Apl. ócu m.,nbsp;Jüngling, junger Mann, Krieger; a youth,nbsp;young man, warrior. Asc. ii, 110; IT. i, 714;nbsp;TBC. pp. 1023, 1024; TogaU na Tebe,nbsp;p. 415; ZCP. XVII, 128. óach (üach) mit (groten) Ohren; having (large) ears; .i. cluasaoh. Cormac, 918 amp; Leoannbsp;Glossary, 276; cf. 0’Mulc. 190; Èriu,nbsp;VII, 198; Metr. Dindsb. iv, 234. óadaib s. 1. ó. óal (óol, ól), all O. aüe, DAsg. óil, ail (aill. Ériu, II, 120) f., Backe, Wange; Mund?;nbsp;cheek; mouth?; gl. bucca. Sg. 22b8; cf.nbsp;KZ. XLviii, 68; Laws, vi, 596; TBC. p.1023;nbsp;Togail na Tebe, p. 403; Metr. Dindsb. iv,nbsp;224. oam s. oac. óar .i. guth. Cormac, 1004; Düil Droma Ceta, p. 192; 0’CI. óas = 1. ós. (ath-, con-)óathar praes. subj. dep. s. (ath-, con-)ai. ob == oub. (con-)óba fut. s. (con-)ai. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;obaid, abaid (abaig) Npl. -baide, Todestagnbsp;(eines Heiligen); Toter; obit or anniversarynbsp;(of a saint); deceased person; .i. 14 breithe.nbsp;Leoan Glossary, 399, 213 (M); cf. Contr.nbsp;p. 5 lt;£ EC. XXVIII, 314, § 17. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;obaid, oibid (MS. etiam óibid) ein „Ovid“ ?;nbsp;an “Ovid’?’; .i. ara heoloba hi fihdecht.nbsp;EC. XX, 264; cf. ZCP. viii, 205. |
158 obaid — [(in-)ocaib].
3. obaid, oibid .i. amal. EC. xx, 264 amp; 0’Dav. 1320; .i. umla. Bezz. B. xix, 14,31;nbsp;cf. ZCP. XI, 166, § 128.nbsp;obail, oibel (MSS. etiam oibil, obeli) lat. obenbsp;lus; diakritisches Zeichen in der Schriftnbsp;lat. obelus; diacritical mark used in writingnbsp;.i. uirga iugalans .i. flesc (slatt) gonasnbsp;Hib. Min. p. 10 amp; O’Don. p. 684; cf. Mlnbsp;2a6; EC. vill, 366 amp; xx, 262; ZCP. ill, 22,nbsp;obainn, obann s. oub.nbsp;obail = ubaU.nbsp;obar = uabar. obla, ablu, ablann G. obla, oblann, ablainne, DAsg. oblai, ablainn ƒ., Hostie, Oblate;nbsp;(consecrated) wafer, host. Asc. ii, 132; Ven-dryes, p. 160; Contr. p. 7. (fechait) oblai nn (Npl.) .i. ablanna acas corp Crist; .i. obla acas ubla. EC. xxvi, 34,nbsp;§ 164; cf. 1. obla. oblaire (olbaire) G. id. m., Gaukler, SpafS-macher; eine Art Geschichtenerzahler und Dichter; juggler, jester; a kind of story-tellernbsp;and poet; .i. fuirseóir. Laws, vi, 693; cf.nbsp;IT. Ill, 1, 66, § 134; ZCP. xvil, 276, 276.nbsp;oblairech (MS. oblirach) Asg. id., Spottlied?,nbsp;Scherzlied?; satirical song?, comic song?.nbsp;Fianaigecht, p. 24, 1. 7.nbsp;oblairecht (MS. hopair-) Asg. id., Gaukelei;nbsp;jugglery. PH. p. 66, 1. 892 S ZCP. xiv, 149;nbsp;cf. oblóirecht.nbsp;oblann s. obla. obloir, abloir NApl. -lóire m., Gaukler, Spafi-macher; juggler, jester; .i. fuirseóir. O’Don. p. 684; cf. IT. l, 714; Vendryes, p. 160;nbsp;ITS. VII, 11; Ériu, iv, 124; Imr. Br. l, 66.nbsp;Oblóirecht DAsg. id., Qauklerei, Gaukelei;nbsp;juggler’s trade, jugglery. Laws, vi, 693;nbsp;ZCP. IV, 226; Imr. Br. i, 63.nbsp;obratt = eobratt. 00, uc, ac (ic, ec, ’c) praep. cum dat. lei; in der Niihe von; in (den Schriften von), nachnbsp;(dem Urteil von); in letreff; durch (die Ver-mittelung von); von (partitiv mil Pron. PI.);nbsp;mil dem Alstraktum ersetzt es das Part.nbsp;Pras.; mil dem Verbum Subst. bedeutet esnbsp;Besitztum; at; near; in (the writings ornbsp;judgment of); concerning; by (the agency of);nbsp;of (partitive with pi. pron.); with the verbalnbsp;noun it forms a substitute for the pres. part.;nbsp;with the subst. verb it denotes possession; cumnbsp;pron. person, suff. I sg. ocamm, acamm;nbsp;2sg. ocati, acatt; 3 sg. m. n. oca, oice. |
alee; 3 sg. f. ocai, oice, alee (aicthe); 1 pi. ocann, ocainn, acainn; 2pi. ocaib, acaib;nbsp;3 pi. ocaib, ocu, oca, acu, aca; cum art.nbsp;3sg. ocin(d), ocon(d), ocont (antes), ocan,nbsp;acan, aeon, acin, icon, ’con, ’gon; 3 pi.nbsp;ocnaib, ocna, acna, icna; cum pron. rel.nbsp;oca, ocar, aca, acar, lea, ’ca; cum pron.nbsp;poss. 1 sg. oemu, oemo, ocom, acam, acim,nbsp;icam, icim, ’com; 2sg. ocat, acdu, acat,nbsp;icat, ’cot; 3 sg. amp; pi. oca, oco (ocua), lea,nbsp;’ca, ’ga; 1 pi. ocar, ’car; 2 pi. oebar, ocabar,nbsp;acabar, icabar. Asc. ii, 129, 419, 420; IT. i,nbsp;714—716; TBC. pp. 1023, 1024; ZCP.nbsp;XX, 479; PH. pp. 830—833; TSh.; cf. 1. ac. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ÓC .i. file. 0’CI.; cf. Dindsh. p. 20, 1.14. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ÓC = óac. oca, oca, ocabar s. oc amp; óac. ocabal (leg. occ-?) .i. bunad. Lecan Glossary, 162, 331 (M. 146). ocai s. oc. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ocaib imperat. 2 sg. s. (as-)gaib. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ocaib s. oc. (ar-)ocaib (MSS. etiam -ÓC-), (-)urggaib nimmt auf, hebt auf, richtet auf; hangt (Waffen)nbsp;auf; takes up, raises up, sets up; hangsnbsp;(weapons) up; part.urggbaide, abstr. urggbólnbsp;(uroeból), urggbóil, G. -b^Ue, -bAla f., .i.nbsp;tócbAil. 0’CI.; corr uroebóla, Uebekrahn?;nbsp;lifting crane?. Contr. pp. 491, 126; 0’Mulc.nbsp;413; Ériu, n, 136; TBC. p. 167; ZCP. xvill,nbsp;322; EC. xiv, 414. (con-)ocaib, (con-)ucaib, (-)cumggaib erhAbt (sick); erhöht (durch Lob); raises, rises;nbsp;exalts, extols; part, cumggabtha, abstr.nbsp;cumggaból, comggaból, cumggabóil G. -bdlanbsp;f. Ped. II, 630; Contr. pp. 477, 662; ZCP.nbsp;xviil,321; PH. p.623. (do-)ocaib, (-)tócaib, tóebaid, tócaid erhebt, hebt auf; errichtet, baut; fa§t (einen Burgennbsp;usw.); nimmt weg (von, de); raises, liftsnbsp;up; erects, builds; seizes (a surety, etc.);nbsp;takes away (from, de); abstr. iócbéd, tuebólnbsp;(Ped. II, 631), tóebail G. -bóla f.; do'ocaibnbsp;cenn, erscheint; appears, TogaU na Tebe,nbsp;p. 423; cf. ZCP. XVIII, 321; Laws, vi, 728,nbsp;729; IT. 1,830; TBC. pp. 1068, 1059; PH.nbsp;pp. 924, 925; TSh. (fris-)otaib erhebt sich (gegen); steigt auf; raises oneself (against); ascends. Fél. p. 333; IT.nbsp;1,181; EC. IX, 494; TBC. (Str.), p. 73. [(in-)ocaib] erhebt, erhöht; raises, exalts; part. innoebaide, innuebaide, abstr. innocbél. |
6oamp;in — ochad.
innucbamp;l, innocbiil (MSB. etiam -óc-) Q. -bamp;la, -bamp;ile f. Ruhm, Ehre; glory,nbsp;honor; .i. méit menmman. 0’CI.; cf. ZCP.nbsp;VII, 311; Ped. n, 531; Camp;in Adamné.in,nbsp;p. 22; RC. XXVI, 60 amp; li, 87.nbsp;ócamp;in s. ócdn. ocainn $. oc. [(di-)ocair], diucraid schreit, ruft am; cries, calls out; abstr. diucra, diucaire, Dsg. diucru,nbsp;diuera. Ped. ii, 635. (fo-)ocair, (fo-)6cair, (fo-)uacair, (-)fócair, (-)fuacair, fócraid, fuacraid tut kund, ver-kündigt (als vertragsunfahig usw.), warnt;nbsp;zeigt an; verbannt; fordert auf; befiehltnbsp;(do); verzichtet auf (6); gives notice, proclaimsnbsp;(as incapable of entering into a contract, etc.),nbsp;warns; denounces; proscribes; challenges;nbsp;orders (do); renounces (ó); part, focartha,nbsp;fuacartha, abstr. focra, fuacra, focrad,nbsp;fuacrad, Dsg. -oru (-era) n. m. f. -f Ein-spruch; objection. ZCP. xiv, 382; cf. Ped. ii,nbsp;535; Laws, VI, 376, 376; IT.i,ö56; ZCP.nbsp;xvm, 323; Togail na Tebe, p. 378; TSh. óc-aire Asg. -airig m., Gemein-Preier, unterster Stand der freien auf eigenem Erblande sitzen-den Einheimischen; common freeman, lowest rank of native freeman occupying Msnbsp;own inherited land. ZCP. xrv, 341, 361 amp;nbsp;Laws, VI, 693; cf. 1. aire. ocais = 2. acas. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ocal (MSS. etiam ocg-, occ-) compar. oela,nbsp;heftig; zornig, erzürnt; vehement; angry,nbsp;enraged; subst. Heftigkeit; Zorn; vehemence;nbsp;anger; gl. loim. 0’Dav. 1201; cf. Tecoscanbsp;CoTOiaic, p. 61; Togail na Tebe, p. 403;nbsp;ITS. XXVIII, 364. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ocal 0. ocaü, Npl. ooail, ucaU (.i. süüe.nbsp;LU. p. 124 infra), Auge; eye. Bruohstiicke, p. 41. ocal-gresaid treibt heftig an; incites vehemently. EC. xLiii, 288. ocamlach (leg. occ-?) entmutigt?; disheartened?. EC. XXVI, 162. § 49. ocamtn, ocan s. oc. ócÉn 0. ócamp;in m., (liéber) kleiner Junge, Jüng-ling; (dear) little boy, a youth. Bruchstücke, P-69; Metr. Dindsh. iv, 368; IT. iv, 1, 13;nbsp;TSh.; cf. óac. ocdnach jung; young; subst. m., Jüngling, Bürsehchen; a youth, a lad. Plummer,nbsp;Lives, 1,244, n. 1 amp; TSh.; cf. óac. ocann, ocar s. oc. |
(fo-)ocart praet. s. (fo-)ooair. ocas = 1. 2. acas.nbsp;ocat, ocatt s. oc. (ar-, con-, do-, fris-, in-)ocba praes. subj. s. (ar-, con-, do-, fris-, in-)ocaib. oebad 0. -bada, -batha, -baid, Dsg. -baid n.?nbsp;(Hogan, pp. 137, 241) m. f., Jugend; Jüng-linge, (junge) Krieger; youth; youths, (young)nbsp;warriors; aes oebaid (oebad), Mnglinge;nbsp;youths. Contr. p. 30 S IT. iv, 2, 130, 635;nbsp;cf. Fianaigecht, p. 108; IT. i, 716; TBC.nbsp;p. 1024. oebaid, ocbdil, ö'cbél s. (as-)gaib. oebar s. oc. oebatu DAsg. -taid (-taig) m., Jugend; youth. Togail na Tebe, p. 403 S Plummer, Lives,nbsp;1,129. occabarach = accobrach. occabras (leg. occaras?) Dsg. id.. Hunger.nbsp;ITS. XXVIII, 70. occalne = accaine, s. (ad-)caine. occarach (accarach), occracb hungrig; hungry;nbsp;subst. Hungriger; hungry person. Contr.nbsp;p. 10; ZCP. VI, 102; LU. p. 137; TSh.nbsp;occaraige f.. Hunger. Metr. Dindsh. iv, 298.nbsp;occaras (accaras), occras (accras) 0. -rais m..nbsp;Hunger; Verlangen, Begierde; hunger; desire,nbsp;greed. Contr. p. 10; SR. p. 123; PH. p. 522;nbsp;TSh. occas (MSS. etiam ho-), foccas, uccas 0. -ais, Pflanzenname: Malve(n); name of a plant:nbsp;mallow(s); occas mor (franncach), ver-schiedene Arten Malven; various species ofnbsp;mallows; gl. malua uisce (MS. uisgue).nbsp;Medical Glossaries, A. 131; cf. ITS. xxv,nbsp;376, 376 amp; Dinneen s. v. hocas.nbsp;occobar, occobraid = aecobar, accohraid, s.nbsp;(ad-)cobra. occomal = aceomal, s. (ad-)conila. occrach, occras = occarach lt;amp; occaras.nbsp;oeda jugendlich; youthful. SR. p. 108,1. 7349;nbsp;cf. óac. óc-dam O. amp; Npl. -daim m., junger Ochse; Lastlier; young bullock; beast of burden; gl.nbsp;iumentum. Ir. Gl. 768; cf. IT. rv, 2, 68;nbsp;Trip. 1,262; ZCP. xra, 189.nbsp;och — uch. ocha, oiche 0. ocha(i) .i. apud ueteres ochsal dicitur. Pél. pp. 174, 180.nbsp;ochad (PH. p. 108, 1.2411) = ochbad, s.nbsp;uchbad. |
60 ochair — 2. ochtach.
ochair, eochair Apl. ochra, eochra, Kante, Rand; edge, harder, rim. Bergin, Dictionary,nbsp;col, 147 amp; Ériu, VI, 134. [ochair-afbinn], eochair-afbinn, eochar-aibinn mit schönem Bande; having a beautiful border.nbsp;Keating, D4nta Amhréin. [ochair-bddad], ochar-bddad subst.?. Bergin, Dictionary, col. 147. ochair-bél, eochair-bél Rand des Mundes?, Lippen?; edge of the mouth?. Ups?. Bergin,nbsp;Dictionary, col. 147. [ochair-bidith], nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;eochair-bidithnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mit glatter Kante?; smooth-edged?. Bergin, Dictionary, col. 147 amp; ITS. 1,164. [ochair-bordd], nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ochar-bordd,nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;eochar-bordd Kante, Rand; edge, border. Bergin, Dictionary, col. 147. [ochair-brecc], ochar-brecc, eochar-brecc adj.?. Bergin, Dictionary, col. 147. {ochSL\r-cMma.s],ochar-cMmas Franse?; fringe?. Bergin, Dictionary, col. 147. ochair-chles, ochar-chles (othar-chles) Namenbsp;eines Kunststückes Cü-Chulainns; name ofnbsp;a trick performed by Cü-Chulainn. Bergin,nbsp;Dictionary, cols. 147, 148 amp; IT. l, 727.nbsp;[ochair-chraebach], eochair-chraebach adg.?. Bergin, Dictionary, col. 148. [ochair-druimm], ochar-druimm kantiger Rüeken; angular ridge. IT.iv,2, 400, 1.6466.nbsp;[ochair-gairmmech], eochar-gairmmech mitnbsp;larmendem Bande; with noisy border. ITS.nbsp;X, 201. [ochair-gér], ochar-gér scharfkanlig; sharp-edged. Bergin, Dictionary, col. 148. [ochair-glan], eochar-glan mit reinem Ufer;nbsp;having a clean brink. Lism. L. p. 110,nbsp;1. 3709. [ochair-glas], ochar-glas, eochar-glas grün-karttig; green-edged. Bergin, Dictionary, col. 148. ochair-gormm, ochar-gormm, eochair-gormm, eochar-gormm mit blauem Wasserspiegel?,nbsp;mit blauem Rande?; blue-surfaced?, blue-rimmed?. Bergin, Dictionary, col. 148.nbsp;[ochair-immel], ochar-immel, eochair-immel,nbsp;eochar-immel, achar-immel {MS. achdr-)nbsp;aufSere Kante; ouder edge. Bergin, Dictio-naiy, col. 148. [ochair-sndm], ochar-sndm, eochar-éndm Schwimmen oder Treiben neben der Kilste?; swimming or floating by the coast?. Bergin,nbsp;Dictionary, col. 148. [ochan] Npl. ochna, Stohnen; groan. Silva Gadelica, p. 261; Horn. Leg. p. 81; cf.nbsp;ochen gl. antifana (leg. antiphona). Thes.nbsp;Pal. II, 46, 1. 6. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ochdn, achdn Dsg. -din f., Antreiben?; inciting?. Triads, § 112 S Contr. p. 11. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ochdn = uchdn.nbsp;ochbad, ochfad = uchbad. ochlachaib (Dpi.) ?. IT. iv, 1,179, 1. 6460; cf. ochair?. ochna s. ochan.nbsp;ochdn s. uchdn. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ochra, eochra (NApl.), Dpi. -chraib f., einenbsp;Aid Beinschutz: Beinschienen, Gamaschen;nbsp;Hosen?; a kind of protection for the kgs:nbsp;greaves, kggings; hose?; .i. bróca. O’Dav.814nbsp;amp; 0’CI.; cf. Vendryes, p. 160 amp; Triads, p.28, §222. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ochra s. ochair. ochrach, eochrach kantig, eckig; having borders or corners, angular. Bergin, Dictionary,nbsp;col. 148 amp; SB. p. 13, 1. 898.nbsp;ochsad, ochsaid(ir) s. uchsaid(ir).nbsp;ochsal(l), oscal(l), achsal(l), ascall (aschal)nbsp;0. -ail(l)e, DAsg. -ail(l) f., Achselhöhk;nbsp;Winkel, Ecke; armpit; angk, corner. Asc.nbsp;II, 128; TBC. p. 1024; Kleine Irische Bei-trage, p. 249; Joyce, ill, 61. [ochsal(l)dn], ascal(l)dn kleiner Winkel; small angk. Joyce, iii, 61. ocht (was.) acht; eight. Asc. ll, 128; Pél. p.361; IT. 1,716. dcht = uacht. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ochta aus acht bestehend; consisting of eight;nbsp;subst. 0. ochtai (ochta) m., acht Sachen; eightnbsp;things. Thes. Pal. ii, 264 amp; Aur. Éc. p. 349. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ochta s. ucht. [ochtdb] 0. -tdibe, DAsg. -tdib (-tdif) f., acht aufeinander folgende (Fest-)Tage; octave (ofnbsp;a church festival). Gw3nin, Kule of TaUaght,nbsp;p. 8 (6 Plummer, Lives, i, 341; cf. oehtaid. 1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ochtach Q. oehtga f., Fichte; pine-tree;nbsp;gl. crann giuis amp; aUmm. Aur. Éc. p. 349;nbsp;Laws, IV, 146, 148, 160; EG. xx, 160 amp;nbsp;XXXVI, 227; cf. ochtgach. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ochtach DAsg. ochtaig, NApl. oehtga,nbsp;ochtaige f., Bedachung?, Thronhimmel?;nbsp;roofing?, canopy?; .i. óg-theg .i. ógu-de anbsp;teg dia buith fair. Cormac, 1016; .i. féie.nbsp;Silva Gadelica, i, 76; IT. i, 716, 717 amp;nbsp;II, 1, 58, 179; ZCP. xili, 373; Anecd. i,5;nbsp;cf. 1. ochtach. |
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