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T. FISHER UNWIN I Adelphi Terracenbsp;igo6

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First Edition, April, 1900.

Second Edition (Revised), August, 1900.

Third Edition (with further Revisions), April, 1902. Fourth Edition (Corrected), March, 1906.

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We have in this edition simply corrected some few errors that had escaped our notice.



tZ'H February^ 1906.


In issuing a third edition of this book, we desire to say that we have tried to profit by the criticisms passed uponnbsp;our work. We have not, however, deemed it expedientnbsp;at present to enlarge its scope by dealing with topics tonbsp;which it has been alleged, rightly or wrongly, we have notnbsp;given sufficient space or attention. Errors which havenbsp;been pointed out by reviewers or which we have ourselvesnbsp;discovered have been, we believe, duly corrected. We alsonbsp;wish to express our gratitude for the kindness with whichnbsp;these chapters have been received by all those who arenbsp;interested in the past and present condition of the Welshnbsp;People.



X'jth April, igo2.

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The following chapters concerning the Welsh people consist partly of extracts from the Report of the Royalnbsp;Commission on Land in Wales and Monmouthshire, andnbsp;partly of matter which we have written since that bodynbsp;finished its work.

Chapters I., IV., X., XL, XII., and XIII. are based upon the Report, and were all (except some paragraphs innbsp;Chapter XII., for which the Commission was indebted tonbsp;Mr. Lleufer Thomas, one of the secretaries) originallynbsp;drafted by us, and were adopted with many changes by allnbsp;the Commissioners. As now published they have, however, been greatly added to and altered, and though, as theynbsp;appeared in the Report, they were signed by all ournbsp;colleagues, we cannot hold them responsible for them innbsp;their present form.

Chapters II., III., V., VI., VII., and VIII. are new.

The greater part of Chapter IX. was written by Mr. Frederic Seebohm, LL.D., one of the Commissioners, thenbsp;well-known author of “The English Village Community”nbsp;and other works. This part of the Report appears to us sonbsp;valuable a contribution to economic history that it ought tonbsp;be made more accessible to students than it is at present.nbsp;We accordingly republish it here with Mr. Seebohm’snbsp;kind consent.

For permission to reprint such paragraphs of the Report

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as we might deem necessary for this work, we are indebted to the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury, whose consentnbsp;was courteously signified through the Right Honourablenbsp;R. W. Hanbury, M.P.

In the Introduction which follows we give some necessary preliminary information, and explain briefly thenbsp;scope and character of the work.

We have to acknowledge our obligation for help of various kinds to Professor Morris Jones, M.A.; Mr. Henrynbsp;Owen, B.C.L.; Mr. Cadwaladr Davies; Mr. Edward Owen,nbsp;F.S.A.; Lieut-Col. Morgan, pf Brynbriattu, Swansea;nbsp;Principal Viriamu Jones, F.R.S. ; Chancellor Trevornbsp;Parkins ; Mr. Lleufer Thomas, M.A.; Mr. Cecil Owen,nbsp;M.A.; Mr. T. E. Morris, LL.M.; and many other friends.


Sf. David's Day, 1900.

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In this book where we refer to “the Commission,” we mean, unless the context shows the contrary, the Royalnbsp;Commission on Land in Wales and Monmouthshire,nbsp;appointed on March 27, 1893. The Commissionersnbsp;were:—Earl Carrington, G.C.M.G. (chairman); Lordnbsp;Kenyon ; Sir John Talbot Dillvvyn Llewelyn, Bart., M.P. ;nbsp;Mr. Edwin Grove, chairman of the Monmouthshire Countynbsp;Council; Mr. John Morgan Griffiths, of Penally; Mr.nbsp;Richard Jones, of Pertheirin; Mr. Frederic Seebohm,nbsp;M.A., LL.D. ; and ourselves. The secretaries were Mr.nbsp;Lleufer Thomas and Mr. C. E. Owen.

The Minutes of the evidence taken by the Commission are contained in five Blue-books, the references to whichnbsp;are as follows:—Vol. I., (1894) C—7439 gt; Vol. II., (1894)nbsp;C-7439; Vol. III., (1895) C-7661; Vol. IV., (189s)nbsp;C—7757; Vol. V., (1896) C—8222. In these volumes thenbsp;questions put to the witnesses, with their answers, arenbsp;numbered consecutively from the beginning to the end.nbsp;So in referring to the evidence we do so by giving thenbsp;number of the question and answer in these Minutes.

When we have occasion to refer to the Report of this Commission (which was signed and delivered on August 26,nbsp;1896, and is Parly. Paper (1896) C—8221), we use thenbsp;word “ Report ” only; and the words “ Appendix tonbsp;Report” mean the Appendix to that Report (Parly. Papernbsp;(1896) C—8242).

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It has been found impossible to insure uniformity in the spelling of Welsh names in this work, as we have notnbsp;thought it advisable to depart altogether from the spellingsnbsp;occurring in the documents consulted. This may occasionnbsp;some inconvenience to the reader, but if he should happennbsp;to be a student of English history he will readily recognisenbsp;in it an inconvenience with which he has had to strugglenbsp;in his own field of study. As regards, however, the historynbsp;of Wales and the Welsh, the case is somewhat aggravatednbsp;by the fact that not only have we to deal with namesnbsp;belonging to widely different centuries, carrying with themnbsp;phonetic modifications, but that in not a few instancesnbsp;a name may have besides several Welsh spellings, severalnbsp;English ones too. Take, for example, that of Gruffu^ ornbsp;Gruffyd, of which the most usual English spelling is Griffith:nbsp;the index shows a still greater variety. It will simplifynbsp;matters for the English reader if he will bear in mind thenbsp;following points of Welsh orthography and phonology :—

(1) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;C has always the sound of k, and formerly bothnbsp;c and k were used, though the present Welsh alphabetnbsp;does not recognise k.

(2) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;G has never the English sound of j or dzh as innbsp;John or ]ames.

(3) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;F is sounded v, and both letters were formerly used,nbsp;but V is not included in the modern alphabet.

(4) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Dd (printed D, d in this work) has the sound ofnbsp;th in the English words this and that, while th is confinednbsp;to the sound of the same digraph in thick and thin.

(5) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;LI (here printed L, ft) represents the surd force ofnbsp;unilateral /, and its sound stands to that of / as thatnbsp;of th to d or of/// to V. It is a single and simple consonant,nbsp;though Englishmen sometimes seem to hear it as thl,nbsp;which has now and then been their way of representingnbsp;it, as, for instance, in “The Record of Carnarvon,” innbsp;Thlandrethloh for Eandritto.

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(6) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;R is trilled as in Italian, and in rA it is a surdnbsp;strengthened by the aspirate.

(7) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;5 is never sounded s.

(8) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;W may be either a vowel or a consonant, that isnbsp;English 00 (approximately) and w; a similar remark isnbsp;in part applicable to the sound of i

(9) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(7 is sounded nearly like a thickish English z, asnbsp;in the word bit, and so under certain circumstances is_y.nbsp;Thus Gruffyd or Gruffwd is sounded very nearly asnbsp;Indicated by the English spelling Griffith, provided thenbsp;final th have its soft sound. The inconsistency betweennbsp;GruffyA and MareduA was observed too late to be corrected : the preferable spelling is MaredyA or MeredyA—nbsp;the early forms were Gripp-iud and Marget-iud.

(10) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The syllabic accent is ordinarily on the penultimate,nbsp;except where the two last syllables of a word have beennbsp;run into one in the more modern stages of the Welshnbsp;language: then the word is of course a perispomenon.

J. R.

D. B.-J.

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bi^,. £-^_gt;i, fot m bas fSmisil. rb «ü hi-i-'hj « gt;¦. jd)

,: nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;•nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;17nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-vi-'i -'il i;:.-:-gt;;-a--rsïir-

.¦ .' j, ¦ nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;, 7; -nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;'i.-^ ,b.?lf.--nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;. --vsrt-f ¦•'ï lt;gt;);

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70 7-. ': - O . gt;-¦ ; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;JViJfj rti

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«s nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ó^bni;-

ïgt;dj bobi'/inq (ïAtóf ó'' o-o'lfK:-7 :• vofi^jrifeo'jfnt vb i' 7 “lijO :f't .)!nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;773' ¦ ..Xfj r'V / i77 .

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a-f; lïi7



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IV. V.





X. XI.

























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. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;617


COUNTIES OR ADDED TO EXISTING COUNTIES BY STAT. 37 HENRY VII. C. 26nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;642

D. -NOTE ON THE WELSH LAWS .... nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;645

Index of Names and other Words Index of Principal Topics and Terms




1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;MAP OF WALES IN CANTREFS AND CYMWDS . To fact p. I

2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;MAP OF ROMAN BRITAIN....... P- 75



AND PRINCES DOWN TO I066 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;. To fact p. I74


p. 174

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The Dominion or Principality of Wales may be described as a broad indented peninsula situated in the south-westernnbsp;part of Great Britain. Its greatest length from north tonbsp;south is about 135 miles, and its breadth from east to westnbsp;ranges from about 35 to 95 miles. On the north it isnbsp;bounded by the Irish Sea and the estuary of the Dee,nbsp;on the west by St. George’s Channel, on the south bynbsp;the Bristol Channel, and on the east by Cheshire, Shropshire, Herefordshire, and Monmouthshire. The easternnbsp;boundary was definitely fixed by the operation of thenbsp;St. 27 Henry VI11, c. 26,^ though some small variationsnbsp;have subsequently taken place.

The Principality is divided, as is the case with England, into counties, which, including Monmouthshire, are thirteennbsp;in number. The names of these counties with their Welshnbsp;equivalents are :—¦

Ynys Mon. Sir Gaernarfon.nbsp;Sir Dinbych.nbsp;. Sir Fflint.nbsp;Sir Feirionyd.nbsp;Sir Drefaldwyn.nbsp;Sir Frycheiniog.nbsp;Sir Aberteifi.

Anglesey Carnarvonshirenbsp;Denbighshirenbsp;Flintshire .

Merionethshire Montgomeryshirenbsp;Brecknockshirenbsp;Cardiganshire

' See below, pp, 368-74.

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Carmarthenshire nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Sir Gaerfyrdin.

Glamorganshire nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;. Sir Forgannwg.

Pembrokeshire nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Sir Benfro.

Radnorshire nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;. Sir Faesyfed.

Monmouthshire nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Sir Fynwy.

The first six form what is generally known as North Wales, and the remainder South Wales. Their boundariesnbsp;preserve, to some extent, the ancient divisions of thenbsp;Principality. There are also two large county boroughs—nbsp;Cardiff and Swansea.

Monmouthshire is technically an English county, but it is often for administrative purposes, and sometimes bynbsp;legislation, treated as part of Wales, or grouped with somenbsp;of the Welsh counties.^ This has been due partly to the

' Monmouthshire was constituted into a county or shire by 27 Henry VIII. c. 26, out of territory that was expressly stated to be part of the Dominionnbsp;of Wales, but it was, however, by the same statute made subject to thenbsp;courts at Westminster, while the rest of Wales was granted separatenbsp;jurisdiction, which lasted until its abolition in 1830, See infra, p. 373.

The position of the county at present is in many respects anomalous. It forms part of the Oxford Circuit, and, therefore, is included in England innbsp;most matters concerned with the administration of law, but in the divisionnbsp;of the country into county court circuits, the whole of the county, alongnbsp;with Cardiff and Crickhowell (in Wales) and Ross (in Herefordshire), isnbsp;grouped into what may be regarded as a Welsh circuit (No. 24). Its inclusion in Wales for executive purposes has been the general, though notnbsp;universal, rule. It is so recognised by the Registrar-General for statisticalnbsp;purposes, by the Local Government Board for poor-law purposes, and bynbsp;the Home Office for the purposes of the Mines Regulation Acts, the Factorynbsp;and Workshop Acts, and the Quarries Act. In all matters educational,nbsp;Wales and Monmouthshire have been treated as a unit distinct fromnbsp;England, e.g., by the appointment of Commissioners to inquire into thenbsp;stated Education in Wales in 1846, and of the Departmental Committee tonbsp;inquire into Intermediate and Higher Education in Wales in 1880-81, as wellnbsp;as by the subsequent passing of the Intermediate Education Act of 1889. Itnbsp;was similarly dealt with by the Schools Inquiry Commission of 1864, whichnbsp;issued a separate report (vol. xx.) on the schools of “ Monmouthshire andnbsp;Wales ; by the Court of Chancery in Schemes for the re-organization ofnbsp;Charitable Trusts; by the Oxford University Commissioners in Statutesnbsp;made undrar the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge Act, 1877; and bynbsp;the Privy Council in the granting of charters to the University College of

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similarity of its development to that of the adjoining county of Glamorgan, and partly to the fact that a largenbsp;proportion of its inhabitants are Welsh as to their origin,nbsp;language, and habits. In any historical inquiry as to thenbsp;Cymric people it must be looked on as Welsh, and so innbsp;this work we generally use the term Wales as includingnbsp;Monmouthshire.

These thirteen counties are divided into hundreds, poor-law unions, highway districts, sanitary districts, andnbsp;parishes for the purposes of local government; into pettynbsp;sessional divisions, county court districts, and circuits fornbsp;the administration of justice; and into borough and countynbsp;constituencies for the appointment of parliamentary representatives. There are also ecclesiastical divisions similar tonbsp;those that exist in England.^ The most ancient politicalnbsp;division of Wales about which we have any sure knowledgenbsp;is that into cantrefs and cymwds. This must not be

South Wales and Monmouthshire, and to the University of Wales. Both the Education Department and the Charity Commissioners, in their super-intendence and inspection of elementary and intermediate schools respectively, also include Monmouthshire in Wales, and reports specially dealingnbsp;with Wales are reprinted, in separate book-form, from the annual generalnbsp;reports made by these two Departments. Monmouthshire was, however,nbsp;treated as a part of England (and not of Wales) in the Welsh Sundaynbsp;Closing Act of i88i, as it has also been in nearly all matters agricultural,nbsp;e g., by the Royal Commission on Agriculture (1880); by the Royal Commission on Labour (in its inquiry as to the agricultural labourer in 1892-93),nbsp;and also, we believe, by the Royal Commission on Agricultural Depressionnbsp;(1893-6), but not by the Commission on the Employment of Children,nbsp;Young Persons, and Women in Agriculture (1867). The Board of Agriculture also treats Monmouthshire as a part of England in the preparationnbsp;of their agricultural returns, as well as in all other matters.

* A list of the hundreds in each county, with the names of the parishes in each hundred, will be found in the Appendix to the Report, pp. 361nbsp;et seq. The student should compare this list with that of the Welshnbsp;parishes, according to cymwds printed in the quot; Myvyrian Archaiology,quot;nbsp;ii. 613-628. For a list of the poor-law unions, see the Appendixnbsp;cited above, pp. 378-403, and of the highway districts, see the samenbsp;Appendix, pp. 404-408. Much information as to Wales and its placenbsp;names is given in Carlisle's quot; Topography of Wales,” Lond. 1811.

W.P. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;I

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confounded with the distribution of the Cymric land among the regal or princely families which resulted in smallnbsp;kingdoms or principalities. It was regarded as old in thenbsp;time of Howel Da (907-950), and the boundaries of thenbsp;cantrefs and cymwds were then well enough ascertained fornbsp;practical purposes. We think it useful to reproduce thenbsp;map of Wales according to cantrefs and cymwds made bynbsp;William Owen (known later as Dr. Owen Pughe) aboutnbsp;the end of the eighteenth century. We ought to saynbsp;that this map cannot be taken as representing boundariesnbsp;with absolute accuracy, but it may be found of some servicenbsp;as showing the geographical relations of the various areas.

There is yet another division of Welsh land distinct in origin, and based on different conceptions from that intonbsp;cantrefs and cymwds, which must be mentioned, though itnbsp;has now little or no practical political significance—thatnbsp;into seigniories, lordships-marchers, lordships, manors, andnbsp;fees. These feudal divisions were the result of the Normannbsp;Conquest of South Wales and the Marches, and of thenbsp;final conquest of the Principality of Edward I. They arenbsp;often conterminous with other areas.

We think it well to add a few observations as to the population of Wales at different periods, for withoutnbsp;bearing in mind the number of persons concerned it isnbsp;not possible to appreciate historical events correctly, or tonbsp;see the past conditions of things in true perspective.

Beginning with the known and proceeding to the conjectural statistics, we find that according to the census returns of 1891 the population of England and Wales wasnbsp;29,002,525, and that of Wales (including Monmouthshire)nbsp;was 1,776,405 ; so that the population of the latter area

1 As to the lordships, etc., see the quot; Memorandum on the Lordships and Manors of Wales and Monmouthshirequot; in the Appendix to the Report,nbsp;pp. 437 et seq. In the Principality, in the limited sense—the land acquirednbsp;by Edward I.—the cymwds were treated as in effect lordships that passed bynbsp;conquest into the hands of the Crown. See below, p. 281, n. i, 305, 256, 403.

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was about one-sixteenth of that of the former.^ Coming to the first complete and systematic enumeration ofnbsp;England and Wales—the census of i8oi—we find that thenbsp;figures for England and Wales are 8,892,536, and fornbsp;Wales and Monmouthshire 586,634. From them it appearsnbsp;that the population of Wales and Monmouthshire was anbsp;little over one-fifteenth of that of the whole of Englandnbsp;and Wales.^

Before 1801 no direct and trustworthy enumeration of the inhabitants of this country had taken place, butnbsp;numerous estimates had been made from time to time.nbsp;Three such estimates of the population towards the closenbsp;of the seventeenth century have been made at differentnbsp;times by three statisticians, acting without concert, and thenbsp;results differ but slightly. Perhaps the best known ofnbsp;these computations is that made by Gregory King. Thenbsp;basis of his calculation is the number of houses returned innbsp;1690 by the officers who made the last collection of thenbsp;hearth money, and the conclusion at which he arrived wasnbsp;that the population of England was nearly 5,500,000. Wenbsp;find that the number of houses in Wales (excludingnbsp;Monmouthshire) according to the Hearth Book of 1690nbsp;was 77,921. Assuming that on a general average everynbsp;house so returned contained five persons, the population ofnbsp;Wales amounted to 389,605. If we add this number tonbsp;the population of England, we get a total of 5,889,605, ornbsp;nearly six millions. So the population of Wales (excludingnbsp;Monmouthshire) was then a little more than one-fifteenthnbsp;of that of England and Wales, and if Monmouthshire benbsp;added on this basis to Wales, the population of Walesnbsp;plus Monmouthshire would come out at nearly one-fourteenth of that of England and Wales. ^

' App. to Report, p. 272. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Ibid.

* See King’s “Natural and Political Observationsquot; (1696). A second calculation was made on the basis of returns made to William III. as to the

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For periods earlier than the end of the seventeenth century, estimates of the population of this country arenbsp;still more speculative. McCulloch puts the population ofnbsp;England and Wales at the time of the Domesday surveynbsp;at 2,150,000.^ Thorold Rogers came to the conclusionnbsp;that from the fourteenth to nearly the end of the sixteenth century, it could not have exceeded two to two-and-a-half millions. He bases this opinion partly on thenbsp;postulate that the number of persons in a country, chieflynbsp;subsisting on one kind of grain, will be almost exactlynbsp;equal to the number of quarters of wheat which is annuallynbsp;produced, and on the estimate that during that time thenbsp;maximum produce of wheat in any one year could notnbsp;have been more than the higher figure just given ; andnbsp;partly on the direct evidence of taxing rolls, and especiallynbsp;records of poll taxes.^ We have seen that the ratio ofnbsp;the population of Wales and Monmouthshire to that ofnbsp;the whole of England and Wales, on Gregory King’snbsp;estimate, was in 1690, 1:14. If we assume that rationbsp;to have been constant (except for slight and temporarynbsp;variations) from the beginning of the fourteenth centurynbsp;to the time of Elizabeth, and adopt the higher limit givennbsp;number of the adherents of the different religious denominations, and it putsnbsp;the population of England and Wales at 5,200,000. (Macaulay, quot; Hist, ofnbsp;England,quot; c. 3.) The third important estimate is that of Finlaison, who,nbsp;after subjecting the ancient parochial registers to modern tests, calculatesnbsp;that towards the close of the seventeenth century the number was a littlenbsp;under 5,200,000. (See Population Returns, 1831; Macaulay, ubi supra;nbsp;Lecky's quot;Hist, of England in the Eighteenth Century,” i., p, 197;nbsp;Macpherson’s ‘‘Annals of Commerce,” ii. 68, 634, 674, and iii. 134).

gt; McCulloch’s “Statistical Account of the British Empirequot; (1847), vol. i. p. 396. Mr. York Powell estimates the population in the area covered bynbsp;the survey at 2,000,000; quot; Social England,” vol. i. p. 240. Mr. A. L. Smithnbsp;puts it at the same figure : Ibid., p. 357.

2 “Dictionary of English History” (Lond. 1885), art. Population. See too, Rogers' quot; History of Agriculture and Prices in England,” vol. i. pp. 50nbsp;et seq.; and quot; England’s Industrial and Commercial Supremacy,” pp. 44-64.

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by Thorold Rogers—2,500,000, the population of Wales and Monmouthshire could not during that period havenbsp;been greater than about 178,000.

We are, however, not justified in assuming that the ratio 1:14 truly represents the proportion of the inhabitants ofnbsp;Wales and Monmouthshire to that of England and Walesnbsp;at the time of the Edwardian conquest in 1282, or even innbsp;the sixteenth century. We could do so safely only if wenbsp;found that the economic development of the two areas hadnbsp;proceeded at equal rates. The facts, however, indicatenbsp;that this was not the case before the end of the great war.nbsp;For instance, the total acreage of Wales and Monmouthshire is 5,121,013;^ in 1795 the waste area was 1,696,827nbsp;acres^—that is, more than one-third of the whole was wildnbsp;and uninclosed. The mountainous character and thenbsp;climatic conditions place the country at a disadvantagenbsp;in regard to the production of cereals as compared withnbsp;the greater part of England, and the progress of agriculturenbsp;was very slow until the beginning of this century. Thesenbsp;and other considerations® lead us to believe that thenbsp;population of Wales and Monmouthshire in comparisonnbsp;with that of England and Wales in 1282 was proportionallynbsp;smaller than it is to-day, and that the rate of its increasenbsp;has been slower than that of England and Wales as anbsp;whole. We think, therefore, that the population of Walesnbsp;and Monmouthshire at the end of the thirteenth centurynbsp;was not greater than 150,000,^ and if McCulloch’s estimatenbsp;as to the number at the time of the Domesday survey isnbsp;fairly accurate, it was still less in the eleventh century.

' Report, p. 672.

2 App. to Report, p. 214.

2 E.g. The non-existence of any large towns.

____________________ _____j ___o- ________ Cardiff (which had in

1891 a population of 128,915) had only 1,870 inhabitants according to the census of 1801.

Thorold Rogers placesit aslow as 131,040. quot; England’s Ind. and Comm Supremacy,” p. 48.

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No attempt to estimate the population of Wales or of the western part of the island at times earlier than thenbsp;Norman Conquest can be made with success, for we havenbsp;no materials at all on which to base any exact calculation.nbsp;Giraldus, writing at the end of the twelfth century, says :—nbsp;“For as the mountains of Eryri could supply pasturage fornbsp;all the herds of cattle in Wales if collected together, sonbsp;could the Isle of Món provide a requisite quantity of cornnbsp;for all the inhabitants ; on which account there is an oldnbsp;British proverb, ‘ Món mam Gymru,’ that is, ‘ Món thenbsp;mother of Wales.' If the saying was then really old andnbsp;this explanation is correct, we may infer that in the far distantnbsp;days of Cuneda and Cadwaladr the population was verynbsp;scanty. In any case the notion which was formerly widelynbsp;entertained, and still lingers in some quarters, that Walesnbsp;was in early times very populous is quite unfounded.

It is, however, not only in regard to their numbers in the past that the view popularly taken of their own history bynbsp;the Welsh is erroneous. It is not easy to state briefly, andnbsp;at the same time quite accurately, the current theory ; butnbsp;we think it may be fairly expressed thus: That they arenbsp;the descendants of a great homogeneous nation callednbsp;Cymry or Britons (now referred to as Ancient Britons);nbsp;that in distant centuries they formed a mighty state ornbsp;empire, the dominions of which comprised not only Britainnbsp;but larger territories on the Continent as well; that theynbsp;were ruled over by a line of illustrious kings which stretchednbsp;up to Brutus, son of Aineas, and from him to Noah, whonbsp;ordered the world anew after the Deluge; but that they,nbsp;owing to unsuccessful wars, bad government, and all sortsnbsp;of mischances, lost not only their continental possessions,nbsp;but also the Crown of Britain ; and at last became confinednbsp;in what is now Cymru, and reduced into subjection throughnbsp;the “ fraud and rapacity ” of the Saxon.

* Giraldus Cambrensis, “ Descriptio,quot; i. c. 6.

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Now all this is not mere nonsense, and as to every proposition that goes to make up this bundle of historicalnbsp;ideas there is some sound basis of fact. It is true that thenbsp;determining element in the composition of the Cymry ofnbsp;what is now Wales was Brythonic; that the Brythonsnbsp;belonged to a Celtic race which, before Caesar’s time, hadnbsp;spread over more than half this island and a considerablenbsp;part of the Continent; that there were many British kingsnbsp;who were very important in their day, and who had longnbsp;and well-known pedigrees; and that a confederation ofnbsp;Celtic tribes—Brythonic and Goidelic—did most stubbornlynbsp;resist the Teutonic tribes which invaded the island andnbsp;settled in it after the departure of the Roman legions, andnbsp;that for a long time it maintained its domination in thenbsp;western half of Britain. Yet the representation of thenbsp;early history of the Welsh given by the theory we havenbsp;summarised makes a picture in which things and personsnbsp;are exaggerated and distorted, and by adopting it the chainnbsp;of events is thrown out of gear—that is, if our conclusionsnbsp;are correct. For we feel bound to repeat, in regard to thenbsp;Brythons and the Cymry, what a famous Greek historiannbsp;said about the Hellenes, that judging from the evidencenbsp;which we are able to trust, “after most careful inquiry,”nbsp;we should imagine that “ past ages were not great eithernbsp;in wars or anything else.”

So far as we can make out, the beginning of the history of the Cymry, considered as a separate and independentnbsp;nation, must be associated with the migration into what isnbsp;now North Wales of a Brythonic tribe, whose chief wasnbsp;Cuneda Wledig, and which came from the North. Thisnbsp;invasion took place not long after the time when the Romannbsp;occupation ceased. Before this, however, there were bothnbsp;Goidels and Brythons in Wales. A glance at the mapnbsp;of Roman Britain below will show the relative positionsnbsp;of these two Celtic races. The former were settled over

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a part of North Wales and nearly the whole of the South, while the latter had spread over the central area to thenbsp;coast; but we must add that there were in the same partsnbsp;besides these Celts certain non-Aryan elements, whichnbsp;must be looked on as aboriginal, though more or lessnbsp;completely assimilated by the first Celtic conquerors.nbsp;This was the position when Cuneda, who seems to havenbsp;assumed the authority of the Roman military officernbsp;called the Dux Britannice, established his rule over Wales,nbsp;and united the Celtic tribes of the west of Britain intonbsp;a kind of confederation under his leadership, which wasnbsp;soon forced to defend the land against divers streams ofnbsp;Teutonic settlers, and which under his successors for anbsp;long time struggled to retain its supremacy.

It was during this contest that the term Cymro (which means compatriot), became a national name coveringnbsp;the members of all the Celtic tribes and kindreds whonbsp;acknowledged the over-lordship of the line of Cuneda.nbsp;Such, if the matter is looked at, not through the mists ofnbsp;Neo-Druidism or the bright yet delusive atmosphere ofnbsp;mediaeval romance, but in the clearer light of the evidencenbsp;afforded by inscriptions, language, laws, and reasonablynbsp;trustworthy chroniclers, seems to us the true conclusionnbsp;as to the origin of the Cymry. If we are right, the Welshnbsp;people of to-day have the satisfaction of knowing that theynbsp;are not the decayed and disconsolate remnant of a oncenbsp;great nation, but that in the main they are the descendantsnbsp;of Celtic races which though absorbed into the Englishnbsp;polity, after a prolonged struggle for independence, havenbsp;steadily progressed by the side of their conquerors innbsp;regard to all that goes to make up civilisation, and bynbsp;combining an obstinate vitality with a certain happy powernbsp;of adapting themselves to new circumstances, have succeeded in retaining their language and some of the bestnbsp;characteristics of their ancestors.

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We are well aware that there are grave imperfections in our treatment of many of the problems we discuss.nbsp;We have, however, tried to give them true solutions, evernbsp;keeping before our minds the motto of the new-bornnbsp;University of Wales—Goreu awen gwirioned (Optima musanbsp;Veritas). That we have, as to every point, succeeded wenbsp;do not of course assert; and indeed we advance our conclusions on controverted questions in no dogmatic spirit,nbsp;but in tentative fashion, though we cannot always be sayingnbsp;so in the text. Nor do we present this collection ofnbsp;chapters as a history of the Welsh people, but rather asnbsp;a contribution to such a work, which may be useful tonbsp;students at our national colleges and to others who arenbsp;seriously interested in things Welsh. Yet there is a connecting thread of purpose running through the book, asnbsp;will be seen by a brief description of the subject-matternbsp;of each chapter.

In the first, second, and third chapters we deal with the ethnology and origin of the Cymry, and in order tonbsp;justify and explain our views, discuss minutely some ofnbsp;the questions connected with the so-called “ Piets ” andnbsp;the distribution of tribes in this island during the Romannbsp;occupation. Having shown that the Cymry emerge as anbsp;separate nation under the rule of Cuneda and his descendants when that occupation ceased, we pass on to statenbsp;very briefly in the fourth chapter their history down to thenbsp;death of Cadwaladr, when their kingdom in its morenbsp;extensive sense came to an end. In the next (the fifth)nbsp;chapter we treat of the history of Wales from that timenbsp;to the Norman Conquest of England. Then we stop tonbsp;describe the legal organisation and social condition of thenbsp;Cymry in the tenth and the immediately succeedingnbsp;centuries. In the seventh chapter we describe the way innbsp;which the greater part of Wales was gradually conquerednbsp;by the Normans, and sketch the history of the last and


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greatest Cymric principality to its transference by conquest to Edward I. From this event the history of the Welsh innbsp;regard to wars, foreign policy, and general affairs becomesnbsp;so merged into that of Great Britain that it is hardlynbsp;susceptible of separate treatment in a continuous narrativenbsp;form. They have, however, a particular history as to manynbsp;of the institutions, conditions, and activities, that createnbsp;or maintain the life of a nation. It is with some of thesenbsp;things that our eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfthnbsp;chapters are concerned. quot; ‘^ere we try to show how, fornbsp;nearly all purposes of government, Wales has becomenbsp;organised in the same way as England ; how the oldnbsp;Cymric tribal notions of land-holding and administrationnbsp;(which became by natural and easy stages very like tonbsp;those of the feudal system) gradually disappeared undernbsp;the influence of Norman-English officials, and by degreesnbsp;developed into the land tenure of to-day ; how a religiousnbsp;movement commencing in the sixteenth century culminated in a great revival in the eighteenth, and broughtnbsp;about the predominance of Nonconformity in the Welshnbsp;counties, the preservation and growth of Cymraeg, andnbsp;an intellectual renaissance; and how this movement in itsnbsp;turn created a demand for schools and colleges, which hasnbsp;resulted in the formation of a system of Welsh publicnbsp;education as perfect as any to be found in the Unitednbsp;Kingdom. After that we pass on to give some informationnbsp;as to the language and literature of the Welsh ; and finallynbsp;in the thirteenth chapter we attempt to exhibit the characteristic features of the most typical classes of the populationnbsp;of the Principality in our own day.

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In this chapter we propose to state briefly what comparative philology and ethnology have to say as to the races of ancient Britain, especially those to be found innbsp;what is now Wales, and what admixture has taken placenbsp;there in later times.

Archaeologists who have studied the contents of the aneient barrows or burial mounds of this country find thatnbsp;the human remains which they detect in them belong tonbsp;more than one race. The barrows of the earliest date arenbsp;long, and yield long skulls, while the round barrows, whichnbsp;are later, show the remains of a short-skulled people ; butnbsp;the round barrows sometimes contain long skulls as wellnbsp;as short ones, a fact which suggests that the conquerorsnbsp;began early to intermarry with the conquered population.nbsp;Looking at the same order of questions from the point ofnbsp;view of language, one may say, that the first race as to whosenbsp;presence in this country in ancient times there can be nonbsp;manner of doubt is the Celtic ; and it is also a matternbsp;admitting of no philological doubt, that the Celts of thenbsp;British Isles were Aryans, speaking related languagesnbsp;which fall into two groups, the Goidelic and the Brythonic.nbsp;The Goidelic group embraces at the present day the Gaelic

W.P. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;B

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of Ireland, of the Isle of Man, and of Scotland. The Brythonic group, on the other hand, is now representednbsp;by Welsh, and the Armoric dialects of Brittany ornbsp;ILydaw. To this group also belonged old Cornish, whichnbsp;has been extinct as a spoken language for somewhat overnbsp;a century.

These two groups of Goidelic and Brythonic languages may be regarded as variations of two ancient tongues,nbsp;Goidelic and Brythonic respectively, which differed fromnbsp;one another somewhat in the same way as Latin andnbsp;the Umbro-Samnite dialects of ancient Italy. Thus thenbsp;Goidelic for who is in Manx Gaelic quei, qiwi, but in Welshnbsp;pivy: compare Latin qul, quis, Oscan pis, accusative pirn.nbsp;Similarly the Goidelic for five is in Manx queig, but innbsp;WLish. ptimp (and pimfi) ; compare Latin qidnque, whencenbsp;the derivatives quintus, “ fifth,” Quintus (for quinctus,nbsp;Quinctus), and Quinctius, Quintius, which we have as annbsp;Oscan name in no/Ajmcs, Latinised Pomptius, and Pontius,nbsp;as in the well-known name of the Samnite Pontius Pilate.nbsp;This distinction of qu and p is, it is needless to say, onlynbsp;one of the differences which must have existed betweennbsp;early Goidelic and early Brythonic ; but it has the advantage of forming a conspicuous and decisive mark wherevernbsp;it happens to occur. Nobody, however, supposes that qunbsp;and p are equally original here : qu is the older, and wherenbsp;its equivalent occurs as/gt;, this last is to be regarded as anbsp;simplification of the qu, but the simplification appears tonbsp;date very early. Thus a Roman inscription^ at Hexhamnbsp;was set up in honour of a god called therein Apollininbsp;Mapono, where Mapmo may be regarded as cognate with

' Pimp, “ fise,” a.ni pimpket, “fifth,” occur among the old Welsh glosses in the Bodleian manuscript, Auct. F. 4—32 (“ Gram. Celtica,” p. 1060, andnbsp;“Transactions of the Philological Society,” 1860-1, p. 237), and the regularnbsp;spelling in modern Welsh would be py/np and pymed, which represent thenbsp;actual pronunciation in the spoken language of most of South Wales.

• See the Berlin “Corpus Inscriptiomun I.atinaruin,” vol. vii., No. 1345.

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a Brythonic or Gaulish nominative, Mapono-s} a word which in old Welsh would have been mapon, now mabon,nbsp;“ a boy or youth,” derived from the simple form map, nownbsp;mab, “ a boy or son.” This is in Irish macc or mac, for annbsp;early Goidelic maqua-s, genitive maqui, which occursnbsp;frequently in the Ogam inscriptions of Britain and Ireland.^nbsp;All this, however, only takes us back at most to the Romannbsp;occupation, but, as a matter of fact, we have no data fromnbsp;a time when Brythons and Gauls had not already madenbsp;qu into p; and the question arises which of the two groups

* In Gaulish the nominatives corresponding to those in us and um (like dominus, regnum in Latin) ended in os and on respectively, as in Greek, andnbsp;where the declension is fairly certain we shall write them so ; but Latin authorities using us in two declensions leave us sometimes unable to decide betweennbsp;the o and u steins. In that case we shall follow the Latin in using us.

^ Speaking more precisely, Ogam inscriptions occur (i) m Wales, mostly South Wales, but North Wales has two, one in Denbighshire and one atnbsp;least in Carnarvonshire ; (2) in Devon and Cornwall, and one remarkablenbsp;instance occurs at Silchester, in Hampshire; (3) in Ireland, mostly in the southnbsp;of that country ; (4) in the Isle of Man; and (5) in Scotland, including Orkneynbsp;and Shetland, but these are mostly late in comparison with the bulk of thenbsp;others. The older Ogam characters consist of scores or notches on thenbsp;edge of the stones used, and the following is the alphabet of the most ancientnbsp;monuments, with the continuous line representing the edge of the stonenbsp;inscribed :—

B, I,


/d, d, t.



g, ng, f, r;



A, 0, ti, e, i

The classification of the vowels into broad and slender suggests that the inventor was a grammarian ; and the group which stands second in the usualnbsp;arrangement was probably the first to be fixed, as it is found that'.4, d, t, c, qu,nbsp;represent the initials of the Goidelic words for I, 2, 3, 4, 5, in the oldest formsnbsp;which can be inferred for them, thus : —a hbina-, a duou, a ttn-, a ccetuor,nbsp;a qq^nqtie. See Rhys’s “ Outlines of the Phonology of Manx Gaelic ” (in vol.nbsp;xxxiii. of the Publications of the Manx Society), p. 73, also pp. 41, 58, 59, 60nbsp;88. 102, 178.

B 2

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, i.)

of Celts, Brythons or Goidels, came here first, and also whence they came. The answer to this latter questionnbsp;must be, that in all probability they first came from thenbsp;nearest part of the Continent, from the land where the bulknbsp;of the Celts dwelt in the time of Caesar, namely, Gaul,nbsp;comprising ancient France, Belgium, Switzerland, andnbsp;North Italy, also parts of Spain. To the question of thenbsp;order of their coming the answer is sufficiently indicatednbsp;by the relative positions of the peoples speaking Goidelicnbsp;and Brythonic respectively at the present day. For it maynbsp;be regarded as fairly certain that those who are foundnbsp;driven furthest to the west were the earlier comers, namelynbsp;the Goidels.

Goidelic was a phase of the language of the Celtae in Caesar’s restricted use of that word, and we may, in thisnbsp;context, call the language Goidelo-Celtic orCeltican butnbsp;we must suppose its place, at any rate as a dominantnbsp;speech on the Continent, to have been taken by Gaulishnbsp;some time anterior to Caesar’s Gallic wars. Gaulishnbsp;belonged to the same group as Brythonic ; or, to be morenbsp;exact, Brythonic may be treated as the Gaulish spoken innbsp;Britain, as we shall see presently. Both may be, however,nbsp;included under the term Galatic or Galato-Celtic.

The ancient distinction of speech between the Celts implies a corresponding difference of race and institutions,nbsp;a difference existing indeed long before Celts of anynbsp;description are mentioned in connection with these islands.nbsp;Perhaps few matters of prehistoric archaeology have recently been more discussed than the distinction betweennbsp;Celticans or Celts of the older stock and the Galaticnbsp;warriors by whom they were encroached upon. Thenbsp;two peoples are found to have differed in their mannernbsp;of disposing of their dead, and each had weapons

* See the “Transactions of the (London) Philological Society ” for 1891-3, pp. 104, 105.

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characteristic of its own civilisation. The interments with the most important remains of the older stock arenbsp;found mostly in the neighbourhood of the Alps, including the upper portions of the basin of the Danubenbsp;and the plains of North ItalyThis older Celtic worldnbsp;began, about the sixth century B.C., to be invaded bynbsp;the Galatic Celts, whose home may be inferred to havenbsp;consisted of Central and Northern Germany and of Belgium;nbsp;and the remains of these Galatic Celts are to be studied innbsp;the great burial-places between the Seine, the Marne, andnbsp;the Rhine—in the country, in short, from which theynbsp;invaded Britain. It has been surmised that this movementnbsp;was begun by the Brythons between the time of Pytheas,nbsp;in the fourth century B.C., and the visits of Julius Caesar.nbsp;The latter mentions, ii. 4, a certain Diviciacos, king ofnbsp;the Suessiones, a Belgic people which has left its name tonbsp;Soissons, as the most powerful prince in Gaul and as rulingnbsp;also over Britain. This was, moreover, late enough to benbsp;within the memory of men living in Caesar’s time. Wenbsp;have also Caesar’s general statement as to the settlers fromnbsp;Gaul, that they belonged to the Belgm or the tribesnbsp;inhabiting Belgium, by which he meant, roughly speaking,nbsp;the tract between the Seine and the Rhine and betweennbsp;the sea and the tributary waters of the Marne and thenbsp;Moselle; also that their settlements here were known by thenbsp;names which they already had on the Continent. This isnbsp;borne out by those names themselves where they happennbsp;to be recorded. Thus the Atrebates, whose chief townnbsp;was Calleva, supposed to be the site of Silchester, in Hampshire, probably came from the Atrebates of the Continent,nbsp;where that name of theirs has been worn down to Arras,nbsp;in the Pas de Calais. Then, as to the tribe called Belgm,

* For the most recent and comprehensive account of this chapter in Celtic archteology, see Bertrand and Reinach’s volumes “ Nos Origines,” especiallynbsp;vol. ii., entitled “Les Celtesdans les Vallées du P6 et du Danubequot; (Paris, 1894),nbsp;pp. ii., 42, 180, i8l. To this work, with its numerous illustrations, we arenbsp;much indebted.

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6 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, i.)

who appear to have once been important enough to impose their name on a whole group of peoples on the Continent,nbsp;they seem to have come over here in a body, leaving to thenbsp;Germans their old home in a country now indicated bynbsp;such a place-name as that of Billig, in the governmentnbsp;of Cologne, and that of WdiSSamp;r-Billig, near where thenbsp;Sauer joins the waters of the Moselle. In Britain thenbsp;people called Belgae took possession of a tract whichnbsp;included the sites of the towns now called Winchester andnbsp;Bath. Similarly the Paris! of the south-east of what isnbsp;now Yorkshire occupied a country which is remarkablenbsp;for its interments, containing as they do remains of thenbsp;iron war-chariots used by the conquerors. They werenbsp;probably a division of the Parish, who have left their namenbsp;to the city of Paris, on the Seine. The first of the Belgicnbsp;peoples to cross over to this country were probably thosenbsp;who dwelt nearest to it, namely, on the other side of thenbsp;Straits of Dover. These appear to have been callednbsp;Brittani or Brittones, whom Pliny ^ seems to have foundnbsp;so called in the valley of the Somme : the name of a townnbsp;of theirs is duly perpetuated by that of the village ofnbsp;Bretagne, near the mouth of that river. In our countrynbsp;the history of their name was probably the following :nbsp;from being exclusively that of the first settlers it came tonbsp;be extended to the successive hordes, so that at the lastnbsp;it actually denoted all the settlers here of Belgic descent;nbsp;and we have probably to look for the Brittani proper undernbsp;the geographical appellation of Cantii, or people of Cantionnbsp;—“ Kent.” In its form of Brittones it yields in Welsh thenbsp;name Brytlw^i, “a Briton or Welshman,” and in its form ofnbsp;Brittani it yields the Irish plural Bretain (genitive Bretan),nbsp;“ Brythons or Britons, also their country.” The prevalent

^ See Detlefsen’s Pliny, “ Historia Naturalis,*’iv. I06; A Scaldi incolunt extera Texuandri pluribus nominibus, dein Menapi^ Morini ora Marsacisnbsp;jxincti pago qui Chersiacus vocatur, Britannia Ambiani^ Bellovaci^ Bassi,

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spelling in Latin appears to have been Britanni; but the related forms, and among them the French Bretagne, shownbsp;that it ought to have been written with tt.

Without enumerating the Belgic tribes which constituted the Brythonic group of Celts in this country, suffice it tonbsp;say that the whole of the coast on the east and south wasnbsp;probably occupied by them from the Isle of Wight to thenbsp;Firth of Forth. But how far inland they had overrun thenbsp;country by the time of the Roman occupation, it is impossible to say with any precision. We have, however, innbsp;the Itinerary of Antoninus, evidence of their presence asnbsp;far west as Staffordshire, to wit, in the name of thenbsp;station of Pennocriicion, which is now represented letternbsp;for letter by Penkridge. The form in the Itinerary is thenbsp;dative-ablative Pennocmcio, derived from the stem penno,nbsp;represented in Welsh by pen, “end, extremity, head,” earlynbsp;Goidelic quenna, whence Irish ceann, “ end, head,” and criicio,nbsp;Welsh crug, “ a heap or tumulus.” So the whole compound,nbsp;had it been Goidelic, would have been Qiiennacrucio innbsp;the Itinerary. But as that is not the case, we know thatnbsp;we have here to do with Brythons, not with Goidels, Thenbsp;spot was comprised probably in the territory of the Cornovii,nbsp;who may accordingly be supposed to have been Brythons.nbsp;Behind them towards the west were the Ordovices, whonbsp;were also probably Brythons, though we have no exactlynbsp;similar evidence to prove it; but we can account best fornbsp;the facts which we have at our disposal, if we supposenbsp;the Ordovices to have divided what is now Wales into twonbsp;parts, as it were with a wedge, and to have reached thenbsp;shores of Cardigan Bay. Beyond the Ordovices, towardsnbsp;the south, the country was occupied by the Silures and thenbsp;Demetm, neither of whom can be supposed to have beennbsp;Brythons, for their territory supplies inscriptions in Goidelicnbsp;dating some time after the departure of the Romans.nbsp;Similarly beyond the Ordovices in a northern and north-

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, i.)

western direction in the country called Venedot, later Gwyned, there were likewise peoples who cannot have beennbsp;Brythons, as is proved more or less explicitly by inscriptionsnbsp;found there showing traces of Goidelic.

We have some aid to the understanding of the early history of the tract of country which we may loosely callnbsp;Mid-Wales in the dialects of Welsh actually spoken there.nbsp;Welsh dialects are commonly treated as three: (i) the Gwyn-dodeg, or Venedotian Welsh ; (2) the Powyseg, or Welsh ofnbsp;Powys ; and (3) the Southwalian, consisting of the closelynbsp;connected Gwenliwyseg (Gwentian or Silurian Welsh) andnbsp;the Demetian or Welsh of Dyfed. But this is of little usenbsp;as regards Mid-Wales, for the facts are briefly as follows :—nbsp;The Demetian reaches northwards as far as the stream ofnbsp;the Wyrai at ILanrhystud, a little south of Aberystwyth,nbsp;in Cardiganshire. North of the Wyrai and of Strata Floridanbsp;the dialect is very distinct from the Demetian, and stillnbsp;more so from the contiguous dialect of the counties ofnbsp;Merioneth and Montgomery; but, on the other hand, itnbsp;resembles that of Penftyn as represented by Bala and othernbsp;places in the neighbourhood of Bala Lake. We may addnbsp;that the same dialect embraces, without any sudden variation, the Welsh of the Dee valley and some of the northernnbsp;portion of Montgomeryshire. The inference to be drawnnbsp;is probably this: at one time a uniform dialect prevailednbsp;in the region of Mid-Wales comprising North Cardiganshire, Radnorshire, Montgomeryshire, and the south-east ofnbsp;Denbighshire. Its northern boundary was probably thenbsp;river Mawdach, the northern watershed of the Dee, andnbsp;eventually the Clwyd and the Dee Estuary. The areanbsp;indicated may be said to represent the conquests andnbsp;settlements of the Ordovices. Later, however—not longnbsp;probably after the departure of the Romans from Britain—nbsp;another people came on the scene and established its ownnbsp;dialect in a great part of the Ordovic territory, but so as to

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leave the marginal districts of North Cardiganshire and Penityn in the continued use of their old Ordovic speech.nbsp;The intruding dialect, which severed them, is now no othernbsp;than the Welsh of Powys, which prevails in Montgomeryshire and on the coast of Merionethshire from the rivernbsp;Dovey to Dolgeliey and Harlech. It was introducednbsp;probably by Cuneda Wledig and his Sons, that is to say,nbsp;by the people whose princes are collectively known tonbsp;Welsh history and hagiology by that designation.

Now Cuneda was the ancestor to whom the kings of Gwyned traced their origin, and most of the best-knownnbsp;saints of Wales are represented as his descendants. Thenbsp;legend ^ of Cuneda represents him and his sons coming tonbsp;Wales from the North, where he appears to have been atnbsp;the head of a force of cavalry defending the Roman wall,nbsp;and to have filled the post of the military leader, who,nbsp;during the Roman occupation, used to be known as thenbsp;Dux Britannim or Dux Britan7iiarum. The legend furthernbsp;represents Cuneda and his Sons as engaged in Wales innbsp;the expulsion of the Goidels; so we may suppose that thenbsp;Ordovices had been hard pressed by the Goidels on bothnbsp;sides of them, and that they had appealed for aid tonbsp;Cuneda, who accordingly sent a force under the commandnbsp;of his sons to combat the Goidels. However that maynbsp;be, Cuneda’s men must have permanently settled in thenbsp;country, and so did his sons, as we are told, except thenbsp;eldest, who is said to have died some time before in Manaunbsp;Guotodin, a district near the Firth of Forth. The share ofnbsp;the eldest son was given to his son Meirion, from whomnbsp;it was called Cantref Meirion, “ the Hundred of Meirion,”nbsp;which in its turn has given its name to MeirionyÉ and thenbsp;county of Merioneth. This Hundred of Meirion, as the

* See San Marte’s “ Nennius,” § 62, and the Harleian MS. 3859, published by Mr. Egerton Phillimore in ‘‘Y Cymmrodor,” ix. 182, also Rhys’s “ Celticnbsp;Britain,” pp. 118-21.

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dominion of the eldest branch of the Cuneda family, is probably what was sometimes called simply Y Cantref}nbsp;quot;the Hundred.” It was also that which an old tract onnbsp;boundaries calls Cantref Oriwyf, which possibly meantnbsp;the Hundred of the Ordovices, extending from the Doveynbsp;to the Mawdach, the southern boundary of Ardudwy, whichnbsp;belonged to Gwyned.^ Now Meirion, grandson of Cuneda,nbsp;as chief of the family, assigns to his uncles, the sons ofnbsp;Cuneda, their respective territories, and the list of themnbsp;purports to represent the Brythonic conquests made by thenbsp;family in various directions, including the carving out ofnbsp;Keredig’s kingdom of Keredigion, which is, roughly speaking, the present county of Cardigan. Other members ofnbsp;the family have different parts of Gwyned, including Monnbsp;or Anglesey, assigned to them in this legend. One of thenbsp;branches of the Cuneda family established in Gwynednbsp;became in the sixth century so powerful, to wit in thenbsp;person of Maglocunos or Maelgwn Gwyned, that not onlynbsp;Wales, but also Cumbria, was, to a certain extent, forced tonbsp;own his sway; and it was perhaps in his time that thenbsp;Hundred of Meirion first became a part of Gwyned.

We have suggested that the Brythons came over to Britain between the time of Pytheas and that of Julius Csesar.nbsp;Their invasions probably spread over a considerable periodnbsp;of time, but we should perhaps not be far wrong in ascribingnbsp;the mass of them to the second century before our era.®nbsp;When, it may be asked, did the other Celts, the Goidels,

’ See the “lolo MSS.” (Handovery, 1848), pp. 85, S6, translated at pp. 475-7, but with serious errors; also pp. 120, 519 ; and Rhys’s “Celticnbsp;Britain,” pp. 308, 309.

* See the Mabinogi of Math, in which Math has the disposal of Ardudwy, probably as king of Gwyned, Oxford Mabinogion, p. 73.

® See M. d’Arbois de Jubainville’s “ Premiers Habitants de 1’Europe,” vol. ii., p. 295, where he expresses himself to the same effect, also in thenbsp;“ Revue Celtique,” vol. xiii., p. 402 ; see also Holder’s “ Alt-Celtischer Sprach-schatz,” S.V., Brittani. Both, however, make the Brythons conquer this islandnbsp;from the Piets, not from Goidels.

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whom they found here, arrive in this country ? It is impossible to give any precise answer to such a question, but it may be supposed that the Goidels came over not later thannbsp;the great movements which took place in the Celtic worldnbsp;of the Continent in the sixth and fifth centuries before ournbsp;erad We mean the movements which resulted in the Celtsnbsp;reaching the Mediterranean and penetrating into Spain,nbsp;while others of the same family began to press towards thenbsp;east of Europe, whence some of them eventually crossed tonbsp;Asia Minor and made themselves a home in the countrynbsp;called after them Galatia. On the whole, we dare notnbsp;suppose the Goidels to have come to Britain much laternbsp;than the sixth century B.C.; rather should we say that theynbsp;probably began to arrive in this country very much earlier.nbsp;Before the Brythons came the Goidels had presumablynbsp;occupied most of the island south of the firths of the Clydenbsp;and Forth. So when the Brythons arrived and began tonbsp;press the Goidels in the west some of the latter may havenbsp;crossed to Ireland : possibly they had begun still earliernbsp;to settle there. The portion of Ireland which they firstnbsp;occupied was probably the tract known as the kingdomnbsp;of Meath, approximately represented now by the diocesenbsp;of that name ; but settlements may have also been madenbsp;by them at other points on the coast.

We have next to consider the question whether the first Celtic comers, the Goidels, were also the first inhabitantsnbsp;of this country. This may be briefly answered to thenbsp;effect that there seems to be no reason to think so, or evennbsp;to suppose that it may not have been uninterruptedlynbsp;inhabited from a time before it ceased to form a continuousnbsp;portion of the continent of Europe. By what race is anbsp;much harder question. Indeed, there is a previous question

* See the “ Premiers Habitants de 1’Europe,” vol. i., p. 262, and Zimmer’s “Mutterrecht der Pikten,quot; in the “Zeitschrift fiir Rechtsgeschichte,quot; vol. xv.nbsp;(Rom. Abth.), pp. 233, 234. For later views see Read’s British Museumnbsp;Bronze Age Guide.

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which might reasonably be asked, namely, Was it a single race or several ? This cannot be answered, but it wouldnbsp;clearly be a waste of conjecture to suppose the pre-Goidelicnbsp;inhabitants to have belonged to more than one race, untilnbsp;at any rate evidence is found to compel us to that conclusion. So we rest satisfied for the present to treat them asnbsp;if belonging to a single race ; and we proceed to consider,nbsp;very briefly, the nature of the relation in which that race isnbsp;likely to have found itself placed as regards the new-comers.nbsp;It is but natural to suppose that the Goidels, when theynbsp;arrived, subjugated the natives, and made slaves of themnbsp;and drudges. From the first the fusion of the two racesnbsp;may have begun to take place, but to what extent it proceeded it would be impossible to say. It is, however,nbsp;fairly certain that the process of fusion between the Goidelicnbsp;and native elements must have been quickened by thenbsp;advent of a third and hostile element, the Brythonic. Fornbsp;it must have been to the advantage of the Goidels to havenbsp;induced the natives to make common cause with themnbsp;against the intruders; and under the pressure exerted bynbsp;the Brythons the fusion of the two other nations may havenbsp;been so complete as to produce a new people of mixednbsp;Goidelic and native origin. To be more correct, perhaps,nbsp;we ought to have restricted the term Goidelic to that mixednbsp;nationality, and applied some other designation, such asnbsp;Celtican, to the early Celtic invaders of the island beforenbsp;they mixed with the Aborigines of these islands. Then asnbsp;to the Brythons, coming later as they did, they had thenbsp;Goidels between them and the Aborigines, and they were notnbsp;likely to come in contact on any large scale with the latternbsp;before they had been to a considerable extent Celticised.^

1 Except perhaps in the North, where, for example, the Picto-Brythons of Fortrenn, with their headquarters eventually at Forteviot, on the banks of thenbsp;Earn, seem to have spoken a kind of Brythonic. But that dialect is unknownnbsp;with the exception of a few words like Peanfahd, given by Bede (“ Hist.nbsp;Eccles.” i. 12) as the vernacular for Latinpmnae valli.”

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Accordingly, supposing the Aborigines not to have been Aryans, one might expect the language of the resultantnbsp;Goidelic people to show more non-Aryan traits than thenbsp;language of the Brythons : as a matter of fact, this provesnbsp;to be the case.

The Goidels have already been represented as a mixed race, and when later this mixed Goidelic population becamenbsp;one people with the Brythons, the result was still morenbsp;composite ; and one may say that the Welsh people of thenbsp;present day is made up of all three elements: the Aboriginal,nbsp;the Goidelic, and the Brythonic. And it would be unsafenbsp;to assume that the later elements predominate; for thenbsp;Celtic invaders, both Goidels and Brythons, may havenbsp;come in comparatively small numbers, not to mention thenbsp;fact that the Aboriginal race, having been here possiblynbsp;thousands of years before the first Aryan arrived, may havenbsp;had such an advantage in the matter of acclimatisation,nbsp;that it alone survives in force. This is now supposed to benbsp;the case with France, whose people, taken in the bulk, arenbsp;neither Frankish nor Celtic so much as the representativesnbsp;of the non-Aryan populations which the first Aryans foundnbsp;there. It thus becomes a matter of interest for us to knownbsp;all we can about the earliest inhabitants of this country.nbsp;Now the question of the origin of that race is, according tonbsp;one view taken of it, inseparably connected with the Pictishnbsp;question ; and the most tenable hypothesis may be said tonbsp;be, that the Piets were non-Aryans, whom the first Celticnbsp;migrations found already settled here. The Piets appearnbsp;to have retained their language and institutions latest onnbsp;the east coast of Scotland in portions of the region betweennbsp;Clackmannan and Banff. But Irish literature alludes tonbsp;Piets here and there in Ireland, and that in such a way asnbsp;to favour the belief that they were survivals of a race holdingnbsp;^possession at one time of the whole country. If the Piets werenbsp;not Aryans, we could hardly suppose them to have been

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able to acquire possession of extensive tracts of these islands after the arrival of such a powerful and warlike race as thenbsp;early Aryans. The natural conclusion is, that the Pietsnbsp;were here before the Aryans came, that they were, in fact,nbsp;the Aborigines.

Now something is known of the manners and customs of the ancient Piets ; for one of them at least was so remarkable as to attract the attention of the ancient authors whonbsp;mention the peoples of this country. It was the absencenbsp;among them of the institution of marriage as known tonbsp;men of Aryan race. This is illustrated by the history ofnbsp;the Piets in later times, especially in the case of their kings,nbsp;for it is well known that a Pictish king could not benbsp;succeeded by a son of his own, but usually by a sister’snbsp;son. The succession was through the mother, and it pointsnbsp;back to a state of society which, previous to the conversion of the Piets to Christianity, was probably based onnbsp;matriarchy as distinguished from marriage and maritalnbsp;authority. Accordingly the Greeks and Romans who havenbsp;touched on the manners and customs of the Piets shownbsp;clearly that they could not understand the relations of thenbsp;sexes among peoples of that race, except as mere licencenbsp;and wanton promiscuity. Among others may be mentionednbsp;Dion Cassius, who in writing (Ixxvi. i6) about the wars ofnbsp;the Emperor Severus introduces, for the evident benefit ofnbsp;Roman women, a Pictish lady, who replies to the stricturesnbsp;of Julia, the Emperor’s wife, on Pictish morality, to thenbsp;effect that she thought the Pictish custom the better, since,nbsp;as she said, Pictish ladies openly consorted with the bestnbsp;warriors of the race, while Roman matrons privily committed adultery with the vilest of men. Further thenbsp;Pictish succession cannot have always been confined to thenbsp;Pictland of the North,^ for the ancient literature of Ireland

^ Since writing the above we have come across a passage showing that the same kind of succession once prevailed at Tara : see the Place-name Story of

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abounds in allusions to heroes who are usually described with the aid of the mother’s name. Take the case ofnbsp;Conchobar mac Nessa, “ Conor son of Nessa ” (his mother),nbsp;Diarmait Ua Duibne, “Dermot descendant of Dubinn” (hisnbsp;ancestress), not to mention the gods called Tuatha Dénbsp;Datiann., “the tribes of the goddess Danu or Donu,” whichnbsp;Donu appears also in the old literature of Wales, to witnbsp;as Don in the names of such personages as “ Gwydionnbsp;son of Don,” “ Arianrhod daughter of Don,” and others ofnbsp;the same family, all placed by the Mabinogion on thenbsp;northern coast of Gwyned. This kind of nomenclaturenbsp;implies the Pictish succession as its origin, and probablynbsp;all that such origin implied. If the Aryans ever hadnbsp;this kind of custom, a view which is not universallynbsp;accepted, it was probably so very far back that wenbsp;could not with any confidence invoke it to explainnbsp;these designations and others like them ; so we arenbsp;inclined to regard them as having originated in non-Aryan surroundings.

The same conclusion as to the probable non-Aryan origin of the Piets is warranted by facts of another order,nbsp;namely, those of speech; but the Pictish question isnbsp;rendered philologically difficult by the scantiness of thenbsp;remains of the Pictish language. It would seem to havenbsp;been rapidly becoming overloaded with loan-words fromnbsp;Goidelic and Brythonic when we first hear anything aboutnbsp;it. So, failing to recognise this borrowing of words bynbsp;the Piets, some have been led to regard Pictish as a kind of

Druim Criaich, edited with a translation by Stokes in the “Revue Celtique,” xvi. 148-50. The storyteller undertakes to explain the peculiarity of thenbsp;succession: he first relates how the three sons of the Irish king, Eochaidnbsp;Feidlech, rebelled against their father, and how they fell in the conflict. Henbsp;then adds words to the following effect;—“Then before nightfall their threenbsp;heads came to Druim Criaich, and there Eochaid uttered the word, that fromnbsp;that time forward no son should overtake the lordship of Tara after his fathernbsp;unless some one came between them.”

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Gaelic, and some as a dialect akin to Welsh. The point to have been decided, however, was not whether Gaelic ornbsp;Welsh explains certain words said to have been in usenbsp;among the Piets, but whether there does not remain anbsp;residue to which neither Gaelic nor Welsh, nor, indeed,nbsp;any Aryan tongue whatsoever, can supply any sort of key.nbsp;This has of late begun to be perceived,^ and all the morenbsp;clearly now that the ancient inscriptions found in thenbsp;Pictland of the North have been more carefully studied.*®nbsp;The whole group of inscriptions, however, is a very smallnbsp;one, and it shows the manifold influence of Gaelic andnbsp;Norse, especially in Shetland, for Pictish cannot havenbsp;become extinct for some time after the earlier visitsnbsp;of the Norsemen to our coasts. Among those inscriptionsnbsp;and fragments of inscriptions, there are two or three whichnbsp;may be said to be fairly legible; and one of them isnbsp;punctuated word by word. Nevertheless the adherentsnbsp;to the view that Pictish is Celtic and Aryan have innbsp;vain been challenged to produce a convincing translation.nbsp;Neither Gaelic nor Welsh seems to be of any materialnbsp;avail in the effort, and one may confidently surmise thatnbsp;any other Aryan language will be found of still less use, ifnbsp;possible. This being so, it is not too much to say that thenbsp;theory of the non-Aryan origin of the Pictish languagenbsp;holds the field at present.

Precarious as the Pictish inscriptions must be admitted to be, they have supplied the key to the interpretation ofnbsp;certain other inscriptions, to wit, in Wales, Cornwall, andnbsp;Ireland. Thus a short one in minuscules at St. Vigeans,nbsp;near Arbroath, reads, Drosteri ipe uoret ett forms, which

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;See the “Revue Celtique,” vi. 398, 399, and Zimmer’s article in thenbsp;“Zeitschrift für Rechtsgeschichte,” p. 217.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Lists of them will be found in Lord Southesk’s “Ogams at Brodie,nbsp;Aquhollie, Golspie, and Newton” (Edinburgh, 1886), p. 38, and in thenbsp;“ Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland,” vol. xxvi.,nbsp;pp. 267-304, to which may now be added vol. xxxii., pp, 324-98.

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maybe for the present rendered “Drost’s offspring,^ Uoret, for Fergus.” Similarly a well - known monument atnbsp;Newton, in Aberdeenshire, bears in Ogam what may benbsp;provisionally read Vorrenn ipuai Osir, which may, in thenbsp;same way, be interpreted as “ Vor’s offspring Osir,” thatnbsp;is to say, Osir son of Vor or Vaur, for the name is readnbsp;Vaur in the script on the same stone. From these onenbsp;learns how to construe the following, found at ILanfaglannbsp;near Carnarvon —


That meant, no doubt, “ (the monument) of Lovernias’s son, Anatemoras,” that is, of Anatemoras son of Lovernias.nbsp;This inscription was written in Latin, and Anateniori wasnbsp;the Celtic genitive of a proper name which in Brythonicnbsp;would have been Anatj(omaros, Welsh eneid-fawr, “ great-souled,” fj.ijaXóxjnjxp'i. From this cannot be severed thenbsp;following, which is to be seen at Helston, in Cornwall;nbsp;Cnegimii fili Genaius? Though meant to be Latin, it hasnbsp;to be construed according to the grammar of a differentnbsp;idiom, for fili is here treated as the crude stem of thenbsp;word, so that fiUGeiiai-tis is to be regarded as doing dutynbsp;for filius and Genahcs in apposition, and with only one casenbsp;termination. The whole means Genaius filius Cnegumi,nbsp;but the syntax is not that of an Aryan language. It isnbsp;familiar, however, in agglutinative languages like Basque,nbsp;and it occurs in our inscriptions too frequently to benbsp;regarded as a slip. Thus we have it both in Latin and innbsp;Goidelic on a tombstone found at Clydai, in Pembroke-

* It will be seen later (p. 50) that a more probable rendering than “offspring” would be “kin” or “nephew,”,and so probably with the vocable poi of certain Irish Ogams.

^ See Hübner’s “ Inscriptiones Britanni:e Christiance,” No. 147.

^ Hiibner, No. 5.

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shire: the Latin reads ETTERNI FILI VICTORS wherefiliVictor is treated as one noun in the nominative,nbsp;and enough of the Ogam remains to show that the construction in the Goidelic version was identical. The wholenbsp;meant “^Eternus’s son Victor,” that is, Victor son ofnbsp;.Eternus. Another instance of the same agglutinativenbsp;syntax occurs on a stone at Eglwys Cymun, in the southwest of Carmarthenshire: it reads in Latin,1®


and in Goidelic Inigena Cunigni Avittoriges, “ (the monument) of Avitoria, daughter of Cunignas.” Here the nouns in apposition are inigena, quot;daughter,” and Avit-toriga ; so the genitive ending es is applied to the latternbsp;alone, while the genitive of the father’s name is insertednbsp;between the two feminines. From Ireland may be mentioned an inscription at Dunloe, near Killarney, whichnbsp;runs thus : Maqui Ttal maqui Vorgos maqui mucoi Toicac,nbsp;“ (the monument) of MacTail, son of Fergus, son ” amp;c. Innbsp;correct Goidelic this should have been Maqui Ttali maquinbsp;Vorgossos^ maqui, amp;c.; but Ttal and maqui, Vorgos andnbsp;maqui, being respectively in apposition, have only onenbsp;mark of the genitive each. The same construction isnbsp;shown in one of the northern Ogam inscriptions of Ireland :nbsp;it stands at a spot some twelve miles north-east ofnbsp;Omagh, in Tyrone, and reads: Dotoatt maqui Nan . . .^nbsp;“ (the monument) of Dotoatt, son of Nainnidh.” Herenbsp;Dotoatt-maqui must be construed as an agglutination with


nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Hiibner, No. no.

- See the “ Archseologia Cambrensis ” for 1893, p. 285.

It is not necessarily Vorgossos, as Vorgos may have represented a genitive which in a later form occurs as Forgo or Forco.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;See the “Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland” for 1895,nbsp;p. 104.

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only one genitive termination, to wit, the t at the end of maqui, “son’s, filii'.'

The distribution of inscriptions with this non-Aryan syntax suggests that the British Isles were once inhabitednbsp;by a people speaking a non-Aryan language, and that,nbsp;while that people learned the vocabulary of an Aryannbsp;language, it continued the syntax of its previous speech.nbsp;This was so decidedly the case, that we trace it not onlynbsp;in the Goidelic which that people definitely adopted, butnbsp;also in the Latin which its learned men now and thennbsp;wrote. There is nothing incredible in this, as habits ofnbsp;pronunciation and the syntax peculiar to a language arenbsp;most persistent and difficult to eradicate, even when carefulnbsp;teaching is directed to that end, as anybody will admitnbsp;who knows anything of the difficulties of teaching Welshnbsp;boys idiomatic English. One sees accordingly how thenbsp;Goidelic of the west of Britain may have been profoundlynbsp;modified by the pronunciation and syntax of the non-Aryan language of the Aborigines; but to what extentnbsp;the Brythonic conquerors of Mid-Wales may have clearednbsp;the latter area of its ancient inhabitants, whether mostlynbsp;Goidelic or native, it is impossible to say. Beyond thosenbsp;conquests, however, the old inhabitants of the Venedotiannbsp;north on the one hand, and those of the Siluro-Demetiannbsp;south on the other, are not likely to have been displacednbsp;on any considerable scale. We are accordingly at libertynbsp;to regard the Ordovic territory of Mid-Wales as the mostnbsp;thoroughly Brythonic. It might appear at first sight anbsp;remarkable corroboration of this view, that Mid-Walesnbsp;shows no inscriptions in Ogam at all or any inscriptionsnbsp;whatsoever in which Goidelic can be traced. But as tonbsp;the absence of Goidelic traces in Mid-Wales, it must be atnbsp;once explained, that this region has very few inscriptionsnbsp;at all to show corresponding to the post-Roman ones to benbsp;found more to the north and more to the south. That

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very fact, however, is not without a significance of its own, for it seems to show that the burial customs of the ancientnbsp;Brythons of Mid-Wales differed from those of the othernbsp;peoples; add to this that Mid -Wales has few or nonbsp;cromlechs to show. Possibly the inhabitants buried theirnbsp;dead in barrows, where there was less inducement tonbsp;indulge in writing than in the case of peoples who putnbsp;up stones as memorials of their departed.

It may be objected that these arguments as to Mid-Wales are mostly negative, but there is at least one argument of a more positive kind—an argument basednbsp;on the actual pronunciation of Powysian Welsh. In thatnbsp;dialect the vowel a, whether short or long, has a narrownbsp;pronunciation resembling that of the narrow a in thenbsp;standard English pronunciation of such words as man andnbsp;bad. This vowel may be indicated as a, and we have it innbsp;such words as cam, “crooked,” mam, “ mother,” pan, “when,quot;nbsp;and car, “a cousin.” Further, cam and car tend to become,nbsp;and have, in fact, extensively become, kiam and kiar, combinations from which the analogy of other languages wouldnbsp;lead us to expect eventually some such forms as tskqm andnbsp;tshqr, or even sham and shtir, that is, provided this dialectnbsp;of Welsh continued long enough a spoken language notnbsp;too much restrained by the yoke of the standard spelling.nbsp;The change here indicated is just what has happened innbsp;France: the Gauls appear to have pronounced their anbsp;narrow, and when they adopted Latin they could probablynbsp;not help continuing their old pronunciation with its q.nbsp;The result has been that French has made Latin wordsnbsp;like nassus, “nose,” and pratum, “a meadow,” into nez andnbsp;pré, and caput, “ head,” into chef, pronounced with tsh as innbsp;its English form of chief, and later, with ch — English shnbsp;as in standard French at the present day. The same wasnbsp;the case with such a word as Latin castra, “ a camp,” whichnbsp;some of the Gauls and the Brythons of this country seem

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to have pronounced kiastra, which the ancestors of the English borrowed and made into ceaster, whence thenbsp;modern Chester, pronounced Tshester. The initiative in allnbsp;these changes is the pronunciation of a as q, which is anbsp;sound with a tendency to become e; and the most naturalnbsp;explanation of the fact that q and iq occur in Mid-Walesnbsp;Welsh is, that some of the Brythons, like the other Celts ofnbsp;Northern Gaul, had q as the sound of a in their languagenbsp;when they penetrated to the west of this island. To thenbsp;extent here indicated by the pronunciation, the Welsh ofnbsp;Powys is more like that of ancient Gaulish, that is to say,nbsp;it is more purely Brythonic, than any of the other dialects.nbsp;The reason for this is, probably, that the language of thenbsp;Ordovices had been modified by the gradual absorption ofnbsp;other nationalities into that tribe, as it extended its conquests towards the west, while the Sons of Cuneda camenbsp;from a district called Manau in the land of the Guotodin,nbsp;Ptolemy’s Otadini, or better Votadini. It was in or nearnbsp;their territory that the Roman wall reached the North Sea,nbsp;and to them also belonged the coast northwards to the Forth,nbsp;including what is now known as the Lothians. It isnbsp;possible that the Votadini were not the first Brythons tonbsp;occupy that strip of country; and it is probable that thenbsp;previous inhabitants were driven inland, either by them ornbsp;by previous invaders of kindred nationality. In either casenbsp;the Gaulish of the Votadini may have had the chance ofnbsp;remaining less influenced by the idioms of the country,nbsp;than can have been the case with tribes whose assimilationnbsp;of the peoples conquered by them in war proceeded on anbsp;larger scale and for a longer period of time.

South of the domain of Powysian Welsh we have Brecknockshire, giving a broad pronunciation to the vowel a, whether long or short. But in the Welsh of Monmouthshire and Glamorganshire as far as the Neath Valley and thenbsp;western limit, approximately, of the Custom of Glamorgan

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(p. 30), the short a alone is broad, long a being uniformly made narrow. This seems to indicate that at one time thatnbsp;part of the southern border of the Principality came undernbsp;the influence of some Brythonic people pressing westwards,nbsp;such, for anything known to the contrary, as the Dobunninbsp;near the mouth of the Severn may have been.

It is, however, not to be supposed that Brythonic was formed in Wales : we are compelled by the close similaritynbsp;of Welsh with Old Cornish and Breton to suppose thatnbsp;the language in all its essential features was formed beforenbsp;the Ordovices reached the shores of Cardigan Bay; andnbsp;we have the means of gauging to some extent how far itnbsp;has deviated from Gaulish. A certain number of sentencesnbsp;are extant in Gaulish, and they invariably observe thenbsp;ordinary usage of Aryan syntax in not placing the verbnbsp;before its subject: take for example the following—

Sfyo/rapos OviXXoveo^ roourtovs Na/nautraTis eiwpov (Toaiv vefirjTOv

That is, “Segomaros son of Villonos, magistrate of Nimes, made for (the goddess) Belesama this temple.” Or this,nbsp;Ratin brivatioin Frontii Tarbeisonios ieuru ; that is, “ Pro-pugnaculum pontilium Fronto, Tarbeisoni filius, fecit.” ^ Itnbsp;is unfortunate that not one of the Gaulish sentences extantnbsp;happens to come from the ancient Belgium; but therenbsp;is no reason to suppose that the Gaulish of Belgic Gaulnbsp;differed in its syntax from the Gaulish of other parts ofnbsp;the country. On the other hand, the normal syntax ofnbsp;the Neo-celtic languages requires the verb to precede itsnbsp;subject, and the question arises how this important difference began. It might be suggested as an explanation,nbsp;that the earlier Celts mixed with a non-Aryan race, whosenbsp;language had this syntactic peculiarity of Neo-celtic asnbsp;regards the position of the verb, and that they thus evolved

* According to Stokes’s “Celtic Declension” (Gottingen, 1886), pp. 60, 67.

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the Goidelic language. The next stage might similarly be supposed to be a mixing of the Brythons with the Goidelsnbsp;of the description just suggested, when it became thenbsp;turn of the latter to be conquered, the result being thatnbsp;Brythonic emerged, having indirectly acquired some ofnbsp;the linguistic peculiarities of the Aboriginal inhabitants ofnbsp;Gaul, of Britain, or of both. Whatever the real explanation may prove to be, it will, in all probability, have tonbsp;take for granted a racial amalgamation on a considerablenbsp;scale. But the linguistic conditions seem to us, it is needless to say, to postulate a pre-Celtic race whose languagenbsp;was characterized by the chief peculiarities distinguishingnbsp;Neo-cel tic from Gaulish.^

The foregoing remarks amount briefly to this: the Goidelic and the Aboriginal elements should be expectednbsp;in their greatest strength in the south and in the north ofnbsp;Wales, while Mid-Wales is marked out by the Gaulishnbsp;affinities of the Powys dialect, and by the absence ofnbsp;monuments betraying any traces of Goidelic influence, asnbsp;the home of the Brythonic element in the west of thenbsp;island. We are, however, unable to detect in the habitsnbsp;or physical characteristics of the people at the presentnbsp;day any salient features corresponding to these vanishingnbsp;landmarks. Thus the Aboriginal non-Aryan ideas as tonbsp;marriage might, conceivably, have survived long in thenbsp;modified form of a tendency to take somewhat too lenientnbsp;a view of immorality, but the statistics of illegitimacy innbsp;Wales do not represent its geographical distribution to benbsp;such as clearly to suggest any such permanence of influence.nbsp;On the other hand, men of purely Aryan descent arenbsp;supposed to have been, like the ancient Gauls and thenbsp;ancient Germans, inclined to be of light complexion andnbsp;tall stature, which would, perhaps, imply the requirement

gt; We are glad to be able to refer our readers to an elaborate treatment of this question in Appendix B.

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of more food than in the case of men of smaller build. We have, however, no statistics to show whether the people ofnbsp;Mid-Wales are on the whole taller or blonder than othernbsp;Welshmen, but the Land Commission heard some evidencenbsp;to the effect that the former fare better in the matter ofnbsp;food, especially in the county of Montgomery.

When and how the comparative homogeneity of the Welsh people was produced, it is impossible to say withnbsp;any approach to precision. First of all, however, thenbsp;distinctive customs of the Aborigines must have givennbsp;way gradually to those of their Goidelic masters, thoughnbsp;hardly without affecting the latter themselves; and thenbsp;native language yielded, no doubt, comparatively early tonbsp;Goidelic. As to Goidelic itself, its turn to go came in duenbsp;time. We have no evidence that it was spoken in anynbsp;part of Wales in the eighth or ninth century ; but it wasnbsp;probably not dead till well into the seventh. Besidesnbsp;having a language of their own, however, the Goidels mustnbsp;have had also their own laws ; and these, it would seem,nbsp;proved in some respects more tenacious than their language.nbsp;Welsh literature speaks of one great and conspicuous legislator of this island in early times. He is called Dyfnwalnbsp;Moel-Mut, but the name Dyfnwal, answering as it doesnbsp;exactly to the Irish Domhnall, Anglicised Donald, teachesnbsp;us nothing precise as to his race. On the other hand, thenbsp;epithet Moel-nncd, in its oldest form Moel Mut, cannot benbsp;other than Goidelic, and its historical form in Irish is Moelnbsp;Muaid, which we have in Ua Maol-muaidh, in Englishnbsp;spelling 0’Molloy. It should mean “ the tonsured man ornbsp;slave of Muad,” in the same way that Mael-Patraic ornbsp;Midpatric was made into Calvus Patricii} In the vocable

* See Rhys’s “Goidelic Words in Brythonic” in the “Archseologia Cambrensis” for 1895, pp. 299, 300; Nigra’s “Reliquie Celtiche” (Turin,nbsp;1870), p. 19; Stokes’s “Goidelica” (London, 1872), pp. 86, gi ; and Rhys’snbsp;“Celtic Britain,” pp. 73-5.

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Muaid, for an earlier Moti, we have the genitive of the name, possibly of some forgotten divinity, and the formula is notnbsp;Christian, but merely retained in use in Christian times.nbsp;This personage, whose full name proves him to have been nonbsp;thorough Brython, is the accredited legislator of the Cymry ;nbsp;and, according to one of the manuscripts of the Venedotiannbsp;version of the Laws of Howel, the former’s laws continuednbsp;in force to the time of Howel. But even Howel, descendednbsp;as he was from Cuneda, and representing the Brythonicnbsp;element as he did, thought it inexpedient to undo thenbsp;whole of the work of the Goidel. He left undisturbed hisnbsp;reckoning of measurement from the barley-corn up to thenbsp;acre and the mile, as he did also his divisions of the countrynbsp;into cantrevs and their subdivisions. The words are tonbsp;the following effect : ^ “ And he [Dyfnwal] was a man ofnbsp;authority and wisdom ; and he (first) made good laws innbsp;this country, which laws continued in force till the time ofnbsp;Howel the Good. Afterwards Howel enacted new lawsnbsp;and annulled those of Dyfnwal; and (yet) Howel did notnbsp;disturb the measurements of lands in this island, but [letnbsp;them continue] as Dyfnwal left them ; for the latter wasnbsp;the best man at measuring.” Without entering into thenbsp;question how far the laws of the Goidels differed fromnbsp;those of the Brythons, and to what extent Howel reallynbsp;modified^ the laws obtaining till then in any part of hisnbsp;kingdom, we cannot help suggesting that the statement wenbsp;have quoted represents one of the last stages in the amalgamation of the two Celtic races in the west of the island.

* Compare Owen’s “Ancient Laws and Institutes of Wales,” i. 184, 185, where the different manuscripts have been diligently wrought into a patch-worknbsp;most difficult to unravel. For this, however, the editor was probably not sonbsp;much to blame as the perverse policy obtaining at the Public Record Office innbsp;his time.

- Possibly we have an instance in point in the law, said to have once obtained in Britain, that any animal transgressing should be forfeited to thenbsp;person injured. See the article “ Mug-Eime ” in Cormac’s Irish Glossarynbsp;(Dublin, 1862, and [translated by Stokes at] Calcutta, 1868).

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Something may be learned on the head of race amalgamation from the probable history of the national name of the Welsh, to wit, Cymro, “Welshman,” plural, Cymry.nbsp;This word Cymro stands for an earlier Cumbrox or Com-brox, parallel to the Gaulish Allobrox, plural Allobroges, anbsp;name applied by Gauls to another people whose countrynbsp;they conquered ; and just as Allo-brox meant an alien ornbsp;foreigner, Welsh aftfro, “ foreigner,” so Coni-brox mustnbsp;have meant “ one belonging to one’s own country, anbsp;compatriot.” The choice of this term as the nationalnbsp;name suggests that it was applied to men who did notnbsp;all belong to one and the same race, or speak the samenbsp;language. As the word is to be traced in Cumbra-land,nbsp;Cumber-land, its use must have extended to the Brythonsnbsp;of Strathclyde, which renders it probable that it hadnbsp;acquired some popularity before the end of the strugglenbsp;between the kings of Gwyned and the Anglian princes ofnbsp;Northumbria in the earlier half of the seventh century. Onnbsp;the other hand, as the name seems to have been unknownnbsp;not only in Brittany but also in Cornwall, it may benbsp;conjectured that it cannot have acquired anything likenbsp;national significance for any length of time before thenbsp;battle of Deorham in the year 577, when the West Saxonsnbsp;permanently severed the Celts west of the Severn fromnbsp;their kinsmen in the country consisting now of the countiesnbsp;of Gloucester, Somerset, Devon, and Cornwall. Thus it isnbsp;probable that the national significance of the term Cymronbsp;may date from the sixth century, and that it is to benbsp;regarded as the exponent of the amalgamation of thenbsp;Goidelic and Brythonic populations under the highnbsp;pressure of attacks from without by the Saxons andnbsp;the Angles.

Thus far of the races which may be said to have constituted the Welsh people ; but some mention may now be made of others that have entered into the composition later.

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Among the earliest may be supposed a certain admixture introduced by the legions of ancient Rome, chiefly at suchnbsp;places as IscaSilurum or Carleon on the Usk,and Segontium,nbsp;the remains of which are partially visible at the Carnarvonnbsp;of the present day. After the departure of the Romansnbsp;there was probably nothing of any importance in the matternbsp;of foreign blood introduced till the visits of the Scandinaviannbsp;rovers from the eighth to the twelfth century. They maynbsp;have left small settlements here and there on the coast, as,nbsp;for instance, at Angle, in Pembrokeshire, and in the neighbourhood of the Point of Ayre and other places in Flintshire.nbsp;Their presence also at Fishguard and Solva (in Welshnbsp;Solfach) in Pembrokeshire, seems to be proved by thosenbsp;names, and perhaps the same remark might be made as tonbsp;Harlech, in Merionethshire. But the Scandinavians mustnbsp;have lost their idioms and distinctiveness in the languagenbsp;and nationality of their Celtic neighbours. The next accession of foreign elements came in the course of the Normannbsp;conquests ; but it is not easy to say to what extent the conquerors contributed in flesh and blood to Welsh nationality,nbsp;or even to ascertain to what extent they were Normans,nbsp;and not Bretons similar in race to the Welsh among whomnbsp;they arrived. But the descendants, whether of Normansnbsp;proper or of Bretons, became eventually absorbed in thenbsp;body of the Welsh people and adopted the Welsh language,nbsp;even in the Vale of Glamorgan, where the conquest by thenbsp;Normans was probably the most systematic and thoroughnbsp;in Wales.

Not quite so, however, with another race which the Normans are supposed to have established in the west:nbsp;we allude to the Flemings, who deserve in this context tonbsp;be mentioned at somewhat greater length. Even beforenbsp;the Norman conquest of England, Flemings seem to havenbsp;been brought to this country, as, for instance, by Tostig innbsp;his contest with his brother Harold for the crown. William

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the Conqueror married Matilda, daughter of the Count of Flanders, and he appears to have had Flemings in hisnbsp;employ in England. His son, William Rufus, had Flemishnbsp;mercenaries in his army in Normandy when he attackednbsp;his brother, and Stephen employed them in large numbersnbsp;in England. In fact, there is reason to believe that in thenbsp;time of the early Norman kings Flemings settled in considerable numbers in this country. They appear to havenbsp;been unpopular with both Normans and Saxons, and itnbsp;occurred to Henry I. to make use of them, first, as a checknbsp;on the Scotch, and afterwards on the Welsh. He settlednbsp;them first in waste lands on the Tweed, but later he is saidnbsp;to have transported them bag and baggage to the Hundrednbsp;of Roose in Pembrokeshire.^ It is observed that Roose isnbsp;remarkable for its comparative absence of Welsh place-names, and it may be concluded that the Flemings clearednbsp;it of what Welsh inhabitants there may have been there.nbsp;The settlers made themselves masters of the rest of Southnbsp;Pembrokeshire, but as more Welsh names survive there, itnbsp;is not probable that the new-comers made a clean sweepnbsp;of the previous inhabitants. The question how far thisnbsp;Flemish settlement was really Flemish and not English isnbsp;one of considerable difficulty. In case it was purely ornbsp;mainly Flemish, one is tempted to ask, why the languagenbsp;of the district is now a dialect of English any more thannbsp;that of Flanders, where Flemish shows no innate tendencynbsp;to become English. To this it has been replied, that thenbsp;Fleming of Pembrokeshire now speaks English for thenbsp;same general reason that the Dane of Lincolnshire speaksnbsp;English ; and it may be readily admitted that the influence

' The principal contemporary authorities for this are Florence of Worcester, Orderic, Alfred of Beverley, William of Malmesbury, and Brompton ; the wordsnbsp;of those authors and of others in point will be found brought together in anbsp;valuable paper contributed by Dr. Henry Owen, of Poyston, to the “ Archseo-logia Cambrensis” for 1895 ; see, more particularly, pp. 98—100.

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of the Church and of the castles^ in the district, combined with an inveterate hatred of the neighbouring Welsh, mustnbsp;have amply made up for the isolation from the body of thenbsp;English world. On the other hand, one^ of the greatestnbsp;authorities on English dialects has examined the linguisticnbsp;evidence and declared that it breaks down. At most, henbsp;thought, there could only have been a subordinate Flemishnbsp;element, which soon lost all traces of its original and butnbsp;slightly different dialect, while the principal element mustnbsp;have been Saxon, as in Gower and in the Irish baronies ofnbsp;Bargy and Forth, forming the south-east corner of Ireland.

Settlements of a still more obscure history were made here and there on the rest of the coast from St. Govan’snbsp;Head to the mouth of the Severn, but far the most important must have been the group which made most of thenbsp;peninsula of Gwyr or Gower into a non-Welsh district,nbsp;now known as English Gower, and in Welsh as Browyr,nbsp;that is, Bro- Wyr “ the march or country of Gower.”* Gowernbsp;and South Pembrokeshire, which are mutually visible and

' See Mr. Ivor James’s “Welsh in the l6th and 17th Centuries” (Cardiff, 1887), P- 31-

^ We allude to the late Mr. Alexander J. Ellis, in a paper to which we shall have occasion to refer again. It is “ On the Delimitation of the Englishnbsp;and Welsh Languages,” and published in the “Cymmrodor” for 1882, seep. 178.nbsp;See also Mr. Edward Laws’s evidence received at Pembroke by the Welshnbsp;Land Commission, Questions 28,994-29,032. Mr. Laws is practically of thenbsp;same opinion as Mr. Ellis; and Professor Rhys has recently submitted thenbsp;linguistic evidence adduced in Mr. Henry Owen’s paper, p. 106, to thenbsp;greatest living authority on the history of English sounds, namely, Dr. Henrynbsp;Sweet, and he finds no reason to qualify Mr. Ellis’s account of the matter.nbsp;On the other hand, Professor Joseph Wright, in the course of his editingnbsp;his English Dialect Dictionary, considers that he has come across words whichnbsp;unmistakably point to the Belgic mother country of the Flemings : he instancesnbsp;the interjection ackaji, and blease, “a blister.”

* For a summary of the evidence as to the Flemish origin, see the Rev. J. D. Davies’s “ West Gower,” especially part i., chapter iv., entitled “ Thenbsp;Colonization by the Flemings,” pp. 95“li5- See also an important articlenbsp;entitled “Anglia Transwalliana ” in the “ Saturday Review” for the 20th ofnbsp;May, 1876 ; it is, unless we are greatly mistaken, from the pen of the latenbsp;Professor Freeman.

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enjoy the same dialect of English, may be supposed to have been at one time in close communication with onenbsp;another by sea. The establishment of Flemings andnbsp;Englishmen in Gower and the geographical position ofnbsp;their country would naturally suggest a distinct lordship,nbsp;which we have as the Seigniory of Gower: it has beennbsp;referred to more than once in the evidence taken by thenbsp;Welsh Land Commission in Glamorganshire.^ A greatnbsp;part of the south of Glamorgan is called in Welsh Bronbsp;Morgannwg, “the march, margin, or country of Glamorgan,”nbsp;a term incorrectly rendered into English as “ the Vale ofnbsp;Glamorgan.” Here the district of Llantwit Major has beennbsp;thought to show traces of Flemish settlements; but thenbsp;Vale is remarkable chiefly for being, as already suggested,nbsp;one of the earliest Norman conquests in Wales. This factnbsp;is rendered conspicuous at the present day by two verynbsp;different features of the country, the Norman architecturenbsp;of its churches and the possession by its farmers of thenbsp;tenant-right known as the Custom of Glamorgan, whichnbsp;excels any other customary tenure in Wales.

Lastly, Wales, situated as it is between England and Ireland, has always received additions to its populationnbsp;from both countries. As to England, the number ofnbsp;Englishmen settling in Wales has perhaps at no time beennbsp;equal to the number of Welshmen migrating to the largenbsp;towns of England. Irishmen have probably at all timesnbsp;been coming over to Wales, especially to the nearestnbsp;corner, namely, Pembrokeshire. Thus the Irish story ofnbsp;the Déisi tells us how some of those people left the partnbsp;of Ireland represented by the Baronies of the Decies in thenbsp;county of Waterford, and gave to Dyfed, a line of kingsnbsp;represented in the time of Gildas by Vortiporius, from whomnbsp;Elen, wife of Howel the Good in the loth century, was

’ Qii. 5,095, 6,189-6,404, 6,418-6,422, 23,359, 27.975gt; 27,980, 28,014, 28,029, 28,037.

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descended. To come down to a later time, we read in the history of Pembrokeshire by George Owen, who lived innbsp;the reign of Elizabeth, that the Anglo-Flemish portion ofnbsp;his native county was so overrun by Irishmen, that innbsp;some parishes the clergyman was found to be the onlynbsp;inhabitant who was not Irish.^ This, it is true, was annbsp;exceptional time, as it was at the end of the war knownnbsp;as Tyrone’s Rebellion, but many of the exiles must havenbsp;settled in Pembrokeshire. In fact, Mr. Henry Owen, thenbsp;learned editor of George Owen’s work, remarks® that thenbsp;descendants of those Irishmen can still be traced.

Reverting for a moment to the chief races constituting the Welsh people, the Celtic or Aryan consisting of Goidelsnbsp;and Brythons, and the non-Aryan consisting of the Aboriginal population, we may say that their relative proportionsnbsp;to one another may be treated as little disturbed bynbsp;immigrants from Ireland or even from England; for thenbsp;average Englishman is at most not much more Aryan thannbsp;the average Welshman. But the Scandinavian settlements,nbsp;so far as they went, must have gone to strengthen the Aryannbsp;element, and in a qualified sense the same may be said ofnbsp;the Norman conquests in Wales. Then as to the Anglo-Pdemish districts, the settler cannot be regarded as havingnbsp;to any large extent helped to modify the composition ofnbsp;the Welsh people, as he has partly resisted the temptationnbsp;to merge his national individuality in the amalgam of racesnbsp;around him. As it is, he is there conveniently situatednbsp;for the purposes of comparison, and in this connection henbsp;may be roughly described, at any rate so far as Pembrokeshire is concerned, as somewhat better fed than his Welshnbsp;neighbour, more plump and well-conditioned in point ofnbsp;personal appearance, more happy and contented with his

’ See George Owen’s “ Pembrokeshire,” p. 40.

* In the volume, to which reference has already been made, of the “ Archseologia Cambrensis,” p. 103.

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lot generally, and less troubled with social or political ideas as to the future.

Should it then be asked what the Welsh of the present day are, Aryan or not Aryan, the answer must be, we think,nbsp;that, on the whole, they are not Aryan ; that, in fact, thenbsp;Aryan element forms, as it were, a mere sprinkling amongnbsp;them. This is by no means surprising, as will be seen onnbsp;comparing the case of France, to which we have alreadynbsp;alluded. For the French of the present day, with thenbsp;exception of the Teutonic element in the north-east ofnbsp;France, are, in the main, neither Gauls nor Aryans of anynbsp;description so much as the lineal representatives of thenbsp;inhabitants whom the Aryans found there. In fact, thenbsp;Gauls were not very numerous, even when they ruled thenbsp;whole country. It has been estimated, on the basis of thenbsp;particulars given by Caesar as to the numbers of the cavalrynbsp;which the different Gaulish tribes were able to place in thenbsp;field to meet the Roman legions, that the Gaulish aristocracy formed a surprisingly small proportion of a population whose numbers ranged somewhere between three andnbsp;six millions.! There seems to be no reason to suppose thatnbsp;the dominant Celts in this country were relatively morenbsp;numerous than in Gaul. They formed a ruling class, andnbsp;led their dependents in war, which was their business abovenbsp;all other things.

Coming down to later times, we may say that their descendants retained the position of privilege and leadingnbsp;in the contests with the Normans, who either measured

'See Roget de Belloguet’s “ Ethnogenie Gauloise,” ii. 308-314, and Bertrand and Reinach’s “ Celtes dans les Vallées du Pó et du Danube,”nbsp;ii. 41. See also M. d’Arbois de Jubainville’s “ Premiers Habitants denbsp;l’Europe,” vol. ii., pp. 7-9, where the learned Frenchman estimated thenbsp;aggregate of Gauls, inclusive of women and children, at 60,000, a figurenbsp;which has ahvays struck us as somehow too low. It has since been boldlynbsp;challenged by Mr. W. H. (Bullock) Hall in his “Romans on the Riviera”nbsp;(London, 1898), pp. 3-5.

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swords with them on the field of battle, or entered into family alliances with them, as best suited their purposesnbsp;for the time being. In any case, the Normans do notnbsp;appear to have thought it beneath them to intermarry withnbsp;the nobility of Wales, and that to an extent not to be,nbsp;in the case of England, inferred from the history of theirnbsp;treatment of Saxon or Anglian families. As late as thenbsp;Tudor period the able-bodied men of the Welsh familiesnbsp;took part in raids on the Marches and in the interminablenbsp;feuds which raged among them at home, in the coursenbsp;of which they waylaid one another or burnt each other’snbsp;residences about their owners’ ears. Witness, for instance,nbsp;the state of Eifionyd, as represented by Sir John Wynne,nbsp;in his History of the Gwydir Family. But from thenbsp;moment that Wales was subjected to English law theynbsp;began to find their occupation gone, and probably tonbsp;dwindle in importance and power ; but it remained fornbsp;the Civil War which broke out under Charles I. to complete their ruin, since they ranged themselves nearly allnbsp;on the side of the King. Neither folly nor misfortune,nbsp;however, could loosen the attachment felt for them bynbsp;their dependents, an attachment which a perusal of thenbsp;evidence taken by the Welsh Land Commission wouldnbsp;show to be still strong among the tenants on the largernbsp;estates in Wales. There remained a difference of education, a difference of class, to mark off the squire and hisnbsp;family from the people on his land, but no consciousnbsp;distinction of race.

Nevertheless, if a competent ethnologist were to be sent round Wales to identify the individual men and womennbsp;who seemed to him to approach what he should considernbsp;the Aryan type, his report would probably go to shownbsp;that he found comparatively few such people, and thatnbsp;those few belonged chiefly to the old families of the landowning class : the vast majority he could only label as

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probably not Celtic, not Aryan. To pronounce, from the point of view of race and history, on the social, political, ornbsp;religious proclivities of that majority is rendered difficult bynbsp;the fact that it is not easy to estimate correctly the influencenbsp;on Wales of movements originated or developed in England.nbsp;There is, however, one instructive instance : the Welshnbsp;people have largely deserted the Established Church, andnbsp;they have done so in favour of more democratic forms ofnbsp;religion, just as their kinsmen have done in Cornwall andnbsp;the Highlands of Scotland. Herein the Welsh can hardlynbsp;be said to have been merely following the example ofnbsp;England, as England cannot be considered to have givennbsp;a decisive lead in the matter. Religion, however, is notnbsp;the only domain in which the tendency of the Welsh isnbsp;democratic: it holds good of their attitude, on the whole,nbsp;as regards social and political questions. And this cannotnbsp;fail to be rendered more and more conspicuous by allnbsp;movements calculated to weaken the attachment of thenbsp;many for the class which supplied them with leaders innbsp;the past.

It may perhaps be convenient if we summarise here the views set forth in this chapter, somewhat as follows:—

The study of the skulls and other remains found in early interments in this country proves that it was inhabitednbsp;by more than one race at the time when the Romans camenbsp;here to conquer.

The study of language and institutions suggests the view, that the earliest inhabitants were of a non-Aryan race,nbsp;namely, that represented probably by the Piets of history.

In the fifth or the sixth century before our era, or perhaps earlier, the first Celtic settlers came and overrannbsp;most of the southern half of Britain. They were thenbsp;Aryan ancestors of the Goidels, whose language is nownbsp;represented by the Gaelic dialects of Ireland, Man, andnbsp;Scotland.

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In the second or the third century B.C. there arrived invaders belonging to the other branch of the Celticnbsp;family, namely, the Brythons, and they conquered fromnbsp;the Goidels most of the country which the latter hadnbsp;conquered previously from the Aborigines.

In what is now Wales the Brythonic conquests were represented by the territory of the Ordovices, coveringnbsp;the whole of Mid-Wales as far as Cardigan Bay.

The Goidels to the north and south of the Ordovices were never systematically displaced, and their Goidelicnbsp;may have continued a living tongue down into the seventhnbsp;century.

Soon after the Romans left Britain the Ordovices received an accession of Brythonic blood in the troopsnbsp;led by Cuneda and his Sons, to whom may be traced thenbsp;political framework of Wales under the aspect which itnbsp;presents to the historian of the Norman Conquest.

Conquests there must have been, but the study of the languages in point goes to prove more, namely, intermixture : the Brythons mixed with the Goidels, who werenbsp;themselves an amalgam of the first Celtic settlers withnbsp;the Aborigines ; but all conscious distinction of race hadnbsp;probably been obliterated before the eleventh century.

The admixture of other blood, Scandinavian, Norman, Flemish, and English, has not greatly modified the race,nbsp;the predominant element in which has probably alwaysnbsp;been the substratum contributed by the earliest lords ofnbsp;the soil of these islands.^

' Since this chapter was written we have had occasion to read a remarkable book by the late Rev. W. D. Babington on “Fallacies of Race Theories asnbsp;applied to National Characteristics” (London: Longmans, Green amp; Co., 1895).nbsp;Among other things we may say that it confirms our view as to the mixture ofnbsp;races constituting each of the nations in the United Kingdom, and it disposesnbsp;of the stock generalisations framed to flatter the German at the expense ofnbsp;the Celt.

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The foregoing outlines will serve to suggest a picture of the ethnology of ancient Wales, and we have endeavourednbsp;not to crowd it with details. Some of these we now proceed to supply by elaborating a few of the points on whichnbsp;we have touched in passing. We begin by reverting tonbsp;the Pictish succession and metronymic designations likenbsp;that of Gwydion son of Dbn; and when one comes tonbsp;consider what the Pictish succession must have originallynbsp;meant, one cannot overlook Caesar’s statement, that somenbsp;of the inhabitants of Britain had their wives in common.nbsp;Professor Zimmer, on analysing Caesar’s chapter in point,nbsp;comes to the conclusion that the words were meant tonbsp;apply to non-Aryan inhabitants in the interior—those, innbsp;fact, whom Caesar represents as regarding themselvesnbsp;descended from the Aboriginal islanders in contrast to thenbsp;later comers, who, according to the same authority, did notnbsp;materially differ in their customs from the Gauls. Caesar’snbsp;words (v. 14) are to the following effect:—Uxores habentnbsp;deni duodenique inter se communes, et maxime fratres cumnbsp;fratribus parentesque cum liberis ; sed qui sunt ex Us natt,nbsp;eorum habentur liberi, qtw primum virgo qvceque deducta est.nbsp;The first sentence makes a clean sweep of the institution ofnbsp;marriage, and leaves no room for the idea of incest; ^ but the

’ As to the origin of that idea see M. S. Reinach’s article ‘ ‘ La prohibition de 1’inceste et ses origines ” in “ L’Anthropologie, ” vol. x., pp. 59-70.

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second sentence seems to us to have been dictated by the Roman’s inability to realise a state of society exclusivelynbsp;based on birth. The idea of assigning the children each tonbsp;its own father, if not entirely due to the working of Caesar’snbsp;own mind, reads in this context like an advance towardsnbsp;Aryan habits. At any rate, we shall as we proceed findnbsp;traces of a stage of society betraying no perceptiblenbsp;tendency in that direction.^

The kind of social arrangement here in question suggests several curious points for consideration, and foremost amongnbsp;them this : who would be reckoned a man’s nearest of kinnbsp;Clearly one’s own brothers and sisters by the same mother ;nbsp;and looking backwards one’s nearest relatives would be hisnbsp;mother and his mother’s brothers and sisters similarly, whilenbsp;looking forwards it would be one’s sisters’ children. So onenbsp;would naturally look for one’s heir and successor in one’snbsp;brother, and after him in a son of one’s sister. This isnbsp;the key to a good deal that is otherwise unintelligiblenbsp;in Celtic literature : let us take for instance the Mabinoginbsp;of Math, which has already been mentioned. There thenbsp;leading family ruling over Gwyned consists of the followingnbsp;persons :—

Math the king, who is called son of Mathonwy, about whom nothing is known.

Dèn, Math’s sister, about whom equally little is known, except that she had the following children :

Gwydion, Gofannon, (Amaethon), Gilfaethzvy, and Efeyd, all called sons of Dón ; and one daughter called

Aranrot, or Arianrhod, daughter of Dón. Arianrhod had two sons, Dylan and Lew Lawgyffes.

Next to the king himself, Gwydion plays the most important role in Math’s realm, and the king teaches him the

' Such a stage of society, together with well-known stories about virgin mothers, points back to a savage state in which the male element had nevernbsp;been supposed necessary to conception.

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magic of which he was master : in fact, everything points to Gwydion as Math’s successor, though that is not statednbsp;in the story. In due time ILew ILawgyffes is representednbsp;succeeding to the kingdom of Gwyned. In other words.nbsp;Math is succeeded by his sister’s son, Gwydion, andnbsp;Gwydion is succeeded by his sister’s son, Lew. It isnbsp;tacitly assumed that Gwydion was the father of JLew ; butnbsp;the relationship between Gwydion and Arianrhod is nevernbsp;discussed, and the silence maintained on that point onlynbsp;becomes intelligible in the light of the social arrangementnbsp;here supposed.

Similarly in the case of the Mabinogi of Branwen: there we have Bendigeitvran, or Bró,n the Blessed, as king ofnbsp;Britain, and he has a brother, Manawydan, and a sister,nbsp;Branwen: they are called sons of ILyr and daughter ofnbsp;ILyr respectively, while their mother is named Penardim,^nbsp;daughter of Beli, son of Mynogan.

Now Branwen is given to wife to Matholwch, who reigns in Ireland, and there she has a son by him called Gwernnbsp;son of Matholwch ; but after some years have passed Brinnbsp;hears of his sister being harshly treated, and he makes annbsp;expedition to Ireland. He leaves behind him Cradawc,nbsp;or Caradog, his son, to take charge of this country, thenbsp;kingship of which is, however, seized in the meantime bynbsp;Caswaitawn, or Caswallon, son of Beli. For this Caswatton,

* She had two other sons, Nissien and Efnissien, whose father is called Euroswytt in the Mabinogi: he is said in one of the Triads (i. 50 = ii. 49)nbsp;to have, some time or other, taken ILyr prisoner. The form Penardim innbsp;the Mabinogi was an archaism ; and our narrator, had he understood it, wouldnbsp;have put it into his own spelling as Penardu, which would be in modernnbsp;Welsh Penardu or pen-arAu, meaning “ Her of the Black Head.” Compare thenbsp;variant Dyf-lyn for Du-lyn “Black pool,” and Welsh u in verbal nouns likenbsp;credu “ act of believing ” and gohebu “ act of corresponding,” as compared withnbsp;Old Irish cretem “belief,” sechem “act of following,” and sessom “standing.”nbsp;The subject is too large to dispose of here in passing, but the reader shouldnbsp;consult the learned articles of M. Ernault on quot;Les Formes de 1’Infinitifnbsp;Breton,” in Meyer and Stern’s ‘‘Zeit. fur Celt. Philologie,” vol. ij.

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we are told, donned a coat of magic mail and slew Cara-dog’s men without disclosing who it was that did it; but he did not slay Caradog, as he was his relative. He is callednbsp;his nephew, son of his cousin; and we learn from annbsp;ancient triad cited in the story that he died of grief andnbsp;vexation at the slaughter of his men. In Ireland thenbsp;coming of Bran and his host created a great commotion,nbsp;but, thanks to the intercession of Branwen, the two kingsnbsp;Bran and Matholwch came to terms, and the concessionnbsp;made by the Irish was to give Matholwch’s kingdom tonbsp;Branwen’s son Gwern. The concession consisted in thenbsp;fact implied that Gwern could not, according to the usagenbsp;of Matholwch’s people, be Matholwch’s successor, as henbsp;would, according to the birth succession, be no recognisednbsp;relation of Matholwch’s at all, whereas, according to thenbsp;same rule, he would be Bran’s nearest of kin and his rightfulnbsp;successor, as son of his sister. The editor or narrator ofnbsp;the story as we have it does not show that he understoodnbsp;this, and it is he probably that is to be held responsiblenbsp;for an inconsistency which occurs in it. More than oncenbsp;he makes Caswafton son of Beli cousin to Bran andnbsp;Manawydan, though he treats them at the outset as sons ofnbsp;Penardim, and her as daughter of Beli.^ It all comes right,nbsp;however, if we treat Penardim, not as daughter of Beli, butnbsp;as his sister on the mother’s side: then Bran’s right tonbsp;succeed Beli, who is fabled to have been king of Britain,nbsp;becomes clear—he is the son of Beli’s sister. But an editor

^ We take it that the latest editor is responsible for this, but that he found Caswafton made son of Beli in the version which he was using of the Mabinogi,nbsp;and that he forgot or hesitated to alter the relationship as indicated at pp. 41nbsp;and 44. The passage where Penardim is made daughter of Beli is the openingnbsp;of the Mabinogi of Branwen (p. 26), and the second line of it is remarkable fornbsp;the words arderchatc 0 goron lundein, which have been translated from somenbsp;such a phrase as insignitiis diademate^ common enough, for example, innbsp;Geoffrey’s Latinity, as in Lib. ij. I, 20, iv. ii, vi. 4. In fact W'e suspect thatnbsp;the Mabinogion had not assumed the form in which we have them till Geoffrey’snbsp;time.

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, ii.)

not familiar with this kind of succession would naturally think that he improved Bran’s position by making hisnbsp;mother daughter of Beli—that is to say, by making Brannbsp;a descendant of Beli.

The story originally implied the Pictish succession, and it is worthy of note that of the two men whom it representsnbsp;succeeding their respective fathers contrary to it, the one,nbsp;Caradog, dies of vexation,^ while the other, Caswahon, isnbsp;only enabled to secure by violence and magic a positionnbsp;which the tenor of the Mabinogi assumes to have rightfullynbsp;belonged to Manawydan after the death of his brothernbsp;Brin. In fact, the introduction of Caradog and Caswaöonnbsp;betrays the falsifying hand of a historian, for Cradawc,nbsp;as we have assumed, is merely a form of Caradawc, thenbsp;representative of Caratdcos, in Latin Caratacus—sometimesnbsp;distorted still into Caractacus—the name of the famousnbsp;but unsuccessful leader of the Silures and Ordovices againstnbsp;the Romans. As a matter of fact, he was no son of Brin,nbsp;nor was he of his Goidelic race, as he was a Brython. Yet thisnbsp;fiction has been widely accepted in Modern Welsh literature,nbsp;according to which Caradog and Brin his father, togethernbsp;with their families, were taken captives to Rome, wherenbsp;Brin and others of his family were converted to Christianity,nbsp;and on their return brought the Gospel to Britain. Thennbsp;as to Caswatfon, by him we are doubtless to understand

' The exact meaning of the word used is merely inferred, as it occurs only in this triad. The part relating to Caradog reads in the Red Book (Oxfordnbsp;Mabinogion, p. 4^)1 ^ h6nn6 uu y trydyd dyn a toms y gallon 0 niuyget,nbsp;where the two last words should probably be 0 anniuyget. It seems to meannbsp;“And that was one of the three who broke their hearts of vexation or grief.”nbsp;Another of the three making up the original triad was Ffaraon, who is thusnbsp;mentioned in “ Hudd and ILevelys, ”nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;, p. 98: Trydyd crynweissat uu h6nn6

a torres y gallon [0] anniuiged, “ That was the third chief guardian who broke his heart of grief.” It is there said that Dinas Emreis in Snowdon had beennbsp;previously known from Ffaraon as Dinas Ffaraon Dande, and the namenbsp;carries us back to an old world of legend now submerged. The third limbnbsp;of the triad, we are Sony to say, has never been discovered.

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Cassivellaunos, the leader of the Brythonic tribes who had opposed Julius Caesar in the south-east of Britain when thatnbsp;general paid his second visit to our shores: Geoffrey, atnbsp;the end of his third book, chap, xx., introduces him asnbsp;Cassibellaunus, son of Hely [read Bely]. The way innbsp;which Caradog’s history is referred to an ancient triad,nbsp;suggests that we have in the allusion to his death a touchnbsp;of genuine tradition, based remotely on the real historynbsp;of Caratacos, and preserved in the west of the island.

Lastly, as to Beli son of Mynogan,^ his identity with Bellinus son of Minocannus in Nennius’s Historia Brit-tonum, where he is made the native leader against Juliusnbsp;Cassar, has been known for some time. And Professornbsp;Zimmer** has traced the Nennian Bellinus, filius Mino-canni, back through Orosius’s gibberish Minocynobel-linum Britannorum regis filium to Suetonius’s Adminio,nbsp;Cynobellini Brittannorum regis filio; and from the latternbsp;historian we learn that Adminios was a fugitive from Britain,nbsp;who gave himself up to the mad emperor Caligula. Sonbsp;much for the designation of Beli, or Beli Mawr, son ofnbsp;Mynogan; but we cannot follow Professor Zimmer innbsp;thinking that his unravelling of this tangle of errors disposes of Beli. For we conjecture that the words translated “ Son of Mynogan ” were not to be found in thenbsp;original of the Mabinogi, but that they were introducednbsp;by an editor who was acquainted with the Historia Brit-tonum of Nennius. What stood in the story previouslynbsp;was rather Beli Maur map Aun, An, or Anau, “Belinbsp;the Great, son of A.,” which occurs as Beli Ma6r ni. Anna,nbsp;“ Beli the Great, son of Anna,” in one of the pedigrees in

* See Skene’s “Four Anc. Books of Wales,” ii. 204, 420 ; and San Marte’s “ Nennius und Gildas,” pp. 40, 4I) § ï9-

quot; See Zimmer’s “Nennius Vindicatus,” pp. 271-3 : his references are to Suetonius’s Caligula, cap. 44 et seq., and Orosius’s “ Histor. advers. Paganos,quot;nbsp;Sgt; 5 gt; see also Evans’s “Coins of the Ancient Britons,” pp. 208, 284-348 ;nbsp;and Rhys’s “Celtic Britain ” (2nd edition), p. 278.

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Jesus College Manuscript 20, supposed to be of the thirteenth century. Further one reads two sentences respectingnbsp;.A.nna, as follows: yr anna honn oed verch y antheraódyrnbsp;rufein. yr anna honno a dywedei wyr yr eifft y bot ynnbsp;gyfynnithderó y veir voróyn} which seem to represent twonbsp;glosses from two different sources, as will be seen from thenbsp;rendering of them, “ This Anna was daughter to thenbsp;emperor of Rome. That Anna used to be said by the mennbsp;of Egypt to be cousin to the Virgin Mary.” The latternbsp;statement is also made in the pedigree of Owen son ofnbsp;Howel the Good, who is traced back to Aballac son ofnbsp;Amalech quifuit Beli magni filius., et Anna mater ejus, quamnbsp;dicunt esse consobrinam Marice Virgim's, Matris Domininbsp;nostri Ihesu Christi?

The treatment of the ILyr pedigree in the matter of Penardim prepares us to understand the treatment of Annanbsp;in the pedigrees in question. The editor probably foundnbsp;Anna represented as Bell’s wife or as his mother, but notnbsp;feeling bound to say anything about her, he simply addednbsp;to the name of Beli words meaning “Son of Mynogan,” afternbsp;the example of Nennius. With regard to the Christiannbsp;Anna, the introduction of her name is due probably to annbsp;early confusion of it with that of Ana or Anu, genitivenbsp;Anann, who figures in Irish mythology as mater deorumnbsp;hibernensium? This name would be treated in Old Welshnbsp;as Ann or An (possibly Anau), according to the quantity

' See “Y Cymmrodor,” vUj. 84; also p. 85.

^ For the abbreviations used see Phillimore’s edition of MS. A. of the “ Annales Cambrise,” in “Y Cymmrodor, ” ix. 170: the genealogies seem tonbsp;have been compiled in the tenth century. Whether the scribe here meant onenbsp;to regard Anna as the mother of Beli or of Amalech is not clear ; but a littlenbsp;later (p. 174) he undoubtedly takes the latter view—the wrong view, in fact ;nbsp;for he there has “ Amalech son of Beii et Anna.'”

3 See Stokes’s edition of O’Donovan’s translation of “ Cormac’s Glossary ” (Calcutta, 1868), s.v. Ana, p. 4; also p. 17, where an article is devoted tonbsp;another female figure, Buanann, mother of Irish heroes, just as Ana wasnbsp;mother of Irish gods.

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of the initial vowel in the Goidelic Ana or Anu, which is not certain.

To return to Beli, we read in the Red Book story called Maxen’s Dream,^ that he was in possession of Britain untilnbsp;Maxen and his legions came and drove him and his sonsnbsp;on sea; and so closely does Beli appear associated with thenbsp;sea that an ancient verse calls the brine of the ocean Beli’snbsp;liquor.® This we cannot help regarding as a popular touchnbsp;not to be explained by any amount of learned bungling onnbsp;the part of Orosius or Nennius. We are led back to anbsp;legend in the west of Britain, which represented it enjoyingnbsp;a sort of a golden age which was only brought to an end bynbsp;the advent of the Romans. We learn that the king’s namenbsp;was Beli, and we infer that he was a Goidel,who had shipsnbsp;on the Irish Sea. We know from the Chronicles that thenbsp;name which was Beli in Welsh (borne by one of the kingsnbsp;of Gwyned and by others in historical times) was in Irishnbsp;Bile; further, there was an ancient Bile with whom wenbsp;should identify our Beli the Great, and Irish legendnbsp;represents him as the father of Mil, the leader of the lastnbsp;legendary conquest of Ireland and ancestor of all those ofnbsp;the Irish who called themselves Milesians after his name.nbsp;The story as we have it makes Bile king of Spain, and bynbsp;giving his son the name of Mil, genitive Miled, it brings usnbsp;to the Latin miles, genitive militis, “ a soldier ”: this seemsnbsp;to have been a synonym or translation of another name,nbsp;Galam or Golam, by which Mil was known and described innbsp;Irish as a man of bravery and valour. The identity of thenbsp;names Bile and Beli is, however, not all: the parallel isnbsp;closer than it looks at first sight. Mil, son and successor ofnbsp;Bile, conquers Ireland, which is divided between his two

^ See the Oxford Mab., p. 88.

* See the Book of Taliessin in Skene’s “ Four Ancient Books of Wales,” Ü. 150, where one reads Gna6t róyfyn heli Beli wiraói^ ‘ ‘ Familiar is the sight ofnbsp;oars in the brine of Beli’s liquor.” For a mistranslation of it see i. 300.

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, ii.)

sons Eber and Airem, while the Mabinogi makes Beli’s heir and successor, Bran, obtain the practical disposal ofnbsp;Ireland. The narratives otherwise differ, owing chiefly tonbsp;the Welsh one having gone off into a story which may benbsp;regarded as forming a counterpart of that of the Nibelungennbsp;Slaughter in the literature of Teutonic lands.

The tradition about Beli must be regarded as belonging to the Goidels of Britain, and it was only by a tour de forcenbsp;that Caswatton, the leader of Brythons—that is to say, ofnbsp;the hereditary foes of the Goidel—could be made son ofnbsp;Beli; but it was natural enough that an editor of thenbsp;Mabinogion should wish to graft the later history of hisnbsp;country on the legendary glories of the past, and itnbsp;was a step in that direction to place Caswatton amongnbsp;the sons of Beli. Whether he set himself to do this, ornbsp;merely followed the example set by a previous writer,^nbsp;his readers, accepting the words which he has used,nbsp;could not help saying in effect: Yes, it was by craft andnbsp;violence that Caswatton secured supreme power; but henbsp;was after all son of the rightful king of Britain in hernbsp;golden age—that is, of Beli the Great. The same editor isnbsp;possibly also to be held responsible for the order of thenbsp;events, which is probably unhistorical, as we should rathernbsp;regard the aggressiveness of Caswalton’s race as one at leastnbsp;of the reasons for Bran’s going to Ireland. But the datingnbsp;of Caswatton’s conquests in Wales after Bran’s departurenbsp;for Ireland is to be explained by the confounding of thenbsp;naming of Cadwailon Lawhir with Caswatton’s ; for Welshnbsp;tradition insists on that Cadwatton, who was grandson ofnbsp;Cuneda and father of Maelgwn, as the final vanquisher of the

1 Such as Geoffrey or the writer of the pedigree already mentioned (p. 42;, in which we have the descent of Owen son of Howel traced back not only tonbsp;Maelgwn and Cuneda, but to Beli. The former portion seems to reach backnbsp;to Tacit only : then comes a very Pictish looking portion beginning with Cein,nbsp;son of Guorcein, son of Doli, son of Guordoli, and terminating with Beli andnbsp;Anna. See also the “Proceedings of the Antiq. of Scotland,” xxxij. 342.

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Goidels in North Wales4 We may therefore still suppose that the Brythonic tribe of the Ordovices pushing on tonbsp;the shores of Cardigan Bay may have been the cause ofnbsp;an emigration of Goidels to the nearest coast of Ireland.nbsp;In fact, we have possibly a trace of this in the namenbsp;Eblanii, which Ptolemy gives to the inhabitants of thenbsp;coast north and south of the mouth of the Liffey, asnbsp;we seem to have closely related names in that of thenbsp;river Elan (a tributary of the Wye), and that of thenbsp;mountain region of Elenid, in which Giraldus® placesnbsp;the sources of the Severn and the Wye, of the Towy, thenbsp;Teifi, and the Ystwyth. On the Irish side it is significantnbsp;that the story of Mil’s two sons gives to Eber, the eldernbsp;brother and eponymous hero of the Iverni, the southern halfnbsp;of Ireland, and to the younger brother, Airem (genitivenbsp;Aireman or Eremon'), the northern half; and that it furthernbsp;represents Airem slaying Eber and taking the whole ofnbsp;Ireland to himself. The name Airem means ploughman,nbsp;and possibly conveys a reference to the triumphs of thenbsp;Aryan farmer over the ruder native. But even disregarding all such connotation of the name, we still have the factnbsp;that it has gathered round it legends reminding one of thenbsp;story of Arthur; and that the name Airem was borne by onenbsp;of the early kings of Tara, in Meath and the land of thenbsp;ancient Eblanii, the centre of Milesian rule over Ireland.

Let us now see in what way the custom of reckoning

* See Triad i. 49 = ii. 40 = iii. 27 and the “lolo MSS.,” pp. 78, 468. Compare Nennius, § 62, and note the confusion of names in the “ loIo MSS.’’nbsp;See also the Oxford Bruts, where Kat6aiia6n E.a6ir at p. 200, stands possiblynbsp;for the same man as Kasóallaón at p. 232: in Geoffrey’s Latin they arenbsp;respectively Caduallo ix. 12, and Cassibellanus xi. 2.

^ See his “Descriptie Kambrim” (Rolls Office edition), pp. 119, 138, *70-3, 175, where the spelling is Elennyth and Elennith ; also the Oxfordnbsp;Mabinogion, p. 62, where it is written Elenit: Lewis Glyn Cothi wrotenbsp;Elenid, III. iv. 43, 4 (p. 184). As to the phonology of the equation suggestednbsp;in the text, we have the similar reduction of sbl into el in the Welsh adverbnbsp;^Icni (this year) from some form of the Welsh word blyned, “ year.”

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descent by birth alone has left its impress on the language and monuments of those among whom it prevailed. Ournbsp;attention is challenged in the first instance by inscriptionsnbsp;which suggest no father’s name; and the earliest of thatnbsp;class is probably the bronze tablet found not very long agonbsp;at Colchester and read as follows —


“To the god Mars Medocius of the Cainpes\tr\es and to the victory of our Alexander Pius Felix Augustus (this) giftnbsp;has been dedicated at his own expense by Lossio Veda,nbsp;Vepogenos’s nephew, a Caledonian.”

The god Medocius who is here equated with the Roman Mars is otherwise unknown, as is also the precise meaning in this instance of the Latin Campestres,nbsp;which usually has reference to the open field, and innbsp;particular to the Campus Martius in Rome: this has callednbsp;forth the suggestion that perhaps Lossio Veda was anbsp;gladiator. However that may be, he has taken care tonbsp;tell us that he was a Caledonian, which is for our purposenbsp;much the same as if he had called himself a Piet. We havenbsp;indirect evidence to the same effect in the vocables Vedanbsp;and Vepogeni, for both may be said to occur in the list ofnbsp;the Pictish kings. The former has there been read Uecla,nbsp;a spelling due doubtless to the difficulty of distinguishing

* See the “ Proceedings ” of the Society of Antiquaries, 2nd S. xiv. io8, 183 ; also “ The Archasologia, ” liv. 37. By reading Campesium one seemed to arrivenbsp;at a native name Campeses, recalling Campsie in Stirlingshire, and the Linn ofnbsp;Campsie on the Tay. As we have, however, to treat NOSI as nostri, we seemnbsp;to be bound to insert tr in CAMPESIVM likewise. For some further accountnbsp;of the bronze, together with a photograph of it, see the ‘ ‘ Pro. of the Antiq. ofnbsp;Scotland,” xxxij. 325-30.

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in some kinds of handwriting between d and cl; and the latter has in the same document yielded a nominativenbsp;Vipoig. The two entries occur also significantly near onenbsp;another, as follows : ^ —

Vipoig namet xxx. ann. regnauit

Canuhilachama iiii. ann. regnauit.

Wradech uecla ii. ann. regnauit.

Lossio Veda, though showing no inclination to be over brief in describing himself, suggests no father’s name; and this isnbsp;the case with certain other inscriptions, such as the onenbsp;found on Winsford Hill, in Somerset, which reads^ merely—



But what did nepos (or nepus) mean ? For the Romans the word is known to have meant a grandson, a descendant,nbsp;also a nephew, whether son of one’s brother or of one’snbsp;sister; but in a society with birth alone considered, onlynbsp;one of those meanings is admissible—namely, a sister’s son.nbsp;Thus CarataciNepuswovXA mean “Nephew ( = sister’s son)nbsp;of Caratacas.” Where the language used is Goidelic, thenbsp;place of nepos is supplied by avias, genitive avi, reduced innbsp;Modern Irish to ua or ó, genitive ui, as for instance in thenbsp;following inscription from the Barony of Bere, co. Cork :nbsp;Maqui Decceddas avi Toranias “ (The Stone) of Mac-Dechetnbsp;Ó Torna.” Or take the following, found at Dunbell, co.nbsp;Kilkenny: Navvallo avvi Genittad{c{\f “ (The Stone) ofNuall

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, ii.)

Ó GentichT In one remarkable instance the word used is the etymological counterpart of the Latin nepos, genitivenbsp;nepotis, in Irish Ogam niotta\s\, later nioth, niath with anbsp;nominative nie or nia, Welsh nei, now nai, “a nephew.”^nbsp;The stone was found near Gortatlea, between Killarneynbsp;and Tralee, and it reads thus, in two lines —

Dumeli maqui Glasiconas

Niotta CobranoEJ\

“ (The Stone) of Dumel, son of Glasiuc, nephew of (the) Distributor.” We take Cohranor... to stand for com-rannori,nbsp;genitive of comrannorias, and to mean one who shares ornbsp;divides, probably in the sense of carving and dividing meatnbsp;at feasts and banquets. Among the Irish this was a positionnbsp;of distinction, claimed by the warrior who had performednbsp;most feats of valour. There is a well-known Irish talenbsp;entitled the Story of Mac Ddthó’s Pig, which turns on anbsp;contest for the carving of that portentous beast by thenbsp;braves of Ulster and Connaught. Mac Dathó was king ofnbsp;the Leinstermen, but afraid of both Ulster and Connaught,nbsp;on account of a remarkable hound of his which they coveted.nbsp;P'earing trouble, he took his wife’s advice and cunninglynbsp;invited both the men of Connaught and the men ofnbsp;Ulster for the same day : then they would, he said, getnbsp;the hound.

' The p which appears in the Latin nepos disappears, according to rule, in the Celtic equivalent; hence Irish nie, genitive nioth. The Welsh setting outnbsp;from ne(p)ot-s made it into ne-o or ne-io, whence nei and nai: compare Heidrnbsp;‘ ‘ thief,” from latrio, for the Latin latro. Other instances will be found in thenbsp;“ Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland,” xxvi., 309. Bretonnbsp;has ni and ntz “nephew,” and nizez niece,”where the s of niz probablynbsp;stands for the earlier i = A of the nominative ne(p)oi-s. Compare Bretonnbsp;noz = Welsh nos “night,” from not-s = noct-s, reduced in Latin to nox.

2 See the “Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland ” for 1895, pp. 1-4 ; but our reading is checked by a rubbing and a sketch kindlynbsp;supplied by the Rev. P. Sweeny, A.M., Ballinacourty Rectory, Annascaul,nbsp;and by a recent examination of the stone by Professor Rhys.

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They came, and were filled with surprise at meeting one another so unexpectedly. Presently they prepared to sitnbsp;down to feast on the host’s great swine, and then arose thenbsp;question who was to carve : it was agreed to give it to thenbsp;bravest. So each warrior who had confidence in his recordnbsp;declared what that was, whereupon rose another and putnbsp;him down by enumerating greater feats of his own. Thisnbsp;went on for some time, when at length it looked as thoughnbsp;the honour of carving would fall for certain to Cet macnbsp;Matach, a Connaught hero, and he had taken up the knifenbsp;to begin the carving when a belated Ultonian, Conallnbsp;Cernach, hurries into the room and asks, Cia rannas düib ?nbsp;“ Who is carving for you) ” It was replied that Cetnbsp;was going to do it, and a contest of words takes placenbsp;between Cet and Conall, with the result that Cet reluctantly yields, with the remark that Conall would notnbsp;carve had Cet’s brother Anluan been present. “But henbsp;is present,” said Conall, who, after feeling in his girdle,nbsp;brought forth the bleeding head of Anluan and hurlednbsp;it in his brother’s face. Such was Conall’s excuse fornbsp;arriving late, and the passage is one of the most graphicnbsp;and savage in the whole range of old Irish literature.

We have taken Niotta Cobranari to mean Nepotis PartistcB, as describing either Dumeli or Glasiconas, but itnbsp;IS possible that it should rather be taken as an independentnbsp;proper name: at any rate, such names occur. Take, fornbsp;example, such a later instance as Nioth-Fruich}Niath-Froich,nbsp;Nat\}i\-Fraich, or Nad-Frdich, in which the first elementnbsp;owing to its proclitic position has suffered curtailment. It isnbsp;to be noticed that Fraech, genitive Fraich, was a separatenbsp;personal name of unknown signification, and that Niath-Fraich must have meant “ Nephew of Fraech,” or, morenbsp;precisely speaking, “ Son of Fraech’s Sister.” And this isnbsp;not mere inference, for we have the positive statement of

See Stokes’s “Patrick,” p. 331 ; also pp. 76, 194, 196, 214, 250, 468.


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Cormac’s Glossary that the meaning of the Mmrd nie, genitive niath, was mac sethar, “ sister’s son,”^ and, as farnbsp;as we know, that was its only meaning. In harmony withnbsp;the foregoing interpretations, the St. Vigeans Stone (p. 17,nbsp;above) should be rendered “ Drost’s nephew Voret fornbsp;Fergus,” rather than “Drost’s kin,Voret and Fergus.” Similarly in the case of the corresponding vocable® on thenbsp;Newton Stone (p. 17, above), and of the poi of certainnbsp;Ogam inscriptions in the south of Ireland.

The earliest existing manuscript of Adamnan’s Life of St. Columba dates from the beginning of the eighth century,nbsp;and it is found that he distinguishes as a rule between twonbsp;kinds of clan designations, (i) He mostly uses wherenbsp;the native usage of later times recognises üa or d, with thenbsp;plural nepotes rendered by ui or hid (Anglicised hy and o’),nbsp;as for instance in Nepos Lethani, called in Irish UaLiathain,nbsp;Anglicised Olethan. So with the plural, as in Nepotesnbsp;Nellis= Ua Néill, “ the Hy-Neill or O’Neills”; but some of

* See Stokes’s edition of O’Donoyun’s “ Translation of Cormac’s Glossary,” p. I2I ; also Stokes’s paper on the “ Bodleian Fragment of Cormac’s Glossary ”nbsp;(read before the Royal Irish Academy, November 30th, 1871), p. 8.

^ Our last reading of it is ipuai, but we should treat ipe as a spelling of ipai, and equate it with ipuai; that is, unless it should prove more correct to regardnbsp;ipuai as a spelling of ipue. In either case we should treat both as accented onnbsp;the final syllable (like mucoi), and equate them with poi as a foreshortening ofnbsp;some such a vocable as ipói or dpói. In all instances poi appears affixednbsp;(contrary to the Celtic habit of prefixing) to the genitive of a personal name, asnbsp;in Broinienaspoi (Poi of Broiniu), Corbipoi (Poi of Corb), and lacinipoi (Poi ofnbsp;lacin). These come respectively from the counties of Cork, Kilkenny, andnbsp;Wicklow ; but the same formula must have been in use in the south-west ofnbsp;Britain. At any rate, it is thence we have to suppose it transported tonbsp;Brittany, where we have it in the well-known name of the king Erispoe in thenbsp;ninth century. It is made up of poi affixed to the genitive of a man’s namenbsp;which occurs now and then in the pedigrees in the Book of Leinster as Aires,nbsp;genitive Airiss as on fol. 326d, 353d, 356a, 3^3'^' See vol. xxxij. of thenbsp;“ Proceedings of the Antiq. of Scotland” for 1897-8, where, in a paper entitled anbsp;” Revised Account of the Inscriptions of the Northern Piets,” Professor Rhysnbsp;has dealt with several of the questions touched upon in this chapter : for thisnbsp;tendering see more particularly pp, 347, 370.

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the race are found styled Nieth-Néill} where nieth is the etymological counterpart of nepotes. So we learn not onlynbsp;the equivalence of meaning of nieth and nepotes, but of bothnbsp;practically with treated in Modern Irish as meaning grandchildren or descendants. (2) Adamnan leaves untranslatednbsp;and undeclined in his Latin a certain word mocu, as innbsp;Mocu-Sogin, Mocu-Dalon, and Mocu-Alti. In Irish Ogamnbsp;inscriptions this is a very important word, and its mostnbsp;usual forms in them are moco, genitive mucoi; but in Irishnbsp;literature it appears as maccu, genitive maccui, which begannbsp;comparatively early to be regarded as made up of macc-ui andnbsp;meaning filius nepotis. As a matter of fact, however, it isnbsp;nothing of the kind, but a distinct word meaning race ornbsp;kin in the concrete. Thus a family or tribe called Mocunbsp;Runtir by Adamnan is called Ddl Runtir in the Tripartitenbsp;Life of Patrick,^ and members of it are said in the Book ofnbsp;Armagh to be de genere Runtir. As to this last, it is to benbsp;noticed that the little word de, though necessary in thenbsp;Latin, is not in the original Mocu Runtir, which literallynbsp;rendered would be genus Runtir, as if each individual of thenbsp;group personified the whole. The real explanation is thatnbsp;the Piets had not learnt to speak of any race apart fromnbsp;some individual member of it: to them “ the kin of A. B.”nbsp;was “ kin A. B.” Mocu here followed by a genitive isnbsp;Goidelic, while the Pictish inscription at Aboyne on thenbsp;Deeside has the words in apposition.*

In order to get over the difficulty Adamnan sometimes interposes the word gente, as in the instance Trenanum,nbsp;gente Mocuruntir, “ Trenan, Mocu-Runtir by race ornbsp;family.” At other times he lets mocu do duty alone, asnbsp;in his mention de Erco fure Mocudruidi qui in Coloso

* See Skene in his “Chronicles of the Piets and Scots,quot; p. 352, where he copies the Annals of Ulster for A.D. 692.

See Stokes’s edition, p. 226; and as to the meaning of mocu, see Rhys’s Lectures on Welsh Philology,” pp. 408, 409.

See the “Proceedings of the Antiquaries of Scotland ’’ 1898-9, pp. 351-3,

E 2

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insula comnianebat. The island was one of those now called Colonsay, and the clan to which Ere belonged tooknbsp;its name from a druid, somewhat like the Mactaggartsnbsp;and MaePhersons of later times, so named after ancestorsnbsp;in holy orders. When the great person in the past oi anbsp;family was a man and not a woman, the word offspring isnbsp;inadmissible in the rendering, and the nearest approach tonbsp;the original may be made perhaps by using “ kin ”: thusnbsp;Miliuc mocu Buain, the name of the king of Daln-Araidenbsp;(between Loch Neagh and Belfast Loch) who boughtnbsp;Patrick as a slave, might be rendered “ Miliuc kin of Buan”;nbsp;and so with the following inscriptions from the county ofnbsp;Waterford, Catabor^ moco Viricorb\i\, “ Cathbar kin of Fer-Corb,” and Gosoctas mucoi Macorbi, “ the Monument ofnbsp;Guasacht kin of Macorb.” A wider choice of words isnbsp;permissible in a case like ad Insolas Maccuchor in thenbsp;Book of Armagh, as we might render it “ to the Islandsnbsp;of the family or tribe of Cor”—they are the isles at thenbsp;Skerries, off the north-west corner of Antrim ; and when anbsp;woman is the chief ancestral figure we are at liberty to usenbsp;a word meaning progeny and lineal descendants. But whatnbsp;is one to make of the double genitive maqui mucoi, whichnbsp;frequently occurs in ancient Ogam inscriptions, and mustnbsp;mean filii generis or filii gentis ? Take, for example, thenbsp;following from Corkaguiny in Kerry: Maqqui Ercciasnbsp;maqqui mucoi Dovinias? that is to say “ (The Monument) ofnbsp;Mac Erce son of the kin of Dubinn,” where the ancestressnbsp;Dubinn (genitive Duibne)ffa.s givenher name to Corco Duibne,

‘ We are not certain whether we should read Catabor or Catabar ; but compare Ptolemy’s name—Vellabori—of a tribe in the south-west of Ireland, Velvor filia Broho of a somewhat late Cardiganshire inscription, and Falbhar,nbsp;a champion’s name mentioned in 0’Curry’s “Manners and Customs of thenbsp;Ancient Irish, ” iii. 158.

2 From a rubbing supplied by the Rev. Edmond Barry, and recently verified by Professor Rhys. The stone is at Lord Ventry’s residence in the neighbourhood of Dingle.

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Anglicised Corkaguiny, now the name of a barony in the west of Kerry. Or to come back to Wales, take the followingnbsp;Ogam at Brideit in the north of Pembrokeshire : Nettasagrunbsp;maqui mucoi Bred, which may be rendered {Monumentuni)nbsp;Nettasagrus filii generis Bred. These and the like inscriptions take us back without doubt to the words of Caesarnbsp;already cited : in fact they lead us back a little further, tonbsp;wit, to a stage antecedent to the consideration of the paternitynbsp;suggested by him. In Irish literature this state of societynbsp;is found surviving in a form which looks like polyandry, asnbsp;in the case of a king of Tara, supposed to have reignednbsp;about the beginning of the Christian era. He was knownnbsp;as Lugaid of the Red Stripes, and said to be the son ofnbsp;three brothers, the sons of Eochaid Feidlech.^ Or take thenbsp;Mac Lir family of Irish legend : one of its leading figuresnbsp;was the famous Manannan Mac Lir, and this is how he isnbsp;introduced in the opening verses of a poem in the well-known story of Bricriu’s Feast, in the Book of the Dunnbsp;Cow, fo. 50a:

Fègaid mac Iccchraidi Lir, do maigib Éogain Inbir !

Behold the son of the heroes of Lcr,

From the plains of Eogan of Inver !

It is, perhaps, relevant also to mention here that a state of things in which the children were the children of thenbsp;family, so to say, and owned no fathers in particular,nbsp;rendered necessary some arrangement of the nature ofnbsp;fosterage, an institution known to have been of vast importance among the ancient Goidels, including among themnbsp;the family of Pwytt, king of Dyfed, as mentioned in thenbsp;Mabinogi already cited.

A man who styles himself Nepos Vepogeni, or Son of Vepogen’s Sister, without naming her, leaves us no evidence

' See the “ Book of Leinster,” fol. 124b, 151a ; the “Revue Celtique,” xvi. 148-50; 0’Mahony’s Keating, pp. 287-8, and the footnote on page 37 above.

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that the community to which he belonged made much of its women. That community appears to have recognised nonbsp;paternity, but to have reckoned descent by birth alone ; itnbsp;is possible, however, that at a previous stage in its historynbsp;the family was constituted on strictly matriarchal lines.nbsp;At all events other cases occur, which seem favourable to thenbsp;belief in the former existence of matriarchy. Certain Ogamnbsp;inscriptions, for instance, have been found in the neighbourhood of Dingle, in Kerry, ending with the ancestress’snbsp;name, nominative Dovim[s], genitive Hovmia[s], reduced innbsp;Mediaeval Irish to Duhinn ornbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;genitivenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;respec

tively, as already mentioned. In the next place, certain well-known characters in Irish literature are distinguished by the mother’s name, such as Conchobar son of Nessa, andnbsp;Fergus son of Roig, with which should be compared thenbsp;Welsh Gofannon son of Dón. Lastly, the legends of heroicnbsp;Erin picture the ladies sitting with their husbands at theirnbsp;banquets, and treated by them as their equals ; and sometimes courtship is represented in Irish story as initiated bynbsp;the woman, not to mention the doings of such personagesnbsp;as Queen Macha or Queen Maive. Supposing that proofnbsp;were to be found that Irish society began with matriarchy,nbsp;several things in Irish literature could be pointed out asnbsp;admitting of easy explanation as survivals; but we darenbsp;not reverse the argument and say that they admit of nonbsp;other explanation, and that we must therefore postulatenbsp;matriarchy.

To say the least of it, however, there is nothing to suggest that individual women might not enjoy greatnbsp;consideration among the early Goidels: there is muchnbsp;to the contrary, and in this connection a question offersnbsp;itself as to the nature of the theology evolved by a peoplenbsp;of the kind. Clearly, if they reckoned descent by birthnbsp;alone, and provided they were given to ancestor worship,nbsp;they must have had female divinities. Unfortunately it

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happens that the whole range of Irish literature supplies extremely few references in express terms to divinities ofnbsp;any kind, and the few to be found are of the most meagrenbsp;and precarious description. In other words, the Irish pantheon forms but a very dim background to Irish history ;nbsp;but in that vanishing picture it is very remarkable that thenbsp;goddesses loom larger than the gods. Thus we have alreadynbsp;referred to Anu, said by Cormac to have been considerednbsp;the mother of the gods, and we pointed out traces of hernbsp;in Welsh pedigrees derived probably from Goidelic sourcesnbsp;in Britain. Cormac mentions also an analogous figurenbsp;whom we may call Buanu, genitive Buanann and to thisnbsp;latter he gives the position of mother or nurse of Irishnbsp;heroes, and of teacher who taught them feats of arms. Wenbsp;next come to the story of the Second Battle of Moytura,®nbsp;which mentions a people who invaded Ireland at differentnbsp;points, and bore the name of Fir Dornnann, or the Men ofnbsp;Domnu. They came from the west coast of Britain, wherenbsp;we shall presently find them to have borne the namenbsp;Dumnonii or Dumnonians. But the interest of their namenbsp;consists in the fact that the Irish form. Fir Domnann, is asnbsp;it were Viri Dumnonis, taken from that of a goddess Domnunbsp;(genitive Domnann). She was presumably considered to

* The name is given as Buanann, making probably a genitive Buanainne, but this is a comparatively late declension, superseding the older Buanu,nbsp;genitive Buanann. Cormac also gives Anu a. genitive, Anainne, s.v. dna,nbsp;and Danann is sometimes made into Danainne, while Danann or Donannnbsp;occasionally functions as nominative : see the “ Book of Leinster,” fol. iia.

^ The story, which will be found published, with a translation by Stokes, in the “Revue Celtique,”xii. 52—130, treats the Fir Domnann as belonging to thenbsp;Fomori, a fabulous race of elves or demons whose name has been supposednbsp;by Stokes (pp. 128, 130) to be derived in part from the same source as thenbsp;latter syllable of the English word nightmare, to which we may add that innbsp;Scotch Gaelic stories the singular occurs as fomhair, meaning a giant. On thenbsp;other hand, popular etymology has associated the Fomori with the sea, muir,nbsp;as if the meaning had been that of a people who were fo muir, “ up and downnbsp;the sea, all over the sea hence the term tended to mean invaders who camenbsp;over the sea, and sea rovers or pirates generally.

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56 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, ii.)

be their ancestress, and their leader is styled Indech mac Dé Domnann, “ Indech son of the goddess Domnu,” wherenbsp;mac, “ son,” has probably to stand for a distant descendant.nbsp;At any rate, Domnu does not figure as intervening in thenbsp;story, and we may presume that many generations hadnbsp;passed away between her and Indech ; not to mention thatnbsp;Fir Domnann is probably to be equated with Dumnonii,nbsp;one of the most widely-spread designations of the Goidelsnbsp;of Britain.

Far more common, but just as little explicit, are the references to the goddess Danu, after whom were callednbsp;the Tuatha or Tuath Dé Danann, “the goddess Danu’snbsp;Tribes or Tribe”; also Fir Dea^'We Goddess’s Men.”nbsp;No one of the leading figures in the many allusions to thenbsp;Tuatha Dé Danann is styled Son or Daughter of Danu,nbsp;and as the people called after her are usually spoken of innbsp;the plural as tuatha, “ tribes,” she was probably regarded asnbsp;belonging to a distant past. Here we have the advantagenbsp;of a Welsh identification : Danu is the Dón of the Mabinoginbsp;of Math son of Mathonwy; but at the stage in which Dónnbsp;is there found she is no goddess: she is briefly referred tonbsp;as sister to the king and mother of his successor, Gwydionnbsp;son of Dón, and of his brothers and sister, as already statednbsp;(p. 37). All this would have to be tumbled upside downnbsp;by those who seem to think that the Mabinogion have beennbsp;imported into Wales as Irish stories from Ireland.^ The

* Such appears to be the view taken by Professor Kuno Meyer in an article on Gael and Brython in the “ Transactions of the Cymmrodorion Society,” 1895-6,nbsp;especially where he speaks (pp. 71-3) to “ the deposits of Irish legendary lore ”nbsp;which he finds, for example, in the Mabinogion. He instances the Irish storynbsp;of Mesce Ulad, in which a party of Ultonians are induced to be entertained innbsp;an iron house, the iron of which is concealed by the timber covering it bothnbsp;inside and out. When they are found to have drunk freely, their attendantsnbsp;leave them one by one, and the door is shut. Then fuel is piled up round thenbsp;iron house and set fire to. The story relates how the inmates at lengthnbsp;realised their position, and how some of them forced their way out. Now annbsp;iron house story is referred to in the Mabinogi of Branwen ; but, so far as the

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view which recommends itself to us is that they are stories which were current among the Goidels of old in Britain,nbsp;and, in such instances as that here indicated, they representnbsp;a far earlier state of things than can be said of any Irishnbsp;story extant about the Tuatha Dé Danann.

In one case we see, perhaps, a little more closely the deification in process: this takes us back for a moment to the barony of Corkaguiny and the name of the ancestressnbsp;Dubinn. A story,i which, as we have it, was committed tonbsp;writing in surroundings where Aryan ideas had begun tonbsp;prevail, makes Dubinn sister to Cairbre Muse, who appearsnbsp;to have been king in the west of Munster in the third century.nbsp;They had a son called Core Duibne, and the story relatesnbsp;how Cairbre’s realm was visited with bad seasons in consequence of the incest, and how Core Duibne had to be takennbsp;outside his father’s realm by the Druid who undertook thenbsp;boy’s education. Now several of the Ogam inscriptions ofnbsp;Corkaguiny, which may be said to belong to the fifth ornbsp;the sixth century, end with the name of the ancestress. Thusnbsp;one at Ballintaggart, near Dingle, reads: Maqqui laripinbsp;^naqqui Mucoi Dovvinias, “ (The Stone) of larip son of thenbsp;Kin of Dubinn.” Another, preserved at Burnham House,nbsp;Lord Ventry’s residence in the same neighbourhood, hasnbsp;been read thus (p. 52) : Maqqui Erccias maqqui Mucoinbsp;Dovinias, “(The Stone) of Mac Erce, son of the Kin ofnbsp;Dubirm.” But the most remarkable one stands on a headland beyond Dunmore Head and looks out on the Atlanticnbsp;Ocean as if prophetically appealing to the Gaels beyond ;

brevity of the Welsh allows us to judge, it cannot have been the Mesce Ulati which the narrator had his story from : most likely the iron house had figurednbsp;in more than one tale. Further, as the iron house incident is there avowedlynbsp;Irish, one can hardly regard it as a very instinctive sample of “the depositsnbsp;of Irish legendary lore ” in the Mabinogion: it is desirable to have morenbsp;instances, and of a less self-confessed description.

* See the Book of the Dun Cow, fob 54a ; and Rhys’s “ Celtic Heathendom,” PP- 30S, 9-

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it may have been the monument of a son of the chief commemorated on the last-mentioned stone, as it reads on the one edge, Ere ntaqqui Maqqui Ercias, “ The Stone of Ere,nbsp;son of Mac Erce,” and on the other. Mu Dovinia, “of Mynbsp;Dubinn.” Here one would have expected a longer legendnbsp;making “ Ere son of Mac Erce, son of the Kin of Mynbsp;Dubinn,” as that is probably how we are to construe. Butnbsp;what is most remarkable, if our reading should prove correct,^nbsp;is the use of the prefix mu or mo, which is familiar tonbsp;every student of Irish hagiology as a mark of respect andnbsp;affection prefixed to the names of certain saints. Thus innbsp;Corkaguiny we have first simply Dovinias, “ Dubinn’s”; thennbsp;Mu Dovinia[s], “ My Dubinn’s,” with the reverential prefix ;nbsp;and had not the deification been arrested by the advancenbsp;of Christian ideas we should have probably had the namenbsp;in a third stage: that is, Dubinn’s son would have beennbsp;known in Irish literature not as Core Duibne, but as Corenbsp;Dé Duibne, or the progeny^ of the goddess Dubinn.

The folklore of Ireland from Meath to Beare Haven and Corkaguiny abounds with allusions to an old woman ofnbsp;fabulous age called Bera, Béara, or Béirre, and she is probably to be identified with the Beara whom certain storiesnbsp;make the daughter of a king of Spain, and wife of Eogannbsp;Mór or Mog Nuadat, who, with Conn the Hundred-fighter,nbsp;is fabled to have divided Erin into a northern and anbsp;southern half between them in the second century. Butnbsp;in those stories Bera’s name is mostly given with the prefix

* It is only right to warn the reader that the reading of the Ogams on the same edge as Dovinia is contested by the Rev. Edmond Barry and bynbsp;Mr. Macalister. Professor Rhys, having become aware that the former readnbsp;it differently, took an opportunity of re-examining the stone in 1891, andnbsp;the result only confirmed him in his former opinion. Mr. Macalister’s remarksnbsp;in point will be found in his “ Studies in Irish Epigraphy,” p. 56.

^ It is not known precisely what the word Core meant; nor is it evident that Corco in Corco-Duibne (which also occurs as Corea Duibne) is the plural ofnbsp;Core, as if core, corco, meant child, children, or the like, respectively. Seenbsp;“ Pro. Soc. Antiq. Scotland,” xxxij. 355-7.

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mo (or mu), as in the case of Mu-Dovinia, and then it is found written Moméra. The stories^ have not been foundnbsp;so far as we know in any very ancient manuscript; butnbsp;there appears to be no reason to suppose them to have begunnbsp;late. They would seem, however, to have been developednbsp;relatively so late that Bera has only succeeded in attainingnbsp;to the status of a witch or wise woman, of a nun or hag,nbsp;of a revered person and a giantess, not quite to that of anbsp;goddess, unless it be in Argyll, where she rules the storm.

Here also attention may be relevantly directed to the great place which women occupy in the legendary accountnbsp;of the early colonisations of Ireland. Take, for example,nbsp;Scota treated as chief ancestress of the Milesian Irish, andnbsp;as giving her name to all the Scots. She is not, at any ratenbsp;in this context, to be disposed of as a mere myth; for anbsp;cognate eponym of the other sex might have served equallynbsp;well for mythic purposes. The most remarkable instance,nbsp;perhaps, is the case of Cessair, said to have taken possessionnbsp;of Ireland before the Flood: her wanderings are made tonbsp;begin with Noah refusing her and hers room in the arknbsp;which he was building. She is represented landing at Dunnbsp;na m-Barc, “ the Fortress of the Barks,” somewhere betweennbsp;Bantry and Tralee. The Irish historian Keating apologisesnbsp;for mentioning Cessair, and suggests it as his reason fornbsp;doing so, that he found her story in old books, such probablynbsp;as the Book of Leinster, folios 4, S, and those used by Dualdnbsp;mac Firbis, a well-known Irish antiquary of the earlier partnbsp;of the seventeenth century, who compiled from old manuscripts his annals known as the Chronicum Scotorum. Hisnbsp;first entry is under Anno Mundi iS99, and it runs thus: “In

* See O’Curry’s volume containing “The Battle of Magh Leana ” and “The Courtship of Moméra,” pp. xx. 39, 166, and 31», and comparenbsp;0’Flaherty’s “Ogygia,” p. 274, where he has Bera filia Ocha principisnbsp;Britonum Mannice, whatever that may have exactly meant; also Professornbsp;Kuno Meyer’s “Vision of Mac Conglinne,” pp. 131-4, 208-10, and Professornbsp;Uhys’s “ Celtic Folklore,” p. 393.

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this year the daughter of one of the Greeks came to Hibernia, whose name was Heriu, or Berba, or Cesar, andnbsp;fifty maidens, and three men with her. Ladhra was theirnbsp;conductor, who was the first that was buried in Hibernia.nbsp;This the antiquaries of the Scots do not relate.”^ This itnbsp;will be seen equates or co-ordinates Cessair with Eriu,nbsp;the eponym of Èriu, genitive Erenn, “ Ireland,” and withnbsp;Berha, which there is no sufficient reason for altering intonbsp;the better-known name Banba of another eponym of thenbsp;island. Berba is elsewhere only known as the name ofnbsp;the river Barrow, in which we seem accordingly to havenbsp;another ancestral name. The most reasonable view tonbsp;take of the legend of Cessair is, that it was a localnbsp;tradition of the Aborigines of the south-west of Ireland,nbsp;who by making Cessair the first coloniser asserted theirnbsp;own priority of possession to all other peoples in thenbsp;country. The synchronisers, not knowing what to make ofnbsp;this, accepted the alleged priority, and placed the wholenbsp;story before the Flood. Thereby they rid themselves ofnbsp;difficulties from two possible sources, to wit, the context ofnbsp;the story with the other events occupying their attention,nbsp;and the later fortunes of Cessair’s descendants. The legendnbsp;associates Cessair and her companions with various localitiesnbsp;in the south and west of Ireland, together with others lyingnbsp;so far north as Slieve Beagh in Fermanagh; not to mentionnbsp;that Ireland is occasionally found designated Cessair’snbsp;Island.** We gather, therefore, that Cessair may have beennbsp;the eponymous heroine of a race occupying the whole ofnbsp;the southern half of Ireland and more, together very possiblynbsp;with the nearest portions of the west and south-west of

' See the opening of the Four Masters’ Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland, and the editor O’Donovan’s notes on the place-names involved; Joyce’snbsp;edition of Keating’s “ History of Ireland,” part i., pp. 52-5 ; and Hennessy’snbsp;(Rolls edition of the) “ Chronicum Scotorum,” pp. xxv.-xxxij. 2, 3.

^ See Tochmarc Monira [read Momera] in O’Curry’s “ Battle of Magh Leana,” page 154. Compare “ Rhys’s “ Studies in Early Irish History,” p. 23.

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Britain as its earlier home.^ However that may be, it proves to our satisfaction that to show a predilection fornbsp;ancestresses over ancestors was Ivernian : that it was alsonbsp;Aryan we are inclined to doubt, but that, where it has beennbsp;found among the peoples of these islands, it is to be tracednbsp;rather to the Aboriginal element in a mixed populationnbsp;promiscuously termed Celtic.

The influence of Christianity must have by degrees put an end to the social system to which we have been referring,nbsp;and this raises questions of great difficulty as to dates andnbsp;localities, on which we cannot enter. So we return to ournbsp;view, that if the reckoning of descent by birth alone wasnbsp;not Aryan, it must have been accepted by the Goidelicnbsp;Celts from the Aborigines, which would go far to prove thenbsp;numerical importance of the latter. It is known to havenbsp;been Pictish, but was it also Celtic and Aryan We are disposed to think that it was not, though we readily admit thatnbsp;the negative cannot be proved. Moreover it is right to saynbsp;that the following passage in chapter xxi. of the Germania *nbsp;of Tacitus is redolent of the same ancient menage : Sororumnbsp;filiis idem apud avunculum qui ad patrem honor. Quidamnbsp;sanctiorem artioremque hunc nexum sanguinis arbitranturnbsp;et in accipiendis obsidibus magis exigunt, tamquam etiam

' The name Cessair, genitive Cesra, admits of being regarded as derived from a stem, cestari, and should M. Salomon Reinach’s conjecture provenbsp;correct, that the Cassiterides originally meant the British Isles, and thatnbsp;tairo-lTepoï, ‘ ‘ tin, ” was, like several other Greek names of metals, called simplynbsp;after the country or the people of the country in which it was found, ournbsp;Cessair would be found to supply a necessary link in the reasoning. Fornbsp;M. Reinach’s view see “ L’Anthropologie ” for 1892, pp. 275-81 ; also Rhys’snbsp;letter on Cassiterides m ihe “Academy,” October 5, 1895, pp. 272-3, and seenbsp;further pp. 298, 342, 366, 390, 414, 438. 524, 547-

Compare chapter viii., which treats female hostages as more efficacious in the case of the Germans—ut efficacius obllgentur animi civitatum^ quibusnbsp;inter obsides puella quoque nohiles imperantur ; and also a passage in Suetonius’snbsp;Augustus, 21, to the following effect : A quibusdam vero [the last peoplenbsp;mentioned seems to have been Germans] novufn genus ohsidunt^ feminastnbsp;^xtgere tentaverit^ quod negligere marium pignoraseniiebat.

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, ii.)

animum firmius et domum latius teneant. “There is the same regard shown for the sons of the sisters by the unclenbsp;as by their father. Some think this tie of blood morenbsp;binding and closer, and insist on it more when they receivenbsp;hostages, on the theory that it restrains their impulses morenbsp;powerfully, and has a wider control over the family.”nbsp;The words are unfortunately so indefinite that we have nonbsp;clue to the identity of the tribes the historian had in view;nbsp;so it is impossible to say whether they were likely to havenbsp;been mixed with any Aboriginal race practising the samenbsp;customs and enjoying the same institutions as the Aboriginesnbsp;of the British Isles.^

We admit that the foregoing argument is not quite decisive, and we now turn to others of a more purelynbsp;linguistic nature, and leading to a more decided conclusion. So we revert for a moment to the dedicator of thenbsp;bronze tablet found at Colchester : we saw that he describesnbsp;himself as Lossio Veda, Nepos Vepogeni, Caledo, and thatnbsp;Veda appears as part of the name of one of the kings in

' Say somewhere between the mouth of the Rhine and that of the Elbe, where there was an amber coast, and where Tacitus would seem to have heardnbsp;of a people partly Celtic and partly Teutonic, whom he has mixed up with thenbsp;iEstii of the amber coast of the Baltic. Witness the following passage in thenbsp;Germania, 45 :—Ergo jam dextro Suebici maris litorc ALstiorum gtntesnbsp;adluuntur, quibus ritus habitusque Sueborum, lingua Britannica propior.nbsp;matrem deum venerantur. insigne superstitionis formas aprorum gestant: idnbsp;fro armis hominumque tuiela securum dece cultorem etiam inter hostis prcestat;nbsp;rants jerri, frequens fustium usus, frumenta ceterosque fructus patientius quamnbsp;pro solita Germanorum inertia laborant, sed et mare scrutantur, ac solinbsp;omnium sucimim, quod ipsi glesum vocant, inter vada atque in ipso litore legunt.nbsp;How well the allusion to the goddess would fit Goidelic surroundings neednbsp;not be dwelt upon ; and, as to the language, glesum is as easily explained bynbsp;means of Celtic as of Teutonic. Witness the Irish.glain, gloin, “glass ornbsp;crystal,” Welsh glcin, glain {gemma, tessera), for an older gles-inu-s ; whilenbsp;a language said to come nearer the Britannica would exactly describe thenbsp;position of Goidelic as compared with Brythonic. The sort of people whichnbsp;the Germania suggests might be Aborigines who had first become Goidels innbsp;speech and later Teutons, while retaining habits and customs which theynbsp;practised before they acquired any Aryan language at all.

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'^he Pictish list, where also Vepogeni is to be found, curtailed, it is true, to Vepog, and written Vipoig. But while h is probable that Veda is not Celtic, it is certain thatnbsp;EepogenT is, and we compare it with Gaulish names likenbsp;^epus and Vepo-talos, of unknown meaning, and Matu-genos,

“ well-born,” or Camido-genos, “offspring of Camulos.” Thus we seem to have in Vepogeni an early instance of thenbsp;Pictish habit of borrowing names and other words fromnbsp;the Celts. The interest of the present instance centresnbsp;in the way in which the name Vepogenos was treated. Thisnbsp;would be the Brythonic and Gaulish form, while in Goidelicnbsp;It would have been approximately Vequagenas. Now thenbsp;study of the laws of mutation of initial consonants innbsp;the Neo-cel tic languages goes to show that the ending ofnbsp;the nominative must have been dropped early, so that thenbsp;foregoing forms would be shortened to Vepogen and Vequa-gen. Another process of curtailment would be to drop thenbsp;thematic vowel of the first element in the compound, bringing the result approximately to Veh-gen and Fech-gen.nbsp;But the reduction of Vepogen to Vepog, which is whatnbsp;underlies Vipoig, is impossible on Celtic ground, whethernbsp;Brythonic or Goidelic, while Pictish offers a simple andnbsp;natural explanation. In that language it can be shownnbsp;that enn or en was a common ending of the genitive case,nbsp;so that Vepogen must in the long run have sounded to thenbsp;Piets as a genitive, whence was readily inferred a simplernbsp;form, Vepog, which we should call nominative in the casenbsp;of Aryan speech.

This leads us to consider the Pictish genitive somewhat further, and to mention another instance in Drosten, whichnbsp;luay be regarded as the genitive of the Pictish name Drost

Vepogetios was, perhaps, the name represented by the abbreviation VEP the native coins of the Brythons north of the Humber, reading VEP COR F,nbsp;let us say, VEPOGENVS COROTICI FILIVS ; see Rhys’s “ Celticnbsp;I'ritain, ” p. 41 ; and p. xv., coin 5-

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on a stone already mentioned as being at St. Vigeans, near Arbroath. Take also the well-known Newton Stone in Aberdeenshire, whichhas in Ogam the genitive, Vorrenn} of anamenbsp;which occurs as Vaur in the other lettering on the same stone.nbsp;This genitive occasionally appears in old Irish inscriptions,nbsp;such as one on the island of Valencia which reads, LogirPnbsp;maqui Erpenn, “The Monument of Lugar son of Erp.”nbsp;Had Erpenn been Goidelic, it should, in order to be onnbsp;a level with Logiri and maqui, have been Erpennas, or atnbsp;least Erpenna ; but the presence of the consonant p is verynbsp;fair evidence that the name is other than Goidelic. Thenbsp;Piets appear to have had genitives also in ann, on\n\ andnbsp;Instances of the first-mentioned occur in the mixednbsp;inscriptions found in the Shetlands, such as Meqqddrroann,nbsp;which might be rendered probably Filii Druidis; andnbsp;dattrrann on the same stone seems to be the Pictishnbsp;genitive of the Norse word for daughter? As to onn, thenbsp;Book of Deer mentions a grant of land to the Church ofnbsp;Aberdour, in which among other names of men occur anbsp;nominative Culii, and a genitive Culéon : they are probablynbsp;cases of one and the same name.^ We have it now and

' See the “ Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland,” vol. xxxij. pp. 360-4.

* This is a reading recently made out by Professor Rhys ; but it is not quite certain whether Logiri is to be equated with the Lugiroi Macm Lugir, or withnbsp;Loegairi, the genitive of Loegaire mac Néill, the name of the king of Irelandnbsp;in whose time Dubthach Maccu Lugir was chief poet (Stokes’s “ Goidelica,”nbsp;pp. 86, 126). Reeves in his Adamnan’s Vita Columba (p. 350) cites, afternbsp;Ussher,a passage the writer of which thought that macu, niocu, or mucoihaAnbsp;something to do with muc, “a swine,” so that in his hands the chief poet,nbsp;D. Maccu Lugir, becomes sululcus regis Loigeri plii Nil; but comparenbsp;Stokes’s “Patrick,” pp. 122, 324.

® “ Pro. Soc. Antiq. Scotland,” xxvi. 297-300, where the dd of Meqq-ddrroann should probably be pronounced d, and NahhtvvddaBBs taken to mean NahhtvuddaeBs, as a more likely antecedent of the curtailed form Natdads ornbsp;Natdod's, which became historical as the name of the man who discoverednbsp;Iceland.

lt; From the same MS. one might quote Abber-deon (Aberdeen) but for the uncertainty that the Dee is the river implied and not the Don. The entries

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then in the old inscriptions of Ireland, as, for instance, in an Ogam in the Kilkenny Museum, reading, in two linesnbsp;Mucoi Atr. . . ƒ (The Monument) of the kin of A.,nbsp;Bivadon, \ namely, Bivad.

Perhaps, however, the order intended was the reverse, “The Monument of Bivad, kin of A.” Lastly, a remarkable instance of the genitive in inn occurs in the namenbsp;of the district called the Mearns, approximately thenbsp;county of Kincardine. Mearns is derived from a nativenbsp;name, Mag Gerginn, or Gergind^ which is also found asnbsp;Mag Cirgin, the Plain of Gerg, Greg, Giric or Ciric ; for thenbsp;name appears to have had several forms, between which itnbsp;is not easy to decide, not to mention that it has been confounded with that of St Ciricus. We have an unexpectednbsp;instance of this genitive in an Ogam inscription from thenbsp;townland of Ballinvoher in Corkaguiny, county Kerry. Itnbsp;reads, Coimagni maqui Vitalin, “ The monument of Coemin

in Gaelic, including the names here in question, will be found printed and translated in Stokes’s “ Goidelica,” pp. 106-IH ; and h propos of Vepogennbsp;and abbtr may be mentioned the old Welsh Morgant (xaoA. Welsh Morgan),nbsp;which appears borrowed as Morcunt, Morcunn, Morgainn; all three occurnbsp;in the genitive, and Morgunn in the nominative. Query, whether such Pictishnbsp;names as 7'alargan, Talorcen, Talorc, and kindred forms are not all adaptationsnbsp;of a Erythonic Talargent or Jalargant, “ Silver-forehead”?

‘ “ Book of Leinster,quot; fob 319c; Skene’s “Chronicles of the Piets and Scots,” p. 319 ; also Skene’s “ Celtic Scotland,” i. 295, where he purports tonbsp;give Terra Circin from the Irish annalist Tigernach. For Gerg see O’Cuvry,nbsp;i. ccclxxv. ; in. 168, 307. The name Gerg occurs frequently in “ The Tragicnbsp;tory of the Courtship of Gerg’s daughter Ferb ” in the book of Leinster,nbsp;fob 253a—259b, where it is mostly nominative Gerg. genitive Ceirg (also Gerg).nbsp;His house was in Glen-Gerg in Ulster, but there was another Glenn-Gerg innbsp;Carlow : see the “ Four Masters,” A.D. 1015. We have the genitive also possiblynbsp;m the patronymic of Munremur mac Gerrcind, an Ulster champion introducednbsp;to checkmate the Connaught magician Curoi mac Dairi, in the Tain BÓ Cualnge,nbsp;m the “Book of the Dun Cow,quot; fob 71b. Various forms of this namenbsp;occurred in Scotland, as will be seen under Grig in the index to Skene'snbsp;Chronicles of the Piets and Scots ; and some of them were stereotyped in thenbsp;hairie of the Mearns church, Eccles-greig or Eglis-girg, now called St. Cyrus,nbsp;edicated to St Ciricus : see Skene’s “Celtic Scotland,” i. 333, 4.

W.P. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;*.

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, ii.)

son of Fidlin,” where correct Goidelic would seem to require Coimagni maqui Vitalini. The scores are all certain, andnbsp;the third genitive never had a final i on the stone.^

All this has to do chiefly with the inflection of the names to which we have referred; and though it supplies convincingnbsp;evidence to the presence of some element other than Celtic,nbsp;whether Goidelic or Brythonic, Irish nomenclature providesnbsp;us with a still more sweeping argument to the same effect.nbsp;We allude to an important group of Irish names formednbsp;much in the same way as Hebrew names are representednbsp;chosen in the Old Testament. We begin with an instancenbsp;from a comparatively late manuscript, namely, that whichnbsp;contains the story of the Battle of Magh Leamhna :—Anbsp;certain Munster prince called Mogh Néid, “ Slave of Ned,”nbsp;had a son called Eoghan Mór, or “ Big Eoghan,” who wasnbsp;fostered by one of his nobles called Nuadha. One daynbsp;when Eoghan, in the company of the Druid, whose namenbsp;was Deargdamhsa, were watching the building of a rathnbsp;for Mogh Nëid, the workmen came upon a stone which theynbsp;were unable to lift to its place, but the boy Eoghan Mórnbsp;went and lifted it at once, to everybody’s astonishment;nbsp;whereupon the workmen exclaimed, “ This is a noble slavenbsp;that Nuadha has.” The Druid then said, “ That name shallnbsp;be upon him for ever,” that is, Mogh Nuadhad., “ the Slavenbsp;of Nuadha.”® It is right to say that Néd and Nuadha werenbsp;names of gods, the former a god of war of the ancientnbsp;Goidels, and the latter a god the remains of one of whosenbsp;temples have been found at Lydney, near the Severn,

' The stone is in the Irish National Museum in Dublin, where it has been examined repeatedly by Prof. Rhys, A paper on it by the Lord Bishop ofnbsp;Limerick will be found in the third series of the “Proceedings of the Royalnbsp;Irish Academy,” 1893, pp. 374-9, where he would identify Fidlin and Welshnbsp;Gwythelin with VUalin.

2 See Curry's “ Battle of Magh Leana ” (Dublin, 1855), pp. 1-3 : we have given the names in the late spelling in which Curry left them ; the older formsnbsp;would be Mug Net or Neit and Mug Nuadat,

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together with a representation of his person careering in a chariot over the waves of the sea; and from inscriptions innbsp;honour of him we know that his name had in Roman timesnbsp;the form Nodens orNudens, genitive Nodentis, Nudentis,nbsp;or Nodontis, the termination of which is doubtless Latin dnbsp;in Welsh the name has become Nult and also Rutt. It isnbsp;needless to point out how such names as Mogh Néid andnbsp;Mogh Nuadhad resemble such instances as Abdiel, “ Servant of El,” Abdastartus, “ Servant of Astarte,” and othersnbsp;from Semitic lands.

To go back to an older manuscript, namely, the “ Book of the Dun Cow,” which was written as we have it before thenbsp;end of the year i io6, we have there one of the oldest andnbsp;most weird of fairy tales, which relates how a fairy damselnbsp;came to entice Condla the Red, one of the two sons ofnbsp;Conn the Hundred-fighter, to go away with her to thenbsp;Land of the Living, and how Conn sent for Cordn, hisnbsp;Druid, to counteract her wiles. Cordn tried to do so, andnbsp;failed ; the youthful Condla leaps into the fairy’s glass boatnbsp;and away they sail till they are lost to the sight of Connnbsp;and his astonished friends. Before Conn had stirred fromnbsp;the spot his other son, called Art, came to them, when hisnbsp;father exclaimed, “ Art is now solitary {oenfer, oenur), fornbsp;he has no brother.” “ That is the word,” said the Druid ;nbsp;“that will be his name for ever, Oenfer!' ^ Here againnbsp;the Druid does his part, though in this instance he seemsnbsp;only to add an epithet, but Ar^, though common enoughnbsp;as an Irish name, probably meant as an appellative “a

‘ See tlie Berlin Corpus, vol. vii. Nos. 137-141 ; also the numerous plates with which are illustrated a posthumous work on the “Roman Antiquitiesnbsp;at Lydney Park,” by W. H. Batliurst, edited by C. W. King (London, 1879);nbsp;and a paper by Hubner on the Sanctuary of Nodens in the “JahrbUcher desnbsp;Vereins von Alterthumsfreunden im Rheinlande,” vol. Ixvii. pp. 29-46.

See the “Book of the Dun Cow,” fol. 120 : the story will also be found printed in Windisch’s “ Kurzgefasste irische Grammatik mit Lesestücken”nbsp;(Leipsic, 1879}, pp. 118-120.

F 2

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bear,” in Welsh arth; and its original use in this story may have been that of a nickname which was allowed to standnbsp;as part of the new name.

The next two instances come also from the “ Book of the Dun Cow, ” but they belong to the Ultonian cycle of stories.nbsp;The first to be mentioned relates to Derdriu, the heroine ofnbsp;the story of the Exile of the Sons of Usnech. Even beforenbsp;she was born there were forebodings of the troubles beforenbsp;her, and before her country on her account. For whilenbsp;yet unborn she screamed in a way that alarmed Kingnbsp;Conchobar mac Nessa and his nobles as they sat banqueting in the house of her father and mother; andnbsp;Conchobar’s Druid, whose name was Cathbad, exclaimed onnbsp;hearing the scream which the child had given (derdrestar)nbsp;and said, “ Verily it is a girl, and let Derdriu be her name.”nbsp;Here again it is the Druid of the party that fixes the namenbsp;of the child, and the relation between the deponent verbnbsp;derdrestar “nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;and Derdriu, purports to explain how

he came to call her Derdriu. The rest of the story need not be reproduced here.^ The other story is one related ofnbsp;Cuchulainn’s infancy.** Conchobar and his nobles werenbsp;gone one evening to feast at the house of Culann the Smith,nbsp;who was a great man among them. Culann, when theynbsp;were all supposed to have arrived, had his gates closed, andnbsp;a famous war-dog of his was let loose, as was his wont, tonbsp;guard his possessions. The boy Cuchulainn, however, hadnbsp;been forgotten, and when he arrived he was attacked bynbsp;Culann’s watch-hound ; but, to everybody’s astonishment,nbsp;the boy killed the formidable beast. Culann afterwardsnbsp;complained loudly of his loss, whereupon Cuchulainn saidnbsp;that until the smith had another hound of the same breednbsp;reared to guard his possessions he would guard them : henbsp;would be himself Culann’s war-dog. Thereupon Cathbad

' For the text see Windisch’s “ Irische Texte ” (Leipsic, 1880), pp. 67-69.

* See the “ Book of the Dun Cow,” fol. 6oa-6la.

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the Druid said, “ Let Cii-Chulainn (Culann’s Hound) be thy name ”; for till then he had been known as Setanta Bee,nbsp;or the Little Setantian, in reference probably to his race;nbsp;for we know that he cannot have been altogether ofnbsp;Ultonian descent, as he and his father are represented asnbsp;never liable to the cess minden or couvade sickness ^ of thenbsp;Ultonians, while on the other hand the opposite coast ofnbsp;Britain had, according to Ptolemy, a Port of the Setantiinbsp;somewhere near the mouth of the Ribble. Before leavingnbsp;the incident which fixed Cuchulainn’s name, let us observenbsp;that the Druid Cathbad who gave it him was also the schoolmaster or tutor of the young nobles of the Ultonians : henbsp;had, we are told,* no less than one hundred at the same timenbsp;\^z.xvi\ngdruidecht or magic from him, andCuchulainn is foundnbsp;afterwards boasting that, in consequence of the teaching ofnbsp;Cathbad, he was an adept in “ the arts of the god of magic,”nbsp;or whatever the term druidecht may have precisely meant.

We now turn to the Mabinogion, which represent, though doubtless not very closely, the stories of the Goidels ofnbsp;ancient Wales ; and there we have at least two instancesnbsp;in point. One of them relates how Lew Lawgyifes got thatnbsp;name given him by Gwydion from an exclamation madenbsp;by Arianrhod, the boy’s mother, when she saw him makingnbsp;a skilful hit at a wren. Thereby she unwittingly undid anbsp;destiny which she had put on her boy, that he should nevernbsp;have a name, whereby she had intended to protect hernbsp;own reputation as a maiden. This is from the Mabinogi ofnbsp;Math,® but the other occurs in that of Pwylt, Prince of Dyfed.nbsp;This latter Mabinogi relates how Rhiannon, his queen, had

‘ For the Irish account of this cess or suffering, see the “Berichte der k. Sachs. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, philologisch-historische Classe,” for 1884

(PP- 336-47), where Windisch discusses the question and gives some texts relating to it.

^ See the “ Book of the Dun Cow,” fol. 6ia and fol. 124b (printed in Windisch’s Irische Texte, p. 325).

® Seethe Oxford Mabinogion, pp. 69-71; and Guest’s Mabinogion, iii. 233-6.

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her firstborn kidnapped by witches immediately after his birth, and how the child, a wondrously fine boy, was foundnbsp;by Teyrnon, a chieftain of Gwent, and brought up by hisnbsp;wife as her own child. When Teyrnon, however, who hadnbsp;been one of Pwyft’s men, heard of Rhiannon’s trouble, itnbsp;struck him that the boy was unmistakably like Pwyö; sonbsp;he and his wife resolved to restore the boy to Pwylt andnbsp;Rhiannon at their court in Dyfed. When Teyrnon andnbsp;the boy were being entertained at table by Pwyli andnbsp;Rhiannon, with the nobles of their court, Teyrnon relatednbsp;the wonderful story of his finding the boy, and appealed tonbsp;all present to say whether they did not agree with him thatnbsp;the boy was Pwyli’s son. They responded with one accordnbsp;in the affirmative, whereupon Rhiannon exclaimed, “ I callnbsp;heaven to witness that this, if true, would deliver me ofnbsp;my anxiety {pryderi)'.' Pendaran of Dyfed at once said,nbsp;“ Well hast thou named thy son Pryderi, and the namenbsp;Pryderi son of Pwylt Penn Annwn befits him best.” Henbsp;had been called by Teyrnon and his wife “Gwri of thenbsp;Golden Hair,” but Pwylt insisted on his being now callednbsp;Pryderi according to his mother’s word when she got joyfulnbsp;news of him, and on his being fostered by Pendaran ofnbsp;Dyfed.^ Pendaran is not called a Druid—nobody is callednbsp;a Druid in the Mabinogion—but both he and Gwydionnbsp;remind one of the Druids of Irish tales ; and, furthermore,nbsp;the latter portion of the name of Penn-Daran, “ Chiefnbsp;Daran,” is probably to be identified with that of the Irishnbsp;Druid, Dalan, in the story called the “ Wooing of Étdin,”nbsp;where also the name Etain of the heroine happens to equatenbsp;letter for letter with the latter part of the name Rhiannon,nbsp;on the hypothesis of this last representing an earliernbsp;Rig-Antonf meaning “ King’s Anton ” or“ Royal Anton.”

' See the Oxford Mabinogion, pp. 18-24; and Guest’s Mabinogion, hi. 60-70.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;,

- Tire text of the “ Wooing of Etain ” has been published in Windisch’s

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These stories transport us into an atmosphere more like Semitic than Aryan, and we notice—(i) first, that the permanent name is drawn from some incident in one’s history,nbsp;and that as a rule it supersedes any name or nickname ofnbsp;one’s infancy; (2) secondly, that the name is fixed by thenbsp;Druid or by the foster-father and tutor ; (3) lastly, that innbsp;the Mabinogion the part played by the mother is regarded asnbsp;essential; and it suggests that the giving of the name wasnbsp;originally her exclusive right, while the man who took it upnbsp;only gave the transaction a certain stamp of ceremony andnbsp;publicity. Now this plan of naming men and women couldnbsp;not help resulting in names differing widely from thosenbsp;given under the Aryan system of nomenclature; but beforenbsp;proceeding to consider the latter, let us for a moment takenbsp;stock of the names we have been discussing. Their prevailing nature may be gathered from the following enumeration of the most common of them :—(i) First may benbsp;mentioned those formed with mug or mogk, “ slave,” such asnbsp;Mogk Nuadhad, “ the Slave of Nuadha.” (2) Those formednbsp;with mail, “ cropped, tonsured,” are analogous, such as Mdil-Patraic, “ the tonsured man (the slave) of Patrick,” callednbsp;in Latin Calvus Patricii. Names of this kind had anbsp;great vogue among Irish Christians, but the formula wasnbsp;doubtless pagan, and some of the names recorded appear tonbsp;be so, such as Mail-genn, the name of the third centurynbsp;Druid who is related to have caused demons to kill kingnbsp;Cormac mac Airt, because he had become a Christian.^nbsp;(3) The same view may be taken of names with gtlle^ suchnbsp;as Gilla-Muire^ “ the gillie or servant of (the Virgin) Mary,”nbsp;Anglicised Gilmore. Names of this class also became verynbsp;common among Goidelic Christians, but we appear to havenbsp;a pagan instance in Gilvaethwy son of Dón, in the Mabinogi

Irische Texte,” pp. 117-130, and a letter by Prof. Rhys on the equations ere suggested will be found in the “ Academy ” for August 15th, 1896, p. iiS-

' See the Four Masters, A.n. 266.

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of Mith. (4) Another vocable used for names of this kind was nia, genitive niath, “ a champion,” as in Nia Segamain^nbsp;which appears in the genitive in Ogams as Neta Segamonas}nbsp;“the Champion of Segomo” Segomo being in Gaulishnbsp;theology a divinity equated with the Latin Mars. (5) Sonbsp;with fer, “ a man, vir” as in Fer Tlachtga^ “ the Man ofnbsp;Tlachtga.” (6) The same idea approximately was doubtlessnbsp;expressed hy cu, “hound,” the meaning intended being thatnbsp;of a watch-hound, champion, and protector, as in Cii-chulainn,nbsp;“Culann’s Hound,”nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“ Corb’s Hound,” Cu-Chocriche,

“ the Hound of the Frontier, the Watch-dog of the Boundary.” (7) Mac, “ boy,” was used in much the same way, as for instance in Mac Naue, “ Boy of the Boat or Ship,”nbsp;rendered by Adamnan Filius Navis,^ and Mac Tdil,^ supposed to mean “ Boy of the Hatchet” or “Son of the Adze.”nbsp;(8) Feminine names with dcr are analogous, such as Her-Lugdach and Der-Fraich, meaning probably the maid ornbsp;woman of Lugaid and Fraech respectively. (9) Names withnbsp;niott, such as Niott- Vrecc, and Nióth-Fruich or Nad-Fraich,nbsp;have already been sufficiently discussed.

The foregoing will suffice to show how this kind ot personal name forms a very striking feature of Goidelicnbsp;nomenclature, although the majority of Goidelic names arenbsp;of another description, remaining, as they do, true to thenbsp;Aryan system. On the other hand, it is not to be supposednbsp;that the above syntactic names are in any way the outcomenbsp;of a disintegration of Aryan names, or that as a group theynbsp;date later here than the Aryan ones. The reverse would be

' See Rhys’s “ Celtic Heathendom,”p. 33; and Stokes’s “Celtic Declension,” p. 87. It is to be noticed, that, though the later forms of the word fornbsp;“ champion,” nia, niath, become confused with the words for “nephew,” nia,nbsp;nioth (p. 48 above), the Ogmic spellings were respectively netta or neta, andnbsp;niotta.

2 See the “ Book of Leinster,” fol. 326*^.

^ Reeves's Adamnan’s “Life of St. Columba,” preface, p. 9.

¦* Stokes’s “ Martyrology of Gorman,” June Ilth and October 9th.

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nearer the truth. Take, for instance, those names which consist of a noun followed by a genitive, such as Mug Néitnbsp;or Mug Nuadat. How little we know about Nét or Nuadanbsp;it is needless to suggest; and as for Tlachtga in Per Tlachtganbsp;We know nothing, except that Irish story makes Tlachtganbsp;the daughter of a famous Druid called Mog Ruith, whom itnbsp;brings in contact with the Simon Magus of Christian legend;nbsp;und that it associates Tlachtga’s name with an ancient rdthnbsp;on the Hill of Ward (in Meath), where a fire used to benbsp;kindled at Allhallows, and distributed to the country roundnbsp;about.^ Then who knows anything about Corb ? And stillnbsp;we have not only Cu Chord, “Corb’s Hound,” and Per Corb,

“ Corb’s Man,” but also Nia Corb, “ Corb’s Champion,” Mac Corb, “ Corb’s Boy or Son,” Mug Corb, “ Corb’s Slave,” Artnbsp;Corb, “ Corb’s Bear.” So we should probably not be farnbsp;wrong in supposing that Corb was a divinity, fetish, totem,nbsp;or ancestor of the Aborigines. In any case Corb must benbsp;regarded as antecedent to such personal names as Cu Chord,nbsp;Per Corb, and the like. In other terms, these names arenbsp;conglomerates involving elements derived from an ancientnbsp;system, and the obscurity that surrounds them precludes,nbsp;in most cases, one’s regarding the class of personal namesnbsp;in which they are present as late.

The Aryan system of personal names differed from the foregoing very strikingly. They may be classed undernbsp;two heads: first come the full names, consisting not ofnbsp;words in syntactic relation to one another, but of twonbsp;elements forming real compounds, such as, Sanskrit Candra-^aja, from candra, “ shining, moon,” and rbja, “ king,” Greeknbsp;d^ioyiv-q^, “ descendant of Zeus,” Gaulish nej/vo-ovwSo?, meaningnbsp;“ white-headed,” from penno-s, “ head,” and vindos, “ white,”nbsp;in Welsh Pen-wyn, and in Irish Cenn-fhinn, of the samenbsp;meaning. The number of words employed for the purposes of this composition does not appear to have been atnbsp;' For references see Rhys’s “Celtic Heathendom,” p. 515, note 2.

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any time very great, but the best use was made of them when the Greeks formed not only’Iinrapxos but also’'Apxiir7ros;nbsp;and similarly in Old High German, Hariberht (Englishnbsp;Herbert) and Berhthari, Servian Milodrag^x\.ó.Dragoniil,d.né.nbsp;so in some of our inscriptions, such as the one at Laugh-arne in Carmarthenshire reading BARRIVENDI FILIVSnbsp;VENDVBARI4 The two names occur in later Irish asnbsp;Barrfhinn and Finnbharr respectively, in Welsh Berwynnbsp;and Gwynfar: both seem to have meant white-toppednbsp;or white-headed. These are instances of the Aryan fullnbsp;or compound name, but there was another class consistingnbsp;of the full name reduced to one of the elements in thenbsp;compound and supplied sometimes with hypocoristic ornbsp;endearing terminations. Thus in Greek,® for instance, wenbsp;find besides the compounds NiKÓ/xaxos, NiKÓorpaTos, and thenbsp;like, shorter forms such as Nuceas, NikSs, Nóccuv, Nikevs, NI/ws,nbsp;NiVuXXos, and a good many more. Similarly, besides suchnbsp;names as Cadwallaon, Cadfael, Cadfan in Welsh, we havenbsp;the shorter ones suggested by them, Cadog and Catwg.nbsp;Many more might be added from all the Celtic languages,nbsp;but the foregoing will serve to show v^hat the Aryan systemnbsp;of names was, and how it would have taxed the ingenuitynbsp;of the cleverest Druid to select many incident names whichnbsp;at the same time should sound Aryan of the approvednbsp;type. Not only were the two systems different, they mustnbsp;have been incompatible, mutually destructive; and it isnbsp;needless to say that the habit of giving children incidentnbsp;names cannot have been developed in Aryan surroundings.nbsp;It is the less artificial of the two, and belongs to a rudernbsp;race ; and no evidence could well be more conclusive as tonbsp;the former presence in these Islands of a population ofnbsp;natives of non-Aryan origin.

‘ See Rhys’s “ Lectures on Welsh Philology,” pp. 279, 388.

’ For a discussion of the whole subject of Greek proper names, see Kick's ‘‘ Griechische Personennamen ” (Gottingen, 1874),

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The following chapter is intended mainly to do two things : to elucidate the map of Britain in the first centurynbsp;of our era which faces this page, and to lead up to thenbsp;history of Wales proper. The facts, where they are notnbsp;new or submitted to a fresh examination, are taken fromnbsp;Rhys’s “ Celtic Britain,”' checked by Mr. F. Haverfield’snbsp;map of Roman Britain,® and the succinct account of thenbsp;Province with which his map is accompanied.

From what has already been said it will be seen that Pytheas, when he visited this country in the 4th centurynbsp;before our era, is not likely to have found any Brythonsnbsp;here: the inhabitants of the south of the Island consistednbsp;then of the Aborigines, with Goidels as the race rulingnbsp;over some or all of them. It is unfortunate that Pytheas’snbsp;account of his visit is not extant; abstracts, however, fromnbsp;his diary have come down through such channels as thenbsp;Works of Diodorus, Strabo, and Pliny. But the evidencenbsp;which principally concerns us is concentrated in a fewnbsp;proper names, such as Albion, Belertum, Brttanm, Cantium,nbsp;Ictis, Morimarnsani, and Pretanic Islands. Of thesenbsp;Cantium and Pretanic must be regarded as Brythonic,


' Published by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 3rd ed.,


2 Q X

of til nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;** Historical Atlas of Modern Europe from the Decline

® Eoman Empire” (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1896), Plate XV.

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, hi.)

Belgic, or Gaulish, and not Goidelic. The earliest existing work which alludes to the south-eastern portion of Britainnbsp;as Cantium is Csesar’s account of the Gallic War, and thennbsp;follows Diodorus with his KaVnov.i The name has thenbsp;same form in the pages of Strabo, who uses it in passagesnbsp;devoted to a criticism of the statements of Pytheas in such anbsp;way that it has been supposed that Pytheas had used it himself On this, however, one can only surmise that Pytheasnbsp;either employed a slightly different form of the word ornbsp;else that it reached him from a Brythonic or Belgic sourcenbsp;on the Continent. The same kind of remark would applynbsp;to Pretanic, if it could be shown that any such a term wasnbsp;known to Pytheas, for the Celtican or Goidelic form mustnbsp;be supposed to have been Qi^rtanic. The form, for example,nbsp;in which it occurs in Ptolemy’s Geography is ILptTaviKr) N^o-osnbsp;or IXperaviKal N^o-ai, “ Pretanic Island or Islands,” the latternbsp;of which meant the British Isles generally, the largest ofnbsp;them being called Albion, “Albion, Britain,” and the nextnbsp;in size and importance 'lovepvCa, or Ivernia, “ Ireland.” Thenbsp;collective name has its living cognates in the old Goidelicnbsp;Cruithni, “Piets,” Cruithnech,'W\dai)xquot; in Old Welsh Priten,nbsp;later Pryden, Prydyn and Pry dein, now Prydain? “ Scotland,nbsp;Alba, or the Pictland of the North,” and Ynys Prydain,nbsp;“ Great Britain,” literally “ Prydain’s or Piets’ Island.” Thusnbsp;the name of the Aborigines implied by these vocables wouldnbsp;have been in Greek orthography IIpcTavoi, with whichnbsp;eventually another and an unconnected name was confounded, namely that of the Brittani, and the confusion isnbsp;to be detected in the tt of nperraviK^, YlperTaviKai, and in thenbsp;e of Bperravot. The name of the Brittani was, as alreadynbsp;suggested, more usually and less correctly made in Latin

' See Cjesar’s Gallic War, v. 13, 14, 22; Diodorus, v. 21, 3; and Meineke’s Strabo, i. 4, 3 (C. 63), iv. 3, 3 (C. 193).

¥01 Priten see “Y Cymmrodor,” ix. 179: the other forms occur in the plural, meaning Piets, in the Books of Aneurin and Taliessin: see Skene, ii.nbsp;92, 209.

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orthography into Britanni, until at last it was ousted by the name as pronounced by those people themselves,nbsp;namely, BrïttSnes. This last has regularly yielded thenbsp;Welsh Brython and French Bretons, while French Bretagnenbsp;similarly represents Brittania, not Britania or Britannia;nbsp;and it cannot be regarded as an accident that the Latinnbsp;Brittani corresponds exactly to the Mediaeval Irish pluralnbsp;Bretain, genitive Bretan. In other words the form Brittaninbsp;must have reached the Romans from the non-Brythonicnbsp;Celts of these Islands or of the Continent.

Let us now take the other names, (i) beginning with Pliny’s Albion, which is treated in Greek as quot;Kk^iov,nbsp;’AX/StW or ’AXoinW, genitive ’AX/Stoiros or ’AXouiWos.^ Thisnbsp;name is unknown to the Brythonic dialects, except thatnbsp;Modern Welsh literature sometimes borrows Alban for Scotland; but it survives in the Goidelic dialects, namely, as Alba,nbsp;AIpa, and Elpa, genitive Alban (also Alba^). Traces of itsnbsp;application to the whole of Great Britain® before it camenbsp;to be confined to the northern portion of it occur in Irishnbsp;literature; and the fact of the Island being called Insulanbsp;Albionum in the Ora Maritima of Avienus^ makes it probable that the name is very ancient. Albion is supposed,nbsp;and perhaps rightly, to mean the White Country, in referencenbsp;to the appearance of the cliffs of the southern coast, and atnbsp;first it was applied presumably only to the south. There isnbsp;no evidence that the Brythons or Belgic Gauls used the word,nbsp;but rather that they translated it into their own tongue asnbsp;Caution; for some believe that also to have meant the

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Pliny’s “ Historia Naturalis,” iv. 30, i.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Rhys’s “ Manx Phonology,” p. 85.

’ See “ Cormac’s Glossary,” s.v. “Mug-éime,” and the instance in the Duan Albanach, quoted at the close of this chapter, p. 115 ; see also Stokes’s “ Urkel-tischer Sprachschatz,” p. 21, where he explains the name to mean Whitenbsp;Land.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;See the lines in question quoted and explained in Mullenhoff’s “Deutschenbsp;Altertumskunde,” i. 91.

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap. hi.

White Country.! Unlike the other name, however, Cantion remained confined to the south-east of the Island, so that itnbsp;has yielded the Welsh Caint and the English Kent.

(2) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Belerium is given twice by Diodorus as BcAcpiov,nbsp;which Ptolemy’s manuscripts give as BoXépiov, and it isnbsp;supposed to have meant some portion of the south-westernnbsp;peninsula, including probably the Land’s End. In Oldnbsp;Irish we have a word which comes very near it, namelynbsp;the neuter noun èélre, (Modern Irish béurld), which meantnbsp;a language, and unqualified, perhaps, an alien or foreignnbsp;tongue. This would explain how in Modern Irish it meansnbsp;“English”; and the inference suggested by the occurrencenbsp;of the name Belerion is, that it became current among thenbsp;Goidels at a time when the language of the Aborigines wasnbsp;still dominant over a certain area of the south-west of thenbsp;Island. Perhaps, however, it was merely meant to describenbsp;the extreme south-west as a tongue of land.

(3) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ictis is the name recorded by Diodorus as given tonbsp;one of the islands at high tide to which the inhabitants ofnbsp;the south-western peninsula of Britain brought their tin fornbsp;sale to the merchants who traded with them. The samenbsp;name was known to Pliny, for his Insulam Mictim isnbsp;doubtless to be corrected into Insulam Ictim. But hisnbsp;account of Ictis differs from that of Diodorus, althoughnbsp;both are supposed to have drawn their information fromnbsp;Timaeus, a historian who was contemporary with Pytheas.nbsp;There seems to be no sufficient reason for identifying Ictisnbsp;with Veciis, “ the Isle of Wight,” or to sever it from thenbsp;Irish name of the English Channel, namely, Muir n-Icht;-

' See Stokes’s “ Urk. Sprachschatz,” p. 90, and Holder’s “ Alt-celt. Sprach-schatz,” s.v. Cantion, canto : compare the Welsh word can, “ white.” A certain school of English historians pretend that Cantium is in WelshCaint, “thenbsp;Kent,” and that it meant “the open country.” This interpretation comesnbsp;from Dr. W. Owen Pughe, but where the definite article has been foundnbsp;prefixed to this proper name we have not yet discovered. Both “the Caint”nbsp;and “ the Gwent” figure among the curiosities of Guest’s “ Origines Celticae ”

* “Cormac’s Glossary,” j.z». Mug-éime.

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“ the Sea of Icht, or Ictian Sea.” IcBs and Icht represent possibly a Celtic pronunciation of the same Aboriginalnbsp;word which the Romans made into Pictus} plural Picti;nbsp;for if the Celts learned the word sufficiently early they wouldnbsp;naturally treat it like any other word with the consonantp,nbsp;that is to say, they would get rid of that consonant as innbsp;their own words. It is probably a mistake to suppose thatnbsp;in this name we have the Latin pictus, “painted,” any morenbsp;than in the name of the Pictones in Gaul. Had it beennbsp;Latin it could hardly have been regarded as other than anbsp;kind of nickname, and no one would have expected thenbsp;Aborigines of Caithness and Sutherland to give the Norsemen who first reached their shores a Latin nickname asnbsp;their national designation. Rather must we suppose it annbsp;early name, which the Aborigines adopted, while the Celtsnbsp;sooner or later applied another name, Qurtani, Pretani,nbsp;Cruithni and Prydyn^ to them in Goidelic and Brythonicnbsp;respectively.®

‘ This may, perhaps, be regarded as confirmed by Ictium, given by Holder as an old name of a place now called LTsle-Jourdain in the Dép. of the Vienne,nbsp;covered by the eastern portion of the old province of Poitou. For Poitounbsp;represents an older Pictavi, another form of the name of the Pictones, and bothnbsp;claim close kinship with that of the Piets of this country. For the latter werenbsp;not only called Picti, but also Pictones (see Stokes’s “Annals ofTigernach”nbsp;in the “Revue Celtique,” xvii. 251, 253); and probably Pictores, which, undernbsp;the influence of the genitive plural Pictorum, is not uncommon, is everywherenbsp;to be corrected into Pictones. The Paris document, published by Skene at thenbsp;head of his collection of the Chronicles of the Piets and of the Scots, has, innbsp;that compilation, Pictavia and Pictaviam seven times. Skene’s v is meant tonbsp;represent the u of the manuscript; but on scrutinising the original (Latin, 4126)nbsp;in the Bibliothèque Nationale, we find only one instance which looks likenbsp;Pictauia. The others we should read Pictania, Pictaniam, with ni formednbsp;like m. The MS. appears to be a fourteenth century copy of an original of thenbsp;tenth. Add to this that the Life of St. Cadroe calls the Aborigines of Irelandnbsp;gentem Pictaneorum: see Skene’s “ Piets and Scots,” p. 108; also p. 137, wherenbsp;the unusual form Piciinia is given.

* The words Cruithni and Prydyn have been regarded as derived, though the nasal has not been exactly accounted for, from the Irish and Welsh words fornbsp;“form or shape,” namely cruth andpryd respectively, and a reference in themnbsp;has been assumed to the forms or outlines of the beasts which the Piets are

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, hi.)

(4) Morimarusam is said by Pliny, after Philemon, to have been the name of the northern ocean from the Cimbri’snbsp;country to a certain Cape Rubeas, and to have meant Deadnbsp;Sea. The passage, somewhat carelessly given by Pliny,nbsp;is repeated in a less ambiguous form by the later authornbsp;Solinus, xix. 2 :—Philemon a Cimbris ad promunturiumnbsp;Rubeas Morimarusam dicit vocari., hoc est Mortuum Mare:nbsp;ultra Rubeas quicquid est Cronimn nominal} Scholars arenbsp;not inclined to regard Morimarusam as a specimen of thenbsp;language of the Cimbri, whom they regard as a Teutonicnbsp;people, while on the other hand it admits of being explainednbsp;exactly as Celtic, Mori Marusam, which would make innbsp;Modern Irish Muir Marbh, Welsh Mor Marw, “Deadnbsp;Sea.” In the Latin of both Pliny and Solinus it looks likenbsp;an accusative feminine, but as the word mori, Irish muir,nbsp;was neuter like the Latin mare, it is probably to be treatednbsp;as accusative neuter; and the fact of Marusam endingnbsp;in am shows that we have here to do with Goidelic, asnbsp;Brythonic and Gaulish would have had on or om^ andnbsp;the Latin would have been given accordingly as Mori-Marusum. Pliny’s authority was a certain Philemon whonbsp;believed to have had tattooed 011 their persons. Should this prove tenable,nbsp;one could scarcely avoid treating Cruiihni and Prydyn as translations intonbsp;Goidelic and Brythonic of the word Piet regarded as the Latin pictus, ‘ ‘ painted. ’’nbsp;It is needless to say that this would not help us to the meaning of Put as anbsp;word of the Pictish language to which it possibly belonged ; but the supposition here suggested as to Pretanic being merely a sort of translation of thenbsp;Latin pictus, would compel us to regard the first use of Pretanic as dating nonbsp;earlier than Caesar’s time and the spread of Latin in Northern Gaul. Thisnbsp;would simplify the question if the chronology should make it possible, whichnbsp;looks hardly probable.

t Pliny’s version runs thus, iv. 95 : Morimarusam [euni) a Cimbris vocari, hoc est, Mortuum Ma-e, inde usque ad promunturium Rubeas, ultra deindenbsp;Cronium. This we copy from Mtillenhoff’s “Deutsche Altertumskunde,’’nbsp;i. 413, where the passage is discussed.

* The predilection of Goidelic for a instead of 0 as the thematic vowel is borne out by the most ancient Ogams of Britain and Ireland : thus thenbsp;genitive ending corresponding to Greek os (Latin is) is always as or a.

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appears to have lived in the last century before our Era and Philemon is supposed to have been using informationnbsp;obtained by Pytheas when he visited Britain.

With regard to these names Albion, Belerium, Ictis, and Mori-Marusam, it is probable that they were learnt in thisnbsp;country by Pytheas or some of the travellers who came herenbsp;after his time. In other words, we may treat them for whatnbsp;they are worth as evidence of the occupation of the southernnbsp;portions of Britain by a Celtican or Goidelic people at anbsp;time before the Brythons had obtained a footing on itsnbsp;shores. We have dwelt on these names at this point asnbsp;another view is sometimes put forward, that everythingnbsp;Goidelic in Britain is to be traced to invasions from Ireland,nbsp;and to a time subsequent to the second century of our era,nbsp;especially the later years of the Roman occupation andnbsp;those following the withdrawal of the Roman legions fromnbsp;the Island.^ That men from Ireland invaded Britain atnbsp;various points and at various times, and, further, that somenbsp;of them settled here, is not to be disputed. Take, fornbsp;instance, the case of the Dalriad Scots, who crossed fromnbsp;Ireland to Argyle in the fifth century, or that of the Déisinbsp;in the south-west of Wales at a still earlier date. This,nbsp;however, proves in no wise that there was not previouslynbsp;a Goidelic population in the west of the Island; it rathernbsp;favours the contrary supposition, for a native Goidelicnbsp;population might well be credited with having appealednbsp;to men of their own race and language in Ireland for aidnbsp;in their struggles with Brythonic tribes, and the responsenbsp;to such an appeal may have served as the beginning of anbsp;series of descents on the coasts of Wales and of the southnbsp;of England. To such invasions we maj^ possibly have to

' This view has been recently advocated by Professor Meyer in the “ Transactions of the Hon. Society of Cymmrodorion ” (64 Chancery Lane, London, 1897), 1895-6, pp. 55-86, where a number of facts illustrating the earlynbsp;intercourse between Wales and Ireland have been brought together in a verynbsp;interesting fashion,

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, hi.)

ascribe the destruction of such towns as Isca Silurum or Caerleon and Venta Silurum or Caer Went in Monmouthshire, and perhaps of Calleva or Silchester in Hampshire,nbsp;where an Ogam inscription^ testifying to the presence of anbsp;Goidel was discovered a short time ago. Nay, it is conceivable that Vortigern, whose name outside the Hengistnbsp;story is found to have been more at home in Ireland andnbsp;Brittany than in Wales, represented such an invasion, withnbsp;its influence reaching as far as Kent.

The advocates of the view to which we have referred appear to be at one with us as to the existence of a considerable Goidelic population in the west of Britain fromnbsp;the second century onwards, and also as to the influence ofnbsp;that Goidelic element on the subsequent history of thisnbsp;Island, especially that portion of it which constitutes thenbsp;Principality of Wales. The difference of view attaches tonbsp;the previous question, whence came the Goidelic elementnbsp;admitted to have been present here? Our hypothesis regardsnbsp;it as for the most part resident and as partly drawn fromnbsp;Ireland, while the other derives it wholly from Ireland.nbsp;The difficulty which we feel in estimating the respectivenbsp;merits of these hypotheses is enhanced by our lack of datanbsp;to enable us to judge of the attitude of the advocates ofnbsp;the hypothesis of the exclusive Irish origin with regard tonbsp;the question of the Aboriginal population. Nor can wenbsp;hope to understand their position till they indicate hownbsp;they suppose the Goidels of Ireland to have reached thatnbsp;country, also where and when they approximately thinknbsp;Goidelic nationality and Goidelic speech to have assumednbsp;their individuality. For our own part, we have alreadynbsp;sufficiently sketched our conjectures as to the Aboriginalnbsp;population ; and we have also indicated our conviction that

* See in the Arch^ologia, vol. liv., a paper by Mr. G. E. Fox and Mr. W. H. St. John Hope, entitled “ Excavations on the Site of the Roman City atnbsp;Silchester, Hants,’’ in 1893, pp. 35-9.

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Goidels and Brythons differed in speech before they left the Continent. We might probably add religion; for we understand Caesar (vi. 13) to represent Druidism as being on thenbsp;wane in Gaul, and as having originated in Britain, whithernbsp;those who wished to study it thoroughly had to resort. Butnbsp;as there is no convincing evidence to identify it with anynbsp;Brythonic tribe in this country, while there is evidence ofnbsp;its prevalence among the Goidels of Món in the time ofnbsp;Agricola, and of its surviving in Ireland in that of Patrick,nbsp;and in the Pictland of the north in that of Columba, wenbsp;infer that it was a system evolved by the Continentalnbsp;Goidels, or rather accepted by them from the Aborigines.nbsp;When, however, the Goidels of Gaul were conquered by thenbsp;Galatic Celts, including the Belgic peoples, Druidism maynbsp;well have found it impossible to hold its own for any greatnbsp;length of time, though it may have continued to flourish innbsp;remote corners of Britain, which we take to be the realnbsp;meaning of the supposition that Britain was its nativenbsp;country.^

We now come to the question how the Goidels reached Ireland—that is to say, was it direct from the Continent ornbsp;across Britain In answer to this, we should say that thenbsp;first Celts to land in Ireland embarked probably on thenbsp;western shores of Britain ; in other words, they belonged tonbsp;a race which had conquered southern Britain from sea tonbsp;sea. In early ages the voyage from the nearest ports ofnbsp;the Continent to Ireland must have been a formidablenbsp;undertaking ; but by the time, let us say, of Caesar, it wasnbsp;probably well within the capacity of the mariners of thenbsp;Veneti and of the other tribes belonging to the Armoricnbsp;League. That in one instance at least this did take place

* Since this was written a most suggestive volume of “Nos Origines” has been published : it is the work of the veteran archaeologist, M. Bertrand, andnbsp;bears the titleof “La Religion des Gaulois, les Druides et le Druidisme ”(Parir,nbsp;Leroux, 1897), pp. ix. 436, and numerous illustrations.

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, hi.)

the following neglected indication is worthy of note : in the extreme north-west of Gaul—that is to say, on thenbsp;westernmost peninsula of Brittany—there was in Pytheas’snbsp;time a people called by him ’Oo-Ttaiot, “ Ostisei.” Anothernbsp;early form of their name appears to have been ’flo-TtWcs ;nbsp;but later they were best known as ’Oo-io-jaioi, the Osisminbsp;whom Catsar mentions among the allies of the Veneti.nbsp;Now a name which has all the appearance of being closelynbsp;connected with that of the Ostiaei or Ostiones is givennbsp;by Ptolemy to a people in the south of Ireland—namely, thenbsp;OvaBiaO “ Usdias,” whose name in its turn is probably tonbsp;be identified with that of Ossory. In Irish this latter isnbsp;written Osraighe, and, roughly speaking, it means the countynbsp;of Kilkenny ; but the Ossorians formerly claimed againstnbsp;Munster the whole of the country from the Suir to thenbsp;Barrow, and from the mountains called Slieve Bloom innbsp;Queen’s County to the Meeting of the Three Waters nearnbsp;Waterford.^ Moreover, as Ptolemy represents the Usdiae asnbsp;reaching the coast, we should probably add to their territorynbsp;the greater part of the County Waterford, on which thenbsp;Déisi seized in the third century, together with the westernnbsp;portion of the Ossorians’ countr}', north of the Suir, ofnbsp;which they got possession later.® The similarity of thenbsp;names Usdite and Ostiaei naturally leads one to supposenbsp;that some of the Ostiaei or Osismi sailed from Brittanynbsp;past the Land’s End to the coast between Youghai andnbsp;Waterford Harbour, and then gradually pushed inland,

' Ouo-Si'oi is considered the best reading, and it has been adopted in the text of Ptolemy, by C. Midler, in the Firmin Didot edition of 1883 ; and as to thenbsp;name niTTloioi see Midlenhofl’s “ Deutsche Altertumskunde,” i. 373-5. If thenbsp;view suggested above should prove correct, one may propose that instead ofnbsp;correcting the ots rifiiovs of the MSS. of Strabo into 06s ’Clffrt/xiovs, as Miillen-hoff does, it should rather be into ovs Ovo-ti/iIovs.

* See O’Donovan’s “Book of Rights,’’ pp. I7gt; 18.

3 Ibid. pp. 49, 50; but for the whole story of the Déisi see the “ Book of the Dun Cow,” fo. 53, 54, and 0’Curry’s “Manners and Customs of the Ancientnbsp;Irish,” ii. 205-8.

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taking possession of some of the best land in Ireland. Possibly this took place as late as Csesar’s Gallic War, andnbsp;one’s thoughts are naturally directed to the time when thenbsp;Osismi found their powerful allies, the Veneti, beingnbsp;crushed by him on land and sea. The archaeological discoveries of the future may perhaps supply evidence wherenbsp;we have at present only conjecture.

The south-east of Ireland seems also to have been occupied, at least in part, by settlers coming direct from the Continent. For next to the Usdiae come, according tonbsp;Ptolemy, a certain tribe of Brigantes, occupying the coast asnbsp;far as Carnsore Point, and above them he places a peoplenbsp;whom he calls the Coriondi or Coriondae, who probablynbsp;occupied a district to which the waters of Wexford Harbour and the River Slaney gave ready access. Then comenbsp;the Manapii, with their town called Manapia, and situatednbsp;somewhere near the mouth of a river called Modonnus, whichnbsp;may probably have been the Avonmore, at whose mouthnbsp;stands the town of Arklow, called in Med. Irish Inbernbsp;Mór, “ the great River-mouth.” Beyond the Manapii comenbsp;the Cauci, occupying probably the north of the presentnbsp;County Wicklow, and extending, perhaps, towards thenbsp;mouth of the Liffey. Of these four tribes, the Manapiinbsp;point to the Menapii on the Lower Rhine as their mothernbsp;state, and as to the Cauci their name reminds one of that ofnbsp;the Teutonic people of the Chauchi, Chauci, or Cauchi, butnbsp;our Cauci are more likely to have been Celts—possibly Celtsnbsp;who had been under the Teutonic rule of the Chauci.' The

' In this connection it is worth while mentioning that there seems to have been a very ancient trade in amber between Britain and the coast, with its islands,nbsp;between the mouth of the Rhine and that of the Elbe. Some of the ambernbsp;found in the ancient burials south of the Thames seems to have been of thatnbsp;origin ; so one infers that there was active navigation between the country ofnbsp;the Chauci and the British Isles. On this amber question see Elton’s “ Originsnbsp;of English History,” pp. 65-6. Holder cites Kiepert as believing the Caucinbsp;connected with the Lower Rhine.

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Brigantes of Ireland were very probably of the same origin as the Brigantes of Britain; but we have no evidence tonbsp;help us to fix on their home on the Continent. We should,nbsp;perhaps, not be greatly mistaken in looking for it not farnbsp;from the territory of the Menapii; for instance, in the countrynbsp;at the mouth of the Rhine known as Insula Batavorum.nbsp;The Batavi and Caninefates whom we find in possession ofnbsp;it in the first century are believed to have been Teutonicnbsp;peoples ; but that the country had been formerly inhabitednbsp;by Celts is proved by Lugudunum {Batavorum), now Leyden,nbsp;which is as Celtic a name as that of the other Lugudunums^nbsp;in different parts of Gaul. Another Batavian town wasnbsp;known as Batavodurmn, which, in point of name, was atnbsp;least in part Celtic, and situated in the neighbourhood ofnbsp;Nymeguen, whilst a little higher up the Rhine seems tonbsp;have been a place called Burginatium, which looks like anbsp;sort of Teutonic translation of some such a Celtic namenbsp;as Brigantio, borne by a place once perhaps inhabited bynbsp;the Brigantes of whom we are in quest.

Now some, possibly, of the four tribes of this group were Brythonic or Belgic rather than Goidelic ; but we havenbsp;no means of tracing the influence of their language on thenbsp;Goidelic which became the language of Ireland. They arenbsp;also remarkable for the small scale of their territory: itnbsp;cannot have extended much beyond the limits of thenbsp;present counties of Wexford and Wicklow, and its area wasnbsp;probably far from covering them, as it presumably consisted of settlements surrounded by the Aboriginal population—that is, in case that part of the country had notnbsp;already been Goidelicised. In any case the territory ofnbsp;these Leinster tribes and that of the Usdise had been carvednbsp;probably in the first instance out of that of the Iverni,nbsp;who may accordingly be represented as an Aboriginal

* For a list of these see Holder’s “ Alt-celtischer Sprachsdiatz,” s.v. ; see also his Batavoduron and Burginatio.

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population previously extending from the south-west of the Island to the mouth of the Liffey or the Boyne. Thisnbsp;would help to explain why Munster used formerly to claimnbsp;Ossory, which we have supposed to represent the Usdiae,nbsp;and why the Iverni gave their name to the whole Island—nbsp;that is to say, Ivernia, Latinised Hibernia; and similarlynbsp;in the case of the ’lovepviKog ’ÜKcavós, which still retains itsnbsp;name of the “ Irish Sea.” When these names came intonbsp;vogue the Iverni must have been predominant in Ireland.nbsp;It is probably from the northern half of the Island thatnbsp;we have the name Scoiti, under which the first westernnbsp;invaders appear in the history of Roman Britain in thenbsp;fourth century. Before leaving Ireland we wish to mention two or three^ of the names identified in Ptolemy’snbsp;Geography. Foremost comes that of the people whom henbsp;calls OvcrXovvTioi or OvoXovvTioi,^ for the manuscripts differ.nbsp;His figures admit of our locating them around Armagh,nbsp;near which is the remarkable pre-historic fortress of Emainnbsp;Macha, now known as the Navan Fort, and we detect theirnbsp;name in the Irish Ulaid, Ultuf “the Ultonians, Ulster,” which

gt; We take them from an excellent paper on Ptolemy’s Map of Ireland, by Mr. G. H. Orpen, in the “Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries ofnbsp;Ireland,” 1894, pp. 115-128, with map.

quot; The editor of the Firmin Didot edition gives the preference to this reading, for the incredible reason, that the so-called Richard of Cirencester has Voluntiinbsp;or Volantii in Britain. To make OhoKoivTm fit as well as Ohlt;r\oiivTioi wenbsp;should have perhaps to spell it Ohxivrioi; but OhaKovvrm and the variantnbsp;Ov(rx6yTioi, which also occurs, would do ; however, the declension of the wordnbsp;in Irish suggests -toi rather than -riot.

® This was the accusative plural, and the dative was UUaib, contracted, no doubt, from Ulatu and Ulalaib respectively—no singular occurs : so thenbsp;genitive should have been Ulat and the nominative Ulait, but from Ultu andnbsp;Ultaib were, by false analogy probably, inferred Ulad and Ulaid. Comparenbsp;such words as ingnath or ingnad, “ wonderful, a wonder,” pi. inganta, césad,nbsp;“a suffering or passion,” ac. plural cestu, and molad, “praise,” pi. moita andnbsp;moltha. The Irish Ulaid occurs in Welsh as Wleth: see the Book of Taliessin,nbsp;poem xiv. (Skene, i. 276, ii. 154), where Penren Wleth seems to mean somenbsp;headland called after the Ultonians or their country. The reduction of nt,nbsp;nc to tt (r), cc (r) is universal in Goidelic, and no certain instance from anbsp;previous stage has yet been discovered. Brigantes, for example, w.is Biythonic,

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fits so well that there can be no serious doubt as to their identity. The name of Ptolemy’s ’EpStvot survives in thatnbsp;of Lough Erne and of the ancient tribe of the Ernainbsp;associated by Irish legend with that water. His BoDoutVSanbsp;was undoubtedly the Boyne, and his Bipyos the Barrow, notnbsp;to mention his AaySpuva, which is probably to be correctednbsp;into ^afipmva, and to be identified with Sabrann} an old namenbsp;of the river Lee, on the banks of which, somewhere aboutnbsp;the position of Cork, stood Ivernis, which may be supposednbsp;to have been the capital of the Iverni in Ptolemy’s time.

We now at length come back to Britain and the disposition of its populations under the Romans. Here we have to deal first with the question, whom the Romans had tonbsp;contend with when they invaded the island. Caesar’snbsp;passage already mentioned (p. 5) as to the powerful Gaulnbsp;Diviciacos who ruled over Britain supplies a clue to thenbsp;answer. The statement of the Remi to Caesar referred tonbsp;a time which men then still alive remembered, and, sincenbsp;no hint as to a revolution is vouched, the probability isnbsp;that the empire of Diviciacos in this country subsistednbsp;and Uoluntii comes from a Pictish origin doubtless rather than a Celtic one.nbsp;Compare Pictish Uoret, -uorrann and -uorrn (Pro. of Antiq. Scot, xxxij. 347,nbsp;349, 372). On the other hand, not only Brythonic but also Pictish shows nonbsp;aversion to nt: take, for instance, the names of the thirty Pictish kingsnbsp;mentioned in the Pictish Chronicle as ruling over Erin and Britainnbsp;(Skene’s “Piets and Scots,” pp. 5-8); the list opens with Brute Pani,nbsp;followed by Brute Urpant, and contains others called Brude Gan^ and Brudenbsp;Urgant, Brude Cint and Brude Urcint, also such later names as Entifidichnbsp;and Custantin ( = Constantinus). Similarly Ptolemy places a tribe callednbsp;DecantcB in the northern reach of the Pictish country, while we have thenbsp;Decanti of the Arx Decantorum of the Annales Cambria, later Deganhwy ornbsp;Deganwy, near Llandudno, in North Wales : the Goidelic equivalent is foundnbsp;in the personal name which occurs in the genitive variously as DE CCE Tl,nbsp;DECHETI, and in Ogam Decceddas, Decedda, amp;c.

' This name is probably non-Celtic, and evidently identical with that of the Severn, in Welsh Hafren, from an earlier Sabrina, which our classical scholars,nbsp;so particular as to vowel quantity, are pleased to make into Sabrina. Comparenbsp;Irish salann, Welsh halen, “salt,” and Irish crann, Welshnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“a tree,


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under his successors in Csesar’s time. But Diviciacos’s people were the Suessiones and the Remi; so we shouldnbsp;expect to find both of them represented in Britain, thoughnbsp;their names have not been detected. Now we know fromnbsp;a couple of ancient inscriptions^ that a favourite god of thenbsp;Remi was Camulos, whose name is the etymological equivalent of the German word himmel^ “heaven,” and may benbsp;regarded as a synonym or translation doubtless of thenbsp;god’s common Aryan name, which is represented by Zevsnbsp;in Greek, /ovis in Latin, and Dyaus in Sanskrit. This wasnbsp;the supreme god of the ancient Aryans, and the Celtsnbsp;made him their god of war; so some of them when theynbsp;settled in Britain called one of their fortresses Camulodunon,nbsp;“ the town of Camulos.” This was near Colchester, in thenbsp;country of the Trinovantes, in whom we are accordinglynbsp;prepared to find the Remi we are seeking. The nextnbsp;neighbours of the Trinovantes were the Catuvellauni, innbsp;whom we probably have our insular Suessiones. At anynbsp;rate, the name of the Catuvellauni was also that which,nbsp;shortened into Catelauni or Catalauni, eventually becamenbsp;Chaalons and Chalons, the name of a well-known townnbsp;on the Marne, in a district usually assigned to the Remi,nbsp;But the fact is that the Remi and Suessiones formed a sortnbsp;of twin state, the boundary between whose lands we havenbsp;no data to enable us to draw. According to Caesar’snbsp;information, the Remi and the Suessiones regarded onenbsp;another as kinsmen: they lived under the same laws andnbsp;obeyed the same magistrates. But the Remi cultivatednbsp;the friendship of Caesar, while the Suessiones took part innbsp;various efforts made by the Gauls to throw off the Romannbsp;yoke; and when those efforts failed, the Remi came forwardnbsp;to intercede for the Suessiones and save them from ruin.-

' See the Beilin “ Corpus Inscrip. Latinorum,” vi. No. 46, and HUbner’s “Exempla. Script. Epigraphicse, No. 198.”

? Cxsar, ii. 3, 12.

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A somewhat similarly close relationship appears to have existed between their representatives in Britain—that is, ifnbsp;we are right in supposing these to have been the Trino-vantes and the Catuvellauni respectively. Thus thenbsp;Catuvellauni, under the lead of their chief Cassivellaunos,nbsp;strenuously opposed Caesar’s second invasion, while thenbsp;Trinovantes hastened to seek his protection, complainingnbsp;that Cassivellaunos had slain their king, whose son fled tonbsp;Caesar on the Continent. The feud between these kindrednbsp;peoples is perhaps to be detected also in the case of anbsp;certain prince named Dubnovellaunos, who in vain soughtnbsp;the aid of Augustus; at any rate, some of his coins seemnbsp;to identify him with the country of the Trinovantes.^

In any case the Catuvellauni and the Trinovantes between them may be regarded as the upholders of thenbsp;empire of Diviciacos, and for aught we know Cassivellaunosnbsp;may have been lineally descended from Diviciacos. Thenbsp;power and influence of the Catuvellauni is sufficientlynbsp;proved by the fact of their chief Cassivellaunos beingnbsp;entrusted with the conduct of the war against Caesar; andnbsp;Dion Cassius, speaking of the campaign of Aulus Plautius innbsp;43, represents the Catuvellauni as ruling over a part or thenbsp;whole of the people of the Dobunni on the Severn innbsp;Gloucestershire. On the other hand, the coins of Cuno-belinos their king, who died before that year, show himnbsp;occupying Camulodunon as his headquarters in the lifetimenbsp;of his father Tasciovant,*® who resided at Verlamion, now

' See Rhys’s “Celtic Britain,” pp. 27, 294.

’ This name has a variety of forms on the coins ; the nominative occurs as Tasciovanus, Tasciovanius, and Tasciovans, and the genitive as Tasciovani,nbsp;Tasciiovanii, Tasciovantis, besides such abbreviations as Tasciov, Tasciav,nbsp;Tascio, Tascia, Taxcia, and Taxci; but there must have also been some such anbsp;form as Tacsivant-, for we find it represented in Welsh pedigrees by a form whichnbsp;must have been Techuant, written Tehvant, which is the explanation of the formnbsp;Teuhant in the Nennian genealogies: see “Y Cymmrodor,” ix. :74, 176,nbsp;also Tecmant for Techmant, with m for v (p. 174); it is written Tecwant innbsp;Jesus College M.S. ao. Ibid. viij. 84, and it is from Tehvant, by the easy

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Old Verulam, near St. Albans. Thus at the time when the Claudian invasion took place the people of the Catuvellauninbsp;held sway from the North Sea to the mouth of the Severn.nbsp;But to return to Tasciovant, the number of his coins seemsnbsp;to indicate that he had a long reign, terminating only innbsp;the earlier years of the Christian Era. Some of his coinsnbsp;suggest that his rule extended to Calleva of the Atrebates—nbsp;that is to say, Silchester, in the north of Hampshire. Henbsp;had two sons also whose coins are extant, namely, Cunobe-linos already mentioned, and Epaticcos, whose coins inducenbsp;one to believe that he held sway south of the Thames, innbsp;what is now SurreyBut the tribes south of the Thamesnbsp;appear to have for some time retained a certain independence under three princes named Tincommios, Epillos, andnbsp;Verica, each of whom styles himself on his coins “Sonnbsp;of Commios.” Their father may have been Commios thenbsp;Atrebat, who attempted to act as Caesar’s emissary innbsp;Britain, and who afterwards played the part of mediatornbsp;when Cassivellaunos sued for peace. The subsequent careernbsp;of this Commios in Gaul was a very chequered one. Henbsp;joined with his countrymen in various attempts to freenbsp;themselves from the yoke of Rome, and after narrowlynbsp;escaping Roman treachery he withdrew to Britain. Butnbsp;whether Tincommios and his brothers were the sons of thisnbsp;Commios or not, there is evidence that Tincommios, whonbsp;possibly ruled over the Regni, pursued a Romanising policy ;

misreading of A into «, that Geoffrey’s Tenuantius (iii. 20) arose. It is remarkable that we have in the pedigree of Rhun, son of Nwython (Cym-mrodor, ix. 176) the correct succession map. Caratauc. map. Cinbelin.nbsp;map. Teuhant, for filii Carataci filii Cunobelini Jilii Taxivanti; but thisnbsp;information which one obtains partly from the coins, above all the name ofnbsp;Tasciovant, is not to be got from any known author, whether Roman ornbsp;Greek. So we have here probably traces of a Welsh pedigree representing anbsp;genuine tradition reaching back beyond the beginning of the Christian era.

1 A coin with the letters CARA or CARAT is probably to be referred to Caratacos, the more famous brother: see Evans’s “ Coins of the Ancient Britons, ”nbsp;Supplement (London, 1890), p. SS3t and Plate XX. 8.

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for Augustus having become emperor and styled himself on a coin Augustus Divi Filius, it was not long before Tincommios had coins of his own inscribed innbsp;Augustus’s Latin formula: Tinóggt;niniius'\ Com\fni\ Fliliusl.

A passage in Tacitus’s Agricola, c. 14, is here in point. He says that certain cities were given to a certain kingnbsp;Cogidumnos, according to the received policy of Romenbsp;when she wanted tools for the enslaving of other nations,nbsp;and he adds that Cogidumnos continued faithful to thenbsp;Romans even within the historian’s own time. An inscription, dating from the time of Claudius or Vespasian andnbsp;found at Chichester, helps to localise Cogidumnos there.^nbsp;Thus we seem to have glimpses of a Romanising policynbsp;pursued among the kings of the Regni from the time ofnbsp;Tincommios to that of Tacitus. It originated probablynbsp;in fear and jealousy of the power of the Catuvellauni, andnbsp;in any case that is the key to the history of the Romannbsp;conquest in 43, for the legions seem to have met with nonbsp;serious resistance till they neared the Thames. The resistance then offered was organised by the Catuvellauni, whilenbsp;the Eceni in their rear, that is to say, in the district betweennbsp;the Trinovantes and the Wash, do not seem to have foughtnbsp;at all, for Tacitus* represents them as having entered intonbsp;alliance with Rome of their own free will. This makes itnbsp;appear all the more probable that we have the Eceni innbsp;the Cenimagni of a previous age, who head Caesar’s shortnbsp;list of tribes suing for peace. The names of the othersnbsp;were Segontiaci, Ancalites, Bibroci and Cassi, who were allnbsp;probably inhabitants of the southern side of the Thames,nbsp;and may have been forced or frightened into submission; butnbsp;it is hard to believe this of a warlike people like the Eceni,nbsp;located as they were beyond the Trinovantes and the

' See the Berlin “ Corpus Inscr. Lat. ” vii. No. 11 ; also Holder, s.v, ‘ Cogidubnus.”nbsp;s See the Annals, xiv. 31,

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Catuvellauni. One is left to conclude that they, in case we are to identify them with the Cenimagni, only followednbsp;the example of the Trinovantes out of fear or jealousy ofnbsp;the aggressive policy of the Catuvellauni. How far northwards the power of the Catuvellauni extended it isnbsp;impossible to say, but it may have reached Uriconion, ornbsp;Wroxeter, on the Severn, near Shrewsbury, and probablynbsp;it took in the Coritavi or Coritani, whose country laynbsp;between the Trent and the North Sea, and contained thenbsp;towns of Lindon, now Lincoln, and Ratce, now Leicester.nbsp;It is significant as to the power of the Catuvellauni thatnbsp;Suetonius (Caligula, 44) calls their king Cunobelinos, whonbsp;died before the Claudian conquest, Britannorum Rex,nbsp;“ King of the Brythons.quot;

Some further light is to be obtained on the disposition of these and neighbouring tribes from the history of thenbsp;conquest of the south of Britain. According to Dion Cassiusnbsp;a prince named Bericos, having been driven into exile bynbsp;troubles at home, sought for help from the Emperornbsp;Claudius, v'ho then made up his mind to conquer Britain.nbsp;Aulus Plautius was appointed leader of the expedition, andnbsp;the war was prosecuted with vigour for the first ten years ;nbsp;and Dion Cassius tells us that Aulus Plautius conquered twonbsp;of Cunobelinos’s sons, first Caratacos, and then his brothernbsp;Togodumnos, who had probably succeeded his father asnbsp;king. In the course of the war the Roman general’snbsp;lieutenant, Vespasian, afterwards emperor, appears to havenbsp;greatly distinguished himself, having, as it is said bynbsp;Suetonius (Vespasian, 4), reduced two of the most powerfulnbsp;tribes in the island, together w'ith more than twentytowns andnbsp;the Isle of Wight. We can only surmise that his operationsnbsp;were conducted chiefly against the Belgae and Dumnonii,nbsp;the latter of whom were probably Goidels. The Romans,nbsp;at any rate, appear to have lost little time in making theirnbsp;way to the Mendip Hills, where they had lead mines

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worked. In the year 50 the command was taken by Ostorius Scapula, and he proceeded to deal with the nativesnbsp;with a strong hand. He took measures to hold in check allnbsp;the tribes living on his side of the Severn and the Trentnbsp;and possibly it was then the Roman town of Uriconium camenbsp;into existence, marking the limit reached by the provincenbsp;as well, perhaps, as that of the influence of the Catuvellauni.nbsp;But the determined attitude of Ostorius would seem tonbsp;have moved various widely severed tribes to take a sort ofnbsp;concerted action against him. The first to rebel werenbsp;the Eceni; and after humbling the Eceni he marched tonbsp;the coast of the other sea, namely, to the country of thenbsp;Deceangli, whose name survives in that of the deanery ofnbsp;Tegeingl, in Flintshire. The attraction of that district wasnbsp;its mineral wealth, and it is the inscription on some pigs ofnbsp;lead from there, now in the Grosvenor Museum at Chester,nbsp;that enables us approximately to fix the locality.^ From thenbsp;Deceangli, the general turned back to quell troubles causednbsp;by the Brigantes, who formed the dominant people in whatnbsp;is now the North of England. We next read of himnbsp;establishing a strong colony of veterans at Camulodunonnbsp;and undertaking to subdue the Silures, who occupied thenbsp;eastern half of the region between Cardigan Bay and thenbsp;Severn. The Silures were a warlike race, and they were atnbsp;this time led by Caratacos, one of the sons of Cunobelinos.nbsp;Caratacos had resisted the Romans from the beginning,nbsp;which meant some nine years of experience in war againstnbsp;them. When his own people, the Catuvellauni, succumbed,nbsp;he appears to have sought refuge among the Silures, to

1 See Tacitus’s Annals, xii. 31, where the passage in point has been emendated as follows by Dr. Henry Bradley ; Cundosque cis Trisantonam etnbsp;Sabrinam fluvios cohibere parat. See the “Academy,” April 28, 1883, p. 296.nbsp;Trisantona, which was probably the early form of the name of the Trent,nbsp;analyses itself into Tris-antona, and recalls Rhi-annon (for Rig-anton-), onnbsp;which see the “ Academy,” Aug. 15, 1896, p. I15.

- See the “ Academy,” Oct. 31, 1891, p. 390 ; see also pp. 412, 437.

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whom he must have been well known for his opposition to the Romans, not to mention that the portion of his father’snbsp;dominion entrusted to him may have been the western onenbsp;bordering on the country of the Silures. However, henbsp;shifted the war into the country of the Ordovices, who werenbsp;probably of the same Brythonic race as his own people,nbsp;while the Silures are more likely to have been Goidels.nbsp;The final battle was fought, as we gather, in the neighbourhood of the Breidin^ Hills, between Welshpool and thenbsp;English border. The legions prevailed, and Caratacos flednbsp;to the Brigantes, whose Queen Cartismandua gave him upnbsp;to the Romans to adorn a triumph in the streets of Rome ;nbsp;but the Silures continued unsubdued.

In the year 58, Nero sent here Suetonius Paulinus, who led his troops in 62 to Anglesey, and Tacitus’s account ofnbsp;the battle which they fought there is remarkable for thenbsp;Druids that figure in it. While Suetonius was reducing Monanbsp;and cutting down her sacred groves, Boudicca, queen of thenbsp;Eceni, widow of the king whose name is given as Prasutagus,nbsp;headed a determined revolt, which resulted in a terriblenbsp;slaughter of the Roman colony at Camulodunon. In time,nbsp;Suetonius supervened, and was able to avenge the Romannbsp;losses by inflicting others on a still larger scale. Nothingnbsp;worthy of note seems to have occurred till Vespasiannbsp;became emperor in 69 ; one of his generals effected thenbsp;reduction of the Brigantes in the years 69 and 70. Thenbsp;Silures were also at last conquered, and Julius Agricola,nbsp;who was sent here in 78, quickly crushed the Ordovicesnbsp;and led his troops as far as Anglesey. His subsequentnbsp;achievements in war took place mostly in the north ofnbsp;the island, where he is supposed to have drawn a line

' This word put back into its early form would probably make Bragidunon or Bragodunon, meaning possibly the “ Hill-fort.” Dygen Freidin was the namenbsp;of a stream in the same neighbourhood : see Skene’s “ Four Ancient Books ofnbsp;Wales,” ii. 277, and the “ Myvyrian Arch.,” i. 193.

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of fortifications from the Clyde to the Forth. One of his great victories was won at a place called Monsnbsp;Granpius or Graupius, over tribes who fought from warnbsp;chariots; and on his way back he took hostages from anbsp;people called by the otherwise unknown name of Boresti,nbsp;located somewhere between the Tay and the Forth. Thenbsp;fleet also co-operated with the land forces, and after passingnbsp;a winter at a certain Portus Truccuknsis or Trutulensis, itnbsp;performed the circumnavigation of Britain. Agricola wasnbsp;recalled in 85 or 86, but had he been allowed to go on henbsp;would probably have conquered Ireland : he had calculatednbsp;the cost, and he had an exiled chief ready to lead thenbsp;way. He was not only a great general, but also an astutenbsp;statesman, who conciliated the conquered and encouragednbsp;them to adopt Roman institutions and acquire the Latinnbsp;language.

The Emperor Hadrian, who came here in 120, appears to have put down an insurrection, and he is representednbsp;building a wall from the Solway to the Tyne. In 139, hisnbsp;successor, Antoninus Pius, sent his general Lollius Urbicusnbsp;here, and he reduced the Brigantes dwelling beyondnbsp;Hadrian’s Wall, and constructed in 143 a turf wall acrossnbsp;the country from the Clyde to the Forth. The reason givennbsp;for the war on the Brigantes was, that the latter had begunnbsp;to invade the territory of certain Roman subjects describednbsp;by Pausanias, the only writer who alludes to them, asnbsp;^ Tevovvca Molpa, “ the Division or Cohort called Genunia,”nbsp;a thoroughly non-Brythonic designation, which recallsnbsp;Adamnan’s Geona CoAonf, and such tribal names d.sDdl-Riadanbsp;and Ddl-Cais, the division of Riada and Cas respectively.^nbsp;The Genunians probably occupied some part of Galloway,

* See Reeves’s Adamnan’s “ Life of St. Columba,” i. 33 (p. 62), p. 92, note. One is strongly tempted to identify the terms reyowia Noipa and Geona Cohors:nbsp;all that is necessary is to suppose the latter written GJonte, that is Genoncenbsp;instead of Geonce. But what would such an identification mean geographicallynbsp;and historically ?

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possibly that assigned by Ptolemy to a people whom he called Selgovas, a name which meant hunters: they werenbsp;probably a tribe of the Aboriginal Piets, more or lessnbsp;Goidelicised, and depending on the Romans for protectionnbsp;against the aggressiveness of the Brigantic Brythons. Innbsp;162 there were troubles again in the north, and undernbsp;Commodus they became still more serious. The fortressesnbsp;beyond Hadrian’s Wall, and that Wall itself, fell into thenbsp;hands of the northern enemy, who spread devastation innbsp;the province ; it was repelled in 182. In the struggle fornbsp;the purple of empire, following the death of Commodus,nbsp;Albinus, who was in command of the forces in Britain,nbsp;crossed to the Continent, where he met with his death. Henbsp;had, in 197, succeeded in making terms with the tribesnbsp;beyond Hadrian’s Wall; but his successor found himselfnbsp;unable to keep them quiet, so he purchased peace fromnbsp;them at a great price.

It was not long, however, before they attacked the province with such determination, that the Emperor Severusnbsp;resolved to make a great expedition in the north innbsp;208. Severus penetrated, it has been supposed, as far asnbsp;the Moray Firth, and he is credited with having builtnbsp;or rebuilt a wall from the Clyde to the Forth ; in anynbsp;case, as Britain figures little in history from the time ofnbsp;Severus’s death in 211 to the reign of Carausius, his expedition must be pronounced very effective. It is to be noticednbsp;that in the time of Severus one finds the populations of thenbsp;north grouped under the two names of Caledonii andnbsp;Maeatae. By the former, we are to understand the Caledonians, or native Piets of the Highlands, while the latternbsp;name appears to have comprised a mixed people of Pietsnbsp;and Celts occupying approximately the country assignednbsp;by Ptolemy to the northern portion of the Dumnonii,nbsp;together with the tribes of the Lowlands nearest to them.nbsp;Dion Cassius (Ixxvi. 12) locates the MawTai close to the Wall

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which divided the island in two. If, as might be expected in his time, he meant Hadrian’s Wall, the Mseatae must benbsp;supposed to have included the Brigantes dwelling beyondnbsp;that Wall and the tribes overshadowed by them, such asnbsp;were probably the Votadini,^ who occupied the coast fromnbsp;the southern Wall to the Firth of Forth. But we find itnbsp;hard to accept this, and would prefer supposing that Dionnbsp;was loosely following some previous author who meant thenbsp;northern Wall. Otherwise one gets into difficulties asnbsp;regards the subsequent history of the tribes involved, andnbsp;runs counter to the later traces of the home of the Maeatae;nbsp;for their name is found to survive beyond the morenbsp;northern Wall, to wit, in Dun-My at, “ the fortress of thenbsp;Mceaice or Miatiquot; as the name is once given by Adamnan.®nbsp;Dunmyat is now the name of one of the westernmost pointsnbsp;of the Ochil Hills, over against Stirling, on the other sidenbsp;of the Forth. Other fixed points of the same kind are Maynbsp;Water, near Forteviot, and Maya Insula, well known as thenbsp;Isle of May, off the north-east coast of Fife. So it may benbsp;supposed that the country of the Maeatae comprised atnbsp;least most of the tract covered by Stirlingshire and thenbsp;whole of the Lowlands as far as the Tay, whatever may benbsp;said as to the region beyond that river.®

* The name of these people is given in most of the manuscripts of Ptolemy as ’ilToSijvoi or ’nraSivoi, but the Weish form, according to Nennius, wasnbsp;Guotoiiin, which should now be Gododin ; and it follows that the ancient formnbsp;should have been more nearly OuotoSïivoi or OioraSivoi, perhaps better stillnbsp;OioToSiyol. Their country embraced the district around North Berwick, andnbsp;the headland over against Fife is alluded to in Irish literature (Skene’s “ Piets andnbsp;Scots,” p. 57) as the promontory of Fothudan, which agrees, except in itsnbsp;termination, with the Guotodin of Nennius. We have a simpler form of thenbsp;same origin in the Irish personal name Fothad, and in the leading elementnbsp;of the genitive Voleparigis, Votecorigas, on the bilingual stone of Casteli D wyran,nbsp;Carmarthenshire. Seethe “Arch. Cambrensis,” 1895, pp. 303-13; 1896,nbsp;pp. 107-10, 138.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;See Reeves’s Adamnin, i. 9 (p. 36); also i. 8 (p. 33), where the spellingnbsp;is Miathi.

3 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;See Skene’s “Piets and Scots,” pp. clxi. 423-4.

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Carausius seized the reins of government in Britain in 287, and he is described as of the most plebeian descent,nbsp;as a Menapian citizen, and as an alumnus of Batavia.nbsp;His history was that of a man who had once worked fornbsp;wages as a mariner, and by degrees made his way up tonbsp;the very responsible position of commanding the Romannbsp;fleet charged to keep the sea opposite the Belgic andnbsp;Armoric coasts clear of the Saxons and Franks whonbsp;infested it; among other distinctions he had earnednbsp;a great reputation in the war against the Bagaudae innbsp;Gaul. The headquarters of his fleet were at Bononia ornbsp;Boulogne, and he did his work with great success, butnbsp;at length he fell under the suspicion of conniving at thenbsp;doings of the pirates and of receiving a share of thenbsp;plunder. This resulted at last in an order that henbsp;should be put to death, whereupon Carausius declarednbsp;himself Caesar, and made Britain for a time independentnbsp;of Rome, and not a little prosperous. He died in 294,nbsp;assassinated by a certain Allectus, who is representednbsp;as one of his associates, and Allectus enjoyed power tillnbsp;he was slain in a battle fought in 296 with the armynbsp;of Constantins Chlorus, who then re-united Britain to thenbsp;Roman Empire.^

It will help one to understand the career of Carausius, if it be borne in mind that being a citizen of Menapianbsp;does not necessarily mean that he was a native of thenbsp;Continental Menapia: he may have been born in thenbsp;Manapian town which Ptolemy places somewherenbsp;between Wexford Haven and Avonmore, on the east coastnbsp;of Ireland; and when one comes to look into the namenbsp;Carausius, this becomes probable. For it can hardly be annbsp;accident that Carausius admits of being equated with the

* For the history of Carausius see Aurelius Victor’s Csesars (edited by Picblmayer) xxxix. 20, 39, Eutropius, ix. 21, and other authors cited by Holder,nbsp;s.v, Carausius.

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Irish name Cü-rói} which, according to the analogy already discussed (pp. 68, 72), seems to have meant the Hound ofnbsp;the Plain or of the Field, probably of the Battlefield ; and itnbsp;was borne by a personage well known in Irish literature,nbsp;Cu-rói is represented in Irish literature as a consummatenbsp;magician and a great warrior usually engaged in expeditionsnbsp;to Scythia and other distant lands; but he has unfortunatelynbsp;been inextricably confused with a great ancestral figure innbsp;the West of Ireland, whose name was Cu-ri, and his fortressnbsp;has accordingly been identified with Cathair Con-ri^nbsp;“Caher Conree, or the City of Cu-ri,” in Kerry. The truenbsp;position, however, of Cü-rói’s stronghold is more correctlynbsp;indicated by the circumstantial evidence of the locality ofnbsp;certain foes who made attacks on it at night: some comenbsp;from Breg, the eastern portion of Meath, roughly speaking,nbsp;and some from Sescenn Uairbedil, “Marsh of Uarbel,” somewhere on the east coast of Leinster. On the Welsh side,nbsp;poem xlii. in the Book of Taliessin purports to be the elegynbsp;of Cu-rói, calls him Corroi, represents him holding a helm onnbsp;the Sea of the South, and connects him seemingly with Dover.^

If this view should prove correct, it is easy to understand that, belonging to a colony which probably traded with

* The first part of Cü-rói consists of cii, “ hound,” the vowel of which is long; but in a compound like Cu-rói the stress accent being on the second elementnbsp;m, the K of would lose a part of its length, yielding practically Cü-roi ornbsp;CH-rSi. Then as to the spelling of Ca-rausius wnth a, compare Kanovio on anbsp;Roman milestone (now in the British Museum) for Conovio, now Conwy,nbsp;Anglicised Conway, in North Wales. As to the other part of the name Ca-rausius, the intervocalic s, according to rule, disappears, yielding r6i, concerningnbsp;which see Stokes’s “ Urk. Sprachschatz,” p. 235, where he traces rée, rói,nbsp;“ebenes Feld,” to the same origin as the Latin rtis, genitive rüris. Corroi innbsp;the Taliessin poem is derived from the Irish genitive Con-réi.

^ See the story called Fled Bricrenn in Windisch’s “ Irische Texte,’’ IJp. 294-300. As to Sescenn Uairbeoil, this has been recently identifiednbsp;with the Esgeir Oervel of the Twrch Trwyth story (Oxford Mabinogion,nbsp;pp. I3S~Ö) by Prof. Meyer, in the “Transactions of the Cymmrodorion Society,”nbsp;1895-6, p. 73. Uarbel seems to mean the “ Cold-mouth, ” referring to somenbsp;gap or gully where a cold wind usually blows ; compare The Sloe, in the Islenbsp;of Man known in Manx as the Great Mouth of the Wind.

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Britain and with the Belgic coast, including the Menapian mother-state, Carausius was used from his boyhood to thenbsp;sea. If, moreover, the colony was, as we have supposed,nbsp;Belgic or Brythonic, he could presumably pass as a Brython,nbsp;but the fact of his name being Goidelic argues his beingnbsp;partly of Goidelic descent: in other words, he would seemnbsp;to have been favourably situated to become popular withnbsp;both Brythons and Goidels, and to make them considernbsp;him one of themselves, whether in Britain or on the Continent. During his time, at all events, we read of no difficulties with the tribes beyond the Roman Wall. The samenbsp;remark applies to the three years of Allectus’s rule; butnbsp;his name^ points to the North of Britain, whence also hisnbsp;troops may have been largely drawn. No sooner, however,nbsp;had Rome resumed possession of the province than thenbsp;northern tribes began to be troublesome once more, andnbsp;they are now, for the first time, spoken of as Caledonesnbsp;and “other Piets,”^ against whom Constantins Chlorusnbsp;undertook, in 296, an expedition beyond the Wall. Thenbsp;effect of the chastisement which he then inflicted on themnbsp;appears to have lasted some time.

The next serious attack on the province took place in 360, when the Piets from the north were joined by a peoplenbsp;from Ireland, figuring for the first time in history undernbsp;the name of Scotti. They were probably mixed bands ofnbsp;Goidels, Cruithni or Piets of Ireland, and Fir Ulaid or Truenbsp;Ultonians. These last had been crowded into the northeast corner of that island in consequence of the conquestnbsp;of Oriel or southern Ulster some years previously by Celts

* We have it in the name of the Perthshire town of Alyth, in an older form Aleecht, and probably also in the Welsh name Elaeth, borne, according tonbsp;Williams’s “Eminent Welshmen,” by a sixth century saint and poet, who had,nbsp;before he took to a saintly life, been a king in a district in the north of England.nbsp;See also Skene’s “ Four Ancient Books,” ii. 344.

2 See Eumenius’s “ Panegyricus Constantino, ” c. 7 : Non dico Caledonum aliorumqm Pictorum divas etpaludes.

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102 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, hi.)

from the direction of Meath. The Scotti presumably crossed at first into Galloway, where we have surmisednbsp;the Genunians to have dwelt; and on this occasion thenbsp;jieople of Galloway, the descendants of the Genunians ofnbsp;a former age, take part themselves in the attack on thenbsp;province; these were probably the Atecotti representednbsp;as located between the southern and the northern Walls,nbsp;and their name would seem to have meant the Old or Ancientnbsp;Race. The Piets from the north are this time described asnbsp;consisting of Dicaledonse and Verturiones, in whom wenbsp;seem for certain to have the Caledonii and Mseatse of Dionnbsp;Cassius respectively; for the term Dicaledonae used bynbsp;Ammianus Marcellinus (xxvii. 8) seems to have meant thenbsp;inhabitants of the Highlands conceived of as forming twonbsp;Caledonias, severed by the waters of Loch Linnhe, Lochnbsp;Lochy, Loch Ness and Inverness Firth, or else as consistingnbsp;of a Lowland and a Highland region. As to Verturione.s,nbsp;that is a name which gave rise ultimately to the designation Fir Fortrenn} as it were VFi Verturionis, “ thenbsp;Men of Fortrennquot; a district in which the Picto-Brythonicnbsp;people of the Lowlands had their headquarters at Forteviotnbsp;till the centre of gravity was shifted to the banks of thenbsp;Tay by Kenneth mac Alpin and his dynasty. Thus thenbsp;Verturiones seem to have been the Boresti of Tacitus andnbsp;the Maeate of Dion. Whilst these tribes were attackingnbsp;the province on one side, the Saxons were plundering it onnbsp;another, especially the south-eastern coast. In 369 Theodosius arrived and put a stop to the devastation, which hadnbsp;extended to the heart of the province, and he renewednbsp;the stations on the Wall. Add to this that the Atecotti

’ It is possible that we have a survival of the nominative in Fothrev-e or Fothrif, the name of a district embracing Kinross and a part of Fife: seenbsp;Skene’s “Piets and Scots,” pp. Ixxxiv., Ixxxv., 136. This would imply thatnbsp;FothriJ stands for an earlier Forthriu, and that the old Brythonic formsnbsp;were approximately Vorthr^o, genitive Vorlhrionos. See “ Pro. Soc. Antiq-Scotland,” xxxii. 396.

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were subdued and their able-bodied men drafted into the Roman army in Gaul, where St. Jerome reports^ havingnbsp;seen some of that race, which was in his time believed tonbsp;be cannibals. The province continued to be attacked fromnbsp;without by land and sea, and to be cleared from time tonbsp;time of the spoilers by the Roman soldiers, until at last thenbsp;exigencies of the empire compelled Rome to withdraw hernbsp;troops from the island altogether early in the fifth century.

A word now as to the administration. At the date to which the Notitia Dig?iitatum or the Table of Dignitiesnbsp;belongs, the military command of Roman Britain was distributed as follows:—(i) There was the Count of Britain,nbsp;Comes rei militaris Britanniariim, Co7nes Britannim'um ornbsp;Comes Britannice, who with his troops was not fixed in anynbsp;particular locality; (2) the General or Duke of Britain,nbsp;Dux BritMiniarum or Dux Britannice, who had commandnbsp;of the troops on the V/all and in the country south of itnbsp;to the Humber; and (3) the Count of the Saxon Shore,nbsp;Comes litoris Saxonici per Britannias, who had chargenbsp;of the south-east of the island, where there were, from thenbsp;fourth century, military posts placed at intervals from thenbsp;Wash to the Isle of Wight, as a defence against invasionsnbsp;by the Saxons and other Teutonic tribes. Comparativelynbsp;little is known concerning the civil administration of Britainnbsp;under the Romans, but the organisation of it, at the headnbsp;of which stood the Vicar of the Britannias, Vicm'ius Bi'itan-niarum, was practically subordinated to the military system,nbsp;owing doubtless in a great measure to the continuous attacksnbsp;to be expected from without. Roman Britain was treatednbsp;as a single province till the year 210, when Severus dividednbsp;it into two, called Lower and Upper Britain, Britannianbsp;Inferior and Bi'itannia Superior; but we have no indication as to their respective positions beyond the fact thatnbsp;Eburacum, “York,” was in Lower Britain; while Deva,

* See “ Hieronymus adversus lovinianum,” ii. 7 (p. 50).

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, hi.)

‘‘ Chester,” and Isca Silurum, “ Caerleon,” on the Usk, were in Upper Britain. This naturally suggests that Lowernbsp;Britain was the area drained by rivers flowing to the Northnbsp;Sea and the English Channel, and that Upper Britain wasnbsp;so situated as to be reached by travelling up the valleys ofnbsp;the rivers of Lower Britain, in other words the region beyondnbsp;the watershed and draining into the various parts of thenbsp;Irish Sea. But Mr. Haverfield is of opinion that Uppernbsp;Britain was the first portion of the island reached by thenbsp;Romans, that it comprised the whole of the south as far asnbsp;a line drawn from the Mersey to the Humber, and thatnbsp;Lower Britain lay north of that line ; such a division wouldnbsp;seem to have the advantage of fitting in better with thenbsp;military arrangements already suggested. Possibly thenbsp;explanation is, that Severus found the terms Lower andnbsp;Upper Britain already in use in his time in the sense whichnbsp;we have suggested, and that he altered their application sonbsp;far as to make Lower Britain comprehend all south of thenbsp;Mersey and the Humber, and Upper Britain all the Romannbsp;territory beyond those waters; for we are not convincednbsp;that the relative position of Lower and Upper Britain wasnbsp;the reverse.

In 297 Diocletian divided Roman Britain into four provinces called Prima, Secunda, Flavia Caesariensis, andnbsp;Maxima Caesariensis; but all that has been made outnbsp;as to their positions is that Cirencester was in Britannianbsp;Prima. In 369 a fifth province was made, called Valentia,nbsp;after the Emperor Valens, but the position of this also isnbsp;uncertain; it has been supposed to have been the districtnbsp;between the two Walls. In the second and third centurynbsp;the forces here consisted of three legions, one stationed atnbsp;York, one at Chester, and a third at Caerleon, Besidesnbsp;these there were auxiliary cohorts, with their cavalry, mostlynbsp;recruited in Germany, stationed on the Wall and at variousnbsp;points in the district between the Tyne and the Humber,

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which was largely given up to those troops. The Brigantes were not reduced to quietness till the end of the secondnbsp;century, and for another century native troops were seldomnbsp;employed in garrisons in the island : they were drafted awaynbsp;to Germany.

When the Roman legions finally departed the provincials appear to have been on the whole equal to the task ofnbsp;repelling attacks from the north; at any rate, there is nonbsp;evidence that any Caledonians or other Piets were able tonbsp;effect a single settlement south of the Clyde or the Forth.nbsp;The question of invasions from Ireland is a more difficultnbsp;one, as it cannot be severed from the other question, alreadynbsp;touched upon: What Goidelic populations had their homenbsp;in this country before the coming of the Romans, andnbsp;remained here till after the departure of the legionaries ?nbsp;But in spite of the threnody of Gildas over the ravagesnbsp;committed by Piets and Scots, the principal misfortunesnbsp;of the Brythons came from a different quarter, namely,nbsp;from the Continent; we mean the permanent conquestsnbsp;effected here by the Teutonic peoples of the Saxons, thenbsp;Angles, and the Jutes. In the continued effort to holdnbsp;their own the Brythons may naturally be expected to havenbsp;at first endeavoured to maintain the offices to which Romannbsp;administration had accustomed them. Thus they wouldnbsp;probably have somebody filling the office of Count ofnbsp;Britain, or, perhaps more likely, of that and the office ofnbsp;Emperor all in one, now that the Emperor of Rome concerned himself no more with the affairs of the island.nbsp;Welsh literature does not fail to supply us with a personagenbsp;fitted for such a position, and that is Arthur, at any ratenbsp;in so far as Arthur can be treated as a historical man andnbsp;not a myth. He exerted himself, according to Nennius, asnbsp;the Dux Bellorum of the kings of the Brittones, and hisnbsp;activity manifested itself in all parts of the country. Innbsp;Welsh story he is called Amherawdyr, which is the Latin

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io6 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, hi.)

word /mJgt;eraior borrowed, and also PenteymeÉyr Ynys honn, “Chief of the Rulers of this Island,”^ but not king till late.

With more confidence, however, one detects a post-Roman officer filling the position of the Dux Britannics, in command of the forces on the Wall and in the adjacentnbsp;district, namely, in Cuneda the Gwledig or Ruler, to whomnbsp;reference has already been made (p, 9). His pedigreenbsp;represents him as son of Hitern i^ternus), son of Paterttnbsp;Pesrut (Paternus of the Red tunic, in reference probably tonbsp;the purple of office), son of Tacit [Tacitus)’, while one ofnbsp;his own sons was called Dunawd [Donatus), and one of hisnbsp;grandsons was Meriaun [Marianus), after whom is callednbsp;Meirionyd or Merioneth? So the family of Cunedanbsp;must have been Christian, and perhaps partly of Romannbsp;descent. The most powerful branch of it supplied Venedosnbsp;or Gwyned with kings, and the most powerful of themnbsp;appears to have been Maglocunos or Maelgwn, who wasnbsp;contemporary with Gildas, by whom he is called Insularisnbsp;Draco, meaning probably thereby the Dragon or Leadernbsp;of the Island of Britain. The explanation of the term isnbsp;presumably that the general or leader had as his ensign anbsp;dragon, rvhich had descended to him from the Dux Britannicenbsp;in Roman times. In the seventh century this dragonnbsp;figures, as heraldry teaches, as the Red Dragon of Kingnbsp;Cadwaladr, who was the last of the line of Cuneda andnbsp;Maelgwn to try to wield the power which Maelgwn enjoyed.nbsp;What that power precisely was, is only a matter of inference.nbsp;Maelgwn was King of Gwyned, but he seems also to havenbsp;exercised sway over the whole of the country from thenbsp;Severn Sea to the Firth of Forth. How he obtained thisnbsp;wider power becomes intelligible on the supposition thatnbsp;the office of Dux Britannice had been continued from

' See the Story of Kulhwch and Olwen, in the Oxford Mab., p. loj.

2 See “ Y Cymmrodor,” ix. 170, 178, 1S2, and see the pedigree in the note on p. 120 below.

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Roman times, and that the Gwyned branch of the Cuneda family had been able to keep it in their own hands. Thusnbsp;however widely the east and south of the island had beennbsp;wrested from the Brythons by Teutonic tribes, there stillnbsp;was what might be called Roman Britain, though it nonbsp;longer owed allegiance to Rome, and its head wouldnbsp;naturally be hailed by Gildas as the Dragon of the Island.nbsp;It was more congenial to his style to describe him in thatnbsp;way than to call him simply Dux Britannicz. Thoughnbsp;Gildas had grave faults to find with Maelgwn, the latter wasnbsp;of his own race, and that must have counted for a greatnbsp;deal with one who hated Piets and Scots and Saxons withnbsp;the bitter hatred of an irritable saint.

Maelgwn’s son and successor, Rhun, appears to have been less able than his father, but we read of him making war asnbsp;far north as the river Forth,i probably in order to retain hisnbsp;father’s power; and it seems to have been successfully sonbsp;retained, to be lost only to the Angles after a prolongednbsp;struggle. This may be said to have begun with the winningnbsp;of the battle of Chester by ^thelfrith of Deira in the yearnbsp;616, and to have been continued later in a war between Cad-waHon, king of Gwyned, and Eadwine or Edwin, king ofnbsp;the Angles of Bernicia. Bede, in speaking of Cadwalton,nbsp;calls him oftenest Rex Brettonum, “ King of the Brythons,”nbsp;but he is also found once using the term Brettonum Dux,nbsp;“ general or leader of the Brythons.” Edwin triumphed fornbsp;a time over Cadwafton, and it appears from what Bede saysnbsp;that Edwin was the first of the kings of the English to havenbsp;a banner carried before him when he rode forth and a tuftnbsp;of feathers when he went on foot. This Roman fashionnbsp;was probably also that of the Dux Britannice down to Cad-wailon, from whom Edwin would seem to have adoptednbsp;it as a visible indication that he had taken the position ofnbsp;Cadwalton. It was then also presumably that was firstnbsp;1 See Aneurin Owen’s “ Laws and Institutes of Wales,” i. 104, 5.

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, hi.)

heard the title of Bretwalda} Ruler of “ Britons,” otherwise Bryten-walda or Bryten-wealda, Breten-anwealda, and Bryten-weald, “ Ruler of Britain; ” for all these formsnbsp;of it are given in the manuscripts of the Saxon Chronicle,nbsp;when, in speaking of Ecgbryht, it enumerates those of hisnbsp;predecessors supposed to have wielded more power thannbsp;the others. The diversity of form which the title shows innbsp;English documents argues a certain amount of hesitationnbsp;between Dux Brittonum, which would in Welsh be Givledignbsp;Brython, and Dux BritannicB, which Welsh poetry rendersnbsp;Pry dein Wledic? Nay, one would not err perhaps in supposing that the term gwledig (earlier \^g\Lvledic, wletic) hadnbsp;something to do with the choice in Anglo-Saxon of the wordnbsp;walda or an-wealda, “ a ruler or sovereign,” to translate thenbsp;title into that language. As it happens, the words are alsonbsp;cognate, for gwlad, [g^wlat, meant the government ornbsp;power of the state, while Anglo-Saxon wealdan was “to rulegt;nbsp;or wield power.”

The battle of Chester made no difference in the claims of the kings of Gwyned to be gwledigs or overlords ; and thisnbsp;is the light in which should be read the epitaph of Kingnbsp;Cadfan, put up by his son Cadwafton or by his grandsonnbsp;Cadwaladr : Catamanus rex sapientisimus opinatisimus

omnium regum;

King Cadfan the wisest, the most

renowned of all kings.” It was inspired not so much by a spirit of random flattery, perhaps, as by the ancient pretensions of the family. The final history of the strugglenbsp;between the kings of Gwyned and the princes of the Anglesnbsp;was this: Cadwaiton returned from exile in Ireland andnbsp;was for a time triumphant in the assertion of his ancient

’ See the Oxford New English Dictionary, s.v. Bretwalda, where the untenable nature of Kemble’s interpretation of “ wide ruler ’’ is exposed, andnbsp;the equivalence of .lEthelstdn’s Brytenwalda ealles zfyses iglands with rectornbsp;totius huius Britannia insula is advanced.

’ See Skene’s “ Four Ancient Books of Wales,” ii. 138.

* Rhys’s “ Lectures on Welsh Philology,” p. 364.

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right to the office of gwledig or overlord, Edwin having been slain by him in a great battle fought in 633 at Heth-field, somewhere near Doncaster. The Angles continuednbsp;the struggle under ..lEthelfrith’s son Oswald, and Cadwattonnbsp;fell in a battle fought with him in 635 in the neighbourhoodnbsp;of Hexham. Cadwalton’s son Cadwaladr tried for some timenbsp;to recover the position of his ancestors, but his efforts failednbsp;and his personality passed into legend as that of Cadwaladrnbsp;the Blessed. For some time afterwards the bards of thenbsp;Brythons sang of the expected return of Cadwaladr to leadnbsp;his people to victory, and to assert the ancient rights ofnbsp;his family, described in this context as Kessarogyon ornbsp;Caesarians.^

The Dux Brittonum had long been also rex and king, to wit, king of Gwyned, so the title of Dux Brittonum verynbsp;naturally passed into that of Rex Brittomim; in the pagesnbsp;of Bede one finds this latter all but uniformly preferred.nbsp;Henceforth also the domain of the Rex Brittonum, whatnbsp;was left of Roman Britain, dwindled down to the dimensionsnbsp;of Wales. There, however, the title continued in vogue:nbsp;witness the oldest version of the Annales Cambrim, compiled about the middle of the tenth century, which undernbsp;the year 754 record the death of Rotri rex Brittonum, and innbsp;950 that of Higu-el rex Brittonum? The Bruts continued fornbsp;some time to use the same phraseology;® thus under 1056nbsp;is mentioned Grufud vrenhin y brytanyeit, “ Griffith, kingnbsp;of the Britons.” In 1091, with the death of Rhys, son ofnbsp;Tewdwr, the kingdom of the Britons {teyrnas y brytanyeit)nbsp;is said to have fallen. Under the year 1113 allusion isnbsp;made to the wish of certain Welshmen to renew the kingdom

' See Skene's “Foui- Ancient Books of Wales,” i. 444-46, 487-90; ii, 25-8, 211-3.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“Y Cymmrodor,” ix. 161, 169.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;See Rhys and Evans’s “Bruts” (Oxford, 1890), pp. 267, 270, 296, 309,nbsp;341. 3SS. 361, 365, 368, 369, 375, 379; and “ Brut y Tywysogion ” (Rolls,nbsp;i860), pp. 44, S4f 124, 158. 252, 288, 306, 316, 326, 356.

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no THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, hi.)

of the Britons {brytanaól teyrnas). Under 1135 two of the sons of Gruffud ab Kynan are represented as jointlynbsp;holding together the whole kingdom of the Britonsnbsp;{hoti deyrnas y brytanyeii). In the subsequent entries thenbsp;phraseology changes, Kymry, “-Wales, Welshmen,” beingnbsp;introduced. In 1198 Gwenwynwyn, prince of Powys,nbsp;purposed an attempt to secure for the Kymry their ancientnbsp;rank, their ancient rights and boundaries. In 1216 ILywelyn,nbsp;son of lorwerth, summoned to him, at Aberdovey, all thenbsp;princes of Wales {liott tywyssogyon kymry') to partition thenbsp;land of Wales ; and in 1220 he summoned most of the Welshnbsp;princes to him in order to join in an attack on the Anglo-Flemings of Roose and Pembroke. In 1228 the Englishnbsp;king, after making an expedition into Wales, makes peacenbsp;with ILywelyn ab lorwerth, and during the latter’s lifetimenbsp;all the princes of Wales swore allegiance to his son Davidnbsp;in 1238, at Strata Florida; lastly, when ILywelyn died innbsp;1240, he is called prince of Wales {tyivyssaóc kymry). Innbsp;1258 we read of an assembly of the princes of the countrynbsp;swearing allegiance to ILywelyn, son of Gruffud, and in 1267nbsp;we find the English king, Henry III., formally and solemnlynbsp;acknowledging the right of the prince of Wales to the .nbsp;homage of the barons who held land in Wales. Thisnbsp;ILywelyn ab Gruffud proved to be the last of the line ofnbsp;Cuneda and Maelgwn to occupy the position of prince ofnbsp;Wales, for as is well known the military successes andnbsp;shrewd policy of Edward I. achieved the substitution ofnbsp;the heir to the English crown for a native prince of thenbsp;race of Maelgwn and Cuneda. Even thus the Prince ofnbsp;Wales of the present day is historically the actual representative of the Dux Britannice of Roman Britain ; but hisnbsp;Roman Britain is Wales, and it differs in one importantnbsp;particular from the Gaulish portions of the Roman Empire,nbsp;namely, in that it has not, like them, adopted the Latinnbsp;language. The number of Latin words, however, in the

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vocabulary of the Celtic language of Wales shows that the latter began to give way to Latin; and this would havenbsp;continued to go on had not the Latin firmly rooted in thenbsp;east and south of Britain been submerged. Strange as itnbsp;may appear, had it not been for the English language, bynbsp;which the existence of Welsh is now threatened, the Welshnbsp;language would have long ago given way to a Latin idiomnbsp;resembling French.

Lastly, another glance at the map of southern Britain and the position on it of some of the Brythonic tribes willnbsp;enable us to infer the relative dates of their advent. Thusnbsp;the Britanni from the opposite coast of the Straits of Dovernbsp;probably took possession first of Cantion or Kent. Passingnbsp;by the Regni of obscure origin and overshadowed by thenbsp;woods of Anderida, we find next in order the Belgse, whonbsp;may have been preceded by the Dobunni; but these lastnbsp;may have made their way round Cornwall and sailed up thenbsp;estuary of the Severn, or they may have drifted westwardsnbsp;from the Midlands. A similar uncertainty attaches to thenbsp;Atrebates ; they may have come up the Thames, but it isnbsp;perhaps more likely that they came about the same timenbsp;with the Belgse and pushed inland from the neighbourhoodnbsp;of the Isle of Wight. We now come to a second group,nbsp;some members of which must have made for the mouthnbsp;of the Thames. The first of these were probably thenbsp;Trinovantes, who posted themselves on the coast of Essexnbsp;and the banks of the Thames as far, at any rate, as the sitenbsp;of London, which the fashionable Romans of a later daynbsp;thought they had re-named Augusta for all time.^ The

1 See Tacitus, Ann. xiv. 33, and Ammianus, xxvii. 8 ; xxviii. 3. Luckily for the historian the ease with which a superior race thinks it consigns tonbsp;oblivion a place-name current among its subjects often proves delusive, as innbsp;this instance of London ; but it is a matter of regret that no Roman inscription discovered in London or elsewhere gives the full name of Londinium,nbsp;or whatever the Latin spelling may have been : we have nothing more thannbsp;the abbreviation LON.

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II2 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, in.)

Catuvellauni, coming about the same time, had to proceed higher up the river before landing to conquer the Midlands.nbsp;Near the Trinovantes settled also the Eceni, who landednbsp;on the coast between the Trinovantes and the Wash; wenbsp;offer no guess as to their home on the Continent. Thenbsp;same remark applies to the Brythons beyond the Wash,nbsp;namely the Coritavi, who arrived, presumably, by the waynbsp;of the Humber, as did also, perhaps about the same time,nbsp;the Parisi, the remains of whose iron chariots impart anbsp;special interest to the archseology of the opposite districtnbsp;between the Derwent and the North Sea.

If we look westwards, our attention is challenged by the Ordovices and the Cornavii, both of obscure origin. Thenbsp;former possibly acquired their individuality in the Midlands,nbsp;and thence gradually pushed their way westwards to thenbsp;sea, leaving in the possession of unnamed Goidels what isnbsp;now the north-west corner of Wales, including Mona, ornbsp;Anglesey, where Agricola found Druids. The latter, namelynbsp;the Cornavii, seem to bear a geographical name describingnbsp;them as the inhabitants of the horn or peninsula, as thoughnbsp;they had landed between the estuaries of the Dee and thenbsp;Mersey and thence penetrated inland. The same interpretation fits the Celtic corn (Latin cornu, English horn) in thenbsp;name of Cornwall and in that of the Cornavii, in the extremenbsp;north. It need not be supposed to imply identity of race :nbsp;thus the Cornavii on the Dee were Brythons, while thenbsp;northern Cornavii were as probably a tribe of the Aborigines.nbsp;The last groups of Brythons consisted of the Brigantes andnbsp;the Votadini, that is unless we should include with themnbsp;the Parisi from the banks of the Seine. This could hardlynbsp;be correct if our conjecture (p. 86) fixing the home of thenbsp;Brigantes in the country at the mouth of the Rhine shouldnbsp;prove tenable. The position of the Brigantes in this countrynbsp;would seem to show, that they arrived comparatively latenbsp;and landed probably from the Humber or the Tees, or from

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both. Last of all came the Votadini, who took up their abode on the coast from the Tyne to the Firth of Forth,nbsp;together with the adjacent country as far, perhaps, asnbsp;Bannockburn.

This, however, does not cover the whole Brythonic area towards the west and the north, since Brythonicnbsp;speech is found to have acquired, previous to Kennethnbsp;mac Alpin’s reign, a footing among the Piets of Forteviot,nbsp;to which must be added the fact that Goidelic alsonbsp;appears, in later times, in the valley of the Tay possessed of such a hold there as to be difficult to accountnbsp;for. So we are forced to suppose that a considerablenbsp;mixture of Pictish, Goidelic and Brythonic must havenbsp;existed in the country extending from the Firth of Clydenbsp;to the banks of the Tay ; in other words, the Piets beyondnbsp;the Forth were fairly well protected by the deep mud of thenbsp;Forth 1 on one side and by the Ochil range on another, whitenbsp;their Celtic aggressors took one and the same path towardsnbsp;the Tay,namely, that passing between Stirling and Dunmyat,nbsp;and now sufficiently indicated by the line of railway fromnbsp;Stirling to Perth: it became also the route of the Romannbsp;legions, as indicated by the camp at Ardoch.

But roughly speaking, the inland region from the Firth of Clyde to the basin of the Tay is that assigned bynbsp;Ptolemy to the Dumnonii, and there were Dumnoniinbsp;also in the south-west of the island neither appear to

' It is probably the muddiest river in the kingdom, and its name Foylh may be supposed to refer to this peculiarity of its waters, if we may take thenbsp;word to be Celtic and the etymological equivalent of its Welsh name Gweryd,nbsp;w'hich would seem to be the same word as Welsh gwtryd, “ soil, mould, ornbsp;earth.” Similarly, its ancient name of Bodotria seems to have its explanationnbsp;in the Welsh budr, “dirty ” : Ptolemy calls it BoSepia, which does not harmonisenbsp;with iudr with its for an older « or d. Skene’s “ Piets and Scots ” gives Forth anbsp;dative Forciu (to be read probably Forthiu) and a genitive Forthin, pp. 10,43,

^ Holder, s.v. Dumnonii, mixes the two peoples up, and declares them to have been Brythons; but it is right to say that the article seems to havenbsp;accidentally escaped revision.

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, hi.)

have been Brythonic. In fact, the position of the two peoples so designated suggests the hypothesis that theirnbsp;countries are to be regarded as extreme portions of thenbsp;Goidelic area which had escaped conquest by the Brythons,nbsp;and that the word Dumnonii was a collective name ofnbsp;the Goidels of Britain when the Brythons arrived. Thenbsp;adjective discloses the stem Dmnnon, which, treated in anbsp;way not unusual with Irish names, would yield a nominativenbsp;Domnu, genitive Domnann; and we are thus led back bynbsp;easy steps to the Fir Domnann, that is, Viri Dumnonis, ornbsp;Domnu’s Men, already mentioned. We infer that onenbsp;of the Fir Domnann’s landing places in Ireland was thenbsp;river-mouth known as Malahide River, between Howth andnbsp;Balbriggan, in County Dublin ; for in Med. Irish it is callednbsp;Inber Domnann, or the Domnu river-mouth, and from thatnbsp;point the Dronga Domnand} or the Multitudes of Domnu,nbsp;proceeded to the conquest of the fertile soil of Meath andnbsp;adjacent districts. This we should have to regard as annbsp;attack on Ireland in front, but we are reminded that shenbsp;was also assailed from behind, so to say: witness such anbsp;place-name as Irrus Domnann, “ the lorrus of Domnu,” nownbsp;the barony of Erris in the north-west of the county of Mayo,nbsp;and witness also the Irish stories of early invasions of thenbsp;north of Connaught from the sea. The explanation isnbsp;probably that some of the Dumnonii, from their home nearnbsp;the Firth of Clyde, sailed round the north of Ireland, andnbsp;landed in the nearest part of Connaught: hence the Firnbsp;Domnann of some of the Irish legends. Nor is this all, fornbsp;they may have coasted further southwards ; and this maynbsp;possibly be the key to the legend which represents Scota, thenbsp;eponym of the Irish Scots of the Milesian group, as buried innbsp;Keriy^, where her grave and that of one of her companions arenbsp;pointed out in the barony of Troughanacmy, in that county.®

‘ See 0’Curry’s MS, Materials, p. 485, and Stokes’s “Patrick,” p. 34.

- See 0’Donovan’s notes to the Four Masters under the year A.M. 3500.

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However that may be, the Fir Domnann on this side cf the Irish Sea have left the name of the goddess Domnu^nbsp;to the county of Devon ; and in the North, likewise asnbsp;Devon, it has become the name of a river rising within theirnbsp;natural boundary in the Ochil Hills. Even should thesenbsp;conjectures prove tenable, the tribes in the west of Romannbsp;Britain must be pronounced hard to classify, while on thenbsp;eastern side, in spite of the usual scantiness of the data,nbsp;there is little room for error in this respect. There thenbsp;Brythonic settlements were continuous from Dover to thenbsp;Forth, as it has been comprehensively put in the Duannbsp;Albanach, a historic poem concerning Alba, or Scotland,nbsp;which is surmised to have been written in Ireland in thenbsp;eleventh century and to represent the ideas of a still earliernbsp;time. The Duan begins with the Trojan story, and represents Albanus and Brutus, treated as eponymi of Albanbsp;and the territory of the Brittones respectively, takingnbsp;possession of Britain. The third stanza runs thus®;—

To exile Brutus drove his big brother Over the sea of the ungentle loth :nbsp;To himself Brutus noble Britain tooknbsp;As far as Fothuddn’s . . . foreland.

Ro iomtarb a brithair bras

Briotus tar muir n-Ioth n-amnas Rogab Briotus Albain Ainnbsp;Go rinn Jiadnach Fothudain.

This last doubtless meant, as already suggested, a promontory in the country of the Guotodin, somewhere

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In the transition from Domnu or Domnann to Devon it is to benbsp;remembered that Welsh has made mn into vn and Irish into wn. In thenbsp;Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (with f =v) Devonshire is sometimes writtennbsp;Def\e]nasdre and sometimes Def\e'\}iansc{re. See Thorpe’s Rolls ed., i.,nbsp;120, I2I, 146, 147, 166, 167, 246, 247.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;For the text see the Irish Nennius, pp. 272-3; and Skene’s “Piets andnbsp;Scots,” p. 57—the original MS. appears to have been lost (Ibid., pp. xxxvi-iii).nbsp;We have substituted loth for Icht, which makes no sense here, as Muir n-Ichtnbsp;would be the English Channel. As to loth and lodeo, see Rhys’s Rhind Lecturesnbsp;in the “ Scottish Review” for 1891, p. loi, where perhaps it might be more correct to say that merin was obtained by analysing into tra merin the Latinnbsp;transmarinus; as, for instance, in Gildas’s duabus primum gentibus trans-marinis vehementer savis, Scotorum a circiom Pictorum ah aquilontnbsp;(Hist. § 14).

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ltd THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, hi.) near North Berwick; and the whole of the island up to thatnbsp;point means all the country from the Straits of Dover tonbsp;the Firth of Forth, which is here termed Muirn-Ioth, or Seanbsp;of loth. This is undoubtedly to be identified with the waternbsp;called Merin lodeo in the Book of Aneurin, and lodeonbsp;further equates letter for letter with Nennius’s name of anbsp;town of ludeu, which Bede calls Urbs Giudi} In Scotchnbsp;history the Firth was well known as Scottewatre and Scottisnbsp;See. Lastly, as will have been gathered from our previousnbsp;remarks, the fact of giving the name Alba to Britain,nbsp;when referring expressly to the southern half of the Island,nbsp;from the English Channel to the Firth of Forth, argues anbsp;very respectable antiquity for the tradition set forth in thenbsp;poem.

' As references here may be further mentioned—for Merin lodeo, Skene’s ’‘Bcur Ancient Books,”ii. 103; Thomas Stephens’s “Gododin” (London, 1888),nbsp;pp. 348-9. For ludeu, see Rhys’s “Celtic Britain,” pp. 134, 152, 271,nbsp;San-Martes “Nennius und Gildas,”§65 (p. 74); and for Bede’s Giudi ornbsp;ludi, see Plummer’s Bede’s “ Hist. Eccles.” i. 12 (vol. i., p. 25). Here shouldnbsp;be added Muir n-Giudan, quoted (from the book of Lecan) in Reeve’snbsp;Culdees, p. 124, and to be explained probably as having ni modified intonbsp;ngi (rather than influenced by Bede’s Giudi). This sort of change is commonnbsp;enough, for example, in Manx Gaelic; see Rhys’s quot; Manx Phonology,” pp.nbsp;135-6. But more interesting philologically is the identity of the termination ofnbsp;lodeo and ludeu with the ew of such names as Frobbaccennew in .he Aboynenbsp;Ogam: see the ‘' Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland,”nbsp;xxxii. 396 ; also the suggestion in the note, at p. 102 above, as to the namenbsp;' Fothrif.

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In this and the following four chapters we propose to deal briefly with the history of the Cymric nation,^ to givenbsp;some account of the laws and customs of the people duringnbsp;the time of their independence, and to trace the steps bynbsp;which Wales became politically assimilated to England.nbsp;We do not affect to write a history of Wales and thenbsp;Marches, for that is in our opinion a task that cannot benbsp;successfully performed with the aid only of the materialsnbsp;at present at our command.

Many of the sources of information as to the middle and later periods of the Welsh story which have survived to ournbsp;day are to be found at the Record Office and elsewhere,nbsp;but have not been published or even properly examined ;nbsp;and even the well-known authorities have for the mostnbsp;part been only very indifferently edited and printed.^nbsp;Under these circumstances any work dealing with thenbsp;history of Wales must be looked on as merely tentative,

* It may be well to state here that Cymru means the land of the Cyrory, i.e., Wales ; and that Cytnry means the Welsh people. Originally, of course, thenbsp;latter term only included the men of the dominant tribes or clans, and notnbsp;classes or persons subject to them. For the meaning and origin of the termnbsp;see p. 26 above.

“ Progress is being made. See the “ Public Records relating to Wales,quot; by R. Arthur Roberts, Barrister-at-Law, in “ Y Cymmrodor,” x., p. 157 ; and thenbsp;‘ ‘ Ruthin Court Rolls ” (in the Cymmrodorion Record Series), edited, with translation, notes, etc., by the same author (Chas. J. Clark, Lond., 1893), affordsnbsp;a good model for the treatment of the legal materials at the Record Office.

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ii8 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, iv.)

and we only present what follows as matter likely to be useful and suggestive to the student of things Welsh.

Most people have either forgotten or never observed that it was only in the century now ending that Wales wasnbsp;completely assimilated to England. Before the Normannbsp;Conquest we may truthfully say that Wales, though itsnbsp;rulers were in some sort of subjection to the kingsnbsp;of England, formed no part of the English realm, andnbsp;it is only by gradual steps that it has been absorbednbsp;into the English body politic. Our principal aim isnbsp;to point out the chief stages in the process by whichnbsp;the present constitutional position has been broughtnbsp;about.

The history of Wales, as distinct from other portions of the Island, commences after the departure of the Romans.nbsp;The scanty and obscure character of the evidence relatingnbsp;to the fifth and sixth centuries does not enable us to speaknbsp;with any confidence as to the commencement of thenbsp;national life of the Cymry. What is now Wales appearsnbsp;to have been during the time of the Roman occupationnbsp;part of the territory extending, roughly speaking, from thenbsp;Bristol Channel to the Clyde and the Forth, under thenbsp;charge of the military official called Dux Britanniarumnbsp;The word Cymro means, according to the best philologicalnbsp;authorities, “ compatriot,”^ as we have seen, and it was innbsp;.the contests of Celtic tribes with Teutonic immigrants thatnbsp;it became a national name. It seems perfectly clear thatnbsp;for something over 200 years after the Roman occupationnbsp;had ceased the western part of the Island, from the Bristolnbsp;Channel to the Solway Firth and the Clyde, as well as thenbsp;south-western peninsula, were in the possession of tribesnbsp;who may, subject to what has been said above,*^ benbsp;described as “ Celtic,” and who succeeded in maintaining

' Supra, p. 26.

2 Supra, pp. 34-5.

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their predominance in that part of the Island till a few years after the middle of the seventh century. The evidence ofnbsp;the Welsh laws referred to below tends to show that thenbsp;tribal system therein disclosed was similar in its main andnbsp;fundamental particulars to a stage of society through whichnbsp;other Indo-European races have passed. It seems clear,nbsp;too, that these tribes were bound together in some loosenbsp;form of confederation, and that from the time they recognised the term Cymry they looked upon themselves collectively as one nation. They appear to have acknowledgednbsp;the over-lordship or leadership of a king or ruler, who wasnbsp;called the “gwledig,” and whose office or dignity wasnbsp;sooner or later known as the “ Crown of Britain.” Thenbsp;authority of the gwledig appears to have been partly basednbsp;on his claim to be the successor of the Roman officer callednbsp;the Dux Britanniarum, and partly on earlier tribal notionsnbsp;of political and military organisation.^

In time the territory over which the confederation spread came to be called Cymru, and the predominant languagenbsp;Cymraeg. The earliest ruler of the Cymry and of Cymrunbsp;of whom there is distinct evidence is Cuneda, whose namenbsp;often occurs in Welsh literature. In an elegy in the “Booknbsp;of Taliesin” he is said to be a man from Coelin, by whichnbsp;was apparently meant the district since called Kyle innbsp;Ayrshire. In Nennius’“ Historia Britonum ” there occursnbsp;the following passage :—“ The great King Mailcun reignednbsp;among the Britons in the district of Guenedota because hisnbsp;great-great-grandfather Cuneda with his twelve sons hadnbsp;come before from the left-hand (or northern) part, i.e., fromnbsp;the country which is called Manau Guotodin, 146 yearsnbsp;before Mailcun reigned, and expelled the Scots with muchnbsp;slaughter from those countries, and they never again

1 One of the ancestors of CnneiJa is called Padam Pesrud (literally, Paternus of the red tunic). See Rhys’s “Celtic Britain,” 2nd ed., p. 118.nbsp;See the pedigree printed in note 2 on p. 138 below.

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120 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, iv.)

returned.” 1 Guenedota here is obviously Gwyned (speaking broadly, North Wales); Manau Guotodin is evidently the Manaw of the Gododin of Welsh poems, and appearsnbsp;to have been a district in Scotland situate somewhere southnbsp;of the Forth, but we have no means of determining itsnbsp;boundaries.^ If the conjecture is true, Manaw was south ofnbsp;the northern Roman Wall, in the province of Valentia. Thenbsp;entry in Nennius is confirmed by Welsh tradition andnbsp;by many items of archaeological, philological, and literarynbsp;evidence So that we may take it that the Cymric kingdom was founded upon conquest, and that the aspect whichnbsp;society in what is now Wales presented in the centuriesnbsp;to which we are referring was that of an aggregate ofnbsp;Brythonic clans forming a tribal aristocracy superimposednbsp;upon Goidelic tribes, partly Celtic and Aryan in originnbsp;and partly Aboriginal, who had before occupied the land.nbsp;The conclusion thus arrived at as to the early structure ofnbsp;Welsh society is borne out by the Welsh laws and customsnbsp;of a later time.

It is unnecessary to trace in detail, even were it possible for us to do so with accuracy, the steps by which

* The date of Cuneda’s occupation of North Wales cannot be exactly determined ; but it prob.ab!y took place early in the fifth century, and verynbsp;near to the departure of the Romans. The passage cited does not give thenbsp;date of Maelgwn’s reigning. The “ Annales Cambriae” record his death asnbsp;taking place in 547. He was a contemporary of Gildas’ (see “ Gild. Epist.”nbsp;s. 33). The most probable dates for the birth and death of the latter arenbsp;516 and 570 respectively (Smith’s “Diet. Christ. Biog.,” s.k. Gildas). Thenbsp;“ Ann. Cam.” assign his birth to 516, and the “ Annales Tigernachi ” his deathnbsp;to 570.

2 In the genealogies annexed to the “Annales Cambriae” (as to which see below, p. 132), the number of Cuneda’s sons is put at nine. The entry (whichnbsp;deserves the notice of the student) is as follows : “ [Hjec sunt nomina filiorumnbsp;Cuneda quorum numeras erat. ix. Typipaun primogenitus qui mortuus innbsp;regione que vocatur manau guodotin. et non uenit hue cum fratribus suis. prenbsp;[dictis] meriaun. filius ejus. divisit possessiones inter fratres. suos. ii. Osmailnbsp;hi. rumaun. iiii. dunaut. v. Ceretic. vi. abloyc. vii. enniaun. girt. viii. docmail,nbsp;ix. etern.” See “Y Cymmrodor,” ix., p. 182, and below, p. 138,

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invading Teutonic tribes advanced upon the western half of the Island, and by slow steps broke up the Cymricnbsp;federation. Two well-ascertained events mark the process.nbsp;By the loss of the battle of Deorham in 577, the Cymrynbsp;of what is now Wales were severed from the Celtic tribesnbsp;of the south-western peninsula, and afterwards, as a resultnbsp;of the battle of Chester in 616,^ the Cymry of Wales werenbsp;also cut off from their northern allies. The Cymry werenbsp;thus enclosed by Teutonic kingdoms within that part of thenbsp;west of the island which subsequently was called Cymru bynbsp;the inhabitants themselves and Wales by the conqueringnbsp;Saxon.

Notwithstanding these disastrous battles, the Cymry proper maintained a vigorous struggle with very varyingnbsp;fortunes against the Saxon or English kingdoms. But thenbsp;result of continuous warfare, though it did not bring aboutnbsp;incorporation with the English kingdom till long after, wasnbsp;to create a state of complete disorganisation, from a militarynbsp;and a political point of view; and by the defeat ofnbsp;Cadwaladr, shortly after the middle of the seventh century,nbsp;the Cymric kingdom in the older sense came to a melancholy end. This Cadwaladr is deemed by Welsh traditionnbsp;to be the last king of the Cymry who wore the “ Crownnbsp;of Britain”; and that the result of the conflict of centuriesnbsp;was adverse to the Cymric nation is admitted by the briefnbsp;but graphic entry in “Brut y Tywysogion,” which says :nbsp;“Cadwaladr died at Rome as Merdyn had previouslynbsp;prophesied to Vortigern of repulsive lips, and thenceforthnbsp;the Britons lost the crown of the kingdom and the Saxonsnbsp;gained it.”®

1 The date is uncertain. The Annals of Tighernach (see O’Connor’s “ Scriptores rerum hibernicarum ” and “Ann. Cam. ”) put the battle under 613.nbsp;But the true date seems 616. See Plummer’s “ Bsedse Opera Historica,” ii.,nbsp;pp. 76, 77. Tighernach antedates the battle of Daegsastan by three years,nbsp;and probably does the same in regard to the battle of Chester.

’ See Murray, “Eng. Dict.,”r.r/. “Bretwalda.”

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, iv.)

With this completion of a series of events the history of Wales in its limited and modern sense commences.

The subsequent history of Wales may be divided into the following periods :—

First.—From the death of Cadwaladr to the Norman Conquest of England.

Second.—From that Norman Conquest to the conquest and settlement of North Wales by Edward I.

Third.—From the settlement of Wales by Edward down to the incorporation of Wales into the English organisation, in the reign of Henry VIII.

Fourth.—From the time of Henry VIH. onward.

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(A.D. 664—A.D. 1066.)

Little is known of the history of Wales from the death of Cadwaladr to the death of Gruffyd ab ILewelyn.nbsp;Literary tradition has preserved the names and a baldnbsp;account of the deeds (chiefly inconsiderable battles) of anbsp;line of kings or princes, some of whom are representednbsp;as kings of all Cymru or all the Britons; but the personsnbsp;it hands down to us are for the most part as shadowy asnbsp;the ghosts of Banquo’s issue. The account is colourless,nbsp;and the men it brings to our notice in this period havenbsp;hardly more living interest than the names in a genealogicalnbsp;tree. No relation of the events that happened in Walesnbsp;during this time can be lively or dramatic unless one basesnbsp;it more on plausible efforts of imagination than on crediblenbsp;evidence.^ But though this is the case, in order to understand the subsequent history, it is necessary to see whatnbsp;trustworthy authority has to say about this period, andnbsp;especially to discover as well as we can what were thenbsp;chief political divisions of Cymric territory, or, to put thenbsp;matter perhaps more accurately, how Cymric land wasnbsp;apportioned among the leading royal or princely families.

* We have no assistance from bardic or poetic literature for the period from the sixth century down to about loSo, whenMeilirlameutedTrahaearn (defeatednbsp;and slain by Grufifytf ab Kynan). Stephens’s “Literature of the Kymry”nbsp;(and ed.), pp. lO, li.

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, v.)

There is a considerable number of works dealing with the history of Wales, or with the history of Britain from anbsp;specially Welsh point of view. Passing over Geoffrey ofnbsp;Monmouth’s 1 work, which cannot be treated as seriousnbsp;history, and for the moment Caradog of ILancarvan’snbsp;“Historie of Cambria,” we may refer to the ambitiousnbsp;“Cambria Triumphans ” of Enderbie as the principalnbsp;example of an older type.* This writer carries back thenbsp;Cymric story to Troy, and thence to the Tower of Babel.nbsp;His fundamental conception is that all history may benbsp;reduced to a system of events radiating from Troy as anbsp;centre. For the early period dealing with this islandnbsp;he relies on Geoffrey of Monmouth, and for the events ofnbsp;the later period on Caradog of ILancarvan. It is only innbsp;regard to the “modern estate” that the book is of any valuenbsp;to the student of history.

But besides works of this class there are other histories which discard older theories, though they are not adequatelynbsp;critical, of which Warrington’s and Jane Williams’^ are thenbsp;best. Both are in the main founded on a sixteenth centurynbsp;compilation—“ The Historie of Cambria, a part of the mostnbsp;famous ylande of Britaine, written in the British language

' For a recent account of Geoffrey and the character and value of his work, see Morley’s “English Writers,” vol. iii., pp. 44-57. See also Professor W.nbsp;Lewis Jones’ paper on Geoffrey in “ The Transactions of the Hon. Soc. ofnbsp;Cymmrodorion,” session 1898-9, p. 52.

quot; “Cambria Triumphans, or Britain in its perfect lustre, showing the origin and antiquity of the illustrious nation, the succession of their kings and princes,nbsp;the description of the countrey, the history of the modern estate, etc., etc.,”nbsp;by P. Enderbie; folio (Lond., 1661); reprinted 1810. See also Lewis’nbsp;“History of Great Britain, etc., to which is added the Breviary of Britaynenbsp;by HumfreyLwyd, and lately Englished by Thomas Twine,”folio(Lond., 1729I.

^ “ History of Wales in nine books, with an Appendix,” by the Rev. William Warrington ; 4to (Lond., 1786).nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“ History of Wales,” by Jane Williams,

8vo (Lond., 1869). Reference should also be made to the “ History of Wales,” by John Jones (barrister-at-law), Lond., 1824; and to “ Hanes Cymru,” by thenbsp;Rev. Thomas Price, commonly called by his bardic name, CarnAuanawc (1842).nbsp;See also his “ Literary Remains ” (Landovery, 1854-5). See also O. M. Edwards’nbsp;“ Hanes Cymru,” part i. (1895), an excellent text-book for Welsh students.

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about two hundred years past; translated into English by H. Lloyd/ gentleman, corrected, augmented, and continuednbsp;out of records and best approved authors, by David Powelnbsp;Doctor in Divinity.” ^ Caradog of ILancarvan,® the friendnbsp;and contemporary of Geoffrey of Monmouth, was one ofnbsp;the band of men of letters who gathered around Robert,nbsp;Earl of Gloucester, the illegitimate son of Henry I. The datenbsp;of his birth is unknown, but it is supposed he died in 1147.nbsp;It was to him that Geoffrey left the history of the kingsnbsp;who succeeded the Ivor and Ini, who had “ fiercely attackednbsp;the nation of the Angles” but to little purpose, just as henbsp;committed the kings of the Saxons to William of Malmesbury and Henry of Huntingdon.^ That Caradog wrote anbsp;chronicle is clearly proved, but in its original form it is notnbsp;extant. Professor Tout thinks (with the probability of thenbsp;case on his side) that it was written in Latin.® Accordingnbsp;*to the address to the reader given by Powel, Caradog collected the successions and acts of the British princes afternbsp;Cadwaladr to 1156 ; several copies of the collection werenbsp;kept in the abbeys of Conway and Strata Florida, whichnbsp;were “yearly augmented as things fell out,” the twonbsp;abbeys comparing the entries every third year. Powelnbsp;says that the entries were continued to the year 1270, and

* Humfrey ILwyd (physician and antiquary) was born in 1527, and died in 1568. The MS. of his translation of Caradog’s translation is preserved in thenbsp;British Museum (Cotton MS. “Caligula,”A. vi.),iv. “Diet. Nat.Biog.,” s. nom.

^ Small quarto, London, 1584; 2nd ed. (Lond., l8it). See also Wynne’s “ improved edition” (Lond., 1697); 2nd ed. (Lond., 1774); 3rd ed. (Merthyr,nbsp;1812); 4th ed. (Shrewsbury, 1832). The edition of 1811 is the only exactnbsp;reproduction of Bowel’s work. David Powel was born in 1552 (?), and diednbsp;in 1598. He was vicar of Ruabon and rector of Lanfyitin. The livingnbsp;of the latter parish he exchanged afterwards for Meifod {vide Diet. Nat.nbsp;Biog., sub nom.). He is honourably mentioned in “Strype’s Annals,”ii. 472-3nbsp;(ed. 1824).

® See Diet. Nat. Biog., sub. nom.; also Morley’s “ English Writers,” vol. iii., pp. 95. 96. 97-

lt; See Geoffrey’s '¦ British History,” book xii., ch. 19 and ch. 20.

‘ Diet. Nat. Vgt;\og., sub nom. “Caradog.”

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that transcripts of the work were made by divers, and that over a hundred copies were extant in Humfrey Lwyd’snbsp;time. Lwyd translated the work into English, and a copynbsp;of the translation was bought by Sir Henry Sidney, President of the Court of the Marches, and he, desiring itsnbsp;publication, entrusted the work to Dr. Powel. The editornbsp;collated the copy with three versions of the Welsh work ; henbsp;added matter from other chronicles showing the additionsnbsp;by a change of type, prefixed a description of Wales bynbsp;Sir John Prise, and added brief accounts of the Princesnbsp;of Wales after the Edwardian Conquest. In this form thenbsp;work was published in 1584, under the title .set forth above.

In our judgment the statements made in a work thus compiled, and published so late as 1584, cannot be reliednbsp;on unless confirmed by the Welsh chronicles, to which wenbsp;refer below, or by the authorities accepted by competentnbsp;students of English history as trustworthy—at any rate,nbsp;far as the pre-Norman period is concerned. At the samenbsp;time we cannot deny to the work considerable value, andnbsp;assuming that the main text is down to the middle of thenbsp;twelfth century the work of Caradog, we may look uponnbsp;that part of the history as representing the Welsh traditional view of the general course of Welsh affairs at anbsp;time when the memory of many of the events was comparatively recent.

But really for the period we are now dealing with, the principal Welsh authorities which are entitled to credencenbsp;are “Brut y Tywysogion” and the “Annales Cambriae.”!

' “Brut y Tywysogion” (i.e., history of the princes) and “Annales Cambria” are the names given to two sets of chronicles which specially record affairsnbsp;concerning Wales, and which in MS. seem to have been produced as anbsp;whole within the Cymric limits, though some of the entries in the “ Annalesnbsp;Cambrim ” appear to have been written in Ireland, or at any rate to have beennbsp;of Irish origin. The former set of MSS. is in Welsh, and the latter in Latin.nbsp;The best critical account of the origin, the date, and the value of the MSS. isnbsp;to be found in Mr. Egerton Phillimore’s able paper entitled “The Publication

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From these sources, supplemented by the authorities relied on for the early history of the island by competent Englishnbsp;writers, the story of these pre-Norman Welsh kings andnbsp;princes must (if it be possible to do so at all) be constructed.

It is clear from the entry in the Brut that we have quoted above and from other sources that the death ofnbsp;Cadwaladr was regarded by the Cymry as an event ofnbsp;great importance, but as to its exact date we have nonbsp;certain evidence. The Brut puts it as taking place in 681,nbsp;but the writer uses language which shows that for somenbsp;reason he confounded Cadwaladr with Ceadwalla, king ofnbsp;Wessex, who did die in that year. If from the few datanbsp;we have to rely on the matter is traced out there can benbsp;no doubt that the year 681 is too late, and that in all

of Welsh Historical Records ” in “ Y Cymmrodor,” vol. xi., p. 133 (1892). The earliest known version of the “ Annales Cambrix ” is printed in “ Y Cymmrodor,” vol. ix., pp. 152—169, under Mr. E. Phillimore’s editorship. Thenbsp;portion of the “ Annales ” dealing with the events up to the Norman Conquest isnbsp;also printed in “ Monumenta Historica Britannica,” vol. i. {1848), under thenbsp;editorship of Petrie (really under that of Aneurin Owen, the editor of “ Thenbsp;Ancient Laws and Institutes of Wales”). The “Annales Cambrias ” werenbsp;also published in the Rolls series in i860 (edited by Ab Ithel). The “Brutnbsp;y Tywysogion ” up to 1066 is also printed in “ Monumenta Historica Britannica,” and the whole of it was published (ed. Ab Ithel) in the Rolls series innbsp;i860. The versions of the “Annales” and the “Brut” in the Rolls seriesnbsp;are subjected to severe but just criticism by Mr. Phillimore. In 1890, however, the text of the “Brut,” as transcribed in the “Red Book of Hergest,”nbsp;was published in the series of Welsh texts produced at Oxford under thenbsp;editorship of Professor J. Rhys and Mr. Gwenogvryn Evans (Clarendon Press).nbsp;For further Information as to the MSS. see Mr, Evans’ preface to the “ Rednbsp;Book of Hergest,” vol. ii., and Aneurin Owen’s posthumously printed introduction to the “Gwentian Chronicle” in “Arch. Cambr. ” (1864). Thenbsp;so-called “Gwentian” or “ Aberpergwm Brut” is printed in “ Myv. Arch.”nbsp;(vol. ii., pp. 468—582), and a copy made by Aneurin Owen from the “ Myv.nbsp;Arch.” is printed in “Arch. Camb ” for 1864. The date of its compilationnbsp;was not earlier than 1550, and it has not the authority of the genuine andnbsp;older “ Brut ” (see Egerton Phillimore’s paper cited above, “ Y Cymmrodor,”nbsp;xi. 163-168). As to the genealogies appended to “Annales Cambrix ” innbsp;Plarl. MS. 3,859, and printed in “Y Cymmrodor,” xi., p, 169 et seq., seenbsp;pp. 132, 138, below.

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, v.)

probability it was in or very near to 664 that Cadwaladr died.

If we assume that this date is correct, the period now under consideration comprises 402 years, and the scantinessnbsp;of the direct evidence as to what took place may benbsp;estimated from the fact that there are in the Brut onlynbsp;about 200 entries up to the Norman Conquest, and onlynbsp;431 for the 180 years that elapsed from the time thenbsp;Britons lost the crown of Britain to the accession of Rhodrinbsp;Mawr in 844, and that these entries are always brief andnbsp;often obscure. We have, however, some incidental helpnbsp;for the construction of this direct evidence from othernbsp;sources, amongst which the Laws of Howel Da and othernbsp;legal treatises must be given the first place,® for from themnbsp;we can discover with reasonable certainty the structure ofnbsp;Welsh society in these times from a legal and economicnbsp;point of view; and the “ Liber Landavensls ” ® properly and

‘ Forty-one in “Annales Cambria: ” (Phillimore, ubi supra).

* For an account of the legal treatises see below, p. 176 et seq.

^ Liber Landavensis ” is the name given to a work supposed to have been compiled by Galfrid (Jeffrey or Geoffrey), the brother of Urban, the lastnbsp;Bishop of Llandaff mentioned in it. This Galfrid is identified by Mr.nbsp;Gwenogvryn Evans with Geoffrey of Monmouth (see preface to the Oxfordnbsp;text mentioned below). It is a chartulary or collection of documents concerning the Bishops of Llandaff, the endowments of the Church, and eventsnbsp;connected with the history of the diocese. There are several MSS. of thenbsp;work. The oldest and, as it seems, the original one is the Gwysaney MS.nbsp;(belonging to Mr. P. B. Davies-Cooke, of Gwysaney, Flintshire, and Owston,nbsp;Yorkshire). For information as to the MSS. see the prefaces to the printed textsnbsp;by W. J. Rees and Mr. Gwenogvryn Evans. The book was first printed innbsp;1840, under the auspices of the Welsh MSS. Society. The Gwysaney text hasnbsp;been recently published in the Oxford series. See “ The Liber Landavensisnbsp;Lyfr Teilo, or the Ancient Register of the Cathedral Church of Llandaff, fromnbsp;MSS. in the Libraries of Hengwrt and of Jesus College, Oxford, with annbsp;English translation and explanatory notes by the Rev. W. J. Rees, M.A.,nbsp;F.S.A., amp;c. ” (Landovery, 1840). This has been, however, superseded bynbsp;the Oxford work, in which the Gwysaney text is diplomatically reproducednbsp;under the editorship of Mr. Gwenogvr)'n Evans, “ The Text of the Book ofnbsp;Llan Dav, reproduced from the Gwysaney Manuscript by John Gwenogvrynnbsp;Evans, Hon. M.A. Oxon., with the co-operation of John Rhys, M.A.,

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critically used is not to be ignored. From Welsh literature (other than the Brut and the Laws) no help is to benbsp;obtained for this period.

The task of the historian of Wales has, however, been lightened by the excellent work of those who during thisnbsp;century have devoted themselves to clearing up the earlynbsp;history of England, and it is only by labouring in the lightnbsp;of what they have made known, and according to thenbsp;methods they have adopted, that he can succeed in gettingnbsp;at the truth about the story of the Cymry.

As pointed out above, the break-up of the older Cymric kingdom left Wales in a state of complete political disorganisation. Memories of the old kingship and of thenbsp;old bonds undoubtedly survived in theory and sometimesnbsp;reappeared in fact; but, speaking broadly, the aspect thatnbsp;Wales presents during the succeeding centuries is that ofnbsp;a disunited, or very loosely connected, aggregate of clans,nbsp;or petty kingdoms, or lordships engaged in perpetual warfare both among themselves and with English kingdomsnbsp;and English rulers. It would be untrue to state that therenbsp;was absolutely no conception of a collective nation or of anbsp;united kingdom, but, so far as we can ascertain, on nonbsp;occasion was the whole country effectively under the rulenbsp;of one sovereign. The material is so scanty that it wouldnbsp;be dangerous to make any general assertion in other thannbsp;a tentative fashion.

In an endeavour to clear up the history of a country thus disorganised one of the first questions that must occur to

Professor of Celtic in the University of Oxford ” (Oxford, 1893). The “ Liher Landavensis ” is also called “ Hyfr Teilo ” (the Book of Teilo). Teilo is one ofnbsp;the principal traditional saints of Wales. He is represented as a cousin of St.nbsp;David’s and as Bishop of Llandaff, but he seems to have advanced archiepiscopalnbsp;claims. For an account of him see Smith’s “ Dicty. Christ. Biog.,” subnbsp;nom. The chief authority for his life is a portion of the twelfth centurynbsp;MS. with which this note deals. See “ Lib. Land.” (Oxf. ed.), pp. 97 et seq.nbsp;There is no life of, but there are several references to, Teilo in Rees’ “Livesnbsp;of the Cambro-British Saints” (Landovery, 1853).

W.P. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;K

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, v.)

one’s mind is, what were its divisions for the purposes of such government as existed, especially when as in thenbsp;case of Cymru one finds the names attached to variousnbsp;areas ancient. We have in the introduction pointed outnbsp;that Wales was in the times of its practical independencenbsp;of the English monarchy undoubtedly divided into can-trefs and cymwds. In the laws of Howel Da, whichnbsp;are legal treatises once in practical use, the land divisionsnbsp;and measurements are ascribed to Dyfnwal Moelmud, whonbsp;was king “ before the crown of London and the supremacynbsp;of this island were seized by the Saxons, and who firstnbsp;established good laws in this island . . . and after thatnbsp;Howel enacted new laws, and abrogated those of Dyfnwal;nbsp;yet Howel did not, however, alter the measurement of thenbsp;lands in this island, but continued them as they were leftnbsp;by Dyfnwal; because he was the best measurer.” ^ Nownbsp;“the cause of his measuring of the island was that he mightnbsp;know the tribute of this island, the number of the miles,nbsp;and its journeys in days.’’^ What is expressly ascribednbsp;in the laws to Dyfnwal is the determination of the unitsnbsp;of measurement and the division of the area called thenbsp;cymwd into smaller parts, having some, though to us notnbsp;quite clear, significance in a tribal system. It is notnbsp;said that Dyfnwal marked out the Cymric land into can-trefs and cymwds, but as the cymwd is represented as annbsp;aggregate of smaller divisions, themselves having referencenbsp;to the prescribed units of measurement, it seems to benbsp;implied that he did in fact constitute the division intonbsp;those larger areas.

The matter is not, however, free from difficulty, for if we are to read the text literally as a division ofnbsp;the whole of Cymru, the area of each cymwd ought tonbsp;have been of equal superficial extent. In fact, the

* “Ancient Laws and Institutes of Wales,” vol. i,, pp. 182-185 (1841, Rolls series, ed. A. Owen).

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CADWALADR TO NORMAN CONQUEST. 131 cantrefs and cymwds varied very greatly in size. Wenbsp;cannot profess that we have discovered any final solutionnbsp;of the difficulty thus created. It would seem that thenbsp;primary purpose of the division was to facilitate the equitable assessment of the food-rents due to the chieftainsnbsp;as well as in the first instance to secure a fair apportionment of a conquered territory among the new settlers. Itnbsp;may be that in the time of Dyfnwal the different familiesnbsp;of Cymric origin took possession by arrangement amongnbsp;themselves; that they, as was natural, made their firstnbsp;establishments on the more developed and fertile areas;nbsp;that each cenedl on whom the liability for customarynbsp;dues fell became associated with a particular area ; that innbsp;some cases the area came to be called by the name of thenbsp;head of the cenedl at the time of its settlement,^ and innbsp;others that the name of some pre-existing division survived ;nbsp;and that what Dyfnwal the legislator really did was tonbsp;create a system of measurement and division applicablenbsp;roughly to an established order of possession with a viewnbsp;to making the incidence and rendering of the customarynbsp;food-rents fair and easy. However this may be, it isnbsp;certain, that in the tenth century Cymru was dividednbsp;into cantrefs and cymwds, with boundaries ascertainednbsp;well enough for practical purposes, and that the divisionnbsp;was then deemed to be ancient.

Dyfnwal Moelmud is generally supposed to have reigned about 400 years before Christ. This seems due to the placenbsp;given to him by Geoffrey of Monmouth in his line ofnbsp;British kings. According to Geoffrey he gained the sceptrenbsp;of Britain after a civil war that followed the slaying ofnbsp;Porrex, and on his death his sons Belinus and Brenniusnbsp;became kings of Britain.^ If we were to assume this tonbsp;be true, the date of Dyfnwal’s flourishing and legislation

^ Meirionyd. Meirion was a son of CuneSa.

2 “ British History,” book ii., cc. l6 and 17; book iii., c. i.

K 2

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might be about B.C. 400.1 there is nothing to support Geoffrey’s narrative, while there is credible evidence thatnbsp;about the time of Cuneda (who, as leader of the Cymry,nbsp;conquered Wales) there was a Dyfnwal Moelmud who,nbsp;whether or not he was ever head-king of the Cymry, ornbsp;simply a member of a ruling family, was so closely connected with the line of Cuneda, that his name may have wellnbsp;become associated with legislation over Cymric territory.nbsp;It fortunately happens that there are several pedigreesnbsp;appended to the earliest MS. of the “ Annales Cambrim,” andnbsp;as they are undoubtedly old, and came into being at a timenbsp;when every one’s genealogy was most religiously preservednbsp;and remembered as a kind of title-deed to his status in thenbsp;then existing legal and social system, we may with a highnbsp;degree of confidence look upon them as in substancenbsp;accurate.^ The name of Dyfnwal Moelmud occurs innbsp;Pedigree X. He was son of Garbaniaun, and grandson ofnbsp;Coel Hen, whose daughter was Cuneda’s wife, and hisnbsp;pedigree was traced “to Beli et Anna.”® He may thereforenbsp;have been a contemporary of Cuneda’s, and may havenbsp;survived during the lives of one or two generations of hisnbsp;descendants. Save so far as we may infer it from thenbsp;statement in the Welsh laws, that he was king before thenbsp;loss of the crown of Britain, there is nothing to show thatnbsp;he was king of all the Cymry ; and in fact the text does not

' Geoffrey’s Brennius took the city of Rome, and seems to be meant for Brennus, who, according to current computation, in B. c. 390, did capture thenbsp;city and besiege the citadel. Mommsen, “History of Rome,” i., p. 366nbsp;(English translation).

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“ The annales and genealogies in their present form show marks of having

been composed in the last half of the tenth century ” (E. Phillimore, “Y Cymmrodor,” xi., p. 144).nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“ But the date of the MS. is upwards of a century

later than that of the composition of the Annales and Welsh Genealogies” (Hid., p. 145). See also “The Welsh Pedigrees,” a paper by Henry F. J.nbsp;Vaughan, B.A., S.C.L., printed in “Y Cymmrodor,” x, 72 (1890).

3 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“ Y Cymmrodor,” ix., p. 174. As the pedigree is not very accessible tonbsp;the student we reproduce it:—

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necessarily give him the position of a head-king or gwledig ; and there is nothing inconsistent between what is stated innbsp;the laws, and the inference that he was a king of somenbsp;territory subject to Cuneda, and that he was authorisednbsp;by the gwledig, upon the conquest of Wales, to settle thenbsp;affairs of the newly-won lands. This conjecture accordsnbsp;well with the ascertained facts. There were in all probability earlier divisions of Wales, and we need not assumenbsp;that they were entirely superseded by Dyfnwal’s work.nbsp;His main object was evidently, as we have said, to make annbsp;arrangement for the fair imposition of the food-rents of thenbsp;occupiers of Cymric land. Under his system, confirmednbsp;by Howel, the families in each cymwd were liable for thenbsp;same food-rent, that is, the same amount was levied on eachnbsp;cymwd, irrespectively of the number of the families or itsnbsp;size; and as the occupied land varied very greatly innbsp;fertility and productiveness, the operation of practical


. il.

The map before Guotepauc should, says Mr. Phillimore, be i Guotepauc (now Godebog) was Coyl’s epithet. The pedigree is Northern.nbsp;The patronymic of Dumngual Moilmut seems Goidelic ; see above, p. 24.

[M]orcant. map. Coledauc.nbsp;map. Morcant.


map. Cincar.

braut. map. Branhen.nbsp;map. Du*«»gual.

moilmiit. map. Garbaninbsp;aun.

map. Coyl hen. map. Guotepauc.nbsp;map. Tec ma-. nt.

map. Teu-


map. Telpu-il.

map. Vrb.


map. Grat. map. lume-tel.

map. Riti-girn. map. Qude-cant.

map. Ou-

tigir, map. Ebiud.nbsp;map. Eudof.nbsp;map. Eudelen.nbsp;map. Aballac.nbsp;map. Beli ei anna.


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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, v.)

causes .may well have led to great difference in the relative extents of the rent-paying units.

In the “Chronicles” and the “Liber Landavensis” we find individuals represented as kings or princes of areas largernbsp;than cantrefs, to which names other than those of thenbsp;cantrefs are given. These may have been, probably were,nbsp;aggregates of the smaller divisions. They representednbsp;lands over the inhabitants of which certain regal or princelynbsp;families descended from, or assumed to be descended from,nbsp;Cuneda, or it may be the descendants of other foundersnbsp;of ancient and pure-blooded tribes of the Cymric racenbsp;exercised a tribal sway, and possessed customary privileges.nbsp;In the “ Brut” we find mention of the following areas for thenbsp;most part in terms implying that they were kingdoms:—nbsp;Gwyned, Powys, Ceredigion, Dyfed, Morgannwg, Gwent,nbsp;Brecheiniog, Buaflt, Ystrad Towi,^ Rhuvoniog, Cidweli,nbsp;Gwyr, Mon.

We need not assume the list to be exhaustive. There were very likely other kingdoms or principalities which donbsp;not happen to be mentioned. The names of other districtsnbsp;are certainly to be found {e.g., Gwentlwg, ILeyn, Meironyd),nbsp;but not in terms necessarily suggesting they were undernbsp;separate sovereign families.

It is worthy of notice that before Rhodri’s time there is no mention of a king of Deheubarth (ordinarily used asnbsp;equivalent to South Wales), though the word Deheubarthwyrnbsp;(men of Deheubarth) occurs once.

To the rulers of these larger areas the names “ brenin ” (king) and “ tywysog”^ (prince) are applied. In the earliernbsp;times the former title is liberally accorded. The king isnbsp;usually described as king of a particular district, eg.,

' Ab Ithel in the Rolls edition of the “Brut” translates this as the “ Vale of Towi,” but it practically means district of the Towi. Ystrad literally meansnbsp;strand, “strath.”

quot; See s.a. 856 : “ Y bu uar6 lonathal tywyssawc Abergeleu.”

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Gwgaun, son of Meurug, king of Ceredigion ; ^ but some of the chieftains are described as “ king of the Britons.” ^ Now-later writers proceed on the theory that Cymru was dividednbsp;into three principal parts, GwyneS, Deheubarth, andnbsp;Powys, with three royal residences—Aberfifraw in the firstnbsp;Dinefwr in the second, and Mathrafal in the third, and annbsp;over-lordship is ascribed to the king of Gwyned. Therenbsp;is nothing in the “ Chronicles ” absolutely inconsistent withnbsp;this, but on the other hand there is nothing directly tonbsp;support it; but some of the later legal treatises accord anbsp;pre-eminence to the king of Gwyned, and many isolatednbsp;facts tend to support this view, so far as the kingdoms ofnbsp;Deheubarth and Powys are concerned but there seems nonbsp;evidence proving with certainty that the regal families ofnbsp;South-eastern Wales, which was divided into the kingdomsnbsp;of Morgannwg, Gwent, Brecheiniog, and BuaHt, generallynbsp;acknowledged the over-lordship of Gwyned. There is,nbsp;however, no improbability in the view that the chieftainsnbsp;of Cymru at one time regarded themselves as forming anbsp;kind of hierarchy of kings and certainly the organisationnbsp;of each kingdom, as described in the codes, seems to involvenbsp;a gradation of lordships very nearly resembling a feudalnbsp;system. But though the supremacy of Gwyned and thenbsp;subordination of one ruler to another, in some settled mannernbsp;grouping all Wales into a collective nation, may have beennbsp;a legal first principle, the actual facts, as gathered or inferrednbsp;from the “Chronicles,” hardly seem to square with the theory.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;871. “Ann. Cam.,” j-.a. 871.

^ -E.g., “Brut,” s.a. 998 : “Mareduit, son of Owain, the most celebrated King of the Britons.”

® Mr. Seebohm adopts the theory. “Tribal System in Wales,” pp. 134— 139-

¦* Cf. ^the case of Ireland, where there seem to have been recognised an Ard-rf Erend and three classes of subordinate kings. O’Sullivan’s Introductionnbsp;to 0’Curry’s “Lectures on the Manners and Customs of the Ancient Irish,”nbsp;pp. ccxxix-xxxi. See also Ginnell’s “The Brehon Laws” (London, 1894),nbsp;pp. 63 et seq.

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, v.)

and what we do find is an aggregate of small states under separate kings or ruling families continually quarrellingnbsp;among themselves.

The period now under consideration—that from the death of Cadwaladr, in 664, to the Norman Conquest—nbsp;may itself be conveniently divided at the accession ofnbsp;Rhodri Mawr. For the one hundred and eighty years thatnbsp;elapsed from the loss of the crown of Britain to 844, whennbsp;Rhodri became chief king of the Britons, we know little ofnbsp;what took place in Wales, and all we can gather fromnbsp;trustworthy sources is the names of certain kings andnbsp;battles, and the general conclusion that the limits of thenbsp;Welsh area were further contracted.

According to Caradog of ILancarvan, Ivor, son of Alan, king of Armorica (who becomes strangely confoundednbsp;with Ine, king of Wessex), succeeded Cadwaladr on hisnbsp;death in 681, and reigned till 720. Then Rhodri Molwynog,nbsp;son of Edwal Ywrch, became “ King of the Brytains,” andnbsp;survived till 750, and was followed by his son, Conannbsp;Tindaethwy, who continued chief king till 817, when henbsp;died (after chasing his brother Howel out of Mon in thatnbsp;year), leaving a daughter, Esyllht, married to Merfyn Frychnbsp;ab Gwriad. Merfyn and his wife took possession of thenbsp;kingship, and Merfyn reigned till 841. In that year (“asnbsp;some do write ”) he was killed in a battle at Cetteh betweennbsp;the Welsh and the Mercians under Burchred, and then hisnbsp;son Rhodri succeeded. This account is usually followednbsp;by Welsh historians, but it is barely credible. For a periodnbsp;of one hundred and fifty-three years {i.e., 664 to 817), onlynbsp;four chief kings (one following the other immediately) arenbsp;assigned, and Conan is made to reign nearly seventy years.

Caradog appears to have been trying, very likely honestly enough, to represent a continuity in the devolution of thenbsp;Cymric over-lordship that had had no existence except innbsp;the imagination of later rulers and those who were connected

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with them as bards and genealogists. The “ Brut,” while not absolutely inconsistent with the view of Caradog, can hardlynbsp;be described as entirely supporting it. It says that afternbsp;Cadwaladr, Ivor, son of Alan, king of ILydaw, which is callednbsp;little Britain, reigned not as king, but as a chief or prince,^ andnbsp;after him Rhodri Molwynog reigned. The entries down tonbsp;844, when it records the death of Merfyn Frych, are verynbsp;brief. Rhodri Molwynog died in 754. The earliest referencenbsp;to a Kynan is in 812, when it is recorded that a battle tooknbsp;place between Howel and Kynan, and that the latter wasnbsp;beaten, and three years later (815) Howel expelled Kynannbsp;from Món.^ Then, in 817, Howel was “a second time”nbsp;driven from Món, and Cynon (who, we may fairly assume,nbsp;was identical with Kynan) died, and the Saxons ravagednbsp;the mountains of Eryri, and took the kingdom of Rhuvoniog.^nbsp;No mention is made of Esyllht, but it is stated thatnbsp;Merfyn Erych died in 844. We may therefore look uponnbsp;the existence of Ivor, Rhodri Molwynog, Kynan, and Merfynnbsp;Frych as proved, and we may believe that they were verynbsp;important chieftains of the Cymry in the time after thenbsp;death of Cadwaladr and before Rhodri Mawr’s accession.nbsp;But there are other kings mentioned, such as Caradog,nbsp;king of Gwyned, Maredud and Rein, kings of Dyfed,nbsp;Arthen, king of Ceredigion, and CadeE, king of Powys.^nbsp;To Rhodri Molwynog, indeed, the title of “ brenin ynbsp;Brytanyeit” is accorded, but the deaths of Conan andnbsp;Merfyn are mentioned as if they were simply kings ofnbsp;districts; and we cannot avoid noticing that if Gwyned

* The words in the text of the “Brut” (Oxford edition, p. 257) are “ ac nyt megysbrenhin namyn megys pennaeth neu tywyssauc.” They are importantnbsp;as showing clear recognition of the change in the position of the Cymry in thenbsp;island, which had been brought about by the events that led up to the death ofnbsp;Cadwaladr and the loss of “the crown of Britain.”

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“Brut,” s.a. 815.

3 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“ Brut,” s.a. 817.

See under the years 798, 796, 807, and 808, “Ann. Cam.,” 798, 807, 808.

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, v.)

had at that time a practical pre-eminence, it is strange that Caradog (a king of that part of Wales) should find nonbsp;place in the succession of kings of all Wales as tracednbsp;by Caradog of ILancarvan.

The sources of information by means of which we may check or correct the traditional or usually adopted accountnbsp;of this period are not limited, however to the Chronicles.nbsp;The first of the pedigrees appended to the MS. of thenbsp;“ Annales Cambriae,” edited by Mr. E. Phillimore, is that ofnbsp;Owain, the son of Howel Da, and great-grandson ofnbsp;Rhodri Mawr, and it carries back his genealogy a very longnbsp;way. It is a genuinely old compilation, and however muchnbsp;we may doubt, or rather be in a state of indifference as tonbsp;the more remote stages, yet if we bear in mind the legalnbsp;structure and general complexion of the community innbsp;which it was produced, it would be an excessive display ofnbsp;the sceptical spirit to deny its accuracy for many generations, especially as there is evidence from many sourcesnbsp;that most of the nearer ancestors of Owain whom itnbsp;discloses really lived and played their parts among thenbsp;Cymry in a sequence of events that is not inconsistent withnbsp;the order of the names in the pedigree in question.’-

According to this pedigree, the names of the successors of Cadwaladr were :—lutgual, Rotri, Cinnan, Etthil, Mer-min, Rotri (Mawr).^ lutgual is probably the Idwal Ywrchnbsp;of Caradog ; the first Rotri is evidently Rhodri Molwynog,nbsp;king of the Britons, who, according to the “«Brut,” died innbsp;754; Cinnan seems to be the Kynan or Cynon of the “Brut,”nbsp;who fought with Howel in 812 and 815, and died in 817,nbsp;and Caradog’s Conan Tindaethwy; Etthil, daughter of

* In Mr. Phillimore’s opinion, “up to the date when all Welsh records necessarily became more or less fabulous, these genealogies have every claimnbsp;to rank beside the ‘ Annales ’ and the ‘ Saxon Genealogies ’ as a valuablenbsp;historical authority.” “ Y Cymmrodor,” ix., p. 149 (1888).

2 This important pedigree deserves the most careful study. It is printed in ihe preface to Aneurin Owen’s “Welsh Laws,” etc. (vol, i., Preface, p. xiv.,

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Cinnan, is the Esyllht who, in his account, was married to Merfyn Frych; Mermin, son of Etthil, is probablynbsp;identical with the Merfyn Frych whose death is assignednbsp;by the Brut to the year 844, and the Mermin whose deathnbsp;is mentioned in the Annales as taking place in the samenbsp;year. The second Rotri is Rhodri Mawr.

We may, then, take it that the existence of Idwal Ywrch, Rhodri Molwynog, Conan Tindaethwy, Etthil, Merfynnbsp;or Mermin Frych is confirmed by the pedigree, and thatnbsp;they were descendants of Cadwaladr; but the intervalnbsp;between 754, when Rhodri Molwynog died, and 817 ornbsp;816, when Conan died, is very long. A Caradog, king ofnbsp;GwyneS, is stated to have been killed by the Saxons in 798.^nbsp;He may have been a son of Rhodri Molwynog, and have

' “ Brut,” s.a. 798. “Ann.,” s.a, 798.

“Caratauc rex guenedote apud Saxones iugulatur,”

note). We reproduce it as edited by (vol. ix., pp. 169, 170).

[0]we» map. iguel. map. catell.nbsp;map. Rotri.nbsp;map. mermin.nbsp;map. etthil merch.

cinnan. map. rotri.nbsp;map. lutgual.nbsp;map. Catgiialart.nbsp;map. Catgollau«.nbsp;map. Cat man.nbsp;map. Jacob,nbsp;map. Beli.nbsp;map. Run.nbsp;map. Mailcun.nbsp;map. Catgolau».nbsp;lauhir.

map. Eniau» girt, map. Cuneda.nbsp;map. .dStern.nbsp;map. Patern pefrut.nbsp;map. Tacit.

Mr. E. Phillimore in “Y Cymmrodor”

map. Cein. map. Guorcein.nbsp;map. doli.nbsp;map. Guordoli.nbsp;map. Dumn.nbsp;map. Gurduwz».nbsp;map. Amguoloyt.nbsp;map. Awguerit.nbsp;map, Oumu«.nbsp;map. Dublin,nbsp;map. Brithguein.nbsp;map. Eugein.nbsp;map. Aballac.nbsp;map. Amalech qui fuit.nbsp;beli magni fili«j.nbsp;et anna raaier ejur.nbsp;qua?» dic«»t erre


brina MARI^, uirginis matrn.nbsp;d’ni n’ri ih’u xp’i.

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140 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, v.)

been omitted by the compiler of the genealogy, but there can be no certainty about the question. Nor can we speaknbsp;positively as to the district over which this line held sway,nbsp;though the mention in the Brut and Annales of kingsnbsp;of various districts,^ who do not appear to have been descendants of Cadwaladr, leads us to the opinion that lutgualnbsp;and his immediate successors were rulers of Gwyned.

In addition to the scanty information we have as to the names of these kings, we know, from the Welsh and othernbsp;sources, that there was almost continual warfare between thenbsp;Cymry and their English neighbours, and very frequentlynbsp;among themselves, and that, as a result, the Cymric areanbsp;was again diminished.

It is with the name of Offa of Mercia that the further and definite lessening of the Cymric land is chieflynbsp;associated. He began his reign in 757.® Of his deedsnbsp;during its earlier years little is recorded, but later on henbsp;engaged in seemingly fierce contests with the Welsh. Innbsp;776 the destruction of the South Wales men took place,®nbsp;and some years after he pushed over the Severn, “ andnbsp;spoiled the Britons in summer time.”* The king of Powysnbsp;was driven from Pengwern (Shrewsbury), till then thenbsp;capital of his realm, and the boundaries of Mercia werenbsp;practically carried to the Wye. It was probably aboutnbsp;this time that the Mercian king caused the earthworknbsp;known as Clawd Offa, or Offa’s dyke, to be constructed.nbsp;Speaking roughly, this work extended from the estuarynbsp;of the Dee to the mouth of the Wye. Whether it wasnbsp;intended for military purposes or simply as a visible mere

' nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“Arthgen rex cereticiaun,” “Regin rex demetoram; et catel,

pouis moriuntur,” “ Ann.,” s.a. 807, 808.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“Dictionary of National Biography,” suh nom. Offa.

® “Brut,” s.a. 776. “Vastatio Brittonum dexteralium apudOffa,” “Ann.,’’ s.a. 778.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“Biut,”j.a. 779. (^“Vastatio Brittonum cum Offa in estate,” “Ann.,”nbsp;s.a. 784.

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between England and Wales, it became recognised as the boundary line of Cymru. The dyke is not mentioned innbsp;the Oxford text of the “Brut,” though in one of the MSS.nbsp;on which the Rolls edition is based, it is stated that Offanbsp;caused the dyke to be made to enable him more easily tonbsp;withstand the attacks of his enemies. Probably this is anbsp;late addition to the Brut, but the making of the dyke isnbsp;mentioned by Asser,^ and its existence is an indisputablenbsp;fact. Portions of it were a few years ago noticeable. Innbsp;Radnorshire at the beginning of this century its remainsnbsp;were “ almost as fresh as if cut yesterday, excepting thenbsp;edges, which are clothed with a fine verdure.”®

The consolidation of the Teutonic kingdoms in England under Ecgbryht (the first Saxon king who called himselfnbsp;Rex Anglorum) in the early years of the ninth century hadnbsp;an immediate effect upon the fortunes of the remnantnbsp;of the Britons. In his reign the Cornish people werenbsp;subdued, and henceforth, though they maintained somenbsp;kind of separate organisation, they never successfully threwnbsp;off the yoke of Wessex. After the reduction of Mercianbsp;and Northumbria, it seems clear that he extorted thenbsp;submission of the Cymric princes^—the English certainlynbsp;made temporarily successful invasions into the heart ofnbsp;the Cymric land.^

’ Asser, M. H. B. 471.

2 Williams’s “ History of Radnorshire,’’58. See also Pryse’s “ Descriptio ” prefixed to “Caradocof]Lancarvan,”ed. 1584; also Guest’s “OriginesCelticse,”nbsp;vol. ii., p. 273 ; and Longucville Jones’s article in ArcA. Cambr. (3rd series,nbsp;vol. ii., pp. 1-3, and pp. 151-4); also Earle’s paper, Arch. Cambr., 3rdnbsp;series, vol. iii., pp. 196-209. Most of what is known about the dyke is wellnbsp;stated by Mr. A. N. Palmer in his paper, “ Offa’s and Wat’s Dykes,” innbsp;“Y Cymmrodor,” vol. xii., p. 65(1897).nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Freeman, N. C. i., p, 42.

* In 817, “ The Saxons ravaged the mountains of Eryri and took the kingdom of Rhuvoniog,” “Brut,” r.a.

In 818, “A fight took place in Mona, called the action of Llanvaes.”

In 819, “ Kenulf ravaged the kingdoms of Dyfed.”

In 823, “ the Castle of Deganwy was destroyed by the Saxons, and then the Saxons took the kingdom of Powys into their possession.quot; “ Brut,” s, a. 823.

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, v.)

The reign of Ecgbryht marks a distinctstep in the development of the English monarchy ; but just as the English state was attaining to considerable power, its own existence,nbsp;as well as that of all the kingdoms of the island, wasnbsp;threatened by the formidable invasions of the Northmennbsp;or Danes, who were still outside the pale of Christianity.nbsp;Sporadic incursions had taken place before the accessionnbsp;of Ecgbryht. The Welsh Chronicle says that 790 was thenbsp;year of Christ when the Pagans first came to Ireland.^ Atnbsp;the beginning of the ninth century their raids becamenbsp;more frequent and more effective ; but shortly before hisnbsp;death Ecgbryht defeated the invaders and the Cornish Britonsnbsp;(who had joined them) in a great battle at Hengestendunnbsp;in Cornwall.^

Freeman makes the Danish invasions of England to fall into three periods—one of mere plunder, one of settlement,nbsp;and one of political conquest. The first extended from thenbsp;first appearance of the Scandinavians in the later years ofnbsp;the eighth century to 855 ; the second, from that year tonbsp;897 ; and the third from 980 to 1016, when Cnut commenced to reign as king of the English.* In the firstnbsp;period the Welsh seem to have suffered much as thenbsp;English did, though to a less extent. As to the secondnbsp;period, there was no large settlement of Northmen innbsp;Cymru.^ As to the third, the Danish Conquest did notnbsp;materially alter the relations of the Welsh princes to thenbsp;government of England. However much thfe people settlednbsp;on the coast of Wales may have suffered from the Danishnbsp;raids, it seems clear enough that for the Cymry, as a whole,nbsp;the arrest of the growth of the English monarchy andnbsp;the incoming of fresh settlers was an advantage. The

Cf. “ Ann.,” s.a. 796.

2 In 836, Freeman, “ Norman Conquest,” i. 43.

® Freeman, tibi supra,

* See above, pp. 27, 35.

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CADWALADR TO NORMAN CONQUEST, 143 incursions of the Northmen assisted the preservation of practical independence by the Welsh nation for a long time, andnbsp;by distracting the English gave an opportunity for the operation of forces which were slowly tending to the consolidationnbsp;of the little British kingdoms beyond the dyke. Probablynbsp;it was due to the absorption of the English in the conflictsnbsp;of the ninth century that Rhodri Mawr found it possible tonbsp;extend his dominion over a very large part of Wales, andnbsp;make his house the really predominant power there.

While Merfyn Frych was still reigning, some cessation of Danish attack enabled Burchred, king of Mercia, to turnnbsp;his attention to the Welsh. In 844 he engaged and defeatednbsp;them at a place called CetyH in the Brut; Merfyn wasnbsp;slain, and was succeeded by his son Rhodri, who came tonbsp;be known as “ the Great ” (Mawr). With his accession wenbsp;reach ground somewhat surer.

By the death of Merfyn he had become head of the line of Gwyned. Afterwards, by his marriage with anbsp;daughter of Meurig ab Dyfnwalion, he became lord ofnbsp;Ceredigion and Ystrad Towi on the death of her brothernbsp;Gwgan;^ and he is said to have become possessed of Powysnbsp;through his grandmother. Nest, sister and heiress of Congennbsp;ab CadeR, king of Powys.® Whether Rhodri ever directlynbsp;ruled over Powys is not clear,® but it is certain that hisnbsp;dominions included the rest of Wales except Dyfed,nbsp;Morgannwg, Gwent, and the principalities roughly corresponding to the modern Brecknockshire and Radnor. Itnbsp;is, of course, possible that he may have exercised some kindnbsp;of over-lordship even over these territories. We know sonbsp;little of Rhodri that it is not very plain why he came to be

’ See Jesus Coll. MS. 20: “ CymmrocJor, ” viii. 87; Harleian MS. 3859; “ Cymmrodor,” ix., p. 180 : Pedigree xxvi.

2 The death of a CadeH, king of Powys, is recorded in the “Brut,” s.a. 808. See Pedigree xxvii. in “ Y Cymmrodor,” ix., p. 181.

® In 823 the Saxons took possession of Powys. “Brut,”r.a. The quot;Brut” is silent as to Powys from this time to the Norman Conquest.

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, v.)

called the Great,^ unless it be from the fact that he ruled over an area much larger than any then recent predecessor,nbsp;and that this, coupled with military successes of which wenbsp;have no sure evidence, made him an exceptionally powerfulnbsp;king among his contemporaries. He had continual conflicts with the Mercians and the Danes. According to Irishnbsp;authorities, he slew a Danish chief called Horm in 855.nbsp;The end of his reign was clouded in misfortune; for in 876nbsp;he sustained a great defeat at the hands of the English, andnbsp;was obliged to flee to Ireland. Returning in the followingnbsp;year, he and his brother Gwriad were slain by the Saxons.®

Great importance is attached by the later writers on Welsh history to Rhodri’s reign, for with it, or its conclusion, is associated the division of Wales into the threenbsp;kingdoms we have mentioned — Gwyned, Powys, andnbsp;Deheubarth. Some say that Rhodri made the divisionnbsp;during his lifetime, but the earlier authorities attribute thenbsp;division to his sons after his death. The text of Caradognbsp;of ILancarvan says that Rhodri had divers sons, as Anarawd,nbsp;to whom he gave Aberffraw with North Wales ; Cadeft, thenbsp;second son, to whom he gave Dinevwr with South Wales, alsonbsp;took Powys land by force from his brethren after the death ofnbsp;Merfyn, the third son, to whom his father had given the same.

Powel, in his note, amplifies this statement in substance thus; ® Rhodri was the undoubted owner and possessor ofnbsp;all Wales; * Gwyned he had through EsyHt,® his mother;

' This is a convenient place for our calling attention to the excellent biographies of Welsh princes in the “Dictionary of National Biography.’quot;nbsp;They deserve the attention of all students of Welsh history. Most of themnbsp;are written by Professor Tout, Professor J. E. Lloyd, or Mr. Lleufernbsp;Thomas.

^ “Brut,” s.a. 877. “Ann. Camb.” 877. According to the latter, Gwriad was Rhodri’s son.

’ “Car. ofLan.,” p. 35.

* This is certainly not true if the term Wales is used to cover the present thirteen counties.

^ Seemingly the Etthil of the pedigree cited above is meant.

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Demetia, or South Wales, came to him by his wife, daughter of Meurig ab Dyfnwal, king of Ceredigion ; Powysnbsp;he had by Nest, his grandmother. These three dominionsnbsp;he appointed under their meares and bounds, withnbsp;a princelie house in every of them, which he namednbsp;“y tair talaeth,” and left the same unto three of hisnbsp;sons, Anarawd, Cadeit, and Merfyn, which were callednbsp;“ y tri thywysog taleithiog ” (the three diademed princes).^nbsp;The historians of Wales generally accept this account, oftennbsp;speak as if the division amounted to a splitting up of allnbsp;Cymru, and deplore it as an impolitic act.

There is, however, something wrong in the aspect it gives to the division of Rhodri’s dominions, whether it took placenbsp;during his life or after his death. Gwyned and Powys (asnbsp;we have seen) were separate kingdoms before Rhodri’s time.nbsp;So also were Dyfed and Ceredigion, as we know from thenbsp;Welsh chronicles, which are, however, silent as to any division by Rhodri.^ The principalities or kingdoms of the southeastern part of Wales—Morgannwg, Gwent, Brecheiniog,nbsp;BuaHt, and smaller areas—clearly preserved separate organisations. The evidence of Asser confirms this.® In the “ Lifenbsp;of Allfred” he says that King Hemeid,with all the inhabitantsnbsp;of Demetia, compelled by the violence of Rhodri’s six sons,*nbsp;submitted to ALlfred, Howel also, son of Rhys king of

' Giraldus, writing more than 300 years after Rhodri’s death, gives the tripartite division as ancient, and says that Rhodri was the cause of thenbsp;division. “ Descriptio, ” i. c. 2.

^ S. a. 796, we hear of Maredud, king of Dyfed; s.a. 798, of Caradog, king of Gwyned; s.a. 808, of Rein, king of Dyfed, and Cadett, king of Powys; s.a.nbsp;819, of kingdoms of Dyfed ; s.a. 817, of the kingdom of Rhuvoniog ; s.a. 823,nbsp;of the kingdom of Powys; s.a. 848, of Ithel, king of Gwent; s.a. 856, ofnbsp;lonathal, prince of Abergeleu ; s.a. 871, of Gwgawn ab Meurug, king of Ceredigion and the Vale of Towi.

^ We are aware that the worth and genuineness of Asser’s “ Life” have been seriously attacked, and give the extract with this caution.

* We can only find four mentioned in the “ Brut.” See the genealogical table at the end of this chapter.

W.P. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;L

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Gleguising, and Brocmail and Fernmail, sons of Meurig, kings of Gwent, compelled by the violence and tyranny ofnbsp;Earl Ethered of the Mercians, sought his protection ; whilenbsp;Elised, son of Teudyr, king of Brecknock, compelled by thenbsp;force of the same sons of Rhodri, sought the government ofnbsp;Alfred. Now, of course, it is quite possible that Rhodri,nbsp;after adding Ceredigion and Ystrad Towi to the parcels ofnbsp;his immediate dominions, had obtained some kind of submission from the kings or princes of the smaller areas herenbsp;mentioned, and that he was recognised as king of all thenbsp;Britons or all Cymru. But it is certain that he was notnbsp;possessed of all the Cymric land. He was king of Gwyned,nbsp;with seemingly Aberffraw as his home demesne, and ofnbsp;Deheubarth, with Dinevwr as its chief seat; but for thenbsp;notion that Deheubarth was equivalent to what we now callnbsp;South Wales there is no warrant at all, and no kingdom ofnbsp;Deheubarth is referred to in the chronicles, though the wordnbsp;Deheubarthwyr is used. Dinevwr seems to have been thenbsp;palace of the king of Ceredigion and Ystrad Towi, whichnbsp;roughly corresponded to the present Cardiganshire andnbsp;the greater part of the modern Carmarthenshire. Neithernbsp;Cidweli nor Gwyr (answering to Gower in Glamorganshire)nbsp;which are both mentioned in the Brut, are shown with anynbsp;certainty to have been part of Rhodri’s dominions as matternbsp;of right; while we find that Dyfed, Morgannwg, Gwent, andnbsp;Brecheiniog, and probably other smaller areas, were undernbsp;other rulers. Some time afterwards the line of Dyfednbsp;came to an end, and the district was incorporated innbsp;some fashion, at any rate temporarily, into the kingdom ofnbsp;Dinevwr or Deheubarth; but its subsequent history—itsnbsp;rapid development into a county palatine, without anynbsp;apparent violent breach of the continuity of its story—nbsp;seems to show the survival of a separate organisation.nbsp;Morgannwg, Brecheiniog, and Gwent remained as “ separatenbsp;entities,” if we may use a modern phrase, and by a gradual

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CADWALADR TO NORMAN CONQUEST. 147 process became counties under the English or Normannbsp;system.

Though there is no early authority on the question, and though the complexion given to the transaction by Caradognbsp;is probably wrong, yet there is ground for thinking thatnbsp;something unusual did take place in regard to the devolutionnbsp;of the regal rights upon the death of Rhodri. The Cymricnbsp;kingship was originally, and probably down to a late time,nbsp;not a personal monarchy, but a tribal or family chieftaincy.^nbsp;The so-called king was the chief of the royal familynbsp;(penkenedl) in whom the tribal sovereignty was vested.nbsp;If we may assume that the laws of Howel Da apply tonbsp;earlier times, then we should expect that on Rhodri’s deathnbsp;Anarawd, the eldest son, would become chief (if he had thenbsp;necessary legal qualifications of a penkenedl) without anynbsp;division of the family dominions of a permanent character,nbsp;though Cadett (e.g-.) might be made arglwyd (lord) of anbsp;particular district of the family lands for reasons of convenience. Then on the death of Anarawd one wouldnbsp;expect his eldest son or some other member of thenbsp;cenedl (kindred) to become chief and rule over the wholenbsp;dominion. In fact, however, the devolution of Rhodri’snbsp;possessions was different. Anarawd became king ofnbsp;Gwyned, and handed it on to his son Idwal; and CadeÜnbsp;became king of Deheubarth, and was succeeded by hisnbsp;son Howel. Merfyn does not seem to have transmittednbsp;any claims to Powys. The two former undoubtedly foundednbsp;the princely lines of Gwyned and Deheubarth. The facts,nbsp;therefore, seem to show that the succession to Rhodri’snbsp;dominions did not proceed in the ordinary way; and,nbsp;perhaps, what took place may have marked a stage in thenbsp;change from a tribal chieftaincy to a territorial sovereignty.

Upon the death of Rhodri his eldest son Anarawd, as we have said, succeeded to Gwyned; CadeH to Deheubarth,

* See below, pp. 202-3.

L 2

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and perhaps Merfyn to Powys. Of the south-eastern principalities we learn practically nothing on trustworthynbsp;authority. No grave internal troubles seem to have occurrednbsp;during Anarawd’s long reign of thirty-eight years. Innbsp;880, three years after his accession, there was an Englishnbsp;invasion, and Anarawd defeated the Saxon enemy “fornbsp;God to avenge Rhodri.” ^ The battle was fought nearnbsp;Conway, and came to be referred to as “ Dial Rhodri ”nbsp;(Rhodri’s revenge).

During the later years of the ninth century the house of Rhodri was undoubtedly the predominant powernbsp;in Wales. We have seen how the kings outside the palenbsp;of Rhodri’s possessions were compelled by the oppressionnbsp;of his “six sons” to seek the protection of .Alfred thenbsp;Great; but now Anarawd himself, with a brother (seeminglynbsp;Cadeit of Deheubarth), abandoned close relations withnbsp;the Northumbrians and came into the great king’s presence and sought his friendship. He was received by thenbsp;king with honour as his son by the Bishop’s confirmation,nbsp;and was presented with many gifts.^ Probably Anarawdnbsp;at first pursued a policy of friendship and alliance withnbsp;the people of Northern Britain as against the Merciansnbsp;and West-Saxons, as he did with the Danes for a time.nbsp;His submission to ./Elfred, and that of his brother, nonbsp;doubt paved the way to that usually friendly relationnbsp;which existed between the chief rulers of Wales andnbsp;the kings of the house of Ailfred during the greaternbsp;part of the tenth century. We know not when Anarawdnbsp;and .Alfred met; not even whether it was before or afternbsp;a temporary quarrel with CadeH which led, in 893, to annbsp;inroad into Ceredigion and the Vale of Towi by the North-Welsh prince. Probably, however, the meeting took place

' “Brut,” s.a. 877; “Ann. Cam.,” 877. ’ Asser, M. H. B., p. 488.

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after the defeat of the Danes under Hasting by Alfred in 897.^

The remaining years of Anarawd’s reign were quite barren of any events of importance. He died in 915, andnbsp;was succeeded by his son Idwal Voel. Cadeö had predeceased his brother, and Howel afterwards called Danbsp;(the good) became king of Deheubarth, and later on ofnbsp;Gwyned as well. Under the rule of Idwal and Howel thenbsp;Cymry enjoyed unwonted peace.^ They were contemporaries of Eadward the Elder and Aithelstan, and thusnbsp;lived when the power of the house of HLlfred was at itsnbsp;greatest height. Howel throughout his whole careernbsp;remained ® on peaceful terms with the English court, andnbsp;so far as we know (except in regard to a dispute withnbsp;Morgan Hen of Morgannwg) with the other Welsh princes.nbsp;Both Idwal and Howel did homage to the English kings,nbsp;and seem to have behaved as faithful vassals.

To appreciate the significance of the isolated facts which we can gather concerning Idwal and Howel it is necessarynbsp;to bear in mind the change that had been wrought innbsp;England by the settlement of the Danes. By the peace ofnbsp;Wedmore England north of the Thames had been dividednbsp;by a line roughly drawn from north to south from thenbsp;Kibble to the upper valley of the Thames. This involvednbsp;the division of the ancient and important kingdom ofnbsp;Mercia into an English and Danish Mercia. The former

' Green, “ Conquest of England,” pp. 172-3,183; “ Eng. Cliron.,”r.3. 897. The fact, however, that Gwyneit and Deheubarth escaped the ravages of thenbsp;Northmen in 894 suggests that the house of Rhodri was then in alliance withnbsp;them.

^ In the Brut” only four battles are mentioned between 9^4 ^ttd 948 :—•

914. The people of Dublin {i.e., Norsemen) made a descent on Món.

919. A battle took place at Dinas Newyd. (Ann. Cam., 921.)

935. The battle of Brun took place. (Ann. Cam., 938.)

944. Ystrat Clut (Strath Clyde) was devastated by the Saxons. (Ann.

Cam., 946.)

’ At any rate, after the first five years of his reign.

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150 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, v.)

was a stretch of country from the Ribble to the Thames and the Avon, and it seems clear that it was one otnbsp;.Alfred’s objects to separate the Danes from the Welshnbsp;by this English Mercia. At the beginning of the tenthnbsp;century this remnant of the older Mercia was ruled by thenbsp;Ealdorman ALthelred and his wife Aithelflaed, and afternbsp;the death of the former, by the latter, the celebrated Ladynbsp;of Mercia.”

No marked change took place in regard to the Welsh principalities during the latter part of the ninth or earliernbsp;part of the tenth century. There is nothing to shownbsp;that either Idwal Voel or Howel extended his dominionsnbsp;over Morgannwg, Brecheiniog, Buaflt, or Gwent. Of Powysnbsp;we hear nothing, but it may be presumed with probabilitynbsp;that the lordships into which, as we gather from laternbsp;sources, it was divided were in some sort of subjection tonbsp;Mercia. As to Deheubarth, it is likely that Howel becamenbsp;possessed of Dyfed, for he married Elen, daughter ofnbsp;Loumarc ab Hymeid, king of Dyfed. This Hymeid wasnbsp;seemingly the king of Dyfed who sought the protectionnbsp;of .^Ifred.i We hear no more of kings of Dyfed, thoughnbsp;it seems to have kept a separate character. On the eastnbsp;Howel extended his rule peaceably over Kidweli and Gwyr,nbsp;and thus became the immediate neighbour of Morgannbsp;Hen (king of Morgannwg), for we find that the undoubtednbsp;possessions of Maredud ab Owain—the grandson of Howelnbsp;Da—included those two districts in addition to Ceredigionnbsp;and Ystrad Towi.^ Gwyned certainly included Mon, thenbsp;present shire of Carnarvon, and part of Merionethshire, and

’ See above, p. 14$. In pedigree ii. appended to the “ Ann.” (“ Y Cymm-vodor,” ix. p. 171), Elen is daughter of loumarc (a mistake for Loumarc), son of Himeyt. Loumarc is the Welsh Lywarch.

^ The “Brut,” s.a. 991, with a videlicet, describes the kingdoms of Maredud as—Dyfed and Keredigion, and Gower and Kydweli. Ystradnbsp;Towi is not specifically mentioned, but probably it was covered by the termnbsp;“ kingdom of Keredigion.”

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probably North Wales up to the Dee, but at this time it did not comprise Chester.^

Pursuing the policy adopted by Alfred, of completely interposing an English kingdom between the Welshnbsp;and the Danes, the rulers of Mercia early in the tenthnbsp;century proceeded to re-fortify that city. Since its surrender to iEthelfrith in 616 the city had lain waste andnbsp;desolate. Situate on the Dee, being the point of junctionnbsp;of ancient ways, and commanding the old coast routenbsp;from England to Anglesey, it was a place of militarynbsp;importance, and its effectual occupation cut off the shortestnbsp;communication between the Welsh of Gwyned and thenbsp;Danish Mercians. Its Roman walls still existed in anbsp;damaged condition, and little exertion must have beennbsp;necessary to make it a comparatively strongly-defendednbsp;centre of operations. In 907 the Ealdorman of Mercianbsp;“ renewed ” Chester, though we are not informed as to thenbsp;extent of the new fortifications he erected. A smallnbsp;settlement was made, and a secular house of St. Werburghnbsp;was founded in the city. The event was of consequencenbsp;in Welsh history, and henceforth Chester played a considerable part in the military and the economic fortunes ofnbsp;the men of Gwyned and Powys.

Bearing these general considerations in mind, we now return to the personal history of Idwal and Howel.

Few facts are known concerning Idwal's reign over Gwyned. In 922, when Eadward the Elder had subduednbsp;all Mercia (Danish as well as English), Idwal, together withnbsp;Howel Da and a Welsh king called Clydawc,^ received him asnbsp;their lord,^ and the two former did homage to .(Ethelstannbsp;in 926* at Hereford and, it is said, rendered tribute to him.

' We can find no evidence of a re-peopling of Chester by the Welsh.

’We know not where he reigned. The death of a Clydog is recorded in the “Brut,” s.a. 917, and in “Ann. Cam.,” s.a. 919.

’ “Eng. Chron.,”j.a. 922.

^ “Eng. Chron.,” s.a. 926.

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A word or two ought here to be said as to the submission of the Welsh kings to these kings of the English. There cannbsp;be no reasonable doubt that the entries in the Englishnbsp;chronicles, confirmed as they are by authentic chartersnbsp;and by the documents relating to the litigation betweennbsp;Howel Da and Morgan Hen referred to below, recount realnbsp;historical events. But there is danger of misunderstandingnbsp;what took place. The kings of the English did not bynbsp;reason of the commendation of the Welsh kings obtain thenbsp;right of directly interfering in the affairs of the Welshnbsp;kingdoms. Though Idwal and Howel became his men, theirnbsp;subjects—under-kings or lords or uchelwyr—stood in nonbsp;legal relation to the English king. The effect of the commendation was that the over-lord took upon himself thenbsp;duty of protecting his vassals from their enemies, while onnbsp;their side they incurred the obligation of fighting againstnbsp;their lord’s enemies. The tie was necessarily, in those times,nbsp;a loose one, and was often broken.^ The reality of thenbsp;relationship in the first half of the tenth century is shownnbsp;by the attendance of the Welsh princes at the meetings ofnbsp;the Witenagemot. If we can trust a charter (which is, however, of doubtful authenticity), Idwal was taking part in thenbsp;proceedings of the English assembly at Exeter in 928.^nbsp;That Howel Da attended these meetings on severalnbsp;occasions is certain. The silence of the Brut about Idwalnbsp;till 943 affords some indication that nothing of any importance took place in Gwyneff between 926 and that time;nbsp;but as in that year Idwal and his brother Elised were killednbsp;by the English,® we may presume that Idwal had revolted,nbsp;or perhaps had refused to pay tribute, but there is nonbsp;certainty about the matter.

We have somewhat fuller information about Howel Da,

' See as to the effect of “commendation ” Freeman, N. C. i., pp. 131-3.

2 See charter, “Cod. Dipl.,” Iioi.

5 “Brut,” s.a. 941 ; “Ann. Cam.,”r.iï. 943.

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though of the earlier years—that is, the years before the submission to Eadward the Elder—we know nothing.nbsp;Whether or not he took part in the actions of Dinas Newydnbsp;or of Brun we cannot determine. After doing homagenbsp;to ^thelstan he is said to have made a pilgrimage tonbsp;Rome.1

There seems no reason to doubt this, but if he did so we may infer that there was an unusually stable position of thingsnbsp;in Wales, and no internal events seem to have made suchnbsp;a journey necessary. Upon his return he resumed peaceable exercise of his regal rights. From that time to the yearnbsp;before his death he was a frequent attendant at the meetingsnbsp;of the Witenagemot of his English over-lords. We knownbsp;from his subscription of charters that he did so in 931,nbsp;932, 933, 934, 937, 946, and 949.® In the earlier chartersnbsp;he attests as “ sub-regulus ” ; in the later ones he subscribesnbsp;as “ regulus ” and “ rex.” Perhaps the difference is due tonbsp;his having on Idwal’s death succeeded to Gwyned andnbsp;becoming recognised as king of the Britons or of thenbsp;Cymry.

The nature of Howel’s relations with the English kings is made clearer by the account, preserved in the Book ofnbsp;Llandaff, of a dispute between him and Morgan Hen,

* “Brat,” s.a. 926; “Ann. Cam.,” s.a. 928. The date is uncertain; see below, p. 182-3.

^ The following are the dates of thequot;charters, and the references to them in Kemble’s “Cod. Diplom.” :—

21 July, 931 (“Cod. Dipl.” v. 199).

12 Nov., 931 (rA, ii. 173).

30 Aug., 932 {id., V. 208).

15 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Dec., 933 {id., ii. 194).

28 May, 934 {id., ii. 196).

16 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Dec., 934 {id., V. 217).

937 {id., ii. 203).

946 and 949 {id., ii. 269, 292, 296).

There are also subscriptions of Howel’s to doubtful charters of the 17th June, 930, and the ist Jan. and 21st Dec., 935 (“Cod. Dipl.” ii, 170; v. 222;nbsp;ii. 203).

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king of Morgannwg. The entry in the Book is not, however, free from ambiguity. It says Eadgar and Howel Da andnbsp;Morgan Hen were kings of all Britain, and those two werenbsp;subject to King Eadgar, and Morgan enjoyed the whole ofnbsp;Glamorgan in peace and quietness, but Howel would takenbsp;from him Ystradyew and Ewyas if he could. Then Eadgarnbsp;summoned his under-kings and Morgan’s son, Owain, beforenbsp;him, and having examined the matter in dispute, gavenbsp;judgment in favour of Morgan, and with the common assentnbsp;and testimony of all the archbishops, bishops, abbots, earls,nbsp;and barons of all England and Wales granted to Owain, thenbsp;son of Morgan Hen, “the said two districts of Ystradyewnbsp;and Ewyas, declared by name to be in the diocese of Llan-daff, as his own proper inheritance.”^ There are severalnbsp;points of difficulty connected with this document—pointsnbsp;which we do not affect to solve. Eadgar, though he hadnbsp;ruled in Mercia before, was not king of England till 958,nbsp;some eight years after Howel’s death. Morgan Hen survivednbsp;Howel, for he was a witness to a charter of Eadwig’s in 956,nbsp;together with Eadgar, sub-regulus of Mercia. There is anbsp;Welsh version of the same Latin document to be found innbsp;the Myvyrian Archaiology, among the collection callednbsp;“ Y cwta cyfarwyd o Forganwg.” It is clearly impossiblenbsp;that Howel could have appeared before Eadgar, king ofnbsp;England. It is, of course, possible that the dispute maynbsp;have arisen during the time of Howel, and, lingering on fornbsp;years, may have been decided by Eadgar. But, on thenbsp;other hand, it is quite possible that the dispute may havenbsp;been decided, not by Eadgar, but by Eadward the Elder,nbsp;and that the mistake may have occurred in the transcriptionnbsp;of the account of the dispute and of the grant, especially asnbsp;we find it expressly stated that it was inserted in the Book

* “ Book of Llan Dav ” (Oxford, 1893), P- ^4^ gt; “ Liber Landavensis ’’ (Llandovery, 1870), p. 237; Palgrave, “ English Commonwealth,” v. 2,nbsp;p. ccxliv.

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of l.andaff because the paper on which it had been written had nearly perished from its great age.^

It is, however, on his legislation that the fame of Howel Da chiefly depends, for to him is attributed the settingnbsp;down in writing of the laws and customs of the Cymry.nbsp;The preamble prefixed to each of the codes that havenbsp;been handed down to us in substance (though in varyingnbsp;language) records that Howel summoned four men fromnbsp;each cantref in his dominions to the Ty Gwyn, which isnbsp;identified by far-reaching tradition with Whitland in Carmarthenshire. We deal with these laws in the followingnbsp;chapter. Though there is no mention in the Brut of thenbsp;summoning of this meeting at Ty Gwyn, there is no reasonnbsp;to doubt that the preambles of the Code preserve anbsp;historical transaction.^ It is probable that the compilationnbsp;of the work took place after Howel had become king ofnbsp;Gwyned upon Idwal’s death, and therefore some timenbsp;between 943 and 950. These facts are all that we cannbsp;glean upon trustworthy evidence concerning a king whonbsp;was, to use the words of a later writer, “for his godlienbsp;behaviour, discreet and just rule, beloved of men.” Theynbsp;are too few to enable us to draw a vivid picture of hisnbsp;character or personality, but they corroborate the view ofnbsp;him popularly entertained among the Welsh people, andnbsp;justify us in inferring that he was an able and politic prince,nbsp;under whom Wales enjoyed a period of unusual repose andnbsp;prosperity.

The peace that Howel had kept disappeared at his death. There was war at once between his sons (Owain, Dyfnwal,nbsp;Rhodri, and Edwyn) and the sons of Idwal Voel (leuafnbsp;and lago), and the eighty-nine years that elapsed from the

gt; Palgrave, uii supra, says that according to usual custom the Welsh scribe omitted the final d and substituted a for a w, relying, he observes, on thenbsp;authority of a genealogical MS. (“ Bibl. Hart,” 4181).

2 See the next chapter.

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commencement of this conflict to the accession of Gruflyd ab ILewelyn in 1039 a time of almost inextricablenbsp;confusion. In a battle fought at Carno in the very yearnbsp;that Howel died his sons sustained a defeat at the handsnbsp;of leuaf and lago, who, setting aside their elder brother,nbsp;obtained joint possession of Gwyned.^ In 952 theynbsp;ravaged Dyfed twice, and slew DyfnwaHon, who wasnbsp;probably the prince of that region.^ The sons of Howelnbsp;in 954 invaded North Wales, but were again apparentlynbsp;unsuccessful, being beaten in an engagement at ILanrwst,®nbsp;by the sons of Idwal, who thereupon devastated Ceredigion—nbsp;whence, however, it is said they were driven back withnbsp;great slaughter.* After this there was an interval of peacenbsp;between Gwyned and Deheubarth, but raids of the Danesnbsp;gave some trouble.

There was a quarrel with the English in 965, and Alvryd invaded and ravaged Gwyned; while in 970 Godfrey sonnbsp;of Harold subdued and for a time held Món.® Beforenbsp;this latter event, however, the brothers of Gwyned hadnbsp;quarrelled. lago seized leuaf and caused him to be blindednbsp;and then hanged. The relations between the Welshnbsp;princes and Eadgar (9S8—97S) were fairly peaceable,nbsp;though there seems to have been an invasion of Gwynednbsp;in 968,® but the English hold on Wales was graduallynbsp;relaxing. No fewer than four Welsh princes attended anbsp;Witenagemot held by Eadred. During Eadgar’s time,nbsp;so far as we can tell, the Welsh no longer attended thenbsp;English Court, and their dependence on the English Crown,

gt; “ Brut,” s.a. 948, 950, 951, 952.

^ He may have been Dyfnwal ab Howel Ba; but the “ Brut ” places the death of this Dyfnwal in the following year.

® “ Brut,” s.a. 952.

* Gwentian “ Brut ” (Myv. Arch, ii., 468 et seq). s “Brut,” s.a. 965 and s.a. 970.

® “Ann. Cam.,” s.a. 968. It is possible this is the same invasion as that by Alvryd noted in the “ Brut,” s.a. 965.

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CADWALADR TO NORMAN CONQUEST. 157 which had been real enough, as we have seen, earlier in thenbsp;century, was now becoming nominal as the power of thenbsp;house of iElfred was waningd

In later chronicles it is said that Eadgar went to Chester and summoned eight under-kings—including five Welshnbsp;princes—to his presence, that they did homage and sworenbsp;fealty, and that as a mark of their subordination he causednbsp;his vassals to row him in his barge on the Dee from thenbsp;palace to the monastery of John the Baptist, and afternbsp;divine service there back to the palace.^ Possibly thenbsp;invasion of Gwyned mentioned above may have led tonbsp;a renewal of oaths of fealty and payment of tribute; butnbsp;this twelfth-century story cannot be accepted as certainnbsp;history, and a similar observation must be made as to thenbsp;imposition by Eadgar of a tribute of three hundred wolves *

Returning to the affairs of Gwyned, the murdered leuaf had left a son called Howel, who was not long innbsp;avenging his father’s death, for in 972 he succeeded innbsp;expelling lago and taking possession of Gwyned in hisnbsp;stead. lago was captured by Danes in 978, and we hearnbsp;of him no more.^

Howel’s rule was soon challenged, for the cause of the defeated chieftain was espoused by his son Kystenin, andnbsp;in the year after the capture of his father he, with the helpnbsp;of Godfrey son of Harold (of whom we have alreadynbsp;heard), made a raid on ILeyn (in the modern South

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Green, “ Conqu. of Eng.,” p. 323. There is one charter to which lago’snbsp;name (as lacob) appears dated at Bath, Whitsuntide, 966, but the documentnbsp;is suspect. Kemble, “Cod. Dipl.,” 519.

=gt; “Will. Malm. Gest. Reg.” (Hardy) i., p. 251 ; “Flor. Wore.” (Thorpe) i. 142.

5 “Will. Malm. Gest. Reg.” (Hardy) i. 251. Palgrave prints a charter (the date of which must have been before 971, since one of the subscribers, Oscytel,nbsp;died in that year) which lukill and lacobus attest. “Eng. Com.” ii.,nbsp;p. ccliii. They may have been leuaf and lago ; but lukill does not look likenbsp;leuaf at all.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The dates are quite uncertain. See “ Brut,” s.a, 972 and 978.

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158 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, v.)

Carnarvonshire) and Món, but he was met by Howel ab leuaf at Hirbarth, and fell in the battle.^ Howel, whonbsp;acquired (in curious antithesis to the case of Howel Da)nbsp;the epithet of Drwg, or the Bad, does not seem to havenbsp;been attacked by other Welsh claimants to Gwyned; butnbsp;the Godfrey son of Harold (who had taken the side ofnbsp;Cystenin, as we have seen) still vexed the Welsh kingdom.nbsp;In 981 he ravaged Dyfed, and in the next year Brecheiniog,nbsp;and the territories of Einion ab Owain ab Howel Da werenbsp;overrun by the Saxons under Alvryd. In 984 Howel wasnbsp;killed by the “ Saxons through treachery.” ^ He left two sonsnbsp;—at least—Maig, who was killed in the following year, andnbsp;Cadwallon, who took possession of Gwyned, but who wasnbsp;almost immediately defeated and slain® by Maredud abnbsp;Owain, king of Deheubarth (a grandson of Howel Da),nbsp;who played a considerable part for the next few years.

We must now turn for a moment to the affairs of Deheubarth. Upon Howel Da’s death Owain and his three brothers succeeded to that kingdom, but failed to makenbsp;good whatever claim they may have had to Gwyned asnbsp;against the sons of Idwal. Dyfnwal, Rhodri, and Edwynnbsp;died very soon,^ and Owain reigned alone till he died innbsp;987 or 989,® and was succeeded by the Maredud justnbsp;mentioned.

From an incidental statement in the Brut® we know that Maredud’s possessions included Dyfed, Ceredigion, Gwyr,nbsp;and Kydweli, and no doubt Ystrad Towi, which had long

‘ “ Brut,” s.a. 979.

2 “Brut,” s.a. 984. Probably, however, a year or two later.

® “ Brut,” s.a. 984.

* In 951 and 952, according to the “ Brut.” Probably in either case later.

^ “ Brut,” s.a. 987. In “ Ann. Cam. ” Owain’s death is placed in the next entry after 987.

® “Brut,” s.a. 991. It is curious that this is pretty nearly the kingdom of Pryderi ab Pwyft, as described at the end of the story of Pwytl, prince of Dyfed,nbsp;in the “ Mabinogion.” See Oxford edition of the Red Book, i. 25.

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been connected with Ceredigion. Gwyr may have passed from Howel’s sons on his death, for we have it recordednbsp;that Einion ab Owain, his grandson, devastated that districtnbsp;twice—the first time, according to the Brut, in 968, and thenbsp;second time in 976. Probably Einion was extending thenbsp;family territory to the east, and under his father Owain wasnbsp;able to annex some of the smaller lordships or areas tonbsp;Deheubarth. We hear that Brecheiniog and all the territorynbsp;of Einion were devastated by the Saxons in 982 ^—an entrynbsp;which seems to show that Einion’s territory extended tonbsp;south-eastern Wales. The year after this raid Einion wasnbsp;killed through “the treachery of the nobles of Gwent.” ^

Apart from such exploits as may have been performed by Einion and Maredud, the only events of Owain’s long reignnbsp;were the usual raids of Danish leaders, and some conflictsnbsp;with the English. Of his relation to Powys we knownbsp;nothing certain. We may conjecture with some probabilitynbsp;that he shared some of the qualities of his father, for uponnbsp;his death he handed on to Maredud the kingdom ofnbsp;Deheubarth with its area undiminished, and before thatnbsp;event, as we have recounted, his son Maredud, takingnbsp;advantage of the fall of Howel Drwg, had founded a claimnbsp;to Gwyned by attacking and killing that king’s brother,nbsp;Cadwatton ab leuaf.

Maredud does not seem to have been able to obtain real possession of Gwyned, though Caradog places himnbsp;in the line of kings or princes of all Wales.® He was

' “Brut,” s.a. 982. Cf. Ann. Cam. (Rolls Series), p. 20.

^ “ Brut,” s.a. 983. Gwent was still farther to the east, and beyond Morgannwg.

2 We may conjecture, too, that the real effect of Maredud’s victory over Cadwatton ab leuaf was to create a kind of interregnum in Gwyned. Thenbsp;student must bear in mind that the fact that there was no king of Gwyned atnbsp;any particular moment did not disorganise the life of the territory as the wantnbsp;of a head in the highly-centralised systems of to-day generally does now.nbsp;Except in time of attack from without, there was some advantage to the ordinarynbsp;head of a family, for the king’s progresses, etc., were for the time discontinued.

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chiefly occupied in repelling the Danes (to whom he paid tribute on at least one occasion)/ and in attacks uponnbsp;Gwyned and Morgannwg.** It is said he ruled Powys innbsp;right of his mother, but there is no sufficient authority fornbsp;this.^ However this may be, he fairly maintained thenbsp;prestige of the house of Howel Da in a very disturbednbsp;period, and died a natural death in 998 or 999,'* leavingnbsp;only one child—a daughter, married to ILewelyn ab Seisyllt,nbsp;who, apparently in right of his wife, assumed the governmentnbsp;of Deheubarth.

Ever since the retreat of Maredud from Gwyned, after his victory over Cadwallon, that kingdom had been in anbsp;condition of extreme confusion ; and there was probablynbsp;from the death of Cadwallon ab leuaf to lago ab Idwal’s^nbsp;accession a kind of interregnum.® Meurig ab Idwal Voelnbsp;(apparently he who was ousted by his brothers leuaf andnbsp;lago) “ fell sick ” and died,^ but he left issue. Among hisnbsp;sons was an Idwal, who fled to ILancarvan in Morganwg,nbsp;in the lifetime of Maredud, who made an attempt to seizenbsp;him. Idwal’s claims on Gwyned seem to have been just,nbsp;according to the legal rules of succession, and Maredud’snbsp;attempt on his person having failed, he secured somenbsp;adherents, and in 992 returned to Gwyned.® In thenbsp;following year, 993, a battle took place between him and

Ï “Brut,”r.a. 988.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In 990 he devastated also Maes Hyfeid (roughly equivalent to the presentnbsp;Radnorshire). See “Brut,”r.o. 990.

^ Warrington, p. 20, cites “ Brit. Antiq. Revived,” by G. Vaughan of Hengwrt, pp. 5, 14.

¦* “Brut,” s.a. 998.

® /.If., 984 to 1021.

® Caradog, however, fills the time up with Idwal ab Meurig, Conan ab Howel, and Aedan ab Blegored.

^ “Brut,”j.a. 972; but cj. “Ann. Cam.,” “ Meuric filiusIdwalcsecatusest ” (974)-

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“Brut,” s.a. 992: “the sons of Meurig made an inroad intonbsp;Gwyned.”

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CADWALADR TO NORMAN CONQUEST. i6i his brothers^ and the sons of Maredud, in which the formernbsp;triumphed, with the result that Idwal ab Meurig becamenbsp;king of Gwyned;* but he did not enjoy his success long,nbsp;for two years after he was killed, probably by the Danes.®

He left a son of tender years, I ago, who, though passed over for the moment, many years after obtained Gwyned.nbsp;Upon Idwal’s death Cynan ab Howel, Aedan ab Blegored,nbsp;and others, with little or no show of right, “ did aspire tonbsp;the government,” and sought the rule of the land.^ Therenbsp;was again a contested succession, but Kynan was killednbsp;(presumably in a battle with Aedan) in 1003,® and Aedannbsp;seems to have usurped the throne. We know nothing morenbsp;of him except that he and his four sons were killed in 1016nbsp;in a fight with ILewelyn ab Seisyllt, who once more joinednbsp;Gwyned to Deheubarth.® The troubles of England undernbsp;ALthelred the Unready, culminating in the fall of the housenbsp;of Ailfred and the accession of Cnut, seem to have affordednbsp;some relief to Wales from attacks from the English bordernbsp;as well as by Danish forces, and with the reign of ILewelynnbsp;begins a fresh growth of Cymric power that attained itsnbsp;greatest development in the reign of his son, Gruffyd abnbsp;ILewelyn. It is assumed that ILewelyn ruled over Powys,^nbsp;but for this there is no certain warrant. Though Deheu-barth seems to have been fairly quiet under his rule, henbsp;had one rising at least to contend with. The uchelwyrnbsp;of South Wales “loved not ILewelyn,”® and, led by one

' In the “Brut” Idwal’s party is described as the sons of Meurig. The only one of the sons of Meurig besides Idwal whose name we know seems tonbsp;be the Jonaval who was killed by Cadwatton ab leuaf in 984.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“ Brut,’’ s.a.

984. Cf. “Ann. Cam.,” p. 24.

^ “ Brut,” s.a. 993.

3 “ Brut,” s.a. 995. Three years after, according to “Ann. Cam.,” p, 21.

? nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Caradog, p. 74.

5 “Brut,”r.a. 1003.

• nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“ Brut,” s.a. 1016.

I Warrington, p. 205.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Caradog, p. 85.

W.P. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;M

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Meurig ab Arthvael, revolted in 1019, but they were at once subdued.^

In the following year there was a more formidable rebellion, when a pretender called Rein Yscot, affecting to be a son of Maredud ab Owain, got together the strength of Deheu-barth at Abergwili, and waited the coming of the king.nbsp;ILewelyn, “ daring and fearless,” with the host of Gwynednbsp;engaged in battle and conquered Rein, who, though bravenbsp;and confident in assault, “ retreated shamefully in a fox-likenbsp;manner, and never thenceforward made his appearance.”^nbsp;The men of Gwyned wrathfully pursued the enemy, andnbsp;devastated the country to the Mercian border. In 1023nbsp;ILewelyn at the height of his power died.® It is said bynbsp;Caradog he was slain by two descendants of Howel Da, butnbsp;the “ Brut ” simply records that he died. His son Gruffyd,nbsp;who was destined to play a great part in the years justnbsp;before the Norman Conquest, must have been at thisnbsp;time very young, and did not succeed to either kingdom. Gwyned fell to lago, the son of that Idwal whonbsp;had possessed it in defiance of Maredud ab Owain; butnbsp;possibly he did not make good his claims till some timenbsp;after ILewelyn’s death.'^ But it was only to Gwyned thatnbsp;he succeeded, for Deheubarth was seized by Rhyderchnbsp;ab lestyn.^ Though possessing neither of the two principalnbsp;divisions of his dominions by a legal title, ILewelyn’s rulenbsp;left a marked impression upon the Welsh people. According to the “ Brut,” “ In his time it was usual for the elders ofnbsp;his kingdom to say that his dominion was from one sea tonbsp;the other complete in abundance of wealth and inhabitants;

' Meurig was killed. “Brut,”i.a. 1019. “ Book of ILan Dav ” (Oxf.), p. 2cxx ’ “Brut,’’r.ö. 1020.

® “Brut,”j.a!. 1021. “Ann. Cam.,” s.a. 1023. Caradog, p. 86.

¦* “ Brut,” s.a. 1031, says : “And then lago ab Idwal held the government of Gwyned after ILewelyn.”

^ We infer this from later events recorded in the “ Brut.”

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so that it was supposed there was neither poor nor destitute in all his territories ; nor empty trev nor any deficiency.” ^nbsp;Though we cannot fix the exact year in which lago abnbsp;Idwal obtained a real possession of Gwyned, it seemsnbsp;clear that his reign was uneventful. Nor did anything ofnbsp;special consequence happen in the south. Great events,nbsp;however, had been taking place in England, for the Danishnbsp;king Cnut had become in 1016 ruler of all England,® whichnbsp;he divided into the great ealdormanries of Wessex, Mercia,nbsp;East Anglia, and Northumbria. Cnut’s accession broughtnbsp;peace to the whole country. The Danish pirate fleetsnbsp;(speaking broadly) ceased to ravage the coast of the island,nbsp;while indirectly the vigorous government of Cnut benefitednbsp;Wales as well as the territories under his more direct rule.nbsp;English manufactures and trade began to make somenbsp;progress. Worcester was growing to be a place of importance, and Gloucester was rapidly rising to a position whichnbsp;enabled it in the years after the Norman Conquest tonbsp;exercise a marked influence on the development ofnbsp;South Wales. In the north, Chester, restored as we havenbsp;seen some one hundred years before by .^thelflaeda,nbsp;was now a centre of commerce and the common meetingnbsp;ground of Irish, Welsh, Cumbrians, English, and Danes.nbsp;The quiet of lago’s reign is probably largely explained bynbsp;these and other more general circumstances. Deheubarthnbsp;and the small principalities to the south-east enjoyed annbsp;unwonted immunity from external attack, but there wasnbsp;as usual internal trouble. Rhyderch of Deheubarth wasnbsp;slain, it is said by Irish-Scots, in 1031 or 1033.® Howelnbsp;and Maredud, sons of Edwin,1 2 took his place, but a year


S.a. 1020.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Green, “ Conqu. of Eng.,” pp. 411 et seq.

3 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“Brut,”r.a!. 1031. “Ann. Cam.,” r.a. 1033.


Apparently this Edwin was son of Einion, one of the grandsons of Howel Da ; see the genealogical table at end of this chapter.

M 2

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afterwards the sons of Rhyderch revolted, and a battle was fought at Hiraethwy, in which the latter were probablynbsp;defeated. Maredud ab Edwin was soon after killed in annbsp;obscure conflict,^ and Howel, his brother, was left in solenbsp;possession of Deheubarth, though Gruffyd ab Rhyderchnbsp;survived to create further disturbances in after years.

The peace of Gwyned was some six years after these events broken by the assertion of his claims by Gruffydnbsp;ab ILewelyn ab Seisyftt, who had, though still young, bynbsp;that time reached manhood. Of his early years nothingnbsp;is known. The immediate occasion of his attack uponnbsp;Gwyned appears to have been that one lestyn ab Gwrgant,nbsp;having ravished Gruffyd’s cousin Arden, the daughter ofnbsp;Robert ab Seisyftt, fled to lago, who gave him his protection. Gruffyd thereupon raised a force, engaged the armynbsp;of lago, slew the king, and seized his kingdom.^

It was during the reign of Gruffyd ab ILewelyn—extending from 1039 to 1063—that the Cymry reached the point of greatest strength since the death of Cadwaladr, and that fornbsp;the first time for many years their leader was able to exercisenbsp;an appreciable influence on affairs beyond the border. Innbsp;103 s Cnut had died. At the meeting of the Witan atnbsp;Oxford held after his death, notwithstanding the resistancenbsp;of the powerful Godwine, Earl of Wessex, who endeavourednbsp;to enforce the will of Cnut in favour of Harthacnut,nbsp;Harold Harefoot was chosen king, with the aid of Leofric,nbsp;Earl of Mercia. Godwine’s influence was, however, strongnbsp;enough to secure part of the late king’s dominions for thenbsp;younger son of Cnut, who was recognised as king ofnbsp;Wessex. It was after England had been once morenbsp;divided, and the house of Godwine had received a temporarynbsp;check in its path of aggrandisement, that Gruffyd becamenbsp;king of Gwyned. Nearly ninety years had passed since

' “Brut,” 1033. “Ann. Cam.,” j.a. 1035.

quot; “ Brut,” j.a. 1037. “Ann. Cam.,” j.n. 1039.

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the death of Howel Da. They had been for the most part, as the bald narrative we have been able to give shows,nbsp;years of almost continued internal confusion, of bordernbsp;troubles, and of vexatious invasions from beyond the sea.nbsp;But the career of Gruffyd ab ILewelyn seems to show thatnbsp;the conflicts that had been waged and the events that hadnbsp;taken place had not sensibly affected the power of thenbsp;Cymric clans as a whole. It is difficult to avoid the inference that the wars during this disturbed period, of whichnbsp;the recollection is preserved in the “ Brut,” were on a merelynbsp;petty scale—an inference strengthened, of course, by ournbsp;knowledge that the population was very small.^

However this may be, there can be no doubt that under the leadership of Gruffyd the Cymry suddenly developednbsp;an amount of military capacity and activity which had notnbsp;been displayed for centuries, and which resulted in theirnbsp;becoming a factor of some considerable importance in thenbsp;affairs of the whole island. The divisions of race in England,nbsp;the rivalries of the great Earls, and other circumstances,nbsp;combined to assist Gruffy^ in uniting the forces of Wales,nbsp;consolidating his own position, and making himself notnbsp;only the predominant chieftain in Wales, but a dangerousnbsp;and powerful foe to the English king, or at any rate to thenbsp;house of Godwine. One reason no doubt was that afternbsp;the first year of his reign his policy—one consistentlynbsp;pursued—was to remain on friendly terms with the Earlnbsp;and people of Mercia, or rather the English part of thenbsp;old kingdom of Mercia, then forming the ealdormanry ofnbsp;Leofric. Of the personal characteristics of this the greatestnbsp;military chief of the Cymry (except, perhaps, ILewelyn abnbsp;lorwerth, who was to exhibit similar qualities two hundrednbsp;years later), we know nothing except what may benbsp;inferred from his deeds. The burst of literary activitynbsp;which commenced among the Cymry shortly after thenbsp;* See the Introduction, above.

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, v.)

Norman Conquest has preserved for us much information about later and far less important princes and warriors;nbsp;but though Gruffyd, like them, had bards in his trainnbsp;and at his court, not even fragments of their poems havenbsp;come down to enlighten us concerning the lord whom theynbsp;doubtless delighted to honour. For Gruffyd’s life, as innbsp;regard to those of his predecessors, we must rely simply onnbsp;the short entries in the chronicles.

Gruffyd’s character showed itself at once. In the very year of his accession he led a raid over the border intonbsp;Mercia, and beat the English forces in a battle at Rhyd-y-Groes,i on the Severn, in which Eadwine, brother of Earlnbsp;Leofric, was slain. This event does not seem to havenbsp;embroiled him with the Mercian Earl, for henceforth we findnbsp;him in alliance with the house of Leofric, and many yearsnbsp;elapsed before he again invaded England. He immediatelynbsp;turned his attention to Deheubarth. Howel ab Edwin, whonbsp;was now possessed of South Wales as a result of the defeatnbsp;of the sons of Rhyderch, was, without any considerablenbsp;pause, attacked by Gruffyd, and defeated in an encounternbsp;at ILanbadarn. Howel was forced to fly to the Irish Norsemen for assistance. Two years afterwards, with theirnbsp;support, he returned to Wales, and penetrated into Kere-digion, but was again beaten by Gruffyd in an engagementnbsp;at Pencader, which was of a decisive character, and innbsp;which the victor captured Howel’s wife, whom he tooknbsp;as his mistress. Howel’s resources were not, however,nbsp;exhausted, and, by one of the sudden changes of fortunenbsp;characteristic of the period, in the following year (1042)nbsp;Gruffyd was himself beaten, with the aid of the “blacknbsp;Pagans,” and taken prisoner, at Pwü Dyvach. Somehow—nbsp;probably by payment of a ransom—Gruffyd regained his

' Literally “the ford of the Cross.” The chief authorities for the life of Gruffyd are the “ Brut.” and “Ann. Cam.,” with the English Chronicle. Seenbsp;his life in “Diet. Nat. Biog.”

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liberty, and returned to his kingdom. Two years after Howel, who seems to have once more gone to Ireland, camenbsp;back with a fleet, and, sailing round Dyfed, proceeded tonbsp;the Towy, but was defeated and lost his life in a battle withnbsp;the army of Gruffyd at Abertowy.'^

This victory secured Deheubarth for the king of Gwyned, though his troubles in that part of Cymrunbsp;were not over. Howel, as we have seen, had himselfnbsp;violently usurped the crown of Deheubarth, after expelling Rhyderch. Two sons of the latter, Gruffyd andnbsp;Rhys, saw in Howel’s overthrow an opportunity ofnbsp;asserting the claims of their house. How far they werenbsp;able to obtain actual possession of the whole or any part ofnbsp;South Wales is not clear; but probably it was Gruffyd abnbsp;ILewelyn who was the actual ruler, while the sons of Rhyd-erch from time to time attacked him or his subordinatenbsp;lords. About ten years, however, elapsed from the defeatnbsp;of Howel before Gruffyd was able finally to suppress thenbsp;house of Rhyderch. That he was strengthening himselfnbsp;with prudence is shown by his peaceful attitude towardsnbsp;Edward the Confessor’s government, and his close relationnbsp;to the Mercian Earl; and when Swein son of Godwine, in ornbsp;about 1045, was Earl of the south-western part of the oldnbsp;kingdom of Mercia, he joined Gruffyd ab ILewelyn innbsp;an expedition against the sons of Rhyderch. His friendship with the house of Mercia was cemented by his marriagenbsp;with Ealdgyth, daughter of JElfgar, the son of Leofric, whonbsp;afterwards became the wife of Harold H. Gruffyd also

‘ This place is not to be confounded with Aberteivi in Keredigion, nor with Abertawe. Abertowy occurs in the Twrch Trwyth hunt. At “Aber Tywi”nbsp;it was that Twrch Trwyth turned to bay and killed Kynlas son of Kynan, andnbsp;Gwilenhin, king of France. See Rhys’s paper in “Transactions of Cymmro-dorion Society, ” 1894-5, P- lö- Abertowy was on the peninsula between thenbsp;Tow)’ and the Gwendraeth. About three years ago a storm, carrying aw'aynbsp;parts of the sandbanks there, exposed the foundations of a row of houses.nbsp;(Account furnished to Professor Rhys by Mr. Drummond, agent for Lordnbsp;Cawdor.)

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, v.)

succeeded in obtaining a grant from the English king of all the lands west of the Dee that had theretofore beennbsp;taken possession of by the English.

In 1047 he had to deal with a more than usually serious revolt in Deheubarth. The uchelwyr of Ystrad Towinbsp;suddenly rose and slew one hundred and forty of his men.nbsp;Gruffyd thereupon laid waste that district, as well as Dyfed.nbsp;This rising had probably some connection with the claimsnbsp;of Gruffyd ab Rhyderch and his brother. Two yearsnbsp;later there was further trouble in the south. The Irish alliesnbsp;of Gruffyd ab Rhyderch are said to have ravaged Deheubarth. We hear nothing further of this Gruffyd, exceptnbsp;that he was slain by Gruffyd ab ILewelyn in 1055,nbsp;his brother Rhys, too, disappears from the story.

Even before the death of Gruffyd ab Rhyderch the power of the North-Welsh king had become very considerable. He felt himself strong enough once more to invadenbsp;England. Of the circumstances that led to this course ofnbsp;action we have no information. Whatever the reason fornbsp;the raid, Gruffyd in 1052 penetrated into the land ofnbsp;Hereford, very nigh to Leominster, and fought the “ landsmen as well as the Frenchmen of the Castle ” on the samenbsp;day on which, thirteen years before, Eadwine had beennbsp;slain.i Hïlfgar was outlawed in 1055, without, as thenbsp;English chronicler says, any guilt.® He fled to Irelandnbsp;and collected a fleet of eighteen ships, and with that forcenbsp;proceeded to Wales to Gruffyd, who received him intonbsp;his protection. Gruffyd and his father-in-law, havingnbsp;gathered together a great force, invaded England, andnbsp;defeated the English under Ralph the Earl near Hereford.nbsp;“ Before there was any spear thrown the English peoplenbsp;fled because they were on horses, and there great slaughter

' “Eng. Chron,,” s.a, 1052. “And there were slain of the English very many good men, and also of the Frenchmen.”

quot; “Eng. Chron.,” J.a. 1055.

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was made about four hundred or five, and they made none on the other side.”^ The Welsh then took Hereford, burntnbsp;the town and the minster that the venerable Bishopnbsp;Hithelstan had built, and even slew the priests that werenbsp;within it and many others, and retired carrying awaynbsp;much booty.^

The incapable Ralph was replaced by Harold son of Godwine, and the importance of the Welsh victory is shownnbsp;by the fact that a great force was gathered “ from wellnbsp;nigh all England.”® The English army met at Gloucester,nbsp;and started against the Welsh. Gruffyd appears to havenbsp;retreated, or at any rate avoided an engagement, andnbsp;Harold either did not desire or was not able to bring aboutnbsp;a battle. Some obscure negotiations took place betweennbsp;.dElfgar and Gruffyd on the one side, and Harold on thenbsp;other. The result was that peace was restored ; .TLlfgarnbsp;was in-lawed, but Gruffyd lost the lands beyond the Deenbsp;that had been granted to him by the king. One of thenbsp;copies of the English Chronicle says that when the Welshnbsp;“ had done the utmost evil this counsel was counselled:nbsp;that Elgar (.^Elfgar) the Earl should be in-lawed and benbsp;given his earldom and all that had been taken from him.”nbsp;The fact that peace in accordance with this counsel wasnbsp;made is the strongest evidence of the formidable influencenbsp;of the Welsh king. Harold forthwith rebuilt Hereford, andnbsp;Bishop .iEthelstan having died, he appointed Leofgar, hisnbsp;mass-priest, to be Bishop on February 7, 1056.

The peace between Gruffyd and Harold was not long kept. In the summer of 1056 Gruffyd (who was probablynbsp;dissatisfied with the arrangements of the year before) again

' “Eng. Chron.,” s.a. 1055.

“ “Eng. Chron.,” f.a. 1055. Cf. “Brut.,” j.a. 1054. This entry describes the engagement as a “severely hard battle,” and says the Saxons took to flightnbsp;unable to bear the assault of the Britons, and fell with a very great slaughter.

^ “Eng. Chron.,” r.a. 1055.

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170 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, v.)

invaded south-west Mercia. He was met by the new Bishop—who had worn “ his knapsack during his priesthood till he was a bishop,” and then “forsook his chrismnbsp;and his rood, his ghostly weapons, and took to hisnbsp;spear and sword after his bishophood”—and ^Ifnoth,nbsp;the Sheriff, at the head of the Mercian forces, eight daysnbsp;before Midsummer.^ Gruffyd was again victorious; bothnbsp;the Bishop and the Sheriff were slain, and with themnbsp;“many good men.” Gruffyd seems to have followed upnbsp;his success, for the English chronicler found it “difficultnbsp;to tell the distress, and all the marching and all thenbsp;camping, and the travail and destruction of men andnbsp;also of horses which all the English army sustained.”nbsp;But Leofric, Harold, and Bishop Ealdred of Worcesternbsp;came to Gruffyd and succeeded, though we know not onnbsp;what terms, in quieting him. A reconciliation was effected,nbsp;and Gruffyd swore oaths that he would be to Kingnbsp;Edward “ a faithful and unbetraying under-king.” ^

Two years after this event, however, it is recorded in the “ Brut ” that Magnus, son of Harold, described as “king ofnbsp;Germany,” came to England and ravaged the dominions ofnbsp;the Saxons, and that Gruffyd was his “conductor andnbsp;auxiliary.”® The English Chronicle says that a fleet camenbsp;from Norway in 1058, but does not connect this event withnbsp;Gruffyd; but that there were hostilities between him andnbsp;the English in that year is clear, for vElfgar the Earl, whonbsp;succeeded his father on his death in 1057, was banished, butnbsp;soon returned, with the aid of his son-in-law.^ The Welshnbsp;king was now at the height of his power. So long as .^Elfgarnbsp;lived,however, he seems to have kept the peace. Harold himself had taken possession of the earldom of the Magesaetas

' “ Eng. Chron.,” s.a. 1056. quot; “Eng. Chron,,” s.a. 1056.

3 “Brat,” s.a. 1056. In “Ann. Cam.seemingly 1058. * “Eng. Chron.,” j.a. 1058

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and the course of the Severn (i.e., south-west Mercia), no doubt with the intention of holding ^Elfgar and Gruffydnbsp;in check. The exact date of the former’s death is notnbsp;known, but it is probable that he died in 1062. Very likelynbsp;border raids into England were made by the Welsh, ornbsp;some other provocation was given by Gruffyd, for in 1063nbsp;Harold determined to make a strong attempt to crush hisnbsp;dangerous and now too formidable neighbour. The chiefnbsp;palace of Gruffyd was at Rhudlan, which was a site ofnbsp;military value, since it dominated the Vale of Clwyd, and wasnbsp;then a seaport. Itwas against Rhudlan that Harold directednbsp;his first blow. With a small band (probably his own house-carls) he hastened there at the end of 1062, and surprisednbsp;Gruffyd, who, however, escaped by sea. Unable to follow,nbsp;and not strong enough to winter in North Wales, Haroldnbsp;contented himself with burning the house and the remainingnbsp;ships, and set out back for Gloucester on the same day.^nbsp;It may be conjectured from the subsequent course of affairsnbsp;that this event did much to damage Gruffyd’s prestigenbsp;among the loosely united Welsh clans, and especially amongnbsp;the uchelwyr of South Wales. Such a career as his,nbsp;in the circumstances of his time, must have creatednbsp;jealousies and involved the enmity of many families amongnbsp;the Cymry. Only six years had elapsed since the finalnbsp;overthrow of the house of Rhyderch. Many men mustnbsp;have been waiting for the time when a reverse gave anbsp;favourable opportunity for revolt.^

It was immediately after his sudden raid on Rhudlan that Harold, now the most powerful subject of England—indeed,nbsp;its real ruler—planned a systematic invasion of Wales. Henbsp;collected a fleet at Bristol with a view to coasting round thenbsp;country, while he arranged that his brother Tostig® should

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;FI. Wigorn, 1063.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Note Giraldus’ reference to Gruffyd as one “who by his tyranny for anbsp;long time had oppressed Wales ” : “ Itin. Cam.,” book i., ch. 2.

® Tostig had become Earl of Northumbria.

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, v.)

cross the border from Northumbria with a land force. At Rogation-tide (in 1063) Harold left Bristol with his fleet andnbsp;sailed along the coast, presumably landing at points wherenbsp;damage could be inflicted on the Welsh.^ Tostig, actingnbsp;in conjunction with his brother, crossed the border. Fornbsp;several weeks the English carried on a vigorous and far-reaching harrying of Gruffyd’s dominions. There is nonbsp;record of any pitched battles, and the warfare was clearlynbsp;of the guerilla kind. Taught by experience, the Englishnbsp;leaders changed their method of fighting. They madenbsp;their men discard armour and give up the close array.^nbsp;Lightly armed, they fought on the same terms as theirnbsp;active enemies. The Cymry defended themselves withnbsp;stubbornness, but the English won many skirmishes andnbsp;gave no quarter. The former suffered more severely thannbsp;at any time since the death of Cadwaladr.® The campaignnbsp;seems to have been carried on over a large part of Wales.nbsp;The result was that “ the people ” (so says the Englishnbsp;Chronicle) made a truce with Harold and deliverednbsp;hostages.^ Of Gruffyd himself during these weeks in thenbsp;summer of 1063 we hear nothing. Later authority saysnbsp;the Welsh sentenced him to deposition. What is certainnbsp;is that he was slain in August by Welshmen—slain,nbsp;according to the English chronicler, because “of the warnbsp;he waged with Harold the Earl”—slain, according to thenbsp;Brut, by the treachery of his own men. “ The shield andnbsp;defender of the Britons . . . the man who had been hithertonbsp;invincible, was now left in the glens of desolation, afternbsp;taking immense spoils and after innumerable victories andnbsp;countless treasures of gold and silver, and jewels and purple

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“Eng. Chron.,’G.3. 1063.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;See Freeman, “N.C.,”ii. 480.

’ Giraldus (writing about 140 years later) says that Harold left scarcely a man alive in Wales.

“Eng. Chron.,” s.a. 1063.

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vestures.”^ The effects of Harold’s merciless ravaging were long felt. His victory plunged Wales once more intonbsp;confusion, and no doubt contributed to the comparativelynbsp;swift conquest of a great part of the South by the Normansnbsp;a few years afterwards.

However ruthless Harold had shown himself in the campaign, so soon as Gruffyd had been got rid of henbsp;proceeded to arrange a new settlement of Welsh affairs.nbsp;The kingdom of the dead chieftain was divided betweennbsp;Bledyn ab Cynfyn and his brother Rhiwallon,1® but furthernbsp;considerable portions of Cymric land were added to thenbsp;shires or earldoms on the border. The Vale of Clwyd, ornbsp;the greater part of it, was added to the shire of Chester,nbsp;and seemingly passed under the rule of Eadwine, son ofnbsp;^Ifgar, Earl of Mercia. The whole or a large part of whatnbsp;is now Radnorshire became an English possession. Partnbsp;of Gwent, though we cannot define what part (probably thenbsp;land between the Wye and the Usk), was united to thenbsp;earldom of Harold.® How far, or in what sense, these lands


“Brut.,” s.a. io6i. “Ann. Cam.,” s.a. 1063.

^ The “Brut quot;and “Ann. Cam.” are silent as to this, but the subsequent entries confirm the transaction. The “Worcester Chronicle” (1063) records it—makingnbsp;Bledyn and Rhiwafton brothers of Gruffyd; and in the “Brut,” s.a, 1068,nbsp;they are referred to as still reigning, and are mentioned as sons of Cynfyn.nbsp;They were really half-brothers of Gruffyd. Their mother was Angharadnbsp;(daughter of Maredud), who married ILowelyn ab Seisyift, and also Cynfyn.nbsp;Probably the latter was her second husband. The “ Brut,” s.a. 1112, explainsnbsp;the relationship. See Freeman, “ Norman Conquest,” ii.,p. 483, n. i. In thenbsp;“Brut,”r.a. 1073, Bledyn ab Cynfyn is referred to as “the man who afternbsp;Gruffyd his brother nobly supported the whole kingdom of the Britons.”nbsp;The Gruffyd referred to is Gruffyd ab Hcwelyn.

® See Freeman, quot; N. C.,” v. ii., p. 483-6 ; and note (««) in App., p. 707 (third edition, London, 1877). Harold, it seems, began to build a huntingnbsp;seat at Forth Iscoed. Caradog, son of that Gruffyd who claimed Deheubarthnbsp;and who was slain by Gruffyd ab Lewelyn, made a raid upon the workmennbsp;engaged in the building, slew nearly all of them, and carried away thenbsp;provisions and other things that Harold had collected. “ Chronn. Ab. etnbsp;Wig.,” 1065; “Domesday,” 162: “Sub iisdem prsepositis sunt iiii, villcenbsp;wastatEe per regem Caradnech.”

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, v.)

(except the Vale of Clwyd) had been part of Gruffyd's possessions we have no means of determining ; but it isnbsp;clear that one of the results of the Earl’s successful war wasnbsp;that the English made a further advance on Welsh territory.

There can be no doubt that this comparatively great Welsh campaign largely increased the prestige ofnbsp;Harold and his house, and was one of the circumstancesnbsp;which led to his being elected king on the death ofnbsp;Eadward the Confessor early in 1066. He did not enjoynbsp;his high office long, for on the 14th of October in thenbsp;same year he fell in the battle of Hastings or Senlac,nbsp;resisting the Norman invasion, and shortly afterwardsnbsp;William, Duke of Normandy, became king of England.nbsp;We need say nothing for our purpose as to the generalnbsp;circumstances and effect of this Norman conquest, but henbsp;who looks at it from a Cymric standpoint will note withnbsp;curious interest the satisfaction of the Welsh chronicler whonbsp;records that Harold, who had been previously “ vauntinglynbsp;victorious,” was despoiled of his life and kingdom bynbsp;William the Bastard “Tywysog” of Normandy, and thatnbsp;“ that William ” defended the kingdom of ILoegr in a greatnbsp;battle “with an invincible hand and his most noble army.”^

As appendices to this chapter we insert in face of this page

(A) A Chronological Table of the Kings of England and the Kings or Princes of Gwyned and Deheubarth.nbsp;The dates of the accession of the latter are taken

* “Brut,”j.a. 1066. The last sentence is, “ Ar G6ilim h6nn6 dr6y diruaór uröydyr a ymdiffynnaód teyrnas Loegr o an orchyfegedic Ia6 a uonhedickaf lu ”nbsp;(see “ Red Book of Hergest,” vol. ii., p. 268 : Oxford edition). Though atnbsp;the time ILoegr denoted much the same area of the island as England at present,nbsp;yet it did not connote, when the chronicler wrote, all that the word England doesnbsp;now to us. The notion that William was defending ILoegr should be observed.nbsp;The student should also notice that the application of the term tywysog tonbsp;William in regard to Normandy shows it was then used in a very generalnbsp;sense.

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A.D. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;England.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Wales.

809 E(^bryht (King of Wessex).

817...............Merfyn Frych and Esylht or Ethitt.

827-8 Ecgbryht (Bretwealda).

836 /Ethelwulf (King of Wessex).

./Ethelstan (King of Kent).

843............... Rhodri Mawr.

856 yEthelwuli (King of Kent).

.^thelbald (King of Wessex). iEthelberht.nbsp;iEtbelred.

.iElfred the Great.






Peace of Wedmore.






















Peace of Wedmore. Submission of IVelsh kings to .lEIfred during next few years.nbsp;Eadward the Elder.


Death of Rhodri Mawr.


Cadett. .

Howel Da.





Idwal Voel.

Death of Idwal:

Howel Da alone.




Eadwig and Eadgar jointl] Eadgar alone.

Eadward the Martyr. iEthelred the Unready.

leuaf ab Idwal and lago ab Idwal jointly.

leuaf deposed and killed. lago alone, (lago being expelled). Howel ab leuafnbsp;(Drwg).

Howel Da dies. Owain ab Howel Da,



999 1003



CadwaRon ab leuaf.

CadwaRon conquered and slain by Maredud ab Owain.


[Disputed succession : civil wars].

Idwal ab Meurig (?)

. Cynan ab Howel (?)

. Aedan ab BlegoretL

Eadmund Ironside; Cnut.

....... Aedan and his four sons killed by Lewelyn

ab SeisjRt.

Lewelyn ab SeisyRt (seemingly alone).

1021............ Death of Lewelyn.

Maredud ab Owain, Lewelyn ab SeisyHt.




lago ab Idwal (?).

Harold and Harthnacnut.

Rhyderch ab lestin. Howel ab Edwin andnbsp;Maredud ab Edwinnbsp;(jointly).

Maredud ab Edwin killed. Howel alone.nbsp;. Howel expelled bynbsp;Gruffyd ab Lewelyn.

. lago slain. Gwyned seized by Gruffyd . ab Lewelyn.

..... Lewelyn nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ab Gruffyd alone.

1040 Eadward the Confessor,

1063 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Harold’s invasion.

Death of Lewelyn ab Gruffyd.

Bledyn ab Cynfyn and RhiwaHon ab Cynfyn

1066 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Harold II.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;made joint rulers by Harold.

William I.

N.B.—The chronology of Welsh affairs is as to many events uncertain. We have followed the dates in the “Brut,” except where from other sources we find other dates more likely. The “ Ann. Cam.” assign most events to dates a year ornbsp;two later than those of the “Brut.”]

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{d. p)

Idwal Voel

(d. 941)



(rf. 877)


Hayardur (d. 953)

CadeH (d. 907)



Hirmawr Anarawd Gwgawn (d. 952)nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(d. 952)nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(d. 9S5)

Clydog (d. 917)

Howel E)a (d. 950)

Owain (d. 987)

Dyfnwal {d. 95 0nbsp;I

Owain {lt;/. 989)

I . I.

Rhodri Edwin [d. 951) (d. 952)

Idwal (d. 960)


{d. 964)


(d. 968)

Maredud (d. 998)



A daughter = Lewelyn ab SeisyHt (d. 1021)

Gruffyd (d. 1063)

Owain (d. 1057)

Maredud (d. 1068)

Ithel (d. 1068)

Edwin {d. 991)

Tewdwr (d. 993)

IdwaHon (d. 974)

Howel {d. 1042 (?))

Maredud (d. 1033)

Owain (d. 1068)

Meurig {d. 992)


Id. 967)




Cystenin {d. 979)

Rhodri {d. 966)

Maredud {d. 1070)

Rhys {d, 1076)

Howel (d. 1076)


(d. 985)

Howel Drwg

{d. 984)


{d. 985)

Idwal {d. 995)



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{d. 984)

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mainly from the “ Brut y Tywysogion,” but in some instances from the dates placed in brackets in Mr. E.nbsp;Phillimore’s edition of the “Annales Cambriae.”

(B) A Genealogical Table of the House of Rhodri Mawr. This is compiled from the “Brut” and the “Annales,”andnbsp;is, in regard to some of the persons, conjectural, owingnbsp;to the paucity of the names in use among the Cymry.nbsp;Where the letter “ d.” is prefixed in this table to a datenbsp;it signifies “died.” Where a date alone is given itnbsp;refers to the year of entry in the “ Brut.”

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We have in the preceding chapters set down the scanty facts concerning the history of the Welsh princes beforenbsp;the Norman Conquest that can be gleaned from thenbsp;authorities to which credit may be reasonably given.nbsp;Standing alone these facts tell us little; they form onlynbsp;a barren record of men who played their parts in a remotenbsp;district of Western Europe. Even if we knew them farnbsp;better, their real interest would lie in the circumstance thatnbsp;they were the chieftains of clans and families which hadnbsp;survived from a distant past, and had established themselves in Wales before the English nation was formed ; andnbsp;to a greater extent still in the further circumstance that,nbsp;though their descendants have become an integral part ofnbsp;the United Kingdom, they have not lost their nationalnbsp;characteristics or the consciousness of their national individuality. Fortunately, manuscripts containing the lawsnbsp;of the people living in some of the small Welsh kingdomsnbsp;have been handed down to us, and from them we cannbsp;obtain a fairly clear picture of society in Wales before thenbsp;conquest of Gwyned by Edward I.; and, besides what wenbsp;can gather from their formal documents, we have in thenbsp;works of Giraldus Cambrensis much information as to thenbsp;habits and character of the Cymry in the twelfth century.

Caradog of ILancarvan states that “ Howel Da constituted and gave lawes to be kept through his dominions

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which were used in Wales till such time as the inhabitants received the lawes of England in the time of Edward thenbsp;first, and in some places long after. These lawes are to benbsp;seen at this daie both in Latine and in Welsh.” To thisnbsp;Powel, the editor, adds a statement of the circumstancesnbsp;attending Howel’s legislation.^

Though there is not a word of all this in the Brut or Annales, there seems no doubt that the tradition handednbsp;down by Caradog of ILancarvan records a real historicalnbsp;transaction. The supersession of Celtic by Latin Christianity led to the spread of the Roman organisation intonbsp;Wales, and to the more extensive knowledge and use ofnbsp;collections of canons and penitential books among thenbsp;Cymry.® It must thus have had the effect of familiarisingnbsp;the minds of tribal rulers with the advantage of havingnbsp;a written law. Furthermore, some conflict between thenbsp;Roman code of morals and the tribal or customarynbsp;system naturally arose, and the clergy found the reduction

' This seems taken from the preface to one of the codes.

^ It should be observed, too, that there were canons and penitentials of Welsh or British origin earlier than the submission of the Welsh clergy tonbsp;Rome. The Prefatio Gildae de penitentia is a fragment that is assignednbsp;to a date before 570 (Haddan and Stubbs’s “Councils, amp;c.” i., p. 113).nbsp;Excerpta quaedam de libro Davidis consists of sixteen canons supposed to benbsp;extracted from the Liber of St. David, and to be of a date between 550 and 600nbsp;(iHd., i., p. 118). Sinodas Aquilonis Britannia and Altera sinodus lucinbsp;Victoria contain canons apparently affecting to have been adopted at twonbsp;synods held in 569, during the lifetime of St. David, at Landewi Brefi,nbsp;in Cardiganshire, and not far from the Roman station called Loventiumnbsp;in the Itineraries (ibid., i.,-p. 117; Lewis’s Topographical Diet, of Wales).nbsp;The date 569 comes from the “ Ann. Cambr.,” as printed in Mon. Hist. Brit.,nbsp;but in the MS. of the same chronicle, edited and published in “ Y Cymmrodor,”nbsp;V. ix., by Mr. E. Phillimore, there is no entry as to these synods. Canonesnbsp;Wallid form a collection of laws of a civil rather than ecclesiastical character.nbsp;They probably belong to the first half of the seventh century, and in Haddannbsp;and Stubbs’s opinion are of Welsh origin (“Councils, amp;c.,”i., p. 127). Severalnbsp;of these canons are identical, or nearly identical, with texts to be found in onenbsp;of the Latin MSS. of the Welsh Laws, printed in A. Owen’s edition of thenbsp;“Ancient Laws, amp;c., of Wales.” See “Anc. Laws,”ii., pp. 875-6; andnbsp;cf. “Councils, amp;c.,” i., pp. 127 et seq.

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of traditional rules to writing one means of increasing their power. Even if a powerful and progressive chieftainnbsp;had no example to follow, one would not be surprisednbsp;to find that under the circumstances in which Howel wasnbsp;placed, the idea should occur that it would be expedientnbsp;to set down the principal rules governing his own household, and regulating the concerns of the district overnbsp;which he exercised tribal rights. In fact, however, anynbsp;chieftain who had the opportunity of coming in contactnbsp;with kings and lords of countries or districts in whichnbsp;the laws had been, to a greater or less extent, writtennbsp;down, and had obtained the sanction which in those daysnbsp;was attached to manuscripts, might naturally feel a desirenbsp;to act upon the precedents set by those neighbours fornbsp;. whom he had either admiration or respect. Howel had, asnbsp;we have seen, opportunities of meeting the English kings,nbsp;and perhaps he had made a pilgrimage to Rome.

We find, too, that there was throughout the whole of Western Europe in the ninth and tenth centuries a strongnbsp;tendency to the making of so-called codes. Probably thisnbsp;tendency had its immediate origin in the foundation ofnbsp;the Karlovingian Empire, in the legislation of Karl thenbsp;Great, and in the notion that smaller rulers and chieftainsnbsp;could not do better than imitate one whose deeds andnbsp;fame were so great, and whose prowess and wisdom werenbsp;fast becoming legendary and heroic. Certainly we findnbsp;in the most unexpected places in the two centuries thatnbsp;follow the coronation of Karl the Great, attempts to reducenbsp;customary law to written law. There is, therefore, a fairnbsp;probability in favour of the genuineness of the traditionnbsp;that couples the name of Howel Da with the reductionnbsp;of Welsh tribal customs into a rigid and formal writtennbsp;system.

The preamble prefixed to each of the codes that has been handed down to us in substance (though in varying

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language) records that Howel summoned four men from each cantref in his dominions to the Ty Gwyn, which isnbsp;identified by modern antiquaries and far-reaching traditionnbsp;with Whitland in Carmarthenshire. It is unnecessary tonbsp;inquire whether the details given in the different recensions of the code are absolutely accurate. The notion thatnbsp;there is any similarity between such a gathering and laternbsp;mediaeval Parliaments is obviously unfounded. Not onlynbsp;does our general knowledge prohibit the placing of anynbsp;such interpretation upon the transaction, but the specificnbsp;information afforded to us from later sources that thenbsp;making of laws was a prerogative of the princes clearlynbsp;shows it to be untenable. Moreover, the similarity of thesenbsp;preambles with those prefixed to other compilations,nbsp;collectively called, in opposition to the civil and canonnbsp;law, kg'es barbarorum, is inconsistent with this idea, andnbsp;leads to the inference that some churchman, probably thenbsp;Blegywryd (archdeacon of Llandaff), mentioned in thenbsp;manuscripts of some of the codes, acquainted with similarnbsp;books, had a large share in the actual transcription of thatnbsp;compilation which by the Welsh is called “hen lyfr ynbsp;Tygwyn.” This ancient manuscript has not come downnbsp;to us, and what we have is a number of manuscripts ofnbsp;considerably later dates, presenting a general similaritynbsp;in substance combined with considerable differences innbsp;detail.

These manuscripts appear to be transcripts of older books, which had probably received additions from timenbsp;to time either authoritative, as coming from a ruler, or asnbsp;being the notes of judges or lawyers who had become thenbsp;possessors of documents which were naturally, from thenbsp;difficulty of reproduction and the paucity of their number,nbsp;extremely valuable.

The earliest edition in print of these laws is the work published in 1730 by Wotton with the assistance of Moses

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Williams and Clarke.^ In this volume no attempt is made to separate or classify those manuscripts which apply tonbsp;different parts of the Principality. It was reserved fornbsp;Aneurin Owen, who was commissioned to edit and publishnbsp;the Welsh laws for the Record Commissioners, to makenbsp;the discovery that in fact the MSS. fell into three classesnbsp;—namely, those embodying the customs of Gwyned, ofnbsp;Demetia, and of Gwent respectively.quot;

The work of Aneurin Owen, entitled “ The Ancient Laws and Institutes of Wales,” was published in 1841, and is atnbsp;present the best and authoritative edition of these laws.®

We cannot describe at any length the contents of these volumes. The first contains (a) the Venedotian Code ; (d) the

* Wotton (William), D.D. “Cyfreithyeu Hywel Dda ac eraill seu leges Wallicm Ecclesiasticse et Civiles Hoeli Boni et Aliorum Walli® Principumnbsp;quas ex variis Codicibus Manuscriptis erint, Interpretatione Latina, Notis etnbsp;Glossario illustravit Gulielmus Wottonus, S.T.P., adjuvante Mose Gulielmo,nbsp;A.M., R.S. Soc. Qui et Appendicem adjecit.” Londini: Typis Gulielminbsp;Bowen, mdccxxx. fo.

^ See as to this point App. D.

•'* Owen (Aneurin): “Ancient Laws and Institutes of Wales; comprising Laws supposed to be enacted by Howel the Good, modified by subsequentnbsp;regulations under the native Princes prior to the conquest by Edward the First;nbsp;and anomalous laws consisting principally of Institutions which by the Statute ofnbsp;Ruddlan were admitted to continue in force: with an English translation of thenbsp;Welsh Text. To which are added a few Latin transcripts containing Digests ofnbsp;the Welsh Laws, principally of the Demetian Code. With indexes and glossary. ”nbsp;Lond. : Record Commissioners, 1841, fo. Another edition, 2 vols., 8vo,nbsp;1841. Something had been done towards making these laws known betweennbsp;the publication of Wotton’s and Owen’s work. A portion of the laws wasnbsp;published in the “Cambrian Register,” vols. i. and ii. (Lond., 1795 andnbsp;1796), and in the 3rd vol. of the “ Myvyrian Archaiology ” (Lond. 1807), anbsp;MS. of the Laws, which is termed E in Owen’s Preface, was printed, and alsonbsp;certain pieces headed “Trioedd Cyfraith” and “Trioedd Dyfnwal Moelmud.”nbsp;See also 2nd ed. of “ Myv. Arch.” (Denbigh, 1870); also Probert (William),nbsp;“ Ancient Laws of Cambria,” amp;c. (Lond. 1823, Svo), and Holiard, “Traitésnbsp;sur les coutumes Anglo-Normandes publiés en Angleterre depuis le onziemenbsp;jusqu’au quatorzième siècle,” and “ Tableau de moeurs au dixieme siècle, ou lanbsp;Cour et des lois de Hoel le Bon, Roi d’Aberfraw de 907-948,” amp;c., bynbsp;E. G. Peignot (Paris, 1832). See note above, p. 25, n. I, as to Owen’snbsp;unsatisfactory method of dealing with the MSS.

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Demetian Code, and (c) the Gwentian Code. The first is given in the main according to a version in the Blacknbsp;Book of Chirk, a MS. now in the Peniarth collection, whichnbsp;appears to belong to the later part of the twelfth century.^nbsp;The other MSS. of the Venedotian Code belong to the twonbsp;succeeding centuries. The Demetian Code is printed fromnbsp;a MS. of about the end of the thirteenth century, now innbsp;the British Museum. The Gwentian Code comes chieflynbsp;from a MS. of the fourteenth century. In his secondnbsp;volume, Owen prints two fairly full versions and onenbsp;incomplete version of these laws from Latin MSS. Thesenbsp;Latin texts are of exceptional importance, because thenbsp;technical terms, which are rendered into Latin, connectnbsp;the Cymric system in an intelligible way with the systemsnbsp;of other parts of Western Europe. They indeed suggestnbsp;the question whether, as a result of the celebrated convention of Howel Da, the laws were not first of all set downnbsp;in Latin. Blegywryd, archdeacon of Llandaff, mentionednbsp;above, was the scribe selected to write the law, as being thenbsp;most learned in all Cymru {yrysgolheic huotlaf o Gymry oü),nbsp;after twelve of the wisest of the Assembly had been setnbsp;apart to make the law {y deudec doythaf o hyny arneiiltu ynbsp;óneuthyry gyfreith).

Assuming, as we must, that Blegywryd was conversant with the Welsh language, it may be that he recorded thenbsp;result of the formation of the law by these twelve wisenbsp;men in Latin, and that the laws so settled were afterwardsnbsp;translated into Welsh. If it be true, as stated in thenbsp;Preface to the Demetian Code, that Howel and others wentnbsp;to Rome to read the law before the Pope that he mightnbsp;see if there was anything contrary to the law of God in it,^

* So says A. Owen, but we understand that Mr. Gwenogvryn Evans thinks it is later. See, however, App. D. below.

2 See Owen, i., p. 343. cf. in the Ven. Code the Preface to Book iii., Owen, i., p. 217. The Venedotian Code (Book ii., c. xvi. 2) says, “Thenbsp;ecclesiastical law says again that no son is to have the patrimony but the eldest

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and obtained the Pope’s confirmation, there must have been a Latin version in existence at that time. But accordingnbsp;to the Demetian Preface, the king ordered three law-booksnbsp;to be prepared; one for the use of the daily Court, tonbsp;remain continually with himself; another for the Courtnbsp;of Dinevwr; the third for the Court of Aberffraw,^ and innbsp;one of the MSS. of the Demetian Code, towards the end ofnbsp;the Preface, the names of the twelve laymen who were setnbsp;apart to make the law—a kind of committee—are given.*nbsp;The statements of this Preface (seemingly compiled atnbsp;different times, and not affecting to be the Preface of thenbsp;original book) are to some extent confirmed by the Prefacenbsp;to the third book of the Venedotian Code.®

There lorwerth ab Madog is represented as having collected the Book the third or Proof Book) fromnbsp;the Book of Cyvnerth ab Morgeneu, and from the Book ofnbsp;Gwair ab Rhuvon, and from the Book of Goronwy abnbsp;Moreidig,^ and the old Book of the White House (“anbsp;hen lyfr y Ty Gwyn”); and, in addition to those, from thenbsp;best books he found likewise in Gwyned, Powys, andnbsp;Deheubarth. There is no improbability in all this ; for thenbsp;books of the lay Welsh judges or lawyers cannot havenbsp;born to the father by the married wife ; the law of Howel, however, adjudgesnbsp;it to the youngest son as well as the eldest, and decides that sin of the fathernbsp;or his illegal act is not to be brought against the son as to his patrimony.”nbsp;This important difference between the law of the Church and the law ofnbsp;Howel, of course, is evidence against the story that the latter had receivednbsp;Papal confirmation.

' Owen, i., p. 340.

2 It may be worth while to note them :—“ Morgeneu, the judge ; Cyvnerth his son; Gwair, son of Rhuvon; Goronwy, son of Moreidig; Cewyd, thenbsp;judge ; Idig, the judge; Gwiberi the aged; Gwrnerth the grey, his son;nbsp;Medwon, son of Cerise; Gwgon of Dyfed; Bledrws, son of Bleidyd;nbsp;Gwyn, the maer, the man who was the owner of Glantavwyn, to whomnbsp;the house belonged in which the law was made. ”

® Owen, i., pp. 216—218.

¦* It will be noticed that Cyvnerth, Gwair, and Goronwy are three of the twelve laymen referred to in the Demetian Preface. See note 2 above.

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been in Latin, and so we may take it that men who had actually taken part in the convention at the White Housenbsp;had in their possession MSS. of the law in the Welshnbsp;language. This is not, of course, inconsistent with therenbsp;having been a contemporary Latin version.^

There is, however, great reason for doubting whether Howel’s visit to Rome had any connection with hisnbsp;legislation. The story as given in the Preface to thenbsp;Demetian Code is as follows:—“ After the law had beennbsp;made and written, Howel, accompanied by princes ofnbsp;Cymru, and Lambert bishop of Menevia, and Mordavnbsp;bishop of Bangor, and Cebur bishop of St. Asaph, andnbsp;Blegywryd archdeacon of Llandaff, went to Rome to Popenbsp;Anastatius to read the law and to see if there werenbsp;anything contrary to the law of God in it; and as there wasnbsp;nothing militating against it,* it was confirmed, and wasnbsp;called the law of Howel Da from that time forward.”nbsp;The only Anastatius who was Pope during Howel’s timenbsp;was Anastatius III., who held the Papacy from 909 to 911.nbsp;Both the Brut and Annales record that Howel went tonbsp;Rome ; the former puts the date as 926 and the latter twonbsp;years later. The Venedotian and Demetian Prefaces describenbsp;Howel as king of all Cymru,® but it seems clear he was notnbsp;in possession of Gwyned till Idwal died in 941.^ Even,

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;For some further observations on the question whether the laws werenbsp;first written down in Latin, see App. D.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;This was not, however, the case. See below, p. 210.

® The Gwentian Preface simply calls him king of Cymru.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The Demetian Preface adds to the account of the journey to Rome : “ Thenbsp;year of the Lord Jesus Christ at that time 914. And here are the versesnbsp;composed by Blegywryd thereupon in testimony of that event;—

Explicit editus legibus liber bene finitus

Quern regi scripcit Blangoridus et quoque fuit

Hweli turbe doctor tunc legis in urbe

Cornando cano tunc judice cotidiano

Rex dabit ad partem dexteram nam sumerat artem.”

These verses, in a very slightly different form, are to be found in a Latin MS. in the Bodleian (A. Owen’s Preface, p. xxxiii.). The tmtt adds “ Gornertk

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therefore, if the story of the visit to Rome to get the Pope’s confirmation be true, we cannot accept the date assigned ornbsp;the name of the Pope as accurate. We see no reason to doubtnbsp;that Howel paid a visit to Rome, as mentioned in thenbsp;Chronicles; but, seeing that Idwal was then reigning innbsp;Gwyned, we think it unlikely that the Ty Gwyn convention could have been held before that event, for men fromnbsp;the cymwds of the North were summoned by Howel tonbsp;attend it—a course which could hardly have been taken bynbsp;the South Welsh prince without difficulties with his Northnbsp;Welsh cousin had the latter been then alive. The mostnbsp;probable date of the transaction we are considering is therefore 942 or 943, and the notion that Howel’s visit to Romenbsp;had anything to do with his law-making looks like a laternbsp;invention.^

The contents of Owen’s second volume (apart from the Latin versions of the laws of Howel Da and the statute ofnbsp;Rhudlan) are not of the same interest or importance as thenbsp;codes. They consist of comparatively late legal maxims,nbsp;commentaries, and illustrations, which supplement andnbsp;explain, without essentially modifying, the codes. He alsonbsp;prints specimens of pleadings and other matter of interest.nbsp;From a literary point of view Book xiii., entitled “Trioednbsp;Dyvnwal Moelmud a elwir Trioed y cludau a Thrioed ynbsp;cargludau” {i.e., “the triads of Dyfnwal Moelmud, whichnbsp;are called the triads of motes and triads of car-motes”),^

ti6yd mab Göyberi bach (cornandus canus filius gwiberi parvj) erat judex curias de Ditievwr in tempore Hywali Da.” As to the status of the Judge of thenbsp;Court, see below, p. 198.

1 It should be noticed that in the Venedotian Preface there is not a word said about the visit to Rome or the Papal confirmation.

^ See Owen, vol, ii., p. 474. For further remarks on these triads and Owen’s translation of the title, see Appendix D, below, p. 648. On p. 482 thenbsp;second set of triads are called “ the triads of the social and federate state ; andnbsp;which are the ancient triads of the privileges and customs of the Cymry beforenbsp;they lost their privilege and their crown, through the rapacity, fraud, andnbsp;treachery of the Saxons. ”

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naturally attracts attention. The tract is printed from a MS. which concludes thus: “And I, Evan son of Evan ofnbsp;Trev Bryn in Morganwg, transcribed this from the oldnbsp;books of Sir Edward Mansell of Margam, when the year ofnbsp;Christ our Lord was 1685.” We may believe that Evan abnbsp;Evan was not the author; but the style and the internalnbsp;evidence show that the work is not one to which any greatnbsp;age can be ascribed. The whole production is unlike in stylenbsp;to the genuine law-books that have survived, and seems morenbsp;a literary exercise than a practical treatise. The author,nbsp;however, was acquainted with the old Welsh legal systemnbsp;and its technical terms, and many of the triadic texts embodynbsp;really ancient maxims. No great weight can, however, benbsp;attached to the treatise. So far as it agrees with the codesnbsp;it has no special value; when its texts differ from the codes,nbsp;or extend the doctrines they state expressly or impliedly,nbsp;they cannot be deemed to have any more authority thannbsp;may be given to a late commentary not prepared fornbsp;practical use; especially as there is a good deal thatnbsp;suggests that the real object of the writer was to magnify thenbsp;importance and status of the bards in the old Welsh polity.

To sum up, we may say;—

The oldest MS. of the laws of Howel being of the twelfth century, we may be sure that we have no authenticnbsp;copy of the old Book of the White House. The earliestnbsp;MSS. bear marks of having had themselves a history.nbsp;The Black Book of Chirk refers to amendments made bynbsp;Bledyn ab Cynfyn, who reigned from 1063 to 1073, andnbsp;the thirteenth century MS. of the Demetian Code makesnbsp;mention of alterations and additions by Lord Rhys abnbsp;Gruffyd, who flourished from 1137 to 1197- But there isnbsp;no reason for not carrying back the first setting down innbsp;writing of the Welsh customs to the time of Howel Da.

Nor is there any real doubt that these bodies of law consist of custumals which were once in actual operation.

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In support of this the high authority of Sir Henry Maine ^ may be cited, and apart from authority the fact that thenbsp;documents disclose a fairly complete system of legalnbsp;terminology in the Cymric language, while the generalnbsp;contents describe a tribal system such as what is knownnbsp;of other races leads us to think may have been in forcenbsp;among the Cymric people, is practically conclusive of thenbsp;genuineness of these laws.**

Much controversy has arisen upon the question whether the English law is, as a whole, derived from Welshnbsp;law, or whether these Welsh laws are simply consciousnbsp;imitations of the Anglo-Saxon laws. We do not affect tonbsp;enter upon this question, but we may observe that we thinknbsp;it extremely likely that there were survivals of Britishnbsp;customs among the people who afterwards became consolidated into the English-Norman kingdom. On the othernbsp;hand, we think it quite probable, and in some instancesnbsp;certain, that Howel or those who assisted him intentionallynbsp;adopted some rules or descriptions either from Englishnbsp;or foreign bodies of written law. It cannot escape noticenbsp;that in precisely that part of the codes where we mightnbsp;expect imitation and legislation in the modern sense ofnbsp;the term, that is, the making of new rules for changed

* “ Early History of Institutions, ” pp. 5, 6.

2 As to the interpretation of these Welsh Laws the following works should be consulted:—Seebohm’s “Tribal System in Wales,” and “The Englishnbsp;Village Community ” ; Palmer’s “ History of Ancient Tenures in the Marchesnbsp;of North Wales”; Hubert Lewis’s “Ancient Laws of Wales,” edited bynbsp;Professor Lloyd, M.A. ; Ashton’s “ Hywel Da a’i Gyfreithiau ” ; Walter’snbsp;“DasAlte Wales”; De Valroger’s “Les Celtes : La Gaule Celtique ”;nbsp;Skene’s “Celtic Scotland” ; Fowler’s “Some Account of the Ancient Lawsnbsp;and Institutes of Wales ” ; Brynmor-Jones’s “ The Study of the Welsh Laws ”nbsp;(articles in Cymru Fyd, 1889), and “The Criminal Law of Mediseval Wales”nbsp;(South Wales University College Magazine, i8go). See also Glasson’snbsp;“Histoire du Droit et des Institutions de 1’Angleterre,” iii., pp. 609 et seq.;nbsp;Warrington’s “History of Wales,” pp. 164-190 ; and Meyrick’s “Historynbsp;of Cardiganshire,” Int., pp. Ixvii.-lxxi. For particulars of some of thesenbsp;works see Appendix to Report, pp. 81-2.

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circumstances, there is a remarkable similarity with the corresponding part of the Karlovingian system. If itnbsp;be true, as indicated above, that Howel had obtainednbsp;the rule, or rather over-lordship of the whole of Wales,nbsp;we might easily understand that one of the first thingsnbsp;which would occupy his attention would be the organisation of his own Court or household; and it is, in at leastnbsp;one of the codes, the completeness with which the rightsnbsp;and duties of the king himself, of members of his family,nbsp;of his servants and attendants, are set forth that firstnbsp;strikes the reader. Now, here in this organisation wenbsp;find a noticeable resemblance to the organisation creatednbsp;by Karl the Great Probably this emperor and his advisersnbsp;had themselves before their eyes the model of the Byzantinenbsp;Court, but, however this may be, one cannot help comingnbsp;to the conclusion that, directly or indirectly, the Welshnbsp;organisation was very largely influenced by intentionalnbsp;imitation of the Karlovingian precedent We have nonbsp;means, of course, of determining whether the model whichnbsp;Howel and his assistants set before them was the Frankishnbsp;system or the Court of .^thelstan, but we are inclined tonbsp;think that what is found in these Welsh books is not whollynbsp;derived from observation of the latter.

But in regard to other portions of the customary system disclosed in what we may, without inaccuracy, call Howel’snbsp;legislation, the traces of conscious imitation from othernbsp;sources are few, if any. One is rather struck, when comparing them with the so-called Anglo-Saxon laws, say thenbsp;laws of Edward the Confessor, with dissimilarities rathernbsp;than with similarities. No doubt many notions and conceptions are very like in or common to both sets of laws,nbsp;but the same is true as between the Welsh laws and thenbsp;Irish laws. It would be in our judgment entirely wrong tonbsp;infer an English derivation from mere identity or similaritynbsp;of usage and idea. The truth seems rather to be that

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all the races forming part of the Indo-European group started with common ideas of duty and of tribal organisationnbsp;In some cases the process of disintegration of the tribalnbsp;system proceeded more rapidly than in others ; in onenbsp;case the line of development went in one, and in anothernbsp;in another direction. Or, possibly, while the process ofnbsp;evolution was the same in every case, while every race wentnbsp;through the same typical changes or stages of growth, circumstances interfered to alter the rate of the process.nbsp;Howsoever this may be, forming the best judgment wenbsp;can, we think that these ancient Welsh laws are truthfulnbsp;evidence of the condition of society during the centuriesnbsp;in which they were in operation in Wales and Monmouthshire, and that, apart from the organisation of the Court,nbsp;they represent a natural and spontaneous growth ofnbsp;civilisation among the Cymric tribes.

Treating, then, these compilations as authentic evidence of the condition of the Cymry in the tenth century, we arenbsp;enabled to draw a picture of society in its broad outlines innbsp;the days of Welsh independence. Looking at the systemnbsp;as a whole it must be described as still tribal. Politicalnbsp;and property rights, as well as the status of individuals,nbsp;depended upon a theory of blood relationship. The wholenbsp;community is looked upon as an aggregate of tribes ornbsp;clans and families, forming a ruling aristocracy, under whomnbsp;other classes of lower status are grouped. The form ofnbsp;government, so far as the term “ government ” can be usednbsp;at all, was monarchical. In theory the king of Gwyned ornbsp;Aberffraw was head of the organisation.^ He himself

’ This seems to have been a principle of the Welsh law. It is Mr. Seebohm’s view (“ Tribal System in Wales,” pp. 13S—6); but the codes give no certainnbsp;evidence on the point. The most explicit text seems that in Book x. of thenbsp;‘ ‘ Anomalous Laws ” (Owen, vol. ii., p. 585). There Aberffraw is said to receivenbsp;Mechdeyrn dues from Dinevwr (South Wales) and from Gwynva (Powys), andnbsp;the king of Loegr is to receive three-score and three pounds from the king ofnbsp;Aberffraw.

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recognised the over-lordship of the king of England. Regularly, all other chieftains, princes, or kings in Cymrunbsp;were subject to the lord of Aberffraw. The result is thatnbsp;there was a more or less well-understood hierarchy of kingsnbsp;or princes, which presents remarkable analogies to a feudalnbsp;kingdom. In the chronicles sometimes one individual isnbsp;represented as king over the whole of Wales. We havenbsp;seen that Howel Da is an instance in point, but therenbsp;were always other kings or princes who are represented asnbsp;exercising power in different districts of the territory, andnbsp;enjoying various regal privileges and prerogatives. Therenbsp;does not appear to have been any alteration in theorynbsp;caused by the division and re-division of the existing Cymricnbsp;districts among the kingly families. What is really meantnbsp;by saying that Howel Da was lord of all Wales is thatnbsp;certain districts usually held by kings or princes of othernbsp;royal or princely kinsmen were possessed directly bynbsp;Howel, who received the dues and enjoyed the privilegesnbsp;ordinarily received and enjoyed by the latter. That is, itnbsp;really amounted to Howel’s taking possession of all thenbsp;rights and privileges of the king of Powys and the king ofnbsp;Gwyned, as well as those of the king of South Wales.nbsp;The kingship of Powys and the kingship of Gwyned werenbsp;assumed to continue to exist, though the kingship was innbsp;the hands of one man. Similar later instances of annbsp;analogous kind readily present themselves, e.g'., after thenbsp;conquest of Wales the mere attainder of a lord of Glamorgan,nbsp;and the consequent forfeiture of his possessions to the Crown,nbsp;followed by the king’s taking possession, did not amountnbsp;to an extinction of the lordship; it simply came to thenbsp;king’s administering Glamorgan until he re-granted it tonbsp;one of his subjects. Whatever the theory, the state ofnbsp;Cymru was as a rule very unsettled and sometimesnbsp;anarchical. The position and rights of its kings andnbsp;its political organisation, cannot be understood without

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igo THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vi.) reference to the territorial divisions of and the differentnbsp;classes of persons in the country.

Cymru was divided into the districts called cantrefs and cymwds, the origin and character of which we have discussed above. The exact significance of the cantref it isnbsp;very difficult to determine, for in the laws we are dealingnbsp;with it is the cymwd which is the unit of organisation. Innbsp;the time of Howel the boundaries of the cantrefs andnbsp;cymwds were evidently known and settled for practicalnbsp;purposes. To understand the method of government fromnbsp;day to day the cymwd is the area on which one must fix one’snbsp;eye. The cantref, as it then existed, was in all probabilitynbsp;a district over which a lord {arglwyd), appointed by thenbsp;king of the country {gwlad) of which it formed part, rulednbsp;with a set of officers whose rights and duties correspondednbsp;with those of the king’s household. The lord of a cantref ornbsp;cymwd must not be confounded with another kind of chieftain, the head of a kindred {cenedt) with whom the laws makenbsp;us acquainted. The lord might, of course, be a penkenedlnbsp;in reference to his own kindred, but his position as arglwydnbsp;was due, as it would seem, to his appointment by the kingnbsp;of, or the royal kindred ruling over, the country in whichnbsp;the cantref or cymwd was situate. Sometimes severalnbsp;cantrefs were combined under one lord who called himselfnbsp;tywysog (prince) or brenin (king), but in any case, if wenbsp;may judge from the laws, each cymwd and cantref maintained its separate organisation. The lord delegated tonbsp;certain officers the discharge of some of his functions. Innbsp;every cymwd there was a maer (in the Latin text, propositus) and a canghdtor (in the Latin text, cancellarius),nbsp;discharging prescribed governmental duties, and in eachnbsp;cymwd a court was held by them with the aid of other officers.

We cannot here attempt to give a complete analysis or full exposition of the legal system developed in thesenbsp;treatises; nor do we think it necessary, until they have

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been further examined and studied, to suggest the points of comparison between them and the Irish and earlynbsp;English laws. We do not in the least wish to disparagenbsp;the value of “ the comparative method ” in its applicationnbsp;to the history of institutions; but before we can comparenbsp;systems with a view to generalisation we ought to know anbsp;good deal about the systems themselves—a thing surelynbsp;obvious enough but often forgotten. So what we wish tonbsp;do now is to show the leading features of the Cymric lawnbsp;as we find them in these old books.

As might have been expected, the codes disclose communities containing different classes of persons, or perhaps we ought to say, different castes. Speaking broadly,nbsp;braint (status) depended on birth. The primary distinction is between tribesmen and non-tribesmen, between mennbsp;of Cymric and those of non-Cymric blood. The Cymrynbsp;themselves were divided into: (i) a royal class consistingnbsp;of men belonging to families or kindreds {cenedloed') ofnbsp;kingly or princely braint (status) who had over divers areasnbsp;of Cymru special rights; (2) a noble class called in thenbsp;codes sometimes uchelwyr (literally, “high-men”), sometimesnbsp;brëyriaid, sometimes gwyrda, and in the Latin versionsnbsp;nobiliores and optimates; and (3) innate tribesmen stylednbsp;bonedigion (gentlemen).

Below the tribesmen in the scale were unfree persons denominated taeogion or eitttion (in Latin, nativi or villant),nbsp;corresponding roughly to the villeins of English law.nbsp;Lowest of all was a class of menial or domestic slavesnbsp;{caethion)}

Taeog is of the same origin as ty (house), and was probably suggested by vilianus. Atttud means one of another people or country—a foreigner, and isnbsp;equivalent to Anglo-Saxon d-theod. It has nothing to do with aiilt, which innbsp;the early laws is usually mob eyiit (dgitd), or rnab ei-U or mab eiiit=s, shavennbsp;fellow—i.e., a slave, plural mtybyon eiition. The later spellings mah aiiitnbsp;and aittt without the mab, plural eittion, make their appearance in the Triads.nbsp;The word has its congeners in dUio (the act of shaving), and eliyn (a razor),nbsp;Irish altan.

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But quite apart from these—the primary classes contemplated—forming the legal organisation, the laws deal with strangers residing temporarily in or settling withinnbsp;the limits of a Cymric area. Such strangers were callednbsp;atttudion, and though there was some similarity in thenbsp;position of the two classes, they must not be confoundednbsp;with the eiUtion.

The degree of the afltud in his own country made no necessary difference to his position in the Cymric system.nbsp;If a Mercian, whether noble or non-noble, settled innbsp;Gwyned, he was in either case an atttud. For the individual the line that separated him and the Cymro couldnbsp;not originally be passed.^ But there is evidence to shownbsp;that, in regard to South Wales, the residence in Cymru ofnbsp;an atttud and his descendants continued till the ninthnbsp;generation conferred Cymric status upon the family; andnbsp;also that intermarriage with innate Cymraeses generationnbsp;after generation made the descendants of an atttud innatenbsp;Cymry in the fourth generation. Late texts give alsonbsp;examples of artificial methods of securing Cymric kinship,nbsp;e.g., by joining a kindred in the work of avenging thenbsp;death of a kinsman.

The Cymry of full blood deemed themselves descended from a common ancestor; but they were divided intonbsp;numerous kindreds, each of which formed a kind of privilegednbsp;oligarchy, but subordinate to the kindreds of royal status.

The kindred (cenedl) was an organised and self-governing unit, having at its head a penkenedl (chief of the kindred). The Welsh cenedl comprised the descendantsnbsp;of a common ancestor to the ninth degree of descent. Thenbsp;penkenedl, say the Laws, must not be either a maer ornbsp;cangheHor of the king, but an uchelwr of the country; and hisnbsp;status must not be acquired by maternity. He has to pay a

' It would seem, however, that if fthe king conferred office on him, he assumed the braint (status, privilege) attaching to it.

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tribute yearly to the arglwyd or higher chieftain. He mu.st be an efficient man, being the eldest of the efficient men ofnbsp;the kindred, and being the chief of a household {penteiilu),nbsp;or a man with a wife and children by legitimate marriage.nbsp;He was assisted by three other officers, the representativenbsp;{teisbanteulu) whose duty was to mediate in Court andnbsp;assembly, and in combat within the tribe, and to act fornbsp;the kindred in every foreign affair ; the avenger {dialwr) whonbsp;led the kindred to battle, and pursued evil-doers, broughtnbsp;them before the Court, and punished them according to itsnbsp;sentence; the avoucher {ai'ctelwr), who seemingly enterednbsp;into bonds and made warranty on behalf of the kindred.

Under the penkenedl were grouped the chiefs of household belonging to the kindred, and every one of the kindred was a man and a kin to him {yn wr acyn gar ido).

We are now, in the light of these legal rules, able to form a fairly clear notion of the original Cymric cenedl. Considered at any one moment in the abstract, it consisted ofnbsp;a group of blood relations descended from a commonnbsp;ancestor. Observed in more concrete fashion, it was annbsp;aggregate of families residing in separate homesteads, atnbsp;the head of each of which was a penteulu (chief of thenbsp;household). It was a self-governing unit under the chieftainship of the penkenedl, assisted by the officers and fornbsp;some purposes by a council of elders.

There seems to have been some kind of court for redressing wrongs done by members of one household tonbsp;members of another household within the cenedl; but thenbsp;discipline of each household was maintained by its penteulunbsp;(chief of the household). The household in its structurenbsp;resembled the “ patriarchal family ” under a patria potestasnbsp;more nearly than the “joint family” of some systems, withnbsp;its joint ownership under a chief who is only prhnus internbsp;pares} The sanctity of each hearth was respected, and

' Seebohm, Tribal System,” p. 95.

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vi.)

each penteulu had a right of nawÉ (protection) within defined limits, which varied according to his status.

It should be noticed that according to the fundamental ideas of this system the cenedl was not a rigid or finalnbsp;corporation or entity formed once for all; it was annbsp;ever-changing organism ; every penteulu was a possiblenbsp;founder of a complete cenedl. As Mr. Seebohm says, thenbsp;tribal system was “ always forging new links in an endlessnbsp;chain, and the links of kindred always overlapped onenbsp;another.”^ Furthermore, it should be remarked that thenbsp;kindreds, the chiefs of which were uchelwyr, were subordinate in the complete structure of Cymric society to kindredsnbsp;built up in analogous fashion of the privileged or royalnbsp;status, the members of which in theory could trace theirnbsp;descent from Cuneda the gwledig.

Such being, so far as we may infer it with some confidence from these laws, the original structure of the Cymric cenedl., we observe that the system (except, perhaps, so farnbsp;as the theory of tir gwelyawis an essential part of it) hasnbsp;no necessary connection with any particular area. It seemsnbsp;indeed as well adapted for a nomadic as for a settled race,nbsp;and is a personal rather than a territorial organisation. Butnbsp;it is evident the final settlement of the kindreds in a givennbsp;territory, even if that territory were previously unoccupied,nbsp;would lead to gradual modifications of custom, and the alterations would come more speedily when the tribe or tribes tonbsp;which the kindreds belonged conquered and settled uponnbsp;land already in the possession of men of other races whonbsp;were not extirpated, but placed in an inferior position by thenbsp;victorious immigrants. This probability is confirmed by thenbsp;laws of Howel. As we have seen, when the laws were setnbsp;down in writing, the Cymry had been settled in Wales fornbsp;several centuries, and the codes show that great changes

^ “Tribal System/* p. 85.

^ family-land. See below, p. 220.

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must have taken place in the legal system. Many of the privileges and functions formerly appertaining to thenbsp;penkenedl had come to belong to the arglwyd (lord) ofnbsp;the cymwd. There had arisen a court of the cymwdnbsp;regulated by a maer and canghdior (officers appointednbsp;by an arglwyd or the king or prince above him); thenbsp;canghehor had the right to appoint a rhingyii (the sum-moner of the court—seemingly a registrar or clerk). Thenbsp;two chief officers superintended the edition or taeogion, andnbsp;they had to see that the king’s rights in his waste landnbsp;in the cymwd were respected. The son of an uchelwr^nbsp;or innate bonedig at fourteen became the man of thenbsp;arglwyÉ of the cymwd, and at twenty-one receivednbsp;land from him in consideration of military service.^ Innbsp;South Wales the uchelwyr of the cymwd were judges innbsp;its court.* The chiefs of household had become practicallynbsp;landowners as against all the world, except members ofnbsp;the household. The rights of the chief of household tonbsp;his tydyn., and the lands in the occupation of himself andnbsp;other members of his household were termed his gwelynbsp;(literally, “bed or couch”), and on his death the familynbsp;land was divided between his descendants in the mannernbsp;described below.^ So that it seems safe to say that the

¦ See the chapter on the Duties of the Maers and Cangheitors, “ Anc. Laws,” i. p. 1S8.

2 “Anc. Laws,” i., p. 90; ii., p. 211.

’ “Anc. I^ws,” ii., p. 567. In Gwyned and Powys, it is said, in the Demetian Code, the king placed five officers in each court—a maer, canghdior,nbsp;rhingyii (summoner), a priest to write pleadings, and one judge by virtue ofnbsp;office ; and four like the preceding in each court in South Wales, and manynbsp;judges, that is, every owner of land, as they were before the time of Howel thenbsp;Good, by privilege of land without office. “ Anc. Laws,” i. 405.

¦* There might be several tyUynau (homesteads) on the land occupied by a penteulu and his family. They seem to have had grazing rights over sometimesnbsp;several and distant districts. The descendants of the penteulu were, during hisnbsp;life, in a subordinate position as to land. They had rights of maintenance, andnbsp;were capable of owning da (cattle or movable property), and they had rightsnbsp;of grazing cattle in the common herd and of co-aration with the other members

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vi.)

cymwd approximated to the manor or lordship of English law, though its structure in the tenth century appears tonbsp;have been a natural development, and not an imitation ofnbsp;other systems; and that the relations of the king to thenbsp;arglwy^i, and of the latter to the men of the cymwd, werenbsp;tending to become of a feudal character.

But though the cenedl was by the time of Howel to some extent disintegrated, and the general organisation ofnbsp;Cymric society had assumed a territorial aspect, it stillnbsp;played an important part in the legal system and wasnbsp;recognised for certain purposes. Now we may herenbsp;mention that within the cenedl (i.e., kindred to the ninthnbsp;degree from the common ancestor), smaller groups ofnbsp;kinsmen were looked upon as what we may call, for wantnbsp;of a better term, legal entities. These were groups of thenbsp;kindred to the fourth and the seventh degrees of descentnbsp;from a common ancestor. The first group included a givennbsp;person, his sons, his grandsons, and his great-grandchildren.nbsp;This group formed the unit within which succession to landnbsp;of the gwely of the given person could take place accordingnbsp;to certain rules. It was also the group of kinsmen uponnbsp;which joint responsibility for personal injuries short ofnbsp;homicide rested ; or in other words if a man did a wrong

of the gwely (Seebohm, “Tribal System,” p. 91). Ty^yn seems to mean a “ house-hill,” i.e., a place suited for a house. Ty (a house), in Old Welsh,nbsp;is for tegips^ corresponding to the Greek, réyos (a house). From the wordnbsp;tig is partly derived the word ty^yn, pi. tyliynau, Tyityn occurs in the Lawsnbsp;(ii. 780) as tygdyn^ and its dyn is perhaps the Welsh equivalent of the Irishnbsp;dinn (a place, Le.^ edificia pairis sui). The Gweiitian version has eissyTtynnbsp;(Laws, i. 750, 760): see also Laws, ii. 686, 688, where we have essydyn, whichnbsp;is in the present day reduced to sydyn. This involves an s form correspondingnbsp;to Greek criyos as contrasted with t€70S with, perhaps, a prefix ad or ecs ; butnbsp;eissydytt, sydyn seems to have the same meaning as tydyn^ the difference beingnbsp;one of dialect. In modern Welsh place-names tydyn is reduced to tyn^ as innbsp;Tyn yr Onnen for Tydyn yi' Oniien^ and Tyn Siarlas for Tydyn Siarlasnbsp;(Charles’ tenement). See as to the meaning and use of din^ Professor Lloyd’snbsp;paper on “ Welsh Place-names ” in “ Y Cymmrodor,” xi. 22 ; and Mr. E.nbsp;Phillimore’s note, ihui.y p. 60.

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to another which came within the definition of saraad (literally, “insult”), his kinsmen, as far as second cousins,nbsp;were jointly liable with him for the payment of the prescribed compensation in cattle or money.’¦ It also seems thatnbsp;this group was responsible for the marriage of daughters.^nbsp;Lastly, as will be made clear below, there was no re-divisionnbsp;of the ancestor’s gwely after the second cousins had dividednbsp;it, but the members of the group were still liable to jointlynbsp;warrant their common title to their respective shares.®

The functions of the group of kindred extending to the seventh degree of descent can only be properly understoodnbsp;after the law relating to homicide between kindreds hasnbsp;been explained.

Bearing these general principles in mind, let us see what these laws have to say about the royal or princely kindreds.nbsp;Each of the codes deals first of all with the Cyvreithiau ynbsp;£ys (Laws of the Court), that is, with the organisation ofnbsp;the household of the king, but it is in the Venedotiannbsp;Code that the matter is best and most fully dealt with.nbsp;According to that treatise Howel appointed twenty-fournbsp;servants of the Court, of which the following is a list:—

(i) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Penteulu (Chief of the Household).

(ii) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Effeiryat teulu (Priest of the Household).

(iii) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Dysteyn (Steward).

(iv) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Penhebogyt (Chief Falconer).

(v) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Brahudur Lys (fudge of the Court).

(vi) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Penguastrahut (Chief Groom).

(vii) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Guastavel (Page of the Chamber).

¦ “ Anc. Laws,” i., pp. 231 and 703.

’ It seems to have formed for this purpose a kind of family council. If they gave a daughter of one within the circle to an atttud, and her sons committed anbsp;wTong for which saraad was payable, the group became liable (“ Anc. Laws,”nbsp;i., pp. 208—212). Mr. Seebohm aptly refers to the tale of “Kulhwch andnbsp;Olwen” in the “ Mabinogion.” When Yspadaden Penkawr is asked to givenbsp;his daughter in marriage, he answered, “ Her four great-grandmothers andnbsp;her four great-grandfathers are yet alive ; it is needful that I take counsel ofnbsp;them.”

3 “ Anc. Laws,” ii. 657 ; and see i., pp. 208-10.

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rgS THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vi.)

(viii) Bart tedlu (Bard of the Household).

(ix) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Gostechur (Silentiary).

(x) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Penkynyt (Chief Huntsman).

(xi) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Medyt (Mead Brevier).

(xii) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Medyc (Mediciner).

(xiii) Truiyat (Butler).

(xiv) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Drysaur (Doorviard).

(xv) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Coc (Cooti).

(xvi) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;KanuyJ.Y’T (Candle-bearer).

And eight officers of the queen :—

(i) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Dysteyn (Steward).

(ii) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Effeiryat (Priest).

(iii) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Penguastrahut (Chief Groom).

(iv) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Guastavel (Page of the Chamber).

(v) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Eavoruyn (Handmaid).

(vi) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Drysaur (Doorward).

(vii) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Coc (Cook).

(viii) Kanuyeyt (Candle-bearer).^

The rights, privileges, and duty of each of these officers are gone into with great detail. The names of the offices givenbsp;sufficient indication of the sphere of work assigned to theirnbsp;holders, except in the case of the chief of the household.nbsp;The penteulu was required to be of the blood royal, andnbsp;appears to have had, subject to the king, and especially innbsp;the king’s absence, the superintendence of the Court. Thenbsp;judge of the Court must not be confounded with the judgesnbsp;of cymwds or cantrefs. He was judge of the king’s Court;nbsp;“ he is to administer justice to the Court, the household, andnbsp;to whoever pertains to them without fee,” but he also onnbsp;occasion examined other judges, and heard appeals fromnbsp;them, or dispensed justice in conjunction with them.**

Besides the twenty-four officers we have enumerated

gt; We have given the translation of the Welsh names, following A. Owen. But, of course, the nature of the chief offices becomes more intelligible whennbsp;we use more courtly terms. Thus, the Penteulu is the “Mayor of the Palace,”nbsp;the Brahudur Lys “the Chief Justice” or“ Justiciary,” and the Penguastrahutnbsp;the “Master of the Horse,” of corresponding Western European Courts,nbsp;Dysteyn, in Mod. Welsh distain, is the Anglo-Saxon disc-thegn or disc-thin,nbsp;literally dish-servant, but meaning at Court “seneschal.”

2 Ven. Code, i., c. xi. ; “Ancient Laws,” i., p. 29.

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there were eleven servants who are described as officers in the Court by custom and usage: (i.) groom of thenbsp;rein ; (ii.) foot-holder; (iii.) land maer ; (iv.) apparitor ;nbsp;(v.) porter; (vi.) watchman ; (vii.) woodman ; (viii.) baking-woman ; (ix.) smith of the Court; (x.) chief of song;nbsp;(xi.) laundress. The distinction drawn between the firstnbsp;set of officers—those “ appointed ” by Howel, and thenbsp;latter class, the customary officers—and the descriptions ofnbsp;the two sets of ministers, indicate that Howel’s innovationsnbsp;were intended to increase the pomp of the Court, and alsonbsp;that the authority of the kingly office was being enlarged.

One of the most interesting texts of this Book of the Law is that on Priodolion Leoed (appropriate places). It isnbsp;what in modern times we should call a “ table of precedence,” and though nominally it only applies to thenbsp;arrangement of the household at the meals in the king’snbsp;hall, it really determined and indicated the order of thenbsp;different officers. The arrangement cannot be understoodnbsp;without stating the character of the house of a Welshnbsp;chieftain. Fortunately Giraldus Cambrensis has given usnbsp;a fairly minute description of the typical Welsh housenbsp;of his time, and further material for its reconstruction isnbsp;also furnished by the laws we are considering, so thatnbsp;we can ascertain what it was like in the later period ofnbsp;the tribal system.

The evidence of these two authorities has been summarised by Mr. Seebohm, and we cannot do better than quote his description:^ “The tribal house was builtnbsp;of trees newly cut from the forest. A long straight polenbsp;is selected for the roof-tree. Six well-grown trees withnbsp;suitable branches, apparently reaching over to meet onenbsp;another, and of about the same size as the roof-tree, arenbsp;stuck upright in the ground at even distances in twonbsp;parallel rows, three in each row. Their extremities bendingnbsp;' See “ English Village Community,” pp. 239-40 ; “ Report,” p. 691.

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vi.)

over make a Gothic arch, and crossing one another at the top each pair makes a fork, upon which the roof-tree isnbsp;fixed. These trees supporting the roof-tree are callednbsp;gavaels, forks, or columns, and they form the nave of thenbsp;tribal house. Then, at some distance back from these rowsnbsp;of columns or forks, low walls of stakes and wattle shut innbsp;the aisles of the house, and over all is the roof of branchesnbsp;and rough thatch, while at the aisles behind the pillars arenbsp;placed beds of rushes, called gwelyau (Jecti), on which thenbsp;inmates sleep. The footboards of the beds between thenbsp;columns form their seats in the daytime. The fire is lightednbsp;on an open hearth in the centre of the nave between thenbsp;two middle columns.” ^ This tribal house was the livingnbsp;and the sleeping place of the household. The kitchen andnbsp;buildings for cattle and horses were separate and detached,nbsp;and it seems that, if not the whole set of buildings, yet thenbsp;set of buildings with more or less completeness was duplicated for summer purposes on the higher grazing grounds.nbsp;The house of persons of smaller importance was not, ofnbsp;course, so extensive. Giraldus describes the ordinary housenbsp;as circular, with the fireplace in the centre and beds ofnbsp;rushes all round it, on which the inmates slept with theirnbsp;feet towards the fire.®

In the king’s house screens extending from each middle pillar to the side walls divided the hall into an upper and anbsp;lower part; the former part appears to have been raised sonbsp;as to form a dais, upon which the king and nine of hisnbsp;officers were seated, while in the other part four officers andnbsp;the rest of the household were placed.® The text is curiousnbsp;and deserves attention :—

* See also “Arch. Cambr.” 3r(l ser., vol. iv. (1858), p. 195 ; and 4th ser., vol. X. (1893), P' *72. There is some confusion in the words ''gavaels, forks,nbsp;or columns” in this passage. Gavael means a grasp or hold; the Welsh fornbsp;fork is gavl.

^ “ Report,” p. 692; “Gir. Desc. Camb.,” i., c. lo and c. 17.

’ See “Ancient Laws,” vol. i., p. 11, note.

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“There are fourteen persons who sit on chairs in the palace; four of them in the lower portion and ten in thenbsp;upper portion. The first is the king ; he is to sit next thenbsp;screen; next to him the canghellor; then the osb; thennbsp;the edling ; then the chief falconer ; the foot-holder on thenbsp;side opposite the king’s dish ; and the mediciner at the basenbsp;of the pillar opposite to him on the other side of the fire.nbsp;Next to the other screen, the priest of the household, tonbsp;bless the food and chaunt the Pater; the silentiary is tonbsp;strike the pillar above his head; next to him the judge ofnbsp;the Court; next to him the chaired bard ; the smith of thenbsp;Court on the end of the bench below the priest. The chiefnbsp;of the household is to sit at the lower end of the hall withnbsp;his left hand to the front door, and those he may choosenbsp;of the household with him ; and the rest on the other sidenbsp;of the door. The bard of the household is to sit on onenbsp;hand of the chief of the household ; the chief groom nextnbsp;to the king, separated by the screen ; and the chief huntsman next to the priest of the household, separated bynbsp;the screen.” ^

These were the rules for Gwyned ; in the Demetian Code, as we have it, there is no such elaborate statement,nbsp;though there is a chapter on appropriate places applyingnbsp;to the ceremony at the three principal festivals, Christmas,nbsp;Easter, and Whitsuntide.*^

In regard to this order of precedence we notice first of all the absence of all reference to the queen or other ladies,nbsp;and we feel inclined to infer from this fact that it hasnbsp;reference, not to the ordinary life of the chieftain andnbsp;his establishment, but to the formal occasion of somenbsp;ceremonial Court, probably the solemn meetings of thenbsp;household on the three principal festivals, of whichnbsp;we have mention, or other similar assemblies. It will

‘ Veil. Code, i., c. 6 ; “ Ancient Laws,” i., p. II.

quot; Dem. Code, i., c. 6; “Ancient Laws,” i., p. 351,

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in the second place not escape observation that, besides the officers named in the list vre have given above,nbsp;there are places assigned to the “ canghellor,” the “osb,”nbsp;and the “edling.” The canghettor was not a ministernbsp;of the Court (in the sense of the household), but anbsp;territorial officer of the cymwd, though we may assumenbsp;that he attended the king’s Court when in the due coursenbsp;of the royal progress it was held in his particular district.nbsp;The word “ osb ” or “ hosb ” is derived from the Latin hospes,nbsp;guest, and though used in the singular is to be looked onnbsp;as a generic word to cover all guests of high degree presentnbsp;on any formal occasion on which the full ceremonial wasnbsp;observed. The “edling,” to use the word employed innbsp;Aneurin Owen’s translation, is in the Welsh text, “ Gwrth-drych” (the words “id est edligg” are added), and signifiesnbsp;the heir-apparent—“ he who is to reign after the king,” andnbsp;who “ ought to be son or nephew to the king.”

In the status of the edling, as described in the Venedotian Code, we seem to perceive a new order of ideas. Originallynbsp;the kingship or chieftainship appears to have been thenbsp;“prerogative of a family rather than of a person, and the tienbsp;of blood relationship bound together the head chieftainsnbsp;and the sub-chieftains and the chiefs of kindred and headsnbsp;of households, and whilst the continuity of kindred sonbsp;secured throughout the whole hierarchy of chieftains boundnbsp;the whole body of tribesmen together by the tie of blood,nbsp;the gulf remained as great as ever between the tribesmennbsp;and the strangers in blood.” ^ The regal rights were vestednbsp;in a cenedl (kindred) of royal privilege.® This family, asnbsp;exhibited in the Codes, consists of the king and his nearnbsp;relations, and the near relations are defined as his sons,nbsp;nephews, and first cousins. The Code says :—

* Seebohm, “ Tribal System,” p. 148.

^ The Welsh word is braini. Perhaps status is the most correct juridical term to express what is meant.

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“ When the edling dies he is to leave his horses and his dogs to the king, for that is the only ebediw^ he is tonbsp;render; and the reason why he ought to render no othernbsp;is because he is a near relation of the king. The king’snbsp;near relations are his sons, his nephews, and his firstnbsp;cousins. Some say that every one of these is an edling;nbsp;others say that no one is an edling except that person tonbsp;whom the king shall give hope of succession and designation. . • , The edling and those whom we have abovenbsp;mentioned shall possess that privilege until they obtainnbsp;land; after that their privilege shall be identified with thenbsp;privilege of the land they obtain, except they obtain landnbsp;in villeinage; in that case the privilege of the land shallnbsp;augment until it become free.” ®

The near relations of the king thus formed an exclusive royal class, and on the death of a king it was from thisnbsp;class that the new king legally came. Seemingly, the kingnbsp;had the right to nominate his successor. The similarity ofnbsp;the position of the Welsh “ Gwrthdrych ” with that of thenbsp;Irish “ Tanaiste ” ® should not escape attention.

' A render in the nature of a heriot or relief.

^ “Ancient Laws,” i., pp. 9, II.

3 With the Cymric family of royal pi ivilege, compare the rig domna (i.e., “the makings” or “materials of a king”) or royal class among the Irish.nbsp;See O’Sullivan’s Introduction to “ O’Curry’s Lectures,” pp. ccxxx—ccxxxi.nbsp;Our information as to the proper devolution of the kingship or chieftaincy isnbsp;scanty. It seems, however, clear that the royal privileges did not descendnbsp;according to the rule of primogeniture, and that the lands appurtenant to thenbsp;kingship were not divided on death like Hr gwelyawg. The new chieftain wasnbsp;either the gwrthdrych nominated by the deceased king from among hisnbsp;“ near relations,” or else was elected by the members of the royal cenedl.nbsp;Theoretically, the bundle of rights forming the kingship belonged to thenbsp;cenedl collectively. The members of the cenedl were entitled to maintenancenbsp;at court; but the king could grant to any of them the rule over one or morenbsp;cymwds, or settle them on tir gwelyawg, to the possession of w'hich he might benbsp;entitled. Such were the rules as we infer them from the Codes, and fromnbsp;what we know as to the actual course of succession in the more peaceablenbsp;times; but we cannot advance these propositions with certainty. Somenbsp;light is perhaps thrown on the matter by the Irish system as described innbsp;“ Le cas de gavelkind,” where it is said :—“ Before the establishment of the

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Any one of the “ near relations,” until he settled upon land in some cymwd, was maintained at Court. When he settlednbsp;on land from which a free tribesman’s dues issued, he lostnbsp;his royal status and became a breyr or iichelwr. Butnbsp;there are indications in the laws that he might be placednbsp;at the head of a court (ttys) of a cantref or cymwd, andnbsp;exercise (subject to the king) regal rights.^ If, instead ofnbsp;settling on that kind of land which was called tir gwelyawgnbsp;(i.e., family land), he was established on bond land, he lostnbsp;his status, but in that case his land became free, and henbsp;was only liable to pay the gwestva and other dues of annbsp;uchelwr.

The Cymric king, like other monarchs of mediseval times, made progresses through his dominions, which imposednbsp;obligations on his subjects. There seems to have been anbsp;distinction between the progress for hunting or hawking,nbsp;or military purposes and the great progress of the household after Christmas. The king’s gosgofd (retinue) consisted of thirty-six horsemen—the twenty-four chief officersnbsp;and twelve guestey (i.e., probably the persons who broughtnbsp;the entertainment dues, gwestva, from each free maenol innbsp;the cymwd)—together with the rest of the household, thenbsp;king’s(literally, “good men”), his inferior servants,nbsp;his ministers, and his almsmen.®

Passing on from the men of royal or princely degree we come to the rest of the Cymry proper, the uchelwyr andnbsp;boneÉigion. They, of course, formed the majority of thenbsp;race. Their status cannot be fully understood till the rulesnbsp;relating to the possession of land and the way in which it

(English) common law all the possessions within the Irish territories ran either in course of Tanistry or in course of gavelkind. Every Signory or Chiefry,nbsp;with the portion of land which passed with it, went without partition to thenbsp;Tanist, who always came in by election or with the strong hand, and not bynbsp;descent; but all inferior tenanties were partible between males in gavelkind ”nbsp;(“Davis’s Reports,” Hil. 3 Jac. l).

' See Seebohm, “Trib.al System,” p. 147.

“Ancient Laws,” i., p, 9.

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was distributed in each cymwd have been explained. The uchelwyr and boneUigion were all free tribesmen; theynbsp;were true Cymry; they were, like their royal superiors,nbsp;grouped into cenedloed. They occupied tyÉynau (homesteads) on the tir givelyawg (free or family land) of thenbsp;cymwd; and by the time of Howel Da some of thenbsp;uchelwyr had on their land eilition or taeogion cultivating thenbsp;soil on terms analogous to those on which the bond tenantsnbsp;of the bond or register land of the cymwd stood towardsnbsp;the arglwyd. They were liable to military service for sixnbsp;weeks in the year outside the country, and at any timenbsp;within it. They were competent to take an oath for legalnbsp;purposes and to be members of the rhaithgwlad (literally,nbsp;“ right of the country ”),i which meant that they were fullynbsp;entitled to the privileges of the common law of the Cymry.nbsp;In dealing with the law of property (if we may use thenbsp;term), we shall make the position of the free tribesmannbsp;more clear.

The acquisition by the son of a Cymro of full privileges in the cenedl was marked by two stages. First, the infantnbsp;son was solemnly received into the kindred by his father,nbsp;or if the father was not alive by the penkenedl with sixnbsp;kinsmen, or if there were no penkenedl, by twenty-one ofnbsp;the best men of the cenedl.® From the time of his receptionnbsp;into the kindred the son was maintained by his father, whonbsp;was “responsible for him in everything,” until the childnbsp;attained the age of fourteen years. Then his father tooknbsp;him originally (as it seems) to the penkenedl, but in thenbsp;Codes, as we have them, to the arglwyd, and commended

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Rhaith is a term that is used in more than one sense. Originally it seemsnbsp;to have been used to signify the notion conveyed by the juridical terms, jus,nbsp;droit, recht. It is cognate with German recht and English right, and is represented in Irish by the neuter recht, which is as if we had in Latin, besidesnbsp;rectus,-a,-um, a neuter rectu, genitive rectus.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The ceremony is described in the Venedotian Code, “ Ancient Laws,”nbsp;i., p. 207.

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vi.)

the youth to him, and the youth became the man of, and ‘was placed on the privilege” of the penkenedl or arglwyd;nbsp;and thenceforth the young Cymro was to be supported bynbsp;the chief or lord, and became himself liable to answer claimsnbsp;made upon him, and capable of possessing da (cattle andnbsp;movable property). The status so acquired was that of annbsp;innate bonedig; and even if his father was an uchelwr henbsp;did not obtain that degree till the father died.^ The rightnbsp;of maintenance by the chief or lord to whom the youngnbsp;Cymro was commended seems to have involved the givingnbsp;of cattle to the latter, and a share of the free land of thenbsp;kindred but on the other hand he became liable tonbsp;military service.^

The transfer of the son to the care of the lord of the cymwd did not, however, confer on the former the right tonbsp;receive his cyvarwys at once, but the lord undertook thenbsp;obligation of providing for him till his settlement and ofnbsp;doing what we should now call completing his education.nbsp;This he performed by quartering the lad on one of hisnbsp;eitttion.

The gweision bychain (little youths) or gwestion bychain (little guests), as they were called, were no doubt troublesome visitors in a farmer’s house, and as they approached

* See Ven. Code, “Ancient Laws,” i., pp. 203-5; ibid., i,, p. gi. The text adds ‘ ‘ and no one is a marchog (horseman or knight) till he shallnbsp;ascend,” i.e., to the status of his father.

2 The rights of the kinsman against the chief, as representing the kindred, were collectively called cyvarwys. A late triad says, “Three cyvarwysau of annbsp;innate Cymro; five free erws ; co-tillage of the waste; and hunting.” Seenbsp;“Anc. Laws,” ii., p. 516. Cyfarwys or cyfarws is used in the Mabinogionnbsp;to signify a boon or the right to ask for a gift of one’s own choice. Whethernbsp;that is the original meaning may be doubted. Its employment in the lawsnbsp;suggests that its plimary signification was a right to quarters or lodging. Ifnbsp;that is so it may be analysed into cyf-ar-wys, from the root ucs (“ to abide,”nbsp;also “to be,” in Eng. was, were), from which we have ar-os (to “remain” ornbsp;“wait”). From it, too, comesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(“a residence”) in Welsh mediaeval


^ And, of course, entitled to bear arms.

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manhood formed those companies of youths whom Giraldus mentions as moving about the country. According to thenbsp;same author, the princes entrusted the education of theirnbsp;children to the care of the principal men of their country,nbsp;each of whom, after the death of the father, endeavoured bynbsp;every possible means to exalt his own charge above hisnbsp;neighbours, and he points out that on that account friendships were found to be more sincere between foster-brothersnbsp;than between those who were connected by the natural tiesnbsp;of brotherhood.^ It looks as if the rules as to youths andnbsp;the usaees we have referred to had some connection withnbsp;the widely-diffused custom of fosterage,** of the existence ofnbsp;which in Wales definite proofs are to be found in thenbsp;Welsh laws. In the Venedotian Code it is laid down that ifnbsp;an uchelwr place his son to be reared with an aiiit of a lordnbsp;by the permission or sufferance of the lord for a year andnbsp;a day, that son is to receive a son’s share of the aittfs land,nbsp;and ultimately of his property.®

Here we must notice that, besides the rights possessed by the innate boneÉig to his cyvarwys (rights acquired by himnbsp;as one of the kin, and claimed by kin and descent), he had anbsp;right of succession to a share of I}a!ttirgwelyawg{{z.vcv\y land)nbsp;possessed by his father, grandfather, or great-grandfather,nbsp;and the possibility of attaining a position of privilege as anbsp;landed person and chief of his family within the cenedl

1 “Desc. Cambr.” ii., cc. 4, 9.

quot; See Maine, “ Early History of Institutions,” p. 241 ; and the tract on the Law of Fosterage in the “ Senchus Mor.”

® “Anc. Laws,” i., p. 195. Cf. Deni, and Gwent. Codes, pp. 543 and 767. In this connection, see the text as to the rearing of a bone^ig when he wasnbsp;nursed by his mother and brought up at home Anc. Laws,” i. 5^9)- Therenbsp;can be little doubt that the character of the marriage contract and the divisionnbsp;of the children on separation of husband and wife afford some explanation ofnbsp;the custom of fosterage. But, as Mr. Seebohm points out, it was “ one of thenbsp;several means used under the tribal system for the purpose of tying strangersnbsp;as closely as possible to the tribe, quite consistently with the tribal policy ofnbsp;keeping the class of strangers in blood as loosely organised as possible inter se.quot;nbsp;“ Tribal System,” p. 128.

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{ie., becoming an uchelwr or breyr). His possible accession to that position depended on the rules relating to tirnbsp;gwelyawg, with which we deal below, and his right wasnbsp;claimed by a process called dadenhuTt {i.e., the uncoveringnbsp;of the family hearth).^ The hearth was the symbol ofnbsp;family ownership, and “ the covering and uncovering of thenbsp;fire had a picturesque significance. Whether the fire werenbsp;of wood or turf, the hearth was swept out every night. Thenbsp;next thing was to single out one particular glowing emblemnbsp;—ike seed of fire—which was carefully restored to thenbsp;hearth and covered up with the remaining ashes for thenbsp;night. This was the nightly covering of the fire. Thenbsp;morning process was to uncover the seed of fire, to sweepnbsp;out the ashes under which it was hid, and then deftly tonbsp;place back the live ember on the hearth, piling over itnbsp;the fuel for the new day’s fire. This was the uncovering ofnbsp;the fire, which thus, from year end to year end, might nevernbsp;go out.” ^

So much as to the sons of the free tribesmen. In regard to a daughter, the law was that she was to be maintainednbsp;by her father till she attained twelve years of age, andnbsp;thenceforward she was not to remain “at her father’snbsp;platter ” unless he should will it. There is some ambiguitynbsp;as to her position if her father refused to maintain her ; butnbsp;the text says that from her twelfth year she is to possessnbsp;her own da (chattels, movable property), which may simplynbsp;mean that she is capable of owning movable property, ornbsp;(as is more probable) implies that she had a right to a sharenbsp;in the da of the household or of the larger group of kindred,nbsp;to the fourth degree, of which she was a member.®

It is said that a daughter is to have of her father’s da

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A man could not claim by dadenhud except by the hearth he himself, ornbsp;his father before him, uncovers. “ Anc. Laws,” ii., p. 141.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Seebohm, “Tribal System,” p. 82.

® See the Ven. Code, book U., c. 30, on the “ Law of a daughter and her rights.” “Anc. Laws,” i., p. 205.

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only half the share her brother is to have.^ Whether this was on the father’s death or on attaining the age of twelvenbsp;years is not clear. One of the noticeable things about thenbsp;status of woman in these laws is the freedom accorded to hernbsp;both before and after marriage. “ Every woman is to go thenbsp;way she willeth freely, for she is not to be home-returning.”nbsp;Upon the marriage of a Cymraes, or upon her havingnbsp;connection with a man, a fine, called amobr, was payable tonbsp;the lord of the cymwd.® The amount of the fine variednbsp;according to the status of her father. If her father or othernbsp;relative gave her away in marriage, he was liable to paynbsp;the amobr ; if the woman disposed of herself, she was boundnbsp;to pay the fine.^ The head of the household in which anbsp;woman slept was also liable to the lord, presumably in casenbsp;of default on the part of the person primarily responsible.®

The young daughter, in the first instance, does not seem to have been entirely at the disposal of her father, nor tonbsp;have been, in theory, entirely free. The laws refer to thenbsp;giving of a daughter in marriage by her kindred as well asnbsp;by her father.® She seems also to have been entitled to anbsp;marriage portion or settlement (^waTtoI) from her fathernbsp;or kindred, which consisted, perhaps, of the half of anbsp;brother’s share of da, or, perhaps, of chattels agreed betweennbsp;her father or kindred and the bridegroom.

The gwadol usually included not only things of utility for a new household, but also argyvreu (special ornaments,nbsp;paraphernalia). It is not perfectly clear whether a sister’snbsp;share of da was necessarily handed over on marriage, or

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* Anc. Laws, i., p, pp,

Anc. Laws,” i., p, pjr,

^ Amobr became due in three modes : one, by gift and delivery before the woman be slept with; secondly, by openly cohabitating, though there might benbsp;no gift or delivery; thirdly, by her pregnancy, Ven. Code, ii., c. i,, “Anc.nbsp;Laws,” p, 95.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“Anc. Laws,” i., p. gg.

‘ “Anc. Laws,” ibid.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;See above, as to the functions of the group of kindred to the fourth degree.

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vi.)

receivable on the death of the father, but on the whole the texts seem to indicate that it was usual for the family of thenbsp;bride to give some kind of portion.

Daughters did not take any share in the land of the gwely. But if a woman were given in marriage to annbsp;aHtud, her sons could claim in due course to share bynbsp;privilege of maternity.^

The position of women in the system can, however, only be made intelligible by reference to the law as to thenbsp;marriage contract and its consequences, which shows anbsp;serious conflict between the law of the Church and the lawnbsp;of Howel.

Thus we read in the Venedotian code that: “ The ecclesiastical law says again that no son is to have thenbsp;patrimony but the eldest born to the father by the marriednbsp;wife; the law of Howel, however, adjudges it to thenbsp;youngest son as well as the eldest; and decides that sin ofnbsp;the father or his illegal act is not to be brought againstnbsp;the son as to his patrimony.” 1 By the “ married wife ” innbsp;this passage we are probably to understand a womannbsp;married according to the rites of the Church, and thereforenbsp;not within the prohibited degrees of consanguinity; and bynbsp;the “ illegal act ” is meant a marriage invalid according tonbsp;the doctrines of the Church. The general tenure of thenbsp;Welsh laws and the provisions of the Statute of Rhudlan®nbsp;show that to a late period the old Cymric customs prevailed. The laws did not permit polygamy; a man atnbsp;one time could have only one “ espoused ” wife.^ ' But thenbsp;contract was not necessarily of life-long duration, and eachnbsp;party had a right of repudiation or separation exercisablenbsp;without any liability, except a loss of da (goods and chattels).


nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“ Anc. Laws,” i., pp. 97 and 175.

^ “ Anc. Laws,” i. 179.

’ See below, p. 353.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“ No man is to have two wives ” (“ Anc. Laws,” i., p. 97).

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varying with the time and circumstances of the parting. The marriage ceremony is not expressly described, but, asnbsp;we infer it from texts scattered throughout the codes, itnbsp;was a verbal contract between the kindred or father of thenbsp;bride and the bride herself of the one part, and the bridegroom of the other, entered into in the presence of witnesses.^nbsp;We are not told whether it took place in the house of thenbsp;bridegroom’s or that of the bride’s kindred, but in itsnbsp;essence it was a formal delivery of the woman, togethernbsp;with her gwadol and agwe^i, by her kindred or father tonbsp;the bridegroom. At the time of the delivery mutualnbsp;warranties or suretyships were exchanged. On behalf ofnbsp;the bride her kindred or parent gave sureties that she wouldnbsp;do nothing culpable against her wedded husband, and thenbsp;bridegroom gave sureties for his wife’s gwadol and agwedi?nbsp;There is some obscurity as to the term “ agwediC Aneurinnbsp;Owen translates it “ dower,” but it is clear that the Welshnbsp;wife was not entitled to dower in the English sense till thenbsp;Statutes of Rhudlan came into force ; and agwedi, strictly,nbsp;was a payment made by the kindred or parent of the bridenbsp;to the bridegroom,® but the word sometimes seems to benbsp;used to include the marriage portion of the bride as well.

One other incident of the marriage must be mentioned.

‘ See an incidental reference to the contract, “ Anc. Laws,” i., p. 519.

“Anc. Laws,”!., p. 529. The Ven. code gives a chapter to suretyship {mechnïaeth\ but it is very obscure. It seems to have been a contract enterednbsp;into verbally, in formal terms, before witnesses or arbitrators (ammodwyr), whomnbsp;the parties empowered to enforce the contract in the form they had agreed.nbsp;Ven. Code, book ii., cc. 6, 7; “Anc. Laws,” i., p. 112.

^ “There are three legal agwedi: the agwedi of a King’s daughter, 24 pounds; . . . the agwedi of a gwrda’s daughter, 3 pounds; . . . thenbsp;agwedi of an ailit’s daughter, i pound ” (Ven. Code, ii., c. i. 32; Anc.nbsp;Laws,” i. 91). In modem dictionaries both gwadol and agwmti are translatednbsp;Into “dower.” GivaAol = gwo-dawl (Irish fo-dail; Latin divisio)h, a portionnbsp;or dowry as a division of something. Agrueti seems to mean all that thenbsp;dy-weAi (the betrothed woman) brings with her to the husband ; but in thenbsp;laws it is limited, as in the text just quoted, to a pecuniary sum given to thenbsp;bridegroom by the bride’s parent or kindred.

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212 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vi.) the cowyU of the bride; this was a gift payable the morningnbsp;after the consummation of the marriage by the husbandnbsp;to the wife, the amount of which depended on the statusnbsp;of the wife’s father.^

Each of the three codes contains a chapter dealing with the law relating to women. They are very similar innbsp;substance, though they vary in detail. That in thenbsp;Venedotian code is the fullest and, on the whole, the morenbsp;archaic. It describes some usages of a barbaric characternbsp;which one is somewhat surprised to find surviving to sonbsp;late a period in a country in which the Church had beennbsp;established for many centuries and was a powerful force.nbsp;The laws deal very minutely with the relations of husbandnbsp;and wife inter se, and it is impossible for us to follow themnbsp;into particulars.

We can only attempt to seize the salient points, but we are by no means sure that we have construed thenbsp;texts aright. It is however clear that the marriage tienbsp;was loose, and that the wife had far greater freedom thannbsp;was afforded to her by the law of the Church or the Englishnbsp;common law. Practically either husband or wife mightnbsp;separate whenever one or both chose. There seems to havenbsp;been no legal method of bringing the parties again together;nbsp;but the time and circumstances of the separation entailed

1 The cowyti of a king’s daughter was 8 pounds ; of a gwrda’s daughter I pound ; and of an aittt’s daughter!six-score pence (“Anc. Laws,” i., p. 91).nbsp;Probably at an early period the cowyH was not thus accurately measured, fornbsp;one of the texts says, “ If a maid be given in marriage to a man and her cowyHnbsp;be not specified before she rise from her bed in the morning, he is not answer-able to her for it thenceforward. If a maid declare not her cowyH before shenbsp;rise from her bed in the morning, the cowyH is to be thenceforward in commonnbsp;between them” (“Anc. Laws,” i. 91). There seems some inconsistencynbsp;between these two sentences, and it is not easy to see what they mean if thenbsp;cowyH was already fixed by law. CowyH is probably of the same origin as thenbsp;Welsh word caweH, “a basket or creel,” and to be compared with the Frenchnbsp;term, corbeilU de mariage, which Littré explains as meaning “parure et bijouxnbsp;que le futur envoie i sa fiancee dans une corbeille d’ornement.”—Littré, Diet.,nbsp;s.v. corbeille.

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different consequences in regard to the division of the household goods. Separation of husband and vi^ife mightnbsp;take place by agreement or by the act of one party withoutnbsp;lawful cause. In regard to separation by agreement, thenbsp;period of seven years less three days was crucial. If thenbsp;separation was voluntary on both sides, and took placenbsp;before the wife had attained “ three nights of the seventhnbsp;year,” the wife was only entitled to take away from thenbsp;house her agweÉi (seemingly including her gwattol, hernbsp;argyvreu (paraphernalia), and her cowyE). If they cohabitednbsp;till after there were three nights wanting of the seventhnbsp;current year, and afterwards separated by agreement,^nbsp;everything belonging to them was divided into two portions.nbsp;The laws set out minutely the things that were to go to thenbsp;wife and to the husband respectively, and as to the thingsnbsp;which the law did not specifically allot, the wife had the rightnbsp;to divide them, and the husband chose which portion henbsp;would take.** Of the children two shares went to the fathernbsp;and one to the mother—the eldest and the youngest to thenbsp;former, and the middlemost to the mother. The debts werenbsp;payable in equal shares; and the household goods that werenbsp;to go to the wife and husband respectively are enumeratednbsp;with particularity. If a wife left her husband before thenbsp;seventh year without good cause, she lost all her propertynbsp;except her cowyU and her right to any fine due from thenbsp;husband for having committed adultery.* The good causesnbsp;for which she might repudiate her husband without anynbsp;loss of property were—his being affected with leprosy, hisnbsp;having fetid breath, or his impotence.^

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;It is not clear whether this division was made when the separation afternbsp;seven years of cohabitation took place by the will of one party without misconduct on the part of either the husband or wife. We are inclined to thinknbsp;not, yet the other view is arguable, at least so far as the Ven. code is concerned.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“ Anc. Laws,” i., p. 81.

3 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“Anc. Laws,” i., p. 85.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Aneurin Owen’s modesty induced him to translate some of the usagesnbsp;described in the laws relating to women into the comparative obscurity of the

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214 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vi.)

On the other hand, if a wife were “ guilty of an odious deed along with another man, whether by kiss, aut coitunbsp;aut palpandoquot; the husband could repudiate her, and shenbsp;forfeited all her property rights.^ Many other rules as tonbsp;the relations of the sexes are given which we cannot stop tonbsp;explain. The separation of husband and wife under thesenbsp;rules does not seem at once to have operated as a completenbsp;divorce, and it seems that it was only on the subsequentnbsp;marriage to another person of one of the parties that thenbsp;relationship was finally determined.®

We pass on now from the rules as to the status of the Cymry proper to those dealing with men of the subordinate classes (called eitttion, taeogion., and atitudion), whonbsp;though not endowed with tribal privileges were allowednbsp;certain rights and a recognised place on Cymric land.nbsp;They could not possess tir gwelyawg (family land), butnbsp;were settled (at least originally) only on tir cyfrif (registernbsp;land—the bond or servile maenolydof the cymwd), of whichnbsp;we say more below. Their evidence was of no worthnbsp;against a Cymro,® and to them were denied the right tonbsp;bear arms, and the privileges of horsemanship and hunting.*nbsp;An aiüt could not without his lord’s consent become anbsp;clerk, a smith, or a bard, but if the lord did not object

Latin tongue. We follow his example. The method of deciding whether the husband was or was not impotent is thus given :—“ Si femina ob desideriumsenbsp;sejungendi diceret quod vir non potest copulare, lex requirit id probari hocnbsp;modo : linteamen album recens lotum sub illis expand!, et viruin in illud irenbsp;pro re venerea et urgente libidine earn super linteamen projicere ; et si fiat velnbsp;conspiciatur in linteamen satis est ei et ilia postea non potest ob istam causamnbsp;se sejungere ab eo; et si non possit potest se sejungere ab eo, et abire cumnbsp;omnibus rebus suis.”

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“Anc. Laws,” i., p. 527.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;So we infer: “If the husband take another wife after he shall have partednbsp;from the first, the first is free. If a man part from his wife and she be mindednbsp;to take another husband, and the first husband should repent having partednbsp;from his wife, and overtake her with one foot in the bed and the other outsidenbsp;the bed, the prior husband is to have the woman ” (“Anc. Laws,” i., p. 87).

3 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“Anc. Laws,” ii., pp. 515, 557.

lt; “Anc. Laws,” ii, 515.

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before he was tonsured as a clergyman, or set up a smithy of his own, or graduated in song as a bard, the lord couldnbsp;not enslave him againd

There is in the laws (though the rules we have just set forth apply to both classes) some confusion between the:nbsp;edition or taeogion on the one and the aHtudion on thenbsp;other hand. The explanation of the difficulties caused bynbsp;the indiscriminate use of the words “ aiHt ” and “ atttud ” innbsp;the manuscripts that have come down to us is easy if thenbsp;views as to conquest of Wales by Cuneda and his Sons,nbsp;and its settlement or division by Dyfnwal Moelmud, statednbsp;in the preceding chapter, are accepted. If that account benbsp;true in substance (as we think), the conquerors madenbsp;arrangements that continued to exist for centuries; andnbsp;the laws we are considering seem to prove that they hadnbsp;forcibly grouped the vanquished peoples of the land in thenbsp;areas that became the bond-maenols of the cymwds asnbsp;marked out by Dyfnwal, and put them into the categorynbsp;of the edition or taeogion. But so soon as the Cymrynbsp;had established themselves, their rulers and the officersnbsp;of the cymwds must have had to consider the legal position of strangers coming to reside on the then sparselynbsp;populated Cymric territory from England or Ireland, or ofnbsp;men of different grades, for one reason or another, leavingnbsp;districts in which they were born and seeking a new placenbsp;of settlement—especially those of Cymric blood who,nbsp;because of their misdeeds, had become the “ kin-wrecked ”nbsp;men with whom the Welsh texts make us acquainted. Nonbsp;alltud came within the purview of Cymric law till he placednbsp;himself in some way under the protection of a Cymro ;nbsp;before he had any rights recognised by that law he mustnbsp;have entered into relationship with a man of Cymric blood.nbsp;The tie did not necessarily imply serfdom. An Englishman might commend himself to a Welsh king and become

* “ Anc. Laws,” i. 436.

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2i6 the welsh people, (chap, vi.) his man; the matter might go no further; he simplynbsp;entered into the king’s nawÉ (peace or protection). But ifnbsp;such an atttud desired to settle permanently in Cymru, henbsp;could not obtain tir gwelyawg; he could only be allowednbsp;to occupy land in the maer-dref oi the king’s demesne or benbsp;placed in a taeog-tref, in some cymwd belonging to hisnbsp;protector.

If he did so and lived on his land he did not lose his freedom to go away when he might will, but if hisnbsp;descendants remained there till the fourth generation, thennbsp;those of that generation became edition and adscriptinbsp;glebcB. Till the fourth generation his descendants mightnbsp;leave their land and its lord on penalty of forfeiting halfnbsp;their personal property {do)} But in some cases, at anynbsp;rate, or in some parts of Wales, this settlement was notnbsp;without compensation, for the recognition of kindredshipnbsp;then began, though it was not till the ninth generationnbsp;that an aiUt genedl was legally formed. The effect ofnbsp;this was not (except perhaps in South Wales) to make thenbsp;members of such a kindred Cymry, but it altered theirnbsp;status and enabled them to claim galanas for the slayingnbsp;of a kinsman.®

Another general distinction between the status of individuals was founded upon religious profession. Thenbsp;community was divided by these laws into lay and spiritualnbsp;or ecclesiastical persons. The clergy formed a kind ofnbsp;separate estate. It is clear that in Howel’s time the Churchnbsp;possessed a large amount of landed property with variousnbsp;immunities, which seem to have depended principally onnbsp;the terms of the original donation. All possessors ofnbsp;Church land were to come to every new king who succeeded,

' “ Anc. Laws,” i. 183.

^ As to the position of strangers in the system—a very obscure and doubtful topic—see Seebohm’s “Tribal System,” pp. 115—126. Till the period atnbsp;which ailit kindredship was allowed, the worth of a slain man of the familynbsp;went to the lord, as in the case of an hereditary taeog (“ Anc, Laws,” ii. 403).

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to declare to him their privilege and their obligation; and after they had declared to him their privilege, if the kingnbsp;saw their privilege to be right, he allowed them to continuenbsp;their naw^ (right of sanctuary or protection) and theirnbsp;privileges or immunities.^ The land of the Church seemsnbsp;to have been divided into abbey land, bishop land, hospitalnbsp;land, and land of a church.

As a general rule the king seems to have had jurisdiction in regard to some offences committed by and the right tonbsp;certain dues and services from laymen settled on such land.^nbsp;It is said, however, that Howel permitted every ecclesiasticalnbsp;lord, such as the archbishop of Menevia (St. David’s), or othernbsp;bishops or abbots, royal privilege for holding pleas amongnbsp;their laics according to the common law {cyfraith gyffredin)nbsp;of Cymru.® The clergy were, it appears, exempt from thenbsp;jurisdiction of civil courts, though they might sue laymennbsp;in them. On the other hand, in general, the spiritual courtnbsp;could not deal with suits against laymen ; but in regard tonbsp;tithe, daered (income or fees), etc., and to saraad {injuria)nbsp;and open violence done to a clerk, the Church had jurisdiction over laymen.^ There was no worth established bynbsp;Howel for the limb or the blood or the saraad of a clerk,nbsp;and every “unworthy” injury done to the clergy was to benbsp;repaired to them in the synod according to ecclesiasticalnbsp;law.^ Abbots, bishops, and masters of hospitals were permitted to make capitular regulations according to their ownnbsp;law for their establishments, provided the rules did notnbsp;contravene the law of the king.®

Other distinctions between persons were based upon

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vi.)

official position or the status (brainf) of office. The rights and duties of the ministers of the king’s and queen’snbsp;establishments, to whom we have referred above, and of thenbsp;maer and canghellror of the cymwd, are set forth with greatnbsp;minuteness.

We now turn to consider briefly the law relating to property in or possession of land. Here again in thenbsp;codes we find the cymwd treated as a legal unit, andnbsp;its divisions give us a key to the explanation of thenbsp;system. The divisions are ascribed to the laws of Dyfnwalnbsp;Moelmud; and though at first sight they look, as explainednbsp;in the codes, to be rigid territorial areas, yet on furthernbsp;consideration it seems they were created in order to adjustnbsp;the rights of the king or chieftain, the uchelwyr, the tribesmen, and the eifltion, of separating the inferior classes fromnbsp;the Cymric tribesmen, and especially for the purpose ofnbsp;aggregating the homesteads of the free Cymric tribesmennbsp;into groups for the assessment of the gwestva (food-rent) duenbsp;to the chieftain. There was some difference in the arrangements in Gwynetf and Deheubarth. According to thenbsp;Venedotian code the cymwd was thus divided:—Fournbsp;erwau^ in every tydyn (homestead), four tydynau in everynbsp;rhandir (shareland), four rhandiroed in every gafael (holding), four gafaelio7i in every tref (vill or township), fournbsp;trefyd in every niaenol? and twelve maenolyd and two

' £na {literally, “what has been tilled”) was a measurement applicable to arable land. It contained about 4,320 yards. A. Owen’s “ Glossary.”

^ Sometimes spelt maenor. Maenol, according to Dr. Pughe’s guess, a “dale” or “manor,” is best explained as “heredium” or “praedium.”nbsp;Maenol (adj.) means ‘ ‘ stony. ” Maenawr (for that is the old spelling) becomesnbsp;maenol in Gwyned and maenor in Powys and South Wales, and beingnbsp;feminine it becomes with the article y Faenol and y Faenor, “the maenawr” ;nbsp;whence in place-names it is written Vaenol or Vaynol in the North, andnbsp;Vaenor or Vaynor elsewhere. Without the article it is written Manor,nbsp;as in Manordeifi { = Maenor Deifi), and Manorbeer { = Maenor Byr)—bothnbsp;in Pembrokeshire. The latter was so called after a certain Porius or Pyrnbsp;after whom Caldey w'as named Ynys Byr (Pyr’s island). The word maenawrnbsp;has nothing to do with English manor, to which it is often assimilated, but

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trefyd in every cymwd. So, there being fifty trefyd in each cymwd, and two cymwds being normally equal to a cantref,nbsp;there were one hundred trefyd in the cantref; and therenbsp;were twelve maenolyd and two trefyd in a cymwd, whichnbsp;were thus apportioned :—the two “ supernumerary ” trefydnbsp;were possessed by the king—one as maer - dref landnbsp;{i.e., demesne land), and the other as his waste andnbsp;summer pasture ; four of the maenolyd were assignednbsp;to eiütion to support dogs and horses and for progressnbsp;and dovraeth (quarters); of the remaining eight maenolyd,nbsp;two were assigned to the cangheHorship and maershipnbsp;of the cymwd, and the rest to the free uchelwyr. Suchnbsp;is the arrangement ascribed by the code of Gwyned tonbsp;Dyfnwal, and though there seems no reason to doubt thatnbsp;it represents a system that once had real significance, therenbsp;are some obvious difficulties arising from the language ofnbsp;the code. The erw is defined as a definite and constantnbsp;area, and if the text is to be taken literally, all the cymwdsnbsp;would be of equal size, but this was certainly not the case;nbsp;and so, whatever may have been the intention of the ancientnbsp;legislators, we must look on the larger areas mentioned asnbsp;not being uniform in size, but as representing groups ofnbsp;households connected together for the purpose of adjustingnbsp;the rights of the king as against the men of different classesnbsp;residing in the cymwd. Whatever the original object ofnbsp;these divisions, the aspect presented by the cymwd innbsp;Howel’s time, if we may judge by the codes, was this—itnbsp;was divided into recognised maenolyd; a portion of thenbsp;cymwd was possessed by the king, or an arglwyd appointednbsp;by him, as demesne land, and another part was recognisednbsp;as the king’s waste ; the maer and the cangheHor occupied

appears to come from mam (a stone). Originally it probably meant a particular spot in its district, which was distinguished by stone buildings or some sort of stone walls ; this seems to us more likely than the conjecture of A. Owennbsp;that it meant a district bounded by stone land-marks. See Professor Lloyd’snbsp;remarks in “ Y Cymmrodor,” xi., 32-3, and Mr. E. Phillimore’s note x., p. 57.

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220 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vi.) other areas within it; the residue of the land was dividednbsp;into Er gwelyawg (occupied by uchelwyr and bonedigion)nbsp;and tir ^r^(occupied by edition); and an acute distinctionnbsp;is drawn between the free land of the true Cymry and thenbsp;bond land of the unfree persons, and it should be noticednbsp;that the legal attributes free and bond are given not onlynbsp;to persons, but also to specific areas of land.

The king’s demesne (ynaer-dref) was cultivated by his edition under the superintendence of his land-maer, but itnbsp;also seems that parts of it were occupied by subordinatenbsp;officers of the court holding their land free by privilege ofnbsp;office in return for their services.^

We have already had occasion to advert to the relation of the gwely to the cenedl in dealing with the constitutionnbsp;of the latter as it existed in Howel’s days ; we have now tonbsp;consider its relation to the king as lord of the cymwd.

So far as we have observed, the codes nowhere speak of the uchelwyr as holding their land of the king, but their positionnbsp;was in Howel’s time, or when the codes were in operation,nbsp;hardly distinguishable from that of tenants. The firstnbsp;obligation of the possessors of tir gwelyawg was to pay anbsp;gwestva (food-rent) to the king. Originally this was paidnbsp;in kind for the entertainment of the king and his court onnbsp;his progress.^ He did not quarter himself on the Cymricnbsp;tribesmen, but, as we shall see, the eiötion had to providenbsp;him with certain necessary buildings, while the former hadnbsp;to furnish the food and drink. According to the codes,

* See a survival of this in the case of the manor of Aberffraw. Seebohm’s “ Tribal System,” p. 12.

2 From the phrase “naw nos gwesty” [f.e., nine nights of the guest-house) it would appear that the original obligation of the cymwd was to entertain itsnbsp;chieftain for nine nights. Naw-nos means eight days bounded by nine nights,nbsp;just as wythnos (eight nights = a week) is our ordinary Jewish week ofnbsp;seven days. CJ. huitaine, and pytkewnos (fortnight, quinzaine). Naw-nos isnbsp;the old Celtic nine-night week of eight days. See Rhys’ “Celtic Heathendom,’’nbsp;pp. 360, 365. See “Anc. Laws,” ii., p. 345; and Seebohm’s “Tribalnbsp;System,” p. 158.

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this service was no longer rendered in kind, but had been commuted into a money payment—the tunc pound. Thenbsp;Venedotian code says : “ And from eight (i.e., the twonbsp;maenolyd of the maer and canghellor and the six of thenbsp;Cymric tribesmen) the king is to have a gwestva everynbsp;year; that is, a pound yearly from each of them; threescore pence are charged on each trev of the four that are innbsp;a maenol, and so subdivided into quarters in succession,nbsp;until each erw of the tydyn be assessed : and that is callednbsp;the tunc pound; and the silentiary is to collect itnbsp;annually.”^ The maenol therefore appears as the tunepaying unit, and the gwestva or tunc pound was a rentnbsp;issuing from the whole tir gwelyawg of the cymwd, and notnbsp;a personal due from the uchelwyr or heads of households;nbsp;and the required amount was assessed among the uchelwyrnbsp;and heads of household according to the number of thenbsp;subdivisions of the maenol in their possession.

The uchelwyr and other Cymric tribesmen were also, as we have said, liable to military service. ® Though theynbsp;were not subject (except so far as the tunc pound in lieunbsp;of the gwestva was concerned) to liability in regard to thenbsp;king’s progresses, they had also to submit to the greatnbsp;progress of the household once a year.® Lastly, the freenbsp;tribesmen, like other classes in the community, were obligednbsp;to pay on death an ebediw (a relief) to the king or lord.

The mode of succession on the death of an uchelwr or chief of a household was as follows;—The land of thenbsp;deceased was first of all divided between all his sons. Ifnbsp;there were no buildings on the land, the youngest son wasnbsp;to divide all the patrimony, and the eldest was to choosenbsp;which portion he would take, and each in seniority chosenbsp;unto the youngest. If there were buildings on the land, the

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“Anc. Laws,” i., p. 189.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“ Anc. Laws,” i., p. 79. See above, p. 205.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;See above, p. 204.

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232 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vi.)

youngest brother but one was to divide the tyddynau (homesteads), and the youngest was to have his choicenbsp;among them; and after that he was to divide all thenbsp;patrimony, and by seniority they were to choose unto thenbsp;youngest. That division was not final, but only continuednbsp;during the lives of the brothers. After the brothers werenbsp;dead their sons (first cousins) divided the patrimony againnbsp;per capita, and not per stirpes; the heir {etifeÏÏ) of thenbsp;youngest brother divided, and the heir of the eldest brothernbsp;chose, and so by seniority unto the youngest. Thisnbsp;division again was not final, but only continued till all thenbsp;first cousins were dead ; when that time arrived there wasnbsp;a final division per capita among the second cousins—i.e.,nbsp;the great-grandchildren of the original head of the gwely}

Thus every one of the male descendants to the fourth degree of a possessor of tir gwelyawg had an interest innbsp;the family land, which became an interest in possession tonbsp;a share in his father’s land when his father died, and whichnbsp;was liable to be enlarged or lessened when the next divisionnbsp;of the whole land of the gwely took place.

It was a logical result of this position of things that a chief of a household could not alienate or dispose of anynbsp;part of his tir gwelyawg except for his own life ; if he didnbsp;so, it was recoverable by his sons. Where, however, therenbsp;was an agreement between father, brothers, cousins, andnbsp;second cousins (seemingly the whole gwely') and the lordnbsp;to yield land as bloodland (i.e., in lieu of the compositionnbsp;for homicide), the head of the household might assign hisnbsp;land or part of it, and his son could not recover, and thenbsp;reason given is that peace was bought for the son as wellnbsp;as for the father—i.e., there was valuable consideration tonbsp;the son.^ This case is mentioned as the only one in which

* “ Anc. Laws,” i., p. l68. This is from the Ven. code, but the Deraetian code is in practical agreement.

” “Anc. Laws,” i., p. 177.

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a father could defeat his sons’ rights. It seems, however, that a man who had no sons could, with the consent of hisnbsp;brothers, first cousins, second cousins, and the lord of thenbsp;cymwd, alienate his land.^

We have now explained the principal rules relating to gwelyawg as they appear in the codes. They seem to us,nbsp;in the form there presented, to indicate that the tir gwelyawg in each cymwd consisted of definite geographicalnbsp;parcels, though the uchelwyr and bonedigion occupyingnbsp;them had rights over waste and woodland, and our opinionnbsp;is confirmed by the existence of rules concerning boundarynbsp;disputes.^

We now pass on to consider the law as to the servile or villein maenolyd. According to the original scheme, fournbsp;maenolydwere set aside foroccupation byeilition or taeogion.nbsp;As a result of the application of the old regulations, we findnbsp;that in Howel’s time certain parts of each cymwd were innbsp;the possession of occupiers or tenants not looked upon asnbsp;Cymric tribesmen, but as unfree persons {adscripti glebce),nbsp;whose services to the king or lord and whose rightsnbsp;were different from those of the owners or holders of tirnbsp;gwelyawg.

^ This is an inference. The Ven. code speaks of the grades just mentioned as the ‘‘persons without whose consent land cannot be assigned” (“Anc.nbsp;Laws,” i., p. 177)} and another text says that “ no man can sell land or engagenbsp;it without the permission of the lord ” (i., p. 181). He might let it annuallynbsp;without such permission.

- “ Anc. Laws,” i., p. 537 : “ If a dispute as to boundaries be commenced between the land of co-inheritors, privilege is to meer; if between occupiednbsp;land and a waste, pre-occupation {cynwarckad') is to meer.” The text goes onnbsp;to say that “ building and tillage denote occupation. ” The meaning is obscure ;nbsp;but it seems to amount to this—that in the first case that one of the contendingnbsp;parties whose hraint (status or privilege) was higher had the right to define thenbsp;boundary ; that in the second case the prior occupant had that right. Anothernbsp;text says ; “If there be contention between two persons of equal braint as tonbsp;meers, and the truth between them be not known, let each swear to his meer,nbsp;and afterwards the debateable land is to be divided between them” (“Anc.nbsp;Laws,” i. 537).

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224 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vi.)

The bond maenolyd (the parcels of land to which a non-tribal character was given) were liable to furnish a dawn-bwyd (food-gift) twice a year to the king—one in the winter and one in the summer.^ Apart from the food-gifts, thenbsp;eitttion were not bound to support the king or his household ;nbsp;but they had to submit to the progresses of the maer andnbsp;canghettor. These, with their servants, were to make twonbsp;progresses a year, in parties of four. The villeins were alsonbsp;obliged to erect the hall and eight subsidiary buildings fornbsp;the king on his progresses, though whether this was donenbsp;afresh every year, or when built only repaired from time tonbsp;time, is not clear.^ The king was also entitled to have fornbsp;his military expeditions from every villein-tref a man, anbsp;horse, and an axe, to form encampments at his own cost.*nbsp;They had also to furnish pack-horses for the king fornbsp;such expeditions.^ Once a year they were to present thenbsp;queen with meat and drink; and upon them fell thenbsp;duty of supporting the dogs, the huntsmen, the falconers,nbsp;and the youths, all of them once a year. The king mightnbsp;also quarter strangers on his edition according to theirnbsp;abilities.*

The regulation of matters in the bond maenolyd or as to Hr cyfrif was entrusted to the maer and cangheiior of the

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“ Anc. Laws,” i., p. 199. According to the Venedotian code they werenbsp;the following:—

(i) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In the winter—a three-year-old swine ; a vessel of butter 3 handbreadthsnbsp;in depth and 3 in breadth; a vat full of bragot 9 handbreadths in depthnbsp;diagonally; a thrave of oats of one band for provender ; 26 loaves of the bestnbsp;bread grown on the land; a man to kindle the fire in the hall that night ornbsp;one penny.

(ii) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In summer—a three-year-old wether ; a dish of butter; 26 loaves ; anbsp;cheese of one milking of all the cows in the tref.

The gifts In the other cases are similar in general character, though not identical.

5 “ Anc. Laws,” i. 79, 487.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“Anc. Laws,”!., p. 79.

* “Anc. Laws,” i. 193.

5 /iid.

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cymwd.^ Upon the death of an aittt possessing a the land which had been in his occupation was not dividednbsp;between his sons as in the case of Er gwelyawg; but thenbsp;tref in which the tydyn of the deceased was situate wasnbsp;re-divided between all the edition settled in the tref? Thenbsp;land-maer of the king’s 7naer-dref is directed to proceed innbsp;the same way as to the king’s edition settled thereon. Thenbsp;incident of ebediw (relief) applied to the edition as to thenbsp;Cymric tribesmen, but the amount was less.®

We can only give very brief attention to the law of contracts. The laws recognise the sale, loan, deposit, andnbsp;pledging of da (movable property). But besides obligations resulting from such transactions as these, duties mightnbsp;be created by entering into a suretyship {mechnïaeth), anbsp;brtduWy and a legal contract {ammod dedfol). Suretyshipsnbsp;and legal contracts were verbal agreements entered intonbsp;in solemn form before witnesses or contract-men {ammod-wyr). The mutual undertakings were spoken by the contracting parties, and in sign of the conclusion of the contractnbsp;there was “ a mutual pledging of hands,” which we gathernbsp;was a joining of hands.^ A promise given without witnessesnbsp;present was of no avail if denied on oath by the allegednbsp;contractor.® The briduw seems to have been a contract

* The general name of the land on which taeogion or eiHtion were settled, is in the codes Hr (reckon-land, i.e., land accounted for). The taeog-tref ornbsp;maer-dref of the codes is equivalent to the trefgeuery (subdivided tr^) of thenbsp;Record of Carnarvon. H. Lewis’s “Ancient Laws,” p. 41; Seebohm’snbsp;“ Tribal System,” p. 116.

^ “Anc. Laws,” i. l6g. Seemingly for reasons of convenience no one was to remove from his legal tydyn if an equivalent could be obtained for it ofnbsp;other land.

^ It was for a king’s aiilt 6 score pence; for an uchelwr’s ailit 4 score and 10 pence (“Anc. Laws,” i., p. 493)- That of a breyr (= uchelwr) wasnbsp;6 score pence.

^ See “Anc. Laws,”!., pp. 137-8: also the chapter on Suretyship, ibid., p. 113. “There is no surety nor gorvodawg unless the three hands meet,”nbsp;itid., p. 135 ; and also p. 133. See the texts as to “ delusive suretyships.”

^ Ibid.

W.P. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Q

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vi.)

entered into with the sanction of the Church, a promise on oath taking God to witness that a man would do or abstainnbsp;from doing some act. It could only be entered into bynbsp;baptised persons.^

The same fundamental notions as to the punishment of wrongs that prevailed among the Irish and Saxon nationsnbsp;in early times are disclosed in the Welsh laws. Thenbsp;rules as to offences of different kinds are most completelynbsp;developed in the third book of the Venedotian Code, whichnbsp;is called the Proof book (Lj/fr prawf). The preamblenbsp;shows that it was compiled after Howel’s time; ^ and asnbsp;the text refers to alterations made by Bleynd ab Cynfyn,nbsp;it must have been originally written not earlier than thenbsp;middle of the eleventh century, and in fact probably a goodnbsp;deal later. It treats of the “ three columns of law ” {teyrnbsp;kolovyn kyvreytJi)—the law of murder or homicide (palanas),nbsp;of theft {ifadrad), and of fire (tan); and then with very greatnbsp;minuteness goes on to settle the worth of wild and tamenbsp;animals, of the different limbs and members of the humannbsp;body, of domestic utensils, agricultural implements, andnbsp;many articles coming under the head of movable property.

The treatise shows clearly that as in regard to property arrangements, so also in regard to wrongs, the effect ofnbsp;settlement in a particular district for centuries had been tonbsp;alter very materially the older tribal system, and to vestnbsp;in the lord and court of the cymwd a territorial jurisdictionnbsp;in regard to what we should call crimes. The distinctionnbsp;between civil injuries (offences against an individual ornbsp;individuals) and crimes (offences against the state or community at large) is not developed, though for many wrongful

* “ Anc. Laws,” i., pp. 133-5. was probably entered into in church or in the presence of a priest.

^ “ And this book lorwerth son of Madog collected from the book of Cyfnerth son of Morgenen, and from the book of Gwair son of Ruvon, andnbsp;from the book of Goronwy son of Moreidig, and the old book of the Whitenbsp;House, amp;c.” (“ Anp. Laws,”i., p, 219).

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acts the lord has the right to exact fines called dirwy and camlwrw, and for some the wrong-doer might be sold, ornbsp;exiled, or put to death. Apart from homicide, what we find isnbsp;an elaborate system whereby the injured person might sue fornbsp;money compensation fixed by law beforehand in respectnbsp;of each kind of offence, though in some cases the offendernbsp;was also directly punished. The texts of the codes are verynbsp;obscure, and we do not affect to be able to interpret themnbsp;with certainty or summarise them with absolute correctness.

The rules relating to galanas (homicide) are set forth with tolerable clearness, and are of great importance tonbsp;students of the history of legal institutions, for they arenbsp;evidently derived from notions common to all or nearly allnbsp;races at certain stages of their development, and the workingnbsp;of the system is explained at unusual length. In verynbsp;early communities the moral ideas of their members werenbsp;limited to men of their own tribe or clan or family. Thenbsp;words stranger and enemy were practically synonymous.nbsp;The slaying of a man outside one’s community might ornbsp;might not be counted for righteousness, but it was notnbsp;thought of as wrong. But the killing of a man within thenbsp;pale—belonging to one’s own tribe—was quite anothernbsp;thing, and the nearer relations of the murdered man werenbsp;prompted to vengeance, not only by natural emotions ofnbsp;anger and pride, but by powerful impulses connected withnbsp;primitive religion. It was the right and duty of thenbsp;kindred of the murdered man to prosecute a blood-feudnbsp;against the murderer and his kindred. At some timenbsp;amongst progressive races, to put a stop to strife withinnbsp;the tribe, a system of ending the feud between kindredsnbsp;or families within the larger aggregate of kinsmen wasnbsp;devised. In all probability expediency suggested the settlement of the quarrel without further bloodshed betweennbsp;the kindreds by a payment of cattle. The termination ofnbsp;the vendetta was very likely originally brought about by a

Q 2

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vi.)

voluntary treaty between the kindreds at feud ; but in the codes we find a rigid system, carried out according to anbsp;settled procedure, under which one group of kinsmen madenbsp;to another group of kinsmen a payment in cattle or money,nbsp;which varied with the status of the murdered man, andnbsp;which was carried out under the auspices of the lord ofnbsp;the cymwd. “ There was thus, so to speak, a kind ofnbsp;international law and authority superseding the lynch-law or blood-feud between the kindreds.” ^ The Irishnbsp;laws describe an analogous system as “ a middle coursenbsp;between forgiveness and retaliation,” and the essentialnbsp;character of the whole proceeding is emphasised by thenbsp;text of the Venedotian Code, which says that “ on that day”nbsp;—the day on which the worth of the murdered man isnbsp;completely paid—“ everlasting concord is to be establishednbsp;and perpetual amnesty between them {i.e., the kindredsnbsp;at feud).” 2

Let us now try as briefly as possible to explain the system as it appears in the Venedotian Code. To do sonbsp;we must first of all define two technical terms, galanas andnbsp;saraad. The former word is now used for homicide ornbsp;murder; in the codes it is employed not only in that sense,nbsp;but also for the worth measured in cattle or money of thenbsp;murdered man. Saraad (literally “ disgrace ”) was in likenbsp;manner a term used to signify a wrongful act involvingnbsp;insult to the person whose right was infringed, as well asnbsp;the compensation payable for the wrong. It was a verynbsp;general term, and included both direct trespasses to thenbsp;person and indirect attacks upon a man’s honour, privileges, or rights.® Saraad., therefore, was much broader thannbsp;galanas, and no one could commit galanas without doing

' Seebohm, “Tribal System,” p. 105.

2 “Anc. Laws,”i., p. 229.

E.g., saraad was done to a queen by snatching anything out of her hand, or violating her protection or peace (nawd). So saraad was done to a kingnbsp;by seducing his wife or violating his protection (“ Anc. Laws,” i., p. 7).

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saraad to the deceased.^ Accordingly the law quite logically imposed on the murderer and his kinsmen compensation for saraad as well as galanas.

The amount of the galanas was generally thrice that of the saraad of the deceased,® and the amount was fixed bynbsp;law for each kind of man, so that we have incidentallynbsp;valuable information as to the grades of aristocracy andnbsp;status.

The galanas of the king of Aberffraw was his saraad threefold. His saraad was—“a hundred cows from eachnbsp;cantref in his dominion, and a white bull with red ears tonbsp;each hundred cows, and a rod of gold equal in length tonbsp;himself and as thick as his little finger, and a plate of goldnbsp;as broad as his face and as thick as the nail of a ploughmannbsp;who has been a ploughman for seven years.” ® Gold wasnbsp;only paid to the king of Aberffraw. As to other men thenbsp;following were the amounts of galanas:—

The penkenedi ......189 cows.

An uchelwr........126 ,,

Man with a family without office (penteulu) . nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;84 ,,

Innate bonedig . nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;63 ,,

Atttud of a brenin . nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;63nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;,,

Afitud of an uchelwr . nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;31^ ,,

Caeth “ slave ” of the island : i lb. of silver nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;4 ,,

Caeth from beyond the sea : ij lb. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;6 ,,

The galanas of a woman was half that of a man.^

The murderer or wrong-doer was not alone liable for the payment of galanas and saraad, but jointly with him anbsp;group of his kinsmen. The group liable for saraad wasnbsp;limited to the fourth degree from the common ancestor—nbsp;i.e., the group of descendants among which tir gwelyawg

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“ No one is killed without being first subjected to saraad ” (“ Anc. Laws, ”nbsp;i. 231).

^ “Anc. Laws,” i. 223.

3 “Anc. Laws,” i., p. 7. But as to the latter statement, see the Demetian Code (“Anc. Laws,”i. 347).

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“ Anc. Laws,” i., p. 85.

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230 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vi.) was divisible and re-divisible. The responsibility fornbsp;galanas lay upon a much larger group : the kinsmen tonbsp;the seventh degree of descent from the common ancestornbsp;—i.e., all the kinsmen of the murderer to that degree ofnbsp;relationship which, for want of a better term, we must callnbsp;sixth cousinship.^

The galanas was assessed on such kinsmen not only on his father’s side, but also on his mother’s side. Thenbsp;mode of assessment was as follows:—One-third of thenbsp;whole amount fell upon the murderer and his father andnbsp;mother, if living, in the proportion of two parts on himselfnbsp;and one part on his father and mother. If he had children,nbsp;and they were of age liable to pay, the murderer himselfnbsp;paid two-thirds of his own share, and the children thenbsp;remaining third of that share. The residue (two-thirds) ofnbsp;the whole galanas fell upon the groups of kinsmen on thenbsp;father and mother’s side just described in the proportionnbsp;of two-thirds for the father’s kin and one-third for thenbsp;mother’s kin.

But nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;the liabilitynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;of hisnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;kinnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;wasnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;notnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;wholly exhausted

within nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;this grade,nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;fornbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ifnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;bynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;assessmentnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;in the manner

described the full galanas was not collected, the murderer could call upon the remaining men of his kindred (cenedl)—nbsp;i.e., his kinsmen to the ninth degree—to assist him by anbsp;payment called the spear-penny {ceiniog baladyr). Beyondnbsp;the ninth degree liability ceased, and the Welsh lawyernbsp;asks, “ Is there a single penny for which a person’s life is

1 The following was the group thus formed

1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Brothers.......braut

2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;First cousins .nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;¦nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;•nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;keuenderii

3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Second cousins......kmerderu

4. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Third cousins ...... keyuyn

5. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Fourth cousins......gorcheyum

6. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Fifth cousins .nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;•nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;¦nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;gorchau

7. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Sons of a fifth cousin .... mab gorchau

There is, however, some obscurity, if not confusion, in the mode of counting

degrees of relationship in the codes. See “ Anc. Laws,” i. 225.

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forfeited ? ” and sternly answers, “ There is ; a penny wanting iox galanas.”'^ Neither women nor clerks were liable fornbsp;the spear-penny, for “they were not avengers.”^

The manner in which the spear-penny was collected is curious. The murderer, accompanied by a servant of thenbsp;arglwyd of the cymwd, carrying with him a relic, wentnbsp;forth, and wherever he met a man not known to be relatednbsp;to him within the seventh degree, was entitled to requirenbsp;such person to take an oath on the relic that he was notnbsp;descended from any of the four kindreds from whichnbsp;the murderer was descended. If he took the oath, he wasnbsp;exempt; if he did not, he was assessed.®

Turning now from the consideration of the individuals or groups liable to pay saraad and galanas, we find that thenbsp;galanas obtained from the murderer and his kin was thusnbsp;divided : the first third was taken by the lord for exactingnbsp;it; the second third was distributed between the fathernbsp;and mother of the murdered man, their children, and hisnbsp;children, if any;^ the third went to the groups of kinsmen of the murdered man on the father’s and mother’snbsp;side who would, in case he had been the murderer, havenbsp;been liable to pay the corresponding shares of galanas—thenbsp;third being divided between these groups in the proportion

^ “Anc. Laws,” i., p. 600. The method of communicating the law by question and answer is not infrequent in these Welsh treatises. It is interestingnbsp;to notice that the ninth degree is still looked on as a limit among the Welsh.nbsp;If a witness in Court is asked (e.g.), “Are you a relative of the defendant’s? ”nbsp;it is not unusual for him to reply, ''Dim perthynas 0 fewn y nawfed ach!’nbsp;which means “not related within the ninth degree.” Mr. S. T. Evans, M.P.,nbsp;heard the phrase quite recently in Carmarthenshire. Another phrase in usenbsp;is, “ I am not related ‘ hydy natvfedach,' quot; i.e., as far as the ninth degree.

^ “Anc. Laws,” i,, p. 227.

’ “ Anc. Laws,” i., p. 225.

The division of the second third within this group took place thus : “ two shares to the father and one to the mother . . . and of what remains for thenbsp;children, if there be children of the murdered man, two shares to them.” Twonbsp;versions of the division of galanas are given in MSS. of the Ven. Code. Wenbsp;follow the older MS., which was taken by A. Owen as the principal text.

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vi.)

of two parts for the father’s kin and one for the mother’s kin.i As to the division of the saraad of a murdered mannbsp;there is some conflict of authority, but the usual way seemsnbsp;to have been to give one-third to his widow if he wasnbsp;married, and to divide the remainder among the group ofnbsp;kinsmen liable in the converse case to pay saraad but ifnbsp;his father were alive the father received in the distributionnbsp;a share equal to twice that of a brother ; and similarly if thenbsp;mother were alive she received a share equal to twice thatnbsp;of a sister.® If t\iQ galanas was not duly paid, the injurednbsp;kindred were at liberty to exercise the right of vengeancenbsp;seemingly without becoming in turn liable {or galanas.'^

It is evident that these arrangements applied to the case of the murderer and his victim being members of differentnbsp;kindreds. If a man murdered his near kinsman—a mannbsp;of the same cenedl—no galanas was due, but the murderernbsp;appears to have forfeited his rights as a member of it; henbsp;became a kin-wrecked (carttawedrog') man, and though notnbsp;put to death, he was an object of hatred,® and obliged tonbsp;flee and find shelter and protection among strangers.

It should be noticed that there is in the codes no definition of murder {galanas). It seems that the term was not imited to cases of intentional homicide. The gist of thenbsp;wrong seems to have been the causing the death of a man,nbsp;but the matter is not clear. One text says that there wasnbsp;no liability if the alleged murderer could prove that henbsp;acted in self-defence.

The procedure for determining liability is not fully

' “Anc. Laws,” i., p. 227.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“Anc. Laws,” i., p. 231.

3 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ibid.

^ But in the time when the codes as we have them were in operation it seems that the right of revenge was limited to the slaying of the murderer.nbsp;“ No one,” says one version of the Ven. Code, “ is to be killed on account ofnbsp;another but the murderer ” (“Anc. Laws,” i., p. 229).

° ‘ ‘ Since the living kiri is not killed for the sake of the dead kin, everybody will hate to see him ” {“ Anc. Laws,” i. 791).

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explained, and raises questions of a character too detailed for us to enter upon here. It was evidently, however, anbsp;trial by compurgation. The oaths of three hundred men ofnbsp;a kindred were required to deny “ murder, blood, and wound,nbsp;and the killing of a person.” ^ When the liability ioxgalanasnbsp;was admitted, or the kindred charged failed to absolvenbsp;themselves, the amount was collected by the lord thus :—nbsp;“The period for galanas is a fortnight after being summoned for each lordship in which they {i.e., the kinsmennbsp;liable) live to apportion the payment, and twice that timenbsp;for exacting the payment and assembling them to pay it.nbsp;At three periods and in three thirds the galanas is to benbsp;paid : two periods for the kindred of the father, and onenbsp;period for the kindred of the mother; ... at the firstnbsp;period for the kindred of the father to pay one of theirnbsp;thirds, they are to have the oaths of one hundred of thenbsp;best men of the other kindred that their relation is forgiven ;nbsp;and at the second period, on their paying their secondnbsp;third, they are to have the oaths of another hundred mennbsp;of the other kindred that their relation is forgiven, andnbsp;those of the best men of the tribe ; and at the third periodnbsp;the kindred of the mother are to pay their third ; and thennbsp;they are to have the oaths of a hundred men of the othernbsp;kindred that their relation is forgiven; and everlastingnbsp;concord is to be established on that day and perpetualnbsp;amnesty between them.” ^

The codes do not make the rules relating to trespass to the person not causing death, but dismemberment or othernbsp;bodily injury, a “ column of law ” ; but assaults and batteriesnbsp;came under the head saraad; and the offender and hisnbsp;kindred of the circumscribed degree had not only, when

' A distinction was drawn between an ordinary murder and a murder “with savage violence.” No explanation is given of the latter term, but to deny thenbsp;charge the oaths of six hundred men of the kindred were necessary (“Anc.nbsp;Laws,” i., p. 231).

^ “Anc. Laws,” i., p. 229.

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234 the welsh people, (chap, vi.) the wrong was admitted or proved, to pay the amountnbsp;prescribed as the saraad of the complainant, but also innbsp;case of maiming or definite injury to a part of the bodynbsp;the worth as fixed by law of the limb or part destroyednbsp;or affected.

The second “column of law” {Itadrad, literally theft) is treated of in a chapter in the Venedotian Code. Its contents are not simply rules for the punishment of theft innbsp;our sense, but rather a collection of rules relating tonbsp;property in movable things and interference with a man’snbsp;right of possession. The texts indicate difference of opinionnbsp;on some points, and give an account of the law not easilynbsp;intelligible. Da (chattels) were divided into things animatenbsp;and inanimate. The claim or title {ardelw) to an animalnbsp;was of three kinds—birth and rearing, possession beforenbsp;loss, and the warranty {arwaesav) of another person; tonbsp;inanimate things, of two kinds—possession before loss, andnbsp;warranty. Several kinds of wrongful taking of anothernbsp;man’s da are given. The consequences of taking a thingnbsp;in a man’s presence were different from a taking in hisnbsp;absence—i.e., secretly or without his knowledge.

Theft {ttadrad) is defined as the taking of a thing in the owner’s absence, coupled with denial of the act. Surreptionnbsp;{anghyfarcK) was the taking of the thing secretly, but without any subsequent denial of the act. Violence {trais) wasnbsp;the taking of a thing in a man’s presence and against hisnbsp;will. Savage violence {fyrnygruyd dywuynaiL) was committed when a man rendered useless the property of another.nbsp;Mistake or inadvertence [annodeu) was the taking of “ onenbsp;thing for another ”—that is, the taking of a thing that onenbsp;had no right to possess under the belief that one was actingnbsp;legally. These distinctions were apparently of importancenbsp;in regard to the procedure for recovering da which one mannbsp;claimed from another.

If a man was in possession of property and another

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claimed it, the procedure before the court was this:—The possessor asked, “ Who owns this ?” then the claimant saidnbsp;he did, and that “ It is wrong for thee to own what isnbsp;mine”; then the defendant said, “It is altogether denied;nbsp;for nothing of thine have I: and since I have not, by whatnbsp;means did thy loss happen, and at what time didst thounbsp;lose it?” Then if the claimant alleged a loss by theft, bynbsp;negligence, or by surreption,^ he was entitled to swear tonbsp;the thing being his property in the prescribed manner—nbsp;which varied according as the chattel was animate ornbsp;inanimate—and was obliged to state with particularity thenbsp;time of its loss. Upon his taking the proper oath on thenbsp;relic, what we should call the burden of proof was shifted tonbsp;the then possessor, who was not, however, put to a rhaithnbsp;(compurgation) in this proceeding,* but only on proof innbsp;a prescribed form of his title {ardelzv). The title or claimnbsp;he might take his stand on was either warranty {arwaesav) ®nbsp;or possession before the time sworn to by the claimant asnbsp;the time of loss, and also, in the case of animals, birth andnbsp;rearing. In case the defendant relied on a warranty henbsp;had to call for a warrantor, and if no one was produced henbsp;lost his cause; if the warrantor came forward the claimant

* There were six ways in which a man might lose his possession : theft, surreption, or negligence, deposit and loan, hire, or by favour (= gift). In thenbsp;three former cases he could swear in legal form to the property ; in the latternbsp;he could not, and seemingly his suit failed. The reason given is that in thenbsp;three latter cases he had voluntarily given up the thing, and, as we understandnbsp;the law, it was for the bailee to sue, not the original possessor or owner.nbsp;Sedqu.? (“Anc. Laws,” i. 249.) As we understand the matter, the actionnbsp;dealt with under the second column of law was one against a defendant allegednbsp;to be illegally possessing the plaintiff’s da. It was not founded on contract,nbsp;but on a wrong. An action as between a bailor and bailee was regardednbsp;as based on the real contract.

2 “It is not right that there should be a rhaith after detention and swearing only, arwaesav, or custody before loss, or birth and rearing ” (“ Anc. Laws,”nbsp;i., p. 249)-

® In this connection it ought to be observed that there was a special kind of warranty, which might be given on sale, called dilysrwyd (literally,nbsp;affirmation), and which was a warranty of title.

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vi.)

recommenced the proceedings. If the defendant relied on prior possession he took an oath, in the way the claimantnbsp;had done, that the thing was his, and then having said thatnbsp;the thing had been in his possession “ either a week or anbsp;month or two or a season ” before the time of loss deposednbsp;to by the claimant, he produced “guardians” {geitweyHnbsp;—seemingly witnesses) to lawfully prove his possession asnbsp;alleged, and on doing so obtained judgment. If he allegednbsp;that he had bred and reared the animal in dispute he wasnbsp;to produce “ guardians ” who would depose to the mothernbsp;of the animal having been his property, and that the latternbsp;was born in his possession and had not been parted withnbsp;till that day. The production of two “ guardians ” sufficednbsp;if one was of status higher, and one of status lower, thannbsp;that of the defendant.^

This proceeding for recovering possession is not to be confounded with what is described as a legal prosecutionnbsp;{gyrr kyuey thy auPj for theft; the claimant in the former action,nbsp;though he might allege he had a right to take the oath andnbsp;put the defendant to his ardelw, did not swear the latternbsp;was a thief A legal prosecution for theft could only benbsp;commenced by the claimant’s taking an oath that a personnbsp;accused by him had “really stolen the goods.”® Upon thisnbsp;the accused was put to his rhaith (compurgation). At thenbsp;time when the Venedotian Code as we have it was innbsp;operation it was customary to require for theft the oaths ofnbsp;twelve men, and “ the half of them nodmen {gwyr nod).” ^nbsp;If the accused failed to secure the required rhaith he wasnbsp;convicted.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The word is not now used. It is translated “guardians” by A. Owennbsp;(“ Anc. Laws,” L, p. 251).

2 “ One above his hand and another below his hand” (‘‘Anc. Laws,” i., p. 251).

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“ Anc. Laws,” i. 243.

¦* “ Anc. Laws,” i. 243. The term nod (literally, man of mark) is very ambiguous. Sometimes it looks as if it meant a taeog or aiHi. But here

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There was a distinction drawn between theft of a thing worth fourpence or less, and a thing worth more than thatnbsp;amount In the former case the convicted thief becamenbsp;a “saleable thief” ifteidr gwertli)in the latter the thiefnbsp;forfeited his life, but not his property.^ The worth of anbsp;saleable thief was fixed at seven pounds, and it would seemnbsp;that if the seven pounds were paid by the thief or on hisnbsp;behalf he was let off. If he or his friends did not redeemnbsp;him he was exiled, and if he remained in the countrynbsp;beyond the time assigned (a day being allowed for him fornbsp;passing through every cantref in the lord’s dominions) wasnbsp;liable to lose his life unless some one bought him—thatnbsp;is, he became an outlaw.®

The third column of law was tan (fire), and the rules concerning it are curious. We can only glance at them.nbsp;The important position given to this topic was due to thenbsp;fact that the houses were timber-built, and probably also tonbsp;the difficulty of kindling fire. Tan is dealt with as if it werenbsp;an object of property rights. If a man gave fire to anothernbsp;to burn therewith, and he admitted the gift, the donor wasnbsp;to pay one third of any damage caused by its user.® Tonbsp;take fire from a house without leave was an offence againstnbsp;the owner for which payment was to be made to him, andnbsp;gwyrnod would seem rather to mean men of distinction, of higher status. Cf.nbsp;“Nodygenedl” (= mark of the kindred), used for a sign on a boundarynbsp;stone, and di-nod (obscure), “ Anc. Laws,” i. 242. See A. Owen's glossarynbsp;(“Anc. Laws,” ii., p. 1118).

' “ Anc. Laws,” i. 253. The property stolen was, however, restored to the owner. There is some diversity of view as to these rules.

2 “Anc. Laws,” i., p. 245. It is said that a bondman {taeog) is not to be put to death if his lord will redeem him {ibid,, i. 255). We ought to say that thenbsp;codes show considerable difference of practice as to the law of theft. Thenbsp;Church in some cases seems to have claimed to play a part; see Dem. Code,nbsp;“ Anc. Laws,” i. 419. In trying to get at the first principles we have mainlynbsp;followed the Ven. Code.

5 “Anc. Laws,” i., p. 259. But another text says, “ Whoever shall ask to borrow fire: let it come to him without claim against the lender.” Thenbsp;distinction seems fine.

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vi.)

was also punishable by a fine (camlwrw) to the lord. If a man set fire to a house he was liable to pay its worth, andnbsp;that of any other houses burnt in consequence.^ If in consequence of the carelessness of the owner of a house innbsp;a tref it caught fire, he was liable at any rate for damagenbsp;done to the two nearest houses, but if the fire spread furthernbsp;it was deemed an uncontrollable fire for which no one hadnbsp;redress.1 There were three fires for which no indemnitynbsp;could be claimed, even if they did harm : burning the heathnbsp;in March ; the fire of a smithy in a hamlet which was sevennbsp;fathoms from the nearest houses, and which was coverednbsp;with shingles or tiles or sods; and the fire of a bath in anbsp;hamlet seven fathoms from the other houses.

The elaborate distinctions made among those who were accessory to the offences dealt with in the three columnsnbsp;of the law deserve the attention of the student of legalnbsp;history, but we cannot do more than call attention to them.

There is no reason to doubt that the essential principles of the criminal system of which we have been treating hadnbsp;their origin in a state of society much earlier than that ofnbsp;the Cymry in the time of Howel; but as the whole ’aw isnbsp;presented to us, it is clear that long strides had been madenbsp;towards the development of a true criminal law, and thenbsp;recognition of a distinction between injuries to individuals,nbsp;and grave offences against the community or the king ornbsp;lord as its visible representative. This is most clearly shownnbsp;by the liability to pay for various offences fines (callednbsp;dirwy and camlwrw) directly to the lord of the cymwd, bynbsp;the distinction between offences which amounted to a breachnbsp;of the king’s nawd (protection or peace) and that of othernbsp;men, and to some extent by the punishment of treason


“ Anc. Laws,” i. 259. This explains the necessity for the rules as to the worth of buildings and their different parts. See p. 293. Different valuesnbsp;are set on the houses of a king, of an uchelwr, and of an ailit.

“ “Anc. Laws,” i. 259.

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(brad) to a king (not merely as a wrong against a pen-kenedt), and the forfeiture by a traitor of patrimonial rights, which was roughly equivalent to the attainder ofnbsp;English lawd

We do not propose to deal at length with the administration of justice among the Welsh under these laws. The usual distinction between lay and spiritual courts isnbsp;certainly to be found, but if we may safely judge from thenbsp;codes we should say that the jurisdiction of ecclesiasticalnbsp;courts was not developed to so great an extent as innbsp;England at the same time. The highest lay court wasnbsp;the court of the king or prince. The king or the judge ofnbsp;the court {ynad ttys) presided, but there were apparentlynbsp;other assistant judges. This court decided all disputesnbsp;between officers of the household.®* Certain other mattersnbsp;were reserved to it; for instance, if an ecclesiastic heldnbsp;land by title under service to be performed to the king, henbsp;was to appear in case of dispute in this high court. Thenbsp;same tribunal had a kind of appellate jurisdiction. If anbsp;suitor who had lost a cause in a court of local jurisdictionnbsp;complained that the judgment was wrong, he entered intonbsp;a “mutual pledge’’ with the judge against the decision.nbsp;If he wished to appeal, he was obliged to demand thenbsp;pledge before the judge left his seat or passed on to thenbsp;next cause. The appeal came on in due course in thenbsp;king’s court. It seems the judgment could only benbsp;questioned on the ground that the judge had applied anbsp;wrong law, that the proceedings had not been conductednbsp;with the right formalities, that the judge was partial ornbsp;interested in the result, or that he had exacted fees

^ It should, however, be mentioned that though the fines {dtrwy and camlwrw) were inflicted in Gwynetf, the evidence as to treason comes from thenbsp;Dem. Code. But dirwy for offences committed within the king’s palace wasnbsp;doubled even according to the Ven. Code Anc. Laws,” i. 13. See alsonbsp;ibid. 436, 550).

? See “ Anc. Laws,” i., pp. 27-28, pp. 369-371, p. 469,

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240 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vi.)

illegally.^ If the decision went against the judge, he lost his office, his status as one of the order of judges, and hisnbsp;tongue or its worth as settled by law.^ If the appellantnbsp;failed, he had to pay the judge’s saraad, and to redeem hisnbsp;tongue by paying its value.

Besides the king’s court (which moved about with the household) there were local courts—those of the cantref and those of the cymwd. The distinction between the two sets of fixednbsp;territorial courts is quite obscure. Perhaps the cantref courtnbsp;adjudicated in cases where the disputants resided in differentnbsp;cymwds. The officers of the court of a cymwd were thenbsp;canghellor, the maer, a judge or judges, a priest who acted asnbsp;registrar, a clerk, and a bailiff or usher. The compositionnbsp;of the court, so far as the judges were concerned, varied innbsp;different parts of the country. In Gwyned and Powys, itnbsp;is said, there was one judge appointed for each court of anbsp;cymwd or cantref; but in the south every landed personnbsp;(owner of tir gwelyawg) was a judge, and the right or dutynbsp;of sitting in the court was an incident attached to the land.®nbsp;In a treatise entitled “ additional law ” of a date subsequent to the subjugation of the principality by Edward I.,nbsp;it is said that Howel “permitted every ecclesiastical lordnbsp;such as the archbishop of Menevia or other bishops andnbsp;abbots, royal privileges for holding pleas among the laicsnbsp;by the common law of Cymru. And likewise, he permittednbsp;every chief {pennaetli),^ to whom there might belong anbsp;cymwd or cantref or more, to hold a daily court of privilegednbsp;officers, in number as he should think proper, in a similar

’ “ Anc. Laws,” i. pp. 475gt; 479-

2 “Anc. Laws,” i. Ii6. The tongue’s worth was that of all the other members of the human body. It was assessed at four score and eight poundsnbsp;{ibid., pp. 311, 505, 699). Lawyers and judges seem to have had somenbsp;kind of organisation, and to have formed, like the bards, an order with variousnbsp;privileges.

® “Anc. Laws,” i., p. 469.

¦' Seemingly the arghvyd of whom we hear in other contexts,

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manner to himself; and privilege to hold a royal court of pleas {dadleuoed breninawl) in his country among hisnbsp;uchelwyr.”! Jurisdiction conferred by the king in this waynbsp;finds no countenance in the codes. The courts of thenbsp;cymwd appear in them as part of a regular system of nonbsp;recent origin ; but as the authority of the court of thenbsp;cymwd covered in practice all the ordinary suits in its area,nbsp;as by legal theory every cymwd had over it some brenin,nbsp;tywysog, or arglwyd, and as the process was to a late periodnbsp;oral, it can have mattered little whether the presidingnbsp;officer affected to proceed in the name and by the privilegenbsp;of the king himself or of some lord appointed by him.

Though the granting of practically complete immunity to the Church from the authority of lay chieftains was verynbsp;likely common enough in the earlier years of Cymricnbsp;history,® the conferring on laymen of privileges analogousnbsp;to those of the lords-marchers of a later time is notnbsp;probable, and is inconsistent with some of the regulationsnbsp;in the codes ; so we think that the statement which wenbsp;have just quoted is simply a reproduction of a theory laternbsp;than the time of Howel (perhaps of the fourteenth century),nbsp;which attempted to account for a state of things thennbsp;existing by referring it to the positive enactment ofnbsp;Howel.

On the subject of judicial procedure we must content ourselves with mentioning just a few salient points. Asnbsp;might be expected, the codes are very full of the subject,®

' This is in c. 13 of book x. of the “Anomalous Laws,” entitled, the “ Charter of Howel Da. ” The chief text is printed from the MS. which isnbsp;denominated Q by A. Owen (Preface, “ Anc. Laws,” i., p. 3o)j i*t irisnbsp;opinion was written about 1401.

® See Seebohm’s “Tribal System,” c. 8; and “Book of Llan Dav” (Oxf. ed.), pp. u8 et seq., 364-5.

2 See, e.g., the lengthy chapter on the laws concerning landed property and how one pleads {datlewyr) in respect thereto, in the Ven. Code, “Anc. Laws,”nbsp;i. 141 et seq. We take datlewyr from the Code. It should be spelt dadleturnbsp;in Mod. Welsh.

W.P. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;R

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242 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vi.)

and any attempt to briefly summarise difficult and confusing texts would lead to error. Notwithstanding some striking analogies with the early judicial procedure of thenbsp;English, we see no reason to doubt that in the main thenbsp;rules disclosed in these codes were not imitations, butnbsp;were naturally developed among the Cymry themselves.nbsp;The court sat in the open air, the pleadings were oralnbsp;(though there are references to a record—cof ttys), and thenbsp;progress of civil actions (at any rate) was evidently slownbsp;and tedious. The year was divided for legal purposes,nbsp;so far as actions about land were concerned, into fournbsp;periods; in two the law was “ open for landed property,”nbsp;and in two it was “ closed.” This resulted in there beingnbsp;two terms in which claims to land might be made, prosecuted, and tried. The first was from the ninth of thenbsp;calends of winter to the ninth of February; the secondnbsp;was from the ninth of May to the ninth of August.^nbsp;There was a class of professional lawyers. The partiesnbsp;had the assistance of a cynghaws (literally, “pleader”)nbsp;and a canttaw (a “guider,” literally, a “hand-rail”).^

It is in regard to real actions and to suits for galanas that we have the most detailed information, thoughnbsp;even in regard to them it is hardly possible to give a clearnbsp;and sure account of the whole procedure, and we cannotnbsp;here attempt to do so. But the particulars the lawsnbsp;give as to the arrangement of the court for the decisionnbsp;of a claim to land on the day of trial are interesting. Atnbsp;the time appointed all concerned came “ upon the land ”

' “ The reason why the law shall be closed in autumn and spring is because the land is cultivated during those two periods ; lest ploughing in the springnbsp;and reaping in the autumn be impeded” (“ Anc. Laws,” i., p. 143).

quot; The distinction was analogous to that between barristers and attorneys in the English courts. There is no reason for thinking it was taken from Englishnbsp;practice, for it is found in the Irish laws. The cynghaws was there callednbsp;“ aighne” (arguer), and the canUaw appears as '•‘fir eh.” See O’Sullivan’snbsp;Introduction to “ 0’Curry’s Lectures,” p. cclxxiii.

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{t.e., the land in dispute), and then proceeded to “ sit legally.” The litigants and their assistants, withnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;their

witnesses, compurgators, and sureties, divided themselves into two parties, and stillness being proclaimed on the field,nbsp;the members and officers of the court arranged themselvesnbsp;and the parties in the manner represented in the followingnbsp;table ^:—


Effeyrat—Egnat Kymwd. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Egnat Lys—Effiriatt.

Kanltau—Amdiffenur—Keghaus. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Keghaus—-Haulur—KanHau.

Rigytt. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Righitt.


After the court was thus constituted very formal oral pleadings took place, and the judges (who seem to havenbsp;been the spokesmen and controllers of the court, even if thenbsp;king were present), after giving the parties an opportunitynbsp;of amending their pleadings, re-stated the contentions, andnbsp;then retired to deliberate with a priest or priests and annbsp;usher. When they had taken their seats “in a judgmentnbsp;place ” a priest prayed, and the judges chanted their Pater;nbsp;they then recited the pleadings a second time, and havingnbsp;done so, decided whether by law there was any necessitynbsp;for the giving of evidence; if they decided not, judgmentnbsp;was given simply on the pleadings, i.e., to the effect that

'We print the table as it appears in “ Anc. Laws,” i., p. 146. We must, however, translate the Welsh terms : Brenin = king ; heniuid (hynefy) = elder ; gurda (gwrda) = good-man, uchelwr, breyr; effeyrat and effiriatt = priest;nbsp;egnat kymwd — judge of the cymwd ; egnat iiys = judge of the king’s court,nbsp;the chief justice; kanttau (canltaw), literally, hand-rail = guider ; keghausnbsp;(eynghaws) — pleader ; amdiffenur (amdiffynnwr) = defendant; rigiii [rhingyfi)nbsp;= bailiff, apparitor, usher. It is clear this table is only a skeleton form. Therenbsp;luight, for instance, be more than two gwyrda on each side. So, also, morenbsp;than two elders. The gwyrda were the uchelwyr of the cymwd who had tonbsp;attend the king on his progress through their district. Probably the elders werenbsp;“ten of the king’s cenedl, his near relations, accompanying him in his progress.nbsp;The table represents the arrangement of the king’s court; but, no doubt, whennbsp;an arglwy presided it afforded a precedent; and, perhaps, also one for thenbsp;ordinary court of the cymwd. The king sat with his hack to the sun or thenbsp;weather, lest the weather should incommode his face.

R 2

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244 T'HE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vi.)

one or the other contention as set forth was correct in law, and that there was no need to interrogate, z.e., to callnbsp;witnesses. If, however, they held they could not decidenbsp;simply on the pleadings they returned to the field andnbsp;announced the fact, seemingly saying on whom lay thenbsp;burden of proof, and two judges were appointed tonbsp;question the parties and demand the production of theirnbsp;witnesses respectively. At this stage there might or mightnbsp;not be an adjournment, but ultimately the whole matternbsp;was decided by a trial by witnesses sworn on relics.^

We may here remark that there were three actions in regard to land : (i.) a suit to recover possession of land fromnbsp;which the plaintiff himself had been ousted ; (ii.) the suitnbsp;called dadenhuÉ, by which the plaintiff sought to recovernbsp;a share of tirgwelyawg belonging to him in right of hisnbsp;father or ancestors within the smaller group we havenbsp;described above and(iii.) the plaint by kin and reckoningnbsp;[o ach ac edrj/u^\ by which one sought to establish his rightnbsp;to such land as he might be entitled to as a member of anbsp;cenedl (in the large sense as a group of descendants to thenbsp;ninth degree from a common ancestor).^

The rules we have been considering were those applying to disputes about land, but it would seem that methodsnbsp;fundamentally similar were applied to other controversies.nbsp;There were actions for the recovery of movable propertynbsp;or its value (to which we have adverted above), for enforcingnbsp;suretyships, pledges, and obligations incurred by contract,nbsp;as well as the more serious processes in regard to galanas,nbsp;saraad, personal injuries, theft, and damage by fire. Innbsp;regard to all these the normal mode of settlement was a

1 It is hardly necessary to say that it was not everyone who could be a witness in regard to a suit concerning Cymric land, e.g., an aütud could not;nbsp;nor a woman as against a man, etc. (“ Anc. Laws,” i., p. 153.)

’ See specially “Anc. Laws,” i. 171-2 ; .md above, p. 196.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;This would be “ ach ac edrif ” in modern Welsh.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;See “ Anc, Laws,” i., pp. 173-5 J P- ^^7'

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trial by witnesses or by rhaith (compurgation). The rules as to the number and value of the members of the fhaithnbsp;are complicated and obscure. The oath entered verynbsp;largely into the administration of justice. It was takennbsp;in divers ways, sometimes on the gospels, sometimes onnbsp;relics. The place of swearing varied; it might be in anbsp;church or before the court. Trial by combat or othernbsp;ordeal is not mentioned in the codes, but in a late treatisenbsp;it is said Dyfnwal Moelmud established for cases of theft,nbsp;galanas, or treason, three ordeals, those of boiling water,nbsp;hot iron, and combat, and that Howel did not deem themnbsp;just and substituted for them proof by men and rhaith; ^nbsp;but all this is doubtful, though one may believe that trialnbsp;by ordeal {i.e., an appeal to a divine authority) sometimenbsp;existed among the Cymry, since it was a very ancient andnbsp;widespread way of settling disputes.

We have now given an outline of the legal organisation of the Cymry in the days of their independence as it maynbsp;be gathered from their law-books, and to some extent wenbsp;can fill it in by means of the information handed down tonbsp;us in the works of a celebrated Welshman of the twelfthnbsp;century. Gerald de Barri (usually called Giraldus Cam-brensis) was born in 1147 in the castle of Manorbeer, thenbsp;ruins of which still stand on the rocks of the Southnbsp;Pembrokeshire coast. He came of a Welsh family whichnbsp;had a Norman strain, and his grandmother was the Nest—nbsp;the “Helen of Wales”—who had been the mistress ofnbsp;Henry I., and afterwards wife of Gerald de Windsor, lord ofnbsp;Pembroke. His father, William de Barri, and other membersnbsp;of his family had joined in warfare in Ireland. We mustnbsp;not linger over the details of his life or of his persistentnbsp;struggle to secure archiepiscopal status for St. David’s, or innbsp;other words the independence of the Welsh Church. In thatnbsp;effort he failed, but he has left for us valuable books, of

‘ “Anc. Laws,”ii., p. 623.

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vi.)

which the most relevant for our present purpose are the “Itinerarium Cambriae” and the “Descriptio Cambriae.”^

In 1188 Baldwin, archbishop of Canterbury, journeyed through Wales to preach a crusade. He was accompanied bynbsp;Giraldus, who recorded their experiences in the Itinerary.nbsp;The second work is, as its name applies, a description of thenbsp;country and the people. Notwithstanding some attemptnbsp;at fine writing which may have led to undue emphasis onnbsp;particular points, we have, no doubt, in these books a truenbsp;record of the characteristics of the mediaeval Cymry fromnbsp;the pen of an able and honest observer.

These and the laws being our principal authorities, we find that the condition of society in Wales was removed by verynbsp;many degrees from a barbaric or nomadic stage, but it wasnbsp;backward as compared with the south-eastern Britain ofnbsp;that time. It may be that the economic progress of thenbsp;scanty population of Wales had been checked by the warnbsp;with Harold, the collapse of Gruffyd ab ILewelyn’snbsp;power, and the subsequent course of events. Gerald dealsnbsp;with a people who had sustained many reverses, and whonbsp;had been driven from the most fertile portions of theirnbsp;country by bands of Norman adventurers; and it isnbsp;obviously likely that these things told for a time againstnbsp;any great social advance, though it may be noted as anbsp;curious fact that it was in the eleventh century that modernnbsp;Welsh poetry has its beginning, and that in that regionnbsp;of culture contact, whether friendly or inimical, with thenbsp;Norman lords had a stimulating effect. Neither Howel

' The works of Giraldus are to be found in the Rolls series, vols. i., ii., iii., iv. (ed. by Professor Brewer), vols. v., vi., vii. (ed. by the Rev. J. F. Dyraock).nbsp;“ The Topography and History of the Conquest of Ireland ” (translated bynbsp;Thomas Forester), and the “ Itinerary through Wales,” and the “ Descriptionnbsp;of Wales” (translated by Sir R. Colt Hoare, Bart.) are published in vol. vii.nbsp;Bohn’s Antiquarian Library (ed. by Thomas Wright, F.S.A.). For his life,nbsp;see “Diet. Nat. Biog.,” sub nom. ; the introduction to vol. i. in the Rollsnbsp;series; and “Gerald the Welshman,” by Henry Owen, B.C.L., F.S.A.nbsp;(Lond., 18S9).

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Da nor Gruffyd ab ILewelyn, the only two chieftains of the Cymry who, after Rhodri Mawr, had played any reallynbsp;considerable part in the affairs of the island, were celebratednbsp;by contemporary bards whose works have come down tonbsp;our time; but from the end of the eleventh century wenbsp;find many poems devoted to the praise (often in extravagant language) of princes some of whom were hardly ofnbsp;a position higher than that of a petty lord-marcher.

In the centuries with which we are dealing Wales presented a physical aspect very different from that whichnbsp;it does to-day. The greater part was waste land on whichnbsp;the foot of man rarely trod, mere boulder-strewn moorland, ornbsp;boggy tract; and large portions of the estates now dividednbsp;into farm holdings and highly cultivated were covered withnbsp;trees that have disappeared. The roads (if we exclude thenbsp;few which seem to derive their origin from the time ofnbsp;Roman occupation) were mere mountain tracks. Therenbsp;were practically no enclosures apart from the mounds ornbsp;wooden fences which were made around the houses of thenbsp;more important families.^

When Giraldus wrote, towns were beginning to arise under the shelter of some of the Norman castles, but therenbsp;were no truly Cymric towns. Caerleon on Usk was innbsp;ruins, and Chester was in Norman hands.^ The social and

* Rice Merrick, in his “ Booke of Glamorganshire Antiquities” (1578), (new ed. by James Andrew Corbett, fol., Lond., 1887), referring to the Valenbsp;of Glamorgan, says it was ‘ ‘ a champyon and open country without great storenbsp;of inclosures,” and that the old men reported that “ their ffore-fathers toldnbsp;them that great part of th’ enclosures was made in their daies” (“ Cambriannbsp;Register” (1796), pp. 96-8 ; “ Report,” p. 663).

^ Giraldus says, “ This city (Caerleon) was of undoubted antiquity and handsomely built of masonry, with courses of bricks, by the Romans. Manynbsp;vestiges of its former splendour may still be seen ; immense palaces formerlynbsp;ornamented with gilded roofs in imitation of Roman magnificence, inasmuchnbsp;as they were first raised by Roman princes, and embellished with splendidnbsp;buildings ; a tower of prodigious size, remarkable hot baths, relics of temples,nbsp;and theatres all inclosed within fine walls, part of which remain standing, etc.”nbsp;(“ Desc.,” i., c. 5.) The castle of Cardiff was surrounded by high walls, and

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vi.)

domestic life of the Welsh centred round the timber-built houses of the kings, princes, lords or uchelwyr which werenbsp;scattered in the valleys and on the lower slopes of the hills.nbsp;Except, perhaps, in some of the villein-trefs, there were nonbsp;villages or clusters of dwelling-houses close adjoining onenbsp;another, though the principal hall of men of higher positionnbsp;had the usual out-buildings. The dwellings of some familiesnbsp;were duplicated; in the summer they lived in a house onnbsp;the higher part of their property called the havod-dynbsp;(literally, “ summer-house ”), and in winter returned to thenbsp;principal residence (hen-dref, literally, the “ old-stead ”) setnbsp;up in a more sheltered place below.

The broad conclusion we draw from the sources we have mentioned is that in the twelfth century the Cymry were a

Giraldus refers to the city 3.% containing many soldiers. The “Brut,” in one of its versions, says, under the year lo8o, “the building of Cardiff began. ”nbsp;This is not in the “Brut” reproduced in the Oxford series. It occurs in thenbsp;MS. called D, by Ab Ithel (see preface to Rolls ed., p. xlvi). The MS. is innbsp;the B. M. Cottonian collection, marked “Cleopatra, B. v.,” and is of thenbsp;fifteenth century. Whether this entry means that the building of Cardiff castle,nbsp;or that of the town, began, the date seems too early (see below, as to thenbsp;conquest of Glamorgan). The date of the foundation of Swansea castle isnbsp;uncertain, but it was later than that of Cardiff. Colonel Morgan, of Brynialtu,nbsp;has been good enough to send us an interesting communication as to Swanseanbsp;(in Welsh Abertawe), which is, however, too long to reproduce here. Henbsp;argues that (i) Swansea, Sweyneshe, Sweineshe (the two latter are the earliestnbsp;forms) is to be identified with the Sein Henyd of the “Brut” (s.aa. 1215,nbsp;1221) ; and (ii) that the name Sweyneshe, etc., is derived from Sein Henyd.nbsp;We are of opinion that the first of these propositions is true, but we do notnbsp;think that the place-name Sweyneshe, etc., and Sein Henyd have anythingnbsp;to do with one another. The “ w ” in the accepted English name is one ofnbsp;the most considerable difficulties in the way of adopting Colonel Morgan’snbsp;second suggestion. There are place-names of Danish or Scandinavian, or atnbsp;any rate non-Welsh, origin to be found on or near the sea-coast of Southnbsp;Wales. Consider Sully, Haverford, Stackpole, Hulberston, Angle, Herbrand-ston, Gateholm, Stockholm, Skimer, Musselwick, Haroldston, Ramsey, andnbsp;Strumble. See Clark’s Mediaeval Military Architecture in England,” p. 15nbsp;(Bond., 1884). Giraldus calls Carmarthen an “ancient city,” and noticesnbsp;that it was strongly enclosed with walls of bricks, part of which were stillnbsp;standing (“ Desc.,” i., c. 10). Dinevwr, higher up the Towy, was the seat ofnbsp;the South Welsh princes.

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warlike pastoral people, who had been settled on their lands for centuries, but who had made only slight progress innbsp;agriculture and the other practical arts, and who hadnbsp;advanced more quickly in regard to intellectual exercises,nbsp;poetry, and music than in regard to material prosperitynbsp;and higher morality.

We have only space to mention a few details concerning them from which we think this generalisation will appearnbsp;to be true. The principal crops referred to in the lawsnbsp;and Giraldus’s works are wheat, barley, and oats. Thenbsp;plough, the scythe, and other farming implements (whichnbsp;were, however, of primitive construction) are mentioned.nbsp;The ridges were generally ploughed straight upward, andnbsp;the Commissioners found their form still visible in somenbsp;places.^ They also saw indications that slopes and evennbsp;summits of hills, which are not now and have not been fornbsp;a very long period arable land, had at some former timenbsp;been ploughed.

In the laws yokes of four different lengths are mentioned :—The ber-iau, or short yoke of three feet, for two oxen ; the mei-iau, or field yoke of six feet, for four oxen ;nbsp;the ceseil-iau, or auxiliary yoke of nine feet, for six oxen ;nbsp;and the hir-iau, or long yoke of twelve feet, for eight oxen.^nbsp;The Welsh farmer seldom, however, yoked less than fournbsp;oxen to the plough. The driver walked backward, andnbsp;instead of a small sickle in mowing he made use of anbsp;moderate-sized piece of iron formed like a knife with twonbsp;pieces of wood fixed loosely and flexibly to the head.® Innbsp;the month of March only the soil was once ploughed fornbsp;oats, and again in the summer a third time, and in thenbsp;winter for wheat.

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“ Report, p. 657.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;See “Report,” p. 657 ; The measurements are in the English standard.nbsp;Pughe, in his “Welsh Dictionary,” says the Welsh used four sorts of yoke untilnbsp;about 1600.

® Giraldus Cambrensis, “ Desc. Camb.,” book i., c. 17.

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250 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vi.)

Giraldus’s remarks seem, for the most part, to apply to the Cymry proper, though there is a good deal to shownbsp;that by his time there was considerable admixture of classesnbsp;or races.

Hospitality and liberality were among the first of their virtues. The house of the Cymro was common to all.nbsp;The traveller was not offered, nor did he beg entertainment.nbsp;He simply delivered up his arms : he was then under thenbsp;Haw'd (peace) of the penteulu (head of the household).nbsp;Water was brought to him, and if he suffered his feet to benbsp;washed, he became a guest of the house ; if he refusednbsp;water, he was understood to be simply asking for morningnbsp;refreshment and not lodging for the night. Strangersnbsp;arriving early were entertained by the conversation of thenbsp;young women of the household and the, music of harps.nbsp;The principal meal was served in the evening. It variednbsp;according to the number and dignity of the personsnbsp;assembled and the degrees of the wealth of different households. In any case it was a simple repast; there were nonbsp;tables, no cloths, no napkins ; the guests were seated innbsp;messes of three ; all the dishes were at once set beforenbsp;them in large platters on rushes or grass spread on thenbsp;floor. The food consisted of milk, cheese, butter, meatnbsp;plainly cooked. “ The kitchen did not supply many dishesnbsp;nor high-seasoned incitements to eating.” The bread wasnbsp;served as a thin and broad cake, fresh baked every day,inbsp;and broth with chopped-up meat in it was sometimesnbsp;added. The family waited on the guests, and the hostnbsp;and hostess stood up until their needs were satisfied. Thenbsp;evening was enlivened by songs and recitations by the bardnbsp;of the household or by minstrels who in their wanderingnbsp;had joined the company, and seemingly also by choralnbsp;singing.

1 Giraldus says it was *‘]agana” in the old writings. It was evidently like the “bake-stone ” bread—bara plane or bar a ifech—of modern days.

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A bed made of rushes and covered with a coarse kind of cloth made in the country called brychan, was thennbsp;placed along the side of the hall, and the family and guestsnbsp;lay down to sleep in commond The fire on the hearth innbsp;the centre continued to burn all night.

From Giraldus we get little information as to the clothes of the Welsh ; he says that at all seasons they defendednbsp;themselves from the cold only by a thin cloak and tunic ;nbsp;but the laws give the worth of other articles of wearingnbsp;apparel, e.g., a mantle of rich dark colour; a town-madenbsp;mantle ; a town-made cap ; a town-made coat (pais); anbsp;home-made covering ; shirt and trousers ; a head-cloth -pnbsp;robes of the king and queen, and of an uchelwr and hisnbsp;wife, etc.®

As to their personal habits the Cymry seem to have been cleanly.®' In the laws we have allusions to the bath ; thenbsp;custom of offering water to guests has just been referrednbsp;to. Both sexes cut their hair short—close round to theirnbsp;ears and eyes. The men shaved all their beard except thenbsp;moustache. All paid great attention to their teeth, which

' Giraldus does not mention pillows, but in the Ven. Code, iii., c. 22, a legal price (gwerth) is placed on the pillow {gobennyd) of the king and on that of annbsp;uchelwr, thus showing they were in use. A price is also put on a sheet (Hen,nbsp;or in the laws iteniiyeyn'). As late as the fifteenth century the Englishnbsp;“gentry, who slept on down beds, or beds stuffed with rabbits’ fur and othernbsp;materials which passed for down, still went naked to their slumbers ; the poor,nbsp;who slept on bundles of fern or on trusses of straw spread on the ground, sleptnbsp;in the dress they had worn during the day, and the cloak or cassock of thenbsp;ploughman was his only counterpane” (Denton, “ England in the Fifteenthnbsp;Century,” p. 206). Down to the early years of this century it was not unusualnbsp;in Wales for people to go to bed naked.

^ Giraldus says the w'omen covered their heads with a large white veil folded together in the form of a crown.

® See Ven. Code, iii., c. 22 ; but book iii. was collected from books later than Howel’s time as well as from the old book of the ‘ ‘ White House. ” Seenbsp;the prefaces to it.

quot;* The account given by Giraldus of the Cymry in this regard is very favourable as compared with his remarks on the barbarism of the Irish (“Top. Irel.,” iii., c. 10).

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252 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vi.)

they rendered like ivory by constantly rubbing them with green hazel and wiping them with a woollen cloth.

For the Cymry proper—the leading families—the chief business of life was warfare. “ They were entirely bred upnbsp;to the use of arms;” but the language of Giraldus is general,nbsp;and according to him “ all the people are trained to war.”nbsp;When “the trumpet sounds the alarm, the husbandmannbsp;rushes as eagerly from his plough as the courtier from hisnbsp;Court.” We have seen that in the laws of Howel it wasnbsp;only the tribesmen who formed the host; to the editionnbsp;only the subordinate duties of a campaign were entrusted ;nbsp;but the words we have quoted seem to indicate that thenbsp;settlement of the Normans in the land had brought aboutnbsp;a change in the military arrangements, and this is confirmednbsp;by indications from other sources.

The higher classes {nobiltores, i.e.^ uchelwyr) went forth to battle on horseback, though they did not hesitate tonbsp;dismount if necessary, either for marching or combat. Thenbsp;great majority of the men of the host fought on foot. Thenbsp;armour of all was so light as not to impede the quick movements on which they depended for success. The uchelwyr,nbsp;and seemingly most of the foot soldiers (of tribal privilege)nbsp;as well, wore small coats of mail, helmets, and sometimesnbsp;greaves plated with iron. In marching they often walkednbsp;barefoot, but in battle array they appear ordinarily to havenbsp;worn high shoes roughly made with untanned leather.^

* It is clear that even men of the upper class did not wear boots on many occasions, even of some importance. On the morning after leaving the house ofnbsp;Strata Florida, the archbishop and Giraldus met one Cyneuric ab Rhys (evidentlynbsp;of noble descent), accompanied by a body of light-armed youths. Giraldusnbsp;describes him thus : ‘ ‘ This young man was of a fair complexion, with curlednbsp;hair, tall and handsome, clothed only according to the custom of his country,nbsp;with a thin cloak and inner garment, his legs and feet, regardless of thorns andnbsp;thistles, were left bare; a man not adorned by art but by nature; bearing in hisnbsp;presence an innate, not an acquired, dignity of manners” (“Itin.,” book ii.,nbsp;c. 4). In the laws a price is set on wadded boots [botessau kenhenlauc), shoesnbsp;with thongs (eskydyeu careyauc), and on buskins {guyntesseu).

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Their chief weapons were the sword, the lance or spear, the battle-axe, and the bow and arrow ; and in the time ofnbsp;Giraldus the men of Gwent were deemed more expert innbsp;archery than those of the other parts of Cymru3

The fighting in which the Cymry excelled was of the guerilla kind. They did not shine much in open engagements or regular conflicts, but were skilful in harassing thenbsp;enemy by ambuscades and nightly sallies. As a rule theynbsp;made no determined struggle for the field of battle.^ Innbsp;their onset they were bold and rapid; they filled the airnbsp;with horrid shouts® and the deep-toned clangour of verynbsp;long trumpets; if repulsed, they were easily thrown intonbsp;confusion, and trusted to flight for safety. But thoughnbsp;defeated one day they were ever ready to resume thenbsp;combat on the next; they were active and hardy; ablenbsp;to sustain hunger and cold ; not easily fatigued by warlike exercise, and above all not despondent in adversity.nbsp;Giraldus sums up the matter by saying that they were “ asnbsp;easy to overcome in a single battle as difficult to subdue innbsp;a protracted war.”^ We ought to add that it is probable

‘ The Ven. Code sets a price on “ a bow and twelve arrows ” {bua a deudec saet), a spear [guaeu), a battle-axe {ai’rf buyail), and on a sword (dedyf) rough-ground, a sword dark-bladed, and a sword white-bladed (“Anc. Laws,” i.,nbsp;P- 305). In one passage Giraldus refers to the lances as long (‘ ‘ Desc., ” i., c. 8);nbsp;in another he mentions frequent throwing of darts (“Desc.,” ii., c. 3). Thenbsp;Welsh, therefore, probably had two kinds of spear. “A sword, and spear,nbsp;and bow with twelve arrows in the quiver,” was the traditional equipment ofnbsp;the head of a Cymric household {“ Anc. Laws,” ii., p. 557).

^ Gruffyd ab Lewelyn in his Hereford campaigns against Ralph acted exceptionally. But notice how he avoided a pitched battle with Harold whennbsp;the latter changed the conditions by lightly equipping his men. See above,nbsp;p. 172.

® So says Giraldus (“ Desc.,” ii., c. 3). Cf. the poem in praise of Lewelyn ab Madoc, ascribed to one Lywarch Lew Cad. The bard calls Eewelyn “ commander of the men of terrible shout ” {£awr gawr goruchely wir\ Stephens’snbsp;“Lit. of the Kymry” (2nd ed.), p. 53.

* See “ Desc.,” book ii., c. 3. It should be noticed, further, as an illustration of the character of the warfare, that the Cymry gave no quarter (“Desc.,’’nbsp;book ii., c. 8).

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254 the welsh people, (chap, vi.) that during the period of about one hundred and forty yearsnbsp;that elapsed between the death of Gruffyd ab Lewelyn andnbsp;the time at which Giraldus wrote, intercourse and fightingnbsp;with the Normans had done much to improve the equipment and military methods of the Cymry.^

Giraldus bears warm testimony to the proficiency of the Cymry in the art of music. They used three instrumentsnbsp;—the harp, the pipes, and the crwth.* In their concertsnbsp;they did not sing in unison, but in different parts. Henbsp;remarks that the people in the northern district of Britainnbsp;beyond the Humber and on the borders of Yorkshire madenbsp;use of the same kind of “ symphonious harmony,” but withnbsp;less variety, singing only in two parts, one murmuringnbsp;in the bass, the other warbling in the acute or treble.

Much attentioi^was paid by them to poetry. Bards were important members of the community, as we know alsonbsp;from the laws. They were organised in some fashion intonbsp;a kind of separate order, though we have no certain evidencenbsp;as to the rules of their craft or guild in those early days.®nbsp;Every considerable household had its domestic bard {barÉnbsp;teulii). Besides the duty of entertaining by song he hadnbsp;care of any documents that concerned the family of hisnbsp;patron; he was the preserver of the genealogy of thenbsp;kindred ; and often the teacher and companion of hisnbsp;chieftain’s children. Whether by positive enactment or bynbsp;usage, the practice of making tours of the country arose.

1 See “Desc.,” book ii., c. 7.

- Gir. “Top. Ireland” Dist., iii., c. ii ; “Desc. Camb.,” i., c. 12. The crwth or crowd was a kind of early violin. The pipes seem to have been bagpipes, and were objects of ridicule to the bards. For a summary of what isnbsp;known as to early Welsh music, see Stephens’ “Literature of the Kymry”nbsp;(2nd ed.), pp. SS-69.

^ It is traditionally believed Gruffyd ab Kynan, king of Gwyned, made rules for the government of the bardic order, but the proof is not satisfactory.nbsp;See as to the Eistedfod, p. 516, below. The Brut {s.a. 1176) records thatnbsp;Lord Rhys held a grand festival, at which there were musical competitions, innbsp;the castle of Aberteivi.

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The bards went from house to house, quartering themselves on the households : the higher grade of bards only went tonbsp;the palaces of princes and the greater nobles ; the lowernbsp;grades had the range of the establishments of meaner men.

Extravagant pretensions as to the antiquity of this Cymric bardic order have been advanced ; it has been claimed fornbsp;the bards of the twelfth century that their organisation wasnbsp;a direct survival of that of the Druidic hierarchy ; and thatnbsp;they were the depositories of a mysterious system of religionnbsp;and philosophy orally handed down to them from thenbsp;priests of the oak, and thence transmitted without breaknbsp;to our own day. There is, however, no proof of any formalnbsp;connection between the Druidic priesthood and the bardicnbsp;system as it appears in Wales in the twelfth century.nbsp;There is no' certain evidence that Druidism had spread tonbsp;that part of the island whence Cuneda and the ancestorsnbsp;of the Cymry came. Centuries before their settlementnbsp;in Wales Druidism had been suppressed by the Romannbsp;government, and there is nothing to show that the sacerdotal class, practically destroyed by Paulinus, ever regainednbsp;its authority or maintained its organisation.^

From the Roman conquest of Món to the time of Gruffyd ab Kynan over one thousand years had elapsed.nbsp;Christianity had for a long period been the only legallynbsp;recognised religion, and was probably professed bynbsp;Cuneda and his followers. It had, first in its Celtic,nbsp;and afterwards in its Roman form, obtained a secure andnbsp;undisputed position in the land. If to these considerationsnbsp;we add the facts that none of the bardic MSS. are oldernbsp;than the twelfth century, and that competent criticism ofnbsp;the bardic remains leads to the conclusion that this so-called

1 M6n, “ the last asylum of the Celtic priesthood,” was conquered by G. Seutonius Paulinus in A.D. 61, and finally subdued by Julius Agricola innbsp;a.d. 78. Mommsen’s “ Provinces of the Roman Empirequot; (Eng. Tr.),nbsp;V. 1, pp. 179, t82.

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256 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vi.)

Druidism was confined to the bards themselves, and that as an institution it was then of recent origin,^ we mustnbsp;dismiss the claims we have been discussing as mere inventions or efforts of the imagination which have been ignorantlynbsp;and uncritically adopted and developed in after times. Onnbsp;the other hand, it must be conceded that the office of domesticnbsp;bard is one which is found in the earliest historic timesnbsp;among Indo-European nations ; that there are many itemsnbsp;of evidence which show an intimate connection betweennbsp;singers, story-tellers, and the like, and the priesthoods ofnbsp;early forms of religion; and that the memory may be sonbsp;cultivated that rites, formulae, poems, and tales may benbsp;orally handed down from generation to generation for annbsp;indefinite time. It must also be admitted that many pagannbsp;notions and customs survived among the people long afternbsp;Christianity had obtained its formal hold on the community.nbsp;The bardic poems of later date may be the genuine echoesnbsp;of the conceptions of the religion of a distant past, andnbsp;contain the dim recollections of true historical events;** butnbsp;there is nothing in all this that need alter the opinion wenbsp;have expressed, that there is ho proof of any direct connection between the bardic order in mediaeval Wales andnbsp;the Druidic system described by Caesar. However thisnbsp;may be, the genuine laws and the words of Giraldus givenbsp;to the bards of Wales a very respectable position in thenbsp;society of the time, and accord their profession a reasonablenbsp;and satisfactory antiquity.

Among the characteristics of the Welsh, Giraldus notices their wit and pleasantry. They were fluent and bold innbsp;conversation; in their rhymed songs and set speechesnbsp;they were so subtle and ingenious that they produced

' See the chapter on “Bards and Bardism,” in Stephens’s “Lit. of the Kymry,” p. 84.

' See Matthew Arnold’s “ Essay on the Study of Celtic Literatuie” (Lond., 1867) ; Skene’s “ Four Ancient Books of Wales” (Edin., 1868, 2 vols.).

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“ ornaments of wonderful and exquisite invention, both in the words and sentences.”

They greatly esteemed noble birth and generous descent. All retained their genealogy and could readily repeat thenbsp;names of their ancestors to the sixth or seventh generationnbsp;or beyond, and when we think of the laws we can readilynbsp;understand this to have been the case.^ They were, at any

* As late as the time of Norden’s survey of Abenbury, a township adjoining Wrexham (1620), a gentleman of estate gave his name as Humfridus apnbsp;Robert ap Will’m ap Rob’t ap David ap Griffith ap Robert. (Seebohm,nbsp;“Tribal System,” p. 85, note.) This is stated on the authority of Mr. A. N.nbsp;Palmer. Though it was not every one who could give his style with this fulness,nbsp;the method of identifying a person by coupling his Christian name with those ofnbsp;his immediate ancestors lingered long in Wales. It is not easy to fix the time whennbsp;the use of surnames became general among all classes. The noticeable thing nownbsp;is the paucity of surnames in this populous area. Those that usually occur arenbsp;mostly baptismal names taken from the Bible spelt in divers ways. This isnbsp;especially so in the Welsh-speaking districts. The number of Joneses, Davieses,nbsp;Williamses, Thomases, etc., on public bodies and juries is often the subject of jest,nbsp;and sometimes the cause of inconvenience. The usual explanation of the fewness of surnames in the Welsh area is that the officials of the Welsh courts, thenbsp;coroners, and lawyers found the Welsh custom of stringing together a series ofnbsp;baptismal names troublesome, and that in the jury process, etc., they abridgednbsp;the style of the person with whom they were dealing. Thus they summonednbsp;a juror, not by the style he would have given himself, but as, e.^., William apnbsp;John, or Gulielmus ap Johannes, which often repeated became William Jones,nbsp;and was acquiesced in by a too patient people. In rural districts, to avoidnbsp;ambiguity, farmers often referred to one another by the names of their holdingsnbsp;{‘¦g'l John Maeseglwys, where the latter word is the name of John’s holding),nbsp;and we have known this recently done by witnesses in the courts. In laternbsp;times the inconvenience has been to some extent met among the professionalnbsp;and middle classes by the conferring of a second and distinctive Christian namenbsp;{e.g., W. Tudor Howell, T. Eynon Davies, John MorlaU Jones—where thenbsp;intermediate names are the only distinguishing marks). The use of bardic namesnbsp;is not uncommon. Thus, the late Dr. William Rees, of Chester, is alwaysnbsp;spoken of as “Hiraethog,” and Mr. William Abraham, M.P., is called bynbsp;most Welshmen “Mabon,” in public and private. People are reluctant tonbsp;change their surnames, because they do not wish to lose touch with theirnbsp;relations, and fear that in property matters there may be difficulty later onnbsp;in proof of identity, birth, etc. It would be a great advantage if somenbsp;method of formal registration of change of name could be established innbsp;each county. For information as to Welsh surnames see a series of papers bynbsp;Mr. T. E. Morris, LL.M., B.A., in “ Byegones’’ for Oct., 1893, Feb., 1894,nbsp;April, 1897, and Jan. and Feb., 1900.

W.P. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;S

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vi.)

rate outwardly, very religious ; when one of them met a priest or monk he asked his blessing “ with extended armsnbsp;and bowing head”; they .showed greater respect than othernbsp;nations to churches and the clergy, to relics, bells, holynbsp;books, and the cross.

So far our account gives a pleasant view of the Welsh people in these mediaeval times, but there is a darker sidenbsp;to Giraldus’s picture. In language which recalls in somenbsp;degree the rhetoric of Gildas, he points out very gravenbsp;blemishes in the character and mode of life of the Cymry.nbsp;He describes them as wanting in respect to oaths, faithnbsp;and truth; as so indifferent to the covenant of faith thatnbsp;they went through the ceremony of holding forth the rightnbsp;hand on trifling occasions and to emphasise mere ordinarynbsp;assertions ; and worse still as not scrupling to take falsenbsp;oaths in legal causes. He says they habitually committednbsp;acts of plunder, theft and robbery, not only againstnbsp;foreigners but against their own countrymen. They werenbsp;addicted to trespassing and the removal of landmarks, andnbsp;there were continual disputes between brothers. They werenbsp;immoderate in their love of food and intoxicating drinks.

Though the language of Giraldus is strong, and his strictures are severe, there can be no doubt that there isnbsp;substantial truth in what he says, but by way of qualification it must be pointed out that he was a stern andnbsp;imperious ecclesiastic, that he was looking at the conditionnbsp;of things from the point of view of the Norman-Englishnbsp;government, so far as civil matters were concerned, andnbsp;that he completely ignores the injustice that had been donenbsp;by the conquest of the greater part of the south by Normannbsp;adventurers. What he meant by false swearing was almostnbsp;a necessary result of a legal system, which made an oath annbsp;incident of ordinary transactions, and which in judicialnbsp;proceedings multiplied the number of compurgators to annbsp;unusual degree. Especial allowance must be made for

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this kind of perjury in the case of men who regarded the tie of blood as the strongest social bond, and in a timenbsp;when a trial was not an inquiry into issues of fact to benbsp;decided by witnesses in our modern sense, but one depending on a complicated method of swearing and counterswearing by rheithwyr, who came to regard themselves notnbsp;as being charged with the duty of saying what they hadnbsp;actually seen or heard, but of standing by a kinsman innbsp;trouble. So too much may be urged in extenuation ofnbsp;their trespassing and plundering. For in the early yearsnbsp;of the conquest, at any rate, the men of the Norman lordnbsp;were quite as ready to seize any cattle they could laynbsp;hands on as any Cymric youths, and many violent actsnbsp;of the Welsherie were justifiable, because the cattle theynbsp;carried off in their raids were looked on as being taken innbsp;lieu of those of which they had been despoiled. Theirnbsp;trespasses on and “ ambitious seizures ” of land in thenbsp;occupation of invaders need from an impartial standpointnbsp;no justification; but the continued litigation about landnbsp;among themselves and the habits of forcible entry (as wenbsp;should say) by one relative as against another, thoughnbsp;easily to be explained as the consequence of the rules concerning succession to tir gwelyawg, must be condemned asnbsp;a proof of those serious defects in the typical Cymricnbsp;character, of which such striking illustration is afforded bynbsp;the failure of the nation to effect any stable and lastingnbsp;political combination.

But when every allowance is made, the Cymry proper, whom Giraldus describes, were a wild and turbulent race,nbsp;dangerous neighbours, and impatient of settled controlnbsp;from any quarter,^ a set of men very unlike the singularly

' Read the adventures of Owain ab Cadwgan, in the “Brut,”j.a. iio6, and in following entries and pp. 293 et seq. below. See also Wynne’snbsp;“History of the Gwydyr Family,” which shows how disorderly were thenbsp;habits of a later day.

S 2

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vi.)

law-abiding Welsh people of to-day.^ They were a quick, impulsive race, wanting in moderation, indulging innbsp;extremes of conduct, and we readily follow Giraldus whennbsp;in ending his first book he says that “ this nation is earnestnbsp;in all its pursuits, and neither worse men than the badnbsp;nor better than the good can be met with.”

' The comparative absence of crime in the distinctively W elsh counties has been noticeable for many years, and is often a topic of comment by judges ofnbsp;assize and chairmen of quarter sessions.

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It was the Norman conquest of England that led to the absorption first of large areas, and later on of the whole, ofnbsp;Wales into the English system. This absorption did notnbsp;fully take place for about 500 years ; and some 220 yearsnbsp;elapsed before the whole of the country was placed innbsp;a position of actual and practical dependence on thenbsp;English Government. It is a circumstance worth notingnbsp;that while the English counties were conquered by thenbsp;Normans in a comparatively few years, and almost bynbsp;a single stroke, the Norman-English kings and theirnbsp;followers were only able to effect the subjugation ofnbsp;Cymru in a very gradual and tedious manner.

An eminent historian says in reference to the commencement of the Norman invasion of Cymru, “ The conquest which now began, that which we may call either thenbsp;English or the Norman conquest of Wales, differed widelynbsp;both from the English conquest of Britain and from thenbsp;Norman conquest of England. It wrought far less changenbsp;than the landing at Ebbsfleet; it wrought far more changenbsp;than the landing at Pevensey. The Briton of those lands,nbsp;which in the Red King’s day were still British, wasnbsp;gradually conquered ; he was gradually brought undernbsp;English rule and English law, but he was neither exterminated, nor enslaved, nor wholly assimilated. He stillnbsp;abides in his ancient land, still speaking his ancient tongue.

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vil.)

The English or Norman conquest of Wales was not a national migration, like the English conquest of Britain, nornbsp;was it a conquest wrought under the guise of an elaboratenbsp;legal fiction, like the Norman conquest of England.”^

The process by which the conquest of Wales was effected is one that cannot be described as simplynbsp;military, but rather as being both military and economic.nbsp;If we may judge from the records of the twelfth andnbsp;thirteenth centuries, the Welsh chieftains were in thenbsp;battles fought from time to time nearly as successful,nbsp;and often more so, than the Norman invaders ; butnbsp;the greater resources and wealth of the latter graduallynbsp;led to their military predominance, while such evidencenbsp;as we possess in the work of Giraldus Cambrensis leadsnbsp;to the conclusion that when he wrote not only a relative,nbsp;but an absolute, diminution of the Cymric or Welshspeaking population had taken place. However thisnbsp;may be, it was by the building of castles on the Normannbsp;plan and by actual settlement that the process becamenbsp;successful. What appears to have been done was this : ^nbsp;at points conveniently situated near the more fertile lands,nbsp;and most suitable for military defence or operations, anbsp;castle was built and garrisoned. Gradually the Cymrynbsp;were ousted from the cultivated area, or else became, onnbsp;some terms or other, the tenants of the Norman lord.nbsp;From the coign of vantage afforded by the castle, thenbsp;Norman lord waged continual warfare against thenbsp;natives, and as he gradually forced them further andnbsp;further into the less desirable areas of the country he

* Freeman, “William Rufus,” vol. ii., p. 72. Though the generalisations in this paragraph are (we agree) substantially true, we cannot help pointingnbsp;out that the phrase “ English conquest of Britain ” is not strictly accurate.nbsp;Unless a very unreasonable extension is given to the terms “English” andnbsp;“conquest,” the English had conquered only a part of Britain before 1066.

^ See the account of the Lords Marchers in Clive’s “Ludlow'” (London, 1841) from a manuscript in the Lansdowne collection (nowin British Museum), p. loi.

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HISTORY OF WALES, 1066—1282.

extended his power, seizing cymwd after cymwd and cantref after cantref. In time towns began to springnbsp;up under the shelter of the castle walls, settlement fromnbsp;England was encouraged, charters conferring municipalnbsp;privileges were from time to time conferred upon thenbsp;settlers, and most of the early charters of the Welshnbsp;boroughs, drawing, as they do, an acute distinction betweennbsp;Englishmen and Welshmen, mark the nature of the strugglenbsp;which went on during these years.^

The ultimate outcome of the process was that by the middle of the thirteenth century nearly the whole of whatnbsp;is now Wales, except the counties of Anglesey, Carnarvon,nbsp;part of Denbighshire, and Merionethshire, the area roughlynbsp;corresponding to the ancient kingdom of Gwyned, hadnbsp;passed into the hands of the Norman-English king ornbsp;Norman lords, who came to be described by lawyers asnbsp;“ lords marchers,” who were feudal vassals of the kingnbsp;of England, though they exercised in their respective lord-ships practically supreme power. As Freeman observes,nbsp;“ Wales is, as every one knows, pre-eminently the landnbsp;of castles. Through those districts with which we arenbsp;specially concerned, castles great or small, or the ruins ornbsp;traces of such castles, meet us at every step. . . . Thenbsp;castles are in truth the leading architectural features ofnbsp;the country. The churches, mostly small and plain, might,nbsp;themselves, with their fortified towers, almost count asnbsp;castles. The towns, almost all of English foundations,

' Before the Norman Conquest, the Cyrary did not for their defence build stone castles or fortresses. Their defensive works consisted “of a moundnbsp;with a moat, and a timber building protected by palisades on the mound.”nbsp;(See Clark’s “ Mediaeval Military Architecture in England,” Bond. 1884,nbsp;pp. 23, 24.) Clark says there is not a shadow of evidence that they (thenbsp;Welsh) constructed any new defensive works in masonry upon the Romannbsp;models, or even repaired those that were left to them in the same material.nbsp;{/èid p. 12.) See, however, the Rev. S. Baring-Gould’s paper on quot;Earlynbsp;Fortifications in Wales” in quot;Trans, of the Hon. Soc. of Cymmrodorion,”nbsp;Sess. 1898-99, p. I.

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264 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vii.)

were mostly small; they were military colonies rather than seats of commerce. As Wales had no immemorial cities, likenbsp;Exeter and Lincoln, so she had no towns which sprang up intonbsp;greatness in later times, like Bristol, Norwich, and Coventry.nbsp;Every memorial of former days which we see in the Britishnbsp;land reminds us how long warfare remained the dailynbsp;business alike of the men in that land and of the strangersnbsp;who had made their way into it at the sword’s point.” ^

The significance of the castle is that it is the mark of a lordship which formerly existed, and which may even atnbsp;the present day remain for legal purposes, as formingnbsp;the root of title to the possession of land or the exercisenbsp;of some seigniorial right.

The detailed history of this gradual conquest has never been written with an adequate comprehension of the factsnbsp;as a whole, though the county histories and many booksnbsp;written concerning Welsh families or particular lordshipsnbsp;preserve the story with substantial accuracy. One generalnbsp;comment we have to make : that we are immensely strucknbsp;with the continuity of the whole history. The evidencenbsp;that the Commission obtained with regard to differentnbsp;estates and much of the information that they collectednbsp;indicate that the settlement of the Norman in a particularnbsp;cantref did not operate so as to cause an absolute break innbsp;local organisation and local life. The lordship or the sublordship oftentimes appears to have become coterminousnbsp;with a cantref or a cymwd, and probably in its actualnbsp;visible working the individual conquest from a legal pointnbsp;of view only led to the Norman conqueror’s exercising anbsp;right and jurisdiction very analogous to that of the Welshnbsp;arglwyÉ in lieu of the dispossessed Cymro, and the holdingnbsp;of the court in the new castle instead of the older timber-built house of the Welsh chieftain, under the officers of thenbsp;former instead of those of the latter.

1 Freeman, quot;William Rufus,” vol. ii., p. 777.

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HISTORY OF WALES, 1066—1282.

Another general observation which our experience enables us to make is that Wales as a whole for a longnbsp;time presented a striking want of constitutional uniformity,nbsp;and the traces of that condition of things still remain.nbsp;The historian whom we have more than once quoted says:nbsp;—“ Wales for a long time after the time with which wenbsp;are now dealing was as far from uniformity as any landnbsp;east of the Adriatic. Here was the castle of the Normannbsp;lord, with his following, Norman, English, Flemish, anything but British. Here was the newly founded town, withnbsp;its free burghers, again Norman, English, Flemish, anythingnbsp;but British. Here again was a whole district from whichnbsp;the British Briton had passed away as thoroughly as he hadnbsp;passed away from Kent or Norfolk, but which the Normannbsp;had not taken into his own hands. He had found that itnbsp;suited his purpose to leave it in the hands of the hardy andnbsp;industrious Fleming, the last wave of Low Dutch occupation in the isle of Britain. And alongside of all there wasnbsp;the still independent Briton, still keeping his moors andnbsp;mountains, still ready to pour down from them upon thenbsp;richer lands which had been his father’s, but which hadnbsp;passed into the stranger’s grasp. Those days have longnbsp;passed away; for three centuries and more Briton andnbsp;Englishman have been willing members of a common state,nbsp;willing subjects of a common sovereign. But the memorynbsp;of those days has not passed away; it abides in the mostnbsp;living of all witnesses. England has for ages spoken anbsp;single tongue, her own ancient speech, modified by thenbsp;coming of the conquerors of 800 years ago ; but in Walesnbsp;the speech of her conquerors, the speech of England, isnbsp;still only making its way slowly and fitfully against thenbsp;abiding resistance of that stubborn British tongue whichnbsp;has survived three conquests.”^

* Freeman, quot;William Rufus,” vol. ii., p. 74. As to the settlement of Flemings in Wales, see above, pp. 27-9.

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vii.)

The next remark that we have to make is that if we want to form a true picture of the actual factsnbsp;taking place from year to year during the times withnbsp;which we are dealing, we must notice the different interpretations placed upon events by those who approachednbsp;their consideration from the Norman or English andnbsp;from the Welsh point of view. We have seen abovenbsp;that before the Norman had placed his foot as conquerornbsp;upon English soil Wales, or, to speak more accurately, thenbsp;cantrefs and cymwds, the areas and the names of whichnbsp;had been handed down from generation to generation, wasnbsp;parcelled out among lords, princes, or kings, exercisingnbsp;customary rights over their own portions. We have seennbsp;that the whole of this region was governed or regulatednbsp;by a tribal system as strong as any statutory laws. Thenbsp;mere fact of a particular cymwd or cantref being violentlynbsp;taken possession of by a Norman or English stranger innbsp;no way, from the Welsh point of view, affected status andnbsp;rights. The pretensions of the heads of the Welsh familiesnbsp;remained precisely the same and were recognised to thenbsp;same extent by their relations and dependants after thenbsp;building of a new castle by an intruder or the loss of anbsp;series of battles, as before. The Welsh arglwyd retreatednbsp;to the higher ground, fortified as well as he could hisnbsp;house, and sometimes imitated with skill the fortress ofnbsp;the stranger. The contest, when once the castle wasnbsp;built and adequately garrisoned, was however a hopelessnbsp;one for the Welshman. The point to be noticed is that,nbsp;though practically defeated and ousted from his cymwd,nbsp;his cantref, or his gwlad, the Welshman still maintainednbsp;his legal theory, and did not recognise the stranger’snbsp;rights. In fact superseded, the Welshman at first stillnbsp;called himself and deemed himself justly the lord of thenbsp;conquered territory, and to such an extent as the occupiersnbsp;of the soil, whether free tribesmen or taeogion, recognised

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HISTORY OF WALES, 1066-1282.

him, he was so in fact. Probably, however, the actual cultivators within the area of the castle’s power were evictednbsp;one after another if they did not become the tenants ofnbsp;the Norman lord or were not slain in the ceaseless pettynbsp;warfare that resulted from the efforts of the Norman lordnbsp;to feed his garrison. It is not difficult, therefore, to understand the position of the Welsh chieftain. Sometimes henbsp;retook the castle and the adjacent lands, and for a briefnbsp;period again enjoyed his accustomed rights. But whatevernbsp;were the vicissitudes of the particular case, the Welshnbsp;chieftains long maintained their old tribal and customarynbsp;rights, and did not, except as the result of generations ofnbsp;conflict, in the course of which many of them forfeited theirnbsp;lives, acquiesce in the counter-theory of the Norman lords.

Turning now to the side of the invader, we find a distinct order of ideas. We need not stop to inquire whether thenbsp;theory which is a first principle of English land tenure isnbsp;founded upon a solid fact when it is represented as springingnbsp;from the recognition of the right of William the Conquerornbsp;to be the paramount lord of all land in the island at thenbsp;assembly in which the chief English vassals and tenantsnbsp;swore fealty to the new monarch. Tradition hands downnbsp;the story that after the great survey had been made thenbsp;Conqueror summoned all the witan and landowners ofnbsp;England to meet him at Salisbury, and that the mennbsp;assembled at this great meeting numbered 60,000, andnbsp;that they one and all, “whose men soever they were, allnbsp;bowed down to him and were his men, and swore to himnbsp;faithful oaths that they would be faithful to him against allnbsp;other men.” ^ Whether this is true or not, it has been thenbsp;undoubted principle of English law ever since, that allnbsp;land is held either of the king or of some one who holdsnbsp;land immediately or mediately from the sovereign.^

gt; Freeman, “ Norman Conquest,” vol. iv., p. 693.

quot; Every acre of English soil and every property right therein have been

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vii.)

Now when the Norman adventurer, acting with more or less cognisance on the part of his Norman sovereign^nbsp;endeavoured to carry the conquest beyond the bounds ofnbsp;the English kingdom, he did so actuated very largely withnbsp;the object of personal gain, but he did so under the influencenbsp;of ideas which found a practical expression in the celebratednbsp;meeting at Salisbury. It is commonly assumed that innbsp;times in which human life was little regarded, and whichnbsp;appear to be times of mere violence, men knew no lawnbsp;except the law of the strongest. No greater blunder cannbsp;be made than that which is involved in such an assumption. One of the remarkable things about the history ofnbsp;Europe at the close of the Dark Ages, and at the commencement of the mediaeval period, is the immense influence ofnbsp;law and custom, and the most rapacious Norman adventurer, whatever his private vices and the turbulence of hisnbsp;disposition, never seems to have acted without endeavouringnbsp;at least to do so under the colour of a legal right andnbsp;a legal title. The theory which the conquerors of Walesnbsp;adopted, the theory according to which the man who,nbsp;following the Welsh view, was an atttud acted was this—thatnbsp;he was carrying out the commands of his sovereign, andnbsp;that his title to any land that he won with his sword wasnbsp;his either by the express or the implied grant of the Normannbsp;king of England.

One other observation before leaving this part of the subject ought to be made. As the settlement of the Normannbsp;lords gradually became more fixed and permanent, thenbsp;hostility between them and such of the Welsh princes ornbsp;lords as retained any cantrefs or cymwds became modifiednbsp;in a sensible and continually increasing degree; and it wasnbsp;not unusual to find Norman lord and Welsh lord combining

brought within the compass of a single formula which may be expressed thus : — Z tenet terram illam de . . . domino rege.” Pollock and Maitland, “Hist,nbsp;of English Law,”i. 210.

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HISTORY OF WALES, 1066—1282.

for military purposes against some other chieftain of either race, while intermarriage between members of the Normannbsp;families and those of the more important and powerfulnbsp;Welsh cenedloed became, in the course of time, not infrequent. Probably, though this approximation betweennbsp;the rulers of the country became very marked by thenbsp;middle of the thirteenth century, it must not be assumednbsp;that, speaking broadly, there was any such rapprochementnbsp;among the lower orders. The small Welsh tenants, thenbsp;servile occupiers of the land, the Welsh bards, and thenbsp;Welsh-speaking clergy, continued to entertain racial prejudices and to advance national claims quite regardless of thenbsp;Interests and intrigues of the princely families.

Such appears to us to have been the general course of events that led to the hnal subjugation of Wales by Edwardnbsp;the First. The Welsh naturally regarded the overthrownbsp;of their enemy Harold as a matter of congratulation ; butnbsp;they soon found that their position w'as not improved bynbsp;the Norman Conquest. Bledyn and Rhiwatlon, who hadnbsp;received the possessions of Gruffyd ab Lewelyn, combinednbsp;with Eadric the Wild, who was in possession of lands innbsp;Herefordshire and Shropshire, and had refused to submitnbsp;to the new king. The allies laid waste the former county,nbsp;though they did not take the town and fortress of Hereford,nbsp;which were in Norman hands.^ Almost immediately,nbsp;however, there was internal war in Wales. Maredud andnbsp;Ithel (or Idwal), sons of Gruffyd ab Lewelyn, assailed thenbsp;chieftains whom Harold had invested. The forces of thenbsp;rival families met at Mechain. Ithel was killed in thenbsp;battle ; Maredud fled and died of cold; RhiwaBon, too,nbsp;fell. Bledyn held his own, and reigned alone over Powys,nbsp;and probably over the greater part of Gwyned; but wenbsp;find that one Maredud ab Owain ab Edwyn now heldnbsp;Deheubarth—a fact which indicates that there had beennbsp;' Freeman, N. C., iv. no, m. “Flor. Wig.” and “Chron. Wig.” 1067.

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vii.)

some partition of the great possessions of Gruffyd ab Lewelyn.^ It is clear that the friendly feelings betweennbsp;the Welsh and the Mercians shown by the durable alliancenbsp;between them in the great days of Gruifyd still existed,nbsp;and Bledyn joined in the abortive revolt of Eadwyne andnbsp;Morkere.^

After the submission of these earls to William we hear of no further efforts of Bledyn against the king, butnbsp;during the next few years Normans, on one pretext ornbsp;another, are found raiding in the south. In 1070 thenbsp;Maredud ab Owain who had assumed, as we have seen,nbsp;the chieftaincy of Deheubarth, was attacked by Caradognbsp;ab Gruffyd ab Rhyderch.® The latter, with the aid of thenbsp;French (so the Normans are called in the “ Brut ”), defeatednbsp;and slew the former in a fight on the banks of the Rymney,nbsp;and probably obtained a hold on some part of the southeastern district. In the next year we find the Normansnbsp;ravaging Dyfed and Keredigion, and in 1072 they devastatednbsp;the latter principality a second time. Probably these raidsnbsp;were made in conjunction with the Caradog ab Owain whonbsp;had claims to Deheubarth, and who fought a battle in 1073nbsp;with Rhys ab Owain, who, as we gather, was his brother.nbsp;The state of things in that kingdom (if we may still usenbsp;the word), as well as in Dyfed and Morganwg, is verynbsp;obscure, but there can be no doubt that the continualnbsp;feuds in which the princely families of the south continued to indulge were among the main causes of thenbsp;rapid conquest of that part of Cymru a few years later.nbsp;In the significant fact that this Caradog ab Owain (followingnbsp;a generally fatal precedent) sought the help of strangers—

' “Brut,”j.a. 1068. “Ann. Camb.” 1068.

2 Old. Vit. 511B.

® “ Brut,” s.a. 1070. This Caradog was apparently the son of the Gruffyd ab Rhyderch slain by Gruffyd ab lewelyn (above, p. 168). If so, he wasnbsp;the man who destroyed Harold’s hunting-seat at Forth Iscoed (Yscewin,nbsp;Portskewet).

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HISTORY OF WALES, 1066—1282.

“ Freine,” in the “ Brut ”—in an internal dispute,^ we may see a further explanation of the ease with which the newcomers established themselves at many important pointsnbsp;in South Wales before the end of the eleventh century.

Rhys ab Owain, with one Rhyderch ab Caradog, notwithstanding the efforts of Caradog ab Owain, maintained themselves in Deheubarth. From the time of the submission of Eadwyn and Morkere, Bledyn had remained innbsp;effective possession of Powys, and probably of a considerablenbsp;part of Gwyned, and he is regarded by the chronicler asnbsp;the man who after Gruffyd his brother “ nobly supportednbsp;the whole kingdom of the Britons,” “the gentlest andnbsp;most merciful of kings,” “ a defence to every one.” ^ Butnbsp;his reign was not long, for in 1073 he was killed, undernbsp;circumstances of which no information is given in detail,nbsp;by Rhys ab Owain, “ through the deceit of evil-mindednbsp;chieftains and of the noblemen of Ystrad Tywi.”® Henbsp;was succeeded in Gwyned by a cousin, Trahaiarn abnbsp;Caradog.* We may presume, from what we know of thenbsp;subsequent history of Powys, that the cenedl of Bledynnbsp;remained in possession there.

The death of Bledyn strengthened the position of Rhys ab Owain in Deheubarth. Acting jointly withnbsp;Rhyderch ab Caradog, he put down in the same yearnbsp;a rising led by Goronwy and Lewelyn ab Cadwgan,® andnbsp;was able, after the murder of Rhyderch in 1074, to defeatnbsp;them again in 1075. But in the next year Trahaiarn

' “Brut,quot; s.a. 1070.

^ “ Brut,” s.a, 1073 and 1076.

’ “ Brut,” s.a. 1076. We have heard of similar conduct on the part of the “uchelwyr of Ystrad Tywi ” before (above, pp. 161, 168).

¦' Bledyn left sons, among whom Cadwgan, lorwerth, and Maredud came to the front. There is no explanation of the succession of Trahaiarn, except thatnbsp;he was chosen from among “near relations,” unless it was simply a case ofnbsp;coming in “ by the strong hand ” ; see p. 203, n. 3, above. Nothing is said in thenbsp;“Brut ” as to Trahaiarn’s relation to Powys.

® The battle took place at “ Kamdwr.” “Brut,” s.a. 1073.

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vii.)

(who was then for the moment firmly in possession of the north) attacked Rhys ab Owain, and by decisively defeating him at the battle of Pwtt Gwdyc avenged the bloodnbsp;of Bledyn. There all the family of Rhys fell; he himselfnbsp;fled “ like a timid stag before the hounds through thenbsp;thickets and rocks,” only, however, to die before the end ofnbsp;the year by the hand of Gruffyd ab Caradog. Upon thenbsp;overthrow of this Rhys, his kinsman Rhys ab Tewdwr, anbsp;lineal descendant of Rhodri Mawr, succeeded to Deheubarthnbsp;without any opposition of which evidence is handed down,nbsp;and for about fourteen years was the leading chieftain innbsp;the south, though as events turned out he was the last mannbsp;who can really be regarded as king or prince of the ancientnbsp;kingdom of Deheubarth.

Gwyned, though Trahaiarn’s sway was at this time seemingly acquiesced in, had not been wholly free from internal trouble. Cynan, the son of lago and grandson of Idwal,nbsp;who came of the direct line of Rhodri, years before hadnbsp;taken refuge in Ireland. He married Raguell (daughter ofnbsp;Auleod, an Irish king), who became the mother of Gruffyd,nbsp;born about 1055. On the death of Bledyn, with the aidnbsp;of his Irish kinsmen, Gruffyd ab Cynan made a descentnbsp;on Món, and effected some kind of settlement in thenbsp;island. This, according to the “ Brut,” was in the yearnbsp;1073, and he immediately crossed over to the mainland,nbsp;attacking Trahaiarn at Bron yr Erw, in the can tref ofnbsp;Dunodig. Gruffyd retreated to M6n, where he and hisnbsp;followers for a time remained. At this time, as wenbsp;have seen, Rhys ab Tewdwr was ruling in Deheubarth.nbsp;He allied himself to the cause of Gruffyd (who had innbsp;the meantime received reinforcements from Ireland); thenbsp;allies attacked Trahaiarn, and ultimately a battle wasnbsp;fought at Mynyd Cam between the two princes and thenbsp;king of Gwyned, in which the latter was defeated and slain.*

¦ “ Brut,” s.a. 1079. Fo* tFe life of Gruffytt ab Cynan see “ Diet. Nat.

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HISTORY OF WALES, 1066—1282.

Thus once more vve find two princes lineally descended from Rhodri Mawr ruling respectively over Gwyned andnbsp;Deheubarth. Gruffyd was more fortunate than Rhys, andnbsp;though the earlier years of his reign were far from beingnbsp;prosperous, by prudent conduct he succeeded in maintaining his rule and died peacefully, as we shall see, in whatnbsp;was for those troublous times extreme old age.

William the Conqueror in 1080 or 1081 made an expedition into Wales, by which, according to some, he subdued the country.! He and his army penetrated as far as Saintnbsp;Davids, but since we find Rhys ab Tewdwr still reigningnbsp;afterwards, the campaign can have had no great practicalnbsp;result, though it marks a stage in the conquest of Southnbsp;Wales, especially as with it seems to have been closelynbsp;associated the foundation of a castle at Cardiff.^ Thenbsp;Welsh chronicles represent that William, king of the French,nbsp;Saxons, and Britons, came for prayer on a pilgrimage tonbsp;Menevia; but it is clear from other sources and from subsequent events that his journey through the south was madenbsp;with political intent and had political consequences.®

During the next few years no events of importance happened in Wales itself, but in 1087 William thenbsp;Conqueror died, and we may stop for a moment to seenbsp;how far his rule of twenty-one years had in fact alterednbsp;the relations of England and Cymru. We will state whatnbsp;we can gather from trustworthy sources quite simply.nbsp;William founded two palatine earldoms that directly

Eiog.” s.n. As to the situation of Mynytl Cam, see “Y Cymmrodor,” xi., p. 167. It must not be confounded with Camo in Montgomeryshire or thenbsp;Carno near Crickhowell. The best opinion locates it in South Cardiganshire.

' Chron. Petr., io8i. R. Wendover, ii. 20. Freeman, N. C.,iv. 675-7, and his valuable notes.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“ Brut,” s.a. 1080.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“Brut,”j.a. 1079 (this date is wrong) says : “Y deuth Gwilim vastardnbsp;vrenhin y Saeson ar Freinc ar Brytanyeit wrth wediaw drwy berenindawt ynbsp;Vynyw.” “ Ann. Camb.” (1079) simply record : “ William Rex Anglire causanbsp;orationis Sanctum David adiit.”

W.P. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;T

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vii.)

concerned Wales—those of Chester and Shrewsbury^—and quickly made Worcester, Hereford, and Gloucester important military stations for operations in the west. Williamnbsp;entered Chester (restored as we have seen by Saxonnbsp;rulers) in 1070, and founded a new castle, the custody ofnbsp;which he entrusted to his stepson Gerbod.®

Shrewsbury (the Welsh Amwythig) had long been in English possession, but we do not know when first it wasnbsp;seized by the Normans. It must, however have been innbsp;their power before 1069, for in that year it was besiegednbsp;and burnt by Eadric with the assistance of men from manynbsp;quarters, noticeably from the regions of Chester, Gwyned,nbsp;and Powys.®

The date of the conquest of Worcester is not known, but Urse of Abetot held the city and shire for the king asnbsp;early as 1068 or 1069.1

A Norman colony had been planted in the region of Hereford in the time of Eadward the Confessor. It is notnbsp;clear when the castle was built, but Osbern the sheriffnbsp;defended the city and the adjoining lands against thenbsp;attacks of Eadric the Wild immediately after the Conquest,nbsp;and in 1070 William Fitz-Osbern was appointed Earl ofnbsp;Herefordshire.®

The year of the conquest of Gloucestershire is uncertain, but it was probably occupied by the Normans and thenbsp;building of a castle commenced in 1068 or the followingnbsp;year. It did not become an earldom at once, but later onnbsp;Henry I. conferred the county on his son Robert.®

At the time then of William’s death the Welsh were


Counties palatine differed from other counties in that the earls thereof had certain royal privileges and prerogatives.

^ Freeman, N. C., iv. 309-316.

/èid. iv. 272-278.

/tiJ. iv. 173-4.

^ Hid. iv. 64.

® Ibid. iv. 173. Wm. R., ii. p. 89.

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HISTORY OF WALES, 1066—1282.

hemmed in and checked by the forces of the counties palatine of Chester and Shrewsbury, by the Earls ofnbsp;Worcester and Hereford, and by the Normans forming thenbsp;garrison of Gloucester. The English frontier had, beforenbsp;the Conquest, been considerably advanced. At Rhudlan,nbsp;which, it will be recollected, had been one of the seats ofnbsp;Gruffyd ab Lewelyn and burnt by Harold, a castle hadnbsp;been built from which Robert of Rhudlan (under the Earlnbsp;of Chester) waged continuous warfare with the Welsh.^nbsp;Similarly a fortress had been erected on a height whichnbsp;came to be called Montgomery among the English, afternbsp;the name of Earl Roger of that place, and Tre Faldwinnbsp;among the Welsh.^ Some part of what is now Radnorshire had passed into Harold’s possession, and was stillnbsp;English or Norman land. The king held the castle ofnbsp;Monmouth. Cardiff Castle was either completed or innbsp;course of erection, and the better opinion is that the landsnbsp;between the Wye and the Usk had for some time been innbsp;English hands.®

It is evident that during the greater part of William’s reign Wales was in a state of extreme disorder. Therenbsp;was continual internal and border warfare. The fightsnbsp;(they can hardly be called wars) between the princelynbsp;kindreds were incessant, and were repeated on a stillnbsp;smaller scale between the uchelwyr occupying adjacentnbsp;lands. Quarrels were continually taking place on thenbsp;border between the Welsh and the Norman earls, and thenbsp;latter were of course quite ready to make temporarynbsp;alliances with those of the Cymric chieftains who soughtnbsp;their assistance.

' Freeman, N. C., iv. 489-90. quot;Ord. Vit.,” 670. “Domesday,” 269.

^ Ibid. hi. 501. “Ann. Camb.” 1072: “ De Muntgumeri Hugo vastavit Keredigium.” The land around the site of the castle seems to have beennbsp;held by Englishmen as a hunting-ground in Eadward the Confessor’s time.nbsp;“ Domesday,” 254.

® Freeman, N. C., ii. 708, et seq.

T 2

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vii.)

Such was the position of things when William Rufus succeeded his father. The following year (io88) wasnbsp;marked by a rebellion in which the Norman conquerorsnbsp;took different sides, and the Cymric chieftains to somenbsp;extent profited by the opportunity thus afforded.^ Earlnbsp;Hugh of Chester and Robert of Rhudlan were in oppositenbsp;camps, and while Robert was assisting at the siege ofnbsp;Rochester, Gruffyd ab Cynan seized the occasion to invadenbsp;his territory. The Welsh king, with Irish allies, advancednbsp;as far as Rhudlan itself, and slew many men and carriednbsp;off many cqptives. Robert soon returned, however, andnbsp;we hear of his being at Deganwy, an old British stronghold at the mouth of the river Conway, traditionallynbsp;supposed to have been the seat of Maelgwn. It now seemsnbsp;to have been an advance post of the Earl of Chester, andnbsp;a castle of some kind had been already erected by Robert.nbsp;While the Norman chief was at this fortress Gruffyd withnbsp;three ships entered the Conway, and, daring even in thenbsp;very presence of Robert to raid the adjacent territory,nbsp;carried off prisoners and cattle to his vessels. Robert innbsp;anger, and taken by surprise, bade his men, who werenbsp;evidently few in number, to follow him; he himself,nbsp;attended by only one knight, rushed to the shore of thenbsp;river. He was immediately surrounded by the enemy andnbsp;borne down by darts and arrows. His head was smittennbsp;off and placed as a trophy on the mast of one of the ships ;nbsp;but Gruffyd ordered it to be taken down and thrown intonbsp;the sea, and then escaped with his booty.^

About the time when this considerable success was being obtained by Gruffyd trouble was taking place in thenbsp;south. Three sons of Bledyn (Madog, Cadwgan, andnbsp;Rhirid), who, as we gather, were among the joint rulers of

' For an account of this rebellion see Freeman, Wm. R., i, 22, et seq.

^ The story comes from “Ord. Vit.,” and is fully told by Freeman. See Wm. R., i. 124-7.

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HISTORY OF WALES, 1066—1282.

Powys, expelled Rhys ab Tewdwr from Deheubarth. Rhys escaped to Ireland, and immediately collecting “a fleet ofnbsp;the Gwydyl,” returned and landed. He gave battle to thenbsp;sons of Bledyn at a place called Lych Crei. Madog andnbsp;Rhirid were killed, but Cadwgan survived to take annbsp;important part in Welsh affairs for many years. Rhysnbsp;was evidently a wealthy chieftain, for the gifts he gave tonbsp;his Irish mercenaries were so large as to attract specialnbsp;attention. His victory, as far as the cenedl of Bledyn wasnbsp;concerned, was decisive, but he was assailed by others, andnbsp;his failure to keep peace in the south, though he maintained a predominant position for some time, was one ofnbsp;the causes which made the conquest of South Wales easynbsp;and rapid.i

Soon after the overthow of the sons of Bledyn a forward movement on a large scale was made by the Normans innbsp;central and south Wales which speedily resulted in thenbsp;occupation of very large areas by Norman adventurers, andnbsp;in the disappearance as real entities of Deheubarth and thenbsp;kingdoms or principalities of south-eastern Wales. Fornbsp;the sake of clearness we must separate the conquests ofnbsp;Morgannwg, Brecheiniog, and Dyfed, though they seem tonbsp;have been very nearly simultaneous, and it is likely that thenbsp;movements which resulted in these events were more ornbsp;less concerted. Whether this is so or not, Rhys ab Tewdwrnbsp;was killed by the Normans in 1093nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;engagement at a

place not particularly stated in the Chronicles somewhere near the borders of the present Brecknockshire.^

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;For these events, see “Brut,” j.a:. 1087 (really 1088). As to Rhys’giftsnbsp;the entry is: “ Ac y rodes Rhys ab Tewdwr diruawr swlit yr Hygheswyrnbsp;yscotteit ar Gwydyl a deuthant yn borth idaw,” According to the “Brut”nbsp;(j.fl. 1089), I^ewelyn ab Cedivor, who, as we think, was of the line of Dyfed,nbsp;with the Grufifyd ab Maredutt of whom we have already heard, fought withnbsp;Rhys ab Tewdwr near Landydoch. Lewelyn was slain ; “Brut,”r.a. 1089.nbsp;The true date of Rhys’ victory is probably 1091. Freeman suggests thatnbsp;Cedivor was a vassal prince of Dyfed under Rhys. Wm. R., ii. 78.

• nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“Brut,”r,«. 1091, “Ann. Cam.” 1093.

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vii.)

Morgannwg in earlier times seems to have been the name of a very large district, but the Morgannwg of the tenth andnbsp;eleventh centuries was much smaller. It roughly corresponded to the present county without Gower on the west,nbsp;but with the present shire of Monmouth up to the Usknbsp;included. The northern boundary cannot be determined.nbsp;We have seen that a king called Morgan Hen had ruled innbsp;this part of the country in the tenth century, and had hadnbsp;a dispute with Howel Da which was decided by an Englishnbsp;king in favour of the former. Perhaps it was from hisnbsp;time that the place - name Gwlad Morgan (land ofnbsp;Morgan), which survives in Glamorgan, came into vogue.nbsp;There was, however, a clear distinction between Morgannwgnbsp;and Glamorgan, and long after it was reflected in the stylenbsp;assumed by the chief lords of the south-east of Wales—ofnbsp;lords of “ Morgania et Glamorgania.” No authentic recordnbsp;preserves for us the line of Morgan Hen, but at the time atnbsp;which we have now arrived one lestyn ab Gwrgan emergesnbsp;as a ruler of Morgannwg, and perhaps of Gwent—no doubtnbsp;the smaller Morgannwg and a sadly-curtailed Gwent. It wasnbsp;while he was reigning, if we may use the term, that thenbsp;greater part of the tract of territory between the Usk andnbsp;the Neath passed into Norman hands. As to the way innbsp;which this came about we have no information from reallynbsp;trustworthy sources ; but there is no doubt that by the endnbsp;of 1093 it had happened, and that Robert Fitz-Hamon,nbsp;a trusted companion of the Conqueror, was the man whonbsp;brought it about. Neither in the “ Brut ” nor in thenbsp;“ Annales Cambrim ” is there any reference to the conquestnbsp;of Glamorgan ; but in the so-called Gwentian “ Brut ” andnbsp;in Caradog’s Histoiy the story of the conquest is givennbsp;with some pomp and circumstance.

We must tell Caradog’s story in an abridged form. According to him, Lewelyn and Eineon, sons of Cedivornbsp;of Dyfed, were defeated by Rhys ab Tewdwr at Landy-

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HISTORY OF WALES, 1066—1282.

doch. Eineon fled to lestyn, lord of Morgannwg, who also was at feud with Rhys. lestyn promised his daughternbsp;in marriage to Eineon, who had served in Englandnbsp;before, and undertook to bring an army of Normansnbsp;to assist lestyn in his quarrel with Rhys. Eineonnbsp;thereupon prevailed upon Robert Fitz-Hamon and twelvenbsp;knights to come into Morgannwg. A great army ofnbsp;Normans was gathered together, and shortly afterwardsnbsp;landed in Glamorgan. Joining forces with lestyn, Robertnbsp;burnt and spoilt the land of Rhys and his people. Rhysnbsp;gathered his power and met the allies not far from Brecon.nbsp;There was a terrible battle ; Rhys was slain, and with himnbsp;“decaied the kingdom of South Wales.” The Normans,nbsp;after receiving “ their promised salarie and great rewards ”nbsp;from lestyn, returned to their ships. Eineon then demandednbsp;lestyn’s daughter, but was “ laughed to scorne,” and toldnbsp;that the daughter would be bestowed otherwise. Full ofnbsp;anger, Eineon followed the Normans and found them all'nbsp;a-shipboard. Going to the chiefest of them, he showed hisnbsp;grievance, and how easy it would be for them to conquernbsp;the land. Easily persuaded, they returned, despoilednbsp;lestyn of his country, took “ the fertile and valley ” land tonbsp;themselves, and awarded to Eineon the “ barren and roughnbsp;mountain.” The knights that accompanied Robert were ;nbsp;Londres or London (“ as the Brytish booke nameth him ”),nbsp;Stradlyng, St. John, Turberville, Grenuile, Humffreuile,nbsp;S. Quintine, Soore, Sully, Berkeroll, Syward, and Fleming.nbsp;Caradog adds “ that these men and their heires havenbsp;enjoyed that countrie to this daie, who were the firstnbsp;strangers that ever inhabited Wales since the time ofnbsp;Camber.”^

Another version of the story is interpolated by Dr. Bowel in the 1584 edition of Caradog’s History. It is headednbsp;“Of the winning of the Lordship of Glamorgan or

1 “ Caradog quot; (1584 ed.), 119-122.

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vii.)

Morgannwc.” Powell gives the tract from a manuscript delivered to him by Mistress Blanch Parry (“ one of thenbsp;gentlewomen of the Quaenes Majesties Privie Chamber, anbsp;singular well-wisher and furtherer of the weale public ofnbsp;that countrie”), and which had been “set in writing bynbsp;some skilful and studious gentleman of that countrie.” ^nbsp;The account in this tract does not materially differ fromnbsp;that in the main text, though a more definitely chivalrousnbsp;complexion is given to the transaction.

It is evident that this story cannot be accepted with all its detail, but there is no reason for rejecting it altogether.^nbsp;Robert Fitz-Hamon undoubtedly conquered Glamorgan.®nbsp;lestyn ab Gwrgan was lord of the whole or part ofnbsp;Morgannwg.^ Some of the knights mentioned did settle innbsp;the county. We may take it as certain that Morgannwgnbsp;was occupied about 1091 to 1093, though the exact date (nonbsp;chronicle gives us information on the point) cannot benbsp;fixed. It is likely enough that the event was connectednbsp;with the overthrow of Rhys ab Tewdwr in 1093, but thenbsp;“ Brut ” ascribes his death to the “ French who inhabitednbsp;Brecheiniog.” ® This looks as if when Rhys’ last battle wasnbsp;fought the conquest of Brecheiniog had taken place or wasnbsp;proceeding, and as if he were trying to oust the Normans,nbsp;and not engaging in civil war with lestyn, but there can benbsp;no certainty on the matter. It is not, however, probable

' “Caradog,” 124, et seq.

^ This is Freeman’s view. Wm. R., ii. 8l.

3 He was on the side of William Rufus in the rebellion. He had great possessions in Gloucestershire and Somersetshire. His daughter Mabelnbsp;became wife of Robert, Earl of Gloucester, son of Henry I. “ Diet. Nat.nbsp;Biog.,” sal/ nom., and Freeman, Wm. R., ii., 83.

¦* See Giraldus, “ Itin. Camb.,” i. 7 = “ Quatuor Caradoci filii lestini filius, et Resi principis ex sorore nepotibus, his in finibus herili portione, sicut Gualen-sibus mos est, pro patre dominantibus, Morgano videlicet, et Mereducio,nbsp;Oeneo, Cadwallano.” The children of lestyn held Aberafan (Aberavon) afternbsp;the Conquest. Freeman, Wm. R., ii. 87.

'¦ “Brut,” s.a. 1091, probably in truth 1093.

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that the conquest of Morgannwg was so sudden an affair as the story represents. The building of Cardiff Castle, if wenbsp;may trust the “ Brut,” had begun some ten years before,nbsp;and the conquest by the Normans was gradual, though nonbsp;doubt in the Vale their settlement went on rapidly. It isnbsp;to be noticed that the number of castles, and therefore ofnbsp;lordships, manors, or sub-manors, in Glamorganshire isnbsp;proportionally very large, and as the evidence the Landnbsp;Commission received shows the district was strictlynbsp;organised on feudal principles, and suggests some formernbsp;intentional and definite apportionment, it indirectly tendsnbsp;to support the substantial accuracy of the story of thenbsp;conquest of Glamorgan.^

Brecheiniog also speedily passed into Norman hands. It was probably in the early years of Rufus’ reign that Bernardnbsp;de Neufmarché or Newmarch seized a central position innbsp;that region and built a castle at Aberhondu. He marriednbsp;(we know not the date) Nest, who was the daughter ofnbsp;Gruffyd ab Lewelyn by Ealdgyth, and therefore the stepdaughter of King Harold. It was probably in fightingnbsp;against him that Rhys ab Tewdwr was slain.^ The defeatnbsp;of the Welsh king took place early in the year. Cadwgannbsp;ab Bledyn, the same who had survived the defeat at Lych

-E-g., the Duke of Beaufort is lord of the seigniory of Gower. In this area (182 square miles) there are a number of mesne manors, and besides thesenbsp;fees or sub-manors, the lords of which hold of the lords of the mesne manors.nbsp;The Duke holds of himself, as lord of Gower, the mesne manors of Swansea,nbsp;Oystermouth, Loughor, Kilvey, Gower Wallicana, Gower Anglicana; whilenbsp;he holds the fee of TrewySfa of the lord of the mesne manor of Pennard heldnbsp;of the Duke himself. See Mr. Glynn Price’s evidence, qq. 6425, et seq. ;nbsp;6626—6630. The contrast between this state of things and that which existsnbsp;in Gwynett, where there are comparatively few manors (except, of course, thenbsp;Crown lordships formed by treating the cymwds on the conquest as equivalentnbsp;to lordships), is very marked.

2 Bernard first married a daughter of Osbem of Hereford, settled there, and established a stronghold at Aberhondu (Brecon). The dates of his birthnbsp;and death are not known. “Diet. Nat. Blog.,” rrr^ nom.‘, and Giraldus,nbsp;“ Itin. Camb.” i. 2.

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Crei, and who now begins to play a considerable part in the affairs of Wales, immediately despoiled Dyfed, and twonbsp;months afterwards we find the Normans invaded both Dyfednbsp;and Keredigion, which, says the chronicler, “they have stillnbsp;retained.” ^ They fortified the castles, and seized “ all thenbsp;lands of the Britons.” This conquest was effected by Arnulfnbsp;of Montgomery, and he immediately caused some kind ofnbsp;castle to be erected at Pembro (later Pembroke), andnbsp;confided the defence of it to Gerald of Windsor.® It isnbsp;to be noted, however, that at this time (1093-4) Gower,nbsp;Kidweli, and most of the territory between the Neath andnbsp;the Towi had not yet been occupied by the invaders.

The events in the north during the time the conquests we have described were taking place cannot be surely ornbsp;clearly stated. The death of Robert of Rhudlan had onlynbsp;a momentary effect, and Rhudlan and Deganwy continuednbsp;to be firmly held by Hugh of Chester or his subordinatenbsp;officers, and he probably controlled the whole of the coastline to the Menai Straits. Earl Roger of Shrewsbury hadnbsp;not been idle, and was strengthening his hold on Powys,nbsp;and by the king’s command a castle had been raised atnbsp;Rhyd y Gors.®

* Khys’ son Grufifyd possessed only “ one cymwd, namely, the fourth part of the cantref of Caeoc, in the cantref Mawr, which in title and dignity wasnbsp;esteemed by the Welsh equal to the southern part of Wales called Deheubarth,nbsp;that is, the right-hand side of Wales.” Giraldus, “Itin. Camb.” i. 2. Caeoc isnbsp;a mistake for Caeo, which was a cymwd in cantref Bychan, not cantref Mawr.nbsp;Giraldus remarks that though Gruffyd’s “inheritance was diminished, hisnbsp;ambition and dignity remained.” It is in this connection he tells thenbsp;well-known story of the Welsh prince’s proclamation by the birds of the lakenbsp;of Brecheiniog.

® The words of the “Brut ” seem to indicate that some castles already existed—they are : “Ac y gadarnhayssant y kestyB.” In modern Welshnbsp;cadharnhau means “to strengthen,” and is used as equivalent to “castle.”nbsp;“Ann. Camb.”say “circiter kalendas Julii Franci primitus Demetiam et Keredigion tenuerunt, et abinde totam terram Britonum occupaverunt. ” Pembrokenbsp;is mentioned in the “Brut,” s.a. 1092, as holding out against Cadwgan abnbsp;Bledyn.

^ “ Brut,” s.a. 1092 (probably in truth later).

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In Gwyned we may presume that Gruffyd ab Cynan was still the recognised ruler, but we have no mention of him innbsp;the “Brut ” after 1073 till the year 1096, and in the stirringnbsp;events of the next two years it is Cadwgan ab Bledynnbsp;who comes to the front as the chief leader of the Cymricnbsp;nationd

The year 1094 is celebrated in Welsh annals fora general attempt to shake off the Norman yoke. Cadwgan, it maynbsp;be fairly conjectured, effected some temporary combinationnbsp;among the Welsh chieftains.1 There certainly was anbsp;widespread rising. The Welsh, unable to bear the crueltynbsp;of the Normans, began the movement under the leadershipnbsp;of Cadwgan by an attack on the newly-made castles innbsp;Gwyned and Món, which resulted in their destruction ornbsp;capture.® The “ French ” made a fresh expedition intonbsp;Gwyned, but were defeated, according to the “ Brut,” in thenbsp;wood of Yspwys. Cadwgan and his allies, taking thenbsp;offensive, ravaged Chester, Shropshire, and even Herefordshire ; they burnt towns, slew many men, and carried offnbsp;much booty.^ Having as they deemed freed Gwyned,nbsp;the Welsh chieftains marched south into Keredigion andnbsp;Dyfed. They demolished all the fortresses except two.nbsp;Pembroke held out under Gerald of Windsor, and Williamnbsp;son of Baldwin succeeded in retaining Rhyd y Gors.®nbsp;Cadwgan, it is said in the “ Brut,” “ the people and all the


nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;He is mentioned in the epitaph of Robert of Rhudlan that is given innbsp;“ Ord. Vit. Hist. Eccles. ” : “ cepit Grithfridum regem.” Gruffytf was atnbsp;large in 1087, for he led in that year a raid against Robert (see above, p. 276),nbsp;in which the latter was killed. Gruffyd’s captivity must therefore have endednbsp;before that event.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;See “ Eng. Chron.,” s.a. 1097 : “They (the Welsh) chose them manynbsp;elders of themselves ; one was Cadwgan hight that of them worthiest was :nbsp;he was brother’s son of Grufytf the king.” (“ Chron. Petrib.”)

3 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“Brut,”r.a. 1092. See “Flor. Wig.,” 1094; “ fregerunt et castellumnbsp;in Meoania insula.”

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“Flor. Wig.,” 1094.

‘ “Brut,”f.a. 1092.

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cattle of Dyfed brought away, leaving Dyfed and Keredigion a desert.”^ This statement must be taken with somenbsp;qualification, but we may believe that there'was a considerable migration of the scanty population of those districts tonbsp;the safer and more mountainous regions of the northernnbsp;and central parts of the country; but in after times Northnbsp;Pembrokeshire and Cardiganshire are found to be, and stillnbsp;remain, Welsh-speaking areas. For the moment the worknbsp;of the Norman adventurers seemed to be undone ; but innbsp;the very next year (1095), while the Cymry of the northnbsp;were still in possession of the lands they had reconquered,nbsp;the Normans of Morgannwg made a fresh advance to the westnbsp;and overran Gower, Kid well, and Ystrad Towi, into whichnbsp;they had not, except perhaps sporadically, up to that timenbsp;penetrated. William of London settled at Kidweli, andnbsp;commenced building a strong castle.^ Within the nextnbsp;few years castles also arose at Abertawe (Swansea),nbsp;AberHwchwr (Loughor), Oystermouth, Penrice, and Lan-rhidian in Gower.

In the same year (1095) the Cymry of Powys, with probably the men of Gwyned, were fighting in the valley ofnbsp;the Severn, and suddenly achieved a success which, however,nbsp;led to their undoing. They took the important castle of Trenbsp;Faldwin, and killed its garrison.^ Matters now becamenbsp;sufficiently serious to demand the personal attention ofnbsp;William Rufus himself. Much disturbed, he called out thenbsp;fyrd of his English kingdom, and made an expedition intonbsp;Wales.^ Crossing the border soon after Michaelmas, andnbsp;dividing his force into parties, he is said to have marchednbsp;through Wales. The Cymry, following their usual tactics,

* “ Brut,” 1092; “Ann. Cambr.,” s.a. 1095: “Demetia et Caretica et Stratewi deserta manent. ”

® So says the Gwentian “ Brut,” s.a. 1094.

® By this time Hugh son of Roger had succeeded his father in the earldom of Shrewsbury.

¦* “Chron. Petrib.,” 1095.

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avoided a pitched battle ; they took to the “ moors and dales ” and “ the fastnesses in the woods and glens.” ^ Ultimatelynbsp;the Norman parties reunited somewhere near Snowdon,nbsp;and, finding winter approaching, William ordered a retreat,nbsp;and he and his army returned home “ empty without havingnbsp;gained anything.”® In the next year, 1096, probablynbsp;encouraged by the ill-success of William’s expedition, thenbsp;Cymry of Brecheiniog, Gwent, and Gwentlwg “ resisted thenbsp;domination” and “threw off the yoke of the French.”®nbsp;The tide of Welsh success rose yet higher. Some time in thenbsp;same year William son of Baldwin, the founder of the castlenbsp;of Rhyd y Gors, died. Till now, under his personal directionnbsp;or that of his officers, this castle had held out against all thenbsp;efforts of the Welsh; but no sooner had he died than itsnbsp;garrison deserted, leaving the fortress empty and open tonbsp;the enemy. Following up this fresh success, Uchtrud abnbsp;Edwin and Howel ab Goronwy, with many chieftains of thenbsp;cenedl of Cadwgan, marched again against Pembroke.nbsp;They failed to take the castle, but they despoiled its territorynbsp;of its cattle, ravaged the whole country, and with immensenbsp;booty returned home.^

At the same time there was fighting in the lands between the Usk and the Wye, and between the Usk and thenbsp;Rymney, though how far there was any concert betweennbsp;the chieftains of the south-east and of the north we cannotnbsp;say. The result was evidently for the moment favourablenbsp;to the Welsh, and made the positions of the Normans innbsp;those parts dangerous. For we read that the Frenchnbsp;(operating we know not from where) sent an army intonbsp;Gwent, but, like the forces of William, empty and without

‘vacuus ad sua rediit.’

' “Brut,” s.a. 1093. “Ann. Cambr.,” 1095.

= “Brut,”j.rt. 1093. “Ann. Camb.,” r.a. 1095: a “Brut,” J.a. 1094. “Ann. Camb.,”r.a. 1096.

¦* Ibid. Giraldus (“ Itin. Cambr.,” i. 12) gives some stories about this siege. His dates are wrong. See Freeman, Wm. R., ii. 109, note.

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having gained anything they were obliged to retreat. Less fortunate than the forces of the king, on the return marchnbsp;they were cut off and defeated at Kelli Carnant. Soonnbsp;after a larger force, raised with a view of crushing the wholenbsp;of the country, sustained a like fate, being defeated atnbsp;Aberllech by the sons of Idnerth ab Cadwgan.^ So farnbsp;the success of the Cymry in the rebellion had beennbsp;singularly great; but early in 1097 Gerald of Windsornbsp;took the offensive, and ravaged the land of Dyfed up tonbsp;the boundaries of the church of St. David. Once morenbsp;William Rufus determined to go to the aid of his vassalsnbsp;in the west. Gathering an army, soon after Easter henbsp;entered Wales ; led by native guides, he penetrated far intonbsp;the country, but with no practical result, though some of thenbsp;Cymric lords made formal submission. He returned tonbsp;England for the Whitsuntide festival, but before Midsummernbsp;he again set forth with an army of cavalry and foot soldiers,nbsp;and for the third time entered and proceeded far intonbsp;Wales. He remained there for several weeks. To thenbsp;Welsh chiefs this new host seemed invincible; followingnbsp;their usual practice, they avoided any engagement. Greatnbsp;though was the number of the Norman host, they were notnbsp;able, or else did not dare, to seek out their enemies in thenbsp;mountains and forests to which they prudently retreated,nbsp;and, to use the words of the Welsh chronicler, they onlynbsp;“ skulked about the level plains.” According to the “ Brut,”nbsp;the Welshmen, evidently conscious of their weakness innbsp;numbers, not confiding in themselves, “ placed their hope innbsp;God, the Creator of all things, by fasting and praying andnbsp;giving alms and undergoing severe bodily penance.” Thoughnbsp;we know that the Cymry were religious enough upon occasion^nbsp;yet, reading between the lines of the English and Welshnbsp;sources of information, it is not unreasonable to infer fromnbsp;all this that the clergy were in league with Cadwgan andnbsp;* “ Brut,’’i.a. 1094.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“ Ann. Camb.,” j.n. 1096.

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were properly rewarded, and probably also that the “native guides” led the invincible host along the ways which thenbsp;Cymric leaders desired them to go. Anyhow, William’snbsp;third campaign ended like the others : he lost much innbsp;men and horses, and “eke in other things,” and returned somenbsp;time in August. William’s three campaigns were failures ;nbsp;he and his commanders had not learned what experiencenbsp;had taught Harold.^ Cavalry—especially knights in armournbsp;—could do nothing against lightly-armed and agile infantrynbsp;led by men who knew every inch of the land they werenbsp;defending. But now the Norman warriors gradually tooknbsp;to heart the lessons of recent campaigns, and saw that itnbsp;was in castle-building on every coign of vantage that thisnbsp;Welsh land was to be really subdued. They persevered,nbsp;and in the long run attained their object.

Up to this time the revolt of the Cymry against the rule of the invaders had been attended with unexpectedly greatnbsp;success. They had recovered for the moment the controlnbsp;of the greater part of the land that had been Cymru beforenbsp;the conquest of England. But in 1098 the whole scenenbsp;changes. Till then Cadwgan seems to have been able tonbsp;keep the Cymric chieftains in active alliance for a longernbsp;period than usual, but suddenly he (the “ Brut” joins Gruffydnbsp;ab Cynan with him) appears to have been obliged to takenbsp;a defensive attitude. The great border earls, Hugh thenbsp;Fat of Chester and Hugh the Proud of Shrewsbury, ofnbsp;whom we have heard nothing for some time, determined tonbsp;make an expedition to Món. Cadwgan and his alliesnbsp;according to the “ Brut ” retreated to the strongest places,nbsp;but according to the “ Annales ” to the island itself. Theynbsp;enlisted into their service a fleet of pirates or vikingsnbsp;(gentiles de Ybernia). Whether this was before or after thisnbsp;new Norman expedition had reached Món is not clear, but

* “Brut,” s.a. 1095. “Ann. Camb.,” s.a. 1097. “Eng. Chron,,” s.a. 1097.

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it is said that the Cymric leaders agreed in council to save the island. The two earls reached Aberlteiniog, and entrenching themselves began the rebuilding or repair of thenbsp;castle. Whatever were the efforts made by the Welshnbsp;leaders, they were made in vain. There were influencesnbsp;of the usual character at work undermining the power otnbsp;the military leaders of the Cymry, and, “ for fear of thenbsp;treachery of their own men,” Cadwgan and Gruffyd fled tonbsp;Ireland.^ Món was at the mercy of the earls. They andnbsp;their followers behaved with a cruelty excessive even innbsp;this period; they did not simply slay, but blinded andnbsp;ferociously mutilated those of the native enemy on whomnbsp;they could lay their hands.

The sequence of events in this year is quite obscure, but the result is plain enough. The combination whichnbsp;the authority and ability of Cadwgan had brought aboutnbsp;fell to pieces (perhaps only from the inconstancy of thenbsp;people, but perhaps also from reverses of which we arenbsp;not informed), and the work of the last four years wasnbsp;quickly undone. The Cymry, however, had some revenge,nbsp;for the Norman earls, while mercilessly punishing thenbsp;natives of Món, were called upon to reckon with Magnusnbsp;son of Olaf of Norway, who was roving about the westnbsp;coast of Britain.^ He one day appeared off Aberlteiniognbsp;with some of his ships, and an engagement was broughtnbsp;on between the Normans and the crews of his vessels.nbsp;Magnus by an arrow sped from his own bow killed Hughnbsp;of Shrewsbury, who was leading his men on the sea-shore.nbsp;The viking, however, did not stay to succour the Welsh,nbsp;but sailed off, and so, according to the words of the Brut,nbsp;“ the French reduced all, as well great as small, to the level

“Brut,” s.a. 1096. “Ann. Camb.,” s.a, 1098. “Flor. Wig.,” s.a.


As to the expedition of Magnus, see Freeman, Wm, R. ii., 126.


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HISTORY OF WALES, 1066—1282.

of Saxons.”' Of what went on in the south we know little, though the later events show that the Norman lordsnbsp;recovered and strengthened the position they had alreadynbsp;occupied, and continued to extend their dominions. Thenbsp;slaying of Lewelyn, one of the sons of Cadwgan, in thenbsp;next year (1099), in a conflict with the men of Brecheiniognbsp;(probably the men of Bernard of Newmarch), seems tonbsp;mark the end of the revolt in south-east Wales.^

Some time in the course of 1099 Cadwgan and Gruffyd returned from Ireland. The former made peace with thenbsp;Normans, and received Keredigion and part of Powys.^nbsp;Gruffyd obtained possession of Mon, whether by force ornbsp;not is uncertain, but it seems clear that he did not obtainnbsp;a grant from the king, at any rate at this time. Mattersnbsp;remained in this position in Wales during 1100—the yearnbsp;in which William Rufus was killed and Henry I. becamenbsp;king. In iioi, however, the revolt of Robert de Bellêmenbsp;had important effects on the affairs of the west. Robertnbsp;and Arnulf his brother, on breaking with the king, askednbsp;for the assistance of Cadwgan and his brothers lorwerthnbsp;and Maredud, whom they regarded, and seemingly legally,nbsp;as their vassals. The Welsh princes complied with thenbsp;request or command of the rebel earls, and repaired to themnbsp;at Shrewsbury, where they were received “ magnificently

¦ Freeman thought these words had a strange sound. So they have, if the Rolls translation is taken literally. There Ab Ithel translates the Welsh textnbsp;thus: “The French reduced all . . . Saxons.” But the Welsh wordsnbsp;are : “A doyn aoruc y Freinc oil a mao-r a bychan hyt ar y Saeson.” Whatnbsp;the Welsh writer meant was that the Normans reduced the Cymry to thenbsp;level of the conquered Saxons. “ Hyt ar y Saeson ” is equivalent to “ usquenbsp;ad Saxones.” The word. “ Saeson” was long a term of contempt among thenbsp;Cymry.

* “Brut,”r.a. 1097. “Ann. Camb.,”r.ö. 1099.

3 ‘¦Brut,”j.3. 1097 (really 1099). “Ann. Camb.,” r.fl. 1099. Cadwgan seems to have received the lands as feudal tenant from Robert de Bellême, whonbsp;was now Earl of Shrewsbury. See “Brut,” s.a. 1100 : “ Robert and Arnulfnbsp;invited the Britons who were subject to them in respect of their possessions andnbsp;titles, etc.”

W.P. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;U

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and honourably.” The earls made great promises, and “gladdened the country with liberty.” Cadwgan callednbsp;together the host of the territories of the house of Bledyn,nbsp;and together with the earls obtained temporary successes.nbsp;Henry, however, speedily laid siege to Bridgenorth, thenbsp;principal castle of Robert, and at the same time astutelynbsp;resorted to arts of diplomacy. William Pantulf was on thenbsp;side of the king, and opened negotiations with lorwerthnbsp;with a view to detaching the Welsh from the Norman rebels.nbsp;The result of the dealings between William and lorwerthnbsp;was that Henry promised lorwerth, if he would comenbsp;over to his side, with the Welsh forces, that he would grantnbsp;him for his own (Henry’s) life Powys, Ceredigion, half ofnbsp;Dyfed,^ Ystrad Towi, Cidweli, and Gower, without homagenbsp;and without tribute. lorwerth was taken in, and, withoutnbsp;informing his brothers, accepted the king’s terms. lorwerthnbsp;went to the castle of the king, and sent orders to the Welshnbsp;forces to turn against Robert. They obeyed, and thoroughlynbsp;despoiled the territory of the earls, collecting immensenbsp;booty. Their work was probably made easier by the factnbsp;that Robert was taken by surprise, and the spoil wasnbsp;greater because the earl had placed such confidence in hisnbsp;Welsh allies that he had sent his “dairies, cattle, andnbsp;riches ” amongst them for safety.

Before the end of the year Robert submitted, and was allowed to cross over to Normandy. We have no explanation of the way in which lorwerth induced the Welshnbsp;to follow him without any apparent sanction on the partnbsp;of Cadwgan or Maredud, but there was an immediatenbsp;quarrel among the brothers. lorwerth seized Maredudnbsp;and caused him to be confined in one of the king’snbsp;prisons, but conferred on Cadwgan a portion of that greatnbsp;area which he assumed the king would grant him. Henry,

^ “ As the other half had been given to the son of Baldwin.” “ Brut,” s,a.


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HISTORY OF WALES, 1066—1282.

however, had been simply using lorwerth as a tool, and refused to perform his bargain. Pembroke was given tonbsp;one Saer, from whom it passed in 1104 to Gerald ofnbsp;Windsor, who had been for some years holding it asnbsp;steward. Ystrad Towi, Cidweli, and Gower were grantednbsp;to Howel ab Goronwy. Unless there is some explanation, Henry was guilty not only of a mean duplicity,nbsp;but of brutal cruelty as well. He caused lorwerth, nownbsp;apparently no longer in command of any force, to benbsp;brought before the Council at Shrewsbury on a chargenbsp;of treason. The Welsh prince was convicted, fined, andnbsp;cast into prison, not as the Welsh chronicler justly says,nbsp;according to right, but according to might. He was keptnbsp;in confinement till 1109, when the king “rememberednbsp;the imprisonment of lorwerth,” and released him on hardnbsp;conditions.^

The settlement of Welsh affairs made by Henry in 1102 was then this :—The Norman lords retook or retained thenbsp;fortresses that they had built; the land of Deheubarth andnbsp;Powys not actually in Norman hands was divided betweennbsp;Howel ab Goronwy and the descendants of Bledyn. Thenbsp;former received Ystrad Towi, Cidweli, and Gower as fiefsnbsp;from the king, and Cadwgan and other former membersnbsp;of the cenedl of Bledyn were expressly or tacitly confirmed in the possession of Ceredigion and parts of Powysnbsp;on terms of vassalage. In the north Gruffyd still heldnbsp;Món, and probably some parts of GwyneJ on the mainland. Except the North Welsh prince, the members of thenbsp;Welsh princely families were now practically in the positionnbsp;of tenants m capita of Henry. Cadwgan’s temporarilynbsp;successful attempt to shake off the Norman yoke had failed,nbsp;and the new settlers had a .still firmer grip on Welshnbsp;territory.

* The main authorities for these events, so far as the Welsh were concerned in them, are the “ Brut,” and “Ann. Camb.”

U 2

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Howel ab Goronwy did not long enjoy the possessions he had received from the king. He was a grandson of Rhysnbsp;ab Tewdwr, but had been false to the cause of Cymricnbsp;independence. He was at feud with the house of Bledyn,nbsp;and was soon in trouble with Richard son of Baldwin as tonbsp;Rhyd y Gors Castle. As we gather, Howel claimed it asnbsp;part of his dominion, but it is not likely that this claim wasnbsp;acquiesced in, though when we last heard of it it had beennbsp;deserted by its Norman garrison. It was now, however,nbsp;again in “ French ” hands. Through this quarrel Howel wasnbsp;expelled from his dominions, but he quickly retaliated,nbsp;raided the Norman territory and killed many of thenbsp;“ French who were returning home,” and regained possession of his land. But in the following year (1105) he fell anbsp;victim to a conspiracy formed among his own surroundings,nbsp;which, without an undue stretch of imagination, we maynbsp;believe to have been instigated by Cadwgan or some of hisnbsp;kinsmen. Howel, following the custom of the times, hadnbsp;given one of his sons in fosterage to Gwgawn, “ whom of allnbsp;men he most trusted.” From some motive (but as if to givenbsp;point to the observations of Giraldus as to foster-fathers)nbsp;Gwgawn either began or joined in a plot against Howel.nbsp;According to the story handed down to us, he invitednbsp;Howel to his house, having in the meantime arranged withnbsp;the “French” that a band should be in a place near thenbsp;house, where they were to wait tilt the appointed time.nbsp;They agreed; Howel, without suspicion, accepted thenbsp;invitation and went to Gwgawn’s residence. The “ French,”nbsp;as arranged, about daybreak surrounded the house wherenbsp;the prince was sleeping ; at the given signal they gave a loudnbsp;shout; Howel awaking sought for his sword and spear, butnbsp;found they had been taken away ; he called for his men-at-arms, but they had deserted. He escaped from the house,nbsp;but was pursued and captured by Gwgawn and his men.nbsp;They brought him, already nearly dead from strangling,

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to the Norman band, by whom he was unmercifully beheaded.^

The considerable area given by Henry to this Howel was not, it would seem, again granted to one man, but we subsequently find diverse portions of it in the possession ofnbsp;Welshmen. They indulged, as usual, in raiding adjoiningnbsp;territories and in killing and sometimes mutilating onenbsp;another. But now the process of fusion between them andnbsp;the Norman lords was going on, and the whole of the southnbsp;was rapidly assuming a frankly feudal aspect. While thenbsp;princes and the more important uchelwyr were ruining themselves by their incessant quarrels, the men of smaller possessions or pretensions and the inferior orders over a good dealnbsp;of the country generally stuck to their lands, notwithstandingnbsp;the changes among their overlords. When the lord overnbsp;them was a Cymro, the Welsh customs continued in force;nbsp;when he was Norman, the Norman-EngHsh laws prevailednbsp;as a rule, though in some instances Welsh law, more or lessnbsp;modified, was recognised over the whole or part of thenbsp;lordship.

In 1108 Cadwgan was still in undisturbed possession of Ceredigion and the parts of Powys which he had receivednbsp;from Henry. He had in his earlier years displayednbsp;capacity above the average, but from causes which cannbsp;only be conjectured he had now become a somewhat weaknbsp;and incompetent ruler. His few remaining years werenbsp;clouded in misfortune, and especially disturbed by thenbsp;turbulent conduct of his son Owain. This man (whosenbsp;career is fully enough told in the Chronicles, and is the mostnbsp;romantic handed down to us) was typical of the race fromnbsp;which he sprang. He possessed the best and the worstnbsp;characteristics of the Cymric princely families. His firstnbsp;recorded feat is the slaying of the sons of Trahaiarn abnbsp;Caradog. His next adventure was an attack on Pembrokenbsp;* “Brut,” s.a. 1103 (really 1105).

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Castle and the abduction of Nest,^ then the wife of Gerald of Windsor—one that influenced the whole of his afternbsp;life. The story goes that in 1107 Gerald of Windsor wasnbsp;still holding Pembroke. He had deposited there “ all hisnbsp;riches, with his wife, his heirs and all dear to him, and henbsp;fortified it with a ditch and a wall and a gateway with anbsp;lock to it.” The next year at Christmastime Cadwgannbsp;made a feast in honour of God, at which Owain was present.nbsp;The conversation turned upon the charms of Nest Owain,nbsp;fired by the accounts of her beauty, paid a visit to Pembroke, and being received as her kinsman (as in fact henbsp;was) made the acquaintance of the lady. Soon afterwardsnbsp;with a small band he made a raid at night on the castle,nbsp;set fire to the houses near it, and perhaps to the fortress,nbsp;itself. Forcing an entrance, though Gerald escaped by thenbsp;connivance of his wife, Owain carried away Nest as wellnbsp;as the children, and returned with them and the more usualnbsp;booty to his own land.

Cadwgan was greatly disturbed at such an outrage against a man high in the king’s favour. He tried tonbsp;induce his son to return to the great steward, his wife andnbsp;the spoils, but in vain. The children were, however, sentnbsp;back, but Nest herself was for the time retained.

Richard, steward for the king at Shrewsbury, hearing of this misdeed, sent for Ithel and Madog, sons of Rhirid abnbsp;Bledyn, and persuaded them by large promises to try tonbsp;seize Owain, or, if not, to expel both him and Cadwgannbsp;from their country. Richard promised to procure for themnbsp;the assistance of Lywarch ab Trahaiarn (who was at feudnbsp;with Owain by reason of the slaying of his brothers), andnbsp;also that of Uchtryd ab Edwin. Ithel and Madog collectednbsp;their men and entered Cadwgan’s country. Uchtryd metnbsp;them, but seems to have played a double part. The


' Nest had been a mistress of Henry I. She has been called the of Wales.”

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inhabitants fled in various directions. Cadwgan and Owain took refuge in a ship at Aberdovey. The expedition didnbsp;not achieve much beyond creating the usual confusion, andnbsp;nothing except a few murders, the burning of houses, andnbsp;the desecration of the church at Landewy Brefi wasnbsp;accomplished. Owain with some companions thought itnbsp;prudent to retire to Ireland, while Ithel and Madog seizednbsp;the part of Powys that the king had granted to Cadwgan.nbsp;The latter secretly went to some lands in Powys which henbsp;possessed in right of his wife. He soon, however, madenbsp;peace with the king, and on the payment of one hundrednbsp;pounds was allowed to return to Ceredigion on conditionnbsp;that there should be neither communication nor friendshipnbsp;between him and his son.

Owain thereupon returned from Ireland and hied him to Powys. He attempted to send a message to the king, butnbsp;no man was bold enough to carry it. In the meantimenbsp;Madog ab Rhirid had quarrelled with the Normans onnbsp;account, as he alleged, of robberies committed by thenbsp;Saxons, and refused any further to obey the commands ofnbsp;the steward of Shrewsbury. In these circumstances henbsp;sought the friendship of his former enemy Owain, who,nbsp;nothing loth, came to an understanding with him. Theynbsp;mutually vowed upon sacred relics that neither wouldnbsp;be reconciled to the king without the other, and that neithernbsp;would betray the other. They then cast aside all pretencenbsp;of ruling by any law or obeying any lord; with armednbsp;forces they wandered about the country wherever theirnbsp;destiny might lead them. Making their headquartersnbsp;among the mountains and forests of Powys, they set theirnbsp;hands against every man. They burned the hamlets ofnbsp;the gwyrda around, stole horses and cattle, and did notnbsp;disdain to carry off clothes or whatever they could find.

This line of conduct was continued into the following year (1109). They were in the habit of carrying off their booty

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into the lands which had formerly been the share of the then captive lorwerth. In that year, however, the king, asnbsp;we have mentioned, released lorwerth upon his makingnbsp;promises the performance of which he was not wholly ablenbsp;to compass, but he, however, was allowed to return to hisnbsp;lands. He made kindly representations to the two lawlessnbsp;chieftains, pointing out the danger in which Cadwgan andnbsp;he himself were placed by their wild lives ; he asked themnbsp;as a relative and commanded them as their lord not tonbsp;enter his or his brother’s territories. But Owain and Madognbsp;were now desperate men; they treated lorwerth’s messagesnbsp;with scorn, and frequented the forbidden lands all the more,nbsp;lorwerth, sincerely anxious to carry out the king’s wishesnbsp;and restore some degree of order, took stronger measuresnbsp;and attempted to capture them.

Hunted from place to place, they, with their followers, went over the border of Meirionyd, then possessed bynbsp;Uchtryd. Before they had left Cyfeiliog they were metnbsp;by the sons of that chieftain, who were, however, not strongnbsp;enough to repel them. Uchtryd found it necessary tonbsp;assemble the host of Meirionyd, and came forward tonbsp;defend his territory in well-ordered array. Some partnbsp;of the forces of the invaders seem to have fled—probablynbsp;the men of Madog ; but Owain advanced bravely, andnbsp;the men of Meirionyd, apparently awed either by thenbsp;number of his followers or his fame as a warrior, suddenlynbsp;took to flight.

Owain and Madog then ravaged as usual, burning houses, but this time killing the cattle because they hadnbsp;no place to which to take them. They however nownbsp;separated; the latter went into Powys and the formernbsp;into Ceredigion. There Owain with his band remained,nbsp;“ dwelling where he thought proper,” in defiance ofnbsp;Cadwgan’s orders. He made a raid into Dyfed, andnbsp;terrorised the whole country. Finally, his misdeeds

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culminated in the murder of a Fleming, one William of Brabant, on the highroad. Cadwgan and lorwerth, seriouslynbsp;alarmed, and unable to curb Owain’s lawlessness, repairednbsp;to the king and obtained an interview. Even while theynbsp;were conversing news of the murder of William of Brabantnbsp;was brought by his brother to the king. Henry sternlynbsp;questioned Cadwgan, and, though satisfied that he was notnbsp;aiding Owain, deprived him of his lands, and, on conditionnbsp;that he should not set his foot on his native soil, pensionednbsp;him. The king bestowed Ceredigion on Gilbert son ofnbsp;Richard, the founder of the house of Clare, who, havingnbsp;collected a force, took possession of that region, and for anbsp;time strengthened the Norman hold by building two castles ;nbsp;one at Lanbadarn, and another near Aberteivi at a placenbsp;called Dingeraint.

When Owain heard that his father was dispossessed he once more retreated to Ireland. His associate Madog hadnbsp;gone there before him, and it is not without a smile thatnbsp;we can read in the Chronicle “ that not being able to endurenbsp;the savage manners of the Gwydyl” he soon returned,nbsp;leaving Owain to bear the ills of life in Ireland as he might,nbsp;lorwerth had not, like Cadwgan, been detained by the king,nbsp;and when Madog returned was occupying his land in Powys.nbsp;Madog sought there an abiding-place, but he was notnbsp;welcomed by lorwerth, and not daring to seek his presencenbsp;he “ skulked here and there.” lorwerth’s anger was suchnbsp;that he ordered that no man should even venture to mentionnbsp;the name of Madog.

Underlying these events we can see two currents of opinion among the Cymric chieftains. The older men,nbsp;like Cadwgan and lorwerth, saw that their only course wasnbsp;to retain possession of as much of the Cymric land asnbsp;possible as vassals of Henry. The younger men werenbsp;imbued with notions of an impossible independence. Thenbsp;deeds of Owain and Madog could hardly have been

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performed if there had not been a latent and perhaps, on occasion, overt sympathy with them on the part of a sectionnbsp;of the Cymric inhabitants. We are now coming to thenbsp;close of the story. Madog, smarting under his ill receptionnbsp;by his uncle lorwerth, planned a terrible revenge. He hadnbsp;maintained friendship with Lewelyn abTrahaiarn, of whomnbsp;we have already heard. They jointly determined to killnbsp;lorwerth, and, finding at last a favourable time, Madog,nbsp;with the assistance of Lewelyn’s men, attacked him atnbsp;Caereinion, where he was staying for the night. lorwerthnbsp;bravely defended himself, but the timber building in whichnbsp;he was reposing was fired by Madog. lorwerth’s attendantsnbsp;fled, and seeing the house falling in he, already sorelynbsp;burnt, tried to escape, but rushing out of the house he wasnbsp;slain by the spears of his enemies. Madog retreated intonbsp;the mountain lands and lurked in woods and recesses, fornbsp;he had yet another uncle to kill.

When tidings of the murder of lorwerth were brought to Henry he released Cadwgan and granted Powys tonbsp;him, at the same time requesting him to send messagesnbsp;of forgiveness to Owain, who was still a fugitive in Ireland,nbsp;The messages arrived too late to save his father fromnbsp;the wrath of Madog. Cadwgan proceeded to Powys andnbsp;stayed at Trallwng Lewelyn, “ never supposing that anynbsp;man could intend him mischief.” Madog had, however,nbsp;determined that he should die, and one day he and hisnbsp;band set upon Cadwgan. The aged prince’s men desertednbsp;or were overcome, and Cadwgan, who conducted himselfnbsp;“ weakly,” was put to death. Madog now boldly demandednbsp;from Richard of Shrewsbury a grant of Cadwgan’s land,nbsp;for which, so the Chronicle says, the crimes had been committed. Richard temporised, but ultimately gave him thenbsp;share of the country which he and his brother Ithel hadnbsp;formerly possessed. The fact is that neither Henry nornbsp;his officers on the borders took much interest in the feuds

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between the Welsh princes, and were evidently quite ready to condone the destruction of such inconstantnbsp;vassals.

The remaining son of Bledyn, Maredud, on hearing of the death of Cadwgan, obtained from Henry the custodynbsp;of lorwerth’s lands till Owain should return from Ireland.nbsp;These events had taken place in 1110, and later on innbsp;the same year Owain returned from Ireland. Both henbsp;and Madog had interviews with Henry, and were investednbsp;with lands on giving pledges and promising “ muchnbsp;money.” 1 But their friendship had now ceased, owingnbsp;to the murder of Cadwgan, and “ each of them avoidednbsp;the other ” for a time. Peace was maintained in Powysnbsp;during iiii, but in the year after we find Maredudnbsp;making an incursion into the lordship of Lywarch abnbsp;Trahaiarn. The expedition passed through Madog’s territory. Maredud’s men by torturing a man of the countrynbsp;discovered the whereabouts of Madog; they decided tonbsp;attack him, and by a sudden effort made him a prisoner,nbsp;slaying many of his companions. He was brought to hisnbsp;uncle Maredud. Owain, hearing of the affair, came innbsp;haste to the prince, who delivered Madog into his hands.nbsp;Owain spared his prisoner’s life, but ruthlessly caused himnbsp;to be blinded, thereby destroying his capacity for furthernbsp;mischief. We hear nothing more of him, and Maredudnbsp;and Owain divided between them his share of Powys.^

During these events Gruffyd ab Cynan was ruling in Gwyned, and consolidating the power of his family. Innbsp;1114, however, Hugh, Earl of Chester, accused him of

* Madog’s portion was Caereinion, and a third of Deudwr and Aberrhiw. Caereinion and Deudwr were cymwds in Powys. Y Rhiw was a cantref innbsp;that ancient kingdom, but does not seem to have been identical withnbsp;Aberrhiw.

2 The “Brut” and “Ann. Camb.” are the authorities for the events we have been narrating. See the excellent lives of Cadwgan, lorwerth, andnbsp;Owain in “Diet. Nat. Biog.”

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various misdeeds, and about the same time Gilbert Fitz-Richard (who, as we have seen, had become lord of Keredigion) complained of robberies made by Owain abnbsp;Cadwgan.i The king, believing the charges againstnbsp;Owain at any rate to be true, made an expedition intonbsp;Wales. Owain took refuge in the mountains of Snowdon region; Maredud submitted at once. There is nonbsp;record of any fighting, and Owain not only made termsnbsp;with the king, but was received into favour and accompanied him in an honourable capacity to Normandy.nbsp;Gruffyd made peace on payment of a large tribute. Thenbsp;kingdom or principality of Powys was now practically at annbsp;end, and the surviving members of the Welsh princelynbsp;cenedloed of that region had become vassals of the king.nbsp;The whole of Cymru except Gwyned was divided betweennbsp;Norman and Welsh lords, who came to be called Lords-Marchers. The subsequent history of the south and centralnbsp;Wales resolves itself into the records of quarrels betweennbsp;these lords and the rise and fall of baronial families.

The end of Owain ab Cadwgan’s stormy career may be told in a few words. Gruffyd, a son of that Rhys abnbsp;Tewdwr who had fallen in 1093, had been taken for safetynbsp;with some of his kin to Ireland. About 1112 he returnednbsp;to what the “ Brut ” calls his patrimony, but for two yearsnbsp;he led a somewhat wandering life. The spirit of independence was not yet wholly quelled in the south, and thenbsp;hopes of the Cymry were now set upon this young prince.nbsp;How far Gruffyd actually encouraged these aspirations atnbsp;this time we do not know, but the fact that he was ornbsp;might be dangerous to the Norman interests was broughtnbsp;to the notice of Henry. Hearing of this circumstance, henbsp;took refuge with his namesake in the north, who receivednbsp;him with favour. Henry now summoned Gruffyd ab

* The “ Brut ” places this in 1111, but the “ Eng. Chron.” in 1114 (“ Chrun. Petrib.” s.a.), which is the right date.

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Cynan to his presence. With his usual prudence he obeyed the call, met the king, and at his instance promised tonbsp;secure Gruffyd ab Rhys and send him a prisoner tonbsp;England, or else to compass his death. The young Gruffyd,nbsp;however, had received tidings of this treachery, and henbsp;escaped, first to the church of Aberdaron, and thence tonbsp;Ystrad Towi, where he collected a force. In in6 he wasnbsp;raiding in various directions in South Wales. Owain abnbsp;Cadwgan was still with Henry, who commissioned him andnbsp;Lywarch ab Trahaiarn to expel “ that thief” Gruffyd abnbsp;Rhys. They promptly collected an army and proceeded tonbsp;Ystrad Towi. Owain harried the country, and some ofnbsp;the people fled to Carmarthen. At this time a force ofnbsp;Flemings led by Gerald of Windsor, apparently actingnbsp;independently of Owain and Lywarch, was marching fromnbsp;Rhos in Dyfed towards Carmarthen, as we understandnbsp;with the intention of putting down Gruffyd ab Rhys.nbsp;The inhabitants, who had fled at the approach of Owain,nbsp;complained to Gerald of their having been attacked andnbsp;robbed. The story reads as if the fugitives did not understand that it was not Owain the bandit, but Owain in anbsp;new character, who was coming into the country, nor is itnbsp;clear whether Gerald knew of the king’s commission, butnbsp;it may be that there was treachery on his part or perhapsnbsp;that the king had led Owain into a trap. However thisnbsp;may be, Gerald, who had of course never forgotten thenbsp;insult that in earlier days had been put upon him, incitednbsp;his Flemings against Owain. The forces met. Thenbsp;Flemings were the attacking party; Owain bore the assaultnbsp;bravely, but in the first discharge of arrows he himself fellnbsp;wounded ; dismayed by the fall of their leader, his mennbsp;fled, and he was promptly despatched.

“ Thus,” says Warrington, “ died this bold and profligate chieftain agreeably to the tenour of his life.” We cannotnbsp;deny the boldness and the profligacy ; but perhaps a broad

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consideration of the circumstances under which he ran his short and violent course may lead to a lenient judgmentnbsp;on the character and conduct of a man of great energy andnbsp;bravery. For the Norman conquest of England there wasnbsp;some show of justification. The claims of Harold to thenbsp;crown were not legally stronger than those of the Conqueror.nbsp;But for the overrunning of Cymru by the more needynbsp;or ambitious of the followers of William and his successorsnbsp;there was no moral justification. The Cymric leadersnbsp;had welcomed the overthrow of Harold, and neither merenbsp;border foray nor intestine quarrel could excuse the wholesale seizure of the lands of the Welsh princely and noblenbsp;families which had been in the possession of their cenedloednbsp;for centuries, or justify the breaking-up of a social andnbsp;legal organisation which contained in itself the elementsnbsp;of national progress, and which would in all probabilitynbsp;have resulted in a stable polity, had it been allowed tonbsp;develop without interference, under men like Gruffyd abnbsp;Lewelyn, BleSyn, and Cadwgan. Owain and Madog werenbsp;men who were suffering under the sense of grievous wrong,nbsp;and though we, writing calmly, may condemn them asnbsp;impolitic and imprudent, or, judging by modern standards,nbsp;censure many of their acts as criminal, a truer criticism willnbsp;accord some tribute of admiration to their intrepidity innbsp;fighting fearful odds—odds against them at home and oddsnbsp;against them beyond the borders of their native land.

For some years longer Maredud ab Bledyn and the remaining sons of Cadwgan upheld the claims of theirnbsp;cenedl to the sovereignty of so much of Powys as wasnbsp;not in the hands of Norman-English lords. Encouraged,nbsp;perhaps, by the drowning of Richard, Earl of Chester, innbsp;the White Ship, they, in the course of 1121, rose and gavenbsp;cause of offence. Henry, deeming the matter serious enoughnbsp;to make another expedition necessary, entered Wales withnbsp;an immense and cruel army.” Maredud and his friends

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appealed to Grufifytf ab Cynan for help, but he, with a prudence unusual among the Welsh chieftains, refused tonbsp;join them, and even threatened active opposition if theynbsp;came over the border of his dominion.^ The lords of Powysnbsp;took counsel together, and decided to adopt the defensivenbsp;attitude. The king marched into Powys, and there was atnbsp;any rate one engagement, during which an arrow strucknbsp;the king, but, owing to the strength of his breast-plate,nbsp;glanced off. It is doubtful whether the arrow was sped bynbsp;a Welsh archer or by one of Henry’s force, though thenbsp;“ Brut ” is probably right when it claims that it was directednbsp;by one of “ the young men ” sent forward by Maredud tonbsp;harass the enemy in their advance. Henry behaved withnbsp;cowardice, and, greatly disconcerted, entered into negotiations, which led to the renewed submission of the Welshnbsp;leaders. Maredud and his allies “ came under the king’snbsp;peace.”^ He did not again imbroil himself with the king,nbsp;but he was involved in many domestic quarrels, andnbsp;behaved with great cruelty to his relatives. He died innbsp;1129 or 1130 in the odour of sanctity. The “ Brut ” describesnbsp;him, with more generosity than justice, as the “ornament,nbsp;and safety, and defence of all Powys.” ®

The ruin of the house of Bledyn, so far as any claim to sovereignty was concerned, was now complete. The kingdoms of Deheubarth and Powys, like the smaller regions ofnbsp;Dyfed, Morganwg, Gwent, Brecheiniog, and the rest, werenbsp;destroyed as existing entities, save so far as occasionalnbsp;pretensions, the imagination of bards, or the friendly flatterynbsp;of the adherents of the Cymric lords can be said to havenbsp;kept them alive. In the south and in Powys the possession of the descendants of the princely houses dwindlednbsp;down to cymwds or cantrefs, largely those of the more

' “Brut,”j.3. 118.

[120. Freeman, “ Norm. Conq.,” v. 212.

® Ibid. “Ann. Camb.,” s.a. ^ “ Brut,” J.a. 1129.

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mountainous parts of the country, held more or less voluntarily as vassals of the Norman king ; but in these sadly-diminished areas the cyfraith gyffredin (common law) of Cymru was still the rule of right. The chieftains, thoughnbsp;reduced in power, kept up according to their means thenbsp;household state found in Howel’s laws, haughtily cherishednbsp;the memories of a departed greatness, and alternatelynbsp;sullenly acquiesced in the new state of things and eagerlynbsp;seized an opportunity for revenge against Norman, Saxon,nbsp;and Cymric neighbour alike. Notwithstanding that duringnbsp;the twelfth century the line of Rhys ab Tewdwr, in thenbsp;persons of the two of its members who most clearly emergenbsp;to our view—Gruffyd ab Rhys and Rhys ab Gruffyd—nbsp;carried on, with occasional very considerable successes,nbsp;warfare with the intruding Norman lords, and even thenbsp;king of England, the hold of the central government wasnbsp;never permanently relaxed, except during the seventeennbsp;years of Stephen’s unhappy reign, and the policy of conquestnbsp;by settlement went on relentlessly.

We must here pause for a moment to make a few observations on the legal aspect of the events that we havenbsp;been narrating. As will be seen by-and-by, the whole ofnbsp;the Cymric lands, except that portion of the north whichnbsp;remained in the possession of Gruffyd ab Cynan and hisnbsp;descendants, became known as the Marches of Wales. Bynbsp;the time that we have reached it seems to us that the wholenbsp;of the country except Gwyned had, as we have said, nownbsp;been feudalised, for there is a great deal of evidence thatnbsp;the Welsh chieftains in the territories which became thenbsp;Marches had familiarised themselves with the notion thatnbsp;they held their lands of the king of England on termsnbsp;analogous to those of the Lords-M archers. Certainly thisnbsp;was the case over the greater part of Powys. It will benbsp;remembered that by Welsh law the uchelwyr and freenbsp;tribesmen did not, according to theory, hold their land of

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any king or prince, though the system was approximating to the Norman-English notions of tenure. The introductionnbsp;of the first principle of feudal law was encouraged andnbsp;made easy by the organisation of the cymwd as it hadnbsp;developed from the time of the Cymric settlement manynbsp;centuries before.^

The transition from the ideas of land ownership found in the Welsh codes to the Norman-English system was notnbsp;difficult. The kingship, as we have pointed out, under Cymricnbsp;law was originally vested in a family ; it was not an officenbsp;handed down from person to person in a defined order.nbsp;Primogeniture was not a recognised principle. The chieftaincy of the kingly families was in early times probablynbsp;transmitted according to the rules which governed thenbsp;election to the headship of any cenedl; but in the Venedo-tian Code the heir was to be sought in the last king’s nearnbsp;relations, and was to be one marked out by him. Eachnbsp;gwlad was composed of an aggregate of cantrefs or cymwds.nbsp;As the territorial idea became stronger and stronger, thenbsp;chieftain of the ruling family of the gwlad found it expedient for the administration of his territory to place his sonsnbsp;or other kinsmen over this or that cantref or cymwd.nbsp;Gradually these lords and their descendants so planted aboutnbsp;the country got to look upon themselves as permanently

’ Mr. A. N. Palmer says: “The cymwd or commote became almost invariably the civic hundred, and it often became the feudal lordship. Verynbsp;often, however, the feudal lordship was formed by a group of commotes, eachnbsp;of which long retained a separate organisation and many old Welsh forms ofnbsp;procedure, but was gradually assimilated to the English manor. It was quitenbsp;unusual for the bounds of the commote to be changed.’’ He gives as examplesnbsp;of lordships formed by grouping cymwds those of Chirk, Denbigh, andnbsp;Duffryn Clwyd. See his learned note in App. to Report, 447. See alsonbsp;the “Memorandum on Lordships and Manors,” compiled by Mr. ILenfarnbsp;Thomas (App. to Report, 437); and especially notes contributed bynbsp;Mr. Cobb, F.S.A. (438), Mr. Trevor P rkns (449), Mr. Williams (451),nbsp;Mr. John Lloyd (452), Mr. J. Hobson Matthews (459), and the latenbsp;Mr, J. Stuart Corbet (465).

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settled in the cantref or cymwd assigned to them, though recognising their allegiance to the head of their princelynbsp;cenedl. The grants made from time to time to thenbsp;Church, with the immunities of which we have spokennbsp;above, were also factors in familiarising the minds of mennbsp;with defined territorial government. When the Cymricnbsp;families came into contact with the Normans, with theirnbsp;fully-developed ideas of tenure, the transition from the oldnbsp;Cymric tribal idea of the right to possession of land to thatnbsp;of the invaders was very rapid, and not long after thenbsp;beginning of the twelfth century there is ample evidence ofnbsp;the recognition by the Welsh princes over the greater partnbsp;of Wales of this great change.

In Gwyned the position was, and remained for a long time, somewhat different, though it is not very easy tonbsp;state precisely the legal relation of its prince to thenbsp;Norman king. As far back as the time of Arifred,nbsp;Welsh princes had commended themselves and afterwards repeatedly did homage to English kings; but thisnbsp;commendation in the eighth, ninth, or tenth centuriesnbsp;was a very different thing from the receiving of anbsp;definite area of land from a Norman-English king in thenbsp;twelfth century, as for instance did Cadwgan and hisnbsp;brothers. Bledyn and Rhiwatlon had undoubtedly beennbsp;invested by Harold, and so far as central and south Walesnbsp;were concerned this fact was never lost sight of by thenbsp;rulers of England. But Gruffyd ab Cynan was not of thenbsp;house of Cynfyn, but a lineal descendant of Rhodri Mawr.nbsp;He conquered Mbn, and seems gradually to have obtainednbsp;possession of various parts of the old kingdom of Gwynednbsp;on the mainland, and we can find no evidence that he evernbsp;received his possessions by any grant from a Norman king,nbsp;though he did homage to Henry I. His position, therefore,nbsp;was different from that of the lords of the south. Thisnbsp;view is confirmed by subsequent events, and by the

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preamble of the Statute of RhuSlan. The prince of Gwyned continued to regard himself as a sovereign owing allegiancenbsp;to the king of England in a personal capacity, but notnbsp;admitting any jurisdiction of the royal court. As the powernbsp;of the house of North Wales increased, some of the Welshnbsp;lords in areas outside Gwyned acknowledged its princenbsp;as their immediate lord, and even after the final conquestnbsp;by Edward I., and as late as 1354, ™ Act of Parliamentnbsp;was deemed necessary to declare that all Lordships-Marchers were held of the king and not of the Princenbsp;of Wales. Whether these observations are well-founded ornbsp;not, there is no doubt that Gwyned did occupy a specialnbsp;position, and that it was for nearly two hundred years afternbsp;the downfall of the house of Bledyn practically independent. Henceforth the interest of Cymric affairs, notwithstanding the fitful struggles of the descendants of Rhysnbsp;ab Tewdwr in the south, centres round the line of Gwyned.

Gruffyd ab Cynan’s long reign came to an end in 1137,1 when he died (having survived Henry I. by two years) atnbsp;the age of eighty-two, after assuming the monastic habit.nbsp;Though his attitude of isolation, his conduct in not joiningnbsp;the lords of the centre and the south in resisting thenbsp;Norman invasion, and his open desertion of the cause ofnbsp;Gruffyd ab Rhys have been censured, yet subsequentnbsp;events justify his prudent policy, and prove him to havenbsp;been a wise and competent ruler in a very difficult time.nbsp;But for his steady resolve to avoid wasting the strength ofnbsp;Gwyned in a fruitless attempt to hold all the Cymric landnbsp;and to concentrate all the energies of the people onnbsp;preserving the independence of the north-western districts,nbsp;it is probable that Gwyned might even thus early havenbsp;sustained the fate of Deheubarth and of Powys. Gruffydnbsp;made Gwyned for the time the centre of national life, andnbsp;the eagerly-sought refuge of Welshmen dispossessed by

‘ Brut,” J.fl. 1136. “Ann. Cambr.’

1137. The latter is the true date.

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Norman intruders. The result of his policy was a great revival of Cymric power under a line of princes whosenbsp;capacity gives interest, and even lustre, to the annals ofnbsp;Wales from this time to the final conquest of the principality by Edward I. The space at our command does notnbsp;enable us to deal at length with the fortunes of the house ofnbsp;Gwyned during this period, and we must content ourselvesnbsp;with a mere outline of the course of events.^

Gruffyd ab Cynan left several sons. Owain (usually called Owain Gwyned) succeeded to the principality, andnbsp;his brothers (we may assume) received shares of theirnbsp;father’s provisions in the customary manner. He andnbsp;Cadwaladr had, before the aged prince’s death, distinguished themselves by raiding in the territories of the lords-marchers, and had even retained, for the time, some of thenbsp;fortresses which had been built by the invaders. In thenbsp;very year of his accession Owain and his brother Cadwaladrnbsp;again marched to the south, and destroyed several castles.®nbsp;During the seventeen years of Stephen’s troubled reign thenbsp;Welsh were left much to themselves, and the Norman lordsnbsp;who had settled in Wales had generally to depend on theirnbsp;own resources. Owain was later on troubled by a disputenbsp;with Cadwaladr, who was forced to flee into England, andnbsp;there were, of course, constant feuds between the Welshnbsp;lords. It would be tedious to recount the vicissitudes ofnbsp;petty local quarrels which had no important consequences,

' For an excellent account of Gruffyil see “ Diet. Nat. Biog.” Consult (in adoption to the usual sources) “ Historia hen Gruffud vab Kenan vab Yago,nbsp;Myv. Arch, ii., 583-605 ; Arch. Cambr., 3rd series, 1866. A Latin translation of this life of GruffyS by Robinson, Bishop of Bangor (1566-85), is preserved in the library at Peniarth, and is printed in “Arch. Czrahx.,” tibi supra.nbsp;To Gruffyd is popularly ascribed the making of regulations regarding minstrelsynbsp;and minstrels. See the‘t Historia hen ” ; J. D. Rhys’ “ Cambro-Brytannicsenbsp;Cymrscseve Linguae Institutiones” (1592), translated in “Y Cymmrodor,”nbsp;i. 283-293 ; Stephens’ “ Lit. of the Kymry,” 2nd edition, p. 56. The bardnbsp;Meilir composed an elegy on Gruffyd. (Stephens, uH supra, p. 12.) •

’ “Brut,”r.a. 1136—really 1137.

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and we will content ourselves with stating that when, after the peace of Wallingford and the death of Stephen,nbsp;Henry II. became king the prince of Gwyned had matennbsp;ally added to the resources of his country and re-occupiednbsp;several places or districts from which the Welsh had beennbsp;expelled earlier in the century; while in the south Rhys abnbsp;Gruffyd, who came of the princely line of Deheubarth, hadnbsp;obtained several comparatively important successes.^

Some three years elapsed before hostilities broke out between the new king and Owain, but in 1157 Henrynbsp;invaded North Wales. It is not clear what provocationnbsp;had been given by the Welsh, but it is probable the king wasnbsp;induced to take this step at the instigation of Cadwaladrnbsp;and of Madog ab Maredud (one of the lords of Powys),nbsp;who had both quarrelled with the prince of Gwyned.®*nbsp;Henry advanced through “ the champaign land of Chester.”nbsp;Owain, entrenching himself at Basingwerk, awaited him.nbsp;The king divided his forces; the main body was directednbsp;to proceed along the coast and attack the Welsh in front,nbsp;while the king himself, intending to take the enemy in flanknbsp;and to cut off his retreat to the mountains, turning to hisnbsp;own left, went into the forest of Kennadlawg; but his tacticsnbsp;were anticipated. He was surprised in “ the trackless wood ”nbsp;by Davyd and Cynan, two of Owain’s sons, and defeated.nbsp;It was only with difficulty and loss that he escaped intonbsp;the open country.® Owain did not, however, risk a pitchednbsp;battle, but retreated to Kil Owain, near St. Asaph. Thenbsp;king gathered his army together and proceeded to Rhudlan.nbsp;Owain then moved to Lwyn Pina, and from there, with thenbsp;help of Madog ab Maredud (one of the chief barons of

' His father, Gruffytl (who is described by the “ Brut ” as “ the light and strength and gentleness of the men of South Wales ”), died in 1137.

^ The formal pretext for the invasion was very likely that Owain had not done homage.

^ It was probably in this engagement that the Earl of Essex, overcome by terror, abandoned the royal standard.

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Powys), harassed the king by day and night. Henry’s arnay was supported by a fleet which sailed along thenbsp;coast; a force of seamen and youths fit for battle ” effectednbsp;a landing in Mon, but, after some pillaging of churches,nbsp;was defeated with heavy slaughter by the men ofnbsp;the island.

Henry’s attempt was a failure, but still was not without effect. Peace was quickly made on the terms of Owain’snbsp;doing homage and restoring Cadwaladr to his share of thenbsp;possessions of the late prince. In the same or the followingnbsp;year all the Welsh princes or barons except Rhys abnbsp;Gruffyd submitted to the king.

Rhys had been waging a sporadic warfare against the neighbouring lords-marchers from the recesses of Ystradnbsp;Towi. Henry sent him a message ordering his attendancenbsp;at Court to do homage. Rhys, acting on the advice of hisnbsp;uchelwyr, went to the king, and made his peace on condition of receiving Cantref Mawr, and such other cantrefnbsp;as the king should be pleased to give him, “ whole and notnbsp;scattered.” Henry agreed, but did not literally performnbsp;the condition. For some years there was comparativenbsp;quiet in Wales, and in 1164 both Owain and Rhys appearednbsp;at the council at Woodstock and renewed their homage.

Rhys, however, soon began to raid the lands of the Norman lords, because, as the “ Brut ” says, the king did notnbsp;fulfil his promises. Having regard to the general characternbsp;of the Norman-English kings, we see no reason to doubtnbsp;this view, or to believe that Rhys, who, on the whole, wasnbsp;one of the best of the later South Welsh princes, andnbsp;afterwards became Justiciar of South Wales under Henry,nbsp;was in the wrong in this quarrel. Rhys took, dismantled,nbsp;and burnt the castle at Aber Rheidol, and overrannbsp;Keredigion a second time.

Probably encouraged by this success, and influenced by circumstances of which we have no knowledge, the Welsh

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barons, with Owain at their head, combined and joined in the revolt begun by Rhys, Davyd ab Owain ravagednbsp;Tegeingl, and Henry, apprehending a further attack innbsp;force on the castles of that cantref, hastened to Rhudlan,nbsp;but, finding matters more serious than he expected, afternbsp;staying there only three nights, returned to England.nbsp;Having collected a mixed but large force, he marched tonbsp;Oswestry. The combined Welsh hosts (under Owain andnbsp;Cadwaladr, as well as Owain Cyfeiliog and other lords ofnbsp;Powys) encamped at Corwen. There was, however, nonbsp;considerable engagement. The Welsh adopted a defensivenbsp;attitude; the king hesitated to attack. He ultimatelynbsp;moved into the wood of Ceiriog, causing ways to be cut innbsp;advance through the forest, and penetrated to the countrynbsp;near the Berwyn range; but the weather having becomenbsp;tempestuous and his supplies having failed, he was compelled to lead his men to “ the open plains of England,”nbsp;and thence to Chester. Angry and disappointed, henbsp;cruelly blinded some of the Welsh hostages who were innbsp;his custody, and abandoned for the time being furthernbsp;attempts to crush the Welsh.

Later in the year Henry left England, and was absent for about six years, during which, though there were thenbsp;usual disputes and occasional raidings among the Welshnbsp;lords, there was no warfare of consequence. The mostnbsp;serious quarrel was one in 1167 between Owain and Rhysnbsp;on the one side, and Owain Cyfeiliog on the other, in which,nbsp;after some fighting, the latter, with Norman aid, came offnbsp;the better ; but in the course of the year Owain and Rhysnbsp;took and destroyed the castles at Rhudlan and Prestatyn.nbsp;Nothing which tended to retard the growing power ofnbsp;Gwyned occurred until the death of Owain in 1169 lednbsp;to a contest between his sons. His later years had beennbsp;clouded by a quarrel with the Church, caused partly by anbsp;disputed election to the see of Bangor and partly by his

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marriage with Crisiant, his cousin, who was within the prohibited degrees of consanguinity. In the end he wasnbsp;excommunicated by Archbishop Thomas a Becket, but,nbsp;notwithstanding this, he received the last sacraments andnbsp;Christian burial. The Welsh chronicler praises him as anbsp;man of “ the most extraordinary sagacity, nobleness,nbsp;fortitude, and bravery.” ^

Upon Owain’s death the succession to the principality was disputed among his sons. Cadwaladr did not advancenbsp;any claims, though he survived his brother for three or fournbsp;years.^ Howel ab Owain, the late prince’s eldest son, andnbsp;Davyd, his son by Crisiant, were both deemed illegitimatenbsp;by the clergy. lorwerth, the eldest legitimate son, was fornbsp;some reason passed over altogether, though, as we shall see,nbsp;his son Lewelyn later on obtained Gwyned, and raised thenbsp;principality to its highest point of power and renown.nbsp;Howel had, as early as 1144, taken part in military affairs,nbsp;but he is better known as the author of some gracefulnbsp;poems than as a warrior. Immediately after Owain’s deathnbsp;he seized or was elected to the inheritance. But his holdnbsp;on the country was very slight (perhaps on account of thenbsp;Irish origin of Pyvog, his mother), and Davyd, who claimednbsp;the throne, overcame and slew him in 1170.®* The victor,nbsp;however, only made good his claim to part of the territoriesnbsp;of Owain. His brother Maelgwn seized Mdn, and othernbsp;members of the family refused to submit. In 1173 Davydnbsp;expelled Maelgwn from that island, and by 1174 had

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The poet Gwalchmai celebrates his prowess in an ode upon which Graynbsp;founded his fragment “The Triumph of Owen.” Stephens’ “Lit. of thenbsp;Kymry,” 2nd edition, p. l8.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;According to the “Brut ” he died in 1172.

^ Howel ab Owain is celebrated among the bards of the twelfth century. Stephens says he is quot; the most sprightly and charming poet ” he has tonbsp;mention. (Stephens, uH supra, p. 41.) An ode to him by Kyntfelw, and anbsp;lament on his death by Periv ab Kedivor, are extant., Kedivor was Howel’snbsp;foster-father.

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captured or driven into exile all his brothers or near relations who refused to recognise his paramount position.

When the barons revolted against Henry II., Davyd, instead of pursuing the usual policy of the Welsh andnbsp;siding with the rebellious and discontented men of thenbsp;realm, remained faithful to the king; and it was due tonbsp;this fact that he was permitted to marry, in 1175, the king’snbsp;bastard sister Emma, the daughter of Geoffrey Plantagenetnbsp;by a lady of Maine. He thought, no doubt, that thisnbsp;alliance would not only make his position in Gwyned morenbsp;secure, but that it would in other ways be of advantage.nbsp;But while such a connection did enhance the position ofnbsp;his family among the great houses of the whole country itnbsp;did him no good at home, and almost immediately therenbsp;were signs of coldness and disaffection towards him on thenbsp;part of the barons of North Wales. Before the end of thenbsp;year his brother Rhodri(whom he had treated badly) escaped,nbsp;and, finding followers, possessed himself of Món and partnbsp;of the mainland, while his nephews, the sons of Cynan abnbsp;Owain, occupied Meirionyd. Davyd was unable to protectnbsp;himself, and was driven over the Conway. He then turnednbsp;for assistance to the English Court, and attended thenbsp;Council at Oxford in 1177 with some of the Welsh baronsnbsp;who were still well affected to him, where they swore fealtynbsp;to Henry. Apparently by way of compensation for thenbsp;losses he had sustained, he received a grant of Ellesmere.nbsp;But his power over Gwyned now became nominal; thenbsp;leaders of the Welsh were completely alienated, and his realnbsp;sway was limited to Rhudlan and the Vale of Clwyd withnbsp;'his newly-acquired estate. Nothing is known about himnbsp;for some years, but we find that in 1188 he entertainednbsp;Archbishop Baldwin and Giraldus Cambrensis very handsomely at Rhudlan, on their journey through Wales.i

1 Giraldus describes Rhudlan as a very noble castle, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Cambr.,”

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Giraldus notes, however, that even then Davyd was beginning to be harassed by Lewelyn ab lorwerth or hisnbsp;adherents. Henry II. died in 1189, and was succeeded bynbsp;Richard Coeur de Lion, whose prolonged absence for manynbsp;years prevented much interference with Welsh affairs.nbsp;Lewelyn’s friends became more and more numerous; henbsp;allied himself with Rhodri, his uncle, and expelled Davydnbsp;even from the Vale of Clwyd. Taking refuge in Englandnbsp;(probably residing in Ellesmere), Davyd lived on innbsp;obscurity, and died unnoticed in 1203.^

During the years after the death of Owain Gwyned, in which Davyd attempted and failed to secure the actual rulenbsp;of the principality, Rhys ab Gruffyd (the representative ofnbsp;the old princely line of Deheubarth), to whom we have hadnbsp;occasion to refer more than once as the ally of Owain,nbsp;pursued a more successful career in the south, though thenbsp;success was purchased by a complete submission to thenbsp;English crown. After reluctantly doing homage to Henry,nbsp;as we have stated above, Rhys, finding the king’s promisesnbsp;not to be trusted, and that “ he could not preserve anythingnbsp;of what the king had given him except by force of arms,”^nbsp;made his headquarters in Cantref Mawr, and for many yearsnbsp;engaged in almost continual warfare with the lords-marchersnbsp;within his reach, and sometimes with his Welsh neighbours.nbsp;In 1171, after a campaign against Owain Cyfeiliog, at thenbsp;end of which the latter submitted, there occurred a suddennbsp;change in the policy of Rhys. Henry, returning after anbsp;prolonged absence to England, forthwith planned andnbsp;proceeded to carry out an invasion of Ireland. Rhys,nbsp;apparently on his own initiative, sought the friendship ofnbsp;the king, and made offers of assistance. His overtures

* In 1200 John undertook to protect the lands of Ellesmere and Hales, which belonged to Davytf or his wife (Rotuli Chart. 44 a). He left a son,nbsp;Owain, who exchanged Ellesmere for lands in Lincolnshire.

2 “ Brut,” s.a. 1157.

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were accepted, and on his appearing before the king at Pembroke, where the English forces were awaiting a favourable opportunity of crossing the channel, he “obtainednbsp;grace,” and was received into high favour. Henry grantednbsp;to him Keredigion and other lands, and handed back hisnbsp;son Howel, who had been given as hostage some timenbsp;before. Though the Irish expedition was a failure, Rhysnbsp;remained then and thenceforward true to his allegiance,nbsp;and the king on his return made him Justiciar of Southnbsp;Wales. The holding of this office, far from alienating thenbsp;Welsh, added to his authority ; he was called emphaticallynbsp;“ the lord ” Rhys, the style by which he is still knownnbsp;among the Welsh-speaking people. He rebuilt the castlenbsp;of Aberteifi (Cardigan) “with stone and mortar,” whencenbsp;for many years he ruled over a large part of South Walesnbsp;in comparative peace, and died at an advanced age in 1197.^nbsp;For some years before the death of Davyd, his nephewnbsp;Lewelyn had obtained possession of the greater part ofnbsp;Gwyned. The son of that lorwerth ab Owain who hadnbsp;been ousted by his brother Howel in 1169, Lewelyn, who wasnbsp;born about 1176, commenced his military career at an earlynbsp;age,® and soon secured the devoted support of the Welsh,nbsp;who viewed with dislike and suspicion the close relationsnbsp;of Davyd with the English court.® He does not appear tonbsp;have come in contact with Richard I., but when John camenbsp;to the throne Lewelyn quickly made peace with the newnbsp;king on terms that gave him a good title, according tonbsp;Norman-English law, to the principality, but which madenbsp;him a feudal vassal. This submission was an act of policy on

1 See for farther details his life in the “ Diet. Nat. Biog.”

° Giraldus says that Lewelyn was at the time of his journey twelve years old. “ Itin. Cambr.ii. 8. His partisans were even then asserting his rights.

3 The chief authorities for Lewelyn’s life are of course the “ Brut ” and “Ann. Cambr.,” but English sources give us many additional facts.nbsp;Lewelyn’s life is dealt with exhaustively by Professor Tout in “ Diet. Nat.nbsp;Biog.”

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his part. His relations with the king continued friendly for several years, and in 1206 he married Joan (the daughternbsp;of John), who received as her marriage portion Ellesmere, which Owain ab Davyd had exchanged for landsnbsp;elsewhere. Soon after (1207), John and Lewelyn foughtnbsp;against Gwenwynwyn (one of the sons of Owain Cyfeiliog),nbsp;a considerable lord in Powys. Lewelyn seized the lands ofnbsp;Gwenwynwyn, who was captured by the king, and in thenbsp;same campaign conquered all Keredigion north of thenbsp;Aeron, which was then in the possession of Maelgwn abnbsp;Rhys. Most of the Welsh barons now acknowledgednbsp;Lewelyn as their immediate superior. The old theory ofnbsp;the supremacy of Gwyned was of material help to him innbsp;his claim to the homage of the Welsh; but his growingnbsp;power soon excited the jealousy of the most powerful ofnbsp;the descendants of the other princely families, and thenbsp;attack on Gwenwynwyn and Maelgwn was probably causednbsp;by their hostile attitude towards the claims of the princenbsp;of Gwyned. In the next year there was a quarrel betweennbsp;John and Lewelyn. The immediate cause was probablynbsp;the release by the former of Gwenwynwyn, who in 1209nbsp;recovered his lands with the aid of the king. John and hisnbsp;son-in-law were never again really friendly. The latternbsp;appears to have been well-informed as to the course ofnbsp;events in England, and to have begun to form relationsnbsp;with the barons, whose discontent with the government wasnbsp;day by day increasing. But his position was for a timenbsp;full of difficulty, and even critical. He ravaged the land ofnbsp;Chester in 1209, and made very successful attacks on thenbsp;English within his reach. Ranulph, Earl of Chester,nbsp;retaliated, and John himself, with the intention of deposingnbsp;the prince, took the field in 1210, with a large army. Henbsp;was joined by Gwenwynwyn, Maelgwn, Rhys Grug, andnbsp;other Welsh lords. After some delay, owing seemingly tonbsp;imperfect preparations, John marched right into Gwyned.

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The combination was too much for ILewelyn. He retreated into the mountains, and was obliged to allow John tonbsp;capture Bangor, and to build or restore many castles.nbsp;Ultimately he sued for peace, which, owing to Joan’s intercession, was granted on not unreasonable terms. ILewelynnbsp;retained the greater portion of Gwyned, but cedednbsp;Perfedwlad, made large gifts of cattle, and deliverednbsp;hostages.

Notwithstanding the fact that by allying himself for some years with John, and by his marriage, he had seemednbsp;to be following the same course as Davyd I., the majoritynbsp;of the Welsh barons did not lose confidence in him, andnbsp;even the terms on which peace was concluded did notnbsp;alienate his supporters.

The position of John himself was now fast becoming desperate, and the discontent of the English barons wasnbsp;soon to become expressed in open rebellion. Lewelyn,nbsp;with true insight, took the popular side, formed friendlynbsp;relations with the disaffected magnates of the Englishnbsp;realm, and, dropping former feuds, induced Gwen-wynwyn, Maelgwn, and others to join forces with him.nbsp;Then, not being able “ to brook the many insults donenbsp;to him by the men of the king who had been left in thenbsp;new castle at Aberconway,” he renewed the war, and withnbsp;his allies took, in 1211, all the castles the king had madenbsp;in Gwyned, and also achieved some successes in Powys.

Hostilities of the same sort being continued in 1212, John became so irritated that he caused twenty-eightnbsp;of the Welsh hostages to be hanged at Nottingham, andnbsp;made hasty preparations for another expedition into Wales.nbsp;Before, however, he could carry out his plans of conquestnbsp;in the west, he discovered the existence of the wide-spreadnbsp;conspiracy against him, and was forced to give up thenbsp;design of another Welsh invasion. Owain ab Davyd, however, tried to obtain possession of the ceded district of

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vii.)

Perfedwlad (which the king had granted him), but ignominiously failed, and the four cantrefs were soonnbsp;regained by Lewelyn.

John’s affairs went from bad to worse, and he was reduced to asking the aid of his son-in-law, but Lewelynnbsp;was too astute to desert the winning side. By steadilynbsp;acting with the barons he increased his power, and, onnbsp;the triumph of their party, he was able to secure thenbsp;insertion of clauses in the great charter intended to remedynbsp;the grievances of the Welsh.

The death of John, the war with Louis, and the general confusion in England gave the Welsh prince opportunitynbsp;of pursuing his successes. The Welsh lords of the southnbsp;revolted ; Lewelyn came to their aid, and in 1215 tooknbsp;Carmarthen, demolished the castle of Lanstephan, andnbsp;many others; marched through Keredigion and obtainednbsp;possession of the castles of Aberystwyth and Cilgerran.nbsp;He was equally successful in the two next years, andnbsp;as a result of his operations became the recognised feudalnbsp;chief of all Wales not in the actual occupation of the lords-marchers. Gwenwynwyn alone questioned his position,nbsp;but the prince swiftly expelled him from Powys, andnbsp;though he escaped, he never himself obtained his landsnbsp;again.

John died in October, 1216, and was succeeded by his infant son, Henry III. William Marshal, Earl of Pembroke, was made “ governor of king and kingdom,” andnbsp;after the expulsion of Lewis, [Lewelyn pursuing his usualnbsp;policy did homage to the boy-king at Winchester in 1218.nbsp;William Marshal died, however, in 1219, and his greatnbsp;possessions descended to his son William, the second Earlnbsp;of Pembroke, while the management of English affairsnbsp;passed into the hands of Pandulf, the papal legate, Stephennbsp;Langton, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and Hubert denbsp;Burgh.

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For reasons that do not clearly appear, a quarrel took place between the new earl and Lewelyn which resultednbsp;in a private war of some six years’ duration. In the earliernbsp;campaigns the latter was very successful in attacks onnbsp;Dyfed. In 1221, Rhys Gryg, who had submitted tonbsp;Lewelyn, rose and joined the earl, but was defeated bynbsp;the prince, who confiscated his lands and compelled himnbsp;again to do homage. Henry III. made in the same yearnbsp;an expedition in the interest of the earl, but with littlenbsp;result. William Marshal himself, however, in an encounternbsp;with the Welsh defeated them with great slaughter. Thenbsp;Archbishop of Canterbury excommunicated Lewelyn, andnbsp;placed his lands under an interdict, but his power remainednbsp;unshaken. The king led another army into Wales, butnbsp;without the happening of any decisive operations peacenbsp;was made. In 1223, Lewelyn and the earl attended thenbsp;Council at Ludlow, but their feud was not composed,nbsp;and it was only in 1226, after the prince had met the kingnbsp;at Shrewsbury, that some kind of reconciliation was effectednbsp;between them.

For some years there was peace, but in 1228, for reasons which are not clear, war between the prince and thenbsp;English again broke out. Lewelyn kept up his connectionnbsp;with many of the disaffected barons of England, andnbsp;probably much of his conduct may be explained by theirnbsp;secretly inciting him to embarrass the king and hisnbsp;government. Henry HI. and the Justiciar marched tonbsp;Montgomery, which the Welsh were attacking. There wasnbsp;at least one engagement, but the campaign was not fruitfulnbsp;of any important result. The prince quickly made terms.nbsp;He agreed to pay 3,000 marks as compensation, and, withnbsp;other Welsh lords, renewed his homage.

William de Braose (the heir to the estates of the powerful marcher house of de Braose) was, however,nbsp;captured by the Welsh. The prisoner was released in

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320 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vii.) 1229 on his paying 3,000 marks, giving his consent tonbsp;the marriage of his daughter Isabella to Davyd, ILewelyn’snbsp;son by Joan, and undertaking not to fight against thenbsp;prince again. It so happened that while in captivity henbsp;had an intrigue with Joan, which seems to have beennbsp;carried on after he obtained his freedom, and which wasnbsp;discovered by the prince. Lewelyn seized William (catching him, it is said, in his own chamber), and caused himnbsp;to be publicly hanged.^ It is strange to find that thisnbsp;affair did not prevent Davyd’s marriage to Isabella, whichnbsp;was soon afterwards celebrated. The prince’s eldest son,nbsp;Gruffyd, had already shown considerable military capacity,nbsp;but his unruly conduct not only cost him the loss of hisnbsp;father’s affection, but led to his disgrace and imprisonmentnbsp;in 1228, and it was made plain to all that Davyd was thenbsp;son whom Lewelyn proposed to designate as his heir.

In 1231 Lewelyn again invaded the marches, burnt the castle of Montgomery, marched to Brecon and Gwent,nbsp;destroying castles and cruelly devastating the districts.nbsp;Avoiding Morganwg, he advanced to Neath and Kidweli,nbsp;and then with the help of some south Welsh lords tooknbsp;Cardigan. This brilliant campaign alarmed the Englishnbsp;government. The spiritual weapons of excommunicationnbsp;and interdict were again employed against the prince, andnbsp;Henry once more marched into central Wales, but effectednbsp;nothing decisive. A truce for three years was soon arrangednbsp;on the terms of the suspension of the excommunication andnbsp;interdict. Before, however, the three years had elapsednbsp;Richard Marshal (who had succeeded William, the prince’snbsp;former enemy, in the Earldom of Pembroke) revoltednbsp;against Henry. Lewelyn did not scruple to join him, andnbsp;after raiding in Gwent and Morganwg besieged Carmarthen,

’ The “Brut,” s.a. 1230, says that “William Brewys was hanged by Llewelyn ab lorwerth, having been caught in the chamber of the prince withnbsp;the Princess Jannett.”

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but after a prolonged attempt to reduce the castle this time failed. In the next year the truce was renewed onnbsp;terms favourable to the Welsh. The prince’s active careernbsp;now virtually ended, for though he was not old his healthnbsp;was bad, and the direction of affairs soon passed to Davyd.nbsp;Lewelyn was henceforth chiefly concerned with securingnbsp;the succession to his principality for Davyd. He liberatednbsp;Gruffyd from prison after six years’ confinement, and againnbsp;acknowledged the king as his feudal over-lord. In 1238nbsp;he convened his Welsh vassals to a meeting at Stratanbsp;Florida, at which they swore fealty to Davyd. Gruffydnbsp;received lands in Leyn. The prince, having arrangednbsp;his affairs, soon afterwards assumed the monastic habit andnbsp;retired from the world. He died on April iith, 1240, innbsp;the Cistercian monastery at Aberconway.

The Welsh accorded to Lewelyn with justice the title of Mawr (the Great), and the epithet was recognised asnbsp;appropriate among his Norman-English contemporaries.nbsp;The melancholy fate of his grandson—another Lewelynnbsp;—has attracted to the personality of the last Cymric princenbsp;of Wales popular interest and sentiment to a degree thatnbsp;has been somewhat detrimental to the fame of the grandfather. There can, however, be no doubt that the latternbsp;was the most brilliant and capable ruler the Cymry produced after the time of Gruffyd ab Lewelyn or Howel Da—nbsp;perhaps, indeed, the ablest of all the line of Cuneda. Henbsp;saw that the true policy for a Welsh prince of his periodnbsp;was to frankly admit the suzerainty of the English king;nbsp;to devote his energies, not to regaining a shadowy crownnbsp;of Britain, but to protecting the remaining Cymric landnbsp;from encroachment, and preserving the independence ofnbsp;his people in internal matters. From the time when henbsp;obtained a firm hold on Gwyned he steadily pursued thisnbsp;course of action, and took his place among the great vassalsnbsp;of the realm. While it may have cost him something to

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assume openly a position of formal dependence, he was more than repaid by the increase of his real power. Unfortunately for the Welsh, his successors followed him withnbsp;steps unequal, and the principality which he consolidatednbsp;and handed on to his son Davyd was destined not longnbsp;afterwards to pass from the line of Cadwaladr to thenbsp;greatest of the Plantagenet kings.

For some time before the death of his father, Davyd II. had been the real ruler of the principality. The homagenbsp;of the Welsh barons already done in 1238 went a long waynbsp;to ensuring his succession ; but he had taken “ time by thenbsp;forelock” in another way, for in the course of 1239 henbsp;had treacherously seized and imprisoned his half-brothernbsp;Gruffyd with whom he had been long at feud. Immediately after Lewelyn’s death he was recognised as prince,nbsp;again received the submission of the Welsh vassal lords,nbsp;and himself attended at Gloucester, where he did homagenbsp;to Henry, and was knighted. Lewelyn's territories werenbsp;granted to him, and it was agreed between the king andnbsp;him that any matters in dispute should be referred to thenbsp;arbitration of the Papal legate, Otto, who however shortlynbsp;afterwards left the kingdom. The imprisoned Gruffyd had,nbsp;however, some partisans in Gwyned. Foremost amongnbsp;them was Richard, Bishop of Bangor, who excommunicatednbsp;Davyd, and then, either from fear for himself or zeal fornbsp;Gruffyd, hurried to the king, and induced him to take annbsp;interest in Gruffyd’s grievances. In pursuance of the agreement come to at Gloucester, Davyd was summoned tonbsp;Worcester to arrange for the appointment of arbitratorsnbsp;in place of Otto. He took no notice of the summons,nbsp;but fresh arbitrators were chosen, or rather appointed (fornbsp;it does not appear that the prince ever consented to thenbsp;new names), and being summoned to Shrewsbury for thenbsp;decision of the question between him and his brother, henbsp;again neglected the call. Senena, the wife of Gruffyd, was.

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however, at Shrewsbury pressing her husband’s claims, and made an arrangement with the king. Quite apart, however,nbsp;from his conduct towards Gruffyd, Davyd, not contentnbsp;with strengthening his hold over the lands granted to him,nbsp;had been imprudent enough to receive the homage ofnbsp;rebellious royal tenants and to give aid to the enemiesnbsp;of Roger Mortimer. Under these circumstances Henrynbsp;decided to make a punitive expedition. “ Having assemblednbsp;an army,” he advanced towards Gwyned as far as Diserthnbsp;Castle in the Vale of Clwyd. Davyd was either takennbsp;unprepared or did not think it prudent to engage in warnbsp;and submitted without striking a blow on August 29th, 1241,nbsp;at Alnet, near St. Asaph, and came at once to terms with hisnbsp;over-lord. Under the arrangement made, the unfortunatenbsp;Gruffyd was transferred to the king; the Welsh princenbsp;agreed to submit the quarrel between him and his brothernbsp;to the king’s court, to give up Mold to the seneschal ofnbsp;Chester, to yield up to Gruffyd ab Gwenwynwyn his landsnbsp;in Powys, and to concede to other Welsh lords their claimsnbsp;to parts of Meirionyd. He was ordered to attend the courtnbsp;in London, and went there in October. During his visit anbsp;further agreement was forced on him by the king’s government by which it was stipulated that the principality shouldnbsp;be surrendered to the English crown if he died without heirsnbsp;of his body.

Davyd returned to North Wales, and the next two years were years of peace. Gruffyd was kept a prisonernbsp;in London. The English court had readily enough usednbsp;his claims and grievances as weapons to justify interference with Davyd; but when they had attained theirnbsp;object it was seen that his release would only mean morenbsp;trouble in the west. He was therefore detained, and nonbsp;steps were taken to bring on his cause before the king’snbsp;court. He had been taken to London and confined in thenbsp;Tower, where he was well treated. In 1244, having no

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doubt come to the conclusion that he could not count on redress from the king, he tried to escape by means of a rope,nbsp;but fell in the attempt and broke his neck. Probablynbsp;relieved by his brother’s death from fear of internal disaffection, and influenced by the desire to repair a reputation damaged among subjects ever eager for war by hisnbsp;hasty conclusion of peace with the king, Davyd, instead ofnbsp;waiting till the discontent of England with the despotic butnbsp;weak personal government of Henry had burst into flame,nbsp;took overt steps which showed that he did not intend tonbsp;regard the obligations into which he had entered.^ Henbsp;summoned in 1244 all the Welsh lords to join him—apparently to do homage with a view to a general rising. Allnbsp;obeyed except three, who were promptly assailed and compelled to submit. Davyd not being able to secure alliesnbsp;among the English, and conscious of his inability single-handed to shake off the control of the English government,nbsp;intrigued with the Papal court, and appears to have offerednbsp;to submit the questions between him and the king to thenbsp;judgment of commissioners appointed by the then Pope.nbsp;But though the Pope did nominate two abbots as arbitratorsnbsp;Henry would have nothing to do with them ; and Innocentnbsp;IV. on further representations cancelled the commission.

Border warfare continued into 1245. The Welsh sustained a considerable defeat at Montgomery, but Davyd retook Mold.

Henry then made preparations for another invasion of Wales. With a sufficient army he advanced to Deganwy,nbsp;while Món was ravaged by a force from Ireland. Thenbsp;Welsh prince avoided a decisive engagement, and was compelled to retire in the usual way to the mountains ofnbsp;Snowdon. There he awaited the development of events.

* “ Brut,” .f.a. 1244, after recounting Gruffyft’s death, abruptly says Davytl quot;became enraged and summoned, amp;c.,” but his anger was surely not causednbsp;by the removal of one who was at once an enemy and a rival.

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Henry was not able to follow the enemy into the mountains. When winter came his army fell short of supplies, and he had to retire without having obtained the submission of Davyd; but he strengthened Deganwy, and in thenbsp;campaign inflicted much loss on the Welsh. The prince’snbsp;plans were cut short by his death in March, 1246.

Davyd II. died without issue ; but Gruffyd had left three sons, Owain Goch (who had shared his captivity for a time,nbsp;but had been released and received into favour by thenbsp;king), Lewelyn (who it is said had already been occupyingnbsp;parts of Perfedwlad in defiance alike of his uncle Davydnbsp;and the English authorities),^ and Davyd (destined to benbsp;the last reigning prince of his line). Ignoring the agreement of 1241, by which the principality was to pass to thenbsp;English crown in case Davyd II. should die without issue,nbsp;Owain and Lewelyn, with the consent of the Welshnbsp;barons, assumed the sovereignty, and divided the possessions of their house (making provision for their youngernbsp;brother Davyd). They were at once treated as rebels.nbsp;Nicholas de Myles, seneschal of Carmarthen, seized thenbsp;lordships in the south that were appurtenant to Gwyned,nbsp;and promptly marched to the north as far as Deganwy.nbsp;Owain and Lewelyn retreated to the mountains. Thenbsp;king, not wishing at the moment to push things to extremities, did not insist on the exact terms of the bargainnbsp;with the late prince. An understanding was arrived atnbsp;between him and the princes, in pursuance of which theynbsp;did homage to him at Woodstock in 1247. A treaty wasnbsp;thereupon signed by which Henry pardoned their rebellion,nbsp;retained all Welsh land east of the Conway, as well as thenbsp;southern districts which had been occupied by De Mylesnbsp;(except a part allotted to Maelgwn Vychan), but conferrednbsp;on them the residue of the principality.

' Warrington’s “History,” p. 428, citing Wynne’s “History of the Gwydir Family,” p. 2^.

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For several years the settlement of 1247 was loyally adhered to, and there was a period of unwonted peace,nbsp;during which Lewelyn steadily increased his influence, andnbsp;attracted to himself the devoted attachment and the stillnbsp;retained hopes of the Welsh. It was probably owing tonbsp;the jealousy roused by his growing popularity that in 1254nbsp;his brothers Owain and Davyd quarrelled with and tooknbsp;up arms against him. Lewelyn and his men confidentlynbsp;awaited the “ cruel coming ” ^ of the rebels at Bryn Derwin,nbsp;where after a brief engagement the latter were decisivelynbsp;beaten. Owain was captured, thrown into prison, and keptnbsp;in confinement for many years, but Davyd escaped tonbsp;England to work much mischief against his brother andnbsp;the cause of the Welsh. Lewelyn took possession of theirnbsp;lands, and on the death of Maredud ab Lewelyn, one ofnbsp;his vassal barons, seized Meirionyd. This last act estrangednbsp;Gruffyd ab Gwenwynwyn, lord of the neighbouring cymwdnbsp;of Cyfeiliog, and induced him to ally himself to thenbsp;English.

While matters were in this position in Wales an event which had a direct effect on the fortunes of Gwyned tooknbsp;place. Edward, the eldest son of Henry III., was marriednbsp;to Eleanor, daughter of Ferdinand the Saint, in October,nbsp;1254, and the king, as part of the provision made for hisnbsp;son, conferred on him the earldom of Chester and all hisnbsp;lands in Wales.

We have pointed out above the exceptional position of the county of Chester. From the time of William I. it hadnbsp;been a practically independent state. It was now thenbsp;strongest and most valuable of all the lordships in thenbsp;marches of Wales. By becoming Earl of Chester the heirnbsp;to the English crown came directly into contact withnbsp;Welsh affairs. The vague grant of the king’s lands innbsp;Wales included the four cantrefs of Perfedwlad, andnbsp;* “ Brut,” s.a. 1254.

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three lordships in the south that, though not without intermission, had been in the possession of the Englishnbsp;crown for many years.^ Edward and his wife camenbsp;to England in 1255. Boy though he was—being onlynbsp;sixteen—Edward took some part in the administrationnbsp;of his possessions in the west, though the real governmentnbsp;was no doubt left to ministers, who were arbitrary andnbsp;often unjust in their treatment of the Welsh tenants in thenbsp;earl’s lands. Their conduct after Edward’s assumption ofnbsp;his earldom gave rise to great irritation in the four cantrefsnbsp;and the other parts of Wales in his jurisdiction. In thenbsp;course of 1255 a survey was made by his officers or those ofnbsp;the king on his behalf of his castles and lands in Gwyned;nbsp;steps were taken to annex the four cantrefs to the county ofnbsp;Chester ; while the earl’s deputy, Geoffrey Langton, constituted three parts of Keredigion and the lands attached tonbsp;or held with the castle of Carmarthen into shire-ground,nbsp;with an organisation similar to that of the English shires.nbsp;The Welsh tenants, seeing clearly enough that the effectnbsp;of these measures would be the introduction of Norman-English law and the suppression of customs to whichnbsp;they were attached, not only because of their substantialnbsp;consonance with their ideas of justice, but also becausenbsp;their use was a symbol of practical independence. Thenbsp;smaller Welsh barons, as well as their tenants, looked onnbsp;the action of Edward’s officers in a very different way fromnbsp;that in which they regarded a change of prince or lord. Itnbsp;mattered little to them whether their superior lord or princenbsp;did homage to the king of England or any one else, so long asnbsp;the incidents of tenure remained the same. The changes nownbsp;made, as they instantly saw, might, and probably would, benbsp;detrimental to them from a pecuniary point of view, and

' Thus practically all the areas that are now Flintshire and Denbighshire, and large parts of the present Carmarthenshire and Cardiganshire passed tonbsp;Edward-

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tend to their having to endure new burdens. But apart from mere fears of the consequences of the changesnbsp;attempted, the Welsh of the districts in question had alsonbsp;reason to complain of much actual injustice to individuals,nbsp;of illegal imprisonment, violent evictions, and oppression innbsp;every possible form at the hands of the English localnbsp;authorities.

In their distress, the Welsh now turned to Lewelyn, and besought him to come to their assistance. Moved, it isnbsp;said, by their tears,^ he determined to make an effort tonbsp;regain the territories he had lost in consequence of hisnbsp;former rebellion. He took the field in 1256, and for aboutnbsp;eleven years there was almost continuous warfare betweennbsp;him and the English—warfare that was ended by the peacenbsp;of 1267.

Once determined on a fresh war, Lewelyn acted with vigour and promptitude. In the autumn of 1256 henbsp;suddenly invaded Perfedwlad. His forces, no doubtnbsp;received with gladness by the inhabitants, subdued itnbsp;within a week; but the castles of Diserth and Deganwynbsp;remained in the hands of Edward’s officers. Lewelynnbsp;then turned south, overran the parts of Keredigion thatnbsp;had been lately made shire-ground, and also took the can-tref of Buatlt in Powys, which belonged to the Mortimers.nbsp;He did not, however, keep these conquests in his ownnbsp;possession ; but, desirous of attaching the Cymric lords ofnbsp;the south, and through them the Welsh-speaking tenantsnbsp;of the Norman-English lords-marchers to himself, grantednbsp;them to Maredud ab Owain, who was a descendant ofnbsp;Rhys ab Teudwr, and therefore represented the ancientnbsp;princely line of Deheubarth, and restored to Maredud abnbsp;Rhys Gryg lands from which the latter had been ousted bynbsp;his nephew, Rhys Vychan ab Rhys Mechyh. The new Earlnbsp;of Chester had no force at his disposal adequate for an attacknbsp;‘ '“Brut,quot; j-,a. 1255,

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upon the victorious Lewelyn. He appealed to his father, but, for the moment, in vain, and the Welsh prince, in his nextnbsp;campaign (1257), expelled Roger Mortimer from the cymwdnbsp;of Gwrthryn in Powys, and Gruffyd ab Gwenwynwynnbsp;(who still remained aloof from the Welsh cause) fromnbsp;Cyfeiliog. Lewelyn, actively helped by his allies, ravagednbsp;a large part of South Wales, taking and burning manynbsp;castles that were in English hands. Henry, in the summernbsp;of the same year, came to his son’s assistance, and, with anbsp;considerable force, reached Deganwy, but did not cross thenbsp;Conway. The king remained there for several weeks, butnbsp;no engagement of importance took place, and the Englishnbsp;army retired, after having effected nothing that altered thenbsp;situation in a material degree in favour of Edward ; and innbsp;1258 a truce for a year was concluded between Lewelynnbsp;and Henry on the terms that the latter should have freenbsp;communication with Deganwy, and the former remain innbsp;possession of the four cantrefs. The fame of Lewelyn wasnbsp;now spreading far, for he was able to effect an alliance withnbsp;the Scotch nobles against the king, and to enter into friendlynbsp;relations with the English barons, whose discontent withnbsp;the tyrannical and yet weak government of Henry was nownbsp;coming to a head.

Lewelyn’s military career and domestic rule had been so successful that now nearly all the Welsh barons openlynbsp;took their stand on his side, and at a formal assembly anbsp;large number of the nobles of Wales took oaths of fealtynbsp;to him.^

It was a fortunate circumstance for Lewelyn that the long-smouldering resentment of the English peoplenbsp;against Henry and his practically foreign ministry burst

‘ Maredutï ab Rhys, though he was indebted to ILewelyn for his restoration to his estates, and though he had taken the oath, intrigued with the Seneschalnbsp;of Carmarthen—De Sayes ; but he was quickly attacked and captured, and hisnbsp;castle of Dinevwr seized.

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into open revolt, and resulted in the Provisions of Oxford, the rule of Simon de Montfort, and civil war. In thenbsp;troubled condition of things in England the war againstnbsp;Wales was not prosecuted with any vigour. Notwithstanding the truce, Lewelyn, in 1259 and 1260, madenbsp;some border raids, justifying himself on the ground that itsnbsp;conditions were not observed by the English ; but peace wasnbsp;substantially preserved till 1262, when he took the offensivenbsp;in earnest. This time he began by attacking Roger Mortimer, one of the principal lords-marchers in the cantref ofnbsp;Maelienyd, and then seized several castles in that region. Thenbsp;Welsh inhabitants of the cantref did homage to him, and henbsp;pressed on to Brecheiniog, and, having received the submission of the people there, returned to Gwyned. This boldnbsp;incursion, which was probably made in concert with thenbsp;disaffected English barons, caused general alarm in thenbsp;west and a speedy renewal of operations in the marchesnbsp;Edward, with such a force as he could command, early innbsp;1263 advanced into Wales, but his campaign was fruitless ;nbsp;and the breaking out of actual civil war between the barons,nbsp;headed by Simon de Montfort, and the king, made itnbsp;impossible for him to give attention to Welsh affairs.nbsp;Lewelyn, just as his grandfather had done many yearsnbsp;before, threw himself on the side of the barons, and formednbsp;a close alliance with Simon de Montfort, who promised himnbsp;his daughter Eleanor in marriage.

The disputes between the king and the barons were referred for settlement to St. Louis, king of France, whonbsp;decided in favour of Henry III., and annulled thenbsp;Provisions of Oxford. The Earl of Leicester repudiatednbsp;the award of the French king, and took up arms again.nbsp;The events of 1264 and 1265 are too well known to neednbsp;retelling here. The battle and Mise of Lewes madenbsp;Simon de Montfort the real ruler of the realm for thenbsp;time. Edward was taken prisoner. A new constitution

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was drawn up. The celebrated Parliament of 1265 was convened and met. The earldom of Chester was assignednbsp;to Simon, who early in the year 1265 proceeded to thenbsp;marches, which were now well under the control ofnbsp;Lewelyn and his allies. In 1263, seizing the occasionnbsp;afforded by the commencement of the barons’ wars innbsp;England, Lewelyn had again overrun Perfedwlad, andnbsp;this time had succeeded in taking the castles of Diserthnbsp;and Deganwy, which had so long resisted his attempts.nbsp;His position was now very strong in Wales, and even hisnbsp;former enemy, Gruffyd ab Gwenwynwyn, came over to hisnbsp;side and did homage; but just as the principal Welsh lordnbsp;in Powys submitted, Lewelyn had to deal with a freshnbsp;revolt by his brother Davyd. The rebellion was at oncenbsp;suppressed, and Davyd himself was forced to take refugenbsp;again in England. The incident in no way weakenednbsp;the prince, who continued to act with, and give powerfulnbsp;support to, the Earl of Leicester and his party. Simonnbsp;rewarded Lewelyn for his services by forcing the king tonbsp;sign a convention, which conferred on the Welsh princenbsp;large territories (including even Maud’s Castle, Hawarden,nbsp;Ellesmere, and Montgomery), and formally granted himnbsp;the principality with the right of receiving the homage ofnbsp;the Welsh barons.^

Fortune, however, soon deserted the great earl. On August 4th, 1265, he was defeated and slain by Edwardnbsp;at the battle of Evesham. The loss was very great tonbsp;Lewelyn, but he continued the war, and in Septembernbsp;made an inroad into Chester, which had been restorednbsp;to Edward; but, notwithstanding the Welsh effortsnbsp;and the prolonged resistance of the remainder of thenbsp;baronial party in England, its cause was now lost, andnbsp;shortly after the surrender of Kenilworth there was anbsp;general submission by the barons to the king and Edward.

* Rymer’s “Foedera,” i. 457.

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Lewelyn had formed an alliance with Gilbert de Clare, Earl of Gloucester, but the latter made peace with thenbsp;king, and by the intervention of the papal legate, Ottobon,nbsp;terms were also arranged between Lewelyn and Edward,nbsp;which were so favourable to the former as to amount to anbsp;real triumph for the Welsh nation. By a treaty concludednbsp;at Montgomery, the king granted the principality tonbsp;Lewelyn and his heirs, to be held on the terms of doingnbsp;homage ; Lewelyn was authorised to receive the homagenbsp;of all the Welsh barons (except that of Maredud ab Rhys,nbsp;the representative of the old line of South Welsh princes,nbsp;which the king reserved to himself and his heirs) ; thenbsp;limits of the principality were defined in a way liberalnbsp;towards the Welsh prince ; the four cantrefs of Perfedwladnbsp;were granted to him; and Davyd was restored to thenbsp;lands he had possessed, but Lewelyn was to pay 24,000nbsp;marks by way of indemnity. The treaty was ratified bynbsp;papal authority. Practically it left to Edward no part ofnbsp;his Welsh estates except Carmarthen and its appurtenantnbsp;lands.

It is useless to speculate on what might have happened if Lewelyn had thenceforth adhered faithfully to the terms ofnbsp;this treaty, and reinstated the far-seeing yet practical policynbsp;of his grandfather, which was concentrated on the maintenance of Gwyned as a separate entity among the great lord-ships or feudal states of the realm, and frankly based anbsp;position of vassalage under the English crown ; but one cannbsp;hardly help thinking, when one looks back on the uncertain andnbsp;devious devolution of the English kingship, that if Lewelynnbsp;ab Gruffyd had abided by the terms of the treaty, thrownnbsp;over the De Montforts and their friends, and steadily alliednbsp;himself to Edward, the crown of Britain might have beennbsp;regained by a descendant of his house before the time atnbsp;which a Welsh prince, in the person of Henry VII., becamenbsp;king of England. Things, however, turned out quite

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otherwise. Lewelyn not only continued on friendly relations with the sons of Simon, but intrigued with themnbsp;against Henry. He did not understand the trend of eventsnbsp;in England, and seems to have looked upon the treaty ofnbsp;Montgomery, not as marking the limit for a time of anbsp;prudent ambition, but as the immediate stepping-stonenbsp;to the realisation of dreams of conquest, which werenbsp;encouraged by the recollection of prophecies supposed tonbsp;be ancient and continually fostered by the flattery of thosenbsp;around him, especially of the bards, to whom the somewhatnbsp;backward conditions of life in North Wales still allowednbsp;an influence which was highly pernicious in practicalnbsp;concerns.

Till the death of Henry HI. in 1272, Lewelyn did nothing overt to give offence. Peace was fairly well keptnbsp;on the borders, there was internal repose, and no disputenbsp;with the English central authority. Edward (who hadnbsp;taken the cross in 1268, and had gone to the East to joinnbsp;in a crusade) was, when his father died in 1272, still abroad,nbsp;but he was proclaimed king at Westminster without opposition, and the government carried on by the Archbishopnbsp;of York, Edmund of Cornwall, and others, on his behalf.nbsp;Lewelyn did not attend the assembly of the magnates ofnbsp;the kingdom at Westminster, and the regents havingnbsp;appointed a commission to receive his homage, summoned him on the 29th November, 1272, to render hisnbsp;service; but the Welsh prince took no notice of thenbsp;message.

It is clear he was continuing negotiations with the sons of Simon de Montfort, and he was probably encouraged bynbsp;some of the English barons to resist Edward. In 1273 henbsp;was betrothed to Eleanor de Montfort, the late earl’s onlynbsp;daughter, in accordance with the promise made some yearsnbsp;before. He also entered into communication with thenbsp;Roman court, and obtained from Gregory X. a decree

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334 the welsh PEOPLE, (chap, vii.) absolving him from obedience to citations to placesnbsp;outside Wales.

Lewelyn was now called upon to meet an internal revolt. Davyd entered into a conspiracy with Gruffydnbsp;ab Gwenwynwyn and others against his brother. Thenbsp;prince, however, was able at once to seize the lands of thenbsp;rebels. Davyd and Gruffyd fled to England, but Owainnbsp;was captured. The fugitives seem to have been wellnbsp;received by the king, and Lewelyn found in that circumstance another reason for neglecting to perform his dutynbsp;as vassal, ignored all messages, and finally openly defiednbsp;his over-lord. Edward I. was crowned on August the i8th,nbsp;1274, but though Alexander III. of Scotland attended thenbsp;ceremony and did homage, Lewelyn was conspicuous bynbsp;his absence, and still delayed to make his submission.nbsp;Edward determined to compel him to submit, and proceeding to Chester, summoned his recalcitrant vassal tonbsp;come to him there. Lewelyn convened his own vassals,nbsp;and took counsel with them. In accordance with thenbsp;general assent of the Welsh barons, he refused to complynbsp;with Edward’s command on the ground that the latter hadnbsp;committed a breach of the mutual feudal obligations bynbsp;harbouring his enemies, Davyd ab Gruffyd and Gruffyd abnbsp;Gwenwynwyn. Edward returned to England in anger.nbsp;The De Montforts still kept up a connection with somenbsp;of the English barons as well as with the prince, and itnbsp;looks as if the action of the latter was taken in contemplation of some combined action. Edward, however,nbsp;checked any movement in England by proclaiming a fullnbsp;pardon to the survivors of the barons who had sided withnbsp;Simon in the recent war. It was about this time thatnbsp;Eleanor de Montfort, under the escort of her brothernbsp;Amaury, sailed for Gwyned to marry Lewelyn ; but thenbsp;vessels of her party were captured by some Bristol sailors.nbsp;Amaury was thrown into prison, and Edward, meanly and

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unchivalrously, caused Eleanor to be detained in captivity as one of the queen’s household. Lewelyn sent manynbsp;messages to the king with the view of obtaining the releasenbsp;of his bride and forming a durable peace; but they werenbsp;fruitless, for Edward was greatly incensed at what henbsp;deemed the prince’s faithless and shifty conduct. Thenbsp;latter found the only terms on which Edward would setnbsp;Eleanor at liberty too hard to be entertained. Bordernbsp;hostilities took place in 1276, and in November of thatnbsp;year Edward formally declared war against Lewelyn, andnbsp;summoned his army to Worcester. He divided his wholenbsp;forces into three armies. The first, led by himself (withnbsp;whom served Davyd), entered Wales from Chester, whilenbsp;the fleet co-operated by sailing along the coast with thenbsp;ultimate object of cutting off supplies for the Welsh fromnbsp;Món. The second, under the command of Hugh de Lacynbsp;and Roger Mortimer, advanced from Shrewsbury to Montgomery, while the Earl of Hereford retook possession ofnbsp;Brecheiniog. The third, under Edmund of Lancaster,nbsp;invaded the district of the south occupied by the vassalsnbsp;or allies of Lewelyn. Most of the South-Welsh baronsnbsp;speedily deserted and made submission to the king.

Lewelyn was obliged to abandon the south and confine his efforts to the defence of Gwyned by the usual tactics.nbsp;But Edward had made his plans carefully; he advancednbsp;cautiously, causing ways to be cut through the forests, andnbsp;gradually forced Lewelyn, who did not venture on anbsp;pitched battle, to the mountainous districts of Snowdon.nbsp;Blockaded there, surrounded on all sides by the enemy,nbsp;deprived of provisions from M6n, Lewelyn, though henbsp;struggled long, was, when winter came, starved into submission and compelled to make peace on terms which werenbsp;dictated by Edward, and embodied in the Treaty of Conway-

This treaty, in effect, completely undid the work of 1267, and reduced Lewelyn to the position of a petty baron. He

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agreed to pay 50,000 marks as a fine or indemnity, and to surrender all prisoners ; the four cantrefs and his formernbsp;South-Welsh estates were to go to the king ; Mon, of whichnbsp;Edward was in possession, was granted to him at a yearlynbsp;rent of 1,000 marks, but was to revert to the Crown on hisnbsp;death without heirs; the homage of the Welsh baronsnbsp;(except the five barons of Snowdon) was transferred fromnbsp;him to the king. Provision was made for Davyd by anbsp;grant of land in Perfedwlad. Owain Goch, who had so farnbsp;as we can find been in captivity since 1256, was released andnbsp;given territory in Leyn. The adherents of the king innbsp;Wales were restored to the lands they had possessed beforenbsp;the war. Lewelyn was to come to London on a day to benbsp;appointed to do homage, and to attend in England everynbsp;Christmas to renew that act of submission. On the othernbsp;hand, it was stipulated that outside the four cantrefs justicenbsp;should be administered according to the laws and customsnbsp;of the districts in which the lands might lie ; that allnbsp;tenants holding lands in the four cantrefs and other Welshnbsp;places in the king’s possession should possess them as freelynbsp;and enjoy the same customs and liberties as they did beforenbsp;the wars ; and that disputes between the prince himself andnbsp;other persons were to be decided according to the law ofnbsp;the marches. The complete failure of the war and the conclusion of peace on these terms amounted to the ruin of thenbsp;house of Gwyned, though an attempt, and as it proved anbsp;last attempt, was made by Lewelyn to recover the groundnbsp;he had lost.

Edward, having shown his power, did not exact full performance of the treaty. He remitted the fine, andnbsp;returned the hostages delivered by the prince. Lewelyn didnbsp;homage at Rhudlan, and went to London at Christmasnbsp;when the ceremony was repeated. His promised wife wasnbsp;still at court, and his conduct at this time was, no doubt,nbsp;very largely determined by the natural desire that her

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HISTORY OF WALES, 1066—1282.

marriage to him should take place, and by the belief that close connection with the family of the great earl wouldnbsp;strengthen him in an effort to recover the authority andnbsp;territories he had lost. Whatever his motives, he behavednbsp;with such conciliatory prudence that in 1278, on thenbsp;occasion of his going to Worcester to renew his submission,nbsp;the king allowed the wedding to take place. Lewelyn andnbsp;Eleanor were married “at the door of the great church”nbsp;there in the presence of Edward and his court, and nextnbsp;day “joyfully returned”^ to Wales. The union thus formednbsp;did not, however, last long. Eleanor died in childbirth innbsp;1280, leaving a daughter, GwenHian, surviving. The loss ofnbsp;his wife tended to estrange Lewelyn from the Englishnbsp;court, and made him more ready to listen to the complaintsnbsp;of the Welsh against the tyranny of the king’s officers, butnbsp;it was not until the spring of 1282 that there was again anbsp;formal rupture of the peace.

After taking possession of the districts ceded by the treaty of 1277, Edward vigorously proceeded with the conversion of Perfedwlad into shire-ground, and renewed thenbsp;county organisations of Cardigan and Carmarthen, whichnbsp;had been first created many years before. Many of thenbsp;castles which had been built in the early days of thenbsp;Norman invasion were strengthened or erected anew on anbsp;larger and more formidable scale. These proceedingsnbsp;caused general alarm and indignation among the Welsh ofnbsp;the four cantrefs and the southern counties. They soonnbsp;saw that the new system in effect involved the substitutionnbsp;of Norman-English laws for the Welsh customs, which bynbsp;the treaty were to be retained in regard to the lands ofnbsp;the Welsh inhabitants. In any case the immediate changenbsp;from one system to another, however gently brought about,nbsp;would have caused some loss or injury to individuals; butnbsp;the conduct of the king’s subordinates was such as tonbsp;* “ Brut,” s.a. 1278.

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338 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vu.)

aggravate very greatly the ills sustained by the Welsh The royal officers were not only violent and arbitrary innbsp;their dealings with Welsh holders of land, but also grosslynbsp;extortionate and corrupt, while the provisions inserted innbsp;the treaty for the protection of the latter were ignored.nbsp;Whatever allowance may be made for Edward on the scorenbsp;of his being badly served, or of the acts of his officers beingnbsp;unauthorised, he was guilty of bad faith, for when complaints were made to him, he declared that he would maintain the Welsh laws only so far as they were good. Innbsp;fact, he had determined to impose English laws in thenbsp;ceded lands without regard to the treaty. Lewelyn, too,nbsp;had grievances of his own. Thus he laid claim to somenbsp;land in Arwystli, and brought the case before the king’snbsp;court at Rhudlan. According to the treaty (so the princenbsp;contended) the matter should have been tried and decidednbsp;according to the Welsh law, but it was, in fact, dealt withnbsp;according to the Norman-English procedure. Davyd alsonbsp;had complaints to make against the authorities innbsp;Perfedwlad. The anger and resentment kindled firstnbsp;among the Welsh outside the remnant of the principalitynbsp;left in the possession of Lewelyn quickly spread among hisnbsp;own subjects and the whole Welsh-speaking people. Itnbsp;was felt by all that another effort to secure independencenbsp;ought to be made; but the independence now sought fornbsp;was not the severing of all ties with the English king, butnbsp;freedom to carry on their affairs in accordance with theirnbsp;own conceptions of right. J ust as the English clamourednbsp;for the laws of Edward the Confessor, the Welsh nationalnbsp;demands focussed themselves into a claim that the laws ofnbsp;Howel Da should be maintained, and into resistance to thenbsp;innovations of the English government. The movement innbsp;favour of revolt rapidly spread in 1281. A reconciliationnbsp;was effected between Lewelyn and his brother Davyd, andnbsp;the latter agreed with him never again to serve under the

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HISTORY OF WALES, 1066—1282.

English king. An understanding was also arrived at between the prince and the aggrieved barons of the south, and fromnbsp;what subsequently took place we may infer that a generalnbsp;insurrection was planned.

The rising was commenced by Davyd, who, on the eve of Palm Sunday, 1282, suddenly attacked and tooknbsp;Hawarden Castle and captured Roger Clifford the Justiciar.nbsp;Lewelyn at once crossed the Conway, ravaged the countrynbsp;up to Chester itself, and besieged Rhudlan and Flint.nbsp;Almost simultaneously, the chiefs among the southernnbsp;barons, Gruffyd ab Maredud and Rhys ab Maelgwn, rosenbsp;and took Aberystwyth, burnt the castle, and destroyednbsp;the rampart that had been made round the town. Edward,nbsp;profoundly angered by the news from Wales, made verynbsp;extensive preparations for the final subjugation of thenbsp;principality. The events that had just happened leftnbsp;Edward no option but to invade it again, and we cannotnbsp;blame him for taking that course. Yet the outbreak ofnbsp;a fresh rebellion at a time and under circumstances whichnbsp;(as the better informed of the Welsh leaders must havenbsp;known) made its success impossible shows not only thatnbsp;the Welsh grievances were real and hard to be borne,nbsp;but that Edward had neglected to make adequate inquirynbsp;about them, and to exercise efficient control over his localnbsp;ministers. He made no attempt to negotiate, unless indeednbsp;it was by his desire that the Archbishop of Canterburynbsp;(Peckham) tried to effect a peaceful settlement. Eithernbsp;acting under the direction of the king or simply in hisnbsp;own episcopal capacity he visited North Wales, andnbsp;having addressed a letter to the prince, met and conferred with him and his council. Lewelyn laid beforenbsp;him a written answer to his letter on behalf of himselfnbsp;and his people, adding particulars of “ the greefes ” ofnbsp;Davyd and other barons, and of the men of Rhos andnbsp;other districts. The written complaints of the Welsh were

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340 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vii.) taken by Peckham to the king, who, though he did notnbsp;categorically refuse to hear the Welsh complainants, madenbsp;unconditional submission a preliminary step to investigatingnbsp;the matters in dispute, for he would promise to those whonbsp;might come to him liberty to return to Wales only if “bynbsp;justice they deserved to depart.” The archbishop againnbsp;went to Wales and saw Lewelyn, who resolutely refusednbsp;to place himself at the king’s mercy. Returning to England he reported what had taken place, and Edward sternlynbsp;said he wanted no other treaty of peace than that thenbsp;prince and his people should simply submit themselves.nbsp;Such a submission was demanded in a message to Lewelynnbsp;and his council, which was, however, accompanied by secretnbsp;offers to the prince of an estate worth £ i,ooo a year innbsp;England, and to Davyd of adequate provision accordingnbsp;to his degree. The Welsh princes declined both the opennbsp;and the private terms of accommodation suggested to them,nbsp;and in a dignified and touching epistle to the archbishopnbsp;explained that they dare not trust to the king, as he hadnbsp;kept “ neither oath nor covenant nor grant by charter,”nbsp;and in effect expressed their determination to defend theirnbsp;rights at all hazards.

Finding that his friendly negotiations had failed, the archbishop excommunicated ILewelyn. Edward, fullynbsp;prepared, marched into Gwyned, repeated the tactics ofnbsp;1277 with a similar result, and having occupied Món, compelled the Welsh to retreat into the mountainous districtnbsp;of Snowdon, though not without sustaining considerablenbsp;losses. In the south, the Earl of Gloucester and Sirnbsp;Edmund Mortimer advanced against the Welsh force,nbsp;under the command of Grufifyd ab Maredud and his friends,nbsp;and met and defeated it at Landeilo Fawr. Lewelyn,nbsp;remembering his fate in the last war, left Davyd to defendnbsp;himself in the north, and himself, with a small body ofnbsp;men, escaped, in the hope of securing fresh adherents.

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HISTORY OF WALES, 1066—1282.

encouraging the Welsh in the marches, and of effecting some kind of diversion. He passed through and ravagednbsp;Cardigan and the estate of Rhys ab Maredud, who wasnbsp;serving with the king. He then proceeded into the valleynbsp;of the Wye, apparently with the intention of inducingnbsp;the Welsh of southern Powys to join him when the winternbsp;was further advanced in an attempt to cut off Edward’snbsp;communications with Chester ; but he was met not far fromnbsp;Buattt Castle by Mortimer, who was lord of the cantref,nbsp;and an engagement took place on December loth, in whichnbsp;the small Welsh force was beaten. Lewelyn was killed bynbsp;Adam de Francton on the same day, but whether in thenbsp;actual battle or while waiting unattended for the comingnbsp;of some of the Welsh barons of the country with whom henbsp;had made a secret appointment is not certain. His headnbsp;was sent to Edward, and was afterwards exhibited innbsp;London, encircled with a crown of ivy in mocking allusionnbsp;to a prophecy current among the Welsh that he shouldnbsp;be crowned there. He is usually regarded as the lastnbsp;Cymric Prince of Wales, and this popular view is substantially true, for he was the last lineal descendant ofnbsp;Rhodri Mawr, who ruled over the whole, or nearly thenbsp;whole, of the ancient kingdom of Gwyned; but technicallynbsp;Davyd HI. must be accorded the melancholy honour.nbsp;Left, as we have seen, in command in Snowdon on hisnbsp;brother’s death, he was acknowledged by the Welsh baronsnbsp;as their prince. For a time he held out, but he was soonnbsp;obliged to conceal himself in the recesses of the mountains,nbsp;and after some months was betrayed into the king’s hands.nbsp;He was imprisoned at Rhudlan Castle; the other Welshnbsp;barons surrendered, and the whole of Wales and the marchesnbsp;was soon reduced to subjection. The king determined tonbsp;make an example of Davyd, who was tried as a baronnbsp;of England by a Parliament held at Shrewsbury, and,nbsp;having been convicted, was, on October 3rd, 1283, hanged.

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342 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vii.)

drawn, and quartered.^ Edward’s brutal treatment of the remains of Lewelyn (who, though a rebel according to thenbsp;law of the king’s realm, was slain in honourable war), andnbsp;his utter want of magnanimity in dealing with Davyd,nbsp;were long remembered among the Cymry, and helpednbsp;to keep alive the hatred with which the Welsh-speakingnbsp;people for several centuries more regarded the English.

We deal in the next chapter with Edward’s settlement of Welsh affairs and his organisation of the principality.nbsp;The possessions of the Cymric house of Gwyned were notnbsp;simply added to England. The principality was stillnbsp;maintained, but annexed to the English Crown. Duringnbsp;the time Edward resided in Wales two sons were bornnbsp;unto him. The younger one, Edward of Carnarvon (whonbsp;became his successor as Edward II.), was in 1301 creatednbsp;Prince of Wales, and it became the custom for the kingnbsp;of England to grant the principality to the heir to thenbsp;Crown with a special limitation which made it appurtenantnbsp;to the rightful succession to the throne.

But though the principality survived in a new form, and under new rules, all was now over with the last of thenbsp;princely Cymric lines. Lewelyn and his brothers werenbsp;the representatives of one of the very oldest reigningnbsp;families of western Europe—one that could trace its originnbsp;to the time when Britain still formed part of the Romannbsp;Empire, and which had with some brief intervals rulednbsp;in Gwyned for nearly nine hundred years. Lewelyn’snbsp;daughter, Gwenttian, lived on, was brought up in a convent,nbsp;and ultimately took the veil, it is said, against her will.nbsp;She was his only child legitimate according to English law,

' For full details as to their careers see the excellent lives of Lewelyn and Davyd in “ Diet. Nat. Biog.,” by Professor Tout. ILygad Gwr wrote a longnbsp;ode to Lewelyn not long after the prince’s success of 1267 (Stephens' “ Lit. ofnbsp;the Kymry,” 2nd edition, p. 346); and Bledyn Yard and Gruffyd ah yr Ynadnbsp;Coch wrote elegies upon him. {Ibid., pp. 365, 368.) Consult too “Thenbsp;Welsh Wars of Edward I.,’’byJ. E. Morris (Clar. Press, rgoi).

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HISTORY OF WALES, 1066—1282.

but there is little doubt the Madog who led a vigorous insurrection in 1294, which was put down in the followingnbsp;year, was his son.^ Davyd left sons surviving him, and Owainnbsp;Goch perhaps did so, but so far as we know none of thenbsp;descendants of the three brothers, except Madog, played anbsp;noticeable part in political or military affairs, unless a distinguished soldier called Owain Lawgoch, with whom Welshnbsp;literature and the pages of Froissart make us acquainted,nbsp;may be counted, as seems to us not unlikely, among them ; ^nbsp;for neither Owain Glyndwr nor Henry VII. could substantiate a claim to anything more than a remote and indirectnbsp;connection with the cenedl of Lewelyn ab lorwerth. In thenbsp;Record of Carnarvon we find that, at a court held atnbsp;Conway in the 44th year of Edward III., a certain Griffidnbsp;Says was adjudged to forfeit all his lands which he held innbsp;Anglesey of the Prince of Wales (that is, Edward the Blacknbsp;Prince) for the reason that he had been an adherent ofnbsp;Owain Lawgoch.® This shows that Owain Lawgoch wasnbsp;a real man, and it so happens that one Yewaines, levainsnbsp;or Yvain de Galles {ie., Owain of Wales) was fighting onnbsp;the French side against the English in Edward’s continental wars. Froissart has a good deal to say about him,nbsp;for he distinguished himself very greatly on several criticalnbsp;occasions. From the French chronicler’s account * we learnnbsp;that the king of England (Edward III.) had slain Owain’snbsp;father, and given his lordship and principality to his ownnbsp;son, the Prince of Wales. The name of the father is givennbsp;as Aymon, which is regarded as equivalent to Edmond, butnbsp;may be Einion. Owain escaped to the court of Philip VI.,nbsp;who received him with favour, and had him educated withnbsp;his own nephews. He was engaged at Poictiers in 1356,

' See under “ Madog,” Diet. Nat, Eiog.

2 See below, p. 593. Owain Lawgoch means Owain “ of the red hand.”

® The words are : — “ Adherens fuisset Owino Lawgoch inimico et proditor praedicti Domini Principis et de consilio.” Record of Carnarvon, p. 133.

¦* See “ Cbroniques de J. Froissart,” i , cc 306-7, 311; ii., cc. 6, 17.

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vii.)

and when peace was made he went to serve in Lombardy, but returned on the breaking out of war again betweennbsp;France and England. He sometimes fought on sea andnbsp;sometimes on land, but he was always entrusted by thenbsp;French king (by this time Charles V.) with importantnbsp;commands. Thus, in 1372, he was placed at the headnbsp;of a flotilla, with 3,000 men under him, and ordered tonbsp;operate by sea against the English ; he made a descent onnbsp;Guernsey, and while besieging the castle of Cornet there henbsp;was charged by the king to go to Spain to invite the kingnbsp;of Castile again to send his fleet to help in the attack onnbsp;La Rochelle. Whilst staying at Santander, the Earl ofnbsp;Pembroke was brought thither to him, having been takennbsp;prisoner in the course of the destruction of the Englishnbsp;fleet in 1272. Owain, seeing the earl, asked him if he hadnbsp;come to do him homage for his land which he had takennbsp;possession of in Wales, and threatened to avenge himselfnbsp;on him as soon as he could, and also on the Earl ofnbsp;Hereford and Edward Spenser, for it was by the fathersnbsp;of these three men that, as he said, his own father hadnbsp;been betrayed to death. Owain survived the Black Princenbsp;and Edward III., and was actively engaged in besiegingnbsp;Mortagne-sur-Mer, in Poitou, when he was assassinatednbsp;by one Lamb, who had insinuated himself into his servicenbsp;and confidence by pretending to bring news from his nativenbsp;land, and telling him that all Wales was longing to havenbsp;him back to be lord of the country (“et lui fist a croirenbsp;que toute la terre de Gales le desiroient mout k ravoirnbsp;seigneur”). So Owain fell in 1378, and was buried in thenbsp;church at St. Leger, and Lamb returned to the Englishnbsp;to receive his reward.

With the conquest of the principality by Edward I. it ceased to exist as an independent or semi-independentnbsp;state, though its political institutions were not made thenbsp;same as those of England in all respects until 1830,

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HISTORY OF WALES, 1066—1282.

Henceforth the history of Wales is merged in that of Great Britain, and save for the brief period during which Owainnbsp;Glyndwr over a hundred years later revived the claimsnbsp;of the old princes of the country, and defied the authoritynbsp;of Henry IV., cannot with any advantage be treated innbsp;general as distinct from that of the whole island. But yetnbsp;the Welsh-speaking people have a particular history of theirnbsp;own. Edward, by the building of great castles, of whichnbsp;that of Carnarvon is the best known example, and by thenbsp;foundation of towns in which English traders and artisansnbsp;were encouraged to settle, not only made the hold of thenbsp;central government too strong to be relaxed for any lengthnbsp;of time, but made the centres of the more progressivenbsp;industrial and social life hostile to all things Cymric. Thenbsp;conquest and the consequential changes did not, however,nbsp;oust the Welsh cultivators of the soil; but the lossnbsp;of their independence, the change from the rule of nativenbsp;princes to that of unsympathetic foreigners, and their isolation in a mountainous part of the island, remote from thenbsp;centre of affairs, retarded for a time their intellectual development. Notwithstanding this, and the lapse of more than sixnbsp;centuries, Cymraeg is spoken habitually by nearly a millionnbsp;of persons in the thirteen counties, and is thus the only onenbsp;of the ancient tongues of the island that has survived as anbsp;living language by the side of English among any considerable number of our fellow-subjects in the Unitednbsp;Kingdom ; while the descendants of the Cymry still retainnbsp;many of their national characteristics, and preserve thenbsp;consciousness of their national identity. To explain, so farnbsp;as we can, how this has come about, and to describe brieflynbsp;the condition and habits of the Welsh of to-day, are thenbsp;principal aims of the remaining chapters o.. this work.

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Having traced the process and briefly narrated the events by which the Cymric princes lost all political power andnbsp;Cymru its practical independence, we next propose to givenbsp;an outline of the subsequent legal and constitutional historynbsp;of Wales.

We may here describe shortly its legal position about the middle of the thirteenth century. The area that wasnbsp;called Wales—i.e., which formed part of no English shire—nbsp;had not been very largely curtailed since the time of Williamnbsp;the Conqueror. The western limits of Gloucestershire,nbsp;Herefordshire, and Shropshire, the three adjacent shires,nbsp;were in the time of Henry I. only very vaguely defined. Thenbsp;result of the gradual formation of the lordships-marchersnbsp;was, of course, to make the boundary line more and morenbsp;precise, since their lords took care that the authorities ofnbsp;the shires should not trespass on the lands they had wonnbsp;by the sword. That line was not in the thirteenth century the same as the present one, which dates onlynbsp;from the time of Henry VHI. The former line includednbsp;considerable portions of land that are now English, whilenbsp;the county palatine of Chester included the modernnbsp;Flintshire and a great part of Denbighshire.^ The

* We ought to point out that the district called Perfedwlad (the middle country), and sometimes the “four cantrefs,” included the greater part of the modernnbsp;Flintshire and Denbighshire, and frequently changed hands.

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boundary did not then, any more than in the earlier days of the Norman conquest, correspond with the territorialnbsp;distribution of the two languages or racesd

From the point of view of legal organisation the Welsh territory was at that time divided into :—

(i.) The Principality, roughly corresponding to the modern counties of Anglesey, Carnarvon, and Merioneth, in thenbsp;possession of the house of Gwyned.

(ii.) Portions of land in the king’s hands (which passed to Edward I. under the grants made to him by his father)^nbsp;of which the chief were the towns and castles of Carmarthennbsp;and Cardigan, with the lands usually held with them. Innbsp;these places Edward in 1256 tried to establish an organisation similar to that of the English shires ; but they hardlynbsp;became effective till the Statute of Rhudlan came into force,nbsp;though we may assume he created a county court andnbsp;appointed the usual officers.®

(iii.) The county palatine of Pembroke and the lordship of Glamorgan. Pembroke had been a county palatinenbsp;since the grant to Gilbert de Clare in 1138, and is thusnbsp;the oldest Welsh county.® The county palatine was not,

^ See Professor Tout’s paper on “ The Welsh Shires : A Study in Constitutional History,” “Y Cymmrodor,” vol. ix., p. 201; and the same author’s “Edward the First” (Lond. 1893), p. 16. Enderbie, writing in thenbsp;seventeenth century, says:—“Welsh is commonly used and spoken English-ward beyond these old meares a great way, as in Herefordshire, Gloucestershire, and a great part of Shropshire” (“Cambria Triumphans,” ed. 1661,nbsp;p. 209).

* See Tout’s paper (cited above), p. 211. Professor Tout has several bits of evidence in support of this statement: e.g., in 1270 Pain de Chaworth wasnbsp;ordered to do homage to Edward’s brother “ for the lands which he holds ofnbsp;the castles and counties of Cardigan and Carmarthen” (35* Rep. of the Deputy,nbsp;Keeper of Public Records, p. n). In 1280 the “counties” of Carmarthennbsp;and Cardigan were granted to a certain Bogo of Knovill, the King’s Justice ofnbsp;West Wales (Carmarthen Charters, collected by Daniel Tyssen and Alcwynnbsp;Evans, published by Spurrell, Carmarthen, 1878).

3 See c. 24 of Owen’s “Description of Pembrokeshire,” headed “That Pembrokeshire was in ancient tyme a Countye Palatyne, and noe part of thenbsp;Principalitie of Wales, amp;c.,” in “Owen’s Pembrokeshire” (edited with

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348 the welsh PEOPLE, (chap, viii.) however, so extensive as the county as delimited by the Tudornbsp;legislation. Haverfordwest, Walwyn’s Castle, Slebech, andnbsp;Narberth were not within its area, nor were Lamphey,nbsp;Kemmes, or Dewisland at this time among its parcels.^

The lordship of Glamorgan, though not strictly a county palatine, was one in substance. An organisation similarnbsp;to that of Pembroke or Chester was created perhaps bynbsp;Robert Fitzhamon, but certainly not long after his time.nbsp;As Professor Tout suggests, the fact that it did not becomenbsp;an earldom is very likely due to its close connection withnbsp;the earldom of Gloucester, with which it was usually held.nbsp;The Glamorgan of the thirteenth century was not so largenbsp;as the present county. Gower was outside its westernnbsp;limits, and some districts in the Vale were excepted fromnbsp;its jurisdiction, while the uplands were for the most part innbsp;the hands of Welsh chieftains.®*

(iv.) The rest of Wales was divided into lordships-marchers held of the king by Norman lords or Welsh chieftains, who held their lands on terms of vassalage.nbsp;These lordships, with the characteristics of which we dealnbsp;below, ultimately numbered about 140.®

notes by Henry Owen, B.C.L.), part i. (Lond. 1892), pp. igo ei seq. The “Description” is also printed in the Cambrian Register, vol. iii. (Lond.nbsp;gt;799)) PP- 53“23I. See also Tout’s paper, p. 206.

' Tout’s paper cited above, and Owen’s “Description.” Before the Act of Henry VIII., however, the limits of the county had seemingly been extended.nbsp;See the table made by Geo. Owen, printed in “Owen’s Pembrokeshire,”nbsp;part ii. (Lond. 1897)) p. 374) headed “How the Counties of Pembroke andnbsp;Carmarthen were made up.” There “Narberth Baronia,” “Haverfordwestnbsp;Baronia,” “ Walwinscastle Baronia,” “Kernes Baronia,” are placed in “Ouldenbsp;Pembrokeshire”; but “Dewisland” and “Slebech” are described as addednbsp;by the statute.

^ See Tout’s paper cited above, and G. T. Clark’s “The Land of Morgan” (reprinted from the “ Archaeological Journal”), Lond. 1888.

3 The principal sources of information already published as to the courts, legal procedure and practice, and the government of Wales and the Marchesnbsp;from the Edwardian Conquest to the beginning of the seventeenth century, arenbsp;the chapter on “The Government of Wales” in Clive’s “Ludlow” (Lond.nbsp;1S41); an essay printed in Hargraves’ “Law Tracts” (Lond, 1787), from

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Bearing these things in mind let us now see how Edward proceeded to organise his newly won lands. Even beforenbsp;he had finally subdued Lewelyn he had taken some preliminary measures for the settlement of Welsh affairs. Innbsp;1280 he had issued a commission^ to Thomas, Bishop ofnbsp;St. David’s, Reginald de Grey, and Walter de Hopton,

an anonymous MS. entitled, “A Discourse against the Jurisdiction of the King’s Bench in Wales by Process of Latitat ” ; “ An Historical Account of thenbsp;Ancient and Modern State of the Principality of Wales, Duchy of Cornwall,nbsp;and Earldom of Cornwall, See.,” by Sir John Dodridge, Knight (2nd ed.,nbsp;Lond. 1714; 1st ed., Lond. 1630); Owen’s “Pembrokeshire,” cited above;nbsp;G. T. Clark’s “Cartae et alia Munimenta quae ad Dominium de Glamorgannbsp;pertinent,” 4 vols,, vol. i. (1885), 1102-113S; vol. ii. (1890), 1348-1730;nbsp;vol. iii. (1891), 441-1300; vol. iv. (1892), 1215-1689 ; G. G. Francis’s “Chartersnbsp;granted to Swansea, the Chief Town in the Seigniory of Gower” (privatelynbsp;printed, 1867), and other collections of borough charters, such as the “Carmarthen Charters ” already cited ; Rice Merrick’s “ A Booke of Glamorganshire Antiquities” (ist ed. 1578; new ed. by James Stuart Corbet, Lond.nbsp;1867); “The Ruthin Court Rolls,” cited above, p. 117; “A Descriptivenbsp;Catalogue of the Penrice and Margam Manuscripts in the Possession ofnbsp;Miss Talbot of Margam,” with an introduction and notes by Walter de Graynbsp;Birch (1st series, Lond. 1893; 2nd series, 1894, and 3rd series, 1893, allnbsp;three privately printed), for the loan of which we are indebted to Mr, Charlesnbsp;Cheston, of Wyndham Place; Coke’s “ Fourth Institute,” and other legalnbsp;treatises. See also “The Record of Carnarvon” (Record Commissioners,nbsp;1838), and the extents appended to Seebohm’s “Tribal System.” The countynbsp;histories also contain useful information, notably Theophilus Jones’s “Historynbsp;of the County of Brecknock ” (Brecknock, vol. i. 1805 ; vol. ii. 1809). Butnbsp;the fullest description of the political and legal institutions of Wales (in thenbsp;broad sense) in Tudor times, and of their history, is to be found in a worknbsp;printed but not yet published—“ The Dialogue of the Government of Wales ”nbsp;(written about the end of the sixteenth century by George Owen, the authornbsp;of the “Description”), edited by Henry Owen, B.C.L., who has kindly lentnbsp;us the proof-sheets. It is a dialogue between Barthol, a doctor of the Civilnbsp;Law, and Demetus, a Pembrokeshire man, in the course of which the Doctornbsp;interrogates the country gentleman as to the state and history of his country,nbsp;and is courteously and fully answered by the latter.

'The commission is dated at Westm., 9 Edw. I., 4th Dec. For a fuller account of the commission and its proceedings see Lewis’s paper on “Thenbsp;Court of the Council of Wales and the Marches” (cited above), pp. 4, 5^nbsp;and Mr. E. Phillimore’s note on p. 5- See also the “Historical Account ofnbsp;the Statute of Rhudlan” in the “ Literary Remains of the Rev. Thomas Price”nbsp;(Carnhuanawc), i. 352-371, for a translation of part of the document. Thenbsp;evidence is printed in the Appendix to Wotton’s “Leges Wallicae.”

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350 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, viii.)

directing them to examine upon oath persons Welsh and English in order to obtain information respecting the lawsnbsp;and usages by which the kings, his predecessors, had beennbsp;accustomed to govern and order the Prince of Wales andnbsp;the Welsh barons of Wales and their peers and others theirnbsp;inferiors, and all particulars connected with such laws andnbsp;usages. The heads of inquiry comprised fourteen interrogatories to be put to each witness. The commissionersnbsp;sat and examined witnesses at Chester, Rhudlan, the Whitenbsp;Monastery (probably Oswestry),^ Montgomery, and Ean-badarn Fawr, and in due course reported the answers. Ifnbsp;the evidence is true, there can be no doubt that in the areanbsp;of inquiry Norman-English procedure and law had alreadynbsp;almost entirely ousted the Welsh customs; but there isnbsp;reasonable ground for suspecting it. The frequent profession of absolute ignorance and some rather evasive repliesnbsp;suggest that the witnesses were either carefully selected, ornbsp;else under the influence of fear or motives of self-interestnbsp;gave replies which they thought would be satisfactory tonbsp;the English authorities. The survival of Welsh customs, asnbsp;to which there is ample testimony even as late as Tudornbsp;times, tends to confirm one’s suspicions, but on the othernbsp;hand the commission’s questions dealt chiefly with procedurenbsp;and the rights of barons and landed proprietors ; and itnbsp;may be urged that the supersession of Welsh law in regardnbsp;to that part of the corpus juris was not inconsistent withnbsp;the retention of Welsh usages in regard to other parts, or asnbsp;to holdings of land by inferior tenants in particular lordships.

Edward remained in Wales for about two years after the downfall of ILewelyn, reducing the Principality to order,nbsp;and ultimately, partly as a result of the commission, promulgated in 1284 the Ordinance of Rhudlan, consisting of anbsp;series of regulations which a recent writer has felicitouslynbsp;compared to the laws made by the British Government for

' See Mr. E. Phillimore’s note (b) at the end of Lewis’s paper, uhi supra.

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the settlement of the affairs of the North-West Provinces of India. It is not strictly speaking a statute, but it isnbsp;always treated as one, and is included in the Statutes of thenbsp;Realm.i

It recites that —

“ Edward by the grace of God, King of England, Lord of Ireland, and Duke of Aquitaine, to all his subjects of hisnbsp;land of Snowdon and of other his lands in Wales, greetingnbsp;in the Lord. The Divine Providence, which is unerring innbsp;its own government, among other gifts of its dispensationnbsp;wherewith it hath vouchsafed to distinguish us and ournbsp;realm of England, hath now of its favour wholly and entirelynbsp;transferred under our proper dominion the land of Wales,nbsp;with its inhabitants heretofore subject unto us in feudalnbsp;right, all obstacles whatsoever ceasing, and hath annexednbsp;and united the same unto the Crown of the aforesaid realmnbsp;as a member of the same body. We therefore, under thenbsp;Divine will, being desirous that our aforesaid land ofnbsp;Snowdon and our other lands in those parts like as allnbsp;those which are subject unto our power, should be governednbsp;with due order to the honour and praise of God and ofnbsp;Holy Church and the advancement of justice, and that the

¦ It is in Latin, and has been printed several times in collections of the statutes. The authoritative version is that in the Statutes of the Realmnbsp;(published by the Record Commissioners, l8lo, vol. i., p, 55), with a translation. In this version the abbreviations of the MSS. are not expanded. Innbsp;Pickering’s Collection of the Statutes the Latin text is printed in expandednbsp;form. The text of the 1810 version is from a roll, then in the Tower ofnbsp;London, now at the Record Office, and the various readings are from twonbsp;rolls, written in the time of Edw. I., preserved among the Records in thenbsp;Treasury of the Court of the Receipt of Exchequer in the Chapter House atnbsp;Westminster (which also are now at the Record Office). The statute is alsonbsp;printed in A. Owen’s “Ancient Laws,” vol. ii., p. 908.

2 We feel it incumbent on us to explain that we make several lengthy citations from statutes and other authorities in this chapter because we hopenbsp;that this work may be found useful to students in Wales, and we know thatnbsp;even at the National Colleges the statutes and some of the other books citednbsp;are either not at all or not easily accessible.

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352 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, viii.) people or inhabitants of those lands who have submittednbsp;themselves wholly unto our will, and whom we have thereunto so accepted, should be protected in security withinnbsp;our peace under fixed laws and customs, have caused to benbsp;rehearsed before us and the nobles of our realm the lawsnbsp;and customs of those parts hitherto in use, which, beingnbsp;diligently heard and fully understood, we have, by thenbsp;advice of the aforesaid nobles, abolished certain of them ;nbsp;some thereof we have allowed and some we have corrected,nbsp;and we have likewise commanded certain others to benbsp;ordained and added thereto, and these we will shall benbsp;from henceforth steadfastly kept and observed in our landsnbsp;in those parts according to the form underwritten.”

After generally providing that the justice of Snowdon is to have the custody and government of the king’s peacenbsp;in Snowdon and the lands of Wales adjoining, and thatnbsp;he is to administer justice according to original writs ofnbsp;the king and the laws and custom underwritten, thenbsp;statute constitutes the counties of Anglesea, Carnarvon,nbsp;Merioneth, Flint, Carmarthen, and Cardigan. It ordainsnbsp;for each county a sheriff as well as coroners, and alsonbsp;bailiffs for each commote.^ It then describes thenbsp;duties of the office of sheriff and the manner of holdingnbsp;courts (both the county court and the sheriffs tourn innbsp;each commote), and goes on to deal with the mode ofnbsp;electing the coroner for each commote, his duties, and thenbsp;way in which he is to discharge them. It then sets forthnbsp;the form of some of the principal writs; novel disseisin fornbsp;a freehold and also for a common of pasture ; for nuisance ;nbsp;writ of mortdancestor; writ of general disseisin; writ ofnbsp;dower; writ of debt; covenant. Rules for the trials ofnbsp;pleas or causes are then given ; some are to be determinednbsp;by the assize and some by inquest or jury. Pleas of landsnbsp;in those parts, it is said, are not to be determined by battlenbsp;' Sir., “ Commote ” is generally used for cymwd in English books.

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nor by the grand assize. The county court is given jurisdiction in all trespasses wherein the damages do not exceed forty shillings: other trespasses before the justicenbsp;of Wales.

The statute also provides that—

“Whereas heretofore women have not been endowed in Wales, the king granteth that they shall be endowed. Thenbsp;dower of a woman is two fold, one is an assignment of thenbsp;third part of the whole land that belonged to her husbandnbsp;which were his during coverture, whereof there lieth thenbsp;writ of reasonable dower, elsewhere described in its placenbsp;with the other writs for Wales. . . . The other dower isnbsp;when a son endoweth his wife by the assent of his father.”

As to succession the statute proceeds thus :—

“ Whereas the custom is otherwise in Wales than in England concerning succession to an inheritance inasmuchnbsp;as the inheritance is partible among the heirs male, andnbsp;from time whereof the memory of man is not to thenbsp;contrary, hath been partible. Our lord the king will notnbsp;have that custom abrogated, but willeth that inheritancenbsp;shall remain partible among like heirs as it was wont tonbsp;be, and partition of the same inheritance shall be madenbsp;as it was wont to be made, with this exception, thatnbsp;bastards from henceforth shall not inherit, and also shallnbsp;not have portions with the lawful heirs nor without thenbsp;lawful heirs. And if it happen that any inheritance shouldnbsp;hereafter, upon the failure of heir male descend untonbsp;females the lawful heirs of their ancestor last seisednbsp;thereof, we will of our special grace that the same womennbsp;shall have their portions thereof to be assigned them innbsp;our court, although this be contrary to the custom ofnbsp;Wales.”

The statute concludes thus :—

“And whereas the people of Wales have besought us that we would grant unto them, that concerning their

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354 the welsh PEOPLE, (chap, viii.)

possessions immovable, as lands and tenements, the truth may be tried by good and lawful men of the neighbourhood chosen by consent of the parties; and concerningnbsp;things movable as of contracts, debts, sureties, covenants,nbsp;trespasses, chattels, and all other movables of the samenbsp;sorts, they may use the Welsh law whereto they havenbsp;been accustomed which was this, that if a man complainsnbsp;of another upon contracts or things done in such a placenbsp;that the plaintiff’s case may be proved by those who sawnbsp;and heard it, when the plaintiff shall establish his case bynbsp;those witnesses whose testimony cannot be disproved,nbsp;then he ought to recover the thing in demand, and thenbsp;adverse party be condemned, and in other cases whichnbsp;cannot be proved by persons who saw and heard, thenbsp;defendant should be put to his compurgation sometimesnbsp;with a greater number, sometimes with less, according tonbsp;the quality and quantity of the matter in deed. And thatnbsp;in theft if one be taken with the mainours he shall not benbsp;permitted to pay it in but be holden for convict. We, fornbsp;the common peace and quiet of our aforesaid people of ournbsp;land of Wales, do grant the premises unto them. Yet so thatnbsp;it hold not place in thefts, larcenies, burnings, they murders,nbsp;manslaughters, and manifest and notorious robberies, nornbsp;do by any means extend unto these ; wherein we will theynbsp;shall use the laws of England as is before decreed.

“ And therefore, we command you that from henceforth you do steadfastly observe the premises in all things. Sonbsp;notwithstanding that whensoever and wheresoever, and asnbsp;often as it shall be our pleasure, we may declare, interpret,nbsp;enlarge, or diminish the aforesaid statutes and the severalnbsp;parts of them according to our mere will and as to us shallnbsp;seem expedient for the security of us and our land aforesaid.

quot; In witness whereof our seal hath been affixed to these presents. Given at Rothelan on Sunday in Mid-lent innbsp;the twelfth year of our reign.”

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In regard to this statute it is to be noticed—

That it applied only to the area of the Principality enjoyed by the last Lewelyn, prince of Wales ; it did notnbsp;extend to the marches, i.e., the districts in the possessionnbsp;of lords marchers. The term “ marches ” subsequently innbsp;common parlance was limited to the districts or countiesnbsp;on the borders of Wales in the large sense, but strictly,nbsp;and for legal purposes, it included all the lordships marchers,nbsp;even those in the very heart of what is now Wales, ornbsp;situate in the most remote counties, e.g., the lordship ofnbsp;Kernes in Pembrokeshire was a lordship marcher.^

The Principality extended only to those cymwds or lordships of which Prince Lewelyn was seised. His possessions, or to use the legal term parcella principalitatisnbsp;Walliae were the cymwds grouped by the statute into thenbsp;counties of Anglesea, Carnarvon, Merioneth, Cardigan, withnbsp;part of Flintshire, and part of Carmarthenshire (West Towy).*nbsp;The effect of the statute was to create formally annbsp;important distinction between the Principality land andnbsp;the marchers. In the former, save so far as the statutenbsp;makes express exceptions, English law was introduced;nbsp;in the latter no express enactment made English law thenbsp;rule to be applied by the courts. In the Principalitynbsp;justice was administered by the justices appointed undernbsp;the statute ; in the marches it was dispensed in each lord-ship by officers appointed by the lord according to thenbsp;law of the lordship.®

In regard to the tenure of, and succession to land, Welsh customs were preserved. Upon death land was allowednbsp;to continue partible according to the Welsh custom whichnbsp;was called by the Norman-English “gavelkind.” We deal

• See Clive’s “Ludlow” (cited nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;p. 135, and Owen’s “Pembrokeshire,”

pt. ii., pp. 425 et seq.

^ See Clive’s “Ludlow” (cited supra), p. 117, and Dodridge’s “Principality of Wales,” p. 6.

^ See Clive’s “Ludlow” (cited supra), p. 103.

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356 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, viii.)

in the next chapter with the difficulty which the lawyers had in applying English law modified by this custom tonbsp;property in land in the Principality.

The Act only became fully and really operative very gradually, and even in the time of the Tudors (as appearsnbsp;from the Acts of Parliament referred to below) manynbsp;notions and practices found in the Welsh laws survived.nbsp;In regard to the formal political organisation, it appearsnbsp;to have been put in force at once. It is clear from thenbsp;statute that the organisation of the cymwd had survived,nbsp;and probable that it had become almost indistinguishablenbsp;from that of an English manor. The Norman-Englishnbsp;lawyers seem to have treated the cymwd as a seigniory,nbsp;and applied the English rules in its administration; andnbsp;the definition of a cymwd to be found in the books is thatnbsp;it is “ a great seigniory.” ^

The general constitutional effect was that the Principality was considered a distinct parcel of the kingdom of England, ruled however by English laws save so far asnbsp;these were not modified by the provisions of the statute.nbsp;The courts at Westminster did not affect to exercise anynbsp;jurisdiction over it; breve regis non currit in Walliam.

Let us turn now to the marches which were left untouched by Edward’s legislation. From the time of thenbsp;conquest a lordship-marcher was recognised by the king’snbsp;courts and the English lawyers as a special kind ofnbsp;seigniory or honour. The distinctive marks of a lordship-marcher, as compared with the ordinary manor, werenbsp;these :—

First, the lord-marcher hady'wra regalia or royal rights, his own chancery and his own courts, and appropriate officers.

' See the case of The Queen v. Reveley and others, in which the right of the Crown to treat PenÜ3ra as a lordship was in dispute and was affirmed.nbsp;Report, p. l8o. The case was privately reported and published for thenbsp;Commissioners of Woods and Forests, Lond. 1870.

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Secondly, all writs within the seigniory ran in the name of the lord and were contra paceni of the lord and not ofnbsp;the king of England.

Thirdly, the lord-marcher had judgment of life and limb in all kinds of criminal cases, and also the power ofnbsp;pardoning all offences.

Fourthly, he had a right to hold plea of all actions, real, personal, and mixed within his seigniory.

Fifthly, the king’s writ did not run into the marches, for they were not parcel of the realm of England, nor couldnbsp;the king intromit into any of the lordships for thenbsp;execution of justice. The only sorts of causes in whichnbsp;the king’s court could hold plea, though the cause of actionnbsp;arose within the marches were :—

(a) Those to which the lord-marcher was a party, either in respect of the title to the lordship itself or itsnbsp;boundaries.

{b') Those causes in which it was necessary to write to the bishop, e.g., quare impedit and issues of marriagenbsp;and bastardy. In these cases an appeal was opennbsp;to the king and his privy council.

Sixthly, the lord-marcher had the power of constituting boroughs.

Seventhly, for the purpose of exercising his powers the lord-marcher had the power of appointing officers, usuallynbsp;the following : Justiciary, chancellor, seneschal, mareschal,nbsp;chamberlain, and constable, all of whom usually held theirnbsp;office durante bene placito. The courts were generally heldnbsp;at the castle and the possession of a castle was deemed tonbsp;be necessary to a lordship-marcher, whence the maximnbsp;“No lordship-marcher without a castle,” and it was anbsp;condition of his tenure that a lord-marcher should supplynbsp;his castle with sufficient men and munition for the keepingnbsp;of the king’s enemies in subjection.

The picture, therefore, that Wales presented in the time

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358 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, viii.) of Edward I. was very similar to that which one gathers tonbsp;have been the condition of the larger part of France andnbsp;Germany at the same time. It is not difficult to see thenbsp;evils naturally incident to the conflicting rights of so manynbsp;petty sovereigns, and in fact their castles became thenbsp;homes of disaffected and factious subjects of English kingsnbsp;and Welsh princes, as well as of mercenary adventurers.

With regard to the law administered in the courts of the lordships, there appears to have been considerablenbsp;diversity of practice, but in the main the best authoritiesnbsp;lead to the conclusion that for the most part it was thenbsp;Norman-English law that was adopted, though manynbsp;particular customs, especially in regard to the tenure ofnbsp;land, were recognised by the local courts.^

Lord Herbert of Cherbury in his history of Henry VIII. gives the following account of the lordships marchers :—nbsp;“As the kings of England heretofore had many timesnbsp;brought armies to conquer that country (Wales), defendednbsp;both by mountains and stout people, without yet reducingnbsp;them to a final and entire obedience, so they resolved atnbsp;last to give all that could be gained there to those whonbsp;would attempt it, whereupon many valiant and able noblemen and gentlemen won much land from the Welsh, whichnbsp;as gotten by force was by permission of the kings thennbsp;reigning held for divers ages in that absolute manner asnbsp;fura regalia were exercised in them by the conquerors.nbsp;Yet in those parts which were gotten at the king’s onlynbsp;charge (being not a few) a more regular law was observed.nbsp;Howsoever, the general government was not only severe,nbsp;but various in many parts; insomuch, that in about somenbsp;141 lordships marchers, which were now gotten, manynbsp;strange and discrepant customs were practised.”^ Lord

* See Clark’s “ Cartae et alia Munimenta,” iassim. Consult also Owen’s “ Description.”

History of Henry VIII.,” printed in Kennet’s “Complete History,’ Lond. 1719.

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Herbert’s statement is no doubt true as to parts of South Wales, especially the counties of Pembroke and Glamorgan,nbsp;but considerable parts of the marches must have beennbsp;in the hands of Welshmen who had never been finallynbsp;conquered at all by the invader, but had submitted tonbsp;hold of the king or of a lord marcher. Lord Herbert’snbsp;account agrees with that given in the MS. printed in Clive’snbsp;“ Ludlow ” :—

“ The said lord marchers being English lords, executed the English lawes for the most parte within their lordships,nbsp;and brought the most parte of the landes of the said lord-ships to be English tenure, and passed the same accordingnbsp;to the lawes of England, viz., by fine, recovery feoffmentnbsp;and seisin as in England, and such part as they left to thenbsp;auntient inhabitants of the country to possesse, being fornbsp;the most part the barrenest soiles was permitted by somenbsp;lordes to be holden by the old Welsh custome, as to passenbsp;the same by surrender in court.” ^

In Jones’s History of Breconshire substantially the same view is presented. He says ;—

“ In some lordships there were two courts, one for the English inhabitants called Englishcheria, or the rights of annbsp;Englishman, and Wellescheria, or the rights of a Welshman.nbsp;The former was abolished in the 14th of Edward III.”

“ There were also in some lordships a mixture or jumble of the laws of both countries; thus Leland tells us that:nbsp;‘ Blain Levein (Blaenllyfni in Welscherie) though it be innbsp;Welsh Talgarth yet keep the Englishe tenure.’ So also innbsp;Welsh and English Penkelley, English and Welsh Haynbsp;and many others, lands are frequently said to be holden ofnbsp;English tenure and Welsh Dole ; Cyfraith saesneg a rhannbsp;Cymraeg; and here the lord had the wardship of all thenbsp;children both sons and daughters; in many of the lord-ships none of the Welsh customs were permitted to be

'Clive’s “Ludlow,” p. 103.

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300 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, viii.)

retained, and the English laws entirely prevailed; the whole jurisprudence in fact depended on the will of thenbsp;first conquerors.” ^

Some account of the jurisdiction of the lords marchers is to be found under Quo warranto in Coke’s entriesnbsp;(549-551, No. 9 Quo warranto). He there gives thenbsp;pleadings in a proceeding on a Quo warranto in 42nbsp;Elizabeth (1600) against Thomas Cornewall of Burford innbsp;Shropshire. The information alleges that Burford withoutnbsp;warrant uses in the manor of Stapleton and Lugharneys innbsp;the county of Hereford, the franchise of taking the goodsnbsp;and chattels of felons. To this the defendant pleaded thatnbsp;before and up to the statute of 27 Henry VIII., and fromnbsp;the time of legal memory, Wales was governed by Welshnbsp;laws and Welsh officers in all matters, whether relating tonbsp;lands and tenements, or to life and limb, and all mattersnbsp;and things whatever. Also at the passing of the statutenbsp;of 27 Henry VIII., divers persons were seised of diversnbsp;“ several lordships,” called in “ English lordships marchersnbsp;in Wales, and held in them royal laws and jurisdiction asnbsp;well of life and limb as of lands and tenements and allnbsp;other things, and they could pardon and had full and freenbsp;power ... of pardoning all treasons, felonies, and othernbsp;offences whatever, and also to do and execute all thingsnbsp;whatever within their separate lordships aforesaid, as freelynbsp;and in as ample a manner and form as the king may in hisnbsp;aforesaid dominions; and that moreover the king oughtnbsp;not and could not interfere in any of the said lordshipsnbsp;belonging to any other person for the execution of justice.”nbsp;The plea further states that the lords marchers werenbsp;entitled to all forfeitures, goods of felons, deodands, etc.,nbsp;according to the laws and customs of Wales without anynbsp;grant. It was further pleaded up to the date of the statute

’ Jones, vol. i., p. 247, citing Camden, vol. ii., p. 401; and see vol. i., p. 246, for conveyances, etc.

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the king’s writ did not run in the lordships marchers. The plea then goes on to aver that the manors in question werenbsp;lordships marchers, to which Cornewall and his ancestorsnbsp;had been entitled at the passing of the statute of 27nbsp;Henry VIII. c. 26, and that neither that statute, nor thenbsp;statute of Philip and Mary, c. 15, deprived him of thenbsp;particular franchise in question, but confirmed it to him.nbsp;To this plea the attorney-general demurred, therebynbsp;admitting the truth of its averments. “ Shortly, thenbsp;pleadings come to this, that so much of Wales as had notnbsp;been brought under the Statutum Walliae by Edward I.nbsp;continued till the 27 Henry VIII. (1535) to be governednbsp;by a number of petty chiefs called lords marchers—chiefsnbsp;who might be compared to the small rajahs to whom muchnbsp;of the territory of the Punjab and the North-West Provincesnbsp;still belong.” ^

To conciliate the Welsh, Edward I., as we have seen, conferred the Principality upon his son Edward, whonbsp;was born in Carnarvon Castle, and it became usualnbsp;to confer this dignity upon the heir to the Crown.nbsp;It has been sometimes imagined that the revenuesnbsp;of the Principality necessarily belonged to the Princenbsp;of Wales, but this view is erroneous. The revenuesnbsp;of Wales form part of the hereditary revenue of thenbsp;Crown and whenever a Prince of Wales has enjoyednbsp;them it has been by virtue of a special charter or grant.nbsp;The earliest grant given by Dodridge in his account of thenbsp;Principality is that by which the Crown lands and lordshipsnbsp;in Wales were conferred by Edward III. on the Blacknbsp;Prince. The last grant of that nature was made in thenbsp;first of George I. to George (afterwards George II.) bynbsp;virtue of a special Act of Parliament.**

' Stephen, “ History of the Criminal Law,” vol. i., p. 142. There is a tract entitled “Cornwall’s Case” in the Harleian MS., 141, in Brit. Mus.

* Seethei2thReportoftheCommissionersappointedunder26Georgein. c.27.

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362 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, viil.)

It was probably during the period from the Edwardian Conquest to the time of Henry VIII. that the conditionnbsp;of the Welsh people as a whole was most unhappy, atnbsp;any rate since the troubled period that followed the reignnbsp;of Howel Da. It was marked by several abortive insurrections, and by the temporarily successful revolution, innbsp;the latter part of the fourteenth century, of Owen Glyndwr.nbsp;The black death appears to have ravaged the marches andnbsp;the Welsh counties with much the same severity as England.

Neither life nor property was safe in the marches. Probably the condition of things in the Principality wasnbsp;slightly better than in the greater part of the marcher land.nbsp;Private wars between the lords marchers continued tonbsp;be very frequent. Their castles had become the hauntsnbsp;of men of disreputable character, ready to place theirnbsp;swords at the disposal of any one willing to employ them.nbsp;They sometimes conspired together to despoil the Welsh,nbsp;sometimes they quarrelled among themselves, involvingnbsp;in the dispute their tenants and their vassals, and sometimes they rebelled against the king of England; andnbsp;while in the course of the two centuries which succeedednbsp;the conquest of Wales, their power and influence fromnbsp;various causes gradually declined, their administration ofnbsp;justice became a mere mockery, and the number of thenbsp;courts and the clashing of jurisdiction involved thenbsp;holders of land in vexatious litigation as expensive asnbsp;it was corrupt.!

The venality and rapacity of the courts of the lordships marchers, the general disorder that prevailed, and thenbsp;difficulty of punishing crime in consequence of the conflictsnbsp;of jurisdiction and the flight of accused persons from onenbsp;lordship to another, led to the establishment of a new court,nbsp;that of “ The President and Council of Wales and the

* See Wynne’s “History of the Gwydir Family ’ (isted. 1770; 2nd ed. 1780 ; 3rd ed. 1827 ; 4th ed. 1878).

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Marches.” Its origin is not quite clear, but it seems to have been created in Edward IV.’s time—in 1478, andnbsp;was probably intended to be of a merely temporarynbsp;character; but Henry VII. made it permanent, andnbsp;extended its jurisdiction over the counties of Chester,nbsp;Salop, Worcester, Hereford, Gloucester, and the city ofnbsp;Bristol, while its seat was fixed at Ludlow.^ This wasnbsp;done, not by statute, but by an exercise of the royal prerogative which gave rise to question in later years. Of thenbsp;composition of the court in the time of Edward IV., wenbsp;only know that it consisted of John, Bishop of Worcester,nbsp;and Anthony, Earl Rivers, the uncle and governor of thenbsp;young Prince of Wales, Edward of Westminster, and othersnbsp;of his council,” who are said to have sat at the “ town hall ofnbsp;Salop,” and to have made certain ordinances. This languagenbsp;suggests that the new court really grew out of the councilnbsp;of the Prince of Wales—a body the ordinary authority ofnbsp;which could of course only extend to the Principality.nbsp;Whatever its earlier composition, when it became a fixednbsp;institution, or at any rate after Henry VIII.’s legislation^nbsp;its members were the Lord President (who was “thenbsp;chiefe and supreme governor of all the Principalitie andnbsp;Marches of Wales”®), the Chief Justice of Chester, three

* For much information concerning the earlier history ol this court see a paper by the late Judge David Lewis (edited and annotated by Mr. Egertonnbsp;I’hillimore), entitled, “ The Court of the President and Council of Wales andnbsp;the Marches” (“Y Cymmrodor,” xii,, p. l), and “Further Notes on thenbsp;Court of the Marches,” by Mr. Lleufer Thomas in “ Y Cymmrodor,” vol. xiii.,

?. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;97. See also Towel’s “Historie” (ed. IS84)gt; PP’ 3^9nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;39i~2 ; the

Preface to Bacon’s “ The Argument on the Jurisdiction of the Council of the Marches ” in Spedding, Ellis and Heath’s edition of Bacon’s Works, vol. vii.nbsp;(1859), p. 569; and Wright’s “History of Ludlow and its Neighbourhood”nbsp;(Ludlow, 1852), pp. 378 ei seq. ; Clive’s “ Ludlow” and Owen’s “ Dialogue,”nbsp;cited above ; also Coke’s “ Fourth Institute,” c. 48.

- Powel’s Hist., ed. is84,p. 3S9, and Lewis’s paper, p. 22, ubi supra, citing a MS. copy of the original Shrewsbury record referred to by Powel—Vitellius,

?. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;i., fo. 2.

^ The words are George Owen’s : “Dialogue,” p. 21.

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364 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vni.) others of the justices of Wales ; together with such extraordinary members “both lords and knights and such othersnbsp;as were learned in the lawes, and were called to councellnbsp;when the Lord President should think requisite.”^ Thenbsp;powers and methods of procedure of the court were definednbsp;in Instructions which were renewed and amended from timenbsp;to time. Briefly put, it had a criminal jurisdiction muchnbsp;like that of the Star Chamber, but more extensive thannbsp;that court originally possessed ; an equitable jurisdiction tonbsp;mitigate the rigours of the law, especially for the benefit ofnbsp;poor suitors ; and a common law jurisdiction both as to realnbsp;and personal actions.^ Its procedure was analogous to thatnbsp;of the Star Chamber and the Court of Chancery. In regardnbsp;to crimes its methods were inquisitorial, and it had powernbsp;to subject persons suspected of felony on proper groundsnbsp;to torture.^

Whatever doubts may have existed as to the legality of this court were set at rest, so far as Wales and the marchesnbsp;were concerned, by the stat. 34 amp; 35 Henry VIII. c. 26,nbsp;s. 4, which enacted that there should be and remain anbsp;president and council in the dominion and principalitynbsp;of Wales and the marches thereof, in manner and form asnbsp;hath been heretofore used and accustomed, which presidentnbsp;and council should have power and authority to determinenbsp;by their wisdoms and discretions such causes and mattersnbsp;as were or should be assigned to them by the king asnbsp;theretofore had been accustomed and used. There is nonbsp;reference here, it will be noticed, to the English shires

* Dodridge (ubi supra), p. 54. Cf. Owen’s “ Dialogue,” p. 21.

- See Owen’s “ Dialogue,” pp. 21-23; Lewis’s paper {ubi supra), p. 18, citing Gerard’s Discourse to Walsinghani.

® See the Instructions of 1574 cited by Wright {ubi supra), p. 376. So late as James I.’s time this power was retained in two sets of instructionsnbsp;revised by Coke. The Instructions of 1607 and 1617 contain no expressnbsp;power to torture, but there are general words which are capable of beingnbsp;construed to cover the practice. See Preface to Bacon’s “ Argument ” (ubinbsp;supra), p. 569.

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included by Henry VII. in the area of the council’s authority—a very material point in the controversy whichnbsp;took place in the reign of James I.

Except as altered by the formation of this new court the organisation of Wales and the marches remained muchnbsp;in the same condition down to the time of Henry VIII.nbsp;As a consequence of the insurrection of Owen Glyndwr,nbsp;a very oppressive series of statutes, upon which we neednbsp;not dwell, was passed in the reigns of the Lancastriannbsp;princes; but as bearing upon the history of tenure, wenbsp;may mention that by the 28 Edward III. c. 2, lords of thenbsp;marches of Wales were made attendant to the crown ofnbsp;England and not to the principality of Wales.

The accession of Henry VII. was the commencement of a brighter epoch for Wales and the marches. The powernbsp;of the lords marchers had greatly declined ; in consequencenbsp;of the Wars of the Roses many of the lordships were innbsp;the king’s hands, but it was not till the latter part ofnbsp;Henry VIII.’s reign that legislative steps were taken tonbsp;improve the political and judicial organisation of that partnbsp;of the country. The performances of Henry VII. did notnbsp;by any means fulfil the expectations which the Welshnbsp;people formed from the accession to the throne of a princenbsp;of Cymric descent. Though some relief was given to thenbsp;tenants in parts of the country, no determined effort wasnbsp;made to remedy the grievances the people suffered at thenbsp;hands of the surviving lords marchers, or to reduce thenbsp;country into a more settled condition. No doubt Henrynbsp;intended the continuance or renewed establishment of thenbsp;Council of Wales and the Marches to be a step in thatnbsp;direction, but under William, Bishop of Lincoln (the firstnbsp;president mentioned in the records of the court), andnbsp;Geoffrey Blyth, Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, andnbsp;John Voysey, Bishop of Exeter, who succeeded him, thenbsp;court seems to have been by no means efficient in putting

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366 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, viii.) down the abuses of the lord-marcher system, or able tonbsp;make punishment swift and certain.^ For instance,nbsp;Rowland Lee, who followed Voysey in the presidencynbsp;in 1535, writing^ to Cromwell about the condition of thenbsp;lordship of Magor in 1534-5, says he found that therenbsp;were living unpunished, under the protection of Sir Walternbsp;Herbert, five men who had committed wilful murder,nbsp;eighteen who had committed murder, and twenty thievesnbsp;and outlaws who had committed every variety of crimenbsp;from the robbing of a man and his mother and puttingnbsp;them “on a hotte trevet® for to make them schow,”nbsp;to a robbery of the cathedral of ILandaff, perpetrated bynbsp;Myles Mathew (a friend of Sir Walter’s), and other personsnbsp;unknown.

It was under Rowland Lee that the court became a terror to the evil-doers in the marches and a powerfulnbsp;weapon for keeping the peace and dispensing justicenbsp;throughout the West. Lee was a very severe, even anbsp;cruel judge, but he was wise in counsel and active in thenbsp;discharge of his duties.* His tenure of office (which lastednbsp;until 1543) prepared the way for the practical applicationnbsp;of the great statutes by which Henry VIII. united Walesnbsp;and the marches to England.^

* See Lewis’s paper, ubi supra, pp. 21-24; p. 28.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;See Wright’s “Ludlow,” p. 383.

3 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;This is obviously for “trivet.” Mr. Phillimore suggests it is equivalentnbsp;to the Welsh trybeiip support ; a three-legged utensil put over an open fire).nbsp;Lewis, ubi supra, p. 33-

^ He did not content himself with sitting at Ludlow for the hearing of causes, etc. ; but made circuits in, or rather visited, such districts and placesnbsp;within his jurisdiction as specially required attention. See Lewis’s paper, ubinbsp;supra.

^ It is said by Ellis GrifSth (“a soldier of Calais”—so he describes himself) in his “ History of England and Wales from William the Conquerornbsp;to the Reign of Edward VI.,” preserved in MS. in the Mostyn Collectionnbsp;(see Gwenogvryn Evan’s “ Report on MSS. in the Welsh Language,” vol. i.nbsp;(1898), pp. X. and 214, Parly, Paper, 1898, C.—8,829), that Lee causednbsp;over 5,000 men to be hanged during six years. We cannot accept so high

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In the year of Lee’s appointment no fewer than five Acts relating to Wales were passed. The first was one for thenbsp;punishment of jurors in the lordships marchers, obviouslynbsp;designed to check the giving of verdicts friendly to thenbsp;accused flagrantly against the evidence. There is reasonnbsp;to believe that the practice of bribing or otherwise corrupting juries in the lord-marcher courts prevailed very largely.nbsp;The second was an Act prohibiting the ferrying of personsnbsp;and goods over the Severn at night. This, of course, wasnbsp;designed to put a stop to the flight of criminals accused ornbsp;convicted from the area of jurisdiction in which the crimenbsp;was triable or punishable to another in which it was not,nbsp;and also, of course, to prevent the carriage and disposal ofnbsp;stolen goods. The third was an Act for the amendment ofnbsp;the administration of justice, the details of which we cannotnbsp;stop to give. One of its most important provisions, however, was the allowance of appeals from the courts of thenbsp;lords marchers to the king’s commissioners or the Presidentnbsp;and Council of the Marches. Certain old Welsh customsnbsp;were abolished, e.g., Commorthas, or collections. It alsonbsp;prohibited “ congregations ” by Welshmen in any place innbsp;Wales, unless for evident and necessary cause, and by thenbsp;licence of the chief officers and ministers of the seigniory,nbsp;and in their presence—a provision remarkably like recent

a figure as accurate; it is evidently simply a reflex of popular belief some years afterwards. But even if we assume the true figure to be only one-fifthnbsp;(1,000), that would be, having regard to the paucity of population and thenbsp;comparative smallness of the area concerned, a terrible record, and must havenbsp;involved great injustice. We must remember that no jury intervened, thatnbsp;perhaps torture was resorted to, and that Lee held office during what Greennbsp;calls “the English Terror” under Thomas Cromwell. Notice, too, “thenbsp;apparent relish ” (the words are Lewis’s) with which Lee and his brothernbsp;judge write to Cromwell as to certain batches of convicts. We think Judgenbsp;Lewis’s view of Lee too favourable. His cruel and arbitrary administration may perhaps be justified by political considerations ; but neither itsnbsp;necessity nor its success prove him to have been a good or upright judge.nbsp;There can be no doubt that the reduction of the marches to order and thenbsp;suppression of the power of the lords marchers was part of Cromwell’s policy.

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368 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, viii.) legislation concerning public meetings in Ireland. Thenbsp;fourth was an Act for punishing Welshmen for makingnbsp;assaults or affrays on the inhabitants of Shropshire, Herefordshire, and Gloucestershire; and the fifth one entitlednbsp;“ An Act for the Purgation of Convicts in Wales,” which dealtnbsp;chiefly with the plea of benefit of clergy.^ In the followingnbsp;year an Act was passed instituting the office of justice ofnbsp;the peace and providing for the appointment of justices innbsp;Chester and the eight then existing Welsh counties.®

The legislation of 1534 shows that the affairs of Wales were occupying much of the time of the central government;nbsp;but its energy was not exhausted, and the Acts of that yearnbsp;were only first steps towards the suppression of the politicalnbsp;and judicial authority of the lords marchers, and the complete merging of Wales and the marches into the Englishnbsp;polity.®

Under the rule of Thomas Cromwell, by the 27 Henry VIII. c. 26 and the 34 amp; 35 Henry VIII. c. 26,nbsp;the arrangements for the legislative and executive government of Wales were practically assimilated to those ofnbsp;the English counties, and an improved judicial systemnbsp;introduced.

The first Act was one entitled “ An Act for Laws and Justice to be ministered in Wales in like form as it is innbsp;this Realm.” The preamble recites :—

“ Albeit the dominion, principality, and country of Wales justly and righteously is, and ever hath been incorporated,nbsp;annexed, united, and subject to and under the Imperialnbsp;Crown of this realm, as a very member and joint of the

* These Acts are the stats. 26 Henry VIII. c. 4, c. 5, c. 6, c. ii, and c. 12.

^ Stat. 27 Henry VIII. c. 5. But as to Welsh justices, consult the later Act, 34 amp; 35 Henry VIII. c. 26. See p. 377 below.

® How far these measures were desired by the body of Welsh-speaking people we cannot tell. Lord Herbert of Cherbury inserts in his “History ofnbsp;Henry VIII.” a speech by a Welsh gentleman advocating the union (“ History,’nbsp;uèi sufra, p. 171).

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same, whereof the King’s most Royal Majesty of meer droit, and very right, is very head, king, lord, and ruler;nbsp;yet notwithstanding, because in the same country, principality, and dominion divers rights, usages, laws, andnbsp;customs be far discrepant from the laws and customs of thisnbsp;realm, and also because that the people of the same dominion have and do daily use a speech nothing like nenbsp;consonant to the natural mother tongue used within thisnbsp;realm, some rude and ignorant people have made distinction and diversity between the king’s subjects of this realmnbsp;and his subjects of the said dominion and principality ofnbsp;Wales, whereby great discord, variance, debate, division,nbsp;murmur, and sedition hath grown between his said subjects ; his highness therefore, of a singular zeal, love, andnbsp;favour, that he beareth towards his subjects of his saidnbsp;dominion of Wales, minding and intending to reduce themnbsp;to the perfect order, notice, and knowledge of his laws, ofnbsp;this his realm, and utterly to extirp all and singular thenbsp;sinister usages and customs differing from the same, and tonbsp;bring the said subjects of this his realm, and of his saidnbsp;dominion of Wales, to an amicable concord and unity,nbsp;hath by the deliberate advice, consent, and agreement ofnbsp;the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons innbsp;this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority ofnbsp;the same, ordained, enacted, and established, that this saidnbsp;country or dominion of Wales shall be, stand, and continue for ever from henceforth incorporated, united, andnbsp;annexed to and with this his realm of England ; and thatnbsp;all and singular person and persons born, and to be bornnbsp;in the said principality, country, or dominion of Wales,nbsp;shall have, enjoy, and inherit all and singular freedoms,nbsp;liberties, rights, privileges, and laws within this his realmnbsp;and other the King’s dominions, as other the King’snbsp;subjects naturally born within the same have, enjoy, andnbsp;inherit.”

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370 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, viii.)

The statute then enacts inter alia :—

“ And that all and singular person and persons inheritable to any manors, lands, tenements, rents, reversions, services, or other hereditaments, which shall descend afternbsp;the feast of All Saints next coming, within the saidnbsp;principality, country, or dominion of Wales, or within anynbsp;particular lordship, part, or parcel of the said country ornbsp;dominion of Wales, shall for ever, from and after the saidnbsp;feast of All Saints, inherit and be inheritable to the samenbsp;manors, lands, rents, tenements, reversions, and hereditaments, after the English tenure, without division or partition, and after the form of the laws of this realm ofnbsp;England, and not after any Welsh tenure, ne after thenbsp;form of any Welsh laws or customs; and that the laws,nbsp;ordinances, and statutes of this realm of England, for ever,nbsp;and none other laws, ordinances, or statutes, from andnbsp;after the Feast of All Saints next coming, shall be used,nbsp;practised, and executed in the said country or dominion ofnbsp;Wales, and every part thereof, in like manner, form, andnbsp;order, as they be and shall be had, used, practised, andnbsp;executed in this realm, and in such like manner and formnbsp;as hereafter by this Act shall be further established andnbsp;ordained; any Act, statute, usage, custom, precedent,nbsp;liberty, privilege, or other thing had, made, used, granted,nbsp;or suffered to the contrary in anywise notwithstanding.

“III. And forasmuch as there be many and divers lordships marchers within the said country or dominionnbsp;of Wales, lying between the shires of England and thenbsp;shires of the said country or dominion of Wales, and beingnbsp;no parcel of any other shires where the laws and duenbsp;correction is used and had, and by reason whereof hathnbsp;ensued, and hath been practised, perpetrated, committed,nbsp;and done, within and among the said lordships andnbsp;countries to them adjoining, manifold and divers detestable murthers, brenning of houses, robberies, thefts,

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trespasses, routs, riots, unlawful assemblies, embraceries, maintenances, receiving of felons, oppressions, ruptures ofnbsp;the peace, and manifold other malefacts, contrary to allnbsp;laws and justice; and the said offenders thereupon makingnbsp;their refuge from lordship to lordship, were and continuednbsp;without punishment or correction ; for due reformationnbsp;whereof, and forasmuch as divers and many of the saidnbsp;lordships marchers be now in the hands and possession ofnbsp;our sovereign lord the king, and the smallest number ofnbsp;them in the possession of other lords. It is thereforenbsp;enacted by the authority aforesaid, that divers of the saidnbsp;lordships marchers shall be united, annexed, and joined tonbsp;divers of the shires of England, and divers of the saidnbsp;lordships marchers shall be united, annexed, and joined tonbsp;divers of the shires of the said country or dominion ofnbsp;Wales, in manner and form hereafter following. •. . .”

“ XX. Also be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, that all justices, commissioners, sheriffs, coroners, escheators,nbsp;stewards and their lieutenants, and all other officers andnbsp;ministers of the law shall proclaim and keep the sessions,nbsp;courts, hundreds, leets, sheriff’s courts, and all other courtsnbsp;in the English tongue; and all oaths of officers, juries, andnbsp;inquests, and all other affidavits, verdicts, and wagers ofnbsp;law, to be given and done in the English tongue ; and alsonbsp;that from henceforth no person or persons that use thenbsp;Welsh speech or language shall have or enjoy any manner,nbsp;office, or fees within this realm of England, Wales, or othernbsp;the King’s dominion, upon pain of forfeiting the samenbsp;offices or fees, unless he or they use and exercise thenbsp;English speech or language.”

“ XXXI. Provided always, that this present Act nor anything therein contained shall not take away or derogate from any laws, usages, or laudable customs now usednbsp;within the three shires of North Wales, nor shall notnbsp;deprive nor take away the whole liberties of the Duchy of

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372 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, via.)

Lancaster, but the said liberties shall continue and be used in every lordship, parcel of the said duchy, within thenbsp;dominion and country of Wales as the liberties of the saidnbsp;duchy be used in shire-ground, and not county palatine,nbsp;within this realm of England.”

“ XXXV. Provided always, that lands, tenements, and hereditaments lying in the said country and dominion ofnbsp;Wales, which have been used time out of mind by thenbsp;laudable customs of the said country, to be departed andnbsp;departible among issues and heirs males, shall still sonbsp;continue and be used in like form, fashion, and conditionnbsp;as if this Act had never been had nor made, anythingnbsp;in this Act to the contrary thereof notwithstanding.”

By section 36 the king was empowered to suspend or revoke any part of this statute at any time within threenbsp;years after the end of the Parliament, so as such suspension, amp;c., be made in writing under the Great Seal, and benbsp;annexed to the Parliament roll of this statute, and proclaimed in every shire in Wales ; ” and by section 37 it wasnbsp;enacted that “ for five years the king may erect in Walesnbsp;so many courts and justices, amp;c., as he will.”

The effect of this statute was to convert the whole of the marches into shire-ground, and to introduce into all thenbsp;parts of the “dominion and principality” of Wales thatnbsp;were outside the limits of the old eight counties the countynbsp;organisation of England. It struck a fatal blow at thenbsp;power of the lords marchers; though then it did notnbsp;expressly abolish all their peculiar powers, yet the resultnbsp;of the whole Act seems to amount to a supersessionnbsp;by the ordinary courts of the distinctive courts of thesenbsp;lordships, and the withdrawal of most of the jura regalia.nbsp;The thirteenth section, indeed, preserved certain liberties tonbsp;the temporal lords marchers, namely:—(i.) the accustomednbsp;mises and profits at the first entry into their lands ; (ii.) thenbsp;right to hold courts baron, courts leet, and law-days in

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their lordships; and (iii.) certain ancient privileges, such as “waife, straife, infanthef, outfanthef, treasure trovenbsp;deodands, goods and chattels of felons,” amp;c. Such lordsnbsp;marchers were also by section 25 allowed half the forfeituresnbsp;of their tenants.^

It will be seen from the third section, which is printed above, that by its operation five new counties are created—nbsp;Monmouth, Brecon, Radnor, Montgomery, and Denbigh—nbsp;by grouping together divers lordships marchers. The lord-ships marchers not included in these new units were addednbsp;to existing English and Welsh shires. Sections 3 to 19nbsp;inclusive deal with the details of the operation, which maynbsp;be summarised in a table thus :—

No. of lordships marchers dealt with in regard to each county.






7 10

3, and all honours, amp;c., lying between Chepstow Bridge andnbsp;Gloucestershire


8 13



How dealt with.

United to form Monmouthshire. United to form Brecknockshire.nbsp;United to form Radnorshire.nbsp;United to form Montgomeryshire.nbsp;United to form Denbighshire.nbsp;Added to Shropshire.

Added to Herefordshire.

Added to Gloucestershire. Added to Glamorganshire.nbsp;Added to Carmarthenshire.nbsp;Added to Pembrokeshire.nbsp;Added to Cardiganshire.nbsp;Added to Merionethshire.^

Monmouthshire was placed in a category apart, and annexed to England ; while for the easier administrationnbsp;of justice, having regard to the distance of the Welshnbsp;counties from London, by section 9 Chancery and Exchequernbsp;offices were established at Brecknock and at Denbigh ;

These provisions (ss. 25, 30) were confiritted and extended to spiritual lords marchers by I amp; 2 Ph. amp; Mary, c. 15.

2 For a list of the lordships marchers thus dealt with, see Appendix C.

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374 the welsh PEOPLE, (chap, viii.) and by section lo it was provided that justice should benbsp;ministered and exercised in the new counties, by judges tonbsp;be appointed by the king, according to the law of Englandnbsp;and such Welsh customs as might be allowed by the kingnbsp;and his council.

The manner of descent of manors, lands, and other hereditaments is described in section 2, and the Welsh method of partition is done away with in the broadest way; but it shouldnbsp;be noticed that section 35 provides expressly that “lands,nbsp;tenements, and hereditaments ” in Wales, “which have beennbsp;used time out of mind by the laudable customs of the saidnbsp;country to be departed and departible among issues andnbsp;heirs male,” shall still be so used. There seems at first sightnbsp;a discrepancy here; but the intention seems to have beennbsp;to make the English rules apply in general, and to thrownbsp;on any one relying on the Welsh custom the burden ofnbsp;proving its existence in regard to the land in questionnbsp;before the time of legal memory. But all doubt as to thenbsp;construction of these sections was finally set at rest by thenbsp;abolition, by the 34 amp; 35 Henry VIII. c. 26, of the Welshnbsp;rules of descent.

The statute 27 Henry VIII. c. 26, also conferred Parliamentary representation on the Welsh counties and boroughs. So far back as the reign of Edward II. members had beennbsp;returned for the counties of Anglesey, Carnarvon, andnbsp;Merioneth, and the boroughs of Beaumaris, Carnarvon, andnbsp;Conway, to the Parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on the 14th December, 1326, and by prorogationnbsp;on the 7th January, 1327.^ No members were afterwards

1 See Introduction to W. R. Williams’s “ Parliamentary History of Wales” (Brecknock, 1895). Hughes’s “ Parliamentary Rep. of Cardiganshire ” {1849)nbsp;contains a writ, dated l8th April, 15 Edw. II., to Edmund, Earl ol Arundel,nbsp;Justiciar of Wales, directing him to choose twenty-four persons from Southnbsp;and a like number from North Wales to attend the Parliament summoned tonbsp;York for May 2, 1322. The writ summoning members for the Parliament ofnbsp;1326 is dated at Kenilworth, the 8th January, 1326-7 (Williams, ubi supra.)

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LEGAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY. 375 summoned until the passing of the Act of 153S, by thenbsp;29th section of which it was enacted that one knight shouldnbsp;be elected for each of the twelve Welsh counties creatednbsp;or newly delimited by it, and one burgess from everynbsp;borough therein being a shire-town (except the shire-town ofnbsp;Merioneth) ; while to the county of Monmouth two knightsnbsp;were allotted, and one burgess to the borough of Monmouthnbsp;(section 26). Whether Welsh members attended the Parliaments of 1536 and 1539 is doubtful, as the returns havenbsp;been lost, but members were certainly returned from Walesnbsp;and served in the Parliament of 1541-

Important as this Act was, it did not complete the new organisation of Wales, and further legislation wasnbsp;contemplated. By section 26 it was enacted that anbsp;commission under the Great Seal should be appointednbsp;to inquire and view all the shires except the threenbsp;North Welsh ones created by the Statute of Rhudlan,nbsp;and upon such view to divide the former into hundreds,nbsp;and certify with the commission such hundreds into thenbsp;Court of Chancery ; and by section 27 it was directed thatnbsp;a like commission should be appointed to inquire into andnbsp;report upon the Welsh laws and customs, that the reportnbsp;should be certified to the king and his council, and that thenbsp;king and council, upon deliberate advice, might allow suchnbsp;laws, usages, and customs as they might deem expedient,nbsp;requisite, and necessary to remain in full strength andnbsp;vigour. These commissions and their reports are lost.^nbsp;It is certain that the first was appointed and reported, fornbsp;section 3 of the 34 amp; 35 Henry VIII. confirms the limitations into hundreds made by it for each of the nine

See also Stubbs’s “Constitutional History,” vol. ii., pp. 382, 392. Dr. Stubbs evidently assumes the summonses for the 1322 Parliament were complied with.

' See Oldnall’s “ Practice of the Great Sessions on the Carmarthen Circuit” (Lond. 1814), Introduction, p. xxvi. He is mistaken in thinkingnbsp;that Rowlands in his Mona Antiqua (p. 114) is referring to these commissions;nbsp;it is to certain extents that Rowlands refers.

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376 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, viii.)

counties to which its power extended. It is doubtful whether the provision of section 27 was put into force.

After a pause of some years another Act, which reorganised the Welsh judicial system, made importantnbsp;provisions that were rendered necessary by the new arrangements of the statute of 1535, and enacted supplementalnbsp;sections as to the law of property, was passed in the 34thnbsp;and 35th years of Henry VIII.

It is entitled “An Act for certain ordinances in the King’s Majesty’s Dominion and Principality of Wales.’’nbsp;We extract the more relevant parts.

It recites that—

“ Our Sovereign Lord the King’s Majesty, of his tender zeal and affection that he beareth towards his lovingnbsp;and obedient subjects of his dominion, principality, andnbsp;country of Wales, for good rule and order to be fromnbsp;henceforth kept and maintained within the same, wherebynbsp;his said subjects may grow and arise to more wealth andnbsp;prosperity, had devised and made divers sundry good andnbsp;necessary ordinances, which his Majesty of his mostnbsp;abundant goodness, at the humble suit and petition of hisnbsp;said subjects of Wales, is pleased and contented to benbsp;enacted by the assent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporalnbsp;and the Commons in this present Parliament assembled,nbsp;and by the authority of the same, in manner and form asnbsp;hereafter ensueth ’’ ; and enacts—

“II. First, that his Grace’s said dominion, principality, and country of Wales be from henceforth divided intonbsp;twelve shires ; of the which eight have been shires of longnbsp;and ancient time, that is to say, the shires of Glamorgan,nbsp;Caermarthen, Pembroke, Cardigan, Flint, Caernarvon,nbsp;Anglesea, and Merioneth; and four of the said twelvenbsp;shires be newly made and ordained to be shires by an Actnbsp;made at the Parliament holden at Westminster in thenbsp;twenty-seventh year of our said sovereign lord’s most noble

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reign, that is to say, the shires of Radnor, Brecknock, Montgomery, and Denbigh, over and beside the shire ofnbsp;Monmouth and divers other dominion, lordships, andnbsp;manors in the marches of Wales, united and annexed tonbsp;the shires of Salop, Hereford, and Gloucester as by thenbsp;said late Act more plainly appeareth.

“III. Item, That the limitations of the hundreds, of late made within the said shires by virtue of his Grace’snbsp;commissions directed out of his Highness’s Court ofnbsp;Chancery, and again returned into the same, shall stand innbsp;full strength, force, and effect, according to the said limitation ; except such of the same as sith that time hathnbsp;been altered or changed by virtue of any Act or Actsnbsp;of Parliament already made, or that shall be altered ornbsp;changed by any Act or Acts in this present session tonbsp;be made.”

After thus confirming the formation of the shires, and adopting the divisions of the shires into hundreds asnbsp;certified by the commissioners, the Act by section 4 placednbsp;the Court of the President and Council of Wales and thenbsp;Marches on a sure and legal foundation. The statute thennbsp;constitutes courts, to be called the “ King’s Great Sessionsnbsp;in Wales,” which were to sit twice a year in every one ofnbsp;the twelve counties, and for this purpose were grouped intonbsp;four circuits. The Justice of Chester was to keep thenbsp;sessions of Denbigh, Flint, and Montgomery; the Justicenbsp;of North Wales those of Carnarvon, Merioneth, andnbsp;Anglesey; one person learned in the laws (to be appointednbsp;by the king) those of Radnor, Brecknock, and Glamorgan ;nbsp;and one person learned in the laws (to be similarlynbsp;appointed) those of Carmarthen, Pembroke, and Cardigan.^nbsp;Within the local limits of their several commissions, thenbsp;jurisdiction of these Justices was made as “large andnbsp;ample ” as that of the Courts of King’s Bench and Commonnbsp;' 34 amp; 35 Henry VIII. ss. 5 to 11.

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378 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, viii.)

Pleas in England.^ Provision was made for the devising and custody of an original seal for each circuit. The sealsnbsp;of the three shires of North Wales and of Carmarthen, Pembroke, and Cardigan were to be kept by the chamberlains ofnbsp;North and South Wales respectively ; those of Brecknock,nbsp;Radnor, and Glamorgan, and of Denbigh and Montgomery,nbsp;by the stewards and chamberlains of Brecknock andnbsp;Denbigh respectively ; and the seal of Chester was to benbsp;and stand for the seal of Flint and to be kept by thenbsp;chamberlain.^ These directions practically fixed the principal offices of the courts at the offices of the chamberlains. Besides these seals, there were to be four judicialnbsp;seals devised by the king, one for each circuit, to be keptnbsp;by each Justice for the sealing of judicial process.®

For the discharge of the official business it was enacted that there were to be four prenotaries, one for each circuit,nbsp;to be appointed by the king by letters patent, whose dutynbsp;it should be to make out all judicial process, to enter allnbsp;pleas and matters of record, and to attend upon the J usticesnbsp;on circuit.^ There were also to be marshals and criers fornbsp;each circuit, who were to be appointed by the Justices.®nbsp;These are the chief sections regulating the Great Sessions,nbsp;but there are of course many others of a consequentialnbsp;character, dealing with fees and other matters necessarilynbsp;requiring attention in creating new or reforming old courts.nbsp;Besides the President and Council, and the Justices of the

¦ Ibid., ss. 12, 13. These sections made the Great Sessions “Superior Courts.” Local equity jurisdiction had long existed in the old three Northnbsp;Welsh counties and the three south-western shires; while section 9 of thenbsp;27 Henry VIII. c. 26, provided for the creation of a Chancery and Exchequernbsp;at Brecknock for the three south-eastern counties, and at Denbigh for Denbighshire and Montgomeryshire. Flintshire was subject to Chester in regard tonbsp;Chancery matters.

^ Ibid.,ss. 16-20.

3 Ibid., ss. 29-31.

¦* Ibid., s. 44.

Ibid., s. 45.

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Great Sessions, there were to be justices of the peace and quorum, as well as one custos rotulorum for eachnbsp;shire. These officers were to be appointed by the Lordnbsp;Chancellor of England by commission under the Great Seal,nbsp;by the advice of the President, Council, and Justices, ornbsp;three of them (the President being one); but the number of-justices of the peace was not to exceed eight (excluding thenbsp;President, the Council, the Justices, and the King’s Attorneynbsp;and Solicitor-General of each circuit, who were to be exnbsp;officio on the commission).^

These justices of the peace, or any two of them (one of whom was to be of the quorum), were directed to keep andnbsp;hold their sessions four times a year (i.e.. Quarter Sessions),nbsp;and at other times for urgent causes, as was done innbsp;England; and like “power and authority in all things”nbsp;as was possessed by English justices of the peace wasnbsp;conferred upon them.®

The Act also dealt with the offices of sheriff and coroner of the county, and constable of the hundred. In regard tonbsp;the office of sheriff, it enacted that it should be only tenablenbsp;for one year ; that the President, Council, and Justices ofnbsp;Wales, or three of them (whereof the President was to benbsp;one), should yearly nominate three substantial persons innbsp;each county for the office, and certify their names to thenbsp;King’s Council, so that the king may appoint one of thenbsp;three so nominated ; and that the sheriff so appointed shallnbsp;have the like patents and commissions as the sheriffs ofnbsp;English shires, but shall take the oaths and knowledges ofnbsp;recognizances before the President and Justices, or one ofnbsp;them. The authorities and duties of the Welsh sheriffsnbsp;were made similar to those of their English colleagues.nbsp;They were to keep their county courts monthly, and theirnbsp;hundred courts for pleas under forty shillings, and to

1 Ibid., ss. 53-55.

= Ibid., ss. 53-59.

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hold their tourn twice a year (after Easter and Michaelmas), as in England, It is also provided too, that_ in the county and hundred courts, as well as in courts baron,nbsp;the trial of issues should be by wager of law or verdict ofnbsp;six men at the pleasure of the party pleading the plead

Further, there were to be two coroners in every county, appointed as in England by writ de coronatore eligendo,nbsp;issuable, however, in the case of Welsh counties out of thenbsp;Exchequer at Chester; and two constables specially chargednbsp;with the maintenance of the king’s peace were to benbsp;appointed for each hundred by the justices of the peace, ornbsp;two of them (one of whom was to be of the quorum), ofnbsp;each county.®

To complete this brief account of the new or modified arrangements for the government of Wales, we ought to addnbsp;that stewards of any lordships or manors were empowerednbsp;to continue to hold the accustomed courts—leets, law-days, or courts baron—and to hold pleas by plaint up tonbsp;forty shillings in every court baron, and exercise the samenbsp;authority as the like stewards in England, and also thatnbsp;the mayors, bailiffs, and officers of corporations in Walesnbsp;might hold courts according to their lawful grants or thenbsp;custom of the towns, so long as they followed the law ofnbsp;England and not Welsh customs, and that issues joined innbsp;personal actions might be tried in such towns by a jury ofnbsp;six men.®

Besides these matters of formal organisation, this Act declared or altered certain rules of law. The sectionsnbsp;relating to the real property are worthy of attention. Theynbsp;made the laws of descent the same as that of England, and

' Ibid., ss. 61-64; ss. 73-75.

2 Ibid., ss. 68-70.

^ Ibid., ss. 23 and 26. The manorial courts were not to try felonies (section 24). The king, by section 27, took power to dissolve boroughs andnbsp;create others.

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finally abolished the Welsh system of partition. They are as follows:—

“ XXV. And that from henceforth no leet nor law-day be kept by the steward or other officer of any lordship ornbsp;manor in the said dominion of Wales, but in such lord-ships and places where it was accustomed to be kept beforenbsp;the making of the Act of Parliament concerning Wales,nbsp;made in the twenty-sixth year of our said Sovereignnbsp;Lord’s reign ; so always the place where such court shallnbsp;be kept, be meet and convenient for that purpose.”

“ XCI. Item, That all manors, lands, tenements, messuages and other hereditaments, and all rights and titles to the same, in any of the said shires of Wales, descendednbsp;to any manner, person, or persons sith the feast of thenbsp;Nativity of St. John Baptist in the thirty-third year ofnbsp;our said Sovereign Lord’s reign, or that hereafter shallnbsp;descend, be taken, enjoyed, used, and holden as Englishnbsp;tenure, to all intents according to the common laws of thisnbsp;realm of England, and not to be partable among heirsnbsp;males after the custom of gavelkind, as heretofore innbsp;divers parts of Wales hath been used and accustomed.nbsp;And that the same law, from and after the said feast ofnbsp;St. John Baptist, in the said thirty-third year, be used,nbsp;taken and exercised in the said county of Monmouth, andnbsp;in all such lordships and other places, as by virtue of thenbsp;said Act made in the twenty-seventh year, or by any othernbsp;Act or Acts made or to be made, were and shall benbsp;annexed, united, or knit to any of the shires of Salop,nbsp;Hereford, Gloucester, or other shire; any laws, usages, ornbsp;customs heretofore had or used to the contrary thereofnbsp;notwithstanding.

“XCII. Item, That no mortgages of lands, tenements, or hereditaments made or had after the said feast ofnbsp;St. John Baptist, which was in the said thirty-third year ofnbsp;the reign of our said Sovereign Lord, or that hereafter

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382 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, vm.) shall be had or made within any of the said shires ornbsp;places, shall be hereafter allowed or admitted, otherwisenbsp;than after the course of the common laws or statutes ofnbsp;the realm of England; any usage or custom heretoforenbsp;had to the contrary thereof notwithstanding.

“XCIII. Hem, It shall be lawful to all persons to aliene, sell, or otherwise put away their lands, tenements, andnbsp;hereditaments within the said country or dominion ofnbsp;Wales, the county of Monmouth, and other places annexednbsp;to any of the shires of England, from them and their heirs,nbsp;to any person or persons in fee-simple of fee-tail, for termnbsp;of life, or for term of years, after the manner and accordingnbsp;as is used by the laws of the realm of England ; anynbsp;Welsh law or custom heretofore used in the said countrynbsp;or dominion of Wales to the contrary thereof notwithstanding. This article to take effect from and after thenbsp;said feast of the Nativity of St. John Baptist, which was innbsp;the said thirty-third year of our said Sovereign Lord’s reign.”

“ Cl. Hem, where divers lordships marchers, ‘as well in Wales, as in the borders of the same, now being by Act ofnbsp;Parliament annexed to divers shires of England, be latelynbsp;come to the king’s hands by suppression of houses, bynbsp;purchase or attainders, and now be under the survey of thenbsp;court of augmentations, or of the king’s general surveyors,nbsp;the liberties, franchises, and customs of all which lordshipsnbsp;be lately revived by Act of Parliament, made in the thirty-second year of his most gracious reign ; ’ nevertheless hisnbsp;Majesty willeth and commandeth, that no other liberties,nbsp;franchises, or customs shall from henceforth be used,nbsp;claimed, or exercised within the said lordships, nor anynbsp;other lordships within Wales, or the county of Monmouth,nbsp;whosoever be lord or owner of the same, but only suchnbsp;liberties, franchises, and customs as be given and commanded to the lords of the same lordships, by force andnbsp;virtue of the said Act of Parliament made for Wales in the

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said twenty-seventh year of his Grace's reign, and not altered nor taken away by this ordinance; the said Actnbsp;made in the said thirty-second year, or any other Act, grant,nbsp;law, or custom to the contrary thereof notwithstanding.”

“CXXVII. Provided always, that all lands, tenements, and hereditaments, within the said dominion of Wales,nbsp;shall descend to the heirs, according to the course of thenbsp;common laws of England of the realm of England,nbsp;according to the tenor and effect of this Act, and not to benbsp;used as gavelkind ; anything contained in these provisionsnbsp;or any of them to the contrary thereof notwithstanding.”

This measure (the clear drafting of which has won the commendation of eminent lawyers) completed the incorporation of Wales and the marches into the realm of England. It assimilated the Welsh to the English counties for politicalnbsp;and executive purposes, but left the former with a separatenbsp;judicature. The new judicial system seems to have begunnbsp;its work very quickly, and after a few years’ trial, owing tonbsp;the amount of the work and the difficulty of the questionsnbsp;that arose, it was found expedient to appoint an additional judge on each circuit. Power to do so (which wasnbsp;duly acted on) was given to the Crown by the stat. 18 Eliz.nbsp;c. 5 (1576), and the number of the judges was thus raised tonbsp;eight. The Great Sessions absorbed the bulk of the morenbsp;considerable business done in the old marcher courts, andnbsp;no doubt also many matters that would have gone to thenbsp;Court of the President and Council. They continued innbsp;active operation until 1830, and developed a special practicenbsp;of their own, which varied but little on the different circuits,nbsp;and which was based on the same fundamental principlesnbsp;as that of the English Superior Courts.^

' The earliest printed book on the practice of the Great Sessions is R. Rice Vaughan’s “ Practica Wallice ” (Lond. 1672). See also Foley’s “ Practicenbsp;of the Courts of Great Sessions for the several counties of Carmarthen,nbsp;Pembroke, and Cardigan” (Lond. 1792); Abbot’s “Jurisdiction and Practicenbsp;of the Court of Great Sessions of Wales upon the Chester Circuit” (Lond

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384 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, viii.)

It is clear, notwithstanding the creation of the Great Sessions, that the Court of the President and Council, thoughnbsp;not nearly so active as in the days of Lee, continued duringnbsp;the closing years of the sixteenth and the earlier part of thenbsp;seventeenth century to deal with a great many causes; butnbsp;it must be borne in mind that these causes came not onlynbsp;from Wales, but also from the four English counties overnbsp;which its jurisdiction had been extended since the time ofnbsp;Henry VII.^ These four shires and Bristol were not mentioned in the fourth section of the 34 amp; 35 Henrynbsp;VIII. c. 26. The' jurisdiction of the Court over thenbsp;English counties therefore rested on an act of the prerogative, unless those counties were included within thenbsp;term “ marches in that section. An agitation against thenbsp;Court, so far as it exercised authority over any part ofnbsp;England, of which the principal leader was Sir Herbertnbsp;Croft, a Herefordshire landowner and justice, arose in thenbsp;early years of James I.’s reign. In 1605-6 a Bill to exemptnbsp;the four counties passed through the House of Commons,nbsp;but was dropped in deference to a conciliatory speech fromnbsp;the king. A like fate awaited a similar Bill in the nextnbsp;session.

In 1607 Lord Eure was appointed Lord President, and fresh instructions were issued. These to some extentnbsp;met the alleged grievances of the opponents of the Englishnbsp;jurisdiction of the Court. The extraordinary powers of thenbsp;President and Council were confined to Wales, but a civil

1795), and Oldnall’s “The Practice of the Court of Great Sessions on the Carmarthen Circuit ” (Lond. 1814). The last book is the most valuable.nbsp;Oldnall, afterwards Sir IV. Oldnall Russell, became Chief Justice of Bengal.nbsp;Much information as to the history and the methods of these courts will benbsp;found in the Reports and Minutes of Evidence of the Select Committee of thenbsp;House of Commons appointed in 1817, 1820, and 1821 ; and in the firstnbsp;Report of the Common Law Commissioners, issued in 1829.

' See the remarks of Demetus hereon in Owen’s “ Dialogue ” ; and the extracts from Gerard’s Discourses to Walsingham, printed in Lewis’s paper,nbsp;ulri supra.

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jurisdiction in cases of debt and trespass where the damages were laid under 10/. was retained in the four shires.nbsp;Croft and his friends were not, however, satisfied, andnbsp;ultimately the validity of the English jurisdiction wasnbsp;submitted to the Privy Council, and by them referred tonbsp;the judges. The king propounded the question “whethernbsp;the article of the instructions touching hearing causesnbsp;within the four shires under 10/. be agreeable to the law?”nbsp;The case was argued in 1608 for six days. The opinion ofnbsp;the judges was given in writing on February 3rd, 1609, butnbsp;was never published, and was therefore probably adverse tonbsp;the Crown.^

The instructions were not, however, withdrawn, and the agitation was continued. A fresh attempt at legislation proved abortive; but the movement was carriednbsp;on in the country. The process of the Court was set atnbsp;nought; a petition signed by five thousand persons allegednbsp;it to be a nuisance; it was presented as such by anbsp;grand jury ; numerous actions were threatened, and somenbsp;brought, against its officers. But the king was firmnbsp;in resisting what he looked at as an attack on his prerogative, and the resistance gradually died away, notwithstandingnbsp;some revival of the agitation in 1614. In 1617 Lordnbsp;Compton succeeded Lord Eure as President of the Court,nbsp;and fresh instructions were issued. By these new articlesnbsp;the concessions made in 1607 were withdrawn ; no distinction was made between Wales and the four shires; in bothnbsp;areas civil jurisdiction (limited to 50/. in personal actions)nbsp;concurrent with that of the Superior Courts at Westminsternbsp;was granted, and an unlimited jurisdiction where the plaintiff’s poverty was duly certified ; a full equitable and Starnbsp;Chamber jurisdiction was also conferred, with the savingnbsp;that no injunction was to be issued to the Superior

' Coke led for those who attacked the legality of the jurisdiction, while Bacon did so for the President and Council.

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Courts.^ It has been said on good authority that the abolition of the Court of Star Chambers by stat. 17 Charles I. c. 10, innbsp;effect took away those powers of the President and Councilnbsp;which were analogous to those exercised by the formernbsp;court, and that it thenceforth only determined civil causes.®

Whether this view is right or not, the Court during the Commonwealth and the two succeeding reigns declined innbsp;importance, and immediately after the Revolution of 1688nbsp;was abolished by the stat. i William amp; Mary, sess. i. c. 2,nbsp;which recited that “ the powers of the Lord President hadnbsp;been much abused, and that the institution had become anbsp;great grievance to the subject.”

Between 1688 and 1830 a considerable number of statutes affecting the Welsh courts were passed, but as they dealtnbsp;chiefly with procedure and have now no importance it isnbsp;unnecessary for us to mention them specifically.® Nonbsp;change of any moment was made by these Acts as tonbsp;the constitution and jurisdiction of the Great Sessions.^nbsp;Though the Welsh courts were Superior Courts, the King’snbsp;Bench had long affected to exercise a power of regulation and review over them, and by the end of the eighteenthnbsp;century, by a series of judicial decisions, it had becomenbsp;settled law that plaintiffs might bring in the courts atnbsp;Westminster actions concerning lands in Wales, and alsonbsp;personal actions (which might have been commenced in thenbsp;Welsh courts) where the damages claimed exceeded 50/.®nbsp;Notwithstanding, however, the encroachments on their areanbsp;of authority, the Welsh courts continued to do an increasing

' See Heath’s preface to Bacon’s “Argument,” tibi stipra, for all these facts. ^ So says Heath, ubi supra, sed gumre?

® See Oldnall’s “ Practice,” tibi supra. Introduction.

* One of the Acts, however, it may be well to mention—that of 20 Geo. H. c. 42, which enacted that in all Acts of Parliament in which “ in England ” isnbsp;mentioned, Wales shall be deemed to be included.

° See the argument referred to above in Hargrave’s “ Law Tracts,” as to the encroachments of the King’s Bench, amp;c.

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LEGAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY. 387 amount of business, seemingly without any greater complaints against their procedure than was indulged in againstnbsp;that of the courts at Westminster. It is not clear when thenbsp;movement for the abolition of the Welsh courts began, but itnbsp;probably first arose (except merely by way of suggestion)nbsp;as part of the larger agitation for reforms in all branches ofnbsp;the law, and in the procedure of all the courts, which distinguished the first quarter of this century. It is, however,nbsp;interesting to note that Burke, speaking in the House ofnbsp;Commons on the i8th December, 1780, and referring to thenbsp;Welsh judicial system, said it had been proposed to add anbsp;judge to each of the courts at Westminster, and thoughtnbsp;that arrangement would be sufficient for Wales; but thatnbsp;his original thought was to suppress five out of the eightnbsp;Welsh justices, and to throw the counties into districts.^nbsp;Burke was, however, not attacking the Welsh courts onnbsp;general grounds, but on account of their alleged unnecessarynbsp;expense to the Crown.

It was not till 1817 that some definite step was taken in regard to the matter. In that year a select committeenbsp;was appointed by the House of Commons to inquirenbsp;into the condition of the judicial system of Wales andnbsp;Chester, and in 1820 and 1821 like committees sat. Thenbsp;evidence taken by and the reports of these bodies containnbsp;full information about the Welsh courts, their merits andnbsp;their defects. Nothing was done, however, until after thenbsp;first report of the Common Law Commissioners, whonbsp;were appointed in consequence of the attack led bynbsp;Brougham on the abuses and defects of the courts andnbsp;the whole judicial system in his celebrated speech ofnbsp;February, 1828. The first report of the Commissionersnbsp;dealt chiefly with the Welsh judicature. It recommended

' Speech of Edmund Burke on a “ Plan for the better security of the independence of Parliament, and the economical reformation of the civil andnbsp;other establishments.”

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388 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, viii.)

the extension of the jurisdiction of the Superior Courts of England to Chester and Wales, the appointment ofnbsp;three additional judges (one to each of the common lawnbsp;courts), the abolition of the Courts of Great Sessions, asnbsp;well as certain subsidiary steps.

The Government adopted the principal recommendations of the Commissioners ; and on the 9th March the Attorney-General (Sir J. Scarlett), after a somewhat perfunctorynbsp;speech that showed little grasp of the real issues, movednbsp;for leave to bring in “a Bill for the more effectual Administration of Justice in England and Wales,” embodyingnbsp;in substance the plan of the Commissioners. O’Connellnbsp;opposed the Bill as useless to the public. Sir J. Owen^nbsp;protested against it; but C. W. Wynn ^ on the other handnbsp;supported the Government. The best speech was made bynbsp;John Jones,® who pertinaciously opposed the Bill, on thenbsp;main ground that while the need for a reform of the Welshnbsp;system was admitted, that did not involve the need fornbsp;its abolition ; he defended the Welsh judges; he objectednbsp;to the interests of Wales being made the ladder by whichnbsp;ambitious barristers might climb to such preferment asnbsp;three additional judgeships necessarily included; the Welshnbsp;people, he said, were attached to their institutions, andnbsp;did not desire the abolition of these courts; the Billnbsp;was being forced upon them. After a brief debate thenbsp;motion was agreed to without a division, and the Bill readnbsp;a first time.^

' Then M.P. for Pembrokeshire (born 1776 ; died 1861, having sat fifty-one years in the House). Williams’ “Pari. Hist.,” p. 159.

^ M.P. for Montgomery (Privy Councillor 1822; member of Lord Liverpool’s Administration ; Secretary at War and in Cabinet 1830-1; diednbsp;1850). Williams’ “Pari. Hist.,” p. 145.

®M.P. for Carmarthen (b. 1792! d. 1857; barrister-at-law, and Chairman of Quarter Sessions for Cardigan; afterwards member for Carmarthenshire).nbsp;Williams’ “ Pari. Hist.,” pp. 49, 55.

¦* Hansard (2nd series), vol. 23, col. 54,

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The second reading was taken on April 27th. Frankland Lewis^ and Colonel Wood^ made criticismsnbsp;on the Bill. The latter, while not denying that the timenbsp;had come for the assimilation of the Welsh to thenbsp;English system, pointed out the characteristic of the Welshnbsp;people, and how largely the Welsh language was used bynbsp;the lower classes; he thought the juries ought to be Welsh,nbsp;and asked how many gentlemen in the House would likenbsp;to give evidence in French in a case in which the life of anbsp;fellow-countryman was at stake ? John Jones subsequentlynbsp;spoke, attacking the Commissioners, with very considerablenbsp;reason on his side, as being completely ignorant of Walesnbsp;and its inhabitants, and complained of their unfair treatmentnbsp;of him and other Welshmen who had assisted them, and againnbsp;insisted that there was no demand for the Bill in Wales.nbsp;C. W. Wynn argued in its favour. Rice Trevor® urgednbsp;that the Bill would entail great additional expense onnbsp;Welsh suitors. The Attorney-General briefly replied, andnbsp;the Bill was read a second time without a division,nbsp;passed through Committee, but was re-committed on Junenbsp;18th, and read a third time on July 17th and subsequently passed through the Lords without difficulty—nbsp;notwithstanding the adverse opinion of Lord Eldon, thennbsp;no longer the autocrat of that House—and duly becamenbsp;law.

By this Act (the 11 George IV. and i William IV. c. 70) an additional judge was appointed to each of the three

' M.P. for Radnorshire (b. 1780 ; d. 1855 ; Privy Councillor 1828 ; held various offices, and was Chairman of the Poor Law Commission, 1834-9 gt; anbsp;member of the Commission of Inquiry into the Rebecca Riots, 1843 1 created anbsp;baronet 1846). Williams’ “ Pari. Hist.,” p. 176.

^M.P. for Breconshire (b. 1778; d. i860). Williams’ “Pari. Hist.,” p. 20.

®M.P. for Carmarthenshire (b. 1795; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;*869; only son of George Lord

Dynevor, and succeeded his father as second Lord Dynevor in 1852), W^illiams’ “Pari. Hist.,” p. 49.

* Hansard (2nd series), vol. 24, col. 104.

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Superior Courts—the King’s Bench, the Common Pleas, and the Exchequer of Pleas. The jurisdiction of these andnbsp;other English Superior Courts was extended over Chesternbsp;and Wales, while that of the Great Sessions was to ceasenbsp;from the commencement of the Act. It was enacted thatnbsp;assizes should thenceforth be held by the judges of thenbsp;superior Courts, as in England. It was arranged thatnbsp;there should be two circuits—a North Wales and Chester,nbsp;and a South Wales and Chester circuit. A single judgenbsp;was to do the work in the six counties of North Wales, andnbsp;another to go alone through the counties of South Walesnbsp;(except Glamorganshire), and that both judges should unitenbsp;for the assizes of Cheshire and Glamorganshire. Propernbsp;provisions were inserted for the pensioning of the officialsnbsp;of the Welsh courts and effecting the change without delaynbsp;or inconvenience, and certain useful amendments in regardnbsp;to the procedure of the common law courts were also made.

It can hardly be said that the Welsh members made the most of their case. The majority sat on the Governmentnbsp;side, and most of them were country gentlemen who rarelynbsp;took part in debate; but a meed of praise is due to thenbsp;stand made by John Jones of Carmarthen against the Billnbsp;at a time when the very courts which the Governmentnbsp;proposed to substitute for the Welsh ones were themselvesnbsp;unreformed and carried on their work under a system ofnbsp;practice universally condemned. The broad questions,nbsp;whether it is or is not expedient to centralise the administration of justice (in regard to all except the more trivialnbsp;disputes) so completely as was, and in a less degree still is,nbsp;the case in this country ; whether the English circuit systemnbsp;is better than a system of provincial courts of first instancenbsp;controlled by a Court of Appeal; whether it was fair tonbsp;deprive of its separate judicial organisation, a part of thenbsp;country where a different language was, in most of thenbsp;counties, habitually spoken by the large majority of the

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inhabitants, and to allow Scotland, where English was even then almost exclusively spoken, to retain its ownnbsp;courts, were not raised with any clearness. No doubtnbsp;there were many abuses, grievances, and defects connectednbsp;with the Welsh system. The judges were permitted tonbsp;sit in Parliament, and to practise at the Bar off their ownnbsp;circuits; the appointments to the Bench were often madenbsp;for political reasons ; no pensions being attached to theirnbsp;office, the judges often clung to their posts when theynbsp;were really too infirm to do their duties properly; theynbsp;did not change their circuits, and some became too familiarnbsp;with the barristers who came before them, and the countrynbsp;gentlemen in the neighbourhood, thus giving rise on occasionnbsp;to grave suspicion of partiality ; the term of the sessionsnbsp;(six days) was often not long enough for the cautious andnbsp;patient trial of the causes ; the procedure was antiquatednbsp;and complicated ; the territorial limits of jurisdiction gavenbsp;rise to difficulties. All those things are true, and shownbsp;that a reform of the system was quite necessary; but everynbsp;one of those ills could have been removed by legislation,nbsp;and not one of them (except perhaps the possibility of toonbsp;great familiarity with a particular neighbourhood) affordsnbsp;an argument against a properly-constituted system ofnbsp;provincial courts.

For some years the Act inflicted considerable hardship on Welsh suitors. «There being no county courts on thenbsp;modern basis till the Act of 1846 had passed, and the localnbsp;courts having only jurisdiction up to forty shillings, it wasnbsp;necessary to bring an action in London even to recovernbsp;trivial debts, and as the local equitable jurisdiction hadnbsp;been determined, the administration of the smallest estatenbsp;had to be effected through the medium of the Court ofnbsp;Chancery. The proceedings, too, in an action commencednbsp;in a Superior Court and tried at a Welsh assize, were muchnbsp;more dilatory and expensive than those in a suit of the

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, viii.)

same kind in the Great Sessions. Again, though the Welsh judges were not the equals of the English judgesnbsp;in status at the Bar, or, as a rule, in legal attainments,nbsp;they came in a very little time after their appointmentsnbsp;into close touch with the people and generally securednbsp;their confidence. For many years the want of sympathynbsp;of the English judges going the Welsh circuits, theirnbsp;ill-concealed assumption that Welshmen were beingsnbsp;inferior to Englishmen, their apparent total inability tonbsp;understand that a man who could speak a few words ofnbsp;a foreign language in the market-place or society mightnbsp;decline to give evidence in it in a court of justice andnbsp;yet be an honest man, produced very often great popularnbsp;(though in those days not overt) indignation, and sometimes grave miscarriage of justice. The establishmentnbsp;of the modern county courts, and the gentler and morenbsp;tactful treatment of Welsh witnesses by the judges of thenbsp;High Court during recent years, have done much to removenbsp;any grievances special to the people of Wales in regard tonbsp;the administration of justice.^

We have now only to add a few words about the legal profession in Wales as affected by the Act of 1830. Thenbsp;statute enabled the attorneys and solicitors of the Welshnbsp;courts to obtain like positions in the common law courts atnbsp;Westminster and in the Court of Chancery. A considerable but not numerous Bar had been in the habit of attending the four old circuits.^ What took place on the coming

' The more vigilant action of the Welsh members in the House of Commons since 1868 has no doubt contributed to this more satisfactory state of things.

* We are indebted to Mr. W. Trevor Parkins, of the North Wales Circuit, Chancellor of the diocese of St. Asaph, for the following information. Beforenbsp;1830 there was a Bar mess for each Welsh Circuit. A book in MS. containingnbsp;the “ Records” of the Chester Circuit from 1788 to 1830 (now in the possessionnbsp;of Sir Horatio Lloyd) seems to be the only minute-book of the old circuitnbsp;messes extant. From 1790 the minutes of the Chester Circuit were regularlynbsp;kept. The Attorney-General of the Circuit, or in his absence his deputy,nbsp;presided at the High Court. The ‘ ‘ Records ” contain the names of the

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into operation of the new Act is not quite clear but it seems that two Bar messes * were formed, on much the samenbsp;plan as, and with rules very similar to, those of thenbsp;English circuits ®—one for the North Wales and the other fornbsp;the South Wales Circuit, which united to form one mess atnbsp;Chester and in Glamorganshire respectively. The numbernbsp;of barristers practising on the Welsh circuits was at firstnbsp;and for many years very small; ^ but of late years, principally

members present at each High Court, an account of the expenses of the wine, of the fines imposed, and of the jokes that were made and deemed worthnbsp;setting down. Among the more eminent members whose names occur are :—¦nbsp;Richard Richards, afterwards Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer; Charlesnbsp;Abbot, Speaker of the House of Commons; Charles Wetherell, who becamenbsp;Attorney-General of England; C. W. Williams Wynn (see note 2, p. 388,nbsp;above); John Jervis, afterwards Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. Thenbsp;members of the mess frequently held mess dinners in London. The last ofnbsp;such meetings took place at the Thatched House Tavern, on May igth, 7830.nbsp;The Bar of the Chester Circuit was composed of men who belonged to othernbsp;Circuits (usually the Northern or Oxford), and a few equity barristers. Many ofnbsp;them did not follow the Circuit into Wales. In addition to the judges mentionednbsp;above, Mr. Justice John Williams, Mr. Justice Littledale, Baron Parke (Lordnbsp;Wensleydale), Mr. Justice Wightman, and Mr. Justice Crompton practisednbsp;at Chester Great Sessions. After 1830 Chester became the common groundnbsp;for all the members of the old Welsh Circuits. Thus Vaughan Williamsnbsp;(afterwards Justice of the Common Pleas), who belonged to the Carmarthennbsp;Circuit, exercised his right to come to Chester.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;When I became junior of the South Wales Circuit in 1877 the books of thenbsp;mess handed to me only contained the minutes of business from about thenbsp;middle of the fifties.—D. B. J. Mr. Trevor Parkins informs us that thenbsp;existing minute-book of the North Wales Circuit (in the narrower sense) onlynbsp;goes back to 1872, and that of the Chester mess only to 18S0. There are nonbsp;records of either mess for the period from 1830 to 1872.

^ This is substantially true, but we are informed that technically the members of the North Wales Division regard the Bar mess in the Welsh counties as anbsp;distinct mess from that of Chester.

^ E.g., members of the mess were not allowed to travel on circuit in any public conveyance; nor to reside during the Assizes at any hotel or inn, butnbsp;had to take private lodgings; members were not permitted to dine withnbsp;solicitors during the Assizes, amp;c. The two former rules were modified beforenbsp;1877. Members were then allowed to go to hotels, provided they engagednbsp;private sitting-rooms, and to travel by rail, but only in a first-class carriagenbsp;after joining circuit.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;They can, however, boast of three members who joined after 1830 and have

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, viii.)

owing to the great increase of the work in Glamorganshire, has been greatly augmented.^ The business in the othernbsp;counties since the large extension of the county courtnbsp;jurisdiction has very greatly diminished, and there is anbsp;tendency to putting down the more substantial cases fornbsp;trial at Swansea or Cardiff; and the great amount of worknbsp;done in the industrial and commercial centres of Southnbsp;Wales has led to the “ localising ” of several members ofnbsp;the Bar.2

Having touched upon the principal points in the constitutional and legal development of the Welsh counties from the time of Edward I., we must now turn to thenbsp;history of land tenure in Wales, looked at from an economicnbsp;rather than from a legal standpoint.

reached high judicial office—Lord Halsbiiry, the present Lord Chancellor; the late Sir William Milbourne James, Lord Justice of Appeal; and thenbsp;late Sir William Grove, Juclge of the High Court of Justice.

*In 1843 ws fil'd from a letter of Carlyle’s (Froude’s “Life of Thomas Carlyle in London,quot; vol. i., p. 312) that about twenty barristers were attending the summer Assizes at Carmarthen. Carlyle was staying at Abergwilinbsp;with the Bishop, and, the Assizes being on, the Bishop, following a not unusualnbsp;custom, had invited the Judge and Bar to dinner. C. calls the entertainmentnbsp;“an explosion of dulness, champagne, and ennuiP and makes the ill-naturednbsp;and conceited remark that “ the advocates generally filled me with a kind ofnbsp;shudder ! To think that had I once had 200/. I should have been that 1 ’’

’ The technical name of the former North and South Wales Circuits is now “The Welsh Circuit,’’ but the North Wales and South Wales “Divisions”nbsp;are recognised.

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§ I.The Welsh Tribal System.

It is not proposed to enter at great length upon the history of ancient land tenures in Wales. But it seems a necessarynbsp;part of our duty to offer the best explanation we are able ofnbsp;the main facts in Welsh economic history which,commencingnbsp;with the general prevalence throughout the greater part ofnbsp;Wales of the tribal system above described, have resulted innbsp;the present conditions of ownership and tenure.

It maybe well to mention at the outset that the evidence of the main facts of the Welsh tribal system prevalentnbsp;under the chieftains or princes before the conquest is notnbsp;by any means confined to vague tradition, or even to thenbsp;codes and treatises of various authority in which from thenbsp;time of Howel the Good the customs and customary lawnbsp;prevalent in different districts of Wales were from time tonbsp;time collected. The evidence for the main facts relevantnbsp;to the object of this inquiry rests upon the solid ground ofnbsp;the actual surveys or extents made by Norman surveyorsnbsp;in great detail and with the especial object of recordingnbsp;the condition of things as to tenure which was found tonbsp;exist in North Wales after the conquest by Edward I. andnbsp;which was the result of the customary tribal law prevalentnbsp;before the conquest.

The extent of greatest value and detail is that of the

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Lordship of Denbigh made in 8 Edward III., but other extents embrace Anglesey, Carnarvonshire, and Merionethshire and the scattered possessions of the see of St. Davidsnbsp;in four counties of South Wales.

The main facts relevant to this inquiry are those which relate to the customary law as to land under the tribalnbsp;system itself, and the results it left behind it as regardsnbsp;land tenure in Wales after the English conquest.

So far as the part of Wales conquered by Cuneda and his sons is concerned, the Cymry appear not to have beennbsp;the original inhabitants, but a conquering tribe; and itnbsp;appears most probable that their coming into Wales in thenbsp;fifth and sixth centuries partook of the nature of a tribalnbsp;migration from Cumbria.^

The result naturally followed that a permanent division of classes was established according to tribal custom,nbsp;between the conquering tribesmen and the conquerednbsp;people, so that the inhabitants of Wales from that timenbsp;onward were divided into two classes—the free tribesmennbsp;and the non-tribesmen, or strangers in blood.

First, as to the free tribesmen. They were bound together from the chieftain down to the humblest tribesman by the tie of blood relationship. They carefullynbsp;guarded their pedigree and purity of blood, and the severalnbsp;kindreds or groups of kinsmen within certain degrees ofnbsp;relationship were mutually liable to one another for injuriesnbsp;and crimes.

It is not needful to enter into details as to the structure of tribal society, except so far as to explain the result ofnbsp;the tribal organisation upon the occupation of land ; andnbsp;the main point about this is the fact that the tribal unit ofnbsp;occupation of land was the kindred or family group and notnbsp;the individual. The rights, moreover, of the family group

* See above, pp.nS—120, as to the conquest of Gwyned by Cuneda and his

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HISTORY OF LAND TENURE IN WALES. 397 were vested in its patriarchal head, and during the lifetimenbsp;of this head of the group all the surbordinate members ofnbsp;it, down to great-grandchildren or second cousins, insteadnbsp;of being joint tenants of the family rights as regards landnbsp;had apparently only tribal rights of maintenance. Theynbsp;were regarded not as, in the modern sense, joint ownersnbsp;with equal shares in the land, but rather as the sons andnbsp;grandsons of a patriarchal family under the patriarchalnbsp;rule of its head.

Thus tribal society was in no true sense a republic or democracy in the modern sense of the term, but rather annbsp;aristocratic group of families organised on a patriarchalnbsp;basis.

When the English surveyors, therefore, in the fourteenth century made their extents after the conquest, they foundnbsp;and described this or that district as occupied, not bynbsp;individuals, but by this or that family group, or, using thenbsp;Welsh term, this or that wek ox gwely [i.e., bed or familynbsp;stock), consisting of the progenies or descendants down tonbsp;great-grandchildren of the original head of the familynbsp;group. Each of these family groups held together till anbsp;final division took place amongst the great-grandchildrennbsp;of its original head, and it was called by the surveyors thenbsp;“ wele of so-and-so,” although he and his sons may havenbsp;been long dead. And the reason why the “ wele ” of thenbsp;original head of the family thus held together long afternbsp;his death and the death of his sons is given in the codes.nbsp;It was the tribal rule that on the death of the original headnbsp;the original wele was divided into the equal weles of hisnbsp;sons, who were brothers, that after the death of all the sonsnbsp;the tribal rights of the family were subject to a re-divisionnbsp;among the grandsons or cousins per capita and not pernbsp;stirpes, and that, lastly, on the death of all the sons andnbsp;grandsons, a final re-division could be claimed by the great-grandsons or second cousins per capita and not per stirpes.

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, ix.)

Hence the original wele of the great-grandfather was retained as the unit of the family rights until all thenbsp;grandsons were dead, on which event the final division ofnbsp;family rights among great-grandsons took place and freshnbsp;family groups were formed. Thus it came to pass that thenbsp;gzvely or family so constituted under tribal custom continued after the conquest, and was described in the extentsnbsp;by the English surveyors as the ordinary tribal unit of landnbsp;occupation.

The result was that the surveyors describe this district, and that as in the occupation, not of individuals, but of thenbsp;wele or gwely of so-and-so, or, as mostly happened, ofnbsp;several such family groups, having undivided shares in thenbsp;tribal occupation of the district.

The surveys or extents enable us further to realise that this occupation in most districts was that of a pastoral,nbsp;rather than agricultural, people. The tribal rights of landnbsp;occupation held by the family groups were thus mainlynbsp;rights of grazing over considerable districts in commonnbsp;with other family groups. Each wele or family group, nonbsp;doubt, held in severalty its own roughly constructed homesteads or tydynau, with cattle-yards and crofts for winternbsp;protection and feeding, whilst the mass of the land,nbsp;mountain and moor and waste, was held by them innbsp;common. And, further, these families of tribesmen, withnbsp;their cattle, often had both winter and summer homesteadsnbsp;and grazings, and were easily shifted from one district tonbsp;another when changes of population or other necessities ofnbsp;tribal life might require it.

Another peculiarity of this tribal system of land occupation may be noticed as increasing the difficulty of description by English surveyors, who approached it fullnbsp;of English and manorial notions. All the landed rightsnbsp;of the family group being vested in its head, it was difficultnbsp;to define the rights of the ordinary tribesman.

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When a new tribesman was born into the tribe, both parents being of full tribal blood, he remained, accordingnbsp;to Welsh custom or tradition, more or less rigidly adherednbsp;to, under the paternal lordship of his father, and was maintained by his father till he was fourteen. At fourteen, henbsp;claimed from the kindred, and not from his father, his fullnbsp;tribal rights. That is, he was apparently provided withnbsp;cattle, independently of his father, and became liable tonbsp;answer for his own misdeeds, and his father was no longernbsp;obliged to maintain him. When he married, if not before,nbsp;he was allowed to establish himself in a separate homestead or tyUyn, and became, like his fellow-tribesmen, anbsp;small dairy farmer on his own account, putting his cattlenbsp;into the common herd along with the rest. He also had anbsp;right to join in the common ploughing of portions of thenbsp;waste. This tribal provision for his maintenance he gotnbsp;from the kindred to which he belonged, and not by inheritance from his father. But he also had a prospective rightnbsp;or chance of one day, if he lived long enough, becomingnbsp;the successor of his father’s rights or privileges, and ofnbsp;becoming, on the death of his ancestors, the head of anbsp;wele. . The ordinary tribesman, therefore, was in a doublenbsp;position ; he was a member of a kindred with tribal rights ofnbsp;maintenance, and not a joint tenant of any particular land.nbsp;And at the same time, prospectively, and by possibility, henbsp;might succeed to the headship of a wele, and so becomenbsp;the person in whom the landed rights of a family groupnbsp;were vested.

This, according to traditional theory, and to some extent in practice, was the complicated condition of things innbsp;North Wales at the conquest as regards the free tribesmen.nbsp;The English surveyors described it as best they could, andnbsp;the Crown lawyers judged it right under the terms arrangednbsp;on the conquest to let these Welsh family units of landnbsp;occupation continue under Welsh custom.

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The statute of Rhudlan left them alone, to follow the natural course of disintegration sure to result from thenbsp;relaxation of customary ties and the division and subdivision by gavelkind generation after generation, till thenbsp;statute of Henry VIII., when English law was extended tonbsp;Wales, and the laws of primogeniture and English tenurenbsp;were introduced.

Then, at last, after many generations of confusion, it became necessary for the Crown lawyers to bring whatevernbsp;remained of the tribal rights of the descendants of thenbsp;free tribesmen under some category of English law, andnbsp;so define their rights for the future.

But there is also the case of the non-tribesmen or strangers in blood to be considered before we go further.

The distinguishing mark of this class was the absence of tribal blood, and this, in North Wales, was technicallynbsp;and under tribal tradition an impassable barrier betweennbsp;the stranger and the tribesmen for ever; whilst in Southnbsp;Wales it only could be bridged by continued residencenbsp;under a chieftain for nine generations, or by repeated intermarriage with tribeswomen for four generations.

The typical tenure of these non-tribesmen—who were settled upon the estates of the chieftain or head tribesmen,nbsp;and called taeogs or ailits or atttuds—was that which innbsp;the extents is called by the common name of “ trefgevery,”nbsp;the holding of Er cyfrif, or “register land,” as opposed tonbsp;the tribesmen’s holdings in gwelys. Its peculiarity wasnbsp;that there were no rights of inheritance, no family groupsnbsp;with their heads, but that in the hamlet or group of thesenbsp;non-tribesmen there was absolute equality between allnbsp;males above fourteen. Parents and children, side by side,nbsp;all were treated alike, except that the youngest son keptnbsp;house with his father, and had no separate recognition.

This was the normal tenure of non-tribesmen, but as regards some classes of strangers, after residence for four

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HISTORY OF LAND TENURE IN WALES. 401 generations in the same place, kindred was recognised innbsp;the non-tribesman’s family, but from that moment and fornbsp;ever after its descendants became adscripti glebes.

Hence the surveyors when they came to make the extents found two classes of non-tribesmen: those livingnbsp;in groups or hamlets with no rights of inheritance and innbsp;what was called trefgevery, and others occupying in familiesnbsp;or gwelys, like the free tribesmen, though not acknowledgednbsp;as belonging to the tribe. Both these classes of nontribesmen were permanently attached to the land of thenbsp;chieftain or of some landed tribesman, and hence, rightlynbsp;or wrongly, were naturally classed by the surveyors asnbsp;nativi or bond tenants, and so regarded until Tudor times.

Before tracing the after history of the tribesmen and non-tribesmen, there remains to be noticed the position ofnbsp;the chieftain and his family and the territorial arrangementsnbsp;which were connected with the chieftainship.

Now at the time of the extents and long before, in the time of the Welsh princes, the country was divided intonbsp;cymwds, two of these generally making a cantref.

In each cymwd or sometimes in each cantref there was a tract of land set aside for the chieftain’s residence. Itnbsp;formed an estate which the surveyors very naturally callednbsp;a manor, and which in many respects resembled a manor.nbsp;On this estate was what may be described as the homenbsp;farm of the chieftain, called his maerdref, worked by groupsnbsp;of non-tribesmen or nativi under the management of anbsp;land maer and other officers. The chief also had pasturenbsp;land allotted to him for his cattle, and all this he held innbsp;severalty.

There was one prince of North Wales with his chief palace at Aberffraw in Anglesey. But the prince was notnbsp;an isolated chieftain chosen from the ranks of the tribesmen, but the head of a family of chieftains, a kind of royalnbsp;family with aristocratic privilege. And though the palaces

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402 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, ix.)

of the other cymwds in his jurisdiction nominally belonged to the chieftain, they appeared to have often become thenbsp;residence of sub-chieftains, members of his family, and innbsp;later times came easily to be regarded as the property ofnbsp;the subordinate chieftains under the prince.

Upon the home farm or maerdref were settled families of non-tribesmen. They were called the men of thenbsp;maerdref, and by their services the maerdref was cultivated.nbsp;Besides this, there were at Abcrffraw groups or hamlets ofnbsp;non-tribesmen holding in trefgevery and more closelynbsp;attached to the chieftain’s estate than the other similarnbsp;groups scattered over the cymwds like the gwelys of thenbsp;free tribesmen.

The revenue or provision for the prince or chieftain consisted mainly of—

(1) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;the produce of his maerdref or home farm workednbsp;by non-tribesmen ;

(2) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;the rents in kind and various services due from thenbsp;clusters of non-tribesmen, including his right to quarternbsp;his retinue and dogs upon them when on his hunting,nbsp;hawking, or other expeditions ;

(3) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;the food rents of the free tribesmen which had longnbsp;been commuted into money under the name of tunc.

This brief statement of the main features of the tribal system ^ must be taken as applying chiefly to North Wales.nbsp;Though from the evidence of the Welsh codes the systemnbsp;was prevalent at one time in South Wales also, the latternbsp;had been subject to the disintegrating effects of Normannbsp;conquest centuries earlier than the final conquest of Northnbsp;Wales by Edward I. And this remark applies also to thenbsp;border districts which had fallen under the power of thenbsp;Lords Marchers.

' For the authorities on the main points of the foregoing brief summary, see “The Tribal System in Wales,” by Mr. F. Seebohm, one of the Commissioners, who has for many years made a special study of the subject.

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§ 2.—Results of the Conquest of North Wales.

Such being the positions of the chieftains, tribesmen, and non-tribesmen under the tribal system, the next questionnbsp;is how they were severally treated at the time of thenbsp;conquest of North Wales by Edward I.

First as regards the chieftains. All their rights were transferred with but little alteration to the Prince of Walesnbsp;or the Crown. The chieftains’ demesnes seem to have beennbsp;maintained in the same position as before. They werenbsp;naturally regarded as manors to which were attached thenbsp;old chieftains’ rights within the cymwds of which they werenbsp;the centres. Thus both tribesmen and non-tribesmen—nbsp;now regarded as free tenants and nativi—became tenantsnbsp;of the Crown, with no mesne lord between them and thenbsp;Crown, until from time to time grants were made of thenbsp;manors or cymwds, and the rights appendant thereto, tonbsp;subjects, who thereupon assumed the position of lords olnbsp;manors or cymwds as the case might be.

As regards the tenants, at the time of the surveys made after the conquest, the value of the customary rents innbsp;kind for services both of tribesmen and non-tribesmennbsp;were severally ascertained and recorded, and probablynbsp;thenceforth in the case of both tribesmen and nontribesmen money was more often paid than the actualnbsp;services.

During the period which followed it turned out to be a great protection and advantage to both classes of tenantsnbsp;—both the tribesmen and non-tribesmen—that thejr servicesnbsp;and dues of all kinds had been commuted, for the mostnbsp;part, into fixed money payments. It not only saved themnbsp;from any attempt to grind more out of them, but also closednbsp;the door against arbitrary exactions and oppressive use ofnbsp;the services. The extents made after the conquest became,nbsp;as the Domesday survey did to the English tenant, the

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404 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, ix.)

authority to which both classes of tenants could appeal, for it seems to have been tacitly assumed by the Englishnbsp;surveyors that the money value of the food rents andnbsp;services recorded in the surveys was to be religiouslynbsp;followed ever after without alteration.

In several special cases examined, the amount of the quitrents thus arrived at on the conquest of North Walesnbsp;remained substantially unchanged through all vicissitudesnbsp;(not excepting the Black Death and the rebellion of Owennbsp;Glyndwr), notwithstanding great reduction of populationnbsp;and forfeitures for joining in rebellion, and death in thenbsp;wars.

The reason of this seems to be that the commuted food rents and services were regarded as chargeable upon anbsp;certain place or district rather than upon the persons ornbsp;families occupying it.

Vast numbers of the ancient quitrents remain payable to the present day to the Crown or to grantees of thenbsp;Crown. Others have from time to time been bought upnbsp;and got rid of, and all are very trivial in their amount,nbsp;very many of them under one shilling.

No doubt in part the extreme smallness of the quitrents is the natural result of the sub-division of holdings amongnbsp;heirs by gavelkind between the time of the conquest ofnbsp;Edward I. and the statute of Henry VIII., by which thenbsp;law of primogeniture was extended to Wales.

There was, however, another economic cause at work, which in Wales, as in England, silently acted in favournbsp;of the peasantry whose services had been commuted innbsp;the fourteenth century into fixed money payments.

Granted that the descendants of the old tenants continued to pay the same quitrent in shillings in 1600 as their ancestors or predecessors in title did in 1300, theynbsp;gained by the fact that the quitrent of 1600 was paid innbsp;shillings which contained only 93 grains of silver, whilst

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the shillings of 1300 contained 266 grains, i.e., nearly three times as much. Nor was this all, for in addition there hadnbsp;taken place during the interval, apart from the depreciatednbsp;weight of the coin, a general rise in prices and in the valuenbsp;of the land.

The Welsh tenants were chiefly dairy or cattle farmers, and during the three centuries since the conquest the pricenbsp;of cattle had increased at a much higher rate than thenbsp;price of corn.

Some measure of the enormous amount of relief which accrued to the tenants through the change in prices maynbsp;be arrived at by a comparison of the burden of the payments of the tenants of the Prince’s manor of Aberffrawnbsp;at the time of the conquest and in the time of Queennbsp;Elizabeth.

The dues and services of the tenants of Aberffraw, as valued in the extent of 1294, amounted to 21/. ij. quot;jd. pernbsp;annum.

A few years after, in an assessment made for a 15th, the cattle of the tenants (including oxen, cows, bullocks,nbsp;horses, and sheep) were valued at 137/. The annual payment of the tenants to the chieftain amounted thus tonbsp;about one-sixth of the value of their cattle.^

The descendants of these tenants in the time of Queen Elizabeth paying, as, in fact, they probably, roughlynbsp;speaking, were doing, the same quitrent of 21/. u. jd.^

A.D. 1600.

A.D. 1300.

137 oxen at Sj..

¦ 34

at 60J.

262 cows at 3J. 4lt;/. .

• 44

at sor.

38 three year olds at 2s. 6d.

. 5i

91 two year olds at 2f.

. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;9

at 4or.

71 horses at Sr.

. 18

at looj.

36 mares at 5r.

• 9

735 sheep at 6d.

. 18


at 8s.






294 2,172

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4o6 the welsh people, (chap, ix.)

would be paying only about nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;of value of

precisely the same head of cattle at the increased prices of the day.

Thus the burden of the quitrents in the time of Queen Elizabeth throughout Wales may be taken as only a smallnbsp;fraction of what their payments had been under the Princenbsp;of Wales before the conquest. In other words, supposingnbsp;that there had been no disturbance from pestilence,nbsp;rebellions, or wars, and that the descendants of the oldnbsp;tenants had remained in occupation of their old holdingsnbsp;during the three centuries following the conquest, theynbsp;would have practically grown, as English copyholdersnbsp;generally did under the same circumstances, into absolutenbsp;owners, charged with a merely nominal and trivial quitrentnbsp;of a few pence at most per acre.

But it must be remembered that the customary tribal tenures in gwelys or family groups with ultimate divisionsnbsp;among great-grandsons in gavelkind had been left tonbsp;follow its natural course till the introduction of Englishnbsp;law by the statute of Henry VIII. The case, therefore,nbsp;was not so clear as the case of English copyholders ofnbsp;holdings in individual ownership. How far the oldnbsp;tribal custom of vesting the landed interest of the gwelysnbsp;solely in the patriarchal head had survived or worn itselfnbsp;out under changed circumstances may be a matter ofnbsp;doubt, but so far as it may have survived it might wellnbsp;have resulted in confusion by raising the obvious questionnbsp;whether the head of the gwely was not the only personnbsp;to be regarded as the tenant, and what were the rights,nbsp;in that case, of his more or less numerous descendants.

The abolition of the custom of gavelkind, and substitution of the law of primogeniture, would, in such case, ultimately disinherit all but one son of the person regardednbsp;as the tenant, whether tribesman or non-tribesman.

Such a statute, however, was not likely to take general

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HISTORY OF LAND TENURE IN WALES. 407 effect all in a moment, and accordingly it fell upon thenbsp;Crown lawyers of Queen Elizabeth for the most part tonbsp;disentangle the knotty questions which, after 300 years ofnbsp;silent decay, the tribal system had left behind it.

T/te Application of English Law under Queen Elizabeth in North Wales.—This was the condition of things whennbsp;the Crown lawyers of Queen Elizabeth had to undertakenbsp;the task of bringing the various classes of Welsh tenantsnbsp;within some category of English law. Welsh tenures hadnbsp;been abolished, and it had to be settled what the futurenbsp;status of both classes of Welsh tenants was to be. Thenbsp;families of free tribesmen had, during the interval sincenbsp;the conquest, been regarded in a vague way as freeholdersnbsp;under the lordships which had grown out of the cymwds.nbsp;And the non-tribesmen, classed by the surveyors asnbsp;nativi, naturally had been treated very much as Englishnbsp;copyholders; but the status of both classes to the eye ofnbsp;the English law courts was vague and undefined, and hadnbsp;now to be settled.

The evidence of the quitrents and their general existence down to the present time, except when extinguished bynbsp;purchase, may be taken as presumptive evidence that nonbsp;radical change in the position of the successors of the freenbsp;tribesmen was made on the substitution of English law fornbsp;the old Welsh customs. But we have seen that even undernbsp;the latter the free tribesman was not individually a freeholder, that, in fact, the land ownership and the rights ofnbsp;grazing, which formed so large a part of it, were vested innbsp;the head of the gwely or family. So that even as regardsnbsp;the successors of the tribesmen the Crown lawyers had nonbsp;easy task to perform.

But this was not all. There were other difficulties to be dealt with besides the legal ones. The successors ofnbsp;the old free tribesmen were paying, presumably, the samenbsp;quitrents as of old, and no other services. They held their

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4o8 the welsh people, (chap, ix.)

homesteads or tydynau in severalty. Some had been extinguished by escheats and forfeitures. But new onesnbsp;had now and again been made out of the waste as familiesnbsp;had increased. They had made encroachments andnbsp;extended their inclosures out of the waste, and besides allnbsp;this their most important right as mainly pasture or dairynbsp;farmers consisted in their ancient user of their undividednbsp;rights of pasture and co-aration over the districts in whichnbsp;they were located. Were they to be reckoned as freeholders under English law, or in what other class werenbsp;they to be placed} Again, who was to be reckonednbsp;the owner, the head of the family, or the individual tribesman } It would be hardly possible to deal with eachnbsp;tribesman separately, as they were not under tribalnbsp;custom joint tenants, and some of them had only rightsnbsp;of maintenance.

Side by side with these successors of free tribesmen were the successors of the non-tribesmen. They also had grownnbsp;by long residence into the possession of family rights. Butnbsp;under Welsh custom, as understood by the lawyers, unlessnbsp;enfranchised, they had been for 300 years considered asnbsp;nativi, and the land they occupied had for so long beennbsp;regarded as bond land. They were the nativi of the oldnbsp;chieftains, and now of the Crown, but they had beennbsp;adscripti glebce, and had traditions of long-continuednbsp;possession. Whether distinguished or not from the freenbsp;tribesmen, they also had to be brought under somenbsp;category of English law so that their future rights mightnbsp;be defined and known.

We have taken some pains to ascertain by careful examination of typical cases what really did happen to thenbsp;two classes of tenants; and to the material facts of thesenbsp;cases attention will now be turned.

One typical case was brought under our notice by the agent of the Wynnstay estate, and is given in full in the

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evidence.^ It was that of two entire cymwds in Montgomeryshire (Arwystli and Cyfeiliog), which for 700 years, with the exception of a short interval, had descendednbsp;together in one ownership, finally becoming a part of thenbsp;Wynnstay estate.

Now a cymwd under Welsh rule was, as we have seen, a wide district embracing generally the chieftain’s palacenbsp;and maerdref, now regarded as the demesne manor, andnbsp;the various groups of families of tribesmen and non-tribesmen scattered over it and loosely regarded as freeholdersnbsp;and nativi.

The two cymwds thus easily came to be regarded as a lordship, or as two distinct lordships, of which the Crownnbsp;farmers or grantees for the time being were the lords.

But what became of the two classes of tenants under this lordship ?

In the year 1574, when the Earl of Leicester was in possession under the Crown, a survey of the two cymwdsnbsp;was made. The jurors were “the ancient and chiefestnbsp;freeholders,” and six of them were chosen, with the consentnbsp;of the rest of the said jurors and of the freeholders of thenbsp;two cymwds, to petition the Earl for a composition.

The quitrents at the commencement of Queen Elizabeth’s reign amounted to 120/., but some of them had ceasednbsp;through escheats, amp;c.

The composition agreed to seems to have been (i) the reduction of the total of quitrents to in respect ofnbsp;these escheats, amp;c.; and (2) an addition in respect of thenbsp;encroachments made on the waste. Thus the old rentsnbsp;were in principle left unaltered, though modified to meetnbsp;the changes that had taken place.

Next, effect was given to the composition by feoffments

‘ Qu. 76,408. Though not within the area to which the Stat. of Rhudlan applied, the case of these two cymwds may be taken as typical of the application of English law to a thoroughly Welsh district.

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410 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, ix.) by the Earl of Leicester under licence from the Queen,nbsp;dated 1578, made to four gentlemen, who appear to havenbsp;acted as trustees, for the whole body of tenants, of thenbsp;whole messuages, lands, mills, tenements, amp;c., now in thenbsp;occupation of the freeholders, reserving to the Earl a certainnbsp;forest, and also all the waste and common lands notnbsp;retained in severalty, and also reserving mines, amp;c.

This assumed that the freehold of the waste, amp;c., was under English law in the Earl, and put him in the positionnbsp;of the English Lord of the Manor or Lordship.

But then after this reservation of the freehold in the waste he granted to the four trustees “ common of pasturenbsp;in all the mountain lands, wastes, and in all common placesnbsp;in the commots (except those in demesne) for their sheep,nbsp;animals, cattle, and herds (but not for agistment) as aper-taining to the aforesaid messuages, amp;c., with right to takenbsp;reasonable estovers, house bote, hay bote, plough bote, andnbsp;car bote, in the common woods, amp;c., not then enclosed ornbsp;appropriated, saving the Earl’s right of having as manynbsp;animals, amp;c., on the said waste, and of enclosing such portion of the waste as any previous lord might have done.”

The four trustees were to hold the above in free and common socage as of the Earl’s manor by fealty and suitnbsp;of court, by the rents therein named amounting in all tonbsp;191/. 3^. and by a relief after the death of every tenantnbsp;in lieu of all other service.

The four feoffees were not expressly called trustees, but they became under these feoffments seised of all the tenements and common rights of all the freeholders to thenbsp;intent, in the words of the Crown auditor, “ to establish thenbsp;same (freeholders’ estates) to such as pretend to have themnbsp;according to the composition made for the renewing ofnbsp;decayed rents.”

In other words, this was the perhaps somewhat clumsy, but effectual, method by which English lawyers, acting

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HISTORY OF LAND TENURE IN WALES. 411 under instructions from the Crown, to secure the descendants of the old tribesmen in their holdings, effectednbsp;that object. According to the evidence of the presentnbsp;agent of the Wynnstay estate, it succeeded so farnbsp;that there are still numerous survivors of these quasinbsp;freeholders paying the old quitrents as freeholders of thenbsp;manors, and regarded to all intents and purposes as freeholders. At the same time, in the natural course ofnbsp;things, many of the old freehold tenants have from timenbsp;to time sold their holdings to the lord of the manornbsp;or otherwise, so that by a gradual and natural process ofnbsp;purchase the extent of land in the lord’s direct ownershipnbsp;has from time to time increased, and at the same timenbsp;with it the area let to tenants from year to year.

So much for the descendants of the free tribesmen. Their rights were respected, and they or their successorsnbsp;in title still remain freeholders, paying the old and nownbsp;trivial quitrents.

But the question remains, what became of the so-called nativi ?

The agent assured the Commission that there was no evidence or tradition on the estate, to his knowledge, ofnbsp;the existence of any class of tenants, copyhold or other,nbsp;representing the ancient non-tribesmen or nativi} Whethernbsp;in the case of these cymwds the class of nativi had becomenbsp;in the interval between the conquest of this district ofnbsp;Powys and the statute of Henry VIII., by long residencenbsp;and the acquisition of family rights, merged in the classnbsp;of the somewhat vaguely denominated freeholders, and sonbsp;included in the class whose “pretence” to have freeholdnbsp;rights was admitted, or whether, on the other hand, theynbsp;have become tenants from year to year on what, undernbsp;English law, could be regarded probably as the lord’snbsp;demesne lands, does not appear in this particular case.

' Qu. 76,471-480.

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412 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, ix.)

If this may be taken as a typical instance of the manner in which English Crown lawyers of Queen Elizabeth’s reign dealt with the descendants of the old freenbsp;tribesmen, it may fairly be said that their rights werenbsp;carefully considered, both as regards the lands held bynbsp;them in severalty, and also as regards their tribal rightsnbsp;over the wastes.

But when it is considered what the ultimate result of such a settlement would be, even in the case of thosenbsp;families whose practically freehold rights were thus carefully respected, it is obvious that the application of the lawnbsp;of primogeniture must have confined the settlement withnbsp;freehold rights on the land at least to the heads of families,nbsp;and thus there would arise at once the beginning of a classnbsp;not sharing in the succession to land, and therefore ifnbsp;remaining on the land becoming hangers-on to the familynbsp;holding and desirous of becoming tenants from year to yearnbsp;or with leases on the lord’s demesne land or on the land ofnbsp;the larger freeholders. This result was obviously inevitable,nbsp;and may have largely promoted the increased prevalencenbsp;of the normal English year to year tenancy, accompanied,nbsp;as historically it seems generally to have been, with thenbsp;usage of succession from father to son, generation afternbsp;generation.

But to pass on to another typical instance with special reference to the treatment of the non-tribesmen ornbsp;nativi.

The result of a special search very ably made at the request of the Commission in the Public Record Office bynbsp;Mr. Edward Owen, of the India Office, who has givennbsp;much attention to the subject, brought before us interestingnbsp;evidence of what happened to the so-called nativi or bondnbsp;tenants of the manor of Dolwydelen, in the cymwd ofnbsp;Nant Conway and county of Carnarvon.^

’ Qu. 76,947, et seq.

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The rights of these descendants of the old non-tribesmen came directly before the Court of Exchequer in 1590.nbsp;They claimed to hold their land as freehold on the groundnbsp;that their ancestors had been enfranchised under a charternbsp;of Henry VII., along with all other native and bond tenantsnbsp;of North Wales.

This charter still exists on the Patent Roll of 22 Henry VII. (part 3, and membrane 22), and the following is a translationnbsp;of the passage above alluded to :—

“We have also granted on behalf of ourselves and our heirs that all our native tenants or inhabitants of our counties aforesaid {ie., Anglesey, Carnarvon, and Merioneth),nbsp;their heirs and successors as well as the natives of the saidnbsp;Bishop of Bangor and of any abbots whatsoever (who are)nbsp;bound by some obligation of law shall by the tenour ofnbsp;these presents obtain a general emancipation and libertynbsp;and henceforth have the full benefit and enjoyment of thenbsp;same. And that they shall hold their lands in future by anbsp;free tenure paying annually both to us and to the fore-mentioned Bishop of Bangor and the abbots the rentsnbsp;which were usually paid in former times, in lieu of everynbsp;exaction, service, and custom which were previously due,nbsp;rendered and paid, as our free tenants who reside in thesenbsp;our counties aforesaid do or have been in the habit ofnbsp;doing.” ^

It appears from the proceedings in the Court of Exchequer that the aforesaid charter was not held to be good in lawnbsp;“ for some imperfections therein,” but nevertheless the position of the nativi was fairly taken into account by thenbsp;Court, and although their claim to a freehold estate wasnbsp;not allowed, their continued holding was secured by thenbsp;grant of leases for twenty-one years and “ renewal of grantnbsp;after grant.”

' The fall text of this document is printed in Appendix to vol. v. of the “Minutes of Evidence ” (p. 643, ct seq.).

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414 the welsh people, (chap, ix.)

The Court, by a decree given in the Easter Term of the 33rd Eliz. (1590), held that “the freehold and inheritance”nbsp;of the messuages and lands in question “ are in hernbsp;Majesty.” But the decree goes on to state, “yet neverthe-lesse the saide CompP and theire ancesto”* and those undernbsp;whome they do claime have of longe tyme bene suffered tonbsp;hold and enjoye the said messuage and Landes, w'quot;*' possessions by sufferance this Court doth not like to be whollienbsp;frustrated for that the CompL and there ancestCquot; have ofnbsp;longe tyme bene in possession thereof w'quot;’’ possession thisnbsp;Court doth thinke good to p’serve, and that the CompP annbsp;other poore Tenants of the sayd Manno' w'quot;' have likewisenbsp;hold on there Lands by sufferance under the like Cullo' ofnbsp;Estate may not be (by) harde dealinge or exacc’on of hernbsp;Ma*quot; ffarmors of the sayd Manno' be put from there saydnbsp;tenancies yt is therefore this day ordered by the Lordnbsp;Treasurer and the Barrens of this Court that the saydnbsp;CompP and all such tenants as clayme the said customaryenbsp;estate shall give over their clayme unto the ffreehold andnbsp;fee simple of the sayd p’misses as ffreeholder by the Comonnbsp;Lawe, yet newthelesse for the p’servacon of her Ma*' peoplenbsp;or tenants of the sayd Manquot;^ yt is ordered that the syydnbsp;CompP and all other her Ma*quot;* tenants that hold theirenbsp;lands under the pTence of the sayd custome and therenbsp;children wyvfes or assignes in succession for ever shall andnbsp;may hereafter have the same to them and theire heires ornbsp;assignes by renewinge of graunt after graunt to them to benbsp;made of the sewall tenants in succession. To hold fornbsp;xxj*'® yeres as at will to her Maquot;° and to her Ma“ ffarmoquot;nbsp;of the sayd Manno' or Towneshipp of Dolewethelane,nbsp;doinge and payinge th useuall rents for the same as heretofore hath bene usualye payed used and done and for thenbsp;bett' assurance of the sayd Tenants so chellengeinge bynbsp;custom, to every tenante and his heires or assignes successively yt is ordered that at thend of the sayd terme of

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xx“° yeres so made to every tenante either by the expirac’on of the terme or by surrender theire shalbe newe graunts innbsp;succession made for the like number of yeres to there heiresnbsp;wivfes or assignes as at the tyme of the new taking® shallnbsp;be founde tenante or as uppon the surrender thereof shalbenbsp;agreed upon, to hold as aforsayd, payinge such fynes fornbsp;the same as shalbe rated and assessed by theis Court or bynbsp;any other authorised from this Court for that purpose.”nbsp;(Exchequer, Decrees and Orders, 33 Eliz., series i, vol. xvii.,nbsp;fo. lysb) (76,953).

In order to be informed what lands were in question, a Commission had previously been issued which reportednbsp;that they had “ by the full assents and consentes of bothnbsp;the said p’ties ordered the matter in variaunce betweenenbsp;them in mann’r and forme followinge viz. That the saidnbsp;Natyve Tennants shall accordinge to your honors saidnbsp;Decree enjoye their sew’all tenements for xxitie yeresnbsp;yelding and payinge therfore to her highnes said ffarmorsnbsp;foure yeres rent of the old rent for a ffyne, and that termenbsp;of yeres expired to doe the like for the Residewe of yeresnbsp;remayninge then unexpired and contayned in their leasesnbsp;ratably after that sort as they doe for the xxjtie yeresnbsp;. . . We have c’tyfied herin the names of the tennantsnbsp;w'th ther sew’all rents de antiquo answered. (Signed)nbsp;Robert Wyn ap Cadd’r, Jo. Heymys . . .

“M(emoran(d)um) . . . and the foresaid sew’all tennants auncestors have bene alwayes reputed and taken as Natyvenbsp;tennants or bondemen of the said Prince’s in his saidnbsp;Towneship of Dollw’thllan who now disclayme from anynbsp;state of Inheritance in their sew’all tenures but doe submyttnbsp;and yeld up their tytles therin to her Ma’tie.” (Exchequer,nbsp;Special Commissions : Carnarvon, 32 Eliz., No. 3383.)nbsp;Thus the tenants expressly renounced their pretensions tonbsp;the estates of inheritance which they had originally setnbsp;forth as being in all respects similar to freehold. A final

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4i6 the welsh people, (chap, ix.) decree to the intent already expressed was made in thenbsp;Michaelmas Term, 33 EHz., 1590-91, in these words :—

“It is this day ordered adjudged and decreed by this Court that the sayd Compl“ and all other her Ma“ tenantsnbsp;that hold there lands under p’tence of the sayd customnbsp;and theire children wivfes or assignes in succession for evernbsp;shall and may from tyme to tyme and at all tymes hereafter have hold occupy and enjoye there sayd sewall landsnbsp;and ten’ts to them and to theire heires wifes or assignes bynbsp;renewinge of graunt after graunt to them to be made ofnbsp;there sewall lands and tennts in succession to holde fornbsp;xxj“' yeres. As tenants to her Ma“° and to her Ma“nbsp;ffarmoquot; of the said Manno' or Towneshipp of Dolewethelan,nbsp;according to the first order doinge and payinge the usuallnbsp;rents for the same as heretofore hath bene usually paid usednbsp;and done. And such ffynes as by the sayd Commission arenbsp;certified to be agreed upon, without any other exaction ofnbsp;ffynes or rents hereafter to be required by any ffarmo' ornbsp;ffarmo”ofthe said Manno'or Towneshipp or any p’te thereof.”

Mr, E. Owen^ also brought before us the case of the so-called Manor of Dinorwick, which in the Record of Carnarvon is described as entirely composed of nativi (p. 21).

A suit in the Court of Exchequer (1594) established the right of the native tenants of this manor to renewable leasesnbsp;for twenty-one years or for three lives, and further set forthnbsp;that a lease of any ancient lands could not be granted tonbsp;a third party so long as the ancient tenant in possession,nbsp;his heirs or assigns, desired to have it. But a later decreenbsp;of 1600 held that the claim of the native tenants to rightsnbsp;of inheritance or estates in fee simple was invalid, seeingnbsp;that the freehold was in the Queen, and the complainantsnbsp;and their ancestors tenants at the will of the Queen, anbsp;decision perhaps not at variance with the practice of givingnbsp;them leases before sanctioned by the court. They could notnbsp;* Qu. 76.959.

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HISTORY OF LAND TENURE IN WALES. 417 sustain their claim to the freehold and take renewable leasesnbsp;at the same time, and following English precedents, theynbsp;seem to have been considered, like English copyholders innbsp;some instances, as tenants at the will of the lord, the leasesnbsp;being granted as a practical way of giving them a permanentnbsp;tenure though at law tenants at will.

There is another remarkable instance to hand which runs nearly on all fours with the above, and which is given bynbsp;Mr. A. N. Palmer in his History of Ancient Tenures ofnbsp;Land in the Marches of North Wales.”!

It is the case of Bromfield and Yale. In this case also there was a charter from Henry VII., granted in thenbsp;twentieth year of his reign (1505) just two years earliernbsp;than the one last mentioned. It practically repealed thenbsp;provision of the statute of 2 Henry IV., which prohibitednbsp;Welshmen from acquiring lands in fee simple or fee tail,nbsp;and at the same time altered the tenure of tenants under thenbsp;King holding in gavelkind making the lands descendiblenbsp;to the eldest son according to English common law andnbsp;freed from several customs or services which by theirnbsp;names are distinctly to be recognised as ancient tribalnbsp;services mentioned in the early extents.

But it does not appear that this charter any more than the other charter of Henry VI I. was held by the courts asnbsp;having acknowledged or conferred a freehold estate tonbsp;be recognised under English law. The decree makes nonbsp;mention, moreover, of the class of nativi.

Thus, notwithstanding this charter, the whole question had to be gone into afresh in the reign of Queen Elizabethnbsp;and the position of the old tribal tenants of Bromfield andnbsp;Yale was accordingly examined de novo, the inquiry goingnbsp;back to the time of the conquest, as though no point of lawnbsp;had arisen in the meantime.

In 4 Eliz. it was found that there was a “ decay of the ' See his Appendix, pp. 127 et seq.

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, ix.)

sum of 105/. 6s. yearly rent which in ancient times had been answered for the said lands.”

By ancient times is evidently meant the time of the conquest to which throughout Wales the quitrents wentnbsp;back, for the document proceeds to state the explanationnbsp;of the decay in these words—“which decay (as by ancientnbsp;records appeareth) did grow by reason of the great mortality and plagues which in former times had been in thenbsp;reign of Edward III., and also of the rebellion of Owennbsp;Glindor and troubles that thereupon ensued ... by reasonnbsp;of which mortality and rebellion the country was wasted, thenbsp;tenants and their houses destroyed in so much that the thennbsp;Lords of the soyle were constrayned by their stewards andnbsp;officers to graunt the said lands at a lesser rent than formerlynbsp;was paid for the same to such as could be gotten to take it.”

The reference to the great mortality is clearly to the ravages of the Black Death in 1349, of which and thenbsp;many escheats caused by it, the Record of Carnarvonnbsp;contains frequent mention.

The Crown, as lord of the manor, was not getting the whole of the rents mentioned in the extents made afternbsp;the conquest. And the jurors go on to say that in 4 Eliz.nbsp;a commission under the great seal made a survey of thenbsp;lordships of Bromfield and Yale “ to revise the said decayednbsp;rent, and to compound and agree with the tenants of the saidnbsp;lordships for a lease of forty years of the lands in their severalnbsp;tenures at and under the covenants and conditions in thenbsp;said Commission specified.” As the result of the composition the tenants surrendered their copies and customarynbsp;estates and agreed to accept leases of forty years insteadnbsp;of them. They agreed to pay again the ancient rents ofnbsp;their holdings, as well as a fine of two years’ rent upon thenbsp;taking out of their leases. The Queen then granted tonbsp;the said tenants “ several leases for the term of forty yearsnbsp;of the lands then in their several tenures.”

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Then follow the words upon which would doubtless be determined the vital question, whether these leases werenbsp;renewable once only, or for ever.

“ And in every of the said leases (the Queen) did covenant and grant for her and her heirs and successors to and with the several lessees, their executors and assigns, thatnbsp;upon the determination of the said leases, or otherwisenbsp;upon surrender of the same, the said tenants, their executors and assigns, might, and should have, another newnbsp;demise or grant of the premises in their several tenures fornbsp;the like term and rent and under the like covenants, asnbsp;by the said first letters-patent were granted, reserved, andnbsp;specified, they, the said lessees, and their executors andnbsp;assigns, paying to the said Queen, her heirs and successors,nbsp;two years’ rents of the premises only, for a fine of the saidnbsp;new devise, so to be made over and above the rent by thenbsp;said new devise to be reserved.”

The intention of the Crown lawyers of Queen Elizabeth to do substantial justice to these Welsh tenants is obvious.

Now at least, after an interrupted tenure of 200 years under somewhat vague and decaying Welsh custom,nbsp;practically abolished by the statute of Henry VIII., thenbsp;tenants on these manors had leases granted to them givingnbsp;them at least an eighty years’ uninterrupted tenure, andnbsp;very possibly in intention a perpetual right of renewal.nbsp;During those 200 years, it would seem that the descendantsnbsp;of the old free tribesmen had retained their free tenure asnbsp;customary freeholders, and it would appear that the nativinbsp;also had become recognised as permanent tenants holdingnbsp;by copy of court-roll, and considered by English lawyersnbsp;as somewhat analogous to copyholders or customarynbsp;tenants on English manors. This seems to be implied innbsp;their surrender of their copies and customary estates beforenbsp;the grant of the leases.

The evidence in this case seems to show that the

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, ix.)

expedient resorted to by the lawyers of Queen Elizabeth sometimes in the cases both of the successors of the freenbsp;tribesmen and of the nativi was the surrender of theirnbsp;former estates, whatever they were, and the substitution ofnbsp;leases, renewable on payment of a reasonable fine, as onnbsp;many English manors.

The Commission had before it, in various parts of Wales, evidence of the prevalence of leases for three lives, whichnbsp;will be subsequently alluded to, and which very possibly,nbsp;in the absence of other evidence, may be taken as survivalsnbsp;of the same system of granting renewable leases in lieunbsp;of the doubtful and vague claims to rights of permanentnbsp;occupation put forward by the successors of the ancientnbsp;tenants both free and nativi. In some cases the two classesnbsp;had apparently been mixed up together, and the grantingnbsp;of renewable leases appears to have been the rough waynbsp;out of the confusion.

Had these tenants remained tenants of the Crown, they would, no doubt, have fared better than in some cases theynbsp;did. But during the Tudor period another cause of difficulty complicated the problem, and requires some notice,nbsp;though applying only to individual and exceptional cases.

The result of the general view taken of the position of the Welsh tenants under the Crown placed the Crown verynbsp;much in the position of a territorial lord with, no doubt,nbsp;some land in demesne, increased from time to time bynbsp;escheats, yet still very limited in area, and exercising littlenbsp;more than a seignorial jurisdiction over the greater part ofnbsp;the territory, consisting mainly in the right to receive thenbsp;quitrents from the successors of the tribesmen and nontribesmen in the ancient cymwd or lordship, which quitrentsnbsp;seem to have been continued unchanged under the systemnbsp;of leases above alluded to.

The quitrents, as already mentioned, had become divided into fractions by the prevalence of gavelkind, and further

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by a natural process great irregularity had arisen between the various tenants from the fact of one or more of the freeholders having steadily increased their holdings by buyingnbsp;up the lands of others, whilst others had succumbed in thenbsp;battle of life and disappeared altogether.

At the same time the Crown seems to have commenced, in the time of Henry VIII., the practice of granting leasesnbsp;of the manorial rights or lordship over portions of thenbsp;Crown possessions in Wales, sometimes to one or more ofnbsp;the chief freeholders, and sometimes to Court favourites,nbsp;who thus became farmers of the rights of the Crown, thenbsp;quitrents being reserved to the Crown, but the profits ornbsp;improved value of the Crown demesne lands passing tonbsp;the lessee.

There are many such Crown leases to farmers mentioned in the calendars of State papers, sorhe with express mentionnbsp;and some without mention of bonds or covenants for thenbsp;protection of the tenants. Some of these leases werenbsp;intended apparently by the Crown to be made for thenbsp;benefit of the tenants.^

The case of the royal manor of Aberffraw may be taken as a typical instance of the confusion arising from thisnbsp;practice, and also of the quarrels of rival families of freeholders competing with each other for these leases of thenbsp;lordship over their district.^

This case illustrates the practice of the Crown giving a lease to a farmer of the lordship, he giving a bond thatnbsp;upon any controversy between him and the tenants henbsp;should abide by the order of the Lord Treasurer andnbsp;Chancellor of his Majesty’s Exchequer for the time being.

In one case the lease was transferred to a third party, who tried to get out of the obligation by denying that henbsp;had any notice of the bond. Again, where a second lease

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Qu. 76,957.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Mr. E. Owen’s evidence (76,962).

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, ix.)

in reversion of the old one had been ordered to be made to another person, “ to the use of the tenants,” the lease itselfnbsp;contained no mention of the tenants, and the decree of thenbsp;court held that this third party had no knowledge that thenbsp;lease was to be to the use of the tenants. Hence arosenbsp;disputes, confusion, and injustice.

At Aberffraw there were two great parties, one following one of the larger freeholders, and the other party followingnbsp;another, and by the habitual use of the ancient tribalnbsp;practice of the fosterage of children with tenants exercisednbsp;on both sides, the lesser tenants had become partisans andnbsp;almost retainers and tenants of the two rival freeholders.nbsp;No doubt such a case as this, and the litigation arising fromnbsp;it, should put us on our guard against the assumption thatnbsp;even after the decree of a Court of Exchequer, everythingnbsp;went on smoothly. However careful the courts might benbsp;to secure the rights of the tenants, it was not every injusticenbsp;or oppression which came into court, and the case ofnbsp;Aberffraw shows that sometimes long periods elapsednbsp;before the protection of the court could be obtained, andnbsp;that sometimes a claim was, in the end, as happened in thenbsp;case of Aberffraw, abandoned by the tenants owing to thenbsp;cost of litigation.

On the whole the general result of the evidence from North Wales seems to be that as regards the successorsnbsp;of the free tribesmen their rights were respected by thenbsp;Exchequer Court of Queen Elizabeth, their ancient quit-rents being allowed to continue unaltered, so that, speakingnbsp;generally, their successors either still remain freeholdersnbsp;paying the quitrents, or have sold their holdings with thenbsp;common rights attached to them. The tendency towardsnbsp;large estates seems to have extended to Wales. The oftennbsp;repeated process of mortgages and subsequent sales seemsnbsp;to have often ended as in England, very generally in thenbsp;ultimate addition of holding after holding to the larger

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estates. The lord of a manor or lordship, having acquired by grant from the Crown, or having purchased an estatenbsp;honeycombed by the guasi or customary freeholders, wasnbsp;mostly as ready in Wales as in England to buy up anynbsp;holding which might come into the market.

As regards the nativi, when not merged or confused with the free tenants and sharing their treatment, it would seemnbsp;from the typical instances examined, that in most casesnbsp;they passed through the stages of renewable leaseholdsnbsp;for lives or terms of years, which may or may not havenbsp;been renewed.

§ 3.—Evidence from South Wales.

The instances already examined have been confined to North Wales. As already mentioned. South Wales camenbsp;earlier under the influence of Norman law, and thereforenbsp;passed through somewhat different experiences from thosenbsp;already described as regards the districts conquered bynbsp;Edward L, and the adjoining districts, once a part ofnbsp;Powys.

In a valuable report,^ supplementary to the evidence given by Mr. Edward Owen, will be found a survey takennbsp;in 1609 of the honour or lordship of Kydweli in Carmarthenshire, at that time one of the possessions of the Duchynbsp;of Lancaster. It shows that in South Wales the countrynbsp;was divided into cymwds, and in many other respectsnbsp;retained traces of tribal custom. But South Wales had notnbsp;passed into the hands of the Crown in the same sense asnbsp;had those parts of North Wales which were conquered bynbsp;Edward I. Earlier conquests had long before introducednbsp;and firmly established the manorial system in South Walesnbsp;and thus the survey above-mentioned, instead of disclosingnbsp;a process by which the ancient tenants were being for the

* Sec Appendix to vol. v. of “ Minutes of Evidence,” pp. 643—677.

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424 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, ix.)

first time brought within English law by the Crown lawyers of Elizabeth, describes them as already ancient tenantsnbsp;on long established manors, with ancient and recognisednbsp;customs, representing a singular mixture of Welsh andnbsp;English traditions. The manors were sometimes dividednbsp;into two divisions, in one of which English tenants andnbsp;English customs were said to prevail, whilst in the othernbsp;Welsh tenants and Welsh customs were prevalent. Thenbsp;differences between them were, however, very minute. Fornbsp;instance, the English followed English manorial customsnbsp;and paid the “best beast” as their heriot, whilst the Welshnbsp;still adhered to the Ebediw of the Welsh Codes of ioj.nbsp;Till the statute of Henry VIII. the tenants are said to havenbsp;held their lands in “ gavelkynd,” some being “ bond ” andnbsp;some “ free men,” transferring their holdings by the rod.nbsp;The survey goes on to say, “ They are now for the mostnbsp;part freeholders,” some few copyholders remaining only innbsp;one manor. These copyholders are described as “ takingnbsp;for two lives only in possession and no reversion,” and onnbsp;the death of the second life the copyhold became voidnbsp;except that the next heir might “have the refusal at I2d.nbsp;less than any other will give.” The fines were “ uncertain,nbsp;such as the tenant could agree or compound for with thenbsp;lord or his steward.” Hence we may assume from thisnbsp;survey that, broadly speaking, a manorial system had longnbsp;been established in this part of Carmarthenshire with itsnbsp;customary freeholders and copyholders and immemorialnbsp;customs, resting some on Welsh and some on Englishnbsp;traditions, varied only in Tudor times by the abolitionnbsp;under Henry VIH. of the division among heirs.

Further light may be derived from what took place at a similar period in Pembrokeshire.

It is well known that the boundary line between the English and Welsh districts of Pembrokeshire goes backnbsp;to a very early date.

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George Owen (who lived 1552—1613) wrote his “Description of Pembrokeshire ” in 1603. His knowledge extended, therefore, over the critical period during which the rights ofnbsp;Welsh tenants of North Wales were considered by the lawnbsp;courts of Queen Elizabeth.

He describes the Welsh peasantry as still clinging to their old open field system of agriculture, with its holdingsnbsp;of scattered strips, and as still exercising the common rightnbsp;of pasture over them after removal of the crops.^

Now we know from the extent of the estates of St. David’s made in 8 Edw. III. that the tribal system ofnbsp;occupation in gwelys was prevalent in the Welsh districtsnbsp;of Pembrokeshire and the estates of the see in Cardiganshire, Carmarthenshire, and Glamorganshire. And from thenbsp;large number of quitrents of “ customary freeholders ” stillnbsp;collected by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners from thesenbsp;and other ecclesiastical estates,*® it may be judged thatnbsp;in these districts, as in North Wales, the free tribesmennbsp;had come to be regarded by English law as “ customarynbsp;freeholders.”

As regards the non-tribesmen or nativi it would seem from Owen’s description that up to about the year 1500nbsp;they had been regarded at law as “ tenants at will accordingnbsp;to the custom of the country',' but that owing to the absencenbsp;of any pressure of population and the dearth of tenantsnbsp;the tenancy continued without alteration of rent and withnbsp;only nominal fines for renewal as a practically permanentnbsp;tenancy.

He says:® “And first I will begin with the tenants of the country whereof I speak in general, including thereinnbsp;the greatest number which in times past were tenantsnbsp;at will, and few sought leases, for most commonly the

' Owen’s “ rembrokeslnre,” p. 6l.

* Qu. 76,329—76,342.

^ Owen’s “ Pembrokeshire,” p. 190.

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426 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, ix.)

landlord rather made suit for a good tenant to take his land than the tenant to the landlord, such was the scarcity ofnbsp;good tenants in those days there to be found that glad wasnbsp;the lord to hit upon a good thrifty and husbandly tenant.”

He then contrasts this state of things with what had happened in his own time, during which there had beennbsp;a rise in prices and a competition for farms, and duringnbsp;which, in consequence, high fines had become general fornbsp;renewal of leases, whilst there was no security of tenurenbsp;without them.

“ As for fines to be paid it was not a thing known among them a hundred years past, saving only an earnest pennynbsp;at the bargain making, which the plain men called ‘ a godsnbsp;penny,’ and which in these 6o years the poor tenants werenbsp;wont to say the paying of fines was an ill custom raisednbsp;among them of late.”

And he gives an example of how insignificant were the fines and how little they were thought of in the old days.

“ The letting of lands was of so small commodity that I know lands in coparceny between heirs, when the nextnbsp;to the land hath had the setting and letting thereof thesenbsp;6o years and more, the other contenting himself with hisnbsp;part of the rent not esteeming what might be made bynbsp;fines thereof.”

He continues to complain that during the last forty years, i.e., from 1560—1600, all this was changed.

“ For now the poor tenant that lived well in that golden world is taught to sing unto his lord a new song, and thenbsp;landlords have learnt the text of the damned disciple,nbsp;‘ Quid vultis mihi dare, et ego ilium vobis tradam', and nownbsp;the world is so altered with the poor tenant that he standethnbsp;so in bodily fear of his greedy neighbour that two or threenbsp;years ere his lease end he must bow to his lord for a newnbsp;lease, and must pinch it out many years before to heapnbsp;money together, so that in this age it is as easy for a poor

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tenant to marry two of his daughters to his neighbour’s sons as to match himself to a good farm from his landlord.’’

This is precisely the same complaint as that made in England at the same period. Harrison, in his “ Descriptionnbsp;of England ” (A.D. 1577), says :—

“Although peradventure four pounds of old rent be improved to forty or fifty pounds, yet will the farmer thinknbsp;his gains very small toward the middest of his term if henbsp;have not six or seven years’ rent lying by him therewith tonbsp;purchase a new lease ... for what stock of money soevernbsp;he gathereth in all his years it is often seen that the landlord will take such order with him for the same when henbsp;reneweth his lease (which is commonly eight or ten yearsnbsp;before it be expired, sithe it is now growen almost to anbsp;custom that, if he come not to his lord so long before,nbsp;another shall step in for a reversion and so defeat him outright) that it shall never trouble him more than the hair ofnbsp;his beard when the barber hath washed and shaven it fromnbsp;his chin ” (fol. 85).

Recurring to the position of the Pembrokeshire tenants, the successors of the non-tribesmen, though in some sensenbsp;recognised as like English copyholders, were evidently notnbsp;protected by custom from the payment of increasing finesnbsp;on renewal, resulting from the keen competition for farms.

Their case had been dealt with by English lawyers centuries earlier than that of the nativi of North Wales.

They seem to have been regarded from early times as only quasi copyholders, as holding in law only from year tonbsp;year, and yet they were subject to heriots at their death,nbsp;The following passage is useful as showing how a kind ofnbsp;middle stage had grown up in these Welsh manors of Southnbsp;Wales between the ordinary customary tenant and thenbsp;tenant from year to year.

“ This use of tenants at will was so common that there were many other customs grounded upon the same, for they

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428 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, ix.) were not tenants at will at the common law to be put outnbsp;at the lord’s will at any time of the year, but they werenbsp;tenants at will according to the custom of the country, andnbsp;were not removable without two lawful warnings to be givennbsp;at usual feasts, that is the one on our lady’s eve in March,nbsp;the other at May eve, and then was the old tenant at Midsummer to remove out of the hall house and to lease it tonbsp;the new tenant and the pastures to be common betweennbsp;them till Michaelmas, and then the old tenant to departnbsp;cum paniin and to leave it wholly to the new comer, diversnbsp;orders then are duly observed as yet amongst these tenantsnbsp;which for brevity’s sake I here pass over.

“ This kind of tenants by the custom of the country were to pay heriots at their death, viz., their best beast, and alsonbsp;were chargeable to the repair of their houses, hedges, amp;c.,nbsp;and therein is observed an order worth the noting . . .nbsp;viz., that if the tenant suffer his houses, hedges, or buildingsnbsp;to grow ruinous the landlord used to swear a jury of six ofnbsp;his tenants of the like tenure and custom (whose turns maynbsp;be next to taste of the same sauce) to view the decay whonbsp;must and ought accordingly upon their oaths present thenbsp;same indifferently between the lord and his tenant, whichnbsp;done the landlord by his bailiff or servant useth to arrest sonbsp;much of the tenants goods upon the land as is found ofnbsp;decay and . . .

“This custom of repair held only for thatched houses, but for slate houses the landlords were to repair themnbsp;except it were by special covenant . . .”

Thus, so far as it goes, the Pembrokeshire evidence so far as it can be regarded as typical of the early conquerednbsp;districts of South Wales seems to show that, whilst the freenbsp;tribesmen became “ customary freeholders ” under Englishnbsp;law, the non-tribesmen had become regarded at law verynbsp;early as “ tenants at will under the customs of their respective manors ” like English copyholders. But at the same

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time it would seem that the customs of the manors in their case, as in the case of many English manors, afforded nonbsp;adequate protection as regards the amount of the fines.nbsp;Owing to this lack of adequate custom controlling thenbsp;amount of fines, and to the general rise in fines followingnbsp;the general rise in prices, they became subject to the competition of outsiders on the renewal of their tenures, andnbsp;were obliged to pay what they considered exorbitant finesnbsp;to obtain renewals. Thus, in their case, owing to the atnbsp;one time harmless prevalence of the system of fines, theynbsp;were prevented from reaping the advantage enjoyed by thenbsp;customary freeholders whose quitrents remained the samenbsp;through all vicissitudes notwithstanding the rise in prices.

§ 4.—The Growth of Tenancy f7'om Year to Year in Wales generally.

Regarding the foregoing evidence drawn from the typical cases above mentioned as fairly representing the generalnbsp;experience of Welsh tenants under the application to theirnbsp;case of English law, it can hardly be represented asnbsp;involving intentional injustice or hardship.

The compositions and settlements of the Crown lawyers of Queen Elizabeth were apparently in intention at least, onnbsp;the whole, fair attempts to deal with the difficult circumstances of the ancient Welsh tribal tenures. The substitution of renewable leases for other and vague tenures wasnbsp;not confined to Wales, and the question when and how andnbsp;why they ceased to be renewed is as much an Englishnbsp;question as a Welsh one. Renewable leases disappearednbsp;in England as they did in Wales. Whether there was somenbsp;legal flaw in the creation of leases with perpetual right ofnbsp;renewal, or whether the right of renewal once exercisednbsp;was held to be exhausted, or whether the renewals ceasednbsp;to be sought for by the tenants, or how much economicnbsp;causes had to do with it, it is not easy to ascertain. To

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the more modern aspects of this question we shall have to recur hereafter. One thing, however, seems to be clear.nbsp;The fines on renewal in the absence of express limit bynbsp;the custom of the particular manor were it would seem heldnbsp;by the courts to be uncertain, and owing to the rise in pricesnbsp;and in the value of land the uncertainty might easily leadnbsp;to prohibitive increase in their amount. Whatever hardship resulted from this, English and Welsh tenants sharednbsp;it together.

John Norden, a land surveyor, whose surveys of parts of Wales show how great was his experience of Welsh as wellnbsp;as English tenures, in his “ Surveyor’s Dialogue,” written innbsp;1607, thus described the position of things at that date asnbsp;regards fines on renewal of copyhold tenures.

Farmer: “You have not satisfied me . . . touching the fines of customary tenants of inheritance . . .”

Surveyor: “ This kind of tenant hath seldom any competitor to emulate his offer, because the tenant leaveth commonly one either in right of inheritance, or by surrendernbsp;to succeed him, and he by custom of the manor is to benbsp;accepted tenant always provided he must agree with thenbsp;lord, if the custom of the manor hold not the fine certain,nbsp;as in few it doth!’ ^

If in but few English manors fines were fixed and made certain by custom, it may well be that uncertainty was thenbsp;rule at any rate in the newly-constituted manors of Wales,nbsp;inasmuch as English law did not admit of the recognitionnbsp;of customs unless clearly going back beyond legal memory.nbsp;It was not till after a series of later decisions that thenbsp;amount of a “ reasonable fine ” was fixed by the courts tonbsp;be two years improved value of the holding.**

Under the actual circumstances of the case, the year to * Ashley’s “ Economic History,” i. 297.

- See “ Scrivenon Copyhold,” ch. vii., on “ the lord’s fine.” And see also Ashley’s “Economic History,” book ii., c. 4.

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year tenancy may have afforded a more comfortable prospect of permanence than the renewable lease. The year to yearnbsp;tenancy at a fair rent of the improved value of the landnbsp;may have afforded a better prospect to the tenant than thatnbsp;of a smaller rent with the recurring uncertain fine. Thenbsp;recurring period of uncertainty and disturbance was hardlynbsp;likely to be popular with tenants whose traditions were ofnbsp;permanent tenancy. And there can be little doubt thatnbsp;both in England and in Wales the year to year tenancynbsp;in most cases was in practice, as well as in intention, thenbsp;more permanent tenure. At the same time, to fresh tenantsnbsp;the year to year tenancy would, for the same reasons, benbsp;the more popular one.

That the class of fresh tenants was in Wales a large and increasing one must almost necessarily have resulted fromnbsp;the two causes already mentioned. First, the substitutionnbsp;of primogeniture for gavelkind inheritance, by stoppingnbsp;division of holdings would add to the number of applicantsnbsp;for new ones ; and secondly, the large proportion of thenbsp;land not as yet occupied in severalty, but subject onlynbsp;to common rights of pasture, in most districts wouldnbsp;make easy the creation of new holdings out of the wastenbsp;by gradual increase of inclosures, and without specialnbsp;legislation.

The homesteads and inclosures of the original tribesmen and non-tribesmen and their successors, originally occupiednbsp;in severalty, as we have seen, but a very small part of thenbsp;area of the district over which they had rights of pasture.nbsp;No doubt the multiplication of homesteads during thenbsp;two centuries after the conquest, before gavelkind wasnbsp;abolished, had involved encroachments on the waste, andnbsp;set in motion the general practice of encroachment andnbsp;inclosure, legally or illegally accomplished, which has anbsp;survival in the squatters of more modern times. Thisnbsp;gradual increase of inclosures in Wales, resulting in the

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present prevalence of scattered farms, held in severalty, involved questions very different from those which thenbsp;common form of the English Inclosure Act for an opennbsp;field township was intended to solve.

The Welsh inclosures were, probably, very gradually and silently made as the pressure of population required newnbsp;holdings to be provided out of the waste, and finally, whennbsp;the aid of Inclosure Acts was sought, it would be mostlynbsp;to divide up large tracts of mountain and other land whichnbsp;remained in common pasture.

The question of commons and inclosures is dealt with separately in the Report, but the mention of their positionnbsp;in the history of Welsh land tenure is not irrelevant in thisnbsp;connection as explaining, to some extent, the facility withnbsp;which the system of separate farms, and year to yearnbsp;tenancy, was extended without legislative action.

§ 5.—Summary of the Historical Result.

To sum up the historical result, it will be seen, in conclusion, that many causes have combined in producing and afterwards perpetuating what is the marked and peculiarnbsp;feature of rural economy in Wales, viz., the prevalence ofnbsp;a large number of small separate farms of what may benbsp;described as the peasant and family type. So that, on thenbsp;one hand, the year to year tenancy in Wales has notnbsp;become generally associated as in England with the systemnbsp;of large farms of the more commercial type, nor, on thenbsp;other hand, has it been associated as in Ireland and thenbsp;crofter districts of Scotland with that excessive subdivisionnbsp;and subletting which leads to the congestion of a ruralnbsp;population upon holdings too small to maintain thenbsp;occupiers. Had the system of renewable leases continued,nbsp;it might easily have led to the Irish system of throwingnbsp;upon the tenant the obligation to make and maintain the

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HISTORY OF LAND TENURE IN WALES. 433 buildings, and this in its turn might have introduced intonbsp;Wales the complications of divided ownership.

The natural inherited instinct to live by the land, and the consequent competition for farms in Wales as innbsp;Ireland, furnished all the necessary factors for producingnbsp;these results. But somehow or other the transition fromnbsp;tribal to modern forms of tenure in Wales has been accomplished without them.

No doubt the mountainous character of the country, the large areas of land under common grazing, and the pastoralnbsp;character of the farming have had something to do with it,nbsp;but much also must be attributed to the hereditary instinctsnbsp;and traditions of both landlords and tenants, and to thenbsp;customary relations which grew out of them.

The relation of landlord and tenant in Wales gradually passing through the stage of leases for years or lives into anbsp;year to year tenancy has made possible the continuance ofnbsp;a useful control on the part of the landlord combined withnbsp;a large measure of permanence in the tenure of the tenants ;nbsp;but it can hardly be doubted that the traditional elementnbsp;has had a great deal to do with the customary relationsnbsp;which have existed for generations on many estates.

The more modern aspects of some of the questions involved in the historical survey—the growth of largenbsp;estates and the gradual dying-out of the system of renewable leases—receive more detailed attention in the Reportnbsp;and below, but it is important before leaving this part ofnbsp;the subject that the full extent of some of the before-mentioned peculiar results of Welsh economic historynbsp;should be adequately realised as far as possible in actualnbsp;figures.

The Census of 1861 enables us to trace some of these results with remarkable clearness.

First, the comparative smallness of the farms is shown very clearly by the statement of the number of labourers

W.P. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;F F

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employed upon them. The annexed map No. i shows the number of labourers to each farmer and grazier in thenbsp;various counties of England and Wales. It will be seennbsp;that if a line be drawn from the Wash to the Axe, therenbsp;would be, roughly, about ten labourers to each farm in thenbsp;Eastern Counties. If a line were drawn from the Humbernbsp;to the Dee and from thence to the Severn, the average fornbsp;middle England would be about five to each farm ; whilstnbsp;in Wales the number would not exceed one and a half tonbsp;two labourers per farm.

The other counties of England nearly approaching Wales in this respect are Cornwall, Lancashire, Westmoreland, Cumberland, Durham, the West and North Ridingnbsp;of Yorkshire, and Derbyshire, all of which resemble Walesnbsp;more or less in being hilly and chiefly pasture.

Again, the number of farmers and graziers according to the Census of i86i was as follows :—

North Wales.

South Wales.


Males ....












It will be seen that the proportion of women for the time being returned as occupying farms is, roughly, as onenbsp;to five in Wales, while it is only as one to twelve innbsp;England. This is more than a slight indication that thenbsp;continuance of farms on the death of the occupier as familynbsp;holdings was more general in Wales than in other parts ofnbsp;the kingdom. But the family or household character ofnbsp;the Welsh farms is still more clearly shown by a comparison which the same census enables us to make between

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the indoor and outdoor character of the labour employed upon them.

Map No. 2 gives the proportion of outdoor labourers to indoor labourers according to the same census. Thenbsp;figures show that whilst in England the great mass of thenbsp;farm labourers are outdoor labourers, it is quite the reversenbsp;in Wales and the analogous counties of Cumberland andnbsp;Westmoreland. Whilst about one-half of the agriculturalnbsp;labourers in Wales, Cumberland, and Westmoreland arenbsp;indoor labourers, the proportion becomes less and lessnbsp;towards the east, till in Essex the proportion is only onenbsp;to eighty.

Adding the number of indoor labourers in Wales to the number of farmers and their sons, amp;c., the total of household indoor labour as compared with the outdoor wasnbsp;as follows :—



Household and indoor






So that whilst in England not quite one-third of the labour was household and indoor labour, and more than two-thirds outdoor, in Wales less than one-third was outdoor,nbsp;and more than two-thirds household and indoor.

These figures from the Census of i86i supplement the foregoing survey of historical causes by giving a practicalnbsp;view of their results. They throw inferentially a strongnbsp;light upon the peculiar economic process by which thenbsp;Welsh peasantry have passed from the primitive patriarchal conditions of the tribal system into their modernnbsp;conditions under year to year tenancy.

In conclusion, we have not attempted to minimise the extent to which the still lingering instincts and traditions

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of Welsh tenants may have their roots in the past, and yet be important factors in modern economic problems.

Their existence is one of the present facts which have to be acknowledged. But beyond this we have found nonbsp;reasonable ground for importing into modern economicnbsp;problems historical considerations which, however powerfulnbsp;at the time when the lawyers of Queen Elizabeth had tonbsp;attempt to bring Welsh tribal custom within some categorynbsp;of English law, have been long superseded or renderednbsp;inoperative by the economic changes of the past threenbsp;centuries.

The present year to year tenants of Wales cannot claim to be the direct successors of the ancient Welsh free tribesmen. The successors in title of these are still paying theirnbsp;ancient and now trifling quitrents. That more of themnbsp;have not survived is owing to natural causes, and, perhapsnbsp;more than all, to their having enjoyed for centuries, likenbsp;English copyholders, the right of selling their holdings innbsp;the open market. On the other hand, if some of thenbsp;present year to year tenants are the successors of thenbsp;ancient non-tribesmen or nativi, then the most probablenbsp;general conclusion seems to be that their ancestors havenbsp;passed through various vicissitudes, out of which, throughnbsp;stages of leases for lives or years (which for some reasonnbsp;were not renewed), they have passed into the position ofnbsp;year to year tenants.i

§ 6.—Formation and Continuity of Estates.

It appears clearly enough from what we have said that the bulk of Welsh land is, for agricultural purposes,nbsp;now divided into areas possessed by estate owners andnbsp;cultivated by tenants from year to year, or by lessees fornbsp;terms of years. From the legal point of view there is nonbsp;1 Mr. Seebohm’s contribution ends here; but as Commissioner he subscribednbsp;the remainder of the chapter.

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difference between the tenant in fee simple of loo acres and the tenant in fee simple of 20,000 acres. But from thenbsp;economist’s point of view there is an immense distinction.nbsp;An “estate” is an economic unit, an industrial, organicnbsp;entity, having a life of its own, and influencing in manynbsp;ways the progress or retrogression of a county or district.nbsp;The owners of these estates collectively form an aristocraticnbsp;class in the community, exercise a general superintendencenbsp;over the management of their estates, and depend upon thenbsp;rent and profits of their land for the maintenance of themselves and their families. To the actual cultivators of thenbsp;soil, and, in many respects, to the people at large, theynbsp;stand in a relation similar to that in which the lords ornbsp;barons of mediaeval times stood to the peasants ofnbsp;those days. If quot;we go back some six hundred years tonbsp;the time before the Edwardian conquest of North Wales,nbsp;we find that the class in the community who occupied thenbsp;position most analogous to that of the modern estate ownernbsp;was the order formed by the lords marchers and the Welshnbsp;princes and lords. We find the land cultivated (so far asnbsp;it was utilised at all) by the free and servile tenants of thesenbsp;lords, holding on customary terms. With the way in whichnbsp;these customary tenants have become tenants from year tonbsp;year we have just dealt.

The further question how the feudal lord marcher and the Welsh arglwyd have been replaced by estate ownersnbsp;is one which may reasonably be asked, but which neithernbsp;our research nor the evidence enables us to dispose of fullynbsp;or confidently. The answer to it depends upon historicalnbsp;data which, though they are even now extensive, are notnbsp;complete, and accordingly we cannot pretend to give a finalnbsp;solution to the problem. The question may be expressednbsp;more definitely thus : How have these Welsh estates beennbsp;formed 1 Some few observations may be made with confidence. First of all, the process of formation has been

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very gradual, and there has never been any real break in its continuity. The points at which the continuity of thenbsp;process became most nearly broken are the Edwardiannbsp;conquest itself, the accession of Henry Tudor, the dissolution of the monasteries, and the civil wars of the seventeenthnbsp;century.

The system of settlement and re-settlement from time to time with the view of keeping the estate together, andnbsp;of vesting it continually in a tenant for life in possession,nbsp;and tenants in tail in remainder, subject to charges innbsp;favour of younger children, was introduced into Wales as innbsp;England, not of course universally, for in most cases thenbsp;estates were small, and in some cases the entail having beennbsp;broken, no re-settlement was made.

In the next place, considerable distinction in the rate at which the change from the old order to the new went onnbsp;must be made between the principality proper and thenbsp;marches; for in the former the custom of dividing annbsp;inheritance was continued down to the reign of Henry VIII.,nbsp;while the laws and customs in vogue in the courts of the lordsnbsp;marchers were very rapidly assimilated in essential pointsnbsp;to those of the English courts, both royal and manorial.

In the third place, the process was not fundamentally dissimilar from that which went on in the English counties;nbsp;but even if it did not proceed (as is probably the case) morenbsp;slowly than in those districts, yet it began later, and thenbsp;modern type of estate, on a considerable scale, appearsnbsp;later in the Welsh counties than in most parts of England.

Now, in the century after the Edwardian conquest, the actual state of things in Wales and the marches wasnbsp;this; at the top of the social and economic structure therenbsp;were the Norman or Norman-Welsh lords marchers and thenbsp;heads of the Welsh noble families {uchehvyr of the royalnbsp;or princely caste) who had survived the conquest withoutnbsp;attainder. These by their bailiffs and officers, servants and

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tenants, cultivated their demesne lands, but the greater portion of the then cultivated area was probably in the actual occupation of free tenants (whether uchelwyr, bonedigion,nbsp;or atttudion) and of tenants practically corresponding tonbsp;the villein class in England—bond or native tenants.

The total effect, from an economic point of view, of the whole process we are trying to describe may be (makingnbsp;due allowance for the distinction between the principalitynbsp;and the marches) stated to be the survival of the freenbsp;tenant or tribesman—the occupying uchelwr, bonedig, ornbsp;ailtud of free or gentlemanly degree {i.e., entitled to bearnbsp;arms in the host)—and the decay of the princely or baronialnbsp;class, as such, on the one hand, and of the servile or non-tribal occupier on the other.

§ 7.—Causes of the Change.

The leading causes or forces which have produced this great change, and which have resulted in the creation ofnbsp;the modern estate, may, in more abstract terms, be thusnbsp;expressed:—

First, the seigniorial rights, owing to the change in the value of money, became less and less valuable (measurednbsp;in current coin).^

Secondly, the price of land held on the least burdensome tenure {i.e., freehold land held of the Crown or a mesne lordnbsp;upon payment of chief or quit rents), and therefore mostnbsp;disposable by sale or mortgage, went up continuously andnbsp;very greatly. Before the development of manufacturesnbsp;and commerce on the modern system, land was not simplynbsp;the most desirable and safe, but in the remoter and less-advanced districts the only readily available investment fornbsp;any capital which a freeholder might possess, beyond what

* See the case of Maelor Saesneg in the Report, par. 190; and the Hon. Mrs. Bulkeley-Owen’s evidence, Minutes, iv. p. 114, qu. 57, 149, et seq.

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HISTORY OF LAND..-TENURE IN WALES. 441 could be prudently used in actual farming. Accordingly,nbsp;the saving and provident freeholder employed such moneynbsp;as he had to invest in the purchase of other parcels of freehold land. The mortgage of land, too, by the unsuccessfulnbsp;or improvident freeholder, offered another mode of investment, and in many cases the transaction ultimately led tonbsp;foreclosure or sale, and the consequent disappearance of thenbsp;mortgagor and his family from the list of owners. As thenbsp;feudal aristocracy of the marches decayed, and it becamenbsp;possible to purchase seigniorial rights and to enforce themnbsp;in courts of law without recourse to arms, there was clearlynbsp;every inducement to the freehold tenant who was accumulating land to acquire those rights, especially such as werenbsp;exerclseable over his own or adjoining land. The astutenbsp;and vigilant exaction and use of these rights by such anbsp;freeholder, living on his own estate, also tended to producenbsp;an enlargement of his property. So also the obtaining ofnbsp;leases or grants of Crown lands gave opportunities of whichnbsp;the progressing freeholder readily availed himself.

Thirdly, the Act of Union between England and Wales made the structure of Welsh society and political organisation similar to that of England, and the calling of membersnbsp;to Parliament from the Welsh counties and boroughsnbsp;greatly added to the power and influence of the larger freeholders. Those freeholders who possessed areas of land sonbsp;large that they had ceased to be merely farmers, butnbsp;subsisted mainly on rents paid by the actual cultivators,nbsp;had by this time, owing to the operation of many causesnbsp;(e.^., traditional sentiment), come to be a distinct class,nbsp;sharing amongst themselves the Crown offices incident tonbsp;the management of the principality, and the judicial andnbsp;other posts connected with local government, and excludingnbsp;all others (outside the boroughs, which were small andnbsp;unimportant in Wales) from any share in county affairs.nbsp;They already formed a quasi-d.nstocrdX{c clas.s, rapidly

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taking the same place in the social and political structure that had been previously occupied by the feudal baronialnbsp;families, who had almost disappeared, but with whom thisnbsp;new class had many points of connection. Intermarriagesnbsp;among members of this comparatively limited class andnbsp;succession by settlement and devise naturally becamenbsp;potent factors in the process of aggregation.

Fourthly, the assimilation of the Welsh and English law, completed by the legislation of Henry VIII., powerfullynbsp;tended to enlarge the consequence and power of this class,nbsp;and to produce an aggregation of land in a few hands.nbsp;This involved the abolition of the Welsh system of dividingnbsp;the inheritance, and the introduction of the law of primogeniture. The statute 12 Charles II. c. 24, abolished tenuresnbsp;by knight service and by socage in capita of the king, andnbsp;converted all tenures into free and common socage. Thisnbsp;Act in Wales, as in England, materially benefited the thennbsp;existing estate owners, while the introduction of the modernnbsp;method of settlement and re-settlement in tail into Walesnbsp;was an additional means of preserving the estates intact innbsp;the possession of the same family.

§ 8.— The Effect of the Chief Historical Events.

Such, stated in general or abstract terms, appear to us to be the main causes of the displacement of the feudalnbsp;aristocracy, the substitution of the Welsh country gentleman or squire, and of the rise of the modern system ofnbsp;estates. But a succession of concrete historical events,nbsp;which cannot be logically classified, facilitated the processnbsp;on most important points in the development. As we havenbsp;seen, the Norman of South and Central Wales introducednbsp;into those parts of the country the Norman-English theoriesnbsp;and systems. The Edwardian conquest of North Walesnbsp;partially did the same for the principality proper. We

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have examined above the method of settlement adopted by Edward I. and his successors, and the later management ofnbsp;affairs by the advisers of the Tudor monarchs. Generallynbsp;speaking, we may say the effect was to dissolve tribalnbsp;notions of real property law, and to replace them by thenbsp;more fully developed theories of the English lawyers.nbsp;That the change involved (whatever may have been thenbsp;intentions of the English Crown) grave injustice, therenbsp;can be no doubt. In theory the rights of the Welshnbsp;freeholders, or free tribesmen, were admitted and preserved, but in practice the officers of the Crown andnbsp;the lords who surrounded or acquired a footing in thenbsp;principality were guilty of oppressing the Welshmennbsp;of every degree. Speaking of the pre-Tudor times.nbsp;Sir John Wynne (a competent and trustworthy writer)nbsp;says: “ The exactions were in those dayes soe manifold that not onely the bondmen ranne away from thenbsp;king’s land, but alsoe freeholders from their owne land.”^nbsp;From what Sir John says, it seems that the process or writnbsp;called cessavit per biennium gave a ready weapon to thenbsp;unscrupulous Crown official. This writ appears to havenbsp;lain against a tenant in freehold under the king or anothernbsp;lord who ceased for two years to do his service. Amongnbsp;instances of oppression that he recounts he mentions thatnbsp;Henry Lacy, Earl of Lincoln, to whom the king grantednbsp;the “ Denbigh land,” “ minding to make a princely seatnbsp;of the castle of Denbigh, per force compassed the childrennbsp;of the said David ap Grufflth to exchange their possessionsnbsp;about Denbigh Castle (which were great) with him for othernbsp;lands of less value in the said lordship in the furthest partnbsp;from him.” 2 The probable result of this state of thingsnbsp;was a diminution of the number of the freehold tenantsnbsp;during the time between the Conquest and the time of

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“ Histoi-y of the Gwydir Family,” p. 83 (edition of 1878).

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ibid., p. 25.

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Elizabeth. But while this fact lessened the number of the freeholders, it should be noticed it increased the strengthnbsp;and opportunities of those of the class who were able tonbsp;survive.

Another event which was of far-reaching economic effect in Wales, as in England, was the Black Death, which, atnbsp;intervals, desolated the kingdom in the fourteenth century.nbsp;The Record of Carnarvon and other documents containnbsp;entries which prove that this pestilence lowered the population, including, of course, the free as well as bond or nativenbsp;tenants.

The series of rebellions that took place after the Edwardian settlement and also the Wars of the Roses werenbsp;also historical events which led to the decay of the wealthnbsp;and power of, and the disappearance of, many of thenbsp;individual families forming the feudal baronage, as wellnbsp;as of the survivors of the Welsh princely houses. Thenbsp;decline of the one class of proprietors naturally, in the longnbsp;run, brought about the rise of the other class. It is oftennbsp;said that the ruin of the early feudal aristocracy wasnbsp;brought about by the conflicts between Lancastrians andnbsp;Yorkists. This seems an error; the lessening of theirnbsp;power commenced before,^ at any rate if one speaks of thenbsp;whole kingdom; but everything points to their retainingnbsp;their power and influence to a later time in Wales and thenbsp;marches than elsewhere. For the two hundred and fiftynbsp;years that passed after the conquest by Edward I. thisnbsp;western part of the Island was in a practically continuousnbsp;state of disorder. The peace of the king and of his feudalnbsp;tenants was ill kept. Life and property were everywherenbsp;insecure. Private wars were constantly breaking out betweennbsp;the lords marchers themselves and between the lordsnbsp;marchers and the descendants or reputed descendants ofnbsp;the Welsh princely or lordly families. The leaders of the

’ Green’s “History of the English People, ” vol. ii., p. 14.

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Welsh, of course, too, quarrelled among themselves, and only occasionally took anything like real concerted actionnbsp;against the vexatious and oppressive conduct of thenbsp;Norman-English settlers. The result of a period of confusion like this was naturally adverse to the persons whonbsp;played the greatest part in the affairs of their times. Thenbsp;leaders habitually fought with their own hands, and therefore ran the risks of the battlefield in their own persons.nbsp;Defeat oftentimes meant death or attainder, and sometimesnbsp;both. All this is true of England as well, but this state ofnbsp;things lasted longer in the principality and the marches.nbsp;It is easy, however, by wrongly interpreting the generalnbsp;phrases of chroniclers and historians, to form an exaggeratednbsp;picture of the ills of this period. It should be noted thatnbsp;under the Welsh tribal system it was only the free tribesman (uchelwr or bonedig) who formed part of the host,nbsp;and the bond tenant was left at home or attended the armynbsp;in menial capacity. Nor was the matter for a long timenbsp;very different after the Conquest. The right to bear armsnbsp;belonged only to those of gentle blood or to those personsnbsp;who were received as retainers of the lord marcher or Welshnbsp;prince or lord. A war did not mean that all the cultivatorsnbsp;of the soil actually left it; when any of them did so theynbsp;were away only a short time.^ The operation of such agriculture as existed went on as usual. There was no suchnbsp;dislocation of rural life as modern war brings about innbsp;occupied districts. While, then, the consequence of thenbsp;condition of things in Wales in the fourteenth and fifteenthnbsp;centuries was disastrous to the aristocratic families, it wasnbsp;not fatal to the progress and permanence of the freeholdersnbsp;as a class, though no doubt their growth in prosperity wasnbsp;retarded and their comfort and happiness diminished.

Another historical event which had a marked influence

* This remark must be qualified by stating that on many occasions there was recruiting for the king’s army in the marches and in Wales.

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, ix.)

in improving the position of the descendants of the Welsh freehold tenants, who had by this time attained a considerable position and had acquired in many instances thenbsp;position of the squire or country gentleman, was the factnbsp;that the Act of Union (besides its assimilation of thenbsp;private law of Wales to that of England) gave Wales thenbsp;right of representation in the House of Commons. Ofnbsp;course great lords or barons who owned lands or lordshipsnbsp;in Wales or the marches had been summoned to the Housenbsp;of Lords, but one gentleman only of Welsh name andnbsp;descent had, before the time of Henry VIL, been advancednbsp;to the peerage in the modern sense—Sir William ap Thomas,nbsp;created Earl of Pembroke by Edward IV., from whom thenbsp;important family of the Herberts trace their descent, andnbsp;who was in his time the “ only and entire commander ofnbsp;Wales.” 1 No Welshman in the true sense was summonednbsp;by Henry VIL, upon his accession, to Parliament. Of thenbsp;twenty-nine peers summoned by him to his first Parliamentnbsp;not a single one was Welsh by name and descent, or hadnbsp;his principal property and lordships in the principality ornbsp;those parts of the marches that ultimately were apportioned to Welsh counties. No doubt some of these twenty-nine peers had property in the marches and possibly innbsp;Wales proper, but not one can be fairly described as anbsp;Welshman. Members had been returned to the House ofnbsp;Commons at an early date from Anglesey, Merionethshire,nbsp;and Carnarvonshire,^ but from the time of Edward II. tonbsp;the stat. 27 Henry VIH. c. 26, there was an intermission.nbsp;From the time of Henry VIIL,® however, Welsh membersnbsp;were sent up to Westminster regularly, and this fact had a

* Owen’s “Pembrokeshire,” ed. Henry Owen, 1892(Lond., 8vo, Cymmo-dorion Record Series), p. 28.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Williams’s “Parliamentary History of Wales” (Lond., 1895, 4to, p. i. :nbsp;Introduction).

3 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Certainly from 1541. As to the Parliaments of 1536 and 1539 qucsre.nbsp;See Williams, p. i. : Introduction.

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HISTORY OF LAND TENURE IN WALES. 447 rapid and far-reaching effect upon the fortunes of the Welshnbsp;gentry. From the condition of the times and the nature ofnbsp;the franchise it was members of land-owning families whonbsp;were elected for many generations. The effect upon thesenbsp;families of their joining in the general political life of thenbsp;whole kingdom was to enlarge their views, to increase theirnbsp;importance, to bring them into contact, on a favourablenbsp;basis, with the members of their order in the Englishnbsp;counties, to lead to intermarriages between Welsh andnbsp;English families, and to give, to the able and ambitious,nbsp;opportunities of worldly advancement on a considerablenbsp;scale in many directions, especially in civil affairs, whichnbsp;had theretofore been denied to the Welsh gentleman. Thenbsp;more wealthy and influential among these men were notnbsp;slow to perceive and to use the advantages which thisnbsp;contact with the English Court, official life, and societynbsp;afforded them, and many were able to add to the extentnbsp;of the family estate and strengthen or consolidate theirnbsp;positions.

The dissolution of the monasteries, practically contemporaneous with the summoning of Welsh members to the House of Commons, had also a marked effect. Thosenbsp;members of the Norman-English baronial and Welshnbsp;princely families who still maintained a connection withnbsp;Wales and the Welsh marches, as well as those freeholdnbsp;tenants who by steady accumulation had acquired a superiornbsp;status, found in this event an opportunity for adding to thenbsp;acreage of their estates or of retrieving the family fortunes.nbsp;A large area of the most fertile and desirable parts of thenbsp;principality fell into new hands, and this led to thenbsp;enlarging of the estates and improving of the positionnbsp;of the larger Welsh freeholders, and brought things fromnbsp;the estate owners’ point of view into a condition not verynbsp;dissimilar to that which exists at the present time, andnbsp;cleared the way for dealing with the tenants (the actual

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, ix.)

cultivators) in the time of Elizabeth in the manner which has been explained above.

The rebellion and civil wars of the seventeenth century had a great effect in regard to the formation of newnbsp;estates, and the destruction or the partial breaking upnbsp;of older ones. The Welsh gentry, as a rule, were Royalistnbsp;in inclination and action ; though there were no doubtnbsp;exceptions, as well as much uncertainty and tergiversationnbsp;on the part of individuals and families. The triumph ofnbsp;the Parliament and the sequestrations and fines duringnbsp;the Commonwealth (especially in South Wales during thenbsp;rule of the Cromwellian major-generals) caused the ruin ornbsp;impoverishment of several of the leading Welsh families,nbsp;brought land “ into the market,” and gave opportunities tonbsp;many of the lesser gentry, and in some cases to persons ofnbsp;“ mean extraction.” But on the whole there was no rushnbsp;of new-comers into Wales; there was no wholesale destruction and splitting up of estates • no general extinction ofnbsp;the families of gentle blood. The Restoration undid anbsp;good part of what had taken place, and the general effectnbsp;was that the more prudent, unenterprising estate owner ofnbsp;moderate opinions, living quietly at his own place, foundnbsp;the trend of events tell in favour of his own aggrandisement.

Some of the Welsh gentry seemed to have suffered in the Revolution of 1688, but from that time no politicalnbsp;troubles have interfered with the operation of the generalnbsp;and economic causes which told in favour of the increasenbsp;of the wealth and power of “ the landed interest ” down tonbsp;the middle of this century. The policy of enclosing landnbsp;added to the acreage of many estates, while the greatnbsp;industrial development (especially in South Wales onnbsp;account of the extension of coal-mining operations) combined with a large and steady increase of the populationnbsp;of Wales, involving necessarily, both in town and country,nbsp;a greater demand for land for all sorts of purposes, added

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enormously to the capital value and yearly revenue of real property.

The preceding considerations lead us to infer that by the time of James L, Wales, like England, was divided intonbsp;estates not dissimilar in character to those of our own day.nbsp;They varied no doubt very greatly in size and in yearlynbsp;value. Many freehold owners had only small parcels ofnbsp;land which they cultivated themselves. Others had freeholds of great extent.^ The social line of demarcationnbsp;between classes was drawn primarily between those ownersnbsp;who lived by farming and those who depended for theirnbsp;main income upon the rents and profits of their land; butnbsp;the distinction was emphasised by the respective lengthnbsp;and purity of the family pedigree, by connection with thenbsp;older and then existing great families, by serving in ornbsp;the possession of offices the Lord-Lieutenancy, thenbsp;Shrievalty, Justiceship of the Peace), and the scale andnbsp;character of the domestic establishment. The gentry classnbsp;was already separated from the yeoman class, formed annbsp;order apart, was possessed of prejudices and notions thatnbsp;tended more and more to exclusiveness, and was able tonbsp;assume. Justifiably enough, the social importance, as theynbsp;had already obtained the political power of the oldernbsp;aristocracy.

Speaking broadly, the estates of the gentry in Wales in the seventeenth century appear to have been small—nbsp;possibly many may have been extensive in area, but certainly from the point of view of annual value they werenbsp;as a rule very small. Major-General Berry, writing tonbsp;Cromwell, says: “You can sooner find fifty gentlemen ofnbsp;100/. a year than five of 500/.”; and, going back to Tudornbsp;times, the conclusion to be formed froni the observationsnbsp;of at least one contemporary observer of Wales—Johnnbsp;Leland—is that the Welsh estates were then, as a rule.

See Report, par. i86.


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450 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, ix.)

small, both in extent and revenue. Rowlands, too, in his “ Llyfrydiaeth y Cymry” (p. 195), has preserved somenbsp;lines, which he describes as ancient, concerning Radnorshire, which are to the same effect:—

“ Alas ! alas ! poor Radnorshire,

Never a park, nor ever a deer,

Nor ever a Squire of five hundred a year Save Richard Fowler of Abbey Cwm-hir.”^

But perhaps the most striking piece of evidence upon this point is afforded by looking at the list of baronetcies conferred up to 1682. The order of baronet was revived bynbsp;James I. with a view of raising money, but it probablynbsp;partly owed its real origin to the desire of the noblenbsp;families to prevent that increase of their numbers whichnbsp;was inevitable if something was not done to meet thenbsp;reasonable demands of the wealthy English country gentlemen for hereditary titles. James offered the title of baronetnbsp;to all persons of good repute, being knights or esquiresnbsp;possessed of lands worth 1,000/. a year, upon the termsnbsp;of their paying 1,080/. in three annual instalments.® Morenbsp;than 200 baronets were created during his reign, and bynbsp;1682 there had been 866 creations. Only twelve out ofnbsp;the 200 were Welsh owners, and only thirty-seven outnbsp;of the 866.® No precise conclusion can be drawn fromnbsp;this, but it seems a fair and probable inference that thenbsp;number of estate owners having more than 1,000/. a yearnbsp;from land was proportionately less in Wales than innbsp;England.

1 Richard Fowler was originally a London merchant, and held Abbey Cwm-hir for the king in 1644 ; he was afterwards High Sheriff of Radnorshirenbsp;under Cromwell in 1655, and was probably the father of Catherine Philips,nbsp;“ Orinda.”

^ Gardiner, “ History of England,” vol. ii., p. II2.

* See the official list of 1682, published in Dugdale’s “Ancient Usage in bearing Arms, ” etc. (Lond. 1682).

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It is, however, clear from the list of baronets with their description that by the end of the seventeenth centurynbsp;some estates which have mostly become enlarged sincenbsp;then (though they may have changed hands), and whichnbsp;were even then considerable or large, had been formed.nbsp;Mr. Lecky says: “ At the beginning of the centurynbsp;eighteenth century) there still existed in England numerousnbsp;landowners with estates of 200I. to 300/. a year. Thenbsp;descendants in many cases of the ancient yeomen, theynbsp;ranked socially with the gentry. . . . From the early yearsnbsp;of the eighteenth century this class began to disappear andnbsp;by the end of the century it was almost extinct.”^ Similarnbsp;remarks appear to be as true in regard to Wales, but thenbsp;available sources of information appear to indicate, first,nbsp;that the annual rental of the corresponding class in Walesnbsp;was even less as a rule in the beginning of the eighteenthnbsp;century, and secondly, that the existence of this smallernbsp;gentry as a class was more prolonged. The same generalnbsp;causes which, in the period from the Revolution of 1688,nbsp;and even earlier, operated in England to extinguish thenbsp;smaller gentry and the yeomen, were at work also innbsp;Wales. As to the inferior gentry class it is not possiblenbsp;to trace in detail their decline. Owing to various causesnbsp;some sank to be mere ordinary farmers ; others sold theirnbsp;lands to substantial neighbours, or, having mortgaged theirnbsp;interests, foreclosure and ultimate sale took place. Manynbsp;a house that was a small mansion-house and a centre ofnbsp;social life has become now a mere farm-house.

The whole tendency of legislation and administration, as well as of agricultural and even industrial progress, wasnbsp;in favour of the larger estate owners. Accumulation ofnbsp;land in the hands of the fortunate survivors of the media;valnbsp;and Reformation troubles was facilitated and encouraged.nbsp;The estate owners of Wales had their share of the benefits

* “ History of England,” vol. i., p. 557.

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452 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, ix.)

conferred on the landed interest by the rule of the great families and the political system it involved, and theirnbsp;growing association with the same class in England lednbsp;to their intermixture by marriage and the gradual assimilation of the former to the latter in speech, tastes, ideals ofnbsp;domestic comfort, and general habits.

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It is impossible to understand the evidence which the Commission received as to the condition of agriculturalnbsp;Wales, without taking into account the special ecclesiasticalnbsp;and religious circumstances of this part of the country. Wenbsp;desire in this chapter to avoid, so far as we can, enteringnbsp;upon the controversies which are continually carried onnbsp;between the adherents of the Episcopal Church in Walesnbsp;and those of the great Nonconformist bodies—controversiesnbsp;which have been accentuated by the introduction in thenbsp;last Parliament of the Suspensory Bill and a bill for thenbsp;Disestablishment and Disendowment of the Church innbsp;Wales. The existence of grave differences of opinion innbsp;reference to church organisation and doctrine, and the acutenbsp;social and religious divisions created by the continual rivalrynbsp;between different branches of the Christian Church, werenbsp;forced upon the attention of the Commission at almostnbsp;every sitting. There can be no doubt that this rivalry andnbsp;these differences, with all the consequences that may benbsp;naturally expected to follow, are very important factors,nbsp;even at the present time, in determining the relations ofnbsp;landlord and tenant. It is admitted on all hands thatnbsp;Nonconformity (including in that term all religious organisations other than the Established Church) is the predominating religious power in Wales in the sense that anbsp;large majority of those who habitually attend places of

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, x.)

worship as communicants, members, and hearers, worship in Nonconformist chapels.

Much controversy has arisen recently as to the numbers of Nonconformists and of Churchmen. We have no meansnbsp;of obtaining exact statistics upon the subject, and none ofnbsp;the attempts which have been made to supply correctnbsp;figures can be regarded as entirely satisfactory. Evennbsp;supposing that the question of the relative strength of Nonconformity and Anglicanism is properly to be measurednbsp;by counting heads, we would point out that in the attemptsnbsp;that are made to ascertain the facts the opposing partiesnbsp;do not seem to be agreed upon the terms of the issue.nbsp;Most of the Church supporters appear to rely upon thenbsp;presumption that every one who does not habitually attendnbsp;a Nonconformist chapel is a Churchman. Now, of course,nbsp;there can be no doubt that the legalprimamp; facie presumptionnbsp;is that every man who does not avail himself of the rightsnbsp;given by the Act of Toleration is a member of the Churchnbsp;of England, but we need hardly point out that in measuringnbsp;the forces of religious organisations no such presumption cannbsp;in fact be allowed any weight. The question is not whatnbsp;number of men in Wales are de jure members of the Churchnbsp;of England, but how many men are de facto conscientiousnbsp;believers in Church principles, communicants of the Churchnbsp;of England, and attendants at its services. In determining to what extent in the average Welsh parish thenbsp;inhabitants are Nonconformist or Church people, it isnbsp;necessary to bear this point in mind. Our impression isnbsp;that, however the question be put, the majority of thenbsp;people inhabiting the area of the inquiry of the Commission are Nonconformist and not Anglican ; and if thenbsp;question be more accurately put, i.e., if we ask w'hat proportion of those who habitually attend or connect themselvesnbsp;with any place of worship are Nonconformist or Churchnbsp;people, there can be no doubt that the former class is

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in a very large majority, especially in the agricultural districts in which the use of the Welsh language predominates.^

For our purpose it is quite unnecessary to go into statistical details. The evidence which the Commission receivednbsp;as to the condition of things upon most of the estatesnbsp;in Wales convinced them that the immense majority ofnbsp;the tenant farmers in the country districts of Walesnbsp;were Nonconformists, and that a state of things in regardnbsp;to religion was disclosed that found no parallel in anynbsp;part of England of equal area. We, from our point ofnbsp;view, do not attach so much importance to mere numbersnbsp;as to what may be called the organic structure of ruralnbsp;society, or of the ordinary estate considered as an economicnbsp;unit. Looked at in this way what we find is : That on thenbsp;most typical estates in Wales the landlord and his familynbsp;belong to the Established Church, while the bulk of thenbsp;tenants belong to one or other of the Nonconformistnbsp;organisations. We are not aware that a similar statenbsp;of things exists in any English county, and there cannbsp;be little doubt that this remarkable fact has had a powerfulnbsp;influence in creating a marked divergence between thenbsp;opinions of the landowning class and the mass of the people,nbsp;and in emphasising the opposing interests of landlord andnbsp;tenant. It is not necessary to summarise the evidence receivednbsp;upon this matter exhaustively. A few extracts illustratingnbsp;what we have said and confirming the impression whichnbsp;even a superficial observation of the Welsh counties wouldnbsp;produce will suffice.

^ On this question of numbers see, among more recent contributions, ‘ ‘ A Handbook on Welsh Church Defence,” by Dr. Edwards, Bishop of St. Asaphnbsp;(Lond.. 3rd ed. 1895), “A- History of the Church in Wales,” by thenbsp;Rev. H. W. Clarke, B.A. (Lond. 1896), “The Case for Disestablishment”nbsp;(Lond. 1894). See also “ Wales,” by Sir Thomas Phillips (Lond. 1849),nbsp;and “The Causes of Dissent in Wales,” by A. J. Johnes (Lond. 1831, newnbsp;ed. 1870).

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, x.)

Speaking in reference to this matter, Mr. John Morgan Davies, of Froodvale, Carmarthenshire, an agent for fivenbsp;considerable estates in the counties of Carmarthen, Pembroke, Cardigan, Glamorgan, and Brecon, stated that thenbsp;families of the present tenants had been in the same placesnbsp;for many generations, and that they nearly all habituallynbsp;spoke the Welsh language, and were Nonconformists “ to anbsp;man pretty nearly.” ^

Mr. Lewis Bishop, agent for the Dynevor estate in Carmarthenshire, informed the Commission that the tenantsnbsp;of Lord Dynevor were all Welsh-speaking men, and mostlynbsp;Nonconformists. He thought that there were about half anbsp;dozen Churchmen or so, but that there might be more.*

Mr. Charles Bishop, in reference to nine parishes in Upper Carmarthenshire, said that the Welsh language wasnbsp;“ their Bible and hearth language,” and that “ by far thenbsp;greater majority are Nonconformists.”^

Mr. John Davies, of Landwr, Mydrim, St. Clears, speaking of the parishes of Mydrim, St. Clears, ILandowror, and others immediately adjoining St. Clears, said they werenbsp;Welsh-speaking parishes, and that for the most part thenbsp;farmers and the labourers were all Nonconformists, thoughnbsp;he added there were Churchmen in Mydrim.^

Mr. James Thomas, of Troedyrhiw ILanfynyd, churchwarden of the parish, said that nearly all the farmers in his district were Nonconformists, and that the adherentsnbsp;of the Church of England were a very small fraction.^

Mr. John Emlyn Jones, of Penlan Uchaf, honorary secretary of the Tregaron Farmers’ Club and a teacher of agriculture, said that in the parish of Nantcwniie quot;... there

' Qu- 37.524 and 37,621-3.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Qu. 38,370 and 38,544-6.

’ Qu- 39.493. 39.503. and 39.506.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Qu. 41.943. 41.970. and 41,972.nbsp;^ Qu. 42,056 and 42,059.

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are 84 tenant farmers holding over 4 acres. ... Of those 84, 24 are Churchmen, making 29 per cent., butnbsp;out of 46 freehold occupiers of over 4 acres in thenbsp;parish there is not one Churchman except the vicar.nbsp;There is one man doubtful, and I count him a Churchman.nbsp;That gives them 2 per cent, of the freehold occupiers.” ^nbsp;The same witness further stated that in his parish 7 out ofnbsp;every 10 were Nonconformists, and that, taking the countrynbsp;round, three-fourths of the inhabitants were Nonconformists according to the best estimate he could givenbsp;while as to the Nonconformists the proportion of Nonconformists to Churchmen was 60 or 70 per cent. But henbsp;admitted that this was a guess or estimate made fromnbsp;observation of the immediate neighbourhood.^

Mr. Owen Price, tenant farmer of Nantyrharn, in the parish of Cray, Breconshire, said that a very largenbsp;majority of the tenants round Brecon, where the peoplenbsp;habitually speak the Welsh language, were Nonconformist,nbsp;though the Church was pretty strong in that neighbourhood.^nbsp;In the counties of Anglesey, Carnarvon, and Merioneth,nbsp;there can be no doubt, both from the evidence and fromnbsp;our own observation, that on nearly all the estates, ifnbsp;not indeed on all, a large majority of the tenant farmersnbsp;belong to Nonconformist bodies.

The Hon. R. H. Eden, the agent for the Crogan estate in Merionethshire, belonging to Lord Dudley, said thatnbsp;there were very few Churchmen on the estate. He reallynbsp;could hardly point to more than one or two, and we havenbsp;every reason to believe that this is the case with regard tonbsp;most of the estates in those three counties.^

Mr. Wynne, of Peniarth, said that the majority of his

’ Qu. 46,622 and 46,649.

^ Qu. 46,752-6 and 46,760.

8 Qu. 50,505, 50,705, and 50,706.

* Qu. 9,116, 9,123, 9,207, and 9,208.

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, x.)

tenants were Nonconformists, and stated that of the tenant farmers on his Merionethshire estate about 46 werenbsp;Nonconformists and 16 Churchmen.^

Mr. W. Cadwaladr Williams, junior, of Bendy Manor, Festiniog, told the Commission that most of the farmersnbsp;spoke Welsh almost exclusively among themselves, andnbsp;that, with very few exceptions, they were Nonconformistsnbsp;in that part of Merionethshire.^

Mr. Morris Owen, tenant of Mr. Wynne, of Garthewin, said that most of the tenant farmers on the estate werenbsp;Nonconformists, and added he did not think his landlordnbsp;cared what they might be.®

Turning now to Glamorganshire, the Rev. T. Howell, of Longland, Pyle, in the Vale of Glamorgan, said that innbsp;that district seven-eighths of the population were Nonconformists.^ Similar evidence and the information whichnbsp;reached the Commission from many sources confirm thenbsp;view that of the tenant farmers and labourers in thatnbsp;county a very large majority are Nonconformist.

No statistics, no dry statement of facts, can adequately explain the hold which Nonconformity has obtained on thenbsp;Welsh people. It would be interesting to attempt to tracenbsp;the historical causes which have led to the peculiar ecclesiastical condition of Wales, but it is quite beyond the scopenbsp;of this work to try to perform any such task. We mustnbsp;content ourselves with only a few general observationsnbsp;upon the matter, which tend to show the special points innbsp;the religious development of the Welsh people.

The first thing to notice is the opposition between Celtic and Latin Christianity, which was ended by thenbsp;triumph of the Roman organisation and the subjection of

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Qu. 9,448 and 9,459.

^ Qu. 10,074 and 10,075.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Qu. 14,419-

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Qu. 24,926.

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the Welsh clergy to the Roman see,^ and next the conflict between the Welsh bishops and the see of Canterbury,nbsp;which resulted in the four Welsh dioceses becoming partnbsp;of the southern English province.^ So far as the materialsnbsp;permit us to form a judgment from the time that Latinnbsp;Christianity prevailed over Celtic usages, there is littlenbsp;to differentiate the history of the Church in Wales fromnbsp;the course of development in England. The parochialnbsp;system was gradually introduced into the Principality andnbsp;the marches. The clergy obtained from time to time considerable grants of land from the Welsh princes and othernbsp;lords. Tithe became, under the same influences as in England, a definite charge upon land, and the ecclesiastical lawnbsp;enforced in the spiritual courts of England was appliednbsp;in Wales. A considerable number of religious houses werenbsp;founded and endowed throughout the Welsh counties.

To attempt to estimate the extent to which the principles of the Christian religion obtained a real hold upon the Welsh-speaking population before the Reformation

* The literature connected with the early history of the Church in Great Britain and Ireland is very extensive. The student will find “Chapters onnbsp;Early English Church History,” by Dr. Bright (Oxford, 2nd edition, 1888),nbsp;most serviceable and trustworthy. See also Green’s “Making of England”nbsp;(Lond. 1882), pp. 310 etseq., and “The Celtic Church in Wales,” by J. W.nbsp;Willis-Bund, F.S.A. (Lond. 1897). As to the Church in Wales, see thenbsp;following papers in “The Transactions of the Hon. Society of Cymmrodorion ”nbsp;for 1893-4 (Lond. 1895):—“ The Ancient Church in Wales,” by Lord Justicenbsp;Vaughan Williams; “Welsh Saints,’ by J. W. Willis-Bund, F.S.A. ;nbsp;“ Some Aspects of the Christian Church in Wales during the Fifth and Sixthnbsp;Centuries,” by the Rev, Professor Hugh Williams, M.A. See also, in thenbsp;Transactions of the same Society for 1897-8 (Lond. 1899), a paper onnbsp;“ The Character of the Heresy of the Early British Church,” by F. C. Cony-beare, M.A. Consult, of course, Haddan and Stubbs’s “Councils andnbsp;Ecclesiastical Documents relating to Great Britain and Ireland” (3 vols.,nbsp;Oxford, 1867-73), and Pryce’s “Ancient British Church.”

® We cannot refer to all the sources bearing on this conflict. The matter is discussed in Clarke’s “History” cited above; see pp. 34-66. Thenbsp;petition of the Welsh Princes to the Pope will be found in Gir. Camb., O^era,nbsp;vol. iii., p. 244.

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raises a question of grave difficulty, for the answer to which the data are few and uncertain. As late asnbsp;the end of the seventeenth century, and perhaps evennbsp;afterward, there is evidence of the survival of pagannbsp;ceremonies and notions.^ Probably bardic traditions, whichnbsp;were maintained with considerable vitality, contributed tonbsp;the continued existence of an ancient order of ideas,nbsp;while the effect of the Norman-English gradual conquestnbsp;and the loss of national independence clearly arrested thenbsp;progress of the Welsh people. It is evident from thenbsp;account given byGiraldus Cambrensis that even after largenbsp;tracts of territory had been occupied by Norman invadersnbsp;the Cymric people displayed powers Intellectual and aestheticnbsp;of no mean order when measured by the general standardnbsp;of Western Europe at the same time. The breaking up ofnbsp;their older social organisation, the troublous and almostnbsp;continual warfare that took place down to the accession ofnbsp;Henry VII., appear to have reduced the great bulk of thenbsp;Welsh-speaking people to a condition of intellectual torpor.nbsp;The real Welsh aristocracy, who had been the leaders of thenbsp;people and the fosterers of their literary development,nbsp;gradually disappeared or became merged in the Englishnbsp;upper classes. When, at the end of the Wars of the Roses,nbsp;more peaceable times arrived, the condition of the Welshspeaking people gradually improved, but it must benbsp;remembered it was chiefly the landowning class, as distinguished from the actual cultivators of the soil, that reapednbsp;the advantage of the comparatively friendly attitude of thenbsp;Tudor monarchs to the Principality.

It is a curious fact that, so far as appears from the sources of information which we are able to command, the

1 See Lecky, History of England,” ii., pp, 602-3 ! Taxton Hood, “ Christmas Evans ” (Lond. 1881), pp. 26 et seq. ; Edwin Sidney Hartland,nbsp;“The Legend of Perseus” (3 vols., Lond. 1894-6), i, 149, 176; ii. 167,nbsp;175-7. 197 !!•gt; 202, 229, 230, 290, 292-4, 299 n., 427.

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Reformation produced, so far as the Welsh people were concerned, little or no popular excitement. The series ofnbsp;statutes which, from the lawyer’s point of view, constitutednbsp;the reformed Church, produced little movement of opinionnbsp;in the Principality among the Welsh-speaking people. Thenbsp;aristocratic families for the most part appear to havenbsp;remained at heart, if not in outward observance. Catholic;nbsp;but by the bulk of the population it seems that the eventsnbsp;of the sixteenth century were practically unnoticed. Therenbsp;was no Welsh Pilgrimage of Grace, nor did the statutes fornbsp;the dissolution of the lesser and greater monasteries andnbsp;religious houses create any movement of an insurrectionarynbsp;kind in the counties with which we are dealing. The property of these religious houses was bestowed upon laymen,nbsp;many of whom were the descendants of the Normannbsp;invaders, for small sums of money which, even at thatnbsp;time, appear to have been hardly the market value of thenbsp;lands in question. In all this, however, so far as we cannbsp;ascertain, the Welsh-speaking people took little interest.nbsp;They were plunged into a deep sleep from which evennbsp;the civil wars and religious turmoil of the seventeenthnbsp;century were only able very partially to arouse them.

A statute passed in the fifth year of Elizabeth (1562) had made provision for the translation into Welsh of thenbsp;Bible and the Book of Common Prayer. Twenty-sixnbsp;years, however, elapsed before the work of translation andnbsp;publication was completely accomplished. It was by thenbsp;meritorious labours of Dr. William Morgan, afterwardsnbsp;Bishop of St. Asaph, assisted by other clergymen, that thisnbsp;great work was performed. The Church thus rendered annbsp;inestimable service to the cause of religion in Wales, andnbsp;indirectly, as pointed out elsewhere, gave a new life to thenbsp;language and literature of the country.^

' See below, p. 505. We ought to add it is Dr. Richard Parry’s revised edition, published in 1620, that is the standard version. In 1546 a translation

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The beginning of Nonconformity in Wales is usually associated with the names of William Wroth, Williamnbsp;Erbury, and Walter Craddock, who, having been ejectednbsp;from the Church, adopted an independent attitude, andnbsp;became itinerant preachers throughout the country. Thenbsp;work of these men and others (such as Vavasour Powell,nbsp;Morgan ILwyd, Hugh Owen, and James Owen) during thenbsp;seventeenth century seems to have been very largely confined to the English side of Welsh life, that is to say, tonbsp;the towns and more Anglicised portions of the Principality.nbsp;We do not mean to ignore the fact that many of the Welshnbsp;Dissenting causes can trace their origin to the work of thesenbsp;active and earnest preachers, but simply to emphasise whatnbsp;appears to be the case, that the bulk of the Welsh-speakingnbsp;population was untouched by their ministrations. So farnbsp;as the outward legal organisation went, the position of thenbsp;Church in its reformed condition was practically unalterednbsp;by the existence of a very considerable number of sporadicnbsp;Nonconformist organisations, chiefly in South Wales, at thenbsp;end of the seventeenth century.^

of the Lord’s Prayer, the Ten Commandments, and the Creed, by Sir John Price, LL.D., was published. William Salesbury’s translation of the Newnbsp;Testament appeared in 1567. Twenty-one years afterwards (1588) Morgan’snbsp;translation of the Old Testament, with a revised edition of Salesbury’s Newnbsp;Testament, was published. The first edition of Parry’s revised translation wasnbsp;published in 1620, for the use of the churches, and in 1630 a new edition,nbsp;more suitable or the use of families, was issued. For the lives of Price,nbsp;Salesbury, Morgan, and Parry, see “Diet. Nat. Biog.”; Rees’ “ History ofnbsp;Protestant Nonconformity in Wales ” (Lond., 2nd ed. 1883), pp. 13 et seq. ;nbsp;“Bywyd ac Amserauyr Esgob Morgan,” by C. Ashton (Treherbert, 1891).

1 For accounts of the men here mentioned (except Wroth) see “ Diet. Nat. Biog.” and Rees’ “ History.” As to the Act for the Propagation of the Gospelnbsp;published in 1649, during the Commonwealth, and the controversy provoked bynbsp;the proceedings of the Commissioners appointed under it, see Rees’ “ History,”nbsp;pp. 73 et seq. The Act is printed in the appendix to that work (p. 511).nbsp;At least 106 ministers were ejected in Wales in consequence of the Act ofnbsp;Uniformity {1662). Ibid., p. 153. The first organised Nonconformistnbsp;church founded in Wales was the Independent cause at Lanvaches, whichnbsp;dates from 1639.

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The fact appears to be that as a result of the historical circumstances rural Wales was at the commencement ofnbsp;the eighteenth century in a condition of extreme languor.nbsp;What spiritual earnestness there was, apart from thenbsp;instances of exceptional parishes and exceptional clergymen of the Established Church, was due to the energy ofnbsp;Nonconformist (chiefly Baptist and Independent) itinerantnbsp;preachers. The majority of the clergy of the Establishednbsp;Church contented themselves with a perfunctory discharge, in a somewhat listless and inadequate manner,nbsp;of their spiritual duty. The services were held irregularly,nbsp;preaching in Welsh was comparatively rare, and it isnbsp;not too much to say that there was a general neglect onnbsp;the part of the parochial clergy to inculcate the truthnbsp;among their parishioners or to give practical instruction innbsp;regard to the conduct of life. The upper classes, speakingnbsp;broadly, were virtually English, and in their mannersnbsp;and social habits reflected the prevailing condition of thingsnbsp;in England. There can be no doubt that one of thenbsp;principal difficulties was that created by the fact that innbsp;most of the rural parishes, except those of the bordernbsp;counties, the people habitually spoke the Welsh language.nbsp;The stipends of the parochial clergy were so inadequatenbsp;that the type of man who took orders and accepted thenbsp;average Welsh living cannot, upon the most favourablenbsp;construction, be deemed to have been cultured or efficient.nbsp;We are not without some definite information as to thenbsp;precise condition of things in the seventeenth century as wellnbsp;as in the eighteenth, and this information enables one tonbsp;understand how it was that earnest and able men, throwingnbsp;over the bonds of ecclesiastical discipline, were enabled tonbsp;obtain a hold upon the affections and minds of theirnbsp;countrymen to the detriment of the more formal organisation of the Established Church.

We will give two illustrations. First of all we will take

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an extract from a report of an episcopal visitation made by Dr. Lewis Baily, Bishop of Bangor, in 1623 :—“ ILan-fairpwBgwyngytt and ILandyssilio.—There had been onlynbsp;two sermons in these places for the last twelve months,nbsp;which were delivered by the rector. Sir (or Rev.) Johnnbsp;Cadwalader. Penmon.—No sermon preached there fivenbsp;or six years last past. ILandona.—No service here butnbsp;every other Sunday. ILangwyllog.—No sermons at all.nbsp;ILanddeussant and ILanfairynghornwy.—The curate herenbsp;is presented for not reading service in due time, for notnbsp;reading of homilies, and for not registering christenings,nbsp;weddings, and funerals. They had but three sermons sincenbsp;last Whitsuntide twelvemonth. He spent his time innbsp;taverns, was a public drunkard and brawler, quarrellingnbsp;with his parishioners and others. Lanfwrog and ILan-faethlu.—But two sermons here these last twelve months.”nbsp;These remarks relate to parishes in Anglesey, but there arenbsp;similar accounts in regard to Carnarvonshire, Merionethshire, Montgomeryshire. As to several places it is reported,nbsp;“ No sermons,” or only two or three in the last twelvenbsp;months. Of the clergyman at Aberdaron, in Carnarvonshire, it is complained that he neglected to bury a deadnbsp;child, which lay uninterred from Saturday to Sunday, andnbsp;that on one occasion when he came to the church henbsp;seemed drunk, and went straight from the service to thenbsp;tavern.^

The next illustration is furnished by “ A View of the State of Religion in the Diocese of St, David’s, about thenbsp;Beginning of the Eighteenth Century,” by Dr, Erasmusnbsp;Saunders, which was published in 1721, nearly a hundrednbsp;years after the visitation of the diocese of Bangor, from thenbsp;report of which we have quoted, had taken place. Accordingnbsp;to the account given by Dr. Saunders it appears that both

* Seethe “History of Protestant Nonconformity in Wales,” by the Rev. Thomas Rees, D.D. (Lond. 1st edition 1861, 2nd edition 1883), p. 8.

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the material and the spiritual condition of the Church in Wales was deplorable. He states that some churches werenbsp;decayed and “do only serve for the solitary habitationsnbsp;of owls and jackdaws; such are St. Daniel’s, Castelhan,nbsp;Kilvawyr,Mountain, Capel Colman,and others in Pembrokeshire ; Mount ILechryd, in Cardiganshire; Aberttynog, innbsp;Breconshire ; Nelso, in Gower, Glamorganshire ; and othersnbsp;in Carmarthenshire. And it is not to be doubted, but asnbsp;there are districts of land, so there were originally justnbsp;endowments of tithes that did belong to all those severalnbsp;churches ; but, whatever they were, they are now alienated,nbsp;the churches, most of them, demolished, the use for whichnbsp;they were intended almost forgotten, unless it be atnbsp;ILanybrec, where, I am told, the impropriator or his tenantnbsp;has let that church unto the neighbouring Dissenters, whonbsp;are very free to rent it for the desirable opportunity andnbsp;pleasure of turning a church into a conventicle. As thenbsp;Christian service is thus totally disused in some places,nbsp;there are other some that may be said to be but halfnbsp;served, there being several churches where we are butnbsp;rarely, if at all, to meet with preaching, catechising, ornbsp;administering of the Holy Communion. In others, thenbsp;service of the prayers is but partly read, and that perhapsnbsp;but once a month, or once in a quarter of a year. . . .nbsp;The stipends are so small that a poor curate must sometimes submit to serve three or four churches for 10/. or 12/.nbsp;a year. . . . And now what Christian knowledge, whatnbsp;sense of piety, what value for religion, are we reasonably tonbsp;hope for in a country thus abandoned, and either destitutenbsp;of churches to go to or of ministers to supply them, ornbsp;both ? Or how can it well consist with equity andnbsp;conscience to complain of the ignorance and errors of annbsp;unhappy people in such circumstances} They are squeezednbsp;to the utmost to pay their tithes and what is called thenbsp;Church due (though, God knows, the Church is to expect

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little from it), and at the same time most miserably deprived of those benefits of religion which the paymentnbsp;of them was intended to support, and delivered up tonbsp;ignorance and barbarity, which must be the certain consequence of driving away the ministers of religion, or ofnbsp;depressing or incapacitating them from their duty.”^

We might easily multiply testimony to a similar effect as to the religious condition of the Principality.

Summing up the condition of things, we may say that there were an indifferent upper class, a clergy wretchedlynbsp;paid, of low moral and spiritual type, and a peoplenbsp;ignorant to the last degree cultivating the soil, for thenbsp;most part unable to read and write, and habitually speakingnbsp;a language unknown to their superiors ; the fabric of thenbsp;churches in a large number of parishes had been sufferednbsp;to go out of repair ; the discipline of the clergy was verynbsp;lax ; the bishops were often non-resident pluralists ; therenbsp;was a general neglect of Church services and administrations ; and, lastly, there was no zeal and enthusiasm fornbsp;religion either among the clergy or their flocks. Thisnbsp;condition of things, due to the historical causes operatingnbsp;for centuries in the Principality, was aggravated by thenbsp;fact that the population was by race and language distinguished from those who ruled them, and still more by thenbsp;fact that the bishops and other dignitaries of the Churchnbsp;who formed the more educated portion of the Welshnbsp;clergy exercised little control for good in their respectivenbsp;dioceses and spheres of influence.

We state these things not with a view to asserting that they have any necessary relevance in regard to modernnbsp;controversy, but as statements of fact connected withnbsp;the Church which tend to explain the rise of Noncon-

* See Saunders’ “ A View of the State of Religion in the Diocese of St. David’s” (1721); Lecky, “ History of England in the Eighteenth Century”nbsp;(Lend. t888), vol. ii., pp. 602-4.

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formity in Wales upon a large and even extraordinary scale.

Now, such being the state of things in the Principality at the commencement of the eighteenth centuiy, onenbsp;might liave expected that in days of comparative enlightenment the rulers of the Church would have attempted tonbsp;cope with the ills and grievances that existed. Far fromnbsp;doing that, the policy of the ministers of the earlynbsp;Hanoverian sovereigns—a policy apparently acquiesced innbsp;without remonstrance in any effective degree by Englishnbsp;archbishops and bishops—was one that ignored the specialnbsp;needs of the Principality, especially the necessity of supplying the Church in Wales with a clergy able to speaknbsp;the Welsh language and to satisfy the spiritual requirementsnbsp;of the people. One would have thought that the dictatesnbsp;of self-interest, without considering higher motives, wouldnbsp;have led the leaders of the Church party in England tonbsp;encourage the education of the Welsh clergy, and tonbsp;secure the appointment to office in the Principality of mennbsp;who were able to preach and administer the sacraments innbsp;the Welsh language. It became, however, the apparentlynbsp;determined course of action of English ministers to appointnbsp;to the Welsh bishoprics and to the most lucrative officesnbsp;connected with the Church, persons entirely ignorant ofnbsp;the Welsh language. Whether this was due to an intentional attempt to crush out Welsh, or whether it was duenbsp;simply to ignorance of the condition of things in thenbsp;Principality, and to a misunderstanding of the vitalitynbsp;of racial and linguistic conditions among a free people,nbsp;we will not try to decide. Suffice it to say that from thenbsp;time of George I. down to 1870 none of the bishopsnbsp;appointed to the four Welsh sees were able to preachnbsp;effectively in Welsh, and, speaking broadly, the episcopatenbsp;during that period was English and not Welsh, judged bynbsp;whatever test one may be pleased to adopt. Most ofnbsp;•nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;H II 2

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the persons who accepted the Welsh bishoprics during the years to which we allude took their appointmentsnbsp;simply with a view to further preferment. Of the sixnbsp;bishops appointed by George I. all were translated tonbsp;English sees. George II. appointed twenty-one bishops,nbsp;and fifteen were translated to England. During the reignnbsp;of George III. twenty-three bishops were appointed tonbsp;Welsh sees, and of these eleven were translated tonbsp;England.

Another evil was clerical absenteeism. Some of the parochial clergy did not reside in their parishes, but thenbsp;chief offenders were the bishops and dignitaries. Thenbsp;Bishops of ILandaff were absentees from 1706 to 1820, andnbsp;similar, but not such gross, instances may be given in thenbsp;case of other prelates.

But probably a still greater abuse was the system of pluralities. The most celebrated instance of the abusenbsp;of episcopal patronage in Wales is the case of Bishopnbsp;Luxmoore, who was first of all Bishop of Hereford andnbsp;was made Bishop of St. Asaph in 1815. He seems tonbsp;have regarded his office as merely one of profit. Thenbsp;bishop himself had several clerical offices, but it was thenbsp;exercise of his patronage and of his influence in favournbsp;of members of his own family that forms the principalnbsp;indictment against him. The Rev. C. C. Luxmoore,nbsp;his eldest son, was (i) Dean of St. Asaph (1,988/.) ;nbsp;(2) Chancellor of St. David’s (tithes 868/. with 400/. a yearnbsp;from fees) ; (3) Rector of Whitford (902/.) and Darowennbsp;(155/.) ; (4) in Hereford, Rector of Cradley (1,024/.) »'nbsp;(S) Vicar of Bromyard (513/.); (6) of portion of Bromyardnbsp;(1,400/.); (7) Prebendary of Hereford (50/.); (8) lessee ofnbsp;the manor of Landegle, belonging to the bishop and leasednbsp;to him by his father; (9) he had a lease of the tithes ofnbsp;Landegle (117/.) and of Landsa (651/.) for life from hisnbsp;father for 100/. a year. His total annual income, therefore,

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was 7,618/. commuted value, which was equal to 9,522/. non-commuted value ; also 450/. from other sources, totalnbsp;9,972/., or, deducting the 100/. for the lease, 9,872/.

The Rev. J. H. M. Luxmoore, another son, held (i) the sinecure rectory of Lan-yn-ydl (462/.); (2) the rectory ofnbsp;Marchwiail (636/.); (3) Morton Chapel (600/.) ; (4) Prebendary of Melford (65/.); (5) he had 200/. a year as jointnbsp;registrar of Hereford Cathedral.

The Rev. C. Luxmoore, the bishop’s nephew, received (i) the vicarage of Berriew (445/.) ; (2) the rectory ofnbsp;Lanymynech (385/.) ; and one Coryn Luxmoore receivednbsp;300/. a year from Guilsfield. The total income from Churchnbsp;sources of the five Luxmoores, therefore, was about 25,225/.,nbsp;and in contrast with this it may be mentioned that thenbsp;working clergy of the diocese of St. Asaph received onlynbsp;18,000/.^

It is unnecessary to multiply instances of abuses in connection with the Church system of the eighteenthnbsp;and the earlier part of this century, as it actually worked,nbsp;or to make further comments upon the matter. Wenbsp;have mentioned this case not with any hostility to thenbsp;Church in its present more active condition, but innbsp;order that the causes which led to the predominance ofnbsp;Nonconformity in Wales may be understood.

The religious aspect presented by Wales at the commencement of the eighteenth century, so far, at any rate, as the rural districts where the Welsh-speaking populationnbsp;chiefly resided were concerned, may be compared to thatnbsp;of the Irish Church; and the Church was utilised by the

' For these facts see Clarke’s “ History.” cited above, p. 142 et seq. Cf Spencer Walpole’s “ History ofEngland,” vol. i., p. 149. Luxmoore was annbsp;opponent of Romilly’s attempts to amend the criminal law of the time. He isnbsp;specially mentioned by S. Walpole as one of seven bishops “ who thoughtnbsp;it consistent with the principles of their religion to hang a man for shop-lifting.”nbsp;See his Hist., vol. ii., p. 133. It is said Majendie, Bishop of Bangor, heldnbsp;eleven parochial preferments {ibid., vol. i., p. 153).

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eighteenth century governments rather as a political machine than as a spiritual force. The inhabitants ofnbsp;the Welsh counties were divided into two classes verynbsp;unequal in numbers; a landowning class, aristocratic innbsp;type, speaking for the most part the English languagenbsp;alone, in close touch with the same class in England,nbsp;actuated by the same motives and imbued with the samenbsp;prejudices; and the other class chiefly cultivators of thenbsp;soil, habitually speaking the Welsh language, retainingnbsp;many views of life, ideas, and traditions belonging to annbsp;earlier stage of civilisation, lively in character, imaginative, quick in action, passionately devoted to music andnbsp;country pursuits. Both classes appear to have been equallynbsp;indifferent to religious duties, and unconcerned with thosenbsp;deeper problems of a philosophical and spiritual characternbsp;which have occupied so large a part in the intellectualnbsp;life of Wales since the revival to which we must nownbsp;allude.

In 1735 there were only eight Nonconformist places of worship in North Wales ; in South Wales there were verynbsp;numerous Nonconformist causes, some of them strong andnbsp;flourishing, and most of them served by able and worthynbsp;ministers. But the Nonconformity characteristic of thisnbsp;earlier phase of the movement was of a type analogousnbsp;to that of the Independency and Presbyterianism of thenbsp;time of the Great Rebellion. Speaking broadly, it may benbsp;looked upon as the result of the spread of seventeenthnbsp;century Puritanism in the Welsh counties, and, as we havenbsp;stated above, it was mainly English rather than Welsh innbsp;its character, and affected rather the towns and the morenbsp;English districts than those parts of the country whichnbsp;were distinctively Welsh. It is probable that the Welshnbsp;farmers and their families had hardly progressed intellectually as a class from the time of the Conquest. Everynbsp;indication that we possess shows that hardly any one of

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them could read or write, and it is clear that the provision for education was of the scantiest possible description.nbsp;Wesley, writing some years after the description given bynbsp;Dr. Erasmus Saunders, to which we have referred, says thatnbsp;the people were as ignorant as the Creek or Cherokeenbsp;Indians, and allowing for rhetorical exaggeration andnbsp;applying it to their culture rather than to their acquirements as agriculturists, the phrase is probably true.

One is tempted to say that the intellect of the Cymry, which had been active and progressive in the days of theirnbsp;independence, became practically dormant and non-progressive with the loss of their cherished liberty. The effectsnbsp;of the Conquest arrested their mental development, andnbsp;what progress there may have been was confined chieflynbsp;to members of the landowning class, to whom, after thenbsp;accession of Henry VII., the colleges and universities ofnbsp;England were thrown open, and in a less degree to thenbsp;inhabitants of the towns, who were enabled to takenbsp;advantage of the scanty and inefficient education affordednbsp;by the grammar schools founded in some of the boroughs.nbsp;Of course some fortunate members of the tenant farmingnbsp;or very small yeoman class under exceptional circumstances went to the English universities and carved out anbsp;career for themselves in England. But from the peoplenbsp;as a whole hardly a voice comes during the centuriesnbsp;from the Norman Conquest to the middle of the eighteenthnbsp;century. They tilled their land, attended to their flocksnbsp;and their herds, married and died in complete obscurity,nbsp;without being to any great degree touched by the intellectualnbsp;movements of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Itnbsp;is obvious that we have here all the elements necessary iornbsp;a sudden intellectual and moral expansion. The renaissancenbsp;of Wales during the eighteenth century came, as might havenbsp;been expected, in the form of a religious revival which innbsp;its intensity and its consequences can only be compared to

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472 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, x.) the analogous movement in Bohemia hundreds of yearsnbsp;before, and the awakening of Scotland in the sixteenthnbsp;century.

In 1730 the Welsh-speaking people were probably as a whole the least religious and most intellectually backward in England and Wales. By 1830 they had becomenbsp;the most earnest and religious people in the wholenbsp;kingdom, and in the course of their development hadnbsp;created powerful Nonconformist bodies stronger thannbsp;those to be found in any other part of the country, whilenbsp;the adherents of the Church had in the Welsh districtsnbsp;dwindled down to a comparatively small class. Thenbsp;Methodist revival which produced this striking result,nbsp;and which in many respects resembled that which tooknbsp;place under Whitfield and Wesley in England, wasnbsp;commenced within the bounds of the Church. Its originnbsp;is usually associated with the name of Griffith Jones,nbsp;of E.andowror, but it was Howell Harris and Rowlands, of Langeitho, who carried the movement to anbsp;triumphant success. In the face of continual and violentnbsp;persecution these men by their extraordinary preachingnbsp;aroused the people from their lethargy. We need notnbsp;give details of their methods, nor the steps by which thenbsp;work was accomplished, but in order that the conditionsnbsp;under which it was carried on may be understood, andnbsp;to illustrate the state of feeling at the time, we extractnbsp;from an impartial and unimpeachable source the followingnbsp;facts as to Harris :—

“He seems to have given great provocation, and he certainly met with extreme hostility. He made it hisnbsp;special mission to inveigh against public amusements, andnbsp;on one occasion during the races at Monmouth, when thenbsp;ladies and gentry of the county were dining together innbsp;the Town Hall, under the presidence of a duke, H. Harrisnbsp;mounted a table which was placed against the window

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of a room where they were, and poured forth a fierce denunciation of the sinfulness of his auditors. The peoplenbsp;and clergy were furious against him. I have alreadynbsp;noticed how Seward, who was one of his companions, wasnbsp;killed by the mob. On one occasion a pistol was firednbsp;at H. Harris; on another he was beaten almost to death;nbsp;again and again he was stoned with such fury that hisnbsp;escape appeared almost miraculous. He was repeatedlynbsp;denounced from the pulpit. The clergymen were seen distributing intoxicating liquors among the mob to excitenbsp;them. Another, who held no less a position than thatnbsp;of Chancellor of the diocese of Bangor, stirred upnbsp;whole districts against him. Women in his congregation were stripped naked. Men were seized by thenbsp;pressgangs, and some of his coadjutors had to fly fornbsp;their lives.” ^

The movement was fortunate in its leaders. A series of great preachers continued the work of Harris and Rowlands. The example set by these men infused new energynbsp;into the earlier Nonconformist bodies, and in connectionnbsp;with them also a number of remarkable preachers, whosenbsp;eloquence and skill in pulpit oratory have rarely, if ever,nbsp;been equalled, arose to carry on the religious work of theirnbsp;denominations.^ The result was that by the middle of thisnbsp;century a very large number of Nonconformist causes hadnbsp;been created in Wales, a powerful and efficient clergy hadnbsp;arisen, and the organisation of each denomination had beennbsp;brought to a state of great efficiency. We are not for thenbsp;moment concerned so much with the religious aspect ofnbsp;this movement as with its effect upon the character andnbsp;capacity, of the Welsh-speaking people, and its influence

* Lecky, “History of England,” vol. ii., pp. 604-5.

’ For the lives of the more important among the long list of Welsh preachers see Rees’s “ History.” A good account of the characteristicnbsp;methods of Welsh preaching will be found in Paxton Hood’s “Christmasnbsp;Evans” (Lond. 1881).

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upon economic and social progress. By many persons unacquainted with the facts the whole revival is lookednbsp;upon as one of those manifestations of dissent whichnbsp;have arisen from time to time to disturb the peace ofnbsp;an organised Christianity. It may be looked at in thatnbsp;light; it was no doubt a religious revival, but thenbsp;moment its inner meaning is penetrated, the circumstancesnbsp;of its origin and its progress understood, it becomesnbsp;apparent that it was a good deal more than that. Itnbsp;was, in fact, the new birth of a people. It would be goingnbsp;too far to say that it created a new national character—nbsp;that, of course, was impossible ; but it profoundly changednbsp;and strengthened the mental and moral qualities of thenbsp;Welsh-speaking people. In the highly-strung and sensitivenbsp;natures it produced a saintly type equal to any affordednbsp;by the literature or tradition of the Church. Among thenbsp;people, who, as a whole, threw themselves into the movement, it developed intellectual powers which may havenbsp;before existed, but which were only imperfectly utilised.nbsp;It induced men who had never indulged in speculationnbsp;to raise and to discuss fundamental religious and philosophic problems, and stimulated to an extraordinary degreenbsp;the argumentative and imaginative faculties of a naturallynbsp;quick-witted race.^ It turned the attention of men tonbsp;the art of oratory and to the capabilities of language.

' In support of this statement one of us can vouch for the following story. About thirty years ago an English professor of theology and a Welsh preachernbsp;¦were taking a morning walk in a very Welsh county, and sat down to restnbsp;awhile in a field. Near by two farm labourers, who were finishing theirnbsp;mid-day meal, were talking in Welsh. Their loud tones and excited gesturesnbsp;attracted the attention of the visitors. Said the Professor : “ Are theynbsp;quarrelling?” “Well,” replied the Preacher, “they are not quarrellingnbsp;more than is usual in a debate on a theological point. They are discussingnbsp;the question whether Christ had two wills or one. The Monothelite controversy is revived.” For the benefit of the professor the preacher translatednbsp;the conversation as it proceeded, and the judgment of the former was that thenbsp;arguments urged by each disputant were as subtle and absurd as any of thosenbsp;to be found in the old books.

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Fortunately the Welsh translation of the Bible currently used is as good a specimen of Welsh pure and undefilednbsp;as the current English version is of the language ofnbsp;England. Practically every Welsh-speaking person becamenbsp;acquainted in a very high degree of familiarity with thenbsp;text of the Scriptures; and, lastly, it improved the generalnbsp;moral tone of the people, though perhaps it made them,nbsp;when its results were quite fresh, take a somewhat onesided view of life and of culture.

The principal result of the movement may be thus summed up: First, it was the chief agent in the preservation of the Welsh language. It is probable that butnbsp;for the immense impetus given to the study and use ofnbsp;the Welsh language by reading the Welsh Bible and bynbsp;listening to pulpit oratory it would have more andnbsp;more tended to die out as the habitual language ofnbsp;the majority of the inhabitants of the whole of Wales.nbsp;Secondly, it led to general and greater literary activity.nbsp;This is shown by the increase, gradual but certain, ofnbsp;the number of books, in the early days chiefly of anbsp;religious character, published from time to time, and bynbsp;the rise of Welsh periodical literature and Welsh journalism.nbsp;Thirdly, it stimulated a demand for education. The necessity of a trained Nonconformist clergy became at a verynbsp;early stage evident to the leaders of the movement, andnbsp;theological seminaries and colleges were founded.^ Andnbsp;this demand for an educated ministry in its turn gavenbsp;rise to that general and spontaneous demand for educationnbsp;for all classes with which we deal in the next chapter.nbsp;Fourthly, in a smaller degree, but still by no means ineffectively, it did what at an earlier date the Church generallynbsp;had done for England and other parts of Western Europe.nbsp;The Welsh Nonconformist clergy, placed under the verynbsp;gravest disadvantages from the absence of all provision

* See as to the Welsh Theological Colleges p. 483, n, i.

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for any education in the Principality, and shut out from the English colleges and universities by the tests therenbsp;imposed, triumphed over obstacles to a much larger extentnbsp;than is generally known. It is true that even down tonbsp;the early years and middle of this century many of thenbsp;Welsh Nonconformist ministers were deficient in scholasticnbsp;attainments, and few, if any, could be described asnbsp;scholars in the strict sense of the term; but in theirnbsp;own special departments—in theology and philosophy,nbsp;and in regard to Welsh and even English literature—nbsp;many of them attained a high standard of knowledge.nbsp;In all cases their culture was so much higher than thatnbsp;of the average farmer and labourer that their intercoursenbsp;with the latter on social occasions, quite apart from theirnbsp;religious services, produced a most beneficial effect innbsp;nearly every district. Fifthly, it operated continually innbsp;the direction of improved morality. It is admittednbsp;that there is no part of the country more law-abidingnbsp;and possessing a higher degree of immunity from crimenbsp;than the Welsh agricultural counties. This must be verynbsp;largely attributed to the religious revival. Lastly, it produced a great change in the Church itself. No impartialnbsp;observer can fail to be struck with the immense improvement in the character of the clergy of the Establishednbsp;Church in Wales. In place of the negligent and generallynbsp;ignorant and incompetent clergy of the early part of thenbsp;eighteenth century there is to be found in Wales as activenbsp;and competent a body of parochial clergy as in any equalnbsp;area in England. And it is to be observed that some ofnbsp;the most distinguished among them are persons sprungnbsp;from Nonconformist families. We will not discuss thenbsp;question whether the Church is developing its power andnbsp;influence at the expense of the Nonconformist bodies, ornbsp;whether the latter are declining in power. We will content ourselves with saying that nothing we observe either

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in the evidence or from sources of information opened to us by our Journeys in the Principality supports anynbsp;such inference.^

* Since about the middle of the century Welsh and English Nonconformists have been brought into much closer touch. The high level of excellencenbsp;attained by Welsh pulpit orators has resulted in a considerable demand for thenbsp;services of Welshmen in English churches. Taking, for instance, the Independent denomination, and confining ourselves to men who have passed away,nbsp;we may mention the following instances of ministers who began their careersnbsp;in Welsh churches and afterwards became pastors of English causes:—Calebnbsp;Morris, J. R. Kilsby Jones, and Thomas Jones of Swansea (see “Diet. Nat.nbsp;Biog.”). Six bi-lingual preachers have been elected to the Chair of thenbsp;Congregational Union of England and Wales :—David Thomas, of Bristolnbsp;(1865); Thomas Jones, of Swansea (1871); Thomas Rees (1885); Johnnbsp;Thomas, of Liverpool (1885); Herbet Evans, of Carnarvon (1892); and Johnnbsp;Morlais Jones, of Lewisham (1896).

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It would take an undue portion of the space at our command to attempt to trace fully the progress of educationnbsp;in the Principality, and we must content ourselves withnbsp;only the very briefest statement of the way in which thenbsp;present system has been established. It may be worthnbsp;mentioning that in the century that elapsed between thenbsp;conquest of North Wales and the rebellion of Owainnbsp;Glyndwr, a considerable number of Welshmen seem tonbsp;have gone to Oxford, but in the disastrous period thatnbsp;followed its suppression this influx seems practically tonbsp;have ceased. Glyndwr himself, as is evident from a letternbsp;of his addressed from Pennal to the king of France in 1405,^nbsp;projected the establishment of two universities in Wales,nbsp;and Henry VII. (according to a Welsh bard of the period)nbsp;promised to establish a Welsh university in Neath Valley;nbsp;but though the dreams of Glyndwr and the promises ofnbsp;Henry Richmond remained unfulfilled, the accession ofnbsp;the latter marked the commencement of an importantnbsp;period in the social and educational progress of the Welshnbsp;people. The attitude of the Tudor monarchs towards the

^ See Wylie’s “ History of the Reign of Henry IV.,” v. ii., pp. 313-4, where an account of the negotiations between O. Glyndwr and Charles VI. of Francenbsp;is given. In a letter dated March 31st, 1406, from Pennal, Glyndwr suggestednbsp;that two universities should be established, one in North and the other in Southnbsp;Wales, the exact places to be determined afterwards.

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Principality was distinctly encouraging and friendly, and with the advent of a period of peace after the battle ofnbsp;Bosworth Field, the Welsh people found themselves ablenbsp;to take advantage with comparative ease of the educationalnbsp;institutions of England. The Universities of Oxford andnbsp;Cambridge, and the schools which had been in the Tudornbsp;or at an earlier period established, were in a large measurenbsp;thrown open to the sons of the Welsh gentry and, in somenbsp;instances, of the actual cultivators of the soil.

In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries a considerable number of grammar schools were founded in the towns ofnbsp;Wales, and gradually attracted to them a large numbernbsp;of distinctly Welsh pupils. It must be borne in mindnbsp;that one of the features of Welsh society from the timenbsp;of‘Edward I., down to the Reformation, was the markednbsp;distinction between the people of the towns and thenbsp;country districts. The towns were for the most part morenbsp;English than Welsh, while it was in the country districtsnbsp;that the Welsh-speaking people were numerous. Thenbsp;distinction between the Englisherie and the Welsherienbsp;found in the borough charters and the oppressive legislation of the fifteenth century long continued, especiallynbsp;in the marches bordering upon the English counties.nbsp;From the time of the accession of Henry VII. itnbsp;gradually disappeared, and towns which had been practically Norman-English garrisons slowly became markedlynbsp;Welsh; but for a long time traces of the older ordernbsp;of things remained, and it was not difificult, even at thenbsp;commencement of the century, to find a market townnbsp;almost entirely English, while the surrounding countrynbsp;was occupied by people who habitually spoke the Welshnbsp;language. The grammar schools established after thenbsp;Reformation in accordance with the policy of the reformednbsp;church, no doubt, were attended not only by the sons ofnbsp;the town burgesses, but also by the sons of yeomen and

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small landowners, though probably it was only exceptionally that the Welsh-speaking people availed themselves of the opportunities thus afforded. The foundation ofnbsp;grammar schools was in the main associated with thenbsp;Established Church, and they were carried on under itsnbsp;auspices. The country districts were entirely neglected,nbsp;and down to the time of the religious revival of thenbsp;eighteenth century, it is hardly too strong to state thatnbsp;no opportunity was afforded to the great majority of thenbsp;Welsh-speaking people for the education of their children.nbsp;All accounts show that the condition of the Welsh peoplenbsp;in regard to education was most lamentably backwardnbsp;down to comparatively recent times, but especially so untilnbsp;the time of the religious revival.

The foundation of a Welsh university was the subject of a correspondence between Oliver Cromwell and Richardnbsp;Baxter,^ whilst a remarkable attempt was made in thenbsp;latter part of the seventeenth century to provide instruction in Wales in the English tongue, and to circulate thenbsp;Bible, the Common Prayer, and other books in the Welshnbsp;language. The Rev. Thomas Gouge, son of Dr. Williamnbsp;Gouge, with the assistance of Dr. Tillotson (first Deannbsp;and afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury), Dr. Stilling-fleet, and many others, formed a voluntary society for thisnbsp;purpose, and considerable funds were collected in pursuancenbsp;of that object. The society, with the assistance of Gougenbsp;and of James Owen, who ultimately became a Nonconformist minister, did a very large amount of good educational work in Wales, and, according to the funeral sermonnbsp;of Gouge, preached by Dr. Tillotson, by the exertions ofnbsp;the society there were every year eight hundred, sometimesnbsp;a thousand, poor children educated, while a “ new and verynbsp;fair impression ” of the Scriptures and Liturgy of the Churchnbsp;of England was distributed. The work of this society wasnbsp;• See “Wales,” vol. iii., pp. 121-4 (March, 1896).

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to some extent carried on in Wales by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. As early as 1701 thenbsp;attention of this then new society was directed to Wales.nbsp;It decided in 1707 to set up lending libraries in the Principality, and in 1711 a supply of books to furnish fournbsp;such libraries was sent to Carmarthen, Cowbridge, Bangor,nbsp;and St. Asaph.

The next considerable movement in this direction took place under the influence of the Rev. Griffith Jones,nbsp;Vicar of Landowror, in Carmarthenshire, who wasnbsp;admitted a corresponding member of the society in 1713.nbsp;It was in the year 1730 that this eminent divine openednbsp;at Landowror the first circulating school. By 1738nbsp;thirty-seven circulating schools had been established bynbsp;his agency in South Wales, in which 2,400 personsnbsp;received instruction, and by 1739 the number in Northnbsp;and South Wales had risen to seventy-one, wherein 3,989nbsp;persons were taught. In 1746 the number of the schoolsnbsp;of Griffith Jones had risen to 116, and in 1760 to 215.nbsp;The system according to which this movement was carriednbsp;on was, as the name “ circulating school ” implies, itinerant;nbsp;the schools were only carried on for a short time each yearnbsp;at one place, and the manner of instruction was chieflynbsp;catechetical. The instruction in the schools was not confined to children, and it appears that in many of themnbsp;quite two-thirds of the pupils were adult men and women,nbsp;and most of the masters taught for three or four hoursnbsp;in the evening, after school time, very many who couldnbsp;not attend during the day. At the time of the deathnbsp;of Griffith Jones in 1761 these schools appear to havenbsp;increased in number to 218, and as many as 10,000 personsnbsp;are said to have been taught to read in a single year. Thenbsp;schools were continued until 1779-80, when, owing to anbsp;dispute respecting the funds which had been bequeathednbsp;by Griffith Jones for the carrying on of the schools, and


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consequent litigation, they were closed for many years. The charity came again into operation in 1809, under anbsp;scheme made under the direction of the Court of Chancerynbsp;on the nth July, 1807.^

In the meantime, however, Sunday schools, as a means not only of religious instruction, but of elementary secularnbsp;education, had originated and spread to Wales, chieflynbsp;under the influence of Thomas Charles of Bala. Thesenbsp;schools introduced into Wales by Charles quickly spreadnbsp;over the whole Principality, and are now carried on innbsp;connection with the Established Church as well as withnbsp;the various Nonconformist bodies. It is unnecessary fornbsp;our purpose to detail the efforts of a voluntary kind madenbsp;by the National Society and the British Society fornbsp;elementary education in Wales during the first half of thisnbsp;century, but, as the report of the Commissioners appointednbsp;in 1846 clearly shows, these efforts, creditable though theynbsp;were, were wholly inadequate having regard to the increasenbsp;of population and the exigencies of modern times. At thenbsp;present moment the public educational system of Walesnbsp;is equal to that established in any part of the Empire,nbsp;and is the result partly of a general movement throughoutnbsp;the whole kingdom, but in a still larger degree its completeness and success are due to the spontaneous desire fornbsp;education among the Welsh people themselves. Thenbsp;modern educational movement originated among thenbsp;Welsh-speaking people largely as an indirect result ofnbsp;the religious revival which we have described in outlinenbsp;in the preceding chapter, aided (as it undoubtedly was) bynbsp;the literary renaissance of the early part of the century, and,nbsp;so far as education other than that of the public elementary schools is concerned, has been principally fostered by

' For a fuller account of the movements summarised in this paragraph, see “Wales,” by Sir Thomas Phillips (Lond., 1849), ch. 7, pp. 247-314. See,nbsp;too, Lecky, “ Hist, of Engl, in the Eighteenth Century,” ii., pp. 603-4.

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the remarkable sacrifices made by all classes of persons in Wales. Even before 1846 the spread and success ofnbsp;Nonconformity had resulted in the formation of seminariesnbsp;chiefly designed for the education of persons intending tonbsp;become Nonconformist ministers, to whom the grammarnbsp;schools of Wales and the universities of England werenbsp;closed by reason of the imposition of religious tests.^

* For an account of the principal seminaries, see Rees’s “ Protestant Nonconformity in Wales ” (Lond., znded., 1883), c. 8. The earliest Nonconformist Academy was that at BrynHwarch, near Bridgend, Glamorganshire, started soonnbsp;after 1662. Its founder was Samuel Jones, M.A., for some time tutorat Jesusnbsp;College, Oxford (see suinom., “Diet. Nat. Biog.”). It was on his death movednbsp;to Abergavenny, but it was afterwards removed to the neighbourhood ofnbsp;Bridgend, and the Rev. Rees Price, the father of Dr. Richard Price, of Londonnbsp;(as to whom see «öOT., “Diet. Nat. Biog.’’), for some years presided over it.nbsp;After some vicissitudes the institution was transplanted to Haverfordwest, andnbsp;thence to Carmarthen. It was not a corporate body, and its constitution wasnbsp;entirely uncertain. Such as it was, it was dissolved in 1794 ; but a voluntarynbsp;theological school, which traces its origin to the earlier academy, wasnbsp;re-established at Carmarthen in 179S, and still exists as the “ Presbyteriannbsp;College, Carmarthen.” We give these particulars because this institution isnbsp;directly connected with the work of Samuel Jones, and is open to all Protestantnbsp;Nonconformists. The Theological Colleges recognised by the University ofnbsp;Wales under its statutes are; The Theological College, Bala; the Baptistnbsp;College, Bangor ; the Congregational College, Bangor ; the Memorial College,nbsp;Brecon ; the Baptist College, Cardiff; the Presbyterian College, Carmarthen ;nbsp;the Baptist College, Aberystwyth; St. David’s College, Lampeter ; thenbsp;Calvinistic Methodist College, Trevecca. (See Statute xx., and Standingnbsp;Order viii. ; Calendar of the University of Wales, 1898 (Newport), p. 47.)nbsp;The Brecon Memorial College may justly claim to be an offshoot of Samuelnbsp;Jones’s Academy. Its existence as a separate institution dates from 1755, whennbsp;it was established at Abergavenny. After several changes in the locality of itsnbsp;work, it settled at Brecon in 1836. (Rees’s “ History,” pp. 495, 497 ; “Albumnbsp;Aberhondu,” edited by the Rev. T. Stephens, B.A. (Merthyr Tydfil, 1898).)nbsp;The Baptist College, Cardiff, was founded in 1807 at Abergavenny, transferrednbsp;to Pontypool in 1836, and thence to Cardiff quite recently. There was annbsp;earlier Baptist seminary established at Trosnant, near Pontypool, about 1732,nbsp;which carried on work for many years. (Rees’s “ History,” p. 504; “ Hanesnbsp;Athrofeyd y Bedydwyr yn Sir Fynwy,” by the Rev. J. Rufus Williams (Aber-dare, 1863).) The organised Calvinistic Methodist Colleges are of later date,nbsp;as the denomination separated formally from the Church of England only asnbsp;late as 1811. Byits charter the Welsh University has the power of conferringnbsp;degrees in the faculty of Theology or Divinity (Art. xiv., 7), and has exercised it.nbsp;Crave fears were entertained that in the divided state of public opinion on matters

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It is unnecessary for us to detail the history of these institutions, but we must advert for a moment to thenbsp;Commission appointed on the ist October, 1846, innbsp;pursuance of proceedings in the House of Commons onnbsp;the motion of Mr. William Williams of the lOth Marchnbsp;preceding, for an address praying her Majesty to directnbsp;an inquiry to be made into the state of education in thenbsp;Principality of Wales, especially into the means affordednbsp;to the labouring classes of acquiring a knowledge of thenbsp;English language.! q-he Committee of Council on Education appointed three Commissioners (Mr., now Lordnbsp;Lingen, Mr. Henry Robert Vaughan Johnson, and thenbsp;late Mr. Jelinger Cookson Symons). The Commissionersnbsp;appointed as assistants a certain number of gentlemennbsp;possessing a knowledge of the Welsh language, andnbsp;conducted their inquiry between the middle of October,nbsp;1846, and the end of the summer of 1847, and their reportsnbsp;were published separately before the close of that year.nbsp;Incidentally they contain a considerable quantity of materialnbsp;which illustrates the conditions of the agricultural population at the time. It does not appear that the Com-missoners went beyond the topics included within thenbsp;scope of their inquiry by the remarks which they thoughtnbsp;of religious profession serious difficulty might arise in this faculty. In fact, thisnbsp;has not been the case. The Court (the legislative and executive authority ofnbsp;the University) established the faculty of Divinity by Statute xxiii., and creatednbsp;a Theological Board (Statute xxi.) on a representative basis. The duties ofnbsp;the Board are to recommend to the Court schemes of study in the faculty, thenbsp;names of examiners, and to report on other matters. Such has been thenbsp;admirable spirit displayed by all connected with the University from the firstnbsp;that nearly every form of Christian belief has been and is represented onnbsp;the Board. Under its advice regulations for the B.D. and D.D. degrees havenbsp;been made, upon which the only criticism has been that the standard ofnbsp;learning which they postulate is high.

^ The motion for the inquiry was made in 1846 by William Williams (b. 1798 ; d. 1865), who was M.P. for Coventry, 1835-1847, and Lambeth,nbsp;1850-63. He was a generous supporter of the Welsh educational movement.nbsp;See App. to Report, p. 43.

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fit to make upon the moral and religious condition of the people, but their observations aroused considerable controversy in Wales, and were widely challenged by representativenbsp;men of all shades of opinion.^ It was, perhaps, unfortunatenbsp;that they did not confine themselves more strictly to thenbsp;educational questions with which they were primarilynbsp;directed to deal. The inquiry became known amongnbsp;Welsh people as “ The Treason of the Blue Books” {Bradnbsp;y Lyfrau Gleision). For a time the cause of Welsh education may have been prejudiced by the introduction ofnbsp;sectarian and social questions into their reports, but, onnbsp;the whole, the very fact that attention was drawn to thenbsp;state of education in Wales in a very forcible manner wasnbsp;ultimately productive of good. It is hardly too much tonbsp;say that the chief event in the special history of Walesnbsp;during the last fifty years has been the modern educationalnbsp;movement which has culminated in the system now existing,nbsp;and which may be traced directly to the agitation producednbsp;by the observations of these Commissioners.

We must content ourselves with a very brief account of what has taken place. Dealing first with elementarynbsp;education, we may mention that the report of the Commissioners of 1846 disclosed the very greatest inadequacynbsp;in the provision for elementary schools. There were anbsp;certain number of schools in receipt of a share in thenbsp;education grant, but in many parishes there was no schoolnbsp;at all, except a merely voluntary school started as a privatenbsp;adventure. To some extent the opposition of the leadersnbsp;of the Nonconformist organisations to the receipt of money

' The Reports were criticised by Di'. Lewis Edwards in Y Traethodylt for 1848 ; by the Rev. Evan Jones (leuan Gwyned)—some of whose essaysnbsp;¦were republished under the title of The Dissent and Morality of Wales,”bynbsp;the Rev. William Rees (Gwilym Hiraethog) in Yr Amserau; and by Mr.nbsp;Henry Richard, afterwards M.P. for Merthyr, in a lecture. See Mr. Lleufernbsp;Thomas’ notes and analysis of the Reports in App. to the Report, pp. 43

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from the Government for educational purposes (i.e., purposes looked on as quasi-religious) retarded the spread of “ British ” schools and the securing for Wales of the benefitsnbsp;of the Government grant. There was a gradual improvement down to 1870, when the Education Act was passed.nbsp;In no part of the country has that Act been productivenbsp;of more beneficial results than in Wales, and it may benbsp;observed that in proportion to the population there arenbsp;a greater number of school boards than in any other partnbsp;of England and Wales. The system at work is, so far asnbsp;elementary education is concerned, assimilated to that ofnbsp;England in nearly every respect.

One of the great difficulties of education in Wales discovered by the educational reformers was the want of adequately equipped teachers speaking the Welsh language.nbsp;Mr. Symons reported that “ the meagre prospect of incomenbsp;which presents itself to a schoolmaster in Wales deters allnbsp;but those whom poverty or want of activity compel to havenbsp;recourse to so unenviable a status for their means of livelihood.” At that time (1846) only one normal school existednbsp;in Wales, and that owed its establishment to the efforts of thenbsp;Rev. Henry Griffiths, of Brecknock, aided by a few othernbsp;friends of education. This school appears to have beennbsp;established under the mastership of Evan Davies, M.A.,nbsp;LL.D. in 1846, and was afterwards transferred to Swansea,nbsp;where, however, it lost its character as a normal school, andnbsp;was continued for many yea-s as a secondary school wherenbsp;many Welshmen who have subsequently distinguished themselves received their education. In 1862 there was established at Bangor a normal college for the training of malenbsp;teachers for elementary schools in Wales, and the last fewnbsp;years have witnessed the development of training schoolsnbsp;or colleges, both for male and female teachers, which arenbsp;now worked under the auspices of the university collegesnbsp;recently established. During the same period Church training

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colleges for school teachers were established at Carmarthen and Carnarvon, the latter being subsequently removed tonbsp;Bangor. In 1849 Mr. (afterwards Sir) Hugh Owen addressednbsp;meetings of school teachers and educationists at Bangornbsp;on the importance of establishing a connecting link betweennbsp;the elementary schools and higher places of education.nbsp;This led to the formation of the North Wales Scholarshipnbsp;Association, which was wound up on the passing of thenbsp;Intermediate Education Act, after awarding upwards ofnbsp;3,000/. in scholarships on the results of examinations atnbsp;different centres.

Turning to intermediate education—that is to say, to the kind of education preliminary to higher or university education—there appears to have been a gradual improvementnbsp;from the middle of the century down to the time of thenbsp;passing of the Intermediate Education (Wales) Act, 1889,nbsp;which has since resulted in a complete system of secondarynbsp;education. Fresh energy was infused into the grammarnbsp;schools, their constitutions were in many instances improved,nbsp;and the character of the teaching changed very greatly fornbsp;the better. In the meantime the movement for higher ornbsp;university education had outstripped that for the improvement of intermediate education, and the establishment ofnbsp;three university state-aided colleges at once disclosed thenbsp;necessity for a further improvement in the character of thenbsp;education given at the middle-class and grammar schools.nbsp;For it was found when the colleges began their work thatnbsp;the pupils who came to them at the age of sixteen, ornbsp;even later, were in most instances hardly fit to enternbsp;upon university studies. Attention being thus directednbsp;in a pressing manner to the defects of the provision fornbsp;secondary education, the Intermediate Education Act of 1889nbsp;was passed. This Act provided for the levying of a \d.nbsp;rate in the Welsh counties by the then recently constitutednbsp;county councils, and for the appointment of joint education

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committees in every county, who were to be charged with the duty of preparing schemes utilising existing educationalnbsp;endowments and buildings, and, where necessary, supplementing them by the establishment of new schools of anbsp;public character to be carried on under county governingnbsp;bodies constituted under each scheme. Schemes under thisnbsp;Act have now been passed for every county, or nearly everynbsp;county, in the Principality.

It was found as the system was being gradually developed that for many purposes it would be expedientnbsp;for the county governing bodies to combine to a greaternbsp;or less extent for the carrying on of their work, especially innbsp;regard to using any general funds that might be availablenbsp;for scholarships and exhibitions, and for the purpose ofnbsp;inspection and examination of the intermediate schools; andnbsp;accordingly it was proposed that a Central Board for intermediate education, controlling in some degree the actionnbsp;of the different county governing bodies, should for thosenbsp;purposes be established. A contribution of ^ool. a year wasnbsp;promised by the Treasury. Ultimately the scheme fornbsp;establishing a Central Board was laid before Parliament,nbsp;and was, in the course of the session of 1896, passed.^

We turn now to higher or university education. At the commencement of the century there was no college givingnbsp;real university education in Wales. A certain number ofnbsp;theological colleges or seminaries had, as we have seen,nbsp;been established in connection with the Nonconformistnbsp;bodies, but from want of means and an inadequatenbsp;conception of education they could hardly be considerednbsp;as institutions of university rank. The Established Church,

' The Central Board was constituted in the course of 1897. Mr. A. C. Humphreys-Owen was elected chairman; Principal Viriamu Jones, F.R.S.,nbsp;vice-chainnan; and Mr. Owen Owen, M.A., chief inspector. For a fullernbsp;account of the Welsh system of intermediate education and its history, seenbsp;vol. ii., p. I, of “Special Reports on Educational Subjects,” issued by thenbsp;Education Department, 1898 (c. 8943).

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which, as we have pointed out above, had sunk in the early years of the eighteenth century to a low condition in pointnbsp;of spiritual energy and practical power, had under thenbsp;influence of the evangelical revival in Wales and England considerably strengthened its position, largely, nonbsp;doubt, stimulated by the formation of a Calvinistic Methodist organisation, and by the immense increase of Nonconformity. One of the principal needs of the Church at thatnbsp;time was the securing of an adequate supply of Welshspeaking clergymen with a proper range of theologicalnbsp;learning and general culture. Among all classes of Welshmen this need was felt, and, it appears, it was in regard tonbsp;the necessity of training young men for the Christiannbsp;ministry that the idea of equipping the Principality withnbsp;institutions giving higher education originated. It wasnbsp;under the influence of this impulse that St. David’s College,nbsp;Lampeter, avowedly intended to be associated with thenbsp;national Church, was founded in the year 1827 and incorporated in 1828. By charters granted in 1852 and 1865 itnbsp;was empowered to confer the degrees of B.D. and B.A.nbsp;upon its students.

Nothing further of an important character was done in the direction of higher education for many years in Wales,nbsp;though the equipment of the theological colleges wasnbsp;gradually improved; but the general controversy aboutnbsp;education led to the suggestion in 1853 a nationalnbsp;university, open to all, without distinction of creed, shouldnbsp;be founded. Mr. B. T. Williams (barrister-at-law, afterwardsnbsp;judge of county courts) wrote an essay in which the claimsnbsp;of Wales to a university were ably set forth. In the nextnbsp;year a meeting of London Welshmen, in conjunction withnbsp;representatives of different interests in the Principality, tooknbsp;place in London, and among those who were present at thisnbsp;memorable gathering were Mr. Hugh Owen, the Rev. Henrynbsp;Rees, Mr. (afterwards Sir) George Osborne Morgan, the Rev.

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Richard Humphreys, Dr. David Charles, Dr. Lewis Edwards of Bala, Mr. Richard Davies (afterwards Lord-Lieutenantnbsp;of Anglesey), and Mr. Enoch Gibbon Salisbury. To thenbsp;interchange of opinion at this and similar meetings heldnbsp;about that time, and a little later, may be traced the originnbsp;of most of the modern developments of the Welsh educational system. The idea of a university did not takenbsp;definite form till several years had elapsed, but the movement initiated by these gentlemen led, as we have seen, tonbsp;the establishment of the Bangor Normal College in 1862,nbsp;which, in its turn, led to a further development.

Mr. George Osborne Morgan and Mr. Morgan Lloyd, in 1863, convened a conference upon the general subject ofnbsp;Welsh education on the 1st December in that year at thenbsp;Freemasons’ Tavern, London. The meeting was held undernbsp;the presidency of Mr. William Williams, M.P. for Lambeth,nbsp;and subscriptions for considerable amounts were promisednbsp;by those interested in the subject. Resolutions in favournbsp;of establishing a university were passed, and an executivenbsp;committee appointed. Dr. Nicholas (who had read a papernbsp;on the subject at the Swansea National Eistedfod a fewnbsp;months previously) was made secretary, under the controlnbsp;of Mr. Osborne Morgan and Mr. Hugh Owen as hon. secretaries. Mr. Williams, M.P., accepted the office of treasurer,nbsp;and Mr. Morgan Lloyd that of sub-treasurer. Dr. Nicholasnbsp;acted as secretary until 1867, when he was succeeded bynbsp;Dr. Charles, who held the post until 1871.

Negotiations then took place with Dr. Perowne, Vice-Principal of St. David’s College, for the establishment of an unsectarian university college in combination with hisnbsp;college. Differences, however, as might naturally have beennbsp;expected, arose, and the executive committee were obligednbsp;to pass a resolution on June i6th, 1864, that further consideration of that “ which appears to us an admirable arrangement ” should be deferred. At the same time the executive

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committee prosecuted with the utmost energy during the following year the carrying out of the scheme for a Welshnbsp;university. No opportunity was lost by these energetic andnbsp;patriotic men of enlightening public opinion upon the matternbsp;and enlisting every interest on behalf of the proposed institution. The original idea of the executive committee wasnbsp;the establishment of a degree-giving university, but as thenbsp;movement more and more took practical shape, it was seennbsp;that the best way of attaining this was in the first instancenbsp;to secure the foundation of a college giving universitynbsp;education of a high standard, whose students should benbsp;encouraged to graduate at the University of London.

The efforts of the executive committee being concentrated upon this definite object, from 1865 to 1872 it made frequent appeals to people of all classes in thenbsp;Principality, or those connected with Wales, for funds.nbsp;From 1871 until his death Sir Hugh Owen acted as secretary and organiser, and gave up all his time to the work.nbsp;Buildings at Aberystwyth were secured for io,oooL, and thenbsp;college was opened under the principalship of Dr. Thomasnbsp;Charles Edwards, assisted by two professors, in the following year (1872). The balance of the amount collected (aboutnbsp;12,000/. in all), after payment of the purchase-money, wasnbsp;applied to the completion of the buildings and the maintenance of the staff until 1874, when a new fund wasnbsp;created by congregational and house-to-house collections,nbsp;local committees being organised for the purpose in Northnbsp;and South Wales. The middle and working classes, especially the tenant farmers, contributed most nobly in proportion to their means, while generous contributions werenbsp;made in London. For ten years the institution received nonbsp;grant or aid from the Treasury. The contributions of thenbsp;Welsh people to a college which they learnt to look uponnbsp;as national were cordially continued, and it is calculatednbsp;that in all some 60,000/. were found by the Welsh people.

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The foundation of the college had the result of exposing the inadequacy of the provision for intermediate education,nbsp;and ultimately the leaders of the movement induced thenbsp;Government in i88i to appoint a committee to inquirenbsp;into the condition of intermediate and higher educationnbsp;in Wales. The committee was presided over by Lordnbsp;Aberdare, and with him were associated Viscount Emlyn,nbsp;M.P., the Rev. Prebendary Robinson, the late Mr. Henrynbsp;Richard, M.P., Professor Rh^s, and Mr. (now Sir) Lewisnbsp;Morris. After taking evidence very exhaustively, the committee reported on the i8th August, i88i. In their reportnbsp;they explained the then condition of intermediate andnbsp;higher education in Wales, summarised the evidence as tonbsp;its educational requirements and the suggestions offered asnbsp;to the way in which they should be met, recommendednbsp;the reorganisation of the Welsh endowed schools, andnbsp;the formation of additional schools. It is unnecessarynbsp;for us to go into the details of the report. In regardnbsp;to higher education the committee said: “ We have nonbsp;hesitation in avowing our conviction that colleges of thisnbsp;kind (provincial colleges) which have been recentlynbsp;founded in many of the larger towns of England, arenbsp;desirable in the circumstances of Wales, and would benbsp;found conducive to the advancement of higher educationnbsp;in the country. Amongst a people like the Welsh, who,nbsp;though defective in regular scholastic training, have anbsp;natural turn for some forms of literary culture and self-improvement, such institutions would tend to stimulate thenbsp;desire for more advanced education by providing opportunities for obtaining it under the conditions most suited tonbsp;the position and requirements of the nation. The experiencenbsp;of the University College at Aberystwyth, where variousnbsp;adverse causes have operated, must not be taken as conclusive against the success of such colleges in Wales.”nbsp;They recommended that for the present only one college

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in addition to that already existing should be provided, the establishment of that college in Glamorganshire; andnbsp;that either Aberystwyth College should be retained, ornbsp;re-established in North Wales at Carnarvon or Bangor.nbsp;In regard to the constitution of the colleges they expressednbsp;the opinion that they should be adapted to the circumstances of the country, that science and modern languagesnbsp;should occupy a prominent place, that they should benbsp;unsectarian, and that their benefits should be accessible tonbsp;women. As to the question of a degree-conferring university they reported that, notwithstanding certain drawbacksnbsp;and difficulties, the existence of a Welsh university wouldnbsp;almost certainly exercise a beneficial influence on highernbsp;education in Wales, and they suggested the extension ofnbsp;the charters of St. David’s College, Lampeter, to the othernbsp;colleges.

The recommendations of this important report have been given effect to in almost every particular. In 1882nbsp;an annual grant of 4,000/. was given to Aberystwythnbsp;College,^ but difficulties arose as to the adoption bynbsp;North Wales of the college at Aberystwyth as the Northnbsp;Welsh College, and ultimately it was decided to establish anbsp;college at Bangor, in Carnarvonshire, while in South Walesnbsp;immediate steps were taken for the foundation of the proposed college in Glamorganshire. A grant of 4,000/ tonbsp;each college was promised by the Treasury, and generousnbsp;contributions to both were made by all classes of thenbsp;community throughout the Principality. The site of thenbsp;South Wales College was a matter of dispute betweennbsp;Cardiff and Swansea, and ultimately was fixed at Cardiff,

* The relation of the Aberystwyth College to the Treasury was special In Ï882 a grant of 4,000/. was accorded ; but on the establishment of the collegenbsp;at Bangor in 1884, this was transferred to that body, but a separate grant ofnbsp;2,500/. was given to Aberystwyth. In 1885 the grant was raised to 4,000/.nbsp;(“Reports from University Colleges,” etc.. Education Department, 1897,

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by the award of Lord Carlingford, Lord Bramwell, and Mr. Mundella, to whom the dispute was referred. Thenbsp;college was started at Cardiff in the year 1883, and thenbsp;North Wales College (by the award of the same arbitratorsnbsp;as between thirteen competing towns) at Bangor in 1884.nbsp;A petition had been duly presented for a charter for thenbsp;establishment of the college at Cardiff, and such a charternbsp;was granted by her Majesty on the 7th October, 1884.nbsp;Somewhat similar charters were granted to Bangor Collegenbsp;on the 4th June, 1885, and to Aberystwyth College on thenbsp;lOth September, 1890.

The establishment of the three colleges has been amply justified, and the number of students has steadily increasednbsp;at each institution.^ It was, of course, natural that whennbsp;the three colleges came into working order the demand fornbsp;a degree-granting national university, which had never beennbsp;lost sight of, should be revived. It was at a meeting of thenbsp;Cymmrodorion section of the National Eistedfod, whichnbsp;met in London in August, 1887, that the first definite step

' According to the “ Blue Book ’’ of the Education Department, published in igoi, containing reports from the University Colleges (iQOl» cd. 84S), thenbsp;number of students pursuing regular courses of study in the Welsh Collegesnbsp;for the session 1899-1900 was as follows:—







In October, 1901, the number at Aberystwyth was 474.

The figures only deal with university students. Cardiff College, however, works in connection with the County Councils of Cardiff, Glamorganshire, andnbsp;Monmouthshire. The number of students in attendance at the technicalnbsp;school of the county borough of Cardiff was 2,716 in 1895-6. According tonbsp;the “ Report of the Principal of Cardiff College for 1897-8,” the number ofnbsp;regular students had risen to 470, and we understand there was an increase fornbsp;the same session in the other colleges. In addition to the faculties of Arts andnbsp;Science, Cardiff has established departments in Medicine, Engineering, andnbsp;Mining and Metallurgy, w'hile Bangor and Aberystwyth have establishednbsp;Agricultural departments. (See “ Report,” pp. 8oi-8lo, and Principalnbsp;Reichel’a observations quoted on p. 816.) Day training departments havenbsp;been founded at all three colleges.

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was taken. The late Principal Viriamu Jones, of Cardiff, opened a discussion on Welsh education with a paper innbsp;which, among other things, he advocated the formation of anbsp;degree-granting university to crown the “ educationalnbsp;edifice.” He pointed out that without university organisation it was impossible to have a well-arranged educationalnbsp;system, and that the efficient development of all grades ofnbsp;education in Wales was bound up with the foundation of anbsp;properly constituted university, which, he urged, would ordernbsp;the scattered and disconnected results of previous action asnbsp;a magnet arranges the iron filings within its field of force.nbsp;The views advanced met with immediate acceptance. Thenbsp;Cymmrodorion section passed the following resolution,nbsp;which was proposed by Professor John Rhys and secondednbsp;by Mr. (now Sir) Lewis Morris : “ That it is the opinion ofnbsp;this meeting that definite action should be taken to impressnbsp;on her Majesty’s Government the desire of the Welshnbsp;people for the establishment of a Welsh university.” Andnbsp;it was further resolved, That in the opinion of thisnbsp;meeting a conference of the representatives of colleges,nbsp;intermediate schools, and elementary schools should benbsp;summoned in a convenient place in the near future, andnbsp;that the Society of Cymmrodorion be requested to takenbsp;the initiative in convening it.”

The conference was summoned by the Cymmrodorion Society to meet at Shrewsbury in January, 1888, and innbsp;due course the conference was held, under the presidencynbsp;of Professor Rhys. It was resolved, “ That in the opinionnbsp;of this conference it is expedient that the provision fornbsp;intermediate and collegiate education in Wales andnbsp;Monmouthshire should be completed by a universitynbsp;organisation, and that the inspection of State-aidednbsp;intermediate schools should be committed to the Welshnbsp;university, due provision being made for the representation of such schools on its executive body; that the

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executive committee should be requested to make arrangements to enable the members of the conference to meet the Welsh peers and the members of Parliament fc^nbsp;Wales and Monmouthshire at an early date.” Thisnbsp;conference with members of Parliament took place onnbsp;the i6th March, 1888.

At a meeting of the Court of Governors of the Bangor College on the 27th April, 1888, the following resolution (thenbsp;late Earl of Powis being in the chair) was passed, after muchnbsp;discussion, on the motion of the Rev. Ellis Edwards,nbsp;seconded by Professor Rhys :nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“ That the Courts of

Governors or the Councils of Aberystwyth and Cardiff Colleges be invited to appoint four (subsequently increasednbsp;to seven) representatives each, to meet an equal numbernbsp;appointed by this court, to formulate a draft charter for anbsp;degree-conferring university.” In the early part of July innbsp;the same year, a conference so constituted assembled innbsp;London and passed the following resolutions; “ That thisnbsp;meeting, representing the three Welsh university colleges,nbsp;is of opinion that the time has come when these collegesnbsp;should conjointly apply to the Government for a charternbsp;for the establishment of the University of Wales; ” andnbsp;“That an application be made to the Government for anbsp;charter to constitute a university for Wales on the samenbsp;general lines as the charter already granted to the Victorianbsp;University, with such modifications as may be required bynbsp;the peculiar conditions and circumstances of Wales.” Innbsp;the course of discussion some differences of opinion revealednbsp;themselves, but the above resolutions having been passed itnbsp;was decided to present them to the Lord President of thenbsp;Council, and they were accordingly submitted on July 15th.nbsp;Nothing further, however, was done for some time, chieflynbsp;owing to the divergent ideas as to the character of thenbsp;university, to which allusion has been made, and it was feltnbsp;by those concerned that it was best to allow opinion to

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form itself by continual discussion, with a view, if possible, of arriving at practical unanimity.^

At a meeting of the Court of Governors of the Bangor College on April ist, 1891 (Mr. Wm. Rathbone, M.P., in thenbsp;chair), the following resolution was carried, on the motionnbsp;of the Rev. Ellis Edwards, seconded by the Lord Bishopnbsp;of St. Asaph:—“ That a committee be appointed by thisnbsp;court to consider again the means of obtaining a degree-conferring University of Wales; and to deliberate upon thisnbsp;question, with, if possible, similar committees appointed bynbsp;Aberystwyth and Cardiff Colleges, and with the joint education committees of North and South Wales; and to reportnbsp;the result of its deliberations at the next half-yearly meetingnbsp;of the court.” The conference so constituted met onnbsp;November 8th of the same year at Shrewsbury, and it wasnbsp;found that the effect of deliberation during the precedingnbsp;two years and a half had resulted in the general conclusionnbsp;that the university ought to be a teaching university in thenbsp;sense that no candidate should be admitted to a degreenbsp;unless he should have pursued a course of study at one ofnbsp;the colleges of the university, and it was also resolved tonbsp;appoint a committee to prepare the outlines of a draftnbsp;charter. The committee met many times in the course ofnbsp;1892, and as a result were able to present in a series ofnbsp;clauses the substance of the proposed charter to a conference which met on January 6th, 1893, und afternbsp;full discussion, and with slight alteration, it was adoptednbsp;by that body. In the framing of this, the originalnbsp;draft, a very large part of the work fell upon the threenbsp;principals of the national colleges, the late Principal Viriamunbsp;Jones, Principal Reichel and Principal Roberts, and Dr-Isambard Owen, but they had the benefit of efficient

* The chief difference of opinion was on the question whether the university should be a teaching university or an examining Board, constituted on thenbsp;lines of the then University of London.

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assistance from many men whose names we cannot here record.^

In the meantime Mr. Acland, Vice-President of the Council in the Government newly formed in 1892, who had for somenbsp;years specially associated himself with the Welsh educational movement, appointed Mr. O. M. Edwards, M.A., ofnbsp;Lincoln College, Oxford, to report on the condition of thenbsp;colleges in relation to the proposition for the creation of anbsp;university. Mr. O. M. Edwards duly made his report, andnbsp;though it has not been made public, we may assume thatnbsp;it represented that the case for a degree-granting universitynbsp;for Wales had been made out, from the fact that when thenbsp;petition was presented by the Draft Charter Committee tonbsp;the Privy Council, it met with ready acquiescence. Thenbsp;instructions for the charter having been approved of by thenbsp;conference of January, 1893, the preparation of the formalnbsp;document was left to Dr. Isambard Owen in conjunction withnbsp;Mr. David Brynmor-Jones, Q.C., M.P., and Mr. Cadwaladrnbsp;Davies, while Mr. Maynard Owen undertook to act asnbsp;honorary solicitor to the petitioners. In February andnbsp;March, 1893, the charter was drafted in general accordancenbsp;with the instructions laid before counsel. It was thennbsp;submitted to a representative conference, held in Londonnbsp;in the latter month, and presided over by Lord Aberdare.nbsp;After prolonged discussion it was adopted with slight alterations. A petition for the granting of a university charternbsp;in the terms of the draft thus settled was presented in thenbsp;names of the three University Colleges to the Privy Council;nbsp;the prayer of the petitioners, notwithstanding an adversenbsp;petition from St. David’s College, was acceded to, and thenbsp;charter as settled, with however an additional clause, wasnbsp;laid in due course on the table of each House of Parliament.

It met with opposition in both places. In the Upper

* See note, p. 500. For the history of the University see “The University of Wales,” by the late Principal Viriamu Jones, F.R.S. (Cardiff, 1896).

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House the Bishop of Chester (Dr. Jayne), on the 29th August, 1893, acting in the interests (as he conceived them)nbsp;of St. David’s College, moved a resolution praying thenbsp;withholding of the consent of the Crown, framed in termsnbsp;which showed an imperfect acquaintance with the provisions of the charter.! After a short debate the House,nbsp;against the advice of Lord Knutsford, one of the leaders ofnbsp;the then Opposition, and of Lord Kimberley, Lord Aberdare,nbsp;and Lord Herschell, passed the motion. In the Commonsnbsp;it was Mr. Bryn Roberts, one of the Liberal members fornbsp;Carnarvonshire, who led the attack, by moving the rejection of the charter on the ground that it only provided fornbsp;the granting of degrees to students of the three Universitynbsp;Colleges. In a clear speech he explained that his opposition was based on the contentions that the charter gavenbsp;privileges to three State-aided colleges which might be usednbsp;unfairly as against other Welsh institutions, and that nonbsp;opportunity was afforded by the charter for the obtaining ofnbsp;degrees by non-collegiate students. He received no substantial support, and after a brief debate, during which thenbsp;motion was opposed by Mr. Brynmor-Jones, Mr. S. T. Evans,nbsp;Mr. Kenyon, and Mr. Acland, it was negatived without a division. Under these circumstances the Government ignorednbsp;the ill-grounded resolution of the Lords, and on the 30th

* The Bishop of Chester asked the House to express the opinion “ that the assent of her Majesty be withheld from the draft charter of the proposednbsp;University of Wales until such portions of the aforesaid draft charternbsp;shall have been omitted as prevent the inclusion of St. David’s College,nbsp;Lampeter, in the county of Cardigan, as a constituent college of the aforesaidnbsp;university” (“Hans. Pari. Deb.,” 4th series, col. 1321). In fact, there isnbsp;nothing in the charter to prevent the inclusion of St. David’s College, or anynbsp;other Welsh college, in the university. The Crown, by the charter, expresslynbsp;reserved to itself the right to make by supplemental charter any college innbsp;Wales a constituent college (see Lord Knutsford’s speech in the debate).nbsp;St. David’s College never asked to be included as a constituent college, andnbsp;the late Bishop of St. David’s very candidly admitted that he had made nonbsp;representations on the subject, though he was “ visitor ” of the college. Thenbsp;House was a small one. The numbers on the division were forty-one contentsnbsp;and thirty-two non-contents.

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November, 1893, the charterwas duly sealed. The petitioners (still actively represented by the committee whose labours hadnbsp;procured the charter) now found that there was literal truthnbsp;in the saying that “ Nothing succeeds like success.” Thenbsp;Court of the University (the governing body) was easily constituted, as the greatest eagerness to join it was manifested bynbsp;members of all classes in the thirteen counties. It met fornbsp;the first time at the Privy Council Office in London, on thenbsp;6th April, 1894, and the proceedings began with a sympatheticnbsp;address by the Lord President of the Council (Lord Rosebery).nbsp;Upon his withdrawal from the meeting Lord Aberdare wasnbsp;voted to the chair, and the proper steps were taken for converting the then real but inchoate University into an activenbsp;working body. It would lead us beyond the scope of thisnbsp;work to follow them in detail. The late Lord Aberdare was,nbsp;with the unanimous approval of the Welsh people, electednbsp;the first Chancellor. After his death Albert Edward, Princenbsp;of Wales, was, with remarkable enthusiasm, chosen withoutnbsp;a dissentient voice for the office, and he having accepted it,nbsp;was duly installed as Chancellor on the 26th June, 1896, atnbsp;a “ congregation” of the University held at Aberystwyth.^

* For the names of the ofScers of and full information as to the University, see the “Calendar of the University of Wales” (Newport, Mon.), 1898. Thenbsp;first Calendar was published in 1897. In a short sketch of a movement like thenbsp;one dealt with in this chapter, one carried on for many years and supportednbsp;from different quarters, we have found it impossible to refer by name to all thenbsp;men who have rendered assistance. Among those whose experience enablednbsp;them to give valuable expert service at different stages, but all of whom we

have not had occasion to mention in the text, are certainly the following:_

The Rt Rev. John Owen, D.D., now Bishop of St. David’s; Mr. R. D. Roberts, D.Sc. ; Mr. Marchant Williams, J.P. ; Mr. Ivor James, now Registrarnbsp;of the University; Mr. Geo. T. Kenyon, lately Member for Denbigh Boroughs ;nbsp;Mr. Lewis Williams, J.P., of Cardiff; the Hon. W. N. Bruce; Lady Vemey;nbsp;and Miss E. P. Hughes. The strenuous support of the movement by the latenbsp;Dr. David Thomas, of Stockwell, in the Press should not be forgotten.nbsp;(See his life in “ Diet. Nat. Biog.”) The late Earl Powis, the late Marquis ofnbsp;Bute, Lord Tredegar, Lord Rendel, Mr. William Rathbone, LL.D. (formerlynbsp;M.P.), the late Mr. T. E. Ellis, M.P., Mr. Alfred Thomas, M.P., andnbsp;Mr. Stephen Evans, should be remembered as having been very helpful friendsnbsp;at all times.

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The position of Welsh among the kindred languages has already been sufficiently indicated : genealogically, sonbsp;to say, it is on a level with old Cornish and with Breton,nbsp;which was carried over to Armorica by Celts who left thisnbsp;country in the fifth and the sixth centuries under thenbsp;pressure of West Saxon aggression. In all respects oldnbsp;Cornish was the least important of the three sisters, andnbsp;of the other two Welsh is philologically the more important, partly because of the more conservative naturenbsp;of its vowel system, and partly because of its more extensive and varied literature, some of which exists in manuscripts dating from the twelfth century. Welsh is,nbsp;indeed, the lineal descendant of the Brythonic of thenbsp;Ordovices : it is true that it must have been modified bynbsp;the later people, who introduced the early form of thenbsp;Powys dialect, and also probably by the Silures andnbsp;Demetae of the southern portions of Wales, and by thenbsp;Venedotian tribes of northern Wales, when on both handsnbsp;they gave up Goidelic and adopted Brythonic as their ownnbsp;tongue. They must have introduced peculiarities characteristic of their previous vernacular—they could not helpnbsp;it. Nevertheless the language must have remained, asnbsp;we have suggested in the first chapter, the same in mostnbsp;essentials as it was when first brought to Mid-Wales bynbsp;the westward conquests of the Ordovices. From them it

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502 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, xii.) spread itself doubtless towards the north and towards thenbsp;south, though the Silures in the south were probably subjected to the influence of the Brythonic of the tribes alsonbsp;to the east of them.

This state of things had begun before the Roman occupation, when the question of the linguistic conditions becomes complicated by the introduction of Latin. Butnbsp;however much the language of imperial Rome may havenbsp;prevailed in the towns, and as the official speech of bothnbsp;Romans and Brythons during the period of Roman rule, itnbsp;is probable that Brythonic continued uniformly dominantnbsp;as against Goidelic, until the latter was at length silencednbsp;in southern Britain in the sixth and seventh centuries.nbsp;In the presence of the Latin of the Roman occupationnbsp;Goidelic may have appeared on a level with Brythonic ;nbsp;nay, the invention of Ogmic writing and the existence ofnbsp;Goidelic inscriptions in that writing may perhaps be rightlynbsp;interpreted as the fruit of a transitory effort to rehabilitatenbsp;Goidelic speech and to assert Goidelic nationality. But, sonbsp;far from Latin and Goidelic having silenced Brythonic, thenbsp;latter may be dimly descried as the dominant figure innbsp;the background even of Goidelic monuments themselves.nbsp;The grammarian who invented the Ogam alphabet livednbsp;probably in South Wales, and he must have been familiarnbsp;with Latin letters ; but that is not all, for he, or somenbsp;improver of his system soon after him, had to borrow somenbsp;of their orthographic expedients from Brythonic phoneticsnbsp;and spelling: we allude to the use of cc and tt for thenbsp;sounds now written in Welsh ch and th} respectively.nbsp;Further, when a Goidel in Wales indulged in a bilingualnbsp;epitaph and used Latin and Goidelic, the Latin forms ofnbsp;the names prove, in some instances, to be not the Goidelicnbsp;names Latinised, but the Goidelic names transformed intonbsp;Brythonic, and then equipped with the Latin terminations

^ See Chambers’s Encyclopsedia, 5,v, -‘Ogam.**

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required. Thus a bilingual monument at St. Dogmael’s, near Cardigan, reads in Goidelic written in Ogam,nbsp;Sagramni maqui Cunatami, and in Latin, Sagrani fillnbsp;Cunotami. Here the genitive Cunatami is translated intonbsp;the Brythonic genitive Cunotami, and probably the samenbsp;remark might be made as to Sagramni and Sagrani,nbsp;A still more remarkable instance occurs on a recentlynbsp;discovered stone at Lanfaiiteg, in Carmarthenshire. Thenbsp;name involved is that possibly of the king of the Demetaenbsp;who is called (in the vocative) Vortipori ^ in the Latin ofnbsp;Gildas, his contemporary. This we should, in that case,nbsp;have to correct into Votipori; and the presence of thenbsp;consonant p in the name of a Goidel, whose language hadnbsp;at one time little use for that consonant, is explained bynbsp;the fact that the name in the Latin form is a Brythonicnbsp;translation of the original, as will be seen from the legendsnbsp;on the stone respectively, in Latin: MEMORIA VOTEPORlülsnbsp;PROTICTORIS; and in Ogam the genitive Votecorigas. Wenbsp;are not convinced that these and similar upcroppings ofnbsp;Brythonic on Goidelic ground can be explained on thenbsp;hypothesis, sometimes suggested, that Brythonic becamenbsp;extinct in Wales during the Roman occupation, andnbsp;was reintroduced by the Sons of Cuneda and theirnbsp;people. From before the occupation began it must havenbsp;existed in the country, and more than that, it must havenbsp;gradually spread, since it finally became for a time thenbsp;only vernacular of the west of the Island. That it shouldnbsp;have done so in Wales is no more surprising than that itnbsp;did the same in the Dumnonian peninsula, or than the factnbsp;that there is an actual Breton language in Armorica.

For the earlier stages of Brythonic we have no literature, but merely the proper names of men and places mentioned

' The latter element in this compound occurs as a separate name Poniis, on the Hech Idris stone, in Merionethshire (HUbner’s Inscr. Brit. Christiana,nbsp;No. 131); and one finds it borne by an essedarius who was probably a Gau! ;nbsp;see the Caligula of Suetonius, 35.

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in works written in Latin or Greek from the time of Pytheas down. The earliest Welsh glosses do not in all probabilitynbsp;reach back to the eighth century, but they fairly cover thenbsp;ninth and the tenth. To this, the Old Welsh period, maynbsp;be ascribed several boundaries and other bits of Welsh innbsp;the Book of Lan DAv, otherwise called Liber Landavensis.nbsp;But no manuscript appears to be extant in Welsh datingnbsp;before the Norman Conquest, which, among its other effectsnbsp;on Wales, brought about a great change in Welsh handwriting and spelling. The old orthography was discontinued and another introduced more in harmony withnbsp;English and French ideas; it had also the advantage ofnbsp;being more nearly phonetic than the old historical spelling,nbsp;which was displaced by it, and which resembled to a greatnbsp;extent the spelling usual in Irish down to comparativelynbsp;modern times.

The medimval period of Welsh opens with two manuscripts dating from the latter part of the twelfth century, one of poetry known as the Black Book of Carmarthen,nbsp;and the other of prose, namely, the Venedotian Version ofnbsp;the Laws of Wales. To a somewhat later date belong thenbsp;manuscripts of the Book of Aneurin and the Book ofnbsp;Taliessin, as to which, especially the former, it may be saidnbsp;that the contents point to an earlier period than that of thenbsp;manuscripts themselves. The same may also be said ofnbsp;portions of the Red Book of Hergest, one of the treasuresnbsp;of Jesus College. The contents of the Red Book arenbsp;various, consisting partly of poetry and partly of prose,nbsp;embracing the tales known as the Mabinogion, and referrednbsp;to originals dating before the fourteenth century, to whichnbsp;the manuscript belongs. The same remark appliesnbsp;to some of the Arthurian stories which that collectionnbsp;contains. In this period translations into Welsh, ornbsp;Welsh adaptations, were made of such stories as thosenbsp;in vogue on the Continent about Charlemagne and his

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companions, also of the lives of famous saints, and of treatises on Latin theology, such as that of the_ Elucidarium,nbsp;put into Welsh by an anchorite of Landewi Brefi in the yearnbsp;1346.^ The greatest poet of this period was Dafyd ahnbsp;Gwilym, who may be regarded as a Welsh troubadour,nbsp;whose lyric muse was devoted to singing what the Frenchnbsp;called the Amour Courtois. The nature of that theme, andnbsp;possibly other reasons which are not recorded, madenbsp;Dafyd and the monks of his time sworn foes, a fact whichnbsp;cannot be construed wholly to the discredit of the monksnbsp;and the clergy of the Middle Ages.

With the Reformation began another period, characterised by the publication in the Welsh language of the Anglicannbsp;Book of Common Prayer, the New Testament, and thennbsp;the whole of the Bible. These were followed by variousnbsp;works, both original and translated, on theological andnbsp;religious subjects. But the men engaged in the translationnbsp;of Holy Writ complained of the low ebb at which theynbsp;found their countrymen’s knowledge of their language andnbsp;its literature. Among others may be mentioned Richardnbsp;Davies, Bishop of St. David’s, who utters this complaintnbsp;repeatedly in his “ Letter to the Cymry,” prefixed by Williamnbsp;Salesbury, his friend and collaborator, to his New Testament printed in London in the year 1567. The publicationnbsp;of the Scriptures in Welsh made little difference in thisnbsp;respect until, at any rate, an inexpensive edition had beennbsp;a long time in print, namely, the five-shilling Bible issuednbsp;in 1630, and recommended to the people with all thenbsp;fervour of his eloquence by Vicar Prichard. The Vicar’snbsp;own version of the teaching of the Bible and the Churchynbsp;put into easy verse, and entitled Canwyli y Cymry—“ Thenbsp;Candle of the Cymry ”—was not completely published till

1 The whole manuscript, the property of Jesus College, has been edited by Jones and Rhys, and published in 1894 by the Clarendon Press in its quartonbsp;series of Anecdota Oxoniensia. ”

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1672, nearly thirty years after the author’s death; but it was destined to exercise great influence over his countrymen. Nevertheless one finds the language reaching itsnbsp;lowest depth of neglect towards the close of the seventeenthnbsp;century.^

The actual or current period of Welsh may conveniently be regarded as opening with the establishment of thenbsp;Sunday School, which, originating in England, is regardednbsp;as introduced to Wales by the Rev. Thomas Charles, ofnbsp;Bala, about the year 1785.^ Charles was educated atnbsp;Jesus College, and ordained deacon in the Church ofnbsp;England in 1778. His career was somewhat like that ofnbsp;Wesley, and he became practically one of the principalnbsp;founders of one of the most influential and powerfulnbsp;religious bodies in the Principality, the Calvinistic Methodists or Welsh Presbyterians. It was a time of religiousnbsp;revival in Wales, and the ground was prepared fornbsp;Charles’s labours by the earnestness and eloquence of thenbsp;Rev. Daniel Rowlands, of Langeitho, and the geniusnbsp;of the Rev. William Williams, of Pant y Celyn, thenbsp;chief of Welsh hymnologists; not to mention other men

' For valuable information on this and several other questions touched upon in this chapter, we gladly acknowledge our indebtedness to Mr. Ivor James’snbsp;brochure, already mentioned : see more especially pp. 5-8, 18, 19, 22, 39.

2 See a monograph by the Rev. D. Evans, M.A., of Barmouth, on “The Sunday Schools of Wales” (London, 1S83), in which the date of Charles’snbsp;Schools is clearly established. Some writers have endeavoured to prove thenbsp;previous existence of Sunday Schools in Wales, r.^., “Morien ” in a series ofnbsp;articles published in the Western Mail of June, 1880, and the late Dr. Rees, ofnbsp;Swansea, in his “ History of Protestant Nonconformity in Wales,” 1883, p, 394.nbsp;The latter, however, admits that the schools which he mentions ‘ ‘ were properlynbsp;catechetical meetings, such as every nonconforming church in that age heldnbsp;regularly every week,’’and not “ Sunday Schools in the modern form.” Therenbsp;is, however, scarcely any doubt that an occasional Sunday School had beennbsp;established in Wales before 1785, the best authenticated instance, perhaps,nbsp;being that conducted by Jenkin Morgan on Sunday evenings from 1770 onwardsnbsp;at Crawlom, near Lanidloes; but to Charles belongs the honour of havingnbsp;begun the type of schools which spread and lived in Wales.

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of lesser fame, but of hardly less influence over their countrymen in a generation which was passing away asnbsp;Charles was attaining to the full enjoyment of hisnbsp;powers. As one of the events of his life may be regardednbsp;the publication of his Geiriadur Ysgrythyrol or Scripturenbsp;Dictionary, in 1811, and his Sunday Schools were intendednbsp;to be devoted to the reading and exposition of Scripture.nbsp;Charles’s schools (like those of Griffith Jones, of Lan-dowror) were in the first instance day-schools stationednbsp;for fixed periods at various centres, and their chief objectnbsp;was to teach people to read. These circulatory schoolsnbsp;were conducted by men who regarded it as part of theirnbsp;duties to carry on evangelistic work in the districts where fornbsp;their allotted time they remained as teachers. From theirnbsp;point of view, children and young people were taught to read,nbsp;chiefly, that they might peruse the Scriptures themselves.

As there were many unable to read who could not attend school on week-days, these teachers, supportednbsp;by the influence of Thomas Charles, took the boldnbsp;course of combining their efforts on Sundays, for thenbsp;sake of such as could not attend on week-days; and, tonbsp;speak with more precision, this was the real origin of thenbsp;Welsh Sunday School of Wales. The teachers would notnbsp;have worked in this way without the religious motivenbsp;which in their minds justified the new departure. Theirnbsp;labours in this new form met with strong resistance, andnbsp;were extremely unpopular with the stricter portion of thenbsp;congregations. But amid the fire of opposition the Sundaynbsp;toil took more definite shape in the matter of Scripturenbsp;reading and catechetical work, the more elementary tasknbsp;of teaching mere reading being confined to children. Butnbsp;there must have intervened a period when these efforts,nbsp;mainly on the part of the teachers paid by the fundsnbsp;placed at the disposal of Charles, were sporadic. Thisnbsp;was an interval of four or five years, between 1785 and

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1789. By the latter date Sunday Schools had become common, conducted by teachers and superintendents fromnbsp;among the people themselves. Nevertheless, owing to thenbsp;strong prejudice that had still to be encountered, the fullnbsp;tide of success did not come until about the year 1807-8,nbsp;when Thomas Charles started the large gatherings callednbsp;Cymanfaoed Ysgolion, or School Associations. After this,nbsp;opposition gradually died away and the institution found,nbsp;on the whole, a fair course. Sunday Schools continue tonbsp;be conducted on the same lines in Wales, and they retainnbsp;the peculiarity that they are attended by men and womennbsp;of all ages. Moreover, they form an institution recognisednbsp;and encouraged by all Protestant denominations alike.nbsp;Their importance from the point of view of Welsh and itsnbsp;literature consists in the fact that the Welsh are taught innbsp;these schools to read in their own tongue. The work donenbsp;in them, it is true, extends further, namely, to the exposition of the words of Scripture, the only text read in them ;nbsp;but it does not come within the scope of that work tonbsp;do anything directly to teach the people to write theirnbsp;language or to compose in it. So it happened that, beforenbsp;the Elementary Education Act of 1870 had been somenbsp;years in force, it was a common thing for numbers ofnbsp;Welsh people of both sexes to be able to read Welsh innbsp;print, but not in ordinary handwriting.

The work of the Sunday School covers the whole extent to which the bulk of Welsh people are taught Welsh at allnbsp;outside their hearths and homes ; for the public elementaiy^nbsp;schools have till lately been almost wholly devoted, so farnbsp;as language is concerned, to the teaching of English, andnbsp;not a few of them continue so still, though the Codenbsp;now recognises Welsh as an optional and special subject.nbsp;Looking at the Sunday-school teaching of Welsh as anbsp;whole, one may say that the edifice is in a manner madenbsp;complete by the role played by literary societies, and

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literary competitions in which prizes are given for singing, for writing Welsh, both prose and verse, and fornbsp;translating from English into Welsh, and vice versd.nbsp;These competitions do not occur more than once a yearnbsp;even in the neighbourhoods where they are the rule; and,nbsp;speaking generally, they are sporadic and depend for theirnbsp;origination on individuals who feel interested in Welshnbsp;and Welsh music. They are altogether a very indefinitenbsp;quantity, but literary societies have been of late becomingnbsp;more general and somewhat more permanent. They allnbsp;serve, however, as feeders to the Eistedfod, and they havenbsp;in recent years exercised great influence on the cultivationnbsp;of Welsh and Welsh literature. It is needless to remarknbsp;that, so far as regards Welsh prose, the style of thenbsp;authorised version of the Welsh Bible is the ideal of thosenbsp;who try to write and speak good Welsh. The fact that thenbsp;Bible forms the earliest prose reading of the youth of Wales,nbsp;and that they commit a great deal to memory under thenbsp;direction of the Sunday School, makes that result unavoidable ; and this is not to be deplored, as the style of thenbsp;Welsh Bible is on the whole excellent. But this literarynbsp;or standard Welsh is practically a dialect to itself, distinctnbsp;from the colloquial language consisting of the dialectsnbsp;mentioned in the chapter on the ethnology—as distinctnbsp;as standard English is from the dialects, let us say, ofnbsp;Somerset or Lancashire ; but it is familiar to the peoplenbsp;from reading their Bible, and from listening to their bestnbsp;public speakers. In fact they would regard the colloquialnbsp;placed in the position of the literary language as a violation of their sense of dignity, though they might condonenbsp;a certain margin of deviation from the literary style in thenbsp;direction of the speaker’s own dialect. It is somewhat thenbsp;same as regards a country gentleman, let us say a landednbsp;proprietor or the squire, who learns Welsh in order to benbsp;able to converse with the men in his employ. Thus if

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he addresses them in literary Welsh, he commands their respect without appearing too affable or provokingnbsp;familiarity, but if he learns his Welsh from a stable-boy,nbsp;his style of speaking provokes derision. For the Welshnbsp;have a keen sense of the dignity of speech, and what wouldnbsp;strike them as most congruous under the circumstancesnbsp;would be a conversational style pitched perhaps betweennbsp;book Welsh and their own domestic colloquial. An educatednbsp;man talking the latter would not be willingly listened tonbsp;unless he happened to have a fascinating sense of humour :nbsp;his language as such would not command a hearing.

Unfortunately this position of supremacy of literary Welsh is now more and more contested by the shoddynbsp;Welsh which prevails in many of the newspapers publishednbsp;in Welsh. Possibly the tendency of journalism generally,nbsp;with the hurry and scramble attendant on its periodicity,nbsp;is in the direction of inaccuracy of language and a loosenbsp;application of its terms. Perhaps the French, who takenbsp;much trouble thoroughly to master their own language,nbsp;are the nation most successful in resisting the tendencynbsp;to this kind of degeneration. It exists undoubtedly innbsp;English, and it does in Welsh ; but that is not the whole olnbsp;the evil in the case of Welsh, for it is found to be thenbsp;readiest way to fill the blanks of a Welsh newspaper tonbsp;translate from English ones. Now translation is never satisfactory from the point of view of the language into whichnbsp;it is made, unless it is by men who are competent andnbsp;not too hard pressed for time. Neither of these is alwaysnbsp;one of the conditions under which English ideas appearnbsp;in Welsh journals. Sometimes the translator is wofullynbsp;restricted in the matter of vocabulary, but his most grievousnbsp;sins are to be found in the foreign idioms which he introduces. To such a pitch is this sometimes carried, that tonbsp;be sure of the meaning which he intends to convey onenbsp;has to translate the individual words back into English,

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whereupon one discovers perchance the sense intended. Unfortunately for the unskilled or hurried translator thenbsp;syntax of Welsh is very unlike that of English, especiallynbsp;in the matter, already mentioned, of the position of thenbsp;verb and its nominative, and in that of manipulating thenbsp;verbal noun. It is to be feared that crude and loose Welshnbsp;of the kind here in question may, by dint of familiarity,nbsp;become general; and the style of some of the youngernbsp;speakers on Welsh platforms and in Welsh pulpits showsnbsp;a tendency that way. The task of writing good and closenbsp;Welsh is, it is true, of the same nature as that of writingnbsp;Latin prose; but short of the elegancies of such annbsp;exercise and the closeness of texture of such a production,nbsp;it is possible to write without violating the elementarynbsp;rules of the syntax. On the other hand, it is perhapsnbsp;inevitable that, when a language which has been muchnbsp;devoted to religion and theology, to poetry and romance,nbsp;becomes the vehicle of journalistic tattle, it should put onnbsp;a looser dress, so to say, and undergo divers changesnbsp;tending to make it altogether more free and easy. It is tonbsp;be hoped that in the process of adapting itself more andnbsp;more to the purposes of journalism, the language will issuenbsp;from the trial with its syntax essentially intact. At allnbsp;events the dialects, which are the force behind literarynbsp;Welsh, are up to the present time sound as a rule in thenbsp;matter of idiom, and can be relied upon as the spring of anbsp;power to check the deteriorating tendencies of translation,nbsp;especially when the language is handled by skilled teachers,nbsp;such as the professors of Welsh at the colleges of academicnbsp;standing in the Principality. But it is impossible to concealnbsp;the fact that good writers of Welsh are scarce at the presentnbsp;moment, and hard to find.

Such are the prospects of Welsh as they appear from the point of view of language and literature, and they arenbsp;not wholly reassuring ; but a great deal may be expected

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from the present awakening of interest in all things Welsh. This now demands a word of notice before we proceednbsp;further ; and first of all we may say that it would take upnbsp;too much of our space to inquire minutely into its origin.nbsp;But we may trace it back to the efforts of a few patrioticnbsp;Welshmen, with the late Sir Hugh Owen foremost amongnbsp;the number, to establish a university college in Wales, thenbsp;realisation of their more immediate object in the college atnbsp;Aberystwyth, and the publication in the year i88i of thenbsp;report of Lord Aberdare’s Departmental Committee onnbsp;the state of Higher and Intermediate Education in Wales.nbsp;Many other things have contributed to this result, and thenbsp;tide has been steadily flowing. It has assumed the formnbsp;of antagonism to the philistine wish to see all parts of thenbsp;United Kingdom reduced to uniformity worked out onnbsp;the level of the most characteristically Saxon parts ofnbsp;England. The more conservative idea has of late beennbsp;gaining ground, that Wales and her people are more likelynbsp;to contribute to the greatness of our Anglo-Celtic Empirenbsp;by developing themselves on their own lines, so to say,nbsp;and in their own way, rather than by slavishly aping thenbsp;south of England. This view extends to the Welshnbsp;language and its literature ; and, among other proofs, wenbsp;may mention that Welsh seems to be far more read andnbsp;studied now than perhaps at any time in the past. Butnbsp;nothing is more remarkable than the change which hasnbsp;come over the old families of the Principality in theirnbsp;attitude towards the language. Not many years ago allnbsp;care used to be taken that the children of the gentrynbsp;should not be accustomed to Welsh, lest it should spoilnbsp;their English accent for the rest of their lives, whereas nownbsp;the fashion of having them taught Welsh is growing. Thisnbsp;change, so far as it goes, makes for improved relationsnbsp;between their class and those dependent on it.

Taking a comprehensive view of the history of Welsh

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and its literature from the close of the eleventh century down, one may say, perhaps, that the period when itnbsp;flourished most vigorously consisted of the couple ofnbsp;centuries preceding the conquest by Edward I. Walesnbsp;happened then to produce a number of very able princes,nbsp;under whose rule and after whose example Welsh men ofnbsp;letters showed great activity, and Welsh bards especiallynbsp;distinguished themselves^ At a later time, chiefly undernbsp;the Tudors, Welshmen seemed to have been looked atnbsp;with favour at court, as one may gather from Shakespeare’snbsp;plays and Ben Jonson’s masque, “ The Honour of Walesnbsp;nor can the Welsh language have been altogether despised.nbsp;But in time the well-known Act passed by Henry VIII. innbsp;1535, incorporating Wales with England, began to bearnbsp;fruit in a way which threatened the Welsh language withnbsp;certain extinction ; for before the close of the sixteenthnbsp;century we find evidence of a desire on the part of manynbsp;Welshmen to get rid of the language, which they regardednbsp;as a sign of subjection. This was the attitude, doubtless,nbsp;of the bulk of the educated and well-to-do classes, and ofnbsp;some men who were thoughtfully anxious for the welfare ofnbsp;their nation. They held it to be the best thing for thenbsp;Welsh to adopt English, and some of them did their utmostnbsp;to help their countrymen in the acquisition of the latternbsp;language. Among others may be mentioned Williamnbsp;Salesbury, who wrote and dedicated to Henry VIII. anbsp;Welsh and English dictionary, which he published withnbsp;that object in view.^ By the beginning of the seventeenthnbsp;century few educated Welshmen could speak Welsh andnbsp;few monoglot Welshmen could read it. The gentry with

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;See Thomas Stephens’s “Literature of the Kymry during the Twelfth andnbsp;two succeeding Centuries,” pp. 332—342-

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;This was quite compatible with the zeal which impelled him afterwards tonbsp;take a laborious part in the translation of the Scriptures into Welsh, as thatnbsp;might be made the indirect means of acquiring a knowledge of English in thenbsp;way suggested by the following proviso, annexed to the original Act of

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few exceptions no longer maintained family bards/ and the Eistedfod had been almost forgotten.*®

Parliament passed in the fifth year of Elizabeth’s reign, enjoining on the five Welsh Bishops—the Bishop of Hereford has the first place among them—thenbsp;duty of seeing that the Act was carried out:—

“Provided always and bee yt enacted by thaucthoritee aforesaid, That one Booke conteyning the Bible, and one other Book of CSmon Prayer innbsp;Thenglishe Tongue, shallbee bought and had in every Churche throughoutnbsp;Wales, in w‘=’' the Bible and Book of Cómon Prayer in Welshe ys to bee haddnbsp;by force of this Acte (yf there bee none alreadye) before the first daye ofnbsp;Marche w‘='' shallbee in the yere of our Lorde God XV c Ixvj; and the samenbsp;Bookes to remain in suche convenient Places w*'’in the said Churches ; thatnbsp;suche as understande them may resorte at all convenient times to reade andnbsp;puse the same, and also such as doo not understande the sayd Language maye,nbsp;by conferring bothe Tongues together, the sooner attayne to the knowledge of thenbsp;Englyshe Tongue ; Any thyng in this Acte to the contrarye notwithestanding. ”

See also pp. 39 and 47 of Southall’s “ Wales and her Language,” a work from which we have derived much useful information.

* Yet down to the close of the sixteenth century a knowledge of Welsh was in some cases considered almost indispensable for a country gentleman evennbsp;in the border district around Montgomery, which is now among the mostnbsp;Anglicised parts of Wales. The first Lord Herbert of Cherbury (1583—1648)nbsp;in his “Autobiography” (ed. Sidney L. Lee, 1886, pp. 37—38) makes thenbsp;following statement:—“ After I had attained the age of nine, during all whichnbsp;time I lived in my said lady grandmother’s house at Eyton [Shropshire], mynbsp;parents thought fit to send me to some place where I might learn the Welshnbsp;tongue, as believing it necessary to enable me to treat with those of my friendsnbsp;and tenants who understood no other language; whereupon I was recommendednbsp;to Mr. Edward Thelwall, of Plas-y-ward in Denbighshire. ...”

The practice of maintaining domestic harpers, which was once so prevalent among the Welsh gentry, survived in several instances till well on in thenbsp;19th century, and has in fact not wholly ceased even at the present day,nbsp;domestic harpers being still kept by the Dowager Duchess of Londonderry andnbsp;the Marquis of Bute, while the late Lady Lanover (who died early in 1896)nbsp;always maintained quite a group of harpers in connection with her house. Innbsp;the last century the celebrated Blind Parry was domestic harper to the first andnbsp;second Baronets of Wynnstay, and the post, subsequently filled by lessnbsp;distinguished harpers, was discontinued only about fifty years ago. In thenbsp;19th century Thomas Blayney is mentioned as harper to the second Earl ofnbsp;Powis, in “ the thirties; ” Wil Penmorfa held a similar post at Tregib,nbsp;Landeilo, as late as 1823, if not later; Thomas Lewelyn, of Aberdarenbsp;(1828—1879), was harpist to the Aberpergwm and Dyffryn (Lord Aberdare’s)nbsp;families; while Griffith Owen, who died only in 1879, discharged for manynbsp;years the double functions of butler and domestic harper to the late Mr. Edwardnbsp;Corbett, of Ynys y Maengwyn, near Towyn, Merioneth.

^ See Mr. Ivor James’s brochure, pp. 5—8, 18, 19, 39—41.

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The language, it need hardly be said, did not die out, but it was left uncultivated and uncared for, a condition ofnbsp;things which may be accurately characterised in the wordsnbsp;of a humorous English traveller in the year 1682 : “ Theirnbsp;native gibberish is usually pratled throughout the wholenbsp;Taphydome,nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;in their Market-Towns, whose inhabi

tants being a little rais’d, and (as it were) pufft up into bubbles above the ordinary scum, do begin to despise it.nbsp;Some of these being elevated above the common level, andnbsp;perhaps refin’d into the quality of having two suits, arenbsp;apt to fancy themselves above their Tongue, and when innbsp;their t'other cloaths, are quite asham’d on’t. ’Tis usuallynbsp;cashier’d out of Gentlemen’s Houses, there being scarcelynbsp;to be heard even one single Welch tone in many families ;nbsp;their children are instructed in the Anglican Ideom, andnbsp;their schools are Pcedagogu'd with professors of the same;nbsp;so that (if the stars prove lucky) there may be somenbsp;glimmering hopes that the Brittish lingua may be quitenbsp;extinct, and may be English’d out of Wales, as Latin wasnbsp;barbarously GotEd out of Italy.The Great Rebellionnbsp;was the turning point; it left the strong castles in ruins,nbsp;and the property of very many of the Welsh gentry passednbsp;into new hands, while others found their estates crippled tonbsp;the last degree by heavy mortgages. From that crisisnbsp;forth the prospects of the Welsh language began tonbsp;improve; they still continue to improve, and that, we arenbsp;happy to say, without boding ill to the landed gentry of

‘ See “ Wallography,” by W. R., p. 123. For calling our attention to that work we were indebted to the late Judge David Lewis, who contributed annbsp;interesting paper on “The Welshmen of F.nglish Literature” to the “Cym-mrodor ” for the year 1882 : see pp. 238—240. The title of the book runs asnbsp;follows ;—* ‘ Wallography; or the Britton described : Being a pleasant relationnbsp;of a Journey into Wales, wherein are set down several remarkable Passages thatnbsp;occur’d in the way thither. And also many choice Observables, and notablenbsp;Commemorations, concerning the State and Condition, the Nature andnbsp;Humor, Actions, Manners, Customs, amp;c., of that Countrey and People. Bynbsp;W. R., a mighty Lover of Welch Travels.”

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the Principality or even failing to enlist their sympathies and good will. On the one hand we behold this going onnbsp;before our eyes, while on the other we see that a day mustnbsp;come when English is the universal speech of the Unitednbsp;Kingdom : we strike a balance of our feelings and venturenbsp;to predict that the future has yet in store for the Welshnbsp;language many long years of prosperity.

We have alluded in passing to the Eistedfod, and we cannot close these remarks without some further notice ofnbsp;an institution so characteristic of the Welsh. It consistsnbsp;now of a meeting for competition in Welsh poetry andnbsp;prose, and in music, both vocal and instrumental. One ofnbsp;the oldest assemblages of the kind of which we have anynbsp;account is called d^gwled or banquet, given in the year 1176nbsp;by Lord Rhys at his castle of Cardigan: notices of it a yearnbsp;in advance had been published, we are told, not only innbsp;Wales, but also in England, Scotland, and Ireland.^ Wenbsp;observe a difference between it and the Eistedfod of thenbsp;present day in that not only the best poet was then awardednbsp;a chair, but also the best musician, whereas now the formernbsp;alone gets a chair. In other respects the Cardigan banquetnbsp;was like the modern Eistedfod, namely, in that the men,nbsp;for example, of South Wales excelled in music, and thosenbsp;of Gwyned in poetry. The Eistedfod, the name of whichnbsp;means a sitting or session, appears to have been a regularlynbsp;constituted court, bearing all the marks of antiquity. Itsnbsp;principal function was to license or admit duly qualifiednbsp;candidates to the position of recognised bards or minstrels ;nbsp;and the legal position of the adjudicating bards or othersnbsp;assisting in the decisions of the court was that of experts ornbsp;assessors to the sovereign, prince, or chief under whosenbsp;authority the court was held. The business of the courtnbsp;must have been of a serious nature in proportion to thenbsp;value of the privileges which it granted, and those privileges

* See Rhys and Evans’s “Bruts from the Red Book of Hergest,” p. 334.

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included among them the right of the qualified professionals to make the circuit of the country, billeting themselves onnbsp;the nobility and gentry in their turn. One of the Eistedfodnbsp;proceedings which has most attraction for those who arenbsp;interested in ancient ceremony is that of chairing the bard.nbsp;It is referred to in one version of the Laws of Howel in thenbsp;following clause : “ From the person who shall conquernbsp;when there is a contention for a chair, he [the judge of thenbsp;court] is to have a biiglehorn and a gold ring, and thenbsp;pillow placed under him in his chair.” ^ One of the chiefnbsp;places of meeting for Eistedfod purposes in North Walesnbsp;appears to have been the ancient town of Caerwys, innbsp;Flintshire; there Gruffyd ab Cynan has been supposed tonbsp;have held a great Eistedfod about the year iioo. And innbsp;Tudor times we read of an Eistedfod taking place there innbsp;the fifteenth year of the reign of Henry VIII., at whichnbsp;Richard ap Howel ap leuan Vychan, of Mostyn, andnbsp;Sir William Gruffyd, and Sir Roger Salusbury presided.nbsp;They were assisted by a gentleman of learning and distinction as a bard, named Gruffyd ap leuan ap Lewelynnbsp;Vychan,^ and by Tudur Aled, who is well known to havenbsp;been one of the ablest bards of the time. The position ofnbsp;the “ expert men ” is still further defined by the wording

* See Aneurin Owen’s edition, i. 369. We abstain from saying anything about the “ Gorsed,” as its antiquity is contested. See Cymru for 1896, wherenbsp;the reader will find several articles on the subject by Professor J. Morris Jones,nbsp;whom we have to thank for calling our attention to the passage concerningnbsp;the chair contest.

2 We are indebted for this information to a note in Pennant’s “ Tours in Wales,” vol. ii., p. 93. of the edition of 1810. In the same volume alsonbsp;(pp. 89—93), is to be found at length Elizabeth’s commission for holding thenbsp;Eistedfod of 1568, which we have, by the kind permission of Lord Mostyn,nbsp;inserted in the text from the original manuscript in his possession. As to thenbsp;reputation of Gruffyd ap leuan ap Lewelyn Vychan see Salesbury’s marginalnbsp;note {b., i.) to the Bishop of St. David’s Letter to the Cymry, alreadynbsp;mentioned, also Williams’s “Dictionary of Eminent Welshmen,” p. 185.nbsp;Salesbury took Gruffyd to have been uncle to his friend the Bishop, andnbsp;there is no reason to suppose that he was mistaken.

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5i8 the welsh people, (chap, xii.)

of Queen Elizabeth’s commission for holding an Eistedfod at Caerwys in the year 1568. We print this importantnbsp;document at length, as it illustrates many other points innbsp;the history of the Eistedfod, and among them the positionnbsp;which the nobility and gentry of Gwyned continued tonbsp;occupy with regard to the language, literature, and musicnbsp;of Wales in the time of the Tudors;—

“ELIZABETH by the grace of god of England ffraunce and Ireland Quene defendo' of the fayth amp;c. To ournbsp;trustie and right welbeloued S’ Richard Bulkley knight,nbsp;S’ Rees Gruffith knight, Ellice Price esquio’, docto’ innbsp;Cyvill Lawe, and one of our Counsaill in our marches ofnbsp;Wales William Mostyn, Jeuaquot; Lloyd of Yale, John Salusburynbsp;of Ruge, Rees Thomas, Maurice Wynne, Will”quot; Lewis, Peresnbsp;Mostyn, Owen John ap Ho“ Vaughan, John Will™ ap John,nbsp;John Lewis Owen, Moris Gruffyth, Symound Theloall,nbsp;John Gruffyth, Ellice ap W™ Lloyd, Rob' Puleston, Harrynbsp;aparry, William Glynne, and Rees Hughes esquio”’, andnbsp;to eu^ry of them, Greating. Wheras it is come to thenbsp;knowledge of the Lorde President and other 0’ said Cun-saill in 0’ m’ches of Wales that vagraunt and idle persons,nbsp;naming theim selfo mynstrelLj Rithm’s, and Barthes, arenbsp;lately growen into such an intollerable multitude wfthm thenbsp;principalitee of North Wales, that not only gentlemen andnbsp;other by theire shameles disorders are oftentymes disquietednbsp;in theire habitacfons. But also thexpert mynstrelLj andnbsp;musicions in tonge and Conyng therby much discouragednbsp;to travail in thexercise and practize of theire knowledg^jnbsp;and also not a litle hyndred in theire Lyving^j and ^re-{exmentes. The refourmacon wherof and the putting ofnbsp;those people in ord’ the said Lorde President and Counsaillnbsp;have thought verey necessarye and knowing you to benbsp;men both of wysdome and vpright dealing and also ofnbsp;Experience and good Knowledg in the scyence, havenbsp;apounted and aucthorized you to be Commission's for

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that purpose. And forasmuch as 0' said Counsaill of late travayling in some parte of the said principalite hadnbsp;perfect vnderstanding by credible report that thaccustomednbsp;place for thexecucon of the like Co;/«missyon, hath benenbsp;heretofore at Cayroes in our Countie of fflynt, and thatnbsp;William Mostyn esquio'' and his auncestOTS have had thenbsp;gyfte and bestowing of the sylver harpe ^ app^rtayning tonbsp;the Cheff of that facultie, and that a yeares warning at thenbsp;least hath bene acustomed to be geaven of thassembly,nbsp;and execucon of the like Co»/missyon. Our said Counsaillnbsp;have therfore apoynted thexecucon of this CoMmissyon tonbsp;be at the said towne of Cayroes the monday next aft'nbsp;the feast of the blessed Trynitee w'quot;'* shallbe in the yearenbsp;of 0' Lorde god 1568.

“And therfore we require and co?«mand you by the aucthoritee of these presentes not only to cause open pro-clamacons to be made in all ffayo'“, m'ketts, Townes, andnbsp;other plac^J of assembly wfthm our Counties of Anglizey,nbsp;Carn'von, Meryonneth, Denbigh and fflynt, that all andnbsp;eu^ry person and persons that entend to maynteignenbsp;theire lyvinges by name or Colo' of mynstrelDj', Rithm's,nbsp;or Barthes, wfthm the Talaith of Aberfrowe comprehendingnbsp;the said fyve Shires, shalbe and appeare before you thenbsp;said daye and place to shewe furth theire learningej accordingly. But also that you, xx'“, xix™, xviii™, xvii™, xvi°“,nbsp;xvquot;quot;, xiiii“, xhi®quot;, xiiquot;, xi“, x“, ix, viii, vii or vi of you,nbsp;whereof youe S' Richard Bulkley, S' Rees Gruffith, Ellicenbsp;Price, and Wquot; Mostyn Esquio'quot; or iiP“ or iP of you to benbsp;of the nomber to repayre to the said place the daye afor-said. And calling to you such expert men in the said facultienbsp;of the Welshe musick as to you shall be thought convenient to proceade to thexecucon of the pr^miss^j, and

' This silver harp is in the archives of Mostyn Hall, and was kindly exhibited to members of the Welsh Land Commission by Lord Mostyn on thenbsp;occasion of their visit to Holywell and the vicinity.

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520 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, xii.)

to admytt such and so many as by your wisdomes and Knowledges you shall fynde worthy into, and vnd' thenbsp;degrees, heretofore in semblable sort to vse exercise ornbsp;folowe the scyenc^j and facultes of theire pwfessyons in suchnbsp;decent ord' as shall app^^taigne to eche of theire degrees,nbsp;and as yo’' discrècons and wisdomes shall prescribe vntonbsp;theim geaving straight monycon and cowmaundmmt in o'nbsp;name, and on o' behalf to the rest not worthy that theynbsp;returne to some honest Labo' and due Exercise, such as theynbsp;be most apte vnto for mayntenaunce of their lyving^j, vponnbsp;paine to be taken as sturdy and idle vacaboündes and tonbsp;be vsed according to the Lawes and Statutes provided innbsp;that behalf. Letting you wytt o' said Counsaill looke fornbsp;advertisemo;2t by due cortificatt at your handes of yo' doingojnbsp;in thexecucon of the said premisses, forseeing in any wisenbsp;that vpon the said assembly the peas and good order benbsp;observed and kept accordingly asscertayning you that thenbsp;said Will™ Mostyn hath promised to see furnyture andnbsp;thingoi' necessary provided for that assembly at the placenbsp;aforsaid. Yeven vnder o' Signet at o' Citie of Chester thenbsp;xxiii'quot; of October the nynth yeare of o' Raigne.

“ Sz^od her highnes Counsaill in the m'ches of Wales.”

The state of things complained of in Queen Elizabeth’s commission was remedied, no doubt, for a time by thenbsp;Eistedfod held at Caerwys in 1568 in obedience to it; butnbsp;the same unsatisfactory condition of the Welsh professionalnbsp;world, as far as concerned the bards and musicians, hadnbsp;again become prevalent by the year 1594. At any ratenbsp;that is what one is led to believe from perusing a petition,^

* This is a document which Lord Mostyn only discovered in 1895, and his Lordship was good enough to submit it at once to Professor Rhys, an act ofnbsp;courtesy for which we desire to record our hearty thanks. The petition maynbsp;now be read at length in Mr. J. Gwenogvryn Evans’s “ Report [to the Historical Manuscripts Commission] on Manuscripts in the Welsh Language,”nbsp;vol. i., pp. 293-S.

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signed then by a number of the gentry of North Wales, praying to have another Eistedfod held. We may mentionnbsp;in passing that according to this document the recognizednbsp;prizes were by this time the silver chair for poetry, thenbsp;silver harp for harping, the silver crowd for crowthing, andnbsp;the silver tongue for singing. It does not appear that thenbsp;petition was granted, and the Eistedfod is found to havenbsp;now fallen on evil times, at any rate as far as regardsnbsp;North Wales. Without attempting, however, to trace itsnbsp;history down to the present day, suffice it to say thatnbsp;it had probably become uncertain and sporadic in itsnbsp;occurrence in the different parts of the Principality longnbsp;before the sovereign, the prince, or nobleman under whosenbsp;auspices it was held, had disappeared from the position ofnbsp;central figure, and given way to a more democratic ordernbsp;of things, with a president appointed as a matter of form.nbsp;At length, about the middle of the present century, itnbsp;struck some of the leading Welshmen of the time that thenbsp;Eistedfod was to a considerable extent a neglected forcenbsp;which might be utilised for the benefit of Wales. So Sirnbsp;Hugh Owen and his friends undertook the attempt tonbsp;regulate it and to add to its meetings opportunities fornbsp;discussing social and economic questions connected withnbsp;the future of Wales. Their reforming work has provednbsp;lasting, and it is now carried on by the National Eistedfodnbsp;Association under the auspices of the Honourable Societynbsp;of the Cymmrodorion, which has its headquarters innbsp;London. One of the results is, that no more than onenbsp;Eistedfod claiming to be national is held in each year, andnbsp;that no year now passes without one such an Eistedfodnbsp;being held, after an announcement a considerable time innbsp;advance. Regarding the work of the National Eistedfodnbsp;in general, it may be said, that it continues to encouragenbsp;Welsh literature, prose and verse, but that it has achievednbsp;its most striking successes in regard to music, while it has

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522 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, xii.) all but failed in the domain of art. Those, however, whonbsp;expect the Eistedfod every now and then to turn out anbsp;Shakespeare or a Milton are wholly mistaken as to itsnbsp;nature. It is not a union of learned or famous men likenbsp;the French Academy, or even like the British Association,nbsp;but a thoroughly popular assembly representing the ranknbsp;and file of the Welsh people. Nevertheless it has now andnbsp;then helped to bring to notice young men who succeedednbsp;afterwards in distinguishing themselves in the honournbsp;examinations of the older universities and in their subsequent careers. Besides the immediate work of the Nationalnbsp;Eistedfod, it is valued as a rallying point by Welshmennbsp;who live apart from one another, whether in Wales ornbsp;other parts of the United Kingdom. During the Eistedfodnbsp;week they make or renew their acquaintance with onenbsp;another, and they form a sort of literary parliament fornbsp;Wales, in which the steam of spent discussions may, so tonbsp;say, be let off or new departures made.

After all, perhaps the chief importance of this the National Eistedfod attaches to it, not as a structure complete in itself, but as a part of a larger and wider edifice.nbsp;The National Eistedfod is, in a sense, the coping-stone ofnbsp;the provincial and smaller Eistedfods, and each of thenbsp;latter depends for its success on how the ground has beennbsp;previously worked by the smaller literary associations tonbsp;which we have already alluded as in a sense following upnbsp;the teaching of Welsh by the Sunday School. Consideringnbsp;the absence of any stimulus, economical or political, andnbsp;the evident advantage of learning English, which the Welshnbsp;do not allow themselves to forget, the system we havenbsp;sketched does them not a little credit. At all events, innbsp;the present state of hopeless division as regards religiousnbsp;views, it deserves to be encouraged by all who care for thenbsp;welfare of the people. The Eistedfod—and we here meannbsp;the Eistedfod of all grades, from the national institution

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down to the competitive meeting of a local literary society —knows no politics or religious distinctions. Under thenbsp;auspices of the Eistedfod men of the most divergentnbsp;opinions may meet without fear of prejudice to the politicsnbsp;or dogma.s of any. Its platform is the most neutral groundnbsp;one has in the Principality, and if the landed proprietorsnbsp;had more generally been accustomed to take advantage,nbsp;especially of the humbler Eistedfods and literary meetings,nbsp;to assist and encourage the people in the development ofnbsp;their own ideas of culture, it would have gone a long waynbsp;to meet the complaint that they keep themselves aloof andnbsp;show little or no interest in the pursuits and ambitions ofnbsp;those around them. Economically speaking, the men ofnbsp;whom their dependants complain most loudly on the scorenbsp;of their alleged aloofness are frequently and readilynbsp;admitted to be most generous as regards the materialnbsp;welfare of their people. They may be ever ready to givenbsp;prizes for the best ploughing, and they may spend lavishlynbsp;on the improvement of the breeds of horses or cattlenbsp;on their estates, all excellent objects so far as they go.nbsp;The Welsh character has a point of greater sensitiveness than even the pocket; but the landowner whonbsp;has never taken part in a small Eistedfod or literarynbsp;meeting among his people has in all probability nevernbsp;discovered it.

These remarks do not apply, it is needless to say, to the larger and more ambitious Eistedfods, to preside at which,nbsp;especially the National Eistedfod, has come to be regardednbsp;an honour not to be rashly rejected. It is, in fact, sometimes whispered, that the position is a matter of some realnbsp;competition and rivalry, though they mostly escape thenbsp;observation of the public. Suspicion of this has givennbsp;currency to a modern couplet, which, while waftingnbsp;the echoes of an old Welsh hymn, gives expression tonbsp;the sentiment that the voice of an English-speaking

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524 the welsh people, (chap, xii.)

president at an Eistedfod is sometimes regarded as the bray of the silver trumpet :

Lais gwr o Sais mewn 'Siedfod,

Lais udgorn arian yw.

But when the people of a Welsh countryside are making an effort on a smaller scale to develop their ideas of culturenbsp;in their own Welsh way, any encouragement they receivenbsp;is accepted with a deep sense of gratitude ; and to see thenbsp;gentry among them on such occasions brings home to thenbsp;hearts of all a conviction that their superiors in rank andnbsp;education are not ashamed of them and their humblenbsp;aspirations. The feelings of friendliness and attachmentnbsp;thus engendered could not fail to tend in manifold waysnbsp;to smooth the dealings between the farmers and thosenbsp;dependent on them with the members of the land-owningnbsp;class.

Besides the Welsh language, English has long existed in the Principality partly as the official language of peoplenbsp;who habitually talk Welsh, and partly as the only languagenbsp;used by certain of the inhabitants. As the official andnbsp;business language English has prevailed to a large extent,nbsp;especially wherever any kind of show had to be made ; fornbsp;instance, when one enters a country churchyard one noticesnbsp;that epitaphs in Welsh only began to make their appearancenbsp;in comparatively recent years. Indeed, when one considersnbsp;how ubiquitous, so to say, English has been, and continuesnbsp;to be, in the Principality, it becomes a surprise that Welshnbsp;still exists, and exists in such comparative purity andnbsp;vigour. The official language has depended on thenbsp;intimate connection between England and Wales, butnbsp;English as the vernacular of certain portions of thenbsp;Principality has had its own history. Thus in the Anglo-Flemish districts of Pembrokeshire and Gower we have annbsp;English dialect which has been discussed in the first

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chapter, and we need not notice it any further. In the Vale of Glamorgan English and, to some extent, Frenchnbsp;must have been introduced over a considerable area, wherenbsp;Welsh was afterwards able to become the language of thenbsp;hearth, not even excepting Cardiff and its immediatenbsp;vicinity.^ Similarly, with regard to Tegeingl or the Flintshire coast from the neighbourhood of Chester to the rivernbsp;Clwyd at Rhyl and Rhudlan, such names as Prestatyn,nbsp;Mostyn, Acstyn, Bychtyn, Brychtyn (Broughton), and thenbsp;Point of Ayre, seem to show that English (and Scandinavian) once prevailed there, where Welsh became againnbsp;dominant.

The spread of the language of the peasantry of one parish to those of another is not a change of a naturenbsp;calculated quickly to attract the attention of the historian,nbsp;and the propagation of English as the vernacular of thenbsp;inhabitants of the Marches of Wales is accordingly involvednbsp;in obscurity. Certain indications remain of successivenbsp;stages in the westward advance of the tide of English;nbsp;thus in English Maelor or the detached piece of Flintshire,

* A recently discovered “Directory and Guide to the Town and Castle of Cardiff,” published in 1796, throws considerable light upon its linguisticnbsp;condition (inter alia) about a hundred years ago. (See the Western Mail fornbsp;27th December, 1895.) At that time the town was chiefly an agriculturalnbsp;centre for the surrounding district, and ‘ ‘ great quantities of oats, barley, saltnbsp;butter, and poultry of all kinds ” were sent from it to Bristol. In the Directorynbsp;Welsh names largely prevail : e.g., out of 127 traders 79 had Welsh names ; innbsp;the professions of law and physic four out of the five names were Welsh,nbsp;though under gentry there were only three Welsh names out of nine. Mr. Johnnbsp;Ballinger, who kindly made inquiries on behalf of the Welsh Land Commission among “the oldest inhabitants” of the town, informs us that henbsp;has come to the conclusion “ that early in the 19th century Cardiff was anbsp;bilingual town, that English was freely used and understood by most of thenbsp;inhabitants, but that a large amount of Welsh was spoken, particularly in thenbsp;houses, and that, so far as Cardiff was a centre for markets and fairs, it wasnbsp;almost exclusively a Welsh centre.” He also adds that there is an old Welshnbsp;proverb that the best English was spoken in Cardiff, Cowbridge, and Carmarthen, while a variant of the same saying substituted Crickhowell fornbsp;Cowbridge.

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526 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, xii.) most of the field names are still Welsh, and as to Monmouthshire, which was treated as an English county fromnbsp;the passing of the “Act of Wales” in 1535, the dialect ofnbsp;the English portion is considered to be a more recentlynbsp;introduced language than that of the greater portion ofnbsp;Herefordshire or Shropshire; in fact, the English of Monmouthshire has been pronounced^ to be decidedly Welshnbsp;in tone and to some extent in vocabulary likewise. Then,nbsp;with regard to Shropshire, the vernacular of the corner ofnbsp;that county between Chirk and Lanymyneich has beennbsp;described by the same authority to be English spoken asnbsp;a foreign language; and at Oswestry, the largest town innbsp;the district, a good deal of Welsh may still be heard.nbsp;More to the south in the same county and nearer tonbsp;Radnorshire, we come, in the parish of Clun, on a localitynbsp;where the spoken English is said still to contain somenbsp;Welsh vocables, such as the word for a pig, which is therenbsp;called a muchyn, pronounced with the guttural spirant asnbsp;in Welsh.^ As for Herefordshire, Welsh appears not to benbsp;quite extinct there yet, and in the valley of the Wye itnbsp;was spoken at Landogo, close on the border of Gloucestershire, as late as the year 1830.®

Within the actual boundaries of Wales this quiet and unobserved invasion of English has covered most ofnbsp;Radnorshire, a portion of Brecknockshire, and a considerable part of Montgomeryshire. It is the English spokennbsp;by the peasantry of the west of England and as learnt bynbsp;the peasantry of the tract in question of Mid-Wales. Itnbsp;is not a particularly intellectual dialect, and, rightly ornbsp;wrongly, the inhabitants of Welsh-speaking Wales do notnbsp;regard the Welsh people who speak it as being among

• By Mr. Alexander J, Ellis. See the “ Cymmrodor ” for 1882, pp. 186-8.

^ See Miss Jackson’s “ Shropshire Word-book ’’ (London, 1879).

¦'* See Southall’s “Wales and her Language,” especially the ninth chapter (pp. 336-56), where the author mentions various recent traces of Welsh in thenbsp;Marches.

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the most intellectual or the most enlightened of their nationality. In fact, some of the religious communities ofnbsp;Wales, such as the Calvinistic Methodists, have been innbsp;the habit of sending missionaries to the districts (chieflynbsp;in Radnorshire) near Offa’s Dyke, or, as they call them innbsp;Welsh, Gororau ClaW^ Offa. The probability is that duringnbsp;the transition from the one language to the other thenbsp;people suffered intellectually : they were cut off from thenbsp;movements, religious and other, which took place amongnbsp;those of their countrymen who continued to speak Welsh,nbsp;at the same time that their change of language failed tonbsp;bring them into anything like the atmosphere of Englishnbsp;culture. Here we might, perhaps, cite as relevant thenbsp;words of one of the commissioners who reported, in 1846,nbsp;on education in Wales, when he wrote (p. 519) as follows ;nbsp;—“ As the influence of the Welsh Sunday-school decreases,nbsp;the moral degradation of the inhabitants is more apparent.nbsp;This is observable on approaching the English border.”nbsp;And it is believed in Wales to be their condition still tonbsp;some extent,^ but how far that may be really the case itnbsp;would be hard to say. At all events, we may mention, bynbsp;way of comparison with the Anglo-Flemish part of Pembrokeshire, that some of the tenant farmers of this area arenbsp;among the most contented we have met in the course ofnbsp;our inquiry, especially those of Radnorshire. In othernbsp;parts of Wales even the tenants who think most highly ofnbsp;their landlords usually join in the general chorus of theirnbsp;class that rents ought to be reduced, but, in one or twonbsp;instances in Radnorshire, we met with the exceptionalnbsp;phenomenon of farmers who denied on their own behalfnbsp;the cherishing of any such a wish.®

Whatever may have been the circumstances under which the Midland dialects of English invaded the borders of

1 See also Qu. 54,167-72; 54,187; 54,754-73: 54,929-

® Qu. 53,007; 53,986; 54,137-44-

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528 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, xii.)

Denbighshire and Flintshire, and the Southern dialect of English spread into Mid-Wales, no English dialect seemsnbsp;any longer to possess the secret of spreading itself innbsp;Wales. The linguistic boundaries in Pembrokeshire andnbsp;Gower appear to have been fixed long ago, and the samenbsp;remark applies, on the whole, to Mid-Wales. Welsh hasnbsp;nothing to fear, so to say, at the frontier, but rather fromnbsp;innumerable points within its own boundaries : from thenbsp;towns as the centres of commercial life, from her pleasantnbsp;watering-places crowded with English visitors, and fromnbsp;the public elementary schools in every parish in the land.nbsp;In some of the towns the number of English people whonbsp;have taken up their permanent abode in them is not inconsiderable ; but, excepting the English-dialect districtsnbsp;already mentioned, the bulk of the English spoken innbsp;Wales is book English in various stages of assimilationnbsp;to English as spoken by the middle classes in the townsnbsp;of the west and south of England. English visitors whonbsp;happen to have no partiality for dialect often express theirnbsp;surprise at the purity of the language as spoken in Wales ;nbsp;but that is a subject of no surprise to any one who knowsnbsp;the circumstances, for it is the language daily taughtnbsp;at school.

Phonologically speaking, it is characterised in some parts of Wales by not allowing the voice to fall at the endnbsp;of a proposition in the usual English way. With regardnbsp;to individual sounds, it has some trouble in observing thenbsp;distinction between the vowels of words like /lo/e and hall,nbsp;it vacillates between the two sounds of s, and it finds anbsp;difficulty with sh in such words as shilling and fish, whichnbsp;may still be heard pronounced silling and fiss in Northnbsp;Wales. Lastly, it trills the r in a way foreign to standardnbsp;English ; but, on the other hand, it avoids the latest atrocitynbsp;in English pronunciation, namely, the appending of r tonbsp;words like idea and potato, and it never transgresses with

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regard to h, except in Monmouthshire and Glamorgan, where h is uncertain both in Welsh and English. In thenbsp;case of Welshmen who have to learn English as a foreignnbsp;tongue, there is a conscious effort to attain to the standardnbsp;of English pronunciation. In other words, the Welshnbsp;accent is not a fixed quantity in the pronunciation ofnbsp;English under these conditions: it varies in point ofnbsp;intensity inversely with the length and success of thenbsp;teaching. This applies especially to the country districts,nbsp;whereas in the towns it tends to become fixed, the mostnbsp;decided instances of the prevalence of Welsh accent beingnbsp;the largest towns, Cardiff, Swansea, and Newport.

The code regulating public elementary schools now allows Welsh to be taught as a special subject, but it isnbsp;still doubtful whether Welsh will be very eagerly takennbsp;up, such is the anxiety of Welsh parents to have theirnbsp;children taught English, and such is the reliance which theynbsp;place on the Sunday School as the means of teaching thenbsp;mother tongue. As a rule, however, the children in thenbsp;country districts leave school before they have so farnbsp;mastered English as to be able to make a free and comfortable use of it in conversation. Only a very smallnbsp;minority of them become really bilingual, as proved bynbsp;their habitual use of Welsh for all purposes, domestic,nbsp;social, and religious. At most they retain perhaps enoughnbsp;of the English learnt at school to be able to answer simplenbsp;questions addressed to them in very plain terms. Thatnbsp;they should shrink from giving evidence in English innbsp;courts of law is perfectly natural, as any Englishmannbsp;possessed of a moderate acquaintance with French wouldnbsp;at once comprehend, if he were called upon to undergonbsp;a cross-examination in that language in a court of law.

We have hitherto dealt with the quality, so to speak, rather than the quantity of Welsh literature, but, beforenbsp;we quit the consideration of this subject, we may, perhaps,

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530 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, xii.) attempt a brief statistical analysis of Welsh bibliographynbsp;during the last four centuries.

The art of printing was probably not introduced into England before about 1477, though a few English booksnbsp;had been printed on the Continent prior to that date. Itnbsp;was not, however, before 1546 that the first book writtennbsp;in the Welsh language was printed, and it is a significantnbsp;fact that this contained a translation of certain portionsnbsp;of the Bible. For the next hundred years the number ofnbsp;Welsh books was comparatively small. Thus the totalnbsp;number of books by Welshmen, or about Wales, publishednbsp;between 1546 and 1642, was 269, of which 44 were innbsp;Latin, 184 in English, and only 41 in Welsh. Of thenbsp;Welsh books, four only were of an exclusively literarynbsp;character, while the remaining 37 were purely religious,nbsp;including three editions of the Bible, one of the Newnbsp;Testament, two selections from Scriptures, four Psalters,nbsp;one Litany, five Liturgies, one book of Homilies, togethernbsp;with 13 religious works by Protestants, and five by Romannbsp;Catholics.^

In the next period, that of the Civil War, extending from 1643 to 1660, there is a most marked differencenbsp;between the character of the productions of the Welsh andnbsp;English presses respectively. Thomasson’s famous collection of political tracts, which contains almost every knownnbsp;specimen of the ephemeral and controversial literature ofnbsp;the period, numbers over thirty thousand, all in English,nbsp;but intended, however, for distribution in Wales as well asnbsp;in England. As against this, we do not find that a singlenbsp;pamphlet or other publication of an exclusively politicalnbsp;character was issued in the Welsh language, those thatnbsp;approach nearest to this definition being two works, which

* This estimate is taken from Mr. Ivor James’s brochure (pp. 20, 21, 39), which has been already repeatedly mentioned. The figures for 1643-1800nbsp;are based upon the entries in Rowlands's “Cambrian Bibliography,” editednbsp;by the Rev. D. Silvan Evans (Llanidloes, 1869).

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are “ strange mixtures of politics and religious mysticism,” written by a North Wales Puritan, Morgan Lwyd, ofnbsp;Wrexham. The total number of books published in thenbsp;Welsh language in this troublous period appear to benbsp;36, as compared with 166 in English (mostly pamphlets,nbsp;however), and four in Latin. It was after the conclusionnbsp;of the Civil War that perhaps the first great opportunitynbsp;of the Welsh language occurred, and we consequently findnbsp;that in the next sixty years, from 1660 to 1720, the Welshnbsp;books numbered 247, as compared with four Latin booksnbsp;and 137 English works by Welshmen or about Wales.

It was not till the last year of the period, namely, 1719, that a book was first printed, or, in other words, that anbsp;printing-press was established, within the limits of thenbsp;Principality itself. Almost all the earliest Welsh booksnbsp;had been printed in London, excepting a small numbernbsp;printed on the Continent, especially at Milan and Paris,nbsp;though other works by Welsh authors had also been printednbsp;at Cologne, Amsterdam, and Heidelberg.

After London we find that Oxford and Shrewsbury, and still later Bristol and Chester, came to supply the Welshnbsp;book market during the seventeenth and eighteenthnbsp;centuries. In the days of packhorses Shrewsbury enjoyednbsp;a geographical position of great advantage for all purposes of communication between Wales and England, andnbsp;there is a long roll of Shrewsbury printers whose namesnbsp;are most closely associated with the Welsh literature ofnbsp;that period. It is now generally conceded that the firstnbsp;Welsh press was set up by one Isaac Carter, in 1719, atnbsp;Adpar, a suburb of Newcastle Emlyn, on the Cardiganshirenbsp;side of the river Teifi.^ Carter eventually removed to

' See the Rev. P. Silvan Evans’s statement in Rowlands’s “ Cambrian Bibliography,” p. 321, and two interesting articles (in Welsh) on “Oldnbsp;Welsh Printers” (“lien Argraffwyr Eyfraii Cyinraeg”) by Charles Ashton innbsp;Y Geninen for October, 1891, and January, 1892, where a list is given of all thenbsp;printers of Welsh books prior to the present century, and references are also

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532 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, xii.)

Carmarthen, which was then the chief town of South Wales, and soon became the main centre of the Welshnbsp;book trade,1 at least for South Wales, a position whichnbsp;it has, on the whole, held to the present day.

During the latter half of the last century, the great revival which manifested itself, not only in the religious,nbsp;but also in the literary, life of the Welsh people, resulted innbsp;a considerable increase in the number of Welsh books, annbsp;increase which has been steadily maintained from 1740nbsp;even to the present day.

The estimated numbers of Welsh books issued within each period of twenty years subsequent to the Civil War arenbsp;exhibited in two tables, which we here append. The firstnbsp;comes down to (and includes) the year 1800, and is basednbsp;on Rowlands’s “Bibliography”; for the second, which coversnbsp;the period from 1801 to 1895, both inclusive, we are indebtednbsp;to Mr, Charles Ashton, of Dinas Mawdwy, who for the lastnbsp;ten years has been collecting materials for a Welsh bibliography of the nineteenth century, and who has kindlynbsp;favoured us with the result of his researches up to thenbsp;year 1896.^

given to the chief authorities on the subject of Welsh bibliography. A brief general summary of the question is also given in a paper by Mr. W. Eilirnbsp;Evans on “Welsh Publishing and Bookselling,” read before the Librarynbsp;Association at Cardiff (September, 1895) and published in the Library fornbsp;December, 1895 (''**• 39^ et seq.).

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;John Ross (a Scotchman), who, after a London apprenticeship, settled atnbsp;Carmarthen in 1743, and acquired a knowledge of the Welsh language, verynbsp;largely contributed to this result. He used to describe himself as “ the onlynbsp;printer in those parts brought up to the trade.”

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Mr. Ashton has also sent us the following explanation of his list :—nbsp;“Between Welsh books, etc., and those in some way or other relating tonbsp;Wales, I have already recorded a total of 11,613. All these are differentnbsp;publications. Some of them are very small in size ; indeed, hundreds of themnbsp;contain only about four pages each. Many of them are periodicals, tracts, andnbsp;leaflets. But a book of any number of volumes, such as ‘ Y Gwytfouiadur,’nbsp;or ‘Welsh Cyclopedia,’ or a monthly periodical (such as Yr Eurgrawnnbsp;Wesleyaid. which has had a continuous existence since 1809), is only countednbsp;as ONE, and entered under the year it first appeared, but a second or any

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Welsh Books, 1546—1800.
















































Latin and other languages.



















Welsh Books, 1801—95.

1801 to 1820.

1821 to 1840.

1841 to i860.

1861 to 1880.

1881 to 1895.

Total 1801 tonbsp;1895.

Welsh .







English, etc.







Total lt;







The earliest of the Welsh periodicals made its appearance in 1770, as a fortnightly publication, bearing the title of Trysorfa Gwyhodaeth neu Eurgrawn Cyniraeg. After

subsequent edition of the same work is separately counted. The column ‘English, etc.,’ includes a few historical books, written in Latin, and a smallnbsp;number of French and German books which relate to Wales, but the total isnbsp;largely made up of Acts of Parliament relating to enclosures, canals, highways,nbsp;railways, etc., in Wales, while there is also a good number of books recordednbsp;which treat of different districts in Wales—topographical works, guide-books,nbsp;and some historical books of considerable size and much value. I have everynbsp;reason to believe that there are still many books, in Welsh and relating tonbsp;Wales, published in this country which I have so far been unable to record.nbsp;I know practically nothing of the Welsh literature published in America, withnbsp;the exception of an occasional book which has found its way over here.”

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, xii.)

the issue of fifteen numbers it was discontinued. It was succeeded by the Cylchgrawn Cymraeg, a quarterly, ofnbsp;which only five numbers appeared, between February,nbsp;1793, and February, 1794. Several other periodicals werenbsp;started and had a short existence in the early years of thenbsp;19th century, but Yr Eurgrawn Wesleyaizt, a denominational magazine, established in connection with thenbsp;Wesleyan body in 1809, has continued to appearnbsp;uninterruptedly to the present day.

In the year 1828, “the monthly press of Wales issued no fewer than fourteen hundred periodicals, and what is annbsp;anomaly in the history of literature, to the pages of thesenbsp;the peasantry were almost the only contributors,”^ a statement which is very largely applicable to Welsh periodicalsnbsp;even of the present day.

Up to 1850 there had been started from time to time as many as—

{a) Fifteen Welsh quarterlies, of which only one, Y TraethodyÉ, which is an undenominationalnbsp;review, is still in existence, being now issued as anbsp;bi-monthly.

(^) Two bi-monthlies, both of which have died.

(r) About one hundred monthly magazines, of which ten are still in existence, all of them being published in connection with the various religiousnbsp;denominations.

{d) Eleven fortnightly and four weekly publications, of which only one has survived, that is Yr Amsermi,nbsp;started in 1843, and incorporated in 1859 withnbsp;Baner Cymru, and now appearing under the titlenbsp;Baner ac Amserau Cymru.

In the year 1896 there were publishing in the Welsh language two quarterlies, two bi-monthlies, twenty-eight

’ Speech by the Rev. John Blackwell at the Denbigh Eistettfod in 1828 (quoted in Rowlands’s “ Bibliography,” p. 8).

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monthlies, and twenty-five weeklies, making a total of thirty-two magazines and twenty-five newspapers. Excepting one Welsh newspaper, published in Liverpool, all ofnbsp;them were published within the Principality, the chiefnbsp;publishing centres for North Wales being in the countiesnbsp;of Carnarvon, Merioneth, and Denbigh, and for South Walesnbsp;in those of Glamorgan and Carmarthen. Of English newspapers published in Wales, eleven were dailies, which werenbsp;issued from Cardiff, Swansea, and Newport, and seventy-nine were weeklies (about one-fourth of which have a Welshnbsp;column or two), not to mention half a dozen more that werenbsp;published in the border counties, and circulated largely innbsp;Wales. Besides these there were at least twelve magazinesnbsp;periodically issued in the service of Wales or of Welshnbsp;literature, being for the most part the transactions of learnednbsp;societies.^

We cannot pass on from this subject without stating that the Welsh Land Commission experienced very greatnbsp;difficulty in obtaining definite information with referencenbsp;to Welsh publications generally. This was especially thenbsp;case with their endeavour to have a bibliographical listnbsp;compiled of all books relating to agriculture or landnbsp;tenure in Wales, with the view of illustrating the historynbsp;of the development of those subjects. On this subject thenbsp;Commissioners speak as follows in their Report, p. 92;—nbsp;“Out of a total of over four hundred books (exclusive ofnbsp;our supplemental lists) which are entered in our bibliography, not more than about one half of that number arenbsp;to be found in the British Museum. During the course ofnbsp;our general inquiry in Wales, we were repeatedly assurednbsp;that no translation into Welsh of the Agricultural Holdings

1 Further information as to the history of the periodical literature of Wales is printed in Appendix C to the Report of the Welsh Land Commission,nbsp;which, in addition to other particulars, contains a list of all the periodicalsnbsp;(both Welsh and English) issued in Wales or in connection therewith in thenbsp;year iSpS-

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536 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, xii.)

Act, 1883, had ever been published. We subsequently discovered an edition brought out by a Welsh barrister ;nbsp;but w'e very much question vrhether a copy of it is to benbsp;found in any public library, either in or out of Wales, andnbsp;we fear that, owing to the circumstances which governnbsp;Welsh bookselling, it is unknown to the farming communitynbsp;outside the immediate district in which it was published.nbsp;The explanation for all this seems to be that there is innbsp;Wales no central emporium where Welsh publications cannbsp;be procured.” According to a recent critic,^ “every Welshnbsp;publisher plays for his own hand, and no more. Nonbsp;general Welsh catalogue is ever published, and scores,nbsp;nay, we could say hundreds, of Welsh books never findnbsp;their way to the British Museum.” Private enterprisenbsp;and a more enlightened policy on the part of Welshnbsp;publishers might do much to remedy this unsatisfactorynbsp;state of things, but in the matter of collecting and preserving the varied and numerous productions of the Welshnbsp;press a national library and museum in Wales mightnbsp;effect what the British Museum in London is at present,nbsp;through no fault of its own, wholly incapable of doing. Thenbsp;establishment of such an institution, and its endowmentnbsp;by the State, has been recommended from time to time,^

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Mr. Eilir Evans, in the article already mentioned. In the course of thenbsp;discussion which followed the reading of his paper, it was suggested that thenbsp;county councils of Wales might register the existing printers and obtainnbsp;complete lists of the works issued by them.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;JS.g., ^by Rowlands, in the preface to his “ Cambrian Bibliography”nbsp;(p. xxii.) ; by various speakers at the National Eistedfod (ILangotten) of 1858nbsp;(see Cambrian Journal, 2nd ser., i., p. 297); by J. E. Southall, in “Walesnbsp;and her Language” (1892), pp. 308-9; by Mr. D. Brynmor-Jones, in annbsp;address delivered before the Cymmrodorion section at the N ational Eistedfodnbsp;held at Pontypridd in 1893 (see “ Thirteenth Annual Report of the Nationalnbsp;Eistedfod Association ”); and by Mr. Romilly Allen, in Archeologia Cambrensisnbsp;for July, 1896. Several societies, having their headquarters at Cardiff, alsonbsp;promoted a scheme for celebrating Her Majesty’s Jubilee in 1887 bynbsp;establishing in that town a national institute for Wales, but the project wasnbsp;not realised.

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and has recently been urged on more than one occasion in Parliament.^

Their experience led the Commission to the conclusion that such an institution is not only desirable, but mostnbsp;essential for the preservation of the scattered productionsnbsp;of the unorganised publishing trade of Wales. For thenbsp;historian no tract or broadsheet, ballad or penny almanac,nbsp;is without its value. They all contribute to make up thenbsp;record of a nation’s life, they are all expressions of localnbsp;thought, and without them the mosaic of a country’s pastnbsp;cannot be pieced together.

But there are many objects, other than printed works, that should find a receptacle in such an institution :nbsp;drawings of implements and articles illustrating thenbsp;industries of Wales and collections of the fauna and floranbsp;of the country. Nothing could throw such a light uponnbsp;the development of agriculture in Wales as a series ofnbsp;drawings illustrative of the implements in use among Welshnbsp;farmers at the end of the last century. It is well-nighnbsp;impossible now to trace the local varieties in the form ofnbsp;the rake, the shovel, and the sickle, and it is difficult tonbsp;ascertain with certainty what manner of implement the

' The National Institutions (Wales) Bill (No. 411), 1891, which was backed by Mr. Alfred Thomas and nine other Welsh members of Parliament,nbsp;contained a clause [21(5)] which empowered the National Council “ tonbsp;establish a national museum for Wales, to apply for a charter of incorporation of the same, and to apply to Parliament for an Act to enable thenbsp;trustees of the British Museum to give to such museum for Wales any books,nbsp;manuscripts, works, objects, or specimens which, in the opinion of the saidnbsp;trustees, especially concern Wales or the Cymric race.” The Establishednbsp;Church (Wales) Bill (No. 144), 1895, also provided that the objects (specifiednbsp;in the first schedule) to which the residue of the Church property were to benbsp;applied should include “ technical and higher education, including the establishment and maintenance of a library, museum, or academy of art for Wales.”nbsp;The question has also been raised on other occasions, e.g., on 20th August,nbsp;1894 (see Hansard, 4th ser., vol. 29, pp. 29 et seq.), on 28th August, 1895nbsp;(Hansard, 4th ser., vol. 36, pp. 1044 and 1048), and on 2lst February andnbsp;loth July, 1896.

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538 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, xii.) old Welsh plough was, or the fan, made of frame-wood andnbsp;canvas and turned by hand, for winnowing purposes. Thenbsp;introduction of manufactured articles, in place of thosenbsp;formerly produced by domestic industry in every farmhouse and cottage during the long winter evenings, willnbsp;soon drive out all recollection of the Welsh peasant’s skillnbsp;in wood carving and other kindred handicraft, both ofnbsp;profit and recreation, while a few spinning wheels arenbsp;almost all that survive to testify to the industry of his wifenbsp;and daughters in converting the fleeces of his flock into allnbsp;manner of woollen goods.

Apart, however, from what may be regarded as the duty of the State with reference to the collection and the preservation of such specimens and objects as have beennbsp;indicated, whether literary, artistic, or industrial, the Commission was also greatly impressed with the inadequacy ofnbsp;the present means for bringing to the knowledge of thenbsp;Welsh-speaking rural population the provisions of Acts ofnbsp;Parliament passed for their especial benefit, and the worknbsp;done by the various Government departments with thenbsp;direct object of improving their condition or of facilitatingnbsp;them in the pursuit of agriculture. Owing to this wantnbsp;of adequate information, the result has been that Welshnbsp;farmers have not been able to avail themselves, to thenbsp;extent that Parliament has intended, of those ameliorativenbsp;provisions which have of recent years altered in a considerable degree the relationship of landlord and tenant. Thenbsp;most prevalent instance under this head was the ignorance,nbsp;well-nigh universal in some districts, as to the provisions ofnbsp;the Agricultural Holdings Act and the Ground Game Act.nbsp;Almost all the tenant farmers in the Welsh-speakingnbsp;districts believed that these Acts, especially the former,nbsp;could be totally excluded by means of a contracting-outnbsp;clause. Many appeared to be quite unaware that the Actnbsp;of 187 s had been amended by the subsequent statute of

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1883. Even where there was a knowledge of the existence of the latter Act, its provisions, especially as to procedure,nbsp;were accurately known only to a few, and consequentlynbsp;in most districts the Act was for all practical purposes anbsp;dead letter.

To take another example, only very few of the witnesses examined by the Welsh Land Commission appeared tonbsp;possess copies of the “Official Analysis of Railwaynbsp;Rates,”^ published by the Board of Trade, though it isnbsp;of great importance that farmers should be able to ascertain the legal charges for the conveyance of agriculturalnbsp;produce, feeding stuffs, artificial manures, and the likenbsp;commodities.

In view of these facts, it was more than once suggested to the Commission that it would be of great advantage ifnbsp;in rural districts the service of the Post-office were utilisednbsp;for the sale and distribution of Acts of Parliament andnbsp;Government publications. If, for instance, a farmer couldnbsp;procure a copy, say, of the Agricultural Holdings Act bynbsp;merely giving a verbal order for it to the local postmasternbsp;in his own district, or even to the rural postman, andnbsp;prepaying for it its published price, with a fractionalnbsp;charge, if necessary, to cover its transmission,^ we believenbsp;that such Acts would so penetrate to places which theynbsp;never reach at present, and that there would result therefrom a more enlightened understanding of the civic rightsnbsp;and duties of those concerned in the occupation andnbsp;cultivation of the soil.

' Parliamentary Paper C.—6,832 of 1893, price is,

2 See, for example, Qu. 3142—3. We understand that in some foreign countries a system of this kind is in vogue for the sale and distribution of newspapers. According to the Times (5th December, 1894, p. 13), “it is possiblenbsp;in Egypt, for example, to order at any post-office any newspaper from anynbsp;country in the world. The subscription to the newspaper, plus a smallnbsp;commission, is paid down in the local post-office, and the Egyptian Postmaster-General sees the rest of the business through.”

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540 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, xii.)

Short, however, of establishing a system of this kind in connection with the Post-office, it would probably facilitate, to some extent, the sale of official publications, if anbsp;special depót for that purpose were established in thenbsp;Principality by means of commissioning some Welsh bookseller, or other person able to carry on correspondence innbsp;Welsh, to be the duly constituted representative of Hernbsp;Majesty’s Stationery Office in that respect. It may benbsp;pointed out that there are already such accredited agentsnbsp;in Edinburgh and Glasgow for Scotland, and in Dublinnbsp;for Ireland, in addition to Messrs. Eyre amp; Spottiswoodenbsp;in London; and that the names of these respectivenbsp;firms are imprinted on every Parliamentary paper issued.

But it is not the mere system, or want of system, in the distribution of these publications that is alone defectivenbsp;at present; the language in which they are couched is anbsp;much greater obstacle to their being read and understoodnbsp;by the Welsh-speaking population of Wales. The difficulty we refer to here is that which arises from the Welshnbsp;farmers’ ignorance of English, rather than from thenbsp;technical phraseology which, even in England, frequentlynbsp;renders Acts of Parliament far from being easily intelligiblenbsp;to the less educated classes. Technicality of language bynbsp;itself is, however, so serious an obstacle to the generalnbsp;understanding and interpretation of official documentsnbsp;that it has been deemed expedient by the State to publishnbsp;abstracts of such statutes as the Mines Regulations Actsnbsp;and the Factory and Workshop Acts, with the view ofnbsp;more effectively bringing home to the persons carrying on,nbsp;or employed in those industries, the conditions and regulations imposed on them by Parliament. In the particularnbsp;instances mentioned, Welsh translations of such abstractsnbsp;have been officially prepared and published by the Homenbsp;Office, for exhibition in the precincts of mines and factories.nbsp;The General Register Office, as early as 1837, had two

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of its official papers issued in Welsh, and since then a vaccination notice and the form of instructions for fillingnbsp;in the census schedules have also been translated by thatnbsp;department. Several other departments have also, fromnbsp;time to time, recognised the desirability of translating theirnbsp;notices, etc., into Welsh, notably the Local Governmentnbsp;Board, which has so issued several Acts of Parliament andnbsp;administrative orders, and these translations, now thatnbsp;they are becoming better known in the Principality, are,nbsp;it is said, greatly appreciated by the Welsh-speakingnbsp;population.^

Several witnesses^ suggested to the Commission that Acts of Parliament directly affecting the rural districtsnbsp;should be translated into Welsh, while Sir Joseph R.nbsp;Bailey, in objecting to such a course, recommended as annbsp;alternative that “ there should be published in Welsh anbsp;short epitome of such parts of Acts of Parliament asnbsp;concerned Welsh interests, cutting out what are callednbsp;words of skill, and making the Acts of Parliament a résuménbsp;so simple that in fact persons not well educated couldnbsp;understand them.”®

This was the view also taken by Mr. W. O. Brigstocke, formerly chairman of the Carmarthenshire County Council,nbsp;who observed that in the case of the Irish Land Actnbsp;there are very concise and plain summaries published,nbsp;and he thought that if a summary were published innbsp;Welsh it would be better than a complete translation,nbsp;owing to the difficulty of turning English legal phrases intonbsp;Welsh.

But not one Act that directly affects the agricultural

' A list of all the Parliamentary papers and State documents that have thus been officially translated into the Welsh language is given in Appendix A. tonbsp;the Report.

2 Such as Mr. O. Slaney Wynne, at Qu. 8,326; compare also Qu. 14,561, 23,224, 48,152.

* Qu. 49,786, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;¦* Qu. 43,432.

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542 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, xii.) community as such—from the Ground Game Act and thenbsp;Agricultural Holdings Acts to the Allotments Acts and thenbsp;Fertilizers and Feeding Stuifs Act—has been officiallynbsp;translated into Welsh, either in its entirety or in the formnbsp;of a popular summary. Nor does it appear that an officialnbsp;translation has at any time been issued of a single leafletnbsp;out of the very considerable literature published by thenbsp;Board of Agriculture in the service of the agriculturalnbsp;interests of this country. The practical suggestions, thenbsp;timely advice or warning, and the valuable informationnbsp;about the agricultural methods of other countries whichnbsp;are contained in the publications of the Board, reach andnbsp;influence but an infinitesimal fraction of Welsh agriculturists, owing to the fact that no translations of thesenbsp;leaflets and other publications are ever issued. The evilnbsp;is to some extent aggravated by the further fact that few,nbsp;if any, of the inspectors of the Board who travel in Walesnbsp;possess any knowledge of the Welsh language.^ This nonutilisation of Welsh as a medium for reaching the cultivators of the soil is all the more regrettable inasmuch asnbsp;there is no exclusively agricultural newspaper or magazinenbsp;issued in the Welsh language, and consequently thenbsp;ordinary Welsh farmer, whose reading is confined to hisnbsp;own language, is not able to inform himself as to pointsnbsp;concerning which his English brother receives gratuitousnbsp;advice from the State.

To remedy this inequality, and to enable the farmers of Wales to reap the full benefit of the valuable literaturenbsp;issued by the Board of Agriculture, it seems to us highlynbsp;desirable that in future Welsh translations should be issuednbsp;of all the Board’s leaflets, except such as contain matternbsp;wholly inapplicable to the conditions of agriculture innbsp;Wales. A paper dealing with hops, for example, need

* On this point see Hansard’s “Parliamentary Debates,” 4th ser., vol. 36, PP- 739-742-

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not, perhaps, be translated, as Wales is not a hop-growing country—unless, of course, it were decided to suggest thenbsp;promotion of that industry in the Principality. In certainnbsp;circumstances the peculiar conditions of Welsh agriculturenbsp;might also render it necessary to prepare special leafletsnbsp;for distribution in Wales alone, or even in the Welshspeaking districts only. A Welsh edition of the “ Journalnbsp;of the Board of Agriculture” should also be published,nbsp;but it would not, perhaps, be desirable that it should benbsp;entirely a translation of the English edition. Some ofnbsp;the English articles might, with advantage, be replacednbsp;by original articles in Welsh having special application tonbsp;Welsh agriculture. An example in the nature of a precedent is to be found in Cape Colony, where the Colonialnbsp;Government publishes an agricultural journal in Englishnbsp;and in Dutch for the use of the respective races innbsp;that Colony. Owing to the more backward condition ofnbsp;agriculture in Wales as compared with England—takingnbsp;the country generally, and also owing to the remoternbsp;situation of the country and the greater inaccessibilitynbsp;of portions of it, stronger efforts than are necessarynbsp;in England should be made to enable the Welsh farmernbsp;to become thoroughly acquainted with the latest improvements and the most modern methods, unless his lot innbsp;the future is to continue, as in the past, much behind thatnbsp;of the ordinary English farmer.

The census returns for 1891 furnish for the first time a record of the number of persons speaking Welsh only,nbsp;English only, or both English and Welsh within the confines of the Principality. The accuracy of these returnsnbsp;has been questioned by two different parties, one complaining that the number returned as speaking Welsh onlynbsp;is too large, the other that the number of those stated asnbsp;speaking English only is too large. Thus, on the onenbsp;hand the compilers of the census, in their general report,

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544 the welsh PEOPLE, (chap, xii.)

state that abundant evidence was received showing that the instructions appended to the householder’s schedulenbsp;“was either misunderstood or set at naught by a largenbsp;number of those Welshmen who could speak bothnbsp;languages, and that the word ‘ Welsh ’ was very oftennbsp;returned, when the proper entry would have been ‘ Both ’;nbsp;on the ground, it may be presumed, that Welsh was thenbsp;language spoken habitually or preferentially.” It appears,nbsp;however, that at the time of the taking of the census itnbsp;was generally understood that no mere smattering of eithernbsp;language was to count, and that consequently most peoplenbsp;assumed that the real test as to the column under whichnbsp;they should be returned was whether they could givenbsp;evidence in a court of law in the language specified atnbsp;the top of that column. This, it has been pointed out,nbsp;would cut both ways inasmuch as many who possessed onlynbsp;a smattering of the Welsh language would naturally returnnbsp;themselves as speaking English onfy, instead of returningnbsp;themselves in the bilingual column. The same would alsonbsp;be the case with Welsh people possessing only a smatteringnbsp;of English. There is thus the possibility that not only thenbsp;Welsh, but also the English column was, for some districts,nbsp;perhaps, unduly large at the expense of the bilingual one.nbsp;It was also suggested that in many cases census schedulesnbsp;without the language column were through some error ornbsp;other not distributed in every district,’- so that the resultnbsp;would presumably be that those persons (whether Welsh ornbsp;English speaking), who were furnished with such schedules.

* “From various parts of the country there were complaints that papers were sent round to householders which contained no columns for entering thenbsp;language spoken ; the Registrar-General does not inform us as to the way innbsp;which such papers were dealt with, whether they were treated as English only,nbsp;or entered under ‘No statement’”: see Southall on “The Welsh Languagenbsp;Census of 1891,” p. 7. See also the report of discussions of this question in thenbsp;House of Commons (August, 1894), in Hansard’s “Parliamentary Debates,”nbsp;4th ser., vol. 29, pp. 33 eiseg., 179 and 321 et seq.

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were ultimately entered as English only. The opinion expressed by the census authorities in their report, however, is that “the number of monoglot Welsh persons isnbsp;considerably overstated, and the number of persons whonbsp;can speak both languages correspondingly understated.”nbsp;Most of those who have subsequently made a study ofnbsp;these returns seem, however, to favour the opinion thatnbsp;the returns are substantially correct, and that the doubtsnbsp;raised by the Registrar-General as to the bona fides of somenbsp;of the returns were capable of only a very limited application. Having thus stated briefly the different views as tonbsp;the accuracy of these returns, we have no choice but tonbsp;deal with the figures as they stand. It is unnecessary thatnbsp;we should here consider them in great detail.^ Brieflynbsp;summarised, however, the population of Wales andnbsp;Monmouthshire, in regard to language, was composed asnbsp;follows :—

Speaking only English .... 759,416 Speaking only Welsh ....nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;508,036

Speaking English and Welsh nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;402,253

Speaking foreign languages . nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;,nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;3,076

No information (over two years) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;,nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;12,833

Infants under two years , nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;90,791



It is thus seen that those who spoke English only, 759,416 in all, outnumbered those who spoke Welsh only,nbsp;who amounted to 508,036 ; while 402,253 were returned asnbsp;bilingual. Or the figures may be put in this other way ;nbsp;Of the total population who spoke one or other or both ofnbsp;the two languages, 1,161,669 could speak English, whilenbsp;910,289 could speak Welsh. The total number of those

* This is done in the memorandum on the census statistics printed in tlie Commissioners’ Appendix, Tables 27 and 28.

W,P. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;N N

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546 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, xii.) who could speak Welsh, however, outnumbered those thatnbsp;could not, for while the latter numbered 759,416, the formernbsp;amounted to 910,289.

The territorial divisions for which the returns as to language are given are registration districts and registration counties. It follows that the totals are, therefore,nbsp;given not for Wales proper, according to its ancient andnbsp;well-known boundaries, but for registration Wales andnbsp;Monmouthshire, which, as the Commissioners show innbsp;the Appendix to their Report, is less by 14,116 acresnbsp;than Wales and Monmouthshire; but the total population of this registration area exceeds that of Walesnbsp;proper by nearly 5,000 persons. The registration districtsnbsp;are for all practical purposes the poor law unionsnbsp;of the country, but their boundaries are not generallynbsp;known to any great extent outside their own limits, thoughnbsp;the name of their chief or capital town affords a generalnbsp;indication of their situation, inasmuch as such a town isnbsp;usually found to be the natural centre of the district whichnbsp;has been formed into the poor law union as well as thenbsp;registration district that bears its name. The boundariesnbsp;of the registration counties differ in most cases so verynbsp;widely from those of the ancient and administrative countiesnbsp;that it would be entirely misleading if we were to presentnbsp;here the result of the linguistic returns for such countiesnbsp;only. By grouping together several registration countiesnbsp;the vagaries of the boundaries of each individual county arenbsp;pretty evenly balanced, and there is, in consequence, lessnbsp;difficulty in fixing in the mind the general characteristics, thenbsp;contour, and the boundaries of a large area than of a smallnbsp;district with artificial or arbitrary boundaries little knownnbsp;except by officials whose business it is to be acquaintednbsp;with them, and for whose convenience they have chieflynbsp;assumed their present form. We shall, thetefore, give herenbsp;the ratios of the Welsh and English-speaking population for

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such large areas only as can be easily apprehended or borne in mind even without the necessity of referring to a mapdnbsp;We wish, however, to add that in order to render thesenbsp;linguistic returns of real value, if they are to be continued,nbsp;in future censuses, both the civil parish and the ancientnbsp;county should be adopted as additional units for whichnbsp;the numbers of those speaking Welsh only, Englishnbsp;only, or both languages should be stated in the publishednbsp;returns.

The following table represents the result of such a grouping of registration counties as we have just suggested,nbsp;so far as the returns as to language are concerned :—

Proportion per Cent, to Total whose Spoken Language wasnbsp;stated, of Persons speaking.

Ratio of Total Number of Personsnbsp;able to speak Welshnbsp;to Total not able tonbsp;speak Welsh.












Six Northern Counties.

Five Western Counties (ex-






eluding Pembrokeshire) . Six Western Counties (in-






eluding Pembrokeshire) .






Six Eastern Counties .

Six Eastern Counties and












Six Southern Counties.

Six Southern Counties and










46 quot;8


Wales nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;....






Wales and Monmouthshire .






The ultimate result of these statistics is, that of the total population whose spoken language is recorded, 54-4 pernbsp;' A Linguistic Map of Wales, showing approximately the exterior limitsnbsp;of native Welsh in 1890, is published in Southall’s “Wales and Her

N N 2

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548 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, xii.)

cent, were returned as able to speak Welsh, and 45'ö per cent, as unable to do so.

Though there are no definite statistics to show what were the respective numbers of the Welsh and English-speaking population of Wales previous to 1891, still variousnbsp;estimates have been made of their relative proportions atnbsp;different periods during the present century.

Thus Mr. Thomas Darlington, who has given considerable attention to the subject,^ estimates that in 1801 the number of the English monoglot population of Wales wasnbsp;somewhere between 100,000 and 120,000. In other words,nbsp;out of a total enumerated population of 587,245, aboutnbsp;20 per cent, were English-speaking, the remaining 80 pernbsp;cent, being Welsh-speaking. Sir Thomas Phillips, thenbsp;author of a most valuable work on the social condition ofnbsp;the Principality,® published in 1849, estimated that in 1841nbsp;the proportion of the Welsh to English-speaking population was as 67 to 33. But the population of Wales duringnbsp;the period that had elapsed since 1801 had increased by morenbsp;than 60 per cent., and when it is realised that this increasenbsp;included very large numbers of immigrants from Englandnbsp;into industrial districts of the Principality, the Welshnbsp;language must be said to have held its own ground withnbsp;remarkable tenacity. Thirty years later, after the censusnbsp;of 1871, Mr. Ravenstein made a careful and exhaustivenbsp;inquiry as to the numbers of the Celtic-speaking populationsnbsp;of the United Kingdom, and the result, so far as Walesnbsp;was concerned, showed that, according to his estimate.

Language ” (2nd ed., 1893). A later map, based on the census returns of 1891, and showing the percentage of the Welsh-speaking population in thenbsp;fifty-two registration districts of Wales, was published by the same authornbsp;in his “ Welsh Language Census of 1891 ” (Newport, 1895).

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;See “ The English-speaking Population of Wales ” in “ Wales ” for May,nbsp;1894, pp. 11-16.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“Wales: The Language, Social Condition, Moral Character, andnbsp;Religious Opinions of the People, considered in relation to Education,” p. 7.

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the proportions of the Welsh and English populations had not greatly changed since 1841. According to hisnbsp;conclusions on the subject,^ the Welsh-speakers of Walesnbsp;represented in 1871 66‘2 per cent.

These various estimates can perhaps be best understood if cast in a tabular form, where they can also be placed innbsp;juxtaposition to the ascertained results of the census ofnbsp;1891 :—






Ot c •b



6 i 5?

5 iS

Oh c!




qj ra






u SP ij

Oh C





Welsh .

English (only)

Total enumerated! Population.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ƒ

(About) 470,000nbsp;100,000 tonbsp;120,000





















Assuming the first estimates to be substantially correct, the result of this table may be stated thus ;—The wholenbsp;population of Wales has trebled during the go years fromnbsp;1801 to 1891 ; the Welsh-speaking population has rathernbsp;more than doubled in that time; but the purely Englishnbsp;population has increased nearly sevenfold.

That the great increase in the English population of Wales has to some extent been brought about at thenbsp;expense of the Welsh-speaking population is a conclusionnbsp;which has already been forced upon us when we were

1 Quoted in the “ Report of the Committee on Intermediate Education in Wales, 1881,” p. xlvii. The results of Mr. Ravenstein’s inquiry were stated innbsp;a paper read by him before the Statistical Society, of which the portionsnbsp;relating to Wales were reproduced in “Bye-Gones” for May 7, 1879.

^ This is the total for registration Wales and Monmouthshire, omitting infants (a) under two years of age, (b) adults who spoke neither Welsh nornbsp;English, and (r) those who made no statement as to their language.

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550 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, xii.) considering the encroachment of English on the border districts of the counties of Radnor, Brecon, and Montgomery.^nbsp;But this growth of the English-speaking population isnbsp;probably due, even in a larger degree, to the immigrationnbsp;of English people into Wales, concurrently of course withnbsp;the emigration of Welsh-speaking persons from Wales.

* See above, pp. 526-7.

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In estimating the moral and intellectual condition of the Welsh, it will be convenient to discuss facts of twonbsp;distinct orders together, to wit, the natural disposition ornbsp;racial characteristics of the people, and the circumstancesnbsp;under which they live. Under the latter heading wenbsp;proceed to consider the questions of food and clothing,nbsp;of farmhouses and cottages.

We begin with the diet of the farmers and labourers, premising that we have found no reason to draw anynbsp;distinction in these matters between tenant farmers andnbsp;small freeholders ; and in a general way we may say, thatnbsp;in the matter of food as in many others the differencenbsp;between the small farmer’s family and that of the labourernbsp;is very trifling. Nay, in some instances, the farmer in anbsp;small way lives quite as hard as his labourer, and hardernbsp;than the artisans or miners of his district. This harmonises with the fact mentioned more than once in thenbsp;evidence collected by the Welsh Land Commission, thatnbsp;a labourer frequently expects to become a farmer andnbsp;succeeds in doing so, while, vice versd, the sons of a smallnbsp;farmer find it sometimes more advantageous to work asnbsp;labourers than to help at home. This is much the samenbsp;all over the Principality, but when a farmer was askednbsp;the question as to his meals, he was not always willingnbsp;to answer. Evidently a sort of pride came into play which

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552 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, xiii.) made the witness put on the best appearance possiblenbsp;consistently with the wish not to depart too widely fromnbsp;the truth. In other words, questions as to diet were aptnbsp;to be regarded—unnecessarily we think—as inquisitorial;nbsp;and sometimes a witness could only be got to speak freelynbsp;on the understanding that he was not describing hisnbsp;own household, but those of his neighbours or the peoplenbsp;generally whose houses he visited in his district. In somenbsp;cases the witness seemed to be apprehensive lest his ownnbsp;neighbourhood should not appear to advantage as compared with other parts of the country. This is a kindnbsp;of local pride which we should be sorry to discourage ;nbsp;it is self-respect writ large, and it cannot but tend tonbsp;produce beneficial results.

We now proceed to cite some typical portions of the evidence^ as to the diet of the farmers of Wales. Mr.nbsp;Hugh Williams spoke as to Lanfair Mathafarn Eithaf,nbsp;and the adjoining parishes of the Anglesey Union, to thenbsp;effect that some of the farmers there live “ on bread-and-milk ” for breakfast, on “ potatoes with butter-milk, andnbsp;potatoes with butter ” for dinner, adding that some getnbsp;salt meat, but very seldom any meat except salt meat,nbsp;that is to say, bacon and beef. He went on to say thatnbsp;they have bread-and-butter and tea in the afternoon, andnbsp;porridge and butter-milk for supper. Lastly, he said thatnbsp;“ there are many farmers who cannot afford to get a piecenbsp;of fresh meat once a year.”

Mr. David Davies, a labourer living in the parish of Langybi, in Carnarvonshire, made the following statement ^nbsp;as to the diet of the farmers in his neighbourhood: “ Thenbsp;farmer’s food is not of the best. It generally consists ofnbsp;salted meat, which is kept for a year or so until it is hardnbsp;and difficult to eat. It is not often that the farmer’snbsp;family or the servants get fresh meat, but when they donbsp;¦ Qu. 19,895, 19,932—46.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;2 Qu_ 11,766.

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RURAL WALES AT THE PRESENT DAY. 553 get it, it is only the head of a cow or pig when one isnbsp;killed. Generally when a cow is killed for the farmer’snbsp;use it is one which could not be sold to a butcher. Ifnbsp;a cow is a good one it is always sold to pay the rent. Thenbsp;bread is better than it used to be, because they have failednbsp;to bake barley these last few years, and the farmers arenbsp;compelled to buy wheaten bread. The butter is generallynbsp;fresh and good, but the farmers can afford to give butnbsp;very little to the servants, and little even to their ownnbsp;children.”

Mr. Ivan Thos. Davies, giving evidence at Bala, stated it as his opinion that the hill farmers have much the samenbsp;fare now as he had when a boy on a farm, and that farenbsp;he described as follows ;—“ First of all we had in thenbsp;morning bruised oatmeal cake and butter-milk ; * then wenbsp;had some bread-and-butter and tea. For dinner we hadnbsp;bacon and potatoes. For tea, at about three or fournbsp;o’clock, we used to have a lot of sucan, followed by anbsp;cup of tea. Sucan is a kind of thin flummery, or something like that. Then we had porridge or bread-and-cheese and butter-milk for supper.” ^

Mr. Gomer Roberts, a native of Merionethshire, who now farms in the upper part of the Vale of Clwyd, gavenbsp;us his view to the following effectBeing asked as to thenbsp;usual fare of a small farmer and his family, he said thatnbsp;they had as their breakfast bread-and-milk or/gt;cüs (a kind of

' This kind of food is very common in Gwyned, and it goes by the English name of “shot but in Anglesey and parts of Carnarvonshire it is knownnbsp;also as /Items medi. The oatmeal cake is bruised quite small, and buttermilk is mixed with it. It is then mostly eaten forthwith, but we havenbsp;sometimes heard of its being left standing to give the bread time to swell.nbsp;Even without that delay, however, it proves a very satisfying food, and thenbsp;farmers know from experience that a servant who partakes of it freely willnbsp;not require much else to complete his meal; and, above all, they regard it asnbsp;conducive to economy in the matter of butter and cheese and meat.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Qu. 6,961—4, 6,934.

3 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Qu. 61,156—78, 61,225—9, 62,264—5.

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554 the welsh PEOPLE, (chap, xiii.) pottage or broth), and that this was followed by bread-and-butter and tea. For dinner they had “ meat always, baconnbsp;or mutton or beef” ; but he proceeded to explain thatnbsp;“bacon is the backbone of the meal ” ; and they had freshnbsp;meat occasionally, as, for instance, when a sheep was killednbsp;or when, within the last few years, a farmer found butchers’nbsp;meat pressed on him at a very low price—a lower price, innbsp;fact, than that at which he could cure his own bacon. Innbsp;the afternoon they would have bread-and-butter and tea,nbsp;and for supper they had bread-and-milk or pStès, as in thenbsp;morning. This witness stated that the bread in his presentnbsp;district had for the last few years been all wheat, and bynbsp;way of comparison he stated that more oatmeal bread wasnbsp;made in Merionethshire, and that a good deal morenbsp;porridge was eaten there. He considered that the foodnbsp;eaten in Merionethshire was better than the food prevalentnbsp;in the Vale of Clwyd, and further that the less tea peoplenbsp;take, and the more milk and meat, the better; this henbsp;considered “ the strongest food and the best.”

Mr. David Rogers, farming in the parish of Forden, in Montgomeryshire, spoke to the following effect^ as to hisnbsp;own farm : They had breakfast at six o’clock, which in thenbsp;case of the men consisted of broth ; between nine and tennbsp;they had a meal which he called a bait; then came dinner,nbsp;with mutton or beef, or whatever meat there might be ; andnbsp;between four and five in the afternoon came another meal,nbsp;involving cold meat, cheese, and butter ; and, lastly, therenbsp;was supper. He remarked that in harvest-time his mennbsp;had meat at all their meals except breakfast, and that thenbsp;meat was fresh; but he was of opinion that they had notnbsp;always fared so well.

Nevertheless it is a tradition, probably of long standing in other parts of Wales, that the farmers of Montgomeryshire near the English borders fared, comparativelynbsp;' Qu. 65,797—808.

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RURAL WALES AT THE PRESENT DAY. 555 speaking, better than those of other parts of the Principality, say, for instance, Cardiganshire. In this latternbsp;county it used, in the days before the making of thenbsp;railway connecting Aberystwyth with Shrewsbury andnbsp;Oswestry, to be related of them that it was their customnbsp;to begin dinner with the pudding ever since one of themnbsp;had chanced to die before reaching that course. Thenbsp;alleged change was supposed by a people who rarelynbsp;tasted pudding to embody the rule of securing the bestnbsp;thing first. As to the five meals, however, they will benbsp;found referred to in other parts of the evidence.^

In the adjoining county of Radnor the fare appears to be much the same as in Forden, except that less freshnbsp;meat is eaten there; and one witness, Mr. Lewelyn Pugh,nbsp;from the parish of St. Harmon, an old man of eighty-four,nbsp;gave it as his opinion® that when he was a boy people didnbsp;not live in his neighbourhood “ the tenth part as well ” asnbsp;they do now.

Mr. W. O. Brigstocke, speaking generally of the farmers in the unions of Cardigan and Newcastle Emlyn, used thenbsp;following words; ®—“ The Welsh tenant farmer is mostnbsp;thrifty and frugal; and his diet, though somewhat rough,nbsp;is healthy and sufficient. It consists of tea, bread, butter,nbsp;cheese, milk, bacon, and vegetables; fresh meat is rarelynbsp;seen at table, and the diet of the ordinary farmer differsnbsp;but little from that of the labourer.” But Mr. J. C. Jones,nbsp;trading at Lanarth, in the neighbourhood of Aberayron,nbsp;Cardiganshire, spoke from a minute knowledge of a morenbsp;circumscribed district, and described the usual diet asnbsp;follows : ^—“ The fare of the tenants as a class is hard, andnbsp;I am almost sure if I commenced describing the same itnbsp;would carry on the face of it the air of exaggeration. The

* For instance, under Qu. 43,281 and 70,795—800.

2 Qu. 52.996—53.0O5-

® Qu. 43,281. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* Qu. 48,103.

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556 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, xiii.)

chief meal of the day is cawl or broth, with bacon or dried beef and potatoes. Fresh meat is out of thenbsp;question.”

Mr. John Davies, a tenant farmer living in the parish of LanSeusant, Carmarthenshire, says ^ of the food there, thatnbsp;it, “especially the bread, is better than it used to be.”nbsp;“ Farmers,” he proceeds to say, “ very seldom touchnbsp;butchers’ meat, but generally live on bread-and-cheese,nbsp;potatoes, and some salted meat. They sell nearly all theirnbsp;cattle, butter, and eggs, and all the best things in order tonbsp;pay the landlord.” In his cross-examination he gave thenbsp;details of the usual meals in harmony with the summarynbsp;from which we have cited these words.

Miss Kate Jenkins, speaking as to the parish of Lan-gadock, said,® “ The living is exceedingly frugal and scanty, even in large farms ; fresh meat only on Sundays, oftennbsp;never at all ; no butter or meat for breakfast. They willnbsp;not eat butter if dozen tubs in dairy; it goes to pay rent.nbsp;Broth for dinner daily, with a little salt meat; I have beennbsp;in a farm where they were only eating broth of oatmealnbsp;and potatoes, with no meat at all. Farmers will offer younbsp;tea and bread-and-butter for dinner as a luxury. Verynbsp;hard-working, very little recreation, except to market.nbsp;No holidays, except, perhaps, the sons go by an excursionnbsp;train for two days, or the daughters for a few days tonbsp;the seaside. No reading-rooms or entertainments, ornbsp;where they have been tried unsuccessful. Singing schoolsnbsp;and Eistedfods almost the only recreations. A weeklynbsp;newspaper looked upon as a luxury.”

Mr. J. A. Doyle, of Pendarren, near Crickhowell, who reported to the Royal Commission on Agriculture,in i88i,nbsp;on the state of farming in Wales, gave evidence to thenbsp;Welsh Land Commission as to a district on the borders of

Qu. 38,024.

' nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;39,554, 39,575—82.

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Brecknockshire and Monmouthshire, saying,^ “I should say from observation of some of the quite small farmers that Inbsp;should think their standard of comfort was hardly, if at all,nbsp;higher than that of the labourers. As to a former tenant ofnbsp;mine on a small farm, which I now occupy myself, of sixtynbsp;acres, I do not think his standard of comfort, so far as I couldnbsp;observe, was materially better than that of my labourers.”

Mr. Lewis ILewelyn, a tenant farmer living in the upper portion of the Neath Valley, gave the Commission the detailsnbsp;of the farmer’s meals as follows : ^—“ The breakfast consistsnbsp;of tea, bread-and-butter or cheese, and, in many places,nbsp;bacon. At dinner, they have potatoes and meat, mostlynbsp;bacon, but sometimes butchers’ meat; then comes in thenbsp;afternoon some tea and bread-and-butter. For supper theynbsp;have milk or broth and bread-and-cheese, but a cup of teanbsp;for those who are fond of having it again.” He considerednbsp;that the bread was good, and that they fared pretty well,nbsp;but he suggested that those living higher among the hillsnbsp;lived harder.

Mr. James Jenkins, a tenant farmer and member of the Pembrokeshire County Council, gave his evidence® atnbsp;Letterston, and stated that they have for breakfast tea ornbsp;coffee and bread-and-cheese and butter, for dinner cawl,nbsp;a broth or soup containing meal and meat, sometimesnbsp;beef or mutton, but more usually bacon; and it is verynbsp;seldom that they have any fresh meat. Besides this thenbsp;dinner has the usual complement of potatoes and bread.nbsp;Lastly, the supper is sometimes tea and sometimes caw/,nbsp;of the nature already described. Mr. Jenkins stated thatnbsp;the smaller farmers had been living harder than that, butnbsp;in the Anglo-Flemish part of the county—his farm is nearnbsp;the boundary—people fare, according to him, considerablynbsp;better. Asked as to the difference between the Welsh and

Qu. 2,307—20.

gt; Qu. 50,005.

Qu. 31,403—30, 28,929—37.

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558 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, xiii.) the English in the county, he answered, “ We are hardier,nbsp;and we live harder.” Q.—“ You think you live harder ? ”—nbsp;“ Oh, a deal; there is no doubt about that.” Q.—“ You livenbsp;harder in the Welsh part”—“ Yes ; their landlords—Lordnbsp;Cawdor, for instance—he is very glad to get a Welshmannbsp;down Castle Martin way.” Q.—quot; Do you say they arenbsp;hardier or harder?”—“ Hardier and harder, living harder—nbsp;we can do with commoner things.” It is to be noticednbsp;that this evidence appears to coincide with the charge ofnbsp;excessive eating sometimes brought against the Anglo-Flemish, as, for example, by George Owen.i

We have dealt thus far with the food of the small farmer and his household ; and it has been suggested to us morenbsp;than once, that the food provided by large farmers isnbsp;better; but we can draw no distinction of importancenbsp;between the fare of the small farmer and his labourers whonbsp;eat at his table. Those who have to find for themselves,nbsp;however, live probably harder. Among other things, theynbsp;get less milk, especially in districts remote from towns ; it isnbsp;not worth the farmers’ while to sell milk, and though theynbsp;may give the labourers milk when they send to ask fornbsp;some, the latter naturally feel reluctant to trouble themnbsp;too often, and the result is that they and their families fallnbsp;back on tea more and more. The labourers probably farenbsp;better in the neighbourhood of great centres of industries,nbsp;such as the ironworks of Glamorganshire or the slatenbsp;quarries of North Wales; for a hard fare would act

' See his “Pembrokeshire,” p. 43, where we read as follows;—“In one thinge these our Ffleminges have altered their stomackes from the rest over thenbsp;sea, for in that excesse with which the Dutchmen are taxed for drinkinge arenbsp;these theire kinsmen for excessive eatinge, for of custome at certeine seasonsnbsp;and labors they will have fyve meales a daie, and if you will bestowe the sixtnbsp;on them they will accept of it verye kindly, and if they be but a litle intreated,nbsp;they will bestowe laboure on the seaventhe meal.” To most men who havenbsp;travelled in Belgium and noticed the ample meals habitually consumed at thenbsp;hotels patronised by Flemings, George Owen would seem to have slightlynbsp;overrated the change in “stomackes.”

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RURAL WALES AT THE PRESENT DAY. 559 powerfully to make them leave the land and seek othernbsp;employment^

The Commission did not systematically take evidence on the question of drink ; but we infer, from incidentalnbsp;remarks made by witnesses, that the small farmers seldomnbsp;have beer at home; and it is only on some of the largernbsp;farms that beer is given to the servants and labourers,nbsp;which happens mostly in harvest-time, and on specialnbsp;occasions. Difficulties have arisen here and there in consequence of beer being supplied to the labourers, and thenbsp;tendency is to discontinue the supply. In one instancenbsp;the employer. Sir Joseph R. Bailey, of Gian Usk Park,nbsp;Crickhowell, in speaking of the management of his home-farm, described the circumstances which led him to put annbsp;end to the custom of providing beer for his workmen innbsp;harvest-time; but they receive each extra pay in thatnbsp;season of the year, and the rule appears to work satisfactorily. The ordinary drink of the small farmer and thosenbsp;dependent on him is milk, tea, or cold water ; but in somenbsp;instances water with a sprinkling of oatmeal has beennbsp;tried. We have it in evidence that this is pretty generallynbsp;enjoyed in harvest-time in the neighbourhood of Bala ;nbsp;and we understand that the custom is much the same innbsp;the neighbourhood of Lampeter, Lanybyther, Landyssul,nbsp;and the adjoining districts on both sides of the Teify,nbsp;together with the whole of the country between that rivernbsp;and the Towy.*

In looking over the evidence generally as to the diet of the small farmers of Wales and their households, one isnbsp;greatly struck by the remarkable improvement which hasnbsp;taken place throughout the country. Among other thingsnbsp;may be mentioned the fact that before the use of foreign

¦ For the evidence for the statements made in this paragraph see Qu. 10,774, 19,946, 24,866, 4,162—7, 10,225—6, 4,161—7.

s Qu. 3.727. 5.347-8. 7.304-7. 49.802, 49,841—5, 3.649—51-

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56o the welsh people, (chap, xiii.)

flour became general the small farmers tried to grow corn for their own bread, and that in all the upland countrynbsp;they lived mostly on barley bread. If the harvest happenednbsp;to prove disappointing or the weather continued wet, whichnbsp;it often did, they suffered in their fare accordingly, andnbsp;anybody who remembers the forties or the fifties will notnbsp;readily forget the sort of bread on their tables, how itnbsp;looked more like lead than food for human beings. Butnbsp;they no longer rely on corn crops of their own, and verynbsp;little barley bread is now made. One may say, that therenbsp;has been an advance all along the line. In the course ofnbsp;the examination at Bala of Mr. Thomas Davies, a tenantnbsp;farmer, who undertook to speak to the general conditionnbsp;of things on the Rhiwias estate in the parishes of Lanycilnbsp;and Lanfor, the following extract relating to the formernbsp;fare of small farmers in Merionethshire was read from anbsp;“ Prize Essay on the Agriculture of North Wales ” : ^ “ Fornbsp;dinner you will see a small farmer have half a salt herring,nbsp;with potatoes and butter-milk (very poor food for a working man); his wife and family must content themselvesnbsp;with butter-milk and potatoes, or, perhaps, after the farmernbsp;has finished his part herring there will be a scramblenbsp;amongst the youngsters for the bones to suck as a treat.nbsp;They sometimes have a little skim-milk cheese with oatennbsp;bread, some, better off than others, bacon.” The witnessnbsp;was then asked as to that extract: “ Is that a fair averagenbsp;truthful picture of what you remember in your youth} ”nbsp;He answered,'‘Yes, it is certainly so ; I remember it verynbsp;well ” ; 1 and, in answer to a further question, he said as to the


Printed in the Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England for 1846 (vii. 572). See also Qu. 3,726, 5,346, 8,507—9, 8,072.

2 If we go further back, to the seventeenth century for example, we find the extreme disparity between the food and drink of the rich and those of the poornbsp;attracting the attention of strangers : the reader may be referred for an instancenbsp;to “ The Account of the Official Progress of his Grace Henry the first Dukenbsp;of Beaufort through Wales in 1684” (London, 1888), p. 249.

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diet that “ it is very much better now.” This statement as to improvement is practically borne out by the evidencenbsp;of Mr. Price, the owner of the Rhiwlas estate, who said innbsp;his evidence: ^ “ Unmarried men prefer living in the farmhouses, because they get food and lodging free; and thenbsp;master is bound to see to their comforts, and one of mynbsp;tenants told me that they now insist on meat and tarts andnbsp;pudding at dinner.”

It is needless to produce more evidence on this point: it is so generally admitted that we have as a rule taken itnbsp;for granted. Nevertheless there is no denying that somenbsp;of the small farmers have still a hard fare; we need onlynbsp;recall the words of Mr. J. C. Jones which we have alreadynbsp;cited. But there is also evidence in point from Mr. R.nbsp;Foulkes Jones, headmaster of the board school at ILwyn-gwiyl, between Towyn and Barmouth.® Asked concerningnbsp;the food of the children of the farmers in his district, henbsp;answered as to those who came from a distance and atenbsp;their midday food in the schoolroom, especially in winter,nbsp;as follows: “ I have seen farmers’ children in the schoolnbsp;eating barley bread and a red herring divided between twonbsp;or three of them, and drinking butter-milk with it,quot; Henbsp;characterised them as “ very badly fed indeed,” and he didnbsp;not regard the fare as adequate to keep the children innbsp;health. Even in the districts where the fare is still hard,nbsp;we have no doubt that it was harder half a century ago,nbsp;not to go back to the hard times before the repeal of thenbsp;Corn Laws; and speaking of the country generally, thenbsp;advance in the people’s ideas of comfort cannot readilynbsp;be exaggerated.

There remain, however, a few remarks which we wish to make with respect to that progress itself in so far asnbsp;regards food. We would refer again to the little importance attached to milk as part of the food of the labourers’nbsp;' Qu. 16,318.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;® Qu. 16,035—8.

VV. P. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;00

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562 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, xiii.)

families, since we do not think it altogether satisfactory that tea should take its place. We have it in the evidence ^ given to the Commission at Bridgend, in Glamorganshire, by Dr. Wyndham Randall, medical officer of healthnbsp;in the district, that the diet of the outdoor labourer andnbsp;his family “ might be improved if more milk were madenbsp;use of, particularly by the children.” Similarly, the Rev.nbsp;R. W. Griffith, whose ministry was carried on among thenbsp;people of the parish of Landeiniolen, in Carnarvonshire,nbsp;stated ^ that the workmen in the quarries “ live to a greatnbsp;extent on tea,” while the agricultural labourers “ get anbsp;good deal of milk food.” Asked to compare the resultsnbsp;so far as his observations went, he said, “ Those who takenbsp;milk food as a rule are broader men and stronger men.”

We cannot help deprecating the increasing consumption of tea, and the change to the modern diet has not been,nbsp;perhaps, in other respects wholly beneficial. The oldnbsp;regime is exemplified in Welsh parlance as represented bynbsp;the triad F’ewyrth a modryb ac uwd, “ Uncle and Auntnbsp;and stirabout,” as contrasted with the newer regime, withnbsp;its Mistres a mistyr a thê, “ Mistress and Master and tea.”nbsp;Porridge or stirabout, called in Welsh uwd, has probably,nbsp;in some form or other, been an important part of the dailynbsp;fare of the Welsh peasantry from time immemorial. Fornbsp;we are carried back far into the past by the suggestivenbsp;fact that the Welsh word has its exact equivalent in thenbsp;old Cornish iot and in the Breton iod for a dish cooked innbsp;a somewhat similar fashion, from which the sturdy peasantsnbsp;of Brittany are sometimes called paotred-iod, or “ porridge-boys.” In Wales uwd is altogether made either of oatmealnbsp;or of groats, and it is mostly taken with milk. But it isnbsp;not the only food of the sort made from oatmeal, fornbsp;flummery, called in Welsh tiymry^ is also made of oatmeal,

* Qu. 16,0358- nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Q“- I2gt;256—9-

“ Flummery is made by placing oatmeal to soak in water until it has become

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RURAL WALES AT THE PRESENT DAY. 563 and is eaten a good deal in parts of Wales instead of nwd,nbsp;as it is also in Brittany, for instance, in the neighbourhoodnbsp;of Lanion, in the Cótes du Nord. But flummery is notnbsp;such good food for a man who works, as porridge ; andnbsp;the latter continues, on the whole, to be preferred in mostnbsp;parts of the Principality, as it does in Scotland.

At one time oatmeal cake used to be more commonly eaten in Wales than it is now; but in such matters thenbsp;Principality comes readily under English influence, and hadnbsp;England been so well known for its bannocks as Scotlandnbsp;they would have continued more in favour in Walesnbsp;probably than they are. In the case of porridge the factnbsp;of its appearing on the breakfast-table of well-to-do Englishnbsp;people will prevent the tendency to drop it. The fashionnbsp;in such matters spreads from the houses of the rich innbsp;England to those of the bourgeoisie, and from these itnbsp;reaches in many ways the houses of the small shopkeepersnbsp;in the towns and watering-places of Wales. Thence itnbsp;propagates itself in the farmhouses, and it may do goodnbsp;Or the reverse, according to the nature of the change. Innbsp;the matter of porridge its influence would be on the

sour, when the solid stuff, or bran, is squeezed out of it, and the rest passed through a strainer or sieve. It is then boiled to the consistency of a blanc-mangenbsp;and taken with milk : with sweet milk it makes very palatable food. A thinnernbsp;or fluid kind of flummery is made in Wales, chiefly for supper, and is callednbsp;sucan in North Wales, and bwdran in South Wales; with the latter vocablenbsp;compare its mediaeval Irish name buaidrén. The names vary : thus sucan isnbsp;pronounced sican in North Wales, and sycan in parts of South Wales, wherenbsp;it is partly used instead of the word ttymry, while in South Cardiganshire thenbsp;longer term uivd sucan is heard for Hymry. In Brittany the flummery is, wenbsp;suspect, partly made of wheat flour, as is the case still more with the ibd;nbsp;and in 1888, whilst on a visit at M. Renan’s house at Ros map Ammon, nearnbsp;Perros Guirec, Professor Rhys had an opportunity of making a comparison,nbsp;Mme. Renan took Mrs. Rhys one day to visit some farms in the neighbourhood,nbsp;and came across a family partaking of a dish of the flummery kind. This lednbsp;her to mention how fond her husband was of it, whereupon the farmer’s wifenbsp;insisted on sending some at once to Ros map Ammon. M. Renan relished itnbsp;thoroughly, but the Welshman, though fond of Hymry, could not make muchnbsp;Way with the Armoric variant.

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564 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, xin.) right side; but in the matter, for instance, of broth ornbsp;soup, the influence of the fashion is the reverse. For thenbsp;making of a cheap and nutritious soup is a problem whichnbsp;it is not given the national genius of England to solve, andnbsp;when the Welsh farmer visits a shopkeeper or tradesmannbsp;in the town where he does his marketing, he finds no kindnbsp;of soup on the table. So he goes home convinced thatnbsp;such a dish is not fashionable, and though some kind ofnbsp;soup should continue to be made in his own house, henbsp;would not consider it the right thing to place any of itnbsp;before a stranger who happens to be his guest. We mention this, as the art of making an excellent soup is not yetnbsp;extinct in certain parts of the Principality, such as Cardiganshire : it is made by boiling meat in water in which arenbsp;put a little oatmeal and a certain quantity of vegetables,nbsp;such as leeks, cabbages, turnips, or carrots. This and othernbsp;cheap dishes, in the making of which Welsh women havenbsp;some experience, should serve as the starting-point in thenbsp;cookery schools to be established in the Principality, atnbsp;any rate if they are to produce beneficial results in thenbsp;near future.

This leads us to touch on the question of cookery among the farmers. The wife of a small farmer usually takesnbsp;part in the cooking, or at any rate tries to superintend it,nbsp;and a good deal beyond the immediate comfort of thenbsp;family depends on her skill and on that of the maid whonbsp;does the cooking. For at hiring time the state of the kitchennbsp;at each farm is pretty well known in the neighbourhood,nbsp;and the qualifications of the maid who has charge of itnbsp;are freely canvassed. In case she has a bad name, asnbsp;unsuccessful in baking, for instance, or in boiling potatoes,nbsp;the farmer who engages her cannot readily get the bestnbsp;servant-men to enter his service. Further, the depression innbsp;agriculture tends to the same result, namely, by compellingnbsp;the farmers to engage young and incompetent servant-

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maids, who lack the teaching and experience necessary to make them fit for their work in the kitchen. The Commission made no systematic inquiry into this matter, but itnbsp;was occasionally brought under its notice, as, for instance,nbsp;by Mr. Richard Rowlands, a farm labourer from Gwalchmai,nbsp;in Anglesey. While admitting that there had been improvement in the food-stuffs which the farmers procured for theirnbsp;households, he found fault with the cooking, and said ; ^nbsp;“ The servant-girls, as a rule, are very young ; they are toonbsp;young to know. They have no experience in cooking, and,nbsp;of course, farmers employ them because they get themnbsp;for little wages.” He admitted that the farmers’ wivesnbsp;understood cooking, but he characterised it as cookingnbsp;for themselves,” not for the servants or labourers. Evidence to somewhat the same effect was given us by a mannbsp;of a different standing, namely. Dr. Rowlands, physiciannbsp;and surgeon, practising at Lanaelhaiarn, in Carnarvonshire. Asked as to the diet of the labourers and peasantrynbsp;on whom he attends, whether he thought it satisfactory fornbsp;men engaged in manual labour, he answered,^ “ No, it isnbsp;not. Their food is almost in a raw state. That is anbsp;reason why I should suggest a school of cookery for thenbsp;farm servants to learn cookery, and to manage the housenbsp;when they get married.” We think that this witness lookednbsp;for the remedy in the right direction, namely, that ofnbsp;improved education and better training, which the othernbsp;witness did not regard as having yet reached the Isle ofnbsp;Anglesey.

On the question of clothing the Commission seldom held it necessary to ask for evidence. There is very littlenbsp;difference in this matter between Wales and England, andnbsp;hardly any between the Welsh farmer and his labourer.nbsp;In the case of farmers’ children who work on their fathers’nbsp;farms this last point is well illustrated by the correspondencenbsp;1 Qu. 22,545—55, 22,588—95.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;2 Qu. 11,722

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566 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, xiii.)

which Mr. Gee had had with thirty farmers in the Vale of Clwyd as to their condition, and of which he gave thenbsp;Commission a summary in his evidence.^ Concerning hisnbsp;children working on his own farm, one farmer wrote: “Theynbsp;get only food and clothing, and they are worse clothed thannbsp;the servants.” Another used the words, “ They work likenbsp;slaves, but are not clothed as they should be, and theirnbsp;shoes are worse than their clothes.” And a third wrote:nbsp;“ They get food and clothing, but are worse clothed thannbsp;labourers’ children.” Lastly, in answer to a question ofnbsp;Lord Kenyon’s as to the farmers’ daughters more especially,nbsp;Mr. Gee said : “When you see farmers’ daughters in Denbighnbsp;they are in their best, but if you saw them at home, as Inbsp;have seen them, I am sure it would touch your feelings.”

There are two or three remarks of a more general nature which it occurs to us to make at this point; and amongnbsp;other things we may mention, that as regards the relativenbsp;importance of respectable clothing and good food, thenbsp;former stands higher in the estimation of the averagenbsp;Welsh man or woman of the farming or of the labouringnbsp;class than it does in that of an English person of the samenbsp;sex and position in life. Formerly, when the communication with England was more costly and precarious than itnbsp;has been ever since railways have become available, anbsp;Welsh rustic who happened to have relatives settled in thenbsp;west of England was not more struck by anything thannbsp;what he considered their extravagance in the matter ofnbsp;food and their lack of proper pride in that of dress. Hisnbsp;own tendency would be rather to stint himself in food innbsp;order to spend more on clothes in which to appear onnbsp;Sunday, and, however desirous of attending the Sundaynbsp;School or the other meetings at his chapel, he would staynbsp;at home rather than attend in his week-day clothes. Thisnbsp;tendency is still more perceptible among the mining portionnbsp;* Qu. 64,004, 64,014.

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of the population, and especially the quarrymen of North Wales. It is needless to say that it is sometimes carriednbsp;to excess, leading to pecuniary difficulties; but, on thenbsp;other hand, the way in which the women, for instance, innbsp;the quarry districts can dress, gives evidence to a naturalnbsp;taste, to a sense of colour and proportion which may benbsp;sometimes looked for in vain in ladies of a higher positionnbsp;in life in England. The ideal of the well-wisher of thenbsp;Welsh people, in matters of this kind, should be to encouragenbsp;ecqnomy without discouraging what artistic instincts theynbsp;may have inherited as a part of their natural endowment.

From an antiquarian point of view there is probably little to be said of Welsh dress from the Tudor times tonbsp;the present day, except what might be said of the fashionsnbsp;in England during the same time. Even the so-callednbsp;Welsh hat which was still to be seen worn in thé sixtiesnbsp;by women in Cardiganshire, less frequently in Merioneth,nbsp;Carnarvonshire, and Anglesey, has nothing distinctlynbsp;Welsh; it was introduced from England, as may be seennbsp;from the examination of paintings dating from the Stuartnbsp;times. How early Welsh dress had been assimilated tonbsp;the fashions prevailing in England it is impossible to saynbsp;in the absence of a systematic investigation of the subject.nbsp;But if one pursues it back into antiquity, one will findnbsp;peculiarities of dress becoming synonymous with marks ofnbsp;race. Thus we have a Gallia Bracata, which was characterised by the men wearing the braces, “ breeches ornbsp;trousers,” and the poet Martial, in the first century of ournbsp;era, speaks of the braces of a Briton, alluding, probably, tonbsp;some of the Brythons who still lived on the Continent;nbsp;but the dress of those in this country was presumably thenbsp;same. On the other hand, the Highland kilt probablynbsp;represents the dress of the Goidels of this country innbsp;former times. This is found delineated on an old figurednbsp;stone preserved at The Knoll, near Neath. Its surface is

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568 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, xiii.) occupied mostly by a rudely-carved human figure interpreted, according to the late Professor Westwood, to be innbsp;the attitude of prayer, the only dress represented being anbsp;short apron or kilt, reaching from the waist to the middle ofnbsp;the legs ; this garb is formed of a series of longitudinal stripsnbsp;radiating from a waistband, and giving the appearance ofnbsp;a short and very thickly quilted petticoat, just as in severalnbsp;of the Irish figures on the shrine of St. Manchan.^ Anothernbsp;stone appears to show a figure clothed in a similar shortnbsp;kilt: it is at Landevailog, in Brecknockshire, and bearsnbsp;the minuscule inscription, Briamail Floii? that is to say,nbsp;the cross of Brigomaglus Flavus, and Professor Westwoodnbsp;ascribed it hesitatingly to the eleventh century, but it maynbsp;well date considerably earlier.

An inscribed stone of the same class as that of Briamail occurs at Lanamlech, near Brecon, and shows two figures,nbsp;regarded by Professor Westwood as clad in long shirt-likenbsp;garments reaching down to the knees ; he supposed onenbsp;of them to represent St. John. The inscription states innbsp;faulty Latin that the stone was put up by a certain Moridic,nbsp;whose name wears a somewhat Goidelic aspect; and thenbsp;whole is supposed by the same authority to date beforenbsp;the neighbourhood of Brecon had felt the pervadingnbsp;influence of the Normans.®

Giraldus Cambrensis, in his “Itinerarium Kambriae,” written in the twelfth century, describes the personalnbsp;appearance of Kynwric, son of Rhys, prince of Southnbsp;Wales, and remarks, as to his dress, that he was clad in anbsp;thin cloak only and a shirt, and that his shins and feet werenbsp;left naked, regardless of thistles and thorns.quot;* The rude

* We take this account of the stone from the late Professor Westwood’s “Lapidarium Wallise,” p. 37 ; see also his plate xxv., fig. 3.

^ Ibid., p. 59, plate xxxiii.

® Seethe “ Lapidarium Wallite,” pp. 68, 69, and plate xxxviii., figs. 3, 4, 5.

Giraldus’s words are to be found in book ii,, chapter iv., and run thus :— quot; Adolescens ifse {Kenewrifusfilius Res{\ flavus et crUpus, pulcher et procersus,.

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RURAL WALES AT THE PRESENT DAY. 569 drawings of the officers of the Welsh court, given in anbsp;Hengwrt manuscript of the early part of the thirteenthnbsp;century, present the same general appearance as regardsnbsp;dress.^ The same may also be said of the pen-and-inknbsp;sketches of Welshmen to be found in the margin of thenbsp;Registrum Munimentorum {Liber A), a volume made upnbsp;of documents belonging to the reign of Edward I. nownbsp;preserved at the Record Office.® The Welshman of thatnbsp;period appears to have been somewhat more scantilynbsp;clothed than the Irishman, if we may judge by theirnbsp;respective figures in this manuscript, but while the latter isnbsp;quite unshod, the Welshman wears one shoe, namely, onnbsp;the left foot. Even as late as the commencement of thenbsp;present century, many of the poorer peasantry went aboutnbsp;barefooted. An English barrister resident in the neighbourhood of Newcastle Emlyn, in giving evidence in 1843nbsp;before the Commissioners of Inquiry for South Wales,nbsp;referred thus to the matter (Qu. 5,566); “ Formerly, twentynbsp;years ago, you saw the women walking about without shoesnbsp;and stockings, but now you never see such an occurrence innbsp;this part of the country.” At the present day the childrennbsp;of small farmers, and of labourers or shepherds, are allowednbsp;to go barefooted for a month or two in summer; otherwisenbsp;shoes and stockings are the rule in every countryside. To

ut patricB gentique inorem gereret, pallia lenui solum et interula induttis, tiiiis, et pedibus nudis iribulos et spinas non formidantibus ; vir turn arte quidein, sednbsp;natura mtmitus; plurimum quippe dignitatis ex se irieferrens, ex adjunctanbsp;parum.quot; See p. 252 above.

' See Aneurin Owen’s edition of the “ Ancient Laws and Institutes of Wales” (Public Record OlSce, mdcccxli.), voI. ii., pp. 749—814, and the Editor’snbsp;preface, vol. i., p. xxxii.

2 See Thomas Wright’s “History of Caricature and Grotesque,” pp. 177— 180 ; and “ Y Cymmrodor,” x. 201. Two of these sketches of Welshmen arenbsp;reproduced in Wright’s work; the first “represents a Welshman armed withnbsp;bow and arrow, whose clothing consists apparently only of a plain tunic and anbsp;light mantle,” v\ hile a shoe is worn on his left foot. “ The second [Welshman]nbsp;carries a spear, which he apparently rests on the single shoe of his left foot,nbsp;while he brandishes a sword in his left hand.”

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570 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, xiii.) return, however, to the mediaeval peculiarities of dress tonbsp;which we have referred, it is impossible to say at presentnbsp;how far we should be justified in regarding them as survivalsnbsp;of the dress characteristic of the Goidels of Britain in earlynbsp;times. In any case, the analogous survival of their idiomsnbsp;and laws suggests it as a proper subject of an inquirynbsp;which we, unfortunately, cannot prosecute.

In this chapter we have abstained from discussing either diet or dress from the economical point of view; it isnbsp;all the more necessary to observe the same distinctionnbsp;with regard to the large mass of evidence taken by thenbsp;Commissioners on the next subject, namely, the housing ofnbsp;the farmers and those immediately depending on them.nbsp;So we shall here deal with the questions of dwelling-housesnbsp;chiefly in so far as they exercise obvious influence on thenbsp;habits and mode of life of the people engaged in agriculture. A great many complaints were made to them fromnbsp;tenants as to their houses being out of repair; and in somenbsp;cases they proved almost incredible neglect on the part ofnbsp;all concerned, while in some instances the houses were sonbsp;old and so poor that the landowner did not think it worthnbsp;the while to put them in repair. Here and there henbsp;appeared to be improving the houses on his estate as fastnbsp;as the outlay of capital would admit, which meant that somenbsp;of the tenants who had to wait for their turn experiencednbsp;hardship for years. Now and then also the rebuilding ofnbsp;an old house involved the tenant in great discomfort for anbsp;shorter time. In some instances^ we were told of the wallsnbsp;having to be propped up to prevent their falling andnbsp;killing the inmates; in others we were informed of anbsp;family having for a time to live in a barn, or in a stable.nbsp;In one case we heard of frogs leaping about the bedroom,nbsp;and in several mention was made of snow falling on the

‘ Qu. 45-560, 45,564, 41,846, 42,857, 44,443, 46,421, 64,407, 38,745, 42,367—72, 42,813.

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RURAL WALES AT THE PRESENT DAY. 571 beds. But however great the inconvenience and hardshipnbsp;which such cases as these involved, it is right to distinguishnbsp;those which may be regarded as more or less temporarynbsp;and transitional from those in which the bad or inadequatenbsp;accommodation has been normal, and more or less permanent. We may here cite the words of Mr. J. C. Jones,nbsp;of Lanarth, who expressed his opinion, with regard to thenbsp;neighbourhood of Aberayron, as follows:^ “Although greatnbsp;progress has been made of late years in regard to betternbsp;buildings, I venture to say some landlords house theirnbsp;dogs and horses better than they do their tenants; ” andnbsp;Mr. Richard Rowlands, an Anglesey labourer, whom wenbsp;have already cited, expressed himself to the same effect asnbsp;regards the housing afforded the labourers by the farmersnbsp;of Anglesey.^

Mr. Henry Jones, a tenant farmer, representing the farmers of Clynnog, in Carnarvonshire, stated in hisnbsp;evidence® that there are but few comfortable houses innbsp;his neighbourhood, and those but recently built. The restnbsp;are, according to him, old houses, with very inadequatenbsp;sleeping accommodation, and very rarely provided withnbsp;proper sanitary arrangements.

One of the most general complaints was that as to insufficient accommodation, especially for men and womennbsp;to sleep. Mr. Richard Edwards, a tenant farmer fromnbsp;Pennal, in Merionethshire, gave the following description* of what had been his home : “The house was annbsp;old-fashioned one, a kitchen and two bedrooms downstairs,nbsp;and two bedrooms over the kitchen and dairy. There wasnbsp;no flooring, and the fire was on the ground. The chimneynbsp;was a big old-fashioned one, through which the sky couldnbsp;easily be seen, and through which the rain and snow camenbsp;down freely. The sleeping accommodation upstairs was

^ Qu. 22,557.

* Qu. 70,536.

1 Qu. 65,031, 49,103. 3 Qu, 12,769 -72.

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572 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, xiii.) very deficient, inconvenient, and unhealthy. The femalenbsp;inmates of the house had to pass through the men’s bedroom to their own. The house being a low one the bedsnbsp;were quite close to the slates of the roof, and we had tonbsp;bend down so as not to touch the roof. The roof was alsonbsp;in a bad condition; there was no ceiling and no kind ofnbsp;plastering. The wind drove the rain and snow betweennbsp;the slates, and I remember on many occasions in winternbsp;being covered, when in bed at night, with about five inchesnbsp;of snow. We lived in the house in this condition for manynbsp;years. I mention these facts because there are still farmersnbsp;living in such houses.”

The Rev. William Williams, a Baptist minister, living at Knighton, speaking of the houses in that district, used thenbsp;following words :^ “Of course, there are some excellentnbsp;farmhouses and excellent cottages, and particularly in thisnbsp;neighbourhood. There are a good many excellent cottages,nbsp;better than small farms up in the country ; there are othersnbsp;again, especially small farmhouses, that are not at all wellnbsp;arranged internally, and not with sufficient room. Had itnbsp;not been for the presence of ladies in the court, I couldnbsp;give you dreadful instances, shocking instances, of the waynbsp;sleeping accommodation is arranged, tending greatly tonbsp;indecency and immorality.” He explained in anothernbsp;answer that he alluded to houses where there would be,nbsp;for instance, a father and mother, and children betweennbsp;fifteen and twenty years of age, all sleeping in the samenbsp;room ; and he added that he had himself known cases ofnbsp;that kind.

Miss Kate Jenkins, while speaking^ as to farms in the Vale of Towy, and admitting that the buildings are on thenbsp;whole improving, instanced several bad cases known tonbsp;her, adding, as a general remark, that “ Welsh farmers willnbsp;inhabit houses no English farmer would live in.”

* Qii. 54,947—9, 54,966—7. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Qu. 38,024, 38,033-9, 39,745-

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Mr. Thomas Davies, a tenant farmer, who gave his evidence at Lansawel, in Carmarthenshire, specifiednbsp;certain very poor buildings, and spoke ^ in particular ofnbsp;one farmhouse as “ having one sleeping-room upstairs,nbsp;where both the sexes sleep, with no divisions betweennbsp;them, no ceiling overhead between them and the slatenbsp;roof, and the wind and the snow getting in through thenbsp;crevices.”

Mr. John Thomas, tenant farmer and butter merchant, specified in his evidence,^ given to the Commission atnbsp;Landeilo, a number of farms with bad buildings, andnbsp;gave certain particulars, in which he spoke of “onenbsp;farm where all the buildings are deplorably bad, thenbsp;farmer and his wife sleeping downstairs, and the mennbsp;and maid-servants, the carpenter, the tailor, and thenbsp;sons on their holidays, all sleeping in the same roomnbsp;upstairs, for there are a vast number of farmhouses whichnbsp;have no partition at all upstairs; another farm, rent 8o/.,nbsp;where a visitor would have to sleep either with the servantnbsp;over the cows, or in the same room with the servant-girl.”nbsp;We make one more extract from his evidence to the following effect;—“In another farm, whose rent is 88/., therenbsp;is only one fireplace, and that is in the kitchen, the onlynbsp;room where the women can do their work. The son ofnbsp;this farmer has a high social position, but when he comesnbsp;home for his holidays he has to sleep with the servant-mannbsp;on the dowlod over the cows, or in the loft where thenbsp;servant-girl sleeps, and which is not partitioned.” Henbsp;added the following remarks : “ If the doctors of Walesnbsp;told all they knew on the subject, they would put to shamenbsp;many landlords who talk glibly of morality. It is sheernbsp;hypocrisy on their part to talk of it, when they know thatnbsp;the hearts of many of their tenants bleed because of thisnbsp;perilous inconvenience.”

39 745 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;quot; Qa. 38,252.

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574 the welsh PEOPLE, (chap, xili.)

Mr. Jenkin Thomas, son of a tenant farmer, living in the neighbourhood of Cardiff, gives the following description^nbsp;of the house in which he was brought up; “ We were anbsp;family of thirteen—eleven children and our parents—livingnbsp;in this house on the farm. There were three bedroomsnbsp;in the house and two front rooms, and a small backnbsp;kitchen, a small pantry, and a small dairy. In consequence, we, as a family, had to put three beds in thenbsp;same room, and seven of us slept in the same room,nbsp;and we had not room even to walk between thesenbsp;three beds. We had to go over a bed to get intonbsp;bed. The servant-men, in consequence, had to sleepnbsp;out in the buildings, and that was a great inconveniencenbsp;to us.”

These extracts lead us to mention the accommodation for farm servants, and, first of all, to say that in somenbsp;districts servant-men sleep in the farmhouses, or adjunctsnbsp;to the farmhouses ; but in the case of the counties of Flintnbsp;and Denbigh, and in some instances in Anglesey also, it isnbsp;not unusual for the access to their bedrooms to be bynbsp;means of outside stairs. The prevailing custom in thenbsp;greater part of Wales, however, is for them to have theirnbsp;beds made in the lofts of the outhouses, such as the barns,nbsp;cowhouses, or the stables. This has been spoken ofnbsp;repeatedly as highly unsatisfactory for more reasons thannbsp;one. In Anglesey, Mr. John Hughes, a farm labourernbsp;appointed to give evidence by a committee of the farmnbsp;labourers of that county, spoke to the lack of accommodation for the servant-men in the farmhouses, and added thenbsp;following words : “ The day-schools teach the childrennbsp;until they have passed Standard V., or until they arenbsp;thirteen years of age, and then they go to the farmers, andnbsp;they are put to sleep and live with the cattle, and theynbsp;lose all that they have learnt in the school, and becomenbsp;' Qu- 26.530—1.

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RURAL WALES AT THE PRESENT DAY. 575 of the same nature as the beasts. That is the truth of thenbsp;matter.” ^

Mr. David Davies, a farm labourer from Langybi, in Carnarvonshire, spoke as follows: * “ The places allottednbsp;by the farmers to their servants to sleep are altogethernbsp;improper on account of size and situation, being only smallnbsp;rooms, with very limited head room, scarcely sufficient fornbsp;an ordinary man to stand erect in. Other servants sleepnbsp;in lofts above the cattle either in stables or cowhouses.nbsp;There is seldom room in the farmhouses themselves ; theynbsp;generally are very small, and without rooms upstairs. Theynbsp;try and place one bed in such a position as to screennbsp;another. I have been sleeping one of six in a loft abovenbsp;cows : there was not sufficient room for a person to standnbsp;erect in. There were three beds placed in the room. Thenbsp;narrow space between the beds was all the room we had.nbsp;I have been walking miles during the half-year in order tonbsp;sleep elsewhere than in this room.”

Another point at which the inadequacy of the farmhouse accommodation was pointed out to the Commissionnbsp;more than once is in connection with the question of thenbsp;treatment of the servant-men or labourers resident on anbsp;farm. In some cases we have been told that they arenbsp;welcome to pass their evenings in the kitchen ; but in thenbsp;majority of instances* that seems to be hardly the case, andnbsp;for the valid reason that there is no room to spare fornbsp;them. On this point, Mr. Samuel Hughes, chairman of thenbsp;Anglesey County Council, stated * that “ the farm labourersnbsp;are not looked upon kindly if they stay in the house on anbsp;winter’s night; they expect them to go,” he said, ” to theirnbsp;stable, and to their loft.” This statement is corroboratednbsp;by the evidence* of one of their own number, Mr. Richard

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;For the evidence see Qu. 55,564—8, 56,428, 59gt;o63—6, 63,106, 63,123—8,nbsp;19,611, and also 20,889, 20,903, 42,588—9.

= Qu. 11,766. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;’ Qu. 3«.463, 47.235—9.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Qu. 21,964.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* Qu. 22,561.

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576 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, xiii.)

Rowlands; for, according to him, they may go to the kitchen for some time, but he adds that in most placesnbsp;they will be turned out, as the farmer may want to makenbsp;some other use of that room; and another Angleseynbsp;labourer, Mr. John Hughes, who has already been cited,nbsp;spoke concerning the Aberffrawdistrict as follows : “Therenbsp;is no accommodation whatever provided for the labourersnbsp;for the evening, only let them go where they will.” Againstnbsp;this, however, must be placed the evidence ^ of Mr. Thomasnbsp;Prichard, farmer, landowner, and agent of the Bodorgannbsp;estate and other properties in Anglesey, who stated thatnbsp;some farmers welcomed their servant-men to spend theirnbsp;evenings in the kitchen, and some did not.

Dr. Rowlands, speaking, as already suggested, of the district around Lanaelhaiarn, in Carnarvonshire, stated thatnbsp;the servant-men have no accommodation for the eveningsnbsp;except the lofts of the stables. And the same state ofnbsp;things was spoken to as prevalent in the western portionnbsp;of Denbighshire by Mr. Hugh Owen, whose evidence wasnbsp;taken at Conway, and by Mr. William Jones, who spoke asnbsp;to the district of Cerrig y Drudion, in that county.®

The same deficiency of accommodation for the evenings is proved by the evidence® of Mr. Thomas Davies, who camenbsp;forward at Lansawel. The servant-men, according to him,nbsp;besides having poor sleeping accommodation in the outhouses, “ have no place to sit down or read, or anything.”

On the other hand, Mr, J. M. Davies, of Froodvale, who spoke from his extensive acquaintance with estatesnbsp;especially in Carmarthenshire,said,in answer to the questionnbsp;whether servant-men have fire and light in the evenings,nbsp;that “ they live in the kitchen, with every comfort.” Thenbsp;Commission had evidence * to the same effect from Mr. D. E.

' Qu. 20,889.

® Qu. 11,679, 15,132-52, 17,275—87.

® Qu. 40,002—25.

* Qu- 37.645. 43.131—3. 46,209, 44,235, 31,463-6.

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Stephens, a landowner in the same county ; and Mr. J. C. Harford, a landownerin the neighbouring county ofCardigan,nbsp;was of opinion that the complaint as to a lack of eveningnbsp;accommodation in the farmhouses would not apply to hisnbsp;estate. Similar evidence was given by Mr. W. Saundersnbsp;Davies, a tenant farmer, living in the parish of St. Dogmaels,nbsp;in Pembrokeshire, and by another Pembrokeshire farmer,nbsp;Mr. Jenkins, of Brimaston Hall.

In most farmhouses of modern construction there is, besides a kitchen and a back kitchen, a room which isnbsp;usually called the parlour, and that is commonly reservednbsp;for emergencies, such as when strangers call to whom thenbsp;farmer or his wife wishes to show respect—for instance,nbsp;ministers of religion. We have heard of the parlour beingnbsp;used for keeping corn or butter or other things for which thenbsp;farmer has a lack of room. But it is more usual to find itnbsp;furnished with a biggish table in the centre, with a show Biblenbsp;on it and other books which are seldom disturbed, and withnbsp;a number of chairs, each provided with its antimacassar.nbsp;But as motives of economy prevent the room having a firenbsp;regularly lit in it, a visitor finds it the least comfortable innbsp;the house. It is in fact a kind of old-fashioned drawingroom, ill-ventilated as a rule, and very musty, not to mention that practically it is in many cases a clear waste of sonbsp;much available space, to the inconvenience of those whosenbsp;occupations have to be carried on in the kitchen.^

We have received a great mass of evidence as to the labourers’ cottages, and we may briefly say that they varynbsp;in kind from the older cottage—not yet extinct—whichnbsp;consists of a square box with two or three holes for a door,nbsp;a window, and a chimney, to the more modern specimensnbsp;described by Mr. Davies,* of Froodvale, as having eachnbsp;three rooms upstairs, and a parlour and kitchen on the

1 Qu- 11,818-20, 20,938, 21,960-8, 39,933-’ Qu. 19,594, 37,646-


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578 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, xiii.) ground floor. Of the old ones Mr. Davies spoke as follows;nbsp;“ They are going out of fashion ; it is only the old-fashionednbsp;who live in them ; the young people do not go into themnbsp;—there are not many of them.” A much less encouragingnbsp;view is expressed by Mr. Thos. Prichard in his answers tonbsp;questions concerning certain cottages at Aberffraw, innbsp;Anglesey. He admitted that they were built long agonbsp;under old leases, and that they are very bad, but this he didnbsp;not consider the worst feature of the case, as the followingnbsp;words^ used by him go to show: “ It is the people’s habits :nbsp;that is the difficulty. They keep ducks there. They arenbsp;very fond of keeping ducks, and the floors are made ofnbsp;mud, and they will make duck-ponds inside their houses ;nbsp;they feed the young ducks in those duck-ponds inside.nbsp;No matter how good a cottage may be, if people will keepnbsp;their poultry and their filth in the house in that way younbsp;do not know what to do with them. It is hopeless. Yetnbsp;if I turned out a person because he had a duck-pond in hisnbsp;floor, I should be called I do not know what,—a regularnbsp;brute.” Then, on being asked whether a better class ofnbsp;cottages with wooden floors would not bring about anbsp;change for the better in the people’s way of living,nbsp;Mr. Prichard answered, “Well, I think they would make anbsp;hole in the floor : they would have a duck-pond.” Wenbsp;agree to a certain extent with the witness; for there isnbsp;nothing more certain than that habits of cleanliness do notnbsp;spring up in a day. People who have been used to live innbsp;dirt in bad cottages would hardly keep new and betternbsp;cottages in a state of exemplary cleanliness and order.nbsp;The disgraceful state of things described by Mr. Prichardnbsp;as actual at Aberffraw, the headquarters in ancientnbsp;times of the kings of Gwyned, will probably requirenbsp;several generations to wipe av/ay; but in time, wenbsp;doubt not, better cottages will render their inmatesnbsp;1 Qu. 15,593-609.

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RURAL WALES AT THE PRESENT DAY. 579 disposed to lead better lives and cultivate habits ofnbsp;cleanliness.

This last remark may be applied also to the housing of the farmers themselves, and will serve to explain why wenbsp;have written at so great a length on the subject, and whynbsp;we attach so much Importance to it. If we summarise thenbsp;evidence from which we have made these extracts, it comesnbsp;to this : improvement is going on steadily in the dwelling-house accommodation of the farming population of Wales,nbsp;but much remains to be done to give the farmers propernbsp;houses and to supply the number of passable cottagesnbsp;required for the labourers in certain districts.

Now that we have passed under review the conditions under which the agricultural population exists as to diet andnbsp;dress and dwellings, we propose to consider the kind of lifenbsp;which they ordinarily live. It has been stated more thannbsp;once in the evidence collected by the Commission that thenbsp;Welsh farmer leads a much harder life than the Englishnbsp;farmer, and that it is not unusual for him to take a partnbsp;himself in the work on the farm, as well as to superintendnbsp;and direct the work of those whom he engages. Thenbsp;hours of his labourers have of late years been shortened,nbsp;but hardly those of the servant-men who have the chargenbsp;of the horses required for the tilling of the land ; and therenbsp;has been no shortening of the service required of the femalenbsp;servants. As a rule they know little respite from earlynbsp;morning till late at night, and only one person has morenbsp;than they to do and more care on her shoulders : that isnbsp;their mistress, the farmer’s wife. It is, however, needlessnbsp;to say that the pressure of work varies very greatly withnbsp;the season of the year, and that the men of the householdnbsp;have their slack times and a good deal of leisure, not tonbsp;mention one day regularly every week, namely, Sunday.nbsp;Furthermore, the farmer or his wife, or both, devote mostnbsp;of one day to attending the nearest market for the disposal

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58o the welsh people, (chap, xiii.) of the farm produce and the purchase of necessaries for thenbsp;house. This has become in some cases so completelynbsp;a habit, that many a farmer may be found regularly in thenbsp;town on market-days whether he has any business tonbsp;transact there or not.

As a rule a farming neighbourhood is a model of peace and quietness, and when one of the inhabitants dies almostnbsp;everybody hies to the funeral, as in all other Celtic lands.nbsp;As an exception to the general peace one may perhapsnbsp;mention^ the bickering and squabbling which arise betweennbsp;farmers or shepherds in the upland districts owing to thenbsp;lack of fences to keep the sheep within their boundaries.nbsp;In the case of some of the larger estates a better state ofnbsp;feeling has been established as one of the results of propernbsp;fences having been put up. As a rule, however, the countrynbsp;districts are comparatively free^ from all serious crimes, butnbsp;men are now and then brought before the magistrates fornbsp;trespassing in quest of game or fish. Let us add that thenbsp;Commission heard a complaint from Anglesey as to thenbsp;roughness and recklessness of the farm labourers in thatnbsp;county. We allude to Mr. Thomas Prichard’s evidence®nbsp;where he says that the men’s accommodation is not sonbsp;good as the women’s, and explains that “ it is not entirelynbsp;owing to the farmer’s fault.” For he proceeds to say: “Thenbsp;men are such ruffians, they will break or spoil anything innbsp;the shape of furniture which is put into their rooms.nbsp;When Mr. Leufer Thomas went round we visited manynbsp;sleeping-places,^ and it so happened that we saw a mannbsp;doing mischief in one.” When asked further to explainnbsp;his meaning and to say whether he charged them with

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Qu. 70.158.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;For some criminal statistics in point, see the Report of the Welsh Landnbsp;Commission, Appendix E., Tables XXXV., XXXVI.

3 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Qu. 19,462, 19,465.

¦* This was when Mr. IL. Thomas was acting as Assistant Commissioner on the Labour Commission.

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RURAL WALES AT THE PRESENT DAY. 581 wilful damage, the answer was, “Certainly I do. Theynbsp;break things; if you put pots and pans and things of thatnbsp;kind into a room like that, you will find them all brokennbsp;in the morning.” We have no reason to doubt thisnbsp;evidence, and we cannot help noticing that it coincidesnbsp;with the bitterest complaint made to the Commission bynbsp;labouring men as to the treatment which they, on the othernbsp;hand, receive from the farmers. The evidence in point hasnbsp;already been mentioned, and we may add that one of thenbsp;witnesses in question used words to the effect that the gulfnbsp;between the farmers and their labourers is widening.^

One other question remains to be mentioned here, namely, that of immorality. This has long occupied thenbsp;attention of every one who is interested in the improvementnbsp;of the condition of the agricultural population, and of thenbsp;morals of the country generally; and, as far back as we cannbsp;remember, the pulpits of all religious denominations innbsp;Wales have more or less persistently thundered forthnbsp;against it. It has been repeatedly pointed out to us in thenbsp;course of the evidence how inadequate accommodationnbsp;in farmhouses and cottages must make against chastitynbsp;and in favour of immorality. One of the witne.sses. Dr.nbsp;Rowlands, already cited concerning Lanaelhaiarn, in thenbsp;Pwllheli union of Carnarvonshire, drew a comparison^nbsp;between the agricultural labourers and the quarrymen ofnbsp;Trefor, in the same parish, to the disadvantage of thenbsp;former. He did not consider the moral state of thenbsp;country very bad, though he admitted that illegitimacy didnbsp;occur; but he stated that to the affiliation cases broughtnbsp;before the magistrates at the petty sessions the partiesnbsp;were always farm labourers, and he used the followingnbsp;words; “ I have not seen a single case brought before thenbsp;magistrates between people that are working in the quarry.nbsp;They live quite differently. I never saw a young man andnbsp;gt; Qu. 20,957-44-nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* Qu. 11,691-3.

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582 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, xiii.) young woman belonging to the quarry bring a case beforenbsp;the magistrates to Pwttheli since I have been in Lanael-haiarn. There are several hundreds of people living innbsp;Trefor, but I have not seen a single case there. In thenbsp;farmhouses it is different; therefore I conclude that therenbsp;must be some mischief in the sleeping accommodation, andnbsp;in the connection between them and the farmhouses.”

The Commission had evidence to somewhat the same effect,^ but based on facts of a more reassuring nature,nbsp;from the late Rev. Sir T. H. Gresley Puleston, rector ofnbsp;Worthenbury and landowner in the detached piece ofnbsp;Flintshire. Asked whether he found the morals of thenbsp;people better in consequence of the great improvementsnbsp;which he had mentioned as having been effected in theirnbsp;cottages, he answered, “ Very considerably. I can answernbsp;both as a clergyman and as a magistrate. I could givenbsp;very strong proofs of it, but I think perhaps it is unnecessary;nbsp;you will guess what I mean : there is a very considerablenbsp;moral improvement in the district.”

The same view was also expressed by Mr. Thos. Davies,® tenant farmer from the parish of ILansawel, in Carmarthenshire, who, though he ascribed the decrease of immoralitynbsp;in his neighbourhood chiefly to the teaching of religion,nbsp;thought that proper accommodation for the men-servantsnbsp;would cause a material improvement in their morals. For,nbsp;as he proceeded to say, “it would keep them at home” ;nbsp;and he added the words, “ I think that we ought to get annbsp;out-kitchen for them, so that they might have a fire andnbsp;books, and they might read and write, and spend theirnbsp;leisure hours there.”

The charges brought against Wales on the score of immorality are doubtless based to a certain extent on thenbsp;survival in some of the agricultural districts of the oldnbsp;custom of night courtship, which is not peculiar to Wales,

' Q«. 57,064, 57,033, 57,135-45. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* Q«. 40,020-5.

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but occurs likewise among various European peoples as a survival from the life of the Middle Ages. It isnbsp;frequently referred to in the poems of the fourteenth-century Welsh poet I), ab Gwilym, and it may be brieflynbsp;described thus : the lover sallies forth at night andnbsp;approaches the house where his fair one lives; then henbsp;attracts her attention by gently tapping at her window.nbsp;In some Welsh districts this is called cnocio or streicio, andnbsp;in parts of Germany it is termed fenstem, as when Hansnbsp;Sachs sings,—

“Erstlich da ich brewtgam worden,

Da fenstert ich schier alle nacht.”

A similar practice is implied in several of the songs of Robert Burns, such as that to Mary Morrison :—

“ O Mary, at thy window be.

It is the wish’d, the trysted hour !

Those smiles and glances let me see,

That make the miser’s treasure poor.”

At the window, as in the case of Romeo and Juliet, a conversation ensues, which sometimes ends in the admission of the lover into the house ; and in that case he and the youngnbsp;woman sit up together the greater part of the night. Thenbsp;charge of assuming a different position, for which thenbsp;vocabulary of the English language provides the termnbsp;bundling, is usually denied and resented as a calumny.^

We have already cited evidence to the effect that Wales

* By way of further references to night courtship we may mention that in old Norse literature the work which makes the most frequent allusion to thenbsp;practice is probably “ Kormak’s Saga” (edited by Mobius, Halle, 1886, alsonbsp;published with a Latin translation, Copenhagen, 1832). For the Germannbsp;terms for it and references to it in German literature see Grimm’s Dictionarynbsp;under the words fensUrn and kilt, which latter belongs to Switzerland. Thenbsp;Dutch colonists seem to have carried the custom to South Africa, where onenbsp;finds it, for instance, in Olive Schreiner’s “Story of an African Farm” (seenbsp;Bart II., chapter v., concerning “ Tant’ Sannie’s Upsitting ” ; also “ Thoughtsnbsp;on South Africa,” by the same writer, in the “ Fortnightly Review,” Augustnbsp;1896, pp. 244-51). As to the custom in England see the volume entitlednbsp;“Barthomley,” by the Rev. Edward Hinchcliffe (London, 1856), p. 139,nbsp;where he touches on the “ sitting up ” for which he regarded Cheshire and

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584 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, xiii.) is improving in the matter of the morality of its agriculturalnbsp;population, and more could be cited if necessary. On thenbsp;other hand, one witness, Mr. Thos. Prichard, whosenbsp;evidence has already been referred to more than once,nbsp;called our attention to statistics which show an increase ofnbsp;illegitimacy in certain parts of the Principality.^ Hisnbsp;reference was chiefly to the following table given innbsp;Dr. Leffingwell’s chapter entitled “A Study in Morals.”®nbsp;Of each thousand births, how many were illegitimate innbsp;the following registration districts of England and Walesnbsp;during the periods mentioned below ? That is the questionnbsp;put, and the table supplies the answers as follows :—

Name of Registration District.


Annual Average, 1884—^

(Five Years).



Longtown .






»gt; •




Clun ....

Shropshire .




Rhayader .

South Wales




Brampton .






North Wales




Lanfyttin .

gt;1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;•nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;*




Church Stretton

Shropshire ,









Docking .

»gt; •




Bromyard .






North Wales




Anglesey .




Newtown .









All England .




parts of the counties bordering on it as enjoying an unenviable notoriety. In the valley of the Thames, in the neighbourhood, for instance, of Henley, itnbsp;appears to be known as “courting on the bed.” An early instance ofnbsp;“bundling” is mentioned by Chrestien de Troyes in his poem the “ Conte dunbsp;Graal ” ; the lines in point are quoted in Nutt’s “Studies in the Legend of thenbsp;Holy Grail,” p. 135. See also Rhys’s “Arthurian Legend,” p. 175, and Thomasnbsp;Wright’s “ Womankind in Western Europe from the Earliest Times to thenbsp;Seventeenth Century,” for instance, pp. 166-8,

¦ Qu. 120,90-210.

^ The title of the book is “ Illegitimacy and the Influence of Seasons upon

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From this it will be seen that, as in certain districts in Cumberland and Shropshire, there has been up to 1888 annbsp;increase in illegitimacy in certain districts in North Wales,nbsp;namely, Anglesey, the Pwllheli district of Carnarvonshire,nbsp;and the two districts of Lanfyttin and Machynlleth, in Montgomeryshire, at the same time that there has been a decreasenbsp;in the average for the whole of England and Wales. Wenbsp;are sorry that for the purposes of comparison we have notnbsp;been able to procure the figures for all the Welsh districts,nbsp;but those we have given show that, though the worst Welshnbsp;spots are not so bad as the worst English ones, there isnbsp;plenty of room for improvement still.

We think it right, however, to say that we do not believe that the increase of immorality in the Welsh districts innbsp;question has been as great as represented in this tablenbsp;between the years 1842 and 1888, for we suspect that thenbsp;numbers for 1842 are too low, in consequence of the concealment of illegitimate births and neglect on the part ofnbsp;the registrars to do their duty conscientiously. So we arenbsp;glad to be able to add the figures for the year 1893, fromnbsp;which it will be seen that Welsh illegitimacy is decreasing,nbsp;except in Anglesey.

Taking a somewhat wider view of the question, living men of ordinary habits of observation who have lived innbsp;the Principality can testify that ideas of chastity have madenbsp;great progress within their memory. Thus it was far morenbsp;common in the forties and the fifties for farmers’ daughtersnbsp;to be married at last in a hurry than it is now, and we arenbsp;inclined to ascribe the improvement more to the spread ofnbsp;education than to the influence of the pulpit.^ In such

Conduct: Two Studies in Demography,” by Albert Leffingwell, M.D. (London, 1892). The above table is given at p. 33 ; and we have added to it the figuresnbsp;for the year 1893.

* We cannot help suspecting that the influence of the pulpit is in some measure neutralised by a wide-spread acquaintance with the biography otnbsp;certain Old Testament worthies whose ideas of morality, if they had any, can

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586 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, xiii.)

matters abstract notions of virtue and vice play a far lesser róle than the ever-present question, “ Is it respectable ?quot;nbsp;The farmers’ daughters who were sent from home to schoolnbsp;learned that the old fashion to which we have alluded wasnbsp;disgraceful, and that it was regarded so by educated people.nbsp;So they set their faces against it when they returned home.nbsp;In time the conduct of the better behaved of the farmers’nbsp;daughters would tend steadily to establish a better fashionnbsp;among the maid-servants. We may here remark that itnbsp;would not only give the latter a much-needed interval fornbsp;recreation, but also conduce to a higher state of morality,nbsp;if they could be allotted, each in her turn, an afternoon anbsp;week for visiting their friends, as is usually done in the casenbsp;of women in domestic service in the towns. At any rate, thisnbsp;might be done, probably without any serious inconvenience,nbsp;during seasons of the year when there is no great pressurenbsp;of work at the farmer’s home. In any case we feel confident that the improvement proceeding in the housing ofnbsp;the agricultural population and the spread of educationnbsp;cannot fail to accelerate the improvement in morals tonbsp;which we allude, and to extend it in the near future to thenbsp;most remote country districts.

The same influences make in manifold ways for temperance ; for instance, it is now regarded among the agricultural populatiO|ii of Wales a disgrace to be found drunk. The Commission did not ask many questions asnbsp;to drunkenness in the rural districts. But they noticednbsp;that every farmer and every labourer who came to givenbsp;evidence was sober at the time, a statement which theynbsp;could not make of another class of witnesses who camenbsp;before them. As to the farm labourers and men-servants innbsp;particular, we have very little more to say, except that it isnbsp;only be referred to a comparatively low level of civilisation—a level, however,nbsp;above which, at any rate in the matter of the sexes, the East has never shownnbsp;any great hurry to rise very much.

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expected that, with more adequate accommodation for their passing their evenings at home, they will frequentnbsp;the public-houses less. Where the accommodation isnbsp;inadequate they have to go out somewhere, and those whonbsp;cannot find room in the kitchen naturally gravitate to thenbsp;public-houses, where they are certain to find a welcome,nbsp;and to hear the gossip of the countryside. Some evidencenbsp;touching on this point we have already given whilst dealingnbsp;with the question of dwelling-houses, so we do not think itnbsp;necessary to produce it here. Thanks to the pulpit andnbsp;the advocates of total abstinence, it would be difficult, asnbsp;regards temperance and sobriety, to exaggerate the changenbsp;which has taken place for the better in Wales within thenbsp;last fifty years. And were we to go back to remoternbsp;generations, we might illustrate the improvement by references to the jest-books of the early Tudor period, wherenbsp;one finds the bibulous propensities of Welshmen frequentlynbsp;satirised. Take, for example, Skelton’s “Merye Tales,”nbsp;the burden of one of which is “ How the Welshman dydnbsp;desyre Skelton to ayde hym in hys sute to the kynge for anbsp;patent to sell drynke.”^ We have possibly a survival ofnbsp;this notion of the Welsh character in the fiction, stereotypednbsp;in English literature of a certain order, that Welshmennbsp;never mention cwrw, “ beer,” without calling it cwrw da,nbsp;“good beer,” a combination of words resented by thenbsp;Welsh-speaking Cymro of the present day, as he construesnbsp;it, rightly or wrongly, to involve the insinuation that thenbsp;whole people regard beer as the one thing good andnbsp;needful.

No survey of the life of the Welsh farmer would be complete without some account of the great place whichnbsp;religion and religious observances occupy in it. His

‘ This tale is to be found in Hazlitt’s “Old English Jest-books” (London, 1864), vol. ii., pp. 7-9, and it is reproduced in Thomas Wright’s “ History ofnbsp;Caricature and Grotesque” (London, 1875), P- 239-

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588 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, xiii.)

Sunday is not a day of rest except in so far as a change of occupation answers the purpose of rest. In the morningnbsp;he and as many of his household as can be spared fromnbsp;the farm go to a service, mostly a sermon, at the chapelnbsp;which they attend. If the distance is not too great theynbsp;return home for dinner, and most of them attend thenbsp;Sunday School in the afternoon. They come home again,nbsp;and go back in the evening for another service at theirnbsp;chapel. These three meetings partake of the nature ofnbsp;fixtures not only at the dissenting chapel, but also at thenbsp;parish church. To these fixtures must be added variousnbsp;subsidiary meetings, such as those for musical practice ornbsp;for catechising the young, so that even a farmer who isnbsp;not an elder ^ or the bearer of any other office at his chapelnbsp;has the hours of Sunday pretty strictly allotted. Besidesnbsp;Sunday there are meetings at the chapel in the evening onnbsp;week-days. One of these, called the Seiet^ occupies atnbsp;least one evening of every week; it is confined to communicants and their children. Another evening there maynbsp;be a prayer-meeting; occasionally there is a sermon, andnbsp;sometimes a lecture or a musical practice, not to mentionnbsp;that in a Welsh-speaking district there usually exists anbsp;literary society, which meets regularly during the winternbsp;months. In fact, in a fairly populous neighbourhood therenbsp;are chapel meetings of one kind or another held on most ofnbsp;the evenings of the week, but where the population is sparsenbsp;and scattered the week-day meetings are not so numerous.

1 The Welsh word is blaenor, which literally means a leader; but the growth of ecclesiastical ideas is all in favour of diaconus, which is rapidly gainingnbsp;ground in the form of diacon, with the un-Welsh pronunciation of dëiacon.

^ It is needless to say that this word siiei, pronounced in Gwynetf s^ia/, is only an abbreviation of the English word society. In fact, the elders havenbsp;till lately given the preference to longer forms of the word, namely syseieti,nbsp;syseiet, and siieti, which are now nearly obsolete. Lastly, the English originnbsp;of the name suggests that the institution which it represents may possiblynbsp;be of English origin likewise, though it has acquired a thoroughly Welshnbsp;character.

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With regard to the Seüi, one may say that it undertakes the religious initiation of the children. It reviews thenbsp;sermons of the previous Sunday, elicits the religiousnbsp;experiences of the members, strengthens the weak-kneed, admonishes the erring, and in due time expelsnbsp;those whose conduct is held to be a scandal to thenbsp;community.

The Se^e^, comprising every church member, is, in a word, a miniature democracy, with the power residing in the eldersnbsp;and the other communicants, and not in the minister,nbsp;whose presence, though usual, is not essential to thenbsp;working of the system. Where there is a minister he isnbsp;the mouthpiece of the Seiet, not its ruler. This is, roughlynbsp;speaking, and in so far as concerns questions not requiringnbsp;the attention of the denomination on a larger scale, thenbsp;machinery of Calvinistic Methodism, an organisation whichnbsp;is to be traced back to the great religious awakening of thenbsp;eighteenth century as inspired by the teaching of the Puritannbsp;fathers and guided by Whitfield rather than by Wesley,nbsp;on the points where those reformers differed. It is anbsp;denomination of Welsh origin, and not a part of annbsp;organisation with its centre of gravity in England ornbsp;Scotland. So its administrative work and the business ofnbsp;its chief assemblies are conducted in the vernacular; andnbsp;it has the distinction of being the only organisation covering the whole of the Principality and embracing Welshnbsp;Churches in many of the towns of England, that hasnbsp;endured without breach of continuity or disruption fornbsp;about a century and a half.

Its Calvinism is extensively shared by the two Nonconformist denominations of older standing in the Principality, namely, the Independents or Congregationalists and the Baptists, both of which have by degrees adoptednbsp;to a large extent the organisation of Calvinistic Methodism by the establishment of county unions and national

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590 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, xiii.) unions of their Churches in Wales.* In other words,nbsp;the Church polity of the three great denominations®nbsp;to which the overwhelming majority of Welsh Nonconformists belong, is virtually the same, and almostnbsp;the precise antithesis of the polity of the Establishednbsp;Church, where the clergyman is practically responsible fornbsp;everything. We do not feel called upon to estimate thenbsp;respective merits of the two systems, but we notice with anbsp;certain amount of curiosity that most of the reformsnbsp;mooted of late years by clergymen of the Establishednbsp;Church have as their object the securing of the morenbsp;systematic and active co-operation of the lay element. It isnbsp;needless also to mention what opportunities their chapelsnbsp;afford Welsh Dissenters of learning the art of self-government, and of successfully managing their finances ; andnbsp;as this lesson has been more and more thoroughly learntnbsp;it is but natural to find that divisions and internal feudsnbsp;have been far less rife in Welsh religious communities ofnbsp;late years than they used to be formerly. On the wholenbsp;we think that the tone of the following passage in thenbsp;evidence of the late Mr. Thomas E. Ellis,® the parliamentarynbsp;representative of the county of Merioneth, is not pitchednbsp;too high: “ The people in these Welsh villages have learntnbsp;during the last 150 years the most valuable lessons of self-government. Their chapels have been to them a splendidnbsp;education in self-government; they manage these chapelsnbsp;and manage their organisations with admirable skill andnbsp;success.”

Those who are pleased to generalise on the supposed characteristics of different races hold it as an axiom that

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;On this and kindred questions see a suggestive letter by W. E. in thenbsp;“ British Weekly” for September isth, 1892 (p. 330).

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;We have said nothing of the Wesleyan Methodists, for they are not onlynbsp;numerically less important than the three denominations mentioned, but theynbsp;are the same in Wales as in England.

^ Qu. 17,065 ; see also footnote 3 at p. 646 of the Report.

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the CeJt is more impulsive and imaginative than the Teuton ; and we should perhaps be safe in assuming thatnbsp;the Welsh, for reasons which cannot be examined here,nbsp;participate in this greater impulsiveness and liveliness ofnbsp;imagination. At any rate the assumption of such livelinessnbsp;of imagination would help one to account for the comparative rarity of suicide among them, and also for certainnbsp;phenomena observed in the sphere of religion in Wales.nbsp;We allude, in the first place, to the Diwygiad, or religiousnbsp;revival, which every now and then comes over the Principality. The last (but one) of any magnitude spent its forcenbsp;about the beginning of the sixties. Its most conspicuousnbsp;feature was great excitement at religious assemblages, mennbsp;and women, with their emotions intensified by the magnetic sympathy of numbers, being moved either to exceeding ecstacy under a vivid realisation of the glory of “ thingsnbsp;invisible,” or to an uncontrollable terror by a discovery ofnbsp;their “ lost condition.” They had, as it were, in full prospectnbsp;one or other of the spheres of Dante’s “Divina Commedia.”nbsp;Regarded from the point of view of the conduct of thosenbsp;concerned, it may be mentioned that men who criticisednbsp;the Diwygiad from without sometimes alleged that it wasnbsp;mere religious hysterics, that it led to certain wholesomenbsp;conventionalities being forgotten, and even to a laxity ofnbsp;morals among people of an unstable disposition. But whennbsp;the spiritual storm had blown over it was found that it hadnbsp;done more good on the whole than harm. This was provednbsp;in most districts by the beginning of a new life by men whonbsp;had been till then given to habits of intemperance and tonbsp;the spending of their leisure hours in harvesting sorrow fornbsp;their families. It is but right to add that most of themnbsp;are believed to have withstood all temptation to fall backnbsp;into their old ways.^ We cannot help perceiving that

’ Since these words were written our attention has been called to some eloquent passages dealing with the Welsh pulpit in Henry Richard’s ‘‘Letters

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592 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, xiii.) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^

what we have said of the Diwygiad may appear to recall the religious services of the Salvation Army; and at firstnbsp;sight the comparison would seem a fair one to make. Atnbsp;any rate it might be so if one could conceive the spontaneitynbsp;of the Welsh meetings being subjected to system, and thenbsp;ebullitions of religious fervency which characterised themnbsp;being made chronic. But it is a fact of some relevancynbsp;here that the Salvation Army, with its Saxon methods,nbsp;has never met with any conspicuous success among thenbsp;Celts either in Wales or elsewhere.

We have already hinted that the Welsh are well endowed' in the matter of imagination and fancy. This faculty hasnbsp;sometimes played a great róle when it was found combinednbsp;with a certain kind of faith. The faith we (mean is thatnbsp;which has sustained nations like the Jews in their expectation of a Messiah to come, or at one time inspired thenbsp;Spaniards with the belief that the Cid Rodrigo was to returnnbsp;to restore the glories of Castile; and other instances mightnbsp;be mentioned. From this combination there sprang upnbsp;among the Brythons of yore a spirit of romance whichnbsp;hefd the Europe of the Middle Ages bound, as it were,nbsp;under a spell. There is no great literature of the Continentnbsp;which does not betray the influence of the Brythonicnbsp;hero Arthur, whom his people as late as the time ofnbsp;Henry II. expected to see returning from the isle ofnbsp;Avalion hale and strong and longing to lead his men andnbsp;countrymen to triumph over the foe and the oppressor.nbsp;So real was this sanguine expectation that it is supposednbsp;to have counted with the English king as one of thenbsp;forces which he had to quell in order to obtain quiet fromnbsp;the Welsh. So the monks of Glastonbury proceeded to

and Essays on Wales” (London, 1884), pp. 26-30. Alluding to the religiousi revivals which we have in view, Mr. Richard gives his opinion of them as Inbsp;follows:—“With some serious draw’backs, no one acquainted with the innernbsp;life of the country can doubt that they have been of incalculable value tonbsp;Wales. ”

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RURAL WALES AT THE PRESEN2 DAY. 593 discover there the coffin of Arthur, his wife and his son.nbsp;This was to convince the Welsh of the unreasonablenessnbsp;of their reckoning on the return of Arthur, who had beennbsp;dead some six hundred years. The Welsh, however, wentnbsp;on believing here and there in the eventual return ofnbsp;Arthur; and in modern times a shepherd is now and thennbsp;related to have chanced on a cave where Arthur’s Mennbsp;are sleeping in the midst of untold treasure, awaiting thenbsp;signal for their sallying forth to battle. This is located innbsp;various spots in Wales, as also in the Eildon hills, nearnbsp;Melrose, in South Scotland. Similar expectations havenbsp;been connected in Ireland with the names of several ofnbsp;the heroes of local stories current in that country. Take,nbsp;for instance. The 0’Donoghue, who is supposed to benbsp;sleeping with eyes and ears open beneath the lakes ofnbsp;Killarney till called forth to right the wrongs of Erin, ornbsp;the unnamed king who sleeps among his host of mightynbsp;spearmen in the stronghold of Greenan-Ely, in the highlands of Donegal, awaiting the peal of destiny to summonnbsp;him and his men to fight for their country.

Nor was Arthur the only hero of the Brythons who was expected to return from the other world. One gathers fromnbsp;certain passages in the thirteenth-century manuscript of thenbsp;poetry associated with the name of Taliessin that a similarnbsp;expectation once attached to Cadwaladr, sometimes callednbsp;the Blessed, the last king of the Brythons to contest thenbsp;lordship over what is now the north of England with thenbsp;Angles of Deira and Bernicia in the latter part of thenbsp;seventh century. Indeed, there is reason to think thatnbsp;this sort of superstition did not wholly die out in certainnbsp;parts of the Principality till, so to say, the other day.nbsp;The Rev. Benjamin Williams, a clergyman and Welshnbsp;antiquary who has not been dead many years, contributednbsp;to the “Brython” for 1858 an article in which he alludednbsp;to a certain Owain Lawgoch, “ Owain of the Red Hand,”

W.p. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Q Q

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594 the welsh PEOPLE, (chap, xm.)

Popular imagination, we learn, represented Owain Lawgoch as a hero expected to return eventually to reign overnbsp;Britain. In the meanwhile he was by some supposed tonbsp;be biding his time in foreign lands, and by others to benbsp;slumbering in a treasure cave, where certain intrudersnbsp;once on a time beheld him, a man of seven foot in stature,nbsp;sitting in an ancient chair with his head resting on his leftnbsp;hand, while the other, the red hand, grasped a mightynbsp;sword of state which had come down to him as an officialnbsp;heirloom from the ancient kings of Britain. This Owainnbsp;Lawgoch was the subject of ballads sung at Welsh fairs,nbsp;and Mr. Williams quotes the following couplet:—

¥r Owen hwnyw Harrir Nawfed, “ This Owain is Henry the Ninth,

Sydyn trigo 'ngwladestronied.^ nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Who tarries in a foreign land.”

Mr. Williams’s statement is, that this “is sometimes heard sung”—“clywir canu weithiauquot;—which means thatnbsp;he or some of his friends had heard it sung not long beforenbsp;the time of his writing. Now it turns out that the originalnbsp;of Owain Lawgoch was a historical man; he lived, as wenbsp;have found (pp. 343—4), in the time of Edward III. andnbsp;his son, the Black Prince. His deeds of valour in thenbsp;French wars fill not a few of the pages of Froissart,

The faith and fancy which have combined to waft across five centuries and more the echo of Owain Lawgoch’s namenbsp;to our time will help one to understand a phenomenonnbsp;touched upon in the evidence ; we mean the success which

' Since the above was written we have learned from a Welsh scholar, the Rev. John Fisher, of Ruthin, that this comes from a ballad in a twopenny-book published at Carmarthen in 1847, entitled Prophwydoliaeth Myrdinnbsp;WyUty “ The Prophecy of Merlin the Wild.” The booklet contains two poemsnbsp;or ballads, both of which speak of Owain Lawgoch: the couplet cited occurs in thenbsp;first of the poems, while the second, which is similar, closes with the date ofnbsp;the year 1668 in rhyme. Mr. Fisher has never heard either ballad sung, but therenbsp;are, he says, old people still living in his native Valley of the Lwchwr whonbsp;could repeat scraps here and there of both ballads. We are indebted to Mr.nbsp;Fisher also for calling our attention to Froissart’s account of Owain, and fornbsp;other valuable hints. See above, p. 343.

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RURAL WALES AT THE PRESENT DAY. 593 at one time used to attend the efforts of Mormonnbsp;missionaries among the people of certain parts of Wales.nbsp;It appears to have been most remarkable in the miningnbsp;districts of South Wales, but it now and then involvednbsp;the inhabitants of rural districts, such, for example, as thenbsp;village of St. Bride’s Major, in the south of Glamorganshire, mentioned by Mr. J. M. Randall, one of the agentsnbsp;engaged in the management of Lord Dunraven’s Welshnbsp;estates. We refer to the following passage: ^ “You saynbsp;about forty years ago there was a large exodus of thenbsp;working classes from your district.^”—“Yes, particularlynbsp;from the village of St. Bride's Major. There was a largenbsp;exodus to Salt Lake City. I think they went to join thenbsp;Mormons, on religious grounds.”

Now there were two things in the preachings of the Mormon missioners which were calculated particularly tonbsp;attract the ignorant in Wales, namely, the imminentnbsp;approach of the end of the world and the coming of Christnbsp;in the flesh to reign with His saints in a temporal kingdomnbsp;in the West. The latter doctrine belonged to an ordernbsp;of ideas which we have shown to have been far fromnbsp;unfamiliar among the Brythons and other nations.nbsp;Probably, however, a certain class of people was still morenbsp;influenced by an apprehension of the immediate approachnbsp;of the end of the world ; for even now the crazes on thisnbsp;subject which are propagated from time to time by anbsp;certain type of English divines, whose favourite studynbsp;seems to be the Apocalypse and the Prophet Daniel, arenbsp;apt to command, perhaps, a more anxious hearing innbsp;Wales than they usually obtain in England. And in thenbsp;earlier fifties apprehension and fear were helped by thenbsp;uneasiness created by the Crimean war, and it was innbsp;some measure prolonged by the strange appearance somewhat later of Donati’s Comet. Many timid people therenbsp;* Qu. 5,625—6 : see also p. 53 of the Report.


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596 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, xiii.) undoubtedly were who connected these things with the eventsnbsp;set forth in the sixteenth chapter of the Book of Revelation,nbsp;including among them the stealthy coming of Christ andnbsp;the gathering together of mighty hosts to Armageddon.nbsp;These and other reasons of the same nature seem to havenbsp;made Wales a favourable arena for the activity of thenbsp;Mormons for a time, and the success which attended thatnbsp;activity had the effect of giving the Welsh the reputationnbsp;of being a very superstitious people. A great change,nbsp;however, has come over the country within the last thirtynbsp;years, as any one can testify who attempts nowadays tonbsp;collect folklore in the Principality. His task has becomenbsp;an exceedingly difficult one so far as regards the Welshnbsp;men and women of the present day, for not only have theynbsp;ceased to give any credence to the stories and legendsnbsp;of the past, but they go so far as only to own withnbsp;reluctance to having ever heard them. In fact, such folklorenbsp;is rapidly passing into oblivion as far as concerns thenbsp;rustic of the type that formerly revelled in it; and sonbsp;would the creed of the Latter-day Saints too but for itsnbsp;apostles continuing to haunt the Principality. Some havenbsp;been seen and heard preaching there the peculiar tenetsnbsp;of that creed within the last few years ; but the successnbsp;of earlier days appears to have deserted their ministry,nbsp;leaving it to interest solely the student of psychologicalnbsp;pathology.

A word must now be said as to the opportunities for recreation and the means of improvement within the reachnbsp;of the agricultural population. Few country places havenbsp;any ground set apart for recreation and athletic exercise)nbsp;and even where ground had been reserved for that purposenbsp;under the Acts of Parliament authorising the enclosure ofnbsp;common land, the Commission usually found that it wasnbsp;little used, or not at all.^ The growth of interest in suchnbsp;* Qu. 543 iseg., 643—695.

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RURAL WALES AT THE PRESENT DAY. 597 games as that of cricket and of football belongs chieflynbsp;to the younger part of the population of the towns andnbsp;mining centres, though football is by no means a newnbsp;game in the Principality. It used to be a very popularnbsp;pastime prior to the Nonconformist revival, but as thenbsp;principal day for it used to be Sunday it was put downnbsp;with stern severity by all the Nonconformists, who heldnbsp;decided Sabbatarian views. In Catholic times there werenbsp;numerous saints’ days and festivals on which the gamenbsp;might be played, but as these holidays have nearly allnbsp;ceased to be observed and Sunday is out of the question,nbsp;football mostly ceased in the country districts. There is,nbsp;however, we think another and a deeper reason whynbsp;neither football nor any other athletic exercise is regularlynbsp;practised in country places, and that is the natural lack ofnbsp;inclination to further physical effort on the part of mennbsp;who have to work through a long day in the open air.nbsp;Recreation to suit them must, we think, partake largely ofnbsp;the nature of cessation from serious bodily exertion ; theynbsp;want some change of occupation which involves rest fornbsp;the limbs wearied by the day’s toil. In other words, theynbsp;may be expected to prefer something of the nature ofnbsp;reading, singing, chatting together, playing some easynbsp;game of the nature of chess, or at most a game of quoits ;nbsp;not to mention that the hours of labour of the farmer andnbsp;his servants make it impossible that their recreation shouldnbsp;be found for them out of doors, at least for a considerablenbsp;portion of the year.

In winter the farmers and their families have long evenings at their disposal, and it is interesting to noticenbsp;how they spend them. A few generations ago the household of an upland farmer on the Cardiganshire side ofnbsp;Plinlimmon would sit round a good peat fire ; some of thenbsp;women would take up their knitting, some would peelnbsp;rushes for rushlights, a servant-man would carve a wooden

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598 THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, xiii.) spoon or a ladle, and somebody would read to the company. When they grew tired of that, somebody wouldnbsp;relate a story or propound riddles ; and so things went onnbsp;till all retired to rest. Somewhat the same domesticitynbsp;is suggested by the evidence of Mr. W. L. Williams, who,nbsp;speaking of Carmarthenshire, said : ^ “ I remember the timenbsp;when servants had a kind of domestic competition on thenbsp;hearth as to who could make the best wooden spoon ornbsp;basket, or string onions. There is now nothing of thenbsp;kind : the servants are gradually losing their character asnbsp;members of the family, and do not remain as much in thenbsp;farm kitchen. They have little or no domestic life.” Atnbsp;Bedgelert and other places in the Snowdon district thenbsp;neighbours used to spend their evenings in one another’snbsp;houses on what they termed “ knitting nights,” when theynbsp;used to knit and entertain one another with stories aboutnbsp;fairies, bogies, or any other popular subject.^ In thenbsp;parish of Lanaelhaiarn, in Arfon, an evening of thatnbsp;description used to be called a pilnos or “ x\is\i-peelingnbsp;night,” though we read of the occupation of the companynbsp;gathered together being rather the dressing of hemp andnbsp;the carding of wool. But the entertainment consistednbsp;chiefly in telling stories, a fact which need surprise no onenbsp;in a district which forms the classical ground of the old-world tales of the “ Mabinogion ” and has a topography thatnbsp;re-echoes the names of the goddess Don’s descendants.®nbsp;In Merionethshire, Bala and its neighbourhood werenbsp;formerly celebrated for the trade done in them in woollennbsp;stockings, and Pennant, alluding to what he terms anbsp;“ knitting assembly ” or Cymorth Gwau, uses the following

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Qu. 37,829.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;See “ Y Cymmrodor,” vol. v., pp. 49, 50.

® Ibid., vol. vi., p. 169. See also pp. 162—165, rom which it appears that it is in this part of Arfon alone that the name D6n has survived in the languagenbsp;of the hearth: elsewhere it has been obtained from books, as proved by itsnbsp;being pronounced Dbn or Donn and treated as a masculine.

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RURAL WALES AT THE PRESENT DAY. 599 words“During winter the females, through love ofnbsp;society, often assemble at one another’s houses to knit;nbsp;sit round a fire, and listen to some old tale, or to somenbsp;ancient song, or the sound of a harp.”

The happy gathering of the family round the winter fire continues in most countrysides much as in years gone by,nbsp;except on the one hand that the comforts now enjoyed arenbsp;frequently greater, and that on the other the charmednbsp;circle is apt in our day to be somewhat encroached uponnbsp;by the frequency of evening meetings at the chapel, unlessnbsp;that happens to be situated at too great a distance to benbsp;often attended. In any case this raises the question ofnbsp;the extent of the accommodation afforded by the farmhouse for those who would like to spend their evenings atnbsp;home, but we have already considered it at some length.nbsp;So we revert to Mr. W. L. Williams’s words to the effectnbsp;that for some reason or other the servant-men tend, asnbsp;stated by him, to consider themselves or to be considerednbsp;by their employers less intimately members of the familynbsp;nowadays than they did formerly. This forms a thirdnbsp;exception to our general statement, and it is to benbsp;regretted, we think, on the ground of morality andnbsp;temperance, and of honest service ; but it is a tendencynbsp;which is growing and likely to grow the more completelynbsp;labour becomes, like other commodities, ruled by thenbsp;highest bid without any predilection for person or place.nbsp;So the question of resorts and recreations in countrynbsp;villages must become a more and more pressing one. Thenbsp;labourers and servant-men who quit the farm kitchennbsp;cannot all be accommodated in the smithy or the shoemaker’s workshop; and all are agreed that it is notnbsp;desirable that they should make a habit of frequentingnbsp;the village public.

The Commission took some evidence on this point,

* Pennant’s “ Tours in Wales,” ii., pp. 2to, 2ll, of the edition of i8io.

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, xiii.)

and beginning with the least ambitious order of suggestions made to them, we quote first the views of Mr. J. M.nbsp;Prichard, farmer, magistrate, and barrister-at-law, whonbsp;came before them at Langefni, and spoke as followsnbsp;“ Now Lady Reade has shown an example which Inbsp;should very much like to see Class A landlords who arenbsp;able to afford it, follow. She had three public-housesnbsp;at Lanfaethlu, and, being a temperance reformer, shenbsp;did away with two licences. She thought that one wasnbsp;quite enough, and that is, I think, the policy whichnbsp;is followed now. She did it without appealing to usnbsp;as magistrates at all. She dropped these two licences ;nbsp;she wanted to see less drink in the villages. The onlynbsp;result of dropping these two licences was to create morenbsp;drinking. The three houses that were there before didnbsp;not pay at all; you might have bought both licences fornbsp;loo/. each or 50/., but when there was only one public-house, that house was immediately enlarged and madenbsp;very comfortable and nice ; three or four parlours werenbsp;added, and the result is, there is more business done atnbsp;that one than was ever done at the three. That, Inbsp;suppose, did not suit Lady Reade; she naturally did notnbsp;like to see so much drinking in the neighbourhood, sonbsp;near by, she built a coffee-house, which has been a verynbsp;great success. I think if the landlords would build morenbsp;of those—not make an attempt at once to do away withnbsp;the few places that the workmen have to sit down in, butnbsp;first of all build coffee-houses, or build them some places ofnbsp;entertainment, where they can enjoy themselves of annbsp;evening, and afterwards petition the magistrates to donbsp;away with the licences, that would be a good policy.”

Mr. Prichard in dealing further with this subject instanced ILanfachreth, Bodedern, and Trefor as centres where placesnbsp;of entertainment might prove a great boon to that partnbsp;* Qu. 18,623,18,624.

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RURAL WALES AT THE PRESENT DAY. 6oi of Anglesey, and he thought it best to entrust the establishing of them to the County Council. A little laternbsp;this view was advocated by Mr. S. Hughes,^ the chairmannbsp;of the County Council himself, who, however, in representing the desirability of having places for refreshmentsnbsp;in every country village, gave some prominence to thenbsp;intellectual requirements of the persons concerned : “ Inbsp;think there should be some sort of temperance housenbsp;there,” he said, “ with periodicals and some books.”

This brings us to the evidence about reading-rooms. As regards the majority of country districts, it was simplynbsp;negative: there are none. But in one instance a witnessnbsp;went further, namely, Mr. William Edwards,^ Lecturer onnbsp;Agriculture under the Cheshire County Council, formerlynbsp;Secretary to the Anglesey Farmers’ Society, and otherwisenbsp;intimately acquainted with that county. After dwellingnbsp;in severe terms on the lack of a reading-room or anynbsp;recreation-ground at the village, for instance, of Lanfair,nbsp;in Anglesey, and the responsibility of the neighbouringnbsp;landowners in the matter, he drew a contrast between thatnbsp;county and Cheshire in the following terms : “ During thenbsp;last fortnight I have been in Cheshire, I could not helpnbsp;noticing that there was a very vast amount of differencenbsp;there in the small villages, as compared to ours.” Henbsp;went on to say : “ In almost every small village you go to,nbsp;there is a public room, all the papers come there, there arenbsp;science classes and that sort of thing, and lectures arenbsp;given on all conceivable subjects.”

On the other side we feel bound to quote the evidence of Lord Stanley of Alderley, who owns land both innbsp;Anglesey and Cheshire: we refer to the following passage,nbsp;Question 19,831.—“ Have you done anything in the waynbsp;of encouraging libraries in the villages, in order to preventnbsp;the prowling around the neighbourhood by the farm boysnbsp;1 Qu. 21,971—2.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;’ Qu. 43,085—6.

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6o2 the welsh people, (chap, xiii.) at night ? ”—“ Yes, I have. I did one thing, and tried to donbsp;another. I have made a beginning with a library of Welshnbsp;books in my principal farm at Bodewryd; it is in thenbsp;middle of the property I have there. Then at Bodedernnbsp;I heard that Archdeacon Wynne Jones, when he was thenbsp;owner, had attempted to establish a reading-room, andnbsp;that the project had fallen through. I offered to build annbsp;additional room, either as a school class-room, or simplynbsp;as a reading-room adjoining the school at Bodedern. Thenbsp;schoolmaster was perfectly willing to keep it open at night,nbsp;and to receive people there for amusing themselves, fornbsp;reading and so on ; but although I have offered to providenbsp;the building, I have not been able to get further thannbsp;that. They have not yet said that anybody would benbsp;glad to have it, nor made any proposal to me as to whichnbsp;spot the building should stand on.”

We have dwelt so long on the case of Anglesey partly because it is a typically agricultural county, and partlynbsp;because the Anglesey evidence on this question happens tonbsp;be explicit and concrete. But the same apparent lack ofnbsp;intellectual interest, which is suggested by Lord Stanley’snbsp;words cited above, meets us elsewhere. In some instancesnbsp;where reading-rooms have been in existence they are notnbsp;conspicuously successful, and in others they have failednbsp;altogether. As regards the Anglesey instances, his Lord-ship does not offer any explanation why his generositynbsp;was not more appreciated either at Bodedern or Bodewryd ;nbsp;and we turn to another part of the Principality and citenbsp;a case which is explained by the witness dealing with it,nbsp;namely. Miss Kate Jenkins. She spoke, as already stated,nbsp;of the parish of Langadock, in the Vale of the Towy, andnbsp;used the following words “ I do not think the rightnbsp;people take it [the reading-room movement] up, or if theynbsp;do they do not take it up in the right way. We had a

* Qii. 38,053.

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RURAL WALES AT THE PRESENT DAY. 603 reading-room at Langadock. I did not go to it at all;nbsp;I happened to be away from home at the time, but whennbsp;I came back I found it was not a success. The farmers’nbsp;sons did not go there, only just the Church people went.nbsp;I asked them why they did not attend, and told them itnbsp;was very bigoted. They said instead of forming a committee and getting all the farmers together in that way,nbsp;which would be self-government by the people, the vicarnbsp;arranged everything, and when everything was finished henbsp;called a committee together. It was very kind of himnbsp;and I have no doubt he wanted to do it, but it was allnbsp;finished at that time, and when the people came theynbsp;found inside the books, ‘ St. Cadog’s Church Lendingnbsp;Library,’ and the Nonconformists (of course foolishly) tooknbsp;umbrage and never came near, or very few of them. It isnbsp;now dead because nobody goes there.”

The habit of turning into a reading-room to seek information or mental improvement has probably got to grow among the rural population, and to do so under thenbsp;fostering influence of careful and protracted cultivation.nbsp;This is the first point to be considered in any attempt tonbsp;account for the failure of reading-rooms in country villages.nbsp;But reasons of the kind assigned by Miss Jenkins in thenbsp;case cited by her are not imaginary: they constitute anbsp;vera causa. Any undertaking which labours under thenbsp;least suspicion of aiming at proselytising or of being annbsp;act of patronising, whether on the part of the Church ofnbsp;England or any dissenting body, of noblemen or wealthynbsp;commoners, is in the present temper of the Welsh peoplenbsp;doomed to certain failure. In the long run the peoplenbsp;will not have it, even though that attitude should exposenbsp;them to the charge of indifference or ingratitude. Wenbsp;cannot help referring here to the instances of reading-roomsnbsp;mentioned in the evidence^ of Mr. Price of Rhiwlas, given

‘ Qu. 18,492.

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in the course of one of the Commissioners’ sittings at Bala. They do credit to the generosity of those who originatednbsp;them and carried them on, in some cases with considerablenbsp;success ; but we cannot admit that the references to themnbsp;successfully rebut, as they were intended to do, the following passage in the evidence of Mr. Thomas E. Ellis •.!nbsp;“Now these figures speak for themselves. The occupiersnbsp;pay the land tax, the poor, public health, education, highway, police, and county rates, yet in Merioneth, wherenbsp;140,335/. was paid as rent in 1889—90, the county is ill-provided with public institutions. In a land and amongnbsp;a peasantry singularly devoted to social converse there isnbsp;not a public village hall—keenly fond of reading, there isnbsp;not a public library. In a changeable climate mainly dampnbsp;and with homes small and confined there is not a singlenbsp;hospital or public dispensary. In a land whose people arenbsp;singularly attached to the soil and its associations thenbsp;dwellings of peasants and cottagers are allowed to fall to ruin.nbsp;I venture to think this is too severe a strain and cannot last.”

Mr. Ellis maintained his position and explained, as follows, the meaning which he attached to his words :nbsp;“When I say a public village hall, I mean not a couple ofnbsp;rooms, which may be let with or without rent for a timenbsp;and at the will of the landowner or of a resident, but anbsp;building with rooms and conveniences which is the property of a parish or of a village. Of such a building I believenbsp;there is not a single instance in the county of Merioneth.”nbsp;Reviewing Mr. Price of Rhiwlas’ instances, he spoke of onenbsp;of them as follows : “ The Lanbedr room and hall is anbsp;very admirable one, and does a very great deal of good,nbsp;but the hall is the property of Mr. Pope, and with greatnbsp;generosity he has allowed these rooms, I think, to benbsp;used freely by the public. But it is not the property ofnbsp;Lanbedr; and if Mr. Pope went away from the district Inbsp;' Qu. 16,918, 18,508—la

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do not believe there is any guarantee except the guarantee of his generosity that would leave it as a public institution.nbsp;It is in no sense the public library of Lanbedr.” Furthernbsp;on he speaks of the instances adduced from Corwen andnbsp;Dolgeüey as little spasmodic attempts made by small groupsnbsp;of individuals in those two towns. “ There is no continuitynbsp;whatsoever,” he added, quot; about these reading-rooms, andnbsp;they are in no sense public libraries.” Of a reading-roomnbsp;at Lanuwchlfyn he said : “ It was started by getting onenbsp;or two rooms in a house, and a certain number of booksnbsp;was placed there, but they were the mere surplusage ofnbsp;other libraries, and a good deal of the literature was aboutnbsp;such subjects as the Lost Ten Tribes.quot; Lastly, withnbsp;regard to a portion of the old barrack utilised at Bala asnbsp;a reading-room, and supported by subscriptions, his wordsnbsp;were : “ They have two or three comfortable rooms, so farnbsp;as they go. There is a little room which is called a library,nbsp;but I do not believe the Commission would give more thannbsp;about 5/., if they would give 5/., for the whole stock ofnbsp;books that are there. They are antiquated, and thenbsp;majority of them perfectly useless and unserviceable. But,”nbsp;he added, “these subscriptions to what one may call anbsp;casual reading-room, which is rented in an old barrack herenbsp;in the town, is a very different thing to a handsome buildingnbsp;which is owned by the people, and controlled by them.”

These utterances of Mr. Ellis’s as a farmer’s son and a man enjoying a position of eminence in the politicalnbsp;party to which he belonged, fix, probably, a minimum ofnbsp;reform below which no future well-wisher of the agricultural population of Wales can well allow his demands tonbsp;fall. Even the seemingly otiose adjective referring tonbsp;architecture is, if we mistake not, fraught with futurenbsp;significance.! But we have cited Mr. Ellis’s evidence at

! After the visit of the Commission to Bala Mr. Ellis addressed more than one meeti.ng of Welshmen on the subject of architecture in the Principality,

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, xni.)

so great a length, mainly because he lays his finger on two of the weak points in the present reading-room system :nbsp;we have used the wrong word—there is no system, butnbsp;there ought to be a system. And one essential part ofnbsp;such system must be the exclusion of all possible suspicionnbsp;of proselytising and patronising, as we have already hinted ;nbsp;or in other words, suggested by this evidence, the unequivocal ownership and control of the reading-room or librarynbsp;by the people for the people. The other weak pointnbsp;indicated by the evidence in the case of some of the well-meant efforts, already mentioned, to encourage reading isnbsp;the lack displayed of discretion to select or of means tonbsp;buy suitable books. The surplusage of other libraries,nbsp;antiquated and unserviceable volumes, cannot be expectednbsp;to form good intellectual pabulum for a farmer or even anbsp;farmer’s man, and a reading-room that relies on the Lostnbsp;Ten Tribes must speedily find itself more lost than they.

Having dealt at so great a length with the question of reading-rooms, we may remark that the evidence didnbsp;not show that they were all unsuccessful, and that, evennbsp;had such been the case, Ave should not feel com.pelled,nbsp;seeing what the history of these undertakings has individually been, to consider that their want of success formsnbsp;adequate proof that the rural population of Wales caresnbsp;nothing about books. In fact the contrary statement hasnbsp;been more than once made to us—for example, by Mr.nbsp;Ellis in the evidence already quoted ; not to mention thenbsp;curious instance given at Lansawel by Mr. Thomas Davies.nbsp;Being asked as to farm servants whether they take anbsp;delight in reading, Mr. Davies replied : ^ “ Yes, I had a farmnbsp;servant who left me last year : he had been with me ninenbsp;years, and he was reading the Bible once a year everynbsp;year right through, genealogies and all.” On this wenbsp;have to remark, on the one hand, that the man in questionnbsp;* Qu. 40,026—8.

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did his reading under difficulties as regards accommodation, and on the other hand that his case is probably not a purenbsp;instance of love of reading, but to a certain extent, at allnbsp;events, of a sense of religious duty. We think it a mistakennbsp;sense of religious duty, but it is by no means uncommonnbsp;in the Principality, and has in the estimation of strangersnbsp;earned for the Welsh people the character of being devotednbsp;to Bibliolatry. It probably is a survival from a time whennbsp;the Bible was almost the only extensive book which wasnbsp;as a matter of fact accessible to all in their own language;nbsp;and it is to some extent the result of the Bible beingnbsp;practically the only Sunday-school book still. On thenbsp;principle, however, that a fact or two may prove of morenbsp;value than a mass of opinion or theory, we have had thenbsp;curiosity to inquire what has happened in one of the mostnbsp;rural parishes in the neighbourhood of Bala subsequentlynbsp;to the time when the Commission took the evidence therenbsp;which we have in part cited, and above all since thenbsp;machinery of the Parish Council has come into existence.nbsp;We refer to Lanuwchttyn, and our inquiry was directednbsp;to one of the best known men in Wales, Mr. Owen Morgannbsp;Edwards, Fellow and Tutor of Lincoln College, Oxford,nbsp;and a native of Lanuwchttyn, where he spends more thannbsp;half of each year. He has been good enough to send usnbsp;the following letter bearing the date of Lincoln College,nbsp;Oxford, February i, 1896:—

“We adopted the Public Libraries Act at Lanuwchttyn almost as soon as our Parish Council got into workingnbsp;order. The parish is entirely agricultural, and its scatterednbsp;village is a very small one. All took an interest in thenbsp;movement for a library: 114 voted for it, and Only 19nbsp;against.

“We started with a little over 400 books, and the number is continually increasing, the farmers and labourersnbsp;themselves presenting many.

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THE WELSH PEOPLE, (chap, xiii.)

“ Within the first two months after opening it, 354 books were taken out, the demands upon the library is increasing,nbsp;and in spite of the Parish Council’s willingness to spendnbsp;money and of continual gifts, we find ourselves unable tonbsp;cope with the demand. Books on agriculture, Danielnbsp;Owen’s novels, books on history, and books on technicalnbsp;subjects are in greatest demand—all in Welsh, of course.

“ The success of the movement we attribute to the fact that the people feel the library belongs to them, and isnbsp;under their sole management.”

For details concerning the growth and volume of the periodical literature published in the Principality we refernbsp;the reader to our chapter on the Language and Literature ; ^ and we confine ourselves here to one or twonbsp;remarks on those of our periodicals and newspapers whichnbsp;are in Welsh. There is no daily paper published in thatnbsp;language, but there are a good number of weekly ones, ofnbsp;which some are more or less closely identified with individual religious denominations.

Speaking generally of the Welsh newspapers, we may say that they agree in eschewing news about horse-racingnbsp;and in devoting but little of their space to games of anynbsp;kind. They are chary in their accounts of divorce casesnbsp;and indecent assaults, but they are rather more accessiblenbsp;to accounts of murder and tales of horror. They are morenbsp;literary than English papers of the like standing, and theynbsp;are always open to poets and versifiers. The editors hailnbsp;with delight anything of an antiquarian nature, and anynbsp;history or biography, especially relating to Wales. Theynbsp;may be said to be on the whole Puritan in their tone. Thenbsp;majority of them are devoted to the interests of the Liberalnbsp;Party, and only one has adopted a socialistic or collectivistnbsp;attitude.

’ See pp. 533—S, above ; also tbe Report, pp. 653—5, and the Appendices to it, especially C. III., pp. 195—200.

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This brief survey of the journalistic literature current in Wales will serve also to indicate the general characteristics of the monthly and quarterly periodicals, as wellnbsp;indeed as of all the other books which are in request innbsp;Wales. The tone of all is expected to be more or lessnbsp;religious ; and even if they happen to be novels, theynbsp;must devote ample space to the religious aspects of thenbsp;characters which they delineate. Books of biography andnbsp;travels are always acceptable ; and so are those that dealnbsp;with Welsh history and antiquities. The world of fancynbsp;has its unfailing charm for the Cymro, and he is alwaysnbsp;accessible to the muse of poetry. Lastly, it is to hisnbsp;credit that the Gwydoniadur, a high-class encyclopaedianbsp;in the Welsh language, has found ready acceptance. Itnbsp;began to be issued in the year 1854, under the editorshipnbsp;of the Rev. Dr. Parry, of Bala ; and the late Mr. Gee, thenbsp;originator and guiding spirit of the series, had in the yearnbsp;1896 the gratification—as editor, this time, as well asnbsp;publisher—to see completed a second edition of the worknbsp;in ten massive volumes, comprising nearly 10,000 articles.nbsp;Inquiries made by one of us have elicited the informationnbsp;that the whole undertaking has cost more than 20,000/.,nbsp;and that the veteran publisher was satisfied with the waynbsp;in which his enterprise had been backed by his Welshspeaking countrymen. We leave these bare facts to speaknbsp;for themselves as to the current literature which Welshmennbsp;read, and more especially the rural population.^

* Since this chapter was written, our attention has been drawn to an interesting essay in Welsh on quot; Rural Life in Wales” (” Bywyd Gwledig ynnbsp;Nghymru ”), by Mr. Charles Ashton. This is printed at pp. 36—92 of thenbsp;“Transactions of the National Eistedfod of Wales,” Bangor, 1890.


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.Hhix nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;AVll' TK dAlivH AkiVAA

Ji’töTiÖó STJiKtrAH .;iKibsiJ'!y-''*;_ sbi lo \3VUié iiwif! «ijfT; -¦jV.'i'.'j'Jnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;orÜ .-•lÊj-b.'si oJ otifi aviflÊ llr*? eslsW ai

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''rii J®3Üp3'i /if 31B biohiv/gi4ood iViU', aiij 'is lo êi- feashni \ kitfil bö'stofd 9(1 öt óiloaqxo si Üe lo 3ii0i s/iT .asfeWnbsp;'^drfJ fi.hf-ron o4 öf foqqsri '(Oi!l U nova brrs r'Eaoi^':.-;nbsp;'9/11 lo‘gtoaq^.j; sooipiAi sd* oJ sosqa. ohuaünbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;isijoi

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'{o/'rl tc bi'0,'7 'sö'i' '*!:'gt;9 aiiiu. La* '^-lolftid d^bV^ lUlw S'fivdis tl od' bras firianc-yf^éP^ W'^Éi ^mskm «li Pirfnbsp;'i^jsoq T..- -rl/ÜT idt oj OidiséOOjfinbsp;^ÖfBb'-nyiiI anbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;xo-. ipj^ uilj- Jtrii iVimo

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orlim bail nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;s-Ailo ïiikp; gnibir/o bas;-ïto-r.'iiyiio

?./: .¦;.¦•'•• ?£ -/jfiih 'arrfj prlibo 4;*—noitetirü.fr.ig orfl Dooi ïhó'ff oal lo aoiiibo bi.ODSs * ijoó.’Sqmoo aaa oj—Toiail.J-jq

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'norlsniiclri! oifi-ba'ir.iA ovol sa lo 9fro vd obcia «s-niiipoj

.^adibS flSfi o/Ol:; 'ifcüD ECa g'ii,;„i7von;j :;kr.:i.7 o/b io,;ri3 ¦({sw ad! fiJiv.' LfliAlsa sSwogriaLouq nsio/av Oill laril Lncnbsp;dffai-y// eLi oi Looiosd nwcf bsft i/sriqiojao eI’;! ibidv/ nsnbsp;' «*5q«'V54 afc*l aifid ssarii sveai s'W -.nafrof^iiftuco grtidatiqs.nbsp;/ra/niL-'oV/'dDbis, o'ooxnojH.Aftsiio srfj oï s-n aovi^E-nodj lolnbsp;.noL/Dogo i SiOi;! siij viLuosq-,! 3T«gt;fo t;n£ .bsoi

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ö:. .lyr Lö?nW«r ;r piilT .UGirfiix. ^shsdO di. ” v ! k

/gt;^l JG;-^ii::-., quot; :b/lkd-} io b-gt;Ti?Sgt;J8lM. Llitobb’/l ^di 'ó nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;l. quot;

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There are several lists of these ancient divisions extant; of these, the three oldest, each however representing a distinct text,nbsp;are :—

1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The list in the Red Book of Hergest, which has been diplomatically reproduced as an appendix to Brut y Tywysogion innbsp;Rhys and Evans’ Oxford series of Welsh texts, vol. ii. (pp. 407—12),nbsp;and was previously printed, but very inaccurately, at the bottomsnbsp;of pp. 606—12 of vol ii. of the Myvyrian Archaiology of Walesnbsp;(ist edition, or at pp. 737 et seq. in the 2nd or Denbigh edition).

2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The text from the Cwtta Cyfarwyd, printed by Mr.nbsp;Gwenogvryn Evans in Y Cymmrodor ix. 327—31.

3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A list copied in the 15th century from (ultimately) a lostnbsp;MS. of the 12th or 13th, preserved in MS. Cott. Domitian, A.nbsp;viii. (Brit. Mus.), and printed in Leland’s Itinerary, edition 1769,nbsp;vol. V., folios 16—18.

Among other lists which are of later date, being in fact composed subsequently to the division of Wales into counties, the more important and most frequently quoted are :—

4. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The list given in Sir John Price’s Description of Wales (ofnbsp;which the oldest known MS., dated 1559, is that marked Caligulanbsp;A. vi., among the Cottonian MSS. in the British Museum). Thisnbsp;list was edited by Humphry Lwyd, and is printed in Dr. Davidnbsp;Towel’s Historie of Cambria, 1584, pp. 1—22 (and presumably innbsp;all subsequent editions of that work; in the Merthyr edition of

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1812 it occupies pp. i.—xxiv.). It was also printed in a separate form by William Hall at Oxford in 1663, where it is said to havenbsp;been merely “ perused ” by Humphry Lwyd (H Cymmrodor xi.nbsp;P- 54).

5. A list, virtually identical with No. 4, is the first of the two printed in the Myvyrian Archaiology of Wales, vol. ii., at the topsnbsp;of pp. 606—13 (in the ist edition j or at pp. 735—7 in the 2ndnbsp;edition), and erroneously thought to be and quoted as being fromnbsp;the Ped Booh of Hergest. There are also numerous other lessnbsp;important lists in existence.

We reprint here the list from Sir John Price’s Description of Wales.

About the year 870, Rodericus Magnus, king of Wales, divided the country into three territories, which they callednbsp;kingdoms, and which remained until of late days.

These three were:—

Gwynedd, or North Wales ; Powys Land ; andnbsp;Deheubarth, or South Wales.^

“Gwynedd had upon the north side the sea, from the River Dee at Basingwerke to Aberdyfi, and upon the west and southwest the River Dyfi, which divided it from South Wales and innbsp;some places from Powys Land, and on the south and east it isnbsp;divided from Powys, sometimes with mountains and sometimesnbsp;with rivers, till it came to the River Dee again.

This land of old time divided into four parts :—

(t.) Mon, having three cantrefs or hundreds which were subdivided into six commots, namely :—

(a.) Aberffraw, with two commots, Lleyn and Malltraeth. (1.) Cemais, with two commots, Talibolion and Twrcelyn.nbsp;(c.) Rossyr, with two commots, Tyndaethwy and Maenai.

' As to the alleged division by Rodericus (Rhodri) see above, p. et seq.


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(2.) Arfon, having four cantrefs and ten commots, namely: —

(a) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Aber, with three commots, Y Llechweddochaf, Y Llechwedd-isaf, and Nant-Conway.

(b) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Arfon, with two commots, Uwch-Gwyrfai and Isgwyrfai.

(f.) Dunodig, with two commots, Ardudwy and Efionyth.

{d.) Lleyn, with three commots, Cymytmayn, Tinllayn, and Canologion.

(3.) Meirionydd, containing three cantrefs, and each cantref three commots:—

(a.) Meireon, with three commots, Talybont, Pennal, and Ystumaner.

(3.) Arustly, with three commots, Uwchcoed, Isboed, and Gwarthrenium.

(f.) Penllyn, with three commots, Uwchmeloch, Ismeloch, and Michaint.

(4.) F Berfeddwlad, containing five cantrefs and thirteen commots ;—

(a.) Rhyfonioc, with two commots, Uwchalet and Isalet.

(i5.) Ystrad, with two commots, Hiraethog and Cynmeirch.

(r.) Rhos, with three commots, Uwchdulas, Isdulas, and Creuddyn.

((f.) Dyffryn-Clwyd, with three commots, Coleigion, Llannerch, and Dogeulyn.

(«.) Tegengl, with three commots, Cynsyled, Prestatyn, and Ruthlan.

“The second kingdom was Mathrafael. To this kingdom belonged the country of Powys and the land between Wye andnbsp;Severn. Which part had upon the south and west. South Wales,nbsp;with the Rivers Wye and Tywy, and other mears. Upon thenbsp;north Gwynedd, and upon the east the Marches of England, fromnbsp;Chester to the Wye, a little above Hereford.

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This part called Powys, was divided into Powys Fadoc and Powys Wenwynwyn:—

(i.) Powys Fadoc, contained five cantrefsand fifteen commots:—

(a) Y Barwn, with three commots, Dynmael, Edeyrnion, and Glyndyfrdwy.

{b.) Y Rhiw, with three commots, Yal, Ystratalyn, and Hop.

(c.) Uwchnant, with three commots, Merffordd, Maelor Gymraeg, and Maelor Saesneg.

{d.) Trefred, with three commots, Croesfain, Tref y Waun, and Croesoswallt.

((?.) Rhaider, with three commots, Mochnant Israiader, Cynllaeth, and Nanheudwy.

(2.) Powys Wenwynwyn had likewise five cantrefs and twelve commots:—

(a.) Y Fyrnwy, with three commots, Mochnant uwch Raiader, Mechain Iscoed, and Llannerch Hudol.

{b.) Ystlic, with three commots, Deuddwr, Corddwr Isaf, and Ystrad Marchell.

{c.) Llyswynaf, with two commots, Caerneon and Mechain Uwchcoed.

{d.) Cedewain, with two commots, Conan and Hafren.

(e.) Conan, with two commots, Cyfeilioc and Mowddwy.

(Arustly was in old time in this part, but afterwards it came to the princes of Gwynedd.)

(3.) The third part belonging to Mathrafael, was the land between the Wye and Severn, containing four cantrefs and thirteennbsp;commots:—

(a.) Melienydd, with three commots, Ceri, Swyddygre Rhi-walallt, and Glyn Erthon.

(A) Elfel, with three commots, Uwchmynydd, Ismynydd, and Llechddyfnog.

{c.) Y Clawdd, with three commots, Dyffryn Teyfediad, Swyd-dynogen, and Pennwellt.

(dl) Buellt, with three commots, Swydd y Farn, Dreulys, and Isyrwon.

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6i =


“The last kingdom of Wales, called Dynefawr, was divided into six parts :—

(i.) Caredigion, containing four cantrefs and ten commots:—

(«.) Penwedic, with three commots, Geneurglyn, Perfedd, and Creuthyn.

(^.) Canawl, with three commots, Mefenyth, Anhunoc, and Pennarth.

(c.) Castell, with two commots, Mabwynion and Caerwedros.

{d^ Syrwen, with two commots, Gwenionydd and Iscoed.

(2.) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;containing eight cantrefs and twenty-three commots:—

(a.) Emlyn, with three commots, Uwchcuch, Iscuch, and Lefethyr.

(3.) Arberth, with three commots, Penrhyn ar Elays, Esterolef, and Talacharn.

(c.) Daugledden, with three commots, Amgoed, Pennant, and Efelfre.

(d^ Y Coed, with two commots, Llanhayaden and Castell Gwys.

(«.) Penfro, with three commots. Coed yr haf, Maenorbyrr, and Penfro.

(ƒ) Rhos, with three commots, HwlfTordd, Castell Gwalchmai, and Ygarn.

(^.) Pubidioc, with three commots, Mynyw, Pencaer, and Pebidioc.

(/%.) Cemais, with three commots, Uwchnefer, Isnefer, and Trefdraeth.

(3.) Carmarthenshire, having four cantrefs and fifteen commots:—

(a.) Finioc, with three commots, Harfryn, Derfedd, and Isgeneny.

(lt;5.) Eginoc, with three commots, Gwyr, Cydweli, and Cam will eon.

(c.) Bychan, with three commots, Mallaen, Caio, and Maenor Deilo.

{lt;/.) Mawr, with four commots, Cethinoc, Elfyw, Uchdryd, and Wydigada.

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(4.) Morganwg, containing four cantrefs and fifteen commots :—

(a.) Croneth, with three commots, Rwngneth ac Afan, Tir yr Hwndrwd, and Maenor Glynogwr.

{b.) Penny then, with four commots, Meyscyn, Glynrhodny Maenor Talafan, and Maenor Ruthyn.

(r.) Brenhinol, with four commots, Cibowr, Senghennyth, Uwchcaeth, and Iscaeth.

{d.) Gwen til w, with two commots, y Rhardd Ganol and Eithafdylgion.

(5.) Gwent, having three cantrefs and ten commots :—

(a.) Gwent, with three commots, Y mynydd, Iscoed Llefnydd, and Tref y grug.

(b) Iscoed, with four commots, Brynbuga, Uwchcoed, y Teirtref, and Erging ac Ewyas.

{cl) Cöch.

(6.) Brecheiniog, having three cantrefs and eight commots:— {a.) Selef, with two commots, Selef and Trahayern.

(A) Canol, with three commots, Talgorth, Ystradyw, and Brwynllys or Eglwys Yail.

(r.) Mawr, with three commots, Tir Raulff-Llywell and Cerrig-Howel.”

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(See page 23 J


The notion of a ‘ mixed language ’ must have much mors weight assigned to it than has heretofore been allowed.”—O. Schrader, Prehistoric Antiquities.nbsp;Eng. trans. p. 113.

The syntax of Welsh and Irish differs in some important respects from that of the languages belonging to the other branchesnbsp;of the Aryan family. Professor Rhys suggested many years agonbsp;that these peculiarities are due to the influence of a pre-Aryannbsp;language; this suggestion led me to make the comparisonsnbsp;summarised in this paper. The substance of that part of thenbsp;paper which deals with Egyptian was communicated to Professornbsp;Rhys in April, iSpr ; the other comparisons were made later; butnbsp;hitherto they have all remained unpublished. I now gladly availnbsp;myself of the opportunity kindly offered to publish them in thenbsp;pages of “ The Welsh People.”

When one language is supplanted by another, the speakers find it comparatively easy to adopt the new vocabulary, but notnbsp;so easy to abandon the old modes of expression; and thus, whilstnbsp;the old language dies, its idiom survives in the new. The neo-Celtic languages, then, which are Aryan in vocabulary, and largelynbsp;non-Aryan in idiom, appear to be the acquired Aryan speech of anbsp;population originally speaking a non-Aryan language. This viewnbsp;does not necessarily imply that the ancestors of the Welsh andnbsp;Irish belonged almost exclusively to the conquered pre-Celtic race:nbsp;we may suppose that the invading armies of Celts destroyed anbsp;large part of the aboriginal male population, and took possession

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of their wives, thus producing an amalgamated race, who, however, learnt their speech from their non-Celtic mothers.

These non-Celtic inhabitants of Britain are believed by anthropologists to be of the same race as the ancient Iberians, and to have migrated through France and Spain from North Africa,^nbsp;where the race is represented by the Berbers and the ancientnbsp;Egyptians. “ The skulls of the pure Iberian race, such as thosenbsp;found in the long barrows of Britain, or the Caverne de THomraenbsp;Mort, are of the same type as those of the Berbers and the Guanches,nbsp;and bear a considerable resemblance to the skulls of the ancientnbsp;Egyptians.”!* Again, on the linguistic side, M. de Rochemontebcnbsp;has shown in his “ Rapports grammaticaux entre l’égyptien et Ienbsp;berbère,” ® that a relation exists between the Berber languages andnbsp;ancient Egyptian, which are now usually included in one family,nbsp;called the Hamitic. If the Iberians of Britain are related to thenbsp;speakers of these languages, it is natural to expect that theirnbsp;language also belonged to the Hamitic family—in other words,nbsp;that the pre-Aryan idioms which still live in Welsh and Irish werenbsp;derived from a language allied to Egyptian and the Berbernbsp;tongues. And if there is evidence that this is so—if we find, onnbsp;comparison, that neo-Celtic syntax agrees with Hamitic on almostnbsp;every point where it differs from Aryan, we have the linguisticnbsp;complement of the anthropological evidence, and the strongestnbsp;corroboration of the theory of the kinship of the early inhabitantsnbsp;of Britain to the North African white race.

Egyptian preserves a very ancient form of Hamitic speech; and we can assume with confidence that it approaches much nearernbsp;to the primitive Hamitic type of language than the Berber tonguesnbsp;which we are acquainted with only in their modern form. Egyptiannbsp;may therefore be expected to agree more closely in general structure with our hypothetic pre-Celtic dialect; and it will be convenient to consider first those parallels which are offered by it.

' A. H. Keane, “Ethnology,” 1896, pp. 135-6.

^ Isaac Taylor, “ Origin of the Aryans,” p. 220. See also Sergi, “Origine e diffusione della stirpe mediterranea ” (Rome, 1895), p. 79.

® In the “ Mémoires du Congrès international des Orientalistes,” ire Session, t. ii., p. 66 et seq.

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I. The order of words in the sentence.—As the relations of words in an Aryan sentence are sufficiently shown by inflexions, thenbsp;order of the words may vary; but normally the verb comes last.nbsp;In Welsh and Irish the verb usually comes first: thus in Welsh,nbsp;DarHennod Ifati y Ny/r, “ Evan read the book ”; in med. Irish,nbsp;AlissPatriceDubthach, “Patrickrequested Dubthach.” O’Donovannbsp;in his “Irish Grammar” (p. 357) says: “ In the natural order of annbsp;Irish sentence the verb comes first, the nominative, with itsnbsp;dependents, next after it, and next the object of the verb.” Compare with the above the following rules given by Renouf in hisnbsp;“Egyptian Grammar” (p. 57)^: “The order of the words in annbsp;Egyptian sentence is constant. 'Wffien the verb is expressed itnbsp;precedes the subject. If both the nearer and the remoter objectsnbsp;of a verb are nouns, the former is placed after the subject and thenbsp;latter comes last.” ^

But there appears in Welsh another form of sentence in which the noun comes first. No distinction is made in any of our Welshnbsp;grammars between this and the simple form of sentence in whichnbsp;the verb comes first; and the Welsh translators of the Bible constantly misuse it for the simple form; as Job a atebod, instead ofnbsp;atebodJob, for “Job answered.” This misuse of the constructionnbsp;is absolutely unknown in the spoken language; and such a phrasenbsp;as Job a atebod is never heard except when the fact of some onenbsp;having answered is known and the doubt in the hearer’s mind isnbsp;as to who it was that answered. In short, the verb “ to be ” isnbsp;understood with Job, and a is the relative pronoun ; thus Job anbsp;atebod means “(it was) Job who answered.”^ In Egyptian, saysnbsp;Renouf (p. 57), “a noun at the beginning of a sentence impliesnbsp;the ellipsis of the verb ‘to be.’”

But a noun may also stand quite independently at the beginning of a sentence. In Irish, writes O'Donovan (p. 357), “ when

gt; The references in this paper to Renoufs “Grammar” were made to the 2nd edition ; but as the 3rd seems to be an exact reprint of the 2nd they holdnbsp;good of the 3rd also.

2 See also Brugsch, “ Grammaire hiéroglyphique,” p. loo.

• The full meaning is seen when the contrast is expressed: Paul a lefarciil, nidPedr, “ (it was) Paul who spoke, not Peter.”

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the noun is placed before the verb, it does not immediately connect with the verb, but rather stands in an absolute state.” ^ So Renouf,nbsp;speaking elsewhere of a noun coming first, says : “ The noun isnbsp;not the grammatical subject of the verb, but what grammariansnbsp;call the ‘nominative absolutequot;' (p. 47).

In Welsh and Irish an adjective or a noun in the genitive case is placed after the noun which it qualifies; as, Welsh, gwr mawr,nbsp;Irish, fear mbr, “ vir magnus ” ; Welsh, Cdn Selyf “ the Song ofnbsp;Solomon ”; Irish, inghean Shaidhbhef the daughter of Sabia.” Sonbsp;in Egyptian pa netar da ^ (Welsh, y duw mawr), “ the greatnbsp;god ”; /ruu td^ (Welsh, eithafoed daear), “the ends of the earth.”nbsp;Of course, the same order is preserved when the relation of thenbsp;genitive is expressed by means of a preposition. Now, M.nbsp;Bergaigne^ has shown that in the primitive Aryan sentence thenbsp;qualifying word, whether adjective or genitive, came before thenbsp;word qualified. In Welsh and Irish, then, we have a divergencenbsp;from the primitive Aryan order, and an adoption of the samenbsp;order as that found in Egyptian.

2. Personal Suffixes.—In Egyptian “the suffixes representing the different persons are:—

Singular. ist personnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;amp;.

2nd nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;„nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;masc.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;h.

2nd nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;„nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;fern.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;t.

3rd nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;„nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;masc.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;f.


I St person n.

2nd nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;„nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ten.

3rd nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;„nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;sen.

3rd nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;„nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;set, u, or un.”^



r or set.

These suffixes (which, with one exception, do not exist independently) are added to verbs, prepositions, and nouns. In

' This construction, he says, is “unquestionably faulty.” Similarly in some Welsh grammars, such as that of Tegai, distinctively Welsh idioms, if foundnbsp;at all, will be found under such a heading as “ Common Errors.”

2 Renouf, “Eg. Gram.,” p. 51.

® M/., p. 21.

* “Mémoires de la Soc. de Linguistique de Paris,” iii. i, 2, 3, quoted by Sayce, “Sc. of Lang.,” i. p. 425.

“ Renouf, “Eg. Gram.,”p. 17.

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Welsh and Irish they are represented (i) by inflexional personal endings already existing in Aryan; (2) by agglutinative personalnbsp;pronouns. In what follows, I use a dot • between an inflexionnbsp;and a root in writing Welsh and Irish, thus gwelaf, “ I see ”;nbsp;and a hyphen between a suffixed pronoun and the word to whichnbsp;it is attached, thus gwêl-ki, “ she sees.”

Welsh grammarians say that in Welsh, usually at any rate, the verb agrees with its subject in number and person; and mostnbsp;writers, notably the translators of the Bible, have attempted tonbsp;some extent to observe the rule. But natural spoken Welshnbsp;knows nothing of such an agreement; the verb is always put innbsp;the third person singular (which is thus virtually an impersonalnbsp;formi), except when the subject is the personal pronoun impliednbsp;by the inflexion; thus, daethant is “ they came,” but “ the mennbsp;came ” is daeth y dynion. This principle was stated as follows, innbsp;an article contributed by me to the Welsh quarterly Y Geninen,nbsp;in October, 1890, before I was aware of the existence of anythingnbsp;analogous to it outside Celtic: “ The ‘ inflected ’ forms daethum,nbsp;daethoch, daethant, and the like, may be called pronominal forms,nbsp;and they should not be used except when the pronoun is thenbsp;subject of the verb. If the subject is a noun, the simplenbsp;impersonal form daeth should be used : daeth y dynion, notnbsp;daethant y dynion. The meaning of daethant y dynion, if it hasnbsp;any meaning, is ‘the men they came.quot;’ I now quote the rule of'nbsp;Egyptian grammar as given by Renouf (p. 47): “ The suffixesnbsp;stand for pronouns, and as such take the place of the subjectnbsp;when the latter is not expressed. When the subject is expressed,nbsp;the suffix must be omitted. We say an^-sen, they live; but an^^nbsp;netaric, the gods live. Netaru any^-sen would signify ‘the gods,nbsp;they live.’ ”

The coincidence is absolute. The pronominal suffixes in Egyptian are not mere signs of relation; each has a substantialnbsp;meaning of its own, and must not be used when that meaning is

gt; It will be understood that this is what I mean in this paper when I speak of the impersonal form. Etymologically it is the Aryan 3rd pers. sing., butnbsp;actually it is impersonal—that is what Welsh and Irish have made it.

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already expressed by another word. In Welsh the idea of pronominal suffixes has been completely transferred to the Aryan inflexions of the verb.

It is the same in Irish. “ It must be confessed, however,” says O’Donovan (p. 357), “that in the Irish language, ancient ornbsp;modern, no agreement is observed between the nominative casenbsp;and the verb, except in the relative and the third person plural,nbsp;and that even this agreement would appear to have been originallynbsp;adopted in imitation of the Latin language.” Indeed, in Irish,nbsp;the impersonal form of the verb, besides being used when thenbsp;subject is a noun, may be employed with a suffixed pronoun tonbsp;take the place of an inflected personal form. This, of course,nbsp;represents the Egyptian method still more faithfully; and it hasnbsp;almost wholly supplanted verbal inflexion in Scotch Gaelic.^

In Irish an ending of an inflexional character may be used to denote the object of the verb. “ These same pronominalnbsp;elements,” says Windisch, in his “ Irish Grammar ” (Eng. trans.,nbsp;p. 56), meaning the elements attached to prepositions, “alsonbsp;become suffixed to verbal forms in the sense of subjects andnbsp;objects-, thus, ainsiunn, protegat nos (afnw, protegat), taithiunn, estnbsp;nobis (faith, est).” Renouf says of Egyptian (p. 48) : “ Thenbsp;suffixes appended to verbs, either directly or with the interventionnbsp;of particles, may represent the object as well as the subject of anbsp;verb; thus, mas-sen, superat eos, tes-neh, nectit tibi.” In Welsh,nbsp;the object is expressed by the ordinary suffixed pronoun; thus,nbsp;the Egyptian nehem-ten-ua, “ defendite vos me,” 2 may be renderednbsp;literally into Welsh diffynn-wch-fi.

The neo-Celtic passive voice is more properly an impersonal verb® j its inflexional ending, which is the same for all persons,nbsp;stands for the indefinite subject, and the suffixed pronoun denotesnbsp;the object; thus Welsh cerir-ji, “ on m’aime.” In Egyptian, thenbsp;passive is formed by the suffix tu, which also means the same as

1 Professor Rhys notes: “ One tense at least has remains of inflections, the so-called past subjunctive.”

^ Renouf, op. cit., p. 58.

’ Anwyl, “ Welsh Gram., Accidence,” p. 41; O’Donovan, Irish Gram.,” p. 183.

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the French “on”;^ thus i-tu er üt, “on vint pour dire,” Welsh deu'wyd i ddyivedyd. The Egyptian tu is feminine in form ; andnbsp;in Welsh, when the indefinite subject is denoted by a suffixednbsp;pronoun, that pronoun is the third person singular feminine hi;nbsp;as mae-hiyn glawio, “ it is raining.”

In Welsh and Irish, when the object of a preposition is a personal pronoun, it takes the form of a pronominal suffix whichnbsp;is so fused with the preposition as to be indistinguishable fromnbsp;an inflexion; thus, in AVelsh, “ for us ” is not er ni, but erom.nbsp;In Welsh, three “conjugations” of prepositions may be distinguished—those in which the first person singular ends in -af,nbsp;-of -yf It is needless to point out how un-Aryan this conjugation of prepositions is; but, as above stated, in Egyptian thenbsp;endings which form personal verbs are also affixed to prepositions.nbsp;Thus, Egyptian em, “in” {am in combination), WelshIrishf«;nbsp;Egyptian am-a, am-ek, am-ef, “in me, in thee, in him,” Welshnbsp;ynn'of ynn'ot, yn’do ; Irish, ind'ium, inddut, ind'id.

The Egyptian suffixes are attached to nouns in the sense of possessive pronouns : thus, tfe-a, “ my father ” ; tfe-f “his father.”nbsp;I believe we have in Welsh a few nouns taking pronominalnbsp;suffixes, which, like those attached to prepositions, are of thenbsp;same form as verbal inflexions. Hyd means “length,” hydnbsp;hyn, “ the length of this,” i.e., as far as this; ar hyd Gwy, “ onnbsp;the length of the Wye,” i.e., along the Wye (Zeuss-Ebel, p. 685).nbsp;Now, “along me” may be expressed by arfy hyd, in which hydnbsp;is plainly a noun, or by ar hydof or simply hydof; and so for allnbsp;persons. WiHa hyd, ‘Aamp;ngih.,quot; a.nA hydof ox ar hydof, “along me,”nbsp;compare the Egyptian yeft, “face,” and X'cA® of xrfid, “ beforenbsp;me.” The Welsh noun eido, “ property,” has not hitherto beennbsp;satisfactorily explained. It may have prefixed to it a possessivenbsp;pronoun, as fy eito, “ my property ” ; or it may take a personalnbsp;ending, with or without the article yr prefixed; thus, eidof or yrnbsp;eidof “ my property ” j eidot or yr eidot, “ thy property.” It isnbsp;usually explained as a possessive pronoun, and equated with the

1 Pierret, quot;Vocabulaire hiëroglyphique,” p. 665 ; Renouf, op, cit., p. 18, ® Brugsch, quot; Grammaire hiëroglyphique,” p. 57-

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Irish di, “ his ” or quot; her ”; ^ so that eiSof means “my his.” This explanation, though not impossible, leaves something to benbsp;desired, especially as the old first and second persons plural arenbsp;einym, einwch, which again cannot be explained from the firstnbsp;plural possessive tin, since this was invented by Salesbury in thenbsp;sixteenth century, the old form being an.'^ But even if eidof isnbsp;a pronoun, it is like no Aryan pronoun; rather it resembles thenbsp;Coptic series of pronouns : pot, “ il mio ”; pok, “ il tuo ”; pop,nbsp;“il suo ” or the Berber oua4, “le mien ” ; oua-k, “le tien.”^

But instances of nouns with personal inflexions are rare in Welsh; and (unless eidof be one) are confined to prepositionalnbsp;phrases.^ This, indeed, is only what we should expect; for innbsp;the Aryan language acquired by our Iberians the noun hadnbsp;other endings for which personal inflexions could be substitutednbsp;only in very exceptional cases. The possessive pronoun is usuallynbsp;prefixed to the noun in Welsh and Irish (which may also be donenbsp;in Egyptian); but a suffixed pronoun is frequently added to thenbsp;noun, as if it had been felt that the force of the old suffix oughtnbsp;not to be altogether lost. In written Welsh, as a rule, thisnbsp;suffixed pronoun is artificially suppressed; but it is always heardnbsp;in spoken Welsh, except when it is reflexive:® thus. Pan wel-onbsp;i dad, “when he sees his (suum) father”; but Pan wel'af i dad-o,nbsp;“ when I see his father ”; and Pan wel-o i dad-o, “ when he seesnbsp;his (ejus) father.”

3. Periphrastic Conjugation.—Speaking from the point of view of word-building, one may say that the base of the verb innbsp;Egyptian consists of a verbal noun or infinitive, as dnyf' living”

1 Zeuss-Ebel, “Gram. Celtica,” p. 337 5 Brugraann, “Grundriss,” Eng. trans, iii., p. 339.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Professor Rhys writes: “ They may all contain a noun etymon corresponding to A.-S. agen, ‘ property,’ related to the modern own.”

® Rossi, “ Gram, copto-geroglifica,” p. 64. These are mostly adjectival in ancient Egyptian : see Brugsch, op. cit., p. 11.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Hanoteau, “ Grammaire tamachek',” p. 33.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;So also in Coptic, Rossi, op. cit., p. 66.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In which case the need of it is not felt; just as in many language* thenbsp;pronoun when reflexive is replaced by the article : thus in Italian, Mi doale ilnbsp;capo, not mio capo.

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or “ to live ” j but it becomes a verb by the addition of a subject, as in the instance above quoted, netdru, “ the gods live,” ornbsp;of a pronominal sufBx, as any^a, “I dny-ek, “thou livest.”nbsp;The element n or an added to the root forms a tense-stem,nbsp;whose meaning however seems to be somewhat vague : meh-na ornbsp;meh-an-d, “je remplis” (pres, or pret., Brugsch), rey-nd, “io honbsp;saputo ” (Rossi). There is no other simple form of verb, but anbsp;large variety of tenses can be expressed periphrastically.

(a) Perhaps the most common form of periphrastic conjugation is the following: (i) verb “ to be,” with personal suffix or othernbsp;subject j (2) preposition ; (3) crude form of verb as verbal noun.nbsp;In Welsh and Irish, although these languages retain many of thenbsp;Aryan tenses, this construction is extremely common; and, innbsp;Welsh at any rate, has long tended to supplant the synthetic formnbsp;of conjugation, as being more precise, though weaker. The threenbsp;prepositions commonly used for this purpose in Egyptian arenbsp;m, “in,” er, “to,” “ior,” ^r, “above,” “upon,” indicating thenbsp;present, future, and perfect respectively. These correspond innbsp;use with the Welsh prepositions yn, “ in,” am, “ for,” wedi, “ after.”nbsp;Thus:

Egyptian : nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;du-knbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;em meh?-

Welsh: nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;wytnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;yn itanw,

English: art thou in filling; i.e., thou art filling.

Egyptian; du-d er ïem er ta ant?

Welsh: nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;wyf am fynd i V mynyt.

English: am I for going to the mountain; i.e., I shall go, amp;c.

Egyptian: nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;du-fnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;her kemnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;taifhemet?

Welsh: nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mae-efwedi caelnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;einbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;wraig.

English: is he | nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;| ^finding his wife; i.e., he has found, amp;c.

A very large proportion of simple assertions heard in spoken Welsh, probably about a third of the total number, are cast in

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Brugsch, op. cit., p. 45.

quot; Renouf, op. cit., p. 50.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Compare thereupon and thereafter. Xn Welsh, “after hearing from you ”nbsp;and “ upon hearing from you ” would both be wedi clywed oUiwrthych.

W.P. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;s s

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this form. In the present sense we have in English a similar construction: he is a-coming {i.e., on coming^ This is not Teutonic;nbsp;is it not borrowed from Celtic ? In the perfect sense it has beennbsp;transferred from Irish into Irish-English; as when an Irishmannbsp;says “ I am after having my dinner,” meaning that he /las had it.nbsp;Of course the English comic papers always mistake him to meannbsp;that he is in quest of it, which shows how foreign the constructionnbsp;is to English.

(b) There are also in Egyptian periphrastic verbal forms without prepositions, of which the following are the most common types.nbsp;“ He knows ” may be expressed : (i.) b,unbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;literally “ is knows

he ”; (ii.) au-f rex-ef “ is-he knows-he ”; (iii.) au-f reg, “ is-he knows.” With (i.) may be compared the use in mediaeval Welshnbsp;of the impersonal proclitic form of the verb “to bequot; beforenbsp;a finite verb; e.g., ys attebwys Owein^ “is answered Owen,”nbsp;i.e., Owen answered ; ys ethyw gennyf deuparth vy oetp “is wentnbsp;with me two parts of my life,” that is, two-thirds of my life arenbsp;spent. With (ii.) and (iii.) the use of sef {ys-ef est is) or sydnbsp;(ys-yd, est id) at the beginning of a sentence; e.g., sefyw hwnnwpnbsp;“ est-is est ille ”; yssyd yssit cussul a rodaf itt,*’ “ est-id est-idnbsp;consilium quod do tibi.” The verb “ to be,” which serves onlynbsp;to mark an assertion, would be liable to drop, leaving behind itsnbsp;affixed pronoun ; and this is possibly the explanation of the factnbsp;that the verb in simple assertions in spoken Welsh has usuallynbsp;a pronominal element before it: fe wnaeth ef hyn, “ he did this ”;nbsp;yr oed efyno (yr = medieval yd), “ he was there.” At any rate, thisnbsp;is what actually took place in Egyptian itself, where the old auxiliarynbsp;frequently disappears in Coptic, leaving its personal affix to standnbsp;at the beginning of the verb.® It may be objected to this explanation that the pronoun is always followed by the relative in mediasval

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Skene, “Four Anc. Books of Wales,” ii. p. 189.

’ Rhys and Evans, “ Mabinogion,” p. 104.

’ /hW., p. 3, 1. I.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ibid., p. 118.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;De Rochemonteix, of. cit,,p. 97. In Welsh, the conj. ac is a before anbsp;consonant, but we say ac mi •welais, etc. (see Rev. xiii., xiv., xv., xx., xxi.),nbsp;which shows that mi was preceded by a word now lost beginning with a vowel.

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Welsh, mi a welaf, ef a 'daw. Mediaeval prose writers certainly had a tendency to reduce everything to this form; but in thesenbsp;cases the a is mostly artificial. In the oldest piece of writtennbsp;Welsh now in existence, the Juvencus fragment, we have Tinbsp;dicones} not ti a dicones ; and in the Gododin, Ef diodes gormes,nbsp;ef dodes ffiit; ti disgynnut} and so throughout: so also in thenbsp;Black Book, mi disgoganafe.^ In some cases, however, the a maynbsp;be legitimate, slightly modifying the sense : ac yssef a dygyrch*nbsp;“ and is-he that snatches,” i.e., and he snatches. This seems tonbsp;be similar in form to the Egyptian aufpu mer} “is-he that loves,”nbsp;i.e., he loves, “ egli ama.”

Periphrastic forms with the verb “ to do ” are very simple in Egyptian : ari-a iner, Welsh givnaf garu, “ I do love ” ; ari-k mer,nbsp;quot;^A^gwne’igaru, “tu ami.”® In Welsh, the verbal noun is verynbsp;commonly placed first, followed by a and the auxiliary verb ; thus,nbsp;mynet a oruc Kei y V gegin} “ go that did Kay to the kitchen,”nbsp;i.e., Sir Kay went into the kitchen. Compare:

Egyptian: seper pu ar-nef erpaif pe.^

Welsh; dyfod a wnaeth-ef i 'w dy.

English : come that did he to his house.

4. The preposition yn.—The syntactical similarity of the Welsh preposition in all its uses, to the Egyptian preposition em is sonbsp;remarkable that it deserves a section to itself.

(i) Like other prepositions, both take pronominal suffixes :

Egyptian; au-k nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;am-a, au-a am-eh.^

Welsh: nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;wytnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ynn'of wyf ynn'ot.

English: art thou in me, am I in thee.

That is, “ thou art in me, I am in thee.”

‘ Skene, op. cit., ii. p. I.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ibid., pp. 69, 74.

• nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ibid., p. 18.

¦* “ Mabinogion,” p. 127.

‘ Rossi, op. cit., p. 113.

' Ibid., p. 114.

“ Mabinogion,” p. 163.

® Renouf, op. cit., p. 21.

S S 2

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(2) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In periphrastic conjugation both mark the present tense,.asnbsp;above noted ; au-f em -meh^ mae-efyn itanw, “he is filling.”

(3) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Renouf says (p. 56): “ The usual sense, however, of thenbsp;[crude form of the] verb preceded by em is participial or gerundive.” Similarly few Welsh grammars omit to say that the presentnbsp;participle is formed by prefixing yn to the infinitive; as Dr. Davies,nbsp;“ex Infinitis fiunt participia, praeposit^ praepositione yn, vtnbsp;yn caru, amans.” ^

(4) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Both are used in the sense of “in” before the name of anbsp;place; e.g., Egyptian em Abu, “in Elephantine,” Welsh ynnbsp;ILundain, “ in London ”; Egyptian em tet-a, Welsh yn (Jy) Uaw-i,nbsp;“ in my hand.” Also before a noun of time : Egyptian em kerht,~nbsp;Welsh yn (y) nos, “ at night.” In this sense both form a largenbsp;number of prepositional expressions : Welsh yn ol, Egyptian em sa,nbsp;“derrière, après, d’après, selon, par suite de.”®

(5) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The Egyptian em and the Welsh yn are used to introducenbsp;the complement after the verbs of being, becoming, amp;c. Thus,nbsp;“ I am a child,” “ thou art a god,” “ he is a servant of Osiris ”:

au-k nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;em neter^

wy't nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;yn duw.

art thou god.

Egyptian : att-a em sera.* Welsh :nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;wy/ yn bleniyn.

English: am I child.

Egyptian : unn-efem ^es en Asar.^

Welsh: nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;mae-efyn was i Asar.

English : is he servant of Osiris.

No English word can represent the preposition here; occasionally it may be rendered approximately by “as,” thusnbsp;cyfodyn duw, “rise as a god ” f but it means more than “as”ornbsp;“ like quot;: it implies absolute identity. It is true that into, di, etc.,

‘ “Antiq. Ling. Brit. Rudimenta” (a.d. 1621), p. 95.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Birch, “ Egyptian Texts,” p. 18.

® Brugsch, op. cit., p. 86.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Renouf, op. cit., p. 32.

‘ Birch, op. cit., p. 38.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Rossi, op. cit., p. 105.

^ Birch, op. cit., p. 16.

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may occur sporadically in Aryan languages in a similar manner after verbs of “making”; but the peculiarity of the Welsh construction is that the preposition introduces every kind of complement, and to omit it is the exception, not the rule. It comes,nbsp;like the Egyptian em, before an adjective as well as a noun;nbsp;e.g., “ thou art mighty ” :

Egyptian : unn-ek em userj Welsh:nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;wyt yn gadarn.

English : art thou mighty.

(6) Allied to the above construction, but sufficiently distinct from it, is the use of yn before any adjective to form an adverb.nbsp;This is the only way in which adverbs can be formed fromnbsp;adjectives in Welsh, and the same method is always employed innbsp;Egyptian. Thus, Egyptian em next, Welsh yn gryf, “ strongly ” :nbsp;Egyptian : aq-es er pel em segettPnbsp;AVelsh:nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;aeth-hi i nef yn ebrwyd.

English : went she to heaven suddenly.

The use of the preposition yn before an adjective has long puzzled writers on Welsh grammar; but the difficulty disappears if wenbsp;suppose that the idiom was taken over from a language in which,nbsp;as in Egyptian, no line could be drawn between an adjective andnbsp;an abstract noun.

The preposition yn in Welsh is followed by different mutations of initial consonants; but these differences imply no more thannbsp;that the word in constructions (5) and (6) was originally similarnbsp;in form to the archaic Latin indu, as Zeuss saw it must have beennbsp;in construction (i). It is not, however, upon the sameness of thenbsp;preposition that I wish to lay stress : the preposition may, andnbsp;does, vary; thus, in Egyptian, er is used as commonly as em innbsp;construction (6). But the remarkable thing is that every one ofnbsp;these Welsh constructions, all of which, except the fourth, are

' Ibid., p. 38 ; “ User, victorieux, puissant, riche.”—Pierret, “Voc. Hiér,,’’ P- 97-

2 Renouf, op. cit., p. 32.

s Zeuss-Ebel, p. 44. The suggestion that predicative and adverbial yn might also have been of this form is due to Professor Rhys.

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more or less peculiar, should have its exact counterpart in Egyptian.

These constructions are also found in Irish; but the preposition in (2) and (3) is oc, ag, and in (6) co, go, though in, ind, appears in the older periods; ^ while the “ in ” of (5) has beennbsp;made into “in his,” partly perhaps on account of the aspirationnbsp;after it corresponding to the Welsh soft mutation, but chiefly fromnbsp;an attempt to make the construction logical. At any rate, it doesnbsp;not seem to be old in this form.

We should expect the parent Berber language to form a link between Egyptian and Iberian, and to have developed in commonnbsp;with the latter certain features not found in the former. This is,nbsp;indeed, what the evidence seems to indicate; for, though thenbsp;modern Berber dialects have been greatly modified by early contactnbsp;with Semitic, they furnish parallels to most of the peculiarities ofnbsp;neo-Celtic syntax which we have not already found matched innbsp;Egyptian.

I. The Berber dialects agree with Egyptian and neo-Celtic in

' Zeuss considered (Z.-E., 609) that the Irish adverbial ind, with the allied Welsh adverbial and predicative ƒ«, was the dative of the article. There isnbsp;extremely little to say for this view ; but the interchangeability of the Irish indnbsp;with the preposition go affords at least a strong presumption that ind is also anbsp;preposition, and this is confirmed by the fact that its evident meaning isnbsp;utterly at variance with that of the article. Compare in-biuc, “a little,”nbsp;where we have adverbial in, with in-diu, “this day,” where we have thenbsp;article ; or contrast the Welsh fore and y bore, which Zeuss seems to thinknbsp;mean the same thing (Z.-E., 617),—ynfore iawn, Xlav Trpwl (Mark xvi. 2),nbsp;y bore, M rh rpatt (Mark xv. i). The use of Welsh predicative yn is, ifnbsp;possible, even more decisive, (a) Mae-efyn frenin means “he is a king,”nbsp;not “ he is the king,” which must be quite otherwise expressed, (b) The predicative yn precedes words before which the article is inadmissible, e.g., pob,nbsp;“ every” (i Cor. ix. 22).nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(r) The predicative ƒ» may take the accent: mae-

ef YH barod, yn AWR ; but the article yr cannot be accented, nor can the article yn oiyn awr (Irish, ind-Sr-sa). (d) The predicative softens the initialnbsp;consonant of a plural as well as a singular noun or adjective, yngochyon (Mab.,nbsp;p. 2, 1. i), and the dative plural of the article certainly never ended in anbsp;vowel. (lt;) The predicative or adverbial yn, which softens the followingnbsp;consonant, is often replaced by the yn which nasalises the consonant, andnbsp;which is admittedly a preposition; ymhell ioxyn bell; ynghynt for yngynt;nbsp;yngham for yn gam, contrasted with yn ddi-gam, J. D. Rhys, Gram. (1592),nbsp;p. [xvi].

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the arrangement of the different parts of the sentence. “ II semble que la construction la plus générale soit la suivante: le verbe,nbsp;puis le sujet, enfin le régime: Chekkadh a tué un lion, inr'anbsp;Chehkadh aharquot; p in Welsh, HaSo'i Chehkadh lew.

But, as in Welsh, a noun or its equivalent may come first (as complement of an implied verb “ to be ”) followed by a relativenbsp;pronoun (expressed or implied) with the verb and the rest of thenbsp;sentence. The pure relatives so used are a (= Welsh a), asnbsp;(= Welsh jVif, ^).

Tamashek': nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;viidden a nemous ourger' tidhidhin?

Welsh: nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;gwyr a ym nid gwraged.

English : (it is) men that we are not women.

Tamashek'; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;s tamackeH as istoulnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ourger's tarait?’

Welsh: nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;yn Tamashek' ynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;sierydnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nid yn Arabeg.

English ; (it is) in Tamashek' that he speaks not in Arabic.

Tamashek': nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ tdkouba as t inr'ad'

Welsh nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;a chledyf y V Hadod.

English : (it is) with (a) sword that him he killed.

Tamashek': nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nekhou anbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;tnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;inr'an?

Welsh: nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;myfi anbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Hnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Uadod.

English ; (it is) I that him killed.

Tamashek': nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;entenidhnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;anbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;tnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;inPan?

Welsh: nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;hwyntwynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;anbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Hnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Uadod.

English : (it is) they that him killed.

The form inPan is called a participle in the grammars; but there seems to be no reason for such a name. “ En réalité, il n’y a lanbsp;rien qui ressemble au participe francais ou arabe ”; ^ it is annbsp;impersonal form of the verb used when the relative is thenbsp;subject. Tamashek' has feminine and plural forms of it, not

» Masqueray, “ Observations grammaticales sur la grammaire touareg ” (Paris, 1896), p. 61.

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Hanoteau, “Grammaire tamachek'” (Paris, i860), p. 84. Cf. above,nbsp;“ Paul a ateboi nid Pedr.”

3 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ibid., p. 100. The French translation of these sentences begins in eachnbsp;case with “c’est” or “ce sont.”

lt; Belkassem Ben Sedira, “Cours de langue kabyle ” (Alger, 1887), p. civ.

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known in Kabyle; but the last two instances show that even in Tamashek' the simple form is used after the pure relative, just asnbsp;in the Welsh renderings given the third person singular, or rathernbsp;the impersonal, Haioi is used after the expressed subject a,nbsp;although its antecedent is in one case first person singular and innbsp;the other third plural. In spite of our grammars, no Welshmannbsp;would venture in speaking to say Hadsant for HadoS in such anbsp;sentence as the last quoted, for fear of being laughed at. So wenbsp;have in the Gododin Gwyr a aeth GattraethI (not aetliant),nbsp;“ the men who went to Cattraeth.” So in Egyptian also:

Egyptian: na rotu nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;anbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Semnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ernbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;festp

Welsh: nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;y gwyrnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;anbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;aethnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;{(^r)nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;wlad.

English : the men nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;whonbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;wentnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;intonbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(the)nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;country.

It is worthy of remark nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;thatnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;the so-callednbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;participle of the

Tamashek' verb “to be,” Ulan, corresponds in use to the Welsh syd, “ who is,” “ who am,” etc. The third person singular, ilia,nbsp;corresponds to the Welsh mae; as ilia r'our-i aiis, Welsh tnaenbsp;gennyf geffyl, “is with me horse,” that is, I have ahorse; andnbsp;imous usually corresponds to yw (when the relative is the complement), thus, anamahal a imous, Welsh gwas (a) yw, “ servant thatnbsp;he is,” i.e., he is a servant; ma imous aoua, Welsh pwy yw hwn,nbsp;“ who is this?”

I am tempted to think that the resemblance between Ulan and syd goes deeper than the surface, for the final n of Ulan seems tonbsp;be, like the yd of syd, a pronominal suffix. When the verb is preceded by a particle, the suffix n (as is usual with Berber suffixes)nbsp;becomes attached to the particle; so they say in Tamashek', for

' Skene, op. cit., p. 64, etc. In the very few passages of the Gododin where a is followed by a plural verb, a is almost certainly the object of the verb.nbsp;In Williams’s hymn:

“ Fy meiau trymion, luoeS maith,

A waedod tua’r nen ”

(1811 ed., p. 742),

the ignorant editors of the new C. M. hymn-book have changed a waStod into waetasant, because meiau is plural, evidently thinking that this is the subject,nbsp;and that the verb should agt ee with itnbsp;* Brugsch, op. cit., p. 20.

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“which is not,” not our illa-n, but our-n ellD just as we say in Welsh, not na s-yi, but na-d oes. Thus the Tamashek' ma Ulan,nbsp;ma our n-ellil “what is, what is not? ” i.e., what news ? would benbsp;in Welsh beth s-yd, beth na-d oes I

Sydd is the only distinctively relatival form in Welsh; but in Irish the regular verb has a relatival inflexion, with singular andnbsp;plural forms, used like the Tamashek' “ participe.” These forms,nbsp;as Professor Rhys has pointed out, are derived from the Aryannbsp;present participle with some (probably pronominal) suffix. Thusnbsp;the Berber relatival verb with its pronominal suffix, which suggestsnbsp;a “ participe ” to the grammarians, corresponds to the Irishnbsp;relatival verb formed from the Aryan participle apparently withnbsp;some such suffix.

With regard to the position of the adjective and the genitive, it will suffice simply to mention that they follow the noun, as innbsp;Egyptian.®

If we adopt Prof, de Lacouperie’s ideological notation,® the above observations on the order of words in the sentence may benbsp;summarised thus: the syntactical indices of primitive Aryan are

1, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;3, 5, 8, III.; those of neo-Celtic, 2, 4, 6, 7, IV.; of Hamitic,

2, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;4, 6, 7, IV. Thus neo-Celtic differs from primitive Aryan onnbsp;every point, and agrees on every point with Hamitic.

2. The suffixed pronouns in Tamashek' are the following;— Singular : i, i, ou; 2, mas. k, fern, m; 3, s, i. Plural: i,

2, mas. houn, fern, kernel; 3, mas. sen, ten, fem. senet, tenet.

The suffixes are added to prepositions and nouns in the same manner as in Egyptian, and the Celtic parallels need not benbsp;repeated. But it may be noted here that “ to have ” is expressednbsp;in Berber, as in Welsh and Irish, by means of the verb “ to be ”nbsp;and a preposition with the necessary suffix ; thus, Tamashek' ilianbsp;r'our-ek, Welsh mae gennyt, Irish ta le’at, “is with thee,” i.e., thounbsp;hast. So also in Coptic, ou-nta-i, “io he (è di mi),” ou-nta-k, “ tunbsp;hai (è di tu).” ^ The verb “ to be ” is usually omitted in the present

' Hanoteau, op. cit., p. 89. The vowel change after our is not peculiar to the “ participe” ; see ibid., p. 88.

® René Basset, “ Manuel de langue kabyle,” pp. 61, 67.

® “ Trans. Phil. Soc.,” 1885-7, p. 399.

* Rossi, op. cit., p. 108.

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tense in Kabyle;^ it may be omitted in Tamashek'; it may also be omitted in Irish.

In the Berber languages the suffixes are not used to form finite verbs, but a conjugation with purely inflexional prefixes andnbsp;suffixes has been evolved, evidently under the influence of Arabic,nbsp;for the prefixes agree too closely with those of the Arabic aoristnbsp;to have been developed independently. It is perhaps due to thenbsp;same influence that the habit has grown of making the verb agreenbsp;with its subject. This, however, is by no means always done;nbsp;we have seen that there is no agreement when the relative is thenbsp;subject; and even when the subject is a plural noun following itsnbsp;verb “ I’accord peut n’être pas absolu en apparence entre le verbenbsp;et son sujet.”*

The pronominal suffixes in Berber are added to the verb to denote the object direct or indirect: thus, Kabyle hera-thent^nbsp;Welsh, gwelod-hwynt, “ he saw them ”; Tamashek' ekfet-i-tet,*nbsp;Welsh rhowch-imi-hi, “ give (pi.) to me her,” give her me.

When the verb is preceded by a particle or a relative or interrogative pronoun, the pronominal suffix which denotes the object is attached, not to the verb, but to the particle or pronoun. Thisnbsp;is also the case in Welsh and Irish; and the suffixes so placednbsp;between the particle and the verb are called by Zeuss “ infixednbsp;pronouns.” Thus, Berber and neo-Celtic absolutely agree in thenbsp;rendering of such phrases as the following :

but our-)L eouiteP.^ but «2-’th drewais.

not thee struck I. but anou-a ithnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;izeran.^

hvL^ yrhwn-a ’i nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;gwelod.

he who him saw.

Tamashek'; Welsh:nbsp;English:nbsp;Kabyle:nbsp;Welsh:nbsp;English:

iououi-i, trawoit-m,nbsp;he struck me,nbsp;izera-m,nbsp;gweloÉ-w^,nbsp;he saw him.

Three examples of the suffix with a relative are given, with their

’ Basset, op. cit., p. 15.

^ Masqueray, op. cit., p. 62.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Basset, op. cit., p. 16.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Hanoteau, op. cit., p. 96.

^ Ibid., pp. 95-6.

® Basset, op. cit., p. 16.

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Welsh equivalents, in i above. Examples of the suffix so placed as indirect object are common in older Welsh and Irish; e.g.,nbsp;Welsh ni’M oes, “ non mihi est.” ^

The objective suffix does not seem to be added to the particle in Egyptian, so that the construction was developed in Westernnbsp;Hamitic only. But the detachability of the suffix results in a verynbsp;similar construction in Egyptian, where the subjective suffix isnbsp;attracted by negative and some other particles, “ de manière quenbsp;les pronoms se trouvent parfois ajoutés a la particule au lieunbsp;d’occuper leur place aprh k verbe.quot;^

Of course a suffixed pronoun can only be used where there is something to support it; and as a pronoun is often required tonbsp;stand in an absolute state or as complement of an implied verbnbsp;“ to be,” Welsh and Irish, like Egyptian and Berber, have seriesnbsp;of independent pronouns to be used for this purpose j as Welshnbsp;mi, minnau, myfi, myjinnau, Tamashek' nek, nekkou, nekkounan,nbsp;nekkouder', ‘ I.” Sometimes, in Berber, “ nous avons affaire k unnbsp;redoublement du pronom lui-même ”; ^ in Welsh, we have a wholenbsp;series of these pronouns formed by reduplication, myji, tydi, nyni,nbsp;etc. The grammatical resemblance between neo-Celtic and Hamiticnbsp;is strikingly shown in the classification of personal pronouns. Zeussnbsp;in his great “ Grammatica Celtica ” distinguishes three classes innbsp;Celtic, which he calls absoluta, injixa, suffixa, but as the infixanbsp;are only a variety of the suffixa we have really two classes,nbsp;absoluta and suffixa. So the Berber personal pronouns are classified into isoles and affixes and the Egyptian into assoluti andnbsp;suffissi.

3. Berber conjugation has only one form, which is commonly used in a past sense, but it may be made present by internalnbsp;vowel change. The deficiency of tense-forms is supplementednbsp;partly by periphrastic conjugation, but chiefly by prefixing anbsp;particle to the simple verb.

The more common method of periphrastic conjugation is that

1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“Ant. Ling. Brit. Rudim.,” p. 177'

2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Brugsch, op. cit., p. 66. Italics his own.

® Basset, “ Etudes sur les dialectes berbères” (Paris, 1894), p. 78.

* Hanoteau, op. cit., p. 32 ; Basset, quot; Manuel,” p. 10.

5 Rossi, op. cit.,p. 51.

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in which the personal verb is preceded by a personal form of the verb “ to be,” as ellir' zrir'^ “ was-I saw-I,” /.e., I had seen. Thisnbsp;form is discussed under 3 (3) above. Traces of the form with thenbsp;preposition are also found, in which, however, the verbal nounnbsp;after the preposition is replaced by a personal verb, as ellir' danbsp;zerrer', “I was seeing.”^ The alternative, and by far the mostnbsp;common, method of denoting time may originally have been thenbsp;last-mentioned form without its verb “to be”; but in effect it isnbsp;merely the prefixing of a particle to a personal verb; thus, erser’,nbsp;“ I descended,” ad erser, “ I shall descend.” ’ The particlesnbsp;so used are, in Kabyle, ad and r'a to mark the future, and ainbsp;to specially mark the past. ®

Although Welsh and Irish with their Aryan tenses have little need of such helps, tense-particles are a familiar phenomenonnbsp;in these languages also, especially in the older periods—such isnbsp;the persistence of an old habit of speech. In Irish no is the signnbsp;of an incomplete action, and is used before the present and futurenbsp;tenses; ro and do denote completed action, and are generally foundnbsp;with a past tense : ^ “w gives z.preterite signification to the presentnbsp;indicative and to the present of habit.” ® In mediaeval Welsh dynbsp;is occasionally met with, and ry very frequently. Thus Kabylenbsp;ai zrir is Welsh ry zveleis, “vidi.”

These tense-particles in Berber, like other particles, attract the objective pronominal suffixes, which are thus placed between themnbsp;and the verb. This is also the case in Welsh and Irish, wherenbsp;tense-particles may be followed by Zeuss’s “ pronomina infixa.”nbsp;Thus Tamashek' ad-i-inhi, “he will see me,” ad-K?,-enner', “I shallnbsp;tell him.”^ Compare Irish, No-i-alim, “I beseech thee^ ro-u-gab,nbsp;“he seized me”-p Welsh ry-iK-zuelas,^ “saw thee.”

' Basset, “ Manuel,” p. 32.

2 Ibid; p. 32.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ibid; p. 27.

lt; Zeuss-Ebel, 411 seqq. The particle is do always in modern Irish; see O’Donovan, p. 157.

® Windisch, op. cit., p. 70.

® Hanoteau, op. cit., pp. 96-7.

^ Windisch, op. cit., pp. 134-5.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Skene, op. cit., p. 56. Zeuss says Welsh ry is an exception (p. 373), butnbsp;surely instances like the above are far from rare. Cf. r^m gelviir, Skene, p. 158.

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4. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;As the Berber verbal system has been profoundly modifiednbsp;under Semitic influence, the equivalent of the Egyptian em is hardlynbsp;to be found in it, though some of the verbal particles have often anbsp;distinct prepositional force. The equivalent of em before an adjectivenbsp;must also be rare, since statements such as “ thou art mighty ”nbsp;(Egyptian unn-ek em user) are usually expressed by turning thenbsp;complement into a verb, as can also be done in Egyptian {user-ek).nbsp;But we have a distinct trace of the old preposition in d', “ in,”nbsp;placed before the adjective in such expressions as adoud ïou aguinbsp;d! amellal^ Welsh (mae’r) ceffyl hwnyn wyn, “this horse is white”;nbsp;or in comparative statements such as netla d' ar'ezfan fell-i^ Welshnbsp;{tnae) efeyn fwy na-mi, “ he is bigger than I.”

The whole structure of the neo-Celtic sentence and nearly all its distinctively non-Aryan features are embraced in the principlesnbsp;discussed above, and have been shown to have parallels in Hamitic.nbsp;There are many minor points of resemblance which are importantnbsp;only as supplementing the above general principles. A few ofnbsp;these may be mentioned here.

5. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The pleonastic use of a pronominal suffix after a prepositionnbsp;governing a relative, e.g., Irish, an fear a raibh tü ag caint leis, “thenbsp;man whom thou wert talking to him.quot; This is considered incorrectnbsp;by 0’Donovan,^ but it is common to Irish, Welsh, Berber,^ andnbsp;Egyptian. In Welsh, “ the relative will stand alone at the commencement of the clause, and the preposition will follow the verbnbsp;with a proper pronominal suffix”;^ in Egyptian, “il relativo precede la frase, e la preposizione è rimandata alia fine, e spessonbsp;ricongiunta col soggetto per mezzo di un affisso pronominale.”®

6. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The omission of the copula, which is so characteristic ofnbsp;Hamitic, especially after a pronoun. Egyptian, nuk Hor, “I (am)

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Horus”;^ nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;,nehhou Afokhammed, “I (am) Mohammed”;’

Welsh, Mi Yscolan, “I (am) Yscolan”® (the last two in answer to an inquiring stranger); Irish, tu ar g-cruthuigktheoir, “ thou (art)nbsp;our creator^ Welsh,marchawc, “who (is) the knight?quot; ^

7. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The amplification of the negative by a noun placed after thenbsp;verb, like the French pas; thus Kabyle our-/4 zerit^ ara, Welshnbsp;literally ni 'th welais dim, “ je ne t’ai pas vu.” This is commonnbsp;to Irish,® Welsh, Berber, and Copticand may not the Frenchnbsp;construction have the same origin ?

8. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The numerals in Welsh are usually followed by a singularnbsp;noun, iri dyn, “ three man.” This is probably an extension ofnbsp;the original construction as found in Irish, where all pluralnbsp;numerals take plural nouns, except twenty and higher multiplesnbsp;of ten, which take the singular.® Most of the Berber dialectsnbsp;have adopted the Arabic numerals; I have been able to examinenbsp;only two in which the ancient system of numeration is preserved,nbsp;and in these all plural numerals take the plural, except twenty andnbsp;other multiples of ten, which take the singular in Zenaga ® and thenbsp;genitive singular (with a preposition) in Tamashek'.^®

In the above comparisons I have confined myself strictly to syntax, and have not ventured to suggest any phonetic equation.nbsp;But there is one point of contact which it is not easy to pass by.nbsp;Perhaps the most remarkable fact of Celtic phonology is thenbsp;total disappearance of Aryan p in Welsh and Irish. In Berber,

' Renouf, op. cit., p. 24.

^ Hanoteau, op. cit., p. 244.

® Skene, op. cit., p. 42.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;O’Donovan, p. 365.

^ “Mabinogion,” p. 211.

® Zeuss-Ebel, p. 746.

? Rossi, op. cit., p. 148.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;O’Donovan strongly asserts that it is singular ; it is always found to be sonbsp;when the nom. sing, differs in form from the gen. plur. It is not often thatnbsp;they can be distinguished even in older Irish, and if, as Zeuss says, genitivesnbsp;plur. occur, they are probably artificial. The fact that the same numeralsnbsp;take singular nouns in Scotch Gaelic shows that this construction is primitivenbsp;Goidelic.

® Faidherbe, “ Le Zenaga,quot; p. 28.

Hanoteau, op. cit., p. 129.

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“ le / est excessivement rare, et ne se rencontre qu’en Zénaga.” 1 There are difficulties in the way of connecting the two things, butnbsp;the coincidence is certainly striking.

The occurrence in Semitic of many of the modes of expression above quoted is due to the relation which undoubtedly existsnbsp;between the Semitic and the Hamitic languages. Of the precisenbsp;nature of this relation it is difficult to form a clear conception; ^nbsp;but it seems to involve an intimate connection of some kindnbsp;between the two families of speech in the prehistoric period,nbsp;though they are probably not actually cognate. It is withnbsp;Hamitic, however, rather than Semitic, that Celtic syntax is innbsp;agreement; for, as we have seen, it agrees with Egyptian wherenbsp;both differ from Arabised Berber ; it also agrees with Berber wherenbsp;the latter differs markedly from Arabic, as, for instance, in the shifting of the pronominal suffix from the verb to a preceding particle.^

The case for the derivation as opposed to the independent development of these idioms in neo-Celtic is strengthened rathernbsp;than weakened by their appearance in Semitic, since the connection between Semitic and Hamitic is generally admitted. Somenbsp;connection can probably be traced wherever any of them occur;nbsp;thus, in Persian, the pronominal suffixes attached to nouns andnbsp;verbs, and the pleonastic pronoun after the relative (construction 5nbsp;above) may be due to Semitic influence. Is the influence of anbsp;Hamitic substratum to be discovered in the simultaneous development on the same analytic lines of French, Spanish, and Italian,nbsp;in their use of infixed and postfixed pronouns ?

So far as I have been able to examine Basque, I have discovered little syntactical similarity between it and either Hamitic or Celtic. Some attempts have recently been made to connect itnbsp;with Berber : there seems to be no reason why Basque should notnbsp;contain a number of Iberian words; but Van Eys doubts that itnbsp;is related to Iberian, and Prince Lucien Bonaparte and othersnbsp;have tried to show that it is allied to Ugric, in which family Sayce

* Basset, “Études,” p. 4.

’ See Budge, “The Mummy,” 1893, pp. 3-5, where a résumé is given of the opinions of leading Egyptologists.

^ “ Cette particularite, qui rend mobiles les pronoms régimes directs et indirects, n’existe pas en arabe.”—Belkassem Ben Sedira, op. cit., p. clix.

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is inclined to class it.^ Taylor suggests that it is the language of the broad-headed French Basques, who belong chiefly to the Auvergnatnbsp;race, and not of the long-headed Spanish Basques, who are chieflynbsp;Iberian. These views as to the affinities and original speakersnbsp;of Basque accord with the frequently-expressed opinion that thenbsp;Auvergnats or Savoyards are of the same stock as the Lapps.*

That the pre-Celtic inhabitants of Britain were an offshoot of the North African race is shown by the cranial and physicalnbsp;similarity between the long-barrow men and the Berbers andnbsp;Egyptians, and by the line of megalithic monuments whichnbsp;stretches from North Africa through Spain and the west ofnbsp;France to Britain, marking the route of the tribes in their migration. It is not the object of this paper to dwell upon thenbsp;anthropological evidence, but one further point may be mentioned.nbsp;Schrader has proved beyond doubt that the primeval Aryannbsp;family was purely agnatic, counting every relationship through thenbsp;father; and Zimmer, in his remarkable paper “ Das Mutterrechtnbsp;der Pikten,”® has shown that the early inhabitants of Britainnbsp;were cognatic; “ Auf einen Piktenherrscher und seine Briidernbsp;folgt nicht etwa der Sohn des altesten, sondern der Sohn dernbsp;Schwester.”^ This state of things has come down to our ownnbsp;times among the Berbers : “ Quand le roi meurt ou est déposé,nbsp;ce qui arrive assez souvent, ce n’est pas son fils qui est appelé knbsp;lui succéder, mais bien le fils de sa soeur.” ^

The idea of comparing neo-Celtic with Hamitic was suggested to me by the view just mentioned as to the origin of the Iberians.nbsp;If they are the same people as those who speak Hamitic languages,nbsp;then the explanation of neo-Celtic syntax which Basque had failednbsp;to supply was to be sought for, it seemed to me, in Hamitic. Thenbsp;appositeness of this comparison of idioms may be illustrated bynbsp;supposing a parallel case. If Irish, like Iberian, had beennbsp;irretrievably lost, and we were led by anthropological or other

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;“Principles of Comp. Phil.,” 2nd ed., pp. 21, loi.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;De Qaatrefages, Topinard, and Dr. R. Cruel, quoted by Keane,nbsp;“Ethnology,” p. 405 ; A. C. Haddon, “ Study of Man,” p. 82.

^ “Zeitschrift fur Rechtsgeschichte,” xv., pp. 209 segj.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;lUd., p. 218.

* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Hanoteau, op. cit., p. xv.

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reasons to infer a relationship between this lost language and Welsh, a comparison of Irish-English with Welsh would suggestnbsp;the derivation of the phrase, he is after coming, from the Irishnbsp;equivalent of mae ef wedi dyfod. Now, as Irish is fortunatelynbsp;not lost, we know this to be actually the case. Further, the persistence of idiom as compared with vocabulary is shown by thenbsp;fact that, although each word in this phrase agrees in meaning innbsp;Welsh and Irish, not even the word for “ after ” is etymologicallynbsp;related (Welsh, wedi; Irish, iar n-) ; and this goes some way tonbsp;show that they are both translations of a pre-Celtic word. Thesenbsp;two languages have diverged considerably in the matter of phonetics ; is it likely that they would have independently evolvednbsp;syntactical forms identical in the two languages, but differing fromnbsp;anything previously existing? The answer must be that thesenbsp;forms are not independently evolved, and do not differ from anything previously existing. The prevalence in Welsh and Irish ofnbsp;the very same analytical expressions shows that analysis, which isnbsp;usually regarded as a modern development, goes back in thesenbsp;languages to the primitive period. It is the characteristic of thenbsp;language of the people, and has been supposed to be modern onlynbsp;because it is not so apparent in the earlier literary language,nbsp;which, besides being largely artificial, was based upon the dialectnbsp;of a more or less Aryan aristocracy.


University College, Bangor,

March, 1899.


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1. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;United to form Monmouthshire

“The lordships, townships, parishes, commotes and cantreds of Monmouth, Chepstow, Matherne, Llanvihangel, Magournbsp;Goldecliffe, Newport, Wenllonge, Llanwerne, Caerlion, Usk,nbsp;Trelech, Tintern, Skynfreth, Grousmont, Witecastle, Reglan,nbsp;Calicote, Biston, Abergevenny, Penrose, Greenfield, Maghen, andnbsp;Hochuyslade, in the country of Wales.”

2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;United to form Brecknockshire :—

“The lordships, townships, parishes, commotes and cantreds of Brecknock, Creckhowel, Tretowre, Penkelly, English-Talgarth,nbsp;Welsh-Talgarth, Dynas, the Haye, Glynebough, Broyulles, Canter-cely, Lando, Blainllinby, Estrodew, Buelthe, and Lingros ^ in thenbsp;said country or dominion of Wales.”

3. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;United to form Radnorshire :—

“The lordships, townships, parishes, commotes and cantreds of New Radnor, Elistherman, Elue-les, Bongbred, Glasbury,nbsp;Glawdistre, Mihelles Church, Meleneth, Blewagh, Knighton,nbsp;Norton, Preston, Commothuder, Rayder, Gwethronyon, andnbsp;Stanage, in the said country of Wales.”

4. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;United to form Montgomeryshire:—

“The lordships, townships, parishes, commotes and cantreds of Montgomery, Kedewenkerry, Cawisland, Arustely, Keviliock,nbsp;* Lingors, according to Rastall.

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Doythur, Powesland, Clunesland, Balesley, Tempcester, and Alcester, in the said country of Wales.”

5. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;United to form Denbighshire :—

“The lordships, townships, parishes, commotes and cantreds of Denbighland, Ruthin, Saint Talfe, Kinllethowen, Bromfilde,nbsp;Yale, Chirke and Chirkeland, Molesdale,^ and Hopesdale, in thenbsp;said country of Wales.”

6. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Added to Shropshire :—

“The lordships, towns, parishes, commotes, hundreds, and cantreds of Oswester, Whetington, Masbroke, Knoking, Ellesmer,nbsp;Downe, and Churbury hundred in the Marches of Wales.”

7. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Added to Herefordshire :—

“ The lordships, towns, parishes, commotes, hundreds, and cantreds of Ewyas Lacy, Ewyas Harold, Clifford Wynforton,nbsp;Yerdesley, Huntingdon, Whytney, Wygmore, Logharneys, andnbsp;Stepulton in the said Marches of Wales.”

8. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Added to Gloucestershire :—

“The lordships, towns, and parishes of Wollastone, Tidnam, and Bechley, in the said Marches of Wales, and all honours,nbsp;lordships, castles, manors, lands, tenements, and hereditamentsnbsp;lying or being Chepstow bridge in the said Marches of Wales andnbsp;Gloucestershire. ”

9. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Added to Glamorganshire :—

“The lordships, towns, parishes, commotes, hundreds, and cantreds of Gowerkilvy, Bishops Town, Llandaff, Singnithe supra,nbsp;Singhnithe subtus, Maskin, Ogmore, Glynerotheney, Tallagarney,nbsp;Ruthien, Tallavan, Llanblethyan, Lantwid, Tyeryal, Avan, Nethe,nbsp;Landewi, and the Clays in the said country of Wales.”

10. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Added to Carmarthenshire:

“The lordships, towns, parishes, commotes, hundreds, and cantreds of Lanemthevery, Abermerlese, Kedwely, Eskenning,nbsp;Cornewolthou, Newcastle, Emel, Aborgoyly, in the said countrynbsp;of Wales.”

1 Altered as to Molesdale by st. 33 Henry VIII., c. 13, s. 3.

T T 2

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11. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Added to Pembrokeshire :—

“The lordships, towns, parishes, commotes, hundreds, and cantreds of Harverfordwest, Kilgarran, Lansteffan, Langeharne,nbsp;otherwise called Tallangharne, Walwynscastle, Dewysland, Llan-nehadein, Lanfey, Herberth, Slebeche, Rosmarket, Castellan, andnbsp;Landofleure, in the said country of Wales.”

12. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Added to Cardiganshire:—

“The lordships, town, parishes, commotes, hundreds, and cantreds of Tregaron, Glenergine, Landway, and Ureny, in thenbsp;said country of Wales.”

13. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Added to Merionethshire ;—

“ The lordship, town, and parish of Mouthway, in the said country of Wales.”

N.B.—In the above extracts we have given the names spelt exactly as they appear in the Statute.

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Since Chapter VI. was printed the fifteenth report of the Royal Commission on Historical MSS. has been published.' Wenbsp;find in it the following paragraph, which no doubt expressesnbsp;the opinions of Mr. Gwenogvryn Evans, the Assistant Commissioner who is charged with inspecting and reporting onnbsp;Welsh MSS.

“Manuscripts of the Welsh Laws are numerous, and those (written on vellum) at Peniarth, the British Museum, Oxford, andnbsp;Cardiff have been inspected. The oldest copy is a Latin versionnbsp;of the last quarter of the twelfth century, and the next oldest isnbsp;the Welsh version known as the Black Book of Chirk, which cannbsp;hardly be later than the year 1200. Both these manuscripts arenbsp;at Peniarth, and their texts contain the substance of the othernbsp;numerous recensions of later date. The prologue of the Chirknbsp;Codex states simply that Howel £)a, ‘prince of all the Kymry,’nbsp;finding no doubt much confusion in the administration of the lawnbsp;when his lordship extended over Gwyned and Powys in additionnbsp;to Dyved, summoned six men from every commote, four laics andnbsp;two clerics, to examine the customs and laws of his dominion andnbsp;to deliberate thereon. As a result some of the old laws werenbsp;confirmed, some amended, some abrogated, and some new onesnbsp;enacted. These were afterwards solemnly promulgated and confirmed in a general assembly attended according to the Latin textnbsp;by ‘all archbishops, bishops, abbots and priests.’ But whethernbsp;this took place before or after Howel’s visit to Rome it is notnbsp;stated. That Howel did go to Rome in 928 we know on thenbsp;' Parly. Paper (C—9295) 1899.

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testimony of the Annales Cambrice. and the Brut y Tywysogion; and if we may credit the prologues of the later manuscripts thenbsp;object of his visit was to submit the codified laws to the approvalnbsp;of the Pope. This statement derives some colour from the wordsnbsp;of an unedited thirteenth century manuscript at Peniarth, whichnbsp;declares that the Laws were drawn up in Latin, in order that thenbsp;Church and the Pope might be able to judge of them, and thatnbsp;the common people might hold them in greater respect fromnbsp;their inability to understand them. Linguistic tests, too, tend tonbsp;support this assertion of a Latin original, and probability enforcesnbsp;it. We should in this way get independent translations intonbsp;Welsh, which would naturally give rise to what came later to benbsp;regarded as different ‘Codes,’ labelled respectively ‘Venedotian,’

‘ Demetian,’ and ‘ Gwentian,’ though Howel was never King of Gwent and Morgannwg. The Chirk Codex represents Welshnbsp;prose of any extent in its most primitive form, and the MS. mustnbsp;be regarded as a transcript of an earlier one. No one can doubtnbsp;this who will compare its style with that represented by the fragments of the Mabinogion in a MS. of about 1230. In the latternbsp;we find Welsh prose at its best. How far the Laws of Howel arenbsp;purely Welsh in their origin can never, probably, be determined,nbsp;as no copy of the text in its original form is known to be nownbsp;extant. The existing manuscripts refer to the ‘Laws of Howel,’nbsp;which would not be possible in a pure text; and some of themnbsp;have admittedly been revised by later princes. It is also instructivenbsp;to note that the older the manuscript the fewer the triads itnbsp;contains. The two oldest do not contain a single triad betweennbsp;them! ”

As to the assertion of a Latin original, we wish to call attention to the reference in the Preface to the third book of thenbsp;Venedotian Code to “ Hen lyfr y Ty Gwyn ” {i.e., the “ Old Booknbsp;of the White House ”), as one of the books from which lorwerthnbsp;ab Madog compiled his Proof-book (see p. 182 above and notes 2nbsp;and 4 thereto). The preface to this third Book is, if we understandnbsp;A. Owen aright, to be found in the Black Book of Chirk (the MS.nbsp;A on which he bases his text of the Venedotian Code, and which innbsp;the above extract is referred to as the oldest MS.). It looks like

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the genuine work of a Welsh lawyer making a new edition of the Proof-book. He expressly mentions as among his authoritiesnbsp;three books of Welsh judges or lawyers who were, according tonbsp;the independent Preface of the Demetian Code, present at Howel’snbsp;assembly. Of course, it may be that “ Hen lyfr y Ty Gwyn ” wasnbsp;in Latin, but we think it very improbable, not only because wenbsp;can hardly suppose the Welsh judges and lawyers of the tenth ornbsp;even the twelfth century to have been conversant with Latin, butnbsp;because we think the main practical object of the Ty Gwynnbsp;convention was to promulgate an authoritative written set of lawsnbsp;which the king’s officers could consult at all times for guidance—nbsp;an object which would only be imperfectly attained by simplynbsp;publishing a Latin book. We gather from A. Owen’s Prefacenbsp;(“ Anc. Laws,” vol. i. p. xxxii.) that the first Latin version givennbsp;in his collection is printed from the MS. referred to in thenbsp;paragraph quoted above. There the Welsh technical terms arenbsp;given first, and a Latin translation added in brackets. Thus :—nbsp;“i. penteulu [prefectus familie]; ii. secundus offeyrat teulu [sacerdosnbsp;familie].” (“ Anc. Laws,” vol. ii. p. 749.) The inference we drawnbsp;from this—not a certain, but a probable one—is that the Latin textnbsp;is a translation. The fact that the Venedotian Code is of greaternbsp;length than the earliest Latin version may of course be accountednbsp;for by additions made from time to time j but a comparison of thenbsp;arrangement and treatment of the various topics or sets of rulesnbsp;suggests to us that the Venedotian Code conforms more nearlynbsp;to what we infer was the form of the original Book of thenbsp;Law, and that the Latin version, except as to the laws of thenbsp;household or court, is an abridgement of some earlier work.nbsp;The Venedotian Code as printed by Owen seems a new editionnbsp;of an earlier work which was divided into three parts:—(i.) thenbsp;laws of the court, (ii.) the laws of the country, and (iii.) thenbsp;Proof-book or three columns of laws; and it looks as if lorwerthnbsp;ab Madog was editor and compiler; that in dealing with the firstnbsp;and second books of the original work he only added or modified,nbsp;but when he came to the third book he found that the rulesnbsp;actually in force had so greatly changed from those contained innbsp;the old authorities that he made a fresh compilation, bringing the

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book up to date, as we should say. But while we think on the materials before us that the “ Old Book of the White House ” wasnbsp;in Welsh, it may well be that before the assembly was held anbsp;Latin version of the Welsh Laws had been prepared undernbsp;Howel’s auspices, and it may be that it was this book that wasnbsp;approved by the Pope when he visited Rome in 928. Notice,nbsp;too, that the Canones Wallid contain texts identical with somenbsp;in Owen’s second Latin version. (See above, p. 177.)

On p. 184 we have given Owen’s translation of the title of the triads in his Book xiii. (“ Anc. Laws,” ii., p. 474). It has beennbsp;supposed that the word “ mote ” which he employs means mootnbsp;or meeting, and the word ‘ Va;»-,” cart or waggon. This is erroneous.nbsp;The Welsh word dud has reference to motion ; and Owen probablynbsp;used “ mote” as equivalentto Latin motus, a moving. Ca^does meannbsp;a carriage or van ; but car signifies a friend or kinsman. So thenbsp;most likely translation of this obscure title is—“ Triads of movingsnbsp;and kin-movings,” or “of flittings and kin-flittings.” Motionnbsp;seems the constant or essential conception in the mind of thenbsp;composer of these triads, but no one word—neither “ mote ” nornbsp;any other—can be used throughout the series. The first triad,nbsp;if our translation is right, refers to the travellings or circuits ofnbsp;professional persons or craftsmen. So perhaps we may rendernbsp;the first triad thus;—“ the three roving professionalisms : bardism,nbsp;metallurgy, and harp-playing ”; and the second thus :—“ thenbsp;three things that constitute a travelling (or nomadic) home : race,nbsp;status, and war.” In triad xxiii. we find the king’s cylck (circuitnbsp;or progress) referred to. In triads x., xxviii., and xxxiii., we have,nbsp;however, apparently a van {car) introduced. This is probablynbsp;due to the transcriber of the MS., or to the editor. From anbsp;lawyer’s point of view, the whole book looks very forced andnbsp;artificial.

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a, 3

Aballac, 42 Abber, 63nbsp;Abber-deon, 64

Aberdare, Lord, 492, 498-500, 512

Aberdaron, 301, 464

Aberdovey, 295

Aberfamp;aw, 135, 144, 146, 422

Aberffraw, King of, 188, 229

Abergwili, 162

Aberhondu, 281

Aberdech, 286

Abertt'wchwr, 284

Aberiiynog, 465

Aber Rheidol, 310

Aberteifi, Aberteivi, 254, 315

Abertowy, 166

Aberystwyth, 339, 492-4, 500

Abloyc, 120

ach ac edryu, 244

ackafi, 29

Acstyn, 525

Adamndn, 50, 64, 72, 97 Adminios, 41nbsp;Adpar, 531

adscripti glebse, 216, 223, 401, 408 Aedan ab Blegored, 161nbsp;Mlfgar, 167-171, 173nbsp;^Ifnoth, the Sheriff, 170nbsp;,3ïlfred, 146, 148-150, 306nbsp;iEstii, 62nbsp;,ditern, 106

.^thelflaed, ^thelflaeda, 150, 163 -iEthelfrith, 107, 109, 151nbsp;jEthelred, Ealdorman, 150nbsp;jEthelred, the Unraedig, i6inbsp;jEthelstan, 149, 151, 153nbsp;.Ethelstan, Bishop, 169nbsp;ag, oc, 630

Agricola, 83, 96, iia agwedi, 211, 213nbsp;ailtt, 214, 216, 400nbsp;Airem, 445nbsp;Aires, Airiss, 50nbsp;Alba, Alban, 77, 115-6nbsp;Albanus, 115nbsp;Albinus, 97nbsp;Albio, 75-6, 81nbsp;^AK^iov, ’AK^iüJv, 77nbsp;Albionum, Insula, 77nbsp;Aleecht, loinbsp;Alfred of Beverley, 28nbsp;Allectus, 99, loinbsp;Allobrox, 26nbsp;Alnet, 323nbsp;Alti, 51

Alvryd, 156, 158 Alyth, loinbsp;attfro, 26

alitud, atttudion, 191-2, 197, 214-5, 400nbsp;am, 625nbsp;Amaethon, 37nbsp;Amalech, 42

Amaury de Montfort, 334

amherawdyr, 105

Ammianus Marcellinus, 102, in

ammod dedfol, 225

ammodwr, ammodwyr, 211, 225

amobr, 209

amour courtois, 505

Amserau, the, 78, 534

Amwythig, 274 : see Pengwern

Ana, Anu, 42-3, 55: see Anna

Anainne, 55

Anarawd, 144-5, 147-9

Anastatius III., 183

Anatemori, 17

Ancalites, 92

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Anderida, iii Aneurin, Book of, 76nbsp;Angharad v. Maredud, 173nbsp;anghyfarch, 234nbsp;Angle, 27

Angles, the, 105, 107, 109 Anglesey, 95, 112nbsp;Anglia Transwalliana, 29nbsp;Anluan, 49

Anna, 41-43, 55, 132-3 : nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ann

Annales Cambria, 42, log, 132 anniuiged, 40nbsp;annodeu,234nbsp;Anton, 70nbsp;Antoninus Pius, 96nbsp;Anwyl, Prof., 622nbsp;Apocalypse, the, 595-6nbsp;Araide, 52

Aranrot, 37 : see Arianrhod d’Arbois de Jubainville, M., 32nbsp;’'A/)X‘’''7ros, 74nbsp;arderchawc o goron, 39nbsp;Ardoch,113nbsp;Ard-rf, 135nbsp;ardelw, 234-6nbsp;ardelwr, 193

Arften v. Robert ah Seisyltt, 164 aref buyati, 253

arglwyd, 190-3, 195-6, 205, 240, 438 Argyle, 81nbsp;argyvreu, 209, 213 '

Arianrhod, 37-8, 69

Armageddon, 596

Armagh, Book of, 32

Arnulf of Montgomery, 282, 289

Arras, 3

Art Corb, 73

Art Oenfer, 67

arth, 68

Arthen, K. of Keredigion, 137, 140

Arthgen, 140 : see Arthen

Arthur, 45, 592

arwaesav, 234-5

Arwystli, 409

Ashton, Charles, 532, 609

Asser, 141, 145

Atecotti, 102

Atrebates, 5, 91, in

Augusta, III

Aulus Plautius, go, 93 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^

Aun, An, Anau, 41-2: see Ana, Anna

Aurelius Victor, 99 Avaiton, 592nbsp;avi, 47

Avienus, 77 Avitoria, 18nbsp;Avittoriges, 18nbsp;Avonmore, gg

Aymon, Edmond, Einion, 343 Ayre, Point of, 27, 525

Babington, W. D., 35 Bagaudae, 99nbsp;Bailey, Sir J, R., 541, 559nbsp;Balbriggan, 114nbsp;Baldwin, Archbishop, 313nbsp;Baner Cymru, 534nbsp;Bangor, 486-7, 490, 493, 496nbsp;bardic names, 257nbsp;bard teulu, 254nbsp;baronetcies, 450nbsp;Barrfhinn, 74nbsp;Barrivendi, 74nbsp;Barrow, 60, 88nbsp;Barry, Edmond, 52, 58nbsp;barthes, 518-9nbsp;Basque, 17, 639, 640nbsp;bastardy, 357, 584nbsp;Batavi, 86nbsp;Batavia, 99nbsp;Batavodurum, 86nbsp;Bathurst, 67nbsp;Baxter, Richard, 4S0nbsp;Bede, 107nbsp;BeAeptop, ySnbsp;Belerium, 75, 78, 81

BrjATja'a/j-if 22

Belgae, 5, 93, in Beli, 38-44, 132-3nbsp;Beli wirawt, 43nbsp;Belinus, 131

Belkassem Ben Sedira, 631, 637, 639 Bellinus, 41nbsp;belre, 78

Bendigeitvran, 38 Bera, Béara, Béirre, 58nbsp;Berba, 60

Berber, 630, 635, 638-g Berhthari, 74nbsp;ber-iau, 249nbsp;Bericos, 93

Bernard de Newmarch, 281, 289 Bernicia, 107nbsp;Berry, Major-Gen,, 449nbsp;Bertrand, M., 32, 83

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Berwick, N., 116 béurla, 78

Bible, the Welsh, 461, 480, C06-7

bibliolatry, 607

Bibroci, 92

Bile, 42

Billig, 6

Birch, Mr., 628

Bipyos, 88

Bishop, Ch., 456

Bishop, L., 45Ó

Bivadon, 65

Black Book of Carmarthen, the, 627 Black Book of Chirk, the, 645nbsp;Black Death, the, 362, 404, 418nbsp;blaenor, 588nbsp;Blanch Parry, 280nbsp;blease, 29

Bledyn ab Cynfyn, 173, 185, 226, 269-272, 277, 306nbsp;Bledyn VarJ, 342nbsp;Blegywryd, Blegored, 179, 181, 183nbsp;blyned, 45nbsp;Bodedern, 600-1nbsp;Boderia, 113nbsp;Bodewryd, 602nbsp;Bodotria, 113nbsp;Bonaparte, Prince L., 639nbsp;bonedig, bonedigion, 191, 204-5, 2* 7,nbsp;440, 445nbsp;Bononia, 99nbsp;Boudicca, 95nbsp;Boulogne, 99nbsp;BouovlvSa, 88nbsp;Boyne, 88nbsp;bracas, 567nbsp;Bradley, H., 94nbsp;braint, 191-2, 202, 218, 223nbsp;Bram well. Lord, 494nbsp;Bran, 38-9-41, 44nbsp;Branwen, 38nbsp;Brecheiniog, 134-5nbsp;Breci, mucoi, 53nbsp;Breidin, 95

brenin, brenhin, 109, 134, 137, 190

Brennus, 131-2

Bretagne, 6, 7, 77

Bretain, Bretan, 6, 77

Bretons, 77

Bperravoi, 76

Bretwalda, 108, 121

breve regis, 356

Brewys, William, 319-20; see Wm. de Braose

breyr, brëyriaid, 171, 204, 208, 225

Briamail Flou, 568 Bricriu’s Feast, 53; see Fled Bricrennnbsp;Bride’s Major, St., 595nbsp;Bridgenorth, 290nbsp;briduw, 225

Brigantes, 85-6, 94-8, 105, 112 Brigantio, 86-7nbsp;Brigstocke, W. O., 541, 555nbsp;Briotus, Brutus, 115nbsp;Bristol, 171

Britannia, Britania, 77 Britannia Prima, etc., 104nbsp;Britannica lingua, 62nbsp;Brittanni, Britanni, Brittani, 6,75-7,


Brittones, 6, 77, 105 Bro Morgannwg, 30nbsp;Brocmail ab Meurig, 146nbsp;Broho, 52nbsp;Broinienaspoi, 50nbsp;Bron yr Erw, 272nbsp;Bromfield and Yale, 418nbsp;Browyr, 29

Bruce, Hon. W. N., 500 Brude, Brute, 88nbsp;Brugsch, M., 619, 623, 625nbsp;Brun, 149, 153nbsp;brychan,251nbsp;Brychtyn, 525

Bryn Roberts, Mr., M.P., 499 Brynmor-Jones Q.C., M.P., David,nbsp;498

Brytanawl teyrnas, no Brython, 6, 77nbsp;Buain, mocu, 52nbsp;Buattt, 134-5, 328nbsp;Buanainne, 55nbsp;Buanann, 42, 55nbsp;Budge, Mr., 639nbsp;budr, 113

Bulkeley-Owen, the Hon. Mrs., 440

Bulkley, Sir Richard, 518-9

Bullock Hall, Mr., 32

Burginatium, 86

Burns, Robert, 583

Bute, the Marquis of, 500, 514

bwa, bua, 253

bwdran, 563

Bychtyn, 525

Cadett ab Rhodri, K. of Powys, 137, 140, 143-5, 147-9

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Cadfael, 74 Cadfan, 74, 108nbsp;Cadog, 74

Cadroe, Life of St., 79 Caduallo, 45 ; see Cadwalionnbsp;Cadwaladr ab Cadwafton, 106,108-9,nbsp;121, 123, 125-6, 136-g, 322, 593nbsp;Cadwaladr ab Gruffyd, 308-12nbsp;Cadwalion ab Cadfan, 45, 74, 107nbsp;Cadwalion ab Howel Drwg, 158, i6onbsp;Cadwalion ab leuaf, 160-1nbsp;Cadwalion Lawhir, 44-5nbsp;Cadwgan abBledyn, 271, 276, 281-3,nbsp;286-7, 289-91, 293-5, 297, 299,nbsp;302, 306nbsp;Caereinion, 298nbsp;Caerleon, 27, 82, 247nbsp;Caerwys, Cayroes, 517-20nbsp;CEesar, 32, 36-7, 41, 53, 76, 83, 85,nbsp;88-90, 92nbsp;caethion, 191nbsp;Caint, 78nbsp;Cairbre Muse, 57nbsp;Caldey, 218 : see Ynys Byrnbsp;Caledo, Caledones, 46, 62, loinbsp;Caledonii, 97, 102nbsp;Caligula, 41nbsp;Calleva, 82, 91nbsp;Calvus Patricii, 24, 71

cam, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;20

Cambridge, 478 Campestres, 46nbsp;Campsie, 46nbsp;camlwrw, 227, 238-9nbsp;Camulodunon, 8g, 90, 94-5nbsp;Camulogenos, 63nbsp;Camulos, 63, 89

can, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;78nbsp;candra, 73nbsp;Candraraja, 73nbsp;cangheiior, 190, 192, 195, 202nbsp;Caninefates, 86

canliaw, 242-3 Cantii, 6

Cantion, Cantium, 6, 75-8, in cantref, 190, 612-6nbsp;Cantref, the, 9, 10nbsp;Cantref Mawr, 310, 314nbsp;Canutulachama, 47nbsp;Canwyli y Cymry, 505nbsp;Capel Colman, 465nbsp;caput, 20, per capita, 397nbsp;car, 648nbsp;car, 20, 648nbsp;Caradog, 38-41

Caradog of Lancarfan, 124-6,136-9,

144. 159. 174. 177

Caradog ab Owain, 270-1 Caradog ab Gruffyd ab Rhyderch,nbsp;173, 270

Caradog, K. of Gwyned, 139 Carataci Nepus, 47nbsp;Caratacos, 40-1, 91-5nbsp;Caratauc, 91, 139 : see Caradog,nbsp;Caratacos

Carausius, 97, gg, loi Cardiff, 247-8, 281, 493-4, 496nbsp;Cardigan, 516

Cargludau, Triads of the, 184, 648 Carlingford, Lord, 494nbsp;caiiiawedrog, 232nbsp;Carmarthen, 248nbsp;Carnarvon, 27nbsp;Carter, Isaac, 531nbsp;Cartismandua, 95nbsp;Cassi, 92

Cassibellanus, 45: see Cassivellaunos

Cassiterides, 61

Kaa-airepos, 61

Cassivellaunos, 41, 45, 90

Caswaiion, 38, 41, 44-5

Castle Martin, 558

castra, 20

Catabor, Catabar, 52 Catamanus, 108 : see Cadfannbsp;Catelauni, 89nbsp;Cateli, 140: see Cadelinbsp;Cathbad, 68-9

Catuvellauni, 89, 90, 92-4, 112 Catwg, 74nbsp;Cauci, 85

Cawdor, Earl of, 492, 558 Ceadwalla, 127 : see Cadwaiionnbsp;ceann, 7

Cebur, B. of St. Asaph, 183 Cedivor, 277nbsp;Cein, 44

ceiniog baladyr, 230-1 Ceiriog, the Wood of, 311nbsp;Ceitweyt, 236nbsp;Celtic Christianity, 458-9nbsp;Celtican, 4, 12, 76nbsp;cenedl, 191-2, 194-6, 230nbsp;Cenimagni, 92-3nbsp;Cennfhinn, 73nbsp;Ceretic, 120nbsp;césad, 87nbsp;ceseil-iau, 249nbsp;cess noinden, 6gnbsp;Cessair, Cessar, 59-61

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cessavit per biennium, 443 Cet mac Matach, 49nbsp;Cetytt, 136, 143nbsp;Chalons, 89nbsp;Charles I., 33, 386nbsp;Charles V. of France, 344nbsp;Charles, David, 489-91nbsp;Charles, Thomas, 482, 506-7nbsp;Cheshire, 601

Chester, 21, 151, 163, 173, 247, 326 Chester, Lord Bishop of, 499nbsp;Chauchi, Chauci, 85 : see Caucinbsp;Chichester, 92nbsp;chief, 20

Chirk, the Black Book of, 185, 645-6

Chlorus, 99, loi

Church, the Welsh, 245

Cilgerran, 318

Cimbri, 80

Cinbelin, 91

Cinnan, 138 : see Kynan Cint, 88

Circin, Terra, 65

Circuits, the Welsh, 378-9, 390,


Cirencester, 104 Cirgin, 65 : see Gerginnnbsp;Ciric, 65 ; see Gergnbsp;Ciricus, St., 65nbsp;Civil War, the, 33nbsp;Clare, House of, 297nbsp;Claudius, 92-3nbsp;Clawi Offa, 140-1nbsp;clejyf, 253nbsp;Clifford, Roger, 339nbsp;Clocaenog, 3nbsp;Clun, 526

Clwyd, the Vale of, 171, 173-4 Clydai, 17

Clydawc, Clydog, 151 Cnegumi, fill, 17nbsp;cnocio, 583nbsp;Cnut, 161, 163-4nbsp;CO, go, 630nbsp;Cobranor—, 48nbsp;Codes, the, 180-85nbsp;Coelin, 119nbsp;Coeman, 656nbsp;cof llys, 242nbsp;Cogidumnos, 92nbsp;Coil Hen, 132-3nbsp;Coimagni, 65

Colleges, the Theological, 483 Colonsay, 52nbsp;Coloso, in, 51

Columba, 83

Comes Britanniae, 103, 105 Comes Lit. Saxonici, 103nbsp;Commios, 91-2nbsp;Commission of 1846, 484nbsp;Commodus, 97

commote, commot, 352, 612-6: see cymwd

commorthas, 367 Compton, Lord, 385nbsp;Conall Cernach, 49nbsp;Conan, 136, 138 ; see Kynannbsp;Conchobar, 15, 54, 68nbsp;Condia, 67

I Congen ab Cadelt, 143 Conn, 58, 67

Conway, Conwy, 100, 125, 335 Conway, treaty of, 335nbsp;copies of Court-rolls, 419nbsp;Cor, 52nbsp;Coramp;n, 67nbsp;Corb, 73

corbeille de manage, 212 Corbipoi, 50nbsp;Core Duibne, 57-8nbsp;Corco Duibne, 52, 58nbsp;Coriondi, -», 85nbsp;Coritavi, Coritani, 93, 112nbsp;Cork, 88nbsp;Corkaguiny, 52nbsp;Cormac, 25, 42, 50, 55, 77-8nbsp;corn, I12

Cornandus, 183 : see Gornardus, 184

Cornavii, 112

Cornet, castle of, 344

Cornewall, Thomas, 360-1

Cornish people, the, 141

cornu, 112

Cornwall, 112,142

coroners, 380

Coroticus, 63

Corwen, 311, 605

Cothi, L^wis Glyn, 45

Counties, the, 642-4

County Palatine, the, 347

court chairs, 201

court officers, 199

court servants, 197

Court of Chancery, 364, 375, 391-2

Courts of the Three Princes, the, 182

COW5rtt, 212-3

Cradawc, 38, 40

Craddock, Walter, 462

crann, 88

credu, 38

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cretem, 38

Crisiant, 312

Croft, Sir Herbert, 384-5

Cromwell, 449, 480

Cromwell, Thomas, 367-8

Cronium, 80

crown of Britain, 137.

crown of London, 130

Cruithnech, 76

Cruithni, 76, 79-80, loi

cruth, 79

CÜ, 100

Cu-Chocriche, 72 Cu-Chorb, 72-3nbsp;Cuchulainn, 68-9, 72nbsp;cuig, 7

Culann, 68, 72 Culéon, 64nbsp;Culii, 64nbsp;Cumberland, 26nbsp;Cumbra-land, 26nbsp;Cumbria, 396nbsp;Cunatami, Cunotami, 503nbsp;Cuneda, 9, 10, 25, 35, 44, 106, no,nbsp;119-20, 132-4, 194, 215, 255, 396nbsp;Cunigni, filia, 18nbsp;Cunobelinos, 91-4nbsp;Cfirf, Conrf, 100; see Cüróinbsp;Cur6i, Corroi, 65, 100nbsp;Curry, O’, 52, 84nbsp;Custantin, 88nbsp;Cwm-hir, Abbey, 450nbsp;cwrw, 587

Cwta CyfarwyS, the, 154, 611 cyfarwys, cyfarws, 206nbsp;Cyfeiliog, 326, 329, 409nbsp;Cyfnerth, Cyvnerth ab Morgeneu,nbsp;182, 226

cyfraith gyffredin, 217, 304 Cyfreithiau y idrys, 197nbsp;Cyfraith Saesneg a rhan Gymraeg,nbsp;359

cylch, 648

Cylchgrawn Cymraeg, 534 Cymanfaoed Ysgolion, 508nbsp;Cymmrodorion, the, 494-5nbsp;Cymorth Gwau, 598nbsp;Cymraeg, 119

Cymro, Cymry, 25-6, 117-9, 121 Cymru, 117, 119, 121nbsp;cymwd, cwmwd, 190, 219, 305, 352,nbsp;356, 552, 612-6nbsp;Cynan ab lago ab Idwal, 272nbsp;Cynan ab Owain Gwyned, 309, 313nbsp;cynghaws, 242

Cynobellini, 41

Cynon, 137: see Kynan Tindaethwy cynwarchad, 223nbsp;Cyrus, St., 63


da, 195, 206, 208-10, 216, 225, 234 Aa^péya, 88

dadleuoeit breninawl, 241 Dsegsastan, 121nbsp;Dafyd ab Gwilym, 505nbsp;Dalan, 70nbsp;Dal-Caiss, 96nbsp;Dalon, 51nbsp;Daln-Araide, 52nbsp;Dalriad Scots, 81, 96nbsp;Dal-Runtir, 51nbsp;Danainne, 55 : see Danunbsp;Danes, the, 142-4, 148-151, 156-7,nbsp;160-1

Daniel, 595 Daniel’s, St., 465nbsp;Dante, 591

Danu, Danann, 15, 55-6 Darlington, Thomas, 548nbsp;datlewyr, 241nbsp;dattrrann, 64nbsp;David ab Griffith, 443nbsp;David ab Lywelyn, nonbsp;Davies, David, 552, 573nbsp;Davies, Dr., 628nbsp;Davies, Evan, 486nbsp;Davies, I. Th., 553nbsp;Davies, John, 556nbsp;Davies, J. D., 29nbsp;Davies, J. M., 456, 576-8nbsp;Davies óf Landwr, Mr., 456nbsp;Davies, Richard, 490nbsp;Davies of Bala, Thomas, 560nbsp;Davies of Lansawel, Thomas, 373,nbsp;576, 582, 606nbsp;Davies, W. C., 498nbsp;Davies, W. S., 577nbsp;Davyd ab Gruffyd ab Owain G wyned,nbsp;326, 332, 334, 336, 339-41nbsp;Davyd ab Owain Gwyned, 309,311-2,nbsp;317, 321, 323-4nbsp;Dé Domnann, mac, 56nbsp;Dea, Fir, 56nbsp;Deargdamhsa, 66nbsp;Decantse, 88

Decanti, Decantorum, 88 Decceddas, maqui, 47, 88

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Deceangli, 94 Decheti, Decceti, 88nbsp;Decies, the, 30: see Deisinbsp;Deer, Book of, 64nbsp;Defenanscfre, 115

Deganwy, 88, 141, 276, 282, 3?4i 328-9, 331; see Decantinbsp;Deheubarth, 134-5, t44lt; ^46nbsp;Deheubarthwyr, 134nbsp;Deira, 107nbsp;Deisi, the, 30, 81, 84nbsp;Demetae, 501nbsp;demography, 585nbsp;Denbigh, 443nbsp;Deorham, 26, 121nbsp;derdrestar, 68nbsp;Derdriu, 68nbsp;Der-Fraich, 72nbsp;Der-Lugdach, 72nbsp;Deva, 103nbsp;Devon, 115nbsp;Devon, the River, 115nbsp;dexterales, Brittones, 140nbsp;diacon, 588nbsp;Diarmait, 13

Dicaledonas, Dicalydones, 102 dilysrwyd, 234nbsp;dim, 638

Dinas Emreis, 40 Dinas NewyS, 149, 153nbsp;Dingeraint, 297

Dinefwr, Dinevwr, 135, I44i ^4^’ 188, 248nbsp;Dinorwick, 416

Dio (Dion) Cassius, 14, 9°. 93. 97-8. 102

Diocletian, 104 Diodorus, 75-6, 78-gnbsp;AioyeViJs. 73nbsp;dirwy, 226, 238-9nbsp;Diserth, 323, 328, 331nbsp;Disestablishment, 454-5nbsp;distain, 198nbsp;Diviciacos, 5, 88-90nbsp;do, 636

Dobunni, 22, 90, in dofraeth, 219nbsp;Docmail, 120nbsp;Dogmael’s, St., 503nbsp;Doli, 44

Dolwydelen, 412, 414-16 Domhnall, 24

Domnu, Domnann, 55-6, 114-15 Dón, 15, 37, 54, 56, 598; see Danunbsp;Donald, 24

Donati's Comet, 595 Donoghue, O', 593nbsp;Donovan, O’, 622, 637-8nbsp;Donu, Donann: see Danunbsp;Dotoatt, 18

Dovinia, mucoi, 52, 54, 57-8

Doyle, J. H., 556

Draco, Insularis, 106-7

Dragomil, 74

Dronga Domnand, 114

Drost, 50, 63

Drosten, 16, 63

druid, 52, 1x2

druidecht, 69

Druidism, 83, 112, 255-6

Druim Criaich, 15

Duald Mac Firbis, 59

Duan Albanach, the, 115

Dubinn, Duibne, 15, 52, 54, 57-8

Dubnovellaunos, 90

Dubthach, 64

Dumeli, 48-9

Dumnonii, 55, 93, 97, 113-4 Dun Cow, Book of the, 53, 57, 65,nbsp;67-9, 84

Dun na m-Barc, 59 Dunaut, 120nbsp;Dunawd, 106nbsp;Dunloe, 18nbsp;Dunmore Head, 57nbsp;Dun Myat, Dunmyat, 98, 113nbsp;Dux Bellorum, 105nbsp;Dux Britanniarum, 118nbsp;Dux Britannias, 9, 103, 106-8, no,nbsp;118

Dux Brittonum, 108-9 dy, 636nbsp;Dyaus, 89nbsp;Dyfed, 30, 134nbsp;Dyf-lyn, 38

Dyfnwal ab Howel Ba, 155-6 158

Dyfnwal Moel-mud, 24, 130-3, 184, 215, 218, 245nbsp;Dyfnwal’s Triads, 184nbsp;Dyfnwatton, 156nbsp;Dygen Freidin, 95nbsp;Dylan 37

Eadgar, 154, 156-7 Eadred, 156

Eadric the Wild, 269, 274

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Eadward the Elder, 149, 151, 153-4 Eadwig, 154

Eadwine, br. of Leofric, 166 Eadwyne and Morkere, 270-1nbsp;Ealdgyth, 167, 281nbsp;Ealdred, Bishop, 170nbsp;ebediw, 221, 225, 424nbsp;Eber, 443nbsp;Eblanii, 45nbsp;Eburacum, 103nbsp;Eccles-Greig, Eglis-Girg, 65nbsp;Eceni, 92, 94-5, 112nbsp;Ecgbryht, Eagbert, 108, 141-2nbsp;Eden, Hon. R. H., 457nbsp;edling, the, 201-3nbsp;Edmund of Lancaster, 335nbsp;Edmund Mortimer, 340-1nbsp;edrif, edryu, 244

Edwal Ywrch, 136 : see Idwal Iwrch Edward the Black Prince, 343-4nbsp;Edward of Carnarvon, 342, 361nbsp;Edward the Confessor, 167,170,174nbsp;Edward I., no, 333-5, 338—44, 351.nbsp;358, 361

Edward III., 361 Edward IV., 363nbsp;Edward Spencer, 344nbsp;Edwards, Dr. L., 485nbsp;Edwards, Prof. Ellis, 496-7nbsp;Edwards, Owen M., 498, 607nbsp;Edwards, Richard, 571nbsp;Edwards, Dr. T. C., 491nbsp;Edwards, Wm., 601nbsp;Edwin, 107, 109nbsp;Edwin ab Einion, 163nbsp;Edwyn ab Howel Da, 155, 158nbsp;Efeyd, 37 ; see Hymeldnbsp;Efnissien, 38nbsp;Eglwys Cymun, 18nbsp;Egyptian, 618-30, 635, 637nbsp;eido, 623-4nbsp;Eildon, 593nbsp;eiltio, igi

Eitttion; see Aittt, 191, 195, 205-7, 214-6, 219-20nbsp;Eineon ab Cedivor, 278-9nbsp;Einion ab Owain ab Howel Da,nbsp;158-9

einym, 624 eissyTtyn, 196

Eistedfod, the, 254, 509, 514, 516-8, 520, 522-4nbsp;Elaeth, loinbsp;Elan, 45

Eleanor de Montfort, 330,34-5, 333-7

Elen, 30, 150 eleni, 45

Elenid, Elennyth, 45

Elgar, 169 : see jElfgar

Elised ab Anarawd, 152

Elised ab Teudyr, 146

Ellesmere, 313-4

Ellice ap Wm. Lloyd, 518

Ellis, Alex. J., 29, 526

Ellis, Thomas E., 590, 604-6

Elpa, 77

Elton, 85

Elucidarium, 505

etfyn, 191

Emain, 87

Emma, 313

Emreis, 40

Enderbie, 124

English Tongue, the, 371

Enniaun Girt, 120

Entifidich, 88

Eochaid Feidlech, 15, 53

Eogain Inbir, 53

Eogan Mór, 58, 66

Epaticcos, 91

Epillos, 91

Erbury, Wm., 462

Ere, 51-2, 58

Erce, 52, 58

Ercias, Erccias, Maqqui, 52

'EpSiyoi, 88 : see Ernai

Erispoë, 50

Erin, gen. Erenn, 60

Ernai, 88

Ernault, M., 38

Erne, Lough, 88

Erp, 64

Erpenn, maqui, 64 Erris, Irrus, 114nbsp;erw, erwau, 218-9, 221nbsp;Eryri, 137, 141nbsp;Esgeir Oervel, iconbsp;Esytlt, Esyllht, 136-9, 144 : seenbsp;Etthilnbsp;Etain, 70nbsp;Etern, 120nbsp;Ethered, Earl, 146nbsp;etifed, 222nbsp;ett, 16

Etterni fill, 18 Etthil, 138 : see Esyfttnbsp;Eumenius, loinbsp;Eure, Lord, 384-5nbsp;Euroswyd, 38nbsp;Eutropius, 99

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Evan son of Evan, 185 Evans, J. G., 127-8, 611, 645nbsp;Evans, Sir John, 41, ginbsp;Evans, Stephen, 500nbsp;Evesham, battle of, 331nbsp;Exeter, 264nbsp;Extents, the, 403nbsp;Ewyas, 154

Freeman, the late Prof., 29, 142 Freinc, 271

Frenchmen in 1052, 168 Froissart, 343, 594nbsp;Frontu, 22

fyrnigrwyd dywynau, 234

Eaidherbe, M., 638 fer, 72

Fer Corb, 73 Fer Tlachtga, 72-3nbsp;Fernmail ab Meurig, 146nbsp;fenstern, 583

Festivals, the 3 Principal, 201

F'ewyrth a modryb ac uwd, 562

Ffaraon, 40

Fick, 74

Fidlin, 66

Finnbharr, 74

Fir Dea, 56

Fir Domnann, 55-6, 114-5

Fir Fortrenn, 102 : see Fortrenn

Firbolg, 88

Ffr Ulaid, loi

Fisher, John, 594

Fishguard, 27

Flanders, 28

Fled Bricrenn, 53, 100

Flemings, the, 27, 31, 265

Florence, 28

fo muir, 55

fomhair, 55

Fomori, 55

foot-holder, the, 201

Forciu, 113 ; see Forth

F'orco, Forgo, 18

Forens, 16 : see Vorgos

Forden, 554-5

Forteviot, 12, 98, 102, 113

Forth, Forthin, 113

Fortrenn, 12, 102

Fothad, 98

Fothrif, 102, 116

Fothuddn, Fothuddin, 98, 115

Four Masters, the, 60, 71

Fowler, Richard, 450

Fraech, 49

Francton, Adam de, 341


gafael, gavael, 200, 218 Galam, 43

galanas, 226-34, 244-5 Galatic, 3

Galfrid, 128 : see Geoffrey Gallia Bracata, 567nbsp;Garbaniaun, 132nbsp;gavelkind, 355, 400nbsp;Gant, 88nbsp;gavl, 200

Gee, Thomas, 566, 609 Genaius, 17nbsp;Genittac, 47

Tevovvia Moipa, 96: see Genunians Gentich, 6, 48nbsp;Gentiles de 'Ybernia, 287nbsp;Genunians, the, g6, 102nbsp;Geoffrey of Monmouth, 39, 44-5,nbsp;124-5, 128, 131nbsp;Geoffrey Plantagenet, 313nbsp;Geona Cohors, 96

Gerald de Windsor, 245, 282-3, 286, 290, 294, 301nbsp;Gerbod, 274nbsp;Gerg, Greg, Giric, 65nbsp;Gerginn, Gergind, Mag, 63nbsp;Gerrcind, 65nbsp;Gilbert de Clare, 332,

Gilbert son of Richard, 297, 300, 347 Gildas, 30, 105, 107, 177, 258nbsp;Gilla-Muire, 71nbsp;gille, 71nbsp;Gilmore, 71

Gilfaethwy, Gilvaethwy, 37, 71 Giraldus Cambrensis, 145, 171-2,nbsp;176, 199, 200, 207, 245-6, 252-4,nbsp;256, 258-60, 313, 568nbsp;Giudi, Urbs, 116nbsp;Glamorgan, 21, 30nbsp;glain, glein, gloin, 62nbsp;Glasiconas, maqui, 48-9nbsp;Glastonbury, 592nbsp;Gleguising, 146


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Glenn-Gerg, 65 glesum, 62

Gloucester, 163, 169, 171 Giynne, Wm., 518nbsp;gobennyd, 251

Godfrey son of Harold, 156-8 Gododin, the, 120, 627, 632nbsp;Godwine, 164-5nbsp;Gofannon, 37, 54nbsp;Gorman, 72nbsp;Gornardus, 183nbsp;Goronwy ab Cadwgan, 271nbsp;Goronwy ab Moreidig, 182nbsp;Gororau Clawd Offa, 527nbsp;Gorsed, the, 517nbsp;gorvodawg, 225nbsp;gosgord, 204nbsp;Gosoctas, 52nbsp;Gouge, Thomas, 480nbsp;Govan’s, St., 29nbsp;Gower, 29, 281-2 ; see Gwyrnbsp;Granpius, Graupius, 96nbsp;Greenan-Ely, 593nbsp;Griffid Says, 343nbsp;Griffith, Ellis, 366nbsp;Griffith, R. W. 562nbsp;Griffith, Sir Rees, 518-9nbsp;Grig, 65

Gruffyd ab Caradog, 272 Gruffyd ab Cynan ab lago, 110,272-3,nbsp;276, 283, 287, 289, 291, 299, 301,nbsp;303-4, 306, 308, 517nbsp;Gruffyd ab Cynfyn, 271nbsp;Gruffyd ab Gwenwynwyn, 323, 326,nbsp;329, 331, 334nbsp;Gruffyd ab leuan, 517nbsp;Gruffyd ab Lewelyn ab Seisytit,nbsp;123,161-2,164,174,245-6, 253-4,nbsp;269-70, 281

Gruffyd ab Maredud, 277, 339-40 Gruffyd ab Owain Gwyned, 321-3,


Gruffyd ab Rhyderchab lestyn, 164, 167-8, 270

Gruffyd ab Rhys ab Tewdwr, 300-1,

304. 307

Gruffyd, Sir Wm., 517 Gruffyd ab yr Ynad Coch, 342nbsp;Gruffyth, John, 518nbsp;Gruffyth, Moris, 518nbsp;Grufud, 109nbsp;Guenedota, 119, 120nbsp;Guernsey, 344nbsp;Guorcein, 44nbsp;Guordoli, 44

Guotepauc, 133

Guotodin, 9,21,98,115 ; srr Gododin, Votadini

gwadol, 209, 211, 213 Gwair ab Rhuvon, 182nbsp;gwely, 195, 196-7, 200, 210, 220, 222,nbsp;397-8 ; see wele, tir gwelyawgnbsp;Gwenhwyseg, 8nbsp;Gwenitian, 337, 342nbsp;Gwenöwg, 134nbsp;Gwent, 78, 134-5, 159nbsp;Gwenwynwyn, nonbsp;Gwenwynwyn ab Owain Cyfeiliog,nbsp;316

Gwern, 38-9

Gweryd, 113

gwestey, 204

gwestva, 204, 218, 220-1

Gwgan, Gwgawn ab Meurig, 143

Gwgawn, 292

Gwiberi, 182, 184

Gwilym Hiraethog, 485

gwlad; 108

Gwlad Morgan, 278 ; see Glamorgan gwledig, 9, 106, io8-gnbsp;Gwri, 70

Gwriad ab Merfyn, 144 gwrthdrych, 202-3nbsp;Gwydion, 15, 36-8, 56, 69, 70nbsp;Gwydir, 33

Gwydoniadur, the, 609

Gwyndodeg, 8

Gwyned, 119, 134-5, 144

Gwynva Powys, 188

Gwyr, 134, 146, 159: see Gov/er

gwyr nod, 236

gwyrda, 191, 204

Gwythelin, 66

gyrr k^uieythyaul, 236


Hadrian, 96-8 Hafren, 88nbsp;halen, 88

Hall, William, 612 Hanes Cymru, 124nbsp;Hanoteau, M., 624, 631, 637nbsp;Harford, J. C., 577nbsp;Hariberht, 74nbsp;Harlech, 27

Harold s. of Godwine, 27, 167-74, 253. 269, 306

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Harold Harefoot, 164 Harri’r Nawfed, 594nbsp;Harris, Howell, 472-3nbsp;Harry aparry, 518nbsp;Harthacnut, 164nbsp;Hastings, 149, 174nbsp;Haverfield, Mr., 75, 104nbsp;havod-dy, 248nbsp;Hazlitt, 587nbsp;Helston, 17nbsp;Hely (read Bely), 41nbsp;Hemeid, 145 : see Hymeidnbsp;Hen Lyfr y Ty Gwyn, 646-8nbsp;hen-dref, 248nbsp;Hengestendun, 142nbsp;Hengist, 82

Henry I., 28, 274, 289-91, 293-4, 297-301, 306

Henry of Huntingdon, 125 Henry II., 309-11

Henry III,, no, 318-9, 322, 326, 329, 333

Henry VII., 343, 363, 365, 384, 478 Henry VIH., 358, 360-2, 365-6, 368,

375. 384

Herber Evans, 477 Herbert, 74

Herbert of Cberbury, Lord, 358-9,

369. 514

Hereford, 151, 167-8, 274 Hereford, Bishop of, 513nbsp;Herin, 60; see Erinnbsp;Herschell, Lord, 499nbsp;Hethfield. rognbsp;Heymys, Jo., 4r5nbsp;Hibernia, 87nbsp;Higuel, rog; see Howelnbsp;Hill of Ward, 73nbsp;Himeyt, r5o: see Hymeidnbsp;himmel, 89nbsp;Hiraethwy, 164nbsp;Hirbarth, 158nbsp;bir-ian, 249nbsp;Holder, 79, 99nbsp;Horm, 144

Hopton, Walter, 349-50 horn, 112

hotte trevet torture, 366 Howel ab Cadeif : see Howel Danbsp;Howel Da, r28-30, r47, r49, 150,nbsp;r76-9, 181, 183, r85-7, 246nbsp;Howel Drwg : see Howel ab leuafnbsp;Howel ab Edwin, 163-4, 166-7nbsp;Howel ab Goronwy, 285, 291-3nbsp;Howel ab leuaf, 157-8

Howel ab Owain GwyneJ, 312 Howel ab Rhodri Molwynog, 136-7,


Howel ab Rhys ab Gruffyd, 145, 315

Howel the Good, 25,30; see Howel Da

Howell, T., 458

Howth, rr4

Hubert de Burgh, 318

Hiibner, 67

Hugh of Chester, 276, 282 Hugh the Fat, 287, 299nbsp;Hugh de Lacy, 335nbsp;Hugh s. of Roger, 284nbsp;Hugh the Proud, 287nbsp;Hughes, John, 574-5nbsp;Hughes, Miss E. P,, 500nbsp;Hughes, Mr., 637nbsp;Hughes, Rees, 518nbsp;Hughes, S., 601nbsp;Hughes, Samuel, 575nbsp;huitaine, 220nbsp;Humber, ri2

Humfrey Lwyd (Lloyd), 124-6 Humphreys, Richard, 489nbsp;hundred, the, 305 ; see cymwdnbsp;Hymeid, K. of Dyfed, 150-1 ; seenbsp;Hemeid

Hy-Neills, O’Neills, 50 lacinipoi, 50

lago ab Idwal, 160, 162-4 lago ab Idwal ab Meurig, 161nbsp;lago ab Idwal Voel, 155-7, t6o,nbsp;162-4nbsp;iar, 641

laripi, Maqqui, 57 Ictis, 75, 78-9, 8rnbsp;Ictium, 79

Idnerth ab Cadwgan, 286 Idwal (=Ithel) ab Gruffyd abnbsp;ILewelyn, 269nbsp;Idwal Iwrch, r36, 138-140nbsp;Idwal ab Meurig ab Idwal Voel,nbsp;r6o-r

Idwal Voel ab Anarawd, 14, 17, r49, 150, r83-4

lestyn, lestin ab Gwrgan(t), 164, 278-80

leuaf ab Idwal Voel, 155-6 leuan Gwyned, 485

U U 2

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imperator, io6 in, 630nbsp;in, ind, 630nbsp;Inber Domnann, 114nbsp;Inber Mór, 85nbsp;Indech, 56nbsp;ingnath, 87nbsp;Ini, 125nbsp;inigena, 18

insignitus diademate, 39 iód, 562

lodeo, Inden, 115, 116 lorwerth ab Bledyn, 271, 289-91,nbsp;297-9

lorwerth ab Madog, 182, 226, 647 lorwerth ab O wain Gwyned, 312nbsp;iot, 562

loth, Sea of, 115

'lov^pv'ia, 7b lovepytKhs ^Keav6s, 87nbsp;ipe, 16, 50; see ipnainbsp;quot;iTTTrapxoSi 74nbsp;ipnai, 17, 50nbsp;Irish Sea, the, 87nbsp;Irrus Domnann, ir4nbsp;Isabella de Braose, 320nbsp;Isca, 27, 82, 104

Ithel (=Idwal) ab Gruffyd ab ILewelyn, 269

Ithel ab Rhiryd ab Bletlyn, 294-5, 298

Inden, 116; see lodeo lutgual, 138: see Idwalnbsp;Iverni, 45, 86-8nbsp;Ivernia, 76nbsp;Ivernis, 88nbsp;Ivor, 125

Ivor ab Alan, 136-7


James I., 384

James, Ivor, 29, 500, 530

Jannett, Princess, 320

Jenkins, James, 557, 577

Jenkins, Miss Kate, 556, 572, 602-3

Jerome, 103

Jesus Coll. MS. Twenty, 42

Joan, 316-8, 320

John, King, 315-8

John, Owen, 518

Jones, Griffith, 472, 481, 507

Jones, Henry, 571

Jones, John, 124

Jones, M.P., John, 388-390

Jones, J. C., 555, 561, 571

Jones, J. E., 456

Jones, F.R.S., J. Viriamu, 497

Jones, R. Foulkes, 561

Jones, Thomas, 477

Jones, Wm., 576

Jonson, Ben, 513

Jovis, 89

jura regalia, 356, 358, 372 Jutes, 105nbsp;Juvencus, 627

Kabyle, 631-4, 636

Kamdwr, 271

Kanovio, 100

Karl the Great, 178

Keating,53, 59, 60

Keöi Carnant, 286

Kemble's Cod. Dipl, r53

Kenilworth, 33r

Kennadlawg, the forest of, 309

Kenneth mac Alpin, ir3

Kent, 78, rii; see Cantion

Kenulf, 141

Kenyon, G. T., 500

Kenyon, Lord, 566

Keredigion, 134, 143 : see Cardigan

Kessarogyon, 109

Kidweli (Kidwelly), 134, 146, 282

Kiepert, 85

Kil Owain, 309

Kilkenny, 84

Kilsby Jones, J. R., 477

kilt, 583

Kilvawyr, 465

Kimberley, Lord, 499

King’s Bench; 386, 390

kinsmen, group of, 230

Knutsford, Lord, 499

Kulhwch, 106

Kyle, 119

Kymry, no; see Cymro Kynan (Conan) ab Howel, 160-1nbsp;Kynan Tindaethwy, 136-9nbsp;Kynwric ab Rhys, 568nbsp;Kystennin (Kystenin) ab lago,


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Ladhra, 6o laschraidi Lir, 53nbsp;Lamb, 344

Lambert B, of Menevia, 183 Lampeter, 493, 499nbsp;Lancaster, Duchy of, 372nbsp;Land of the Living, the, 67nbsp;Langton, Stephen, 318nbsp;Latin Christianity, 438-9nbsp;Laws, Edward, 29nbsp;Lecky M.P., Dr., 460, 473, 482nbsp;I-ee, Rowland, 366-7nbsp;Leffingwell, Dr., 584-5nbsp;leges barbarorum, 179nbsp;Leicester, 93nbsp;Leicester, Earl of, 410nbsp;Leinster, Book of, 53, 55, 59, 65,nbsp;72

Leland, 359

Leofgar, Bishop, 169, 170

Leofric, 164-7, 170

Leominster, 168

Lewis, 318 : see Louis

Lewis, the late Judge, 515

Lewis, Wm., 518

Liathain, Ua, 50

Liber Landavensis, 128

Limerick, the late Bishop of, 66

Lincoln, 264

Lincoln, Earl of, 443

Lindon, 93

Lir, Isechraidi, 53

Lloyd: see Humfrey ILwyd

Lloyd, Jeuan, 518

Lloyd, Morgan, 490

Lloyd, Prof., 144

Loegaire, 64

Logiri, 64: see Lugar

Lollius Urbicus, 96

Londinium, in

London, in

Londonderry, Dow. Duchess of,


Lords Marchers, 263, 300, 304, 307, 310, 330, 357-8, 360, 372nbsp;Lossio Veda, 46-7, 62nbsp;Lothians, the, 21nbsp;Louis of France, St., 318, 330nbsp;Loumarc, 150 ; see ILywarchnbsp;Lovernii, Fili, 17nbsp;Lower Britain, 103-4nbsp;Ludlow, 319, 363nbsp;Lugaid, 53

Lugar, Lugir, 64 Lugudunum, 86nbsp;Luxmores, the, 468-9nbsp;Lydney, 66


ttadrad, 226, 234 ILanaelhaiarn, 565, 581, 598nbsp;ILanarth, 555, 571nbsp;ILanbadarn, 166, 297nbsp;ILanbedr, 604-5nbsp;ILancarfan, 160nbsp;ILandeilo Fawr, 340nbsp;ILandogo, 526nbsp;ILandona, 464nbsp;ILandydoch, 277-8nbsp;ILandyssilio, 464nbsp;ILanieusant, 464, 556nbsp;JLandewi Brefi, 295nbsp;ILanfachreth, 600nbsp;ILanfaethlu, 464, 600nbsp;ILanfaglan, 17

ILanfair Pwtt Gwyngytt, 464 ILanfairynghornwy, 464nbsp;ILanfattteg, 503nbsp;ILanfwrog, 464nbsp;ILanfyflin, 585nbsp;ILangadock, 602-3nbsp;ILangefni, 600nbsp;ILangwyitog, 464nbsp;ILanover, Lady, 514nbsp;ILanrhidian, 284nbsp;ILanrwst, 156nbsp;ILansawel, 606nbsp;ILanstephan, 318nbsp;ILantwit Major, 30nbsp;ILanuwchiiyn, 605-7nbsp;ILanvaches, 462nbsp;ILanvaes, action of, 141nbsp;ILanybree, 465nbsp;JLech Idris, 503nbsp;Lechryd, 465nbsp;tleidr, 48nbsp;ifeidr gwerth, 237nbsp;tten, 251nbsp;tienöyein, 251nbsp;ILeufer Thomas, Mr., 144nbsp;ILevelys, 40

ILew ILawgyffes, 37-8, 69 ILewelyn ab Cadwgan, 271, 289nbsp;ILewelyn ab Cedivor, 277-8nbsp;ILewelyn ab Grnffyö ab Owainnbsp;Gwyned, no, 325-6, 328-42, 349nbsp;ILewelyn ab lorwerth, no, 165, 343

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ILewelyn ab lorwerth ab Owain Gwyned, 312, 314-5. 317-21, 343nbsp;ILewelyn, Lewis, 557nbsp;ILewelyn ab Madog, 253nbsp;ILewelyn ab Seisyllt, 160-2nbsp;ILewelyn ab Trahaiarn, 298nbsp;ILeyn, X34, 157, 336nbsp;ILoegr, ILoegyr, 174, 188nbsp;ILud, 40, 67; see Nudnbsp;ILundein, 39 : see Londonnbsp;ILwyd, Humfrey, 612nbsp;ILwyn Pina, 309nbsp;ILych Crei, 277, 282nbsp;ttymry, 562-3nbsp;ILyr, 38, 42 : see Lirnbsp;ILyfr Prawf, 226nbsp;ILyfr Teilo, 128-9nbsp;ILywarch ab Himeyd, 150nbsp;ILywarch ILew Cad, 253nbsp;ILywarch ab Trahaiarn, 294, 299,nbsp;301

ILywelyn: see ILewelyn


mab aittt, meibion eiötion; see Eitttion, 191

Mabinogion, the, 158, 504

mabon, mapon, 3

Macalister, Mr., 58

macc, mac, 3, 72

Mac Corb, 73

Mac Ddthó, 48

Mac Erce, 52, 58

Mac Naue, 72

Mac Tail, 18, 72

maccu, maccui, 51: see mocu

maccu Lugir, 64

Maccuchor, Insole, 52

Macha, 54

Machynöeth, 585

Macorbi, 52

Mmatm, 97-8, 102: see Miati Maeigwn Gwyned, 10, 44, 106-7,nbsp;no, 119-20, 316

Maeigwn ab Owain Gwyned, 312,


Maelor Saesneg, 440 maenol, maenolyff, 204, 214, 218-9 ¦nbsp;see maenor

maenor, maenawr, 218

Maenor Byr, Manorbeer, 218, 245: see Maenor

Maenor (Manor) Deifi, 218

maer, 190, 192, 195

maer-dref, 216. 219-20, 225, 401

Maes Hyfeid, 160

Magesaetas, the, 170

Magh Leana, battle of, 59, 66

Maglo unos, 10, 106 : see Maeigwn

Magnus, s. of Harold, 170

Malarai, 97 : see Maeatas

Maig ab Howel Drwg, 158-9

mail, 71

Mail (Mael-) Patraic, 24, 71 Mailgenn, 71nbsp;Maine, Sir Henry, 186nbsp;Maive, 54nbsp;mam, 20nbsp;Manannan, 53nbsp;Manapia, 83: see Menapianbsp;Manapii, 85 ; see Menapiinbsp;Manau, Manaw, 21, 120nbsp;Manau Guotodin, g, 119-20nbsp;Manawydan, 37-40nbsp;Mansell, Sir E., 183nbsp;manor, 218, 305nbsp;Maponos, 2, 3

maqua -s, maqui, 3: see macc maqui mucoi, 52nbsp;Maqui Ttal, 18nbsp;maqui Vorgos, 18nbsp;marbh, 80

March heath-burning, 238 Marches of Wales, the, 304, 363-7.nbsp;377

marchog, 206 mare, 80

Maredud ab Bledyn, 271, 289-90,


Maredud ab Edwin, 163-4 Maredud ab Gruffyd ab Llewelyn,nbsp;269

Maredud ab ILewelyn, 326 Maredud ab Owain ab Edwin, 269nbsp;Maredud ab Owain ab Gruffyd abnbsp;Rhys, 328

Maredud ab Owain ab Howel Da, 150, 158-60, 162

Maredud ab Rhys Gryg, 328-9, 332

Maredud, K. of Dyfed, 137 Margam MSS., 349nbsp;Marshal, Wm,, 318nbsp;marw, 80

Mary, the Virgin, 42

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Masqueray, M., 631

Math, 37, 56, 69, 72 Mathew, Myles, 366nbsp;Matholwch 38-9nbsp;Mathonwy, 37, 56nbsp;Mathrafal, 135nbsp;Matilda, 28nbsp;Matugenos, 63nbsp;Maxell’s Dream, 43nbsp;May, Isle of, 98nbsp;May Water, 98nbsp;Mearns, the, 65nbsp;Meath, IInbsp;Mechain, 269nbsp;mechdeyrn dues, 188nbsp;mechnïaeth, 211, 225nbsp;Medocius, 46nbsp;mei-iau, 249nbsp;Meilir, 123

Meirion, 9, 10, 106, 120, 131 Meirionyd, 106, 134, 326nbsp;Melrose, 593

Menapia, 99 : see Manapia Menapii, 85-6: see Manapiinbsp;Mendip, 93nbsp;Menevia, 273nbsp;meqqddrroann, 64nbsp;Mercia, 149, 150-1nbsp;Merdyn, 121nbsp;Meredyd: see MareduSnbsp;Merfyn Frych, 136-9, 143nbsp;Merfyn ab Rhodri, 144-5, *47“8nbsp;Meriaun, 120; see Meirionnbsp;merin, 115-6nbsp;Mermin, 138; Merfynnbsp;Mesce Ulad, 56-7nbsp;Meurig ab Arthvael, 162nbsp;Meurig ab Dyfnwal, or ab Dyfn-wa'iion, 143, 145nbsp;Meurig ab Idwal Voel, 160nbsp;Meyer, Prof., 56, 59, 81nbsp;Miati, Miathi, 97-8; see Masatsenbsp;Mictim, Insulam, 78: see Ictisnbsp;MU, 43. 4S

Milesians, the Irish, 45, 49

Miliuc, 52

Milodrag, 74

Minocannus, 41

Minocynobellinus, 41

Mise of Lewes, the, 330

mocu, 51-2 ; moco, 51-2: see maccu,

Mocudruidi, 51 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[mucoi

Modonnus, 85

Moel-mud, 24: see Dyfnwal

Moel-Muaid, 24

Mog Nuadat, Mogh Nuadhad, 58,

66-7. 71. 73 Mog Ruith, 73nbsp;Mogh Neid, 66-7, 73nbsp;molad, 87nbsp;Mold, 323-4nbsp;Molloy, O’, 24nbsp;Moméra, 59-60nbsp;Mon : see Monanbsp;Mona, 112, 134nbsp;Monmouthshire, 278nbsp;Monothelite Controversy, Jbe, 474nbsp;Montgomery, 24, 275nbsp;Moray Firth, the, 97nbsp;Morcunt, Morcunn, 65nbsp;Mordav, B. of Bangor, 183nbsp;Morgainn: see Morcuntnbsp;Morgan Hèn, 150, 152-4nbsp;Morgan IL-wyd, 462, 531nbsp;Morgannwg (Morganwg), 30, 134-5.


Morgant, 65 : see Morgan

Morgunn: see Morcunt

Morimarusam, 75, 80-1

Mormons, the, 595-6

Morlais Jones, 477

Morris, Caleb, 477

Morris Jones, Prof. J., 517

Morris, Sir L., 492, 495

Mortagne-sur-Mer, 344

Mortimer, Roger, 323, 329-30, 335

Mostyn, 525

Mostyn, Peres, 518

Mostyn, Wm., 518-9

motus, 648

Moytura, 55

mu, mo, 58-9

Mu Dovinia, 58-9

Muad, Muaid, 24-5

muchyn, 526

mucoi, 50-2; see maccu, mocu Mug, 66: see mog, moghnbsp;Mug Corb, 73nbsp;Mug-éime, 25

Mug-Néit, 73 : see Mogh N. Mug-Nuadat, 73: see Mog N.nbsp;Müllenhoff, Prof., 77, 80, 84nbsp;Miiller, C., 84, 87nbsp;muir, 80

Muir nicht, 78, 116 Muir nioth, 115-6nbsp;Mundella, Mr., 494nbsp;Munremur, 65nbsp;Mynogan, 38, 41-2nbsp;Mynyd Cam, 272-3

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Nad-Fraich, 49, 72 : see Nioth-F. NahhtvvddaSfls, 64nbsp;Naindidh, 18

NajuauiTaTis, 22

nassus, 20 Natdad, 64

nativi, 401, 403, 407, 411, 419-20,


Navan Fort, 87 Navvallo, 47

nawtf, 194, 216-7, 228, 238, 250

nawfed ach, 231

naw-nos, 220

Neath Valley, the, 21

nei, nai, 48

Nellis, Nepotes, 50

Nelso, 465

Nennius, 41-3, 98

Neo-Celtic, 22-3

nepos, nepus, 47-8, 50, 62

Nero, 95

Nessa, 15, 54

Nest, sister of Congen, 143 Nest, daughter of Gruffyd abnbsp;ILewelyn, 281nbsp;Nest, wife of Gerald, 294nbsp;Nét, 73

Neta-Segamonas, 72

Nettasagru, 53

Newton Stone, the, 16-17, 5°

nez, 20

nl, niz, 48

nia, niath, 72

Nia Corb, 73

Nia Segamain, 72

Nicholas, Dr., 490

Nicholas de Myles, 325

nie, nia, nieth, 48, 50-1

Nieth-Neill, 50-1; see Nepotes Nellis

nightmare, 55

Nigra, 24

Ni/cear, 74

NiKers, 74

NtKÓfiaxos, 74

Nikvs, 74

nioth, niath, 48, 50

Nioth-Fruich, 49, 72 : see Nad-F.

Niott-Vrecc, 72

niotta, 48 : see nioth, 49

Nissien, 38

Nodens, 67

Nonconformists, 454-8, 462-3 Norden, John, 430nbsp;Norsemen, the Irish, 166

Northmen, 142-3 nos, 48

Notitia Dignitatum, 103 nox, 48nbsp;noz, 48

Nuada, Nuadha, 66 Nuall, 47nbsp;Nudens, 67

Nud, 67 : see Nodens, ILud Nwython, 91

Ó, 47, 50 oc, ag, 630nbsp;Oenfer, 67

Offa, K. of Mercia, 140 Offa’s Dyke, 527nbsp;offeyrat teulu, 647nbsp;officers, 357nbsp;Ogams, 3, 502nbsp;Ogygia, 59nbsp;Omagh, 18nbsp;Orderic, 28

Ordinance of Rhutflan, 350

Ordovices, 9, 10, 40, 45, 95, 501

Ordwyf, 10

Oriel, loi

Orosius, 41, 43

Orpen, Mr., 87

osb, the, 201-2

Osbern sheriff of Hereford, 274

Osborne Morgan, Sir G., 489-90

Osir, 17

Osismi, 84

Osmail, 120

Osraighe, 84

Ossory, 84

Ostisei, 84

'rifTTlaioi, 84

Ostiones, 84

'n,a'ri(ov€s, 84

Ostorius Scapula, 94

Oswald, 109

Otadini, 'Clraiivéi, 21, 98: see Vota-dini, Gododin Otto, Pope’s Legate, 322nbsp;Ottobon, the Legate, 332nbsp;OvAXoveos, 22nbsp;Outrdiai, 84

OvtrXovyTioi, 17 : see Ulad Owain ab Cadwgan, 259, 293-7, ^99-301

Owain ab Davyd, 316-7

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Owain ab Gruffyd ab Cynan; see Owain Gwyned

Owain ab Gruffydab Gwenwynwyn, 334

Owain (Owen) ab Howel Da, 42, 44,

138, 155

Owain ab Morgan Hen, 154 Owain Cyfeiliog, 311, 314nbsp;Owain Goch ab Gruffyd ab Owainnbsp;Gwyned, 325-6, 336, 343nbsp;Owain Glyndwr, 343, 345, 362, 404,nbsp;418, 478

Owain Gwyned, 308-312 Owain Lawgoch, 343-4, 593-4nbsp;Owen, Aneurin, 25, 177, 180-4, '88,.

517, 569, 646, 648 Owen, Daniel, 608nbsp;Owen, Edward, 412, 423nbsp;Owen, George, 31, 425, 446, 558nbsp;Owen’s Dialogue, George, 384nbsp;Owen, Henry, 28-9, 31nbsp;Owen, Sir Hugh, 462, 487, 489-90,nbsp;512, 576

Owen, Dr. Isambard, 497-8 Owen, James, 462, 480nbsp;Owen, John Lewis, 518nbsp;Owen, M., 458nbsp;Owen, Maynard, 498nbsp;Oxford, 164, 330, 478nbsp;Oxford, Provisions of, 330nbsp;Oystermouth, 284

Padarn Pesrud, 119: see Patera pais, 251

Palmer, A. N., 417 pan, 20nbsp;Pant, 86nbsp;Pandulf, 318nbsp;Pantulf, Wm., 290nbsp;Parisi, 6, 112

parliament, members of, 374 Parry, Dr., 609nbsp;Patern Pesrut, 106, 119nbsp;Paternus, ng; see Padarnnbsp;Patrick, 83nbsp;Pausanias, 96nbsp;Peanfahel, 12

Peckham, Archbishop, 339'4° Pedigree 1., 138-9nbsp;Pedigree X., 132-3nbsp;Pembroke, 282nbsp;Pembrokeshire, 348nbsp;pen, 7

Penardim, 38-9 Pen-ardu, 38nbsp;Pencader, 166

pencenedl, penkenedi, 192, igc, 201:,

Pendaran, 70 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[239

Pengwern, I40 ; see Amwythig

Penkridge, 7

Penmon, 464

pennaeth, 240

Pennal, 478

Penn Annwn, 70: see Pwylt Penneltun, 12nbsp;Pennant, 599nbsp;Pennocrucion, 7nbsp;Ufyvo-ouiv^os, 73nbsp;Penrice, 284

penteulu, 193-4, '9^1 *5°' 646 penteyrned, 106nbsp;Penwyn, 73

Perfedwlad, 317-8, 325-6, 328, 331-2, 336-7, 346nbsp;Perowne, Dr., 490nbsp;Perros Guirec, 563nbsp;Perth, 113nbsp;Philemon, 80nbsp;Philip and Mary, 361nbsp;Philip VI. of France, 343nbsp;Phillimore, Egerton, 42, 127-8nbsp;Phillips, Sir Thos., 482, 548nbsp;Pictania, Pictinia, 79nbsp;Pictavi, 79nbsp;Pictavia, 79nbsp;Pictones, Pictores, 79nbsp;Pictus, Picti, 79, 80nbsp;picus mali, 553nbsp;Pierret, M., 623,629nbsp;pilnos, 598nbsp;Plinlimmon, 597nbsp;Pliny, 75, 77, 80nbsp;poi, 50

Poictiers, battle of, 343 Poitou, 79nbsp;Pontius, 2nbsp;Pope Q.C., Mr., 604nbsp;Porius, 503 : see Voteporigisnbsp;Porrex, 131nbsp;Perth Iscoed, 173, 270nbsp;potes, 553-4nbsp;Powel, David, 125nbsp;Powel, Dr. David, 611nbsp;Powell, Vavasour, 462nbsp;Powis, the Earl of, 496, 500nbsp;Powys, 134-5, 144nbsp;Powyseg, 8

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praepositus, 190: see maer Prasutagus, 95nbsp;pratum, 20nbsp;pré, 20nbsp;pren, 88

Prestatyn, 311, 525

Pretanic, 75-6, 80

UperayiK-aij ~'t}, 76

Price (Prise) Sir John, 126, 611-2

Price, Ellice, 518-9

Price, Owen, 457

Price of Rhiwlas, Mr., 561, 603-4

Price, Thos,, 124

Prichard, J. M., 600

Prichard, Vicar, 503

primogeniture, 400

Prince of Wales, the, no, 500

priodolion leoed, 199

Priten, 76 : see Prydain

progenies, 397

Proof-book, the, 647

Prophwydoliaeth Myrdin, 594

pryd, 79

Prydain, Prydyn, 76, 79, 80

Prydein Wledic, 108

Pryderi, pryderi, 70

Pryderi’s Kingdom, 158

Ptolemy, 45, 78, 85, 87-8, 97, 99

Puleston, Robert, 518

Puleston, Sir T. H., 582

pump, pimp, 2

Pwtt Dyvach, 166

Pwti Gwdyc, 272

Pwtiheli, 585

pwy, 2, 638

Pwylt, 53, 69-70, 158

Pyr, 30, 218, 245: see Porius

Pytheas, 75-6, 78, 81

pythewnos, 220

Pyvog, 312


quare impedit, 357 quei, quoi, 2nbsp;Queen’s Officers, 198nbsp;quinque, 2nbsp;Quintus, 2nbsp;quinzaine, 220nbsp;quo warranto, 360nbsp;Qurtanic, 76

Radnorshire, 450 Raguell V. Auleod, 272nbsp;raja, 73

Ralph the Earl, 168-9, 253 Randall, J. M,, 595nbsp;Randall, Dr. W., 562nbsp;Ranulph, Earl of Chester, 316nbsp;Ratae, 93

Rathbone M.P., Wm., 497, 500 Ravenstein, Mr., 548-9nbsp;Reade, Lady, 600nbsp;Record Office, the, 25nbsp;Red Dragon, the, 106nbsp;Rees, Henry, 489nbsp;Rees, Thomas, 477nbsp;Reformation, the, 459, 479nbsp;Regin, 140: see Reinnbsp;Reginald de Grey, 349-50nbsp;Regni, 92, innbsp;Reichel, Principal, 497nbsp;Rein, K. of Dyfed, 137, 140nbsp;Rein Yscot, 162nbsp;Reinach, M., 32, 36, 61nbsp;Remi, 88-9nbsp;Renan, M., 563nbsp;Rendel, Lord, 500nbsp;René Basset, M., 633, 637nbsp;Renouf, Mr., 6i9,'622, 625, 627-9,637nbsp;Rex Anglorum, 141nbsp;Rex Brettonum, 107, 109nbsp;rhaith, 205, 236, 245nbsp;rhandir, rhandiroed, 218nbsp;rheithw5T, 259nbsp;Rhiannon, 69, 70, 94nbsp;rhingyö, 195nbsp;Rhiryd ab Bledyn, 276-7nbsp;Rhiwaiion ab Cynfyn, 173, 269, 306nbsp;Rhodri ab Howel Da, 155, 158nbsp;Rhodri ab Owain Gwyned, 313-4nbsp;Rhodri Mawr, 128, 136-9, 143-4,nbsp;146-8, 246, 272, 341nbsp;Rhodri Molwynog, 109,136-9nbsp;Rhos, 339nbsp;Rhudlan, 171, 275

Rhudlan, Statute of, 184, 306, 347, 350-1. 375, 400nbsp;Rhun ab Maelgwn, 107nbsp;Rhun ab Nwython, 91nbsp;Rhuvoniog, 134, 137, 141nbsp;Rhyd y Gors, 282-3, 285, 292nbsp;Rhyd y Groes, 166nbsp;Rhyderch ab Caradog, 271nbsp;Rhyderch ab lestyn, 162-3

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RhysabGruffyd, 185,282,304,309-11, 3T4. 516

Rhys Gryg, 316, 319 Rhys, J. D., 630

Rhys, Lord,516; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;RhysabGruffyd

Rhys ab Maelgwn, 339 Rhys ab MareduJ, 341nbsp;Rhys ab Owain, 270-2nbsp;Rhys, Prof., 492, 495-6nbsp;Rhys ab Rhyderch, 167-8nbsp;Rhys ab Tewdwr, 109, 272-3, 277-8,nbsp;281, 292nbsp;Ribbie, the, 6gnbsp;Richard, B. of Bangor, 322nbsp;Richard, son of Baldwin, 292nbsp;Richard, Earl of Chester, 302nbsp;Richard, Henry, 492, 591-2nbsp;Richard ab Howel, 517nbsp;Richard Marshal, 320nbsp;Richard, sheriff of Shrewsbury, 294,nbsp;298

rfg-domna, 203 Rights, the Book of, 84nbsp;rithmours, 518-9nbsp;ro, 636

Robert ab Seis^t, 164 Robert de Bellême, 289, 290nbsp;Robert Earl of Gloucester, 125nbsp;Robert Fitz-Hamon, 278-80, 348nbsp;Robert of Rhudlan, 274-6, 282nbsp;Roberts, Dr. R. D., 500nbsp;Roberts, Gomer, 553nbsp;Roberts, Principal, 497nbsp;Robinson, Prebendary, 492nbsp;Rochemonteix, M. de, 626nbsp;Rodrigo, the Cid, 592nbsp;Roger of Shrewsbury, 282nbsp;Rogers, David, 554nbsp;Roget de Belloguet, 32nbsp;rói, 100nbsp;Roig, 54nbsp;Roose, 28

Rosebery, Lord, 500

Rossi, 624, 627-8, 633, 637

Rotri, 109, 138: see Rhodri

Rowlands, Daniel, 472-3, 506

Rowlands, Dr., 565, 576, 581

Rowlands, Richard, 565, 571, 576

Rubeas, 80

Rumaun, 120

Runtir, 51

rus, ruris, 100

Ruthin Court Rolls, 117

ry, 636

Rymney, 270

Sabrann, 88 Sabrina, 88, 94nbsp;Sachs, Hans, 583nbsp;Saeson, hyt ar y, 289nbsp;saeth, 253

Sagramni, Sagrani, 503 St. Asaph, Bishop of, 497nbsp;St. David’s, Bishop of, 497nbsp;salann, 88

Salesbury, Wm., 462, 513, 517 Salisbury, 267-8nbsp;Salisbury, E. G., 490nbsp;Salusbury, John, 518nbsp;Salusbury, Sir Roger, 517nbsp;saraad, 197,217, 227, 229, 231-4, 240,nbsp;244

Saturday Review, the, 29

Saunders, Dr. E., 464-5, 471

Saxon Chronicle, the, 108

Saxons, 102, 105, 107

Sayes sen. of Carmarthen, de, 329

Schrader, O., 617

Scota, 59, 114

Scotorum, Chronicum, 59-60 Scottewatre, 116nbsp;Scotti, 87, 101-2nbsp;sechem, 38nbsp;^eyofjiapos, 22

Segomo, 72 Segontiaci, 92nbsp;Segontium, 27nbsp;seiet, seiat, 588-gnbsp;Sein Henyd, 248nbsp;Selgovae, 97

Senena, w. of Gruffyd, 322 Senlac, 174nbsp;Sergi, Sr., 618nbsp;Sescenn Uarbeóil, 100nbsp;Sessions, the Quarter, 379nbsp;Sessions, King’s Great, 377-g, 383-4,nbsp;386, 388, 3gi-2nbsp;sessom, 38nbsp;Setanta, 69nbsp;Setantii, 6gnbsp;sethar, mac, 49nbsp;Severn, 88 : see Hafrennbsp;Severus, 97, 104nbsp;Seward, 473nbsp;Shetland, 16

Shires, the Welsh, 347, 373, 375^


Shrewsbury, 140, 274, 495 Sidney, Sir H., 126nbsp;Silchester, 82

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Silures, 40, 94-5, 501 Simon Magus, 73nbsp;Simon de Montfort, 333nbsp;Skelton, 587nbsp;Skene, 51, 65nbsp;Slieve Beagh, 60nbsp;Slieve Bloom, 84nbsp;Sloe, the, 100

Snowdon, barons of, 336, 340-1 Sogin, 51nbsp;Solinus, 80nbsp;Solva, 27

Southall, Mr., 544, 547 Spain, 58

Stanley of Alderley, Lord, 601-2 Star Chamber, the, 364, 386nbsp;Statutum Walliae, 361nbsp;Stephen, 28, 308-9nbsp;Stephens, Thomas, 116, 312, 513nbsp;Stephens, W. E., 577nbsp;Stillingfleet, Dr., 480nbsp;Stirling, 113nbsp;stirpes, per, 397

Stokes, Dr. Whitley, 49, 51, 55, 65, 72, 77-8, 100nbsp;Strabo, 75-6, 84nbsp;Strata Florida, 125nbsp;streicio, 583nbsp;sucan, 553, 563nbsp;Suessiones, 5, 89nbsp;Suetonius, 41, 61, 93nbsp;Suetonius Paulinus, 95nbsp;Suir, the, 84

Sunday School, the, 507-9, 527 surnames, 257nbsp;Swansea, 248nbsp;Sweet, Dr. Henry, 29nbsp;sydyn, 196

Tacitus, 61-2, 92, 94-5, III taeog, taeogion, 191, 195,204, 214-5,nbsp;400

taeog-tref, 216, 225 tair Talaeth, 145nbsp;Talaith of Aberfrowe, 519nbsp;Talargant, Talargan, 65nbsp;Taliessin, Book of, 43, 76, 87, 119nbsp;Talorcen, Talorc, 65 : see Talargantnbsp;Tamashek’, 631, 633, 635, 638nbsp;tan, 226, 237nbsp;tanaiste, 203

Tara, 14, 15

Tarbeisonios, 22

Tasciovant, 90

Tasciovanus, 90

Taylor, Canon I., 618

Tees, the, 112

Tegai, Huw, 620

Tegeingl, 94, 311

Tehvant, 90

Teilo, St., 129

teisban teulu, 193

Tenuantius, 91 ; see Tehvant

Teuhant, 91 ; see Tehvant

teyr kolofyn kyvreyth, 226

teyrnas y Brytanyeit, 109


Theloall, Symound, 518

Theodosius, 102

Thomas a Becket, 312

Thomas, B. of St. David’s, 349-50

Thomas, David, 477

Thomas, Dr. David, 500

Thomas M.P., Alfred, 500, 537

Thomas, James, 456

Thomas, Jenkin, 574

Thomas, John, 573

Thomas, Dr. John, 477

Thomas, ILeufer, 580

Thomas, Rees, 518

Thomassou’s tracts, 530

Tigernach, 79

Tillotson, Dr., 480

Tincommios, 91-2

tir cyfrif, 214, 220, 224-5, 400: see tref gevery

tir gwelyawg, 194-7, 200, 204-5, 207, 214-6, 220-3,225, 229, 240, 259:nbsp;see gwely, welenbsp;Tlachtga, 72-3nbsp;Tochmarc Momera, 60nbsp;Togodumnos, 93nbsp;Toicac, 18nbsp;Toranias, avi, 47nbsp;Tostig, 27, 171nbsp;Touareg, 631nbsp;Tout, Prof., 125, 144, 348nbsp;Tower of Babel, 124nbsp;Traethodyd, y, 534nbsp;Trahaiarn, 271-2, 293nbsp;trais, 234

Trattwng ILewelyn, 298 Tre’ Faldwin, 275, 284nbsp;Tredegar, Lord, 500nbsp;tref, trefyd, 218, 225nbsp;tref gyfrif, tref gevery, 400, 402

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Trefor ILanaelhaiarn, 581-2 Trefor Món, 600nbsp;Trenanus, 51nbsp;tri, 638

tri thywysog taleithiog, 145 Triads, Dyfnwal’s, 184nbsp;Tribes, the Lost Ten, 605nbsp;Trinovantes, 89, 90, 92-3, 111-2nbsp;Trisantona, 94nbsp;Troughanacmy, 114nbsp;Troy, 124

Trucculensis, Portus, 96 Trysorfa Gwybodaeth, 533nbsp;Ttal, Maqui, 18

Tuath, Tuatha, Dé Danann, 56-7 Tudur Aled, 517nbsp;Tweed, the, 28

Ty Gwyn, 155, 179, 646: see Whit-land

tydyn, tydynau, 195-6, 205, 218, 221-2, 225, 398-9nbsp;Typipann, 120

tywysog, tywyssawc, no, 134, 190 tywyssawo Kymry, nonbsp;tywyssogyon Kymry, no


ua, 47 : see ó Uarbél, 100

uchelwr, uchelwyr, 191, 204-5, 207-8, 440, 445 : see breyrnbsp;Uchtrud ab Edwin, 285, 294nbsp;Uecla, 46; see Veda, 47nbsp;ui, hui, 50nbsp;uiaid, Ulad, 87nbsp;University of Wales, the, 496nbsp;Uoret, 16-17, 88nbsp;Upper Britain, 103-4nbsp;upsitting, 583nbsp;Urban, 128nbsp;Uriconium, 94nbsp;Urse of Abetot, 274nbsp;Usdise, 84-7nbsp;Usnech, Sons of, 68nbsp;uwd, 562-3

Vale of Glamorgan, 27, 30: see Bro Morgannwgnbsp;Valentia, 104, 120nbsp;Van Eys, M., 639

Vaur, Vorrenn, 17, 64 Vectis, 78nbsp;Veda, 46-7, 62-3nbsp;Vellabori, 52nbsp;Velvor, 52nbsp;Vendubari, 74nbsp;Veneti, 83, 85nbsp;Venta, 82

Ventry, Lord, 52, 57

Vep. Cor. F., 63

Vepogeni, Nepos, 46, 53, 62-3

Vepotalus, 63

Vepus, 63

Verica, 91

Verlamion, 90

Verney, Lady, 500

Verturiones, 102

Vespasian, 92-3

Vicarius Britanniarum, 103

Victor, 18

Vikings, the, 287

Vipoig, 47, 63

Viriamu Jones F.R.S., T., 494 Viricorbi, 52nbsp;Vitalin, maqui, 65-6nbsp;Voluntii, 87: see Uiaidnbsp;Voret, 50 ; see Uoretnbsp;Vorgos, 18

Vorrenn, 64: see Vaur Vortigern, 82, 121nbsp;Vortiporius, Vortipori, 30, 503nbsp;Votadini, 21, 98,112-3 ; see Gododinnbsp;Votecorigas, 98, 503nbsp;Voteporigis, 98, 503nbsp;Vriconion, 93 : see Uriconium


walda, 108 : see Bretwalda Wall, the Roman, 101-2nbsp;Wallography, 515nbsp;Walpole, Spencer, 469nbsp;Warrington, 124nbsp;Waterford, 84nbsp;wealdan, 108nbsp;wedi, 625, 641

Wedmore, the peace of, 149 wele, 377-8 : see gwelynbsp;Welsh, 389-392nbsp;Werburgh, Saint, 151nbsp;Wesley, 472, 589nbsp;Westwood, the late Prof., 568nbsp;Wexford, 99

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Whitfield, 472, 589 Whitland, 155, 179, 184-5 '¦ see Tynbsp;Gwyn

Wight, Isle of, 93, 103, III William s. of Baldwin, 283nbsp;William of Brabant, 297nbsp;William de Braose, 319, 320nbsp;William I., 28, 267. 273, 275, 297nbsp;William II., 28, 284-7, 289nbsp;William Fitz-Osbern, 274nbsp;William of London, 284nbsp;William ab John, John, 518nbsp;William of Malmesbury, 28, 125nbsp;William ap Thomas, Sir, 446nbsp;William s. of William Marshal,nbsp;318-9

Williams, loi Williams, Benj., 593-4nbsp;Williams, C., 458nbsp;Williams. Hugh. 552nbsp;Williams, Jane, 124nbsp;Williams, Lewis, 500nbsp;Williams, Moses, 179, 180nbsp;Williams of Pant y Celyn, 506nbsp;Williams, T. Marchant, 500nbsp;Williams, Wm., 572nbsp;Williams M.P., Wm., 484, 490nbsp;Williams, W. IL., 598-9nbsp;Windisch, Prof., 69, 622nbsp;Winsford Hill, 47

Witenagemot, Witan, the, 151, 153, 156, 164

Wleth, 87 : see Ulaid Worcester, 163nbsp;Wotton, 179, 180nbsp;Wradech Uecla, 47nbsp;Wright, Prof., 29

Wroth, Wm., 462 Wroxeter, 93nbsp;Wyn, Robert, 415nbsp;Wynne, Sir John, 33, 443nbsp;Wynne, Maurice, 518nbsp;Wynne, Owen S., 541nbsp;Wynne of Peniarth, Mr., 457nbsp;Wynne-Jones, Archdeacon, 602nbsp;wythnos, 220

yn, 625, 630 ynad ttys, 239nbsp;Ynys B^r, 218nbsp;Youghal, 84nbsp;ys, 626

YspaJaden, 197 Yspwys, the Wood of, 283nbsp;yssid yssit, 626nbsp;ystrad, 134nbsp;Ystrat Glut, 149nbsp;Ystrad Towi, 134, 143, 271, 284nbsp;Ystrad Yw (Ystradyew), 154nbsp;Yvain de Galles, 343; see Owainnbsp;Lawgoch

Zenaga, 638 Zeus, 89

Zimmer, Prof., 36, 41, 640

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Aberystwyth, college at, 491-2, 494

Aberffraw, tenants of, 402, 405-6 Aborigines, 11-13, 14, 36, 61, 120nbsp;Administration, Roman, 103-5nbsp;iElfred, submissionnbsp;of Hemeid to, 145nbsp;of Anarawd to, 148nbsp;iEthelstan, submission of Howelnbsp;Da to, 153

Agitation against the Court of the President and Council of thenbsp;Marches, 384-5nbsp;AgweSi, 211nbsp;Aiöt, 191, n. Inbsp;Atttud, 191-2, 215-6nbsp;Ammod dedfol, 225nbsp;Ammodwyr, ii.

Amobr, 209

Ancient Laws and Institutes: see Laws

Annales Cambrias, 126, n. i Application of English Law undernbsp;Qneen Elizabeth in Northnbsp;Wales, 407-23nbsp;Ardelwr, 193nbsp;Arglwyd, 190nbsp;Argyvreu, 209

Assembly at Ty Gwyn, 179, 181

Authorities for early history of Wales,

Annales Cambrise, 126, n. i Brut y Tywysogion, ib,nbsp;Gwentian Brut, ib.

Liber Landavensis, 128, n. 3 see Laws, Inscriptions,



Baily’s Visitation of Bangor, 464 Bailiff, 240nbsp;Bara liech, 250, n. jnbsp;Bara plane, ib.

Bard, 254-5 Barrows, inbsp;Bath, 251nbsp;Battles,

Abergwili, 162 Abertlech, 286nbsp;AberHeiniog, 288nbsp;Abertowy, 167nbsp;Bronn yr Erw, 271nbsp;Brun, 149nbsp;Buatlt (near), 341nbsp;Camulodunon, 95nbsp;Carno, 156nbsp;Cetyit, 136, 143nbsp;Chester, 121, ib., n. inbsp;Deganwy, 27Ónbsp;Deorham, 121nbsp;Dial Rhodri, 148nbsp;Dinas Newyd, 149nbsp;Evesham, 331nbsp;Hawarden Castle, 339nbsp;Hereford, 169, 170nbsp;Kennadlawg, 309nbsp;Leominster, 168nbsp;Lewes, 330nbsp;ILych Crei, 277nbsp;Mag Leamna, 66nbsp;Mons Granpius, 96nbsp;Prestatyn, 311nbsp;Pwtt Gwdyc, 272nbsp;Rhudlan, 171, 311nbsp;Rhyd y Groes, 166nbsp;Yspwys Wood, 283nbsp;Bed, 251

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Bible, translation of, 461, 461, n. i, SOS ,

Elegywryd s verses, 183, n.

Bonedig, 191, 204-5 Brad (treason), 239

y ILyfrau Glcision, 485 Braint, 191nbsp;B renin : see Kingnbsp;Breyr: see Uchelwrnbsp;Briduw, 225nbsp;Britain, Crown of, 121nbsp;names of, 77-80nbsp;Albion, 77nbsp;Belerium, 78nbsp;Ictis, ib.

Brythonic language, I Brythons, 1-8, 10, 35, 86, 120nbsp;Bundling, 582-4

Caeth, 191 Camlwrw, 227, 238nbsp;Canüaw, 242

Cancnes Wallid, 177, n. 2, 648 Cantii, 6

Cantref, Int. xvii., 29-34, 190, 240 Capitular regulations, 217nbsp;Caradog of Lancarvan, 124-6nbsp;Cardiff, building of, 247, 273nbsp;college at, 493-4nbsp;Celts, I, 4, 5

Celtic languages, 1-4, 501-3 Celtic church, 458-9, 459, n. Inbsp;Cenedl, description of, 192-4nbsp;groups within, 196-7nbsp;of royal status, 191, 203, n. 3nbsp;Ceredigion, kingdom of, 134

Norman Conquest of, 297 Chancellors of the University, 500nbsp;Character of the Welsh,nbsp;in early times, 252nbsp;in modern times, 590-5nbsp;Charter of Henry VII., 413, 417nbsp;University, 498nbsp;Chief Justice, 239nbsp;Christianity, 61, 458-9nbsp;Church in Wales,nbsp;absenteeism, 468nbsp;Anglican, 463-68nbsp;Baily’s visitation, 464nbsp;capitular regulations, 217nbsp;condition of, in 17th and i8thnbsp;centuries, 463-8nbsp;clergy, 216nbsp;courts of the, 217

Church in Wales,

land of the, 216-7 Luxmoore’s case, 468-9nbsp;pluralities, 468-9nbsp;Saunders’ View, 464-5nbsp;Circuit, of bards.

North Wales, 392, ib. n. I South Wales, 393, ib. nn. I, 2, 3nbsp;Clerk, 217

of the court of the cymwd, 240 Clothes: see Dressnbsp;Cnut’s accession, 161nbsp;its effects, 163nbsp;CoflLys, 242nbsp;Colleges,

Aberystwyth, 491, 493-4 Bangor, 493-4nbsp;Cardiff, ib.

Normal, 486 St. David’s, 489nbsp;Theological, 483, n. inbsp;Columns of Law, the three, 226nbsp;Commendation,

of son to lord, 205

of kings and princes, 146, 148,

151-2. 157

See too., Submission of Welsh Princes

Commission, Common Law, 387 Edward I.’s, 349-50nbsp;Henry VIII.’s, 375nbsp;of 1843, 569

of 1846 as to education, 484-5 Welsh land. Preface and Note tonbsp;Reader

Committee of 1881 on education in Wales, 492-3, 512nbsp;to promote University, 490-1nbsp;497

Conferences as to education, in 1863, 490nbsp;in 1888, 495nbsp;in 1893, 498nbsp;Conquest of Wales,

Roman, 90-103 Norman, 261-307nbsp;Edwardian, 337-42nbsp;Conquest of

Amwythig, 274 Brecheiniog, 281nbsp;Buatlt, ib.

Dyfed, 282 Gloucestershire, 274nbsp;Gower, 284nbsp;Gwent, 278nbsp;Gwynetf, 340-2

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Conquest of

Herefordshire, 274 Keredigion, 297nbsp;Kidweli, 284nbsp;Morgannwg, 278-81nbsp;Powys, 291-303nbsp;Worcestershire, 274nbsp;Ystrad Towy, 284nbsp;Contracts, 225-6nbsp;Counties, Welsh,nbsp;list of, Int. XV.

formation of, 347-8, 351-2,



of the cantref, 240 of the cymwd, ib.nbsp;of the king, 239

of the President and Council of the Marches, 362-3,nbsp;363-6, 384-6

of Great Sessions, 377-9, 383, 386-92nbsp;county, 391nbsp;of the Household, 193nbsp;ecclesiastical, 217nbsp;Cowyö, 212, n. Inbsp;Crops, 249nbsp;Crusade,

Baldwin’s preaching of a, 246 Cyfarwys, 206, ib. n. 2nbsp;Cymro, Cymry, Cymru, Cymraeg,nbsp;meaning of, 26, 117nbsp;origin of, 26, 106, 118-20nbsp;Cymwd, Int. xvii. 130-1, 133, 190nbsp;Cynghaws, 242nbsp;Cyngheöor, 190


Da, 206, 208-9, 210 Dadenhud, 208, 244nbsp;Dadleuoed breninawl, 241nbsp;Danes, 27

Danish invasions, 142-3 Dawn-bwyd, 224, n. inbsp;Dee, rowing of Eadgar on the, 155nbsp;Deheubarth, 134, 162nbsp;Deheubarthwyr, ib.

Demetia, 8 Descent on death of

Tir gwelyawg, 221-2 Tir cyfrif, 225nbsp;Dialects of Welsh, 8-9nbsp;Gwyndodeg, 8


Dialects of Welsh,

Gwenhwyseg, ib., 20-1 Powyseg, ib.

Dialwr, 193 Diet of the Welsh,

at present, 551-565 in mediaeval times, 250nbsp;Dirwy, 238

Dispute between Howel Ra and Morgan Hen, 153-4nbsp;Division of Wales intonbsp;kingdoms, 130, 144-8nbsp;principalities, ib.nbsp;cantrefs and cymwds, Int. xvii.nbsp;lordships marchers, Int. xviii ,nbsp;356-61

counties, Int. xv. hundreds, ib.nbsp;in 1282, 347-8nbsp;Divorce, 213-14nbsp;Diwygiad, the, 591nbsp;Dragon, Red, 106nbsp;of the island, 107nbsp;Dress, at present, 565-70nbsp;in early times, 251nbsp;Druids, 255nbsp;Drunkenness, 586-7nbsp;Dux Britanniae, Dux Britanniarum,nbsp;Int. xxiv., 106-7, 118-9nbsp;Dux Brittonum, 109nbsp;Dyfed, 134, 150

Eadgar, submission of Welsh rulers to, 159

Eadward, submission of Welsh rulers to, ib.

Ebediw, 221

Ecclesiastical persons, 216 Ecgbryht, submission of Welshnbsp;rulers to, 141nbsp;Edling, 202

Edward I.’s conquest of Wales,


his settlement of Welsh affairs, 361

its constitutional effect, 355-61 Eistedfod, 516-524nbsp;Elementary schools, 485-6, 529nbsp;Enclosures, 247, n. inbsp;English, 30-1, 543-50nbsp;Epitaph, see Inscriptions


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Erw, 218-9, 218, n. I Estates,

change from lordships to, 440-52nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;,

formation and continuity of,


smallness of, in Wales, 449-50 Etifed, 222

Excerpta qusedam de libro Davidis, 177, n. 2

Exchequer, Court of,

proceedings of Welsh tenants

in, 413-7

Expeditions into Wales of Edward I., 335, 340nbsp;Harold, 171-3nbsp;Henry I., 290, 302nbsp;Henry H., 3C9, 311, 315nbsp;Henry III., 319, 320, 323, 324,


John, 316 William I., 273nbsp;William H., 284-5, 286-7nbsp;Extent

of Cidweli, 423 of St. David's, 425

Farmers, 579-80 Farmhouses, 570-77nbsp;Flemings, 27-30nbsp;Fosterage, 207nbsp;French, 270nbsp;Fynwy, Sir, Int, xv.

Galanas, 226, 227-34 amount of, 229-30nbsp;assessment of, 230-1nbsp;division of, 231-2nbsp;procedure as to, 232-3nbsp;spear-penny, 230nbsp;Galatic language, 4nbsp;Gavael, 200, n. i, 218-9nbsp;Glamorganshire, Int. xvi.nbsp;Gloucestershire, 274, 280nbsp;Goidelic language, 1-4, 532nbsp;Goidels, 1-8, 83, 120nbsp;Gortatlea, inscription at, 48

Gosgord, 204

Great progress of the king, 204 Guests, 250nbsp;GwaSol, 209nbsp;Gweision bychain, 206nbsp;Gwely, 195, 220nbsp;Gwent, 134-6, 275nbsp;Gwentian Brut, 126, n. rnbsp;Gwlad, 190

Gwledig, 106, 108-9, 119 Gwrda; see Uchelwrnbsp;Gwrthdrych, 203, ib. n. 3nbsp;Gwynei, 119, 134, 150-1nbsp;laws of, 180-Ïnbsp;over-lordship of, 135nbsp;special position of, 306-7


Habits of the Welsh, at present, 579-90nbsp;in earlier times, 251-snbsp;Harper, 514, n. inbsp;Havod-dy, 248nbsp;Heir, 222nbsp;Hen-dref, 248nbsp;Hereford, 168-9, 274nbsp;History of Wales : see Authoritiesnbsp;Homage: see Submissionnbsp;Hospitality, 250nbsp;Household, king’s, 197—202nbsp;Household, Welsh, 250nbsp;Houses of the Welsh,nbsp;early, 199-200nbsp;labourers’, 577-79nbsp;modern, 570-77nbsp;Howel Da,

assembly at Ty Gwyn, 179, 181 dispute with Morgan Hen, IS3-Snbsp;laws of, 155 et seq.nbsp;visit to Rome, 181-4nbsp;visits to the English court, 153nbsp;Hundreds, Int. xvii., 357, 377nbsp;Husband: see Marriage

Ictis, 78

Immorality, 581-6 Infant, status of male, 205-8nbsp;status of female, 208-10nbsp;cyvarwys, 206, ib. n. 2

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Inscriptions at or near to Ballintaggart, 57nbsp;Bere, 47

Castle Dwyran, 98, n. 1 Clydai, 17

Colchester, 46, 62-64 Corkaguiny, 52, 58nbsp;Dunball, 47nbsp;Dunlo, 18

Dunmore Head, 57-8 Gortatlea, 48nbsp;Helston, 17nbsp;Kilkenny Museum, 65nbsp;Lanfaglan, 17nbsp;Newton, 17nbsp;Omagh, 18nbsp;Shetlands, 64nbsp;St. Vigeans, 16nbsp;Valentia, 64

Ventry’s (Lord) Residence, 57 Winsford Hill, 47nbsp;in co. Waterford, 52nbsp;Ogam, 2, id. n. 2, 65nbsp;Instruments of husbandry, 249nbsp;of music, 254nbsp;Roman, 2

Intermediate education, 487-8,492 Interregnum in Gwyned, 159, n. 3,nbsp;i6o

Invasions of Wales; see Expeditions Ireland, settlements of Celts in, 85nbsp;Irish, 30


John’s expedition into Wales, 316 relations with ILewelyn Fawr,


Judges, in early times, 241-245

of the Great Sessions, 377, 391-2

English, in Wales, 392 Judicial procedure, 241-45nbsp;Justice, Chief,

under ancient Welsh system,239 of Chester, 277nbsp;Justices of the Peace, 378-9


Kennadlawg. battle of, 309 Keredigion ; see Ceredigionnbsp;Kin, nearest of, 37

Kindred : see Cenedl King,

early, 107-9, 120-1,135-40 gosgord of, 204nbsp;household of, 197-201nbsp;near relations of, 203-4nbsp;progress of, 204nbsp;Kingship,

the Cymric, 147

Lagana, 250, n. i Land; see Tirnbsp;Landed gentry, 448-52nbsp;Landlord and tenant, 433-7nbsp;Languages,

Armoric, 2 Brythonic, inbsp;Cornish, 2, 22

Cymric: see Welsh Language

English, 30

Galatic, 4

Goidelic, i, 2-4

Manx, 2

Welsh: see Welsh Language Laws, Welsh,

Altera sinodus luci Victorias, 177, n. 2

Ancient Laws and Institutes, 180, ib. n. 3

assembly at Ty Gwyn, 179,181 Blegywryd’s verses, 183nbsp;Canones Wallici, 177, n, 2nbsp;character of the, 185-8nbsp;Excerpta quaedam de libronbsp;Davidis, 177, n. 2nbsp;Hen Lyfr y Ty Gwyn, 179, 181nbsp;Howel Ba’s visit to Rome innbsp;connection with the, 181-4nbsp;Latin versions of, 181; see App.nbsp;D.

MSS. of the, 176, 181 origin of, 186-8

Prefatio Gildae de penitentia 177, n. 2

Sinodus Aquilonis Britannias, 177, n. 2

Triads of Dyfnwal Moelmud, 184-5

Legal profession, 392-4 Liber Landavensis, 128, n. 3nbsp;Life of the Welsh farmer, 579-80,nbsp;587-8, 596-608

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Lordships, Int. xviii., 304-5, 409 Lords Marchers, Int. xviii., 304,nbsp;356-61, 370, 372, 382, 438-40


ILadrad, 226, 234-7

definitions of wrongs, as to da,


legal prosecution for theft, 236 ILyfr prawf, 226nbsp;ILys, cyvreithiau y, 197nbsp;officers of the, 197-8nbsp;And see Court and King



of Math, 37 Madog’s career, 294-9nbsp;Maenol, 218-9, 218, n. 2nbsp;Maer, 190nbsp;Manx language, 2nbsp;Marriage, Cymric,nbsp;a contract, 210nbsp;agwedi, 211, 213nbsp;argyvreu, 209, 213nbsp;conflict with Church as to, 210,nbsp;212

cowytt, 212, n, I dower of wife, 253nbsp;how made, 211

separation or divorce, conditions of, 213-4 Maxen’s Dream, 43nbsp;Meals of the Welsh, 250nbsp;Measurement of the island, 130-4nbsp;Mechain, battle in, 269nbsp;Mechnïaeth, 225nbsp;Mercia, division of, 149-50nbsp;Earls of, 163nbsp;Lady of, 150

relations of Gruffyd ab ILewelyn with, 165

Migration of tribes, 3-7, 9-12 of Cuneda, 119-21, 120, n. 2nbsp;Morgannwg, Int. xvi., 154, 278-81nbsp;Mormonism, in relation to thenbsp;Welsh, 595-6

MSS. of Laws, 176, 181 : see Authorities

Museum, claim for a Welsh, 536-7 Music, 254

Musical instruments, 254


Nawd, 238

Near relations of the King, 203-4 Newspapers, Welsh, 608-9nbsp;Nonconformity in Wales,nbsp;beginning of, 462nbsp;characteristics of, 589nbsp;results of, 473-7nbsp;statistics as to, 453-8nbsp;the great revival, 469-70, 473nbsp;Normal colleges or schools, 486nbsp;Norman Conquest of Wales,nbsp;its nature, 261-69nbsp;its results as to land tenure,nbsp;304-6, 326-7, 396-406nbsp;Normans, 27, 35


O ach ac edryu, plaint by, 244 Oaths, 244-5nbsp;Offa's Dyke, 140-1nbsp;Office, braint of, 217-8nbsp;Ogam, 2, 2, n. 2, 65nbsp;Ordeals, 245

Overlordship of Gwyned, 135

Parishes, Welsh, Int. xvii. Parliamentary representation, 374-5nbsp;Peace of Wedmore, 149 : see Treatynbsp;Pedigree,

importance of, 257 of Morcant, 132, n. inbsp;of Owain ab Howel Ba, 13S,nbsp;n. 2

Penkenedl, 192-3 Penteulu, 193

Periodicals, Welsh. 533-35, 60S Person, different classes of, 191-2nbsp;Personal habits of Welsh, 251nbsp;Piets, 14-23, 34nbsp;Plaint by dadenhud, 244nbsp;kin and reckoning, ib.

Poetry, Welsh, 246-7,254 : see Bard and Eistedfodnbsp;Population, Int. xviii.-xxii.

Welsh-speaking, 543-50 Powys, 391-303

Preachers, Welsh, 472-3, 477, n. i Prefatio Gildse de penitentia, 177,nbsp;n. 2

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Prince: see Tywysog Priodolion Leoeit, 199-201nbsp;Progress: see Kingnbsp;Proof Book, 226, 647nbsp;Pwö Gwdyc, battle oi, 272


Quarter Sessions, 379 Queen’s Court or Household, 198nbsp;Quit-rents, 403-4


Aboriginal, Int. xxiv., H-14, 36, 61, 120

Brythons, 1-8, to, 35, 36, 86, 120

Celts, I, 4-5, 61 Cymry, 26, 117, 119nbsp;Danes, 27nbsp;English, 30-1nbsp;Flemings, 28-30nbsp;Goidels, 1-8, S3, 120nbsp;Irish, 30nbsp;Normans, 27, 35

Oiio\o6yTOl, ib.

Piets, 14-23, 34 Romans, 27

Scandinavians, 27, 31, 35 Ultonian, 87-8nbsp;Randir, 218nbsp;Reading-rooms, 601-8nbsp;Real contracts, 225nbsp;Reception into the cenedl, 205nbsp;Recovery of da, 235nbsp;Retinue of the king, 204nbsp;Revival, 591

the great, 471-475 its results, 475-6nbsp;Rhaith, 205, n. inbsp;Rhudlan, statute of, 350-6nbsp;Rig Domna, 203, n. 3nbsp;Roman administration, 103-5nbsp;officers, ib.

Romans, 27

Saunders’ Visitation of Bangor, 464 Scandinavians, 27, 31, 35nbsp;Schools,

circulating, 481-2 elementary, 485-6, 529nbsp;grammar, 479nbsp;intermediate, 487-8nbsp;normal, 486nbsp;Sunday, 482, 507-8nbsp;Seiet, 589

Sein Henyd, 247, n. i Separation of husband and wife,nbsp;2Ï3-4nbsp;Sessions,

Court of Great, 377-9, 383, 386-392nbsp;Quarter, 379

Sinodus Aquilonis Britannim, 177, n. 2

Society, Welsh mediaeval, 246 Son : see Infantnbsp;Spear-penny, 230nbsp;Statute of Rhudlan, 350-6, 400nbsp;Statutes: 26 Henry VII, cc. 4, 5,nbsp;6, II, 12...367-8nbsp;27 Henry VIII. c. 26, 368-75nbsp;34 amp; 35 Henry VIII. c. 26,


I nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Wm. amp; Mary, sess. i. c. 2nbsp;386

II nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Geo. IV, amp; I Wm. IV,nbsp;c. 70, 389-90

Strata Florida, meeting of Welsh vassals at, 321

Submission of Welsh princes to iElfred, 145-6, 148nbsp;iEthelstan, 149-151nbsp;Eadgar, 159

Eadward the Elder, 149-51 Ecgbryht, 141nbsp;Edward I., 336nbsp;Harold, 173, 306nbsp;Henry I., 295, 303nbsp;Henry II., 310, 313, 314-5nbsp;Henry III., 318-9, 321-2, 325,nbsp;332. 335-7nbsp;John, 315, 319nbsp;Succession : see Descentnbsp;Swansea, 247, n. 2

Taeog, 191, ib. n. i, 214 el seq Tan, 226, 237-8nbsp;Tanaist, 203, ib. n. 3

Saint David’s College, 489 Sale of goods, 225nbsp;of land, 222-3nbsp;Saraad, 228

Saraad of the king of Aberffraw, 229

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Teisbanteulu, 193 Tenant of Crown lands, 418-23nbsp;from year to year, 429-32, 437nbsp;in South Wales, 423-29nbsp;Terms for judicial proceedings, 242nbsp;Theological Colleges, 483, n. inbsp;Tir cyfrif, 222-25

dawn-bwyd from, 224, n. i duties of tenants of, 223-4nbsp;succession on death of, 225nbsp;Tir gwelyawg, 220-1nbsp;alienation of, 222-3nbsp;ebediw, 221nbsp;etifed, 222nbsp;gwestva from, 220nbsp;succession on death to, 221-2nbsp;tunc pound, 221nbsp;Towns, 163, 247, id. n. 2nbsp;Treaty of

Alnet, 323 Conway, 335-6nbsp;Montgomery, 332nbsp;Woodstock, 325

Triads of Dyfnwal Moelmud, 184-5 Trial, method of, 242-4nbsp;Tribal system, 186, 188-93, 349'402nbsp;Tribes, distribution of Celtic,nbsp;in Britain, 1111-6nbsp;on Continent, 5nbsp;migrations of, 3-7, 9-12nbsp;Tydyn, 193, id. n. 4, 218nbsp;Ty Gwyn, assembly at, 647nbsp;Tywysog, 134


Uchelwr, 191, 195, 204 Ultonian race, 87-8nbsp;University of Wales,nbsp;charter of, 498-9nbsp;colleges of the, 493-4nbsp;Cromwell and Baxter’s correspondence as to, 480

University of Wales,

Glyndwr’s project, 469 modern movement for a, 489-91, 494-5°o

opposition in Parliament to the, 498-500

St. David’s College, 489



divisions of, Int. xv.-xviii. its physical aspect, 247nbsp;See cantref, counties, cymwd,nbsp;division, hundred, lordships,nbsp;parishes

Warfare, methods of Welsh, 252-4 Weapons, 253, ib. n. inbsp;Wedmore, peace of, 149nbsp;Wele, 397nbsp;Welsh books, 530-6

statistics as to, 530, 533 Welsh language,

its relation to kindred languages, S02-3

its history, 503-11, 513-6 its prospects, 510-11nbsp;Wife; see Marriagenbsp;Witenagemot, attendance of Welshnbsp;princes at, 152-3, 153, n. 2, 156nbsp;Wotton’s Leges Wallicas, 179-80,nbsp;180, n. I

Ynad ILys, 239 Yokes, 249

Ystrad Clud, 149, n. 2 Ystrad Towi, 284


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